Y Roll_14 Part 2,l7#Ion 6/401-z
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List of Warrants
City Recorder's Office, Dubuque, Ia.,
July 1, 1901.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: The following is a com-
plete list of all warrants issued by me
during the month of June, 1901:
C. H. Berg, salary, mayor $116 70
H. B. Gniffke, treasurer 133 35
H. B. Gniffke, assistant treas-
urer 75 00
L. M. Langstaff, recorder ....... 116 70
F. B. Hoffman, auditor 100 00
C. B. Scherr, assessor125 00
T. H. Duffy, attorney 150 00
P. J. Nelson, asst. atty 50 00
Edw. Morgan, marshal 100 00
Joe Reinfried, fire chief.. 100 00
John Lawler, committee clerk 83 35
Wm. A. Kaep, clerk, recorder's
office 60 00
Edw. He:•ron, clerk treasurer's
office 60 00
Edw. Blake, engineer 125 00
•W T +, street commis-
sioner............................ 100 00
W. Hipman, electrician 83 35
Jas, market master 50 00
Thos. Cahill, park custodian 40 00
Peter„E, park custodian 40 00
.Tno. C. Hancock, health officer50 00
9a6k• sanitary patrolman60 00
Al Moyer, pound master . 45 00
Mrs. H. Koenig, janitress 20 00
A. P. Berg, sidewalk inspector50 00
N. Kintzinger, wharfmaster 20 00
Matt Clancy, alderman 25 00
E. E. Frith, alderman.. 25 00
Jos. L. Horr, alderman 25 00
J. W. Kintzinger, alderman25 00
P. H. McLaughlin, alderman25 00
Rudolph Jones, alderman25 00
John J. Sheridan, alderman 25 00
M. Eitel, fireman 60 00
Essman. fireman 75 00
A. Duccini, fireman 60 00
J. Flynn. driver 60 00
J. Wiltse, fireman 60 00
A. Heer fireman 50 00
G. Beyer, fireman 50 00
J. Tschudi fireman 50 00
J. Daley, fireman 60 00
J. Barnes, fireman .. 75 00
T. Ryder, fireman 60 00
J. McFarland, fireman 50 00
W. Ducey, fireman 60 00
J. Schonberger, fireman 50 00
M. Fahey, fireman 60 00
T. Meehan, fireman 50 00
Dave A'Hern, fireman 60 00
F. Kenneally, fireman.. 60 00
T. Kennedy, fireman 50 00
J. Fitzpatrick, fireman 50 00
F. Murphy, fireman 50 00
P. O'Hearn, fireman 42 80
A. McDonald, fireman 76 00
J. Murphy, fireman 60 00
M. Sweeney, fireman 39 45
F. Ganahl, fireman 60 00
T. Flynn, fireman 60 00
G. Gherke„ fireman
F. Baumgartner, fireman
C. Kannolt. fireman
J. Allen, fireman
R. Weston, fireman
M. Byrne, fireman
M. Kelly, fireman
M. Sweeney, fireman
C. Burkel, police
B. Busse, police
J. Carter, police
M. Craugh, police
J.Clune, police
J. Cody, police
Wilmer Cook, police
P. Dumphey, police
H. Donlon, police
John Fitzpatrick, police
Jas. Flynn, police
P. Hanlon, police
William Hennessy, police
M. Kilty, police
E. Kahn, police
J. Loetscher, police
John Murphy, police
P. McCollins, police
P. Mclnery, police
John Moore, police
D. Norton, police
M. O'Connor, police
A. Pfeffer, police
Pat Powers, police
T. Reilly, police
J. Raesli, police
Jas. Rooney, police
Otto Path, police
Tom Sweeney, police
P. Scharff, police
1'. Sullivan, police
Al. Scherr, police
P. Sutton, police
J. L. Sullivan, police
M. Stapleton, police
L. Ziedman, police
Joe Tyler, police
Mrs. Kate Hibbe, matron
Miss B. Brennan, matron
1\rm. Keas, special policeman.... 9 90
Labor on streets from May 15th to
May 30th, 1901.
Ernest Amanda, labor 5 40
Jos. Brulette, labor 4 05
Jacob Baehr, labor 1 35
Paul Becker, labor 13 20
Chas. Bluecher, labor 10 15
Jno. Brachtenbach, labor
Fred. Budde, labor ... 6 05
4 050
Chas. Busse, labor 14 85
Jos. Brown, labor . • 7 45
Hugh Connell, labor 9 45
Jerry Cahill, labor 19 80
Mike Cain, labor 1 35
Martin Carmody, labor
Jas. Callahan, foreman 4th St20 00
8 SO
16 20
14 85
50 00
50 00
60 00
60 00
50 00
7 20
50 00
46 05
50 00
51 65
50 00
67 20
51 65
51 65
50 00
51 65
51 65
50 00
50 00
50 00
25 00
50 00
51 65
51 65
51 65
51 65
51 65
60 00
51 65
50 00
50 00
50 00
60 00
67 20
51 65
51 65
50 00
50 00
51 65
53 30
50 00
46 70
41 25
51 65
51 65
30 On
30 00
Hiram Cobb, labor
Wm. Carberry, labor
John Corbett, labor
Jas. Connolly,
Henry Cosgrove, driver carp19 50
wagon 19 50
Adam Crawford, carpenter 12 15
John Dougherty, 6 75
Peter Defontain, labor 12 15
Mike Dunnigan, 14 85
Thos. Donahue, labor8 80
John Egan, labor • • • 20 00
R. T. Eddy, foreman 8 80
Dan Fox,2 70
Pat. Furey, labor 2 70
Mike Farrell, labor ...........
List of Warrants
Mat. Fetschele, labor
Pat. Farrell, labor • •
Pat. Fenelon. labor
Nelson Frith, stoker steam
roller • •
Barney Glass, labor
Jos. Giesland, labor
Chas. Gruenzig, labor
Pat. Gilloon, labor
Jos. Grab, labor
C. Gantenbein, foreman
Thos. Hackney, foreman
Martin Hackney, labor
Chris. Heck, labor
Geo. J. Hahn, foreman
John Hayes, labor
Aug. Handelmann, labor
Aug. Hafeman, labor
C. H. Hubbard, engineer steam
Adam Jaeger, labor
Aug. Jass, labor
Jno. Jehring, labor ...
Tim Kelly, labor ..
Hubert Kehr, labor
Jas. Kearns, labor ....
Peter Kreamer, labor
Nic. Kommes, labor
Mike Kas, labor
John Kelly, labor
Wm. Kronfeldt, labor
Jos. Kintzle, labor
Jacob Kraus, labor
P. Kenneally, garbage dump....
Mat Klein, paper collector
John Lavery, labor ...
W. H. Lowery, labor .
Mike Lavin, labor
Pat Lynch, labor
C. Lohrman, labor
Herman Lembke, labor
Martin Lonergan, labor
Mike Maher, labor
Rob. Mack, labor
Wm. McClain, labor
Pat. McPoland labor
Mike McKeown, labor
Wm. McDermott, labor
Jno. McCarron labor
Jas. McCracken, labor
J. C. McDonald, foreman
B. McCormick, labor
John Noonan, labor
Wm. O'Brien, foreman
Jas. Purcell, labor
John Pfiffner, labor
John Parker, labor
Chas. Pierce, labor
Wm. Quinlan, labor
Mat Quirk, carpenter
Pat. Ryan, carpenter
Mat. Raishek, abor
Jas. Reed, labor
P. J. Royce, foreman
Fred. Rollof, labor
Theo. Ruprecht, labor
Jos. Rooney, bricklayer
Chas. Reilly, labor
Nick Sweney, labor
John Spear, labor
W. Sheridan, labor
Thos. Smith, labor
Frank Scherr, labor
George Sutter, labor
Peter Stoffer, labor
Sam Smith, labor
Louis Smith, labor
Win. S.epne.:s, labor
Wm. Schwangler, labor
John Spies, labor
Jos. Schafetel, labor
Geo. Traub, labor
Rich Turner, labor
John Welsh, labor (W. 5th)....
6 75
1 35
14 85
50 00
5 40
4 75
8 10
6 10
8 80
20 00
20 00
2 70
4 05
20 00
7 45
1 35
8 10
75 00
8 10
4 05
6 75
4 05
2 05
4 05
2 70
5 40
6 10
8 80
5 10
1 35
5 40
17 55
12 50
5 40
10 80
9 80
4 05
4 00
4 75
14 85
1 35
2 05
4 05
2 70
7 45
1 35
7 45
8 10
20 00
5 40
4 05
20 00
7 45
8 45
12 50
16 20
10 80
20 00
4 05
2 70
8 80
20 00
6 10
6 10
18 00
14 85
2 70
113 50
16 35
4 05
8 10
2 70
6 75
8 10
8 10
10 SO
11 85
4 50
1 05
4 75
2 70
7 45
Jos. Williams, labor 15 90
Wm. Walsh, labor 5 40
Adam Zingel, labor 9 80
Geo. Zumhoff, labor 15 00
Frank Burns, labor 13 75
Jos. Calvert, team 10 00
T. B. Cain, team 16 90
Bridget Costello, team 7 50
Dan Hoag, team ... 5 00
Thos. Elliott, team 16 75
M. Gantenbein, team 15 65
Peter Horck, team 13 50
Jake Haudenschield, team 2 50
Jno. Huffmeier, team 27 10
Mike Kenneally, team 21 25
Thos. Kenneally, team 4 40
Pat Lenihan, team 12 50
John Long, team 12 50
A. W. Miller, team 12 50
Jos. G. Moore, team 22 50
Thos. Morgan, team 5 00
John McQuillan, team 5 OJ
Ross McMahon, team 5 00
J. J. McCollins, team 20 00
C. McElrath, team 2 50
Pat Norton, team. 1 25
Louis Peil, team 11 20
Amos Paley, team 6 25
Mrs. Quinlivan ,team 20 00
George Scott, team 10 00
Frang Siege, team 20 00
Jas. Tobin, team 7 50
M. Theis, team S 15
Arthur Turner ,team 2 50
John Von Holland, team 13 15
Pat Casserly, labor 20 80
Wm. Clark, labor 19 20
John Corcoran, labor 20 SO
5. H. Cook, labor 25 00
John Driscoll, labor 5 GO
Maurice Flynn, labor 20 80
Wm. Lonergan, labor 20 SO
Con Sullivan, labor 20 SO
John Long, team 3 75
Adam Doerr, asst. assessor for
May 75 00
Jos. J. Murphy asst. assessor for
May 75 00
M. O'Loughlin, roclman for May40 00
F. O. Loughlin, asst. eng. office
for May
John Schrup, improvement on
Bee Branch for May
John Spencer, services for pre-
paring building ordinance 20 00
Ed. Connolly, horse for fire de-
partment 200 00
G. B. Grosvenor, 1 case of toilet
paper, city hall ... 4 75
C. L. McGovern, recording deeds 4 50
E. A. McKenzie, witness fees to
case of City vs. Helen Oswald. 60
Bieg & Rood, supplies and sta-
tionery for various offices 15 58
Bieg & Rood, supplies and sta-
tionery for city attorney
Jas. Beach & Son, soap at city
hall 1 55
Northwestern Stamp Works, dog
and team license tags 14 00'
40 00
40 09
3 30
List of Warrants
Peter Klauer, 2 water pails city
G. B. Grosvenor, supplies and
stationery for various offices
Melloy Bros., hard coal city hall24 96
M. S. Hardie, blank stationery
city treasurer ..
Eichhorn & Bechtel, 011 and
matches, city hall
Geo. W. Healy, 1 flag tor city
hall 2 75
McDermott & Clow, repairing
gas mantles at city hall
R. L. Spellenberg, repairs at city
hall 2 75
W. W. Whelan, sharpening lawn
R. Haber, placing flag staff on
city hall 15 40
H. E. Wise, placing flag staff on
city hall 7 00
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co,
hose for 'Washington park24 00
Cleaver & McCarten, repairing
fountain Washington park
G. F. Kleih, grass seed and oil
Jackson park 2 85
Palmer, Berg & Co., books and
stationery for various offices. 52 50
. F. A. Miller, brooms at city hall 2 50
Gotf. Kunz• removing barge on
levee 2 00
Mullen & Papin, putting in new
water closets in city hall, less
25 per cent. 158 85
Farley, Loetscher Co.. lumber for
toilet room city hall 1 75
P. J. Seippel, lumber for store
room. mayor's office
Standard Lumber Co., lumber for
road department
P. J. Seippel, lumber for road
Dubuque Woodenw•are & Lum-
ber Co., lumber for road de-
Rumpf, Frudden Lumber Co,
lumber for road department
Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber for
road department
Jno. E. Hartig, repairing locks
and new keys
Lagen & Sullivan, horse shoeing
carpenter horse
C. J. Benson, repairing tool box
steam roller
F. Sehloz & Son, repairing tools
for road department
P. Clancy, 84 cubic yards cind-
ers, 4th St. Ext.
G. F. Kleih, hardware for road
Palmer, Berg & Co., blank side-
walk notices
Purir.gton Paving Brick Co.. 1
carload paving brick
.Martin.-Stre'.au Co., 1 load edg-
ings, steam roller
Kean Bros., 2 loads pine wood
steam roller
Standard Oil Co., oil steam rol-
Key City Gas Co., coke steam
Hutt Bros., repairing carpenter
3 60
5 25
2 45
1 45
2 00
3 60
99 70
42 SO
21 25
83 62
64 70
1 50
1 00
1 90
3 35
10 50
14 30
5 00
SO 98
3 25
4 00
1 SO
84 60
2 75
Lagen & Sullivan, horse shoe-
ing for fire department .11
14 50
Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse
shoeing for fire department 5 00
Collings & Edwards, horse shoe-
ing for fire department 4 40
F. A. Dolton, veterinary services
fire department 17 28
F. A. Dolton, examining new
horses for fire department 15 00
H. J. Haggerty, veterinary ser-
vices for fire and patrol team 5 28
H. J. Hagerty, examining horses
for fire department 10 00
Eichhorn & Bechtel, bran for fire
department 1 30
Ellwanger Bros., new harness
fire department 23 00
Ellwanger Bros., repairing har-
ness fire department 15 80
Fred Roehl, hardware fire de-
partment 35
Dubuque Oil Tank Line, oil fire
department 14 95
Ott, Meuser & Co., shavings fire
department 4 50
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co,
50 feet hose fire department3 35
A. Tredway & Sons, hardware
fire department 1 77
F. M. Jaeger & Co., hardware
fire department 2 60
H. Dement, wire cable fire de-
partment 1 00
J. Newman & Son, 1 new 3 -horse
hitch fire department 12 00
J. Newman & Son, repairs at 4th
and 9th street engine houses. 5 95
Fischer & Co., hard coal for fire
department 7 92
Standard Lumber Co., lumber
fire department 1 93
P. J. Seippel, lumber fire de-
partment 10 20
Wm. Marshall, repairing steamer
Olinger 23 83
Key City Gas Co., coal and coke
for fire department 19 70
Key City Gas Co., gas at Delhi 4 35
street engine house
Butt Bros., repairs at Central
and Hill street engine houses 13 80
Jas. Kelly, stationery and sup-
plies for police department 4 15
Ellwanger Bros., repairing har-
ness police department
Jno. E. Hartig, new key police 35
department .
Palmer, Berg & Co., blank sta-
tionery police department 1 75
R. L. Spellerberg, repairs Mat -
1 75
cons dept. pat -
C. J. Benson, horseshoeing p 7 40
rol team
Butt Bros., repairing patrol25
Jos. J. Rowan, 3 doz. gloves •for 4 50
police dept.
Bieg & Rood, supplies at patrol 50
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co, 8 50
hose at patrol house
Anton Stoltz, board of prisoners r: 80
for May •. .......
P. J. Seippel, lumber for �0
dept. hard....
P. Klauei•, e sew
List of Warrants
Smedley Steam Pump Co., 243 ft. "19 50
Galv. pipe, sewer dept.
Ellwangr Bros. 2 doz. leather 1 f0
wa3hcrs fur sewer dept. .
A. Y. McDonald & Morrison Mfg.
Co . 2 wrenches sewer ("elft2 6'
Thn IIerald, official printing for .0 00
National Democrat, official print • - 25 00ing for May . • •
Dubuque Telegraph• official
printing for April and May .... 120 V)
Dubuque Telegraph,
Council proceedings for April 15 00
and May
Dubuque Telegraph, health re t (10ports for April and May
Keuffel & Esser, supplies for 14 80
engineer's office
Thos. E. Frith, removing gar-
bage and dead animals 322 38
Thos. E. Frith, removing dead
animals during January, Feb-
ruary, March and April, 190122 00
Eichhorn & Bechtel, tacks for 30
health dept.
Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co,
hose, couplings, clamps and 11 80
nozzle for garbage dump
F. M. Jaeger & Co., padlock and 2 50
keys garbage pump
Pape & Jacquinot, supplies gar-
bage dump
A. Y. McDonald & Morrison Mfg.
Co., 1 nipple used at garbage
zdump 15
Steuck & Linehan, monthly es-
thnate for constructing Bee
Branch sewer 2 233 60
H. B. Gniffke Ref. Exc. permits. 55 00
H. B. Gniffke, interest on war-
rants outstanding 517 05
H. B. Gniffke, postage stamps 18 65
H. B. Gniffke, Ref. tax 2 20
H. B. Gniffke, N. Y. Exchange. 9 00
H. B. Gniffke, Express chgs. and
telegrams 87
Labor on streets from May 31st to
June 15th, 1901.
Maurice Ahern, labor
Ernest Amanda, labor
John Burns, labor
Jacob Baehr, labor
Paul Becker, labor
Fred. Budde labor
J. Brachtenbach, labor
C. Bluecher, labor
Chas. Busse, labor
Jos. Brown, labor
Mike Cain, labor
Thos. Connolly, labor
Jerry Cahill, labor
Martin Carmody, labor
Jas. Callahan, foreman
Hiram Cobb, labor
Jas. Connolly, labor
Jno. Corbett, labor
Hugh Connell, labor
Adam Crawford, carpenter
Henry Cosgrove, driver carpenter
Peter Defontain, labor
John Dougherty, labor
M. Dunnigan, labor
Thos. Donahue, labor
John Egan, labor
R. T. Eddy, foreman
Dan Fox, labor
Pat. Farrell, labor
Mat Fetschele, labor
John Flynn, labor
Peter Fasselius, labor
Pat. Fenelon, labor
Pat Grue, labor
11 50
1 35
7 45
7 10
15 55
12 15
7 80
7 45
2 05
18 25
10 15
4 75
3 40
9 45
4th St20 00
8 80
18 25
18 25
9 40
20 00
Barney Glass, labor
Jos. Giesland, labor
Henry Galle, labor
Chas. Gruenzig, labor
Jos. Grab, labor
Pat. Galloon, labor
Jos. Guenther, labor
J. M. Garrison, labor
Chris. Gantenbein, foreman
Martin Hackney, labor
Thos. Hackney, foreman
Geo. Hecklinger, labor
Geo. J. Hahn, foreman
Aug. Handelman, labor
Amb. Hird, labor
Adam Henderson, labor
Aug. Hafernan, labor
Jno. Jehring, labor
Tim Kelly, labor
Nic. Kettenhofen, labor
Mike has, labor
W. Kronfeldt, labor
Pat. Kenneally, garbage dump
Mat. Klein, paper collector
Jacob Kraus, labor
W. H. Lowery, labor
Mike Lavin, labor
Herman Lembke, labor
Martin Lonegran, labor
Jos. Martinek, labor
Jas. McCarron, labor
Mike McKeown, labor
Wm. McDermott, labor
Jno. C. McDonald, oreman
Jas. McCracken, labor
Chas. McDonald, labor
Barney McCormack, labor
John oNonan, labor
Pat O'Brien, labor
Wm. O'Brien, labor
Jas. O'Donnell, labor
Jas. Purcell, labor
John Parker, labor
Chas. Pierce, labor
Wm. Quinlan, labor
Mat Quirk, carpenter
Pat Ryan, labor
Mat Raishek, labor
Phil Reddin, labor
Jas. Rood, labor
P. J. Royce, foreman • • • •.......
Fred Rollof, labor
Chas. Reilly, labor
Jos. Rooney, labor
Mike, Shea, Iabor
Thos. Smith, labor
John Spear, labor
Wm. Sheridan, labor
Geo. Sutter, labmor
Frank Scherr, labor
Aug. Soyke, labor
Sam Sterling, labor
Geo. Seward, labor
Peter Stoffer, labor
Wm. Swagler, labor ..
Simon Schaetzle, labor
Wm. Stephens, labor ..
John Twieg. labor
R. Turner, labor
Jos. Williams. labo r
John Welsh (W. 5th.)
Wm. Welsh, labor
Peter Waist, labor
Ant. Wondrasek, labor
Geo. Zumhoff, labor
Tim Byron, team
Frank Burns, team
9 45.
17 55
6 75
2 70
9 45
1 35
5 10
7 45
20 00
6 75
20 00
26 00
8 80
7 45
8 10
13 50
14 85
4 05
8 45
a 76
6 45
18 90
12 50
10 80
6 75
6 10
12 15
18 25
13 50
8 10
9 45-
13 50
20 00
7 •15
7 45
2 05
5 40
10 15
20 00
11 50
16 90
18 25
12 85
20 00
16 30
5 75
8 45
10 80
20 00
8 10
18 25
19 50
8 80
9 45
5 40
16 90
5 40
13 50
11 50
5 40
1 35
16 90
5 40
8 10
4 05
8 10
1 70
7 45
3 40
7 45
16 90
9 SO
21 Ola
1 25
13 15
List. of Warrants
Geo. Brenner, team 19 40
Jos. Calvert, team 32 50
T. B. Cain, team ...
Bridget Costello, labor 17 50
Steve Casey, labor...... 23 15
John Duggan, labor 18 75
Thos. Elliott, team 21 25
Jake Haudenschield, 2 50
John Huffmier, labor (contract) team 27 10
7 10
Mat Kenneally,
Mike Kenneally, team 12 50
Pat Linehan, team 1 5
28 75
John Long, team
Frank Mathis, team 16 25
Martin Maher, team.. • 2 50
12 50
A. W. Miller, team.....•••••12 50
J. C. Moore, team .. • 11 25
Thos. Morgan, team 10 00
Ross McMahon, team 160 25
Jno. McQuillan, team 13 5
J. J. McCollins, team.... • • • •
26 25
Dan McCollins, team 1125
P. S. Norton, team. 7 50
Louis Pell, team 12 50
Amos Paley, team 14 40
John Singrin, team 25 65
Geo. Scott, team
Frank Siege, team 2025
Art Turner, team 625
M. Theis, team 8 1815
John Von Holland, team
Pat Casserly, labor ... .. 19 20
Wm. Clark, labor 16 00
John Corcoran, labor 19 20
S. H. Cook, labor 25 00
Maurice Flynn, labor....... • • • • 19 20
Wm. Lonergan, labor 1919 20
Con Sullivan, labor 920
Thos. Elliott, team.... 1 25
M. Theis, team
Homan & Roehl, furniture furn-
ished for Windsor hotel in 28 90
small poxcase
Margt. Dorsey furniture de-
stroyed at her residence in 149 00
small pox case.... ...........
T. W. Ruete drugs for fumi-
Jno. A .Voelker fumigating 13 00
Dorsey residence
I hereby certify that the foregoing
is a true and correct list of a'.1 war-
rants issued by me during the month
of June, 1901.
City Recorder.
Official Notices.
An ordinance entitled, An Ordinance
establishing road distrovldinorf sp the
kling purposes only, p for the
manner of doing approprie ame, tions, and levy and
making of of P a the cost
collection of taxes to pay
Be It Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That the City of Du-
buque be and is hereby divided into
five road districts for sprinkling pur-
poses only, as follows:
a. District No. 1 shall consist of all
of those streets indicated by the col-
ored lines together with the lots, parts
of lots, and parcels of land abutting
on said streets as shown by the an-
nexed plat marked Sprinknling Road
District No. 1, which plat is made a
part of this ordinance. Said district
shall be sprinkled daily as often as in-
dicated by the different colored lines
on said plat.
b. District No. 2 shall consist of all
those streets indicated by the colored
lines together with the lots, parts of
lots and parcels of land abutting on
said streets as shown by annexed plat
marked Sprinkling Road District No.
2, which plat is made a part of this
ordinance. Said district shall be
sprinkled daily as often as indicated
by the different colored lines on said
c. District No. 3 shall consist of all
those streets indicated by the colored
lines together with the lots, parts of
lots and parcels of land abutting on
said streets as shown by the annexed
plat marked Sprinkling Road District
No. 3, which plat is made a part of
this ordinance. Said district shall be
sprinkled daily as often as indicated
by the different colored lines on said
d. District No. 4 shall consist of all
those streets indicated by the colored
lines together with the lots, parts of
lots and parcels of land abutting on
said streets as shown by the annexed
plat marked Sprinkling Road District
No. 4, which plat is made a part of
this ordinance.
Said district shall be sprinkled daily
as often as indicated by the different
colored lines on said plat.
e. District No. 5 shall consist of all
those streets indicated by the colored
lines together with the lots, parts of
lots and parcels of land abutting on
said streets as shown by the annexed
plat marked Sprinkling Road District
No. 5, which plat is made a part of
this ordinance.
Said district shall be sprinkled daily
as often as indicated by the different
colored lines on said plat.
Sec. 2. At the time of making the
annual appropriations in each year the
Council shall determine the amount to
be expended in each of said road dis-
tricts for the purpose of sprinkling the
streets and public places in each of
said districts, which appropriations
shall not be in excess of the proceeds of
a tax of 1-4 of a mill on the dollar of
the taxable value of the property in-
cluded in each of said districts in ad-
dition to the poll taxes of residents of
said districts and the road tax on lands
not liable for ordinary city taxes.
Sec. 3. This ordinance shall be in
force and effect from and after its pub-
lication in the Dubuque Daily Tele-
Passed by the City Council July 1st,
Approved July 10th, 1901.
C. H. BERG, Mayor.
City Recorder.
Published oflicialy in the Dubuque
Daily Telegraph Newspaper July 17th,
City Recorder.
An ordinance entitled an ordinance to
amend Section 41 of Chapter 52 of the
Revised ordinance of the City of Du-
buque of 1893 by striking out the eighth
line or said section the word "two" and
inserting the word "five" in lieu there-
Section 1. That the word "two" in
the eighth line of Section 41 of Chapter
62 of the Revised ordinance of the t'ity
of Dubuque of 1893, he 5trickea out,
and the word "five" inserted in lieu
Sec.2. This ordinance shall be in
force and take effect from and after
its publication in the Dubuque Daily
Telegraph, newspaper.
Passed by the City Council July
lst, 1901.
Approved July ISth, 1901.
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Dubuque
Daily Telegraph, newspaper, July 22nd,
City Recorder.
Bids will be received by the com-
mittee on sewers at the mayor's office,
city hall, up to 4:00 p. m. Saturday,
July 13th, 1901, for connecting a drink-
ing fountain with the water mains.
Said fountain will be located on the
corner of Delhi and O'Hagen streets.
Bidders will state price for doing all
the necessary plumbing and for furn-
ishing whatever material will he re-
quired to make the above mentioned
connection. The fountain may be
seen at the City Hall and any addition-
al information will be furnished by the
committee clerk.
—Committee on Sewers.
Official Notices.
Recorder's Office,
Dubuque, Ia., July 5th, 1901.
Notice is hereby given to all con•
corned, that a special assessment will
be levied to pay for improving West
Chestnut street from Walnut street to
West line of said street by Wilmer
Cook, contractor, amount of special as-
sessment $440.89, against the property
abutting upon and along said street
as provided by law, at a session of
the Council to be held July 18th, 1901.
And that there is a plat and sched-
ule on tile in the City Recorder's office
of said City of Dubuque, showing the
street or a part thereof on which said
street has been improved and the sepa-
rate lots and parcels of ground or spec-
ified portion thereof, subject to assess-
ment for such improvement; the name
of the owners thereof as far as prac-
ticable and the amount to be assessed
against each lot or parcel of ground,
which plat and schedule is subject to
public inspection.
And that any and all persons object-
ing to said special assessments of said
plat and schedule must file his or their
objections in writing with the City
Recorder of said City of Dubuque, on
or before said session of the City
Council to be held July 1Sth, 1901, of
to appear at said session of the Coun-
cil to show cause, if any you have,
why said assessments should not be
7-5-3t C:ty Recorder.
City Recorder's Office,
n Dubuque, Ia., July 5th, 1901.
Notice is hereby given to all con-
cerned that a special assessment will
be levied to pay for the brick paving
of Seventh street from Main to Locust
streets, O'Farrell. and Norton, con-
tractors, amount of special assess-
ment $1,922.83, against the property
abutting upon and along said street as
Provided by law, at a session of the
council to be held July 18th, 1901.
And that there is a plat and sched-
ule on file In the City Recorder's office
of said City of Dubuque, showing the
street or a part thereof on which said
street has been paved and the sepa-
rate lots and parcels of ground or spec-
ified portion thereof, subject to a.s-
sessment for such improvement; the
name of the owners thereof as far as
practicable and the amount to be as-
sessed against each lot or pare:i4 of
ground, wi ich plat and schedule is
subject to public inspection.
And that any and all persons object•
ing to said special assessments of said
plat and schedule must file his or their
objections in writing with the City
Recorder of said City of Dubuque, on
tn• before said session of the City
Council to be held July 18th, 1901, or
to appear at said session of the Coun-
cil to show cause, if any you have,
why said assessments should not be
City Recorder.
City Recorder's Office,
Dubuque, Iowa, July 5th. 1901.
Notice is hereby given to all con-
cerned, that a special assessment will
be levied to pay for laying a 3 -foot
sidewalk on the north side of Grand-
view avenue by Frank Correll, con-
tractor, amount of special assessment
$353.0.1, against the property abutting
upon and along said sidewalk as pro-
vided by law, at a session of the Coun-
cil to be held July 18th, 1901.
.And that there is a plat and sched-
ule on file in the City Recorder's office
of said City of Dubuque, showing the
street or a part thereof on which said
sidewalk has been laid and the sepa-
rate lots and parcels of ground or spec-
ified portion thereof, subject to assess-
ment for such improvement; the name
of the owners thereof as far as prac-
tieahle and the amount to be assessed
against each lot or parcel of ground,
which plat and schedule is subject to
public inspection.
And that any and all persons object-
ing to sa'd special assessments of said
plat and schedule must Ole his or their
objections in writing with the City
Recorder of said City of Dubuque, on
or before. said session of the city
Cornell io be held July 1`th. 1901, or
to appear at said session of the Conn-
Official Notices.
cil to show cause, if any you have,
why said assessments should not be
7-5-3t e:ty Recorder.
An ordinance entitled an ordinance
authorizing the City Council of the Citi
of Dubuque to enter into a contract,
providing for the discovery of property
withheld from taxation and for listing
of such property and the collection of
taxes thereon.
Section 1. The City Council of
the City of Dubuque may contract in
writing with any person to assist the
proper officers in the discovery of prop-
erty not listed and assessed as re-
quired by law. Before listing the prop-
erty discovered the treasurer shall give
the person in whose name it is proposed
to assess the same, or his agent, ten
days' notice thereof, by registered let-
ter, addressed to him at his usual place
of residence, fixing the time and place
where objection to such proposed list.
ing and assessment may be made. Ap-
peals may be taken to the district court
of the proper county from final action
of the treasurer by serving written
notice upon him within twenty days
from the date of the decision of said
treasurer, such notice being served as
an original notice.
Sec. 2. Compensation. The total
charges, fees and expenses authorized
under section one (1) of this ordinance
shall not exceed 15 per cent. of the
taxes paid into the city treasury as a
result of the efforts and services of
the person or persons employed to as-
sist in the discovery of property not
heretofore listed for taxation.
Sec. 3. Bond. The person employed
under the provision of section 1 hereof
shall give a bond in the penal sun of
not less than $3,000, with sureties to be
approved by the City Council, condi-
tioned for the faithful performance of
the contract.
Sec. 4. Disposition of taxes recovered.
After the deduction of the compensa-
tion hereinbefore provided for, the
taxes recovered under this ordinance
shall be distributed among the several
funds for that year in the same pro-
portion as other taxes.
Sec. 5. This ordinace shall be in
force and take effect from and after
its publication in the Dubuque Daily
Telegraph newspaper.
Passed by Uri City Council June 20th,
Approved July 10th, 1901.
Attest: C. H. BERG,
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Dubuque
Daily Telegraph newspaper July llth,
City Recorder.
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4
feet wide, of good 2 in plank, brick,
or cement, be, within 10 days of this
notice, constructed and laid in con-
formity with the ordinance in relation
to sidewalks, on the south side of 23rd
street, between White street and Jack-
son street, abutting lot 213, Davis Farm
Add., owned by P. Klauer, at the ex-
pense of abutting property.
Passed by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque June 20th, 1901.
City Recorder.
t I.
Regular Session, August 1, 1901. 187
Regular Session, August 1, 1901.
Council met at 8:30 o'clock, P. M.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present -Aids. Clancy. Frith, Herr,
Jones, Kintzinger, McLaughlin and
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the
Council proceedings fur the month of
July be approved as printed. Carried.
Adam Doerr, Asst Assessor for
July $ 75.00
Jos. J. Murphy, Asst. Assessor
for July
M. O. Loughlin. rodman Eng
F. O'Loughlin. assistant in Eng
Jno. Schrup. inspector on Bee
W. Keas, special police at pest
Jas. Hird, inspector on Rose
street sewer
Ross McMahon, inspector on
Dodge street storm sewer 20.00
Union Printing Co.. blank sta-
tionery for Treas. and Audi-
tor's office . 14.85
Palmer, Berg & Co., blank sta-
tionery for Treas. and Assessor 40.00
Harger & Blish, stationery and
supplies 2.S0
Bieg & Rood, stationery and sup-
plies for various offices 27.50
F. A. Miller, 1-2 doz. dusters at
city hall 1.25
Jas. Levi & Co., 30 yds. of mus-
lin for maps .. 2.40
A. R. Staufenbeil. taking care
and winding Town Clock from
Dec. 1st, 1900, to June 1, 1901.. 49 .95
J. J. Trusedale, catching dog= 34.50
Key City Gas Co., gas for vari-
ous departments 209.80
Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse
shoeing for fire department4.50
Bieg & Rood, stationery and sup-
plies for road department 6 00
F. Schloz, repairing tools for
road department
Geo. Bock, repairing tools for
road department
J. G. Moser, hardware for road
Fred Roehl, hardware for road
F. M. Jaeger & Co., hardware for
road department
Palmer. Berg & Co., blank no-
tices for road department
Ott, Meuser & Co.. lumber for
road department 23 70
Jas. Street, rock for road de-
H. Tippe, macadam for road de-
Joe Ginter, macadam for road
2 30
1 55
1 00
2 85
2 75
7 50
37 50
4 50
P. Eisbach. 164 cubic yards of
gravel for road department 57 40
P. Clancy, 72 cubic yards cinders
for road department 9 00
Headford Bros. pec Hitchins, 2
iron frames for road depart-
ment 9 70
ilobt. Jungk, connecting fountain
• at 14th and Elm streets 42 75
J. W. Fiske Iran Warks, 1 drink-
ing fountain 40 95
E. J. \'oggenthaler Co„ supplies
for steam roller 1 60
Ragatz & Schaetgen. repairs on
city street sprinkler 7 20
Edwards & Vullenweider, horse
shoeing for fire department3.60
Phil Heller, horse shoeing for
fire department 3.20
H. J. Hagerty. veterinary servi-
ces fur fire department 7.78
Eichhorn & Bechtel. bran for
fire department 2.65
F. Roehl, hardware for fire de-
partment 1.75
F. M. Jaeger & Co., hardware
for fire department 1.05
Ott. Meuser & Co., shavings for
fire department 10.90
Key CIty Gas Co., coal and
coke for fire department 18.95
Ragatz & Schaettgen, repairs on
Steamer Stewart 5.50
E. J. Voggenthaler Co., repairs
on Steamer Stewart 6.30
Dubuque Rubber ' Belting Co ,
50 ft. of hose for Delhi street
engine house 5.00
Harger & Blish, stationery for
police department .50
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary servi-
ces at patrol house 2.88
A. R. Staufenbeil, repairing
clock at police headquarters.... 1.00
F. Burns, 2 loads of shavings at
patrol house 5.00
Jno. Green, whitewashing at Pa-
trol house 5.00
Jos. J. Rowan, 1 1-2 yds. oil
cloth matron department .30
Anton Stoltz, hoard of prison-
ers for July 8.80
Iowa Telephone Co., telephone
service for various depts 33.00
Adam Jaeger, cleaning cala-
boose 1.35
Jno. Dolan, final estimate on
Rose street sewer 80.12
Jno. Tibey, estimate on Dodge 482.80
street storm sewer
Linehan & Molo. 800 ft. of Manila
rope for sewer department 10.68
Linehan & Molo, cement for sew- 5.25
er department
Linehan & Molo, connecting
fountain at 8th and Main sts18.75
Headford Bros. & Hitchins, man-
hole cover for sewer dept7.00
F. Schloz, repairing tools for
sewerdepartment 3.10
Mullen Bros., repairing fountain
at Dodge and Jones streets4.00
F. M. Jaeger, new tools for sewer
•188 Regular Session, August 1, 1901.
J. G. Moser, 12 yds. of chain for
Jno. B. Hirz, painting fountains
at 18th and Clay and on Sth
and Main streets
Jno. Heini, 1000 brick for 1Sth
street fountain
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co,
1 doz. expansion rings for sew-
er department
Globe Journal, official printing
for July
The Herald, official printing for
National Demokrat official print-
ing for July 25.00
Dubuque Telegraph official print-
ing for July
Dubuque Telegraph, weekly -
council proceedings 6.00
Dubuque Telegraph, health re-
ports for June 4.00
Star Electric Co., arc lights for
July 20 2010 SO
Chicago Blue Print Paper Co,
50 yds. of blue print paper for
Eng. office 5.25
A. E. Bradley, mounting three
maps Eng. office 3.00
Palmer, Berg & Co., blank sta-
tionery for health dept 3.00
Herald Printing Co., 59 board
of health ordinances 3.00
T. E. Frith, removing garbage
and dead animals for July 322.35
"Wilmer Cook, grading West
Chestnut street 13.25
Herald Printing Co., printing
and binding 300 revised ordi-
nances, 514 pages at 72c 370.08
Ald. Horr moved that they be allow-
ed 75 per cent of their bill.
Ald. McLaughlin moved a substitute
that the bill be referred to the Com-
mittee of the Whole. Carried.
Ald. Kintzinger moved that the mo-
tion to refer to the Committee of the
Whole be recinded. Carried.
Ald. Horr moved that they be allow-
ed 50 per cent. of their bill and that
warrants be ordered drawn to that
ount. Carried.
i B. Powers, to balance due
on contract for revising ordi-
nances 150.00
.J. C. Longueville, to balance due
on contract for revising ordi-
nances 150.00
Ald. Sheridan moved that each be
allowed $100 on their bills.
On motion the rules were suspended
and Mr. Longueville addressed the
Council, stating that the work was
Ald. Jones moved a substitute that
the bills be allowed in full.
Substitute carried by the following
Ayes—Alda. Clancy, Horr, Jones and
Nays—Aids. Frith, McLaughlin and
Sheridan. Total 3.
Farley, Loetseher Mfg. Co.,
doors and sash for toilet rooms
at city hall $9.55
On motion the bill was referred to the
Committee on Public Grounds and
City of Dubuque,
To Dubuque Water Works Trustees.
To 1.631 16 inch cast iron water pipe
at $227.00 per ton for Bee Branch sewer,
$22 01.
On notion the bill was referred to the
special committee on Bee Branch
Wilmer Cook to City of Dubuque.
To rolling 693 sq. yds. of macadam
r 5c. on West Chestnut street. $34.65.
Jno. Dolan to City of Dubuque.
To rolling 375 lin. feet at 5c nn Rose
street sewer. $18.75.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the
amounts for rolling be deducted from
the bills due the contractors. Carried.
Union Electric Co., to City of
Dubuque. to 40S cubic yds. of
macadam at 75c $351 00
Ald. Sheridan moved that said
amount be deducted from the Union
Electric Co.'s bill due then from the
city. Carried.
Standard Telephone Co.. to City
of Dubuque, to repairing side-
walk on Southern avenue
abutting lot 35 of Min. lot 39,
owned by Jno. McGee and de-
stroyed by the Standard Tele-
phone Co. while putting in
poles .. . $ 2 10
On motion the bill was referred to
the marshal for collection.
Petition of J. V. Rider et al. asking
that the steps leading from the top of
Seminary hill south in Main street to
the base of the hill, at the rea r of Mr.
Stampfer's property be replay:WI wilh
new steps, also that they be granted
permision to lay new cement side-
walk in the street nn the east side of
Main street from its intersection with
Seminary street south of the top of the
city stens leading down the bluff.
Ald. Frith roved that the l'etition be
referred to the Street Comnitt e with
power. Carried.
Petition of Max Rost et al, :skint*
that Adams street be gradecl, curbed,
guttered and macadamized.
On motion the petition was referred
to the Street Committee and City En-
gineer and they report to th? Council.
Petition of Jno. Olinger, asking per-
mission to lay a cinder sidewalk abut-
ting his property on Washington street
between Sanford avenue and Twenty-
second street.
On motion the petition was referred
to the Street Committee and Street
Commissioner with potter.
Petition of Andrew Ring. asking that
the special assessment levied against
lot 209 Union add., for improving
Union street be canceled.
On motion the petition was referred
to the Finance Committee. City Engi-
neer and City Attorney with power.
Petition of J. J. McCarthy, asking
that a grade be established in the alley
running north from West Third street
between Alpine and Nevada streets to
lot 6 in T. S. Nairn's Dubuque, to Ne-
vada street.
Regular Session, August 1, 1901. 189
On motion the petition was referred
• to the City Engineer to establish a
grade in said alley and report lo the
Ordinance Committee and they to clra.ft
an ordinance establishing a grade in
said alley.
Petition of J. K. Deming, asking for
an extension of time for the use of
the property known as the Dee Basket
Ald. Frith moved that the prayer of
the petition be granted. Carried.
Petition of Carr, Ryder & Adams Co.,
asking permission to put in switches
on Washington and Elm streets near
the old Novelty Iron Works.
Ald. Kintzinger moved to grant the
petition and the Ordinance Committee
: and City Attorney be instructed to
draft an ordinance granting such
rights, also that the City Engineer be
instructed to give the necessary data.
The following petitions were referred1
to the Delinquent Tax Committee:
Petition of C. S. Robinson, asking
that the taxes on his personal property
be canceled.
Petition of J. C. Fitzpatrick. asking
• that the taxes be remitted on Mrs.
Margt. Mulqueeney'S Est. for the years
1895 to 1900 inclusive.
Petition of B. Beebe, asking that the
taxes on $1,500.00 moneys and credits be
Petition of H. J. Weber, asking that
his taxes be canceled on lot 260 Davis
Farm add. for the year 1900.
Petition of Mrs. Cath. Blitseh, ask-
ing that her taxes on lot 13 in Tivoli
add. be canceled for the years 1898,
1899 and 1900.
Petition of -Wm. Hamilton, asking
• that he be paid the sum of Twenty -
Four Dollars ($24.00) for time lost be-
ing in quarantine for 12 'days in the
smallpox case of Miss Lonergan.
On motion the petition was referred
to the Board of Health.
Petition of Becker Bros., asking that
14th street between Sycamore and
Lynn streets abutting their property
• be filled to grade and put in a passable
Ald. Kintzinger moved to refer the
• petition to the committee of the Whole.
Claim of M. Tschirgi, claiming the
sum of $16.60 for connections made by
Thos. Kavanaugh Est. with sanitary
sewer in alley between Main and Lo-
• cust and 1st and 8th streets.
On motion the claim was allowed
• and a warrant ordered drawn for
• .amount.
City Treasurer Gniffke reported as
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council
of the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen:—Below you will find
statement of amounts advanced
by me
during the month of July, ce
Excavation permits redeemed$145 00
Interest on outstanding warrants 790 00
90 00
Postage stamps 10 65
Freight charges, water fountain4 25
Redemption Refund• tax
Draft, Engineer office .. 3
Exchange and telegrams (l 3(i
• Telephone to Chicago 1 00
Rubber stamp
$982 18
Respectfully submitted,
On motion the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn for the
various amounts and the report re-
ferred back to the Finance Committee.
City Auditor Hoffman reported as
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—Herewith find my re-
port for the month of July, 1901, show-
ing the receipts and disbursements for
the month.
Cash on hand July
1st, 1901
f:eee:pts from all
sources 17,830.12
Total 873,636.84
Warrants redeemed$18.2S1.46
Coupons redeemed 3,482.50
Water Works coupons
redeemed 247.50
Water Works coupons
and bonds redeemed
in June 26,630.00
Cash on hand Aug.
lst. 1901
Of the, cash on hand
there belong to the
fundimprQyetp pt E. /.4410b .
Impro epJ, iso c i.
fund /.f!.fP, 1(ifio'F1i
Leaving a balance to
the credit of the city $12,249.54
Also the amount due City of-
ficers for the month of July
1901 $2128.45
Also amount of interest on coupons
Improvement bond coupons $ 825.00
Regular bond coupons 2657.50
Water Works bond 247.50
The following list shows • the appro-
priations and the amount of warrants
drawn on each fund since the begin-
ning fo the fiscal year beginning March
1st, 1901, to July lst, 1901:
Expense $40,000
Road 40,000
Fire 33,500
Police 28,500
Sewerage 5,000
Printing 2,500
Engineer 3,000
Gas and light 27,000
Water Works bond
interest 25,000 9,877.50
Interest 50,000 5.697.88
Board of health 4,000 1,239.95
Bee Branch 13,000 6,142.40
Eagle Point bridge 25,000
Special bonded paving 8.000 7,686.77
Redemption 7,500
Dodge street sewer 6,000 9.00
Judgment 4,000 3,432.35
Sprinkling 4,000
Library 6,000
Respectfully submit ted,
190 Regular 'ession, August 1, 1901.
On motion the report \vas received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
city officers and the report referred
back to the Committee en Finance.
City Marshal Morgan reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque: Gentlemen:
I herewith submit police report for
the month of July, 1901:
Total arrests for the month
Patrol runs
Miles traveled by patrol
Lodgers harbored
Defective lights
Doors found open
Meals furnished
Also find pay roll for the police de-
partment for the month of July 1901.
Amount due policemen $2,123.40. Find
attached treasurer's receipts.
Court costs collected $11.90
Sheriff, (prisoners' meals) 6.15
Pound masters' receipts 13.50
Amount collected .. , $31.55
Also matrons' report for the month
of July attached.
Respectfully Submitted.
On motion the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
police and the report referred back to
the Committee on Police and Light.
Fire Chief Reinfried repori.:d as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—The following is the
pay roll of the fire department for the
month of July, 1901.
Amount due firemen $1,993.10.
Respectfully Submitted.
Approved. MATT CLANCY.
Chairman of Committee on Fire.
On motion the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
fre:mett and the pay roll referred back
to the Committee on Fire.
Street Commissioner Boyce repor(ed
as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City -
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my
pay -roll for labor on streets for the
last half of July, 1901.
Amount due laborers on streets,
$894.50. Also submit pay -roll for la-
borers on sewers for the last half of
July 1901. Amount due laborers on
sewers $176.95.
Respectfully Submitted.
Street Commissioner.
E. E. FRITH, Chairman Committee
on Streets.
JOSEPH L. HORR, Chairman on
On motion the pay rolls were receiv-
ed and warrants ordered drawn to pay
laborers on streets and sewers and the •
pay rolls referred back to the proper
Committee Clerk Lawlor reported as
Dubuque, Ia., August 1. 1901.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit a..
statement of the amount expended for
labor cleaning and repairing streets
and cutting weeds in the different
wards during the month of July, 1901:
W. O'Brien, foreman $181 05
R. T. Eddy, foreman $149 75
Geo. J. Hahn, foreman $250 10 •
P. J. Royce, foreman $152 30
C. Gantenbein, foreman $205 60
Engineer and stoker on steam
roller, sweepers, paper collec-
tor, bricklayer. carpenters and
driver of carpenter's wagon
and man at garbage dump $799 65
Total in all wards $1,735 75 •
Respectfully submitted,
Committee Clerk..
On motion the report was ordered
received and filed.
City Electrician Hipman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my
report of defective lights for the
month of July, 1901:
I find from the report of the police
department that the total hours that
380 lamps failed to burn would equal
28 lamps for one month- or $151.20.
Respectfully submitted,
City Electrician.
On motion the report was received
and filed and the auditor instructed
to deduct the amount, $151.20, from the
Union Electric Company's bill for July,
Sidewalk Inspector Berg reported 'as
To the Mayor and City Council:
Gentlemen:—The following report
will give you the detailed statement
in regard to the bills for alley clean-
ing turned over to me for collection:
Total amount of bills to collect..$213 15
Total amount collected 103 90
Uncollected (parties refusing to
pay) 109 25
Of the $103.90 collected flnd treas-
urer's receipt for 80 80
Paid direct to treasurer 7 50
My commission for collecting.. 15 60
Making a total $103 90
Regular Session, August 1, 1901. 191
Respectfully submitted,
Sidewalk Inspector.
On motion the sidewalk inspector was
ordered to continue his efforts to col-
lect the balance uncollected.
The following weighmasters and
woodmeasurer receipts were referred to
the Committee on Markets:
R. Hay. corner Eighth and
White streets, receipts $ 2 61
Chas. Pitschner, West Dubuque,
Anton Stoltz. city hall, receipts. 15 35
Thos. Faherty, First ward, re-
Nie Kintzinger, wood measurer,
June receipts ... 1 20
Nic Kintzinger, wood measurer,
July receipts 1 00
The bids f n• improving Angella
street from the intersection of the
west line of Pierce street to the east
line of lots 11and 18, Quigley's sub.
of out lot 709. were ordered opened
and found as follows:
Steuck & Linehan—
Curbing. per lineal foot 45c
Guttering. per square yard 44e
Macadamizing, per square yard 45c
Grading, per cubic yard 45c
O. G. Kringle—
Curbing. per lineal foot 40c
Guttering, per square yard 40c
Macadamizing, per square yard 55c
Grading. per cubic yard 35c
On motion the bids were referred to
the City Engineer for computation.
The City Engineer reported as fol-
Steuck & Linehan, total $4,072 95
O. G. Kringle, total 3,618 95
Ald. Kintzinger moved that the con-
tract be awarded to O. G. Kringle, he
being the lowest bidder.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy. Frith, Horr,
Jones. Kintzinger. McLaughlin and
Sheridan. Uranimous.
The Mayor reported on the West Lo-
cust street sewer as follows:
Dubuque, Iowa, August 1, 1901.
Gentlemen:—At the regular meeting
of the Council, held July 18th, 1901, you
awarded the contract for constructing
a sanitary sewer in West Locust
street, by only five Aldermen voting
in the affirmative. Previous to
awarding the contract a remonstrance
from nine abutters was read, referred
to the Committee of the Whole, the
rules were suspended and one of the
remonstranstrators in open session ob-
jected to the construction of the san-
itary sewer on said street.
The action of the Council in enter-
taining the remonstrance, and suspend-
ing the rules for that purpose, makes
it necessary in my judgment that a
three -fourth vote of the entire Council
be had to make their action legal.
Not having received the required
three -fourth vote of the Council, I
have not executed the contract for
2 94
constructing said sewer on the part of
the City.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the re-
port be received and filed. Carried.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the action
of the Council July 18th, 1901, on the
remonstrance of Patrick Hughes et al
protesting against the construction of
a sanitary sewer on West Locust street
be reconsidered. Carried.
Ald. Horr moved that said remon-
strance be received and filed.
Ald. McLaughlin said he desired the
City Attorney's opinion on the ques-
tion of the legality of the awarding the
contract for the construction of the
West Locust street sewer by the Coun-
cil July 18th, 1901.
Mr. Nelson, the Assistant City At-
torney, being present, stated that in
his opinion the contract vas legally
and properly awarded by the Council,
July 18th, 1901. That there was noth-
ing in the Code of Iowa or the Ordi-
nances of the City of Dubuque re-
quiring a three-fourths vote of the
Council to award a contract. Both the
preliminary and the resolution order-
ing the construction of said sewer had
been passed by a three -fourth vote of
the Council.
Ald. Horr's motion to receive and
file the remonstrance was then car-
The rules, on motion of Ald. Kint-
zinger, was suspended and the fol-
lowing gentlemen addressed the Coun-
cil in favor of the construction of the
W. A. Buettell.
James Lee, Sr.
J. C. Buettell.
J. Becker.
The Mayor stated that he was ready
to sign the contract for said sewer, as
soon as the sale of the bonds for con-
structing the same was vouched for.
Mayor Berg also read the following:
Dubuque, Iowa, August 1, 1901.
Gentlemen of the Council: I have
to inform you that I did not execute
the contract awarded by you at a meet-
ing of the 18th of July for sprinkling
the streets in certain districts of the
My reason for this action is that the
appropriation for sprinkling was not
properly made and is contrary to Sec-
tion 970 of the Code, which provides
that -the Council shall divide the City
into not less than three road districts,
or may make each ward a separate
road district, for the purpose of clean-
ing, sprinkling and repairing the
streets, and provide for the manner of
doing the same and for the payment of
the cost thereof out the district road
fund, and shall determine the amount
necessary for such purpose in each dis-
trict, and make appropriations there-
fore at the time and in the manner in
192 Regular Session, August 1, 1901.
this chapter provided for making ap-
propriations for other purposes.
C. H. BERG, Mayor.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the re-
port be adopted and the action of the
Mayor be approved.
It requiring a three-fourths vote to
overcome the ejections of the Mayor
the motion was adopted by the fol-
lowing vote:
Ayes—Aids. Horr, McLaughlin and
Sheridan. Total 3.
Nayes—Aids. Clancy. Frith, Jones
and Kintzinger. Total 4.
Ald. Kintzinger moved that thN
matter of sprinkling be referred back
to the Committee of the Whole. Ca.-
The Mayor stated to the Council that
several holders of Refunding bonds de-
sired to come to some understanding
with the City about the issue of said
bonds which it is claimed were illegal-
ly issued and he referred the matter
to the Finance Commitee.
Aid. Horr of the Finance Committee
reported as follows:
Dubuque, Iowa, July 31st, 1901.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubu.que:
Gentlemen—Your Committee on Fin-
ance and City Attorney, to whom was
referred the matter of drawing up COD -
tract with Charters and Warson for
the correction of the tax List, beg to
report that several meetings have
been held and earnest consideration
given to every phase of the matter and
we submit the attached contract,
which is made a part of this report,
to your honorable body for your con-
The contract was then read and
This agreement made and entered
into by and between the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, a mun.cipal corporation,
party of the first part, and Charters
3c Warson, parties of the second part:
WITNESSETH; that by virtue of
authority conferred by the State of
Iowa upon cities acting under special
charters authorizing the listing and
assessing of all property that may
have been omitted, overlooked ur
otherwise not returned by the assessor,
and in pursuance of an ordinance
adopted by the City of Dubuque on
the 20th day of June, 1901, entitled
"An ordinance authorizing the City
Council of the City of Dubuque to en-
ter into a contract providing for the
discovery of property withheld from
taxation, and for the listing of such
property and the collection of taxes
thereon" the said first party hereby
covenants and agrees with the par-
ties of the second part, in accordance
with the terms and conditions here-
inafter expressed, to employ said sec-
ond parties as its agents to assist the
proper officers of said first party in the
discovery and listing for taxation all
property that may have been omitted,
overlooked, or otherwise not listed and
assessed as required by law, for the
term of two years from and after the
3rd day of July .A. D., 1901. and until
final termination and complete adjudi-
cation of all litigation growing out
of or in any manner connected with
the services due under and by virtue of
this contract. and the full liquidation
and discharge of ail costs growing out
of or in any manner connected with
the prosecution of the work under
this contract.
The said parties of the second part
hereby agree to make a careful and
diligent search for omitted concealed
and unassessed taxable property, and
to furnish the evidence and facts nec-
essary to authorize the proper offi-
cers of said City of Dubuque to sub-
ject the same to taxation. and to re-
port all such evidence and facts to the
prover officers of said city, who if in
their judgment deem the property
subject to taxation. shall proceed in
accordance with the provisions of the
ordinance hereinbeforce referred to. to
assess said property and enter the
same on the tax list in the possession
and under the control of the City
Treasurer for collection and in con-
junction with the said second parties
shall proceed and make collection of
the proper taxes upon said property.
and to transcribe the evidence and
facts in each individual case on blank;
and slips similar to those furnished the
county of Dubuque. arranged in alpha-
bethlc•al order. and when the work is
completed to file said written evidence
with the City Reoorder together with
a duplicate record of the evidence and
memoranda as presented by the slips:
and to he furnished in hook form al-
phabetically arranged, to become a
part of the permanent records of the
City of Dubuque for the use and
benefit of the City Council and of the
assessing officers :the parties of the
second part further agree to furnish
the Board of Equalization or the City
Assessor at any time after the signing
of this contract, any information that
may be demanded in regard to omit-
ted concealed and unassessed prop-
The parties of the second part shall
receive as full compensation for their
services rendered under and by virtue
of this contract the sum of 15 per
ce•itum of the total amount of taxes
paid into the City Treasury on account
of taxed. due upon property which had
been previously omitted, concealed and
unassessed and which has been dis-
covered and returned by the said sec-
Regular Session, August 1, 1901.
and parties, provided however, that no
part or portion of the said 15 per
• centum shall be paid to said second
parties until $50,000.00 shall have been
paid into the City Treasury as tax.s
due upon property that had been
previously omitted, concealed and un-
assessed and which has been discover-
ed and returned by the said second
Before payment shall be made under
.this contract to the said second par-
ties the said second parties shall file
with the Pity Recorder a claim in the
form of a verified statement showing
the sum of money actually collected
as taxes by the city treasurer on
• property discovered, in each case, on
such omitted concealed and unassess-
ed taxable property reported by the
said second parties and a statement
of the unpaid expenses, if any, incur-
• red by them in the collection of the
same and the said claims when filed,
shall be audited by the party of the
first part, and if the same are found
to be correct they shall be paid and
a warrant ordered drawn on the City
Treasurer for the sum found due
thereon which amount is to be de-
ducted from the commission to be paid
the said parties of the second part:
but no payment shall be made to the
said second parties excepting out of
money actually paid into the city
treasury as taxes on property discov-
ered and reported by said second par-
ties on such omitted, concealed and
unassessed taxable property. and the
total charges, fees and expenses of the
said second parties shall not exceed
15 ner cent. of the taxes paid into the
city treasury on such omitted, con-
cealed and unassessed taxable prop-
All expense of said work, including
attorney's fees, incurred in the collec-
tion of said taxes. shall be borne by
the said second parties and said pay•
ment of 15 per cent. of the amount paid
into the city treasury on omitted, con-
cealed and unassessed taxable prop-
erty reported by the said second par-
ties shall be full and complete com-
pensation for all services rendered, and
for all money expended by the said
second parties in the prosecution of
their work under this contract.
It is hereby made an express provis-
ion of this contract that the parties
of the second* part shall have no
right or authority to employ any per-
son or persons at the expense of the
party of the first part in the prose-
cution of any work under this con-
tract. and that the party of the first
part hereby expressly forbids the said
second parties from in any way under-
taking to bind the first party for the
payment of any sum for the services
in any manner rendered or for any
debts contracted in the execution of
the work under this contract.
It is further expressly stipulated,
contracted and agreed that in the
event of any litigation incurred by
reason of the person whose property
is sought to be taxed taking an ap-
peal from the decision of the officers
whose duty it is to enter such prop-
erty for taxation, by injunction or
otherwise, or if it become necessary to
institute action to recover taxes on
property reported subject to tax. try,
Parties of the second part, herein ex-
pressly agree to pay the required fees
for the prosecution of such suit, trial,
contest or appeal in advance to the
proper officers as the contest or liti-
gation progresses, and that he party
of the first part shall in no wise to
any extent be liable for the costs
of court, attorney's fees or other ex-
pense accruing in any such contest or
It is further contracted, stipulated
and agreed by the parties hereto that
if the said second parties shall fail to
report any property by thein discover-
ed, which is subject to taxation, which
has been previously omitted, concealed
or unassessed this contract shall by
reason of such failure cease to be in
effect and become null and void and
the said second parties shall not in
any manner be entitled to any of the
benefits accruing to them under and
by virtue of this contract.
That any and all exemptions hereto-
fore or hereafter to be made by the
city council of the city of Dubuque
in favor of widows, orphans, or the
infirm or for any other reason, shall
be recognized and respected by the
parties of the second part and shall
continue in force and effect at the
option of the party of the first part,
and no compensation shall be paid the
parties of the second part for such
It is further agreed that the parties
of the second part shall furnish to the
party of the first part a good and sub-
stantial bond in the penal sum of not
less than $5,000.00 with sureties to
be aprpoved by the party of the first
part. conditioned for the -faithful per-
formance of all the terms of this con-
tract and the observance of the pro-
visions of law applicable to such em-
parties have hereunto subscribed their
names and the Mayor of the said city
set his hand and affixed the seal of
said city this — day of A.
D. 1901.
Ald. Horr moved that he contract
be approved by the Council as read.
Regular Session, August 1, 1901.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Clancy, Frith, Horr, Kintzing-
er, McLaughlin and Sheridan. Total
Nayes—Ald. Jones. Total 1.
Aid. Frith reported (verbally) that
the steam road roller needed repairing.
Ald. Horr moved that the matter of
repairs on roller be referred to the
Street Committee with power. Car-
Ald. McLaughlin, Chairman of the
Committee on Police and Lights, re-
ported as follows:
Your Committee on Police and
Lights would recommend that the pe-
tition of L. G. Hurd et al asking that
an electric lamp be placed at the cor-
ner of West Twelfth and Pearl
streets, be granted and that the Union
Electric Company be so notified.
On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the
report was adopted.
Ald. Horr, Chairman of the Commit-
tee, on sewers reported as follows:
Your Committee on Sewers to whom
was referred the bill of Dempsey and
Garvey for $45.00 for furnishing a new
bowl and repairing the fountain on the
corner of South Dodge street and
Grandview avenue, would recommend
that a warrant be ordered drawn on
the City Treasurer in favor of Demp-
sey & Garvey for the amount of their
Also your Committee on Sewers
would r- commend that a warrant be
ordered drawn on the City Treasurer in
favor of Pape & Jacquinot for $17.05
for repairing the drinking fountain on
the corner of First and Main streets.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the re-
port of the Committee on Sewers.
The Mayor stated that Mrs. Fox, liv-
ing on Cleveland avenue, had demand-
ed the removal of the fountain near
her house.
Ald. Horr moved that the Sewer
Committee and Street Commissioner
be instructed to move said fountain to
the middle of the street. Carried.
Ald. McLaughlin of the Board of
Health reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—The petitions of Mary
De I.orimier• and Anton Lorenze, ask-
ing for further time to make sewer con-
nections and referred to us July 18th,
1901, beg to report, that after consid-
eration of the said petitions we would
recommend that further time be
Also the claim of Jos. H. Berg,
claiming $10.00 for two weeks' board
for Raymond McIntire, during the
quarantine of the residence of said
McIntire on account of smallpox,
would recommend that said claim bo •
received and filed.
On motion of Ald .McLaughlin the re-
port and recommendations were
The special assessments for repair-
ing sidewalks in the month of May,
1891, and the remonstrance of Jennett
Bach to a special assessment against
lot 37, Sanford's sub. were presented
and referred to the Committee of the
Ald. Horr offered the following:
Whereas: It is deemed necessary
and advisable by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque to construct a_
sanitary sewer in the alley between
White and Jackson street and it is •
hereby proposed to construct a sani-
tary sewer in said alley between White
and Jackson street as follows to -wit:
an eight inch tile pipe sewer from Sev-
enteenth street to Rhomterg avenue
Resolved, That the City Engineer be
and is hereby directed to prepare a
plat and specifications showing the lo-
cation and general nature of such im-
provement, the extent thereof, size and
kind of material to be used and an
estimate of the cost thereof, with the:•
amount assessable upon any railway or
street railway and upon each lot or
parcel of land adjacent to, or abutting.
thereon, per front foot, or square feet
in area, and to file such plat, specifica-
tions and estimate in the office of the
City Recorder, That after the filing-
lingof said plat in his office, the City Re-
corder shall cause to be published in
the official newspaper of the city, the
notice provided for in section six (6)
of the ordinance relating to the con-
struction of sewers, adopted May 19th;:
1898, and amender October 4th, 1900,
and after the completion of the pub-
lication of such notice, he shall at its
next regular session notify the Coun-
cil thereof in writing with a printed
copy of such notice accompanying the
Passed by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger, McLaughlin and'
Sheridan. Unanimous.
Ald. Horr offered the following:
Be it resolved, That the City Treas-
urer is hereby instructed to call in the
following improvement bonds:
Bond number 75, dated Sep-
tember 2nd, 1897, amounting
to $1,000 00
Bond number 116, dated October
1st, 1895, amounting to $1,000 00
Bond number 93, dated August
13th, 1895, amounting to $1,000 00
Total $3;000 00'+
The interest on all of the above
bonds to cease with the 13th day of
August, 1901.
Regular Session, August 1, 1901. 195
Passed by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger, McLaughlin and
Sheridan. Unanimous.
Ald. Frith offered the following:
Be it resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the City
Recorder be and is hereby instructed to
advertise for bids for the extension of
the Bee Branch storm water sewer
from the south line of Eagle Point
avenue to a point 140 feet north there-
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the reso-
lution. Carried.
Aid. Horr offered the following:
Resolved, that as the abutters on
Seventh street between Main and Lo-
cust have all paid for the brick paving
of said street, thus making the issuance
of improvement bonds to obtain money
for paving the contractors for the work
on said street unnecessary, and where-
as this is the only street thus paid up
in the last ten years and the Auditor's
and Treasurer's books are all adapted
to the method of issuing bonds and
paying the contractor out of the pro-
ceeds, then redeeming the bonds from
the money paid into the treasury by
the abutters therefor in order to pre-
serve the established forret and avoid
the opening of a new set of books and
to keep the accounts so as to be readi-
ly understood, the Mayor and Finance
Committee are instructed to cause the
following improvement bond to be is-
sued, :"pro forma:"
State of Iowa. County of Dubuque.
The City of Dubuque.
No. 69. $1,922.83.
The City of Dubuque, in the State of
Iowa, for value received, promises to
pay as hereinafter stated to the bear-
er hereof the sum of nineteen hundred
and twenty-two dollars and eighty-
three cents, payable at the office of the
City Treasurer, in the City of Dubuque.
This bond is issued for the purpose of
preserving the form of proceedure
adopted in the cases of all other street
improvements, made by the city in the
last ten years. This bond is issued by
virtue of the laws and ordinances bear-
ing upon that subject row in force. It
is issued for the purpose of providing
for the payments of the cost of a cer-
tain street improvement on Seventh
street between Main and Locust
streets, which cost is payable by the
abutting property, benefited thereby
and is made by law a lien on said
property, etc.
In testimony whereof, the City of
Dubuque. by its Council, has caused
this bond to be signed by its Mayor,
countersigned by its City Recorder.
with the seal of the City affixed, this
1st clay of August, A. D., 1901.
Mayor of the City of Dubuque.
City Recorder.
Be it further resolved that as soon
as the above bond is properly issued in
accordance with the above resolution.
that the City Treasurer is instructed
to redeem said bond number 69 of Au-
gust 1st, 1901. with the money paid in
by the abutters on said street.
Passed by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger and Sheridan. To-
tal 6.
Absent—Aid. McLaughlin.
Ald. Frith offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk G
feet wide, of good two inch plank, be.
within ten days of this notice, con-
structed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks,
on the east side of Valeria street, be-
tween Hart street and Kauffman ave-
nue, abutting lot 40, Tivoli add., own-
ed by R. Lawrance, at the expense ot-
abutting properly. Adopted by the
following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Horr.
Jones, Kintzinger, McLaughlin and
Ald. Frith offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk G
feet wide, of good two inch plank he
within ten days of this notice, con-
structed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks,
on the east side of Valeria street, be-
tween Hart street and Kauffman ave-
nue. abutting lot 37, Tivoli add., owned
by N. Nicks at the expense of abutting
property. Adopted by the following
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Horr.
Jones, Kintzinger, McLaughlin and
Ald. Frith offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 6
feet wide, of good two inch nlank be,
within ten days of this notice, con-
structed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks,
o, the north side of Twenty-second
street, between Elm street and Wash-
ington street. abutting lot 69. E. Lang -
worthy's add., owned by M. A. Alex-
ander, at the expense of abutting prop-
erty. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger, McLaughlin and
N;i vs—None.
Alderman Horr offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 6
feet wide, of gond two inch plank, b,,' .
within 10 days of this notice, construct-
ed and laid in conformity with the or-
dinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the north side of Seventh street. be-
tween Cedar street and Sycamore
street, abutting lot 372, East Dubuque
Regular Session, August 1, 1901.
Add., owned by V. A. Langworthy, at
the expense of abutting property.
Adopted, by the following vote:
Ayes—A1ds. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger, McLaughlin and
Ald, McLaughlin offered the follow-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 12
feet wide, of good brick or cement, be,
within 10 clays of this notice. construct-
ed and laid in conformity with the or-
dinance in relation to sidewalks, on the
east side of Main street, between
Sixth street and Seventh street, ned abut-
ting lot S. 1-2 of Cityth.2exi etisc of
D. S. Wilson Est., ttheAdopted by the
abutting property•
following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy. Frith. Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger, McLaughlin and
Alderman Kintzinger offered the fol-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 6
feet wide, of good two `nchinplank,
brick or cement, be,
clays of this notice, constructed and
laid in conformity with the ordinance
in relation to sidewalks, on the North
side of Seminary street. between Paul
street and Clifford street, abutting lots
114, 115, 116 and 117 Cox's Add., owned
by James McGrath, at the expense of
abutting property. Adopted by the fol-
lowing vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones. Kiptzinger, McLaughlin and
Alderman Kintzinger offered the fol-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4
feet wide, of good two inch plank, be,
within 10 days of this notice. construct-
ed and laid in conformity with the or-
[linance in relation to sidewalks on the
South side of Grace street, between
Grandview avenue and Ida street,
abutting lots 1 and 2 of 4 Anna
O'Hare's Sub., owned by M. A. Kemler,
at the expense of abutting property.
Adopted by 'the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Harr.
Jones Kintzinger, McLaughlin and
Alderman Kintzinger offered the fol-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 6
feet wide, of good two inch plank,
brick or cement, be, within 10 days of
this notice, constructed and laid in con-
formity with the ordinance in relation
to sidewalks, on the South side of West
Locust street, between Foy street and
Angelia street, abutting W. 42 ft. of
lot 15 Quigley's Sub. of out lot 710,
owned by Wm. Hintrager, at the ex-
pense of abutting property. Adopted
by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger, McLaughlin and
Ald. Horr said that the Park cus-
todians needed a place in the Park to
keep their tools and suggested that a
combination tool house and lavatory be
built, and moved that the committee
on Public Grounds and Buildings arid
City Engineer be instruatei to prepare
plans and estimate of cost of ,acne and
report to the Council at the next ses-
sion. Carried.
Ald. Kintzinger that the Coun-
cil adjourn for two weeks, until Aug.
15th, 1901. Carried.
Approved.... .... t ...'1..... 1.ThUi
Regular Session, August 15, 1901
Regular Session August 15„ 1901.
Council met at 8:20 o'clock ;,.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Alds. Clancy, Frith. Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger and Sheridan.
Absent—Ald. McLaughlin.
Petition of Mrs. Caroline Fischer ask-
ing that she be exempt from taxa-
tion to the amount of $800.00 on her
homestead, being city lots 109 and 110.
On motion the petition was referred
to the Delinquent Tax Committee.
Petition of the Dubuque Brewing and
Malting Co. asking that the sewer be
extended from its present terminus on
27th street at the alley between Jack-
son and Washington streets along 27th
street east to the center of Elm street,
also that the north 12 feet of 27th street
between Washington street and the
C. & G. W. R. R. tracks be vacated.
On motion the petition was referred
to the Committee of the Whole.
Petition of Jno. Marcel': et al asking
that West 17th street from West Lo-
cust to Clark street be curbed, gutter-
ed and macadamized.
On notion the petition was referred
to the Committee of the Whole.
Petition of Henry Riker et al asking
that the water mains be extended on
the east end of Wilde street to Mc-
Lennan street, also that a hydrant and
water fountain be placed at the cor-
ner 'of Wilde and Valley streets.
On motion, the petition was referred
to the Committee of the Whole.
Petition and remonstrance of Christ
Braun and F. Schweitering protesting
against laying a sidewalk in Brecht's
• On motion the petition was referred
to the Committee of the Whole.
Petition of Geo. Collison et al re -
•questing the Council to make an open-
ing through Railroad avenue so as to
permit the stagnant water located in
the slough parallel with South Locust
street between Dodge street and Rail-
road avenue to pass through into the
Mississippi river.
On motion the petition was referred
to the Committee of the Whole with
Street Commissioner Boyce reported
as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my
pay roll for laborers on streets for the
first half of August, 1901:
Amount due laborers on streets,
Also submit pay roll for laborers on
sewers for the first half of August, 1901:
Amount due laborers ,on sewers,
$163 90.
Street Commissioner.
E. E. FRITH, Chairman Commitee
on Streets.
JOSEPH L. HORR, Chairman Com-
mittee on Sewers.
On motion, the pay rolls were receiv-
ed and warrants ordered drawn to pay
laborers on streets and sewers and the
pay rolls referred hack to the proper
City Engineer Blake reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit plan
for steps from Fenelon Place to West v
Third street, for which I estimate the
cost for material about $100.00.
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
On motion the report and plan were
referred to the committee of the Whole.
Also submitted plans for the tool
houses and lavaratories for the parks
as ordered by your honorable body; the
estimated cost of each is $468.16.
espectfullv submitted,
City Engineer.
On motion the plans and estimate
were referred to the committee of the
Also submitted plan, profile and es-
timate of cost of western approach to
Eagle Point High Bridge for a 35 -foot
roadway as follows:
5,600 cubic yds. solid rock excava-
tion, at $1.00 $5,600
1,370 cubic yds. retaining wall at
$3.00 $4,110
1850 cubic yds. bluff material ex-
cavation at 30 cents $ 555
2480 square yds. macadam, at 3Q
cents $744
620 feet railing, at $1.00 $620
Total cost less right of way....$11,629
Respectfully submitted,
City Enginer.
Ald. Kintzinger moved that the plans
profile and estimate be referred to a
special committee of three with the
city enginer, street commissioner and
mayor, and the committee ascertain the
cost of right of way and report any
change they deem advisable and report
to the Council.
Ald. Frith mover a substitute that
the matter be referred to the city en-
gineer, street commissioner and street
Substitute lost by following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Frith, Horr and Jones,
Total, 3. Kintzinger and
Noes—Aids. Clancy,
Sheridan. Total, 3.
Ald. McLaughlin. absent.
It being a tie vote the mayor voted
no and declared the substitute lost.
The question recurring on the origi-
nal motion of Ald. Kintzinger was car-
ried by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Horr, Jones,
Kintzinger and Sheridan. Total, 5.
Noes—Ald. Frith. Total, 1.
198 Regular Session, Angnst 15, 1901•
Absent, Ald. Mclaughlin.
The mayor announced the following•
Alds. Kintzinger, Frith, Horr. city
engineer, street commissioner and the
Justice CarneY's report of trial of all
cases of violation of city ordinancesr
during the month of July, i
read and on motion was ordered re-
ceived and filed.
The special committee to whom had
been referred the petition of W. J.
Cantillon, reported as follows*
Dubuque, Ia.., Aug 13th, l:.01.
To the Hon. Mayor and Aldermen of
the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen:—The undersign^d ha'•oo
investigated the '.ncrits of the attached
petition of Mr. W. J. Cantillou, and as
a result of such nvestigation are :at -
'stied that the prayer of same should be
JOSEPH L. HORR, Chairman,
E. C. BLAKE, City Eng..
THOS. H. DUFFY, City Aity,
Ald. Kintzinger moved that the re-
port of the special committee be adopt-
ed. Carried.
Ald. Horr offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That to pay for
constructing a tile pipe sewer on Ruse
street from alley west of Center Place
to Alta Vista street, by John W.
Dolan, Contractor, in front of and ad-
joining the same, a special tax bo and
is hereby levied on the several lots,
and parcels of real estate hereinafter
named, situated and ownd, and for the
several amounts set opposite each lot
or parcel of real estate, as follows:
Special assessment submitted and
passed August 15th. 1901.
F. A. Seeman, E. E. Jones sub,
lot 1 $42 15
Chas. Odertnatt, E. E. Jones sub,
lot 7 40 80
F. A. Thompson, E. E. Jones,
sub. 1 of lot 12 18 28
S. B. Lattner, Minral lot 88,
lot B 69 52
Joseph Bott, Mineral lot 88 sub
4 of lot 3 51 50
Total 5
The published notice of the said
special assessment (properly certified
by the publisher) was then read.
No objection being filed, the Mayor
asked if any one present had any; ob-
jections to said special assessment. No
one present offered any objections.
Ald. Horr moved its adoption.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger and Sheridan. Total,
Ald. McLaughlin, absent.
Also the special assessment for the
repairing of sidewalks in the month
of June, 1901, was prsented and on mo-
tion referred to the Committe of the
Ald. Horr of the Finance Committee
presented the bills of the Herald
Printing Co. as follows:
Balance for printing and binding
the revised ordinances of 1901..$185 05
Extra pages in the Revised Ordi-
nances for 1901 10 75 •
Ald. Horr moved that a warrant be
ordered drawn in favor of the Herald
Printing Co. for $195.80. Carried.
Ald. Horr moved to reconsider the
action of the Council of August 1st,
1901, on the contract of Charters &
Warson. Carried.
Ald. Horr moved that the contract
of Charters and Warsun be recived •
and filed. Carried.
Ald. Kintzinger, chairman of th•'
Ordinance committee presented an or-
dinance to establish a grade on Alley
west of Alpine street from West Third
street to Nevada street, and moved that
the ordinance be read the first time.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Horr. Jones,
Kintzinger and Sheridan. Total, 5.
Ald. Frith excused from voting.
Absent. Ald. McLaughlin.
The ordinance was then read for the
first time.
Ald. Kintzinger moved that the rules
be suspended for the purpose of read-
ing the ordinance the second time and
its final passage.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Horr, Jones,
Kintzinger and Sheridan. Total, 5.
Ald. Frith excused from voting.
Absent, Ald. McLaughlin.
The ordinance was read the second
Ald. Kintzinger moved that he ordi-
nance be adopted as read
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Horr, Jones,
Kintzinger and Sheridan. Total, 5.
Ald. Frith excused from voting.
Absent. Ald. McLaughlin.
The Mayor declared the ordinance •
The ordinance follows:
An ordinance to establish a grade
on alley west of Alpine street from
West Third street to Nevada street.
Be it ordained by th City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That the grade of the alley
west of Alpine street from West Third
street to Nevada street be described as
Starting from the north line of West
Third street, Station, 0, elevation 272,
thence north on said alley to Station •
1-50 elevation 275, thence north to Sta-
tion 2-50, elevation 280. thence west to
Station 4, elevation 279.5, which is the
east line of Nevada street.
Ald. Jones, chairman of the commit-
tee on Public Grounds and Buildings,
reported as follows:'
Your committee on Public Grounds
and Buildings report in favor of paying
the following bills:
Farley & Loetscher Mfg. Co.,
lumber and material used in
building toilet room in city hall.$9 55 •
Peter Kien, 4 maple trees for
Jackson park ....$5 00
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the com-
mittee on Public Grounds and Build
ings be instructed to repair the steps
leading into the marshal's and police
headquarters, on the north side of the:
same. Carried.
Regular Session, August 15, 1901 199
Ald.:Kintzinger moved that the same
committee be instructed to repair the
roof and gutters of the Ninth street
engine house. Carried.
Ald. Sheridan, chairman of the De-
linquent Tax committee reported as
Your committee on Delinquent Taxes
would recommend that the petitions of
the following named soldiers of the
war of the rebellion be granted in ac-
cordance with paragraph 7, sec. 1304 of
the code of Iowa.
Jno. J. Lavery.
Jno. Atkins.
D. Sutherland.
Your Committee on Delinquent taxes,
to whom was referred the petition of
R. Beebe, asking that the tax on $1500
moneys and credits assessed to hint
be canceled, would recommend, that
as the petitioner has not been a resi-
dent of the city for the past two years,
the prayer of the petition be granted
and the city treasurer be instructed
accordingly. •
Your Committee on Delinquent Taxes
to whom was referred the petition of
Mary- Kelly, asking that the tax on
her property, sub. 4 of lot 2 of mineral
lot 37 be canceled, would recommend
that on account of her poverty the
prayer of petitioner be granted and
the city treasurer be instructed ac-
1'nur Committee on Delinquent taxes
t,, whom was referred the petition of
H. J. Veber, asklnP_ that the taxes
on his property, lot 260 Davis Farm
add. be canceled for the year 1900,
ould recommend that on account of
his poverty and bodily ailments the
prayer of the petition be granted and
the city treasurer be insructed ac•cord-
to whom was referred the petition of
C. S. Robinson, asking that the back
taxes on his personal property be can-
celed, would recommend, that as the
petitioner had no personal property
subject to taxation during the years
1899 and 1900, the city treasurer be in-
structed to cancel the backed taxes
as prayed for.
Your Committee on Delinquent taxes.
to whom was referred the petition of
Jonathan Foster. aslkine that he he
granted the "'Union Soldiers' Exemp-
tion." would recommend that as the
petitioner was not the owner of the
property on which he seeks the exemp-
tion in 1900. the said petition be re-
ceived and flied.
Your Committee on Delinquent taxes.
to whom was referred the petition of
John Albrecht, asking that the taxes on
his property, lot 6, O. Taylor's sub. be
canceled for the year 1900, would rec-
ommend, that on account of his pov-
erty, the prayer of the petition be
granted and the city treasurer in-
structed accordingly.
Your Committee on Delinquent taxes.
to whom was referred the petition of
J. C. Fitzpatrick, asking that the
taxes on Mrs. Mulqueeney's estate be
canceled for the years 1895, 1896, 1S97,,
1898, 1899 and 1960, would recommend
that the said petition be received and
Your Committee on Delinquent taxes,
to whom was referred the petition of
Mary F. Miller, asking that the taxes
against lot 3 of mineral lot 149, of
which she is the owner, be canceled,
would recommend that the treasurer
be instructed to cancel said taxes for
the years 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898 and 1899;
providing that the petitioner pays
those of 1900 and thereafter.
Your Committee on Delinquent taxes.
to whom was referred the petition of
Catharine Blitsch, asking that the
taxes for the years 1898 and 1899, which
have been allowed to remain a lien on
her property (lot 13 Tivoli add.) be
canceled, or that a reduction he made
in the valuation of said lot, in which
event she would probably be able to
pay the back taxes as well as those-
hosefor 1900; would reccommend, that on.
account of her poverty, the city treas-
urer be instructed to accept pay-
ment of taxes for the years 1898, 189b
and 1900 on a bases of $500 valuation.
Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the
report of the Committee on Delinquent
tax. Carried.
Ald. Horr, chairman of the Board of
Equalization. reported as follows:
Your Board of Equalization to whom
was referred the petition of Mrs. Kate
Finn, asking that the assessment on
lot 2 of sub. 2 of Mineral lot 31 be
corrected for the years 1895, 1896, 1897,
1898, 1899 and 1900, would recommend
that the assessed valuation of said lot
be placed at $600 for the years 1897,
1898, 1899 and 1900: but that for the
years 1895 and 1896 the valuation De
allowed to remain as charged and the
treasurer be instructed accordingly.
Also report in favor of granting the
petition of the Germania Stock corn -
rang asking that the Germania hall
be assessed for 1900 on the same basis
as for 1899 and the treasurer be in-
strnctecd accordingly.
Also report in favor of receiving and
filing the petition of James Farrell
asking that the taxes assessed against
him for the years 1899 and 1900 be
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the re-
port of the Board of Equalization.
Ald. Kintzinger, chairman of the
Committee of the Whole reported as
Your Committee of the Whole to
whom was referred the petition of
Archbishop Keane, asking that the al-
Regular Session, August 15, 1901
ley between Helena and West Four-
teenth streets, also the westerly 70
feet of Helena street, also westerly 70
feet of the alieye first north of Helena
street be vacated, would recommend
that the prayer of the petitioner be
granted and that the proper resolutions
for such vacations be adopted.
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the bill of E. 3
Voggenthaler Co. for $113.38 for extri
labor and material furnished in repair-
ing the steam roller, beg to report that
we fnd the repairs for which this c-.-
tra charge is made not included in th
specifications and the necessity for
them was not discovered until the roll-
er was dismantled; we would there-
fore recommend that the bill be allow -
ed and „that a warrant be ordered
drawn on the treasurer for $113.38, the
full amount of the claim.
Your Commitmtee of the Whole to
whom was referred the matter of the
dangerous condition of the Millville
road would recommend that the street
commissioner be instructed to have the
city carpenters extend the railing on
the north side of the said road
along the dangerous part there-
of for a distance of not to exceed 200
Your Committee of the Whole would
recommend that the Police and Light
Committee be authorized to sell the
disabled patrol wagon horse at auction
and also to purchase one in his stead.
Your Committee of the Whole would
recommend that the Dubuque Tele-
phone company be instructed to put a
telephone in the mayor's residence and
:also in his office in the city hal'.
Your Committee of the Whole to
whom was referred the petition of
James Street. asking that he be paid
for rock furnished John B. Miller and
used in the construction of the Bee
Branch sewer. would recommend that
the petition be received and filed.
Ald. Kintzinger moved to adont the
report of the Committee of the Whole.
The Mayor stated that that Mr. Pat-
terson, superintendent of the American
District Telegraph company. had ask-
ed permission to use the city's pales
to establish and extend the Gamewell
system of fire alarm.
Ald. Kintzinger moved that the mat-
ter be referred to the Committee on
Electrical construction with power.
Ald. Kintzinger offered the follow-
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque: That the
abutting owners on the east and west
of the alley from Fenelon Place to
the alley south. between lot 41 Pros-
pect Hill and the north 157 feet of lot
4 of lot 692 City be and is hereby
permitted to fill the north 60 feet of
said alley to the grade of Fenelon
Place or thereabouts.
Ald. Iiintzinger moved to adopt the
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy. Horr. Jones,
Kintzinger and Sheridan. Total, 5.
Nay—Ald. Frith.
Absent—Ald. McLaughlin.
Ald. Kintzinger offered the follow-
Whereas, It is deemed necessary and
advisable by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque to annul and vacate
the alley between West Fourteenth
street and Helena street from Henion
street to the east line of Out Lot 714,
abutting lots one (1), three (3) and
four (4) of Hudgdon's sub. and lots
twelve (12). thirteen (13), fourteen (14)
and fifteen (15) of Henion & Baird's
sub. of out lot 707; also the westerly
seventy (70) feet of Helena street,
abutting lots three (3), four (4). seven
(7) and eight (S) of Hodgdan's sub.;
and also the westerly seventy (70) feet
of the alley first north of Helena
street, abutting lots seven (7) and
eight (8) of Hogdon's sub. and the
west seventy (70) feet of the north five
(5) feet of lot three (3) Henion &
Baird's sub. all in the City of Dubuque,
Iowa; therefore, be it
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That it is the in-
tention of the City Council of the City
(.f Dubunue to vacate said alley be-
tween West Fourteenth street and
Helena street from Henson street to
the East line of Out Lot 714, abutting
lets one (1), three (3). and four 4
f Hogdon's sub. and lots twelve (12).
thirteen (13). fourteen (14) and fifteen
(13) ..f Henion & Baird's sun. of out
lor 7e7: also the westerly seventy (70)
f< -et of Helena street, abutting lots
three (3). four (4), seven (7) and eight.
(s) of Hogdon's sub.; also said wester-
ly seventy (70) feet of the alley first
north of Helena street abutting lots
seven (7) and eight (8) of Hodgdon's
sub. and the west seventy (70) feet of
the north five feet of lot three (3) of
Henion & Barid's sub. to Saint Jos-
eph's college; and that the City Engi-
neer be directed to make a plat of
such proposed alteration, showing the
land or lots over through or upon which
said street and alleys abut, the names
of the owners and the quantity of land
proposed to be vacated.
That when said plat is completed, it
shall be filed in the Engineer's of-
fice subject to public inspection; that
after said plat is filed, the Engineer
shall give personal notice in writing to
the owners of all Lots abutting upon
said street and alleys, stating, that at
the next session of the Council oc-
curing after a lapse of two weeks from
the date of such notice it shall be de-
termined by the Council whether or
not such vacation shall be made, and'
:M, 4
Regular Session, August 15, 1901.
require them to appear before said
Council at that time and show cause if
any they have why the contemplated
vacation should not be made.
Ald. Kintzinger moved to adopt the
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger and Sheridan. To-
tal 6.
Absent—Ald. McLaughlin.
Ald. Horr offered the following reso,
lution which was adopted:
Whereas, It is deemed necessary and
advisable by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque to construct a sani-
tary sewer in Twenty-seventh street
and it is hereby proposed to construct
a sanitary sewer in said Twenty-sev-
enth street as follows, to -wit: a 12
inch tile pipe sewer from the alley be-
tween Jackson and Washington streets
to the middle of Elm street, therefore,
Resolved, That the City Engineer be
and is hereby directed to prepare a
plat and specifications showing the lo-
cation and general nature of such im-
provement, the extent thereof, size and
kind of materials to be used and an
estimate of the cost thereof, with the
amount assessable upon any railway
or street railway and upon each lot or
parcel of land adjacent to, or abutting
thereon, per front foot, or square foot
in area, and to file such plat, speci-
fications and estimate in the office of
the City Recorder. That after the
filing of said plat in his office, the City
Recorder shall cause to be published in
the official newspaper of the city, the
notice provided for in Section six (6)
of the ordinance relating to the con-
struction of sewers, adopted May 19th,
1S98, and amended October 4th, 1900,
and after the completion of the publi-
cation of such notice, he shall at its
next regular session notify the Coun-
cil thereof in writing with a printed
copy of such notice accompanying the
Ald. Horr offered the following reso-
lution which was adopted:
Whereas: It is deemed necessary and
advisable by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque to construct a sanitary
sewer in alley between White and
Jackson streets and he it hereby pro-
posed to construct a sanitary sewer in
said alley between White and Jackson
streets as follows, to -wit: an 8 inch
tile pipe sewer from Rhomberg avenue
to Eagle point avenue. therefore,
Resolved, That the city engineer be
and is hereby directed to prepare a
plat and specifications showing the lo-
cation and general nature of such im-
provement, the extent thereof, size and
kind of materials to be used and an
estimate of the cost thereof, with the
amount assessable upon any railway
or street railway or upon each lot or
parcel d
tf hereon,pen adjacent
fronfoot or square abuttingfoot
in area, and to file such plat. specifica-
tions and estimate in the office of the
city recorder. That after the filing of
said plat in his office. the city recorder
shall cause to be published in the of-
ficial newspaper of the city, the notice
provided for in section six (6) of the
ordinance relating to the construction of
sewers, adopted May 19th, 1898 and
amended October 4th, 1900, and after the
completion of the publication of such
notice, he shall at its next regular ses-
sion notify the Council thereof in writ-
ing with a printed copy of such notice.
accompanying the same.
Ald. Sheridan offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque:
That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good
two inch plank, brick, stone or cement,
be, within 10 days of this notice, con-
structed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks,
on the west side of Roberts avenue,
between West Fifth street and West
Eighth street. abutting lot 87, Wilson's
sub., owned by V. F. Perlith, at the
expense of the abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger and Sheridan. Total,
Absent—Ald. McLaughlin.
Ald. Sheridan offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque.
That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good
two inch plank, brick, stone or cement,
be, within 10 days of this notice, con-
structed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks,
on the north side of West Fifth street,
between Roberts avenue and Wilson
avenue, abutting lot 19 Wilson's sub.,
owned by J. M. Sullivan, at the ex-
pense of abutting property. Adopted
by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger and Sheridan. Total,
Absent—Ald. McLaughlin.
Ald. Horr offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque:
That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good
brick or cement. be, within 10 days of
this notice, constructed and laid in con-
formity with the ordinance in relation
to sidewalks, on the north side of
Twelfth street, between White street
and Jackson street, abutting City Lot
481, owned by J. A. Schmidt, at the ex-
pense of abutting property. Adopted
by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger and Sheridan. Total
Absent—Ald. McLaughlin.
Ald. Horr offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque:
That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good
brick or cement, be, within 10 days of
this notice, constructed and laid in
conformity with the ordinance in rela-
tion to sidewalks, on the east side of
White street. between Twelfth street
and Thirteenth street, abutting City
Lot 481, owned by J. A. Schmidt, at the
expense of abutting property. Adopt-
ed by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Horr.
Jones, Kintzinger and Sheridan. Total
Absent—Aid. McLaughlin.
Ald. Hlies andr ed the Purchasingat the mcomf-
on Supplies
202 Regular Session, August 15, 1901
car load of brick for street repairs. a Car-
Ald. Ziintzinger moved to adjourn for
one week until August 22nd, 1901.
Approved!..... .
Adjourned Regular Session, August 22, 1901. 203
Adjourned Regular Session Aug. 22,
Council met at S:15 o'clock p. tn.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Aids. ('lancy. Frith, Horr,
Jones, McLaughlin and Sheridan.
Absent—Ald. Kintzinger.
The petition of Joseph Geisler ask-
ing that water mains be extended to
his property on Lincoln avenue.
On motion the petition was referred
to the Dubuque water works trustees.
The petition of T. O. Sullivan, et al,
asking that a sidewalk be laid on the
south side of O'Neill avenue from Bur -
der: avenue to Sheridan avenue.
Ald. Sheridan stated that he would
at the proper time offer resolutions
for the construction of sidewalks as
prayed for in the petition.
County Auditor \Veinier's statement
Dubuque, August. 15, 1901.
To the Council of the City- of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: In accordance whit
Section 4, Chapter 42, Laws of the 2:3,1
General Assembly, I herewith trans-
mit my statement of the assessment
and valuation of telegraph lines to
the City of Dubuque as fixed by the
Executive Council and Board of Su-
pervisors of Dubuque County for the
year 1901:
Western Union Telegraph Co., num-
her of miles in city 8.53: assessed value
per mile $75.00; total value $640.00.
Postal Telegraph Co., number of
miles in city. 2.27; assessed value per
utiles $75.00; Total value $170.ttu.
American District Telegraph
number of miles in city $3.50: assessed
valuation per mile $25.00; total value
I hereby certify that the foregoing
statement is true and correct as is
shown by the records in this office.
Witness my hand and seal of Du-
buque county, the date above written.
County Auditor.
On motion the statement was refer-
red to the Board of Equalization and
City Assessor.
The bids for the construction of Bee
Branch storm water sewer in Elm
street extension from Eagle Point
avenue to 140 feet north were present-
ed and ordered opened.
Bids as follows:
Peter Eisbach, masonry
James Street, masonry
Steuck & Linehan, masonry
Mike Oswald, masonry
Ald. Jones moved that the contrct
be awarded to Mike Oswald, he being
the lowest bidder.
Cub. Yd.
Aid. McLaughlin moved a substitute
that the bids and matter of contract
be referred to the Committee of the
Whole with power. After much dis-
cussion Ald. McLaughlin•s motion to
refer to the Committee of the Whole
with power was carried.
1:5:-0R'1s ul' c,r'FICERS.
City Attorney Duffy reported on the
petition of Carr. Ryder & Adams Co.,
asking for additional railroad tracks
en Washington and Elm streets, and
to him referred to draft ordinances in
compliances with the prayer of peti-
tion,ers, presented and read the fol-
lowing ordinance:
An Ordinance granting to the Illinois
Central Railroad Company the right
to lay a continuation of. its sidetrack,
known as track No. 4. in Washington
street from its present terminus to a
point about 51 feet 6 inches south of
the south line of Eleve 'ce street.
Be it Ordained by the City council of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That permission be and
the same is hereby granted to ties
Illinois C'entral Railroad company, its
sues essors and assigns to lay down,
;•r,te and maintain a continuation
iif its sidetrack, known as track n
four, in Washington street from
tio• present terminus of said track to
a point about 51 feet 6 inches south of
lite .south line of Eleventh street.
See. 2. That the laying down of said
continuation of said track number
fem. shall be done under the super-
vision of the City Engineer and the
stieet committee.
Sec. 3. That in the laying down
and operation of said continuation of
said sidetrack, the same shall be so
constructed and maintained as to
create the least possible obstruction
o: it it the ordinary- travel and use of ,
said street as a public highway; that
cars shall not be allowed to stand at
the intersection of said continuation
of said sidetrack with Tenth street,
that said Tenth street, including the
sidewalks on both sides thereof shall
be kept free and clear for travel ac
all tines except when it shall be
necessary for cars to be switched
across the same.
Sec. 4. That the continuation of said
sidetrack hereby authorized shall be
laid to the established glade of the
street, and should the grade be chang-
ed at any time, the- said sidetrack
shall be so changed as to conform to
such change of grade at the expense
of the railroad company and the com-
pany shall have no claim for damages
against the city by reason of said
Sec. 5. That said railroad company
shall keep the space between the rails
of said continuation of said sidetrack,
and to the ends of the ties so graded
that carriages and other vehicles may
easily pass over the same; that at
the intersection of Tenth street and
2(4 Adjourned Regular Session, August 22, 1901.
nay other portion of said continuation
of said sidetrack when required by
the City Council, said railway com-
pany shall plank between the rails,
and make suitable approaches to en-
able vehicles to easily cross the sane.
Sec. 6. That said continuation of
said sidetrack shall be so constructed
and maintained as not to dam up or
obstruct the flow and drainage of sta-
ter in the gutters of the intern•, ting
streets, or on the surface of the street
occupied by the same: and said rail -
may company shail be subject to and
strictly comply with all reasonable
police regulations which the authol -
ties of the city may establish in rela-
tion to the running of trains on said
Sec. 7. That any other railroad com-
pany operating in the City of Du-
buque shall have the privilege o:
switching their own cars on and ott
said continuation of said sidetrack
whenever they may desire to do so,
With their own engines, upon the pay-
ment to said I1,inots Central railroad
c•m1pany of such sun as may be fixed
by the City Council now or hereafter;
but not to exceed fifty cents per ettr
and which sum so paid shall include
the use of said continuation of said
sidetrack number four and all tracks
leading to or from the said sidetack
and continuation thereof mentioned in
this ordinance.
Sec. 8.The city reserves the right to
revoke the privileges hereby granted
at any time after five years from the
date hereof.
Sec. 9. That this ordinance shall
take effect and be in force from and
after its publication one time in toe
Dubuque Daily Telegraph newspaper,
and after notice in writing of the .o•-
c•eptance thereof, by said Iliinos Cen-
tral Railroad compan-.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the reading
of said Ordinance by City Attorney
Duffy be considered the first reading.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayres-Alds. Clancy. Frith , Horr,
Jones, McLaughlin and Sheridan. To-
tal 6.
Absent—Ald. Kintzinger.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the Or-
dinance be referred to the committee
of the Whole. Carried.
Also, City Attorney Duffy read the
following Ordinance:
An Ordinance granting to the Chicago
Great Western Railroad Company the
right to lay a sidetrack in the City
Eighth street to the south side of
of Dubuque from the north side of
Eleventh street as indicated by color-
ed route shown on plat hereto at-
tached marked Exhibit "A" and
made a part of this Ordinance.
Be It Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That permission be and
the same is hereby granted to the Chi-
cago Great Western Railroad Company
its successors and assigns, to lay down,
operate and maintain a sidetrack in
the City of Dubuque from the north
side of Eighth street to the south side
of Eleventh street as indicated by the
colored route shown on plat hereto at-
tached marked Exhibit "A•' and made
a ;art of this ordinance.
Section 2. That the laying down of
said sl crack shall be done under the
supervision of the city engineer and the
c,annlitteer un streets of said city.
Section 3. That in the laying down
and operation of said sidetrack, the
sante shall be so constructed and main-
tained as to create the least possible
obstruction with the e rdin.vy travel
and use of the streets crossed or used
be the sante: that ears shall not be
'lowed to stand at the intersection of
said sidetrack with Ninth and Tenth
streets; that said Ninth and Tenth
streets, including the sidewalks on both
sides shall be kept free and cleat' for
travel at all times except when it may
be necessary for cars to b • switched
across the sante.
Section 4. The said sidetrack hereby
authorized, shall be laid to the estab-
lished grade of Elm street, and should
the grade of said sheet be changed at
any time. the said sidetrack ,hall be
so changed as to conform to such
change of grade at the expense of the
railroad company. anti the company
shall have no claim for damages
against the city by reason of said
Section 3. That said railroad com-
pany shall keep the space between the
rails e,1' said sidetrack and the end of
the ties so graded that carriages and
other vehicles may .-asily- pass over the
same; that at the intersection of Ninth
and Tenth streets, and any other por-
tion of said sidetrack, when required
by the City Council. said railroad conh-
uany shall *:lank between the rails,
nd make suitable approaches to en-
able vehicles to easily cross the same.
Section 6. That said sidetrack shall
be so constructed and maintained as
not to darn un or obstruct the flow
and drainage of water in the gutters
of the intersecting streets, or on the
surface of the streets occupied by the
same: that said railroad company shall
be subject to anei strictly comply with
all reasonable- police regulations which
the authorities of the city may estab-
lish in relation to the running of trains
on said track.
Section 7. That the said Chicago
Great Western Railway Company shall
switch the cars of all other railroad
companies owning and operating rail-
way lines in the City of Dubuque over
this sidetrack, at a charge of not more
than $2.00 per loaded car.
Section 8. That the City of Dubuque
reserves the right to revoke the privi-
leges hereby granted at any time after
five years from the date hereof.
Section 9. That this Ordinance shall
take effect and be in force from and
Adjourned Regular Session, August 22, 1901.
: after its publication one time in the
Dubuque Daily Telegraph newspaper,
and after notice in writing of the ac-
ceptance thereof by the Chicago Great
Western Railroad Company.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the read-
ing of said Ordinance by City Attorney
Duffy be considered its first r.•ading.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Frith. Horr,
Jones, McLaughlin and Sheridan. To-
ta. _.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the
Ordinance be referred to the Committee
of the Whole. Carried.
Ald. Frith, chairman of the Special
Commitetee on Bee Branch Server. re-
ported as follows:
To the Honorabie Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: Your special committee
on Bee Branch sewer beg to report
that we went nut to examine the work
done by Steuck and Linehan. contract-
ors, but owing to the absence of the
City Engineer, we did not feel justified
in accepting it. We would recom-
mend, however. that a warrant be or-
dered drawn un the Cita. Treasurer in
favor of Steuck & Linehan for $2,500
in part payment, and also that the
Engineer he instructed to measure the
work for the final estimate and report
to the Council at the s;ssion to be held
September 5th, 1901.
E. E. Frith, Chairman.
On motion of Ald. Frith the report
was adopted.
' Ald. Horr of the Finance Committee
: ffered the following:
Resolution authorizing the issue of
Refunding Bonds of the City of Dubu-
que, to the amount of One Hundred
and Twenty Tho'lsand Dollars ($120.-
Whereas, the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
has• an outstanding legal. valid and
subsisting indebtedness to the amount
of One Hundred and Twenty Thousand
Dollars ($120,000), now evidenced by one
hundred and twenty 1 120) Refunding
Bonds of said city of the denomination
of One Thousand Dollars ($1.000) each.
numbered from one (1) to one hundred
and twenty (120) inclusive, bearing
date of January 1, 1897. interest upon
which has been paid up to July 1, 1901:
Now, therefore,
Be it Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa. as follows:
Section 1. That there shall be, and
there is hereby ordered and directed to
be issued the negotiable coupon bonds
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, to the
aggregate amount of One Hundred and
' Twenty Thousand Dollars ($120,000) for
the purpose of settling, adjusting -and
refunding a like amount of the valid
and binding indebtedness of said City,
now evidenced by the refunding bonds
of said City, bearing date of January
1, 1897, mentioned in the preamble
: hereof.
Sec. 2. That the refunding bonds
hereby authorized shall consist of one
hundred twenty (120) bonds of the de-
nomination of One Thousand Dollars
($1,000) each, numbered from one (1) to
one hundred twenty (120), both num-
hers inclusive, shall bear date of July
1, 1901, and shall become due and pay-
able on January 1. 1917. They shall
bear interest at the rate of four (4)
per centum per annum, payable semi-
annually on the first days of January
and July In each year. which interest
payments shall be evidenced by proper
interest coupons to be attached to each
of said bonds. and both principal and
interest of said bonds shall be payable
at the banking house of the First Na-
tional Bank in the City and State of
New York.
Sec. 3. That each of the bonds here-
by authorized and each of the coupons
thereto attached. shall be in form sub-
stantially as follows, to -wit:
State of Iowa. County of Dubuque.
City of Duburue.
Four Per Cent. Refunding Bond.
No---- ...... $1,000.
The City of Dubuque in the State of
Iowa for value received, promises to
pay to hearer One Thousand Dollars,
lawful money of the United States of
America, on the first day of January,
A. D. 1917, with interest on said sum
from the date hereof, until paid, at the
rate of four per centum (4) per an-
num, payable semi-annually on the
first days of January and July in each
year, on presentation and surrender of
the interest coupons hereto attached;
both principal and interest payable at
the banking house of the First Nation-
al Bank in the City and State of New
This bond is issued by the City of
Dubuque for the purpose of refunding
a like amount of its legal indebtedness,
evidenced by bonds outstanding at the
date of the passage of the Resolution
hereinafter mentioned, pursuant to the
provisions of Section 905 et seq., Chap-
ter 12, Title V, of the Code of Iowa for
1897, and all amendments thereto, and
in conformity to a Resolution of the
Council of said City, duly passed, a
true and complete copy of which Reso;
lution is printed on the bac of this
And it is hereby certified and recited
that all acts, conditions and things re-
quired by the laws and constitution of
the State of Iowa to be done prece-
dent to and in the issue of this bond,
have been properly done, happened and
performed in regular and due form as
required by law; that the indebtedness
to be refunded by the issue of this bond
was and is a valid, subsisting and legal
indebtedness of said City, and that the
total indebtedness of said City. by the
issue of this bond, is not made to ex-
ceed any Constitutional or Statutory
debt limitation.
200 Adjourned 'Regular Session, August 22, 1901.
In testimony whereof. said City of
Dubuque, by Its City Council, has
caused this bond to be signed by its
Mayor and attested by 'its City Re-
corder, with the seal of said City 4 t-
tached, this first day of July, A. D.
Mayor of the City of Dubuque, Iowa.
City Recorder of the City of Dubuque,
No.-- $20.00.
The Treasurer of the City of Du-
buque. Iowa. will pay to bearer Twenty
Dollars in lawful money of the United
States, on ----19--, at the bank-
ing house of the First National Bank
in the City and State of New York,
for semi-annual interest on its Refund-
ing Bond, dated July 1. 1901, No. --
C. H. BERB, Mayor.
Cit:- Recorder.
On each of said bonds shall be en-
dorsed the certificate of the City Treas-
urer in the following form:
State of Iowa,
County of Dubuque,)
This bond has been duly and prop-
erly registered in my office this
day of A. D. 1901:
Treasurer of the City of Dubuque,
Sec. 4. That said bonds shall be%
signed by the Mayor of said City and
attested by the City Recorder, who is
in fact the City Clerk, with the seal of
the City affixed; and the interest cou-
pons shall be executed in the same
manner, and when executed, said bonds
shall be deposited with the City Treas-
urer to be by him duly registered as pro-
vided by law; and said Treasurer shall
deliver said bonds only in exchange or
substitution for a like amount of the
Refunding Bonds of said City, bearing
date of January lst, 1897, mentioned in
the preamble of this Resolution, said
exchange to be par for par, and in
every case all of said outstanding
bonds of January 1, 1897 which are de-
livered up to the City Treasurer in
exchange for a like amount of the
bonds hereby authorized, shall be at
once cancelled, so that in the delivery
of the bonds hereby authorized, the in-
debtedness of said City shall not be
increased for any moment of time.
Sec. 5. That the City Council of the
City of Dubuque shall in each year
hereafter, until said bonds are paid,
and at the time of levying taxes for
general city purposes, cause to be as-
sessed and levied upon all of the tax-
able property within said City, a suf-
ficient tax to meet the payment of the
interest on the bonds hereby authori-
zed, when and as the same matures,
and also to create and maintain a sink-
ing fund which shall be sufficient to -
discharge the principal of said bonds.
at their maturity.
Passed August 22nd, 1901.
C. H. BERG, Mayor.
City Recorder.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Horr,.
Jones. McLaughlin and Sheridan. To-
Absent—Ald. Kintzinger.
Alderman Jones offered the following
which was adopted:
Whereas, It Is deemed necessary and
advisable by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque to construct a sani-
tary sewer in Lincoln avenue and it
is hereby proposed to construct a sani-
tary- sewer in said avenue as follows,
to -wit: A 16 -inch tile pipe sewer
from Johnson avenue to Dock street,
Resolved, That the City Engineer l,e
and is hereby directed to prepare a
plat and specifications showing the lo-
cation and general nature of such im-
provement the extent thereof size and
kind of materials to be used and an
estimate thereof with the amount as-
sessable upon any railway or street
railway and upon each lot or parcel
of land adjacent to, or abutting there-
on, per front foot, or square feet in
area, and to file such plat, specifica-
tions and estimate in the office of the
City Recorder. That after the filing
of said plat in his office, the City
Recorder shall cause to be published
in the official newspaper of the city,
the notice provided for in Section Four
(4) of the ordinance relating to the
construction of sewers, adopted May
19, 1898, and amended October 4th, 1900,
and after the completion of the pub-
lication of such notice, he shall at its
next regular session notify the
Council thereof in writing with a
printed copy of such notice accompany-
ing the same.
Alderman Sheridan offered the fol-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4 •
feet wide, of good two inch plank,
be, within ten days of this notice, con-
structed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks,
on the south side of O'Neill avenue, be-
tween Burden avenue and Sheridan
avenue, abutting lot 16 O'Neill Rivet - -
view add., owned by Charles T. Rieger
at the expense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alderman Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, McLaughlin and Sheridan.
Absent—Alderman Kintzinger.
Alderman Sheridan offered the fol- -
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk
4 feet wide, of good two inch plank,.
Adjourned Regular Session, August 22, 1901. 207
be, within ten days of this notice con-
structed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks,
on the south side of ('Neill avenue.
between Burden avenue and Sheridan
avenue, abutting lot 0 O'Neill River-
view add., owned by ,Joseph Nigg at
the expense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aldermen Clancy Frith, Horr,
.Tones, McLaughlin and Sheridan.
Absent—Ald. Kintzinger.
Ald. Sheridan offered the follow-
I olveel by the City t'ouncil of the
y of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4
feet wide. of good two iach pivak be.
within ten days of this n•aice. con-
structed and laid in conformity wh.h
the ordinance in i•e:ation to sitie\wa.ks,
on the south side of n'Neill itvenu,-
bet\ween Btu den avenue and Sheridan
avenue. abutting lot 10 and 11 O'N,1.1
\ervie\w add, ()Wiled by Lurenze
• r hard at the expense of abutting
iooperty. Adopted by the following
Ayes—.Aldermen Clancy, Frith. Horr,
Jones, McLaughlin and Sheridan.
Absent—Alderman Kintzinger.
Alderman Sheridan offered the fol -
lo \w ir_:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubu :ue:
That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good
two inch Flank. he, within 10 days of
this notice. constructed and laid in con-
formity \cith the ordilia !Ice in relation
to side Wit lks, un the south side of
[)'Neill awcnue between Burden avenue
and Sheridan avenue. abutting lots 13,
14 and 15 ei'Neill's Riverside -Addition,
owned by \\'m. Hein, at the expense of
abutting property. •
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, McLaughlin and Sheridan.
Alderman Sheridan offered the fol-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubu .ue:
That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good
two inch plank, be, within ten days of
this notice• constructed and laid in con-
formity with the ordinance in relation
to sidewalks, on the south side of
O'Neill avenue between Burden avenue
and Sheridan avenue, abutting lot 12
O'Neill's Riverview Addition, owned by
B. J. O'Neill, at the expense of abut-
ting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, McLaughlin and Sheridan.
Absent—Ald. Kintzinger.
Ald. Sheridan offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubucue:
That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good
two inch plank, brick. stone or cement,
be, within 10 days of this notice, con-
structed and laid' in conformity with
the ordinance' in relation to sidewalks,
on the south side of O'Neill avenue be-
tween Burden avenue and Sheridan
avenue. abutting lots 6. 7 and 8
ti'Neill's Riverview Addition, owned by
B. J. O'Neill, at the expense of abut-
ting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Frith. Horr,
.lanes, McLaughlin and Sheridan.
Absent—Ald. Kintzin,er.
Ald. Horr read the following written
That the City Attorney be instructed
to draw up a written opinion for the
instruction of the City Council of Du-
buque as to the rights of said city to'
enter into a contract for the discovery
of property omitted from taxation. and
to report the same together with a
contract clra\wn in conformance with
such opinion at the meeting of said
t'1 until on next Council meeting.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the mo-
tion. Carried.
Ald. McLaughlin moved to adjourn
until September Sth. 1901. Carried.
of Warrants.
City Recorder's Office, Dubuque, Ia.,
August, 1, 1901.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: The following is a com-
plete list of all warrants issued by me
during the month of July,
C. H. Berg, salary mayor $116 6,
H. R. Gniffke, treasurer 133 30
H. B. Gniftke, assistant treas- 75 00
L. M. Langstaff, recorder
F. B. Holtman, auditor
C. B. Scherr, assessor
T. H. Duffy. attorney
P. J. Nelson, asst. atty
Edw. 'Morgan, marshal
Joe Reinfried, fire chief
John Lawler, committee clerk... S3 30
Wm. A. Kaep, clerk, recorder's
office 60 00
Edw. Heron, clerk treasurer's 60 00
office 125 00
Edw. Blake, engineer
, street commis-
sioner 100 00
W. Hipman. electrician
Vis, market master50 Ou
Thos. Cahill, park custodian 40 00
Peter Kein, park custodian40 00
.Tno. C. Hancock, health officer50 00
SENiSt-fttEr, sanitary patrolman60 00
Al Moyer, pound master 45 00
Mrs. H. Koenig, janitress 20 00
A. 1'. Berg, sidewalk inspector50 00
N. Kintzinger, wharfmaster 20 00
Matt Clancy, alderman 25 00
E. E. Frith, alderman 25 00
Jos. L. Horr, alderman 25 00
J. W. Kintzinger, alderman25 00
F. H. McLaughlin, alderman.
Rudolph Jones, alderman
John J. Sheridan, alderman
M. Eitel, fireman
:. Essman. fireman
A. Duccini, fireman
J. Flynn, driver
J. Wiltse. fireman
A. Heer fireman
G. Beyer, fireman
J. Tschudi fireman
J. Daley, fireman
J. Barnes, fireman
T. Ryder. fireman
J. McFal•Iand, fireman
W. Ducey, fireman
J. Schonberger, fireman
M. Fahey, fireman
T. Meehan, fireman
Dave A'Hern, fireman
F. Kenneally, flreman
T. Kennedy, fireman
J. Fitzpatrick, fireman
F. Murphy, fireman
Julius Jones. fireman
A. McDonald, fireman
J. Murphy, fireman
M. Sweeney, fireman
F. Ganahl, fireman
116 60
100 00
125 00
150 00
50 00
10U OU
100 00
Peter Ziliig, fireman 50 JO
T. Flynn, ,u•eulan 60 00
G. Gherke„ fireman 50 00
F. Baumgartner, fireman 50 00
'2. 1 alulUn, llrenlan ti0 00
J. Allen. fireman 60 00
P. Ahern, fireman 50 00
l;. Weston. 111 email 50 00
F. Duffy, fireman . 50 00
Al. Neliy, fireman ... 50 00
J. J. AicDonneil, fireman 5 00
H. \laps• sub -fireman 2 50
F. Lellers. sub -fireman.......
i--Dbytimherehoinfi4oZN aldl
G. Burkel, police.....
R. ltuxse. police
J. carter. police
Al. rraugh, police
J. !'lune, police
J. roily, ilol;cc
P. Dunhi1 . police
H. Donlon, police
AN ilmer look, police
John Fitzpatrick. police
Jas. Flynn, police ...
P. Hanlon. polioe .
\Gm. Hennessy. police
111 Kilty. polis'•
E. Kahn. police
J. Loetscher, polis,
John Murphy, p,.ii,.,, ...
P. Alcrollins. 1,^11.•••
P. 'Mclnerny.
John Moore. p' lir ••
D. Norton, police
M. (i ('onnor, police
A. Pfeffer, police
Pat Powers, police
T. Reilly. polio
.1. Raesli. police
Jas. Room -y. police
Jas. Tlvan, police
Otto Rath. p ,lice .
ni-V. police
... 25 00 P. Scharff. police
25 00 P. Sullivan, i. lice
, fy
51 65
50 no
53 50
71 50
53 30
53 30
53 3' 1
53 30
7,4 97,
... 25 00 i Al Schen*. police ..
60 00 P. Sutton. police
75 00 .1. L. Sul'iva•1. police
60 00 51. Stapleton. police
60 00 L. Zeidman. police
60 00 ,Toe Tyler. pollee
50 00 -Mrs. Trate Bibb!. matron.
50 00 :Miss B. Brennan. matron
i :,n
.3 3a
64 .,o
53 3"
:1 6:i
53 3')
53 31
-,0 00
54 95
50 00
40 00
53 30
53 30
53 65
30 nn
3(1 On
60 00 c, special police 6 00
60 00 nn Starr,
('harles Hansen. special police4 00
60 00 , LAST HALF OF JI'NE, 1901.
S 00 Ernest Amanda. labor $ 11 65
60 00 John Burns. labor 1 35
50 00 inch. Burns. labor 4 05
50 00 Jos. Brulette. labor 4 75
8 65 Paul Becker. labor 7 45
60 00 J Brachtenbach, labor 3 75
60 00 r Bluecher. labor 1 35
50 00 Fred Budde. labor i0
50 00 Jos. Brown, labor 16 20
50 00 Thos. Connolly. labor 4 05
6 10
11 50
5 40
2 70
9 15
50 00
76 00
49 40
60 00
Jerry Cahill, labor
Peter Carney, labor
Mike Cain, labor
John Coyne. labor
Wm. Coughlin, labor
Jas. H. Boyce
Anton Stoltz
Frank Flynn
Rich. Caffery, labor
James Callahan, foreman 4th
street dump
Jas. Connolly, labor
. John Corbette, labor
Hugh Connell, labor
Adam Crawford, carpenter
Henry Cosgrove, driver carpenter
John Dougherty, labor
Peter Defontain, labor
Mike Dunnigan, labor
Thos. Donahue, labor
R. T. Eddy, labor
Mat. Fetschele, labor
Peter Fasselius. labor
Pat. Fenelon, labor
Nelson Frith, stoker steam rol-
Pat Grue, labor
Pat Grue, labor
Barney Glass, labor
Peter Gregory, labor
. Jos. Giesland, labor
Henry Galle, labor
Chas. Gruenzig, labor
Jos. Guenther, labor
Jos. Grab. labor ..
Pat. Gilloon, labor
C. Gantenbein• labor
John Haley. labor
Stephen Henchel, labor
Thos. Hackney, labor
Geo. J. Hahn, labor
Geo. Hecklinger, labor
Ambrose Hird, labor
Aug. Handelmann, labor
Jno. Hayes, labor
C. H. Hubbard, engineer steam
John Jehring, labor
Aug. Jass, labor .
Hubert Kehr• labor
Tim Kelly, labor ..
Nic Kettenhofen, labor
Mike Kas, labor
John Keast, labor
Jacob Kraus, labor
Paul Krocheski. labor
Pat. Kenneally, labor
Mat Klein, paper collector
John Lavery, labor
Mike Lavin, labor
Herman Lembke, labor
. John Leidinger, labor
Martin Lonergan, labor
C. Lohrman, labor
Larry Maher, labor
Mike Meagher. labor
Jos. Martinek, labor
. John McNulty, labor
Jas. McCormick, labor
Wm. McDermott, labor .
Jas. McCracken, labor
Chas. McDonald, labor
John C. McDonald, labor
Terry O'Toole, labor
Pat. O'Brien, labor
Wm. O'Brien, labor
• Gerhard Parr, labor
. John Parker, labor
Chas. Pierce, labor
. John Pfeiffer, labor
Wm. Quinlan, labor
Mat. Quirk, carpenter
Pat. Ryan, labor ..
6 75
20 00
16 20
16 20
17 21
20 00
18 00
3 40
7 80
li 55
16 20
20 00
6 75
1 35
16 20
7 45
9 80
9 80
8 10
8 10
6 4.5
12 50
11 85
8 111
9 15
00 00
7 45
1 35
20 00
20 00
3 05
6 45
4 05
4 05
75 00
11 15
4 05
3 40
1 05
7 SO
7 80
5 40
14 20
12 15
16 20
12 50
2 70
12 15
6 75
7 50
15 55
7 00
7 80
10 15
8 80
9 15
4 75
2 70
10 50
11 15
20 00
11 50
2 70
20 00
8 80
10 50
16 20
5 75
7 45
20 00
10 80
Mat. Raishek, labor .. 7 S0.
James Heed, labor 4 91
P. J. Royce, labor 20 00
Theo. Ruprecht, labor 9 15
Theo. Raterman, labor 9 15
Fred Remus, labor 9 75
Chas. Reilly, labor 13 50
Jos. Rooney. labor17 25
Nick Sweeney, labor 3 40
Wm. Sheridan, labor 10 15
Geo. Sutter, labor 4 75
Frank Scherr, labor 6 75
Aug. Soyke, labor 6 40
Peter Stoffer, labor 2 70
Sam Sterling, labor 6 45
Wm. Schwagler, labor 5 10
S m. Stephens, labor 3 70
Jacob Scheuer, labor 70
Anton Schmidt, labor 7 20
John Twieg, labor 6 10
Rich. Turner, labor 6 r
\'m. Welsh, labor
7 45
Jos. Williams, labor 8 10
John Welsh. labor 4 75
Peter Weist. labor 9 SO
Adam Zingel. labor 4 05
Geo. Zumhoff. labor is 00
Frank Burns, team 16 25
Geo. Brenner, team 21 90
Pat Clancy, team 13 75
Jos. Calvert, team 2S 75
T. B. Cain, team 24 40
Steve Casey, team 3 15
Mike Duggan. team 12 50
John Evans. team 6 25
Peter Horeb, team 17 50
John Huffmier•. (contract) team 25 00
Mat Kenneally, team 10 00
Thos. Kenneally, team 5 00
Pat. Lenihan, labor 2 50
John Long, team 25 65
Frank Mathis, team 2 50
Martin Maher, team 1 25
Rob. Mathis, team 15 00
A. W. Miller, team 11 25
J. J. McCollins, team 13 75
Dan McCollins, team 13 75
Carson McElrath, team 24 40
P. S. Norton, team 8 75
Dennis O'Mearra, team 15 00
L. Pell, team . 1.25
Ted O'Brien, team 5 00
Airs. Quinlivan, team 6 25
Geo. Reynolds, team 17 50
George Scott, team . 15 65
Frank Siege, team 26 25
Paul Stoltz, team 19 40
John Singrin, team 14 40
M. Theis, team 21
Arthur Turner, team 7 50
John Von Holland, team 5 00
M. Zogg, team 8 73
Paul Becker, labor $ 6 75
Pat Cassidy, labor 19 20
Wm. Clark, labor ... 17 60
John Corcoran, labor 18 40
S. H. Cook, foreman 25 00
Maurice Flynn, labor 19 20
Wm. Lonergan, labor 18 40
Con Sullivan, labor 18 40
Peter Stoffer, labor 4 05
Frank Burns, team 1 2e
List of Warrants..
Adam Doerr, assistant assessor
75 00
for June
Jos. J. Murphy. assistant asses -
75 00
sor for June
M. O'Laughlin, rodman en- 40 00
gineer's office
F. O'Laughlin. assistant In en- 40 00
gineer's office
Adam Jaeger. cleaning at city
hall 17 55
Mary Meehan. cleaning and
scrubbing city hall 1S 75
Anna Mueke. cleaning and scrub-
bing city hall 1S t5
John Sehrup, inspector at ' Bee
Branch sewer 40 00
James Morgan, inspector at
Seventh street paving 40 00
Ross McMahon, inspector at
Dodge street sewer 9 00
Jas. Hird. inspector at Rose
• street sewer 19 50
Wm. Keas, special police at
pest house 50 00
J. B. Hirz, painting toilet room
at city hall ... 11 00
7:. L. Spellenberg, iron plate
for toilet room city hall 60
American Rubber Supply com-
pany. one hand -dater for audi-
tor's office ..... 50
T. Allen. hanging door and lock
and hinges city hall 2 00
Wm. Lowther Co., four dozen
flags city hall 4 00
E. J. Voggenthaler, repairing
lawn mower at Jackson park . 1 60
L. Lindenberg, hardware for
Jackson park 1 50
Geo. W. Healey, hardware city
hall and Washington park 1 25
J. F. Ris R_ Bros , one door
mat for toilet room at city
hall 2 50
Key City Gas Co., one-half dozen
mantles at city hall 2 10
Eichhorn & Bechtel, brushes,
brooms and soapine city hall3 15
Jos. Brandon, cleaning and lay-
ing carpet mayor's office 6 50
Win. L. Foley, taking up carpet
in mayor's office 1 75
Geo. W. Healey, hardware for
road department 23 20
John Huffineier, one load of sand
for road department 1 00
Jos. Lay & Co., one-third dozen
rattan push brooms 1 60
J. W. Fiske Iron Works, two
drinking fountains 62 53
Purington Paving Brick Co,
one carload paving blocks 115 90
Diamond Jo Line steamers, duck-
ing for steam roller 1 82
Standard Oil Co., oil for steam
roller 1 80
Smedley Steam Pump Co., re-
pairs on steam roller 5 75
Key City Gas Co., coke for steam
roller 54 60
Key City Roofing Co., wall cop-
ing fOr road department .. 74
Dubuque Wooden Ware & Lum-
ber Co., lumber for road de-
partment 44 78
P. J. Seippel, lumber for road de-
partment 48 30
Rumof, Frudden Lumber Co,
lumber for road department 36 75
C. J. Benson, repairing tools for
road department 3 00'
W. H. Torbert, drugs for fire
department 1 14•
W. H. Torbert, paints and oils
for road department 5 86,
P. Clancy, 174 cubic yards of
cinders for road department . 21 75
John Butt, repairing horse roller 20 85.
John Butt, repairing tools for
road department 3 90
A. A. Brown, repairing tools for
road department 1 20
G. Mersch, 274 cubic yards of
gravel for road de: artment 65 50,
J. H. Trueb, brick work on Eigh-
teenth street fountain 12 00
L. Lindenberg. hardware for
road department 2. 80
Geo. Vollenweider, horse shoe-
ing for fire department 6 40
Kannolt & Powers, horse shoeing
for fire department 7 20
Wunderlich & \Weiderholt, horse
shoeing for fire department 5 50
John Butt, repairs at central en-
-ine house 2 20
A. Tredway & Son. paint for 4th
street engine house 7 57
L. Lindenberg. hardware for fire
department 35
Geo. W. Healey, hardware for
fire department 2 65 •
Moore & Ferring, salt for fire
department 1 60
T. F. Kane, hay for fire depart-
ment 167 65
Dubuc ue Rubber and Belting
Co., one and one-half gross
coat and vest buttons for fire
department 7 10
Key City Gas Co., coke for fire
department 17 40
Connelly Bros., bran for fire de-
partment ......... 2 00
Eichhorn & Bechtel, bran for fire
department ' 45
Ott, Meuser & Co., shavings for
fire department :3 50
Carr, Ryder & Adams Co., re -
glazing sash at Fourth street
and Central engine houses
Wm. Marshall, repairing steamer
Linehan .. 6 17
J. F. Ris & Bro., repairing lan-
tern Central engine house .... 20
A. Y. McDonald & Morrison Co.,
leather xvashers for fire de-
partment . 2 40
Boston One Price Clothiers,
caps for firemen, 35@$1 25 .... 43 75••
One hat 2 00•
T. F. Kane, hay at patrol house. 24 33
W. J. Schneider, bran and corn
at patrol house 10 35'
C. J. Benson, . horse shoeing
patrol team 6 25"
Moore & Ferring, supplies for
matron department 12 95
Anton Stoltz, board of prison-
ers for June 3 80',
List of Warrants.
Carr, Ryder, Adams Co., cedar
posts for sewer department
Van Valkenberg & McEvoy,
2 dozen cups and chains for
sewer department i 50
Linehan & Molo, cement for sew-
er department
Pape & Jacquinot, 6 ft. of pile
for sewer department 78
A. Y. McDonald & Morrison Co,
repairs for sewer department10
Moore & Furring, oil for sewer
department 80
Jno. Butt. repairing tools for
eewer department 6 "5
Mulgrett & Phillips. sewer pipe
for sewer department :, 50
Then. Gauiahl, hauling for sewer
department _0 so
Jno. Dolan, estimate on P.ose
street sanitary sewer .. 12:4 is
Globe -Journal, official printing
for Ilay and June 10o 00
National Bumokrat, offleial
printing for .1 o:a.. 25 ca
Herald Pri1;1:: _ (',o.. official
printing t ,,' .I 50 04
Dubuque r:aph, official
printing tor 4•:lie 60
Dubuque Tee• ,::ill), Weekly
council proceedings 6 nn
Star Electric Co.. arc lights for
May and June 4 008 20
T. E. Frith, removing garbage
and dead animals for June 2os .50
F. Correll. c'ntstrru'ting
lineal f.•• , sidewalk on
Grandvi''' cur ;; 65
Steuck & a. estimate On
1 90
Jno. A. \'., I.
Jno. .-\ \' " ;.:
Jno. .\. \-...•I;.
removing P
house 9 00
removing W
house 9 (0
tuna ithis' 1'
nye 10 n,i
Jno .\. \ "..II:, font , .1'
c:. id,•t:, 10 et
Jao. A. \•'„•1k,•i. fumigating M -
Intyre rc•shlenee
H. B. (luiffke, excavation
mits riele-used
H B. (iniffke, interest on war-
rants outstanding
H. B. Gniffke, freight charges on
brick fountain and brushes for
road department 91' 41
H. B. Guiffke. postage stamps 1 00
H. B. Gniffke. express and ex-
change charms on honer. 12 01
Labor on streets for the first half
of July, 1901.
Arnest Amanda. labor $ 0.70
Jos. Broulette, labor
Paul Becker, labor
Fred Budde, labor
John Bratenbach. labor
Jos. Brown, labor
Mike Cain, labor
John Coyle, labor
Peter Carney, labor
Jas. Callahan, foreman 4th street
Jas. Connolly, labor
John Corbett, labor
Hugh Connell
I Henry Cosgrove, driver carpen-
ter's wagon 18.0(1
Adam Crawford, carpenter 20.00
Thos. Donahue. labor 10.00
I:. T. Eddy 20.00
John Engler, labor 1.350
Pat. Furey. labor x.40
Mat. Fetshele, labor 5.40
W. Flanagan, labor .70
Pat. Fenelon, labor 10.70
Henry (Salle. labor 8.11)('has. (lruenzig. labor 1 .7.
Jos• Grab, labor 9.45
Jos. Guenther, labor :1. l0
Pat. (lilloon, labor ,70
' Peter Guenther, labor 11.70
Geo. .1. Hahn. labor
Gantenhein '20.00
Thcs. Hec•kney, labor •1.:.0
A. Han lelmann. labor G.7
Amb. Bird. labor
Jobn Hayes, labor
Aug. .lass. labor 8.10
Ni'. Kettenhofen, labor .70
John Feast. labor
W. Kronfoidt, labor
Jacob Kraus. labor 1
Pa ( Kenneally, labor
Mat. Klein, Paler collector
John Lavery, labor ^_.7q
Ti. I,r•mbke, labor ,o
Moo. Lonergan, labor 10.2
It•Ii .Mack, labor 1.75
Martinek, labor 9.45
Wm. McDermott. labor 8.10
.T.Thi Me (':n'ron. labor .. .. 4.75
Wm. M.•1'lain, labor 7.45
Taat. SIT 'IIullen, labor .. .. .70
John C. McDonald, labor 20.00
Pat. O'Brien, labor .70
' Wm. O'Brien, labor „) c t
Jas. Purcell, labor 4.01
Gerhard Parr. labor :1.40
John Pfeiffer. labor .. 10.1.-
('has. Pierce. labor 16.20
Mar. Quirk, carpenter 20.00
Pat 'Ryan. labor 4.75
Mat. Raishek, labor 6.10
P. .T. Boyce, labor . 20.00
Chas. Reilly. labor . 16,20
I :honey 17.25
1 ' iu ehan 3.09
Sweeney, labor 3.40
W. Sheridan, labor 13.51
1' rank Scheer. labor 4.73
labor 6.7
Anton Schmidt. labor 13.70
Wm• Welsh. labor 4.11
, Peter Weist labor 8.80
Anton Wotdrasek labor 4.71
VA m. W'earmouth, labor 8.10
N ic. Wampach. labor .70
Adam Zengel, labor 6.75
Frank Burns, team 10.00
Geo. Brenner, team 2.10
Jos. Calvert, team 15.00
T. B. Cain, team 1.90
John Calvert, team 10.00
John Evans, team 75.00
M. Gantenbine, team 17.51
J. IIaudenschield, team .
John IIuffmier (contract) team.. 25.00
Thos. Kenneally, team
Pat. Lenihan, team
Martin Maher, team
('arson McElrath, team 7.50.50
J. J. McCollins, team 55 00
Louis Peil, teams 7.50
John Singrin, team
Frank Siege,- team 6.25
Art. Turner, team 12.50
Jas. Tobin, team 5.00
Labor on sewers for the first half
of July, 1901.
Pat Casserly, labor 19.20
W. Clark, labor 19.20
John Corcoran, labor 24.00
S. H. Cook, foreman 25.00
Maurice Flynn, labor 16.80
W. Lonergan, labor 17.60
Con Sullivan, labor 22.40
Geo. Scott, labor 19.20
Jos. Calvert, team 1.20
Frank Siege, team 1.25
Art Turner, team 1.25
I hereby certify that the foregoing
is a true and correct list of all war-
rants issued by me during the month
of July, 1901.
City Recorder.
List of Warrants.
Official Notices.
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque:
That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good
two inch plank, brick, stone or cement,
be, within 10 days of this notice, con-
structed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks,
on the west side of Roberts avenue,
between West Fifth street and West
Eighth street, abutting lot 37, Wilson's
sub., owned by V. F. Perleth, at the
expense of the abutting property.
Also that a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of
good two inch plank. brick, stone or
cement, be, within 10 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity
with the ordinance in relation to side-
walks, on the north side of West Fifth
street, between Roberts avenue and
Wilson avenue, abutting lot 19, Wilson's
sub., owned by J. M Sullivan at the
expense of abutting property.
Also that a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of
good two inch plank, bricRk, stone or
cement, be, within 10 days of this
notice. constructed and laid in con-
formity with the ordinance in relation
to sidewalks, on the north side of
Twelfth street, between White street
and Jackson street, abutting City Lot
481, owned by J. A. Schmidt, at the
expense of abutting property.
Also that a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of
good two inch plank, brick, stone or
cement, be, within 10 days of this
notice, constructed and laid in conform-
ity with the ordinance in relatioin to
sidewalks, on the east side of White
street, between Twelfth street and
Thirteenth street, abutting City Lot 481,
owned by J. A. Schmidt, at the ex-
pense of abutting property.
Passed by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque. August 15th, 1901.
City Recorder.
— C
Of the City Council's intention to
construct a 12 -inch tile pipe sanitary
sewer in 27th street, from alley be-
tween Jackson and Washington street
to the middle of Elm street.
7.'o All Whom it May Concern:
You and each of you are hereby no-
tified that it is the intention of the
City Council of the City of Dubuque
to construct a 12 -inch tile pile sanitary
sewer in 27th street from the alley
between Jackson and Washington
streets to the middle of Elm street.
That a plat and specification of said
proposed sewer is now on file in the
office of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that said swer will be 405 feet in length
and will cost in total $317.25 including
two manholes.
Any person having objection to the
construction of such sanitary sewer
are hereby notified to appear in per-
son before the City Council September
5th 1901 or to file with the City Recor-
der their objection in writing on or
before September 5th 1901.
Dated Dubuque. Iowa, Aug. 24. 1901.
8-24-5t. City Recorder.
Notice to City Physicians.
At a meeting of the board of health
held August 28th, 1901, the following
sections of an ordinance to provide for
the regsitration of births, deaths,
burials and contagious diseases, was
ordered published in the official news-
papers of the city, for the instructions
and guidance of city physicians an l
Section 2. Every physician, or other
person, having charge of or treating
any person who shall die within this
city, shall, within twelve hours after
said death report the same in writing
to the city recorder, with the name,
date and cause of death, in the man-
ner prescribed in Blank No. 2.
Section 6. Every physician, midwife,
nurse, householder, or other person,
having the care of any case of cholera,
smallpox, diphtheria, hydrophobia,
measles, scarlet, spitted, typhoid,
typhus, or yellow fever, or any other
contagious disease, shall report the
same, within twelve hours after acquir-
ing a knowledge thereof, to the city re-
corder, in manner and form prescribed
in Blank No. 4, together with such
other information as may be required
by the board of health, and upon the
recovery of such cases shall report sail
recovery to the city recorder, in they
manner and form prescribed in Blank
No. 5.
Section 8. That any person or person
convicted of a violation of this o d1-
nance shall be fined in a sum not less
than five or more than one hundred
dollars for each offense, and imprisoned
until such fine and costs are paid, not
exceeding thirty days.
All of said ordinance can be found on
page 157 of the Revised Ordinances of
1901. All blanks referred to in above
sections can be procured at the office
of the city recorder.
And you are hereby notified: that the
board of health of the City of Dubuque,
will not audit any bill or bills of any
physician, or for any purpose what-
ever, unless contracted for by the said
board of health.
The above said ordinance and rules
will be strictly enforced.
Per order of the board.
Attest: C. H. BERG,
Mayor and Chairman of the Board of
City Recorder and Clerk of the Board.
— O
Sealed proposals will be reel ived at
the office of the City Record( r up to
-:30 o'clock p. m., August 22Id, 1901,
for the construction of a stone arch
=enter in Colder creek on Elm street
extension from Eagle Point avenue
140 feet north, in accordance with a
plat of said sewer and the specifica-
tions prepared by the City Engineer
and now on file in the office of the
City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that it will require 640 cubic yards of
new masonry and will be 140 feet in
Bidders will state the price per cubic
yard, the contractor to do all the work
and furnish all the material, except in
Official Notices.
case the City deems it advisable to use
lumber in foundation under the mas-
onry, the same will be furnished by
the City on the ground, the contractor_
to be paid $1.00 per thousand B. M.
for putting said lumber in place.
Each bid must be accompanied with
a certified check for $100 on some Du-
buque bank as a guarantee that a con-
tract will be entered into if awarded.
The City reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
Recorder's office of the City of Du-
buque, August 9, 1901.
8-9-10t. City Recorder.
To H. L. Manning.
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with an ordinance of the City
of Dubuque for the repairing sidewalk
on the 1st day of June, 1901, that a
special assessment will be levied for
the expense thereof at the regular
meeting of the City Council, upon all
lots and parcels of land abutting on
said improvement, lot 89 in Burden &
Lawther's Add , owned by you being
subject to such special assessment.
And you are notified to appear at said
meeting of the Council, to be held on
the 15th day of August, A. D., 1901..
and show cause if any you have, why
said assessment should not be levied.
Amount, 35 cents.
To C. Denlinger.
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with an ordinance of the
City of Dubuque for the repairing side-
walk on the 6th day of June, 1901, that
a special assessment will be levied for
the expense thereof at the regular
meeting of the City Council, upon all
lots and parcels of land abutting on
said improvement, Lot 51, in Mc-
Craney's First Add., owned by you be-
ing subject to such special assess-
ment. And you are notified to appear
at said meeting of the Council, to be
held on the 15th day of August, A. D.,
1901, and show cause if any you' have,
why said assessment should not be lev-
Amount, e1.15.
S -2-10t. City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the office of the City Recorder up to
7:30 o'clock p. m., August 1, 1901, for
the improvement of Angella street from
the intersection of west line of Pierce
street to east line of lots 11 and 18 of
Quigley's sub. of out lot 709, in accord-
ance with plans and specifications now
on file in the office of the City Re-
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that it will require 1060 lineal feet new
curbstone set, 470 square yards of gut-
tering, 1649 square yards of macadem-
izing, and that the estimated cost to
abutting property owners will be $1,-
467.50 for said improvement.
The work to be completed on or be-
fore November 1, 1901, and shall be •
paid for when said work is completed -
and accepted by the City Council.
Bidders must state the price per
lineal foot for new curbstones set and
the price per square yard for guttering
and macademizing. Each bid must be
accompanied with a certified check for
$100.00 on some Dubuque bank as a
guarantee that a contract will be enter-
ed into if awarded.
The city reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
7-23-10t. City Recorder.
S1DEWALt' Nt 'l'1c I.
Resolved by the Pity- council of the
City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 6
1'c -et wide, of good two inch plank.
1 e, within ten days of this notice,
cons;:•uc•ted and laid in conformity
with the ordinance in relation to side-
walks, or. the east side of Valeria
street, between Hart street and Kauff-
man avenue, abutting lot 40 Trivoli
add.. owned by R. Lawrence at the
expnse of abutting property.
Also a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of gotta
two-inch plank, be within ten days c:f
this notice, constructed on the east
side of Valeria street, between Hart
st ec t and Kauffman avenue abutting
lot 37 Trivoli add., owned by N. Nick-
at the expense of abutting property.
Also a sidewalk 6 feet wide of good
two-inch plank, be within ten days of
this notice, constructed on the north
side of 22nd street, between Elm and
Washington streets, abutting lot 69
E Langicorthy's add., owned by M. A.
Alexander, at the expense of abutting
Also a sidewalk 6 feet wide of goon
two-inch plank, be, within ten day,
of this notice constructed on the north
side of Seventh street between Cedar
and Sycamore streets abutting lot 17_
East Dubuque add.; owned by V. A.
Langworthy at the expense of abutting
Also a sidewalk 12 feet wide of good
brick or cement, be within ten days of
this notice constructed on the east side
of Main street between 6th and 71b
streets abutting south 1-2 of city lot
22, owned by D. S. Wilson Est., at
the expense of abutting property.
Also a sidewalk 6 feet wide of gool
two-inch plank brick or cement, be.
within ten days of this notice, con-
structed on the north side of Seminary
street between Paul and Clifford
streets abutting lots 114 115, 116 anal
117, Cox add., owned by James Mc-
Grath at the expense of abutting
Also a sidewalk, 4 feet wide of good
two-inch plank, be, within ten days of
this notice, constructed, on the south
side of Grace street, between Grand-
view avenue and Ida street abutting
lots 1 and 2 of 4 Anna O'Harra's auk,
Official Notices.
owned by M. A. Kemier at the expense
of abutting property.
Also a sidewalk 6 feet wine of good
two-inch plank brick or cement be
within ten days of this notice con-
structed on the south side of West
Locust street between Foy and An-
gella streets abutting west 42 feet of
lot 15 of Quigley's sub. of out lot 710.
owned by Wm. Hintrager, at the ex-
pense of abutting property.
Passed by the City council August
1, 1901 by a unanimous vote.
8-10-I0-. City Recorder.
To all who are named below:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with an ordinance of the Cis
of Dubuque for the cleaning snow :un:
ice from the sidewayks in the month:
of January. February and March, 1901,
that a Special Assessment will I•
levied for the exy,nse thereof at tit..
regular meeting „f the City Council,
upon all lots and parcels of land on
said improvement, owned by you being
subject to such special assessment.
And you are notified to appear at said
meeting of the Council. to be held on
the ISth day of July. A. D. 1901. and
show cause if any you have, why said
assessment should not be levied.
Simon Thoni Lot 2S in lteche's Sub.
Amount, 30 cents.
Owen O'Hare, Lot 24 in Kelly's Sub.
Amount, 25 cents.
Owen O'Hare, Lot 24 in Kelly's Sub.
Amount, 25 cents.
A. B. Cuttler, Lot 6 in Wootton's
Sub. Amount, 30 cents.
John Spensley. Lot 2 of 45 in Simp-
son's Sub. Amount, $1.25.
Mrs. Alice Goldthorpe, Sot 3 of 741 in
Dubuque. Amount, 45 cents.
Mrs. Alice Goldthorpe, Lot 3 of 741 in
Dubuque. Amount, 45 cents.
Mrs. Alice Goldthorpe, Lot 3 of 741 in
Dubuque. Amount, 45 cents.
Mrs. Alice Goldthorpe. Lot N. 38.6 of
219 in Dubuque. Amount, 60 cents.
311 s. :Alice Goldthorpe. Lot 3 of 741
in 1.ubuque. Amount, 45 cents.
S. J. Goldthorpe, Lot 234 in Dubuque.
Amount, 90 cents,
S. J. Goldthorpe, Lot 324 in Dubuque.
Amount, 90 cents.
S. J. Goldthorpe, Lot 324 in Dubuquo.
Amount, 90 cents.
James W. Cameron, Lots 2S4 and 281
in Glendale Add. Amount. 50 cents.
M. T. McMahon, Lot West 4 of 1 and
East 1-2 of 2 of A in Dubuque.
Amount, 15 cents.
M. T. and M. S. McMahon, Lot West
4 of 1 and East 1-2 of 2 of A in Cooper's
Sub. Amount, 15 cents.
Lawrence Powers, Lot S 44.6 of 314 in
Dubuque. Amount, 75 cents.
Lawrence Powers, Lot 2 in Bush's
Sub. Amount, 15 cents.
Lawrence Powers, • S. '44.6 ft. of Lot
314 in Dubuque. Amount, 90 cents..
Lawrence Powers, Lot 113 i'n Du -
buque. Amount, 35 cents.
W. R. Keagy, Lot 7 in Hodge's Sub.
Amount, 25 cents.
C. Heintz, Lot 147 in L. H. Lang -
worthy's Add. Amount, 75 cents,
J. A. Hubbard, Lot 6 in Glendale
Add. Amount, 25 cents.
American Linseed Oil Co., Lot S. 1-2
of 374 In Dubuque. Amount, 65 cents.
J. H. Hubbard, Lot 6 in Glendale Add.
Amount, _5 cents_
C. D. Miller (Trustee), Lot 15 in C. A.
V'oelker's Add. Amount, 25 cents.
C. Heintz, Lot 147 in L. H. Lang -
worthy's .s,11. Amount 75 cents.
Mary A. Alexander. Lot 69 in E.
T.:o worthy's Add. Amount. 25 cents.
\I, ry A. Alexander. Lot 69 in E.
1.roc 11' r,hy's Add. amount, 50 cents,
M;u'y A. Alexander. Lots 68 and 69 in
1.. 1.aIlgworthy's Add. Amount 50 cts,
Mary Schroeder, Lot 4 in Buettell's
Sub. Amount, 25 cents.
c. A. Alexander, Lot 2 of 3 in Bab -
cock's Sub. Amount, $1.50.
Jun. Marzen. Lot 46 in E. Lang's Add.
Amount, 25 cents.
F. M. Ellis, Lot 143 in Burden &
Lowther's Add. Amount, 25 cents.
A. Flechsig, Lot 13 in Glendale Add.
_Amoon t, 45 cents.
Victor Neelis, Lot 22 in Mineral lot
141.. Amount, 90 cents.
Bertha Weighman, Lott 224 in Fin-
ley's Add. Amount. 30 cents.
v_st_tnr. City Recorder.
To A. Flechsig:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with an ordinance of the City
of Dubuque for the repairing sidewalk
on the 2Sth day of May, 1901, that a
special Assessment will be levied for
the expense thereof at the regular
meeting of th City Council, upon all
lots and parols of land abutting on
said improvement, Lot 13 in Glendale
Add. owned by you being subject to
st,ch special assessment. And you
are notified to appear at said meeting
of the Council, to be held on the 1st
day of August, A. D. 1901. and shote
cause if any you have, win said as-
sessment should not be levied. Amount,
4,1 cents.
To F. M. Ellis:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with an ordinance of the City
of Dubuque for the repairing. sidewalk
on the 9th day of May, 1301. that a
Special Assessment will be levied for
the expense thereof at the regular•
meeting of the City Coun,'.Ii, upon all
lots and parcels of land :chuffing on
said improvement, Lot 143 10 Burdens
and Lawther's Add.. Queued by you be..
ing subject to such speUal assessment.
And you are ncitiled to app'a•• at seen
meeting of the Cottn•'il to b? held on
the 1st day of '.uga.:t, A. .'). 11101, and
show cause if any you have, why said
assessment should not be levied.
Amount, 45 cents.
To Charles F. Reger:
You are herby notified that in ac-
cordance with an ordinance of the City.
of Dubuque for the reuah'in5 sidewalk
on the 27th clay of "Jay, 1901, !hat a
Special Assessment will t.e levied for
the expense thereof e regular
meeting of the City Councilupon
Official Notices.
lots and parcels of land abutting on
said improvement, Lot 16 inO'Neil bei'
Riverview Add., owned by /
subject to such special assessment.
And you are notified to appear at said
meeting of the Council to be held on
the 1st day of August, A. D. 1901, and
show cause if any you have, why said
assessment should not be levied.
Amount, $1.20.
7-22-10t. City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the office of the City Recorder up to
7:'0 o'clock p. m. Thursday, July 1Sth,
1901, for the construction of a 12 -inch
tile pipe sanitary sewer on West Lo-
cust street from Clark street to Union
avenue, in accordance with pia -_s and
specifications now on file in the office
of the City Recorder. It is estimated
by the City Engineer that it will re-
quir 1,;n0 feet of 12 -inch tile pipe sewer,
and seven manholes.
iiidders will state the price per lineal
foot for sewer complete, and the price
per each manhole and the estimated
cost to the abutting property owners
for said sewer $1,050.60.
The work to be completed on or before
the 1st day of September, 1901, and
shall be paid for when said work is
'ompleted and accepted by the City
Proposals for doing said work will
be acted upon by the Council July 18th,
1901. Each bid must be accompanied
with a certified check for $100.00 on
some Dubuque bank as a guarantee
that a contract will be entered into If
The City reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
Datea this 6th day of July, 1901.
7-7-10t. City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at
my office up to 8 o'clock p. tn. Thurs-
day, July 18th, 1901, for sprinkling dur-
ing the remainder of the s' ason of
1901, the streets designated on each of
'th five (5) plats of the five (5) sprink-
ling districts of the city which plat'
are on file in my office.
Bidders are required to .tate the
price per day in each district and the
price per day in all of said districts
taken together, contractors to furnish
everything necessary to do such sprink-
ling except the water, which will be
furnished by the city.
Each bid must be accompanied by a
certified check for $250.00 on some Du-
buque bank as a guarantee that a con-
tract will be entered into if awarded.
The city reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
Dated at Dubuque July 8th, 1901.
City Recorder.
7 -6 -tut,
Dubuque, Iowa, Aug. 5th, 1901.
City Recorder's office.
Notice is hereby given to ail concern-
ed that an assessment will be levied to
pay for the construction of an 8 -inch
tile pipe sewer in Rose street from
alley west of Center Place to Alla
Vista street John W. Dolan contract.
Amount of Special assessment $.22.25
against the property abutting upon
and along said sewer as providers by
law at a session of the council to be
held August 15. 1901.
&nd that there is a plat and sched-
ule nn file in the office of the City
Recorder's office of said City of Du-
buque. showing the street or a part
thereof nn which in which said sewer
has been constructed and the separate
lots and parcels of ground or specified
portion thereof subject to assessment
for such improvement the name of the
owner thereof as far as practicable
and the amount to be as'essed against
each lot or parcel of grnuncl. which
plat and schedule is subject to public
And that any and all persons object-
ing to said Special Aees'tnents of said
plat and schedule must file his or their
objection in vriing with the City
Recorder of said City of Dubuque. on
or before said session of the City
Council to be held August 15th. 1901,
or to appear at said session of the
c-ouncil to show cause. if any you have
why said assessments should not be
8-5-5t. City Recorder.
Of City Council's intention to con-
struct an 8 -inch tile uir • sanitary
sewer in the alley between White and
Jackson streets from Rhomberg avenue
to Eagle Point avenue.
To all whom it may concern:
You and each of you are hereby
notified it is the intention of the City
Council of the City of Dubuque to
construct a S -inch tile nine sanitary
sewer in the alley between White and
Jackson streets from Rhomberg ave-
nue to Eagle Point avenue.
That a plat and specification of said
proposed sewer is now on file in the
office of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that said sewer will be 890 feet in
length and will cost 8680.00 including
five manholes.
Any person having objections to the
construction of such sanitary sewer
are hereby notified to appear in person
before the City Council September 5,
1901, or to file with the City Recorder
their objections in writing on 'or before
September 5th, 1901.
Dated Dubuque, August 27, 1901.
City Recorder.
Official Notices.
To All Whom it May Concern:
You and each of you are hereby no-
tified that it is the intention of the
City Council of the City of Dubuque
to construct an 8 -inch tile pipe Sani-
tary Sewer in the alley between White
and Jackson streets from 17th street
to Rhomberg avenue.
That a plat and specification of said
proposed sewer is now on file in the
office of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engl-
m er that said sewer will be 910 feet
in Length and will cost 79 cents per
Beal foot including six manholes.
Any person having objection to the
construction of such Sanitary Sewer
are hereby notified to appear in per-
son before the City Council September
5, 1901, or to file with the City Recorder
their objections in writing on or before
September 5th, 1901.
Dated Aug. 1:5h, 1901.
City Recorder.
S -15-10t.
of the City Council's intention to im-
prove Angella street from the inter-
section of the west line of Pierce street
to the east litre of lots elev,,n (11 and
eighteen (18) Quigley's Sub. of out lot
To whom it may concern:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that it is the intention of the
City Council of the City of Dubuque to
improve Angella street from the inter-
section of West line of Pierce street to
the East line of lots Eleven (11) and
Eighteen (18) Quigley's Sub. of out lot
That a plat and specification of said
proposed improvement is now on file
in the office of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that said improvement will require new
curbstone set, 1,060 lineal feet; gutter-
ing, 470 square yards; macadamizing,
1,649 square yards, making a total es-
timated cost to the abutting property
owners of $1,467.50.
Any person having objection to said
improvement is hereby notified to ap-
pear before the City Council at its ses-
• sion to be held July 18th, 1901, or to
file with the City Recorder their objec-
tions in writing on or before July 18th,
Dated this 8th day of July, 1901.
7 -8 -to -18th. City Recorder.
Proposals will be received at the
office of the City Recorder until 7:30
o'clock p. m. Thursday, July 18th, 1901,
for the improvement of Cox street from
Union avenue to the north line of the
alley first north of Angella street, in
accordance with plans and specifica-
tions now on file in the office of the
City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that it will require new curbstone
set 396 lineal feet, guttering 100 square
macadamizing 1390 square yards,
and that the estimated cost to abutting
p= operty owners $1120.00.
The work to be completed on or be-
fore the 20th day of September, 1901,
and shall be paid for when said work
is completed and accepted by the City
The proposals for doing said work
n i'l be acted upon by the Couhell the
18th day of July, 1901.
Bidders must state price per lineal
foot for new curbing set, and the price
per square yard for guttering and ma-
cadamizing. Each hid must be ac-
companied by a certified check for $10,
on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee
that a contract will be entered into
if awarded. The City reserves the
right to reject any and all bids.
Dated Dubuque, July 6th, 1901.
City Recorder.
Public notice is hereby given that at
the session of the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, held on the 18th day
of July 1901, the following Special As-
sessments were levied on the real es-
tate hereinaftr described, and that in
case of failure to pay within the time
prescribed by the ordinance governing
same, all will become delinquent and
subject to collection by distress and
City Treasurer.
Thos. Finn Est., Mineral lot 31
Sub. l of Lot 2 $ 63 91
Mrs. M. Finn, Mineral lot 31, Sub7 00
Patrick Kenneally, Mineral lot 31 5
Lot 3 2 78
M. Enright Est., Mineral lots 32
and 29 169 05
John Barrett Est., Mineral lot 24, 4
Lot 2 1 02
Thos. Kavanaugh Est., Mineral 19 88
lot 24, Lot 3
C. H. Whitwell, City, N. 41 ft20 CO
Lot 165
-401" --:"Tr-
September 3, 1901
Regular Session September 5th, 1901.
Council met at 8:30 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Alda. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger, M,Laughlin and
Ald. Sheridan moved that the coun-
cil proceedings for the month of August
1001 be approved as printed. Carried.
Adam Doerr, Jr., asst. assessor
for Aug. 75 00
Jos. J. Murphy, asst. assessor
for Aug. 75 00
M. O'Loughlin, rodman in engi-
neer's office 40 00
John Schrup, inspector on Bee
Branch sewer 40 00
Ross McMahon, inspector on
Dodge street sewer 30 00
Anton Stoltz, board of prisoners
for Aug. 11 00
Geo. F. Kleih, hardware at city
hall 6 05
Geo. W. Healey, one
scale for city hall
L. Daily, cleaning around mar-
ket square during months of
March, April, May, June, July
and Aug. 86 00
J. J. Truesdale, catching dogs
during month of August 48 00
Chas. Beyer, catching dogs dur-
ing month of Aug.
Jas. Kelly, supplies and station-
ery for various offices
Bieg & Rood, supplies and sta-
tionery, for city attorney 6 50
W. W. Whalen, sharpening lawn 2 00
mowers for parks ..
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co,
50 feet of hose for Jackson
Pape & Jacquinot, plumbing at
Jackson park
Geo. W. Healey, new tools for
road dept.
Duggan, Sullivan & Cota, hard-
ware for road dept
G. F. Kleih, new tools for road
department .
Hussman & Lies, hardware for
road department
Becker Bros., 20 loads of cinders
for road department
P. Clancy, 112 cubic yards of
cinders for road department
Pat O'Shea, 115 cubic yards of
rip -rap rock for road dept
C. J. Benson, repairing tools for
road department
Chas. Matz, repairng tools for
road department
Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber for
road department
F. C. Austin, Mfg. Co., one
broom for street sweeper
F. A. Dolton, veterinary services
road department
15 00
6 00
2 50
4 30
10 65
13 50
15 SO
5 00
14 00
28 75
4 05
2 SO
20 00
20 00
1 45
Eilwanger Bros., repairing har-
ness for road department 2 50
Palmer, Berg & Co., blank
stationery for road dept2 75
Key City Gas Co., coal and coke
for fire department . 22 95
\\'andeilich & \\'iederholt, horse -
shoeing for fire department7 10
Lagen & Sullivan. horse shoeing
for fire department 21 25
Hartman Furniture Co., iron bed
,,nd mattress for fire dept 6 00
American Fire Engine Co., 1 -
three -horse hitch for fire dept127 42
American Fire Engine Co., sup-
plies for fire department 24 40
vlettel Bros bran and salt for fire
department 2 15
Eichho•n & Bechtel. bran for fire
dpartment 95
Ott, Meuser & Co., shavings for
fire department 4 50
P. J. Seippel, lumber for fire de-
partment 16 10
W.H. Torbert, drugs and oils for
fire department 8 73
Fire Extinguisher Mfg. Co., one
dozen line snaps for fire dept10 00
Carr, Ryder & Adams Co., lum-
ber and sash for fire dept 5 50
Geo. F. Kleih, hardware for fire
department 80
W. B. Baumgartner, hardware
for fire department 1 30
Eilwanger Bros., repairing har-
ness for fire department S 40
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary ser-
vices for tire department 3 85
F. A. Dolton, veterinary services
for fire department 14 90
Standard Oil Co., oil for fire de-
John Butt, repairs at Central
Engine house
John F. Garvey, plumbing at
Delhi street engine house 8 78
Tom Connolly, repairing hook and
ladder truck 6 00
G. F. Kleih, harware for police 75
Eichhorn & Bechtel, matches for 1 G5
police department
John E. Hartig, two steel keys 50
for dog pound
H. Wunderlich & Son, 4 1-2 yds
oil cloth for police headquart 1 58
Ellwanger Bros., repairing har-
ness for police department 1 60
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary ser-
vice for police department 1 92
Chas. J. W. Saunders, supplies
for matron's department 6 95
Jos. McCabe supplis for ma-
tron's department
C. J. Benson, horse shoeing pa-
trol team
John Butt, repairing tools for 5 20
sewer department
Pape & Jacquinot, supplies for 20
sewer department
Dubuque Harness & Saddlery
Co., trace snaps for sewer dept 50
2 27
Regular Session, September 5, 1901.
Headford Bros. & Hitchins, one
than hole cover and rim for
sever department
Linehan & ?toio, sewer pipe for
G. F. 1 li, new tools for sewer
Globe Journa,1 official printing
for August
National Lemokrat official print-
ing for August
Dubuque Telegraph official print-
ing for August
Dubuque Telegraph, weekly
council proceedings
Star Electric Co., arc lights for
Aug. 2012 40
John A. Voelker, removing Mag-
gie Cunningham to pest house. 10 00
Geo. F. Klein, tacks for health
Palmer, Berg & Co., blank sta-
tionery for health department5 00
Duggan, Sullivan & Cota, hard-
ware for health department 60
T. E. Frith removing garbage
and dead animals during Aug322 3S
Wilmer Cook, final estimate for
improving Chestnut street 109 79
O'Farrell & Norton, final esti-
mate for paving Seventh street
from Main to Locust streets413 37
John Tibey estimate for con-
structing Dodge street storm
server 99.1 21
Steuck & Linehan to hauling and
laying 24 feet 16 -inch cast iron
pipe across Bee Branch sewer12 00
The following bills were ordered re-
Frank O'Loughlin assistant in engi-
neer's office for August. $50.00.
Ald. Frith moved that the bill be re-
ferred to the Committee of the Whole
Ald. McLaughlin moved a subtsitute
that the bill be paid. Ald. McLaugh-
lin's substitute was lost.
Ald. Frith's motion to refer to the
Committee of the Whole was carried
by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Frith, Horr, Jones and
Sheridan. Total 4.
Nays—Aids. Clancy, Kintzinger and
McLaughlin. Total 3.
C. O. D. Laundry, towels and racks
lot May, June, July and August, $16.00.
On motion the bill was referred to
the Committee on Markets.
Dubuque Telegraph, health reports,
On motion the bill was referred to
the Committee on Printing.
Steuck & Linehan, final estimate for
constructing Bee Branch storm sewer,
On motion the bill was referred to
the Special Committee on Bee Branch.
The following bill was referred to
the _Marshal for collection:
Dubuque Water Company to City of
Dubuque Dr. to 1631 pounds cast iron
pipe, at $27.00 per ton, $22.01.
7 00
16 20
1 80
50 00
95 00
60 00
6 00
Petition of M. Tschirgi, Jr., asking
that he be allowed the sum of $15.58
for connecting with sewer known as
the Tschirgi sewer between Locust and
Main streets from First to Eighth
streets. Said sung being one-half the
amount paid into the City Treasury
by Miss Drummy.
On motion the petition was granted
and a warrant ordered drawn for said
Petition of Jacob Gantenhein asking
that the alley between Jansen & Barry
avenues be opened.
•Ald. Clancy moved that the petition
be received and filed.
Ald. Frith moved that the rules be
suspended and the parties interested be
heard. Carried.
Jacob Gantenbein addressed the
council in favor of opening the alley.
Mr. Barry addressed the council op-
posing the opening of said alley.
Ald. Clancy's motion to receive and
file the petition was then carried.
Petition of Joseph Bott asking that
he be exempt from paying special as-
sessment for the construction of a
sanitary sewer in Rose street; having
already paid a special assessment for
the construction of a sanitary sewer
in the alley west of Center Place abut-
ting his property.
On motion the petition was referred
to the Committee on Sewers and City
Petition of Geo. W. Healey et al,
asking that the manure wagon owned
by Byrne Bros., which stands on the
corner of Seventh and Locust street.
south of their livery barn be removed:
also that the expressmen be removed
from Washington park.
Ald. McLaughlIn moved to refer the
petition to the Committee of the 'Whole.
Ald. Kintzinger moved to make a di-
vision of the petition. Carried.
Ald. Kintzinger moved that the mat-
ter of removing the manure wagon be
referred to the Marshal and if found
objectionable to have said wagon re-
moved. Carried.
Ald. Kintzinger also moved that the
other matter of moving the expressmen
from Washington park be referred to
the Committee of the Whole. Carried.
Petition and claim of Palmer &
Pressley asking that they be allowed
the sum of $50.00 for damages sus-
tained by their horse and wagon being
backed down and over a wall situated
along the east side of Seminary street
at a point 180 feet north of Seventeenth
street at rear end of Blue store.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the petition
and claim be referred to the Com-
mittee on Claims. Carried.
City Treasurer Gniffke reported as
Dubuque, Ia., Sept. 5, 1901.
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council.
Gentlemen:—Below you will find
Regular Session, September 5, 1901.
statement of amounts advanced by me
during the month of August, 1901, for
which please order warrants drawn in
my favor:
Excavation permits redeemed...$ 170 00
Interest on warrants outstand-
1655 94
41 40
7 71
7 70
Printing refunding bonds
New York Exchange
Refunding regular tax
Refunding street assessment .... 43 81
Telegraph to New York 2 33
Freight charges on sweeper 70
Express charges 2 35
$1931 91
On motion the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn for the
various amounts and the report re-
ferred back to the committee on
City Auditor Hoffman reported as
Dubuque, Ia., Sept. 1, 1901.
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council.
Gentlemen:—Herewith find my re-
port for the month of August, 1901,
showing the receipts and disbursements
for the month:
Cash on hand Aug.
1st, 1901 ....... $24,995 3S
Consolidated tax of
1900 $ 2,646 43
Water tax of 1900260 37
Interest collected on
same 70 13
Special bond tax 1,209 33
Interest collected on
same 93 59
Special Tax 22 48
Dog license ... 35 00
Sale of ordinances9 00
Excavation permits90 00
Fines and fees 40 00
Scale receipts 23 17
Street rolling 20 85
Sale of macadam366 00
Wood measurers' re-
ceipts 1 00
Pound master re-
ceipts 13 50
Sale of improvement
bonds 1,922 83
Rent huckster 3500
Mulct tax 5,100 00
Boarding house li-
Merry-go-round li-
Union Electric Co..... 3S4 78
Menagerie License 10 00
Sewer connection 31 17
Slot machines 40 00
Total $37 427 13
Warrants redeemed
in August $16,767 91
Coupons redeemed 7 854 53
in August
Bonds redeemed in 2 922 83
$27,545 27
Cash on hand Sept$ 9 881 86
1st, 1901
The above cash balance belongs to the
improvement bond fund and the im-
provement bond interest fund.
Also report that there is due the city
officers for the month of August
The following is a record of all inter-
est coupons redeemed by me for the
past month:
Improvement bond coupons re-
deemed $ 360 15
Regular bond coupons redeemed 7,494 38
Total $7,854 53
Dubuque, Sept. 3d, 1901.
To the City Auditor:
Dear Sir:The following is an account
of the receipts and disbursemet}ts
f the Dubuque Nater Works Trustees
as is evidenced by the vouchers passed
through my office during the month of
August, 1901:
Balance on hand $ 568.62 $
Aug. 5, No. 26, Dubuque
Water Trustees 127.40
.July 31, No. 192, Our-
selves. Dubuque Water
Trustees 77.40
Aug. 5, No. 193, Citi-
zens' State Bank 58.69
Aug. 6, No. 195, Citi-
zens' State Bank34.25
Aug. 6, No. 196. Mut- 113.06
grew & Phillips
Aug. 8. No. 107, A. Y. Mc-
Donald Morrison Mfg.
Aug. 10, No. 198, Our-
selves, Dubuque Water
Works Trustees
Aug. 12, No. 27, Dubuque
Water Works Trustees 749.93
Aug. 10, No. 199, Du-
buque Oil Tank Line
Aug. 13, No. 200, Mar-
tin & Strelau Co. .....
Aug. 19, No. 2S. Du-
buque Water Works
Aug. 5, No. 194, Du-
buque 'Telegraph
Aug. 17, No. 201, Our-
selves, Dubuque 'Water
Works Trustees
Aug. 20. No. 202, Stand-
ard Oil Co.
Aug. 31, Cash on hand.•$,11a.26 $2175.26
Respectfully submitted,
City Treasurer of the City of Dubuque.
The following list shows the appro-
priations and
fund since thewarrants nro
wnwo on begin-
ning of the fiscal Year beginning March
1st, 1901. to Sept. 1st, 1901:
Appropriatioun. Expended.
Expense $40,000 $13,744,18
Road 40,000 23,922.14
Fire 33,500 12,536.18
Police ..............••• 28,500 11,428.92
Sewerage 5 2,500 582.30 000 2,582.30
Printing 3,000 1,174.80
Gas and
Engineer •light • • 27,000 10,028.15
Water works bond i". X5,000 9,877.50
terest•••••• " '
Interest 50,000 27,438.75 Boardgo4,000 1,702.13
Grading health 4.000 13.52
222 Regnlar Session, September 5, 1901.
Bee Branch 13,000 8,642.40
Eagle Point bridge 25,000
Special bonded paving 8,000 7,656.77
Redemption 7,500
Dodge'street sewer 6.000 511.80
judgment 4,000 3,432.35
Sprinkling 4,000
Library 6,000
On motion the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
City officers and the report referred
back to the Finance committee.
Fire Chief P.einfried reported as fol-
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of
the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen:—The following is the paY-
roll of the fire department for the
month of August, 1901: 00
Amount due firemen $1,975
Chairman Committee on Fire.
Ou motion the pay -roll was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
firemen for the month of August, 1901,
and the pay -roll referred back to the
committee on Fire.
Marshal Morgan reported as follows:
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of
the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit the
police report for the month of August,
Total arrests 91
Patrol calls 86
Miles traveled by patrol 1633
Resident arrests 38
Doors found open 25
Lodgers harbored 52
Defective lights 351
Meals furnished 55
Cost of food $11.00
Attached please find treasurer's re-
ceipts as follows:
Pound masters $10 00
Meals furnished to county sheriff8 50
Standard Telephone Co., steam
rolling 2 10
Total $20 60
Also submit pay -roll for the policemen
for the month of August, 1901:
Amount due policemen $2023 70
Please flnd 'matron's report attached.
Respectfully submitted,
On motion the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
policemen and the report referred
back to the committee on Police and
Street Commissioner Boyce repotted
as follows:
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of
the City of Dubuque.
en:—I her
lay-rlfor laborerseh ontstree s for the
last half of August 1901.
Amount due laborers on streets.$1.286.30
Also submit my Pay -roll for labor
grading streets for the last half of
August, 1901.
Amount due laborers grading
.. $511.95
Respectfully submitted.
Street Commissirn: e ; .
E. E. FRITH. Chairm:,n.
JOSEPH H. 1-I()i.lt.
Committee on Stre, ;<.
Also submit pay -roll for laborers ,nl
sewers for the last half of Au. ust,
Amount due laborers on sewers..$17' ,
Respectfully submitted.
Street Commissioner.
JOSEPH L. HO1tR. Chairman.
On motion the pay rolls were recrived
and warrants ordered drawn to pity
laborers on streets. for grading su•,•-t;
and laborers on sewers and the pay-
rolls referred back to the proper ,inn_
Committee Clerk Lawlor report•
Dubuque, Ia.. Sept.
To the Hon. Mayor and City Colin,
the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit a
statement of the amount expended in
the different wards for grading. re-
pairing and cleaning streets during the
month of August 1901.
W. O'Brien, foreman
repairing $239.75
W. O'Brien, foreman grad-
ing ........... 511 95
R. T. Eddy, foreman
cleaning $210.25
Geo. J. Hahn, foreman
repairing $297 20
P. J. Royce, foreman re-
pairing $204 10
C. Gantenbein, foreman
repairing $239 00
Geo. Zumhof, foreman
repairing .. 44 75
$751 70
21! 25
297 20
204 Iii
C' 2 75
Engineer and stoker of
steam roller, sweepers,
carpenters, bricklayers
and man at garbage
dump $7:.:2 70
Total $2.47i' 70
Respectfully submitted.
Committee Clerk.
On motion the report was ordered re-
ceived and filed.
City Electrician Hipman reported as
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council if
the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen:—I herewit h submit my
report of defective lights for the month
of August, 1901. I find from the report
of the police department that the total
hours that 351 lamps failed to burn
Regular Session, September 5, 1901
would equal 16 lamps for one month or
Respectfully submitted,
City Electrician.
On motion the report was ordered
received and flied and the auditor in-
structed to deduct $86.40 from the
August bill of the Union Electric com-
The following weighmasters and
woodmeasurer reports were referred to
the Committee on Markets. The re-
ports are as follows:
T. Faherty, 1st ward, scales, re-
ceipts $ 4 95
Anton Stoltz City Hall receipts25 80
Mrs. C. Deckert, receipts 1 98
Charles Pitschner, West Du-
buque, receipts 2 27
Nic Kintzinger, woodmeasurer1 05
City Recorder Langstaff presented and
read the published notice of the Coun-
cil's intention to construct an 8 inch
tile pipe sanitary sewer in the alley
between White and Jackson streets
from Rhomberg avenue to Eagle Point
Also published notice of the Cokuncil's
intention to construct an 8 inch tile
pipe sanitary sewer in Alley between
White and Jackson streets from 17th
street to Rhomberg avenue.
Also published notice of Council's
intention to construct a 12 inch tile
pipe sanitary sewer in 27th street from
alley between Jackson and Washing-
ton streets to the middle of Elm street.
All of above notices properly certified
to by the publisher as being published
three or more times. No objections be-
ing filed to any of the said sanitary
sewers the mayor asked if any one
present had any objections to offer to
either of said sanitary sewer's. No ob-
jections were offered to either of said
Ald. Kintzinger moved that all of
said notices be referred back to the
committee on Sewers and the city at-
torney except the 27th street sewer.
Ald. Kintzinger moved that the City
Attorney be instructed to prepare a
form of resolutions for the construction
of sewers and the improvement of
streets in accordance with the Revised
Ordinances of 1901. Carried.
City Attorney's Opinion.
Dubuque, la.. Sept. 5, 1901.
To the Honorable Mayor and Aldermen
of the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen:—In compliance with your
motion passed August 22. 1901, instruct-
ing me to submit a written opinion in-
forming your body as to the right of
the city to enter into a contract for the
discovery of property omitted from
taxation I present the following:
Section 1010 of Chapter 14 of the Cocle
of 1897, relative to cities acting under
special charters, provides that "The
council shall have power to levy and
collect taxes for all general and special
purposes in this chapter authorized,
upon all property within the city not
exempted from taxation by the general
laws of the state.'
The same section further prowill,,
11 -
"for the assessing and placing 111)
tax list all property that may have been son as the
omitted, overlooked, brought into the point, and when such property has
city before the levy of said tax. or been fraudulently withheld from as-
otherwise not returned by the a,-
This contains the express grant of au-
thority, from the state, to cities acting
unuer special charters, for the t -
ing and placing upon the tax list all
property that niay have been omitted.
overlooked, brought into the city before
the levy or otherwise not rctlrne;l l.y
the assesor.
This general power of coum'ils is to
levy and cause to be assess• •l and col-
lected a tax not merely upon the prop-
erty that is returned for taxation but
upon all property that is subj'ct to
This general power is worthless unless
it carries with it the right to use means
efficient for its enforcement.
Public policy demands that every tax-
payer contribute his just pronorti ,n to
the expense of government.
The grant of authority to the city to
place this omitted property upon the
tax list carries wi41 i1 the :1 itlun'ity
to pay for credible information disclos-
ing or unearthing con. 11e11 property.
thus furnishing the ,iato that will add
to the public revenue, an l .1ua11ze the
burdens of the laxp:,yor
The "tax ferry t" unol; r iii. Yl.loy-
ment is not sa',st; ui•• tial Iii• -
flcer, he orots tto otllcid t
duty, but u1 •1 1 n',:, -o ua 'llinrl,;a-
tion or eviden• .- 10 111 prol-or ,•itc of-
ficers to be by .11.•01 1,-1,d ul n
Section 1011. 10 ' I • 1' Ia-
tive to cities un i r -1,••,•i.d ell:,r:c•rs
provides that ".All i•oporty of in-
dividuals, companies, el-i,,u t a••r-hi,,s
and corporations shall be lis. •.1 :Ind r• -
turned by the assesor for city 1 1xati"":
and the duty of owner,ntr„lt of gthe
or individual having o
same to assist the assessor in listing
the same, and the penalties for his neg-
lect or refusal so to do, shall be as pro-
vided for in title 7 of t code,
ano not
so far
as the same may be applicable
in contravention of any of the pro-
visions herein, or of the charters of
such cities."
Section 1374 of title seven, referred to,
is as follows:
"When property subject to taxation
is withheld, overlooked, or from any
other cause Is not listed and assessed,
the county treasurer, shall
witl in ape
prised thereof, at any
time years from the date at which such as-
sessment shoulhave
eflbeen,•minlo, donbyof the person, bywhom the .tame
or other party
should have been listed, or to
whnm it should btu e been
;assessed, o1' of the administrator
thereof, the amount of the property
should have been taxed in each 'y ar
the same was so withheld or
looked and not listed and assessed, to-
gether with 6 per cent. interest thereon
from thebe-
come due iandime tpayable hadl' uchwprop-
erty been listed d such sum withinclthirty
failure pay
days, with all
accrued interest, he shall
cause an action to be brought in the
name of the treasurer be po heuted by
use of
the proper county,
to the county attorney, or such other per -
board of supervisors may ap-
2•24 Regular Session, September 5. 1901.
sessment, there shall be added 1n the
sum found to be due a penalty of 50 per
cent upon the amount, which shall be
included in the judgment. The amount
thus recovered shall be by the treas-
urer apportioned ratably as the taxes
would have been if they had been paid
according to law..'
Whether section 1374 is made appli-
cable to cities acting under special
-charters, by section 1011 as hereinbefore
set out, is a question that has never
been judicially passed upon and is one
upon which lawyers will differ and
which cannot be considered as settled
until ruled up by our supreme court, but
since the contract proposed to be en-
tered into between the city and the
"ferrets" provides that all litigation of
whatever kind or nature shall be prose-
cuted at the expense of the "ferrets"
and without expense to the city, and
they are to receive no compensation
whatever from the city till they cause
to be turned into the treasury fifty
thousand dollars as the result of their
work the city is taking no risk in ac-
cepting this opportunity of having this
question fully and finally determined.
Respectfully submitted.
City Attorney.
Ald. Horr moved that the report be
received and filed and that it be
published in the council proceedings.
City Attorney Duffy reported that
he had prepared ordinances in com-
pliance with said report and had turn-
ed thein over to Ald. Kintzinger, chair-
man of the Ordinance Committee.
Also had prepared a contract in ac-
cordance with said ordinances and
Presented the contract to the Council.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the con-
tract be referred to the Committee of
the 'Whole. Carried.
Mayor Berg reported verbally, that
the re -issue of the $120,000 refunding
bonds dated July 1st, 1901, had been
completed and the new bonds ex-
changed for the old bond for bond,
and the old bonds had been canceled.
Aid. Kintzinger, chairman of the
Ordinance Committee, presented and
read an ordinance, which ordinance
follows in full:
An Ordinance entitled an Ordinance
to amend Section 11 of Chapter LVI. of
the Revised Ordinances of 1901, of the
City of Dubuque by striking out of the
eighth line of said section the word
"two" and inserting the word "five"
in lieu thereof.
Be it Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That the word "two" in
the eighth line of Section 11 of Chapter
LVI, of the Revised Ordinances of 1901,
of the City of Dubuque be stricken out
and the word "five" inserted in lieu
Sec. 2. This Ordinance shall be in
fierce and effect from and after its
adoption and publication in the Du-
buque Daily Telegraph newspaper.
Ald. Kintinger moved that the read-
ing just had of said Ordinance be con-
sidered its first reading.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Kintzinger, McLaughlin and Sheridan.
Total 6.
Nays—Add. Jones. Total 1.
Ald. Frith moved that the ordinance
be referred to the Ordinance Comit-
tee. Carried.
Ald. Kintzinger presented and read
the following ordinance:
An Ordinance entitled An Ordinance
authorizing the City of Dubuque to
enter into a contract providing for the
discovery of property that may have
been omitted, overlooked, or otherwise
not returned by the Assessor, and fur
the listing of such property a';ul the
collection of taxes thereon.
Be it Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque-:
Section 1. That the City of Dubuque
may contract in writing with any per-
son to assist the proper officers of said
City in the discovery of property that
may have been omitted, overlooked, or
otherwise not listed and assessed as
required by law.
When property subject to taxation is
withheld, overlooked or from any other
cause is not listed and assessed, th"
City Treasurer shall, when apprised
thereof, at any time within five years
from the date at which such assess-
ment should have been made. demand
of the person, firm, corporation or oth-
er party by whom the same should
have been listed, or to whom it should
have been assessed, or the administra-
tor thereof, the amount the property
should have been taxed in each year
the same was so withheld or over-
looked and not listed and assessed. to-
gether with six per cent. interest there-
on from the time the taxes would have
become due and payable had such
property been listed and assessed, and
upon failure to pay such sum within
thirty days with accrued interest, he
shall cause an action to be brought in
the name of the Treasurer for the use
of the City of Dubuque to be prose-
cuted by the City Attorney, or such
other person as the City Council may
appoint and when such property has
been fraudulently withheld from as-
sessment, there shall be added to the
sum found to be due a penalty of fifty
per cent. upon the amount, which shall
be included in the judgment. Before
listing the property discovered, the
Treasurer shall give the person in
whose name it is proposed to assess
the same, or his agent, ten days' no-
tice thereof by registered letter ad-
dressed to him at his usual place of
residence, fixing the time and place
Regular Session, September 5, 1901.
where objection to such proposed list-
ing and assessment may be made. Ar,
appeal may be taken to the District
Court from final action of the Treas-
urer by serving written notice upon
him and otherwise proceeding as pro-
vided in Section Thirteen Hundred and
S„v.•nty Three (1373) of the Code.
Section 2. The total charges, fees
and expenses authorized under Section
One (1) of this ordinance shall not ex-
ceed fifteen per cent. of the taxes paid
into the City Treasury as a result of
the efforts and services of the per-
son or persons employed to assist in
the discovery of property not hereto-
fore listed and assessed for taxation.
Section 3. The person employed un-
der the provisions of Section One (1)
hereof shall give a bond in the penal
sunt of not less than Three Thousand
($3.000.00) Dollars. with sureties to be
approved by the City Council, condi-
tioned for the faithful performance of
the contract.
Section 4. After the deduction of
the compensation hereinbefore provid-
ed for, the taxes recovered under this
ordinance shall he distributed among
the several funds for that year in the
same proportion as other taxes.
Section 5. This ordinance shall be
in force and take effect from and after
its publication in the Dubuque Daily
Telegraph, newspaper.
i. kintzinger moved that the read-
just had of said ordinance be con -
.••,i its first reading.
•carried by the following vote:
_\yes—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Kintzinger, McLaughlin and Sheridan.
Total, 6.
Nay—Ald. Jones. Total, 1.
Ald. Kintzinger moved that the ordi-
nance be referred to the Ordinance
Committee. Carried.
Ald. Frith, Chairman of the Street
Committee, reported as follows:
To the Mayor and City Council:
Your Committee on Streets respect-
fully reports that they have examined
the improvement (brick paving) of
Seventh street from Main to Locust
streets, O'Farrell & Norton, contrac-
tors, and we would recommend that
said street be accepted and that war-
rapts be ordered drawn on the City
Treasurer in favor of the above men-
tioned contrar tors for the amount due
then( as shown by the monthly and
final estimate prepared by the City En-
Also, your Committee on Streets, to
whom was referred the monthly esti-
mate of O'Farrell & Norton, for pav-
ing Seventh street, would recommend
that a warrant be ordered dr'aw'n on
the City Treasurer in favor of O'Far-
cell & Norton for $1,350.00 In settle-
ment of said estimate.
Also, your Committee on Streets, to
whom was referred the bill of the Du-
buque Water Works Trustees for $22.01
for 1,631 pounds of 16 inch iron pipe,
beg to report that this pipe was used
to extend the Lincoln avenue sani-
tary sewer across the Bee Branch sew-
er and we would recommend that a
warrant be ordered drawn on the
Treasurer for the amount claimed.
Also, your Committee on Streets, to
whom was referred two bills of the E.
J. Voggenthaler Co. for supplies
furnished and repairs done on the
steam road roller, beg to report that
the have audited the said bills and
find they are correct; we would there-
fore recommend that a warrant be or-
dered drawn on the Treasurer in favor
of E. J. Voggenthaler Co. for $9.10.
E. E. FRITH. Chairman.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the re-
port of the Street Committee. Carried.
Ald. McLaughlin, of the Board of
Health, reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—At a meeting of your
Board of Health held august 2Sth, 1901,
beg to report on the petition of Wm.
Hamilton claiming the sunt of $24.00 for
time lost on account of quarantine dur-
ing the case of smallpox of Kate Lon-
ergan, No. 974 White street, would re-
spectfully recommend that said peti-
tion and claim be received and filed.
Also report that your Board of Health
have resolved to audit no bill or bills
of any physician or for any purpose
whatever unless contracted for by your
Board. Herewith find published no-
tice to City Physicians and Midwives,
in compliance with the ordinance pro-
viding for the registration of births,
deaths, burials and contagious diseases.
At a meeting of the Board of Health
held August 2S, 1901, the following sec-
tions of an ordinance to provide for
the registration of births, deaths,
burials and contagious diseases, was
ordered published in the official news-
papers of the city, for the instructions
and guidance ,t' city physicians and
Section 2. Every physician or other
person, having charge of or treating
any, person who shall die within this
city, shall, within twelve hours after
said death report the same in q.vriting
to the City Recorder, with the name,
date and cause of death, in the man-
• ner prescribed in Blank No. 2.
Section 6. Every physician, midwife,
nurse, householder or other person,
having the care of any case of cholera
smallpox, diphtheria. hydrophobia,
measles, scarlet, spotted, typhoid,
typhus, or yellow fever. or any other
contagious disease shall report the
Regular Session, September 5, 1901.
same, within twelve hours after ac-
quiring a knowledge thereof, to the
City Recorder, in manner and form
prescribed in Blank No. 4, together
with such other information as may
be required by the Board of Health,
and upon the recovery of such cases
shall report said recovery to the City
Recorder, in the manner and from pre-
scribed in Blank No. 5.
Section 8. That any person or per-
sons convicted of a violation of this
ordinance shall be fined in a sum not
less than five nor more than one hun-
dred dollars for each offense, and im-
prisoned until such fine and costs are
paid, not exceeding thirty days.
All of said ordinance can be found
on page 157 of the Revised Ordinances
of 1901. All blanks referred to in
above sections can be procured at the
office of the city recorder.
And you are hereby notified; that
the board of health of the City of Du-
buque will not audit any bill or bills
of any physician, or for any purpose
whatever, unless contracted for by the
said board of health.
The above said ordinance and rules
will be strictly enforced.
Per order of the board.
Mayor and Chairman of the Board of
Attest. L. M. LANGSTAFF,
City Recorder and Clerk of the Board.
All of which is respectfully submit-
Ald. McLaughlin moved the adoption
of the report and that the action of
the Board be approved. Carried.
Ald. Sheridan, chairman of the Spec-
ial Committee appointed to audit the
Statement of the Water Works Trus-
tees to July 1, 1901, as follows:
Your special committee, appointed to
audit the quarterly statement of the
Dubuque Water Works Trustees to the
City Council, would respectfully report
that they have examined the vouchers
on file in the office of the Trustees and
find that they correspond with the ,re-
port. The Trustees are now prepar-
ing a book showing the number of taps
in use in the city, which will greatly
aid future auditing committees in as-
certainging the rates charged, what the
receipts should be and also the number
of delinctuents.
Ald. Sheridan moved the adoption of
the report. Carried.
Ald. Sheridan offered the following:
Whereas, The City Council of the
City of Dubuque appoints a committee
every three months to audit the ac-
counts of the Water Works, Trustees,
the report of which is always publish-
ed in the council proceeutngs, and
Whereas, This report alone, without
the statement of the 'Water Works
Trustees does not convey all the in-
formation due the public at large, who
are directly interested in the Water
Works and its management, therefore
Resolved, That the City Recorder be
instructed. to include in the Council
proceedings, both the reports of the
Water Works Trustees, in detail, to-
gether with those of the committee ap-
pointed to audit said reports.
Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the
resolution. Carried.
Detailed statement of the Water
Works Trustees to July 1, 1901, as fol-
Statement of water works trustees to
July 1st, 1901:
Domestic service $33,142.66
Water service 2,762.46
Sprinkling 2,166.70
Taps 252.50
Real estate 500.00
Mineral 26.80
Eagle Pt. pumping10,700.24
Eighth street pump-
ing 3,074.13
Level pumping 1,538.29
Office salaries 2,376.67
Office expense 56.70
General expense 614.16
Insurance 647.20
Stationery 95.83
Postage 135.94
Trustee salary 1.x;5.00
Rent •i7s0.00
Refunds 106.75
Street repairs 1.:;9.72
Hydrant repairs 323.04
Meter repairs 1.98
Improvements ....... 12,030.93
Repairs 3,025.76
Balance $ 155.75
P. F. McCaffery, refund $ ^- 15
J. Monnett, labor and material25 00
Union Electric Co., lights 7 55
Lagen & Sullivan, horse shoeing6 55
Tredway & Son, supplies 2 75
J. F. Heer, car fare 5 85
McClelland, refund 1 40
Northup, refund 1 30
Bieger, labor, street work 9 00
Richter, labor, street work 12 00
Fawcett, labor, miner 9 00
Fawcett, labor, miner :1 00
Faber, labor, engineer
12 50
Dean, labor, engineer .. 1 ' 50
Haggerty, labor, engineer 1 2 50
Drees, labor, engineer L 50
Shindicker, labor, Eagle Point.t1 00
Shalers, labor, fireman 12 50
Jaring, labor, fireman . 12 50
Connor, labor, engineer 13 50
Fitzpatrick, labor, engineer 13 50
Kenkel, labor, street work .. 3 75
C. B. & Q. R. R. et al, freight and
. hauling 6 S1
I. C. R. R., freight 1236 99
C. B. & Q. R. R., freight 0'3
H. J. Haggerty, horse doctor 50
Fitzpatrick, labor, engineer 1' 50
Connor, labor, engineer 12 50
Young, labor, fireman 12 S0
Shalers, labor, fireman 1^2 50
Drees, labor, engineer 12 50
Shindicker, labor, Eagle Point9 i)0
Regular Session, September 5, 1901
Haggerty, labor, engineer 1.) 5i
Dean, labor, engineer
Faber, labor, engineer
Fawcett, labor, miner
Fawcett. labor, trainer
Beiger, labor, street wwork
Richter, labor, street work
Martin-Strelau Co., coal account 400 00
Henkel, labor, street work 3 00
Byrne Bros., livery 1 50
A. Nicks, brick work 7 50
Smedley Steam Pump Co., sup -
239 35
9 00
4 50
12 50
12 50
9 00
12 50
12 50
12 50
9 00
9 00
9 00
12 00
5 00
7 68
4 50
16 20
9 00
9 00
12 00
16 00
12 50
13 40
12 50
9 00
12 50
12 50
1_ 80
1_ 50
3 50
1 00
40 00
12 50
12 50
9 00
9 00
9 00
1.2 00
. plies and repairs
Drees, labor. engineer .
Kunkel, labor, street work
Fitzpatrick, labor, engineer
Connor, labor, engineer
Young. labor. fireman
Shalers, labor, fireman
Scheidecker, Tabor, Eagle Point
Haggerty. labor, engineer
Dean, labor, engineer
Faber. labor, engineer
Fawcett, labor, miner
Fawcett, labor, miner
Beiger, labor, street work
Richter, labor, street work
G. Brown. labor, street work
Iowa Telephone Co., telephones
M. S. Hardie, stationery
Drees, labor, engineer
Fawcett, labor, miner
Fawcett, labor, miner
Beiger, labor, street work
Richter, labor, street work
Dean, labor, engineer
Faber, labor, engineer
Haggerty, labor. engineer
Scheidecker, labor Eagle Point
Shalers, labor, fireman
Young, labor, fireman
Connor, labor. engineer
Fitzpatrick, labor, engineer
Industrial Oil Co., oil
Kunkel, labor, street work
Mrs. McEvoy, refund
J. F. Heer, Jr., salary
Kunkel, labor, street work
P. Clancy et al, freight and
Kunkel, labor
McArthur, salary
Matthews, salary
Fitzpatrick, labor, engineer
Connor, labor, engiuner
Young, labor, fireman
Shalers, labor, fir nrtn .
Scheidecker, labor, Eagle Point
Drees, labor, engineer
Faber, labor, engineer
Haggerty, labor, engineer
2 90
3 00
100 00
75 00
12 50
12 50
12 50
12 1.' )
9 00
12 50
12 50
12 50
Dean, labor, engineer 12 50
Richter, labor, street work 12 JO
Beiger. labor, street work 9 00
Kunkel, labor, street Work 9 00
Fawcett, labor, miner Ir t' )
Fawcett, labor, miner . 9 00
Mrs. \Vykoff, refund 65
Beig & Rood et al stationery 2 40
J. Butt, tool repairs 7 10
Voggenthaler & Itagatz, supplies 1 33
Union Electric 1'n.• lights
P. Breithaupt, setting meter .
Iowa Telephone 1', .. telephones
Fawcett, labor, miner
Fawcett, labor, nil ID r ............
Kunkel labor, street tworlk
Beiger, labor, street tnork
Richter, labor, street \w 0'k
Dean. labor, engineer
Haggerty, labor, engineer
Faber, labor, engineer
Drees, labor, engineer
Scheidecker, labor, Eagle Point
7 85
1J. F. 11,0% tlr. Jr., sal,j
7 20 68He;n1for,l Bros. & Co., man
7 50 and cower
7 50 1.y11er Bros., supplies .. ...
9 00 Uulo,i0,' 'lubber and Pelting
9 00 ('o„ supplies ..........74 17
12 00 e IteY Ste;I1 Pump Co., sup -
1_' ') Itt,li,. ;t, roto: 100.00
1212 no
,0 " I 11irlo, l: rucking ca., packing32 43
r lilt Coal Co., coal
:1 .\ 386 01
1, „•1 \1 rthur. salary 100 00
Shalers labor, f eentan .. ... L :,n
Young, labor, liremart
Fitzpatrick, labor, engineer 12 50
Connor, labor, 1, 1ieer 1'' 50
C. 111. & St. 1'.. freight on coal 3) 60
C. M. & St. I'.. freight on coal.,3:53 87
Martin. St•ela11 1'u., coal 200 00
Beiger% labor. street work
Richter, labor. suet: work
Kunkel, labor. street work 12 15
C. Al. & at. 1'., freight 1 11
Fawcett, IaIor, miner ,.
Fawcett. labor, miner 9 00
Haggerty, labor, engineer 1 2 80
Faber. labor, engineer ..
Rranck, brick laying 3o'r
Dean, labor, engineer
12 iii:
Postmaster, stamps 10 00
J. F. Heer, salary 40 00
J. F. Heet•, pliuts fur building18 On
J. F. Heer, ear rare 1 98
Onion Electric ('o., supplies 7 15
Connor, labor. neer 1t 50
Fitzpatrick, labor, engineer 12 50
Berry. labor, fireman 9 00
Berry. labor, fireman 12 50
Scheidecker, labor, Eagle Point9 00
Shalers, labor, firematt .. .. 12 80
Drees. labor. engineer 12 50
Haggerty, labor, engineer 1.2 50
Dean, labor, engineer 12 50
Fawcett, labor miner 7 50
Fawcett, labor miner 7 80
Richter, labor, street work 12 :0
Beiger, labor. street work 9 011
Kunkel, labor, street work 1 60
Glover Co., refund 5 00
Postmaster, stamps 10 00
Postmaster, stamps 10 00
J. C. Pane & Co., metal polish 3 10
J. Watters, lead 32 50
Fitzpatrick, labor, engineer . 25 00
Connor, labor engineer 25 00
Shalers, labor, fireman 2e 00
12Berry, labor, fireman
Scheidecker, labor Eagle Point 18 00
Drees, labor, engineer 28 35
Dean. labor, engineer 12 80
Haggerty, labor, engineer 12 50
Bugir, labor, street work 9 00
Richter, labor. street work 19 00
Fawcett, labor, miner 9 00
Fawectt, labor, miner 1 50
J. 111urray, refund
B. Lager, horse board 77 00
Ills Bros., iron floor 148 00
Clow & Son. supplies 4 28
Neptune -Water Co., supplies12 1.0
P. Kiene & Son, rent 100 00
1 r• Al. Beate, ;catalysis 10 00
Itagatz & Son, repairs and sup-
plies 80 65
\I;ca•tin-Strelau c' 1,, coal 249 3S
Polon Electric Co., light 7 85
Herald Ptg'. Co., aclwertising and 7 00
O'Hare, brick laying .. 3 00
1'. Clancy. pipe hauling 3 15
Kemkel, labor, street work 3 00
7 00
24 18
12 ,0
Regular Sea: ion, September 5, 1901.
Mathews, salary 75 00
Union Water Metor Co., meters 170 00
1'. S. Cast Iron Pipe & F. Co, 75 74
I,ilre 5 26
7 70
4 73
11 20
15 69
5 25
Evening Telegraph, paper
Telephone Co., telephones
Tredtvay & Sons, supplies
Jaeger & Co., supplies reight
C. 13. & Q.
M. S. Hardie, stationery
Sh .idecker, labor, Eagle Point.. 9 00
12 50
12 50
12 50
12 50
9 00
9 00
12 50
12 50
10 50
14 00
10 50
15 30
5 40
Fitzpatrick, labor, engineer
Berry, labor, fireman
Connor, labor, engineer
Shalus. labor, fireman
Fawcett. labor, miner
Fawcett. labor, miner
Dean. labor, engineer
Haggerty. labor, engineer
Beiger, labor, street work
Richter, labor, street work
Kunkel, labor, street work
Drees, labor. engineer
Trapp, labor. engineer
McDonald & Morrison Mfg. Co,
supplies 31 75
A. T. Lusch, salary 375 00
P. F. Ryder, salary 375 00
Smedley Steam Pump Co., sup-
McDonald & Morrison Mfg. Co.,
Newburgh Paint Co., paint 8th
C. H. Klingenberg, refund
Standard Oil Co., oil and grease
Fitzpatrick, labor, engineer
Connor, labor, engineer
Shalus, labor, fireman
Berry, labor, fireman
Sehidecker, labor, Eagle Point
Drees, labor, engineer
Trapp, labor, Engineer
Dean, labor, engineer
Haggerty, labor, engineer
Richter, labor, street work
Bieger, labor, street work
Kemkel, labor, street work
Fawcett, labor, miner
Fawcett. labor, miner
J. W. Watters, lead
Fitzpatrick, labor, engineer
Connor, labor, engineer
Shalus, labor, fireman
Berry, labor, fireman
Scheidecker, labor, Eagle Point
Drees, labor, engineer
Trapp, labor, engineer
Dean, labor, engineer
Haggerty, labor, engineer
Richter, labor, street work
F:eiger, labor, street work
Fawcett, labor, miner
Fawcett, labor, miner
Kinkel, labor, street work
C. M. & St. P., freight
J. F. Heer, salary
C. G. W. R. R., freight
Fawcett, labor, miner
Fawcett, labor, miner
Richter, labor, street work
Beiger, labor, street work
Haggerty, labor, engineer
Dean, labor, engineer
Trapp, labor, engineer
59 12
2 12
2 25
3 50
11 25
12 50
12 50
12 50
12 50
9 00
10 70
9 00
12 50
12 50
12 00
9 00
3 00
9 00
9 00
32 05
12 50
12 50
12 50
12 50
9 00
14 30
12 50
12 50
12 50
14 00
10 50
9 00
9 00
3 75
15 00
12 92
9 00
9 00
12 00
9 00
12 50
12 50
12 50
Drees, labor, engineer 12
Scheidecker, labor. Eagle Point.. 9
Derry, labor, fireman 12
Shalus, labor, fireman 12
Connor, labor, engineer . 12
Fitzpatrick, labor, engineer 12
P. Clancy, et al, hauling freight 5
Miss Guesenian, refund
A. M. McArthur. salary
K. B. Mathews. salary
6,632 27
Ald. Kintzinger, chairman of the
Special Committee on the High bridge_
approach, reported as follows:
Youd Special Committee on the High
Bridge approach would respectfully re-
port that they have a proposition from
the Fengler estate. for a right of way
through their property asking eighteen
thousand dollars ($1S.000.00) for the
property necessary to be taken front
them for said approach, and would rec-
ommend that said proposition be re-
ceived and tiled. They would further
recommend that the property necessary
for said approach be condemned and
that the proper resolution for such pur-
pose be passed.
Ald. Kintzinger moved the adoption
of the report. Carried.
Ald. Kintzinger also moved that the
matter of right of way for the ap-
proach to the High Bridge be referred
to the Committee of the Whole. Car
Ald. Kintzinger, chairman of the
Committee of the Whole reported as
'lour Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of
Becker Bros., asking that Fourteenth
street from Sycamore to Lynn street
be put in passable condition would
recommend that in view of the fact
that the Street Commissioner has al-
ready been instructed to use the street
cleanings for this purpose that the
petition be received and filed.
Your Committee of the Whole to
whom was referred the petition of A.
Benkendorf asking that the special as-
sessment levied against lot 81 E. Lang -
worthy's add. be canceled would rec-
ommend that the matter be referred
to the City Attorney and City Engi-
neer for a written opinion as to what
rights the property owners and the
City have in Elm street from Sanford
to Twenty-third street and to present
said opinion to the City Council at its
next session.
Your Committee of the Whole to
whom was referred the petition of
Byrne Brothrs asking that the alley
north of lots 7 and 8 of out lots 654
and G88 and west of lot 2 of 5 of Lori-
mier's sub. be vacated would recom-
mend that the said petition be recived
and filed.
Your Committee of the Whole to
Regular 'essiou, September 5, 1901.
whom were referred the bills of the
Dubuque Water company for water
furnished the City of Dubuque prior to
June 1st 1900 would recommend that
the said bills be received and filed.
On motion the report was referred
to the Committee of the Whole.
Your Committee of the Whole to
whom was referred the remonstrance
of C. Brown et al., protesting against
the proposed construction of a sidewalk
in Brech's Lane, would rcommend that
this improvement be deferred for the
Your Committee of the Whole to
whom was referred the plans for
park lavatories, would recommend that
the matter be referred to the Com-
mittee and Public Grounds and Build-
ings with Alderman Horr added.
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of H.
Riker et al, asking that the water
mains be extender: on Wilde street,
.n1O recommend that the said peti-
tion be referred to the Water Works
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of the
Dubuque Brewing and Malting com-
pany, asking that the sewer in Twenty-
seventh street be extended from its
present terminus to the center of Elm
Ayes—Alds. Frith, Horr,
McLaughlin. Total 4.
Nays—Alds. Clancy, Kintzinger and
Sheridan. Total 3.
Your Committee of the Whole to
whom was referred the resolution or-
dering a special assessment for repair-
ing sidewalks during the months of
May and June, 1901, levied against the
abutting property owners would rec-
ommend that the said resolution be
adopted and the remonstrance against
such levy received and filed.
Ald. Kintzinger moved the adoption
of the report. Carried.
Ald. Kintzinger offered the follow-
ing resolutions:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque:
That to pay for repairing sidewalks
for the month of May by City in front
of and adjoining the same, a Special
Tax be and is hereby levied on the
several lots and parts of lots and par-
cels of real estate hereinafter named,
situate and owned, and for the several
amounts set opposite each Lot or Par-
cel of Real Estate, as follows:
Saecial Assessment submitted and
passed September 5, 1901.
Emma T. Randall, mineral lot 39,
Peter George, Driebilbies' add.,$ 45
lot 1 of 1 of 55
street, and also that the north twe
lot 38
feet of Twenty-stventh street from Jennette Bach, Sanford's Sub., lot
1 :ishington street to the Chicago 1 55
:it Western tracks be vacated, F 37Fossehnan, L. H Langworthy's
Id recommend that the proper Add., lot 187
-.elutions for the construction of the Anthony J. Lembeck, Marsh's
se. er be adopted providing the Du- lot 45
buque Malting company will sign an Cath Add., loU, Marsh's Add., 23
agreemnt to pay the entire cost there- Cath Byrne, mineral lot lot 3
of, but that the matter of vacating Joh2 of 5
a portion of Twenty-seventh street be Cath. Heeb, Marsh's Add., lot 27
deferred until the grounds are viewed Mary C. Nancy Blake, l±nten
by this committee. and 6 and 7
Ald. Kintzinger moved to adopt the F. Blake'seSub.,
lotsmineral lot 314,
report rf the Committee of the Whole. lot 5
Carried. F. M. Ellis, Burden & Lawther's
Your Committee of the Whole, to Add., lot 143
whom was referred the resolution in- A Schenker. Burden & Lawther's
structing the street commissioner to lot 141
put Lincoln avenue in passable condi- Albert Add.,E. Flick,
tion, would recommend that the said lot 4
r, -solution be received and filed. report Roman Lorenz, Trivoli Add., lot
Ald. Frith offered a minority 40 as follows: Ellen F. Callehan, South Park
The undersigned, a minority of the Hili Add„ lot
Committee of the Whole, desire to dis-6
d l it Halpin Est., Dubuque, lot
Finley's Add•,
Jones and
Dorgan's Sub.,
sent from the recommendation ma
by the majority that the resolution or-
dering Lincoln avenue put in pass-
able condition be received and filed,
and would offer as a subtsitute recom-
mendation that the resolution be adopt-
Ald. Frith moved the adoption of f le
minority report. Carried by h
e l -
lowing vote:
Ellen O'Halloran,
lots 13, 14, 15
Chas. F. Beige'',
view, lot 16
M. D. Goux, O'N
Int 39
Mrs. .r. \rami.
O'Neil's River-
eil's Riverview.
o'Neil's River-
view, lot ....................
Joaehin Naubaer, _'.\ell's River-
view, lot 61 .................... 35
Jno. Olinger, Boulevard Add, 1 35
lots 1 and 46
1 55
1 20
230 Regular Session, September 5, 1901
A. Flcschsig, Glendale Add., lot
Janes Levi, Sanford's Sub. lot
E. 40 of 2
Ida Dement, Stafford's Sub., lot
Hider and Law t hers, Burden & 1 30
Lawther's Add., lot 11
Hughs and Blake, \\"m. Blake's
Add., lots 25 and 26 60
J. L. Deuss, Dubuque, lot 1 of 741 90
J. Flynn, Pt. of mineral lot 192.,90
Ald. Kintzinger moved to adopt the
resolutioin. Carried by the following
Ayes—Aldi. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger, McLaughlin and
Sheridan. Total, 7.
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque:
That to pay for repairing Sidewalks
for the month of June by City, in
front of and adjoining the same, a
Special Tax be and is hereby levied on
the several lots, and parts of lots and
parcels of real estate hereinafter
named, situate and owned, and for the
several amounts set opposite each lot
or parcel of real estate, as follows:
Special assessment submitted and
passed September 5, 1901.
Fred Ackerman, Burden & Law-
ther's Add., lot 88 $ 0 35
H. L. Manning, Burden & Law-
ther's Add., lot 89 35
Barbara Fisher, Burden & Law-
ther's Add., lot 90 55
Anna M. Bush, Dubuque E. 109-
10 S. 36 W. 30 lot 541 2 45
Jas. Collier, Dubuque S. 1-2 of
lot 239 1 90
P. Kiene, Jr, L. H. Langworthy's
Add.. lot N 1-2 E. 85 of 182.... 55
Geo. Salot, West's Sub., lot 16.... 95
Sidonia Hosford, Boxleiter's Sub,
lot l of 2 of 1 1 45
Rich Waller Est., Dubuque Har-
bor Co. Add„ lot B 1 11 1 10
Mich Halpin Est., Dubuque, lot
Emma T.. Randa i, mineral lot 39,
lot 1 of 1 of 55 1 30
Patrick Welch Est., McCraney's
1st Add., lot 71 45
Henry Riker Farley's Sub., lot 14 70
C. Denlinger, McCraney's 1st
Add., lot 51
S. Kutler and J. Beach, McCra-
ney's 1st Add., lot 47
Wm. Bluecher, McCraney's 1st
Add., lot 73
L. H. Waples, Dubuque, lot 4540
Jas. Collier, Dubuque, lot S. 1-2
of 239
R. Kolk, Dubuque, lot S. 1-5 of
School and Convent, Union Add,
lots 161-162, Rush and Holly St. 1 60
F. E. Spielman, Union Add., lot
1 of 18.4 and 185 1 30
W. Cox, Levin's Add., lot 14 1 25
Anna M. Bush, Dubuque Harbor
Co. Add., lot B. 1, 9
Crescenzia Ptlffner, Dubuque, lot
566 1 30
1 15
2 50
Winona Land Co., Dubuque, lot
1 4',
\Cm. and F. A. Coates. Cunt-
ming's Sub., lot 8
R. Butler. Colon Add., Int I of
2 of 149
Al(1. Kintzinger moved to adopt th.,
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes --Aids. Clancy, Frith, Herr.
,Ions, liintzinger. Jlc•Laughlin and
Sheridan. Tntai, 7.
Your committee of the Whole. to
whom was referred the resolution or-
dering a special assessment. for clean-
l an_ing snow and ice from sidewalks. levied
against the abutting propert y. would
recommend that the said resolution he
adopted and that the remonstrances
against such levy be reeek ed and ftl.• 1.
J. W. klN'I'%INS;I:II.
Ald. Kintzinger moved to adopt t:
report. Carried.
Ald. Kintzinger offered the following.
Resolved by the city Council of the
('ity of Dubuque: That to pay for
cleaning ice and snow by city in front
of and adjoining the sante. 0 special
tax be and is hereby levied on the sev-
eral lots, and parts of lots. and par-
cels of real estate hereinafter named.
situated and owned, and for the sev-
eral amounts set opposite each lot or
parcel of real estate. as follows:
Special assessment submitted and
passed September 5, 1901.
Michael Milan, Union Add., S. 75
feet of lot 99 40
Isadore Plamonden, inion Add..
lot 52 31)
Jno. Dowling est., Union Add., lot
51 30
Carr. Ryder & Adams. Guernsey
and Langworthy add.. lot 4 25
Mathias Florey, Lois add.. lots 96.
97 and 98 1 80
Jno. F. Brede, Julia Langworthy
add., lot 49 LI
John Hennessy, Dubuque, lot 1 of
725 50
R. Bonson est., Dubuque, lot 1 of
731 1 25
B. J. O'Neil, Dubuque. N. M. 196
of lot 78 10
Jno. Pickup est., Union add., lots
110 and 111 311
Thos. Hassett, Harper's sub., N.
85 feet of lot 2 . 25
-S. J. Patch, Union add., E. 10 ft.
of lot 197, 198 and 199 .. 1 10
Dub. Bldg. & Loan Ass'n, Union
add., W. 50 ft. of lot 197 25
Wm. Hintrager, Union add., lot
190 31)
R. Butler, L'nion add., lot 1 of
of 189
R. Bonson est., Union add., lots
210, 211, 212 and 213
Louis H. Julien, Union add., 101
A. P. Abeln, Union add., lot 2 of
77 and 2 of 76 ..
Dubuque Malting Co., Dubuque.
S. 21.8 ft. of lot 1
R. Bonson est., Union aryl.. lot
W. H. Peabody, Dubuque, N. 13 ft.
of lot 8
A. A. Cooper, Dubuque, W. 74 ft.
of lot 84
A. A. Cooper, Dubuque, S. 1-2 of
lot 118 10
Regular Session, September 5, 1901.
G. B. Burch, Dubuque, S. 65 ftof
lot 567
Crescenzia PfIffner, Dubuque, lot
C. H. Eighmey, Dubuque, lots 569
and 570
James Shields, J. H. Lull est., W.
L. Bradley, Dubuque Harbor Co
add., lot 2 of 1 of W. 1-2 of B:
10 1 00
James Shields, Dubuque Harbor
Co., add., lot 8 and 8a of 131 35
Anna M. Bush, Dubuque, E. 1029
of lot 540 .. 40
J. Rhomberg, Sub. lots 1 and 2 of
Mineral lot 62 and part of Min
lot 149, lots la, 2a and 5 1 25
James E. McClain, Mineral lot 149
E. 25 ft. of lots 7 and 8 GO
Hayes & Gehrig, Dubuque, lot 596 45
Jno. Hennessy, Dubuque, lot 6072 45
W. P. Meloy, Reeder -Langworthy
add., lot 5 50
J. and D. Rhomberg. cooper's sub.
E. 26 ft. of 1 ot A 1
M. T. McMahon, 'ooper's sub., W.
4 of 1 and E. 1-2 of 2 of A 15
Alex Simplot, Dubuque, lots 529
and 530 35
M. M. and C. H. Walker, Dubuque,
S. 2-3 of lot 195 20
Mary Westphal, Dubuque, N. 2-3
of lot 193 75
Chas. Simplot, Dubuque, M. 25 ft.
of lot 1 10
F. Poole, Julia F. Langworthy
add., lot 17 1 05
J. S. Stephens, Julia E. Lang-
worthy add., lots 18, 22 and 531 25
S. M. Langworthy's est., S. M.
Langworthy's sub., lots 9 and 10 50
Jno. A. Meshinger, Julia L. Lang -
worthy's add., lot 19 3
Mary Bunting, Julia L. Lang -
worthy's add, lot 20
Leathers & Trewin, Julia L. Lang -
worthy's add., lot 21
Julia L. Langworthy, Julia L.
Langworthy's add., lots 1, 2 and
3 2
Ada L. Collier, Mrs. L. H. Lang -
worthy's sub., lot 6
James Rowan, Breakey's add., lots
7 and 8
Thos. Kavanaugh est., Mineral lot
22, lots 4 and 5 .. 4
Nick Linden, Union add., lot 116
Lawrence McEvoy, Union add., lot
T. W. Fitzpatrick, Union add., lots
145 and 146 1
Bridget McEvoy, Union add., lot
168 ..
Catherine McMahon. rnion add,
lot 144
Jno. Deery, :Mineral lot 39, lots 39
and 40
0. G. Kringle, Breakey's add., E.
30 ft. of lot 1
Dub. Bldg. & Loan Association,
Breakey's add., \\". 56 ft. of lot
Mary Rooney, Newman's sub., W.
12 of lots 4, 5 and 6
Tom Meehan, Union add., lots 131
and 132
James Rowan, Breakey's add., lots
7 and 8
Thos. Kavanaugh est., Min. lot 22,
lots 4 and 5 ...................... 4
Wm. Powers, Dubuque, lot 113...
Mrs. Elizt Saul, Saul's sub., lots
1, 2 and 3
R. Bonson est., Union add., lot 15.
1 10
5 '
F. E. and J. S. Fiefield, Union
add., lots 174 and 175 60
J. Ithomherg, Sub. 1 and 2 Min
62 and pt. 149, 1a -lit -5 1 25
James E. Meulain, Mineral 149, E.
25 of lots 7 and 60
W. I'. Meloy, Iteeder Langwor-
thy's Add.. lot 5
J. L. Langworthy, Lois Add., lot S 75
Carr, Hider & Adams, tluernsey &
Langworthy's Add., lot 1 25
Jno. Bre. I e. Julia La ngw. •thy's
Add., lot 49
J. L. Langworthy, Julia Lang -
worthy's Add., lot 3. 25
11. Bonson Est., Dubuque, lot 1
of 771 1 25
A. P. Abeln, Union Add., lot 2 of
76-77 50
Mary A. 1<,miler, Union Add., lots
96-97-98 1 SO
James 11,,wan, Breakey's Add.,
lots 7-8
Mary Rooney, Nt. w ma it's Sub,
W. 1-2 4-56 55
0. t ;. N. ringle, Itreakey's Add,
E. 30 of lot 1 15
Dubuque Building & Loan Ass'n,
Breakey's Add., W. 56 or lot 1 25
Mary Westphal, Dubuque, N. 2-3
of lot 193 75
E. W. Albee, Dubuque, lot 8535
Jno. Hennessy, Dubuque, lot 60790
Jno. Hennessy. Dubuque, lot 7301 30
Mercy Hospital, Min. lot 66, lot 2 2 50
Geo. B. Burch, Dubuque, S. 65 of
lot 567 35
5 Jno. T. Hancock Est., Min. lot
158, lot 6 95
35 R. Butler, Union Add., lot 1 of 2
of 1S9 70
35 R. Bonson Est., Union Add., lots
210-211-212-.213 90
50 S. J. Patch, Union Add., E. 10
of lots 187-198-199 80
50 Nic Linden, Union Add., lot 11625
Jno. W. Pier, Union Add., lot 2
60 of 105 90
Tom Meehan, Union Add., lots
90 771-12240
30 Lawrence MeEvoy, Union' Add,
lot 10 20
20 Bridget McEvoy, Union Add., lot
168 30
85 T. W Fitzpatrick, Union Add,
30 lots 117,-116 65
Jno. Deery, Min. lot 39, lots 39-40 50
30 0. G. Kringle, Breakey's Add., E.
30 of lot 115
50 Dubuque Building- & Loan Ass'n,
Breakey's All., W. 56 of lot 125
15 Mary Rooney, Newina.n's Sub,
W. 1-2 (rf 1015 4-5-6 55
La \\ rem, McEvoy, Union Add,
lot 167 ..........................20
55 Bridget :‘1,.1.:voy, Union Add., l
168 .............................30
40 James Shields. J. 11. l E
L. Bradley, Dui. Harbor Co.
15 Add., lot 2 of 1 "5 \V. 1-2 of 13. 10 1 00
Anna M. Bush, Dubuque, E. 102.9
90 of 548 .......................... 40
35 Dubuque Malting Co., Dubuque,
70 S. 21.8 of lot 1 ................... 65
35 Chas. Simplot, Dubuque, N. 2.1.5
2:32 Regular Session, September 5, 1901.
of lot 1
B. J. O'Neil, Dubuque, N. M. 19.6
of lot 78
A. A. Cooper, Dubuque, W. 74 of
lot 84
A. A. Cooper, Dubuque, S. 1-2 of
lot 118
G. B. Burch, Dubuque, S. 65 of
Crecenzia Pflffner, Dubuque, lot
C. H. Eighmey, Dubuque, lots
Jno. Hennessy, Dubuque, lots 697-
-726-1 of 694
James McClain, Min. lot 149, E
25 of lots 7-8
Wm. Ballard Est., Min. lot, lot 3
J. Rhomberg, sub. of lots 1 and 2
of Min. 62 and pt. of Min. 149,
1A -2A-5
J. S. Stepens, S. M. Langworthy's
Sub., 2 N. 25 of lot 1...... 40
Win. Schroeder, Min. lot 158, lot
1 of 3 and 3 of 2 1 80
Ed. Young, Mineral 73, lot 5 of 8 25
A. B. Cutler, Wootten's Add., lot 6 30
Isadore Plamonden, Union Add,
lot 52 30
Jno. A. Kennedy, Bush's Add,
lot 2
E. & H. Callahan, Bush's Add,
lot 2 of 11
Eda Goodhouse, Union Add., E.
1-2 of lot 106
Gertrude Ryan, Union Add., lot
S. J. Patch, Union Add., E. 10 of
lots 197, 198, 199
Dubuque Building & Loan Ass'n
Union Add., W. 50 of lot 197
Wm. Hintrager, Union Add., lot
R. Butler, Union Add., lot 1 of
2 of 189
James Rowan, Breakey's Add,
lots 7-8
James Shields, Dubuque Harbor
Co. Add., Bl, 8 and 8A
Dubuque Malting Co., Dubuque,
S. 21 of lot 1
James Shields, J. H. Lull Est., W.
L. Bradley, Dubuque Harbor
Co., lot 2 of 1 of W 1-2 B. 10
B. J. O'Neil, Dubuque, N. M. 196
of lot 78
W. P. Meloy, Reeder Langwor-
thy's Add., lot 5
James McClain, Min. lot 149, E.
25 of lots 7-8
J. Rhomberg, sub. of lots 1 and
2, Min. 62 and Pt. of Min 149,
1A, 2A, 5
Carr, Ryder & Adams, Guernsey
& Langworthy's Add., lot 4
Mary Needham, Guernsey &
Langworthy's Add., lot 1
Julia Rhomberg, Rose Hill Add,
lots 2 to 9 inc
Sarah Mahony, Union Add., lot
Louis Julien. Union Add., lot 117
N. Linden, Union Add., lot 116
F. E. and J. S. Fiefleld, Union
1 10
3 35
1 25
2 75
Add., lots 174-171 60
Thos. Meehan. 'Union Add., lots
131-132 25
Lawrence McEvoy. Union Add,
lot 167 20
Bridget McEvoy. 'Union Add., lot
168 30
T. W. Fitzpatrick Est., Union
Add., lots 145-146 1 70
Thos. Kavanaugh Est., Min. lot
22, lots 4-5 4 90
J. Suulivan Est.. et al., South
Ave. Add.. lots 8-11-12-13 1 00
Isadore Plamonden, Union Add,
lot 52 30
Jno. Dowling Est , Union Add,
lot 51 30
Jno. Pickup Est., Union Add., lot
43 20
Thos. Hassett, Harper's Sub., N.
85 of lot 2 29
S. J. Patch, Union Add., E. 10
of lots 197-198-199 1 10
Wm. Hintrager, Union Add., lot
190 30
R. Butler, Union Add., lot 1 of
2 of 189 75
R. Bonson Est., Union Add., lots
210-211-212-213 90
Louis Julien. 'Union Add., lot 117 25
S. M. Langworthy Est., S. M.
Langworthy's Sub., lots 9-1050
J. L. Langworthy. Julia A. Lang -
worthy's Sub . lots 1-2-3 2 40
J. S. Stephens, S. M. Lang -
worthy's Sub., N. 25 of lots 1-2 25
Wm. Schroeder, Mineral lot 158,
lot 1 of 3 and 2 of 2 2 25
Jno. T. Hancock Est., Mineral lot
158, lot 6 95
Victor Nellis, Mineral lot 149, lot
Eliz. Saul, Saul's Sub., lots 1-2-370
T. W. Fitzpatrick, Union Add,
has 145-146 65
A. P. A.beln. Union add., lot 2 of
76 .tnd 77 1 10
Dub. Malting Co., Dubuque, S.
21.8 of lot 1 35
M. M. and C. H. Walker, Du-
buque, S. 2-3 of lot 195 20
Mary Westphal, Dubuque, N. 2-3
of lot 193 i5
W. H. Peabody, Dubuque, N. 23
feet of lot 8 45
Jno. Hennessy est., Dubuque, lot
607 2 45
Convent and School, Dubuque, lot
602A 2 45
Hayes and Gehrig, Dubuque, lot
596 45
J. and D. Rhomberg, Cooper sub,
E. 26 feet of lot 1 of A 15
M. T. McMahon, Cooper's sub,
W. 4 ft. of lot 1 and E. 1-2 of
lot 2 of A
Jno. Hennessy, Dubuque. lot 1 of
R. Bonson est., Dubuque, lot 1 of
Mary Rooney, Neuman's sub. W.
1-2 of lots 4, 5 and 6
Jno. Pier, Dubuque, lots 578, 1 of
578a, and 579
Emma Randall, Mineral lot 39, lot
1 of 1 of 55
A. Levi est., Levi add., lots 15
and 16
1 25
1 regular Session, September 5, 1901.
C, A. Alexander, Babcock's sub
lot 2 of 3
John Spensley, Simpson's sub., lot
Jno. W. and W. G. Cox, Corriel's
Sub., lot 44
Fred. Miller Brewing Co., Du-
buque, sub. 13 of lot 703
D. W. Lenihan, Corriel's sub., lot
Richard Waller est., Prospect
Hill add., lot 8
James Lee, Dubuque, S. 100 ft. of
lot 4 of 692
A. H. Goodrich, Dubuque, lot 101.
Lorimer Hotel Co., Dubuque, sub. 15
1 of 5 of 1A of 654
Fred. Miller Brewing Co., Du-
buque sub, 13 of lot 703 25
D. W. Lenihan, Corriel's sub., lot 1 10
First National Bank, Dubuque, 85
lot 309
P. M. Harrington, Kelley's sub, 15
W. 1-2 of lot 23
Owen O'Hare, Kelley's sub., lot
24 25
Geo. Salot, Kelley's sub., lot 1 and 25
2 of 39
Robt. Waller et al, Kelley's sub, 40
lot 3 of 42
Martin Byrne, Kelley's sub., W. 25
52 feet of lot 43
Lawrence Powers, Dubuque, S. 90
44.6 of lot 314
Bernard Becke, Dubuque, N. 1-2 25
of lot 303
Rich. Wfiller est., Dubuque, lot
Henry Wunderlich. Fortune's
sub., lot 15
J. W. and W. G. Cox, Corriel's
sub., lot 44 .
Lorimier Hotel Co.. Dubuque,
sub. 1 of 5 of 1.A. of lot 654
Ben. Cheetham est., Wilson's sub,
lot 1 of 38
Nellie J. Walker, Wilson's sub.,
N. 10 feet of lots 24 and 25 ..
Alta P. Seeman, Wilson's sub.,
lot 26
James Sullivan, Wilson's sub., lot
Bridget Leahy, Deming & Horr's
sub., lot 20
C. H. Eighmey et al, Deming &
Horn's sub., lot 21
Bridget Egan, Mineral lot 79, lot
Jno, D. Sullivan est., Dubuque,
lot 614
Marie L. McCarthy, Nairn's add,
lots 6 and 28
D. J. Hennessy, Kelley's sub., lots
1 and 2
Henry Wunderlich, Fortunes
sub., lot 15
Mrs. Alice Goldthorpe. Dubuque,
N. 38.6 of lot 219 .• .
First National Bank, Dubuque 1
lot 309
Lawrence Powers, Dubuque, S.
44.6 ft. of lot 314. • ..
C. H. Meyer, Dubuque, S. 1-2 of
lot 293
"l, rtin Byrne, Kelley's sub., W.
feet of lot 43'sub ..lot
.: n O'Hare, Kelley's
Salot, Kelley's sub., lot 1
.nd 2 of 39,• ............ 'sub.,
S.,tt, G. 4\ . Roger
13 and 14 .. Co....Du-
i. Miller Brewing'
u,•, sub., 13 of lot 703 ..
1 50
1 25
1 10
D. W. Lenihan, Corriel's sub., lot
Anna M. Bush, Dubuque, lots 648,
649 and N. 15 feet of 656
Jno. W. and W. G. Cox, 42.order s
sub., lot 14
S. P. Rider, G. A. Burden, Du-
buque, lot 2 of 651 and 2 of 652.
S. P. Scott, G. W. Rogers' sub,
lots 12, 13 and 14
D. W. Lenihan, Corriel's sub., lot
Fred. Miller Brewing Co., Du-
buque, sub. 13 of lot 703
Jno. H. Kleine, Summit St. sub,
lots 1 to 6 inclu:3lve ..
Chas. Walton, Robt. Brown's
sub., lot 2 of 1 of 3
Jno. L. Buettell, Nairn's Sub,
lots 1-14
A. M. Downer, Dubuque, S. 20 of
Annie E. Downer, Dubuque, N.
31-2 S. 1-5 of lot 453
Alphonse Mathews, Dubuque, N
1-2 N. 1-5 lot 451 ...
Wm. L. Bradley, Dubuque, S. 31-2
of lot 452
Jos. Simones Est., Dubuque, N.
1-5 N. 1-2 N. M. 1-5 of lot 44215
Paul Traut Est., Dubuque, N. 1-2
N. M. 1-5 lot 451 15
Eliz. Corrance, Dubuque, N. 1-5
of lot 460 15
Chris Jungk, Dubuque, N. 50-2
S. M. 1-5 lot 460 25
Geo. L. Torbert Est., Dubuque,
N. 2-5 of lot 459 15
H. P. Bissell Est., Dubuque, S. 35
86-4 of lot 466
Mary A. Clark, Dubuque, N. 23 25
of lot 263
Carolina Fisher, Dubuque, lot 264 40
Ella Busetnan et al, Dubuque, S. 15
1-2 of lot 334
Jeremiah Moore, Dubuque, N. 1-2 15
of lot 330
1 10
1 25
1 50
Henry Wunderlich, Dubuque, S. 15
1-2 of lot 331
Conrad Schmidt, • Dubuque, lot 15
Mrs. H. Rischatsch, Dubuque, lot 40
Wm. L. Bradley, Dubuque, S. 20
of lot 33 65
A. Schaffhauser, Dubuque, lot 351 10
S. J. Goldthorpe, Dubuque, lot 324 90
American Linseed Oil Cu., Dubu-
que, S. 1-2 of lot 374
W. 11. Torbert, Dubuque, lot 375....90
Frank Ludescher, Dubuque, lot
G. Schneider, Dubuque, S. 1-2 of 15
S. M. 1-5 of lot 498
John Foerst, Dubuque, N. 51. 1-5 25
lot 498
Helen Oswald, Dubuque, S. M. 1-5
lot 480
J. J. Dunn, Dubuque, N. 2-3 of 65
1„t 131
M;iry A. Thomas et al, Dubuque, 6a
N 1-2 of lot 483
\l5•1). Hardie, East Dubuque Add.
lot 112
Alex and Mary Hasler, Dubuque, 25
N. 1-5 of lot 486
Engelhart Hemmi, Dubuque, 5.
234 Regular Sessiou,:September 5, 1901.
1-5 of lot 4S7 D
Rider and Lacy, Dubuque, S. 1-5
of lot 440
Chas. Stueck, East Dubuque Add
lot 172
Henry Huber, East Dubuque, lot
Mary A. Doft, East Dubuque, lot
Ed. Langworthy Est., East Du-
buque, lot 16. E. 11 of lot 17.. , . 1 00
Peter Schraffel, East Dubuque, N.
1-2 of lot 158
Ed. Langworthy Est., East Du-
buque, lots 177 to 181 inc. and
W. 65 of lots 226 and 222 2 50
Fred Miller Brew. Co., East Du- 15
buque, S. 31-2 of lot 142
Henry Nagelmaker, East Dubu- 40
que, lots 127-128
Leathers & Trewln, Dubuque, sub.
6 of W. 1-2 ft. of lot 500 75
Mich, Majerus, Dubuque, N. 2-5
W. M. 1-4 of lot 500 15
Mary Ellen Krayer, Dubuque, N.
1-2 N. M. 1-5 N. 1-5 lot 449 10
Gabriel Weis, Dubuque, N. 50
lot 444 15
Rider & Lacy, Dubuque, S. 1-5 of
lot 440 40
Fred Kennicker, Dubuque, N. 1-5
of lot 452 65
A. M. Downer, Dubuque, S. 120 of
lot 453 60
Annie E. Downer, Dubuque, N. 31
of S. 1-5 of lot 453 15
Paul Traut Est., Dubuque, N. 1-2
N. M. 1-5 lot 451 15
E. Kabatt, Dubuque, N. M. 1-5
of lot 454 25
Anna B. Ryan, Dubuque, S. 52-2
of lot 460 67,
Mrs. A. B. Kellar, Dubuque, lot
204 CO
Mary A. Clark, Dubuque, N. 23 of
lot 263 40
Margt. Faust. Dubuque, lot 34115
Henry Wunderlich, Dubuque, S.
1-2 of lot 331 15
S. J. Goldthorpe, Dlibuque, lot 324 90
Mem, L. Bradley, Dubuque, S. 20
of lot 33 50
Leathers & Trewin, Dubuque,
Sub. 6 of W. 120 of lot 50025
Fred Miller Brewing Co., East
Dubuque, S. 31-2 of lot 142 25
J. J. Dunn, Dubuque, N. 2-5 of
lot 431 65
Mary A. Thomes et al, Dubuque,
N. 1-5 of lot 483
Mrs. Leute, Mineral lot 100 lot 5 10
Henry Huber, East Dubuque lot
German Bank, East Duh' ,ue,
lot 91
Ed. Langworthy Est., East. Du-
buque, 16 and E. 11 of lot 17....
Mary A. Doft, East Dubuque, lot
Sam McElrath, East Dubuque,
W. 65 of lot 227
Ed. Langworthy Fst , East Du-
buque Add., Lots 117 to 181. inc.
and 11'. (7 of lots 222-':26........ 2 00
1 OC
Engelhurlt Henuni, Dubuque ,
1-5 ,u,C1 S. 1-2 S. \', 1-5 .11"
0. ' ;:r 1 1ii'i,n,lue. S. 1-2 N
1 i int 488
Nan'',e F. Bell, S. 2-7
of lot 149
David I.nrenz, East i/ .1!,. V ,"t
Paul Traut Est., Dub,' we N. 1-2
N. M. 1-5 of lot 451 ... 1:
Hider & Lacy, Dubuque, S. 1
of lot 110 40
A. 51. Downer, Dubuque, S. 20 of
lot 450 A`
Annie 1:. Downer, Dubuque, N.
31-2 S. 1-5 of lot 450 d
E. H. Sheppley, Dubuque, M.
of lot 463 1:
Eliz. C'orranee, Dubuque, N. 1 -
of lot 460 1
Geo. L. Torbett Est.. Dubuque.
N. 2-5 of lot 459 1'
51rs. A. 11. Keller, Dubuque, lot
204 50
S. J. Goldthorpe, Dubuque. lot 124 90
Henry Huene Est., Dubuque, lot
Leathers & Trewin, Dubuque.
Sub. of W. 120 of lot 500 75
Cath. Lembeck. Dubuque. Sub. 2
of W. 120 of Int 500 15
J. J. Dunn. Dubuque, N. 2-5 of lot
431 40
Mary A. Thomas et al, Dubuque.
N. 1-5 of lot 483 65
Christian Jungk, Dubuque, N. 1-2
of Sub. of 438-439 and Pt. of lot
676 1 ,
John S,•hrup, Dubuque, N. 19-2 51.
1-5 N. 2-5 lot 435 40
Chas. Grebin, Dubuque, S. M. 1-•
of lot 492
E. Langworthy Est., East Du-
buque, lot 1G, E. 11 of lot 171 00
Mary A. Doft, East Dubuque, lot
167 75
Ed. Langworthy Est., East Du-
buque, lots 177 to 181 inc. and
lots 226-222 2 00
St. Mary's Church, Dubuque, lot
4S4 1 00
Mary A. Thomas et al, Dubuque
N. 1-5 of lot 483 75
St. Patrick's Church, Dubuque.
lot 462 1 50
J. L. Deuss, Dubuque, lot 1 of 741 95
Mary Weigel, Dubuque, lot 2 of
741 50
Mrs. Alice Goldthorpe, Dubuque.
lot 3 of 741 45
Jno. Hennessy, A. M, 11,101,15'
sub., lots 820 and 8.1 1 1
Jno. Hennessy, Levins' add., lots
1 to 11 inclusive 4
W. G. Cox, Mineral lot 90, lots
2 and 3
W. G. Cox, Levins' add., lot 14
Jane Jones, E. E. Jones' sub
lot 1
John McDonald, H. T. McNulty's
sub., S. 89 feet of lot 2
Wm. Headford, V1'm, Cain's sub
lot 1 55
Wm. Hintrager, Farley's sub
lot 13
Universalist Church, Dubuque,
Regular Session, September 5, 1901.
lot 638
E. H. Sheppley, Cox's add., lot
Wm. Hintrager, Quigley's sub.,
Out lot 710. W. 42 feet of lot 15..
James McDonnell, A. McDaniels'
sub., S. 1-2 of lot 769A
Sarah Smith, A. McDaniels' sub,
N. 1-2 of lot 764
D. S. Wilson est., Dubuque, lot
Lizzie A. Connelly, Dubuque, lot
A. Tredway est., Dubuque, lot 149
D. S. Wilson est., Dubuque, lot
Jas. McDonnell, A. McDaniels'
sub„ S. 1-2 of lot 769A
Universalist Church, Duhuque.lt
Sarah Smith. A. \1••t)aniei''; sub,
S. 1-2 of lot 69.A ... .
St. Joseph's .\. aden j, Dubuque.
lot 468 . 1 35
H. P. Bissell est.. A. :cicoaniel,:'
sub„ E. 50 feet of lot 7;11
J. L. Deuss, Dubuque, lot 1 of 711
Mary Weigel. Dubuque. iue. lit of
741 •-••••
Mrs. Alice Goldthorpe, i melmue,
lot 3 of 741 ....... ... .
Wm. Hintrager, Quigley',
Out lot 710, W. 42 ft. •.f t.o 1
Ellen F. Callahan, Qui'.d . sub.
Out lot 710, lot 14 .....
Herman Kohler, B7 •Ileal' : sun,.
NI. H. Martin, A. McDaniels' sub., lot 1
lot 819 10 11ary Schroeder, ltu. tt .l1':; sub.,
Jno. Hennessy, A. McDaniels' lot 4
sub., lots, 820 and 821 .. .. 1 15 W. G. Cox, Cox's a.l.l.. lot 71 .
J. L. Deuss, Dubuque, lot 1 of Jno. McDonald, H. T. M.•Nulty's
741. 95
Mary Weigel, Dubuque, lot 2 of 50
Mrs. Alice t loldthorpe, Dubuque, 45
lot 3 of 711 .
W. G. cox. Mineral lot 90, lots 5 20
land 3
1V. G. Cox, Lecins' add., lot 1440
Wm. Hintrager. Farley's sub., lot
Wm. Hintrager, Quigley's sub.,
Out lot 710, W. 42 feet of lot 15.
Frank Bell, A. McDaniels' sub.,
S. E. 1-4 of lot 822
E. H. Sheppley, Cox's add., lot 3
Universalist Church, Dubuque, lot
Jane Jones, E. E. Jones' add,
lot 1
Cornelius Moore, Quigley's sub. of
Out lot 710. lot 15A
J. L. Deuss, Dubuque, lot 1 of 741
Mary Weigel, Dubuque, lot 2 of
Mrs. Alice Goldthorpe, Dubu.lu•
lot 3 of 741
W. G. Cox, Mineral lot 90, lots U
2 and 3
W. G. Cox, Levins' add., lot 1440
Jane Jones, E. E. Jones' a':id.,
lots 1 and 2 ••••• 50
A. and E. Girard, Hodge's sub. 110
lots 3, 4 and 5 ... .....• • • •• .. 1 , . , ... .
James McDonnel, A. McDaniels'
sub., S. 1-2 of lot
Wm. Hintrager, Farley's :'ub., lot
Sarah Snaith, A. McDttniebc sub.,
N. 1-2 of lot 764 ••.••
Frank Bell, A. McDaniels' sub..
S. E. 1-4 of lot 822
J. G. Bailey, A. AU:Danlels'
lots 799 and 800
Jno. Hennessy, A. 11c Dank Is'
sub., lots 821 and 320
Jas. Wallis, A. McDa ii••l.s' sub.,
lots 790 to 795 irclush,fc.... . ls•
H. P. Bissell est.,
sub., E. 50 feet of lat 789
W. G. Cox, Mineral lot 90, lots
2 and 3
W. G. Cox, Levins' add., lot 14
Jno. Hennessy, -A• McDaniels'
sub., S. 20 feet of lot 821 • •
Jno. Hennessy, Levins' add., lots
9, 10 and 11
Wm. Hintrager, Farley a sub., lot
13 .. ........
A. and E. Girard, Hodge's
lots 3, 4 and 5
1 25
Simon :rho.•t,l, L.-. 1. 5 ,
5.1 2S .... .. ... _
Martin 13....., lleche's sub.. 1..1 _.
'I'. B. Cain. Ileche's sub., lot 21
Mary A. Kemler, Ann O'Ha e s
sub., lot 4 eagy, Hodge's sub.. lot 7. 25
5 2 i H. R. BUO1,
40 Martin Buol, Loetscher & Trueb's 45
sub., lot
115 German 11. C. Orphan Asylum, 65
Finley's add., lots 130 and 131 25
75 Geo. Salot, Finley's add, lot 4
Mary C. Dunn, Finley's add. lot 60
- 16 and 1.7
1 ..:01 C. H. Meyer, Finley's add., lot
sub.. S. 89 feet of 1.1 .:
D. J. Lenihan, Home :Md., 1 os 3.
4, 9, 10 and 11
Helen Wright, Dray's sub., lots 2 GO
and 4
L. H. Hurd, Grays sub., lot . 30
Mary Coulter, lr. a. `ulul)lotslot
L. H. Hurd, 1
9 inclusive
Nle. Glab, Finley's 0.10., lots 156, 2 75
157, 15S, 225, 226 and 227
C. H. Jordan, Porter's add., lot 3.
V. A. Langworthy, Porter's add,
lot 2
J. P. Schroeder, J. P. Schroeder's
add., lot 27
Lucy M. Weigle. Grove Terrace
sub., lots 6, 7 and 8
Jas. Lee, Central add., lots 4 and
5 ......
John Tredway, Central add., lot
Wm. H. Duggan, central add.,
lot 3
Frank Bell, A. McDaniels' sub, 30
S. E. 1-4 of lot 822 ..
J. L. Deuss, Dubuque, lot 1 of 741 85
Paul Traut est., Farley's sub., lot35 30
Paul Traut est., Wm. Blake's 50
add., lots 18 and 19
J. J. Dunn, Loetscher and Trueb's 40
sub., lots 16 and 17 • • • • •
Mary Moyes, Milligan's sub., lot 2 25
C. M. Chapman, Milligan's sub., 50
lots 4 and 5 • ' "”"
peter Kiene and F. W. Altman.
Woodlawn Park add.. lots 1, 2, 1 00
49 and 50 ..
1tPark add., lot 20 .... 45
Eliz. Stolz. \Voodla'vn Park 25
add.. lot 71 ""
C. A. Voelkor, \\'oodlaucn Park 25
add, lot i.- suh.... lot
Regular Session. September 5, 1901.
2 and 3
Bertha Weighman. Finley's add, 30
lot 2224
Susan Hune, Cox's add, lot 2-3
of lot 74
Mrs. Eugene Earley, Cox's add,
lot 105 20
Wm. Lawther, Cox's add., 1 and 1 00
2 of lot 92 and of lot 91
C. A. Voelker, Woodlawn Park
add., lot 52
A. P. Schenker, Woodlawn park 25
add, lot 53
Pat Quinn, Woodlawn Park add, 2,
lot 57
C. A. Voelker, Woodlawn Park 100
lot 54, 55, 91 and 92
Anthony J. Lembeck et al., Wood -
lawn Park add., lot 95, 96, 9775
John Kleinschmidt, Woodlawn
Park add., lot 99 75
Anthony J. Lumbeck et al., Wood- 25
lawn Park add., lot 100
A. Leiser, Woodlawn Park add,
lot 101 25
Chas. Geiger, Woodlawn Park, lot
102 25
Wm. Lawther, Woodlawn Park
acid., lot 153 and 154.. ......... 50
Thos. J. Paisley, Wm. Blake's
add., lots 12, 13 and 14 75
F. A. Jaeger, L. H. Langworthy's
add., lot 2 of 101 20
Chas. Steuck, Frisch's sub., west
97 'of lot 5 60
P. Keine, Jr., et al., Elm street
sub, lot 1 and 2 45
Martha Weidner, L. H. Lang-
worthy add., south 1-2 of lot
53, N. 24-52 30
J. J. Lenehan, est., L. H. Lang-
worthy add., lot 3 30
Christ Schneider est., Davis'
Farm lot 265 15
Dubuque Malting Co. L. H. Lang -
worthy's add., lots 7, 8 and 8A.. 1 SO
M. A. Brown, sub. of 1 and 2 and
S. 1-2 of lots 5, 6, and 7 Schaf-
ner's sub, lot 2
Geo. Schrup, Dunn's sub., lot 2
A. Schmidt, Dunn's sub., lot 3
Louisa Traut, Dunn's sub., lot 4
Anna Schlenker, Dunn's sub., lot
S ..
Geo. Kirkland, Dunn's sub., lot
1 of 10
Michael Schunk, est., Davis' farm
lot 287
James Levi, Davis' Farm, lots
237 and 238
A. F. Jaeger, Davis' Farm, lots
270, 271 and 272
Dubuque Improvement Co., Leni-
han Park add., lots 2 to 8 in-
M. Majerus Davis' Farm add.,
lots 342 and 343 .. .
Jas. O'Farrell, Davis' Farm add,
lot 344
Wm. Zinn, Glendale add., lot 81
Mary L. Bunting, Glendale add,
lot 82
Catherine Reuter, Davis' Farm
1 20
1 50
1 50
add., lot 351 90
R. and E. Langworthy, Glendale
add., No. 3, lots 223 to 228 in-
clusive 1 80
A. R. Staufenbeil, E. Lang -
worthy's add., lot 31 25
Mary A. Alexander, E. Lang -
worthy's add., lot 69 25
Leathers & Trewin, Daves'
Farm add., S. 36 ft. of lot 37315
C. L. Burt Davis' Farm add., lot
371 30
Martha Weidner, Glendale add,
No. 2 lot 234 15
J. H. Rhomberg and Jos. Mueser,
Davis' Farm add., lot 225 1 20
Church (S. J. Peterson) Olinger's
sub., lot 1 ................ 50
Chicago Great Western R. R. Co.,
Sanford's sub., lots 60 and 61.. 1 00
Henry Kruse Sanford's sub., lot
29 25
Fred A. Nesler, Sanford's sub.,
lot 20 60
Ottilia Lange, Cook's add., lot 190
John F. Luck, Cook's add., lot 325
J. IC. Demming and G. W. Kiesel,
Mineral lot 466 lot 2 365
J. M. Lillig, Cook's add., lot 14.... 90
E. H. Scherpele, Hocper's add., 1. t
S .. 90
J. J. Schreiner, Mineral lot 303
lot 6 20
Raffaelo Abbato, Mineral lot 303
lot 1 15
John Olinger, Boulevard add., lots
1 to 46 inclusive 8 15
Pat Welsh, est., McCraney's 1st
add., lot 71 20
Mary A. Welsh, Ham's add., lot
447 25
Nic Glab Ham's add, lot 261 25
Christ Jungk, McCraney's 1st add
lots 54 and 55 75
Leather & Trewin McCraney's 1st
add., lot 30 and 31 50
Wm. Zinn L. H. Langworthy's
add., lot 24A. . 30
Johanna Frenzel King's 1st add.
south 1-2 of lot 8... 20
D. Sauers McCraney's 1st add, lot
45 90
Fred Miller Brewing Co., Mc-
Craney's 1st add., west 1-2 of
lot 56 25
Frank Jaeger, L. H. Lang -
worthy's add., lot 2 of 101 45
P. Kiene, Jr., et al, Elm street
sub., lot 1-2 25
Peter Klein, L. H. Langworthy's
add, lot 2 of 6 30
C. A. Walter, L. H. Langworthy's
add., lot N.65 of lot 11 20
M. A. Brown, sub. of 1 and 2 S
1-2 of 5, 6, 7, Schafner's Sub,
lot 2 70
Wm. Zinn. L. H. Langworthy's
add., lot 24 A. 30
Frank Fosselman, L. H. Lang -
worthy's add., N. 62 of lot 2415
Geo. Schrup, Dunn's sub., lot 225
A. Schmidt, Dunn's sub. lot 325
Lcuisa Traut, Dunn's sub. lot 4. 25
Regular Session, September 5, 1901.
C. J. Evens, Dunn's sub., lot 130.
James Levi, Davis' Farm, lot 237
and 238
J. Marshall, Davis Farm, lot 1 of
277 30
Mich. Schunk, est., Davis' Farm
lot 287 1 15
Jacob Roesner, Jr. Davis' Farm
lot 290 30
Ed. L. Muntz, Davis' Farm, lot
293 30
John Vyverburg Davis' Farm,
lots 300 and 301 60
C. A. Walter, Davis' Farm, lot
305 15
Dubuque Improvement Co., Leni-
han Park add., lots 2 to 8 in-
clusive 1 50
M. Majerus, Davis' Farm add,
lots 342 and 343 20
3 H. Hubbard, Glendale add,
lot 6 25
Jas. O'Farrell, Glendale add., lot
8 30
Andrew Bitter, Sanford's sub, lot
51 25
C. G. W. R. R. Co., Sanford's
sub., lots 60 and 61 73
John Olinger, Boulevard add.' lots
1 to 46 inclusive .. 8 15
Church (S. J. Peterson), Oling-
er's sub., lot 1 75
Jos. Rhomberg and Joe Meuser,
Davis' Farm add., lot 225 1 20
Mary A. Alexander, E. Lang -
worthy's add., lot 69 50
A. R. Staufenbeil, E. Lang -
worthy's add., lot 31 25
Catherine Schroeder, E. Lang -
worthy's add., lots 70 and 7125
Chas. Kruse, O. S. Langworthy's
add., lot 12 .. 50
Fred. Grobe, E. Langworthy's 25
add., lot 75
Geo. Rettinger, E. Langworthy's 25
add., lot 76
Henry Luck, E. Langworthy's 25
add lot 77
Martha Weidner, Glendale add
No. 2, lot 234 25
Hubert Galle, Davis' Farm add,
lots 247 and 248
R. and E. Langworthy, Glendale
add. No. 2, lots 223 to 228 in-
clusive and 246
R. and E. Langworthy, Glendale
add. No. 2, lot 247, 270 and 2711 50
R. and E. Langworthy, Glendale
add. No. 2, lot 294
1 45
R. and E. Langworthy, Glendale
add., lots 213 and 214
Arnold Nick, Glendale add., lotq
R. and E. Langworthy est., Glen-
dale add. No. 2, lots 219 to 221, 110
S. M. Langworthy est., Glendale 4J
add., No. 2, lot 133 • •
L. C. Kalfenbach, Glendale add
No. 2. lots 134. 136, 137, 138, 139, 2 00
140, 141, and 145
Frank Mindorfer, Glendale add
lot 135
W. J. Nesler, Glendale add., lots
142 and 143
Henry Mindorfer, Glendale add
No. 2, lot 144
Gerhard Fenhoff, Davis' Farm
add, lot 357 ..
Mary L. Bunting, Glendale add.
No. 2, lot 82
William Zinn, Glendale add. No.
2, lot 81
Ada Collier, Mineral lot 322, lot
Nic Miller est., Davis' Farm
add., lot 345
Jas. 0' Farrell, Davis' Farm add,
lot 344
L. and A. Pitchner, Davis' Farm
add., lots 340 and 341 50
Jake Kessler, Glendale add., lot
Joseph Gruther, Glendale add., lot
R. M. Kuntz, Glendale add., lot
H. and H Specht, Glendale add,
lot 291
Jas. W. Cameron, Glendale add,
lots 284 and 285 50
John Berry, Cook's add., lot 6 15
J. M. Lillig, Cook's add., lot 1425
J. K. Deming and G. W. Kiesel,
Mineral lot 466, lot 2 3 65
E. H. Sheppele, Hooper's add., lot
8, 90
Henry Hafner, Hooper's add., lot
23-22, 1 20
Jas. Beach and R. M. Kuntz, Mc-
Craney's 1st add., lots 22 to
26 inclusive 1 15
James Beach and R. M. Kuntz,
McCraney's 1st Add., lot 82SO
Leathers & Trewin, McCraney's
1st Add., lots 77 and 78 50
Pat. Welsh Est., McCraney's 1st
Add., lot 71 20
Mary A. Welsh, Ham's Add., lot 30
Nic Glab, Ham's Add., lot 26125
Geo. Jungk, Ham's Add., lots 262- 75
Minnie E. Miller, Ham's Add., lot 25
Susan Buehler, Ham's Add., S. 10 30
of lots 268-269
F. M. Robinson Est., Ham's Add, 1 00
lots 435-436-437-43S •••
Win. Jansen, Ham's Add., lot 304 25
Dr. Nic Bray, Ham's Add., lot 308 25
Christ Hertner, Stafford's Add., 20
Sub. 1 of lot 5
H. C. Becker, A. Stine's Add., lot
Geo. Reiger, Brecht's Sub., lot 4.. 25
Johanna Frenzel, King's 1st Add.,
S. 1-2 of lot S
Geo. Kirkland, Dunn's Sub., lot
1 of 10
A. F. Jaeger Est., Davis Farm
Add., lots 270-271-272
Matilda Specht, Marsh's Add., lnt
41 Marsh's
A. J. Lernbeck et al, 75
Add., E. 100 of lot 45
A. L. Trilk. L. H. Langworthy's 15
Add., lot 1 of 145
Regular Session, September 5, 1901.
Chris Voelker, Mechanics' Add,
lot 154
C. Heintz, L. H. Langworthy's
Add., lot 147
Frank Jaeger, L. H. Langworthy's
Add., lot 2 of 101
Peter Kiene et al, Elm. St. Sub,
lots 1 and 2
M. A. Brown, Sub. 1 and 2 and S.
1-2 of lots 5-6-7 Schaffner's Sub.
lot 2
R. and E. Langworthy, Glendale
Add. No. 3, lots 246 and 223 to
228 inc.
Leathers & Trewin, Davis Farm
Add., S. 36 of lot 373
Wm, Zinn, L. H. Langworthy's
Add., lot 24A
C. J. Peterson, Olinger's Sub,
lot 1
J. H. Rhomberg and J. H. Heu-
ser, Davis Farm Add., lot 925...
A. F. Jaeger Est., Davis Farm
Add., lots 270-271-272
Jas. O'Farrell, Davis Farm Add,
lot 344
John Dougherty, Glendale Add,
lots 10-11
Jas. O'Farrell, Glendale Add., lot 8
Jno. V. White, Glendale Add,
lot 7
J. H. Hubbard, Glendale Add,
lot 6
Francis Poole, Glendale Add. No.
2, lot 78
Peter Oeth, Glendale Add. No. 2
lot 79
Ada Collier, Mineral Lot 322, lot
Geo. Salot, E. Langworthy's Ad.,
lot 51
John Marzen, E. Langworthy's
Add., lot 46
Roman Lorenz, E. Langworthy's
Add., lots 47-48
A. R. Staufenbeil, E. Langwor-
thy's Add., lot 31
Mary A. Alexander, E. Langwor-
thy's Add„ lots 68-69
Chicago Great Western R. R. Co.
Sanford's Sub., lots 60-61
Louis Reinecke, L. H. Langwor-
thy's Add., W. 95 of 184 W. 95
of 185, W. 95 of 182, W. 95 of
183 1 20
A. Schmidt, Dunn's Sub., lot 325
Louisa Traut, Dunn's Sub., lot 4 25
Geo. Kirkland, Dunn's Sub„ lot
1 of 10
Johanna Frenzel, King's 1st Add,
S. 1-2 of lot 8
J. H. Jecklin Est., L. H. Lang -
worthy's Add., lot 1 of 1 and
W. 1-2 of 3 of 143 of 2 and 1 of
3 of 145
C. Heintz, L. H. Langworthy's
Add., lot 147
Cath. Heeb, Marsh's Add., lots
J. M. Lillig, Cook's Add, lots 13-14 90
J. K. Deming, G. W. Kiesel, Min-
eral lot 466, lot 2
E. H. Seheppele, Hooper's Add,
2 20
1 20
3 65
lot 8 60
Franc Altman. J1,•t'rane•y's 1st
Add., lots ---'s-29
Leathers & 'l'rel ili. McCraney's
1st Add.. Tots 77-:8
M. 1). GoUX. 21l(Cr,u,ey's 1st Add
lot 69 "1
Pat. Welsh Est . M ('raney's 1st
Add.. lot 71
Mary A. Welsh, Helm's Add.. lot
Nie Mab. Ham's Add., 1,0 261:
F. M. Robinson Est.. Ham's .-1d,1
lots 413 to 438 inc. 1 in
Adam dueller. Geiger's Sub., lot
10 „f 3
Christina \\'asset.. lireeht's Sub,
lot 2 of . :ind 11111' of 6 53
Geo. Burden est., Mineral lot 322.
2 1 75
L.1"(1'. Kolfenbach, Glendale a,lcl,
No. 2, lots 131 and 132 50
S. M. Langworthy est.. Glendale
add. No. 2, lot 133 70
J. L. Stephens. Glendale a,lt. No
2, lot 120
P. and E. Kiene, Glendale add.
No. 2, lots 105 and 114 50
F. Langworthy, Glendale add. No.
2, lots 104 and 115 7 )
Mary L. 13unting, Glendale add.
No. 2, lot 106 . -:,
A. Flechsig, Glendale add., No
2, lot 13 43
R. M. Kuntz, Glendale add. No. 2
lots 14 and 15 50
F. M. Ellis, Burden & Lawther's
add., lot 143 'S
Dub. Building & Loan Ass., Bur-
den & Lawther's acyl., lot 13525
Jas. L. Botsford, Glendale add,
lot 20 25
Dub. Imp. Co.. Lenihan Park add,
lots 2 to 8 inclusive 1 50
L. C. Kolfenbach. Glendale add.
No. 2, lots 136 to 141 inculsive.
and 134 and 145 2 00
Frank Mindorfer, Glendale add
No. 2, lot 135
W. J. Nester, Glendale add. No.
2, lots 142 and 143
Henry Mindorfer, Glendale add.
No. 2, lot 144 .. 25
R. and E. Langworthy, Glendale
add. No. 2. lots 247. 270 and 271. 1 33
Martha Weidner, Glendale add.
No. 2, lot 234 25
R. and E. Langworthy, (aen,lal,•
add. No. 2, lots 21:1, 220 and 221. 1 10
N. J. Schrup, Glendale add., No.
2, lot 19S
R. and E. Langworthy, Glendale
add. No. 2, lots 213, 214, 294 and
283 1 7i)
A. J. Lembeck et al, Marsh's add..
E. 100 feet of lot 45
Joe Hanover, Marsh's add., E
100 feet of lot 47 77
Geo. Baumgartner, Chas. Klingen-
berg's 4th sub., lot 25 15
Chas. Klingenberg, ('has. Kling-
enberg's 4th sub., \V. 1-2 of lot
21 15
C. A. Voelker, C. A. Voelker's add.
lot 33 50
L. Zust est., Geo. D. Wood's sub,
lots 3 of 8 and 3 of 9 511
I. B. & Loan Ass., C. A. Voelker's
add., lot 7
C. D. Miller (Trustee), ('. A.
Voelker's add., lot 15 25
J. P. Kassel, C. A. Voelker's add,
1 nn
Regular Session, September 5, 1901.
E. 1-2 of lot 16
C. A. Voelker, C. A. Voelker's
add., lot 21
J. P. Schroeder, J. P. Schroeder's
add., lots 19 and 20'
C. A. Voelker, Mechanics' add.,
lots 113, 114 and 115
C. A.. Voelker, C. A. Voelker's
add., lots 22 and 23
M. Kies, C. A. Voelker's add,
lot 24
Jno. Neises, C. A. Voelker's add,
lot 25
Peter Semmert, C. A. Voelker's
add.. lot 27
Leathers and Trewin, J. P.
Schroeder's add., lot 4
Jno. Petry, J. P. Schroeder's add
lot 3 25
Ald. Kintzinger moved the adoption
of the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger, McLaughlin and
Sheridan. Total, 7.
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque:
That to pay for West Chestnut street
from Walnut street to west line of said
street by \\'illmer Cook, contractor,
in front of and adjoining the same, a
Special Tax be and is hereby levied on
the several Lots. and parts of Lots,
and Parcels of Real Estate hereinafter
named, situate and owned, and for the
several amounts set opposite each Lot
or Parcel of Real Estate, as follows:
Special Assessment submitted Sep-
tember 5, 1901.
Chas 13. Clark, Bissell's Sub., lot
8, S3.55 sq. yds. guttering at 38c,
$31.74: 155.8 sq. yds. macadam-
izing at 45c, $70.11.... ....... ...$101 85
Jno. 13. Thillman, Bissell's Sub,
lot 7, 23.44 sq. yds. guttering at
38c, $8.90; 39.2 sit. yds. macadam-
izing at 45c, $17.64
Jno. P. Thillman, Bissell's Sub,
lot 6, 11.74 sq. yds. guttering at
38c, $4.47: 25.02 sq. yds. maca-
damizing al. 45e, $11.25 15 72
G. Mersch, Bissell's Sub., lot 5,
11.74 sq. yds. guttering at 38c,
$4.47; 25.02 sq. yds. macadam-
izing at 45c, $11.25 15 72
J. P. Cummings, Bissell's Sub,
lot 4, 11.77 sq. yds. guttering at
38c, $4.47; 25.02 sq. yds. maca-
damizing at 41c, $11.2515 72
Mary E. Canavan, Bissell's Sub,
lot 3, 11.77 sq. yds. guttering at
38c, $4.47; 25.02 sal. yds. maca-
damizing at 45c, $11.25 15 72
Felix McBride. Bissell's Sub., lot
2, 11.77 sq. y,le. guttering at 38c,
$4.47; 25.02 sq. yds. macademi-
15 72
at 45c, $1L25
Sarah Donnelly, Bissell's Sub., lot
1, 12 sq. yds. guttering at 3Sc,
$4.56; 25.50 sq. yds. macadam-
izing at 45c, $11.47.... .......... 16 01.
Henry Gilbert, Cummings' Sub.,
lot 1, 23.45 sq. yds. guttering at
38c, $8 91; 49.87 sq. yds. maca-
damizing at 45e, $222.44 • •
H. and N. Gilbert, Cummings'
Sub., bit 2, 23.45 sq. yds. gutter-
ing at 38c, $8.91; 49.87 sq. yds.
macadamizing at 45c. 521.44
F. Lathrop, Cummings' Sub , \\'.
45 of lot 3, 21.10 sq. yds. gutter-
ing at 38c, $8.02; 44.89 sq. yds.
macadamizing at 45c, $'10.20.... 2' 2-
E. Laude, Cummings' Sub., E.
of lot :3, 2.34 sq. yds. guttering
at 381', 89c: 4.98 sq. yds. maca-
damizing at 45c, $22.24
E. Laude, Cummings' Sub., lot 4.
23.45 sq. yds. guttering at 38e,
$5.91: 49.,7 sl. yds. mac•adetni-
zing :11 41e• 522.44
Mrs. M. Stewart, Cummings' Sub
lot 5. 23 sal. yds. guttering at 38e.
58.74; 49.1 sit. yds. macadami-
zing at 45,•. 822.09 3o 83
Mrs. A. Cummings. runnings'
Sub., lot 8, 23 sal. yds. guttering
at 3Sc, $8.74: 49.1 sal. yds. ma-
cadamizing at 45c, $22.0'1,"
T. J. Levan, Cummings' Sub., lot
7, 23 sq. yds. guttering at 33c.
$8.74; 49.1 sq. yds. macadami-
zing at 45c, $22.09
Ald. Kintzinger moved the adl -i. 11
of the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Frith. Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger, McLaughlin and
Sheridan. Total, 7.
Ald. Frith offered the following:
Be it Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
That the City Engineer be instruct-
ed to prepare a plan and specifications
for a 1500 barrel cistern to be con-
structed at the intersection of Goethe
avenue with Sheridan street, and to
present the same to the Council, to-
gether with an estimate of the cost
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the reso-
lution. Carried.
Ald. Kintzinger offered the following:
Be it Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
That the City Engineer be and is
hereby instructed to prepare a plat
and profile for a grade showing a
street from the east side of Catherine
street 200 feet east.
\Id. Kintzinger moved to adopt the
resolution. Carried.
Alderman Kintzinger offered the fol-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque:
That a sidewalk six feet wide, of
good two inch plank, brick or ci-ment,
he, within 10 days of this with,. con-
structed and laid in eon form ty w ith
the ordinance in relati'a, 10 sidewalks,
on the west side of ,.rnndview avenue
between Bennett street and North
street, abutting east part lot No. 29
Anna O'Hare's Sub.,
owned by 1-1111, at the expense of abutting prop-
240 Regular Session, September 5, 1901.
Adopted by the following vote:
les—Alds. Clancy. Frith, Horr,
7„i„• Kintzinger and Sheridan.
Alderman Kintzinger offered the fol-
'Whereas, It is deemed icccessary and
advisable by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque to cmprc a West Sev-
enteenth street from West Locust street
to Clark street, and it is hereby pro-
posed to grade, curb, gutter and ma-
cadamize said street, therefore,
Resolved, That the city engineer be
and is hereby directed to prepare a
plat and specifications, showing the lo-
cation and general nature of such im-
provement, the extent thereof, the kind
of materials to be used and an esti-
mate of the cost thereof together with
the amount assesable upon any railway
or street railway and upon each lot or
parcel of land abutting thereon per
front foot, and to file such plat. speci-
fications and estimate in the office of
the city recorder; that after the filing
of said plat in his office the city re-
corder shall cause to be published in
the official newspaper of the city the
notice provided for in Section Two (2)
of the ordinance relating to the im-
provement of streets adopted Aug. 10th,
1901, and after the publication of such
notice he shall, at its next regular ses-
sion notify the Council thereof in writ-
ing with a printed copy of such notice
accompanying the same.
Aid. Kintzinger moved to adopt the
resolution. Carried by the following
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger, McLaughlin and
Mayor Berg stated that the trustees
of the Dubuque Water Works had in-
formed him that they had been noti-
fled to vacate their present office, cor-
ner 4th and Main streets by October
1st, 1901, and that he desired to re-
port the facts to the Council.
Aid. McLaughlin moved that the
committee on Public Grounds and
Buildings be instructed to provide
suitable offices in the City Hall for said
trustees. Carried.
Ald. Horr stated that the Union Elec-
tric Co. had been overcharged and had
overpaid $372.00 for macadam, there-
fore moved that a warrant be ordered
drawn in favor of the Union Electric
Co. for $372.00 to adjust the matter.
Ald. Kintzinger moved that the city
treasurer be instructed to make out
a list of all personal property de-
linquent for two years or more, as far
as known, and report to the Council.
Ald. Clancy moved that $300.00 more
be appropriated from the Road fund to
complete the work on Grandview
Ald. Frith moved a substitute that
the matter be referred to the commit-
! tee of the Whole.
Ald. Frith's motion to refer lost by
the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Frith and .loner. Total,
Nays—Alds. Clancy, Horr,.Kintzinger,
McLaughlin and Sheridan. Total, 6.
Ald. Clancy's motioe w "s then carried
by the following vote.
Ayes—Alds. C'•incy. Frith, Herr,
Jones, Kiri tzfngPf, Mcl.aughlln and
Sheridan. Total,
Ald. McLaughlin moved to adjourn
for two weeks. Lost by the following
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, McLaughlin and
Sheridan. Total, 3.
Nay es—Aids. Frith, Horr, Jones,
and Kintzinger. Total, 4.
Ald. Frith moved that the special
committee to whom was referrel the
award of the jury for the extension of
Lincoln avenue be requested to report
at the next regular session of the
Council. Carried.
Ald. Kintzinger moved to adjourn
until Sept. 19th, 1901.
Ald. Horr moved a substitute that
the Council adjourn for one week.
The substitute of Ald. Horr lost by
the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Frith, Horr and Jones.
Total, 3.
Nays—Aids. Clancy, Kintzinger, Mc-
Laughlin and Sheridan. Total, 4.
The question recurring on the motion
of Ald. Kintzinger to adjourn until
Sept. 19th, 1901, was carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Ayes—Alds, Clancy, Kintzinger, Mc-
Laughlin and Sheridan. Total, 4.
Nays—Alcls. Frith, Horr and Jones.
Total, 3.
At t
Approved v , 190
Special Session, September 7, 1901.
from Mr. Carnegie and from $8,000 to
$9,000 from the resources of the Young
\Ion's Library Association.
L, view of these facts, the Board of
'rustc,s voted to enter upon the con-
struction of the building as designed,
and have this day signed a contract
tvith Mr. Field as the lowest bidder,
and for the first time have matter
of definite importance to report to
your honorable body.
An examination of the contract will
show that by its terms the Trustees
will secure the erection of the build-
ing in accordance with the approved
plans without the City incurring any
, ost or liability in connection there-
with. 1t will be necessary, however,
that drafts upon the donation made
by Mr. Carnegie be made in accord-
ance with his custom in sucn matters
and we therefore submit this report to
to your Honorable Body, asking for
the adoption of a resolution authoriz-
ing drafts to be drawn upon Mr. Car-
negie to be signed by the President or
Vice President of the Board of Library
Trustees and to be countersigned by
the Honorable Mayor' of the City.
Very respectfully,
By JACOB RICH, President.
At the conclusion of the reading of
the report of the Trustees, Ald. Sheri-
dan offered the following resolution:
Resolved: That the report of the
Board of Library Trustees be receiv-
ed, approved and filed; and that all
monies donated to the City of Dubuque
for construction of said Library build-
inb be drawn in accordance with the
desire of the donors, upon drafts
drawn by the President or Vice -Presi-
dent of the Board of Library Trustees,
countersigned by the Mayor of the
City of Dubuque.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the reso-
lution be adopted.
Adopted by a unanimous vote of
those uresent.
Judge O. P. Shiras addressed the
Council and said in part, although the
new library building would cost up-
wards of $72,000 and that Mr. Car-
negie's first donation was but $50,001,
the City of Dubuque would not he put
to any additional expense, as arrange-
ments had been made to raise the ad-
ditional amount from other sources.
Through fforts nator
son Mr. Carnegietheehadof incSereasedAlll-
original donation $10,000, and that
other well wishers of the library would
see that the remainder would be rais-
Ald. Frith moved to adjourn. Car-
Special Session, September 7, 1901.
Council met at 8:15 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
and Sheridan. Total, 4.
Absent—Aids. Jones, Kintzinger and
McLaughlin. Total, 3.
Mayor Berg stated that he had called
this Special session at the request of
the Trustees of the Carnegie and Stout
Library, and said that there were sev-
eral of the Trustees present, and
called upon the Hon. Jacob Rich
(Chairman of the Board of Trustees)
fvr n !,•port.
Itich reported as follows:
Dubuque, Sept. 5th, 1901.
To the Honorable Mayor and Council
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa:
gentlemen:—The Board of Library
Trustees of the City of Dubuque have
for some months had under considera-
tion the matter of securing designs,
plans and specifications for the proposed
free library huilcling. Delays haveoccur-
ed much beyond our anticipation or de-
sire but seem to have been unavoida-
ble. About the middle of August, the
full plans and specifications were re-
ceived, and bids thereon were generally
and widely invited, with notice that
said bids would be opened on the third
day of September. A considerable
number of bids were received, many
fur the different sections of the work,
and several fdr the construction as a
Nvhole. The bids were very carefully
tabulated by the Construction Commit-
tee of the Board and the Architects,
and it was found that the lowest bid-
der was John Field, of Omaha, Ne-
braska, whose bid included the whole
work under the plans and specifications
and amounted to $72.117.
The bids and the probable resources
for construction were carefully con-
sidered by the Board of Trustees, and
the members of the Board present
agreed unanimously that at the present
price of material and labor, it was a
fair price for the building contemplat-
ed. And that it would be very unwise,
and indeed very unjust to the people of
Dubuque, for whom this will probablY
be the only structure for library use
for many yetars, to attempt to dwarf
this building in proportion or detract
from its attractions for the public.
In the earlier c•onsid9ration of what
was requisite in a modern library struc-
ture for a community like Dubuque, it
was quickly seen that it was necessary.
if possible, to increase the sum avail-
able for construction. The board
promptly laid this feature of the case
before Mr. Andrew Carnegie, through
Senator Allison, and had his assur-
ance of an increased gift up to $60.000
and contingently of more. The re-
sources for construction the board feel
safe in estimating at least $60,000 cash
..... ....31ayw•
242 Special Session, September 16, 1901.
Special Session ,September 16th, 1901.
Council met at ,','luck p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Frith, Horr,
Present—Alds. Clancy,
Jones, Kintzinger, McLaughlin and
Mayor Berg addressed the council as
Gentlemen of the Council:—This city,
this nation and the whole civilzed
world are stricken with grief because
of the tragic death of the Hon. Wm.
McKinley late president of these Unit-
ed States, at the hands of a foul as-
sassin. A great and good man has
fallen and the world mourns. I hax e
called a special meeting of the city
council 'of the city of Dubuque that
we may on behalf of the city and its
people give formal expression of our
feelings of sorrow, and words of con-
dolence to Mrs. McKinley and in a
fitting way express our abhorrence of
the crime that has brought to an un-
timely end the career of a broad minded,
patriotic statesman, a typical Ameri-
can citizen, a Christian gentleman."
Gentlemen, what is your pleasure?
Whereupon, Ald. Horr offered the
following resolution:
Whereas, Almighty God, who rules
all that is done for human good, has
willed that our late beloved president,
William McKinley, be removed from
the duties of this life and stand with
Lincoln and Garfield in the Temple of
Martyrs; therefore be it
Resolved, That in the life of Presi-
dent McKinley, who, in every station,
whether as private citizen, soldier, or
chief magistrate, unswervingly trod the
pathway of duty, we recognize an ex-
ample of simplicity, purity, and virtue
which are the crowning glories of a
successful public career. That while
watching with the deepest emotion the
appalling tragedy, his patient struggle
for life, and the destined end, we bow
to the Supreme Ruler and repeat after
the president, "It is God's way, His
will, not ours, be done."
Resolved, That in testimony of our
veneration and affection for the illus-
trious dead, the mayor of Dubuque re-
quest all business to be suspended on
the day of the funeral, and private
residences and business houses draped
in mourning; and order the flags on
all municipal buildings to be display-
ed at half mast.
Resolved, That a copy of these reso-
lutions be transmitted to his sorowing
wife, Mrs. Ida McKinley, in assurance
of the profound sympathy of the
citizens of Dubuque in her deep per -
serial affliction and of their sincere
condolence on the late national be-
Ald. Horr moved that the resolution
be adopted and that they be properly
engrossed and signed by the Mayor
and attested by the Recorder and sent
to the grief stricken wife, Mrs. Ida
Unanimously carried.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that a war-
rant be ordered drawn in favor of
Mayor Berg for $100, for the purpose
of defraying the expense of the ser-
vices to be held next Thursday, Sept-
ember 19th, 1901 in memory of our
much lamented late President Wm.
l'nanimously carried.
Ald. Horr moved that the city coun-
cil recommend that a. representative
meeting of the jobbers, manufacturers,
hankers, retailers, societies and citizens
in general be called at the rooms of
the Dubuque Retailers association Tues
day, at 11 a. m. for the purpose ..f
advising and arranging for a suitable
program for public memorial services
to be held Thursday, the day of the
burial of our late lamented president,
William McKinley; and that the mayor
appoint a committee of three alder-
men to attend said meeting as an
advisory committee: also that the
citizens 'of our neighboring town, East
Dubuque, and the citizens of the sur-
rounding townships be invited to par-
ticipate in the meeting and memorial
Unanimously carried.
Mayor Berg named the following.
committee: Alds. Horr, Sheridan and
J ones.
On motion the Council adjourned.
Ilegular Session, September 19, 1901.
Regular Session September 19th,
Council called to order at 8:05 o'clock
n- m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Aid. Horr. Total 1.
Absent—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Jones,
Kintzinger, McLaughlin and Sheridan.
Total. 6.
No quorum being present, under rule
5, the Mayor declared the Council ad-
journed for one day.
// Litt 9Recorder
Approved • 1911/
244 Adjourned Regular Session, September 20, 1901.
Adjourned Regular Session Sep-
tember 20th, 1901.
Council niet at 8:20 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Aids. Clancy, Frith. Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger, McLaughlin and
The petition of I. Plomondon asking
for further time to pay special assess-
ment for the improvement of Oak
Also the petition of D. C. Stewart,
agent for the John Spensley estate,
asking further time to pay special as-
sessment for the improvement of Fre-
mont avenue.
The prayer of both petitions were
granted, providing the petitioners
would pay the interest up to date and
sign the usual waiver, signed in such
The petition of John Spear offering to
pay his special assessment for the im-
provement of West Eighth street, pro-
viding the Council would cancel the in-
terest thereon.
On motion, the petition was referred
to the Finance Committee.
The petition of N. C. Gindorff, trus-
tee, offering to pay fifty per cent. of
the special assessment against Lot 99,
Woodlawn Park Sub., for street im-
On notion, the petition was referred
to the Finance Committee and City
Communication from the Dubuque
and Wisconsin Bridge Co., notifying
the Council that one pier was out of
water and that the appropriation for
the approach to said bridge had become
On motion, the communication was
referred to the Committee of the
A communication from the Second
National bank asking that the dame of
J. K. Deming be substituted for that of
Geo. B. Burch, as trustee for said bank
in an ordinance adopted October 5th,
1896, in relation to the Dee Basket fac-
toryfi and that the said trustee (J. K.
Deming) be granted until the 1st clay
of January, 1902, to begin to operate the
plant, and that the said Deming be
permitted to grant to L. W. Johnson,
or his assigns, by lease or otherwise,
the rights which are granted to him by
said ordinance.
Aid. Kintzinger moved to grant the
privileges asked and that the Ordi-
nance Committee and City Attorney be
instructed to draft the necessary ordi-
nances. Carried.
Street Commissioner Boyce reported
as follows:
Tn the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
gentlemen:—I herewith submit my
pay roll for laborers on streets for the
first half of September, 1901:
Amount due laborers on streets, $1,-
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
E. E. FRITH, Chairman Committee
on Streets.
Also submit nay pay rull for laborers
on sewers for t he first half of Septem-
her. 1901:
Amount clue laborers on severs,
Respectfully submitted.
Street Commissioner.
JOSEPH L. HORR, Chairman Sewer
E. 1•:. FRITH.
tm motion. the pay rolls were receiv-
ed ani warrants ordered drawn to pay
laborers on streets and sewers and the
pay rolls referred back to the proper
City Engineer Illake reported as fol-
I' thk Mayor and City Council of
Gentlemen:—I beg to report on the
petition of John Marcan et al asking
to have West Seventeenth street curb-
ed, guttered and macadamized which
was referred to me to ascertain how
many of the abutting property owners
were in favor of having the improve-
ment made.
I find only one property owner, Mr.
John Marcan, in favor of said im-
provement. All the other property
owners are opposed to said improve-
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Ald. Sheridan moved to receive and
Ald. Frith moved a substitute that
it be referred to the Committee of the
Ald. Frith's substitute carried by the
following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Frith, Horr, Jones and
Kintzinger. Total 4.
Nayes—Alds. Clancy, McLaughlin
and Sheridan. Total 3.
Also City Engineer reported as fol-
Herewith I submit a plan and specit
fication for a 500 bbl. cistern at the
intersection of Goethe avenue with
Sheridan street. The estimated cost,
$150.00. Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
On motion the plan and specification
was referred to the Committee of the
Also the notices served on St. Jo-
seph's College. John J. Murphy Est.
and Mary F. McHugh, of the proposi-
tion now pending before the City Coun-
Adjourned i{egular S 'scion, September 20. 1901.
cil of Dubuque for the vacation of a
street and alley as follows: Between
West 14th street and Henion street,
west 70 feet of Helena street, west 70
fret of alley first north of Helena
street. No remonstrance or objec-
tions filed, the Mayor asked if any
one present had any objections. No
one present offered any objections.
Aid. Kintzinger moved that said
notices be received and filed and that
the necessary resolution be passed.
City Marshal Morgan reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
council of the t'ity of Dubuque.
Gentlemen: The hill against the
Dubuque Water Co. for $22.01 for cast
iron pine and rete reed to me for col-
lection, I hog to report that 1 pre-
sented the bill for collection to Frank
Altman. and he claimed that he knew
nothing about it. but thought that
when the old company had the Water
'Works the City of Dubuque had no
\\ at'r pipe.
l lespectfuliy,
On notion the bill was referred back
to the City Engineer for further in-
Sidewalk Inspector Berg reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
c;entiemen:—I respectfully ask your
honorable body to cancel the special
assessments levied for cleaning snow
and ice. against the following prop-
Lets 167 and 168 Union Add., own-
ed by B. and L. McEvoy,
amount $2 00
Lot 351 Davis Farm Add., owned
try Catherine Renter, amount90
Lot 77 E. Langworthy's Ad., own -
eel by Harry Luck. amount 2a
Lot 345 Davis Farm Add., owned
by Nic Miller, est.. amount. 25
Total amount
Sidewalk Inspector.
A1,d. Sheridan moved to adopt the
repot and that the City Treasurer
tic: instructed to cancel said special
assessments as asked for in the report.
ity P.ecorder Langstaff presented
special assessment for repairing side-
walks for the month of July. 1901 and
asked for the method of procedure
under the Revisi•d t trdinace of 1901.
On motion the question was referred
to the City Attorney for an opinion.
The lists of names furnished to the
council by the chairman of the City
Central Committee of the Republican
and Democratic party to select the
names of Register Clerks for Regis -
tration for the coming year were pre-
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the first
name on the list of names for each
luccinci, be appointed Register Clerk.
VQ. Kintzinger moved a substitute
that the lists be referred to the Com-
mittee of the Whole and the Council
take 0 recess for the purpose of con-
sidering and selecting the names for
Register Clerks.
Ald. Kintzinger's subtsitute was car-
ried by the following vote:
Ayes.—Aids. Frith, Horr, Jones and
Kintzinger. Total 4.
Nayes—Alds. Clancy, McLaughlin
and Sheridan. Total 3.
The committee arose and retired to
the committee room.
When the committee returned to the
Council room, the Mayor called the
(`ottncil to order, all the aldermen pres-
Ald. Kintzinger, chairman of the
Committee of the Whole reported as
We, your Committee of the Whole to
\choni was referred the lists of names
far Register Clerics, report in favor of
selecting the first name on the list of
the various precincts for Register
Clerks, and moved the adoption of
the report. Carried.
Names of Register Clerks follows:
The following were appointed clerks
of registration for the ensuing year:
First precinct --R. F. Curran, Thomas
Second precinct—M. Lippman, James
First precinct—Howard Calot, D. D.
W. Carver.
Second precinct—W. G. Robinson,
William Dillon.
First precinct—Thomas Nicol, Peter
B. Hoffmann.
Second precinct—Peter heaver, John
Third precinct—William 1Iaisch, An-
ton Palen.
First precinct—Eugene Anderson,
John P. Walsh. Ernest precinct—John Hillary,
Third Precinct—Henry \Wybrent,
James Norton. •
First precinct—A. J. H. Tuegel, Frank
J. Glab.
Second nreci'u•t -John M,-yer John
2,lajerns. Arendt, F. C.
'Third iirecinet—Cltas.
Sia ((11
Fourth precinct—L. Doerfler, Frank
M ilio.
Aid. Kim:zinger moved that the above
11;11110(1, be appointed by the City Coun-
cil 1':gister Clerks for the City of
Dubuque in the C aari od. precincts as
Above named.
Ald. liintzinger, chairman of the
Ordinance Commitdee, Presented the
following agreement:
246 Adjourned Regular Session, September 20, 1901.
We, the undersigned property own-
ers abutting on Angella street on and
along said street two hundred ft. east of
the east line oP Catherine street, here-
by agree and consent to having the
grade on said street changed from the
graw on street such
gradede as
nowill be
said one foot lowerto thana
e t of
said thtwo present ht afeet the on east the north
side of Angella street and running
from that point to the present grad,:
on Angella and Catherine streets,
which grade will also be of the full
width of the street.
We hereby waive any and all dam-
ages which we may sustain, if any, by
reason of such change of grade; we
also waive any and all notices of said
change or any other informality oe
illegality in making said change, and
consent to have said change made at
once. And we hereby ask that such
change be made at once.
D. Thome, M. Hogan, E. Schilling,
Aug. A. Schilling, T. H. Schilling,
Henry Bardin, by Edwin R. Dowes,
his attorney.
The above signers are the owners of
all the lots abutting that portion of
Angella street affected by the pro-
posed grade of said street.
City Engineer.
Ald. Kintzinger moved that the
proposition and agreement of D.
Thome et al be accepted and the re-
port of the City Engineer be adopted
and placed on file, and the agreement
and report be made a part of the
Council proceedings. Carried.
Ald. Kintzinger presented an ordi-
nance and plat, showing the grade
and ordinance establishing the grade
on Angella street from the east line of
lots 11 and 18 of Quigley's Sub. of out
lot 709 to the east curb line of Cath-
erine street, and rnoved that it be
read the first time.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger, McLaughlin and
Sheridan. Total, 7.
The ordinance was then read for the
first time.
Ald. Kintzinger rnoved that the
rules be suspended for the purpose of
reading the ordinance the second
Carried by the following vote.
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger, McLaughlin and
Sheridan. Total, 7.
The ordinance was then read for the
second time.
Ald. Kintzinger moved that the
ordinance and plat be now adopted.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger, McLaughlin and
Sheridan. Total, 7.
The Mayor declared the ordinance
Be it ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Secton 1. That the grade of Angella
street from the east line of lot 11 and
18 of Quigley's Sub. of out lot 709 to
the east curb line of Catherine street
be described as follows:
Starting at Station 0, which is the east
line of lots 11 and 18 of Quigley's Sub.
of out lot 709, elevation 154.0, thence
west on said street to Station o
92 1-2, elevation 163.37, thence west on
said street to Station 1 -I- 44, elevation
169-9, thence west on said street to
Station 2 12, elevation 172-0, which
is the east curb line of Catherine
Ald. Frith, chairman of the Special
Committee on Bee Branch, reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—Your special committee
on Bee Branch, to whom vas referred
the final estimate of Steuck & Leni-
han for $1,796.04 for work done on the
said sewer beg to report that we hav
examined the work and finding it sat-
isfactory would recommend that a war-
rant be ordered drawn on the city
treasurer in favor of Steuck & Linehan
for the amount above mentioned.
E. E. FRITH, Chairman.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report.
Ald. Jones, chairman of the Printing
committee. presented the bill of the
Herald for $50.00, for advertising for
Month of August, •1901, and moved that
a warrant be ordered drawn for the
amount. Carried.
Also presented bill of The Herald for
$1.50 for binding one volume of the
new city ordinance. in sheep. for City
Attorney Duffy, and moved that a war-
rant be ordered drawn for the amount.
Ald. McLaughlin moved a substitute
that the bill of the Herald be received
and filed.
Ald. McLaughlin's substitute carried
and the bill was received and filed.
Ald. McLaughlin of the Board of
Health reported as follows:
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of
the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen:—At a meeting of your
Board of Health held September llth,
1901, the following recommendations
were made by Dr. J. C. Hancock, phy-
sician to the Board, marked Nos. 1,3
3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. The recommendation
No. 1, in relation to the purchase of an
ambulance, together with the bid of
Tom. Connolly for same was referred
to the committee of the Whole with
Recommendation No. 2, in relation to
detention hospital was ordered on mo-
tion of Ald. McLaughlin received and
Recommendation No. 3 in relation to
disinfecting, on motion of Ald. Mc-
Laughlin was adopted.
Recommendation No. 4, in relation to
prevent expectorating on the floors : f
street cars or other public vehicles, or
On the floors and sidewalks of public
buildings, on motion of A1.1. M1.•1.augh-
lin \vas adopted as then. was already
an ordinance drawn un that subject.
Recommendation No. in relation
to the physicians reporting all con-
tagious diseases, Ald. AteLaughlin
stated that notice had be in published
in all of the city papers relative to said
recommendation. but would move that
the recommendation be approved by
the Council. Carried.
1tecomnrendation No. 6, in relation to
burials without permits and the tiling
of death certificates by physicians.
Adjourned Regular Session, September 20, 1901.
H. McLaughlin stated that they too,
had been mentioned in published notice
to physicians, and moved that the rec-
ommendation be approved by the Coun-
cil. Carried.
Recommendation No. 7, in relation to
a general vaccination, on motion of Ald.
McLaughlin. was approved. by the
Also, your P,oard of Health recom-
mend the adoption by the City Council
of the following resolutions ordering
sewer connections:
Resolutions follow:
Ald. Mc•Laughlin offered the follow-
ing resolutions:
13e it resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque. That Charles
Luther, owner of S. 1-2 of N. I 1-5 of
City Lot 449, in the City of Dubuque,
lost, be and is hereby required and
,• •-repelled to make proper connections
with sanitary sewer of said City of
Dubuque. Iowa, in accordance with the
ordinance of said City of Dubuque 00
that subject, within ten days from date
of the service of notice of this reso-
lution. If said connection is not made
within the time specified by this reso-
lution. the City Council shall order
such work and connections made and
assess the cost and expense thereof
against the property to be thus con-
nected with sewer.
Adopted by the following vote:
ayes—Alds. Clancy, Frith, );torr,
Jones, Kintzinger, McLaughlin and
I' against the property to be thus con-
e, ,'ic,l With .sewer.
.\,iop11 by the following rote:
.\yes- :kids. Clancy, Frith,Hm•r,
.nos. s. Kintzinger,McLaughlin and
Be it rosolr,•d by the City Council
of the city of Dubuque: That Kate
1'hioring, owner of S. 1-2 City Lot 16::.
in the City of Dubuqu,•, loan. be and.
is hereby required and , ontpclled to
manic:prop,-r connections with saniuuy
sewer of said l_'ity of Dubugw•, Iown. in
accordance with the ordinanc, of said
City of Dubuque on that still y 1. Within
ten ,lays from date of the cerci,•,• of
notice of this resolution. If srti,1 con-
nection is not made within the time
specified by this resolution, the City
Council shall order such neork and con-
, nec•tions made and assess the cost and
expense thereof against the property to
be thus connected with sewer.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger, McLaughlin and
13e it resolre,l by the City Council of
the ('ity of Dubuque: That 11. W. Rog -
es, mcn,•r, of 5. 1-2 of S. M. 1-5 of City
Lot 47,9• in the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
be and is hereby required and com-
pelled to make proper connections with
sanitary sewer of said City of Dubuque,
Iowa, in accordance with the ordi-
nance of said City of Dubuque on that
subject, within ten days from date of
the service of notice of this resolu-
tion. If said connection is not made
within the time specified by this resolu-
tion, the City Council shall order such
work and connections remade and assess
the cost and expense thereof against
the property to be thus connected with
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy.\I I Frith,hHorr,
Jones, Kintzinger,
Be it resolved by the CitY Council of
the City of Dubuque: That Mary
Pleins, owner of N. 1-2 oTocity Ibota 163
in the City of Dubuque,
is hereby required and compelled to
make proper connections with Sanitary
Sewer of said City of Dubuque, Iowa,
h the 'ordinance of
said City ofDuburlue on that subject,
within ten days from date of the ser-
said connection is not madewithin the
time specified by this resolution, the
City Council shall order such work and
connections ade and
and expense ttSe
hereof againsttheprop-
erty to be thus connected with Sewer.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Hort',
Jones, Kintzinger, McLaughlin and
Sheridan. the City Council of
13e it Resoved by
the City of Dubuque: That A. Hill 1-
lin, owner of E. 52 feet of City be and
in the City of Dubuque,
hereby required and compelled to
Be it resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque. That E. R. Jack-
son, owner, of City Lot 632. in the City
of Dubuque, Iowa, be and is herebY
required and compelled to make prop-
er connections with sanitary sewer of
said City of Dubuque, Iowa, in ac-
cordance with the ordinance of said
City of Dubuque on that subject, with-
in ten days from date of the service of
notice of this resolution. If said con-
nection is not made within the time
specified by this resolution, the CitY
Council shall order such work and con-
nections made and assess the cost and
expense thereof against the property
to be thus connected with sewer.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger, McLaughlin and
Be it resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque: That Dan Nick-
els, owner of S. 22.4 of N. M. 1-5 N. 29.3
of M. 1-5 City Lot 499, in the City of
Dubuque, Iowa, be and is herebY re-
quired and compelled to make proper
connections with sanitary sewer of
said City of Dubuque, Iowa, in accord-
ance with the ordinance of said City of
Dubuque on that subject, within ten
days from date of the service of notice
of this resolution. If said connection
is net made within the time specified by
this resolution, the City Council shall
o,a made
order such work and connectn
and assess the cost and expense there-
Adjourned Regular Session, September 20, 1901
make propel' connections with Sanitary
Sewer of said city of Dubuque, Iowa,
in accordance tvith the ordinance of
said City of Dubuque on that subject,
within ten days from date of the ser-
vice of notice of this resolution. If
said connection is not made within the
time specified by this resolution, the
City Council shall order such work and
connections made and assess the cost
and expense thereof against the prop-
erty to be thus connected with Sewer.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—.Ads. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger, McLaughlin aril
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque: That Eliza-
beth Lembeck, owner of south 30 feet
of N. SO feet City lot 499 in the City
of Dubuque, Iowa, be and is hereby
required and compelled to make prop-
er connections with Sanitary Sewer of
said City of Dubuque, Iowa, in ac-
cordance with the ordinance of said
City of Dubuque on that subject, with-
in ten days from date of the service
of notice of this resolution. If said
r,.nnection is not made'within the time
specified by this resolution, the City
Council shall order such work and
connections made and assess the cost
and expense thereof aginst the prop-
erty to be thus connected with Sewer.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger, McLaughlin and
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque: That Mary
Lagarce owner of E. 53 feet of city
lot 244 in the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
be and is hereby required and com-
pelled to make proper connections with
Sanitary Sewer of said City of Du-
buque, Iowa, in accordance with the
ordinance of said City of Dubuque on
that subject, within ten days from
date of the service of notice of this
resolution. If said connection is not
made within the time specified by this
resolution, the City Council shall order
such work and connections made and
assess the cost and expense thereof
against the property to be thus con-
nected with Sewer.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Fifth, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger, McLaughlin and
Ald. Iiintzinger moved to adopt the
report of the Board of Health. Car-
Ald. Horr moved that a special com-
mittee of three be appointed to in-
terview the Messrs. Rhombergs or any
other party that has suitable property
for a pest hospital, and the terms of
lease or purchase of ground for Pest
Hospital purposes. Carried.
The Mayor appointed Aids. Horr,
Iiintzinger and Clancy said committee.
The mayor stated that the Board of
Health had met the hoard of Super-
visors and had t h. u• ,u ;'t ly a r ,-assed
the matter of the .P:,41 1111Spital and
that the Board of Supervisors
had stated they would erect
such Pest Hospital if the city tt'ou1,i
furnish the site. The Sisters of Charity
had generously offered a site on their
grounds near the home of the Aged,
or the old Insane Hospital in Dubuque
township and that a committee from
the Board of Health with a like com-
mitte from the Board of Supervisors
had viewed the ground this day. He
had hoped to report to the Council
something definite, but found other
complications and objections on the
part of some of the people of Dubuque
township and the matter could not be
fully determined before Tuesday, the
23d inst., and in case they failed in
that location he would recommend that
the Council instruct the Board of
Health to tender a site in Lake Peosta
Ald. Horr moved that the Council
authorize the Board of Health to offer
a site for said Pest Hospital to the
Board of Supervisors in Lake Peosta
Park. Carried.
Ald. Kintzinger, chairman of the
Special committee of the High Bridge
(at Eagle Point) approach would re-
spectfully report that they have had
another proposition froin the Fengler
estate, viz: The Fenglers agree to
provide and furnish the right of way
and also construct the approach to said
bridge up to, but noc ,ncludin4 the
abuttment according to the plans
marked exhibit A, hereto attached and
made a part hereof. for the sum of
Twenty-five Thousand ($25,000) dollars
Your committee would recommend
that said proposition be received and
filed. They would further recommend
that a 50 -foot strip through the Feng -
ler property be condemned for said
roadway according to law, and that a
strip 50 feet wide as per plat hereto
attached, marked exhibit B, be con-
demned therefore.
On motion of Ald. Kintzinger the
report was adopted.
Ald. Kintzinger moved that the City
Attorney be instructed to draft a
resolution in accordance with above
report, instructing the Recorder to is-
sue a venire to the City Marshal to
summons a jury to condemn the said
fifty feet strip through the Fengler
property, and the resolution to be pre-
sented to the next session of the Coun-
cil carried.
Ald. Frith moved that when the
Council adjourns, they adjourn to
Thursday evening, Sept. 26th, 1901.
Ald. Kintzinger offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 8
feet wide, of good two inch plank,
brick, stone or cement, be, within 10
days of this notice, constructed and laid
in conformity with the ordinance in re-
lation to sidewalks, on the south side
of Madison street, between Seminary
street and Seventeenth street, abutting
Adjourned Ri'gular Session, September 20, 1901. 249
lot 1 of 92 Cox's add., owned by Wm.
Lawther, at the expense of abutting
property. Adopted by the following
Ayes—Alda. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger, McLaughlin and
Gid. Horr offered the fJllo'ving:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 8
feet wide, of good brick, stone or
cement, be, within 10 days of this
notice, constructed and ]aid in con-
formity with the ordinance in relation
to sidewalks, on the cast side of White
street, abutting S. 2-5 City lot 41,1,
owned by J. A. t=ch:n ,it. at the expen-e
of abutting ;•roperty. .t'tt'i,`ed by Lilo
following vote.
Ayes—Al 1 t, Ci un y, i'rith Horr,
Jones. Kintzinger. McLaughlin and
l'l. Horr offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk S
feet vide, of good brick, stone or
cement, be, within 10 days of this
notice, construe ed and laid in con-
formity with the ordinance in relation
to sidewalke on the north side of
Twelfth street. between White street
and Jackson street, abutting S. 2-5 of
City lot lel, owned 1,y J. A. Schmidt,
at th•• ,•Ni,. fs, 11' abutting. property.
Adm e••• I,v 111,.• ('111.1\v'tn ewe:
Aw - Aide. Clarice. Frith. Horr,
Jon. -. Kiotzin: er, Mci.aughlin and
Sher; i. n.
N;i Non
All -room liner offered the following:
elvId by the City Council of the
City .t' Dubuque: That a sanitary
sew'•r of 12 inch tile pipe be construct-
ed in 'Twenty-seventh street from the
alley het ween Jackson and Washington
streets to the middle of Elm street,
according to the plat of said sewer,
and the specifications prepared by the
city '-ngineer and on file in the office of
the city recorder, and be it further re-
solved that said work shall be complet-
ed on or before the 15th day of Novem-
ber. 11101, and shall be paid for when
said work is completed and accepted
by the City Council, and the proposal
for doing such work will be acted on by
the City Council on the 3d day of Oc-
tober. 1901, and the recorder is hereby
ordered to gig e ten clays' notice by
publication, asking for proposals, as
provided by ordinance.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. l'I;n cy, Frith, Horr.
Jones, Rintzherer and Sheridan.
Absent—Aid. MeLaughlin.
Ald. Jones off,,r01 the following:
Whereas, It is (1ee0100 necessary and
advQable by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque to improve Ardmore
Terrace from Nest Eleventh street to
Wilber Lane, and it is hereby pro-
posed to grade, curb. gutter and nui-
cademize said street, therefore
RP it Resoved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque: That 111
City Engineer be and he is hereby
directed to prepare a plat showing gen-
erally the location and nature of such
irnpiovement and the extent thereof,
and the kind 6f material to be used.
and an estimate of the entire cost
thereof, and the amount and cost of
such improvement, and the amount as-
sessable upon any railway or street
railway company, the amount and cost
thereof to be paid by the city, if any,
and the cost thereof and amount as-
sessable upon each lot or parcel of land
adjacent to or abutting upon such im-
provement per front foot, and file such
plat and estimate in the office of the
City Recorder: that after the filing of
said plat and estimate in his office the
City Recorder .shall publish in three
consecutive issues of a newspaper pub-
lished in this city a notice stating that
such plat and estimate are in file, the
location and nature of the improve-
ment, kind of material to be used, and
an estimate of its cost and the time
before which objections thereto can be
filed and the time fixed for hearing,
which time shall be not less than five
days after the last publication of such
notice and after such publication shall
have been made the City Recorder
shall, at the next regular session of the
City Council notify the Council there-
of in writing with a printed copy of
such notice accompanying the same.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt. Carried.
Alderman hintzinger offered the fol-
Whereas, The owners of all the lots
and parcels of land abutting the alley
between West Fourteenth and Helena
streets from Henion street to the west
end of said alley, and also of the
westerly 70 feet of Helena street, and
also of the westerly 70 feet of the alley
first north of Helena street, have made
written application to the City Coun-
cil to have the above named alleys and
street, or as much thereof as may
abut on their property vacated and an-
nulled as public highways, and
Whereas, ten (10) clays notice has
been duly given the abutting owners
that a resolution for the vacation of
said street and alleys was pending in
the Council and would he considered
by the Council at its regular session
to be held September 18th, 1901, and
Whereas, after consideration of the
question of the vacation of said street
and alleys, it was deemed advisable by
the City Council to grant the said ap-
plication of the owners of the said
abutting real estate: therefore
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That the alley be-
tween West Fourteenth street and
Helena street from Henion street to
the east line of Outlot 714, abutting
lots 1. 3 and 4 of Hodgdon's sub. and
lots 12, 13. 14 and 15 of Henion &
T sub. of Oott' iso
earedlyenty (70) feeof Helena
street, abutting lots 3. 4 7 and 8 of
Hodgson's sub.: and also the westerly
seventy (70) feet of the alley first
north of Helena street. abutting lots 7
and S of I-Iodgdc,n's sub. and the west
250 Adjourned Regular Session, September 20, 1901.
seventy feet of the north five (6) feet
of lot three (3) Henson & Baird's sub.
all in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, be
and the sante are hereby vacated and
annulled as public highways in favor
of the owners of the lots and parcels
of land abutting thereon.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger and Sheridan. Total
Absent—Ald. McLaughlin.
Ald. Kintzinger moved to adjourn.
Adjourned Regular Session, September 20. 1901.
Adjourned Regular Session, Septem-
ber, 26, 1901.
Council met at S:15 o'clock, p. in.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Alds. Clayey, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger, McLaughlin and
Petition of Jiro. P. Page asking that
the special assessment levied against
lot No. 2 "-\" of the Sub -division of
lot No. 304 Cit.y, for paving Fourth
street he canceled.
On motion the petition was referred
to the Finance committee, City At-
torney and City Engineer.
Petition of 1'. 2Iclnery asking that
the ditch abutting his property on
Pierce street be filled in order to have
a passage way for teamsters to un-
load their wagons.
Ald. Kintzinger moved that the pe-
tition be referred to the street com-
mittee and street commissioner with
power. Carried.
Petition of F. W. Coates et al, ask-
ing that an arc light be placed at the
intersection of Coates and Concord
Ald. Kintzinger moved to refer the
petition to the Police and Light Com-
mittee. Carried.
Petition of Sarah J. Winall, agent
for the owners of lots 790, 791 and 792
in A. McDaniel's sub, abutting on
Chestnut street, requesting that a
sanitary sewer be constructed from the
end of the present sewer in said street
westerly to a point opposite the west-
erly line of said lot 702 in A. Mc -
Daniel's sub.
Ald. Frith moved that the petition
ing that a sanitary sewer be con-
structed abutting their property ac-
cording to the accompanying plans, or
as may be recommended by the City
On motion the petition was referred
to the Committee of the Whole with
i'laim of John 11. .hiller claiming the
num of $1.90200 due him on his cqn-
tra('t for constructing a stone arch
dorm server in Cooler Creek and Elm
street from Garfield avenue to Eagle
Point avenue.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the
claim be received and filed. Carried.
Communication of the Dubuque Re-
tailers association by M. E. Erwin,
secretary and treasure, acknowledging
receipt from Mayor C. H. Berg a check
for One Hundred Dollars ($100.00),
same having been appropriated by the
City Council in part payment of the
expenses incurred in observing the oc-
casion of the burial of President Mc-
Kinley, Sept. 19th, 1901.
On motion the communication was
received and filed.
Original notice, District Court of
Adline Braconier claiming the sum of
Five Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) as '
damages for personal injuries sustain-
ed by falling on a defective sidewalk
on Alta Vista street.
Also Original notices, District Court
of Geo. B. Albrecht, Theodore Altman,
Chas. T. Thomas, Barney Lagen, A. A.
Cullen, Matt Stafford, Frank Dennert
and J. R. Jellison, claiming certain
amounts due them for back salary, for
services rendered as aldermen of the
City of Dubuque.
On motion all Original Notices, Dis-
trict Court were referred to the City
Ald. Horr of the Finance Committee
reported as follows, which was adopt -
be referred to the Sewer Comm].ttee ed.
and City Engineer. Carried. Your Committee on Finance, would
The following petitions were referred recommend that the sum of $50.00 be
to the Delinquent Tax Committee. appropriated from the sewer fund
Petition of C. A. Wilber, asking that for the purpose of straightening the
he be exempt from taxes on lot 7 10 water way in the alley between Rhom-
Elien Corkery's sub., to the amount of berg and Lincoln avenues; the work to
$800.00, he being an honorably dis- be the Sheet Co the
Ccharged union soldier .
Petition of J. B. Powers et al, ask- missioner. JOSEPH L. HORP.,
ing that the taxes of Mrs. Kate Allen Chairman.
for the year 1900, amounting to $22.00
Ald. Sheridan, Chairman of :he
be cancelled. flies, moved that the
Petition of Mrs. Sophia Dempsey Recorder to advertise for
asking that her taxes be cancelled hay oats, coal and
wood fo
lots 2 of 34 and 2 of 35 in Leven's add.,wbios rrthe use of the City for the
Petition of Mrs. Catherine Theis season of 1901 and 1902 and the bidsfor the year 1900.
asking for a reduction of taxes on lots be acted upon Oct. 3rd, 1901. Carried
1 of sub. mineral lot 43 and 2 of sub. Ald. Horr, Chairman i ted of a sthe Equal
zation Board, s
mineral lot 44 for the year 1900.
Ald. Sheridan moved to refer the pe-
tition to the Board of Equalization.
Petition of the Adams company ask -
which was adopted.
Your Board of Equalization, to whom
was referred the petition of A. A.
gears, asking that the amount of $1.10
!I N
s pi
Adjourned Regular 6e6sion, September 26, 1901.
paid by hint for tax on personalty fur
1900 be refunded as he had then no per-
sonal property subject to taxation,
would recommend that the prayer of
the petitioner be granted and that the
Treasurer be instructed accordingly.
Ald. herr reported as follows, which
was adopted:
Your special committee appointed at
the last Council meeting to look up a
suitable site for a hospital for contag-
ious diseases, would respectfully re-
port that Mr. Al. Ithomberg has gener-
ously offered to the City, free of con-
sideration, a half block of ground sit-
uated on the east side of Hickory
street, between Seventeenth and Eigh-
teen streets, on the bank of Lake Pe-
osta. This ground can be reached over
Sixteenth street, and although not a
half mile distant from the City hall, it
is removed some five blocks from the
nearest factory, habitation or thor-
oughfare. The committee inspected
the proffered site and found the ground
slightly elevated, permitting drainage:
the air good and pure. and the water
to be had by a drive well at a nominal
expense. Your committee therefore
recommend this site to the Council as
in their judgment the best that can be
JOSEPH L. HORR. Chairman.
Alderman Frith offered the follow-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk
six feet wide, of good brick or ce-
ment, be, within ten days of this notice,
c,mstructed and laid in conformity
with the ordinance in relation to side-
walks, on the west side of Rhomberg
avenue, between Johnson avenue and
Kniest street, abutting lot No. 5, Smed-
ley''s Sub., owned by V. Bushor, at the
expense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger, McLaughlin and
Ald. Frith offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk six
feet wide, of good brick or cement, be,
within ten days of this notice, con-
structed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks,
on the south side of Rhomberg avenue,
between Washington street and Jack-
son street, abutting lot No. 8 of Min,
Lot No. 100 owned by F. X. Ritten-
meier at the expense of abutting prop-
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger, McLaughlin and
Ald. Jones offered the following:
Whereas, It is deemed necessary and
advisable by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque to construct a sani-
tary sewer in Lincoln avenue, anti it
is hereby proposed to construct a san-
itary sewer in said Lincoln avenue as
follows, to -twit, a 12 inch the pipe sow-
er from Johnson avenue to Dock ave-
nue, therefore
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque: That the City
Engineer be and is hereby directed to
prepare a plat and specifications show-
ing the location and general nature of
such improvement. the extent thereof,
the size and kind of material to be
used. and to prepare an estimate of the
cost thereof, and the amount assessa-
ble upon each lot ur parcel of land ad-
jacent to or abutting thereon per front
foot or square foot in area, and to fib,
such plat. specifications and estimate
in the office of the City Recorder.
That after such plat is filed, the City
Recorder shall cause to be published
notice of the intention of the Council
to make such improvement. which no-
tice shall be published in three con-
secutive issues of the official newspa-
per of the city stating that such plat
is on tile. and, :;eeerally the nature ,.f
the sewer, its location, size and kind
of materials to be used and the ,esti-
mate of its cost, and fixing the time
before which objections can he tiled,
which time shall not be less than rive
days after the last publication of such
notice, and after the completion of the
publication of such notice, he shall at
its next regular session notify the
Council thereof in writing with a print-
ed copy of such notice accompanying-
ccompanyingthe same.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt. Carried.
Ald. Horr offered the following:
Whereas, It is deemed necessary and
advisable by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque to construct a sani-
tary sewer in alley between White
and Jackson streets, and it is hereby
proposed to construct a sanitary sewer
in said alley between White and Jack-
son streets as foliovs, to -wit: an 8
inch tile pipe sewer from Seventeenth
street to Eagle Point avenue, therefore,
Be it resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque: That the City
Engineer be and is hereby directed to
Prepare a plat and specifications show-
ing the location and general nature of
such improvement, the extent thereof,
the size and kind of material to bP
used, and to prepare an estimate of the
cost thereof, and the amount assess-
able upon each lot nr parcel of land
adjacent to or abutting thereon Per
front or square foot in area, and to
file such plat, specifications and esti-
mate in the office of the City Re-
That after such plat is filed, the City
Recorder shall cause to he published
notice of the intention of the Council
to make such improvement, which no-
tice shall be published in three consec-
utive issues of the official newspaper of
the city stating that such plat is 011
file, and, generally the nature of the
Adjourned Regular Session, September 26, 1901.
51:1\'•21', its lneation, size and kind of
materials to be used and the estimate
of its cost, and fixing the time before
which objections can be filed, which
time shall not be less than live days
after the last publication of such no -
tie, and after the completion of the
publication of such notice, he shall at
its next regular session notify the
Cnuneil thereof in writing with a print -
4•,1 copy of such notice accompanying
the same.
\l 1. Horr moved to adopt. Carried.
A1.1. Kintzinge• offered the following:
Whereas, it is deemed advisable, by
the City Council of the City of Du-
buque. to lay out and open a street 50
fret wide through the properties of the
estates of George Fengler, deceased,
and J. .\ 1:hombere., deceased, from
the intersection of Tenth avenue and
North First street and extending in a
northeasterly diFeet ion through lot
of mineral lot ::,i-,-:\, and through int 1
of Boat Yar,i addition, and through
lot 2 of mineral lot 205-A to the west
pier ,,r abutment of the Dubuque and
Wisconsin bridge. all of said property
being, in the City of Dubuque, there-
for-. be it
Resolved, by the City Council of the
city of Dubuque, That the City Engi-
neer he and he is hereby directed to
mak a survey and plat of such pro-
posed improvement, shoving the ]and
„r lets through or over which the same
is proposed to be made• the names of
the owners thereof, and the quantity
of land proposed to be taken and file
such pla t in his office for public in-
spe. tion: that after such plat is so
1i••.•pare,l and tiled said City Engineer
shall give the owners of the property
through or over which such improve-
ment is proposed to be made. notice as
prescribed in Section 2 of Chapter 31
of the ordinances of the City of Du-
Ald, Kintzinge' moved to adopt the
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes -Aids. Clancy. Frith. Horr,
To r•- 11intzinge•. McT.;urghlht and
Nays -None.
Ald. Frith offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That to pay for re-
pairing sidewalks for the month of
July by City, in front of and adjoining
the same, a special tax be and is here-
by levied on the several lots, and parts
of lots, and parcels of real estate here-
inafter named, situated and owned,
and for the several amounts set op-
posite each lot or parcel of real estate,
as follows:
Special assessment submitted and
passed Sept. 26, 1901:
Walter Cox, Cox's add., 1ot25,30
ft. lumber, 60c; 1 hour's labor,$110
Albert E. Flick, Dorgan's sub., lot
4, 16 ft. lumber, 30c; 1 hour's 80
labor, 50c
Jno. Olinger, Boulevard add., lots
1 to 23, 16 ft. lumber, 30c; 1 hour's
labor, 50c.
Mary A. Mullin, East Dubuque
add., lot 45, 16 ft. lumber, 30c;
1 hour's labor, 60c 80
Albert J. Schenker, Davis Farm
add., E. 100 ft. of lot 375, 20 ft.
lumber, 40c; 1 hour's labor, 50c,. 90
Catherine Gruber, Glendale add.,
S. 1-2 of lot 152, 8 ft. lumber, 15c;
1-2 hour's labor, 25c 40
C. Heintz, L. H. Langworthy'sadd., lot 147, 20 ft. lumber, 40c; 1
hour's labor, 50c
R. and E. Langworthy, Glendale
add. No. 2, lot 224, 10 ft. lumber,
20c; 1-2 hour's labor, 25c
Aug, Kaiser, Glendale add.,
lot 5, 12 ft. lumber, 25c; 1 hour's
labor, 50c
John Egan, Mineral lot 79, lot 14
18 ft. lumber, 35c; 1 hour's labor,
Joe Reinfried, Marsh's add., lot 37,
3 ft. lumber, 5c; 1-2 hour's labor,
Henry Wunderlich, Fortune's sub,
lot 15, 8 ft. lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour's
labor, 25c
Wm. Hintrager, Dubuque, Sub. 13
of 724, 129 ft. lumber, $2.60; 3
hour's labor, $1.50 4 10
L. E. and B. F. Rhomberg, Ham's
add., lot 452, 5 ft. lumber, 10c;
1-2 hour's labor, 25c 35
Leathers & Trewin, McCraney's 1st
add., lot 77, 58 ft. lumber, $1.15; 2
hours' labor, $1.00 .. 215
Jno. Olinger„ Boulevard add., lots
24 to 46, 15 ft. lumber, 30c; 1
hour's labor, 50c 80
T. W. Fitzpatrick Est., Union add,
lots 145 and 146, 14 ft. lumber,
30c; 1-2 hour's labor, 25c 55
W. M. Wootten, Wooten's add., lot
1 of 1, 15 ft. lumber, 30c; 1-2
hour's labor, 25c 55
Julia D. Rhomberg, Guernsey and
Langworthy's add., lot 8, 16 ft.
lumber, 30c; 1 hour's labor, 50c80
F. Poole, Julia L. Langworthy's
add., lot 17, 5 ft. lumber, 10c; 1-2 35
hour's labor, 250
W. G. Cox, Cox's add., lot 73, 28 ft.
lumber, 55c; 1 hour's labor, 50c1 05
C. A. Voelker, C. A. Voelker's add,
lot 33, 8 ft. lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour's
labor, 25c
Rich. Waller Est., Dubuque Har-
bor Co. add., B1 11, 5 ft. lumber,
10c; 1-2 hour's labor, 25c 35
Mich. Halpin Est., Dubuque, lot
572. 11 ft. lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour's
labor, 25c
\.ter Cox, Cox's lumbe 45c; 1-2d hour'sd.,
t 34, 22
Stephen Zenner, Burden & Latw-
ther'S add., lot 130. 5 ft. lumber,
lOc; 1-2 hour's labor, 25c 35
Geo. Salot, West's add.. lot 16. 21
ft. lumber, 50c; 1 hour's labor,
Emma T. Randall, Mineral lot 39,
Sub. 1 of 1 of lot 55, 72 ft. hours' labor, $1.00lum-
2 45
Uer, eery,$1.45;Sub.
Jno. Deeny, Mineral lot 39,1.]5; 2
lot 40, 58 ft. lumber. $.1 2 2 15
hours' labor, $1.00• • • • • .
$27 00
Adopted by the following. vote:Horn,
AysK atzingc1' fcLaughlin and
1 00
254 Adjourned Regular Session, September 26, 1901.
On motion of Ald. Jones the rules
sdres ed etheLouis
and reoo
the City turning over to the Dubuque
& Wisconsin High Bridge Company
the $25,000 appropriated for the con-
struction of the west end approach to
said bridge.
Also Mr. Henry Riker addressed the
Council in relation to the dangerous
condition and the need of abutting his property on llth a railing
Wa Wal-
nut streets.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the matter
be referred to the committee of the
Whole and the street commissioner
with power and the committee view
the ground. Carried.
Ald. Kintzinger moved that the com-
mittee meet on the ground t t2 half
88 o'clock a. m. Friday,
to view the ground. Carried.
On motion the Council adjourned.
Approved "
lieu) der
List of Warrants.
City 11ceorder•s (}Rice,
September 1, 1901.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: The following is a com-
plete list of all warrants issued by nie
during the month of August, 1901:
C. H. Berg, salary-, mayor $116 70
H. 13. (luiffke, treasurer 133 35
H. B. Gniffke, assistant treas-
urer .. 75 UJ
L. Al. Langstaff, recorder 116 70
F. 13. Huffman, auditor 100 00
C. B. Scherr, assessor 125 00
'1'. H. Duffy, attorney 150 00
P. J. Nelson, asst. atty 50 00
Edw. Morgan, marshal 100 OU
Joe Reinfried, fire chief 100 00
John Lawler, committee clerk 63 35
\1'm. A. Kaep, clerk, recorder's
office 60 00
Edw. He.' -on, clerk treasurer's
office 60 00
Edw. Blake, engineer 125 00
Jas. H. 'Boyce, street commis-
sioner 100 00
W. Hipntan, electrician 63 35
Anton Stoltz, market master 50 00
Thos. Cahill, pari: custodian 40 (10
Peter Bradley, park custodian .. 40 00
.Tno. C. Hancock, health officer50 00
Frank Flynn, sanitary patrolman 60 00
Al Moyer, pound master.... •• ••.. 45 00
20 00
Mrs. H. Koenig, janitress
A. P. Berg, sidewalk inspector50 00
0 00
N. Kintzinger, wharfmaster
Matt Clancy, alderman 25 00
E. E. Frith, alderman 25 00
25 00
Duhu'iuc, la.,
Jos. L. Horr, alderman
J. W. Kintzinger, alderman25 00
F. H. McLaughlin, alderman25 00
Rudolph Jones, alderman 25 00
John J. Sheridan, alderman 25 00
M. Eitel, fireman 60 00
:. Essrnan, fireman 75 00
A. Duccini, fireman 60 00
J. Flynn, driver 60 00
J. Wiltse, fireman 60 00
A. Heer fireman 50 00
G. Beyer, fireman 50 00
J. Tschudi fireman 50 00
J. Daley, fireman 60 00
J. Barnes, fireman 75 00
'r. Ryder, fireman 60 00
W. Ducey, fireman 60 00
J. Schonberger, fireman 50 00
M. Fahey, fireman 50 00
T. Meehan, fireman 60 00
Dave A'Hern, fireman 60 00
F. Kenneally, fireman 47 50
T. Kennedy, fireman 50 00
J. Fitzpatrick, flreman 50 00
F. Murphy, fireman 50 00
A McDonald fireman 75 00
J. Murphy, fireman 60 00
M. Sweeney, fireman 50 00 , Adan Crawford, labor
F. Ganahl. fireman 60 00 ,T^hn Dougherty, labor
50 00 Alike Dunnigan, labor
J. Jones, fireman • • • • • • • • • 50 00 Thos. Donahue, labor
P. 7,illi„ fireman
\i. ]telly, fireman
F. Duffy, fireman
P. :Ahearn sub fireman
W. Summerville, sub fireman
11. '''ernes, sub fireman
F. Sc hon herger. sub fireman
A. Zinn. sub fireman
F. 1u,Iin, soh fireman
G. 31oor,, soh fireman
l' \\'cis, sub tireman
.1_ i orr7 ,. sub fireman
J. 1<eitney. soh fireman
.1. t'urr,ul, sub fireman
T. Flynn, lireman
G. (thirke, fireman
F.1'autni4art4er, lireman
1'. 111)11, fireman
J. Allen, fireman
It. \\-cston, fireman
(. hurltel. police
111100e. police
.1. Carter. police
M. Craugh, police
J. (lune police
J. Cody. police
\V'ilnlcr ('ook. police
1'. 1)unlphey. •dolice
H. Donlon. 1„111,
John Fitzpatrick, police
Jas. Flynn, pollee
1'. Hanlon. pollee
1\'m. 1lennessy, police
50 00
50 00
50 00
12 1)1
_ 50
2 50
2 50
1 50
1 50
- 50
^_ 50
1 50
^_ 50
60 00
50 00
60 00
60 un
.. 50 1)0
51 65
54 95
56 60
71 50
54 05
54 95
56 611
VI. 1Ci1ty. police 54 95
E. fitthn.
T. police
Loetseher.police .11 95
John Murphy, police 01 nn
1' Ale('ollins, police 71 `•'',
1'. Alelncry, police 7.4 t9.-'
.Iolit, Moore. police In i a
D. Norton, police 4
51. ( 0r•onnor, police :'4 95
A. Pfeffer. police 51 135
Pat Powers, police
50 00
T. Reilly. police 6a no
J. 11nesli. police; 1
J:.s. Rocmey, police .... _ 05
Ryan. police :.1 '
Jus. R -". 1
Otto Rath, police
Tom Sweeney. pollee
P. Scharff, police
I'. Sullivan. police 7,4 93'
JAl Schen, police police
50 00
P. Sutton.
'0 Q0
. T.. Sullivan, police 70 ii0
1.. Ziedman. police 51 95
Joe Tyler. police 54 95
31rs, Kate 14ibbe. matron 330n i011•01i011•0100)
\liss I1 Brennan. unitr„n
S:)) Starr. special polis c, 12 i'0
F. Stich)r•r. special police 12 00
OF JULY, 1901.
6 75
Paul Becker, labor lg 90
Jos. Brown, labor 5 19
Wm. Coughlin, labor
3 75
Jehn Callahan, labor 4 05
Mart Carmody, labor 20 00
Jas. Callahan, labor18 20 00
Jas. Connolly, labor
John Corbett, labor
Henry Cosgrove, labor
18 9'1
21 00
20 00
3 40
2 70
18 90
R. T. Eddy, labor
John Engels, labor
Mike Farrell, labor
Mat Fagan. labor
Mat Fetshele, labor
Pail Fenelon. labor
X. icon Frith, labor
Barney Glass. labor
1-l. my (Salle, labor
J.,s. Guenther, labor
1'.•ier Guenther, labor
Jus, Grab. labor
Pat Gil'oon, labor...........
C. Gantenbein, labor
John Hafey, labor
Thos. Hackney. labor
Gro. J. Hahn, labor..
('. H. Hubbard, labor
John Jehring, labor
August Jass, labor
Nie Kettenhofen, labor
W. Kronfeldt, labor
P. Tienneally, labor
Mat Klein. labor
Mike Lavin, labor
}L.nry Lemhke, labor
Mart Lonergan, labor
Robert Love, labor
Jr.hn Mahoney, labor
Mike Murphy, labor
Jas. McCormick, labor
.Tas. McCracken, labor
Pat McPoland, labor
W. O'Brien, labor
Jas. Purcell, labor
John Pfeiffer, labor
Chas. Pierce, labor .............. 18 90
W. Quinlan, labor 5 40
Mat Quirk, labor . 20 00
Pat Ryan, labor 6 75
Sam Radford, labor .. 4 03
Mat Ralshek, labor .. 6 75
P. J. Royce, labor . 20 00
Chas. Reilly, labor 18 90
Jos. Rooney, labor 7 50
Nick Sweeney, labor 3 05
Mike Shea, labor... 2 40
W. Sheridan, labor 5 40
Frank Scherr, labor 6 75
Aug. Soyke, labor 3 40
Ant. Schmidt, labor 3 40
Geo. Sutter, labor 3 40
Chris. Sholl, labor 2 70
Sam Sterling, labor 7 45
Geo. Seward, labor..... .......1 70
Wm. Stephens, labor 3 05
Ant. Wendrask, labor 70
Wenzel Zachina, labor 2 05
Adam Zengel, labor ... 6 45
Frank Burns, team 26 75
Jos. Calvert, team 7 50
Thos. Elliott, team 6 25
M. Gantenbein, team .,.. 15 00
M. Hannon, team 7 50
Jake Haudenshield, team 12 50
Thos. Hein, team 1 25
John Huffmier, team 2915
Mike Kenneally, team
John Long, team ..
Martin Maher, team
J. J. McCollins, team
C. McElrath, team
John Singrin, team
List of Warrants.
20 00 Frank Siege, team 6 25
8 so Art Turner, teals 6 25
2 40 LAST HALF OF JULY, 1901.
7 45 22
18 90
50 00
3 75
6 75
8 10
7 45
4 05
6 10
20 00
2 70
2 70
20 00
75 00
3 75
2 70
5 40
8 80
18 90
12 50
4 95
12 50
18 90
4 05
...... 3 40
4 05
...... 2 40
...... 8 45
20 00
2 70
10 15
6 25
15 75
1 25
1 25
5 00
12 50
Pat Casserly, labor
W. Clark, labor
John Corcoran, labor
S. H. Cook labor
Maurice Flynn, labor
W. Lonergan, labor
Jos. Rooney, labor
Con Sulilan, labor
Geo. Scott, labor
Frank Burns, team
Frank Siege, team
Adam Doerr. Asst Assessor for
Jos. J. Murphy, Asst. Assessor
fur July
M. 0. Loughlin. rodman Eng.
F. O'Loughlin, assistant in Eng.
Jno. Schrup, inspector on Bee
W. Kens. spocial police at pest
Jas. Bird, inspector on Rose
sheet sewer
Ross \le'iahon. insl,, tor on
Dodge street storm sew,•r
Union Printing C'o , blame sta-
tionery for Treas. and :kud1-
tor's office
Palmer. Berg & Co.. blank sta-
tionery for Treas. and Assessor
Harger & Blish, stationery and
supplies ‘).R0
Bieg & Rood, stationery and sup-
plies for various offices 27.50
F. A. Miller, 1-2 doz. dusters at
city hall 1.25
Jas. Levi & Co., 30 yds. of mus-
lin for naps 2.40
A. R. Staufenbeil, taking care
and winding Town Clock from
Dec. 1st, 1900, to June 1, 1901.. 49 .95
J. J. Trusedale, catching dogs 34.50
Key City Gas Co., gas for vari-
ous departments 209.50
Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse
shoeing for fire department4.50
Edwards & Vollenweider, horse
shoeing for fire department3.60
Phil Heller, horse shoeing for
fire department 3.20
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary servi-
ces for fire department 7.78
Eichhorn & Bechtel, bran for
fire department 2.65
F. Roehl, hardware for fire de-
partment 1.75
F. M. Jaeger & Co., hardware
for fire department 1.05
Ott, Meuse). & Co., shavings for
fire department 10.90
Key City Gas Co., coal and
coke for fire department15.95
Ragatz & Schaettgen, repairs on
Steamer Stewart 5.50
E. J. Voggenthaler Co., repairs
on Steamer Stewart 6.30
Dubuque Rubber ' Belting Co,
50 ft. of hose for Delhi street
engine house 5.00
;.r '1
List of Warrants,
t ,.ger & 1111 h, stationery for
lice department
II. J. Hagerty, veterinury servi-
at patrol house ,...
St:Lufetibeil. repairing
u•k at. polls•• headquarters....
I' I ',urns, 2 loads of shavings at
• ,l house
I een, \vhit:•\vashing at 1•a-
d house
.1. 1 tuwan, 1 1-2 yds. oil
a b
matron department
\ .,u Stoltz. board Of prison-
•- for July
Telephone Co., telephone
service for various depts.
.I:i••,g:r. cleaning cala-
J no. I :..n, tinel estimate on
Rose street sewer ,
I' t1iiui un Dodge
. r. . \ct.t• 482.80
\I. e it. of Manila
department .,
Lin„1,1„e ,. mo!0, L•c•n•nt fpr sew-
-r 1.•p.crint.•111
Liar• bar & Aiol, connecting
.untain at •ih and Mann sts18.75
H:adford Eros. . 1litchins, man-
hole cover for sewer dept
F. Sclnloz. repairing tools for
sewer department
Mullen Tiros.. repairing fountain
at Dodge and Jones streets,
F. AL Jaeger. new tools for sewer
J. 411. :Moser, 12 yds. of chain for
Jnr:. 11. Hirz, painting fountains
lsih and Clay and on Sth
itol Main streets
J . Heine, loon brick for 1Sth
-,'et fountain
1110ou01it Rubber & Belting Co,
1 doz. expansion rings for sew-
er department
Glebe Journal, official printing
for July
The Herald. official printing for
National femokrat otticia] print-
ing for July
Dubuque Telegraph official print-
ing for July
Dubuque Telegraph,
eoun(•il proceedings
Dubuque Telegraph, health re-
,.,rts for June
Star Electric Co., arc lights for
July 2010.80
L'i:iengo l:lue Print Paper Co,
yds. of blue print paper for
Fang. "thee
,\. R. 1t•adley, mounting three
Laps Eng. "trice
Pn'.rncr, I1erg & Co., blank sta-
11 onery for health dept..
lald Printing Co.. 50 board
f health ordinances .. 3.00
T. i:. Frith, removing garbage ' `
:rid (lead animals for July .--•
\\",liner cook. grading \Vest
'hestnut street 13.21
M. Tschir'gi, sewer connections 16
for Kavanaugh est. • • •• • • due
on contract for revising or:li-
.50 nances
J. C. Longue wills. to balance due
2.SS on contract for revising ordi-
alli s 150,10
1.00 Herald Ptg, Co., 50 per rent. nT
binding new Revised Ordi-
00 nances for 1901 135,05
Ih g & I:ood, stationery ;nun sup -
5,00 plies for• road department ,. , 1865'071
h'. Schloz. repairing_ tools Por
.30 road dot wo it
Geo. Pock, repairing tools for
S.80 road department 1 55
J. G. Moser, hardware for road
27.40 de.rart+uent
Fred 11chl, hardware for road
F. M. Jaeger & Co., hardware for
rr:ad department
Palmer, Berg & Co., blank no-
tices for road department 7 50
Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber for
10.68 road department 23 70
Jas Street. rock for road de-
H. Tippe, macadam for road de-
Joe Ginter, macadam for road
7,00 department 4 50
P. Eisbach. 164 cubic yards of
3,10 gravel for road department 57 40
P. Clancy, 72 cubic yards cinders
4,00 for road department 9 00
Headford Bros. & Hitchins, 3
iron frames for road depart-
ment 9 70
1.00 depart -
Bold. Jungk, connecting fountain
at 14111 and Elm steers 44920
2 77
J. W. Fiske iron Works, 1 drink -
6.00 int.; fountain •t0 9;
E. .1. \ oggenthaler Co., supplies
for steam roller 1 00
It uatz & Schaetgen, repairs on -
city st•c••it sprinkler
1.50 H. B. Gniffke, refunded excava-
tion permits
50.00 H. B. Gniffke, int0rest on war -
rants outstanding
H. B. Gniffke, postage stamps 10.65
50.00 H. B. Gniffke, refunded tax 20.75
H. B. Gniffge, freight charges7.80
25.00 H. B. Gniffke, tel• gramG Z56
Labor on streets for the first half of
60.00 August, 1901:
2 :10
1 00
2 85
2 75
weekly -
1S 75
37 50
P. R. Powers, to balance
John Burns, labor
Paul Becker, labor
Fred. Budde, labor
Paul Brandenburger, labor
Joe Brown, labor,labor
Wnt. Coughlan, ........ • • •
Martin Carmody, labor ,,,
Jas. Callahan, foreman
Hiram Cobb, labor
Jas. Connolly, labor , ....
John Corbett, labor
Henry Cosgrove, driver car-
penter's wagon
PAdam Crawford, eter enter
Defontain, labor.. • • • . •
Id. Dunnigan, labor ..
Thos. Donahue, labor
11 T. Eddy, foreman
Mike Farrell,
labolabor . ..............
Mat. Fag
'Wm. Flanagan. labor ... • • •,.,,,
Pat. Fe labor
Barney Glass, labor ... Henry Gall&, labor ,•,..
1 35
7 10
2 70
16 20
2 70
1 35
20 00
4 05
16 20
17 55
19 50
20 00
S 10
2 70
16 '0
20 00
4 05
S 10
2 05
16 :0
2 10
8 10
List of Warrants.
Chas. Gruenzig, labor . • • • 3 40
Jos, Guenther, labor 8 45
Jos. Grab, labor 90
Peter Guenther, labor a 76
M. Gera, abor 4 00
C. Gantenbein, foreman 20 00
2 S5
'Phos. Hackney, abor S 10
Gen. Hecklinger, labor 0(8:
a 10
Geo. J. Hahn, foreman 0 1;
John Hayes, labor
Aug. Handelmann, labor
Aug. Jass, labor .. 4 07
John Jehring, labor 5 73
Nic. Kemmes, labor
Nic. Kettenhofen, labor 4 75
Wm. Kronfeldt, labor 9 45
Pat. Kenneally, labor 17 55
Mat. Klein, paper collector 1.2 50
Mike Lavin, labor .. 1 35
Mart. Lonergan, labor 10 20
Mike Murphy, labor . 1 25
Rob. Mack. labor 8 10
Jos. Martinek, labor 3 05
Jas. McCormick, labor 70
Jas. McCracken, labor 1 35
B. McCormack, labor ... 2 05
Pat. O'Brien, labor
W. O'Brien, foreman 20 00
Chas. Pierce, labor 17 55
Wm. Quinlan, labor 135
Mat. Quirk, carpenter 20 00
Pat. Ryan, labor 10 SO
Sam. Radford, labor 2 05
Phil. Reddin, labor 4 05
P. J. Royce, foreman 20 00
Chas. Relly, lbr 16 20
Jos. Rooney, labor 70
Frank Scherr, labor S 10
Chris. Scholl, labor 4 05
Tiny Schmidt, labor 4 05
Geo. Seward, labor 915
Wm. Stevens, labor 4 05
John Welsh, labor 135
Adam Zengel, labor 1 35
Frank Burns, team S 75
Jos. Calvert, team 4 40
John Calvert, team 1 t5
Thos. Elliott, team 5 00
M. Gantenbein, team S 15
Mike Hannan, team 2 50
Thos. Hein, team 8 15
John Huffmier (contract), team2710
Thos. Kenneally, team 2 50
Mike Kenneally, team 1 25
Pat. Lenihan, team .... 75 00
Martin Maher, team ..,. 1 25
John Singrin, team 2 50
Frank Siege, team 7 :,0
Art. Turner, team 10 o0
Jas. Tobin, team Ji 00
M. Zogg, team .. 11 00
Labor on sewers for the first half of
August, 1901:
Pat. Casserly, labor
W. Clark, labor
John Corcoran, labor .,
S. H. Cook, foreman
Maurice Flynn, labor-
W. Lonergan, labor
Con. Sullivan, labor ...
George Scott, labor ..
Jos. Rooney, labor
F. G. Siege, team
Iowa Telephone Co.. telephone
service for High Bridge
Farley-Loetscher Mfg. Co., ma-
terial for toilet room, city hall
Peter Kien, trees for Jackson
E. Voggenthaler Co., repairing
steam roller 113 38
Herald Ptg. Co., balance printing
Revised Ordinances for 1901195 80
Steuck & Lenihan, estimate on
Bee Branch sewer 2500 Q0
19 20
19 20
20 SO
25 00
39 20
20 80
20 80
14 40
1 35
3 15
5 60
9 55
5 00
I hereby certify that •the foregoing
is a true and correct list of all war-
rants issued by me during the month
of July, 1901.
City Recorder.
Horses for sale at auction: 1 pair of
geldings, •6 years old, owned by the
city of Dubuque will be sold at
auction to the highest bidder for cash,
Saturday, Sept. 28, 1901, at 9:30 o'clock
a. m. sharp at the City Hall.
1'er order committee.
Foaled proposals will I c recri i a'
the odice of the City Itec•mlcr up t.•
7 o'clock p. ni. Sept. Mil, Dol. for
fumigating. or disinfecting 11•nls•= in
eases of small pox and Eli other c••0-
tagious diseases.
Bidders will state the price for l.in 0
cubic feet of space.
City reserves the right to reject any
and all bids.
Clerk to the Board of Health.
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque:•
That a sidewalk six feet wide, of
good two inch plank, brick or cement,
be within ten days of this notice, con-
structed and laid in conformity tvith
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks
on the west side of Grandview avenue,
between Bennett street and North
street, abutting east part of lot 29,
Anna O'Hara's sub., owned by Thomas
Hill at the expense of abutting prop-
Passed Sept. 5th, 1901.
9-15-10t. L. M. LANGSTAFF.
City Recorder.
Public notice is hereby given that at
the session of the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, held on the 17th day
of August, 1901, the fo11owing special
assessments were levied ,,n the real es-
tate herein after described. and that
in case of failure to pay- within t11'
time prescribed by th ordinance gov-
erning same, all will beeotne delinquent
and subject to collection by distress
and sale.
('ity Tt'easurel'.
F. A. Seeman, E. E. .Jone' Sub
lot 1 $ 42 15
Chas. Odermatt, E. E. Jones'
Sub., lot 7 t" •
F. A. Thompson, E. E. Jones'
Sub., 1 of lot 12 ..
S. B. Latttner, Mineral Lot AS,
Int •li 69 72
Joseph Hott, Alineva 1 Lot SS,
4 of lot 3 7,1 ''
Official Notices
Sealed proposals will be received at
the office of the City Recorder up to
7 o'clock p. m., Sept. 19th, 1901, for
taking care of all small pox cases with-
in the City of Dubuque. Bidders
will state the price per day for car-
ing for all cases of small pox and
the price per patient during the ease
of contagion; all under the direction of
the Board of Health. The city re-
serves the right to reject any and all
Dated Sept. 17th, 1901.
Clerk to the Board of Health.
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4
feet wide, of good two inch plank,
be, within ten days of this notice. con-
structed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation Ur sidewalks.
on the south side of O'Neill avenue, be-
tween Burden avenue and Sheridan
avenue, abutting lot 16 O'Neill's River-
view add.. owned by Charles T. Riegel-
iegerat the expense of abutting property.
Also that a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of
good two inch plank. be. within ten
days of this notice constructed and
laid in conformity with the ordinance
in relation to sidewalks. on the south
side of O'Neill avenue. between Burden
avenue and Sheridan avenue, abutting
lot 9 O'Neill Riverview add., owned by
Joseph Higg at the expense of abutting
Also that a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of
good two inch prank be, within
ten days of this notice, constructed
and laid in conformity with the ordi-
nance in relation to sidewalks, on the
south side of O'Neill avenue between
Burden avenue and Sheridan avenue,
abutting lots 10 and 11 O'Neill's River-
view add., owned by Lorenze Richard
at the expense of abutting property.
Also that a sidewalk 4 feet wide of
good two inch plank, be, within ten
days of this notice, constructed and
laid in conformity with the ordinance
in relation to sidewalks. on the south
side of O'Neill avenue between Burden
avenue and Sheridan avenue. abutting
lots 13, 14 and 15, O'Neill's Riverview
add., owned by Wm. Hein, at the ex-
pense of abutting property.
Also that a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of
good two inch plank, be, within ten
days of this notice, constructed and
laid in conformity with the ordinance
in relation to sidewalks, 00 the south
side of O'Neill avenue between Burden
avenue and Sheridan avenue, abutting
lot 12, O'Neill's Riverview add , owned
by B. J. O'Neill. at the expense of
abutting property.
Also that a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of
good two inch plank, brick. stone or
cement, be, within ten days of this no-
tice, constructed and laid in conform-
ity with the ordinance in relation to
sidewalks, on the south side of O'Neill
avenue between Burden avenue and
Sheridan avenue, abutting lots 8, 7 and
8, O'Neill's Riverview add., owned by
B. J. O'Neill, at the expense of abut-
ting property.
8-27-10t. City Recorder.
Public notice is here:,, • given that at
the session of the Council of the City
of Dubuque, held on tier 5th day of
September, 1901, the f•rlio•.ving Special
Assessments were levied on the real
estate herein after des':ribed and that
in case of failure to pav the one sev-
enth part \'ithin the time prescribed
by the ordinance governing; sane, all
will become delinquent and suhiect to
collection by distress and sale.
City Treasui et',
Chas. B. Clark, Bissell s sub., lot
8 $101 Stn
Jno. P. Thillman, Bissell's sub,
lot 7 26 54
Jno. P. Thillman, Bissell's sub,
lot 6 15 72
(. Metsch, Bissell's sib lot 5 .
J. P. Cummings, Bissell's sub.,
lot 4'72
Mary E. Canavan, itirsell s sub.,
lot 3 ....... . l•
Felix McBride, Bis, l':+ soh., 101
2 15 72
Sarah Donnelly, Bisell's sub,
lot 1 16 01
Henry Gilbert, Cumming's sub,
lot 1 31 35
H. and N. Gilbert, ('u.nmirg's ,1 ,
sub., lot 2
F. Lathrop, Cumming's sub., W. 28
45 feet of lot 3
E. Laude, Cumming's sub., E. 5 3 13
feet of lot 3
E. Laude, Cumming's sub., lot 431 35
Mrs. M. Stewart, ('umming's ,1 83
sub., lot 5
Mrs. A. Cummings, Cummings'
sub., lot 8 ` S3
T.7.1. Levan, Cummings' sub., lot 30
Regular Session, October 3, 1901.
Regular Session Oct. 3, 1901.
Council met at 5:45 o'clock, p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present, Aids. Clancy, Frith, Hurn,
Jones. Kintzinger and Sheridan. To-
tal, 6.
Absent, Aid. McLaughlin.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the read-
ing of t he Council Proceedings for the
month of September be dispensed with
and that they be approved as print-
ed. Carried.
Adan Doerr. Jr.. asststaut as-
sessor for S pt •ia1 r $ 75 00
Jus. J. Murphy. assistant asses-
sor for September 75 00
F. O'Loughlin, assistant engi-
neer's utilce for Sept 40 00
?d. (\'Loughlin, rodman engi-
neer's office for Sept 40 00
Jno. Schrup, i1151'(tor Bee
Branch and West Locust St.
Ross McMahon, inspector Dodge
St. sewer
A. Stoltz. board of prisoners for
Smith. Morgan Prt'g Cu.. blank
stationery for recorder's office
Mullen Bros., plumbing at Jack-
son park
Klauer Mfg. Co., ball and base
for flag staff at city hall
A. E. Bradley, glazing at city
P. Dontenig, constructing closet
in assessor's office ..
P. Domenig, lumber fur closet in
assessor's office
P. Domenig, repairing scales at
1thonberg avenue
Geo. W. Healey supplies for lawn
mowers Washington park
Geo. W. Healey. 25 Yale keys for
toilet room at city hall
W. H. Torbert, 1111 for Jackson
Hagge. Metz & Co., 1 piece of
crown molding city hall
Jno. G. Moser. setting up stoves
at city hall
C. 0. D. Laundry, towels and
racks for May, June, July and
August 15 00
Key- City Gas Co., gas consum-
ed at various Depts 30S 90
W . H. Chapman, to 1-2 pay for
repairing and painting roof at
9th St. engine house
Ott. Meuser & Co., lumber for
road Dept.
Standard Lumber Co., lumber
for road Dept.
Dub. Rubber & Belting Co., hose
and clamps for steam roller
Lear & Pflffner, horse shoeing
40 00
40 00
19 00
6 50
1 10
1 00
6 00
S 53
2 40
1 90
5 00
. 75
6S 00
15 55
54 95
9 00
for Road Dept
Gus Holl, 2 keys Road Dept
Schloz & Son, repairing toots
Road Dent.
C. J. Benson, repairing tools
I:,\ar1 DT,ept.
d Dept.
F. M. Jaeger &
1 ,ad Dept.
Gen. \I. Healey', 1 „\dice awl fixe
Road Dept
M. Dunnig'an, macadam lloa t
Jno. Enright. rock Road Derr.
P. Clancy, S4 cub. yds. ,•inders
Itoad Dept.
11. «-. Carr,
Road Dept
Key City Gas Co.. ook,• for
steam roller
Kean Bros., 2 loads of pine wood
for steam roller
Standard 011 Co., oil for steam
A. A. Brown, repairing canopy
top steam roller
Ragatz & Schaetgen, sit t lies
for steam roller
Dub. dubber & Belting Co.. hose
washers and expansion rings
for Fire Dept, 6 50
T. F. Kane. hay and oats Fire
Dept. .... _ 1S
Trexler Bros., livery hire Fire
Dept. 4 00
Key City Gas Co., coke Fire
Dept. 1s 70
Dubuque Oil Tank Line, oil Fire
Dept• 6 50
Fred Roehl, hardware Fire Dept. _ 10
F. M. Jaeger & Co., hardware
Fire Dept. 9 90
Klauer Mfg. Co, hardware Fire 00
Ell\\'anger Bros, new harness 00
Fire Dept.
Ell\\'anger Bros., repairing old y 50
harness Fire Dept.
Kannolt & Powers. horse shoe-
ing Fire Dept.
Lear & Pfiffner, house shoeing 30 30
Fire Dept. • • "
Collings & Edwards. horse shoe -
9 40
ing Fire Dept.
Wunderlich & \Wiederholt, horse -5 00
shoeing Fire Dept. shavings
Ott, Meuser & Co., 4 75
Fire Dept.
W. W. Whelan, 1 doz. battery
zincs Fire Dept.
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary servi-
ces Fire Dept.
McDermott & Gow, plumbing at 25
Central Engine house
Pape & Jaccluinot, plumbing at 12 30
Central Engine house ,, .. . • •
F. Schloz & Son, repairs at Cen- 25
tral Engine house ••.:e
Jno, G. Moser, setting up 1 S5
Central Engine house
A, L. Osborn & Co., glazing at 55
Central Engine House
\\-m. Marshall, repairs on Steam-
i•epail•ilt,:,- tont,:
IlarCt 'ware
I1lina I U 1, s11P'x
3 70
3 SO
1 10
4 10
15 I)
25 75
10 50
5S 90
4 00
1 95
3 85
262 I►eguI tr Session, October 3. 1901.
er Linehan
Chas. E. Berry, harness hanger
for 18th St. Engine hotise 7 20
Hale Harness & Supply Co., col-
lar and hames 18th St. En-
gine house .. 19 00
Ragatz & Schaetgen, repairs at
4th St. Engine house 1 45
Ragatz & Schaetgen. repairing
Steamer Lenihan 2510
Ragatz & Schaetgen, repairing
Steamer Olinger 42 05
Iowa Telephone Co., telephone
service for various Depts 33 02
Collings & Edwards, horseshoe-
ing for Police Dept 4 40
Keep & Buechele, police helmets
for Police Dept. 9 75
Ellwanger Bros., repairing har-
ness for Police Dept. .. 110
'T. F. Kane. hay and oats at
patrol house 60 53
:Pape & Jacquinot. repairing Har-
ness hangers at patrol house1 50
.H. J. Hagerty. veterinary servi-
ces for patrol team 1 45
F. Stichler, 1 day as special po-
liceman 2 00
.Jno. Pfeiffer, cleaning calaboose 75
Smedley Steam Pump Co., pipe
and couplings for Sewer Dept 7 45
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for
Sewer Dept. 1 ss
?,. A. Brown, repairs for Sewer
Dept. 2 0
Linehan & Molo, cement Sewer
Dept. 25
Robert Jungk, setting up drink-
ing fountain at Linwood ceme-
tery gate 12 85
Robert Jungk, setting up drink
ing fountain at 18th and Clay
Sts. 11 05
Pape & Jacquinot, supplies for
$ewer Dept. ..
Dietrich Bros.. 3000 brick for
Sewer Dept. 19 50
'T. E. Young , hauling, Sewer
.Jas. Lee, building cement steps
and raising manhole at lath
St. Fountain 18
tGlobe-Journal, official printing
for September 50
'The Herald, official printing for
:National Demokrat, official
printing for September 25 00
Dubuque Telegraph, official
printing for September 60 Gil
.Dubuque Telegraph, Council
weekly proceedings 9 00
Chicago Blue Print Paper Co,
25 yds. of B. P. paper.... 2 80
Union Electric Co.; arc lights for
September ........ 2014 9;,
Thos. E. Frith, removing garbage
and dead animals during Sept. 293 50
O. G. Kringle, grading Angella
street 202 72
O'Farrell & Norton, grading Cox
street 229 12
Mike Oswald, estimate on Bee
Branch storm sewer 710 02
1 00
50 00
Jno. Tlbey, estimate on Dodge
St. storm sewer 64S 16
Steuck & Linehan, final esti-
mate on' West Locust St. sant-
tary sewer 994 92
The following bills were ordered re-
R. Laughlin, five gallons kerosene oil
for road department 75 cents.
On motion the bill was referred to
the Street Committee.
The Adams company 24 settees for
various parks, $72.00.
On motion the bill was referred to
the Committee on Public Grounds and
Dubuque Telegraph health reports
for July and August, 1901, $S.00.
On motion the bill was referred to
the Printing Committee.
The following bilis were referred to
the Board of Health:
John Driscoll, to services as
special policeman in small pox
cases $ 13 20
Sam Starr, Sr. to services as
special policeman in small pox
cases S 25
James Galoway, to services as
special policeman in sni:tll pox
cases 21 45
William Fox, to
.special policeman in small pox
cases 19 SO
Thos. 1 Cyan, to services as
special policeman in small pox
cases 1 65
Sam Starr. Jr., to services as
special policeman in small pox
cases 23 10
A. Wondrashek, to services as
si ecial policeman in small pox
24 75
services as
cases ...
W'i,liam Keas, to services as
special policeman in small pox
aces.... 39 60
H. Nage maker, to services as
special policeman in small pox
cases 24 75
John Fannon, to services as
special policeman in small pox
cases 21 45
Wm. Mundt, to services as
special policeman in small pox
cases 23 10
Rob. Harker, to services as
special policeman in small pox
cases 19 80
John A. Voelker, to removing
small pox patient, Mrs. Knapp
to pest house 10 00
John A. Voelker to removing
small pox patient, George Mill-
er to pest house and fumigating
Western House 10 00
John A. Voelker, to fumigating
Bixby residence 5 00
Jno. A. Voelker, to fumigating
3 rooms at Mueller residence
on Washington street, between
Tenth and Eleventh streets5 09
John A. Voelker, to fumigating
Burnett's residence, also Bixby
1 egular Session, October 3, 1901.
residence for the second time14 50
Jno. A. Voelker, fumigating H
Eberlein's residence G 00
.Jno. A. Voelker, fumigating Mrs'
King's residence .. S 50
Jnd. A. Voelker, fumigating Mrs
Conway's residence 7 50
Dr. Charles M. Linehan, tc pro-
fessional services for vaccinat-
ing children at various schools7 50
Hettald Printing company, 5,500
small pox certificates 11 50
lief:aid Printing Co., 35 news-
paper slips 100
on motion the bill was referred lo
Dr. J. C. Hancock.
1Vm. L. Bradley to preparing resolu-
tion for $120,000 refunding bonds $25.00.
On motion the bill was received and
Petition of the Union Electric com-
pany asking that they he granted per-
mission to extend and continue their
tpresent street railway track on Second
r•treet, westerly across Main street and
alone and upon said Second (2ii )
street to connect with its present track
upon Locust street. Also to extend
and' continue their present street rail-
way track on Eagle Point avenue,
Westerly across Jackson street, and
along and upon said Eagle Point
avenue to connect with its present
•track upon Couler avenue.
Ald. Frith moved that the prayer of
the petition be granted. Carried.
Petition of Mary C. Blake asking
that her special assessment for repair-
ing her sidewalk abutting lots 6 and
7 In El Blake's sub., be cancelled.
On motion the petition was granted.
Petition of Matt Klein (paper collec-
tor) requesting the c•ounc•il to 'purchase
a new cart for hauling away paps r
and rubbish from the streets and thor•
•ouglifares in the city.
Ald. Horr moved to refer the matter
to the street committee with powef.
Petition of Thomas McMahon and
Ferri Hepp, asking that they be ex-
empt from their taxes to the amount
of $800.00 they being honorably dis-
charged Union soldiers of the war of
the rebellion.
On motion both petitions were refer-
red to the Delinquent Tax Committee.
Petition of B. Beebe asking that he
be refunded the sum of $15.50 for taxes
paid by hihn for the year 1599 as er-
roneously 'assessed.
Ori motion' the petition was referred
to "the Board of Equalization.
The following petitions were referred
to the Committee of the Whole:'
Petition signed''A Veteran" suggest-
ing that the name of Rhomberg avenue
be changed to McKinley avenue.
Petition of John. J.' Schromen et al,
..asking council to use their influence
to have the Eighth (Sth) street motor
line give the same privileges to the
working men and women as they do
on other lines of the city.
Also communication of Bernard J.
O'Neill protesting against substituting
the' name of J. K. Deming in lieu of
the name of Geo. B. Burch deceased
as trustee of the Dee Basket factory.
The following proposition was pre-
sented and read:
This indenture made this 26th day of
September, A. D., 1901, between A. L.
Rhomberg of Dubuque. Iowa, party of
the first part and the City of Dubuque.
Iowa, party of the second part, wit-
nesseth: That the party of the first
part fur and in consideration of the
sum of One Dollar ($1.00) in hand paid
by the party of the second part, does
hereby lease, for the term of one (1)
year and until the cessation of the
present epidemic of small pox now pre-
valent in said city to the party of the
second part the following described
premises 'to -wit: Block 24 in Rail-
road addition and lots 640 and 641 in
East Dubuque addition all in the city
of Dubugde. Iowa. and situated east
of Hickory street between 17th and 13th
streets, said city to have the right to
erect or authorize the erection of a
detention hospital thereon for the pur-
pose of caring for persons afilieted with
or suspected of being afflicted with
contagious diseases.
Signed at Dubuque, Iowa, this 2Gth
clay of September, A. D.. 1901.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the agree-
ment be accepted and filed and that a
Nrarant he ordered drawn for One Dol-
lar ($1.00) in favor of A. L. Rhomberg.
City Treasurer Gniffke reported as
follows: •
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council
of Dubuque.
Gentlemen:—Below you will find
statement of amounts advanced by me
during the month 'of September, 1901,
for which please Order warrants drawn
in my favor.
Excavation permits redeemed$ 35.00
Interest on outstanding warrants946.61
Telegraph, express 'arid freight "'
charges .75
Exchange (New York) 2.56
POetag a stamps 10.00
Refund tax. ... 1.10
purchase horse for fire dept. .... 175.00
Also have received money borrowed
frotti the 'following parties, for tvhieh
please order loan warrants draWrf'An
their favor.
Sept. 7, 1901, German Trust and
Savings Bank, at 5 per cent$10,000.00
Sept. 10,' 1'901,: Dubuque Na- '
tional Bank, at 5 per cent10,000.00
Respectfully submitted, •
On motion the report wag received
and warrants ordered drawn for the
various amounts Arid the report • re-
1:vgnlar Session, October 3. 1901.
ferred back to the Finance committee.
City Auditor Hoffman reported as
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council
of Dubuque.
Gentlemen:—Herewith find my report
for the month of September, 1901,
showing the receipts and disbursements
for the month:
Cash on hand Sept
1st, 1901 $ 9,881.S0
Consolidated taxes,
1900 $ 2,983.55
Water tax 1900 2,982.80
Interest on same 61.12
Consolidated tax 1599 119.35
Water tax 1899 2.15
Consolidated tax 1898 28.56
Water tax 1898 2.24
Consolidated tax 1897 28.05
Water tax 1897 2.55
Special bonded tax2,333.50
Interest on same803.19
Special taxes 106.76
Special sewer tax47.10
Excavation permits85.00
Fines and fees 55.00
Team license 25.00
Scale receipts 33.81
Peddlers' license 17.00
Boarding house li-
cense 7.90
Dog license 2.00
Loans 20,000.00
Sale of horses 114.00
Dieting prisoners .... 8.50.
Pound receipts 10.00
Wood measurer's re-
Street rolling
Sale of ordinances
Warrants redeemed
during the month.$20,753.44
Coupons redeemed
during the month. 841.67
Bonds redeemed dur-
ing the month 2.000.00
Cash on hand Oct
1st, 1901
Of the cash on hand
there belongs to the
improvement bond
Improvement bond
interest fund 1,036.48
Leaving a balance to
the credit of city.. $ 2,046.58
Also report that there is due city of-
ficers for the month of September, 1901,'
$2,128.45. Also find statement of the
city treasurer as follow•
Dubu, Ia.,
. 30,
F. B. Hoff anuEsq., City uditorlof
Dear Sir:—Following this find a
statement of the receipts and disburse-
ments of the Dubuque Water Trustees,
as evidenced by the transactions
through the city treasurer's office:
To balance $ 653.16
Sept. 3, order No. 29,
Dubuque Water
Works Trustees 680.26
Sept. 3, order No. 203,
ourselves (Dub. •W.
W. trustees)
Sept. 3, order No. 204,
Martin-Strelau Co. .
Sept. 5, order No. 205,
P. Clancy
Sept. 9, order No. 206
Smedley Steam Pump
Sept. 9. order N,. 2O7.
E. Voggenthaler
Sept. 13, order No. 208,
Citizens' State Bank
Sept. 16, order No. 209,
ourselves (Dub. W.
W. trustees
Sept. 16, order No. 30.
Dubuque Water
Works trustees645.7?
Sept. 23, order No. 31,
Dubuque Water
Works trustees 304.56
Sept. 23, order No. 210,
ourselves (Dub. W.
W. trustees)
Sept. 23, order No. 211,
Martin-Strelau Co
$ 430.26
$2.2S4.00 $2,254.00
Respectfully yours.
City Treasurer.
The following is a record of all in-
terest coupons redeemed by me for the
past month:
Improvement bond coupons..
Regular bond coupons
07i 0)
Improvement bonds redeemed:
No. 93, Aug. 13, 1895 $1.000.00
No. 116, Oct. 1, 1395 $1.000.00
The following list shows the appro-
priations and the amount of warrants
drawn on each fund since the begin-
ning of the fiscal year beginning March
1st, 1901, to Oct. 1st, 1901:
Appro- lx-
Expense $40,000
Road 40,000
Fh a 33,500
Police. 28,500
Sewerage 5,000
Printing 2,500
Engineer 3,000
Gas and light . 27,000
Water work bond int. 25.000
Interest 50,000
Board of health 4,000
Grading 4.000
Bee Branch 13,000
Eagle Point bridge 25.000
Sp'c'l bonded paving. 8,000 7,686 77 -
Redemption 7,500
.Dorige street sewer 6,000 1.536 04
Judgment 4,000 3,432 35
Sprinkling 4,000
Library 6,000
Respectfully submitted,
On motion the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
city officers and the report referred
back to the Finance committee.
Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol-
1: 271
19.4922 ,,
12.111' -J.
29,419 69
2.150 36
525 20
10,472 44
IZegnlar Session, October 3, 1901.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: Herewith 1 present the
pay roll for the Fire Department for
the month of September, 1901:
Amount due firemen $2,016.75.
MAT r t'LAN('Y,
Chairman Committee on Fire.
On motion the pay roll was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
firemen and the pay roll referred back
to the Committee on Fire.
Marshal Morgan reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: 1 het ewith submit Po-
lice report for the month of September,
Total arrests for the month
Total patrol runs
Miles traveled by patrol
Doors found open
Defective lights
Lodgers harbored
Meals furnished
Cost of food
Pound master's receipt
Treasurer for fine .... .. $ 5
Also report pay roll for September,
1901. Amount due policemen $2,019.45.
Matron's report attached.
Respectfully Submitted,
On motion the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
policemen and the report referred back
to the Committee on Police and Lights.
Street Commissioner Boyce reported.
;is follows:
'l'o the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: -1 herewith submit my
pay roll for labor on streets for the
last half of September, 1901.
Amount due laborers on streets,
Also my pay roll for labor on sewers
for the last half of September, 1901.
Amount due laborers on sewera
4 00
Respectfully Submitted.
Street Commissioner.
E. E. Frith. Chairman Committee on
Jos. L. Horr, Chairman of Committee
on sewers.
On motion the pay rolls were received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
laborers on streets and sewers and the
pay rolls referred back to the proper
City Electrician Hipman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: Herewith I submit my
report of defective lights for the montit
of September, 1901: .
I find from the reports of the Police
Department that the total hours
165 lamps failed to burn would equal
nine Lamps for one month or $45.60.
Itespectfully Submitted,
City Electrician.
On motion the report was ordered
filed and the Auditor instructed to de-
duct from the Sept., 1901 bill of the
Inion 1 :1.•,•u i ; company the amount e2.
Sidewalk Inspector Berg reported as
!'cl lows:
To In,- Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: I herewith submit a
statentew of the work done by my or-
ders for the past six months, from.
April 1st to October 1st, 1901..
I New sidewalks laid as follows:
pricks walks
cement walks
Plank walks
CInder tvalks
Total 40.1
Grates placed over cellar windows 54.
Number of repair notices served, 1200.
Yours Respectfully,
Sidewalk Inspector.
The following weighmasters' and
wood • measurer reports were ordered
referred to the Committee on Markets:
Anton Stoltz, city hall receipts -8°4.5a
R. Hay, corner Eighth and White
street, receipts 4.91
T. Faherty, First ward 4.42
Charles Pitschner, West Dubuque
receipts 1.3S
Nic Kintzinger, woodmeasurer re-
ceipts 1.S5
Mayor Berg stated that on account
of 'the death of Charles Pitschner, his
doughteri Louise Pitschner, had been
acting in the capacity of weighmaster.
On motion,.Miss Louise Pitschner
I Was appointed to fill the unexpired
term of Charles Pitschner, weigh -
master, of West Dubuque.
The bids for hay and oats for one
year from October 1st, 1901 were pre-
sented and ordered opened and found
as follows:
T. F. Kane, choice white oats per
bushel 44 1-2c.
97. F. Kane, choice timothy hay per
ton $14.50.
M. Stafford, white oats per bushel,
41 cents.
M. Stafford, timothy hay per ton
Ald. Frith moved that the contract
be awarded to M. Stafford, he being
the lowest bidder. Carried.
Also the bids for coal and wood
were presented and ordered opened.
On notion all bids for coal, wood
and coke were referred to the Com-
mittee on Supplies with power.
Regular• Session, October 3, 1901.
When the Committee on Supplire-
l„„•ted they reported as follows:
Your Committee on Supplies, to
hom were referi ed the bids for furn-
ishing the city with coal, coke and
wood for a period of one year from
October 1, 1901, would recommend that
all bids on hard coal be rejected at,
they are all equal. Have awarded
contract to Phil Pier for furnishing
soft coal and wood at the following
prices, viz: Big Muddy Block at $2.36
per ton: maple wood at $5.45 per cord,
dry oak $4.35 per cord; and that we
have awarded to the Key City Gas Co..
the contract for coke at $5.00 per ton
delivered and $4.60 per ton at the fac-
Ald. Horr of the Finance Committee
imported as follows:
Your Committee on Finance to whom
was referred the petition of John
Spear would recommend that the pray-
er of the petition be granted pro-
vided settlement be made at once
:and that the treasurer be instructed
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report.
'Carried. •
Aid. Horr presented and read th
Office of the Dubuque, Fire and Ma •
Time Insurance company.
Dubuque, Ia., Sept. 24th, 1901.
Finance Committee of the City Coun-
cil of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—Before leaving for Chi-
cago, I submitted the several proposi-
tions made for assessing (he capital
stock of this company to our principal
Mock holders.
They are all decidedly of the opinion
that in view of the deductions to
which we are entitled for taxes paid
the state of Iowa, and for the stock
in the Office Building company, also
for real estate and other matters that
I explained to you, a basis of $200,000
the same as made by the County, is
.as high as they will concede without
litigation. They claim that even
$200,000 is too high in comparison with
the assessment of other local corpora-
tions. If the basis is made over
•$200,000 our proposition to pay $2,000
in compromise for the taxes now on
the books is withdrawn.
The best I can therefore do is to
renew my proposition made last night,
which is to pay $2,000 in full settle.
ment of the old claim and to assess
the stock at $200,000 for 1901, with a
guarantee on my part that not over
$50,000 shall be claimed as an offset for
individual indebtedness.
Respectfully Submitted,
Whereupon Aid. Horr of the Finance
Committee reported as follows:
Your Committee on Finance would
respectfully recommend the acceptance
of the proposition of the Dubuque Fire
and Marine Insurance company as fix-
ing the amount of taxes assessable to
said company for the years of which
their taxes are unpaid up to and in-
cluding 1901: the $2.000 for taxes up to
1901 to be paid at once.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report.
Ald. Kintzinger, chairman of the or-
dinance Committee. reported back to
the Council an ordinance entitled an
ordinance to amend Section 11 of Chap-
ter LVI. of the Revised Ordinances of
1901 of the ('ity of Dubuque and moved
it be read the second time. Carried
by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Horg
Jones, Kintzinger and Sheridan. Total
Absent—Ald. McLaughlin.
The ordinance; was then read the sec-
ond time.
Md. Kintzinger moved that th' or-
dinance be adopted as rend.
Carr'cci by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzirger and Sheridan. Total
Absent—Ald. McLaughlin.
The Mayor declared the motion car-
Find ordinance in full on page 324
of this book.
Ald. Kintzinger reported as follows:
Your Committee on Ordinances. to
whom was referred the within ordi-
nance, would respectfully recommend
that said ordinance be amended as fol-
By striking out all of said ordinance
beginning with the word "when” in
the fifth line of Section 1, and ending
with the word "judgement" in the
twentieth line of said Section 1. And
by striking out of Section 3 of said
ordinance .in line three (3) thereof the
words and figures "three thousand
($3,000) dollars" and inserting the
words and figures "five thousand
($5,000) dollars" in lieu thereof.
Ald. Kintzinger reported back to the
An Ordinance entitled An Ordinance
authorizing the City of Dubuque to
enter into a contract providing for the
discovery of property that may have
been omitted, overlooked, or otherwise
not returned by the Assessor, and for
the listing of such property and the
collection of taxes thereon.
Amended in accordance with above
report and moved that it be read for
the second time.
The vote resulted as follows:
1:eg alar Session, October 3, 1901.
Ayes—Aids. Clancy. Frith, lien •,
Kintzinger and Sheridan. Total 5.
docs—Aids. Junes. Total 1.
Absent—Aid. Mcl.a ughlit..
The ortlinane • as amended was tlien
--ad fat the second time.
\Id. liintzinger moved that the ordi-
nance as amended he now adopted.
tarried by the following vote:
Ayes --Aids. clam y. Frith, 1-1 n•r.
Jones, iiintzingcr and Sheridan. 'I'etal
Absent—Ald. McLaughlin.
The Mayor declared the minion car-
The ordinance as amended follows:
Be it ordained by the City Council
••f the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That the City of Dubuque
:nay contract in writing with any per -
to assist the proper officers of said
city it! the discovery of property that
may have been omitted, overlooked. or
otherwise nut listed and assessed as
required by law.
Before listing the property discov-
ered. the Treasurer shall give the per-
son in whose name it is proposed to as-
sess the same. fir his agent. ten days'
notice thereat' by registered letter ad -
.dressed to hip at his usual place of
residence. fixing the time and place
where objection to such proposed list-
ing and assessment may be mane. An
appeal may be taken to the District
•<'ourt from final action of the Treas-
urer by serving written notice upon
him and otherwise proceeding as pro-
vided in Section Thirteen Hundred and
Seventy Three (1373) of the Code.
Section 2. The total charges. fees
and expenses authorized under Section
•One (1) of this ordinance shall not ex-
ceed fifteen per cent. of the taxes paid
into the City Treasury as a result of
the efforts and services of the per-
son or persons employed to assist in
the discovery of property not hereto-
fore listed and assessed for taxation.
Section 3. The person employed un-
der the provisions of Section One (1)
hereoft shall give a bond in the penal
sum of not less than Five Thousand
($5,000.00) Dollars, with sureties to be
approved by the City Council, condi-
tioned for the faithful performance of
the contract.
Section 4. After the deduction of
the compensation hereinbefore provid-
ed for, the taxes recovered under this
ordinance shall be distributed among
the several funds for that year in the
same proportion as other taxes.
Section 5. This ordinance shall he
in force and take effect from and after
its publication in the Dubuque Daily
Telegraph newspaper.
Ald. Kintzinger presented an ordi-
nance entitled An Ordinance granting
to the Union Electric Company addi-
tional rights on Second street and
'Eagle Point avenue and moved, that
the ordinance be read the first time.
Carried by the following' vote:
Ay.•s—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones. Kintzinger and Sheridan. Total
Al sent—Aid. McLaughlin.
The ordinance was then read for the
first time.
A1.1. Kintzinger moved that the rules
lin suspended for the purpose of read-
ing the ordinance the second time.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones. Kintzinger and Sheridan. Total
Absent—Ald. McLaughlin.
The ordinance was then read for the
second time.
Aid. Kintzinger moved that the ordi-
nance be now admted.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy. Frith, Horr,
Jones. Kintzin •.r and Sheridan. Total
Absent—Ald. \IcLaughnrt.
The Mayor declared the ordinance
The ordinance follows:
lie it ordained b" the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That in addition to the
rights and privileges now pos-
sessed or used by the Union
Electric company, for the oper-
ation of its lines of street railway
in the City of Dubuque, there is here-
by granted to said Company the right
to construct, maintain and operate; in
connection with its other line or lines,
a single track railway, commencing at
the intersection of Main and Second
streets in the City of Dubuque, and
running thense westerly along said
Second street to the intersection• of
said street with Locust street in said
City, said line to be so constructed as
to form a proper connection: with the
track of said railway on said Locust
street, and as nearly in the center
of said Second street as practicable,
with the necessary curves and switches
in connection therewith.
Sec. 2. That there is also hereby
granted to said Union Electric com-
pany, the right to construct, maintain
and operate, in connection with itts
other line or lines, a single track rail-
way, commencing at the intersection
of Eagle Point avenue and Jackson
street in the City of Dubuque, ind
running thence westerly along said
Eagle Point avenue to the intersection
of said Eagle Point avenue and Couler
avenue, in said City, said line to be
so constructed as to form a proper
connection with the tracks of said
railway on said Couler avenue, and as
nearly as practicable in the center of
said Eagle Point avenue; with the nec-
essary curves and switches in connec-
tion therewith.
Sec. 3. This ordinance shall be• In
force from and after its publication
in the Dubuque Daily Telegraph news-
Regular Session, October 3. 1901
Aid. Ilorr, chairman of the Sewer
Committee reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: Your Committee on
Sewers respectfully report that they
have examined the sanitary sewer in
West Locust street from Clark street
to Union avenue, Steuck & Linehan
contractors, and we recommend that
said sewer be accepted and a special
assessment be levied against the abut-
ting property and that the Committee
on Finance be instructed to provide
for the issue of bonds to cover the coat
of said sewer.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report
Ald. Horr, chairman of the Board of
Equalization reported as follows:
Your Board of Equalization to whom
was referred the petition of the Ione.
Horne Insurance company, asking that
the treasurer be instructed to accept
8250.00 in full for its taxes for the year
1900, would recommend that in view of
the fact that the assessor eroneously
assessed this company on its'authoriz-
ed capital instead of on its paid up
capital as the law Contemplates; that
the prayer of the petition be granted.
and that the treasurer be instructed
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the repot t.
Carried. .
Ald. . Kint.ifnger, chairman of the
Committee of the Whole reported as
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom were referred the bills of the
Dubuque Water company, •for water
furnished the city prior to June 1, 1900,
beg to report as follows: That the
price per flush tank should be $25.10
pet year and that the number of tanks
in use during the year 1899 would be
equal to one flush tank for 95 months
at $2.08 1-3 per month, or a total of
$197.52; the number of tanks in use
during the first five months of 1900
would equal one flush tank for 20
months at $2.08 1-3 or a total of $41.67:
the charge of $83.33 for 8 hydrants is
the C. M. & St. Paul yards we find is
correct; these items make a total of
5322.52. from which amount the sum
of 822.01 for 1631 pounds of 16 -inch
cast iron pipe is to be deducted, leav-
ing a jralance of $300.51 to the credit of
the Dubuque Water Works company,
and we would recommend that a war-
rant be ordered drawn on the treasurer
in favor of the Dubuque Water com-
pany for $300.51 in full settlement of
all its claims against the city of Du-
Also your Committee of the Whole
to whom was referred the plans and
speeification8 for a cistern at the in-
tersection of Goethe avenue with
Sheridan street would recommend
that the recorder be instructed to ad-
vertise for bids for the construction
of said cistern.
Ald. Kintzinger moved to adopt the
report of the Committee of the Whole.
Ald. Horr offered the following:
Be it resolved: That the city treas-
urer is hereby instructed to call in the
following street improvement bonds:
Improvement bond number 43. dated
November 18th. 1S96 amounting to One
Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) and, im-
provement bond number 40. dated June
1st, 1S95, amounting to One Thousand
Dollars ($1,000.00).
All interest on the above bonds Is
to cease with October 15th, 1901.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt. Carried.
Ald. Horr. offered the following:
Whereas, it is deemed necessary and
advisable by the City Council or the
City of Dubuque to construct a sani-
tary sewer in Fourth street and it is
hereby proposed to construct a sanitary
sewer in said Fourth street as follows,
to -wit: a 12 inch tile pipe server from
the manhole at the intersection of
White and Fourth streets to a point
about 225 feet east of said manhole
and a 10 inch tile pipe sewer from this
latter point to a point about 275 feet
further east on said Fourth street;
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of Dubuque: That the city engineer be
and is hereby directed to prepare a plat
and specifications showing the location
and general nature of such improve-
ment, the extent thereof, the size and
kind of material to be used, and to pre-
pare an estimate of the cost thereof,
and the amount. assessable upon each
lot or parcel of land adjacent to or
abutting thereon per front foot or
square foot in area. and to file sua:h
plat, specifications and estimate in the
office of the city recorder.
That after such plat is filed, the city
recorder shall cause to be Puia islu l
notice of the intention of the t mined
to make such improvement, i, h
notice shall be published :n a h r•
secutive issues of the official
of the city stating that such plat is nn
file, and. generally the nature of the
sewer, its location, size and kin 1 of
material to be used and the estimate of
its cost, and fixing the time before
which objections can be filed, which
time shall not be less than five days
after the last publication of such
notice, and after the completion of the
publication of such notice, he shall at
its next regular session notify the
council thereof in writing with a
printed copy of such notice accom-
panying the same.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt. Carried.
Ald, Kintzinger moved that the city
engineer be instructed to prepare an
estimate of cost for the filling along
the Illinois Central R. It. as per reso-
lution passed by the City Council
April 25th, 1901, and of record Book 31,
Page 109. Carried.
Ald. Jones moved that Mr. Kaep,
Regular Session, October 3, 1901. 265
clerk in the recorder's office be al-
lowed $75.00 per month.
Ald. Horr moved that the question of
raise of salaries for Mr. Kaep together
with that of Mr. Frank O'Loughlin be
referred to the city attorney for a legal
opinion as to the Council's right in
such matters and report to the next
session of the Council.
The motion of Ald. Horr to rofk•r \ras
Aid. Frith moved to adjourn. Car-
Regular Session, October 17, 1901
Regular Ses, a October 17th, 1901.
Council met at 8:25 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Aids. Clancy. Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger, McLaughlin and
Petition of Wm. M. Davis et al ask-
ing that an electric light be placed on
the east side of Grove Terrace between
Eleventh and Twelfth streets.
Ald. Frith moved to refer the peti-
tion to the Police and Light Commit-
tee. Carried.
Petition of Geo. L. Whittemore ask-
ing that his taxes he canceled on Lot
i4 and 83 in Union Add. to the amount
of $800.00, he being an honorably dis-
charged Union soldier. On motion was
referred to Committee on Delinquent
Petition of Ann Dougherty asking.
that her special assessment levied
.against Lot 10, Oak Grove Add., for
improving. Wilde street, be canceled.
On motion, the petition was referred
to the Committee of the Whole.
Co:n:' inicatiou of J. H. IVeinier.
County Auditor, transmitting state-
ment of the assessment and valuation
•of telephone lines in the City of Du-
On motion. the communication vas
referred to the City Assessor and Au -
The Board of Trustees of the Free
Public Library presented the follow-
Resolved, That this Board of Trus-
tees of the Free Public Library of the
City of Dubuque in pursuance of the
statute and of the condition in the vote
and in the Ordinance establishing such
library, hereby determine and fix one -
•quarter of a mill on the dollar of the
taxable valuation of said City for the
year 1901, as the amount or rate to
be levied collected and appropriated for
the ensuing year, for the maintenance
of such library, and the president and
secretary of this Board are requested
to cause this resolution and action to
be certified to the City Council of said
The undersigned hereby certify that
the above is a copy of a resolution
passed by the Board of Library Trus-
tees of Dubuque.
JACOB RICH, President.
J. R. LINDSAY, Secretary.
On motion, it was referred to the
Committee of the Whole and held there
until the taxes of 1901 are levied.
Claim of M. Tschirgi, Jr., claiming
the sum of $27.06 for connecting with
sanitary sewer known as Tschirgi sew-
er between Locust and Main streets
from First to Eighth streets, said sum
being one-half of the amount paid in-
to the City Treasury by Rider &
Ald. Sheridan moved that the claim
be granted and that a warrant be
drawn in favor of M. Tschirgi, Jr , for
the above amount. Carried.
Petition and claim of James Morgan
asking that he be allowed the sum of
$24.00 for services rendered in gathering
up lost tools belonging to the City.
On motion, the petition and claim
was referred to the Committee of the
Petition of Anton Peters asking that
he be allowed damages for personai in-
juries sustained by falling in a hole in
West Locust street on or about the 31st
day of December. 1900.
Ald. Hnrr moved that the petition be
referred to the Committee. on Claims
and City Attorney.
Ald. Kintzinger moved a substitute
to refer to the Committee of the
Whole. Substitute carried.
Claim of Mary Isabella Duffy claim-
ing the sum of One Thousand Dollars
($1,000.04) as damages for personal in-
juries sustained 1 y falling on a defer -
[lye sidewalk on the west side of Wil-
son avenue.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the
laim be referred to the Committee on
Claims with power and they to employ
an outside attorney- if found necessary
to defend the city. Carried.
Claim of A. J. Krisc claiming the
sum of $62.50 for loss of time being
quarantined during smallpox case at
No. 611 Clay street.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the
claim be received and filed. Carried.
Street Commissioner Royce reported
as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and CitY
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my
pay roll for labor on streets for the
first half of October, 1901.
Amount due laborers, $1,702.05.
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
Chairman Committee on Streets.
Also presented pay roll for labor on
sewers for first half of October, 1901.
Amount clue laborers on sewers,
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
Chairman Committee on Sewers.
On motion, the pay rolls were receiv-
ed and warrants ordered drawn to pay
laborers on streets and sewers and
Regular Session, October 17, 1901.
the pay rolls referred back to the
proper committees.
City Attorney Duffy reported as fol-
Dubuque, Iowa, October 14, 1901.
To the Honorable Mayor and Alder-
men of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: In accordance with in-
structions received, from your honor-
able body, at the last session of the
Council I submit the following opinion
on the question of your right to in-
crease or decrease the salary of any
of the several clerks attached to the
city offices.
• The City Council are the sole judges
of the price that shall be paid by the
city for clerk hire.
They have a right to either increase
or decrease, as their honest judgment
dictates, the salary to be paid any
clerk employed by the city.
What could have raised this question
in the minds of the council must be
Section 944 of the Code of Iowa which
has no application whatever to this
subject but refers to officers of the
city and not to clerks employed by
the city.
Respectfully submitted,
City Attorney.
Ald. Kintzinger moved that the
opinion of the City Attorney be receiv-
ed and filed, and that the recommenda-
tions of City Engineer Blake be grant-
ed and that a warrant be ordered
drawn for 850.00 in favor of Frank
O'Loughlin for his salary for the
month of September. 1901. Carried.
Health Physician Hancock reported
.as follows:
Honorable Mayor and City Council.
Dubuque, Iowa:
Gentlemen: Enclosed please find bill
•from the Herald Printing company for
small pox certificates referred to me
by your honorable body. The bill in
.question is correct and I recommend
payment of the same.
When the order for compulsory
-vaccination of school children was is-
sued I was directed by the Board of
'Health to arrange the details of its
•enforcement and in order to insure
thoroughness and uniformity I had
certificates printed as per bill. As
there has been no general vaccination
for many years it did not occur to
me that there were certificates on
hand, especially as large as a number
as were required.
Very Respectfully Yours,
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the bill
'be referred back to Dr. J. C. Hancock
for further explanation. Carried.
The Trustees of the Dubuque Water
Works reported as follows:
Dubuque, Iowa, Oct. 14, 1901.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
•Gentlemen:—We hand you herewith
our report of receipts and disburse-
ments from July ist to October lst,,
1901, together with attached statement
of the disbursements.
We remain Very Respectfully,
Dubuque Water Works Trustees.
By A. T. LL'SCH.
Statement follows:
July 1st Balance with City
Treasurer $185 78
Domestic service $4829 90
Meters 780 66
Taps 137 50
Sprinkling 333 32 6081 38
$ 6267 10
Eagle Point Pumping$1886 15
Eighth St. pumping529 46
Level pumping 342 50
St. Hydrants, repair317 96
Pipe line repairs, Bee
Branch 36 92
Office salaries 585 00
Expense 17 50
General expense 185 42
Stationery 6 50
Postage 9 00
Rent 150 00
Refunds 51 20
Inspection 105 00
Trustees' salaries 95 55
Betterments 447 93
Fixtures and tools 116 48
Meter 4 80
Level extension 249 70
C. G. & W. R. R. ext'n189 90
Eagle Point pumping
station $ 228 57
Eight street pumping
station 240 73
Level pumping station. 3 00 $5862 27
Balance October 1, 1901 $ 404 89
On motion the report was referred to
the spiecial committee consisting of
Aids. Sheridan, Jones and Kintzinger.
Itemized statement follows:
Municipal Engineering Maga-
zine 2 00
Ryder Bros., supplies 6 10
Kiene S. Son, rent 100 00
I. C. R. R. Co., freight 95
Western Union Co., telegrams 1 0€
Tredway & Son, supplies 1 68
Fitzpatrick, engineer 12 50
Connor, fireman 12 50
Shoens, fireman 12 50
Berry, fireman 12 50
Scheidecker, labor 9 00
Drees, engineer 12 50
Trapp, engineer 12 50
Dean, engineer 12 50
Haggerty, engineer 12 50
Richter, labor 12 00
Beiger, labor 9 00
Fawcett, labor 9 00
Fawcett, labor 9 00
Globe -Journal, advertising 1 50
Telephone Co., telephone 8 68
272 Regular Session, October 17, 1901
Dubuque Rubber and Belting
Co., supplies
P. Pier, coal
P. Hoerr, refund
Miss Sagehorn, refund
J. H, Martin, refund
J. Wittmer, supplies
Union Electric Co., lights and
F. D. Scharle, brick work
J. Kelly, et al, supplies
Mexican Medicine Co., refund
Iowa Trust and Savings Bans,
Fitzpatrick, engineer
Connor, engineer
Shoens, fireman
Berry, fireman
Scheidecker, labor
Drees, engineer
Trapp, engineer
Beiger, labor
Richter, labor
Fawcett, labor
Fawcett, labor
Dean, engineer
Haggerty, engineer
Claw & Son, supplies
Herald Printing Co., advertis-
Iowa Trust and Savings Bank,
Fitzpatrick, engineer
Connor, engineer
Shoens, fireman
Berry, fireman
Scheidecker, labor
Drees, engineer
Trapp, engineer
Haggerty, engineer
Dean, engineer
Richter, labor
Beiger, labor
Fawcett, labor
Fawcett, labor
D. Herg, labor
Criss, labor
C., B. & Q. R. R., freight
J. F. Heer & Son, salary,
Hughes & Son, horse .
Mrs. B. Redd, refund
Ragatz & Schaettgen, repairs
Fitzpatrick. engineer
Connor, engineer
Shoens, fireman
Drees, engineer
Trapp, engineer
Haggerty, engineer
Dean, engineer
RIchter, labor
Beiger, labor
Fawcett, labor
Fawcett, labor
Ingersoll S. D. Co., receiver
Zimmermann, labor
Grippe, labor
Sugg, labor
Spellman, labor
Quillum, engineer
Lonergan, inspection
Fitzpatrick, labor
Needham, labor
Levi & Co., curtains
39 59
120 27
4 61
2 50
50 Gr
1 _
17,. 1901.
M. F. Stringer, refund SZ
Berry, engineer 3 00
Smedley S. P. Co., supplies 83 20
Martin Strelau Co., coal 100 00
Martin-Stre'au Co., coal 100 00
Martin-Stre:au Co.. coal. 100 Co
W. Marshall air chamber.. 50 01)
Quillum engineer 90
C. B. & Q. R. 11.. freight 3:10
C. M. & St. Paul 11. R. et al,
freight 4 77)
Matthew's, sa ary 75 00
McArthur. t•alary 100 0f,
56 55 1 t, rry, engineer 6,
Kiere & Son, rent . 50 0
Adams Co., supplies 3 00
Linehan & Molo. supplies 2
Ity,ler Eros., supplies ..... 7 35
weel1. labor 9 00
Fawcett, labor 9 00
Richter, labor 14 00
Dean, engineer 12 50
Haggerty, engineer 12 50
P. Fitpatrick. engineer 12 50 -
Trapp, engineer . 12 50
J. Fitpatr•ick, engineer 12 5"
Connor. engineer 12 50
Shoens, fireman 12 50
11iggins, labor 10 50
10 50 1)reese. engineer 12 50
Needham, labor 'J 00
_S -1 Western Union 'Telegraph Co,
12 5i0 telegram 52
12 5,, B. Lagen, horse board . 34 51,
12 50 Lonergan. inspection 10 50
12 .50 Garlock acking company, pack -
9 00 ing 37 95
Mueller 51fg. Co., supplies 3 11
Diamond Compound Co., supplies 17 6„
J. P. Quigley, refund 5 01'
1„wva Telephone Co.. telephones7
Union Electric, Co. lights ... 7 S7.
11erald Printing Co., advertise-
ment 1 6)
\V. Bently, sand 1 Of.
Sugg, labor 7 51,
Grippe, labor G c0
Grippe, labor 4 95
Dubuque Telegraph, advertise-
ment supplies 39 05
Clew & Son, supplies 31
Mulgrew & Phillips. coal113 OC
Jaeger & Co., supplies 2 220
Garlock Packing Co., packinF5 1'
A. Russue, refund ” Or
W. Marshall, air chamber 57 52
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co.
supplies 2S 8 .
Collins & Co., horse shoeing1 20
Fitzpatrick, engineer 12 5',
Connor, engineer 12 50
Drees, engineer 12 50
Shoens, fireman 12 50
Higgins, labor 10 50
Trapp, engineer 12 50
J. Fitzpatrick, engineer 12 D
Lonergan, fireman 10 5,
Haggerty, engineer 12 5r
Dean, engineer ... 12 5'•
Richter, labor 14 00
Needham, labor 10 51
I{rinkle, labor ... 9
Fawcett, labor 9 00
12 :,u
12 50
12 5u
12 ,5n
9 00
12 50
12 50
10 55
14 00
9 00
9 00
12 50
12 50
17 21'
12 50
12 50
12 50
12 50
14 0t1
9 00
9 00
9 OC
4 35
1 50
3 23
55 55
90 00
2 75
50 00
12 50
12 50
12 50
12 50
12 50
12 50
12 50
14 00
9 00
9 00
9 00
S8 00
4 50
6 75
6 75
2 00
10 SO
10 50
1 0
12 0530'
3 30
Regular Session, October 17, 1901.
Fawcett, labor
McDonald & Morrison Mnfg, Co,
Robinson, Carey & Co., supplies8 53
Ludlow Vale Mnfg. Co., sup-
Dubuque 011 Tank Line, sup-
Keppler, labor'
Needham, labor
Kunkel, labor
C. M. & St. P. Ity., freight
9 00
57 66
10 50
1 50
1 Jn
8 66
Martin- Strelau Co., coal147 00
Fitzpatrick, engineer 12 50
Connor, engineer 12 ,-,0
Drees, engineer 12 50
Shalus, fireman 12 50
Higgins, labor 10 50
Tropp. engineer 12 50
Lonergan, fireman ... 10 50
Fitzpatrick, engineer 13 50
Hagerty, engineer 12 50
Dean, engineer 12 50
Richter, labor 12 00
Needham, labor 6 75
Kemkel, labor 9 00
Fawcett, labor 9 00
Fawcett, labor 9 00
Ragatz & S.. repairs and supplies 50 00
Keppler, labor 10 50
Geo. J. Roberts & Co., supplies 5 40
Bleg & Bond et al.. supplies1 30
Palmer. 1ierg & C,,., supplies1 50
N. 'Bowman, refund 1 55
D. Y. Scott. services2 50
Farley & L. Mfg. t'o., supplies., 1 a5
Standard Oil Co., supplies 44 12
Smith Morgan Printing Co., ad-
Fitzpntriel:, engineer
Connor. engineer
Shallus, fireman
Drees. fireman
Higgins, fireman
J. Fitzpatrick, fireman
Trapp, engineer
Lonergan. engineer
Haggerty, engineer
Dean, engineer ..
Richter, labor
Beiger, labor
Kunkel, labor
Needham, labor
Fawcett, labor
Fawcett, labor
Keppler, labor
Fawcett, labor
Fawcett, labor
IIiss Troy. refund
Geo. Burden. refund 5 00
R. Jones, Libor and material49 80
F. Heel.. salary 40 00
3 00
100 00
75 00
Martin-Strelau Co., coal 200 00
2 75
62 16
9 00
9 00
18 00
18 00
18 00
26 00
25 00
25 00
25 00
25 00
21 00
25 00
15 31
12 .-,u
12 :,u
12 an
12 . ,
12 :,n
12 u 1
9i 111
2 -,
9 00
10 50
9 00
9 00
2 00
Daily Times, paper
P. Clancy. hauling
I. C. R. R. Co., freight
Fawcett, labor
Fawcett, labor
Kemkei, labor
Needham, labor
Beiger, labor
Richter, labor
Haggerty, engineer
Dean, engineer
Lonergan, engineer
Trapp, engineer
Fitzpatrick. J., labor
. Drees, en.inee1•
Higgins, fireman „ 25 0)
Shallus, fireman 25 00
Connor, engineer - 25 00
Fitzpatrick, P., engineer25 M)
Moss, labor 2 25
liorsey, labor 6 00
I:urke, labor 1 50
C:u'vill, labor 7 50
Keppler, labor 21 00
't'redway & Son., supplies 1 SO
lleadford Eros. & 11., manhole•
1?. Collins, horseshoeing
Union Electric Co., lights . ,
Little, Becker & Co., supplies .,
Iowa Telephone Co., telephones.,
D. Kelly, refund
Smedley Steam Pump Co., repairs
and supplies
Foggenthaler & 11agatz, repairs
and supplies
F. Connor, refund
11. Lagen, horse board
ilagatz & Schaetgen, repairs ..
C., 11. & Q. 11. Lt. et al, freight..
Connor, engineer ...
1'. Fitzpatrick, engineer
Drees, fireman
Shalus, fireman
J. Fitzpatrick. labor
Higgins, labor
Trapp, engineer
Lonergan, engineer
Haggerty, engineer
Dean .engineer
1 iichtc•r, labor
Beiger, labor
Needham, labor .,.
Kunkel, labor
Fawcett, labor
Fawcett, labor
Flavin, labor
Crovill, labor
11.. labor
l:avanaugh, labor
Miller, labor
Deesi, labor
Corbett, labor ..
K, ppler, labor
Doer, labor
Flavin, labor
C,n'vill• labor
A. Gilliam, labor
W. Marshall
Union Electric CO., supplies
Evening Telegraph. paper
Deekert .'r Co.. supplies ...
1 1'. Se1111. sereieoc
W. 11. Ii.,1)11„ refund
1:,rgatz '2 .'ehaettgen, repairs
11. \I,mill, refund
1. C. 1 t. I t. Cb., freight
Connor, engineer ......., „
1'. Fitzpatrick, engineer
Drees, fireman ..
Shalus, fireman
J. Fitzpatrick, labor
Higgins, labor
Trapp, engineer
Lonergan, engineer
Haggerty, engineer
Dean, engineer
Richter, labor ,,.
Beiger, labor
Needham, labor
Kunkel, labolaborFawcett, labor
Fawcett, labor
Keppler, labor
\1'oodenware Co., lumber
G. 31. Fowler, refund ,.
17 30
2 40
7 S5
7 68
3 rJ
39 87
42 19
12 Oa
51 39
4 75
12 51*
12 5o
12 ,t
10 50
10 50
12 50
12 50
12 5o
12 5o
12 00
9 ea
9 Uu
9 05
9 00
6 30
6 30
6 00
4 5(b
6 30
3 73
1 50
10 50
1 50
1 50
1 50
5 00
6 98
1 65
1 30
34 29
37 50
3 00
20 00
1 65
2 e,.,
12 50
12 50
1'2 50
12 .",o
12 30
10 50
12 50
10 70
12 50
12 50
15 00
11 25
11 25
11 25
9 00
9 00
10 50
4 06
.., 2 50
Regular Session, October 17, 1901.
C. B. & Q. R. R
Fawcett, labor
Fawcett, labor
Needham, labor
Richter, labor
Kunkel, labor
Beige'', labor
Trapp engineer
Lonergan, engineer
Dean, labor
Haggerty, engineer
J. Fitzpatrick, labor
Higgins, labor
Drees, engineer
Shalus, fireman ••
P. Fitzpatrick, engineer
Connor, engineer •
Keppler, labor
L. Elle, refund
N. Freeman, refund
Dubuque Candy, Co., refund
McElrath Teaming Co., sand....
I. C. R. R., freight
Martin-Strelau Co., coal
Mathews, salary
McArthur, salary
City Engineer Blake presented return
:of notices served ,m Alice M. Fengier.
.administratrix of the estate of George
Fengler, deceased. that a propasition
is now pending before the City Council
•of Dubuque, for the establishment of a
70 foot roadway across land in which
the said estate claims an interest as
follows: Lot 5 of Mineral Lot 3:17:a.
Lot 1 Boatyard Addition and Lot 2 of
Mineral Lot 305a.
Also a like notice served on Cath-
erine l:homberg, owner of Lot 1 of
Mineral Lot 305a. to appear before said
Council this 17th day of October. 191)1.
to show cause (if any) w•hy such road-
way should not be established. Ni'
remonstrance being filed the Mayor
•asked if any one present had any ob-
jections to the establishment of said
No one present offered any objec-
tions, on motion the notices were nr-
•dered received and filed.
Recorder Langstaff presented pub-
lished notice (properly certified to by
'the publisher) of the Council's inten-
tion to construct an 8 inch tile pipe
sanitary sewer in alley between White
:and Jackson streets from Seventeenth
:street to Eagle Point avenue.
No remonstrance or objections being
'filed the Mayor asked if any one pres-
ent had any objections to the con-
struction of said sewer. No one pres-
ent offered any objections, on motion
the notice was ordered received and
The bids for the construction of a 500
barrel cistern at the intersection of
Goethe avenue and Sheridan street
were presented.
Ald. Frith moved that the bids be
returned unopened) to the bidders. Car-
Bid for the construction of sidewalk
presented and ordered opened.
Bid as follows:
E. J. Schilling, the only bidder, ce-
ment walks, 14 cents per square foot;
Hegnlar Session October 17, 1901.
et al, freight.... 66
10 50
12 5,1
12 50
12 50
12 50
10 50
2 50
2 00
2 50
2 50
5 42
100 00
75 00
100 00
brick walks (of Dubuque brick), 9
cents per square foot.
Ald. Frith moved that the bid be
referred to the committee of the
whole. Carried.
Ald. McLaughlin offered the follow-
Resolved by the City Council of the
city of Dubuque: That to pay for re-
pairing sidewalks in August, by City,
in front of and adjoining the same,
a special tax be and Is hereby levied
on the several lots. and parts of lots,
and parcels of real estate nereinafter
named, situate and owned. and for the
several amounts set opposite each lo(
or parcel of real estate. as follows:
Special assessment submitted and
passed October 17th. 1901.
W. G. Cox, Cox's Add.. Lot 61,
18 feet lumber 35c. 1-2 hour la-
bor 25c ..$ 60
Mary Mullen. East Dubuque
Add., Lot 44. 11 feet lamb •r 20e,
1-2 hour labor 25e
C. G. Meyer. Finley's Auld.. Lot
3, 14 feet lumber 3oc, 1-:: pour
labor 25c
F. N. Iattenmalr. r :1 'ndale Add
No. 2. N. 1-2 of lot 177. 4 feet
lumber lite, 1-2 hour labor 25c .
IT. and E. Langworthy. Glen-
dale Add. No. 2, Lots 173 and
174, 21 fe_ t lumber 40c, 1 hour
Tabor 50c
Peter Oeth. c;lendale Add. No2,
S. 1-2, Loi 171, 10 fret lumner
20e. 1-2 hours labor 25e
Minnie Hasilke, Davis' Far::
Add., Lot 247, S feet lumber itie
1-2 hour labor "le
W. G. Cox, Mineral Lot 90. Lot
2 7 feet lumber 17c, 1-2 hour
labor 25c
Abbie C. Staples. Dubuque. Lot
96. 24 brick 35c, 1 hour labor
A. w. Hosford and T. B. Mc-
Cann. Hetherington's Sub.,
Lot 4, 10 feet lumber 20c, 1-2
hour Tabor 25e
Tobe Hickson, Dubuque, 11 of
Lot GSS, 77 feet lumber $1.55, 1
hour labor 50c
Leathers & Trewin, J. L. Lang -
worthy's Add., Lot 4, 14 feet
lumber 30, 1-2 hour labor 25c •
Mary Bunting, J. L. Lang-
wothy's Add., Lot 5, 10 feet
lumber 20c, 1-2 hour labor 25c..
F. Poole, .1. L. Langworthy's
Add., Lot 7, 14 feet lumber 30c,
1-2 hour labor 25c
Leathers and Trewin, J. L. Lang -
worthy's Add., Lot 8, 7 feet
lumber 15c, 1-2 hour labor 25c
Tom Paisley, Wm. Blake's Add.,
Lot 13, 5 feet lumber l0c, 1-2
hour labor 25c
Ellen Bossertnan et al, Dubuque,
Lot 353, 10 feet lumber 20c, 1-2
hour labor 25c
2 05
Regular Session, October 17, 1901.
Bradley and Schlelds, Dubuque
Harbor Co., Lot 2 of 1 of W.
1-2 of 13. 10, 5 feet lumber 10c,
1 hour labor 50c
Geo. W. Works, Davis' Farm
S. 1-2 of Lot 256, 12 feet lum-
ber 25c, 1-2 hour labor 25e
Geo. M. Staples, A. McDaniel's
Sub., W. 1-2 Lot 766, 114) feet
lumber $2.20, 2 hours labor
F. Wagner, 1.. H. Langworthy's
Add., Lot 3 of Si and SS, 11 feet
lumber 20c, 1-2 hour labor 25v .
Jno. Hennessy Est., Levin's Add.,
Lots 1. to 11, 53 feet lumber
$1.05, 1 hour labor 50c
D. S. Wilson Est , Dubuque, Lot
662A, 26 brick 40o. 1 hour labor
50c 90
Emma T. Randall, \linerai i,ot 19
1 of 1 of Lot 55. 11 feet lumber
20c. 1-2 hour labor 25c
J. A. Hubbard. Glendale add
Lot 6, 5 feet lumber 100e. 1 hour
labor 50e 60
Total S tS 45
Passed by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy. Frith, Horr,
Jones. Kintzint:er, McLaughlin and
heri d a n.
Ald Jones, Chairman of the Commit-
tee on Public Grounds and Buildings,
reported as follows:
Your committee on Public Grounds
and Buildings. to whom were referred
the plans and specifications for lava-
tories in the public• parks, would rec-
ommend that the city Recorder be in-
structed to advertise for bids for the
construction of one of said lavatories
in Washington part:.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report.
Ald. Kintzinger moved a substitute
that the report be referred back to
the Committee on Public Grounds and
Substitute carried by the following
Ayes.—Alda. Jones. Kintzinger, Mc-
Laughlin and Sheridan. Total, 4.
"Nays.—Clancy, Frith and Horr. To-
tal, 3.
Ald. Horr, chairman of the Board of
Equalization, reported as follows:
Dubuque, Iowa, Oct. 7. 1901.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen:—Your Board of Equali-
zation would respectfully report to
your honorable body that the books of
the City Assessor have been placed at
our disposal for the purpose of equal-
izing the assessments.
Yours respectfully,
JOSEPH L. HORR, Chairman.
On motion the report was received
and filed.
Your Board of Equalization to whom
was referred the petition of C. H.
Eighmy asking that his indebtedness
he deducted from his assessment on
moneys and credits and stocks
shares, for the year 1900,would
ommend that the prayer of the peti-
3 20
1 55
tioner be granted and that the Treas-
urer be instructed to accept taxes on
$23,434.00 and cancel the balance.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt. Carried.
Ald. Kintzinger, chairman of the
Committee of the Whole, reported as
Your Committee of the Whole to
whom was referred the petition of
John Schromen et al., asking that the
City use its influence with the Union
Electric Co. to have it grant the same
privileges to the workingmen using
the Eighth street line that are in
vogue on the down town lines, would
recommend that the Union Electric Co.
be requested to grant the desired con-
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the plan and
estimate for steps in the alley from
Fenelon Place to West Third street,
would recommend that the Street Com-
missioner be instructed to have said
steps built without any delay.
Your Committee of the Whole would
recommend that the Mayor be author-
ized to give the Board of Supervisors
a written guarantee of the free use of
the ground on which it is contemplated
to build the contagious disease hospi-
tal, for a period of three years.
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of 11Irs.
P. L. Rood et al., which petition is
hereto attached and made a part of
this report, would recommend that the
Prayer of the petitioners be granted
and that the City Treasurer be in-
structed accordingly. Petition fol-
To the Honorable. the Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—The undersigned res-
pectfully request that their respective
assessments on national bank stock be
canceled. Petitioners, Mrs. Rood, O.
E. Guernsey and Mrs. Gibbs listed in-
debtedness exceeding the amount of
their respective holdings of national
bank stock under oath before the
Board of Equalization, and also claim-
ed the right of deduction of such in-
debtedness to the Assessor of the city.
C. H. Eighmey listed $26,200 indebted-
ness and claimed the right of reduc-
tion from the national bank stock re-
turned by him. He gave evidence
before the Board of Equalization with
reference to the indebtedness. The
Assessor allowed the deduction of in-
debtedness to be made by petitioners,
but the Council refused to allow the
same as returned. In view of the
decision of the Dubuque District court
holding that the right of reduction
existed, petitioners ask that the tax
records of the city be made to con-
form to their respective assessments
as returned by them in the first in-
stance, and that the taxes levied
against them upon their national bank
stock be cancelled.
Respectfully submitted,
Your Committee of the Whole to
27G Regithir Ses&ion, October 17, 1901.
whom was referred the proposal of
Edwin A. Fengler in relation to right
of way through his premises for an
approach to the Dubuque and Wiscon-
sin Bridge, would recommend that the
said proposition be received and filed.
Your Committee of the Whole would
recommend that the matter of purchas-
ing oversoats and winter caps for such
members of the police force as may
require them, be referred to the Com-
mittee on Police and Light, and that
the sum of $10.00 be allowed by the
city towards defraying the cost of each
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the remonstrance
of B. J. O'Neill against the passage of
the ordinance substituting the name of
J. K. Deming. trustee, for that of Geo.
B. Burch, trustee, in Chapter 6S of
the Revised Ordinances of 1901, of the
City of Dubuque, world recommend
that said remonstrance be received and
filed and that the City Attorney be in-
structed to inform the City Council
as to whether or not a forfeiture of
the rights of the Second National Bank
under said Chapter 68 of the Revised
Ordinances of 1901 has been worked by
reason of the non -operation of a fac-
tory in the "Dee Basket Factory"
within the time specified in said Chap-
ter 68 and the subsequent extensions.
We would further recommend that
the City Recorder be instructed to no-
tify Mr. L. W. Johnson, the prospec-
tive tenant of said factory that in the
event of the City Attorney deciding
that the rights of the Second National
Bank have been forfeited, that the
City will give him the same or better
terms than those proposed by the said
Ald. Kintzinger moved to adopt the
reports of the Committee of the Whole.
Ald. Kintzinger asked the Mayor if
he had signed the ordinances, one en-
titled an ordinance to amend Sec-
tion 11 of Chapter LVI. of the Revised
Ordinances of 1901, of the City of Du-
buque, by striking out of the eight
line of said Section the word "two"
and inserting the word five" in lieu
The other entitled an ordinance au-
thorizing the City of Dubuque to en-
ter into a contract providing for the
discovery of property that may have
been omitted, overlooked, or otherwise
not returned by the Assessor, and for
the listing of such property and the
collection of taxes thereon.
Mayor Berg replied that he had not
signed either of said Ordinances, the
main reason for not sigi.ing the latter,
or "tax ferret ordinance so-called, was
because Ald. Kintzinger making the
report of the Committee of the Whole,
recommending the several amendments
to said ordinance, did not move to have
report adopted, and that there was no
vote taken on the report of the Com-
mittee of the Whole, therefo:e
the report of the committee
was not adopted. Also said.
that he did not desire to veto the
Ordinance but wished to call the at-
tention of the Council to the proceeding
had Oct. 3d, 1901. in relation to sail
Ordinance, because it is an important
Ordinance and he wanted it to protect
beth the City and tax agents, an 1
that if the Ordinance suited the Coun-
cil he had nothing more to say.
City Attorney Duffy read the Council
proceedings of Oct. 3d, as printed and
decided the Ordinance was legally.
Aid. Kintzinger said he would post-
pone the presentation of the contract
between the City of Dubuque and the
tax agents until the next session of the
Ald. McLaugh'in of the Bu
Health, moved that the bi referred
to the Board of Health at the session
Ort. 3d, 1901. in relation to the pay of
the various watchmen at quarantined
small pox places and the bills of John
Veeiker for fumigating he paid and
that warrants for the various amounts
he ordered drawn. Carried.
Ald. Kintzinger moved that the City
Attorney be instructed to prepare the
Proper resolution for the issuance of
Bonds to pay for the construction of
a sanitary sewer in Rest Locust
' street from C'au•l: street to Union
avenue, and the City Engineer be in-
structed to give the necessary descrip-
tion of property. Curried.
Ald. Jones asked that the Commit-
tee on Public Grounds and Buildings
be instructed to have the Armory hall
in the Ninth street engine house re-
Ald. Kintzinger moved that the re-
pair of the Armory be referred to the
Committee on Public Grounds and
Buildings with rower and the expensr
for said repairs not to exceed $40.00.
Carried. •
Aid. Kintzinger offered the folow-
Whereas it is deemed advisable, by
the City Council of the City of Du-
buque, to lay out and open a street 60
feet wide through the properties of th
estate of George Fengler, deceased, and
J. A. Rhomberg, deceased, from the
intersection of Tenth avenue and North
First street and extending in a north-
easterly direction through Lot 5 of
Mineral lot 305—a. and through Lot 1
of Boat Yard addition, and through
Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 305-a to the west
pier or abutment of the Dubuque and
Wisconsin bridge, all of said property
being in the City of Dubuque, Iowa,.
according to the plat, and survey of
said street prepared by the City Engi-
neer and filed in his office, therefore:
Be it Resolved by the City Coun4il
of the City of Dubuque: That the
City Recorder be and he is hereby in
structed to issue a ventre to the City-
Regular session, October 17, 1901.
Marshal commanding him to summon a
jury of twelve freeholders, cltiens of
said city not directly interested, and
having the qualifications required by
ordinance, for the purpose of assessing
any damages, which may be sustained
by reason of the laying out and open-
ing of said street. by any owner of the
proi,erty proposed to be taken for surd
All of the proceedings under this re-
solution to be taken in accordance with
the charter and the provisions of
chapter 31 of the Ordinances of tit,
City Of Dubuque.
Kintzinger nutted to adopt.
Adopted by the following tote:
Ayes—Aids. (Taney. Frith. I-inrr,
Jones, Kintzinger and Sheridan. Total
Absent—A1 1. 11cLaughlin.
Ald. Hurn' offered the foil.oving:
Be it Resolved by the Pity Council
of the City or Dui uolue: That a sani-
tary tt.•r of igl t -inch tile pipe be
construe ted in alloy 1,e;tteen ‘Chile
and Jackson strc• is from Seventeenth
street to Eagle Point avenue accord-
ing to plat and specifications of said
sewer prelitrel 1,y- the City Enginee..
and now on file in the odic,- of the City
Recorder•, and be it further resolved.
that said setter shall he completed ,m
or before the 1: th of December. 19111.
and shall be paid for at the time and
In the manner presc•rihed by Chart^t.
31 of the Revised ordinances of 1:,o1,
of the City ..f Dubuque for the par'-
ntent of the cost of constructin.;
setters. The proi os•als for doing
tvorlc trill he acted upon by the coun-
cil on the 7111 day of November, 1t101,
and the City Hecorder is hereby order -
e,1 to give ten days' notice by publica-
tion. asking for prol:osals. as by or-
dinance provided.
AId. Horr moved to adopt.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—rids. ('Laney, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger and Sheridan. Total
as will, in his judgment be amply suf-
ficient for alt purposes; said standpipe
to be situated upon the highest point
in this locality.
Ald. Frith nutted to adopt. Car-
Aid. Frith offered the following:
Resolved. by the city Council ut itt,•
l ;ty of Dubuque: That a sidewalk.
ft•et tt hle, n1' good bride, stone or
convent, bc. within t; days of this notice.
constructed and laid in conform.;t•
with the ordinance in rc:ation to sit •-
walks, on the tcest si,lc• of north Alain
street, between Leibnitz street :nil
t,_miwu'y street, ahutting lot -l9
Marsh's Sub., owned by AV'ut. Hintrag^t'
at the expense of abutting property.
Adopted by the fol.otting tote:
yes—Ails. Clancy. Frith. Harr,
J...;.•s. i'intzinger and Sheridan.
absent—Alt. McLaughlin.
_Alt. Kintzinger offered the follow-
Resolved by the city Council of the
city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk r;
feet wide, of brick, be, within
this notice, constructed and Mit ;,i
conformity- with the ordinance in rela-
tion to sidewalks, on the east side of
Ellis street, between Almond street and
tor:;;to Place, abutting lot 49 west 1-2
i•, cox's add., owned by A. Lembeck.
at the t.xpensc of abutting property.
.1d1 pied by the following vote:
.\yr-'s—Aids. Clancy. Frith, I-Iorr,
Kintzinger and Sheridan.
1. ent—Ald. McLaughlin.
.\11. Sheridan roved to adjourn.
Absent—Aid. ?1ci.aughlin.
Alderman Frith offered the follow-
11Thereas the residents of that portion
Of the city lying west of Linwood
cemetery are without protection in case
of fire. and
Whereas the houses in this neighbor-
hood are almost exclusively frame,
buildings. on which account should a.
fire gain any headway the result would
be a disastrous eontlagration, and
'Whereas the number of people in the
vicinity tie-irious 01' using city tvat'l'
for domestic purposes is i:1rge enough
to justify the necessary expense. there-
Be it besotted by the city Council
of the City of Dubuque, that the City
Engineer ke hist•ucted to prcl•are plans
specifications and :in estimate of the
cost of a standpipe of such capacity
Special Session, October 31, 1901.
-ion ()etcher
council nn•t at 8:15 o'clock p.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Aids. Clancy. Frith, Horn
,Zones. Kintzinger and McLaughlin.
:Absent—Ald. Sheridan.
The mayor stated that this session
had been called to open and consider
the award of the jury in the assess-
ment of the damages caused by the
opening of a 50 -foot roadway or ap-
proach to the Dubuque and Wisconsin
High Bridge. through the property of
:the estate of George Fengler. de -
.ceased, and J. A. Rhomberg, de-
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the
:award be opened. Carried.
The award was opened and found as
'To the Honorable Mayor t'nd City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: We, the undersigned
.jurors, appointed to assess damages
sustained by reasons of the laying out
.and opening of a street as stated in the
resolution passed by the City Council
of Dubuque October lith, 1901, by the
•estate of George Fengler, deceased.
and J. A. Rhomberg, deceased. do here-
by assess the damages eo sustained as
follows, to -wit:
Estate of George Fengler $4,000.00
Estate of J. A. Rhomberg 50.00
Providing that the City Council of
Dubuque grant the said estate of
George Fengler the right to build a
bridge over said street from the ledge
of his quarry to and into the lime kiln
.adjoining said street.
:;1st, 1901.
The Council then examined the re-
port of the City Engineer and the
award of the jury, whereupon Ald.
Kintzinger offered the following reso-
Be it resolved, by the City Council,
of the City of Dubuque, that it is ex-
pedient and necessary to lay out and
open the proposed street 50 feet wide,
through the properties of the estate of
George Fengler, deceased, and J. A.
Rhomberg, deceased, from the intersec-
tion of Tenth avenue and North First
street and extending in a northeaster-
ly direction through lot : of mineral lot
305 A and through lot 1 of Boat Yard
addition and through lot 2 of mineral
lot 305 A to the west pier of abuttment
of the Dubuque and Wisconsin Bridge
Company, the damages for tvhleh pro-
posed roadway have been assessed by
the jury appointed under the direc-
tion of this Council of October 17. 1901.
Be it further
Resolved that the award of the jury
as reported he approved.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy. Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger and McLaughlin.
Total. 6.
Absent —Aid. Sheridan.
i11r. A. L. Rhomberg (the executor of
the J. A. Rhomberg estate) stated to
the Council that he would accept the
award of the jury for the estate of
J. A. Rhomberg.
Aid. Kintzinger moved that war-
rants be drawn in favor of the Mayor
for $4.050.00 for the purpose of paying
the assessment as awarded by the
jury to the property owners abutting
the right of way for the High bridge
approach and that the City Attorney
be instructed to prepare the necessary
papers to secure a valid deed of said
property to the City and that if any of
said abutting property owners refuse
to accept the amount awarded thereon
that the amount due thereon be set
apart to them in the City Treasury as
provided in Section 6, Chapter 31 of the
Revised Ordinances.
The motion vas unanimously
adopted. -
Ald. McLaughlin moved to adjourn.
List of Warrants.
I Recorder's otlicc, Dubuque, Ia.,
iober 1, 1901.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: The following is a com-
plete list of all warrants issued by me
during the month of September, 1901:
H. Berg, salary, ntayor,$116 65
It. 13. Uniffke, treasurer133 30
H. B. Gniftke, assistant treas-
urer 75 00
L. M. Langstaff. record,: 116 65
F. B. Hoffman. auditor 100 00
C. B. Scherr, assessor 125 00
T. H. Duffy, attorney 150 00
P. J. Nelson, asst. atty 50 00
Edw. Morgan, marshal 100 OU
Joe Reinfried, fire chief 100 00
John Lawler, committee clerkS3 0o
\Vm. A. Kaep, clerk, recorder's
office 60 00
Edi'. Herron, clerk treasurer's
office 60 00
Edw. Blake, engineer 125 00
Jas. H. Boyce, sir •et commis-
sioner 100 00
\\'. Hilrrnan, eletcrician
Anton Stoltz, market master
Thos. Cahill, park custodian
Peter Bradley, park custodian
.Tno. C. Hancock, health officer
Frank Flynn. sanitary patrolman
Al Moyer, pound master
Mrs. H. Koenig, Janitress
A. 1'. Berg, sidewalk inspector
N. Kintzinger, vharfmaster
Matt Clancy, alderman
E. E. Frith, alderman
.Tos. L. Horr, alderman
J. W. Kintzinger, alderman
P. H. McLaughlin, alderman
Rudolph Jones, alderman
John J. Sheridan, alderman
M. Eitel, fireman
Z. Esstnan. fireman
A. Ducclni, fireman
J. Flynn, driver
J. Wiltse, fireman
G. Beyer, fireman
A. Heer fireman
J. Tschudi fireman
J. Daley, fireman .
J. Barnes, fireman
T. Ryder, fireman
T. Meehan, fireman
W. Ducey, fireman
J. Schonberger, fireman
P. Murphy, fireman
F. Duffy, fireman
Dave A'Hern, fireman ....... • •.
F. Kenneally, fireman . • • • • • • •
T. Kennedy, fireman ............
J. Fitzpatrick, fireman...........
J. Jones, fireman ................
P. Zillig, fireman ................
M. Sweeney, fireman
A. McDonald, fireman
J. Murphy, fireman
flrenian '•""
M. Kelly, ..........
s:3 31
5o 00
40 00
40 00
50 00
60 00
45 00
20 00
50 00
20 00
25 00
25 00
25 00
25 00
25 00
25 00
25 U0
60 00
75 00
60 00
60 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
60 00
75 00
60 00
60 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
60 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
75 00
60 00
50 00
P. Ahearn sub fireman
F. Ganahl, fireman
T. Flynn, fireman
G. Ghirke, fireman
F.Baumgartner, fireman
C. Kannolt, fireman
J. Allen, fireman
R. Weston, fireman
M. Fahey. fireman
Geo. Burkel, police
Ben I3usse, police
M. t'rnugh, police
Jas. tarter, police
Ja,S. ('lune, police
Jno. t'ody, police
W. t_'ook, police
P. Dunphey. 1 'ice
H. Donlin, police
Jas. Flynn. police
Jno. Fitzpatrick. police
\\'ni. Frith, pnlice
P. Hanlon, police
\V. Hennessey, police,
M. liilty, police
E. Kahn, police
Jno. Loetscher. police
P. 510'0111ns. police
1'. McInerney. police
.Tno. \loot'. police
.Tno. Murphy, police
D. Norton, police
M. O'Connor, police
Aug. Pfeffer, police
Pat Powers, police
Toni Reilly, police ...
Jno. Raesli• police
Jas. Ryan, police
Otto Rath, police
P. Sullivan, police
Al T. Scherr, police
P. Sutton, police
M. Stapleton, police
P. Scharf, police
Jno. L. Sullivan. police
Toni Sweeney, police
Joe Taylor, police .
L. Zeidman, police
\irs. Kate Hibbe, matron
Miss B. Brennan, matron
Ernest Amanda, labor $ 4 8 05
Rich. Burns, labor 80
Paul Becker, labor 10080
Fred Budde, labor 9 45
Chas. Bluecher, labor 9 70
John Brachtenbach, labor . • • • •
4 05
Paul Brandenberger, labor 18 90
Jos. Brown, labor 4 05
Win. Coughlin, labor
2 25
Pat. Carney, water boy
Jas. Callahan, foreman Fourth 20 00
street dump 18 90
Jas. Connolly, labor 18 90
John Corbett, labor
Henry Cosgrove, driver of car-
penter wagon
Adam Crawford, carpenter
Peter DeFontaln, labor
John Dougherty, labor
Mike Dunnigan, labor
Thas. Donahue, labor
John Egan, labor
50 00
60 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
60 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
53 ?0
51 65
67 20
53 30
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
51 65
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
51 65
51 65
40 00
51 65
50 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
51 65
51 65
50 00
60 00
67 20
50 00
51 65
51 65
51 65
50 00
50 00
51 f5
50 00
53 30
.51 65
50 00
30 00
30 00
21 00
20 00
2 70
4 05
10 15
18 90
7 80
R. T. Eddy, labor
Jnoll Engels. labor
Mike Farrell, labor
Mat. Fagan. labor
Mat. Fetsheie, labor
Pat. Fenelon, labor
Nelson Frith. stoker for
Barney Glass, labor
Pat. Grue, labor
Henry Galle, labor
M. Gera, labor
Jos. Grab, labor
Jos. Guenther, labor
C. Gantenbein, labor ............
Thos. Hackney, labor
John Hafey, labor
Geo. J. Hahn, labor
Aug. Handelmann, labor
Jas. Hirci, labor
Amb. Hirci, labor
Aug. Hafeman, labor
C. H. Hubbard. engineer steam
John Jehring, labor 4 l:.
Mat Kenneally. labor 7447
Nic Kettenhofen, labor 10 0"
Nic Kommes, labor 8 10
Fred Krueger, labor .. 4 0:'
Pat. Kenneally. labor 18 90
Mat Klein. paper collector 12 50
John Lavery, labor 4 0
Dennis Lenihan, labor 4 07
Mike Lavin, labor 14 8
Mart Lonergan, labor 18 90
Phil Melloy. labor 4 0:.
John Mahoney, labor 4 ti
Mike Meagher, labor 4 07
Mike Murphy, labor ............. 1!
Jos. Martinek, labor .' to
John McCarron, labor 4 0:,
Wm. McDermott, labor 4 05
Jas. McCracken, labor
C. Nanck, labor
Pat. O'Brien, labor
W. O'Brien, labor
Jas. Purcell, labor
John Pfeiffer, labor
Chas. Pierce, labor
Wm. Quinlan, labor
Mat. Quirk, carpenter
Pat. Ryan, labor
Phil Reddin, labor
Mat Raishek, labor
P. J. Royce, labor
Theo. Ratterman, labor
Chas. Reilly, labor
Jas. Rooney, labor
Nick Sweeney, labor
Frank Scherr, labor
John Schroeder, labor
• Louis Smith, labor
Simon Schaetzle, labor
Dan Sheehan, labor
Theo Tice, labor
Wm. Welsh, labor
John Welsh (Caladonia), L bor
John Walsh (Race), labor
Geo. Zumhof, labor
Frank Burns, team
Jos. Calvert, (sprinkler) team
John Duggan, team
M. Gantenbein, team
List of Warrants.
20 00
13 50
4 05
4 05
13 50
18 90
50 00
4 05
4 05
5 40
8 10
14 20
6 75
20 00
4 0::
4 0.i
20 00
5 4e
8 10
8 45
4 05
Mike Hannan, team . 15 flit
Thos. Hein. team 10 On
Peter Horrh, team 18
John Huffmire (contract) team 29 13.
John Long. team 7 5',
Martin Maher. team 7 ;,o
J. J. \lc('ollins, tears 15 (0
Carson Jlcllh•ath. team 30
P,,1. O'Shea, team 7 50
Dennis O'liearra, tear, 7 51,
Ted (,'Brien, tear, 11 2•
Amus Paley, tears 6 07
Louis Peil. team 5 00
Geo. Reynolds. teats 7 50
John Seigwurth, team ;, o,
John Singrin, team 11
Frank Siege, team 10 uo
.\ rt. 'turner, team 26 90
James Tobin. tear,
M. Theis, tears 12 :,c
\I. Zogg, tear, 16
LABc)I1 ON Sl:\WI:IiS FOR Till:
LAST HALF (,f' .\1' 11'ST. 1901.
Pat Casserly. labor 8 70
Jahn Corcoran. labor _ 4e
S. H. ('ook. labor ; m.
Maurice Flynn, labor '2 4""
I.on,•rgan, labor 22 4l
('on Sullivan, labor _2 400
(leorg,• Scott, labor 14 .100
THE LAST H.\LF „1' AT'(1T'S'I',
Eich. Burns, labor
\Wn,. Coughlin. labor
John Callahan, labor
Pat. Carney, water boy
1:; racy Conlon. labor
John Dougherty. labor
Ed. Desmond, labor
\\'m. Clark, labor
S 10 Peter DeFontain. labor
C 00 Dan Fox, labor
4 05 Mike Farrell. labor 17
20 00 Pat Furey. labor ...
4 05 Mat Fagan. labor 4 0.-.
10 80 Barney Glass, labor .. 14 70
18 90 Pat Grue. labor 11 :,,
5 4"" Thos. Hackney. labor 14 s:,
20 00 • John Hafey, labor 11 51,
4 5o James Kenneal!y. labor 1 37.
2 70 Mat Kenneally. labor 12 1:
8 10 John Lavery, labor ... 11 1:
20 00 Dennis Lenihan, labor 11 15
4 0:, John Loughlin, labor ..
18 90 Phil Melloy, labor
18 00 John Mahoney, labor
4 03 Mike Meagher, labor
8 10 John McCarron, labor
S 10 ,James McCormick. labor
8 10 Mike' McKeown, labor
7 45 \\'nm. McClain, labor .
18 00 Put O'Brien, labor
4 05 James Purcell', labor
13 85 Wm. Quinlan, labor
5 75 Pat Ryan, labor
8 10 Thos. Reilly, labor
4 50 Jas. Straney, labor
27 50 Nick Sweeney, labor
29 90 Mik,• Shea. labor
7 50 Theo. Tice. labor
5 00 I John Welsh ,Tatter, labor
e 12 1-.
12 1'.
1 700
12 1
s 1•,
12 17.
11 :."
1_ •-•
1 Ie
4 lc.
5 4n
4 7:
16 50
4 75
10 Sit
12 1-
4 0:.
S 1,,
List. of Warrants.
John Duggan. team
'rhos. Elliott, team
Thos. Kt-nnoally. team
Martin Maher, team
Dennis O'i\l.•:t•ra, team
Pat. O'Shea. team
Grmgc• 1teyno:ds, lc•:nn
Ed. Seeley. tenni
22 50
a 0050
21 90
21 90
5 00
32 50
25 61
Sam Snodgrass, team 16 90
Adam Doerr, .Tr., asst. assessor
for Aug. 75 00
Jos. .T. Murphy, asst. assessor
for Aug. 75 00
11T. O'Loughlin. rodman in engi-
neer's otiice- 40 01
John Sehrup, inspector on Flee
Braneh newel' 40 00
Boss McMahon, inspector on
Dodge street sewer 36 00
Anton Stoltz. hoard of prisoners
for .\ ug. 11 00
Geo. F. Klein, hardware at city
hall 6 55
Geo. W. Healey, one platform
scale for city hall 15 00
L. Daily, cleaning mound mar-
ket square during months of
March. April. Jl ty, June, July
and Aug. 86 00
J. J. Truesdale, catching dogs
during month of August 48 00
Chas. Beyer, catching dogs dur-
ing month of Aug. 50
Jas. Kelly, supplies and station-
ery for Various offices 5 00
Bieg & hood. supplies and sta-
tionery, for city attorney 6 50
W. W. Whalen, sharpening lawn
mowers for parks 2 00
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co,
50 feet of hose for Jackson
Pape & Jacquinot, plumbing at
Jackson park
Geo. W. Healey, new tools for
road dept.
Duggan, Sullivan & yeti. hard-
ware for read dept
G. F. Klein, new tools for road
Hussman & Lies. hardware for
road department
Becker Bros., 20 loads of cinders
for road department
P. Clancy, 112 cubic yards of
cinders for road department ,.
Pat O'Shea. 115 cubic yards of
rip -rap rock for road dept
C. J. Benson. repairing tools for
road department
t'has. Matz, repairing tools for
road department
Ott, Sleuser & Co., lumber for
road department
F. C. Austin, 1\Ifg. Co., one
broom for street sweeper
F. A. Dolton, Veterinary services
road department
Eilwanger Bros., repairing har-
ness for road department
Palmer, Berg & ('0., blank
stationery for road Rept.
Key City Gas Co., coal and coke
6 00
2 50
4 30
10 65
13 50
15 SO
5 00
14 00
2S 75
4 05
2 SO
20 00
20 00
1 45
2 50
2 75
for fire department 2_ .95
Wunderlich & \Viederholt, horse -
shoeing for fire department7 10
Lagen & Sullivan, horse shoeing
for fire department 21 25
Hartman Furniture Co.. iron bed r
and mattress for fire dopt
6 00
American Fire Engine Co., 1-
three -horse hitch for fire dept127 42
American Fire Engine Co., sup-
plies for fire department 24 4o
1\Iettel Eros bran and salt for fire
department 2 15
Eielieorn & itechtel, bran for fire
X111 1'nent y,
Ilt. Mcuser & Co.. shavings for
Iire department 4 50
1'..1 SI ippel. lumber for fire de-
partnn nt .... 16 10
W.H. 'Torbert, drugs and oils for
lire Ilepartment 8 73
Fire Extinguisher Mfg. Co., one
dozen line snaps for fire dept10 00
('arr. Ryder & Adams Co., lum-
ber and sash for fire dept 5 SO
("co, F. Plein, hardware for fire
department sIt
11. Baumgartner, hardware
0.0• fire department 1 30
E:lo:anger pros.. repairing har-
ness for fire department S 40
E. .I. Hagerty, veterinary ser-
vices for lire department 3 85
F. A. Dolton, veterinary services
fur tire depa'tment 14 40
Standard Oil Co., oil for fire de -
1 artment 25 55
Jchn Butt. repairs at Central
Engine house 2 25
John F. Utt•Vey, plumbing at
Delhi street engine house 8 7S
Tum Connolly, repairing hook and
ladder truck n 00
(1. F. Kleih. hardware for pollee
department 75
Eichhorn & Bechtel, matches for
police department 1 !3
John E. Hartig, two steel keys
for dog pound 50
H. Wunderlich & Son, 4 1-2 yds
oil cloth for police headquart-
Ellwanger Bros., repairing har-
ness for police department
lf. J. Hagerty, veterinary ser-
vice for police department
I has. J. W. Saunders, supplies
for matron's department
.. AIrr'abe. supplies foto ma-
tron's department
C. .1. Benson, horse shoeing pa-
trol team
John Butt, repairing tools for
sewer department
Pape & Jacquinot, supplies for
sewer department
Dubuque Harness & Saddlery
Co., trace snaps for sewer dept
Headford Bros. & Hitchins, one
man hole cover and riot for
sewer department
Linehan & Holts, sewer pipe for
Sewer (111111111) 111
1 5S
1 60
1 92
6 95
3 00
5 75
5 210
7 00
16 ut
List of. Warr,u1 ts.
G. F. Kleih, new tools for sewer
depe rtment
Globe Journal. official printing
for August
National Lemokrat official print-
ing for August
Dubuque Telegraph official print-
ing for August
Dubuque Telegraph, weekly
council proceedings .. 6 00
Star Electric Co., arc lights for
Aug. 2012 49
John A. 5'4)1411:cr. removing Mag-
gie Cunningham to pest house. 10 00
Geo. F. Klein, tacks for health
Palmer, Berg & Co., blank sta-
tionery for health department5 01)
Duggan, Sullivan & . Cota, hard-
ware for health department 60 '
T. E. Frith removing garbage
and dead animals during Aug322 3S
Wilmer Cook, final estimate for
improving Chestnut street 109 79
.O'Farrell & Norton, final esti-
mate for paving Seventh street
from Main to Locust streets413 37
:John Tibey estimate for con-
structing Dodge street storm
server 991 21
Steuck & Linehan to hauling and
laying 24 feet 16 -inch cast iron
pipe across Bee Branch sewer12 00
Dubuque Water Works Trustees
1631 lbs. i,' in pipe for Bee
French sewer22 00
E J. Voggenthaler, repairs on
steam roller 9 10
O'Farrell & Norton, referred es-
timate for paving 7th street
from Main to Locust streets1330 00
Union Electric Co., to over am-
ount paid for macadam 372 00
M. Tschirgi, to one-half pay for
setter con0 ..tions in Tschirgi
sewer 15 SS
-B. B. Gniffke, refunded exca-
vation permits redeemed 170 00
H. B. Gniffke, interest on war-
rants 1655 94
H. B. GnIffke, N. Y. exchange
on bonds
H. B. Gniffke, printing refund-
ed bonds
H. B. Gniffke, refunded tax and
street assessment
H. B. Gniffke, freight and ex-
press charges ..
C. H. Berg (Mayor) appropria-
tion for McKinley's memorial
Herald Printing Co., official
printing for August
E. Amanda, labor
Rich Burns, labor
John Burns, labor
Paul Becker, labor
Paul Brandenberger, labor
Chas. Busse, labor
C. Bluecher, labor
Fred Budde, labor
Jos. Brown, labor
Wm. Coughlin, labor
1 80
50 00
7 71
41 40
53 84
3 05
100 00
50 00
6 75
5 40
4 05
10 15
6 75
6 10
7 45
4 75
11 85
5 40
Pat Carney, labor 25
Peter Carney. .labor 5 40
Jas. Callahan, foreman 4th St.
dumi, 20 00
Jas. ('1mnolly, labor 11 85
John Corbett, labor 14 35
Henry t'osgrove, driver carpen-
ter wagon 18 00
Adam 1'rawtord. carpenter 20 00
Peter DeFonutin, labor 1 35
Mike Dunnigan. labor 6 45
Tbos. Douahu.•. 'abor 14 87.
John Egan. labor 5 40
11. T. Eddy• labor 20 00
.1.1m Enga;s, labor 11 50
51 il:e Farrell. labor 6 10
Slat. Fetsbele, labor 6 75
Inoninick Frank. labor
Pat. Fenei n. labor ... 14 sS
Pat. (:rue. labor 1 35
Ilenry Gallic. labor 9 15
t'irts. ttruenzig. labor 4 05
Michael Gera. labor :i 40
.los. Guenther, labor 6 75
Pat. Gil'oon, labor 8 10
Jos. Grab. labor 6 10
C. Gan tenhein, labor 20 110
Thos. Harkey, labor 1 35
John Hafey. labor 4 05
cc,. J. Icahn. labor 20 00
Bird. labor 4 75
Jas. Bird, labor 4 50
Aug. Hanueimann. labor 1 35
Aug. Hafeman, labor G 75
John Jellying. labor 9 45
,Tas. Kenneally, labor .. 11 50
Mat. Kenneaily, labor 10 80
:tic•. Kommes, labor 9 45
('has. Kampm;tn. labor 7 S0
Fred. Krueger. labor 6 75
Paul Krocheski, labor 5 75
Pat. Kenneally. labor 16 2,4
Mat. Klein, labor 12 50
Dennis Lonihan, labor 6 75
5111;14 Lavin, labor . 11 50
Shirt. Lonerg:nt. labor 14 85
1'itil Melloy. labor 8 80
John Mahoney, labor 101:,
Mike Meagher, labor 10 S,,
Mike Murphy. labor 10 till
Jas. 51 1'ormicic, labor 9 45
.1. hn McCarron, labor 6 75
\\ in. McClain, labor 4 05
Mike 5!Kewon, la.bor 5 40
Pat. SicPo!and, labor 4 05
Wm. c t•Grien, labor 20 00
Jas. Purcell, labor 10 80
Jas. Powers, labor 70
.John Pfeiffer, labor 6 75
John Parker, labor 9 85
t'has. Pierce, labor 14 85
\\'m. Quinlan, labor 11 85
Slat. Quirk, carpenter 20 00
Pat. Ryan 12 75
Jas. Ryan, labor 10 80
P. J. Royce 20 00
Theo. Batterman, labor 6 75
Chas. Reilly, labor 14 85
Jos. Rooney 12 00
Nick Sweeney, labor 5 40
Jas. Straney, labor 1 35
Tony Schmidt, labor 8 80
John Schroeder, labor 9 15
Frank Scherr, labor 5 10
Geo. Sutter, labor 510
Official Notices,
Aug. Soyke, labor
Louis Smith, labor
John Schemmel, labor ..
Simon Schaetzle, labor
Schwagler. Labor
1)an Sheehan. Labor
Landon Taylor. Labor ..
R'ni. Welsh, la 1)..r
Wm. \Wearmuuth, labor
Win. Weber, labor
Nic. \\'ampach, labor
Adapt Zingel, labor
Geo. Zumhof, foreman
Frank (turns, team
Geo. Brenner, nner, teem
Jos. t'al\ ,•rt. team
Jcthu t'al\ert, team
T. It. rain, teats
John Duggan, team
Mat. Gantenbeln, team
Mike Hannan. team
Thos. Hein, teats
Peter Horch. team
John Huffmire (contract) team
Thos. Kenneally, team
Mike Kenneally, team
Pat. Lenihan, team
John Long, team
AIartIn Maher. team
A. \V. Miller, team
'('hos. Morgan, team
Dan .',I 1'ollins, teats
Carson Ml•;Irath, team
Dennis O'\liara, team
Pat. ()'Shea. team
Tint O'Brien. team
Louis Pell. team
Amos Paley. team
John Seigwt tet h, la bar
Sana Snodgrass. team
.John Singrin. team
Frank Siege, team
Art. 'Turner. tenni
Jas. Tobin, t^010
M. Theis, team 4 50
\f. Zogg, team 17 50
Labor on sewers for the first halt of
September, 1901:
Pat. Casserly, labor
W. Clark. Tabor
.John Core.tron. labor ......
S. H. Col:, foreman
Maurice Flynn, labor
W. Lonergan, labor
('on. Sullivan, labor
.Geo. Scott, labor
F. G. Siege, team
.\rt. Turner, team
Steuck & Linehan. final estimate
on Bee Branch setter 1796 04
Frank Sieg, team 2 50
I hereby certify that the foregoing
is .a true and correct list of all war-
rants issued by pie during the month
of September, 1901.
('its' Itecordet•.
14 27
21 i10
10 00
20 00
7 50
8 75
2 50
20 00
12 50
17 50
23 75
111 _-
10 00
11 25
1 '1n
12 50
16 25
12 50
2 50
7 50
6 90
13 75
16 90
17 60
17 611
17 60
.17 60
11 40
10 `;0
2 50
2 50
An ordinance granting to the Union
'Electric company additional rights on
Second street and Eagle Point avenue.
Be it ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That in addition to the
rights and privileges now possessed or
'used by the Union Electric company,
.for the operation of its lines of street
railway in the City of Dubuque, there
is hereby granted to said Company t'te
right to construct, maintain and oper-
ate, in connection with its other line
or lines, a single track railway, com-
mencing at the intersection of Marl
and Second streets in the City of Du-
buque, and running thence westerly
along said Second street to the inter-
section of said street with Locust
street in said City, said line to be
so constructed as to form a proper
connection with the track of said rail -
•,ay on said Locust street, and as
to nrly in the center of said Second
stet. t as practicable, with the neces-
sary curves and switches in connec-
tion therewith.
Sce. 2. That there is also hereby
granted to said Union Electric com-
pany, the right to construct, maintain
:trd operate, in connection with its
other line or lines, a single track rail-
way, commencing at the intersection
of Eagle Point avenue and Jackson
street in the City of Dubuque, 'tnd
running thence westerly along said
Eagle Point avenue to the intersection
o said Eagle Point avenue and Couler
avenue, in said City, said line to be
so constructed as to form a proper
connection wtih the tracks of said
railway on said Couler avenue, and as
1, arly as practicable in the center of
said Eagle Point avenue, with the nec-
essary curves and switches in connec-
tion therewith.
Sec. 3. This ordinance shall be in
force from and after its publication
in the Dubuque Daily Telegraph news-
Passed by the City Council of Du-
buque, Oct. 3d, 1901.
Approved Oct. 8th, 1901,
City Recorder.
The inion Electric company hereby
accepts the provisions of an ordin-
ance passed by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, on October 3d, 1901,
entitled "An Ordinance granting the
"Union Electric Company Additional
Rights on Second Street and Eagle
Point Avenue."
F. D. STOUT, President.
J. R. LINDSAY, Secretary.
Published officially in the Dubuque
Daily Telegraph newspaper, Oct. 5th,
10-16-1t. City Recorder.
MaYor's Offce.
Dubuque, October 19, 1901.
Notice is hereby given that the
registers of election duly appointed to
register voters in the city of Dubuque,
Official Notices.
Iowa, will be In attendance at the
places hereinbelow mentioned, for the
purpose of correcting the registry list
of names of such electors as may be
entitled to vote at this fall election to
be held Tuesday, November 5, 1901.
Said registers will meet at their res-
pective places on Thursday and Fri•
clay, October 24th and 25th, 1901, at 9
o'clock a. m. and to in session until
9 o'clock p. m. of said day.
Said registers will thereafter meet on
Saturday, November the 2nd, 1901, from
8 o'clock a. m. to 9 o'clock p. m. of
said day for the purpose of correcting
the list and adding thereto such name:-
ameof voters as may be entitled to vote.
Said registers will thereafter meet on
Tuesday. November 5, 1901. (election
day) and be in session from the time
the polls open until they close, and reg-
ister only such voters as were absent
from the city during the preceeding
days that the board was in session.
also such voters as did not become
citizens until Monday or Tuesday, No-
vember 4th and 5th, 1901.
The places or registration in the sev-
eral wards and precincts of said city
are as follows:
First Precinct—Mrs. Welch's place.
corner Bluff and Dodge streets.
Second Precinct—No. 188 First street.
Robert Jess' place.
First Precinct—Court house.
Second Precinct—Fourth street en-
gine house.
First Precinct—Ninth street engine
Second Precinct—City Hall.
Third Precinct—Palen's place. 1810
Couler avenue.
First Precinct—Annex west of Wales
Second Precinct—Western Brewery.
Third Precinct—Kenyon's barber
shop, 146 West Locust street.
First Precinct—Schmtdt's Brewery-,
Couler Avenue,
Second Precinct—Henry G. Muller's
place, corner Elm street and Eagle
Point avenue.
Third Precinct—Hess' place, 797
Rhomberg avenue.
Fourth Preeinet—Jai-- Berg's place,
corner 23td and Jackson street.
All qualified voters of said city are
notified that unless they voted at the
last general election they must pre-
sent themselves at the places and time
hereinabove mentioned for registration
or they will be debarred of the privi-
lege of voting at said election.
Witness my hand at Dubuque, Iotwa,
this 19th day of October, 1901.
19-23 inc.
Notice Is hereby given to all con-
cerned, that a special assessment will
be levied to pay for the construction
of a 12 inch tile 1.1.,2 sanitary server in
West Locust s.reet from ('hark street
to Union avenue, Steuck and Linehan.
Amount oC special assessment.
$1,071.12, against the property abutting
upon and along said sewer as prodded
by law at a session of the Council to he
held Nov. , 190
And that 7ththere isi1. a plat and schedule
on file in the ()Hite 01' the City 12e -
corder of said City of Dubunue, show-
ing the street or a part thereof in
which said sewer has been constructed
anti the separate lots and parcels of
ground or specifier) pm•tion thereof sub-
ject to asse4oneut for such improve-
ment the name of the owner thereof as
far as practicable and the amount to
be assessed against each lot or parcel
of ground, which plat and schedule is
subject to publl. inspection.
And that any and all persons object-
ing to said special assessment of said
plat must file his or their objection in
writing with the City Recorder of said
City of Dubuque on or before said ses-
sion of the City r'ouncil in be hehl Nov.
7th, 1901. or to appear at said session
of the council to shoe cause. if any -
you have. why said assessment should
not he 10 ,41.
Dated Dubuque. Iowa. Oct, 12, 1901.
City 'Recorder,
Sealed proposals will be received :It
the office of the city Recorder up t
7:30 ('creek p. m.. Oct. 17th. 1901 re
the building of a X00 -barrel cistern at
the intersection of Goethe avenue and
Sheridan street. in accordance with
plans and sneeifio••rti.ns now nn file in
the nfflco of the city Recorder.
The bidders to state the price in total
tot furnishing all material and lab(••
to fully cmmnlctr• the cistern to the
satisfaction of the Engineer and Com-
mittee on St4ets. A certified check'
on some Duburne hank for $25.00 must
accompany- each hid that a contract
will be entered into if awarded.
The City rese'•ves the tight to reject
any and all bids.
City Recorder.10-R-to-17th.
Sealed proposals will be receive'1 at
the City Engineer's °nioe, ^.:tv of Du-
buque. Iowa, up to 4 p. m. Thursday.
Oct. 17, 1901, for constructing brick or
cement walk as follows:
6 feet wide on the south side of
Rhomberg avenue. between Washing-
ton street and Jackson street, abutting.
Lot No. R of Mineral Lot 100, owned
by F. X. Rittenmaler.
All in accordance with specifications
on file in said office,
A certified check for 10 ner cent will
be required with Pa eh bid.
City Engineer.
Official Notices.
An Ordina nee entitled an Ordinance
authorizing the City of Dubuque to
enter into a contract providing for the
discovery of property that may have
been omitted. overlooked, or otherwise
not returned 1.y the Assessor, and for
the listing of sup h property and to
collection of tax, s thereon.
Be it Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That the City of Dubuque
may contract in writing with any per-
son to assist the proper officers of said
city in the discovery of property that
may have been omitted, overlooked, or
otherwise not listed and assessed as
required by late.
Before listing the property discovered
the Treasurer shall give the Person in
whose name it is proposed to assess
the sante. or his agent. ten days' no.
tice thereof by re'-istered letter an -
dressed to him at his usual place of
residence. fixing the time and place
where objection to such proposed list-
ing and assessment may be made. .An
appeal may be taken to the District
Court from final action of tne Treas-
urer by serving written notice upon
him and otherwise proceeding as pro-
vided in Seetion Thirteen Hunched and
Seventy-three (1373) of the Code.
Section 2. The total charges. fees
and expenses authorized under Section
One (1) of this ordinance shall not ex-
ceed fifteen p,•r cent. of the taxes paid
into the City Treasury as a result of
the efforts and services of the per-
son nr persons employed to assist in
the discovery of property not hereto-
fore listed and assessed for taxation.
Section 3. The person employed un-
der the provisions of Section One (1)
hereof shall give a bona in the penal
sum of not less than rive Thousand
($5.000.00) Dollars. with suret'es to be
approved by the City Counc'l, condi-
tioned for the faithful performance of
the contract.
Section 4. After the deduction of the
compensation hereinbefore provided
for, the taxes recovered urder this
ordinance shall he distributed among
the several funds for that year in the
sane proportion as other taxes.
Section 5. This nrdirance I')all be
in force and take effect from and after
its publication in the Dubuque Daily
Telegraph newspaper.
Passed by the City Council of Dubu-
que. October 1901.
Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF.
City Recorder.
On this 1Sth clay of October, 1901,
the Mayor having failed to sign the
foreaning ordinance within fourteen
days from the date of its adoption by
the Council• and the Mayor having
further failed to veto the said ordi-
nance within fourteen days from the
date of its adoption, said ordinance
becomes 0 complctc and effectual ordi-
nonce of the City of Dubuque by
operation of law.
City Recorder.
Published in th' Dubuque Daily
Telegraph October 21. 1901.
('it:' 1:•,,.order.
To Ali Whom It Slay Concern::
You and each of you are hereby n..
titled that it is the intention of the
City Council of the City of Dubugo.,
to construct an 8 -inch tile pipe Sani-
tary `ewer in the alley between Whit.'
and Jackson streets from 17th street
to Eagle Point avenue.
Thitt a plat and specification of said
proposed sewer is now on file in th,-
otiice of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engi-
neer that said sewer will be 1800 feet
in length and twill cost 77 cents per
lineal foot including eleven manholes.
Any person having objection to th •
co.tstruction of such Sanitary Sewer
are hereby notified to appear in pee -
son before the City Council Octoin•r
1.7th, 1101. or to file with the city ITec-.
order their objections in writing on or
before October 17th, 1901.
Dated October 4, 1901.
City Recorder.
To all whom it may concern:
You and each of you are hereby noti-
fied that it is the intention of tha city
Council of Dubuque to construct a
sanitary sewer in Fourth street, as
A 12 inch tile pipe sanitary sewer
from manhole at the intersection of
White and Fourth streets to a point
225 feet east of said manhole, and a Pe
inch tile pipe sanitary sewer from this
latter point to a point about 275 feet
further east on said Fourth street.
That a plat and specification of said
proposed sewer is now on file in the of-
fice of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that said sewer will be 500 feet in
length and total cost $450.00 including
two manholes.
Any person having objection to the
construction of said sewer are hereby
notified to appear in person before the
City Council on November 7th, 1901, or
to file with the City Recorder their
objections in writing on or before No-
vember 7th, 1901.
Dated Dubuque, Ia., October 15, 1901.
10-15-5t. City Recorder.
Official Notices
An Ordinance entitled an Ordinance
To amend Section 11 of Chapter LVI. of
1he'Tleyised Ordin:n os of 1901, of the
City of ubuque by striking out of the..
eighth line of said section the word
"two" and inserting the word "five"
in lieu thereof.
Be it Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque.
Section 1. That the word "two" in
the eighth line of Section 11 of Chapter
LVL of the Revised Ordinances of 1901,
of the City of Dubuque be stricken out
and the word "five" inserted in lieu
action 2. This Ordinance shall be in
force and effect front and after its
adoption and publication in the Du-
buque Daily Telegraph newspaper.
Passel by ilte City Council of Du-
buque. tt,•toher 3d, 1901.
City Recorder.
On this 1Sth day of October, 1901,
the Mayor haying failed to sign th0
foregoing Ordinance within 14 days
from the date of its ado'ttion by the
Council and the Mayor having further
failed to vetoe the sail Ordinanfle
within fourteen days from the date of
its adoption the said Ordinance be-
comes a complete and effectual Or-
dinance of the city of Dubuque by
,operation of law.
City Recorder.
Published in the Dubuque Daily
'Telegraph this 21st clay of October,
Pity Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at
nay office up to 7:30 o'clock p. m.. Oct.
'3d, 1901, to furnish the fire, police and
street department of the city of Du-
buque with number one oats and
'number one timothy hay for the term
-of one year from October 1st, 1901.
Such oats and hay to be delivered
in such quantities and at such places
as may be ordered by the city from
time to time. All hay and oats to
he weighed on the city scales at the
-city hall and delivered at the expense
.of the contractor. The oats to be
figured at 35 pounds to the bushel.
Each bid must be accompanied with
certifled check for $25.00 on some
Dubuque bank that a contract will be
entered into if awarded.
The city reserves the right to re-
ject any and all bids.
Dated Dubuque, Sept. 27th, 1901.
• City Recorder.
9 -27 -to -Oct. -3.
Sealed proposals will be received at
my office up to 7:30 o'clock p. m.
Thursday, Oct. 3, 1901, for furnishing
the fire and police departments of the
city of Dubuque, also the city hall,
with coal, coke and wood for the term
of one year beginning October 1st, 1901.
Bidders will state _,1-10e for No. 1
oak and staple wood, also the price
for hard and soft coal and the kind
and name of sante, also the price
and quality of coke.
The coal and wood to be delivered
in such quantities at such places and
thne as the city may direct.
The coal and coke to be weighed on
the city scales at the city hall and
delivered at the exaense of the con-
Each bid must be accompanied with
a certified check for $25.00 on some
Dubuque bank as a r;uarantee that a
contract will be ,-ntered it,to if award-
The city reserves the right to reject
any and all hits.
Dated i ubugu, .
L. Al.
eptcutber 27, 1901.
City Recorder.
3ealel proposals will be coo.i c,',1 at
the office of the city Recon11,•r up to
0 ,,, m. October Id, 1901 for the con-
struction of a 12 -inch tile pipe sanitary
er in 27th !:-.ct from the alley be-
tween JO .~soft and \Vashiu_rton :cheats
to the muddle :'f r.lm strel- in ac, •u•d-
ance with the ;lams and Sl,.•c111' , tions
now on flie in the office of ;he City Re-
It is estimatel ',j the L1,i-;peer
that said sewer will be 405 lineal feet
in length and 2 manholes. Bidders will
state the price per lineal foot for sewer
complete and the price per manhole.
The work to be completed on or before
November 5th, 1901, and shall be paid
for at the time and in the manner pre-
scribed by ehapter 34 of the Revised
Ordinances of 1901, of the t'ity of Du-
buque. lova. The prol,.es,tls for doing
such work will be acted main by the
Council on the 3d clay of October, 1901.
A certified check on some Dubuque
bank for $50.00 must accompany each
bid as a guarantee a contract will be
entered into, if awarded.
The city reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
Dated Dubuque, Ia., Sept. 23. 1901.
City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the City Engineer's office. City of Du-
buque. Iowa, up to 4 p. m. Thursday,
Oct. 17, 1901, for constructing brick or
cement sidewalks as follows:
12 feet wide on the east side of .Main
street between 6th street and 7th street
abutting south 1-2 of City Lot 2, owned
by D. S. Wilson Est.
12 feet wide on the north side of .I2th
street between White and Jackson
streets and the east side of White
street between 12th street and 13th
street abutting south 1-5 of City Lot
481, owned by J. A. Schmidt.
All in accordance with specifications
on file in said office.
A certified check for 10 per cent. will
be required with each bid.
City Engineer.
To all whom it may concern:
You and each of you are hereby noti-
fied that it is the intention of the City
Council of Dubu,lu,• to construct a 12
inch tile pipe 'eau;taFY sewer in Lincoln
Ave. from Johnson Ave. to Dock Ave.
That a plat and specifications of said
proposed sewer is now on file in the
office of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that said sewer will be 3,200 feet in
length and will cost ?2.1s5.I.0 in total.
any persons having objection to the
construction of sail sanitary sewer are
hereby notilie,l t„ appear in person be-
fore the City . " ;,n& it November 7th.
1901, or to file with theity Re, or ler
their objections in writing on or before
November 7th, 1901.
Dated Dubuque, Oct. 12, 1901.
City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the City Engineer's office, City of Du-
buque. Iowa, up to 4 p. m. Thursday,
Oct. 17, 1901 for constructing plank
sidewalks as follows:
6 feet wide on the west side of
Roberts Ave., between West 5th street
and West Sth street, abutting Lot 37,
\V'llson's sub., owned by V. F. Perleth.
All in accordance \with specifications
on file in said office.
A certified check for 10 per cent. \w:i1
be required with each uld.
City Eng°.neer.
O— ---
Resolved by the City council of the
City of Dubuque: 'I'nat a sidewalk 8
feet wide, of good two inch plank,
brick, stone or cement, be, within 10
days of this notice, constructed and
!aid in conformity with the ordinance
in relation to sidewalks, on the south
side of Madison street, between Semi-
nary street .and Seventeenth street,
abutting lot 1 of 92 Cox's add., owned
by \\'m. Lowther, at the expense of
abutting property. Adopted Sept. 20th,
Also that .a sidewalk 8 feet wide, of
good brick, stone or cement, be, within
10 days of this notice, constructed and
laid in conformity with the ordinance
in relation to sidewalks, on the east
side of White street, abutting S. 2-5
City lot 481, owned by J. A. Schmidt,
at the expense of abutting property.
Adopted Sept. 20th, 1901.
Also that a sidewalk 8 feet wide, of
good bricks, stone or cement, be, with-
in 10 days of this notice, constructed
and laid in conformity with the ordin-
•arce in relation to sidewalks, on the
north side of Twelfth street, between
'White street :and Jackson street, abut -
ting S 2-5 of City lot 481, owned by
J. A. Schmidt, at the expenses of abut-
ting property.
Adopted Sept. 20th, 1901.
Also that a sidewalk six feet wide,
of good brick or cement, be. within
ten days of this notice, constructed and
laid in conformity with the ordinance
in relation to sidewalks, on the west
side of Rhomherg avenue, between
Johnson avenue and Kniest street,
,.butting lot No. 5, Smedley's Sub.,
owned by V. Bushor, at the expense of
alfutting property.
Adopted Sept. 26, 1901.
Also that a sidewalk six feet wide,
of good brick or cement, be, within ten
days of this notice, constructed and
laid in conformity with the ordinance
in relation to sidewalks, on the south
side of Rhomberg avenue between
Washington street and Jackson street,
abutting lot No. 8 of Min. Lot No. 100
owned by F. X. Piittenmeier at the ex-
pense of abutting property.
Adopted Sept. 26th, 1901.
Dated Dubuque. Iowa, Oct. 4, 1901.
10-4-10t. City Recorder.
Ne;.;lllur Session, November 7, 1901. c:►
Regular Session, November 7th, 1901.
Council met at 8.40 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinge:•, McLaughlin and
Ald. Sheridan moved that the Coun-
cil proceedings for the month of Oc-
tober, 1901, be approved as printed.
Adam Doerr, assistant assessor
for Octob) r $ 75 00
Jos. J. Murphy, a si tant asses-
sor for Oct )ler 75 00
F. O'Loughlin, asistant, engi-
neer's (Alice 50 00
M. O'Lough in, rodman, engi-
neer's office 40 00
John Schrup, in p.c o: Bee
Branch sewer 40 00
Ross McMahon, inspector on
Dodge -t e_t sewer 40 00
Anton St. ltz, bcard of prisoners
for Octoher 7 00
J. G. Mos••r, hardware, c'ty 1 -all6 30
Hey City Gas Co., mant;e3 and
chimnrye 90
Bieg & hood, stati nery for
arious departments 7 15
Smith -Morgan Printing Co., 500
envelopes for Recorder's office. 2 50
1 Asher & ('o., hard coal at
1hall .. 25 32
\\". Wormo.al, repairing city
al 1 00
Smith -Morgan Printing Co., to
one-half pay for 42 Register
books with index 36 50
Even & Fuchs, hard coal at
First ward scales S 63
Phil Pier. 10 cords maple wood
city hal
C. Bayless, engros-ing resolu-
tions and material furnished15 00
Palmer, Berg & Co.. blank sta-
tionery for various off: ei.. 81 75
Palmer. Berg & Co., blank bonds 20 60
B. Michel, professional services
for Wni. Clark 6 00
Pape & Jacquinot, plumbing at
City- Hall ..
J. W. Wittmer, glass and putty,
at city hall ..
Phil Pier• ice at city hall from
May 4th to Oct. 19th, 1901 12 00
The Martin-Stre'au Co.. c.ne 1 ad
kindling wood at city hall
John G. Moser, new linings for
stoves at city hall
W. H. Chapman, kalsomining
and repairing ceiling and walls
at Armory hall 40 00
L. WiIlea, fainting monument at
Washington park 7 50
C. H. Little, Becker & Co., one
54 50
2 SO
2 50
8 50
No. 157 lawn vase, Washington
P. Clancy, 58 cubic yards of cin-
ders for road dell tnrent 7 25
E. J. Voaggenthaler. repairing
steam rol er 39 37
John Duggan, repairing tools for
road department 3 15
F. Schloz & Son, repairing tools
for road department 7 10
John Butt, repairing tools for
road department 210
Ragatz & Schaetgen, repairs
on steam roller 18 cS
Standard Lumber Co.. lumber
for read department 49 89
Ott, 0Ieuser & Co., lumber for
road department 33 90
Kumpf, Frudden Lumber Co,
lumber for road department25 32
Joslyn & Church, two shovels
for road department 3 50
Geo. W. Healey, hardware for
road department 14 70
Hussman & Lies, hardware for
road derartment 3 50
Anton Siege, rock furnished for
road department 1310
.las. Lee, rock furnished for
road department 3 00
Jas. Lee, laying 140 square feet
of cement walk on north Main
street 18 90
Pat Fury 24.20 cubic yards of
macadam :8 15
Jas. Berg. 14.00 cubic yards of
macadam 10 50
Sweeney & Callahan 57 cubic
yards of macadam 42 75
John McGee, 6 cubic yards of
maca"arn 4 50
I -Hussman & Lie=, hardware for
mad department 8 30
J. W. ' Wittmer, oil for rood de-
partm-nt 2 10
M. J. LaNicca, oil and white lead
for road department ... 3 95
Standard Oil Co., oil for road
department 1 t'5
Fey City Gas Co., coke for
steam roller 54 70
E. J. Vogg.'nthaler, iron railing
at Walnut and llth streets38 00
I.inehan & :\Talo, white waste for
fire def a! tment 10 88
Dubuque Rubber & Pelting Co,
asbestos packing for fire de-
partment 55
Carr. Ryder & Adams CO., 1
cord of edgings ISth street en-
gine house 3 00
American Fire Engine Co., sup-
plies for 18th street engine
house 5 43
Phil Pier, soft coal for flre
departtmnt 71 00
M. Stafford, hay for fire depart-
ment 214 64
M. Stafford. oats for fire depart-
ment 494 25
Jane, e Levi Co., drapings for fire
(1parm 'nt 9 95
Ott, .\!;•user & Co, shavings for
12 75
1 guI1 r `esslon, l\ovuill er 7. 1001.
fire iiepartntent•
\W'nt. Marshall, ropaiis on stain-
er Stewart
I:ey (: itv Gas Co., soft coal for
t„ c1epariment
Key c':(y Gas Co., c Tike for fire
2. yogo-en' 1:a !cr. ( o., repairing
steat.a.r Stewart
E. J. Hagerty veterinary ser-
vices for fire department
Lagen 1' Sulivan, horse s toeing
for lire department
\t': ncierlich & R'iederholt, horse
shoeing for fire department
Scho'r k Ron, hydrant
tcrencie s n I't a department
Did,. 51aur,: 1 uctory, one mat-
tress for :ire cepartment
.I. P'. Ris & ]1," . ,sheet brass for
tire department
Geo. W. Healey. hardware for
fire depar;mr,r.t ..
John Duggan, 1Ppairs at 4th
street engine hanse
Standard I.umber Co., lumber
1 or lino •'cjrirtwent
John rant. ..elivirs at 18th street
engine boor,
John Nca-man ct':•. Son, repairing
hose wagon at 4th street en-
gine house 19 25
Trexler Bros., livery hire for po-
lice department 5 00
J<: . Levi & Co., one comforter
for po'ice department1 50
J. G. Moser, one box stove at
police headquarters 13 00
M. Stafford, hay and oats for_ po-
lice department 92 20
J. W. \Vittmer, oils and drugs
for police department 8 60
J. \V. Wittmer, linseed meal and
drugs at patrol house 4 95
Mullen & Papin, taking of sign
at First street .. 1 00
}des Robes Tanning Co., repair-
ing robe patrol wagon .. 4 50
IL J. Haggerty, veterinary ser-
vices at patrol house 1 44
H. J. Haggerty, examining two
horses at patrol house 10 r0
Phil Pier, 5 1-4 cords of wool
at patrol house 22 65
Moore & Ferring, supplies for
Matron's department
Key City Roofing Co., cement
for sewer department
Connolly Bros., candles, for
sewer department
C. H. Little Becker & Co., lan-
tern globes for sower depart-
F. Schloz & Son, repairing tools
for sewer department
Linehan & Mo'o, 9 1-2 pounds of
oakum for sewer department
Kesler & Hammel, repairing
fountain at Cleveland avenue
Dempsey & Son repairing foun-
tain at McCann's store (South-
ern avenue)
John Butt,' repairs for sewer
21 43
1 15
11 50
7 03
1.0 50
1 60
4 .3
2 35
5 45
7 90
10 60
2 10
department 2 05
Pape & Jacquinot, repairing rod
for engineers office 30
Union Electric t'o., arc lights for
October, 1901 2025 05
Globe -Journal, official printing
Oct.. 1911 50 00
The Ile: a!d, "tibial printing Oct
1'301 50 03
National Demnlci at utlitI tl pi fitt-
ing 25 00
Dubuque Tel. graph o111(1 tl print
ing for October, 19 (1 ... .. 60 (10
Dubuque Te'e:la1 h council w.ek-
ly proceedings 6 00
Dubuque Telegraph, health re-
ports for Set Seirt.-onh •r 4 CO
Palmer. P.erg & Go_ 1i'ank sta-
tionery for hearth ,le:(artn •nt. 7 00
1'. E. Frith removing garbage
and dead anima's (luting Oet
11'01 322 33
J. Ilaudenschi:11. Every hire for
board of health 4 00
ohn A. \"oalker fumiea'.Ing Mi -s.
Collins rani ience on Seminary
Hill 5 00
John A. V ,t lkf• . funil at Ing
county jail 10 00
M. .\I. Hoffman fumigating Mar-
tin ituse's residence on Thom-
as place 10 00
5I. M. Hoffman 1'umi;ating Mfrs.
Schreeler's resi lence on Wash
ington rtr:ct 5 110
O'Farrell & Norton estimate
grading ('ox street 570.53
O. G. I:ringle e-t.niat• gra ling
Angella st; eet 1 237 S3
John 1 il•e v estimate on 1-) ale -
sr et server 1135 SO
c -timate on 11,•r.
1:raneh > •tr,•r 1517 53
The f., 1 otiag bills were o"dered re -
feu. i1 t. ;he Board of Health:
F. W. \\'i •ran l to vaccinating
36 pers.,ns at 25c 9 00
J. H. Greene to vaccinating S
persons 2 00
J. C. Alderson to vaccinating
36 persons ... 9 0)
F. Fitzpatriek to vaccinating
Conroy f:unfly 3 CO
F. W. Meyer to vaccinating 24
persons at 25c 6 00
H. T. Walker to vaccinating 17
persons at 25e 4 25
W. L. Becker to vaccinating 23
persons at 25c 5 75
McCarthy & Keogh, to vaccinat-
ing 14 persons at 25c 3 50
C. H. Hamilton to vaccinating
30 persons at 25c . 7 50
The following bill was ordered re-
ferred to the street commissioner for
Linehand & Molo to City of Du-
buque to 110.50 cubic yards
of macadam at $1.00 110.50
Mayor Berg called for a report from
the City Attorney.
Whereupon City Attorney Duffy re-
ported as follows:
IZeegular Session. November 7, 1901.
Dubuque, Iowa, Oct. 21, 1901.
To the Honorable Mayor and Aldermen
of the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen:—In compliance with a
motion adopted, at a tneeting of the
committee of the whole, on October 16,
1901, directing me to ascertain and
make report whether the Second Na-
tional Bank had forfeited the rights
acquired under and by virtue of an or-
dinance adopted by the City October
5th, 1896, granting to George B. Burch,
trustee, the right to maintain and op-
erate a factory on part of Lot 2 of
Mineral Lot 106 in the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, which rights had been by
the City Council extended till October
1st, 1901, I would respectfully submit
the following:
The facts upon which this opinion
rests are meagre and indefinite since
the motion calling for this opinion was
not presented in writing but must be
reproduced from the memory of the
assistat city attorney who attended
/hat meeting of the committee of the
whole where a general discussion of
the subject was in progress at the time
the motion was offered.
if then, I am correct in my assump-
tion that this inquiry is limited to a
determination of the question as to
whether a forfeiture of the rights and
privileges granted under the ordinance
hereinbefore referred to, since the 1st
day of October, 1901. has operated by
reason of the fact that the grantee had
not upon that date a factory in actual
operation upon the premises as required
by the terms of said ordinance I would
state, that an examination of the coun-
cil proceedings shows that, at an ad-
journed regular session of the City
Council held September 20th, 1901, the
following proceedings were had:
"A communication from the Second
National Bank asking that the name of
J. K. Deming be substituted for that
of Geo. B. Burch, as trustee for said
bank in an ordinance adopted October
5th, 1S96, in relation to the Dee Basket
factory and that the said trustee (J.
K. Deming) be granted until the 1st
clay of January, 1902, to iiegin to oper-
ate the plant, and that the said Deming
be permitted to grant to L. 1C. Johnson
or his assigns. by lease or otherwise,
the rights which are grante,1 to him
by said ordinance. All. 1. Kintzinger
moved to grant the privileges asked
and that the Ordinance committee and
city attorney be instructed to draft the
necessary ordinances. Carried."
From this it clearly appears that the
bank which had certain equities in the
premises took steps to securely con-
tinue and preserve those equities. It
was, unquestionably within the author-
ity of the Council to extend the time
limit, and the proper manner of doing
so was by ordinance as indicated in the
If a consideration for this extension
of time has been parted with by the
bank, either directly to the city, or in
the form of expenditures upon the
premises, made in view of a reliance
placed in such action of the Council,
a court of equity would enforce the ex-
tension of the time limit to the date
fixed in such resolution. But as to
aahether the improvements and expen-
ditures, mentioned during the discus-
sion of this subject, on October 17th,
when your motion was made referring
this question to my office, partake of
the character that would constitute
them a good consideration for such ex-
tension, my information both as to the
nature of the improvements and the
time when they were made, is not suf-
ficiently definite for me to intelligently
pass upon that phase of the question;
nor is it necessary for the present pur-
pose that I should present any findings
upon that feature of the proposition as
will appear from my final conclusion.
It evidently was the intention of the
City, though not clearly stated, to pro-
vide by the forfeiture clause of said
ordinance that if at any time during
the continuance of the lease the bank
should fail, for a period of six months,
to operate said premises for manu-
facturing purposes a forfeiture of the
grant should thereby work.
If during the said time limit, or a
proper extension thereof, the grantee,
as is claimed, had a lease placing his
machinery in position upon the prem-
ises, In good faith, for the purpose of
engaging in a manufacturing enter-
prise, it is my opinion this would be a
substantial compliance with the re-
quirements of the provisions of the
ordinance, since forfeitures are not
favored by the courts: and it is my
final conclusion that the City Council
has not the authority, in and of itself,
to declare a forfeiture of this char-
acter, but must invoke the decree of
a competent court to determine and es-
tablish that fact.
Respectfully submitted,
City Attorney.
On motion the report of the city at-
torney was ordered received and filed.
Ald. Kintzinger moved that the or-
dinance ordered drawn by the Council
in relation to the matter reported upon
by the city attorney be taken from the
Ordinance committee and reported to
the Council. Carried.
Ald. McLaughlin presented and read
an ordinance entitled an ordinance to
amend Chapter 6S of the Revised Or-
dinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque
by striking out the name of Geo. B.
Burch, trustee, wherever it appears
therein and inserting in lieu thereof
the name of J. K. Deming, trustee, and
by granting an extension of time until
the 1st day of January, 1902, within
which said J. K. Deming, trustee, shall
comply with the provisions of said or-
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the
reading just had of said ordinance be
considered the first reading.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Frith, Horr, Jones, Mc-
laughlin and Sheridan. Total. 5.
Nays—Aids. Clancy and Kintzinger.
Total, 2.
After much discussion, on motion of
Ald. Sheridan the rules were suspended
and Mr. J. K. Deming and G. W. Kiesel
addressed the Council in favor of the
ordinance. After further discussion
and questions answered by the city at-
torney favorably to the adoption of the
ordinance Ald. McLaughlin moved that
the rules be suspended for the purpose
292 Regular t'esrion,• November 7, 1901.
of reading the ordinance the second
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Alda. 'Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger, McLaughlin and
Sheridan. Total, 7.
The ordinance was then read the
second time.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the or-
dinance be adopted.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy. Frith, Horr,
Jones, Klntzinger, McLaughlin and
Sheridan. Total, 7.
The mayor declared the ordinance
adopted. The ordinance follows:
An ordinance entitled An Ordinance
to Amend Chapter 64 of the Revised
Ordinances of 1901, of the City of Du-
buque by striking out the name George
B. Burch, trustee, wherever it appears
therein and inserting in lieu thereof
the name J. K. Deming, trustee, and
by gf'anting an extension of time un-
til the 1st day of January, 1902, within
which said J. K. Deming, trustee,
shall comply with the provisions of
said ordinance.
Be it Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That the name George B.
Burch, trustee, wherever it appears in
Chapter 68 of the Revised Ordinances
of 1901, of the City of Dubuque, be
stricken out, and the name J. K. Dem-
ing, trustee, inserted in lieu thereof.
Section 2. That said J. K. Deming,
trustee, is hereby granted an extension
of time until the 1st day of January,
1902, within which to comply with the
provisions of said ordinance.
Section 3. This ordinance shall be
in force and effect from and after its
adoption and publication in the Du-
buque Daily Telegraph, newspaper.
Approved Nov. 8th, 1901.
City Recorder.
The petition of George Martin et al
asking the establishment of grade and
the grading of Langworthy avenue.
On motion of Ald. Sheridan the City
Engineer was instructed to establish
the grade and make estimate of the
cost of grading and report to the
The petition of J. A. Spear asking
that the chargee for rolling West
Eighth street in front of lot 2 and 3
of sub. lots 1S, 19 and 20, Kelley's sub ,
be canceled.
On motion, the petition was referred
to Street Commissioner Boyce.
The petition of Johanna Koerner
protesting against the payment of re-
pairing sidewalk in front of sub. 3 of
mineral lot 63, lot 2, was referred
to the Sidewalk Inspector and he to
report to the Council.
(._.._____The petition of John Keekevoet ask-
ing permission to operate a ferry across
the Mississippi river between the City
of Dubuque and East Dubuque and t.;
maintain in the ice harbor a floating
dock, was, on motion, referred to the
Committee of the Whole.
Communication of Recorder Lang-
staff asking that his compensation for
Clerk to the Board of Health he allow-
ed the same rate as that of his prede-
On motion. the communication was
referred to the Committee of the
Whole and City Attorney.
The petition of T. H. and August A.
Schilling • protesting against the im-
provement and grade of Angeila street
as now being done.
Aid. Frith moved that said petition
be referred to the Street Committee -
with power and that Ald. Kintzinger
be added to the Committee Carried.
The petition of Gen. H. Wolf et al'
protesting against the improvement
and grade of Angella street, and ask-
ing the appointment of an engineer
other than the present Engineer to as-
certain whether the work is being done
according to plans and specifications.
Ald. Kintzinger moved that the pe-
tition he referred to the Street Com-
mittee with power. Carried.
The two following petitions were re-
ferred to the Street Committee:
The petition of Louis C. Koifenbach
et al asking that sidewalks be con-
structed on the west side of Paul street
from Seminary street to the alley north•
of Seminary street, abutting lot 10S,
Cox's Add.
Also the petition of J. C. Garland"
asking a continuation of the atone
wall back of his lot, west 1-2 of outlot
6'65, at the present it is in a dangerous
The following were referred to the
Board of Equalization:
Petition of John H. Simplot asking
a reduction of his assessment on lots
S2 and 83 and sub. of mineral lot 84,
lot 2.
Also petition of Mrs. Susie S. Cooper
asking that her taxes for the year 1900•
and thereafter on lots 33 and 34, Rose-
dale .Add., and lot 2 of 7S in Woodlawn
Park Sub. be canceled.
The following were referred to the
Delinquent Tax Committee:
The petition of Win. J. Clark, a
Union soldier, asking that he be al-
lowed the 800 dollars exemption for the
year 1900.
Also the petition of Mrs. Amelia Voss.
widow of a Union soldier• asking the
800 dollars exemption on her taxes for
the year 1900.
Also the petition of Mrs. Maria Ellis
asking that her taxes be canceled for
this year.
The petition of J. B. Hirtz et al ask-
ing that a sidewalk 2 feet wide be or-
dered laid on the south side of the
Millville road from Lemon street west
400 feet. Also on the north side of
Regular Session, . loveln
said street 1,200 feet west from Gil-
lespie street.
Ald. Frith moved that the prayer of
the petition be granted. Carried.
The claim of Charles Conroy, for
$25511! as compensation for quaruttine
of his residence un account of small-
pox, was, on motion, received and filed.
City Treasurer Gnifflce report ' 1 a-.
Dubuque, 11 . "..v. 1!,01.
To the Iitnt. Mayor anti city .ur,e11 of
the city of Dubuque.
Gentlemen: Following this find a
statement of the money advanced by
me during the Past month accoutpaniel
by the required vouchers:
h:xc.\\".\'I'IctN 7'I:i;\ii't'S a-
Nessler & Junk .$..00
Nessler n t
Hobert Jungk ..
Robert Jungle ..
Mullen lit'
Mullen Bros. ..
Mullen Erns. ..
Mullen Pros.
Mullin & Papin .... ... . ..
1\Iullin & Papin .... .
Mullin & Papin ..
Dlulliu 1': Papin ... ........
Mullin Papin
Mullin .S: Papin
Tiullin& Papin
Mullin 6: Papin
Mullin •1: Papin
Mullin .0: Papin
Mullin & Papin
Robert Jungk
Robert J
------ r1111.1,.1
H. F. Trenk
Ellen Povan
Jan es Callahan
James McDonnell
P. M. S' hlo' s.•r
Mrs. John McFarland
P. W. Crawford _.
John I' riebs 26.42
Joseph Kriel): 111'••1"1
Mary Ca'.l•,1:an
A. Alderson
Simon Heir
M. M, Osterberger 2.43
ION% a Ti ust & Savings
Dank 26 49
Mrs. Thomas PI andy 10.70
Thcmas Prandy ... 10.62
Joseph Fec'ker
German Dank
E. \\". Yot ng .
A. L. Rhontberg, refunded
tax 6.75
Freight bill .°5
Second National 11t.nk Ex-
German Tiust & Savings
Total $1326.55
Please have tyr' rrant• drawn in my
favor for Thirteen Hundred
t ht nd TwenCent-
ty-six Dollars and flighty-cg
to balance this account.
We borrowed money from the follow-
ing parties:
r 11(11.
German Trust & Savings llnnlc$10.000
Jos. Lercham
Joseph L. Hori'. Agent 500
Mrs. John McFarland 3,.00
Intal $14.600
Please have warrants dra \111 in favor
of the parties named.
Respectfully submitted.
HENRY B. r1NiFFli1:,
('ity 'Treasurer.
On motion the report was received
and warrants ordered for the various
amounts and the report referred letelc
to the committee on Finance.
City Auditor Hoffmann reported as
fol lotus:
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council
of Dubuque.
Gentlemen:-Heretwith find my report
for the month of 11 t11Lcr, 1901, show-
ing the receipts and 1 1Ii. ursenients for
the mnth:
Yash en hand net. 1st. 1:111 ...$13,3S3.08
Iti,'1•:11 1'S
c' 1n• 1iin:l ei nix. 11') ..:0.11\3.21
\V;ttcr tax. 1910. ........ 71:,00
Int, ccs) en same
consolidated tax. 10:1:1 ..
\Vater tax. 1899
lel rest on sante
c,...solidate.l tax, 101.0
\\':111 r tax, 1011:
u 111i11nted ta x. 10:17
\Va 1 r tax. 1597
Int. rest on same
consolidated tax, 18907.11,0
\V:1ter tax. 1596 ;n
lntl•rest on same
Sp' , ial bond tax 2,11';.01
1111ere t on same
SIe , ia1 sewer tax 111 011
S1 1 i:1l taxes 95.1,
1:xea ation permits 110.00
L cis 14,600.00
Scales receipts 33.83
Peddlers' license 10.00
Wood measurer's re-
ceipts 10.40
Impounding receipts 4.00
Sale of Ordinance 1.50
Fine and Fees 10.00
Tschit gi, setter 54.12
Team license 25.00
Rent of .l,rreoi'y 100.00
017.ti 3
Warrants redeemed ,..17,574.82
colleens redeemed ..... 50.25
Bonds redeemed 2,000.0'1
Water Works coupons112.7.1,
cash on hand Nov. 1
00 the cash on hand
there belongs to the
improvement bond
fund 10,369.19
Improvement bond in-
terest fund
Leaving balance to
credit of the city $11,959.66
Also report that there is due city of-
ficers for the month of October, 1901,
The following is a record of all in-
terest coupons redeemed by me for the
last month:
Regular Session, November 7, 1901
Improvement bond coupons$ 89.25
Water Works bond coupons 112.50'
Improvement bonds redeemed:
Number 43, dated Nov. 18, 1896....$1,000
Number 40, dated June 1, 1805....$1,000
Also find statement of city treasurer
as follows:
Dubuque, Ia., Nov. 2, 1901.
City Auditor.
Dear Sir: -Following this find a
statement of the receipts and expendi-
tures of the Dubuque Water Works
trustees, as evidenced by their vouch-
ers on file in this office:
Dr. Cr.
To balance $ 308.84
Dubuque Water Works
trustees 527.67
Dubuque Water Works
trustees 255.75
Dubuque Water Works
trustees 360.28
Ourselves (Dubuque W.
W. trustees)
Citizens' State Bank
Citizens' State Bank
Martin-Strelau Co.
Ourselves (Dubuque W.
W. trustees)
Ourselves (Dubuque W.
W. trustees)
Ourselves (Dubuque W.
W. trustees)
Dubuque Water Works
trustees 205.20
Ourselves (Dubuque W.
W. trustees)
Dubuque Water Works
trustees 157.85
By balance
$1815.69 $1815.69
Respectfully submitted.
City Treasurer.
The following list shows the appro-
priations and the amount of warrants
•drawn on each fund since the begin-
ning of the fiscal year beginning March
1st, 1901:
Expense $40,000 00 $18,474 05
Road .. 40,000 00 30.631 69
Fire 33,500 00 17,924 16
Police 28,500 00 16,102 70
Sewerage ... 5,000 00 3,416 70
Printing 2,500 00 1,295 00
Engineer 3,000 00 1,677 69
Gas and light 27,000 00 14,055 50
Water Works bond
interest 25,000 00
Interest 50,000 00
Board of health 4,000 00
Grading 4,000 00
Bee Branch 13,000 00
Eagle Point bridge25,000 00
Special bonded pav-
ing 8,000 00
Redemption 7,500 00
Dodge street sewer. 6,000 00
Judgment 4,000 00
Sprinkling 4,000 00
Library 6,000 00
Respectfully submitted,
City Auditor.
9,900 00
30,386 30
2,866 26
993 00
11,1S2 44
7,686 77
2,224 19
3,432 35
On notion, the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
City Officers and the report referred
back to the Committee on Finance.
Marshal Morgan reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: -I herewith submit Police
report for the month of October, 1931:
Total arrests f n• the month 54
Patrol runs 13
Miles traveled by patrol 1081-4
Lodgers harbored 14
Doors found open 34
Defective lights 16S
Pound masters receipt attached$2 50
Also report that there is due Police-
men for the month of October, 1901,
Also matron's report attached.
Respectfully submitted,
On motion, the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay the
police and the report referred back to
the Committee on Police and Lights.
Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: -The following is the pay
roll for the Fire Department for the
month of October, 19)1:
Amount due Firemen, $1.999.10.
Chairman Committee on Fire.
On motion, the pay roll was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
Firemen and the pay roll referred back
to the Committee on Fire.
Street Commissioner Boyce reported
as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: -I herewith submit my
pay roll for labor on streets for the
last half of October, 1901:
Amount due laborers, $1,793.15.
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
Chairman Street Committee.
Also report pay roll for laborers on
sewers for the last half of October,
Amount due laborers on sewers,
JOSEPH L. HORR, Chairman.
Also report pay roll for labor dig-
ging trenches to lower sanitary sewer
under Dodge street storm water sewer:
Street Commissioner.
Regular Session, November 7, 1901.
Amount clue laborers digging
trenches, $27.25.
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
Chairman on Sewers.
On motion, the pay rolls were receiv-
ed and warrants ordered drawn to pay
laborers on street, setters and digging
-ditches and the pay rolls referred hack
to the proper committees.
Committee Clerk Lawler reported as
Dubuque, L•t., November 7th, 1901.
To the Honorabl, 1layor and City
Council of the city of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: -1 herewith submit a
.statement of the amount expended on
streets in the different wards during
the month of October. 1901:
W. O'Brien. foreman
P1. T. Eddy, foreman
•Geo. J. Hahn .. 462 30
P. J. Royce, foreman ...$310 25
Jas. Hird • 243 35
---553 60
Jas. Hird 243 35 553 60
C. Gantenbein, foreman.$401 50
G. Zumhof, foreman 265 00
666 50
'Engineer and stoker on steam
roller. carpenters, bricklayers,
sweepers and man at garbage
dump 793 70
$630 60
388 30
On motion, the report was referred
to the Committee of the Whole.
The following scale and woodmeasur-
ers' report was referred to the Com-
mittee on Markets:
Anton Stoltz, City hall receipts$ 33 60
R. Hay, receipts 5 16
1 90
5 26
1 35
Louise Pitschner, receipts
Thos. Faherty, receipts
Mrs. C. Deckert, receipts
Nie Kintzinger, wood measurer's
receipts 8 55
Ald. Frith moved to adjourn until 8
o'clock to -morrow evening, November
Sth, 1901. Carried.
Total in all wards $3,495 00
Respectfully submitted,
Committee Clerk.
On motion the report was received
and filed.
City Electrician Hipman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my
report of defective lights for the month
of October, 1901:
I find from the reports of the Police
Department that the total hours that
168 lamps failed to burn would equal
6 lamps for one month or $32.40.
Respectfully submitted,
City Electrician.
On motion the report was ordered
received and filed and the City Audi-
tor notified to deduct from the
Union Electric Company's bill for Oc-
tober, 1901, the amount of $32.40.
Sidewalk Inspector Berg reported on
the sidewalks of J. A. Schmidt, F. X.
Rittemnater and Victoria I3ushor and
recommended that said walks be les-
sened in width and laid at once.
Adjourned Regular Session, November 8, 1901
Adjourned Regular sign. Nov. Sth,
Council met at 8 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, McLaughlin and Sheridan. To-
tal 6.
Absent—Ald. Iiintzinger.
The mayor stated this was an ad-
journed regular session, and that the
Council would proceed with the regu-
lar order of business.
Recorder Langstaff presented and
read the notice of the Council's in-
tention to constrict a 12 -inch tile pipe
Sanitary sewer in Lincoln avenue
from Johnson avenue to D::ck avenue,
properly certified to by the publisher;
also a remonstrance of Dietrich Bres.
and sixty-four other abutters pro-
testing against the construction of
said sewer.
Ald. Frith moved that the prayer of
the remonstrators he granted and the
sewer be not constructed and all pa-
pers in relation thereto be received
and fired. Carried.
Also presented and read notice of
Council's intenticn to construct a 12
and 10 -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer
in Fourth street from manhole at the
intersection of White and Fourth
streets, 500 feet east on said Fourth
street, properly certified to by the
publisher. No remonstrance bzing
filed the Mayor asked if any one pres-
ent had any objections to offer against
the construction of said sewer. No
one present offered any objections,
whereupon the notice was ordered re-
ceived and filed.
Also presented bid for the construe -
tion of an 8 -inch tile pipe sanitary
sewer in alley between White and
Jackson streets from 17th street to
Eagle Point avenue.
Ald. Clancy moved that the bid ' be
returned to the bidder. Carried.
The bids of physicians for caring
for small pox patients, and the bids
for fumigating houses in case of con-
tageous diseases were presented, and
on motion referred to the Board of
Ald. Horr of the Finance Committee
reported as follows:
Dubuque, Iowa, Nov. 7th, 1901.
To the Honorable Mayor and Aldermen
of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen—Reporting on the annexed
petition of Andrew Ring your Com-
mittee on Finance, City Engineer and
City Attorney, to whom was referred
said petition, would respectfully sub-
mit the following:
The special assessment about which
complaint is made were levied in the
year 1895 previous to the change in the
location of Union street. which change
in location was made November 23.1,
\\'e find that Mr. Ring obtained title
to the. property, against which these
special assessments exist, by warranty -
deed. after such assessments were
levied. and would therefore suggest
that he look to his grantor for relief.
The undersigned recommends that the
attached petition be received and filed.
JOSEPH L. HORR, Cha:rtnan.
J. W. KiNTZiN(,ER.
E. C'. BLAKE. City- Engineer.
'PHOS. H. DUFFS-. City Attorney.
\ld. Horr moved to adopt the report.
Also your Commi: toe on Finance
would recommend that the written
petition of N. C. Gind o•ff, trustee 1.e
granted and that the Treasurer be in-
structed accordingly.
JOSEPH L. HOER, Chairman.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the re-
port. Parried. .
All. Herr of the Finance Co mmitt• e
offered the following resolution.
Whereas a number of the improve-
ment bunds of the city issue -d to d. --
fray- the expenses of certain streets. al-
leys and other improvements made
along and in front of the abutting
property benefited thereby were orig-
inally issued in denominations of one
thousand dollars, anti whereas bonds
of this denomination have proven
themselves to be both inconvenient
and uneconomical for the city. as it is
impossific to call in these bonds un-
til the full amount of their face has
been collected from the abutter, and as
it often happens that large amounts:
but less than a thousand dollars ac-
cumulates in the hands of the treas-
urer and must be held by him and can-
not be utilized. therefore be it resolved,
that under and by virtue of the ordi-
nances of the City of Dubuque and the
powers conferred upon said city by
Sections S4S and 549. Chapter S. Title
V., Code of Iowa of 1S97. certain bonds
hereinafter mentioned be refunded,
and a series of bonds of a denomina-
tion of two hundred and fifty dollars
each be issued to refund these.
The bonds to 1,, refunded to be de-
scribed as follow: Bonds numbered
15 to 21 inclusive dated June 1st, 1S96,
amounting to 87,000.00. bonds number-
ed 44 to 47 inclusive, dated November
18th, 1S96. amounting to $4.000, Bond
number 2, October 15th, 1S9S, amount-
ing to $314.50, bond number 36, dated
October 5th, 1596, amounting to $400.00,
bonds numbered 117 to 124 inclusive
dated October 1, 1595. amounting to
$5,000.00, making a total to be re-
deemed of $19,714.50, of this amount
$17,750.00 are to be refunded and the
balance paid for from funds now in
the hands of the city treasurer.
The refunding bonds to be number -
Adjourned Regular Session, November 8, 1901
ed from 35 to 105, beating date of 1
November 15th, 1901, each of a de-
nomination of $250.00, bearing interest
at the rate of 5 per cent. per annum,
payable semi-annually. The bonds to
be payable seven years from date, or at
any time before at the option of the
city, both principal and interest to be I
payable at the office of the city treas-
urer at Dubuque, Iowa. The bonds
and coupons to be substantially in the
following form:
'United States of America.
State of Iowa.
City of Dubuque.
County of Dubuque.
Number ---
Refunding 1lond.
210 Dollars.
The City of Dubuque in the State of
Iowa, for value received, promises t'
pay to the bearer hereof, on the 16th
day of November, A. 1 t , 1905. or any
time before at the option of the city,
the sum of
with interest thereon, at the rate of
five per cent. per annum. payable semi-
annually, on the 15th day of Novem-
ber and the 15th day of May. on the
presentation and surrender of the in-
terest coupons hereto attached, as
they become due. Both principal and
interest of this bond are payable at
the office of the city treasurer, at
Dubuque, Iowa. This bond is issued
by virtue of the City of Dubuque, un-
der and by virtue of Sections 848 and
849 of Chapter 8. Title V., of the Code
of 1597 of the State of Iowa, and in ac-
cordance with the resolutions of th
City Council of said city passed on
the seventh day of November, 1901.
This bond is one of a series of seventy-
one bonds of like tenor, date and
amount numbered from 85 to 155 in-
clusive, and is issued for the pur-
pose of providing for the refunding of
certain bonds, numbered 2, October 15,
1898, number 36, October 5, 1596, num-
ber 15 to 21 inclusive, June 1st, 1S96,
number 44 to 47 inclusive, November
1Sth. 1596, issued to defray the ex-
pense of certain street improvements
in, upon and along certain streets and
alleys, and certain servers in said City
of Dubuque, namely: Fifteenth
street from Main to Locust streets,
Sixteenth street from Main to Locust
street, Audubon avenue from West
Fourteenth street to Dexter avenue,
Schiller avenue from Lincoln avenue to
Peosta street, Fengler avenue from
Peosta to north terminus of street,
Middle avenue from Emsley Lane to
Garfield avenue, Rush street from
Quince street to Villa street, Fifth ave-
nnue from end of improvement to
Rhomberg avenue, Seventeenth street
from Locust to Clay street, Rebecca
street from Thomas street to end of
street, alley from Johnston avenue to
Windsor avenue between Garfield and
Rhomberg avenues, Fremont avenue
from North Cascade road to Pacific
street, Garfield avenue from Dock ave-
nue to First avenue, west Eighth
street from West Line of Rogers Sub.
to Air Hill street, Queen street from
Sanford avenue to Clinton street, al-
ley from Seventeenth to Eighteenth
streets between Elm and Pine streets,
alley from Sixteenth to Eighteenth
streets between Maple and Cedar,
Nineteenth street from west line of
Pine street to east line of East Du-
buque Addition. alley north of Eagle
Point avenue from Prince street to
C. G. W. R. E., Fifteenth street from
alley- east of Elm street to Pine street,
Edison street from St afford avenue to
Althauser avenue. Eagle street and
Entsley alley from Middle avenue to
Althauser avenue, West Seventeenth
street fano Clark street to Cox street,
Twelfth street from Main to Locust
street, Hart street from Couler ave-
nue to Valeria street. Foye street from
West Locust street to Gold street,
Strauss avenue from Burden to Wind-
sor avenues, Headley- Court from
Strauss avenue to Latyther avenue,
Clinton avenue frore Queen street to
Windsor avenue. Benrett street from
Grandview avenue to . ,.st end of 1ot S
O'Hare's Sub., Ctiffor,1 street fr,un
Seminary street to Niftier st,e t. Craee
street from Granlviety aywnue t, east
end of lot 8 tt'Hare's Sub.. coat es
avenue from Fremont avenue to
Cross street, 'Union tivenue from Wes t
Locust street to Alta Vista street,
Chestnut street from Prairie street to
Walnut street, Jones street from West
Main street to east line of I. C. R. R.
tracks, West Main street from Main
street to Jones street, Phillips Lane.
Troy alley, and sewer in Alma and
Picket streets, which cost is payable
by the abutting property benefited
thereby and by law a lien on said abut-
ting property. and is payable in seven
annual installments with interest on
said deferred payments at the rate of
six per cent. per annum, and it is
hereby certified and recited that all the
acts, conditions and things ;required to
he done precedent to and in the
issuing of this bond have been
properly done, happened and per-
formed in regular and due form,
as required by law, and for
the payment here of both principal
and interest the full faith and
credit of said City of Dubuque is ir-
revocably pledged, in accordance with
said Sections 848 and 849 of Chapter
8 Title V. of the Code of 1897 and the
resolutions of the City Council referred
In witness whereof the City of Du-
buque, by its City Council has caus-
ed this bond to be signed by its mayor,
attested by its recorder with the seal
of the city affixed and countersigned
Adjourned Regular Session, November 8, 1901
by its auditor. this fifteenth day of
November, A. Ir.. 1901. and the inter-
est coupons berets attached, to be ex-
ecuted by the facsimile signatures of
the mayor and recorder of said City of
Dubuque. all as of elate of the fifteenth
day of November 1. A. D.. 1901.
Mayor of the City of Dubuque.
City Recorder.
City Auditor.
On the --- day of -----, the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, promises to
pay bearer, as provided in said bonds.
the sum of six dollars and twenty-five
cents at the office of the city treas-
urer, being six months' interest clue
that day on its refunding improve-
ment bond No. ---, dated November
15th, 1901.
I -recorder.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the resolu-
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Ilorr.
Jones, McLaughlin and Sheridan. To-
tal, 6.
Absent—Ald. Kintzinger.
Ald. Horr of the Finance Committee
offered the following:
Whereas by virtue of a resolution
passed by the City Council of the City
•of Dubuque on October 15th, 1894, a
series of bonds were issued which were
numbered 689 to 730 inclusive, dated
Nov. 1st. 1894. amounting to twenty-
-one thousand dollars, payble seven
years after date for the improvement
of Wilde street from McLennon street
to east end of street, Southern Ave-
nue from end of present improvement
to Railroad Avenue, Southern Avenue
from Railroad Avenue to Rowan street,
Lincoln avenue from Couler avenue to
White street, Alta Vista street
from West 14th street Lo
Union Avenue, West Eagle Point Ave-
nue from end of present improvement
to Kane street, alley from Schiller to
Middle Avenue between Garfield and
Rhomberg Avenues, Rush street from
Apple to Quince streets, Pickett street
front Alnia street to Cornell street,
First Avenue from Lincoln Avenue to
lihomberg Avenue, Dell street from
Arlington street to West 14th street,
and whereas said bonds became due
on November lst, 1901, and whereas
the abutters on said streets and al-
leys have paid into the City' Treasury
the sum of $14,780.14, and whereas
there are still $5,463.52 of said assess-
ments still unpaid, and whereas the
city has caused to be taken up all
bonds of this issue excepting Improve-
ment bonds numbered 689 to 698 inclu-
sive, amounting to $1.00O.00, the.efore
be it resolved that bonds numbered
6S9 to 698 inclusive, dated November
1st. 1S94 be refunded.
That the Mayor and City Council
shall execute the refunding bonds of
said%of Dubuque to the amount
of $500010 in denominations of $500.00
each, numbering tlum 70 to ;9 inetu-
SiVe, dated November 1.1. 19.1, pay-
able seven year. :c ft, r i:tt., bearing
interest at the rate el live per cent.
per annum. payable - Anil -annually at
the office of th t'iiy 'I•r,•asurer of the
City of Dubuque. in the manner and
form pio,ided by law and ordinances
of said Pity of Dubuque for the pur-
pose of exchanging the S 1111e and re-
deeming and refunding the bonds.
Said refunding bonds to be issued in
accordance \\iib and by virtue of Sec-
tions S48 and S19 of the Code of Iowa,
of 1897, wherever the abutters of any
street or alley have paid the:r assess-
ment along the entire street or alley
in full it shall be deemed superfluous
to mention said street or alley in the
refunding bond. a-theueh r.e •essarily
mentioned in the original.
The bonds to be substantially in the
following form:
United States of America.
State of Iowa. County of
('ity of Dubuque.
Number 500 Dollars.
Refunding Bond.
The City of Dubuque in the State
of Iowa. for value received promises
tc the hearer hereof, on the 1st clay
Nov-nt1e•• A. D., 1905, the SUM of
terest thereon, at the rate of five per
cnt. per annum. payable semi-annual-
ly, on the 1st day of November and
the 1st day of May, on the presenta-
tion and surrender of the interest
coupons hereto attached as they re-
spectfully become due. Both princi-
pal and interest of this bond are pay-
able at the office of the City- Treasur-
er, at Dubuque, Iowa. This bond Is
issued by virtue of the City of Du-
buque, under and by virtue of Sections
S4S and S49 of chapter 8 title V of ,he
code of 1597 of the State of Iowa, and
in accordance with the resolutions of
the City Council of the said city pass-
ed upon the seventh day of November,
1901. This bond is one of a series
of ten bonds of like tenor, date and
amount numbered 70 to 79 inclusive,
and is issued for the purpose of pro-
viding for the refunding of certain
bonds numbered 689 to 69S inclusive,
dated November 1st, 1894, and issued
to defray the cost of certain improve-
ments in, upon and along certain
streets and alleys in said City of Du-
buque, namely: Wilde street from
McLennon street to east end of street,
Southern avenue from end of present
improvement to Railroad avenue,
Southern avenue from Railroad avenue
Adjourned Regular Session, November 8, 1901. 299
to Rowan street, Alta Vista street
from West 1Ith street to Union ave-
nue, Ablest Eagle l'o,nt avenue from
end of present improvement to Kane
street, hush sit eel from Apple street
to Quince stle 1. First avenue from
Lincoln avenue to Ithomberg avenue,
which cost is payable by the abuttin
property benefited thereby and is
Horde by said law a lien on said abut-
ting property and payable in seven
annual installments, with interest on
said deferred payments at the rate of
six per cent per annum, and it is here-
by certified and recited that all the
acts, conditions and things required to
b.' clone precedent t and in the is-
suing of thi: bond have been pr:rperly
done, haplened and perf.n•tnd in reg-
ular and due form, as required by law,
and for the payment hereof. both prin-
cipal and interest the full faith and
credit of the City of Dubuque is here-
by irrevocably pledget. in accordance
with so Sections S4S and S49 of
Chapter s of Titre V of the Code of
Iowa of 1s:i7 and the resolutions of the
City Council ref •rred to.
In witness wh,•teof the City of Du-
buque. by its city Council has caused
this bond to be signed by its mayor,
attested by its recorder, with the
seal of the city affixed and counter-
signed by its auditor. this — day of
November. A. TD.. 1901, and the inter-
est coupons hereto attached to be exe-
cuted by the facsimile signatures of
the mayor and recorder of said City
of Dubuque. all as of date of the first
clay of November. A. D., 1901.
Mayor of the City of Dubuque.
City Recorder.
City Auditor.
On the — day of , the City
of Dubuque, Iowa promisss to pay to
bearer, as provided in said bonds, the
sum of twelve dollars and fifty cents
at the office of the City Treasurer, be-
ing six months' interest due that day
on its refunding improvement bond
No. dated November 1st, 1901.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the resolu-
tion. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Hort',
Jones, McLaughlin and Sheridan. To-
tal 6.
Absent—Ald. Kintzinger.
Ald. Horr of the Finance committee
offered the following resolution:
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
That the mayor be and is hereby au-
thorized and required to issue Thou-
ment ba d onds tSeventy-one amounto the Doof llllars ne and
Twelve Cents ($1.071.12) under the pro-
visions of Chapter 34 of the Revised Or-
dinances of 1901, of the City of Du-
buque, for the purpose of providing
funds for the cost and expense of the
following improvement, to -wit: A 12 -
inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in West
Locust street from Clark street to
Union Avenue in the City of Dubuque,
Said bonds to be of the following de-
nominations: 4 bonds of Two Hundred
and Fifty Dollars each and one bond of
Seventy-one Dollars and Twelve Cents
numbered from SO to 34, both inclusive,
dated November 15th, 1901, payable
seven years after date, or at any time
before seven years. at the option of the
City of Dubuque and bear interest at
the rate of 5 per cent. Her annum pay-
able semi-annually, both principal and
interest to be payable at the office of
the city treasurer in the City of Du-
buque, Iowa.
When such bonds shall have been is-
sued they shall he delivered to the City
Recorder who shall register them in a
book or books to be kept for that pur-
pose, countersigning them and deliver
the same to the City Treasurer or some
bank selected by the council, and may
require of the Treasurer or bank such
security, or such additional security as
it may think necessary to secure the
payment in full of the proceeds thereof.
The City Treasurer shall report to the
Recorder the number of bonds delivered
by him and the amount received there-
for. The bonds shall also be registered
by the City Auditor in the bond reg-
istry book of the City in his office.
Said bonds may be sold at public or pri-
vate sale, but shall not be sold or ne-
gotiated for less than their par value
with accrued interest from date to the
time of delivery thereof. An the pro-
ceeds of such bonds shall be paid to the
City Treasurer and shall be used only
to pay for the cost of the sewer includ-
ed in the assessment or assessments
pledged to the payment thereof.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the reso-
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Frith. Horr,
Jones, McLaughlin and Sheridan. To-
tal, 6.
Absent—Ald. Kintzinger.
Ald. Frith, chairman of the Street
committee reported as follows:
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of
the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen:—Your committee on
Streets to whom was referred the plat
of Buseman's Sub. No. _. would recom-
mend that the same be approved and
accepted in accordance with Section 1
of Chapter 47 of the Revised Ordinances
of 1901. E. E. FRITH,
On motion the report of the fStreet
committee was adopted by t
ing vote:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy. Frith, Horr,
Jones, McLaughlin and Sheridan. To-
tal, 6.
Absent—Ald. Kintzinger.
Ald. Frith, chairman of the Bee
Branch Special committee reported as
Adjourned Regular Session, November 8, DO1.
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of
the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen:—Your committee on Bee
Branch Sewer would respectfully report
that they have examined the improve-
ment in Bee Branch from the South
line of Eagle Point avenue to a point
182.5 feet North, Mike Oswald, con-
tractor, and would recommend that the
said work be accepted.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report.
Ald. Jones, chairman of the com-
mittee on Public Grounds and Build-
ings, reported as follows:
Your committee on Public Grounds
and Buildings, to whom was referred
the plans and estimate for lavaratories
for the parks, would recommend that
on account of the lateness of the season
that action in the matter be deferred
for the present.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the re-
The vote resulted as follows:
Ayes—Alds. Jones, McLaughlin and
Sheridan. Total, 3.
Nays—Alds. Clancy, Frith, and Horr.
Total, 3.
Absent—Ald. Kintzinger.
It being a tie vote the mayor voted
aye and declared the report adopted.
Also your committee on Public
Grounds and Buildings recommend the
payment of the following bills.
The Adams company, settees for the
parks, $72.00.
Henry Henge, for cutting down trees
in Jackson park, $8.00.
Aid. Jones moved that warrants be
ordered drawn to pay said bills. Car-
Ald. McLaughlin of the Board of
Health reported as follows:
Dubuque, Ia., Oct. 31, 1901.
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of
the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen:—At a meeting of your
Board of Health held this day, we re-
spectfully recommend the payment of
the Herald Printing Co., for $15.00 or-
dered by Health Physician Hancock,
and that a warrant be ordered drawn
for the payment of the same.
Ald. McLaughlin moved to adopt the
report. Carried.
Ald. Jones of the Printing committee
reported in favor if paying the bill of
the Dubuque Daily Telegraph, amount
$8.00, for printing the Health reports
for the months of July and August,
1901, and moved that a warrant be or-
dered drawn to pay the same. Carried.
Ald. Sheridan, chai::aan of the com-
mittee on Delba ua-rt Tax. reported as
Your committee on Delinquent Tax
to whom was ref,irrecl the petition of
Mrs. Sophia Dempsey asking that the
taxes on lots 2 of 34 and 2 of 35 Leven's
Add., be canceled for the year 1900,
would recommend that on account of
her age and poverty the taxes be al-
lowed to remain a lien on the property
and that the treasurer be so notified.
Also, your committee on Delinquent
Taxes would recommend that the peti-
tion of Caroline Fischer, asking that
she be granted the exemption provided
for by law for widows of honorably
discharged soldiers of the War of the
Rebellion, be granted and that the
treasurer be instructed accordingly:
We would also recommend that the pe-
titions of the following named soldiers'
of the War of the Rebellion be granted'
and that the treasurer be instructed ac-
cordingly: Ferd. Hepp, C. A. Wilber,
Geo. L. Whittemore and Thos. Mc-
Your committee on Itetinottent Taxes.
to whom was referred the petition of
J. B. Powers et al. in behalf of Mrs.
Kate Allen. asking that the taxes nn
her property be c:tnorled for the y'>ar
1900, would recommend, in view of the
fact that the taxes have already been
paid, that the petition be received and
Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the re-
port of the committee on Delinquent
Taxes. Carried.
Mayor Berg stated that Mrs. H.
Rischatsch had stated to him that the
special assessment of 40 cents charged
against her for cleaning snow and ice
from her sidewalk January 11th, 1901,
was unjust as she had kept her side-
walk free from snow and ice.
Ald. Frith moved that the special
assessment so levied be canceled, Car-
Aid. McLaugh]in. chairman of the
committee on Police and Light, report-
ed as follows:
Your committee on Police and Light•
to whom was referred the petition of
Wm. M. Davis et al., asking that two
incandescent lamps he placed against
the retaining wall on Grove Terrace so
as to light up the eastern grade of said
Terrace would recommend that the
prayer of the petitioners be granted
and that the L'nion Electric company
be notified accordingly.
Ald. McLaughlin moved to adopt the
report. Carried.
Ald. Horr of the committee of the
Whole, reported as follows:
Your committee of the Whole, to
whom were referred the ordinances
granting the Illinois Central R. R. Co.
the right to lay down and opera re a
continuation of track No. 4 in Wash-
ington street. and the Chicago Great
Western R. R. Co. the right to lay
down and operate a side track in Elm
street from 8th to llth streets, beg to
report that both the Chicago, Mil-
waukee & St. Paul and the Chicago,
Burlington & Quincy R. R. Co. have
given the city a written acknowledge-
ment that they have no objection to
offer to either ordinance; we would
therefore recommend that the said ordi-
nances be adopted.
Acting Chairman.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report.
Ald. Horr reported back to the Coun-
cil an ordinance granting to the Illi-
nois Central Railroad Co. the right to
lay a continuation of its sidetracks,,
known as track No. 4, in Washington
street from its present terminus to a
point about 51 feet 6 inches south of
the South line of Eleventh street and
Adjourned Regular Session, November 8, 1901
mored that the ordinance be read the
second time.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Frith. Horr,
Jones, McLaughlin and Sheridan. To-
tal 6.
Absent—Ald. Kintzinger.
The ordinance was then read for the
second time.
Ald. Horr mored that the ordinance
be now adopted.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy. Frit h. Horn.
Jones, McLaughlin and Sheridan. To-
tal, 6.
Absent—Ald. Kintzinger.
The mayor declared tile ordinance
Above ordinance printed in full on
Page 203, Book 31. Council records
August 2211, 11511.
Ald. lion. reported back to the Coun-
cil an ordinance granting to the Chi-
cago Great \Western Railroad company
the right to lay 0 sidetrack in the City
of Dubuque from the north side of
Eighth street to the south side of 11th
street, as indicated by eolored
route shown on plat hereto attached
market Exhibit "A" and made a part
of the ordinance, and moved that the
ordinance be read a sec•on-1 time.
Carried by the following v-nte:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy. Frith, Horr.
Jones, McLaughlin and Sheridan. To-
tal, 6.
Absent—Ald. Kintzinger.
The ordinance was then read for the
second time.
Ald. Sheridan ti owcd that the ordi-
nance be now adolqed.
Carried by thy• following vote:
Ayes—.Ads. .Taney. Frith. Hnrr,
Jones, McLaughlin and Sheridan. To-
tal, G.
Absent—Asci. TCintzinger.
The mayor declared the ordinance
Above ordinance printed in full on
Page 204, Book 31, Council records
August 22d. 1901.
Also your committee of the Whole to
whom was referred the petition of Ann
Daugherty, asking that the balance of
the special assessment clue by her for
the improvement of Wilde street be
canceled, \could recommend that the
said petition be received and filed.
Also your committee of the Whole.
to whom was referred the bid of E. J.
Schilling for laying brick and cement
sidewalks, would recommend that no
action be taken in the matter for the
present and that the bid and check be
returned to the bidder.
Acting Chairman.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report
of the committee of the Whole. Car-
The notice of special assessment to
pay for the construction of a sanitary
sewer in West Locust street from Clark
street to Union avenue, properly certi-
fied to by the publisher was read. Also
the remonstrance of 1\1. C. Blake pro-
testing against the levy of said special
assessment against her property.
On motion the remonste.ince was re-
ferred to the city engineer and city at-
torney, and they to report to the Coun-
cil at their next regular session.
The mayor inquired if any one pres-
ent had any objections to offer against
the said special assessment. No one
present offering any objections. whore -
Upon Ald. lior% chairman of the Sewer
committee. off, -red the follovving:
Resolves by the city Council of Du-
buque: '1'I:at to ray for constructing
12 inch tile sitoitary- sewer in West
;Locust street from Clark street to
Union awrnue hy Steuck & Lenihan.
contractors in front of and adjoining
the sante, a special tax be and is here-
by levied on the several lots, and parts
of lots, and parcels of real estate here-
inafter named. situated and ovwned,
and for the several amounts set oppo-
site each lot or parcel of Leal ': t_t1 ,
as follows: Special assessment sub-
mitted and Massed Nov. s• 1901.
John Decry. mut Lot 670. lots 3
and 4 $
A. M. Bush et al. 1:,c, n's Sub
lot 2 s 50
Jno. F. Bowen, 1>otc•n's Sub,
lot . 32 95
John Beery, Out Lot 070. lot 59 61
M. F. Becker, Bowen's pub., lot
3 12 27
T. 0. Sullivan, Gilliam's Sub.. lot
1 16 36
T. 0. Sullivon, Quigley's Sub. of
Cott Lot 710, lot 1 35 99
D. \V. Land, Quigley's Sub. of
Out Lot 710, lot 2 20 45
D. W. Rand, Quigley's Sub. of '
Out Lit 710. lot 3 .. 20 45
J. L. Buettell, Quigley's Sul,. of
Out Lot 710. tot 4 :11 4i
J. L. 1 u 11...11, Qui• I;•,-'; hub. of
Out Lot 710• lot 5 20 4•i
B. Brennan. Quigley's Sub. of
Out Lot 710, lot 6 20 45
J. D. N•,rton. Quigley's Sub. of
Out Lot 710, Lot 7 20 40
J. \V. Norton, Quigley's Sub. of
Out Lot 710, lot S 20 4o
J. W. Norton, Quigley's Sub. of
Out Lot 710, lot :1 20 45
'Wm. Kingsley, Quigley's Sub. of
Out Lot 710. lot 10 2'' 17,
Wm. Kingsley, Quigley's Sub. of
Out Lot 710, lot 11 21i 45
F. Schab, Quigley's ,Sub. of Out
Lot 710, lot l2 .. . . . ...... 20 45
J. t'oleman, Quigley's Sub. of
Out Lot 710, lot 1320 45
E. Callahan, Quigley's Sub. of
Out Lot 710. lot 11 0 4o
Wm. 11 11rager. Qui - 'Y •,,
Out La 710, W. 42 ft. of lot . 17 17
A. Heir, Quigley's Sub. of
Lot 710, lot 15A IS S1
Wm, Hintrager, Qui;I•>':: :•ub. ,';
of Out IAA 711, lot ' 1
R. Albrecht, Quigley.; Sub. of
Out Lot 711, lot 10 20 45
C. Strobel. Quigley's Sub. of Out
20 40
Lot 711. lot 11
P. Hughes. Elle Blake's Sub. 2 6`, 44
of 2 of lot S
Juhn Clark,
Cox's Add., 1 of lot
1 5 00
James Norton, Cox's Add., 2 of
lot 1 5 00
Wm. M. Davis, Cox's Add., lot 2 5 00
E. H. Sheppiey, Cox's Add, lot 3 7 00
A. Norton, Cox's Add., lot 4,,10 00
W. G. Cox, Cox's Add., lot 510 00
W. G. Cox, Cox's Add„ E. 1-2 of
Ad journed Regular Session, November 8, 1901.
lot 6
James Lee, ('ox's Acid., \V • 1-2. 10 22
of lot 6
James Lee., Cox's Add., lot 7.... 20 45
E. Eisert, Cox's add., lot 8 17 30
W. B. Yates, est., Cox's add,
lot 9
W. B. Yates, Cox's add., E 9 of
lot 10
Anna B. Yates, Cox's add., W 16
or E 1-2 of lot 10
Dan Wolf, Cox's add., W 1-2 of
lot 10
J. B. Lundback, Cox's add., lot
L. Sempier, Cox's add., E 1-2 of
E 1-2 lot 12 5 11
Mollie Sempier, Cox's add., W.
1-2 of E 1-2 of lot 12... 5 11
Marie R. Maher, Cox's add., W.
1-2 of lot 12 10 22
Jno. Van Holland, Cox's add., lot
13 20 45
Godf. Moery, Cox's add., lot 1420 43
Jac Traut, Cox's add., lot 15 20 45
J. A. Koch, Cox's add., lot 1620 45
W. J. Sullivan, Cox's add., W 1-2
of lot 17 10 22
Ellen Sullivan, Cox's add. E 1-2
of lot 17 10 22
M. Carney, Cox's add., lot 1820 45
W. A. Buettell, Cox's add., lot
19 20 4;
W. G. Cox, Cox's add., lot 2020 45
Emma Ailen, Cox's add., lot 2120 45
Mary C. and Nancy Blake, Ellen
Blake's sub. lot 7 41 92
Mary C and Nancy Blake, Ellen
Blake's sub. lot 6. 20 45
Theresa Stoltz, Ellen Blake's
sub. lot 4 20 45
Theresa Stoltz, Ellen Blake's
sub. lot 5 20 45
A. C. Buettell, Ellen Blake's add.
lot 3
C. M. Buettell, est. Ellen Blake's
sub., hit 2 20 45
Bate Lundbeck, Cox's add., E 24
of lot 22 9 81
Total $1,071 12
.Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, McLaughlin and Sheridan.
Total 6.
Absent—Aid. Kintzinger.
Alderman Horr offered the follow-
Whereas, it is deemed necessary and
advisable by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque to construct a sani-
tary sewer in the alley between White
and Jackson streets from Seventeenth
street to Eagle Point avenue, and in
Nineteenth street from the alley east
of White street to the alley east of
Jackson street and it is hereby pro-
posed to construct a sanitary sewer in
said alley between White and Jackson
streets, and also in said Nineteenth
street as follows, to -wit: a 8 inch tile
pipe sewer in alley between White and
Jackson streets from Seventeenth
street to Rhomberg avenue and an 8
10 22
20 15
3 63
6 54.
10 22
20 45
20 45
inch tile pipe sewer in Nineteenth
street from alley east of White to al-
ley east of Jackson streets, therefore,
be it
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque. That the City Engi-
neer be and is hereby directed to pre-
pare a plat and specifications showing
the location and general nature of
such improvement, the extent thereof,
the size and kind of material to be
used, and to Prepare an estimate of
the cost thereof, and the amount as-
sessable upon each lot or parcel of
land adjacent to or abutting thereon
per front foot or square foot in area
and to file such plat, specifications and
estimate in the office of the City Re-
That after such plat is filed, the City
Recorder shall cause to be published
notice of the intention of the Council
to make Such improvement. which no-
tice shall be published in three consec-
utive issues of the official newspaper
of the city stating that such plat is
on file. and, generally the nature of
the sewer, its location. size and kind
of materials to be used and the esti-
mate of its cost, and fixing the time
before which objections can be filed,
which time shall not be less than five
days after the Last publication of such
notice, and after the completion of the
publication of such notice. he shall at
its next regular session notify the
Council thereof in writing with a print-
ed copy of such notice accompanying
the same.
The foregoing resolution is offered in
lieu of the resolutions adopted by the
City Council Sept. •26th, 1901, and Oct.
lith, 1901.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy. Frith, Horr,
Jones, McLaughlin and Sheridan. To-
tal, 6.
Absent—Ald. Kintzinger.
Alderman Horr offered the following:
Be it resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That a sani-
tary sewer of 12 inch tile pipe be con-
structed in Fourth street from man-
hole at intersection of White and
Fourth streets to a point about 225 feet
east of said manhole and 10 inch tile
pipe sewer from this latter point to
about 275 feet further east on Fourth
street according to plat and specifica-
tions of said sewer prepared by the
City Engineer and now on file in the
office of the City Recorder, and be it
Resolved, that said sewer shall be
completed on or before the 15th day of
December, 1901, and shall be paid for
at the time and in the manner pre-
scribed by Chapter 34 of the Revised
Ordinances of 1901, of the City of Du-
buque for the payment of the cost of
constructing sewers. The proposals
for doing such work will be acted
upon by the Council on the 21st
Adjourned Regular Session, November 8, 1901. 303
day of November, 1901, and the
City Recorder is hereby ordered to give
ten days notice by publication, ask-
ing for proposals, as by ordinance pro-
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
.Jones, J1cLaughlin and Sheridan. To-
tal, 6.
Absent—Ald. Kintzinger.
Ald. Horr offered the following:
13e it resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque: That a street
'50 feet wide, through the properties of
the estates rif George Fengler, deceas-
ed, and J. A. Rhomberg, deceased, from
the intersection of Tenth avenue and
North First street and extending in a
northeasterly direction through Lot 5
of Mineral Lot 305a, and through Lot
1 of Boat Yard Addition, and through
Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 305a to the West
Pier or abutment of the Dubuque and
Wisconsin bridge, in the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, be and the same is here-
by declared laid out, opened and es-
tablished in accordance with survey
and plat made by the City Engineer
of the City of Dubuqu,,. which plat is
on file in the office of said City En-
gineer, and he it further
Resolved, That a record of said plat
and description thereof be made by the
City Recorder in a suitable book for
that purpose provided.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, McLaughlin and Sheridan. To-
tal, 6.
Absent—Ald. Kintzinger.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the
Street Commissioner be and he is here-
by directed to immediately commence
the building of the approach to the
Dubuque and Wisconsin bridge, and
that in the doing of said work said
Street Commissioner shall have full
charge including the hiring and dis-
charging of a competent foreman and
laborers. Carried.
Ald. Jones moved that the salary of
Wm. A. Keep, Clerk in the Recorder's
office be fixed at $75.00 per month, com-
mencing Oct. 1st, 1901, and that the
warrant for said salary for October be
drawn for $75.00.
Ald. Frith moved to postpone furth-
er action until the next session of the
Council. Carried.
Approved " -
Special Session, November 18, 1901.
Special Session. Nov. 18, 1901.
Council met at S:15 o'c1icic p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present, Alds. Clancy. Frith. Horr,
Jones, Iiintzinger, \leLaughlin and
The mayor stated that he had called
this special meeting for the Council to
consider a proposition of Mrs. Alice M.
Fengler and Edwin A. Fengler (her
son) in relation to the approach and
contract thereon, to the Dubuque and
Wisconsin high bridge. The plat.
proposition and specifications were
presented and read.
Dubuque, 10\l';1. No V. 18, 1901.
To the Honorable Mayor and Aldermen
of the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen:—The undersigned Alice
M. Fengler and Edwin A. Fengler
hereby submit to your honorable body
the following joint proposition: The
said Alice M. Fengler, in consideration
of the acceptance on the part of sail
city of the proposition hereby made_
by said Edwin A. Fengler, to the city.
agrees to deed to said city, upon the
payment to her of the sum of $4,000, all
the property owned by her. and re-
quired by the said city in the building
of the approach to the Dubuque and
Wisconsin bridge, the line of such ap-
proach and the property which will he
required is as shown on plat hereto
The said Edwin A. Fengler hereby
proposes to furnish all the necessary
tools and do all the necessat y work
and labor in grading that portion of
the approach to the Dubuque and Wis-
consin bridge referred to in specifica-
tions hereto attached upon the city's
agreeing to pay him the sums provided
for in said specifications. Such grad-
ing to be done in accordance with the
plans and specifications hereto at-
It being the intention of both the
undersigned parties that this is simpiy
a proposition and that the papers nc c-
essary to carry out the terms of our
two propositions shall he p"epared only
after the City Council approves of our
propositions, and these propositions to
have no force or effect unless the con-
tracts to carry out the terms of said
proposition shall be mutually agreed to
and executed by the City and by the
Specifications for grading that por-
tion of the approach to the Dubuque
and Wisconsin bridge, commencing at
a point 50 feet north of the present
lime kiln and extending south on said
approach to a point opposite the south
end of the office of the Eagle Point
Lime Works, being a distance of about
215 feet in length.
Said work consists of rock and earth
and will be paid for by the cubic yard
in excavation.
Earth to consist of earth and rock
mixed. at 30 cents per cubic yard.
Rock to consist of the dimension of one
cubic yard of rock or more, free frowi
earth, at $1.00 per cubic yard.
The city to have all material deliv-
ered in such places as hereinafter des-
ignated, subject to the following con-
ditions: All earth required to bring
the approach to grade to be delivered
south of the lime kiln. the balance to
be used to grade North First street,
east to the railroad tracks: and 4000
cubic yards of rock, loaded when ex-
cavated on wagons or other vehicles
furnished by the Ho- and broken so
as to he easily handled by one pian.
Contractor to protide a suitable road
to the rock.
In case the city- should want more
than 4,000 cubic yards loaded, they to
pay the contractor 10 .nts additional
to contract price per cubic pard. con-
tractor, when required. to quarry and
deliver to such extent as he con-
veniently can dimension rock to the
city at any point on the line of said
approach for an additional price of
$1.00 per cubic yard. The city to pro-
vide a road for hauling the sante. In
case the city fails to furnish teams to
haul, or allows rock to accumulate tot
the detriment of the contractor. said
contractor shall have the right to re-
move the same at his own expense, in
which case said rock becomes the prop-
erty of said contractor.
The width of the completed roadbed
on this contract shall not he less than
30 feet and more if renuired by the
street commissioner. Slope nn rock
excavation to be 1 in 10, on earth 1 1-2
to 1.
The quantities in excavation in this
contract to be determined by the City -
Engineer and a competent engineer
employed by the contractor.
All rock delivered to the city to be
measured by the street commissioner
and all work to be done to his satis-
faction and approval.
Payment to be made in monthly esti-
mates made by the city engineer and
street commissioner and approved by
the council.
Ten per cent. to be retained by the
city until the completion of said Mork.
Contractor to commence work at once
and push it with due diligence, and
with a sufficient force to complete the
work on or before the 1st day of March,
1902, weather permitting. But it is
expressly understood tnat this portion
of the approach shall not delay traffic
on the Dubuque and Wisconsin bridge:
and in case the contractor does not
push this work, that the street com-
missioner shall have the right to put
on men and do the work at the ex-
pense of the said contractor.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the plat,
proposition and specifications be ac-
cepted and approved, and that the
Mayor, City Attorney and Street Com-
missioner be instructe to execute a
contract in accordance with above said
plat, proposition and specifications.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes.—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger, McLaughlin and
Special Session, November 18, 1901. 305
Ald. McLaughlin moved to adjourn.
Aper ved
Regular Session, .November 21, 1991
Regular Session Nov. 21, 1901.
Council met at 8:15 o'clock p. tn.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present, Alds. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger, McLaughlin and
Petition of Geo. H. Wolf et al pro-
testing against the improvement of
Angella street, said improvement not
being done according to plans and
Ald. Frith moved to refer the peti-
tion to the Committee on Streets.
Petition of Christ Braun asking that
Seventh (7th) avenue be graded and
put in passable condition.
On motion the petition was referred
to the Committee on Streets and they
to report at the next meeting of the
Petition of E. H. Shepply offering to
the city the use of lot No. 10 in Cen-
tral Add. for the purpose of taking
out rock.
On motion the petition was referred
to the Street Commissioner and Street
Petition of E. H. Sheppley asking
that the special assessment levied
against lot No. 3 in Cox's Add. for the
construction of a sanitary sewer in
West Locust street be canceled.
On motion the petition was referred
to the Sewer Committee, City Engineer
and City Attorney, and they to report
to the Council.
The following petitions were referred
to the Delinquent Tax Committee:
Petitions of Cath. Prandy and Sarah
J. Thompson, asking that thay be ex-
empt on their taxes to the amount
of $800.00, they being the widows of
honorably discharged Union soldiers.
Also petition of Jno. Bommers ask-
ing that he be exempt from taxation
to the amount of $500.00, he being an
honorable discharged Union soldier.
. Also petition of Mrs. Cath. Loibl
asking that her taxes be canceled for
the year 1901.
Petition of Dr. M. H. Naples asking
that the taxes be not increased on lot
45 City and the south 9 feet of lot 44
On motion the petition was referred
to the Board of Equalization.
The following petitions were referred
to the Committee of the Whole:
Petition of Harvey Chalmers & Son
asking that they be exempt from tax-
ation for a period of five (5) years on
their pearl button factory.
Petition of the Dubuque Star Brew-
ing Co. asking that their taxes for
1900 be canceled in accordance with a
resolution adopted by the City Coun-
cil April 7, 1898.
Petition of W. H. Wisner asking
permission to continue running his
ferry boat between this city and East
Petition of Alice McGrath, by R.
Ronson, her attorney, asking that the
plat of the subdivision of lot 1 of Min.
Lot. 93 "a", lot 2 of Min. Lot 93 "b" in
the City of Dubuque and known as
McGrath's subdivision be approved.
Petition of the Dubuque Altar Mfg.
Co. asking that the C. \. G. W. 11. R.
Co. be granted permission to extend
their track across 17th street on Pine,
which will he a continuation of their
present track.
Petition of the Union Electric Co.
asking that they be granted a fran-
chise for the maintenance and opera-
tion of lines of street railway upon and
along all the streets where street rail-
way tracks have been constructed and
now maintained and operated by the
said company for a period of twenty-
five (25) years.
Petition of the Ernsdorff Buggy Co.,
by Emil Ernsdorff, asking the City
Council to pass a resolution vacating
the alley between Elni and Pine streets
and 16th and 17th streets, and they be
given the exclusive use thereof.
Ald. Kintzinger moved to grant the
prayer of the petition and the neces-
sary legal steps be taken in granting
said petition.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Frith. Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger, McLaughlin and
Petition of the Ernsdorff Buggy Co.
by Emil Ernsdorff asking the city to
adopt a resolution exempting all per-
sonal property and improvements on
the realty of the saki petitioner from
taxation for a period of ten (10) years
from January 1, 1901, and to accept
taxes on the present valuation of the
real estate, to -wit: Lots No. 226, 225,
N. 1-2 of lot 224, 177 and 17S and N. 1-2
of 179.
Ald. Kintzinger moved that the rules
be suspended and anyone present de-
siring to address the Council be heard.
Mr. Ernsdorff addressed the Council
and advocated prompt action.
Ald. Kintzinger moved that the peti-
tion in part be granted and that the
exemption be for a term of five (5)
years from January 1, 1903. Carried.
Petition of Jno. and Mary Enright
asking Council to fix the valuation on
the real estate assessed to the M. En-
right estate for the year 1900 at $4,000
as the same now is in the county.
Ald. Horr moved to refer the peti-
tion to the Board of Equalization, City
Assessor and the City Treasurer be
instructed not to sell the property un-
til after the committee reports. Car-
Regular Session, November 21, 1901.
Street Commistsoner Boyce reportac1
as follows:
Dubuque, Nov. 20th, 1901.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit m,v
pay roll for labor on streets for the
first half of November, 1901.
Amount due laborers on streets
11espectfully Submitted,
Street Commissioner.
E. E. FI:ITII, Chairman on Streets.
Also submit pay roll for labor on
sewers for the first l alf of November,
Amount clue laborers 'on sewers,
Respectfully Submitted,
Street Commissioner.
JOSEPH L. H01:1;.
Chairman Cunrmitt._e on Sewers.
Also submit pay roll for labor on
Dodge street sewer for the first ha:f
of November, 1901.
Amount due labor;e:s on Dodge
street sellers, $S.00.
Respectfully Submitted.
Street Commissioner.
Chairman committee on Sewers.
Also submit pay- roll for labor on
Dubuque and 'Vi,consin bridge ap•
broach for the first half of November,
Amount due la In r, (- a bridge,
Respectfully Submitted.
Street Commissioner.
Chairman Committee cn Streets.
On motion the pay rolls were receiv-
ed and warrants ordered drawn to
pay laborers on streets, sewers, Dodg'
street sewer and approach to the De-
buque and Wisconsin bridge. and the
pay rolls referred back to the proper
Ald. Clancy moved that the Special
Committee on the Dubuque and Wis-
consin bridge approach, consisting Of
Aldermen Kintzinger, Frith and Horr,
take charge of and audit the accounts
of said work.
Ala. Frith moved a substitute, that
tha said matter be referred to the
Committee on 'Streets.
Substitute of Ald. Frith was lost.
The question recurring on the origi-
nal motion of Ald. Clancy was carried
by the following vote:
:SO i
Lyes—Aids. Clancy, Horr, Jones,
Krntzinger, McLaughlin and Sheridan.
Total 6.
Noes—Ald. Frith. Total 1.
Mayor Berg reported that he had
served (as directed by the Council)
the following notice oa Mrs Alice M.
Dubuque, Iowa, Nov. 11, 1901.
To Alice M. Fengler, Executrix of
the Estate of George Fengler, de-
You are hereby notified that there
is iiow in the City Treasury of the
City of Dubuque the sum of $4,000.00,
the amount of the award of the jury in
the condemnation proceedings hal by
the City of Dubuque for the opening
of a street 50 feet wide along through
and upon the following described
premises, to -wit: From the intersec-
tion of 10th avenue and North First
street and extending in a northeaster-
ly direction through Lot 5 of Mineral
Lot 305-a, and through Lot 1 of Bout
Yard Addition, and through Lot 2 of
Mineral Lot 305-a to the West Pier
or abutment of the Dubuque and Wis-
consin bridge to be paid to you upon
your demanding the same and pre-
senting to the Cicy Council a good
and sufficient deed of relinquishment
to the premises belonging to the es-
tate for which you ace executrix.
which are taken by the City for the
Purpose of opening this street.
By C. H. BERG, Mayor.
Sh rirlan moved that th action
of the Mayor be approved and that
the notice be received and filed. Car-
Assistant City Attorney Nelscn re-
ported as follows:
Dubuque. Nov. 21, 1901.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—In compliance with the
requirements of your motion of the
14th instant referring to the City
Assessor and myself the subject of
Railroad Taxation, for report, I re-
spectfully present the following with-
out the acquiescence of the City As-
The City's right to levy and collect
taxes is derived from the State
through an express grant of authority
and the scope of this authority is
limited and prescribed by the express
terms of this grant. Section 1010 of
the Code authorizes the City to levy
and collect taxes (fur all general and
special purposes in this chapter au-
thorizes) upon all property within the
City not exempt from taxation by the
general laws of the State.
Code Sections 1334, 1335, 1333 provides
the method of assessing the property
of Railway companies by the state ex-
ecutive council, and Code Section 1333
fixes such assessments as constituting
the taxable value of such property
308 Regular Session, November 21, 1901.
for taxing purposes: and Code Sec-
tion 1339 makes all such railway prop-
erty taxable upon said assessment at
the same rates by the same officers and
for the same purposes as the property
of individuals.
I therefore conclude that the City is
bound by the asae.sment made by the
state executive council and must make
its levy upon the assessed valuation
returned by the County Auditor under
the terms of Code Section 1338 and
upon no other basis.
Respectfully Submitted,
T. H. DUFFY, City Attorney.
Assis_ant City Attorney.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the
opinion be received and fled. Carried,
City Attorney Duffy reported as fel-
Dubuque, Iowa. Nov. 15, 1901.
To the Hon. Mayor and Aldermen of
the City of Dubuque:
On the 27th clay of November 1a=t
you instructed the City Treasurer to
accept a certain sum of money in
settlement of the case of Ann. Kava-
naugh vs. City of Dubuque. tinier
the terms of the settlement the City
was to pay the court costs. Attached
hereto is a ssatement of such costs:
I would recommend that a warrant
be drawn in favor of M. J. Mulgrew,
clerk of the district court. for the suns
of $12.15 in full payment of such costs.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the Attorney.re-
portbe received and a warrant ordered
drawn in accordance with the recom-
mendation of the report of the city at-
torney. Carried.
Also city attorney reported as fol-
Dubuque, Ia., Nov. 19, 1901.
To the Hon. Mayor and Aldermen of
the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen:—The undersigned, to
whom was referred the attached com-
munication, signed by M. C. Blake,
would respectfully recommend that
said communication be received and
City Engineer,
Ald. McLaughlin mo edyt att the re-
port of the city attorney be adopted.
Sidewalk Inspector Berg reported as
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of
the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen:—Below find my report on
petition of Mrs. Johanna Koerner re-
ferred to me November 7th, 1901. Mr.
Koermer lives in a house where the
walk was repaired, and he must have
known the condition of the sidewalk
and that it was in a dangerous condi-
tion. I see by my notice book, that I
gave them notice Oct. 7th, to repair
said walk.
Sidewalk Inspector,
Aldi McLaughlin moved t hat the re-
port. and petition be received and filed.
Mayor Berg reported that the bonds
for the payment of the construction of
\Vest Locust street sewer from Clark
street to Union avenue had been issued,
signed and turned over to the city
treasurer, and that one of said bonds,
No. 84, for $71.12 had been paid, there-
fore recommend that said bond No. 8t
be canceled.
C)n motion the report of the mayor
was adopted and the recommendation
to cancel said bon,, No, Si. for $71.12, be
carried out.
Also report that the si,l,•wa lk o11
Main street. at the north end or Nous'
art store was in :t ch11144•t•ous condition.
Aid. :11eLaughlin tlto\t•d the matter
of repair of said sidewalk he referred,
to the Street committee, with power,
with instructions to rel.ait' said walk
at once.
The mayor also reported to the Coun-
cil that he hal pr..cured 0 live year
lease from Mr. A. L. lthomberg for a
Detention Hospital, (consideration
0100) and tha t he hail conferred with
the Board of Supervisors. and that the
hospital was alt.(atdy contracted for by
the Roard of Supervis„rs.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the ac-
ti,n of the mayor h,• approved.
Mayor pro tem Kintzinger put the
motion, which was carried unanimous-
Ald. Jones renewed his motion, (which
was made at the last session of the
Councti and action postponed), that the
salary of W. A. Kaep, clerk in the re-
corder's office, be fixed at $75.00 per
month commencing October 1st, 18o1.
The bid for the construction of a 12 -
inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Fourth
street, from manhole at the intersec-
tion of White and Fourth streets to a
point 2.25 feet east of said manhole, and
a 10 -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer from
the latter point to a point about 275
feet further east on said Fourth street.
Steuck & Linehan's bid, (the only
bidders) was as follow s:
The 225 feet, $2.25 per lineal foot.
The 275 feet, 62 cents per lineal foot.
Manholes, $28.00 each.
Ald. Frith moved that the contract
be a.varded to Steuck & Linehan. Car-
Ald, Kintzinger, chairman of the
committee on Claims, reported as fol-
Your committee on Claims. to whom
was referred the petition of Painter d:
Pressley, asking that they be awarded
the sum of $50.00 damages because their
horse, which had become unmanage-
able, had backed down and over a wall
on Seminary street, would recommend
that said petition be received and filed.
Ald. Kintzinger moved to adoptsn. the
report. Carried.
Ald. Frith, chairman of the commit-
tee on Streets, reported as follows:
Your committee on Streets, to whom.
was referred the petition of P. Mc-
Inerney, asking that the ditch in Pierce
street be filled to grade, beg to report
Regular Session, November 21, 1901
that the surplus material from Angella
street is now being used for this pur-
your committee on Streets, In
whom was referred the petition of J.
C. Garland. stating that owing to the
non -completion of the stone wall hack
of his property, the water has been
turned into his wood shell: and asking
that the sail wall he continued for a
distance of about "a feet. would roc•ont-
mend that the , sty engineer he instruct-
ed to 1I 'lal•,• plans and specifications
for a continuatbat of said wall in ac-
cordance with the prayer of the peti-
tion, and to present the same \vith an
estimate of the cost thereof t„ the tit, -
Council at this next session.
11. E. FRITH,
Also your committee on streets, t"
whom was referred the bill of N.
Laughlin, for `, ce015. for oil furnished
the Road department. would recom-
mend that the hill be allowed and that
a warrant be ordered Iran on th,.
treasurer in settlement of the ,•!aim.
E. 1:. FliilH,
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the re-
ports of the committee on Streets. Car-
Ald. Junes, chairman of the commit-
tee on Public 0:rounds and Buildings.
reported as follows:
We, your committee on Public
Grounds and Buildings, respectfully
recommend the payment of the balance
of the bill of W. H. Chapman for the
repair of the armory. presented to the
Council act. 3d, 1901, and recommend
that a warrant be drawn in favor of
W. 11. Chapman for $is.)) in full pay-
ment of said bill.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
The matter or 'Telegraph poles of the
C. M. & St. 1'. Railroad Co., in connec-
tion with the Dubuque and Wisconsin
bridge was brought up by the mayor.
The matter was referred to the com-
mittee on Electric Construction.
Ald. McLaughlin o1' the Board of
Health reported as follows:
Dubuque. fa., Nov. 21st. 1901.
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of
the City of 1lubugt :
Gentlemen:—Your Board of Health
at a meeting held this day opened the
bids for the fustigation or disinfecting
of houses \vh,•rein contagious diseases
had existed. and beg to report that the
bid of :John .\. Voelker at $1.09 per
1,000 cubic f1 1 was the lowest bid: we
therefore recommend that the contract
be awarded to John A. \oelker at the
above price. and the e„rlc to be done
under the supervision of the Board of
Also report in favor of paying the
following bills for watching places
quarantined on account Of smallpox:
John Fanon, 4 days, at $1.61 $6.60
Bob Harker, 3 clays, at $1.63 4.95
Wm. Kees, 4 days, at $1.65 6.60
A. Wandrashek, 1 day. at $I.lia 1.65
P. H. McLaughlin.
On motion the report was adopted
and the recommendations ordered car-
ried out.
Aid, Sheridan, chairman of the
special committee on the report of the
Dubuque Water Works Trustees re-
ported as follows:
Your Special committee. appointed to
audit the statement of the Water
Works trustees for the ,lu:u•ier ending
1 )toher 1, 1901, would respeetfully re-
port that We have ex;uniucd the vouch-
ers on file in the office of the trustees
and find that they correspond with the
statement as submitted: we vw„ul,l
therefore recommend in favor of receiv-
ing and filing said statement.
JOHN J. SFl1 li1D:\N,
.\11. Sheridan moved to adopt the
r,.purl. 4'arri- 1.
Aid. Hurn, chairman of the hoard of
Einaliz;uin11 r, -•forted as follows:
Cour l ,I nl of Equalization, to whom
was ref,•r1,:•,1 the petition of 13 Beebe.
would reg ,om,•nd that the same be re -
I', rn d to th,, Committee on Delinquent
JOSEPH L. 11r)Itlt,
\Iso y,,111' Board of Equalization
would 1..en:mend that the p,-ti:i,,n of
:Airs. Susie S. Cooper be referred to the
c,.n011111 •e on Delinquent Taz,•<.
.A1d. Horr moved to adopt the report
of the Board of Equalization. carried
Al 1. Iiintzinger, chairman of the
committee of the \Chole, reported as
Your committee of the Whole would
respectfully recommend to your hon-
orable body that the Street committee
in conjunction with the city engineer
be instructed to ascertain what the
cost would be to open a street from
Sanford to Twenty-third street between
Queen and Elim streets and to report
back to the Council.
Ald. ]'1intzinger moved to adopt the
report. Carried.
Also your committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the claim of
James Morgan for $41.00 for services
rendered the city subsequent to the
termination of his tenure of office of
street commissioner, would recommend
that the claim be allowed and that a
'warrant be ordered drawn on the city
treasurer in settlement thereof.
Ald. Iiintzinger moved to adopt the
Ald. Horr moved that the claim be
referred back to the committee of the
The motion to refer, taking precedent,
was put and lost by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Frith, Horr and Sheridan.
Total, 3,
Nays—Alds. Clancy, Jones, Iiintzing-
er and McLaughlin. Total, 4.
Aid. Horr moved a substitute that the
claim be received and filed.
Lost by the following vote:
.Ayes—Alds. Frith, Horr and Sheri-
dan. Total, 3.
Nays—Alds. Clancy, Jones, Iiintzing-
er and McLaughlin. Total, 4.
Reg'llar Session, November 21. 1901.
The question recurring on the origin-
al motion to adopt the report. Carried
I y the following vote:
Ayes—ads. Clancy, .Tones, Iiintzing-
er and McLaughlin. 'I'otal. I.
Nays—Aids. Frith, Horr and Ane,.
don. Total, 3.
_ Also reported as follows:
Dubuque, Iowa. Nov. 1S, 1901.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen:—Your committee of the
'Whole would respectfully recommend
to your honorable body that the fol-
lowing resolution fixing the tax levy
for the year 1901 he adopted:
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the fol-
lowing taxes for the year 1901 for the
following purposes he levied as pro-
vided by law on all taxable property
within the limits of said city for the
respective number of nulls on the dollar •
of the assessed valuation of all taxable
property in said city as set out below:
General fund 3 4
Interest fund 3
Fire fund It:
\Cater Works sinking fund 1
Gas and elecu•i,• li ,itt 1
Free Publi,• Library fund 14
And be it further Resolved, That a
regular water levy tax of one mill on
the dollar of the assessed valuation be ,
levied upon all property benefited by
the supply of said water as determined
by the action of the City Council
Ald. Kintzinger moved to adopt the
report and resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger and Sheridan. To-
tal, 6.
Nays—Ald. McLaughlin. Total, 1.
Ald. Frith offered th.‘ following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
'City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk
feet wide, of good two inch plank, be,
within 10 clays of this notice, construct-
ed and laid in conformity with the or-
dinance in relation to sidewalks, on the
south side of Milville Road, from
Lenon street west, 1,400 feet to Gilles-
pie street at the expense of abutting
property. Adopted by the following
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger, McLaughlin and
Ald. Frith offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 2
feet wide, of good two inch plank be,
within 10 days of this notice, construct-
ed and laid in conformity with the or-
dinance in relation to sidewalks, on the
north side of Milville }toad from Gil-
lespie street, west 1,200 feet, to center
of lot No. 5, owned by Matilda Hirtz,
at the expense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger, McLaughlin and
Declenbelr 6tanch 901movedCarriedto ourn until
List of Warrants.
City Recorder's Office, Dubuque, Ia.,
November 1, 1901.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: The following is a com-
plete list of all warrants issued by me
luring the month of October, 1901:
C. H. Berg, salary, mayor $116 70
H. B. Gniffke, treasurer,. 133 35
H. 13. Gniftke, assistant treas-
urer 75 00
L. 51. Langstaff, reconL•r116 70
F. B. Rottman, auditor 100 00
C. B. Scherr, assessor 125 00
T. H. Duffy, attorney 150 00
P. J. Nelson, asst. atty50 00
Edw. Morgan, marshal 100 OU
Joe Reinfried, fire chief.. 100 00
John Lawler, committee clerk... 83 35
Wm. A. Kaep, clerk, recorder's
office 60 00
Edw. He'•ron, clerk treasurer's
office 60 00
Edw. Blake, engineer 125 00
Jas. H. Boyce, street commis-
sioner 100 00
1V. Hipntan, electrician ........... 83 35
Anton Stoltz, market master 50 00
Thos. Cahill, park custodian40 00
Peter Bradley, park custodian 40 00
.'no. C. Hancock, health officer50 00
Frank Flynn, sanitary- policeman 60 00
Al Moyer, pound master 45 00
Airs. H. Koenig, janitress20 00
A. P. Berg, sidewalk inspector,50 00
N. Kintzinger, wharfmaster 20 00
Matt Clancy, alderman 25 00
E. E. Frith, alderman 25 00
Jos. L. Horr, alderman 25 00
J. W. Kintzinger, alderman.,,25 00
1'. H. McLaughlin, alderman25 00
Rudolph Jones, alderman 25 00
John J. Sheridan, alderman 25 00
M. Eitel, fireman 65 00
Z. Essman, fireman 75 00
A. Duccini, fireman 80 00
J. Flynn, driver 60 00
J. Niltse, fireman 60 00
A. Heer fireman 50 00
J. Tschudi fireman 50 00
J. Schonberger, fireman 51 75
J. Daley, fireman 65 00
J. Barnes, fireman 76 00
T. Ryder, fireman 60 00
W. Ducey, fireman , 60 00
F. Murphy, fireman .............. 51 95
G. Beyer, fireman 51 75
W. Summerville. fireman 24 10
A. McKinna, fireman
J. Rooney, fireman
P. Ahearn, fireman
23 25
2 50
50 00
T. Meehan, fireman 32 00
F. Duffy. fireman 27 40
F. Ganahl, fireman ,..... 65 00
T. Flynn, fireman
G. Ghirke, fireman ,..
F.Baumgartner, fireman
Dave Ahearn, fireman
F. Kenneally, fireman
T. Kennedy, fireman
J. Fitzpatrick, fireman
50 00
50 00
65 0'
60 00
50 00
52 50
J. Jones, fireman
1'. Ziing, fireman
50 00
M. Sweeney, fireman 50 00
A. McDonald, fireman5 00
J. Murphy, fireman 75 00
60 00
E. Hanson. fireman 9 15
C. hannolt, fireman 65 00
J. Allen, fireman 60 00
B. Weston, fireman 50 00
M. Fahey, fireman t
M. Kelly, fireman 50 50 00
50 00
Geo. Burkel, police 50 00
Ben Busse, police 51 65
M. Craugh, polico 67 20
Jas. (''artery poli ,• - 50 00
Jas. (dm,. police 50 00
ann. !',„iv. pun, ,• 51 65
Z\, l'11111e, liniic, 60 00
1'. Bunpin•y, po.ice 50 00
H. Donlan, police 10 00
Jas. Flynn. police . 50 00
Jno. Fitzpatrick, police 50 00
\Vni. Frith, police 50 00
P. Hanlon, police 50 00
•W. Hennessey, police, 50 00
M. Kilty, police 50 00
E. Kahn, police Fn no
.lno. Loetscher, police ... 38 50
P. McCollins, police s' 00
P. McInerney, police 50 00
Jno. Moore, police 60 00
Jno. Murphy, police 50 00
D. Norton, police 50 00
M. O'Connor. police 50 00
Aug. Pfeffer, police 50 00
Pat Powers, police 50 00
Ton -i Reilly, police 60 00
Jno. Raesli, police 67 20
Jas. Ryan, police 51 65
Otto Rath, police 50 00
P. Scharff, police 50 00
P. Sullivan, police 5165
M. Stapleton, police 50 00
P. Sutton, police 50 00
Al T. Scherr, police 51 65
T. Sweeney, police i0 00
Jno. L. Sullivan, police 50 00
Joe Tyler, police 51 65
L. Ziedman, police 51 65
Mrs. Kate Hibbe, matron 30 00
Miss B. Brennan, matron 30 00
Labor on streets for the last half of
September, 1901.
Ernest Amanda, labor $ 6 75
John Burns, labor
Jos. Broulette, labor
Jos. Blocklinger. labor
Paul Becker, labor
Chas. Busse, labor 2 70
Paul Brandenburger, labor .,., 810
John Brachtenbach, labor 6 75
Fred. Budde, labor 9 45
Peter Batche, labor 1 35
Jos. Brown, labor 16 20
Jerry Cahill, labor 8 10
Pat. Carney. labor 4 50
Mike Cain, labor 12 15
Hiram Cobb, labor 7 45
Jas. Callahan, foreman 4th St
dump . 20 00
Jas. Connolly, labor 16 20
John Corbett, labor 16 20
Henry Cosgrove, driver carpen-
ter's wagon 19 50
Adam Crawford, carpenter
Peter DeFontain, labor
John Dougherty, labor
John Driscoll, labor
13 85
8 10
8 80
16 20
20 00
8 10
16 30
2 05
List of Warrants.
Thos. Donahue, labor
John Egan. labor
John Engals, labor
R. T. Eddy, labor
Mat. Fagan, labor
Wm. Flannagan, labor
Mat. Fotshele, labor
Pat. Fitzgerald, labor
Dominick Frank, labor
Pat. Fenelom labor
Nelson Frith, stoker steam rol-
Pat. Grue, labor
Barney Glass, labor
Chas. Gruenzig, labor
Mike Gera. labor
Jos. Guenther, labor
Pat. Gilloom labor
Jos. Grab, labor
Chris. Gantenbein, labor
Thos. Hackney. labor
John Haley. labor
Geo. Hecklinger, labor
Jas. Hirci, labor
Arab. Hird, labor
.Aug. Handlemann, labor
Aug. Hateman. labor
Adam Henderson. labor
Geo. J. Hohn, labor
C. H. Hubbard, engineer steam
John Jehring. labor
Hubert Kuhr, labor
Nic. Eettenhoten. labor
Nic. Nommes, labor
Chas. Kemprnan, labor 6
John Kelly. labor 11
Paul 1.r,rocheski. labor 9
Fred Krueger, labor 6
Pat. Kenneally, labor 17
Mat. Klein, paper collector 12
John Lavery, labor
Mike Lavin, labor 1
Tom Lonergan. labor 8
Mart. Lonergan, labor 16
John Mahoney, labor s
Mike Murphy, labor
Jos. Martinek, labor
Mike 'MeKewon, labor 1;
John Mccaron, labor
Win. McDermott, labor
Thos. McDonald, labor 5
Pat. McPoland, labor 11
Jas. McCracken, labor 4
Barney McCormick, labor 1
Wm. O'Brien. labor 20
Jas.-I:rowers, labor
John Pfeiffer, labor
Gerhard Paar, labor
Chas, Pierce, labor
John Parker, labor 1s
Wm. Quinlan, labor
Mat. Quirk, carpenter 20
Pat. Ryan, labor 18
Jas. Ryan, labor 15
Phil Reddin, labor 8
Theo, Ratterman, labor 5
P. J. Royce, labor 20
Chas. Reilly, labor
Jos. Rooney. labor
Jas. Straney. labor t;
Mike Sullivan., labor
Mike Shea, labor
Thos. Smith, labor 14
Frank Scherr, labor 4
Aug. Soyke, labor 6
Geo. Sutter, labor 4 0
Jos. Statel, labor 6 1
Chris Scholl, labor ........... 6 1
Louis Schmidt, labor 13 5
John—Schemmel, labor 8 1
Wm. Stephens, labor 11 5
Simon Schaetzle, labor 10 1
6 20
4 S5
0 00
6 75
1 -15
; 20
05 i
Jos. Schafetel, labor s s,)
'Wm. Schwagler, labor 2 05
John Schroeder, labor 2 70
Tony Schmidt, labor 2
Dan Sheehan, labor :
Rich. Turner, labor
6 17:
Theo, Tice, labor 7 rio
Landon Taylor, labor
Wm. Welsh, labor 11:. 17)7.0
John 'Walsh (Rose St.) labor10 sto
Wm. Weber, labor 9 45
Sic. W-ampach, labor 6 75
John \Velsh (Tatter) labor
4 117'
Adam Zingel, labor ..... 11 ,
1 s1
oleo, Zurnhof, labor Is Ili t •
Frank Burns, team
(Ie., Brenner. team
Herman Bischop, team
11o11 2151
John Calvert. team 26 25
Jas. Calvert. team
71'ho .,-, :Elliot t, etam 2; 25
Alta. elaritenbein. team
Peter Hoorth, team 211:,,2
T :: :7; 1:;_,t
Thos. Hein, team
John iltiffinire. (contra('t) team 27 1.,
Pat Linehan, team
John Lang, team 2s 7:
A. \V. Miller. team 2. 77
Carsan AleElrath. team
Dan Alecollins, team
21:'; 7:
Pat 41'1411,0. team
Tim t l'llrien, team
Loads Peil. teztm
Amots Paly. team 1 25
12eytiodok. to tint 13 75
Sam Snodgrass. team 30 00
Ed. seodo•y. I. am 27 50
.11.1111 Sint.tin. team 13 75
Frank :-er...t. team 5 0o)
Art. T0111,1', team
daes Ttobm itt, tea
M. Zagg. team 232600 2°05(1
T,aboo. on sewers for the last half of
•odernber. 1901:
t Casserly, labor ... ....... ....
W. Clark. labor
John 4.'oreortin, labor
S. H. cook, foreman
Maurice Flynn, labor
It A. Fuller, labor
1\-. Lonergan, labor
con Sullivan. lab:or .
Geo. Scott, labor
Adam Doerr. Jr., assistant as-
sessor for September
Jos. J. Murphy, assistant asses-
sor$ 75 00
for September
75 00
F. O'Loughlin, assistant engl-
neer's office for Sept
neer's offlee for Sept. 40 00
40 00
M m
O'Loughlin, rodan engi-
Jno. Schrup, inspector Bee
Branch and West Locust St.
St. sewer 40 00
Ross McMahon, inspector Dodge
40 00
A. Stoltz, board of prisoners for
Smith, Morgan Prt'g Co., blank. 19 00
P. Domenig, lumber for closet In
assessor's office 8 53
stationery for recorder's office 6 50'
Mullen Bros., plumbing at Jack-
son park 1 10
Klauer Mfg. Co.. ball and base
for flag staff at city hall 2 75
A. E. Bradley, glazing at city
1 00
'P. Domenig, constructing closet
in assessor's office 6 00
311 110
1 in
5 el 1
15 1,1
19 20
11) 21)
19 20
19 21.;
1 00
19 20
It Co
1' 1,14
List of Warrants.
P. Domenig, repairing scales at
Rhomberg avenue
'Geo. W. Healey supplies for lawn
mowers Washington park
TIeo. W. Healey, 25 Yale keys for
toilet room at city hall.
W. H. Torbert, oil for Jackson
Hagge, Metz & Co., 1 piece of
crown molding city hall
Jno. (;. Moser, setting up stoves
at city hall
C. O. D. Laundry, towels and
racks for Slay, June. July and
Key City Gas Co., gas consum-
ed at various Depts
V. H. Chapman, to 1-2 pay for
repairing and painting roof at
9th St. engine house 68 00
Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber for
road Dept.
Standard Lumber Co.. lumber
for road Dept.
Dub. Rubber & Belting Co., hose
and clamps for steam troller., 9 00
Lear & Pfiffner, horse shoeing
for Road Dept 3 20
Ous Holl, 2 keys Road Dept 70
F. Schloz & Son, repairing tools
Road Dept. ., 3 80
C. J. Benson, repairing tools
Road Dept. 30
k. A. Brown, repairing tools
Road Dept. 1 10
F. M. Jaeger & Co., hardware
Road Dept. 4 10
Geo. NV. Healey, powder and fuse
Road Dept 2 30
M. Dupnigan, macadam Road
Dept 15 00
Jno. Enright, rock Road Dept25 75
P. Clancy, 84 cub. yds. cinders
Road Dept. 10 50
R. \V. Carr, filing two saws
Road Dept 50
key City Gas Co., coke for
steam roller 58 90
Kean Bros., 2 loads of pine wood
for steam roller 4 00
Standard Oil Co., oil for steam
A. A. Brown, repairing canopy
top steam roller 1 50
Ragatz & Schaetgen, supplies
for steam roller
tub. Rubber & Belting Co., hose
washers and expansion rings
for Fire Dept.
'C. F. Kane, hay and oats Fire
Dept. .... "27 18
Trexler Bros., livery hire Fire
Dept. 4 00
Key City Gas Co., coke Fire
Dept. 1S 70
Dubuque Oil Tank Line, oil Fire
Fred Roehl, hardware Fire Dept2 10
F. M. Jaeger & Co., hardware
Fire Dept.
Klauer Mfg. Co , hardware Fire
Ellwanger Bros., new harness
Fire Dept. 23 00
2 40
1 90
5 00
22 75
15 00
308 90
15 55
54 95
1 95
6 50
6 50
9 90
3 00
Ellwanger Bros.. repairing old
harness Fire Dept, .. • 3 50
Kannolt & Powers, horse shoe-
ing Fire Dept. 11 SO
Lear & Pfiffner, horse shoeing
Fire Dept. 30 30
Collings & Edwards, horse shoe-
ing Fire Dept.
Wunderlich & Wlederholt, horse -
shoeing Fire Dept. 5 00
Ott, Meuser & Co., shavings
Fire Dept.
W. W. Whelan. 1 doz. battery
zincs Fire Dei -,t.
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary servi-
ces Fire Dept 3 S5
McDermott & Go', plumbing at
Central Engine house 25
Pape & Jacquinot, plumbing at
Central Engine house 12 30
F. Schloz & Son, repairs at Cen-
tral Engine house 2 25
Jno. G.' Moser, setting up stove
Central Engine house ........., 1 S5
A. L. Osborn & Co., glazing at
Central Engine House 85
Wm. Marshall, repairs on Steam-
er Linehan ..... 1 GO
Chas. E. Berry, harness hanger
for 18th St. Engine house 7 20
Hale Harness & Supply Co., col-
lar and hames 18th St. En-
gine house 19 00
Ragatz & Schaetgen, repairs at
4th St. Engine house . 1 45
Ragatz & Schaetgen, repairing
Steamer Lenihan 25 10
Ragatz & Schaetgen, repairing
Steamer Olinger 42 05
Iowa Telephone Co., telephone
services for the various depart-
ments 32 02
Collings & Edwards, horseshoe-
ing for Police Dept 4 40
Kaep & Buechele, police helmets
for Police Dept. 9 75
Ellwanger Bros., repairing har-
ness for Police Dept. 1 1''
T. F. Kane, hay and oats at
patrol house 60:5:3
Pape & Jacquinot, repairing har-
ness hangers at patrol house.. 1 50
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary servi-
ces for patrol team 1 4s
F. Stichler, 1 day as special po-
liceman 2 oil
Jno. Pfeiffer, cleaning calaboose
Smedley Steam Pump Co., pipe
and couplings for Sewer Dept 7 a.;
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for
Sewer Dept.
A. A. Brown, repairs for Sewer
Linehan & Molo, cement Sewer
Robert Jungk, setting up drink-
ing fountain at Linwood ceme-
tery gate
Robert Jungk, setting up drink
ing fountain at lath and Clay
Pape & Jacquinot, supplies for
Sewer Dept.
Dietrich Bros.. 3000 brick for
9 40
4 75
1 S5
12 S5
11 05
List of Warrants.
:4,•vccr Dept.
T. E. Young , hauling, Sewer
Jas. Lee, building cement steps
and raising manhole at 1Sth
St. Fountain
Globe -Journal, official printing
for September 50 00
The Herald, official printing for
National Demokrat, official
printing for September 25 Ou
Dubuque Telegraph, official
printing for September 60 (M)
Dubuque Telegraph, Council
weekly proceedings .. 9 00
Chicago Blue Print Paper Co.,
25 yds. of B. P. paper 2 SO
Union Electric Co., arc lights for
September 2014 93
Thos. E. Frith, 'removing garbage
and dead animals during Sept. 29S 50
O. G. Kringle, grading Angella
street 202 72
O'Farrell & Norton, grading Cox
street 229 12
Mike Oswald, estimate on Bee
Branch storm sewer 710 02
Jno. Tibey, estimate on Dodge
St. storm sewer 64S 16
Dubuque Water Co., eight hy-
drants in Milwaukee yards 83 3:1
Dubuque Water Co., water fur-
nished for flush tanks during
1901 .. 217 17
H. 11. Gniffke, refunded excava-
tion hermits 35 00
H. B. Gniffke, interest on war-
rants outstanding 966 61
H. 13. Gniffke, postage stamps 10 00
H. B. Gniffke, refunded tax 110
H. B. Gnlffke, freight charges 75
H. B. Gniffke, exchange on bonds 2 56
H. B. Gniffke, horse for police
department 175 00
German Trust and Savings bank,
loan .. 10000 00
Dubuque National hank..loan 10000 00
Jos. Bl'ocklinger, labor 14 20
Jos. Broulette, lab3r
Paul Becker, labor
Fred Budde, labor
Chas. Busse, labor
Peter Batche, labor
Paul Brandenberger, labor
John Brachtenbach, labor
Jos. Brown, labor
\arm. Buckley, labor
Mike Cain, labor
Wm. Coughlin, labor
Jas. Callahan, foreman 4th St
Hiram Cobb, labor
Jas. Connolly, labor
John Corbett, labor
Henry Cosgrove, labor
Adam Crawford, carpenter
John Eagan, labor
R. T. Eddy, labor
John Engels, labor
Wm. Flannagan, labor
Mat Fetshele, labor
19 50
18 00
50 00
15 55
16 90
11 5')
6 75
6 75
2 40
7 45
17 51
7 50
6 75
13 85
20 00
6 75
17 55
17 55
19 50
20 00
12 15
20 09
14 85
8 80
9 80
Pat Fitzergall, labor 4 05
Pat Fogarty, labor 14 85
Pat Fenelon, labor 17 63
Barney Glass, labor 2 i0
Chas. Gruenzig, labor 16 90
Jos. Grab, labor 121:3
Jos. Guenther. labor 9 45
Mike Gora, ;alar 6 73
Chris. t;antenbein, labor 20 00
Pat Gilloon, labor 675
Thos. Hackney. labor 6 75
John Hafey, labor 7 30
Geo. Hecklinger. labor 4 75
Geo. J. Hahn, labor 20 00.
Aug. Handelman, labor .......... 8 80
Anb. Hird, labor6 10
John Hayes 11 11
Jas. Hird, labor 19 50
Adam Henderson. labor 16 20
Aug. Bateman. labo.r 9 45
Jacob Hanson, labor 15 00
John Jeh:•ing. labor 10 15
Peter Kreamer. lab.ir 8
Nic. Kettenhofen, labor 11 S5
Chas. Rampman, labor 7 4;;
John Kelly, 'abor 6 75
Wm. Fr,nfe'dt. lab or 11. S5
Fred. Krueeer, labor 8 10
Pat Kenn ally. labor 17 55
Mat Klein. labor 12 ,0
Mike Lavin, labor 16 20
Tom Lonere'an, labor 16 20
'Mart Lone' gan. labor 17 0
Jos.srartineck. labor ... 6 75
W m. McDermott. labor 5 40
.1•' . kt •1 rmack. labor8 1.)
1\n. ?.lc" 'ain, labor 9 11
J ohn bfec arrnn, labor 1 3;
Pat McP3'a-,d. labor 12 C,
Jas. McC' acken. labor 16 220
Barney McCormack, labor 6 7.;
,T-0hn No -man. la'.or 1 35
W. O'Ttrt,n. laher 20 0)
las. Piirc l', lanor 9 4
Jac. Provers. labor 6 41
John Pfeiffer, labor 13 ;a
(`bas. Pierce, labor ...... 17 5
John Parker, labor , 18 4n
Wm. Quinlan, labor. S SO
Mat Quirk. labor 20 00
P J. Rvan, labor 17 65
James Rvan, labor 2 7)
Phil P,eddin, labor 610
P. J. Royce, labor 20 01
Theo. Ra deman, labor 2 7))
Chas. Reilly, labor 17 55
Jos. Rooney, labor 18 0)
Nick Sweeney, labor 915
M. S. Sughrue, labor 9 15
Jas. Straney, labor 7 BO
Thos. Smith, labor 16 20
Frank Seherr, labor 11 S;
John Schroeder. labor 11 50
Tony Schmidt. labor 6 75
Jos. State]. labor 7 45
Chris Scholl, labor 2 70
Aug. Soyke, labor . 8 80
Geo, Sutter, labor... 13 80
Louis Schmidt, labor 9 45
Geo. Seward, labor 7 45
Jos. Schafetel, labor 810
Wm. Stephens, labor 8 SO
John Schemmel, labor 2 70
Oflicitll Notices .
Mike Sullivan, labor
Dan Sheehan, labor
Theodore Tice, labor
Rich. Turner, labor
John Welsh, (Tatter), lab e.
Wm. "We au mouth, labor
John Walsh t 1tose St.) labor
*Wm. APrber, Leber
Adam Zingel, ;;ahoy
Geo. Zumh .t, labor
Frank I;urns, team
Geo. Brenner, team
Herrman liischo1. team
Joho Calvert. ictus
Jos. Calvert. teem
Thos. Elliott. team
.list. Gante•n'ein. team
Thus. Hein, team
Peter Horeb. team
John Huffmier, contract 1—am
Tont K-nneally, team
Pat. Lenihan. hems
John Long. team
A. W. Miller, team
Pat. O'Shea, teats
Ted. O'Brien, team
Antos Paley. team
:firs. Ellen Quinlivaut, team
Geo. Reynolds, team
Sant Snodgrass. teals
Ed. Seeley, team
Frank Sieg, team
_'`dam Stoltz, team
Art Turner, team
Jas. Tobin, teats
11. Zogg. team
4 05
11 50
4 05
2 70
6 5
16 2.)
19 ;n
30 00
27 5)
11 27
30 00
15 00
30 67
17 7))
27 1u
11; ;la
11 _1
_I 40
7 50
1"_ 71
^n on
1 _5
_i+ 40
21 9.)
20 00
19 40
2S 75
21 25
An ordinance granting to the Illinois
Central Railroad company the right
to lay a continuation of its sidetrack,
known as track Ni. 4, in Washington
street from its present terminus to a
Point about 51 feet 6 inches south of
the south line of Eleventh street.
Be It Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That permission be and
the same is hereby granted to the
Illinois Central Railroad company, its
successors and assigns to lay down,
operate and maintain a continuation
of its sidetrack, known as track num-
ber four, in Washington street from
the present terminus of said track to
a point about 51 feet 6 inches south of
the south line of Eleventh street.
.Sec. 2. That :the laying down of said
continuation of said track number
four shall be done under the super-
vision of the City Engineer and the
street committee.
Sec. 3. That in the laying down
and operation of said continuation of
said sidetrack, the same shall be so
constructed and maintained as to
create the least possible obstruction
with the ordinary travel and use of
said street as a public highway; that
ears shall not be allowed to stand at
the intersection of said continuation
of said sidetrack with Tenth street,
that said Tenth street, including the
sidewalks on both sides thereof shall
be kept free and clear for travel at
all times except when it shall be
necessary for cars to be switched
across the same.
Sec. 4. That the continuation of said
sidetrack hereby authorized shall be
laid to the established grade of the
street, and should the grade be chang-
ed at any time, the said sidetrack
shall be so changed as to conform to
such change of grade at the expense
of the railroad company and the com-
pany shall have no claim for damages
against the city by reason of said
Sec. 5. That said railroad company
shall keep the space between the rails
of said continuation of said sidetrack,
and to the ends of the ties so graded
that carriages and other vehicles may
easily pass over the same: that at
the intersection of Tenth street and
any ether portion of said continuation
of said sidetrack when required by
the City Council, said railway com-
pany shall plank between the rails,
and make suitable approaches to en-
able vehicles to easily cross the same,
Sec. 6. That said continuation of
said sidetrack shall be so constructed
and maintained as nut to dant up or
obstruct the flow and drainage of wa-
ter in the gutters of the intersecting
streets, or on the surface of the street
occupied by the sante; and said rail-
way company shall be subject to and
strictly comply with all reasonable
police regulations which the authori-
ties of the city may establish in rela-
tion to the running of trains on said
Sec. 7, That any other railroad com-
pany operating in the City of Du-
buque shall have the privilege of
switching their own cars on ano off
said continuation of said sidetrack
tv henever they may desire to do so,
with their own engines. upon the pay-
ment to said Illinois Central railroad
company of such sum as may be fixed
by the City Council now or hereafter;
but not 'o exceed fifty cents per car
and whi. h sum so paid shall include
the use .af said continuation of said
sidetrack number four and all tracks
leading to or from the said sidetrack
and continuation thereof mentioned in
this ordinance.
Sec. 8. The city reserves the right to
revoke the privileges hereby granted
at any time after five years from the
date hereof.
Sec. 9. That this ordinance shall
take effect and be in force from and
after its publication one time in the
Dubuque Daily Telegraph -Herald
newspaper, and after notice in writing
of the acceptance thereof, by said Illi-
nois Central Railroad company.
Passed by the City Council of Du-
buque November 8th, 1901.
Approved November 9th, 1901.
Attest. C. H. BERG,
City Recorder.
We hereby accept the conditions im-
posed in an ordinance passed by the
City Council of Dubuque November
Sth, 1901, in relation to laying a con-
tinuation of our sidetrack No. 4, in
Washington street from its present
Official Notices.
terminus to a point about 51 feet 6
inches south of the south line of Elev-
enth street.
By F. 13. HAlllil\I.\X. Supt.
Published. officially. in the Dubuque
Daily Telegraph -Herald, newspaper,
November 22d, 1901.
City Recorder.
Public notice is hereby given that at
the session of the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, held on the Sth day of
November, 1901, the following Special
Assessments were levied on the real
estate hereinafter described, and that
in case of failure to pay one-seventh
part within the time prescribed by the
Ordinace governing same, all will be-
come delinquent and subject to collec-
tion by distress and sale.
City Treasurer.
John Deery, Out Lot 670. lots 3
and 4 $25 51
A. M. Busch et al., Bowen's Sub.,
lot 2 8
Jno. F. Bowen, Bowens' Sub,
lot 1 32
John Deery, Out Lot 670, lot 5 9
M. F. Becker, Bowen's Sub., lot 312
T. O'Sullivan, Gilliam's Sub., lot
1 16
T. O'Sullivan, Quigley's Sub of Out
Lot 710, lot 1 35
D. W. Rand, Quigley's Sub. of
Lot 710, lot 2 20 45
D. W. Rand, Quigley'st Sub. of
Out Lot 710, lot 3 20 45
J. L. Buettell, Quigley's Sub. of Out
Lot 710, lot 4 2„ 45
J. L. Buettell, Quigley's Sub. of Out
Lot 710, lot 5 211 45
B. Brennan, Quigley's Sub. of Out.
Lot 710, lot 6 20 45
J. D. Norton, Quigley's Sub. of
Out Lot 710, lot 7 20 45
J. W. Norton, Quigley's Sub, of
Out Lot 710, lot 8 20 45
J. W. Norton, Quigley's Sub. of
Out Lot 710, lot 9 20 45
W. Kingsley, Quigley's Sub. of Out
Lot 710, lot 10 20 45
W. Kingsley, Quigley's Sub. of Out
Lot 710, lot 11 20 45
F. Schab, Quigley's Sub. of Out
Lot 710, lot 12 20 45
J. Coleman, Quigley's Sub. of Out
Lot 710, lot 13 20 45
E. Callahan, Quigley's Sub. of Out
Lot 710, lot 14 20 45
Wm, Hintrager, Quigley's Sub. of
Out Lot 710, W. 42 ft. of lot 15 17 17
A. Heir, Quigley's Sub. of Out Lot
710, lot 15a 18 81
'1i 'm, Hintrager, Quigley's Sub. of
Out Lot 711, lot 9 1 63
R. Albrecht, Quigley's Sub, of Out
Lot 711, lot 10
C. Strobel, Quigley's Sub. of Ou20 45
Lot 711, lot 11 ......... ,
P. Hughes, Sub. 8 Ellen Blake's
Sub. 2, lot 2 ..........
Jno. Clark, Sub. 1 Cox's . • • •.65 44
Jas. Norton, Sub. 1 Coxa dd., lot 15 00
2 Add., lot
5 00
Wm. M. Davis, Cox's Add., lot 25 00
E. H. Sheppley, Cox's Add„ lot 3 7 00
A. Norton, Cox's Add., lot 4 , , , . ,
W. G. Cox, Cox's Add., lot 5 10 00
W. (1. ('ox, fox's :\t1t1.. E. 1-2 of lot
6 10 22
Jas. Lee, ('ox's .Adel., W. 1-2 of lot
6 111 22
.Jas, Ler,. ('ox's Add.. lot 7 20 45
E. Eisen, fox's .\(1(1.. lot x 17 30
W. B. Yates Est., (•ox's Add., lot
9 .20 4.5
W. 11. Yates Est., ('ox's Add.. E9
ft. Of lot 10 3 68
Anna 11. Yates, ('ox's Atltt.. \V. 1-2
of 1:. 1-2 of lot 10 . 6 54
Dan \Volt', fox's Add., \V. 1-2 of
lot 10 10 22
J. R. Lundbeck. Cox's Add., lot
11 20 43
'L. 3eniprc fox's .\tld.. E. 1-2 of
E. 1-2 of lot I_ i 11
molly- S mere. 'fix's Add.. \V. 1-2
of E. 1-2 of lot 12 5 11
.Marie \lali r fox's Add.. \V. 1-2
of lot 12 10 22
John Von Holland, ('fix's Add,
lot 11 20 45
Godf. Moery, (•ox's Add.. lot 14 ..0 45
.lac. Traut, ('ox's AAA_ lot 1,-, 20 45
.1. A. Koch, ('ox's .\ do.. lot 16 20 45
\V. J. Sullivan, ('ox's Add.. \V. 1-2
of lot 17 1(1 22
Ellen Sullivan, t'ox's Add.. 13, 1-2
of lot 17 111 .,.,
Al. Carney, Cox's Add.. lot 1\ 211 45
Al. A. Iluettell, ('ox's Add.. Iot 1920 45
\V. G. Cox, Cox's Add., lot 2u "0 45
Emma Alden, Cox's Add.. lot 21 . . 20 45
Mary C. and Nancy Blake, Ellen
Blake's Sub., lot 7 41 92
Mary C. and Nancy Blake, Allen
Blake's Sub•, lot 6 .. ,20 45
Theresa Stoltz, Ellen Blake's Sub.,
lot 4 20 45
Theresa Stoltz, Ellen Blake's Sul,,
lot 5 . 20 45
A. C. Buettell, Ellen Blake's Sub
lot 3 20 45
C. M. Buettell Est.. Ellen Blake's
Sub., lot 9 20 45
ft. of lot 2. 9 SI
Kate Lundbeck, Cox's Add., E "4
An ordinance entitled An Ordinance
to Amend Chapter 68 of the Revised
Ordinances of 1901, of the City of Du-
buque by striking out the name George
B. Burch, trustee, wherever it appears
therein and inserting in lieu thereof
the name J. K. Deming, trustoe, and
by granting an extension of time un-
til the first clay of January, 1902, with-
in which said J. K. Deming, trustee,
shall comply with the provisions of
said ordinance.
Be it Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That the name George B.
Burch, trustee, wherever it appears in
Chapter 68 of the Revised Ordinances
of 1901, of the City of Dubuque, be
stricken out, and the name J. K. Dem-
ing, trustee, inserted in lieu thereof.
Section 2. That said J. K. Deming,
trustee, is hereby granted an extension
of time until the 1st day of January,
1902, within which to comply with the
provisions of said ordinance.
Section 3. This ordinance shall be
in force and effect from and after its
adoption and publication In the Du-
O)ilic'ia1 Notice.
bugtte Daily Telegraph newspaper.
Passed by the City Council Novem-
ber 7th, 1901.
Approved November 8th, 1901.
C. H. I11:R11,
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Dubuque
Daily Telegraph nt•wseant'r Novem-
ber _0th, 1901.
Cit.p Recorder.
Intention to construct an 8 inch tile
pipe sanitary- sewer in aIle)- betweenWhile and Jackson structs front Se\--
enteenth street to Eagle Point ave-
nue, and in Nineteenth street front al-
ley east of \V hitt• street to alley- east
of Jackson street.
To all whom it niay concern:
You and each of you are hereby- noti-
fied that it is the intention of the City
Council of Dubuque to construct an a
inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in al-
ley between White and Jackson streets
front Seventeenth street to Engle Point
avenue and in Nineteenth street front
alley east of White street to alley east
of Jackson street.
That a plat and specifications of rail
proposed s 0...r is notw 011 file in the
office of the City Recorder.
11 is cstintated by the City Engi-
neer that the stud sewers will be 2.100
ft—t in 1-ngth and l will require 11 man-
-s and will cost the abutting prop-
ci - owe,•rs 1.IC6.03 in total.
Any person having objections to the
coost-uction of said sanitary sewer are
notified to appear in person
1,, ore the Pity Council December 5th,
or to file Milt the Pity- Recorder
their of jectinns in writing on or before
Deccvnbwr 5th, 1901.
Dated Dubuque. lona. Nov. 12th. 1901.
11-20-5t. city Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the office of the t'1ty- lfecorder up to
7:30 o'clock p. m.. November 7th, 1901,
for the construction of an -inch tile
pipe sanitary- sewer in the alley be-
tween White and Jackson streets from
Seventeenth street to Eagle Point
avenue, according to plans and specifi-
cations now on file in the office of the
City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that said sewer will be 1,500 lineal feet
in length and will require eleven man
holes and the estimated cost of sewer
completed is $1,356.03.
Bidders will state the price per lineal
foot complete and the price per man
hole. The work to be completed on of
before December 15th, 1901, and shall
be paid for at the time and in the
manner prescribed by chapter 34 of the
Revised Ordinance of 1901.
The proposals for doing such work
\will be acted upon by the Council on
the 7th day of November, 1901.
Each bid must he accompanied with
a certified check (payable to the City
of Dubuque) for $100.00 on some Du-
buque bank as a guarantee that a con-
tract will be entered into if awarded
The city reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
Dated Dubuque this 22nd clay of Oct..
10-22-10t. City Recorder.
The Board of Equalization have com-
pleted the work of equalizing the tax
hooks for the year 1901, a list show-
ing all the changes made by the board
will be found at each of the following
City hall.
Court house.
The board will be in session on Sat-
urday. November 9th. 1901. at 2 p. m.
in the City Assessor's office in the City
hall where any person feeling aggriev-
ed by the assessment of Ms or -r real
estate or personal property re•ty ap-
]tear before said hoard and give rot -
sons why such changes should cot be
Clerk of Committee.
10-31 to 11-10.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the office of the City Recorder up to 4
o'clock p. rn. Wednesday, Nov. 6th.
1901, for taking care of all smallpox
patients within the city limits of Du-
Bidders will state the price 1:e r pa-
tient for services and medicine. All
under the directions of the Board of
The City reserves the right to re-
ject any and all bids.
Dated Dubuque November 1st. 1901.
Clerk to the Board of Health.
11-1 to 5 inc.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the office of the City Recorder up to
4 o'clock p. m. November 6th, 1901, for
fumigating, or disinfecting homes in
cases of smallpox and all other con-
tagious diseases.
Bidders will state the price for 1,000
cubic feet of space.
City reserves the right to reject any
and all bids.
Clerk to the Board of Health.
Official Notices.
I will sell at public auction to the
hest bidder for cash on Saturday the
^3d day of November, 1901, at 10 o'clock
a. m., at the public pound of the city
of Dubuque, on Elm street, between
14th and 15th streets, the following
animal, to -wit: One roan horse, ten -
years -old, weight 1,000 pounds.
City Marshal.
.400 --
Regular Session, December 5, 1901. :319
Regular :'essi. n, December 5th, 1901.
Counc.l met at 5:15 o'clock p. m,
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Alds. C aucy, Ft ith, Horr,
Jones, Iiintzinger, illcLaughlin and
Ald. Kintzinger moved that the
Council pr. ((dings of November 2L:t,
1901, be amended by inseiting the re-
port of the l'oard of F.tlualization In
its proper place, and the Council pro-
ceedings feu* the m ,nth of November,
1001, he al proved as amended and
printed. Parried,
BILLS ALLti\\'lad.
Adan D( err. assistant a,seam
fur Novemh r 7.; 0)
Jos. J. Murphy. assist int asses-
sor for November 75 00
M. O'Loughlin. rad man f r
November 40 0)
Frank ('Loughlin, assistant En-
gineer's office .. _'S 00
Frank i i'Lnughl'n, t'me k ei er
and clerk at high bridge ap-
proach 37 50
Ross Al\l1i1nn, incl ect n• at
Dodge street sewer 40 00
P. Baumeartner. assistant mark-
et master 21 30
Mrs. Anna 51ueke. scrubbing of-
fices at city- hall 5 00
A. Stoltz. heard of prism rs for
Novemh -t 14 0.)
John A. \"oe key•, funti;acing
Mrs. Shea's re i'ence 6 75
Larry Da ly. cl aping around
market square 42 (0
John Dreheu•e. cleaning chim-
neys at Pity Hall and Patrol
house 11 25
Dubuque Wood(n Ware & Lut-
her ccmpany. luml_ er for re-
pairing city scales on pthont-
berg avenue :l
A. E. Bradley, glazing at Pity'
Hall 4 SO
J. G. Moser, hardware f, r Piny
Hall .. 85
tint n Print ng Co., woedimeas-
urer's certificates. ere. 1G 9n
Eichhorn & Becht '1 matches ani
oil for Pity Hall 4 20
McElrath Teaming Co.. hauling
sand for road department 4 00
L. Lindenberg, shovel for city
carpenters S'
Walter Gaylen.. repairing canopy
top on steam 75
F. A. Dolton, veterinary services
for road department 1 44
Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber for
road derartment 57 00
Ragatz & SchaetIgen, repairs on
steam roller 4 05
A. A. Brown, repairing tools for
• road department 95
It. W. Parr, filing saves for city
carp( n ers .u0
A. Y. McDonald & Morrison
Mfg., Co., nozzle, etc, for steam
railer 3 35
John Butt, rel.aii ing to ds for
r, ad department (15
P. Clancy. cinders for road de -
pa: tment 25 50
A. 1'. Berg, brick for road de -
1 . tm:nt 2 00
51. ltonnigan, macadam for road
department 21 75
W. H. Chapman. regal lag roof,
Foul th street ngine house5 00
Key ('ity Gas co., cual for lire
depat tm(nt .. 6 25
H. J. Haggerty. vete Mary ser-
vices for tire d pa tment,
month c November, 1901 3 54
Hagge-i\Ietz Co., pulleys for fire
department 50
Lagen & :'indican, sh• eing horses
for fire d -pal tment 12 00
Collings & Edwa:d=, shoeing
horses for fire department7 00
Phil Heller, shoeing horsas for
fire department 7 00
Dubuque Gil Tank Line, 0'1 for
Fourth street engine house715
Iowa Iron Forks, stove grate
far Eighteenth : La et eng.ne
house 45
F. A. Dolton, vete:iaory service;
for fire department, quarter
ending Nov. 30, 1501 14 40
Dubuque Mattress Co., mattress
f, r Ninth street engine house1 60
Geo. Buck, repairing cart for
i`th street engine house 6 00
R'un •ei l.ch & W:ederh( lt, shoe-
ing horses for fire department. 13 50
Faci,h. rn & Bechtel. bran an l
matches for fire department615
A Y. McDonald & Morrison Mfg.
Pe., repairs for fir, department 2 d5
Matt Stafford. Lay for fire de-
partment 121 80
Mullin & Pepin, harness scap
for fire depa: tment 4 50
Key City Gas Co., coke f :r fire
depai tment 15 20
Ott• Heuser & Co., shavings for
fire depattment 150
Jos A. Palen, vitriol for fire de-
partment 29 55
F. Al. Jaeger & Co., hardware
fel lire denal tment 1 35
H. Wunderlich & Son, chairs for
fire department 11 00
Pet( r Defontain, sawing wood at
City Hall 10 00
,Ino. Pfeiffer, cleaning calaboose
F. A. Dolton, examining horses 10 00
Frank Burns. shavings for police
department 5 00
John Huffmeier, one load of clay
for police department 1 25
H. J. Haggerty, veterinary ser-
vices for patrol horses 1 44
Keep & Buechele, caps for police 10 00
F. Burns, use of horses for pa-
trol wagon 54 75
Collings & Edwards, shoeing
320 Regular Session, December 5, 1001.
horses for police department . 7 20 ,
Chicago, Blue Print Co., supplies
for engineer 3 45
Star Electric Co , arc lights for
November ..2020 3.5
Dubuque Telegraph, printing
weekly council proceedings .... 6 00
Dubuque Tel graph, piinting
council proceedings fur Nov.
National Demokrat, printing
council proceedings for Nov
Globe-Jou•ra?, printing prac,ed-
ings of Nov. 1901
Dubuque Telegraph, printing de-
linquent tax list 96 47
G. J. Baumgartner, manhol's
for Lincoln avenue sewer 18 35
J. Butt, repairs for sewer de-
Thos. E. Young, hauling for
sewer department
Dubuque Wooden Ware and
Lumber Co., lumber for Eagle
Point bridge approach 69 23
John Becker & Son, Rock for
Eagle Point bridge approach500 00
Hussman & Lies. wheel barrows
for Eagle Pont bridge ap-
rrmch 10 50
Dubuque Woodenware and Lum-
ber Co., lumber fir Eagle
Point bridge approach 79 72
Dubuque Woodenware and Lum-
ber Co., lumber for Eagle
Point approach . 10 39
E. A. Fengler, monthly estimate
grading Eagle Point high
bridge approach, less 10 per
cent. 450 00
G. W. Healey, supplies for Eagle
Point bridge approach 1S 30
J. G. Moser, lanterns for Eagle
Point bridge approach 4 00
Lenihan & Molo, supplies for
Faerle Point bridge app -oath64 33
F. M. Jaeger & Co., powder and
use for Eagle Point bridge ap-
proach 10 90
John Butt, repairs for Eagle
Point bridge approach 16 05
Ragatz & Schaetgen, repairing
derrick for Eagle Point bridge
approach 4 34
Key City Furniture Co., • lumber
for Dodge street sewer 11 00
Dubuque Rubber & BFlt'ngg Co
rubber boots for Dodge streets
sewer 9 00
-Ott, Meurer & Co., lumber for
Dodge street sewer 17 10
Harris & Kessler, iron pipe for
Dodge street sewer 60
John Tibey, monthly estimate on
Dodge street sewer 235 00
A. Y. McDonald & Morrison
Bros. Mfg., Co., pipe for gar-
bage dump 9 30
Thos. E. Frith, removing gar-
bage and dead animals during
Nvember, 1901 310 44
The following petitions were refer -
60 00
25 00
50 0n
8 60
1 00
red to the Committee cf the whole:
The petition of the Bank and In-
surance Building by J. H. Shields, pro-
testing against the actiin of the Board
of Equalizati :n in placing the assess-
ment of said property for the year
1901, at $250,000 and asks a teducilon
of said assessment.
Also the petition of St. Mary's
Casino, by Peter Klauer, chairman of
Buliding Committee, asking the taxes
on sane be canceled for the year 1900.
as the property is uzed exclusively
for charitable and religi 'us purros=s.
Also the petition of Andrew Ring,
asking the cancelatinn of a part of
the special assessment against his
property, lots 208 and 209 Union Add.,
for the improvement of Rush street.
Also• the petition of St. Mary's con-
gregation by Rev. C. Johannes, rector.
asking that the taxes for the year 1900.
on Lot 2 of the Sub. of Mineral Lot
307, be canceled as the property is
used exclusively for cemetery purposes
and is church property.
The following petitions were referred
to the committee on Delinquent Tax:
The petition of Isabella Cain, asking
an exemption of taxes to the amount of
$800 on her homestead. Lot 3, Hoskins
sub., for the year 1900, she being a
'Union soldier's widow.
Also the petition of 'Maria Leiltz.
asking a reduction of taxes on her
Lots, 34 and 35, Dribelbies Add.
The petition of A. Y. McDonald &
Morrison Mfg. Co.. asking that a sewer
be constructed so as to accommodate
their factorites and shops.
On motion the petition was referred
to the city engineer, he to report to
the Council at their next meeting the
best method to comply Nvith the prayer
of the petition.
The petition of Amos Paley et al, ask-
ing the extension of the water mains
to Garfield avenue and Ann street.
On motion the petition vas referred
to the Dubuque Water Works Trustees.
The petition of ex -Mayor Sol. Turek
by DavH G. Scott. asking that the as-
sessment on lots 444 to 473 inclusive in
East Dubuque Add., be reduced to $75.00
per lot.
Ald. Frith moved that the assessor
be instructed to place the valuation on
above said lots at $75.00 per lot. Car-
The notice and protest of L. H.
Waples, served on Mayor . Berg—
against the change and repairs made
on the sidewalk in front of the north
half of lot 47, City of Dubuque, was
On motion the notice and protest was
ordered received and flied.
The notice of suit in the District
Court of Anna Sullivan vs. the Dubu-
que Construction company et al, was
On motion the notice was referred to
City Attorney Duffy.
The claims of M. J. Mulgrew (Clerk
of the District Court) for costs in the
following cases in the District Court
were read:
D. Mueggenburg vs. City of Du-
buque, amount $26.15
Theodore Ratermann, vs. City of
Dubuque, amount 25.90
Regular Session, December 5, 1901.
Mary Eveleen Richards vs. City of
Dubuque, amount 34.05
R. W. Stewart vs. city of Dubuque
amount 16.50
Sarah Mahoney vs. 1'ity of Du-
buque, amount 32.50
On motion the claims for court costs
were referred to the city attorney and
committee on Claims.
Dubuque, Ia., Dec. 4, 1901.
To the Mayor and City Council.
Gentlemen: -I herewith present to
you a list and vouchers for money ad-
vanced by me during the month of No-
vember. Please have warrants drawn
In my favor for these amounts.
John Kriebs $25.55
Matilda M. Dannelly 7.88
Maggie M. Dumphy 25.00
Henry B. Gniffke 12.42
James McDonnell 75.00
John F. Stemm 75.00
L. C. Nipp 25.85
F. O'Laughlin 32.50
M. M. McCarten 40.55
James Beach 21.11
J. W. McEvoy 15.00
Elizabeth Schreiber 50 00
P. M. Schlosser 20.00
-- $425.86
Phillip Breithaupt $ 5.00
McDermott & Gow 5.00
Robert Jungk 5.00
J. F. Garvey 5.00
Nessler & Hammel, $5.00,
$5.00 10.00
Linehan & Molo. $5.00
$5.00 10.00
Mullen & Papin. $5.00, $5.00 10.00
Mullen Bros., $5.00, $5.00,
85.00• $5.00, $5.00. $5.00 30.00
Dempsey & Son, $5.00, $5.0010.00
$ 90.00
R. W. Carr, repairing door
lock, treasurer's office ...
John W. Lawler, for pur-
chase of postage stamps..
Dubuque Telephone Co.,
toll line to Dyersville ....
Total $526.06
We borrowed money from the follow-
ing parties. Please have warrants
drawn in their favor:
Trustees of Lookout Post. G. A.
R. $100.00
Trustees of Policemen's Protec-
tive Association $500.00
Trustees of Policemen's Protec-
tive Association ...$100.00
Trustees of Policemen's Protec-
tive Association $100.00
Trustees of Policemen's Protec-
tive Association $100.00
Respectfully submitted,
City Treasurer.
On motion the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn for the
various amounts and the report re-
ferred back to the Finance committee.
City Auditor Hoffman reported as
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council
of the City of Dubuque.
•Gentlemen: Herewith find my re -
port for the month of November, 1901.
showing the receipts and disburse-
ments for the month.
Cash on hand Nov. 1, 1901 ...$24,155 46
Receipts from all sources for
the month 21,400 25
Total $45,555 71
Warrants redeemed
for the month $25,441 28
Coupons redeemed
for the month
Bonds redeemed for
the month
Cash on hand Dec
1, 1901
Of the cash on hand
there belongs to the
improvement bond
fund $11,302 94
Improvement bond
interest fund 1,331 13 12,634 07
3,435 50
71 12 $28,947 90
$16,607 81
Leaving a balance to
the credit of the
city of $3,973 74
Also present list of names of city
officers and amount due for salaries
for the month of November, 1901:
Amount due city officers for the
month of November, 1901, $2,143.45.
00 0
Coupons redeemed
a record of
0 0 00 0 0 0 0
10 uaN 00 O 10
1C 0 N
0401 r/
0 0
0 0
M rl
'0 A
a z
m Pa
0 0) 0j 0) 0) 0j co F cd 0)
.41:clmc4mrzal 4 a) PI
0 m
0 XI 0001
c0 N
VI W 0. -INN 00 er rre 000
74« °I I I I
F 0 Ori rDtititi
F. 13. Hoffman,
City Auditor.
Dear Sir: Following this find a
o E
322 Regular Session, December 5, 1901.
statement of my account with the
city's Water Trustees, as evidenced by
their vouchers on file in my office:
Nov. 1st, to balance $101 70
Nov. 4, No. 37, Dubuque
• Water Works Trustees 218 72
Oct. 31, No. 220, by our-
selves (Dubuque W. W
Nov. 9. No. 221, by our-
selves (Dubuque W. W.
Nov. 12, No. 38, to Du-
buque W. W. Trust. .. 630 81
Nov. 21, No. 39, to Du-
buque W. W. Trust.... 538 62
Nov. 18, No. 222, by our-
selves (Dubuque W. W.
Nov. 25, No. 223, by our-
selves (Dubuque W. W
Nov. 29, No. 224, to Mar-
tin-Strelau Co.
Nov. 26, No. 40, to Du-
buque W. W. Trustees 330 SO
Nov. 30, No. 41, to Du-
buque W. W. Trustees 700 00
By balance
$21S 72
630 81
53S 62
'71 70
$2,520 65 2,520 65
Respectfully yours,
Treasurer of the City of Dubuque.
The following shows the Appropria-
tions and the amount of Warrants
drawn on each fund since the begin-
ning of the fiscal year beginning
March 1, 1901, to Dec. 1, 1901:
Expense $40,000 $20,594 31
Road 40,000 33,787 69
Fire 33,000 21,121 16
Police 28,500 18,490 10
Sewerage 5,000 3,799 30
Printing 2,500 1,480 00
Engineer 3,000 1,938 07
Gas and Light 27,000 16,080 55
Water Works Bond
Interest 25,000 9,900 00
Interest 50,000 34,354 86
Board of Health 4,000 3,386 96
Grading 4,000 2,801 71
Bee Branch 13,000 12,999 97
Eagle Point Bridge25,000 4,130 55
Special Bonded Paving 8,000 7,686 77
Redemption 7,500
Dodge Street Sewer6,000 3,635 24
Judgment 4,000 3,432 35
Library 6,000
Sprinkling ... 4,000
On motion the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
city officers, and the report referred
back to the Finance Committee.
Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol-
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of
Gentlemen: -Herewith I submit my
pay -roll for the fire department for the
month of November, 1901:
due firemen for the
Respectfully submitted.
MATT. CLANCY, Chairman of the
Committee on Fire.
On motion the pay -roll was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
firemen for the month. and the pay -roll
referred hack to the committee on Fire.
City Marshal Morgan reported as fol-
To the Hon. Mayor and t'Ity Council of
the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen: -I herewith submit my
report for the Police Department for
the month of November, 1901:
Total arrests for the month 64
Patrol runs 50
Miles traveled 921,4
Doors found open 30
Lodgers harbored 153
Defective lights 201
Meals furnished prisoners 70
Pound master's receips attached$5.00
Also present the payroll for the Po-
lice department for the month of No-
vember, 1901:
Amount due policemen $2,030.30
Also find matrons' report attached.
On motion the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay po-
licemen and the report referred back
to the committee on Police and Lights.
Street Commissioner Boyce reported
as follows:
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of
the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen: -I herewith submit my
pay -roll for labor on streets for the
last half of November, 1901:
Amount due laborers on streets..$667.65
Respectfully submitted.
Street Commisslloner.
Chairman Committee on Streets.
Also submit my pay roll for labor on
sewers for the last half of November.
Amount due laborers on ss vers..4122.40
Respectfuliv «nbmitted.
Street Commissioner.
Chairman Committee on Sewer' .
Also submit my pay -roll for labor
lowering sanitary sewer under Dodge
street sewer:
Amount clue laborers for said
Respectfully submitted.
Street Commissioner.
Chairman Committee on Sewers,
Also submit my pay -roll for labor on
the Dubuque and Wisconsin Bridge ap-
proach for the last half of November,
Amount due laborers on said ap-
Regular Session, December 5, 1901.
Respectfully submitted$656.50
Street Commissioner.
Chairman on Eagle Point Bridge Ap-
On motion the reports were received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
laborers on streets, sewers, Dodge
street sewer and Dubuque & Wiscon-
sin Bridge approach and the pay -rolls
refrered back to the proper committees
City Electrician Hipman reported as.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my
report of defective lights for the month
of November, 1901. I find from the re-
port of the police department that the
total hours that 207 lamps failed to
burn would equal 7 1-2 lamps for one
month or $40.50.
Respectfully submitted,
City Electrician.
On motion the report was ordered
received and filed and the auditor in-
structed to deduct $40 50 from the
November bill of the Union Electric
The following weighmaster's and
wood measurer's reports were presented
and referred to the committee on mar-
The reports are as follows:
Anton Stolz. city Hall scales, re-
ceipts $34.55
Those. Faherty, 1st ward scales,
receipts 7.35
R. Hay, scales, receipts 4.02
Louise Pitschner, West Dubuque
scales, receipts 2.16
Geo. A. Pflffner, receipts 5.90
Nic. Kintzinger, wood measurer,
receipts 7.50
City Recorder Langstaff presented
and read the published notice properly
certified to by the publisher of the
Council's intention to construct an fl-
inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in alley
between White and Jackson streets
from 17th street to Eagle Point avenue,
and in 19th street from alley east of
White street to alley east of Jackson
No objections or remonstrances filed,
the mayor asked if any one present had
any objections to the construction of
said sewer. No one offered any objec-
tions, whereupon the notice was or-
dered received and filed.
Mayor Berg stated that the contract
for the work on the approach to the Du-
buque and Wisconsin bridge had been
executed and signed by himself and Ed-
win A. Fongler (the contractor) and the
deeds from Alice M. Fengler and Cath-
arina Rhomberg for the land for said
approach had been executed, all in ac-
cordance with the previous agreement
and plat of said approach.
On motion the action of the mayor
was approved by the Council.
Recorder Langstaff presented the plat
and deeds. The plat was examined by
the Council.
Ald. Jones moved that the plat and
deeds be approved by the Council, and
that the plat and deeds be properly re-
corded in the office of the County Re-
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Horr
Jones, Kintzinger seaSheridan. Total,,
AbsentAld. McLaughlin.
Mayor Berg stated that the scales
owned by J. J. Nagle were being used
without charges and in violation of the
City Ordinance.
Ald. Clancy moved that the City
Marshal be instructed to notify Mr.
Nagle of said violation and to enforce
the ordinance in relation to scales.
Ald. Frith, chairman of the Street
committee, reported as follows:
Your committee on Streets, to whom
was referred the petition of Christ
Braun, asking that the ditch on 7th
avenue be filled, would recommend that
the street commissioner be instructed to
fill the ditch to grade with material
from the Eagle Point Bridge approach.
Also, your committee on Streets
would recommend that 15,000 cubic
yards of macadam be broken during
this winter and apportioned among the
different wards as follows:
First ward, 4,000 yards.
Second ward, 1,500 yards.
Third ward, 1,500 yards.
Fourth ward, 4,000 yards.
Fifth ward, 4,200 yards.
And that the price for breaking the
same be fixed as follows:
Where the rock shall be quarried by
the city and placed ready for breaking,
50 cents per cubic yard; and where the
rock is quarried by the person break-
ing it, 75 cents per cubic yard.
All quarrying of rock and breaking
of macadam to be done under the di-
rection and supervision of the city en-
gineer and street commissioner.
We would recommend that the differ-
ent aldermen be empowered to issue
permits for the breaking of macadam
as has heretofore eenEthe custoFRITHm
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report
of the Street committee. Carried.
Ald. Frith, chairman of the commit-
tee on Markets, reported the platform
of the hog scales at the City Hall in a
bad condition and moved that the com-
mittee on Public Grounds and Build-
ings be instructed to build a new plat-
form. Carried.
Ald. Sheridan, chairman of the Com-
mittee on Electric consti uctions re-
ported that the wires of the Chicago,
Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad com-
pany along the approach of the Du-
buque and Wiscons'n bridge had all
been fixed up with the aid of the men
working at said approach and the C.
M. & St. Paul Railroad people.
Ald. Kintzinger, chairman of the
Committee of the Whale, reported as,
Your Committee of the Whoh
Regular Session, December 5, 1901.
would recommend that the petition of
John Keckevoet asking for permission
to operate a ferry between Dubuque
and East Dubuque be received and
Also your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
W. H. Wisner, asking that he 1_e grant-
ed the exclusive privi:ege of operating
a ferry between Dubuque and East
Dubuque, would recommend that the
prayer of the petitioner be granted.
Also your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
the Dubuque Star Brewing company.
asking that the City Treasurer be hi-
st!ue ed to accept taxes for the year
1900 in accordance with the action of
the city council of April 7th, 1898, beg
to report that the books of the treaa-
ti user show that the taxes for the year
1899 are still unsettled: we would th?re-
fere recommend that the City Treas-
-urer be instructed to accept taxes for
the years 1899 and 1900 in accordance
\v i i h the aforesaid action of the City
'“uracil, provided the said taxes arc
paid without further delay.
Also your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the resolution
-adopted by the Trustees of the free
public library to fix the levy for said
libary at V4 mill on the dollar of thr,
taxable valuation of the city for the
year 1901, would recommend that said
resolution be received and filed.
Ald. Kintzinger moved to adopt the
report of the Committee of the Whole.
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of
Alice McGrath, by R. Bonson, her at-
torney, asking that the accompanying
plat of McGrath's sub. be approved,
would recommend that the prayer of
the retitioner be granted and that the
attached resolution relating to this
matter be adopted.
Ald. Kintzinger moved to adopt the.
report. Carried.
Ald. Kintzinger offered the follow-
ing resolution:
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque: That the
plat of McGrath's subdivision of lot
one (1) of Mineral lot ninety-three (93)
A. and lot two (2) of mineral lot two
(2) of Mineral lot ninety-three (93) B.,
Dubuque county, Iowa, be approved
upon certificate of City Treasurer that
all city taxes are paid, in full, and
that the Mayor and the Recorder of
the City are hereby directed to make
proper certification of this resolution
of approval, in order that said plat
may be properly recorded.
Ald. Kintzinger moved the adoption
of the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger, McLaughlin and
Aid. Kintzinger, chairman of the
Committee of the Whole, reported aa
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the contract of the
City of Dubuque with Charters and
Warson, tax agents for the discovery
and listing for taxation of all property
that may have been omitted, overlook-
ed or canceled, would recommend that
said contract be adopted.
Ald. Kintzinger moved that the
question of engaging pf tax collectors,
be submitted to a vote of the electors
at the next spring election. Motion
seconded by Ald. McLaughlin.
Ald. Sheridan moved a substitute
that the report of the committee he
adopted. Motion seconded by Ald.
Ald. Jones moved a subtsitute to the
subtsitute that the report be received
and flied. No second to Jones' mo-
Ald. McLaughlin presented and read
a minority report of the Committcc
of the Whole.
The minority report follows:
Dubuque, Iowa, Nov. 21. 1901.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen.—The undersigned, a mi-
nority of the Committee of the Whole.
would most respectfully submit the
following minority report on the "Tax
Ferret" contract and ask that it be
adopted in lieu of the report of the
report of said committee for the fol-
lowing reasons:
1. While we do not believe that the
tax dodger should be allowed to evade
the payment of his taxes, still we con-
sider it a part of justice that niriely-
nine guilty men should escape rather
than that one innocent man be made
to suffer; and there is not the slight-
est doubt that the contract now exist-
ing between the County of Dubuque
and the Tax Ferrets has wrought
hardship to many persons, some of
whom are in very meager circumstan-
2. The Tax Ferrets have been em-
ployed by the County, and under this
contract they are permitted to assess
concealed property for a period of five
years back. To the regular assess-
ments, they add a penalty of 50 per
cent., and on top of all they charge 6
per cent. interest. Should the City
employ them, they would make the
same charges against those same in-
dividuals, thus doubling the penalty
merely because a person happens to
live within the corporation limits.
3. Without meaning to cast any re-
flection on the honesty and integrity
of the gentlemen to whom it has been
proposed to grant this contract, it is
clear that there is no means by which
we can ascertain whether or not all
Regular Session, December 5, 1901. 325
the concealed property which they dis-
cover will be placed on the tax list;
such being the case, collusion between
the tax dodger and the tax ferret
would be possible; in which case it
naturally would be the large and not
the small evader that would be im-
4. The taxes on concealed property
cannot be collected until charged on
the books of the treasurer, and then
become ' public property; the written
evidence that such concealed property
exists, forms part of the records of the
County and is also public property.
The people of the City of Dubuque,
paying as they do a large share of the
total tax of Dubuque County are en-
titled to any information that has been
discovered in this line without further
5. Since the information necessary to
secure the taxes on concealed property
belongs to the public, the City Asses-
sors, who are sworn officers, can read-
ily secure the same and the City Coun-
cil having the matter under its con-
trol, can exercise clemency, where jus-
tice requires it and also compel the
wealthy tax dodger to bear his fair
share of the burden of taxation, and
would therefore recommend that the
City Treasurer be instructed to collect
all back taxes.
Ald. McLaughlin moved to adopt the
minority report.
Lost by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Jones and Mc-
Laughlin. Total 3.
Nayes—Alds. Frith, Horr, Kintzinger
and Sheridan. Total, 4.
The question recurring on the substi-
tute of Ald. Sheridan was lost by the
following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Horr and Sheri-
dan. Total, 3.
Nayes—Alds. Frith, Jones, Kintzinger
and McLaughlin. Total, 4.
The original motion of Ald. Kint-
zinger to submit to a vote of the peo-
ple was carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Frith, Horr, Jones,
Kintzinger and McLaughlin. Total 5.
Nayes—Alds. Clancy and Sheridan.
Total, 2.
Ald. Horr moved to reconsider the
action of the Council at its last ses-
sion. November 21st, 1901, in relation
to the petition of the Ernsdorff Buggy
Company asking that the alley be va-
cated between Elm and Pine streets
and Sixteenth and Seventeenth streets.
Ald. Horr moved the following in
lieu of the former action of the Coun-
I move that the action of the City
Council at its last session in so far
as granting the Ernsdorff Buggy Com-
pany the exclusive right to the alley
between Elm and Pine streets and
Sixteenth and Seventeenth streets be
amended to read as follows: That
the abutting property owners be grant-
ed the exclusive use of said alley for
the purpose of erecting manufacturing
buildings . or warehouses thereon, or
for such other purpose as they may
deem necessary in connection with
their business as manufacturers.
This privilege is granted with the
distinct understanding that the City
does not relinquish title in said alley
and is to be in force only while said
abutting property is being used for
manufacturing purposes.
Carried unanimously.
Alderman Jones cffercd the follow•
Whereas, it is deemed necessary and
advisable by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque to construct a sani-
tary sewer in alley between Rhomberg
avenue and Lincoln avenue and it is
hereby proposed to construct a sani-
tary sewer in said alley between
Rhomberg avenue and Lincoln avenues
as follows, to -wit: a 12 -inch tile pipe
sewer in alley between Rhomberg and
Lincoln avenues from Johnson avenue
to Dock avenue therefore
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque: That the City
Engineer be and he is hereby directed
to prepare a plat and specifications
showing the location and general na-
ture of such improvement, the extent
thereof, the size and kind of material
to be used, and to prepare an estimate
of the cost thereof and the amount
assessable upon each lot or parcel of
land adjacent to or abutting thereon
per front foot or square foot in area
and to file such plat, specifications and
estimate in the office of the City
That after such plat is fled, the
City Recorder shall cause to be pub-
lished notice of the intention of the
Council to make such improvement.
which notice shall be published in three
consecutive issues of the official news-
paper of the city stating that such
plat is on file, and generally the na-
ture of the sewer, is location, size and
kind of materials to be used ar.d the
estimate of its cost, and fixing the
time before which objections can be
filed, which time shall not be less than
five days after the last publication of
notice, and after completion of
the publication of such notice
he shall at its next regular ses-
sion notify the Council thereof in writ-
ing with a printed copy of such notice
accompany the same.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the reso-
lution. Carried.
Ald. Frith offered the following:
Whereas, it is deemed necessary and
advisable by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque to construct a sani-
tary sewer in Diagonal street and it
is hereby proposed to construct a
sanitary sewer in said Diagonal street
as follows, to -wit: An 8 -inch tile pipe
sewer in Diagonal street from alley
east of Broadway street to Broadway
street therefore
326 Regular Session, December 5, 1901.
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque: That the
City Engineer be and he is hereby di-
rected to prepare a prat and specifi-
cations showing the location and gen-
eral nature of such improvement, the
extent thereof, the size and kind of
material to be used, and to prera!e
an estimate thereof, and the amount
assessable upon each lot or parcel of
land adjacent to or abutting thereon
per front foot or square foot in area,
and to file such plat, specifications
and estimate in the office of the City
That after such plat is filed, the City
Recorder shall cause to be publis`icd
notice of the int=nzion of the Coun-
cil tc make such improve•nent, whi ^h
notice shall be published in three con-
secutive issues of the official news-
paper of the city stating that such
plat is on file, and, generally the na-
ture of the sewer, its location, sze
and kind of materials to be used and
the estimate of its cost, and fixing
the time before which objections can
be filed, which time shall not be less
than live days after the last publica-
tion of such notice, and after the com-
pletion of the publication of such no-
tice, he shall at its next regular session
notify the Council thereof in writing
with a printed copy of such notice ac-
companying the same.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the reso-
lution. Carried.
Ald. Frith offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That the City Rec-
order be and is hereby instructed to
advertise for bids for building and ex-
tension of the De Soto Terrace wall
according to plans and specifications
prepared, and to file same in his of-
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the reso-
lution. Carried.
Ald. Sheridan moved to adjourn
until Dec. 19th, 1901. Carried.
w -
Regular Session December 19th, 1901.
Regular session December 19th, 1901.
Council met at 8:30 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Aids. Frith, Horr, Jones,
Kintzinger, McLaughlin and Sheri -
Absent—Ald. Clancy.
Petition and plat of Jno. P. Schmidt
asking that the plat of Schmidt's sub-
division of lot No. 1S of Mount Pleas-
ant, City of Dubuque, be approved,.
and that the resolution hereto at-
tached be adopted. Carried.
Ald. Kintzinger moved that the pe-
tition be granted. Carried.
Whereupon Ald. Kintzinger offered
the following:
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque: That the
plat of Schmidt's subdivision of Lot 18
of Mount Pleasant, City of Dubuque,
be approved upon the certificate of
the City Treasurer that all City taxes
are paid In full, and that the Mayor
and Recorder of the City are hereby
directed to make proper certification
of this resolution of approval, in or-
der that said plat may be properly re-
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the reso-
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Frith, Horr, Jones,
Kintzinger, McLaughlin and Sheridan.
Total -6.
Absent—Ald. Clancy.
The following petitions were referr-
ed to the Delinquent Tax Committee:
Petition of Maria Joseph asking that
her taxes on Lot 140, East Dubuque
Add. be canceled for the year 1901.
Petition of Crecentia Sitterle asking
that her taxes on Lot 14, Block 5, Rail-
road Add. be canceled for the year 1901.
Communication of the Union Electric
Co. by 'J. R. Lindsay, Secretary, sub-
mitting the proof of the publication of
notice for a uniform franchise to cover
the entire street car system of the City,
was read, also submitted a draft of an
Ordinance embodying substantially
what is asked for in their application;
and on motion the whole matter was
referred to the Committee of the
Petition of Wm. Wratten et al ask-
ing that the name of Rhomberg ave-
nue be changed to McKinley avenue.
On motion the petition was referr-
ed the Committee of the Whole.
Petition of The St. Joseph's Mercy
Hospital asking that Peabody avenue
from James street to a point 225 feet
East of said James street at a point
opposite the easterly line of Lot No. 4
of Mineral Lot 72 be vacated, and
that an ordinance, a draft of which
is herewith submitted giving and dedi-
cating such property to the petitioner,
be adopted.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the mat-
ter be referred to the Committee of
the Whole and said Committee to view
the grounds and report to the Coun-
cil. Carried.
Petition of Pete L. Tellu complaining
about the had condition of A. A. Coop-
er's sidewalk abutting his property on
West Fifth street and asking that a
handrail he constructed on the East
side of said sidewalk.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the
Street Commissioner be instructed to
build a hand rail on the East side of
the walk. also that said walk be well
sanded during the winter months.
Communication of F. B. Hoffman
stating that 6 per cent. bonds amount-
ing to $15,400 become due and payable
February lst, 1902, also recommend-
ing that some provisions be made for
the refunding of same.
On motion. the communication was
referred to the Finance Committee.
Original Notice of District Court to
City of Dubuque vs. Mary Isabella
Duffy claiming the sum of One Thous-
and Dollars ($1,000.00) on account of
personal injuries sustained by her fall-
ing on a defective sidewalk in the City
of Dubuque.
On motion the notice was referred to
the Committee on Claims with power.
Ald. McLaughlin of the Street Com-
mittee presented the bill of Hackney
& Glass for 41 cubic yards of macadam
at 75c amounting to $30.75 and moved
that the bill be paid. Carried.
Street Commissioner Boyce reported
as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—Herewith I submit my
pay -roll for labor on streets for the
first half of December, 1901:
Amount due labor on streets $189.75.
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
Approved: E. E. Frith, Chairman
and Joseph L. Horr, Street Committee.
Also submit my pay roll for laborers
on sewers for the first half of Decem-
ber, 1901:
Amount due laborers on sewers
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
Approved: Joseph L. Horr, Chair-
man Sewer Commiftee.
Also I submit my pay roll for labor
grading the approach to the Dubuque
and Wisconsin bridge for the first half
of December, 1901.
Amount due laborers $1,247.65.
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
3?5 Regular Session December 11th, 1901.
J. W. Kintzinger, Chairman Du-
buque and Wisconsin bridge approach
Also submit my pay roll for hauling
rock by the yard from the Dubuqu'
and Wisconsin bridge approach to Hay
market at the rate of 30 cents per
cubic yard, and to the city's lot near
the Sacred Heart church, at the rate of
25 cents per cubic yard; of which
-amount, 10 cents per cubic yard is to
he charged to the Eagle Point bridge
apprcach fund and the balance charg-
ed to the road fund.
Amount charged to Eagle Point
bridge fund $44.90.
Amount charged to road fund $83.85.
Respectfully submitted.
Street Commissicner.
Approved: J. W. Kintzinger, Chair-
man on Eagle Point bridge approach,
Joseph L. Horr.
On motion the pay roll9 were re-
ceived and warants ordered drawn in
accordance with recommendations to
pay laborers on streets. sewers, Du-
buque and Wisconsin bridge and for
hauling rock and the pay rolls referred
back to the proper committees.
City Attorney Duffy reported as fol-
Dubuque. Iowa. December 19. 1931.
To the City Council of the City of Du-
buque: Gentlemen:
You have referred to the Mayor and
City attorney, for investigation and
report. the fol owing questions relative
to the Bee Branch sewer:
First—Has the city the right to con-
struct a storm -water sewer across the
right-of-way, of the Chicago Great
Western company, from Rhomberg
avenue to Garfield avenue?
Second—Has the city the right to
compel the railway company to con-
struct such sewer or to assess the cost
of construction against the property
of the railway company?
Third—If the city shall construct the
sewer under the road -bed of said
railway company what character of
culvert must it build under said road-
In company with Mayor Berg we
visited the premises in question and
I would respectfully report as follows:
First—The city has the authority,
under section 960 of the code, to pass
through private property and condemn
the same for the purpose of deepen-
ing, widening, straightening, walling,
filling, covering, altering or changing
the channel of any water -course or
part thereof flowing through the city-
Second—The city has the right to
assess against abutting property bene-
fited by such improvement, so much of
the cost thereof as shall not exceed
the benefits and not to exceed the sum
of three dollars per lineal foot thereof.
But the assessments shall be uniform
upon all the abutting property benefit-
ed by the improvement and the prop-
erty of one person, firm or corporation
cannot be specially assessed and all
the other property equally benefited be
exempted from special assessment.
The city has not authority to compel
the railway company to construct this
server through its private property.
Third—The sewer must be construct-
ed so as to leave the railway com-
pany in possession of the full enjoy-
ment of its property in the uses and
purposes for which it 15 devoted.
City Attorney.
I concur in the foregoing report.
C. H. BERG, .Mayor.
Ald, Sheridan moved that the report
of the city attorney and the mayor be
adopted. and the matter of the Bee
Branch server under the Chicago Great
Western railway he referred hack to
the mayor and city attorney and they
ascertain what arrangements can be
made with said railway company for
the construction of sail sewer. Car-
City Assessor Scherr reported as fol-
Dubunue, Ta.. Dee. 10. 1901.
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council
of Dubuque.
Gentlemen:—As the tax list for the
year 1901 had been completed and the
recapitulation made when T received
your order to place the valuation of lots
444 to 448; both inclu.ive. and 469 to
473, both inclusive, all in East Dubuque
Add. and owned by Sol. Turck. at $75.00
each. I would respectfully recommend
that the said order he referred to the
city treasurer and that he he ordered
to make the reduction.
Yours respectfully.
City Assessor.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the report
be adopted and the treasurer be in-
structed in accordance with the recom-
mendations. Carried.
The bids for the construction of a re-
taining wall on Desoto Terrace, from
end of present wall 25 feet south. were
presented and ordered opened, and
found as follows:
Anton Ebert, per cubic yard, $2.98.
C. Mersch, per cubic yard, $3.09.
Peter Eisbach, per cubic yard, $4.91.
Ald. Frith moved that the contract
for building the retaining wall on De-
soto Terrace be awarded to Anton
Ebert at $2.98 per cubic yard for mason-
ry. Carried.
Ald. Sheridan, chairman of the corn-
mittee on Supplies, reported that his
committee had looked at a good many
vehicles for the taking of patients to
the Detention hospital and found all
kinds and prices.
Ald. Kintzinger moved that the mat-
ter of providing for the removal of pa-
tients to the Detention hospital be re-
ferred to the Board of Health with
power. Carried.
Aid. Sheridan moved that hereafter
the patrol wagon attend all fires, es-
pecially at night. Carried.
The Mayor stated that complaints
had been made that Noel & Wagner
It filar Session December 19th, 1901.
were weighing on scales on Couler
avenue between Eighteenth and Nine-
teenth streets contrary to the ordi-
On motion the matter was referred to
the Committee on Markets to investi-
gate and report to the Council.
Ald. Sheridan, Chairman of the Com-
mittee on Delinquent Taxes, reported
as follows:
Your Committee on Delinquent Taxes
would recommend that the petition of
John Rotnmers, asking that he be al-
lowed the exemption provided for by
law for soldiers of the war of the re-
bellion. be granted and that the Treas-
urer I,•. instructed accordingly.
:\ - your Committee on Delinquent
Tax.•, t.. whom was referred the pe-
tition of W. J. Clark, asking that he
be granted the exemption provided by
law for soldiers of the war of the re-
bellion, would recommend that the
prayer of the petition be granted, and
that the Treasurer be instructed to
cancel his taxes on $300.00 valuation.
Also your Committee on Delinquent
Taxes, to whom was referred the peti-
tion of Susie S. Cooper, asking that
the taxes on her property, lots 33 and
34 in Rosedale Add. and lot 2 of 76
Woodlawn Park Sub. be canceled for
the year 1900 and thereafter, would
recommend that on account of her
poverty, the taxes be canceled for the
year 19'10 and that the Treasurer be so
\1 your Committee on Delinquent
Tax to whom was referred the pe-
tition of Katharine Loibel, asking that
the taxes against her property be can-
celed, would recommend that on ac-
count of her poverty, the prayer of the
petition be granted and that the treas-
urer be notifieC accordingly.
Also your Committee on Delinquent
Taxes would recommend that Cath-
erine Prandy, Isabella Cain and Amelia
Voss be granted, in accordance with
their petitions, the exemption pro-
vided for by law for the widows of
soldiers of the war of the rebellion
and that the Treasurer be so notified.
Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the re-
port of the Committee on Delinquent
Taxes. Carried.
Ald. Horr, Chairman of the Com-
mittee on Sewers, reported as follows:
Your Committee on Sewers begs to
report that within bill of McEvoy Bros.
& Stevenson, is for labor performed
in reconstructing the sanitary sewer
under the Dodge street storm water
sewer. The time of the masons and
hc.p r was returned by the foreman in
charge of this work and warrants
were ordered drawn in their favor by
the Council on December 5th, 1901; but
owing to a misunderstanding, the rate
at which they were paid was $4.00 per
day, whereas it should have been $4.50;
and this bill of $4.50 is for the balance
due; we would therefore recommend
that a warrant be ordered drawn on
the treasurer In favor of McEvoy Bros.
& Stevenson for the amount of $4.50.
Also your Committee on Sewers, to
whom was referred the petition of Jos-
eph Bott, in relation to paying the
special assessment levied against his
property for the construction of a san-
itary sewer in Rose street, would rec-
ommend that the special assessment
against the east 50 feet of lot 4 of lot 3
of Mineral Lots 87 and 88, amounting to
$17.50, be canceled and that the treas-
urer be so notified.
Also your Committee on Sewers
would recommend that the within com-
munication of Mulgrew & Phillips, stat-
ing that they would hold the city re-
sponsible for any damage that might
be caused by the delay in finishing the
repairs on the sanitary sewer at the
foot of Dodge street, be received and
Also your Committee on Sewers, to
whom was referred the petition of
Sarah J. Winall, agent, asking that
the sanitary sewer be continued in
Chestnut street from the present termi-
nus westerly to a point opposite the
westerly line of lot 792 in McDaniel's
sub., would recommend that the prayer
of the petition be granted.
Also your Committee on Sewers, to
whom was referred the petition of E.
H. Sheppley asking that the special
assessment levied against lot 3, Cox's
Add., for the construction of a sani-
tary sewer in West Locust street be
canceled, would recommend that said
petition be received and filed.
Chairman Sewer Committee.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the re-
port of the Sewer Committee. Car-
Ald. Horr, ^_hairman of the Equali-
zation Board, reported as follows:
Your Board of Equalization, to
whom was referred the petition of M.
H. Waples, asking that the assessment
en lot 45 and south 9 feet of lot 44
be allowed to remain as returned by
the assessor, would recommend that
said petition be received and filed.
Also Board of Equalization to whom
was referred the petition of Catharine
Theis, asking that the valuation be
reduced on lot one (1) of Mineral lot
43 and lot one (1) of Mineral lot 44, for
the year 1900, would recommend that
the Treasurer be instructed to accept
taxes on this property on the basis
of $1400.00 valuation for the year 1900.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report
of the Board of Equalization. Car-
Ald. Kintzinger, chairman of the
Committee of the Whole reported as
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was refered the petition of An-
ton Peter, asking that he be allowed
damages for injuries received b him
330 Regular Session December 19th, 1901.
in stepping into a hole in West Lo-
cust street, could recommend that his
doctor bill, amounting to $13.00, he
paid by the city; and that a warrant
be ordered drawn on the Treasurer In
favor of Anton Peter for the above
Also your Committee of the Whole,
would recommend that the Street Com-
missioner he instructed to put on ad-
ditional teams and take all the rock
he can get under the contract with E.
A. Fengler; and also that the amount
be paid for hauling rock by the yard
from the Eagle Point Bridge approach
and the schedule of wages for men
employed on said approach by the hour
according to the nature of their em-
ployment, he left to the discretion of
the Street Commissioner.
Also your Committee of the Whole,
would recommend that the City At-
torney be instructed to settle the case
of Cullen vs. The City of Dubuque.
by paying the plaintiff the sum of
$75.00; and that a warrant he ordered
drawn on the City Treasurer in favor
of the City Attorney for the above
Ald. Kintzinger moved to adopt the
report of the Committee of the Whole,
Alderman Horr moved the folio Ring:
Under a resolution adopted by the
City Council October 17th, 1901, author-
izing the drawing of a jury to assess
the damage to the abutting property
by reason of the laying out and open-
ing of the approach to the Dubuque
and Wisconsin Bridge the following
parties were chosen for such service:
Thos. Connolly, James Beach, J.
Herod, Jos. J. Rowan, P. Olinger, J.
V. Rider, John Tibey, Chas. Ho'1-
nagel, Chris. A. Voelker, H. B. Glover,
M. M. Walker and George Salot; and
I move that warants be ordered drawn
on the City Treasury in favor of the
above named parties for the amount
of $2.00 each in payment for their
services as such jurors.
The motion was unanimously car-
Alderman Horr offered the following:
I move that the resolution adopted
by the City Council at a session held
November 8th, 1901 to provide for the
issue of refunding bonds to the amount
of $17,750.00 of the denomination of
$250.00 each, be repealed.
I offer the foregoing motion, and
ask that it be adopted by this coun-
cil for the reason that the bond buy-
ers have informed the city treasurer
that there is no demand for bonds of
such low denomination; and I will of-
fer at the proper time, a resolution
covering this same issue of refunding
bof $500.00 eonds, in 8h bonds of the denomination.
The motion was unanimously car-
Ald. Horr of the Finance Committee
offered the following resolution:
Whereas a number of the improve-
ment bonds of the city issued to de-
fray the expenses of certain streets, al-
leys and other improvements made
along and in front of the abutting
property benefited thereby were orig-
inally isued in denominations of one
thousand dollars, and whereas bonds
of this denomination have prover.
themselves to be both inconvenient and
uneconomical for the city, as it is im-
possible to call in these bonds until
the full amount of their face has been
collected from the abutter, and as it
often happens that large amounts;
but less than a thousand dollars ac-
cumulates in the hands of the treas-
urer and must be held by him and can-
not be utilized, therefore be it resolved,
that under and by virtue of the ordi-
nances of the City of Dubuque and th
powers conferred upon said city b
Section. 848 and 849. Chapter S. Tit
V., Code of Iowa of 1897, certain bon
hereinafter mentioned be refund
and a series of bonds of a denom
tion of Five Hundred Dollars
be issued to refund these.
it v
The bonds to be refunded to be de-
scribed as follows: Bonds numbered
15 to 21 inclusive dated June 1st, 1896,
amounting to $7,000.00, bonds number-
ed 44 to 47 inclusive, dated November
13th, 1896 amounting to $4,000. Fonds
number 2, October 15th, 1898, amount-
ing to $314.50, bond number 36. dated
October 5th, 1896, amounting to $400.00
bends numbered 117 to 124 inclusive
dated October 1, 1595, amounting to
$5,000.00, making a t tal to be re-
deemed of $19,714.50, of this amount
$17,500.00 are to be refunded and the
balance paid for from funds now in
the hands of the City Treasurer.
The refunding bonds to be number-
ed from 85 to 119, bearing date of Jan-
uary 2d, 1902, each of a denomina-
tion of $500.00, bearing interest at the
rate of 5 per cent. per annum. payable
semi-annually. The bonds to be pay-
able seven years from date, or at any
time before at the option of the city,
both principal and interest to be pay-
able at the office of the City Treasurer
at Dubuque, Iowa. The bonds and
coupons to be substantially in the fol- '
lowing form:
United States of America.
State of Iowa.
City of Dubuque,
County of Dubuque.
The C
pay t
Refunding Bond.
500 Dollars.
ity of Dubuque in the State of
for value received, promises to
o the bearer hereof, on the 2d
f January, A. D., 1909, or any
Regular Session December 19th, 1901. 331
time before at the option of the city,
the sum of
with Interest thereon, at the rate of
five per cent. per annum, payable
semi-annually, on the 2d day of Janu-
ary and the 2d day of July on the pre-
sentation and surrender of the interest
coupons hereto attached as they be-
come due. Both principal and interest
of this bond are payable at the office
of the City Treasurer, at Dubuque
Iowa. This bond is issued by virtue
of the City of Dubuque, under and by
virtue of Section 848 and 849 of chap-
ter 8, Title V., of the Code of 1897
of the State of Iowa, and in accord-
ance with the resolutions of the City
Council of said city passed en the 19th
day of December, 1901. This bond is
is one of a series of thirty-five bonds
of like tenor. date and amount num-
bered from 35 to 119 inclusive. and is
issued for the purpose of providing
for the refunding of certain bond;,
numbered 2, October 15, 1898, number
31. October 5, 1896, number 15 to 21
inclusive. June lst. 1896. number 44 to
47 inclusive. November 18th, 1596. is-
sued to defray the expense of certain
street improvements in. upon and
along certain streets and alleys. and
certain sewers in said City of Dubuque,
namely: Fifteenth street from Main
to Locust streets, Sixteenth street
from Main to Locust street. Audubon
avenue from West Fourteenth strut
to Dexter avenue, Schiller avenue from
Lincoln avenue to Peosta street, Feng -
ler avenue from Peosta north terminal,
of street, Middle avenue from Emsley
Lane to Garfield avenue. Rush street
from Quince street to Villastreet.Fifth
avenue from end of improvement to
Rhomberg avenue. Seventeenth street
from Locust to Clay street. Rebecca
street frnm Thomas street to end of
street, alley from Johnston avenue to
Windsor avenue between Garfield and
Rhnmbere- avenues, Fremont avenue
from North Cascade road to Pacific
street, Gareold avenue from Dock ave-
nue to First avenue. West Eighth
street from West Line of Rogers Sub.
to Air Hill street. Queen street from
Sanford avenue to Clinton street, al-
ley from Seventeenth to Eighteenth
streets between Elm and Pine streets,
alley from Sixteenth to Eighteenth
streets between Maple and Cedar.
Nineteenth street from west line of
Pine street to east line of East Du-
buque Addition. alley north of Eagle
Point avenue from Prince street to
C. G. W. R. R.. Fifteenth street from
alley east of Elm street to Pine street,
Edison street from Ctafford avenue to
Althauser avenue. Eagle street and
Emsley alley from Middle avenue to
Althauser avenue West Seventeenth
street from Clark street to Cox street,
Twelfth street from Main to Locust
street. Hart street from Couler ave-
nue to Valeria street, Foye street froth
West Locust street to Gold street,
Strauss avenue from Burden to Wind-
sor avenues, Headley Court from
Strauss avenue to Lawther avenue,
Clinton avenue from Queen street to
Windsor avenue, Bennett from Grand-
view avenue to east end of lot 8
OHara's Sub., Clifford street from
Seminary street to Napier street, Grace
street from Grandview avenue to east
end of lot 8 O'Hare's Sub., Coatev
avenue from Fremont avenue to Cross
street, Union avenue from West Locust
street to Alta Vista street, Chestnut
street from Prairie street to Walnut
street, Jones street from West Masa
street to east line of I. C. R. 11.
tracks, west Main street from Maie
street to Jones street, Phillips Lane.
Troy alley, and sewer in Alma and
Picket streets, which cost is payaiee
by the abutting property benefited
thereby and by law a lien on said abut-
ting property, and is payable in seven
annual installments with interest on
said deferred payments at the rate of
six per cent. per annum, and it iti
hereby certified and recited that all the
acts, conditions and things required t.)
be done precedent to and in the issuing
of this bond have been properly clone,
happened and performed in regular and
due form, as required by law, and for
the payment here of both principal
and interest the full faith and credit of
said City of Dubuque is irrevocably
pledged, in accordance with the said
Section 848 and 849 Chapter 8, Titie V.
of the Code of 1897 and the resoutious
of the City Council referred to.
In witness whereof the City of Du-
buque, by its City Council has cau<ed
this bond to be signed by its mayor,
attested by its recorder with the seal
of the city affixed and countersigned
by its auditor, this second day of
January, 1902, and the interest coupons
hereto attached, to be executed by the
facsimile signatures of the mayor and
recorder of said City of Dubuque, all
as of date of the second day of Jan-
uary, A. D., 1902.
Mayor of the City of Dubuque.
City Recorder.
City Auditor.
On the day of , the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, promises to
pay bearer, as provided in said bonds,
the sum of Twelve Dollars and Fifty
Cents at the office of the City Treas-
urer, being six months' interest due
that day on its refunding improve-
ment bond No. —, dated January
2d. 1902.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Frith, Horr, Jones,
Kintzinger and Sheridan. Total 5.
332 Regular Session December 19th, 1901.
' Absent—Aids. Clancy and McLaugh-
Approved Deceml-er 19th, 1901.
Attest. Mayor.
City Recorder.
Ald. Horr offered the following:
Whereas, It is deemed necessary
and advisable by the city council of the
city of Dubuque to construct a sani-
tary sewer in Chestnut street, and it
is hereby proposed to construct a sani-
tary sewer in said Chestnut street, as
folic•ws, to -wit: An 8 -inch tile pipe
sewer from the end of the present
sewer, which is about 195 feet west of
Highland Place, to a point oposite the
westerly line of lot 792 in A. McDan-
ell's sub., therefore
Be it resolved by the City Council
of the city of Dubuque, That the city
engineer be and he is hereby directed
to prepare a plat and specifications
showing the location and general na-
ture of such improvement, the extent
thereof, the size and kind of material
to he used, and to prepare an esti-
mate of the cost thereof, and the
ar.'ount asessable upon each lot or
parcel of land adjacent to or abutting
thereon per front foot or square foot
in area, and to file such plat, specifi-
cations and estimate in the office of the
city recorder.
That after such plat is filed, the city
recorder shall cause to be published
notice of the intention of the council
to make such improvement, which
-notice shall be published in three con-
secutive issues of the official news-
paper of the city stating that such
plat is on file, and, generally the na-
ture of the sewer, its location, size and
kind) of materials to be used and the
estimate of its cost, and fixing the
time before which objections can be
filed, which time shall not be less than
five days after the last jublication of
such notice, and after the completio
•of the publication of such notice, he
shall, at its next regular session,
notify the council thereof in writing
with a printed copy of such notice
accompanying the same.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the resolu-
tion Carried.
Ald. Horr offered the following:
a sableby the Cityc uncil e necessary the
City of 'Dubuque to construct a sani-
tary sewer in Thirteenth street, and it
is hereby proposed to construct a san-
itary sewer in said Thirteenth street
as follows, to -wit: a 10 -inch tile pipe
Fewer from the alley East of Washing-
ton street to Cedar street; therefore
Be it Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque; That the city en-
gineer be and he is hereby directed to
prepare a plat and specifications show-
ing the location and general location of
such improvement, the extent thereof,
the size and kind of material to be
used, and to prepare an estimate of the
cost thereof, and the amount assessable
upon each lot or parcel of• land adjacent
to or abutting thereon per front foot
or square foot in area, and to file such
Plat, specifications and estimate in the
office of the city recorder.
That after such plat is filed, the city
recorder shall cause to be published
notice of the intention of the Council to
make such improvement, which notice
shall be published in three consecutive
issues of the official newspaper of the
city stating that such plat is on file,
and. generally the nature of the sewer,
its location, size and kind of material
to be used and the estimate of its cost,
and fixing the time before which objec-
tions can be filed, which time shall not
be less than five days after the last
publication of such notice, and after
the completion of the publication of
such notice, he shall at its next regular
session notify the Council thereof in
writing with a printed copy of such
notice accompanying the same.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the resolu-
tion. Carried.
Ald. Horr offered the following:
Be it Resolved that the city treasurer
is hereby instructed to call in sewer
improvement bond number 80, issued
to defray the cost of constructing the
sewer in West Locust street. The in-
terest on this bond to cease on Decem-
her 23, 1901.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the resolu-
tion. Carried.
Ald. Horr moved to reconsider the
action of the Council December 6th,
1901, on the contract of the City of Du-
buque with Charters & Warson, tax
agents, for the discovery and listing
for taxation of all property that :nay
have been omitted or overlooked.
Aid. Kintzinger moved that the Coun-
cil adjourn until January 2d, 1902.
The mayor stated that the motion to
adjourn was in order and put the mo-
tion of Ald. Kintzinger to adjourn, and
declared it carried.
A st:
. Recorder
oZ /7o
.... Mayor
List of Warrants.
City Recorder's Office, Dubuque, Ia.,
December 1, 1901.
'To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—The following is a com-
plete list of all warrants issued by me
•during the month of November, 1901:
'C. H. Berg, salary, mayor $116 65
H. B. Gniffke, treasurer 133 30
H. B. Gniffke, assistant treas-
urer 75 00
L. M. Langstaff, recorder 116 65
F. B. Hoffman. auditor 100 00
•C. B. Scherr, assessor 125 00
T. H. Duffy, attorney 150 00
P. J. Nelson, assistant attor-
ney 50 00
Edw. Morgan, marshal 100 00
Joe Reinfried, fire chief 100 00
John Lawler, committee clerk 83 30
Wm. A. Kaep, clerk, recorder's
office .. 60 00
Edw. Herron, clerk treasurer's
office 60 00
Edw. Blake, engineer 125 00
Jas. H. Boyce, etreet commis-
sioner 100 00
'W. Hipman, electrician .. 83 30
Anton Stoltz, market toaster 50 00
'Thos. Cahill, park custodian 40 00
Peter Bradley, park custodian 40 00
Jno. C. Hancock, health officer 50 00
Frank Flynn, sanitary patrol-
man .. 60 00
Al. Moyer, pound master 45 00
Mrs. H. Koenig, janitress 20 00
A. P. Berg, sidewalk inspector50 00
N. Kintzinger, wharfmaster 20 00
Matt Clancy, alderman 25 00
R. E. Frith, alderman 25 00
Jos. L. Horr. alderman 25 00
J. W. Kintzinger, alderman25 00
1'. H. McLaughlin, alderman25 00
Rudolph Jones, alderman 25 00
John J. Sheridan, alderman25 00
M. Eitel, fireman 65 00
'. Essznan. fireman 75 00
A. Duccini, fireman 60 00
J. Flynn, driver 60 00
J. Wiltse, fireman 60 00
G. Beyer, fireman 60 00
A. Heer fireman 50 00
J. Tschudi fireman 50 00
J. Daley, fireman 65 00
J. Barnes, fireman 75 00
T. Ryder, fireman 60 00
W. Ducey, fireman 60 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
Dave Ahearn, fireman 65 00
F. Kenneally, fireman • • 60 00
60 00
T. Kennedy, fireman
J. Fitzpatrick, fireman 50 00
J. Jones, fireman 50 00
P. Zillig, fireman 50 00
'M. Sweeney, fireman '50 00
A. McDonald, fireman 76 00
J. Murphy, fireman 60 00
M. Kelly, fireman 50 00
J. Schonberger, fireman
F. Murphy, fireman
F. Duffy, fireman
P. Ahearn, fireman
F. Ganahl, fireman
T. Flynn, fireman
G. Ghirke, fireman
65 00
60 00
50 00
F.Baumgartner, fireman 50 00
C. Kannolt, fireman 65 00
J. Allen, fireman 60 00
R. Weston, fireman 50 00
M. Fahey, fireman 60 00
E. Hanson, fireman 54 20
W. Summerville, sub fireman 50 00
A. McKinnon, sub fireman 44 90
Geo. Burkel, police 51 65
Ben Busse, police 50 00
M. Craugh, police 65 00
Jas. Carter, police 45 00
Jas. Clune, police 60 00
Jno. Cody, police 50 00
W. Cook, police 50 00
P. Dunphey, police 60 00
H. Donlan, police 50 00
Jas. Flynn, police 50 00
Jno. Fitzpatrick, police 50 00
Wm. Frith, police 50 00
P. Hanlon, police 50 00
W. Hennessey, police, 50 00
M. Kilty, police 50 00
E. Kahn, police 51 65
Jno. Loetscher, police 50 00
P. McCollins,• police 50 00
P. McInerney, police 50 00
Jno. Moore, police 60 00
D. Norton, police 50 00
Jno. Murphy, police 51 65
M. O'Connor, police 51 65
Aug. Pfeffer, police 51 65
Pat Powers, police 50 00
Tom Reilly, police 62 00
Jno. Raesli, police 65 00
Jas. Ryan, police 50 00
P. Sullivan. police 50 00
Al T. Scherr, police 50 00
P. Sutton, police 50 00
M. Stapleton, police 50 00
P. Scharf, police 51 65
Jno. L. Sullivan, police 50 00
Tom Sweeney, police 50 00
Joe Tyler, police 50 00
L. Ziedman, police 50 00
Mrs. Kate Hibbe, matron 30 00
Miss B. Brennan, matron 30 00
Al Alderson, labor 1 35
Ernest Amanda, labor 10 80
Rich Burns, labor 10 80
John Burns, labor. 9 80
Jos. Blocklinger, labor 13 50
Jos. Broulette, labor 5 40
Paul Becker, labor 18 60
Fred Budde, labor 10 SO
Chas. Bluecher, labor 9 15
John Brachtenbach, labor 7 80
Chas. Busse, labor 810
Paul Brandenberger, labor 8 10
Jos. Brown, labor 18 90
Mike Cain, labor 10 80
Wm. Coughlin, labor 9 45
Jas. Callahan, labor 2000
Jas. Connolly, labor 18 90
John Corbett, labor 18 91)
Henry Cosgrove, labor 21 00
.Adam Crawford, labor 20 00
John Callahan, labor 1 35
List of Warrants.
John Dougherty, labor
M. Dunnigan, labor
Thos. Donahue, labor
R. T. Eddy, labor
John Engels, labor
Mat Fagan, labor
Mat Fetshele, labor
Pat Fogarty, labor
Pat Fenelon, labor
Nelson Frith, labor
Barney Glass, labor
Pat Grue, labor .....
Jos Giesland, labor
Henry Galle, labor
Chas. Gruenzig, labor
Jos. Grab, labor
Jos. Guenther, labor
Mike Gera, labor
C. Gantenbein, labor
John Hafey, labor
Thos. Hackney, labor
Geo. Hecklinger, labor
Geo. J. Hahn, labor
Amb. Hird, labor
Aug. Handelman, labor
Jas. Hird, labor
Adam Henderson, labor
Aug. Hafeman, labor
Jacob Hanson, labor
C. H. Hubard, labor
John Jehring, labor
Tim Kelly, labor
Chas. Kampman, labor
Nic Kettenhofen, labor
Nic Homes, labor
John Kelly, labor
Fred Krueger, labor
Pat Kenneally labor
Mat Klein, labor
John Lavery, labor
Mike Lavin, labor ., 4 05
Tom Lonergan, labor 6 45
John Lansen, labor 7 10
Martin Lonergan, labor 18 90
John Mahoney, labor 10 S:1
Jos. Martinek, labor 12 85
Nat Mabe, labor 10 15
W. McDermott, labor 5 40
John McCarron, labor6 75
James McCormack, labor 10 13
Jas. McCracken, labor .. 1115
8 10
13 50
18 90
20 00
10 15
8 10
9 45
11 85
18 00
50 00
5 40
13 50
12 15
9 15
12 15
10 80
6 75
20 00
5 40
13 50
1 35
20 00
'12 50
8 10
20 40
10 50
8 10
12 50
75 00
17 90
8 10
1 33
8 SO
8 10
8 80
2 05
18 90
12 50
10 1.5
Pat McPo'.and, labor
Barney McCormack, labor
John Noonan, labor
Wm. O'Brien, labor
Jas. Powers, labor
Jas. Purcell, labor
John Pfeiffer, labor
Chas. Pierce, labor.,
John Parker, labor
Wm. Quinlan, labor
Mat Quirk, labor
Pat Ryan, labor
Jas. Ryan. labor..
Phil Reddin, labor
P. J. Royce, labor
Theo. Raterman, labor
('has. Reilly, labor
Jos. Rooney, labor
Jas. Straney, labor
M. S. Sughrue, labor
Mike Shea, labor......
Dan Sheehan, labor
9 80
5 49
6 75
20 00
5 40
4 05
11 15
18 90
15 01
13 00
20 00
21 03
13 50
1 35
20 00
9 15
18 90
12 00
Nic Sweeney, labor
John Schroeder, labor
Tony Schmidt, labor
Frank Scherr, labor
Aug. Soyke, labor
Louis Schmidt, labor
Geo. Seward, labor
James Smith, labor
Wm. Stephens, labor
John Schemel, labor
Jas. Talty, labor
Rich Turner, labor
John `Walsh, (Race) labor
G. Wiedman, labor.
Adam Zengel, labor
Geo. Zumhoff, labor
Frank Burns, team
Geo. Brener, team...
Herman Bishop, team
John Calvert, team
Jos. Calvert, team
Thos. Elliott, team
John Evans, team
Mat Gantenbein, team
Thos. Hein, team
Dan Hoag, team
John Long. team
John Huffmier, (contract) team.
Tom Kenneally, team
Mike Kenneally, team
Pat Lenihan, team
Peter Horch. team
A. W. Miller, team
Tom Horgan, team
Carson McElrath, team
Ted O'Brien, team
Louis Peil. team
Mrs. E. Quinlivan, team
Geo. Reynolds, team
Ed Seeley, team
John Singrin, team
Frank Sieg, team
Art Turner, team
Jas. Tobin, team
M. Zogg, team
1 35
6 75.
9 45•
12 59
8 10
2 73,
2 70
11 50
5 40,
5 10
4 05
9 45.
3 40
5 40
10 d0-
21 00
27 50
10 00
3 15
25 00'
15 1,0.
10 2.
2:1 20•
3 7:
S 15
5 00
1 25
:i illi
3:: A.
11, n,
12 -, ,
15 •i i
31 90
10 (10
Pat Casserly, labor. 22.40
W. Clark, labor 12 On
John Corcoran, labor 22 40
S. H. Cook, labor 25 00
Maurice Flynn, labor 20 S0
R. A. Fuller, :abor 15 2.)
W. Lonergan, labor 2. 40
Con Sullivan, labor 20 ,;0
James Calvert, team 1 25
Frank Sieg, team 2 50
Adam Doerr, assistant assessor
for October $ 15 00,
Jos. J. Murphy, assitant asses-
sor for October 75 00
F. O'Loughlin, assistant, engi-
neer's office 50 00'
M. O'Loughlin, rodman, engi-
neer's office 40 OG
John Schrup, inspector Bee
Branch sewer 40 00
Ross McMahon, inspector on
Dodge street sewer 40 00
1 35 Anton Stoltz, board of prisoners
2 70 for October 7 00
8 10 J. G. Moser,hardware, city hall6 30
16 00 Key City Gas Co., mantles and
List of Warrant`. 335.
13ieg & Rood, stall -jnery for
various departments
Smith -Morgan Printing Co., 500
envelopes for Recorder's ofiice.
Fisher & Co., hard coal at
city hall
W. W. 1Vormood, repairing city
Smith -Morgan Printing Co., to
one-half pay for 42 Register
books with index
Even & Fuchs, hard coal at
First ward scales
Phil Pier, 10 cords maple wood
city hail
C. Bayless, engrossing resolu-
tions and material furnished
Palmer, Berg & Co., blank sta-
tionery for various ofiice3
Palmer, Berg & Co.. blank bonds
13. Michel, professional services
for Win. Clark .. „
Pape & Jacquinot, plumbing at
City Hall
J. W. 1Vittmer, glass and putty,
at city hall
Phil Pier, ice at city hall from
May 4th to Oct. 19th, 1991
The Martin-Streiau Co., one l.ad
kindling wood at city hail
John G. Moser, new linings for
stoves at city hall
W. H. Chapman, kalsomining
and repairing ceiling and walls
at Armory hall
L. Wiliea, painting monument at
Washington park ..
C. H. Little, Becker & Co., one
No. 157 lawn vase, Washington
P. Clancy, 58 cubic yards of cin-
ders for road department
E. J. Vogrienthaler, repairing
steam rol er
John Duggan, repairing tools for
7 15
2 50
25 32
1 00
36 50
8 63
54 59
15 00
20 GO
6 00
2 80
12 00
2 50
8 50
40 00
7 50
12 75
7 25
39 37
road department 315
F. Schloz & Son, repairing tools
for road department 7 10
John Butt, repairing tools for
road department .. 210
Ragatz & Schaetgen, repairs
on steam roller 18 S8
Standard Lumber Co., lumber
for road department 49 89
Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber for
road department 33 90
Rumpf, Frudden Lumber Co,
lumber for road department25 32
Joslyn & Church, two shovels
for road department 3 60
Geo. W. Healey, hardware for
road department 14 75
Hussman & Lies, hardware for
road department 3 60
Anton Siege, rock furnished for
road department .. 13 10
Jas. Lee, rock furnished for
road department 3 00
Jas. Lee, laying 140 square feet
of cement walk on north Main
Pat Fury 24.20 cubic yards of
18 90
macadam 18 15
Jas. Berg, 14.00 cubic yards of
macadam 10 50
Sweeney & Callahan 57 cubic
yards of macadam 42 75
John McGee, 6 cubic yards of
Hussman & Lies, har.lwar., for
read departrnent 8 30
l• W. 1Vittmer, oil for turd de-
parnnent 2 30
M. J. LaNicca, oil and white lead
for road department 3 95
tandard Oil Co., oil for road
department 1 95
Rey City Gas Co., coke for
steam roller 54 70'
1:. 3. lroggenthaler, iron railing
at Walnut and llth streets38 00
Linehan & Molo, white waste for
fire department 10 88
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co,
asbestos packing for fire de-
partmen t 55.
Carr, Ryder & Adams Co., 1
cord of edgings 1Sth street en-
gine house 1 00
American Fire Engine Co., sup-
plies for 18th street engine
house 5 43
Phil Pier. soft coal for fire
department 71 09
M. Stafford, hay for fire depart-
ment 214 64
M. Stafford, oats for fire depart-
ment 434 25
James Levi Co , drapings fir fire
department 9 93
Olt. Meuser & Co , shavings for
fire department 7 50
Wm. Marshall, repairs on steam-
er Stewart 21 43
Rey City Gas Co.. soft coal for
fire department 1 15
Key City Gas 'Co., coke for fire
c'cpartment "0 75
E. J. Voggenthaler Co., repairing
s.1' i1:,er Stewart 43 65-
H. J. Hagerty veterinary ser-
vices for fire department 3 84
Lagen & Sullivan, horse shoeing
for lire department 11 50
1 irncierlich & Wiederholt, horse
shoeing for fire department7 00
1'. Scho'.•r. & Son, hydrant
wrenches for ilre department10 5G
Duh. Mattress Factory, one mat-
tress for re department 1 60
,T. 7'. Ris & Bro. ,sheet brass for
tire department 170
Gen. W. Healey, hardware for
fire deparrment 65
John Duggan, repairs at 4th
street engine hciise
Standard Lumber Co., lumber
for fire •:.rpartment 4 28
John Putt, 'repairs at 18th street
engine Louse . 2 35
John Newman & Son, repairing
hose wagon at 4th street en-
gine house 19 25.
Trexler Bros., livery hire for po-
lice department 5 00
Jas. Levi & Co., one comforter
4 50
:{li List of Warrants.
for police derailment
J. G. Moser, one box stove at
police headquarters 13 20
M. Stafford, hay and oats for po-
lice department 92 20
.I. W. Wittmer, oils and drugs
for police department 3 60
J. W. Wittmer, linseed meal and
drugs at patrol house 4 95
Mullen & Papin, taking of sign
at First street 1 00
Edes Robes Tanning Co., repair-
ing robe patrol wagon 4 50
H. J. Haggerty, veterinary ser-
vices at pati of hou!e 1 44
H. J. Haggerty, examining two
horses at patrol house 10 r0
Phil Pier, 5 1-4 cords of wood
at patral house 22 S5
Moore & Ferring, supplies for
Matron's department 5 45
Key City Roofing Co., cement
for sewer department 7 99
Connolly Bros., candles, for
sewer department 50
C. H. Little Becker & Co., lan-
tern globes for sewer depart-
ment 50
F. Schloz & Son, repairing tools
for sewer department 30
Linehan & Mo'o. 9 1-2 pounds of
oakum for sewer department48
Nester & Hammel, rerairing
fountain at Cleveland avenue10 60
Dempsey & Son repairing foun-
tain at McCanns, store (South-
ern avenue) 210
John Butt, repairs for sewer
department 2 05
Pape & Jacquinot, repairing rod
for engineers office 30
'Union Electric Co., arc lights for
October, 1901 2025 05
Globe -Journal, official printing
Oct., 1901 50 00
The Herald, official printing Oct
1901 50 00
National Demokrat official print-
ing 25 00
Dubuque Telegraph official print
ing for October, 1901 60 00
Dubuque Te'egraph council week-
ly proceedings 6 00
Dubuque Telegraph, health re-
ports for September 4 CO
Palmer, Berg & Co., blank sta-
tionery for health department. 7 00
T. E. Frith removing garbage
and dead animals during Oct
1901 322 33
J. Haudenschield, livery hire for
board of health 4 00
John A Voelker fumigating Mrs
Collins re, idence on Seminary
John A. Voelker, fumigating
county jail
M. M. Hoffman fumigating Mar-
tin Ruse's residence on Thom-
as place
M. M. Hoffman fumigating Mrs
Schroeder's residence on Wash
ington street 5 110
1 50
5 00
10 00
10 00
O'Farrell & Norton estimate
grading Cox street 570.83
0. G. Kringle estimate graling
Angella street 1237 83
John Tibey estimate on Dodge
street sewer 1335 80
M. Oswald estimate on Bee
Branch eewer 1817 50
K. Laughlin. oil for road dept75
Adams Co., 2 doz. settees for
parks 72 00
Dubuque Telegraph, heatlh re-
ports for July and August8 00
Herald Printing Co., blank sta-
tionery for htalth depart-
ment . 15 50
H. B. Gniffke, excavating per-
mits, redeemed 110 0
H. B. Gniffke, interest on war-
rants 1205 02
German Trust and Savings I'ank,
lcan 10,000 OJ
Jos. Bereham, loan .. . 500 0.1
Jos. L. Horr, agt., loan 3700 00
Mrs. John McFarland, loan 400 00
C. H. Berg, mayor, damages to
property for right of way to
Dubuque and Wisconsin high
bridge, approach 4050 00
Gal Four Warrants
Jas. Beaky, labor 1 35
Jos. Brouiette, labor -I 75
C. Bluechler, labor i (5
Fred Budde, labor 8 45
John Brachtenbach, labor 2 70
Jos. Brown, labor 13 50
John Callahan, labor 8 11
Wrn. Coughlin, labor 6 1.)
Jas. Callahan, labor 20 01
Jas. Connolly, labor 1.1 8
John Corbett, labor 17 55
Henry Cosgrove, labor 19 50
Adam Crawford, labor 20 01
John Dougherty, labor 4 05
Tho;. Donahue, labor 14 85
R. T. Eddy, labor 20 00
Mat Fetshele, labor 12 15
Wm. Flanagan, labor 2 70
Pat Fogarty, labor 1 35
Pat Fenelon, labor 13 50
Barney Gass, labor 8 10
Jos. Guenther, labor 1 35
Jos. Grab, labor 10 50
Peter Guenther, labor 2 70
C. Gantenbein, labor 20 00
John Gearns, labor 1 35
John Hafey, labor 5 40
Geo. J. Hahn, labor 20 00
Amb. Hird, labor 10 15
Adam Henderson, labor 1 35
Aug. Hafeman, labor 5 40
Nic Kommes, labor 1 35
Nic Kettenhofen, labor 8 10
Chas. Kampman, labor 5 40
Fred Krueger, labor 710
P. Kenneally, labor 17 55
Mat, Klein, labor 12 50
Mike Lavin, labor 5 40
Tom Lonergan, labor 10 15
John Leidinger, labor 4 40
Martin Lonergan, labor 13 30
List of Warrants.
Jos. \lartinek, labor 11 50
Mat M.the, labor 135
Jas. \l 'ormick, labor 2 05
John McCarron, labor 5 40
Jas. \iccracken, labor 1 33
13. McCormick, labor 6 75
Win. O'Brien, labor 20 00
Jas. Purcell, labor 6 10
John Pfeiffer, labor 5 40
Chas. Pribe, labor 5 50
Chas. Pierce, labor 17 53
Mat Quirk, labor 20 00
Pat Ryan, labor 2 05
Phil Reddin, labor 12 85
P. J. Royce, labor.. 20 00
Chas. Reilly, labor 13 50
Nic Sweeney, labor 6 75
John Schroeder, labor 7 45
Tony Schmidt, labor 7 4.
Frauk Scherr, labor G 75
Sinn Schaetzle, labor 2 05
\\'ni. Welsh. labor 5 10
Ant. \Wondr•asek, labor 1 3
Toni Eflibtt, team 1 25
John Walsh, labor 1 35
Mat tantenbein, team 23 15
Jake Hauclenshield, team 10 00
John Huffmier (contract) team27 10
A. W. Miller. team 8 75
Tom Morgan, team 2 50
'arson McElrath, team 22 50
.:\ mos Paley, team 7 50
George Reynolds, team 1 25
'ET Seeey, (team 2 50
Sam Snodgrass, team 15 00
Par Shea, team 22 50
John Singrin, team .. 1 25
Frani: . i,g, team 2 50
Arthu • Tamer, tears 17 50
J as. 'I' 'Ow team 18 75
l.,ili„ „n sewers for the first half of
'November, I' nl:
Po t. ras.s rlv, labor
\W. ('lark, labor
.John 1'inroran
S. 11. Cook. foreman
Maurice Flynn, labor
11..-\. Fuller, labor ..
W . Lonergan, labor
Jos. 1iooney, labor
19 20
14 40
16 00
25 00
17 60
20 00
16 00
4 80
con. Sullivan, labor 13 60
Labor during first half of November,
1901, lowering sanitary sewer under
Dodge street storm water sewer:
John Corcoran, labor 3 30
W. Lonergan, labor 3 20
Con.. Sullivan, labor .. 1 60
Labor on Dubuque and Wisconsin
bridge approach for the first half of
November, 1901:
John Burke, labor 4 50
George Brenner, labor 3 75
Hike Boyle, labor 1 50
Mike Cain, labor 5 25
,Jahn McLoughlin, labor 3 00
W. Clark, labor 1 60
W. Corbett, labor 1 50
Pat. Devaney. labor 3 00
John Giesiand, labor 3 00
Herman Heyer, labor ... 3 75
W. Hos, labor 1 15
John Jansen, labor 3 i5
Mat. Kenneally, labor 4 50
Jas. Kenneally, labor 4 50
Hugh Kehr. labor 00
John Mahoney, labor 3 75
Pat. Ryan, foreman 615
L. Roggensaek, labor
Will Sheehan, labor
Geo. Schuster, labor
Richard Turner, labor
3 00
4 50
3 00
4 15
John Twig, labor 1 50
Amos Paley, team 1 25
Arthur Turner, team 2 50
A. Nachtman 3 00
W. H. Chapman, repairing roof
Central engine house 68 00
Jno. Fannon, special police in
small pox cases
Bob. Harker, special police in
small pox cases 4 95
Wm. Keas, special police in
small pox cases 6 60
A. AWondrashek, special police in
small pox cases 1 65
M. J. Mulgrew, court costs in
Kavanaugh ,case vs. City .. 12 15
Jas. Morgan. gathering City tools
in month of May. 1899 .. 21 00
Wm. A. Kaep, balance due for
October salary 15 00
I hereby certify that the foregoing
is a true and correct list of all war-
rants issued by me during the month
of November, 1901.
City Recorder.
6 60
An Ordinance granting to the Chicago
Great Western Railroad company the
right to lay a sidetrack in the City
of Dubuque from the north side of
Eighth street to the south side of
Eleventh street as indicated by color-
ed route shown on plat hereto at-
tached marked Exhibit "A" and
made a part of this ordinance.
Be it ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That permission be and
the same is hereby granted to the Chi-
cago Great Western Railroad ocmpany
its successors and assigns, to lay down,
operate and maintain a sidetrack in
the city of Dubuque from the north
side of Eighth street to the south side
of Eleventh street as indicated by the
colored route shown on plat hereto at-
tached narked Exhibit "A" and made
a part of this ordinance.
Section 2. That the laying down of
said sidetrack shall be done under the
supervision of the city engineer and
the committee on streets of said city.
Section 3. That in the laying clown
end operation of said sidetr
same shall be so constructed and main-
tained as to create the least possible
obstruction with the ordinary travel
and use of the streets crossed or used
by the same; that cars shall not be
allowed to stand at the intersection
of said sidetrack with Ninth and Tenth
streets; that said Ninth and Tenth
streets, including the sidewalk on both
sides shall be kept free and clear for
travel at all tines except when it may
be necessary for cars to be switched
across the sane.
Section 4. The said sidetrack hereby
Official 1\ otices.
authorized, shall be laid to the estab-
lished grade of Elni street, and should
the grade of said street be changed at
any time, the said sidetrack shall he
so changed as to conform to such
change of grade at the expense of the
railroad company, and the company
shall have no claim for damages
against the city by reason of said
Section 5. That said railroad com-
pany shall keep the space between the
rails of said sidetrack and the end 6f
the ties so graded that carriages and
other vehicles may easily pass over the
same; that at the intersection of Ninth
and Tenth streets, and any other por-
tion of said sidetrack, when required
by the city council, said railroad corn-
pany shall plank between the rails,
and make suitable approaches to en-
able vehicles to easily cross the same.
Section 6. That said sidetrack shall
be so constructed and maintained as
not to dam up or obstruct the flow
and drainage of water in the gutters
of the intersecting streets, or on
surface of the streets occupied by the
same; that said railroad company shall
be subject to and strictly comply with
all reasonable police regulations which
the authorities of the city may estab-
lish in relation to the running of trains
on said track.
Section 7. That the said Chicago
Great Western Railway company shall
switch the ' cars of all other railroad
companies owning and operating rail-
way lines in the city of Dubuque over
this sidetrack, at a charge of not more
than $2 per loaded car.
Section 8. That the City of Dubuque
reserves the right to revoke the privi-
leges hereby granted at any time after
five years from the date hereof.
Section 9. That this ordinance shall
take effect and be in force from and
after its publication one time in the
Dubuque Daily Telegraph newspaper,
and after notice in writing of the ac-
ceptance thereof by the Chicago Great
Western Railroad company.
Above ordinance passed by the city
council of Dubuque November 8, 1901.
Approved November 9th, 1901.
Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF,
City Recorder.
We hereby accept the conditions im-
posed in an ordinance passed by the
city council of Dubuque, November 8,
1901, in relation to laying down, ogerat-
ing and maintaining a sidetrack in
the city of Dubuque from the north
side of Eighth street to the south line
of Eleventh street.
Dated November 20, 1901.
Chicago Great Western Railway Co.
General Superintendent.
Published officially in the Dubuque
Daily Telegraph -Herald newspaper on
December 17, 1901..
City Recorder.
City Recorder's Office, Dec. 9th, 1931.
Sealed proposals will be received at
my office up to 7:30 oclock Dec. 19th,
1901, for building a retaining wall on
DP Soto Terrace from end of the pres-
ent wall 25 feet south, all in accord-
ance with plans and specifications on
file in the office of the City Recorder.
The estimated extent of work is as
follows: Masonry 60 cubic yard. The
contractor must state price per cubic
yard for doing said work. The work
to be completed on or before January
15th, 1902, and shall be paid for when
said work is completed and accepted
by City Council. A certified check
of 10 per cent. on some Dubuque bank
must accompany each bid as guar-
antee that a contract will ba entered
into if awarded.
The City reserves the right to re-
ject any and all bids.
City Recorder.
End Of Book No. 31
December 19, 1901
City of Dubuque
Council Record
Book No. 32
January 2, 1902 - December 18, 1902
Official Proceedings
of the
City Council
of the
City of Dubuque
the Year 1902
The Telegraph Herald
Printers and Binders
Mayor—C. H. BERG. 1 Auditor—F. B. HOFFMAN.
Recorder—C. F. ARENDT Attorney—G. A. BARNES.
Treasurer—H. W. BRINKMAN. 1 Engineer—J. H. BOYCE.
Assessor—CONRAD B. SCHERR. I Chief of Police—EDW. MORGAN.
GEO. N. RAYMOND—Second Ward. EUGENE E. FRITH—Fifth Ward.
Mayor Pro Tern—JOSEPH L. HORR. Electrician—WM. P. HIPMAN.
Fire Chief—JOSEPH REINFRIED. Market Master—H. J. TROPE.
Health Officer—BEN MICHEL. Harbor Master—R. F. CURRAN.
Committee Clerk—JOHN W. LAWLOR Police Matrons—MISS B. BRENNAN,
Sidewalk Inspector—ADAM CRAW- and MRS. KATE HIBI.
Finance. Police and Light.
Mayor Berg, Horr, Jones, Sheridan. Sheridan, Jones, Horr.
Ordinance. Printing.
Frith, Jones, Raymond. Jones, Raymond, Clancy.
Claims. Delinquent Tax. 1
Corrance, Sheridan, Horr. Raymond, Jones, Sheridan. 1
Streets. Sewers.
Frith. Horr, Sheridan. Sheridan, Horr, Corrance.
Paving, Sweeping and Sprinkling. Electrical Construction.
Jones, Raymond, Corrance.
Raymond, Horr, Clancy. • Board of Equalization.
Harbors. Horr, Sheridan, Jones Clancy, Ray-
Clancy, Jones, Raymond. mond, Corrance, Frith.
Supplies. Board of Health. •
Sheridan, Raymond, Corrance. Mayor—Berg.
Markets. Aldermen—Sheridan and Jones.
Corrance, Frith, Horr. Citizens—Otto M. Ruete• Geo. Salot.
Public Grounds and Buildings. Health Officer—Dr. Ben Michel. •
Jones, Raymond, Clancy. Sanitary Policeman—Frank Flynn.
Fire. Clerk of the Board.
• Clancy, Jones, Corrance. C. F. Arendt.
Regular Meetings of the Council the ist and 3rd Thursday Evenings in Every Month
r i
_ II
` I
INDEX—Book 32.
Jan. 2—Angella Street, from Prince Street to east line of Lots 11 and
18, Quigley's Sub. of Out Lot No. 709; Improvement ac-
cepted (Pub. Notice of Spec. Assessment 125) 204 6, 125, 186
" 16—Armstrong, Martin Taxes 9, 35
Feb. 6—Albrecht, John, Taxes s 27, 71
" 6—Adams Co., Taxes 27, 47
" 20—Appropriations of various departments for the fiscal year41, 71
April 3—Alley between Rhomberg and Garfield Aves. north of Smed-
ley's Sub. to Johnson Ave; matter of improving of96
" 10—Aldermen, sworn in 102
" 24—Alley bet Rhomberg and Garfield Aves. from Kniest Street
to Johnson Ave.; matter of making it a public alley
(Plat of, 268) 268-279 110, 241
" 24—Alley bet. Iowa and Clay Streets', from the alley bet. 12th
4 and 13th Streets to north curb line of 4th Street; Resolu-
lution ordering brick paving of 155-153 112, 135, 137
May 1—Alderson, Dr. James, Bill of 122, 153
" 15—Alleys; Matter of throwing rubbish, etc., in 132
June 1—Algona, Auburn, Atlantic and Custer Aves., pet. of M
Tschirgi, Sr., et al in rel. to establishing grade on (Pro-
files of grade of, 157) 150, 157
" 19—Ardmore Terrace, from Wilber Lane to West llth Street,
Profile of grade of 157, 203
" 19—Ardmore Terrace, from Wilber Lane to West llth Street,
Resolution ordering improvement of 161, 239
" 19—Alley abutting lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 in Mattox Sub., matter of
widening of (plat of, 202-275) 275 161, 184, 202
July 10—Alleys: Cleaning of, special assessments levied for (special
asses'srents ordered canceled, 196-219) 181, 196, 219
" 17—Albee, E. W., Claim of 183
Aug. 7—Althaus, Mrs. Anna, Taxes 194, 217
" 21—Alley bet. Locust and Bluff Streets from 9th to 10th Streets,
matter of paving of (Res. ordering paving of 217)
294-276-248-240-220 201, 217
" 21-Armory Hall, Key City Gas Co, instructed to install four
Humphrey lights in 203
Sept, 4—Aberl, Anton. Claim of (Bee Branch) 217
" 18—Ahearn, Mrs. John, Taxes 219, 277
Oct 2—Austin & Western Co., Bill of 234, 270
" 2—Alley bet. Mountain Lane and Union Street, from Clevelana
Ave. to Rush Street, petition of Ed. Conlin et al in rel. to
opening of 234
23—Alley bet. Hall and Louisa Streets in Reche's Sub., ordered
filled to grade 252
" 23—Alley from Fifth Avenue to alley first north of Fifth Avenue
bet. lot 1 Jansen's Sub. No. 2 and lot 8 Jansen's Sub., mat-
ter of vacation of (plat of, 298) 253, 298
Dec. 4—Atherton, Helen L., Taxes 288, 301
• " 4—Alley bet, Bonson Avenue and Wooton Avenue, deed of show-
ing vacation of 288
" 4—Alleys: Cleaning of, special assessment levied for 292
r ..
INDEX—Book 32.
Jan. 2—Bills allowed and referred 1 and 2
" 2—Bills due City; ordered collected (Key City Gas (2o. and
Union Electric Co.) 3
" 2—Byrne Bros., Bill of 2, 13
" 2—Bliss, Ralph, Bill of (Smallpox) 2, 14
• 2—Brada, Michael, Taxes 3, 35
" 2—Bonds, Refunding, matter of issuance of 6, 11
16—Board of Health, Report in regard to vaccination 14
• 16—Board of Health Report, dividing the City into two districts
for taking care of Small Pox Patients 14
16—Bank and Insurance Building, Taxes 15
Feb. 6—Bills allowed and referred 25, 26
•' 6—Becker, Dr. Win. L., Bill of (Vaccination) 26, 95
" 6—Blitsch, Mrs. Cath., Taxes 27, 67
" e--Brada, Mrs. Simon, Taxes 35
" 6—Beebe, B., Taxes 35
20—Bowes, Mrs. J. V., Taxes 38
20—Bottoms, Mrs. Eliz., Taxes 38, 71
" 28—Bills allowed and referred 42, 43
28—Brownson, Dr. J. J., Bill of 43, 99
28—Bigelow, Dr. I. S., Bill of 43, 99
28—Bartels, Robt,, Taxes 43, 67
28—Bonds, Improvement, ordered issued ($1,850.00) 48, 68, 71)
Mar. 6—Beach, Jas., Taxes 61
" 6—Bills allowed and referred 66, 67
" 6—Board of Education, permitted to construct tunnel across
Couler Ave. from Fulton School to new school building, 66
" 13—Bee Branch Storm Sewer: Property owners to remove their
houses, fence, etc. from right of way of • 72
" 20—Becker & Son, Claim of work done at Dubuque and Wiscon-
sin High Bridge approach (Original notice, 107) 74, 99, 107
" 20—Bee Branch Storm Sewer from present termination to San-
ford Ave.; Engineer instructed to prepare plans and
Specifications for 76
April 3—Bills allowed and referred 91, 92
" 3—Becker, Paul, and Wild, Carl, et al pet. of in rel. to special
assessment 92, 159
" 10—Bommers, Jno., proposition of in rel. to cleaning around Mar-
i ket Square 98
" 17—Bills allowed, (Election) 103
" 17—Barnes, G. A., City Attorney, Bond of approved and sworn in 104
" 17—Board of Health: Members of appointed 106, 110.
" 24—Bluff Street from south side of Eighth Street to north side
of First Street; Resolution ordering improvement of (As-
phalt paving) (Remonstrance of Robt. Jess et al) 111, 122, 132
May 1—Bills allowed and referred 121
" 1—Bonds, Improvement; Refunding of 125
. 1—Board of Health; Citizen members of ordered paid 126
" 15—Board of Education of the Independent District, Taxes 129, 185
" 15—Burden, Geo A. et al pet. of asking that Olive and Jefferson
streets be included in the Sprinkling Districts 129
" 15—Blake, Miss M. C., Taxes (Special assessment) 129, 176
" 15—Bonds, Improvement, ordered refunded 132, 152
" 22—Bradley, Jno. H., pet. of in rel. to approval of plat of Jackson
School Sub 135
22—Bee Branch Storm Sewer in Couler Creek across Couler Ave.
bet. 27th Street and Peru Road; Engineer to prepare plans
and specifications for, 197, 159 136, 137, 152
INDEX- Book 32.
1• 1902. Si?BJECT PAGE.
an B
June 1—Bills allowed and referred 149, 150
" 1—Becker Bros., Bill of 150
.,. 1—Bee Branch Storm Sewer from present terminus to Sanford
Ave.; Engineer instructed to prepare plans and specifica-
tions for (Bids opened and contract let, 159) 154, 159
• 19—Bridges in City; Oak Lumber to be used for flooring of 159
July 10—Bills allowed and referred 174, 175
" 10—Buelow, Christ et al remonstrating against paying special
assessment for a sanitary sewer in Diagonal St., 245, 219 175, 185
" 10—Baumann, Rev John L., pet. of in rel. to construction of a
sanitary :,ewer abutting property or Sacred Heart Con-
gregation 175. 197 .1.
" 17—Baxter, James, Taxes (Special Assessment) 183
Aug. 7—Bills allowed and referred 193, 194
" 7—Bonds, Improvement, calleRd in ($1,716.00) 199
Sept. 4—Bills allowed and referred 213, 214
" 4—B. P. O. E. Elks, check of $100.00 for repairing Washington
Park 214, 220
K;; 4—Bonds, Improvement, ordered issued (Cox Street) 218
4;. 18—Brose, Mrs. Emma, Taxes (Special Assessment) 219, 278
<- Oct. 2—Bills allowed and referred 233, 234
'' 2—Blake, Mary C., Taxes (Special Assesslment) 234, 275
2—Board of Equalization; Report for the year 1902 239
" 23—Bechtel, Geo et al pet of in rel. to better car service on Lin-
wood line 247, 278
23—Brown & Brown, Bill of 251, 288
e=;,r 23—Berg, L. Estate, Resolution ordering to connect with sani-
1d tary sewer 252
23—Brezinsky, Mrs. C., resolution ordering to connect with sani-
tary sewer 252
Nov. 6—Bills allowed and referred 265, 266
6—Butt, John, Bill of 266, 276
Dec. 4—Bills allowed and referred 287, 288
" 4—Bonson Avenue, deed of showing vacation of 288
" 18—Bills allowed 297
" 18—Brunkow, F. W., Bili of 297
INDEX—Book 32.
Jan. 2—C., M. & St. P. Ry. Co., Taxes 3, 15
" 2—C. G. W. Ry. Co., granted permission to extend their tracks 7
on Pine Street across Seventeenth Street
" 16—C G. W. Ry. Co., proposition of for the construction of Bee
Branch Storm Sewer across their right of way bet. Gar-
field and Rhomberg Avenues ... 9, 30, 154
" 16—City Recorder L. M. Langstaff, matter of back salary due
him as clerk of the Board of Health (original notice dis-
trict court, 108) .... 15, 36, 108
" 16—C. G. W. Ry. Co., Taxes 15
Feb. 6—C., B & Q. Ry Co., Taxes 27
" 6—Cheetham, Ben. J. Estate, Taxes 27, 71
" 6—Conrad, Albert et al pet. of protesting against a double
street car track in Rhomberg Avenue 27
28—Carr, Ryder & Adams Co., granted permission to erect a
111116 "
16-inch pipe from their factory across to the Novelty
Iron Works 46
" 28—Chalmers, Harvey & Son, Taxes 47
Mar. 20—Considine, Thos., Claim of for personal dameges..... 74, 107, 129
" 20—Central Engine House; matter of repairing floor in 76
April 3—City Teamsters; pet. of F. Mathis et al in rel, to increase
of salary of 92
" 10—Chief of Police; matter of appointing of (Edw. Morgan
appointed) 98, 103
" 17—Collinson, G. G. et al pet. of asking that South Locust from
Dodge Street to Railroad Avenue be included in the
springling ordinance 103
" 17—Cox Street from the alley north of Angella Street to Union
Avenue accepted 105, 158, 185
" 17—C. G. W. Ry. Co,, resolution ordering the macadamizing of
the approach to its viaduct on Peru Road 105
" 17—City Weighmasters; Chief of Police instructed to notify all
parties not legally appointed not to assume the duties of 105
" 17—Committee Clerk; John W. Lawlor appointed 106
" 17—City Electrician; Wm. H_ipman appointed 106
17—City Engineer; assistant of, Bond fixed at $1,000.00 (Bond ap-
proved, 129) 106, 129
17—Committees, Standing, appointed 106 •
" 24—City Engineer's Office; matter of appointing assistants in107, 108
May 1—City Treasurer's Office; transfer of funds from outgoing to
incoming Treasurer 135
" 15—Carroll, Rev. Jno. P., pet, of in rel. to vacating alley which
lies bet. lots 36 to 43 inclusive, in Yates' Sub. on the
north, and lot 714 on the south, also Catherine or Yates
Street, lying bet. lots 35 and 36 Yates' Sub. and extending
southerly from Franklin street to alley as described
above .. 129, 136
" 15—City Treasurer Herman Brinkman; Bond of approved 129 •
. 15—Central Engine Housle; matter of putting gravel roof on131, 135
" 22—Central Engine House; matter of repairing sidewalk abut-
ting on .. 136, 160
June 1—Cooper, A. A. Wagon & Buggy Co., Bill of for street sprinklers 150, 160
Aug. 7—College Avenue, west side of pet. of Ed. D. White in rel. to
sidewalk on 194
" 7—Canovan, Mrs. M. E., pet. of in rel. to grade of sidewalk abut-
ting her property 194, 216
" 7—C., B. & Q. Ry. Co., pet, of in rel. to City leasing ground to
the L. H. Langworthy Co.. 194
INDEX—Book 32.
1902. SUBJECT, PAGE. i
it 2
" 7—College Avenue, west side of bet. West Second and West ;''
Third Streets, sidewalk ordered on (special assess-
"'•„' ment, 269) 199, 238
.i:' ' 7—College Avenue, west side of bet. O'Neill Street and West
+ ' Second Street, sidewalk ordered on. 200, 238,.269 •
” 21—Conlin, Thos., pet, of in rel. to refunding livery license for 1899 201, 239
" 21—C., M. & St. P. Ry. Co., Bill against for construction of
storm water sewer in Dodge Street 205
• -Sept. 4—Conlin & Kearns, pet. of in rel. to putting in spur track ""'"
along east side of their land across 11th and 12th Sts214, 222 1
" 4—C G. W. Ry. Co., Bill againqt for rolling of streets . 214, 290 a
" 4—C., M. & St. P. Ry. Co., Com. and plat of in rel. to vacating
certain streets and alleys in East Dubuque Add., 292214, 223, 248
" 4—City Council invited to investigate new Light placed by Union
Electric Co. at corner of Fourth and Iowa Streets 217
Oct 2—Corbett, Mrs. Mary J., Taxes 234, 277
2—C., M. & St. P. Ry. Co., Taxes (Special Assessment) 234, 273
" 2—C. G. W. Ry. Co., pet of in rel. to extending their round-
. house five feet into Jackson Street, also remonstrance
of Dubuque Investment Company 234, 243, 279
" 23—Clarke, F. M., Claim of for personal damages 247, 275
23—City Water; matter of analyzing of 252, 276
Nov. 20—Cushing, Jas. & Son, Taxes 273, 293
. 20—Carney, F., Justice of the Peace: Report of City Ordinance
Cases 274, 290
" 20—C. G W. Ry. Co., Resolution granting right to construct -
sewer in Jackson Street from roundhouse to connection
with Bee Branch storm sewer 279
Dec. 4—Cushing Vinegar and Mustard Factory, Taxes 288, 301
" 18—City Assessor-elect C. B. Schen: Bond of approved and
sworn in • .... 297
INDEX—Book 32.
Jan. 2—Detention Hospital; Board of Supervisors granted permis-
sion for use of ... 5
" 2—Dubuque Brewing and Malting Co., granted free and ex-
clusive usle of the north 12 feet of 27th street, bet. Wash-
ington Street and C. G. W. Ry, Co.'s tracks 7
" 16—Dubuque and Wisconsin Bridge Co., communication of
protesting against granting any right of way for laying
street car tracks in Lincoln Avenue. 9, 36
" 16—Dubuque Water Works Trustees; quarterly report of ending
December 31, 1901 10
" 16—Duffy, Isabella, Claim of for personal damages; settlement
of claim of 13, 74
Feb. 6—Deery, Jno., Taxes 27, 67
" 6—Dubuque Brewing and Malting Co., Taxes. 27, 46
" G—Dubuque Casket Co., Taxes 27, 47
" 6—Dubuque Packing Co., Taxes 27, 47
" 20—Dubuque and Wisconsin Bridge Co., Taxes :ZS, 47, 67
" 20—Dubuque Retailers' Association; Communication of asking
Council to appropriate $25,000 for the purpose of filling to
grade City Property for manufacturing purposes 38
" 2S—Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., Bill of (Hose for fire de-
partment) 43, 66
" 2S—Dubuque Altar Co., Taxes 44
Mar. 6—Dawson, Mrs. Margaret, Taxes 61, 71
" 6—Dubuque Telephone Co., Taxes 61, 76
" 13—Dempsey, Mrs. Sophia, Taxes 69, 185
April 3—Day, Wm. H. et al, petition of remonstrating against moving
the electric light from the head of Twelfth Street to
11/6 Grove Terrace 92
" 3—De Lorimier, Mrst Mary, Taxes 92, 185
" 3—Dubuque Water Works Trustees; appointment of 94
" 17—Dubuque Water Works Trustees; quarterly report of ending
March 31, 1902 104, 109
" 17—Dubuque and Wisconsin High Bridge Approch; matter of
removing signs on 105, 110
May 1—De Sota Terrace Wall in rear of lot 5 of City Lot 655, accepted 125
" 1—Delinquent Tax List; City Treasurer instructed to adver-
tise in official paper 126
15—Dolan & MacDonald, Bill of (Construction of sanitary sewer
in Diagonal Street) 131, 205
June 1—Dubuque Telegraph-Herald, Bills of 150, 213
" 1—Dubuque Telegraph-Herald, communication of in rel• to
furnishing the Cfty with 20' copies of the new City
Directory 150, 277
" 19—Donahue, T. J., pet. of asking that he be appointed City
weighmaster of the Grandview Avenue scales 156
19—Dubuque HIgh Bridge Co., annual report of for the year
ending April 30, 1902 156, 177, 252
19—Dubuque Daily Times; to print all official notices 160
July 17—Dubuque Water Works Trustees; quarterly reoprt of ending
June 30, 1902 183, 203
17—Dubuque Water Works Trustees; report of regarding the
price for water used for street sprinkling purposes1S4, 196, 244
Aug. 7—Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress; Invitation of for Labor
Day parade accepted 194
" 7—Dolton, F. A., Bills of
" 21—Dubuque Water Co., F. W. Altman, Treas., Bill of for Flush 197' 213
Tanks, etc
201, 278
INDEX—Bcok 32.
Sept. 4—Dubuque Water Co., Bill against for rolling trenches; ordered
collected 214
" 4—Dubuque Fall Festival Association, pet. of in rel. to use of
various streets for street fair and carnival purposes.... 214
" 4—Deed Warranty; E. W. Albee and Mary P. Albee to City of
Dubuque 214
" 18—Delaney, Mary, petof in rel. to raising her frame kitchen.... 219
Oct. 2—Dubuque Star Brewing Co., Taxes 239
" 3—Dubuque Water Works Trustees; to be paid $1,400 for all
water used for sprinkling purposes ... 244
" 16—Dubuque Water Works Trustees; quarterly report of ending
September 30, 1902 245, 271
Nov. 6—Deed Quit Claim; Carrie Cain to City of Dubuque 268, 297
" 20—Duggan, Jno., Clain of for hauling macadam 273, 292
Dec. 4—Deed Quit Claim; Jas. E. and W. A. McClain to City of Du-
buque 288
" 18—Deed Quit Claim; Frank Drasda and Mary Drasda his wife,
to City of Dubuque 297
INDEX—Book 32.
Jan 2—Electric Light on east side of Grove Terrace, matter of
placing of 3, 77
Feb. 6—Enright, John, Taxes 27, 67
" 13—Elks B. P. 0. E., Dubuque Lodge No. 297, pet. of in rel. to
use of Washington Park, 7th street from Main to Bluff
Streets; Bluff Street from Seventh to Sixth Streets: Sixth
Street from Bluff Street to alley bet. Main and Locust
Streets, and Locust Street from Sixth to Seventh Streets
for carnival purposes 37
" 28—Evert, Mrs. Catherine, Taxes 44, 67
Mar. 6—Election; Judges and Clerks appointed (allowed $10 each) 67. 103
April 3—Eagle Point Lime Works, by E A. Fengler, pet. of in rel
to constructing roadway leading into north end of their
quarry 92, 100
" 3—Electric Lights (2), matter of placing of on Dubuque and
Wisconsin High Bridge approach 96, 108 •
" 3—Electric Light; matter of placing of at the intersection of
Booth Street and Forest Lane 96
" 3—Electric Light; matter of placing of at the intersection of
Coates and Concord Avenues 96
" 10—Election; votes of canvassed 100
" 17—Election; Buildings used for registration and election pur-
poses, allowed $5.00 per day 103
" 24—Electric Light; pet. of Jno. Lavery et al in rel. to placing of
at the intersection of Grandview Avenue and State St107
" 24—Eighth Street; from westerly lot line of Bluff Street to inter-
section of C. G. W. Ry. Co.'s tracks; resolution ordering
improvement of (brick paving) 154-153112, 135, 137
May 15—Eighteenth Street Engine House; matter of putting gravel
roof on 131, 135
June 1—Eleventh Street from east line of Main to west line of Iowa
Street, resolution ordering improvement of (brick paving) 154
Aug. 7—East Street from Delhi to Bennett Streets, pet. of Geo
Kampman in rel. to grade on • 194
" 21—Engels, Jno. pet. of asking relief from City on account of
personal injuries sustained while being employed by City 201. 239
Sept. 4—Express Companies in City; statements of the assessments
and valuations of for 1902 216
Nov. 6—East Street; matter of widening of 268
Dec. 4—E1115, Mrs. Maria, Taxes 288, 301
" 18—Emerald Fishing Club, pet. of in rel to use of strip of ground
on east side of Levee 297
" 18—Eagle Point Lime Works, pet_ of in rel. to constructing bridge
crossing highway leading to Dubuque and Wisconsin High
Bridge 297
. 18—Emsley's Lane from Fengler Avenue to Eagle Street, change
of grade of 300
INDEX—Book 32.
Jan. 2—Frith, Thos. E., Bill of 3, 76
" 2—Fire Department; matter of repairing Steamer J. J. Linehan 6
Feb. 6—Frenzel, Otto, Taxes .. 27, 67
" 6—Fire Dedartment; matter of disposing of horses in 34, 76
" 20—Foster, Jonathan, Taxes 38, 76
" 20—Faber, Mrs. Lena, Taxes 38, 71
Mar. 6—Fire Department; matter of erecting engine house on West
Hill, 99-94 .. 67, 68, 72
" 20—Flynn Frank, (sanitary patrolman) Bill of 76
April 3—Finley Hospital, Bill of 92, 99
" 3—Fitzpatrick, Dr. F., Bill of . 96
17—Free Public Library; Jas. E Welsh appointed member of the
Board of Trustees to fill vacancy of Jno. S. Murphy, dec'd 104
17—Fire Chief; Jos. Reinfried appointed 100
May 16—F'enelon Place, from its eastern terminus north to the eastern
terminus of Cooper Street, pet. of J. H. Kleine et al in rel
to extension of 129
" 22—Fift:: Avenue in Ham's Add., pet. of Dubuque Woodenware
& Lumber Co. in rel to extension of 135, 137
June 19—Fifth Avenue in Ham's*Add., pet. of J. L. Wagner et al in
rel. to condition of 156, 177, 203
" 19—Fire Department; matter of purchasing a new single wagon
for 160
July 10—Free Public Library; communication of Jacob Rich, Pres.
of Board of Trustees in rel. to paying out of library fund
of the City all orders drawn by said Board of Trustees 175
" 10—Fire Alarm Box; matter of placing of at the A. Y. McDonald
& Morrison Mfg. Co.'s plant 177
" 10—Fire Chief instructed to inspect all public buildings in City 178
" 17—Fengler, E. A.. Bill of 184
Aug. 7—Flechsig, Aug.. Taxes 194, 217
" 7—Free Public Library; communication of in rel. to fixing 4/4 of
a mill on the dollar on the taxable valuation of the City
for the year 1902 194
" 21—Fengler, E. A., granted permission to take out rock on west
side of Dubuque and Wisconsin High Bridge Approach205
Sept. 4—Ferguson, Geo. G., pet. of in rel, to setting out his curbing 9
feet from lot line 214, 239
" 4—Fourth Street Engine House; matter of repairing of 217
" 4—Fire Steamer "J. K. Graves", Recorder instructed to advertise
sale of 217, 219, 239
Oct. 2—Fire Department; members of, pet, of in rel. to remaining off
the entire day for their day off 234, 270
" 3—Fire and Police Departments; bids advertised for Hay and
Oats for 244, 245, 251
" 3—Fuel for various departments; bids advertised for 244, 245, 248
" 3—Fire Engine Houses, (Fourth Street and Central) bids adver-
tised for painting of, 293-276-270 244, 247
" 16—Free Public Library; communication of inviting Mayor and
• City Council to inspect new library building 245
" 23—Fire Department; matter of purchasing horses for .. 252
Nov. 20—Farrell, Mrs. Florence; Claim of for personal damages ($5,000) 273
Dec. 18—Farrell, Edw ; Claim of for personal damages sustained by
his wife ($5.000) 297
INDEX—Book 32.
Jan. 2—Gasser, Albers, Bill of 2, 35
Feb. 6—Grandview Avenue; pet. of Jno. Steiner et al in rel. to Im-
provement of by parking out 25 feet from lot line on either
side of street, 195 27, 47, b6
" 28—Giese, \Vin. et al pet. of protesting against double street car
track in Rhomberg Avenue east from Fifth Avenue 43
April 3—Greene, Dr. J. H., B411 of V5
May 1—Gilmore Place; from West Fifth Street to south line of lot
5 Mattox Sub., pet. of J. H. Kleine et al in rel. to opening
of, 161-159-136 122, 129
" 1—G. A. R., Invitation of accepted for Memorial Day parade122, 126
" 15—Garbage and Dead Animals, removal of (contract awarded
to T. E. Frith) .. 132, 293
June 19—Grode, J., et al pet. of in rel. to removing factory of L. Eber-
hardt on Elm Street 156, 176
" 19—Germania Stock Co., (Turner Hall) Taxes 156, 185
" 19—Grandview Avenue Fire Engine House; City Recorder in-
structed to advertise for bids for construction of (bids
opened and contract let, 184), (bids for plumbing opened
and contract let, 202 and 217) 219 160, 176, 184
Aug. 7—Gilmore Place; Engineer instructed to establish grade on
(Profile of grade of, 201) 199, 201
Sept. 4—Grandview Avenue Fire Engine House; Recorder instructed
to advertise for bids for a Chemical Engine and Hose
Wagon for (contract of 265) 265-244-238 217. 220•
" 18—Glen Oak Avenue; pet. of Jos. Yungwirth in rel. to grade on 219, 236
" 18—Garfield Avenue, near Dock Avenue, matter of removing
fence from 221
" 18—Gilmore Place from West Fifth Street to Alley first north
of Fenelon Place, res. ordering improvement of, 271-270-
248-240 223, 236
Oct. 2—Gilmore Place; Plat of ordered recorded 242
Nov. 6—Grandview Avenue Fire Engine House; Insurance of 270
Dec. 4—Gukeisen, Joseph, Bill of 288, 301
I ,
INDEX—Book 32.
1902. :l'13JECT PAGE.
Jan. 2—Healey, Geo. W. et al pet. of in rel. to removing manure
wagon owned by Byrne Bros. from the corner of Seventh
and Locust Streets 5
Feb. 28—Hennessey, Rt. Rev. Jno. Estate, Taxes 43, 67
" 28—Huffmeler, Jno., pet. of In rel, to hauling sweepings from
brick paved streets 44, 66
Mar. 6—Headford Bros. & HitchinSS Bill of 66
" 20—Hughes, Pat., Taxes (Special Assessment) sanitary sewer in
West Locust Street 75
" 20—Hancock, Dr. J. C., Health Officer, Bills of 275-252-234-15376, 110
April 3—Hackett, Jno. pet. of in rel. to compensation on account
of being hurt at the Dubuque and Wiscon:.'.n High Bridge
Approach 92, 99
" 3—Haas, M., Taxes 92, 109
" 3—Hurd, L. G.et al, pet. of in rel to including in the sprinkling
districts Chestnut Street from Highland Place to Prairie
Street 93, 98, 108
" 3—Hamilton, Dr. C. H., Bill of 96
" 3—Health Officer's Annual Report of (Referred to Finance
Committee) 96
" 17—Hoffman, F. B., City Auditor; Bond of approved and sworn in 104
May 1—Hardie, Frank, Bill of 122, 131
" 1—Hannon, Mike, Bill of 122, 152
" 1—Health Officer, Dr. B. Michel, Bond of approved 125
" 15—Heil, Jno., Taxes 129, 156, 184
" 15—Herron Edw., appointed Supt. of street sprinkling at $50.00
per month 131
June 1—Holl, Gus, Bill of 150, 177
" 1—Heeb Street from Seminary Street to Kauffman Avenue, pet.
of H. Schroeder et al in rel. to improvement of (remon-
strance of P. Holz et al) 150
" 1—Harris, Marks, Taxes 150, 156
" 1—Hardie, M. S., pet. of in rel. to furnishing the City with new
directories 150, 277
" 19—Harron, Jas., pet. of in rel to erecting frame dwelling on
Jackson Street, bet. 12th and 13th Streets 156
Aug. 7—Hagerty, H. J., Bill of 197
" 21—Hughes, Mrs. Elizabeth, Taxes 201, 217
Sept. 4—Haney-Campbell Co., Taxes 214, 292
" 1S—Hagge & Fox Mfg. Co., Taxes 219
Oct. 2—Hoffman, Paul et al, pet. of rel. to erecting frame dwell-
ing on south one-half of Lot 55 in East Dubuque Add234, 270
" 23—Hosford & Kemler, resolution ordering the ;fflling .1f their
property on West Fifth Street 252
" 23—Hoffman, J. H., resolution ordering to connect with sani-
tary sewer 252
" 23—Hill Street, bet. Julien Avenue and West Seventh Street,
sidewalk ordered on 253
Nov. 6—Hay, Robt. (City Weigher) pet. of in rel. to numbering all
wagons of coal and junk dealers 266
" 6—Heer, Fred Sr., Claim of for grading Traut Terrace 267, 293
Dec. 18—Huelshoff, Mr. Bernard and Mrs. Bertha, Claim of for grad-
ing Traut Terrace 297
INDEX—Book 32. •
Jan. 2—Insurance policy- of Iowa State Insurance Co. on Central
Engine House accepted 15
16—Illinois Central R. R. Co., Taxes
Feb 6—Insurance on City's buildings; Policies accepted 34
July 10—I, 0. 0. F., Harmony and Julien Lodges, Taxes 175, 185
Aug. 21—Ice Harbor; House boats in, matter of removing of 205
Sept. 4—Illinois Central R. R. Co., Bill against for rolling ordered 214
collected .•• 214, 214
" 4—Iowa Telephone Co., Taxes
" 18—Iowa and Clay Streets, from Seventh to Eighth Streets;
Resolution ordering all abutting property owners on to
connect with sanitary sewer 221
Nov. 6—Iowa Telephone Co.; City Attorney instructed to look up
City's rights in Charter of 271
INDEX—Book 32.
Jan. 2—Jaeger, F. A,, Taxes (special assessment) 3, 11
" 16—Jackson, J. F., Taxes 9, 35
Feb. 6—Joseph, Mrs. Mary, Taxes 36
April 3—Jones, B. W., pet. of in rel. to moving his carpenter shop
forward 48 feet from alley 92, 99
June 1—Johnson, L. W,, Taxes 150, 160
July 3—Jackson School Sub. of lot 2 of Sub. Out Lot 744; plat of
o•, approved 172
10—Jansen, Jno. et al, pet. of in rel. to cattle running at large
on Reeder Street 175
Sept. 4—Jehring, Mrs. Elizabeth, Taxes 214, 239
4—John and Cooper Streets; pet. of A. A. Cooper in rel. to use of 214, 240
A--John and Cooper Streets; Remonstrance of T. Dillon et al
against granting A. A. Cooper t'he use of 214, 240
av f V
'e y`
3r r
111114,111.11111v. ' .------._ ______,,, .
INDEX—Book 32.
1 K
I' Jan. 2—Key City Lime Works; Bill of 2, 13
" 2—Key City Gas Co., Bill of `' 34
" 16—Kaesbauer, Adam et al, pet. of in rel. to increasing the price
per cubic yard for macadam 9, 36
" 16—Koehler, Wm., Taxes 9, 33
Feb. 6—Kerwin, Martin, Taxes
6—Kenneally, Thos. et al, pet. of in rel. to placing of hose
truck, fully equipped on West Hill 27, t17
" 28—Keane, Jno. J., Archbishop of Dubuque et al, pet. and ()rdin-
ance of regulating saloons and places where intoxicating
liquors are kept for sale 44. 117. 72
Mar. 6—Keckevoet, Jno., petj of in rel. to landing of ferry boat in ice
Harbor 61
" 132-Kessler, Jacob, Justice of the Peace; Claim of 69, 125
" 13—Kringle, 0. G, Bill of for improving Angella Street 70, 74
• " 13—Kelly, Mrs. Mary , Taxes 71
" 20—Kautz, Mrs. Dorothea, Taxes 74, 185
" 20—Kuntz, Geo., Claim of for personal damages 74, 107
" 20—Kruse, Mrs. John, Claim of for personal damages 74
• April 3—Kessler, Jacob, pet. of in rel. to appointing Wm. C. Kessler
weighmaster for scales at 26th and Couler Ave 92, 107
" 10—Kintzinger, Jno. W., Alderman of the Fourth Ward, fare-
well address 101
" 24—Kaep & Buechele et al, pet, of in rel. to better street car
service on Clay Street and Rhomberg Avenue 107. 132. 135
" 24—Kaep, Wni. A., appointed Deputy City Recorder .. 107
" 24—Kirkley, Otto, Claim of 110
May 1—Klingenberg, Chas., pet. of asking for the appointment of
street boss in Second Ward 122
" 15—Key City Furniture Co., pet. of in rel. to erecting frame shed
in alley bet. Washington and Pine Streets, from llth to
12th Streets 129, 16a
iiii " 22—Kringle, O. G., Bill for constructing sanitary sewers 136
June 19—Kruse, Mrs. Maria; Claim of for personal damages (81.000.00) 156, 239
July 10—Kruse, V. P. et al, pet. of in rel. to bad condition of gutter
on east side of Couler Avenue from Sanford Avenue to
Twenty-Second Street 175, 184
" 17—Kien, Peter, pet. of in rel. to increase of salary (park
custodian) 183
" 17—Kessler, Jacob, Justice of the Peace; report of City Ordinance
cases 183
Aug. 7—Kauffman Avenue; pet. of Jas. Cushing et al in rel. to repair-
ing of 194, 203
Sept. 4—Key City Gas Co., Bill against for rolling trenches,•ordered
collected 214
" 4—Kolck, Rich. et al, pet. of in rel. to erecting a frame dwell-
ing on west side of Jackson Street bet. 12th and 13th Sts. 214, 270
Oct. 23—Kane Street through Mineral Lot No. 349, pet. of W. B Alli-
son in rel. to platting of 247, 276
" 23—Key City Gas Co., Taxes 247
" 23—Kemler Estate; Resolution ordering the filling of their prop-
erty, Lot 329 East Dubuque Add 252
Nov. 6—Kleih, G. F., Bill of 266, 276
" 6—Kopald, B., Taxes 267
Dec. 4—Kleih, G. F., Bill of 288
4—Kretschmer, Mrs. C. G., Resolution ordering to connect with
sanitary sewer 293
INDEX—Book 32.
Jan. 2—Luther, Win. et al, pet. of in rel. to constructing a street.
railway from Delhi Street south to Fremont Avenue,
thence from Fremont Avenue to North Cascade Roada
" 16—Lillack, Matt, Taxes 9, S6
Feb 6—Long, Jno., Claim of for damages to property 29
" 6—Langstaff, L. M., matter of back salary due 'him as clerk
of the Board of Health 15, 36, 108
" 28—Lincoln Avenue from White to Jackson Streets; matter of
opening of, 248-242 48, 72, 94
Mar. 13—Langworthy Avenue bet. Hill and Booth Streets, pet. of Chas.
Stillman et al in rel. to improvement of, 196-160-152-135-132-
130-126-108-104-103-96-94 69, 77
April 3—Langworthy, L. H. Company; pet. of asking permission for
the use of Front Street, from Garfield Avenue to Lin-
coln Avenue, also Garfield Avenue and Rhomberg Avenue
from the River to Front Street 93, 100
" 3—LInehan, Dr. Chas M., Bill of 95
" SO—Lyman, F. D. vs. City of Dubuque; Judgment and Court
Costs in suit of 98
" 17—Lewis, Mrs. A. B. et al, pet. of in rel. to removing garbage
in the City 103, 108
" 24—Lincoln Avenue from Fourth Avenue to west line of Lot No
35, McCraney's Eagle Point Add.; Resolution ordering im-
provement of 111, 172, 175
May 15—Lincoln Avenue in Ham's Add., pet. of Sarah Ham remon-
strating against the opening and change of grade of 129, 172, 176
June 19—Langworthy Avenue; matter of widening of, also putting in
water mains and sewerage 156, 159
July 10—Licenses (Boarding House) pet. of Mrs. J. BNohe et al,
protesting against paying of 175, 221
" 10—Langworthy Avenue; pet. of E. A. Buettell, protesting against
change of grade on 176
" 17—Langworthy, L. H., and Walker, M. M., pet, of in rel. to use
of ground on north side of Ice Harbor, 298-294 183, 276
" 17—Loeffler, F. W., Taxes 183, 277
Aug. 7—Lembke, Chris., Bill of 197
" 7—Langworthy Avenue bet. Hill and Booth Streets; all resolu-
tions in rel, to improvements of ordered rescinded 498
" 7—Langworthy Avenue, from west curb line of Hill Street to
east curb line of Booth Street; Resolution ordering im-
provement of (Bids opened, 215) 215-205... . 198, 201
Oct. 2—Loibl, Mrs. Cath., Taxes 284, 277
" 23—Louis, Nick, Taxes (Special Assessment) 247
Nov. 6—Linehan, Pat., Bill of 366, 276
Dec. 4—Lee, Jno. M., Bill of 288
" 4—Lorenz, Wm., Resolution ordering to connect with sanitary
sewer 298
" 18—Luchterhand, Mrs. Ida, pet. of in rel. to Improvement Bond
No. 18 for improving Grove Street 297
. lift
INDEX—Book 32.
Jan. 16—McGuire, Mary F., Claim of 9
April 17—McFadden Coffee & Spice Co.. Taxes 102, 109
" 24—McDonald A. Y. & Morrison Mfg. Co.. Taxes 117
May 1—McCarthy, J. F. et al pet. of in rel. to better car service on
Iowa Street, 186-135 122. 132
" 15—McDonald A Y. & Morrison Mfg. Co.. check for 3100.00 for
the construction of a sanitary sewer in 13th Street `82. 198
" 22—McFadden, J. M., pet. of asking for proper grade for re-
setting curb abutting his property 135
June 19—McGee, Jno., pet. of in rel. to purchase his macadam 15I
Aug. 7—McKinley, Mrs. Wm., acknowledgment of the receipt of reso-
lution of condolence over death of President McKinley196
Sept. 18—McEvoy, Mrs. Mary, Taxes 219, 277, 292
" 18—McCormack, Jas., Taxes . • 219, 277
Oct. 23—McPoland, Roger, Taxes 247, 278
23—McCloskey, M. H., Claim of for personal damages ?47, 275
23—McDonald & Howe, Bill of 252
Nov. 6—McDonald & Morrison Mfg. Co.. Bill against for fire alarm
box orderd collected !€6. 274
INDEX—Book 32.
Jan. 2—Morgan, Edw. (Marshal) comrnunictalon of in rel. to increase
of salary of Desk Sergeant Reilly, Officers Scherr and
Sweeney 3, 15
16—Mt. Carmel Avenue, pet. of M. H. Moore in rel. to improve-
ment of 9, 36
16—Michel, Dr. B., appointed. assistant Health Officer 14
Feb. 6—Mersch, Mrs. Margaret and Peter; Claim of for personal
damages 27, 107
6—Miller, J. B., Claim of (Const. Bee Branch storm sewer)
203-194-160 27, 47, 129
6—Macadam List; referred to Committee of the Whole, 104-9430, 66, 70
" 20—Marra, Jos. et al, pet. of in rel. to riding on Union Electric
Cars with musical instruments 38
28—Maguire, Dr. J. E., Bill of 43, 99
" 28—Mehlhop, H. H., Taxes 44, 67
" 28—Mulgrew, Thos., pet of in rel. to running overflow of water
from Gas House into sanitary sewer in Dodge Street 44, 105
23—Main Street; special assessments; amounts paid for paving of 46
Mar. 13—Mulgrew, M. J., (Clerk District Court) Claim of 69
13—Mueke, Ernst, Bili of 70
20—Michel, Dr. B. (Asst. Health Officer) Bill of i6
April 3—Mullen & Papin, pet. of in rel, to issuing excavation permit
in lieu of one issued December 4, 1901 92
3—Main Street; matter of sprinkling of 95
3—Myers, Dr. F. W., Bill of 96
' 10—Mayor Berg's Valedictory and Inaugural Address 101
" 17—Mayor Pro Tem; Alderman Jos. L. Horr appointed 105
" 17—Market Master; Anton Stoltz appointed 106
May 1—Morrill, R. et al, pet. of remonstrating against the sprink-
ling of Highland Place P22, 131
1—Mayor's Office; Cost of damage done by lire 126
" 15—May, Mrs. Helen, Taxes 129, 185
" 22—Molo, Wm. S. et al, pet. of in rel to better car service on
Main Street 135
June 1—Mullen & Papin, Bills of 150, 197, 301
Aug. 7—Moser, Jno., pet. of in rel. to cancellation of special assessment 194, 276
Sept. 18—Main and Locust Streets; from 9th to llth Streets,; Reso-
lution ordering all abutting property owners on to con-
nect with sanitary sewer 221
". 18—Michel, Dr. B, Claim of for taking care of small pox patients 221
Oot. 23—Moser, Jno., Resolution ordering to connect with sanitary
sewer 252
Nov. 6—Muntz, Edw., pet. of in rel to erecting frame barn on M.
one-fifth City Lot 452 266
6—Mayor's Office; Matter of purchasing new stove for 270
20—Millville Road; plat of showing vacation and re-location of275, 278, 298
" 20—Mineral Lot No. 163 and part of Mineral Lot 162 plat of show-
ing subdivision of 275
Dec. 4—Market Master's assistant appointed 293
" 18—Mississippi River Convention held at Quincy, Ill.; matter of
printing proceedings of
w 299
INDEX— Book 32.
Jan. 2—Noel & Wagner, appointed City Weighers
6, 267, 283
June 19—Ney, Albert et al, pet, of in rel. to abandoning Iowa Street
Car Line 266, 277
Nov. 6—Newman, Jno. & Son, Bill of
6—North Main Street, west side of bet. Leibnitz Street and 271, 274
Klingenberg Terrace, sidewalk ordered on •••• 271, 301
" 20—Noonan, Mrs. Maurice, Taxes _ 301
Dec. 4—Newman, P. J., pet. of in rel. to grade on State Street
288 r,II
INDEX—Book 32.
Jan. 2—Officers, Reports of 3
`? " 16—Officers, Reports of 10
" 16—Ordinance Committee, with City Engineer and City Assessor
instructed to prepare an ordinance to provide for the
sprinkling of streets 16
Feb. 6—Offcers, Reports of 27 •
" 6—Ordinance granting the Union Electric Co the right to con-
:•'' struct, maintain and operate street railway lines in the
City and to regulate the construction, maintenance and
operation thereof 80,39. 61,69
" 20—Officers, Reports of • 38
L 20—Ordinance, dividing the City into separate road districts, to
• provide for the sprinkling of streets and for the payment
' thereof (amendment of, 95) 39, 95
" 2S—Officers, Reports of 45
Mar. 6—Officers, Reports of 65
6—Officers' Reports, Annual, City Attorneys, referred to Finance
Committee 67
- 13—Officers, Reports of 69
13—Ordinance, fixing the salary of the officers and appointees,
(Amendment of) Engineer's salary 70, 76
• " 20–Officers, Reports of 74
" 20—Ordinance. fixing the salary of the City Auditor ($1,400 per
year) 75
,r‘',' April 3—Officers, Reports of 93
" 3—Officers, Reports of (Annual) referred to Finance Committee
Y'' to advertise for bids for printing of - 96, 108
'1 10—Officers, Reports of 98
" 10—Ordinance; Amending an ordinance entitled an ordinance
'' to abolish the office of City Marshal and providing for
Fo;' the apppointment of a Chief of Police 99
17—Officers, Reports of 104
" 17—Officers Appointed; Bonds of approved and sworn in. 106, 108
" 24—Official papers appointed 109, 125
May 1—O'Farrell & Norton, Bill of (Improving Cox Street) 121, 203
" 1—Officers, Reports of 122
" 15—Officers, Reports of 129
" 15—Ordinance, defining offenses, prescribing the punishment
thereof, and regulating the manner of prosecutions for
the same 130
" 15—Ordinance abolishing the office of Street Commissioner and
conferring the powers and duties thereof upon the City
• Engineer 131
" 15—Ordinance Committee and City Attorney instructed to pre-
pare an Ordinance repealing part of Section 17, Chapter 33 134
`. June 1—O'Neill, B. J., Taxes 150, 177
" 1—Officers, Reports of 151
" 19—Officers, Reports of 156
G " 19—Ordinance establishing a grade on Langworthy Avenue,
bet. South Alpine and Hill Streets and changing the grade
on Langworthy Avenue bet. South Alpine and Booth Sts., 159, 177
July 3—Officers, Reports of .. 171, 176
" 17—Officers, Reports of 1S3
Aug. 7—Ott, Meuser & Co., Bill against for macadam ordered collected 194
7—Officers, Reports of 194
" 21—Officers, Reports of 201
21—Ordinance establishing a grade on Gilmore Place 202
-:s;- 21—Ordinance establishing a grade on Ardmore Terrace 203
INDEX--Book 32.
- — AGO.
Sept. 4—Officers, Reports of 215
18—Officers, Reports of 219
Oct. 2—Officers, Reports of ' 235
16—Officers, Reports of 245
Nov. 6—Officers, Reports of 267 .,..
" 20—Officers, Reports of 273
I' " 20—Ordinance establishing a grade on Traut Terrace 275
" 20—Ordinance Committee and City Attorney instructed to draft
an Ordinance vacating a portion of Jackson Street and
granting permission to the C. G. W. Ry. Co. to occupy •:.
the portion of Jackson Street so vacated 279 •
Dec. 4—Ordinance granting the C G. W. Ry Co. the right to fill and . .,
grade Elm Street bet. Sanford and Twenty-Third Streets, •
and change of channel of stream called "Couler Creek"
,, • ,i
so as to permit laying of second track in Elm street bet.
Sanford and Twenty-Third Streets, across Sanford .,
Twenty-Second and Twenty-Third Streets 288, 300
4—Ordinance granting permission to C. G. W. Ry. Co. to occupy
a portion of Jackson Street 288
I " 4—Officers, Reports of 289
" 4—Ordinance vacating certain streets and alleys in East Du-
Addition 292
18—Officers, Reports of 297
" 18—Ordinance amending an Ordinance to provide-for improv-
Streets, Alleys, Public Landings, and for the Con-
struction of and Repairs of Sidewalks 2.1:1
" 18—Ordinance amending an Ordinance relating to the Obstruction
.1 „
i of Streets, Alleys, Sidewalks, regulating excavation there-
in, and providing for the removal of Snow and Ice there-
and being Chapter 33 of the Revised Ordinances of
the City of Dubuque of 1901 300
i . . ..
I ..
1 4.
I 1
1 , .
. '..
I . ..a
1 ,r.
1 , 4
11 1 ••
- 1 • .
.-. .... •• - ...„ . _
• • . .
INDEX—Book 32.
Jan. 2—Peabody Avenue, from James Street east to Lot No. 4 of
Mineral Lot No. 72; matter of vactaion of, 132-123 7, 9, 10
" 16—Pegel, Fred, Taxes 9, 35
" 16—Platt Bros., Taxes 9, 35
Feb. 20—Police Officers; P. Hanlon et al, pet. of in rel to increase of
salary of 38
April 3—Poor, B. W., pet. of in rel. to construction of retaining wall
in rear of his property 98, 108
10—Page, Jno. P., Taxes (Special Assessment) 99, 106, 162
" 17—Powers, J. B., appointed assistant City Attorney 104
June 1—Pier & Neuwoehner, proposition of in rel. to furnishing City
with 75 waste paper boxes 150, 221
" 19—Pape & Jacquinot, Bill of 156
July 17—Purchasing Committee; instructed to purchase 6 car loads of
Galesburg brick 185, 253, 279
Aug. 7—Paul Street, bet. Seminary and Leibnitz Streets, west side of
pet, of A. Dress et al in rel. to sidewalk on 194
" 7—Pilmaler, Jno. granted permission to erect frame building
on east side of Clay bet. 15th and 16th Streets 197
Oct. 2—Patrol House; matter of erecting one on City's property at
Fourteenth and Elm Streets 241
" 16—Police Department; matter of purchasing new overcoats for 246, 277
Nov. 20—Pickley, Jno., pet. of in rel. to recording 20 feet of ground
donated by him in opening of Kane Street 273
" 20—Pier, John vs. City of Dubuque; Settlement of Suit of 273
Dec. 18—Police, Special, ordered paid 297
410. ''. `lam a "ice
INDEX—Book 32.
1902. -- -------
Aug. 21—Quinlivan, Mrs Ellen, Taxes (Special Assessment) 240-222.... 201, 217
I '
INDEX—Book 32.
Jan. 2—Randall, Mrs. J. S., Taxes (Special Assessment) 3, 15, 10
" 2—Rhomberg, L. A., Taxes (Special Assessment) 6, 247
" 2—Ring, Andrew, Taxes (Special Assessment) 7
" 16—Ithomberg, A. L., matter of taking rock from the Dubuque
and Wisconsin Bridge Approach 15
Feb. 28—Rumpf, F. A., pet, of in rel. to laying sidewalk abutting Lot
1 at Grove Terrace and West Eleventh Street 44, 66, 160
" 28-1-thomberg Avenue; matter of changing name of to McKinley
Avenue 47, 67
Mar. 6—Rhomberg, Dominic, Taxes 61
April 3—Rhubeck, Mrs. Mary, Taxes 92, 184, 221
" 3—Richardson, Geo. Company, Taxes 93, 99
" 3—Rehfeld, Wm., Taxes (Special Assessment) 95
" 10—Railroad Avenue, pet. of Ott, Meuser & Co. in rel. to im-
provement of 98, 105
" 17—Register Clerks; allowed $27.50 each 103
" 17—Rice, Edw. A., Taxes 103, 109
May 1—Rhomberg, Al., Bill against for hauling rock ordered collected 122
" 22—Rooney, Mrs. Henry, pet. of in rel. to building retaining
wall abutting her property on Robinson Alley .. 135, 153
" 22—Rumpf, F. A. et al, pet. of in rel. to condition of retaining
wall on east side of Ardmore Terrace 136
" 22—Reifsteck, Chas. et al, pet. of in rel. to better car service on
Rhomberg Avenue 135
" 22—Rock Crusher; matter of purchase of 137, 155, 172
June 1—Rusch, Margaret vs. City of Dubuque; matter of paying
court costs in suit of , 151
July 10—Reinecke, Dr. E. L., Bill of 175, 222
Aug. 7—Ragatz & Schaetgen, Bill of 194, 203
Sept. 4—Rohr, Aug., Taxes 214, 277
" 4—Robinson, C. S., Taxes (Forrester Estate) 214, 239
" 4—Railroad Companies in City; Statements of the assessments
and valuations of for the year 1902 216
" 18—Register Clerks appointed 220
Oct. 23—Riese, Mrs. Marie, Resolution ordering to connect with sani-
tary sewer 252 •
Dec. 4—Ragatz & Son, Bill of . ., 288
INDEX—Book 32.
1802. •
2. 13
Jan. 2—Schilling, E. J., Bill of
" 2—Schmidt, Jno., notice of district court restraining the City
from selling his property for improving Broad Street
West Fourteenth Street, and Glen Oak Avenue 3 `3
" 2—Sheppley, E. H., Taxes (Special Assessment)
" 2—Sewer, Sanitary, in Fourth Street from White Street to
Adams' Foundry, accepted and special assesstnent levied 7, 16
2—Sewer, Sanitary, in alley bet. White and Jackson Streets
from 17th Street to Eagle Point Ave.. resolution for con-
I struction of (Bids opened and contract awarded, 11)
(Bonds ordered issued for payment of. 136) 157-136 8, 11, 131
" 2—Sewer, Sanitary, in 19th Street from alley east of White
Street to alley east of Jackson Street; resolution for
construction of, 157-136 8, 11, 131
" 16—Steinhaus, Mrs. Mary, Taxes (Special Assessment) 9, 95
" 16—Smedley Steam Pump Co., Taxes 9, 36
" 16—Sheridan, Cath. and Wm,, Claim of for personal damages
(Court costs in suit of, 297) 9, 38, 297
" 16—Sewer, Sanitary, in Diagonal Street, from alley east of
Broadway to Broadway Street; resolution ordering con-
struction of, also remonstrance against construction of
160-153-126 11, 15. 30
" 16—Sewer, Sanitary, in 13th Street from alley east of Washington
Street to center of Cedar Street; published notice for con-
• struction of, also remonstrance against construction of
158-136-132 11, 15, 30
" 16—Street from Sanford. Avenue to 23rd Street, bet. Elm and
• Queen Streets; matter of opening of 13
" 16—Starr, Sam., appointed assistant sanitary patrolman 14
" 16—Small pox Claims; City Attorney instructed to prepare a
claim against the County of Dubuque for all moneys
advanced by the City 15
•' 16—St. Mary's Casino, Taxes 15
" 16—St. Mary's Congregation, Taxes 15. 48
" 16—Sidewalks; Repairing of (Special Assessment levied for).... 16
Feb. 6—Steuck & Linehan. Bills of (Bee Branch Sewer) 26. 76
6—Saul, Mrs. Elizabeth, Taxes 27, 47, 71
" 6—Sigg, Mrs. Mary, Taxes 27, 71
" 6—Sauer, Mrs. Barbara, Taxes 27, 71
" 6—Switzer, Mrs. Mary J., Taxes 27, 71
" 6—Sewer, Storm Water, in Dodge Street from east side of South
Main Street to Mississippi River; accepted (special assess-
ment against C,, M. & St. P. Ry. Co., 198) 35, 198
6—Sitterle, Mrs. Crecentia, Taxes 35
20—Sidewalk Inspector; Communication of in rel to creating a
"Sidewalk Fund" for the construction of new sidewalks.. 38
" 20—Sewer, Storm Water, in Washington Street from 9th to llth
Streets, also in Elm Street from llth to 12th Streets;
plans and estimates of cost for construction of, (Resolu-
tions ordering constructino of) 134-130-126-125-99. 36, 39, 47
28—Sewer, Storm Water, in 14th Street from Cedar to Sycamore
Streets; pet. of Becker Bros. et al in rel. to extension of
(Bids opened and contract let, 196) 43, 178, 196
" 28—Sprinkling Wagons; Recorder instructed to advertise for bids
(matter of accepting of, 125) 125 48, 75, 96
i ' 28—Street Improvements; natter of re-assessment of 48, 65
Mar. 20—Specht, John, pet. of asking City to appropriate $800 to ope-
rate Steamer Teal for the season of 1902, 175-160-129-126-107 74, 93, 100
i l I
. INDEX—Book 32.
.March 20—Starr, Sam, assistant sanitary patrolman, Bill of 76
April 3—Street, James, Bill of 92, 99
" 3—Staples, Dr. Allen, Bills of
92, 105
3—Scharry, Mrs. M., Claim of 92, 110
" li—Steuck & Linehan, Bill of (Fourth Street sanitary Gewer) 105
" 17—Street Commissioner; Matter of abolishing office of.... 105
" 17—Sprinkling Wagons; Matter of storing them in Fourth Street
Engine House 105
" 24—Sehaffhauser, Geo. et al., pet, of in rel. to better car service
on Rhomberg Avenue and Clay Street 107, 132, 135
" 24—Sprinkling Wagons; Matter of purchasing hose and coup-
lings for 109
" 24—Sanitary Patrolman; Frank Flynn appointed 110
y•• " 24—Sewer, Sanitary, in alley bet. Rhomberg and Garfield Aves
from Johnson to Middle Aves., Resolutions ordering con-
struction of 111
May 1—Sidewalk Inspector; Resolution ordering him to compel all
owners of corner lots to construct their walks out to the
curb ... 126
" 15—Street Sprinkling; Teams hauling sprinkling wagons allowed
40c per hour 131
" 22—Seventh Street Bridge; matter of repairing of 136
• June 1—Summit Street Sub., plat of approved 151, 275
" 1—Sewer, Sanitary, in West Fourteenth Street from Prairie to
Walnut Streets; Resolution ordering construction of155
" 19—Sullivan, Jno. J., Taxes . 156, 181
" 19—Steam Roller; Matter of repairing of 159
" 19—Street Car Sprinkler; Matter of purchasing of 160
.July 10—Sidewalks, repairing of, special assessment levied for (Special
• Assessments ordered canceled, 196-220) 178, 196
" 17—Sieg, Anton, Claim of 183
• " .17—Street Sprinkling; Alderman Raymond's report in rel. to 184,-198
" 17—Street Committee and City Engineer instructed to enter into
contract for removing waste shells from button factory 186
Aug. 7—Staples, Dr. Allen, Bill of 194, 239
" 7—Sewer, Sanitary, in alley bet. Garfield and Rhomberg Aves,
from Kniest Street to Middle Avenue; pet. of Edw
Smedley et al in rel. to construction of; Resolution order-
ing construction of rescinded 194, 241
" 7—Sewer, Sanitary, connections ordered for buildings at Ninth
and Main and Eighth and Iowa Streets 197
" 7—South Main Street; Matter of piling lumber on 198, 203
" 7—Sprinkling Wagons; Matter of putting signs on 198
" 7—Sewer, Sanitary, in Johnson Avenue and in alley bet. Lincoln
and Rhomberg Avenues; Resolution ordering construction
of, also remonstrance of A. Duertscher et al 198, 201
" . 7—Sewer, Sanitary in Johnson Avenue, Eagle Point Avenue and
Queen Street; Resolution ordering construction of,
298-294-278-248-215 199, 201, 205
Sept. 4—Steuck&Linehan, Bill against for macadam ordered 'collected 214
" 4—St Joseph's Mercy Hospital, Taxes, 245-234 214, 221
" 4—Seventh Avenue, pet. of Geo. Schmidt et al in rel. to improve-
ment of . 214
" 18—Smith, Michael et al, pet. of in rel. to opening of street
bet. South and North Streets in O'Neill's Sub. No. 3.
274-268-241 219, 240
A e
INDEX—Book 32.
Sept. 18—Sewer. Sanitary, in Langworthy Avenue from Hill Street to
intersection of Langworthy Avenue and Nevada Street
pet. of Chas. Stillman et al in rel. to construction of:
also remonstrance of Julia L. Langworthy, 301-288-271-270'319, 2:N, 239
18—Steam Road Roller; Contract of Kelly Springfield Road
Roller Co. for new roller 222
Oct. 2—Scherr, B. J.,
Bill of 234, 252
" 2—Simplot, J. H., Taxes 234
2—SIdewalks, RepairingSpecial of, S ectal Asses
sment levied for236
2—Sidewalks; Cleaning Snow and Ice from, special ass'ssment
levied for 238
" 2—Sewer, Sanitary, in alley bet. Rhomberg and Garfield Aves.
from Johnson to Middle Aves., Resolutions ordering con-
struction of, 279-271-270-268-253 241, 249
" 2—Sprinkling Districts; Matter of assessing of 242
" 23—Sullivan, Mrs. Catharine, Taxes .. 247. 277
23—Starr, Sam, Taxes •• 247, 2i7
II 23—Simplot, MIT:. Mary J•, Taxes 247. 277
" 23—Specht, Jno., pet. of in rel to use of strip of ground from
south line of Third Street 100 feet north 247, 276
" 23—Stafford, Mrs. Catharine, Taxes 247. 278
" 23—St. Francis' Orphanage, Taxes 247
- 23—Sidewalks, Repairing of; Special Assessment levied for249
" 23—Steuck & Linehan, Bills of 251
" 23—Stout, F. D. and J. H., Resolution ordering to connect with
sanitary sewer 252
" 23—Sullivan, Jas. M., vault of in rear of Tenth and Main Streets
ordered cleaned 252
„ Nov, 6—Schramm, Mrs. Mary, Taxes 2.7. 27
!', " 6—Sidewalks; Repairing of, special assessment levied for (spec-
ial assessments ordered canceled, 275) 2f;9.
' 6—Steam Road Roller, (new); Matter of testing and examing of 271, .M
1. " 20—Smedley Steam Pump Co., pet. of in rel. to extending the
. sanitary sewer to their manufacturing plant 273
" 20—Seventh Avenue, plat of showing proposed location and re-
location of 276
Dec. 4—Silzer, Mrs. Mary, Taxes .. 288. 301
" 4—Sidewalks, repairing of, special assessment levied for 290
" 18—Scott, Mrs. Bridget, Taxes 297
" 18—Street proposed from North Cascade Road to Corporation
line, plat of .. 298
" 18—Skating Rink in Ice Harbor, privilege granted Mrs. E. Bohn
for running of •, 300
Iii i
• t
INDEX—Book 32. 1
1902. S'tJBJECT' PAGE.
Jan. 2—Tax Ferrets; Contract of kreconsidered 1
" 2—Tibey, John, Clain of (Dodge Street Storm Sewer) 3, 14
Feb. 6—Torbert, W. H,, Bill of 27, 153
•' 6—Town Clock, taking care of, Contract 0.f A. R. Staufenbeil
re-newed 30
Mar. 13—Thoni, Simon, vs. City of Dubuque; Court costs in suit of.... 70
" 20—Theis, Jno., pet. of in rel. to deeding back to 1 im part of Lot
2 of 106 L. H. Langworthy's Add 74, 153, 161
•' 20—Tschirgi, Matt vs City of Dubuque; Judgment and court
costs in suit of 75
April 3—Thompson, Mrs. F. G., Bill of 92, 110
May 1—Torbert, W. H., Bill of 122, 197
" 1—Tibey, Jno., Bill against for macadam ordered collected 122
15—Taxes for the years of 1891 to 1894 inclusive be declared un-
available and credited off as a charge against the City
Treasurer ..... 134
"• 22—Tschirgi, Matt Jr, Bills of for sewer connections, 219-203-194 135, 185
June 1—Trop`, Henry J., appointed market master to fill vacancy.... 153, 154
July 10—Torbert, W. H., Bill of 175, 197
Aug. 7—Telegraph-Herald, Bill of 197, 221, 271
Sept, 4—Thompson, T. T., Bill of 213, 270
" 4—Tremplar, Mrs. Maria, Taxes 214, 277
" 4—Telegraph and Telephone Companies in City; Statements of
the assessments and valuations of for 1902. 216, 251 •
'• 18—Thirteenth and Maple Streets, matter of draining stagnant
water from 221
" 18—Traut Terrace from Diagonal Street to south end of said
street; matter of establishing grade on 222, 236
Nov. 6—Twelfth Street, from Pine to Sycamore Streets, pet. of A.
Y. McDonald & Morrison Mfg. Co., in rel. to filling of.. 266, 27'
" 6—Tax Levy for the year 1902 fixed 271
Dec. 4—Thompson, Mrs. Margaret, Resolution ordering to connect
with sanitary sewer 293
INDEX—Book 32.
Feb. 28—Union Avenue and Alta Vista Street, pet, of A. C. Buettell
et al in rel. to including said streets in the sprinkling
districts 42
April 3—Union Electric Coinstructed to put in an incandescent light
on the east side of Grove Terrace 92
" 3—Union Electric Co., pet. of in rel. to laying tracks on Eagle
Point Avenue from intersection of Jackson Street to in-
tersection of Couler Avenue 31
" 17—Union Electric Co., communication of in rel. to installing
sidetrack in Windsor Avenue from Klingenberg Avenue
to a point 30 feet south bet. Klingerberg Avenue and hies
Street 103
" 24—Union Electric Co., communication of in rel to installing
sidetrack on the south side of Delhi Street bet. Allison
and West Fifth Streets 107
" 24—Union Electric Co. permitted temporarily to discontinue ope-
rating cars over various streets for better car service to
the public, 135-186 110, 132
May 1—Union Electric Co., communication of in rel. to installing
sidetrack in the south side of Delhi street beginning at
a point about 12 feet west of intersection of southwesterly
curb line of Forrest Lane and southerly curb line of Delhi
Street 122
" 15—United States Express Co., Taxes 129, 185
June 1—Union Electric Co. instructed to remove all tracks, wires and
poles in Jones St., from I. C. R. R. tracks to Levee, 205. 204, 153, 186
July 10—Union Electric Co., pet. of F L. Dame, Gen'l. Manager in rel.
to giving the City an up-to-date street lighting system, 175, 240, 242
Sept. 4—Union Electric Co., Bill against for rolling various rtreets,
I ordered collected 213
Nov. 6—Union Electric Co., communication of in rel. to turnout on
West Eighth Street 268
" 20—Union Electric Co., communication of in rel. to discontinue
the Iowa Street Car Line 273, 258. 293
it •
INDEX—Book 32.
Feb. 6—Vollmer, Mrs. Catharine, Taxes 27, 71
" 28—Voelker, Jno A., Bills of, 271-221-197 43, 153
April 24—Vaults; Cleaning of, Bids advertised for and contract let.. 110, 126
May 15—Voelker, Chr. A., Taxes (special assessment) 129, 204
• July 10—Voggenthaler, E. J., Bill of 175, 203
Oct. 2—Vogel, Adam vs. City of Dubuque; Notice district court re-
straining the City from selling his property for paving
Clay Street 234
Dec. 4—Veterinary Services; Recorder instructed to advertise for bids 293, 299
" 18—Voss, Mrs. Amelia, Taxes 297
INDEX— Book 32.
-- PAGE.
It w
9, 36
Jan. 16—Western Union Telegraph Co., Taxes
" 16—Whalen, Wm., Claim of for damages to property 15
Feb 6—Water Tower, northwest of Linwood Cemetery, plans and
i I estimate for 30, 47
6—Washington Street, from Ninth to Eleventh Streets, also Elm
Street from Eleventh to Twelfth Streets, matter of drain-
36, 39, 47
age of
" 20—Wild, Chas. et al, Original Notice District Court, restraining
the City from selling their property for improving Semin-
ary Street
" 28—Wieland, Dr. F. W., Bill of 43, 95, 99
28—Wisner, W. H., pet. of in rel. to changing Ferry Landing
in Ice Harbor, 132-131-108 49. 76,1:1077663
Mar. 6—Wells-Fargo Express Co., Taxes 6 +:
" 13—Welbs, Jno. Jr, (By F. W. Altman) Taxes 6
13—Wasser, Christina, Taxes (Special Assessment) 69
April 3—Walker, Dr. H. T., Bill of 9 S, 110
" 24—West Locust Street, pet. of F. Fettgether in rel. to esti!blish-
ing grade on fronting Lot 12 in Wm. Blake's Add 107
" 24—Walter, C. A. et al. pet, of in rel. to better street car s;-rvice
on Clay Street and Rhomberg Avenue 10i, 1321'35
" 29—Water Mains in West Seventeenth Street, pet. of L. 0.
Semper in rel. to extension of 107
May 1—Walker, C. H. and M. M., Taxes 122, 132
" 1—Wood Street, west side of bet West Fourteenth Street and
north end of said street, sidewalk ordered on 126, 202
15—Water mains in alley bet. White and Jackson Streets from
Seventeenth Street to Rhomberg Avenue, pet. of Allen
I Woodward et al in rel. to extension of 129
j 15—Wiedner, Gust., Taxes 129. 156, 184
" 15—Washington Street, west side of bet. 13th and 14th Streets.
sidewalk ordered on 124, 274
June 1—Wieland, F. W., pet. of in rel. to condition of storm water
sewer from Couler Avenue 200 feet west 150, 203
" 1—Willow Street and Rosedale Avenue, pet. of Peter Kiene et
al in rel. to repairing of 150, 239
" 1—Water mains in west 17th Street, pet_ of B. Bracher et al
in rel. to extension of 150 •
19—Water mains in Grandview Avenue to Mt. Carmel Convent
pet. of Sisters of Charity in rel, to extension of 156
" 19—Wagner, Fred, Claim of for personal damages 156, 185
" 19—West Eleventh Street, matter of repairing of 159
July 10—Water mains bet. the alley west of Couler Avenue and
Valeria Street, pet. of F. D. Scharle in rel to extension of 175
" 10—Water Works Trustees instructed to connect the water foun-
tains with back pressure valves 178
. Aug. 7—Whelan, W. W., Bi11 of 197
Oct 2—Weigel, F. Estate, Taxes (Special Assessment) .. 234
" 2—Wooton's Add., pet. of T. Watters in rel. to vacation of.... 234. 245
" 23—Water Fountain at intersection of Wilde and Valley Streets,
pet. of H. Riker et al in rel. to placing of 247, 278
" 23—Weeds, noxious; Cutting of, special assessment levied for.... 250
" 23—Wilkinson, Geo., Bill of •
Nov. 20—Wullweber, C. W., Taxes 273. 301
Dec 4—Witter Bros., Bill of 288, 301
'!. " 4—Wiedmer, Martha, Claim of 353
" 4—R';Itters Sub. and part o` Wooton Add., plat of approved.. 288
i T,
INDEX—Book 32. — —
Dec. 4—Wiedmer, Martha, Resolution ordering to connect with sani-
tary sewer S98
" 4—Weis, Gabriel, Resolution ordering to connect with sanitary
sewer 298
" 4—West Chestnut Street, north side of bet. Walnut Street and
west end of Chestnut Street, sidewalk ordered on.... 294, 298
r C
01-1111.111111111 - simminnommaimmi
INDEX—Book 32.
April 3—Young, Thomas, appointed Engineer Steam Roller to All vai 95
Oct. 23—Y. City for the use anenefit of theon, deed of Free ublic L ibto
the 252
, ly illl .
INDEX—Book 32.
Feb. 0—Zinn, Mrs. Martha, Taxes 27, 71
Oct. 23—Zengel, Adam, Taxes 247, 277
i 'i' ip -1a c s'. 5` + u
Regular Session, January 2, 1902.
Regular Session January 2, 1901.
Council met at 8:30 p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present-Alds. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger, McLaughlin and
Ald. Horr moved that the Council
proceedings for. December 19, 1901, be
amended so as to read that Ald. Sheri-
dan seconded his motion to reconsider
the action of the council of December
6, 1901, on the contract of the City of
Dubuque with Charters & Warson (tax
agents) for the discovery and listing
for taxation of all property that may
have been omitted or overlooked, and
that the Council proceedings for the
month of December, 1901, be approved
as amended and printed. Carried.
The following bills were ordered
A. Doerr, assistant assessor for
December, 1901 $ 75 00
J. J. Murphy, assistant assessor
for December, 1901 75 00
M. O'Loughlin, rodman Engi-
neer's office 40 00
Jno. Schrup, inspector at Adams
Co.'s sewer for Dec., 1901 30 00
A. Stoltz, board of prisoners for
Dec., 1901 11 60
P. Baumgartner, ass't market -
master Dec., 1901 35 10
Key City Furniture Co., oak
plank for city hall scales .50
F. Frohm, repairing scales at
city hall 14.00
J. Gukeisen, repairing scales at
Rhomberg Ave 7.00
A. E. Bradley, glazing at city
hall 2.00
Stampfer & Jaeggi Carpet Co,
carpet for treasurer's office2.00
M. S. Hardie, blank stationery
for city attorney 4 25
Palmer, Berg & Co., blank books
and stationery for various of-
fices ............ 104.65
Dubuque Bar Supply Co., toilet
paper at city hall 7 00
Key City Gas Co., chimneys and
mantles city hall 1.95
Key City Gas Co., gas for various
departments 383.95
G. F. Kleih, hardware at city
hall 8.65
F. Carney, fees for trying city 4 00
ordinance cases
J. E. Maguire, professional ser-
vices and advise in case of Ly-
man vs. City 50.00
1. S. Bigelow, professional ser-
vices and advice in case of Ly-
man vs. City 50 00
Carr, Ryder & Adams Co. saw- 50
dust city hall
Jas. Beach & Son, soap city hall 3.25
Linehan & Molo, hard coal city
hall 18.72
A. Mink, hard coal city hall24.86
G. Paar, sawing wood city hall10.00
Phil Pier. 10.18 cords maple wood
city hall 55.30
Ellwanger Bros., repairing har-
ness for road dept 5.65
M. J. G. I.aN:cca. shellac for
road dept. .60
R. W. Carr, filing saws for road
dept. .60
G. F. Kleih, hardware for road
dept. 2.65
Purington Paving Brick Co., pav-
ing brick and blocks for road
dept. 166.00
Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber for
road dept. 4 70
P. J. Seippel, lumber for road
dept. 124.45
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for road
and sewer depts. 9.00
Jas. Street, rock for road dept2.25
J. Goodhouse, rock for road dept. 18.10
F. Mathis, 100 cub. yds. of gravel
for road dept. 35.00
P. Clancy, 94 cub. yds. cinders
for road dept 11.75
E. J. Voggenthaler Co., repairs
for steam roller .95
P. J. Seippel, lumber for fire de-
partment 5.70
Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse
shoeing fire dept. 5.75
Iowa Iron Works, 1 cast weight
for fire dept. 1.10
Ott, Mueser & Co., shavings for
fire dept. 2.00
Fire Ext, Mfg. Co., 1 wheel for
chemical engine 45.00
Ellwanger Bros., horse blankets
and rep. harness for fire dept22.55
Butt Bros., repairing chief's
buggy .75
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for fire
Jno. Butt, repairs for fire dept.'
G. W. Healey, hardware for fire
dept. .80
Homan & Roehl, rep. bed for
fire dept. .50
Key City Gas Co., coke for fire
dept. 23.50
F. A. Dolton, examining two
horses for fire dept 10.00
Melloy Bros., hard coal for fire
dept. 27.58
Fischer & Co., hard coal for
fire dept. 27.64
Phil Pier, soft coal for fire dept102.38
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co,
supplies for fire dept 9.75
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co,
171/2 feet suction hose and coup-
lings for fire dept 78.63
Jas. Beach & Son, soap for fire
dept. 3.00
Van Valkenburg & McEvoy, stove
pipe for fire dept 2.85
Eichhorn & Bechtel, bran and
salt for fire dept 2.50
W. H. Torbert, supplies and drugs
for fire dept 21.88
Dubuque Oil Tank Line, oil for
fire dept. 14.31
Wm. Gere, raising steamer J. J.
Linehan 20.00
E. J. Voggenthaler, repairs at
18th street engine house 3 85
Ragatz & Schaetgen, repairs at
4th street engine house 4 98
W. Brackett, hauling settees from
park to city hall .............• 50
M. S. Hardie, blank stationary for
police department 7 50
C. Bochert, 1/2 pay for police over-
coats 83 50
Ellwanger Bros., repairing har-
ness for police department 2 10
W. Gaylor. horseshoeing patrol
team 1 60
Regular Session, January 2, 1902.
Phil Pier, smithing coal for Du-
o 25 buque and Wisconsin bridge 4 64
approach .
5 25 Eichhorn & Bechtel, doz.
or Dos
and els d empty
buque and Wisconsin bridge
33 02 approach
J. Sherman, 1 stove and pipe
for Dubuque and Wisconsin 6
bridge approach
R. W. Carr, filing saws, for Du-
buque and Wisconsin bridge
3 55 approach
1 76 Linehan & Molo, cement and
hardware for Dubuque and
2 00 Wisconsin bridge approach.. 290 04
Linehan & Molo, 200 ft. manila
2 90 rope for Dubuque and Wis-
2 00 consin bridge approach 7 43
Eagle Point Lime works, dy-
2 95 namite, powder and lumber for
the Dubuque and Wisconsin
bridge approach 82 05
E. J. Voggenthaler Co., repair-
ing derrick for Dubuque and
Wisconsin bridge approach6 59
The following bills were ordered
paid out of the General Expense Fund:
W. Cushing, moving pest boat at 8 00
foot of 14th street
J. Berg, moving pest boat at foot 8
of 14th street .
II. Chambers, moving pest boat 7 50
at foot of 14th street
N. Coughlin, moving pest boat
at foot of 14th street 4 50
T. Hackney, moving pest boat
at foot of 14th street 6 50
13. Glass. moving pest boat at
font of 14th street 6 50
G. C. Berg, moving pest boat at
foot of 14th street 5 50
D. Freeman, moving pest boat
at font of 14th st'eet 5 50
Ed. Fuhrman, hauling rope and
pulleys to pest boat $ 1 50
Linehan & Molo, use of jack
screws for moving pest boat 2 00
Capt. R. Kimbel, towing pest
boat from Third street to
Hooper's cut on 14th street.. 6 00
The following bills were ordered re-
ferred to the committee on streets:
Key City Lime works, 50 loads
of gravel at 25c $ 12 60
E. J. Schilling, repairing tile
sidewalk at Bell Block 12 00
Key City Gas Co., 14% ft. of 3
iron pipe 5 64
19 75 Byrne Bros., to sprinkling city
property for the season of
1901 251 00
On motion the bill was referred to
5 53 the committee on public grounds and
Albert Gasser to 600 brick used
23 10 repairing drinking fountain on
Grandview avenue .....3 4 00
Oh motion the bill was referred to
the sewer committee.
65 Ralph Bliss, to services nursing
smallpox patient at Fischer
residence, Eagle Point $ 13 to 60
On motion the bill was referred
23 42 the board of health.
Butt Bros., repairing patrol
wagon wood at
Jno. Welsh, sawing
patrol house
Iowa Telephone Co., telephone
service for various depart-
R. Hoffman, repairing rubber
boots for department er pipe 25
Key City RoofingCo.,
and cement for sewer depart -
18 40
Jno. Butt, repairs for sewer de-
Geo. F. Kleih, new tools for Dodge
street sewer
T. G. Young, hauling for sewer
Dempsey & Son, repairing foun-
tain on Grandview avenue
F. Mertz, repairing vault in en-
gineer's office
P. J. Seippel, lumber for Dodge
street sewer
Ross McMahon, inspector on
Dodge street sewer for Decem- 20 00
ber, 1901
Albert Gasser, 5,000 bricks for 35 00
Dodge street sewer
Globe -Journal, official printing
50 00
for Dec., 1901
National Demokrat, official print- 25 00
ing for Dec., 1901
Dubuque Telegraph, official print- 60 00
ing for Dec., 1901
Dubuque Telegraph, Council's 3 00
weekly proceedings
Dubuque Telegraph, health re- 4 00
ports for Nov.. 1901
F. M. Jaeger & Co., one 50 foot
steel tape for engineer 2 75
Union Electric Co., arc lights for
2020 35
Dec., 1901
G. F. Kleih, supplies for health 35
A. L. Rhomberg. to lease and use
of Blk. 24 in R. R. add., and
lots 640 and 641 East Dubuque 100 00
add. for 5 years
l'almer, Berg & Co., blank sta-
tionery for road and health de-
E. A. Fengler, rock for Du-
buque and Wisconsin bridge
approach 176 77
J. Becker & Son, rock for Du-
buque and Wisconsin bridge
approach 1021 00
E. A. Fengler, monthly esti-
mate Dubuque and Wisconsin
bridge approach 1143 00
Al Rhomberg, 79 loads of sand
Dubuque and Wis. bridge ap-
Diamond Jo Line steamers,
iron and steel for Dubuque
and Wisconsin bridge ap-
George W. Healey, hardware
for Dubuque and Wisconsin
bridge approach....
L. Lindenberg, hardware, tool
steel and iron for Dubuque
and Wisconsin bridge ap-
George F. Kleih, new tools,
fuse and hardware for Du-
buque and Wisconsin bridge
4 35
Regular Session, January 2, 1902. 3
Thos. E. Frith. to removing
garbage and dead animals
during December, 1901 $ 310 45
On motion action was postponed
until the appropriations for different
funds are made for the fiscal year.
The following bills due the city were
ordered collected:
Key City Gas Co., to City of
Dubuque, to rolling streets
from July 1 to Nov. 1, 1901,
55 hours at $1.50 $ 82 50
Union Electric Co. to City of
Dubuque, dr., rolling streets
from May 1 to Jan. 1, 1902,
62 hours at $1.50 $ 93 00
Petition of Michael Brada, Sr., ask-
ing that his taxes on lots 65, 66 and 67,
E. Langworthy's add., be canceled for
the year 1901.
On motion the petition was referred
to the delinquent tax committee.
Petition of F. A. Jaeger asking that
the special assessment levied against
lot 2 of sub. 1 of 101 in L. H. Lang -
worthy's add, for cleaning snow from
sidewalk be canceled.
On motion the matter was referred
to the sidewalk inspector and report
at the next meeting of the council.
Petition of Wm. Luther et al. ask-
ing that the Union Electric Co. be
required to build and operate a line
from Delhi street south along Grand-
view avenue to its junction with
Fremont avenue, thence along Fre-
mont avenue to North Cascade road.
On motion, the petition was referred
to the Committee of the Whole.
Petition of the C. M. & St. P. Ry.
Co. and Illinois Central Ry. Co. by
W. J. Knight, their attorney, and Chi-
cago Great Western Ry. Co. by D. J.
Lenehan, its attorney, asking that the
assessment of the petitioners be re-
duced to the valuation thereof as re-
turned by the county auditor and that
the treasurer be instructed to collect
the taxes upon that basis.
Ald. Kintzinger moved to refer the
petition to the committee of the whole.
Petition of Mrs. J. S. Randall by F.
B. Harriman, asking city council to
accept $100 in full payment for the
special assessment levied against her
property for improving Wilde street,
between McLennon street and the
terminus of Wilde street.
On motion the petition was referred
to the committee of the whole.
Notice from the clerk of the dis-
trict court restraining the city from
selling the property of John Schmidt
for special assessment levied against
lot No. 18 in Mount Pleasant add. for
improving Broad street, West 14th st.
and North Glen Oak avenue.
On motion of Ald. Horr the notice
was received and filed.
Communication of Marshal Morgan
recommending that the salary of Desk
Sergeant Reilly, Officers Scherr and
Sweeney be increased.
On motion the communication was
referred to the committee of the
Communication of the Union Elec-
tric Co. by Wm. J. Brown„ manager,
in relation to placing an incandescent
light on the east wall of Grove Ter-
race between llth and 12th streets,
was on motion referred to the com-
mittee on police and Light and they
to change the lights to the proper lo-
Communication of E. H. Sheppley
asking permission to address the coun-
cil in relation to the special assess-
ment levied against his property for
the construction of a sanitary sewer
in West Locust street.
On motion of Ald. Frith the rules
were suspended and Mr. Sheppley was
Mr. Sheppley stated that he had al-
ready paid for a sewer in Ellis street,
abutting his property and that it
would be unjust for him to pay the
second time.
Ald. Clancy moved to refer the com-
munication to the city attorney for an
opinion, and he to report at the next
neeting of the council. Carried.
Claim of John Tibey by Bowen &
Fitzpatrick, his attorneys, claiming
the sum of $2,914.50 for constructing
a storm sewer in Dodge street and
asking council for immediate settle-
ment for the construction of said
The mayor asked the city engineer
to explain the matter to the council.
Mr. Blake stated that the sewer never
was accepted and on motion the claim
was referred to the committee on
sewers and city engineer.
City Treasurer Gniffke reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque: Gentlemen:
Below you will find statement of
amounts advanced by me during the
past month for which please order
warrantse drawn in my favor:
Excavation permits, redeemed$100.00
Interest on outstanding war-
rants 440.92
Two horses for fire department
1 90
at $175.00
Freight on brick
Express charges,
Express chrages,
Postage stamps
Refund water tax
for road
fire dept
I also recived money borrowed from
the following parties:
Dec. 2, 1901, German bank $5,000.00
Regular Session, January 2, 1902
Dec. 2, 1901, Second Nat'l bank.10,000.00
Dec. 9, 1901, Second Nal. bank. 5,000.00
Dec. 11, 1901, Dubuque Nat'l. 5,000.00
Total $25,000.00
Please order loan warrants drawn in
their favor.
On motion the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn for til!
various amounts and the report refer-
red back to the Finance Committee.
City Auditor Hoffman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque: Gentlemen:
Herewith find my report for the
month of December, 1901, of the re-
ceipts and disbursements for the
Cash on hand Dec. 1,
1901 $16607.81
F.eceipts from all
sources ....... 35139.33
Total $51747.14
Warrants redemed
during the month$15465.71
Coupons redeemed281.32
Water works coupons
redeemed 12690.00
Bonds, coupons, re-
deemed 250.00
Water works bonds
redeemed 3000.00 $31687.03
Cash on hand Jan
lst, 1902
Of the cash on hand
there belongs to the
improvement bond
fund $11494.25
Improvement bond in-
terest fund
1123.62 $12617.57
Leaving a balance to
the credit of the city. $7442.21
Cash on hand Dec. 1, 1901
$ 301.70
Receipts for the month of Dec6275.26
Total $6576.96
Disbursements for the month5282.67
Cash on hand January 1, 1902$1294.29
Also report that there is due the
city officers for the month of Decem-
ber, 1901, $2143.20.
The following list shows the ap-
propriations and the amount of war-
rants drawn on each fund since th,
beginning of the fiscal year beginning.
March lst, 1901, to January lst, 1902.
Appro- Ex-
priation. pended.
..$40,000 22,614.51.
40,000 35,178.71
... 33,500 23.659.26
28,500 20,810.30
5,000 4,150.45
Fire ..
Printing 2,500 1,615.00
Engineer 3,000 2,131.52
Gas and light 27,000 18,100.85
Water w'ks. b'nd int. 25,000 22,590.00
Interest 50.000 34,7S0.72
Board of health 4,000 3,823.16
Grading 4,000 2,801.71
Bee Branch .. 13,000 12,999.97
Eagle Point bridge.. 25,000 7,354.40
Special bonded pav'g. 8.000 7,686.77
Redemption .. 7,500
Dodge street sewer... 6,000 4,050.24
Judgment 4,000 3,432.35
Sprinkling 4,000 .......
Library 6,000
Respectfully Submitted,
On motion the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
city officers and the report referred
back to the Finance Committee.
Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol-
To the. Hon. Mayor and City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: I herewith present the
pay roll for the fire department for the
month of December, 1901.
Amount due firemen for the month,
Chairman Committee on Fire.
On motion the pay roll was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
firemen and the pay roll referred back
to the committee on fire.
City Marshal Morgan reported as fol-
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council
of the City of Dubuque
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
report for the month of December, 1901.
Total arrests for the month 70
Resident arrests 17
Door found open 44
Lodgers harbored 156
Defective lights 245
Meals furnished ;S
Patrol runs iC
Miles traveled by patrol 94
Also please find Treasurer's receipts
for Poundmaster $2.00.
T. J. Conlin, board of prisoners, $8.70.
Also the pay roll for the police de-
partment for the month of December,
Amount due policemen, $2,012 00.
Please find Matron's report attached.
Respectfully submitted,
EDW. MORGAN, Marshal.
On motion the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
policemen and the report referred back
to the Committee on Police and Lights.
Street Commissioner Boyce reported
as follows:
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council
of Dubuque.
Gentlemen: Herewith I submit my
pay roll for labor on streets for the
last half of December, 1901.
Regular Session, January 2, 1902. 5
Amount due laborers on streets,
Also pay roll on sewers for the last
of December, 1901.
Amount due laborers on sewers,
Approved: Street Commissioner.
Chairman Com. on Streets.
Chairman Com. on Sewers.
Also submit pay roll for grading the
approach to the Dubuque and Wiscon-
sin Bridge for the last half of Decem-
ber, 1901.
Amount due for grading, $1,514.70.
Approved: Street Commissioner.
Chairman D. & W. Bridge Approach.
On motion the pay rolls were re-
ceived and warrants ordered drawn to
pay laborers on streets, sewers and for
grading the approach to D. & W.
Bridge, and the pay rolls referred back
to the proper committees.
Also submit my pay roll for hauling
rock by the yard from Eagle Point
Bridge approach to haymarket, to the
city lot near Sacred Heart church and
to Sixteenth street, of which ten cents
per cubic yard to be charged to the
Eagle Point Bridge Approach fund and
the balance to be charged to the Road
. Total amount to be charged E. P. B.
fund, $93.30.
Total amount to be charged to Road
fund, $151.65.
Approved: Street Commissioner.
Chairman Eagle Pt. Bridge Approach.
Chairman Street Committee.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the pay
roll be received and warrants ordered
drawn to pay the various amounts and
the pay roll referred back to the Corn-
mittee on Eagle Point Bridge Ap-
proach and the Committee on Streets.
Also Street Commissioner Boyce re-
ported as follows:
Attached find Treasurer's receipt for
$110 50 collected from Linehan & Molo
as per bill referred to me for collection.
Yours respectfully.
Street Commissioner.
On motion the report was received
and filed.
City Engineer Blake reported as fol-
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council
of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: Herewith I present the
macadam list for the month of De-
cember, 1901.
Amount due for breaking macadam,
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Ald. Frith moved that the macadam
list be received and warrants ordered
drawn for the various amounts and
the list referred back to the Street
Committee. Carried.
City Electrician Hipman reported as
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council
of Dubuque.
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
report for the month of December, 1901.
I find from the reports of the police
department that the total hours that
245 lamps failed to burn would equal
11 lamps for one month, or $59.40.
Respectfully submitted,
City Electrician.
On motion the report was received
and the Auditor instructed to deduct
$59.40 from the bill of the Union Elec-
tric Company for the month of De-
cember, 1901.
Marshal Morgan reported as follows:
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council
of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: At the regular session
of the City Council held Sept. 5, 1901,
you referred to hie the petition of Geo.
W. Healey et al, asking that the
manure wagon, owned by Byrne Bros ,
and which stands at 7th and Locust
streets, south of the livery barn, be
removed if found objectionable, would
therefore report that said wagon is a
nuisance and should be removed.
Respectfully submitted,
EDW. MORGAN, Marshal.
Ald. Clancy moved that the matter
be referred back to the City Marshal,
and he to carry out the suggestions of
the report. Carried.
The following Weighmasters' and
Wood -measurers' reports were referred
to the Committee on Markets:
Anton Stoltz, weighmaster City
Hall, receipts $ 22.75
R. Hay, weighmaster, receipts4.16
M. Deckert, weighmaster, re-
ceipts 1.19
Louise Pitschner, weighmaster
West Dubuque, receipts 2.00
T. Faherty, weighmaster First
Ward, receipts 7.35
Nic Kintzinger, wood measurer,
receipts 6.15
Mayor Berg stated that the Board
of Supervisors has asked permission
to send to the detention hospital or
pest house, cases of smallpox patients
outside of the City limits. Also stated
that the Board of Supervisors had
built a creditable building and had
done all in their power to take care of
patients with the contagion and to
prevent the spread of the disease. He
would therefore recommend that the
Board of Supervisors be granted the
use of the detention hospital or pest
Regular Session, January 2, 1902.
house for patients outside of the City
Ald. Frith moved that the recom-
mendations of the Mayor be carried out
and the request of the Board of Super-
visors be granted. Carried.
Ald. Horr of the Finance Committee
reported as follows:
Your Committee on Finance begs to
report that Mr. L. A. Rhomberg ap-
peared before it and submitted the
following proposition: That of the
City will cancel so much of the special
assessment against his property as
was levied for the improvement of var-
ious intersections on Rhomberg avenue
not including those for which he has
already paid, he is willing to pay the
balance of said assessment with inter-
est. After giving this matter due
consideration, we have come to the
conclusion that as the owners of all
other corner lots in the city have been
assessed with the cost of improving
intersections, the granting of this re-
quest would be a discrimination, and
would also establish a precedent that
would result in trouble and loss to the
city. We would therefore recommend
that the above mentioned proposition
be not accepted.
Also, your Committee on Finance, to
whom was referred the communication
of F. B. Hoffman, City Auditor, in re-
lation to a block of 6 per cent. bonds
amounting to $15,400 00, and becoming
due February 1, 1902, begs to report
that a meeting of this committee was
held December 27, 1901, at which the
City Treasurer was instructed to ad-
vertise for bids for refunding the above
mentioned bonds, which bids are to be
in January 9, 1902.
On account of the amount of cor-
respondence involved, and the limited
space of time elapsing before these
bonds become due, we would recom-
mend that the matter be referred to
this committee with full power.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report
of the Finance Committee. Carried.
Ald. Frith, Chairman of the Street
Committee reported as follows:
Your Committee on Streets would
respectfully state that they have ex-
amined the work done by O. G. Krin-
gle, contractor, for the improvement
of Angella street from Pierce street to
the east line of lots 11 and 18 of Quig-
ley's sub, of out lot 709. In consider-
ation that the city will retain from
said O. G. Kringle the sum of $200.00
as a guarantee that the said O. G.
Kringle will place said street in con-
dition to roll same when the weather
will permit, we would recommend
that the said work be accepted by the
E. E. FRITH, Chairman.
The reading of the report caused
some discussion.
On motion of Ald. Frith the rules
were suspended and Mr. O. G. Kringle
addressed the Council.
After further discussion, participated
in by the Mayor and nearly all the
Council, Ald. McLaughlin moved that
the report be adopted and that the
matter of drawing the warrants in
accordance with said report be left
with the Mayor and City Attorney
with power. Carried.
Ald. Frith. chairman of the Com-
mittee on Markets, reported as fol-
Your Committee on Markets begs to
report that upon investigation they
find that Noel & Wagner were acting
as city weighers in accordance with
the information that they had received
from their predecessors, and with no
intention of usurping a position that
did not belong to them.
As we consider a hog scales in this
vicinity a necessity. we recommend to
his honor. the Mayor, that one of the
members of the above named firm be
appointed city weigher, with the un-
derstanding that they are to remove
the weighing platform at the end of
the hog weighing season; that is, about
March 1, 1902.
In accordance with the foregoing
recommendation, J. B. Noel was sworn
in by the Mayor on December 21, 1901,
as city weigher.
E. E. FRITH, Chairman.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Jones, chairman of the Com-
mittee on Public Grounds and Build-
ings, reported as follows:
I herewith present policy of the Iowa
State Insurance Company for $2,000.00
insurance, for a term of three years.
from December 10, 1901, on the Ninth
Street Engine House.
Also find Treasurer's receipt for $3 36
for rebate on previous policies of said
Would respectfully recommend that
a warrant be ordered drawn for the
sum of 28.00 in payment of premium
on said policy.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Clancy, chairman of the Com-
mittee on Fire reported as follows:
Your Committee on Fire begs to re-
port that on Sunday, December 22,
1901, about 8 o'clock p. m., the steamer
J. J. Linehan was considerably dam-
aged while proceeding along Alpine
street, in answer to an alarm for fire.
Upon investigation, it was found that
the street at the place where the ac-
cident occurred, is rather sidling and
was at the time very slippery; so that
when the driver was compelled to
leave the street car track, the heavy
engine swerved and slid against the
curb, striking It with sufficient force
to throw it. The damaged parts of
Regular Session, January 2, 1902. 7
the engine were sent into the makers
without delay, and we hope to have
everything in good repair again with-
in a few days. We consider the ac-
cident was unavoidable under the cir-
cumstances, and therefore attach no
blame to anybody.
Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried .
Ald. Horr, Chairman of Committee
on Sewers, reported as follows:
Your Committee on Sewers, beg to
report that we have examined the
sanitary sewer in Fourth street from
White street to the Adams company's
factory, Steuck & Lenihan, contractors
and we would recommend that the
said sewer be accepted and that a
special assessmnet be levied against
the abutting property and that tit?
Committe on Finance be instructed to
provide for the payment of the same.
Ald. Horr movde to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Kintzinger, chairman of the
Committee of the Whole reported as
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of An-
drew Ring, asking that so much of the
special assessment against Lot 209
Union addition, as was levied to de-
fray its proportion of the cost of im-
proving the intersection of Rush and
Union streets be canceled, begs to re-
port, that on account of the subsequent
vacation of Union street by the city,
lot 209 is no longer a corner lot; and
we would therefore recommend that
the prayer of the petition be granted
and that the City Treasurer be in-
structed to reduce the amount of said
special assessment to $57.60, provided
the same is paid without further de-
Also your Committee of the Whole
to whom was referred the petition of
the Dubuque Brewing and Malting Co.
asking that the north 12 feet of 27th
street, between Washington street and
the C. G. W. R. R. tracks be vacated.
would recommend that the Dubuque
Brewing and Malting company be
granted the free and exclusive use of
the north 12 feet of 27th street, be-
tween Washington and the C. G. W.
R. R. tracks, so long as the buildings
abutting thereon are being used for
manufacturing purposes.
Also your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
the Dubuque Altar company, askin:I
that the C. G. W. R. R. company
be granted permission to extend their
side track on Pine street across 17th
street, would recommend that the
prayer of the petition be granted, pro-
vided that the C. G. W. R. R. Co.
replaces the 17th street approach to
the tracks in first class condition.
Also your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
the St. Joseph's Mercy hospital, by
Sister Mary Pius, president, asking
that portion of Peabody avenue be-
tween James street and a point 223
feet east of said James street be va-
cated, would recommend that the
prayer of the petition be granted, pro-
vided the St .Joseph's Mercy hospital
will bear all the expense of laying out,
grading and putting in good passable
condition a street leading from Pea-
body acenue and connecting with the
eastern terminus of Platt street. See
following resolution.
Ald. Kintzinger moved to adopt the
reports of the Committee of the Whole.
Ald. Kintzinger offered the follow-
Whereas; It is deemed advisable by
the City Council of the City of Du-
buque to vacate and annul Peabody
avenue, a street in the City of Du-
buque, extending from James street
east to a point two hundred and forty
(240) feet east from the intersection
of said Peabody avenue, with the east-
erly line of said James street, and to
grant the use thereof to the St. Jos-
eph's Mercy hospital of Dubuque, Iowa
a corporation, all of said property be-
ing in the City of Dubuque.
Therefore be it Resolved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque that
the City Engineer be, and he is here-
by directed to make a survey and plat
of such proposed vacation and annul-.
ment of Peabody avenue, showing the
land or lots abutting on and through
which Peabody avenue runs at the
point of such proposed vacation; the
name of the owners of the property
or lots abutting on said Peabody
avenue at the point of its proposed
vacation, and the quantity of land
and the extent of the street proposed
to be vacated, and file such plat in his
office for public inspection. That aft-
er such plat is so prepared and filed.
said City Engineer shall give the own-
ers of the property abutting on said
Peabody avenue at the point of its
proposed vacation, notice, as prescrib-
ed in Section Two (2, Chapter Thirty-
one (31) of the Ordinances of the Cita'
of Dubuque, and shall further cause
notice of said proposed vacation to be
published in the City papers as pre-
scribed in Section Eight (8) Chapter
Thirty-one (31) of the ordinances of
the City of Dubuque.
Ald. Kintzinger moved to adopt the
resolution. Carried.
Ald. Kintzinger offered the follow-
Whereas, it is deemed advisable by
the City Council of the City of Du-
buque to lay out and open a street
fifty (50) feet wide through the prop-
erty of the St. Joseph Mercy Hospital
Regular Session, Jannaly 2, 1902.
and Asenath Barnes, from Peabody
avenue and extending in a northwest-
erly direction through lots six (6) and
five (f) of mineral lot seventy-two (72)
to the easterly terminatioof ff lsaid
street to the northerly line
Platt street; all of said property being
in the CI%y of Dubuque;
Therefore, Be it Resolved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque, that
the City Engineer be and he is here bYf
directed to make a survey and plat
such proposed improvement, showing
the land or lots through or over which
the same is proposed to be made; the
names of the owners thereof and the
quality of land proposed to be taken,
and file such plat in his office for p b-
lic inspection; that after such
so prepared and filed, said Engineer
shall give the owners of the property
through or over which such improve-
ment is proposed to be made, notice as
prescribed in section two (2) of chap-
ter thirty-one (31) of the Ordinances
of the City of Dubuque.
Ald. Kintzinger moved to adopt the
resolution. Carried.
Ald. Horr offered the following:
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque: That a sani-
tary sewer of 8 inch tile pipe be con-
structed in the alley between White
and Jackson streets from Seventeenth
street to Eagle Point avenue, and also
in Nineteenth street from alley east of
White street to alley east of Jackson
street, according to the plat and speci-
fications of said sewer prepared by the
City Engineer and now on file in the
office of the City Recorder, and be it
further resolved, that said sewer shall
be completed on or before the 1st day
of May, 1902, and shall be paid for at
the time and in the manner prescribed
by Chapter 34 of the Revised Ordi-
nances of 1901, of the City of Dubuque
for the payment of the cost of con-
structing sewers.
The proposals for doing such work
will be acted upon by the council on
the 16th day of January, 1902, and the
City Recorder is hereby directed to
give ten days notice by publication,
asking for proposals as provided by
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Frith , Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger and Sheridan. To-
tal, 6.
Absent—Ald. McLaughlin.
Ald. Horr moved to adjourn until
January 16, 1902. Carried.
Mar r
Regular Session, January 16, 1902 9
Regular Sr=siuu January 16th, 1902.
Council met at 8:20 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger, McLaughlin and
Petition of Mary Steinhaus asking
the Council to accept the sunt of $100.00
in full settlement for the special as-
sessment levied against lots 238, 242,
253 and 257 in Woodlawn Park Add.
for the improvement of Alta and Al-
gona avenues.
On motion the petition was referred
to the Finance Committee and City
Attorney with power.
The following petitions were referr-
ed to the Committee of the Whole:
Petition of Adam Kaesbauer et al
asking the Council to increase the
price per cubic yard for breaking
Petition of the Western Union Tele-
graph Co. by F. I. Benson asking that
the assessment of said company be
reduced to the valuation thereof as re-
turned by the County Auditor.
(,-- Petition of M. H. Moore, agent, ask-
ing that Mt. •Carmel avenue be im-
proved. Also that all the street sweep-
ings be deposited in the slough over
the so-called Randall Mill site.
Petition of the Smedley Steam Pump
Co. asking that their assessment be
fixed on lot 22, Smedley's Add., includ-
ing all machinery and personal prop-
erty at $10.000.00 for a period of five
years as fixed by the Council July 1st,
Communication of the Dubuque and
Wisconsin Bridge Co., by G. F. Thor -
mann, secretary, protesting against
the granting of any right of way for
the purpose of laying street car tracks
in Lincoln avenue or any part
The following petitions were referr-
ed to the Committee on Delinquent
Petition of Wm. Koehler asking that
he be exempt to the amount of $800 00
for taxes on his homestead S. 30 feet
of lot 1 of Sub. 3 of Gieger's Sub., he
being an honorably discharged Union
Petition of Martin Armstrong asking
that the taxes be canceled on lot 12,
Martin's Duhuoue for the year 1901.
Petition of Matt Lilak asking that
his taxes be canceled on the East 40
feet of lot 354, East Dubuque Add., for
the year 1901.
Petition of Fred Pegel asking that
the taxes on the North 1-3 of lot 143
and the South of 1-3 of lot 144, East
Dubuque Add., be reduced; also that
the taxes for 1900 and 1901 remain a
lien on said property until paid.
Petition of J. F. Jackson asking
that his taxes on moneys and credits
be reduced to $1,800.00 for the year
On motion the petition was referred
to the Board of Equalization.
Petition of Platt Bros. Co., by Edw.
M. Platt, President, asking that the
assessment of the stock of said com-
pany for 1901 be reduced to the sum
of $7,500.00.
On motion the petition was referred
to the Board of Equalization.
Remonstrances of Cath. O'Brien et al
and Fred Bell et al remonstrating
again the vacation of Peabody ave-
nue North to the Easterly termina-
tion of Platt street and through lots
5 and 6 of mineral lot 72.
Ald. Sheridan moved that all mat-
ters pertaining to the vacation of Pea-
body avenue be referred to the Com-
mittee of the Whole. Carried.
Ald. Kintzigner also moved that the
City Attorney be instructed to report
to the Council whether or not the City
can vacate said property to the Mercy
Hospital. Carried.
Claim of Mrs. Cath. Sheridan claim-
ing the sum of $10,000.00 as damages
sustained for personal injuries by fall-
ing on a defective sidewalk abutting
the North 64 feet of lot 617, City.
Also claim of Wm. Sheridan claim-
ing the sum of $5,000.00 damages sus-
tained by him, by reason of the in-
juries to his wife, Catherine Sheridan,
caused by her falling on a defective
walk in front of the North 64 feet of
lot 617, City.
Also Original Notices of the District
Court of Mrs. Cath. Sheridan Vs. City
of Dubuque and Wm. Sheridan Vs.
City of Dubuque claiming the sums of
$10,000.00 and $5,000 00 as damages sus-
tained by Mrs. Sheridan' falling on a
defective sidewalk in front of the
North 64 feet of lot 617, City.
Ald. Kintzinger moved that the pre-
liminary notices be received and filed,
and that the Original Notices be re-
ferred to the City Attorney. Carried.
Claim of Mary F. McGuire claiming
the sum of $75.00 for her horse which
was permanently injured by falling
on Queen street.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the claim
he received and filed. Carried.
Proposition of the Chicazo Great
Western Railway Company also esti-
mate of the cost for the construction
of Bee Branch sewer across their right
of way between Garfield and Rhom-
berg avenues.
Ald. Kintzinger moved that the
Chicago Great Western Railway Com-
pany be notified that the posts and
piles, supporting their bridge built
over the water course known as the
Bee Branch sewer at or near Rhom-
berg avenue in this city, are, and con-
stitute an obstruction in and to said
Regular Session, January 16, 1902.
water course and that said railway
company be notified toty daremovefrothe
sruttion within notified, and unless
date, theyby that
said that
obstruction t removedtorneY be in-
that the City proceed-
to commence legalto compel
ings against said company sa
them to remove the same and that aid
company he held liable for any a
damages that may be occasioned by
said obstruction. Carried.
Street Commissioner Boyce reported
as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
pay -roll for labor on streets for the
first half of January
Respectfully submitted,n 8126.60
Street Commissioner.
Approved: E. E. FRITH,
Chairman Committee on Streets.
Also submit my pay roll for labor
on sewers for the first half of January,
Amount due laborers on sewers.$151.40
Respectfully submitted.
Street Commissioner.
Approved: JOSEPH L. HORR,
Chairman Committee on Sewers.
On motion the pay rolls were re-
ceived and warrants ordered drawn to
pay laborers on streets and sewers and
the pay rolls referred back to the
proper committees.
Also submit my pay roll for grad-
ing the approach to the Dubuque and
Wisconsin bridge during the first half
of January, 1902:
Amount due laborers for grad-
ing on the Dubuque and Wis-
consin bridge approach $1566.90
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
Approved: J. W. KINTZINGER,
Chairman on D. & W. Bridge Approach
On motion the pay roll was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
laborers for grading the approach to
the bridge and the pay roll referred
back to the special committee on the
bridge approach.
Alao submit my pay roll for quarry-
ing rock during first half of January,
On Bluff street extension, same
to be charged to the grading
fund, amount due for quarry-
ing rock
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
On motion the pay roll was received
and City
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
laborers for grading and the pay roll
referred back to the committee on
Also submit my pay roll for breaking
rock from the
Dubuque uthe Hay arket gin
bridge app
30 cents per cubic yard, to the city's
lot near the Sacred Heart church at
25 cents per cubic yard, and to Sixth
swet at 35 cents per cubic yard, of
which amounts 10 cents per cubic
yard is to be charged to the Eagle
Point bridge fund and the balance to
road fund.
Total amount to Eagle Point 94 70
Total amount to the road fund.. 180.00
Respectfully submitted.
Street Commissioner.
Chairman on streets.
Eagle Point Bridge Ap-
On motion. the pay roll was received
and warrants ordered drawn for the
various amounts and the pay roll re-
ferred back to the Committee on the
Bridge Approach.
City Engineer Blake presented the
notice served on Mrs. A. Barns for the
right of way for street purposes
through her property lot 5 of sub. min-
eral lot 72, also published notice certi-
fied to by the publisher, for the vaca-
tion of a portion of Peabody avenue.
On motion the notices were referred
to the committee of the whole.
The trustees of the Dubuque Water
Works reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: I herewith hand you re-
port of receipts and disbursements
from October 1, 1901, to December 31,
1901, inclusive:
Balance last report
Domestic service
Meter service
$ 70.00
Chairman on
and City
Extensions and better-
ments $2,481.89
Repairs 474.66
Operating Expenses—
Eagle Point station $2,291.49
Eighth Street station 641.63
Level station ...... 375.68
Street work ..... 248.20
Hydrant repairs 455.72
Meter repairs 2.60
Inspection ..... 136.50
Office salaries 537.50
Office expenses ... ... 11.10
General expense .. 196.36
. 72.50-9,651.29
Begular Session, January 16, 1902. 11
Insurance .. 176.25
Stationery 11.23
Postage ...... .... .... 35.58
Trustees' salary 641.18
Refunds .. 44.30-8,761.89
Balance with city treasurer..$1,294.29
Also a detailed statement was pre-
On motion the report was referred
to a special committee consisting of
Aids. Clancy, Horr and Frith.
Sidewalk Inspector Berg reported as
I herewith report on the petition of
F. A. Jaeger, asking that the special
assessment for cleaning snow and ice
front his sidewalk be canceled; the
same being assessed to the wrong
property owners and said assessment
should be canceled.
Sidewalk Inspector.
Aid. McLaughlin moved that the re-
port be received and the treasurer
instructed to cancel the special assess-
mentas asked by petitioner. Carried.
City Recorder Langstaff presented
and read the published notice, proper-
ly certified to by the publisher, of the
council's intentions to construct an 8
inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Di-
agonal street from the alley east of
Broadway to Broadway street.
No remonstrance filed, the mayor
ask(( if any one present had any ob-
jections to said sewer. No one offered
any ,bjections, the notice was ordered
recc•ced and filed.
Al=o the published notice properly
certified to by the publisher, of the
council's intentions of constructing a
10 -inch sanitary sewer in Thirteenth
street from the alley east of Wash-
ington street to the center of Cedar
street, also presented the remonstrance
of Frank Weidlich et al and the re-
monstrance of A. C. Anderson et al.,
remonstrating against the construction
of said sewer.
Permission was granted to anyone
that desired to address the council on
the subject of the construction of said
Mr. Frank Frick, Mr. Frank Weid-
lich and Joseph Froelich addressed the
council opposing the construction of
said sewer.
Ald. Clancy moved that all remon-
strances be received and filed.
Ala. Horr addressed the council and
moved that the rules be suspended and
that Mr. Morrison, of the A. Y. McDon-
ald Co. be heard. Carried.
Mr. Morrison addressed the council
in favor of the construction of said
The motion of Ald. Clancy to receive
and file the remonstrances was then
put and carried.
The bids for the construction of an
8 -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer In
alley between White street and Jack-
son Street from 17th street to Eagle
Point avenue was ordered opened and
referred to the City Engineer for com-
Ald. Sheridan moved that all bids
be referred to the Committee of the
Ald. Sheridan's motion was lost by
the following vote:
Ayes—Alda. Horr, and Sheridan. To-
tal 2.
Nayes—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Jones,
Kintzinger and McLaughlin. Total 5.
The City Engineer reported as
O. G. Kringle bid in total........$1165.00
O'Farrell & Norton 1565.00
Steuck & Linehan 1421.00
M. Tschirgi 1535.00
Ald. Clahcy moved that the contract
be awarded to O. G. Kringle. Car-
Ald. Frith moved that the borid be
fted at double the amount of the con-
tract price. Carried.
Ald. Horr of the Finance Committee
reported as follows :
Your Committee on Finance, to
whom was referred with power the
matter of refunding the bonds becom-
ing due February 1, 1902, beg to report
that in answer to the call for bids,
the following offers were received:
Parkinson & Burr
MacDonald, McCoy & Co
S. A. Kean
Rudolph Kleybolte & Co......... 775.00
W. J. Hayes & Sons' 1302.00
Dennison, Prior & Co 950.00
All the foregoing bids were with ac-
crued interest, should there be any.
MacDonald, McCoy & Co. being the
best bidders the bonds were awarded
them. The rate of interest is about
3.39 per cent and therefore the best
the city has ever secured. This deal
is made subject to the aprpoval of the
bonds by the attorneys for MacDonald,
McCoy &Co. and no doubt is enter-
tained by your committee about an
early and satisfactory settlement.
C. H. BERG, Chairman.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report
of the Finance Committee. Carried.
Ald. Horr offered the following reso-
Authorizing the issue of Refunding
Bonds of the City of Dubuque, to the
amount of Fifteen Thousand Four
Hundred Dollars ($15,400.00).
Whereas, the City of Dubuque, Iowa.
has an outstanding legal, valid and
subsisting indebtedness to the amount
of Fifteen Thousand Four Hundred
Dollars ($15,400), now evidenced by a
Re. nlar
Session, January 16, 1902.
like amount of Refunding Bonds of
said City, numbered from 596 to 615 in-
clusive, bearing interest a m turfing on
he rate of
6 per cent per annum,
February lst, 1902, now, therefore,
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as fol-
Section 1. That there shall be, and
there is hereby ordered and directed
to be issued the negotiable coupon
bonds of the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
to the aggregate amount of Fifti n
Thousand Four Hundred Dollars ($ 5.
400) for the purpose of extending
refunding at a lower rate of interest,
a like amount of the valid and binding
indebtedness of said City, now evi-
denced.by the refunding bonds of said
city, mentioned in the preamble here-
Sec. 2. That the refunding bonds
hereby authorized shall consist of six-
teenteen bonds, numbered from one (1)
to sixteen (16), both numbers inclusive:
bonds numbered from 1 to 15 inclusive
being for the denomination of $1,000
each and bond No. 16 being for the
denomination of $400. They shall bear
date of February 1st, 1902 ,and shall
become due and payable on February
1st, 1922. They shall bear In-
terest at the rate of four •4)
per centum per annum, payable
semi-annually on the first days of
February and August in each -ear,
which interest payments shall be evi-
denced by proper interest coupons to
be attached to each of said bonds, and
both principal and interest of said
bonds shall be payable at the bank-
ing house of the First National Bent:
in New York city.
Sec. 3. That each of the bonds here-
by authorized and each of the coupons
thereto attached, shall be in form sub-
stantially as follows, to-wit:—
lution hereinafter mentioned pursuant
to the provisions of Section 905 est.
seq. Chapter 12, Title V, of the Code
of Iowa for 1897, and all amendments
thereto, and in conformity to a resolu-
tion of the Council of said City, duly
passed, a true and complete copy of
which res+dution is printed on the back
of this bond. And it is hereby certi-
fied and recited that all acts, condi-
tions and things required by the laws
and constitution of the State of Iowa
to be done precedent to and in the is-
sue of this bond, have been properly
done, happened and been performed in
the regular and due form as required
by law; that the indebtedness to be
refunded by this bond at the time it
was incurred and at the time of the
issue hereof was a valid subsisting and
legal indebtedness of said City, and
that the total indebtedness for said
City, by the issue of this bond, is not
made to exceed any constitutional or
statutory debt limitation.
City of Dubuque by its City Council,
has caused this bond to be signed by
its Mayor and attested by its City Re-
corder, with the seal of said City at-
tached, this first day of February,
A. D., 1902.
United States of America.
State of Iowa. County of Dubuque.
City of Dubuque.
Four per cent. REFITNDED BOND
No $--
The City of Dubuque, in the State of
Iowa. for value received promised to
pay to bearer Dollars, lawful
money of the United States of Amei-
Ica, on the first day of February, A.
D. 1902, with interest on said sum
from the date hereof until paid, at the
rate of four per centum (4 per cent)
per annum, payable semi-annually on
the first days of February and Angus;
in each year, on the presentation an -1
surrender of the interest coupon,
hereto attached; both principal and
interest payable at the banking house
of the First National Bank in the City
of New York, N. Y.
This bond is issued by the City o:
Dubuque for the purpose of •refunding
a like amount of its legal indebted
ness evidenced by bonds outstanding
at the date of the passage of the reso-
Attest. Mayor of the city of
Dubuque Iowa.
City Recorder of the City of Du-
buque, Iowa.
(Form of Coupon.)
No. $--
The Treasurer of the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, will pay to bearer
Dollars in lawful money of the United
States, on 19 at the
banking house of the for
semi-annual interest on its Refunding
Pond. dated February lst, 1902, No. --
City Recorder.
On each of said bonds shall be en-
dorsed the certificate of the city treas-
urer in the following form:
State of Iowa,
county of Dubuque,—ss.
This bond has been duly and proper-
ly registered in my office, this
day of A. D., 1902.
Treasurer of the City of Dubuque, Ia.
Section 4. That said bonds shall be
signed by the mayor of said city, and
attested by the city recorder, who is
in fact the city clerk, with the seal
of the city affixed, and the interest
coupons shall be executed in the same
manner, and when executed said bonds
shall be deposited with the city treas-
urer, to be by him duly registered as
provided by law; and said treasurer
I:egul»r Sussion, Jannary 16, 1902. 13
shall deliver said bonds only in ex-
change or substitution for a like
amount of the refunding bonds of said
city, mentioned in the preamble of
this resolution, said exchange to be
par, for par and in every case all of
said outstanding bonds which are de-
livered up to the city treasurer in ex-
change for a like amount of the bonds
hereby authorized, shall be at once
cancelled, so that in the delivery of
the bonds hereby authorized the in-
debtedness of said city shall not be
increased for any moment of time.
Section 5. That the city council of
the city of Dubuque, shall in each
yea: hereafter, until said bonds are
paid, and at the time of levying taxes
for general city purposes, cause to be
assessed and levied upon all of the
taxable property within said city, a
sufficient tax to meet the payment of
the interest on the bonds hereby
authorized, when and as the same
matures, and also to create and main-
tain a sinking fund which shall be
sufficient to discharge the principal of
said bonds at their maturity.
Passed January 16th, 1902, by the fol-
lowing vote:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Hoff,
Jones, Kintzinger. McLaughlin and
Approved January 17th, 1902.
City Recorder.
Ald. Kintzinger, Chairman of the
Committee on Claims, reported as fol-
Your committee on claims, to whom
was referred the papers in the case
of Isabella Duffy, vs. the City of Du-
buque, with power, would respectful-
ly report that they have settled said
claim in full for the sum of $200 and
would recommend that a warrant for
that amount be drawn in favor of
the mayor with which to complete said
Ald. Kintzinger moved to adopt the
report. Carried.
Aid. Frith, chairman committee on
streets, reported as follows:
Your committee on streets, to whom
was referred the hill of the Key City
Lime Works Co., amounting to $12.50,
for gravel furnished the road depart-
ment during the year 1900, beg to re-
port that we have examined said bill
and find it correct: we would there-
fore recommend that a warrant for
$12.50 be ordered drawn on the city
treasurer in settlement thereof.
Also your committee on streets, to
whom was referred the bill of E. J.
Schilling for $12 for repairing the
sidewalk in front of the Bell Block,
beg to report that a resolution order-
ing a special assessment levied against
said property will be presented at the
proper time, and would therefore
recommend that a warrant be ordered
drawn on the city treasurer in settle-
ment of the claim.
Also your committee on streets, to
whom was referred the matter of
ascertaining the cost of laying out and
opening a street between Queen and
Elm streets from Sanford to Twenty-
third street, beg to report that we con-
sider the most feasible way to accom-
plish this result is by putting on a
jury: we would therefore recommend
that the preliminary resolution for this
purpose be adopted.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the re-
port of the committee on streets.
Alderman Frith offered the follow-
Whereas, It is deemed necessary and
advisable by the city council of the
city of Dubuque, to lay out and open
a street front Sanford street to Twen-
ty-third street, between Queen and
Elm streets as follows, to -wit: a
street Eighteen feet wide from San-
ford street to the north line of lot 67
Stafiord's addition, and widening at
said north line of lot 67 to twenty-five
feet and continuing on at a width of
twenty-five feet north to Twenty-third
street, therefore be it
Resolved, by the city council of the
City of Dubuque, that the city engi-
neer be and he is hereby directed to
make a survey and plat of such pro-
posed improvement, showing the land
or lots through •or over which the
same is proposed to be made, the
names of the owners thereof, and the
quantity of land proposed to be taken
and file such plat in his office for
public inspection; that after such plat
is so prepared and filed, said city
engineer shall give the owners of the
property through or over which such
improvement is proposed to be made,
notice as prescribed in Section 2 of
Chapter 31 of the ordinances of the
city of Dubuque.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the reso-
lution. Carried.
Ald. Jones, Chairman Committee on
Public Ground and Buildings reported
as follows:
Your Committee on Public Grounds
and Buildings, to whom was referred
the bill of Byrne Bros. for $250 for
sprinkling the streets adjoining city
property, beg to report that said
aniount is the contract price; we
would therefore recommend that a
warrant he ordered drawn on the
treasurer for the amount in settle-
ment of the claim.
14 Regular Session, January 16, 1903.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Horr, Chairman Committee on
Sewers, reported as follows:
Your Committee on Sewers, to whom
was referred the communication of
Bowen & Fitzpatrick, attorneys, ask-
ing that John Tibey be paid balance
clue. him under his contract for build •
ing the Dodge street storm wa ter
sewer together with $300.00 for danr-
rges sustained by him by reason of
the city not complying with its part
of the contract, beg to report that fife
City Engineer maintains, that under
the specifications, the sewer is not yet
completN1; we would therefore recoil).
mend that said petition be received
and filed.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report.
Aid. McLaughlin of the Board of
Health reported as follows:
Dubuque, Iowa, January 16th, 1902.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—At a meeting of your
Board of Health held January 13th.
1902, after due consideration of tho
gravity of the situation of the
contagious diseases. we beg to report
In favor of appointing an assistant
sanitary policeman and also an assist-
ant to the Health Officer to serve dur-
ing the pleasure of your Board of
Your Board would therefore recom-
mend Samuel Starr as assistant to the
sanitary policeman at a salary of
$50.00 per month, also recommoned the
appointment of Dr. B. Michel as as-
sistart to the health officer at a sal-
ary of $50.00 per month.
Your Board of Health received the
following proposition from Dubuque
Retailers association.
Dubuque. Iowa, January llth, 1902.
Hon. C. H .Berg. City:
Dear Sir:—Regarding the assistant
Health Officer. this Association agrees
to furnish the following gentlemen.
who have agreed to serve without cost
to the City:
First Ward—John J. Sheridan.
Second Ward—M. E. Erwin.
Third Ward—Justus Bechtel.
Fourth Ward—Matt Stafford.
Fifth Ward—J. C. Becker and W. C.
This Association would suggest that
you allow these gentlemen to nominate
a man for Sanitary policeman for each
ward, the same to be approved by
Respectfully Yours.
Duhuaue Retailer's Association.
Your Board unanimously recommend
the acceptance of that portion of the
proposition as far as It relates to the
appointment of members of their As-
sociation, to assist in finding out con-
tagious diseases and to report to the
Health Officers. they to serve without
compensation: the other portion of the
proposition, relating to the appoint-
ment of Assistant Sanitary Policeman.
we have already provided for.
Also your Board recommends th
promulgation of the following order
and the enforcement thereof.
Dubuque, Iowa. .Jaen. 1 , 1903.
It is hereby order, ai that on and :SV r
January 39th, 19u2, no employer or em-
ploye in any plaa, e 'f i':atiness or com-
merce shall be to congregate
without a certitwat, of vaccinativa
from a registered pu>.;t,.::n, 1.1 compli-
ance with Section 1035, Code of Iowa
The Board of Health hereby offrrs to
vaccinate free of charge any person or
persons; the place for vaccination %\ EI
be at the office of Dr. 11. MiclIel. itis;
Tenth street du. ingn .• •
10 o'clock a. m., from i tn:i o'rloa is i',
m. and from 6 to S o'clock p. m.
By orclor of the Boa'•d of Healt h anal
approved by the City Council at a r-g+a-
lar session held January 111th. 1902.
Mayor, and Chairman 'at the Board of
Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF,
i c 1:et-order and Clerk of the Board
of Health.
Also that the Mayor be empowered
to employ all needed assistance, and
do all things. necessary to stamp out
the contagion.
Also your Board of Health recom-
mends the payment of the hill of Ralph
Bliss for nursing. smallpox patients at
the Fist -her Hotel. Amount. $13 ro
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the re-
port of the Board of Health be adopt-
ed and the recommendations be car-
ried out. and that the Council conflt•:n
the appointment of Samuel Starr as-
sistant sanitary policeman and Dr. 11.
Michel assistant to the Health Officer
and a warrant be ordered drawn foe
$13.50 in settlement of claim of Rali,n
Bliss. Carried.
The mayor stated that in conse-
quence of the urgent need of assist-
ance to the Sanitary policeman and
City Health officer. he had administer-
ed the oath of office to Samuel Starr
as assistant Sanitary policeman and
to Dr. B. Michel as assistant Health
officer and they had already com-
menced on the duties of their respec-
tive officers.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the ac-
tion of the Mayor he aprpoved. Car-
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the
City he divided Into two districts and
that Dr. Michel and Samuel Starr he
assigned to all the territory south
the middle of Eleventh street and that
Dr. Hancock and Sanitary Policeman
Flynn he assigned to all north of said
Eleventh street. Carried.
Regular Session, January 16, 1902 15
Ald. Clancy moved that City Attor-
ney Duffy be instructed to prepare a
claim against the County of Dubuque
for all moneys advanced by the City
In payment of small pox claims and if
necessary to bring suit for the recov-
ery of the same. Carried.
Md. Kintzinger, chairman Committee
of the Whole reported as follows:
Your Committee of the Whole, would
respectfully recommend that the sal-
aries of the turnkey and the officer in
citizens clothes be placed at $60.00 per
month, and that of the desk sergant
at $65.00 per month: we would also rec-
ommend, that because they each have
one additional horse and harness to
care for, the salary of the drivers of
three -horse teams on the fire depart-
ment be increased to $65.00 per month,
all the foregoing changes to take ef-
rect January 1, 1902.
Also • your Committee of the Whole
to whom was referred the Communi-
cation of Recorder Langstaff for com-
pensation for clerk of the Board of
Health, would recommend that the
matter be referred to the City Attor-
ney for his opinion as to whether or
not the City is legally liable to the
City Recorder for compensation a;
clerk of the Board of Health.
Also your Committee of the Whole,
would respectfully recommend that a
warrant for $75.00 be ordered drawn
on the City Treasurer in favor of W.
Whelan in full settlement of his claim
for all damages caused his property
by reason of the opening of Robinson
Also your Committee of the Who1o,
to whom was referred the petition of
Peter Klauer, for St. Mary's Casino,
stating that on April 4th 1900 the St.
Mary's congregation purchased from
Joseph Herod, the 5. 62 4-10 feet of
City Lot 485 for the erection of a build-
ing to be used for charitable purposes,
and that the taxes on said property
were erroneously continued for the
year 1900 in the name of Joseph Herod
and asking that the taxes on said lot
be canceled, would recommend that tri
prayer of the petitioner be granted and
that the City Treasurer be instructed
Also your Committee of the Whole,
would recommend that A. L. Rhom-
berg be permitted to take not over 400
yards of rock from the Dubuque &
Wisconsin bridge approach: said rock
to be taken under the direction of the
Street Commissioner.
Also your Committee of the Whole.
' would recommend that the petition of
St. Mary's church he referred to the
' two aldermen -at -large.
Also your Committee of the Who'e
would respectfully recommend tha t
the petition of Mrs. J. S. Randall be
referred to the Finance Committee
with power.
Also your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul,
the Illinois Central and the Chicago
Great Western Railway companies.
asking that the assessment of their
property be reduced to the valuation
as returned by the County Auditor,
would recommend that the prayer of
the petitioners be granted and that
the Treasurer be instructed accord-
Ald. Kintzinger moved to adopt the
reports of the Committee of the Whole.
Also Ald. Kintzinger reported as fol-
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the appeal of the
Bank and Insurance Building company
from the action of the Board of Equali-
zation ,in placing the assessment of
said property, for the year 1901. at
$250.000.00 and asking that said valua-
tion be reduced to conform with the
agreement heretofore made between
city and said company, would recom-
mend that the prayer of the petitioner
be granted and that the treasurer be
instructed to accept the taxes of tho
Bank & Insurance Building company,
on a basis of $75,000.00 valuation for
the year 1901.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report
of the Committee of the Whole.
Ald. McLaughlin moved to lay the
report on the table.
Ald. McLaughlin's motion to lay on
the t le was Jost by, ✓t following
vote: -47. fi -el-- Y
Ids. Clancy, Frit on and
Sheri a . Total 4.
The question recurring on the motion
of Ald. Frith to adopt, resulted as
Ald. Clancy excused from voting.
Ayes—Alds. Frith. Jones and Sheri-
dan. Total 3.
Nayes—Aids. Horr, Kintzinger and
McLaughlin. Total 3.
It being a tie vote, Mayor Berg
voted aye and declared the report
Ald. Frith offered the following:
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque; That a sani-
tary sewer of 8 -inch tile pipe be con-
structed in Diagonal street from the
alley east of Broadway St. to Broad-
way according to the plat and speci-
fications of said sewer prepared by
the City Engineer and now on file in
the office of the City Recorder, and
be it further resolved, that said sewer
he completed on or before the lst day
of May. 1902, and shall be paid for
at the time and in the manner pre-
scribed by Chapter 34 of the Revised
Ordinances of 1901, of the City of Du-
.1Zegulor Session. January 16, 1902.
buque for the payment of the cost of
constructing sewers. The proposal,
for doing such work will be acted upon
the nthe Feb-
ruary, and theCity RecordRecorderris
hereby ordered to give ten days' nno-
tice by publication, asking for p P
als as provided by ordinance.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Horr.
Jones, Kintzinger. McLaughlin ant
Sheridan. Total 7.
Alderman Horr offered the follow-
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque: That a sani-
tary sewer of 10 inch tile pipe be con-
structed in Thirteenth street from the
alley east of Washington street to
Cedar street, according to the plat and
specifications of said sewer prepared
by the city engineer and now on file
in the office of the city recorder, and
be it further resolved, that said sewer
shall be completed on or before the
1st day of May, 1902, and shall be paid
for at the time and in the manner
prescribed by Chapter 34 of the Re-
vised Ordinances of 1901, of the City
of Dubuque for the payment of the
cost of constructing sewers. The pro-
posals for doing such work will be
acted upon by the council on the 6th
day of February, 1902, and the city
recorder is hereby ordered to give ten
days' notice by publication, asking
for proposals as provided by ordinance.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger, McLaughlin and
Sheridan. Total 7.
Aid. Kintzinger offered the follow-
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the city of Dubuque, That the ordi-
nance committee, together with the
city engineer and city assessor be in-
structed to prepare an ordinance to
provide for the sprinkling of the
streets of the city, and to present the.
same at the next session of the City
Ald. Kintzinger moved to adopt the
resolution. Carried.
Ald. Horr of the Finance Committee
reported as follows:
Your Committee on Finance. to who -rt
was referred the petition of Mrs. J.
S. Randall, would recommend that the
petition be granted upon the payment
of $125.00 provided the same is paid
at once.
Ald. Horr moved
port. Carried.
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That to pay for
constructing a 12 -inch sanitary sewer
to adopt the
in Fourth street from intersection of
White street to a point 225 feet east,
by Steuck & Linehan, contractors, in
front of and adjoining the same, a
special tax be and is hereby levied on
the several lots, and parts of lots and
parcels of real estate hereinafter nam-
ed, situate and owned, and for the
several amounts set opposite each lot
or parcel of real estate, as follows:
Special assessment submitted Jan.
16, 1902:
Chicago, Milwaukee Railroad
cotopaury $175 08
Illinois ('antral Railroad
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy
Railroad company... 175 08
corn -
$175 OS
Tctal ........$525 24
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger and Sheridan. Total,
Absent—Aid. McLaughlin.
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That to pay for
construction of a 12 -inch tile pipe
sanitary sewer, on Fourth street from
intersection of White street to a point
225 feet east, by Steuck & Linehan,
contractors, in front of and adjoining
the same. a special tax he and is here-
by levied on the several lots, and
parts of lots, and parcels of real estate
hereinafter named. situate and owned,
and for the several amounts set oppo-
site each lot or parcel of real estate,
as follows:
Special assessment submitted and
passed Jan. 16, 1902:
Adams Co., Booth's add lots 1
to 19, block C .. $ 94 63
Adams Co., Booth's add lot 4,
block 13 103 12
Adams' total assessment ....$197 75
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger and Sheridan. Total,
Absent- Ald. McLaughlin.
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That to pay for
repairing sidewalk in front of Bell
Block, Clay street, by E. J. Schilling,
contractor, in front of and adjoining
the same, a special tax be and Is here-
by levied on the several lots and parts
of lots, and parcels of real estate
hereinafter named, situate and owned,
and for the several amounts set oppo-
site each lot or parcel of real estate,
as follows.
Special assessment submitted and
passed Jan. 16, 1902:
Nannie T. Bell, south 2-5 of 449,
city .. $ 12 00
Adopted by the following vote:
Regular Session, January 10, 1902. 17
Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger and Sheridan. Total,
Absent—Ald. McLaughlin.
On motion the council adjourned
until Feb. 6, 1902.
0 •C
Appr.•ved 4 `' 130
.11 ayor
List of Warrants.
City Recorder's Office, Dubuque, la.,
January 1, 1902.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—The following is a com-
plete list of all warrants issued by me
during the month of December,
$116 l
salary, mayor $116
H. Berg,
H. B. Gniffke, treasurer... 133 35
H. B. Gniffke, assistant treas-
L. M. Langstaff, recorder • • • ... , 175 00
116 00
F. B. Hoffman, auditor •. • • •" 125 00
C. B. Scherr, assessor 125 00
T. H. Duffy, attorney
P. J. Nelson, assistant attor- 50 00
Edw. Morgan, marshal ' „ 100 00 • 100 00
Joe Reinfried, fire chief
John Lawler, committee clerk.. 83
Wm. A. Kaep, clerk, recorder's
office7 5 00
Edw. Herron, clerk treasurer's
office 1
Edw. Blake, engineer
Jas. H. Boyce, street commis-
sioner 1
W. Hipman, electrician
Anton Stoltz, market master
Thos. Cahill, park custodian
Peter Bradley. park custodian
Jno. C. Hancock, health officer .
Frank Flynn, sanitary patrol- 60 00
Al. Moyer, pound master 45 00
Mrs. H. Koenig, janitress 20 00
A. P. Berg, sidewalk inspector50 00
N. Kintzinger, wharfmaster 20 00
Matt Clancy, alderman25 00
E. E. Frith, alderman 25 00
Jos. L. Horr, alderman 25 00
J. W. Kintzinger, alderman25 00
P. H. McLaughlin, alderman,,25 00
Rudolph Jones, alderman.. 25 00
John J. Sheridan, alderman 25 00
M. Eitel, fireman .... 65 00
',. Esstnan, fireman 75 00
A. Duccinf, fireman 60 00
J. Flynn, driver 60 00
J. Roshen, fireman 60 00
J. Tschudi fireman 60 00
A. Heer, fireman 56 00
J. Schonberger, fireman 50 00
J. Daley, fireman 65 00
J. Barnes, fireman 75 00
T. Ryder, fireman 60 00
W. Ducey, fireman 60 00
G. Beyer, fireman 60 00
Pat Ahern, fireman 50 00
F. Murphy, fireman 50 00
M. Kelley, fireman (Oct.) 50 00
W .Summerville, sub -fireman39 9
M. Kelley, fireman (November)50 0
Dave Ahearn, fireman 65
F. Kenneally, fireman 60 0
T. Kennedy, fireman 50
J. Fitzpatrick, fireman 50
J. Jones, fireman 17
P. Zillig, fireman 50
60 00
25 00
00 00
83 30
50 00
40 00
40 00
50 00
M. Sweeney. fireman 50 00
A. McDonald, fireman 75 00
C. Hansen, fireman 50 00
J. Murphy. tireman .. 60 00
H. Cain, fireman 34 75
F. Ganahl, fireman 65 00
T. Flynn, fireman 60 00
G. Ghirke, fireman 50 00
F.Baumgartner, fireman 50 00
65 00
C. Kannolt, fireman 60 00
J. Allen, fireman
R. 'Weston, fireman 50 00
M. Fahey. fireman 50 00
Geo. Burke', police 50 00
Ben Busse, police 50 00
M. Craugh, police 65 00
Jas. Carter, police 4S 30
Jas. Clune, police 50 00
Jno. Cody. police 50 00
W. Conk. pollee 50 00
P. Dunphey, police 60 00
H. Donlan, police 50 00
Jas. Flynn, police 60 00
Jno. Fitzpatrick, police 50 00
Wm. Frith. police. 51 65
P. Hanlon, police 50 00
W. Hennessy, police.. 51 6
31. Kitty, police :.1 C.
E. Kahn, police 50 00
Jno. 1, etscher, police 51 65
1'. 31 ec 'ollins, voice.... 51 65
P. McInerney, police... 51 65
Jno. Moore, police .. .. 60 00
Jno. Murphy, police.. 50 00
D. Norton, poice 51 6i,
31. (c'c'onnor, police.. 50 00
Aug. Pfeffer, police . 50 00
Pat Powers, police..... 51 65
Tom Hei ly, 1 olice.. 60 00
Jno. Haes11, police ... 67 20
Jas. Ryan police 51 65
Otto ]cath. police 51 65
P. Scharff. police •• 50 t.0
P. Sul.ivan, police.. . 51 6I
M. Stapleton. police 51 65
P. Sutton, police 50 0'1
Al T. Scherr, police .... 51 .l
Tom Sweeney, police 50 00
Joe Tyler. police 511 00
Jno. L. Sullivan, police .. 46 7')
J. Ziel man. police 51 65
Mrs. Kate Hibbe, matron 30 00
Mien B. Brennan, matron 30 00
Frank Burns, team 5 on
31. Gantenbein, team 65
Art Turner, team 13 75
Adam 'Doerr. assistant assessor
for November 75 00
Jos. J. Murphy, assistant asses-
sor for November 75 00
31. ('Loughlin, rod man for
November 40 c'
Frank O'Loughlin, assistant En-
gineer's office 25 00
Frank O'Loughlin, time keeper
and clerk at high bridge ap-
proach 37 50
Ross McMahon, inspector at
Dodge street sewer 40 00
P. Baumgartner, assistant mark-
et master 24 30
Mrs. Anna Mueke, scrubbing of-
fices at city hall 5 00
A. Stoltz, board of prisoners for
List of Warrants. 19
John A. Voelker, fumigating
Mrs. Shea's re-irence
Larry Daily, ch aning around
market square
John Drehouse, cleaning chim-
neys at City Hall and Patrol
14 01) Geo. Bock, repairing cart for
18th street engine house 6 00
6 75 Wunderlich & W:edencclt, shoe-
ing horses for fire department 13 50
42 CO Lichhorn & Bechtel, bran and
matches for fire department6 15
A Y. McDonald & Morrison Mfg.
Cc., repairs for fir. department 2 45
11. 25
Dubuque Wooden Ware & Lum-
ber company, lumber for re-
pairing city s^ales on I hom-
berg avenue 3 55
A. E. Bradley, glazing at City
Hall 4 80
J. G. Moser. hardware for City
Hall . 83
Union Printing Co., woodmeas-
urer's certificates, etc. 15 90
Eichhorn & Bechtel matches and
oil for City Hall.... 4 20
McElrath Teaming Co., hauling
sand for road department 4 00
L. Lindenberg, shovel for city
carpenters .. 85
Walter Gaylor, repairing canopy
top on steam roller 75
F. A. Dolton, veterinary services
for road department 1 44
Ott, Meuser & Co„ lumber for
road department 57 00
Ragatz & Schaettgen, repairs on
steam roller .. 4 05
A. A. Brown, repairing tools for
road department 95
R. W. Carr, filing saws for city
carp, n.ers 60
A. Y. McDonald & Morrison
Mfg., Co., nozzle, etc, for steam
roller ., 3 25
John Butt, repairing toils for
read department ... 115
P. Clancy, cinders for road de-
partment 25 50
A. P. Berg, brick for road de-
partment 2 00
1\I, Dunnigan, macadam for road
department 21 75
W. H. Chapman, repairing roof,
Fourth street engine house..,. 5 00
Key City Gas Co., coal for fire
depai tine nt . , 6 25
H. J. Haggerty, veterinary ser-
vices for fire d.;partment,
month of November, 1901 3 S4
Hagge -Metz Co., pulleys for fire
department .. 50
Lagen & Sullivan, shoeing horsrs
for fire department 12 00
Collings & Edward=, sho -ing
horses for flre department7 00
Phil Heller, shoeing hors. s for
fire department 7 C0
Dubuque Oii Tank Linr, oil for
Fourth street engine house715
Iowa Iron Works, stove grate
for Eighteenth street engine
house .. 45
F. A. Dolton, vetei inary services
for fire department, quarter
ending Nov. 30, 1901 14 40
Dubuque Mattress Co., mattress
fur Ninth street engine house1 60
Matt Stafford, hay for fire de-
partment 121 80
Mullin & Papin, harness soap
for fire department 4 50
Key City Gas Co., coke for fire
department 15 20
Ott, Meuser & Co., shavings for
fire department 1 50
Jos A. PalAn vitriol for fire de-
partment 29 55
F. M. Jaeger & Ca, hardware
for fire department 1 33
H. Wunderlich & Son, chairs for
fire department . 1100
Peter Defontain, sawing wood at
City Hall 10 00
Jno. Pfeiffer, cleaning calab Jose. 75
F. A. Dolton, examining horses 10 00
Frank Burns, shavings for police
department .,... 5 00
John Huffmeier, one load of clay
for police department 1 25
H. J. Haggerty, veterinary ser-
vices fnr patrol. horses 1 41
Kaep & Buechele, caps for police 10 00
F. Burns, use of horses for.pa-
trol wagon °i 75
Collings & Edwards, shoeing
horsps for pnii,•e cleg7rt'lrl•''l . 7 20
Chicago, Blue Print Co., su:epl:es
for engineer 3 45
Star Electric Co , arc lights fir
November 2020 35
Dubuque Telegraph, printing
weekly council proceedings 6 00
Dubuque Telegraph. printing
council proceedings for Nov
1901 60 00
National Demokrat, printing
council proceedings for Nov.
1901 25 00
Globe-Jeur"al, printing proceed-
ings of Nov. 1901 50 00
Dubuque Telegraph, printing de-
linquent tax list 96 40
G. J. Baumgartner, manholes
for Lincoln avenue sewer 18 35
J. Butt, repairs for sewer de-
partment 8 60
Thos. E. Young, hauling for
sewer department 100
Dubuque Wooden Ware and
Lumber Co., lumber for Eagle
Point bridge ap^roach 69 23
John Becker & Son, Rock for
Eagle Point bridge approach500 00
Hussman & Lies, wheel barrows
for Eagle Point bridge ap-
nroach 10 50
Dubuque Wondenware and Lum-
her Co., lumber for Eagle
Point bridge approach 79 72
Dubuque Wnodenware and Lum-
her Co., lumber for Eagle
Point approach 1030
List of Warrants.
E A Fengler, monthly estimate "
grading Eagle Point high
bridge approach, less 10 per
450 00
G. W. Healey, supplies for Eagle
Point bridge approach 18 30
J. G. Moser, lanterns for Eagle 4 00
Point bridge app: o clies for
Lenihan & Molo, each64 13
Eagle Point bridge appy
F. M. Jaeger & Co., powder and
use for Eag1 Point bridge ap-
John Butt, repairs for Eag'e 16 05
Point bridge approach
Ragatz & Schaetge'1. repair°ng
derrick for Eagle Point bridge 4 34
Key City Furniture Co., 11 00
for Dodge street sewer
Rubber & BelYng
rubber boots forDodge
K lumber
sewer 9 00
Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber for 17 10
Dodge street sewer
Harris & Kessler, iron pipe for 60
Dodge street sewer
John Tibey, monthly estimate on 235 00
Dodge street sewer
A. Y. McDonald & Morrison
Bros. Mfg., Co., pipe for gar-
bage dump 9 31
Thos. E. Frith, removing gar-
bage and dead animals during
Nvember, 1901 310 41
November. 1901 310 44
H. B. Gniffke, refunding excava-
tion permits 90 00
H. B. Gniffke, interest on war-
rants 425 86
H. B. Gniffke, postage and mis-
cellany 10 25
G. A. R. Lookout Post, loan 100 00
Policemen's Beneflt Assn., loan 800 00
NOVEMBER, 1901. •
Thos. Addiman, labor ..$ 4 50
Christ Buelow, labor 4 50
Geo. Bramet, labor 16 15
Mike Boyle, labor 8 65
Geo. Brenner, labor 10 15
John Burke, labor ............. • 10 15
Adam Crawford, carpenter
Will Corbett, carpenter
Mike Cain, carpenter
Roff Duccini, labor
Pat Devaney, labor ..
R. T. Eddy, labor ................
A. Frobel, labor
Geo. Gau, labor
Jas. Gibbons, labor ..
Jos. Giesland, labor
O. D. Holtz. labor
Aug. Handelmann, labor
John Hackett, labor
Wm. Hos, labor
Herman Heyer, labor
John Jansen, labor
John Kasper. labor ..
Tim Kenneally, labor
Theo. Klaesti, labor
John Kinsella, carpenter
John Kerwin, carpenter
Hugh Kehr, labor
Jas. Kenneally. labor
Mat. Kenneally, labor
Merman Lembke, labor ....
\Vine. Lowery, labor
Jas. \lulloy. labor
\, it \loran, labor ..
Leona t•,1 \lurch, labor
John Mahoney, labor
J. M. McKenzie, labor
.lames McLaughlin, labor
Jas. 11 •l'racken, labor
Jas. M.l:ernan.labor
John McLaughlin. labor
A. Mac•htman, labor
ico. Putnam, labor ..
Jos. Rooney, labor
P. J. Royce, labor
L. Roggensack. labor
Pat Ryan, labor
A. Schlenker, labor
Frank Strohmeier, labor
Aug. Schilski, labor ..
John Spear, labor
John Slater, labor
John Schwagler, labor
Geo. Schuster, labor
Will Sheehan, labor
Rich. Turner, labor
Landon Taylor. labor
Lafe Turner, labor
John Twieg. labor
15 75
17 65
23 15
19 70
4 5i0
7 50
7 50
9 00
9 00
11 65
8 55
4 50
14 65
10 15
10 15
4 50
1 75
19 25
7 15
25 00
1 50
7 50
6 75
5 25
10 15
16 15
10 15
10 50
3 75
7 90
10 15
Frank Wellhofer, labor 19 50
John Ward, labor
7 511
Labor on streets during the last half
of November, 1901:
Joseph Broulette• labor
Paul Becker, labor
Paul Brandenberger, labor
Joseph Brown labor
W. Coughlin, labor
James Connolly, labor
John. Corbett, labor
James Callahan, labor
Henry Cosgrove, labor
John Dougherty, labor
Thomas Donahue, labor
Mat Fetshele, labor
\\'nn. Flannagan, labor
Pat Fenelon. labor
Nelson Frith, labor
Joseph Grab, labor
George Gau, labor
2" 00Peter Guenther, labor
l n 17' C. Gantenbein, labor
• :: 1." Geos ge Han, labor
l0 '0 C. H. Hubbard, labor
1015 Ni,: Kettenhofen, labor....
12 50 Pat Kenneally, labor
3 00 Mat. Klein, labor
13 15
6 00 John Loughlin, labor
2315 Mike Lavin, labor
1 50 John Leidinger, labor
7 50 Marr Lonergan, labor
10 25 Nat Mabe, labor
1015 Joseph Martlnek, labor
1 50 John McCarron, labor
1015 James McCormick, labor
3 00 Wm. McDermott, labor
4 60 B. McCormick, labor
4 50 W. O'Brien, labor
15 75 John Pfeiffer, labor
3 40
4 75
17 55
6 75
16 20
16 20
20 00
18 00
6 75
16 20
1 35
1 35
14 85
50 00
8 10
1 35
1 05
20 00
20 00
75 00
10 15
16 20
12 50
7 45
8 80
8 10
17 55
4 05
1 35
2 05
12 85
7 45
1 35
20 00
15 55
List of Warrants. 21
Chas. Pierce, labor 16 20
Mat Quirk, labor 20 00
Chas. Reilly, labor 14 85
Joseph Rooney, labor 3 00
P. J. Royce, labor...... .......... 4 65
Frank Scherr, labor 4 05
August Soyke, labor 13 50
John Schroeder, labor 7 10
Win. Welsh, labor.. 2 70
Louis Wachenheim, labor 5 40
Tom Elliott, team 12 50
Mike Hannan, team . 1 25
Jake Haudenshield, team 7 60
John Huffmeier (contract),team25 00
Wm. Mohr, team 12 50
John McQuillan, team 10 00
Carson McElrath, team 2 50
Ted O'Brien, team 2 50
A. Paley, team 15 00
Pat Shea, team 2 50
Art Turner, team 11 25
James Tobin, team 8 75
Pat Casserly, labor 11 20
W. Clark, labor 3 20
John Corcoran, labor 17 60
S. H. Cook, labor 25 00
Maurice Flynn, labor 12 80
R. A. Fuller, labor 9 60
W. honergan, labor 17 60
Joseph Rooney, labor 8 00
Con Sullivan, labor 17 60
Labor lowering sanitary sewer on
Dodge street storm water sewer:
John Corcoran, labor
W. Clark, labor
Pat Casserly, labor
R. T. Eddy, labor
R. A. Fuller, labor
Fritz Gropes, labor
Felix Goodman, labor
Neil Kenneally, labor
W. Lonergan, labor
Chas. McEvoy, labor
Con Sullivan, labor
C. Stevenson, labor
Ted O'Brien, team
1 60
14 40
8 00
12 50
8 80
10 50
6 10
9 00
1 60
18 00
1 60
18 00
11 25
Geo. Brenner, labor $ 4 75
Jos. Brown, labor 13 50
Wm. Coughlin, labor 11 85
Jas. Callahan, foreman Fourth
street dump 20 00
Jas. Connolly, labor 13 50
John Corbett, labor 13 50
Adam Crawford, carpenter 20 00
Thos. Donahue, labor 13 50
Mat. Fetschele. labor 8 10
W. Flanagan, labor 70
Pat. Fenelon, labor 13 50
Deitrich Grashorn, labor 6 75
Jos. Grab, labor 70
Chris. Gantenbein, labor 10 00
John Hafey. labor 1 35
Adam Henderson, labor 6 10
Geo. J. Hahn, labor 20 00
Nic Kettenhofen, labor 2 05
Mat. Klein, paper collector 12 50
Martin Lonergan, labor 13 50
Mike Meagher, labor 7 45
Jas. McCormick, labor .... 2 40
W O'Brien, labor 20 00
Jas. Powers, labor 12 50
Chas. Pierce, labor 13 60
Mat. Quirk, carpenter 20 00
Phil. Reddin, labor 70
Chas. Reilly, labor 13 50
Jos. Rooney, labor ....... 4 60
John Schroeder, labor 2 70
Tony Schmidt, labor 1 05
Louis Wachenheim, labor 4 05
M. Gantenbein, team 8 15
John Huffmeir, (contract) team . 27 10
Wm. Mohr, team 8 75
John McQuillan, team 5 00
Carson McElrath, team 5 00
Louis Pell, team 2 50
Ed. Seeley, team 3 75
M. Zogg, team 11 25
CEMBER, 1901.
Pat. Casserly, labor $ 19 20
W. Clark, labor 19 20
John Corcoran, labor 19 20
S. H. Cook, foreman 25 00
R. A. Fuller, labor 19 20
W. Lonergan, labor 19 20
Con. Sullivan, labor 19 20
Ted O'Brien, team 1 25
Mike Arthofer, labor $ 7 50
Frank Atkinson, labor 14 90
Jas. Aldrich, labor 20 85
Thos. Addiman, labor 4 50
Henry Bardon, labor 2 25
Geo. Bramet, labor 6 75
Maurice Byrne, labor 7 00
Anton Bolen, labor 6 75
Jake Brenner, labor 6 75
Wm. Byron, labor 21 60
John Boltz, labor 9 00
John Bogledge, labor 7 50
Chris. Buelow, labor 4 50
W. Carter, labor 4 05
Thos. Graham, labor 6 75
Wm. Casey, labor 7 00
Thos. Considine, labor 19 60
John Carter, labor 18 90
John Coyne, labor 14 85
Adam Crawford, carpenter 12 5Q
Mike Cain, labor 19 90
W. Clark, labor 1 r0
Pat Devaney, labor 2 n5
R. T. Eddy, labor 115 00
Jos. Eberhardt, labor 6 75
Peter Fasseliva, labor 2 25
Albert Frobel, labor 6 00
Nic Fischer, labor 16 90
Lawrence Ferber, labor 9 00
C. Gantenbein, labor 12 50
Jos. Gavin, labor 6 15
Geo. Gau, labor 4 50
Fritz Gropfs, labor 19 70
Jas. Gibbons, labor 19 70
Jos. Giesland, labor 20 35
Jake Hanson, labor 5 65
Wm. Hos, labor 9 75
John Hackett, labor 18 85
0. D. Holtz, labor 7 70
Adam Kazbauer, labor 6 75
Jacob Kraus, labor
Ben Kopel, labor
Fred Heck, labor
Jake Kasper, labor
Tom Kenneally labor
John Kinsella, labor
Hugh Kehr, labor
Theo. Klaeski, labor .
Mat Kenneally, labor • •
Jas. Kennealy, labor
John Lutters, labor
Chris. Lohrman, labor
Mike Lange. labor
John Leidinger, labor
Aug Lang, labor
Mike Lavin, labor
Herman Lemke, labor
Pat Lynch, labo"
Dennis Lenihan. labor
Louis Miller, labor
John Miller, labor
John Mahoney, labor
Neil Moran, labor
Jas. Malloy, labor
J. McKenzie, labor
John McLaughlin, labor
Jas. McCarron, labor
Frank McCan, labor
James McLaughlin. labor
James McKernan, labor
A. Nachtman, labor
John Nutz, labor
Frank O'Brien, labor
Henry Oakleaf
John Pfeiffer, labor
Thos. Phillips, labor
Geo. Peil, labor
(has. Pribe, labor
Geo. Putman, labor
Nic Roesh, labor
Jos. Rooney, labor
P. J. Royce, labor
Pat Ryan, labor
.W. Sheehan labor
' John Schwagler, labor............
Geo. Schuster, labor
Dan Sullivan, labor
Jas. Sheehan, labor
Thos. Smith, labor
A. Schleuker, labor
John Sties, labor
Jas. Thomas, labor
Thos. Taylor, labor
Rob. Taplet, labor..
Landon Taylor, labor
F. Wellhafer, labor
E. Frith, labor
M. Gantenbein, labor..
Peter Horsch, team ....
Louis Peil, team
Amos Paley, team
Wm. Rush, team
Art Turner, team
Official Nutieez.
6 75
11 0)
11 25
15 .,
3 G"•
19 G0
19 90
7 90
10 '.
1 30
1'1 1.1
25 65
9 0 )
1 5S
9 03
20 15
2S 35
14 23
15 G)
10 65
11 S.
11 (.5
7 50
12 73
11 55
IS 4)
() 1')
U .a
1 50
9 65
o 75
8 25
11 40
30 40
13 90
6 75
20 1..
25 00
25 (Y0
G 73
6 75
7 90
14 8-)
4 50
14 25
4 50
18 05
4 70
5 25
6 00
Ed Burns
Geo. Brenner,
Jos. Calvert
J. Haudenschield
P. Lenihan, labor
W. Mohr, labor
Tony Sieg, labor,
W. Singrin, labor
John Singrin
Art. Turner
John Williams
Paul Beck, labor on streets
11 Cosgrove, driver carpt. wagon 18 00
.1. Flynn labor on sewers 25 00
.Tehn t'hromen labor 37 50
Hacking and Glass, macadam,10 7n
Jury assessing damages fur right .of
sway to Dubuque and Wisconsin 1ligit
bridge approach:
James Keach 2 '40
Tiros. Connolly 4 00
H. R. (.lover 2 0.1
2 00Jos. Herod. labor 0>
('has. Holinagel 2 2 10
P. Olinger
J. V. Rider
J. J. Rowan
John Tihey
(neo. Saint
C. A. Voelker
M. Vii. \\'alker
McEvoy & Stevens. balance due
for brick work on bodge street
sew: er • • '
T. H. Duffy. rettlement in case
of Cullen vs. City for personal
damages 7' ..)
Anton Peter personal damages13 00
I hereby certify that the foregoin:;
Official Notices .
Engineer and now on file in the office
of the City Recorder.
Said work to be completed on or be-
fore the first day of May, 1902, and
shall be paid for at the time and in
the manner prescribed by Chapter 31
of the Revised Ordinance of 1901, of
the City of Dubuque for the payment
of the cost for constructing sewers.
The proposals for doing such work
will be acted upon by the Council on
the 16th day of January, 1902.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that it will require 2,100 lineal feet
of sewer and eleven manholes.
Bidders will state the price per lineal
foot for sewer complete and the price
per manhole.
The city will charge the contractor
5 cents per lineal foot for rolling said
Each bid must be accompanied with
a certified check for $100.00 on some
Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a
contract will be entered into if award-
The city reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
Dated Dubuque, January 6th, 1902.
City Recorder.
To all whom it may concern:
You and each of you 'are hereby
notified that it is the intention of the
City Council of Dubuque to vacate a
'portion of Peabody avenue, as follows:
From the East Line of James street
to a point 240 feet East. That a plat
of the proposed vacation is on file in
the office of the City Engineer. Any
person having objections to the pro-
posed vacation are hereby notified to
appear in person before the City Coun-
cil on the 16th day of January, 1902,
or file with the City Recorder their
objections in writing on or before
January 16th. 1902.
Dated Dubuque, Ia., Jan. 4th, 1902.
1-4-10t. City Engineer.
having objections to the construction of
such sanitary sewer are hereby noti-
fied to appear in person before the
City Council Jan. 16th, 1902, or to file
with the City Recorder their objections
in writing on or before Jan. 16th, 1902
Dated Dubuque, Jan. 8th, 1902.
City Recorder.
Of the City Council's intention to
construct a 10 inch tile pipe sanitary
sewer in 13th street from the Alley east
of Washington street to the center of
Cedar street. concern:
To All Whom It May
You and each of you are hereby noti-
fied that it is the intention of the City
Council of Dubuque to construct a 10
inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in 13th
street from the Alley East of Wash-
ington street to the center of Cedar
That a plat and specifications of said
proposed sewer is now on file in the of-
fice of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that said sewer will be 994 feet in
length and will cost $1.30 per lineal
foot, including 7 manholes. Any person
An 8 inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in
Diagonal street from the alley East of
Broadway to Broadway street.
To AH Whom It May Concern:
You and each of you are hereby noti-
fled that it is the intention of the City
Council of Dubuque to construct an 8
inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Diag-
onal street from the Alley East of
Broadway to Broadway street. That
A plat and specifications of said pro-
posed sewer is now on file in the office
of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that said sewer will be 140 feet in
length and will cost $1.45 per lineal
foot, including one manhole.
Any person having objections to the
construction of such sanitary sewer are
hereby notified to appear in person be-
fore the City Council Jan. 16th, 1902, or
to file with the City Recorder their ob-
jections in writing on or before Jan.
16th, 1902.
Dated Dubuque, Jan. Sth, 1902.
City Recorder.
On Saturday, Jan. 18, 1902, at 10
o'clock a. m., at the City Hall, the
committee on fire will sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash
three horses that are now in use in
the fire department. in good condition,
unblemished and for ordinary work
cannot be surpassed.
Regular Session, February 6, 1902. 25
Regular Session, Feb. 6th, 1902.
Council met at 8:30 o'clock, p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present -Aids. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger, McLaughlin and
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the
council proceedings for the month of
January, 1902, be approved as printed.
The following bills were ordered
A. Doerr, asst. assessor for Jan.,
1902 $ 75.00
J. J. Murphy, asst. assessor for
Jan., 1902 75.00
M. O'Loughlin, asst. engineer's
office for Jan., 1902 40.00
Jno. Schrup, asst. Engineer's
office, Jan., 1902 40.00
P. Baumgartner, asst. market
master for Jan., 1902 36.45
A. Stoltz, board of prisoners for
Jan.. 1902 6.80
F. Fromm, fitting storm sash
city hall 2.45
Jos. Gukeisen, building scaffold-
ing in armory 2.20
Mullen & Papin, plumbing at
city hall 10.50
Even & Fuchs, hard coal first
ward scales 9.40
Becker Bros., hard coal at city
hall 36.98
Hagge, Metz & Co., 5 storm sash 10.00
Geo. F. Kleih, hardware city hall .65
Phil Pier, hard wood city hall51.10
Dubuque Telephone Co., tele-
phone rent for various offices 17.38
F. A. Miller, 1 din. brooms for
city hall 2.65
Rumpf, Frudden Lumber Co ,
lumber for city hall scales22.45
A. R. Staufenbeil, repairing
clocks at city hall.. 2.50
A. R. Staufenbeil, taking care
of town clock June 1st to Dec.
1st 49.95
Eichhorn & Bechtel, oil and
matches for city hall 1.30
Larry Daily, cleaning around
market square 28.00
7leig & Rood, stationery and sup-
plies for various offices 21.95
F. G. Brandt, agent, insurance
on city hall 31.25
Jno. L. Buettell, agent, insur-
ance on city hall 62.50
C. H. Reynolds, agent, insurance
on city hall 31.25
Coates & Robinson, agents, in-
surance on city hall
Geo. Salot, agent, insurance on 62 50
city hall
Dubuque Fire and Marine Insur-
ance Co., insurance on central
engine house 70.00
F. H. Wiehe & Co., insurance
on central engine house 17.50
J. H. Herancourt, insurance on
central engine house 17.50
C. A. Voelker, insurance on cen-
tral engine house 52.50
Jno. Pier & Co., insurance on
18th street engine house 37.50
J. C. Chamberlain, insurance on
Delhi street engine house 20.00
J. H. Bradley, insurance on town
clock 27.50
A. Reilly, insurance 4th street
engine house 7.50
A. Reilly, insurance Delhi street
engine house ... ... 12.50
A. Reilly, insurance on town
clock 13.75
P. Kiene & Son, insurance cen-
tral engine house 35.00
P. Kiene & Son, insurance city
hall 31.25
F. B. Hoffman, insurance city
hall 31.25
F. B. Hoffman, insurance town
clock 27.50
F. 13. Hoffman, insurance cent-
ral engine house 17.50
G. F. Kleih, new tools for road
department 2.40
F. M. Jaeger & Co., new tools
for road dept. 5.45
F. M. Jaeger & Co., powder and
fuse road department 2.30
C. Matz, repairing tools road
department 1.80
A. A. Brown, repairing tools
road department .10
Geo. , Bock, repairing tools road
department .50
F. Schloz & Son, repairing tools
road department 1.80
P. Clancy, cinders for road de-
partment 16.25
Becker .Bros., use of team roll-
ing 7th street paving 2.00
Anton Sieg, rock for macadam25.60
Chas. Pflffner, horseshoeing for
road department 3.50
Trenk Wire Works, wire screen
for road department 2.00
Mulgrew & Phillips, paving
brick for road dept. 2.25
P. J. Seippel, lumber for road
department 4.40
Lagen & Sullivan, horseshoeing
for fire department 15.75
Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse -
shoeing for fire dept8.90
Kannolt & Powers, horseshoe-
ing for fire dept 28.15
Collings & Edwards, horseshoe-
ing for fire dept 12.00
C. F. Pflffner, horseshoeing for
fire dept. 46.75
Fred Roehl, hardware for fire
dept. 3.25
L. Lindenberg, hardware for fire
dept. 1.00
F. M. Jaeger & Co., hardware for
fire dept. 4.97
J. F. Stampfer, blankets and
quilts for fire dept. 48.40
Phil Pier, soft coal for fire dept97.40
Key City Gas. Co., coke for fire
dept. 4.60
26 Regular Session, February 6, 1902.
Key City Gas Co., 1 dozen burn- 1 20
ers for fire dept.
Ott, Meuser & Co., shavings for 3.00
fire dept.
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co, 3.00
steam hose for fire dept
E. J. Voggenthaler, repairs for
fire dept.
Fire Extinguisher Mfg. Co., sup-
plies for fire dept 10.00
M. Stafford, hay for fire dept107.12
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary ser-
vices fire dept 7.68
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for fire
dept. 1.75
Geo. Bock, repairs for fire dept7.00
Jno. Butt, repairs for fire dept.90
A. Ruh, bran for fire dept 8.50
Martin, Strelau Co., hard coal
for fire dept. 17.32
Trenk Wire Works, bridle bits
for fire dept. .60
F. A. Miller, 2 doz. barn brooms
for fire dept. 7.60
Wm. Marshall, repairs on steam-
er Linehan 1.00
Ragatz & Schaetgen, repairing
harness holder for fire dept.41
Tom Connolly, repairing hose
wagon 5.00
F. Fromm. repairing floor at
patrol house 12.25
G. F. Kleih, hardware for patrol
house 2.30
J. W. Cramer, sawing wood at
city hall 10.00
Dubuque Woodenware & Lum-
ber Co., lumber for patrol
house 12.75
Mullen & Papin, plumbing at
patrol house 4.85
Mullen & Papin, plumbing in
calaboose 2.00
Mullen & Papin, repairing gas
stove city hall 1.05
Rumpf-Frudden Lumber Co,
lumber at patrol house 4.01
M. Stafford, hay at patrol house 23.72
Phil Pier, hard wood at patrol
house 27.25
M. Fetschle, sawing wood at
patrol house 5.00
Collings & Edwards, horse shoe-
ing patrol team 11.40
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary servi-
ces patrol team 2.88
R. L. Spellenberg repairing stove
at matron quarters 1.75
T. Ganahl, hauling for sewer de-
J. Butt, repairs for sewer de-
Rhomberg Bros., 2 empty casks
for sewer dept.
Union Electric Co. wire for sewer
Mulgrew & Phillips, cement for
sewer dept 13.75
Mulgrew & Phillips, cement for
Dodge street sewer
Jones & Baldwin, oil for sewer
Jno. Tibey, constructing Dodge
street storm sewer ..1540.00
Globe -Journal, official printing
for January, 1902 50.00
National Demokrat, official print-
ing for Janudry, 1902 .. 25.00
Dubuque Telegraph -Herald. offi-
cial printing for Jan., 1902.... 60.00
Dubuque Telegraph - Herald,
council weekly .. 3.00
Telegraph -Herald, health re-
ports for December 4.00
Star Electric Co., arc lights for
January, 1902 2020.35
Becker Bros , use of teams and
supplies moving pest boat
G. F. Kleih, hardware for health
W. H. Torbert. vaccine points
for health department
Pape & Jacquinot, repairing
fountain at 14th and Elm sts
L. Lindenberg, powder and fuse
for grading dept.
G. W. Healey & Son. dynamite
and fuse for grading dept 13.35
Byrnes & Saul, old rope for
grading dept. 2.00
O. G. Kringle, estimate improv-
ing Angella street 1535.00
G. F. Kleih, hardware for high
bridge approach .... 15.40
F. Roehl, hardware for high
bridge approach 2.15
A. Tredway & Son, hardware for
high bridge approach
G. W. Healey & Son, new tools
for high bridge approach
Linehan & Melo, cement for high
bridge approach
J. & A. M. Trexler, salt for high
bridge approach
Eichhorn & Bechtel, brooms for
high bridge approach
Dubuque Woodenware & Lumber
Co., lumber for high bridge ap-
E. A. Fengler, estimate grading
high bridge approach 1242.00
E. A. Fengler, dimension rock
high bridge approach 142.68
Jno. Becker & Son, dimension
rock high bridge approach449.26
Eagle Point Lime Works, dyna-
mite and coal for high bridge
approach 12.68
C. L. McGovern, recording plat
of high bridge approach
Gus. Holl, new keys for high
bridge approach .... 75
R. W. Carr, filing saws for high
bridge approach .25
Pape & Jacquinot, plumbing at
garbage dump 10.40
Dr. Wm. L. Becker, to vaccinat-
ing 23 persons 6.75
On motion the bill was r. (erred to
the Board of Health.
Steuck & Linehan, to bailing
water resulting from rains and
floods in Bee Branch Sewer
from Milwaukee tracks to Gar-
field avenue . 111.60
Steuck & Lenihan, to digging
waterway and laying pipe for
Regular Session, February 6, 1902. 27
drainage in Bee Branch Sewer
between Garfield and Rhom-
berg avenues 15.00
On motion the bills were referred to
the Committee of the Whole.
W. H. Torbert vaccine and drugs
for health dept. 1.80
On motion the hill was referred to
the health officers, Drs. Hancock and
Petition of the Chicago, Burlington
and Quincy Railway company by H.
W. Uttley, general agent, asking that
the assessment of its property in the
city of Dubuque be reduced to the
valuation thereof as returned by the
county auditor and that the treasurer
be instructed to collect the taxes
against said railway company upon
that basis.
Ald. Sheridan moved to grant the
petition and that the treasurer be in-
structed accordingly. Carried.
The following petitions were re-
ferred to the Delinquent Tax Commit-
Petition of John Albrecht asking that
his taxes on lot 6, Stafford's add. be
canceled for the year 1901.
Petition of W. H. Morhiser asking
that the taxes on the Ben J. Cheetham
est., lot sub. 38, Wilson's sub. be can-
celed for the year 1901.
Petition of Mrs. Eliz. Saul, asking
that her taxes be remitted for the
year 1901 on lot 2 Hoskin's sub.
Petition of Mrs. Mary Sigg asking
that her taxes on lot 2 of lot 43, Quig-
ley's sub, and lots 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and
20 in Sister's add., be canceled for the
year 1901.
The following petitions of union sol-
diers and union soldiers' widows ask-
ing that their taxes be canceled on
their homesteads to the amount of
$800 were referred to the Delinquent
Tax Committee.
Martin Kerwin.
Mrs. Barbara Sauer.
Mrs. Mary J. Switzer.
Mrs. Cath. Vollmer.
Mrs. Martha 'Zinn.
The following petitions were re-
ferred to the Board of Equalization.
Petition of Mrs. Cath. Blitsch asking
that her taxes be reduced for the year
1901 on the north 1/z of lot 13 in Tivoli
Petition of John Deery asking that
the taxes on the north 20 feet of city
lot 9 be reduced from $8,000 to $6,000,
also that the assessment of personalty
as returned by the assessor at $10,000
be placed at $5,000 for the year 1901.
Petition of Otto Frenzel asking that
the taxes on the north 1A of lot 311,
city, be reduced to $2,000.
Petition of John Enright, asking
cuncil to fix the valuation on the real
estate assessed to the M. Enright est.
for the year 1901 at $4,000 as the same
now is in the county.
The following petitions were referred
to the Committee of the Whole.
Petition of John Steiner et al. asking
the cooperation and consent of the .
council: that the residents on Grand-
view avenue be allowed to improve
said street, namely: To park out from
the lot line twenty-five (25) feet on
either side of the street.
Petition of Albert Conrad et al.,
property owners on Rhomberg avenue,
remonstrating against the laying of a
doll -tie street car track on said street.
Petition of Thos. Kenneally et al.
asking that a hose truck fully equipped
be placed on West Hill.
Petition of the Dubuque Brewing
and Malting company asking the coun-
cil to instruct the treasurer to accept
taxer on the valuation of their plant
and real estate for the year 1901 in ac-
cordance with the valuation fixed by
resolution in 1900.
Petition of the Adams company re-
questing that the treasurer be in-
structed to cancel the assessment on
tools and machinery amounting to
$8,000, the same to be classed as real
estate, and that the rest of the assess-
ment remain as returned by the as-
sessor, according to resolution adopt-
ed Sept. 3, 1892, and supplements of
petition of Jan. 24, 1901.
Petition of the Dubuque Casket Co.
asking that their taxes be canceled
on all personal property and improve-
ments for the year 1901, as per resolu-
tion passed by the council in March,
Petition of the Dubuque Packing Co.
asking that the treasurer be instructed
to accept their taxes for 1901, upon the
basis agreed upon when the plant was
established, namely the value of the
real estate at that time.
Communication and claim of J. B.
Miller asking that he be allowed the
sum of $667 for work done construct-
ing Bee Branch storm sewer in Gar-
field avenue.
Notice of claim of Mrs. Margaret
Mersch claiming the sum of Five
Thousand Dollars ($5,000) as damages
sustained by falling on the crossing of
the alley on the north side of Four-
teenth (14th) street between Mount
Pleasant avenue and Wood street.
Also notice of claim of Peter Mersch
claiming the sum of Two Thousand
Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500) as dam-
ages sustained by being deprived of the
services and company of his wife be-
cause of the injuries she received as
above set forth.
On motion both notices of claims
were referred to the committee on
Claims and City Attorney.
City Treasurer Gniffke reported as
28 Regular Session, February 6, 1902
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council
of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: Below you will find
statement of amounts advanced by me
during the month of January, 1902, for
which please order warrants drawn
in my favor:
Excavation permits redeemed$ 65.00
Interest on warrants outstand-
New York exchange
Express charges
Refund tax
Freight charges, fire dept
Advertising sale of bonds
Printing improvement bonds
On motion the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
the various amounts and the report
referred back to the Committee on
City Auditor Hoffman reported as
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council
of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: Herewith find my re-
port for the month of January, 1902,
showing the receipts and disburse-
ments for the month:
Cash on hand Jan. 1, 1902 $20,060.11
Receipts from all sources 79,933.19
Warrants redeemed
during the month.$21,279.69
Coupons redeemed
during the month. 2,792.50
Water works cou-
pons during the
month .. .... 1,170.00—$25,242.19
Cash on hand Feb. 1. 1902......$74,751.11
Of the cash on hand
there belongs to
improvement bond
fund $12,249.56
Improvement bond
interest fund 261.61—$12.511.17
Leaving balance to
credit of city
Cash on hand Jan. 1. 1902.
Receipts for the month of
uary, 1902
162.239 94
Jan -
Disbursements for the month of
Balance Feb. 1. 1902
Also report that there is
officers for the month of
1902, $2,013.45.
February 6, 1902.
$ 575.27
due city
The salaries of Health Physician
Hancock $50.00 and Sanitary Policeman
Flynn, 560.00, I have omitted on ac-
count of the condition of the Board of
Health fund.
The following i'st shows the appro-
priations and the atnount of warrants
drawn on each fund since the begin-
ning of the fiscal year beginning March
1st, 1901:
Appropriation. Expended.
Expense *40,000 $25,579.23
Road 40,000 37, 726.19
Fire 33,500 26,772.51
Police .... 28,500 23,184.75
Sewerage 5,000 4,525.55
Printing 2,500 1,750.00
Engineer 3,000 2,335.62
Gas and Light 27,000 20,121.20
Water Works bond in-
terest 25,000 23,760.00
Interest 50,000 37,064.14
Board of Health 4,000 3,940.21
Grading 4,000 2,871.71
Bee Branch 13,000 12,999.97
Eagle Point Bridge25,000 13,284.40
Special Bonded Pav-
ing 8,000 7,686.77
Redemption 7,500
Dodge Street Sewer6,000 4,139.89
Judgment 4,000 3,432.35
Sprinkling 4,000
Library .. 6,000
On motion the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
city officers and the report referred
back to the Finance committee.
Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol-
To the Hon. -Mayor and City Council of
Gentlemen:—I submit niy payroll for
the Fire Department tor the month of
January, 1902:
Amount due flremen $1,995.60
Ch ief.
Chairman Committee on Fire.
On motion the payroll was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
firemen and the payroll referred back
to the committee on Fire.
Marshal Morgan reported as follows:
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council 0.
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my
report and payroll for the Police De-
partment for the month of January,
Total arrests for the month 59
Patrol runs for the month 45
Miles run 74
Doors found open 31
Lodgers harbored 157
Defective lights 208
Find treasurer's receipt for empound-
ing, $1.00.
Also Sheriff Conlin's receipt for
boarding prisoners, $10.35.
Also the payroll for policemen for the
month of January, 1902:
Amount due policemen..........$1,970.50
Respectfully submitted,
Regular Session, February 6, 1902. 29
On motion the report and pay roil
was received and warrants ordered
drawn to pay policemen, report and
payroll referred back to the committee
on Police.
Street Commissioner Boyce reported
as follows:
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my
payroll for labor on streets for the last
half of January, 1902:
Amount due laborers on streets..$279.15
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
Chairman Committee on Streets.
Also submitted my payroll for grad-
ing for the last half of January, 1902:
Amount due laborers for grading.$147.75
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
E. E. FRITH. Chairman,
Also submit my payroll for laborers
on sewers for the Last half of January,
Amount due laborers on sewers..$200.55
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
Chairman Committee on Sewers.
On motion the payrolls for laborers
on streets, for grading and on sewers
were received and warrants ordered
drawn to pay the various amounts and
the payrolls referred back to the proper
Also submit my payroll for labor,
grading the approach to the Dubuque
and Wisconsin bridge during the last
half of January, 1902:
Amount due laborers on ap-
proach $1,215.50
Respectfully submitted,
Chairman Dub. & Wis. Bridge Ap-
Ald. Sheridan moved that the payroll
be received and warrants ordered
drawn to pay the laborers for grading
said approach and the payroll referred
back to the joint committee. Carried.
Also submit my pay roll for hauling
rock by the yard from Eagle Point
Bridge approach to haymarket, to the
city lot near Sacred Heart church and
to Sixteenth street, of which ten cents
per cubic yard to be charged to the
Eagle Point Bridge Approach fund and
the balance to be charged to the Road
Total amount to be charged E. P. B.
fund, $83.80.
Total amount to be charged to Road
fund, $156.10.
Street Commissioner.
Chairman Eagle Pt. Bridge Approach.
Chairman Street Committee.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the pay
roll bo received and warrants ordered
drawn to pay the various amounts and
the pay roll referred back to the com-
. mittee on Eagle Point Bridge Ap-
proach and the committee on Streets.
City Attorney Duffy reported as fol-
Dubuque, Ia., Jan. 22, 1902.
To the Hon. Mayor and Aldermen of
the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen:—Reporting on the annexed
communication, presented to the Coun-
cil by John Long, and by the Council
referred to me for an opinion, I submit
the following:
On November 5th, 1894 (Book 24, Page
29) a marshal's jury appointed to assess
the damages to property caused by the
widening of White street between 23d
and 24th streets, awarded $35.00 damages
to the owner of Lot 268, which lot abuts
on said White street. The City Coun-
cil approved of the award of said jury,
but because of the fact that a barn
would have to be moved, at his ex-
pense, the owner of the property re-
fused, at the time, to accept the war-
rant drawn as per award of the jury.
After such warrant had remained in the
possession of the auditor for some con-
siderable time the Counicl ordered it
canceled, and thus far the property
owner has not received the $35.00.
From the understanding which I have
had with a representative of the owner
of the property, the barn will be moved
off the sidewalk, where it now is, and
the award of the jury accepted as soon
as a new warrant for $35.00 is ordered
drawn by the Council. Wherefore I
would recommend that a warrant for
$35.00 be drawn in favor of John Long,
such warrant to be delivered to him
upon satisfactory proof to the mayor
that the barn heretofore referred to
has been moved off the sidewalk.
Respectfully submitted.
City Attorney.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report
of the city attorney and the mayor in-
structed to procure a deed for said
strip of land and to fully carry out the
recommendations of the report. Car-
Also the City Attorney reported as
Dubuque, Ia., Jan. 31st, 1902.
To the Hon. Mayor and Aldermen of
Gentlemen:—You have referred to me
for an opinion on the question of
whether the property abutting on West
Locust street owned by Mr. E. H.
Sheppley, is liable for the special as-
sessment recently levied against it to
pay, in part, for the construction of a
sanitary sewer in West Locust street.
It is my opinion that the City has com-
plied with the law in levying this as-
sessment and I therefore recommend
that Mr. Shepply's communication to
the Council be received and flied.
Respectfully submitted.
City Attorney.
30 Regular Session, .February 6, 1902.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the opin-
ion of the City Attorney be approved
and the communication of Mr. Shep-
pley be received and filed. Carried.
City Engineer Blake reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen:—Accordine to instruc-.
tion from your Honorable Body, Oct.
17th, 1901, herewith present a plan and
estimate of a tower and tank of a 500
barrel capacity, for that portion of the
City laying northwest of Linwood
Estimated cost of said work, includ-
ing frost casing, $600.00.
Respectfully submitted.
E. n. BLAKE.
City Engineer.
On motion the plan and estimate vas
referred to the Committee of the
Also City Engineer Blake reported
as follows:
I herewith present the macadam list
for the month of January, 1902.
amounting to $3,414.00.
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Ald. Horr moved to pay one-third of
the amount to each macadam breaker,
and warrants be ordered drawn to pay
the same. Carried.
Later Alderman Frith moved that the
Council reconsider their action on the
.macadam list. Carried.
Ald. Frith moved that the macadam
list be refered to the Committee of the
Whole. Carried and the Mayor order-
ed the list so referred.
City Electrician Hipman reported as
To the Honoroahle Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque: Gentlemen:
I herewith submit my report of de-
fective lights for the month of January,
I find from the reports of the Police
Department that the total hours that
208 lamps failed to burn, would equal 7
lamps for one month or $37.80.
Respectfully Submitted,
City Electrician.
On motion the report was received
and the Auditor instructed to deduct
from the Union Electric Company's
bill for the month of January, 1902, the
amount $37.80.
The following weighmasters and
wood measurers reports were referred
to the Committee on Markets. Reports
as follows:
Louise Pitschner, First ward
A. Stoltz, city hall, receipts $20.255
G. Pfiffner, West Dubuque, re-
ceipts 9
Louise Pitschner, West Dubuque,
Thos. Faherty, First Ward, re-
M. Hay, Eighth and White Sts
receipts .. 7.40
City Recorder Langstaff reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—I herewith present treas-
urer's receipts for small pox cards sold
to the country districts:
Small pox cards ..$1.95
Ordinance book to Shellsburg, la.. 1.50
Total $3.45
L. M. LA\c;STAFF, ..
City Recorder.
The report was ordered received and
filed. Also •,res •rated notice served on
the Chicago Great 'Western Railway
company in relation to Bee Branch
sewer tinder their tracks at or near
Rhomberg avenue, dated and served
by Marshal Morgan. January 17th, 1901.
Notice o•d,•re 1 received anal Med.
The bias for the construction of a
10 -inch tile pipe sower In 12th street
from Washington street to Cedar
Also the bids for the construction of
an S -inch tile pipe sewer in Diagonal
street from alley east of Broadway to
Broadway street were ordered opened
and referred to the City Engineer for
The City Engineer reported the bids
for sewer in 13th street as follows:
Steuck & Linehan. tort estimate.$S64 62
O'Farrell & Norton. tot'l est 740.46
O. G. Kringle. total est 736.40
Ald. Frith moved that the contract
for the 13th street sower be awarded
to O. G. Kringle and the bond fixed at
$1000.00. Carried.
Engineer Blake reported the bids for
the construction of sewer in Diagonal
street as follows:
O. G. Kringle. total est .. $419.00
Steuck & Linehan, total est 434.00
Dolan & McDonald, total est256.00
Ald. Frith moved that the contract
for the construction of Diagonal street
sewer he awarded to Dolan & McDon-
ald, and that the bond be fixed at $300.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the
Mayor and Recorder he instructed to
renew the contract with A. R. Staufen-
bell for the care of the City clock for
one year, from the time of the expira-
tion of present contract. Carried.
Ald. Horr presented the Union Elec-
tric company ordinance and stated that
he desired to have the ordinance ap-
pear in the Council records for public
inspection. Also that the Committee of
the Whole would recommend the pass-
age of the same.
The Ordinance as presented follows:
An Ordinance granting to the Union
Electric Company, a corporation of
Dubuque, Iowa, its successors and as-
signs, the right to maintain and o^er-
ate street railway lines heretofore
constructed„ along certain streets in
Regular Session, February 6, 1902. 31
the City of Dubuque, under riohts
granted to the Dubuque Street Rail-
way Company, to David H. Ogden, to
William L. Allen and Thos. O. Swiney,
and to the Union Electric Company:
and granting to said Union Electric
Company, its successors or assigns,
the right to construct, maintain and
operate lines of street railway upon
and along certain other streets in the
said city; and to regulate the con-
struction, maintenance and operation
of such street railways, and.
Whereas, the city of Dubuque, at
different times, and by separate ordi-
nances, heretofore granted to the Du-
buque Street Railway Company, to
David H. Ogden, to William L. Alien
and Thos. O. Swiney, and to the Union
Electric Company, and their successors
and assigns, the right to construct.
operate and maintain lines of street
railway upon and along certain streets
in the City of Dubuque. and,
Whereas, said rights were granted
for various terms of years, and,
Whereas the Union Electric Com-
pany has become the owner of all said
rights and franchises, and it is deem-
ed expedient for the betterment of
public service that all rights and
franchises in respect of the construc-
tion, maintenance and operation of all
said lines shall be subject to uniform
conditions and restrictions, and shall
terminate at one and the same time,
now therefore;
Be it ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:—
Section 1. That there is hereby
granted to the Union Electric Com-
pany, a corporation organized under
the laws of Iowa, its successors and
assigns, the right and authority to
maintain and operate upon and r' -'ng
the streets of the City of Dubuque,
all the lines of Street Railway. as at
present constructed thereon, and oper-
ated by the said Union Electric Com-
pany, under franchises and ordinances
heretofore granted by the City of Du-
buque to the Dubuque Street^-ailway
Company, to William L. Allen and
Thos. O. Swiney, to David H. Ogden,
and their successors and assigns, and
to said Union Electric Company, up-
on the conditions and under the re-
strictions set forth in this .ordinance,
for the period of twenty-five years
from the adoption hereof, and its ac-
ceptance by said Company.
The lines of street railway so con-
structed and operated, and hereby
authorized to be operated and main-
tained, being more particularly des-
cribed and located as follows, to-wit:—
A line of double track street rail-
way, commencing at the main line of
the Illinois Central Railroad, on Jones
street, thence to Main street. thence
on Main street northerly to Thirteenth
street, alto from Thirteenth street to
Eighteenth street on Clay street, also
from Clay street to Coiner
avenue on Eighteenth street: also
along Couler Avenue from Eighteenth
street to Sanford street ,also along
Couler avenue from Peru road north-
erly to the City limits, also along Iowa
street from Sixth street to Eleventh
street, and also along Jacks^n street
from Sixteenth street to Eagle Point
A line of single track street railway
commencing on Jones street at its
eastern terminus, thence to and con-
necting with the double tracks at the
main line of the Illinois Central Rail-
road; also on Main street from Thir-
teenth street to Fifteenth street; also
on Fifteenth street from Main to Clay
street; also on Thirteenth street from
Main to Clay street; also on Second
street from Locust street to Iowa
street; also on Iowa street from Sec-
ond street to Third street and from
Fifth street to Sixth street; also on
Third street from Iowa street to Clay
street, thence along Clay street to
Thirteenth street; also along Couler
avenue from Sanford street to Peru
road, thence along Peru road from
Couler avenue to Jackson street, also
on Jackson street from Peru road to
Eagle Point avenue, also on Sanford
street from Couler avenue to Jack-
son street; also on Jackson street
from Sixteenth street to Fourteenth
street; also on 14th street, from Jack-
son street to Iowa street; also on 16th
street from Jackson to Iowa street; also
along Iowa street from Eleventh
s*reet to Sixteenth street; also along
Eagle Point avenue from Jackson
street to Windsor avenue, thence along
Windsor avenue to the northerly ter-
minus of said avenue: also a single
track from Couler avenue, along Rhom
berg avenue, to its terminus at Eagle
I'o;nt :a iso on South Dodge street from
(Grandview avenue to Dodge street,
thence on Dodge street to South Lo-
cust street, thence northerly on South
Locust street and Locust street to
Fifth street, thence on Fifth street
from Locust street to Iowa street:
also on Eighth street beginning at the
main line track of the Chicago Great
Western Railroad, and running wester-
ly along Eighth street and Julien ave-
nue to Hill street, thence southwest-
erly on Hill street to West 3rd street:
thence west on Third street to Alpine
street, thence along Alpine street to
Julien avenue, thence westerly on
Julien avenue to Delhi street,
thence southwesterly and northwest-
erly on Delhi street to Asbury street.
Sec. 2. There is also hereby granted
to said Union Electric company, its
successors and assigns, under the same
conditions and restrictions, the right
to lay a single track with necessary
switches and turn -outs, hereafter to be
determined and agreed upon, along and
upon the following streets in the City
of Dubuaue. to-wit—
Commencing at the intersection of
Eagle Point avenue and Jackson street,
32 Regular Session, February 6, 1902.
thence westerly along and upon said
Eagle Point avenue to Couler avenue
to connect with present tracks ;to ex-
tend the track on Iowa street from
the intersection of Fifth and I0w1
streets southerly along and upon said
Iowa street to Third street, to connect
with present track. Also the right
to lay a second track on said Rhom-
berg avenue between Fifth avenue and
the present northerly terminus of said
track on Rhomberg avenue, or so much
thereof as said Union Electric rm-
pany may find necessary for the more
convenient operation of its cars on said
Sec. 3. For the purpose of con-
structing, maintaining and operating
said Street Railway lines, said Union
Electric Company, its successors and
assigns. shall have the right and au-
thority to go upon said streets and
parts of streets and make such ex-
cavations therein as may be necessary
for the construction, completion. opera-
tion and maintenance of said lines.
and shall have the further right and
authority to make track and overhead
wire connections with car barns and
power house, and at all intersections,
and to construct all necessary side-
tracks, turn -outs and switches, and
shall also have the right to erect, con-
struct and maintain such overhead
wires and poles as may be necessary to
conduct their electrical nower over
said wires from their power sta-
tions to and along said lines of
street railway and at offices, and for
signals and dispatching purposes, pro-
vided, that In constructing and re-
pairing its said road, said Union Elec-
tric Company, its successors and as-
signs, after having so excavated and
encumbered any street or part thereof,
shall restore and leave the same, as
early as may be practicable, in as goad
condition as it was at the time of com-
mencing such work; provided that be-
fore commencing any such construc-
tion or repairs, said union Electric
Company, its successors and .saigns
shall, in writing, apply to the Mayor
of the City, stating the nature of such
work, the time and place where the
same is proposed to be done, and
thereupon sald Mayor shall, if satis-
fied that such work may properly be
proceeded with, issue 4 written per-
mit, authorizing said Union Electric
Company, its successors or assigns,
to begin and complete said work.
Sec. 4. Said Union Electric Com-
pany, its successors and assigns, shall
pave or macadamize that portion of the,
street or avenue along or over which
said railway shall be laid, between the
rails and one foot on each side thereof,
at such time and with such material
as the city shall pave or macadamize
the remaining portion of the street.
Sec. 5. The said Street Railway
lines shall be constructed on the es-
tablished grades of the street or high-
ways. The tracks, poles and other
structures, shall be raised or lowered
from time to time, without expense to
the city to correspond with any
changes that may be made in the
grade of said streets.
Sec. 6. Said Union Electric Com-
pany, its successors and assigns, shall
repair all damage that may be done
to streets in or by the construction or
maintenance of said railway, shall also
keep the space .between said railway
tracks and one foot on each side there-
of in good repair at all times, pro-
vided that, in the case of double tracks,
when the distance between the cen-
ters of said tracks is more than ten
feet, the rule requiring cne foot on
each side shall prevail. The City
Council shall have the right to deter-
mine the necessity for repairs, and
whenever said Company, its successors
or assigns shall refuse or neglect to
make the same, within a reasonable
time after being notified thereof in
writing, the City Council shall have the
right to make such repairs at the ex-
pense of said Union Electric Com-
pany, its successors or assigns.
Sec. 7. The tracks of said Railway
shall not be elevated above the sur-
face of the street, and shall be so
laid that carriages and vehicles can
easily and with the least obstruction
possible, cross the same. Such mod-
ern approved pattern of rail may be
used as may be approved by the City
Council. During the winter, in the
event of heavy snow, said Union Elec-
tric Company, its successors and as-
signs, in removing the same from said
tracks. shall not obstruct the re-
maining portion of said street, but in
such cases, shall remove therefrom any
excess of snow thrown or swept from
its tracks.
Sec. 8. That whenever any railway
tracks, which may hereafter be laid, or
where any of said company's tracks
now laid, excepting on Main street,
or other street paved with brick, pass
over a gutter or depression in the
street, spid Street Railway Company,
shall, at its own cost cover said gutter
or depression from curb to curb, in
such manner and with such material,
as may be directed or approved by the
City Council and shall maintain the
same so as to admit of the free passage
of water. Upon failure of said Com-
pany to comply with the requirements
of this section, the city may cause said
work to be done at the expense of said
Union Electric Company, its successors
or assigns.
Sec. 9. Nothing in this ordinance,
nor any privilege granted hereby, shall
be construed to prevent the proper
I City of Dubuque
from grading, paving, sewering, mac-
adamizingauthorities, improving, altering or re-
pairing any ofof the streets over which
the privilege of constructing or main-
taining or operating a railway is
granted by this ordinance, or upon
which any railway may be constructed
liegulaF Session, February 6, 1902.
under its provisions, but all such work
must be done so as to offer as little
obstruction as possible to the pass-
age of cars, and the owner or owners
of the railway shall have the privi-
lege of raising or shifting the rails,
so as to avoid as much as possible, the
liability to obstruction during the pro-
gress of street repairing, improving
or altering, consistent with the conven-
ience of the said City, its employees
or contractors; provided that when
said Company shall have once paved
the space between its rails and one foot
on each side thereof, as hereinbefore
required, it shall not be required to
change the same, so long as it is main-
tained in good order, unless the city
shall repave the remainder of the
street with a pavement of the same or
a different character in which case, the
Union Electric Company, its successors
and assigns shall repave the space be-
tween its rails and one foot on each
side thereof.
Sec. 10. Said Union Electric Com-
pany, its successors and assigns, shall,
whenever practicable, have the right to
use any telephone, telegraph, electric
light or fire alarm poles or posts own-
ed or controlled by the City, now set
or which may hereafter be set along
the line of the said electric street rail-
way for the support of the wires or
other appliances necessary to the oper-
ation and maintenance of said electric
street railway. And, whenever prac-
ticable, the city shall have the right to
use any poles or posts now set or
which may be hereafter set by said
Union Electric Company, its successors
or assigns, for the extension, construc-
tion or maintenance of any telephone,
telegraph, electric light or fire alarm
system, or for any other city use,
when such wire or wires are used sole-
ly for the benefit and use of the said
City of Dubuque; in either case there
shall be no compensation for such use.
Sec. 11. Nothing herein contained
shall be so constructed as to deprive
the City of Dubuque of tie right to
authorize any other railway or street
railway company to cross the track
raid down and maintained under au-
thority of this ordinance, at the ex-
pense of the company so permitted and
authorized by the City Council to make
such crossing.
Sec. 12. The cars used on said
street railway shall be of approved
modern pattern and construction, suit-
able for the safety and convenience
and comfort of the passenger$, and
they shall. during the winter months,
be properly heated and equipped with
All cars, excepting trailers, in use
on said street railway, shall be prop-
erly equipped on the front end there-
ofwith fenders of modern design,
satisfactory to the City Council, and
each motor and ordinary car shall be
provided with and display all neces-
sary lights, and a bell or gong shall
be rung when necssary to warn the
public at street crossings and all other
points exposed to the approach e'
All cars shall come to c. fur. stop
before crossing any railway or striae!
railway track or tracks, and shall at
no time be run at a greater speer•
than is consistent with the safety of
the public, and shall be propelled by
electric power.
Sec. 13. The poles and posts to be
erected under the provisions of this
ordinance shall be under the control
of the City Engineer as to their loca-
tion. The kind of poles to be used
shall be such as are satisfactory to
the City Council.
Sec. 14. Said Union Electric com-
pany, its successors and assigns shall
pay their proper pro rata portion of
the salary of the City Electrician,
whose duty it shall be to properly in-
spect all wires and connections, and
report'to the City Council as the Coun-
cil may require him to do, andto no-
tify said Company of any defects in
said wires or connections, and if said
Company shall not promptly remedy
such defects the City Council may
cause such repairs to be made at the
expense of said Union Electric Com-
pany, its successors or assigns.
Sec. 15. The rate of fare shall not
exceed five cents for each adult pas-
senger for a continuous trip in one
general direction within the City lim-
The fare for chldren under 12 years
of age shall be three cents.
Said Union Electric Company, its
successors and assigns shall, during
the entire period of this franchise,
constantly keep on hand at its prin-
cipal office, half fare tickets for sale
to laborers, mechanics workwomen
and working girls at the rate of two
and one-half cents each, good during
the following hours, to -wit:
From April 1st to Nov. lst, between
6:15 and 7:15 a. m. and 5:45 and 6:45
P. m., and from Nov. 1st to April 1st,
from 6:30 to 7:30 in the morning and
from 5:15 to 6:15 in the evening,
throughout the year, except on Sun-
days Said tickets to be sold in quan-
tities of not less than one dollar's
Transfers shall be issued when nec-
essary to carry out the above provis-
ions on all tickets including half fare
Sec. 16. Said Union Electric Com-
pany, its successors and assigns, shall
transport free of charge on its cars,
as ordinary passengers, all policemen
and firemen regularly employed as
such by the City of Dubuque, when in
the uniform of their respective de-
Sec. 17. Said Union Electric Com-
pany, its successors and assigns, shall
have the right to make such reason-
able rules and regulations for the man -
34 Regular Session, February 6, 1902.
agement of Its railway, and the con-
duct of its business as it may deem
requisite, and said City of Dubuque
hereby reserves the right to mate
and enforce the usual and ordinary po-
lice regulations.
Sec. 18. The new lines of railway
herein authorized to be constructed
shall be completed within two years
from date of passage of this ordinance,
on such streets as are now graded,
and on those not graded within two
years from the' time said streets at.?
graded, so that a continuous line of
railway may be operated thereon. If.
not so completed ,the City Council,
may at its option, declare a forfeiture
of all rights hereby granted for the
construction and maintenance of said
new lines.
Said Union Electric Company, its
successors and assigns, shall main-
tain and operate. in accordance with
the provisions of this franchise, all
lines at present constructed and now
in operation in the City of Dubuque,
and shall operate same so as to pro-
vide adequate and reasonable service
on all of said lines, and said Uni 'n
Electric Company ,its successors and
assigns shall not abandon any of said
lines or parts of lines unless permitted
so to do by the City Council.
If said Company shall abandon any
of safe lines now constructed and in
operation, without such permission or
shall fall to operate said lines in ac-
cordance with the terms of, this or-
dinance, the City Council may, at its
option, declare a forfeiture of all
rights granted under this ordinance.
Provided, however, that failure to
operate because of strikes, flres or
other cases beyond the control of
said Company shall not work such 'a
Sec. 19. No free passes or tickets
shall be given to any person or per-
sons except to employes or ofiic'-'rs
of said Street Railway Company, and
to all regularly elected officials of the
City or beads of departments In the
service of the City, and to such offi-
cials and beads of departments only
upon the written requisition of the
Sec. 20. All ordinances heretofore
adopted, under which the Dubuque
Street Railway Company, David H.
Ogden, William L. Allen and Thos O.
Swiney ,and the Union Electric Com-
pany, or their grantors, successors and
assigns, acquired rights and fran-
chises for the construction, mainten-
ance and operation of street railways
in the streets, avenues and public
places of the City of Dubuque, are
hereby repealed, provided this ordi-
nance shall be accepted, in writing, by
the said Union Electric Company,
within thirty days after its pasaago
and approval. And all. ordinances and
parts of ordinances in conflict here-
with, are to the extent of such con-
flict, hereby repealed.
Sec. 21. The aforesaid Union Elec-
tric Company shall be deemed to
have abandoned all rights and privil-
eges conferred by this ordinance, un-
less it shall, within thirty days after
the passage and approval hereof by
the Mayor, file in the office of the City
Recorder a written acceptance of the
privileges conferred hereby, subject
to the conditions and terms herein con-
This ordinance shall be in effect
from and after its publication in the
Dubuque Telegraph -Herald.
Aid, Frith, chairman of the Street
comittee reported as follows:
Your committee on Streets, to whom
was referred the bill of the Key City
Gas Co. for $5.64 for iron pipe, beg to
report that said pipe was used for roll-
ing heavy rock on the Dubuque & Wis-
consin High Bridge approach and
would recommend that a warrant be
ordered drawn in full settlement of the
E. E. FRITH, Chairman.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report.
Ald. Tones, chairman of the commit-
tee on Public Grounds and Buildings,
reported as follows:
Your committee on Public Grounds
and Buildings begs to report that with
the exception of three policies, all the
insurance on the different buildings
owned by the city expired on the 1st,
of February, 1902, and that we have re-
newed the policies for a period of three
years for the same amounts as pre-
viously, and herewith submit policies.
We attach hereto the treasurer's re-
ceipt for $2.00 which is the amount of
the rebate on the Iowa State Insurance
Company's expired policy on Delhi
Street Engine House.
Also submit a statement of the
amount of insurance carried on the dif-
ferent buildings owned by the city:
On Building. Fixtures.
City hall $13750 $1,250
Central engine house17,,000
Fourth street engine
house 2,500
Delhi street engine
house 1,500
Eighteenth street engine
house 2,000
Town clock 1,000 1,500
Patrol house .. . 1,000
Respectfully submitted,
Chair man.
Ald Jones moved to adopt the report.
Ald. Sheridan reported as follows:
Your committee on Fire begs to re-
spectfully report that on Saturday,
Jan. 18th, 1902, it sold by public auction
to the highest bidders, two of the
horses that have become unfit for fire
service; receiving for one the sum of
$91.00 and for the other the sum of
$57.00, for both of which amounts the
receipts of the treasurer are hereto at-
MATT. CLANCY, Chairman.
Regular Session, February 6, 1902.
Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the
report of the Fire committee. Carried.
Ald. Horr, chairman of the commit-
tee on Sewers, reported as follows:
Your committee on Sewers begs to
report that we have examined the
Dodge street storm water sewer, from
Main street east to the Mississippi
river, John Tibey, contractor, and
would recommend that said sewer be
Also report in favor of paying the
bill of Albert Gasser for brick used by
the city sewer men in repairing man-
holes, amounting to $4,00.
Aid. Horr moved to adopt the report.
Ald. Sheridan, chairman of the De-
linquent Tax Committee, reported as
Your Committee on Delinquent taxes.
to whom was referred the petiton of
Martin Armstrong, asking that the
taxes on his property, lot 12 Matrin's
add., be canceled for the year, 1901,
would recommend that on account of
his disability, the prayer of the peti-
tioner be granted and that the treas-
urer be so notified.
Your Committee on Delinquent tax,
to whom was referred the petition of
Wm. Koehler an honorably discharged
soldier of the War of Rebellion asking
that his homestead S. 30 feet of lot 1
of Sub. 3 of Gieger's sub., be exempt
from taxation to the extent of $800.00
valuation as provided by law, would
reommend that the prayer of the peti-
tioner be granted and that the treas-
urer be instructed accordingly.
Your Committee on Delinquent tax,
to whom was referred the petition of
Matt. Lilak, asking that the taxes on
his property, E. 40 ft. lot 354 East Du-
buque, add., be cancelled for the year
1901, would recommend that on account
of his poverty, the taxes for said year
be allowed to remain a lien on the
property and that the treasurer be
instructed not to sell.
Your Committee on Delinquent taxes,
to whom was referred the petition of
Mrs. C. Sitterle, asking that the taxes
on her property, lot 14 Block 5R Rail-
road add., be canceled, would recom-
menr that on account of her age and
poverty the taxes for the year 1901
be allowed to remain a lien on the
property and that the treasurer be in-
structed not to sell.
Your Committee on Delinquent taxes,
to whom was referred the petition of
Fred Pegel asking that the taxes for
the years 1900 and 1901 be allowed to
remain a lien on his property, the N.
1-3 of lot 143 and the S. 1-3 of lot 144
East Dubuque add., would recommend
that the prayer of the petition be
granted and that the treasurer be in-
structed not to sell.
Your Committee on Delinquent taxes,
to whom was referred the petiton of
Mrs. Simon Brada for Michael Brada,
Sr, asking that the taxes for the year
1901 be canceled on lots 65, 66 and 67
E. Langworthy's add., would recom-
mend that on account of his poverty
the taxes for said year be allowed to
remail, a Lien on the property and that
the treasurer be instructed not to
Your Committee on Delinquent taxes,
to whom was referred the petition of
Maria Joseph, asking that the taxes
on her property, lot 140 East Dubuque
add. be canceled for the year 1901,
wouid recommend that on account of
her age and poverty said taxes be al-
lowed to remain a lien on the property
and that the treasurer be instructed
not to sell.
Your Committee on Delinquent taxes
to whom was referred the petiton of
B. Beebe, asking that he be refunded
the sum of $13.50 ,which amount he has
paid into the city treasury for taxes
on monies and credits for the year
1899 begs to report that Mr. Beebe was
not a resident of this city at the time
the assessment for 1899 was levied and
should not have been charged with it;
we wou-d therefore recommend that
the petitioner be granted a deduction
of $13.50 from his taxes for the year
Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the
report of the Delinquent Tax commit-
tee. Carried.
Ald. Horr, chairman of the Board of.
Equalization, reported as follows:
Your Board of Equalization, to
whom was referred the petition of J.
F. Jackson, stating that after giving
in his assessment return, he had in-
vested the sum of $1,800.00 in real es-
tate and asking therefore that said
amount be deducted from his assess-
ment on moneys and credits, would
recommend that the prayer of the peti-
tioner be granted and that the City
Treasurer be instructed accordingly.
Your Board of Equalization to
whom was referred the petition of the
Platt Bros. company asking that the
assessment on its stock be reduced to
$7,500.00 for the year 1901, would recom-
mend that the petition be received and
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report
of. the Board of Equalization. Car-
Ald. Kintzinger, chairman of the
• C,mmittee of the Whole,- reported as
Your Committee of the Whole here-
with submits the opinion of the City
Attorney on the petition of City
Recorder Langstaff in relation to com-
pensation for services as clerk of the
Board of Health: said opinion, which
is hereto attached and made a part of
this report, being averse to the legality
36 1?enliler Session. February 6, 1902.
of the claim, we would recommend
that the petition of the City Recorder
be received and filed and that the opin-
ion of the City Attorney be approved.
Also your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the petiton of
the Smedley Steam Pump Co. asking
that the taxes on lot 22 Smedley's add.,
he fixed in accordance with the action
of the City Council of record July 1,
1901 would recommend that the prayer
of the petitioner be granted and that
the City Treasurer be instructed to ac-
cept taxes on said lot 22 Smedley's
add., together with the personal prop-
erty tools and machinery used in car-
rying on the business of the Smedley
Pump company on a basis of $10,000.00
Also Your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
Adam Kaesbauer et al, asking that
the price paid for breaking macadam
be increased, would recommend that
all macadam broken since the begin-
nining of the present year, be pall
for at the rate of 60 cents per cubic
yard where rock is quarried by the
city and placed ready for breaking,
and 85 cents per cubic yard where the
rock is furnished by the party break-
ing the same.
Also your Committee of the Whoie,
to whom was rferred the petition of
M. H. Moore, agent for the Randall
property, asking that the street sweep-
Ings be deposited in the slough for the
purpose of giving access to Mount
Carmel avenue would recommend that
the prayer of the petition be granted
and that the Street Commissioner be
instructed accordingly.
Also your Committee of Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of the
Western Union Telephone Company,
asking that the assessment on its prop-
erty be reduced, and that the same be
levied in accordance with valuation
thereof as returned by the County Au-
ditor, would recommend that the pray-
er of the petitioner be granted and that
the City Treasurer be so notified.
Also your Committe of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of the
Dubuque and Wisconsin Bridge Co. ask
ing that no right of way be given on
Lincoln Ave. for the purpose of laying
car tracks thereon, would recommend
that the prayer of the petition be
Ald. Kintainger moved to adopt
reports of the Committee of the Whole.
Ald. Horr offered the following:
Resolved, By the City Council of
Dubuque, That the City Engineer be
instructed to prepare plans for the
drainage on Washington street, from
Ninth to Eleventh streets and also on
Elm street from Eleventh street to
Twelfth street and submit the same
to the City Council.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the reso-
lution. Carried.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the Coun-
cil adjourn until Feb. 20th, 1902. Car-
Special Session, February 13, 1902. 37
Special Session February lath '902.
Council met at 8 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Aids. Frith, Horr, Jones.
Kintzinger and Sheridan.
Absent—Alds. Clancy and McLaugh-
Mayor Berg stated that this special
session of the Council was called for
the purpose of hearing an application
from a committee representing the
Elks who desire to have a street car-
nival in our City the 3rd week in June,
and to make the carnival a success
it will be necesary to have the use
of Washington park and the streets
Their petition will speak for it -elf.
The petition follows:
Dubuque, Iowa, Feb. 13th, 1902.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—The undersigned peti-
tioners begs to ask the privilege for
the use of Washington park and the
following named streets: Seventh
from Main to Bluff, Bluff from Seventh
to Sixth, Sixth from Bluff to alley be-
tween Main and Locust, Locust iioin
Sixth to Seventh.
And we further ask that we be ex-
empt from license on that occasion.
Your petitioners states that it is the
intention to have a carnival in this
city during the third week in June,
provided your honorable body will
grant the prayer of your petitioners.
Further, that the said carnival will
be of great benefit to the merchants
and people of your City as well as to
the City generally.
Respectfully Submitted,
Dubuque Lodge No. 297 B. P. O. E.
Exalted Ruler.
Also prsented a list of names of the
abutting property owners and renters,
along above said streets, consenting to
the use of said streets for carnival
purposes. Also guaranteed that the
park and streets would be put in as
good condition after the close of the
carnival as before its beginning, with-
out cost to the city.
Ald. Jones moved that the prayer of
the petition be granted. Carried.
On motion of Ald. Jones the Council
.. Mayor
Ald. Kintzinger moved that the
rules be suspended for the purpose of
hearing from the petitioners. Car-
"Exalted Ruler," Patterson, address-
ed the Council and stated that the
carnival would consist of exhibits to
be made by the merchants of the City.
and that in the enclosure and on the
streets around Washington park that
there would be placed about twelve
high class, respectable and refined
shows of which one would be an ani-
mal show, another a dog, monkey and
pony circus and other to consist of
vaudeville shows etc., guaranteeing,
that nothing loud, boisterous or inde-
cent would be allowed.
38 Regular Session, February 20, 1902.
Regular Session, February 20th, 1902.
Council met at 9 o'clock p.
Mayor Berg in the chair. Jones,
Present—Alds. Frith, Horr,
Kintzinger, McLaughlin and Sheridan.
Total 6.
Absent—Ald. Clancy.
Petition of Mrs. J. V. Bowes by J.
H. Shields asking that the assess-
ment for 1901 on the north 70 feet of
lots 1, 2, and 3 of Kiene and Block-
linger's sub. be placed at $2,000.00.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the peti-
tion be granted and the Treasurer
instructed to accept taxes on $2,0e
The following petitions were refer-
red to the Delinquent Tax commit-
Petition of Mrs. Eliz. Bottoms ask•
ing that she be exempt from taxation
to the amount of $800.00 on her home-
stead lots 6 and 7 Bradley's sub. for
the year 1901 and all future years, she
being the widow of an honorabY dis-
charged Union soldier.
Petition of Jonathan Foster asking
for the exemption of his homestead
from taxation to the amount of $800.00
on lot 1 of 2 of Min. lot 469 and north
6 feet of N. E. 45 feet of lot 1 of Min.
lot 467, for the year 1901, he being
an honorably discharged Union soldier.
Petition of Mrs. Lena Faber asking
for the remission of her taxes on lot
5 Smedley's sub. for the year 1901.
The following petitions and com-
munications were referred to the Com-
mittee of the Whole:
Petition of the police officers by P.
J. Hanlon et al asking for an increas,
of salary.
Petition of the Dubuque and Wiscon-
sin Bridge company, asking council to
grant them an exemption of taxes tor
twenty (20) years, or to apply the un-
expended portion of the $25,000 appro-
priated for the building of the ap-
proach towards the payment of the
shore span of the bridge, and grant
them an exemption of taxes for ten
(10' years.
Communication of Sidewalk Inspec-
tor Berg recommending that a side-
walk fund for constructing new walks
be created, and that an appropria-
tion be made to the amount of $2,000
for said fund.
Communication of the Dubuque Re-
tailers' association, asking council to
appropriate the sum of Twenty-five
Thousand Dollars ($25,000) for the pur-
pose of filling to grade above high
water mark such city property which
may be selected for manufacturing
purposes only and set aside for lease
orsale tolyto lthe cityufort
a such
may app
Original notice, District Court to
City of Dubuque and H. B. Gniffke,
City Treasurer, of Karl Wild, Theresa
Wild, Paul C. Becker and Theresa
Becker, asking that the special assess-
ment levied against lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 of
sub. of lots 30 and 31 in Littleton and
Sawyers add. for improving Seminary
street be canceled, and the city and
City Treasurer be restrained from
selling said premises to collect said
On motion the notice
to the City Attorney
Original notices of District Court of
Mrs. Catherine Sheridan vs. Cit.', of
Dubuque and Wm. Sheridan vs. City
of Dubuque claiming the sums of
$10,000.00 and $2,000.00 as damages sus-
tained by Mrs. Sheridan falling on a
defective sidewalk in front of the
north 64 feet of lot 617 City.
On motion the notice was referred
to the City Attorney and Committee
on Claims.
The petition of Joseph Marra et al
asking the privi:ege of riding on the
Union Electric cars at any and all
times with any musical instrument
such as harps, bass drums etc., as
same have been excluded from said
Union Electric cars.
On motion the petition was referred
to the Committee of the Whole.
Street Commissioner Boyce reported
as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque.
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my
payroll for labor on streets for the
first half of February, 1902:
Amount due laborers on
was referred
and Finance
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
Chairman Committee on Streets.
Also submitted my pay roll for grad-
ing South Bluff street extension for the
fit'st half of February, 1902:
Amount due laborers for grading,
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
E. E. FRITH, Chairman.
Also submit my payroll for laborers
on sewers for the first half of Feb-
ruary, 1902:
Amount due laborers on sewers,
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
Regular Session, February 20, 1902. 39
Chairman Committee on Sewers.
On motion the payrolls for laborers
on streets, for grading and on sewers
were received and warrants ordered
drawn to pay the various amounts and
the payrolls referred back to the proper
Also submit my payroll for labor,
grading the approach to the Dubuque
and Wisconsin bridge during the first
half of February, 1902:
Amount due laborers on approach,
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
Chairman Dubuque & Wisconsin Bridge
Ald. Sheridan moved that the payroll
be received and warrants ordered
drawn to pay the laborers for grading
said approach and the payroll referred
back to the joint committee. Carried.
Also submit my pay roll for hauling
rock by the yard from Eagle Point
Bridge approach to haymarket, to the
city lot near Sacred Heart church and
to Sixteenth street, of which ten cents
per cubic yard to be charged to the
Eagle Point Bridge Approach fund
and the balance to be charged to the
Road fund:
Total amount to be charged Eagle
Point Bridge fund, $59.20.
Total amount to be charged to Road
fund, $107.30.
Street Commissioner.
Chairman Eagle Point Bridge Approach
E. E. FRITH, •
Chairman Street Committee.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the pay
roll be received and warrants ordered
drawn to pay the various amounts anti
the pay roll referred back to the com-
mittee on Eagle Point Bridge Ap-
proach and the Committee on Streets
City Engineer Blake reported as fol-
Dubuque, Iowa, Feb. 20th, 1902.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—As requested, I herewith
present plans for a storm water sewer
on Washington street from Ninth
street to Eleventh street and from
Eleventh street to Twelfth street on
Elm street.
Estimate cost of work, $1,500.00.
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
On motion the plans and estimate
was referred to the Committee of the
City Recorder Langstaff presented
the Union Electric Company ordinance
asking a twenty -flue year franchise,
also amendments to said ordinance of-
fered by T. W. Graham.
On motion the ordinance and amend-
ments were referred to the Committee
of the Whole.
Mayor Berg stated that he had not
approved the sprinkling ordinance (so
called), from the fact that in his opin-
ion the water supply would not be
sufficient to sprinkle all the streets
named in said ordinance and from the
further fact that it was not necessary
to sprinkle some of the streets named,
therefore (having had a conference
with some of the aldermen) it had
been suggested that the said ordinance
be reconsidered.
Ald. Kintzinger stated that the water
works trustees said it would be im-
possible to furnish the required quan-
tity of water to sprinkle all the streets
named in said ordinance; therefore,
he would move that the said ordinance
be reconsidered. Carried.
Ald. Kintzinger moved that the ordi-
nance known as the sprinkling ordi-
nance and passed by the council Feb.
6, 1302, be withdrawn and stricken from
the council records. Carried.
Ald. Kintzinger, chairman of the ordi-
nance committee presented (in lieu of
the ordinance above withdrawn) an
ordinance entitled an Ordinance, Di-
viding the City of Dubuque, Iowa, into
separate road districts for the purpose
of sprinkling the streets of said city
and for the payment of the same, and
moved that the ordinance be read the
first time. Carried by the following
Ayes—Alds. Frith, Horr, Jones, Kint-
zinger, McLaughlin and Sheridan. To-
tal, 6.
Absent—AId. Clancy.
The ordinance was then read.
Ald. Kintzinger moved that the rules
be suspended for the purpose of read-
ing the ordinance the second time.
Carried by the following vote.
Ayes—Aids. Frith, Horr, Jones, Kint-
zinger, McLaughlin and Sheridan. To-
tal, 6.
Absent—Ald. Clancy.
The ordinance was then read the sec-
ond time.
Ald. Kintzinger moved that the ordi-
nance be adopted as read.
Carried by the following vote.
Ayes—Alds. Frith, Horr, Jones, Kint-
zinger, McLaughlin and Sheridan. To-
tal, 6.
Absent—Ald. Clancy.
The mayor declared the ordinance
Regular Session, February 20, 1902
The ordinance follows
An Ordinance dividing the City of
Dubuque, Iowa, into separate road dis-
tricts for the purpose of sprinkling the
streets of said city and for the pay-
ment of the expense of the same.
Be it Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque.
Section 1. Number of Districts. That
the City of Dubuque be and is hereby
divided into five separa a roodly diso
tricts for sprinkling P P
be known as districts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
Sec. 2. Description of Districts.
District No. 1 shall include all the
lots abutting upon and all property
upon the following described streets:
Dodge street from Locust street to
South Dodge street.
Jones street from Bluff street to
Iowa street.
First street from Bluff street to
Iowa street.
Second street from Bluff street to
Iowa street.
Third street, south half, from
street to Clay street.
West Third street, south half,
Burch street to Alpine stree
Bluff street from Third
Dodge street.
Locust street from Third
Dodge street.
Main street from Third
street to
street to
street to
Eebruary 20, 1902.
Jones street.
Iowa street from Third street to First
Emmett street from St. Mary's street
to Bluff street.
Third street, north half, from Bluff
street to Clay street.
West Third street, north half, from
Burch street to Alpine street.
Fourth street from Elevator to
White street.
Fifth street
White street.
Sixth street
Jackson street.
Seventh street from
Washington street.
Eighth street, south half, from Bluff
street to Chicago Great Western rail-
way track.
Eighth street, south half, from Bluff
street to Julien avenue.
Julien avenue, south half, from West
Eighth street to Mt. Pleasant avenue.
Delhi street from Mt. Pleasant ave-
nue to Grandview avenue.
Bluff street from Third street to
Eighth street.
Locust street from Third street to
Eighth street.
Main street from Third street to
Eight street.
Iowa street
Eighth street.
Clay street
Eighth street.
White street from Fourth street to
Eighth street.
from Cooper's barn to
from Bluff street to
Bluff street to
from Third street to
from Third street to
Hill street from West Eighth street
to West Third street.
West Fifth street from Hill street to
Winona avenue.
Alpine street from Julien avenue to
West Third street.
Nevada street from Julien avenue to
West Fifth street.
Fenelon Place from the Elevator to
Burch street.
Burch street from West Fifth street
to West Third street.
Eighth street, north half, from Main
street to Chicago Great Western tracks.
Ninth street from Main street to
Washington street.
Tenth street from Main street to
Washington street.
Eleventh street from Main street to
Elm street.
Twelfth street from Main street to
Elm street.
Thirteenth street from Main street to
Elm street.
Fourteenth street from Main street
to Maple street.
Fifteenth street from Main street to
Elm street.
Sixteenth from Main street to Elm
Seventeenth street from Main street
to Maple street.
Eighteenth street from Clay street
to Elm street.
Nineteenth street from Couler ave-
nue to Pine street.
Main street, east half, from Eighth
street, to Seventeenth street.
Rhomberg avenue, south half, from
Couler avenue to Elm street.
Iowa street from Eighth street to
Seventeenth street.
Clay street from Eighth street to
Rhomberg avenue.
White street from Eighth street to
Rhomberg avenue.
Jackson street from Eighth street
to Rhomberg avenue.
Washington street from Eighth
street to Rhomberg avenue.
Elm street from Eleventh street to
Rhomberg avenue.
Maple street from Fourteenth street
to Seventeenth street.
Eighth St., north half, from Main St.
to Julien Ave.
Ninth St. from Main St. to Bluff St.
Tenth St. from Main St. to Bluff St.
Eleventh St: from Main St. to Bluff
Twelfth St. from Main St. to Bluff St.
Thirteenth St. from Main St. to
Bluff St.
Fourteenth St. from Main St. to
Prairie St.
Fifteenth St. from Main St. to Bluff'.
Sixteenth St. from Main St. to Lo-
cust St.
Seventeenth St. from Main St. to
West Locust St.
Main St., west half, from Eighth SL.
to Seventeenth St.
Julien Ave., north half, from Eighth
St. to Mt. Pleasant Ave.
Regular Session, February 20, 1902. 41
Delhi St., north ha.f, from Mt. Pueas-
ant Ave. to Grandview Ave.
Bluff St. from Eighth St. to Six-
teenth St.
Locust St. from Eighth St. to Six-
teenth St.
West Locust St. from Sixteenth to
Jackson school.
Delhi St. from Grandview Ave, lo
Asbury St.
West Eleventh St. from Highland
Place to Walnut St.
Highland Place from West Eleventh
St. to Arlington St.
Clark St. from West Locust St. to
West Seventeenth St.
Ellis Street from West Locust St.
to Almond St.
Almond St. frohm Ellis St. to Foy St.
Garfield Ave. from Elm St. to Dock
Rhomberg Ave. from Elm St, to
Tenth Ave.
Rhomberg Ave., north half, from
Couler Ave. to Elm St.
Lincoln Ave. from Jackson St. to
Dock St.
Kniest St. from Garfield Ave. to
Eagle Point Ave.
Johnson Ave. from Garfield Ave. to
Eagle Point Av.e
Windsor Ave. from Garfield Ave. to
Burden Ave.
Eagle Point Ave. frum % puler Ave. Lc
Windsor Ave.
Couler Ave. from Rhomberg Ave. to
Peru Road.
White St. from Rhomberg Ave. to
Sanford avenue.
Jackson St. `rom Rbomberg Ave. to
Peru Road.
Weshington St. from Rhomberg Ave.
to Sanford Ave.
Sanford Ave. from Couler Ave. to
Washington St.
Section 3. Appropriations. At the
time of making the annual appropria-
tions in each year the council shall de-
termine the amount to be expended
in each said road districts for the
pupose of sprinkling the streets and
public places in each of said districts,
which appropriations shall not be in
excess of the proceeds of a tax of
6 6-100 mills on the dollar of the taxa-
ble value of all the taxable property
included in each of said districts.
Sec. 4. Amount of levy. There
shall be asessed and levied by the
City Council each year against all the
taxable property within each of the
several road districts as herein con-
stituted a tax not in excess of 6 6-100
mills on the dollar of the assessed
valuation of all the taxable property
in each of said districts, said tax to
be known and designated as the dis-
trict road fund for sprinkling pur-
poses for each district, and the tax
and fund for one district shall be
used and expended solely in that dis-
trict for the purpose of sprinkling
the streets therein.
Sec. 5. When Collected. The dis-
trict road tax and fund of each dis-
trict shall be assessed levied and col-
lected at the same time and in the same
manner and as now provided by law
and ordinance for the assessment, levy
and collection of general taxes.
Sec. 6. This ordinance shall be in
force and effect, from and after its
publication in the Dubuque D1i1y
Telegraph -Herald.
Passed by the City Council Feb-
ruary 20th, 1902 by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Frith . Horr, Jones,
Kintzinger, McLaughlin and Sheridan.
Total 6.
Absent—Ald. Clancy.
Approved Feb. 27th, 1902.
Attest: C. H. BERG,
City Recorder.
Ald. Kintzinger moved that the
matter of the appropriations for the
coming fiscal year be referred to the
Committee of the Whole and that a
meeting of said committee be called for
that purpose and that no other busi-
ness be considered at said meeting.
Ald. Frith moved that the Council
adjourn until February 28th, 1902.
. Recorder
190 4.1
42 Adjourned Regular Session, February 28, 1902.
Adjourned Regular Session, Feb. 28,
Council met at 8:30 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present Aids. Frith, Horr, Jones,
Kintzinger, McLaughlin and Sheridan.
Absent -Aid. Clancy.
The following bills were ordered paid:
Adam Doerr, Jr., assistant as-
sessor for February $ 75.00
Jos. J. Murphy, assistant as-
sessor for February $ 75.00
P. Baumgartner, assistant mar-
ket master for February 32.40
John Schrup, chainman engineer
office 40.00
M. O'Loughlin, rodman engi-
neer's office 40.00
Anton Stoltz, board of prisoners
for February 9.60
Leathers & Trewin, insurance on
city hall 31.25
D. H. McCarthy, insurance on
city hall and central engine
house 66.25
G. L. Torbert, insurance on city
hall and patrol house 48.75
Slocum & Needham, insurance
on central •:ngine house 17.50
Hagge, Metz & Co., 1 oak table
for assessor's office 13.95
Little, Becker & Co., Kern burn-
ers, mantles and chimneys for
various offices 11.93
Am. Rubber Supply Co., rubber
C. A. Noyes, shades for various
P. Klauer, hardware city hall...
Chas. Oswald, hardware and
Eichhorn & Bechtel, oil and
matches city hall
.1. G. Moser, repairing furnace
city hall
C. O. D. Laundry, towels and
racks city hall
Geo. F. Kleih, hardware city hall
T. W'. Ruete, 1 elbow splint city
Mullen & Papin, plumbing city
Palmer, Berg & Co., blank books
and stationery for various
BIeg & Rood, stationery and
supplies various offees
Harger & Blish, stationery
supplies various offices
Martin, Strelau Co., hard coal
del. to city hall
Melloy Bros., hard coal del. to
city hall
Mulgrew & Phillips, hard coal
del. to city hall
Becker Bros., hard coal del. to
city hall
Union Prtg. Co., blank station-
ery for assessor 23.00
Smith -Morgan Prtg. Co., blank
stationery for assessor 19.50
John Butt, repairs for road dept. 5.65
F. Schloz & Son., repairs for
road dpt
Phil. Pier, hard wood for road.
.. 10.90
T. W. Ruete, paints and oils for
road department 14.60
P. Klauer, hardware for road
department 9.90
F. M. Jaeger & Co., hardware
for road dept 2.30
J. G. Moser, hardware for road
department 2.85
McElrath Team'g Co., sand for
road department 4.00
Moore & Ferring, salt for road
department 6.25
F. Kaempf, 1,2 doz. scrapers with
brooms for road dept .. 33.00
Anton Sieg, rock for macadam. 10.25
P. Clancy, cinders for road de-
partm•ent 28.25
Kannolt & Powers, horseshoeing
for fire department
Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse
shoeing for fire dept
Collings & Edwards, horseshoe-
ing for fire dept
Chas. Pfiffner, horseshoeing for
fire dept
F. Zehetner, repharness hang-
ers for fire dept
F. M. Jaeger & Co., hardware
for fire dept
Ellwanger Bros., repairing har-
ness and supplies for fire dept. 20.40
Phil Pier, soft coal for fire dept. 113.25
Key City Gas Co., coke for fire
department 19.75
Union Electric Co., five rolls of
tape for fire dept
Dub. Oil Tank Line, oil for fire
dept ...
J. F. Garvey, plumbing at Cen-
tral engine house
John Mullen, harness soap for
fire department
Linehan & Molo, white waste for
fire dept
Even & Fuchs, hard coal for fire
Eichhorn & Bechtel, bran for
fire dept
J. F. Stampfer, pillow cases for
fire dept
Matt Stafford, hay and oats for
fire dept....
W. W. Whelan, repairing har-
ness hangers for fire dept....
Little, Becker & Co., window
brushes and mops for fire dept
Jos. A. Palen, blue vitrol for fire
W Ht. Torbert, drugs and sup-
plies for fire dept
T. W. Ruete, drugs and supplies
Adjourned Regular Session, February 28, 1902. 43
for fire dept 36.72
T. W. Ruete, splints for Fire-
man Hanson 7.75
Wm. Marshall, repairs on
steamer R. W. Stewart 18.42
E. J. Voggenthaler Co., repairs
at Eighteenth street engine
house 7.90
Bieg & Rood, stationery and
supplies for police dept .70
Detective Pub. Co., 1 file binder
for police dept 1.50
F. M. Jaeger & Co., doz. po-
lice whistles for police dept1.50
Chas. Oswald, repairing cell
cups and police stars for police
dept 3.30
J. W. Cramer, sawing wood for
police dept 2.00
Mullen & Papin, plumbing in
calaboose 9.00
J. W. Wittmer, drugs and sup-
plies for police dept 10.10
M. Stafford, hay and oats de-
livered at patrol house 111.20
W. J. Schneider, bran delivered
at patrol house 5.80
George F. Kleih, hardware at
patrol house .35
Collings & Edwards, horse shoe-
ing patrol team 2.80
Ellwanger Bros., supplies for
patrol house 2.00
E. P. Smith, 1 electric bell at po-
lice headquarters 2.50
John A. Voelker, fumigating at
police headquarters, matron's
quarters and patrol house21.28
Moore & Ferring, supplies for
matron's dept ...... 18.00
Globe Journal, official printing
for February 50.00
National Demokrat, official
printing for February 25.00
Dubuque Telegraph - H e raid
official printing for February 60.00
Dubuque Telegraph - H e raid
council weekly and health
report for January 10.00
Star Electric Co., arc lights for
February 2020.35
Mullen Bros., plumbing at garb-
age dump
J. W. Wittmer, supplies for
pest boat
W. H. Torbert, drugs and sup-
plies for board of health
Geo. W. Healey & Son, dynamite
and fuse for grading dept
John Duggan, repairs for grad-
ing dept
John Tibey, final estimate con-
structing storm sewer in
Dodge street
0. G. Kringle, final estimate
grading Angella street
Chas. Oswald, hardware for
high bridge approach
P. Klauer, hardware for high
bridge approach
Geo. F. Kleih, dynamite and
fuse for high bridge approach
John. B. Miller, use of derrick
for high bridge approach .... 30.00
A. Abeln, use of derrick for high
bridge approach 40.00
Oswald & Bohn, use of derrick
for high bridge approach .... 33.00
Steuck & Linehan, use of der-
rick for high bridge approach 35.00
Jas. Street, coping for high
bridge approach
E. A. Fengler, estimate grading
for high bridge approach 1051.20
E. A. Fengi. r, dimension rock
for high bridge approach 86.46
E. A. Fengler, dimension rock
for high bridge approach69 26
Eagle Point Lime Wks., dyna-
mite and fuse for high bridge
approach 36.01
R. W. Carr, filing saw for high
bridge approach .25
The following bills were ordered re-
Dubuque Rubber and Belting
Co., 1000 feet of 2 1-2 inch Chief
Cotton Hose for fire dept .. $600.00
On motion the bill was referred to
the Committee on Fire.
Jno. A. Voelker, to fumigating
residences and places in city
which have been quarentined
during smallpox epidemic as
per contract $302.69
Jno. A. Voelker to hauling small-
pox patients to detention hos-
pital $405.00
On motion both bills were referred
to the Board of Health.
The following bills were referred to
the Committee of the Whole:
Dr. J. J. Brownson to 2 days ser-
vices as witness in case of J.
C. Bauer vs. city 50.00
Dr. F. W. Wieland, to 2 days
services as witness in case of
Schnee vs. city 50.00
J. S. Bigelow to services as wit-
ness in case of Schnee vs city 25.00
And in the case of John Bauer50.00
J. E. Maguire to services as wit-
ness in case of Schnee vs. city 25.00
The following petitions were referred
to the Committee of the Whole:
The petition of A. C. Buettell et al
asking that Union avenue and Alta
Vista street be added to the sprink-
ling district.
The petition of Becker Bros. et al
asking ati appropriation to construct
an extension of the 14th street sewer
from its present terminus on Cedar
street to Sycamore street.
The petition of William Giese et al
protesting against a double track for
the Union Electric Co. on Rhomberg
avenue east from Fifth avenue.
Petition of Peter Kiene, agent of the
late Archbishop Hennessy Est., asking
the cancellation and exemption of
taxes on lots left for the purpose of the
new theological seminary.
The following were referred to the
Board of Equalization and City Asses-
The petition of Robert Bartels asking
a reduction of assessment on his lots
in Waller's Sub. to the City of Du-
Regular Sesbion, February 28, 1902.
The petition of Cath. Evert asking
the cancellation of taxes on monies
erroneously assessed.
Petition of H. H. Mehlhop asking
that the assessment for taxes for the
year 1901 against John Mehlhop Sons
& Co. Co., be reduced to $15,000.
The petition of F. A. Rtunpf asking
permission to lay sidewalk abutting
lot 1 Grove Terrance and West llth
The petition was referred to the
Street Committee.
The petition of W. H. Wisner asking
permission to change location of the
ferry landing to the northwest corner
of the harbor, was referred to the
Committee on Harbors.
The petition of John Huffmier ask-
ing that he be allowed $17.50 per week
for removing the sweepings from the
brick paved streets, was referred to
the Street Committee.
The petition of the Dubuque Altar
Co. by C. D. Hayden, secretary, ask-
ing that their taxes for the year 1901
be accepted in accordance with an or-
dinance passed August 16, 1900.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the
prayer of the petition be granted and
the Teasurerr be instructed according-
ly. Carried.
The petition of Thomas J. Mulgrew
asking that the overflow from the Gas
Works be run into the sanitary sewer
instead of into the storm water sewer
as now.
Ald. Horr moved that the petition
be referred to the City Engineer, as to
the feasibility of said change, and to
report to the Council. Carried.
A communication and ordinance
from John J. Keane a,rchbishop of
Dubuque, et al, was presented and
read: Communication follows:
Dubuque, Feb. 15, 1902.
To the City Council of the City of
Gentlemen:—The undersigned citizens
of the city of Dubuque respectfully
present the accompanying ordinance,
providing for the regulation of saloons
and places kept for the sale of intoxi-
cating liquors in this city, in accord-
ance with the ,regulations and require-
ments of chapter 6, title xii of the
Code of Iowa, regulating the sale of
intoxicating liquors. Your petitioners
respectfully request that the ordinance
be put upon its passage and adopted
as speedily as the same may be done
under the rules govei ning the same..
Archbishop of Dubuque.
Pastor of the Sacred Heart Church.
Rector St. Raphael's Church.
Pastor St. Columbkill's Church.
Pastor pro tem St. Patrick's Church.
Rector Holy Ghost Church.
Pastor of St. Anthony's Church.
Pastor pro tem St. Mary's Church.
The ordinance was then read and fol-
An Ordinance regulating saloons and
places where intoxicating liquors are
kept for sale.
Be it ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. Every person,
ship or corporation carrying on the
business of selling or keeping for sale,
intoxicating liquors within the City of
Dubuque, otherwise than under per-
mits authorized by law for pharma-
ceutical, and medical purposes, who
shall fail to comply with the regula-
tions and requirements of this ordi-
nance shall be punished as hereinafter
Sec. 2. No saloon, or other place
where intoxicating liquors are kept for
sala, or sold at retail, shall be kept
open on the first day of the week, com-
monly called Sunday, nor on any elec-
tion day or legal holiday; nor shall any
sale or delivery of intoxicating liquors
be :Wade in any such place on any of
said days.
Sec. 3. No saloon, or other room or
place connected therewith in which in-
toxicating liquors are salrl, delivered,
or kept for sale at retail within the
city of Dubuque, shall be kept open
nor shall any sale or sales of such
liquors be made, directly or indirectly,
between the hours of 10 o'clock p. :n.
of any day when such sales shall be
lawful, and 5 o'clock a. m. of the fol-
lowing morning.
Sec. 4. No minor, drunkard, or in-
toxicated person shall be allowed to
enter, or remain in such place, and no
intoxicating liquor shall be given, de -
OT sold to any minor, drunkard,
or intoxicated person therein.
Sec. 5. No female shall be employed
in any place kept for the sale of in-
toxicating liquors, nor shall any room
or place be used or occupied in con-
nection therewith as a place of resort
and meeting for men and women, com-
monly known as "wine -rooms," or any
other place in which persons of both
sexes: shall be permitted to loiter or
congregate by day or night. Any vio-
lation of this section shall constitute
such place a nuisance and the same
shall be abated in the manner provid-
ed by law; and the keeper thereof, and
all persons so unlawfully frequenting
such places shall be subject to the
penalties of Chapters XXXVI. and
XXXVII. of the revised ordinances of
the City of Dubuque, so far as the
same shall be applicable.
Sec. 6. It shall be, and is hereby
made the duty of the city marshal and
all police officers of the City of Du-
buque to provide for the strict and
prompt enforcement of this ordinance,
ana to prosecute, in the manner pres-
cribed by law, and the ordinance of the
city, every violation of the same.
Sec. 7. Any person keeping any
place for the sale of intoxicating 11-
quors found guilty of a violation of
any provision of this ordinance, not
Adjourned Regular Session, February 28, 1902. 45
otherwise herein provided for, shall be
punished by fine of not less than ten,
nor more than fifty dollars for each
violation thereof, and shall be impri-
soned until such fine is paid. By a
vote of a majority of the city council,
the person convicted of such violation
or violations, shall forfeit the right to
engage in said business within the
City of Dubuque and the right so to
do shall be thereby revoked.
This ordinance shall be in force from
and after its publication in the Du-
buque Telegraph -Herald.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the reading
of said ordinance be considered the
first reading. No second to Ald. Sheri-
dan's motion.
There being no second to Ald. Sheri-
dan's motion, to consider the reading
of the Ordinance its first reading, the
Mayor referred the petition and Or-
dinance to the Committee of lice
City Treasurer Gniffke reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque: Gentlemen:
Below you will find statement of
amounts advanced by me during the
month of February, 1902, for which
please order warrants drawn in nay
Excavation permits, redeemed$ 15.00
Int. on warrants outstanding1282.9t
Express charges on bond 14.94
Freight charges road dept 1.15
Freight charges fire dept .25
Printing bonds 134.50
Opening Mt. Carmel avenue.... 1 00
2 05
Refund tax
Postage stamps ... 10.00
Court cost 2.60
Total $1465.56
On motion the report was received
am warrants ordered drawn to pay
the various amounts and the report
referred back to the Finance Commit-
City Auditor Hoffman reported as fol.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: I herewitth present the
pay roll for city officers for the month
of February, 1902. Amount due city
officers $2,013.40.
Also present list of unclaimed war-
rants from November 4th, 1897 to Oct.
3d, 1901; amount of unclaimed war-
rants, $117.80.
On motion the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
city officers, and the Auditor instructed
to cancel unclaimed warrants and the
report referred back to the Finance
Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: I herewith present pay
roll for the Fire Department for the
month of February, 1902. Amount
due firemen, $1994.50.
Approved. Chief.
Matt Clancy, Chairman Fire Com-
On motion the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
the firemen and the pay -roll referred
back to the Committee on Fire.
Marshal Morgan reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit the
police report for the month of Feb-
ruary, 1902:
Total arrests 50
Patrol runs 44
Miles run by patrol 66%
Defective lights 123
Doors found open 45
Meals furnished 48
Lodgers harbored 175
Also find Treasurer's receipt for
money from Sheriff Steiner for dieting
prisoners for January, 1902. Amount
Also pay roll for the police for the
month of February, 1902. Amount
Also find matron's report attached.
On motion the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
the Police and the report referred
back to the Committee on Police and
City Atttorney Duffy presented his
annual report, which on motion was
referred to the Committee of the
Whole without reading.
Street Commissioner Boyce reported
as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque.
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my
payroll for labor on streets for the last
half of February, 1902:
Amount due laborers on streets
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
Chairman Committee on Streets.
Also submitted my pay roll for grad-
ing for the last half of February, 1902.
Amount due laborers for grading,
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
E. E. FRITH, Chairman.
4f; Adjourned Regular Session, February 28, 1902.
On motion the pay robs for laborers
on streets and grading were received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
the various amounts and the pay rolis
referred back to the proper commit-
Also submit my pay roll for labor
grading the approach to the Dubuque
and Wisconsin bridge during the last
half of February, 1902:
Amount due laborers on approach,
Respectfully submitted,
Chairman Dubuque & Wisconsin
Bridge approach.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the pay
roll be received and warrants ordered
drawn to pay the laborers for grading
said approach and the pay roll refer-
red back to the joint committee. Car-
Also submit my pay roll for hauling
rock by the yard from Eagle Point
Bridge approach to haymarket, to the
city lot near Sacred Heart church and
to Sixteenth street, of which ten cents
per cubic yard to be charged to the
Eagle Point Bridge Approach fund and
the balance to be charged to the Road
Total amount to be charged Eag.e
Point Bridge fund, $45.00.
Total amount to be charged to Road
fund, $92.60.
Street Commissioner.
Chairman Eagle Point Bridge Ap-
Chairman Street Committee.
Ald. Shediran moved that the pay
roil be received and warrants ordered
drawn to pay the various amounts and
the pay roll referred back to the com-
mittee on Eagle Point Bridge Ap-
proach and the Committee on Streets.
City Electrician Hipman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my
report of defective lights for the
month of February, 1902.
I find from the report of the Police
Department that the total hours that
123 lamps failed to burn, would equal
five lamps for one month or $27.00.
Respectfully Submitted,
City Electrician.
The following weighmasters' reports
were referred to the Committee on
Anton Stoltz, city hall, receipts ..$19.58
Thos. Faherty, First ward re-
ceipts 5 97
Mrs. C. Deckert, receipts 1 21
Mayor Berg stated that Carr, Ryder
& Adams Company had asked that
they be granted permission to erect a
16 inch galvanized iron pipe from their
factory to the Novelty Iron Works for
the purpose of conveying shavings from
one building to the other.
Ald. Kintzinger moved that Carr,
Ryder & Adams Company request be
granted. Carried.
Mayor Berg reported that the fol-
lowing named had paid their special
assessment for the paving of Main
His Grace, Archbishop John J.
Keane, Trustee, on the North
28 5-12 feet of Lot 70, and the
North 1-2 of Lot 536, City prin-
cipal $157 74
Interest on the same 59 42
Total $217 16
Also Sisters of the Holy Ghost
on City Lot 14, principal $157 46
Interest on same 73 29
Total $230 75
Also the Sisters of Charity of
B. V. M. on City Lot 468, prin-
cipal .. $534 09
Interest on same 250 05
Total $7S4 14
Grand Total $1,232 05
On motion the actions of the Mayor
was approved and the thanks extended
to the payees of said assessments.
Ald. Kintzinger, Chairman of the
Committee of the Whole, reported as
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of the
Dubuque Brewing and Malting Com-
pany, asking that the City Treasurer
he instructed to accept its taxes for
the year 1901 in accordance with an
ordinance adopted by the City Coun-
cil June 1, 1896, would recommend that
in accordance with said ordinance the
plant of the Dubuque Malting Co., be-
ing lot seven (7) of the subdivision of
mineral lot three hundred and twenty-
two (322) and lot nine (9) inclusive of
Peterson's sub., together with the
buildings, machinery and improve-
ments thereon and appurtenances
thereunto belonging, be fixed at the
sum of Seventy-five Thousand Dol-
lars ($75.000.00) for the year 1901.
That the valuation of lots ten (10).
eleven (11), thirty-seven (37), thirty-
eight (38), thirty-nine (39) and forty
(40), West's Add., he placed at Eight
Thousand Dollars ($8,000.00).
That the valuation of lots five (5) and
six (6), Brewery Add., and the north
half of lots five (5), six (6) and seven
(7), Schaffner's Add, he placed at
Adjourned Regular Session, February 28, 1902. 47
Seven Thousand Dollars ($7,000.00).
That the valuation of the north fifty
(50) feet, lot six (6) and lots seven (7)
and eight (8) and eight A (8A), L. H.
Langworthy's Add., and lots one (1),
two (2), three (3), and four (4) and
thirty-one (31), Marsh's Add., be placed
at Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000.00)
That the valuation of lots thirty-two
(32, thirty-three (33), thirty-four (34),
thirty-five (35), thirty-six (36), thirty-
seven (37), forty-one (41), forty-two
(42, forty-three (43), and forty-four
(44), Morheiser's Add.. be placed at
Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00).
We would further recommend that
the personal property of the Dubuque
Malting Co. be placed at Seventy
Thousand Dollars ($70,000.00) for the
year 1901 and that the treasurer be in-
structed to receive taxes on the fore-
going valuations.
Also your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
Harvey Chalmers and Son, asking that
they be exempt from taxation on all
real and personal property used in con-
nection with their Pearl Button Blank
Cutting Factory for a period of Five
years, would recommend that the
prayer of the petition be granted inso-
far as it refers to personal property
Also your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
the Dubuque Casket Company, asking
that its taxes on personality and im-
provements be canceled for the year
1901, in accordance with a resolution
passed by the City Council in March,
1893, would recommend that the prayer
of the petitioner be granted and the
Treasurer be so notified.
Also your Committee of the Whole
to whom was referred the petition of
the Adams Company, asking that the
City Treasurer be instructed to accept
taxes for the year 1901, on a basis of
$3,150.00, in accordance with the action
of the City Council of September 3rd.
1892, would recommend that the prayer
of the petitioner be granted and the
Treasurer be so notified.
Also your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
the Dubuque Packing Co., asking that
the City Treasurer be instructed to
accept its taxes for the year 1901, on
the basis heretofore agreed upon,
would recommend that the prayer of
the petitioner he granted and that the
Treasurer he instructed to cancel all
taxes on its plant above $3,000.00 val-
Also your Committee of the Whole.
to whom was referred the petition of
John B. Miller, asking that he be
compensated for the work done by him
on the Bee Branch sewer, would rec-
ommend that said petition be referred
to the City Attorney for a report
Also your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the hill of Steuck
& Linehan for $126.60 fur extra labor
on Bee Branch sewer, would recom-
mend that said bill be referred to the
Bee Branch Committee to report to the
Committee of toe Whole.
Also your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
J. F. Steiner et al in relation to the
improvement of Grandview- avenue
would recommend that said petition be
referred to the Street Committee, City
Er.gineer and City Attorney.
Also your Committee of the Whole
would respectfully recommend that the
Dubuque and Wisconsin Bridge Co be
allowed to take from the surplus ma-
terial on the approach to the Dubuque
and Wisconsin bridge and under the
supervision of the Street Commission-
er, as much rock as they may want at
10 cents per cubic yard.
Also your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the report of
the City Engineer on the proposed
tanks to be erected near Linwood Cem-
etery, would recommend that the mat-
ter be referred to the two aldermen -at -
large and City Engineer to investigate
and determine the most feasible method
for supplying said tank with water.
Also your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the plans of the'
city engineer for storm water sewer
in Washington street, from Ninth
street to Eleventh street and in Elm
street from Eleventh street to Twelfth
street, would recommend that said -
plans be accepted and that the city
recorder be instructed to advertise for
bids for constructing said sewer as
soon as the appropriations thereof is
Chairman Committee of the Whole.
On motion the report of the com-
mittee of the whole was adopted.
Also your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the petition of W.
Wroten et al., asking that the name
of Rhomberg avenue be changed to
that of McKinley avenue would recom-
mend that said petition be received
and filed.
Chairman Committee of the Whole.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the report
be adopted.
Aln. Frith moved a substitute that
th • report be referred back to the coan-
itithe of the whole.
Alit. Frith's substitute was lost.
The question recurring on the motion
of Ald. Sheridan to adopt was lost by
the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. McLaughlin and Sheri-
dan. Total, 2.
lays—Alds. Frith, Horr, Jones and
Kintzinger. Total, 4.
Ald. Clancy absent.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the re-
port he laid on the table.
Ald. McLaughlin's motion to lay on
the table lost by the following vote:
48 Adjourned Regular Session, February 28, 1902.
Ayes—Alda. McLaughlin and Sheri-
dan. Total, 2.
Nays—Alda. Frith, Horr, Jones and
Kintzinger. Total, 4.
Absent—Ald. Clancy.
Ald. Frith moved that the report be
referred back to the committee of the
whole. Carried.
Ald. Sheridan of the special com-
mittee reported as follows:
Your special committee, to whom was
referred the petition of Rev. C. Johan-
nes, rector of St. Mary's congregation,
asking that the taxes on lot 2 of sub.
of mineral lot 307 be canceled for the
year 1900, would recommend that in
view of the fact that this property
was rented for a pasture during the
year 1900, and that rent was collected
therefor by the party from whom it
was purchased and to whom the peti-
tioner should look for redress, that the
petition be received and filed.
Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the
report. Carried.
Ald. Frith asked if the special com-
mittee on the extension of Lincoln
avenue was ready to report, if not he
would move that the committee be
Ald. Kintzinger moved a substitute
that the committee report what they
had done. Carried.
Mayor Berg reported that the com-
mittee had had a conference with some
of the abutting property owners and
that one had expressed a willingness
to accept $200 less than the jury's
award and it was reported that another
property owner would accept $100 less
than the award, and he thought others
might be induced to accept less than
the award.
Ald. Frith moved that the mayor and
city attorney be instructed to procure
deed: of the property on the basis of
the jury's award, less the $300 men-
tioned by the mayor.
Ald. McLaughlin moved a substitute
that the committee be granted one
week for further investigation and
Carried by the following vote :
Ayes—Aids. Kintzinger, McLaughlin,
and Sheridan. Total, 3.
Nays—Aids. Frith, Horr and Jones.
Total 3.
Absent—Ald. Clancy.
It being a tie vote the mayor voted
aye and the one week further time was
Ald. Horr offered the following:
the City resolved
of Dubuque, that tthecCity
Recorder be and is h.reby directed to
advertise for bids for sprinkling wag-
ons; two of said wagons to be of 450
gallons capacity and four of 600 gallons
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the resolu-
tion. Carried.
Ald. Frith offered the following:
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, that the Mayor
be and is hereby authorized and in-
structed to issue Improvement Bonds
or Certificates to the amount of $1,850,
to pay the contactor for the improve-
ment of Angella street from Pierce
street, to a point 200 feet east of Cath-
arine street, said bonds to be insuch
denominations as may be thought best
by the mayor.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the reso-
lution. Carried.
Ald. McLaughlin offered the follow-
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, that the City
Attorney is hereby instructed to im-
mediately take the necessary steps to
have each and all parcels of real estate
reassessed in accordance with the
laws of the state of Iowa and the ordi-
nances of the city of Dubuque, in all
cases where a previous assessment for
the improvement of any street has
been declared invalid by the court .
Be it further Resolved, that the City
Attorney is hereby instructed to report
at the next meeting of the City Coun-
cil a complete list of all cases which
the city has lost. Further, that the
Engineer and Recorder and all other
city officials be and are hereby in-
structed to give the attorney all aid
he may require from them to expe-
ditiously carry out all contemplated
by this resolution.
Ald. McLaughlin moved to adopt the
resolution. Carried.
Ald. Horr moved to adjourn until the
next regular session, Thursday, March
6, 190.2. Carried.
List of Warrants.
City lierV...er's vuicc•, Luuuque, la..
February 1, 1902.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: The following is a com-
plete List of all warrants issued by m
during the month of January, 1902.
C. H. Berg, salary mayor $116 65
H. B. Gniffke, treasurer 133 30
H. B. Gniffke, assistant treas-
urer 75 00
L. M. Langstaff, recorder 116 65
F. B. Hoffman, auditor 100 00
C. B. Scheer, assessor 125 00
T. H. Duffy, attorney 150 00
P. J. Nelson, asst. attorney 50 Ou
Edw. Morgan, marshal
Joe Reinfred, fire chief ..
John Lawler, committee clerk....
Wm. A. Kaep, clerk, recorder's
Edw. Herron, clerk, treasurer's
office 60 00
Edw. Blake, engineer 125 00
Jas. H. Boyce, street commis-
sioner 100 00
W. Hipman, electrician .. 83 30
Anton Stoltz, market master50 00
Thos. Cahill, park custodian40 00
Peter Bradley, park custodian40 00
John C. Hancock, health officer50 00
Frank Flynn, sanitary policeman 60 00
Al Moyer, pound master ... . 45 00
Mrs. H. Koenig, janitress 20 00
A. P. Berg, sidewalk inspector50 00
Matt Clancy, alderman 25 00
E. E. Frith, alderman
Jos. L. Horr, alderman .. ....
J. W. Kintzinger, alderman......
P. H. McLaughlin, alderman....
Rudolph Jones, alderman
John J. Sheridan, alderman
M. Eitel, fireman
J. Essman, fir::man
A. Duccini, fireman ....
J. Flynn, fireman
J. Roshon, fireman
J. Tschudi, fireman ...
J. Schonberger, fireman
A. Heer, fireman ..
J. Jellison, fireman
F. Schonberger, fireman ..
J. Daley, fireman
J. Barnes, fireman
T. Ryder, fireman
W. Ducey, fireman
G. Beyer, fireman
F. Murphy, fireman
P. Ahern, f reman
M. Kelly, fireman
D. Ahern, fireman
A. McDonnell, fireman .. . .
J. Murphy, fireman
F. Kenneally, fireman
T. Kennedy, fireman
J. Fitzpatrick, fireman .. .
M. Sweeney, fireman . .......
P. Zillig, fireman
H. Cain, fireman
C. Hansen, fireman
F. Ganahl, fireman ... • • • • • • •
T. Flynn, fireman
G. Gherki, fireman
F. Baumgartner, fireman
C. Kannolt, fireman .. ,
J. Allen, fireman • • • •
W. Weston, horseman ........ •
M. Fahey, fireman .............
100 00
100 00
83 30
75 00
25 00
25 00
25 00
25 00
25 00
65 00
75 00
60 00
60 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
35 00
15 00
18 90
65 00
75 00
60 00
60 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
65 00
75 00
60 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
65 00
60 00
50 00
. 50 00
. 65 00
. 60 00
. 50 00
. 50 00
Geo. Burkel, police
Ben. Busse, police
M. Craugh, police
Jas. Carter, police
Jas. Clune, police
Jno. Cody, police
W. Cook, police
P. Dunphey, poli
H. Donlan, polic.
Jas. Flynn, police
Jno .Fitzpatrick, police
Wm. Fri' h, polio
P. Hanlon, police
t\-. Hennessy, police
M. Kilty, police
E. Kahn, police
Jno. Loetscher, police
P. McCollins, police ..
P. Mclnerney, police
Jno. Moore, police
Jno, Murphy, police ....... .
D. Norton, police
M. O'Connor, police
Aug. Pfeffer, police
Pat Powers, police
Tom Reilly, police ..
Jno. Ilaesh, police
Jas. Ryan. police
Otto Rath, police
P. Scharff. police
P. Sullivan, police
M. Stapleton, police
I'. Sutton, police
Al T. Scherr, police....
Tom Sweeney, police
Joe Tyler, police
Jno. L. Sullivan, police ..........
L. Ziedman, police ..............
Mrs. Kate Hibbe, matron
Miss B. Brennan, matron
A. P. Berg, special police
Jos. Brown, labor 2 70
Jas. Connolly, labor 05
James Callahan, labor 20 01)
Adam Crawford, labor z0 00
Henry Cosgrove, labor 19 50
John Corbett, labor ... 2 70
Thos. Donahue, labor 2 05
M. Dunnigan, labor 2 05
Nelson Frith, labor 16 65
Pat Fenelon, labor 2 05
Detrich Grashorn, labor 1 70
Jos. Grab 1 35
Geo. J. Hahn, labor... ......... 20 0.)
C. H. Hubbard, labor 25 00
Mat Klein, labor 12 50
Mart Lonergan, labor 2 70
Jas. McCormick, labor 2 05
W. O'Brien, labor . 20 03
Jas. Powers, labor 3 40
Mat Quirk, labor 20 00
Jos Rooney, labor 3 75
Tony Schmidt, labor 70
Geo. Seward, labor 70
Pat Clancy, team 1 25
Frank Mathis, team 3 75
Wm. Mohr, team 3 15
Ed Seeley, team 6 25
.las. Tobin, team 1 25
Pat Casserly, labor 20 80
W. Clark, labor 20 80
John Corcoran, labor 20 80
S. H. Cook, labor 25 00
60 00
50 00
65 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
b0 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
60 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
30 00
30 00
2 00
Maurice Flynn, abor
R. A. Fuller, labor
W. l.onergan, labor
Con Sullivan, labor
BER, 1901.
Frank Atkinson, labor
.'ss. Aldrich, labor
James Berg, labor...
Geo. Butler, labor
Jas. Bakey, labor
Henry Bardon, labor
Maurice Byrne, labor
Anton Bolen, labor
W. Byron, labor
John Boltz, labor
Ed. Crapritz, labor.
W. Carter, labor
Thos. Considine, labor
Mike Cain, labor
Jake Dotter, labor
Pat Devaney, labor
R. T. Eddy, labor
Jos. Eberhardt, labor
Nelson Frith, labor
Maurice Fenelon, labor
Lawrence Ferber, labor
Frank Faber, labor
Peter Fasselius, labor
Albert Frobel, labor
Gantenbein, labor
And. Cadient, labor
Jos. Gavin, labor
Jas. Gibbons, labor
Jos. Giesland, labor
C. H. Hubbard, labor
Geo. Hird, labor
Jake Hanson. labor
John Hackett, labor
Herman Kronfeldt. labor
Ben Kopel, labor
Jos. Kietzle, labor
Fred Keck, labor...
Adam Kasbauer, labor
Hugh Kehr. labor
John Kin'-ella, labor
Mat Kenneally, labor
Jas. Kenneally. labor
Mike Lavin, labor
Chris Lohnrman. labot
L. Loeffelholz, labor
John Lutters, labor
Mika Lang, labor
John Leidinger, labor
Aug. Lang, labor
Dennis Lenihan. labor
Chas. Muggenberg, labor
Wm. Maus, labnr
C. Mulholland, labor
Ernest Meucke labor
Louis Miller labor
John Miller labor
H. McDonald, labor
John McLaughlin, labor
Jas. McKernan. labor
J. T. Noonan, labor
P. S. Norton, labor
A. Nachtman, labor
John Nutz, labor
F. O'Laughlin, labor
Henry Oakleaf, labor..
List of Warrants.
3 23
20 SO
20 SO
,v 00
21 90
y'S 35
3 00
9 65
8 15
9 00
10 50
1 50
16 20
7 50
10 15
20 25
15 9)
22 75
1S 85
7 50
25 00
3 00
43 35
6 03
8 05
31 05
6 00
7 50
25 00
6 75
22 35
9 65
22 75
50 00
20 15
4 25
22 35
7 50
11 65
1.0 15
15 00
.6 15
4 65
1 90
20 60
22 30
3 00
2 00
8 25
11 80
29 70
16 15
1.8 90
21 90
3 00
16 65
17 55
7 50
1 50
33 75
10 15
1 50
22 35
3 00
S 00
1 50
7 50
75 00
22 65
Gerhardt Parr, labor 3 00
John Pfeiffer, labor 9 00
Geo. Pell, labor 16 65
Chas. Pribe. labor 27 00
Geo. Putnam, labor 12 25
N. Ruh, labor 3 03
Andrew Ring, labor 5 40
Frank Robinson, labor.... 7 00
Ed. Richards, labor 17 50
W. Rush, labor 8 75
Jos. Rooney, labor 10 50
Pat Boyce, labor 25 00
Pat Ryan, labor 25 00
Jas. Sheehan, labor 3 00
John Schwaegler, labor.. 6 00
Wm. Schnee, labor 7 50
John Sigwerth, labor 10 15
John Spies, labor 14 65
John Spear 20 15
Wm. Sheehan, labor 9 00
Geo. Schuster, labor 22 35
Dan Sullivan, labor 16 20
Thos Smith, labor 9 00
John Sties, labor 10 50
John Schroman, labor 37 50
Landon Taylor, labor 7 50
Rob. Taplet, labor 7 50
Jas. Thomas, labor
Thos. Taylor, labor
Fritz Tropfs, labor
F. Wellhafer, labor
Ed Frith, labor
M. Gantenbein, team
Peter Borsch, team
Thos. Morgan, team
Louis Pell, team
Amos Paley, team
John Williams, team
EMBER, 1901.
E. Burns, 17 90
George Brenner, 21 70
Jos. Calvert . 14 80
B. Costello 12 50
E Fengler 9 50
M. Hannon . 7 80
J. Haudenschield 14 20
F. Kenneally '3 10
John Long 16 SO
P. Lenihan 3 00
W. Mohr 25 10
T. O'Brien 13 20
L. Pell 4 45
13 00
21 70
16 60
4 50
1 50
15 40
2 .0
4 90
8 30
19 90
34 50
27 75
40 50
Blamdenberger, Paul 21 00
Bluckard, Chas 21 00
Daugherty, John 2 00
Duggan & Son 39 75
Duggan, Mike 9 75
Dunnagan, Mike 20 25
W. Renk ...
Tony Sieg
W. Singrin
Frank Sieg
John Singrin,
Art Turner
M. Theis
J. Venn
J. Williams
M. Zogg
Budine, Fred
Burkheart & Son
Berry, Tom
Becker, Paul
,R l
List of Warrants.
Elerman, Chris
Ellis, Albert .
Furry, Pat
Ginter, Joe
Ginter, Peter
H,affey, John
Hackney & Glass
Hallerman, Aug.
Jacobs, Peter
Kasper, Jacob
Karsch, John
Kromfeldt, Wm.
Lassand, Frank
Luchterhand, C.
McClain, Wm.
Menzel, Frank
Malloy, Ed.
Nitter•auer, S. B.
Percell, Phil.
Parker & Son, John
Rehfleld, Mm.
Reipth, Chas.
Rush, Martin
Remous, Fred ..
Redloff, Fred
Schaffer, J. M.
Smith, Sam
Sweeney & Callahan
Schwagler, Wm.
Schnee, Albert
Tweat, John
Thompson. A. A.
Woodrick, John
Zingle, Adam
A. Doerr, assistant assessor for
December, 1901 15
J. J. Murphy, assistant assessor
for December, 1901 75
M. O'Loughlin, rodman Engi-
neer's office
Jno. Schrup, inspector at Adams'
Co.'s sewer for Dec., 1901 30
A. Stoltz, board of prisoners for 11
Dec., 1901
P. Baumgartner, ass't market- 35
master for Dec., 1901
Key City Furniture Co., oak
plank for city hall scales
F. Frohm, repairing scales at 14
city hall
J. Gukeisen, repairing scales at 7
Rhomberg avenue
A. E. Bradley, glazing at city
Stampfer & Jaeggi Carpet Co,
carpet for treasurer's office2
M. S. Hardie, blank stationery i
for city attorney
Palmer, Berg & Co., blank books
and stationery for various of- 104
Dubuque Bar Supply Co., toilet 7
paper at city hall
Key City Gas Co., chimneys and 1
mantels city hall '
Key City Gas Co., gas for var-
ious departments
G. F. Kleih, hardware at city 8
hall ..
F. Carney, fees for trying city 4
ordinance cases
vices E. and advice in case of Ly-
man vs. city 50
I. S. Bigelow, professional ser-
vices and advice in cage of Ly-
man vs. city
Carr, Ryder & Adams Co., saw-
dust city hall
Jas. Beach & Son, soap city hall
Linehan & Molo, hard coal city
hall •••••••' 1
15 75
20 25
18 75
19 62
17 00
8 60
16 50
45 75
30 00
47 25
29 25
35 25
25 50
20 25
31 50
8 25
9 75
18 75
27 00
60 00
10 12
27 00
21 75
12 75
27 70
19 85
7 50
33 3t
37 50
20 25
33 75
9 37
7 30
27 75
) 30
3 25
8 72
A. Mink, hard coal city hall .... 24 86
G. Parr, sawing wood city hall.. 10 00
Phil Pier, 10.18 cords rnitol•2 wood
city hall 55 30
Ellwanger Bros., repah big har-
ness for road dept 5 65
M. J. G. LaNicca, shellac for
road dept. 60
R. W. Carr, tiling saws for road
G. F. Klein, hardware for road
dept. 2 65
Burlington Paving Brick Co,
paving brick and blocks for
road dept. 166 00
Ott, Meauser & Co., lumber for
road dept. ............. 4 70
P. J. Seinpel, lumber for road
dept. 124 45
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for road
and sewer depts 9 00
Jas. Street, rock for road dept2 25
J. Goodhouse, rock for road det. 18 10
F. Mathis, 100 cub. yds. cinders
for road dept. 35 00
P. Clancy, 94 cub. yards cinders
for road dept. 11 75
E. J. Voggenthaler Co., repairs
for steam roller 95
P. J. Seippel, lumber for fire de-
Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse 5 75
shoeing fire dept
Iowa iron Works, 1 cast weight 1 10
for fire dept.
Ott, Mueser & Co., shavings for 2 00
fire dept
Fire Ext. Mfg. Co., 1 wheel for 45 00
chemical engine
Ellwanger Bros, horse blankets
and rep. harness for fire dept. 22 55
Butt Bros., r-p,iiring chief's 75
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for fire 3 Sa
Jno Butt, repairs for fire dept95
G. W. Healey, hardware for flre 80
Homan & Roehl, rep. bed for fire 50
Key City Gas Co., coks for fire
dept. 23 50
F. A. Dolton, examining two 10 00
horses for fire dept. ••
Melloy Bros., hard coal for fire
dept. 27 58
Phil Pier. soft coal for fire dept102 38
Fischer & Co., hard coal for 27 54
fire dept.
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co, 9 75
supplies for fire dept
Dubuque Rubber & Bettina' Co,
171-2 feet suction hose and
couplings for fire department 78 63
Jas. Beach & Son, soap for fire 3 00
Van Valkenburg & McEvoy,
stove pipe for fire department. 2 85
Eichhorn & Bechtel, bran and 2 50
salt for fire department
H. Torbert, supplies and 2188
drugs for fire department •
Dubuque Oil Tank Line, oil for 14 30
fire department
Wm. (;ere, raising steamer J. J20 00
E. J. Voggenthaler, repairs at 3 85
18th street engine house
ltagatz & Schaetgen, repairs at 4 98
4th street engine house
52 List of Warrants.
W. Brackett, hauling settees
from parks to city hall ..
M. S. Hardie. blank stationery
for police department
C. Bochert, 1-2 pay for police
overcoats ..
Ellwanger Bros., repairing har-
ness for police department ...•
W. Gaylor, horse shoeing patrol
Butt Bros., repairing patrol
Jno. Welsh, sawing wood at
patrol house
Iowa Telephone Co., telephone
service for various depart-
R. Hoffman, repairing rubber
boots for sewer department
Key City Rooffing Co., sewer
pipe and cement for sewer de-
partment ..
Jno. Butt, repairs for sewer de-
Geo. F. Kleih, new tools for
Dodge street sewer
T. G. Young, hauling for sewer
Dempsey & Son, repairing foun-
tain on Grandview avenue
F. Mertz, repairing vault in en-
gineer's office
P. J. Seippel, lumber for Dodge
street sewer
Ross McMahon. inspector on
Dodge street sewer for Decem-
ber, 1901 20 00
Albert Gasser, 5,000 bricks for
Dodge street sewer 35 00
Globe -Journal, official printing
for December, 1901 50 00
National Demokrat, official print-
ing for December, 1901 25 00
Dubuque Telegraph, official print-
ing for December, 1901 60 00
Dubuque Telegraph, Council's
weekly proceedings 3 00
7 50
83 50
2 10
1 60
4 25
5 25
33 02
18 40
3 55
1 70
2 00
2 90
2 00
2 95
Dubuque Telegraph, health re-
ports for November, 1901 4 00
F. M. Jaeger & Co., one 50 foot
steel tape for engineer 2 75
Union Electric Co., arc lights for
December, 1901 2020 35
G. F. Kleih, supplies for health
department 35
of Block 24 in R. R. add, and
A. L. Rhomberg, to lease and
lots 640 and 641. Fast Dubuque
add. for 5 years 100 00
Palmer. Ber; & Co., blank sta-
tionery for road and health de-
partments 5 25
The followin_ bills were ordered
paid out of the General Expense Fund:
W. Cushing, moving pest boat at
foot of 14th street .. $ 8 00
J. Berg, moving pest boat at foot
of 14th street
H. Chambers, moving pest boat
at foot of 14th street
N. Coughlin, moving pest boat
at foot of 14th street
T. Hackney, moving pest boat
at foot of 14th street
8 00
7 50
4 50
6 50
B. Glass, moving pest boat at
foot of 14th street 6 50
G. C. Berg, moving pest boat at
foot of 14th street 5 50
D. Freeman, moving pest boat
at foot of 14th street 5 50
Ed. Fuhrman, hauling rope and
pulleys to pest boat 1 50
Linehan & Molo, use of jack
screws for moving pest boat 2 00
Capt. R. Kimbel, towing pest
boat from Third street to
Hooper's cut on 14th street 61 00
E. A. Fengler, rock for Du-
buque and Wisconsin bridge
approach 176 77
J. Becker & Son, rock for Du-
buque and Wisconsin bridge
approach ... 1021 00
E. A. Fengler, monthly esti-
mate Duhunue and Wisconsin
bridge approach 1143 00
Al. Rhomberg. 79 loads of sand
Dubuque and Wisconsin bridge
approach 19 75
Diamond Jo Line steamers,
iron and steel for Dubuque
and Wisconsin bridge ap-
proach 5 53
George W. Healey, hardware
for Dubuque and Wisconsin
bridge approach 2310
L. Lindenberg, hardware, tool
steel and iron for Dubuque and
Wisconsin bridge approach 23 65
George F. Kleih, new tools,
fuse and hardware for Du-
buque and Wisconsin bridge
approach 23 42
Phil Pier, smithing coal for Du-
buque and Wisconsin bridge
approach 4 64
Eichhorn & Bechtel, 1 doz. pails
and empty barrels for Du-
buque and Wisconsin bridge
approach 4 35
J. Sherman, 1 stove and rine
for Dubuque and Wisconsin
bridge approach 6 60
R. W. Carr. filing saws, for
Dubuque and Wisconsin bridge
approach 45
Linehan & Molo, cement and
hardware for Dubuque and
Wisconsin bridge approach .. 290 04
Linehan & Molo, 200 ft. manila
rope for Dubuque and Wis-
consin bridge approach 7 43
Eagle Point Lime works, dy-
namite, powder and lumber for
the Dubuque and Wisconsi't
bridge approach 82 05
E. J. Voggenthaler Co., repair-
ing derrick for Dubuque and
Wisconsin bridge approach 6 59
H. B. Gniffke, refunding excava-
tion permits 100 00
H. B. Gniffke, interest on war-
rants 40 92
I. B. Gniffke, postage and mis-
cellany 10 00
H. B. Gniffke, 2 horses for fire
department 350 00
H. B. Gniffke, freight charges 80 85
List of Warrants.
H. B. Gniffke, express charges
for fire department 2 .;
H. B. Gniffke, express charges
on bonds 1 50
H. B. Gniffke, telegrams 1 1
H. B. Gniffke, refunded tax 1 i7
Jos. Brown, labor $ 2 70
Jas. Connolly, labor 70
Jas. Callahan, foreman Fourth
street 20 00
John Corbett, labor 2 05
Adam Crawford, carpenter 20 00
Henry Cosgrove, driver carpenter
wagon 18
Thos. Donahue, labor 2
Geo. J. Hahn, foreman 20
Mat Klein, paper collector 12
Mart Lonergan, labor
Jas McCormick, labor
Chas. Pierce, labor 2
Mat Quirk, carpenter ......,20
Pat Clancy, team 2
Jas. Beakey, labor
Mike Carney, labor
Peter Carney, labor
Dan Connolly. labor
Mike Meakher, labor
M. O'Meara, labor
W. O'Brien, foreman
Jas. Powers, labor
Pat. Clancy, team
Frank Mathis, team
3 00
9 00
9p 00
1 75
!i nn
:n nn
2 50
Frank Atkinson, lahor
Mike Boyle, labor
Wm. Brown, labor .
Jos. Brandenberg, labor
John Burke, labor
Maurice Byrne, labor
Geo. Butler, labor
Wm. Byron, labor
John Coyne, labor
Mike Cunningham, labor
Mike Chevalier, labor
Thos. Crahan, labor
Wm. Carter, labor
Mike Cain, labor
Jake Dolter, labor ..,
Jno. Decher, labor
R. T. Eddy, foreman
Jos. Eberhardt, labor
Lawrence Ferber, labor
Peter Fasselius, labor
Jas. Flynn, labor
Frank Faber, labor
Pat Fenelan, labor
Nic Fischer, labor
Maurice Fenelon, labor
Maurice Fenelon, labor
C. Fantenbein, foreman
J. H. Geary, labor ...
J. R. Gillespie, labor
Peter Ginter, labor
Jos. Gavin, labor
Jos. Giesland, labor
Jas. Hoskins, labor
Geo. Hird, labor
20 75
3 00
9 00
12 25
6 00
14 65
21 00
31 95
13 50
7 50
19 25
13 50
29 70
21 00
20 75
3 00
25 00
8 80
9 00
1 50
31 95
16 30
9 00
4 50
15 50
25 00
12 00
12 00
7 30
20 75
18 40
10 50
6 15
John Hackett, labor 19 85
Fred Keck, labor 1 50
Hugh Kehr, labor 14 25
John Kinsella, labor 20 75
ldam Kasbauer, labor 6 75
Mat. Kenneally, labor 19 25
Jas. Kenneally, labor 21 00
Leonard Loffelholtz, labor 13 30
Mike Lavin, labor 4 80
John Lutters, labor 5
c`hris Lohrman, labor 5 6 25
D. Lenihan, labor 5 25
Mike Lang, labor 28 60
John 1. blinger, labor 15 25
Ernst. Mcukc, labor 7 50
John .Mahoney, labor 12 00
Chas. .\iuggenberg, labor 18 00
John Miller, labor 31 95
J. McKenzie, blacksmith 13 50
E. \lcc.inli y, lauor 7 50
Frank McCann, labor 12 00
Frank 5l eCann, labor 12 00
C. H. 3►c•Donald, labor ...... •14 80
Jas. Ali•L;'.ughlin, labor 12 00
John McLaughlin, labor 12 55
Jas. \Mel' e nan, labor 20 75
Chas. Nank, labor 27 00
Henry Oakleaf, labor 13 85
Jake Perion, labor 9 00
Gerhardt Paar, labor 4 50
Jno. Pfeiffer, labor 1G 30
Geo. Puanam, labor 20 75
Chas. Pribe, labor .......... 31 55
Rudolph Thorpe, labor ...... 1 75
E. Robinson, labor 1 50
Nic Reash, labor 13 50
.hike Ruddy, labor 15 75
Pat. Royce, foreman 25 00
Jos. Rooney, labor 20 75
N. Ruh, labor 4 50
Andrew Ring, labor 32 40
Pat. Ryan, foreman 25 00
Mike Sullivan, labor 3 00
John Sigwirth, labor 3 00
J. J. Smith, labor 4 15
Nic. Sweeney, labor 4 50
Thos. Smith, labor 13 50
Dan Sullivan, labor 29 22
John Spear', labor 20 72
Jas. Sheehan, labor 15 nn
John Spies, labor 11
Jno. Schwaegler, labor ,2i740 72
Wm. Schnee, labor : n
John Schromen, labor
Landon Taylor, labor
Fritz Tropfs, labor .. 21 u
Jas Thomas, labor .. 20 72
Chas. Voltz, labor 18 e2
Chas. Wilde, labor 18 30
Fred Wodrich, labor 10 35
John Ward, labor 9 00
P. Wells, labor 3 50
Frank Wellhafer, labor 18 00
Peter Zeigler, labor 4 50
Tom Casey, team 9 00
Ed Frith, team 12 00
Peter Horch, team 27 00
Tom Kenneally, team `24 00
Ted O'Brien, team 21 25
Frank Sieg, team 6 00
Jas. Tobin, team 27 00
John Williams. team 19 50
Pat Casserly, labor 19 20
W. Clark, labor 19 20
John Corcoran, labor 19 20
S. H. Cook, foreman 25 00
Maurice Flynn, labor 19 20
R. A. Fuller, labor 19 20
W. Lonergan, labor 19 20
1 OHicisl Notices.
Con Sullivan, labor 11 20
JANUARY. 1902.
E. Burns
George Brenner
Tom Casey
B. Costello
Jos. Calvert
A. Conrad
E. A. Fengler
Peter Horch
M. Hannon
T. Kenneally
P. Lenihan
John Long
W. Mohr
Ted O'Brien
L. Pell
W. ltenk
Ed. Seeley
Frank Sieg
W. Singrin
Tony Sieg
Art. Turner
M. Theis
J. Venn
John Williams
M. Zogg
C. H. Berg personal damages to
Isabelle Duffy vs. City $200
E. J. Schilling, repairing side-
walk at Bell Block 12
Key City Lime Works, 50 loads
of gravel 12 50
Byrne Bros., sprinkling city pro-
perty for the season of 1901250 00
Byrne Bros., use of horse for
fire department 1 00
German bank loan 5000 00
Second National hank loan ....15,000 00
Dubuque National bank loan 5000 00
Wm. Whelan, damages to pro-
perty opening of Robinson al-
ley 75 00
I hereby certify that the foregoing
is a true and correct list of all war-
rants issued by me during the month
of January, 1902.
City Recorder.
1 80
23 30
9 30
13 40
5 00
1 50
23 80
2 40
29 20
2 80
2 70
28 80
7 60
2 10
1 40
24 30
22 40
20 20
4 90
3 20
5 10
28 60
7 40
2 80
Dubuque City bonds numbers 603, 604
and 605. dated Sept. 5th, 1876, and bond
number 615, dated July 3d, 1876, were
due February 1st, 1902, but have not
been presented for payment. Party
holding same will oblige the city and
serve their own interests best by pre-
senting them at the city treasurer's of-
fice without delay, as interest on them
ceases on above date.
City Treasurer.
If snow Is not cleaned off sidewalks
within ten hours after the snow has
stopped falling, city will clean same
and assess the amount against abut-
ting lots. A. P. BERG,
Sidewalk Inspector.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the office of the city recorder up to
7:30 o'clock p. m., Feb. 6, 1902, for the
construction of a 10 -inch tile pipe
sanitary sewer in Thirteenth street,
from the alley east of Washington
street, to the center of Cedar street,
according to plans and specifications
now on file in the office of tho city re-
It is estimated by the city engineer
that said sewer will be 994 feet long
and seven manholes, and the estimated
cost is $464.00.
Bidders will state the price per line-
al foot for sewer complete and the
price per each manhole. The work to
be completed on or before the 1st day
of May, 1902, and shall be paid for at
the time and in the manner prescrib-
ed by Chapter 34 of the Revised Ordi-
nances of 1901 of the city of Dubuque.
Each bid must be accompanied by a
certified check for $50.00 on some Du-
buque bank made payable to the city
of Dubuque aa a guarantee that a
contract will be entered into if award-
The city reserves the right to re-
ject any and all bids.
Dated Dubuque, Jan. 24, 1902.
1-25-10t City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the office of the city recorder up to
7:30 o'clock p. m., Feb. 6, 1902, for the
construction of an 8 inch tile pipe
sanitary sewer in Diagonal street from
the alley east of Broadway to Broad-
way street, according to plans and
specifications now on file in the office
of the city recorder. It is estimated
by the city engineer that said sewer
will be 140 feet in length and one man-
hole and the estimated cost of sewer
complete is $174.00.
The bidder will state the ' price per
lineal foot for sewer complete, and the
price per manhole. The work to be
completed on or before the 1st day of
May, 1902, and shall be paid for at
the time and in the manner prescribed
by Chapter 34 of the Revised Ordi-
nances of 1901, of the city of Dubuque
for the payment of the cost of con-
structing sewers.
Each bid must be accompanied with
a certified check for $25.00 on some
Dubuque bank made payable to the
city of Dubuque as a guarantee that
a contract will be entered into if
'rhe city reserves the right to re-
ject any and all bids.
Dated Dubuque, Jan. 24, 1902.
City Recorder.
Official Notices.
Notice is hereby- given that
franchise asked of the City of Du-
buque by the Union Electric Company
is embraced in the following ordinance:
An Ordinance granting to the Union
Electric Company, a corporation of
Dubuque, Iowa, its successors and as-
signs, the right to maintain and o^er-
ate street railway lines heretofore
constructed„ along certain streets in
the City of Dubuque, under ri#hts
granted to the Dubuque Street Rail-
way Company, to David H. Ogden. to
William L. Allen and Thos. O. Swiney,
and to the Union Electric Company;
and granting to said Union Electric
Company, its successors or assigns,
the right to construct, maintain and
operate lines of street railway upon
and along certain other streets in the
said city; and to regulate the con-
struction, maintenance and operation
of such street railways, and,
Whereas, the city of Dubuque, at
different times, and by separate ordi-
nances, heretofore granted to the Du-
buque Street Railway Company, to
David H. Ogden, to William L. Allen
and Thos. O. Swiney, and to the Union
Electric Company, and their successors
and assigns, the right to construct,
operate and maintain lines of street
railway upon and along certain streets
in the City of Dubuque. and,
Whereas, said rights were granted
for various terms of years, and,
Whereas the Union Electric Com-
pany has become the owner of all said
rights and franchises, and it is deem-
ed expedient for the betterment of
public service that all rights and
franchises in respect of the construc-
tion, maintenance and operation of all
said lines shall be subject to uniform
conditions and restrictions, and shall
terminate at one and the same time.
now therefore;
Be it ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:—
Section 1. That there is hereby
granted to the Union Electric Com-
pany, a corporation organized under
the laws of Iowa. its successors and
assigns, the right and authority to
maintain and operate upon and r ung
the streets of the City of Dubuque,
all the lines of Street Railway. as at
present constructed thereon, and oper-
ated by the said 'inion Electric Com-
pany, under franchises and ordinances
heretofore granted by the City of Du-
buque to the Dubuque Street nailway
Company, to William L. Allen and
Thos. O. Swiney, to David H. Ogden.
and their successors and assigns, and
to said Union Electric Company, up-
on the conditions and under the re-
strictions set forth in this ordinance,
for the period of twenty-five years
from the adoption hereof, and its ac-
ceptance by said Company.
The lines of street railway so con-
structed and operated, and hereby
authorized to be operated and main-
tained, being more particularly des.
cribed and located as follows, to-wit:—
A line of double track street rail-
way, commencing at the main line of
the Illinois Central Railroad, on Jones
street, thence to Main street, thence
on Main street northerly to Thirteenth
street, a1 o from Thirteenth street to
Eighteenth street on Clay street. also
from Clay 'street to Couler
avenue on Eighteenth sire^t: also
along Couler Avenue from Eighteenth
street to Sanford street .also • along
Couler avenue from Peru road north-
erly to the City limits, also along Iowa
street from Sixth street to Eleventh
street, and also along Jackson street
from Sixteenth street to Eagle Point
A line of single track street railway
commencing on Jones street at Its
eastern terminus, thence to and con-
necting with the double tracks at the
main line of the Illinois Central Rail-
road: also on Main street from Thir-
teenth street to Fifteenth street: also
on Fifteenth street from Main to Clay
street; also on Thirteenth street from
Main to Clay street; also on Second
street from Locust street to Iowa
street; also on Iowa street from Sec-
ond street to Third street and from
Fifth street to Sixth street: also on
Third street from Iowa street to Clay
street, thence along Clay street to
Thirteenth street; also along Couler
avenue from Sanford street to Peru
road, thence along Peru road from
Couler avenue to Jackson street, also
on Jackson street from Peru road to
Eagle Point avenue, also on Sanford
street from Cooler avenue to Jack-
son street; also on Jackson street
from Sixteenth street to Fourteenth
street; also on 14th street, from Jack-
son street to Iowa street; also on 16th
street from Jackson to Iowastreet; also
along Iowa street from Eleventh
street to Sixteenth street; also along
Eagle Point avenue from Jackson
street to Windsor avenue, thence along
Windsor avenue to the northerly ter-
minus of said avenue: also a single
track from Couler avenue, along Rhom
beri avenue, to its terminus at Eagle
Pont :aisc, r -p Seuth Dodge street from
Grandview avenue to Dodge street,
thence on Dodge street to South Lo-
cu:ot street, thence northerly on South
Locust street and Locust street to
Fifth street, thence on Fifth street
from Locust street to Iowa street:
also on Eighth street beginning at the
main line track of the Chicago Great
Western Railroad. and running wester-
ly along Eighth street and Julien ave-
nue to Hill street, thence southwest-
erly on Hill street to West 3rd street;
thence west on Third street to Alpine
street, thence along Alpine street to
Julien avenue, thence westerly on
Julien avenue to Delhi street,
thence southwesterly and northwest-
erly on Delhi street to Asbury street.
Official Notices.
Sec. 2. There is also hereby granted
to said Union Electric company, its
successors and assigns, under the same
conditions and restrictions, the right
to lay a single track with necessary'
switches and turn -outs, hereafter to be
determined and agreed upon, along and
upon the following streets in the City
of Dubuque. to-wit'—
Commenctng at the intersection of
Eagle Point avenue and Jackson street,
thence westerly along and upon said
Eagle Point avenue to Couler avenue
to connect with present tracks ;to ex-
tend the track on Iowa street from
the intersection of Fifth and Iowa
streets southerly along and upon said
Iowa street to Third street, to connect
with present track. Also the right
to lay a second track on said Rhom-
berg avenue between Fifth avenue and
the present northerly terminus of said
track on Rhomberg avenue, or so much
thereof as said Union Electric C-m-
pany may find necessary for the more
convenient operation of its cars on said
Sec. 3. For the purpose of con-
structing, maintaining and operating
said Street Railway lines, said Union
Electric Company, its successors and
assigns. shall have the right and au-
thority to go upon said streets and
parts of streets and make such ex-
cavations therein as may be necessary
for the construction, completion, opera-
tion and maintenance of said lines,
and shall have the further right and
authority to make track and overhead
wire connections with car barns and
power house, and at all intersections,
and to construct all necessary side-
tracks, turn -outs and switches, and
shall also have the right to erect, con-
struct and maintain such overhead
wires and poles as may be necessary to
conduct their electrical Hower over
said wires from their power sta-
tions to and along said lines of
street railway and at offices, and for
signals and dispatching purposes, pro-
vided, that in constructing and re-
pairing its said road, said Union Elec-
tric Company, its successors and as-
signs, after having so excavated and
encumbered any street or part thereof,
shall restore and leave the same, as
early as may be practicable, in as good
condition as it was. at the time of com-
mencing such work; provided that le -
fore commencing any such construc-
tion or repairs, said union Electric
Company, its successors and •ss[gas
shall, in writing, apply to the Mayor
of the City, stating the nature or such
work, the time and place where the
same is proposed to be done, and
thereupon said Mayor shall, if satis-
fied that such work may properly be
proceeded with, issue a written per-
mit, authorizing said Union Electric
Company, its successors or assigns,
to begin and complete said work.
Sec. 4. Said Union Electric Com-
pany, its successors and assigns, shall
pave or macadamize that portion of the
street or avenue along or over which
said railway shall be laid, between the
rails and one foot on each side thereof,
at such time and with such material
as the city shall pave or macadamize
the remaining portion of the street.
Sec. 5. The said Street Railway
lines shall be constructed on the es-
tablished grades of the street or high-
ways. The tracks, poles and other
structures, shall be raised or lowered
from time to time, without expense to
the city to correspond with any
changes that may be made in the
grade of said streets.
Sec. 6. Said Union Electric Com-
pany, its successors and assigns, shall
repair all damage that may be done
to streets in or by the construction or
maintenance of said railway, shall also
keep the space between said railway
tracks and one foot on each side there-
of in good repair at all times, pro-
vided that, in the case of double tracks,
when the distance between the cen-
ters of said tracks is more than ten
feet, the rule requiring cne foot on
each side shall prevail. The City
Council shall have the right to deter-
mine the necessity for repairs, and
whenever said Company, its successors
or assigns shall refuse or neglect to
make the same, within a reasonable
time after being notified thereof in
writing, the City Council shall have the
right to make such repairs at the ex-
pense of said Union Electric Com-
pany, its successors or assigns.
Sec. 7. The tracks of said Railway
shall not be elevated above the sur-
face of the street, and shall be so
laid that carriages and vehicles can
easily and with the least obstruction
possible, cross the same. Such mod-
ern approved pattern of rail may be
used as may be approved by the City
Council. During the winter, in the
event of heavy snow. said Union Elec-
tric Company, its successors and as-
signs, in removing the same from said
tracks. shall not obstruct the re-
maining portion of said street, but in
such cases, shall remove therefrom any
excess of snow thrown or swept from
its tracks.
Sec. 8. That whenever any railway
tracks, which may hereafter be laid, or
where any of said company's tracks
now laid, excepting on Main street,
or other street paved with brick, pass
over a gutter or depression in the
street, said Street Railway Company,
shall, at its own cost cover said gutier
or depression from curb to curb, in
such manner and with such material,
as may he directed or approved by the
City Council and shall maintain the
same so as to admit of the free passage
of water. Upon failure of said Com-
pany to comply with the requirements
of this section, the city may cause said
work to be done at the expense of said
Union Electric Company, its successors
or assigns.
Official Notices.
Sec. 9. Nothing in this ordinance,
nor any privilege granted hereby, shall
be construed to prevent the proper
authorities of the City of Dubuque
from grading, paving, sewering, mac-
adamizing, improving, altering or re-
pairing any of the streets over which
the privilege of constructing or main-
taining or operating a railway is
granted by this ordinance, or upon
which any railway may be constructed
under its provisions, but all such work
must be done so as to offer as little
obstruction as possible to the pass-
age of cars, and the owner or owners
of the railway shall have the privi-
lege of raising or shifting the rails,
so as to avoid as much as possible, the
liability to obstruction during the pro-
gress of street repairing, improving
or altering, consistent with the conven-
ience of the said City, its employees
or contractors; provided that when
said Company shall have once paved
the space between its rails and one foot
on each side thereof, as hereinbefore
required, it shall not be required to
change the same, so long as it is main-
tained in good order, unless the city
shall repave the remainder of the
street with a pavement of the same or
a different character in which case, the
Union Electric Company, its successors
and assigns shall repave the space be-
tween its rails and one foot on each
side thereof.
Sec. 10. Said Union Electric Com-
pany, its successors and assigns, shall,
whenever practicable, have the right to
use any telephone, telegraph, electric
light or fire alarm poles or posts own-
ed or controlled by the City, now set
or which may hereafter be set along
the line of the said electric street rail-
way for the support of the wires or
other appliances necessary to the oper-
ation and maintenance of said electric
street railway. And, whenever prac-
ticable, the city shall have the right to
use any poles or posts now set or
which may be hereafter set by said
Union Electric Company, its successors
or assigns, for the extension, construc-
tion or maintenance of any telephone,
telegraph, electric light or othor fire alarm
system, or for any
when such wire or wires are used sole-
ly for the benefit and either erof fathese tsaid
City of Dubuque; n
shall be no compensation for such use.
Sec. 11. Nothing herein contained
shall be so constructed as to deprive
the City of Dubuque of the right to
authorize any other railway or street
railway company to cross the track
?aid down and maintained under au-
thority of this ordin aoce, at the and
pense of the company
authorized by the City Council to make
such crossing.
Sec. 12. The cars used on said
street railway shall be of approved
modern pattern and construction, suit-
able for the safety and convenience
and comfort of the passengers, and
they shall. during the winter months,
be properly heated and equipped with
All cars, excepting trailers, in use
or said street railway, shall be prop-
erly equipped on the front end there-
of with fenders of modern design,.
satisfactory to the City Council, and
each motor and ordinary car shall be
provided with and display all neces-
sary lights. and a bell or gong shall
be rung when necssary to warn the
public at street crossings and all other
points exposed to the approach r'
All cars shall come to a full stop
before crossing any railway or street
railway track or tracks, and shall at -
no time be run at a greater speee
than is consistent with the safety of
the public, and shall be propelled by
electric power.
Sec. 13. The poles and posts to be
erected under the provisions of this
ordinance shall be under the control
of the City Engineer as to their loca-
tion. The kind of poles to be used
shall be such as are satisfactory to
the City Council.
Sec. 14. Said Union Electric com-
pany, its successors and assigns shall
pay their proper pro rata portion of
the salary of the City Electrician,
whose duty it shall be to properly in-
spect all wires and connections, and
report to the City Council as the Coun-
cil may require him to do, and to no-
tify said Company of any defects in
said wires or connections, and if said
Company shall not promptly remedy
such defects the City Council may
cause such repairs to be made at the
expense of said Union Electric Com-
pany, its successors or assigns.
Sec. 15. The rate of fare shall not
exceed five cents for each adult pas-
senger for a continuous trip in one
general direction within the City lim-
The fare for chldren under 12 years
of age shall be three cents.
Said Union Electric Company, it°
successors and assigns shall, during
the entire period of this franchise,
constantly keep on hand at its prin-
cipal office, half fare tickets for sale
to laborers, mechanics workwomen
and working girls at the rate of two
and one-half cents each, good during
the following hours, to -wit:
From April 1st to Nov. lst, between
6:15 and 7:15 a. m. and 5:45 and 6:45
p. m., and from Nov. 1st to April 1st.
from 6:30 to 7:30 in the morning and
from 5:15 to 6:15 in evening,
ei ,
throughout the year, except o
daysn Said tickets to be sold in quan-
tities of not less than one dollar's
Transfers shall be issued when nec-
essary to carry out the above provis-
ions on all tickets including half fare
Official Notices.
Sec. 16. Said Union Electric Com-
pany, its successors and assigns, shall
transport free of charge on its cars,
as ordinary passengers, all policemen
and firemen regularly employed as
such by the City of Dubuque, when In
the uniform of their respective de-
Sec. 17. Said Union Electric Com-
pany, its successors and assigns, shall
have the right to make such reason-
able rules and regulations for the man-
agement of its railway, and the con-
duct of its business as it may deem
requisite, and said City of Dubuque
hereby reserves the right to make
and enforce the usual and ordinary po-
lice regulations.
Sec. 18. The new lines of railway
herein authorized to be constructed
shall be completed within two years
from date of passage of this ordinance,
on such streets as are now graded,
and on those not graded within two
years from the time said streets are
graded, so that a continuous line of.
railway may be operated thereon. If
not so completed ,the City Council,
may at its option, declare a forfeiture
of all rights hereby granted for the
construction and maintenance of said
new lines.
Said Union Electric Company, its
successors and assigns, shall main-
tain and operate, in accordance with
the provisions of this franchise, fill
lines at present constructed and now
in operation in the City of Dubuque,
and shall operate same so as to pro-
vide adequate and reasonable service
on all of said lines, and said Union
Electric Company ,its successors and
assigns shall not abandon any of said
lines or parts of lines unless permitted
so to do by the City Council.
If said Company shall abandon any
of tradee lines now constructed and in
operation, without such permission cr
shall fall to operate said lines in ac-
cordance with the terms of this or-
dinance, the City Council may, at its
option, declare a forfeiture of all
rights granted under this ordinance.
Provided, however, that failure to
operate because of strikes. fires or
other cases beyond the control of
said Company shall not work such a
See. 19. No free passes or tickets
shall be given to any person or per-
sons except to employes or officers
of said Street Railway Company, and
to all regularly elected officials of the
City or heads of departments in the
service of the City, and to such offi-
cials and beads of departments only
upon the written requisition of the
Sec. 20. All ordinances heretofore
adopted, under which the Dubuque
Street Railway Company, David H.
Ogden, William L. Allen and Thos. O.
Swiney ,and the Union Electric Com-
pany, or their grantors, successors and
assigns, acquired rights and fran-
chises for the construction, mainten-
ance and operation of street railways
in the streets, avenues and public
places of the City of Dubuque, are
hereby repealed, provided this ordi-
nance shall be accepted, in writing, by
the said Union Electric Company,
within thirty days after its passage
and approval. And all ordinances and
parts of ordinances in conflict here-
with, are to the extent of such con-
flict, hereby repealed.
Sec. 21. The aforesaid Union Elec-
tric Company shall be deemed to
have abandoned all rights and privil-
eges conferred by this ordinance, un-
less it shall, within thirty days after
the passage and approval hereof by
the Mayor, file in the office of the City
Recorder a written acceptance of the
privileges conferred hereby, subject
to the conditions and terms herein con-
This ordinance shall be in effect
from and after its publication in the
Dubuque Telegraph -Herald.
By J. R. Lindsay,
An Ordinance dividing the City of
Dubuque, Iowa, into separate road dis-
tricts for the purpose of sprinkling the
streets of said city and for the pay-
ment of the expense of the same.
Be it Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque.
Section 1. Number of Districts. That
the City of Dubuque be and Is hereby
divided into five separate road dis-
tricts for sprinkling purposes only to
be known as districts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
Sec. 2. Description of Districts.
District No. 1 shall include all the
lots abutting upon and all property
upon the fallowing described streets:
Dodge street from Locust street to
South Dodge street.
Jones street from Bluff street to
Iowa street.
First street from Bluff street to
Iowa street.
Second street from Bluff street to
Iowa street.
Third street, south half, from Bluff
street to Clay street.
West Third street, south half, from
Burch street to Alpine street.
Bluff street from Third street to
Dodge street.
Locust street from Third street to
Dodge street.
Main street from Third street to
Jones street.
Iowa street from Third street to FIrst
Official Notices. 50
Emmett street from St. Mary's street
to Bluff street.
Third street, north half, from Bluff
street to Clay street.
West Third street, north half, from
Burch street to Alpine street.
Fourth street from Elevator to
White street.
Fifth street from Cooper's barn to
White street.
Sixth street from Bluff street to
Jackson street.
Seventh street from Bluff street to
Washington street.
Eighth street, south half, from Bluff
street to Chicago Great Western rail-
way track.
Eighth street, south half, from Bluff
street to Julien avenue.
Julien avenue, south half, from West
Eighth street to Mt. Pleasant avenue.
Delhi street from Mt. Pleasant ave-
nue to Grandview avenue.
Bluff street from Third street to
Eighth street.
Locust street from Third street to
Eighth street.
Main street from Third street to
Eight street.
Iowa street from Third street to
Eighth street.
Clay street from Third street to
Eighth street.
White street from Fourth street to
Eighth street.
Hill street from West Eighth street
to West Third street.
West Fifth street from Hill street to
Winona avenue.
Alpine street from Julien avenue to
West Third street.
Nevada street from Julien avenue to
West Fifth street.
Fenelon Place from the Elevator to
Burch street.
Burch street from West Fifth street
to West Third street.
Eighth street, north half, from Main
street to Chicago Great Western tracks.
Ninth street from Main street to
Washington street.
Tenth street from Main street to
Washington street.
Eleventh street from Main street to
Elm street.
Twelfth street from Main street to
Elm street.
Thirteenth street from Main street to
Elm street.
Fourteenth street from Main street
to Maple street.
Fifteenth street from Main street to
Elm street.
Sixteenth from Main street to Elm
Seventeenth street from Main street
to Maple street.
Eighteenth street from Clay street
to Elm street.
Nineteenth street from Couler ave-
nue to Pine street.
Main street, east half, from Eighth
street, to Seventeenth street.
Rhomberg avenue, south half, from
Couler avenue to Elm street.
Iowa street from Eighth street to
Seventeenth street.
Clay street from Eighth street to
Rhomberg avenue.
White street from Eighth street to
Rhomberg avenue.
Jackson street from Eighth street
to Rhomberg avenue.
Washington street from Eighth
street to Rhomberg avenue.
Elm street from Eleventh street to
Rhomberg avenue.
Maple street from Fourteenth street
to Seventeenth street.
Eighth St., north half, from Main St.
to Julien Ave.
Ninth St. from Main St. to Bluff St.
Tenth St. from Main St. to Bluff St.
Eleventh St. from Main St. to Bluff
Twelfth St. from Main St. to Bluff St.
Thirteenth St. from Main St. to
Bluff St.
Fourteenth St. from Main St. to
Prairie St.
Fifteenth St. from Main St. to Bluff
Sixteenth St. from Main St. to Lo-
cust St.
Seventeenth St. from Main St. to
West Locust St.
Main St., west half, from Eighth St.
to Seventeenth St.
Julien Ave., north half, from Eighth
St. to Mt. Pleasant Ave.
Delhi St., north half, from Mt. Pueas-
ant Ave. to Grandview Ave.
Bluff St. from Eighth St. to Six-
teenth St.
Locust St. from Eighth St. to Six-
teenth St.
West Locust St. from Sixteenth to
Jackson school.
Delhi St. from Grandview Ave, to
Asbury St.
West Eleventh St. from Highland
Place to Walnut St.
Highland Place from West Eleventh
St. to Arlington St.
Clark St. from West Locust St. to
West Seventeenth St.
Ellis Street from West Locust St.
to Almond St.
Almond St. frohm Ellis St. to Foy St.
Garfield Ave. from l:lm St. to Dock
"ilhomberg Ave. from Elm St. to
Tenth Ave.
Rhomberg Ave., north half, from
Couler Ave. to Elm St.
Lincoln Ave. from Jacksor, St. to
Dock St.
Kniest St. from Garfield Ave. to
Eagle Point Ave.
Johnson Ave. from Garfield Ave. to
Eagle Point Av.e
Windsor Ave. from Garfield Ave. to
Burden Ave.
Eagle Point Ave. from Fouler Ave. U.
Windsor Ave.
Couler Ave. from Rhomberg Ave. to
Peru Road.
White St. from Rhomberg Ave. to
Sanford avenue.
Official Notices.
Jackson St. `rom Rhomberg Ave. to
Peru Road.
Weshington St. from Rhomberg Ave.
to Sanford Ave.
Sanford Ave. from Couler Ave. to
Washington St,
Section 3. Appropriations. At the
time of making the annual appropria-
tions in each year the council shall de-
termine the amount to be expended
in each said road districts for the
pupose of sprinkling the streets and
public places in each of said districts,
which appropriations shall not be in
excess of the proceeds of a tax of
6 6-100 mills on the dollar of the taxa-
ble value of all the taxable property
included in each of said districts.
Sec. 4. Amount of levy. There
shall be asessed and levied by the
City Council each year against all the
taxable property within each of the
several road districts as herein con-
stituted a tax not in excess of 6 6-100
mills on the dollar of the assessed
valuation of all the taxable property
in each of said districts, said tax to
be known and designated as the dis-
trict road fund for sprinkling pur-
poses for each district, and the tax
and fund for one district shall be
used and expended solely in that dis-
trict for the purpose of sprinkling
the streets therein.
Sec. 5. When Collected. The dis-
trict road tax and fund of each dis-
trict shall be assessed levied and col-
lected at the same time and in the same
manner and as now provided by law
and ordinance for the assessment, levy
and collection of general taxes.
Sec. 6. This ordinance shall be in
force and effect_ from and after its
publication in the Dubuque Ds ly
Telegraph -Herald.
Passed by the City Council Feb-
ruary 20th, 1902 by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Frith , Horr, Jones,
Kintzinger, McLaughlin and Sheridan.
Total 6.
Absent—Ald. Clancy.
Approved Feb. 27th, 1902.
Attest: C. H. BERG,
City Recorder.
Published in the Dubuque Daily
Telegraph -Herald, March 7, 1902.
City Recorder.
ltegnlar Session, March 6, 1902. nil
Regular Session, March 6, '_e•.•.'.
Council met at 8:15 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, liintzinger, McLaughlin and
The petition of the Wells, Fargo Ex-
press company asking that their as-
sessment for taxation be reduced to
$25.00 per mile.
The petition of the Dubuque Tele-
phone company, by J. W. Stapleton,
asking that their assessment for taxa-
tion be reduced to that returned by
the county auditor.
Both petitions were referred to the
board of equalization.
The petition of Dominic Rhomberg
asking a compromise on the special
assessment on lot 3 of the sub. of lots
14 and 15 in Bush's sub.
Oa motion the petition was referrei
to the board of equalization and city
The petition of James Beach, trustee,
asking that the city engineer be in-
structed to determine what portion of
city lots 16 and 17 are being used for
street purposes, as he has been assess
ed taxes on the entire lots. Will, if
desired, execute deed for so much of
said property as the engineer shall
find now used as street.
On motion the petition was referred
to city assessor and city engineer.
The petition of Margaret Dawson
asking the cancellation of her taxes
for the year 1901 on her lot, 79 Union
add., and the petition of Mary Kelly
asking the cancellation of her taxes
on sub. 4 of mineral lot 37 lot 2, were
referred to the committee on delinquent
The petition of John Keckevoet ask-
ing permission to land his ferry boat
at the west end of the ice harbor, also
protesting against the application of
(:apt. Wisner for permission to run a
ferry boat between Dubuque and Eas .
Dubuque.. Ald. McLaughlin said In-
asmuch as the Wisner petition had
been referred to the committee on
harbors, he would move that the
Keckevoet petition be referred to the
same committee and said committee to
have power to act on both petitions
The notion carried.
Recorder Langstaff read notice, pro-
perly certified to by the publisher, of
the publication of the Union Electra:
company's 25 year franchise or ordi-
nance, for a term of four weeks, the
first insertion being on the 9th day
of February, 1902, and the last on the
2d day of March, 1902, which was pia :ed
on file.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the
Union Electric company's ordinance be
now taken up. Carried.
Ald. McLaughlin react the nr•l'r•:ulce
in full, and then moved that the read
'lig just had b • considered 1h' iit'st
• admg. Carri.'•l In• th • foil .rind vote:
\yes—:\Ills. 1'lancy,
Fri' h, Horr,
.Innes, Kint zinger, Mei, :114111,1: and
horiela n. 1'n,nlinulus.
:\111. McLaughlin moved :,; the
Mlles he euspen,le1l Of
ending the ordinance ,he sr, on I time.
('arr°ed by the full,,wing v
\yes—Alds. n.'v. 11'r1(1, 1lnir,
Junes, Kintzinger, \1 ,; n, l iu and
HterVo n. 1'naninn.us.
The crdinance was n..1.1 th,,, e •. rt 1
:\111. McLaughlin moved that the or-
dinance be now adopted.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Junes, liintzinger, McLaughlin and
Sheridan. Unanimous.
The mayor declared the ordinance
The ordinance follows as adopted:
AN ORDINANCE granting to
Union Electric Company, a corpora-
tion of Dubuque, Iowa, its succes.,ors
and assigns, the right to maintain and
operate street railway lines heretofore
ccnstructed, along certain streets in
the City of Dubuque, under right'
granted to the Dubuque Street Rail-
way Company, to David H. Ogden, to
William L. Allen and Thos. O. Swiney
and to the Union Electric Company:
and granting to said Union Electric
Company, its successors or assigns, the
right to construct. maintain and oper-
ate lines of street railway, upon and
along certain other streets in the said
city; and to regulate the construction
maintenance and operation of such
street railway; and:
Whereas, The City of Dubuque, at
different times, and by separate or-
dinances, heretofore granted to the
Dubuque Street Railway Company, to
David H. Ogden, to William L. Allen
and Thos. O. Swiney, and to the Un-
ion Electric Company, and their suc-
cessors and assigns, the right to con-
struct, operate and maintain lines of
street railway upon and along certain
streets in the City of Dubuque; and,
Whereas, Said rights were granted
for various terms of years; and,
Whereas, The Union Electric C•jm-
pany has become the owner of til said
rights and franchises, and it is deemed
expedient for the betterment of pub-
lic service that all rights and fran-
cids^- in respect of the construction.
maintenance and operation of all said
lines shall be subject to uniform con-
ditions and restrictions and shall term-
inate at one and the same time; now
Section 1. That there is hereby
granted to the Union Electric Corn-
pany a corporation organized under
Pegular Session, March 6, 1902.
the laws of Iowa, its successors and
assigns. the right and authority to
maintain and operate upon and along
the streets of the city of Dubuque, ail
the lines of street railway, as at
present constructed thereon, and oper-
ated by the said Union Electric Com-
pany, under franchises and ordinan,e4
heretofore granted by the City of Du-
)ugt:e to the Dubuque Street Rall.\ ay
'ompanv. t., \\'i Liam L. Allen and
Thos. D. Swiney, to David I -I. Ogden
and their successors and assigns and
to said Union Electric Company, upon
the conditions and under the restric-
tions set forth in this ordinance, for
the period of twenty-five years from
the adoption hereof, and its acceptance
by said Company.
The lines of street railway so .;on-
structed and operated, and hereby au-
thorized to be operated and maintain-
ed being more particularly descried
and located a; follows, to -wit:
A line of double track street railway',
commencing at the main line of the
Illinois Central railroad, on Jones
street, thence to Main street, thence on
Main street northerly to Thirteenth
street, also from Thirteenth street to
Eighteenth street on Clay street, :tlso
from Clay street to Couler avenue on
Eighteenth street, also along Couler
avenue from Eighteenth street to San-
ford street, also along Couler avenue
from Peru road northerly to the City
limits, also along Iowa street from
Sixth street to Eleventh street and
also along Jackson street from Six-
teenth street to Eagle Point avenue.
A line of single track street railway
commencing on Jones street at its
eastern terminus, thence to and con-
necting with the double tracks at the
main line of the Illinois Central rail-
road; also on Main street from Thir-
teenth street to Fifteenth street; also
on Fifteenth street from Main street to
Clay street; also on Thirteenth street
from Main street to Clay street; also
or: Second St. from Locust St. to Iowa
street; also on Iowa street from Second
street to Third street and from Flth
street to Sixth street; also on Third
street from Iowa street to Clay street,
thence from Third street on Clay street
to Thirteenth street; also along Couto!
avenue, from Sanford street to Peru
road, thence along Peru road from
Couler avenue to Jackson street; ai,o
on Jackson street from Peru Road to
Eagle Point avenue; also on
Sanford street from Couler Ave-
nue to Jackson street; also
on Jackson street from Sixteenth
street to Fourteenth street; also on
Fourteenth street, from Jackson street
to Iowa street also on Sixteenth street
from Jackson street to Iowa stye« t;
also along Iowa street from Eleventh
street to Sixteenth street; also alcng
Eagle Point avenue from Jackson
street to Windsor avenue, thence More:
Windsor avenue to the northerly t..r-
minus of said avenue; also a single
track form Couler avenue along [Thom -
berg avenue to its terminus at Eagle
Point; also on South Dodge street from
Grand View avenue to Dodge street,
thence on Dodge street to South Lo-
cust street; thence northerly on South
Locust street and Locust street to
Fifth street, thence on Fifth str' et
from Locust street to Iowa street;
also on Eighth street beginning at the
main line track of the Chicago Gr'at
Western railroad, and running .Wester-
ly along Eighth street and West
Eighth street to Hill street, Thence
southwesterly on Hill street to
West Third street; thence west
on West Third street to Alpine
street, thence along Alpine street to
Julien avenue, thence westerly on
Julien avenue to Delhi street, thence
southwesterly and northwesterly on
Delhi street to Asbury street.
Sec. 2. There is also hereby grant-
ed to the said Union Electric Com-
pany, its successors and assigns, un-
der the same conditions and t•estrtc-
tions, the right to lav a single traok
with necessary switches and turn -outs,
hereafter to be determined and agreed
upon, a long and upon the following
streets in the City of Dubuque, to -wit:
Commencing at the intersection of
Eagle Point avenue and Jackson street
thence westerly alcng and upon said
Eagle Point avenue to Couler avenue
to connect with the present tracks; tri
extend the track on Iowa street from
the intersection of Fifth and Iowa
streets southerly along and upon said
Iowa street to Third street to connect
with present track. Also the right to
lay a second track on said Rhorrtbe:'g
avenue between Eighth avenue and
the present northerly terminus of said
track on Rhomberg avenue or so
much thereof as said Union Electri,!
Company may find necessary for lit'
more convenient operation of its car
on said avenue.
Sec. 3. For the purpose of construct•
ing, maintaining and operating said
street railway lines, said Union Elec-
tric company, its successors and as-
signs, shall have the right and au-
thority to go upon said streets and
parte of streets and make such ex-
cavations therein as may be necessary
for the construction, completion, opera-
tion and maintenance of said lines,
and shall have the further right and
authority to make track and overhead
wire connections with car barns and
power houses, and at all intersections,
and to construct an necessary side-
tracks, turn -outs and switches and
shall also have the right to erect, con-
struct and maintain such overhead
wires and poles as may be necessary
to conduct their electrical power over
said wires from their power stations
to a tAd along said lines of street rail-
way, an-d-at-5Tlites; at t - r signals and
Regular Session, March 6, 1902 63
dispatching purposes, provided, that
in constructing and repairing its said
road, said Union Electric company, its
successors and assigns, after having
so excavated and encumbered any
street or part thereof, shall restore and
leave the same, as early as may be
practicable, in as good condition as
it was at the time of commencing
such work; provided that before com-
mencing any such construction or re-
pairs, said Union Electric company,
its successors and assigns shall, in
writing, apply to the mayor of tha
city, stating the nature of such work,
the time and place where the same
is proposed to be clone and thereupon
said mayor shall, if satisfied that such
work may properly be proceeded with,
issue a written permit, authorizing said
Union Electric company, its successors
and assigns to begin and complete
such work.
Sec. 4. Said Union Electric company,
its successors and assigns, shall pave
or macadamize that portion of the
street or avenue along or over which
salt railway shall be laid, between the
rails and one foot on each side thereof,
at such time and with such materiel
as the city shall pave or macadamize
th? remaining portion of the street.
Sec. 5. The said street railway lines
si.,411 be constructed on the establishe 1
grades of the streets or highways. Tho
tracks, poles and other structures, shall
be raised or lowered from time to time
without expense to the city to corres-
pond with any change that may be
made in the grade of said streets. The
gauge- of said street railway shall be
that known as the standard gauge,
to -wit, four feet, eight and one-half
inches, and the center line of the spaces
between the tracks of said railway
shall coincide as nearly as practicable
with the center line of said streets
whereon the same are located.
Sec. G. Said Union Electric Company,
its successors and assigns shall repair
all damage that may be done to streets
in or by the construction or mainten-
ance of said railway, shall also keep
the space between said railway tracks
and one foot on each side thereof in
good repair at all times, provided, that
in the case of double tracks, when the
distance between the centers of sato
tracks is more than ten feet, the rule
requiring one foot on each side shall
prevail. The city council shall have
the right to determine the necessity
for repairs and whenever said com-
pany, its successors or assigns, shall
refuse or neglect to make the same,
within a reasonable time after being
notified thereof in writing, the city
council shall have the right to make
such repairs at the expense of said
'Union Electric company, its successors
or assigns.
Sec. 7. Said Union Electric company,
its successors and assigns, shall be
liable to any person injured by reason
of its negligence in the construction,
maintenance or operation of said street
railway. And should any action be
commenced or prosecuted against the
City of Dubuque, upon any such claim
f:ir damages, said Union Electric com-
pany, its successors and assigns, shall,
upon being notified of such suit, de-
fend the same; and should any judg-
ment be rendered against the city
thereon after such notice, the amount
of such judgment, with costs, shall be
recovered against said company, in a
proper proceeding, and the record of
the judgment against the city shall
be conclusive evidence to entitle the
city to recover against said Union
Electric company, its successors and
Sec. 8. The tracks of said railway
shall not be elevated above the sur-
face of the street, and shall be so laid
that carriages and vehicles can easily
and with the least obstruction possible,
cross the same. Such modern approved
pattern of rail may be used as may
be approved by the city council. Dur-
ing the winter, in the event of heavy
snow, said Union Electric company,
its successors and assigns in removing
the same from said tracks, shall not
obstruct the remaining portion of sato
street but in such cases shall remove
therefrom any excess of snow thrown
or swept from its tracks. Any excess of
snow so thrown from its tracks which
is not removed within ten hours may
be removed by the city at the expense
of said Union Electric company, its
successors or assigns.
Sec. 9. That whenever any railway
tracks, which may hereafter be laid,
or where any of said company's tracks
now laid, excepting on Main street, or
other street paved with brick, pas ; over
a gutter or depression in the street,
said street railway company shall, at
its own cost, cover said gutter or de-
pression from curb to curb, in such
manner and with such material, as may
be directed or approved by the city
council and shall maintain the same
so as to admit of the free passage of
water. Upon failure of said company
to comply with the requirements of
this section, the city may cause said
work to be done at the expense of the
said Union Electric company, its suc-
cessors or assigns.
Sec. 10. Nothing in this ordinance,
nor any privilege granted hereby, shall
be construed to prevent the proper
authorities of the City of Dubuque
from grading, paving, severing, mac-
adamizing, improving, altering or re-
pairing any of the streets over which
the privilege of constructing or main-
taining or operating a railway is
granted by this ordinance or upon
which any railway may be constructed
under its provisions, but all such work
must be done so as to offer as little
obstruction as possible to the passage
of cars, and the owner or owners of the
railway shall have the privilege of
Regular Session, March 6, 1902.
raising or shifting the rails so as to
avoid as much as possible, the liability
to obstruction during the progress of
street repairing. improving or alter-
ing, consistent with the convenience
of said City, its employees or con-
tractors; provided that when said
Company shall have once paved the
space between the rails and one foot
on each side thereof, as hereinbefore
required, it shall not be required to
change the same, so long as it is main-
tained in good order, unless the City
shall repave the remainder of the
street with a pavement of the same or
a different character, in which case the
Union Electric Company, its succes-
sors and assigns, shall repave the space
between its rails and one foot on each
side thereof.
Sec. 11. Said Union Electric Com-
pany, its successors or assigns, shall,
whenever practicable, have the right to
use any telephone, telegraph, electric
light or fire alarm poles or posts owned
or controlled by the City, note set or
which may hereafter be set along the
line of the said Electric Street Railway
for the support of the wires or other
appliances necessary to the operation
and maintenance of said electric street
railway. And, whenever practicable,
the City shall have the right to use any
poles or posts now set or which may
hereafter he set by said Union Electric
Company, its successors or assigns for
the extension, construction or main-
tenance of any telephone, telegraph,
electric light or fire alarm system, or
for any other city use, when such wire
or wires are used solely for the bene-
fit and use of the said City of Dubu-
que; in either ease there shall be no
compensation for such use.
Sec. 12. Nothing herein contained
shall be so construed as to deprive the
City of Dubuque of the right to au-
thorize any other railway or street
railway company to cross the tracks
laid down and maintained under au-
thority of this ordinance, at the ex-
pense of the company so permitted
and authorized by the City Council to
make such crossing, and in the event
that lines of suburban electric rail-
ways, shall he operated under au-
thority from the City Council, said
Union Electric Company, its successors
and assigns, shall, upon payment of
a compensatory rate and under regu-
lations preventing interference with
the operation of its cars, permit its
tracks to be used by said suburban
railways for the purpose of entering
or leaving the city.
Sec. 13. The cars used on said
street railway shall be of approved
modern pattern and construction, suit-
able for the safety, convenience and
comfort of the passengers, and they
shall, during the winter months, be
properly heated and equipped with ves-
tibules. All cars, except trailers, in
use on said stre,t railway, shall he
properly equipped on the front end
thereof with fenders of modern de-
sign, satisfactory to the City Council,
and each motor car shall be provided
with• and display all necessary lights,
and a bell or gong shall be rung when
necessary to Warn the public at street
crossings and all other points exposed
to the approach of cars.
All cars shall come to a full stop
before crossing any railway or street
railway track or tracks, and shall at
no time be run at a greater speed than
is consistent with the safety of the
public, and shall be prcpelled by elec-
tric power.
Sec. 14. The cars of said railway shall
begin running not later than 6 a. m.
and shall cease not earlier than 11:30
p. m., and shall run at not less than
tha following intervals: On Main
street, ten minutes; on Eighth street,
fifteen minutes; on Rhomberg avenue,
fifteen minutes; on Dodge street, twen-
ty minutes; on Windsor avenue, twenty
minutes. Operation on Sunday may
begin one hour later.
Sec. 15. The poles and posts to be
erected under the provisions of this
ordinance shall be under the control
of the city engineer as to their loca-
tion. The kind of poles to be used
shall be such as are satisfactory to the
city council.
Sec. 16. The said Union Electric com-
pany, its successors and assigns, shall
pay their proper pro rata portion of
tha salary of the city electrician, whose
duty it shall be to properly inspeet all
wires and connections and report t:. the
city council as the council shall re-
quire him to do, and to notify said
company of any defect in said wires
or connections, and if said company
shall not promptly remedy such de-
fects the city council may cause
such repairs to be made at the expense
of said Union Electric company, its
successors or assigns.
Sec. 17. The Union Electric company,
its successors and assigns, hereby agree
t3 waive all technicalities to any spe-
cial assessment levied by the cit; of
Dubuque for street improvement, upon
et- eets occupied by its tracks, where
laid improvement shall have been done
in good faith and in compliance with
the terms of this ordinance.
Sec. 13. The rate of fare shall not
e?,ceed five cents for each adult pas-
rcnger for a continuous trip in one
general direction within the city limits.
The fore for children under twelve
yc a:. of age shall be three cent..
Saici Union Electric company, its
successors and assigns, shall, during'
Vie entire period of this franchise con-
stantly keep on hand at its principal
.files, half fare tickets for sale to
lcibe:ers, mechanics, workwomen and
working girls at the rate of two and
one-half cents each, good during the
following hours,. to -wit: 6:15 to 7:45
a. rn. and 5:15 to 6:45 p. m. throughout
the year except on Sundays. Said
Regular Session, March 6, 1902. 65
tickets shall be sold in quantities of
not less than forty.
Ti nsfers shall be issued when nec-s-
sary to carry out the above provdsiott
on all tickets, including half fare tick-
Sec. 19. Said Union Electric company,
Rs successors and assigns, shall trans-
port free of charge on its cars as ordi-
nary passengers, all policemen and
firemen regularly employed as such by
the city of Dubuque when in the uni-
form of their respective departments.
Sec. 20. Said Union Electric company,
its successors and assigns. shall have
the right to make such reasonable
rules and regulations for the manage-
ment of its railway. and the conduct
of its business as it may deem requisite
and said city of Dubuque hereby re-
e'rves the right to make and enforce
e usual and ordinary police reguia-
Sec. 21. The new lines of railway
herein authorized to be constructed
shall be completed within two years
from the date of pas: age of this ordi-
nance, on sue.h streets as are now
graded, and on those not g_aded, with
in two years from the time said streets
are graded, so that a continuous line
of railway may be operated thereon.
If not so completed, and in operation,
the city council may. at Its option, de-
clare a forfeiture of all rights hereby
granted for the construction and main-
tenance of said new lines.
Said Union Electric company, it
successors and assigns, shall maintain
and operate in accordance with the
provisions of this franchise, all lines
at present constructed and now in
operation in the city of Dnbu•1ue, and
shall operate same so as to provide
adequate and reasonable service on all
of said lines, and said Union Electric
company, its successors and assigns,
shall not abandon any of said lines or
parts of lines unless permitted so to
do by the city council.
If said company shall abandon any
of said lines now constructed and In
operation without such permission, or
shall fail to operate said lines in ac-
cordance with the terms of this or-
dinance. the city council may, at its
option, declare a forfeiture of all rights
granted under this ordinance. Pro-
vided, however, that failure to oper-
ate because of strikes, fires or other
causes beyond the control of said com-
pany shall not work such a forfeiture.
Sec. 22. No free passes or tickets
shall be given to any person or per-
sons except to employees or officers
of said street railway company excopt
that all regularly elected officials of
the city shall be entitled to free trans-
portation upon the written requisi-
tion of the mayor.
Sec. 23. All ordinances heretofore
adopted, under which the Dubuque
Street Railway Company, David H.
Ogden, William L. Allen and Thos.
O. Swiney, and the Union Electxic
Company, or their grantors, successors
and assigns, acquired rights and fran-
chises for the construction mainten-
ance and operation of street railway.3
in the streets. avenues and public
places of the City of Dubuque are
hereby repealed. provided this ordin-
ance shall be accepted. in writing, by
the said Union Electric Company,
within thirty days after its passage
and approval. And all ordinances
and parts of ordinances in con tiler
herewith, are to the extent of such
conflict, hereby repealed.
See. 24. The aforesaid Union Elec-
tric Company shall be deemed to have
abandoned all rights and privileges
conferred by this ordinance, unless it
shall within thirty days after the pas-
sage and approval hereof by the
mayor. file in the office of the City
Recorder, a written acceptance of the
privileges cLnferred hereby, subject to
the conditions and terms herein con-
This ordinance shall be in effect from
and after its publication in the Tele-
graph -Herald. newspaper, published at
Dubuque, Iowa.
Ald. Sheridan moved that when the
Council adjourns it adjourn for one
week, to March 13th, 1902. Carried.
City Attorney Duffy reported as
Dubuque, Iowa, March 5th, 1902.
To the Honorable Mayor and Aldermen
of the City of Dubuque:
Gent:emen:—Your Commitee on
Claims and City Attorney to whotn
were referred for report, the annexed.
statements of judgment • respectfully
submit the following: Exhibits, A. D.
C. and D. are on account of judg-
ment for cost rendered against the
City in special assessment cases in
which the City was enjoined by the
District Court, from selling the proper-
ties of the plaintiffs to collect the cost
of the improvement of the streets
abutting such property.
In these cases the Mayor failed to
sign the resolutions ordering the im-
The trial court, following several
rulings of the Supreme court in like
cases, found that such pretend-
ed resolutions without the sig-
nature of the Mayor, no resolution
and that all acts done under it were
without authority in law, and that
therefore the plaintiffs were entitled
to the relief sought and to judgment
for cost.
Exhibit "E" is on account of judg-
ment for cost against the city in an
action brought to have cancelled cer-
tain taxes, on personal property,
charged to the plaintiff.
He claimed the right to deduct from
such personal property his liabilities.
The City Council denied this right.
On application to the District Court
his contention was sustained, tnd
judgment rendered against the City
for costs.
Wherefore we would recommend
6 ; Regular Session, March 6, 1902.
that a warrant, in the sum of $130.10
the aggregate amount of the above
referred to statements for judgments,
be drawn in favor of M. J. Mulgrew,
Clerk of the District Court, to pay
these claims.
Respectfully submitted.
City Attorney.
Committee on Claims.
Md. Sheridan moved that the report
be adopted and that a warrant be or-
dered drawn in accordance with the
recommendation. Carried.
Sidewalk Inspector Berg reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen:—Herewith I submit a
statement of work done through niy
orders for the fiscal year ending Fob.
28th, 1902.
New sidewalks laid:
Total 6.40
Grates put over cel'ar windows, 33.
Walks lowered to grade, 2.
Notices served to lay and repair
sidewalks, 1,230.
Notices served in relation to waxer
and eave spouts, 108.
Amount of private work done and as-
sessed, $200.00.
Sidewalk Inspector.
On motion the report was referred
to the Finance Committee for the an-
nual finance report.
Ald. Horr, chairman of the sewer
committee presented the pay roll for
laborers on sewers for the last half
of February, 1902.
Amount due laborers on sewers,
On motion the ray roll was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
laborers on sewers and the pay roll re-
ferred back to the Committee on
Also presented the following bills:
Pape & Jacquinot, repairs on
fountain on Eleventh street$ 8.61
Mullen Bros., supplies for sewer3.20
Dubuque Rubber Co., rubber
boots for sewer men 1.3.60
Moore & Ferring, supplies for
Headford Bros., man hole for
Ellwanger Bros., leather wash-
ers for sewer
H. Corrance, supplies for sewers. 1.10
Richard Hoffmann, repairing
boots for sewer
. m.
Headford Bros., manhole and
cover for sewer 7.00
Peter Klauer, supplies for sewer1.4`7
John Butt, supplies for sewer8 n;
Ald. Horr moved that warrants be
ordered drawn to pay the aboved bilis.
The bill of Headford Bros. for man-
hole and cover ordered by the rrus-
tees of the Water Company, amount
$7.00, was referred to committee on
The bill of the Dubuque Rubber
Ccmpany for ho_e for the fire depart-
ment for $600.00 was discussed and ex-
plained and on motion warrants were
ordered drawn to pay the sane.
Ald. Kintz`nger, chairman of the
Committee of the Whole, to whom Iiad
been referred the macadam list for
the month of January. 1902. amount
$3.414.00, reported it back to the coun-
cil and moved that warrants be order-
ed drawn for the various amounts and
the list be referr. cl back to the Com-
mittee on Streets. Carried.
The Mayor referred the macadam
list for the month of February, 1PG2,
$2,329.75, to the Committee of the
Ald. Frith, chairman of the Street
Committee reported as follows:
Your Committee on Streets to whom
was referred the petition of F. A.
Kumpf asking that he he granted
permission to construct a new side-
walk on West Eleventh street abutt-
ing lot 1 of Grove Terrace sub. between
the gutter and the retaining wall and
to change the grade of said walk so
that it would be more nearly
would recommend that the prayer of
the petitioner be granted, provided
said work be done under the super-
vision of the Street Commissioner.
Also your Committee on Streets tr,
whom was referred the petition of
John F. Steiner, et al, in relation to
parking . Grandview avenue, would
recommend that the City Engineer• be
instructed to prepare a plan in ac-
cordance with the said petition and
to submit the same to the City Coun-
Also your Committee on Streets
would recommend that the Board of
Education he permitted to construct
a tunnel from Fulton school diagonally
across Couler avenue to the new school
house now in course of construction,
provided the same shall be done .under
the supervision of the City Engineer
and Street Commissioner.
Also your Committee on Streets to
whom wao referred the petition of Jno.
Huffineler, asking that he be
given the contract for removing the
sweepings from the brick paved streets,
and the manure from the patrol house
during the coming season for the cum
of $17.50 per week, would recommend
that he be given the contract, as pray-
ed for, and placed under the supervis-
ion of the Street Commissioner and
Street Committee.
E. E. FRITH, Chairman.
Regulhr Session, March 6, 1902. 67
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report
of the Street Committee. Carried.
Ald. Horr, chairman of the Board of
Equalization. reoorted as follows:
Your Board of Equalization to whom
was referred the petition of Catherine
Evert asking that the assessment on
$1,000.00 moneys and credits charged
against her be canceled, beg to report
that said assessment was charged in
error and we would therefore recom-
mend that the prayer of the petitioner
be granted, and that the Treasurer be
instructed accordingly.
Also your Board of Equalization to
whom was referred the petition of Jno.
Deerey asking that the assessed valua-
tion of the north 20 feet of city lot 9
be reduced to $6,000, and also that his
moneys and credits be reduced from
$10,000 to $5,000, would recommend that
the valuation on the real estate be not
reduced, but that his moneys and
credits be placed at $5,000 for the year
1901, and that the treasurer be instruct-
ed accordingly.
Also your Board of Equalization to
whom was referred the petition of
Otto Frenzel, asking that the assessed
valuation of the north haif of city lot
311 be reduced to $2,000, would recom-
mend that the prayer of the petitioner
be granted and that the Treasurer be
instructed acordingly.
Also your Board of Equalization to
whom was referred the petition of H.
H. Mehlhop for Jno. Mehlhop, Sons
Co. company asking that its taxes for
the year 1902 be reduced to $15,000 be-
cause said firm was in bnsiness but
one quarter of the year, would recom-
mend that the prayer of the petitioner
be granted and that the Treasurer be
instructed accordingly.
Also your Board of Equalization to
whom was referred the petition of Jno.
Enright asking that the valuation on
certain lots ownel by him be reduced
would recommend that the Treasurer
be instructed to accept his taxes for
the years 1900 and 1901 on the following
valuations: Min. lot 29, $1,000; Min. lot
30, $1,000; Min. lot 32, $1,000; Min lot 25,
$150.00; Min lot 28, $400.00; Min. lot 24,
$500.00, making a total of $4,050.00.
Also your Board of Equalization to
whom was referred the petition of
Robert Bartels, asking that the valua-
tion of certain lots owned by him in
Waller's Sub. be reduced, would rec-
ommend that the petition be received
and filed.
Also your board of Equalization to
whom was referred the petition of
Catherine Blitsch, asking that the
north half of lot 13 Tivoli Add. be re-
duced to $500.00 for the year 1901, would
recommend that on account of her
poverty the prayer of the petitioner be
granted and that the treasurer be in-
structed accordingly.
JOS'. L. HORR, Chairman.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report
of the Board of Equalization. Carried.
Ald. Kintzinger, chairman of the
Committee of the Whole, reported as
Your Committee of the Whole to
whom was referred the petition of
the Dubuque and Wisconsin Bridge
Co. in relation to exemption from taxa-
tion for a period of years, would rec-
ommend that beginning January 1,
1903, the Dubuque and Wisconsin
Bridge be exempt from taxation for a
period of ten (10) years.
iso your Committee of the Whole
to whom was referred the petition of
W. Wrotten et al asking that the name
of Rhomberg avenue be changed to
that of McKinley avenue, would rec-
ommend that said petition he received
and filed .
Also your Committee of the Whole
would recommend that the City Treas-
urer be instructed to cancel the back
taxes standing against lots 693a, 697,
698, 726, 732, south 135 and 137 of part of
lot 723, lots 1 and 2 of Sub. 694, lot 1 of
725, lot 9 of 598, lot 19 of 724; said lots
having been bequeathed by the late
Archbishop Jno. J. Hennessey for a
Teological seminary.
Also your Committee of the Whole
to whom was referred to petition of
Thos. Kenneally et al asking that pro-
visions be made to protect the property
on West Hill from damage by fire,
would recommend that an appropria-
tion of $6,000 be made to cover the cost
of erecting, fitting and maintaining an
engine house on said hill; provided that
a site be furnished free of cnarge that
will be acceptable to the City Council..
Also your Committee of the Whole
would recommend that the annual re-
port of the City Attorney be referred
to the Finance Committee for insertion
in the annual report of City Officers.
Ald. Kintzinger moved to adopt tha
report of the Committee of the Whole.
Also your Committee of the Whole to
whom was referred the petition and or-
dinance of Archbishop John J. Keane
et al, providing for regulation of sa-
loons, would recommend that the mat-
ter be referred to a committee com-
posed of the Mayor, the Marshal, the
City Attorney and the Ordinance Com-
mittee; they to report at the next ses-
sion of the City Council.
Ald. Kintzinger moved to adopt the
Ald. McLaughlin moved a substitute,
that the report be received and filed.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the petition
be separated from the ordinance.
Ald. Sheridan's motion carried.
Ald. McLaughlin renewed his motion
to receive and file.
Lost by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Horr, Jones and Mc-
Laughlin. Total 3.
Nays—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Kint-
zinger and Sheridan. Total 4.
Ald. Kintzinger moved that the pe-
tition and ordinance be referred to the
Mayor, Marshal, City Attorney and Or-
dinance Committee. Carried.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the Al-
dermen of their respective wards pre-
sent the names of the Judges and
Clerks to serve at the City Election to
be held April 7th, 1902. Carried.
The following names for the various
precincts and wards presented as fol-
Regular Session, March 6, 1902.
First Precinct—Judges, Jos. Straney,
Sr., d, J. W. Wickham, d, Henry Riker,
r; clerks, Larry Marlin, d, Nell Cough•
lin. r.
Second Precinct—Judges, J. J. Sheri-
dan, d, James Butler, d, Matt Claanc'y,
r; clerks, John W. Halpin, d, A. C.
Gasser, r.
First Precinct—Judges, Henry Geh-
rig, d, D. D. W. Carver, d, P. H. Som-
merfield, r; clerks, M. Ma jerus, Jr , r,
Gus Schublin, r.
Second Precinct—Judges, Robt. Jess,
d, P. H. McLaughlin, d, I. Cleminson,
r; clerks, Al. McQuillen, d, Chas. Fal-
kenhainer, r.
First Precinct—Judges, Peter Olin-
ger, d, Andrew Voelker, r, Joseph L.
Horr, r; clerks, A. G. Jeoffroy, d, Geo.
Clark, r.
Second Precinct—Judges, M. Liddy,
d, Peter Fay, d, B. W. Jones, r; clerks,
John K. Kleinschmidt, d, Peter B.
Merkes, r.
Third Precinct—Judges, Frank Bei -
ler, d, Carson McElrath, r, Ed. Muntz,
r; clerks, J. C. Butler, d, Wm. Kret-
schmer, r.
First Precinct—Judges, James Lavin,
d, John Ludescher, d, W. T. Gilliam, r;
clerks, Dan Riordan, d, Ed. Werner, r.
Second Precinct—Judges, Geo. Wil -
man, d, J. W. Kintzinger, d, H. C.
Cutts, r; clerks, J. E. Knight, d, Jas.
Hird, r.
Third Precinct—Judges, Val Keppler,
d, A. Wombacher, d, Aug. Schilling, r;
clerks, Jas. Murray, d, W. E. Cram, r
First Precinct—Judges, John Steiber,
d, Alex Beed, r, L. C. Fuller, r; clerks,
Chris Mathis, r, P. Weigand, d.
Second Precinct—Judges, Geo. Pan-
cratz, d, S. A. Van Saun, r, Emil Schil-
ling, r; clerks, Thos. Kane, d, W. Zim-
merman, r.
Third Precinct—Judges, Geo. Ritten-
meier, d, O. W. Geiger, r, Rudolph
Jones, r; clerks, Van Duttle, d, Robert
Becker, r.
Fourth Precinct — Judges, Adam
Stoltz, cl, Peter Raab, d, E. E. Frith, r;
clerks, D. Haas, d, August Pranger, r.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the
names above submitted be declared the
judges and clerks of the various pre-
cincts fur the coming election. Car-
Mayor Berg stated the resolution
passed by the Council February 2Sth,
1902, ordering the Mayor to issue bonds
for the payment for the improvement
of Angella street did not state the
amount of interest the bonds were to
bear, consequently he could not carry
out the instructions of the resolution.
Aid. Horr moved that the resolution
passed February 28th, 1902, instruct-
ing the Mayor to issue bonds to pay
for the improvement of Angella street
be rescinded. Carried.
Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the fol-
lowing resolution in lieu of the one
Ald. Frith offered the following:
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque: That the
Mayor is required for the purpose of
providing for the payment of the cost
of improving Angella street from
Pierce street to a point 200 feet east of
Catherine street to issue and execute
and deliver to the City Recorder bonds
to the amount of $1,850.00 payable seven
(7) years after date and bearing inter-
est at the rate of Five (5) per cent. per
annum payable semi-annually.
Ald. Kintzinger moved to adopt the
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger, McLaughlin and
Sheridan. Total 7.
Ald. Frith offered the following:
Be it resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque: That the sum
of $6,000.00 be appropriated and set
apart for the purpose of erecting,
equipping and maintaining a fire en-
gine house on the lot owned by the
City, situated opposite the Sacred
Heart church and described as lot 2
of part of mineral lot 313.
Ald. Frith moved that the resolution
be referred to the Committee of the
Whole. Carried.
On motion the Council adjourned.
Approved. j% (.. ../ . 190
Adjourned l;e-Tu1ar Session, March 13, 1902. li;l
Adjourned Regular Session larch 13th,
Council met at 8:20 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger, McLaughlin and
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the
Council proceedings for the month of
February, 1902, be approved as printed.
The petition of Sophia Dempsey ask-
ing that her taxes for the years of
1900 and 1901, on her homestead, parts
of lots 34 and 35, Leven's Add., be can-
On motion, the petition was referred
to the Committee on Delinquent Taxes.
Petition of Frank W. Altman, guar-
dian of John Welbs, Jr., asking a re-
duction in the assessment of moneys
and credits for the year 1901.
On motion, the petition was referred
to the Board of Equalization.
The petition of Charles Stillman et al
asking that Langworthy's avenue be-
tween Hill street and Booth street be
graded, curbed, guttered and macad-
On motion the petition was referred
to the City Engineer and Street Com-
The claim of Jacob Kessler, Justice
of the Peace, for cost in City cases,
amount $36.50, and claim of M. J. Mul-
grew, court cost in case of John
Schmidt vs. City, amount $29.35, were
referred to the City Attorney and re-
port to the Council.
The petition of Christina Wasser ask
ing that the special assessment against
lot 2, sub. 5, Brecht's sub. and lot 1, sub.
5, Brecht's sub. for cleaning snow and
ice from sidewalk, levied Sept. 5th, 1901,
amount 65 cents.
And special assessment for repair-
ing sidewalk, levied March 1st, 1900,
70 cents, be cancelled.
On motion the prayer of the petition
was granted and the Treasurer instruc-
ted to cancel the same.
• The petitions of twenty-five or mor
property owners of the First, Second,
Third, Fourth and Fifth wards of the
City, asking that the Ordinance of the
Union Electric Company granting a
twenty-five years franchise, and pass-
ed by the City Council February 6th,
1902, he submitted to a vote of the qual-
ified electors of the City, was presented
and read.
Mr. J. R. Lindsay, Secretary of the
Union Electric Co., addressed the Coun-
cil and stated that the petitions were
not filed within the time specified by
law and objected to the consideration
of the petitions.
Ald. Horr moved that the petitions be
referred to the City Attorney for his
opinion as to the legality of Mr. Lind-
sey's objection and report at this ses-
sion of the Council. Carried.
Assistant City Attorney Nelson, be-
ing present, and after making inquir-
ies about the four week' publication
of the Ordinance and the fact of its
passage by the Council February 6th,
1902, stated that the question was up
to the Mayor to approve or veto the
Ordinance and in case the Mayor did
not approve or veto the same it would
become effectual at the expiration of
fourteen days by the operation of law.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the pe-
titions be received and filed.
Mr. T. W. Graham addressed the
Council and thought the petitions were
in ample time for the Council's con-
Ex -Judge D. J. Lenehan addressed
the Council sustaining Mr. Lindsay's
Ald. Kintzinger moved a substitute
to Ald. McLaughlin's motion, that the
Council reconsider their action in pass-
ing said ordinance February 6th, 1902.
The substitue was lost by the follow-
ing vote:
Ayes—Alds. Kintzinger and Sheri-
dan. Total, 2.
Nays—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones and McLaughlin. Total, 5.
The question recurring on the motion
of Ald. McLaughlin to receive and file
the petitions was carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones and McLaughlin. Total, 1.
Nays—Aids. Kintziger and Sheridan.
Total, 2.
Mayor Berg stated that he desired to
bring before the Council a matter in
relation of Special Assessment and
damages of J. C. Roberts and Mrs.
Quinlivan and referred the matter to
the Committee of the Whole.
City Auditor Hoffman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—Herewith find my re-
port for the month of February, 1902,
showing the receipts and disbursements
for the month:
Cash on hand February 1st,
$ 74,711 11
Receipts from all sources 103.655 94
Total $175,437 05
Warrants redeem-$ 91,266 53
Coupons redeemed8,871 08
Water works cou-
pons redeemed • • — $100,160 11
Cash on hand March 1st,
$ 78,276 94
Of the cash on
hand there be-
70 Adjourned Regular Session, March 13, 1902.
longs to the Im-
provement bond
fund $ 14,357. 08
Improvement bond 832 10
interest fund . • • • $ 15,189 18
Leaving a balance to the
$ 63.087 76
credit of the city
The following list shows the appro-
priations and the amount of warrants
drawn on each fund since the begin-
ning of the fiscal year beginning
March 1st, 1901, to March 1st, 1902:
$40.000 00 $30,460 49
40,000 00 39,542 69
33,500 00 33,086 08
28,500 00 27,829 90
5,000 00 4,998 95
2,500 00 2,020 00
3,000 00 2,759 97
24,161 95
Engineer 27,000 00
Gas and light ......
Water Works bond
interest 25,000 00
Interest 50,000 00
Board of Health 4,000 00
Grading 4,000 00
Bee Branch 13,000 00
Eagle Point bridge25,000 00
Special bonded pav-
ing . 8,000 00
Redemption ... 7,500 00
Dodge street sewer6,000 00
Judgment 4,000 00
Sprinkling 4,000 00
Library 6,000 00
Respectfully submitted,
On motion of Ald. Sheridan the re-
port was referred to the Finance Com-
Assistant City Attorney Nelson re-
ported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: Attached hereto please
find statement of cost in District
Court of this County and statement of
cost in Supreme Court of the State in
the case of Simon Thoeni vs. the City
of Dubuque:
I would recommend, in accordance
with attached statements, that war-
rants to pay same. be drawn as fol-
Simon Thoeni for
judgment ..
M. J. Mulgrew, Clerk
trict Court, fee bill
23,872 50
49,984 37
3,989 11
3,825 46
12,997 97
19,766 05
7,686 77
5,709 79
amount of
$551 70
of Dis-
49 30
Total $601 00
Respectfully submitted,
Assistant City Attorney.
On motion the report was adopted
and warrants ordered drawn on the
judgment fund, in accordance with the
City Recorder Langstaff reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: -Herewith find Treas-
urer's receipt for $2.50 for smallpox
cards sent to Guttenberg, Iowa.
City Recorder.
Report ordered received and filed.
Mayor Berg reported that the bonds
for the improvement of Angella street,
O. G. Kringle, contractor, amount
$1.850, had been issued and the same
had been sold.
Ald. Kintzinger moved that the act-
ion of the Mayor be approved. Car-
Ald. McLaughlin, of the Ordinance
Committee, presented and read an or-
dinance, and moved that the reading of
said ordinance be considered the first
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes -Aids. Clancy, Frith, Jones,
Kintzinger and McLaughlin. Total, 5.
Nayes-Alds. Horr and Sheridan.
Total, 2.
Aid. McLaughlin moved that the
rules be suspended for the purpose of
reading the ordinance the second time.
Ald. Frith moved a substitute that
the ordinance lay over under the rule
to the next meeting of the Council.
Ald. Frith's substitute carried and
the ordinance was laid over.
The ordinance follows:
Be it ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That Section 1 of Chap-
ter 23 of the ordinance entitled "an
ordinance in relation to and fixing
the salary of officers and appointees of
the city of Dubuque," be so amended
that portion relating to the City
Engineer shall read that the salary of
the Engineer shall be $2,000 instead of
$1.500 beginning May 1, 1902.
Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be pul,-
lished one time in the Dubuque Daily
Telegraph -Herald newspaper, and take
effect and be in force from and after
such publication.
Ald. Frith, chairman of the street
committee, reported as follows:
Your street committee respectfully
reports in favor of paying the bill of
O. G. Kringle balance due for the
improvement of Angella street, amount
of bill $315.
E. E. FRITH, Chairman.
Alamo reported back to the council
the macadam list for the month of
February. 1902, amount $2.329.75, which
had been referred to the committee
of the whole, and moved that war-
rants be ordered drawn for the pay-
ment of the bill of O. G. Kringle .ind
the various amounts on the macadam
list. Carried.
Ald. Frith, chairman of the com-
mittee on markets, presented the bill
of Ernest Mueke for sawing wood at
the city hall and moved that a c'ar-
Adjourned Regular Session, March 13, 1902. 71
rant for $10.75 be ordered drawn to
pay the same. Carried.
Ald. Sheridan of the delinquent lax
committee, reported as follows:
Your committee on delinquent taxes,
to whom was referred the petition
of John Albrecht, asking that Inc
taxes on his property, lot 6 Stafford's
addition, be canceled for the year
1901, would recommend that on ac-
count of his poverty the prayer of
the petitioner be granted and that
the treasurer be instructed accord-
Also, your committee on delinquent
taxes, to whom was referred the peti-
tion of Mary Sigg, asking that the
taxes on her property, lot 2 of Quuig-
ley's sub. and lots 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and
20 in Sister's add., be canceled for th'.
year 1901 and thereafter, would r ec -
ommend that on account of her l'o' -
erty the taxes for the year 1901 oni>
be canceled and that the treasure r
be instructed accordingly.
Your committee on delinquent taxe.=.
to whom was referred the petition of
Lena Faber, asking that the tax
on her property, lot 5 of Smedley':-
add., be canceled for the year 1901,
would recommend that on account of
her poverty the prayer of the peti-
tioner be granted and that the treas-
urer be instructed accordingly.
Also, your committee on delimpient
taxes, to whom was referred the peti-
tion of Margaret Dawson, asking that
the taxes on her property, lot 79, Union
Add.. be canceled for the year 1901,
would recommend that on account of
her poverty the prayer of the peti-
tioner be granted and that the treas-
urer be instructed accordingly.
Also your committee on delinquent
taxes, to whom was referred the peti-
tion of Mary Kelly, asking that the
taxes on her property, sub. 4 of Min.
eral lot 37 lot 2, be canceled, would
recommend that the prayer of the
petitioner be granted and that 1h
treasurer be instructed to cancel a
taxes for the year 1901.
Also, your committee on delinquent
taxes, to whom was referred the peti-
tion of Eliza Saul, asking that the
taxes on her property, lot 2 Hoskins
sub.. be canceled for the year 1901,
would recommend that on account
of her poverty the prayer of tile
petitioner be granted and that the•
city treasurer be instructed accord-
Also your Committee on Delinquent
Tax, to whom was referred the peti-
tion of W. H. Morhiser, asking that
the taxes on Lot 38 Wilson's Sub.,
owned by the Benjamin Cheetham Es-
tate, be canceled for the year 1901,
would recommend that the prayer of
the petition be granted and that the
Treasurer be instructed accordingly.
Also your Committee on Delinquent
Taxes would recommend that the peti-
tions of the following named widows
of soldiers of the war of the rebellion
be granted and that the treasurer be
instructed to allow them an exemption
froni taxation on $S00 valuation: Mrs.
Elizabeth Bottoms, Mrs. Mary J. Swit-
zer, Mrs. B. Sanner. Mrs, Martha Zinn
and Mrs. Katharine Vollmer.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the reports
of the Committee on Delinquent Taxes
be adopted. Carried.
Ald. 'Kintzinger, Chairman of the
Committee of the Whole. reported the
action of the Committee of the Whole
on the appropriation for the ensuing
Ald. Frith offered a minority report
and moved its adoption.
Ald. Frith's motion carried by the
following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Frith. Horr, Jones and
Kintzinger. Total. 4.
Nays—Aids. Clancy. McLaughlin and
Sheridan. Total, 3.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the
matter of appropriations be referred
hack to the Committee of the Whole.
Ald. Kintzinger removed an amend-
ment that the matter of appropria-
tions be referred to the Committee of
the Whole and that the Council take
a recess for twenty minutes.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Frith, Horr, Jones, Kint-
zinger and Sheridan. Total, 5.
Nays—Aids. Clancy and McLaughlin.
Total, 2.
The Council arose and adjourned to
the committee room.
When the Aldermen returned to the
Council room the Mayor called the
Council to order and all members
Ald. Kintzinger, chairman of the
Committee of the Whole, reported the
Your Committee of the Whole, to
which was referred the matter of ap-
propriations for the ensuing year,
would recommend that the following
amounts be appropriated for the sev-
eral purposes specified, to -wit:
For General Expense and $ 40,000
tingent Fund
Por improvement, repair, main-
tenance and cleaning of
streets, alleys and highways42,000
Por expense of Fire Department 35,000
For expense of Police Depart -
8 000
ment "
For care, maintenance and re-
pair of sewers, storm and
For Printing
For expense of Engineer De-
partment, including salaries.. 4,000
For expense of street lighting.. 25,000
For interest on water works
For interest on bonded and 45,000
floating debt
For expenses of Board of Health 6,000
72 Adjourned Regular Session, March 13, 1902.
For Grading Fund
Fir continuation of Bee Branch
storm water sewer
For approach to Dubuque and
Wisconsin bridge ..
For taking up improvement
bonds issued for payment of
special assessment against
narks, fir' engine house
grounds and other real estate
owned by the city for paving
and macadamizing of streets
and interest on same
For retirement of Floating Debt 2,500
For the payment of judgments
against the city
District Road Fund for Sprink-
ling purposes—lst Dist., $750;
2nd Dist., $2,300; 3rd Dist.,
$2,200; 4th Dist., $2,300; 5th
Dist., $1,500
For maintenance of Public Li-
For interest on Special Bonded
For Special Sewer Fund
For building and equipping
Grandview avenue engine
house .... 6,000
For Grading Mount Carmel
For repairing sidewalks 500
Total appropriation . .$318,050
Ald. Kintzinger moved to adopt the
report of the Committee of the Whole
on appropriations for the year 1902.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Frith, Horr, Jones and
Kintzinger. Total, 4.
Nayes—Aids. Clancy, McLaughlin
and Sheridan. Total 3.
Ald. Kintzinger of the Special Com-
mittee, reported as follows:
Your Special Committee, to which
was referred the ordinance providing
for the regulation of saloons, submit-
ted by His Grace, Archbishop Keane
et al, beg to report that we have held
two meetings, and after hearing the
legal opinion of the city attorney on
said ordinance and giving the matter
our earnest consideration, we would
recommend that it be received and
Ald. Kintzinger moved to receive and
file the report.
Md. McLaughlin moved a substitute
that the report be adopted..
Ald. McLaughlin's substitute to
adopt the report of the special Com-
mittee carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Frith, Horr, Jones and
McLaughlin. Total 4.
Nayes—Aids. Clancy, Kintzinger and
Sheridan. Total 3.
The Mayor declared the report of the
Special Committee was adopted.
Ald. Kintzinger then moved that the
ordinance presented by J. J. Keane et
al be referred to the mayor for the pur-
pose of instructing and ordering the
police department to see that the pro-
visions included in said ordinance be
enforced, and that the mayor be and
is hereby instructed to order the police
department to enforce all the pro-
visions set out in said ordinance nam-
ing them in his order, and that the
police force be ordered to prosecute
any one violating any of the provisions
of said order under the state law.
Ald. McLaughlin moved as a substi-
tute that Ald. Kintzinger's motion be
received and filed.
Ald. McLaughlin's substitute was
adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Frith, Horr, Jones and
McLaughlin. Total 4.
Nays—Aids. Clancy, Kintzinger and
Sheridan. Total 3.
Ald. Sheridan moved that Chapters
36 and 37 of the Revised Ordinances of
the city, referring to offenses and pen-
alties, be referred to the Ordinance
Committee and City Attorney, to re-
port at the next meeting of the Coun-
cil, whether they are not in conflict
with the state law and if so to draft
and report an ordinance repealing the
Ald. Sheridan's motion was lost by
the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy and Sheridan.
Total 2.
Nays—Alds. Frith, Horr, Jones,
Kintzinger and McLaughlin. Total 5.
Alderman Jones offered the following:
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque: That the
Marshal be and he is hereby instructed
to notify all property owners abutting
on the right of way purchased by the
city for the Bee Branch sewer. to re-
move their houses, fences and all other
obstructions therefrom within thirty
days from date of passage of this
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the reso-
lution. Carried.
Ald. Clancy offered the following:
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque: That the City
Recorder be and he is hereby instructed
to insert an advertisement in the offi-
cial newspapers inviting architects to
submit sketches for a 26x50 foot two
story brick fire engine house to be
built on lots 17 and 18, block 5. Grand-
view Park Add., and costing not to
exceed $3,500.00. Said sketches to be
submitted to the City Council on
April 3, 1902.
Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the reso-
lution. Carried.
Md. Clancy also presented to the
city a warranty deed of above des-
cribed lots 17 and 18, block 5, Grand-
view Park Add., properly executed and
signed by C. J. Peterson. Tenie N.
Peterson, his wife, P. S. Slocum and
Amanda A. Slocum, his wife, all of
Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa.
Mayor Berg, chairman of the Special
Committee on securing right of way
for the extension of Lincoln avenue,
reported that Frank Drasda would ac-
cept $100 less and John Fosselmann
$200 less than the award of the jury.
making a total for right of way, $5,440.
Ald. Frith moved that the Mayor
and City Attorney be instructed to se-
cure the deeds from the property own-
ers for said right of way• and when
the deeds are filed that warrants be
ordered drawn for the various amounts.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones and Sheridan. Total 5.
Absent—Alds. Kintzinger and Mc-
Adjourned Regular Session, March 13, 1902. 73
On motion the council abjourned for
one week to March 20, 1902.
Approved v • .1901
. Mayor
74 Regular Session, March 20, 1902,
Regular St.ssioo, March 20th, 1902.
Council met at 8:30 o'clock p. 31.
Mayor Berg in the chair.Horr,
Present—Alds. Clancy,
Jones, McLaughlin and Sheridan.
Absent—Ald. Kintzinger.
Petition of Dorethra Kautz asking
that the taxes be cancelled on the
north one half of lot 302 Davis Farm
On motion the petition was referred
to the Delinquent Tax Committee.
The petition of O. G. Kringle, ask-
ing that he be paid for extra grading
on account of the change of grade in
the improvement of Angella street.
On motion the petition was referred
to the Committee on Streets, the alder-
man of the Fourth ward and the city
engineer and they report to the ;;ouu-
The petition of Jean Theis asking
that a part of lot 2 of lot 106 L. H.
Langworthy's add., lying east of Eim
street extension from Eagle Point
avenue to Sanford avenue, abutting
Chicago Great Western Railway ,-:om-
pany's right of way be deeded back to
On motion the petition was referred
to the Committee on Bee Branch and
City Attorney and City Engineer.
The petition of John Specht asking
a donation of $800.00 to defray the ex-
pense of running the steamer Teal, for
the season of 1902, was on motion re-
ceived and filed.
The claim of Becker & Son for work
claimed to have been done on the ap-
proach to the Dubuque and Wiscon-
sin high bridge approach was refer•
red to the Committee of the Whole and
City Attorney.
The claim of Thomas Considine
claiming $2,500 for falling on sidewalk
abutting lot 3 of sub. of lots 18, 19 and
20 in Kelley's sub.
On motion was referred to the Com-
mittee on Claims and City Attorne,i.
The claim of George Kunz claiming
$5000 for injuries sustained, caused by
coasting on Third street, was on mo •
tion referred to the Committee oa
Claims and City Attorney.
The Claim of Mrs. John Kruse claim-
ing damages for falling on the aproi,
extending from the sidewalk to the
street, corner of Rhomberg and John-
son avenues, was on motion referred
to the Committee on Claims and City
The receipt of Mrs. Catherine Duffy
for $200 in full settlement of claim of
damages caused by falling on sidewalk:
was presented by Ald. Kintzingci•,
chairman Committee on Claims, and en
motion the receipt was ordered re-
ceived and filed.
City Treasurer Gniffke presented his
annual report for the fiscal year end-
ing February 28th, 1902, which .vas
read and referred to the Finance
Committee for publication in the city's
financial report for the year 1901.
City Auditor Hoffman presented his
annual report for the fiscal year end-
ing February 28th, 1902, which was re-
ferred to the Finance Committee for
publication in the city's financial re-
port for the year 1901.
Street Commissioner Boyce reported
as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
pay roll for labor on streets for the
first half of March, 1902.
Amount clue laborers on streets
Respectfully Submitted.
Street Commissioner.
E. E. FRITH, Chairman Committee
on streets. JOSEPH L. HORR.
Also presented pay roll for laborers
on sewers for the first half of March,
Amount due laborers on sewer..
Respectfully Submitted,
Street Commissioner.
JOSEPH L. HORR, Chairman om •
mittee on Sewers.
Also present pay roll for grading on
south Bluff street for the first half ' f
March, 1902.
Amount due laborers for gradin
Respectfully Submitted,
Street Commissioner .
E. E. FRITH, Chairman Committee
on Streets.
On motion the pay rolls were receiv-
ed and warrants ordered drawn to pay
laborers on streets, sewers and icr
grading and the pay rolls referred back
to the proper committees.
Also presented pay roll for grading
the approach to the Dubuque and
Wisconsin bridge for the first half
of March, 1902.
Amount due laborers for grading
Respectfully Submitted,
Street Commissioner.
J. W. KINTZINGER, Chairman Du-
buque and Wisconsin bridge approach.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the pay
Regular Session, March 20, 1902.
roll be received and warrants be or-
dered drawn to pay for grading and
the pay roll referred back to the joint
committee. Carried.
City Attorney Duffy reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and A:dcr-
men of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—Attached hereto see
statement of judgment in case of Al.
Tschirgi vs. City of Dubuque.
is an action brought to recover
ment against the City on account of
balance due for grading Rush street.
At the October term, 1901, after some
of the evidence had been introduced,
[ settled this case, allowing plaintiff
to take judgment for $350.00, with In-
terest from December 3rd, 1901 ,and
for costs. As the City could not dis-
prove the c:aim of plaintiff, and as
this settlement saved the city about
$100.00, I recommend that a warrant
be drawn in favor of M. J. Mulgtew,
Clerk of the District Court for lne
sum of $412.25 to pay said judgment
and costs.
Respectfully Submitted.
City Attorney.
Aid. McLaughlin moved that the re-
port be adopted and a warrant be cr-
dered drawn as recommended to pay
judgment and costs. Carried.
Also reporting on the annexed state-
ment of judgment, referred to me by
your honorable body, I submit the ;'ol-
lowing. This claim is for costs in a
special assessment case. The Mayor
failed to sign the resolution ordering
the work, and consequently the Court
enjoined the City from collecting the
special assessment, and rendered
judgment against the City for costs.
I would recommend that a warrant
be drawn. for the sum of $29.35, in
favor of M. J. Mu'grew, Clerk of the
District Court to pay these costs.
Respectfully submitted.
City Attorney.
On motion the report was adopte,7
and a warrant ordered drawn as rec-
ommended in the report.
City Engineer Blake reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: Herewith find a correct-
ed assessment against Lot 2 of 2 of 8
Ellen Blake's sub., for constructing a
sanitary sewer in West Locust street.
The assessment as presented calls
for $65.44, and the corrected assess-
ment calls for $55.21. This mistake
was made owing to the wrong frontage
being represented on the map.
Respectfully Submitted.
City Engineer.
A1d. Sheridan moved that the tr. arc .
urer he Instructed to correct said a'-
sessment in accordance with above -
port. Carried by the folowing vote:
Ayes—Aids. C:ancy, Frith, ilutr,
Junes. McLaughlin and Sheridan. To-
tal 6.
Absent—Ald. Kintzinger.
The bids for sprinkling wagons were
presented and ordered opened.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the
bids for sprinkling wagons be refo_Lrod
to the Committee of the Whole. :I i:1
that the Committee meet at 9 0' c!;
a. m. March 21st, 1902, to consid •r tae
bids. Carried.
Ald. McLaughlin of the Ordinance
Commitee reported back to the Coan-
cil the ordinance entitled "An ''r-
dinance in relation to fixing the salary
of the City Engineer of the city of Du-
buque.' and passed its first reading
of the Council, March 13th, 1902, and
moved that the ordinance be read the
second time.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. C ancy. Frith, Horr.
Jones. McLaughlin and Sheridan. To-
tal 6.
Absent—Ald. Kintzinger.
The ordinance was then read the
second time.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the or-
dinance be passed as read.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Ilorr,
Jones, McLaughlin and Sheridan. To-
tal 6.
Absent—Ald. Kintzinger.
The Mayor declared the ordinance
Also Ald. McLaughlin presented an
ordinance entitled an ordinance in re-
lation to fixing the salary of the City
Auditor of the City of Dubuque, and
moved that it be read the first time.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Hort',
Jones, McLaughlin and Sheridan. To-
tal 6.
Absent—Ald. Kintzinger.
The ordinance was then read the
first time.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the
rules he suspended for the purpose of
reading the ordinance the second time.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Hoer,
Jones, McLaughlin and Sheridan. To-
tal 6.
Absent—Ald. Kintzinger.
The ordinance was read the second
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the or-
dinance be nassed as read.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. C ancy, Frith. 1: -Torr,
Jones, McLaughlin and Sheridan. To-
tal 6.
Absent—Ald. Kintzinger.
The mayor declared the ordinance
The ordinance follows:
lcegular SesEion, March 20, 1902.
Be it ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That section of Chapter
23 of an ordinance encit'ed "An Or-
dinance in relation to and fixing the
salaries of the City office: s of the City
of Dubuque" be so amended that that
portion relating to the City Auditor
shall read that the salary of the Audi-
tor shall be $1400.00, beginning May
lst, 1902.
Section 2. This ordinance shall be
published one time in the Dubuque
Daiiy Telegraph -Herald newspaper,
and take effect and be in force from
and after such publication.
Ald. Frith, chairman of the Commit-
tee on Bee Branch, reported as fol-
Your Committee on Bee Branch
Sewer, to whom was referred the bill
of Steuck & Linehan for $125.60 for
extra labor bailing water in Bee
Branch Sewer, would recommend that
said bill be paid and that a warrant be
ordered drawn on the Treasurer in
settlement thereof.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report.
Ald. McLaughlin of the Committee
on Harbors reported as follows:
Your Committee on Harbors, to
whom was referred the petition of
W. H. Wisner, asking that he be
allowed to use the northwest corner
of the Ice Harbor for ferry landing,
would recommend that said petition be
received and filed. We would further re-
commend that the location of the ferry
landing be not changed from where it
was last year.
Ald. McLaughlin moved to adopt the
reports of the Committee on Harbor.
Ald. Jones, chairman of the Com-
mittee on Public Grounds and Build-
ings, stated that the floor in the Ninth
street Chemical Engine House had
rotted out and needed a new floor, and
recommended that a new floor be laid.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the
matter of repairs be referred to the
Committee on Public Grounds and
Buildings and the committee report to
the council the estimated cost of same.
Ald. Sheridan, chairman of the Com-
mittee on Delinquent Tax, reported as
Your Committee on Delinquent
Taxes, to whom was referred the peti-
tion of Jonathan Foster, asking that
he be granted the exemption provided
by law for Soldiers of the war of the
Rebellion, would recommend that the
prayer of the petitioner be granted
and that the Treasurer be instructed
accordingly. Ald. Sheridan moved to
adopt the report. Carried.
Ald. McLaughlin, of the Board of
Health, presented bill of Thos. E.
Frith, amount $310.45, for removing
garbage in the month of December,
1901, and moved that a warrant be
ordered drawn to pay the same. Car-
Also, Ald. McLaughlin moved that
warrants be ordered drawn to pay the
two Health Physicians and the two
Sanitary Policeman, up to March 1,
1902. Carried.
Warrants drawn as follows:
Dr. J. C. Hancock, Health Physician
for the months of January and Febru-
ary, 1902, $100.
Dr. B. Michel, Assistant Health Offi-
cer for the last half of January and
the month of February, 1902, $75.
Prank Flynn, Sanitary Policeman,
for the months of January and Feb-
ruary, 1902, $120.
Sam Starr, Assistant Sanitary Po-
liceman, for the last half of January
and the month of February, 1902, $75.
Aid. Clancy, chairman of the Com-
mittee on Fire, reported as follows:
Your Committee on Fire beg to re-
port that on March 8, 1902, we pur-
chased one horse for the fire depart-
ment at a cost of $175, which amount
was advanced by the City Treasurer, in
whose favor we would therefore recom-
mend that a warrant be ordered drawn
for a similar amount.
Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Horr, chairman of the Board of
Equalization, reported as follows:
Your Board of Equalization, to whom
was referred the petition of the Du-
buque Telephone Co. asking that its
assessment be reduced to the valuation
as returned by the County Auditor,
would recommend that the prayer be
granted and that the Treasurer be in-
structed accordingly.
Also your board of equalization to
whom was referred the petition of the
Wells -Fargo Express company. asking
that its assessment he reduced to the
valuation as returned by the county
auditor, would recommend that the
prayer of the petitioner be granted
and that the treasurer be instructed
Also your board of equalization, to
whom was referred the petition of
Franc W. Altman, guardian of John
Welbs, Jr., asking that the assess-
ment on moneys and credits be reduced
from $1,400 to $400, because $1,000 of
said moneys and credits were invested
in Dubuque water works bonds, would
recommend that the prayer of the peti-
tioner be granted and that the treas-
urer be instructed accordingly.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the re-
ports of the board of equalization. Car-
Ald. Frith offered the following which
was adopted:
Be It Resolved by :the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, that the city
engineer be and he is hereby d1,' ' tzd
to prepare plans and specifications for
Regular Session, March 20, 1902.
the continuation of the Bee Branch
storm water sewer from its present
termination to Sanford street, and to
present the same to the city council at
its next session.
Ald. Clancy offered the following:
Whereas, It is deemed necessary and
advisable by the city council of the
city of Dubuque to improve Lang-
worthy avenue from Hill street to
Booth street, and it is hereby pro-
posed to grade, curb, gutter and ma-
cadamize said street; therefore,
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the lity
engineer be and he is hereby directed
to prepare a plat showing generally
the location and nature of such int-
proveritent and the extent thereof, and
the kind of material to be used, and
an estimate of the entire cost thereof,
and the amount and cost of such im-
provement, and the amount assess-
able upon any railway or strest rail-
way company, the amount and cost
thereof to be paid by the city, if any.
and the cost thereof and amount as-
sessable upon each lot or parcel of land
adjacent to or abutting upon such
improvement per front foot, and to file
such plat and estimate in the office
of the city recorder; that after the
filing of said plat and estimate in his
office, the city recorder shall l ublish in
three consecutive issues of a newspaper
published in this city a notice stating
that such plat and estimate a.•e on
file, the location and nature of the
improvement, kind of material lo be
used, and an estimate of its . ost and
the time before which objections there-
to can be filed and the time li7ed for
hearing ,which time ..iia,11 be not legis
than five days after the last publica-
tion of such notice and after ouch
publication shall have beer. made the
city recorder shall, at ;he next regular
session of the city council notify the
council thereof in writing with a print-
ed copy of such notice accompanying
the same.
Ald. Clancy moved to adept the reso-
lution. Carried.
The mayor stated that he had com-
plaints from several of the interested
parties in the light ordered on Grve
Terrace some months ago, bu
t not
yet put up.
Ald. McLaughlin, chairman of the
police and light committee, stated It
would have immediate attention.
On motion the council adjourned un-
til April 3, 1902.
Attest :
Approved .
/ .1902
M oyor
List of Warrants.
City Recorder's Office, Dubuque, Ia.,
March 1, 1902.
To the Honorable Mayor and , City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—The foll swing is a com-
plete list of all warrants issued b'• me
during the month of February, 1902.
C. H. Berg, salary, mayor $116 73
H. 13. Gniffke, treasurer 133:;5
H. B. Gniffke, assistant treas-
urer 1 (II
L. M. Langstaff, recorder ....... 116.10
F. 13. Hoffman. auditor 100 00
C. B. Scher(, assessor.. 125 00
T. H. Duffy, attorney 150 01
P. J. Nelson, assistant attor- 50 00
Edw. Morgan, marshal 100 00
Joe Reinfried, fire chief 100 0"
John Lawler, committee clerk83 3:+
Wm. A. Kaepclerk, recorder's
office .. 75 00
Edw. Herren. clerk treasurer's
office 60 G9
Edw. Blake, engineer 125 00
Jas. H. Boyce, street commis-
sioner .. 100 01)
W. Hipman, electrician 83 30
Anton Stoltz, market master50 0'1
Thos. Cahill, park custodian40 00
Peter Bradley, park custodian... 40 0
Al Moyer, pound master 45 00
Mrs. H. Koenig, janitress 20 (0
A. P. Berg, sidewalk inspector 50 00
N. Kintzinger, wharfmaster 20 0)
Matt Clancy. alderman 25 00
E. E. Frith, alderman 25 00
Jos. L. Horr, alderman25 03
J. W. Kintzinger, alderman 25 01
P. H. McLaughlin. alderman25 00
Rudolph Jones, alderman25 00
John J. Sheridan. alderman 25 00
M. Eitel, fireman
J. Flynn, fireman
A. Duccini, fireman
J. Essman, fireman
J. Rnshln, fireman
J. Sehonberger, fireman
J. Tschudi. fireman
A. Heel., fireman
F. Sehonberger, fireman
J. Daley fireman
J. Barnes, fireman
T. Ryder, fireman
W. Ducey. fireman
G. Beyer, fireman
F. Murphy, fireman
P. Ahern, fireman
M. Kelly, fireman
D. Ahern, fireman..M
F. Kenneally, fireman
A. McDonnell, fireman......
T. Kennedy. fireman
J. Fitzpatirck, fireman
P. Zillig, fireman
M. Sweeney. fireman
C. Hansen, fireman.... .......
H. Cain. fireman
65 00
65 00
60 OO
75 00
60 09
50 00
50 00
50 90
30 60
65 00
75 00
60 00
60 00
65 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
65 00
65 00
75 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
J. Murphy, fireman
F.Ganahl, fireman
T. Flynn, fireman
G. Gherke, fireman
F. Baumgartner, fireman
Nannr,lt, fireman
.1. Allen. fl: eman ..
Ii. Weston, fireman
AI. Fahey, fireman
R. Bliss, watching Fischer
house during small pox case
G. Burke], police
B. Busse, poiice
J. Carter, police
5!. ('raugh, police
J. ('lune, police
J. Cody, poiice
P. Dumphey, police
H. Donlon, police..
Wilmer Cook, police
John Fitzpatrick, police
Jas. Flynn, poiice...
P. Hanlon, police
Wm. Hennessy, police
M. Kilty, police
E. Kahn, police
J. Loetscher, poiice
John Murphy, po:ice
P. McCollins, police
P. Mclnerny. police
John Moore, police
D. Norton, police..
M. O'Connor, police...
A. Pfeffer, poiice..
Pat Powers, police
T. Reilly, po:ice
J. Raesii, poiice
Jas. Ryan, palice
Otto Rath, police
Tom Sweeney, police
P. Scharff, police
P. Sullivan, police
Al Scherr, police
P. Sutton. police
J. L. Sulivan, police..
M. Stapleton, police ..............
L. Zeidman, police.
Joe Tyler, po:ice 69
Mrs. Kate Hibbi, matron 30 00
Miss B. Brennan, matron 30 660
Sam Alien, labor.. 1 ,53
Jos. Broulette, labor
Paul Brandenberger, labor
Jos. Brown, labor
Paul Becker, labor 2 70
Wm. Coughlin, labor 6 10
Jas. Callahan, labor.. 20 00
John Corbett, labor 5 40
Adam Crawford, labor 20 00
Henry Cosgrove, labor 21 1.0
Thos. Donahue, labor 5 10
M. Dunnigan, labor 1 55
Jos. Eberhardt, labor 1 05
Mat Fetshele, labor 3 40
Pat Fenelon, labor 4 05
Nelson Frith, labor 16 65
Dietrich Grashorn, Tabor
.Ins, Grab, labor
(leo. J. Hahn• labor
1'. H. Hubbard, labor
Nic Kettenhnfen, labor
60 00
65 00
60 00
50 00
50 0•)
65 01
60 00
50 0')
(1 )
1 35
1 03
4 05
5 75
7 SO
20 63
25 00
3 40
List of Warrants. ;!►
Mat Klein, labor
Martin Lonergan, labor
Jas. McCormick, labor
B. McCormick, labor
John Pfeiffer, labor
Chas. Pierce, labor
John Parker, labor
Jas. Parker, labor
Mat Quirk, labor
Nic Sweeney, labor
Jas. Straney, labor
Frank Scherr, labor
Tony Schmidt. labor
John Schroeder, labor
Jos. Schafetel, labor
Landon Taylor, labor
12 50
1 0,5
6 10
2 05
3 40
5 40
17 25
3 5
20 00
6 10
2 ', 0
3 -i0
1 05
1 05
12 77
P. Casserly, labor22 11
W. Clark, labor
John Corcoran, labor.. -' 10
S. H. Cook, labor 00
Maurice. Flynn, labor :_" 40
R. A. Fuller, labor 21 10
W. Lonergan, labor 22 -10
Con Sullivan, labor 22 10
John L. Huffmier, team 18 75
Peter Carney, labor $ 17 25
Dan Connolly. labor 14 25
Mike Carni y, labor 17 25
Pat Kenneally, labor 4 50
Mike Meagher. labor 13 50
John iNlagncr. labor 3 00
Mike O'Mearra, labor 17 25
W. O'Brien, foreman 20 00
Jas,. Powers, labor ... 1 50
Sa'n Radford, labor 3 00
Dennis Sullivan, labor 7 50
Frank Mathis, team 15 00
Ed. Seeley, team 13 75
JANUARY, 1902.
Mike Aarthofer, labor 4 50
Frank Atkinson, labor 18 40
Jas. Aldrich, labor 10 50
H. Brown, labor 6 75
Geo. Baumgartner, labor
Mike Boyle, labor
Jos. Brandenberg, labor
Maurice Byrne, labor
Geo. Butler, labor
Wm. Byrne, labor
Thos. Considine, labor
John Coyne, labor
Mike Chevalier, labor
Wm. Carter, cutter
Mike Cain, labor
Geo. Doerrer, labor
Jake Dolter, labor
R. T. Eddy, foreman
Nelson Frith, foreman
Pat Fenelon, labor
Nic. Fischer, labor
Lawrence Ferber, labor
Frank Faber, labor
Maurice Fenelon, labor
C. Gantenbein, foreman
Free Gau, labor
J. H. Geary, labor
8 25
5 25
15 75
14 00
18 40
17 55
9 45
4 50
14 00
17 55
16 65
12 75
17 50
25 00
33 35
6 75
6 75
4 50
25 65
11 40
25 00
5 25
4 50
Jos. Gavin, labor 14 00
Jos. Geisland, labor 16 65
C. H. Hubbard, foreman 50 00
Jake Hanson, labor 7 90
George Hird, labor 13 15
John Hackett, labor 17 50
Petera Kraemer, labor 3 00
Frei Keck, labor . 4 50
Herman Kronfeldt, labor 9 75
Hugh Kehr, labor 4 50
John Kinsella, labor 18 70
Mat. Kenneally, labor 16 65
Jas. Kenneally, labor 8 75
chris. Lohrman, labor 4 50
11il Lavin, labor 6 00
:\ I,. Hi labor 9 65
Mike Lang, labor 8 10
.1 hn Leidinger. labor 5 75
('has. Muggenberg, labor 4 50
John Miller, labor 17 55
.1. l.. K nzie, blacksmith 15 15
C. 11. ,McDonald, labor 9 75
,1.1-. McKernan, labor 14 00
('has. Nank, labor 6 75
F. O'Laughlin, timekeeper 75 00
Harry Oakleaf, labor 6 15
Gerhardt Parr, labor 3 40
George Putnam, labor 11 40
Chas. Pribe, labor
Mike Ruddy 5 275
Pat Royce, foreman 25 00
Jos. Rooney 12 25
Aril Ring 25 65
Pat Ryan, foreman 25 00
John Spies S 00
Mike Sullivan, labor 14 25
John Sigworth, labor 5 25
J. J. Smith, labor 4 50
Thos. Smith. labor 4 50
Dan Sullivan 14 S5
,Tohn Spear 18 40
Jas. Sheehan, labor 13 50
John Schwaegler, labor 13 15
John Schromen, foreman 37 50
Richard Turner, labor 6 75
Rudolph Thorpe 8 75
Fritz Tropfs 18 40
.las. Thomas 13 15
J.- F. Venn, labor 10 50
Chas. Voltz 19 70
Fred Woodrich, labor 3 75
Chas. Wilde 17 55
Frank Wallhafer, labor 12 75
Torn Casey, team 24 00
Ed. Frith 7 50
Tom Kenneally, team 9 00
Frank Sieg, team 19 50
Jas. Tobin, team 27 00
John 'Williams, team 30 00
G. Bramer, hauling rock for mac-
B. Costello, hauling rock for
A. Conrad, hauling rock for
T. Casey, hauling rock for mac-
C. Cunningham, hauling rock for
macadam '
E. Fengler, hauling rock for
macadam rock for
M. Hannon, hauling
P. Horch, hauling rock for mac -
1 20
2 80
4 60
3 20
5 50
19 60
15 10
List of Warrants.
F. Kenneally, hauling rock for 1 80
W. Hohr, hauling rock for mac- 1
adam 6 60
T. O'Brien, hauling rock for
macadam 20 80
E. Seeley, hauling rock for mac-
adam 11 10
A. Sieg, hauling rock for mac -
5 60
F. Sieg, hauling rock for mac-
adam 2 40
J. Venn, hauling rock for mac-
adam 24 00
J. Williams, hauling rock for
macadam 7 80
A. Doerr, asst. assessor for Jan,
1902 $ 75.00
J. J. Murphy, asst. assessor for
Jan., 1902 75.00
M. O'Loughlin, asst. engineer's
office for Jan., 1902 40.00
Jno. Schrup, asst. Engineer's
office, Jan., 1902 40.00
P. Baumgartner, asst. market
master for Jan., 190236.45
A. Stoltz, board of prisoners for
Jan.. 1902 6.80
F. Fromm, fitting storm sash
city hall 2.45
Jos. Gukeisen, building scaffold-
ing in armory ... 2.20
Mullen & Papin, plumbing at
city hall 10.50
Even & Fuchs, hard coal first
ward scales 9.40
Becker Bros., hard coal at city
hall 36.98
Hagge, Metz & Co., 5 storm sash 10.00
Geo. F. Kleih, hardware city hall .65
Phil Pier, hard wood city hall51.10
Dubuque Telephone Co., tele-
phone rent for various offices 17.38
F. A. Miller, 1 dcsz. brooms for
city hall 2.65
Rumpf, Frudden Lumber Co ,
lumber for city hall scales22.45
A. R. Staufenbeil, repairing
clocks at city hall 2.50
A. R. Staufenbeil, taking care
of town clock June 1st to Dec.
Eichhorn & Bechtel, oil and
matches for city hall
Larry Daily, cleaning around
market square
Beig & Rood, stationery and sup-
plies for various offices ....
F. G. Brandt, agent, insurance
on city hall
J^o. L. Buettell, agent, insur-
ance on city hall
C. H. Reynolds. agent, insurance
on city hall
Coates & Robinson, agents, in-
surance an city hall
Gen. Saint, agent, insurance on
city hall
Dubuque Fire and Marine Insur-
ance Co., Insurance on central
engine house
F. H. Wiehe & Co., Insurance
• nn central engine house
J. 11. 1Terancnt•t, insurance on
14 00
central engine house 17.50
C. A. Voelker, insurance on cen-
tral engine house 52.50
Jno. Pier & Co., insurance on
18th street engine house 37.50
J. C. Chamb 'rlain, insurance on
Delhi street engine house 20.00
J. H. Bradley. insurance on town
clock 27.50
A. Reilly, insurance 4th street
engine house 7.50
A. Reilly, insurance Delhi street
engine house 12.50
A. Reilly, insurance on town
clock ... • • • • .. 13.75
P. Kiene & Son, insurance cen-
tral engine house 35.00
P. Kiene & Son, insurance city
hall 31.25
f'. B. Hoffman, insurance city
hall 31.25
F. B. Hoffman, insurance town
clock .. 27.50
F. B. Hoffman, insurance cent-
ral engine house 17.50
G. F. Kleih, new tools for road
department 2.40
F. M. Jaeger & Co., new tools
for road dept. 5.45
F. M. Jaeger & Co., powcier and
fuse road department 2.30
C. Matz, repairing tools road
department .. .. 1.80
A. A. Brown, repairing tools
road department .10
Geo. Bock, repairing tools road
department . .50
F. Schloz & Son, repairing tools
road department 1.80
P. Clancy, cinders for road de-
partment 16.25
Becker Bros., use of team roll-
ing 7th street paving 2.00
Anton Sieg, rock for macadam25.60
Chas. Pflffner, horseshoeing for
road department 3.50
Trenk Wire Works, wire screen
for road department .. 2.00
Mulgrew & Phillins. paving
brick for road dept. 2.25
P. J. Seippel, lumber for road
department .. 4.40
Lagen & Sullivan, horseshoeing
for fire department 15.75
Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse -
shoeing for fire dept 8.90
Kannolt & Powers, horseshoe-
ing for fire dept .. .. 28.15
Collings & Edwards, horseshoe-
ing for fire dept 12.00
C. F. Pfiffner, horseshoeing for
fire dept 46.75
Fred Roehl, hardware for fire
dept. 3.25
L. Lindenberg, hardware for fire
dept. . , 1.00
F. M. Jaeger & Co., hardware for
fire dept. 4.97
J. F. Stampfer, blankets and
quilts for fire dept. 48.40
Phil Pier, soft coal for fire dept. 97.40
Key City Gas. Co , coke for fire
dept. 4.60
Key City Gas Co., 1 dozen burn-
ers for fire dept. 1.20
List of \Varraut:.
Ott, Meuser & Co., shavings for
fire dept. 3.00
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co;
steam hose for fire dept 3.00
E. J. Voggenthaler, repairs for
fire dept. 2.50
Fire Extingu,ener Mfg. Co., sup-
plies for fire dept 10.00
M. Stafford, hay for fire dept107.12
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary ser-
vices fire dept
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for fire
Geo. Bock, repairs for fire dept
Jno. Butt, repairs for fire dept
A. Ruh. bran for fire dept
Martin, Strelau Co., hard
for fire dept.
Trenk Wire Works, bridle bits
for fire dept.
F. A. Miller, 2 doz. barn brooms
for fire dept.
Wm. Marshall, repairs urn steam-
er Linehan
Ragatz & Schaetgen, repairing
harness holder for fire dept....
F. Fromm, repairing floor at
patrol house
G. F. 11leih, hardware for patrol
J. W. Cramer, sawing wood at
city hall
Dubuque Woodenware &
ber Co., lumber for
Mullen & Papin,
patrol house
Mullen & Papin,
Mullen & Papin,
stove c?fv hall
Rumpf-Frudden Lumber
lumber at patrol house
M. Stafford, hay at patrol house
Phil Pier, hard wood at patrol
M. Fetschle,
patrol house
Collings & Edwards, horse
ing patrol team
11. J. Hagerty, veterinary
ces patrol team
R. L. Spellenberg repairing
at matron quarters
T. Ganahl, hauling for
J. Butt, repairs
Rhomberg Bros, 2 empty
for sewer dept.
Union Electric Co. wire for
Mulgrew & Phillips, cement for
sewer dept
Mulgrew & Phillips, cement for
Dodge street sewer
Jones & Baldwin, oil for sewer
dept. ............
Jno. Tibey, constructing Dodge
street storm sewer 1540.00
Globe -Journal, official printing
for January, 1902 .. 50.00
National Demokrat, official print-
ing for Januiiry, 1902 25.00
Dubuque Telegraph -Herald, ofl]-
plumbing at
sawing. wood at
sewer de -
sewer de -
cial printing for Jan., 1902.... 60.00
Dubuque Telegraph - Herald,
council weekly 3.00
Telegraph -Herald, health re-
ports for December 4.00
Star Electric Co., arc lights for
January, 1902 2020.35
]Becker Bros , use of teams and
supplies moving pest boat15.00
G. F. I' leih, hardware for health
7.68 department ••••••••
W. 1-I. Torbert, vaccine ]pints
1.75 for health department
7.00 Pape & Jacquinot, repairing
.90 fountain at 14th and Elm sts
8.50 L. Lindenberg, powder and fuse
for grading dept.
17.32 G. W. Healey & Son, dynamite
and fuse for grading dept 13.35
.60 Byrnes & Saul, old rope for
grading dept. 2.00
7.60 O. G. Kringle, estimate improv-
ing Angella street 1535.00
1.00 G. F. Kleih, hardware for high
bridge approach
.41 F. Roehl, hardware for high
bridge approach
12.25 A. Tredway & Son, hardware for
high bridge approach
2.30 G. W. Healey & Son, new tools
for high bridge approach......
10.00 Linehan & Molo, cement for high
bridge approach
J. & A. M. Trexler, salt for high
12.75 bridge approach
Eichhorn & Bechtel, brooms for
4.85 high bridge approach
Dubuque Woodenware & Lumber
2.00 Co., lumber for high bridge ap-
1.05 E. A. Fengler, estimate grading
high bridge approach
4.01 E. A. Fengler, dimension rock 142.68
23.72 high bridge approach
Jno. Becker & Son, dimension
27.25 rock high bridge approach449.26
Eagle Point Lime Works, dyna-
5.00 mite and coal for high bridge
11.40 C. L.
of highs bridge approachgplat
2.88 Gus. Holl, new keys for high
bridge approach .
1.75 R. W. Carr, roang saws for high
bridge app
Pape & Jacquinot, plumbing at 10.40
garbage dump
H. B. Gniffke, refunding excava-
tion permits
H. B. Gniffke, interest on war-
H. B. Gniffke, freight charges 3.12
H. B. Gniffke, express charges
on bonds
H. B. Gniffke, telegrams
H. B. Gniffke, refunded tax
H. B. Gniffke, New York ex- 3.50
change 3.50
H. B. Gniffke, sale of bonds
H. B. Gniffke, printing of bonds 55.00
Labor on streets for the first half
of February, 1902:
Paul Becker, labor
Jos. Brown, labor
Wm. Coughlin, labor
Richard Caffery, labor
James Callahan, labor
John Corbett, labor
Adam Crawford, labor
Henry Cosgrove, labor
Thos. Donahus, labor
Mike Dunnigan, labor
11. T. Eddy, labor
Mat Fetshele, labor
Pat Fenelan. labor
Jos. Gavin. labor
List of Warrants.
Dietrich Grashorn, labor
Geo. .T. Hahn, labor
Nic. Kettenhofen, labor ..
Mat Klein, paper collector
Martin Lonergan, labor
Jas. McCormick, labor
Jas. McKernan, labor
Jno. Parker, labor
Jas. Parker, labor
John Pfeiffer. labor
Chas. Pierce, labor
Wm. Quinlan, labor
Maurice Quinlan, labor
Mat C)uirk, labor .
Frank Rowe, labor
Nic Sweeney, labor
Tony Schmidt, labor
Frank Scheer, labor
John Schroeder, labor
Landon Taylor, labor 6.75
Jos Calvert, team 1.25
John Huffmeir. team 27.50
W. Singrin, team 1.25
Labor on sewers for the first half of
February, 1902:
Pat. Casserly, labor
W. Clark, labor
John Corcoran, labor
S. H. Cook. labor
Maurice Flynn, labor
R. A. Fuller, labor
W. Lonergan, labor..
Con Sullivan. labor
12 75
15 10
20 00
19 20
Grading South Bluff street exten-
sion during the first half of February,
Ed Burns, labor .. 7.50
Peter Carney, labor 5.00
Mike Carney, labor 9.00
J,.hn Magner, labor 9.00
Mike O'Meara. labor.. 9.00
\V. O'Brien, labor. 20.00
Dennis Sullivan, labor 1.50
Mike Sullivan, labor 6.00
Tom Kenneally, team.. 8.75
1:,1 Seeley, team 5.00
Labor grading the approach to the
Dubuque and Wisconsin bridge during
the first half of February, 1902:
F. Atkinson, labor.. . 20.15
W. Bernhart, labor 7.50
W. Byron, labor 13.15
J. Briemeyr, labor 14.25
J. Brandenberg, labor 20.15
G. Butter, labor 20.15
W. Casey, labor 6.15
M. Cain, labor 18.10
T. Considine, labor 20.25
G. Doerrer, labor 1.50
J. Dolter, labor 1.75
P. Furey. labor 6.15
F. Faber, labor 11.0
C. Gantenbein. labor 25.rni
J. Geasland, labor 18 to
J. Hackett. labor.. 1.c'
J. Janson. labor 6.75
C. Kueber. labor 6.00
M. Kenneally, labor 20.17,
J. Kennelly. labor 18.10
J. Kinsella. labor.. 0.17,
Aug. Lang, labor l .
L. Loeffelholtz• labor -.",i,
J. Miller, labor 14.
C. Muggenberg, labor
J. H. Mackenzie, labor 11.2
H. Oakleaf. labor 1 . 7
G. Putman. labor 7.90
J. Peryon, labor 9.
C. Priebe, labor 7.20
P. J. Royce. labor 7,.n0
M. Ruddy. labor 600
A. Ring. labor 24.50
Pat Ryan, labor.. 18.40
John Schremen, labor 37.50
John Spies, labor 3.50
Jas. Sheehan, labor 1;.50
John Spear. labor 19. '5
Mike Sullivan, labor :1.00
Landon Taylor, labor
James Thomas. labor cr,
Rudolph Thorpe, labor
Fritz Tropfs. labor 1.50
Chas. Voltz, labor 21.40
John Ward, labor 5.25
Thos. Casey. team 26.15
.Take Hauder.schield, team 6.00
Peter Horeb. team 18.00
Thos. Hein. team 22.50
James Tobin, team.. 12.(0
John Williams, team .. 34.00
Mike Hannan.... .. 12 10
J. Brandel 15 40
B. Costello
A. Conrad 9 80
Tom Casey 5 00
E. F•enzler 7 30
Thos. Hein 1 80
Peter Horch 9 70
Pat Lenihan 2 40
Ted O'Brien 17 50
Frank Sieg.... ....,. 31 00
Ed. Seeley 60
Jas. Tobin 3 60
J. Venn 24 40
John Williams 3 00
C. H. Berg, salary mayor...._$116 60
11. 13. Gniffke, treasurer 133 35
H. 13. Gniffke, assistant treas-
urer 75 00
L. M. Langstaff, recorder 116 65
F. B. Hoffman, auditor 100 00
C. B. Scheer, assessor 125 00
T. H. Duffy, attorney 150 00
P. J. Nelson, asst. attorney 50 00
Edw. Morgan, marshal 100 00
Joe Reinfred, fire chief 100 00
John Lawler, committee clerk83 40
Wm. A. Kaep, clerk, recorder's
office 75 00
Edw. Herron, clerk, treasurer's
60 00
125 00
Edw. Blake, engineer
, Jas. H. Boyce, street commis-
List of Warrants.
sioner 100 00
W. Hipman, electrician 83 40
Anton Stoltz, market master50 00
Thos. Cahill, park custodian 40 00
Peter Bradley, park custodian40 00
Al. Moyer, pound master 45 00
Mrs. H. Koenig, janitress 20 00
A. P. Berg, sidewalk inspector50 00
Matt Clancy, alderman • 25 00
25 00
25 00
E. E. Frith, alderman
Jos. L. Horr, alderman
J, W. Kintzinger, alderman 25 00
P. H. McLaughlin, alderman25 00
Rudolph Jones, alderman 25 00
John J. Sheridan, alderman 25 00
M. Eitel, fireman 65 00
J. Essman, fireman 75 00
J. Flynn, fireman.. 65 00
J. Roshin, fireman 60 00
A. Duccini, fireman 60 00
J. Tschudi, fireman 50 00
A. Heer, fireman 50 00
J. Schonberger, fireman 50 00
J. Daley, fireman
J. Barnes, fireman
G. Beyer, driver
W. Ducey, fireman
T. Ryder, fireman
T. Murphy, fireman
P. Ahern, fireman
M. Kelly, fireman
D. Ahern, fireman
A. McDonald, fireman
F. Kenneally, fireman
J. Murphy, fireman
T. Kennedy, fireman
J. Fitzpatrick, fireman
P. 2illig. fireman
M. Sweeney, fireman
H. Cain, fireman
G. Hansen, fireman
A. McKinnin, fireman
F. Ganahl, fireman
T. Flynn, fireman
G. Gherki, fireman..
F. Eaumgartner, fireman
C. Kannalt, fireman
J. Allen, fireman
B. Weston, fireman
M. Faher, fireman
Geo. Burkel, police..
Ben Busse, police
J. Bertsch, police
M. Craugh, police
Jas. carter, police
Jas. ('lune, police
John Cody, police
W. Cook, police
P. Dunphey, police..
H. Donlan, police
Jas. Flynn, police
John Fitzpatrick, police
Wm. Frith, police
P. Hanlon, police
W. Hennessy, police
M. Kilty, police..
E. Kahn, police
John Loetscher, police
P. McCollins, police
P. McInerney, police
John Moore, police
John Murphy, police ...
D. Norton, police
M. O'Connor, police
Aug, Pfeffer, police
Pat Powers, police
Tom Reilly, police
John Raesli, police
James Ityan, police
Otto I;,cth, police
P. Scharff, police
P. Sullivan, police
Al. 'taplc•tun, police
1'. tiut1 ' . pulice
Al T. Scherr, police
Tom Sweeney, police
Joe Tyler, police
John L. Sullivan, police
L. %iedman, police
Mr=. Date Hibbe, matron
511.,s l:. 1:r nnan, matron ........ :30 00
Joseph I iruulette, labor 2 70
Jus. I:r wn, labor 9 45
Paul Becker. labor 8 10
Wm. Coughlin, labor 3 40
.Ja;. Connolly, labor 3 40
12 00
8 80
20 00
50 00
65 00
65 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
40 10
50 00
60 00
50 00
41 75
50 00
30 00
65 00 Rich Caffery
75 00 .Jas. i'allahan
65 00 Jolla Corbett, labor
60 00 Adam c'rawford, carpenter ......
60 00 Henry l'osgrove, driver carpen-
50 00 ter wagon 15 00
50 00 Thos. Donahue, labor 4 05
50 00 11. T. Eddy 20 00
65 00 Mat. Fetshele, labor 6 10
75 00 Nelson Frith, stoker steam roller 16 65
65 00 Pat Fenelon, labor 1 35
60 00 Jos. Gavin .. 12 00
50 00 Geo. .1. Hahn 20 00
50 00 C. Ii. Hubbard 25 00
50 00 Nic Kettenhofen, labor 7 45
50 00 Mat. Klein, paper collctor. 12 50
50 00 M. Lonergan, labor 9 45
50 00 Jas. McCormick, labor 4 05
29 50 Jas. McKernan 12 00
65 00 Chas. Pierce, labor 6 10
GO 00 Maurice Quinlan 12 00
50 00 Mat Quirk, carpenter 20 00
50 00 Sam Radford, labor 70
65 00 Frank Rowe 12 00
60 00 Phil Reddin, labor 4 05
50. 00 Nick Sweeney, labor 4 05
50 00 John Schroeder, labor 8 10
46 70 Frank Schrr, labor 2 05
50 00 Jos. Calvert, team 7 50
26 65 J. Haudenschield, team 1 2'•'
65 (0 Frank Sieg, team 15 00
33 50 John Butt, repairing tools for
ron d dept 5 65
50 00
50 00 F. Schloz & Son, repairing tools 2 60
50 00 for road dept
50 00 P. Klauer, hardware for road 8 40
50 00 department • •
50 00 P. Klauer, hardwar. . city hall.... 1 50
50 00 F. M. Jaeger & Co., hardware
50 00
for road dept 2 30
50 00 J. G. Moser, hardware for road
50 00 dept
50 00 McElrath Teaming Co., sand for
50 00 road dept
50 00 Mill re & Ferrin;, salt for road
50 00 delft
50 00 P. c'lancy, cinders for road dept. 28 25
60 00 G1tAlalNc: I,I'IHNil THE T..\c'l'
36 80
43 40 40 1' I : I : I : C A RY, 1902.
8 19.:,11
50 00 Ed. Euros, lahur12110
50 00 Mike Carney, la bur .
2 85
4 00
r, 25
Carne, labor
.John Jiangner, labor
Mike O'Meara, labor
W. O'Brien, foreman
Dennis Sullivan, labor
Thos. Kenneally. team
Mike Kenneally, team
Ed. Seeley, team ..
Frank Arthofer, labor
Mike Arthofer, labor
Wm. I3oyce, labor
,John Boltz, labor
Goo. Bramet, labor
W. H. Bernhardt, labor
Wm. Byron, labor
Frecl Berg, labor
John Bremeyer, labor
Jos. Brandenberg, labor
Geo. Butler, labor
Hiram Cobb, labor
Wm. Casey, labor
Mike Cain, labor
Nelson Frith, labor
Pat. Fogarty, labor
Ed. Ferzlow, labor
Pat. Fenelon. labor
Pat. Furey, labor
Frank Faber, labor
Chris. Gantenbein, labor
Pat. Grue, labor
Jos. Giesland, labor
C. H. Hubbard, labor
Jake Hanson, labor
John Hackett, labor
John Jansen, labor
John Kinsella, labor
Jos. Kietzle, labor
Chas. Kneber, labor
Mat. Kenneally, labor
Jas Kenneally, labor
Walter Lynch, labor
Mike Lang, labor .
John Leidinger, labor
A. Leik, labor
Aug. Lang, labor
L. Loffenholtz, labor
John Miller, labor
Mike Maher, labor
C. Muggenberg, labor
J. McKenzie, blacksmith
Thos. McCaffrey, labor
Chas. Nank, labor
List of Warrants.
3 40
12 25
F. E. O'Laughlin, timekeeper .. 75.00
Chas. Ott. labor
('has Pribe, labor
John Pfeiffer, labor
G,,,,. Putman, labor
Pat. Royce, labor
N is Reasch, labor
(.'has Rush, labor ................ 9.00
Alike Ruddy. labor ... 12.00
Andrew Ring, labor
Pat. Ryan, labor
John Schromen, labor
Thos. Smith, labor
Mike Sullivan, labor
Imo Schnee, labor
John Spies. s. lal t
Jas. Sheehan. labor 9.50
John Spear, labor 14.00
Fritz Tropfs, labor 12.25
Rich. Turner, labor .. 12.00
Landon Taylor. labor .. 12.00
Pas. Thomas, labor .. 14.00
Rudolph Thorp, labor 11.40
Chas. Voltz. labor 15.90
Chas. Wilde, labor 6.75
John Evans, team 3.00
M. Gantenbein, team 6.00
J. Haudenshield, team 18.00
Peter Horch, team ... 24.00
Thos. Hein, team 24.00
Thos. Kenenaily, team 9.00
Pat. Lenihan, team 9.00
John Long, team 15.00
Jas. Tobin, labor 9.00
John Williams, team 17.65
John Branclel 10.90
B. Costelle 17.80
Thos. Casey 9.60
Peter Horch 1.20
Thos. Hein .. 1.80
J. Haudenshield 1.20
Mike Hannan 19.90
Pat. Lenihan 1.80
Wm. Mohr 9.40
Ted. O'Brien 9.40
L. Peil 8.60
Henry Renk 4.00
John Singrin 4.00
Frank Sieg 2.00
Jas. Tobin 13.20
Mike Theis 4.10
Jess Venn 19.70
John Williams .. 2.40
Adam Doerr, Jr., assistant as-
sessor for February $ 75.00
Jos. J. Murphy, assistant as-
sessor for February $ 75.00
P. Baumgartner, assistant mar-
ket master for February32.40
John Schrup, chalnman engineer
office .... 40.00
M. O'Loughlin, rodman engi-
neer's office 40.00
Anton Stoltz, board of prisoners
for February 9.60
Leathers & Trewin, insurance on
city hall 31.25
D. H. McCarthy, insurance on
city hall and central engine
house 66.25
G. L. Torbert, insurance on city
hall and patrol house 48.75
Slocum & Needham, insurance
on central engine house .. 17.50
Hagge, Metz & Co., 1 oak table
for assessor's office 13.95
Little, Becker & Co., Kern burn-
ers, mantles and chimneys for
various offices ..........
Am. Rubber Supply Co., rubber
d ate rs
C. A. Noyes, shades for various
P. Klauer, hardware city hall...
Chas. Oswald, hardware and
Eichhorn & Bechtel, oil and
matches city hall
Litt of Warrants. s5
J. G. Moser, repairing furnace
city hall
C. O. D. Laundry, towels and
racks city hall
Geo. F. Kleih, hardware city hall
T. W. Ruete, 1 elbow splint city
Mullen & Papin, plumbing city
Palmer, Berg & Co., blank books
and stationery for various
Bieg & Rood, stationery and
supplies various offces
Harger '&. Blish, stationery and
supplies various offices
Martin, Strelau Co., hard coal
del. to city hall
1\Ielioy Bros., hard coal del. to
city hall
Mulgrew & Phillips, hard coal
del. to city hall
Becker Bros., hard coal del. to
city hall
Union Prtg. Co., blank station-
ery for assessor
Smith -Morgan Prtg. Co., blank
stationery for assessor ......
John Putt, repairs for road dept.
F. Schloz & Son., repairs for
road dept
Phil. Pier, hard wood for road
T. W. Ruete, paints and oils for
road department
P. Klauer, hardware for road
F. M. Jaeger & Co., hardware
for road dept
J. G. Moser, hardware for road
McElrath Team'g Co., sand for
road department
:Moore & Ferring. salt for road
F. Kaempf, 1/ doz. scrapers with
brooms for road dept
.Anton Sieg, rock for macadam.
P. Clancy, cinders for road de-
Kannolt & Powers, horseshoeing
for fire department
Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse
shoeing for fire dept ......
Collings & Elwards, horseshoe-
ing for fire dept
Chas. Pflffner, horseshoeing for
fire dept
F. Zehetner, repharness hang-
ers for fire dept
F. M. Jaeger & Co., hardware
for fire dept
Ellwanger Bros., repairing har-
ness and supplies for fire dept. 2
Phil Pier, soft coal for fire dept. 11
Key City Gas Co., coke for fire
department 1
Union Electric Co., five rolls of
tape for fire dept
Dub. Oil Tank Line, oil for fire
J. F. Garvey, plumbing at Cen-
tral engine house
John Mullen, harness soap for
lire d, partnient
Linehan & Mol(,, white waste for
2.20 fire dept
Even & Fuchs. hard coal for fire
1.20 department
Eichhern & Bechtel, bran for
2.90 fire dept ....
J. F. Stampfer, pillow cases for
fire dept
Matt Stafford, hay and oats for
fire dept....
8.35 \V. W. Whelan, repairing har-
ness hangers for fire dept....
9.35 Little, Becker & Co., winc'ow
brushes and mops for fire dept
Jos. A. Palen, blue vitrol for fire
28.90 W. H. Torbert, drugs and sup-
plies for fire dept
21.93 T. W. Ruete, drugs and supplies
for fire dept
47.47 T. W. Ruete, splints for Fire-
man Hanson
23.00 Win. Marshall, repairs
steamer R. W. Stewart
19.50 E. J. Voggenthaler Co., repairs
5.65 at Eighteenth street engine
2.60 Bieg & Rood, stationery and
supplies for police dept
10.90 Detective Pub. Co., 1 file binder
for police dept
14.60 F. M. Jaeger & Co., 1k doz. po-
lice whistles for police dept
9.90 Chas. Oswald, repairing cell
cups and police stars for police
2.30 dept
J. W. Cramer, sawing wood for
2.85 police dept
Mullen & Papin, plumbing in
4.00 calaboose
J. W. Wittmer, drugs and sup -
6.25 plies for police dept
M. Stafford, hay and oats de- 111.20
33.00 livered at patrol house
10.25 W. J. Schneider, bran delivered
at patrol house
28.25 George F. Kleih,
patrol house
3.50 Collings & Edwards, horse shoe-
ing patrol team
1.00 Ellwanger Bros., supplies for
patrol house
.40 E. P. Smith, 1 electric bell at po-
lice headquarters
6.50 J,,hm A. Voelker, fumigating at
police headquarters, matron's
2.70 quarters and patrol house
Moore & Ferring, supplies for
matron's d?pt
Globe Journal, official
0.40 for February
3.25 National Demokrat, official
printing for February .. • • • • • •
9,45 Dubuque Telegraph - H e raid
official printing for February
1.00 Dubuque Telegraph hni1 Hheraidd
council weekly
6.50 report for January
Star Electric Co., arc lights for
hardware at
Oficial Notices .
Mullen Bros., plumbing at garb-
age dump
J. W. Wittmer, supplies for
pest boat
W. H. Torbert, drugs and sup-
plies for board of health
Ge,). W. Heal•<y & Son, dynamite
and fuse for grading dept
John Duggan, repairs for grad-
ing dept
John Tibey, final estimate con-
structing storm sewer in
Dodge street
O. G. Kringle, final estimate
grading Angella street 588.40
Johr 13. Miller, use of derrick
for high bridge approach 30.00
A. Abeln, use of derrick for high
bridge approach .. 40.00
Oswald & Bohn, use of derrick
for high bridge approach 33.00
Steuck & Linehan, use of der-
rick for high bridge approach 35.00
Jas. Street, coping for high
bridge approach 54.05
E. A. Fengler, estimate grading
• for high bridge approach 1051.20
E. A. Fengb,r, dimension rock
for high bridge approach 86.46
E. A. Fengler, dimension rock
for high bridge approach69 26
Eagle Point Lime Wks., dyna-
mite and fuse for high bridge
approach 36.01
R. W. Carr, filing saw for high
bridge approach .25
Chas. Oswald, hardware for
high bridge approach 3.30
P. Klauer, hardware fur high
bridge approach 4.15
Geo. F. Kleih, dynamite and
fuse for high bridge approach 9.05
H. B. Gniffke, refunding excava-
tion permits 15 00
H. 13. Gniffke, interest on war-
rants 1282 94
H. B. Gniffke, postage and mis-
cellany 10 00
H. B. Gniffke, freight charges135 90
H. B. Gniffke, express charges
on bonds 14 97
H. 11. Gniffke, telegrams 110
11. R. Clniffke, refunded tax 2 05
H. B. c;niffke, printing bonds134 50
H. B. (;niffke, court costs 2 60
Dubuque itubber and Belting Co.
1000 feet of 21,4 in. chief cotton
hose . 600 00
I hereby certify that the foregoing
Is a true and correct list of all war-
rants issued by me during the month
of March, 1902.
City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the office of the City Recorder up to
4 o'c•loc% p. m., March 20th, 1902, foe
two sprinkling wagons of 450 gallons
capacity azul four sprinkling ;wagons
of 600 gallons capacity.
Bidders will state the price Per wa-
gon with steel tanks and the price per
wagon for 'Food tanks with wood run-
ning gear F. O. B., Dubuque. Bid-
ders to inc.ose with bid a cut or cuts
of same. The city reserves the right
to reject any and all bids.
Dated Dubuque, Iowa, March 7th,
City Recordef.
An Ordinance dividing the City of
Dubuque, Iowa, into separate road dis-
tricts for the purpose of sprinkling the
streets of said city and for the pay-
ment of the expense of the same.
Be it Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque.
Section 1. Number of Districts. That
the City of Dubuque be and is hereby
divided into five separate road dis-
tricts for sprinkling purposes only to
be known as districts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
Sec. 2. Description of Districts.
District No. 1 shall Include all the
lots abutting upon and all property
upon the following described streets:
Dodge street from Locust street to
South Dodge street.
Jones street from Bluff street to
Iowa street.
First street from Bluff street to
Iowa street.
Second street from Bluff street to
Iowa street.
Third street, south half, from Bluff
street to Clay street.
West Third street, south half, from
Burch street to Alpine street.
Bluff street from Third street to
Dodge street.
Locust street from Third street to
Dodge street.
Main street from Third street to
Jones street.
Iowa street from Third street to First
Emmett street from St. Mary's street
to Bluff street.
Third street, north half, from Bluff
street to Clay street.
West Third street, north half, from
Burch street to Alpine street.
Fourth street from Elevator to
White street.
Fifth street from Cooper's barn to
White street.
Sixth street from Bluff street to
Jackson street.
Seventh street from Bluff street to
Washington street.
Eighth street, south half. from Bluff
street to Chicago Great Western rail-
way track.
Eighth street. south half, from Bluff
street to Julien avenue.
Official Notices.
Julien avenue, south half, from West
Eighth street to Mt. Pleasant avenue.
Delhi street from Mt. Pleasant ave-
nue to Grandview avenue.
Bluff street from Third street to
Eighth street.
Locust street from Third street to
Eighth street.
Main street from Third street to
Eight street.
Iowa street from Third street to
Eighth street.
Clay street from Third street to
Eighth street.
White street from Fourth street to
Eighth street.
Hill street from West Eighth street
to West Third street.
West Fifth street from Hill street to
Winona avenue.
Alpine street from Julien avenue to
West Third street.
Nevada street from Julien avenue to
West Fifth street.
Fenelon Place from the Elevator to
Burch street.
Burch street from West Fifth street
to West Third street.
Eighth street, north half, from Main
street to Chicago Great Western tracks.
Ninth street from Main street to
Washington street.
Tenth street from
Washington street.
Eleventh street from
Elm street.
Twelfth street
Elm street.
Thirteenth street
Elm street.
Fourteenth street
to Maple street.
Fifteenth street
Elm street.
Sixteenth from
Seventeenth street
to Maple street.
Eighteenth street
to Elm street.
Nineteenth street
nue to Pine street.
Main street, east half, from Eighth
street, to Seventeenth street.
Rhomberg avenue, south half,
Couler avenue to Elm street.
Iowa street from Eighth
Seventeenth street.
Clay street from
Rhomberg avenue.
White street from Eighth
Rhomberg avenue.
Jackson street from
to Rhomberg avenue.
Washington street
street to Rhomberg avenue.
Elm street from Eleventh street
Rhomberg avenue.
Maple street from Fourteenth street
to Seventeenth street.
Eighth St., north half, from Main St.
to Julien Ave.
Main street
Main street to
from Main street to
Main street to
from Main street
from Main street to
Main street to Elm
from Main street
from Clay street
from Couler ave -
street to
street to
street to
Eighth street
from Eighth
Ninth St. from Main St. to Bluff St.
Tenth St. from Main St. to Bluff St.
Eleventh St. from main St. to Bluff
Twelfth St. from Main Si. to Bluff St.
Thirteenth St. from Hain St. to
Bluff St.
Fourteenth St. from Main St. to
Prairie St.
Fifteenth St. from Main St. to Bluff
Sixteenth St. from Main St. to Lo-
cust St.
Seventeenth St. from Main St. to
West Locust St.
Main St., west half, from Eighth Si.
to Seventeenth St.
Julien Ave., north half, from Eighth
St. to Mt. Pleasant Ave.
Delhi St., north ha:f, from Mt. Pueas-
ant Ave. to Grandview Ave.
Bluff St. from Eighth St. to Six-
teenth St.
Locust St. from Eighth St. to Six-
teenth St.
West Locust St. from Sixteenth to
Jackson school.
Delhi St. from Grandview Ave, to
Asbury St.
West Eleventh St. from Highland
Place to Walnut St.
Highland Place from West Eleventh
St. to Arlington St.
Clark St. from West Locust St. 1.0
West Seventeenth St.
Ellis Street from West Locust St.
to Almond St.
Almond St. frohm Ellis St. to Foy St.
Garfield Ave. from Elm St. to Dock
Rhomberg Ave. from Elm St. to
Tenth Ave.
Rhomberg Ave., north half, frcni
Couler Ave. to Elm St.
Lincoln Ave. from Jackson St. to
Dock St.
Kniest St. from Garfield Ave. to
Eagle Point Ave.
Johnson Ave. from Garfield Ave. io
Eagle Point Av.e
Windsor Ave. from Garfield Ave. to
Burden Ave.
Eagle Point Ave. from Couler Ave. ti,
Windsor Ave.
Couler Ave. from Rhomberg Ave. to
Peru Road.
White St. from Rhomberg Ave. to
Sanford avenue.
Jackson St. `ram Rhomberg Ave. to
Peru Road.
Weshington St. from Rhomberg Ave.
to Sanford Ave.
Sanford Ave. from Couler Ave. to
Washington St.
Section 3. Appropriations. At the
time of making the annual appropria-
tions in each year the council shall de-
termine the amount to be expended
in each said road districts for the
pupose of sprinkling the streets and
public places in each of said districts,
which appropriations shall not be in
excess of the proceeds of a tax of
6 6-100 mills on the dollar of the taxa-
h'e value of all the taxable property
included in each of said districts.
Sec. 4. Amount of levy. There
shall be asessed and levied by the
Clty Council each year against all the
taxable property within each of the
Official Notices.
the disease to themselves and the
Rule 4. In case where patients can
properly and safely be taken to the
hospital and are taken
there aid,
needed in the way
fuel will be furnished by the board.
otherwise not.
Rule 5. Immediately upon the out-
break of a case of smallpox in a house-
hold, every person recently or at any
time exposed should be vaccinated and
the procedure should be repeated till
it is successful or until it has been
done to the satisfaction of the physi-
Rule 6. During the quarantine, mail,
newspapers, etc., besides provisions,
water and fuel, may be received into,
but not sent out of the house.
Rule 7. As a preliminary to release
from quarantine the attending physi-
cian shall make out the usual recovery
report and file the same with the city
recorder. The period of quarantine
for smallpox according to the rules of
the state board of health is 40 days.
Upon the expiration of the period
of quarantine the premises shall be
disinfected under the supervision of the
board of health. The price for this
work has been determined by bids and
$1.09 per 1000 cubic feet.
When the premises have been dis-
inf' cted to the satisfaction of the
board the card will be removed and the
Quarantine raised.
Rule 8. In cases where the patient
is removed to the hospital the quaran-
tine shall last for 14 days from the
time of the last exposure. This being
the period within which if any one is
coming down with the disease he or she
will begin to show manifestations of it.
The within rules were approved by
the board this 28th day of March, 1902.
Attest: C. H. BERG,
President of the Board.
Be it ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That section of Chapter
23 of an ordinance entitled "An Or-
dinance in relation to and fixing the
salaries of the City Officers of the City
of Dubuque" be so amended t at that
portion relating to the City Auditor
shall read that the salary of the Audi-
tor shall be $1400.00, beginning May
1st, 1902.
Section 2. This ordinance :hall be
published one time in the Dubuque
Daily Telegraph -Herald newspaper,
and take effect and be in force from
and after such publication.
Passed by the City Council March 20,
Approved March 21st, 1902.
Attest: C. H. BERG,
several road districts as herein con-
stituted a tax not in exce: s of 6 6-100
mills on the dollar of the assessed
valuation of all the taxable property
in each of said districts. said tax to
be known and designated as the dis-
trict road fund for sprinkling rar-
poses for each district. and the tax
and fund for one district shall be
used and expended solely in that dis-
trict for the purpose of sprinkling
the streets therein.
Sec. 5. When Collected. The dis-
trict road tax and fund of each dis-
trict shall be assessed levied and col-
lected at the same time and In the same
manner and as now provided by law
and ordinance for the assessment, levy
and collection of general taxes.
Sec. 6. This ordinance shall be in
force and effect from and after its
publication in the Dubuque ally
Telegraph -Herald.
Passed by the City Council Feb-
ruary 20th. 1902 by the following vo4e
Ayes—Aids. Frith , Horr, Jones,
Kintzinger, McLaughlin and Sheridan.
Total 6.
Absent—Ald. Clancy.
Approved Feb. 27th, 1902.
Attest: C. H. BERG,
City Recorder.
Published in the Dubuque Daily -
Telegraph -Herald, March 7, 1902.
City Recorder.
Rulee f the board of health in regard
to smallpox.
Rule 1. In all cases of sickness where
no physician is in attendance, it shall
be the duty of any person having
chard? of or being at the head of any
family, or having the care or custody
of any lodging rooms, to give notice
in writing to the city recorder within
twelve hours from the time an erup-
tion appears. Likewise every school
teacher in public or private schools
shall notify in the same manner the
authorities in regard to any case of
contagious disease coming within the
knowledge of said teacher. Penalty
for not reporting, $5 to $100 fine.
Rule 2. Upon receipt of written no-
tice of the existence of a contagious
disease (smallpox) the board of health
shall, through its officer, placard the
house where such disease exists, and
no one at the time inside the house
shall go out and no one outside shall
go in unless to remain, until the house
has been disinfected and the clanger
card removed by the props authori-
ties. The penalty for breaking this
rule is fine and imprisonment.
Rule 3. All persons are earnestly
recommended to take advantage of the
new contagious disease hospital in
order to lessen the danger to others
in the family, and lesen the expene: of
City Recorder.
Official Noticezi. ti:1
I'ublished officially in the Dubuque
Telegraph -Herald newspaper, March
23, 1902.
City Recorder.
Be it ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That Section 1 of Chapter
23 of the ordinance entitled "an Or-
dinance in relation and to and fixing
the salary of officers and appointees of
the city of Dubuque," be so amended
that portion relating to the City
Engineer shall read that the salary of
the Engineer shall be $2,000 instead of
$1,500 beginning May 1, 1902.
Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be pub-
lished one time in the Dubuque Daily
Telegraph -Herald newspaper, and talc
effect and be in force and after such
Passed by the city Council. March
20th, 1902..
Approved March 21st, 1902. I
Attest: C. H. BERG,
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Dubuque
Telegraph -Herald newspaper, March
28, 1902.
City Recorder.
Official Notices.
\ N ORDINANCE. thorized to be operated and maintain-
__ ed being more particularly described
and located as follows, to -wit:
AN ORDINANCE granting to the- A line of double track street railway,
Union Electric Company, a corpora- commencing at the plain lino of ee
tion of Dubuque, lova, its successors Illinois
llino st Central
e to Main street, ntJo es
and assigns, the right to maintain and twin street northerly to Thirteenth
operate street railway lines heretofore Maint, alee from Thirteenth street to
constructed, along certain streets in
the City of Dubu•luo, under rights Eighteenth
reet street tol olu y street:ealso
granted to the Dubuque Street Rail- froon Eighteenth street, onl along avenue
way Company, to David H. Ogden, to avenuenEighteenth
from Eighteenth suln to tiler
William L. Allen and Thos. O. Swiney fordstreet, alsoialongeet lstre t avenue
San -
and to the lTnion Electric Company:
and granting to said union Electric fr ni Peru
e a ro ad norg therly
Company, its successor or assigns, the Sixthlistreetalto Eleventh streeteand
right to construe 1, maintain and oper- also along Jackson streetthfrom Six-
ate lines of street railway, upon and
d also street to Eagle Point avenue.
along certain other streets in the sai
city; and to regulate the construction
maintenance and operation of such eastern terminus, thence to:tins t'un-
street railway: and:
Wnereas, The City at of Dubuque, with the double tacks at the
A line of single track street railway
menc•ing on Jones street at its
• n
o•lin line of the Illinois central al rail•
different times, and by separa.
dinances, heretofore granted to the
Dubuque Street Railway Company, to
David H. Ogden, to W ililam L. Allen
and Thos. O. Swiney, and to the Union
Electric Company, and their suc-
cessors and assigns, the right to con-
struct, operate and maintain lines of
street railway upon and along certain
streets in the City of Dubuque; and.
Whereas, Said rights were granted
for various terms of years; a
Whereas, The Union Electric Com-
pany has become the owner of all said
rights and franchises, and it is deemed
expedient for the betterment of pub-
lic service that all rights and fran-
chises in respect of the construction,
maintenance and operation of all said
lines shall be subject to uniform con-
ditions and restrictions and shall term-
inate at one and the same time; now
Section 1. That there is hereby
granted to the Union Electric Com-
pany a corporation organized under
the laws of Iowa, its successor's and
assigns, the right and authority to
maintain and operate upon and along
the streets of the city of Dubuque,all
the lines of street railway,
as present constructed thereon, and oper-
ated by the said Union Electric Com-
pany, under franchises and ordinf Des
heretofore granted by the City
buque to the Dubuque Street Railway
Company, to William L. Allen and
Thos. O. Swiney, to David H. Ogden
and their successors and assigns and
to said Union Electric Company, upon
the conditions and under the restric-
tion set forth in this ordinance, for
the period of twenty-five Yars
the adoption hereof, and its acceptance
by said Company. -
The lines of street railway so con-
structed and operated, and hereby
11 <
read; also on Main sweet from This
t -'nth street to Fifteenth street; also
on Fifteenth street from Main street to
t':ay street; also on Thirteenth street
trap Main street to Clay street; also
„tt F•econd street from Locust street
to Iowa street; also on Iowa street
from Second street to Third street and
From Fifth street to Sixth: also on
Third street encet fromIowa
"Third et to street 1ay
Clay street to Thirteenth street;
along Couler avenue, from Sanford
street to Peru road, thence along Peru
road from Coulee avenue to Jackson
street; also on Jackson street frons
Peru Road to Eagle Point avenue; also
on Sanford street from Fouler avenu••
to Jackson street; also on Jackson
street from Sixteenth street to Four-
teenth St.: also on Fourteenth St. from
Jackson street to Iowa street; also on
Sixteenth street from Jackson street
to Iowa street; also along Iowa
from Eleventh street l tI, Point avenue
street; also along
from Jackson street to Windsor avenue
thence along Windsor avenue to the
northerly terminus of said avenue;
also a single track from .to its termite -
along Rhomberg avenue
us at Eagle Point; also on South
Dodge street from Grand View astreet
to Dodge street, thence on Dodgc
to South Locust street; thence norther-
ly on South Locust
et trtlettlan lm LLocust
street to Fiftha
street from Locustt ,'et tobeI wa
street: also on Eighth 51
at main line taek of thy c'llicagwesterly
Western railroad and running
inWgt lh
along Eighth est Eighth
o Hill street:
streettltoll\West Third
stre on Hill on West Third
street: thence west
street to Alpine street, thence along
Alpine street Julieno lieavenueavenue.
street, thence southwesterly and north-
Official Notices.
westerly on Delhi street to Asbury
See. 2. There is also hereby grant-
ed to the said Union Electric Com-
pany, its successors and assigns, un-
der the same conditions and restric-
tions, the right to lay a single track
with necessary switches and turn -outs
hereafter to be determined and agreed
upon, along and upon the following
streets in the City of Dubuque, to -wit:
Commencing at the intersection of
Eagle Point avenue and Jackson street,
thence westerly along and upon said
Eagle Point avenue to Couler avenue
to connect with the present tracks; to
extend the track on Iowa street from
tl,, intersection of Fifth and Iowa
streets southerly along and upon said
Iowa street to Third street to connect
with present track. Also the right to
lay a second track on said Rhomberg
avenue between Eighth avenue and
the present northerly terminus of said
track on Rhomberg avenue or so much
thereof as said Union Electric Com-
pany may find necessary for the more
convenient operation of its cars on said
Sec. 3. For the purpose of construct-
ing, maintaining and operating' said
street railway lines, said Union Elec-
tric company, its successors and as-
signs, shall have the right and au-
thority to go upon said streets and
parts of streets and make such ex-
cavations therein as may be necessary
for the construction, completion, opera-
tion and maintenance of said lines,
and shall have the further right and
authority to make track and overhead
wire connections with car barns and
power houses, and at all intersections,
and to construct all necessary side-
tracks, turn -outs and switches and
shall also have the right to erect, con-
struct and maintain such overhead
wires and poles as may be necessary
to conduct their electrical power over
said wires from their power stations
to and alone said lines of street rail-
way, and at offices, and for signals and
dispatching purposes, provided, that
in constructing and repairing its said
road, said Union Electric company, its
successors and assigns, after having
so excavated and encumbered any
street or part thereof, shall restore and
leave the same, as early as may be
practicable, in as good condition as
It was at the time of commencing
such work; provided that before com-
mencing any such construction or re-
pairs, said Union Electric company,
its successors and assigns shall, in
writing, apply to the mayor of the
city, stating the nature of such work,
the time and place where the same
is proposed to be done and thereupon
said mayor shall, if satisfied that such
work may properly be proceeded with.
issue a written permit, authorizing said
Union Electric company, its successors
and assigns to begin and complete
such work.
Sec. 4. Said Union Electric company,
its successors and assigns, shall pave
or macadamize that portion of the
street or avenue along or over which
said railway shall be laid, between the
rails and one foot on each side thereof,
at such time and with such material
as the city shall pave or macadamize
the remaining portion of the street.
Sec. 5. The said street railway lines
shall be constructed on the established
grades of the streets or highways. The
tracks, poles and other structures, shall
be raised or lowered from time to time
without expense to the city to corres-
pond with any change that may be
made in the grade of said streets. The
gauge of said street railway shall be
that known as the standard gauge,
to -wit, four feet, eight and one-half
inches, and the center line of the spaces
between the tracks of said railway
shall coincide as nearly as practicable
with the center line of said streets
whereon the same are located.
Sec. 6. Said Union Electric company,
its successors and assigns shall repair
all damage that may be done to streets
in or by the construction or mainten-
ance of said railway, shall also keep
the space between said railway tracks
and one foot on each side thereof in
good repair at all times, provided, that
in the case of double tracks, when the
distance between the centers of said
tracks is more than ten feet, the rule
requiring one foot on each side shall
prevail. The city council shall have
the right to determine the necessity
for repairs and whenever said com-
pany, its successors or assigns, shall
refuse or neglect to make the same,
within a reasonable time after being
notified thereof in writing, the city
council shall have the right to make
such repairs at the expense of said
Union Electric company, its successors
or assigns.
Sec. 7. Said Union Electric company,
its successors and assigns. shall be
liable to any person injured by •rea.son
of its negligence in the constru:tion.
maintenance or operation of said street
railway. And should any action be
commenced or prosecuted against the
City of Dubuque, upon any such claim
for damages, said nUion Electric com-
pany, its successors and assigns, shall,
upon being notified of such suit, de-
fend the same; and should any judg-
ment be rendered against the city
thereon after such notice, the amount
of such judgment against the city shall
be conclusive evidence to entitle the
city to recover against said Union
Electric company, its successors and
Sec. 8. The tracks of said railway
shall not be elevated above the sur-
face of the street, and shall be so laid
that carriages and vehicles can easily
Official Notices
and with the least obstruction possible,
cross the same. Such modern approved
pattern of rail may be used as may
be approved by the city council. Dur-
ing the winter, in the event of heavy
snow, said Union Electric company,
its successors and assigns in removing
the same from saki tracks, shall not
obstruct the remaining portion of said
street but in such cases shall remove
therefrom any excess snow thrown on
swept from its tracks. Any excess of
snow so thrown from its tracks which
is not removed within ten hours may
be removed by the city at the expenseits
of said Union Electric company,
successors or assigns.
Sec. 9. That whenever any railway
tracks, which may hereafter be laid,
or where any of said company's tracks
now laid, excepting on Main street, ,r
other street paved with brick, pa
over a gutter or depression in the
street, said street railway company
shall, at its own cost, cover said gut-
ter or depression from curb to curb, in
such manner and with such material,
as may be directed or approved by
the city council and shall maintain :he
same so as to admit of the free pass-
age of water. Upon with failure
the require-
to comply
ments of this section, the city may
cause said work to be done at the ex-
pense of the said Union Electric com-
pany, its successor's or assigns.
Sec. 10. Nothing in this ordinance,
nor any privilege granted hereby, shall
be construed to prevent f eubucle
authorities of the CityDur
from grading, paving, ew ening, Dubuque
adamizing, improving, altering or r''' -
pairing any of the streets over NVhtch
the privilege of constructing or main-
taining or operating a railway is
granted by this ordinance or upon
which any railway may be constructed
under its provisions, but all such work
must be done s to tof theassage
er as little
obstruction as possible
of cars, and the owner or owners
f the
railway shall have the privilege
raising or shifting the rails so as to
avoid as much as possible tprogress
e liabbslltY
to obstruction during alter-
repairing, improving cit.
ing, consistent with the convenience
of said City, its employes or con-
tractors; provided that when said
Company shall have once paved the
space between the rails anone
on each side thereof,hereinbeforet
required, it shall not berequired
as it is requireded
change the same, so long City
tained in good order, unless the
shall repave the remainder
street with a pavement of the same or
a different character, in whim case e the
Union Electric Company,
repave the
between its sors and assigns,
shall ails and one foot on each
side thereof.
Sec. 11. Said Union Electric Com-
pany, its successors or assigns, shall,
whenever practicable, have the right
to use any telephone, telegraph. elec-
tric light or fire alarm poles of posts
owned or controlled by the City, now
set or which may hereafter be set
along the line of the said Electric
Street Rahway for the support of the
wires or other appliances necessary to
the operation and maintenance of said
electric street railway. And. when-
ever practicable, the City shall have
the right to use ar:y poles or posts now
set or which may hereafter be set by
said Union Electric Company, its suc-
cessors or assicns, for the extension,
construction or maintenance
electrice of any
light or
telephone, telegraph,
fire alarm system, or for any other city
use, when such wire or wires are used
solely for the benefit and use of the
said City of Dubuque; in either case
there shall be no compensation for such
Sec. 12. Nothin_ herein contained
shall be so construed as to deprive the
City of Dubuque of the right torr street any other railway or
railway company to cross the tracks
laid down and maintained and"r au-
thority of this ordinance, at ny so et e ex-
athe tom the City Council to
andnd authorized
byand in the event
make such crossing,
that lines of suburban electric rail-
ways, shall be operated under au-
thority from the City Council, said
Union Electric Company, its successors
and assigns, shall, upon payment of
a compensatory rateand interferencr regu-
lations preventing eits
the operation of its cars, permit its
tracks to be used by
yof suburbanbterian
railways for the purpose
or leaving the city. said
!Sec. 13. The cars used on
street railway shall be of approved
modern pattern and construction, vuctence and
able for the thespassengers, and they
comfort of P
shall, durin^ the winter With ve be
properly heated and equipped
tibules. All cars, except traiiiers, in
use on said street orrailway, shall
properly equipped
thereof with fenders of modern de -
the City Council,
sign, satisfactory
to and each motor car shall be provided
with and display all necessary g
and a bell or gong shall be rung when
necessary to warn the public at stret
crossings and all other points exposed
to the approach of cars. stop
All cars shall come to a fullstreet
before crossing anY railway
or railway track or tracks, and shall at
no time be run at a greater speed than
is consistent with the safety of the
public, and shall be propelled by elec-
tric power.
Sec. 14. The cant la said
er than 6 shall
begin running earlier than 11:30
and shall cease not
Official Notices.
p. m., and shall run at not less than
the fallowing intervals: On Main
street, ten minutes; on Eighth street,
fifteen minutes; on Rhomberg avenue,
fifteen minutes; on Dodge street, twen-
ty minutes; on Windsor avenue, twenty
minutes. Operation . on Sunday may
begin one hour later.
Sec. 15. The poles and posts to be
erected under the provisions of this
ordinance shall be under the control
of the city engineer as to their loca-
tion. The kind of poles to be used
shall be such as are satisfactory to the
city council.
Sec. 16. 'The said Union Electric com-
pany, its successors and assigns, shall
pay their proper pro rata portion of
the salary of the city electrician, whose
duty it shall be to properly inspect all
wires and connections and report to the
city council as the council shall re-
quire him to do, and to notify said
company of any defect in said wires
or connections, and if said company
shall not promptly remedy such de-
fects the city council may cause Such
repairs to be made at the expense of
said Union Electric company, its suc-
cessors or assigns.
Sec. 17. The Union Electric company,
its successors and assigns, hereby agree
to waive all technicalities to any spec-
ial assessment levied by the city of
Dubuque for street improvement, upon
streets occupied by its tracks, where
said improvement shall have been done
in good faith and in compliance with
the terms of this ordinance.
Sec. 18. The rate of fare shall not
exceed five cents for each adult pas-
senger for a continuous trip in one
general direction within the city limits.
The fare for children under twelve
years of age shall be three cents.
Said Union Electric company, its
successors and assigns, shall, during
the entire period of this franchise con-
stantly keen on hand at its principal
office, half fare tickets for sale to
laborers, mechanics, owrkwomen and
working girls at the rate of two and
one-half cents each, good during the
following hours, to -wit: 6:15 to 7:45
a. m. and 5:15 to 6:45 p. m. throughout
the year except on Sundays. Said
tickets shall be sold in quantities of
not less than forty.
Transfers shall be issued when neces-
sary to carry out the above pr,ovisions
on all tickets, including half fare tick-
Sec. 19. Said Union Electric company,
its successors and assigns, shall trans-
port tree of charge on its cars as ordi-
nary passengers, all policemen and
firemen regularly employed as such by
the city of Dubuque when in the uni-
\ form of their respective departments.
Sec. 20. Said Union Electric company,
its successors and assigns, shall have
the right to make such reasonable
rules and regulations for the manage-
ment of its railway, and the conduct
of its business as it may deem requisite
and said ('itv of Dubuque hereby re-
serves the right to make and enforce
the usual and ordinary police regula-
Sec. 21, The new lines of railway
herein authorized to be constructed
shall be completed within two years
from the date of passage of this ordi-
nance, on such streets as are now
giaded, and on those not graded, with-
in two years from the time said streets
are graded, so that a continuous line
of railway may be operated thereon.
If not so completed, and in operatiol,
the city council may, at its option, de-
clare a forfeiture of all rights heecby
granted for the c instruction arc: main-
tenance of said new lines.
Said Union El-'t''e company, its
successors and assigns, shall mainta'oi
and operate in accordance with the
provisions of this franchise, all i,nes
at present cons'ruct -Kd and new in
operation in the ctt r of Dubuque. anc.
shall operate some so as to provide
adequate and reasonable service on all
of said lines: and said Union Elec*:Ic
company, its snnc':ssors and as.'gr s,
shall not abandin an y of said lines or
parts of lines unless permitted so to
do by the city cou
If said company shall abandon any
of said lines now constructed and in
operation without such permission, or
shall fail to operate said lines in ac-
cordance with the terms of this or-
dinance, the city council may, at its
option, declare a forfeiture of all rights
granted under this ordinance. Pro-
vided, however, that failure to oper-
ate because of strikes, fires or other
causes beyond the control of said com-
pany shall not work such a forfeiture.
Sec. 22. No free passes or tickets
shall be given to any person or per-
sons except to employes or officers
of said street railway company except
that all regularly elected officials of
the city shall be entitled to free trans-
portation upon the wrttren •requisi-
tion of the major.
Sec. 23, All ordinances heretofore
adopted, under which the Dubuque
Street Railway Company, David H.
Ogden, William L. Allen and Thos.
O. Swiney, and the Union Electric •
Company ,or their grantors, successors
and assigns, acquired rights and fran-
chises for the construction mainten-
ance and operation of street railways
in the streets, avenues and public
places of the City of Dubuque are
hereby repealed, provided this ordin-
ance shall be accepted, in writing, by
the said Union Electric Company,
within thirty days after its passage
and approval. And all ordinances
and narts of ordinances- in conflict
herewith, are to the extent of such
conflict, hereby repealed.
Sec. 24. The aforesaid Union Elec-
tric Company shall be deemed to have
abandoned all rights and privileges
conferred by this ordinance, unless it
shall within thirty days after the pas-
Official Notices.
sage and approval hereof by t h •
mayor, file in the office of the city
recorder, a written acceptance of the
privileges conferred hereby, subject t,,
the conditions and terms herein con-
This ordinance shall be in effect from
and after its publication in the Tele-
graph -Herald, newspaper, published at
Dubuque, Iowa.
Passed by the City Council, March
6th, 1902,
Approved March 13, 1902.
Attest: C. H. BERG,
City Recorder.
March 13th, 1902.
The foregoing ordinance is hereby
F. D. STOUT, President.
By J. R. LINDSEY, Secretary.
Published officially in the Dubuque
Daily Telegraph -Herald, March 15, 1902..
City Recorder.
Regular Session, April 3, 1902.,
Regular SeEsion April 3d, 1902.
Council met at 8:40 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
'Present—Alds. Clancy,
Jones, Kintzinger, McLaughlin and
Aid. McLaughlin moved that the
council proceedings for the month If
March, 1902, be approved as printed.
Carried. BILLS.
The following bills were ordere3
A. Doerr Jr., assistant assessor
$ 75 00
for March ..............•..••
J. J. Murphy, assistant assessor 75 n0
for March
A. Stoltz, board of prisoners9 `ll
Jno. A. Voelker, fumigating cal-
aboose ........................ .
Jno. SchruP, assistant engineer
for March
M. O'Laughlin, assistant engi- 40 00
neer for March
P Baumgartner, assistant mark-
et master for March_ 35 10
Eichhorn & Bechtel, oil at city
G. B. Grosvenor,
various offices
Bieg & Rood, supplies for vari-
ous offices
J. P. Cook, dog tags and team li-
cense tags .. ...........
F. Schloz & Son, repairs at city
hall """
Phil Pier, wood at city hall58 GO
Phil Pier, hard coal at city hall29
Melloy Bros., hard coal at city 24 52
L Daily, cleaning around market 24 '00
square ......at
Mullen & Papin, plumbing 11 (
city hall •"""
Key City Gas Co., for various 357 30
Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber at 48 y0
city hall ......""""
Ragatz & Schaetgen, repairs on 2
steam roller •.
Key City Gas Co., coke for steam 51 10
Austin & Western Co., supplies
24 09for street sprinkler . • • •
R. W. Carr, filing saws for road 50
department ....... '
Pape & Jacquinot, plumbing at 17 20
steam roller house...........
John Butt, repairing tools for 2 35
road department • • . •macadam
F. Bedard, repairing 25
fork ""
P. Clancy, cinders for road de- 32 45
partment .."
Collings & Pfiffner horse shoeing 3 00
for road department .. .. • •
G. F. Kleih, hardware for road 3 56
department • • • • • " •' • • "
13 '0
40 9)
Linehan & Molo, hard coal for 21 40
fire department • .. • • • • •
Iowa Telephone Co.. telephone
services for various depart-
ments 3 02
J. G. Moser, hardware for fire
Mullen & Papin, plumbing at
Ninth street engine house
Key City Gas Co. one bracket
for Ninth street engine house
Ott, Meuser & Co., shavings
fire department
Key City Gas Co., coke for fire
Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse
shoeing for fire department....
Collings & Pfiffner, horse shoe-
ing for fire department
Lagen & Sullivan, horse shoeing
for fire department
Monarch L.tectric Co., zincs and
coppers for fire department
Linehan & Molo, hard coal for
fire department
Eichhorn & Bechtel,
fire department
Connelly Bros., bran for fire de-
American Fire Engine Co., re-
pairing fire engine Linehan308 35
W. H. Torbert, paints and oils
for fire department
W. H. Torbert, paints and oils for
fire department
W. H. Torbert, drugs for fire de-
T. J. Mulgrew, hardware for fire
department •.
supplies for
5 93
bran for
1 20
6 50
13 05
12 00
53 62
19 36
1 00
Phil Pier, soft coal for fire de-
partment repairs
Ragatz R. Schaetgen,
for fire department..
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary ser-
vices for fire department 8 85
F_ Schloz & Son, repairs on hose 3 , 0
cart Central engine house
Jno. Newman & So, repairs on 53 40
chemical engine • • • • • "'
Trenk Wire works, one wire door 8 00
for marshal's office
M. S. Hardie, blank stationery 9 50
formarshal's office..
G. F. Kleih, hardware for police 1 lv
department ...... • • . • " "..ser -
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary
vices for police department1 41
Collings & Pfiffner, horse shoe-
ing for police department6 00
F. Bedand, horse shoeing for
1 60
police department ..............
Chas. J. Saunders, supplies for
matron department4 75
John Butt, repairs for sewer
department 1 55
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for
sewer department ..............
1 50
John G. Moser, hardware for
1 35
sewer department
Mullen Bros., supI 1 25
department ......""'1er Co.,
Chicago, Blue Print PaT
blue print paper for engineer's
6 G5
6 G5
3 70
18 23
32 00
4 03
Regular Session, April 3, 1902
5 25
Star Electric Co., arc lights fory020 35
Dubuque Te egraph, official
printing for March 60 00
Globe -Journal official printing 50 uU
for March
National Demokrat, official. print- 2- UO
Ing for March
Dub. Telegraph, council weekly, 6 00
Geo. F. Kleih, hardware for
board of heaith
W. H. Torbert, drugs for board
of health
G. A. Grimm, drugs for board of
Dempsey & Son, repairing foun-
tain at Sixth and Main.. ..
Nutwood Livery Co., ambulance
service 4 00
M. Oswald, final estimate on Bee
Branch storm sewer. 271 tG
G. F. Kleih, hardware and dyna-
mite for high bridge approach 7 55
Carr, Ryder & Adams, lumber
for high bridge approachb0
E. A. Fengler, rock for high
bridge approach .... .. 55 05
R. W. Carr, filing saws for high
bridge approach -... 4e
Eagle Point Lime Works, cement
high bridge approach 30
E. A. Fengier, estimate Eagle
Point high bridge approach925 50
J. Becker & Son, rock for Eag:e
Point high bridge approachi 15
James Street, rock for Eagle
Point bridge approach 151 02
The following bills were referred:
11. T. Wu ker, vaccinating school
children, $4.25.
On motion the bill was referred to
the Board of Health.
The following bills were referred to
the committee of the whole:
James Street, rock for Bee
Branch sewer $ 30 90
Finley hospital service for Fire-
man Hanson 42 00
Dr. Allen Staples, professional
and medical services for Fire- •
man Hanson 149 00
Dr. Allen Staples, dressing and
treating Fireman Kane 5 00
Petition of F. Mathis, et at, asking
tha: wages paid to city teamsters be
increased to 35 cents per hour.
Ald. Jones moved that the prayer of
the petition be granted and the in-
crease to commence April 15, 1902. Car-
Petition of the Eagle Point Lime
Works by E. A. Fengier, asking council
to build a roadway leading into the
north end of their quarry.
Ald. Horr moved that the petition be
referred to the committee of the whole.
Petition of Mullin & Papin asking
that a duplicate excavation permit be
issued in lieu of the one issued Dec.
4, 1i•01, as the former one was lost or
5 60
2 60
mislaid. Ald. Sheridan moved to grant
the petition, and the recorder be in-
structed to issue a permit in lieu of
the one lost. Carried.
Petition of Jacob Kessler asking that
William C. Kessler be appointed weigh -
master for the scales located at the
corner of Twenty-sixth and Couler
Ald. Sheridan moved to grant the
petition. Carried.
Petition of William H. Day, et al.,
remonstrating against moving the elec-
tri ; light from its present position at
the head of Twelfth street to Grove
Ald. Kintzinger moved that the
Union Electric company be instructed
to put in an incandescent light on the
east side of Grove Terrace under the
direction of City Electrician Hipman.
Petition of the Union Electric com-
pany asking permission to lay tracks on
Eagle Point avenue from the intersec-
tion of/sT.,a.slfrn street to the intersec-
tion of Point avenue.
The mayor stated that he already
hal granted permission; whereupon
Ald.. Frith moved that the action of the
mayor be approved.
Petition of Paul Becker and Carl
Wild, et al., asking council to accept
$40 in full for the improvement of Sem-
inary street.
On motion the petition was referred
to the finance committee and city at-
Petition of B. W. Jones asking per-
mission to move his carpenter shop
forward forty-eight feet from the alley.
Ald. Horr moved to refer the peti-
tion to the committee on fire and fire
chief with power. Carried.
Petition of John Hackett asking that
he be allowed some compensation for
the time he Iest while being employed
on the Dubuque and Wisconsin bridge
approach on account of being hurt
while thus employed.
On motion the petition was referred
to the committee of the whole.
Petition of Mary Rubeck asking that
her taxes on N. 3-4 of M. 1-5 of City
lot 496 be canceled for the years 1895,
1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900 and 1901.
Petition of Mary De Lormier asking
that her taxes be canceled on her
homestead, part of lot 159, city.
On motion both petitions were re-
ferred to the delinquent tax committee.
Petition of M. Haas asking that the
assessment on lot 43 in Finley, Naples
& Burton's add., be reduced from $250
to $100.
On motion the petition was referred
to the board of equalization.
Claim of Mrs. F. G. Thompson claim-
ing the sum of $93.30 during quarantine
at 1041 Clay street.
Also claim of Miss M. Scharry claim-
ing the sum of $96 during quarantine
at 1041 Clay street.
On motion both claims were referred
to the board of health.
Regular St's ion, April 3, 1902.
93 •
The following petitions were referred
to the committee of the whole:
Petition of George Richardson com-
pany asking that the taxes be canceled,
which was levied against their personal
property for the year 1901.
Petition of John Specht asking coun-
cil to appropriate $800 for the purpose
of running the steamer Teal during
the season of 1902.
Petition of L. H. Langworthy com-
pany asking permission for the use of
Front street from Garfield avenue to
Lincoln avenue, also Garfield avenue
and Rhomberg avenue from the river
to Front street.
Petition of Louis G. Hurd et al ask-
ing that Chestnut street be included
among the streets to be sprinkled
from Highland Place to Prairie street.
'The annual renorts of Fire Chief
Reinfried and City Marshal Morgan
were presented and referred to the
finance committee for publication in
the annual financial report.
City Treasurer Gniffke reported as
To the Honorable Mayor
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: Below you will find
statement of amounts advanced by me
during the past month, for which please
Order warrants drawn in my favor.
Excavation permits redeemed..$ 5 00
Interest on outstanding war-
rants2,319 83
Exchano.e on New York on 22 51
bonds and coupons ......... • ..
Freight .. 2 84
Express charges 1 64
One horse for fire department175 00
75 00
10 23
8 20
1 38
and City
Of the cash on hand
there belongs to the
improvement bond
fund $13,342 42
Improvement bond in-
terest fund
Postage stamps
Sewer tax refunded
Court cost
Water tax refunded
331 95
$13,714 37
Leaving a balance to the
credit of the city .........• •.$61,052 17
Also submit the pay roll for city
Amount due city officers $2,213 20
Respectfully submitted,
On motion the reportwas received
and warrants ordered drawn to Pay
city officers and the report referred
back to the finance committee.
Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—Herewith I submit my
pay roll for the fire department for the
month of March, 1902:, $2,015 00
Amount due firemen
Respectfully submitted,
Fire Chief.
On motion the pay roll was received
and warrants ordered drawn
paythe firemen and the pay roll
back to the committee on fire.
Marshal Morgan reported
To the Honorable Mayor and
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit the
police report for the month of March,
$2,556 63
Respectfully submitted,
On motion the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn for the
various amounts and the report re-
ferred back to the finance committee.
City Auditor Hoffman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen—Herewith find my report
for the month of March, 1902, showing
the receipts and disbursements for the
Cash on hand March 1, 1902$78,276 94
Receipts from all sources 17,408 48
Total $95,685 42
Warrants redeemed... $16,426 05
Coupons redeemed .. • 2,278 33
Bonds redeemed • • • • • • 2,214 50$20,918 88
and City
and City
fol -
Intoxication 12
Vagrancy q
Disturbing the peace 2
Petit larceny 2
Assault and battery . • • • • • 1
Profane language
Cruelty to animals
Cash on hand April 1, 1902.....$74,766 54 i
Total arrests 8873
Patrol Runs -2
114 1
Miles traveled by patrol -2
Total number of prisoners .. • • • • • • • •
Resident arrests 29
Doors found open 175
Lodgers harbored 207
Defective lights 49
Meals furnished
Please find pound master's receipt
for $6 00
Sheriff boarding prisoners 950
$6 95
Also present the pay roll for the
police department for the month of
March, 1902: 65
Amount due policemen $2,053
Respectfully submitted,
On motion the report and pay roll
9 Regular Session, April 3, 1902.
was received and warrants ordered
drawn to pay policemen, and the re-
port and payroll referred back to the
committee on police and lights.
City Engineer Blake reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
,entlemen:—I herewith submit the
macadam list for the month of March,
Amount due for macadam ....$1,263 55
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
On motion the macadam list was re-
ceived and warrants ordered drawn to
pay the various amounts and the list
referred back to the street committee.
Street Commissioner Boyce reported
as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my
payroll for labor on streets for the Iast
half of March, 1902:
Amount due laborers on streecs.$2,904 00
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
Chairman Committee on Streets.
Also submit my pay roll for labor on
sewers for the last half of March, 1902:
Amount due laborers on sewers..$167 40
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
Chairman Committee on Sewers.
Also present my pay roll for labor
on the approach to the Dubuque and
Wisconsin bridge during the Iast half
of March, 1902:
Amount due laborers on ap-
proach ... ,...$401 05
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
Chairman on Dubuque and Wisconsin
Bridge Approach.
On motion the pay rolls were received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
laborers on streets, sewers and bridge
approech and the pay rolls referred
back to the proper committees.
City Attorney Duffy presented report
and two deeds of property for the open-
ing of Lincoln avenue from Jackson
to White streets, but as there was one
deed yet to secure, action was post-
poned for the present.
City Electrician Hipman reported as
To the Mayor and City Council of Du-
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my
report of defective lights for the month
of March, 1902. I find from the report
of the police department that the total
hours that 207 lamps failed to burn
would equal six lamps for one month,
or $32.40.
Respectfully submitted,
City Electrician.
On motion the report was ordered
filed and the auditor notified to deduct
from the Union Electric company's bill
for the month of March, 1902, $32.40.
The sketches or plans for the new
engine house to be built on Grand-
view avenue were presented and re-
ferred to the committee of the whole.
The following weighmasters' and
woodmeasurers' receipts were referred
to the committee on markets:
Anton Stoltz, City Hall receipts.. 16 05
Thos. Faherty, 1st ward receipts3 67
John Hay, receipts 2 31
Louise Pitschner, West Dubuque
receipts 1 80
J. B. Noel, Couvel avenue re-
ceipts 3 0;'
Nick Kintzinger, wood measurer
receipts for Feb. and March10 45
Recorder Langstaff presented and
read notice of the Council's intentions
to improve Langworthy's avenue from
Hill street to Booth street, properly
certified to by the publisher.
No objections being filed, the mayor
inquired if any one present had any ob-
jections to the improvement of said
Langworthy avenue. No one offering
any objections to said improvement, the
notice was ordered filed and a resolu-
tion under the head of resolutions was
adopted for the improvement of said
Langworthy avenue.
Mayor Berg presented the following:
State of Iowa, City of Dubuque.
I, C. H. Berg, mayor of the City of
Dubuque, State of Iowa, do hereby ap-
point John Ellwanger for the term of
two years and Philip F. Ryder for the
term of four years and J. B. Powers
for the term of six years, all electors
and residents of said city, Trustees of
the Water Works, to constitute the
Board of Water Works Trustees of said
Witness my hand this 25th day of
March, 1902.
Mayor of the City of Dubuque.
Also presented the bond of John Ell-
wanger, Philip F. Ryder and J. B.
Powers for $5,000.00 each, duly and
legally executed, which he had ap-
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the ap-
pointment by the mayor of the Water
Works Trustees be approved by the
Council and the action of the mayor in
the approvement of said bonds be con-
firmed by the City Council. Carried.
Aid. Horr stated that the Union Elec-
tric Co. had furnished a truck and the
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway
Co. had furnished iron used in the con-
struction of the approach to the Du-
buque & Wisconsin High Bridge and
the managers of said companies had
kindly donated the use of the same to
the city, therefore moved that the
thanks of the citizens, through its City
Council be extended to the managers
and companies for the ,acne.
Regular Seisioll, April 3, 1902. 1)3
Carried unanimously.
Sidewalk Inspector Berg reported as
I would respectfully ask that the
special assessment levied against 1te
south 40 10-100 feet of lot 44 in E. Lang -
worthy's Add., owned by Wm. Rehfelt,
for repairing sidewalk be canceled, be-
cause said assessment was levied
against said lot in error, no work
whatever having been done by the City
on these premises.
Sidewalk Inspector.
Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the re-
port and that the treasurer be instruct-
ed to cancel the same. Carried.
Ald. Jones moved that the rules be
suspended and that Mr. Benson, a
representative of a disinfectant, be
heard. Carried.
Mr. Benson addressed the Council
a that his disinfectant was
Ald. Kintzinger moved t
ter of investigation and purchase be
referred to the board of health. Car-
ried. com-
Berg stated that many
about the clouds of dust blow'
t and had asked him
if gthere was noton Main e some relief from the
Ald. Frith moved that the Street com-
mittee and street commissioner be in-
structed to secureprinklerteas and and sprinkle
Main street until the
for the cityyfirst of May, and
reading the ordinance thc. second time.
Carried by the following vole:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger and Sheridan. To-
tal r.
Absent—Aid. McLaughlin.
The ordinance was read the
Ald. Kintzinger moved that
dinance be adoated.
Carried by the fo lowing vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Horn.
Jones, Kintzinger and Sheridan. 'lo,o1
Absent—Ald. McLaughlin.
The mayor declared the ordinance
The ordinance follows: the
Section 1. Be it ordained by
City Council of the City of Dubugat.
That the above entitled ordinance be
and is hereby amended by adding to
the or-
ar excellant, bes
and stated a at- oDistrict Number 4 thereof., Grove re.-
t n earth. fhe mi
race from Arlington street to West
Eleventh street.
Sec. 2. By adding "to District Num -
bei 5 thereof. Blocklinger street from
Blocklinger avenue to Diagonal street.
Sec. 3. This ordinance shall be .n
force and effect from and after its
pub ication in the Dubuque Daily Tele-
graph -Herald.
Aid. Herr of the Finance Committee
reported as follows:
rs Your Committee on Finance, to
they to keep an account of the cost whom was referred the petition o
of the same and charge to the proper
Mary Steinhous in relation to special
istricts sprinkled, as per the ordinance 1sgessment for street improvement
on that subject. Carried.
Ald. Sheridan asked how the sprink-
ling was to be done, whether by the
City or by contract.
Ald. Jones moved that the matter be
referred to the Street committee and
portsaid committee
Council the investigate
tothebest method.
The mayor inquired as to what was
to be done with the new sprinkceng
wagons when the city ht t ed
them, if left out a. wheel e i g
stolen, or some other damage done to
On motion the matter of housing sald
sprinkling wagons was referred to the
committee on Public Grounds and
Buildings and said committee to in report
to the Council the best methosprinkling, itit
opinion, of housing
Ald. Kintzinger, chairman of preseented
committee on Ordinance, aptesordi
an ordinance amending di-
nance, entitled, "an ordinance
viding the City into separate
tricts for the purpose of sp a [Heh-
streets of said City and for the P and
of the expense for the same,"
moved that the ordinance be read the
first time. v
Carried by the following otote:Horr'
Ayes—Alda. Clancy, To -
Jones, Kintzinger and Sheridan.
tal 6.
Absent—Ald. McLaughlin.
The ordinance was then read.
Ald. Kintzinger moved that
rules be suspended for the purpose
levied against her property, woo,
recommend that said petition be re-
ceived and filed.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Frith, chairman committee on
streets reported as follows:
Your Committee on Streets, be
report that on March 26th,
neer the of the steam roller tendered his
resignation, to take effect immediately.
As it was necessary to havethe oilerhavr
at work as early asp , we is a
appointed Thomas 'Young,
who competent engineer, to fill the vacancy
for the unexpired term.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the r
port. Carried.
Ald. McLaughlin of the Board of
Health reported as follows:
TCouncil of1orable Mayor and Dubuque: Gentlemen:
the n
Your Board of Health March,t1meeting
held this 2Sth daYpayment f
spectfully recombtmeend the lls of y clans for
the following
vaccination of children at the pubilc
Dr. F. W. Wieland ......... 0
Dr. Charles M. Linehan ..... 516. 6.660
Dr. Wm. L. Recker..........:.'. g 5. 76
Dr. J. H. Green ••••••
3 Regular `e: siou, April 3, 1902.
Dr. F. W. Meyers
Dr. C. 11. Hamilton
Dr. F. Fitzpatrick
Total $44.00
Also we recommend that the assist-
ant to the health officer and sanitary
policeman be continued for the pres-
Also present the health
phys cian's
annual report endingFeb.
and would recommend that the annual
report be referred to the Finance Com-
mittee for publication in the annual
finance report and that warrants be
ordered drawn fur the various amounts
to pay physicians for vaccination.
Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the
report and the recommendations be
carried out. Carried.
Ald. Kintzinger, chairman of the
committee of the whole reported as
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom were referred with power the
Eels for sprinkling wagons, begs to
r(port that at a meeting held March
21st the representatives of the different
manufacturers were given an oppor-
tunity to present the merits of their
:*prinkling wagons, and the matter was
given careful consideration. The A.
A. Cooper Wagon & Buggy Co. sub-
mitted two proposals; one for wagons
of their own make and the other foe
an outside concern. Mr. Cooper stated
that he would guarantee the material
and workmanship in the wagons of his
own make for a period of ten years;
a.'so that the entire sprinkling wagon
would be built here in their factory
and that they would be ready for de-
livery not Iater than May 1st, 1902. In
consideration of these statements and
et the well known reputation of the
Cooper wagon, your committee award-
ed the contract to the A. A. Cooper
Wagon & Buggy Co., for six truck
platform spring sprinkling wagons of
600 gal;ons capacity at $390.00 each, and
a sub -committee, composed of the
mayor and Alds. Jones and Clancy was
appointed to prepare specifications
which was accordingly done, and the
rcntract signed by both parties on
March 24th, 1902.
Aid. Kintzinger moved
report. Carried.
Ald. Horr moved that the Finarce
Committee be authorized to advertise
for bids for 300 copies of the annual
Financial reports. Carried;.
Alderman Sheridan offered the fol-
De it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque: That there
b.. placed on the Dubuque & Wisconsin
Bridge Approachs two arc lamps, to
be located in such places as in their
to adopt the
Judgment, the Committee on Police
and Light may determine.
Also that an arc lamp be placed at
the corner of Booth street and Forrest
lane and Coates avenue and Concord
Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the
resolution. Carried.
Ald. Jones offered the following:
'Whereas it is deemed necessary and
advisable by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque to improve the alley
between Rhomberg avenue and Gar-
field avenue from the north of Smed-
ley's Sub. to Johnson avenue, and it is
hereby proposed to grade, curb, gutter
and macadamize said street, therefore
Be it resolved by the City Council of
Dubuque: That the city engineer be
and is hereby directed to prepare a plat
showing generally the location and na-
ture of such improvement and the ex-
tent thereof, and the kind of material
to be used, and an estimate of the en-
tire cost thereof, and the amount and
cost of such improvement, and the
amount assessable upon any railway
or street railway company, the amount
of cost thereof to be paid by the city,
if any, and the cost thereof and amount
assessable upon each lot or parcel of
land adjacent to or abutting upon such
improvement per front foot, and to file
such plat and estimate in the office of
the city recorder; that after the filing of
said plat and estimate in his office, the
city recorder shall publish in three
consecutive issues of a newspaper pub-
lished in this city a notice stating that
such plat and estimate are on file, the
location and nature of such improve-
ment, kind of material to be used, and
and an estimate of its cost and the
time before which objections thereto
can be filed and the time fixed for hear-
ing, which time shall be not less than
five days after the last publication of
such notice and after such publication
shall have been made the city recorder
shall, at the next regular session of the
city council notify the council thereof
in writing with a printed copy of such
notice accompanying the same.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the reso-
lution. Carried.
Ald. Clancy offered the following:
Be it resolved by the City Council of
Dubuque: That Langworthy avenue
from Hill street to Booth street, be im-
proved by grading, curbing guttering
and macadamizing the same in accord-
ance with the plat and specifications,
for such improvement, prepared by the
city engineer, and now on file in the
office of the city recorder, and be it
further resolved, that said improve-
ment shall be completed on or before
the lst day of July, 1902, and shall be
paid for at the time and in the manner
prescribed by Chapter 32 of the Revised
Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Du-
buque for the payment of the cost of
street improvements.
The proposals for doing such work
will be acted upon by the Council on
the 17th day of April, 1902, and the city
recorder is hereby ordered to give ten
days' notice by publication, asking for
proposals, as provided by ordinance.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger, McLaughlin and
Regular Session, April 3, 1902. 07
Alil. Frith moved to adjourn for one
week, until April 10th, 1902.
J' ai-4 Q(. Recorder
98 Adjourned Regular Session, April 10, 1902.
(Adjourned Regular Session, April 10,
Council met at 8:20 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Alds. Clancy Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger and Sheridan.
Absent—Ald. McLaughlin.
Petition of B. W. Poor asking that a
permanent wall and guard railing be
constructed in the rear of his property
abutting lot 756 McDaniels' subdivision.
Ald. Horr moved to refer the petition
to the street committee and street
commissioner and they to report at the
next council meeting an estimated cost
thereof. Carried.
Petition of John Bommers agreein.
to clean the garbage from the streets
around the market square for the sum
of ten dollars ($10.00) per month.
On motion the matter was referred
to the Committee on Markets.
Petition and remonstrance of the
Wallis Est. et al, remonstrating
against adding Chestnut street between
Highland Place and Prairie street to
the List of streets to be sprinkled.
On motion the petition was referred
to the Committee of the Whole.
Petition of Ott, Meuser & Co. asking
that a portion of Railroad avenue from
the Levee to said avenue be filled,
graded and macadamized.
On motion the petition was referred
to the Committee of the Whole.
City Attorney Duffy reported as fol-
Dubuque, Anril 10, 1902.
To the Hon. Mayor and Aldermen of
the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen: Attached hereto find
statement of judgment in case of F.
D. Lyman vs. City of Dubuque. In
this action the plaintiff sought to re-
cover from the city the sum of $5,000.00
on account of personal injuries receiv-
ed by him in slipping, tripping and
falling on a rough, rounded and un-
even formation of ice and snow which
had been allowed to remain for a con-
siderable time on the sidewalk in front
of store building No. 544 Main street.
Case was tried to jury at the Octo-
ber term, 1901, of the District court,
and a verdict for $769.00 was returned
against the defendant. After the ver-
dict I caIIed a meeting of the Claims
Committee, with the mayor, when it
was decided that, as the injuries to
the plaintiff were severe and perma-
nent and the verdict, under the cir-
cumstances, a small one, that the city
should not appeal the case.
I therefore recommend that warrants
be drawn in favor of M. J. Mulgrew,
Clerk of the District Court, for the
sum of $919.93, this being the full
amount now due, it including interest
and court costs.
Respectfully submitted,
City Attorney.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the report
be adopted and warrants ordered
drawn in accordance with the report.
Ald. Kintzinger, chairman of the
Committee of the Whole, reported a
recommendation that the city attor-
ney draft an amendment to the ordi-
nance relating to the appointment of a
chief of police so that the appointment
be made at the last regular meeting in
April instead of the second regular
meeting after the city election.
City Attorney Duffy said he did not
think it was advisable to make this
amendment at this time. He stated
the ordinance was defective in another
particular and ought to be remedied
before the appointment was made.
Ald. Kintzinger asked in what par-
ticular the ordinance was defective,
but the city attorney did not enlight-
en the council, although he said he
could do so if they so wished.
The city attorney is of the opinion
that the ordinance Is defective in pro-
viding for the approval of the appoint-
ment by the council. He holds that
the mayor has the sole power of ap-
pointment and that the council is with-
out authority in the matter.
The council adopted the report of the
Committee of the Whole instructing
the city attorney to draft the proposed
amendment, by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger and Sheridan. To-
tol 6.
Absent—Ald. McLaughlin.
When the city attorney had com-
pleted the draft of the ordinance, Ald.
Kintzinger, chairman of the Ordinance
Committee, presented the ordinance'
and moved that it be read for the first
time. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. CIancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger and Sheridan. To-
tal 6.
Absent—Ald. McLaughlin.
The ordinance was then read.
And. Kintzinger moved that the rules-
be suspended for the purpose of read-
ing the ordinance the second time.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes. Alds. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Kintzinger and Sheridan. To-
tal 6.
Absent—Ald. McLaughlin.
The ordinance was read the second
Ald. Kintzinger moved that the ordi-
nance be alopted as read.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Herr,
Jones, Kintzinger and Sheridan. To-
tal 6.
Adjourned Regular Session, April 10, 1902.
Absent—Ald. McLaughlin.
The mayor declared the ordinance
The ordinance follows:
An Ordinance to amend an Ordinance
entitled "An Ordinance to abolish
the office of City Marshal and pro-
viding for the appointment of a
Chief of Police."
Be it ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That Section 2 of said
Ordinance be amended by striking
therefrom the following: "That at the
second regular meeting of the City
Council after the regular city election
in 1902," and inserting in lieu thereof
the following: That at the last regular
meeting of the City Council in April,
Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in
force and effect from and after its
adoption by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, and its publication
in the Dubuque Daily Telegraph -Her-
ald, the official newspaper of said city.
Ald. Horr of the Finance Committee
reported as follows:
Dubuque, Iowa, April 10, 1902.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, to
whom was referred the annexed peti-
tion of John P. Page, find that the
property charged with the special as-
sessment abuts on the street for to pay
for the improvements of which the
special assessment was levied and
therefore recommend that the petition
be received and filed.
Respectfully submitted,
Committee on Finance.
City Attorney.
City Engineer.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report.
Ald. Clancy, chairman of the Com -
tee on Sewers, offered the following
resolution which was adopted :
Resolved, by the City Council of Du-
buque, That the City Recorder be and
is hereby instructed to advertise for
bids for the construction of a Storm
Water Sewer in Washington and Elm
streets, according to plans and specifi-
cation herewith submitted.
Ald. Kintzinger, chairman of the
Committee of the Whole, reported as
Your Committee of the 'Whole to
whom was referred the following hills
for professional services in connection
with the case of John C. Bauer vs. City
of Dubuque:
J. J. Iirownson
J. E. Maguire
and also the following bills for
fessional services in connection
the case of Gustave Schnee vs.
of Dubuque:
1. S. Bigelow
J E Maguire
mittee on Fire, reported as follows:
Your Committee on Fire, to whom
was referred the petition of B. W.
Jones, asking that he be granted per-
mission to move his carpenter shop
(now located on the alley) forward in
his lot about 48 feet, would recommend
that the prayer of the petitioner be
Ald. Sheridan
report. Carried.
Ald. Kintzinger, chairman of the
Committee of the Whole, moved that
a warrant
of the Mayor ordered
drawn favor
$3 0 and that the
Mayor be instructed to purchase the
two lots north, abutting the lots deeded
to the City for the Grandview Avenue
Fire Engine house. Carried.
Ald. Horr, chairman r the
to adopt the
Commit -
pro -
F. W. Wieland . 50.00
would recommend that said bills be
paid and that warrants be ordered
drawn on the city treasury in favor of
the above named physicians for the
different amounts as above set out.
Also your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
John Hackett, who was injured while
employed by the city on the Dubuque
aand Wisconsin Bridge approach,
ing that he be compensated for the
loss of time sustained by him
by>ne rea-
son of said injury, would
that a warrant in the sum of$ 50.0
be ordered drawn on the city
in favor of John Hackett, in full set-
tlement of all claims of whatsoever
nature he may have against the city
by reason of said accident.
Also your Committee of theWhole,
to whom was referred the petition
the George Richardson Co. asking that
the treasurer be i d to would ancel
its taxes for the year 1901
commend, in accordance with the ac-
tion of the City Council of July 1, 1901,
that the taxes on the personal property,
tools, machinery and improvements of
the said George Richardson Co. be
canceled for the year 1901, and the City
Treasurer instructed accordingly.
Also your Committee of the Whole
would recommend that the claim of
J. Becker and Son for all geilCitYach
of contract on the 1t
o, be
referred to ourthe Co mnitteet Claims.
Also Y of the Whole
would recommend that the bill o
James Street for
the Bee BranchSe vr be referredt to the
Bee Branch Committee.
Also your Committee of the Whole
referredtowhthe foll r af the
Finleyley Hospitalfor$42 00 or
and attendance given to Fireman
Charles Hansen, would recommend
that a warrant in the sum of $42.00
ordered drawn on the City ea
100 Adjourned Regular Session, April 10, 1902.
in favor of the Finley Hospital in set-
tlement of the bill.
Also your Committee of the Whole
to whom was referred the petition of
the L. H. Langworthy Co. asking that
it be granted the use of Front street
from Garfield avenue to Lincoln avenue
and also of Garfield and Rhomberg
avenues from the river to Front street,
would recommend that said petition be
received and filed.
Also your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
the Eagle Point Lime Works, asking
the City to construct a roadway lead-
ing into the north end of their quarry,
would recommend that said petition be
received and filed.
Also your Committee of the Whole
to whom was referred the petition of
John Specht, asking that the sum of
$800.00 be appropriated to improve the
service of the steamer Teal during the
season of 1902, would recommend that
the said petition be received and filed.
Chairman Committee of the Whole.
AId. Kintzinger moved to adopt the
reports of the Committee of the Whole.
'rhe Mayor announced the next thing
in order would be the canvassing the
votes of the last City Election held
April 7, 1902, and appointed Alds. Kint-
zinger and Jones as tellers.
The vote was then canvassed from
the Poll Books and found as follows:
Alderman 1st Ward
Alderman 2nd Ward
Alderman 3rd Ward
Alderman 4th Ward
Alderman 5th Ward
Alderman At Large
First Precinct
Second Precinct
Third Precinct
Fourth Precinct
F. A. Lymburner
A. A. Triller
O. Kempf
J. J. Sheridan
R. Jones
D. Cameron
N. Nicks
G. Frith
J. C. Hendricks.
P. Royce.
H. Corrance.
W. Wilbur.
J. .T. Lambert.
J. H. Horr.
F. Gavin.
P. H. McLaughlin.
L. H. Raymond.
C. Mathis.
R. Curran.
M. Clancy.
Wm. Waples.
E. C. Blake.
J. H. Boyce.
A. A. Leonard.
C. B. Sherr.
F. G. Lukens.
A. Pfiffner.
F. B. Hoffmann.
W. Wilbur.
T. H. Duffy.
G. A. Barnes.
W. Gerken.
G. D. Wybrandt.
H. W. Brinkman.
F. Holtz.
F. H. Hoffmann.
C. F. Arndt.
A. B. Wymer.
J. Babcock.
C. H. Berg.
Adjourned Regular Session, April 10, 1902.
Ald. Kintzinger moved that all the
candidates receiving a majority or a
plurality of the votes cast be declared
elected. Carried.
Mayor Berg then read his valedictory
and inaugural address, which follows:
Gentlemen of the Council:
It is customary at the beginning of
each year for the mayor to say some-
thing about what has been done by
the council during the past year, and
make suggestions concerning the fu-
ture. Following this custom I will
briefly review some of the work that
has been done during the past year.
When the appropriations for the fis-
cal year commencing March 1st, 1901,
were made, $25,000.00 were appropriated
for constructing an approach to the
proposed new Dubuque and Wisconsin
high bridge. At that time it seem-
ed doubtful to the members of the
council that the bridge would be com-
menced during the year. But not-
withstanding these doubts, the enter-
prising gentlemen of that company
commenced the work and have about
completed the structure, and the city
has built a substantial approach and
abutment, at a cost of about $20 000.00.
The Bee Branch sewer was extended
up to and across Eagle Point avenue,
at a cost of about $15,000.00. The
Dodge street storm water sewer has
been completed to the river at a cost
of about $6,000.00.
The approach to the bridge and the
Dodge street sewer -are completed, but
the Bee branch sewer needs further at-
tention, especially that part of it cross-
ing the Chicago Great Western rail-
way. This portion of the sewer should.
be completed before any further exten-
sion north is commenced. If neglect-
ed, the city may become involved in
serious trouble with adjoining property
holders, on account of damage that
may be sustained by them.
The city calaboose has been re-
modeled, and new steel cages placed
therein, and this department is now
in excellent condition.
The public parks have been well
taken care of during the year.
Our principal streets are all in good
The fire department, as usual, nas
been most efficient, consequently no
serious loss by fire has occurred dur-
ing the year. For the work done I
respectfully refer you to the report
of the chief of that department.
The police department has been
vigilant. Being situated at the cor-
ner of three states, on the river, and
on the lines of four railroads, we are
subject to incursions by law -breaking
classes and tramps of all kinds with
whom it is difficult to cope. The ab-
solute suppression of crime is impos-
sible, but our community has been
comparatively peaceful; and my in-
vestigation into the police departments
and records of other cities, convinces
me that our own compares most fa-
vorably with all others. In Marcn
an order was issued from the mayor's
office relating to the government of the
saloons. This has been strictly ob-
served and will continue to be enforced
during my incumbency of the mayor's
The board of health has had a great
deal of trouble, occasioned by the
prevalence of small pox, but the con-
tagion is now about stamped out.
Prior to the completion of the Deten-
tion hospital, the board had much fric-
tion with persons violating its rules.
In fact, the board has been in trouble
all the time in attempting to enforce
the. ordinances in relation to throwing
garbage and other refuse matter on
the streets and alleys. I take this
opportunity to appeal to all our citi-
zens of every class to co-operate with
the board of health in making Du-
buque a clean and healthy city.
Every citizen should subordinate
small individual interests to the pub-
lic good.
The water supply the past year has
been good and pure.
The financial standing of the city
has never been better than now. Our
bonds and loan warrants are in de-
mand at home and abroad. (I refer
you to the finance report for full par-
ticulars in regard to the outstanding
debt of the city and the low rate of
interest thereon.)
In conclusion, I desire to express to
you, gentlemen, and all the various de-
partments, my sincere thanks and ap-
preciation for the aid given me in the
administration of the city's affairs. I
have endeavored to do the best I could
for Dubuque. Its interests are near
my heart. If mistakes have been
made, it was an error of judgment awl
not of purpose.
In entering upon my duties, for the
new term, I desire to express my pro-
found appreciation of the honor con-
ferred upon me by the people of Du-
buque, and assure them of my earnest
purpose to be faithful to the trusts
they have reposed in me, and ask you,
gentlemen, to give me the same aid
that has been so generously extended
April 10, 1902.
Kintzinger Saye Farewell.
Ald. Kintzinger, the retiring council-
man from the Fourth ward, addressed
the meeting as follows:
"It is customary to say a word before
going out and I wish to say I am grati-
fied to his
council and toe have en a mem
r partthin
making a good many substantial im-
provements the past two years which
have been of have done all benefit
know ho v focitr the
beat interests of the city and if I have
done anything which seemed not prone,.
it was an error of judgment and not
102 Adjourned Regular Session, April 10, 1902.
of the heart. I am very grateful to
all members of the council for many
courtesies extended to me. This coun-
cil has been one of the most harmoni-
ous that I have ever heard of. For
the entire two years we were almost
a unit on every question. I thank the
members of the council and those of
the various city departments and also
the mayor for many kindnesses ex-
tended to me."
On behalf of the council Mayor Berg
replied that their relations with Ald.
Kintzinger had always been most cor-
dial and he honed that their future
relations would be as happy and pleas-
ant as in the past.
The mayor then administered the
oath of office to the new members
of the council. The members are as
Alderman -at -Large, J. J. Sheridan
of the First ward, reelected.
Alderman -at -Large, Rudolph Jones
of the Fifth ward, re-elected.
Alderman, Matt Clancy of the First
Alderman, George N. Raymond Df
the Second ward.
Alderman, Joseph L. Horr of the
Third ward.
Alderman, Hugh Corrance, Sr., of
the Fourth ward.
Alderman, E. E. Frith of the Fifth
Ald. Horr moved that the council
now adjourn for one week, until April
17, 1902. Carried.
Regular Session, April 17, 1902. 103
Regular Session, April 17th, 1902.
Council met at 8 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present — Aids. Clancy, Corrance,
.Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and
The following bills were 0 dered
Larry Daily, putting up and tak-
ing down booths, First ward ..$ 6.75
John McCollins, putting up and
taking down booths Second
ward .. 6.75
Louis Fay, puting up and taking
down booths Third ward....... 9.00
Wm. Sinhold, putting up and tak-
ing down booths Fourth ward.. 9 45
R. Woler, putting up and tak-
ing down boots Fifth ward.... 13.05
A. Doerr Sr., hauling ballot
boxes and lamps ............... 9.09
Jno. Pfeiffer, cleaning and dis-
tributing lamps .... .. 7.50
Ald. Clancy moved that all places
used for registration and election pur-
poses be paid $5.00 a day. Carried.
Ald. Jones moved that all judges and
clerks be paid $10.00 each. Carried.
Ald. Sheridan moved that al register
c'crks be allowed $27.50 each. Car-
Petition of G. G. Collinson et al re-
questing the council to include South
Locust street from Dodge street to
Railroad avenue in the sprinkling or-
Ald. Sheridan moved to refer the
petition to the committee on streets.
Petition of Edward A. Rice asking
that the assessment on $900 moneys
and credits be cance-ed.
On motion the petition was referred
to the Board of Equalization and city
Petition of McFadden Coffee & Spice
-Co. asking council to cancel $5000.00 of
their merchandise valuation, said
amount being erroneously assessed for
the year 1901.
On motion the lietition was referred
to the Board of Equalization and City
Petition of W. H. Wisner asking that
the ferry privileges granted him by the
council be transferred to the city of
East Dubuque.
On motion the matter was referred
to the Committee of the Whole.
Proposition of Henry Henge agreeing
to take care of Jackson, Washington
and all the lesser parks in the city
for the sum of $50.00 per month.
On motion action was postponed and
the petition ordered laid aside.
Petition of Mrs. A. B. Lewis et al
asking the council to embody in its
contract for the removal of garbage.
the fol.owing regulations.:
1.—That during the summer months
all the garbage in the districts below
the bluffs be collected daily from May
1 to November 1 and during the re-
mainder of the year three times a
2.—That all garbage in the hill dis-
trict be collected three times a week
during the summer months and twice a
week during the .remainder of the year.
3.—That whoever shall receive this
contract must have metal lined or
water -tight wagons and that they shal
do their work under the supervision of
the board of health and that com-
plaint and vio'ation of this regulation
stab '-e made and acted upon by the
Ald. Horr moved to refer the petition
to the Committee of the Whole. Car-
ried. -
Cutnmunication of the Union Electric
company by F. L. Dame applying for
the right to install a sidetrack ou the
east side of Windsor avenue beginning
at a point in our present track op- .;
posite the southwestern property lin.
of Klingenberg avenue and extendin.
south to a point about thirty feet south
of the alley between K.ingenbec
•avenue and Ries street.
Permission was granted by the
Mayor April 14th, 1902. On motion
of Ald. Jones the action of the Mayor
was approved.
The petition of L. H. Langworthy et
al abutting property owners along the
contemplated improvement of Lam.4-
worthy avenue from Hill street to .Al-
pine street, asking that an order be
passed to the effect that the sewage
pipes and water mains be laid immedi-
ately after the grading, or at least be-
fore the macadamizing and rolling of
said street is done.-*
On motion, the petition was referred
to the Comm ttee of the Whole.
Mayor Berg ,read the following:
Dubuque, Iowa, April 17, 1902.
To the members of the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: I desire to inform you
that I have appointed as Chief of Po-
lice, a man whose life and record as
a public official are known, and I feel
satisfied in saying, are appreciated by
the electorate of this city, who have
chosen him by their representatives in
this Council to act in the capacity of
Marshal of this City, and who again
at the polls endorsed his administra-
tion of that office by re-election, and
I consider his peculiar fitness and
Marked efficiency, as portrayed '-- .:he
distinguished manner in which he dis-
charged the varied and responsible du-
ties of that office, a recommendation of
him as a fit and proper person. to dis-
charge the duties of Chief of Police.
10t Regular Sess`.on, April 17, 1902.
It is with personal pride that I an-
nounce to you my appointment of Mr.
Edward Morgan as our first Chief Jr.
Po:ice, who will assume the duties of
that office May 1, 1902.
C. H. BERG, Mayor.
The Mayor also stated that he had
appointed Professor James E. Welsh to
fill the vacancy cause by the death
of the lamented John S. Murphy, as a
member of the Board of Trustees of
the Free Public Library.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the ap-
pointment of Mr. Welsh by the Mayor
be approved_ Carried.
Street Commissioner Boyce reported
as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
payroll for laborers on streets for the
first half of April, 1902.
Amount due laborers. $1,280.95
Respectfully submitted,
E. E. FRITH, Chairman on Streets.
Also present my payroll for labor
on sewers during the first half of April,
Amount due laborers on sewers,$157.80.
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
JOSEPH L. HORR, Chairman Com-
mittee on Sewers.
Also present my payroll for labor
grading the approach to the Dutuque
and Wisconsin Bridge during the first
half of April, 1902.,
Amount due laborers $345.50
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
E. E. FRITH. Chairman on Du-
buque and Wisconsin Bridge.
Also submit my pay roll for teams
on sprinkling wagons during the first
half of April. 1902.
Amount clue for sprinkling$31.50
Amount due for sprinkling $31.`0
To be apportioned as
First Road District
Second Road District
Third Road District
Fourth Road District
Fifth Road District
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
$ 3.50
.. 7.00
..... 7.00
.. 7.00
E. E. FRITH, Chairman on Sprink-
On motion the pay roIIs were received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
the various amounts and the pay rolls
referred back to the proper commit-
City Engineer BIake reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlerhen: I herewith submit a
final estimate of macadam broken.
Total number of cubic yards. 151.5,
amounting to $92.65.
Respectfully sumbitted,
City Engineer.
Ald. Horr moved that warrants be
ordered drawn to pay the various
amounts and the list be referred back
to the committee on streets. Carried.
The Trustees of the City Water
Works reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: Herewith hand you re-
port of the receipts and disbursements
for the three months ending March 31,
1902, together with a detailed statement
of the expenditures.
Very respectfully,
Dubuque Water Works Trustees.
Vice President and Treasurer.
J. B. POWERS, Secretary.
The detailed statement was referred
to the same committee the former re-
port was referred to. consisting of Aids.
Clancy, Horr and Frith, and the com-
mittee asked to make report to the
The bond of elect City Attorney G.
A. Barnes and elect City Auditor P.
B. Hoffman were presented, and City
Attorney Duffy stated that he had ex-
amined the said Bonds and found them
in proper form and legal, also properly
stamped, when, on motion, they were
approved by the Council and the
Mayor administered the oath of office
to said G. A. Barnes and F. B. Hoff-
man and that they were duly qualified
to enter upon the duties of their res-
pective offices May 1, 1902.
City Attorney Barnes presented the
To the Honorable Mayor and Alder-
men of the City Council of the City
of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: I hereby appoint J. B.
PoWers as Assistant City Attorney sub-
ject to the approval of your honorable
Respectfully submitted,
City Attorney.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the ap-
pointment by the City Attorney be ap-
proved by the Council. Carried.
The bids were submitted for the im-
provement of Langworthy avenue,
from Hill street to Booth street.
.ld. Horr moved that the bids and
all papers in relation to said improve-
ment be referred; to the Committee of
the Whole. Carried.
Aid. Frith, chairman of the commit-
tee on Streets, reported as hollows:
Regular Se -Bron, April 17, 1902
Your Committee on Streets, begs to
report that we have examined the im-
provement of Cox street, from the
.alley north of Angella street to Uniun
.avenue, (Norton & O'Farrell, con-
tractors) and would recommend that
.said street be accepted and that the
Finance Committee be instructed to
provide for the issue of bonds to cover
the expense of such improvement. Ald.
Frith moved to adopt the report. Car-
Ald. Horr, chairman of the Commit -
.tee on sewers presented a bill, balance
due Steuck & Linehan for the con-
struction of the Fourth street sanitary
.sewer, amount $525.24, and stated that
the Adams Co. had paid their propor-
tion of said sewer but the city attorney
.decided that the Chicago, Milwaukee &
St. Paul and the Illionis Central Rail-
way companies were not responsible
for any part of the cost of said cou-
.struction of said sewer, therefore
moved that warrants be ordered drawn
to paiy said balance due the said
Steuck & Linehan, amount $525.24. Car-
The Committee of the Whole reported
.as follows:
Your Committee of the Whole would
respectfully recommend that the office
of Street Comissioner be not filled fur
'the present and that the work 'here-
tofore performed by the street com-
missioner be transferred to the city en-
Also your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of Ott,
Meuser & Co., in regard to Oiling an i
macadamizing a. portion of the levee,
would recommend that said firm be
permitted to fill, at their own expense,
and under the supervision of the city
engineer, a strip about 200 feet long,
the city agreeing to put on a coat oC
macadam and roll the same free of
charge, and also to allow the above
mentioned firm the use of that part of
the levee at present occupied by them,
during the pleasure of the council.
A'so your Committeee of the Whole
would recommend that the sewer in-
spector and the sanitary policeman be
instructed to examine the connections
with the Dodge street storm water
sewer and to notify all persons using
said sewer for sanitary purposes to de-
sist immediately. In case of failure to
comply with such notice, said sewer In-
spector is hereby authorized to tear up
such connections.
Also your Committee of the Whole
would recommend that the Committee
on Fire and Public Grounds and Build-
ings be authorized to make whatever
changes are necessary in the Fourth
street Engine house to provide for the
storage of the sprinkling wagons dur-
ing the winter months.
Also your Committee of the Whole,
to whom were referred the bills of D .
Allen Staples, for medical attendance
on Fireman Kane and Hansen, would
recommend that the said bill be receiv-
ed and filed.
On motion the reports of the Commit-
tee of the whole were adooted.
Ald. Frith offered the following:
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque: That the
street commissioner be and is hereby
instructed to notify the Chicago Great
Western Railway company to macad-
amize the approach to its viaduct on
Peru road within thirty days of ser•
vice of such notice, and in case of
failure on the part of said railway
company within the time specified,
that said approach be macadamized by
the city and the expense thereof as-
sessed against the Chicago Great
Western Rai way company.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the reso-
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. 'Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
A1d. Horr moved that the mayor be
requested to forbid the use of the ap-
proach to the Dubuque and Wisconsin
Bridge for the display of signs or ad-
vertising matter, and to order any
signs that may be there at the present
time to be immediately removed. There
being no second to the motion it was'
not further considered.
The mayor took occasion to state'
that the article in the evening paper
in regard to his giving permission for
the erection of objectionable signs'
after the civic improvement meeting
held at Stout Auditorium are not in
accordance with facts, for no such
permission had been given after said
Ald. Corrance moved that the matter
of placing signs and advertising mat-
ter be referred to a committee of three.
The mayor appointed the following
named as said committee: Aids. Cor-
rance, Horr and Frith.
Ald. Horr moved that the Chief of
Police be instructed to notify all un-
authorized parties that they are for-
bidden to assume the duties of the
legally appointed City Weighmasters,
Ald. Clancy moved that Ald. Horr
be elected Mayor pro tem for the term
of two years. Carried unanimously.
Regular Seseion, April 17, 1902:
Mayor Berg declared Ald. Horr elect-
ed mayor pro tem.
Aid. Horr thanked the council for
the honor conferred.
Ald. Frith moved that Joe Reinfried
be appointed Chief of the Fire De-
partment for the ensuing two years.
Carried unanimously and Mayor
Berg declared Joe Reinfried duly ap-
pointed Fire Chief for two years.
Ald. Horr moved that John W. Law-
lor be appointed Committee Clerk for
the next two years at a salary of
$95.00 per month. Carried unanimously
and Mayor Berg declared Mr. Lawlor
duly appointed for a term of two years.
Ald. Corrance stated that he v.'s s
new in the business of appointments of
city officers, but would move that ail
the remaining officers to be appointed
shall hold their offices during the
pleasure of the Council. Carried.
The Mayor appointed Aids. Horr and
Sheridan as tellers.
Ald. Horr moved that Wm. Hipman
be appointed City E-ectrician and that
he be elected by acclamation.
Carried unanimously, and the Mayor
declared Wm. Hipman duly elected
City Electrician.
For Marketmaster, Anton Stoltz was
elected on the first ballot.
For Custodian of Jackson Park, Peter
Kien was elected on the first ballot.
For custodian of Washington Park
Patrick Ryan was elected on the first
For custodian of Phoenix Park, Thos.
Faherty was unanimously elected and
salary fixed at $10.00 per month.
For sidewalk inspector, Adam Craw-
ford was elected on the first ballot.
For poundmaster, Nic Offerman was
elected on the first ballot.
For wharf master, R. F. Curran was
elected on the first ballot.
For engineer steam roller, Thos. E.
Young was elected on the first ballot.
For sewer foreman, S. H. Cook was
elected by acclamation.
For driver on the carpenter wagon,
Robert McGivern was elected on the
first ballot.
For the garbage dump, Al. Moyer
was elected on the first ballot.
For Fourth street dump, Jas. Callag-
han was elected by acclamation.
For city carpenter, Jno. Heil was
elected by acclamation.
The following were elected city
weighmasters for the various scales:
Mrs. Henry Deckert, Eagle Point
Louis Pitschner, West Dubuque.
Geo. Pflffner, Jackson street and
Couler avenue.
Thos. Faherty, First ward.
R. Hay, corner Eighth and Clay
Ald. Frith moved that the following
named constitute the sewer gang:
Robert Fuller, Wm. Clark, Maurice
Flynn, Patrick Sage, Fred Hohnecker.
John Corcoran and Patrick Kenneally.
Ald. Sheridan moved a substitute.
that the matter of appointment of the•
sewer gang be referred to the Engi-
neer's office.
Ald. Sheridan's substitute was lost.
The question recurring on the origi-
nal motion of Ald. Frith was carried
by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Corrance, Frith, Horr,
Jones and Raymond. Total 5.
Nayes—Alds. Clancy and Sheridan.
Total, 2.
The Mayor declared all the above
named duly elected by the Council to
their respective offices and that they
to assume their duties May 1st, 1902.
Ald. Horr moved that the bond of•
the Assistant City Engineer (when ap-
pointed) be fixed at $1,000. Carried.
Ald. Horr moved that the action of
the Council April 10th, 1902, on the
report of the Finance Committee, in
adopting the same in relation to the
special assessment of John P. Page be•
reconsidered. Carried.
Mayor Berg then announced the
standing committees for the ensuing
year as follows:
Committee of the Whole—Mayor Pro,
Tem Horr, chairman.
Finance—Horr, Jones, Sheridan.
Ordinance—Frith, Jones, Raymond
and city attorney.
Claims—Corrance, Sheridan, Horr.
Streets—Frith, Horr, Sheridan.
Harbors—Clancy. Jones, Raymond.
Supplies—Sheridan, Raymond, Cor-
Markets—Corrance, Frith. Horr.
Public Grounds and Buildings—Jones
Raymond, Clancy.
Fire and Water—Clancy, Jones, Cor-
Police and Light—Sheridan, Jones,
Printing—Jones, Raymond, Clancy.
Delinquent Tax—Raymond, Jones,
Sewers—Sheridan, Horr, Corrance.
Paving, Sweeping and Sprinkling --
Raymond, Horr, Clancy.
Electrical Construction—Jones, Ray-
mond, Corrance.
Board of Equalization—Horr, chair-
man, and all the alderman.
Board of Health—Jones, Sheridan,
Geo. Salot and Otto M. Ruete, C. H.
Berg, chairman.
Ald. Jones moved to adjourn for one
week until April 24th, 1902. Car -
., Recorder
f- or
.. .... ...Mayor
Adjourned regular Session, April 24, 1902. 107
Adjourned Regular Session April 24th,
Council met at 8:20 o'clock p. rn,
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present --Alda. Clancy, Corrance,
Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and
Petition o! Ferdinand Fettgether
asking that the City Engineer be in-
structed to establish a grade on West
Locust street in front of lot No. 12 in
Wm. Blake's Add
Ald. Clancy moved to grant the pray-
er of the petition. Carried.
Petition of Jacob Kessler asking
that the public scales be retained at
the corner of 26th street and Couler
avenue and that Wm. C. Kessler be
the special weigher ;or said scales.
Ald. Corrance moved that the prayer
of the petition be granted. Carried.
Petition of the A. Y. McDonald &
Morrison Mfg.. Co by J. M. McDonald,
Treasurer, asking that their assess-
ment on lots 267, 276, 331 to 340, 393 to
402 all Inclusive, in East Dubuque Add.
No. 2, including bu'.ld1ngs, improve-
me-ts, machinery etc., be fixed at and
remain $8,100 `Por a period of 10 .years,
commencing with the year 1895 accord-
ing to resolution passed by the CitY
'Council July 12th, 1895.
Ald. Frith moved to grant the pe-
tition. Carried.
Petition of Jno. J. Lavery et al ask-
ing that an electric light be placed at
the intersection of Grandview avenue
and State street.
On motion the petition was referred
to the Committee on Police and Lights.
Petition of Jno. Specht asking the
Council to appropriate the sum of
$80000 for the purpose of running the
steamer Teal during the season of 1902.
On motion the petition was referred
to the Committee of the Whole.
Petitions of Geo. Schaffhauser et al,
C. A. Walter et al and Kaep &
Buechele et al asking that the City
'Council take such action as may be
necessary to compel the Union Electric
Company with as little delay as pos-
sible, to run its cars both ways on
Clay street at such intervals as will
accommodate the public, and to com-
pel said company to run their cars
along Clay street and out Rhomberg
avenue direct as was formerly done.
Ald. Horr moved to refer the peti-
tions to the Committee of the Whole.
Ald. Horr also moved that the rules
be suspended and anyone present.desir;
ing to address the Council may be
Beard. Carried.
J. R Lindsay addressed the Council.
Petition of L. O. Semper asking that
the water mains be extended in West
Seventeenth street in order to make
proper sewer connections.
On motion the petition was referred
to the Water Works Trustees.
Communication of the Union Electric
Co , by F. L. Dame, general manager,
applying for the right to install a side
track on the south side of Delhi street
between Allison and West Fifth streets.
Permission was granted by the
Mayor April 21st, 1902, and on motion
of Ald. Clancy the action of the Mayor
was approved.
City Recorder -elect Arendt presented
the following:
To the Honorable Mayor and A13er- J
men of the City Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: I herewith submit the
appointment of William A. Kaep as
my deputy in the office of City Re-
corder for the ensuing term.
Respectfully submitted,
City Recorder.
Ald. Clancy moved that the appoint-
ment as recommended be approved by
the City Council. Carried.
City Engineer -elect Boyce
the following:
To the Honorable Mayor
and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: I herewith ask you to
appoint Eugene Anderson Assistant
Engineer, Frank Neuwoehner Rodman
and Joseph Kenneally Clerk in Engi-
neer's office, to 'take effect May 1st,
1902, and continue at the pleasure of
the Council. Also that the salary of
the Assistant Engineer be made $100.00
per month, Rodman $50.00 per month,
and Clerk $45.00 per month.
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Ald. Corrance moved that the recom-
mendations of City Engineer -elect
Boyce be referred to the Committee of
the Whole. Carried.
The following claims and original
notices District Court were referred
to the City Attorney:
Original Notices District Court and
claims of Margt. and Peter Mersch
claiming the sum of $5,000.00 each as
damages for personal injuries.
Original Notice District Court and
claim of Thomas Considine claiming
the sum of Twenty -flue Hundred Dol-
lars ($2,500.00) as damages for personal
Original Notice District Court and
claim of Becker & Son, J. Becker and
Frank Breason claiming of abreach o sum of
byy o
tract made and entered into by the
City of Dubuque for furnishing stone
for coping on wall and dimension stone
for the approach to the high bridge.
Original Notice District Court and
claim of Geo. Kunz by Cath. Kunz, his
108 Adjourned Regular Session, April 24, 1902
mother and next friend, claiming the
sum of $5,000.00 with interest as dam-
ages for personal injuries.
Original Notice District Court and
claim of L. M. Langstaff claiming the
sum of $2,070.00 with interest thereon
at 6 per cent. from the first day of
May, 1902, as money justly due him as
salary and compensation for acting as
Clerk of the Board of Health of the
City of Dubuque, from the 1st clay of
May, 1896, to the 1st day of May, 1902.
The bonds of the city officials were
presented as follows:
James H. Boyce, city engineer.
Herman Brinkmann, city treasurer.
Charles F. Arendt, city recorder.
Joe R. Reinfricd, fire chief.
Anton Stoltz, market master.
Adam Crawford, sidewalk inspector.
W. Hipman, city electrician.
Ald. Jones moved that all the above
bonds be approved. Carried.
Mayor Berg administered the oath of
office to the following city officers:
Charles F. Arendt, city recorder.
James H. Boyce, city engineer.
Joe R. Reinfried, fire chief.
Herman Brinkmann, city treasurer.
W. Hipman, city electrician.
Anton Stoltz, market master.
Adam Crawford, sidewalk inspector.
Nic. Offerman, pound master.
S. H. Cook, sewer foreman.
Peter Kien, custodian, Jackson park.
Patrick Ryan, custodian, Washington
Thos. Faherty, custodian, Phoenix
park, and weighmaster let ward scales.
All above to assume office May lst,
Ald. Horr, chairman of the committee
of the Whole, reported as follows:
Your committee of the Whole, to
whom were referred the petition of L.
G. Hurd et al., asking for, and the re-
monstrance of the Wallis estate pro-
testing against the sprinkling of
Chestnut street from Highland Place to
Prairie street, beg to report that the
signers of both instruments have mut-
ually agreed on having Chestnut street
sprinkled from Highland Place to the
alley first west thereof; we would there-
fore recommend that both petitions and
remonstrances be received and filed,
and that the ordinance committee be in-
structed to prepare an amendment to
the sprinkling ordinance providing for
the sprinkling of Chestnut street be-
tween the above named points.
Also your committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
W. H. Wisner, asking that the priv-
iliges already granted him by this
Council be granted instead to the City
of East Dubuque, would recommend
that said petition be received and
Also your committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of Mrs.
A. B. Lewis et al, in relation to the
collection of the garbage, would rec-
ommend that said petition be referred
to the Board of Health, they to make
the specification of the contract for the
collection of garbage, as far' as prac-
ticable, in acordance with the prayer
of the petition.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the reports
of the committee of the Whole. Carried.
Also your committee of the Whole
would recommend that the accompany-
ing bids for the improvement of Lang-
worthy avenue be returned unopened
to the bidders.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report.
Ald. Clancy moved a substitute that
the b=3s be referred back to the com-
mittee of the Whole.
Ald. Clancy's substitute carried by
the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Ray-
mond and Sheridan. Total, 4.
Nays—Alds. Frith, Horr and Jones.
Total, 3.
Ald. Horr, chairman of the commit-
tee on Finance, reported as follows:
Your committee on Finance, to whom
was referred with power the matter of
having published the annual reports of
the committee on Finance and the city
officers for the fiscal year ending Feb-
ruary 28th, 1902, begs to report that ,
we received the following proposals
for doing the work. The prices quoted
being per page for 300 copies of the
regular annual report and a lump sum
for 50 additional copies of the reports
of the marshal and of the health phy-
Marshal's Health
per page. Report. Report.
M. S. Hardie $1.40 $5.00 $3.00
Union Printing Co1.50 5.75 3.75
Mathis, Metz & Co$1.47 and $10.00
for both other reoorts.
M. S. Hardie being the lowest bidder,
your committee have awarded him the
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report
of the cornmitOe or. Finance. Carried.
Aid. Corrance moved to recons'.dor
the action of the Council on the recom-
mendations of City Engineer -elect
Boyce as to appointments of his assist-
ants, which was referred to the
mittee of the Whole. Carried.
Ald. Horr moved that the recom-
mendations of the appointment of City
Engineer -elect Boyce be app^oved by
the Council. Carried.
Ald. Frith. chairman of the Street
committee, reported as follows:
Your committee on Streets, to whom
was referred the petition of B. W.
Poor in relation to a retaining wall in
the rear of lot 756 McDaniel's Sub.,
with instructions to ascertain the cost
of rebuilding such wall, ?,eg to report
that we con•iid"r this work ce.t ba dox?
at a cost of about $35.00, we would
further recommend that the city en-
gineer be instructed to construct said
wall as prayed for.
E. E. FRITH, Chairman,
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report.
Ald. Sheridan, chairman of the Com-
mittee of Police and Lights, reported
as follows:
Your committee on Police and Light
to whom was referred the matter of
Adjourned Regular Session, April 24, 1902. 109
selecting locations for two arc lamps
,on the approach to the Dubuque and
Wisconsin bridge, would recommend
that one of said lamps be suspended
from the bridge leading from Mr.
Fengler's quarry to his lime kiln; and
that the other be placed at the north
end of the approach; we would also
recommend that the City Recorder be
,instructed to notify the Union Elec-
tric Co. in accordance with the fore-
J. J. SHERIDAN, Chairman.
Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the re-
port of the Committee on Police and
Lights. Carried.
Ald. Jones, chairman of the Com-
mittee on Printing reported as follows:
Your Committee on Printing would
respectfully recommend that the
Globe -Journal be appointed the official
paper of the city, to print all the pro-
ceedings of the Council, proclamations
of the Mayor, notices and advertise-
ments of the Council, and furnish
seventy-five (75) copies of the Council
proceedings each month in pamphlet
form and to receive as full compensa-
tion for same the amount or sixty dol-
lars ($60.00) per month.
Also, that the Telegraph -Herald be.
allowed to publish all the proceedings
of the Council, notices, advertisements
and proclamations of the Mayor, and
to receive as full compensation for the
same the amount of fifty dollars ($50.00)
per month, said proceedings, notices,
advertisements and proclamations to
be copied from the Globe -Journal.
Also that the National Demokrat be
allowed to publish all notices and ad-
vertisements of the city and to re-
ceive as compensation for the same the
sum of twenty-five dollars per month.
Also that the Globe -Journal be re-
quired to have the publication of the
Council proceedings completed within
four days after each Council meeting,
and the Telegraph -Herald to have th
publication of said proceedings com-
pleted within five days after each
council meeting. The city reserves
the right to change the above arrange-
ments at any time. In case of the
failure of said newspapers to comply
with the above requirements, there
shall be deducted for each day after
the said limit of time, the amount of
ten per cent. of the bill for the month.
Also that the proprietors of said
newspapers shall file with the city Re-
corder a written acceptance of the
above within five days after the ad-
option of this report by the Council.
In case of the failure of the proprie-
tors of any of said newspapers to file
such written acceptance within the
time specified it shall be deemed a de-
clination of the foregoing proposition.
Your committee would also recom-
mend that the publishers of the Globe -
Journal and the Telegraph -Herald be
instructed to leave a copy of their
papers at the different engine houses,
and also at the patrol house.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the report.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones and Raymond. Total 6.
Nayes—Ald. Sheridan.
Mayor Berg stated that it would be
necessary for the Council to procure
hose and couplers for the sprinkling
Aid. Sheridan moved that the mat-
ter of procuring hose and couplings
for street sprinklers be referred to the
Committee on Paving, Sweeping and
Sprinkling with power. Carried.
Ald. Horr, chairman of the Board of
Equalization, reported as follows:
Your Board of Equalization, to whom
was referred the petition of the Mc-
Fadden Coffee and Spice Co., asking
that $5,000 be deducted from the valua-
tion of their merchandise as returne4
for the year 1902, beg to report that we
find that this amount was for tea in
bond, which is not assessable; we
would therefore recommend that the
prayer of the petitioner be granted and
that the treasurer be instructed ac-
Also, your Board of Equalization, to
whom was referred the petition of M.
Hass, asking that the valuation of lot
43 in Finley, Waples and Burton'e
Add., be reduced from $250.00 to $100.00. ,
and that the Treasurer be instructed
to refund the difference, would recom-
mend that the prayer of the petitioner
be granted and that the Treasurer be
instructed accordingly.
Also, your Board of Equalization to
whom was referred the petition of E.
A. Rice, asking that the essessment
on $900.00 moneys and credits charged'
to him be canceled for the year 1901,
because said amount was used by him
to purchase real estate on which he
will have to pay taxes, would recom-
mend that the prayer of the peitionex'
be granted and that the City Treas-
urer be instructed accordingly.
JOSEPH L. HORR, Chairman.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the reports
of the Board of Equalization. Carried.
Ald. Clancy, chairman of the Special
Committee, reported as follows:
Your Special Committee, appointed
to audit the reports of the Water
Trustees, beg to report that we have
examined the same for the quarters
ending December 31, 1901, and March
31, 1902, and flnd that the vouchers on
file in the office of the Trustees cor-
respond with the items as set out in
the reports submitted; we would there•
fore recommend that the reports be re•
ceived and flied.
MATT. CLANCY, Chairman.
110 Adjourned Regu:ar Session, April 24, 1902.
Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the re-
port of the special committee. Car-
Your special committee, to whom
was referred the matter of the sign
painting on the rocks and boards near
the approach to the Dubuque and Wis-
consin bridge, beg to report that we
have examined the premises and find
three signs directly facing the bridge,
and a little further down some boards
that have just been put up for the
purpose evidently of painting a sign;
said boards being nailed to the trees.
Your committee would recommend, if
in the power of the council, that the
chief of police be instructed to notify
the owners of said signs and boards
to remove them without delay, and also
that hereafter no signs of any kind
be allowed on said approach to the
high bridge without permission of the
Ald. Corrance moved to adopt the
report of the special committee. Car-
Ald. Jones of the Board of Health
reported as follows:
Dubuque, Iowa, April 23, 1902.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: At a meeting of your
Board of Health, held April 21, 1902,
beg to report as follows:
The foIlow.ing bill or claims, referred
to us by your honorable body, have
been duly considered.
The claim and bill of Mrs. R. G.
Thompson, amount $93.30, for supplies
and damages caused by quarantining
the Iower fiats No. 1041 Clay street.
Also the claim and bill of Miss M.
Scharry, amount $96.00, for supplies
and damages caused by quarantining
the Iower fiat, No. 1041 Clay street.
We would recommend that both of
said claims be received and filed.
The bill of Dr. Harry T. Walker, for
$4.25 for vaccination of pupils of the
public schools, September, 1901, respect-
fully recommend the payment of the
The original notice for $5,000, claim of
Otto Kirkly against Dr. J. C. Hancock
and the City of Dubuque, for damages
for willful trespass in placing a pa-
tient infected with small pox in his
residence and keeping possession of the
same for twenty-two days, and for
personal property destroyed and car-
ried away.
Respectfully recommend that portion
of the claim referring to the city of
Dubuque be referred to the city at-
Dr. J. C. Hancock presented his bill
for $4,900 for caring for small pox pa-
tients from Oct. 1, 1901, to April j,
We would respectfully recommend
that the said bill be referred to the
city attorney, and thrt he to report
as to whether the city is liable for said
bill, also as to whether the auditing
of said bill by the Board of Health,
would make the city responsible to said
J. C. Hancock.
Your Board of Health would recom-
mend that a notice be published in
the official papers, requesting all candi-
dates for the position of health officer,
be furnished in writing, what they wilt
charge for such services, including the
care of all contagious diseases, and
they to file their proposal with the city
recorder on or before 4 o'clock p. m.,
Apri' 29, 1902.
Your board unanimously recommend
the appointment of Frank Flynn for
the position of sanitary policeman.
Your Board of health would recom-
mend that bids for cleaning vaults, be
advertised for, and the bidders state
the price per cubic foot below the
bluffs, also the price per cubic foot oa
the bluffs, and that the bids be receiv-
ed at the office of the city recorder up
to 4 o'clock p. m.. April 29, 1902.
Mayor Berg stated that he had ap-
pointed Aids. Jones and Sheridan as
members of the board from the coun-
cil, and George Salot and O. M. Ruete
as citizen members of the Board.
Ald. Jonesmoved that the report
of the Board of Health be adopted, and
that the recommendation of Frank
Flynn for sanitary policeman be ap-
proved by the council. Carried.
Ald. Jones offered the following:
Whereas, The owners of all the prop'.
erty abutting on the private alley be-
tween Rhomberg and Garfield ave-
nues, from Kniest street to Johnson
avenue, have signified their will'ng-
ness to donate said alley to the city;
Resolved, That the city engineer and
city attorney be and are hereby in-
structed to take steps to secure the
deeds necessary to snake said alley a
public one.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Ald. Jones offered the following:
Whereas; The Union Electric com-
pany desires to give to all its patrons
the best service in its power, and to
that end is now making some changes
in the operation of its system; there-
fore, be it
Resolved, That said Union Electric
company be permitted, temporarily, to
discontinue operating its cars over
what is known as its Iowa street line,
viz.: Locust street from Second to
Fifth, on Fifth street from Locust
street to Iowa street, from Fifth street
to Sixteenth street, on Sixteenth street
and Fourteenth street to Jackson street,
and on Jackson street to Sanford
Ald. Horr moved that the resolution
be referred to the committee of the
whole. Carried.
Adjourned l;egular Session, April 24, 1902. 111
Alderman Jones offered the follow-
Whereas, It Is deemed necessary ani
advisab;e by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque to construct a sani-
tary sewer in the alley between Gar-
field and Rhomberg avenues, and it
is hereby proposed to construct a sani-
tary sewer in said alley between Gar-
field and Rhomberg avenues as follow,
to -wit: A 12 -inch tile pipe sewer
from Johnson avenue to Middle avenue,
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, that the City
Engineer be and he is hereby directed
to prepare a plat and specifications
showing the location and general na-
ture of such improvement, the extent.
thereof, the size and kind of material
to be used, and to prepare an estimate
of the cost thereof, and the amount
assessable upon each lot or parcel of
land adjacent to or abutting thereon
per front foot of square foot in area
and to file such plat, specification and
estimate in the office of the City Re-
That after such plat is filed, the
City Recorder shall cause to be pub-
lished notice of the intention of the
'Council to make such improvement,
which notice shall be published in
three consecutive issues of the official
newspaper stating that such plat is
on file, and generally the nature of
the sewer, its location, size and kind
of materials to be used, and the esti-
mate of Its cost, and fixing the time
before which objections can be filed,
which time sha'l not be less than five
days after the last publication of such
notice, and after the completion of the
publication of such notice, he shall at
the next regular session notify the
Council thereof, in writing, with a
printed copy of such notice accom -
'panying the same.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the reso-
lution. Carried.
Alderman Frith offered the following:
Whereas, it is deemed necessary and
advisable by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque to improve Lincoln
avenue from Fourth avenue to west
line of lot 35, McCraney's Eagle Point
addition, and it is hereby proposed to
grade, curb, gutter and macadamize
said street, therefore
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque: That the
City Engineer be and he is hereby
directed to prepare a plat showing gen-
erally the location and nature of suca
improvement and the extent thereof,
and the kind of material to be used,
and an estimate of the entire cost
thereof, and the amount and cost of
such improvement, and the amount
assessable upon any railway or street
railway company, the amount and cost
thereof to be paid by the city, if any,
and the cost thereof and amount as•
sessable upon each lot or parcel of
land adjacent to or abutting upon such
improvement per front foot, and t,
file such plat and estimate in the of-
fice of the City Recorder; that after
the fl ing of said plat and estimate itt
his (office, the City Recorder shall pub-
lish in three consecutive issues of a
newspaper published in this city a
notice stating that such plat and es •
timate are on file, the location an I
nature of the improvement, kind of
material to be used, and an estimate
of its cost, and the time before wnk•a
objections thereto can be filed and the
time fixed for hearing, which tom,.
shall not be less than five days after
the last publication of such notice and
after such publication shall have been
made the City Recorder shall, at the
next regular session of the City Cou i
ell notify the Council thereof, in writ-
ing, with a printed copy of such notice
accompanying the same.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the reso-
lution. Carries.
Aid. Raymond offered the following
Whereas, It is deemed necessary and
advisable by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque to improve Bluff
Street from the south side of Eighth
Street to the north side of First street
and it is 'hereby proposed to grade,
curb wherever necessary and pave said
street with asphalt on a concrete foun-
dation; therefore
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the City
Engineer be and he is hereby directed
to prepare a plat showing generally
the location and nature of such im-
provement and the extent thereof, and
the kind of material to be used, and
an estimate of the entire cost thereof,
and the amount and cost of such im-
provement, and the amount assessable
upon any railway or street railway
company, the amount and cost thereof
to be paid by the city, if any, and the
cost thereof and amount assessable
upon each lot or parcel of land ad-
jacent to or abutting upon such im-
provement per front foot, and to file
such plat and estimate in the office of
the city recorder; that after the filing
of said plat and estimate in his office,
the city recorder shall publish in three
consecutive issues of a newspaper pub-
lished in the city a notice stating that
such plat and estimate are on file, the
location and nature of the Improve-
ment, kind of material to be used, and
an estimate of its cost and the time
before which objections thereto can be
flied and the time fixed for hearing,
which time shall be not less than five
days after the last publication of such
notice and after such publication shall
have been made the City
shall, ai the next regular session of
the City Council notify the Council
thereof in writing with a printed copy
of such notice accompanying the same.
112 Adjourned Regular Session, April 24, 1902.
AId. Raymond moved to adopt the
resolution. Carried.
Ald. Horr offered the following:
Whereas, it is deemed necessary and
advisable by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque to improve the alley
between Iowa and Clay streets from
the alley between Twelfth and Thir-
teenth streets to the north curb line
of Fourth street, and ft is hereby pro-
posed to grade and pave said alley
with brick on a concrete foundation;
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque: That the
City Engineer be and he is hereby
directed to prepare a plat showing
generally the location and nature of
such improvement and the extent
thereof, and the kind of material to
be used, and an estimate of the entire
cost thereof, and the amount and cost
of such improvement, and the amount
assessable upon any railway or street
railway company, the amount and cost
thereof to be paid by the city, if any,
and the cost thereof and amount as-
sessable upon •each Iot or parcel of
land adjacent to or abutting upon such
improvement per front foot, and to file
such plat and estimate in the office
of the City Recorder, that after the
filing of said plat and estimate in his
office the city recorder shall publish
in three consecutive issues of a news-
paper published in this city a notice
stating that such plat and estimate
are on file, the location and nature
of the improvement, kind of material
to be used, and an estimate of its cost
and the time before which objections
thereto can be filed and the time fixed
for hearing, which time shall be not
less than five days after the last publi-
cation of such notice and after such
publication shall have been made, the
City Recorder shall, at the next regu-
lar session of the city council notify
the council thereof in writing with a
printed copy of such notices accom-
panying the same.
Aid. Horr moved to adopt the reso-
lution. Carried.
Alderman Horr offered the following:
Whereas, It is deemed necessary and
advisable by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque to improve Eighth
street from the westerly lot line of
Bluff street, to the intersection of the
track of the Chicago Great Western
Railway company with the westerly
track of the Chicago, Milwaukee &
St. Paul Railway company, which is
opposite lot 5 in block 15, Dubuque
Harbor Improvement Co.'s addition,
and it is hereby proposed to grade,
curb wherever necessary and pave
said street with brick on a concrete
foundation, therefore
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque: That the
City Engineer be and he is hereby
directed to prepare a plat showing
generally the location and nature of
such improvement and the extent
thereof, and the kind of material i,
be used, and an estimate of the entire
cost thereof, and the amount and cost
of such improvement, and the amount
assessable upon any railway or strut
railway company, the amount and cos*
thereof to be paid by the city, if any,
and the cost thereof and amount as-
sessable upon each lot or parcel of land
adjacent to or abutting upon such im-
provement per front foot, and to file
such plat and estimate in the office of
the City Recorder; that after the filing
of said pat and estimate in his office,
the City Recorder shall publish in
three consecutive issues of a newspaper
published in this city a notice stating;
that such plat and estimate are on
file, the Location and nature of the im-
provement, kind of material to be
used, and an estimate of its cost and
the time before which objections there-
to can be filed, and the time fixed for
hearing, which time shall be not less
than five days after the last publica-
tion of such notice and after such pub-
lication shall have been made the City
Recorder shall, at the next regular
session of the City Council notify :he
Council thereof in writing, with a.
printed copy of such notice accompany-
ing the same.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the reso-
lution. Carried.
Ald. Horr moved to adjourn until the
next regular session, May 1, 1902. Car-
ried. L. M. LANGSTAFF,
City Recorder
t.Q:I. ,/ :, ..125C Recorder
Approved .r. Z.-.. no
1Ft uyor
List of Warrants.
City Recorder's Office.
Dubuque, Iowa, April lst, 1902.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: The fo:owing is a com-
plete list of all warrants issued by
me during the month of March, 1902:
Allen, Sam ..... 11 10
Bakey, James 15 30
Bummers, John, 21 45
Burghalter, Wm. ..... 27 60
Brandenbuger & Son 11 90
Burkheart & Son66 10
Buelow, Christ 23 :0
Buddine, Fred 19 20
Berry, Tom 11 oU
Blackard, Charles 17 00
Becker, Paul 8 55
Burkheart 14 45
Brewbecker, Emil 21 GO
Boyle Bros. . 48 00
Bottoms, John .... 13 60
Beltz, Frank 22 20
Cain, Michael & Son 68 00
Cambel Bros. 56 95
Carney Peter and Mike 46 75
Carney, Mike and Frank 62 90
Connolly, J. and Carney D 30 15
Corcoran D. and brother 36 60
Cahill, John 30 GO
Dunnegan, Mike . 9 31
Duggan John and son 29 75
Defonton, Frank .. 17 00
Duggan, Mike 36 55
Dougherty, John 29 40
Dax, Peter 1615
Devaney, P. 25 20
Elerman, Christ 37 40
Ellis, Albert 30 50
Engils, John 24 00
Furry, Patrick 28 05
Felbum, Fred 21 00
Farrell, Mike 27 20
Ginter, Joe 15 no
Ginter, Peter .. 34 00
Gau, Wm. 12 G0
Glaskia, Theo. 15 30
Haffey, John... 29 40
Hackney T,, and Bd. 'Glass 39 55
Helmer, Mai( .. 24 65
Hofferman, 'AFug. 19 55
Huss, Wm. & on 36 90
Hantelman, Aug 11 10
John, John 10 20
Jacobs, Peter 17 '5
Janz, Fred 19 80
Krans, Jacob .. 19 80
Kerwin, J. and Slater 58 65
Kuntz, Frank 17 10
Knees, John 27 60
Kloster, Geo. 22 80
Kennally, Tim .. 4 20
Kiang, Joe 25 SO
Kramer, Peter 2150
Kayler, John 15 30
Krantz & Papentine 33 15
Kasebauer, Adam 22 95
Krocheskia, Paul 34 00
Kasper, Jacob 28 05
Knabel, C. 33 15
Kaufman, Fred 17 00
Kronfe'dt, Aug. .. 11 05
Kronfeldt, Wm. S7 45
Kommes, Mrs. C i 9 t0
Lavin, Mike 16 80
Luchterhand, Christ ........... 13 60
Lassance, Frank .. . 28 05
Luchterhand, Albert 12 JO
Lembky, Herman 16 20
Lynch, Pat 24 00
Leidinger, Nick 7 50
McCann, Pat 11 90
McCarron Bros. 23 40
McNulty, John 19 SO
McKeown, Mike 34 00
McMahon, Ross 7 05
McClain, Wm. ... 7 65
McDermott, Wm. 19 35
McLaughlin, Wm. 26 40
McLaughlin, J......... 24 Oa
McCarten, Mike 4 25
Mahoney, John 5 10
Miller, John .. 8 50
Menzee, Frank 34 00
Mabe, Matt . 1 10
Martine, Joe & Son.. 68 03
Malloy, Tom 29 70
Malloy, Ed 22 80
Malloy, James 28 80
Mack, Robert 24 00
Nitterauer, S. B. 26 35
Neibauer, J. 18 25
Nank, Fred 24 00
Otto, Julius 23 80
Otto, Charles 24 00 '
Purcell, John 19 55
Parker, John & Son 51 85
Pagel, Robert 6 00
Petuskey, Frank 24 00
Pierce, Chas. 13 20
Quinn, Pat Sr. 7 65
Reynolds, Geo. 34 Oa
Ryan, Mike 19 55
Ruesch, Wm. 7 65
Reipth, Charles 28 90
Redloff, Fred 29 00'
Ruprect, Theo. 7 20
Roloff, Fred 18 60
Remous, Fred 25 50
Reilley, Charles 23 35
Roland & Nuts.. 28 05
Robison, J. W. 28 20
Rehfleld, Wm. 34 85
Reed, James 2 40
Shafer, J. M. 29 75
Sullivan, Mike 24 65
Sheehan, Dan 37 40
Sullivan & Burns 64 60
Shay, Mike & Son 62 90
O'Shay, James 26 35
8 50
17 00
29 75
16 15
10 20
15 00
9 90
24 00
8 40
25 80
Smyth, Sam
Schlegel, Melchoir
Schilhobey, Lawrence
Schwagler, Wm.
Schilskey, Aug
Sieg, Joe
Stielly, Fred
Soyke, Wm.
Schlegel, Otto
Schmitt, Ernst
11.1 List of Warrants..
Sterble, Stephen
Theis, Theo.
Tweae, John
Thompson, A. A
Frost, Louie
Vornschaig, John
Value, Anton
Weber & Reiter
Witte, Aug.
Woodrich, John
Walchenhefm, L
Zingel, Adam
Casserly, P.
Clark, W.
Corcoran, Jno.
Cook, S. H.
Flynn, Maurice
Fuller, R. A.
Lonergan, W.
Sullivan, Con
19 20
8 50
15 30
10 60
27 00
20 40
34 00
68 00
22 95
24 00
24 00
22 95
17 60
17 60
17 60
25 00
1T 60
17 60
17 60
17 60
Headford Bros. & Hitchins, man-
hole covers and rims for sewer
department 10 69
P: Plauer, hardware for sewer 1 45
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., 3
pair rubber boots for sewer de-
Jno. Butt, repairs for sewer
department 8 05
Ellwanger Bros., Ieather washers
for sewer department 1 50
Moore & Ferring, candles and
wicks for sewer department60
H. Corrance, sacks for sewer de-
partment 1 40
R. Hoffman, repairing rubber
boots for sewer department50
Pape & Jacquinot, repairing
fountain 14th and Elm Sts 8 60
Mullen Bros., repairing fountain
Phoenix park 3 20
M. J. Mulgrew, court costs in
special assessment cases 135 10
O. G. Kringle, final estimate im-
proving Angella St 1850 00
E. Mueke, sawing wood at city
hall 10 75
M. J. Mulgrew, Judgment and
costs in case of Simon Thoem
vs. city 601 00
Sam Allen, macadam $ 12 00
M. Byrne & Cahill, macadam 60 35
John Bummers, macadam 9 35
Adam Berg, macadam 18 70
Wm. Burkhalter, macadam 16 55
Burkheart & Son, macadam 23 80
Christ Beaulow, macadam 12 90
Fred Buddine, macadam 12 00
Tom Berry, macadam .. 6 80
C. Blachard, macadam 28 05
Boyle Bros., macadam 42 00
Paul Becker, macadam 6 60
M. Burkheart, macadam 170
Emil Brewbecker, macadam 17 40
H. Connolly, macadam 9 60
John Coyne, macadam 18 00
James Carroll, macadam 15 30
P. & Mike Carney, macadam 49 30
P. & Mike Connolly, macadam 45 05
J. Connolly & D. Carney mac-
adam 45 05
M. & Frank Carney, macadam 30 60
John Cahill, macadam 32 401
D. Corcoran & Bro., macadam 18 60
Tom Crahan, macadam .. 15 00/
Michael Cain, macadam 28 90'
John Dougherty, macadam 16 20
Pat 'Devaney, macadam 18 00
Dollant & Taylor, macadam 42 50
Mike Dunnegan, macadam 8 40
John Duggan & Son, macadam 13 60
Christ Elerman, macadam 10 20
John Engils, macadam 28 80
Albert Ellis, macadam 9 00
Pat Fury. macadam ...... 4 25
Theo Gheliskia, macadam 10 50
Wm. Gau. macadam 16 20
Joe Gfnter, macadam .. 8 50
Peter Ginter, macadam 11 90
Geo. Gau, macadam 14 40
Conrad Geinfer, macadam 14 40
John Haffey, macadam 7 80
B. Hockney & Glass, macadam 24 80
34 85,
17 70
22 10
15 00
6 00'
4 25
10 20
24 65
13 80
11 40°
11 05
15 30'
7 65
21 25
9 60
12 00'
16 80
19 20
10 20
10 80
16 80
6 00
9 60
19 80-
4 20
1 20
31 80
2 40
11 40
28 05
11 90
11 40'
19 20
Jacob Hutter, macadam
Wm Huss, macadam
Max Helmer, macadam
Aug. Hantelman, macadam
John John, macadam
Peter Jacobs, macadam
Fred Janz, macadam .......
Kerwin & Slater, macadam
Fred Keck, macadam
Joe Klang, macadam
Krartz & Popentine, macadam .
Adam Kasebauer, macadam
Paul Krocheskia, macadam
Jacob Kasper, macadam ....
Fred Kauffman, macadam
Jacob Krause, macadam
Frank Kuntz, macadam
John Knees, macadam ......
Geo. Klostel, macadam
Tim Kennalley, macadam
Peter Kramer, macadam ..
Mike Lavin, macadam
Herman Lembke, macadam ....
Nick Leidinger, macadam
Pat Lynch, macadam
Ei. Lowery, macadam
James Malloy, macadam
Robt. Mack, macadam
Tom Malloy, macadam
Matt. Mabe, macadam
Joe Martineck, macadam
John Miller, macadam
McCarron Bros., macadam
John McNulty, macadam
Joe and Leo McDermott, mac-
adam 25 50
Ross McMahon, macadam 5 10
Wm. McDermott, macadam 9 35
Mike McCarten, macadam 10 20
Wm. McLaughlin, macadam 35 40
John McLaughlin, macadam 36 00
James McCraken, macadam 6 60
S. B. Nitterauer, macadam 8 50
Fred, Nank, macadam .. 45 00
Charles Otto, macadam 32 40
Chas. Pierce, macadam .. 18 00
Frank Petoskey, macadam 22 80
Frank Peltz, macadam .. 6 00
John Pullens, macadam 31 20
J. Parker and son, macadam 17 40
Mike Ryan, macadam .. 19 55
Wm. Ruesch, macadam 1 70
Geo. Rank, macadam ....
Fred. Redloff, macadam
Theo. Ruprecht, macadam
Fred. Roloff, macadam
49 20
20 40
1 20,
13 80
List of Warrants.
J. W. Robison, macadam
Joe Rooney, macadam .. .
Chas. Reilley, macadam ....... • .
James Reed, macadam ., . , ,
Rolland and Nutz, macadam....
Aug. Reis, macadam ............
Dan, Sheehan, macadam
Mike Shea and son, macadam
James O'Shea, macadam
Patrick Shea, macadam ., ....,
Tom Shea, macadam ..
J. M. Schaffer", macadam
Melchior Schlegel, macadam
Lavana Schilhoby, macadam
Henry Schrader, macadam
.Aug. Schiliskey, macadam
Otto Schlagel, macadam
Ernst Schintt, macadam
Aug. 3oyke, macadam
Fred. Shelley, macadam
Stephen Stubley, macadam
Wm. Schwagler, macadam
Tony Sieg, macadam ..
Louis Trost, macadam 15 00
Theo. Thise, macadam 7 65
Henry Tippie, macadam 22 95
Geo. Traub, macadam 11 40
A. A. Thompson, macadam 3 45
John Tweal, macadam 16 21
Edmond Taylor, macadam 5 40
John Vornischaig, macadam 15 6J
L. Walchenheimer, macadam19 80
Weber and Reuter, macadam46 75
Aug. Wittie, macadam 11 05
John Woodrich, macadam 27 00
John Wech, macadam . 9 60
Adam Zingel, macadam 14 40
Peter Ziegler, macadam 17 40
10 80 R. T. Eddy, labor
19 20 John Engels, labor
15 30 Mat. Fagan, labor
7 20 Mat. Fetshele, labor
48 45 Wm. Flanigan, labor
22 10
17 85
20 40
13 60
46 75
23 83
17 00
7 66
29 75
6 00
16 20
13 80
18 60
27 60
12 60
3 01
6 8U
3 60
'Sam Allen, labor ................$ 2 40
Mike Arthofer, labor ............ 1 70
5 10
5 75
3 75
5 10
2 05
4 40
7 80
Ernest Amanda, labor
Rich. Burns, labor
Wm. Burns, labOr
Jos. Broulette, labor
Jas. Burns, labor .........
Jacob Baehr, labor
Paul Becker, labor
Wm. Buckler, labor ... ...... ..... 4 40
.Ant. Bolien, labor ... 1 70
Fred Budien, labor ............... 1 05
Chas. Bluecher, labor 1 70
Jake Brenner, labor 170
Peter Betsche, labor ... • 1 35
John Brachtenbach, labor 3 05
Chas. Busse, labor 170
Jos. Brown, labor 8 80
W. Coughlin, labor 12 50
Jas. Connolly, labor .. ,_ 7 45
John Callahan, labor 5 75
Hugh Connell, labor 5 10
Jerry Cahill. labor 2 40
Rich. Caffery, labor ....._ .., 13 65
Thos. Crahan, labor 510
Jas. `Callahan, labor 20 00
John Corbett, labor 8 10
Hiram Cobb, labor 2 40
Adam Crawford, carpenter 20 00
Henry Cosgrove, carpenter's
Thos. Donahue, labor
Peter Defontaine, labor
John Dougherty, labor
Ed. Desmond, labor
John Desmond, labor
Pat. Devaney, labor
John Egan, labor
19 50
7 45
5 75
5 10
2 40
2 40
1 05
4 40
20 00
11 15
5 10
9 15
2 40
Pat. Farrell, labor ............... 2 70
Pat. Fogarty, labor 5 10
Louis Fenner, labor ...... , ., 1 70
Petsr Fasselius, labor 1 70
Pat. Fenelon, labor 5 40
Pat. Grue, labor .... 8 80
Barney Glass, labor ..... 510
Peter Gregory, labor 2 40
Jos. Gavin, labor 13 90
Jos. Giesland, labor 1 70
Dietrich Grashorn, labor 3 75
Chas. Gruenzig, labor 5 75
Jos. Grab, labor 3 75
George Gau, labor 1 70
Peter Guenther, labor _ 1 70
Mike Gera, labor 1 70
;Ins. Guenther, labor 1 70
Henry Grode, labor 1 70
,Tnhn Haley, labor 610
Thos. Hackney, labor 5 75
George Hicklinger, labor , ,, ..... 1 70
George J. Hahn, labor ......... 20 00
A.mb. Hird. labor 3 75
Adam Henderson, labor 4 05
Wm. Huss, labor ..............._
Aug. Hafeman, labor
John John, labor
Jnhn Jehring, labor
John Jellison, labor
Fred Jane, labor ............ •
Tien Kelly, labor ..- ......... • •-
Fred Keck, labor
.Tchn Kelly, labor ..- • •. • ••
Peter Kraemer, labor
Tim. Kenneally, labor
Nic. K ettenhofen, labor
Chas. Kampinan, labor
George Kloster, labor
John Kress, labor
John Keast, labor
,Tns. Kientzle, labor
Chas. Knable, labor
Paul Krocheski, labor
Chas. Kupferschmidt, labor
Fred Krueger, labor
Wm. Krnnfeldt, labor
Jacob Kraus, labor
Fred Kaufman, labor
Vint. Kleine, paper collector
Mike Lavin, labor
Pat Lynch, labor
Mat. Loes. labor
H. Lowrey, labor
Walter Lynch, labor
John Leid Inger. labor
Herman Lambke, labor
Leonard Loffelholz, l
H. Luchterhand,
Mart. Lonergan. labor
Mike Maher, labor
Phil Mellor, labor
John Mahoney, labor
Michael Murphy, labor
Torn. Maloy, labor
Rob. Mack, labor
Ed. Malny, labor
James Maloy, labor
Char. Muggenberg, labor
Adam Manderscheid, labor
1 70
1 70
1 70
5 10
1 70
5 10
5 10
3 40
1 70
5 75
2 40
1 05
1 70
1 70
1 70
1 70
2 05
1 70
1 70
1 05
5 10
12 50
4 40
6 75
2 40
2 40
1 70
2 40
1 90
8 80
2 40
3 00
4 40
2 05
2 40
3 40
2 40
1 05
11G List of Warrants.
James McCormick, labor
John McNulty, labor
Frank McCann, labor
John McQuillan, labor
Jas. McCarron, labor
John McCarron, labor
James McKernan, labor
James McCrackin, labor
Thos. McDonald, labor
Pat. McPoland, Iabor
Barney McCormick, Iabor
W. McLain, labor
John Noonan, labor
Maurice O'Hearn, labor
W. O'Brien, labor
'hn O'Donnell, labor
Chas. Otto, labor
James Powers, labor
Janes Purcell, labor
John Pfeiffer, labor
Chas. Pierce, labor
Frank Peltz, labor
John Parker, labor
Wm. Purkhalter, labor
Rrm. Papethien, labor
John Puilens, Iabor
Wm. Quinlan, labor
Mat. Quirk, carpenter
Phil Reddin, labor
Joa. Rooney, labor
Jas. Reid, labor
Geo. Rink, Iabor
Fred Remus, labor
N'c Baesch. labor
Fred Radloff. labor
Theo. Puprecht, labor
Chas. Pinetsch, labor
Chas. Reilly, labor
Nick Sweeney, labor
?mss. Straney, labor
Murt Summers, labor
Frank Stromeyer, labor
Thos. Smith, labor
John Snear, Iabor
Tony Schmidt, labor
Frank Scharr, Iabor
,7oh'E Schroeder. labor
Chris Scholl. labor
Jos Statel, Iabor
Ernest Smith, labor
Aug. Soyke, Iabor
Sam Sterling, Iabor
Louis Smith, labor
Aug. Schilski. labor
John SIeder, labor
Wm. Schwaegler, Iabor
Simon Schaetzle, labor
Jos. Schofehel, labor
Nic Schroeder, Iabor
John Schemmel, labor
Jas. Talty, labor
Geo. Traub, Iabor
R. Turner, labor
John Twieg, Iabor
Wm. Wells, labor
John Walsh (Caledonia), labor ..
Louis Wachenheim, labor .......
Anton Wondrasek, labor
Herman Weidenbacher, labor
John Walsh (Race), labor ...
Fred Weber, labor
Nic Wampach, labor
John Wodrich, labor
Geo. Zumhoff, labor
10 50 I Frank Burns, team 6 25.
3 75 Gen. Brenner, team
4 40 Pat Clancy, team 13 55
14 405
3 75 Jos. Calvert, team
2 40 John Calvert, team 5 65
35 Thos. Elliott, team 19 40
13 35 M. Gantenbein, team 3 15
5 40 Mike Hannan, team 9 40
2 40 John Huffmire, team 8 75
4 40 John Huffmire (contract) team 5 85
1 70 Jake Haudenschield, team 89 75
2 05 Peter Horch, team 4 40
5 10 Mike Kenneally, team 8 75
1 70 Jas. Keefe, team 8 75
10 00 Pat Linehan, team
1 70 John Long, team 8 75
1 70 .Frank Mathis, team 13 15
7 10 Wm. Mohr, team 7 50
2 40 Thos. Morgan, team 3 15
11 1.5 Dan McCollins, team .... 9 40
9 45 J. J. McCollins, team 5 00
1 05 Carson McElrath, team 11 25
6 26 Ted O'Brien, team 9 40
170 L. Pell, team 8 15
1 70 Amos Paley, team 1 90
2 40 H. Rink 3 1.5
20 00 4 00 Wm. Rink, team 3 IC
2 40 Ed. Seeley, team 13 7565
2 40 Sam Snodgrass,. team 3 15
2 40 John Singrin, team 14 5
1 70 Frank Siege, team 5 40
1 70 Tony Siege, team 65
15 65
2 40 Art. Turner, team 8 15
1 35 James Tobin, team 3 15
510 M. The's, team 1 90
1 05 Jesse Venn, team 40
6 75 Leslie Wellington, team 1 4 0
8 10 Frank Winders, team 3 159
6 45 M. Zogg, team
2 05 Grading on South Bluff Street during
2 40 the first half of March, 1902:
Thos. Barrett, labor
6 In John Burns, labor
1 70 Neil Coughlin, labor
4 75 P. Kenneally, labor
7 15 John Mahoney, labor
5 75 Wm. O'Brien
4 50
... 4 50
6 75
5 25
10 00
7 10 Labor on sewers for the first half of
20 80
20 80
20 80
25 00
20 80
20 80
20 80
1 60
5 7i March, 1902:
Pat. Casserly, labor
710 W Clark, labor
2 40 John Corcoran, labor
2 40 5. H. Cook
1 70 Maurice Flynn, labor
1 70 R. A. Fuller, labor
2 05 W Lonergan, labor
2 70
1 70
1 70
1 70
1 70
4 40
1 70
1 70
11 55
5 10
5 75
5 75
3 05
1 70
1 35
1 70
9 00
Con. Sullivan, labor
Grading approach to the Dubuque
and Wisconsin Bridge during the first
half of March, 1902: 90
Frank Arthofer, labor 7 790
Mike Arthofer, labor 56 40
Wm. Byron, labor 5 40
Wm. Boyce, labor 40
John Bremeyer, labor 202 605
Geo. Butler, labor 12 70
Geo. Bramet, labor 6 00
Fred. Berg, labor 4 50
John Boltz, labor 4 50
Wm. Bernhardt, labor 14 25
Jos. Brandenburg, labor
Wm. Buckley, labor 5 25
5 85
Hiram Cobb, labor 50
Wm. Casey, labor 1 4 41 40
Mike. Cain, labor 8 25
Jos. Eberhardt, labor 3 75
Dominic Frank, labor 6 75
Peter Fasselius, labor
'Official NotIces,
Pat. Fogarty, labor 10 60
Pat. Fenelon, labor ............... lu 50
Flank Faber, labor 29 05
Ed. Firzlow, labor ...... 12 15
Pat. Fury, labor . 14 90
Chris. Gantenbein, foreman 25 0J
Geo. Gau, labor 3 75
Pat. Grue, labor . 1 50
Jos. Giesland, labor 14 90
A. Henderson, labor 1 50
Jake Hanson, labor 10 15
John Jansen, labor 20 60
•John Kinsella, labor .. 20 60
Mike Kenneally, labor 13 15
Chas. Kneber, labor 10 50
Jos. Kietzle, labor 5 25
I.. Lei'felholz, labor 1 50
A. Le1k, labor 9 00
Walter Lynch, labor 4 50
Mike Lang, labor 18 90
Aug. Lang, labor 29 05
John Leidinger, labor 19 15
Chas. Muggenbe.rg, labor 11 25
John Miller, labor 5 40
.Mike Maher, labor 9 75
J. H. McKenzie, blacksmith 7 .35
Chas. Nank, .... 915
ChaF. Ott, labor 4 50
John Pfeiffer, labor 1. 50
George Putnam, labor 1315
Chas. Pribe, labor, 5 40
P. J. Royce, labor 25 00
Mike Ruddy, labor 1 50
.Nic. Raesch, labor 4 50
And Ring, labor .... 27 70
Mike Sullivan, labor 11 25
Thos Smith, labor 4 50
John Spear, labor 13 15
John Schemmel, labor 8 25
`Wm. Schnee, labOr 5 25
John Schroman, labor 37 50
Rich. Turner, labor 5 25
Jas. Thomas, labor 18 85
Landon Taylor, labor 4 50
Rich Turner, labor 1 50
Chas. Voltz, labor 4 50
Chas. Wilde, fabbr 23 66
M. Gante'nbein, team 18 00
'Thos. in, team 3 00
'Peter Horch, tears 3 00
John Long, team 6 00
Pat. Linehan, team 6 00
'Wm. Mohr, team .. 12 00
Louis Peil, team 4 50
M. Theis, team ... 18 00
Jesse Venn, team 18 00
John Williams, team 32 25
J. C. Hancock, health officer for
January and February 100 00
B. Michel, health officer last one-
half January and February75 00
F. Flynn, sanitary patrolman for
January and February 120 00
Sam Starr, sanitary patrolman
for January and February75 00
M. J. Mulgrew, judgment and
court costs in case of Tschirgi
vs. City, grading Rush street412 25
M. J. Mulgrew, court costs in
special assmt. case of John 29 35
Schmidt vs. City
W. H. Torbert, drugs and sup-
plies for board of health . 6 90
Steuck & Linehan, estimate on
Bee Branch sewer 126 60
John Keaat, labor on streets 2 70
I hereby certify that the foregoing
is a true and correct list of all war-
rants issued by me during the month
of March, 1902.
City Recorder.
Bids will be received at the mayor'.a
office, city hall, up to 4 oc'lock p. in.
Thursday, Apr. 17, 1902, for printing;
300 copies of the Finance Report of the
city council. Bidders will state price
per page.
Further information can be obtained
from the committee clerk at the
mayor's office.
(Official Publication )
An Ordinance to amend an Ordinance
entitled "An Ordinance to abolish
the office of City Marshal and pro-
viding for the appointment of a
Chief of Police."
Be it Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubugde:
Section 1. That Section 2 of said
Ordinance be amended by striking
therefrom the following: "That at the
second regular meeting of the City
Council after the regular city election
in '1902," and inserting In lieu thereof
the following: That at the last regular
meeting of the City Council in April,
Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in
force and effect from and aftetr its
adoption by the City Council of the
City of Dubugpe, and its publication
In the Dubuque Daily Telegraph -Her-
ald, the official newspaper of said city.
Passed by the City Council, April 10,
Approved, April 11, 1902.
Attest: C. H. BERG,
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Dubuque
Daily Telegraph -Herald, April 16, 1902.
City Recorder.
All parties are hereby notified to
clean the alleys abutting their premises
on or before April 14, 1902. In case
of failure so to do the City of Du-
buque will clean the same at the
expense of the owner or occupants of
any building abutting on said alley.
The city will remove all ashes or debris
found on any lane, avenue, alley or
thoroughfare and charge the cost there-
of to the owner or occupant of any
building abutting thereon.
The city will charge seventy-five
cents per load for removing said debris.
The above notice will be enforced.
Per Order ofor.
City Recorder.
Official N otices.
Mayor's Office, March 19, 1902.
Notice is hereby given that the reg-
isters of election, duly appointed to
register voters in the City of Dubuque.
Iowa, will be in attendance at the
places herein below mentioned, for the
purpose of correcting the registry list
of names of such electors as may be
entitled to vote at the city election to
be held on Monday, April 7th, 1902. Said
registers will meet at their respective
places on Thursday and Friday, March
27th and 28th, and Saturday, April 5th,
1902, at 8 o'clock a. m. and be in ses-
sion until 9 o'clock p. m. of said days.
Said registers will thereafter meet
on Monday (Eelection Day), April 7th,
1902, and be in session from the time
the polls open until they close, and
register only such voters as were ab-
sent from the city during the preced-
ing days that the board was in session,
also such voters as did not become
citizens until Monday, April 7th, 1902.
Any person applying for registration
in any precinct, who is registered in
another precinct, shall, before being
registered, procure a certificate from
the board of :egistration, where his
name is registered, stating that the
same has been stricken from such reg-
istry list.
The places of registration in the sev-
eral wards and precincts of said city
are as follows:
First Precinct—Rafferty's place,
South Locust street.
Second Precinct—Montana house.
First Precinct—Court House.
Second Precinct—Fourth street en-
gine house.
First Precinct—Ninth street engine
Second Precinct—City hall.
Third Precinct—Palen's place, 1810
Couler avenue.
First Precinct—Lorimler house.
Second Precinct—Western brewery.
Third Precinct—Kenyon's barber
shop, 146 West Locust street.
First Precinct—Schmidt's brewery,
Couler avenue.
Second Precinct—Henry G. Miller's
place, corner of Elm street and Eagle
Point avenue.
Third; Precinct—Fengler's place, cor-
ner Schiller and Rhomberg avenues.
Fourth Precinct—Wm. Rosnor's place
corner Twenty-third and Jackson Sts.
All qualified voters of said city are
hereby notified that unless they voted
at the last fall election or at a special
election since the last fall election they
must present themselves at the places
and time herein above mentioned for
for registration, or they will be debarr-
ed of the privilege of voting at said
Witness my hand and the seal of said
city this. 19th day of Marc ii, 1902
C. H. BERG, Mayor.
Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF,
City Recorder.
Of the City Council intention to im-
prove Langworthy avenue from Hiil;
street to Booth street.
To whom it may concern:
You and each of you are hereby-
ere:oynotified that it is the intention cf the
City Council of the City of Dubuque lot
improve Langworthy avenue from Hiil
street to Booth street. That a plat
and specification of said proposed im-
provement is now on file in the office of
the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that said improvement will require:
New curb stone, 2614.6 lineal feet.
Guttering 1167.5 square yards.
Macadamizing 3775.0 square yards.
Any person having objections to said'
improvement is hereby notified to ap-
pear before the City Council at its ses-
sion to be he'd April 3d. 1902, or to'
file with the City Recorder their ob-
jections in writing on or before April
3a, 1902.
City Recorder.
Dubuque, lowa, April 21, 1902.
Notice is hereby given to all con-
cerned that a special assessment l% 111
be levied to pay for improving An-
gella street from the west line of
Pierce street to the east Iine of lo::
11 and 18 of Quigley's .Sub. of out ,ot
709, by 0. G. Kringle, contractor,
amount of special assessment, $1851.05
against the property abutting alon4
and upon said street as provided by
law, at a session of the council to be
held May 1, 1902. And that there i a
a plat and schedule on file in the office
of the City Recorder of the City of
Dubuque showing the street or part
thereof on which said street has been
improved and the separate Iota and
parcels of ground or specified portion
thereof, subject to assessment for such
improvement; the name of the owners
thereof as far as practicable and tate
amount to be assessed against each lot
or parcel of ground, which plat and
schedule is subject to public inspec -
tion. And that any and all persons
objecting to said special assessments
of said plat and schedule must file his
or their objections in writing with the
City Recorder of said city of Dubu-
que on or before said session of the
City Council, to be held May 1, 1902,
or to appear at said session of the
Council to show cause, of any you
have, why said assessemnts should
not be levied.
4-21-5t. City Recorder.
Qflicial Notices.
Sealed proposal will be received at
the office of the City Recorder up o
7:30 o'clock p. m., April 17th, 1902, for
the improvement of Langworthy ave-
nue from Hill street to Booth street
according to the plans and specifica-
tions now on file in the office of the
City Recorder. It is estimated by the
City Engineer that it will require 2614
lineal feet of new curbstone, 1167
square yards of guttering and 3773
square yards of macadamizing and the
estimated cost to abutting property
owners $1945.47.
The work to be completed on or be-
fore the first day of July, 1902, and
shall be paid for at the time and in
the manner prescribed by Chapter 32
of the Revised ordinance of 1901 of the
City of Dubuque for the payment of
the cost of street improvements. The
proposals for doing such work will be
acted upon by the Council on the 17th
day of April, 1902.
Bidders must state the price per
square yard for guttering and ma-
cadamizing and the price per lineal foot
for new curb stone.
Each bid must be accompanied by a
certified check for $50.00 on some Du-
buque bank as a guarantee that a con-
tract will be entered into if awarded.
The City reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
Dated Dubuque. April 7th, 1902.
City Recorder.
Mayor's Proclamation.
In pursuance of law and the ordi-
nances of this city, I, C. H. Berg,
Mayor of the City of Dubuque, State of
Iowa, do hereby proclaim that an elec-
tion will be holden in said city on Mon-
day, April 7th, 1902, for the purpose of
electing a
Mayor of the City,
City Treasurer,
City Attorney,
City Recorder.
City Auditor,
City Assessor.
City Engineer,
Two Aldermen -at -Large.
Also one alderman from each ward
in said city. That on said day the
polls will be opened at 7 o'clock a. m.
and closed at 7 o'clock p. In. of said
day, to receive the votes cast at such
election in the following places, to -wit:
First Precinct—Rafferty's Place,
South Locust street.
Second Precinct—Montana House.
First Precinct—County Court House.
Second Precinct—Fourth Street En-
gine House.
First Precinct—Ninth Street Engine
Second Precinct—City Ilall.
Third Precinct—Palen's Place, 1810
Couler avenue.
First Precinct—Lorimier House.
Second Precinct—Western Brewery.
Third Precinct—Kenyon's Barber
shop, 146 West Locust street.
First Precinct—Schmid's Brewery,
Couler avenue.
Second Precinct—Henry G. Miller's
Place, Corner of Elm street and Eagle
Point avenue.
Third Precinct—Fengler's Place, cor-
ner Schiller and Rhomberg avenues
Fourth Precinct—Wm Rosner's Place,
corner 23rd and Jackson streets.
Dated March 27th, 1902.
An ordinance amending an ordinance
entitled, "An ordinance dividing the
City into separate road districts for
the purpose of sprinkling the streets
of said City and for the payment of the
expense for the same."
Section 1. Be it ordained by the
City Council of the City of Dubuque,
That the above entitled ordinance be
and is hereby amended by adding to
Dictrict Number 4 thereof, Grove Ter-
race from Arlington street to West
Eleventh street.
Sec. 2. By adding to District Num-
ber 5 thereof, Blocklinger street from
Blocklinger avenue to Diagonal street.
Sec. 3. This ordinance shall be in
force and effect from and after its
publication in the Dubuque Daily Tele-
graph -Herald.
Passed by the City Council April 3,-
Approved April 4, 1902.
Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF,
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Dubuque
Daily Telegraph -Herald newspaper
April 17, 1902.
City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received At
the office of the City Recorder up to 4
o'clock p. m. April 29th, 1902, for vault
cleaning of vaults in the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, for the season of 1902.
Bidders will state the price per cubic
foot below the bluffs and the price pec
cubic foot on the bluffs.
The city reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
4-25--to-29. City Recorder..
Official Notices.
To all candidate for the position of
Physician to the Board of Health.
You are hereby requested to file in
writing, with the City Recorder, on,
or before 4 o'clock ,p. m., April 29th,
1902, what you will charge for such ser-
vices, including the care of all contagi-
ous diseases.
The city reserves the right to reject
any and all propositions.
4-25--to-29. City Recorder.
The City Council of the City of Du-
buque request that architects submit
sketches for a 26 by 50 foot, two story
brick, fire engine house to be built on
lots .17 and 18, Block 5, Grandview
Park addition, and costing not to ex-
ceed $3,500.
Said sketch to be filed in the office
of the City Recorder on or before 7:30
o'clock p. m., April 3, 1902.
City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the office of the City Recorder up to
7:30 o'clock p. tn., May 1st, 1902, for
the construction of a storm water
sewer in Elm street from llth street
12th street, and on Washington street
from Ninth street to Eleventh
street, in accordance with plans
and specifications prepared by
the City Engineer and now on file in
the office of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that it wi.l require four manholes and
lineal feet of 20 -inch tile pipe 670 and
lineal feet of 24 -inch tile pipe 320;
catch basins 8..
Bidders will state the price per lineal
foot for tile pipe, the price per man-
hole and the price each for catchbasins.
All bids must be accompanied by a
certifld check for $50.00 on some Du-
buque bank, as a guarantee that a
contract will be entered into if award-
ed. The City reserves the right to re-
ject any and all bids.
City Recorder.
Section 34 of the Ordinance in relation
to Offenses and Penalties reads as fol-
No person shall cast or leave ex-
posed in any street, alley, lot, common,
or water course within the city, the
carcass of any animal, or any putrid
or unsound meat, fish, or other sub-
stance, or make, use, keep, or permit,
in his, her or their dwelling house,
shop, store, factory, out -house, cellar,
yard, lot, or any other place within
the city, any noisome or offensive
liquid, or substance injurious to the
health of the citizens, or an annoy-
ance to the neighborhood, or throw any
filth, manure. offal, or other offensive
matter, in any street, alley, lot, or
water course in the city, and any per-
son who shall refuse or neglect to re-
move, on being duly notified by the city
any such offensive substance made,
used or kept by such person, shall be
subject to a fine of not less than one
dollar nor more than twenty dollars,
and be imprisoned until such fine and
costs are paid, not exceeding thirty
In acordance with the foregoing sec-
tion, you are hereby notified to remove
all filth, ashes, rubbish, etc.. from the
alley in rear of your premises within
five days from date of this notice or you
will be prosecuted to the fullest extent
of the law.
By order Committee of the Whole.
C. H. BERG, Mayor.
Dated April 23, 1902.
Regular Session, May 1, 1902.
Regular Session, May 1st, 1902.
Council met at 8:15 o'cclock p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present— Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Aid. Sheridan moved that the council
Proceedings for the month of April, 1902,
be approved as printed. Carried.
The following bills were ordered paid:
A. Doerr, assistant assessor for
April.... $ 3 00
.1( s. J. Murphy, assistant assessor
for .April.... .... .... 75 00
Chas. Baumgartner, assistant en-
gineer for April ...... .... .... 75 CO
M. O'Loughlin, rodman, engineer's
office 40 00
Jho. Schrup, chainman, engineer's
office •40 00
A. Stoltz, board of prisoners for
April 6 20
11, man & Roehl, 1 desk and chair
for mayor's office.. 44 73
.fIs. Levi & Co., muslin for may-
or's office 175
G. F. 'i'horman, wall paper for
mayor's office 5 30
Geo. F. El, ill. nails and brads for
mayor's office
C. M. Emerson, papering and paint- 26 00
ing mayor's office
F. Frohm, carpenter repairs, may- 1120
or's office. .... .... ....
Metz Mfg. Co., moulding for may-
or's office.... 75
C. A. Noyes, shades for mayor's r (0
Pape & Jacquinot, plumbing at 1415
Jackson Park....
C. L. McGovern. recording deeds.. 150
M. S. I-Iardie. binding and print-
ing20 finance r, p• ris.... .....
Eichhorn & It c•ht, 1, lamps, burn-
ers and chimneys for elccti.rn 00
Smith -Morgan Prtg. Co., printing 117 00
18,400 ballots...... .. • •
Smith -Morgan Prtg. Co., printing
notices fcr election.... ... 1 50
Union Prtg. Co., new poll books for 30 00
election.... 2 00
Union Prtg. Co., 500 roll calls
Dubuque Telegraph, council week-
eek- 9 00
lies... .
Dubuque Telegraph, blank station-
ery for election purposes.. •••• 8 'a
J. P. Cooke & Co., cushion stamps 9.r
for auditor's office
Geo. W. Healey & Son, grass seed 2 00
for Washington Park.... • • •
Barger & Blish, supplies and sta-
tionery for various offices....
L. Lindenberg, hardware and new 9 40
tools for road department
L. Lindenberg, 1 horse clipper for -
fire department.... • •
R. W. Carr, tiling saws for road
department.... . • • . 75
2 40
Standard Lumber Co., lumber for
road department.. road
A. Sieg, rock for macadam, 24 50
M. Oswald, gravel, road depart- G5 05
ment "
Jno. \ tmen ch, macadam for road G 60
department.... ''' •'
Gus Hartmentoll, fitting keys for road de -
1 50
P. Clancy, cinders for road depart-
ment 16 25
Jno. Butt, repairs for road and
sewer department 13 50
A. A. Brown, repairs for road de-
partment 2 25
Lear & Kennedy, horse shoeing
for road department.... .. .. 1 00
Phil Pier, 1 cord rattlings for
steam roller 3 50
Ragatz & Schaettgen, repairs on
steam roller.... .... .. .. 31 85
\\'m. Marshall, repairs on steam
roller.... .... .... 1 35
Smedley Steam Pump Co, galvan-
izer] pipe for steam roller.... .... 15 45
F. Frohm, carpenter repairs at
Ninth street engine house.. 7 70
F. Frohm, carpenter repairs in
marshal's office.. 2 45
Ott. Meuser & Co., shavings for
tire department.... 2 50
Geo. Bock, repairs for fire de-
partment.... .... ...... 3 00
Wunderlich & \Viederholt, horse
shoeing for fire department 8 50
1lale Harness & Supply Co., collar
springs for fire department 2 00
Phil Pier, soft coal for fire de-
partment.... G 00
Dubuque Oil Tank Line, oil for 3 90
fire department....
Eichhorn & Bechtel, bran for fire 210
'key City Gas Co., coal and coke 27 05
for fire department.
M. Stafford, hay for fire depart-
Wm. Brackett, hauling prisoner to
Linehan & Molo, repairing foun-
tain at Fifth and Main streets
Pape & Jacquinot, repairing foun-
tain at Levee •••••
Globe -Journal, offlccial printing 50 00
for April
Dubuque Telegraph -Herald, official GO 00
printing fer April
Dubuque Telegraph -Hr raid, print-
ing and binding council proceed-
ings for 1901...... .
National Demokrat, official print-
ing25 fcr April......
Geo. F. Kleih, level for engineer-
ing department.... ..
Pape & Jacquinot, plumbing at
garbage dump
Dubuque Telegrap, board of health
reports for February....
Dubuque Telegraph, board of
health reports (annual)....
Dubuque Telegraph, blank station-
ery for hoard of health.. ..
Ragatz & Schaettgen, repairs on 05
sprinkling wagon.... ...... ••••
A. Y. McDonald & Morrison Mfg.
Co., brass castings for sprinkling 2 50
Geo. W. T-Tealey & Son. dynamite
and fuse for grading department 5 75
R. T. Eddy, dynamite caps, High 150
Bridge approach.... .. . •
I inFhnn & Molo. cement for High 31 0,1
bridge approach •••
A. L. Rhomberg, 3 loads of sand
for 11igh bridge approach....
S. A. Fengler, hauling rock at
High Bridge approach.. .....
roach. .. 171 45
Jno. Tibey, final estimate on 320 4.,
Dodge street sewer .......or
estimate fo
O'Farrell & Norton, 1172 00
improving Cox street.. ....
72 Si)
5 10
2 00
4 00
4 0
2 50
122 'Regular Session, May 1, 1902.
Ald. Frith moved that O'Farrell &
Norton he allowed 75 per cent. of their
bill. Carried.
The following hills were ordered re
Frank Hardie, transcript of testi-
mony in case of J. C. Bauer vs.
..$ 24.00
to motion the bill was referred to the
committee on claims.
I. Hannon, hauling rock for ma-
cadam $
On motion the bill was referred to the
committee on streets.
W. H. Torbert, drugs for board of
health .$ 120
Jas. Alderson, M. D., to vaccinat-
ing children of the Irving school 10 25
On moticn both bills were referred to
the board of health.
The following hills were ordered col-
1.cted by the city treasurer:
Al. Rhomherg. to City of Du-
buque, Dr.—To loading 906.50 cu-
bic yards of rock, at l0c per cubic
yard $ 90 05
Jno. 'Tilley, to City of Dubuque,
Dr.—To 40 cubic yards of maca-
dam at $1.00 .... 40 00
Petition of J. F. McCarthy et al., ask-
ing that the city council take such ac-
tion as may be necessary to compel the
l'nion Electric company to run Its cars
beth ways on Iowa street at such inter-
vals as will accommodate the public as
heretofore, and be a recognition of the
rights of the petitioners.
Ald. Jones moved that the petition be
referred to the committee of the whole.
Petition of J. H. Kleine, asking the
council to open up Gilmore Place from
West Fifth street to the south line of
lot 5 in Mattox sub., making same full
width clear through.
Ald. Sheridan moved to refer the pe-
tition to the committee of the Whole and
they view the grounds. Carried.
Petition of C. H. and M. M. Walker,
asking that the assessment be reduuced
on 2-3 of lot 194, City, from $5,000.00 to
On motion the petition was referred to
the Board of Equalization:
Petition of R. Morrill et al., remon-
strating against sprinkling Highland
Place as ordered by ordinance and coun-
cil to investigate the matter and that
the interests of the abutting property
owners on said street be considered.
On motion the petition was referred to
the Sprinkling committee.
Petition of Chas. Klingenberg, asking
that he be appointed one of the street
bosses of the Second ward.
On motion the petition was referred
to the alderman of the Second ward.
Communication of the Union Electric
company, by F. L. Dame, general man-
ager, applying for the ^fights to install
a sidetrack on the south side of Delhi
street, beginning at a point about 12 feet
west of the intersection of the south-
westerly curb line of Forest Lane with
the southerly curb line of Delhi street
and extending in an easterly direction
about 175 feet.
Permission was granted by the mayor
April 30th, 1902, and on motion of Ald.
Frith the action of the mayor was ap-
Invitation of the G. A. R., by J. D.
3 40
('alehan, president, inviting the mayor
and city council and city officers to
take part in Memorial Day parade 'May
:30th. 1902.
Ald. Raymond moved to accept tin in-
vitation and the mayor. city council and
city officers attend in a body. 1'; rri,•,1,
Remonshance of Rola. Jess and fifty
other signers remonstrating against Ilic
re -paving with asphalt of Bluff street.
from the south side of Eighth i,tt It l sir, et
to the north side of First Goo i street.
:\Id. ,Tones moved that the rules lc,
susiemled .1111 anyone desiring to ad_
drt: s the council may be heard.
J. W. Kintzinger addressed the coun-
cil in hchalf of the abutting property
owners on said street remonstrating
against said Improvement.
Mr. Jess also addressed the council on
the sante subject.
Ald. Jones moved to refer the remon-
strances and special assessment to the
committee of the Whole. Carried.
City Treasurer Gniffke reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of Dubuque:
Gentlemen—R( low yon will find state-
ment of amounts a,lyanccil by me dur-
ing the month of .\: ril. 1002. for which
please order warrants drawn in my fa_
Excavation permits redeemed $ as
Interest on warrants outstanding 6511 r.0
Refunded tax ..... .... 1 G
Court costs so
Express charges 2J
5727 70
Respect f ull y.
—Henry Gniffke, Treasurer.
On motion the report was received anal
warrants ordered drawn to pay the var-
ious amounts and the report referred
back to the committee on finance.
City Auditor Hoffman reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of Dubuque:
Gentlemen—Herewith find my report
for the month of April, 1902, showing the
receipts and disbursements for the
Cosh on hand April 1st, 1902 ....$74.766 54
Receipts from all sources 12,317.76
$37,084 :19
Warrants redeemed during the
month.. $24,924 21
Coupons redeemed during month50 00
$24,974 21
Cash nn hand April 30th. 1902$02.110 09
Of the cash on 'hand there be-
longs to the improvement bond
fund. , ,...... ......
, ,$13,935.3S
Improvement bond interest fund 377.31
Leaving a. balance to the credit
of the city of $47,796.9a
Also report that there is due city offic-
ers for the month of April, 1902. $2,143.43.
The following list shows the appropri-
ations and the amount of warrants drawn
on each fund since the beginning of the
•Regular Session, May 1, 1902.
fiscal year beginning March 1, 1902, to
May 1, 1902:
Appropriation. Expended
Expense .. . .. , . $40 000 $ 5,250.27
Road 42,000 12,774.85
Fire 35,000 3,155.25
Police .... .... 28,000 2,321.65
Sewerage .... .... .... 5,1100 -715.43
Printing 2 000 135.00
1-:ngineer 4.000 ^21.1+9
Gas and light 25,000 2,020.35
Water works bond inter-
est 25 000
Interest .... .... 45.000
Board of health .. 6.000
Grading . .... . , . 2.000
Bee Branch . 13,000
Eagle Point hridge .. , 5.000
Special bonded paving 5,000
Redemption .... .... 2,500
Judgment 3 000 919.13
Library .. . 6.500
Sprinkling, 1st district750
Sprinkling, 2d district2.300
Sprinkling. 3rd district.. 2.200
Sprinkling, 4th district , , 2,300
Sprinkling, 5th district.. 1,503
Special bonded debt in-
teract .... .... . 3 000
Grandview ave engine
house.... .. • • .. .... 6,000 300.00
Mt. Carmel ave., grading 1,000
Sidewalk repairing , . .. 500
Special sewer fund . , .. 5.000 525.25
Total appropriation $318,050
Respectfully yours,
—F. 11. Hoffman, Auditor.
On motion the report was received and
warrants ordered drawn to pay city of-
ficers and the report referred hack to
the Finance committee.
Fire Chief Reint'ried reported as fol-
'.l'o the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the city of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: -1 submit my pay roll for
the fire department for the month of
April, 1902:
Amount due iiretnen $2,012.35
—Joe Reinfried, Chief.
llatt. Clancy, Chairman Committee on
On motion the pay roll was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay fire-
men, and the pay roll referred back to
the committee on Fire.
Marshal Morgan reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my re-
port and pay roll for the police depart-
ment for the month of April, 1902:
Total arrests for the month
Patrol runs for the n7onth
Miles run for the month
Doors found open
Lodgers harbored
Defective lights .
Find treasurer's receipt for impound-
ing , $1.00
Also Sheriff Steiner's receipt for
boarding prisoners $2...5
Meals furnished 81
Cost of food
Also the pay roll for policemen for the
r,onth of April, 1902: 82,109.90
Amount due policemen
Respectfully submitted,
—Ed. Morgan. Marshal.
On motion the report and pay roll was
received and warrants ordered drawn to
pay policemen, report and pay roll re-
ferred back to the committee on Police.
Street Commissioner Boyce reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City Conn-
ell of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: -1 herewith submit my play
roll for labor cleaning and repairing
streets and alleys during the last half of
April, 1902: ,
Amount due Laborers on streets, ,$$1,168.2a
Respectfully submitted,
—James H. Boyce,
Street Commissioner.
E. E. Frith,
Chairman Committee on Streets.
Joseph L. Horr,
John J. Sheridan.
Also submit my pay roll for labor on
sewers for the last half of April, 1902:
Amount due laborers on sewers.. ,$161.80
Respectfully submitted,
—James H. Boyce,
Street Commissioner.
John J. Sheridan,
Chairman Committee on Sewers.
Joseph L. Horr.
On motion the payroll on Sewers and
Streets was received and warrants or-
dered drawn to pay the various amounts,
and the pay roll referred hack to the
proper committee.
Also submit my pay roll for labor on
the approach to the Dubuque and Wis-
consin bridge during the last half of
April, 1902:
Amount clue laborers on approach.$2263.Sb
Respectfully submitted,
—James H. Boyce,
Street Commissioner.
E. E. Frith,
Chairman Committee on Streets.
Joseph L. Horr.
On motion the pay roll was received
and warrants ordered drawn for various
amounts, and the pay roll referred back
to the committee on Streets. Coun-
cilthe Honorable Mayor and City
of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my pay
roll for teams hauling sprinkling wagons
during the last half of April, 1902: $93.Ga
Amount due teamsters
Respectfully submitted,
—James H. Boyce,
Street Commissioner.
Geo. N. Raymono,
Chairman Committee on Paving, Sweep-
ing and Sprinkling.
Joseph L. I-forr.
On motion the pay roll was received
and ered drawn
r var-
lots warrants oc
mounts and the pay roll refercd
back to the committee on Paving, Sweep-
ing and Sprinkling.
City Attorney Duffy reported as fol-
Dubuque,Ia., April 25, 1902.
To the Honorable Mayor and Aldermen
of the city of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—Enclosed herein I send Yon
my second report on the Peabody ave-
sreport w
pared some time ago it wasnotfllcpre-
12 4 Regular Session, May 1, 1902.
cause of niv understanding that the sis-
ters had withdrawn their petition.
However, Air. Fitzpatrick, attorney for
the sisters. has informed Inc that he in-
tends taking the subject up again. ;til
I therefore suhmit this report. Respect-
fully, --'Phos. I-1. Daffy.
City Attorl1 y.
Dubuque. Iowa, Feb. 8, 1912.
To the I-ionorable Mayor and Aldermen
of the City of 1ttthn,111e:
t;enllern e—.\t a meeting of the com-
n•ittee c.I' tlae whole on the 31st ult., you
11;r1,11.itu d to my o11'iee for opinion a
different phase of the Peabody avenue
matter, to -wit: "Has the city council
ower to vacate that portion of the
street as prayed for by the hospital'? If
that portion of the avenue is vacated in
whom will the title vest after such va-
cation''" These proposition 1 will di
rose cf in i verse order.
in my former opinion upon this sub -
eel, in which other propositions were
answercii, 1 set out the character of the
dedication, also the provisions of the
statute in effect at the time, providing
thst in cases of dedications for street
purposes the city took an absolute fee
simple title to the land dedicated.
Whether our supreme couprt would
reco,_ni-e and enforce the conditions of
the dedication, or hold that the dedica-
tor should have taken notice of the
statute in effect at that time, and de-
termine that the city took a. fee sial le
title to the land in accordance with the
provisions of the statute, is a question
which is decisive of the inquiry as to
whom the title to the land vests in when
the street is vacated by the city.
We find this proposition squarely de-
cided in the case of the city of Dubuque
vs. Benson, Twenty-third 'Iowa. 248. The
dedications in that and this case are
identical, and a like statute, relative to
dedications, was in force. Judge Dil-
lon, who wrote the opinion, said: "It is
not claimed that the street in question
was dedicated otherwise than the instru-
ment above referred to. If the city
claims under that, it must take it euro
"In the light of the charter, the general
laws and the special circumstances, we
construe that instrument to mean that
the dedicators give the public the right
or easement of passage in the streets,
the right to use and work them as pub-
lic ways and like, but reserve all other
rights, such as the right to take mineral
therefrom." And he concludes: "But
if, as in this c.Yse, a claim is made under
a grant. if that be the only source of the
right claimed, then the 'terms, conditions
and qualifications attached to the grant,
must be looked at to determine the
rights which it confers."
There is a seeming conflict between
this ruling and that in the case of the
city of Des Moines vs. Hall, 24 lowa, 234.
In the latter case the dedicators platted
and dedicated to the city of Des Moines
a body of land which. they called Hall's
addition to said town. They conveyed
the streets and alleys marked on said
plat to Polk county for the use of the
public. In that case the court says:
"The statement which, in this case, the
proprietors make on the plate, that they
conveyed the streets and alleys of their
addition to the county of Polk, for the
use of the public, eau have 11,, h.g:d >i
niticance or effect. It is the elat
nowledged and re:orded th it con \, -
title under Section Gl7 of the role. sa,
in this ease, it \w:1s the rtir\ev. plat, ael•
c. vy1, .la;ement. ;nal re, orditig of th, it
aiti. n which det,•rnlin„I. I.y n t ration , I
the statute. \there the till,• o1
tie. 1s it imlllr;11•y Stateltl, nl
u the plat. so nnesn:.l and out of p1 i,,•
';,ltd without ;:ny 01)1,011Itt rearon In sup-
port it, can not have the rffect to
hinge cr repeal the regulations
statlttc m1 ll:• subject...
While this ease clots not appear in th,•
t,•i orts till aft c t• the Dubuque -Benson
case. and alight therefore be censidetea
r=ing it, the flint is that it was
i ', d 1.. fore that ease, but was held
1„ titling a rehearing, and 1 f, r, ace ..`
aide to it. and a distinction drawn I.
the court between it and the ihtbuqu
,ase In the opinion rendered In the lat-
ter case.
The principle upon which effect is
dt nied a limitation. such as that con-
tained in the Des Moines case, is that 11
r.ltempts to confer upon an extraneous
corporation the control of the streets in
t city and thus deprive the proper mu-
nicipal corporation of the 1' tttrol give•
to it by law.
i therefore conc•lnde, that under deli
cations, with limitations and reslrt.
tions, such as are contained in the Itres
ent case, the granters do not part with
the fee in the premises and when til,•
city vacates such streets, diseontimies to
use them for the purposes for which th. -y-
were dedicated, it forfeits all right to
them, and the title, or more core !1y
sneaking, the right of enjoyment is 1 —
vived in the dedicators.
As was said in my f'„, iaian• th.
charter of this city lir,,\ i that the
city council shril h;:\ e l o\c, r to open,
alter, extend. \yids stabash and va-
cate its streets.
Our supreme court has too frequently
sanctioned and approved the authority in
a proper case to vacate a street, 1.. 1et10e
it longer an open question. 'These de-
cisions are so numero•ts that i deem it
unnecessary to make citation of any of
them at this time. Yet this is not an
absolute authority without Iimitatinns
and restrictions. Its exercise should la.
seasoned with deliberation and discretion
The rule governing in such cases
well stated by our sunreme court in tit,
case of Williams et al., vs. Carey et al.
73 Iowa, 194, in this language: "Sue',
rower is clearly conferred by status
Under it the power to narrow, widen or
aeate a street is practically unlimited,
when it is exercised for the public go..0
rnd yet it can not be arbitrarily exc.
case under the pretense that the pub!,
gcoi requires it. While it is true.
subject to equitable control. and, lb, l
fere, to a large extent, each case mus'
he determined in accordance with it-
own particular facts, and the conclusion
of the city council, ordinarily at least
be conclusive as to the question whether
the vacation of a particular street is
for the public good.”
If the vacation of the street 111 ques-
tion meets these requirements. it may
properly be vacated and if not it cannot
Regular Session, May 1, 1902. 125
properly he vacated. Respectfully sub -
milted, —Thos. 11. Duffy,
('ity Attorney.
Ald. lt:.ymond moved that the opinion
01 the city attorney be r4f4•rred to the
committee o1. the Whole. carried.
The ('ity :\ttorney also reported as fol-
'Po the 1-1onnorable \Iay or and Aldermen
of the ('Ity of Dubuque:
Gentlemen—The attached hill of costs
presented by Jacob Kessler. J. P., to
veto• hotnra1,I,• body. and by you refer-
red to me for rel,ert. I find to be cor-
rect. Th,,se costs are taxed in prose-
cutions under the ordinances of the city.
1 would therefore rev ommend that a war-
rant he drawn in favor of Jacob Kessler,
J. P., for the sttm of $36.90 to pay this
amount. Respectfully submitted,
—Thos. H. Duffy,
City Attorney.
bond was properly executed and in legal
On motion the bond was approved by
the council.
The mayor called the council's attention
to the refunding of improvement bonds
which become due June 1. 1902, ,Ialy 1,
1902, August 1, 1902 and Nov. 18, lair'.
On motion the matter was referred to
the Finance committee.
The mayor also stab el that t!,, city
street sprinklers wore now ready a n.!
complete and ought to is, acct pt. d.
Ald. Raymond moved that the matter
of accepting the street sp lnklcrs be re-
ferred to the, cotnmittec of the Whole.
Ilids for constricting a storm sewer in
Washington and Elm street were present-
ed and on motion of Ald. Item were ur-
dered returned to the biddots unopened.
\Id. Sherinan moved that the opinion REPORTS OP' c'(1JI MI'I" TEES.
of the city attorney he approved and a Ald. Horr, chairman of the committee
warrant drawn to pay the amount. Car- on finance,r reported
n as
smoli follows:
ruld e-
('ity Electri4 i:t ilipman reported as spectfully report that the mayor and all
follows: the members of the committee held a.
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- meeting before noon, on this 1st day of
11 of Dubuque: May, 1902. in the office of the city treas-
Gentlemen-1 herewith submit my re- urer. and witnessed the transfer of the
i -ort of defective lights for the month of funds in the treasury from the outgc tog
April. 1902. I tind from the reports of to the incoming city treasurer.
the police department that the total
hours that 249 lamps failed to burn would
equal 11 lamps for one month or $59.10.
Respectfully submitted.
—William Hinman.
City Electrician.
On motion the report was received and
1 he auditor instructed to deduct from
the Union Electric company's hall for the Carried.
month of April, 1902. the amount. $59.40. Receipt of Henry 13. Gniffke (outgoing
The following weighmasters and wood- city treasurer) follows:
measurers' receipts were referred to the Dubuque, May 1st., 1902.
committee on markets: Received of Henry B. Gniffke the sum
Anton Stoltz. city hall receipts $14.13 of Seventy-three Thousand, 'Three Hun -
Faherty, First ward receipts3.94 dred and Ten 48-100 Dollars ($73,310.48).
Louise l'itschner. West Dubuque re- To balance on hand April 30, 1902, at
97 2 o'clock p. m. and an additional four -
Nick Kint7inger, wog d measurer, re- teen hundred and fifty-eight 3S-100 dol-
ceipts for April 1.0U Tars )$1455:2.8) collected from 2 p. m. April
City Recorder .Arendt reported as fol- 30th, to 12 in May 1st, 1932, being settle-
' in full of alt funds in his hands be -
We attach hereto. and make it a part
of t' s report, a copy of the receipt given
by the incoming treasurer, which re
ceipt shows the amount of money actu-
ally transferred at 12 nn, this lst day of
May, 1902.
—Joseph L. Horr, Chairman.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report.
To the Honorable Mayer and City Coun-
4•il of the city of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: -1 herewith submit the ac-
ct ptance of the condition of the report
of the committee on printing of April 24,
1912. by the folllowing newspapers:
Glob -Journal.
1)111,114111,, 'Telegraph -Herald.
N:ltienal Demokrat.
city Recorder Arendt presented and
read tine published notice of special as-
sessment to pay fur the improvement of
.A ngella street from the west line of
Pierce street to the east line of lots 11
and 18 of Quigley's sub. of out lot 70:1,
properly certified to by the publisher.
Also remonstrance of Geo. A. Wolf et al
and 'p. H. Schilling et al protesting
against the levy of said special assess-
ments against their property.
Ald. Frith moved that the special as-
sersment and remonstrances be referred
to the committee of the Whole. Carried.
The official bond of health Officer Dr.
R. Michel was prescnlc,1 and referred to
City Attorney Barnes.
City Attorney Barnes reported that the
icnging to the city of Dubuque. The
tt ansfer was made and approved by and
in the presence of the mayor. auditor
and finance committee of the city coun-
cil. —Herman Brinkman,
City Treasurer.
Alrl. Fr•i:h. chairman of the committee
on Streets, reported as follows:
Your committee on Streets begs to re-
port that we have examined the relain-
ing wall on De Soto Terrace in rear of
the wcst one -ha If of lot 5 of city Ihlot
65F (Anton Eberle, contractor), ;cit
said work entirely satisfactory; we wool
therefore recommend that itI,. accepted
and that a warr',nt as c
statement of the city engineer, be or-
dered drawn in ftivnr of the contractor,
Anton Eberle, in u1 vment of said work.
—E. E. Frith. Chairman.
Ald. Frith moved to ado:a the renort.
w 11 1111) SotoilTerrace, 5211011.
$2.9S per yard $154 90
yds. at
Approved: --_E. C. Blake,
126 Regular Session, May 1, 1902.
Aid. Joni s, chairman of the committee
en Public Grounds and Buildings, report-
ed as follows:
Your committee on Public Grounds and
Buildings, reporting on the fire which lie-
d during the month of February in
the mayor's office. leg to state that the
cost of repairing the damage done to
the building amounted to $59.32, which
amount has In t n paid Ly the insurance
companies into reeled, we would also re-
port that the amount of $75.00 has been
paid for the damage to the contents of
the office. The following is an item-
ized statement of the actual expendi-
tures incurred:
Frank Frohm. carpenter .. ..$11.20
('has. E. Emerson, painting and
paper hanging 26 00
C. F. Kleih, hardware....... .... 60
Tiagge, Metz & Co., moulding.. 75
.I::mea Levi & Co., muslin for
paper hangers 1 75
C. A. Noyes, shades .... 2 70
G. F. Thorman, wall paper .. 5 30
Standard Lumber Co.. lumber.. 9 92
('. H. little, Becker & Co..
Kern lamp 1 60
—$59 82
Homan & Roehl,desk and chair.$41 75
,'as. Levi & Co., carpet 15 00
979 7b
—Rudolph Jones, Chairman.
Ald, Jones moved to adopt the report.
John J. Sheridan, chairman of the com-
mittee on Sewers, reported as follows:
Your committee on Sewers beg to re-
port that we have examined the sani-
tary sewer on Diagonal street from the
alley first east of Broadway to Broadway
street, Dolan & McDonald, contractors.
and would recommend that said sewer
be accepted. We would also recommend
tc, pay for the construction of said
sewer, that a special assessment he
levied against the abutting property and
that the finance committee be instructed
to provide for an issue of bonds to cover
the cast of said sewer.
—John J. Sheridar, Chairman.
Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Jones of the Board of Health re-
1,orted as follows:
Dubuque. Iowa, April 30, 1902.
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen—Your Board of Health, at a
meeting held April 29th, 1902, would re-
snectfu.11y report in favor of paying the
hill of Geo. Salot for $63.00 and Otto M.
Ruete for $54.00 for services rendered on
the hoard of health for the years 190)
and 1901; also recommend that the con-
tract for cleaning vaults in the city of
Dubuque for the fiscal year 1902 be
awarded to Arthur Terner at the rate of
7 cents per cubic foot below the bluffs,
and 9 cents per cubic foot on the bluffs;
also recommend the selection of Dr. B.
Michel by the board for health physician
he confirmed by your honorable body; al-
so recommend the adoption by the coun-
cil of the following resolutions:
Resolved, That the physician to the
hoard of health officer shall perform all
the duties required of him, by the order,
rules and regulations of the board of
health and the city ordinances, for the
sum of $50.00 per month, whieh shall he
in full compensation for all services ren-
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the repots.
tarried by the following vote:
Ayes—. ids. ('I:Iny, 4'orrance, Frith,
Hem., Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Joseph 1.. Herr. chairman of the com-
mittee of the \\'bele, reported as follow :
Your committee of the whet,. to when
was ret'erred the petition er John Spt•t•ht,
nshing that the sung ul c.nn,nn b, alrpry:prt_
algid to he used in nul•ein.p. 1111, sorvi,•e
of the steamer Teal, would reeemmmnd
that said petition he roe( ived and filed.
Also, your committee of the \\'h Ie, t..
whom Naas referred the petition of I,. 11.
Langworthy et al., asking that Lone -
worthy avenue be not macadamized un-
til after the sewer •tnd water pipes arc
laid therein. would recommend that said
petition he received and filed.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report
of the committee of the whole. Carried,
Aid. Horr offered the fallowing resolu-
Your committee of the Whole would re-
spectfully recommend the adoption of trio
following resolution:
Be It resolved by the City Council of
the city of Dubuque, that the sidewalk
inspector he and he is hereby directed to
Compel all owners of corner lots to con-
tinue their sidewalks out to the curb:
and also to allow no sidewalk of loss
width than the aprons or stepping stunt
leading from the same to be laid; or if
already laid, to remain at such corners.
A iso offered the following:
Be it resolved by the City Centel! of th••
city of Dubuque, that the city engineer
be and be is hereby directed to prepare
plans and specifications for a storm wntel'
sewer in Elm .trcet from Eleventh to
Twelfth street, and also in \Yashingtun
street from Ninth to Eleventh streets and
to fire said plans and spcciticatiuns in
the oilice of the city recorder; that alter
the same are filed in his oilice the city
recorder shall advertise for bids for con-
structing said sewer in acccrdance with
said plans and specifications. Bids to be
submitted to the city cuuncil May 15, 19:12
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the resole
tion. Carried.
Aid. Horr.-moved, that to help defra>
the expenses incidental to the props r of
servance of Memorial Day, the city poen
cil appropriate the sum of $200.00, ;out
that a warrant for that amount be or-
dered drawn on the city treasurer lo
favor of the G. A. R. Finance committt
to apply on the expenditures for this oc-
Ald. Horr moved to adopt. Carried.
Aid. Raymond offered the following:
Resolved, that the city treasurer he in-
structed to advertise the delinquent tax
list for the compensation provided by
law, in the official newspaper.
Rudolph Jones,
Geo. N. Raymond,
Matt. Clancy.
Ald. Raymond moved to adopt the reso-
lution, Carried.
Ald, Corrance offered the following:
Resolved by the city council of the city
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk four (1)
Regular Session, May 1, 1902
feet wide, of good two inch plank, be,
within. ten (10) days of this notice, con-
structed and laid in conformity with the
ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the west side of Wood Street, between
West Fourteenth street and north end of
said street, abutting lot No. 7, Myrtle's
addition, owned by Martin Kenna at the expense
of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes-Alds. Claney, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond, and Sheridan
Ald. Frith moved to adjourn until Thursday, May 15, 1902
Regular Session, May 15, 1902.
Regular Session, May 15th, 1902.
Council met at 3:00 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Aids. Clancy. Corrance, Horr,
Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
ALsent—Ald. Frith.
assessments and that the interest be t'e-
I irtitted on all.
Petition of the Key City Furniture (2o.,
ng permission to erect a shed in al -
I, y from lith to 12th streets, between
\t ashington and Pine streets, adjoining
their factory.
Ald. Clancy moved to refer the petition
to the committee of the Whole with
power. Carried.
Petition of Rev. Jno. 1'. Carroll, pres-
ident el St. Joseph's college, asking
council 1.0 vacate than portion of alley
which lies between lots 3b, 37, 35, 39. 41. 41,
42, and 43, In Yates' subdivision on the
north and lot 714 on the south, also re-
questing the council to vacate that por-
tion of Catherine or Yates street lying be -
ween lots 15 and 30 in Yates' sub. and
extending In a southerly direction from
Franklin street to alley described above.
Ald. Clancy moved to suspend the rules
and Rev. Jno. P. Carroll be heard.
Rev. Jno. P. Carroll addressed the
council in favor of the vacation of said
alley and street.
Aid. Horr moved to refer the petition
to the committee of the Whole and they
view the grounds. Carried.
Communications of Trades and Labor
Congress, also of Bricklayers and Mas -
ens' international Union requesting City
Council to barr all brick manufactured
ly the Purington Paving Brick Co., of
Ga g. 111., to be used in the city
f r street improvements.
n motion the communications were
n f rred to the committee of the Whole.
l-otitinn cf J. H. Kleine et al., asking
that 1•'or.elon Place be extended from its
eastern terminus northwardly to the
.astern terminus ut Cooper street. a
width of 40 feet. Also that Gilmore
Place be widened and opened to West
Fifth street.
Petition of Allen Woodward, et al., ask-
ing that the water mains be extended
in the alley between \Vhite and Jackson
streets from Seve nteenth (17th) street to
Rhomberg avenue.
Aid. Horr moved that the Water
Works 'Trustees be instructed to extend
the water mains in said alley with rec-
. ommendatious of the Council. Carried.
Petition cf Mts. Helen May. asking
that her taxes be remitted on lot 106,
Union add., for the year 1901.
Ald. Raymond moved to refer the pe-
tition to the Delinquent Tax committee.
Peti,icn of the United States Express
Co.. by J. I3. Kisselle. Agent, asking that
they be refunded the amount of $10.53 for
overpaid taxes for the years 1900 and 1901.
On motion the petition was referred to
the Beard cf Equalization and City As-
. sesso:•.
Petition of the Board of Education of
the lndependeut•District, by J. R. Lind-
say. president, asking that the taxes be
canceled on lots 1. 2. 3 and 4. Dunn's
sub., and lot 2, sub lot 1, sub. lot 2. sub
lot 1 and sub. lot 18. Jno. King's, Du-
buque, in accordance with the provisions
of Section 1104 of the Code of lowa.
On motion the petition was referred
to the Board of Equalization and City
Petition of Gustave \Wiedner and Jno.
Heil asking that they be exempted on
their homesteads from taxation to the
. amount of $300.00 on the assessed valua-
tion ct the same fur the year 1901, they -
being honorably' discharged Union sol-
. diers.
On motion action
tiui s postponed. referred
The following Petiwere
to the committee cf the Whole.
Petition of Geo. A. Burden et al., ask-
ing council to extend the street sprink-
live and
. Jefferson i streets t so tsf omto inthe intersection
of Olive street with Nest llth street to
the west line cf Mrs. Rhomberg's prop-
Petition cf M. C. Blake asking that
special assessment levied against lots 8
and 9 for improving Seminary street, be
canceled. Er &
Petitions of Jno. Specht and Harg'
Blish et al., asking council to appro-
priate the sum of $370.00 to help pay
the expense of running the Steamer Teal
tor the season of 1902.
Petition of Chris. A. Voelker, asking
council to accept in cash one-half cf
the special assessments levied for im-
proving Alta. Decorah, Algona. Audubon,
Alta and Auburn avenues, providing
be accepted in full settlement cf said
Horr moved to refer the petition
to the committee cf the Whole. Car -
Petition cf Sarah Ilam, remonstrating
against the opening and change of grade
cf Lincoln avenue in Ham's add.
On muth:n action was postponed until
further notice from the council.
Claim of Jno. B. Miller, claiming the
sum c f $667.10 for labor and material
furnished in constructing Bee Branch
storm sewer in Garfield and Rhomberg
Ald. Corrance moved to refer the claim
to the committee of the Whole. Carried.
Original notice and claim of Thomas
Considine, claiming the sum of Twenty-
six Hundred Dollars ($2,600.00) on ac-
count cf damages sustained by failing on
a defective sidewalk on West Sth street
Feb. 12th, 1902.
On motion the claim was referred to
the City Attorney.
The official bonds of City Treasurer H.
Brinkman and Assistant Engineer Eu-
gene Anderson were presented, where-
upon City Attorney Barnes stated that
he had examined said bonds and that
they were properly executed and in legal
On motion the bonds of Clty Treasurer
13rinkman and Assistant Engineer An-
derson were approved by the Council.
To the Honorable Mayor and Clty
Council cf the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen—I herewith submit my pay
roll for labor, cleaning and repairing
Regular Sessicn, May 15, 1902.
streets during the first half of May, 1902.
Amount due laborers on streets $1,280.10.
Respectfully submitted,
—James H. Boyce,
City Engineer.
E. E. Frith, chairman committee on
Streets; Joseph L. Horr and John J.
Also submit my pay roll of labor on
Sewers during the first half of May, 1902.
Amount due laborers on Sewers, $156.20.
Respectfully submitted.
—James H. Boyce,
City Engineer.
Approved: —John J. Sheridan,
Chairman Committee on Sewers.
Joseph L. Horr,
Hugh Corrance.
Also submit my pay roll for teams on
sprinkling wagons during first half of
May, 1902. Amount due Teamsters for
sprinkling $122.90.
Respectfully submitted,
—.lames H. Boyce,
City Engineer.
George N. Raymond,
Chairman Committee on Sweeping and
Joseph L. Horr,
Matt. Clancy.
On motion the pay roll on Sewers,
Streets and Sprinkling was received and
warrants ordered drawn to pay the var-
ious amounts and the pay roll referred
back to the proper committees.
The City Engineer also reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: In compliance with your
instructions I herewith submit an esti-
mate of grading on Langworthy avenue
on proposed grade, between Alpine anal
Booth, 4,391 cubic yards excavation, be-
tween Alpine and Hill 4,714 cubic yards.
Excavation total 9,103 cubic yards. Re-
spectfully submitted.
—James H. Boyce,
City Engineer.
AW. Sheridan moved the report be re-
ferred to committee on Streets to view
the ground. Carried.
The City Engineer also reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: I herewith submit profile
of Langworthy avenue showing grade, 1
would recommend for your adoption from
Hill to Alpine street, also profile from
Alpine to Booth street, showing a change
of grade I would propose. Respectfully
—James H. Boyce,
City Engineer.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the profile be
referred to the committee on Streets and
City Engineer. Carried.
Bids for constructing storm water
sewers in Washington street from Ninth
to Eleventh street, and in Elm street
from Eleventh to Twelfth street, were
Ald. Horr called for the names of the
Names of bidders as follows:
O'Farrell & Norton.
Dolan & McDonald.
Pape & Jacquinot.
,Steuck & Linehan.
Oliver G. kringle.
Ald. Horr moved that the bid of O. G..
Kringle be returned to him unopened,
On motion the bids were ordered open-
ed and referred to the City Engineer for
Ald. Jones of the Ordinance committee
presented an ordinance to amend an ordi-
nance entitled "An Ordinance defining of-
fenses, prescribing the punishment there-
of, and regulating the manner of pros-
ecutions for the same, and moved that
the ordinance be read the first time.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Horr,
Jones. Raymond and Sheridan.
Absent—Aid. Frith.
The ordinance was then read for the
first time.
Ald. Jones moved that the rules be sus-
pended for the purpose of reading the or-
dinance the second time, and its final
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Horr,
Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
A bsent—Ald. Frith.
The ordinance was read the second
Ald. Jones moved that the ordinance
be adopted as read.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas.—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Horr,
Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Absent—Ald. Frith.
The Mayor declared the ordinance
adopted and passed.
The ordinance follows:
An Ordinance to amend an Ordinance
entitled "An Ordinance defining Offenses,
prescribing the Punishment thereof, and
regulating the manner of prosecutions
for the same"
Be it ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That the above named ordi-
nance be and the same is hereby amend-
ed by inserting after the word "offal," in
the ninth line of Section 34 of said ordi-
nance the following: "paper, empty tin
cans, ashes, old shoes, plaster, crockery -
ware, bottles, or rubbish of any nature
whatsoever," and by striking out the
words "or other offensive matter" in said
ninth line of Section 34.
Sec. 2. That this ordinance be In effect
from and after its publication in the
Dubuque Globe -Journal newspaper.
Ald. Jones also presented an ordinance
entitled "An Ordinance abolishing the of-
fice /of Street Commissioner and confer.
ring the powers and duties thereof upon
the City Engineer, and moved that the
ordinance he read the first time
Carried by the following vote. :
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Horr,
Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
A bsent—Ald. Frith.
The ordinance was then read for the
first time.
Ald. Jones moved that the rules be sus-
pended for the purpose of reading- the
ordinance the second time and its final
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corranee, 11orr,
Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Absent—Ald. Frith.
The ordinance was read thy second
Regular Session, May 15, 1902.
Aid. J ,nes moved that the ordinance
be adopted as read. '
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Horr,
.Jones. Raymond and Sheridan.
Absent—Aid. Frith.
The Mayor declared the ordinance
adopted and passed.
The ordinance follows:
An Ordinance abolishing the office of
Street Commissioner and conferring the
-powers and duties thereof upon the City
Be it ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That as provided by Chap-
ter eighteen of the Revised Ordinances
of 1901, of the City of Dubuque, the office
of Street Commissioner is discontinued
and abolished.
Section 2. All powers and duties by
said Revised Ordinances given to. im-
posed upon. and required of the Street
Commissioner, are hereby conferred up-
on, and required of the City Engineer,
and wherever the words Street C.}mmis-
stoner are used in any of said Revised
Ordinances the words City Engineer are
hereby substituted in place thereof, with
like effect hereafter, as if in said Re-
vised Ordinances, except the salary of
City Engineer is not increased by this
:Section This ordinance to be in force
and effect from and after its publica-
• tion in the Dubuque Globe -Journal news-
Ald. Corrance, chairman of the cotn-
-mittee on Claims. reported as follows:
Your committee cn Claims. to whom
was referred the bill of Frank Hardie
for $24.00 for transcript in the case (f J.
C. Bauer vs. City of Dubuque, would
recommend that said bill be paid and
that a warrant be ordered drawn on the
• City Treasurer in settlement thereof.
Hugh Corrance, Chairman.
John J. Sheridan.
Joseph L. Horr.
Ald. Corrance moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Raymond, chairman of the com-
mittee on Paving. Sweeping and Sprink-
ling, reported as follows:
Your committee on Paving. Sweeping
and Sprinkling. would recommend that
the within remonstrance of R. Morrill
against the sprinkling of Highland Place
' be received and filed.
—Geo. N. Raymond. Chairman.
Ald. Raymond moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Also your committee on Paving, Sweep-
ing and Sprinkling. would respectfully re-
port that they have given the matter of
sprinkling the streets in the different dis-
tricts careful consideration, and would
recommend as follows:
That for the present, teams employed
on sprinklers be paid at the rate of 10c
per hour.
That they be employed only during
such hours as will be necessary to prop-
erly sprinkle the streets and laid off on
rainy days or parts of a day.
That no team he employed unless
driven by a strong. active man who thor-
oughly understands how to handle a
That the care of the wagons be left to
each person whose team "is employed
• thereon and he shall he held accountable
for all 'damng? thereto.
That a competent man be given super-
vision of the sprinkling and sweeping,
who will also perform such duties as the
City Engineer may require of him.
That Edward Herron be appointed to
the above mentioned position at a salary
of $5e.00 per month and during the pleas-
ure of the City Council.
—Geo. N. Raymond, Chairman.
Ald. Raymond moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Clancy, chairman of the committee
cn Harbors, reported as follows:
Your committee on Harbors would re-
spectfully report that we 11:1vv0 investi-
gated the complaint of (':ieeiin Wisner
in regard to the difficulty he is having in
obtaining sufficient snare for his ferry
landing, and as a result of such tnves-
IigaUrn we have caused a notice to ba
served on Mr. lieckevoet.
Matt Clancy. Chairman.
Ald. Raymond moved to suspend the
rules for the purrose of hearing Mr.
Cady on the matter. Carried.
Mr. Cady then addressed the Council
in favor of allowing Mr. Keckevoet to
land with his boat in the oarbor.
Ald. Jones moved to postpone action on
the repert of the committee on Harbors.
Ald. Clancy. chairman of the commit-
tee on Fire, reported as follows:
Your committee on Fire. begs to report
that the roofs of both the Eighteenth
street and the Fourth street engine
onuses are in seeh condicicit tied t'iev
will no longer keep out the rain and
that the expense of repairing them would
amount to more than the cost of new
roofs: we would therefore recommend
that the matter be referred to the com-
mittee on Fire and en Public Grounds
and Buildings, they to advertise for
bids for gravel roofs for both the above
mentioned houses.
—Matt Clancy, Chairman.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the report.
Ald. Sheridan, chairman of the com-
mittee on Sewers, reported as follows:
Your committee on Sewers begs to re-
port that we have examined the sani-
tary sewer in the alley between White
and Jackson streets. from Seventeenth
street to Eagle Point avenue and in
Nineteenth street. from the alley east of
White street to the alley east of Jackson
street, also the sanitary sewer in Thir-
teenth street. from Washington street to
Cedar street, O. G. Kringle, contractor,
and would recommend that said sewers
be accepted. We would also recommend
to pay for the construction of said sew-
ers that a special assessment be levied
against the abutting property and that
the Finance committee be instructed to
provide for an issue of bonds to cover
the cost of said sewer.
—John J. Sheridan,
Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Sheridan also reported the bill of
Dolan & MacDonald for constructing
asanitary sewer in Diagonal street,
amounting to $242.60.
Ald. Sheridan moved that Dolan &
MacDonald be paid $78.75 on their bill.
Ald. Sheridan also reported the follow-
' 182 Regul,ar.ession, May 15, 1902.
To the lionorabin Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen—Please find enclosed our
check for $100.00, payable to the City of
Dubuque, a donation to Sewer fund. Two
or three years ago, to show our earnest
desire to have a sewer placed on Thir-
teenth street, we offered, providing the
work was done during that season, to
give $100.00 in addition to the assessment
that would be charged to us as abutters.
Since that time we have been compelled
to build an expensive sewer system of
our own, which we are now using and
have been using for some time. The
time and reason for the donation has
passed. still under the circumstances we
think it is fair to make the donation.
Yours truly.
—A. Y. McDonald & Morrison Co.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the com-
munication be received and filed and the
amount accepted and turned over to the
City Treasurer. Carried.
Ald. Horr, chairman of the Board of
Equalization, reported as follows:
Your Board of Equalization, to whom
was referred the Petition of C. H. and
M. M. Walker, asking that the valua-
tion of two-thirds of city lot 194, owned
by them, be reduced for the year 1901.
would recommend that the valuation of
said lot be placed at $3,300.00, and that
the City Treasurer be instructed accord-
ingly. —Joseph L. I#orr,
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report.
Ald. Jones of the Board of Health, re-
ported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen—Your Board of Health, at
a meeting held May 5th. 1902, would re-
spectfully report, that the contract for
hauling garbage in the City of Dubuque
for the season of 1902 was awarded to
Thomas E. Frith, at the following rates:
$13.94 per day for the months of May.
June, July and October, to remove all
garbage, etc., once a day below the
bluff and twice a week on the bluff; and
$15.00 per day for the months of August
and September, to remove all garbage,
etc., once a day below the bluff and three
times per week on the bluff.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the report.
Ald. Horr. chairman of the committee
of the Whole, reported as follows:
Your committee of the Whole would
recommend the adoption of the following
Whereas, The prevailing custom of
throwing ashes, manure, tin cans, paper
and refuse of every description into the
alleys is a direct violation of the ordi-
nances of the City of Dubuque, a men-
ace to the health of the public and indi-
cates a censurable lack of pride in the
general appearance of the city; there-
fore he it
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That the City Recorder
notify all householders by publication in
the official newspapers that hereafter
they will he compelled under pain of ar-
rest, to either discontinue throwing such
material into the alleys, or to provide a
receptacle, other than the one used for
garbage, in which to deposit tin cans and
such other material as cannot properly
be termed garbage and to have such re-
ceptacle emptied whenever it becomes•
filled and the contents removed at their
own expense; and be it further
Resolved, That the Chief of Police be
and he is hereby directed to notify the
members of the police force to pay
special attention to the throwing of ma-
terial into the alleys and to immediately
arrest any person found disregarding the
provisions and intention of this resolu-
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the Resolu-
tion. Carried.
Also your committee of the Whole
would respectfully recommend that the
Harbor committee be instructed to see
that Captain Wisner be protected in the
rights granted him by this council.
Also your committee of the Whole. to
whom were referred the sketches for a
fire engine house on Grandview avenue.
beg to report that the same were sub-
mitted to a joint sub -committee com-
posed of the committee on Fire and on
Public Grounds and Buildings with the
Fire Chief added; which committee, af-
ter giving the matter careful considera-
tion, accepted the sketches of Mr. Car-
keek. and instructed him to proceed
with the plans. We would recommend
that this action be approved by the coun-
Also your committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of Kaep
& Buechele, et al., residents of Clay and
adjacent streets. asking that the inion
Electric company be compelled to run its
cars both ways on Clay street, and also
along Clay street and out on Rhomberg
avenue direct, at such intervals as will
accommodate the public, would recom-
mend that the prayer of the petitioners
be granted.
Also your committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the resolution auth-
orizing the inion Electric company to
temporarily abandon the Iowa street line.
and also the remonstrance of the abut-
ting property owners against such aban-
donment. would recommend that the res-
olution he received and filed and that the
prayer of the remonstrators be granted.
Also your committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the remonstrance of
R. Jess, et al, against the proposed im-
provement of Bluff street. would recom-
mend that the prayer of the remonstra-
tors be granted.
Also your committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the remonstrances
of Catherine O'Brien, et al. and Fred
Bell. et al. against the proposed vacation
of Peabody avenue, and also the opin-
ion of the City Attorney on the legal
phase of the matter, would recommend,
the opinion of the City Attorney being
adverse to the legality of such vacation,
that the prayer of the remonstrators he
granted and that Peabody avenue be
not vacated.
Also your committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred he bids for the im-
provement of Langworthy avenue, would
recommend that said bids be referred
back to the council.
—Joseph L. Horr, Chairman.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report of
the committee of the Whole. Carried.
Aldre.man Horr offered the following:
Whereas, a number of the improvemeyt
bonds of the city issued to defray the
Regular Session, May 15, 1902.
expenses of certain streets, alleys and
other improvements made along and in
frcnt of the abutting property benefited
tl'ereby, were originally issued in de-
nominations of one thousand dollars, and
whereas bonds of this denomination have
proven themselves to be both inconven-
ient and uneconomical for the city, as
it Is impossible to call in these bonds
until the full amount of their face has
been collected from the abutter, and es
It often happens that large amounts, but
less than a thousand dollars accumulates
in the hands of the treasurer and must
be held by him and canno_ be utilized,
therefore be it
Resolved, That under and by virtue of
the ordinances of the City of Dubuque
and the powers conferred upon said city
by Section 848 and 849, Chapter 8, Title V,
Code of Iowa of 1897, certain bonds here-
inafter mentioned be refunded, and a
series of bonds of a denomination of
Five Hundred Dollars each, be issued
to refund these.
The bonds to he refunded are describ-
ed as follows:
Bonds No. 41 to 45, inclusive, dated .lune
1. 1595, amounting to $5,000.00; Bonds No.
64 to 72, inclusive, dated July 1. 1395,
amounting to $9,000.00; Bonds No. 94 to 104,
inclusive_, dated August 13, 1895, amount-
ing to $11,000.00; Bonds, No. 128, 129 and
130, dated' November 18, 1895, amounting
to $3,000, making a total to be redeemed
of $28,000.00; of this amount $25,000 00 are
to be refunded, and the balance paid for
from funds now in the hands of the City
The refunding 'fonds to he numbered
from 124 to 173 inclusive, bearing date of
June 1, 1902, aach of a denomination of
$500.00, bearing interest at the rate of
5 per cent. per annum. Payable semi-
annually. The bonds to be payabl 2 seven
years from date, ,T at any time befcre
az the option of the city, both principal
and interest to be payable at the office
of the City Treasurer at Dubuque, lowa.
'the bonds and coupons to be substan-
tially in the foil 'wing form.
United States of America.
State of Iowa.
City of Tluburlue.
County of Dub•aiue.
500 Dollars.
The City of Dubuque, in the State of
Iowa, for value received, promises to pay
to the bearer hereof, on the 1st day of
June, A. D., 1909, or any time before at
the option of the city, the sum of
with interest thereon, at the rate of five
per cent. per annum, payable semi-an-
nually, on the lst day of December and
the first day of June on the presentation
and surrender of the interest coupons
hereto attached as they become due.
Both principal and interest of this bond
are payable at the office of the City
Treasurer, at Dubuque, Iowa. This bones:
is issued by the City of Dubuque, under
and by virtue of Section 848 and 849 of
Chapter 8, Title V., of the Code of 1897 of
the State of Iowa and payable as therein
provided, and in accordance with the res-
olutions of the City Council of said city
Passed on the 15th day of May, 1902. This
bond is one of a series of 50 bonds of like
tenor, date and amount numbered from
124 to 173, inclusive, and is issued for
the purpose of providing for the refund-
ing of certain bonds, numbered 41 to 45,
inclusive, June 1st, 1895; 04 to 72, inclu-
sive, July 1st, 1895; 94 to 104, inclusive,
August 13th, 1895: 128, 129 and 130, No-
vember 18th, 1895, issued to defray the ex-
pense of certain street improvements in,
upon and along certain streets and alleys
in said City of Dubuque, namely:
Clay street from Third street to Eigh-
teenth street, Eighteenth street from
Clay street to Couler avenue, Couler ave-
nue from Eighteenth street to Eagle
Point avenue, Dorgan Place and Alley
from Seventeenth street to Ellis street.
Holly street from Cleveland avenue to
Rush street, Lawther avenue from Win-
sor avenue to Burden avenue. Merz
street from Windsor avenue to Althauser
avenue, Julien avenue from Walnut
street to Wilson avenue. Wilber lane
from Weigle alley to Olive street, White
street from Twenty-third street to 'Twen-
ty-fourth street, Fifth avenue from end
of present improvement to north line of
lot 6 Pell's sub., West Eighth street from
Hill street to west line of Roger's sub.,
Fremont avenue from Grandview avenue
to Cascade road, Curtis street from South
Dodge street to Malady street, Grand-
view avenue from Southern avenue to
east end of street, Fourth street from
Main street to White street, Locust
street from Tenth street to Sixteenth.
street, and West Locust street
from Sixteenth street to Seventeenth.
street, Alpine street from West Third
street to Dodge street, West Eagle Point
avenue from Kane street to city limits.
alley between Rhomberg avenue and
Lincoln avenue from Johnson au,nne to
Humboldt street. Leibnitz street from
Harold street to Abbot street, Wood-
worth street from Seminary street to
Leibnitz street, South Bluff street from
Dodge street 300 feet south, Southern ave-
nue from Rowan street to west line of
lot 10 South avenue Add.• Schiller avenue
from Lincoln avenue to High Bluff street,
High Bluff street from Schiller avenue
to Middle avenue, Alley east rf Suafford
avenue from Merz street to Paulina
street, which cost is payable by the abut-
ting property benefited thereby and by
law a lien on said abutting property. and
is payable in seven anneal installments
with interest on said deferred payments
at the rate of six per cent per annum,
and it is hereby certified and reed, .1 that
all the acts, conditions and :hinge re-
quired to be done precedent 1,, .uul in
the issuing of this bond have been prop-
erly done, happened and perform"] in
regular and due form, as required by
law, and for the payment here of both
principal and interest the full ;aith and
cerdit of said City of Luau; nue is irre-
vocably pledged, to accordance with , the
said Section 848 and 849, Chapter 8, Title
V, of the
ltCadCouncil 897 and 0 referredthe
t esolutions
of the
In witness whereof the City of Du-
buque, by its City Council has caused
this bond to be signed by its mayor, at-
tested by its recorder with the seal of
the city affixed and countersigned 1nyaitsd
auditor, this first day of Juno,
the terest e executed byilthe facsimile ons hereto telgnatnres
of the mayor and recorder of said City
184 Regular Session, May 15, 1902.
of Dubuque, all as of date of the 1st day
of June. A. D.. 1902.
Mayor of the City of Dubuque
City Recorder.
City Auditor.
On the day of --
the city of Dubuque, Iowa, promises to
las v ht artr as provided in said bonds,
the suss of Twelve Dollars and Fifty
Ct nts at the office of the City Treasurer,
being six months' interest due that day
on its refunding improvement bond No.
, dated June 1st, 1902.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the resolu-
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Claaney, Corrance, Horr,
Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Absent—Ald. Frith.
Ald. Horr also offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That the Ordinance
Committee and City Attorney are hereby
directed to prepare an Ordinance, re-
pealing so much of Section 17, Chapter
33, of the Revised Ordinances, as per-
mits the placing, hanging or setting out
for sale, or show, any gcods, wares or
merchandise, on or over any sidewalk,
being all that portion of said section
after word, '•\Vhatever" in the fifth line
to the word "Any" in the eighth line. The
intentjon being to prohibit the use of
sidewalks for any purpose stated in said
section by adjoining occupant, except
for the receiving and delivery of goods
as provided in said section.
Aid. Horr moved to adopt the resolu-
tion. Carried.
Ald. Horr also offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk, six
(6) feet wide, of good two inch plank,
brick, stone or cement, be, withinn ten
(10) days of this notic e, constructed and
laid in conformity with the ordinance
in relation to sidewalks, on the west
side of Washington street, between 13th
street and 14th street, abutting lot No.
69, East Dubuque add., owned by B. S.
McElhiney, at the expense of abutting
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy. Corrance, Horr,
Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
A bsent—Ald. Frith.
Ald. Raymond offered the following:
Be It Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque: That the taxes for
the years 1891 to 1894, inclusive, be de-
clared unavailable and credited off as a
charge against the treasurer, .but that
said taxes remain as a charge aganst
the individual on the tax books and that
all collections for said years hereafter
made be charged against the treasurer.
Ald. Raymond moved to adopt the res-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Horr,
Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Absent—Aid. Frith.
City Engineer Boyce reported on the
bids for constructing storm water sewers
in \Vashngton and Eden streets as fol-
Steuck & Linehan, total $1,672.20
Dolan & McDonald, total 1,597.61
O'Farrell & Norton, total.. 1,536.15
Pape & Jacquinot, total.. .. 1,433.02
On motion the contract was awarded
to Pape & Jacquinot, they being the
lowest bidders.
Ald. Horr moved to adjourn untl May
22nd, 1902. Carried.
?•. (1.-r.. Recorder
Approved ... Z' i— -- — 190 Z—
Adjourned Regular Session, May 22, 1902. 185
.Adjourned Regular Session, May 22, 1902.
Council met at 8:15 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Aids. Clancy. Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Petition and plat of John H. Bradley
:asking council to approve of the plat of
..Jackson School Sub -division, the same be
Ing a sub -division of lot of the sub of
Out Lot No. 744.
Aid. Sheridan moved to refer the peti-
tion and plat to the Street committee and
,they report to the council. Carried.
Petition of Mrs. Henry Rooney asking
city to construct a retaining wall abut-
ting her property on Robinson alley, so
.as to prevent the further washing away
of her property.
Aid. Sheridan moved to refer the peti-
tion to the Street committtee and CRY
Engineer. Carried.
Petition of J. M. McFadden asking that
•the City Engineer be instructed to give
the proper grade for re -setting the curb
. abutting lot 2 of sub 1 and 4 in McNulty's
sub, corner Center Place and Julien ave-
Ald. Sheridan moved that the prayer
of the petition be granted and the City
Engineer he instructed to give the proper
grade. Carried.
Petition of the Dubusue Wooden Ware &
Lumber Co., by L. H. Brec1e, secretary,
asking that Fifth (5th) avenue in Ham's
add. be extended to the river.
Ald. Clancy moved to refer the petition
• to the committee of the \\-'hole and they
view the grounds. Carried.
Petition of F. A. Rumpf et al, property
owners along Ardmore Terrace, calling
City Council's attention to the condition
of the retaining wall along the east side
of said street. also that the street abut-
ting said retaining -wall be paved and
On motion the petition was referred to
the committee of the Whole.
Petition and remonstrance of Julia L.
Langworthy et al. remonstrating against
improving Langworthy avenue between
Bill and Booth streets.
Ald. Frith moved that the rules be sus-
pended and Ilon. J. L. Husted be heard.
Hon. J. L. Husted addressed the coun-
cil, stating it would be a proper thing to
order the water mains and sanitary sew.
• ers extended in Langworthy avenue be-
fore having same improved.
Ald. Frith moved to refer the petition
• to the committee of the Whole. Carried.
Petition of C. Reifsteck and forty-five
other signers residing on Rhomberg ave-
nue and streets adjacent to, objecting to
the slow street car service on Rhomberg
avenue line, and asking council to take
steps to again let them have the recent
service, which was a ten (10) minute ser-
vice on the Rhomberg avenue car line.
Also petition of Wm. S. Molo and 732
other signers protesting against the dis-
continuance of the street car service re•
cently in operation on Main and Eighth
streets, and requesting the council to
take such action as will insure the re
establishment of the former satisfactory
service on both of said streets.
Ald. Frith moved that both petitions be
referred to the committee cf the Whole.
Ald. Raymond moved that the action of
the City Council, at the session held May
15th, 1992, in adopting the report of the
committee of the Whole which recom-
mended the receiving and filing of a reso-
lution authorizing the Union Electric
Company to temporarily abandon its Iowa
street line, he reconsidered. Carried.
Ald. Frith moved that the remonstrance
of the property owners on Iowa street
against the abandonment of the Iowa
street car line which was granted by the
council at the session held May 15th, 1902,
be reconsidered. Carried.
Ald. Frith also moved that the remon-
strance he referred back to the commit-
tee of the Whole. Carried.
Claim of M. Tschirgi, Jr., for one -halt
(I& the cost for sewer connections made
in 'I'sehirgi's sewer between Main and Lo-
cust street.
D. W. Linehan, s 44 ft. city lot 86,
at $1.46.... ,$ 64 24
.. .... .... .... ...
Geo. Upton, 32.1 ft. city lot 89 at
Total cost .... .. . . . . .... ....$111.10
On motion the claim was referred to
the Sewer committee.
City Recorder. Arendt presented and
read published notice, properly certified
to by publisher, of the City Council's in-
tention to improve Eighth street from
the westerly lot line of Bluff street to
the intersection of the track of the Chi-
cago Great \Wesern Railway Company
and the track of the Chicago, Milwaukee
& St. Paul Railway Company, with brick
on a concrete foundation.
Also the remonstrance of the Martin
& Strelau Co. et al, objecting to said
improvement, east from Clay street to
railroad track.
Ald. Frith moved the notice and re-
monstrance be referred to the committee
of the Whole. Carried.
Also read the published notice properly
certified to by the publisher of the coun-
cil's intention to pave with brick the alley
between Iowa and Clay streets, from the
alley between Twelfth and Thirteenth
streets to the north curb line of Fourth
Also the remonstrance of Byrne Bros.,
et al, objecting to said improvement.
Ald. Horr moved the notice and remon-
strance be referred to the committee of
the Whole. Carried.
Bid fur placing gravel on Fourth and
Eighteenth streets engine houses was
presented and on motion of Ald. Frith
the bid was ordered opened.
Ald. Horr moved to refer the bid to
the committee on Public Grounds and
Buildings and City Engineer and they
report to the Council at this meeting.
Ald. Jones, chairman of the committee
on Public Grounds and Buildings,
reported on the bid for gravel
roof on the Fourth and Eigh-
teenth streets engine houses and stated
that the 1 id was according to specifica-
tions and was a reasonable bid and
moved that the contract for doing sant
work 1,e awarded to the Iiey City Roof=
ing Co. Carried.
186 Adjourned Regular Session, May 22, 1902.
Ald. Jones, chairman of the committee
on Public Grounds and Buildings, stated
that the sidewalk abutting Ninth street
engine house was in a bad condition and
oc:ght to be repaired, and on motion the
matter of repairing the walk was refer-
red to the committee on Public Grounds
and Buildings.
Ald. Sheridan, chairman of the com-
mittee on Sewers, reported as follows: In
favor of paying the following bills:
Oliver G. Kringle, to constructing an
8 -inch Tile Pipe Sanitary Sewer in alley
between White street and Jackson street,
from Seventeenth street to Eagle Point
avenue and in Nineteenth street, from
alley east of White street to alley east
of Jackson street. Amount, $1,396.65.
Also hill of Oliver G. Kringle, for con-
structing a 10 -inch Tile Pipe Sanitary
Sewer in Thirteenth street, from alley
east of Washington street to center of
Cedar street. Amount, $663.95.
On motion of Ald. Sheridan the amounts
were ordered paid out of the special as-
sessment fund.
Ald. Sheridan also offered the follow-
ing resolutions:
Be it Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That the Mayor is
required for the purpose 01' providing for
the payment of the cost of constructing
a sanitary sewer in alley between White
and Jackson streets from Seventeenth
to Eagle Point avenue, and also in Nine-
teenth street from alley east of White
street to alley east of Jackson streets to
issue and execute Bonds in denomina-
tions of $500.00 each or fractional part
thereof, to the amount of $1,502.00, pay-
able seven years after date, and bearing
interest at the rate of five per cent. per
annum, payable semi-annually.
Ald. Sheridan mpved to adopt the res-
olution. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Ald. Sheridan also offered the follow-
Be It Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That the mayor is
required for the purpose of providing for
the payment of the cost of constructing a
sanitary sewer in Thirteenth street, from
alley east of Washington street to centee
of Cedar street, to issue and execute
bonds in denominations of $500.00 each or
fractional part thereof to the amount of
$714.00, payable seven years after date,
and bearing interest at the rate of five
pep cent. per annum, payable semi-an-
Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the res-
olution. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alda. Clancy, Corrance. Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Ald. Horr, chairman of the committee
of the Whole, reported as follows:
Your committee of the Whole, to whom
was referred the petition of Rev. J. P.
Carroll, president of St. Joseph's college,
et al, asking that the alley abutting lots
36 to 42, inclusive, in Yates' sub., and al-
so that that portion of Yates streets ly-
ing between Franklin street and the al-
ley above described, be vacated, would
recommend that the prayer of the peti-
tioner be granted.
Also your committee of the Whole, to
whom were referred the petitions of J.
H. Klein, et al, asking that Gilmore
Place be opened and also that Fenelon
Place be extended northerly from its
eastern terminus, begs to report that the
matter has been referred by this com-
mittee to the committee on Streets to
report to the Council.
Also your committee of the Whole
would recommend that the City Engineer
be and he is hereby instructed to make
such necessary repairs on the Seventh
street bridge as will put the same in safe
condition for traffic.
Also your committee of the Whole
would respectfully recommend that the
City Engineer be and he is hereby in-
structed to prepare plans and specifica-
tions for the construction of a section of
the Bee Branch sewer, about 100 feet
long, through and across Couler avenue,
together with an estimate of the cost
thereof, and to file the same in the of-
fice of the City Recorder who is hereby
instructed, upon receipt of said plans,
specifications and estimate to advertise
for bids for the construction of the said
sewer in accordance therewith; said bids
to be presented to the Council June 5th,
1902. —Joseph L. Horr,
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report
of the committee of the Whole. Car-
Aldermai Ccrrance offered the follow-
Whereas, It is deemed advisable by the
City Council of the City of Dubuque to
vacate and annul an alley and a street
in the City of Dubuque, described as fol-
lows, to -wit: The alley between West
Fourteenth and Franklin streets, from
Yates street to the easterly line of lot
43 in Yates' sub., and also Yates street
from the southerly line of Franklin street
to the southerly line of the alley above
described, and to grant the use thereof
to John J. Keane, Archbishop of Du-
buque, for Saint Joseph's College, an ed-
ucational institution in the City of Du-
Therefore, be it resolved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque that the
City Engineer be and he is hereby in-
structed to make a survey and plat of
such proposed vacation and annulment
of the above described 'alley and street,
showing the land or lots abutting on and
through which both said alley and said
street runs at the point of such proposed
vacation; the names of the owners of the
property or lots abutting on said alley
and on said street at the point of its pro-
posed vacation, and the quantity of land
and the extent of the street proposed to
be vacated, and to file such plat in his
office for public inspection. That after
such plat is so prepared and filed, said
City Engineer shall give the owners of
the property abutting on said alley and
on said street at the point of its proposed
vacation, notice, as prescribed in Section
Two (2), Chapter Thirty-one (31) of the
Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, and
shall further cause notice of said pro-
posed vacation to be published in the
official newspapers as prescrined in Sec-
tion Eight (8), Chapter Thirty-one (31) of
the Ordinances of the City of Dubuque.
Ald. Corrance moved to adopt the reso-
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes—Alda. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Nays—None. 1
Adjourned Regular Session, May 22, 1902
Ald. Frith offered the following:
Be it resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubusue, that the City En-
gineer be and he is hereby instructed
to prepare plans showing what. in his
judgment, he considers the most feas-
ible method of overcoming the damage
usually caused by the flow of water down
Fifth avenue, and to submit the same
to the committee of the Whole,
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu-
ton. Carried.
Ald. Frith also offered the following:
Be it resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, that the City En-
gineer be and he Is hereby Instructed to
prepare a plan showing the proposed
route of the Bee 1:ranch sewer in Wash-
ington street to Twenty-third street,
thence in either Washington street or the
bed of the present water way to Twenty-
seventh and Jackson street, thence in bed
of present water way to Millville road
and Lemon street.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu-
tion. Carried.
Ald. Iiorr offered the following:
Bc it resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, that the alley be-
tween Clay and lowa streets from the
alley between Twelfth and Thirteenth
streets to the north curb line of Fourth
street be improved by grading and pav-
ing the same with brick on a concrete
foundation in accordance with the plat
and specifications for such improvement
prepared by the City Engineer, and now
on file in the office of the City Recorder,
Be it further resolved, that said im-
provement shall be completed on or be-
fore the lst day of September, 1902, and
shall be paid for at the time and in the
manner prescribed by Chapter 32 of the
Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of
Dubuque for the payment of the cost of
street improvements.
The proposals for doing such work will
be acted upon by the council on the 5th
day of June, 1902, and the City Recorder
is hereby ordered to give ten days' no-
tice by publication, asking for proposals,
as provided by ordinance.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the resolu-
Ald. Raymond moved a substitute to
refer the resolution to the committee of
the Whole. A vote was taken on the sub-
stitute, which was lost by the following
Yeas—Aids. Corrance, Raymond and
Nays—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Horr and
The original motion of Aid. Horr recur-
ring to adopt the resolution was carried
by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Iiorr and
Nays—Aids. Corrance, Raymond and
The mayor stated that it takes a three-
fourths (4q) vote to adopt a resolution
ordering any improvement; the adoption
of the resolution orderin¢ the improve-
ment was lost on account of not having
the three-fourths (%) vote of the coun-
Ald. Horr also offered the following:
Be it resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That Eighth street
from the westerly lot line of Bluff street,
1902. 137
to the intersection of the track of the
Chicago Great Western Railway company
with the westerly track of the Chicago,
Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway company,
which is opposite lot 5 in block 15, Du-
buque Harbor improvement Co's. addi-
tion, be improved by grading, curbing,
wherever necessary, and paving the same
with brick on a concrete foundation in
the City Engineer and now on file in the
office of the City Recorder, and be it fur-
Resolved, That said improvement shall
be completed on or before the 1st day of
September, 1902, and shall be paid for at
the time and in the manner prescribed
by Chapter 32 of the Revised Ordinances
of 1901, of the City of Dubuque for the
payment of the cost of street improve-
The proposals for doing such work will
be acted upon by the council on the 5th
day of .Tune, 1902, and the City Recorder
Is hereby ordered to give ten days'notice
by publication, asking for proposals, as
provided by ordinance.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the resolu-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Raymond and Sheridan.
Nays—Aid. Jones.
The mayor stated that there was a
gentleman present by the name of Mr.
Markland, who wished to address, the
Ald. Clancy moved that the rules be
suspended and Mr. Markland be heard.
Mr. Markland addressed the council for
the purpose of selling a rock crusher to
the city.
Ald. Horr stated that the city needed a
rock crusher and he would be in favor
of purchasing one.
Ald. Raymond stated he would be in
favor of purchasing a rock crusher.
Ald. Jones moved to adjourn for two
(2) weeks, June 5th, 1902.
List of Warrants.
City Recorder's Office.
Dubuque, Ia., May 1, 1902.
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: The following is a com-
plete list of all warrants issued by me
during the month of April, 1902:
C. H. Berg, salary, mayor $116 63
H. B. GnifYke, treasurer 113 30
H. B. Gniffke, assistant treasurer. , 75 00
L. M. Langstaff, recorder 116 65
F. B. Hotim.an, auditor 100 00
C. 13. Scherr, assessor . 125 00
'1'. H. Duffy, attorney 150 00
P. J. Nelson, assistant attorney50 00
Edw. Morgan. marshal 100 00
Joe Reinfried, tire chief 100 00
John Lawler, committee clerk 83 30
Wm. A. Kaep, clerk, recorder's
office 75 00
Edw. Herron, clerk, treasurer's
office 60 00
Edw. Blake, engineer 125 00
.Jas. H. Boyce, streiet commissioner 100 00
W. Hipman, electrician . , 83 30
Anton Stoltz, market master , , , , 50 00
Thos. Cahill, park custodian , , , , 40 00
Peter Bradley, park custodian , ,. 40 00
John C. Hancock, health officer • , 50 00
Frank Flynn, sanitary policeman, , 60 00
AI Moyer, pound master 45 00
Mrs. H. Koenig, janitress 20 00
A. P. Berg, sidewalk inspector 50 00
N. Kintzinger, wharfmaster 20 00
Matt Clancy, alderman . 25 00
E. E. Frith, alderman 25 00
Jos. L. Horr, alderman 25 00
J. W. Kintzinger, alderman 25 00
P. H. McLaughlin, alderman 25 00
Rudolph Jones, alderman 25 00
John J. Sheridan, alderman , , , , , 25 00
M. Eitel, fireman . , , , , , 65 00
J. Essman, fireman , , , 75 00
A. Duccini, fireman ••••60 00
J. Flynn, fireman . .. 65 00
J. Roshin, fireman , . , , , , , , , , , , 60 00
J. Tschudi, fireman , , , , , , , , , , , , 50 00
A. Heer, fireman , , , , , , , , 50 00
J. Schonberger, fireman 50 00
J. Daley, fireman . , , , , 65 00
J. Barnes, fireman , , , 75 00
T. Ryder, fireman • , •60 00
J. Beyer, fireman , , , , , 65 00
W. Ducey, fireman , , . , . , , , 60 00
F. Murphy, fireman , , , 60 00
P. Ahern, fireman , , , , , , , , 50 00
M. Kelley, fireman ,.,, ,,,, .,,, 5000
D. Ahern, fireman .. , , , , 65 00
A. McDonnell, fireman .. , , , , , , , , 75 00
F. Kenneally, fireman , , , , , , , , , ,
J. Murphy, fireman • , , ,• , , , , , , •
'T. Kennedy, fireman , , ••, , , , , ,
J. Fitzpatrick, fireman , • , , , , , •
P. Zillig, fireman
C. Hansen, fireman , , .. , , , , , , , ,
M. Sweeney, fireman ... , , , , , •,
H. Cain, fireman .... . .. . .
A. McKinnon ,,,, .... ....
F. Ganahl, fireman , , , , , . , , , , , ,
T. Flynn, fireman „ , , , , , , , , ,
G. Gherke, fireman • .. , • , , , , , , ,
F. Baumgartner, fireman ••, , , ,
W. Dockstader, sub fireman
C. Kannolt, fireman , , , , , , , , , , , ,
J. Allen, fireman .. • , , , , , , , , , „
R. Weston, fireman , , , , , , , ,
65 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
65 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
4 15
65 00
60 00
50 00
M. Fahey, fireman , , , , , , , , • 50 00
Geo. Burkel, police , , , , , , , , 60 00
Ben. Busse, police ,,,, , 5000
M. Craugh. police .... , , , , 65 00
Jas. Carter, police ,,,, ,,,, , • 4010
Jas. Clone, police ,,., ,,,. ,,,, 5000
Jno. Cody. police ,, , .. 5000
W. Cook. police . . . . . . . ...... 50 00
P. Dunphey, police , , , , , , , , ••48 35
H. Donlon. police , , , , , , , 50 00
Jas. Flynn, police , , , , , .. , 50 00
John Fitzpatrick, police , , , , 48 35
Wm. Ft ilh, police . , , , , , , , 50 00
P. Hanlon, police , , , , , , , , 50 00
W. Hennessy, police .. 50 00
M. Ni!ty. police ,,,, ,,,, 4605
E. Kahn. police ••, , , , , , 50 00
Jno. Loet Scher, police.. .... 41 75
P. McCollins, police , , , 50 00
Pt McInerney, police , , , , , , , , , , 46 10
int. Moore. police „ , , , , , , . , , , 60 00
Jno. Murphy. police . , , , , , , , , , 50 00
D. Norton, police . , . , , . . , 50 00
M. O'Connor, police 50 00
Aug. Pfeffer. police , , , , , . , , , 50 00
Pat Powers. police , , , , , , , 50 00
Tom Reilly, police • • . • 65 00
Jno. Raesli, police , . , , , , , , „ _ , 65 00
Jas. Ryan, police , , , , , , , , , , , , 50 00
Otto Rath. police , , , , , , , , , , , , „ 50 00
P. Scharff. police , , , , , , , , 50 00
P. Sullivan, police 50 00
M. Stapleton, police .... , , , , , , , , 50 00
P. Sutton, police , , , , , , , , ,,,,,, 50 00
Al. Scherr, police • ... , , , , , , , , , 60 00
Tom Sweeney, police , , , , , , , , , , 60 00
Joe Tyler. police .. .... 50 00
Jon. L. Sullivan, police , , , , , , , , 48 35
L. Ziedman, police •, , , , , , , , 60 00
Mrs. Nate Hibbe, matron 3U 00
Miss B. Brennan, matron 30 00
Sam Alien, labor •, , , , , , , , , , , 5 40
Ernest Amanda, labor , , , , , , , , , , 8 10
Mike Arthofer. labor , , , , , , , , , , 8 80
Rich. Burns, labor , , , , , , , , , , , , 8 10
Jos. Broulette, labor , , , , , , , , , , 7 45
Carl Becker, labor , , , , , , , , , , , , 1 35
Paul Becker, labor , , , , , , , , , , , , 9 45
Wm. Buckler, labor , , , , , , , , , , 2 70
Wm. Burkhalter, labor , , , , , , , , 4 05
Chas. Busse, labor •••••, , , , , , , 9 45
John Brachtenbach, labor.. .. 10 50
Carl Burkhardt, labor , , , , , , , . , , 10 15
Andrew Burke, labor , , , , , , , , „ 4 75
A. Bolien, labor •, , , , , , , 11 50
Fred Buddien, labor , , , , , , , , , , 2 70
C. Bluecher, labor ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, 675
J. Brenner, labor •... . . . . 10 80
Peter Betsche, labor , , , , , , , , , , 11 60
Jos. Brown, labor , , , , , , , , , , , , 14 85
Jerry Cahill, labor , , , , , , , , , , , , 12 13
John Coyne, labor , , , , , , , , , , , , 15 90
Wm. Coughlin, labor , . , , , , , , , , 8 10
John Callahan, labor , , , , , , , , „ 8 10
Hugh Connell, labor , , , , , , , , „ 8 10
Tom Connolly, labor , , , , , , , , , , 8 10
John Crunnion, labor , , , , , , , , , , 6 75
Barney Conlon, labor , , , , , , , , , , 5 40
Jas. Callahan, foreman 4th street. , 20 00
Mike Cunningham, labor ... , ... , 5 75
Hiram Cobb, labor , , , , , , , , , , , , 10 50
Geb. Collinson, labor . , , , , , , , , , 6 75
Wm. Casey, labor • , , , , , , , , , , , 1 35
Jas. Connolly, labor , , , , , , , , , , 16 20
John Corbett, labor•• ••, , , , , , , 14 85
Adam Crawford, carpenter.. .. . 20 00
Henry Cosgrove, driver carpenter
wagon .... .... .... . .. . 18 00
8 10
8 10
8 10
9 15
John Dougherty, labor . , , . , ... . .
Peter Defontain, labor , ... , , , ,
Ed. Desmond, labor .... , , , , , ,
John Desmond, labor , , , , , , , , . .
List of
Warrants. 139
Pat Devaney, labor
Mike Differding, labor , , , , .
Peter Dax, Iauor , ,
. . . .
Thos. Donahue, labor
John Egan, labor , , , , „ . .
R. T. Eddy, foreman ,
John Engels, labor
.Jos. Eberhardt, labor
Dan Fox, labor „ „
. . .
Mat. Fetshele, labor
Wm. Flannagan, labor . , , .
Pat Farrell, labor , , , , , , , ,
John Flynn, labor
Peter Fasselius, labor
.Pat Fogarty, labor
Pat Fenelon, labor
Nelson Frith, stoker, steam roller.
Pat Grue, labor „
Peter Gregory, labor....
Barney Glass, labor
Jos. Giesland, labor
Pat Gilloon, labor
Dietrich Grashorn, labor
Henry Galte, labor
Chas. Grunezig, labor
Jos. Grab, labor . . . . . . .
Henry Grode, labor
Aug. Grots, labor
Geo. Gau, labor .
Peter Gunether, labor
M. Cora, labor . , , , , ,
Jos. Guenther, labor
G. Gmehle, foreman
. J. M. Garrison, labor
C. Gantenbein, foreman
John Haley, labor
Thos. Hackney, labor , , , , , , , , ,
Geo. Hecklinger, labor , , , , , , , , ,
Dennis Haggerty, labor
Geo. J. Hahn, foreman
Amb. Hird, labor.... ....
John Hayes, labor'•.. .. , . ... ,
.Aug. Handelman, labor
Aug. Hafeman, labor ,
Wm. Hos, labor , , , ,
Adam Henderson, labor
C. H. Hubbard, engineer steam
.roller „ ....
John John, labor
Peter Jacobs, labor ,,,, .... ..
John Jellison, labor
Fred Janz, labor ... ....
. John Jehring, labor
John Johnson, labor
Pat Kenneally, labor
Peter Kreamer, labor , ...
Tim Kenneally, labor
Nic Kettenhofen, labor „ .,
Geo. Kloster, labor , , , , .... ... .
. Jahn Kress, labor ..... ... ,
Chas. Kampman, labor ....
Peter Kiene, labor ..,. ....
John Beast, labor „ ....
John Kelly, labor .... ....
. Jacob Kraus, labor , .. , .... ... .
Paul Krocheski, labor ....
Carl Kupferschmidt, labor , . , ,
Fred Krueger, labor . , . , .. , . , . , .
Wm. Kronfeldt, labor ..,.
Fred Kaufman, labor.... .
Jacob Kasper, labor.... ..
John Kientzle, labor.. ..
C. Knable, labor
Mat. Kleine, paper collector.. ....
John Lavery, labor.. .. .
John Loughlin, labor.... ....
Mike Lavin, labor ....
Pat Lynch, labor..
Mat. Loes, labor.... ....
Tom Lonergan, labor.. ....
Walter Lynch, labor.. .. ....
Herman Lembke, labor.. ..
9 15
7 80
16 20
7 10
20 00
11 50
9 45
8 45
10 50
6 75
3 40
11 50
14 20
50 00
12 15
9 45
8 lu
7 49
2 40
9 80
4 75
11 50
12 60
6 10
2 70
2 70
11 50
2 70
11 25
2 70
20 00
12 85
5 40
9 16
2 70
20 00
10 SO
6 75
6 75
12 50
.11 50
4 75
63 45
8 46
7 80
6 75
12 50
6 75
10 15
7 10
7 10
8 45
8 45
7 80
7 80
8 10
9 455
10 80
10 50
12 15
6 10
5 75
8 10
8 10
14 20
10 15
6 75
12 50
8 10
5 40
7 45
9 80
8 80
10 50
9 45
7 80
John Lanser, labor.. .... 8 10
L. Loffelholz, foreman.. 12 75
Henry Luchterhand, labor.. 4 40
J. Leidinger, labor.. .. . 10 80
Frank Lassance, labor.. .. .. . 1015
Martin Lonergan, labor., ..., 14 85
John Mahoney, foreman18 00
Mike Meagher, labor.. .. 1 35
Phil Melloy, labor.... .. .. 8 80
Michael Murphy, labor.. .. .... 7 10
Rob. Mack, labor 915
Tom Malloy, labor 915
Ed. Malloy, labor •980
Jim Malloy, labor .. .... .... ... 5 40
Nat. Mabe, labor.. 9 45
Jos. Martinek, labor.... .... 6 75
Adam Manderscheid, labor.. .. 11 15
Henry hillier, labor.. .... 1 35
Max Motsch, labor , , , , , , , , , , , , 3 40
C. Muggenberg, labor.. .. „ 2 70
John Maas, labor 9 45
D. Miner, labor 9 45
Jas. McCormack, labor.... .. .... 9 45
John McQuillan, labor.... .... 9 45
Frank McCann, labor.. .. 8 10
James McCarron, labor.... 7 45
John McGee, labor , , , , , , , , , , , , 8 1.1
W. McDermott, labor.. .. .. 1 35
James McKernan, labor , , , , , , , , 6 75
Thos. McDonald, labor.. .. 7 10
James McCracken, labor.. .. 11 50
Pat. McPoland, la.bor.... 9 15
Barney McCormack, labor.. 4 05
John Noonan, First ward, labor810
John Nuttz, labor 6 75
John Noonan, Algona ave., labor7 45
W. O'Brien, foreman.. .. 20 00
C. Otto, labor.. .... 6 75
Jas. Powers, labor.... .... 14 85
Jas. Purcell, labor.. .... .... 14 85
John Pfeiffer, labor.. 12 50
John Pullens, labor.. .. .. 9 15
Frank Peitz, labor.... .... .... 9 15
John Parker, foreman.... .... 12 75
Wm. Papethein, labor.. .. 6 10
J. Puls, labor.... .... .... 11 50
Chas. Pierce, labor.... 14 85
Wm. Quinlan, labor.... .... 7 45
Mat. Quirk, carpenter.. 20 00
Phil Redin, labor. . 915
Mat. Raishek, labor.... .... 8 45
Jas. Reid, labor.... .... .. 9 15
P. J. Royce, foreman.. .. .... 20 00
Theo. Ruprecht, labor.... .... 12 50
Carl Ripitsch, labor.... .. 6 10
John Rafferty, labor .... .... 7 45
Fred Remus, labor.... .... 11 50
Nic Raesch, labor.... .... ... 11 50
Fred Radloff, labor.... .... .... 6 15
M. Roddy, labor.. 1150
George Rink, labor..., ., .. 135
Fred Rolloff, labor.... .... 4 05
Chas. Reilly, labor.. .. ..., 14 85
Frank Stromeyer, labor.. .. ,. 9 45
Nick Sweny, labor.... ... 9 45
Jas. Strany, labor.... .. 8 10
:Hurt Summers, labor ... , 8 lu
Thos. Smith, labor.... 7 45
Frank Sherr, foreman , . 10 1.
John Schroeder, labor , , 9 15
Tony Schmidt, labor.. .. 5 45
Ernst Smith, labor.. .. .i 80
Chris. Scholl, labor 10 50
Jos. Statel, labor.... .... ,,,. 7 80
Aug. Soyke, labor ...... .... .... 9 15
Geo. Stephens, labor,. 8
Otto Schlagel, labor 915
Sam Sterling, labor.... .... 9 45
Louis Smith, labor.. 915
Jos. Smith, labor.... .... 6 75
Nic. Schroeder, labor.,., ,.,, 5.5
Jos. Schafetel, labor,. 1150
John Schemmel, labor... 9 45
Jos. Schroeder, labor..,. ..
List of Warrants.
A. Schilski, labor.... ....
Simon Schaetzle, labor.... ..
W. Schwaegler, labor.... ..
Henry Schroeder, labor.. ....
J. Sloder, labor.. .. ..
.Jas. Tally, labor
Geo. Traub, labor.... .... .... ......
Landon Taylor, labor.... .... .. ....
John Tashner, labor.... ....
Wm. Tobin, labor.. ....
John Twieg, labor .... ....
R. Turner, labor..
John Welsh, Caledonia, labor
JoJhn Welsh, Caledonia, labor
Louis Wachenheim, labor.. ..
Anton Wondrasek, labor.. ....
Herman Wiedenbacher, labor.. ..
John Ward, labor....
Fred Weber, labor
John Walsh, Race street, labor
Aug. Wity, labor.... .... ... ..
Nic. Wampach, labor.. ....
J. Wodrich, labor
Ed. Welsh, labor.. ....
G. Wiedeman, labor.. . ..
Thos. Young engineer steam roller
Tony Zugenbuehler, labor
Adam Zingel. labor.. .... ..
Geo. Zumhoff, foreman.... ..
. Tim Byron, team.... .. .. ...
Frank Burns, team .... . . ..
Becker Bros., team.... ..
G. Brenmer, team..
Pat. Clancy, team.. ..
Jos. Calvert, team .
B. Costello, team.. .... ....
Thos. Elliott, team.... .... ..
M. Gantenbein, team.... .
Jake Haudenshield, team.. .... ....
Thos. Hein, team.... .... ...... ....
Peter Horch, team.... ....
John Huffmeir (contract) team
Mike Keanneally, team.. .
James Keefe, team
P. Linehan, team.... ....
John Long, tea.m.....
Frank Mathis, tearer .
2 ill
10 SO
1 35
10 15
6 75
8 10
5 75
10 15
10 '0
1 35
10 15
10 15
7 46
7 45
9 15
9 15
9 15
6 45
11 50
S 80
6 40
11 50
11 10
9 45
11 55
9 80
15 00
10 00
32 50
7.4 40
20 00
3 71
15 00
3 '5
21 '15
_i 15
17 50
20 41
29 15
12 FO
13 75
27 ;A
22 50
17 50
Martin Maher, teant 14 40
Wm. Mohr, team 20 65
Thos. Morgan, tearer.. .... 21 90
J. J. McCollins, team 13 75
Carson McElrath, team.... ..2 60
Ted. O'Brien, team.... .... 16 25
Louis Pell, team.... .... .... 20 00
A. Paley, team... ... ... 21 25
Mrs. Quinlivan, team.. .... 12 50
Wm. Rink, team 20 00
Henry Rink, team.. .. 21 25
Ed. Seeley, team.... .... .... 27 50
Sam Snodgrass, team.... .... 10 00
John Singrin, team.. 15 GO
Frank Sieg, team 20 00
Tony Sieg, team , , , , , , , 21 25
James Tobin, team.. ..... 2! 25
Michael Theis, team.... .... 11 25
Leslie Wellington, team.... .... 19 75
John Williams, team.... .... 18 15
Frank Winders, team.... .... 13 75
M. Zogg, team 2125
Pat. Kenneally .. 6 00
Labor on sewers for the second half of
March, 1902:
P. Casserly, labor ..... ... ... 20 SO
W. Clark, labor 20 80
John Corcoran, labor . 20 80
S. H. Cook, foreman 25 00
Maurice Flynn, labor ..... ... ... 20 80
R. A. Fuller, labor 19 20
W. Lonergan, labor.... 20 SO
Con Sullivan, labor .... .. .... 19 20
Labor on approach to the Dubuque and
Wisconsin bridge during last half of
March, 1902:
Chas Blickert, labor ... ... 5 26
Wm. Buckley, quarryman.. .... 10 70
Jos. Brandenberg, quarryman.... .. 10 70
Geo. Butler, quarryman ... ... 16 85
Peter Fasselius, labor 9 25
Frank Faber, cutter• 58 65
Jos. Guenther, labor ... ... ... 9 25
Geo. Gau, labor ... ... 9 25
Peter Ginter, labor ..... ... ... 9 25
Adam Henderson, labor 3 00
Herman Beer, labor ..... ... ... 7 00
John Jansen, quarryman .... 10 70
John Kinsella, carpenter .. .. 14 20
Chas. Kneber, labor ..... ... ..... 5 25
A. Leik. quarryman ..... ... ... 810
Aug. Lang, cutter 5 40
Chas. Muggenberg, labor ... ... 10 80
J. McKenzie, blacksmith .... 240
P. S. Norton, labor 150
F. O'Laughlin, timekeeper.. .. .. 75 00
C. Otto, labor 526
Fred Radioft, labor ..... ... ... 5 26
Fred Roloff, labor .. ... 5 26
Jos. Rooney, carpenter ..... ... 10 70
Andrew Ring. cutter ... .. .... 810
John Schromen, foreman ... ... .... 37 50
Mike Sullivan, shortage in rate per
hour. 1st half of March. 71/2 hrs
at 26c 190
Wm. Schwaegler. labor 9 25
Aug. Schilaki, labor 9 26
James Thomas, quarryman ..... . 15 10
N1c. Wampach, labor ..... ... 9 25
Chas. Wilde, cutter 5 40
Ted O'Brien, team 1 70
J. Venn, tem ..... ... ... ... 18 66
John Williams, team .... ... 6 00
A. Doerr, Jr., assistant assessor75 00
Jos. J. Murphy, assistant assessor75 GO
Jno. A. Voelker, fumigating cala-
boose 13 50
M. O'Loughlin, rodman ... 40 00
Jno. Schrup, chainman 40 00
Dr. B. Michel, health officer for
March 50 00
Sam Starr, sanitary policeman for
March 50 00
Allen Sam 10 SO
Burkhart & Sons ........... ... ... 29 75
Buelow. Christ 12 00
Berry, Tom ........ ... .. .... 8 50
Blaekard. Chas 9 35
Buddin, Fred 3 GO
Byrne, M. & Cahill ..... ... ... 56 10
Bakey, James 10 20
Bottoms, John 9 35
Bummers, John 17 85
Connolly, Hue 14 40
Cain, Michael 38 25
Crahan, Tom 4 SO
Carroll, James 11 45
Carney, Peter and Mike 24 G5
Coyne, John ........ ... ... ...... 15 00
Duccenie. Aug ........ ... ... ... 20 40
Dougherty, John.. 21 60
Duggan, John & Son ..... ... .. ... 9 35
Dunnegan, Mike 3 69
Defontain, Frank ..... ... ... 22 95
Eisbach, Peter 10115
Ellis, Al 9 00
Fury, Pat 17 00
Farrell, Mike ........ 28 90
Ginter, Joe .... ... 9 35
Ginter, Peter 8155
Hutter, Jacob 23 SO
Hafferman, Aug 19 55
Helmer, Max 14 45
Huss, Wm... 4 20
Haffey, John 13 80
Hackney and B. Glass .... 31 20
Jacob Peter ..... ... ... ... ......... 36 55
Klostel, Geo 2 40
Kasper, Jacob 20 40
Kauffman, Fred ...... .... .... 5 10
Kenneally, Tim
Kramer, Peter
1:..(k, Fred ... ...
i:. rwin & Slater ...
Lynch, Pat
tassance, Frank .....
Lenzer, John
Malloy, Ed 180
Malloy, Tom 12 00
Mack, Robt...... .... .. .. .... 4 80
Menzel, Frank 21 25
Miller, John 8 50
Martina, Joe 11 05
McNulty, John 6 60
McClain, Wm ........ ... ... ... 10 20
McMahon, Rocs .... ... ... ... 12 30
McDermott, Wm 1615
McCarten, Mike 17 00
McCarron Bros ... ... ... ...... 12 60
McCracken, James • ..... ... ... ..... 6 00
Nelson, Fred ...... .. .... ... ........ 5 60
O'Shea, James ... ... ........ 26 35
Pierce, Chas 10 30
Parker & Son ....... ... ... ... 12 60
Purcell, John 8 50
Ellis, Albert 9 00
Rooney, Jos ........ ... .... ..... 7 20
Robison, J. W.... .. .. .. .. 3 60
Ruprecht, Theo .... .. .. .. .. 1 20
Remous, Fred .. ... ... ... ... 3 40
Ryan, Patrick ...... ... ... ... 38 25
Rollan & Nuts . ... ... ... 15 10
Reilley, Chas 9 60
Reed, James 2 40
Sayke, Aug ........ ... .. 9 60
Schrader, Henry 120
Schwaegler, Wm ... .. .... ... 8 50
Sheehan, Dan ... ... ... ... ... ...... 42 50
Schaeffer, J. M 4 25
Smyth, Sam ..... ... ... ... ... 8 50
Sullivan &. Burns 22 95
Sterling. Sam ..... ... ... 8 40
Tipple. Henry 15 30
Thompson, A. A ...... ... ... ... 425
Traub, Geo 7 20
Thine, Theo ..... ... ... ... 10 20
Varnishea, John ... ... 2 40
\\'ittle, Aug.. ... ... ... ....... 3 40
Weber & Rueter 38 25
Welch, John ..... ... ... ... 3 SO
7,Inel. Adam ... 2160
A. Doerr, Jr., assistant assessor for
March $ 75 00
J. J. Murphy, assistant assessor
for March.... 75 00
A. Stoltz, hoard of prisoners 9 t.0
Jno. A. Voelker, fumigating cala
hoose.... 13 50
Jno. Schrup, assistant enginear for
March .... 40 00
M. O'Laughlin, assistant engineer
for March.... .... .... 40 00
P. Baumgartner, assistant market
master for March.... .... 35 10
Eichhorn & Bechtel, oil at city hall 80
U. B. Grosvenor. supplies for var-
ious offices 5 98
Bieg & Rood, supplies for various
offices.... 8 80
J. P. Cook, dog tags and team li-
cense tags ,. 16 00
F. Schloz & Son, repairs at city
hail...... .... .... ...... .... .. 75
Phil Pier, wood at city hall 58 60
Phil Pier, hard coal at city hall29 75
Melloy Bros., hard coal at city hall 24 52
L. Daily, cleaning around market
square.... 28 00
Mullen & Papin, plumbling at city
hall 1 10
Key City Gas Co., for various de -e
partments 357 30
Ott, Meurer & Co., lumber at city
List of Warrants.
16 80
12 60
3 00
10 20
15 30
28 90
6 80
hall 98 00
Ragatz & Schaettgen, repairs on
steam roller.... 22 30
Rey City Gas Co., coke for steam
roller....51 10
Austin & Western Co, supplies for
street sprinkler 2.i 00
R. W. Carr, filing saws for road de
partment...... .... ........ 50
Pape & Jacquinot, plumbing at
steam roller house.... .. 17 20
John Butt, repairing tools for road
department,..„ 2 35
F. Bedard, repairing macadam fork 25
P. Clancy, cinders for road depart-
ment 32 25
Collings & Pflffner, horse shoeing
for road department.... .... 300
G. F. Kleih, hardware for road de-
partment...... .... 366
Linehan & Molo, hardcoal for fire
. . .department. .. 40
Iowa Telephone Co., telephone ser-
vices for various departments33 02
J. G. Moser, hardware for fire de-
partment 30
Mullen & Papin, plumbing at Ninth
street engine house.. „ ...... 120
Key City Gas Co., one bracket for
Ninth street engine house 35
Ott, Meuser & Co., shavings for fire
department .. . . .... .... .. .. 5 50
Key City Gas Co., coke for fire de-
partment.... 10 25
Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse
shoeing for fire department 6 60
Collings & Pflffner, horse shoeing
for fire department.... .... .... 13 05
Lagen & Sullivan, horse shoeing
for fire department.... .... 12 00
Monarch Electric Co., zincs and
coppers for fire department 53 52
Linehan & Molo, hard coal for fire
department.... .... 19 36
Eichhorn & Bechtel, bran for fire
department.... .... 1 00
Connelly Bros., bran for tire de-
partment ...... .... .... 2 50
American Fire Engine Co., repair-
ing fire engine Linehan.. 308 35
W. H. Torbert, paints and oils for
fire department.... .... .... ... 6 65
W. H. Torbert, paints and oils for
flre department. .... .... ... 6 65
W. H. Torbert, drugs for fire de-
partment.... .... 3 70
T. J. Mulgrew, hardware for fire
department.... .... 18 23
Phil Pier, soft coal for fire depart-
ment 3'L 00
Ragatz & Schaettgen, repairs for
fire department.. 4 03
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary services
for fire department 8 85
F. Schloz & Son, repairs on hose
cart, Central engine house.... ... 3 00
Jno. Newman & Son, repairs on
chemical engine .... ... ... 53 40
Trenk Wire Works, one wire door
for marshal's office 800
M. S. Hardie, blank stationery for
marshal's office 9 50
G. F. Kleih, hardware for police de-
partment ... ... ... ... ..... 1 45
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary services
for police department .. 1 44
Collings & Pflffner, horse shoeing
for police department 600
F. Bedand, horse shoeing for po- 1
lice department
Chas. J. Saunders, supplies for ma-
tron department ....... 75
John Butt, repairs for sewer depart- 1
List of Warrants.
F. Scholz & Son, repairs for sewer
department 1 50
John G. Moser, hardware for sewer
department 1 35
Mullen Bros., supplies for sewer de-
partment 1 25
Chicago Blue Print Paper Co., blue
print paper for engineer's office5 25
Star Electric Co.. arc lights for
March ..... ... 2020 35
Dubuque Telegraph, official print-
ing for March
Globe -Journal, official printing for
National Demokrat, official print-
ing for March .. . • 25 00
Dub. Telegraph. council weekly .. 6 00
Geo. F. Kleih, hardware for board
of health
W. H. Torbert, drugs for board of
G. A. Grimm. drugs for board of
health .
Dempsey & on. repairing fountain
at Sixth anal Main
Nutwood Livery Co.. ambulance
service..... ... ...... ... ...... ... .
M. Oswald, final estimate on Bee
Branch storm sewer 271 76
G. F. Kleih. hardware and dyna-
mite for high bridge approach 7 85
Carr. Ryder & Adams. lumber for
high bridge approach .. 80
E. A. Fengler, rock for high bridge
approach ... . 85 08
R. W. Carr. filing saws for high
bridge approach 45
Eagle Point Lime Works, cement
high bridge approach 30
E. A. Fengler, estimate Eagle Point
high bridge approach .... .. 825 30
J. Bee e" R., Son. rock for Eagle
Point high bridge approach 715
James Street. rock '-or Eagle Point
bridge approati ... 15102
Dr. F. W. Wieland, vaccinating
school children 16 50
Dr. Charles M. Linehan. vaccinating
school children 6 00
Dr. Wm. L. Becker, vaccinating
school children 5 75
Dr. .T. H. Green, vaccinating school
children .. 2 00
Dr. F. W. Myers, vaccinating
school children ... . . ... .... 6 00
Dr. C. H. Hamilton. vaccinating
school children 6 25
Dr. F. Fitzpatrick, vaccinating
school children 150
H. B. Gniffke, refunded excavation
permits 5 00
H. B. Gniffke, exchange ..... ... 22 51
H. B. Gniffke, freight and express
charges 4 48
H. B. Gniffke, postage stamps 10 00
H. B. Gniffke, horse for fire dept175 00
H. B. Gniffke, court costs 8 20
H. B. Gniffke, refunded water 1 88
H. B. Gniffke, refunded sewer tax10 23
H. B. Gniffke, interest on warrants2319 83
C. H. Berg, purchase of two lots on
Grandview avenue for new en-
gine house ... 300 00
J. .T. Brownson, for professional ser-
vices in connection with the case
of John C. Bauer vs. city of Du-
J. E. Magulre, for professional ser-
vices in connection with the case
of John C. Bauer vs. city of Du-
buque... ..
I. 5. Bigelow, for professional ser-
vices in connection with the case
6 00
50 00
5 60
2 60
4 00
50 00
50 CA
of Gustav Schnee vs. city of Du-
buque w 00
J. E. Maguire, for professional ser-
vices in connection with the case
of Gustav Schnee vs. city of Du-
buque 25 00
F. W. Wieland, for professional ser-
vices in connection with the case
of Gustav Schnee vs. city of Du-
buque 50 00
Jno. Hackett. personal damages
sustained at Eagle Point high
bridge 50 00
M. J. Mulgrew. judgment in case
of Lyman vs. city 919 r
Finley Hospital. board and attend-
ance of Fireman Hansen 42 00
Labor on Streets for first half of April,
Mike Arthofer. labor 8 10
E. Amanda. labor.... 810
Paul Becker, labor.... .... .... 11 85
John Brachtenback, labor.. .... 3 40
Chas. Busse, labor.... .... ........ 3 40
A. Bolin, labor.... .... ...... .. 9 45
Jake Brenner, labor.... .. 4 75
Peter Betsche, labor.... .... 6 44)
C. Burkhardt, labor.... .... .... 5 40
Andrew Burke, labor .. .... .... 1 35
Jos. Brown. labor 17 b6
Wm. Coughlin, labor. .. 14 85
John Coyne, labor.. .. 135
James Callahan, foreman 4th street 20 00
Hiram Cobb, labor 3 05
Gib. Collinson, labor.... .... 1 70
Jas. Connolly, labor.... ..., 17 55
John Corbett, labor.. .. 17 55
Adam Crawford, carpenter.. 20 00
Henry Cosgrove, driver carpen-
ter's wagon 21 00
Peter Dax, labor .... 7 45
Thos. Donahue, labor.. ., 17 55
R. T. Eddy, foreman ... 20 00
John Engels, labor 810
Jos. Eberhardt, labor.... .... 8 10
Dan Fox, labor.. .... .. 1 35
Mat. Fetshele, labor .. .... ...... 8 10
John Flynn. labor 3 05
Patrick Fitzpatrick, labor,. 2 70
P. Fogarty, labor.... .... 10 80
Pat. F'enelon, labor.. .... 17 55
Peter Gregory, labor.... .. 1 35
Pat. Grue, labor810
Jos. Giesland, labor .. 5 40
Henry Gaile, labor.... .... .... 5 40
Chas. Gruenzig, labor.... .... 8 80
Jos. Grab, labor.... 135
Henry Grode, labor.. 70
M. Gera, labor.... 6 75
G. Gmehle, foreman 7 50
C. Gantenbein, foreman.... 20 00
Thos. Hackney, labor.. ...... . 1 35
Geo. J. Hahn, foreman.... 20 00
Amb. Hird, labor.... .... .... 9 80
Aug. Handelman, labor.. .... 3 05
Aug. Hafeman, labor.... ,,.. 3 40
Wm. Hos, labor ...... .... ...... 135
Peter Jacobs, labor..2 70
John Jehring, labor 13 20
Fred Janz, labor.... .... 1 35
P. Kenneally, labor.... .... .... 9 45
Nic. Kittenhofen, labor.... ,... ,10 80
Peter Kien, labor ...... .... .... 4 05
John Kelly, labor.... 170
John Feast, labor .... .... 3 05
Wm. Kronfeldt, labor..,. .,,. 2 05
Paul Krocheski, labor..,. .... 12 50
Fred Kaufman, labor.. 70
Fred Krueger, labor 70
Jacob Kraus, labor 915
J. Kientzle, labor 7 45
J. Kasper, labor.. 6 75
Mat. Klein, paper collector 12 50
Mike Lavin, labor.... .... 8 10
List of Warrants.
Walter Lynch, labor.... .... 3 05
Herman Lembke, labor.. 12 50
Loffelholtz. foreman 4 20
John Lanser, labor.... .... 70
J. Leidinger, labor.... 6 75
Frank Lassance, labor.. .... 5 40
Martin Lonergan, labor , , , , , , ,. 17 55
Henry Luchterhand, labor , , , , , , , 1 35
John Mahoney, foreman , , , , , , , 1 50
Phil Melloy, labor , , , , , , , , 1 35
Rob Mack, labor , , , , , , , , 8 11
Ed. Malloy, labor , , , , , , , 2 05
Jos. Martinek, labor , , , , , , , , _ . 8 45
'Nat. Mabe, labor , , , , , , , , , , , 1 70
Max Motel), labor , , , , , 70
A. Manderscheid, labor i0
D. Miner, labor 6 45
John McQuillan, labor 1 35
.Jas. McCormick, labor , , , , , , , , 8 83
Frank McCann, labor.... 1 35
Jas. McCracken, labor , , , , , , , , , , 14 20
Pat. McPoland, labor , , , , , , , , , , 3 05
John Ntz, labor , , , 3 (1;
. John Noonan, labor .. , , , , , , „ 4 05
W. O'Brien, foreman.... 20 00
John Powers, hibor.. 2 05
John Pfeifer, labor , , , , , , , , , , , , 5 40
. John Parker. foreman , , , , , , , , , 14 85
Wm. Papenthien, labor ... , . , . , 2 05
J. Pills, labor •, , , , 8 10
• Chas. Pierce, labor , , , , , , , , , , , , 17 55
Wm. Quinlan, labor •, 205
P. J. Royce, foreman , , , , . , , , , . 20 00
Theo. Ruprecht, labor .... 135
M. Roddv, labor .. , , , , , , , 6 75
Rred Remus, labor , , , , , , , , , , , , 5 40
N. Raish. labor , , , , „ 10 80
Chas. Reilly. labor, . , 17 55
Jos. Rooney. bricklayer , ... , , , , 7 00
Nick Sweeney, labor , , , , , , , , , , 16 35
' Thos. Smith, labor , , , , , , , , , , , 6 75
. John Schroeder, labor , , , , , , , . 4 75
Aug. Soyke, labor , , , , , , , , , , , , 9 4.5
Frank Scherr, labor , , , , , , , , , , 1 35
Louis Smith. labor , , , , , , , , , , , , 2 70
Jos. Smith. labor , , , , , , , , ,,,,,, 2 70
Sam Sterling, labor . , . , , , , , .... 1 70
. John Schemmel, labor , ... .... .. 11 85
Jos. Schafetal, labor .... .. , . .. 1 35
H. Schroeder, labor ,.., .,.. .. 540
S. Schaetzle, labor , , , , , ... .... 5 40
J. Sleder, labor , . , . .... .. 5 40
Jake Scheidecker, labor , ... , ... 2 70
Wm. Tobin, labor . , . , ... .... 4 75
Landon Taylor, labor , . , , .... 205
John Tashner. labor , . .. , . .... 2 05
R. Turner, labor . . .. .... ...... 8 10
J. Twieg, labor . , , . .... .. 5 40
L. \Vachenheim, labor , . , . ...... 8 ;0
Fred Weber, labor , ._.. .. • • • 340
John Walsh, (Race) 'labor .... .. 3 40
Aug. Witty, labor , , .. , ... .... 3 40
J. Woodrich, labor , ,... . 5 40
Ed. Walsh. labor 4 75
G. Weidman, labor ............5 40
Nic Wampach, labor , ... .... .. 3 7')
Adam Zingel, labor . , .. , . • 3 05
Geo. Zumhof, foreman , ... .... .. 18 00
Tim Byron. team . ... .... ...... 23 05
Cr. Branner, team .. , . .. , . 15 00
Pat Clancy, team .... .... , ... 2 50
Albert Conrad, team .... , •
B. Costello, team . . . .... .... . . 16 25
5 00
M. Gantcnbein, team , . .. , . .. 15 00
Jake ITaudenshield, team ...... 10 00
John T-Tuffineir, (contract) team , , 37 90
Mike Kenneally, team .... .... , . 2 50
John Long. team ...... 13 75
Martin Maher, team .... .... .. 27 3D
Frank llfathis, team .... .... .. 2
Wm. Mohr, team .... .... .... 12 50
7 550
Thos. Morgan. team.. .... ... .
Ted O'Brien, team • , , , , 1 25
L. Pell, team 10 00
A. Paley, team b 00
Mrs. Quinlivan, team ... . .. 8 75
H. Rink, team 2 50
Ed. Seeley team 3.4 05
Ed. Seeley, wagon 600
Sam Snodgrass, team , , , , 2 50
Frank Sieg, team , , , , , , , 17 17 50
Art Turner, team , , , , . . . . . 12 50
James Tobin, team 16 25
Mike Theis, team6 90
John Williams ,team . , , , , , , , „ 5 00
Leslie Wellington, team ... , , , 18 75
Zogg. team , , , , 15 00
T.abor grading the approach to the Du-
buque and Wisconsin bridge during the
first half of April, 1902:
Chas. Blickert, labor ..... ...
Joe. Brandenberg• labor ... ..
Geo. Butler, labor .. .. . 12 25
Peter Fasselius, labor 15 01)
Frank Faber, labor .. ... ..... 1 35
Peter Ginter, labor 11 25
Jos. Guenther, labor ..... ... ... 11 25
Geo, Gau, Labor ..... ... ... 15 00
Adam Henderson, labor 15 00
Herman Heer• labor .. ... ... 10 50
John Jansen, labor ... .. .... 8 75
Chas, Kneber, labor 18 00
John Kinsella, labor ... ... .. 18 40
A. Leak. labor 1.5 75
Chas. Muggenberg, labor ... .. 8 75
P. S. Norton. labor 15 00
Chas. Otto, labor 18 00
Fred Roloff, labor ... ... 13 50
Fred, Radloff, labor 10 50
Jos. Rooney. labor 12 25
John Schromen, foreman.. 21 00
W. Schwaegler, labor ... ... 3 75
Aug. Schilski. labor .... .... 11 50
Jas. Thomas. labor ..... ... ... 17 50
Nic. Wampach, labor ... 3 75
J. Venn. team 36 00
Teams on sprinkling wagons during
the first half of April, 1902:
Frank Burns, Team $ 10 50
Thcs. Frith. team . 12 £5
Martha Maher, team 8 75
Labor on sewers during the first half
of April, 1902:
Fat Casserly, labor $ 20 SO
\V. Clark. labor ... ... r..... 20 80
,Tohn Corcoran, labor 20 SO
S. H. Cook, foreman 25 00
Maurice Flynn. labor ........ ... 20 80
R. A. Fuller, labor 1120
20 SO
17 GO
15 60
3 04)
5 95
12 00
2 4(1
4 50
12 60
6 60
16 80
9 GO
10 00
10 00
10 00
10 00
10 00
$ 3 75
15 75
W. Lonergan, labor
Con Sullivan .... ... ...
E. Brewbaker, macadam.. ..
P. Becker, macadam.. .. .
P. Devaney, macadam.. ..
H. Cobb, macadam..
A. Handelman, macadam.... .... ..
J. Kraus, macadam
J. Kiang, macadam.... ....
M. Lavin, macadam.... .,..
H. Schroeder. macadam.... ....
L. Taylor, macadam.... ....
J. Vormschlag. macadam.... ..
J. Straney, judge election
H. Riker, judge election....
J. J. Wickham, judge election
N. Coughlin, clerk election....
L. J. Marlin. clerk election
J. Butler, judge election.. .
E. R€ddin, judge election.. ..
J. N. Roach. judge electron.. 10 00
J. W. Halpin, clerk election.. 10 00
A. C. Gasser, clerk election 10 0000
J. P. Page. judge election
P. H. Sommerfleld, judge election10 00
Official Notices.
H. Gehrig, judge election 10 00
A. E. Majerus, clerk election.. 10 00
G. Schublin, clerk election.. 10 00
I. Cleminson, judge election.. .. 10 00
B. Lagen, judge election.. 10 00
R. Jess, judge election. .. 10 00
J. C. Galoway, clerk election.. 10 00
C. Falkenhainer, clerk election10 00
P. Olinger, judge election.. .. 10 00
A. F. Voelker, judge election.. 10 00
R. N. Rodgers, judge election 10 00
A. Jeoffroy, clerk election.. 10 00
G. R. Clark, clerk election .. .... 10 00
M. Liddy, judge election 10 00
B. W. Jones, judge election.. 10 00
P. Fay, judge election 10 00
P. B. Merkes, clerk election 10 00
Jno. Kleinschmidt, clerk election10 00
Ed. Muntz, judge election.. .. 10 00
C. McElrath, judge election.. 10 00
F. Reinfried, judge election.. 10 00
W. Kretschmer, clerk election .. 10 00
J. C. Butler, clerk election.. 10 00
J. J. Lavin, judge election.. 10 00
W. P. Gilliam, judge election 10 CO
J. J. Ludescher, judge election.. 10 00
D. Riordan, clerk election.. 10 00
E. Werner, clerk election.. 10 00
N. Kintzinger, judge election... 10 00
J. Hird, judge election.. .. 10 00
G. Willman, judge election.. .... 10 00
H. L. Cutts, clerk election.. .. 10 00
T. J. Martinek, clerk election.. 10 00
A. A. Schilling, judge election.. 10 00
A. Wombacher, judge election 10 00
V. Keppler, judge election.. .. .. 10 00
W. E. Cram, clerk election.. 10 00
F. Hamel, clerk election... ... 10 00 •
Jno. Stieber, judge election 10 00
A. G. Reed, judge of election 10 00
R. B. Fuller, judge of election 10 00
H. Barmeier, clerk election 10 00
C. K. Mathis, clerk election 10 00
Jno. Leicht, judge election 10 00
W. Zumhoff, judge election 10 00
E J. Schilling, judge election 10 00
Wm. Zimmerman, clerk election 10 00
Jno. P. Kiefer, clerk election 10110
O. W. Geiger, judge election 10 00
G. Gmehle, judge election .. .. 10 00
G. Rettenmeier, judge election 10 00
R. Beckler, clerk election .... 10 00
J. G. bVidman, clerk election 10 00
A. Stoltz, judge election 10 00
P. J. Raab, judge election .... 10 00
G. W. Davis, judge election .. .. 10 00
D. J. Haas, clerk election .. 10 00
R. Prange, clerk election .. 10 00
R. F. Aiman, register clerk 27 50
C. McCarten, register clerk election 27 50
J. Agnew, register clerk election 27 50
M. Lippman, register clerk election 27 50
D. D. W. Carver, register clerk
election 27 50
R. Lorenz, register clerk election27 50
A. C. McQuillan, register clerk elec-
tion 27 50
A. Allen, register clerk election 27 50
P. B. Hoffman, register clerk elec-
tion 27 50
T. H. Nicoll, register clerk election 27 50
W. Blewett, register clerk election. 27 50
A. Simplot, register clerk election27 50
W. Haisch, register clerk election 27 50
A. Palen, register clerk election 27 50
J. P. Walsh, register clerk election27 50.
E. Anderson, register clerk election 27 50
E. Staehell, register clerk election27 50
W. H. Baxter, register clerk elec
tion 27 50
J. P. Norton, register clerk election 27 50
H. Wybrant, register clerk election. 27 50
A. J. H. Tuegel, register clerk elec-
tion 27 50
P. J. Glab, register clerk election.. 27 50
Jno. Meyer, register clerk, election 27 50
J. Majerus, register clerk, election 27 50
C. Arendt, register clerk, election, . 27 50
F. Marquard, register clerk, elec-
tion... . 27 50
.... elec-
tion...... ... .... ...
L. C. Doerfler, register clerk elec-
tion .,, ...
. • ..... .. . .. ...
F. Mihm, register clerk, election, ,
L. Daily, putting up and taking
down booths ...... ... ... ... ......
J. McCollins, putting up and taking
down booths
Louis Fay, putting up and taking
down booths , „ ,
W. Sinhold, putting up and taking
down booths ,, ▪ ,
R. Wolter, putting up and taking
down booths .
A. Doerr. Sr., hauling ballot boxes
and lamps .
Jno. Pfeifer, cleaning and distrib▪ ut-
ing lamps , ,
Misses Rafferty, to rent of bu▪ ilding
for election
Mrs. Murphy, to rent of . building
for election . , ,
M. Maher, to rent of building for
election . ,
N. Palen, to rent of building ▪ for
27 50
27 50
6 75
6 7b
9 00
9 45
9 00
7 50
20 00
25 00
20 00
Wales Hotel Co., to rent of build-
ing for election 25 00
Western Brewery, to rent of build-
ing for election , , , , 25 00
Wm. Kenyon, to rent of building
for election . , , 20 00
A. Stones, to rent of building for
election .. , , , , 5 00
Schmid's Brewery, to rent of build-
ing for election.... ,,„ , 2500
A. W. Albrecht 20 00
Mrs. E. Henge.... .... .... 5 00
Miss R. E. Fengler .... 20 00
Jno. Kruse, Jr 5 00
Wm. Roesner...... .... 20 00
R. Flick 5 00
Steuck & Linehan, final estimate
on 4th street sanitary sewer.. 525 25
Dr. H. T. Walker, vaccinating
school children during Sept., 1901 4 25
I hereby certify that the foregoing is
a true and correct list of all warrants
issued by me during the month of April,
1902 —C. F. Arendt,
City Recorder.
To All Whom It May Concern:
You and each of you are hereby not'.
fled that it is the intention of the City
Council of the City of Dubuque to im-
prove Eighth street from the westerly
lot line of Bluff street to the intersection
of the track of the Chicago Great Wes-
tern Railway Company, with the wes-
Oficial Notices.
terly track of the Chicago, Milwaukee &
St. Paul Railway Company, which is op-
posite lot 5, In block 15, Dubuque Harbor
Improvement Co.'s addition.
That a plat and specification of said
proposed improvement is now on file in
the office of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that said improvement will require 11,173
square yards brick paving, at $1.65 per
yard; 701.2 lineal feet now curbing, at 50c
per foot; 1,583.8 lineal feet curb reset, at
10c per foot.
Any person having objections to said
improvement is hereby notified to appear
before the City Council at its session to
be held on the 22nd day of May or to file
with the City Recorder their objections
in writing on or before the 22nd day of
May, 1902.
Dated May 14th, 1902.
—C. F. Arendt,
5 -14 -Rt City Recorder.
To All Whom It May Concern:
You and each of you are hereby noti-
fled that it is the intention of the City
Council of Dubuque to pave with brick
on a concrete foundation the alley be-
tween Iowa and Clay streets from the al-
ley between Twelfth and Thirteenth
streets, to the north curb line of Fourth
That a plat and specifications of said
proposed improvement is now on file in
the office of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that said improvement will require as
4,891 square yards of brick paving at
$1.50 per yard making a total estimated
cost to the abutting property owners of
Any person having obejctions to said
improvement is hereby notified to ap-
pear before the City Council at its ses-
sion to be held May 22nd, 1902, or to file
with the City Recorder their objections
in writing on or before the 22nd day of
May, 1902.
Dated May 14th, 1902.
—C. F. Arendt,
5-14-8t City Recorder.
Garbage for collection must consist of
food refuse only. This refuse must be
thoroughly drained.
The best receptacle is metal. All re-
ceptacles must me covered and should
be placed near the alley entrance where
possible, for convenience of collection.
Contractors must report any neglect of
these instructions to the Board of
Health. Householders must make all
complaints in relation to the collection
of garbage to the board of health. Phone
185. Collections will be made every day
below the bluff and Tuesdays and Fri-
days on the bluff.
By order Board of Health.
C. H. Berg, Chairman.
C. F. Arendt, Clerk.
City Recorder's Office, May 17, 1902.
Sealed proposals will be received at my
office up to 3:30 p. m. May 22, 1902, for a
five ply gravel roof, to be placed on
the Fourth street and E,Bhteenth street
engine houses, the contractor to remove
the old tin roof. ')ver the roof boards
lay one ply of dry a'oo1 felt. Over this
lay four ply of saturated xool felt,
mopped between each ply with roofing
composition and coated heavily on top
with composition and washed lake gravel.
Said roof to be guaranteed for Jive years
against leaks caused through the nat-
ural wear of said roof or from any im-
proper wcrkmanship of rowing; contrac-
tor. The city reserves the right to re-
ject any and all bids.
—C. F. Arndt, City Recorder.
(Official Publication.)
An Ordinance abolishing the office of
Street Commissioner and conferring the
powers and duties thereof upon the City
Be it ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That as provided by Chap-
ter eighteen of the Revised Ordinances
of 1901, of the City of Dubuque, the office
of Street Commissioner is discontinued
and abolished.
Section 2. All powers and duties by
said Revised Ordinances given to. im-
posed upon, and required of the Street
Commissioner, are hereby conferred up-
on, and required of the City Engineer,
and wherever the words Street Commis-
sioner are used in any of said Revised
Ordinances the words City Engineer are
hereby substituted in place thereof, with
like effect hereafter, as if in said Re-
vised Ordinances except the salary of
City Engineer is not increased by this
Section 3. This ordinance to be in force
and effect from and after its publica-
tion in the Dubuque Globe -Journal news-
Passed by the City Council May 15,
Approved May 16, 1902.
Attest: —C. H. Berg, Mayor,
C. F. Arendt, City Recorder.
Published officially in the Dubuque
Daily Globe -Journal, May 20, 1902.
—C. F. Arendt,
City Recorder.
City Marshal's Office,
Dubuque, lows, May 2, 1902.
To all whom it may concern: Notice
to auctioneers, pawnbrokers, junk deal-
ers, hacks, omnibuses, carriages, drays,
teamsters, expressmen, hotelkeepers,
restaurants, eating houses, owners of
billiard and pool tables, etc., bowling al-
leys, peddlers, theatres and shows, hotel
runners and porters, transient mer-
chants, street venders, vault cleaners
and scavengers and owners
parties No-
tice is hereby given to all
ing a city license. that the same is now
past due and if not paid immediately
of this
will within beten (10) prosecuteds in accordance t thh
the ordinance on that subject.
—Edward Morgan,
5-2-10t. Chief of Police.
Official Notices.
Sealed proposals will be received at the
office of the City Recorder up to 7:30
o'clock p. m., May 15, 1902, for the con-
struction cf a storm water sewer in Elm
street, from Eleventh to Twelfth streets,
In accordance with plans and specifica-
tions prepared by the City Engineer, and
now on file in the office of the City RQ -
corder. It is estimated by the City En-
gineer that it will require 54 lineal feet
of 12 -Inch tile pipe, 54 lineal feet of I:,•
Inch tile pipe, 330 lineal feet of 24 -inch tile
pipe and three manholes.
Also a storm water sewer in Washing-
ton street from Ninth to Eleventh street,
In accordance with plans and enecilica-
tions prepared by the City Engineer, and
now on tile in the office of the City Re-
corder. It is estimated by the City En-
gineer that it will require 112 lineal feet
of 15 -inch tilt. pipe, 322 lineal feet of 20 -
inch tilt pipe, 316 lineal feet of 24 -inch
tile pipe, five manholes and four catch
basi ns.
Bidders will state the price per lineal
foot for tile pipe, the price per manhole
and the price for each catch basin.
AH bids must be accompanied by a cer-
tified check for $50.00 on some Dubuque
bank, as a guarantee that a contract
will be entered into if awarded. The city
reserves the right to reject any and all
bids. —C. F. Arendt,
5-10-5t. City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the office of the city recorder up to 4
o'clock p. m., May 5th, 1902, for the re-
moval of garbage and dead animals for
the season of 1902, in the districts herein
below designated, alt of said garbage to
be hauled and dumped at the city dump
at the foot of Railroad avenue, into the
Mississippi river.
First District—All territory south of
Eighth street and Julien avenue.
Second District—All territory lying be-
tween Eighth street and Julien av nue
and Seventeenth street and West beven-
teenth street.
Third District—All territory lying north
of Seventeenth and West Seventeenth
Garbage must be removed once a day
in the down town districts and twice a
week on the bluffs.
Bidders must state the price per day
for removing in each district and the
price per day in the entire city.
The city reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
—L. M. Langstaff,
4-30 to 5-5. City Recorder.
That a sidewalk four feet wide, of
good two-inch plank, be, within ten days
of this notice, constructed and laid in
conformity with the ordinance in rela-
tion to sidewalks, on the west side of
Wood street, between West 14th street
and north end of said Wood street, abut-
ting lot No. 7 in Myrtle's add., owned by
Martin Kenna, at the expense of abut-
ting property.
Adopted May 1st, 1902.
—C. F. Arendt,
ii -610t City Recorder.
(Official Publication.)
An Ordinance to amend an Ordinance
entitled "An Ordinance defining Offenses,
prescribing the Punishment thereof, and
regulating the manner of prosecutions
for the same."
Be It Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Sectic.n 1. That the above named ordi-
nance be and the same is hereby amend-
ed by inserting after the word "offal" in
the ninth line cf Section 34 of said ordi-
nance the following: "Paper, empty tin
cans, ashes, old shoes, plaster, crockery -
ware, bottles, or rubbish of any nature
whatsoever," and by striking out the
words, "or other offensive matter" in
said ninth line of Section 34.
Sec. 2. That this ordinance be in effect
from and after its publication in the
Dubuque Globe -Journal newspaper.
Passed by the City Council May 15, 1902.
Approved May 16, 1902.
Attest: C. H. Berg, Mayor.
C. F. Arendt.
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Dubuque
Daily Globe -Journal May 20. 1902.
—C. F. Arendt, City Recorder.
Notice is hereby given to all concerned
that a special assessment will be levied
to pay for the construction of an 8 inch
tile pipe sanitary sewer in DIagonai
street, from alley east of Broadway street
to Broadway street, Dolan & McDonald,
contractors. Amount of special assess-
ment, $163.35 against the abutting •prop-
erty upon and along said sewer as pro-
vided by law at a session of the City
Council to be held June 5, 1902.
And that there Is a plat and schedule
on file in the office of the CityRecorder
of said City of Dubuque, showing the
street or a part thereof in which said
sewer has been constructed and the sep-
arate lots and parcels of ground or speci-
fled portion thereof subject to assess-
ment of such improvement the name of
the owner thereof as far as practicable
and the amount to be assessed against
each lot or parcel of ground, which plat
and schedule is subject to public inspec-
And that any and all persons object-
ing to said special assessment of said
plat must file his or their objection in
yriting with the City Recorder of said
City of Dubuque on or before said ses-
sion of the City Council to be held June
5th. 1902, or to appear at said session
of the Council to show cause, if any
you have, why said assessment should
not be levied.
Dated Dubuque, Iowa, May 26, 1902.
City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at the
office of the City Recorder up to 7:30
o'clock p. m., June 5, 1902, for the con-
struction of a circular culvert in Bee
Branch creek across Couler avenue, be-
tween Twenty-seventh street and Peru
Road in accordance with plans and spec-
ifications prepared by the City Engineer
Official Notices.
and now on file in the office of the City
Recorder. It is estimated by the City
Engineer that it will require 109 lineal
feet of culvert, 80 lineal feet of new
curbing, 35 square yards of guttering,
and 64 square yards of macadamizing.
Bidders will state the price per lineal
foot for new curb; the price per square
yard for new gutter, and the price per
square yard for new macadam.
All bids must be accompanied by a cer-
tified check for $100.00 on some Dubuque
bank as a guarantee that a contract
will be entered into if awarded.
The city reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
Dated Dubuque. May 27, 1902.
—C. F. Arendt,
5-27-9t. City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at the
office of the City Recorder up to 7:30
o'clock p. m. Thursday, June 5th, 1902,
for paving Eighth (8th) street, with brick
on a concrete foundation from the west-
erly lot line of Bluff street to the inter-
section of the track of the Chicago
Great Western Railway Company, with
the westerly track of the Chicago, Mil-
waukee & St. Paul Railway Company,
which is opposite lot 5 in Block 15, Du-
buque Harbor Improvement Co's. addi-
tion. and it is hereby proposed to grade
and curb wherever necessary, in accord-
ance with plans and specifications now
en file in the office of the City Recorder
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that said improvement will require 11,173
square yards of brick paving; 701.2 lineal
feet of new curbing; 1,583.8 lineal feet of
old curbing re -set, and that the esti-
mated cost to abutting property owners
for said improvement will amount to
818,944.43. The work to be completed on
or before the first day of September, 1902,
and shall be paid for at the time and in
the manner prescribed by Chapter 32.
of the Revised Ordinances of 1901, of the
City of Dubuque, for the payment of the
cost of street improvements.
Biders must state the price per square
yard for brick paving, also price per
lineal foot for new curbing and old curb-
ing re -set.
The contractor to furnish all new ma-
teria and do all the work.
Each bid must be accompanied with a
certified check for $500.00, on some Du-
buque bank, as a guarantee that a con-
tract will be entered into if awarded.
The city reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
Dated May 26th, 1902.
—C. F. Arendt,
5-26-10t. City Recorder.
Regular Session, June 1, 1902..
Council met at 8:15 p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Alda. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Ald. Raymond ¢Hove that the council
proceedings for the month of May be
approved as printed. Carried.
The following bills were ordered paid:
A. Doerr. Jr., assistant assessor for
May $7500
Jos. J. Murphy, assistant assessor
for May
A. Stoltz. board of prisoners for
Byrne Bros., livery hire
Trexler Bros., livery hire
C. 0. D. laundry, towels and racks
for March, April and May
H. Corrance, soap, soapine and
brushes city hall
Bieg & Rood, stationery and sup-
plies for various offices
Bleg & Rood. stationery and sup-
plies for city attorney
Palmer, Berg & Co., blank books
and blank stationery for various
"Smith -Morgan Printing Co., blank
stationery for various offices
Harger & Blish, supplies and sta-
tionery for city attorney
Tom Allen, glazing at city hall
J. A. Welker, draping for market
master's office
H. Turner, cleaning at city hall ..
Diamond Jo. line steamers to mill
F. Mertz. repairing combination
lock in treasurer's office
Geo. W. Healey & San, 1 new lawn
Geo. W. Healey & Son, 1 hoe and 1
lawn rake
Mullen & Papin, plumbing at city
C. F. Arendt, notarial fee ..... ....
-J. P. Cooke & Co., 2 cushion stamps
for recorder's office
Standard Lumber Co., lumber for
mayor's office
H. Wunderlich & Son, to rent of
tables and chairs for election pur-
Collings & Pflffner. horse shoeing
for road department
F. Scholz & Son, repairing tools for
road department
Hussman & Lies, new tools for
road department
Hussman & Lies, nails for road de-
Standard Lumber Co.. lumber for
road department
P. J. Seippel, lumber for road de-
F. A. Dalton, veterinary services
for road department
Key City Gas Co., removing lamp
posts.................... ... ... .....
Key City Gas Co., coke for steam
road roller
Standard 011 Co., oil for steam road
75 00
2 00
8 00
8 00
12 00
10 15
22 30
4 20
83 75
7 50
3 65
2 75
2 50
7 45
2 00
8 00
1 00
4 30
5 CO
9 20
2 50
2 00
10 85
3 90
10 45
9 80
3 10
1 65
56 15
11 05
Ragatz & Schaetgen, repairs on
steam road roller
Wm. Marshall, repairs on steam
road roller
Kean Bros., pine wood for steam
rcari roller
Kannolt & Powers, horse shoeing
for lire department
Wunderlich & Wiedernoit, horse
shoeing for fire department 8 Cil
Collings & Pflffner, horse shoeing
for fire department 15 00
Key City Gas Co,, coal and coke
for fire department ... ... 24 40
F. A. Dalton. veterinary services
for fire department 16 50
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary services
for fire department 7 68
Mettel Bros., bran for fire depart-
ment i. 00
Ott, Mueser & Co.. shavings for fire
department ..... ... .. .... ......... 3 50
Dubuque 011 Tank Line, oil for fire
department ..... ... -.. 16 05
Jas. Levi & Co., drapings for fire
department 18 05
J. F. Ris & Co., repairs for fire de-
partment ..... ... .. ... ........ ;5
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for fire de-
partment 25
Boston One -Price Clothiers, 35 hats
for fire department 26 25
McDermott & Cow, 1 piece of sheet
lead for fire department 50
F. A. Miller, 2 doz. barn brooms for
fire department .. .... .. 8 00
E. Staheli, repairing clock at Delhi
street engine house • 1 PO
Standard Lumber Co.. lumber at
Fourth and Ninth streets engine •
houses 21 60
Mullen & Papin. plumbing at Ninth
street engine house 4 91)
Wm. Marshall, repairs on steamer
Stewart 12 25.
Collings & Pfiffner, horse shoeing
for police department ... .... 6 50.
H. J. Haggerty. veterinary services
for police department 2 88 •
Central lunch room, six meals for
prisoners 1 20 •
H. Corrance, sacks and barrels for
sewer department ..... ... ... . 90,
E. Fu,hrman, hauling for sewer de-
partment .
Standard Lumber Co., lumber for
sewer department . 10 73
Headford Bros. & Hitchir.s, grate
covers for sewer department4 50
Mullen Bros.,. black pipe and sup-
plies for sewer department 190
Cleaver & McCarten, repairing
•fountain at Eighth and Main Sts2 25
A. E. Bradley: painting and var-
nishing in engineer's office 18 00
Union Electric Co., arc lights for
4 0 45
April and May
Globe -Journal, official printing for
May 60 00
Dubuque Telegraph, official printing 50 00
for May .
National Demokrat, official print-
ing for Max .
Hussman & Lies. hardware for Du-
buque and Wisconsin high bridge 1
Dubuoue Wooden ware & Lumber
Co.. lumber for Dubuque and Wis-
consin high bridge approach 14410
Stance"rd Lumber Co.. lumber for 8 70
engineer's office • • •
T. E. Frith. removing dead animals
during months of January, Febru-
ary. March and April, 1902
F. Schloz & Son, repairs on sprink-
Regular Session, June 1, 1902.
ling wagon
Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co,
50 feet new hose and clamps for
garbage dump . ... 9 55
J. G. Moser, moving stoves at city
hall ..............
J. G. Moser, hardware for road de-
partment..... ... ... ... ...... ....
J. G. Moser. new tools and foun-
tain chains for sewer department.
J. G. Moser, 1 hand saw for Du-
buque and Wisconsin high bridge
approach 1 50
Key City Roofing Co.. sewer pipe
for sewer department ..... ... 4 75
Phil Breithaupt, repairing water
fountain on Southern avenue 90
Lagen & Sullivan, horse shoeing
for fire and road departments 17 60
Jno. Newman & Son, repairing hose
wagon Fourth street engine house 1 75
Jno. Newman & Son, repairing
hook and ladder truck 16 25
Ott, Mueser & Co., lumber for road
Jno. Butt, repairs for road and
sewer departments 615
Jno. Butt, repairs on steamer J. J
Linehan 20 75
G. F. Klelh, grass seed and oil. for
parks ..... ... .... 550
G. F. Kleih, 5 gross of screws for
election purposes .. 35
G. F. Kleih, new tools and hard-
ware far road department 8 55
G. F. Kleih, hardware and nails for
engineer's department 3 75
G. F. Kleih, hardware for board of
health department .... ....... 145'.
Thos. E. Frith, to removing gar-
bage and dead animals during
month of May ... 320 62
Henry Tropf, to six days as mark-
et master 6 60
Geo. W. Healey, I lawn rake for
park 90
Geo. W. Healey, hardware for fire
department ... ,. ..... 20
Rumpf-Frudden Lumber Co., lum-
ber for road department 7' 65
Rumpf•Frudden Lumber Co., lum-
ber at city hall 13 55'
Palmer, Berg & Co., blank station-
ery for electrician 6 00
Palmer, Berg & Co., blank books
for assessor ... 30 00
Palmer, Berg & Co., printing bonds 5 50
Kenna Printing Co., printing 1,500
committee cards 8 00
Kenna Printing Co., letter heads,
etc.. for treasurer 3 75
P. Fury, et al. macadam for road,
department ...... ... .. .... 54 60
Globe -Journal, council weeklies 9 00
E. A. Fengler. to estimate on Du-
buque and Wisconsin high bridge
approach 1000 00
The following bills were ordered re-
Mullin & Pepin, plumbing at city
hall .... .... ... ... ... 18 60
On motion the bill was referred to the
committee on Markets.
Gus Holl, sharpening and grinding
lawn mowers for narks 4 00
On motion the bill was referred to the
committee on Public Grounds and Build-
Dubucaue Telegraph -Herald, health
reports for Mareh and April 22 50
On motion the hill was referred to the
Board of Health.
A. A. Cooper Wagon & Buggy Co.,
to six street sprinklers at $390.00..2340 00
1 75
1 40
5 80
47 35
On motion the bill was referred to the
committee of the Whole.
Becker Bros.. to hauling 28 loads
of cinders down to Detention Hos-
pital 21 00'
On motion the bill was referred to the
Board of Supervisors of Dubuque county.
The following petitions were referred
to the Street committee:
Petition of Henry Schroeder, et al,
asking council to open and improve Heeb
street from the intersection of Semi-
nary street to Kauffman avenue.
Also remonstrance of Peter Holz, et al,
remonstrating against the opening and
improving of Heeb street.
Ald. Frith moved that the petition and
remonstrance be referred to the Street
committee. Carried.
Petition of F. W. Wieland, et al, call-
ing the council's attention to the con-
dition of a storm water sewer located at
the old corporation line, or boundary
line, between the Third and Fifth wards,
from Couler avenue 200 feet west.
Ald. Horr moved to refer the petition
to the Street committee. Carried.
Petition of Peter Kiene, et al, asking
that Willow street and Rosedale ave-
nue be so repaired that it will be -
passable at all seasons of the year to
accommodate the constantly increasing
traffic to that part of the city.
Ald. Raymond moved to refer the pe-
tition to the Street committee and they -
report to the council. Carried.
Petition of M. Tschirgi. Sr., et al. ask-
ing that a grade be established on At-
lantic, Auburn, Algona and Custer ave-
Ald. Horr Droved to grant the prayer,
of the petition and the engineer be in-
structed to establish a grade on the
above named streets, Carried.
Petition of Chas. Pitschner, asking that
the personal taxes assessed against
Marks Harris be canceled for the year
Ald. Horr moved to refer the petition
to the City Attorney. Carried.
The following petitions were referred
to the committee of the Whole:
Petition of L. W. ,Tohnson, asking that
the limit of exemption from taxation en -
all machinery and all goods manufactur-
ed be extended until August 1st, 1921.
Petition of B. J. O'Neill. asking oity
to accept one-half 04) of the gross
amnn.,t a=sessei against lot No. 60 in
O'Neill's Riverview add. for improving -
Burden avenue.
Petition of B. Bracher, et al, asking -
that the water mains be extended in
West Seventeenth street in order to con-
nect their property with the sanitary
On motion the netition was referred to
the Water Works Trustees:
Proposition of Pier & Neuwoehner pro-
posing to furnish the city with seventy-
five (75) or less waste paper boxes. .
Communication of the Dubuque Tele-
graph -Herald asking council to purchase
20 books of the new city directory for the
years 1902 and 1903.
Also communication of M. S. Hardie
asking council to subaribe for the usual'
number of new city directories for the
years of 1902 and 1903.
Ald. Horr moved that both communi-
cations he referred to the committee on
Ald. Corrance moved a substitute that
Regular Session, June 1, 1902.
both communications be referred to the
.committee of the Whole.
Substitute lost by the following vote:
Yeas—Alda. Corrance and Jones.
Nays—Aids. Clancy, .Frith, Horr, Ray-
mond and Sheridan.
The original motion of Ald. Horr to
refer to the committee on Printing was
.then carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Horr, Ray-
mond and Sheridan.
Nays—Aids. Corrance and Jones.
Communication of Bowen & Fitzpat-
rick asking that the judgment and court
coats in case of Margaret Rusch vs. city
of Dubuque, amounting to $1,866.25, be or-
dered paid.
Ald. Sheridan moved that a warrant be
drawn in favor of C. H. Berg, Mayor, tor
the above amount to pay the judgment
and court costs in said case. Carried.
Communication and plat of J. H.
Kleine asking council to approve of the
plat called 'Summit Street Sub -division,
being a sub -division of lots 4 and 5 in
Mattox sub -division.
Whereupon Ald. Raymond offered the
following resolution adopting said plat:
Be it resolved by the City Council of
the city of Dul7uque, That the plat of
Summit Street Sub -division, being a sub-
division of lots 4 and 5 in Mattox sub-
division of the west 261 1-12 feet of out -
lot 721 in said city of Dubuque as platted
by John H. Kleine he approved and the
street thereon shown be approved
and accepted by the city and that
the mayor and recorder of the city are
.directed to make proper certification of
this resolution of approval in order that
said plat may be properly recorded.
Ald. Clancy moved to suspend the rules
and Mr: Wm. Kretschmer be heard. Car-
Mr. Kretschmer addressed the council
in favor of having said plat approved.
Whereupon Ald. Raymond moved to
adopt the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
City Treasurer Brinkman reported as
'To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: Below you will find state-
ment of amounts advanced by me during
the month of May, 1902, for which please
•ordor warrants drawn In my favor.
Excavation permits redeemed $195.00
Interest on warrants outstanding413.88
New York exchange coupons .,2.82
Postage stamps. , , , . 10.00
Refunded tax , , ... ... , 9.45
Refunded hotel license 2.50
Also please order Loan Warrants
drawn, in name of party mentioned be-
low, to take place of Loan Warrants
No. 3351. dated Nov. 8, 1889, and No. 2978,
dated Aug. 8, 1893, which were cancelled.
June 2d, 1902, Margaret Dement ..$1,000.00
—H. Brinkman,
On motion the report was received and
warrants ordered drawn to pay the var-
ious amounts, and the reports referred
back to the committee on Finance.
City Auditor Hoffman reported as fol -
To 'the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: Herewith find my .report
for the month of May, 1902, showing the
receipts and disbursements for the
Cash on hand April 30, 1902 , , . .$62,110.09
Receipts from all sources . , , , , 10,318. i'3
Warrants redeemed during the
month , , $13,292.3b
Coupons redeemed during the
month ,,,•„ 2,971.39
Cash on hand June 1, 1902 ....$56,165.08
Of the cash on hand there belongs
to the Improvement Bond fund$14,158.08
Improvement Bond Interest fund 304.75
Leaving a balance to the credit
of the city of $41,702.25
Also report that there is due City
Officers for the month of May.
1902 $2 313.21
Also the following is a record of all
Interest Coupons redeemed by me for
the past month:
improvement Bond Coupons ....$ 148.75
Regular Bond Coupons 2 822.64
The following list shows the Appropri-
ations and the amount of Warrants
drawn on each Fund since the beginning
of the fiscal year beginning March lat,
1902, to June 1st, 1902:
Appropriation. Expendec.
Expense .... .... ....$40,000 $ 7,644.05
Road . • .. .... ...... 42,000 15,661.65
Fire ... • ...... • .... 35,000 5,488.75
Police , , , . .... • .... 28,000 4,585.70
Sewerage .... .... .... 5,000 1.091.53
Printing , , , . .... .. •• 2,000 270.00
Engineer 4,000 504.70
Gas and Light 25,000 2,020.36
Water Works Bond In-
terest. , , , . .... 25,000
Interest , ... .... 45,000
Board of Health.... 6,000 1,257.55
Grading , ... .... 2,000 46.40
Bee Branch .... 13,000 405.35
Eagle Point Bridge 5,000 2,120.35
Special Bonded Paving5,000
Redemption , ... .... , 2,500
Judgment .... .... 3,000 919.93
Library . , 6,000
Sprinkling, 1st district 750 24.02
Sprinkling, 2nd district2,300 48.14
Sprinkling, 3rd district . 2,200 48.15
Sprinkling, 4th district . 2,300 48.12
Sprinkling, 5th district . 1,500
Special Bonded Debt In-
tel est
Grandview Ave. Engine 6000 300.(10House....
Mt. Carmel Ave. Grading 1,0500
Sidewalk repairing .. ..
Special Sewer Fun 5,000 924.45
Total appropriation . ,$318,050
Respectfully submitted,
—F. B. Hof2man,
On motion the report was received and
warrants ordered drawn to pay city
ficers and the report referred back to the
Finance committee.
Regular Session, June 1, 1902.
Fire Chief Reinfriedreported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque: Gen-
tlemen: 1 submit my pay roll for the
fire department for the month of May,
Amount due firemen $2,123.65
—Joe Reinfried, Chief.
Approved: —Matt. ClancY,
Chairman Committee on Fire.
On motion the pay roll was received,
and warrants ordered drawn to pay fire-
men, and the pay roll referred back to
the committee on Fire.
Chief of Police Morgan reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque: Gen-
tlemen: I herewith submit my report
and pay roll for the police department for
the month of May, 1902:
Total arrests fur the month
Patrol runs for the month
Miles run for the month
Doors found open
Residents arrested
Lodgers harbored....
Defective lights
Meals furnished
Cost of food.
Also Treasurer's receipts for impound-
ing $2.00.
Also the pay roll for policemen for the
month of May, 1902. Amount due police-
men $2,149.65. Respectfully submitted.
—Edw. Morgan,
Chief of Police.
On motion the report and pay roll were
received and warrants ordered drawn to
pay policemen and the report referred
back to the committee on Police.
City Engineer Boyce reported as Poi -
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque: Gen-
tlemen: I herewith submit my pay roll
for labor, cleaning and repairing streets
and alleys during the last half of May,
Amount due laborers on streets..$2,220.50
Respectfully submitted,
—James E. Boyce, City Engineer.
E. E. Frith, Chairman Committee on
Streets; John. J. Sheridan.
Also submit my pay roll for labor on
sewers for the last half of May, 1902.
Amount due laborers on sewers....$192.20
Respectfully submitted,
—James H. Boyce, City Engineer.
John J. Sheridan, Chairman Committee
on Sewers; Joseph L. Horr.
On motion the pay roll on Sewers and
Streets was received and warrants or-
dered drawn to pay the various amounts,
and the pay rolls referred back to the
proper committees.
Also submit my pay roll for teams
hauling sprinkling wagons during the
last half of May, 1902. Amount due
teamsters, $275.20.
Respectfully submitted,
—James II. Boyce, City Engineer.
George N. Raymond, Chairman Com-
mittee on Paving, Sweeping and Sprink-
ling; Joseph L. Horr and Matt. Clancy.
On motion the pay roll was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay the
above amounts.
City Electrician Hipman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque: Gen-
tlemen: I herewith submit my report
of defective lights for the month of May,
1902. I find from the reports of the Police
Department that the total hours that 405.
lamps failed to burn would equal thir-
teen lamps for one month or $70.20.
Respectfully submitted,
—William Hipman,
City Electrician.
On motion the report was received
and the auditor instructed to deduct
from the 1'nlon Electric Company's bill
for the month of May, 1902, the amount
of $70.20.
The following weighmasters' and wood
measurers' receipts were referred to the
committee on Markets.
Anton Stoltz. city hall recelpts....$12.0o
Also Treasurer's receipts attached to
the amount of $113.00 as part payment on
hucksters' stands for the season of 1902.
R. Hay, 8th and White street, re-
ceipts $ .95
Mrs. S. Deckert, 5th Ward. receipts 1.21
R. Hay, 8th and White streets, re-
ceipts for month of April 1.60
Louise Pitschner, West Dubuque,
receipts .40
R. F. Curran, . wood measurer re-
ceipts for May, 1902 1.13
The mayor stated that he had sold the
improvement bonds, as per instructions.
by the council, amounting to $2,216.00,
and presented the receipt for said
On motion the Council approved the•
action of the Mayor.
Ald. Frith moved to open the bids for
constructing a circular culvert in Bee
Branch creek across Couler avenue be-
tween 27th street and Peru road. Car-
Aid. Horr moved that the bid of Mersch
& Siegrist be returned unopened. Car-
Bids as follows: '
Anton Aberi—
Culvert, per lineal foot $7.00
Curbing, per lineal foot .40 -
Guttering, per square yard .45
Macadamizing, per square yard .35
Steuck & Linehan—
Culvert, per lineal foot $12.75•
Curbing, per lineal foot .50
Guttering, per square yard .40
Macadamizing, per square yard .40 -
O'Farrell & Street—
Culvert, per lineal foot $13.00
Curbing, per lineal foot .45
Guttering, per square yard .45
Macadamizing, per square yard .50
Ald. Horr moved to award the contract
to Anton Abcri, he being the lowest bid-
der. Carried.
Aid. Clancy brought up the matter of
improving Langworthy avenue and
moved that the contract be awarded to
Steuck & Linehan, they being the low-
est bidders.
Ald. Corrance moved a substitute to -
postpone action until the street commit-
tee reports to the council at its next reg-
ular meeting. Carried.
Ald. Frith, chairman of the committee
on Streets, reported as follows:
Your committee on Streets, to whom
was referred the hili of M. Hannon for
hauling rock from the Dubuque and
Regular Session, June 1, 1902.
Wisconsin Bridge approach, would rec-
ommend that a warrant be ordered
drawn on the Treasurer in favor of M.
Hannon for $3.40 in settlement of his
Also your committee on Streets, to
whom was referred with power the peti-
tion of Mrs. Henry Rooney in relation
to the damage caused to her property by
for moving patients to the Dentention
Hospital, and fumigating residences in
smallpox cases, were audited and recom-
mended paid by the county. Also that a
notice was ordered put in the papers for
all colored people who have not been
vaccinated to call at the office of the
City Health Physician and be vaccinated.
The Board also recommends the use of
the opening of Robinson alley, beg to'
the Safety Garbage Can sold by E. E.
report that we have instructed the City Frith
Engineer to build a retaining wall so as
to prevent further damage to her prop-
erty. —E. E. Frith. Chairman.
Also your committee on Bee Branch, to
whom was referred the petition of Jean
Theis, asking that he be deeded back that
part of lot 2 of 106, L. H. Langworthy's
add., lying east of Elm street, from
Eagle Poiret avenue to Sanford avenue,
beg to report that it was the understand-
ing of both the special committee that
purchased the right of way and of Mr.
Theis, that a 30 -foot strip was all that
was being conveyed to the city. The
deed. however, conveyed to the city all
of said lot lying between the east line
of the Bee Branch right of way and that
of the Chicago Great Western Railway
company; we woulld therefore recommend
that the City Engineer be instructed to
prepare a plat in accordance with the in-
tention of the parties to the transfer as
above set out. and that that part of lot
2 of lot 106 of L. H. Langworthy's add.
not needed by the city be re -conveyed to
Jean Theis.
E. E. Frith,
Joseph L. Horr,
John Sheridan.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report.
Ald. Corrance, chairman of the com-
mittee on Markets, reported as follows:
Owing to the death of Anton Stoltz,
market master, the committee on Mar-
kets appointed temporarily Henry J.
Tropf to fill the vacancy; and would
recommend to the council that the action
of the committee be ratified; we would
further recommend that he be elected to
the office of market master during the
pleasure of the council.
E. E. Frith.
Joseph L. Horr,
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the report.
Joseph L. Harr, chairman of the coin.,
mittee of the Whole, reported as fol-
Your committee of the Whole would re-
spectfully recommend that the Union
Electric company be instructed to remove
its tracks. wire and poles from Jones
street between the Illinois Central rail-
road tracks and the levee, and to replace
the street in proper condition.
Also your committee of the Whole. to
whom was referred the published notice
of the Council's intention to pave Eighth
street with brick from Bluff street to
the railway tracks, and also the re-
monstrance of the Martin-Strelau Co., et
al, against the paying of said street east
of Clay street, would recommend that
the prayer of the remonstrators be
granted and that the action of the City
Council in ordering the paving of Bluff
street be reconsidered.
Also your committee of the Whole. to
whom was referred the published notice
of the Council's Intention to pave the
alley between Iowa and Clay streets with
brick from the alley between Twelfth.
and Thirteenth streets to Fourth street,
and also the remonstrance of Byrne
Bros., et al. against such proposed im-
provement, would recommend that the
remonstrance be received and filed, and
that the action of the City Council at
the last regular session thereof in failing
to adopt the resolution ordering
improvement be -Jos reconsidered. sHorr, Chairman.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report
of the committee of the Whole. Carried.
Ald. Corrance moved that the action
of the Council of May 22nd, 1902, to pave
betweenwith brick the alley Iowa
Clay streets, from the alleybetween
Twelfth and Thirteenth streets to Fourth
street be reconsidered.
Ald. Corrance moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Jones, of the Board of Health, re-
ported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the city of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: Your Board of Health at
spectfullya meeting held June 2,
that the bill of Dr.
C. Hancock, according to the opinion of
the City Attorney, was referred back to
Mr. Hancock, for him to make out his
rel in commend strict
billto ofthe
H. Tor-
bert for one box of vaccine points at 85
cents and 100 pills used at Dentention
Hospital at 36 cents; that the5t cents
for vaccine points be paid,
and 35
cents for pills used at the Detention Hos-
e recom-
be paid by the county.
Also mend that the bill of Dr. James Alder-
son for vaccinating children of the Irv-
ing school who were unabletopapiday for
same, amounting to $10.25, be
report that the bills of Mr. John Voelker
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alda. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones and Raymond.
Nays—Aid. Sheridan.
The notice of special assessment to pay
for the construction of a sanitary sewer
in Diagonal street from alley east of
Broadway street to Broadway ublisher
properly certified to by
was read. one present
The mayor inquired if any
had any objections to otter against the
said special assessment. objections.
No one present offered any ob j
Ald. Sheridan, Chairman
Committee, offered the
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for build-
ing an eight -inch (8) tile pipe sewer on
Diagonal street by Dolan & MacDonald,
contractors, in front of and adjoining
the same, a special tax be and is arts of
levied on the several lots, and p
lots, and parcels of real estate herein-
after named, situated and owned, and
154 Regular Session, June 1, 1902.
for 'the several amounts set opposite each
lot or parcel of real estnt-, as follows:
Special assessment submitted passed
June 5, 1902
F. G. Benz, lot 2 of 1 •of 3, Rein -
franks' sub., 40 feet 2 58 00
Robt. Schoenbeck, lot 1 of 1 of 3,
Reinfrank's sub., 40 feet 58 B0
C. Buelow, lot 2, Reinfrank's sub,
33 feet ... ... ... ... 47 85
Total amount ..... ... ... ....:3163.85
Aid. Sheridan moved to adopt.
Carried by 'the fo11oWing vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, •Corrance, •Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Aid. Frith moved that the council pro-
ceed to vote for the office of market -
master for the unexpired term of Anton
Stoltz, deceased. Carried.
Mayor Berg appointed Aids. Jones and
Sheridan as tellers.
Ald. Frith nominated H. J. Tropf for
Ald. Clancy nominated Jack. Sievers
for market master.
First ballot—
H. J. Tropf 5
Jac. Sievers .......... ... ... ... 3
There being eight votes cast instead of
seven the mayor called for another bal-
Second ballot—
H. J. Tropf
Jac. Sievers 2
Mr. H. J. Tropf receiving the majority
of votes the mayor declared him elected
marketmaster for the unexpired term of
A. Stoltz. deceased. during the pleasure
of the Clty Council.
Alderman Frith offered the following:
Be it Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That the City At-
torney be and he is hereby directed to
prerare an opinion as to whether or not
the city can compel the Chicago Great
Western Railway company to construct
tbat part of the Bee Branch sewee cross-
ing Its right of way between Garfield
and Rhomberg avenues at its own ex-
pense and to present such opinion to the
committee of the Whole at its next ses-
Alderman Frith also offered the follow-
Be it Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That the City En-
gineer he and he is hereby instructed to
Prepare a plan and specifications for the
extension of the Bee Branch sewer north
from the present termination thereof, and
to file such plan and specifications, to-
gether with an estimate of the cost of
carrying said sewer to Sanford street, in
the office of the City Recorder, who will
thereupon advertise for bids for the
construction of said sewer between the
above named pornts or as much there-
of as the appropriation will permit.
Alderman Frith moved to adopt the
resolutions. Carried.
Alderman Horr offered the following:
Whereas, It is deemed necessary and
advisable by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque to improve Eighth
street from the west lot line of Bluff
street to the west lot line of Clay street,
and it is hereby proposed to grade, curb,
wherever necessary, and pave said street
with brick on a concrete foundation;
-Resoived by the Ctty Council of the
City of Dubuque, That the Ctty Engi-
neer be and he is hereby directed to pre-
pare a plat -showing generally- the loca-
tion and nature of such improvement
and the extent thereof, and the kind of
material to be used, and an estimate of
the entire coat thereof, and the amount
and cost of such improvement, and the
amount assessable upon any railway or
street railway company, the amount and
cost thereof to be paid by the city, :f
any, and the cost thereof and amount
assessable upon each lot or parcel of
land adjacent to or abutting upon such
improvement, per front foot. and to tile
such plat and estimate in the office of
the City Recorder, that after the filing
of said plat and estimate in his office,
to the City Recorder shall publish in
three consecutive issues of a newspaper
published in this city a notice stating
that such plat and estimate are on file,
the location and nature of the improve-
ment, kind of material to be used, and
an estimate of its cost and the time be-
fore which objections thereto can be
flied and the time fixed for hearing,
which time shall not be less thanflve days
after the last publication of such notice
and after such publication shall have
been made the City Recorder shall, at
the next regular session of the city coun-
cil notify the council thereof in writing
with a printed copy of such notice ac-
companying the same.
Alderman Horr moved to adopt the
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance. Frith,
Horr, Jones. Raymond and Sheridan.
Ne ys—None.
Alderman Horr also offered the follow-
Whereas, It is deemed necessary and
advisable by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque to improve Eleventh
street from the east lot line of Main
street to the west lot line of Iowa street
and it is hereby proposed to grade, curb
wherever necessary and pave said street
with brick on a concrete foundation;
Resolved, By the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That the City Engi-
neerr be and is hereby directed to pre-
pare a plat showing generally the loca-
tion and nature of such improvement
and the extent thereof and the kind of
material to be used, and an estimate of
the cost thereof, and -the amount and
cost of such improvement, and the
amount assessable upon any railway or
street railway corporation, the amount
and cost thereof to be paid by the city,
if any, and the cost thereof and amount
assessable upon each lot or parcel of
land adjacent to or abutting upon such
improvement per front foot, and to file
such plat and estimate in the office of
the City Recorder; that after the filing
of said plat and estimate in his office,
the •City Recorder shall publish in three
consecutive issues of a newspaper pub-
lished in this city a notice stating that
such plat and estimate are on file, the
location and nature of the improvement,
kind of material to be used, and an es-
timate of its cost and the time before
which objections thereto can be filed and
the time fixed for hearing, which time
shall not be less than five days after the
last publication of such notice and after
Regular Session, June 1, 1902.
such publication shall have been made
the City Recorder shall, at the next reg-
ular session of the City Council, notify
the Council thereof in writing with a
printed copy or such notice accompany-
ing the same.
Alderman Horr moved to adopt the
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alda. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Ald. Horr also offered the following:
Be It Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque: That the alley be-
tween Clay and Iowa streets from the
alley between Twelfth and Thirteenth
streets to the north curb line of Fourth
street be improved by grading and pav-
ing the same with brick on a concrete
foundation in accordance with the plat
and specifications for such Improvement
prepared by the City Engineer, and now
on file in the office of the City Recorder,
Be it further resolved, that said im-
provement shall be completed on or be-
fore the 1st day of September, 1902, and
shall be paid for at the time and in the
manner prescribed by Chapter 32 of the
Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of
Dubuque for the payment of the cost of
street improvements.
The proposals for doing such work will
be acted upon by the council on the 19th
day of June, 1902, and the City Recorder
is hereby ordered to give ten days' no-
tice by publication, asking for proposals,
as provided by ordinance.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the resolu-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones and Raymond.
Nays—Aid. Sheridan.
Alderman Sheridan offered the fol-
Be it Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That the Auditor
be and he is hereby directed to charge
all repairs and supplies connected with
water fountains to the General Expense
fund and to charge nothing but the cost
of maintaining and operating the sani-
tary sewers to the Sewer fund.
Alderman Sheridan moved to adopt the
resolution. Carried.
Ald. Sheridan also offered the follow-
Whereas, it is deemed necessary and
advisable by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque to construct a sanitary
sewer in West Foourteenth street, and
it is hereby proposed to construct a
sanitary sewer in said West Fourteenth
street as follows, to -wit: An eight inch
tile pipe sewer from the center of Prairie
street to the center of Walnut street.
therefore he it
Resolved by the City Council of tho
City of Dubuque, That the city Engineer
be and he is hereby directed to prepare
a plat and specifications showing the 10r•
caticn and general nature of such int•
provcment, the extent thereof, the size
and kind of material to be used, and to
pi epare an estimate of the cost thereof,
and the amount assessable upon each
lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abut-
ting thereon per front foot or square foOt
in area and to file such plat, specifica-
tions and estimate in the office of the city
That after such plat is filed, the city
Recorder shall cause to be published no-
tice of the intention of the council to
make such improvement, which notice
shall he published in three consecutive
issues of the official newspaper of the
city stating that such plat is on file, and,
generally the nature of the sewer, its
location, size and kind of materials to be
used and the estimate of its cost, and
fixing the time before which objections
can be filed, which time shall not be lees
than five days after the last publication
of such notice, and after the completion
of the publication of such notice, he shall
at its next regular session notify the
council thereof in writing with a printed
copy of such notice accompanying the
Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the reso-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Ald. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Ald. Horr moved to suspend the rules
and Mr. Markland he heard. Carried.
Mr. Markland addressed the council,
proposing to sell a stone crusher to the
Ald. Frith stated he would be in favor
of purchasing a stone crusher.
Ald. Clancy moved to adjourn until
June 19, 1902. Carried.
—C. F. Arendt,
City Recorder.
156 Regular Session, June 19, 1902.
Regular Session June 19th, 1902.
met at 8 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Alda. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Petition of James Harron asking per-
mission to erect a two story frame dwell-
ing on Jackson street between Twelfth
and Thirteenth streets. Ald. Sheridan
moved to grant the prayer of the petition.
Petition of T. J. Donahue asking that
he be appointed weighmaster of the
Grandview avenue scales.
Ald. Sheridan moved to grant the peti-
tion providing he pays in advance for all
, tigh books. Carried.
Petition of Bernice M. McFadden et al
asking that the width of Langworthy Ave-
nue from Hill tc Alpine and from Booth
to Alpine streets be made thirty (30) feet
from curb to curb and the sidewalks to
be fifteen (15) feet wide for parking pur-
poses, also that the water mains and sew-
erage be put in said avenue before being
imp.oved and that the City Engineer be
instructed to prepare plans and specifica-
tions embodying above plans of improv-
ing the avenue.
Ald. Sheridan moved to grant the peti-
tion. Carried.
Petition of John McGee asking city to
purchase his macadam located at 513
southern avenue. .
On motion the petition was referred to
the Street committee.
Petition of John L. Wagner et al re-
questing the council to take some action
to give them relief from the dangerous
condition of Firth Avenue, the same being
in an impassable condition, endangering
life and limb. On motion the petition
was referred to the Committee on Streets
and City Engineer.
Petition of A. Ney et al, property own-
ers on Iowa street, Fifth street and Lo-
cust street, asking that the Union Electric
company be allowed to abandon their
street car service on the Iowa street line
between Sixteenth and Jackson and Sec-
ond and Locust streets, and to give a
reasonable time to the Union Electric
company to take up said track (one year)
so as to thoroughly test the neW sched-
Ald. Frith moved to grant the prayer
of the petition.
Ald. Horr moved a substitute that the
matter be referred to the committee of
the Whole.
Substitute carried by the following
Yeas—Aids. Corrance, Ilorr, Jones, Ray-
mond and Sheridan.
Nays—Aids. Clancy and Frith.
Petition of Jacob Grode et al, residents
and property owners in the vicinity of
Rhomberg avenue and Elm street, asking
to have a nuisance in the shape of an old
planing mill and box factory removed
from the premises where now located,
near the corner of Rhomberg avenue and
Elm., street.
Ald. Sheridan moved to refer the mat-
ter to the City Attorney. Carried.
Petition of the Sisters of Charity asking
that the water mains in Grandview Ave-
nue be extended down to the convent as
tar as Mount Carmel gate.
On motion the petition was referred to
the Dubuque Water Works Trustees.
Petitions of John Heil, Jchn J. Sullivan
and Gust. Wiedner asking that they be
exempted on their homestead from taxa-
tion to the amount of Eight Hundred Dol-
lars fcr the year 1901, they being honor-
ably discharged union soldiers.
On motion the petitions were referred
to the Delinquent Tax Committee.
Petition of the Germania Stock company
asking fcr a reduction of the assessable
valuation on the property known as the
Germania Hall, for the year 1901, the same
as it was reduced to for 1900.
On motion the petition was referred to
the Board of Equalization.
Claim of Mrs. Maria Kruse claiming the
sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00)
for injuries sustained by falling on an
ice covered sidewalk on Rhomberg Ave-
Ald. Horr moved to refer the claim to
the committee on Claims and City Attc:r-
ney. Carried.
claim of Fred Wagner claiming the sum
of $275.00 for the loss of his horse and
wagon in Fifth Avenue as the result of a
heavy storm.
On motion the claim was referred to the
committee of the Whole.
Annual report of the Dubuque high
Bridge company for the fiscal year ending
Apiil 30th, 1902, was read and on motion
was referred to the Special committee ap-
pointed to audit the report.
City Attorney Barnes reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and Aldermen
of of the. City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen—At a regular meeting of
your Honorable Body held on the 5th day
of June, 1902, you referred to me the peti-
tion of Charles Pitschner, agent for Mark
Harris of Minneapolis, Minnesota, with:
relation to the cancellation of $36.32 per-
sonal taxes against I. Harris for the year
1900, for my opinion and recommenda-
Upon an examination of the records of
Dubuque county, 1 find that on the first
day of January, 1900, the title to lot No.
27, Deming and Horr sub -division, and
being the property referred to in said pe-
tition, rested in I. Harris, and was not'
transferred to said Mark Harris until the
9th day of November, 1900. Under these
circumstances said personal taxes of 1.
Harris for the year 1900 was a lien upon
said property at the date of the sale to
Mark Harris, and is still a lieh thereon.
I would therefore recommend that the
petition of Charles Pitschner, agent for
said Mark Harris, asking that said lot
be released from said liability, be received
and filed by your Honorable Body. Re-
spectfully submitted,
—G. A. Barnes,
City Attorney.
On motion the report was. adopted.
City Engineer Boyce reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen—I herewith submit my pay
roll fpr _ labor cleaning and repairing
Regular Session, June 19, 1902.
streets during the first half of June, 1902:
Amount due laborers on streets, ,$1,303.65
Respectfully submitted,
—James 11. Boyce,
City Engineer.
E. E. Frith,
Chairman Committee on Streets.
Joseph L. Horr,
John J. Sheridan.
Also submit my pay roll for labor on
Sewers during the first half of June, 1902:
Amount due laborers on sewers. , , ,$177.80
Respectfully submitted,
—James H. Boyce,
City Engineer.
John J. Sheridan,
Chairman Committee on Sewers.
Joseph L. Horr,
Hugh Corrance.
Also submit my pay roll for Teams haul-
ing sprinkling wagons during the first
half of June, 1902:
Amount due teamsters for sprink-
ling ..... ... .$156.80
Respectfully submitted,
—James H. Boyce,
City Engineer.
George N. Raymond,
Chairman on Paving, Sweeping and
Joseph L. Horr,
Matt. Clancy.
On motion the pay rolls on Streets,
Sewers and Sprinkling were received and
warrants ordered drawn to pay the vari-
ous amounts and the pay rolls referred
back to the proper committees.
The City Engineer also submitted the
bill of Pape & Jacquinot for constructing
a tile pipe sewer in Washington street,
amount $639.61.
Ald. Frith moved that the bill be allow-
ed and that a warrant be drawn for the
amount. Carried.
The City Engineer also reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen—Attached please find profile
oT Ardmore Terrace from Wilber Lane to
West Eleventh street. The red line shows
the proposed grade. Also attached please
find profiles of (1)—Custer avenue, from
Algona avenue to Atlantic avenue; (2)—
Atlantic avenue, from Julien avenue to
West Fourteenth street; (3)—Algona ave-
nue, from Delhi street to West Fourteenth
street; (4)—Auburn avenue, from Delhi
street to Brest Fourteenth street. Black
solid line shows proposed grades.
On motion the report was referred
the committee on Streets and City
City Recorder Arendt presented
read the published notice of Special
sessment to pay for the construction of an
8 -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in alley
between White
Seventeenth street to Jackson y e-
Eagle PointAve-
nue, and in Nineteenth street from
west ley
east of White street to alley
'Washington street, properly certifiedto
by ed
the publisher. No objections being
filed the Mayr asked if any one present
had any objections to said Special Assess-
ments. No one present offered any 'ob-
jection. ''hereupon A10. $heridazi offered
the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for an 8
inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in alley be-
tween White street and Jackson street,
from Seventeenth street to Eagle Point
Avenue and in Nineteenth stree from
alley east of White street to alley east
of Jackson street, by Oliver G. Kringle,
contractor, in front of and adjoining the
same, a special tax be and is hereby
levied on the several lots, and parts of
lots, and parcels of real estate hereinaf-
ter named, situated and owned, and for
the several amounts set opposite each
lot or parcel of real estate, as follows:
Special assessment submitted and pass-
ed June 19th, 1902:
Elizabeth Olinger, city S 1-5, lot 486,
61.2 ft AAAA $ 24 57
Mich. Junker, city 5 1 5 M 1-5, lot
486, 25.6 lin ft 12 28
Mich. Junker, city N , 5 M 1-5, lot
486, 25.6 lin ft 12 28
Alex Hasler, city M 1-5, lot 486, 512
lin. ft 24 57
John Schuler, city N 2-5, lot 486,
102.4 lin. ft 4915
Egelhardt Hemmi, city 5 1-5, lot 487,
51.2 lin ft..... AAAA 24 b7
Egelhardt Hemmi, city 5 1, 5 M 1-5,
lot 487. 26.6 lin. ft 12 28
Peter Nicks, N 1, 5 M 1-5 lot 487,256
lin ft 12 28
Peter Nicks, S '/i, M 1-5 lot 487, 25.6
25.6 lin ft 12 23
Frank Ganahl, city N 1, M 1-5, lot
487, 25.6 lin. ft 12 28
Crecenzia Pfiffner, city N M 1-5, lot
487, 51.2 lin ft 24 57
Wm. J. Keller, city 5 34, N 1-5, lot
25.6 lin. ft 12 28
Chas. Matz. city N 1, N 1-5, lot 487,
25.6 lin. ft 12 28
Gabriel Bawmgartner, S 1-5, l,ot 488,
51.2 11n ft 24 J7
Gabriel Baumgartner, city 5 1.5 ft
S M 1-5, lot 488. 1.5 lin ft 72
Chris. Mosher, city N 49.7 ft, S M
1-5, lot 488, 49.7 lin ft .. 2555
Jos. Baumgartner, city S 34, M 1-5, 18 43
lot 488, 33.4 lin ft
Mich. Junker, city N 1/4. M 1-5, 5
N M 1-5, lot 488, 25.6 lin ft 12 28
Monica Fessler, city N 34, N M 1-5,
lot 488. 38.4 lin ft 18 43
O. G. Kringle. city S 1.2 ft. N 1-5, lot
488, 1.2 lin. ft...
Jos. A. and John Meyer, city S 1-5, 57
lot 489, 51.2 lin. ft
Henry Doft Est., city 5 M 1-5, lot 24 57
489. 51.2 lin. ft
Henry Doft Est., city 5 3 ft, M 1-5, 144
lot 489. 3 lin ft
Jos. Tschudi, city N 48.2 ft., M 1-5,23 13
lot 489, 48.4 lin. ft
Chas. Timmesch, city S 52.4 ft, N 25 15
2-5. lot 489. 52.4 lin ft
Aug. Koester, city 5 1/2. 5 1-5, lot 490, 12 d
25.6 lin. ft
Frank Phillips. city U 1. 5 1-5, lot 12 28
490, 25.6 lin. ft
Fred Doerrer, city S M 1-5. lot 490, 24 57
51.2 lin. ft
Frank Schrup. city 5 lfi. M 1-5, lot 12 28
490, 25.6 lin. ft
Mary Waltz, city N 34, M 1-5, lot 1r 2g
49(1, 25.6 ....
1 Anton Genslerliu.ft, pity N 14 1-. .., lot 490, 67
51.2 lin. ft.....
Martha Weide-er, city N 1-5, lot 490. 24 57
51.2 lin ft...... •
Zvlin. Mit..eyer, city 5 1-5, lot 491, 51.2 24 57
Adam Doerrer, Jr., city 5 M 1-5, lot 24 d
491. 51.2 lin. ft.....
Fred and Helen Bade, city N 34• M 12 28
1-5. lot 491. 25.6 lin. t.. ........
158 Regular Session, June 19, 1902.
Wm. Hollnagle, L. H. Langworthy'$
add., W 1, lot 35, 64.9 lin. ft $ 31 15
Emma Brose, L. H. Langworthy's
add., E 14 lot 35, 63.2 lin. ft 30 33
Conrad Fuchs, L. 11. Langworthy's
W 14 lot 36, 64.9 lin. ft 31 15
John Fc.esellman, L. H. Lang -
worthy's add., N E 1/2 lot 36, 31.6
lin. ft
Frank and Susan Wilging, L. H.
Langworthy's add., 5 E 14, lot 36,
31.7 lin. ft
Geo. Wilging, Jr., L. H. Lang -
worthy's add., W % lot 37, 64.9 lin
Marg. Haas, L. H. Langworthy'
add., E 1¢ .lot 37, 63.3 lin. ft
Geo. Wilging, Jr., L. H. Lang
worthy's add., N W 14 lot 38, 32.
lin. ft
Aug. Wunderlich, L. H. Lan
worthy's add., 5 W '/4 lot 38, 32.
lin. ft
Geo. Ragatz. L. H. Langworthy'
add., E % lot 38, 63.3 lin. ft
30 38
Kate Rooney, L. H. Langworthy'
N W ?, and N W 26 ft. of 5
14 of W'4 lot 39, 58,6 lin ft
Mary Perrott, L. H. Langworthy'
add., S 6 ft. of W % lot 39, 6.1 lin
Louisa Frisch, L. H. Langworthy'
add., E % lot 39, 63.3 lin. ft'
Mary Perrott, L. H. Langworthy'
add., N 22 ft, W % lot 40, 22.3 lin ft
Eliz. Drasda, L. H. Langworthy'
add., 5 42 ft. W % lot 40, 42.6 lin. f
Paul Frisch, L. H. Langworthy'
add., N 54 ft. E % lot 40, 53.6 lin. f
Nick Nicks' Est., L. H. Lang
worthy's add., S 10 ft, E 3t lot 40
9.9 lin. ft
Nick Nicks' Est., L. H. Lang
worthy's add., E 1 lot 41, 63.3 lin
Eliz. Drasda, L. H. Langworthy'
add., N 18 ft W % lot 41, 18.3 lin. ft
Frank Drasda, L. H. Langworthy'
add., 5 46 ft. lot 41, 46.9 lin. ft
Frank Drasda, L. H. Langworthy'
add., W 3t lot 42, 64.9 lin. ft
Frank Drasda, L. H. Laugworthy'
W 14 lot 43, 64.9 lin. ft
M. A. Rooney, L. H. Langworthy's
add.. lot 1 of E lh lot 42 and E
lot 43, 33.6 lin. ft
Mat. Nesler Est., L. H. Lang
worthy's add., 'ot 2 of E '4 lot 4
and E '4 lot 43, 49.5. lin. ft
Nic Louis, L. H. Langworthy's add
lot 3 of E 3¢ lot 42 and E % lot 43,
23.7 lin. ft
C. Deckert, L. H. Langworthy's
add., lot 4 of E '' lot 42 and E '4
lot 43, 36.5 lin. ft
Jno. Eichhorn, Langworthy's add,
W ' lot 44, 64.9 lin. ft
Geo. Jungk, L. H. Langworthy's
add., N 18.5 ft E '4 lot 44, 17.8 lin,
M. A. Rooney, L. H. Langworthy's
add., 5 M 31.7 ft. E 14 lot 44, 31.4
lin. ft
Andrew Gruber. L. H. Langworthy's
add., 5 14 ft. E 3t .lot 44, 13.8 lin. ft.
Mrs. Annie Dell, Steiner's add., lot
8, 50. lin. ft
Ed. Baumgartner, Steiner's add., 5
20 ft, lot 7, 20 lin. ft
J. B. Baumgartner, Steiner's add„
N 30 ft. lot 7, 30 lin. ft
John Dorgan, Steiner's add., lot 9
and N 24 ft lot 10, 74 lin. ft
Essie Trueb, city 5 3¢, M 1-5 lot 491,
25.6 lin. ft $ 12 28
15 17
15 21
15 50
. 10 70
t 20 45
t 25 73
31 15
30 38
15 50
28 13
2 93
30 38
4 75
30 38
22 51
31 15
31 15
16 13
23 76
11 37 .
17 52
31 15
8 54
14 88
6 62
24 00
9 60
14 40
35 52
Allen Woodward, city N M 1-6, lot
491, 51.2 lin. ft
German Cong. church, city N 1-5
lot 491, 51.2 lin. ft
St. Paul's German church, Stein-
er's add., lots 11 and 12, 100 lin.
Frank Beyer, Steiner's add, lot 13,
60 lin. ft
Andrew Gruber, Steiner's add., lot
14, 50 lin. ft
H. Ackerman, Steiner's add., S 26
ft. lot 10, 26 lin. ft
24 57
24 57
48 00
24 00
24 00
12 48
Total $1,504 07
Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alda. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
City Recorder Arendt also presented
and read the published notice of special
assessment to pay for the improvement
of Cox street from Union Avenue to alley
First, north of Angella street, properly
certified to by the publisher. No objec-
tion being filed, the Mayor asked if any
one present had any objections to said
special assessments. No one present of-
fered any objection, whereupon Ald. Frith
offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for im-
proving Cox street from Union Avenue to
alley First, north of Angella street, by
O'Farrell & Norton, contractors, in front
of and adjoining the same, a special tax
be and is hereby levied on the several
lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of'
real estate hereinafter named, situated
and owned, and for the several amounts
set opposite each lot ,or parcel of real es-
tate, as follows:
Special assessment 'submitted and pass-
ed June 19th, 1902:
J. H. Bradley. lot 2 of out lot 744.
lot 744, 427.2 lin. ft. curbstone at
40c, $170.88; 202.7 sq. yds, gutter-
ing at 40c, $81.08; 728.7 sq. yds. ma-
cadamizing at 40c. 8291.48 $543 44
Wm. L. Bradley, min. lot 92, 424.6
lin. ft. curbstone at 40c, 8169.84;
1 :.8 sq. yds. guttering at 40e,
$75.52; 660.4 sq. yds. macadamiz-
. ing at 40c, 8264.16 509 52
J. A. Rhomberg, A. P. Woods' add,
lot 81A, 12 lin. ft. curbstone at
400, $4.80; 5.3 sq. yds. guttering at
40c, $2.12; 18.7 sq. yds. macadam-
izing at 40c, $7.48 14 40
Total ........ ........$1,067 36
Ald. Frith moved to adopt.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
City Recorder Arendt also presented
and read the published notice of special
assessment to pay for the construction
of a 10 -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in
Thirteenth street from alley east of
Washington street to center of Cedar
street, properly certified to by the pub-
lisher; also remonstrance of Philip Pier
et al., protesting against the levy of said
special assessments against their prop-
erty. On motion the remonstrance was
received and filed,
Whereupon Ald, Sheridan offered the
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque. That to pay for a 10.
inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in 13th
street from alley east of Washington
Regular Session, June 19, 1902.
street to center of Cedar street, by 011.
ver G. Kringle, contractor, in front of
and adjoining the same, a special tax
be and is hereby levied on the several
lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of
real estate hereinafter named, situate
and owned, and for the several amounts
•set opposite each lot or parcel of real
estate. as follows: Special assessment
submitted and passed June 19th, 1902:
Joe Froelich, Fast Dubuque Add,
Ste, lot 196, 100 lin. ft $ 56 22
A. Anderson, East Dubuque Add,
W. 65 ft., lot 207, 65 lin. ft 36 40
B. H. Holschner, East Dubuque
Add., lot 266, 100 lin. ft 56 22
Phil Pier, East Dubuque Add., lot
277, 100 lin. ft.... 56 22
M. D. Goux, East Dubuque Add,
lot 300, 100 lin. ft 56 22
H. L. Massey, East Dubuque Add,
lot 341, 100 lin. ft 56 22
B. Schulte, East Dubuque Add,
N 4 lot 197, 100 lin. ft.... 56 22
Frank Weidlich, East Dubuque
Add, W. 65 ft., lot 206, 65 lin. ft36 40
A. Y. McDonald -Morrison Co,
East Dubuque Add., lot 267, 100
lin. ft 56 22
A. Y. McDonald -Morrison Co,
East Dubuque Add., lot 276, 100
lin. ft .... .... 56 22
A. Y. McDonald -Morrison Co
East Dubuque Add., lot 331, 100
lin. ft 56 22
A. Y. McDonald -Morrison Co,
East Dubuque Add., lot 340, 100
lin. ft 56 22
Chicago Great Western Ry. Co.,
East Dubuque Add., E. 35 ft., lot
307, 85 lin. ft 19 60
Chicago Great Western- Ry. Co.,
East Dubuque Add., lot 206, 35 lin.
feet .... .... .... 19 60
'Chicago Great Western Ry. Co,
right of way in 13th street, 5 lin. ft 5 80
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul RY.
• Co., right of way in 13th street,
30 lin. ft 33 60
$713 60
Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Ald. Frith moved to open the bids for
the construction of a stone arch sewer
in Couler Creek from end of present sew-
er in Elm street to south lot line of San-
ford Avenue. Carried.
Bids as follows:
Peter Eisbach, new masonry, per
cubic yard $2 96
cu -
3 87
new masonry4 45
new masonry,
4 67%
G. Mersch, new masonry, per
Mc yard
Steuck & Linehan,
per cubic yard
O'Farrell & Street,
Per cubic yard
Ald. Clancy moved to award the con-
tract to Peter Eisbach, he being the low-
est bidder, and the bond be fixed at $5,000
for doing said work. Carried.
The mayor stated that the time of Mr.
Aberel for signing the contract and bond
for the construction of a circular culvert
in Couler Avenue was up.
Ald. Jones moved that Mr. Aberel be
given time up to June 23rd, 1902. to sign
said bond and contract. Carried.
Aid. Horr, chairman of the committee
on Finance, reported as follows:
Your committee on Finance, to whom
was referred the petition of Paul Beck-
er et al., in relation to the special as-
sessment against lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the
sub. of lot 30 and 31, in Littleton & Saw-
yer's Add., would recommend that the
prayer of the petitioners be granted.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report.
Ald. Fith, chairman of the Ordinance
committee, presented an ordinance en-
titled an ordinance establishing a
grade on Langworthy Avenue be-
tween South Alpine street and Hill
street, and changing the grade on Lang-
worthy Avenue between South Alpine
street and Booth street and moved that
it be read the first time. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas—Alda. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
The ordinance was then read for the
first time.
Aid. Sheridan moved to refer the Or-
dinance to the Ordinance committee.
Ald, Frith, chairman of the committee
on Streets, reported as follows:
Your committee on Streets, to whom
was referred the petition of J. H. Kleine,
asking that Gilmore Place be opened up
from West Fifth street to the south line
of lot 5 in Mattox subdivision, and also
the plat of Summit street subdivision,
showing that all the land required for
the opening of said street has been ded-
icated to the city for that purpose, would
recommend that the prayer of the peti-
tioner be granted.
Also your committee on Streets would
respectfully recommend that the City
Engineer be instructed to make such re-
pairs as are necessary in West Eleventh
street at the western terminus of the ele-
vator, and also to put in a brick crossing
at the intersection of Spruce street.
Also your committee on Streets would
respectfully report that the steam roller
1s badly in need of repairs; one of the
front wheels is completely worn out, the
boiler leaks and the whole machine is al-
most a wreck; we have already ordered
the wheel to be repaired temporarily, to
tide over the present busy period and we
would recommend that the Street com-
mittee be authorized to advertise 'for bids
for a new wheel to take the place of the
old one which can last but a very short
time longer.
Also your committee on Streets would
respectfully state that they consider the
use of oak lumber for the floors of bridges
would be much more economical than
pin& and would therefore recommend
that the puchasing committee be instruct-
ed to order a carload of oak lumber for
this purpose.
Also your committee on Streets, to
whom was referred the profile showing
the proposed grade of Langworthy Ave-
nue from Hill stret to Alpine street and
also the profile showing a proposed
change of grade on said Langworthy
Avenue from Alpine to Booth street,
would recommend that the same be ac-
cepted and that said grades be properly
established by orE dEa Frith, Chairman.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report of
the committee on Streets. Carried.
The following waiver was then pre-
sented and read:
160 Regular Session, June 19, 1902.
We, the undersigned owners of resi-
dences on Langworthy Avenue between
Alpine street and Booth street, hereby
approve and consent to the change of
grade on said street between Alpine
street and Booth street, and hereby waive
all claim for damage to our said proper-
ty, because of said change of grade.
Dated at Dubuque this 19th day of Tune,
1902. Chas. Stillman,
A. S. Gertenbach,
E. A. Buettell.
AM. Raymond, chairman of the commit-
tee on Paving, Sweeping and Sprinkling,
reported as follows:
Your committee on Paving, Sweeping
and Sprinkling would report that the
green wagons are going about doing good
and laying the dust as well as could be
expected with the limited number of wag-
ons now in use for the large territory to
be covered, also that there are many
citizens wishing sprinkling who do not
as yet receive it and on whom we cannot
bestow it with the present limited capac-
ity. Therefore your committee would
recommend the purchase of a Street Car
Sprinkler to be used on fourteen miles of
the track of the Union Electric company,
which would relieve the situation and en-
able us to cover the districts as laid out
by ordjnance February 20 and approved.
February 27, and prevent this municipal
utility, taken up at that time, from fail-
ing in the object for which it was estab-
George N. Raymond,
Joseph L. Horr,
Matt. Clancy.
Ald. Raymond moved to adopt the re-
port of the committee. Carried.
Ald. Clancy moved that the Mayor be
instructed to enter into a contract with
the McGuire company of Chicago for a
Sprinkling Car.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Jones and
Nays—Alds. Corrance and Sheridan.
Not Voting—Ald. Horr.
Ald. Horr moved that the Sprinkling
matter be referred to the committee of
the Whole. Carried.
Ald. Tones, chairman of the committee
on Public Grounds and Buildings, report-
ed as follows:
Your committee on Public Grounds and
Buildings, to whom was referred with
power the matter of repairing the side-
walk abutting the Ninth street engine
house, beg to report that we have award-
ed the contract for same to E. J. Schilling
for $48.00.
Also, Ald. Jones offered the following:
Be it resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That the City Recorder
be and he is hereby instructed to adver-
tise for bids for the construction of the
Grandview Avenue fire engine house in
accordance with the plans and specifica-
tions prepared therefor, and to submit
said bids to the council July 3rd, 1902.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the report.
Ald. Clancy, chairman of the committee
on Fire, reported as follows:
Your committe on Fire would respect-
fully report that the fire department are
in need of a new single wagon for hauling
shavings, etc., and would recommend that
this committee be given power to pur-
chase one.
On motion the matter was referred to
the Purchasing committee, to purchase a
3% wagon. Running gear with shafts
Ald. Jones, chairman of the committee
on Printing, reported as follows:
Your committee on Printing would re-
spectfully recommend that all the official
notices be published in the Daily Times
and that the compensation therefor be
fixed at $15.00 per month.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the report.
Ald. .Horr. chairman of the committee
of the Whole, reported as follows:
Your committee of the Whole, to whom
was referred the petition of F. A. Rumpf
et al., in relation to the retaining wall
en Ardmore Terrace, beg to report that
the natter has been left in the hands of
the Street committee and City Engineer
for the purpose of establishing a grade on
said 'Terrace and to take the steps neces-
sary to have the same improved to a
width of twenty-five feet.
Also, your committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of L. W.
Johnson, asking that the term of exemp-
tion from taxation of lot 2 of mineral lot
106, provided for by Section 3 o'f Chapter
LXV 1II. of the Revised Ordinances of 1901,
be extended until August 1, 1921, would
recommend that said exemption be ex-
tended for a period of five years from
April 7th, 1902.
Also. your committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of the
Key City Furniture company asking for
permission to erect a shed in the alley
In rear of their premises, would recom-
mend that said petition be received and
Also, your committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the bill of the A. A.
Cooper Buggy and Wagon company for
six sprinkling wagons, would recommend
that a warrant be ordered drawn on the
City Treasurer in settlement thereof, and
that the amount be paid from the Gen-
eral Expense fund.
Also, your committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the remonstrance of
Julia L. Langwort'ny et al., against the
improvement of Langworthy Avenue,
would recommend that said remonstrance
be received and filed.
Also, your committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of John
Specht, asking that he be voted the 'sum
of $300.00 to help defray the expense of
running the steamer "Teal." would recom-
mend that said petition be received and
Also, your committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of J. B.
Miller, asking that he be compensated for
labor actually performed, and for mater-
ial furnished in the construction of the
Bee Branch sewer, beg to state that the
matter was referred to the special Bee
Branch committee for investigation, who,
after duly considering the matter, sub-
mitted the report which is hereto attached
and which we would respectfully recom-
mend for adoption.
The report follows:
To the Members of the Committee of the
Your special Bee Branch Sewer Com-
mittee, to whom was referred John B.
Miller's claim for $667.00 has investigated
the merits of this claim, being
aided by the City Engineer, and
find that in bidding $3.32 per
Regular Session, June 19, 1902.
cubic yard Miller kept the city from.
awarding the contract to the next lowest
bidder whose bid was $4.07 per cubic yard,
and gave the city an opportunity of ad-
vertising again for bids with the result
that the contract was awarded and ccni-
pleted for $3.49 per cubic yard, or at a
saving to the city of 58 c• ata per cultic
yarn. which, according to the estimated
number of cubic yards in contract meant
a saving to the city of $2,030.1u. While
1t is true that Miller did not finish hie
contractwe find that he did about 1.1.(0
yards of grading, removed most of
the old stone sewer in Garfield Avenue,
and did about 22.8 cubic yards of masonry.
and that the city received the benefit of
We therefore recommend that a war-
rant be drawn :n favor of Thomas H.
Durty attorney for John B. Miller. -,'or the
suri c•: 8300.00, same to be in fell of all
claim s of every kind and character which
said Miller has or may have against the
city cn account of work and ;shor per-
formed and material furnished in onne'ec-
tion with said Bee Branch sewer; $30.78
of said $300.00 to be used by said 'Phos.
H. Duffy, attorney for said John 13. Mil-
ler in paying claim of $30.78 tiled •.vith the
city of Dubuque by Mr. James ::trent, for
stone furnished said Miller by said Strert.
E. E. Frith,
John J. Sheridan.
Joseph L. Horr.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report of
the committee of the Whole. Carried.
Ald. Sheridan offered the following:
Be it resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, that the Mayor 1s re-
quired, for the purpose of providing for
the payment of the cost of the sewer in
Diagonal street, from the alley first east
of Broadway street, to Broadway street,
to issue and execute and deliver to the
Recorder, a bond to be countersigned by
the Recorder, of the denomination r,f
$163.85 payable seven years after date,
with interest at 5 per cent per
payable semi-annually.
-old. Sheridan moved to adopt the resolu-
tion. Carried.
Ald. Jones offered the following:
Whereas, It is deemed necessary and
advisable by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque to improve Ardmore Ter-
race from West Eleventh street toWil-
ber Lane, and it is hereby proposed
grade, curb, gutter and macadamize
said street, therefore,
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That the City En-
gineer be and he is hereby the loo
a plat showing generally
cation and nature of such improvement
and the extent thereof, and the kind of
material to be used, and an estimate of
the entire cost tnereor, and the andsthe
and cost of such improvement,dy ore
amount assessable upon any
street railway company, the the uncitya and
cost thereof to be paid by
any, and the cost thereof and amount
assessable upon each lot or parcel su h
land adjacent to or abutting upon
3 to file
improvement per front foot,
office of
the Citysuch tthe and estimate in
Recorder; that afterthe filing
of said plat and estimate in his office,
the City Recorder shall publish in three
consecutive issues of a newspaper pub-
lished in this city a notice stating
such ,plat and estimate are on file, the
location and nature of the improvement,
kind of material to be used and an esti-
mate of, its cost and the time before
which objections thereto can be filed and
the time fixed for hearing, which time
shall not be less than five days after the
last publication of such notice, and after
such publication shall be made, the City
Recorder shall, at the next regular ses-
sion of the City Council, notify the coun-
cil thereof in writing, with a printed copy
of such notice accompanying the same.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the resolu-
Aid. Clancy moved a substitute, to re-
fer to the committee on Streets, which
was carried.
Ald. Frith offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That the City of Du-
buque reconveys to John Theis lot one
(1) of two (2) of the subdivision of lot
one hundred and six (106) of L. H. Lang -
worthy's add. to the City of Dubuque as
said property above described was deed-
ed to the city by said John Theis by mis-
take, the property intended to be con-
veyed being described in the plat accom-
panying this resolution as lot 2 of 2 of
the subdivision of lot 106 in said L. H.
Langworthy's add. to the City of Du-
buque. This resolution is made ander
and by virtue of Sec. 1001 of the Code of
lowa of 1897.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu-
tion and that the City Recorder be and
is hereby instructed to have the plat of
the foregoing described property prop-
erly recorded.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Clancy. Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Ald. Raymond offered the following res-
Be It Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque: That the dedica-
tion of a strip of ground 25 feet in width
off the east end of lot 3 in Mattox sub.,
by J. M. Culberston, the owner thereof,
and of 25 feet in width off the east end
of lot 2 in Mattox sub., by Dinah I. Ben-
nett, the owner thereof, being a contin-
uation of Gilmore Place, as laid out in
Summit street sub., as laid out by J. H.
Kleine to `Vest Fifth street, be approved
and accepted by the city and that the
Mayor and Recorder of the city are di-
rected to make
resolution ap ooder
that said
plat may be properly recorded.
Also Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
of the City of ab abutting the eeastuend of lots que: That t2,eal-
ley 4
and 6 of Mattox sub., in the City of Du-
ue 64 of and the subdivisionthe west of of Out Lots s 21, 22
andL is 91
and 721 in the City of Dubuque, be wid-
ened for street purposes to a width of
50 feet from the south line of lot 5 of
Lota 691 and 721, northerly to b. of
Fifth street, the west line of said alley
as widened to be located 216 1-12 feet east
e ne of Engin Summit tstreet,
be and hreby
directed to make a survey and plat of
the proposed widening and altering of
said oses between
said lots, showing the lots for street rthrough which
the same is proposed to be made and
theof land proposed to be taken.quantitytity .
162 Regular Session, June 19, 1902..
Ald. Raymond moved to adopt both res-
olutions. Carried.
Ald. Horr stated that on April 17th,
1902, the Clty Council reconsidered its
action of April 10th in adopting the re-
port of the Finance committee which
recommended that the petition of John
P. Page be received and filed. I now
move that said petition be referred back
to the Finance committee, City Attorney
and Clty Engineer. Carried.
Aid. Jones moved to adjourn until
July 3rd, 1902. Carried.
—C. F. Arendt,
City Recorder.
...e .:. t ?? .. Recorder
/k 190,e,
List of Warrants.
City Recorder's Office, Dubuque, Iowa,
June 1st, 1902.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen—The following is a complete
list of all warrants issued by me during
the month of May, 1902:
C. H. Berg, salary, mayor $116 70
H. B. Gniffke, treasurer 133 35
H. B. Gniffke, assistant treasurer75 00
L. M. Langstaff, recorder 116 70
F. B. Hoffman. auditor 100 00
C. B. Scherr, assessor 125 00
T. H. Duffy, attorney 150 00
P. J. Nelson, assistant attorney 50 00
Edw. Morgan, marshal 100 00
Joe Reinfried, fire chief 100 00
John Lawler. committee clerk 83 35
Wm. Kaep, clerk recorder's office.' 75 00
Edw. Herron, clerk treasurer's office 60 CO
Edw. Blake, engineer 125 00
Jas. H. Boyce. street commissioner 100 00
W. Hipman, electrician 83 35
Anton Stoltz, market master 50 00
Thos. Cahill, park custodian 40 00
Peter Bradley, park custodian 40 00
John C. Hancock, health officer 50 00
Frank Flynn, sanitary policeman60 00
Al. Moyer. poundmaster 45 00
Mrs. H. Koenig, Janitress 20 00
A. P. Berg, sidewalk inspector 50 00
N. Kintzinger, wharfmaster 20 00
Matt Clancy, alderman 25 00
E. E. Frith. alderman 25 00
Jos. L. Hort, alderman 25 00
H. Corrance, alderman 25 00
G. N. Raymond, alderman 25 00
Rudolph Jones, alderman 25 00
John J. Sheridan, alderman 25 CO
M. Eitel, fireman 65 00
J. Essman, fireman 75 00
A. Duccinl, fireman 60 00
J. Flynn. fireman 65 00'
J. Roshin. fireman 60 00
J. Tschudi, fireman 50 00
A. Heer. fireman 50 00
J. Schonberger. fireman 50 00
J. Daley, fireman 65 00
J. Barnes, fireman 75 00
T. Ryder, fireman 60 00
G. Beyer. fireman 65 00
W. Ducey, fireman 60 00
F. Murphy, fireman 50 00
P. Ahern, firemen 60 00
M. Kelly, fireman 50 00
D. Ahern, fireman 65 00
A. McDonnell, fireman 75 00
F. Kenneally, fireman 65 00
J. Murphy. fireman 60 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
65 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
4 15
65 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
51 65
50 00
67 20
50 00
T. Kennedy, fireman
J. Fitzpatrick. fireman
P. Zillig, fireman
C. Hanson, fireman
M. Sweeney, fireman
H. Cain, fireman
A. McKinnon, fireman
F. Ganahl, fireman
T. Flynn, fireman
G. Gherke, fireman
F. Baumgartner, fireman
W. Dockstader, sub -fireman
C. Kannolt, fireman.... ....
J. Allen, fireman
R. Weston, fireman
M. Faherty, fireman
Geo. Burke', police
Ben Busse, police
J. Bertsch, police
M. Craugh, police
Jas. Carter, police
Jas. Clune, police 5165
John Cody, police 51 65
W. Cook, police 60 00
P. Dumphy, police 61 65
H. Donlon, police 51 65
Jas. Flynn, police 60 00
John Fitzpatrick, police 51 65
Wm. Frith, police 5165
P. Hanlon, police 50 00
W. Hennessy, police 51 65
M. Kilty, police 5175
E. Kahn, police 50 00
John Loetscher, 'police 50 00
P. McCollins. police 5165
P. McInerney, police 6165
John Moore. police 60 CO
John Murphy, police.... 50 00
D. Norton, police 50 00
M. OConnor, police 50 00
Aug. Pfeffer, police 50 00
Pat Powers, police 5165
Tom Reilly, police 67 20
John Raesll, police 65 00
Jas. Ryan, police 50 00
Otto Rath, police 5165
P. Scharff, police 50 00
P. Sullivan, police 5165
M. Stapleton. police 5165
P. Sutton, police 51 16
Al. Scherr, police 6100
Tom Sweeney. police 60 00
Joe Tyler, police 5165
John L. Sullivan, police 48 35
L. Ziedman. police 50 00
Mrs. Kate Hibbe, matron 30 60
Miss B. Brennan, matron 30 00
Labor, cleaning and repairing streets
and alleys during the last half of April,
Sam Allen, labor 2 05
Rich. Burns. labor 170
John Burns. labor 3 75
Jos. Broullette, labor 135
Paul Becker, labor 7 80
John Brachtenbach, labor 4 75
Chas. Busse, labor 6 10
Jos. Brown, labor 17 56
Hugh Connell, labor .... 4 75
«'m. Coughlin, labor 2 05
John Callahan. labor 170
Jerry Cahill, labor 170
John Crunnion. labor 1 70
David Crotty, labor 1 70
Jas. Callahan, foreman 20 00
Jas. Connolly, labor 17 55
John Corbett, labor 1 35
Adam Crawford, carpenter 20 00
Henry Cosgrove, driver carp. wagon 19 50
John Dougherty, labor
Mike Dunnigan, labor 1 35
Mike Dlfferdiug, labor 1 35
Pat Devaney, labor 1 35
Thos. Donahue, labor 17 55
John Eagan, labor 5 75
R. T. Eddy, foreman 20 00
John Et.gels, labor 6 75
Jos. Eberhardt, labor 2 40
Dan Pox, labor 170
Mat Fetschele, labor 8 80
Pat Farrell, labor 2 05
Wm. Flanagan, labor 1 35
John Flynn, labor 2 06
Ludwig Fenner, labor 5 40
Pat Fenelon, labor 17 55
Nelson Frith, stoker steam roller 50 00
1 70
Pat Grue, labor 170
Pat Galloon, labor 2 05
Chas. Gruenzig, labor 9 15
Jos. Grab, labor 3 75
Henry Grode, labor 6 45
John Hafey, labor1 45
Geo. Hecklinger, labor000
Geo. J. Hahn, foreman, labor 6 75
Aug. Handelman, labor 6 05
Amb. Hird, labor ..... .........
List of Warrant..1
Pat. Hetherington, labor • •
John Hayes, labor
Aug. liatenu n, labor .... .......
Peter Jacob, labor
John .1: -,hat, .. . ..
John Jehring, labor
Pat Kenneally, labor.
Ton Kelley, labor
Chas. Kampman, labor
Gto. Kloster, labor
John Kness. labor
Nic. Kettenhofen, labor
John Kelly, labor
Paid Krosceski, labor
Fred Krueger, labor.. ..,. 4 05
Jacob Kraus, labor 2 05
6 45'.
8 80
7 10
4 75
1 70
1 35
4 r5
6 75
Mat. Klein, paper collector.
John Lavery iabor
12 50
2 05
-John Loughlin, labor 3 03
Mike Lavin, labor 9 15
Pat Lynch, labor 2 05
Dietrich Lilly, labor 1 35
H. Luchterhand, labor 1 35
Herman Lemhke, labor 3 40
Leonard Loffelholz, labor 2 05
Martin Lonergan, labor 17 55
John Mahoney, foreman.. .. 2 25
Michael Murphy, labor.. .. 5 10
Rob. Mack, labor.. 12 15
Ed. Malloy, labor. 2 70
Jos. Martlnek, labor 2 05
Nat. Mabe, labor 2 05
Adam Manderscheid, labor 7 10
Jas. McCormick, labor 4 70
John McQuillen, labor. 14 65
Wm. McDermott, labor.. 1 05
John McGee, labor 3 75
Jas. McCarron, labor.... 1 35
Thos. McDonald, labor.. 1 35
Jas. McCracken,. labor. 2 05
Barney McCormack, labor.. .. 6 45
.John Noonan, labor 1 70
W. O'Brien, foreman.
20 00
Jas. Purcel, labor
1 70
Jas. Powers, labor.... ...... 1 85
.Tohn Pfeiffer, labor.... ......... 10 15
John Pullens, labor. . 1 35
John Parker, foreman.. .. 2 25
John Puls, labor 1 35
Chas. Pierce, labor.... .... 17 55
Wm. Quinlan, labor. . 6 45
Jas. Ryan, labor 3 40
Phil Reddin, labor.... .... 1 15
Mat. Raishek, labor 1 35
Jas, Reid, labor.... 2 05
P, J. Royce, foreman 20 60
Chas. Reilly, labor ...... 14 85
Jos. Rooney, labor. 3 80
Nick Sweeney, labor 2 06
Jas. Straney, labor ...... 4 40
M. Sughrue, labor 3 75
Thos. Smith, labor. 10 50
John Spear, labor
John Schroeder, labor 120 14°5
Ernest Smith, labor.. .. 8 10
Jos. Statel, labor 1 35
Chris. Scholl, labor • • • • ....... 2 05
Otto Schlagle, labor 1 25
Louis Smith, labor.... 2 05
Sam Sterling, labor ........2 05
John Schemmel, labor.... 5 10
Frank Scherr, labor.. . 16 20
Aug. Soyke, labor.... 2 70
Jas. Talty, labor.... 1 70
John Welsh, (Tatter), labor 2 05
Wm. Welsh, labor 3 75
John Welsh, (Caledonia) labor 1 05
John Welsh. (Rose), labor 6 75
L. Wachenheim, labor ••• 2 70
Thos. Young. engineer stea mroller 75 CO
Adam Zingel, labor
Geo. Zumhof, foreman .. 7 10
16 50
Tim Byron, team., .. • 25 20
Frank Burns, team.... .. • . 4 75
Jos. Calvert, team.... . ...... 19 70
13. Costello, team • - 7 90
Mat, Gantenbein, team .4 75
Jake Haudenshield, team 31 54)
John Huffmeir, team . 37.90
Pat Lenthan, team.. .. • .... 3 15
John Long, team.... .. 6 30
L. Loffelholz, team 6 30
Martin Maher, team.. .... 11 75
Jos. Moore, team.... .... 6 65
Frank Mathis, team.... 17 60
J. J. MeCollins, team.......13 40
Dennis O'Meara, team 4 75
Mrs, Quinlivan, • team.. 11 05
Ed. Seeley, team.... .... ..... ... 35 00
Ed. Seeley, extra wagon. 4 50
John Singrin, team 3 95
Frank Sieg, team 1 ft)
Art. Turner, team.... ..... . .. 6 30
Jas. Tobin, team • • 26 00
M. Theis, team 1 60
Jesse Venn, team. 4 75
Leslie Wellington, team 18 90
John Williams, team 23 15
Labor on Sewers for the last half of
April, 1902:
Pat Casserly, labor 20 80
W. Clark, labor.. .. 20 80
John Corcoran, labor.. 20 80
S. H. Cooke, foreman 25 00
Maurice Flynn, labor.... 20 80
11. A. Fuller, labor 20 80
Pat Kenneally, labor.... 9 GO
W. Lonergan, labor. 6 40
Con Sullivan, labor. 16 80
Labor on the approach to the Dubuque
and Wisconsin Bridge during the last half
of April, 1902:
Ernest Amanda, labor 34 75
Geo, Butler 8 35
Ant. Dollen, labor 4 75
Peter Dax, labor 10 15
Jos. Eberhardt, labor.. 4 75
Frank Faber 4 50
P. Fogarty, labor 3 40
C. Gantenbein, foreman. '. 20 00
Jos. Guenther, labor. 4 75
Peter Guenther, labor.. . 2 06
Geo. Gau, labor.. 3 40
Adam Henderson, labor 3 40
Chas. Kneber, labor. . 2 25
Wm. Kronfeldt, labor. 7 45
Jos. Kientzle, labor. 8 10
L. Loffelholtz, labor.... 3 40
Frank O'Laughlin, timekeeper 75 00
Chas. Otto, labor 2 25
J. Puls, labor. 4 75
Fred Remus, labor ...... 3 40
Nic Raisch, labor 4 75
John Schromen 14 25
Aug. Schilski, labor.... 1 50
Wm. Schwagler, labor.. 2 70
R. Turner, labor 4 76
Nlc. Wampach, labor.... .„. 6 10
M. Gantenbein, team.... .... 20 50
F. Mathis, team 50
Louis Pell, team.... .... 11 06
M. Theis, team.. .... 4 75
Jesse Venn, team ...... 1 60
M. Zogg, team 11 05
Teams hauling sprinkling wagons dur-
ing the last half of April, 1902:
Frank Burns 30 C5
Thos. E. Frith 29 75
Martin Maher 33 :5
$93 65
T6, be apportioned among the different
districts as follows:
First district
second district
Third district 2010 0045
Fourth district 20 80
20 80
Fifth district
20 80
List of Warr ants.'
A. Doerr, assistant assessor for
April ... E 75 00
Jos. J. Murphy. assistant assessor
for April 75 00
Chas. Baumgartner, assistant engi-
neer for April 75 00
M. O'Loughlin, rodman engineer's
office 40 00
Jno. Schrup• chainman engineer's
office 40 00
A. Stoltz. board of prisoners for
Api 11 620
Homan & Roehl. 1 desk and chair
for mayors office 44 75
Jas. Levi & Co.. muslin for mayor's
office ... 175
G. F. Thorman, wall paper for may-
or's office 5 30
Geo. F. Kleih, nails and brads for
mayor's office 60
C. M. Emerson, papering and paint-
ing mayor's office 26 00
F. Frohm, carpenter repairs, may-
or's office 11 20
Metz Mfg. Co., moulding for may-
or' office . 75
C. A. Noyes, shades for mayor's of-
fice 2 70
Pape & Jacquinot, plumbing at
Jackson park 1415
C. L. McGovern, recording deeds 1 50
M. S. Hardie, binding and print-
ing finance reports 117 20
Elchhorn & Bechtel, lamps, burn-
ers and chimneys for election
purposes ... 8 00
Smith -Morgan Prtg. Co., printing
18.400 ballots 117 00
Smith -Morgan Prtg. Co., printing
notices for election 150
Union Prtg. Co., new poll books for
election 30 00
Union Prtg. Co., 500 roll calls 2 00
Dubuque Telegraph. council week-
lies 9 00
Dubuque Telegraph• blank station-
ery for election purposes 8 75
J. P. Cook & Co.. cushion stamps
for auditor's office 95
Geo. W. Healey & Son, grass seed
for Washington park 2 00
Harger & Blish. supplies and sta-
tionery for various offices 9 85
L. Lindenberg. hardware and new
tools for road department 9 40
L. Lindenberg. 1 horse clipper for
fire department.... . 2 25
R. W. Carr, filing saws for road
department 75
Standard Lumber Co., lumber for
road department .... ... 2 10
A. Sieg, rock for macadam, road
department 24 50
M. Oswald, gravel road department 65 95
Jno. Vt,00drich. macadam for road
department ... 6 60
Gus Holl, fitting keys for road de-
partment 1 50
P. Clancy, cinders for road depart-
ment 16 25
Jno. Butt, repairs for road and sew-
er departments 13 50
A. A. Brown, repairs for road de-
partment 2 25
Lear & Kennedy, horse shoeing for
road department
Phil. Pier. 1 cord rattlings
steam roller
Ragatz & Schaettgen. repairs on 3185
steam roller ..
Wm., Marshall, repairs on steam
roller .. 135
Smedley Steam Pump Co., galvan-
ized pipe for steam roller 15 45
F. Frohm. carpenter repairs at
Ninth street engine house 7 70
.... 350
1 00
F. Frohm, carpenter repairs in
marshal's office.... .... ............. 2 45
Ott, Meuser & Co., shavings for fire
department...... .... ...... 2 50
Geo. Bock, repairs for fire depart-
ment.. 300
Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse
shoeing for fire department 8 50
Hale Harness & Supply Co., collar
springs for fire department.. 2 00
Phil Pier, soft coal for fire depart-
ment 600
Dubuque Oil Tank Line, oil for fire
department. 3 90
Etchhorn & Bechtel, bran for fire
department.. .... .... 2 10
Key City Gas Co., coal and coke
for flre department.. .. 27 06
M. Stafford, hay for fire depart-
ment 72 80
Wm. Brackett, hauling prisoner to
calaboose.. .... .... 50
Linehan & Molo, repairing fountain
at Fifth and Main streets 5 10
Pape & Jacquinot, repairing foun-
tain at levee.... .... .... 4 45
Globe -Journal, official printing for
April 50 00
Dubuque Telegraph -Herald, official
printing for April.. 60 00
Dubuque Telegraph -Herald, print-
ing and binding council proceed-
ings for 1901.. 45 00
National Demokrat, official printing
for April 25 00
Geo. F. Kleih, level for engineering
department 60
Pape & Jacquinot, plumbing at
garbage dump.. 2 30
Dubuque Telegraph, board of
health reports for February 4 00
Dubuque Telegraph, board of
health reports (annual) 4 00
Dubuque Telegraph, blank station-
ery for board of health 2 50
Ragatz & Schaettgen, repairs on
sprinkling wagon. . 95
A. Y. McDonald & Morrison Mfg.
Co., brass castings for sprinkling
wagon.... • 2 50
Geo. W. Healey & Son, dynamite
and fuse for grading department 5 75
R. T. Eddy, dynamite caps, High 160
Bridge approach.
Linehan & Molo, cement for High
Bridge approach
A. L. Rhomberg, three loads of sand
for High Bridge approach 75
E. A. Fengler, hauling rock at
High Bridge approach. 174 45
Jno. Tibey, final estimate on 320 45
Dodge street sewer.
O'Farrell & Norton, estimate for
improving Cox street 1172 00
Aid. Frith moved that O'Farrell &
Norton be allowed 75 per cent. of their
bill. Carried.
Geo. Salot, 21 meetings attending
Board of Health 63 00
Otto M. Ruete, 18 meetings attend-
ing Board of Health.... .. . 54 00
Dr. B. Michel, asistant health of -
25 UO
Sam Starr, assistant sanitary po-
A. Aberl, const. retaining wall on 154 95
De Sota Terrace..
H. B. Gniffke, excavation permits
redeemed 75 00
H. B. Gniffke, interest on war -
650 00
H. B. Gniffke, refunded tax 1 65
H. B. Gniffke, court costs and ex- 1
press charges....
Labor cleaning and repairing streets
List of Warrants.
during m8 f rat''half of May, 1902:
Alex Anderson, labor,. $ 4 05
E. Amanda,labor....
Rich. Burns, labor
John Burns, labor
Paul Becker, labor
C. Bluecher, labor
J. Boltz, labor
Fred Budde, labor.... .... ..... 6 75
Jake Brenner, labor.... .... .. .... 6 10
Chas. Busse, labor.... .......... 6 75
John Brachtenbach, labor.. .. .... 6 75
C. Burkhardt, labor.... .... ..... 70
John Coyne, labor.... .... •••••• 6 75
6 75
Wm. Coughlin, labor.. .. ....
John Corbett, labor.... .... 7 SO
Thos. Connolly, labor.. 16 20
Hiram Cobb, labor.... .... .... 16 20
Jerry Cahill, labor.... ...... 2 70
Dave Crotty, labor.... .... .... 2 70
Jas. Calahan, foreman.... 20 00
Wm. Clark, carpenter.. 16 00
Henry Cosgrove, driver.... 16 50
John Dougherty, labor.... 10 80
Pat Devaney, labor.. .... .. 6.10
Mike Differding, labor.... .. 4 05
Peter Dax, labor ...... .... .... 6 10
John Eagan, labor.. .... .. 10 80
John Engels, labor.. .... 8 80
W. Flanagan, labor.. .... .... 6 45
Pat Farrel, labor.... .... ...... 6 10
Mat. Fetshele, labor.... .... 6 10
F. Faber 75
Pat Fenelon, labor.... .... .... 16 20
George Frost, foreman.... 20 00
Pat Gilloon, labor.. .. 9 45
Henry Galle, labor 4 05
Chas. Gruenzig, labor 8 SO
Jos. Guenther, labor 2 05
Geo. Gau, labor 135
Jos. Grab, labor 810
H. Grode, labor 4 05
G. Gmehle, labor 810
J. M. Garrison, labor 2 70
C. Gantenbein. foreman 20 LO
John Hafey, labor 5 40
Geo. Hecklinger, labor 610
Jake Hansen, labor ... 4 00
Aug. Hafeman, labor 6 75
Geo. J. Hahn, foreman 20 00
Pat Hetherington, labor 135
John Heil, carpenter 4 60
Feter Jacob, labor 8 10
John John, labor 610
Aug. Jass, labor 5 40
Chas. Kapman, labor 5 75
John Kinsella. labor 5 40
Nic Kettenhofen, labor 610
John Keast, labor 8 10
Jos. Kientzle, labor 3 40
W. Kronfeldt, labor 4 05
C. Kopferschmidt, labor 5 40
Fred Krueger, labor 6 75
Mat. Kleine. paper collector 12 50
Mat. Loes. labor 610
Pat Lynch, labor ... 6 47
H. Lembke, labor .... 2 70
Mike Lavin, labor .... 16 20
L. Loffelholtz, labor 1G 20
John Mahoney, foreman 6 75
M. Murphy, labor 9 45
Rob Mac&, labor 12 85
Nat Mabe, labor 610
Ed. Malloy, labor.... .... 2 70
Jos. Martinek, labor 70
Al. Moyer, labor.... .. 16 20
Jas. McCormick, labor 10 80
Jas. McCarron, labor.. ,. 2 70
Jas. McCracken, labor.. 170
Pat. McPoland, labor.... 4 05
R. McGivern 18 00
W. O'Brien, foreman.. „ Y0 00
Jas. Powers, labor.... .... 6 75
John Parker, labor.... 6 48 -
John Pfeiffer, labor.. .... 8 80
7 45
10 80
4 76
4 05
3 40
4 05
Wm. Quinlan, labor.... .... 10 80
Mat, Raishek, labor,. 5 40
Jos. Rooney, labor ' 6 40
Nic. Sweeney, labor.... 10 80
Jas. Straney, labor.... .... 4 05
Thos. Smith, labor 2 70
Jos. Statel, labor.... .. 6 10
Tony Schmidt, labor.. .... 7 45
John Schroeder, labor.. .. 610
Louis Smith, labor 810
S. Schaetzle, labor.... .. 4 06
Frank Scharr, labor 16 20
Aug. Soyke, labor .... .... .... 2 70
Wm. Schwaegler, labor.... .... 2 70
John Schromen.... .... 2 35.
R. Turner, labor.. .. .. 6 40
W. Welsh, labor 10 80
John Welsh (Caledonia), labor .... 8 45
Louis \Wachenheim, labor.. .. 880
Atwood Welsh, labor.... .. 4 05
John Walsh (Rose). labor 6 75
Nic. Wampach, labor.... „ .. 3 40
W. Wearmouth, foreman 20 00
Geo. Zumhoff, foreman.. .... 7 50
Becker Bros. team 15 75
Frank Burns, team 1 60
Geo. Brenner, team 9 45
Jos. Calvert, team 15 74
B. Costello, team .... ... 15 75
M. Gantenbein, team 25 20
Mike Hannan, team 22 05
J. Haudenschield, labor 25 20
J. Huffineir, contractor 35 00
Pat Lenthan. team ....) 28 35
John Long, team 9 45
Martin Maher. team 25 20
Frank Mathis, team 14 2a
J. G. Moore, team 1 60
Thos. Morgan, team 315
J. J. McCollins, team 23 G5
Carson McElrath, team 17 35
Dennis O'Meara. team 315
Ted OBrien, team 12 60
L. Pell, team 4 75
Mrs. QuinW"an, team 24 45
H. Rink, team 315
Ed. Seeley. team 22 05
John Singrin, team 21 30
Jas. Tobin, team 28 35
Jesse Venn, team 20 75
Leslie Wellington, team 6 30
M. Zogg, team 18 90
Labor on sewers during the first half
of May. 1902:
P. Casserly. labor 19 20
W. Clark, labor 3 20
John Corcoran, labor 19 20
S. H. Cook, foreman 25 00
Maurice Flynn. labor 15 20
13. A. Fuller, labor 19 20
F. Hohnecker, labor 19 20
Pat Kenneally, labor 17 60
Pat Sage, labor 1R 60
Teams on Sprinkling Wagons during
first half of May, 1902:
Frank Burns ... 2 22 6.5
Becker Bros.... .... .... 14 05
A. Conrad.. .... .... 19 00
Thos. E. Frith 7 90
Benton Kane ,,,,, 10 20
Martin Maher.... .... .... 33 00
J. J. McCollins 15 50
Apportioned to the different Road Dis-
tricts as follows:
First District .$13 70
Second district 27 30
Third district 27 30
Fourth district 27 30
Fifth district 27 30
Frank Hardie, transcript of testi
mony in case of J. C. Bauer ve,
City . =24.00
Dolan & McDonnell, part payment';
on Diagonal street sanitary sewer 7$15-
I hereby certify that the foregoing Ja
Official Notices.
a true and correct list of all warrants
issued by me during the month of May,
1902. —C. F. Arendt,
City Recorder.
Public notice is hereby given at the ses-
sion of the City Council of the City of
Dubuque, held on the 19th day of June.
1902. the following Special Assessments
were levied on the real estate hereinatfer.
described, and that in case of failure to
pay the one-seventh part within the time
prescribed by the Ordinance governing
same, all will become delinquent and sub-
ject to collection by distress and sale.
—H. Brinkman,
City Treasurer.
For laying sanitary sewer in Thirteenth
street, from alley east of Washington
street to center of Cedar street.
Joe Froelich, East Dubuque Add,
S1/4, lot 196, 100 lin. ft $ 56 22
A. Anderson, East Dubuque Add,
W. 65 ft., lot 207, 65 lin. ft 36 40
B. H. Holschner, East Dubuque
Add., lot 266, 100 lin. ft 56 22
Phil Pier, East Dubuque Add., lot 56 22
277, 100 lin. ft....
M. D. Goux, East Dubuque Add„ 56 22
lot 300, 100 lin. ft
H. L. Massey, East Dubuque Add., 56 22
lot 341, 100 lin. ft
B. Schulte, East Dubuque Add.,
N% lot 197, 100 lin. ft.... 56 22
Frank Weidlich, East Dubuque
Add, W. 65 ft., lot 206, 65 lin. ft36 40
A. Y. McDonald -Morrison Co,
East Dubuque Add., lot 267, 100 b6 22
lin. ft
A. Y. McDonald -Morrison Co.,
East Dubuque Add., lot 276, 100 66 22
lin. ft
A. Y., McDonald -Morrison Co.,
EastDubuque Add., lot 331, 100 66 22
lin. ft
A. Y. McDonald -Morrison Co.,
East Dubuque Add., lot 340, 100 56 22
lin. ft
Chicago Great Western Ry. Co.,
East Dubuque Add., E. 35 ft., lot 19 60
307, 35 lin. ft
•Chicago Great Western Ry. Co.,
East Dubuque Add., lot 206, 35 lin. 19 60
Chicago Great Western Ry. Co.,
right of way in 13th street, 5 lin. ft 5 80
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul RY.
Co., right of way in 13th street, 33 60
30 lin. ft •••
For laying a sanitary sewer in alley
between White street and Jackson from
Seventeenth street to Eagle Point Ave-
nue and in Nineteenth street from alley
east of White street to alley east of
Jackson street:
Elizabeth Olinger, city S 1-5, lot 486,8 57
51.2 ft ....
Mich. Junker, city S ' S M 1-5, lot
486, 25.6 lin ft 12 28
Mich. Junker, city N 1h• S M 1-5, lot
486, 25.6 lin ft 12 28
Alex Hasler, city M 1-5, lot 486, 512 57
lin. ft
John Schuler, city N 2-5, lot 486, 4916
102.4 lin. ft..... .
Egelhardt Hemmi, city 8 1-5., lot 487• 24 57
51.2 lin ft..... .
Egelhardt Hemmi, city S 1h. S M 1-5, 12 28
lot 487. 26.6 lin. ft........ .
Peter Nicks, N 1/s, S M 1-5 lot 487,25.6 12 28
lin ft
Peter Nicks. S 1/2, M 1-5 lot 487, 25.6
25.6'11n ft 1223
Franlc Ganahl, city N %, M 1-5, lot
487, 25.6 lin. ft 12 28
Crecenzia Pflffner, city N M 1-5, lot
487, 51.2 lin ft 24 57
Wm. J. Keller, city S %, N 1-5, lot
25.6 lin. ft 12 28
Chas. Matz, city N 1/, N 1-5, lot 4S7,
25.6 lin. ft 12 28
Gabriel Baumgartner, 8 1-5, l,ot 488,
51.2 lin ft 24 57
Gabriel Baumgartner, city S 1.5 ft
S M 1-5, lot 488, 1.5 lin ft 72
Chris. Mosher, city N 49.7 ft, 8 M
1-5, lot 488, 49.7 lin ft 23 85
Jos. Baumgartner, city 8 %, M 1-5,
lot 488, 38.4 lin ft 18 43
Mich. Junker, city N 14, M 1-5, 8 14,
N M 1-5, lot 488, 25.6 lin ft 12 28
Monica Fessler, city N %, N M 1-5,
lot 488, 38.4 lin ft 18 43
O. G. Kringle, city 8 1.2 ft, N 1-5, lot
488, 1.2 lin. ft 57
Jos. A. and John Meyer, city S 1-5,
lot 489, 51.2 lin. ft 24 57
Henry Doft Est., city S M 1-5, lot
489, 51.2 lin. ft 24 57
Henry Doft Est., city S 3 ft, M 1-5,
let 489, 3 lin ft 1 44
Jos. Tschudi, city N 48.2 ft., M 1-5,
lot 489. 48.4 lin. ft 2313
Chas. Timmesch, city S 52.4 ft, N
2-5, lot 489, 52.4 lin ft 25 15
Aug. Koester, city S 1/z, S 1-5, lot 490,
25.6 lin. ft..... ... 12 28
Frank Phillips. city U 1/2, S 1-5, lot
490, 25.6 lin. ft 12 28
Fred Doerrer, city S M 1-5, lot 490,
51.2 lin. ft ...... • 24 57
Frank Schrup. city S %, M 1-5. , lot
490, 25.6 lin. ft 12 28
Mary Waltz, city N 1/4 M 1-5, lot 12 28
490, 25.6 lin. ft
Anton Gengler, city N M 1-5, lot 490, 24 57
51.2 lin. ft
Martha Weidmer, city N 1-5, lot 490, 24 57
51.2 lin ft
Eva Meyer, city S 1-5, lot 491, 51.2 24 57
lin. ft
Adam Doerrer, Jr., city S M 1-5, lot 24 57
491. 51.2 lin. ft
Fred and Helen Bade, city N 1/c, M
1-5, lot 491, 25.6 lin. ft....
Wm. Hollnagle, L. H. Langworthy's
add., W %, lot 35, 64.9 lin. ft 8 31 15
Emma Brose, L. H. Langworthy's
add., E % lot 35, 63.2 lin. ft 30 33
Conrad Fuchs, L. H. Langworthy's 31. 15
W ?/$ lot 36. 64.9 lin. ft
John Fvssellman, L. H. Lang -
worthy's add., N E 1/4 lot 36, 31.6 1517
lin. ft
Frank and Susan Wilging, L. HLangworthy's add., S E 14. lot 36,
31.7 lin. ft
Geo. Wilging. Jr., L. H. Lang -
worthy's add., W 1 lot 37, 64.9 lin
ft 31 15
Marg. Haas. L. H. Langworthy's
add., E 1/8 lot 37, 63.3 lin. ft 30 38
Geo. Wilging, Jr., L. 11. Lang -
worthy's add., N W 1/4 lot 38, 32.3 15 60
lin. ft
Aug. Wunderlich, L. H. Lang
worthy's add., S W 1/4 lot 38, 32.3 15 50
lin. ft
Geo. Ragatz. L. H. Langworthy's
add., E 1/4 lot 38, 63.3 lin. ft 30 38
Kate y's
N W '4nand N W 26 ft. of 5h W
14 ofW 1fi lot 39.
..i 58 58,6
lin ft
hy's 28 13
Mary Perrott, I.
add., S 6 ft. of R- ' lot 39. 6.1 lin. 2 93
LouisE Frisch.' lot 9. 63.3 lin.nftworthy's 30 38
15 21
Official Notices.
Mary Perrott, L. H. Langworthy's
add., N 22 ft, W % lot 40, 22.3 lin ft. 10 70
Eliz. Drasda, L. H. Langworthy's
add., S 42 ft. W 1,¢ lot 40, 42.6 lin. ft 20 45
Paul Frisch, L. H. Langworthy's
add., N 54 ft. E lot 40, 53.6 lin. ft 25 73
Nick Nicks' Est., L. H. Lang -
worthy's add., S 10 ft, E 1,4 lot 40,
, 9.9 lin. ft 4 75
Nick Nicks' Est., L. H. Lang -
worthy's add., E % lot 41, 83.3 lin
ft 80 38
Eliz. Drasda, L. H. Langworthy's
add., N 18 ft W 1,4 lot 41, 18.3 lin. ft. 8 78
Frank Drasda, L. H. Langworthy's
add., S 46 ft. lot 41, 46.9 lin. ft22 51
Frank Drasda, L. H. Langworthy's
add., W 1,4 lot 42, 64.9 lin. ft 3115
Frank Drasda, L. H. Laugworthy's
W 1,4 lot 43, 64.9 lin. ft 3115
M. A. Rooney. L. H. Langworthy's
add.. lot 1 of E 1,4 lot 42 and E 1,4
lot 43, 33.6 lin. ft 1613
Mat. Nester Est., L. H. Lang -
worthy's add., 'ot 2 of E 1/ lot 42
and E 1,4 lot 43, 49.5 lin. ft 23 76
Nic Louis, L. H. Langworthy's add,
lot 3 of E 1,4 lot 42 and E % lot 43
23.7 lin. ft 1137
C. Deckert. L. H. Langworthy's
add.. lot 4 of E 1,4 lot 42 and E /
lot 43. 36.5 lin. ft 17 52
Jno. Eichhorn. Langworthy's add,
W lot 44, 64.9 lin. ft ' 3115
Geo. Jungk. L. H. Langworthy's
add., N 18.5 ft E 1,4 lot 44, 17.8 lin
ft 854
M. A. Rooney. L. H. Langworthy's
add., S M 31.7 ft. E 1,4 lot 44, 31.4
lin. ft 14 88
Andrew Gruber. L. H. Langworthy's
add.. S 14 ft. E % lot 44, 13.8 lin. ft. 6 62
Mrs. Annie Dell, Steiner's add., lot
8, 50. lin. ft 24 00
Ed. Baumgartner, Steiner's add., S
20 ft, lot 7, 20 lin. ft 960
J. B. Baumgartner, Steiner's add,
N 30 ft. lot 7, 30 lin. ft 14 40
John Dorgan, Steiner's add.. lot 9
and N 24 ft lot 10, 74 lin. ft 35 52
Essie Trueb. city S 1,4, M 1-5 lot 491,
25.6 lin. ft $ 12 '1S
Allen Woodward, city N M 1-5, lot
491, 51.2 lin. ft 24 Y7
German Cong. church, city N 1-5
lot 491, 51.2 lin. ft 24 57
St. Paul's German church, Stein-
er's add., lots 11 and 12, 100 lin.
ft ... 48 00
Frank Beyer, Steiner's add, lot 13,
60 lin. ft 24 00
Andrew Gruber, Steiner's add., lot
14, 50 lin, ft...... .. 24 00
H. Ackerman. Steiner's add., S 26
ft. lot 10, 26 lin. ft 12 48
Kate Rooney. L. H. Langworthy,
add., N W 1,4 lot 39, and L. H.
Langworthy's add., N W 26, S W
14. lot 39 28 13
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 6 feet
wide, of good two-inch plank, brick,
stone or cement, be, within ten days of
this notice, constructed and laid in con-
formity with the ordinance in relation
to sidewalks, on the west side of Wash-
ington street, between 13th and 14th
street, abutting lot 69, East Dubuque
add., owned by B. 9. McElhiny, at the
expense of abuting property.
Passed by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, May 15th, 1902.
—C. F. Arendt, City Recorder,
City, Recorder's Office, Dubuque, Iowa,
June 7, 1902.—Notice is hereby given to
all concerned that a special assessment
will be levied to pay for the construction
of an 8 -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in
alley between White and Jackson streets,
from Seventeenth street to Eagle Point
avenue, and in Nineteenth street, from
alley east of White street to alley west
of Washington street, Oliver G. Kringle
contractor. Amount of special assess-
ment, $1,504.07, against the abutting prop-
erty, upon and along said sewer as pro-
vided by law, at a session of the City
Council to be held June 19th, 1902.
And that there is a plat and schedule
on file in the office of the City Recorder
of said City of Dubuque. showing the
street or a part thereof in which said
sewer has been constructed and the sep-
arate lots and parcels of ground or speci-
fied portion thereof subject to assess-
ment of such improvement the name of
the owner thereof as far as practicable
and the amount to be assessed against
each lot or parcel of ground, which plat
and schedule is subject to public inspec-
And that any and all persons object-
ing to said special assessment of said
plat must file his or their objection in
writing with the City Recorder of said
City of Dubuque on or before said ses-
sion of the City Council to be held June
1Pth, 1902, or to appear at said session
of the Council to show cause, if any
you have. why said assessment should
not be levied.
—C. F. Arendt,
G -7-10t City Recorder.
City Recorder's Office, Dubuque, Iowa,
June 7, 1902.—Notice is hereby given to
all concerned that a special assessment
will be levied to pay for the improve-
ment of Cox street, from Union avenue
to alley first north of Angella street.
O'Farrell & Norton, contractors. Amount
of special assessment, $1,067.36, against
the property abutting upon and along
said street as provided by law, at a ses-
sion of the city council to be held June
19th, 1902.
And that there is a plat and schedule
on file in the City Recorder's office of
said City of Dubuque, showing the street
or a part thereof on which said street
has been improved and the separate lots
and parcels of ground or specified por-
tion thereof, subject to assessment for
such improvement; the name of the
owners thereof as far as practicable and
the amount to he assessed against each
lot or parcel of ground, which plat and
schedule is subjected to public inspec-
And that any and all persons objecting
to said special assessments of said plat
and schedule must file his or their ob-
jections in writing with the City Re-
corder of said City of Dubuque, on or
before said session of the City Council
to be held June 19th, 1902, or to appear
at said session of the council to show
cause, if any you have, why said as-
sessments should not be levied.
—C. F. Arendt,
6-7-10t City Recorder.
City Recorder's Office, Dubuque, Iowa,
June 7, 1902.—Notice is hereby given to
all concerned that a special assessment
will be levied to pay for the construction
Official Notices.
of a 10 -inch the pipe sanitary sealer in
Thirteenth street, froth alley east of
Washington street to center of Cedar
Street, Oliver G. Kringle contractor.
Amount of special assessment, $713.60
against the abutting property upon and
along said sewer as provided by law, at
a session of the City Council to be held
June 19th, 1902.
And that there is a plat and schedule
on file in the office of the City Recorder
of said City of Dubuque, showing the
street or a part thereof in which said
sewer has been constructed and the sep-
arate lots and parcels of ground or speci-
fied portion thereof subject to assess-
ment of such improvement the name of
the owner thereof as far as practicable
and the amount to be assessed against
each lot or parcel of graund, which plat
and schedule is subject to public inspec-
And that any and all persons object-
ing to said special assessment of said
plat must file his or their objection in
writing with the City Recorder of said
City of Dubuque on or before said ses-
sion of the City Council to be held June
19th, 1902, or to appear at said session
of the Council to show cause, if any
you have. why said assessment should
not be levied.
—C. F. Arendt.
6-7-10t City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the office of the city recorder up to 7:30
o'clock p. m., June 19th, 1902, for the
construction of a stone arch sewer in
Couler creek, from end of present sewer
in Elm street, to south lot line of San-
ford street, in accordance with a plat
of said sewer, and the specifications pre-
pared by the city engineer and now on
file in the office of the city recorder. It
is estimated by the city engineer that
it will require 2,810 cubic yards of new
masonry and will be 851 feet in length.
Bidders will state the price per cubic
yard, the contractor to do all the work
and furnish all the material, except in
case the city deems it advisable to use
lumber in foundation under the mas-
onry, the same will be furnished by the
city, on the ground, the contractor to be
pair $1.00 per thousand B. M. for putting
said lumber in place.
Each bid must be accompanied with a
certified check for $200.00 on some Du-
buque bank as a guarantee that a con-
tract will be entered into if awarded.
The city reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
Recorder's Office of the City of Du-
buque, June 13th, 1902.
—C. F. Arendt,
6-13-5t City Recorder.
To Whom It May Concern: You and
each of you are hereby notified that it is
the intention of the city council of Du-
buque to improve Lincoln avenue from
Fourth avenue to west line of lot 35,
McCraney's Eagle Point addition.
That a plat and specifications of said
proposed improvement is now on file in
the office of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that said improvement Will require 5,908
lin. ft. of curbing, 2,625.8 sq. yds. of gut-
terings and 11,298 sq. yds. of macadam,
making a total estimated cost to the
abutting property owners of 18,926.84.
Any person having objections to said
improvement is hereby notified to appear
before the City Council at its session to
be held July 3rd, 1902„ or to file with the
City Recorder their objections in writ-
ing, on or before the 3rd day of July,
1902. Dated June 23rd, 1903.
—C. F. Arendt,
6-23-10t City Recorder.
Dubuque, Iowa, June 6, 1902.
Sealed proposals will be received at the
City Engineer's office, city of Dubuque,
Iowa, up to 4 p. m. Thursday, June 19,
17u2, for constructing a plank sidewalk
as fcliows, where not already ia.i: Four
feet wide on the west side of Wced
street., between West Fourteenth street
and north end of said street, abutting lot
No. 7, Myrtle's add.
All in accordance with spec'fibations on
file in said office.
A certified check of ten per cent. of
total will be required with each bid.
The city reserves the right to reject any
and all bids.
—Jas. H. Boyce,
6-7-tf. City Engineer.
The City Council of the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, has dircted that Dubuque
street improvement bonus numbered 64
to 70, inclusive, dated July 1st, 1895; 94 to
104, inclusive, dated August 13th, 1895, and
128, 129 and 130, dated November 18th, 1895,
be redeemed. Interest will close on the
above bonds June 20th, 1902.
—H. Brinkman,
6-13-10t City Treasurer.
You are hereby notified, that in accord-
ance with the ordinance, all shade trees
ony any sidewalk must be kept so
trimmed, that no limbs or branches there-
of shall be lower than eleven feet above
the surface of the sidewalk or street; and
you are
further notified that
unless you
comply with theprovisi nsof the ordi-
nance as above set out within three days
from the date of publication of this no-
tice, the city will perform the work and
assess the cost against the abutting
property. —James H. Boyce,
City Engineer.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the o'clockce p. om t July3he ,y 3, recorder 1902, fortheto
struction and completion of a two-story
brick engine house, to be built for the
city of Dubuque, Iowa. To be located
on Grandview avenue, according to the
plans and specifications as furnished by
Thomas T. Carkeek, and now on file 1n
the office of the city recorder. All bids
must be accompanied by a certified check
for $100 on some Dubuque bank as a
guarantee that a contract will be en -
the right to• into f reject any andeallty bidsees
—C. F. Arendt,
6-25-8t City Recorder.
Official Notices.
In view of the present condition of the
public health, in regard to smallpox, all
colored people who have not been vac-
cinated are hereby requested to call at
the office of Dr. B. Michel, No. 163 10th
Street, between the hours of 8 to 10
O'clock a. m. and 1 and 3 o'clock p. m.
for the purpose of being vaccinated.
By order of the Board of Health.
C, H. Berg, Chairman.
C. F. Arendt, Clerk.
Public notice is hereby given that at
the session of the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, held on the 5th day of
June, 1902, the following special assess-
ments were levied, on the real estate
hereinafter described, and that in case
of failure to pay within the time pre-
scribed by the ordinance governing same,
will become delinquent and subject to
Collection by distress and sale.
F. G. Berg, sub. 1 of 3 of 40, Rein -
frank's sub, lot 2. Amount $58.00.
R. Schoenbeck, sub. 1 of 3 of 40, Rein -
frank's sub., lot 1. Amount, $58.00.
C. Bulow, sub. 33, Reinfrank's sub.,
lot 2. Amount, $47.85.
—H. Brinkman, City Treasurer.
Regular Session, July 3, 1902
Regular Session July 3, 190':.
Council met at 8 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Horr,
. Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Absent—Ald. Corrance.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the C',.uncil
proceedings for the month of June be
approved as printed. Carried.
Ald. Jonas moved that no other bust••
ness bo transacted except approving the
pay rolls.
Ald. Horr moved a substitute that the
business of the evening be the approving
of the pay rolls. taking action on buying
a rock crusher. the improving of Lincoln
avenue, and Mr. Bradley's plat. Carried.
City Treasurer Brinkman reported as
To the I-Ionorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: Below you will find state-
ment of amounts advanced by me during
the month of June, 1902, for which please
order warrants drawn in my favor:
Excavation permits redeemed $ 90.00
Interest on warrants outstanding557.99
Express charges on Improvement 18 8v
Express charges on cancelled Bonds .45
Telegrams in relation to Improve-
ment Bonds . • •
New York exchange, Improvement
Bonds , . , .... 29.21
Printing Bonds •... 100.00
Freight charges, brooms for street J
sweeper .. • • ..25
Refunded city taxes.... • • • • • ' • •19.50
Postage Stamps ... • .. , . . , • . • • •
On motion the report was received, and
warrants ordered drawn to pay the var-
ious amounts, and the report referred
back to the committee on Finance.
City Auditor Hoffman reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of Dubuque: report
Gentlemen: Herewith find my
for the month of June, 1902, showing the
receipts and disbursements for the month:
Cash on hand June 1, 1902, .....$56,165.08
Receipts from all sources 17,336.99
Leaving a balance to the credit
of the city • , , , , , , $ 5,636.02
Also report that there Is due City Of-
ficers for the month of June, 1902, $2,333.45.
Also the following is a record of all In-
terest Coupons and Bonds redeemed by
Wo ter Works Coupons , , , . , , ..$10, 710.00
Regular Bond Coupons , , , , , , , . 862.60
Improvement Bond Coupons , . • • 1,594.17
Improvement Bonds ..........$ 3,000.00
Water Works Bonds .. .... . • .. 1.4,000.00
'Warrants redeemed during month.$24,340.30
Coupons redeemed during month. 2,456.67
Water Works Bonds 14,000.00
Water Works Coupons ........ 10.710.14
Improvement Bonds .... .... .. 3,000_00
Cash on hand July 1, 1902........$18,995.10
Of the cash on hand there belongs 217 60
to the Improvement Bond Fund. L
Improvement Bond Interest Fund 1,141.48
Also the following list shows the Appro-
priations and the amount of warrants
drawn cn each Fund since the beginning
of the fiscal year beginning March 1, 1902,
to July 1, 1902:
Appropriation. Expended.
Expense $40,000 $12,110.07
Road , • • 42,000 19,627.20
Fire.... ...... .... ....... 35,000 8,123.80
Police.... .. .... 28,000 6,855.65
sewerage 5,000 1,540.43
Printing.. .. .. 2,000 405.00
Engineer 4,000 755.80
Gas and Light.... .. 25,000 6,069.80
Board of Health.. 6,000 1,746.75
Water Works Bond lnter-
st 45,000
Interest • . .. .. .... ... . 45,000
Grading.... .... .... 2,000 46.40
Bee Branch.. .. 13,000 705.35
Eagle Point Bridge.. .. 5,000 4,267.85
Special Bonded Paving... 5,000
Redemption.. .... .... .... 2,500
Judgment • . • . • ... .... 3,000 2,786.18
Library.. 6,000
Sprinkling 1st District 750 77.72
Sprinkling 2nd District2,300 176,89
Sprinkling 3rd District2,200 161.70
Sprinkling 4th District• 2,300 102.49
Sprinkling 5th District• 1,500 179.72
Special Bonded Debt int, 3,000 1,141.48
Grandview Avenue Engine 6 SUU.00
House.... .
Mount Carmel Ave. Grad. 1
ing.... ...... 500
Sidewalk Repairing . • • • • •
Special Sewer Fund... 5,000 1,564.06
Total appropriation. $318.050
F. B. HOF Auditor.
On motion the report was received
Y and
warrants ordered drawn to pay
ficers and the report referred back to the
Finance committee.
Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol -
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council olows:
Dubuque: Is the pay
Gentlemen—The following
roll of the Fire Department for the month
of June, 1902: $`2,019 0
Amount due firemen •.• ......• „
Approved : MATT CLANCY,
Chairman Committee on Fire.
On motion the pay roll was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay fire-
men, and the pay roll referred hack to
committee on Fire.
Chief of Pollee Morgan reported as fol-
To the
orr nd City Council o
Gentlemen—I herewith submit my re-
port and pay roll for the Police depart-
ment for the month of June,
Regular Session, July 8, 1902.
Total arrests for the month
Patrol runs for the month
Miles run for the month
Doors found open
Residents arrested
Lodgers harbored
Defective lights
Meals furnished
Cost of food
Also Treasurer's receipt for impounding.
Also Treasurer's receipt for board of
county prisoners. 85 cents.
Also the pay roll for policemen for the
month of June. 1902:
Amount due policemen $2,281.95
Respectfully submitted,
Chief of Police.
On motion the report and pay roll were
received. and warrants ordered drawn to
pay policemen, and the report referred
back to the committee on Police.
City Engineer Boyce reported as fol-
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen—I herewith submit my pay
roll for labor, cleaning and repairing
streets, during the last half of June, 1902:
Amount due laborers on streets$1.528.75
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved: E. E. FRITH.
Chairman Committee on Streets.
Also submit my payroll for labor on
sewers for the last half of June, 1902:
Amount due laborers on sewers ....$170.60
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Chairman Committee on Sewers.
On motion the pay rolls on sewers and
streets were received and warrants or-
dered drawn to pav the various amounts,
and the pay rolls referred back to the
proper committees.
Also submit my pay roll for teams
hauling sprinkling wagons during the
last half of June, 1902:
Amount due teamsters $254.00
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved: G. N. RAYMOND,
Chairman Committee on Paving, Sweep-
ing and Sprinkling.
On motion the pay roll was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay the
above amounts.
City Electrician Hipman reported as
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen—I herewith submit my re-
port of defective lights for the month of
June, 1902:
I find from the reports of the Police
department that the total hours that 445
lamps failed to burn would equal 1414
lamps for one month, or $78.30. Respect-
fully submitted,
City Electrician.
Othem motion t Auditor insthe ructed wasport received and
cted todeduct from
the Union Electric companys bill for the
month of June, 1902. the amount of $78.30.
The Mayor stated the next matter to•
come up before the Council was the pur-
chasing of a rock crusher.
Ala. Horr moved to suspend the rules
for the purpose of hearing Mr. Mark -
land. Carried.
Mr. 1liarkland addressed the Council
and also presented an agreement of the
Austin & Western company. T.t'd., for
the purchase of a rock crusher, which
was read.
Ald. T=lorr moved that the proposition
as read he accepted. Carried..
City Recorder Arendt presented and
read the published notice of Councils In-
tention to improve Lincoln Avenue from
Fourth Avenue to West line of lot 35 to
Merraney's Eagle Point addition. prop-
erl}• certified to by the publisher: also
remonstrances of Mrs. Catherine Rhom-
bcrg and Miss Sarah Ham protesting
against said improvement.
Ald. Frith moved that the remon-
strances he received and flied.
Lost by the following vote:
Yeas—Frith. Hnrr and Jones.
Nays—Clancy, Raymond and Sheridan.
Absent—Ald. Corrance.
Tt being a tie vote the Mayor voted
ay .
Ald. Frith then moved to refer the re-
monstrances to the committee of the
Whole. Carried.
Alderman Frith offered the following:
Be it resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That TAncoln Ave-
nue from Fourth Avenue to West line of
int 35 in McCraney's Eagle Point addition
be' improved by grading, enrhing, gut-
tering and macadamizing the same In ac-
cordance with the plat and specifications
for such improvement, prepared by the
pity Engneer. and now on file In the of-
fice of the city Recorder, and he it fur-
ther resolved. that said improvement
shall be completed on or before the lst
day of December, 19112. and shall he paid
for at the time and in the manner pre-
scribed by Chanter 3? of the Revised Or-
mllrances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque
for the payment of the cost of street
The proposals for doing such work will
he acted upon by the Connell on the 17th
day of Tuly, 1902, and the City Reeoriler
is hereby ordered to give ten days' no-
tice by publication, asking for proposals,
as provided by ordinance.
Aid. Frith moved to adopt the resolu-
Ald.. Clancy moved a substitute to re-
fer the resolution to the enmmtttee of
the Whole.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Raymond and Sher-
Nays—Alds. Frith, Horr and Jones.
Absent—Ald. Corrance.
Tt being a tie vote the Mayor voted aye.
Ald. Frith also offered the following:
Be it Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque. That the plat of
Jackson .chooT subdivision of lot 2 of the
sub. of out lot 744. Dubuque, Iowa. be ap-
proved and that the Mayr and Recorder
of the city are hereby dtreeted to make
prolfdr certification of this resolution of
approval, in order that said plat may be
properly recorded.
Ala. Frith moved to adopt the resolu-
Carried by the following vote:
Regular Session, July 3, 1902. 173
yeas—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Horr, Jones,
Raymond and Sheridan.
Absent—Ald. Corrance.
Aid. Frith movedto adjourn until July
10th, 1902. Carried.
City Recorder.
,t ( l '
.... ' / Hecordci•.
Approved ! f rr j.. " 190-
174 Adjourned Regular Session, July 10, 1902.
Adjourned Regular Session July 10, 1902.
Council met at S:15 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
The folloying bills were ordered paid:
A. Doerr, Jr., assistant assessor for
Jame .
Jos. J. Murphy, assistant assessor
75 00
75 00
G. Holl. grinding lawn mower,
Washington park 1 00
W. Van Halter, plastering commit-
teeroom and matron department19 80
P. J. Seippel, shingles for city hall 5 00
E. J. Schilling, repairing cement
sidewalk at Ninth street engine
house 48 00
Mrs. A. Mueke, cleaning and scrub-
bing offices, halls and council
chamber, city hall . , , 23 00
Mrs. M. Meehan, cleaning and
scrubbing offices, halls and coun-
cil chamber, city hall 15 00
Toussaint & Trexler, toilet paper
at city hall 7 00
F. Hardie, transcript of testimony
in case of Gust. Schnee vs. city34 00
W. Whelan, grinding lawn mower,
Washington park 1 00
Smith -Morgan Printing Co., 198
warrant hooks , . , . .
Key City Gas Co., gas for various
departments , , , , , 299 90
Iowa Telephone Co., telephone ser-
vice for various departments , 33 02
Es en & Fuchs, hard coal, First ward
82 15
scales 450
Key City Gas Co., mantels and
chimneys, city hall , , , , , , , , , , 2 45
Dubuque Telegraph Herald, blank
stationery, treasurer's office 8 00
Mathis, Metz & Co., blank station-
ery, committee clerk 2 50
Key City Furniture Co., 1 oak table,
engineer's office , , , , .. , , , 12 00
Farley, Loetscher Mfg. Co., 1
dra.ughting table, engineer's office 7 00
McElrath Teaming Co., sand for
road department6 75
T. J. Mulgrew, sewer pipe for od
department17 55
P. J. Seippel, lumber for roade-
partment 43 85
Rumpf, Frudden Lumber Co., lum-
ber for road department 26 95
Standard Lumber Co., cedar posts
for road department ' , , , , . 40
Jos. Schlueter, oil for road depart-
ment , „ , , , , , 65
Ellwanger Bros., repairing harness,
road department 585
F. Schloz & Son, repairing tools,
road department 4 85
A. A. Brown, repairs, road depart-
ment 2 50
Geo. Bock, repairs, road department 4 30
P. Clancy, cinders, road department 16 25
F. A. Dalton, veterinary services,
road department 96
Ragatz & Schaetgen, repairs on
steam roller 52 10
Smedley Steam Pump Co., repairs
on street sprinkler .. , , , , , , , , 50
E. J. Voggenthaler Co., repairs at
Central engine house .... 398
E. J. Voggenthaler Co., repairs at
28th street engine house 413
Key City Gas Co., coke for tire de-
partment ... , 14 50
Butt Bros., repairs for fire depart -
Geo. W. Healey, hardware, fire de-
partment . 80
F. M. Jaeger & Co., hardware, fire
department . , .. 4 00
M. Stafford, hay, fire department. . 177 10
'Worrell Mfg. Co., 1 large sprayer, . 1 00
Worrell Mfg. Co., 5 gallons of dis-
infectine . 12 50
Union Electric Co., arc lights for
June ... •... ... ......2029 58
Ellwanger Bros., repairing harness,
Police department .. . , .. ..... 2 35
J. Hartig, keys for Mayor's office
and Police headquarters , . , , 1 05
H. J. Tropf, board of prisoners for
June .. .... .. .. 680
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary services
for patrol team.. . , 1 44
F. Burns, hauling shavings at pa-
trol house ,. .. ... 5 00
Key City Roofing Co., repairing roof
at patrol house 6 00
Butt Bros., repairing patrol wagon S 75
T. J. Mulgrew, cement for sewer de-
partment ... , 5 25
Key City Roofing Co., sewer pipe,
sewer department 8 38
F. M. Jaeger & Co., 500 feet cotton
tape, sewer department „ .. , , , , 85
Steuck & Linehan, arching 50 lineal
feet of storm water sewer on Hill
Pape & Jacquinot, estimate on storm
water sewer in Washington and
Elm streets , , , , , 443 66
John Hartig, repairing rod, Engi-
neer's office
Keuffel & Esser, supplies and sta-
tionery for Engineer's office , 23 66
Globe -Journal, official printing for
June .. 60 00
Dubuque Telegraph -herald, of tical
printing for June , , , , , , , , , , , , 50 00
National Demokrat, official printing
for June 25 00
.. .... .... ....
Palmer, Berg & Co., 200 blank books
for Death reports 50 00
T. E. Frith, removing garbage and
dead animals during month of
June, 1902 .... .... „ , :148 50
Butt Bros., repairs on sprinkling
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., 5
dozen hose washers for sprinkling
wagons, , 2 00
...... .... ... ...
Linehan & Malo, 10 lbs. white waste
for sprinkling department ....
A. Y. McDonald & Morrison Mfg.
Co., diaphram rubbers for fire de-
partment ,
A. Y. McDonald & Morrison Mfg.
Co., black pipe for sewer depart-
ment ,
Mullen & Pepin, plumbing at city
Mullen & Papin, putting in lamp
fronting Police headquarters , 8 27
Key City Roofing Co., repairing
roofs at Fourth street and Eight-
teenth street egine houses as per
contract , 234 50
The McEvoy Co., rebuilding chim-
ney tops at Central engine house 2420
Eichhorn & Bechtel, bran and salt
1 80
7 90
1 50
Adjourned Regular Session, July 10, 1902.
for fire department . , . , , , , , , ,
Dubuque Oil Tank Line, oil for lire
department ,
Ellwanger Bros., repairing harness
for fire deportment ,. ....
Ott. Meurer & Co., shoving for fire
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary services
for fire department ,.,, ....
J. .Haudenshield, hauling shavings
for fire department . , , . .... . .
Dubuque Mattress Factory, mat-
tresses for fire department
'Wunderlich & \Viederholt, horse
shoeing, fire department ,
Lear & Kennedy, horse shoeing, fire
Chas. Falkenhainer, drugs and sup-
plies. fire department . , , .
Key City Gas Co.. to rent of Hum-
phrey lamp at Ninth street en-
gine house ,
Worrell Mfg. Co.. disinfectine for
fire department 25 00
Palmer Berg & Co., blank hooks and
blank stationery for various de-
partments , . .. 38 50
The following bills were ordered referred
to the committee on Fire:
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary services
for lire department .. . 18 00
F. A. Dalton, veterinary services for
fire department .. 17 52
W. W. Whelan, repairing harness
hangers, tire department ... 3 25
Mullen & Papin, plumbing at Cen-
tral and Delhi street engine
3 26
7 80
11 40
4 00
3 85
1 50
3 20
2 00
2 25
Chris. Lembke, repairing harness
for tire department •
E. J. Voggenthaler Co., repairing
steam roller ... 42 47
On motion the bill was referred to the
committee on Streets:
W. H. Torbert, prescription for pa-
tient at pest house. , .... 05
On notion the bill was referred to the
Board of Health.
Dr. E. L. Reinecke, to attending
Wm. Clark, overcome by sewer
gas . 12 00
On motion the bill was referred to the
committee of the Whole.
Petition of John Jansen et al in relation
to the running at large of the cattle
belonging to Frank Lanser, residing on
Reeder street.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the Pound -
master be instructed to attend to his dut-
ies and keep said cattle from running
at large. Carried.
Petition of John Specht asking council
to appropriate the sun of $250.00 to be
used in order to run tate steamer Teal
during the season of 1902.
Ald. Horr moved to refer the petition
to the committee of the Whole.
Ald. Corrance moved a substitute to re-
ceive and file the petition.
Substitute carried by the following v
Yeas—Alds. Corrance, Frith, Raymond,
and Sheridan.
Nays—Alds. Clancy, I-iorr and Jones.
Petition of V. P. Kruse et al in regard
to the bad condition of the gutter on the
east side of Couler avenue between
Knoernschild's butcher shop and Webebs
tin shop, and asking that the gutter
repaired at once.
Ald. Frith moved to refer the petition
to the committee on Streets. Carried.
4 90
4 10
Petition and remonstrance of Chris.
Buelow et al remonstrating against pay-
ing the special assessments as levied
against their abutting property for the
construction of a sanitary sewer in Diag-
onal ..treet.
Aid. Frith moved to refer the petition
to the Sewer committee and City Attor-
ney. Carried.
Petition of John L. Bauman, pastor of
Sacred Heart church, asking that a san-
itary sewer be constructed in order to
make proper sewer connections for said
On motion the petition was referred to
the Sewer committee and City Engineer.
Petition of the 1. O. O. 1"., Harmony
Lodge No. 2, and Julien Lodge No. 12,.
asking that the taxes on city lot No. 633.
be canceled for the year 1902.
Ald. Corrance moved to refer the peti
tion to the Board of Equalization. Car.
Petition of the Eagle Point Lime Works,
by E. A. Fengler and thirty-five t35) oth-
er signers, asking to have Lincoln Avenue
Improved from Fourth (4th) Avenue to
the west line of lot No. 35 in McCraney's
Eagle Point Add.
Ald. Clancy moved to refer the petition.
to the committee of the Whole. Carried.
Petition of F. L. Dame, general mana-
ger of the Union Electric Co.. in relation
to giving the city an up-to-date system,
of street lighting.
On motion the petition was referred to•
the committee of the Whole.
Petition of Mrs. J. B. Nohe et al pro-
testing against paying a license for the
purpose of running boarding houses in the
city was, on motion of Ald. Raymond,
referred to the committee of the Whole.
Communication of the League of Ameri-
can Municipalities, by John MacVicar,
secretary, inviting the Mayor and City -
Council to attend the sixth annual con-
' vention of the League of American Muni-
cipalities to be held in Grand Rapids,
Mich., August 27, 28 and 29, 1902.
Ald. Horr moved to refer the communi-
cation to the committee of the Whole.
Petition and remonstrance of E. A.
Buettell protesting against the proposed'
change of grade on Langworthy Avenue,
and asking that the matter be compromis-
Ald. Clancy moved to receive and file
the remonstrance. Carried.
Communication of Jacob Rich, president
of the Board of Library Trustees, re-
questing the council toadopt ir the
eingo directing r
resolution authorizing out of the Library
Fund of the city
City Treasurer to pa
orders drawn by
said Board of Trustees against the same
for the purpose that the necessary furni-
turne, fixtures, etc., be promptly ordered.
Whereupon Ald. Raymond offered the
following resolution. which
ace as ado pted
Be it resolved, that, in
the communication received from the
Board of Trustees of the Free Public
rary of the City ofDbisque, and ity
Treasurer is hereby au
rected to pay out the Library Fund of the
City of Dubuque, upon the orders of the
by sits president and secretarY signed
Petition of F. D. Scharle asking that
the water mains be extended between the
176 Adjourned Regular Session, July 10, 1902.
alley west of Couler Avenue and Valeria
On motion the petition was referred to
the Water Works Trustees, with recom-
mendations that the mains be put in as
prayed for.
Petition and claim of Sara Ham, claim-
ing the sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars
($151;0.00) damages according to objections
submitted to the council if Lincoln Ave-
nue is opened in front of her property
from Seventh to Eighth Avenues to
Ham's Add.
Ald. Jones moved to receive and the
the petition and claim.
Ald. Sheridan moved a substitute to
refer the petition and claim to the com-
mittee of the Whole. Carried.
Bid for constructing and building 0 new
engine house on Grandview Avenue was
presented, and on motion of Ald. Jones
the bid was ordered returned to the bid-
der unopened, and the Recorder instruct-
ed to re -advertise for bids. •
City Attorney Barnes reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and Aldermen of
the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: At the regular session of
your honorable body held on the 19th day
of June, 1902, the petition of Jacob Grode
et al asking your honorable body to stop
the operation of the planing mill and box
factory located near the corner of Rhom-
berg Avenue and Elm street, and asking
you to condemn the building as a nuis-
ance and remove the same, was referred
to me for my opinion as to what auth-
ority the city had in the premises.
The city ..f Dubuque, by virtue of the
ordinances passed by the said city on
the subject of nuisances, is clothed with
the power to prevent and abate the nuts
ances therein referred to. Upon the
quostion of your authority to condemn
this .building as a nuisance, I desire to
call your attention to section 374 of Dil-
lon's Municipal Corporation, which is as
follows: "It is to secure and promote the
public health, safety, and convenience
that municipal corporations are so gen-
erally and so liberally endowed with pow-
er to prevent and abate nuisances. This
authority and its summary exercise may
be constitutionally conferred on an in-
corporated place, and it authorized its
council to act against that which comes
wilbia the legal notion of a nuisance;
but such power, conferred in general
terms, cannot be taken to authorize the
extra judicial condemnation and destruc-
tion of that as a nuisance which. in its
nature, situation, or use Is not such.
Speaking upon this subject in a very im-
portant case, where the city, under au-
thority to prevent and restrain encroach-
ments In rivers running through it, com-
menced summary proceedings to remove
a private wharf, an eminent judge uses
this Language, "but the mere declara-
tion by the city council that a certain
structure was an encroachment or ob-
struction did not make it so, nqr could
such declaration make it a nuisance un-
less it In fact had that character. It is
a doctrine not to be tolerated in this
country, that a municipal corporation,
without any general laws either of the
city or of the state within which a given
structure can be shown to he a nuisance,
can, by the mere declaration that it is
one. subject It to removal by any person
stip sed to be grieved, or oven by the
city itself. This would place every house,
every business, and all the property In
the city. at the uncontrollable will of the
teutper;u•y local :urtholittos.•.
There is nuthiug 8181)d in the petition
which brings the blurring referral to
within any of the ordin:uu•cs relating to
nuisances. and I am consequently of the
opinion that it is beyond the power of the
city through > our' honorable hotly to de-
clare this building a nuisance or to grant
the prayer of said petition.
Bearing furtht•r un tin. rights of peti-
tl:.ners, 1 will Siy that section Su;\ 1, the
code of Iowa r.l' ls:t;, 41) 1111 s ;;. m•I•ally
what ore nt,isan,•ts in this slab,. If the
building in tquistien111)l, lata
within any of the pro ishms of said st•e-
tiou. petitioners can bate the saute de-
clared a nuisance I.y kiln -jug the proper
proceedings in court. and the court upon
a prop 1' shc.wing has i netr to order the
abatement cf the same.
Respectfully submitted,
City Attorney.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the report of
the City Attorney be approved. Carried.
City attorney Barnes also reported as
'1'o the Honorable Mayor and Aldermen
of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: At t'ne meeting of
the committee of the Whole held
on the 11th day of June, 1902,
you referred to me the petition of M. C.
Blake. praying for the cancellation Of the
special assessment levied on lots 8 and 9
in Porter's sub -division for the improve-
ment of Seminary street, for my opinion
as to whether or not said lots are assess-
able for the improvement of Seminary
Foye street lies between Seminary street
and the lots in question, unless Foye
street has been vacated. :\ pint showing
the proposed vacation of that part of
Foye street lying between Seminary street
and the lots in question, was presented to
the council of February 15, 1594, and was
by the council referred to the committee
of the Whole. The printed record of the
proceedings of the city council fails to
show that the committee of the Whole
ever made any report either recommend-
ing the vacation as prayed, or otherwise.
I find that at the regular session of the
council held April 9, 1896, a resolution
was offered calling for the improvement
of Foye street between \Vest Locust
street and Gold street, which resolution 15
in the usual form and calls for the im-
provement of that part of Foye street
upon which these lots abut. This would
indicate that there had been no vacation
of that part of Foye street at that date.
Section S, Chapter 30, of the Revised
Ordinances of 1893, which was in force at
the date of the presentaton of said plat,
provides. "that any public highway in
said city may be annulled in like manner
by resolution of the city council; pro-
vided, that no street, alley or highway
duly established shall be altered or an-
nulled, until after the proposed action
thereon shall have been submitted to the
City Council at two regular sessions, nor
until tett days' notice thereof shall have
been published in the city papers." The
records of the proceedings of the said
Adjourned Regular Session, July 10, 1902.
Council fails to show that any resolu-
tion was ever passed vacating that part
of said street in question. or that the re-
quirements referred to in said section
were ever complied with. The plat, itself,
does not appear to have ever been record-
ed. as It undoul,t, dl>; would have been
had the part of said street in question
been vacated. 1 can find noshing that
shows that that part of Foye street in
question has ever been vaeated by your
honorable Body. As this street lies be-
tween Seminary street and the lots in
question, I am of the opinion that saki
lots are not assessable for the improve-
ment of Seminary street.
Respectfully submitted,
City Attorney.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the report of
the City Attorney be approved, and the
Treasurer he instructed to cancel the
assessment. Carried.
The following we•ighm::sters' and wood -
measurers' receipts were referred to the
committee on Markets:
Henry J. Tropf, city hall receipts, .$1S 93
Thos. Faherty, First ward receipts. 810
Louise Pitschner, \Vest Dubuque re-
ceipts .. ..... '17
R. Hay, Eighth street scales, re-
ceipts.... .... .. .. . . , .. 1 96
R. F. Curran, woodmeasurer, re-
ceipts for month of June ........ 117
Ald. F'rnu, e'hairman of the Ordinance
committee, reported back the ordinance
establishing the grade of Langworthy
Avenue, between South Alpine street and
Hill street; and changing the grade on
Langworthy Avenue between South Al-
pine street and Booth street.
Ald. Frith moved that the ordinance be
read the second time. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
The ordinance was then read the second
Ald. Frith moved that the ordinance be
Carried by the
Jones, Raymond
The Mayor
adoi. ted.
The ordinance follows:
Be it ordained by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That the grade of Lang-
worthy Avenue between South Alpine
street and Hill street be established and
described as follows:
Starting from the east curb line of
South Alpine street, which is station 0-11,
elevation 286.25; thence easterly to sta-
tion 0.0, which is the east line of South
Alpine street; thence easterly to station
6.90, which is the west curb line of Hill
street, elevation 273.0.
Sec. 2. That the grade of Langworthy
Avenue between South Alpine street and
Booth street, as heretofore established be
changed and that the grade of said street
be established and described as follows:
Starting from the west line of South
Alpine street, which is station 0.0, ele-
vation 286.5; thence westerly to station
1.30, elevation 286.0, which is the beginning
of curved grade; thence westerly to sta-
following vote:
Corrance, Frith, Horr,
and Sheridan.
declared the ordinance
tion 1.50, elevaton 235,8; thence westerly
to station 2, elevation :N2.8; thence west-
erly to station 2.220, elevation 281.0, at
which point curved grade terminates;
thence westerly to station 3.36, elevation
21.8.75; thence westerly to station 3.66, ele-
vation 2,.'7.23' thenee westerly to station
6.40.9, which Is the west line of Booth
street, elevation 228.0.
Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect
and he in force, from and after Its publi-
cation one time in the Dubuque Globe -
Journal newspaper.
Approved, ----
--. 19112.
Aid. Frith, Chairman of the committee
on Streets, reported as follows:
Your committee en Streets, to whom
was referred the petition of John 1,. Wag-
ner et al., asking that Fifth Avenue be
made passable, beg to report that the
City Engineer has already placed said
avenue in passable condition. Owing to
the volume of water that flows down this
hollow after every heavy rain and washes.
out the roadbed, we do not consider it
advisable to do anything more than keep
the road passable until such time as It
can be rebuilt permanently.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report.
Ald. ,len, s. Chairman of the committee
on Public Grounds and Buildings, report-
ed as follows:
Your cr,mmittec on Public Grounds and
13u1ldings. t„ 'vttont were r. I' weed the
bills of Gus Holl for $4.Oa f,,r sharpening
and repairing lawn mowers, told reeom.
mend that a warrant be order. d di w n in
settlement of the claim.
Ald. Jones mcvcd to adopt the report.
Ald. Clancy, Chairman of the committee
on Fire. reported that there ought to be
a fire alarm box placed at the A. Y. Mc-
Donald & Morrison Co.'s building, foot of
Thirteenth street.
On motion the matter was referred to
the committee on Fire.
City Recorder Arendt presented and
read the following:
To the Honorable Council:
Gentlemen: The undersigned, your
special committee designated by ordi-
nance. beg leave to report that we have
carefully examined the books, vouchers
and all matters pertaining to the receipts
and disbursements of the Dubuque High
Bridge Company, and find that the same
correspond with the report submitted to
this Council and which is hereto attached.
C. H. Berg, Mayor.
F. B. Hoffman, Auditor,
C. B. Scherr, Assessor.
Ald. Corrance moved that the report be
approved and placed on file. Carried.
Ald. Horr, Chairman of the committee
of the Whole, reported as follows:
Your committee of the Whole, to whom
was referred the petition of B. J. O'Neill
in relation to the special assessment
against lot 60 in O'Neill's Riverview addi-
tion, beg to report that the matter was
referred to the Finance committee, who,
upon due o report a
companying which we would re-
spectfully recommend for adoption:
178 Adjourned Regular Session, •July 10, 1902.
The Finance committee's report follows: I
'To the Honorable Committee of the
Your committee on Finance would re-
spectfully recommend that the City
Treasurer be instructed to accept the sum
Of $162.9.: in settlement of the special as-
sessment against lot 60 in O'Neill's River-
view add.
Aid. Horr moved to adopt the report
•of the committee of the \Vhole. Carried,
Aid. Ilorr offered the following:
'!'here being an unnecessary and use-
less waste of water, occasioned by not
having any controlling device on the
water fountains, 1 move that the Water
Works 'Trustees be requested to tit each
horse drinkng fountain with a back pres-
sure valve and all other drinking foun-
tains with spring faucets.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt. Carried.
Ald. Herr offered the following resolu-
Be it resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That the City Engineer
be and he is hereby instructed to pre-
pare plans and specifications for a storm
water sewer in Fourteenth street from
the end of the present sewer to a point
one block east thereof and to file such
plans. and specifications together with an
-estimate of the cost of the work, In the
office of the City Recorder, who shall
thereupon advertise for bids for the con-
struction of said sewer in accordance with
said plans and specifications and present
.said bids to the City Council at the ses-
•sion to be held August 7, 1902.
Also offered the following:
Be it resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That the Fire Chief
be and he is hereby instructed to make a
thorough investigation of the hotels, hos-
pitals, sanitariums, factories, theatres,
public and private halls, churches, school
houses, colleges and all other public build-
ings within the city limits and submit,
.as early as possible, a report in writing to
the City Council, stating whether or not
the requirements of sections 1 to 5 of
Chapter XXIX. of the Revised Ordinances
•of 1901. and also the provisions of the re-
cent acts of the state legislature are be-
ing complied with; and that he in his
report set out in detail the defects and
omissions discovered by him and make
such recommendations as he may deem
Ald. Horr moved to adopt both resolu-
tions. Carried.
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for repair-
ing sidewalks for months of September
and October, 1901, by the city contractor,
in front of and adjoining the same, a
-special tax be and is hereby levied on the
several lots and parts of lots and parcels
of real estate hereinafter named, situated
and owned, and for the several amounts
set opposite each lot or parcel of real es-
tate, as follows:
Special assessment submitted and pass-
ed July 10th, 1902.
Jos. Herod, Blake's add., lot 11 $ 25
Tom Paisley, Blake's add., lots 12,
13, 14 85
L. Reinecke, Smedley's add., 19 and
E 8% ft of lot 20 70
J. Shields. Dubuque Harbor Co.'s
add. lot 8. block 1 50
Hughes & Blake, Blake's add.. lot •
22 50
Hughes & Blake. Blake's add.. lot 21 1 15
School and Convent sub min lot 186,
lot 1 65
Mary Weigel, sub city 741, lot 2 40
S. J. Dotson. Levin's add. lot 24 40
Emma T. Randall, sub 1 of lot 55 of
min lot :9. lot 1 40
Conrad Fuchs. L. H. Langworthy's
add., N 1 lot 96 100
Gerhard Tenhaff, Davi. Farm add
lot 358 10
W. G. Cox. Levies' addlot 14 80
Wm. Marshall, Dubuque Har. Co.'s
add• lot 7, block 1 7n
Ellen O'Helleron, Finley's add. lots
13, 14 and 15 80
Geo. Salot. -Finley's add, lot 4 40
Jas. Mullen Est.. Finley's add, lots
10 and 11 40
Kenety & Mulgrew. sub. 61, Little-
ton & Sawyer's add, lots 1 and 245
Iowa Trust & Savings bank, Buse -
man's sub, lot S 60
Wm. Schaefer. Baseman's sub. lot 9 50
F. Bergman, Baseman's sub, lot 14. 45
A. Herting, Baseman's sub. lots 15
and 17 150
Schroeder & Voelker. Mechanics'
add, lot 122 70
A. F. & B. D. Heeb, Marsh's add,
lot 26 40
Mary Flynn, East Dubuque add, lot
81 35
Ella A. Richardson, city. lot 128 .. 50
Bosserman & Ives, city N 21.7 ft of
lot 90 50
B. Lagen, city N 21.7 ft of lot 9350
Eliza Schon. sub 146 and 146a, L. H
Langworthy's add, lot 3 35
C. B. Scherr. trustee, Mechanics'
add, lot 154 6.5
Fred J. Weland. Weland's sub. lot 2 40
J. H. Jecklin Est, Weland's sub. lot
Peter J. Wiegand. sub 145a. L. H
Langworthy's add, E 41 of lot 135
J. H. Jecklin Est• sub 2 of 145, L. H
Langworthy's add, lot 1 45
O. & C. J. Spahn, sub 1 of 148. L. H
Langworthy's W 3t of lot 1 90
John Coleman. Quigley's sub. 710. lot
13 46
Tom Paisley. Blake's add, lot 13.... 1 05
Tom. Paisley. Blake's add, lot 14.... 26
J. Flynn, sub 2 of 1 of min lot 186
tot 2 90
Wrn F. \dimer, Oakland Park, lot
. ... ... ... ... ... ...
Home of the Friendless, Gray's sub,
lot 1 35
Jas. McEvoy. Finley's add, lot 5 70
Loetscher & Buol, Loetscher &
Trueb's sub, lot 12 50
Mary Bedenbender, Hodge's sub, lot
8 ..... .... .... ... .............. 40
Mary A. Kemler, sub 2 of 4, Anna
O'Hare's sub• lot 1 105
Geo. Grundy Hodge's sub. lot 135
A. E. Girard. Hodge's sub. lot 5155
W. Hammel, sub 1 of 1 of 2 of 670
and 682, city, lot 1 CS
John Marcan. sub 1 of 1 of 2 of 670
and 682, city lot"
Mary Barry. rite ` '•_ lot 554 65
Jas. Levi, city N 44 ft. lot 69 85
Geo. Wimmer, East Dubuque add,
S%lot 176
P. IT. E. Sommerfeld, East Dubuque
add, S 1 lot 162
T. F. Maxwell Est, Hooper's add,
lot 4
J. J. Murray, sub city 740, lot 1.... 110
Adjourned Regular Session, July 10, 1902. 179
J. Zangmeister, Bradstrects add, lot
24..... ..
Wm. Lawther, SM. Langworthy's
add. lot 13
Jas. Baxter. sub 1 min lot 159. lot 1. 1 95
Enge11u.nit 1lemmi, sub :1 and 4,
Stafford's add, N 50 ft lot 1
John Bohn, Gieger's sub. lot 9
S. M. Langworthy Est. S. M. Lang -
worthy's sub, lots 9 and 10
Mary A. Kemler, sub 4. Robt.
Brown's sub, lot 1...
A. W. Kemler Est, McCoy's sub, lot
C. H. Eighme y, sub 2 of min lot
159. lot 1
Eliz. Acker, sub 2 of 2 of 7 of
min lot 159. lot 1
Nic Glab. Davis' Farm add. lot,14740
Justus Bechtel, F:ast Dubuque add
s I-_ lot 123, .... 145
Wm. Guderian est., East Dubuque
add. w 1/2 lot 5 EO
Watters & Dennis, sub 3, city 720,
lot G 70
H. F. Salot, sub 143 L. H. Lang -
worthy's add. lot :l, , , .
Mary L. Bunting, Glendale add., lot
McClain Bros., McClain's sub., lot 16 40
90 • \\'m. Schumm, Grandview Place,
1 85
2 25
Johanna Koerner, sub 3, Mineral lot
63, lot 2 175
Thos. Hassett, Harper's sub. n 85
feet lot 2 ,. 50
S. J. Patch, T,-nion add., lot 19935
F. C. Stoltz, Union add.. lot 181 35
A. W. Kemler est., Union add,
Pat Moran. Union add.. lot 180, , , , 90
Jac. Michel. sub city 524. lot 2, 1 05
M. J. Everett est., sub city 655. lot 2 55
Jno. Wimmer est., East Dubuque
add.. lot 175 35
Jno, Lanser, Glendale add.. lot 6140
Cath. Rockes, Stafford's add., lot 8 55
Gotf. (3mehle. Gmehle's sub. lot 1, . 2 85
E. A. and G. A. Burden, Burden-
I.awther add., lot 5.... .... 95
E. A. and G. A. Burden, Burden-
Lawther add., lot 66
Jno. Schmitt, Mt. Pleasant add,
lot 18. . . .
Anna M. Bush, sub. 1, Mineral lot
M. H. Martin, A. McDaniel's sub,
lot 819
Mary Weigel, sub. city 741. lot 2. ..
M. Tschirgi, Sr., sub. Mineral lot
172, lot 2,
J. Kleinschmidt, Woodlawn Park,
lot 99,
C. A. Voelker, Woodlawn Park,
lot 54,
C. A. Voelker, Woodlawn Park,
lot 55
C. A. Voelker, Woodlawn Park.
lot 56....
Bridget Lehay, Deming & Horr's
sub., lot 20..
Marg. Linehan. Deming & Horr's
sub., lot 17. . ..
Sarah J. Rothwell, sub. Mineral lot
J. T. Hancock est., sub. Mineral lot
Sidonia Hosford, sub. 2 of 1, Box -
letter's add., lot 1 . . .. .. • .
R. Bonson est., sub city 731, lot 1
Sarah Bell, Dell's sub., lot A....
D. C. Phillips. Reche's sub., lot 7.
Matilda Miller, Grandview Place, lot
Kiene & Altman, Grandview Place,
lOt 1z„ 45
.. ... .... ... .....
T. J. Paisley, Whelan's sub., lot 540
Timothy Dillon, Stewart's sub., lot 8 1 00
Timothy Dillon, Whelan's sub., lot 2 35
Peter Klauer, Grandview Park, lots
7 and 8, block 3.... 45
Peter Klauer, Grandview Park, lots
9 and 10, block 3 1 341
John Osel, Stewart's sub., lot 1455
Peter Klauer, Grandview Park, lots
5 and 6, block 2. ,55
Citizens' State Bank, sub. Mineral
lot 46, lot 1,. 75
Timothy Dillon, Dillon's sub., lot 1 45
Jas. Ryan, Grandview Park. lot 15.
Peter Klauer, Grandview Park, 1,4,
14, block 4, , 55
Peter Klauer, Grandview Park, lot
Peter Kiauer, Grandview Park, lot
Peter Klauer, Grandview Park, lot
145, block 3.... 55
F. Schloz, Grandview Park, lot 1,
J. U. Sammis, Grandview add., lot 7 75
John Burton est., sub. 3, Mineral lot
150, lot 2, 50
J. U. Sammis, Grandview add., lot 6 40
Chris. Denlinger, O'Hare's sub., lot
T. Kavanaugh est., sub. Mineral lot
22, lot 4.
C. A. Voelker, Mechanics' add., lot
C. A. Voelker, Mechanics' add., lot
A. J. Lembeck, Marsh's add., e 100
feet, lot 45
Wm. Hintrager, Marsh's add., lot 49
J. A. Schmitt, city s 1-5 lot 481 1 20
John Olinger, Boulevard add., lot 1 50
Jos. Dietl. L. 1-I. Langworthy's add, 50
E 90 ft., lot 2u
40 Kate Mueller, sub. 3, Cook's add, 125
lot 1
55 Marg. Graff, sub. 87, L. H. Lang -
worthy's add., lot 3....
35 Jas. Rowan, Sanford's sub.. N
lot 43
100 J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's add,
65 lot 285 ..35
" "
Alfred Rhomberg, McCraney's 1st 140
35 add., lot 78-79.... ..................
A. M. Kunz, McCraney's 1st add, 140
65 lot 82
Martin Kunkel, McCraney's 1st 40
40 add., lot 74
M. D. Goux, McCraney's 1st add, 145
55 lot 69
Geo.Andrew Drees, Eichhhorn, aub. City Cummins73 sub., lot 90
1 -0
40 22 .... .. ....• 35
3: Paul Traut, Farley's sub, lot 35
Thos. M. Irish, Farley's sub., lot 25 30
35 Louisa Mulgrew, Hughes' sub., S. 35
L. 1/, lot 4 ................ .... .
Geo. Grundy. Hodges sub., lot 11 05
45 John J. Keane et al., Levins' add3 00
lots 3, 4 and -5
40 Jos. Herod, \V. 100 ft. min. lot 18140
John Blake Est.. Ellen Blake's sub,
90 lot 7....
45 Chris. Jungk. sub. 2 of 2 of out lot 55
40 f;s. 1(11 1.. .. ... ... ............
55 Henry Hanover, Marsh's add, lot 21 35
A. F. and B. D. Heel), Marsh's add.,
88 lot 22 ....... .......i lot ... 23940
Jas. Collier. city S. /a, t1-5, lot
85 J. V. Rider. city S. 1/z•
1 65
1 35
180 Adjourned Regular Session, July 10, 1902.
V. A. Langworthy Est., Mrs. L. H
Langworthy's sub., lot 8
Julia D. Rhomberg, sub. 1 and 2 of
min. lot 63 and part 149, lot 6
Martha A. McCarten, Bonson &
Stewart's sub., lot 23.... 40
Kate McMahon, McMahon's sub,
lot 1....
Cath. Carmody, sub. of part min.
lot 149, S. 14, lot 9....
Jas. Jungworth, sub. 16, Mt. Pleas-
ant add., lot 1
Edw. Langworthy Est., East Du-
buque add., lot 181
John Specht, Union add., 5 160 ft,
lot 194.... .............. 55
A. W. Kemler Est., sub.. city 703, lot
Cath. Considine, Kelly's sub., lot 30 60
John Blake Est., Ellen Blake's sub,
lot 7
Thos. Paisley, Blake's add., lot 13
Geo. Salot, Quigley's sub. 709, lot 17
John Flynn, part min. lot 192
Convent and School, sub. min. lot
187, lot 2
J. G. Crabtree, Martin's, Dubuque,
lot 4 1 80
Jac. C. King, Fortune's sub., lot 780
Ella A. Richardson, city, lot 1286 75
Rhomberg & Meueser, Davis Farm
add., lot 225 40
R. & E. Langworthy Ests., Glen-
dale add, lot 221.... 2 00
E. H. Sheppley, Cox's add., lot 340
Mary A. Walsh, Ham's add., lot 447 1 40
J. A. Rhomberg, Ham's add., 1t 378 60
J. .A. Rhomberg, Ham's add., lot 318 35
Chicago Great Western Ry. Co.,
bridge over right of way, Peru
road. 75
Ed. Carney, Klingenberg's 4th sub.,
lot 1.... ...... 1 35
Mrs. C. Mathis, Siege's sub., lot 13 40
E. M. Kringle, sub. 7, min, lot 79,
lot 6 65
Frank M. Ellis, Burden-Lawther
add. lot 143 70
Geo. Eichhorn, Burden-Lawther
add, lot 78 55
F. W. Wodrich, Burden-Lawther
add, lot 76 85
Jno. F. Deggendorf, Burden-Law-
ther add., lot 133
Wm. H. Duggan, Central add., lot 3 35
J. C. Gregoire, Nairn's add., lot 33
Geo. Schrup, Bradstreet's add., lot
H. J. Webb, Bradstreet's add.. lot 18
Jno. Phillip's, Deming & Horr's 45
sub.,. lot 3 . .....
B J. O'Neill, O'Neill's Riverview,
lot 60
F. J. Swanson, O'Neill's Riverview,
lot 39
Leathers & Trewin, Burden -Law- 1 00
• ther add., lot 87.... ...•
Alfred Manger, Burden-Lawther
add., lot 91
Sam Starr, Burden-Lawther add,
lot 92
Sam Starr, Burden-Lawther add,
lot 118
Mary L. Bunting, Glendale add, lot
1 40
Lawther & Rider, Burden-Lawther
add, lot 16
Lawther & Rider, Burden-Lawther
add, lot 17 .............
F. Duertscher, Jr., Kniest's sub, W
87 ft N 1,4 lot 1
Anna M. Bush, sub 1 Quigley's sub,
lot 1
Mary E. Waller, Hodge's sub No. 2,
1 20
lot 32
Jas. Rowan, sub 6, 7. 8..a1nd 9, Quig-
ley's sub, lot 2
Mary E. Waller. Hodge*s sub No. 2,
lot 31 . . ... .........
Eliz. Herzog. Friche's sub E 50 ft.
C1.11! Eighmey. city lot 570
1 00
Ella A. Richardson. city lot 128
Jos. Herod. Blake's add, lot 11
Jos. Herod, West 100 ft. min lot
John Blake Est, Ellen Blake's
lots 6 and 7 75
Jas. Beach & Sons. city lot 583 45
Sarah Mahoney. Union add,1 15 lot 204
Mary Kelly Est. Union add, lot 13565
Jas. J. Lynn. Buettell's sub, lot 9
Jno. Blake Est, Ellen Blake's sub,
lot 7
Jno. Marcan. sub 2 of 670 and 682,
city lot 2
Jos. J. Duetscher, sub 4 Kniest's sub
E 40 ft lot 1 45
Fred Brede Est.. sub 3 of min lot 314
lot 5 45
J110. Marcan, E. Langworthy's add,
N 35 ft lot 45... 40
A. R. Staufenbeil, E. Langworthy's
a&1N1,41ot20 35
M. M. Hoffman. E. Langworthy's
add, lot 18 40
German Presbyterian College, sub
city 675, lot 7 55
Thos. Byrne, Bonson & Stewart's
sub, lot 19 35
Julia D. Rhomberg, Guernsey &
Langworthy's sub, lot 7 65
Leathers & Trewin. Julia L. Lang -
worthy's add, lot 4 1 25
Julia D. Rhornberg, sub of min lot
62 and pt 149. lot 2a 35
A. C. Atherton Est, Kingman's sub,
lot 4 ............... 50
.A. L. Frudden. Home add., lot 8 40
W. R. Doane, Oakland Park, lot 560
Edw. Langworthy's Est, Pauline
Langworthy's sub, lot 5 1 70
Paul Traut, Farley's sub. lot Z45
L. G. Hurd, sub 775, A. McDaniels'
sub. S IA lot ^ 55
Jos. Trueb Est, Trueh's sub. lot 145
Anna M. Bush, sub 1 Quigley's sub,
lot1 ..... 46
Thos, M. Cosgrove, Ann O'Hare's
sub, W 50 ft. lot 13 75
Charlotte Post, Hodge's sub, lot 935
Leathers & Trewin, Ann O'Hare's
sub, lot 11
W. C. Wilkinson, sub city 740, lot 370
Ald. Frith moved to adopt.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Hort', Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for repair-
ing sidewalks for the month of May, 1902.
by the city contractor, In front of and
adjoining the same, a special tax be and
is hereby levied on the several lots, and
parts of lots. and parcels of real estate
hereinafter named, situated and owned,
and for the several amounts set opposite
ierawchs: lot or parcel of real estate, as fol -
Special assessment submitted and pass-
ed July 10th, 1902:
D. A. Mahoney est., sub 2 of min lot
193, lot 1
Jno. Buettell, sub 20 Finley Home 1 °5
add, lot 1
Francisca Wagner, sub 87 and 88, 1 20
L. H. Langworthy's add, lot 3
Filen O'Halloran, Finley's add, lots 1 (9)
13, 14 and 15
Adjourned Regular Session, July 10, 1902.
Jas. Mullen est., Finley's add, lots
10 and 11 70
A. A. Loetscher. Fairview sub, lot
11 35
J. McCullough. Fairview sub, lot 13. 35
Emma Allen, Cox's add, lot 21 25
F. Mangold. sub min lot 45. lot 355
P. H. Halpin, sub min lot 42, lot 785
Mrs. J. Collison, inion add, lot 15640
A. E. Flick. Dorgan's sub. lot 435
Jno. Fitzpatrick, Union add. lot 762 70
Mary L. Bunting. Glendale add, lots
S2 and 84 66
R. & E. Langworthy, Glendale add,
lot 153 50
Linn Deuss. sub city 741. lot 1 40
Pat Roddy. Union add, lot 9 90
M. D. Gaux, McCraney's 1st add, lot
64 ro
1 25
Cath. Hall, Bush's sub. lot 12
E. M. Kringle. sub 7 min lot 79. lot 6
Chicago. M. & St. Paul Ry. Co,
East Dubuque add, lot 251
C. A. Voelkcr, Woodlawn Park, lots
52 and 55
Albert P. Schenker, \\'nodlawn
Park. lot 8535
Pat Quinn. Woodlawn Park. lot 57
Henry Smith, Woodlawn Park. lot 60
Wm. Byrne, Woodlawn Park, lot 61
C. A. Voelker, Woodlawn Park, lot
Ralph June. Woodlawn Park, lot 69.
H. Wunderlich, Fortune's sub, lot 15
Henry J. Oser, L. H. Langworthy,
add, lot 84
Theresa Imhoff. Davis' Farm add,
lot 303
Frank Duertscher, Kniest's sob W
87 ft N 1/2. lot 1
C. 11. Scherr. trustee, Voelker's add,
lot 15
C. B. Schen, trustee. Schroeder's
add. lot 32
Edw. Langworthy est.. Pauline
Langworthy's sub. lot 5 210
.no. Fitzpatrick. TTnion add, lot 76.. 1 70
Wm. McClain. Hoskins' sub. lot 5.. 75
W. G. Cox, Levins' add, lot 14 50
A. Leiser. Woodlawn Park. lot 10145
Mary Linehan, Deming & Horr's
sub. lot 17
'W. H. Scott, Morgan's sub, lot 6....
Mich. Scharle, Cain's sub, lot 20....
'Mich. Halpin est., city lot 572
Alex Simplot, city lot 530
Philomena. Rhomberg, sub min lot
158, lot 2 75
Mary E. Haggerty, Davis' Farm
add. lot 214 70
Fred Licht. Davis' Farm add. lot 278 90
Ald. Frith moved to adopt.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr. Jones. Raymond and Sheridan.
Resolved by the city council of the city
of Dubuque. That to pay for repairing
sidewalks In June, 1902, by city, in
front of and adjoining the same, a spec-
ial tax be and is hereby levied on the
several lots and parts of lots, and parcels
of real estate hereinafter named, situate
and owned, and for the several amounts
set opposite each int or parcel of real es-
tate, as follows:
Theo. Merritt, S. M. Langworthy's
sub., lot 5-61 05
Ind. School Dist. of Dubuque,
Dunn's sub., lot 1 1 00
D. W. Linehan, city s 44 ft., lot 8655
John Blake Est., Ellen Blake's sub,
lot 7 70
A. E. Girard, Hodge's sub., lot 435
Nie Glah, Finley's add., lots 225,
1 15
1 25
226 and 227
Jas. H. Shields, Finley, \\'aples- &
Burton's add., lot 141
Henry Cannon, Finley, \\'aples &
Burton's add., lot 140
Geo. Schrup. Bradstreet's add., lot
Rhomberg & Meuser, Davis Farm
add., lot 225
Mary A. Mullen, East Dubuque
add., Int 45
Kate Lundbeck, Cox's add., E 24
ft., lot 22 115
Je.hn Deery, sub, min. lot 39 and
40 1 45
John V. Rider. Sisters' add., lot 635
Frank Carroll, Bradstreet's add,
lot 13 1 30
Louisa Mulgrew, Hughes' sub., 5 E
/ lot 4 35
11. M. Kunz, Breakey's add., lot 3-4, 1 70
Chicago Great Western Ry. Co.,
Sanford's sub., lot 61.... ....
Jos. Rowan, Sanford's sub., N 1/4 lot
C. & F. Fosselman, L. H. Lang -
worthy's add., lot 187 80
Convent and School, sub. min. lot
86, 2a 50
Jno. Macdonald. McNulty's add., s
89 ft., lot 2 95
Wm. Lawther, S. M. Langworthy's
add., lot 13 55
B. Lagen, city, lot 93 1 60
Mary A. Mullen, East ubuque
add., lot 45
D 126
R. & E. Langworthy Ests., Glendale
add, lot 153 40
E. Langworthy Ets., Pauline Lang -
worthy's sub., lot 5 50
Julia Langworthy, Julia Langwor-
thy's add., lot 1 40
A. J. Schenker. Davis Farm add.,
E 100 ft., lot 375 55
R. & E. Langworthy's Ests., Glen-
dale add.. lot 271 85
J. K. Deming. trustee, sub. city 687,
lot 3 50
M. S. Hardie, sub. city 684, lot 425
W. S. Cox, sub. min. lot 90, lot 255
W. S. Cox. Levin's add.. lot 14 55
Abby C. Staples, city, lot 96 35
Jas. Beach, city N 120 ft. of N j¢,
lot 661.... 40
Jno. L. Buettell, Buseman's sub,
lot 34. .. 40
Anton Eberl, Buseman & Eberl's
sub., lot 2 35
Bradley & Shields, Dubuque Harbor
Co.'s add., lot 1, \V 1/e, B, lot 1070
Jas. H. Shields, Dubuque Harbor
Co.'s add., lot 1, B, lot 8 145
Mary McPoland, city, S 1/2. E 113 ft,
lot 608 75
H. Wunderlich, Fortune's sub., lot
15 40
J. H. Jecklin Est., sub. 145, L. H
Larigwarthy's add., lot 1 of 2 45
Chas. Heinze, L. H. Langworthy's 115
add., lot 147
Emeretta Randall sub. min. lot 39,
lot 52 so
John Deery, sub. min. lots 39-4050
John Kane, South. Ave. add., lot 365
C. Denlinger, O'Hare's sub., lot 1945
Jno. Appel, Whelan's sub., lot 1140
Ald. Frith moved to adopt.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones. Raymond and Sheridan.
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That to pay for clean-
ing alleys for the month of May, 1902, by
1 40
182 Adjourned Regular
Session, July 10, 1902.
H. Wunderlich, Tivoli add., s 1-2,
lot 1, , 19
Andrew Oeth, Tivoli add., lots
and 2U.
A. Baumhover, 'Tivoli add., lot 9,
E. P. Hessle, Tivoli add., s 1-2, lot 8
Emma Brose, L. H. Langworthy'sadd., e 1-2, lot 35, ,
T. E. Frith, L. H. Lungwothy's
add., n 54.2 feet. lot 85, , , , .
Frank llrastla, L. 11. Langworthy's
add., s 46 ft, w 1-2 41 and w 1-2, lot
Jahn I:ichhorn, L.Langworthy's
add.. • w 1-2, lot 44
Walter i;aumgtu•tner, Steiner's add,
11 .,^,u ft, lot i,
\Lith. H.
Nesler est., sub 43, L.
Longworth's add.. lot 'l, , , .
.loo. ]I. Smith, L. H. Langworthy's
.. .... .... .. . ...
4and5„ ..
.. .. .... . ..
lot 6..
.... .... .... ....
Jno. Y. Scharle, sub. 2 Min. lot 113.2,
lot1,... . .. .... .... . ..
Rich. Hinde, city, n 1-2. lot 3a, ,
Mrs. M. Halpin, city, 575a and n
20.5 ft, lot 576, , .. .
Jno. J. Hennessy est., city, lots 124
and 125,... ..• • . ... .... ....
Rider & Lacy, city 8 10.12 ft, 77 all,
77a and n 2.6 feet, lot 78„
John V. Rider, city, lot 23
Celina, Gustav and Emil Levi, city,
lot 24„
.. .. ... .... .....22
Edw. Langworthy est., city, m !0.
D. S. Wilson est., city, s 1-2, lot
ft, lot 19,
... .... .... ....
Steiner & Zust, city, n 10,6 ft, 18 and
s 11.6 ft. lot 19„ ,,. ,, 150
Byrne Bros., city, lot `208, . , , 1 50
Geo. Schaffhauser, city, lot 295, , , 75
Ald. Frith moved to adopt.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Ald. Frith moved to adjourn until July
17, 1902.
City, in front of and adjoining the same,
a s. pedal tax be and is hereby levied
un the several lots, and parts of lots,
and parcels of real estate hereinafter
named, situated and owned, and for the
several amounts set opposite each lot or
parcel of real estate, as follows. Special
assessment submitted and passed July
loth, 1902:
E. 1.. Nubia, city n w 1-5, lot 454.. 1 50
G. Tenhoff, city, s 1-2 n m 1-5 lot 451 2 25
\\ ni. L. lir ollt y. city, s 311 feet,
s I-5, tet 4.,_. 2 25
John \'. Rider and S. 1'. Hider, city,
11 1-2, to 1-o and 11 01 1-5, lot 450, , 150
Nannie T. Bell, city, s 2-5 lot 449, 2 20
M. A. Coates and H. Hinde, city, m
1-5 lot 45., , . . , 3 75
M. E. Richards. city, s to 1-5 lot 448 2 25
Anna Klaucr, cit9. s 2-5 lot 44.... 2 25
G. M. Staples 1st.. sub city, 200,
lot 3.... ........ .. 1 50
Mrs. A. 1:. Keller, city lot 204. , 1 50
John \l, s r, city, s 41.o It, lot 266 1 50
\\ nl. it. elle t s,., ity, s 31.a tt, s 1-4,
1ut 448.... .... 2 25
J. J. Duna, city, n 2-5 lot. 431 .., • 1 50
J. H. Keepers, city, tut 339 1 50
John Venter, city, lot 387. . . . 3 00
John Fuerst, city, s 1-2 n m 1-5,
lot 49s,., ,,,. 75
. .... ....
Jas. Flayes, East Dubuque add., lot
1 50
Jno. B. Murray, East Dubuque add„
lot 69.... ...... 225
.... . .. ....
Teter liicne & Son, East Dubuque
Cath. C. Ryan, East Dubuque add.,
lot 109... „2 25
.. . . . . .. ......
Leathers 'Tewin, sub w 120 ft of
500 city, lot 6.... 1 50
S. Brown and \V. Krakow est., city,
lot 311....................2 25
Eliz. 'Taylor, Cain's sub. lot 8.... 1 15
M. C. Matthews, A. McDaniel's sub,
lot 801, ,...
... ... ... ......
Jos. Herod, city, n 1-2 n m 1-5, lot
A. \V. Kemler est., Cummin's sub,
Wm. Coates est., city, lot 647..
Mary A. Kemler, city, lot 645. . , , •
J. E. Fairbanks, city, e 33.6 ft, lot
643, , .... ..
Jno. J. Brownson, city, lot 634....
.Harmony and Julien lodge, city, lot
Alfred Tredway est., city, und. 1-2,
2 25
3 00
Ellen G. Provost, city, s 16.5 ft, e
1 2 lot 659, ,
1'. W. Crawford, A. McDaniel's sub,
lot 779.... ..... , , 1 50
.. . .. ....
FI. B. Glover, city, n 42.10 ft, s
90 ft, lot 467. , , , 5 25
B. J. O'Neill, city, m 1-5, lot 475, , 75
Jos. J. Rowan, city, n 41.2 ft, m 1-5
lot 469.... 469.....................75
W. J. Nesler, city, s 1-2, lot 43.... 1 15
Jac. Zangmeister, sub Min. lot 80,
lot 1,
Peter Oeth, L. H. Langworthy's
add., s 40 ft, lot 52 and n 1-2 lot
3 00
F. Kadow est., L. H. Langworthy's
1 50
1 50
auu., lot ia. 75
Arnold Kempf, L. H. Langworthy's
add., lots 71 and 72.... , , 75
Math. Graff est., L. H. Langwor-
thy's add., lot 49 75
Jno. Westercamp est, L. H. Lang -
worthy's add., n 79 ft, lot 93, , , , 1 50
3 75
1 50
1 50
5t1b.. lot 1 ..................1 50
Phil Renter, Sanford's sub., n 30 ft,
lot 3S.. 75
\\'m. J. Nesler, Sanford's sub.. lot
Clara Ruff, high street sub., lots
Jac. Wildhaber, High street sub.,
lots 18. 30 and 31. . , . , . 2 25
Peter Hemmi, Cook's add., n 1-2,
1 50
2 25
Wm. Coates est., city, lots 2a and 3
1 50
1 50
1 50
Roht. Waller est., city. lot 119, , , ,
4 50
A. Richardson, city, lot 128, , , ,
1 50
E. NV. Aibee, city, lot S5, ,
4 50
John J. Keane, city, lots 56 to 60..
3 00
Ella B. Wood, city, s 2-3, lot 112..
3 00
}race Provost, city, s 1-2, lot 175
1 50
.. : 1:40.4/ .. Recorder.
Approved. .(i u,r " ff. 190,6
Adjourned 13,egular Session, July 17, 1902.
Adjourned Regular Session July 17, 1902.
Council met at 8:15 D. M.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Alda. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Iiorr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Fetittlon of L. H. Langworthy and M.
M. Walker asking permission for the use
of land which lies at the extreme end of
.the Ice Harbor on the north side of
same, from a point beginning two hun-
dred (200) feet east of the carpenter
shops belonging to the Iowa Iron Works.
and south of the C., 13. & Q. R. R. Co's.
tracks to the Mississippi river, thence
.north one hundred fifty (150) feet, em-
bracing a piece of land one hundred (100)
fcet by one hundred fifty (150) feet, more
or less, using the river as east and the
Ice Harbor as south boundaries. This
land to be used for manufacturing pur-
Ald. llorr moved to suspend the rules
and Mr. M. M. Walker and Edw. Evans
be heard. Carried.
11r. M. M. Walker and Edw. Evans both
addressed the council asking that their
petition be granted.
Ald. Jones moved that the petition be
referred to the committee on Harbors and
City Engineer with power, and they to
investigate the matter tumor row morn-
ing, July 18, 190_. Carried.
Petition of F. W. Loeffler asking coun-
cil to remit the city taxes for the year
1901 on his homestead, lot 19 in Wick's
On motion the petition was referred
to the Delinquent Tax committee.
Petition of Jas. Baxter asking that the
special assFasment levied against lot 1 of
. sub. Min. lot 159, for repairing sidewalk
be canceled. clition
Aid. Hoer moved to refer the P
to the Sidewalk Inspector. Carried.
Petition of Peter Kien, park custodian
of Jackson park, asking the council to
allow him $5.00 more per month for tak-
ing care of Flat Iron park.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the petition
be received and filed. Carried.
Claim of E. W. Albee claiming the
sum of $50.00, money paid by him for at-
torney fees to save his land from confis-
cation by the city.
Ald. Jones moved that the claim be
Ald. Corrance moved a substitute to re-
fer the claim to the Street committee.
Claim of Anthony Sieg claiming the
sum of $50.00 for the loss of his horse,
which was killed in a trench on Alta
Vista street.
Ald. Sheridan moved to refer the claim
to the Dubuque Water Works Trustees.
City Engineer Boyce reported as fol-
lows: Coun-
cilthe Honorable Mayor and City
of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my Pay
roll for labor cleaning and repairing
streets during the first half of July, 1908:
Amount due laborers on streets, .$1335.00
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Chairman Committee on Streets.
Also submit my pay roll for labor on
Sewers during the first half of July, 1902:
Amount due laborers on Sewers., .$159.40
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer,
Chairman Committee on Sewers.
Also submit my pay roll for teams
hauling sprinkling wagons during the
first half of July. 1902:
Amount due Teamsters for Sprink-
ling .... $226.00
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Chairman Committee on Paving, Sweep-
ing and Sprinkling.
On motion the pay rolls on Streets,
Sewers and Sprinkling were received and
warrants ordered drawn to pay the var-
ious amounts, and the pay rolls referred
back to the proper committees.
Jacob Kessler reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: I. the undersigned, Justice
of the Peace of Julien township, Dubuque
county, Iowa, hereby submit the follow-
ing report of fines and fees collected in
City cases for the month of June, 1902:
Total amount of costs and fees :$ 4.25
lected .. • .
Herto attached find Treasurer's receipt
for the amount, $4.25.COB KESSLER,
Justice of the Peace.
On motion the report was received and
The Trustees of the Dubuque Water
Works reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: We hand you herewith our
report of the receipts and disbursements
for the three
months ending
together with detailedstatemen3tof0,l902the
Resp€ctfuliy submitted,
The report follows: $ 350.39
Balance April 1, 1902.... • 11,075.60
Receipts ---
Disbursements ..............$ 6,237.2035.25
Repairs • ' • . • .. • . ' . 2,531.64
Improvements .... ... , .... -
$ 9,107.09
184 Adjourned Regular Session. July 17, 1902.
Balance April 1, 1902 $ 350.39
Receipts for 3 months, June 10, --
Disbursements 3 months, June 30,
1802... .... .... ...... 9,107.09
Balance July 1, 1902.. ..$ 2,318.90
Ald. Jones moved that the report be re-
ferred to a Special committee of three.
The Mayor named the committee as
follows: Aids. Jones, Sheridan and Ray-
The Mayor presented the bill of E. A
Fengler amounting to $504.10, balance due
him for grading the approach to the Du-
buque and Wisconsin high bridge.
.Md. Sheridan moved that the bill be
paid and that a warrant be drawn in
favor of E. A. Fengler to the amount of
$504.10 in full settlement for all claims
against the city for grading said ap-
proach. Carried.
Ald. Frith moved that the bids for con-
structing a new engine house on Grand-
view Avenue be opened. Carried.
Bids as follows:
P. Domenig.. ... .... .. , ,$5,297.00
L. Hartman & Son 4 851.00
J. S. Roberts 4,310.00
F. W. Brunkow . .. , 3,966.00
Ald. Jones moved that the contract be
awarded to F. W. Brunkow, he being
the lowest bidder. Carried.
Ald. Frith moved that the bond of F.
W. Brunkow be fixed at $3,000.00. Car-
Aid. Frith moved to reconsider the Res-
olution which was adopted by the City
Council June 19th, 1902, in relation to the
widening ot the alley in Mattox subdivis-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Whereupon Ald. Raymond offered the
following Resolution, in lieu of the one
which was reconsidered:
Be It Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque: That the alley
abutting the east end of lots 2, 3, 4 and 5
of Mattox sub., in the City of Dubuque,
and the west side of lots 21, 22 and 64 of
the subdivision of Out Lots 691 and 721 in
the City of Dubuque, be widened for
street purposes to a width of 40 feet from
the south line of lot 5 of Mattox sub. and
lot 64 of the sub. of Out Lots 691 and 721
northerly to West Fifth street, the west
line of said alley as widened for street
purposes to be located 213 1-12 feet east
of the east line of Summit street and that
the City Engineer be and is hereby di-
rected to make a survey and plat of the
proposed widening and altering of said
alley for street purposes between said
lots showing the lots through which the
same is proposed to be made, and the
names of the owners thereof and the
quantity of land proposed to be taken.
Ald. Raymond moved to adopt the res-
Carried by the followiing vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Ald. Frith, chairman of the committee
on Streets, reported as follows:
Yorr ecr^rr!t'ee en Streets, to whom
was referred the petition of V. P. Kruse
et al., in relation to the condition of the
cast side of Cooler avenue near Knoern-
schield's butcher shop, would recom-
mend that the matter be referred to the
City Engineer to abate the nuisance.
E. E. FRITH, Chairman.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report
of the committee on Streets. Carried.
Ald. Raymond, chairman of the com-
mittee on Paving. Sweeping and Sprink-
ling, reported as follows: The following
streets are not sprinkled at the present
time, on account of lack of wagons to
do the work: Emmett street, Seventeenth
and Nineteenth streets from Elm to Maple
streets, Maple street from Seventeenth to
Nineteenth streets, Fourteenth street from
Cornell street to Prairie street, West
Eleventh street. Highland Place, Clark
street, Ellis and Almond streets, Grove
Terrace, Windsor Avenue and Broadway
The following Streets are sprinkled
only once a day: Dodge street; Bluff to
South Dodge streets. Elm and Washing-
ton streets, the side Streets between Clay
and Elm and from Ninth street to Rhom-
berg Avenue. With the exception of Main
street the remaining streets are usually
sprinkled three times a day. Rhomberg
Avenue is only sprinkled to Second Ave-
nue Instead of Tenth Avenue.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the report
be referred back to the committee on
Paving, Sweeping and Sprinkling, and
they to present an Ordinance to the Coun-
cil, amending the present Ordinance on
Sprinkling. Carried.
Ald. Raymond also reported the follow-
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of Dubuque, Iowa: Gentlemen: Af-
ter further considering the price of Wa-
ter for sprinkling purposes, we will make
you a price of $285.00 per wagon for the
season 1902.
If you should put on any additional
wagons, we will make a proportionate
charge for the number ot months they
may be on.
When Byrne Bros. had the sprinkling
contract, they paid the Water department
$500 per wagon, which is $215.00 more per
wagon than above rate.
Trusting you will give this matter your
early favorable attention we remain
Yours respectfully,
Water Works Trustees.
On motion the report was received and
Ald. Raymond, chairman of the com-
mittee on Delinquent Taxes, reported as
Your committee on Delinquent Taxes
would respectfully recommend that the
City Treasurer be instructed to cancel
the taxes of the following honorably dis-
charged soldiers of the war of the rebel-
lion for the year 1901, to the extent of
$800.00 on the assessed valuation of their
Martin Kerwin, lots 14 and 15, Cummins'
John J. Sullivan, lot 18, Oak Grove add.
Gustave Wiedner, S. 28 2-10 feet, lot 29,
Fengler's add.
John Heil, lots 441 and 442, Ham's add.
Also, your commiittee on Delinquent
Taxes, to whom was referred the petition
of Mary Rubeck, asking that the sum of
840.00 he accepted in fall payment of the
Adjourned Regular Session, July 17, 1902.
taxes against the N. % of the M. 1-5 of
City Lot 496 for the years 1895 to 1901, in-
clusive, would recommend that said peti-
tion be received and filed.
Also, your commiittee on Delinquent
Taxes, to whom was referred the petition
of MarY De Lorimier, asking that the
taxes on City Lot 159 be canceled for the
year 1901, would recommend that on ac-
count of her poverty the taxes be al-
lowed to remain a lien on her property
and that the Treasurer be instructed not
to sell.
Also, your committee on Delinquent
Taxes, to whom was referred the petition
of Dorothea Kautz, asking that the taxes
on the N. 1,6 of Lot 302, Davis Farm add.
be canceled for the year 1901, would rec-
ommend that on account of her poverty
the taxes be allowed to remain a lien on
the property and that the Treasurer be
instructed not to sell.
Also, your commiittee on Delinquent
Taxes, to whom was referred the petition
of Helen May, asking that the taxes On
lot 106, Union add., be canceled for the
year 1901, would recommend that on ac-
count cf her poverty the taxes be allowed
to remain a lien on the property and that
the Treasurer he instructed not to sell.
Also. your commiittee on Delinquent
Taxes, to whom was referred the petition
of Sophia Dempsey. arcking that the taxes
On Lot 2 of :11 and Let 2 of :15. Levens'
add., be cancel d for the year lee]. would
recommend that on account of her pov-
erty the taxes be allowed to remain a lien
on the property and that the 'treasurer
be instructed not to sell.
Ald. Raymond moved to adopt the re- Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report
port of the commiittee. Carried. of the Board of Equalization. Carried,
A1d. Sheridan, chairman of the corn- All. 1lerr. chairs a n of the committee
mittee on Sewers, reported as follows: of the \Vhel:•. reported as follows:
Your committee on Sewers, to whom Your committee of the Whole would
was referred the petition'of Christ flue- respectfully reenmmend that the Union
low, et al, in relation to the special as- Electric company be permitted to allow
sessment for the construction of a sani- the ate lamps on Malt street, from Sec-
tary sewer in Diagonal street, would re- eel to Eleventh streets_ to remain un-
spectfully recommend that said petition 1; -•hted during such hours as the lamps
be received rind filed.
Also your con'eaitt,.,' ort Sewers, to
whom was referred the bill of M.
Tschirgi. .1 r.. :against D. W. Lenihan and
George Upten ler the privilege of cmr-
necting with sanitary sewer in alley be-
tween Main and Locust streets. beg to wagon that was destroyed he the hon
report that there was an error in the or- in Fifth Avenue. beg to report manner
that we
ell forlci, whicorrection. was
herewith linhlt' for eretofore return- dnot rsuchrloss and woulclthe city in vtherefore
recommend that said petition be received
and filed
Also your committee of the Whole.
to whom was referred the petition the
l'tties to
Ald. Horr, chairman of the Board of
Equalization, reported as follows:
Your Board of Equalization, to whom
was referred the petition of the Germania
Stock company, asking that the assessed
valuation of city lot 209 be reduced for
the year 1901, would recommend that the
City Treasurer he instructed to accept
taxes on said lot at the same valuation
as for 1900.
Also you Board of Equalization, to
whom was referred the petition of the
Board of Education, asking that the
taxes on lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Dunn's sub.,
and lot 2, sub. lot 1. sub. lot 2, sub lot 1,
sub. lot 18, John King's. Dubuque, he
canceled because said lots are the prop-
erty of the Independent District of Du-
buque, would recommend that the pray-
er of the petitioner be granted and that
the Treasurer be instructed accordingly.
Also your Board of Equalization, to
whom was referred the petition of the
United Slates Express company, stating
that they had been overcharged the sum ,
of $6.en for the taxes of 1900, and the
sum of $3.93 for the taxes of 1901, and
asking that the same be referred, would
recommend that the prayer of the peti-
tioner be granted and that the Treasurer
be instructed accordingly.
\lso your Board of Equalization, to
whom was referred the petition of Har-
mony and Julien Lodges, I. 0. O. F..
asking that the taxes on city lot 1.13 be
canceled for the year 1901, the same as
heretofore, would recommend that the
prayer of the petitioners be granted and
that the Treasurer be instructed neeord-
ingly. JOSEPH L. HORR,
for the special illumination are in opera-
Also your committee of the Whale. to
whom was referred the petition of Fred
Wagner. asking that he he compensated
for a horse that was drowned and i
the hill. as corrected, which
charge of $32.12 against D. W. Lenihan
and of 816.16 against George Upton, a n d
we would recommend that the `' League of American Municipa
referred to the Chief of Police for eel- send a delegation fer attheir convention in
lection: also that the treasurer tbe in- Grand Rapids, Mich.. would recommend
structed that elle-half of the ahoy'
amounts is to be reteined by the city. that the City Recorder be instructed to
JOHN .1. Sl-IERIDAN. Chairman. acknowledge, with thanks, the receipt of
Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the re- the invitation and to inform the secre-
port of the committee on Sewers. Car- t than the matter
n ttrrwill
ll receive con-
The Mayor stated that Cox street was
not constructed according to plans and
seecificattons. and ther'efor'e would not
sign the warrants to pay for said im-
Ald. Jones tnmotilved hathe cthe contrts are actors.
O'Farrell R Norton. he notified by the
City Reeorder to put the street In proper
shape within ten days of notice, other-
wise the city would do the work and
charge the same to contractor. Carried.
siAlsaion r the
Also your committee of the Whole
would respectfully
recommend the
Purchasing committee be instructedto
Purchase six lso. 1 Repre
Galesburg brick, also that
gineer be instructed trddtr
Avenue he paying the mile of said
avenue with brick to a width of nine feel
and the sides, wherever
of not sto ryexceed
, with
rock, at ann
one thousand dollars.
16 Adjourned Regular Session, July 17, 1902.
Also your committee of the Whole
would recommend that the Street com-
mittee and City Engineer be empowered
to enter a contract to remove the waste
shells from the Pearl Button factory; al-
so that the same be used by way of ex-
periment on the street along First street
Also your committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the resolution author-
izing the temporary abandonment of the
Iowa street car line, together with all
papers pertaining to the matter, would
respectfully report that the question was
referred to a special committee, whose
report we hereto attach and recommend
for adoption.
To the Honorable Committee of the
Gentlemen:—Your special committee,
appointed to confer with the Union Elec-
tric Co. in relation to the Iowa street
line, beg to report that a meeting was
held and the plan suggested by J. V.
Rider discussed and also some modifica-
tions of said plan, none of which were
acceptable to the street car company;
we would therefore recommend that the
matter be postponed indefinitely.
Your committee of the Whole would
respectfully recommend that the attached
report of the Street Committee on the An-
gella street matter be adopted.
To the Honorable Committee of the
Gentlemen.—You referred the Angella
street matter to the Street committee to
ascertain the feasiibility of putting said
street to the established grade and also
to give an estimate of the cost of doing
so. We beg to report that the cost
would be something over $700.00 and would
recommend that the Mayor and Engineer
be instructed to interview the abutters
with a view to effecting an amicable set-
tlement. E. E. FRITH,
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report of
the committee of the Whole. Carried.
Aid. Horr offered the following:
Whereas, Numerous complaints are be-
ing made on account of the failure of the
Union Electric Co. to run its cars to the
terminus of its line on Jones street,
thereby discomoding, especially in
stormy weather, a Large number of peo-
ple, and
Whereas, Section 1 of the Ordinance
adopted in March, 1902, provides that the
cars of the Union Electric Co. shall run
to the main track of the Illinois Central
Railroad company on Jones street; there-
fore, be it
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That the City Recorder
be and is hereby instructed to notify the
Union Electric Co. to comply without
delay of the above mentioned provision
of its Ordinance.
Ald. Horr moved that the Resolution be
referred to the committee of the Whole.
Ald. Jones moved to adjourn until Au-
gust 7th, 1902. Carried.
( ! ! Recorder.
Approved. . 1/ 1, 1904
9. Mayor.
List of Warrants.
City Recorder's Otifce.
Dubuque, lowa, July 1. 1902
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: The following is a com-
plete list of all warrants issued by Inc
during the month of June, 1902:
C. H. Berg, salary, Mayor $116 65
H. Brinkman, salary, Treasurer 133 30
C. F. Arendt, salary, Recorder , 116 65
F. B. Hoffman, salary, Auditor , , 116 65
C. B. Scherr, salary, Assessor , , . 125 0„
Geo. A. Barnes, salary. Attorney 150 00
J. B. Powers, salary, Assistant At-
torney .. 50 00
Ed .Morgan, salary, Chief of police 100 00
Joe Reinfricd. salary, Fire Chief, 100 00
J. \\'. Lawlor. salary, Committee
Clerk , , .. 95 00
Wm. A. Karp, salary, Assistant
Recorder ... 75 00
H. Brinkman, salary, Treasurer's
Assistants 135 00
Jas. Boyce. salary, City Engineer 166 65
E. Anderson, salary, Assistant En-
gineer ... , „ 100 00
F. Neuwoehner, salary, rodman , , 50 00
E. Herron, salary, superintendent
street sprinkling , , , . , , . 50 00
W. 'Lipman, salary, Electrician , , 83 30
A. Stoltz, salary, Marketmaster, , 50 00
P. Ryan, salary, Park Custodian. 40 00
P. Kien. salary, Park Custodian, 40 00
Dr. 13. Michel, salary, Health Of -
F. Flynn, salary, Sanitary Patrol-
N. Offerman, salary, Poundmaster 45 00
Mrs. H. Koenig, salary, Janitress 20 00
A. Crawford, salary, Sidewalk In -
F. Baumgartner, fireman , ,
Wm. Dockstader, fireman
McKinnon, fireman ,
C. Kannolt, fireman . . . . .
J. Allen, fireman •,
B. Weston, fireman ,
M. Fahey, fireman, , , , , , ,
F. Gressel, sub fireman , ,
C. Miller, sub fireman 360
E. Keck, sub fireman , , 3 60
J. Curran, sub fireman 2 50.
W. Keise, sub fireman , , , , , , 1 50
M. Minges, sub fireman , , , 1 50
T. Zugenbuehler, sub fireman , 1 50
S. Werb, sub fireman , , , , , , 1 60
Geo. Burkel, police , , , , , , , , , , 51 65
Ben Busse, police , , , , , , , , , , , , 51 65
J. Bertsch. police , , , , , , , , , , , 61 65
M. Craugh, police, . .. .. • , 67 20
Jas. Carter, police , , , , , , , , , 61 65
Jas. Clune, police , , , , , , , , , , , , 61 65
John Cody, police .... .... 5165
W. Cook, police . , , , 51 65
P. Dunphey, police . , .. .... 51 65
H. Donlon, police ,,,, .,,, ,,.. 5166
Jas. Flynn, police .............0 00
John Fitzpatrick, police .... , , 51 65
Wm. Frith. police . , .. .... .... 51 65
P. Hanlon, police . , .. .... 50 00
W. Hennessy, police • ... .... . , 51 65
M. Willy, police . • , , - • .. ...... 51 65
E. Kahn, police . , .. ...... 50 00
John Loetscher, police , ... . , . , 51 65
1'. McCollins, police , . .... 51 65
P. McInerney, police , . , ... - , , 51 65
John Moore. police , ... • ... .. 60 00
John Murphy, police 60 00
D. Norton. police.... .... 46 70
M. O'Connor, police , ... .. 51 65
Aug. Pfeffer, police 50 00
Pat Powers, police , ... 51 65
Tom Reilly, police 67 00
John Raesli, police .... • • .. , 69 90
James Ryan, police . , , . , .. , 50 00
Otto Rath, police
P. Scharff. police , ... .. . ,
• 6000
• 38 55
• 60 00
,, 6500
▪ 60 00
,, 5000
• 50 00
▪ 350
spector . 50 00 51 65
R. F. Curran, salary, Wharfmaster 20 00 P. Sullivan, police .. 51 65
M. Clancy, salary, Alderman , , 25 00 M. Stapleton, police 60 oo
P Sutton Police
H. Corrance, salary, Alderman , , 25 00
E. E. Frith, salary, Alderman , , 25 00
J. L. Horr, salary, Alderman , • , , 25 00
R. Jones, salary, Alderman , , , ,2a 00
G. N. Raymond, salary, Alderman 25 00
J. J. Sheridan, salary, Alderman, , 25 00
M. Eitel, fireman . . , . , 65 00
J. Essman, fireman . , . , . • . , 75 00
A. Duccini, fireman , , , . ... , 60 00
J. Flynn, fireman 65 00
J. Roshin, fireman , , , , , . 60 00
J. Taehudi fireman , . , . • , 50 00
A. Heer, fireman 50 00
J. Schonberger, fireman , , , . , . • 50 00
J. Daley, fireman 65 00
J. Barnes, fireman , , , , .... 75 00
T. Ryder, fireman , . , .. , . , 60 00
W. Ducey, fireman , .. , . , , 60 00
G. Beyer, fireman .... 65 00
F. Murphy, fireman , , , , , , , . 50 00
P. Ahern, fireman , , , , , , , , , . , 50 00
M. Kelley, fireman ,. ,,,, ,,5000
D. Ahern, fireman .. , , . • 65 0O
F. R. Kenneally, fireman , . , , , . , 65 00
T. Kennedy, fireman , , . , 50 00
J. Fitzpatrick, fireman , , , . , 50 00
P. Zillig, fireman ..• • 50 00
M. Sweeney, fireman , , , . 50 00
H. Cain, fireman , , , , 50 00
A. McDonnell, fireman , , , , . , 75 00
J. Murphy, fireman , , . , .. • • 60 00
O. Hansen, fireman , , , , , , , , „ 50 00
M. OLoughlin, sub , , , . ..... , . 37 16
Fraktk Ganahol, fireman , , .. . • 65 00
Thos. Flynn, fireman , , , . ..... 60 00
Geo. Gherki, fireman .. , . , , .... 63 30
Al. T. Scherr, police .... • • ' ' ' . 616561 65
Tom Sweeney, police .. . • • .. • ' 61 65
Joe Tyler, police .. • • • • .. • • . 51 65
John L. Sullivan, police .... • ... 5000
L. Ziedman, police • • • • • • • • 51 65
51 00
Mrs. Kate Hibbe, matron .. • • ' . 30 00
Miss B. Brennan, matron .. • • ' 30 85
A. P. Berg, special police .. • • • 4 75
Al. Alderson, labor ........ ••• .....1185
E. Amanda, labor 1 10
John Burns, labor ...............
Paul Becker, labor ....... ...
14 20
C. Bluecher, labor •••••••••••••""" 16 55 1656
Fred Budde, labor ................... 1655
C. Burkhardt, labor .......... 1 85
Peter Betsche, labor 14 65
John Brachtenbach, labor ............ 11 25
Chas. Busse. labor 1 75
Paul Brandenburg, labor ....... • labor ..... ... ..... 5 40
8 80
Whn Coyne,labor ..... ••• 18 15
Hugh labor Coughlin. 015
Connell,labor .... .
John Crunnion. ••••• "' ....
John Callahan, labor ............... 9 456 40
Jerry Cahill, labor ........ ... • • 5 40
Martin Carmody, labor
Jas. Callahan, foreman Fourth St. 20 00
extension •.. ............20 00
John Corbett, labor ....• ••••• ••••• •.
labor .. 18
Jas. Connolly,
...... lg 90
labor... ....
Hiram Cobb,driver .............21 00
Henry Cosgrove,
Thos. Donahue, labor .. • • - • • • • 610
John Dougherty, labor 5
4 90405
Pat Devaney, labor ..... ... ....... 11 ;,0
Peter Dax, labor
188 List of Warrants.
16 90
John Egan, labor
John Engels. labor 915
R. T. Eddy. labor ..... ... ... 11 00
Mike Farrell, labor•
10 80
Dan Fox, labor 5 40
George Frost, foreman 20 00
Mat Fetshele, labor 880
Pat Farrell, labor 810
John Fitzgerald, labor 'r 45
John Flynn, labor 5 40
Pat Fenelon, labor 18 90
N. Frith, stoker .. ... ... 50 OO
Patrick Gilloon, labor 8 4a
Chas. Gruenzig, labor ..... ... 3 40
G. Gau, labor 18 90
Jos. Grab. labor 12 50
J. M. Garrison. labor 643
G. Gemehle, labor 7 80
Peter Guenther, labor 6 75
C. Gantenbein, labor 20 00
Henry Grode, labor 10 27
John Hafey, labor 405
Thos. Hackney, labor 14 20
Lawrence Horreg• labor 810
G. Hecklinger. labor 70
Geo. J. Hahn, labor 20 00
Pat Hetherington. labor 6 10
Aug. Handelman, labor 8 80
John Hayes, labor ..... ... 6 75
Amb. HIM. labor 5 75
Jas. Hocking. labor 5 40
Adam Henderson, labor 12 85
Aug. T-Tafeman, labor 18 15
Jake Hansen, labor 10 00
John Heil, carpenter 20 f0
Peter Jacob. labor 710
John John. labor 3 40
Aug. Jass, labor ..... ... ......... 9 45
John Jehring, labor 12 05
John Kinsella, carnenter ... ... 7 20
Chas. Kampman. labor 5 40
Nick Kettenhofen, labor . 10 Li
John Kelly, labor ..... ... ... ..... 9 45
Jos. Kientzle. labor 1015
W. Krnnfeldt. labor S 10
Fred Krueger, labor 9 25
Paul Krocheski. labor 6 75
Mat Klein, paper collector 12 50
Mat Loes. labor 510
Pat Lynch. labor ... ... ........ 6 75
Frank Lassance, labor ..... ... 9 80
Alnis T.ong• labor ... 9 15
Mike La vin. labor .......... 20 25
1.. L. ffclholtz. labor 18 90
John Mahoney, foreman 9 00
Miele. el Murphy. labor 4 05
E.1. Malloy. labor 7 80
Bei. Mack. labor 4 05
51 ;the, labor 5 40
.1..s. Martinek, labor 11 50
1' for Martell, labor ..... ... 5 40
A. \I:uulerscheid, labor 6 75
Al. Moyer, garbage dump 18 90
Jas. McCarron. labor 2 70
John McGee, labor 1015
W. McDermott, labor 6 In
Jas. McCormick, labor ..... ... 6 73
John McCarron, labor
4 05
Pat McPoland, labor 1015
Jas. McCracken, labor ..... 8 1
R. McGivern, driver ..... ... 2100
John Noonan, labor u9 45
C. Nanck, labor ... 13 20
W. O'Brien, foreman 20 00
Jas. Powers, labor 4 Ou
Jas. Purcell, labor ..... 1215
John Pflffner, labor ..... 9 45
John Parker, labor ..... 12 85
Jake Perrion, labor 10 50
Wm. Quinlan, labor 55
Jos. Rooney, carpenter . 17 70
Mat. Raishek, labor.... .,
Jas. Reid, labor ""' 4 75
Phil Reddin, labor .. 8 45
.. 7 80
Theo. Rafeman, labor.... .... .. 11 95
Andrew Ring ..
James Straney, labor.. 7
Dan Sheehan, foreman.. ,. .... 735
Nick Sweeney, labor.,.. . 6 75
John Spear, labor,... .. .. 6 75
Thos. Smith, labor..., .. 135
John Schroeder, labor 8 80
Aug. Soyke, labor 8 80
Jos. Statel, labor 2 70
Chris. Scholl, labor 4 20
'Pony Schmidt, labor 2 70
Jake Scheidecker, labor.... .... 12 85
H. Schroeder, labor 1115
I S. Schaetzle, labor.... .... 8 45
W. Schwaegler, labor.. .... .. 7 45
Frank Scherr, labor.. .... 18 90
Jas. Talty, labor.... 5 40
Jas. Tobin, labor 70
John Twieg. labor .... .... ............ 8 55
R. Turner, labor.. ..,. .... 14 85
\\'m. Welsh, labor.... .... 16 20
John Welsh. (Caledonia) labor 1115
L. \\•achenheim, labor.. .. .. 6 75
Ed. Welsh, labor 6 75
John Walsh. (Race) labor.... 2 05
W. \Wearmouth, foreman.. .. 205 W
Nic \\•ampach, labor.. .. .. 17 25
G. A•iedman, labor.. .. .. 810
Peter Winkle, labor.. .... .. 4 75
'Phos. Young. engineer.. .. .. 75 00
. Adam Zingel. labor.. .. .. .. 810
Geo. Zumhoff, foreman.. .. 22 50
Pecker l;rus., team.. .. .. 11 05
Frank Purns. team.... .... .. 40 95
' Gco. Brenner, team.. .... 1185
11. Bishop, team.. .... .... 16 30
Josh Calvert, team .. 3•_' 30
John Calvert, team.. .... .,.. 12 605
B. Costello, team.. .... .... 38 60
A. Conrad, team.... .... .... 3 15
J. Evans, team 24 45
M Gantenbein, team.. .... 40 95
Mike Hannon, team.. .... 38 1905
J. Haudenshield, team.. .... 31 85
Thos. Heins, team 1815
Peter Horeb. team.... .... 26 10
J. Huffffineir, (contract )team 4:; 75
Pat Linehan, team.. .... .. 19 70
John Long, team.. ..
0 30
Martin Meagher, team.. .... 9 45
Frank Mathis, team.. .... .. 40 95
J. G. Moore, team 1 60
Carson McElrath, team 38 60
Ted. O'Brien. team.. 75
Mrs. Quinlivan, team .. .. .... 25 20
H. Rink, team.. ...... .... 15 55
Ed. Seeley, team.... ....
Frank Sieg, team.. ....
Adam Stoltz, team.. .... . '-
Jas. Tobin, team.... .. 29 95
Mike Theis, team.. ,... .... 315
Jesse Venn• team.... .... 25 20
Leslie Wellington, team 315
M. Zogg, team 7 90
Labor on Sewers for the last half of
May, 1: :12:
P. Casserly, labor 23 20
\'. Clark, labor 32 40
John Corcoran, labor.... .... 213 (:0
S. H. Cook, foreman `26 00
Maurice Flynn, labor.... ..,. 800
R. A. Fuller, labor.. .... .... 24 00
Fred Honecker, labor.. 22 40
Pat Kenneally, labor., .... 16 80
Pat Sage, labor.... .... .... 2`2 40
Landon Taylor, labor.... .... ...... 62 40
Teams on Sprinkling Wagons during the
last half of May, 1902:
Becker Bros,.,. $ 11 20
Frank Burns39 90
T. 13. Cain. 39 00
A. Conrad 39 0 60
Martin Meagher.
List of Warrants.
J. J. McCollins ... 40 00
O. G. Kringle, ci.nstructing sanitary
sewer in alley het. White and
Jackson streets, from 17th street
o Eagle Point ave.; also In 19th
street from alley east of White
to alley east of Jackson street,
total 1501 80
O. G. Kringle. constructing sanitary
sewer in 13th street from alley
east of Washington street to cen-
ter of Cedar street. total 713 40
A. Doerr, Jr., assistant assessor for
May.... $ 75 00
Jos, J. Murphy, assistant assessor
for May75 00
A. Stoltz. board of prisoners for
May..., .... 21N1
Byrne Bros., livery hire 8 00
Trexler Bros.. livery hire.... ... 8 00
C. O. D. Laundry. towels and racks
for Mooch. April and May.... 12 00
H. Corrance, soap, soapine and
brushes. city hall 1015
Bleg & Rood, stationery and sup-
plies for various ottices..
Bieg & Rend. stationery and sup-
plies for city attorney.... .. 4 20
Palmer, Berg & Co., Flank books
and blank stationery for various
offices 83 75
Smith -Morgan Printing Co.. blank
stationery for various offices 7 50
Harger & Blish, supplies and sta-
tionery for city attorney 3 65
Tom Allen, glazing at city hall 2 75
J. A. V, elker, draping for market
master's office 2 50
H. 'Turner. cleaning at city hall..,7 45
Diamond Jo Line steamers to mill
F. Mertz. repairing combination lock
in treasurer's office._ .. .... 2 00
Geo. W. Healy & Son, 1 new lawn
mower.... .... „ .... .. 8 00
Geo. W. Healey & Son, 1 hoe and 1
lawn rake 100
Mullen & Pepin, plumbling at city
hall.. .. 4 30
C. F. Arendt, notarial fee 5 00
J. P. Cooke & Co., two cushion
stamps for recorder's office.. 2 55
Standard Lumber Co., lumber for
mayor's office 9 90
H. Wunderlich & Son, to rent of
tables and chairs for election pur-
poses.... .... .... 2 50
Collings & Pfiffner, horse shoeing
for road department, . , . 2 00
F. Scholz & Son. repairing tools for
road department.... .... 10 85
Hussman & Lies, new tools for road
department..,. •,•, 3 90
Hussman & Lies, nails for road de-
partment., 10 45
Standard Lumber Co., lumber for
road department,,,. 9 80
P. J. Seippel, lumber for road de-
partment.. .. 3 10
F. A. Dalton, veterinary services
for road department.... ..., ,. ,•, 95
Key City Gas Co., removing lamp
22 30
1 65
Key City Gas Co., coke for steam
road roller.... . 5615
Standard Oil Co., oil for steam road
roller„ 11 06
Ragatz & Schaettgen, repairs on
steam road roller 33 30
Wm. Marshall, repairs on steam
road roller., .,,, 7 85
Kean Bros., pine wood for steam
road roller„ 2 00
Kannolt & Powers, horse shoeing
for fire department....
Wunderlich & Wiedcrholt, horse
shoeing for tire department.. ..
Collings & Pfiffner, horse shoeing
for fire department
Key City Gas Co., coal and coke
for fire department .... .... 24 40
F. A. Dalton. veterinary services
for fire department 16 50
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary services
for fire department.. 7 68
Mettel Bros., bran for fire depart-
Ott, Meuser & Co.. shaving for fire
department.. .... ....
Dubuqe Oil Tank Line, oil for fire
department.. .
Jas. Levi & Co., drapings for fire
department.. 18 05
J. F. Ris & Co., repairs for fire de-
partment.... .... 75
F. Scholz & Son, repairs for fire de-
partment .. .... .... .... ...... 26
Roston One -Price Clothiers, 35 hats
for fire department.. .... .......... 26 25
McDermott & Gow, 1 piece of sheet
lead for fire department.. „ ...... 50
F. A. Miller, 2 dozen barn brooms
for fire department.. 800
E. Stahell, repairing clock at Delhi
street engine house.... .... .. 1 00
Standard Lumber Co., lumber at
Fourth and Ninth street engine
houses.... .... .... 21 60
Mullen & Papin. plumbling at Ninth
street engine house.... ,... 4 90
Wm. Marshall, repairs on steamer
Stewart.. .... 12 25
Collings & Pfiffner, horse shoeing
for police department .. .. 6 50
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary services
for police department 2 88
Central Lunch Room, six meals for
prisoners 1 20
H. Corrance, sacks and barrels for
sewer department ..... ... ... 90
E. Fuhrman, hauling for sewer de-
partment 50
Standard Lumber Co., lumber for
sewer department 10 73
Hedford Bros. & Hitchins, grate
covers for fire department 4 10
Mullen Bros., black pipe and sup-
plies for sewer department 190
Cleaver & McCarten, repairing
fountain at Eighth and Main Sts2 E5
A. E. Bradley, painting and var-
nishing in engineer's office 18 00
'Union Electric Co., arc lights for
90 45
April and May
Globe -Journal, official printing for
May 60 00
Dubuque Telegraph. official printing
50 00
for May
National Demokrat, official print-
ing for May .. '''•
Hussman & Lies. hardware for Du-
buque and Wisconsin high bridge 140
approach .., ,,,
Dubuque Woodenware & Lumber
Co., lumber for Dubuque and Wis-
consin high bridge approach 14410
Standard Lumber Co., lumber for 8 70
engineer's office
T. E. Frith, removing dead animals
during months of January, Febru- 46 50
ary, March and April, 1902
F. Scholz & Sons, repairs on sprink: 1 76
ling wagon "
Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co.,
50 feet new hose and clamps for 9 56
garbage dump ..... ...
J. G. Moser. moving stoves at city 140
15 75
15 00
1 00
3 60
List of Warrants.
J. G. Moser, hardware for road de-
J. G. Moser. new tools and foun-
tain chains for sewer department. 5 80
J. G. Moser, 1 hand saw for Du-
buque and Wisconsin high bridge
approach ........ ... ... ... ........ 1 50
Key City Rooflng Co., sewer pipe
for sewer department ..... ... .... 4 75
Pfiil, Breithaupt, repairing water
fountain on Southern avenue .. 90
Lagen & Sullivan, horse shoeing
for fire and road departments 17 60
Jno. Newman & Son, repairing hose
wagon Fourth street engine house 173
Jno. Newman & Son, up. hook and
ladder truck 16 25
Ott, Mueser & Co., lumber for road
department ..... ... ... ... 47 35
Jno. Butt, repairs for road and
sewer departments ...... ... ... 6 15
Jno. Butt. repairs on steamer J. J
Linehan ..... ... ... ... ... 20 75
G. F. Kleih, grass seed and oil for
parks 5 50
G. F. Kleih, 5 gross of screws for
election purposes ... ...... ... 35
G. F. Kleih, new tools and hard-
ware for road department 8 55
G. F. Kleih, hardware and nails for
engineer's department 3 75
G. F. Meth, hardware for board of
health department .... 1455
Thos. E. Frith. to removing gar-
bage and dead animals during
month of May .......... ... ... 320 62
Henry Tropf. to Fix days as mark-
et master ........ ... ... ... ... 9 90
Geo. W. Healey, 1 lawn rake for
park....... ... ... ... ... ... 90
Geo. W. Healey. hardware for lire
department ....... ... ... ... 20
Rumpf-Frudden Lumber Co., lum-
ber for road department 7 Ti
Rumpf-Frudden Lumber Co., lum-
her at city hall 13 55
Falmer, Berg & Co.. blank station-
ery for electrician 6 00
Palmer, Berg & Co., blank books
for assessor • 30 00
Pnimer, Berg & Co., printing bonds.
Kenna Printing Co., printing 1,500
committee cards 8 00
Kenna Printing Co., letter heads,
etc.. for treasurer 3 75
P. Fury et al.. macadam for road
Globe -Journal, council weeklies
E. A. Fengler, to estimate on Do-
buque and Wisconsin high bridge
approach lOuO 00
C. H. Berg, mayor, judgment and
court costs in case of Margt.
Rousch vs. City 1706 25
M. J. Mulgrew, court costs 160 00
M. Hannon, hauling rock for ma-
cadam....... ... ... ... ... 3 40
W. H. Torbert, vaccine points ,t5
Dr. Jas. Alderson, to vaccinating
children of Irving school 10 25
H. Brinkman, exc permits redeemed 195 00
H. Brinkman, interest on warrants413 S8
H. Brinkrran, N. Y. exchange on
bonds ..... ,.. 3 07
H. Brinkman, postage stamps 10 00
H. Brinkman, refunded tax 9 45
H. Brinkman, refunded hotel license 2 50
Margt. Dement, loan 1000 00
Labor cleaning and repairing streets
during first half of June. 1902:
Al. Alderson, labor
E. Amanda, labor
John Burns, labor
Paul Becker, labor
Fred Budde, labor
5 50
54 60
9 00
8 45
8 10
14 20
12 15
C. Bluecher, labor 990
Peter Betsche, labor 476
• 'has. hoose, labor 6 10
Paul Brandenberger, labor 206
John Brachtenbach, labor 405
Jahn Callanhan, labor 8 45
Wm. Coughlin, labor 70
Martin Carmody, labor 6 45
Jas. Callahan, foreman 20 00
John Corbett, labor 4 75
Jas. Connolly, labor 16 20
H. Cobb, labor 16 20
John Corbett, labor 810
H. Cosgrove, driver 18 00
John Dougherty. driver 4 75
Peter Das, driver 4 75
John Egan. driver 14 20
Nic Engels. driver 8 80
John Ess, driver 7 45
(leo. Frost, foreman , . , , 20 09
Mat. Fetshele. labor , . , , , 9 45
R. Fuller, labor „ ,,,,,, 70
John Flynn, labor340
Pat Fenelon. labor , .... 810
Patrick Galloon. labor .... , 8 45
Barney Glass, labor
Chas. Gruenzig, la;uor , , , , , , , , 70
Peter Guenther, labor , . , . 7 45
Jos. Grab, labor , , , , 6 10
G. Gau. labor .... , , , , 10 15
J. M. Garrison. labor , .. , 7 10
H. Grode, labor „ , , . , 2 41)
C. Gantenbein, foreman , , , , , , , 20 00
Thos. Hackney, labor , , , ... , 10 50
Geo. J. Hahn, foreman , , , .. , , 20 00
John Hayes, labor 2 05
Jas. Hocking, labor .. , , 3 75
Amb. Hard, labor . . , , , 6 75
Aug. Handelman, labor , ... , , S 80
Pat. Iletherington, labor .. , . 6 75
Aug. Hafeman, labor .. , , , . , . , , 4 05
Jake Hanson. labor , , , . , .. , 2 50
John Heil, carpenter , , , . 20 00
Peter Jacob, labor , , , , , , , , , , , , 7 45
Aug. Joss, labor , , , , , , , , ,,,,, 6 75
Tim Kelly. labor , . , , , 3 75
Chas. Kampman, labor . , , , , , 2 40
Nic Kettenhofen, labor , , , 8 80
John Kelly, labor , , , , 8 10
Jos. Kientzle, labor , , , , , , , , .. • 1 35
11 85
4 05
Paul Krosheski, labor
'5\ Kronfeldt, labor .. , , , , .. . ,
Fred Krueger, lal,r
Mat. Kleine, pipe collector
Mat. Loes, labor
Alois Long, labor .... ....
Mike Lavin, labor ,.., ....
1,0frelbniz. labor
Rob. Mack, labor.... , , , . , . , ,
Jos. Martinek, labor . , .. .... . .
Adam Mandershied, labor ..
Al. Moyer, garbage dump
Wm. McClain, labor .., ,..,.,
Jas. McCormick, labor
John McCarron. labor , , , , , , , , , ,
James McCarron, labor
Jas. McCracken, labor , , , , , , , . .
Barney McCormick, Tabor
Robt. McGivern, driver
John Noonan, labor , , , , , , , , ... ,
C. Nanck, labor , , , , , , , , ,•
W. O'Brien, foreman
Jas. Purcell, labor
John Pfeiffer, labor
C. Priebe, labor ...,
Jake Perrion, labor
Wm. Quinlan, labor , , , , ,
Mat. Raishek, labor , , , ,
Theo. Rademan, labor , , , .
Jos. Rooney, labor ,,, ....
Jas. Straney, labor , , , , .. ,
Thos. Smith, labor
John Spear, labor
Tony Schmidt, labor , , , , , , ... .
12 50
8 10
9 45
16 20
16 20
8 80
7 45
12 15
16 20
8 80
2 05
4 75
7 SO
8 10
2 Iii
18 00
1 33
20 00
1 35
9 45
4 40
9 80
9 80
6 75
6 10
15 55
8 10
13 85
13 85
10 80
Official Notices.
John Schroeder. labor , , , , , , , 9 4b
Aug. Soyke, labor .... .... 810
Chris. Scholl. labor , , , , .. , , , , 2 70
Louis Smith, labor , ,. 8 80
J. Scheidecker, labor , , , , ... , , 2 05
\V. Schwaegler, labor , , , , , , , , 12 50
Frank Schen*, labor , , , , . , , , 16 20
R. Turner, labor . . . . . . . . 3 40
W. Welsh. labor . . . . . . 13 85
Ed. Welsh, labor , . 7 45
John Walsh, labor (Race) 4 05
\V. \Vearn:outh, foreman .... , , 20 00
Nic Wampach, labor , , .... 11 80
Peter Winkle, labor ,.... 810
Geo. Zumhof, foreman , ... 16 50
Becker Bros., team , ... .... 1 60
1• r•r rk Burns. team .. ... ... ... 9 45
G. Brenner. team 1105
H. Bishop, team ..... ... ... ... 14 70
John Calvert, team ..... ... ... 3310
Josh. Calvert, team 2410
John Evans, team ..... ... ... 3 95
+. Gantenhein. team ..... ... ... 1655
ale Hauder.shteld, team ..... ... 33 10
Peter Horch. team ..... ... ... ... 25 50
J. Huffineir (contract) 35 00
Fat Linehan. team ... 160
?nhn Lone. team ..... ... ... ... 615
Frank Mathis, team ..... ... . ... 7 91
J. C.. Moore, team 6 30
Thos. Morgan, team .... 17 35
J. J. McCollins, team 315
C' rson McElrath, team 25 20
Ted O'Brien, team 2915
errs. Quinlivan, team ....... ... 19 70
H. Rink, team ..... ... ... 10 25
F.A. Seeley. team 161
Adam Stoltz. team ..... ... ..... 1105
Jas. Tobin, team 34 65
M. Theis. team ....... ... ... ... 8 70
Jesse Venn, team 6 30
Labor on sewers during the first half
of June, 1902:
P. Casserly. labor .... ... ... 19 20
W. Clark, labor ..... ... ... ... 19 20
John Corcoran, labor 19 21
S. H. Cook. foreman 25 00
Ti. A. Fuller, labor ... 19 20
Fred Honecker, labor ..... ... 19 20
Pat Kenneally, labor ..... ... ... 19 20
Pat Sage. labor 18 40
London Taylor, labor 19 20
Te^ms hauling snrinkling wagons dur-
ing the first half of June, 1902:
Recker Bros ... ... ... ... ...... 44 40
Frank Burns ....... ... ... ... ...... 22 00
22 00
T. B. Cain 22 00
A. Conrail
Martin Men eher 22 40
T. J. McCollins 24 00
P'i^e fi .Iacqutnot. constructing tile
'pine storm sewer in Washington and 639 60
Elm streets
Jno. B. Miller, constructing Bee
Branch storrn sewer in Couler
creek ^nri Garfield Avenue 300 00
A. A. Cooper, 6 new street sprink-
lers ..... ... ... ... 2340 00
I hereby certify that the foregoing is
a true and correct list of all warrants
1i,cned by me during the month of June,
1902. C. F. ARENDT,
City Recorder.
Dubuque, Ia., July 14. 1902.
Seeled proposals will be received at the
city Engineer's office, city of Dubuque.
Townup to 4 p. m. July 24th, 1902, for
constructing a plank sidewalk as follows.
where not already Laid: Four feet wide
an the west side of Wood street, between
West Fourteenth street and north end
of said street, abutting lot No. 7, -Myrtle's
All in accordance with specifications on
file in said alike.
The city reserves the right to reject any
and all bids.
City Engineer.
An Ordinance entitled an Ordinance es 2
tablishing the grade of Langworthy ave-
nue, between South Alpine street and
Hill street; and changing the grade on
Langworthy avenue between South Al-
pine street and Booth street.
I13e It Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That the grade of Lang-
worthy avenue between South Alpine
street and 11111 street he established and
described as follows:
Starting from the east curb line of
South Alpine street, which is stationed
0-11, elevation 236.25; thence easterly to
station 0.0, which the east line of South
Alpine street, thence easterly Jo station
0.90, which is the west curb li0-of Hill
street. elevation 273.0.
Sec. 2. That the grade of Langworthy
avenue between South Alpine street and
Booth street, as heretofore established
he changed and that the grade of said
street be established and described as
Starting from the west line of South
Alpine street, which is stationed 0.0, ele-
vation 286.5; thence westerly to station
1.30, elevation 286.0, which is the begin-
ning of curved grade; thence westerly to
station 1.50, elevation 285.8, thence west-
erly to station 2, elevation 282.8; thence
westerly to station 2.20, elevation te281.-
at which point curved grade
nates; thence westerly to station 3.36, ele-
vation 268.75; thence westerly to station
3.66, elevation 268.75; thence westerly to
station 3.66, elevation 267.25; thence west-
erly to station 6.40.9, which is the west
line of Booth street, elevation 228.0.
Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect,
and be in force, from and after the date
of its publication one time in the Du-
buque Daily Globe -Journal, newspaper
the city of Dubuque.
i Passed July 10th, 1902.
Approved July CthH19BERG, Mayor.
C. H. ARENDT, City Recorder.
Published in the Dubuque Globe -Jour-
nal July l7th, 1902.
Regular Session, Aug. 7, 1902.
Regular Session August 7th, 1902.
Council met at 8:15 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Hort. Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Ald. Raymond moved that the coun-
cil proceedings for the month of July
be approved as printed. Carried.
The following bills were ordered paid:
A. Doerr, Jr., assistant assessor
for July ..,. ,. 5 7500
Jos. J. Murphy, assistant assessor
for July • 15 00
H. J. Tropf, board of prisoners for 6 20
C. H. Jordan, repairing roof on 11
city hall ,
W. R. Pearce, papering committee 7
room 70
W. R. Pearce, papering matron's 10 15
department ,
.ilnlon Printing Co.. blank station-
ery225 for assessor's office
A. E. Bradley. glazing at city hall 100
• Gus Holl, sharpening lawn mower 100
Ott, Meuser & Co. lumber for road 28 60
department ,
Key City Gas Co., coke for road 50 25
•department .... . ...
R. W. Carr• tiling saws for road 75
department . • • • • •
Rumpf-Frudden Lumber Co., lum-
ber for road department ,•
J. I. Il a.lcomb Mfg. Co., 1 dozen
street sweepers for road depart- 7 3.
ment •'
F. Roehl, powder and fuse for road 2 3
department ,
F. Schloz & Son, repairing tools 2
for road department .•
Chas. Matz. repairing tools for 2 0
road department.... •
Smedley Steam Pomp Co., hy-
draulic packing for road depart-
ment ,
Key City Gas Co., coke for fire da- 13
Heller & Scherr, horse shoeing for
fire department•
Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse
shoeing for fire department for
•Ott, Meuser & Co., shavings
fire department
G. B. Grosvenor Co.. toilet paper
for road department
Harger & Blish, shades for various 13
engine house '
W. H. Torbert, drugs and supplies 13
for fire department • • pruner Ge. W. Healey, 1 tree for
park .new . tools
Geo. \V. Healey & Son,
for sewer departmenthardwa• re
Geo. W. Healey & Son,
for fire department • .
Jno. Hartig, repairs for fire de-
partment ......
F. Mertz, repairing keys for fire
department '
Key City Gas Co., to rent of Hum-
phrey arc light at Central engine
house ,. • ' '
Key City Gas Co., mantel and
chimney at Delhi street engine
'house , ' ' •
Jno. F. Garvey, plumbing at Cen-
tral engine house • , ... • • • • •
9 25
4 50
1 00
4 50
1 50
1 00
1. 45
2 35
Dubuque Cabinet Makers' associa-
tion, supplies for matrons' de-
partment 130
Jno. Huffineiers, • •Haulingclay
• at
patrol house 126
James Street, rock furnished for
sewer department 900
R. Jungle, repairs on •fountain • at
Seminary street , • •
R. Jungk, repairs on fountain " at
Linwood cemetery , , , , , 2 10
R. Jungk, repairs on fountain• at
Grandview avenue , , , . , .. 1 45
Globe -Journal, official printing,,, for
July , ,,, . 6000
Dubuque Telegraph -Herald, official
printing for July,• ••. , , 50 00
National Demokrat, official • print-
ing for July , . , , . , , 25 00
The Times publishing notices for
July 20 00
Union Electric Co., arc lights for
July .2029 58
Keuffel & Esser Co., supplies for
Engineer's office .• , 60
Jno. Hartig, 2 steel keys for gar-
bage dump 50
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for gar-
bage dump 126
T. E. Frith. removing garbage and
dead animals during July 376 38
Standard Oil Co., oil for sprinkling
department 2 05
F. Schloz & Son, repairs on street
sprinkler 2 00
Noel & Wagner, bran for fire de- 62
E. J. Schilling. building manhole at
Fifteenth and Iowa streets 8 00
J. F. Ris & Bro., i/z doz. bu. baskets 4
for fire department board
Dubuque Telegraph -Herald,
of health reports and wrappers 5 50
for May
Lagen & Sullivan, horse shoeing for 13 45
fire department
Lagen & Sullivan. horse shoeing for 3
road department
T. J. Mulgrew, sewer pipe for sewer 5
C. J. W. Saunders. Jr., supplies for 2 55
matron department
Carr Ryder Adams Co.. 1 screen
door for Central engine2 50
Linehan & Molo, hemp packing for
road department
Linehan & Molo, cement for sewer
department .. •.
Linehan & Molo, cement Dubuque
and Wisconsin high bridge ap- 3 08
Jno. Butt, repairs for fire depart- 5 35
Jno. Butt, repairs for road and
15 40
sewer departments . Co,
Dubuque Rubber and Belting
washers and rings for sewer de- 3
Jas. Levi & Co., sllkoline for ma- 180
torn department •
L. Daily, cleaningaround market
April, May, June
square during 56 00
and July
G. F. Kleih, hardware for road de -
5 80
partment '
G. F. Klelh, manila rope for sewer. 75
department . "'
purington Paving Brick Co.,brick for threee
car loads of paving „ 265 05
department .......
A. A. Brown, repairs for road de- 2 22
partment... ...el pot road de -
T. J. Donahue. g • .- 30 45
Regular Session, Aug. 7, 1902.
Gantenbein & Taylor, gravel for 6 30
road department
P. Clancy, cinders for road depart- 1100
Pape & Jacquinot,. tile pipe and
brick for road department 58 40
Pape & Jacqulnot, final estimate
constructing storm water sewer in
Washington and Elm streets 394 56
Jos. Piltz, constructing new side-
walk abutting 1ot 7, Myrtle add11 75
O'Farrell & Norton. balance due for 19 84
improving Cox street
Kenna Printing Co., blank station- 4
A. A. Cooper, repairs on sprinkling 3 50
0' Farrell & Norton, 5 per cent. re-
tained for paving Seventh street
from Main to Locust streets 9614
Campbell & Watkins, 1 sign for po- 4
lice headmiarters
C. McElrath, hauling brush from
Jackson park
J. Bender. trimming trees in Jack-
son park
Hareer & Blish, wall paper for com-
mittee room and matron depart-
ment 9 92
T. T. Carkeek, plans and specifica-
tions for new engine house on
Grandview avenue 125 00
Jno. A. Voelker. fumigating resi-
dences as per contract during
smallpox epidemic 4a6 45
The following bills were ordered re-
Ragatz & Schaetgen, repairs on
stream roller.... .... .... .... E 69 76
On motion the bill was referred to the
street committee:
J. B. Miller, to use of derrick at
Eagle Point high bridge approach $ 10 00
On motion the bill was referred to the
street committee:
Dr. Allen Staples, to professional
services for Kane and Hanson,
(firemen) 216 00
On motion the bill was referred to the
committee on claims.
Ott, Meuser & Co., To City of Du-
\ buque, Dr.—To 77 cubic yards of
macadam.... .... .... .. $ 65 45
On motion the bill was referred to the
street commissioner for collection.
Petition of R. W. and E. D. White, ask-
ing that a sidewalk be constructed on the
west side of College avenue.
Ald. Sheridan moved to grant the peti-
tion. Carried.
Petition of Jno. Moser asking that the
special assessment levied against his
property for cleaning alley be canceled.
On motion the petition was referred to
the committee on streets.
Petition of Jas. Cushing et al., asking
that Kauffman avenue be repaired and
put in passable condition.
On motion the petition was referred to
the street committee.
Petition of Edwin Smedley et al., ask-
ing that a sanitary sewer be ordered con-
structed in the alley between Garfield
and Rhomberg Avenues from Kniest
street to Middle Avenue.
On motion the petition was referred to
the committee on Sewers and City En-
gineer and they report to the Council.
Petition of Geo. Kampman asking that
the engineer be instructed to establish a
grade on East street from Delhi to Ben-
nett streets.
Also petition of Mrs. M. E. Canovan
asking that the Engineer be instructed to
4 60
give the grade for sidewalk on the north
side of West Chestnut street.
On motion both petitions were referred
to the City Engineer.
Petition of Alphons Drees et al., asking.
Council to order construction of a side-
walk on the west side of Paul street, be-
tween Seminary and Leibnitz streets,
abutting lot 108 in Cox's addition.
On motion the petition was referred to
the Sidewalk Inspector.
Petition of C. J. Peterson et al.. asking
that the Council take some action on their
petition which was presented to the City
Council some time ago, asking that cer-
tain plans for the improvement of Grand-
vi6w avenue be adopted.
Ald. Clancy moved to refer the petition
to the committee of the Whole and City
Engineer. Carried.
Petition of Aug. Flechsig asking that
he be exempt on his homestead from
taxation to the amount of $S00.00 on the
assessed valuation of the same for the
year 1901, he being an honorably dis-
charged Union soldier.
Also petition of Mrs. Anna M. Althaus
asking that she be exempt on her home-
stead from taxation to the amount of
$800.00 for the year 1902, she being a
widow of an honorably discharged inion
On motion both petitions were referred
to the Delinquent Tax committee.
Communication of the Chicago, Burling-
ton & Quincy Ry. Co., by H. W. Uttley,
Gen. Agent, stating that they had no ob-
jections to the city's leasing ground lo-
cated on the north side of the Ice Har-
bor and abutting said company's proper-
ty, to The L. H. Langworthy Company
to erect a saw mill thereon.
On motiou the communication was re-
ferred to the Harbor committee and City
Communication of the Dubuque Trades
and Labor Congress, requesting the May-
or, Aldermen, Fire and Police Depart-
ments to take part in the Labor Day par-
ade September lst, 1902.
On motion the communication was re-
ceived and filed and the Recorder in-
structed to notify the Dubuque Trades
and Labor Congress of the acceptance of
their invitation.
Communication of the Carnegie -Stout
Free Public Library in relation to fixing
one-quarter of a mill on the dollar on the
taxable valuation of the city of Dubuque
for the year 1902.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the commun-
ication be received and filed and that
action be taken when the proper time
comes to fix said levy, and the Recorder
be instructed to inform the Library Trus-
tees of such action. Carried.
Communication of M. Tschirgl, Jr., ask-
ing that a warrant amounting to $16.06 be
drawn in his favor for sewer connections
made for D. W. Linehan, in the so-called
Tschirgt sewer in alley between Main and
Locust streets from Eighth to First
On motion the communication was re-
ferred to the Sewer committee.
City Treasurer Brinkman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of Dubuque:
Gentlemen—Below you will find state-
ment of amounts advanced by me during
the month of July, 1902. Please order
warrants drawn in my favor.
Excavation permits redeemed , . , , 100 00
Regular Session, Aug. 7, 1902.
'Interest paid on warrants out-
standing, 498 67
Freight charges, C., M. M. & St. P.,
fire and police ,
'Freight charges, C., M. & St. P„
road ..
Freight charges, C., M. & St. P.,
.Express charges, Engineer
Exchange (New York) ,
Refunded tax
1 30
45 76
45 75
10 63
$705 30
Also received (money borrowed) from
the foliowing parties, please order Loan
Warrants drawn in their favor:
July 7th., John Iiriebs $ 800 00
July 7th., Mrs. A. Woodward , ,1,500 00
July 8th., N. J. Schrup, treasurer 4,000 00
July 22d., German Trust & Sav-
ings bank , , , , 10,000 00
July 23d., Ernestine Lavery 1,000 00
July 24th., Wm. Watson 1,000 00
$18,300 00
On motion the report was received and
warrants ordered drawn to pay the var-
ious amounts, and the reports referred
back to the committee on Finance.
City Auditor Hoffman reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of Dubuque:
Gentlemen -Herewith find my report
for the month of July, 1902, showing the
disbursements for the month:
Cash on hand July 1st, 1902....$18,99510
Receipts from all sources 23,383 01
$42,378 11
Warrants redeemed during the
month ,$19,416 56
• Coupons redeemed during the
month •
... .... .... .... .
W. W. Coupons redeemed dur-
ing the month
967 50
675 00
$21,059 06
Cash on hand August 1st., 1902..$21,319 05
Of the cash on hand there be-
longs to the Improvement Bond
Fund , , .. .... 13,676 87
Leaving a balance to the credit
of the City of ,$ 7,642 18
Also report that there is due
City- Officers for the month of
July, 1902 $ 2,323 20
Also the following is a record of all
Interest Coupons redeemed by me for
the past month: qg; 50
Improvement Bond Coupons $
Water Works Bond Coupons , 675 00
Regular Bond Coupons .... 480 00
51,642 50
The following list shows the Appropri-
ations and the amount of Warants
drawn on each Fund since the begin-
ning of the fiscal year beginning
1st, 1902, to August 1st, 1902:
Appropriation. Expended.
Expense , , , , , , . , 540,000 $14.546.44
Road , , , , , , , . , 42,000 22,770.77
2 000 11,046.25
Police • -..... 28,000
Sewerage , , , . .... .. 5.000
Printing „ „ , ... .. 2.000
Engineer , , , , .... „ 4.000
Gas and Light , , 25,000 8,099.38
Water Works Bond In-
terest , , , , , , . , 25,000 11,385.00
Interest 46000
Board of Health 6,000 2,270.00
Grading... . 2,000 46.40
Bee Branch . , 13,000 705.35
Eagle Point bridge 5,000 4,771.96
Special Bonded Paving, 5,000
Redemption , , , , , , 2,500
Judgment , , , , , 3,000 2,786.18
Library . . 6,000
Sprinkling -First District 750 136.52
Sprinkling -Second Dis_
trict . , 2,300 317.64
Sprinkling - Third dis-
trict , , 2,200 310.55
Sprinkling Fourth dis-
trict , , , 2,300 153.99
Sprinkling - Fifth dis-
trict .1,500 328.62
Special Bonded Debt In-
terest 3,000 1,534.53
Grandview Ave. Engine
House 6,000 300.00
Mount Carmel Ave.
Grading , , , , 1,000
Sidewalk Repairing , , , , 500
Special Sewer Fund.... 5,000 2,107.70
Total Appropriation .5318,050
On motion the report was received and
warrants ordered drawn to pay City Of-
ficers and the report referred back to
the Finance committee.
Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen -I submit my pay roll for
the Fire department for the month of
July, 1902:
Amount due Firemen 51.560.25
Chairman Committee on Fire.
On motion the pay roll was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay fire-
men, and the pay roll referred back to
the committee en Fire.
Chief of Police Morgan reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen -I herewith submit my re-
port and pay roll for the police depart-
ment for the month of July, 1902:
Total arrests for the month 77
Patrol runs for the month 13270
Miles rune for the month32
Residents arrested 48
Doors found open 20
Lodgers harbored 228
Defective lights 31
Meals furnished $6.31
Cost of food •••
Also treasurer's receipt for impound-
ing, $5.00• for policemen for
Also the pay roll
the month of July, 1902.
Amount due policemen 52,094 b5
Respectfully submitted,
Chief of Police.
On motion the report and pay roll were
received, and warrants ordered drawn to
pay policemen, and the report referred
back to the committee on police.
196 Regular Session, Aug. 7, 1902.
City Engineer Boyce reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen—I herewith submit my pay
roll for labor. cleaning and repairing
Streets and alleys during the last half
of July, 1902:
Amount due laborers on streets....81,518.75
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved: E. E. FRITH.
Chairman Committee on Streets.
Also submit my pay roll for labor on
sewers for the last half of July, 1902:
Amount due laborers on sewers $173.80
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Chairman Committee on Sewers.
On motion the pay roll on sewers and
streets was received and warrants or-
dered drawn to pay the various amounts,
and the pay rolls referred back to the
proper committees.
Also submit my pay roll for teams.
hauling sprinkling wagpns during the
last half of July, 1902:
Amount due teamsters $303.20
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved: GEO. N. RAYMOND,
Chairman Committee on Paving, Sweep-
ing and Springling.
On motion the pay roll was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay the
above amounts.
City Engineer Boyce also reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
Gentlemen—On account of erroneous
assessment I petition for cancellation of
same, against the following described
property, for cleaning alley:
Date of levy, July 10, 1902.
Anna Klauer, city S 2-5 lot 447.
Respectfully submitted.
City Engineer.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the report
be received, and the error corrected.
City Engineer Boyce also reported up-
on the petition of Charles Stillman, et al,
in relation to improving Langworthy
Avenue. That the petitioners are hold-
ers of 561 lineal feet of frontage, out of
a total frontage of 2,413 feet.
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the prayer
of the petitioners be granted. Carried.
City Electrician Hipman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen—I herewith submit my re-
port of defective lights for the month
of July, 1902:
I find from the reports of the police
department that the total hours that 248
lamps failed to burn would equal twelve
lamps for one month or 864.80. Respect-
fully submitted,
City Electrician.
On motion the report was received and
the Auditor instructed to deduct from
the inion Electric company's bill for the
month of July, 1902, the amount of 864.80.
City Sidewalk Inspector Crawford re-
ported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: On account of erroneous
assessment, I petition for the cancellation
of the assessments against the following
described property for repairing side-
Date of Levy. Owner. Description.
Sept. 5, 1901, Jennett Bach, Sanford's
sub.. lot 37.
Sept. 5, 1901, Anna M. Bush, City E. 109.10
feet, lot 541.
July 10, 1902, James Baxter, sub. 1 min.
Ict 159, lot 1.
July 10, 1902, John Bohn, Geiger's sub.,
lot 5.
July 10, 1902, John Lanser, Glendale add.,
lot 61.
July 10. 1902, Geo. Rimmer, East Du-
buque add., S. 1h lot 176.
July 10, 1902, Jos. Dietl. L. H. Langwor-
thy's add., E. 90 feet, lot 20.
July 10, 1902. Alfred Rhomberg, McCran-
eny's 1st add.. lot 78 and 79.
July 10, 1902, D. W. Linehan, city, S. 44
feet. lot 86.
July 10, 1902. Anton Ebrel, Buseman &
Ebrel's sub., lot 2.
Respectfully submitted,
Sidewalk Inspector.
Ald. Horr moved to refer the report to
the committee on Streets and Sidewalk
Inspector. Carried.
The following 'weigh,masters' and wood -
measurers' receipts were referred to the
committee on Markets:
H. J. Tropf, City Hall receipts 814 80
R. Hay, 8th and White streets, re-
ceipts.. .... ...... .... .... 1 60
T. Faherty, 1st ward scales, receipts 3 77
Louise Pitschner, West Dubuque
scales receipts 54
R. F. Curran, wood measurers' re-
ceipts.... 64
Jno. W. Lawler, committee clerk,
receipts for sale of scrap iron 9 20
Mayor Berg read Mrs. McKinley's ac-
knowledgement of the receipt of the res-
olutions of condolence over the death of
Preside.lt McKinley.
Ald. Corrance moved that the commun-
ication be placed on file in the City Re-
corder's office, and the Recorder in-
structed to acknowledge the receipt of
same. Carried.
Ald. Raymond moved to reconsider the
action taken by the Council on the com-
munication of the Water Works Trustees
in relation to furnishing the city with
water for sprinkling purposes. Carried.
Upon the motion of Ald. Frith the mat-
ter was referred to the committee of the
Ald. Clancy moved to open the bids for
the construction of a stone arch storm
water sewer in Fourteenth street from
of present sewer in Cedar street to wes-
terly lot line of Sycamore street. Car-
Bids as follows:
Steuck & Linehan, new masonry,
per lineal foot $ 6 75
Jno. Schromen, new masonry, per
lineal foot.... .... .... 11 00
O'Farrell & Street, new masonry,
Regular Session. Aug. 7, 1902.
per lineal foot .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11 60
Peter Eisbach, new masonry, per
lineal foot.... .... .... ............. 11 65
Ald. Clancy moved to award the con-
tract to Steuck & Linehan, they being
the lowest bidders. Carried.
Ald. Frith moved that the bond for fire department, $3.25; H. J. Hagerty,
constructing said sewer be fixed at $1,000. veterinary services for fire department,
Carried. j $18.80, and F. A. Dalton, veterinary ser..
Ald. Frith moved to open the bids for vices for fire department, $11.52, would
the construction of a circular culvert in respectfully recommend in favor of pay -
Bee Branch Creek across Couler avenue ing the same.
between Twenty-seventh street and Peru MATT CLANCY, Chairman.
Road. Carried. R. JONES, H. CORRANCE.
Bids as follows: Aid. Clancy moved to adopt the report.
Steuck & Linehan, stone culvert, per Carried.
lineal foot $ 12 50 Aid. Sheridan, chairman of the com-
13 50 mittee on Sewers. reported as follows:
45 Your committee on Sewers. to whom
Guttering, per square yard 40 was referred the petition of Rev. J. S.
Macadamizing. per scquare yard40 Bauman. pastor of Sacred Heart church,
O'Farrell & Street, stone culvert,
per lineal foot 13 00
O'Farrell & Street, concrete, per as-
cot foot 13 50
Ald. Raymond moved to award the
contract to Steuck & Linehan, they be-
ing the lowest bidders.
Ald. Horr moved a substitute to refer
the bids to the Street committee and
City Engineer, with power.
Substitutee le,:t by the following vote:
Teas—Horr, Jones and Sheridan.
Ald. Clancy, chairman of the commit-
tee on Fire, reported as follows:
That the bill of Christian Lembke for
harness supplies. $4.10; also Mullen &
Papin, plumbing for fire department,
$4.90; W. W. Whelan, supplies for fire
asking that. the sanitary sewerage system
be extended to the Sacred Heart school,
corner of Eagle Point avenue and Queen
street, would recommend that the prayer
of the petitioner be granted.
Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Jones of the Board of Health, re-
ported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
Nays—Clancy, Corrance, Frith and cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:
Raymond. Your Board of Health, at a meeting held'
The original motion recurring to award Aug. 4th, 1902, would respectfully report
the contract to Steuck & Linehan was
then carried.
Ald. Frith moved that the bond for do-
ing said work he fixed at $1,500. Carried.
Ald. Frith, chairman of the committee
on Streets, reported as follows:
Your committee on Streets begs to re-
spectfully report that we have examined
the storm water sewer in Elm and Wash-
ington streets. Pape & Jacquinot, con-
tractors. and finding the same to be sat-
isfactorily constructed we would recom-
mend that the said sewer be accepted
and that the balance due be paid to the
Also your special committee on Bee
Branch sewer would respectfully report
that Anton Eberl, who was awarded the
contract for the construction of the cul-
vert in Bee Branch creek on Couler
Avenue June 16, 1902. found that it was
impossible for him to proceed with the
work except at a heavy loss. Your com-
mittee, not wishing to delay the work on
such an important street, asked him to
agree to pran
promising in such anthent of
event to relinquish
his bondsmen. which proposition
ition Mt
Eberl accepted and signed p
which is heretEo E. FRITH Chairman.
Aid. Frith moved to adopt
the Carried.
Ald. Corrance, chairman of the com-
mittee on Markets, reported as follows:
Your committee on was referred the hills of Markets, Mullen & Papin,
Plumbing at City Hall, would respectful -
1y report that the amount of the bills be
Ald. Corrance moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
that the bill of W. H. Torbert for 65
cents, that was referred to the Board by
the City Council, was referred back to
Mr. Torbert, for him to collect same from
the County. Also recommend that the
bill from the Telegraph -Herald for
Health reports for May. $4.00, extra
Health reports $2.00, and one hundred and
fifty wrappers, $1.50; total, $7.50. That
the amount of $4.00 for Health reports and
the $1.50 for wrappers, total of $5.50, be
allowed on this bill. Also recommend
upon the advice of the City Attorney,
that the bill of Mr. John A. Voelker, for
fumigating residences In the city, which
have been quarantined in small pox
cases, as per contract, bill dating from
Nov. 17th, 1901. to April 14th, .1902, total
amount $406.45, be paid.
Also report that the second hill of Mr.
Voelker, for the same purpose. dated
from April 17th to July 28th, 1902, total
amount $65.75, was audited by the Board
and referred back to the County Super-
visors for payment.
Also report that the building on the
southeast corner of Main and Ninth
street, also the building on the southeast
corner of 8th and Iowa streets, are not
connected with the Sewer, would there-
fore recommend that
buildings be notified tomake proper con
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the report.
Joseph L. Harr, chairman of the com-
mittee of the Whole, reported as follows.
Your committee of the Whole begs to
report, that upon presentation of the
theproperty ownen
hors the block n9 the
east side of Clay street, between 15th and
16th streets, we have granted John Pil-
maier permission to erect longframeand b2 illd-
ing, 14 feet wide, 20
high. on the rear end of the N. ifs of the
to be used asCatphotograph
Also, Your committee of the Whole
Regular Session, Aug 7, °1902.
would respectfully recommend that the
$100.00 which was donated to the sewer
fund by the A. Y. McDonald & Morrison
Bros. Mfg. Co., be applied on the assess-
ment which was levied against the abut-
ing property, other than that owned by
the said A. Y. McDonald & Morrison Mfg.
Co., for the construction of a sanitary
sewer in 13th street from the alley east
of Washington street to Cedar street, and
that the balance be assessed pro rata
against the abutting propery, provided,
that the abutters sign a writen waiver
and agree to pay their assessments for
said sewer.
Also, Your committee of the Whole
would respectfully recommend that the
matter of piling lumber on South Main
.street be referred to the Street commit-
tee with power.
Also, your committee of the Whole to
whom was referred the matter of re-
adjusting the sprinkling districts, would
r.:spectfully report that the streets that
have not been sprinkled be stricken
ft em the sprinkling list and that the
Assessor be instructed to assess only
the property abutting on the streets
which have been sprinkled.
A.Id. Herr moved to adopt the report
of the committee of the Whole. Car-
Aid. Sheridan moved that the City En-
gineer he instructed to prepare an as-
sessment for culvert in Dodge street,
against the Chicago, Milwaukee & St.
Paul R. R. Co. Carried.
Ald. Horr moved that the purchasing
committee be instructed to purchase,
without delay, one new broom for the
street sweeper. Carried.
Ald. Horr also offered the following
I move that the City Recorder be in-
structed to notify by publication in the
official papers, merchants, manufactur-
ers and others who may be interested,
that proposals will be received by the
City Council at its next session, for the
use of the sprinkling wagons for adver-
tising purposes for the balance of the
present season. Such proposals to be,
for either the end and side spaces or for
any one of thein, and for either one or
more wagons. The subject matter and
general design of all advertisements to
be under the control of the committee
on Paving, Sweeping and Sprinkling,
and the expense for painting said adver-
tisements to be borne by the advertiser.
Ald. Iiorr moved to adopt the motion,
which was lost by the following vote:
Yeas—Ald. Horr and Jones.
Nays—Alda. Corrance, Frith, Ray-
mond and Sheridan.
Absent—Ald. Clancy.
Ald. Horr moved that the Council ap-
propriate $200 more besides the $1,000 al-
ready appropriated, to complete the work
on Fifth Avenue. Carried.
Ald. Jones offered the following:
Be it resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That it is hereby
declared necessary and advisable to con-
struct a sanitary sewer in Johnson Ave-
nue and in the alley between Lincoln
and Rhomberg Avenues as follows, to -
wit: A ten -inch tile pipe sewer in John-
son Avenue from the intersection of said
Johnson Avenue with Lincoln Avenue,
to the alley between Lincoln and Rhom-
berg Avenues, thence northeasterly in
said alley to Middle Avenue.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the resolu-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Ald. Jones offered the following:
Be it Resolved By the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, that the City
Engineer be and he is hereby directed to
prepare a_plat and specifications for .a
ten -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in John-
son Avenue from the intersection of said
Johnson Avenue with Lincoln Avenue
to the alley between Lincoln and Rhom-
berg Avenues, thence northeasterly in
said alley to Middle Avenue, showing the
location and general nature of such im-
provement, the extent thereof, the size
and kind of material to be used, and to
prepare an estimate of the cost thereof,
and the amount assessable upon each
lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abut-
ting upon per front foot or square foot
in area and to file such plat, specifica-
tions and estimate in the office of the
City Recorder.
That after such plat is filed. the City
Recorder shall cause to be published no-
tice of the intention of the council to
make such improvement, which notice
shall be published in three consecut]ves
issues of the official newspaper of the
city, stating that such plat is on file,
and generally the nature of the sewer, its
location, size and kinds of material to be
used and the estimate of its cost, and
fixing the time before which objections
can be flied, which time shall not be
less than five days after the last publi-
cation of such notice, and after the com-
pletion of the publication of such no-
tice, he shall at its next regular ses-
sion notify the Council thereof in writ-
ing with a printed copy of such notice
accompanying the same.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the resolu-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Herr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Ald. Sheridan offered the following:
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, that all resolu-
tions heretofore offered and adopted by
the City Council of the City of Dubuque
pertaining to the ordering of the im-
provement of Langworthy avenue be-
tween Hill and Booth streets, except res-
olutions in relation to establishing grades,
be and the same are hereby rescinded.
Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the res-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance Frith,
Horr, Jones. Raymond and Sheridan.
Ald. Sheridan offered the following:
Be It Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, that it is deemed
necessary and advisable to improve
Langworthy Avenue from the west curb
line of H111 street to the east line of
Booth street, and that it is hereby pro-
posed to grade, curb, gutter and ma-
cadamize said street.
Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the res-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Ald. Sheridan offered the following:
Be It Resolved by the City Council of
Regular'Sesan,io Aug. 7, 1902.
the City of Dubuque, that the City En-
gineer be and is hereby instructed to pre-
pare a plat showing generally the loca-
tion, nature and extent of the proposed
improvement on Langworthy Avenue
from the west curb line of Hill street to
the east lot line of Booth street, and the
kind of material to he used, and an es-
timate of the entire cost thereof, and
the amount and cost of such improve-
ment, and the amount assessable upon
any railway or street railway. the amount
and cost thereof to be paid by the city,
if any. and the cost thereof and amount
assessable upt n each lot or parcel of
land adjacent to or abutting upon such
improvement per front foot, and to file
such plat and estimate in the office of
the City Recorder, that after the filing
of said plat and estimate in his office,
the City Recorder shall publish in three
consecutive issues of a newspaper pub-
lished in this city a notice staling that
such plat and estimate are on file. the
location and nature of the improvement,
kind of material to be used, and an es-
timate of its cost and the time before
which objections thereto can be filed and
the time fixed for hearing. which time
shall not be less than five days after the
last publication of such notice and after
such publication shall have been made,
the City Recorder shall, at the next reg-
ular session of the City Council notify
the Council thereof in writing with a
printed copy of such notice accompanying
the same.
Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the res-
Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr. Juries, Raymond and Sheridan.
Alderman Sheridan offered the follow-
Be it resolved by'th,e City Council of
the City of Dubuque. That it is hereby
declared necessary and advisable to con-
struct a sanitary sewer in Johnson ave-
nue, Eagle Point avenue and Queen
street. and it is hereby proposed to con-
struct a sanitary sewer in said Johnson
avenue, Eagle Point avenue and Queen
street as follows. to -wit: An eight -inch
tile pipe sewer in Johnson avenue from
the manhole at the intersection of Lin-
coln avenue with said Johnson avenue
to Eagle Point avenue, thence east on
Eagle Point avenue to Queen street,
thence north on Queen street to the south
line of lot 32 in Sanford's sub.
AId. Sheridan moved to adopt the res-
Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas—Alda. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones. Raymond and Sheridan.
Alderman Sheridan offered the follow-
Be it resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque. That the city en-
gineer be and he is hereby directed to
prepare a pint and specifications for an
eight -itch sanitary sewer in Johnson
Avenue from the manhole at the inter-
section of Lincoln Avenue with said
Johnson Avenue to Eagle Point Avenue,
thence east on Eagle Paint Ave-
nue to Queen street th the north
on Queen street to
line of lot 32 In Sanford's sub.,
showing the location and general nature
of such improvement, the extent there-
z kind of
aterial to be
nsed, and toaprepare an estl
imateof the
cost thereof, and the amount assessable
upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent
to or abutting thereon per front foot or
square foot in area and to file such plat,
specification and estimate in the office
of the City Recorder.
That after such plat Is filed, the City
Recorder shall cause to be published no-
tice of the intention of the Council to
make such improvement, which notice
shall he published in three consecutive
issues fficial newspaper
city of Dof ubtheuqueo, stating that suchof plat
is on file, and generally the nature of the
sewer, its location, size and kinds of ma-
terial to be used and the estimate of its
cost. and fixing the time hefore which
objections can be filed. which tone shall
not be less than five days after the last
rnhlieatioi of such notice, and after
the completion of the publication of such
notice he shrill et its next regular session
notify the Connell thereof in writing with
a printed eony of such notice accompany-
ing the same.
Aid. Sheridan moved to adopt the res-
Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas—Ahls. Clancy. Corrance, Frith,
ITorr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Alderman T -Torr offered the following:
Be it resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque. That whereas there
have been paid into the city treasury the
sum of 91,715.00 for defraying the cost
of improvement of certain streets in the
city of Dubuque. therefore the City
Treasurer is hereby instructed to call in
improvement bonds No. 177. amount 9500.
and No. 178, amount 9216. both dated June
1. 1902; also improvement bond No. 71,
amount 91.000. dated September 2. 1897.
Aid. Horr moved to adopt the resolu-
Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Clancy. Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones. Raymond and Sheridan.
Ald. Raymond offered the following.
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That the City Engineer
be and he is hereby directed to establish
the grade on Gilmore Place and report
same at the next regular meeting of the
City Council.
Ald. Raymond moved to adopt the res-
olution. Carried!
Alderman Clancy offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque That a sidewalk four
(41 feet wide. of good two-inch plank,
brick, stone or cement, he, within ten (10)
days of this notice, constructed and laid
in conformity with the ordinance In re-
lation to sidewalks on the west side of
College Avenue, between West Second
street and West Third street, abutting
lot No. 15, College sub., owned by G. R.
Clark, at the expense of abutting prop-
Adopted by the followingCorrance, Frith,
Ayes—Aids. Clancy,
Horr, Jones. Raymond and Sheridan.
Alderman Clancy offered the following:
Resolved by the ri
it ofk fourthe
City of Dubuque, Thatn
(4) feet wide of good two-inch plank,
fiat jays ostone or eement, he, within ten
f this nntice, constructed and
laid in conformity with the ordinance in
relation to sidewalks, on the west side
of College Avenue, between West Second
, abutting
Int 1. College sub.. owned hyeetA. W. Kern -
ler estate, at the expense of ahntting
Regular Session, Aug. 7, 1902.
Adopted by the following vote: Frith,
Ayes—Alda. Clancy,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Alderman Clancy offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk four
(4) feet wide, of good two-inch plank,
brick, stone or cement, be, within ten
(10) days of this notice, constructed and
laid in conformity with the ordinance
in relation to sidewalks, on the west
side of College Avenue, between O'Neill
Avenue and West Second street, abut-
ting lot 6 of min. lot No. 159, owned by
Emily White, at the expense of abutting
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Aid. Sheridan moved to adjourn until
Aug. 21, 1902. Carried.
( . j 'r ( Recorder.
Approved ( /// ' ) 190
, ..Mayor.
Pogular SI•ssion, Aug. 21, 1902.
ni,...AH• LAB,. ------it .N A POI l'
Council met at S:30 o'clock p.
Mayor Iterg In the elniir.
Present Ali. Clancy. Frith, Herr.
joie s, Raymond and Sheridan.
A hsent Id. Cerra n('e.
Petitien of John Engels. asking city to
grant him s(ene lira ncia I rilof o;‘,..
ullllt of injury while in the
employ of th1 11 y.
On motion the petition was referred to
the committee on Claims.
Petition of 'rho,. Conlin. asking city to
refund him the slim of K.11.00• money rail
into the City Treasur for liv( ry lir, use
for the year Is99.
On motion the petition was referred to
tho committee on Claims and City At-
Petition of the Free Pulite Library hy
Jacob }deli. president. requesting tip.
City Connell to invest iga b. the eenditien I
of the alley 11: llo (',1 St side of the 1,1-
brary Building and take such steps
ward grading and improving of same.
Petition of Mrs. Eliz. Hughes. asking
that her taxes to (eineeled en the north
part of lot 1 in Linheim's Add.
On !notion the potitien was n.ferred 111
the Delinquent Tax committee.
Petition of Mrs. Ellen Quinlivan. asking
City Council to redin, the assessment on
sub. 12, Quinlivan's sub., lot 1 to $100.00,
the same being erroneously assessed at
$600.00. said owner having' sold 100 feet of
said lot, before the assessment was made
for the year 1901..
Aid. Sheridan moved to refer the pe-
tition to the Fiord of Equalization. Car-
Communication and hill of the Dubuque
Water Company, by F. NV...Altman. treas-
urer, asking City Council to pass and pay
their bill for flush tanks aind rental of
C., M. & St. P. hydrants.
Amount of hill
On motion the petition and bill were
referred to the committee of the Whole.
City Engineer Boyce reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mavor and City Conn-
ell of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen—T herewith submit my tittY
roll for labor, eleaning and repairing
streets (luring the first half of August.
Amount due laborers 011 streets ..$
Resneetfilih- submit led.
Approved: E. E. FR111.yngineer.
Chairman Committee on Streets.
Also submit try pny roll for labor en
sewers during the first half of August,
Amount due laborers on sewers .... $91.10
Rcspeet filly subm it t ed.
Citv El1ut11(•,.r.
Jot IN .T. SH
Chairman 4'11,111'1We on SitwelS.
joSEPIT L. I loRR.
Also submit myepay roll for teams haul-
ing sprinkling wagons during the first
half of August, 1902:
due 1...a st-rs fer sprink- •
I'ily 1.:111.;h1,11.•
Approved: (11.:1). N. RA N'AluND,
Chairman Commit) Paving. Sweep-
ing and Sprinkling.
Also submit my pay roll ter labor ott
Brunch sewer, (luring the first bale
..f August, 19.2;
Amount due laborers on Bee Branch
sewer $7$.20
Res:wilfully submitted,
TAMES 1 1. ItoYCE,
City Engineer.
Approved: E. E. PRITII,
Chairman cenemite,. on streets.
On motion the pay rolls on Streets.
Sewers and Sprinkling were received and
warrants ordered drawn to pay the var-
ious amounts, and the pay rolls referred
hack to the proper committees.
City Engineer Boyce also reported as
To the Ilenerable Mayer and City Coun-
cil ef the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: I herewith submit profile
of Gilmore Place showing grade: From
alley first north of Fenee,,n Place to West
Fifth street, which I would recommend
for your adoption.
API. Sheridan moved that the profile of
grade of Gilmore Place be adopted.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Herr, Jones,
Raymond and Sheridan.
Absent—Ald, Corrance.
City Recorder Arendt presented the
printed notice, certified to by the Pub-
lisher of Council's intention to improve
Langworthy Avenue, from the west curb
line of Hill street to the east lot line of
Booth street.
No remonstrance being filed, the mayor
asked if anyone present had any ob-
jection to said improvement.
No objections being stated, on motion
of Ald. Sheridan. the notice was ordered
received and filed.
Also read the printed notice properly
certified to hy the Publisher of the Coun-
cil's intention to construct a sanitar
PeW(.1. in Jelinson Avenue, Eagle Point
Avenue and Queen street, from end of
present sewer in Linceln Avenue, to
south lot line of lot No. 32 in Sanford
Also the remonstrance of \Vm. Pohl t
al.. objecting against the construction of
said sewer.
On motion of Ald. Sheridan. the remon-
strance was received and tiled.
Also read the published 11 1110 properly
certified to by the Publisher, ..1 the Coun-
cil's intention to construct a 12 -inch tile
pip,• sanitary sewer in Johnson Avenue
;111(1 ;111cy between Lincoln Avenue and
Rhomberg Avenue, from end of present
S4 Nt.tt-111 in Lincoln Avenue to center of
Middle Avenue.
Also the remonstrance of Adolph
Duertcher et al., objecting against the
construction of said sewer.
011 motion of Aid. Frith, the rules were
suspended and Mr. T., Buehler addressed
1110 .11 remonstrating against the
constructien of said sewer.
Ald. Frith moved that the waive and
romonstrinee be referred to the commit-
tee et' the Whole.
202 Regular Session. Aug. 21, 1902.
Ald. Jones moved a substitute that the
remonstrance be rccived and filed.
Substitute lost by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy. Jones and Sheri-
dan. '.Total, 3,
Nays—Aids. Frith, .11orr and Raymond.
Total. :1.
Ald. t'orrance being absent. making It a
tie vole. the mayor voted any.
The original motif: o1' Ald. Frith to
refer the notice and remonstrance to the
committee of the Whole was then car-
City it, ',order Arendt also presented and
read the minted special assessment no-
tice, properly certified to by the Pub-
lisher. to ;Martin henna, to appear be-
fore the City Council at the regular
meeting to he hold Aug. 21st, 1902, and
show cause, if any, why a special assess-
ment should not be levied against him.
for a 4 -foot plank sidewalk. constructed
by the city it front of his property.
The mayor asked if anyone present had
any ol,.i,•,•tions to said special assess-
ment. No one present made any objec-
tion. Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the
Itesolvett lty the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That to pay for con-
structing a 4 -foot plank sidewalk abut-
ting lot 7, Myrtle Add., by Jos. A. Piltz.
contractor. in front of and adjoining the
same, a special tax be and is hereby lev-
ied on the several lots and parts of lots,
and parcels of real estate, hereinafter
named, situated and owned, and for the
several amounts set opposite each lot
or parcel of real estate as follows:
Special assessment submitted and
passed August 21st, 1902.
Martin Kenna, Myrtle add., Lot 7, 47
lineal feet. Total cost - $ 11.7
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Horr, Jones,
Raymond and Sheridan.
Absent—Ald. Corrance.
Ald. Frith moved to open the bids for
plunmbing in the new engine house on
Grandview Avenue. Carried.
Bids as follows:
Mullen Bros., for plumbing and gas
fitting $532 00
Mullen & Pepin, for plumbing and
gas fitting.... 479.00
Phillip Breithaupt, for plumbing
and gas fitting.. .. .... 498.00
The bid of
a companiedby?a certified check of $50.0
was not considered.
Ald. Horr moved that the bids of Mul-
len Bros, and Mullen & Papin be referred
to the committe on Public Grounds and
Buildings, with power. Carried.
City Engineer Boyce reported as fol-
'Po the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen. Herewith attached please
find plat of proposed widening of the al-
ley abutting the east end of lots 2, 3, 4
and 5 of Mattox sub, and the west side of
lots 21, 22 and 64 of the subdivision of
out lots 691 and 721 northerly to West
Fifth street to a width of 40 feet In ac-
cordance with resolution passed July 17th,
1102, Respectfully submitted,
City Ald. Sheridan moved that the Engineer.
plat be
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids, Clancy, Frith, Horr, Jones,
1 Raymond and Sheridan.
' Nays—None.
Absent—Aid. Corrance.
Ald. frith, chairman of the (lydinaneo
committee, presented an ordinate es-
tablishing the grade „1' (Minor. Place,
and moved that the ordinance be real
the first time. Carried by tie• following
Peas—Vis. Clancy, Frith, Hort•, Jones,
Raymond and Sheridan.
.1bst tit --.\Id. Corrance.
'I'lu, ordinance was then read the first
Ald. Frith moved that the roles he sus-
pended for the purpose of reading the
,.rditian',e by its title for the seeoml time.
(';•rb d I,y the following' vote:
v,as—.\Ids. Clancy. Frith. lion', Jones,
1;;il tnon,l and Sheridan.
.\bsent—A Id. Corrancc.
The• ordinance was read by its title for
111,• second time.
Aid. Frith moved that the ,n•dinancc
be adopted as rend. Carried by the fol-
lowin_ vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Frith. I1orr. Jones,
Raym in (1 and Sheridan.
Absent—Aid. Corrance,
The IMayor declared the ordinance
adopted and passed.
The ordinance follows:
An ordinance estahlishing the grade of
Gilmore Place.
Be it ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That the grade of Gilmore
Place, beginning at the north line of
1111ey first north of Fenlon Place and
, nding at the south curb line of West
Fifth street, be established a nd descrih-
ed as follows:
Starting at the north line of ally tirst
north of Fenlon Place, which is station
0, elevation 241.0, thence northerly to sta-
lion 3.92, which is the south euro Zine
of West Fifth street, elevation 219.5.
See. 2. This ordinance shall take ef-
fect and be in force from and after its
publication one time in the Dubuque
Globe -Journal newspaper.
Approved, — , 1912.
City Recorder.
Ald. Frith naso presented an ordinance,
establishing the grade of Ardmore Ter-
race, and moved that the ordinance be
read the first time. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Horr, Jones,
Raymond and Sheridan.
Absent—Aid, Corrance.
The ordinance was then rear] the first
Ald. Frith moved that the rules he sus-
pended for the purpose of reading the
ordinance by its title for the second
time. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids, Clancy, Frith, Horr, Jones,
Raymond and Sheridan,
Absent—Aid, Corrance,
The ordinance was read by its title
for the second time.
Ald. Frith moved that the ordinance
be adopted as read. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas—Aids, Clancy, Frith, Horr, Jones,
Raymond and Sheridan.•
Absent—Aid. Corrance.
The Mayor declared the ordinance
Regular Session, Aug 21, 1902.
adopted and passed.
The ordinance follows:
An Ordinance establishing the grade of
Ardmore 'Terrace.
Be it ordained by the ('11y Connell of
the City of Dnburin,•:
Section 1. That the grade of Ardmore
Terrace between the north curb line of
\\•Ilher 1.ane and the south line of \\•est
Eleventh street. I. • st.d hished and de-
scrihed as follows:
Starling at the north curb line of R'il-
her Lane, whirl) is station 0, elevation
191.1:1. thence northerly to station 3.92.2
to the south line of \\-est Eleventh
street. elevation 197.05.
Sec. 2. This ordina nee shall tike ef-
fect and he In force from and after its
puhldcation one time In the Dubuque
Globe -Journal newspaper.
Approved. -----. ----. 1902.
City Recorder.
Aid. Frith, chairman of the committee
on Streets. reported ns follows:
Your committee on Streets. reporting
on the matter of riling lumber nn South
Alain street. would respectfully state that
we have visited the ground and find that
lumber is piled on the sidewalk and that
traffic is not at present obstructed. As
there are no sidewalks laid on this por-
tion of the street and the roadway is
paved with hri,.•k, foot passengers invar-
iably ,walk in the street and are there-
fore not diS0onnnnde41 by the lumber on
the sidewalks. We find that no permis-
sion has been granted by the Council
to use South Main street for piling lum-
ber: hot as the idles are already there
and the public is not dnconvenieneed
thereby. we would not distress the pro-
prietors by ordering them to remove the
lumber for the present. We would rec-
ommend. however, that the Chief of Po-
lice be instructed to notify P. J. Seippel
that the obstruction of the roadway will
not be tolerated.
Also your committee on Streets, to
whom was referred the petition of Jas.
H. Cushing, et al.. asking that Kauf-
man Avenue he repaired. would recom-
mend that for the present the Cil)• En-
gineer be Instructed to put said arena.,
in passable condition at the least pos-
sible expense. On amount of the ex-
ee•SSIre floe of water down this avenue.
the 1150 of maces; in thereon has proved
a failure; .we would therefore recommend
that the City Engineer he instructed to
prepare a plan showing what kind of
Paving. in his In,7g neat. he consider:
the most advisable for use on said Kauf-
man Avenue. run estimate of the cost
thereof and the proportion of said cost
that should he hone by the abutting
property owners.
Also ynnr committee on Streets, to
whom was referred the hill of Ragatz &
Sehaettgen for $69.75 for repairs on the
steam roller beg to report that $53.20 of
the sieve amount' Is for repairing the'
yoke. whi,•h was broken by 0110 of 1110
cars of the 1-11ion F1leetrie Company and
for w'bieb hr. ;thee s,1 j.1 1•ni0n 1Poetric
Company lugs agreed to paY: 11"e would
therefore recommend that t W:1rra11t he
drawn on the City Treasurer in favor of
Ragatz & Schaette, n for $113.55 and that
the Recorder be instructed to notify
Ragatz & Srhaettgen to present their bill
for the balance to the Union El, etch•
Also your commit on Streets would
r(spectfnlly recommend, that on account
of the curb setting for a short distance
on ('ox stre(t, the sum nf. $10..,0 he de-
ducted from the amount clue O'Farrell &
Norton, the contractors: and that the
City Engin(or be Instrueted In have said
curl, raised to grade without delay. 1Ve
would further report that the said con-
tractors are to trim the curl) stones to
the proper width at their own expense.
Aiso your c•ommt1tee on Stu•e-ts, to
When WAS r,•f•,rl'0d lb,. 1,111 of John B.
Miller for $10.ou for use of rlerriek at the
innlouln,' & Wisconsin Bridge approach,
would recommend that said hill he re-
l.. k•, ,1 and filed.
Your committee on Streets. to whom
was referred the petition of F. W. \\'ie -
land et al.. in relation to the storm water
sewer. which passes through their prop-
erty. worth] roc” -amend that the matter
he referred to the City Engineer with
Also your committee on Streets, to
whom was referred the profile of the pro-
f osed grade on Ardmore 'Terrace• would
recommend that said grade he adopted,
and that the Ordinance Committee he in-
structed to draft an ordinance properly
eStahlishing the same.
Also your committee on Streets, to
whom were referrer the bills of the E. P.
\'oggenthab r company for repairs on the
steam roller, beg to report that we have
audited said hills and find them correct;
we would. therefore, recommend that a
(•arrant in the sum of $43,47 he ordered
drawn on the City Treasurer in settle-
ment thereof. E. E. FRiTH.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report
cf the committee nn Streets. Carried.
Ald. Raymond, chairman of the com-
mittee on Paving. Sweeping and Sprink-
ling, moved that the City Council appro-
priate net to exceed $200.00 more to finish
the paving of Fifth Avenue. Carried.
Ald. Jones. chairman of the committee
on Public Grounds and Buildings, report-
ed as follows:
Your committee on Public Grounds and
Buildings, to whom was referred the mat-
ter of lighting the Armory, beg to report
that we consider a considerable saving
could he made by using the Humphrey
lamp; we would therefor recommend that
the Ivey City Gas Co. Ue instructed to
instal four of said lamps without delay.
R. JONES. Chairman.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the report.
Ald. Jones, chairman of the Special
committee, reported as follows:
Your Special committee. to whom was
referred the within report of the Water
Works Trustees for the quarter ending
June 30, 1902, beg to state that we have
compared the items as set out in said re-
port with the vouchers on file in the officeth
of the Trustees. and I:find g that the
same correspond we would recommend
that said report he received and filed.
Ald, Jones moved to adopt the report.
Ca riled.
Ald. Sheridan. chairman of the cnm-
mittee on Sewers. reported as to
Your committee nn SOwo s, to whom
ref•rre1 the petition of 11T. 'fSchirgi,
Jr.. asking that a warrant be ordered
drawn in
hifavor for $1 L t. which
au(0(10 rclrs,•uIs ono -half of the amount
paid into the City tsnry by D. \\.
T.inehon f a enutneeting with t1,.• Sewer in
111alh> b (wenn, \L in : nd L„rasr
204 Regular Session, Aug. 21, 1902.
street. a nd to which Mr. Tschirgi is en -
tilled to under the ordinances, would rec-
ommend that the prayer of the petitioner
he granted.
JOHN J. SI -TERN -MN. Chairman.
Alti. Sheridan moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Herr. chairman of the committee
of the whelp, reported as fellows:
Your eommlttee of the Whole, to whom
was referred tho pct1tInn of t'. A. Voel-
ker in relation to the special assessment
against certain lots in \Woodlawn Park
additiiin, would respectfully recommend
that the city treasurer be instruc•td to
accept payment as follows: Lot, 2rN,
$114.89; lot 212, $67.41; lot 85, $31.46; lot 276,
$29.84; lot 167, $49.06, the same to he In
full settlement of said special assess-
Also your committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the resolution in-
structing the Union Electric Co. to run
its cars to the main track of the 111i-
nois Central Railroad Co. on Jones street.
would recommend that said resolution be
received and tiled. •
Also your committee of the Whole, to
who were referred the resolution order-
ing the levy of a special assessment on
Angella street for the improvement of
said street from Pierce street to a point
200 feet east of Catharine street, together
with the certified notice of the city recor-
der to the abutting property owners and
the remonstrance of Geo. H. Wolf et al.. N
and T. H. Schilling et al., would respect-
fully recommend that the said notice and
remonstrances be received and filed and
that the rsolution levIing the assessment
he adoptd. JOSEPH L. HORR. l
Ald, Horr moved to adopt the report of
the committee of the Whole. Carried.
Mayor Berg, chairman of the Special
committee appointed to confer with the
property holders on Angella street, in
regard to levying a special assessment
to pay for the improvement of same, re-
ported as follows:
That the Special Committee had inter-
viewed some of the property holders, al-
so inspected the improvement made on
that street, and would therefo recom-
mend 1bat a special assessment he levied
for said improvement, whereupon Ald.
Horr offered the followin•':
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for im-
proving Angella street from west line
of Pierce street to east line of lots 11
and 18 of Quigley's sub. of out lot 709, by
0. G. Kringle, contractor, In front of and
adjoining the same, a special tax be and
is hereby levied on the several Lots and
Parts of lots and parcels of real estate
hereinafter named, situated and owned,
and for the several amounts set oppo-
site each lot or parcel of real estate, as
follows: Special assessment submitted
Aug. 21, 1902:
Emelia Egelhoff, Quigley's sub of
out lot 709, lot 8, 73 lin ft curbstone
ing4at 40c$12.9844154 ssq qgutter-
,ds cadam at 55e, $84.70 t yds ma -
Theo Schilling, Quigley's sub of out$126 88
lot 709, lot 9, 51 lin ft curbstone at
40c, $20.40; 22.66 sq yds guttering
at 40e, $9.06; 79.23 sq yds macad-
izing at 55c, $43.63 ..................
Aug. Schilling, Quigley's sub of out
lot 709, lot 10, 51 lin ft curbstone at
40e, $20.40; 22.66 sq yds guttering at
40c, $9.06; 79.33 sq yds macadamiz-
ing at 55e, $43.63 ..................... 73 09
Ni lie 11. Walker, Quigley's sub of
lot 7n9, lot 11, 51 lin ft curbstone
,it 10e, 820.40: 22.110 sit yds guttcr-
leg at 40c, $9.110: 79' ' so ytls ma-
cadamizing at :5c. $43.63
1). Thome. Quigley's sub of out lot
709. lot • 18. 51 lin ft curbstone at
100. 1Co.1i: 22.G6 ;,tl yds glittering Ft
y Is 111:1 Ctla ni-
izing at 55c. ?I:Li:; 73 09
I). 'Thome, Qnit:t 'y's sul of out lot
709. lot 19. 51 lin ft curbstone ;tt
40c, 820.40; 22.1:0 so yds guticriug at
.Int., 89.rC: 7::::I:1 ..I yds tntreathttniz-
int: at 5e. $l::.r: 73 09
51. 11u_on I;st.. 0;ui,l >' soh of out
bol 7,9, 1. ,1 J 51 lin fl rntl.slone
at low. 82a. la: 2.2 Go; so! ytls guttering
at lee. s:t.' :; ;a.::: sit ytls innead-
ttnliziag et :Je, $I:;. ; 73 09
\f. I leg;ut Est. (. Iiinlcy's stip of out
lot 7,ii, lot 21. 7.: lin 1'1 curl,stone
at 40e, $79.20; :.2,11 s,1 yds :;uttering
at 40e. $12.99: 1:.1 s,l yds macadam-
izing at 75c. 8' 1.70 126 88
John P. Thill, Quigley's sub of out
lot 712. lot 8, 39.5 lin ft curbstone
at 40e. $17.',0: 17.7 so yds guttering
at 400•, $7.02. s2.90 sq ytls macadam-
izing at 55c. $45,60 68 42
john P. Thill, Quigley's sub of out •
lot 712. tot 9, 111 lin ft curbstone at
40e, 8211.00: 22.?2 sq ytls glittering at
lOe, 88.88: 77 77 s ; ytls macadam-
izing at 8:.c. $12.7; 7t 65
le Schou. Qt igI,•y's sill, lit' out lot
712, lot 10, 50 lin ft enrbstotle at
40e, $20.000: 22sit yds guttering at
.10, $0.‘:0• 77.77
77 sq yds macadam-
izing at 77'812.77 71 65
ellie NT. Walker, (nigh't's slid. of
out lot 712. lot 11. 50 lits ft curb-
stone at 40e, $20.0i . 22.22 e ytls gut-
ttring at 411c. $o.xn: 7777 sq yds ma-
cadamizing at 7Ze. 81277 71 &5
Nellie M. \Walker, Quigley's stth of
• out let 712, lot 12. 50 lin ft curb-
stone, at 40c, $20,00: 22.22 so yds
guttering at 40c, $8.50: 77.77 sq
yds macadamizing at 55c. $12.77.... 71 65
Nellie M. Walker, Quigley's sub of
out lot 712, lot 13, 50 lin ft curb-
stone at 40c, $20.00; 22.22 sq yds
guttering at 40c. $8.80; 77.77 sq
yds macadamizing at 55c, $42.77..,. 71 65
Nellie M. Walker. Quigley's sub of
out lot 712, lot 14, 73 lin ft curb-
stone at 40c, $29.20; 32.44 sq yds
guttering at 40c, $12.98: 152.55 sq
yds macadamizing at 55c, $83.90... 126 OS
Anna McAllister, Quigley's sub of
out lot 712, lot 15, 69.5 lin ft curb-
stone at 40c, $27.80; 30.90 so yds
guttering at 40c, $12.36; 152.55 sq
yds macadamizing at 55c, $83.90.... 124 06
Louise Duttle, Qulgley's sub of
out lot 712. lot 16. 50 lin ft curb-
stone at 40c, $20.00; 22.22 sq yds
guttering at 40e, $8.88; 77.77 sq
yds macadamizing at 55c, $42.77.... 71 (15
Cath. Newmliler, Quigley's sub of
out lot 712, lot 17. 50 lin ft curb-
stone at 40c, $20.00; 22.22 sq yds
guttering at 40c, $8.88; 77,77 sq
yds macadamizing at 55c, $42.77,...
Jno. Nelson, Quigley's sub of
out lot 712 , E3 lot 18, 25 lin ft
curbstone at 40c, $10.00; 11.11 sq
yds gutterings at 40c, $4.44; 38.88
sq yds macadamizing at 55c. $21.38 35 83
Wm. Thill, Quigley's sub of out lot
712, W1/2 lot 18, 25 lin ft curbstone
at 40c, $10.00; 11.11 sq yds gutter-
ing at 40c, $4.44; 38.88 sq yds ma-
cadamizing at 55c, $21.38 35 83
Wm. Johnson Est, Quigley's sub of
out lot No. 712, lot 19, 50 lin ft
73 09
73 09
Regular Session, Aug. 21, 1902.
curbstone n t 40c, $20.00: 22.22 so
yds guttering at 40c, $s.ss; 77.77
sot yds macadamising al 55e. $12.77
Gen. 11. NV -11. sul, el*
out loi Nn :. :1S 1'l of Int 20.
38 lin ft Indo-. n•• at One, $15.20:
1 fi.litt
511 t 'illg, at 4114'• $'L611;
59.11 sof yds n. .• ..tami•zing at 55e,
ltenry ('holland i,l. v's sub o1'
out Int N.,. 71..• ft of Int 20,
:I.:, lin 1't cot iat 40e, $2.91',;
; I yds guttering at toe. $1.76;
I'. !o so yds neteadamizing at 55c,
11, io•y C11011a1111, (lnigley'S Sul. 01'
rt 1111 X11. 712, lot 21, !",:, lin ft
:rbstene at 411. $1,44.12: :11.1:1 so yds
guttering at 40e, $44,05; 02.!rl sq ydg
macadamizing at 55c, $4.5.60 71 77
Susan Iluene, Kringle's sub, lot 7,
50.11011 sq yds macadamizing at 55c.
$27.50 .. 27 5e
Jno. Donovan. Fringle's sill), lot 0
50.00 sq yds macadamizing at 55c,
$27.50 .... 27 50
Tot a I , .$1$51 05
Ald. Ilorr moved In adopt the resOlu-
o':.rri..1 by the following. vote:
Clancy. frith. ltorr, Jones,
and Sheridan.
Absent—Aid. Corrtnce.
Aid. Frith presented a bill made out
by the City Engineer, against the C.,
M. fi St. Paul R ltlr''d company for
constructing. land go street sl 11rni water
solver through their right ..1' won:
52.7 cubic yards, rf $3.s2 per cubic
yard. Total . .. . . . . . ....... . . $214.45
.11d. Frith moved that the hill he re-
ferred to the Finance committee. Car-
The Mayor stated that \Ir. E. Fengler
was present. who wished to :ohlr.ss the
council: upon the motion of Ald. Clancy
the rules were suspended and Mr. Feng -
ler addressed the council. asking for per-
tnissimt to quarry rock on the west side
of the Dubuque and \Visconsin High
Bridge approach.
.11(1. Horr moved to grant Mr. Fengler
permission to take out rock, but this to.,
be done under the supervision of the
Street committee and City Engineer, and
he to assume all responsibility. Carried.
Alii. ]toynuut(1 moved to adopt the res-
OluUun. Carried.
71 65 Alt1. Sheridan offer. .1 the renewing:
\1'114.1. as. 111,• r;11.1_ nt' 1110 Polon Elec-
trlc Company 011 Jones street cast of the
main I:11.' of the rile..... Milt 1
54 37
14 19
Ald. Raymond offered the following
1V'hereus, there is now. and has been
anchored and remaining for a long time.
on the Levee south of the Diamond Jo
wharf boat in the city of Dubuque, a
certain house boat which is an obstruc-
tion and hindrance to the free use of
said Levee in said city. Now, therefore,
Be it resolved by the City Council of
said city. that the Harbor Master notify
the owner, parties of persons having
control of said boat, to remove the same
within twenty days from the service of
said notice, and in case the same is not
so removed, the same will be removed 1.y
tht Harbor Master, which notice shall
be in writing and with proof of service
returned to the ('ity Recorder.
And, be it further resolved, that said
house boat is an obstruction to the use
of said Levee, that in case said house
boat is not so removed after service of
said notice, the ITarbor Master is auth-
orized and directed to remove the same
to some place and place it in the man-
ner so it will not obstruct the ttse of said
Sl. I':ud Railway Company, is misle.uling
t'• SI r:. 1151•4.5 in 1111 city. and
`2 11,1,1:5 the operation of sane is a
m. n:u•.• ,u 1111' safety 111 the public; Ther,'-
Bel tete
it r.•sebed that said 1.0111 Elortric
t'.onl.,.ny is hereby ordered to remove
said a a, lc and to rant street in proper
•natio. 11.
111. :;heridaII ann'"d tO 0(1,11(1 the res-
olution. Carried.
AN. Sheridan ,1l'f, red the following:
Ile it resolved by the City Council of
the city of Lubu.ioe, that to I, ,y 1'01'
the construction of the sewer in 1)iagon_
al street 1rom the alley east of Broad-
way to Broadway street, 1)ol:tn K. Mc-
Donald contractors, a warrant. be order-
ed drawn en the City 'Treasurer in favor
of said contractors for $103.55, the balance
due under said contract,
Ald. Sheridan moved to adult the reso-
lution. Carried.
Ald. Sheridan offered the following:
144. it resolved by the City Council of
tine City nf Dubuque: That. :t sanitary
sewer of 0 -inch tile pipe be constructed
in Johnson Avenue from the manhole at
the intersection of said Johnson Avenue
with Lincoln Avenue to Eagle Point Ave-
nue. thence in said Eagle Point Avenue
to Queen street. thence• in Queen street
to the S. line of lot :12, in S.nnford's Add..
according to the I.lat 01111 specification of
said sewer prep:ited by the rity /nginee
and now on Tile in the office of the city
recorder, and bo it further resell ed that
said sewer shall be completed on nt be-
fore the 1st day of October, 141'2, and
shall be paid for at the time :1101 In the
matter prescribed by Chapter :;I ..f the
Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of
I)uhttque for the I ,nyment or the cost 'If
constructing sewers.
The proposals for doing such work will
be acted upon by tint council 00 the 4th
dav of September, 1902, and the city re-
corder is hereby nrderd to give tell days'
notice by publication, asking for propos-
als as provided by ordinance.
Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the res-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Horr, Jones,
Raymond and Sheridan.
Absent—Ald, Corrance.
Ald. Sheridan offered the following:
Be it resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque: That Langworthy
Avenue from the west eurb line of Hill
street to the east lot line of Booth street
be improved by grading, curbing. gutter-
ing and macadamizing, the same in ac-
cordance with the plat and specifications,
for such improvement, prepared by the
city engineer, and now on file in the of-
fice of the city recorder, and be it fur-
ther resolved. that said improvement
shall be completed on or before the 1st
day of November, 19(42, and shall be paid
for at the time and in the manner pre-
scribed by Chapter 32 of the Revised Or-
dinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque
for the payment of the cost of street
The proposals for doing such work will
be acted upon by the council on the 4th
clay of September, 1902, and the city re-
206 Regular Session Aug. 21, 1902.
corder Is hereby ordered to give ten days'
notice by publication, asking for propos-
als, as provided by ordinance.
Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the res-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Cla ncy, Frith, Horr, Jones,
Raymond and Sheridan.
Absent—Ald. Corrance.
Ald. Horr moved to adjourn until Sep-
tember 4th, 1902.
!l (test:
Approved ( i
/'/, Xeeorder
List of Warrants.
('i 11 I: ,o(Ier's Office,
1)11:wpm. Iowa. .\ ugust 1, 1902.
'1'o the llonorahle Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Inihnotie:
Gentlemen: The nob,wing is a com-
plete list of all watrants issued by me
during the moth 1,1. .11,1y. 19I0..
C. 1-1. Berg. salary, Alavor 8116 70
1E. Brinkman, Tr:•;tsur: • 133 35
(7. F. Arendt. salary, J-4., •'.• • , 116
13. Hoffman, salary, .\ uditor 141;
C. etel..(Tr, S;11NrY. 125 till
(1..,). A . S:11:10.. A y 150 liti
is POW ,•FS, SA1111. A55iSi:111i A1-
to/11,Y' • 50 00
E. Alorgan. salary. Chi..r of 1o0 00
Jos. Reinfried, salary, Eire Chief, 100 00
J. Lawlor, salary, Committee
Cierk 95 (44)
Win. A. 1,.a', salary. .\ ssistant
Recorder • • , • • • • 75 00
1-1. I salary, Tr,astircr's
Assistants • • , • , • 135 00
Jas. Beyee. salary. City Engineer 11:6 65
15 4, sabtry, Assistant
100 00
F. Neliwohiler, salary, rodman 50 00
E. Herron. salary, superintendent
street sprinkling • • • • , , • , • 50 00
lipman. salary. Electrician , 83 35
.A. Stoltz, salary. Miirketmastor • • 50 00
P. Ryan, salary, Park Custodian.. 40 01:
1'. 1:Iein. salary. Park Custodian.. 40 00
1)r. B. Michel. salary. Health Of-
flcer 00
F. Flynn, salary, Sanatary Patrol-
man ......
N. Offerman, salary. Poundmaster
Airs. H. Keonig, salary, Janitress ..
A. Orawfot•d. salary, Sidewalk in-
spector • • • . ......
11. F. Cut ran, salary, Wharfmas-
ter• , , • , • , , • , ......
M. Clancy, salary, Alderman
H. Corrance, salary, Alderman • .
E. E. Frith. salary, Alderman
J. L. Horr. salary, Alderman
It. Jones, salary, Alderman
G. N. Raymond, salary, Alderman.
J. J. Sheridan, salary, Alderman..
M. Eitel, captain.
J. Essman, engineer
A. Duccini, stoker. ..
J. Flynn, driver....
J. Roshin, driver.... .... ••••
J. Tschuf.14. hoseman..
A. Hear, hoseman . ...
J. Schonberger, hoseman.. ......
J. Daley. captain. •• •
J. Barnes, engineer.
T. Ryder, stoker. .
W. Ducey, driver
G. Beyer, driver . .•
P. Murphy, hoseman ...... ••••
P. Ahern, hoseman..
M. Kelly, hoseman..
D. Ahern, captain
F. Kenneally, driver.... ..••
T. Kennedy, truckman.... ••••
P. Zillig, truckman.. .... •
M. Sweeney, truckman.... ••••
H. Cain. truckman.... ........ •••
A. :McDonnell, engineer.. ..
N. Wagner, truckman.. ••••
O. Hansen, truckman..
J. Murphy, watchman.... ..
G. Gehrke, captain.. .. .
T. Flynn, driver.... ..•• ••
P. Baumgartner, hoseman—
60 00
45 00
20 00
50 00
20 141
25 00
13 00
25 00
25 00
25 00
25 00
25 00
05 00
75 00
60 00
65 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
65 00
75 00
60 00
60 00
65 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
66 00
65 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
75 Oe
42 75
50 00
60 00
65 00
60 00
50 00
- • •_
Wm. Dockstader, sub..
AE. O'Loughlin. sub.... ••••
Wm. AleConnell• sub,
A. AleKlimon, sub: .... ••••
J. Smith, sub ......
c. Kaunolt, captain.. ..
.1. 2\ lien. driver
11. \Veston. hoseman
M. Palley, hoseman
R. Thorp ...... • ................
Beo. Burkei,
Ben litisse, police
J. la:rtsch. police
M. Craugh, police
Carter. police
Jas. ( '1114m, poli,e
John Cody. police
\V. Cook, police
P. Durnphey. police • , • , , • , •
1-I. Donlon. police • , , • ,
Jas. Flynn, police • , , • ,
John Fitzpatrick. police
Wm. Frith, police • • • •
P. Hanlon. police . • • • •
\\". Hennessy. police •
51. Kilty, police .
E. 1thn. police • •
John 1.c:costlier. palice
I'. Mr liwria.y.
Jahn 4.,111,•••
John Alurphy. police • , , • • ,
D. Norton, nonce •
Al. O'Connor, p.m,. • ,,
Aug. Pfefftr, • , , •
Pat Powers. policy ..
Tem Reilly. police • •
John Raesli, police • • • .
James Ry -an, police • • • , , • , • ,
Otto Rath. polie, • „ • , „
P .Seluirff. „ • • „ •
P. Sullivan. poliye • „ • „
M. Staphoon, p”lict•
P. Sutton. police ......
Al. T. Scherr, police „ • ,
2( )7
34 50
15 80
32 50
7 65
14 40
6605 1°°10
5T. :2( l
211 3150(0(Xi (301
58 20
5:;7899 22950))
539596 3961001
50 00'
5;1 °0
5 00
53 5165
5° 51 (6)05
5:-555:9111 36°0965050
:;:: 04)
11 00
(4030 25
51 65
5 2,)
3:: 30
55 00
36 60
31 65
T1'2)) 100)0
1 m Sweeney, poll:, • • ...... 69 90
Joe Tyler, police .• ; • • • • • 51 65
John L. Sullivan. police „ • • • , , 51 65
L. Zieffinan, police • • • , • 53 30
Mrs. Kate Tlibbe, matron ......30 00
Mis B. Brennan, matron .. ...... 30 00
Labor cleaning and repairing streets
during the last half of June, 1902:
A. Alderson, labor • • • •
E. Amanda, labor • • ., •
John Burns, labor . • • • •
Praia Becker, labor , • , • , •
Fred Budde, labor • , • , • •
C. Bluecher, labor
Peter Betsche, labor • •
John Brachtenbach, labor • • ..
Chas. Busse, labor • •
Jerry Cahill, labor • . •
Mike Cain. labor • •
1,0". C'oughlin. labor , • ,•••
Martin Carnuttly, labor • ,
Jas. Callahan, foreman • . •
Mike Cunningham, labor • ,
Gib. Collinson, labor
Jas. Connolly, labor „
Hiram Cobb, labor • • .....
H. Cosgrove, labor , , • „ • .....
John Corbett. labor • • , „ • , •
John Dougherty, labor ,
Peter fax, labor • • ,
ohn Egan, labor • ..„ ••
John Engels, labor „
Mike Farrell, labor • ,
Geo. Frost, foreman • •• •
Mat. Fetshele, labor • •
John Flynn. labor •••• •• ••
Ed. Firtzlaff, labor „
1 35
9 10
4 05
14 20
7 10
5 40
4 75
12 1..
20 00
3 05
6 75
17 55
17 55
19 50
17 55
10 80
10 50
9 80
9 80
16 20
20 00
7 10
11 50
908+ List of Warrants.
Pat. Ft talon, labor ,,, ,,,, ,•
Nelson Frf th, stoker
Tla racy Gloss, labor , , , , ,
Patrick Gi11orn, labor
Chas. Grnenzig, 11)1)1), .... , , , , , ,
Peter Guenther, labor .... .. ....
G. Gau, labor....
Henry Grode, labor
C. Gantenbeiu, foreman
Jos. Grab, labor.,
Thes. Hackney, labor
John Hackett, foreman.
Geo. J. Hahn, foreman
('a1. Het labor....
Aug. Ilenclelman, labor..
John iIayes, labor.,
,lake Hansen ...... .... .......... ....
Adam Henderson, labor., ..,.
A Hafeman
John Heil, carpenter.. .... .... ....
John John, labor.... .... ,.,.
Aug. Jass, labor
Tim Kelly, labor.. ....
Chas. Kampman, labor.. .... ...,
Nic. 1' ottenhofen, labor.... ....
John Kelly, labor.... .... ....
C. Kopferschmidt, labor.,..
VV. Kronf,idt, labor.. ..
Paul brr1)''heski. labor.. ....
Fred Krueger, labor....
Mat. Kleine, paper colli.
Martin Lonergan, labor
Mat, L. es, labor..
Herman Lembke, labor.
M. T.avin, labor....
L. Loffelholtz, labor. -
R. 21ac1:, labor....
Jos. 21., rtinek, labor..
Nat. Ain be. labor....
M. Ma Terns. labor
Alan, Illindcrscheid, lab
Al. Moyer
John NleCarron. labor...
John McGee, labor....
W. McClain. labor....
Jas. McCracken, labor.,
B. McCormick, labor,,
R. McGivern, labor.,
John Noonan labor
W. O'Brien, foreman,. ,
Jas. Purcell, labor.,
John Pfeiffer, lobar..
C. Priebe, labor .
Jake }'erion. labor
Mat. Raishek. labor
Phil Reddin, labor......
Jas. Reid, labor.... ....
Jos. Rooney, labor
P. J. Royce
Jas. Straney, labor.... .,
Dan Sheehan.... ...,
John Spear, labor. .
Thos. Smith, labor.,
Aug. Soyke, labor
a'luis. Sholl, labor..
State!, labor....
.h(1 Schroeder, labor
Torg' Schmidt. labor....
.lake Schefdecker, labor
W. Schwaegler. labor....
S. Sehaetzle, labor......
F. Scherr, labor.. .
Sam Sterling, labor ,
R. 'Turner. labor.... ...
Ed. Welsh. labor.......
John \-Walsh, labor
12215 J. Evans, team ,,,,• . 1500
50 i$r 21, Ciantenbein. team , , , , , , • . . • 25 20
11 15 ,lake llaudenshield, tenni25 80
9I., Peter 1lorch, tenni
1 Hufimire. (contract) team .. 27 90
I':,1 I.enih:in, Learn , , . , .. .. tr, ..
,1. (3, 2Ioore. team 20 ,so
\I,n•garl, Loam , , , , .. • •• .. y
CarsonMcEh'atlr, tram .. . 11 :n
'lull O'Brien, tram .. 9
Mfrs. (;uinliv:ur, team , , , . 15
H. Rink, team• 2 85
Ed. h . •Icy, team , , . „ • ' 2e 35.. tcntn .. , , , . J9 95
M. Th, k. team 21 30
I.10her 1)0 scalers during the last half
31111e, I9•)2:
I'. ( 11` , 11\. labor 211 M,
\\•. ('1:,Ik. labor 320
John ('vrcor111), labor 20 80
s. IL cool:. foreman 25 00
A. Fall, Ichor 20 80
r, 15
20 00
14 85
7 10
18 75
20 00
1 35
4 05
8 SO
3 00
6 75
15 90
20 00
4 05
7 80
15 20
6 75
1•. Honecker. labor 20 SO
P. lec11ca1!0. labor 20 50
Pat Sage. Iahnr 17 1)11
7 45 Landon 'Taylor, labor 20 80
4 75 ' 'Tenors handing sprinkling Wagons dur-
13 20 log' the l;,st half of June. 1902:
2 70 l I ticker i;ros .. 72 80
(-tor..,. 12 50 Frank I;urns
9 80 '1' 11. Cerin ... ... 3f, 40
.... ....
:;6 40
3 40 \. a'.•nrlyd 3(t 4u
30 80
Ji rutin .Meagher :a; In
..' "" . •
17 55 • '1' Faherty, pork custodian for
•• ••• 7 45 ,(fay and June .
475 2u ixr
A Doerr. ,1r.. assistant assessor for
475 ' Tune ....
45 Jrs. J. Murphy, assist;int ass(ssr r
or .... for June
7 55
17 45 13. i loll. grinding lawn mower. 7:. 1101
14 5511-ashin.gton park ..
\\". Wan Halter. plastering commit- 1 00
3 10 tee rn"n1 and matron department 19 SO
.... .. 4 05
4 75 P. J. 5' ipl'rl. shingles for city hall 5 (x)
10 C e
J. Schilling. repairing cement. • 1'l, l sidewalk at Ninth street engine
4S 00
•,• ..,20 00
Mrs. A. Mneke, ('leanin ....
15 2U g and scrub-
• 1150 bing offices, halls and council
•••••• 565 chamber, city hall 2300
61Mrs. M. Meehan, cleaning and
• 3410scrubbing offices, halls and conn-
•• •••• 8 10 ell chamber, city hall , , , • • 15 00
4 05 Toussaint & Trexler, toilet paper
21 27 at city hall
2 00 F. Hardie. transcript of testimony 1 0(1
•• •• 4 05 in 1.11=e Il Gust. Schnee VA. City, . 34 e0
9 0.1 \\. \\'h L n. grinding lawn nunver.
12 15 -\\•ashington Park , ..
1215 Smith-2lor nn 1 00
g, Printing Co., las
6 75 Warrant hooks
.... 5215
6 75 Noy (.rt\• 11;o . Co., gars for various
6 75 departments ... , 299 90
•••• •••• 6 48 Iowa Telephone Co.,
telephone ser-
... 3 40 vice for various departments 33 02
• 6 45 Even & Fuchs. hard coal. First
3 75 Ward c:dr s
7 SO 1\»\' city(;.,s 1'u., 4 ..,0
17 15 chimneys. city hall m;urtels and
1 3'r Inihu( nc. 2 45
•.. 6 75 stationery,
'1'eh•gr;alah-herald. blank
1 35 stationery, creasurcr's offc_- 00
115 Mathis. Metz & (•rr., blank station -
2610 cry, c'onrmittet. clerk
hr"." rib- Furniture Co., 1 oak table,
enginc•c•r's office 6 4..
Parley, Loetscher Mfg. Co.. 1 ]2 00
75 rU draughting table, engineer's office 7 06
McFlrath Teaming Co.. sand for
19 '''' road d1.
16 5'. T. J. Muler4w. sewer pipe for road 6 75
1S :1)U dr, i,
1 artrncnt
P. 'i S' 11.1 e1. lumber for road , • • 17 55
1111,.,,„•1111 road de-
\ \\''araim,th, foreman
N. \\"nmpach, labor.. ....
C. \\-ienman labor'' •• .''"'
I'hcs- }•nrin:r. Engineer ....
\d.un 'L. n0...1. labor..... .
(100, Z In huff, foreman .. .. ..
Merman Bishop, team . • .
,Toho Calvert. tram •"'
Josh Calvert, team „, . ..
2 50
List of Warrants.
Runipf. FriaMen Lumber Co., lum-
ber for road department ..
Standard Lumber Co., cedar posts
toi road department „
Jos. szehlo. r. oil for road depritt-
l'4):141ri TO Tit •
Seim k Sol), repairing.
((ad ,lepartment
repairs, • road part-
... ....
1'. ('lo ney. cinders. road lit !INFO '''' '
.5. 1 );11t1111, Veterinary SIT\
1.4,;111 111.1,111I11,111
Hag:it?. Seh.,. Igen. repair
)-team refl.!.
S111c,I1, St. an) Pump co., rei,:lirs
on street sprinklers „
E. J. Voggentlin ler Co., repairs at
Central engine lions,. 3 98
E. J. o Vgentha r repairs at
tli street
H. W. St ,,wa t, court costs and
judgment (.:IF(' of AV:toles-Hen-
n, ssy vs. city GS 65
Key city oils Co., eoke for tire de-
partno n t 1-1 50
Butt Ilros.. repairs for fire depart-
ment 20 25
Geo. W. Healey. hardware for fire
department ........ 80
F. M. Jaeger & Co.. hardware for
fire department 4 00
M. Stafford. hay for fire department 177 10
Worrell Mfg. Co., 5 gallons og dis-
infeetine 12 50
Worrell Mfg. Co.. :5 gallons of dis-
'Union Electric Co., are lights for
June 2029 58
Ellwanger Bros.. repairing harness
for police department 2 35
J. 1-Tartiakeys for mayor's office
and police headquarters 1 05
TT. J. Troll, board of prisoners for
June 6 80
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary services
for patrol tt am 1 44
F. Burns. hauling shavings at pa-
trol house 5 00
Key City Roofing Co., repairing
roof at patrol house
Butt Bros., repairing patrol wagon
T. J. Mulgrew, cement for sewer
K) -y City Roofing CO.. sewer pipe
for sewer department
F. AL Jaeger & Co., 500 feet cotton
t:i. for sewer department
Stenek & Linehan, arching 50 lineal
feet of storm water sewer on Hill
street .......... 100 00
Pape & Jacquinot,estimate on storm
water sewer in Washington and •
Elm streets 443 66
John Hartig, repairing rod. Engi-
neer's office • 75
Keuffel & Esser. supplies and sta-
tionery for engineer's office 23 66
Globe -Journal, official printing for
Dubuque Telegraph -Herald. official
printing for June 50 00
25 00
National Demokrat
Palmer. Berg & Co., 200 blank hooks
for death reports 50 00
T. E. Frith, removing garbage and
dead animals during month of
348 50
June, 1902.. .. ...
Butt Bros., repairs on sprinkling
wagon 15 30
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., 5
dozen hose washers for sprinkling
20 95
5 85
4 85
2 54)
52 10
4 13
8 75
5 25
3 38
Linehan & Aiolo, 144 lbs, white waste
forsprinkling department
A. Y. :McDonald & Morrison Mfg.
co., dia pinion rubbers for lire de-
partnu nt ..........
A. V. McDonald & Morrison Mfg1 SO
nirilt ....
.. .. .. I..
Mullen & Panto, plmnbing at city
n & Panin, putting in lamp 15; 22
fronting police headquarters
K,,y city Roofing Co., repairing 8 27
reofs at Fourth street engine
as per contract
mexvoy rebuilding' elibm- 234 50
n.\' tops at Central engine house 24 20
Eichhorn & Beelitel, bran and salt
for the fire (leparttnent
3 25
Dolomite Oil Tank T,ine, nil for fire
Ellwanger Bros., repairing harness
for fire department
11 90
('It,Altioser & Co., shavings for fire
denartment .......... 4 00
If. J. Hagerty, veterinary services
for fire department 3 85
Haudenshield, hauling shavings
for fire department ..... 1 50
Dubuque Mattrss factory, mat-
tress, s for fire department 3 20
mulerlieli & W iederholt, horse
shoeing for fire department 3 50
Leal' & Konne0Y. horsesboc17 ....
2 00
fire department ... ...,
Chas. Falkenliainer, drugs and sup-
plies. fire department ...... 2 25
Key City Gas Co., to rent of Hum-
phrey lamp at Ninth street en-
gine house 1 00
Worrell Mfg. Co., disinfectine for
fire department „ 25 00
Palmer. Berg & Co.. blank books
and blank stationery for various
departments 38 50
H. Brinkman, interst on warrants
redeemed.... 90 00
H. Brinkman, inteerst on warrants 557 99
H. Brinkman. express charges.... „. 19 30
H. Brinkman, telegrams 1 83
H. Brinkman, exchange, N. Y., on
bonds 29 21
H. Brinkman. printing bonds 1009 0050
H. Brinkman, refunded tax
H. Brinkman, postage.... .... 10 00
H. Brinkman, freight 25 charges, road
department... ...
E. A. Fengler. balance due for
grading Dubuque and Wisconsin
high bridge a pproach.... 504 10
Labor on streets during the first half
of July, 1902:
.AI. Alderson. labor • • • • • If,/ 80
John Burns, labor ....
Paul Becker. labor • „ 1: 4055
.Tos. Blneklinger, labor • . • • •
C. Buechel'. labor ........ 7 8
11 1i
Fred Budde. labor • • • • „ • • •
J. Brachtenbach, labor • • • •
(73 2
Chas. Busse, labor „
Alike Cain. labor . • • • •
John Crunnion, labor 11201 85..15
Wm. Coughlin, labor • •
Jas. Callaghan. foreman • •
Jas. Connolly, labor • • • • • • , 1166 2020
Hiram Cobb, labor • • • • , • • • • •
11,106 :2)00
John Corbett, labor • „ • , • • •
Henry Cosgrove, driver • • • • • , • ,
John Dougherty, labor • , •
Thos. Donahue, labor .... • • 4
9 80
Peter Dax, labor ..... .....
John Egan, labor • , • , • • 155 2450
John Engels, labor „ , • • • •
7 90
Ofilicial Notices.
Mike Farrell. labor „ • • , , , , • • 2 05
Geo. Frost, foreman20
Mat. Petshele, labor • • . 8 13 10
John Flynn, labor , . , •••.. ••.. 5 40
Ed. l" irtzlaff, labor , , , • • , • • • • • 4 45
Pat Fcnelon, labor •. , , , , , , , , , 16 20
Barney Glass, labor ,,,,,, 11 N5
Pat. Gilloon, labor , , , , , , , , , , , , l0 ;,0
Chas. (lrueurig. labor , , , , , , , , , , 19 s:,
G. Gail, labor • ,,,, ., „ a. 11
Jos. Grab, Ial or , , , , , , , , _ _ • 10
'Henry Grode, labor , , , , •, , , , 6 15
Peter Guenther. labor , ,••• 5 40
('. Gantenhein, foreman , , , , , , , , 20 00
John Ilaekett, labor ,. ,, ,, 1460
'Phos. Hackney, labor , , , ,• , , 11 50
John Haley. labor • . , , , , , , . , • 2 70
Geo. i-lecklinger. labor 5 00
Geo. J. Hahn, foreman • ,• , , , 20
A;ag. Handelnnann. labor , , , , 2 70
.flake Hansen, labor , „ ,. .. • .• • , , 21 50
. •• • • • • • 21 50
J 148 npert. lallabor, , .. 8 011
John 11,1i. carpenter , , , , •• •• 20 ((4
Aug. .lass, labor . , , . • 6 75
Piro Kelly. labor , . , •. • 1 .
Nie. 1< tta ohofen, labor .... 11 15
John Kelly, labor ,,,, ••,. 540
W. 1:ronfeldt. labor •••, , 11 83
C. Kopferschmidt, labor•• •• •• 7 80
Fred Krueger. labor•• • • 13 61)
I'aul Krncheskt, labor • 11 8.;
Mat. Klein, paper collector , , 12 110
'4artin Lonergan, labor ..... ... 7 45
1\Iat. Loes. labor •••4 05
Herman Lembke, labor ,14 80
M. Lavin. labor . • . •
L. Leffelholtz, labor• •• ••' •' ••• • . ]6 20
Henry 1 icht, labor •. 16:.0
X 110
1„)b ]11
Mack, labor•• ' •
:::rt. lash,, l•Ilar•• 15
.los. 1\farlincic. lahcr ' ' • • • 2 40
Al. Moyer..••• • 20
garbage dump ... ••16 20
John McGee. labor • •, , , , 1 35
W. 5Ie 'I: in, labor ••••• 4 75
Jamas .AI,•c'rneken, labor • .., • 12 8a
.13. Mcl'„rn;i,•k, labor .
Robt. \lettiv, rn, driver •
8 40
C. n111;•1:. 1.11:0T.. 1 W.
W. 0'13/ a. foreman 711 ',0e
Jas. Purcell, labor •
Jas. Powers, labor • . ' ' ' 6
John Pfeiffer. •
labor . •• •• • •• •• •• •. • , 10 16
C. Priebe, mason ,• •
-Wm... .. 4 4.-,
Quinlan. labor .... • .. 7 4.
Mat. Rnishek, labor ...
Jr.mes Reed, labor '•. 8 80
Chas, 1 35
Reilly. labor •... 135
Phil Reddin. labor •.... .....
Theo. Rademan. labor • • ' ' 2 70
Jos. Rooney, labor • • • , • • ' 7 25
P. J. Royce, mason •
” • • • 12 25 •
Dan Sheehan• mason , • . . • • • • 18 5 80 ' . 14 0
Jas. Stranev, labor
•••••' • ' 8 50
John Spear, foreman
John Schrceder, labor ' . , •• • .8 50
••• • • . • • 8 45
Tony Schmidt, labor
Aug. Soyke. labor • • .. ' 1 15
('kris. Scholl. labor . ' ' ' 5 0
Louis Smith, labor •• • • • ' • ' 41 405
Frank Scherr, labor • ' • ' • 6
Sam Sterling, labor •• • . • • ' • • ' 12 `9
11'm. Welsh, labor••• ••' •'•• . 17 59
1:d. Welsh. •labor•• .• ' ' ' • • • • 7 80
.john Walsh. •labor•• . ”' ' . • • 10
Wm. \W,-armouth, foreman • ' •• • `0 10
N. \Warnpach, labor ' • • • 0 45
Geo,/.umhof. foreman . .. ...... 8 4a
Frank Burns, team••••16 55
Jos. Calvert, team•• ' ' • • .. 16 25
M. Gantenbeln, team • •' • ' • • 38 7,i
M. Mannan. team ' • • 8 70
Thos. Hein, team ... ' ' ' ' • • • • . 23 13
Jake Handenshield, team .• 310
John Huffmire (eontraet) team•• .. ' 3"- 30
Peter I -Torch, team "' 35 41'
.... .... ... 2946
IPat. Linehan, team 9 45
J. G. Moore, team ••14 20
J. J. McCollins. team,. 6 30
Carson McElrath, team.... .... 36 25
Ted. O'Brien. team.... ...... .... 27 60
Ed. Seeley, team.... .... 33 90
James 'Tobin. team 29 95
M. Theis. team • , , . 9 45
Jesse Wenn, team ...... .. ... ......... 6 30
Labor 011 Servers for the first half of
.luiy, 1902:
Pat. Casserly, labor.... .. 19 20
W. Clark, labor.... .... .... 3 20
John (77orcoran, labor.. 19 20
S. H. Cook, foreman... 25 00
R. A. Fuller. labor.... 19 21i
Fred Honecker. labor.. 19 20
Pat Kenneally, labor . 11121)
Pat. Sage. labor 16 00
Landon 'Taylor, labor.... 19 20
Teams hauling sprInkling wagons dur-
ing the first half of July, 1902;
Becker Bros .. .... 65 60
Frank Burns 32 So
T. 13. Cain .ry
A. Conrad 32 \„
Martin Meagher 1^ '46
J. J. McCnllins 32
Gus. Holl. grinding lawn mower
for Washington Park 1 00
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a
true and correct list of all w•rr'rants is-
sued by me during the month of July,
1902. C. F. ARENDT,
City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at the
office of the Cit;: Recorder up to 7 o'clock
p. m. :\ng. 7111. 1902. for the construction
of :a eircula.' culvert in Bee Branch
creek across (',.nler a von tie. between
Twenty-seventh street and Peru road, In
accordance with plans and specifications
Prepared by the City Engineer and now
on file in the office of the Cit- Recorder,
It is estimated by the City Engineer that
it will require 109 lineal feet of culvert, 80
, lineal feet of new curbing, :35 square yards
of guttering and 64 square yards of ma-
cadaunizing. Bidders will state the price
per lineal foot for new culvert made of
n ek, also price per lineal foot of new
culvert made of concrete, the price per
lineal foot for new curb. the price per
square yard for new gutter. and the price
per square yard for new macadam.
All bids must be accJmpanicd by a cer-
tified check for $100.00 on some Dubuque
bank, as a guarantee that 0 contract will
he entered into If awarded.
The city reserves the right to reject any
and all bids.
Dated Dubuque, Aug. 5th, 1902.
8_5-91 City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at the
office of the City Recorder up to 7:30
o'clock p. m.. August 21st. 1902, for the
Plumbing in the Grandview Avenue fire
engine house, according to the plans and
specifications now on file in the office of
the City Recorder.
A al bids must be accompanied by a
certified check for $50.00 on some Du-
buque brink as a guarantee that a con-
tract will be entered into if awarded.
The city reserves the right to re.iect
any and all hlds. C. F. ARENDT.
City Recorder.
Seared proposals will he received at
the one of the City Recorder un lo 7:30
o'clock 1' m., August 7th, 1902, f: r the
Official Notices.
construction of a stone arch storm
water sewer In Fourteenth street, from
end of present sewer in Cedar street, to
westerly lot line of Sycamore street, in
accordance with a plat of raid rewcr,
and the St' ciflcations pr<,).trc.l by the
;,i -v Engineer, and now on fit- in the
office of the City Recorder. It is esti-
n ;,t, n 1.> lite City Engineer that it will
28I lineal feet of new iniso.;;•:••
1: topers .call state the pr'ict :ter lineal
f,,ot, the contractor to do all the 'vot•k
and 1urnt' h all tate material.
Each hid roust he accompanlcd with a
certifi, d' check for $100,00 on sem,. Du-
buque bank. as a guarantee tax a con-
tract v. 111 he entered into if :,warded
The City reserves the right t..t reject
any and all bids.
Recorder's Office of the City of Du-
buque, July 30th. 1902.
7-80-9t. City Recorder.
COLN AVE. AND Hill\II:-:I ;:\\I?
1'o All Whom It May Concern: You
and each of you are notified that it is
the intention of the city- council of the
city of Dubuque to construct a 12 -inch
tile pipe sanitary sewer in Johnson ave.
and alley between Lincoln avenue and
Rhomberg avenue, from end of present
sewer in Lincoln avenue to center of
Middle avenue.
That a plat and specifications of said
proposed sower is now on tile in the of-
fice of the city recorder.
It is estimated by the city engineer
that said sewer will be 2.157.5 Il.,eal feet
in length and will cost 70 cents per lin-
•eal foot. including two manholes.
Any person having objection to the
construction of .:uch sanitary sewer are
hereby notified to appear in person be-
fore the city council August 21st, 190'2,
or to file with the city recorder their
objections in writing on or before August
-21st, 1902.
Dated August llth, 1902.
It -11-10t City Recorder.
City Ilecoruer's Office,
Dubuque. Ia., Aug. llth. 1902.
Notice of the City Council's intention
'to construct a sanitary sewer in John-
son avenni. Eagle Point avenue and
Queen street. from end of present sewer
in Lincoln avenue to south lot line of
lot No. in Sanford's sub.
To all whom it may concern'
You and each of you are hereby noti-
fied that It is the intention of the City
Council of Dubuque to construct tin s -
inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in John-
son avenue. Eagle Point avenue and
Queen streetfrom end of present sewer
In Lincoln avenue. to south lot line of
lot No. 32 in Sanford's sub.
That a plat and specifications of said
proposed sewer is now on lilt in the °T-
rice of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engine'e'r
that said sewer will be 940 feet in length
and will cost $643.10 in total.
Any person having objections to the
• construction of said sewer are hereby
notified to appear in person before the
Cit)' e'ounc11, which will he in session
August 21st, 1902, or to tile theirohJcc-
tions In writing with the City 1'.ecorder
on or before August 1st. 1:n
8-11-10t City 1{,,,,rr,br.
To Martin l''-nna:
you are hereby notified that in :iccord-
:ince with a resolution of the city Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, for the con-
stritetion of a I -font plank sidewalk, on
the w. st side of VV'nod street, adopted
on the lst day of May. 1902, a special as-
sessment will be levied for the expen.ve
thereof at the next rcgnlar meeting of
the coy c'onoit. inion all lots and par-
oles of 1•tnd abutting on said improvement,
lot i in Myrtle's add.. owned by you.
b ing sub•jeet to stab special assessment.
And yon are notified to appear at said
meeting of the Council. to be held on the
21st day of August, 1902. and show cause,
if any you have. why said assessment
should not be levied.
Amount, 911.75.
5-12-9t City Recorder.
Resolved by the City- Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk four
feet wide, of good two ineh plank. hrick,
stone or cement, he, within ten days of
this notice. constructed and laid in con-
formity with the ordinance in relation
to sidewalks, on the west side of College
avenue. between O'Neill avenue and
West Second street, abutting lot 6 of Min.
lot 159. owned by Emily White, at the
expense of abutting property.
Also. that a sidewalk four feet wire, of
good two inch plan, brick, stone or ce-
ment, he. within ten days of this notice.
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks.
on the west side of College avenue. be-
tween West Second street and West Third
street, abutting lot 15, College sub., own-
ed by G. R. Clark, at the expense of
abutting property.
Alen, that a sidewalk four feet wide. of
good two inch plank, brick, stone or ce-
ment, he, within ten clays of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks,
on the west side of College avenue, be-
tween West Second street and West Third
street. abutting lot 1, College sub., owned
by A. W. Kemler Estate. at the ex-
pense of ahuting propery.
a.oenecr- mbaf mbafg mbafg mbtmbm
Passed by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, Augusts 7th. 1902.
F. 02. ARENDT.
8-11-10t City Recorder.
'I'll 1111'itct\'I: I.:\N,7\\",:L'I'MY .\\ I:-
NI•E. pit( t\l TIIE \\'lsr c'r1u21.1N1':
OF 1111.1. S"I'I:E1:'I' '1'i'Till: EAST
To all whom It >l,iy" concern:
You and tacit of } nn are hereby 00t1-
1:ed that it is the intention of the City
Council of the City of Dubuque to im-
prove Langworthy Avenue. from the
west. c•urh line of hill street to the east
lot line of Rooth street.
That a plat and specification of said
t.rnposed improvement is now on file in
the office of the City Recorder.
It is estimated yb the City Engineer
that said improvement will require 2.61x,.6
lineal feet of curbing. 1.27((11yscrdatcot ama9
•nf. guttering.
212 Official Notices.
cadamiz!ng, making a total estimated
cost to the abutting property owners of
$3,411.80. •
Any person having objection to said
improvement is hereby notified to appear
before the City Connell at its session to
he held Aug. 21st, 1902, or to Ole with
the City Recorder their objections in
writing on or before Aug. 21st, 1902.
Dated this 11th day of August. 1902.
8-11-10t City Recorder.
N (ltiee.
At a rnceting of the city council of Do -
.:moue. Towa, held August 7th, 1902, the
following street improvement bonds were
ordered redeemed:
Bonds numbered 177 and 178. dated June
lst. 1902.
Bond Number 76, dated September 2n'l.
Interest on above bonds will cease Aug•
ust 25th, 1902. -H. Brinkman,
8-15-10t. City Treasurer.
Public notice is hereby given that at
the session of the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, held on the 21st day of
August, 1902. the following Special As-
sessments were levied on the real estate
hereinafter described, and that in case
of failure to pay the one-seventh part
within the time prescribed by the Ordi-
nance governing same, all will become
delinquent and subject to collection by
distress and sale.
City Treasurer.
Name. Description, Amount.
Emelia Egelhoff, Quigley's sub of
out lot 709, lot 8, 73 lin ft curbstone
at 40c, $29.20; 32.44 sq yds gutter-
ing at 40c, $12.98; 154 sq yds ma-
cadam at 55c, $84.70 $126 88
Theo Schilling, Quigley's sub of out
lot 709, lot 9, 51 lin ft curbstone at
40c, $20.40; 22.66 ,zq yds guttering
at 90c, 89.06; 79.33 sq yds n:acad-
izing at 55c, $43.63 73 09
Aug. Schilling, Quigley's sub of out
lot 709. lot 10, 51 lin ft curbstone at
40e, $20.40; 22.66 sq yds guttering at
40c, $9.06; 79.33 sq yds macadamiz-
ing at 55c, $43.63 73 09
Nellie M. Walker, Quigley's sub of
lot 709, lot 11, 51 lin ft curbstone
at 40c, $20.40; 22.66 sq yds gutter-
ing at 40e. $9.06; 79.33 sq Yds ma-
cadamizing at 55c, $43.63 Y3 09
D. Thome, Quigley's sub of out lot
709, lot 18, 51 lin ft curbstone at
40c, $20.40; 22,66 sq yds guttering at
40c, $9.06; 79.33 sq yds macdam-
izing at 55c, $43.63
D. Thome, Quigley's sub of out lot
709, lot 19, 51 lin ft curbstone at
40c, $20.40; 22.66 sq yds guttering at
40c, 09.06; 79.33 sq yds macadamiz-
ing at 55c, $43.63
M. Hogan Est., Quigley's sub of out
Lot 709, lot 20, 51 lin ft curbstone
at 40c, $20.90; 22.66 sq yds guttering
at 40c, $9.06; 79.33 sq yds macad-
amizing at 55c, $43.63 ......
M. Hogan Est, Quigley's sub of out
lot 709, lot 21, 73 lin ft curbstone
at 40c, 029.20; 32.44 sq yds guttering
at 40c, $12.98; 159 sq yds macadam-
izing at 55c, 884.70 88
John P. Thill, Quigley's sub of out
73 09
lot 712, lot 8, 39 5 lin ft curbstone
at 40c, $15.1,0; 17.57; sq yds guttering
at 40c, $7.02; 82.90 sq yds macadam-
izing at 55e, $45.00
John I'. Thill, Quigle>'s sub of out
lot 712. lot 9, 50 lin ft curbstone at
40e, 020.00; 22'22 s yds guttering at
40c. $3.83: 77 77 0'! yds macadam-
izing to $12.77
Nie Settee. ( it}:I-\'x ',nil of out lot
71°, let 11. :••n lin ft curbstone at
4nc. $g.0'):.2..i y Is guttering nt
4nc, g•. n;
77.77 - i c,ic niacadarn-
izin t '1" 77
N.11i, 1!. \\'.ill:. r, t;ni lcy's sub of
,nit int 712, let 11. 50 lin ft onrh-
stone at lay. $20.00: -_ 22 00 ydgut-
tering a1 10e, 88.80: 77.77 sq yds inn-
cadamizing at nae. $12.77 7165
Nellie M. Walker, Quigley's sub of
out lot 712, lot 12. 50 lin ft curb-
stone. at 40c, $20.00; 22.22 sq yds
guttering at 40c, $3.S0: 77.77 sq
yds macadamizing at 55e. $12.77.... 71 85
Nellie M. Walker, Quigley's sub of
out lot 712, lot 13. 50 lin ft curb-
stone at 40c, $20.00; 22.22 sq yds
guttering at 40c, $8.80: 77.77 sq
yds macadamizing at 55e. $42.77.... 71 65
Nellie M. Walker, Quigley's sub of
out lot 712. lot 14, 73 lin ft curb-
stone at 40c, $29.20: 32.44 sq yds
guttering at 40e. $12.98; 152.55 sq
yds macadamizing at 55c, 043.90.., 126 08
Anna McAllister, Qufgley's sub of
out lot 712, lot 15. 69.5 lin ft curb-
stone at 40c, $27.80; 30.90 sq yds
guttering at 40c, $12.36; 152.55 sq
yds macadamizing at 55e, $83.90.... 124 06
Louise Duttie, Quigley's sub of
out lot 712. 1! t 16, 50 lin ft curb-
stone at 40c, $20.00; 22.22 sq yds
guttering at 40c, $8.88; 77.77 sq
yds macadamizing at 55c. $42.77.... 71 65
Cath. Newmiller, Quigley's sub of
out lot 712, lot 17, 50 lin ft curb-
stone at 40c, $20.00; 22.22 sq yds
guttering at 40c, $8.88; 77.77 sq
yds macadamizing at 55c, $12.77.... 71 65
Jno. Nelson, Quigley's sub of
out lot 712 , Elk lot 18, 25 lin ft
curbstone at 40c, $10.00; 11.11 sq
yds gutterings at 40c, $4.49; 38.88
sq yds macadamizing at 55e. $21.38 35 83
Wm, Thill, Quigley's sub of out lot
712, W3 lot 18, 25 lin ft curbstone
at 40c, $10.00; 11.11 sq yds gutter-
ing at 40c, $4.44; 38.88 50 yds ma-
cadamizing at 55c, $21.38
Wm: Johnson Est., Quigley's sub of
out lot. No. 712. lot 19, 50 lin ft
curbstone at 40c, $20.00; :.12 sol
yds guttering at 40c, $8.88; 77.77
sq yds macadamizing at 55c. 042.77 71 65
Geo. H. Wolf, Quigley's sub of
out lot No. 712, E. 38 ft of lot 20,
38 lin ft curbstone at 40c, $15.20;
16.66 sq yds guttering at 40e. $5.66;
59.11 sq yds macadamizing at 55c,
$32.51 54 37
Henry Cholland, Quigley's sub of
out lot No. 712, W. 9.9 ft of lot 20,
9.9 lin ft curbstone at 40c, $3.96;
4.411 sq yds guttering at 40c, 01.76;
15.40 sq yds macadamizing at 55c,
Henry Cholland, Quigley's sub of
cut lot No. 712, lot 21, 45.3 lin ft
curbstone at 40, $18.12; 20.13 sq yds
guttering at c $8.05; 82.90
q yds
macadamizing at55c, $45 60 71 77
Susan Huene, Kringle's sub, lot 7,
50.00 sq Yds macadamizing at 55c,
027.50 27 50
Jno. Donovan, Kringle's sub, lot 8,
50.00 sq yds macadamizing at 55c,
27 50
64 42
71 65
35 83
14 19
Regular Session, Sept 4, 1902.
Council met at 8:15 p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Alis. Clancy, Frith, Horr
,Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Absent—Aid. Corrance.
Ald. Jones moved that the council pro-
ceedings fur the month of August be ap-
proved as printed. Carried.
The following bills were ordered paid:
A. Doerr, Jr., assistant assessor for
August $ 75 00
J. J. Murphy, assistant assessor for
August 75 00
H. J. Tropf, be and of prisoners for
August 6 20
L. Daily, cleaning around market
square for August 14 50
C. A. Noyes, shades for auditor's
office 2 80
W. W. Whelan. 1h doz. zincs for
Treasurer's office 90
Palmer, Winall & Co., blank books
and stationery for various of-
fices 117 75
G. Holl, grinding lawn mower for
Jackson park 125
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., 1
nozzle for Phoenix park
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., 160
feet of hose and couplings for
Jackson park 19 60
G. \V. Healey & Son., grass seed for
Phoenix park 75
A. R. Staufenbeil, taking care of
town clock from December lst,
1901, to June 1st, 1902 49 95
G. 13. Grosvenor Co., stationery and
supplies 10 60
Bieg & Rood, stationery and sup-
plies 3 00
H. Wunderlich & Son, 1 office chair
for assessor's office
Metz Mfg. Co., map racks and rol-
P. J. Seippel, lumber for road de-
F. A. Dalton, veterinary services
road department .
Geo. Bock, repairs for road depart-
F. Schjoz, repairs for road depart-
P. Clancy, cinders for road depart-
Key City Roofing Co., sewer pipe
for road department
Purington Paving Brick Co., brick
for road department 206 25
Key City Gas Co., coke for steam
roller 56 15
Standard 011 Co., oil for steam rol-
ler 100
Smedley Steam Pump Co., repairs
on steam roller 74 21
]owa Iron Works, repairs on steam
roller 24 •73
Wunderlich & \Wiederholt, horse
shoeing for fire department
).ear & Kennedy, horse shoeing for
fire department
Kannolt & Powers, horse shoeing
for fire department .. • • • • • •
Ott, Meurer & Co., shavings for fire
department •
6 00
3 45
2 50
2 20
1 10
7 75
1 4S
8 30
10 00
15 60
3 50
Iiey City Gas Co., coke for fire de-
Geo. Bock, repairs for fire depart -
F. Zchetner, grates for fire depart-
M. Stafford, hay and oats for fire
departmen288 48
F. A. Dalton• veterinary services for
fire department 1162'
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary services
for fire department 7 68
J. A. Palen, 483 lbs. blue vitro) for
fire department 32 00
P. J. Seippel, lumber for fire depart-
ment 1 O6
Key City Gas Co., rent of Humph-
rey light at Central engine house.. 1 00
Dubuque Altar Mfg. Co., turning 6
pulleys for Fourth street engine
M. Stafford, hay and oats delivered
at patrol house S1 3E
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary services
for patrol team.... .. .. 2 88
Moore & Ferring, supplies for Ma-
tron's department.... .... .. 1 90
Headford Bros. & Hitchins, man-
hole covers and rims for sewer
department 12 00^
Headford Bros. & Hitchins, grates
for Bee Branch sewer 17 55
Linehan & Molo, cement for sewer
department. .... .... .... 4 38.
Pape & Jacquinot, repairs on foun-
tain at 14th and Elm streets.... 3 80
Globe -Journal, official printing for
August.... .... .... .... .. 60 00
The Times, official printing for Au-
gust 15 M
Dubuque Telegraph -Herald, official
printing for August .. .... .... 50 00
National Demokrat, official printing
for August.... .... .. .... 25 00
Union Electric Co., arc lights for
August.... .. 2029 68'
1 F. Schloz & Son, lr,4 dozen steel
pins for Engineer's office 2 70
C. A. Noyes, supplies for Engineer's
office 71
T. E. Frith. removing garbage and
dead animals during month of Au-
gust.... .... .... .... 375 00
T. J. Donahue, rock delivered at
12th and Elm streets 4 00•
Rumpf-Frudden Lumber Co., lum-
ber for Bee Branch sewer.... . 24 47
Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co., 2
pair hip boots for Bee Branch de-
partment.... .... ........ .... S 00
Steuck & Linehan, estimate con-
structing circular sewer in Bee
Branch creek.... .. 425 00
Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co,
expansion rings and washers for
sprinkling department.. .. .. . 6 08
The following bills were ordered re-
F. A. Dolton, to 8 days' hospital
services for horse on fire depart-
ment .... .... ... • .. .. 600'
On motion the bill was referred to the
committee on Fire.
Dubuque Telegraph -Herald, Board
of Health reports for March, 10 00
April and May ...... .... .... ....
On motion the bill was referred to the
Board of Health.
'I'. T. Thompson, taking care of
lamps and furnishing oil for same 600
during August.. .. ..
On motion the bill was referred to the
special committee en Bee Branch.
The following bilis due the city were
ordered collected:
1'ninn F.1ec•tric Co., to rolling var-
6 10
6 60
214 Regular Session, Sept. 4, 1902.
sous streets.... .... .... .. $ 18 75
Dubuque Water Co., to rolling var-
ious streets.... ... ... 36 75
Illinois Central Ry. Co., to rolling
various streets.... .. .. .. 29 25
Key City Gas Co., to rolling various
streets 62 25
Chicago Great Western Ry. Co., to
rolling various streets.... .. .... 10 50
Steuck & Linehan, 43.10 cubic yds
of macadam.... .... .... 43 10
Petition of the Dubuque Fall Festival
Association, by J. W. Patterson, presi-
dent, asking for permission to use the
intersecting streets leading up to Main
street, commencing at Second street and
stopping at Eleventh streets. for the pur-
pose of placing thereon various shows
during the Street Fair and Carnival to
be held Oct. 13 to Oct. 18, inclusive.
Ald. Clancy moved to grant the prayer
of the petition. Carried.
Petition of St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital,
.by Sister Mary Pius, president, asking
.for th'e cancellation of the taxes against
their property for the year 1901.
On motion the petition was referred to
the Finance committee.
Petition of Haney, Campbell & Co. ask-
ing that their taxes for the year 1901 be
canceled according to resolution passed
by the City Council August 16th, 1895.
On motion the petition was referred
to the Finance Committee.
Petition of Geo. G. Ferguson asking
council to grant him permission to set
out the curbing abutting his property
nine (9) and two-thirds (2-3) inches in
order to protect his trees.
Ald. Horr moved to refer the petition to
the Street Committee and City Engineer,
with power. Carried.
Petition of Rich. Kolck, et al., asking
that F. P. Fuhrman be allowed to erect
a frame dwelling on the West side of
Jackson street between Twelfth and
Thirteenth streets.
Aid. Sheridan moved to refer the peti-
tion to the Committee on Fire with
power. Carried.
Petition of Aug. Rohr asking that his
taxes on lot 283 East Dubuque Add. No.
2 be canceled for the year 1901. Also
petition of Mary Templar asking that
her taxes be canceled on lot 2 of sub.
5 in Hugh's Sub. for the year 1901.
On motion both petitions were referred
to the Delinquent Tax Committee.
Petition of C. S. Robinson asking coun-
cil to cancel the assessment on personal
property amounting to $1,230.00 assessed
against the Jas. Forrester Estate.
On motin the petition was referred to
the Board of Equalization and City As-
Petition of the Iowa Telephone Co. by
Jas. B. Mason, secretary, asking that
their taxes as made by the Executive
Council, be restored to the sum of $9.74.
On motion the petition was referred to
the Board of Equalization and City As-
Petition of Eliz. Jehring asking Coun-
cil to cancel the assessment for moneys
and credits levied against her for the
year 1901.
On motion the petition was referred to
the Board of Equalization and City As-
Petition of Conlin & Kearns asking
permission to put in a spur track along
the easterly side of their land, which
shall extend from a point over and across
both Eleventh and Twelfth streets.
Ald. Horr moved to refer the petition
to the Committee of the Whole and they
to view the grounds. Carried.
Petition of Geo. Schmid, et al., asking
that Seventh Avenue be improved and
put in passable condition.
Ald. Jones moved to suspend the rules
and R. 1'. Rode11, attorney for petition-
ers, be heard. Carried.
Attorney Rodell addressed the Council,
stating that said Seventh Avenue be put
in passable condition and also be
ptoccd at once.
Also petition of George Schmid et al.,
asking that a street be opened, running
between the property of Maria Zogg and
Jno. Finzel and extending from Fifth
Avenue to Seventh Avenue, or what is
the sante thing, extending from Seventh
Avenue in the same manner to Fifth
On motion both petitions were referred
to the committee or the Whole and they
view the grounds.
Petition of A. A. Cooper, asking Coun-
cil to grant him the privilege (at the
pleasure of the Council) for the use of
the grass for pasturage purposes that
grows on John and Cooper streets In J.
P. Farley's Add.
Ald. Frith moved to suspend the rules
and the parties interested be heard.
Nobody addressed the Council.
Also petition of Timothy Dillon et al.,
asking that John street be opened and
that the Council take the necessary steps
to have the obstructions of said street
On motion of Ald .Jones both petitions
were referred to the committee of the
The Mayor stated that he had received
an order by mail for $100.00 from the B.
P. O. E. for fixing up Washington Park
and said amount having been agreed
upon between the Elks and committee on
Public Grounds and Buildings.
Ald. Clancy moved that the action of
the Mayor and committee on Public
Grounds and Buildings in accepting the
$100.00 from the Elks to put said park in
proper condition be approved.
Ald. Horr moved a substitute to refer
the matter to the committee of the
Substitute lost by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Frith, Herr and Raymond.
Nays --Aids. Clancy, Jones and Sheri-
Absent—Aid. Corrance.
It being a tie vote the Mayor voted nay.
The original motion of Ald, Clancy re-
curring was then carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas—Aids, Clancy, Horr, Jones, Ray-
mond and Sheridan.
Nays—Ald. Frith.
Al. crit—Aid. Corrance,
The Mayor presented Warranty Deed of
E. W. Albee and Mary P. Albee, his
wife, to the City of Dubuque, and on mo-
tion was referred to the Street commit-
tee and City Attorney.
Ald. Raymond moved that the rules be
suspended and Col. J. W. Patterson be
heard. Carried.
Col. Patterson, representing the Du-
buque Fall Festival Association, ad-
dressed the Council, telling about the
Street Carnival which is to be held in
the city, also that they needed the use
of several streets for the shows, etc.
Communication and plat of C., M. & St.
P. Ry Co., by J. N. Stapleton, superin-
Regular Session, Sept. 4, 1902.
tendent, asking City Council to vacate
Ash street and the alley between Ash
and Willow streets, between Twentieth
street and the south line of lot No. 6,
the west side of Ash street, to the
west side of Willow street. Also
Willow street and the alley between Wil-
low and Birch streets in Blocks 2 and
s0, vacated north of Twentieth street,
as shown on map of their grounds at
Dubuque Shops herewith submitted.
On motion the communication and plat
were referred to the Committee of the
W hole.
Bids for improving Langworthy Avenue,
also for a sanitary sewer in Johnson
Avenue, were ordered opened.
Bids for improving Langworthy Avenue
from Booth to Hill streets, as follows:
Brown & Brown, grading per cub.
yard 18c
curbing per lineal foot
guttering per square yard
macadamizing per square yard
Jas. Noonan & Co., grading per cub.
drawn itt his favor:
Aug. 19th, 1902, Lawrence Gonter..$4,000 00
On notion the report was rece \'ed and
warrants ordered drawn to pay the var-
Ious amounts, and the reports referred
back to the committee on Finance.
City Auditor Hoffman reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of Dubuque:
Gentlemen—Herewith find my report for
the month of August, 1902, showing the
receipts and disbursements for the
Cash on hand Aug. 1st, 1902 $21,319 06
Receipts from all sources 23,196 33
$44,515 38
Disbursements -
50c Warrants redeemed ,,.$17,492 48
50c Coupons redeemed 9,63015
55c W. W. Coupons redeemed 135 00
Bonds redeemed 2,773 336
curbing per lineal foot 57y .,e
guttering per square yard 52c
macadamizing. including brick cross-
ings hoc
Ald. Clancy moved that Brown &
Brown be awarded the contract, they be-
ing the lowest bidders, and the bond be
fixed at $3,000.00 Carried.
Bids for constructing sanitary sewer in
Johnson Avenue, Eagle Point Avenue
and Queen street, as follows:
Dolan & Robinson, S inch tile pipe,
per lin. foot „ „ .. „ .. .. ..$ 1 17
manholes, each 37 00
Pape & Jacquinot, 8 inch tile pipe,
per lineal foot , , , , , , .. .. 1 20
manholes, each 50 00
Ald. Horr moved that Dolan & Robin-
son be awarded the contract. they be-
ing the lowest bidders, and the bond be
fixed at $300.00. Carried.
City Treasurer Brinkman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of Dubuque:
Gentlemen—Below you will find state-
n.ent of amounts advanced by me during
the month of August, 1902, for which
please order warrants drawn in my fa-
Excavation permits redeemed ....$ 80 00
Interest on warrants outstanding.. 1,139 6S
Freight charges, brick for road de-
partment 30 45
Freight charges, brick for road
Freight charges, brick for road
Freight charges, brick for road
Freight charges, brooms for road
Freight charges, brooms for road
department ...
Postage stamps
Postage stamps
New York exchange .
Library Trustees' orders, Library
fund..... ......
30 45
45 75
45 75
3 35
1 27
6 85
83 73
$1,468 30
I also received money borrowed from
the following, please order loan ,warrants
Cash on hand Sept. 1st, 1902 .-8154:2 5 36
The above cash on hand belongs to
special funds.
Also report that there is due the city
officers for the month of August, 1902,
Also the following is a record of all
Interest Coupons and Bonds redeemed
by Treasurer for the past month:
Regular Bond Coupons $9,472 38
Waterworks Bond Coupons 135 00
Improvement Bond Coupons 157 80
$9,765 18
Improvement Bonds redeemed .... 2,773 36
The folowing list shows the Appropria-
tions and the amount of warrants drawn
en each fund since the beginning of
the fiscal year beginning March 1st, 1902,
to September lst, 1902:
Appropriation. Expended.
Expense.... .. .. .. $40,000 816,486.12
Road .. .. .. .. .. 42,000 26,334.92
]'ire.... .. .... '33 000 13,336.95
Police .... .... ...... .. 28,000 11,578.80
Sewerage .. .. .. .. 6,000 2,255.00
Printing.... .... .. .. 2,000 675.00
Engineer.. .. 4.000 1,233.80
Gas and Light.. .... 25,000 10,128.98
Water Works Bond Inter-
est..... .. .. .... .. 25,000 11,385.00
Interest.. .. .. .. 45,000
I.oard of Health.. .. 6,000 3,169.60
Grading.. .. .. ... 2.000 46.40
]fee Branch.. 780.55
Eagle Point Bridge.... 5,000 4,776.10
Special Bonded Paving5,000
Redemption.. .. 2,500 2,786.18
Judgment.. .. 3,000
Library.... .. ..
Sprinkling First District750 208.32
Sprinkling Second District 2,300 470.29
Sprinkling Third District 2,200 456.28
Sprinkling Fourth District 2.300 248.39
Sprinkling Fifth District. 1,500 509.::'
Special Bonded Debt Inter- 3 f)DO 34.53
est.... r g"
Grandview Avenue Engine 6 425.00
House...... .
Mount Carmel Avenue, 1000
Grading.... .. ....... 000
Sidewalk Repairing.. • • 5,000 2,666.10
Special Sewer Fund
Total Appropriation.. &318,050
Respectfully submitted,
F. 13. IHOFF1MAN. Auditor,
21 t1
Regular Session, Sept. 4, 1902.
On motion the report was received and
warrants ordered drawn to pay City Of-
ficers and the report referred back to the
Finance committee.
Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: T herewith submit my pay
roll for the Fire Department for the
month of August, 1902.
Amount due Firemen $2,065.00
Approved. MATT. CLANCY,
Chairman Committee on Fire.
On motion the pay roll was received and
warrants ordered drawn to pay Firemen,
and the pay roll referred back to the
committee on Fire.
Chief of Police Morgan reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my re-
port and pay roll for the Police Depart-
ment, for the month of August, 1902:
Total arrests for the month .. 89
Patrol runs for the month , , , , , , 69
Miles run for the month , , , , , , , , 114
Residents arrested , . , . , , , , , , 43
Doors found open , , , , 13
Lodgers Harbored , , , , , , , , 21
Defective lights , , , , , , , , , , , , 202
Meals furnished , , , , , , , , , , , 31
Cost of food . ..$10 86
.Also Treasurer's receipt for im-
pounding ,$ 2 00
Also the pay roll for Policemen for the
month of August, 1902.
Amount due Policemen $2,047 90
Respectfully submitted.
•-Edw. Morgan, Chief of Police.
On motion the report and pay roll
was received, and warrants ordered
drawn to pay Policemen, and the report
referred back to the Committee on Po-
City Engineer Boyce reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my pay
roll for Labor on Streets during the last
half of August, 1902:
Amount due laborers on streets, ,$1,610 75
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
10. E. FRITH,
Chairman Committee on Streets.
Also, submit my pay roll for labor on
sewers, for the last half of August, 1902.
Amount due laborers on sewers, .$136 60
Respectfully submitted.
City Engineer.
Chairman Committee on Sewers.
On motion the pay rolls on Sewers and
Streets were received and Warrants or-
dered drawn to pay the various amounts,
and the pay rolls referred back to the
proper committees.
.Also submit my pay roll for teams
hauling Sprinkling Wagons during the
last half of August, 1902.
Amount due Teamsters
• • .. $271 00
Respectfully submitted.
City Engineer.
Chairman Committee on Paving, Sweep-
ing and Sprinkling.
Also submit my phy roll for labor on
Bee Branch sewer during the last half of
August, 1902:
Amount due laborers on Bee
Branch sewer $50 00
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved: E. E. FRITH.
Chairman Committee on Streets.
On motion the pay rolls for sprinkling
and Bee Branch sewer were received and'
warrants ordered drawn to pay the var-
ious amounts and the pay rolls referrea
back to the proper committees.
City Electrician Hipman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my re-
port of defective lights for the month
of August, 1902. I find from the reports
of the Police department that the total
hours that 202 lamps failed to burn
would equal 15%,% lamps for one month or
$83.70. Respectfully submitted,
City Electrician.
On motion the report was received and
the Auditor instructed to deduct from
the Union Electric company's bill for the
month of August, 1902, the amount or
The following weighmasters and wood -
measurers' receipts were referred to the
committee on Markets:
H. J. Tropf, city hall receipts $32 10
Also receipts for hucksters' stands56 50
R. Hay, Eighth and White streets
receipts 3 90
T. Faherty, First ward scales re-
ceipts ....... ... .... 382
Louise Pitschner, West Dubuque
scales receipts 2 n2
R. F. Curran, wood measurer's re-
ceipts b0•
City Engineer Boyce reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen—I would respectfully report
on the petition of Mrs. M. E. Canavan,
that we have given the grade for side-
walk on the north side of West Chest-
nut street, as asked for.
City Engineer.
Aid. Sheridan moved that the report he
received and filed. Carried.
J. H. Weimer, County Auditor, present-
ed statements of the assessments ane
valuations of railroads, express com-
panies, telephone lines and telegraph
lines in the city of Dubunueas fixed by
the Executive Council and Board of Su-
pervisors of Dubuque county for the
year 1902, and were on motion referred
to the Board of Equalization and City As-
A1d. Frith, chairman of the committee
on Streets, reported as follows:
Your committee on Streets would re-
spectfully recommend that in accordance
Regular Session, Sept, 4, 1902
with the terms of the agreement entered
into by and between the city of Dubuque
and Anton Eberi (which agreement is at-
tached to the report of this committee
presented to and adopted by the City
Council on August 7th, 1902), a warrant
in the sum of fifty dollars he drawn on
the City Treasurer in favor of said An-
ton Eberl.
E. E. FRITH, Chairman.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report.
Ald. Jones, Chairman of the committee
en Public Grounds and Buildings, report-
ed as follows:
Your committee on Public Grounds and
Buildings, to whom was referred the bids
of Mullen Bros. and Mullen & Papin for
plumbing in the new engine house. would
respectfully report that the committee is
unable to agree. therefore report same
back to the council.
Upon motion of Aid. Sheridan the
contract was awarded to Mullen & Papin.
.Md. Jones. Chairman of the committee
on Public Grounds and Buildings, also
reported that there was a great deal of
work to be done at the Fourth street
engine house in order to get the same
in proper condition for the winter. there-
fore moved that the work to be done be
referred to the committee on Public
Grounds and Buildings with power. Car-
Ald. Clancy, Chairman of the commit-
tee on Fire, reported as follows:
Your committee on Fire would respect-
fully recommend that the City Recorder
be instructed to advertise for a combin-
ation hose wagon and chemical engine
for the Grandview avenue engine house:
also that he advertise for sale th steam-
er "J. K. Graves."
Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the report.
Ald. Sheridan, Chairman of the com-
mittee on Police and Light, reported that
the Union Electric company had placed
one of their new lights at the corner of
Fourth and Iowa streets, and that the
different aldermen were invited to in-
vestigate the same, to see if said light
proves to be satisfactory.
Aid. Raymond, Chairman of the com-
mittee on Delinquent Tax. reported as
Your committee on Delinquent Taxes,
to whom was referred the petition of
August Fleschig, an honorably discharg-
ed soldier of the war of the rebellion,
stating that through an error he is ex-
empt only on $500.00. whereas he is en-
titled to exemption on $800.00 valuation,
and asking that the Treasurer be in-
structed to accept $3.15 in full for the
taxes of 1901 against lot 261. Davis Farm
Add., which amount represents the bal-
ance due the city for taxes after the
legal deductions are made, would recom-
mend that the prayer of the petitioner
he granted and that the Treasurer be in-
structed accordingly.
Also, your committee on Delinquent
Taxes, to whom was referred the petition
uf Elizabeth Hughes, asking that the
taxes on her property, north part of lot
1. Linheim's Add., be canceled, would
recommend that on account of her 00v-
erty. the taxes for the year 1901 be al-
lowed to remain a lien in the property
and that the Treasurer. be instructed not
to sell.
Also, your committee on Delinquent
'lazes, to whom was of Anna M. Althouseef thee widow d the petition
honorably discharged soldier 'of the war
of the rebellion, stating that she is the
owner of lots 138 and 139, Woodlawn
Park Addition, and asking that she be
granted for the year 1901 the exemption
provided by law, would recommend that
the prayer of the petitioner be granted
and that the Treasurer be instructed ac-
Ald. Raymond moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Horr, chairman of the Board of
Equalization, reported as follows:
Your Board of Equalization, to whom,
was referred the petition of Ellen Qutn-
livan, stating that prior to the time for -
making. the assessment for the year 1901,
she had sold 100 feet of sub, 12, Linheim's
add., and that the assessor erroneously
placed a valuation of $600 on that part of
said lot retained by her, and asking to
have the valuation of lot 1 of sub. 12 of
Linheim's Add., reduced to $100, would
recommend that the prayer of the peti-
tioner be granted and that the treasurer -
be instructed accordingly.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report..
Ald. Raymond offered the following:
Be it resolved by the City Council of
the City of Duh:ique. That it is deemed'
necessary and advisable to re -construct
the alley between Bluff and Locust
streets from the south curb line of Tenth
street to the north curb line of Eleventh
street and it is hereby proposed to grade -
wherever necessary and pave : ai 1 alley
with brick on a concrete foundation.
Ald. Raymond moved to adopt the reso-
Carried by the following vote:•
Yeas—Alds. Cl- ney. Frith, Horr, Jones,
Raymond and Sheridan.
Absent—Aid. Corrance.
Ald. Raymond also offered the fol-
Be it resolved by the City Council or
the City of Dubuque, That the City En-
ginecr be and he is hereby instructed to.
prepare a plat showing generally the lo-
cation, nature and extent of the proposed
improvement on the alley between Bluff -
street and Locust street from the north
curb line of Tenth street to the south
curb line of Eleventh street, and the
kind of material to be used, and an esti-
mate of the entire cost thereof, and the
amount and cost of such improvement,
and the amount assessable 'upon any rail-
way or street railway, the amount and
cost thereof to be paid by the city, If
any, and the cost thereof and amount
assessable upon each lot or parcel of
land adjacent to or abutting upon soon
improvement per front foot, and to file
Foch plat and estimate In the office or
the City Recorder; that after the filing
of said plat and estimate in his office,
the City Recorder shall publish in three
consecutive issues of a newspaper pub-
218 Regular Session, Sept. 4, 1902.
}irked in this city a notice stating that
such plat and estimate are on file, the
location and nature of theimprovement.
kind of material to be used, and an es-
timate of its cost and the time before
which objections thereto ca.n be tiled and
the time fixed for hearing. which time
shall not be less than five days after the
last publication of such notice and after
such publication shall have been made
the City Recorder shall. at the next reg-
ular session of the City Council notify
the Council thereof in writing with a
printed copy of such notice accompany-
ing the same.
Ald. Raymond moved to adopt the res-
Carried by the following vote:
yeas—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Horr, Jones.
Raymond and Sheridan.
Absent—Aid. Corrance.
Ald. Horr offered the following:
Whereas all the abutters on Cox street
from Union Avenue to the north line ot
the alley first north of Angella street
have paid for the improvement of the
street opposite their property, thus mak-
ing the issuance of improvement bonds
to obtain money to pay the contractors
urneeessary, and whereas the books or
the Auditor and Treasurer are specially
adapted to the method of issuing bonds
and paying the contractor . out of the
proceeds. then redeeming the bonds with
the money paid into the treasury by the
abutters for this purpose; therefore,
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That in order to pre-
serve the established form and avoid the
opening of a new set of books and to
keep the accounts so as to be readily un-
drrgtood. the Mayor and Finance com-
mittee are hereby instructed to cause to
be issued the following improvement
bond "Pro forma:"
State of Iowa. County of Dubuque.
The City of Dubuque.
No. 179 $1,057.35
' The city of Dubuque, in the state of
Iowa, for value received, promises to pay
as hereinafter stated to the bearer here-
rf the slim of ten hundred and fifty-
seven dollars and thirty-six cents, at the
office of the City Treasurer in the city
of Dubuque. This bond is issued for
the purpose of preserving the form pro-
cedure adopted in the case of all other
street improvements, made by the city
in the past ten years. and in accordance
with the laws and ordinances bearing
upon that subject now in force. It is
issued for the purpose of providing for
the cost of a certain street improve-
ment on Cox street between Union Ave-
-nue and the alley first north of Angella
street, which cost is payable by the abut-
ting property benefited thereby and is
made by law a lien on said property.
In testimony whereof the city of Du-
buque, by its Council, has caused this
bond to be signed by its Mayor and coun-
tersigned by its City Recorder with the
seal of the city affixed, this 19th day ot
June, 1902.
Be it further
the above bond
cordance with
City Treasurer
No. 179 of June
of the City of Dubuque.
City Recorder.
resolved that as soon as
is properly issued in ac -
the above resolution, the
shall redeem said bond
19, 1902, with the money
paid in by the abutters on said Cox
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the resolu-
tion. Carried.
Ald. Jones moved to adjourn until Sep-
tember 18th, 1902. Carried.
City Recorder.
7 D
C. . ' Recorder
Approved... .4/` l 19oi.
Regular Session, Sept. 18, 1902.
• 219
Regular Session September 18, 1902.
Council met at 8:10 p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones Raymond and Sheridan.
Petition of Mrs. John Ahern, asking
that her taxes be canceled on lot 19, sit-
uated on !West Fifth street, for the year
1901. Also petition or Mrs. Marie McEvoy,
asking that her taxes be canceled on the
north 4,i2 of the east 1/2 of lot 766 in A.
McDaniel's sub. for the year 1901.
On motion both petitions were referred
to the Delinquent Tax committee.
Petition of James McCormack, asking
for cancellation of his taxes for the year
1901 on account of injuries received by
failing from a wagon, and not being able
to earn money to pay for same.
On motion the petition was. referred
to the Delinquent Tax committee.
Petition of Christ. I3uelow et al, asking
the City Council to accept the following
amounts in full payment for constructing
a sanitary sewer in Diagonal street:
Christ. Buelow $25.00. Robert Schoenbeck
$30.00, Harry Itaubner $30.00.
On notion the petition was referred to
the Committee of the Whole.
Petition of Hagge & Fex Mfg. Co., ask-
ing the City Council to exempt from
taxation. for a period of ten (10) year,
the buildings erected by them on lots 134
and 135 in Glendale Add. No. 2.
On motion the petition was referred to
the Committee of the k1•hole.
Petition of Michael Smith et al, asking
the City Council to open up a street be-
tween South street and North street in
O'Neill's sub. No. 3.
Ald. Jones moved thatthe petition be
referred to the Committee of the Whole
and City Engineer and they to view the
grounds. Carried.
Petition of Emma Brose, asking Coun-
cil to cancel special assessment for clean -
Ing alley abutting her property.
On motion the petition was referred to
the committee on Sewers.
Petition of Joseph Yungwirth, asking the
Council to instruct the city Engineer to
•establish the grade on Glen Oak avenue.
On motion the petition was referred to
the Street committee and City Engineer.
Petition of Chas. Stillman et at. asking
Council to oonstruet a sanitary sewer in
Langworthy avenue, from Hill street to
a point where said Langworthy avenue
intersects with Nevada street.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the petition
he referred to Sewer committee and City
Engineer, to report at the next meeting
of the Council. Carried.
Petition of Mary Delaney, asking the
City Council for permission to raise her
one story frame kitchen, ,which is at-
tached to a brick dwelling house, another
story of frame.
Ald. Horr moved that the petition be
referred to the alderman of the Second
ward and Chief of Fire Departtnent with
Ald. Sheridan moved a substitute, that
the prayer of the petition be granted.
Ald. Horr, withdrawing his original
motion, the substitute was carried.
Communication of M. Tschitgi, Jr., ask-
ing that a warrant amounting to $23.43
be drawn in his favor for sewer connec-
tions made for S. W. Upton in the so-
called Tschirgi sewer in alley between
Main and Locust streets, from Eighth
to First streets.
Ald. Sheridan moved that a warrant
be drawn for the amount. Carried.
Communication of Isaac Manhoff, of-
fering to pay the city the amount of $75
for the fire steamer J. K. Graves.
On motion the communication was re-
ferred to the committee on Fire and
Chief of Fire Department.
Communication of Thos. T. Carkeek,
architect, giving estimate of work done
on the new engine house:
Cut stone
Brick work
$ 450 00
135 00
930 00
350 00
$1,865 00
Less 23 per cent 466 25
Amount due contractor $1.398 75
Ald. Jones moved that a warrant be
drawn for the amount in favor of F. W.
Brunkow, contractor of the now engine
house. Carried.
City Engineer Boyce reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen—I herewith submit my pay
roll for labor. cleaning and repairing
streets, for the first half of September,
Amount due laborers on streets$1,534.30
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved: E. E. FRITH.
Chairman Committee on Streets.
Also submit my nay roll for labor on
sewers during the first half of September,
Amount due laborers on sewers ....$166.60
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Chairman Committee on Sewers.
Also submit my pay roll for teams
hauling sprinkling wagons during the
first half of September, 1902:
Amount due teamsters for sprink-
ling . .... .. . .. ...$''64 10
Respectfully submitted.
City Engineer.
Chairman Committee on Paving, Sweep-
ing and Sprinkling.
On motion the pay rolls on Streets,
Sewers and Sprinkling, were received and
warrants ordered drawn to pay for the
various amounts and the pay rolls referr-
ed hack to the proper committees.
City Engineer Boyce also reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City Conn-
ell of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: On account of erroneous
assessment I petition for the cancellation
of the assessments against the following
(I,scribed property for cleaning alleys: , .
220 Regular Session, Sept. 18, 1902.
John Yenter, city lot 387, July 10, 1902.$3.00
Jac. Zangmeister, sub. Min. lot 80-1, 1.60
July 10, 1902
Jno. H. Smith, L. 11Langworthy's 1.50
sub. lot 1
Also submit a list to correct errors
made in assessments of May, 1902, for
cleaning alleys:
Grace Provost, city s 48.S ft, lot 266. ,$2.25
Geo. Salot, city lot 428 3.00
Jac. Zangmeister, sub. city 688, etc,
lot 7...... 1.50
F. Wagner, O. S. Langworthy's sub
lot 1.. . 1.50
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the report be
received, and the Treasurer be instructed
to correct the list as reported by the City
Engineer. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Alda. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Herr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Nays -None.
City Recorder Arendt presented the
printed notice, certified to by the publish-
er, of Council's intention to reconstruct
the alley between Bluff and Locust street,
from the north curb line of Tenth street
to the south curb line of Eleventh street,
with brick on a concrete foundation.
No remonstrance being filed the Mayor
asked if anyone present had any objec-
tion to said improvement.
No objections being stated, on motion of
.Md. Raymond the notice was ordered re-
ceived and filed.
Mayor Berg presented a receipt from
the City Treasurer for $100.00, it being the
amount paid in by the Elks for repairing
Washington park.
On motion the City Recorder was in-
structed to keep said receipt on file.
Sidewalk Inspector Crawford reported
as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: On account of the erron-
ous assessment I petition for the cancel-
lation of the assessment against the fol-
lowing described property for repairing
sidewalks. Respectfully submitted,
Sidewalk Inspector.
The list follows:
Eliz. Sohn, sub. 146 and 146a, L. H.
Langworthy's Add., lot 3, Sept. 6,
1902 $ 35
Mary Bedenbender, Hodge's sub.,
lot 8, Sept. 5, 1902 40
P. H. E. Sommerfleld, East Du-
buque Add., S1,4, lot 162, Sept. 5,
M. Tschirgi, Sr., Sub. Min. lot 172,
lot 2, Sept. 5, 1902
D. S. Fernald, Whelan's Sub., lot
2, Sept. 6, 1902
Jas. Ryan, Grandview Park, Block
4, lot 15, Sept. 5, 1902
Cath. Considine, Kelly's Sub., lot 30,
Sept. 6, 1902 ...... .... ...... ....
J. G. Crabtree, Martin's Dubuque,
lot 4, Sept. 5, 1902
J. A. Rhomberg, Ham's Add., lots
318-378, Sept. 5, 1902
Thos. M. Cosgrove, Ann O'Hare's
Sub., w. 60 feet, lot 13, Sept. 5, 1902
Emma Allen, Cox's Add., lot 21,
Sept. 6, 1902
Mich. Scharle, Cain's Sub., lot 20,
Sept. 6. 1902
John Kane, Southern Ave, Add., lot
3, Sept. 5, 1902...... ...,
Fred J. Weiland, Weiland's Sub., lot
1 80
1 15
2, Sept. 5. 1902 40
Wm. Schumm, Grandview Place, lot
12. Sept. 5, 1902 45
Jno. Appel. Whelan's Sub., lot 2,
Sept. 5, 1902
Jno. F. Degandorf, Burden-Lawther
Add., lot 133. Sept. 6, 1902......
Fred Licht, Davis Farm Add., lot
278, Sept. 5, 1902 40
Wm. H. Wilmer, Oakdale Park, lot
17, Sept. 5, 1902 82
C. J. Spahn, Sub. 1 of 148, L. H.
Langworthy's Add., w. lot 1,
Sept. 5. 1902 50
Ald. Jones moved that the report be re-
ceived and the Treasurer be instructed
The list of names furnished to the City
Council by the chairman of the city cen-
tral committee of the republican and
democratic parties to select the names of
Register Clerks for registration for the
coming year were presented.
Ald. Clancy moved that the first name
on the list of names for each precinct be
appointed Register Clerks. Carried.
Names of Register Clerks follows. The
following were appointed clerks of regis-
tration for the ensuing year:
First Precinct -Neil Coughlin, Sdheed
Second Precinct -M. Lippman, James
First Precinct -Adam A. Lorenz, D. D.
W. Carver.
Second Precint-W. G. Robinson, P. H.
First Precinct -A. F. Voelker, Peter B.
Second Precinct -Milton N. McLean,
Frank Hoffman.
Third Precinct -Wm. Haisch, Anton
First Precinct -Ed. Werner, John
Second Precinct -H. L. Cutts, George
Third Precinct -Henry Wybrant, James
First Precinct -A. J. II. Tuegel, d daip;a
&Agfa. 4i116t7=2MCTi1C•
Second Precinct -John Meyer, N. P.
Third Precinct -Robert Beckler, John
Fourth Precinct -Louis Doerfler, Peter
A sealed bid from Mr. T. Connolly for
Fire apparatus in new engine house was
Ald. Clancy moved that the rules be
suspended in order that Mr. 'Phos. N.
Burke, representing the W. S. Nott Co.,
of Minneapolis, might be heard in regard
to the hid.
Mr. Burke addressed the Council, ex-
plaining the different points of the com-
bination chemical engine and hose wagon
that his firm manufactures.
At the conclusion of Mr. Burke's re-
marks, Ald. Jones moved that the bid be
returned to Mr. Connolly unopened, and
the Recorder be instructed to advertise
for a 50 -gallon Combination Chemical En-
gine and Hose Wagon, and bids to be
in on or before Oct. 2nd, 1902. Carried.
Regular Session, Sept. 18, 1902.
Ald. Horr, chairman of the committee
on Finance, reported as follows:
Your committee on Finance, to whom
was referred the petition of the St. Jos-
eph's Mercy Hospital, asking that certain
lots purchased by it during the year 1901
be exempt from the taxes for said year,
would recommend that said petition be
returned to the petitioner for a more
specific statement as to which lots were
purchased in May, 1901, and which in Au-
gust also as to whether or not said prop-
erty was leased or used for pecuniary
profit during the year 1901.
JOSEPH L. HORR, Chairman.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report.
Ald. Frith. chairman of the committee
on Streets, reported as follows:
Your committee on Streets, to whom
was referred the petition of Pier & Neu-
woehner, asking that they be granted
permission to place on the street corners
and in other public places, seventy-five
boxes for depositing waste paper, would
recommend that they be allowed to put in
said boxes, provided the same are not 1
larger than 1R inches by 24 inches by 26
inches and are placed in such localities
as may he determined by the committee
on Streets and are emptied at the ex-
pense of the petitioners whenever neces-
Also. your committee on Streets would
respectfully recommend that the City En-
gineer be instructed to remove the fence
situated in Garfield avenue near Dock
street. Also. that all persons be prohib-
ited from taking sand from Garfield ave-
nue without first having secured permis-
sion from the City Engineer so to do.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report.
Ald. Raymond, chairman of the com-
mittee on Delinquent Tax. reported as
Your committee on Delinquent Tax
would respectfully recommend that on ac-
count of her poverty, the tax of Mrs.
Mary Rubeck against the N. % of the M.
1-5 of City Lot 496 be canceled for the
year 1901 and that the Treasurer he in-
structed accordingly.
Ald. Raymonrt moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Jones, of the Board of Health, re-
ported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
eil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen—Your Board of Health. at a
meeting held Sept. Stn. 1902, would re-
spectfully report that the bill from the
Telegraph -Herald, for health reports for
March and April, also extra health re-
ports for May, total amount $10.00, that
was referred to the hoard by the City
Connell, was received and filed.
Also report that Mr. John Voelker pre-
sented two hills, one for conveying Mr.
Gen. Glassen to the Detention Hospital
July 7th, 1902, and one for fumigating
the residence of Mr. Peter Botzet, No.
1257 Jackson street. Aug. 21st. 1902; total
amount of both bills, 31323, which were
audited by the hoard, and referred to the
County Supervisors for payment.
Also recommend that the City Council
pass a resolution to the effect that all
property holders between Seventh and
Eighth on Iowa and Clay streets, also
from Ninth to Eleventh on Main and Lo-
cust streets, he notified to connect with
the sewer, where not already connected.
Also recommend that Sanitary Police-
man Flynn be instructed to investigate
the alley between Ninth and Tenth and
Main and Locust streets, if any nuisance
be found in said alley. that he notify the
property holders to abate the same.
Also recommend that the property own-
ers on West Fifth street, also at Thir-
teenth and Maple streets, where there Is
stagnant water, he notified to drain the
Also report that the hoard certified to
a communication, from Health Officer
Dr. B. Michel, to the Board of Super-
visors, containing names of smallpox pa-
tients that he had attended from .Tan.
1 ;th to April 15th, 1902, and for which he
had not received any compensation.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the report.
Joseph L. Herr. chairman of the com-
mittee of the Whole, reported as fol-
Yonr committee of the Whole, to whom
was referred the netition of the Chicago.
Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway company,
asking that parts of certain streets and
alleys in the city of Dubuque. indicated
on on accompanying plat. he vacated
and annulled, would recommend that as
the said railway company is the owner
of all the property abutting on the
streets and alleys propo,ed to be vacat-
ed, the prayer of the petiliener be grant-
ed and that the proper resebitinn be pre-
Also your committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of Mrs.
J. B. Nolte, et al. asking that the ordi-
nance imposing a license fee on hoarding
houses be repealer, beg to report that
the matter was submitted to the City
Attorney for his opinion as to the legal -
i`., of the ordinance in question, said
opinion (whieh is hereby made a part of
this report) being. that the ordinance Is
both legal and constitutional, we would
recommend that the petition he received
and filed.
City Attorney's opinion follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and Aldermen
of the City of Dubuque.:
Gentlemen—On the Sth day of August,
1902, the committee of the Whole sub-
mitted to me for my opinion, the peti-
tion of Mrs. J. B. Nohe and other pri-
vate hoarding house keepers, praying the
City Council to reveal the ordinance re-
r,oiring hoarding house keepers to pay
a license.
The ordinance referred to is in confor-
mity with paragraph eighteen of section
7 of the charter of the City of Dubuque,
whieh is as follows: "To
license, tax
and regulate auctioneers. peddlers aux
traveling merchants, grocers. merchants.
livery and
ing keepers
er.' stables, ofeating houses.
houses, saloons and places of amuse-
ment, and bankers. dealers in money,
warrants, notes and other
indebtedness, and works of allkinds..of
Ordinances of this kind have frequent-
ly been
Iowa andother
state both Supremed by the to their ler
entity and constitutionality. I am of
the opinion that section 700 of the Code
of 107, referred to in said petition, Is
222 Regular Session, Sept. 18, 1902.
not in conflict with the provision of the
charter above referred to, nor is said
provision effected in any way by the
passage oaf said section.
The petition prays for the repeal of
this ordinance, and that is a matter en-
tirely within the jurisdiction of the
Council and your honorable body is am-
ply qualified to recommend the proper
action to be taken on this petition. Re-
spectfully submitted,
City Attorney.
Also your committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the matter of spec-
ial assessment against Mrs. E. Quinlivan
for the improvement of Grandview ave-
nue, would recommend that the Mayor
and City Attorney be authorized to ef-
fect a settlement of the matter.
Also your committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of Con-
lin & Kearns, asking that they be per-
mitted to construct a spur track east of
the property leased by them from the
C. G. W. Ry. Co., as shown on an at-
tached plat, from a point between Tenth
and Eleventh streets to a point between
Twelfth and Thirteenth streets. would
recommend that the prayer of the peti-
tioners be granted, provided that Con-
lin & Kearns properly fill and plank be-
tween and outside the rails at the street
intersections so that vehicles and pedes-
trians may easily pass over the same.
Also your committee of the Whole. to
whom was referred the bill of Dr. E. L.
Reinecke, for $12.00 for medical attend-
ance on W. Clark, would recommend
that said hill he received and filed.
Also your committee of the Whole begs
to report that the steam road roller is
no longer fit for service, and we would
recommend that a new 30,000 -lbs. roller
be leased from the O. S. Kelly Steam
Roller company until May 1. 1903, at
a rental of $1.000.00; said rental to apply
on the price of the roller, should the city
then decide ' to buy it. The
pr!ce of thi roller, with a harrow
and road plow to be 83.550.00. with an al-
lowance of $250.00 for the old roller on
May 1. 1413. should the city then decide
to turn it in in part payment. We would
further recommend that the Mayor be,
instructed to enter. without delay, into
this agreement with the O. S. Kelly Co.
of Springfield, Ohio.
JOSEPH L. HORR, Chairman.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report
of the committee of the Whole. Car-
The contract between the Kelly
Springfield Road Roller Co. and the city
of Dubuque follows:
Agreement made and entered into by
and between the Kelly Springfield Road
Roller company. a corporation duly es-
tablished by law and having its usual
place of business at Springfield, Ohio,
and. city of Dubuque, State of Iowa:
Witnesseth: The Kelly Springfield Road
Roller company agrees to rent to Bald
city of Dubuque, one '(of its latest im-
proved thirty -thousand pound steam road
rollers, with beveled wheels and steam
steering gear complete; also one street
harrow and (.ne flitter plow, for the
term of seven months from the first day
of October, A. D.. 1902, to the first day
of May, A. D., 1903, for the sum of one
thousand ($1.000.00) dollars. And the
said city of Dubyque agrees to pay the
Kelly Springfield Road Roller company
said sum of one thousand ($1,000.00) dol.
lent, on the first day of May, 1903.
The said company agrees to deliver said
roller on the streets of said city
of Dubuque, free from freight or other
charges. and also to send a competent
workman to start and operate said rol-
ler for one week. during which time he
shall instruct such person as such city
of Dubuque shall designate, in the use
and operation of said roller, and said
person shall take charge of the same.
Said company also agrees to deliver said
street harrow and rutter plow in said
city of Dubuque, free from freight or
other charges.
The Kelly Springfield Road Roller Com-
pany agrees to sell said Roller, Street
Harrow and the Rutter Plow, to the City
of Dubuque. at any time during said
term, for the sum of Three Thousand and
Five Hundred and Fifty ($3.550.00) Dol-
lars, and also agrees that the sum of
One Thousand ($1.000.00) Dollars, to be
paid for the rent of said Roller, may be
applied on the purchase price of the
Said City of Dubuque agrees to take
proper care of said Roller during said
term. and to keep the same properly
sheltered when not in use, and to return
the same to the Kelly Springfield Road
Roller Company, at Dubuque. Iowa, at
the end of said term, unless it shall be
sold as aforesaid, in as good condition
as it is when delivered as aforesaid. prop-
er and reasonable use and wear thereof
only excepted.
The Kelly Springfield Road Roller Com-
pany agrees to take the old Roller now
owned by said City, and allow for the
same the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty
($250.00) Dollars upon the contract price
of the new Roller. in the event said City
purchases said new Roller. The City of
Dubuque reserves the right to either re-
tain said old Roller or not at its discre-
tion. Said City to have the right to use
said old Roller until May 1st. 1903.
The Kelly Springfield Road Roller Com-
pany guarantees said Roller to be and to
do all that is claimed for it in the specifi-
cations hereto attached and made a part
of this contract, and to be of first-class
material, construction and workmanship
throughout. To be durable with proper
care, and if properly handled, will do
more and better work in a given time
than any other steam roller made; to
have ample power to ascend a grade of
twenty-two per cent.; and further agrees
to furnish free of charge. for the period
of one year from date of acceptance, any
part that may prove defective in either
workmanship or material.
In Witness Whereof. the said parties
have hereunto and to another instrument
of like tenor, subscribed their names this
18th day of September, A. D. 1902.
By C. H. BERG. Mayor.
Attest: C. F. ARENDT,
Ald. Frith offered the following:
Be It Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, that a grade he es-
tablished an Traut Terrace from Diag-
onal Street to the south end of said ter-
race, and that the Street committee and
City Engineer be instructed in accordance
Aid. Frith moved to adopt the resolu-
Regular Session,
Sept. 18, 1902. 223
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy. Corrance, Frith,
1letr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Ald. Raymond offered the folowing:
13e it resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque. that it is deemed neces-
sary and advisable to improve Gilmore
Place from West Fifth street to the alley
first north of Fenelon Place, and that it
is hereby proposed to grade, curb, gutter
and macadamize said street.
Ald. Raymond moved to adopt the reso-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance. Frith,
Herr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Na ys—None.
Ald. Raymond also offered the follow-
Be it resolved by the City Council Of
the City of Dubuque, that the City Engi-
neer be and he is hereby instructed to
prepare a plat showing generally the lo-
cation, nature and extent of the proposed
improvement on Gilmore Place from West
Fifth street to the alley first north of
Fenelon Place, and the kind of material
to he used. and an estimate of the entire
cost thereof, and the amount and cost
of such improvement. and the amount as-
sessable upon any railway or street rail-
way, the amount and cost thereof to be
paid by the city, if any, and the cost
thereof and amount assessable upon each
lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abut-
ting upon such improvement per front
foot, and to file such plat and estimate
in the office of the Clty Recorder; that
after the filing of said plat and estimate
in his office, the City Recorder shall pub-
lish in three consecutive issues of a news-
paper published in this city a notice
stating that such plat and estimate are
on file, the location and nature of the
improvement, kind of material to be
used, and an estimate of its cost and the
time before which objections thereto can
be filed and the time fixed for hearing,
which time shall not be less than five
days after the last publication of such no-
tice and after such publication shall have
been made the City Recorder shall. at the
next regular session of the City Council
notify the Council thereof in writing with
a printed copy of such notice accompany-
ing the same.
Ald. Raymond movedgto adopt the reso-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance. Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Ald. Horr offered the following:
Whereas, It is deemed necessary and
advisable by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque to vacate and annul the parts
of streets and alleys in the City of Du-
buque hereinafter mentioned, and to
grant the use thereof to the Chicago,
Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company,
Resolved, That it is the intention of
the City Council of the City of Dubuque
to vacate and annul Ash street from the
southerly line of lots 19 in Block 12 and
6. in Block 17, Railroad Add. to the north
property line of Twentieth street; Twen-
tieth street from the east property line
of Ash street to the west property line of
Marsh street; the alley between Ash
street and Marsh street from the
southerly line of lots 6 and 19,
Block 17. Railroad Addition, to the
south property line of Twentieth
end of said Marsh street, also the alley
between Marsh street and Hickory street
from the north property line of Twentieth
street to the north end of said alley, and
be it further resolved that the Clty En-
gineer be and he is hereby directed to
make a survey and plat of such proposed
vacation and annulment, showing the
land or lots abutting on and through
which said streets and alleys run at the
point of such proposed vacation, the
names of the owners of the property or
lots abutting on said streets and alleys
at the point of the proposed vacation and
the quantity of land and the extent of
the streets and alleys proposed to be va-
cated ,and to file such plat in his office
for public inspection. That after such
plat is so prepared and filed, said City
Engineer shall give the owners of the
property abutting on said streets and al-
leys at the point of its proposed vacation,
notice, as prescribed in Section Two (2),
Chapter Thirty -One (31) of the Ordinances
of the City of Dubuque, and shall further
cause notice of said proposed vacation to
be published in the city papers as pre-
scribed in Section Eight (8) of Chapter
Thirty -One (31) of the Ordinances of the
City of Dubuque.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the resolu-
Carried by the following vote.
Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Ald. Jones moved to adjourn until Oc-
tober 2nd, 1902. Carried.
City Recorder.
Approved.9 at
224 List of Warrants.
City Recorder's Office.
Dubuque, Iowa, September 1, 1902.
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: The following is a complete
list of all warrants issued by me during
the month of August, 1902:
C. H. Berg, salary, Mayor $116 65
H. Brinkman, salary, Treasurer133 30
C. F. Arendt, salary, Recorder 116 r5
F. B. Hoffman, salary, Auditor 116 65
C. B. Scherr, salary, Assessor 125 00
Geo. A. Barnes, salary, Attorney150 00
J. B. Powers, salary, Asst. Attorney 50 00
Ed. Morgan, salary, Chief of Police 100 00
Jos. Reinfrled, salary, Fire Chief100 00
J. W. Lawlor, salary, Committee
Clerk 95 00
W. A. Iiaep, salary, Assistant Re-
corder 15 00
H. Brinkman, salary, Treasurer's
Assistants 135 00
Jas. Boyce, salary, City Engineer166 65
E. Anderson, salary, Assistant En-
gineer 100 00
F. Neuwothener, salary, rodman60 00
E. Herron, salary, Superintendent
Street Sprinkling 50 00
W. I-Iipman, salary, Electrician.."83 30
H. Tropf, salary, Marketmaster50 00
P. Ryan, salary, Park Custdoian.., 40 00
P. Klein, salary, Park Custodian40 00
Dr. B. Michel. salary, Health Of-
ficer.... • 50 00
F. Flynn, salary, Sanitary Patrol-
man 60 00
N. Offerman, salary, Poundmaster45 00
Mrs. H. Koenig, salary, Janitress., 2000
A. Crawford, salary, Sidewalk In-
spector.... 50 00
R. F. Curran, salary, Wharfmaster20 00
M. Clancy, salary, Alderman 25 00
H. Corrance, salary, Alderman 25 00
E. E. Frith, salary, Alderman 25 00
J. L. Horr, salary, Alderman 25 00
R. Jones, salary, Alderman 25 00
G. N. Raymond, salary, Alderman., 25 00
J. J. Sheridan, salary, Alderman,25 00
M. Eitel, fireman ...... .... . 65 00
J. Essman, fireman 75 00
J. Flynn, fireman.. .... ... 65 00
J. Roshln, fireman 60 00
A, Duccini, fireman 60 00
J. Tschudi, fireman 50 00
A. Heer, fireman.... .... ., 50 00
T. Schonberger, fireman
50 00
C. Hansen, fireman.... ....45 25
J. Daley, flteman 65 00
J. Barnes, fireman 75 00
G. Beyer, fireman 65 00
W. Ducey, fireman 60 00
T. Ryder, fireman ...... .... 60 00
F. Murphy, fireman.. .... 50 00
P. Ahern, fireman.... .... 50 00
M. Kelly, fireman.... ....
D. Ahern, fireman.... 65 00
A. McDonnell, fireman.... „ 65 00
F. Kenneally, fireman.... „ . • • 65 00
T. Kennedy, fireman.... ....... 65 00
P. Zillig, fireman.... .... .. 50 00
""""•. 50 03
M. Sweeney, fireman.... „
N. Wagner, fireman...... 60 0
Wm. McConnell, fireman 50 00
J. Murphy, fireman.... 60 00
G. Gehrke, fireman.... .., 65 00
F. Flynn, fireman.,.. 60 00
F. Baumgartner, fireman 60 00
J. Smith, fireman.... ..,. 50 00
C. Kannolt, captain..
J. Allen, fireman..." 65 00
60 00
B. Weston, fireman 60 00
M. Fahey, fireman 50 00
Joe Bertsch. police 50 00
G. Burke'. police 48 35
B. Busse. police 48 35
J. Carter, police , . , , , , , 51 65
M. Craugh, police 67 20
J. Clone, police ...... • ........ • 51 65
J. Cody, police 5165
P. Dunphey, police ... . • 50 00
Il. Donlon, police ... ......... . 51 66
Wilmer Cook. police 50 00
John Fitzpatrick, police 50 00
Jas. Flynn, police 50 00
Wm. Frith, police . , , .. , , , 50 00
P. Hanlon, police 50 00
Wm. TTennessy, police 45 01)
M. Kilty, police 50 00
E. Kahn, police 50 00
J. Loetscher, police . , , 50 00
John Murphy, police 50 00
P. McCollins, police 51 65
1'. Mclnerny, police 50 00
John Moore, police 60 00
D. Norton, police 50 00
M. O'Connor, police , , , , 50 00
A. Pfeffer, police , , , .. 50 00
Pat Powers, police . . .. 61 65
T. Reilly, police 65 00
J. Raesli, police 67 20
Jas. Ryan, police 50 00
Otto R•ith, police , • , 50 00
Tom Sweeney, police . , , . 60 00
P. Scharff. police ............. • 50 00
P. Sullivan, police . , , 51 65
Al. Scherr, police 62 00
P. Sutton, police 50 00
J. L. Sullivan. police 46 70
M. Stapleton. police , , 50 00
L. Zeidman, police . , , , 50 00
Joe Tyler, police , , 50 00
Mrs. Kate Hibbi, matron . 30 00
Miss B. Brennan, matron , , , , '. , , , 30 00
Labor cleaning and repairing streets
during the last half of July, 1902:
Aug. Handelman, labor 11 50
John Hayes, labor 12 85
E. Amanda, labor 14 55
Paul Becker, labor 17 55
Jos. Blocklinger, ,labor 3 40
Fred Budde, labor 15 55
C. Bluecher, labor . .. 1 35
J. Brachtenbach, labor 810
C. Busse, labor . 3 40
W. Coughlin, labor , •8 80
Jas. Callahan, labor 20 00
Jas. Connolly, labor 18 90
H. Cobb, labor . . _ _ 18 90
18 90
21 00
6 10
3 40
14 20
13 85
John Corbett, labor
Henry Cosgrove, labor
Thos. Donahue, labor
John Dougherty, labor
Peter Dax, labor .
John Egan, labor
R. Eddy, labor
Geo. Frost, foreman
Mat. Fetshele, labor
John Flynn, labor
Pat. Fenelon, labor
Nelson Frith, stoker
Pat. Grue, labor
Pat. Galloon, labor
Barney Glass, labor
G. Gau, labor
Peter Guenther, labor
G. Gemehle, labor
Jos. Grab, labor
C. Gantenbein, labor
John I-Tafey, labor . .
Geo. Hecklinger, labor
Geo, J. Hahn, labor ,
Adam Henderson, labor
Jos. Haupert, labor
4 00
20 00
R 10
12 85
18 90
50 00
4 05
6 45
13 85
16 20
15 90
12 85
16 20
20 00
4 40
6 75
20 00
10 50
7 00
List of Warrants.
Aug. Hafeman, Libor
J. Hanson, labor ,
E. Hird. labor •
John Heil, carpenter
John John, labor , , , .....
Aug. Joss, labor
Nie. Kettenhofen, labor
John Kness, labor „ ...... .. , .
John Kelly, labor
W. Kronfeldt, labor
Paul Krocheski, labor
Mat. Klein, paper collector
John Lavery, labor
Mat. Loos, labor
H. Leicht, labor
H. Lemhke, labor 1115
M. Lavin, labor . 18 90
L. Leffclholtz, labor 18 90
Mike Meagher, labor 7 10
Rob. Mack, labor 9 45
Jcs. Martinek, labor 15 20
Nat Mabe. labor 4 75
Adam Manderscheid, labor . , , . , , 3 40
Al. Moyer, labor• .. 18 90
John McCarron, labor 9 45
W. McDermott, labor 8 10
Wm. McClain, labor 70
Jas. McCracken. labor , , 6 10
Barney McCormick, labor .. , , , , . , , 2 05
Robt. McGivern, labor 21 00
C. Nanek, labor .,.,,,.. 1000
W. O'Brien, foreman 20 00
Jas. Powers, labor . , 10 15
Jas. Purcell, labor 4 06
John Pfeiffer, labor 10 80
Wm. Quinlan, labor 4 75
Jas. Ryan, labor 2 70
Mat Raishek, labor 135
Phil Reddin, labor 4 75
W. Ruesch. labor 1125
Jos. Rooney, labor 20 25
P. J. Royce, labor 16 00
John Spear, labor ... ... 14 85
Aug. Soyke. labor 10 50
Chris. Scholl, labor 8 95
Tony Schmidt, labor 1215
John Schroeder, labor 4 05
Louis Smith, labor 4 75
S. Schaetzle, labor 1115
F. Scherr, labor 18 90
R. Turner, labor 12 85
W. Welsh, labor 13 50
Ed. Welsh, labor 15 90
W. Wearmouth, foreman 20 00
G. Wiedman. labor 4 40
Nie Wampach, labor ..... ... ... 1 35
Thos. Young, engineer 75 00
Geo. Zumhoff, foreman .... 18 00
Frank Burns, team 2 40
Jos. Calvert, team 26 80
M. •Gantenbein, team 16 55
M. Hannan. team 32 30
Jake Haudenschield, team ..... 26 80
Peter Horch, team 1105
J. Huffmire (contract), team 40 85
Pat Lenihan, team ... 23 65
Frank Mathis, team 9 45
Thos. Morgan, team ..... ... ...... 4 75
Carson McElrath, team .... ... 2915
Ted O'Brien, team 15 75
Louis Pen. team 16 55
A. Paler, team .... ... 790
Ed. Seeley, team ... 4 75
Frank Sieg. team
Adam Stoltz, team
5 40
19 00
9 45
20 00
6 45
15 90
11 60
1 35
6 45
14 85
14 85
12 50
3 40
1 35
7 00
Jas. Tobin, team
M. Theis, team
Jesse Venn, team
Labor on sewers
of July, 1902:
Pat Casserly, labor
9 45
2 40
22 85
23 65
24 45
during the last half
$ 22 10
John Corcoran. labor ..... ... 22 40
S. H. Cook. foreman 25 00
R. A. Fuller, labor
Fred Honecker, labor
22 40
Pat Kenneally, labor 16 00
Pat Sage, labor 20 80
Landon Taylor, labor 22 40
Teams hauling sprinktfng wagons dur-
ing the last half of July, 1902: - '—
Becker Bros
Frank Burns
T. B. Cain •
A. Conrad
Martin Maher
J. J. McCollins
A. Doerr, Jr., assistant assessor
for July ,,,, ,,,, ,,
Jos. J. Murphy, assistant assessor
for July• 75 00
H. J. Tropf, board of prisoners for
July • ...
C. H. Jordan, repairing roof on city
W. R. Pearce, papering committee
86 80
44 00
40 00
42 80
45 60
44 00
75 00
6 20
room 7 70
W. R. Pearce, papering matron's
department....• 9 90
Undon Printing Co., blank station-
ery for assessor's office 2 25
A. E. Bradley, glazing at city hall 100
Gus Holl, sharpening lawn mower 100
Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber for road
department ••••28 60
Key City Gas Co., coke for road
department • •, , 50 25
R. W. Carr, filing saws for road de-
partment 75
Rumpf-Frudden Lumber Co., lum-
ber for road department . 18 86
J. I. Halcomb Mfg. Co., - dozen
street sweepers for road depart-
ment.. 7 50
.. . ... ... . • .. ......
F. Roehl, powder and fuse for road
department .... .. . . .... .... 2 30
F. Schloz & Son, repairing tools
for road department , ... .... .. 2 60
Chas. Matz, repairing tools for road
department , 2 05
Smedley Steam Pump Co.. hydraulic
packing for road department , 60
Key City Gas Co., coke for fire de-
partment •.... .... ...... 1080
Heller & Scherr. horseshoeing for
fire department . ... .... .... .. 4 00
Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse
shoeing for fire department . 9 25
Ott, Meuser & Co., shavings for fire
department . . .. .... .......... 3 00
G. B. Grosvenor & Co., toilet paper
for road department ... , .. .... 4 50
Harger & Blish, shades for various
engine houses .... • • 23 15
W. H. Torbert, drugs and supplies 13 55
for fire department .. •
Geo. W. Healey, 1 tree pruner for 100
Geo. \V. Ilealey & Son, new tools 4 50
for sewer department
Geo. W. Healey & Son, hardware
for fire department ,
Jno. Hartig, repairs for fire depart-
F. Mertz. repairing keys for fire 1
Key City Gas Co., to rent of Hum-
phrey arc light at Central engine
house ....
Key City Gas Co., mantle and
chimney at Delhi street engine
house .• •••
Jon. F. Garvey, plumbing at Cen-
tral engine house 2 95
net for mMakers'
tron's tion,, supplies
ment........ .... .... .... ........
Jno. Huffineler, hauling clay at pa-
trol house •• •••• 125
1 45
1 30
List of Warrants.
James Street, rock furnished for
sewer department 9 00
R. Jungk, repairs at fountain on
Seminary street ...... .... .... 1 45
R. Jungk, repairs on fountain at
Linwood cemetery
R. Jungk, repairs on fountain at
Grandview avenue
Globe -Journal, official printing for
Dubuque Telegraph -Herald, official
printing for July......
National Demokrat, official print-
ing for July
The Times, publishing notices for
July.... .... ............ ....
Union Electric Co., arc lights for
July.... 2029 58
Keuffel & Esser Co., supplies for
engineer's office 60
Jrto. Hartlg, two steel keys for
garbage dump ...... .... .... a0
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for gar-
bage dump 1 25
T. E. Frith, removing garbage and
dead animals during July.....: 376 38
Standard Oil Co., oil for sprinkling
department 2 06
F. Schloz & Son, repairs on Street
Sprinkler 2 00
Noel & Wagner, bran for fire de-
partment.... .... .... .... 95
E. J. Schilling, building manhole at
Fifteenth and Iowa streets.... 8 00
J. F. Ris & Bros., 1 dozen bushel
baskets for fire department 4 80
Dubuque Telegraph -Herald, board
of health reports and wrappers for
May ... 5 50
Lagen & Sullivan, horseshoeing for
fire department 13 45
Lagen & Sullivan, horseshoeing for
road department.... .... ... 3 00
T. J. Mulgrew, sewer pipe for sewer
department.... .. .. .... 5 90
C. J. W. Saunders, Jr., supplies for
matron's department.... .... 255
Carr, Ryder & Adams Co., 1 screen
door for Central engine house 2 50
Linehan & Molo, hemp packing for
road department ...... .... .... 30
Linehan & Molo, cement for sewer
department.... 538
Linehan & Molo, Dubuque & Wis-
consin high bridge approach3 08
Jno. 'Butt, repairs for fire depart-
ment........ .6 35
Jno. Butt, repairs for road and
sewer departments.. 15 40
Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co,
washers and rings for sewer de-
partment.... 3 00
Jas. Levi & Co., silkoline for ma-
tron's department 180
L. Daily, cleaning around market
square during April, May, June
and July 56 U0
d. F. Kleih, hardware for road de-
partment.... •580
G. F. Kleih, manila rope for sewer
department.... 75
Purington Paving Brick Co., 'three
car loads of paving brick for road
department.... w 265 05
A. A. Brown, repairs for road de-
partment.... 2 25
T. J. Donahue, gravel for road de-
partment.... 30 45
Gantenbefn & Taylor, gravel for
road department.... .... 6 30
P. Clancy, cinders for road depart-
ment ........ 11 00
Pape & Jacquinot, tile and brick for
road department.... .. . 58 40
Pape & Jacquinot, final estimate
constructing storm water sewer
in Washington and Elms streets394 56
2 10
1 45
60 00
50 00
25 00
20 00
Jos. Piltz, constructing new side-
walk abutting lot 7, Myrtle add..
O'Farrell & Norton, balance due
for improving Cox street
Kenna Printing Co., blank station -
11 76
19 84
4 50
A. A. Cooper, repairs on sprinkler
O'Farrell & Norton, 5 per cent re-
tained for paving Seventh street
from Main to Locust streets •
Campbell & 1Watkins, one sign for
police headquarters ,
C. McElrath. hauling brush from
Jackson park ,,,, ,,,, ...
J. Bender, trimming trees in Jack-
son park • ,• .
Barger & Blish. wall paper for
committee rorn and matron de-
partment , , , , .... 9 92
T. T. Carkeek. plans and specifica-
tions for new engine house on
Grandview avenue , , , , , , , , , , , 125 00
Jno. A. Voelker, fumigating resi-
dences as per cont'a.ct during
smallpox epidemic ,.., ,,,,, 10645
W. W. Whelan. repairing harness
hangers. fire department , , ; 25
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary services
for fire department .. , , , , , , „ 18 00
F. A. Dalton, veterinary services for
fire department, ••••17 52
Mullen & Papin, plumbing at Cen-
tral and Delhi street engine
houses ,,,
Chris. Lembke. repairing harruss
for fire department. . , , , , , , , , , , 4 10
II. Brinkman. excavation permits
redeemed , , , . • ...... 100 00
H. Brinkman, interest on warrants 498 67
H. Brinkman, freight charges l'or
road department, , , , , , • , , , , 91 5a
H. Brinkman. freight charges for
fire and police departments, 130
H. Brinkman, exchange, New York 2 64)
H. Brinkman, refunded tax 10 50
H. Brinkman, express charges, en-
gineer's department „ , , , , , , , , 70
Jrw. Kriebs, loan , , , , , , , , ,,,,,, 800 00
Mrs. A. «'oodward, loan 1500 04)
N. J. Schrup, treasurer, loan.. 4000 00
German Trust & Savings hank,
loan , , , ,• ..........10,000 00
Ernestine Lavery, loan 1000 00
Wm. Watson. loan.. , , , , . ,1000 00
Labor cleaning and repairing streets
during the first baif of August, 1902:
John Burns, labor $ 5 40
Paul Becker, lanor 10 80
Jos Blocklinger. labor 3 40
Fred Budde, labor 1216
Fred Budien, labor 10 80
Jake Brenner, labor 2 40
John Brachtenbach, labor .... ... 2 70
Chas. Busse, labor .... .... 2 70
W. Coughlin, labor 10 80
Jerry Cahill, labor 540
John Callahan, labor 5 40
Jas. Callahan, foreman 20 00
John Cushing, labor 5 40
Jas. Connolly, labor ... 17 55
H. Cobb, labor ..... ... 17 55
John Corbett, labor ..... ... 17 55
Henry Cosgrove, driverIS 00
John Dougherty, labor ..., ...•••• 5 40
Peter Dax, labor 946
John Egan, labor 810
S. Elmer, labor 10 50
Geo. Frost, foreman 20 00
Mat Fetshele, labor 6 75
John Flynn, labor 2 70
H. Fitzloff, labor 3 50
Pat Fenelon, labor 17 55
Barney Glass, labor 3 40
Chas. Cruenzizg, labor 3 40
3 50
96 14
4 00
4 90
Official Notices.
Peter Guenther, labor
G. Gemehle, labor ..
G. Gau, labor
Jos. Grab, labor . , , ,
C. Gantenbein, Jr., labor
J. Garrison, labor .. .. ..
C. Gantenbein, foreman
John Hafey, labor
Thos. Hackney, labor ....... ... ....
Geo. Hahn, foreman ....... ... ....
John Hayes, labor
A. Ilenderson, labor
Jos. Haupert, labor ,,.,
Jake Hansen, labor
E. Hird, labor
John Heil, carpenter
Aug. T-Iafeman, Labor
Aug. Jass, labor
Nic. Kettenhofen, labor
John Kelly, labor
W. Kronfeldt, labor ... .........
Paul Krocheski, labor
J. Kraus. labor
Mat Klein. paper collector
John LI very. labor
H. Leml•ke, labor
H. Leik, labor
Mike Lavin. labor
L. Leffelhnitz, labor
Mike Meagher, labor
Rob. Mack, labor
Nat Habe, labor
Al. Moyer. labor
Jas. McCarron. labor
W. McClain, labor
Jas. McCracken, labor
Roht. McGivern, driver
C. Nanck. labor
W. O'Brien. foreman
Jas. Purcell, labor
Jas. Powers. labor
Jake Perrion, labor
C. Priebe
W. Quinlan, labor
James Ryan, labor
'Phil Reddin, labor
W. Ruesch
Jos. Rooney, labor
Pat Royce
Nic. Sweeney, labor
Thos. Smith. labor
John Schroeder, labor
Aug. Soyke. labor
Tony Schmidt, labor
Chris. Scholl, labor
Louis Smith, labor
Frank Scherr, labor.
R. Turner, labor
W. Walsh, labor
Ed. Welsh, labor
John Walsh (Race) labor.,.. .,,,...
W. Wearmouth. foreman
Geo. Zumhoff, foreman.,., ....
Jos. Calvert, team ... .. .....
M. Hannan. team.... .... .... ........
J. Haudenschield, team
Peter Horch, team
J. I-Tuffmire, (contract) team
Mike Kenneally, team.,..
Pat Linehan. team
John Long. team
Frank Mathis, team.... ,.,,
Carson McElrath, team
Ted. O'Brien, team.... .... ..
Mike O'Brien, team
A. Paley, team
H. Rink, team
Ed. Seeley, team
Sam Snodgrass, team
Frank Sieg, team.... .... .. .........
James Tobin, team
M. Theis. team
Labor on sewers
of August, 1902:
P. Casserly, labor
John Corcoran, labor ... • ..
14 85
11 50
10 80
13 BO
8 46
20 ll0
9 45
8 80
20 00
5 40
4 06
24 00
18 00
9 45
20 00
2 70
15 55
10 80
8 10
9 45
14 8a
3 70
12 50
5 40
15 90
25 50
17 55
1 35
9 15
10 80
17 55
8 Sn
4 05
6 75
19 50
20 00
5 40
9 45
9 45
3 50
4 05
27 55
19 50
18 00
9 45
5 40
7 45
7 80
6 75
8 80
9 45
17 55
6 75
10 80
9 45
1 05
20 00
3 00
7 90
1 60
13 40
34 65
37 90
9 45
5 55
8 70
4 75
26 80
12 60
361 50
34 65
12 60
7 90
12 60
22 05
during the first half
12 00
12 80
S. H, Cook, foreman ,
R. A. Fuller, labor
Fred Honecker, labor
P. Kenneally, labor
Jos. Rooney, labor
Pat Sage, labor „
Landon Taylor, labor
25 00
6 40
6 40
14 40
6 40
6 40
Labor on Bee Branch Sewer during the
first half of August, 1902:
P. Casserly, labor
John Corcoran, labor
R .A. Fuller, labor
Fred Honecker, labor
Pat Kenneally, labor
Pat Royce, labor ,,,.
Pat Sage. labor , ,
Landon Taylor, labor , 14 40
Hauling sprinkling wagons during the
first half of August, 1902:
Becker Bros.
Frank Burns
T. 13. Cain .
A. Conrad
Martin Maher
O. J. McCollins ,,, ,. 40 40
E. J. Voggenthaler Co., repairing
steam roller ••,,, , 43 45
Ragatz & Schaetgen, repairs on
steam roller 16 55
M. Tschirgi, 1-2 pay for sewer con-
nections for D. \V. Linehan 16 05
Dolan & McDonald, final estimate,
constructing sanitary sewer in Di-
agonal street from alley east of
Broadway street to Broadway
street 163 55
O'Farrell & Norton, final estimate
for improving Cox street. , , , , , , , 9 84
O'Farrell & Nerton, rolling Cox
6 40
4 80
14 40
14 40
4 80
3 20
12 80
80 00
39 20
40 00
40 00
39 20
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a
true and correct list of all warrants is-
sued by me during the month of August,
1902. C. F. ARENDT,
City Recorder.
To All Whom It May Concern:
You and each of you are hereby noti-
fied that it is the intention of the City
Council of Dubuque, to pave with brick,
on a concrete foundation, the alley be-
tween Bluff and Locust streets, from the
north curb line of Tenth street, to the
south curb line of Eleventh street.
That a plat and specifications of said
proposed improvement is now en file in
the office of the City Recorder,
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that said imp1'ovcmcnt will require as fol-
lows: 220.4 square yards of brick paving
at $1.75 per square yard. making a total
estimated cost to the abutting property
owners of $385.70.
Any person having objections to said
improvement is hereby notified to appear
before the City Council at its session
to be held Sept. 18th, 1902, or to file with
the City Recorder their objections in
writing en or before the 15th day of Sep-
tember, 1902.
Dated Sept. 10th., 1902.
9-10-9t. City Recorder.
228 Official Notices.
Alderman Clancy ordered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the city
of Dubuque, That a sidewalk four (4)
feet wide, of good two inch plank. brick.
stone or cement, be, within ten (10) days
of this notice, constructed and laid in
conformity with the ordinance in relation
to sidewalks, on the west side of College
avenue, between West Second street and
West Third street, abutting lot No. 1, Col-
lege sub., owned by A. W. Kemler. at the
expense of abutting property; also
Resolved by the City Council of the city
of Dubuque, That sidewalk four (4)
feet wide, of good two inch plank, brick,
stone or cement, be, within ten (10) days
of this notice, constructed and laid in
oonformity with the ordinance in rela-
tion to sidewalks, on the west side of Col-
lege avenue. between West Second street
and West Third street, abutting lot No.
15, College sub., owned by G. R. Clark.
at the expense of abutting property; also
Resolved by the City Council of the city
of Dubuque. That a sidewalk four (4)
feet wide, of good two inch plank, brick.
stone or cement, be, within ten (10) days
of this notice, constructed and laid !n
conformity with the ordinance in rela-
tion to sidewalks, on the west side of Col-
lege avenue. between O'Neil avenue and
West Second 'street, abutting lot No, 6
of Mineral Lot 159, owner by Emily White,
at the expense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote: Ayes,
Aldermen Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Raymond, Sheridan.
Nays, None.
Total, 7.
Dated Dubuque, Aug. 25th, 1902.
C. F. Arendt.
8-28-10t. City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at the
office of the City Recorder until 7:30
o'clock p. m., Thursday, Sept. 4th, 1902.
for the improvement of Langworthy ave-
nue from Hill street to Booth street, in
accordance with plans and specifications
now on file in the office of the City Re-
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that it will require new curbstone set
2624.6 lineal feet, guttering 1236.3 square
yards, macadamizing 3348.3 square yards,
cutting 8980 cubic yards.
The work to be completed on or before
the first day of November, 1902, and shall
be paid for when said work is completed
and accepted by the City Council.
The proposals for doing said work will
be acted upon by the City Council the 4th
day of September, 1902.
Bidders must state price per lineal foot
for new curt trig set, anal the price per
square yard for guttering and macadam-
izing. Each bid must be accompanied
by a certified check for $100 on some
Dubuque bank. as a guarantee that a
contract will be entered into if awarded.
The City Council reserves the right to
reject any and all bids.
Dated Dubuque, Aug. 25, 1902.
8-25-10t City Recorder,
Sealed proposals will be received at the
office of the city recorder up to 7:30
o'clock p. m. Sept. 4th, 1902, for the con-
structioa of an 8 -inch tile pipe sanitary
sewer in Johnson aven'ie- Eagle Point
avenue and Queen sit eet, from manhole
in Lincoln avenue to south line of lot
32, Sanford sub., in accordance with plans
and specifications prepared by the city
engineer and now on file in the office of
the city recorder.
It is estimated by the city engineer that
it will require 942 lineal feet of 8 -inch
tile pipe and 5 manholes. Bidders must
state price per lineal foot for tile pipe,
also the price for each manhole.
All bids must be accompanied by a cer-
tified check of 950.00 on some Dubuque
bank as a guarantee that a contract will
be entered into if awarded.
The city reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
Dated Dubuque, Aug. 25th, 1902.
8-25-10t City Recorder.
An Ordinance establishing the grade of
Ardmore Terrace.
Be it ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That the grade of Ardmore
Terrace between the north curb line of
Wilber Lane and the south line of West
Eleventh street be established and de-
scribed es follows:
Starting at the north curb line of Wil -
her Lane, which is station 0, elevation
196.13, thence northerly to station 3.92 to
the south line of West Eleventh street,
elevation 197.05.
Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take ef-
feet and he in force from and after its
publication one time in the Dubuque
Globe -Journal newspaper.
Approved, Aug. 29th, 1902.
C. H. Berg. Mayor.
Attest: C. F. Arendt, City Recorder.
Passed by the city council Aug. 21st.
Published officially in the Evening
Globe Journal Aug. 30th, 1902.
8-30-1t. C. F. Arendt. City Recorder.
An Ordinance establishing the grade of
Gilmore Place.
Be it ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That the grade of Gilmore
Place beginning at the north line of alley
first north of Fenelon Place and ending
at the south curb line of West Fifth
street, be established and described as
Starting at the north line of alley first
north of Fenelon Place, which Is station
9, elevation 244.0, thence northerly to sta-
tion 3.92. which is the south curb line of
West Fifth street, elevation 219.5.
Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take ef-
fect and he in force from and after its
publication one time in the Dubuque
Globe Journal newspaper.
Approved, Aug. 29th, 1902.
C. H. Berg, Mayor.
Attest: C. F. Arendt, City Recorder.
Passed by the city council Aug. 21st,
Published officially in the Evening
Globe Journal Aug. 30th, 1902.
8-30-1t. C. F. Arendt, City Recorder.
To All Who Are Named Below: You
are hereby notified that in accordance
with an ordinance of the City of Du-
buque for the cleaning of snow and ice
from the sidewalks in the months of
January and February, 1902, that a spec-
ial assessment will be levied for the ex-
pense thereof at the regular meeting of
the City Council, upon all lots and par-
Offiicial Notices.
cels of land on said improvement owned
by you being subject to such special as-
sessment. And you are notified to appear
at said meeting of the City Council, to be
held on the 2nd of Oct., A. D. 1902, and
show cause if any you have, why said
assessment should not be levied.
Jan. 6.—M. P. and E. W. Albee, city,
S. M. 141/2 feet, lot 62 $ 30
Jan. 6—Jno. V. Rider, city, lot 28.. .
Jan. 6.—W. L. Bradley, city, N. 2-3
of N. 1/2, lot 760
Jan. 6.—J. and J. Ogilby, city N. %,
lot 22
Jan. 6.—D. S. Wilson Est., city, S
1/2, lot 22
Jan. 6.—Bosserman & Ives, city, lot
Jan. 6.—D. Drummy, city, N. 1-3, lot
Jan. 6.—J. H. Simplot, city, S. 2-3,
lot 66.... .... ....................
Jan. 6.—Jas. M. Sullivan, city, S. 1-3
lot 749
Jan. 6.—F. Weigel Est., city. lot 56
F. Weigel Est., city, S. 44 feet, lot
Jan. 6.—G. A. Burden and J. V. and
S. P. Rider, city, lot 36a
Jan. 25.—Dubuque Malting Co., city,
S. 21.6 feet, lot 1
Jan. 25.—F. Poole, Julia Langwor-
thy's Add., lot 17
Jan. 25—Amelia Hodgdon, A. Mc -
Daniels' sub, lot 811
Jan. 25—Miller Brewing Co., sub
city 703, lot 13 and lot 1 of 4
Jan. 25—Kemler & Hosford, A. Mc -
Daniels' sub, N 88 ft lot 783
Jan. 25—Cecelia Adams, city S 1/2 lot
Jan. 25—Hanah E. Lawther, city N
1,2 lot 537
Jan. 25—Cath Birmingham, Tinton
add, lot 77
Jan. 25—Mary A. Kemler. sub 4,
Roht. Brown's sub, lot 1
Jan. 25—F. Altman, Julia Lang -
worthy's add. lot 50
Jan. 25—F. Poole. Julia Lang -
worthy's add. lot 51
Jan. 20—Mat Florey, Lois add, lot 4.
Jan. 25—E. G. Winner, Guernsey &
Langworthy's arid. lot 6
Jan. 25—W. P. Meloy, R. Lang -
worthy's add, lot 5
Jan. 31—J. S. Stephens, Julia Lang -
worthy's add, lot 18
Jan. 31—Jno. A. Meshinger, Julia
I aneworthy's add, lot 19
Jan. 31—Mary Bunting. Julia Lang -
worthy's add. lot 20
Jan. 31—E. A. Ruettell, Julia Lang -
worthy's add. lot 21
Jan. 11—F. Poole. Julia Lang -
worthy's add. lot 17
Jan. 31—Julia D. Rhomberg, Gnern-
sey & Langworthv's add. lot S25
Jun. 31—Sam Smith, Reeder Lang -
worthy's Sub.. lot 10... 3:'
;Ian. 31-1I. ?. O'Neill. City, lot 80.50
Ft -b. 18-11. Nolte est.. City, lot 176, , 1.70
Feb. 95-0. L. Torbert est.. City, n
2-5. lot 4v11.70
Feb. 25—Jno. V. Rider, City, lot 281.70
Feb. 25—H. B. Glover, City, lot 100, 1.70
Total .... .... $;',0.50
9-23-9t. City Recorder.
1 70
1 70
1 70
1 70
1 70
2 00
1 65
Sealed proposals will be received at the
office of the City Recorder up to 7:30
o'clock p. m. Thursday, Oct. 2nd, 1902,
for the purchase of one (1) Standard
Combination 50 -gallons Chemical Engine
and Hose Wagon complete. Said appar-
atus to be delivered F. O. B. cars at
Dubuque, Iowa.
Each bid must be accompanied with a
certified check for $500 on some Dubuque
bank as a guarantee that a contract will
be entered into if awarded.
The city reserves the right to reject
any or all proposals.
Dated Dubuque, la., Sept. 22nd, 1902.
9-22-10t City Recorder.
The Board of Equalization have com-
pleted the work of equalizing the tax
books for the year, 1902, a list showing
all of the changes made by the board
will be found at each of the following
City Hall.
Court House.
The board will be in session on Wed-
nesday, October 1st, 1902, at 8:30 a. m., in
the City Assessor's office in the City Hall
where any person feeling aggrieved by
the assessment of his or her real estate
or personal property may appear before
said board and give reasons why such
changes should not be made.
to -Oct -6 Clerk of Committee.
To Whom It May Concern:
You and each of you are hereby noti-
fled that it is the intention of the City
Council of the City of Dubuque to im-
prove Gilmore Place from West Fifth
street to the alley first north of Fenelon
That a plat and specifications of salci
proposed improvement is now on file in
the office of the City Recorder.
It i' estimated by the City Fnginctr
Out said improvement will r ' iulre new
curbstone set. 796 lineal feet; guttering,
372 square yards; macadamizing 735
square yards; making a total estimated
fust to the abutting property owners of
Any person having objection to said
improvement is hereby notified to appear
before the City Council at its regular
session to he held October er 2nd, their12 objec-
tionswith the City
in writing on or before October 2nd,
of September. 1902.
Dated this 22nd day C. F. ARENDT,
9-22-10t. City Recorder.
To All Who Are Named Below. You
are heby notified that in accordance with
an ordinance of the City of Dubuque for
repairing sidewalks in the months of
May, October and November, 1901, and
230 Official Notices.
February, March, May, June and July,
1902, that a special assessment will be
levied for the expense thereof at the
regular meeting of the City Council, up-
on all lots and parcels of land on said
improvement, owned by you being sub-
ject to such special assessment. And you
are notified to appear at said meeting
of the Council to be held on the 2nd day
of October A. D., 1902, and show cause 1f
any you, have why said assessment
should not be levied
P. J. Renter, Sanford's Sub., lot 30,
May 1, 1901 $ 1 55
Mrs. L. M. Post, Hodge's Sub., lot
10, Oct. 18, 1901 40
A. '1'rueb, Sub. 7, Min. lot 159, lot 3,
Oct. 25, 1901.......................130
C. H. Eighmey, Sub, 2 of 8 of MIn.
lot 159, lot 2, Oct. 25, 1901 85
Wm, Hintrager, 0. Taylor's Sub,
lots 22-23, Oct. 26, 1901 1 85
Jac. Kessler, Glendale Add., lot 37,
Nov. 6, 1901
J. H. Lux, Gcardview Park Add.,
Block 1, lot 2, Nov. 9, 1901 35
F. and C. Foselman, 1.. H. Lang -
worthy's Add., lot 187, Nov. 12.
1901 60
Leathers & Trewin, McCraney's 1st
Add., lots 71-18, Nov. 13, 1901........ 1 30
W. and F. A. Coates, Martin's Du-
buque, lot 3, Feb: 6, 1902 1 80
Dubuque Woodenware and Lumber
Co., Ham's Add., lots 371-372,
March 11, 1902........ .... 60
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. P. Ry
Co., Ham's Add., lots 323-324,
March 11, 1902 .... .. .... 35
Wm. Lundbeck, Cox's Add., E. 30
feet, lot 11, May 5, 1902 35
Mich, Scharle, Cain's Sub., lot 20,
May 28, 1902...... .... ,. 60
A. W. Hosford, Cain's Sub., lots
18-19, May 28, 1902 55
Sarah Lundbeck, Cox's Add., W. 20
feet lot 11, June 3, 1902 55
Thos. O'Brien, Glendale Add., lot
158, May 3, 1902 85
T. 0. Sullivan, Southern Ave. Add.,
TInd. % lots 5.6, June 30;1902 50
Ellen Jall, Southern Ave, Add,
Und. ' Puts 5-6, June 30, 1902 50
H. Busseman, Mechanic's Add., lots
95-96, June 26, 1902 35
Peter Eisbach, Bonson & Stewart's
Sub„ lots 1-3, Nov. 29, 1901 1 00
W. W. Whelan, Whelan's Sub., lot
8, Nov. 9, 1902 40
Mrs, Ann Whelan. Grandview
Place, lot 14, June 30, 1902 45
Henry Dreazy, Burden-Lawther
Add., lot 132, March 21. 1902 90
D. J. Linehan, Home Add.. lot 9,
Oct, 18. 1901
John Olinger, 13ouelvard Add., lots
35, 36, 37, 38. 43 lineal feet lumber,
85e: 1-2 hour labor 25 $ 1.10
A. R. Staufenbeil. E. Langworthy's
Add., lot 31, labor 25e
McClain Bros., McClain's sub., lot 16,
5 lineal feet lumber, 10c; 1-2 hours
labor, 25e. . . , •••••.35
Kiene .l Altman, Grandview Place,
lot 2, 27 lineal feet lumber, 55c; 1-2
hour's labor. 255, , .80
C. A. Alexander, Babcock's Sub., lot
2, 16 lineal feat lumber, 30c; 1-2
hour's labor 25c, , , , ••••••.55
Sam. Bennett. Simpson's Add., lot 11,
20 lineal feet lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour's
labor 25c. . .
E. A. & G. A. Burden, Burden-Law-
ther Add., lot 88, 10 lineal feet lum-
ber, 20c; 1-2 hour's labor 25c
Christ. Jaocbl, Burden-Lawther
Add., lot 128, 5 lineal feet lumber,
10e; 1-2 hour's labor 25e
Lawther & Rider, Burden-Lawther
Add.. lot 17. 10 lineal feet lumber,
20c; 1-2 hour's labor 25c, , ,
\Wm, Coates est., City n 2-5, lot 436,
10 lineal feet lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour's
Mrs. Tsabella Cain, Hoskin's Sub., lot
1. 67 lineal feet lumber, $1.35; 1
hour's labor 50c... , .... ... .
Mary A. Kemler, Sub. 4, Ann
O'Hare's Sub.. lot 2, 14 lineal feet
lumber 30c; 1-2 hour's labor 25c. . . . .55
0. Bennett. Dodge's Sub., lot 6, 5
lineal feet lumber, 10e; 1-4 hour's
labor 15c.... „ •.... .... .25
F. X. Rettenmeier, Glendale Add.. n
1-2, lot 157. 5 lineal feet lumber,
lOc: 1-2 hour's labor 25c, , ,
Nic Glab, Finley's Add., lot 158, 8
lineal feet lumber, 15c: 1-2 hour's
Frank R. Scott, Finley's Add.. lot
155, 5 lineal feet lumber, 10e; 1-2
hour's labor 25e. ... ... ,
American Linseed 011 Co.. City, lot
374, 16 lineal feet lumber, 30e; 1-2
hmir's labor 25e,, , , , ,, , , , , , , ,
Farley-Loetscher Mfg. Co.. City. lot
318, 14 lineal feet lumber, 30c; 1-2
hour's labor 25e.... .... . . . . .... .55
H. C. Recker. A. Stine's Add.. Int 7.
93 lineal feet lumber. $1.85; 2 1-2
hours' labor $1.25.... . . . . ...... 3.10
Cath. Schroeder, E. T.angworthy's
Add., int 71. 3 lineal feet lumber, 5c;
1-4 hour's labor 15e.... .... . .. . .20
1 . Ernsdorf, Sehroeder's Add.. lot 11.
12 lineal feet lumber, 25r: 1-2 hour's
John Bottoms, Marsh's Add., int 28,
13 lineal feet lumber, ',e; 1-2 hour's
lahm• 25c,,,,
.... .... .... ....
A. F. & R. Tl. TTeeb, Marsh's Add.,
lot 30, 12 lineal feet lumber. 25e:
1-2 hour's labor 25e, . . . .... .... .50
Posserman & Tves. City s 1-2. lot 334,
40 lineal feet lumber, 80c; 1 hour's
labor 50c,
Wm. M. Wootton, Wootton's Add.,
lot 19, 5 lineal feet lumber, 10e; 1-2
hour's labor 25c, , , , .35
C. I -T. Elehmey, City, int 570. 62 lineal
feet lumber, $1.25: 3-4 hour's labor
Jos. Ruegamer et al. Siib. MIn. lot
100, lot 8, 6 lineal feet lumber, 10e:
1-2 hour's labor 25e. , ..35
Chicago Great Western Ry. Co..„
Right of Way. Peru Road. lot 35,
35 lineal feet lumber, 70e; 3-1 hour's
G. A. & Abbey C. Staples and Har-
riett P. Walsh, City, n 2-7. bit 16,
17 bricks, 15c; 1-2 hour's labor 5c• • .40
Ed. Muntz, Dubuque 1-Iar. Co's.
Add., lot 2. block 19, 12 lineal feet
lumber, 25e; 1-2 hour's labor 25c, , .50
Steiner & Zust. City, n 10.6 feet int 18
and a 11.6 feet lot 19, 1-2 hour's labor .25
Matt. Maher, Pnion Add., s 133.10
feet, lot 137. 34 lineal feet lumber,
70c; 3-4 hour's labor 40c 1.10
Total•••• ._,., 05
R. Waller Est., Dubuque Harness
Co.'s add., lot 11, block 1, 16 lin ft
lumber 30c, 1,4 hours labor 25c 55
W. H. Doane, sub 12, min lot 172,
lots 1, 2 and 3, 20 lin ft lum-
ber 40c, 1 hour labor 50c 90
Loetscher & Buol, Loetscher &
Trueb's sub, lots 12-13, 8 lin ft lum-
ber 15c, 1,4 hour labor 25c 40
Gf cial Noticep. 231
Jno. J. Keane, et al, Levens' add.,
lot 11, 16 lin ft 30c, 1 hour labor 50c. 80
A. B. Robinson, trustee, Prospect
Hill add., lots 15-16, 24 lin ft lumber
50c, % hour labor 40c 80
A. T. Schmidt, Schaffner's sub., lots
3-4, 16 lin ft lumber 30c, 1 hour
labor 25c 55
V. A. Bush, et al, Dorgan's sub., lot
4, 8 lin ft lumber 15c, 1 hour labor
25c ............ 40
Jas. Corcoran, Saul's sub., lot 4, 10
lin ft lumber 20c, 11 hours labor
750 e6
Mrs. Sidney Saul, Saul's sub., lot 1,
14 lin ft lumber 30c; 11 hours labor
75c 106
R, & E Langworthy. Glendale add,
lot 226. 6 lln ft lumber lfc; % hour
labor 25e a5
Geo. Eichhorn. Burden-Lawther's
add., lot 78, 12 lin ft lumber 25c, 1
hour labor 25e 60
*29 40
9-22-10t C. F. ARENDT. City Recorder.
Regular Session, Oct. 2, 1902.
Council met at 8 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones,, Raymond and Sheridan.
Ald. Clancy moved that the council
proceedings for the month of September
be approved as printed. Carried.
The following bills were ordered paid:
A. Doerr, Jr., assistant assessor for
September $ 75 00
Jos. J. Murphy, assistant assesser
for September 75 00
F. A. Miller, 1 dozen brooms for
city hall 2 65
Dubuque Telegraph -Herald, 1,000
postals for treasurer's office 11 50
Key City Gas Co., gas for various
departments 251 60
C. O. D. Laundry, towels and racks
for June, July, August and Sep-
tember 16 00
J. W. Wittmer, drugs and supplies
city hall 85
J. Drehouse, cleaning chimneys and
stoves at city hall 22 00
Jno. Leicht, 82.50 yards of ground
delivered to Washington park 41 25
Hedley & Brown, glass and paint
for First ward scales 65
Martin-Strelau Co., coke for city
Iowa Telephone Co.. telephone ser-
vice for various departments .... 33 02
Union Electric Co., arc lights for
September 2029 58
Van Valkenberg & McEvoy, stove
pipe and damper for First ward
Geo. W. Healey, grass seed and
tree pruner for parks
M. J. G. La Niece, supplies for en-
gineer's office
J. G. Moser, setting up and repair-
ing stoves in police headquarters
and matron department
J. G. Moser, hardware for sewer
Dempsey & Son. mantles at Ninth
street engine house and city hall.. 8 30
F. M. Jaeger & Co., hardware for
road department •• 35
Geo. Bock, repairs for road depart-
ment 140
Dubuque Woodenware & Lumber
Co., lumber for road department77 30
Ragatz & Schaetgen, repairs on
steam roller 23 20
A R. Staufenbeil• to difference on
exchange on clock for police head- 12 50
Rumpf-Frudden Lumber Co.. lumber
for road department 34 11 .
Wm. Marshall, re,,airing steam rol-
ler 1 18
F. Schloz & Son. repairs for road 9 85
Linehan & Molo. white waste and 2
oakum for steam roller
A. A. Brown, repairs on steam rol-
ler 125
A. A, Brown, repairs for road de-
Jno_ Butt, repairs for road depart -
4 95
ment •••
15 00
1 15
6 00
5 75
8 60
J. W. Wittmer, drugs and supplies
for police department
Jno. Drehouse, cleaning chimneys
at patrol house
M. Stafford, oats delivered at patrol
house 588
8 08
H. J. Tropf, board of prisoners . for
September 800
... ... .......
Geo. W. Healey, new tools for road
department 5 60.
Linehan & Molo, sewer pipe• and
Manila rope for sewer deliart-
ment 17 65
Headford Bros. & Hitchins, man-
hole covers and rims for sewer de-
Globe -Journal, official printing for
Dubuque Telegraph -Herald, official
printing for September
Dubuque Telegraph -Herald, health
reports for June and July
F. M. Jaeger & Co., hardware for
fire department.... .... ....
Jno. Newman & Son, one ,new wag-
on for fire department.... ..
Jno. Newman & Son, repairs for fl_e
J. Gukeisen, laying new floor in
chemical engine house.... .. .. ....
Dubuque Woodenware & Lumber
Co., lumber Chemical Engine
Farley-Loetscher Mfg. Co., lumber
Chemical Engine house.. .. ..
Keller & Luchterhand, brick mason
work Chemical Engine house
Keller & Luchterhand, brick mason
work Fourth Street Engine house
Ragatz & Schaetgen, repairs at Cen-
tral and Eighteenth Street Engine
houses 14 45
J. J. Schromen, mattresses for
Eighteenth Street Engine house24 00
M. Stafford, oats for fire depart-
ment.... .... .... .... .. 523 60
M. Stafford, hay for fire department 23 53
Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse -
shoeing fire department . . 6 85
Ott, Meuser & Co., shavings fire de-
partment.... .... .... 8 50
Key City Gas Co., coke and coal
fire department.. .... 55 55
Key City Gas Co., to rent of Hum-
phrey light at Central Engine
house...... .... .... .... 3 50
Key City Gas Co., mantles and
chimneys for fire department 90
Wm. Marshall, to repairing heater
at Ninth Street Engine house5 60
Van Valkenberg & McEvoy, stove
pipe and elbows for fire depart-
ment.... .... ....
Lally & Geisler, repairs at Ninth
Street Engine house
Geo. W. Healey, hardware for fire
Jno. Butt, repairs for fire depart-
The Times, official printing for Sep-
tember.. .. .
National Demokrat, official print-
ing for September.......... 25 00
T. E. Frith, removing garbage and
dead animals during September,
1902 390 00
Rhomberg Bros., 1 empty cask for 1
Bee Branch
Water Works Trustees, to repairing
fire plug at Diamond House on
Julien Avenue.... 3 50
Ott, Meuser & Co.. lumber for Bee 60
Branch department.... .
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Bee 100
Branch department ..
P. Eishaeh, to digging ditch in Bee
3 35
•400 •
60 00
50 00
8 00
1 20
40 00
5 20
30 00
74 59
4 70
50 40
18 75
7 70
13 45
1 30
15 00
Regular Sessicn, Oct 2 1902.
Braneh newer from Rhomberg
Avenue to Eagle Point Avenue for
drainage MOW seg. ....
Jrto. Butt,, repairs for sewer des
pa.rtmettt. •... . . '
EU1wanger Pros•, repairing harness10 20
for fire department..,.. ..
ItlilWanger Pros., repairing harness 2
for roan departrenk....•.
J. C. Althauser, 1 office basket.— 4y
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co.,
25 feet of lose for stun roller.,,. 700
Dnlreque Rubber & Belting Co.,
hose Qouplingo and clamps for 75
steam, roller.:.. ..
Trilssque Rubber & Belting Co.,
2 pair short rubber boots for sew- 6 50
erdepartment.... .... ....
Dubuque Rubber $elting Co,
3 pair hip boots for Bee Branch
J. J. Sheridan, 1 stove, drum and
pipes for police. headquarters
Lear & Kennedy, horseshoeing for
fire department
P. Post Co., supplies for Engineer's
Jno, Steiner, sheriff, serving notice
on C. F. Nagle to remove his
house boat from levee
Ryan -Miller Co., oak lumber for
road department.... 163 47
G. Mersch, 51 lin. feet. of curbing
del. on Highland Place.. .. 13 77
Steuck & Linehan, estimate con-
structing storm sewer in Couler
Creek between 27th street and
Peru road.. .... .... 847 97
Peter Eisbach, estimate construc-
ting storm sewer in Bee Branch
from end of present sewer to south
lot line of Sanford Avenue 908 28
Austin & Western Co., 1 broom fill-
ing machine and 100 pounds hick-
ory. fibre .... .... .. 41 00
On motion the bill was referred to the
Street committee.
B. J. Scherr, painting cells in cal-
aboose.... .... .... .... 56 70
On motion the bill was referred, to the
committee on Police and Light.
Dr. J. C. Hancock, to professional
services for Henry P. Cosgrove17 00
On motion the bill was. referred to the
Street committee.
Petition of Edward Conlin et al. asking
that the alley between Mc-ntain Lane
and Union street and Cleveland Avenue
and Rush street be opened.
Ald. Sheridan moved to grant the
prayer of the petition and the City Engi-
neer be instructed to open said alley.
Petition of Mary C, Blake asking that
the special assessment for repairing
sidewalks levied against lots 16 and 17 in
Ellen Blake's add, be canceled.
Ald. Frith moved to refer the petition
to the committee on Streets. d
Petition of members of the Fire De-
partment asking that they be permitted
to remain off the entire day when they
have their day off-.
Ald. Jones moved: to grant the petition.
Ald. Clancy moved a substitute to refer
the petition to the committee on Fire
and Fire Chief. Carried.
Petition of Paul Hoffman et al, asking
that Bridget Lahey be granted permis-
sion to erect a two-story frame dwell-
ing on the south half of lot No. 55 in
East Dubuque Add.
Ald. Clancy moved to refer the peti-
tion to the Fire committee and Fire
Chief* with power. Carried.
78 80
6 75.
13 50.
5 00
2 50
3 40
Petition and remonstrance of Julia L.
Langworthy et al, remonstrating against
the laying et sewer pipes in Lam/worthy
Avenue. Qn motion the petttiaa and re-
monstrance was referred to the Sewer
Petition ort Mrs. Mary J. Corbett asking
that the taxes be remitted for the year
1901 on her property in Quigley &
O'Hare's Add.
Also petition of Cath. Loib1 asking that
the taxes levied against lot 206 in Ha.m's
Add. be canceled for the year 1801,
On motion. both petitions were referred
to the Delinquent Tax committee.
Petition. of Jnrn Ii. Simplot asking that
the assessment be reduced on lot 2 of
Mineral lot 84 from $4,000.00 to $2,500.00.
On motion the petition was referred to
the Board of Equalization,
Petition of the F. Weigel Est... asking
for the Cancellation of the special assess-
ment levied against their property for
cleaning snow and tee from sidewalks
during the months of January and Feb-
ruary, 1902.
Aid. Clancy moved to refer the peti-
tion to the Sidewalk Inspector and City
Engineer and they to report to the Coun-
cil. Carried.
Petition of the C., M. & St. P. Ry Co.,
by W. J. Knight, their attorney, asking
that the special assessment levied against
said railroad company for the construc-
tion of a sanitary sewer in Thirteenth
street he canceled.
Ald. Horr moved to refer the petition
to the City Attorney for his opinion and
he to report at the next Council meet-
ing. Carried.
Petition of St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital,
by Sister Mary Pius, president, asking
that the assessment levied against their
property he canceled for the year 1901.
On motion the petition was referred to
the committee of the Whole.
Petition of the Chicago & Great Western
RalLway Co., by D. J. Lenehan, their
attorney, asking for permission to ex-
tend their round house about five (5)
feet into Jackson street.
Also remonstrance of the Dubuque In-
vestment Co., by M. M. Hoffman, pres-
ident, remonstrating against granting the
petition of the C. & G. W. R'y. Co.
Ald. Corrance moved to suspend the
rules and D. J. Lenehan be heard. Car-
D. J. Lenehan addressed the Coun-
cil. stating that said railway com-
pany would like to enlarge their round
house. and in order to do so would have
to extend it about five (5) feet into
Jackson street, and that he be notified
of the meeting of the committee of the
On motion the petition and' remon'
strance were referred to the committee
of the Whole.
Communication of Thos: Watters, ask-
ing for the vacation of that part of
Wooton's Add. lying and hounded as fol:
From the south line of Wooton Avenue
on the north; the east line of Hill street
on the west: The north line of. alley
between Bonson Avenue and Dodge
street on the south; • and the west line
of a street on the east, for the purpose
of replatting,
Aid. Frith moved to refer the commu-
rication to the committee of the Whol2.
nrleiha1 Notice District Court to C1'ty
of Dubuque and H. Brinkman. City
Regular Session, Oct. 2, 1902.
Treasurer,. restraining them from sell-
ing the property of Adam Vogel for
special assessment levied against his
property for paving with brick Clay and
Seventeenth (27th)' streets.
On motion the notice and injunction
was referred to the City Attorney.
City Treasurer Brinkman reported as
To the Honorable kfayor and City Coun-
cil of Dubuque:
Gentlemen. -Below you will find state-
ment of amounts advanced by are dur-
ing the month of September, 19022, for
which please order warrants drawn fn
my favor:
Excavation permits redeemed $ 70 00
Interes£ on warrants ontstandtng825 00
Freight charges road'. Dep 20 05
Express charges, Engineer Dept45
Exchange, New York 25
Postage stamps 10 00
$925 75
Library Trustees' orders paid:
September 2nd, order No. 2 $ 83 33
September 30th, order No. 3 83 33
September 30th, order No. 4 30 00
September 30th, order No. 5 30 00
Sept. 30th, order No. 6. , 30 00
Sept. 30th, order No. 7 .. 50 00
$306 66
T also received money borrowed from
the following parties. please order loan
warrants drawn in their favor.
Sept. 8th, German Trust & Savings
Sept. Sth. Dubuque National bank 5000 00
Sept. 15th, Nellie Meehan, treas-
urer . , , 350 00
Sept. 16th. L. C. Lubck 500 00
Sept. 16th, Wm. Steuck 500 00
Sept. 18th. German Trust & Sav-
ing bank 500000
$16350 00
On motion the report was received, and
warrants ordered drawn to pay the var-
ious amounts, and the reports referred
hack to the committee on Finance.
City Auditor Hoffman reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City Conn-
ell of Dubuque.
Gentlemen:—Herewith find my report
for the month of September. 1902. show-
ing the receipts and disbursements for
the month:
Cash nn hand Sept. 1st.. 1902_514.44.36
Receipts from all sources 20,2322.61'.
Warrants redeemed Curing the
month ,$17,627.31
Coupons redeemedduring the
month .... .... .... ...... 1,095.75
'Th h on hand Oct. 1st.. 1902....$15 993:91
.4'so report that there is clue th? City
nfi'cers- for the month of September, 1903,
Also the following is a record of all
Interest Coupons redeemed by Treasurer
for the past month:
Cbtpon No. 1, Bonds No. 132 and
122 ,$ 25 09
Coupon No. I, Bost Na. Siff 8 25
Coupon No. 10, Bonds No. 77 to 85
inclusive. . . . . . ... .... ...... 225, 00
$258 23
Coupon No. Lai Band Ns:. 52, 53,. 54
55, 62 , , 100 00
Coupon No. 13, Bond filo. 63, 66, 67,
ft, 69'. ...... 10000
Coupon No. 13, Bond No. 70, 71, 72,
73, 79', . . 10000
Coupon No. 13, Bond No. 80 , , . , 2000
$320 00
Water Works Band Coupons , , . .$517 50
Total ,$1095 ro
The following list shows the appropria-
tions and the amount of warrants drawn
on each fund since the beginning of the
fiscal year beginning March lst, 1902, to
October 1, 1902:
Appro'tlon. Expended
Expense.... .. .. .. .........$40,000 $18,496.45
Road.... .... .. .. .......... 42,000 30,135.81
Fire 35,000 15,977.70
Police.... .... .. 28,000 13,772.55
Sewerage.... .... .... 5,000 2,618.40
Printing.... .... .... 2,000 810.00
Engineer.... .. .. .... 4,000 1,453.90
Gas and Light.... .... 25,000 12,158.54
Water Works bond interest 25,00 11,385.00
I n t e e r st .... .... .. 45.090
Board of Health.. .. .. 6,000 3,654.60
Grading.. .. .... .. 2,000 46.40
Bee Branch.. .... .... 13,000 1,356.55
Eagle Point bridge.... 5,000 4,776.10
Special bonded paving 5,000
Redemption.. .... .. .. 2,500
Judgment... .. ........ 3,000 2,786.18
Library ...... .... .. .... 6,000 83.33
Sprinkling, 1st district 750 273.17
Sprinkling, 2nd district2,300 632.74
Sprinkling, 3rd district2,200 589.13
Sprinkling, 4th district2,300 331.64
Sprinkling, 5th district1,500 661.32
Special bonded debt inter,
terest 3,000 1,534.53
Grandview Ave. Engine
House ...... .... .... 6,000 1,823.75
Mount Carmel Ave. grad-
ing 1,000
Sidewalk repairing.. .. 500
Special sewer fund 5,000 2,670.10
Total appropriation.. ...$318,050
Respectfully submitted.
F. B. HOFFMAN. Auditor.
On motion the report was received and
warrants ordered drawn to pay City Of-
ficers and the report referred back to
the Finance committee.
Fire Chief Refnfried reported as fol -
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay
roll for the- Fire Department for the
month of September, 1902: 00
Amount due Firemen $2015
Also please find Treasurer's receipt to
the amount of $75.00 for the sale of Steam-
er J. I' Graves, also $44.46 for the sale
cf old iron and brass.
Approved: MATT. CLANCY,
Chairman Committee on Fire.
On motion the pay roll was received and
warrants ordered drawn to pay Firemen
236 Regular Session, Oct. 2, 1902.
and the pay roll referred back to the
committee on Fire.
Chief of Police Morgan reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City Ccun-
cii of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my re-
port and pay roll for the Police Depart-
ment for the month of September, 1902:
Total arrests for the month
Patrol runs for the month
Miles traveled for the month
Residents arrested.... .. ..
Doors found open
Defective lights
Lodgers harbored.... .. ....
Meals furnished
Cost of food
Also Treasurer's receipt for impounding
$5.70. Also the pay roll for Policemen for
the month of September, 1902
Amount due Policemen .$2057 05
Respectfully submitted,
EDW. MORGAN, Chief of Police.
On motion the report and pay roll was
received and warrants ordered drawn to
pay Policemen, and the report referred
back to the committee on Police.
City Engineer Boyce reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay
roll for labor on Streets during the last
half of September, 1902.
Amount due laborers on Streets....$1639 90
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved: E. E. FRITH,
Chairman Committee on Streets.
Also submit my pay roll for labor on
sewers for the last half of September.
Amount due laborers on sewers ....$86.10
Respectfully submitted.
City Engineer.
Chairman Committee on Sewers.
Also submit my pay roll for labor on
Bee Branch. during the last half of Sep-
tember. 1902:
Ar'+ount due laborers on Bee
Branch $108.90
Respectfully submitted.
City 'Engineer.
Approved: E. E. FRITH,
Chairman Committee on Bee Branch.
Also submit my pay roll for teams
hauling sprinkling wagons. during the
last half of September, 1902:
Amount due teamsters $131.00
Respectfully submitted.
City Engineer.
Annroved: (;EO. N. RAYMnND.
Chairman Committee on Paving. Sweep -
Ing and Sprinkling.
On motion the nay rolls for labor on
streets. sewers. Bee Branch and sprink-
ling were received and warrants ordered
drawn to nay the various amounts and
the nay rolls referred hack to the proper
City Electrician Hipman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of Dubuque:
Gentlemen—I herewith submit my re-
port for defective lights for the month,
of September, 1902. I find from the re-
ports of the police department that the
total hours that 204 lamps failed to burn
would equal 16 lamps for one month, or
$.6.40. Respectfully submitted,
City Electrician.
On motion the report was received and
the Auditor instructed to deduct from
the Union Electric company's bill for the
month of September, 1902, the amount of
The following.weighmasters and wood -
measurers' receipts were referred to the
committee on Markets:
H. J. Tropf, city hall receipts ..$ 32 95
Louise Pitschner, West Dubuque
scale receipts .... .... .... 2
T. Faherty, First ward scale re-
ceipts 3 58
R. F. Curran. wood measurer's re -
City Engineer Boyce reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit profile
of Trent Terrace from Diagonal street.
to south end of street. showing grade,
1 would recommend for your adoption.
Also submit prefile of North Glen Oak
Avenue. from West Fourteenth street to
north end of street, showing grade, I
would -.ecommend for your adoption.
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
On motion both proflles were referred
to the committee of the Whole.
City Recorder Arendt presented the
printed notice, certified to by the pub-
lisher, of council's Intention to improve
Gilmore Place. from West Fifth street
to the alley first north of r'enclon Place.
No remonstrance being filed, the Mayor
asked if any one present had any objec-
tion to said improvement.
No objection being stated, on motion
of Ald. Sheridan the notice was ordered
received and filed.
City Recorder Arendt also presented
the printed notice, certified to by the
publisher, of the Council's intention to
levy a special assessment against the
different named property holders for re-
pairing sidewalks for the months of May.
October and November, 1901, and Feb-
ruary, March. May. June and July, 1902.
No remonstrance being filed. the Mayor
asked If any one present had any objec-
tions to said special assessment.
No objection being stated, on motion of
Ald. Sheridan, the notice was received
and filed.
Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the fol-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That to pay for re-
pairing sidewalks during the month of
May. October and November, 1901, and
February, March, May and June, 1902, and
July, 1902, in front of and adjoining the
same, a special tax be and is hereby lev-
ied on the several lots and parts of lots
and parcels of real estate hereinafter
named, situate and owned. and for the
several amounts set opposite each lot or
parcel of real estate, as follows:
P. J. Renter, Sanford's sub., lot 30,
May 7, 1901.... .... .... .... ........$ 1 50
Mrs. L. M. Post, Hodge's sub., lot
1n. Oct. 18. 1901...... .... 40
Regular Session, Oct. 2, 1902.
A. Trueb, sub. 7, Min. lot 159, lot 3,
Oct. 26, 1901...... .... . . ..
C. H. Eigllmey, sub. 2 of 8 of Min
lot 159, lot 2, Oct. 25, 1901
Wm. Hintrager, O. Taylor's sub,
lots 22 and 23, Oct. 26, 1901 1
Jac. Kessler, Glendale Add., lot 37,
Nov. 6, 1901
J. H. Lux, Grandview Park Add,
block 1, lot 2, Nov. 9, 1901
F. & C. Fosselman, L. H. Lang -
worthy's Add., lot 187, Nov. 12, 1901 50
Leathers & Trewin, McCraney's 1st
Add., lots 77 and 78, Nov. 13, 19011
W. & F. A. Coates, Martin's Du-
buque, lot 3, Feb. 6, 1902 1
Dubuque Woodenware & Lumber
Co., Ham's Add., lots 371 and 372,
March 11, 1902.... .... .... ....
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry
Co., Ham's Add., lots 323 and 324,
March 11, 1902
Wm. Lundheck, Cox's Add., E. 30
feet. lot 11, May 5, 1902
Mich. Scharle, Cain's sub., lot 20,
May 28, 1902 GO
A. W. Hosforcl, Cain's sub., lots 18
and 19, May 28. 1902.... .
Sarah Lundheck. Cox's Add., W. 20
feet, lot 11, June 13. 1902
Thos. O'Brien. Glendale Add., lot
158, May 3. 1902
T. O'Sullivan, South. Ave. Add,
und. 1/2, lot 56. June 30, 1902
Ellen Jall, South. Ave. Add., und
/, lot 56. June 30. 1902.... ....
H. Busseman, Mechanics' Add., lots
95 and 96, June 26, 1902 86
Peter Eisbach, Bonson & Stewart's
sub., lots 1-3, Nov. 29, 1901 1 00
W. W. Whelan, Whelan's sub., lot
8, Nov. 9, 1901 40
Mrs. Ann Whelan, Grandview
Place, lot 14. June 30, 1902 45
Henry Dreazy, Burden-Lawther
Add., lot 132, March 21, 1902 90
D. J. Linehan, Home Add., lot 9,
Oct. 18, 1901 .. .. 80
July 1 -John Olinger, Boulevard
Add.. lots 35. 36, 37. 38. 43 lineal
feet lumber. 85e; 1-2 hour's labor
25c ...... .... .... .... ......$ 110
1 30
,Icily 1-A. R. Staufenbeil, E. Lang -
worthy's Add., lot 31, 1-2 hour's
labor, ...... .. ...... ....
July 1 -McClain Bros., McClaln's
Sub., lot 16, 5 lineal feet lumber,
10c; 1-2 hour's labor. 25c
July 1-Kiene & Altman. Grandview
Place, lot 2, 27 lineal feet lumber,
55c; 1-2 hour's labor 25c
ju1y 1-C. A. Alexander, Babcock's
Sub.. lot 2, 1G lineal feet lumber,
30c; 1-2 hour's labor, 25c..
July 1 -Sam. Bennett, Simpson's
Add., lot 11, 20 lineal feet lumber,
40c; 1-2 hour's labor 25c
July 2-E. A. and G. A. Burden,
Burden & Lawther's Add., lot 88,
10 lineal feet lumber, 20c; 1-2
hour's labor, 25c....
July 2 -Christ. Jacobi, Burden-
Lawther Add., bot 128, 5 lineal feet
lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour's labor 25c
July 2-Lawther & Rider, Burden-
Lawther Add., lot 17, 10 lineal feet
lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour's labor 25c, .
July 2 -Wm. Coates Est., city n 2-5.
lot 436, 10 lineal feet lumber, 20c;
1-2 hour's labor, 25c
July 3 -Mrs. Isabella Cain, Hoskin's
Sub., lot 3, 67 lineal feet lumber,
$1.35; 1 hour's labor. 50c
July 2 -Mary A. Pemler, Sub 4, Ann
O'Hare's Sub., lot 2, 14 lineal feet
1 85
lumber, 30e; 1-2 hour's labor, 25c 55
July 3-0. Bennett, Hodge's Sub.,
lot 6, 5 lineal feet lumber, 10c;
1-4 hour's labor, 15c.... , 25
July 3-F, A. Rettenmeier, Glendale
Add., n 1-2, lot 157, 5 lineal feet
lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour's labor, 25c, , 25
July 3-Nic. Glab, Finley's Add.,
lot 158, 8 lineal feet lumber, 15c;
1-2 hour's labor 25c
July 3 -Frank R. Scott, Finley's
Add., lot 155, 5 lineal feet lumber,
10c; 1-2 hour's labor, 25c. , , , 35
July 8 -American Linseed Oil Co.,
city, lot 374, 16 lineal feet lumber,
30c; 1-2 hour's labor, 25c, , , , 55
July 8-Farley-Loetscher Mfg. Co.,
city, lot 058, 14 lineal feet lumber,
30c; 1-2 hour's labor, 25c.... , , , . , 55
July 8-H. C. Becker, A. Stine's
Add., lot 7, 93 lineal feet lumber,
$1.85; 2 1-2 hours' labor, $1.25, . . . 3 10
July 10 -Cath. Schroeder, E. Lang -
worthy's Add., lot 71, 3 lineal feet
lumber, 5c; 1-4 hour's labor 15c20
July 10-E. Ernsdorf, Schroeder's
Add., lot 11, 12 lineal feet lumber,
25c; 1-2 hour's labor, 25c.. 50
.July 10 -Join Bottoms, Marsh's
Add.. lot 28, 13 lineal feet lumber,
25c; 1-2 hour's labor 25c 50
July 10-A. F. and B. D. Heeb,
Marsh's Add., lot 30, 12 lineal feet
lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour's labor, 25c50
July 12-Bosserman & Ives, city, s
1-2, lot 334. 40 lineal feet lumber,
80e; 1 hour's labor, 50c 130
July 14 -Wm. M. Wootton, Woot-
ton's Add., lot 19, 5 lineal feet
lumber. 10c; 1-2 hour's labor, 25c 35
July 15-C. H. Eighmey, city, lot 570,
62 lineal feet lumber, $1.25; 3-4
hour's labor, 40c.... .... 1 65
July 16 -Jos. Ruegamer et al, Sub
Min. lot 100. lot 8, 6 lineal feet
lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour's labor, 25c, . 35
.July 16 -Chicago Great Western Ry
Co., right of way, Peru road,
lot 33, 35 lineal feet lumber, 70c;
3-4 hour's labor, 40c 110
July 17-G. A. and Abbey C. Staples
and Harriet P. Walsh, city, n 2-3,
lot 16, 15 bricks, 15c; 1-2 hour's
labor, 25c.... ,
July 19 -Ed. Muntz, Dubuque Har.
Co's. Add., lot 2, block 19, 12 lineal
fret lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour's labor,
July 19 -Steiner & Zust, city, n 10.6
feet 18 and s 11.6 feet, lot 19, 1-2
hour's labor, 25c.... 25
,July 19 -Matt. Maher, Union Add,
s 133.10 feet. lot 137, 34 lineal feet
lumber, 70c; 3-4 hour's labor, 40c, , 1 10
July 21, R. Waller Est., Dubuque
Har. Co.'s add., lot 11, block 1, 16
lin ft lumber, 30c; 1 hour labor,
25c 55
July 21, W. H. Doane. sub. 12, min
lot 172, lots 1-2-3, 20 lin ft lumber,
40c; 1 hour Mbar. 50c 90
July 21, Loetscher &: Buol, Loetscher
& Trueb's sub, lots 12-13, 8 lin ft
lumber, 15c; 3$ hour labor, 25c 40
July 23, Jno. .J. Keane, et al, Lev -
ens' add. lot 11, 16 lin ft lumber,
30c; 1 hour labor, 50c 80
July 24, A B. Robinson, trustee,
Prospect Hill add, lots 15-16, 24
lin ft lumber, 50c; 8 hour labor,
July 24, A. T. Schmidt, Schaffner's
sub, lots 3-4, 16 lin ft lumber, 30e;
1 hour labor. 25c 55
July 26, V. A. Bush, et al, Dorgan's
238 Regular Session, Oct. 2, 1902.
sub, lot 4, 3 lin ft lumber, 15c; 1
hour labor, 25c
July 30, Jas. Corcoran, Saul's sub,
HA 4, 10 lin ft 'lumber, 20c; 11/4
hours labor, 75c
July 30, Mrs. Sidney Saul, Saul's
sub, lot 1, 14 lin ft lumber, 30c; 1/
hours labor, 75c
July 30, R. & E. Langworthy, Glen-
dale add. lot 226, 6 lin ft lumber,
10c; 34 hour labor, 25c
July 30, Geo. Eichhorn, Burden-
Lawther add, lot 78, 12 lin ft lum-
ber, 25c; 39 hour labor, 25c
1 05
$ 29 40
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Nays -None.
City Recorder Arendt also presented
the printed notice, certified to by the
publisher, of the Council's intention to
levy a special assessment against the
different named property holders, for
cleaning of snow and ice from sidewalks
in the montfis of January and February,
No remonstrance being tiled, the Mayor
asked if any one present had any ob-
jections to said special assessment.
No objections being stated, on motion
of Ald. Sheridan the notice was received
and filed.
Whereupon Aid. Frith offered the fol-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That to pay for the re-
moval of snow and ice from sidewalks
during the months of January and Feb-
ruary, 1902, in front of and adjoining the
same, a special tax be and is hereby lev-
ied on the several lots, and parts of lots,
and parcels of real estate hereinafter
named, situate and owned, and for the
several amounts set opposite each lot or
parcel of real estate, as follows:
Special assessment submitted and
passed October 2nd. 1902.
Jan. 6, M. P. & E. W. Albee, city,
S. M. 191/4 feet, lot 62 $
Jan. 6, Jno. V. Rider, city, lot 28
Jan. 6, W. L. Bradley, city, N. 2-3
of N. 1/4, lot 750
Jan. 6, J. & J. Ogilby, city, N. 1, lot
........... ... .... .. . ....
Jan, 6, D. S. Wilson Est., city, S. 39,
lot 22
Bosserman & Ives, city, lot 65
D. Drummy, city, N. 1-3, lot 66
Jan. 6, J. H. Simplot, city, S. 2-3, lot
Jan. 6, Jas. M. Sullivan, city, S. 1-3,
Rider, city, lot 36a
lot 749
Jan. 6, F. Weigel Est., city, lot 55
Jan. 6, F. Weigel Est., city, S. 44
feet, lot 21
Jan. 6, G. A. Burden and J. V. and
S. P. Rider, city, lot 36a
Jan. 25, Dubuque Malting Co., city,
S. 21.6 feet, lot 1
Jan. 26, F. Poole, Julia Lang -
worthy's add., lot 17
Jan. 25, Amelia Hodgdon, A. Mc -
Daniels' sub., lot 811
Jan. 25, Miller Brewing Co., sub city
703, lot 13 and lot 1 of 4
Jan. 25, Kemler & Holford, A. Mc -
Daniels' sub., N. 88 ft, lot 783
Jan. 25, Cecelia Adams, city S 1/4 lot
Jan. 25, Hanah E. Lawther, city N
1 70
1 70
1 70
1 70
1 70
1 70
2 00
1 65
1,9 lot 537 ..
Jan. 25, Cath. Birmingham, Union
add, lot 77
Jan. 25, Mary A. Kemler, sub 4,
Robt. Brown's sub, lot 1
Jan. 25, F. Altman, Julia Lang -
worthy's add., lot 60
Jan. 25, F. Poole, Julia Lang -
worthy's add., lot 51
Jan. 25, Mat. Florey, Lois add, lot 4
Jan. 25, E. G. Winner, Guernsey &
Langworthy's add., lot 6
Jan. 25, W. P. Meloy, R. Lang -
worthy's sub, lot 5
Jan. 31, J. S. Stephens, Julia Lang -
worthy's add, lot 18
Jan. 31, Jno. A. Meshinger, Julia
Langworthy's add, lot 19
Jan. 31, Mary Bunting, Julia Lang -
worthy's add, lot 20
Jan. 31, E. A. Buettelt, Julia Lang -
worthy's add, lot 21
Jan. 31, F. Poole, Julia Lang -
worthy's add, lot 17
Jan. 31, Julia D. Rhom,berg, Guern-
sey & Langworthy's add, lot 8....
Jan. 31, Sam Smith, Reeder Lang -
worthy's sub., lot 10
Jan. 31, B. J. O'Neill, city, lot 80
Feb. 18, R. Nolte Est., city, lot 176
Feb. 25, G. L. Torbert Est., city, N
2-5, lot 459
Feb. 25, Jno. V. Rider, city, lot 28..
Feb. 25, H. B. Glover, city, lot 160..
1 70
1 70
1 70
1 70
$30 60
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Ald. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Nays -None.
City Recorder Arendt also presented a
notice served on G. R. Clark to con-
struct a sidewalk en the west side of
College Avenue, between West Second
street and West Third street.
Also a notice served on A. W. Kemler
to construct a sidewalk on the west side
of College Avenue, between West Sec-
ond street and West Third street.
Ald. Clancy moved that the notices be
received and filed, and the City Engineer
be instructed to advertise for bids to
construct said sidewalks. Carried.
Bids for the purchase of a Combina-
tion Chemical and Hose Wagon were pre-
sented and on motion of Ald. Frith the
bids were opened.
Bids as follows:
T. Connolly, steel body complete,
with roller bearings , , , . , , , , $1600 00
Wood body complete, with roller
bearings 1400 00
Fire Extinguisher Mfg. Co., steel
body, with roller bearings com-
plete ,,, ,,,, ,,, 190000
Wood body complete 1600 00
Racine Fire Engine Co., steel body
complete. with roller hearings . , 1827 00
Wood body complete, with roller
bearings ... 1677 00
Chas. T. Holloway & Co., steel
body complete, with roller bear-
ings . 1900 00
There being no certified check with said
bid as per proposal, the bid was on mo-
tion received and filed.
Ald. Jones moved that the Council go
into a committee of the Whole to con-
sider the bids and that the captains from
the three engine houses be requested to
be present. Carried.
The committee of the Whole then went
into session. After an absence of two
Regular Session, Oct. 2, 1902.
hours, the committee returned, and Ald.
Horr, chairman of the committee of the
Whole, reported that the committee were
unable to agree, and moved that the
matter be postponed until Friday even-
irg, October 3rd, 1902, at 8 o'clock p. m.
Ald. Corrance, chairman of the commit.'
tee on Claims, reported as follows:
Your committee on Claims, to whom
'was referred the petition of John Engel,
stating that while working for the city,
he was struck in the eye by a piece of
a rock and has thereby permanently lost
the sight of said eye, and asking there-
fore that he be granted some financial re-
lief, beg to report, that while we do not
consider the city in any manner liable
for said accident, still, as the petitioner is
a poor man and because of said accident
was unable to work for some time, we
would recommend that he be allowed the
sum of $20.00 and that a warrant for said
amount be drawn on the city treasury
in his favor.
Also your committee on Claims and
City Attorney, to whom was referred the
petition of Tom Conlin. asking that he
be refunded the sum of $50.00 for livery
license paid into the City Treasury,
for the year 1900 would recommend that
the petition be granted and that a war-
rant be ordered drawn for said amount.
City Attorney.
Your committee on Claims, to whom
was referred the petition of Maria Kruse,
asking that she be compensated for in-
juries received by falling on a slippery
sidewalk, would recommend that said pe-
tition be received and filed.
Your committee on Claims', to whom
was referred the bill of Dr. Allen Staples,
for professional services for Firemen
Hansen and Kane, amounting to $216.00,
would recommend that said bill be re-
ceived and filed.
Ald. Corrance moved to adopt the re-
port of the committee on Claims. Car-
Ald. Frith, chairman of the committee
on Streets, reported as follows:
Your committee on Streets, to whom
was referred the petition of Peter Kiene
et al., asking that Willow street and
Rosedale Avenue be put in passable con-
dition, would recommend that the prayer
of the petitioners be granted and that
the City Engineer be instructed to make
such necessary repairs on said streets as
will render them passable.
Your committee on Streets, to whom
was referred the petition of George G.
Ferguson, asking that he be granted per-
mission to set the curb in front of his
property, 9 2-3 inches out from the estab-
lished curb line on Center Place, would
recommend that the prayer of the peti-
tioner be granted.
Your committee on Streets, to whom
was referred the resolution for the im-
provement of Ardmore Terrace. would
respectfully recommend that said resolu-
tion be received and filed.
Your committee on Streets would re-
spectfully recommend that two warrants
in the sum of $4.75 each be ordered drawn
on the City Treasury in favor of J.
Scheuer and Andrew Bohr, respectively,
for work done on Bee Branch sewer by
the instructions of this committee.
E. E. FRITH, Charman.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report
of the Street committee. Carried.
Ald. Clancy, chairman of the commit-
tee on Pre, reported as follows:
Your committee on Fire, to whom was
referred tha communication of Isaac
Manhoff. offering the sum of Seventy-five
Dollars ($T5.011) for the steamer "J. K.
Graves," would recommend that said of-
fer be accepted.
Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Sheridan, chairman of the com-
mittee on Sewers, reported as follows:
Your committee on Sewers, to whom
was referred the petition of Chas. Sol-
man et al., asking that a sanitary sewer
be constructed in Langworthy Avenue,
from Hill street to Nevada street, would
recommend that the prayer of the peti-
tioner be granted and that the proper
resolutions be adopted.
Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Horr, chairman of the Board of
Equalization, reported as follows:
Your Board of Equalization, to whom
was referred the petition of the Dubuque
Star Brewing Co., asking that its taxes
be accepted in accordance with the ac-
tion of the City Council of April 7, 1898,
would recommend that this portion of
the petition be granted and that the
treasurer be instructed to cancel the
taxes against the improvements on the
lots enumerated in the aforesaid report;
we would also recommend that the
Treasurer be instructed to accept the
taxes on the personal property of the
above named concern on the following
basis: For 1599, $3,500.00; for 1900, $3,500.00,
and for 1901, 07.000.00.
Your Board of Equalization, to whom
was referred the petition of C. S. Rob-
inson. administrator for the James For-
ester estate, asking that the assessment
on $1,230.00 personal property against
said estate be canceled for the year 1900
as the personal property had been dis-
posed of over a year previous, would
recommend that the prayer of the peti-
tioner be granted and that the Treasurer
be instructed accordingly.
Your Board of Equalization, to whom
was referred the petition of the Iowa
Telephone company, asking that its as-
sessment for the year 1901 be reduced
to the amount thereof as fixed by the
executive council and returned by the
County Auditor, would recommend that
the prayer of the petitioner be granted
and that the Treasurer be instructed ac-
Your Board of Equalization, to whom
was referred the petition of Elizabeth
Jehring, stating that she is assessed on
81,000.00 moneys and credits for the year
1901, and that Fhe had invested this
money in real estate on which she is
also assessed, and asking therefore that
the assessment on moneys and credits
be canceled, would recommend that the
prayer of the petitioner be granted and
that the T1eusur,''r be Instructed accord-
Your Board c` Equalization would re-
spectfully report that on the 26th day
of August, 19n, we commenced the work
of equalizing the assessment roll for the
year 110,, and continued to meet from
time to time until the let day of October,
Regular Session, Oct. 2, 1902.
1902, when all grievances were heard.
The ilst of all changes are on record
In the City Auditor's office and said
changes have been entered on the assess-
ment roll for sal JOyear.
Aid. Horr moved to adopt the report
of the Board of Equalization. Carried.
Aid. Horr, chairman of the committee
of the Whole, reported as follows:
Your committee of the Whole, to whom
was referred the petition of Michael
Smith, et al., asking that a street or
lane be opened in O'Neill's Sub. No. 3,
from South street to North street, and
connecting Rigi and Louisa streets,
would recommend, provided the parties
benefited by such proposed street will
pay a fair share of the cost of the
opening thereof, that the proper steps
be taken to condemn and open a street
as prayed for in said petition.
Your committee of the Whole, to whom
was referred the petition of A. A. Cooper,
asking that he be granted the use of
John and Cooper streets for pasturage
.purposes, would recommend that said pe-
tition be received and filed.
Your committee of the Whole, to whom
was referred the petition of Timothy Dil-
lon, et al, asking that the obstruction
he removed from John street, would rec-
ommend that the prayer of the petition-
ers he granted.
Your committee of the Whole, to whom
was referred the communication of the
Union Electric company, asking that they
be allowed to substitute the enclgsed arc
for inn open arc system of lighting
the streets, beg to report that the mat-
ter has been investigated by the com-
mittee on Police and Light, whose report
is hereto attached and which we would
respectfully recommend for adoption.
Your committee on Police and Light, to
whom you referred the proposition of the
-inion Electric company. in relation to
the substitution of enclosed arc for the
urn arc system of lighting, beg to report
11i ,t we have given the matter our best
a t i ntion and have also written to other
cities to obtain information from
our investigations:
1. That the enclosed arc lamp is not
affected by the weather; this reduces the
number of outages.
2. There is a more even distribution of
the light; no dark shadows being cast
immediately under the lamp.
1. The lamp burns absolutely steady,
eliminating flickering.
4. If an opal inner globe is used, the
glare of the light will not blind the eyes
when looking directly at it.
We would therefore recommend that
the Union Electric company be permitted
to make the change, provided that the
original contract be not affected there-
by; and also that the City Attorney be
instructed to draw up an amendment
to the original contract with said com-
pany, granting it the right to make the
above mentioned change, with the agree-
ment that neither the term of duration
nor the price fixed in said original con-
tract is to he affected by said amend-
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report of
the committee of the Whole. Carried.
Ald. Horr also moved that the Mayor
he instructed to enter into a contract
immediately with the Union Electric com-
pany in regard to substituting the enclos-
ed arc for the open arc system of light-
ing the streets In the city. Carried.
The undersigned, your special com-
mittee, to whom you referred with power
the matter of effecting a settlement with
Mrs. Ellen Qulnlivan of the special as-
sessment levied against her property for
the improvement of Grandview Avenue,
beg to report that we have accepted the
sum of $225.00 in full settlement of said
assessment. which amount Mrs. Quinli-
van has this day paid into the city treas-
Ald. Clancy moved that the report be
adopted and the action of the committee
he approved. Carried.
Alderman Raymond offered the follow-
Be it resolved by the City Council et
the City of Dubuque, That the alley be-
tween Locust and Bluff streets from the
north curb line of Tenth street to the
south curb line of Eleventh street he
reconstructed by grading wherever neces-
sary and paving the same with brick nn
a concrete foundation, the same in ac-
cordance with the plat and specifications
for such improvement prepared by the
City Engineer and now on file In the of -
flee of the City Recorder: and he it fur-
ther resolved, that said improvement
shall he completed on or before the 1st
day of Deeember, 1902. and shall he paid
for at the time and In the manner pre-
scribed by Chapter 32 of the Revised Or-
dinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque
for the payment of the cost of stLeet
The proposals for doing such .work will
he acted upon by the City Council on the
16th day of October, 1902. and the City
Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten
days' notice by nnhllcation. asking for
proposals as provided in' ordinance.
API Raymond moved to adopt the res-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones. Raymond and Sheridan.
Na ys—None.
Ald. Raymond also offered the follow-
Be it Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That Gilmore Place
from West Fifth street to the alley first
north of Fenelon Place be Improved by
grading. curbing, guttering and macada-
mizing the same in accordance with the
plat and specifications for such Improve-
ment prepared by the City Engineer and
now on file in the office of the City Re-
corder. and he It further
Resolved, That said improvement shall
he completed on or before the 1st day
of December, 1902, and shall be paid for
at the time and in the manner pre-
scribed by Chapter 32 of the Revised Or-
dinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque
for the payment of the cost of street
The proposals for doing such work will
he acted upon by the Council on the loth
day of October, 1902, and the City Re-
corder Is hereby ordered to give ten days
notice by publication, asking for propos-
als as provided by ordinance.
Ald. Raymond moved to adapt the res-
olution. Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corranee, Frith.
Regular Session, Oct. 2, 1902.
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Ald. Jones offered the following:
Be it Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That any and all
resolutions heretofore offered and adopt-
ed by this Council, having for their oh-
ject the construction of a sewer in the
alley between Rhomberg and Garfield
Avenues, be and the same are hereby re-
scinded and annulled.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the resolu-
tion. Carried.
Ald. Jones also offered the following:
Be it Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed
necessary and advisable to construct a
sanitary sewer in the alley between
Rhomberg and Garfield Avenues and it
is hereby proposed to construct a sani-
tary sewer in said alley between Rhom-
berg and Garfield Avenues as follows,
to -wit: An eight -inch tile pipe sewer
from Johnson Avenue to Middle Avenue.
AId. Jones moved to adopt the resolu-
tion. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corral -tee. Frith,
iforr. Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Ald. Jnnes also offered the following:
Be it Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque. That the City En-
gineer he and he is hereby directed to
prepare a . plat and specifications for an
eight -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in
the alley. between Rhomberg and Gar-
field Avenues, from Johnson Avenue to
Middle Avenue, showing the location and
general nature of such improvement, the
extent thereof, the size and kind of ma-
terial to be used, and to prepare an es-
timate of the cost thereof, and the
amount assessable upon each lot or par-
cel of land adjacent to or abutting there-
on per front foot or square foot in area
and to file such plat. specifications and
estimate in the office of the City Re-
That after such plat is filed, the City
Recorder shall cause to be published no-
tice of the intention of the Council to
make such improvement, which notice
shall he published in three consecutive
issues of the official newspaper of the
city of Dubuque, stating that such plat
is on file, and generally the nature of
the sewer, its location, size and kinds
of material to he used and the estimate
of its cost, and fixing the time before
which objections can be filed, which time
shall not be less than five days after the
last publication of such notice, and after
the completion of the publication of such
notice he shall at its next regular ses-
sion, notify the Council thereof in writ-
ing with a printed copy of such notice
accompanying the same.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the resolu-
tion. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Ald. Jones also offered the following:
Be it resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed
necessary and advisable to lay out and
open an alley 20 feet wide between Rhom-
berg Avenue and Garfield Avenue from
the southerly line of lot 33 in High street
sub. to Johnson Avenue. all in the Ctw
of Dubuque, Iowa, and be it further re-
solved that the City Engineer be and he
is hereby directed to make a survey and
plat of such proposed improvement,
showing the land or lots through or over
which the same is proposed to be made,
the names of the owners thereof, and the
quantity of land proposed to be taken
and file such plat In his office for public
inspection; that after such plat is so pre-
pared and filed, said City Engineer shall
give the owners of the property through
or over which such improvement is pro-
posed to be made, notice as prescribed in
Section 2 of Chapter 31 of the ordinances
of the City of Dubuque.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the resolu-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Ald. Jones also offered the following:
Whereas, A large amount of city prop-
erty is destroyed or stolen every year
from the city pound, and
Whereas, The building at present used
as a patrol house is badly in need of ex-
tensive repairs; therefore, be it
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That in order to prop-
erly protect the city's property at the
pound it is deemed advisable to con-
struct a building on the premises that
can be used both as a patrol house and
general storehouse; also. that the City
Engineer and committee on Public
Grounds and Buildings be instructed to
prepare a plan for such a building and
an estimate of its cost and submit the
same to the City Council.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the resolu-
tion. Carried.
Ald. Sheridan offered the following:
Be it resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque: That it is deemed
necessary and advisable to construct a
sanitary sewer in. Langworthy Avenue,
and it is hereby proposed to construct a
sanitary sewer in said Lanworthy Ave-
nue, as follows, to -wit: An eight -inch tile
pipe sewer from Nevada street to Hill
Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the reso-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Frith. Horr, Jones,
Raymond and Sheridan,
Nays --Aid. Corrance.
Md. Sheridan also orrered the following:
Be it resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque: That the City En-
gineer be and he is hereby directed to
prepare a plat and specifications for an
eight -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in
Langworthy Avenue from Nevada street
to Hill street, showing the location and
general nature of ,such improvement, the
extent thereof, the size and kind of ma-
terial to be used, and to prepare an esti-
mate of the cost thereof and the amount
assessable upon each lot or parcel of land
adjacent to or abutting thereon per front
or square foot in area and to file such
plat, specifications and estimate in the
office of the City Recorder.
That after such plat is filed, the City
Recorder shall cause to be published no-
tice of the intention of the Council to
make such improvement which notice
shall be published in three consecutive is-
sues of the official newspaper of the City
of Dubuque, stating that such plat is
on file and generally the nature of the
sewer, its location, size and kinds of ma-
terial to be used and the estimate of its
cost, and fixing the time before which
objections can be filed, which time shall
not be less than five days after the last
publication of said notice, and after the
completion of the publication of such no-
Regular Session, Oct. 2, 1902.
tice he shall at its next regular session,
notifya theprinteCouncildcopy thereof
not ce taa
companying the same.
Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the reso-
Carried by the following
Horr, Jones,
Yeas—Alda. Clancy,
Raymond and Sheridan.
Nays—Aid. Corrance.
Aid. Horr offered the following:
Be it Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed
necessary and advisable to lay out and
open a street fifty feet wide in Quigley's
Sub. of Min. lot 157, from South street
to North street, and connecting Rigi with
Louisa street, all of which property be-
ing situated in the city of Dubuque,
Iowa, and be it further
Resolved, That the City Engineer be
and he is hereby directed to make a sur-
vey and plat of such proposed improve-
ment, showing the lands or lots through
or over which the same is proposed to
be made, the names of the owners there-
of, and the quantity of land proposed to
be taken and file such plat in his office
for public inspection; that after such
plat is so prepared and filed, said City
Engineer shall give the owners of the
property through or over which such im-
provement is proposed to be made, notice
as prescribed in Section 2, Chapter 31, of
the ordinances of the City of Dubuque.
Aid. Horr moved to adopt the resolu-
tion. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Ald. Horr also offered the following:
Be it Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That for sprinkling
purposes, all property within the sprink-
ling district shall be assessed at its full
assessable and taxable value as provided
by law, and that no reduction or exemp-
tion under any resolution or ordinance
passed by the City Council shall have
any force or effect as to assessments
for sprinkling purposes.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the resolu-
tion. Carried.
Ald. Frith offered the following:
Be it Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That the City Re-
corder be and he is hereby instructed to
have the plat of Gilmore Place recorded
in the office of the County Recorder.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu-
tion. Carried.
Ald. Frith also offered the following:
Whereas, on the 15th day of February,
1900, the petition of the Dubuque Brew-
ing and Malting Company, et al., asking
that Lincoln avenue be opened from
White to Jackson street was presented
to the City Council and favorable action
taken thereon. That pursuant to the or-
der of the City Council, proper steps
were taken and a jury empanneled and
sworn for the purpose of assessing the
damages to the owners of property abut-
ting on the proposed extension of said
street. That said jury viewed the prem-
ises and on the 15th day of January, 1901,
filed their report showing the assess-
ment of damages for opening said pro-
posed street as follows: Frank Drasda,
parts of the west 1-2 of lots 41 and 42,
L. H. Langworthy's add., $3.500.00; Nick
Nicks, south 8 1-10 feet of the east 1-2
of lot 41, L. H. Langworthy's add.,
$440.00: John Fosselman, lot 4 of the sub
east 1-2 of lot 41, L. H. Langworthy's
add., $1.400.00. Thereafter a committee
appointed by said Council waited upon
the abutters on said proposed street for
the purpose of obtaining the property
necessary for opening said street at a
less cost to said city than the award
above referred to. And on the 13th day
of March, 1902, said committee reported
to said Council as follows:
"Mayor Berg, chairman of the Special
committee on securing right of way for
the extension of Lincoln Avenue, report-
ed that Frank Drasda would accept
$100.00 less and John Fosselman $200.00
less than the award of the fury, making
a total for the right of way, $5,440.00."
That Frank Drasda and John Fossel-
man have presented to the City Council
their deeds of relinquishment, and the
estate of Nick Nicks, deceased, have
failed to appeal from the award of said
jury, and,
Whereas, the amount due to said abut-
ters has not been set aside by said City
Council as required by Section Six (6)
of Chapter Thirty-one (31) of the Revised
Ordinances of the City of Dubuque of
1901. therefore be it
Resolved by the City Council. of the
City of Dubuque, that there be allowed
and set apart in the city treasury the
following sums: To Frank Drasda,
$3,400.00, to the estate of Nick Nicks, de-
ceased, $440.00, and to John Fosselman
$1,600.00. That the Mayor and City Re-
corder 1-.e instructed to sign the proper
warrants for the sums due as above stat-
ed and deposit the same with the Audi-
tor of the City. That said Auditor be in-
structed to surrender said warrants to
the parties entitled to the same upon
the presentation of proper and sufficient
deeds which have been approved by the
City Attorney.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu-
Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Ald. Sheridan offered the following:
Be it resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque. That the Mayor be
and is hereby instructed to enter into a
written contract with the Union Electric
Company changing the pattern of the
electric lights. now in use in said city,
to what is known as 6.6 Ampere Alternat-
ing Enclosed Arc Lamps. And the City
Attorney he and is hereby instructed to
prepare a contract supplemental to the
one now in force providing for said
On motion of Ald. Sheridan the resolu-
tion was unanimously adopted.
Contract follows:
In consideration of the mutual benefits
to he derived therefrom. by the parties
hereto, it is hereby stipulated and agreed
betw wen the city of Dubuque. Towa. party
of the first part. and the Union Electric
Company of said city, of the second part
as follows:
That the sunplementary contract en-
tered into on the 3rd day of September.
1897. by and between the party of the
first part and the grantor of the party
of the second part, by which contract
said party of the secnnrl nart agreed to
furnish as many arc electric lights of
2.000 r'ndle power each. as the party of
the firFt part shall deem necessary for
lighting said city, be changed and alter-
ed as follows:
Regular Session, Oct. 2, 1902.
That said party of the second part
shall substitute for the Arc Electric
Lights now in use under said contract,
what is known as 6.6-10 Ampere Alter-
nating Enclosed Arc Lamps, which lamps
are to be of equal efficiency as those
now in use. It being understood and
agreed that a 6.6-10 Ampere Alternating
Enclosed Arc Lamp be installed at the
present location of each light now in use
by said city, within six months from this
date. It is further agreed that all lamps
hereafter furnished shall be 6.6-10 Ampere
Alternating Enclosed Arc Lamps.
It is further agreed and understood
that nothing herein shall in any man-
ner effect the rate of compensation or
date of expiration. as provided in the
contract now in force, and above re-
ferred to.
Signed this 3rd day of October, 1902:
City of Dubuque,
By C. H. BERG, Mayor.
City Recorder.
Union Electric Company,
Vice President.
J. R. LINDSAY, Secretary.
Ald. Frith moved that the committee
of the Whole meet Friday afternoon,
Oct. 3rd. 1902, to consider the matter of
the C. & G. W. Railway company's petition
in relation to extending its round house
five feet in Jackson street. Carried.
Ald. Corrance moved that Ald. Sheri-
dan act as chairman of the committee'
of the Whole during Ald. Horr's absence.
Ald. Jones moved a substitute that
Mayor Berg act as chairman of the com-
mittee of the Whole. Substitute. Car-
Ald. Sheridan moved to adjourn until
tomorrow evening (Friday), Oct. 3rd, 1902.
Carried. C. F. ARENDT,
City Recorder.
ai-j141 Recorder.
Approved... P./47/.‘:' 190
Adjourned Regular Session, Oct. 3, 1902.
Adjourned Regular Session, Oct. 3rd,
1902: Council met at 8:30 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Absent—Ald. Horr.
Ald. Clancy stated that the business of
this meeting was to consider the bids for
a Combination Chemical Engine and
Hose Wagon.
The mayor, acting as chairman of the
committee of the Whole„ during the ab-
sence of Aid. Horr, reported that the
committee of the Whole would recom-
mend that the City Council pay to the
Water Trustees the sum of $1,400.00 in
full for all water used for sprinkling pur-
poses, for the season of 1902. and that
the amount be divided among the five
sprinkling districts.
All. Sheridan moved that a warrant
Le drawn in favor of the Water Trus-
le(r for the ahoy= amount. Carried.
All. Sheridan moved that the rules be
se:Ap nded, that the different representa-
tivea of firms wishing 1, sell the city a
Combination Chemical Engine and Hose
Wagon might be heard. Carried.
Whereupon Mr. Polglase, representing
the Fire Extinguisher Mfg. Co., of Chi-
cago, addressed the Council in regard to
his bid.
Mr. Burk, representing Mr. T. Connolly
of this city, also addressed the Council.
Whereupon Ald. Frith moved that the
Council consider only two bids. the one of
Mr. T. Connelly of this city and the one
of the Fire Extinguisher Mfg. Co., of
Chicago. Carried.
Ald, Clancy moved that the contract be
let to Mr. T. Connolly for $1.400, he be-
ing the lowest bidder. Carried.
Ald, Clancy moved that the City Re-
corder he instructed to advertise for bids
to supply the city with hay and oats for
the various departments for one year.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the City Re-
corder be instructed to advertise for bids
to supply the city with hard wood and
coal for one year. Carried.
Aid. Jones moved that the City Re-
corder be instructed to advertise for bids
for painting the outside woodwork on the
Ninth Street and Fourth Street Engine
Houses, according to specifications to be
put on file in the Recorder's Office. Bids
to be in on or before 7:30 o'clock p, m.
October 16th, 1902. Carried.
Aid. Jones moved to adjourn until Oc-
tober 16th, 1902. Carried.
City Recorder,
• Recorder
Approved. LA?I-s .. ... .....1902,
Regular Session, Oct. 16, 1902.
Regular Session Oct. 16th, 1902.
Council met at 8 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Aid. Clancy, Jones, Raymond
and Sheridan.
Absent—Ald. Corrance, Frith and Horr.
Ald. Jones moved that there be no other
business transacted, except to pass on the
pay roll, receive the report of the com-
mittee of the Whole, and take action on
bids for feed and fuel. Carried.
City Engineer Boyce reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen—I herewith submit my pay-
roll for labor on Streets. for the first
half of October, 1902.
Amount due laborers on Streets....$1,594.35
Respectfully submitted.
City Engineer.
Approved: E. E. FRITH,
Chairman Committee on Streets.
Also submit my payroll for labor on
Sewers, for the first half of October, 1902.
Amount due laborers on Sewers$161.00
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Chairman Committee on Sewers.
Also submit my payroll for Teams haul -
in Sprinkling Wagons during the first
half of October, 1902:
Amount due Teamsters $236.70
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved: GEO. N. RAYMOND,
Chairman Committee on Paving, Sweep-
ing and Sprinkling.
On motion, the payrolls on Sewers,
Street and Sprinkling Wagons were re-
ceived and warrants ordered drawn to
pay the various amounts and the payrolls
referred back to the proper committees.
Mayor Berg stated that the Water
Trustees had filed their report with him,
and that he would -refer the same to a
Special committee, consisting of Alder-
man Sheridan, Raymond and Clancy.
Mayor Berg also presented and read a
communication from the Board of Free
Public Library Trustees, as follows:
Hon. C. H. Berg, Mayor of Dubuque.
Dear Sir: The Board of Trustees of
the Carnegie -Stout Free Library respect-
fully invite you and the members of the
City Council to make a visit of inspec-
tion of the new Library building prelim-
inary to the formal opening, and suggest
the date for the same to be on Friday
evening. Oct. 17th., at 8 o'clock. The
press of the city will also be invited to
join in the tour of inspection. and te
Board of Directors of the Young Men's
Library Association will formally turn
over to the city the assets of that asso-
Ald. Raymond moved that the Council
accept the invitation, and attend at the
time specified. Carried.
Bids for furnishing the city with hay
and oats for one year were presented,
and on motion of Ald. Jones the bids
were opened. Bids as follows:
Matt. Stafford: \white oats 36% cents
per bushel; No. 1 hay at $11.89 per ton.
T. F. Kane:—White oats at 38% cents
per bushel; No. 1 hay at $10.00 per ton.
W. J. Burns, Grocer and Commission
Co.—Oats at 4331 cents per bushel; hay at
$13.50 per ton.
Ald. Jones moved that the contract for
oats be let to Mr. Matt. Stafford at 36'4
•cents per bushel, and the contract for
hay be let to Mr. T. F. Kane at $10.00
per ton.
Ald. Clancy offered a substitute, that
the bids be referred to the committee
on Supplies with power, which was car-
Two bids, one for wood and the other
for wood and coal, were presented.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the bids be
returned to the bidders unopened, and
the time be extended until the next
meeting of the Council. Carried.
Ald. Sheridan, of the committee of the
Whole, reported as follows:
Your committee of the Whole, to whom
was referred the petition of St. Jos-
eph's Mercy Hospital, by Sister Mary
Pius, President, asking that the taxes
be canceled for the year 1901 on certain
lots purchased by them to be used for
park and other purposes incident to their
new hospital. also that said lots be held
exempt from any subsequent general
taxes under Section 1304 of the Code of
Iowa, would recommend that the prayer
of the petitioner be granted and that the
Treasurer be instructed to cancel the
taxes on the following described prop-
erty: Outlot 731 in the Town (now city)
of Dubuque; lot 1 of the sub. of 1 of the
sub. of 6 of the sub. of Mineral lot 72;
lot 2 of the sub. of 2 of the sub. of 6 of
Mineral lot 72; lot 1 of the sub. of 2 of
the sub. of 6 of the sub. of Mineral lot
72, and lot 2 of the sub. of lot 1 of the
sub. of lot 6 of the sub. of Mineral lot
72. We would also recommend that said
property be held exempt from any sub-
sequent general taxes and that the City
Assessor be so notified.
Also your committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of Thos.
Watters, asking that that part of Wooten
Add., bounded as follows, be vacated
from the south line of Wooten. Avenue to
the north line of the alley between Bon -
son Avenue and Dodge street and from
the east line of Hill street to the west
line of the street first east of said Hill
street, for the purpose of replotting the
same. would recommend that the prayer
of the petitioner be granted and that
the proper proceedings he taken by Mr.
Also your committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of C.
Buelow, et al., in relation to the special
assessment against their property for the
construction of a sewer in Diagonal
street. from the alley east of Broadway
to Broadway street, would recommend
that the city treasurer be instructed to
accept payment as follows: C. Buelow.
$4125; Harry Haubner, $33.00, and Robt.
246 Regular Session, Oct. 16, 1902.
Schoenbeck, $33.00, the same to be in
full settlement of said assessment.
Chairman Pro Tem.
Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the re-
port of the committee of the Whole.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the council
instruct the committee on Police to ad-
vertise for bids for overcoats for police-
men and the policemen be allowed $10.00
on each overcoat. Carried.
Aid. Jones moved to adjourn until Oc-
tober 23rd, 1902. Carried.
City Recorder.
Adjourned Regular Session, Oct. 23, 1902.
TOBER 23, 1902.
Council met at 8 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Petition of Henry Riker, et al, asking
that a water fountain be placed at the
intersection of Wilde and Valley streets.
On motion the petition was referred to
the committee of the Whole.
Petition of Nicholas Louis, asking that
the special assessment levied against his
property, lot 42 of sub lot 3 in L. H.
Langworthy's add. for constructing a san-
itary sewer in alley between White and
Jackson streets, from Eighteenth street
to Eagle Point Avenue be corrected. The
following is the report of the City En-
gineer, recommending the correction of
said special assessment:
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
Gentlemen—I would recommend the cor-
recting of the special assessment as
levied against the property of Nic Louis,
lot 3 of the sub. of E 1 of lots 42 and 43
in L. H. Langworthy's add. for the con-
struction of a sanitary sewer in the al-
ley between Jackson and White streets,
from Seventeenth street to Eagle Point
The original assessment was for 23.7
feet, amounting to $11.37.
The correct assessment will be for 21.1
feet, amounting to $10.12.
City Engineer.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the report be
accepted and the assessment be correct-
ed. Carried.
The following petitions were referred to
the Delinquent Tax committee:
Petition of Adam Zengel, asking for
the cancellation of his taxes for the
year 1901 on lots 15 and 16 in Ann O'Hare's
Petition of Mrs. Cath. Sullivan, asking
that her taxes on lot 19, Home add., be
canceled for the year 1101.
Petition of Sam Starr, asking that he
he exempt on his homestead from taxa-
tion to the amount of $800.00 for the year
1901, he being an honorably discharged
Union soldier.
Petition of Mary J. Simplot, asking
that she be exempt on her homestead for
the year 1901 from taxation to the
amount of $800.00, she being the widow of
an honorably discharged Union soldier.
Petition of W. B. Allison, asking that
the plat of Kane street, as dedicated
through sub. min. lot 349, be properly re-
On motion the matter .was referred to
the Street committee and City Engi-
Petition of Jno. Specht, asking Council
to grant him the free use of the ground
froth the south line of Third street ex-
tended. to about 100 feet north thereof
and from the water's edge lack about
160 feet. for the purpose of erecting and
operating a sawmill thereon.
On motion the petition was referred to
the Harbor committee, and they to re-
port to the Council.
Petition of Mrs. Cath. Stafford, asking
that the taxes on $2,000.00 moneys and
credits be canceled for the year 1901.
On motion the petition was referred to
the Board of Equalization.
Petition of A. L. Rhomberg, asking for
a review of the assessments made for
the year 1902 on lots in Corriell's Du-
buque, Dubuque Harbor Imp. Co.'s add.
and Ham's add.
On motion the petition was referred to
the Board of Equalization and City As-
Petition of the Key City Gas Co., ask-
ing that the action of the Board of
Equalization in advancing their assess-
ment be reconsidered, and the valuation
restored to the figures as returned by
the City Assessor.
On motion the petition was referred to
the Board of Equalization and City As-
The following petitions were referred
to the committee of the Whole:
Petition of Rev. C. Johannes in behalf
of the St. Francis Orphanage, asking
the Council to instruct the City Treas-
urer to accept the sum of fifty dollars
($50.00) in full settlement of the special
assessment for street improvement levied
against the 1.2 feet of out lot No. 488,
dated April 4th, 1889, and recorded in
Book 3, page 51.
Petition of Roger McPoland, asking for
the cancellation of special assessment for
street improvements levied against lot
24 of sub. min. lot 149.
Petition of Geo. Bechtel and 86 other
signers, asking the Council to take im-
mediate steps to secure better car ser-
vice on what is known as the Linwood
Petition and claim of F. M. Clarke,
claiming the sum of $22.00 for damages
sustained through driving into a pile of
macadam, lying in Bluff street, between
Tenth and Eleventh streets, east side,
opposite the south end of the Carnegie -
Stout Library building.
On motion the petition and claim were
referred to the committee on Claims ana
City Attorney.
Claim of M. H. McCloskey, claiming
the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00)
for personal damages sustained by falling
or a defective sidewalk near the Junction
of Rock street and Julien Avenue.
On motion the claim was referred to
the committee on Claims and City At-
Bids for painting Central and Fourth
street engine houses were presented and
un motion of Ald. Jones were ordered op-
Rids as follows:
Giegerich & Wesselhoft. painting
both engine houses in total ....$ 85 00
M. Czizek, painting both houses in
total ........ 140 00
Peter Ginter, painting both houses
In total...... ...... 150 00
C. M Emerson, painting both hoses
In total • ... ...... .... .... 186 00
Jno. Phillips, painting both houses 195 00
in total .. .... ••
Ald. Sheridan moved to award the con-
tract to Giegerich & \Wesselhoft, they be-
ing the lowest bidders.
Ald. Frith moved a substitute to refer
the bids to the committee on Public
Grounds and Buildings with power.
Substitute carried by the following
1 gas—Aids. Frith, Horr, Jones and Ray-
Adjourned Regular Session, Oct. 23, 1902.
Nays—Alds. Clancy, Corrance and Sher-
Bids for supplying the city with coal
and wood were ordered opened by motion
of Aid. Frith.
Bids as follows:
Becker Bros.—
No. 1 Maple wood at, per cord$
No. 1 Oak wood at, per cord
Best Carterville screened lump coal
at, per ton
Conlin & Kearns—
No. 1 Maple wood at, per cord$
No. 1 Oak wood at, per cord
Best Carterville screened lump coal
at, ner ton.... .. .. .
Ald. Clancy moved to award the con-
tract for wood to Conlin & Kearns. they
being the lowest bidders on wood. and
to award the contract for coal to Becker
Bros., they being the lowest bidders on
Aid. Sheridan moved a substitute to re-
ject all bids for coal, and Conlin &
Kearns he aw-r-led the contract for wood.
Substitute carried by the following
Yeas—Aids. Corrance, Horr, Raymond
and Sheridan.
Nays—Alds. Clancy, Frith and Jones.
Ald. Horr then moved to reject all bids
on wood. Unanimously carried.
Proposal for improving Gilmore Place
was on motion ordered opened.
Bid as follows.
O'Farrell & Street—
Grading. per cubic yard 30c
Curbing. per lineal foot 60c
Guttering, per square yard 60c•
Macadamizing, per square yard 65c
There only being one bid Ald. Frith
moved that the bid be rejected.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Corrance, Frith, Horr and
Nays—Aids. Clancy. Jones and Ray-
Proposals for paving with brick the al-
ley between Locust and Bluff streets
from Tenth to Eleventh streets, were on
motion ordered opened.
Bids as follows:
D. W. Linehan, brick paving, per
square yard $ 2 20
O'Farrel & Street, brick paving, per
square yard . , , ...... 2 123'_
Ald. Rovmond moved to award the can
tract to O'Farrell & Street, they being the
lowest bidder. Carried.
Ald. Raymond also moved that the City
Recorder re -advertise for bids for the
improvement of Gilmore Place. Carried.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the Finance
committee be instructed to issue bonds
to pay for the construction of a sanitary
sewer in Johnson Avenue, Eagle Point
Avenue and Queen street, from manhob-
in Lincoln Avenue to south line of lot 32
it Sanl'ord's sub. Carried.
City Attorney Barnes reported as fol-
Dubuque, Iowa, October 24, 1902.
To the Honorable Mayor and Aldermen of
the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: Reporting on the title of
the property proposed to be deeded to the
city for the extension of Lincoln Avenue
between White and Jackson streets will
say: That the owners of the West half
of the South forty (40) feet of lot forty-
one (41) and the West half of lots forty-
two (42) and forty-three (43) in L. H.
Langworthy's Addition to the City of Du-
buque. And lot four (4) of the subdivision
7 50
6 50
6 25
6 97
5 89
6 50
of the East half of lots forty-two (42)
and forty-three (43) in L. H. Langworthy's
Addition to the City of Dubuque, known
respectively as the Drasda and Fossel-
mann property, have submitted to me ab-
stracts of title to their respective pieces
of property. a part of which is proposed
to be deeded to the City for the purpose
of the extension of said street, and said
abstracts are herewith presented for fu-
ture reference. With regard to the Dras-
da property it appears from said abstract
that Frank Draska and Mary Drasda, his
wife, on the 5th day of May, 1891. made
a mortgage to George L. Brower for
Fifty -Five Hundred ($5.500) Dollars, which
has not been satisfied. Upon investigat-
ing I find that said mortgage is in the
hands and under the control of Peter
Kiene & Son of this city, who have in
their possession a satisfaction of said
mortgage properly executed and will de-
liver the same to the City or file the
same for record upon the payment of the
amount due. With the above exception
the title to said property appears to be
With regard to what is known as the
Fosselmann property, the abstract shows
that on the 10th day of September. 1896,
said property was deeded by John Fossel-
mann, (widower) to Catherine Deckert.
(widow), and the title to said property
now rests in her. It apears from said ab-
stract that the second half of the county
taxes for the year 1901 are not paid and
the special City taxes levied on June 19th,
1902, amount $17.32, appear by said ab-
stract as not paid. These amounts have
been paid since said abstract was deliver-
ed to me for examination and the title
to said property as appears by said ab-
stract is good.
I have examined the deeds of Catherine
Deckert (widow) and Frank Drasda and
Mary Drasda, his wife. now in the hands
of the City Recorder and the same are
in proper form and properly executed.
No abstract of title has been presented
to what is known as the Nix property.
and no deed has been presented by the
owners of that property. There being
minors interested, proceedings in probate
are necessary in order to secure the right
to convey the interest of the minor heir:
to the City. I am informed that the par-
ties interested are now willing to take the
necessary steps in order that legal title
may be given to the City to the property
condemned for said street. In this con-
nection I would recommend that the nec-
essary money to pay for all the property
condemned for said extension of Lincoln
Avenue be set apart in the Treasury, as
provided by Ordinance, and that a war-
rant be drawn in favor of Catherine
Deckert (widow) for the sum of Sixteen
Hundred ($1.600) Dollars. That a warrant
be drawn in favor of Frank Drasda for
the sum of Thirty-four Hundred $3,400)
Dollars and that provisions be made for
the payment of the Nix heirs in accord-
ance with the terms of the resolution
heretofore adopted by your honorable
body. Respectfully submitted,
City Attorney.
Ald. Frith moved that the report of the
City Attorney be approved. Carried.
City Engineer Boyce reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City Conn-
ell of the City of Dubuque:
Gentb_men: Herewtth attached please
find plat showing the proposed vacation
of Ash street, from • the southerly line
Adjourned Regular Session, Oct. 23, 1902. 249
of lots (19) in Block (12) and (6) in Block
(17) Railroad addition, to the north prop-
erty line of Twentieth street. Twentieth
street from the east property line of
Ash street. to the west property line of
Marsh street, the alley between Ash
street and Marsh street from the south-
erly line of lots (6) and (19) Block (17)
Railroad Add. to the south property line
of Twentieth street. also the alley be-
tween Marsh street and Hickory street
from the north property Zine of Twentieth
street to the north end of said alley.
That proper notice was given the abut-
ting property owners. and Plat filed in
City Engineer's Office as required by
Law. Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the report of
the City Engineer la. approved, and the
Ordinance committee be instructed to
draft an ordinance granting the vacation
of said streets and alleys.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—A Ids. (Clancy. Corm nee. Frith.
Herr. Jones. Raymond and Sheridan.
City Recorder Arendt presented the
printed notice. certified to by the publish-
er. of the Council's intention to construct
an 8 -inch Tile file Sanitary Sewer in
alley lit tween lthumberg Avenue and
Garfield Avenue. from Johnson Avenue to
Middle Avenue.
No remonstrance being filed, the Mayor
asked if any one present had any objec-
tion to said improvement.
Nr, objection being stated. on motion of
Ald. Sheridan the notice was ordered
received and filed.
City Recorder Arendt also presented the
printed notice, certified to by the pub-
lisher of the C'ouncil's intention to con-
struct an s -inch 'file I'ipe Sanitary Sewer
in Langworthy Avenue. from Nevada
street to Hill street.
No remonstrance being tiled, the Mayor
asked if any one present had any oh-
jection to said improvement.
No objection being stated, on motion
the notice was ordered received and filed.
Also presented the printed notice, cer-
tified to by the publisher. Of the Coun-
cil's intention to levy a special assess-
ment against the different named prop-
erty owners for repairing sidewalks for
the month of August. 1902.
No remonstrance being tiled, the Mayor
asked it any one present had any objec-
t Ho to said special assessment.
objection being stated, on motion
r In notice was ordered received and tiled.
Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the fol-
Resolved. By the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for repair-
ing sidewalks for the month of August,
1902, by City. in front of and adjoining
the same, a Special Tax be and is hereby
levied on the several lots. and part of
lots, and parcels of real estate herein-
after named, situated and owned, and
for the several amounts set opposite each
lot or parcel of real estate, as follows:
Special assessment submitted and Pass-
ed Oct. 23rd, 1902.
Aug. 1—Wm. Schroeder, sub. 2 of
Min. lot 158. lot 2, 20 ft. lumber.
40c; 3-4 hour's labor, 40c ........
Aug. 1—Jos. J. Nagle. sub. Min. lot
39. lot 52, 8 ft. lumber. 15c; 1-2
hour's labor, 25c
Aug. 1—A. J. Lembeck. Marsh's add.
B 100 ft., lot 45, 85 ft. lumber, $1.70 1 70
Aug. 2—F. W. and Francis Coates.
sub. 5 Min. lot b0, lot 3-4, 27 ft
lumber, 55e; 1-2 hour's labor, 25c
Aug. 5—Anna Klauer, East Dubuque
add.. lot 56, 23 ft. lumber, 45c'
1-2 hour's labor, 25c
Aug. 6—Elizabeth Manson, city, lot
530, 59 ft. lumber, $1.20; 1 hour's
labor, 50c
Aug. 6—Dubuque Malting Co., Brew-
ery add., lot 5, 10 ft. lumber, 20c;
1-2 hour's labor, 25c
Aug. 6—W. A. Leathers, Fortune's
sub. E 1-2, lot 21, 7 ft. lumber, 15c;
1-2 hour's labor, 25c
Aug. 7—M. M. Hoffman, Davis
Farm add., lot 372. 8 ft. lumber,
15c; 1-2 hour's labor, 25e
Aug. 9 --Kate Lundbeck, Cox's add
E 24 ft., lot 22. 5 ft. lumber, 10c;
3-4 hour's labor, 40c
Aug. 9—Jos. Ruegamer et al, sub.
Min. lot 100, N 49 ft., lot 8, 16
ft. lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour's labor.
25c.... .... ......
Aug. 9—Hubert Lundbeck, Cox's
add., E 30 ft., lot 11, 18 ft. lumber,
35c; 1-2 hour's labor, 25c
Aug. 9—C. Heintz. L. H. Langwor-
thy's add., lot 147, 2,, ft. lumber.
55c; 1 hour's labor, 50c
Aug. 9—Chicago Great Western Ry.
Co., sub. 11, Kniest's sub., lot 2,
26 ft. lumber, 50c; 1 hour's labor,
50c. .... .... ....
Aug. 11—R. M. Kunz. McCraney's
1st. add., lot 82. 20 ft. lumber, 40c;
1-2 hour's labor, 25c
Aug. 12—Mrs. Sidney Saul, Saul's
sub., lot 5, 25 ft. lumber, 50c; 3-4
hour's labor, 40c
Aug. 13—Mrs. J. 17. Buehler, sub.
Min. lot 314. lot 3. 103 ft. lumber,
$2.05; 1 hour's labor, 50c
Aug. 14—Mary Wilde, sub. 1 of 2 of
7 of Min. lot 45, lot 2, 7 ft. lumber,
15c; 1-2 hour's labor. 25c
Aug. 14--C. Denlinger, O'Hare's sub,
lot 19, 5 ft. lumber, 10c; 1-4 hour's
labor, 15c.... .... .... ....
Aug. 14—T. J. Paisley, Whelan's
sub. lots 4-5, 5 ft. lumber, 10c;
1-4 hour's labor. 15c
Aug. 1-i—J. 14. Shields, Dubuque
Ilarbo. Co's. add., Block 1, lots
8-8a, 20 ft. lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour's
labor, 25c . ... .... .... ....... .
Aug. 14—Mary Martin, sub. City 703.
lot 15, 96 ft. lumber, $1.90; 1 hour's
labor, 50c....
Aug. 14—A. Nicks, Glendale add
lots 210-217. ft. lumber, 70c; 3-4
ltour'. labor. I r..
Aug. 11-1'. \V. Fitzpatrick. Union
add., lot 146, ' ft. lumber, 15e; 1-2
hour's labor, 25c....
Aug. 15—Mary McGuire, Glendale
add., lot 40, 12 ft. lumber, 25e;
1-2 hour's labor. 25c
Aug. 15—Chicago Great Western Ry.
Co., right of way. 19th and Pine
streets, 10 ft lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour's
labor, 25c.... .... ... . .
Aug. 1S—Jonn Byrne. Bo uson &
Stewart's sub., lot 24, 16 ft. lum-
ber, We; 1-4 hour's labor, lac
Aug. '30—.Inn. H. Kleine. Summit
St. add., lot 5, 16 ft. lumber, 30c;
1-2 hour's labor, 25c.... .
.Aug. 20--R'. J. and W. S. Cox, Cor-
rie11's sub., lot 14, 16 ft. lumber.
30c; 1-4 hour's labor 15e
\tug. :'0 -Rev. Jun. J. Keane et al,
Levin's add.. lots 2-1, 24 ft. lumber,
1 70
1 05
1 n0
2 55
2 40
l 10
Adjourned Regular Session, Oct. 23, 1902.
1-2 hour's labor, 25c.... • 75
50c;20—Jos. Morgan, Morgan's
sub., lot 10, 102 ft. lumber, $2.05; 2 65
1 hour's labor, 50c....
Aug. 20—M. J. McCullough and J.
J. Dunn, Morgan's sub., lot 4, 81
ft. lumber, $1.60; 1 hour's labor,
50c ,
Aug. 20—R. & E. Langworthy Est.,
Glendale add., lot 223, 16 ft. lum-
ber, 30c; ?/a hour labor, 25c
Aug. 20—Jno. C. Robzien, Glendale
add., lot 155, 7 ft. lumber, 15c; 1
hour labor, 15c
Aug. 23—Stephen Zenner, Burden-
Lawther add., lot 130, 10 ft. lum-
ber, 20c; 1 hour labor, 25c
Aug. 23—Mrs. M. Muntz, O'Neill's
Riverview, lot 38, 10 ft. lumber,
20c; 1 hour labor, 25c
Aug. 23—Leathers & Trewin, Burden-
Lawther add., lot 116, 5 ft. lumber,
10c; 1/4 hour labor, 15c 25
Aug. 23—H. C. Becker, A. Stines'
add., lot 7, 15 ft. lumber, 30c; /
hour labor, 25c ....... ... ... ..... 55
Aug. 25—R. & E. Langworthy's
Ests. Glendale add., lots 153-223-219,
33 ft. lumber, 66c; 1 hour labor, 50c 1 15
Aug. 26—W. J. Nessler, Glendale
add., lot 143, 13 ft. lumber, 25c;
3 hour labor, 25c 50
Aug. 26—F. W. Coates, Glendale
add., lot 110, 5 ft. lumber, 10c; 1/2
hour labor, 15c 25
Aug. 26—Rebecca Farley, Fairview
sub., lot 14, 7 ft. lumber, 15c; 1/2
hour labor, 26c 40
Aug. 26—Cath. F. Boland, City N.
M. 1-5, lot 430, lumber 10c; 1/4
hour labor, l5c 25
Aug. 27—Elizabeth Manson, City lot
630, 24 ft. lumber, 50c; 1 hour la-
bor, 60c 100
Aug. 27—C. Mullen Est., City lot 181,
50 bricks, 50c; 1 hour labor, 50c1 00
Aug. 28—P. Hughes, sub 2 of pt. City
711, lot 2, 12 ft. lumber, 26c; 1
hour labor, 25c 50
Aug. 28—B. S. McElhaney, East Du-
buque add., lot 67, 8 ft. lumber,
15c; 1 hour labor, 25c 40
Aug. 29—Ralph June Est., Woodlawn
Park, lot 70, 13 ft. lumber, 25c; 1
hour labor, 25c oU
Aug. 29—Albert Johnson, Woodlawn
Park, lot 62, 5 ft. lumber, 10c; 1
hour labor, 25c 35
Aug. 29—J. Kleinshcmidt, Wood -
lawn Park, lot 99, 41 ft. lumber,
80c; 1 hour labor, 25c 105
Aug. 27—Julia Paul, City N 40 ft. lot
557, 95 ft. lumber, $1.90; 1 hour
labor. 50c 2 40
2 10
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Jones,
Raymond and Sheridan.
Ald. Frith also offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That to pay for cutting
weeds during the months of June, July
and August, 1902, by City, contractor, in
front of and adjoining the same, a Spec-
ial Tax be and is hereby levied on the
several lots and parts of lots, and parcels
of real estate hereinafter named, situate
and owned, and for the several amounts
set opposite each lot or parcel of real es-
tate, as follows:
Special assessment submitted and passed
October 23, 1902.
1902. Owner. Description.
June 27 and 28.—John Buettell,
Nairn's add., lots 1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 13
and 14, 20 hours labor $ 3 20
June 30.—D. H. McCarthy, sub. 2 of
8 of min. lot 159, N. 1, lot 1, 10
hours labor ...... .... .... .... 1 60
July 5.—Edw. Langworthy Est,
Pauline Langworthy's sub., lots 3,
5, 6. 7 and 8, 5 hours labor 80
Julyy 15.—Wm. T. Roehl, Finley
Home add., lot 4, 2 hours labor40
July 16.—Emma White, Finley Home
add., lot 16, 2 hours labor 40
July 16.—W. H. Doane, Finley Home
add, lot 11, 21 hours labor 50
July 17.—A. W. Tredway, Finley
Home add., lot 17, 5 hours labor80
July 21 and 22.—John J. Keane,
Trustee, Mobley's, Dubuque, lots
6-7, 171 hours labor 2 80
July 22 and 23.—Frank W. Coates,
S. M. Langworthy's add., lots 39
to 43; Frank W. Coates, sub. min.
lot 80, lots 2, 3, 4 and 5, 15 hours
labor 2 40
July 24.—C. H. Eighmey, sub. 2 of
8 c f min. lot 159, S. '/i, lot 1, 5
hours labor 80
July 24.—W. and D. Brunskill, Mar-
tin's, Dubuque, lot 10, 5 hours
labor 80
July 24.—Robert and Jno. Lee, S. M.
Langworthy's add., lots 1 and 2,
10 hours labor 1 60
July 25.—Mary A. Kemler, Newberry
& Hale's sub., lot 13, 5 hours labor 80
July 25.—Edna W. Norton, Finley
Home add., lot 7, 5 hours labor80
July 26.—Eighmey & Guernsey,
Deming & Horr's sub., lot 21, 5
hours labor 80
July 26.—Chas. W. Walton, sub. 1 of
3, Robt. Brown's sub., lot 2, 5
hours labor 80
July 24.—J. W. Schwind, O'Neill's
sub., No. 2, lot 10, 41 hours labor 75
July 24.—Annie Shea, O'Neill's sub.
No. 2. lot 16, 4 hours labor 70
July 24.—E. Hemmi, O'Neill's sub
No. 2, lots 3 and 4, 6 hours labor95
July 24.—J. H. Vernon, O'Neill's
sub. No. 2, lot 21, 4 hours labor70
July 24.—Lydia A. Clarke, College
sub., lot 15, 4 hours labor 70
July 25.—C. E. Bradley, Julia Lang -
worthy's add., lot 29, 8 hours labor 1 40
July 25.—S. M. Langworthy's Est.,
S. M. Langworthy's sub., lot 10,
1 hour labor 25
July 25.—J. S. Stevens, S. M. Lang -
worthy's sub., lot 1, 2 hours labor 40
July 25.—Maggie Doty, Reeder Lang -
worthy's sub., lot 9, 6 hours labor 95
July 26.—W. R. Melloy, Reeder
Langworthy's sub., lot 5, 114 hours
lab(r �5
July 26.—Math. Maher, Union add.,
S. 133.10. feet, lot 136, 10 hours labor
July 26.—John J. Keane et al., Union
add.. lot 1.65 and 166, 11 hours labor
July 26.—J. & E. Tibey, sub. 3 of
min. lot 63, lot 1, 10 hours labor
July 28.—Bridget Redmond, Union
add., lot 127, 10 hours labor
July 30.—J. W. Pier, sub. 105, Union
add., lot 2, 10 hours labor
July 30.—R. Bonson Est., Union
add., lots 210-211, 9 hours labor
July 31—Jas. Rowan, Breakey's add,
lots 7-8, 12 hours
July 31—A. Wender, M. O'Hare's
sub., lot 1, 1 hour
July 31—A. W. Kemler Est., Union
1 60
1 75
1 60
1 60
1 60
1 45
1 90
Adjourned Regular Session, Oct. 23, 1902.
add., lot 1S2, 10 hours
July 23—F. Wagner, sub. 87 and 88,
L. H. Langworthy's add., lot 3,
3 hours
July 23—A. F& A. D. Heeh,
Marsh's add., lot 30, 4 hours
July 23—A. Huber, Marsh's add., lot
29, 8 hours
July 23—A. Woodward, Marsh's
add., lot 40. 4 hours
July 24—A. F. & B. D. Heeh,
Marsh'* add., lots 22-23-26-27,
4 hours
July 25—L. Reinecke, L. H. Lang -
worthy's add., W. 85 ft. lots 182-
183-184-185, 16 hours 2 55
July 26—Geo. Kirkland, sub. 10,
Dunn's sub., lot 1, 6 hours
July 26—Dora Altman, Dunn's sub,
lot 11, 5 hours
July 26—Kiene & Altman, Dunn's
sub., lot 12, 5 hours
Jr:ly 26—Theo. Altman, Dunn's sub,
lots 13-14, 6 hours
July Z—G. Blocklinger, King's 2nd
add.. lot 21, 2 hours 40
July 28—Paul Schlenker, Dunn's
sub., lot 8, 1 hours 25
July 29—Geo. Hedrick, Glendale
add., lot 26, 4 hours 70
July 29—M. Kettenhofer, Glendale
add., lot 44. 4 hours 70
July 29—Henry Deviile, Glendale
add.. lot 45, 4 hours 70
July 29—K. Kolfenhach, Glendale
add..., lots 57 and N % 53. 3 hours. 55
July 30—R. M. Kunz, Glendale add.,
lots 58-59-60, 3 hours 55
July 30—Eliz. Olinger, Glendale add,
lot 122. 1 hour 25
July 31—Mary L. Bunting, Glendale
add., lot 84, 1 hour 25
July 31—Francis Poole, Glendale
add., lot 78, 1 hours 25
July 31—Cath. Oeth, Glendale add,
lot 79, 1 hours 25
July 31—M. M. Hoffman, E. Lang -
worthy's add., lot 18. 4 hours 70
Aug. 1—Jas. H. Shields, Dubuque
Harbor Co.'s add., B. 9, lot 2,
4 hours 70
Aug. 1—Mary A. Kemler, 'Union
add., lot 96, 10 hours 1 60
Aug. 1—C. A. Walter. Davis Farm
add., lots 305-306, 13 hours 2 05
Aug. 1—Jas. Levi. Davis Farm
add., lots 237-238. 2 hours 40
Aug. 1—M. Schunk Est., Davis
Farm add.. lot 287. 1 hour 25
Aug. 1—Jno. Vyverherg Est.. Davis
Farm add., lot 300, 1 hours
Aug, 2—Aug. Munsell. Hooper's add,
lots 3.3-34-35. 18 hours
Aug. 4—R. M. Kunz. McCraney's
Hirst add.. lotc 89-85-86, 12 hours1 90
Aug, 4.—Jos. W. Davis, sub. 81. Mc-
Craney's 1st add.. lot 3 and part of
lot 2, 4 hours labor 70
Aug. 5.—Pat Walsh. McCraney's
1st add.. lot 71. 4 hours labor 70
Aug, 5.—M. A. Walsh, Ham's add,
lot 447. 4 hours labor 70
Aug. 6.—M. D. Gaux. McCraney's 1st
add.. lot 69, 3 hours labor
Aug. 7.—J. J. McCarthy, McCraney's
1st add., lotc 36 and 37, 5 hours
Aug. 7.—R. and E. Langworthy's
Ests.. Glendale add., lots 162, 185
and 186, 3 hours labor
Aug, 7.—Mary Lux. Glendale add,
lot 209. 1 hour labor
Aug. 7.—Deming & Kiessel, mineral
lot 466, 6 hours labor
Aug, 7.—Wm, Hollnagel, sub. min-
eral lot 300, lot 5, 1 hour labor
1 60
1 40
2 30
Aug. 7.—A, W. Hosford, Cain's sub.,
lots 14, 18 and 19. 15 hours labor,,,.
Aug. 7.—Paul Traut Est., Farley's
sub., lot 35, 7% hours labor
Aug. 7.—Mich. Lentz, sub. 92, Cox's
add, lots 1 and 2, 5 hours labor,
Aug. 7.—Mary A. Kemler, McDan-
iel's sub., und, %,t N. 88 feet, lot 783,
5 hours labor
Aug. 7.—Sidonia Hosford, McDan-
iel's sub., und. 3c N. 88 feet, lot
783, 5 hours labor
Aug, 7.—Rev, Keane et al., McDan-
iel's sub., lots 820 and 821, 10 hours
Aug. 7.—Mrs. Jno. Koch, Cox's add,
lot 16, 5 hours labor
Aug. 7.—Wm, Hintrager, Quigley's
sub. 710, W. 42 feet, lot 15, 5 hours
Aug. 7.—M. D. Goux, East Dubuque
add., lot 330, 3 hours labor
Aug. 7.—A. W. Kemler Est., East
Dubuque add., lot 329, 2 hours
labor 40
Aug. 7.—E. M. Ernsdorf, East Du-
buque add., lot 177, 5 hours labor.. 80
Aug. 7.—G. G. Moser, East Dubuque
add., lot 296, 2 hours labor 40
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
County Auditor J. H. Weimer presented
statement of the assessment and valua-
tion of telephone lines in the City of Du-
buque, as fixed by the State Executive
Council, and Board of Supervisors of
Dubuque county, for the year 1902.
Dubuque Telephone Company, 16.40
miles at $1067.07 per mile. Total $17.500.00.
On motion the statement was referred
to the committee on Equalization and
City Assessor.
Mayor Berg stated that he wished to at-
tend to some business at the armory and
would like to be excused, and called
Mayor Pro Tem Horr to the chair.
Ald. Frith, cnatrman of the committee
cn Streets, reported as follows:
In favor of paying the following bills:
brown & Brown, 2,S00 cubic yards
of grading on Langworthy Avenue,
between South Alpine and Hill
street, at 18c, less 15 per cent.,. .$428 40
Steuck & Linehan, estimate on Bee
Branch storm water sewer across
Couler Creek, between Twenty-
seventh street and Peru road,, 173 14
Steuck & Linehan, estimate on
Fourteenth street, storm water
sewer 573 75
Geo. Wilkinson, constructing 119 9-12
lineal feet of plank sidewalk on
west side of College Ave, at 28c. . 33 53
Ald. Frith moved that warrants be
drawn for the above amounts, and the
Sills paid.
Ald. Sheridan, chairman ted asthe follows: it- '
tee on Supplies, reported
Your committee on Supplies, to whom
were referred the bids for feed for the
horses on the fire and police departments,
would respectfully recommend that the
contract for furnishing the same be
awarded to T. Kane at the following
prices:shel35HaS'oul0 nds. Said contracter ten; oats, lto rc un
bushel 35 p
fir a period of one JOHN J. SHERIDANar from r 1,
1�0:. Chairman.
2 40
1 15
1 60
252 Adjourned Regular Session, Oct. 23, 1902:
AId. Sheridan moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Jones, chairman of the committee
on Public Grounds and Buildings, report-
ed in favor of paying the following bill:
McDonald & Howe, to cleaning out
old shaft back of new engine
house and timbering the same...$ 25 00
Ald. Jones moved that a warrant he
drawn for the above amount and the bill
paid. Carried.
Aid. Clancy, chairman of the commit-
tee on Fire, offered the following:
Be it Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That the commit-
tee on Fire be authorized to purchase
four horses for the flre department.
Aid. Clancy moved to adopt the resolu-
tion. Carried.
Ald. Sheridan, chairman cf the commit-
tee on Police and Light, reported as fol-
Your committee on Police and Light, to
whom was rcferred the within bill of B.
J. Scherr for pz inting the cells in the
calaboose, would r<.•immend that said
hill be returned to the maker for correc-
Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the re-
Ald. Jones moved a substitute that the
bill he paid. Carried by the following
Teas—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Jones and
Nays—Aid. Corrance and Sheridan.
Ald. Sheridan, chairman of the commit-
tee on Sewers, reported as follows:
Your committee on Sewers, to whom
was referred the remonstrance of Julia
L. Langworthy et al., against the con-
struction of the proposed sanitary sewer
in Langworthy Avenue from Booth street
to Hill street, beg to report that at the
request of the remonstrators we recom-
mend that said remonstrance be received
and filed. JOHN J. SHERIDAN,
Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
The report of the Special committee
was presented and read as follows:
Your Special committee, designated by
ordinance to audit the annual report of
the Dubuque High Bridge Company, beg
to submit as supplementary to our report
of July 10th, 1902, the following: That in-
asmuch as the net receipts for the year
1901 were less than 8 per cent. on the in-
vestment, and as said company is exempt
under its special ordinance until such
time as its receipts will equal that amount
therefore we would recommend that the
City Treasurer be instructed to cancel
the taxes against said company for the
year 1901. C. H. BERG,
On motion of Ald. Sheridan the report
was approved.
Ald. Jones, of the Board of Health, re-
ported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen.—Your Board of Health, at a
meeting held Oct. 6th, 1902, would re-
spectfully report that the lot on West
Fifth street, belonging to Hosford &
Kemier, also lot No, 329, East Dubuque
addition, at the corner of Thirteenth and
Maple streets, belonging to the Kemler
estate, were ordered filled within thirty
days of notice.
Also recommend to the City Council
that the alley between Hall and Louisa
streets in Reche's Sub., be ordered filled
to grade. Also report the adoption of the
following resolution:
Be It Resolved by the Board of Health
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: That L.
Berg Est., N. City lot No. 250; Marie
Riese. S. 1i City- lot No. 251; John Moser,
N. 1. City lot No. .:,1; J. H. Hoffman, N.
ih city lot No. 216; Mrs. C. Brezensky,
City hot N. 21:,. and F. D. and J. H.
Stout, City lot 217 and S. 3¢ lot No. 216,
having failed to connect said property
with the sanitary sewer situated in the
alley between Iowa and Clay streets,abut-
ting on said property; and it being deem-
ed necessary for the preservation of the
public health of said city that said prem-
ises he connected with said sanitary sew-
er, it is hereby ordered by the Board of
Health of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by
virtue of the power vested in it by Section
1032 of the Code of iotva of 1897. ancr
Chapter Twenty-liv, f the Revised Or-
dinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque.
that said L. Berg Est.. \I,iri,• Riese, John
Moser. J. H. Hoffman. \Ira. C. Brezensky
and F. D. and J. H. Stout, shall within
thirty days from the date of service of
notice of this order, connect said prem-
ises with said sanitary sewer.
Dated this 6th day of October, 1902.
Also report the adoption of the follow-
ing recommendations of Dr. B. Michel,
Health Physician to the Board. That
the city water be analyzed by Otto M.
Ruete, chemist to the Board. Also recom-
mend the boiling of all cistern water used
in the city. Also that the vault belonging
to Jas. M. Sullivan, in rear of Tenth and
Main streets he ordered cleaned. Also
report that Dr. J. B. Hancock presented
his bill for the caring of small pox pa-
tients in Julien township, and was exam-
ined by the members of the Board pres-
ent, whereupon the Board made the fol-
lowing recommendations to the Board of
The Board of Health of the City of Du-
buque hereby certify that we have exam-
ined the hill of Dr. John C. Hancock.
Physician to said Board. hereto attached.
and to the best of our knowledge and be-
lief the patients mentioned in said hill
were treated by him, hut we are unable
to certify to the extent of the services
rendered in each case, nor can we cer-
tify to the value of the services so ren-
dered. and recommend that your honor-
able body allow such sum as you may
deem proper for such services.
Dated October 6th. 1902.
Memhers of the Board.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the report.
The deed from the Y. M. L. Associa-
tion. transferring to the City of Dubuque
all Books, etc., for the use and benefit of
the Free Library, was presented.
Ald. Corrance moved that the deed he
placed on file and properly recorded. Car-
Alderman Raymond offered the follow-
Whereas, The city of Dubuque has for
years used the property hereinafter men-
tioned for the purpose of taking out ma-
cadam, and
Whereas, In hauling said macadam, the
sidewalk abutting said property was un-
Adjourned Regular Session, Oct. 23, 1902.
avoidably driven over, broken and ren-
dered dangerous for pedestrians; there-
fore be it
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That the City Engineer
be and he is hereby instructed to have
a four -foot sidewalk laid on Hill street
between Julien avenue and West Seventh
street, abutting lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
in Hill street Add., a total length of
150 feet at the expense of the city.
Ald. Raymond moved to adopt.
Alderman Jones offered the following:
Be it resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That a sanitary
sewer of 8 -inch tile pipe be constructed
in the alley between Garfield Avenue and
Rhomherg Avenue, from Johnson Avenue
to Middle Avenue, according to the plat
end specitications of said sewer prepared
by the City Engineer and now on file in
the ',thee of the City Recorder, and be
it further resolved, that said sewer shall
be completed on or hefore the 1st day of
May, 1903, and shall he paid for at the
time and in the manner described by
Chapter 34 of the Revised Ordinances of
1901• of the City of Duhnrlue for the pay-
ment of the cost of constructing sewers.
The proposals for doing such work will
he acted upon hy the Council on the 6th
day of November, 1902. and the City Re-
corder is hereby ordered to give ten
dive' n ,lice by publication, asking for
proposal as provided by ordinance.
Aid. Jones mnyrd to adopt the resolu-
Adopted hj• the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy. Corrance. Frith.
Jones. Raymond and Sheridan.
Alderman Jones ;C.rcd the following:
Whereas. It is deemed necessary and
advisable by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque to vacate and annul the
alley extending from Fifth Avenue to the
alloy first north of Fifth Avenue and be-
tween Int 1. Jansen's Snb. No. 2. and lot
R, Jansen's Sub., for the purpose of relo-
cating said alley one lot north of present
location and using the north line of said
lot S Jansen's Sub.. for the north side
of said alley: therefore.
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Duhurnte. That it is the intention
of satrl City Council to vacate and annul
the alley extending from Fifth Avenue to
the alley first north of said Fifth Avenue
and he it further resolved. that the City
Engineer be and he is hereby instructed
to mak^ a survey and plat of such pro-
posed vacation and annullm ent. throughg
the land or lots abutting on
which said allev runs at the point of
such proposed vacation. the names of
the owners of the property or lots abut-
ting on said alley at the point of the pro-
posed vacation and the quantity of land
and the extent of the alley prnposed to
ho vacated. and to file such plat in his
office for public lnsnectinn. That after
such plat is so filed said City Engineer
shall give the owners of the property
abutting on said alley at the point of
the proposed vacation, no. as Thir-
re -
scribed in Section Twn (2), Che
(31) of the Ordinances of the City
of Dubuque, and shall further cause no-
tice of said proposed vacation to be pub-
SectioninEight the c (S) of ity pChapterer as r Thirty-one
(31) of the Ordinances of the City of Du-
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the resolu-
Alderman Sheridan offered the follow-
Be it resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That a sanitary
sewer of 8 -inch tile pipe he constructed
in Langworthy Avenue, from the east
line of lot 91 in Julia L. Langworthy'e
Add. to Hill street, according to the plat
and specifications of said sewer prepared
by the City Engineer and now on flle to
the office of the City Recorder, and be
it further resolved, that said sewer shall
he completed on or hefore the first day of
May, 1903, and shall he paid for at the
time and in the manner prescribed by
Chapter 34 of the Revised Ordinances of
1901, of the City of Dubuque for the
payment of the cost of constructing
sewers. The proposals for doing such
work will he acted upon by the Council
on the 6th day of November, 1902, and
the City Recorder is hereby ordered to
give ten days' notice hy publication, ask-
ing for proposals as provided by ordi-
Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the res-
Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance. Frith,
Jones. Raymond and Sheridan.
Ald. Frith moved that the Purchasing
committee be instructed to purchase a
carload of Galesburg brick for repairing
streets. Carried.
Ald. Clancy moped that when the
Couneil adjourn they adjourn to Novem-
her 0th, 1902. Carried.
City Recorder.
" 9L
w// Recorder.
lrl() 2—
List of Warrants.
City Recorder's Office.
Dubuque, Iowa, October 1, 1902.
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: The following is a com-
plete list of all warrants issued by me
during the month of September, 1902:
C. H. Berg, salary, Mayor $116 70
H. Brinkman, salary, Treasurer133 35
H. Brinkman, salary, Assistant
Treasurer . 75 00
C. F. Arendt, salary, Recorder 116 70
F. B. Hoffman, salary, Auditor 116 70
C. B. Scherr, salary, Assessor 125 00
Geo. A. Barnes, salary, Attorney150 00
J. B. Powers, salary, Asst. Attorney 50 00
Ed. Morgan, salary, Chief of Police 100 00
Jos. Relnfried, salary, Fire Chief100 00
J. W. Lawler, salary, Committee
Clerk 95 00
W. A. Kaep, salary Assistant Re-
corder 15 00
Jno. Krayer, clerk, Treasurer's of-
fice 60 01
Jas. Boyce, salary, City Engineer166 655
E. Anderson, salary, Assistant En-
gineer 100 00
F. Neuwothener, salary, rodman50 00
E. Herron, salary, Superintendent
Street Sprinkling 50 00
W. Hipman, salary, Electrician 83 35
H. Tropf, salary, Marketmaster 50 0)
P. Ryan, salary, Park Custodian 40 00
P. Kien, salary, Park Custodian 40 00
T. Faherty, Park Custodian 10 00
Dr. B. Michel, salary, Health Of-
ficers 50 00
F. Flynn, salary, Sanitary Patrol-
man 60 00
N. Offerman, salary, Poundmaster45 On
Mrs. H. Koenig, salary, Janitress20 00
A. Crawford, salary, Sidewalk In-
spector 50 00
R. F. Curran, salary, Wharfmaster. 90 0)
M. Clancy, salary, Alderman 25 00
H. Corrance, salary, Alderman 25 00
E. E. Frith, salary, Alderman 25 00
J. L. Horr, salary, Alderman 25 00
R. Jones, salary, Alderman 25 00
G. N. Raymond, salary, Alderman25 00
J. J. Sheridan, salary, Alderman25 00
M. Eitel, fireman 65 00
J. Essman, fireman ..... ... ...
J. Flynn, fireman
J. Roshin, fireman
A. T)nccini, fireman ..... ... ... ....
J. Tschudi. fireman
A. Heer. fireman ....... ... .....
J. Sehonherger, fireman
J. Daly, fireman .... ...
J. Barnes, fireman
G. Beyer, fireman
W. Ducey, flreman
T. Ryder. fireman
F. Murphy, fireman
P. Ahern, fireman ...
M. Kelly, fireman
D. Ahern. fireman
F. Kenneallv, fireman
A. McDonnell, fireman
J. Murphy, fireman
T. Kennedy, fireman
P. Zlllig, fireman
M. Sweeney, fireman
H. Cain, fireman
H. Cain, fireman
N. Wagner, fireman
r. Hansen. fireman
W. McConnell. fireman
Geo. Gehrke, fireman
75 00
65 00
60 00
60 01)
50 On
Fn m
7.41 041
05 00
75 00
55 (40
60 00
60 00
50 00
50 nn
50 On
65 00
ea 00
75 co
en nn
1741 nn
5n nn
rn rni
FO nn
rn 011
50 01
1n nn
(" (0
T. Flynn, fireman €0 00
fe. Baumgartner, fireman 50 00
J. Smith, fireman 50 00
C. Kannolt, fireman 65 0)
J. Alien, fireman 60 00
B. Weston, fireman 20 00
M. Fahey. fireman 50 00
.Toe Bertsch. police 50 00
C. ilurkel, police 41 25
F. Busse, police 50 00
Carter. pGli,.e 5)) 0)
1.7. Craugh. police 65 00
T. Chine, police 50 ou
J. Cody, police 50 00
P. Dunphey, police 50 00
I. Donlon, police 50 00
Wilmer Cook, police 5165
John Fitzpatrick, police 50 ui
iTtiF. Flynn, police 50 00
Wm. Frith, police 50 00
P. Hanlon, police 50 01
\Cm. Hennessy, police 25 00
M. Kilty, police 50 00
E. Kahn, police 50 00
J .Loetscher, police 47 50
John Murphy, police 50 00
P. McColIins, police 59 00
P. Mclnerny, police 50 0)
John Moore, police 60 00
D. Norton, police 47 50
34. O'Connor, police 50 00
A. Pfeffer, police 50 00
Pat Powers. police 50 0)
T. Reilly, police 65 00
.T. Raesli, police 65 00
Jas. Ryan, police 50 00
Otto Rath, police 50 00
Tom Sweeney, police 60 00
P. Scharff, police 50 00
P. Sullivan, police 50 00
Al. Scherr, police 60 00
P. Sutton, police 50 00
J. L. Sullivan, police 50 00
M. Stapleton, police 50 00
L. Zeidman, police 50 00
Joe Ty ler, police 50 00
Mrs. Kate Hibhi, matron 30 00
Miss B. Brennan, matron 30 00
I.ahor on streets during the last half of
August, 1902:
E. Amanda, labor 14 20
John Burns, labor 2 70
Rich. Burns, labor 7 45
Paul Becker, labor 14 20
J. Brenner, labor 6 7.)
Fred Buddien, labor 1015
C. Bluecher, labor 2 70
Fred Budde, labor 510
John Brachtenbach, labor 9 45
Chas. Busse, labor 10 „.
Jerry Cahill, labor -' 7i
John Callahan, labor 2 �
\\'m. Coughlin, labor le Fr
Jas. Callahan, foreman -r, it ,
Jas. Connolly, labor 17 S.
H. Cobb, labor 17
John Corbett, labor 17 51
H. Cr.sgrove, driver 19 50
John Dougherty, labor 9 45
Peter Dax, labor 14 85
John Egan, labor 16 90
John Engels. labor 15 90
S. Elmer, labor 4 05
Dan Fox, labor 810
Geerge Frost, foreman 20 03
VP'. Fetshele, labor 9 45
.T, lin Flynn, labor 8 10
Ed. Fitzlaff, labor 6 00
P24 Fenelon, labor 17 55
Nelson Frith, stoker 50 00
Raney Glass, labor 12 15
Chas. Gruenzig, labor 7 45
(1. Gmehle, labor 1 35
J. M. Garrison, labor 4 05
List of Warrants.
Jos. Grab, labor
P. Guenther, labor
C. Gantenbein, Jr
C. Gantenbein, forem •n
Thos. Hackney, labor
John Hafey, labor
Geo. J .Hahn, foreman
John Hayes, labor
Amb. Hird, labor
Chris. Hack, labor
Aug. Handelman, labor
Jos. Haupert
Jake Hansen....
Aug. Hafeman, labor
J hn Heil. carpenter
Peter Jacobs. labor
Aug. Jass, labor
Nic. Kettenhofen, labor ...... ....
J. Knaus, labor
Paul Krocheskl, labor
Fred Krueger, labor
Mat. Klein, paper collector
John Lavery, labor
Mart. Lonelgan. labor
H. Lembke, labor
H. Leicht
M. Lavin. labor
L. Leffelholtz, labor
Jos. Martinek, labor.... ..
Adam Manderscheid, labor....
Al. Mover
Jas. McCarron, labor....
Wm. McClain, labor._ .. ...........
W. McDermott, labor.... ....
Mike McCarten. labor .... ....
John McGee. labor...... ....
Barney McCormack. labor
Roht. McGivern, driver.... ....
John Noonan. labor
W. O'Brien. foreman.... .. ..........
James Powers, labor
Jas. Purcell, labor
C. Priebe
Wm. Quinlan, labor
Jas. Ryan. labor
Phil Reddin• labor.
W. Ruesch
Jos. Rooney, labor.... ....
Pat Royce
Theo. Rademan, labor.... ....
Thos. Smith. labor
Dan Sheehan
Tony Schmidt, labor.... .... 9 45
Aug. Soyke, labor 7 45
John Schroeder, labor.... .... 7 80
Chris. Sholl, labor 7 80
Frank Scherr. labor.... .... 17 55
W. Welsh, labor 16 90
Ed. Welsh, labor 915
John Walsh (Race), labor 1015
W. Wearmouth. foreman 20 00
N. Wampach, labor 4 76
Thos. Young. engineer 75 00
Geo. Zumhoff, foreman 19 50
Josh Calvert, team.... ..•• 22 05
Peter Horeb, team 38 70
John Hu37 90
ffmlre (contract), team 36 25
Mike Kenneally. team.... 3621 30
Pat Lenihan, team.... 23 65
John Long, team 14 45
D, Lattner, team
4 45
J. J. McCollins, team 404 20
Carson McElrath. team.... 30 75
Ted. O'Brien, team 12 60
A. Paley, team 9 45
Geo. Reynolds. team 18 90
Sam Snodgrass, team 25 20
Ed. Seeley, team 18 90
John Sinbrin, team 1890
Frank Sieg, team
James Tobin team ...... .... ......... 37 05
M. Zogg. team 3310
Labor on Sewers for the last half of
August, 1902: 16 00
Pat Casserly, labor 16 00
W. Clark, labor
12 85
9 50
20 00
6 10
6 75
20 00
4 75
8 80
7 45
5 40
17 00
15 00
13 50
20 00
11 85
7 45
5 40
11 50
17 10
2 05
12 50
8 80
3 40
13 50
17 00
17 55
10 15
7 45
17 55
1 35
4 05
8 80
2 70
2 05
4 75
19 50
8 45
20 00
12 15
.... ........... 2 70
6 00
2 05
10 80
3 40
21 40
13 50
18 00
14 20
11 50
5 00
John Corcoran, labor ........ .... 16 00
S. H. Cook, foreman 15 00
R. A. Fuller, labor....
Fred Honecker, labor
Pat Kenneally, labor
Pat Sage, labor
Landon Taylor, labor
12 50
16 00
16 00
12 80
16 00
Labor on Bee Branch sewer during the
last half of August, 1902:
Pat Casserly, labor
W. Clark, labor
John Corcoran, labor
S. H. Cook, foreman
R. A. Fuller, labor
Fred T-Tonccker, labor
Pat Kenneally. labor
Pat. Royce, labor
Pat. Sage, labor
Landon Taylor, labor
Teams hauling sprinkling wagons dur-
ing the last half of August, 1902:
Becker Bros 75 84
i'. Burns 40 40
T. B. Cain 37 OP
A. Conrad 38 10
M. Maher 39 _A
J J. McCollins 40 00
A. Doerr, Jr., assistant assessor for
August , 75 00
J. J. Murphy, assistant assesor for
H. J. Tropf, board of prisoners for
August .
L. Daily, cleaning around market
squares for August 1
C. A. Noyes, shades for auditor's
office . 2 80
W. \V. Whelan, 1-2 doz. zines for
treasurer's office 90
Palmer, Winall & Co., blank books
and stationery for various of-
fices . . . . ...... .... .... 117 75
G. Holl, grinding Lawn mower for
Jackson park
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., 1
nozzle for Phoenix park
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co.. 150
feet of hose and couplings for
Jackson park 19 50
G. W. Healey & Son, grass seed for 75
Phoenix park
A. R. Staufenbeil, taking care of
town clock from December 1st,
1901, to June 1st, 1902
G. B. Grosvenor Co., stationery and
Bieg & Rood, stationery and sup-
H. Wunderlich & Son, 1 office chair
for assessor
Metz Mfg. Co., map racks and rol-
lers ,
P. J. Seippel, lumber for road de-
partment ,
F. A. Dalton, veterinary services,
road department
Geo. Bock, repairs for road depart-
F. Schloz, repairs for road depart-
P. Clancy, cinders for road depart-
ment • • .....
Key City Roofing Co., sewer pipe
for road department
Purington Paving Brick Co., brick
for road department
Key City Gas Co., coke for steam
roller • • • • ..
Standard Oil Co., oil for steam rol-
ler Co., repairs
Smedley Steam Pump
on steam roller
Iowa Iron Works, repairs on steam
4 80
3 20
4 80
10 00
4 80
4 80
4 80
4 80
4 80
75 00
6 20
4 50
1 25
1 00
49 95
10 50
6 00
3 45
2 50
2 20
1 10
1 48
206 25
56 15
1 00
74 27
24 73
List of Warrants.
Wunderlich & \\-iedcrholt, horse
shoeing for fire department 8 30
Lear & Kennedy, horse shoeing for 10 00lire department ,
Kannolt & Powers, horse shoeing 15 50
for fire department
Ott. Meuser & Co., shavings for fire 3 50
department ,
Key City Gas Co., coke for fire de- 5 lU
partment ,
G. o. Bock, repairs for fire depart- 75
F. Zehetner, grates for fire depart- 6 60
M. Stafford, hay and oats fcr fire
department .... , . • . 288 4S
F. A. Dalton, veterinary services for
fire department ,•
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary services
for iu'e department ,
J. A. Palen, 483 blue vitrol for fire
P. J. Seippel, lumber for fire de-
Key City Gas Co., rent of Humph-
rey light at Central engine house 1 00
Dubuque Aaltar Mfg. Co., turning
6 pulleys for Fourth street engine
M. Stafford, hay and oats delivered
at patrol house.... 3138
11. J. Hagerty, veterinary services
for patrol team 2 88
Moore & Ferring, supplies for Ma-
tron's department.... .... .... 5 40
Headford Bros. & Hitchens, man-
hole covers and rims for sewer
department.... .... ...... .. 12 00
Headford Bros., grates for Bee
Branch sewer 17 55
Linehan & Molo, cement for sewer
department.. 4 33
Pape & Jacquinot, repairs on foun-
tain at 14th and Elms streets 3 80
Glob. -Journal, official printing for
August 60 00
The Times, official printing for Au-
gust 15 00
Dubuque Telegraph -Herald, official
printing for August 50 00
National Demokrat, official printing
for August 25 00
Tinian Electric Co., are lights for
August 2029 58
F. Schloz & Son, 1% dozen steel pins
for engineer's office.. 2 70
C. A. Noyes, supplies for Engineer's
office 75
T. E. Frith, removing garbage and
dead animals during month of Au-
gust , .. .... 375 00
T. J. Donahue, rock delivered at
12th and Elm streets 400
Rumpf-Frudden Lumber Co., lum-
ber for Bee Branch sewer 24 47
Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co., 2
pair hip boots for Bee Branch de-
partment 9 00
Steuck & Linehan, estimate con-
structing circular sewer in Bee
Branch creek 425 00
Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co,
expansion rings and washers for
sprinkling department.... .... 5 00
H. Brinkman, excavation permits
redeemed 80 00
H. Brinkman, interest on warrants
outstanding 1139 68
H. Brinkman, freight charges for
road department.. .. 159 69
H. Brinkman, postage stamps.... ,175
H. Brinkman, New York exchange 6 85
H. Brinkman, Library Trustees' or-
ders, Library fund 6333
L. Gonner, loan 4003 00
11 0_
7 68
32 00
1 35
Labor on Streets for the first half of
September, 1902:
A. Alderson, labor $ 610
E. Amanda, labor 1 35
Rich. Burns, labor
John Burns, labor ;0
Jos. Broulette, labor 8 45
Paul Becker, labor 15 20
Jos. Blocklinger, labor 45
Fred Budde, labor 1811,
Fred Buddien, labor 9 80
Jake Brenner, labor 135
Chas. Busse, labor 540
J. Brachtenbach, labor 6 75
.'ohn Callahan, labor.... .... 8 SO
Jerry Cahill, labor.... .... 8 80
W. Coughlin. labor4 p
Jas. Callahan, foreman 4th street20 00
Jas. Connolly, labor.... 16 20
H. Cobb. labor.... 16 20
John Corbett, labor 16 20
Henry Corgrove. driver 18 00
Tiles. Donahue, labor.. .... 8 10
Peter Defontaine, labor 135
Peter Dax, labor 13 50
John Egan, labor.... 14 20
J hn Engels, labor 15 55
John Ess, labor 1 35
Geo. Frost, foreman 20 00
Mat. Fetshele, labor.... S 80
John Flynn, labor 8 45
Pat. Fenelon, labor 16 20
Peter Gregory, labor...... 10 15
Barney- Glass, labor 9 45
P. Galloon, labor 11115
Chas. Gruenzig, labor 9 60
C. Gantenheio, Jr., labor s ua
Jos. Grab • labor14 5:i
Henry Grode, labor 3 "3
Peter Gunether. labore 7 10
G. Gantt ibein. fort w1 :Nr
Thos. H:u•knt•y, Tabs 11 :,o
John lTaf� y, labor
7;1111,17::; 1:,
Cleo. Hecklil1.O r, labor 4 "
Geo. J. 'Hahn foremano uu
.\mil. Hird, labor 0 4'
Chris. Back. labor 1 .15
A. Handelman. labor 4 a-
.lohn Hayes. labor 3 yo
.1. Hanson. labor 2 al
Aug. Hafcman, Tabor 14 40
A. Hird. labor 9 4:.
John Heil. carpenter 'u na
Peter Jacobs, labor 12 15
Aug. Jass. labor 11 1'.
Nic. Kettenhofen, labor 13 7
John Kelley, lnletr 1 1''
Jos. Kientzle, labor `l l
Jacob Kraus. l l r• 14 7"
Paul Krocheslci. Libor 15 1.,
VA Krenfeldt, labor 11
I'red Krueger, labor 7 •''
mat. Klrin, paper collector 1-
John Laughlin, labor 2 -
Martin Lonergan. labor
Mat. Loes, labor 1
Merman Lemhke, labor 1 :!
Al. Lavin, labor 1't '.
L. Leffelholtz, labor 16 2,
Tc.s. Martinek, labor 5 la
Nat. Mabe, labor 4 .t5
.dam Manderscheid, labor 6 60
Al. Moyer, labor 16 20
Mike McCarten, labor 8 10
Jas. McCarron, labor.... 810
R. McGivern, driver 18 00
W. O'Brien, foreman 20 00
Jas. Purcell, labor 7 45
Jas. Powers, labor 4 05
John Pfeiffer, labor 3 55
Jake Perrior, labor.... 4 75
W, Quinlan, labor 13 85
Jas. Ryan, labor 13 50
Pat Royce,... .,.. 14 00
Jos.Rooney, labor 12 00
Theo, Radernan, labor ...... .... 12 70
Official Notices.
Dan Sh, hon
Nick Sweeney, labor
Thos. Smith, labor
Aug. Soylce, labor
John Schroeder, labor
Louis Smith, labor
F. Scherr, labor
Jos. Statel, labor
R. Turner, labor.. ..., ,..,
John Welsh (Tatter). labor..
W. Walsh, labor....
Ed. Welsh, labor
John Walsh (Race). labor
\W. \Wearmouth, foreman.... .. ...... 20 00
N. \Wampach, labor 15 20
Geo.Lumhof, foreman.... .... 18 00
,Tush Calvert. team .... .. .. 30 75
24 45
33 10
6 30
18 90
35 90
35 09
9 45
20 50
17 35
13 85
11 85
33 10
33 10
31 50
36 25
28 35
6 30
3 15
15 75
29 15
31 50
15 75
11 00
6 75
14 20
7 45
5 40
16 20
2 70
6 75
8 80
15 90
5 40
4 05
M. Gantenhein. team
M. Hannon, team
Th( s. T-leins. team
.1. inndonshield, team
Peter Horch, team
.1. 1-1 frtnir,•. team ucontractu
Mike TCennonlly. team
Pit Loin -inn. team
John Tong. team
Thos. Morgan. team
.T. J. \Iet'ollios, team
Carson McElrath, team
Dennis O'Meara, team....
Ted O'Brien. team
Geo. R,ynuldh, team
Ed. Seeley. team
Pat. Shea, tenni
Sam Snodgrass. team
Frank Sieg, team
J. Sotitherlan,l, team
Jas. 'I'ot.in, team
.1. Williams. team
Leslie Wellington, team 3 15
Zogg, team 11 75
Labor on sewers for the first half of
September, 1902:
H. Brode, labor 5 60
P. Casserly, labor 19 20
W. Clark, labor 1 60
J. Corcoran, labor 19 20
S. H. Cook. foreman 25 00
Fuller, labor 19 20
R. A. ,
Fred Honecker, labor 19 20
Pat Kenneally, labor 19 20
Pat. Sage. labor 79 20
Landon Taylor, labor 19 20
Teams hauling sprinkling wagons dur-
ing the first half of September. 1902:
Becker Bros..... .... ....
;4 20
Frank Burns 38 70
39 20
35 20
38 40
38 40
T. B. Cahn
A. Conrad
M. Maher
J. J. McCollins
F. W. Brunkow. estimate loss 25
per cent on Grandview Ave Engine
1T. Tschirgi. Jr., half pay on S. R
Upton sewer 21 .I:1
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a
true and correct list of all warrants is-
sued by me during the month of Septem-
ber, 1902. C. F. ARENDT,
City Recorder.
To All Who Are Named Below: You
are herby notified that in accordance
with an ordinance of the City of Du-
buque for the cutting of weeds during
the months of June, July and August.
1902, that a special assessment will be
levied for the expense thereof at the
regular meeting of the City Council, up-
on all lots and parcels of land on said
improvement owned by you being sub-
ject to such special assessment. And
You are notified to appear at said meet-
ing of the City Council, to be held on
the 16th of Octcher, A. D., 1902, and show
cause, it any 7 a,; have, why said assess-
ment should not be levied.
Aug. 4 -Jos. W. Davis, Sub. S1 Mc-
Craney's 1st Add., lot 3 and pt 2,
Aug. 5 -Pat \Walsh, Mci.raney's 1st.
Add., lot 71, 4 hours,
Aug. 5-M. A. Walsh, Ham's Add.,
lot 447. 4 hours.... ..
Aug. 6-M. D. Gaux, McCruney's
1st. Add., lot 69, 3 hours
Aug. 7-J. J. McCarthy, McCraney's
1st. Add.. lots 36 and 37, 5 hours,
Aug. 7-A. and E. Langworthy Est.,
Glendale Add., lots 102, 185 and 186,
3 hours .... ..... .... .... ...
Aug. 7 -Mary Lux, Glendale Add.,
lot 209. 1 hour.... .... .... ... .
Aug. 7-G. G. Moser, East Dubuque
Add., lot 296, 2 hours.... , , , , , , 40
July 31 -Jas. Rowan, Breakey's
Add., lots 7-8, 12 hours 190
July 31-A. Wender, M. O'Hare's
sub., lot 1, 1 hour 25
July 31-A. W. Kemler Est., Union
Add., lot 182, 10 hours 1 GO
July 23-F. Wagner, sub. 87 and 88,
L. H. Langworthy's Add., lot 3,
3 hours 55
July 23-A. F. and B. D. Heeb,
Marsh's Add., lot 30, 4 hours 70
July 23-A. Huber, Marsh's Add,
lot 29, 8 hours.... .. .... 1 40
July 23-A. Woodward, Marsh's
Aug. 7 -Deming & Kiesel, Mineral
lot 466. 6 hours... , 95
Aug. 7 -Wm. Hollnagel, Sub. Min-
eral lot :303, lot 5, 1 hour 25
Aug. 7-A. W. Hosford, Cain's Sub,
lots 14. 18 and 19. 15 hours 2 40
Aug. 7 -Paul Traut Est., b'ariey's
Sub., lot 35, 7 1-2 hours 11.:,
Aug. 7 -Mich. Lentz, Sun. 92, Cox's
Add.. lots 1. and 2, 5 hours 80
Aug. 7 -Mary A. Kemler, McDan-
iel's Sub.. un. 1 n. SS feet, lot 80
753, 5 hour
Aug. 7-Sidonia Hosford, McDan-
iel's Sub.. und. 1-2 n SS feet, lot 80
783. 5 hours
Aug. 7 -Rev. Keane, et al, McDan-
iel's Sub., lots S20 and 821, 10
hours ,
Aug. 7 -Mrs. Jno. Koch, Cox's 30
Add., lot 16. 5 hours
Aug. 7 -Wm. Hintrager, Quigley's
Sub., 710, w 42 feet lot 15, 5 SO
hours .....
Aug. 7-M. D. Goux. East Duuuque
Add., lot 330, 3 hours
Aug. 7-A. \W. Kemler Est., East
Dubuque Add., lot 329, 2 hours . , 40
Aug. 7-E. M. Ernsdorf, East Du-
buque Add., lot 177, 5 hours . , . .
Add., lot 40, 4 hours 70
July 24-A. F. and B. D. Heeb,
Marsh's Add., lots 22, 23, 26, 27, 4 70
July 25-L. Reinecke, L. H. Lang -
worthy's Add., \1. 85 feet, lots 2 55
182, 183, 184, 185, 16 hours
July 26 -Geo. Kirkland, sub. 10 95
Dunn's sub., lot 1, 6 hours
July 26 -Dors. Altman, Dunn's sub, 30
lot 11, 5 hours
July 26-Kiene & Altman, Dunn's
sub., lot 12, 5 hours
July 26 -Theo. Altman, Dunn's sub,
lots 13-14, 6 hours..........
July 28-G. Blocklinger, Kings 2nd
Add., lot 21, 2 hours
July 28 -Paul Schlenker, Dunn's
sub., lot 8, 1 hour:.... ..........
1 60
Official Notices.
July 29 -Geo. Hedrick, Glendale Add., 70
lot 26. 4 hours.... .. ........
July 29--M. Kettenhofer, Glendale 70
lot 44. 4 bouts .... ...... ....
Jule 29 -Henry Deville, Glendale 70
Add., lot 26, 4 hours
July 29-K. Kolfenbach, Glendale
Add., lot 57 and N. % lot 53, 3
hours .... ...... .... .. ..
July- 30-R. M. Kunz, Glendale Add,
lots 58, 59, 60, 3 hours.... .
July 30-E1iz. Olinger, Glendale 26
Add., lot 122, 1 hour.... ..
July 31 -Mary L. Bunting, Glendale
Add., lot 84, 1 hour Glendale
July 31 -Francis Poole,
Add.. lot 78, 1 hnur
July 31 -Cath. Oeth, Glendale Add
lot 79. 1 hour
July 31-M. M Hoffman. E. Lang -
worthy's Add.. lot 18. 4 hours
Aug. 1 -Jas. H. Shields. Dubuque
Harbor Co.'s Add., B-9, lot 2, 4
hours ...... .... .... ...... . . ..
Aug. 1 -Mary A. Kemler, Union
Add., lot 96, 10 hours.... ..
Aug. 1-C. A. Walter, Davis Farm
Add, lots 305-306, 13 nours
Aug. 1 -Jas. Levi, Davis Farm
Add., lots 237-238, 2 hours
Aug. 1-M. Schunk Est., Davis
Farm .Add., lot 287, 1 hour
Aug. 1-Jno. Vyverberg Est., Davis
Farm Add., lot 30t', 1 hour 25
A.ug. 2 -Aug. Munsell, Hooper's
Add., lots 33, 34, 35, 18 hours 2 90
Aug, 4-R. M. Kunz. McCraney's ist
Add., lets 82, 85, 86, 12 hours 190
lune 2. and 28 -John Buettell,
Nair,i's Add., lots 1, 2, 3. 11. 12.
13 and 14, 20 hours
June 30--P. Ti. McCarthy, Sob. 2 of
of Min. 1 ( 159 n 1-2, lot 1, 10
July 5-Edw. Langworthy Est,
Pauline Langworthy's Sub. lots
3, 4, 0. 6. 7 and 8, 5 hours. SO
July 13-\\'m. T. P.oehl, Finley
Horne Add.. lot 4, 2 hours 40
,Tuly 15 -Emma White, Finley Home
Add., lot 16, 2 hours 40
.Tuly 1G -W. H. Doane, Finley Home
Add., lot 11, 2 1-2 hours 511
July 17-A. W. Tredway, Finley
Add., mot 17, 5 hours.... 80
July 21 and 22 -John J. Keane, trus-
tee, Mobley's Dubuque, lots 6 and
7, 17 1-2 hours 2 SO
July 22 and 23 -Frank \V. Cates, S.
1\i. Langworthy's Add., lots 39 to
93; Sub. Min. lot 80, lotr 't. 3, 4 and
5, 15 hours .......... . .
July 24-C. H. Eighmey, Sue. ! of 8
of Min. lot 159, s 1-2, lot 1, 5 hours 80
July .t-\\'. & D. Brunskill, Mar
tin's, Dubuque, lot 10, 5 hours
July 24 -Root. and Jno. Lee, S. M.
Langworthy's Add., lots 1 and 2,
10 hours
July 25 -Mary A. Kemler, Newberry
& Hale's Sub., lot 13, 5 hours... ,
July 25-Edw. W. Norton, Finley
Home Add., lot 7, 5 hours
July 26-Eighmey & Guernsey,
Deming & Horr's Sub., lot 21, 5
July 26 -Chas. W. Walton, Sub. 1
of 3, Roht. Brown's Sub., lot 2,
5 hours ...... .... ....
July 24-J. \V. Schwind, O'Neill's
Sub. No. 2, lot 10, 4 1-2 hours ,
July 24 -Annie Shea, O'Neill's Sub.
No. 2, lot 16, 4 hours
July 24-E. Hemml, O'Neill's Sub,
No. 2, lots 3 and 4, 6 hours.. , , ,
July 24-J. H. Vernon, O'Neill's.
Sub., No. 2, lot 21, 4 hours
2 05
3 Di
1 60
2 40
1 60
70 .
July 24 -Lydia A. Clarke, College
Sub.. lot 15, 4 hours
July 25-C. E. Bradley, Julia Lang -
worth's Add., lot 29. 8 Trot
July 25-S. M. Langworthy Est., S.
M. Langworthy's Sub., lot 10. 1
hour.. •• ..
July 25-J. S. Stephens, S. M.
Langworthy's Sub., lot L 2 hours
July 25 -Maggie Doty, Reeder Lang -
worthy's Sub., lot 9, 6 hours,
July 26-W. R. Melloy. Reeder
Langworthy's Sub., lot 5, 1 1-2
July 26 -Math. Maher, 1'nion Add,
s 133-10 feet. lot 136, 10 hours,
July 26 -John J. Keane et al. Union
Add., lots 165 and 166, 11 hours, ,
July 26-J. and E. 'They, Sub. 3 of
Min. lot a lot 1, 10 hours
July 28 -Bridget Redmond, Union
Add., lot 127. 10 hours 1 60
July 30-3. 1\'. Pier. Sub. 105, Inion
Add., lot 2. 10 hours 1 60
,Tuly 30-R. Benson Est.. l'nion
Add., lots 210 and 211, 9 hours, . 1 45
('. I'. A R E N D'r,
10-6-10t. city Recorder.
To .311 Who Are Named Below:
yeti Are hereby notified that in aecord-
an' p with an Ordinance of the Pity of
Dnbuyn. for repairing sidewalks in the
month of August, 1902. that a special as-
sessment will be levied, for the expense
thereof at the regular meeting of the
City Council, upon all lots and parcels
of land on said improvement owned by
you, being subject to such special assess-
ment. And you are notified to appear
of said meeting of the Council to he held
on the Nth day of October. A. D., 1902,
and show cause. 1f any you have. why
said assessment should not he 1,'vied.
Aug. 1. \\'m. Schroeder. sub 2 of
min lot 158. lot 2. 20 lin ft lum-
ber, 40c: 3; hours labor, 40c 80
Aug. 1, ,los. J. Nagle, sub min lot
39, lot 52, 4 lin ft lumber. 15c: 1,,
hour labor. 25e
Aug, 1, A. .1. I,emheek, Mai sh's add,
E 100 ft tot 45, 85 lin ft lumber,
51.70.... ...... ... ... ... ............. 1 70
Aug. 2. F. W. Francis Coates, sub
5, min lot 80. lots 3-4, 27 lin ft lum-
ber, 55c; 1/4 hour labor, 25e
Aug. 5. Anna Klauer, East Dubuque
add. lot 56, 2.3 lin ft lumber, 45c;
% hour labor, 25c 70
Aug. 6, Elizabeth Manson. city. lot
500, :9 lin ft lumber, $1.20; 1 hour
labor, 50e
Aug. 6, Dubuque Malting Co..
Brewery add., lot 5. 10 lin ft lum-
her, 20c: 1,4 hour labor, 25c 45
Aug. 6. W. A. Leathers, Fortune's
sub E 1F, lot 21. 7 lin ft lumber, 15c;
1/4 hour labor, 25e ... 40
Aug. 7, M. M. Hoffman, Davis'
Farm add.. lot 372, 8 lin ft lumber,
15c; % hour labor, 25e 40
Aug. 9 Kate Lundheck, Cox's add
E 24 ft, lot 22, 5 lin ft lumber, 10e;
3a hour labor, 40c 50
Aug. 9, Jos. Ruegamcr, et al, sub
min lot 100 N 49 ft, lot 8. 16 lin ft
lumber, 30c; 1,4 hour labor, 25c
Aug. 9, Tubert Lundbeck, Cox's add,
E 30 ft, lot 11, 18 lin ft lumber, 35c;
% hour labor, 25c 60
Aug. 9, E. Heintz, L. H. Lang -
worthy's add, lot 147, 28 lin ft
lumber, 55c; 1 hour labor, 5uc
Aug. 9, Chicago Great Western R'y
Co„ sub 11, Kniest's sub, lot 2, 26
lin ft lumber, 50c; 1 hour labor, 50c 1 00
Aug. 11, R. M. Kunz, McCraney's
1 40
1 75
1 70
1 05
Offiicial Notices.
1st add, lot 82, 20 lin ft lumber,
40c: / hour labor, 25c
Aug. 12, Mrs. Sidney Saul, Saul's
sub, lot 5, 25 lin ft lumber, 50c; %
hour labor, 40c
Aug. 13, Mrs. J. P. Buehler, sub min
lot 314, lot 3, 103 lin ft lumber, $2.05;
1 hour labor, 50c
Aug. 14, Mary Wilde, sub 1 of 2 of 7
of min lot 45, lot 2, 7 lin ft lum-
ber, 15e; 1/ hour labor, 25c
Aug. 14, C. Denlinger, O'Hare's sub,
lot 19, : lin ft lumber, 10c; 14 hour
labor, 15e
Aug. 14. T. J. Paisley, \Vhelan's sub,
lets 4.5. :5 lin ft lnmher, 10e; 1/2
hour labor, 15c
Aug. 14, J. H. Shields, Dubuque
Harbor Co.'s add. block 1, lots
S -Ca, 20 lin ft lumber, 40c: 1/2 hour
labor. 25c
Aug. 11, Mars;. Martin, sub city 703,
lot 15. 91: lin ft lumber. $1.90: 1
hour labor, 50c
Aug. 14. A. Nicks, Glendale add, lots
216-217. 35 lin ft lumber, 70c: 3'4
he111' labro., 40,
Aug. 11, F. \V. Fitzpatrick. Polon
add, lot 146, S lin ft lumber, 15c:
1/, hour labor, 25c
Aug. 15. Mary McGuire, Glendale
add, Int 4n, 12 lin ft lumber. 25c;
1/2 hour labor 25o
Aug. 15, Chicago. G. W. R'y Co.,
right of wav 19th and Pine Sts, 10
lin feet lainler. 211.-: 1:, hour lahol,
Aug. I,. .1- •11 1;1 rm.. Ronson &
Stew.oa's sob. let 24. 111 lin ft lum-
ber, 1, hunt' labor, lc
Aug. 211. .Iro Il Kleine. Summit St
add, Int 5 11e lin ft lnmher, 30e;
1/2 hour labor, 25c
Aug. 20, W. .7. & W. S. Cox, Cor-
riell's sill,. let 11. 10 lin ft lumber,
30c: 1.; holo' labor. 15c
Aug. 20, Rev. Jno. J. Keane. et al,
Levins' add, lots 3-4. 24 lin ft lum-
ber, 50c: 1, hour labor, 25c
Aug. 20. .Ten. Morgan. Morgan's sub,
lot 10, let lin ft lumber, $2.05; 1
hour labor. 50e
Aug. 20, M. J. McCullough and J. J
Dunn. Morgan's suit, lot 4, 81 lin
ft lumber, $1_110: 1 hour labor, 50c
Aug. 20, R. . - E. Langworthy Est
Glendale add. lot 223. 16 lin ft lum-
ber. 30e: 1A, hour labor, 25c
Aug. 20, Jno. C. Bohzien. Glendale
add, lot 155, 7 lin ft lumber, 15c; 14
hour labor, 15c
Aug. 23. Stephen ZennerBurden -
La wther add. lot 130, 10 lin ft lum-
her, 20c; 1/2 hour labor, 25c
Aug. 23. Mrs. M. Mentz, O'Neill's
Riverview, lot 38, 10 lin ft lumber,
20e; IA hour labor. 25c
Aug. 23, Leathers & Trewin, Bur-
den -Lowther add, lot 116, 5 lin ft
lumber, 10c; 1i hour labor, 15c....
Aug. 23. H. C. Becker, A Stines,
add. lot 7, 15 lin ft lumber, 30c:
hour labor 25c
Aug. 25, R. & E. Langworthy Est
Glendale add, lots 153-223-219, 33 11n
ft lumber, 65c; 1 hour labor, 50c
Aug. 20, W. J. Nessler, Glendale
add, lot 143, 13 lin ft lumber, 25c;
ih hour labor. 25c
Aug. 26. F. W. Coates, Glendale
add, lot 110, 5 lin ft lumber, 10e: 1/4
horn' labor, 15c
Aug. 26, Rebecca Farley, Fairview
sub, lot 14, 7 lin ft lumber, 15c 1/2
hour labor, 25c
Aug. 26, Cath. F. Boland, city N. M.
1-5 lot 430, 10c; 1/4 hour labor, 15c..
2 40
1 10
2 95
2 10
1 15
Aug, 27, Elizabeth Manson, city lot
530, 24 lin ft lumber, 50c; 1 hour
labor, 50c
Aug. 27, C. Mullen Est, city lot 171,
50 bricks, 50e; 1 hour labor, 50c..
Aug. 28, P. Hughes, sub 2 of pt city
711, lot 2, 12 lin ft lumber, 25c; 1
hour labor, 25c
Aug 28, 13. S. McEiilrrney, East Du-
buque add, lot 67, 8 lin ft lumber,
15c; ?/ hour labor., 25c
Aug. 29, Ralph June Est, \Voodlawn
Park, lot 70, 13 lin ft lumber, 25c:
14 hour labor, Me
Aug. 29, Alber Johnson, Woodlawn
Park, lot 52 5 lin f lumber, 10c:
1/2 hour labor Mc
Aug. 29, J. Kleinschmidt, \Voodlawn
Park. lot 99, 41 lin ft lumber, 90c;
1/2 hour labor, 25c
Aug. 27, Julia Paul, city N 40 ft,
lot 557, 95 lin ft lumber, $1.90; 1
hour labor, 50c
1 00
1 00
1 05
2 40
$ 36 25
City Recorder.
To All Whom It May Concern:
You and each of you are hereby noti-
fied that it is the intention of the City
Council of the City .If Dubuque, to con-
struct an 8 -Inch tile pipe sanitary sewer
in alley between Rhomberg avenue and
Garfield avenue from Johnsen avenue to
Middle avenue.
That a plat and specifications of said
proposed sewer is now on file in the _/flee
of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that said sewer will be 2071 lineal feet in
length, including 11 manholes and will
cost the abutting property -Jwners $2,071.00
in total.
Any person having objections to the
construction of said sanitary sewer are
hereby notified to appear in person be-
fore the City Council at its regular ses-
:;ion, October 16th, 1902, or to file in writ-
ing with the City Recorder their objec-
tions on o. before October 16th, 1902.
City Recorder.
Dated at Dubuque, October 7th, 1902.
The Board of Equalization have com-
pleted the work of equalizing the tax
books fur the year. 1902, a list sauwing
all of the changes made by the board
will be found at each of the following
City Hall.
Court House.
The board will ,be in session on Wed-
nesday, October 1st. 1902, at 8:30 a. m., in
the City Assessor's office in the City Hall
where any person feeling aggrieved by
the assessment of his or her real estate
or personal property may appear before
said board and give reasons why such
changes should net be made.
to -Oct -6 Clet k of Committee.
Official Notices.
To Whom It May Concern:
You and each of you are hereby noti-
fied that it is the intention of the City
Coamcil of the City of Dubuque to im-
prove Gilmore Place from West Fifth
street to the alley first north of Fenelon
That a plat and specifications of salt,
proposed improvement is now on file is
the office of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engine.
that said improvement will re-.luire nea:
curbstone set, 790 lineal feet; guttering,
372 square yards; macadamizing 75.;
square yards; making a '.otal estimated
cost to the abutting property owners of
Any person having objection to said
improvement is hereby notified to appear
before the City Council at its regular
session to be held October_nd, 1902, or to
file with the City Recorder their objec-
tions in writing on or before October 2nd,
Dated this 22nd day of September, 190.2.
9-22-1Ot. City Recorder,
Sealed proposals will be received at my
office up to 7:30 o'clock p. m., Thursday,
Oct. 23rd, 1902, for furnishing the fire
and police departments of the city of
Dubuque, also the city hall, with coal,
coke and wood for the term of one year
beginning October lst, 1902. Bidders will
state the price for No. 1 oak and maple
wood, also the price for hard and soft
coal and the kind and name of same, also
the price and quality of coke.
The coal and wood to be delivered in
such quantities at such places and time
as the city may direct.
The coal and coke to be weighed on the
city scales at the city hall and delivered
at the expense of the contractor.
Each bid must be accompanied with a
certified check for $25.00 on some Du-
buque bank as a guarantee that a con-
tract will be entered into if awarded.
The city reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
Dated Oct. 7th, 1902.
10-17-6t City Recorder.
To All Whom It May Concern:
You and each of you are hereby noti-
fied that it is the intention of the City
Council of the city of Dubuque to con-
struct an 8 -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer
in Langworthy Avenue from Nevada
street to Hill street.
That a plat and specification of said
proposed sewer is now on file in the of-
fice of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City En,glneet
that said sewer will be 1,095 lineal feua
in length, including 7 manholes, and wi l
cost the abutting property owners $1.09-,
In total.
Any person having objections to the
construction of said sanitary sewer at,
hereby notified to appear in person be-
fore the City Council at its regular ses-
sion, October 16th, 1902, or to file in writ-
ing their objections with the City Re-
corder on or before October 16th, 1902.
Dated at Dubuque, Oct. 7th, 1902.
10-7-9t City Recorder.
t.aled proposals will be received at the
a of the City Recorder until 7:30
; luck p. m. Thursday, Oct. 2fird, 1902,
for paving the alley between Bluff and
i ncust streets from the north curb line
f Tenth street. to the south curb line
of Eleventh street, with brick on a con-
crete foundation, according to plans and
specifications now on file in the office
of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that it will require 312.5 square yards of
brick paving.
The work to be completed on or before
December 1st, 1902, and shall be paid for,
when said work is completed, and ac-
cepted by the City Council. The pro-
posals for doing said work will he acted
upon by the City Council the 16th day
of October, 1902.
Bidders must state price per square
yard for brick paving. Each bid must
he accompanied by a certified check for
$50.00 on some Dubuque hank as a guar-
antee that a contract will he entered in-
to if awarded.
The City Council reserves the right to
reject any and all bids.
Dated Dubuque, Oct. 6th, 1902.
10-17 "• City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the office of the City Recorder up to 4
o'clock p. m. Wednesday, October 15, 1902,
for painting the outside woodwork of the
Central and Fourth street engine houses.
Specifications of said work are on file
in the office of the City Recorder, show-
ing the kind and extent of the work to
be done.
A certified check of $500.00 on some Du-
buque bank must accompany each bid,
as a guarantee that the contract will he
entered into if awarded.
The city reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
10-10-7t City Recorder.
Se^1,d proposals will he received at my
office up to 7:30 o'clock p. m.. Oct. 16th,
Wu. •n furnish the fire, police and street
department of the city of Dubuque with
number one oats and number one tim-
othy hay for the term of one year from
October 1st, 1902.
Such oats and hay to he delivered in
such. quantities and at such places as
may be ordered by the city from time to
time. All hay and oats to he weighed
t.n the city scales at the city hall and
delivered at the expense of the contract-
r. The oats to be figured at C5 pounds
to the bushel.
Each bid must he accompanied with
a cc rtliied check for $25.00 on some Du-
buque bank that a contract will be en-
tered into if awarded.
The city reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
Dated Dubuque, Oct. 7th, 1902.
10-7-91C. F. ARENDT,
City Recorder.
Official Notices.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the office of the City Recorder until 7:30
o'clock P. m., Thursday, Oct. 23, 1902,
for the improvement of Gilmore Place,
from south curb line of West Fifth
street to alley south of Cooper street in
accordance with plans and specifications
now on file In the office of the City Re-
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that it will require new curbstone set
796 lineal feet, guttering 372 square yards,
macadamizing 735.6 square yards, cutting
2015 cubic yards.
The work to be completed on or before
the first day of December, 1902, and shall
be paid for when said work is com-
pleted and accepted by the City Coun-
The proposals for doing said work will
be acted up by the City Council the
loth day of October, 1902.
Bidders must state price per lineal
foot, for new curbing set, and the price
per square yard for guttering and ma-
cadamizing. Each bid must be accom-
panied by a certified check for $100 on
some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that
a contract will be entered into if
The City Council reserves the right to
reject any and all bids.
Dated Dubuque. October 6th, 1902.
10-17-6t. City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will tie received at the
cfice of the City Recorder until 7:30
o'clock p. m. Thursday, Oct. 16th. 1902,
for paving the alley between Bluff and
Locust streets from the north curb line
of Tenth street to the south curb line
of Eleventh street, with brick on a con-
crPte foundation, according to plans and
specifications now on file in the office
of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that it will require 312.5 square yards of
brick paving.
The work to be completed on or before
December 1st, 1902, and shall be paid for,
when said work is completed, and ac-
crpted_by the City Council. The pro-
posals for doing said work will be octet:
upon. by the City Council the 16th day
of October, 1902.
Bidders must state price per square
yard for brick paving. Each bid muse
be accompanied by a certified check for
850.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guar•
antee that a contract will be entered
Into if awarded.
The City Council reserves the right to
reject any and all bids.
Dated Dubuque, Oct. 6th, 1902.
10-6-10t. City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be receivd at
the office of the City Recorder until 7:30
o'clock p. m., ThursdaY. Oct. 16th, 1902,
for the improvement of Gilmore Place,
from south curb line of West Fifth
street to alley south of Cooper street in
accordance with plans and specifications
now on file in the office of the City Re-
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that It will require. new curbstone set
796 lineal feet, guttering 372 square yards.
macadamizing 735.6 square yards, cutting
2016 cubic yards.
The work to be completed on or before
the first day of December, 1902, and shall
be paid for when said work is com-
pleted and accepted by the City Coun-
The proposals for doing said work will
be acted upon by the City Council the
16th day of October, 1902.
Bidders must state price per lineal
foot, for new curbing set, and the price
per square yard for guttering and ma-
cadamizing. Each hid must be accom-
panied by a certified check for $100 on
some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that
a contract will be entered into if.
The City Council reserves the right to
reject any and all bids.
Dated Dubuque, October 6th, 1902.
10-6-10t City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at my
office up to 7:30 o'clock p. tn.. Thursday,
Oct. 16th, 1902, for furnishing the fire
and police departments of the city of
Dubuque, also the city hall, with coal,
coke and wood for the term of one year
beginning October 1st, 1902. Bidders will
state the price for No. 1 oak and maple
wood, also the price for hard and soft
coal and the kind and name of same.
also the price and quality of coke.
The coal and wood to be delivered in
such quantities at such places and time
as the city may direct.
The coal and coke to be weighed on the
city scales at the city hall and delivered
at the expense of the contractor.
Each hid must be accompanied with a
certified check for $25.00 on some Du-
buque bank as a guarantee that a con-
tract will be entered into if awarded.
The city reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
Dated Dubuque, Oct. 7th. 1902.
10-7-9t. City Recorder.
Dubuque, Iowa, Oct. 3, 1902.
Sealed proposals will be received at the,
City Engineers office, city of Dubuque,
Iowa, ':p to 4 o'clock p. m., Thursday,
2, for
sict. 9th, idewalk as0 follows, where constructing
noalready eady
laid: Four feet wide, of good two-inch
plank on the west side of College avenue,
between tSecond eWest
Thi dstr street,abuttinglots 15 and ot1
of College sub.
All in accordance with specifications on
file in said office.
The city reserves the right to reject'
any and all bids.
JAMES itE Engineer.
Sealed proposals will be r
Recorder ived edtatil t e
office of the City
o'clock p. m., Thursday. November 6th,
1902, for the constructionof
tle pipe sanitary sewer, in
tween Garfield Avenue and Rhomberg
Avenue from Johnson Avenue to Middle
Avenue, in accordance with plans and
specifications prepared by the City En-
Recorder. now on Itflis le iestimated office
by the
City Engineer that It will and 11 man -
lineal feet of 8 -inch tile pipe,
2 62
Official Notices.
holes. Bidders must state price per lin-
eal foot for tile pipe, also the price for
each manhole.
The work to be completed on or before
May 1st, 1903, and shall be paid for when
said work is completed and accepted by
the city council.
All bids must be accompanied by a cer-
tified check for $100.00 on some Dubuque
bank as a guarantee that a contract will
be entered into if awarded.
The city reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
Dated Dubuque, Oct. 27th, 1902.
10-27-10t City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at the
office of the City Recorder until 7:30
o'clock p. m. Thursday, Nov. 6th, 1902,
for the construction of an 8 -inch tile pipe
Sanitary Sewer, in Langworthy Avenue,
from the east line of lot 41, Julia L. Lang -
worthy's add., to Hill street, in accord-
ance with plans and specifications pre-
pared by the City Engineer, and now on
file in the office of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that it will require 1070 lineal feet of 8 -
inch tile pipe. and 7 manholes.
Bidders must state price per lineal foot
for tile pipe, also the price for each man-
The work to be completed on or before
May 1st., 1903, and shall be paid for when
said work is completed and accepted by
the City Council.
All bids must be accompanied by a cer-
tified check of $50.00 on some Dubuque
bank as a guarantee that a contract will
be entered into if awarded. .
The city reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
Dated Dubuque, Oct. 27th, 1902.
10-27-10t. City Recorder.
To Geo. R. Clark:
You are hereby notified that in accord-
ance with a resolution of the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, for the con-
struction of a 4 -foot planksidewalk, on the
west side of College Avenue, adopted on
the 2nd clay of October, 1902, a special
assessment will be levied for the expense
thereof at the next regular meeting of
the City Council, upon all lots and par-
cels of land abutting on said improve-
ment, lot 15 in College Sub., owned by
you, being subject to such special assess-
ment. And you are notified to appear at
said meeting of the Council, to he held
on the Gth day of November, 1902, and
show cause, if any you have, why said
assessment should not be levied.
Amount, $33.53.
10-27-10t. City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will roe received at the
office of the City Recorder until 7:30
o'clock p, m., Thursday, Nov. 6111.. 1902,
for the improvement of Gilmore Place,
from south curb line of West Fifth street
to alley south of Cooper street in accord-
ance with plans and specifications now
on file in the office of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that it will require new curbstone set 795
lineal feet, guttering 372 square yards,
macadamizing 735.6 square yards, cutting
2015 cubic yards.
The work to be completed on or before
the first day of January, 1903, and shall
be paid for when said work is complet-
ed and accepted by the City Council.
The proposals for doing said work will
be acted upon by the City Council the 6th
day of November, 1902.
Bidders must state price per lineal foot,
for new curbing set, and the price per
s •uare yard for guttering and macada-
mizing. Each hid must he accompanied
by a certified check for $100 on some Du-
buque bank as a guarantee that a con-
tract will be entered into if awarded.
The City Council reserves the right to
reject any and all bids.
Dated Dubuque, October 27th. 1902.
10-27-10t. City Recorder.
To All Who Are Named Bejow: You
are hereby notified that in accordance
with an ordinance of the City of Dubuque
for repairing sidewalks In the months of
September, 1902, that a special assess-
ment will be levied for the expense there-
of at the regular meeting of the City
Council upon all lots and parcels of land
on said improvement, owned by you being
subject to such special assessment. And
you are notified to appear at said meeting
of the council to be held on the 6th day
of November, A. D. 1902, and show cause,
if any you have, why said assessment
should not be levied.
Sept. 2.—Jas. Mullen Est., Finley's
add., lot 10. 5 feet lumber, 10c;
hour time, 25c $ 35
Sept. 2.—Geo. Salot, Finley's add,
lot 4, 9 feet lumber, 20e; 1,2 hour
time, 25c 45
Sept. 2.—Thos. J. Huckels, Finley's
add, N. 1 lot 154, 15 feet lumber,
30c; 1 hours time, 50c 80
Sept. 2.—Tschirgi & Schwind, Wood -
lawn Park, lot 200, 10 feet lumber,
20c; 1,¢ hours time, 25c 45
Sept. 3.—Jas. H. Shields, Dubuque
Harbor Co.'s add., Block 1, lot 8,
12 feet lumber, 25c; 1/2 hours time,
25c 50
Sept. 4.—Wm. Bradley et al., City S.
20 feet, lot 33, 50 bricks, $1.00, 1
hours time, 50c 1 50
Sept. 4.—Mary Mullen, East Du-
buque add., lot 44, 35 feet lumber,
70c; 14 hours time, 25c ...... .... 95
Sept. 4.—Martin Kunkel, McCraney's
1st add., lot 74, 16 feet lumber, 30c;'
1/2 hours time, 25c 65
Sept. 9.—Mrs. J. V. Bowers, Kiene
& Blocklinger's sub. N. 75 feet,
lots 1, 2, 3, 10 feet lumber, 20c; 14
hours time, 15c 35
.9.—Geo. Salot, sub. 39, Kelley's
sub., lot 1-2, 10 feet lumber, 20c;
1,, hours time, 25c 45
Sept. 10.—V. A. Bush et al., Dor-
gan's sub., lot 4, 87 feet lumber,
$1.75; 1 hours time, 50c 2 25
Sept. 10.—Jno. J. Bowen, Bowen's
sub., lot 1, 40 feet lumber, 80c 80
Sept. 11.—Jno. Roach, Breakey's
add., E. 14 feet, lot 6, 42 feet lum-
her, 85c; 41 hours time, 40c 1 25
Sept. 11.—Jas. Rowan, Breakey's
add., lots 7-8, 22 feet lumber, 45c;
1,4 hours time, 25c 70
Sept. 12.—Jas. Levi, Davis Farm
ndd., lot 237, 12 feet lumber, 25c;
14 hours time, 25c 50
Sept. 12.—John Olinger, Boulevard
add., lot 20, 8 feet lumber, 15c; 1/4
hours time, 15c 30
Sept. 12.—Herman Roesch et al.,
Offiicial Notices.
Broadway add., lots 8-9, 12 feet
lumber, 25c; %,6 hours time, 25c
Sept. 16.—Geo. Salot, sub. 2 of 2 of
City 678, lots 1-2, 16 feet lumber,
30c; % hours time, 23c
Sept. 15.—Anna Kelly, Cox's add,
lots 99-100, 20 feet lumber, 40c; %
hours time, 25c
Sept. 16.—German Preschurch, sub.
City 675, lot 7, 12 feet lumber, 25c;
% hours time, 25c
Sept. 16.—Edw. Langworthy Est,
Pauline Langworthy's sub., lot 5,
12 feet lumber, 25c; % hours time,
25c. .... ...
Sept. 10.—C. H. Eighmey, sub. 2 of 2
of min. lot 159. lot 2, 5 feet lumber,
10c; iia hours time, 15c
Sept. 19.—L. and A. Pitschner, Davis
Farm add., bit 340. 16 feet lumber,
30c; 1 hours time, 15c
Sept. 20.—Mercy Hospital, sub. min.
lot 66, lot 2, 10 feet lumber, 20c; 1,4
hours time, 25c
Sept. 20.—Anna Garrigan, sub. City
720, lot 1, 10 feet lumber, 20c; %
hours time. 15c
Sept. 20.—A. P. Aheln, sub. 76 and 77,
Union add., lot 2, 16 feet lumber,
30c; % hours time, 25c
Sept. 25.—W. G. Cox, mineral lot 90,
5 feet lumber, 10c; % hours time,
25c. ....... .... .... ...
Sept. 25.—M. J. Evertt Est., sub.
City E. % 655, lot 2, 26 feet lumber,
50c; % hours time, 25c
Sept. 25.—Alice Goldthorpe, sub City
741. lot 3. 8 feet lumber, 15c; l,i
hours time, 25c
Sept. 27.—Rich. Ronson Est., Me-
chanic's add., lots 152-153, 4 feet
lumber, 10c; 14 hours time 15c....
Sept. 27.—John Bottoms, sub 151, Me-
chanic's add., lot 2, 5 feet lumber,
10c; % hours time, 15c
Sept. 27.—Chas. Heize, L. H. Lang -
worthy's add., lot 147, 5 feet lum-
ber, 10c; ? hours time, 15c
Sept. 30.—A. E. Girard, Hodge's sub,
lot 5, 26 feet lumber, 50c; % hours
time, 40c ...... .... ........ ...
Sept. 30.—Sarah J. Bothwell, sub.
min. lot 158, lot 8, 5 feet lumber,
10c; % hours time, 25c
Sept. 30.—Cath. Mettel, Klein-
schmidt's sub., lot 1, 7 feet lumber,
15c; 1 hours time, 15e
Sept. 30.—S. M. Langworthy Est., S.
M. Langworthy's sub., lot 10, 7 feet
lumber, 15c; 1 hours time, 25c
Sept. 30.—John Olinger, Boulevard
add., lots 10-11, 40 feet lumber, 80c;
% hours time, 40c
$22 30
City Recorder.
Regular Session, Nov. 6, 1902.
Regular Session Npv,•:1,1, r 'Jill, 1902.
Council met at 8:15 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
The mayor presented and read contract
as amended of Thos. Connolly for build-
ing one combination Chemical Engine
and Hose wagon and said contract to be
inserted in the council proceedings. Ald.
Horr moved that the contract as amend-
ed be made part of the council proceed-
ings. Carried.
Contract follows:
Agreement made and entered into by
and betwcen Tom Connolly, of the City of
Dubuque, State of Iowa, party of the
first part, and City of Dubuque, State of
Iowa, party of the second part:
Witnesseth: The party of the first
part agree to build one Combination
Chemical Engine and Hose wagon and
deliver the same to the party of the sec-
ond part within ninety days from the
date of the execution of this contract.
Said Combination Chemical Engine and
Hose wagon to he built in accordance
with the specifications of the party of the
first part of an "all steel and metal Com-
bination Chemical Engine and Hose wa-
gon" with the following exceptions: Sub-
stitute wood body for steel body, metal
seat, steel footboard. wood side steps for
iron steps. and regular platform gear in
place of angle steel gear. The wheels
for said Combination Chemical Engine
and Hose wagon in addition to the speci-
fications above referred to, to be roller
bearing. which snecificatiens were filed
with the proposal of said party of the
first part, and are now on file in the
office of the City Recorder of said city.
In all other particulars said Combination
Chemical Engine and Hose wagon is to
he built and equipped in accordance with
the specflcations aforesaid.
The party of the first part further
agrees to furnish the party of the second
part, two fourteen foot ladders made to
splice. making one twenty-five foot lad-
der and also two Babcock Fire Extin-
guishers of three gallons capacity each,
with brass sockets for holding same.
The party of the first part further
aerees to furnish free of charge. any part
of said Combination Chemical Engine and
Hose wagon or its equipment that may
prove defective in either workmanship or
In consideration of the party of the
first part furnishing said party of the
second part said Combination Chemical
Engine and Hose wagon with the enuin-
ment as above provided, the party of the
second part agrees to pay to the narty of
the first part, within ninety clays from the
date of the execution of this contract.
the sum of fourteen hundred ($1.400) dol-
lars, upon the delivery of said apparatus
and the same is found to he in accord-
ance with the specifications above re-
ferred to and the requirements of this
Signed this — day of October, 1902, in
City Recorder.
Ald. Horr moved that the council pro-
ceeding for the month of October be ap-
proved as printed. Carried.
The following bills were ordered paid:
A. Doerr, Jr., assistant assessor,
for October .... .... .... .... $75 00
Jcs. J. Murphy, assistant assessor
for October.... 75 00
H. J. Tropf, board of prisoners 16 00
Union Printing Co. ,half pay on
42 register books 36 50
Bieg & Rood, stationery and sup-
plies for various offices.. 9 55
Union Printing Co., printing ab-
stract in case of Bauer vs. City56 00
Palmer, Berg & Co., blank books
and stationery for various offices. 46 00
R. D. Swisher Mfg. Co., rubber
datets for recorder's office
Iowa Telephone Co., toll line ser- 1 00
vice.... .... ..
Dubuque Telephone Co., telphone
rent... ... ... ... . 6 00
Klauer & Kress, new tools and 1
hardware, city hall....
H. Corrance, supplies at city hall3 50
Mullin & Papin, plumbing at city 3
hall 95
Even & Fuchs ,coal, First ward 5 00
T. Faherty, repairing First ward 8 45
scales.. .
Hoffman & Kemler, carpenter's
risk on Grandview avenue En-
gine house
Farley & Loetscher Mfg. Co., lum-
ber delivered at 4th street engine 17 10
Key City Gas Co., gas for various 101 30
Key City Gas Co., rent of 4 Hum- 2 EO
phrey lights at Armory
L. Daily, cleaning around market28 00
square.... .
Dub. Robb. & Bltg. Co., rubber 1 10
stamps for assessor..
\V. Baumgartner, new tools and
hardware for road department8 90
Klauer & Kress, new tools for 'road 18 50
Jno. Butt, repairs for road depart- 160
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for road 20 65
L. Lindenberg. hardware and new 4 35
tools for road department
Key City Gas Co., coke for steam 10 65
T. J. Mulgrew, coal for steam roller 3 05
al for steam roller. 14
Bello• Bros., coal for steam roller. 1215
F. BUMS. coal Linehan & Molof stfoream
29 65
McElrath Teaming Co., sand for 1
road department.. horse shoeing
Lagen & Sullivan' 3 50
for road department..
Collings & Pfiffner. horse shoeing 8
for road deparmerinary servefes
F. A. Dolton, 95
for road department..
P. Clancy, cinders for road depart- 15 50
J. Huffineier, hauling for road de- 5 25
F. A. Dolton, veterinary
266 Regular Session, Nov. 6, 1902.
for fire department.... .. 11 52
H. J. Haggerty, veterinary services
for fire department.. 7 68
Lear & Kennedy, horse shoeing for
fire department.. .. 6 00
Collings & Pflffner, horseshoeing
for fire department.. 20 00
Wunderlich & Wiederholt, services
for fire department.. 5 00
Lagen & Sullivan, services for fire
department.. . ..
Key City Gas Co., coke for fire de-
Union Electric Co., supplies for fire
A. Y. McDonald & Morrison Mfg.
Co., 1 tank and gauge glass for
fire department.. 8 f5
Key City Gas Co., rent of Hum-
phrey light at 9th street engine
house.... .. .. 1 00
Key City Gas Co., 1 mantle at Delhi
street engine house.. 35
H. Wunderlich & Son, half dozen
chairs at Delhi street engine house 12 00
Ellwanger Bros., repairing harness
for fire department 10 20
Monarch Elec. Wire Co., supplies
for fire department.. 32 40
Phil Pier, coal for fire department22 20
Key City Roofing Co., pitch for
fire department £5
Mullen & Papin, plumbing at cen-
tral engine house 4 00
L. Lindenberg, hardware for fire
department.. 6 05
Dub. Oil Tank Line, oil for fire de-
partment ... ..... ..... 6 50
Linehan & Molo, supplies for fire
department 3 10
A. Tredway & Sons, hardware for
fire department.. .. .. „ 4 78
M. Stafford, hay for flre depart-
ment 104 44
Ott, Meuser & Co., shavings for fire
department 6 00
Iowa Iron Wks. Co., repairs for fire
department •3 45
Jno. Newman & Son, repairs at 4th
street engine house.. 21 95
Nutwood Livery Co., use of buggy
for fire chief 3 00
Metz Mfg. Co., 3 doors for 4th street
engine house 14 75
Morrison Bros. 1 vertical boiler 9th
street engine house.. . 60 01
Central Elec. Co., 2 fire alarm boxes
9th street engine house.. 86 30
D. Lattner, maple wood delivered
at city hall.. 16 40
J. F. RIs & Bro., 1 air tight heater
complete, for matron department. 910
Jas. Levi & Co., 1 rug for matron
department 10 00
G. F. Kleih, hardware for police
department.... .. 1 70
Key City Gas Co., chimney and
shade for matron department110
H. Corrance, supplies for matron
department 3 15
C. J. W. Saunders, supplies for ma-
tron department...... .. 5 CO
Mullen & Papin, plumbing for po-
lice department.... 3 05
J. G. Moser, hardware and supplies
for matron department.. 1 50
H. J. Haggerty, veterinary services
for patrol team 2 48
Collings & Pflffner, horse shoeing
for patrol team 22 00
J. G. Moser, hardware for sewer
Jno. Butt, repairs for sewer de-
partment 2 30
F. Scholz & Son, repairs for sewer
denartment 1 95
H. Corrance, supplies for sewer de -
15 50
3 00
partment 360
G. F. Kleih, 1 level for sewer de-
partment1 00
Key City Roofing Co., sewer pipe
for sewer department 365
Linehan & Molo, cement for sewer
department • 5 23
Dub. Telegraph - Herald, official
printing for October.... 50 00
Globe -Journal, official printing for
October ... 60 00
The Times, official printing for Oc-
tober 15 00
Natl. Demokrat, official printing for
October ..... ... ... ...... 25 00
Union Elec. Co.. arc lights for Oct2029 58
G. F. Kleih, 1 axe for engineer's of-
fice 1 25
Pape & Jacquinot, gas fitting engi-
neer's office 12 95
Union Printing Co., 500 sewer con-
nection notices for board of health 2 75
Telegraph -Herald health report for
August .. . 5 75
T. E. Frith, removing garbage and
dead animals during October 376 38
Arthur Turner. cleaning vault in
Langworthy avenue.... .... 12 00
Otto Ruete, analysing city water30 00
Jno. Bohn, inspector on Bee branch
sewer 20 00
Linehan & Molo, cement for Bee
branch sewer 10 50
Klauer & Kress, new tools Bee
branch sewer 3 10
P. Eisbach, estimate Bee branch
sewer ... . 1154 P4
Brown & Brown, grading Lang-
worthy avenue.. . 292 23
Steuck & Linehan, estimate on 14th
street storm sewer.. . 803 25
Jno. Tibey, final estimate on Dodge
street storm sewer 193 87
Dub. Wooden Ware & Lumb. Co,
lumber for special sidewalk fund51 51
Standard 011 Co., oil for sprinkling
department ... 718
The following bills were ordered refer-
G. F. Kleih, hardware for road de-
partment.... .... .... .... 5 00
P. Linehan, pine wood for steam rol-
ler... 800
On motion both bills were referred to
the Street committee.
Jno. Newman & Son, repairing fire
chief's buggy.. .. . .. 26 50
Jno. Butt, repairs for fire depart-
ment 18 60
On motion both bills were referred to
the Fire committee.
McDonald & Morrison Mfg. Co., To
City of Dubuque, Debtor. To 1
fire alarm box installed at 13th and
Maple streets.. $43 15
On motion the bill was referred to J.
W. Lawlor (committee clerk), for collec-
Petition of Edward Muntz asking per-
mission to erect a frame barn on north
middle 1-5 of City Lot No. 452 in alley
bet. Iowa and Clay and 17th and 18th
Ald. Frith moved to grant the prayer
of the petition. Carried.
Petition of R. Hay (city weighmaster).
asking city council to draft an ordi-
nance to have all coal and Junk dealers
number their wagons or any vehicle that
they may use in hauling coal or iron.
On motion the petition was referred
to the Ordinance committee and City
Petition of the A. Y. McDonald & Mor-
rison Mfg. Co., asking that Twelfth
Regular Session, Nov. 6, 1902.
(12th) street from Pine to Sycamore
streets, be filled to grade.
Aid. Frith moved to refer the petition
to the committee on Streets, and they
report at the next session of the council.
Petition of Frid. I-Ieer asking council
to allow him the sum of filly dollars
($50.00), for grading the street in front
of his property back of the Fulton
Ald. Corrance moved to refer the pe-
tition to the committee on Streets and
City Engineer, Carried.
Petition of Noel and Wagner asking
permission to erect a hog scales in the
rear of their store, 1850 and 1560 Couler
avenue, said scales to be operated and
maintained in accordance with the city
Ald. Frith moved that the petition be
referred to the committee on Markets
with power. Carried.
Petition of Mary Schramm asking for
the cancellation of her taxes on her
homestead in Starr's Add. for the year
On motion the petition was referred to
the Delinquent Tax committee.
Petition of B. Kopald asking that his
assessment be placed at not more than
Four Hundred dollars ($400.00), as in
former years.
On motion the petition was referred to
the Board of Equalization and City As-
City Auditor Hoffman reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque. Gentlemen:
Herewith find my report for the month
of October, 1902, showing the receipts and
disbursements for the month:
Cash on hand Oct. lst, 1802 415.993 91
Receipts from all sources 23,983 35
Total.. $39,977 26
Warrants redeemed during month$22.461 66
Coupons redeemed during month. 2,92014
Total .... .... .... .... $25,381 80
Cash on hand Nov. 1st, 1902 $14,595 46
Also reports that there is due the city
officers for the month of October, 1902,
Also the following is a record of all in-
terest coupons and bonds redeemed by
me for the past month:
Improvement bond coupons $50 00
Regular bond coupons 2 870 14
Total $2,920 14
The following list shows the Apropria-
tions and the amounts of Warrants
drawn on each fund since the beginning
of the fiscal year beginning March lst.,
1902, to Nov. lst., 1902:
Expense ..... ... ... .....$ 40,000
Road 42,000
Sewerage ..... ... ... .. .
Gas and Light... ...
Water Works Bond In-
Interest ..... ... ...
Board of Health..
Grading... ... ... ...
Bee Branch
Eagle Point Bridge
Special Bonded Paving
$ 20,626 30
33,816 66
19,181 SO
16,115 85
2,928 20
945 00
1,674 70
14,188 12
12,037 50
4,162 60
474 80
3,527 89
4,776 10
Redemption.. ... ...
Library, .. , .... .
Sprinkling First dis-
trict..... ,.,
Sprinkling Second dis-
trict..... ...
Sprinkling Third dis-
Sprinkling Fourth dis-
Sprinkling Fifth dis-
trict ........... ...
Special Bonded Debt
Interest .... ....
Grandview Avenue En-
gine House
Mount Carmel Avenue
Sidewalk Repairing.. .
Special Sewer Fund:...
3,000 2,786 18
750 455 77
2,300 1,090 15
2,200 1,061 51
2,300 740 25
1,:03 1,006 12
3,000 1,534 53
6,000 1,851 40
500 81 23
5,000 3,243 85
Total apropriation.. ..$318,050
Respectfully submitted,
F. B. Hoffman, Auditor.
On motion the report was received and
warrants ordered drawn to pay city offi-
cers, and the report referred back to the
Finance committee.
Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol -
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of Dubuque.
I herewith submit my pay roll for the
fire department, for the month of Octo-
ber, 1902:
Amount due firemen.. $2,010 40
Joseph Reinfried, Chief.
Matt Clancy, Chairman Committee on
On motion the pay roll was received and
warrants ordered drawn to pay firemen
and the pay roll referred back to the
committee on Fire.
Chief of Police Morgan reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of Dubuque.
I herewith submit my report and pay
roll for the police department for the
month of October, 1902:
Total arrests for the month.
Patrol runs
Miles run... .....
Residents arrested.....
Lodgers harbored
Doors found open
Defective lights
Meals furnished
Cost of food.... ... ....... ... ...$16 00
Sheriff dieting prisoners 13 13
Also the pay roll for policemen for the
month of October, 1902: 35
Amount due policemen • • • .$2,091
Respectfully submitted,
Edw. Morgan,
Chief of Police.
On motion the report and pay roll were
received and warrants ordered drawn to
pay policemen, and the report referred
back to the committee on Police.
City Engineer Boyce reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque.
I herewith submit my pay roll for la-
bor on streets during the last half of
October, 1902:
Regular Session, Nov. 6, 1902.
Amount due laborers on streets....$1,S03 20
Respectfully submitted,
James H. Boyce,
Approved: City Engineer.
E. E. Frith, Chairman Committee on
Joseph L. Horr.
John J. Sheridan.
Also submit my pay roll for labor on.
sewers, for the last half of October, 1902:
Amount due laborers on sewers....$181 80
Respectfully submitted,
James H. Boyce,
City Engineer.
John J. Sheridan, Chairman Committee
on Sewers.
Joseph L. Horr.
Hugh Corrance.
Also submit my pay roll for labor on
Bee Branch sewer, during the last half
of October 1902:
Amount clue laborers, Bee Branch..$65 70
Respectfully submitted,
James H. Boyce,
City Engineer.
11. 10. Frith, Chairman on Bee Branch.
Joseph L. Horr.
John J. Sheridan.
Also submit my pay roll for teams haul-
ing sprinkling wagons during the last
half of October, 1902:
Amount due teamsters $248 30
Respectfully submitted,
James H. Boyce,
City Engineer.
Geo. N. Raymond. Chairman Committee
on Paving, Sweeping and Sprinkling.
Matt Clancy.
Joseph L. Horr.
On motion the pay rolls for labor on
streets, sewers. Bee Branch and sprink-
ling were received and warrants ordered
drawn to nay the various amounts and
the pay rolls referred hack to the proper
City Electrician Hipman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of Dubuque.
Gentlemen :
I herewith submit ry report for de-
fective lights for the month of October,
I find from the reports from the police
department that the total hours that 230
lamps failed to burn would equal 8 lamps
for one month or $43.20.
Respectfully submitted,
William Hipman,
City Electrician.
On motion the report was received and
the auditor instructed to deduct from the
Union Electric company's hill for the
month of October the amount of $43.20.
The following weightmasters' and wood -
measurers' receipts were referred to the
committee on markets:
H. J. Tronf, city hall receipts $53 50
Louise Pitschner, West Dubuque
scale receipts 2 45
T. Faherty, First ward scale re-
ceipts 6 51
R. Hay, Eighth street scale re-
Mrs. C. Deckert, Rhomherg avenue
scalereceipts ..... ... ... ... ........ 3 17
R. F. Curran, wood measurers' re-
ceipts 8 47
Mayor Berg presented and read the fol-
lowing. communication from the Union
Electric, eompany:
Hon. C. 11. Berg, Mayor, City.
Dear Sir:
As a sni stitute for the location previ-
ously granted, we hereby apply for per-
mission to constrect 0 turn -out on %Vest
Eighth slrcet, beginning at a point oppo-
site the property line, on east side of
Locust street, and extending easterly, not
more than tv, o hundred and fifty (250)
feet, between switch points. Work to
commence Monday, November, 10th,
weather permitting, and to be pushed to
completion in accordance with the terms
of our franchise.
Very truly yours,
Union Electric Co.,
by F. L. Dame,
General Manager.
The mayor stated thnt he hnd granted
said permission.
Ald. Frith moved that the action of the
mayor he approved. Carried.
City Engineer Boyce reported as fol-
To the Honorable Maynr and City Coun-
cil of City of Dubuque.
I herewith submit plans and specifica-
tions for the construction of an eight
inch tile pine sanitary sewer in alley, be-
tween Garfield Avenue and Rhomherg
Avenue, from Johnson Avenue to Middle
Also, submit plans and specifications for
the construction of an eight inch tile pipe
sanitary sewer in Langworthy Avenue,
from east line of Lot 41, Julia L. Lang -
worthy's Add., to present sewer In Hill
street. Respectfully submitted,
James H. I3oyee,
City Engineer.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the Plans and
specifications, as presented, be adopted.
City Engineer Boyce also reported as
To the Honorable Mnyor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque.
Herewith attached please find plat
showing the subdivision of Mineral Lot
162 for the purpose of widening East
Also, deed from Carrie Cain, widow, to
the city of Dubuque, dedicating said strip
of ground to the city for widening said
East street.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the plat and
deed he approved and properly recorded.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Ald. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
City Engineer Boyce also reported as
Herewith attached nlease find plat of
proposed street in Quigley's Sub. of Min-
eral Lot 197, from South street to North
street. and connecting Rig' street with
T.nuisa street. in accordance with resolu-
tion pasced October 2nd, 1902.
Ald, Herr reeved to refer the same to
the committer. on Streets, City Engineer
and City Attorney. Carried.
City Engineer Boyce also reported as
Trerewith attaohed please find plat of
nronnsed alley between Garfield Avenue
and Rhomherg Avenue, from Johnson Av-
enue to Kniest street, in neenrrlanee with
resolutions passed October 2nd, 1902.
Respectfully submitted,
James H. Boyce.
City Engineer.
Ald Jones moved that the plat be ap-
proved. Carried.
Regular Session, Nov. 6, 1902.
City Recorded Arendt presented the
printed notice, certified to by the publish-
er, of the council's intention to levy a
special assessment against the different
named property owners for repairing side-
walks for the month of September, 1902.
No remonstrance being filed, the Mayor
asked if any one present had any ob-
jections to said special assessment.
No objections being stated, nn motion
of Ahl. .tones, the notice was received
and filed.
Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the fol-
Resolved, 13y the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for re-
pairing sidewalks for the month of Sep-
tember, 1902, in front of and adjoining the
some, a special tax he and is hereby lev-
ied on the several lots, and parts of
lots, and parcels of real estate hereinaf-
ter named, situated and owned, and for
the several amounts set opposite each lot
or parcel of real estate. as follows:
Special assessment submitted and pass-
ed Nov. 6th. 1902.
Jas. Mulgrew, Est.. Finley's add.,
lot 10, 5 fet lumber 10. 1-2 hour's
labor 25; total.. .. .. ............ 80 35
Geo. Salot. Finley's add., lot 4, 9
feet lumber 20, % hour's labor
25; total 45
Thos. J. Buckets, Finley's add.. N.
1-2, lot 154. 15 feet lumber 30, 1
hour's labor 50; total 80
Tsehirgi & Schwind, 'Woodlawn
park, lot 200. 10 feet lumber 20, 1-2
hour's labor 25; total 45
Jas. H. Shields, Dubuque Har. Co.'s
add., block 1. lot 8. 12 feet lumber
25, 1-2 hour's labor 25; total 50
Wm. Bradley et al.. City S. 20 ft,
lot 33. 50 bricks $1.00, 1 hour's work
50; total.... .. .. .. .. 1 f0
Mary A. Mullen, East Dubuque add,
lot 44, 35 feet lumber 70, 1-2 hour's
labor 25; total 95
Martin Kunkel, McCraney's 1st add,
lot 74, 16 feet lumber 30, 1-2 hour's
labor 25: total.... ...... 55
Mrs. J, V. Bowers, Kiene & Block-
linger's Sub. N. 75 ft. 1-2-3, 10 feet
lumber 20, 1-4 hour's labor 15,
Geo. Salot, Sub. 39, Kelley's Sub.
lots , 16 feet lumber 30; 3z hour's
labor, 25; total
V. A. Bush et al.. Dorgan's Sub,
lot 4, 87 feet lumber 1.75, 1 hour's
labor 50; total....
Jno. J. Bowen, Bowen's Sub., lot 1,
40 feet lumber 80; total
Jno, Roach, Breakey's add„ E. 14
ft., lot 6, 42 feet lumber 85, 3-4
hour's labor 40; total..
Jas. Rowan. Breakey's add.. lots
7-8. 22 feet lumber 45, 1-2 hour's la-
bor 25; total
Jas. Levi. Davis Farm add., lot 237
12 feet lumber 25, 1-2 hour's labor 60
25; total.... ..
John Olinger, Boulevard add., lot 20,
8 feet lumber 15, 1-4 hour's labor
15; total.... .
Herman Roesch et al., Broadway
add., lots 8-9, 12 feet lumber 25, 1-2
hour's labor 25; total..
Geo. Salot. Sub. 2 of 2 of City 678.
lots 1-2. 16 feet lumhr 30, 1-2
hour's labor 25; total..
Anna Kelly, Cox's add., lots 99-100,
20 feet lumber 40, 1-2 hour's labor
25; total...,
Ger. Pres. Church, Sub. 1Ci y 6T5.
lot 7, 12 feet lumber 6,
labor 25; total.... .. ..
2 25
1 25
Edw. Langworthy Est„ Pauline
Langworthy's Sub., lot 5, 12 feet
lumber 25, 1-2 hour's labor 25; to-
C. Ii, Elghmcy, Sub. 2 of 8 of Min.
Lot 159, lot 2, 5 feet lumber 10,
1-4 hour's labor 15; total.. .... .,., 25
L. and A. Pitschner, Davis Farm
add., lot 340, 16 feet lumber 30, 1-4
hour's labor 15; total.... .. 45
Mercy Hospital, Sub. Min. Lot 66,
lot 2, 10 feet lumber 20, 1-2 hour's
labor 25; total.... ....
Anna Garragan, Sub. City 720, lot
1, 10 feet lumber 20, 1-4 hour's
landr, 15; total
A. P. Ahpin, Sub. 76 and 77, Union
Add., lot 2, 16 feet lumber, 20; %%
hour's labor. 25: total 55
W, G. Cox, Mineral Lot 90, 5 feet
lumber 10, 1-2 hour's labor 25; to-
M. J. Everett Est.. Sub. City E. 1-2
655, lot 2, 26 feet lumber 50, 1-2
hour's labor 25; total..
Alice Goldthorpe, Sub. ('itv 711, lot
3, 8 feet lumber 15, 1-2 hour's la-
bor 25; total.. ..
Rich. Bonson Est.. Mechanic's add.,
lots 152-153, 4 feet lumber 10, 1-4
hour's labor 15; total.... .... 25
John Bottoms, Suh. 151, Mechanic's
add., lot 2, 5 feet lumber 10. 1-4
hour's labor, 15: total 25
Chas. Heinze, L. H. Langworthy's
add., lot 147, 5 feet lumber 10, 1-4
hour's labor 15; total 25.
A. E. Girard. Hodge's Sub., lot 5.
26 feet lumber 50, 3-4 hour's labor
40; total 90'
Sarah J. Bothwell, Suh. Min. Lot
158, lot 8, 5 feet lumber 10, 1-2
hour's labor 25: total.. .. .. 35
Cath. Mettel, Kleinschmidt's Sub,
lot 1, 7 feet lumber 15, 1-4 hour's
labor 15; total.... .. .. .............. 30
S. M. Langworthy Est.. S. M. Lang -
worthy's Sub., lot 10, 7 feet lum-
her 15, 1-2 hour's labor 25: total40
John Olinger, Boulevard add., lots
10-11. 40 feet lumber, S0; s% hour's
labor, 40; total
1 20
Total . .., ... .., $22 30
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu-
tion. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas--Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,.
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan,
Nays -None.
City Recorder Arendt also presented the
printed notice, certified to by the pub-
lisher. of the council's intention to levy
a special assessment against Geo. R.
Clark for the construction of a 4 foot
plank sidewalk on the West side of Col-
lege avenue.
No remonstrance being filed, the mayor
asked if any one present had any ob-
jection to said special assessment.
No ob.iection being stated, on motion
of Ald. Sheridan the notice was received
and filed.
Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the fol-
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque:
That to pay for constructing a 4 foot
plank sidewalk abutting Lot 15, College
Sub., by (3en, Wilkinson. contractor, In
front of and adjoining the same, a spe-
cial tax he and is hereby levied on the
several lots, and parts of lots, and par-
cels of real estate hereinafter named,
situated and owned. and for the several
amounts set opposite each lot or parcel
of real estate, as follows:
270 Regular Session, Nov. 6, 1902.
Special Assessment submitted and pass-
ed Nov. 6, 1902.
Geo. R. Clark, College Sub., Lot 15;
4 foot plank sidewalk of 119.9 lin. ft.,
at 28c per foot, and making a total cost
of $33.53.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu-
tion. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Ald. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Hon., Juries. Raymond and Sheridan.
City Recorder Arendt presented an in-
surance policy against the new engine
house now in course of construction on
Grandview Avenue. It being a carpen-
ters' risk for $2,001 for one month, the
sam , being lssoed according to the In-
structions to the committee on Public
Grounds and Buildings.
On melt n of Md. Frith the action of
the committee was approved.
Ala. Nn^r roved that the committee on
Markets be instructed to provide a prop-
er heating stove in the office of the City
Assessor. Carried.
Bids for improving Gilmore Place were
presented and on motion of Ald. Raymona
were ordered opened. Bids follow:
O'Farrel & Street—
Curbing, per lineal foot, 60c
Guttering. rer square Yard, .. 60c
Macadamizing, per smiare yard. 65c
Grading, city to retain material per
cubic yard. 30c
Grading. contractor to retain material
per cubic yard, 20c
Gus Brown—
Curbing, per lineal foot, 57c
Guttering. ner square yard, 57c
Macadamizing, rer square yard, 60c
Grading. city to retain material per
cultic yard, 1Sc
Grading. contractor to retain material
per cubic yard, Idc
Also bids for a sanitary sewer in Lang-
worth Avenue from alley east of Nevada
street to Hill street.
Also bids for a sanitary sewer in alley,
between Garfield and Rhomberg Avenues,
from Johnson to Middle Avenues, were
presented and on motion of Ald. Frith
were ordered opened.
Bids for sanitary sower in Langworthy
Avenue as follows:
M. 'l'schirgi. Jr. -
8 -inch tile Pini? sewer, $1.15 per lineal foot.
Manholes, each, $40.00.
Steuck & Linehan—
R-inch tile pipe sewer, $1.40 per lineal foot.
Manholes, each, $35.00.
Sas. Noonan & Co.—
R-inch tile pipe sewer, $1.42 per lineal foot.
Manholes, each, $42.75.
Bids for sanitary sewer in alley he•
tween Garfield and Rhomberg Avenues,
from Johnson to Middle Avenues, as fol
M. Tschirgi, Jr.—
R-inch tile pipe sewer, $1.15 per lineal foot.
Manholes, each, $35.00.
Jas. Noonan & Co.—
S-inch tile pipe sewer, $1.15 per lineal foot.
Manholes, each, $40.00.
Steuck & Linehan—
R-inch tile pipe sewer. $1.65 per lineal foot.
Manholes, each, $35.00.
Aid. Horr moved that all bids be re-
ferred to the engineer for computation.
Ald. Corrance moved that the bid of
Dolan & Robinson be rejected and re-
turned to the bidders. Carried.
Ald. Frith, chairman of the committee
on Streets, reported as follows:
Your committee onStreets, to whom was
referred the bill of the Austin & Western
Co., for $41 for a broom tilling machine
and tiller, would recommend that said bill
be paid.
Also report in favor of paying the Intl
of T. T. Thompson amounting to $5 for
setting out lamps and caring for same
on Bee Branch sewer.
E. E. Frith,
Jos. L. Horr.
J. J. Sheridan.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report.
Aid. Jones, chairman of the committee
on Public Grounds a.nd Buildings. re-
ported as follows:
Your committee on Public Grounds and
Buildings, to whom were referred the bids
for painting the woodwork on the outside
of the Central and the Fourth street en-
gine houses, would recommend that Gie-
gerich & Wesselhoft, being the lowest
bidders, be awarded the contract at the
price named in their bid ,which was
eighty-flve dollars: we would also recom-
mend that on account of the Fourth
street engine house doors having been
changed to swing outwardly after the
bids were called for, that the said firm
be allowed five dollars extra for painting
said doors on the outside.
Rudolph Jones.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the report.
Ald. Clancy, chairman of the committee
on Fire, reported as follows:
Your committee on Fire, to whom was
referred the petition of Bridget Lahey,
asking that she he permitted to erect a
frame building on the south 1,(1 of lot 65
in East Dubuque Add.. would recommend
the owners of the adjoining property hav-
ing signed a written waiver of all objec-
tions, that the prayer of the petitioner
be granted.
Also, your committee on Fire, to whom
was referred the petition of F. P. Fuhr-
man, asking that he be allowed to erect
a two story frame house on the west side
of Jackson street, between 13th and 14th
streets, would recommend, the owners of
the adjoining property having signed a
written waiver of all objections, that the
prayer of the petitioner he granted.
Also, your committee on fire, to whom
was referred the petition of the members
of the fire department, asking that they
be allowed full twenty-four hours for
their "day off" instead of fourteen hours
as at present, would recommend that the
prayer of the petitioners he granted. and
that hereafter the "day off" begin at
seven o'clock, a. m., and end at the
same hour the next morning. None of
the regulations that are at present to
force governing the men when off duty
will be affected by the change here rec-
ommended. Mat. Clancy,
Aid. Clancy moved to adopt the report.
Ald. Jones, of the Board of Health, re-
ported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque.
Your Board of Health, at a meeting
November 3rd, 1902, would respectfully
report that we examined the analysis of
our city water, made by Otto M. Ruete,
both on the hill and down town districts,
and find the same first class in every re-
Regular Session, Nov. 6, 1902.
Also recommend the payment of the bill
for said analysis, total amount $30.00.
Also recommend for payment the bill
from the Telegraph -Herald, for August
health reports, $4,00, and one hundred
(100) postal cards, $1.75; total amount,
Also report that Mr. John A. Voelker
pm'-sentcd a hill for conveying Mr. Geo.
Schmeis to the detention hospital; also
for fumigating the residence of Mr.
Schmeis; total amount $14.40; which was
audited by the hoard and referred to the
County Supervisors for payment.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the report,
Ald. Sheridan moved that the City At-
torney be instructed to look up the rights
of the city in the charter of the Iowa
Telephone company and report the same
to the committee of the \\'hole. Carried.
Ald. Corrance moved that the Mayor
and City Engineer, in company with two
or more competent mechanics, be in-
structed to examine the new steam roll-
er, to see if said roller is all what is set
forth in the contract. Carried.
Ald. Horr, chairman of the commit-
tee of the Whole, reported as follows.
Your committee of the Whole would.
respectfully recommend to your honora-
ble body that the following resolution
fixing the tax levy for the year 1902 be
Be it Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That the taxes
for the year 1902 for the following pur-
poses be levied as provided by law on
all taxable property within the limits
of said city for the respective number
of mills on the dollar of the assessed
valuation of all taxable property in said
c'.ty as set out below:
General fund 4 mills.
Bond fund.... .. 2 mills.
Fire fund 1% mills.
Gas and Light fund 1 mill.
Water tax 1 mill.
Library tax y4 mill.
Be it Further Resolved, That a regular
water levy tax of one (1) mill on the
dollar of the assessed valuation be lev-
ied upon all the property benefited by
the supply of said water as determined
by the action of the city council.
And be It Further Resolved. That a
tax of six -tenths of a mill on the dollar
be levied upon all property in each of
the different sprinkling districts in ac-
cordance with the action of the city
council of August 7, 1902.
Aid. Horr moved to adopt the report
and resolution.
Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Aid. Sheridan, of the special commit-
tee to audit the report of the Water
Works Trustees, reported as follows:
Y "'r eneci^1 ^ommittee, `omointed to
audit the report of the Water Works
Trustees for the quarter ending Sept. 30th,
1902. beg to report that we have exam-
ined the vouchers on file in the office
of the water works trustees and find
that the same cor'.e.pond with the item=
as set out in said report. We would
therefore recommend that said report be
received and filed.
MATT. CLA "' 'Y.
Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
City Enginer Boyce reported as fol-
lows on bids referred to him for compu-
Gilmore Place—
Gus Brown, total.... .... . $1,409 37
O'Farrell & Street, total 155190
Ald. Raymond moved to award the con-
tract to Gus. Brown, he being the low-
est bidder. Carried,
Sanitary Sewer in Langworthy Avenue—
M. Tschirgi, Jr., total $1,510 50
Steuck & Linehan, total 1,743 GO
Jas. Noonan & Cti., total 1,818 65
Ald. Frith moved to award the con-
tract to M. Tschirgi, Jr., he being the
lowest hidder. Carried.
Sanitary sewer in alley between Gar-
field and Rhomberg Avenues—
M. Tschirgi, Jr, total $2,766 65
Jas. Noonan & Co., total 2,82165
Steuck & Linehan, total 3,802 15
Ald. Horr moved to award the con-
tract to M. Tschirgi, Jr., he being the
lowest bidder. Carried.
Ald. Sheridan moved that. the bonds
for each contract let be flxed at $1,000.00.
Ald. Frith offered the following:
Resolved, by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk four
(4) feet wide, of good two inch plank,
brick, stone or cement, be, within ten
(10) days of this notice, constructed and
laid in conformity with the ordinance in
relation to sidewalks, on the west side
of North Main street, between Leibnitz
street and Klingenberg Terrace, abut-
ting lot E. 100 ft. of lot 45, Marsh's add..
owned by A. 3, Lembeck et al., at the
expense of abutting property. Adopted
by the following vote:
Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Hr.rr, Jones. Raymond anti Sheridan.
Ald. Raymond moved to adjourn until
Nov. 20th, 1902. Carried.
—C. F. Arendt,
City Recorder.
Approved-�4�i'.. s 190 2—
.1 ayor
Regular Session, Nov. 20, 1902.
Regular Session November 20th, 1902.
council met at a:45 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
llorr, Jones. Raymond ::nd Sheridan.
Petition of John Duggan asking that
he be paid for thirteen days hauling
macadam on Valley Street.
On motion the petition was referred to
the Street Committee and City Engineer.
Petition of The Smedley Steam Pump
Company. By Peter K1ene. President,
asking that the sanitary sewer be extend-
ed to their manufacturing plant.
Ald. Frith moved to refer the petition
to the Sewer Committee and City Engi-
neer. Carried.
Petition of Jac. Pickley asking that
the twenty feet of ground donated by
him in opening of Kane street be proper-
ly recorded.
On motion the petition was referred to
the City Engineer.
Petition of the Trades and Labor Con-
gress asking the City of Dubuque not to
accept any bids for new fire hose of the
firms of B. F. Goodrich Co. and the
Diamond Rubber Co. on amount of
them being on the unfair lists of Or-
ganized Labor.
Ald. Frith moved to refer the petition
to the Committee of the Whole. Car-
Petition of the Union Electric Co., By
D. D. Myers, Vice President. and J. R.
Lindsay, Secretary, asking for permis-
sion to discontinue under the proper re-
strictions as to repair of streets, etc.,
the unnecessary track, viz: that known
as the "Iowa Street Line."
Ald. Raymond moved to refer the pe-
tition to the committee of the Whole.
Petition of Mrs. Maurice Noonan ask-
ing to cancel the taxes as assessed
against lot 1 of 1 of City Lot 735 and lot
1 of Sub. City Lot 735a for the year 1901.
On motion the petition was referred to
the Delinquent Tax Committee.
Petition of C. W. Wulweber asking
that his taxes be allowed on the amount
of $500.00, he being an honorably dis-
charged Union Soldier.
On motion the petition was referred to
the Delinquent Tax Committee and City
Petition of Jas. Cushing & Son Co.,
asking for a reduction of their taxes as
assessed to them for the year 1901.
Ald. Horr moved to refer the petition
to the Board of Equalization. Carried.
Communication and Claim of Mrs.
Florence Farrell. claiming the sum of
Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) person-
al damages sustained for injuries receiv-
ed at the northeast corner of Seventh
and Main Streets.
Ald. Raymond moved to refer the com-
munication and Claim to the Committee
on Claims and City Attorney. Carried.
City Attorney Barnes reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and Aldermen
of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen—On. the 2nd day of October,
1902, you referred to me for my npinlon.
the petition of the Chicago, Milwaukee &
St. Paul Railway Company, asking your
honorable body to cancel an assessment
made against it 00 account of the sani-
tary sewer constructed in Tihrteenth
Street. As such assessments are only
to be levied in proportion to the speciaa
benefits conferred upon the property
along which the improvement is made,
and as the railroad company can receive
no benefits from the construction of said
sewer, 1 would recommend that the
prayer of the petition be granted.
City Attorney.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the report he
approved and the Treasurer be instruct-
ed to cancel the assessment. Carried.
City Attorney Barnes also reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and Aldermen
of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen—I desire to call your atten-
tion to the case of John Pier vs.
City of Dubuque, which is an injunction
proceeding instituted to enjoin the City
from collecting a special assessment lev-
ied against the plaintiff's property on
Seventh and Clay Streets, to pay the
cost of a sidewalk abutting said prop-
erty, and other damages alleged to have
been sustained by the building of said
sidewalk by the City.
The plaintiff offers in settlement of
this case the sum of $17.25; this being the
amount that it would have cost the plain-
tiff to have built a brick sidewalk in
front of the lot in question. The plaintiff
will pay this amount in full settlement of
said special assessment, the City to pay
the costs, which amount to $29.55.
The plaintiff claims that he was con-
structing the walk along said lot on
Seventh Street and had the material on
the ground to build the walk on Clay
street at the time the then Engineer
let the contract for a cement walk along
said lot on Clay Street: and that he
would have built said brick walk and
completed the same in a short time had
not the City proceeded to do so.
I have examined into the merits in this
claim on part of the plaintiff and I am
satisfied that the City, through its En-
gineer, in acting as it did in this mattter.
acted hastily and without regard- to the
rights of said plaintiff and I would rec-
ommend that the proposition of the plain-
tiff be accepted and the case settled ac-
cording to the terms above set forth.
Respectfully submitted,
City Attorney.
Ald. Corrance moved that the report
be approved, and the Mayor and City At-
torney be impowered to make a settle-
ment. Carried.
City Treasurer Brinkman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: Below you will find state-
ment of amounts advanced by me during
the month of October, 1902, for which
please order warrants drawn in my fa-
Excavation Permits redeemed $ 85 00
Interest on Warrants outstanding 1,123 86
Freight Charges, Fire Dept P5
Refunded Sidewalk Tax
Regular Session, Nov. 20, 1902.
New York Exchange
2 76
$1,212 80
Library Trustees' Orders Paid.... 904 24
$2,117 04
I also received money borrowed from
the following parties. Please order Loan
Warrants drawn in their favor:
Oct. 6th, 1902.—First National Bank$ 5,000 00
Oct. 6th, 1902.—Dubuque National 5,000
Oct. 10th, 1902.—Mrs. Ellen Rowan 1,500 00
Oct. 17th. 1902.—Catharine Wimer 1,000 00
Oct. 20th, 1902.—Mrs. Anna Feder-
spiel 1,500 00
Oct. 21st, 1902.—Kathryn H. Dodds 500 00
Oct. 28th, 1902.—Lesette Jungfer-
man 1,000 00
Oct. 28th, 1902.—Dubuque Police
Protection Association 700 00
$16,200 00
On motion the report was received and
Warrants ordered drawn to pay the va-
rious amounts, and the report referred
back to the committee on Finance.
John W. Lawler, Committee Clerk, re-
ported as follows:
Dubuque, November 13, 1902.
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Genelemen: I herewith attach the re-
ceipt of the City Treasurer for $43.15 in
settlement of the bill which you referred
to me for collection against the A. Y.
McDonald & Morrison Manufacturing Co.,
for One Fire Alarm Box installed in
their Thirteenth street factory.
Very respectfully,
Committee Clerk.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the report
be received and flied. Carried.
City Recorder Arendt presented a no-
tice served on Wm. Hintrager, to con-
struct a 6 -foot Sidewalk on the West Side
of Washington Street between Thirteenth
and Fourteenth Streets.
Also a notice served on John Klein-
schmidt for A. J. Lembeck et al., to con-
struct a 4 -foot Sidewalk on the West
Side of North Main between Leibnitz
Street and Klingenberg Terrace.
On motion of Ald. Jones both notices
were received and filed.
F. Carney, Justice of the Peace for
Julien Township, reported as follows:
State of Iowa, for use of City of Du-
buque vs. S. William Hughes.
Justice Fees, $4.00. Warrant served, 85c.
Constable Fees, $3.00. Witness Fees,
$1.80. Total, $9.65.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the report
be received, and a warrant be ordered
drawn for the amount. Carried.
City Engineer Boyce reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay
roll for labor, cleaning and repairing
Streets during the first half of Novem-
ber. 1902:
Amount due Laborers on Streets..8929 70
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved: E. E. FRITH,
Chairman Committee on Streets.
Also submit my pay roll for Labor on
Sewers during the first half of Novem-
ber, 1902.
Amount due Laborers on Sewers...$162 20
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Chairman Committee on Sewers.
Also submit my pay roll for Labor on
Bee Branch during the flrst half of No-
vember, 1902.
Amount due laborers on Bee Branch $27 40
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved: E. E. FRITH,
Chairma.n Committee on Bee Branch.
Also submit my pay roll for Teams
hauling, Sprinkling Wagons during the
first half of November, 1902.
Amount due Teamsters $39 20
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved: GEO. N. RAYMOND,
Chairman Committee on Paving. Sweep-
ing and Sprinkling.
ordered drawn to pay the various
amounts, and the pay rolls referred back
to the proper committees.
City Engineer Boyce reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: Herewith attached please
find plat of proposed Street in Quigley's
Sub. of Min. Lot 157, from South Street
to North Street, and connecting Rigi
Street with Louisa Street in accordance
with resolution passed October 2nd. 1902.
Respectfully submitted.
City Engineer.
Ald. Frith moved that the plat be ap-
proved and ordered recorded.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Ald. Frith, chairman of the committee
on Streets, reported as follows:
Your Committee on Streets, to whom
was referred the plat of the proposed
street in Quigley's Sub of Min. lot 157,
from South Street to North Street and
connecting Rigi Street with Louisa Street,
beg to report that we held a meeting at
which C. B. Trewin appeared as the rep-
resentative of Mary J. Corbett and
Eugene Traub as that of Nic. Glab. Both
the above named gentlemen were em-
powered to act and agreed to accept the
following sums for the lots or parts
thereof in Quigley's Sub. of Min. lot 157,
required for said Street:
Mary J. Corbett, parts of lots 24, 25
and 60. . . , $300 00
Nic. Glab, part of lot 59 30 00
Your committee considers the above of-
fer reasonable and would recommend that
it be accepted; also, that the Mayor and
City Attorney be authorized and instruct-
ed to procure the necessary deeds.
E. E. FRITH, Chairman.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alis. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Regular Session, Nov. 20, 1902.
City Engineer Boyce also reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen—Herewith attached please
find plat, showing proposed vacation and
re -location of a part of Millville Road In
the City of Dubuque, Iowa.
Also herewith attached please find plat
showing proposed location and re -loca-
tion of a part of Seventh Avenue in the
City of Dubuque, Iowa.
On motion of Ald. Sheridan both plats
were referred to the Committee on
Streets, and City Engineer.
City Engineer Boyce also reported as
Herewith attaohed- please find plat
showing the submission of Mineral lot 163
and part of Mineral lot 162.
Aid. Sheridan moved that the plat be
approved, and ordered recorded.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Clancy. Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
City Engineer Boyce also reported as
Herewith attached please find plat
showing the subdivision of lots 1, 4 and
5 of Summit Street subdivision, and lots
2 and 3 of Mattox subdivision in the City
of Dubuque. Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer. ,
Ald. Sheridan moved that the plat be
approved. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr. Jones. Raymond and Sheridan.
Ald Horr, chairman of the Committee
or. Finance, reported as follows:
Your Committee on Finance, would re-
sloectfully recommend that in order to
provide for the payment of bonds that
may he presented before the taxes for
the present year become due, and also
to meet the running exnenses of the city.
the Mayor be authorized to borrow
money in such sums as may be neces-
sary, and not to exceed in the aggregate the sum of $27,000.00; paying
thereon at the rate of six per cent. per
JOSEPH L. HORR, Chairman.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report.
Aid. Frith, chairman of the Ordinance
Committee, presented an Ordinance es-
tablishing the grade of Traut Terrace.
and moved that the Ordinance be read
the first time.
Carried by the following rranc: Frith,
Yeas—Aids. Clancy,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
The ordinance was then read for the
first time.
Ald. Frith moved that the rules be sus-
Ordinance byits ptitlse the secondtime.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones. Raymond and Sheridan.
The Ordinance was then read by its
title the second time.
Aid. Frith moved that the Ordinance
be adopted as read.
Carried by the following vote: Frith,
Yeas—Alda. Clancy, Corrance,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
The Mayor declared the Ordinance ad-
opted and passed.
The Ordinance follows:
Be it Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That the grade of Trout
Terrace he established and described as
follows: Beginning at the south curb
line of Diagonal Street and Trent Ter-
race, which is station 12, elevation 43.2;
thence southerly to station 0.0, which is
the lot line of Diagonal Street; thence
southerly to station x72, beginning of
curve, elevation 44.4; thence southerly to
station 1x56.3 end of curve, elevation 94.G;
thence southerly to station 2x32.5, eleva-
tion 40.6.
Section 2. This Ordinance shall take
effect and be in force fromand after
its publication one time in the Dubuque
Globe -Journal newspaper.
Approved , 1909.
City Recorder.
Ald. Corrance, chairman of the Com-
mittee on Claims. reported as follows:
Your Committee on Claims would re-
spectfully recommend that F. M. Clarke
be allowed the sum of $15.00 in full set-
tlement of the within claim for dam-
ages and that a warrant in accordance
with this report be ordered drawn on the
City Treasurer.
Also Your Committee on Claims, to
whom was referred the claim of M. H.
McCluskey for $500.00 for injuries sus-
tained by him in falling on a defective
sidewalk, would recommend that said
claim be received and filed.
H. CORRANCE, Chairman.
Ald. Corrance moved to adopt the re-
port of the Committee on Claims. Car-
Ald. Frith, chairman of the Committee
on Streets. reported as follows:
Your Committee on Streets, to whom
was referred the petition of Mary C.
Blake, asking that the special assessment
levied against lots 16 and 17 in Ellen•
Blake's Add.. for sidewalk repairs be
canceled, would recommend that said pe-
tition be received and flied.
Also your Committee on Streets. to
.whom was referred the bill of Dr. J. C.
Hancock for $17.00 for medical services
rendered Henry P. Cosgrove, would rec-
ommend that said bill be received and
Also your Committee on Streets. to
whom was referred the petition of the
Sidewalk Insnector, asking that the as-
sessment levied against certain lots for
renairing sidewalks he canceled because
said assessment was levied in error, beg -
to report that a corrected levy has al-
ready been adopted by the City Council;
we would therefore recommend that the
City Treasurer be instructed to cancet
the pairs pecial against the assessmentssidewalk
Jeanette Bach, Sanford's Sub., lot 37.
Anna M. Bush, E. 109 feet of city lot 541.
Jas. Baxter, Sub. 1 of Min. lot 159, lot 1.
John Bohn. Geiger's Sub., lot 5.
John Lancer, Glendale Add.. lot 61.
Geo. Wimmer, S. ], lot 176, E. Dubuque.
Jos. Dietl. E. 90 feet, lot 20, L. H.
Langworthy's Add.
Alfred Rhomberg, lots 78 and 79, Mc-
Craney's 1st Add.
276 Regular Session, Nov. 20, 1902.
D. W. Lenihan, S. 44 feet of city lot 86.
Anton Eberl, Sub. lot 2, Buseman &
Also your Committee on Streets, to
whom was referred the petition of John
Moser, asking that the special assess-
ment levied against the S. 48 8-10 feet of
city lot 266 for cleaning alley in rear
thereof be canceled, beg to report that
•owing to the wrong description being
given, said assessment was levied in er-
ror; we would therefore recommend that
the Treasurer be instructed to cancel
said assessment and that the City En-
gineer be directed to prepare a correct-
ed assessment and present the same to
the Council. •
Also your Committee on Streets, to
whom was referred the bill of G. F.
Kleih for $5.00 for hardware furnished
the Road department. would recommend
that a warrant be ordered drawn on the
City Treasurer in settlement of the
Also your Committee on Streets, to
whom was referred the petition of the
A. Y. McDonald & Morrison Mfg. Co.,
asking that Twelfth street from Pine to
Sycamore Street he filled to grade. would
recommend as follows: That the Engi-
neer he instructed to have all obstruc-
tions removed from said Street and to
have the Street cleanings gathered to
that vicinity dumred thereon: also that
he prepare a profile showing the grade
on that part of Twelfth Street in ques-
Also your Committee on Streets. to
whom was referred the bill of P. Line-
han for 88.00 for pine wood for the
steam roller, would recommend that a
warrant be ordered drawn on the City
Treasurer in settlement of the claim.
Also your Committee on Streets, to
whom was referred the petition of W. B.
Allison, asking that an attached plat
showing the continuation of Kane street
through Min. lot 349. be adopted. would
recommend that said plat be approved
and that the City Recorder be instruct-
-ed to have the same roperly recorded.
Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Clancy. Corrance. Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Also your Committee on Streets, to
whom was referred the profile of Traut
Terrace, showing the proposed grade
thereon from Diagonal street to the south
end of said Traut Terrace, would rec-
ommend that said grade be adonted and
that the same be properly established by
"Ordinance. E. E. FRITH,
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report of
the Committtee on Streets. Carried.
Ald. Raymond, Chairman of the Com-
mitttee on Paving, Sweeping and Sprink-
ling, reported as follows:
Your Committee on Paving. Sweeping
and Sprinkling would respectfully report
that we have examined the brick paving
In the alley between Locust and Bluff
Streets from Tenth to Eleventh Streets,
O'Farrell & Street, contractors, and
would recommend that said alley be ac-
cepted; we would also recommend that
the City Engineer be instructed to pre-
pare a special assessment against the
abutting property owners and that the
"Finance Committee make provision for
an issue of bonds to cover the cost of
said improvement.
Ald. Raymond moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Ald. Clancy, Chairman of the Commit-
tee on Harbors, reported as follows:
Your Committtee on Harbors. to whom
was referred the petition of John Specht,
asking that he be granteo the space on
the outer Levee. from the south line
extended of Third Street to about 100
feet north thereof for saw irill purposes,
would recommend that said petition be
received and filed.
Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the report.
Ald. Clancy also reported as follows:
Four Committee on Harbors, to whom
was referred the petition of L. H. Lang-
worthy and M. M. Walker, asking that
they be granted permission to occupy
the land situated on the north side and
at the extreme east end of the ice har-
bor, for the erection and operation of a
saw mill, would recommend that they
be allowed the use of said land from the
ice harbor north 200 feet and from the
outer levee west 150 feat as shown on
the attached plat; we would also recom-
mend that the Ordinance Committee be
instructed to prepare an ordinance con-
firming the rights herein granted.
Ald. Clancy moved to suspend the
rules, that parties interested might be
heard. Carried.
Whereupon Mr. Kimbel and others ad-
dressed the Council, objecting to the
Council granting the petition.
Ald. Raymond moved that the report
he referred to the Committtee of the
Whole. Carried.
Ad. Corrance, Chairman of the Com-
mittee on Markets, reported as follows:
Your Committee on Markets would re-
spectfully report that we have disposed
of an old stove for which we had no
further use and received therefor the
sum of $10.00, for which amount we here-
to attach the receipt of the City Treas-
Ald. Corrance moved that the report
be approved. Carried.
Ald. Jones, Chairman of the Commit-
tee on Public Grounds and Buildings, re-
ported as follows:
Your Committee on Public Grounds and
Buildings would respectfully report that
Giegerich & \Wesselhoft, Contractors, for
painting the Ninth and Fourth Street
Engine Houses, be allowed 75 per cent
on their bill.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the report.
Ald. Clancy, Chairman of the Commit-
tee on Fire, reported as follows:
Your Committee on Fire, to whom was
referred the bill of John Butt for $18.6)
for repairs on the three horse hitch,
would recommend that a warrant be or-
dered drawn on the City Treasurer in
settlement of the claim.
Regular Session, Nov. 20, 1902.
Also, your Committee on Fire, to whom i
was referred the hill of John Newman
& Son for $26.50 for repairs on the Chief's
buggy. would recommend that a wacrant
be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer
in settlement of the claim.
\I A'1"1'. CLANCY,
Ald. Clancy ni ved to adopt the report.
Ald, Jones, Chairman of the Commit-
tee on Printing, reported as follows:
Your Committee on Printing. to whom
were referred the proposition of M. S.
Hardie and the Dubuque Telegraph -
Herald, in relation to furnishing the city -
with Directories, would recommend that
the offer of M. S. Hardie to supply
twenty-one hooks for $i6.00 be accepted.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the report.
Ald. Sheridan, chairman of the com-
mittee on Police and Light, reported as
That the Committee had advertised for
bids to supply the Police with Overcoats
and Caps, but had not received any.
Ald. Sheridan therefore moved that the
committee on Police and Light be in-
structed to procure Caps for the Police
on the same basis as had been done
heretofore. Carried.
Aid. Raymond, chairman of the com-
mittee on Delinquent Tax, reported as
1 our committee on Delinquent Taxes to
whom was referred the petition of James
McCormick, asking that on account of
an accident sustained by him during the
past summer which has deprived him of
the opportunity to earn a livelihood, the
taxes against his property, Lot 6, in
Newman, Cooper & Smiths' Sub., be can-
celed for the year 1901. would recommend
that the prayer of the petitioner be
granted and that the Treasurer be in-
structed accordingly.
Also, your committee on Delinquent
Taxes, to whom was referred the petition
of Mary Schramm, asking that on ac-
count of her age and poverty, the taxes
on her homestead. Lot 1, and the S.
part of Lot 3 in Starr's Add., be can-
celed for the year 1901, would recom-
mend that said taxes .be allowed to re-
main a lien on the property and that
the Treasurer be instructed not to sell.
Also, your committee on Delinquent
Taxes, to whom was referred the peti-
tion of Mrs. Marie McEvoy, asking that
the taxes against her property, N. 1/2 of
the E. 1/2, of Lot 766 in McDaniel's Sub.,
be canceled for the year 1901, would rec-
ommend on account of her poverty,
the Treasurer be instructed to accept
one-half the amount of said taxes in
full settlement thereof.
Also, your committee on Delinquent
Taxes, to whom was referred the peti-
tion of Adam Zingel, asking that on ac-
count of his poverty. the taxes against
his property, lots 15 and 16, Ann O'Hare's
Sub., be canceled for the year 1901, would
recommend that said taxes be allowed
to remain a lien on the property and
that the Treasurer be instructed not to
- aeil.
Also, your committee on Delinquent
Taxes, to whom was referred the peti-
tion of Mrs. Mary J. Corbett. asking
that on account of her poverty, the taxes
against her property be canceled for the
taxesyear 1901,
beal owed toeremain nthatd said
a. lienonthe
property and that the Treasurer be in-
structed not to sell.
Also, your committee on Delinquent
Taxes, to whom was referred the peti-
tion of Katharina Loibl, asking that on
account of her poverty. the taxes against
her homestead in Ham's Addition be can-
celed for the year 1901, would recommend
that the prayer of the petition be grant-
ed and that the Treasurer be instructed
Also, your committee on Delinquent
Taxes, to whom was referred the peti-
tion of Mary Trimpler, asking that on
account of her poverty, the taxes against
her homestead, lot 2 of 5 of Hughes'
Suh., be canceled for the ,ear 1901, would
recommend that tic, prayer of the peti-
tioner be granted and that the Treas-
urer be instructed accordingly.
Also, you rcom:mittee on Delinquent
Taxes, to whom was referred the petition
of August Rohr, asking that on account
of his poverty, the taxes against his
homestead, Lot 283, East Dubuque Add.,
No. 2, be canceled for the year 1901, would
recommend that the prayer of the peti-
tioner he granted and that the Treasurer
be instructed accordingly.
Also, your committee on Delinquent
Taxes, to whom was referred the peti-
tion of Mrs, Catharine Sullivan, asking
that on account of her poverty, the tax-
es on her homestead, Lot 19, Home Add.,
he canceled for the year 1901, would rec-
ommend that the prayer of the petitioner
be granted and that the Treasurer be in-
structed accordingly.
Also your Committee on Delinquent
Taxes, to whom was referred the petition
of Sam Starr, an honorably discharged
soldier of the war of the rebellion, ask-
ing that he be exempt from taxation to
the extent provided by law on his prop-
erty, lots 92, 103 and 118, in Burden &
Lawther's Add., would recommend that
the prayer of the petitioner be granted
and that the Treasurer be instructed ac-
Aslo your Committee on Delinquent
Taxes, to whom was referred the petition
of Mrs. Mary Simplot, the widow of an
honorably discharged soldier of the war
of the rebellion, asking that her home-
stead, the S. W. 1/2 of lot 23, Mount Pleas-
ant Add., he exempt from taxation for
the year 1901, to the extent provided by
law, would recommend that the prayer
of the petitioner he granted and that the
Treasurer be instructed accordingly.
Also your Committee on Delinquent
Taxes. to whom was referred the petition
of F. W. Loeffler, asking that on ac-
count of tit; age and inability to earn a
livelihood, the taxes on his homestead,
lot 19, Wick's Add., be canceled for the
year 1901, would recommend that the
prayer of the petitioner he granted and
that the Treasurer be instructed accord-
Also your Committee on Delinquent
Taxes, to whom was referred the petition
of Mrs. John,70Ifearn, asking that on
account of her poverty, the taxes on her
homestead, lot 9 S.
Add., he canceled for the year 1901 would
recommend that said taxes he allowed to
remain a lien nn the property and that
the Treasurer be instructed not to sell.
Ald. Raymond moved to adopt the re-
port of the committee on Delinquent
Taxes. Carried.
278 Regular Session, Nov. 20, 1902.
Ald. Sheridan. chairman of the com-
mittee on Sewers, reported as follows:
Your committee on Sewers, to whom
was referred the petition of Emma
Brose, asking that the special assess-
ment levied against the E. of Lot 35,
L. H. Langworthy's Add., for cleaning
alley, be canceled. beg to report that the
dirt which was hauled away and for
which charge was made, was surplus ma-
terial from the sewer constructed by O.
G. Kringle; we would therefore recom-
men that special assessment be can-
celed and that the City Treasurer be In-
structed accordingly.
Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Sheridan also reported as follows:
Your committee on Sewers, begs to re-
port that we have examined the sanitary
sewer in Johnson Avenue, Eagle Point
Avenue and Queen Street, Dolan & Rob-
inson, contractors, and would recom-
mend that said sewer be accepted. We
would also recommend that the City En-
gineer be instructed to prepare the spec-
ial assessment against the abutting prop-
erty owners and that the Finance com-
mittee make provision for an issue of
bonds to the amount of $1,278.95 to pay
for the construction of said sewer.
Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the re-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Ald. Horr, chairman of the Committee
on Equalization, reported as follows:
Your Board of Equalization, to whom
was referred the petition of Mrs. Cather-
ine Stafford, asking that the assessment
charged against her for $2,000, moneys
and credits, be canceled because said
moneys and credits are the property of
her brother, who is a resident of Chi-
cago, mould recommend that the prayer
of the petitioner be granted and that the
Treasurer be instructed accordingly.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report.
Aid. Horr, chairman of the Committee
of the Whole, reported as follows:
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the bills of the Du-
buque Water Co., beg to report that the
matter has been investigated by a sub-
committee and we would recommend that
the report o>;, said sub -committee, which
is hereto attached, be adopted.
s'Also your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
George Bechtel, et al. asking that steps
be taken to have the Union Electric Co,,
give through service on the Iowa Street
line, beg to report that the reason said
Electric Co. have been transferring pas-
sengers at Eagle Point Avenue Is because
they are liable to forfeiture of their en-
tire franchise in case they do not oper-
ate all of their lines; and consequently
they ran their cars past Eagle Point
Avenue as far as Sanford Street to ob-
viate adverse action. In order that they
may give better service on this line, we
would recommend that said Union Elec-
tric Co. be allowed to temporarily aban-
don their line on Jackson Street from
Eagle Point Avenue to Sanford Street
and also on the line on Eagle Point Ave-
nue from Jackson Street to Couler Ave-
nue, provided said Union Electric Co. re-
stores the through service on the Iowa
Street line and operate their cars as they
did prior to the change.
Also your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
Roger McPoland, asking that the special
assessment levied against lot 24 of Sub.
Min. lot 149 for Street improvement be
canceled, would recommend that said
petition be received and filed.
Also Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of H.
Riker, et al., asking that a water foun-
tain he placed at the intersection of
Wilde and Valley streets, would re-
spectfully recommend that said petition
be received and tiled.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report
of the committee of the Whole. Carried.
Ald. Horr also reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen—Mr. Peter Klauer appeared
before the Committee of the Whole and
made the statement that Millville Road,
where it traverses Mineral lot 360, has
been macadamized and is being traveled
on a different line to that shown on the
plat. He is about to sell part of this
lot and also part of lot 358, .which is sit-
uated on the onposite side of said road.
and asks, that the road be re -located and
platted approximately as now being used.
As he is the owner or the land on both
sides of said road at this point and we
consider its present location is satisfac-
tory, • we have instructed the Engineer
to make a. survey and re -locate said road'
in accordance with the request of Mr.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report.
Ald. Herr also reported as follows:
Dubuque, Iowa, Nov. 15, 1902.
To the Honorable Committee of the
Gentlemen—We. your special com-
mittee, appointed to audit the attached
bill of the Dubuque Water company for
water furnished the city for flushing
sewers and for hydrant rental prior to
the transfer of the plant to the city, beg
to report that we find the charge to be
correct and just; also that said Water
company hes agreed to accept a deduc-
tion of $25.00 from the face of the bill,
included in which deduction is a bill
against the said Water company for cast
iron pipe amounting to $22.01; we would
therefore recommend that a warrant in
the sum of $999.49 be ordered drawn in
favor of said company, which warrant,
in addition to the one issued October 3.
1901, for $300.51, is to be in full settlement
of the claim.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report.
Ald. Sheridan offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That the Chicago Great
Wesitern Railway company, be, and is
hereby granted the right to construct a
twelve -inch sewer in Jackson street, from
a connection with its round house, and
Regular Session, Nov. 20, 1902.
turn table In its yards, north of Peru
:road, to a connection with the Bee Branh
sewer, at Twenty-seventh Street, or with
the Sanitary sewer at such street or al-
ley, as the Street Committee and Engi-
neer' may direct. That said Railway
company frunish plans and specifications
for said work, to be approved by sa19
Committee and Engineer, and that the
work be done under the direction of the
Street Committee, and City Engineer, and
the expense thereof be paid by said Rail-
way company.
.\I1. Sheridan moved to adopt the res-
t':u•ri,n by the following vote:
1'k as—:Vis. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
IDori% Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Na ys—None.
Aid. Horr offered the following:
Be it resolved by the city Council or.
the City of Dubuque, That the City En-
gineer be and ha is hereby authorized to
give his written consent to M. Tschirgt,
who was awr'rded the contract to
construct a sanitary sewer in the alley
between Garfield and Rhomberg Avenues,
from Johnson Avcnne to Middle Avenue,
to assign the sane, to James Noonan &
Ald. Herr moved to adopt the resolu-
tion. Carried.
Ald. Frith offered the following:
Whereas, In the enlargement of its
building known as its "Round House,"
situated in its yards, in the grounds
known as the "Fair Grounds," located
in the nnrthcastorly corner of the inter-
section of Jackson Street and Peru
road in the city of Dubuque. Iowa, the
Chicago. Great Western Railway com-
pany, a railway corporation organized
under the laws of the State of Illinois,
desires to extend said building outside of
and beyond the line of Rs own ground,
and into said Jackson Street, and thus
encroached upon the northeasterly side
of said Jackson Street, in the form, and
to the extent described in the resolution
Which follows:
Therefore. be it resolved. That the
right. privilege and authority are hereby
granted to the said Chicago Great West-
ern Railway company. its successors and
assigns, to build and maintain in per-
petuity, as long as the same shall be used
for a round house, a building and foun-
dation therefor in and on said Jackson
Street, which shall extend into and en-
croach upon Jackson Street, from the
northeasterly side thereof, as now laid
mut and occupied in the form of chords
(each of which is 26 feet 3% inches In
length) on a radius of 144 feet 9 inches,
commencing at a point in the northeast-
erly line of Jackson Street. which is 138
feet and 6 inches northwesterly from the
northerly corner of Jackson Street and
Peru road and extending to a point In the
sante line, which is 67 feet and 3 inches
northwestwardly from the point last
named, and which encroachment, at the
Point of its greatest width, shall not ex-
ceed 4 feet and seven inches. And said
work shall be done under the direction
of tho City Engineer.
Resolved. That the Ordinance and are
mittee and City Attorney
hereby directed to prepare an Ordinance
in proper form. granting to said Chicago
Great Western Railway Company the
rights and privileges n the
oreging resolution,n
same to this Council for adoption.
Ald. Frith moved to refer the resolu-
tion to the committee of the Whole.
Ald. Jones offered the following:
Whereas. It is deemed neeessary and
advisable by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, to lay out and open
an alley twenty feet wide through lots
23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29. 30, 31, 32 and 33 In
High Street Sub. and lot 21a of Smed-
ley's Sub. and lot 1 of 3 of Mineral lot
113a and Lots 2 of 3 and 2 of 2 and 3 of 2
of Mineral lot 113a, all of said property
being in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, ac-
cording to the plat and survey of said al-
ley prepared by the City Engineer and
tiled in his office, and
Whereas, All the owners of the abut-
ting property have dedicated so much of
their land as will be necesary for said
alley with the exception of the follow-
ing named persons: I'rsula Marty, lot 3
of 2 of Mineral lot 113a; George Buehler,
lot 21a. Smedley's Sub.; R. Waller Est.,
lot 1 of 1 of 3 of Mineral lot 113a, and St.
Joseph's Mercy Hospital, lot 1 of 2 of 2
of Mineral lot 113a, therefore
Resolved, by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That the City Recorder
he and he is hereby instructed to issue
a venire to the Chief of Police, com-
manding him to summon a jury of twelve
freeholders, citizens of said city, not di-
rectly interested, and having the quali-
fications required by the Ordinance, for
the purpose of assessing any damage
which may be sustained by the parties
so refusing to dedicate the land required
by the city for the opening of said alley
by reason of the opening and laying out
thereof. All the proceedings under this
resolution to be taken in accordance with
the charter and provisions of Chapter 31
of the Ordinances of the City of Du-
Ald. Jones moved to refer the resolution
to the committee on Streets with power.
Ald. Herr stated that another carload
of brick was needed. and therefore moved
that the Purchasing committee be In-
structed to buy another carload.
Ald. Raymond moved to adjourn until
December 4th, 1902.
City Recorder.
Approved /O
..... ayor
List of Warrants.
City Recorder's Office.
Dubuque, Iowa, November 1, 1902.
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen—The following is a com-
plete list of all warrants issued by me
during the month of October, 1902:
C. H. Berg, salary, Mayor $116 65
H. Brinkman, salary, Treasurer133 30
H. Brinkman, salary, Assistant
Treasurer 75 00
C. F. Arendt, salary, Recorder 116 65
F. B. Hoffman, salary, Auditor 116 65
C. B. Scherr, salary, Assessor 125 00
Geo. A. Barnes. salary, Attorney150 00
J. B. Powers, salary, Asst. Attorney 50 00
Ed. Morgan, salary Chief of Police 100 00
Jos. Reinfried, salary, Fire Chief100 00
J. W. Lawler, salary, Committee
Clerk 95 00
Wm. A. Kaep, Dep. Recorder 75 00
Jno. Krayer, clerk, Treasurer's of-
fice 60 00
Jas. Boyce, salary, City Engineer166 65
E. Anderson, salary, Assistant En-
gineer 100 00
F. Neuwoehner, salary, rodman .. 50 00
E. Herron, salary, Superintendent
Street Sprinkling .... 50 00
W. Hipman. salary, Electrician 83 30
H. Tropf, salary, Marketmaster 50 00
P. Ryan, salary, Park Custodian 40 00
P. Kien, salary, Park Custodian 40 00
T. Faherty, Park Custodian 10 00
Dr. B. Michel, salary Health Of-
ficer 50 00
F. Flynn, salary, Sanitary Patrol-
man 60 10
N. Offerman, salary, Poundmaster45 00
Mrs. H. Koenig, salary. Janitress20 00
A. Crawford, salary, Sidewalk In-
spector 50 00
R. F. Curran, salary. Wharfmaster20 00
M. Clancy, salary, Alderman 25 00
H. Corrance, salary, Alderman 25 00
E. E. Frith, salary, Alderman 25 00
J. L. Horr, salary, Alderman 25 00
R. Jones, salary, Alderman 25 0,S
G. N. Raymond, salary, Alderman25 00
J. J. Sheridan, salary, Alderman25 00
M. Eitel. fireman ... 65 00
J. Essman, fireman 75 00
A. Duccini, fireman 60 00
J. Flynn, fireman 65 00
J. Roshin, fireman
J. Tschudi, fireman
A. Heer, fireman
J. Schonberger, fireman
J. Daley, flreman
J. Barnes, fireman
T. Ryder, flreman
W. Ducey, fireman
G. Beyer, fireman
F. Murphy, fireman
P. Ahern, fireman
M. Kelly, fireman
D. Ahern, fireman
F. Kenneally, fireman
A. McDonald, flreman
J. Murphy, fireman
T. Kennedy, fireman
P. ZlllIg, fireman
M. Sweeney, fireman
H. Cain, fireman
N. Wagner, fireman
C. Hansen, fireman
W. McConnell, sub
G. Gehrke, fireman
T. Flynn, fireman
F. Baumgartner, fireman
60 00
50 00
50 00
50 CO
65 00
75 00
60 00
60 00
65 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
65 00
65 00
75 00
60 CO
50 00
60 00
50 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
65 00
60 00
J. Smith. fireman 50 00
C. Kannolt, fireman 66 00
J. Allen, fireman 60 00
B. Weston, fireman 50 00
M. Fahey, fireman 50 00
Joe Bertsch. police, 50 00
G. Burkel, police 50 00
B. Busse, police—. .... 60 00
J. Carter, police.... ...... 51 65
M. Craugh, police.... .. 65 00
J. Chine, police.... ...... .... 50 00
J. Cody, police 50 00
P. Dunphy. police.... 43 40
H. Donlon, police 50 00
Wilmer Cook. police 50 00
John Fitzpatrick, police.... 50 00
Jas. Flynn, police.— .... .... 50 00
Wm. Frith, police 5010
P. Hanlon, pollee.... ...... 50 00
Wm. I I cnnessy, police.... .. 25 00
M. Kitty, police.... .. .. 50 00
E. Kahn. police 50 00
J. Loetscher. police 50 00
John Murphy, police.... 50 00
P. McCollins, police.... .... 50 00
P. McInerney, police 50 00
John Moore, pollee.... 60 00
D. Norton. police .... .... 50 00
M. O'Connor, police.... .... 50 00
A. Pfeffer, pollee.... .... .... 50 00
Pat Powers, police.... 50 00
T. Reilly, police.... .... 65 00
J. Raesle. police.... ............ 65 00
Jas. Ryan, police.... .... .... 50 00
Otto Rath, police 50 00
Toni Sweeney. police.. 60 90
P. Scharff. police.... .... 50 00
P. Sullivan, police 50 00
Al. Scherr. police 62 00
P. Sutton, police.... .... .... 50 00
J. L. Sullivan, pollee.... ... 50 00
M. Stapleton, police.. 50 00
L. Zeidman, police.... .... 50 00
Joe Tyler. police.... .... 50 00
Mrs. Kate Hihhi, matron 30 00
Miss B. Brennan. matron.... 30 00
Labor on Streets during the last half of
September. 1902:
Al. Alderson. labor.... .... E 810
Sam Allen, labor.... .... 1 35
Ernest Amanda, labor.... .. 6 10
Rich. Burns. labor 1015
John Burns, labor 6 75
Jos. Brouillette, labor.,,, 5 75
Paul Becker, labor 14 55
Fred Budde, labor 12 50
Fred Buddien, labor.. 5 75
Phil Becker. labor.... .... 5 75
Chas. Busse. la.bor.... .... .... 10 35
John Brachtenbach, labor.. .. 6 30
Wm. Couchlin. labor 6 75
David Crotty, labor....., .... 2 05
Jas. Callahan, foreman.... .. 20 00
Jas. Connolly, labor.. .. 17 56
H. Cobb, labor.... .... .... 17 55
John Corbett, labor.... .... .. 17 55
Henry Cosgrove, driver.... .... 19 50
Thos. Donahue, labor .... .... 135
Peter Defontaine, labor.... 6 75
John Dougherty, labor 6 75
Peter Dax, labor.... ........ ... 5 40
John Egan, labor 13 85
John Engels, labor 6 75
John Ess, labor.... 9 45
Dan Fox, labor9 45
Geo. Frost, foreman.. .... 20 00
Mat. Fetshele, labor.... ,... 8 25
John Flynn, labor.... .... 4 75
Pat Fenelon, labor 17 55
Nelson Frith, stoker,,,, 50 00
Barney Glass. labor 12 50
Pat Galloon, labor..., ,,.. ,.,, 13 80
Henry Galle, labor.... .... .... 2 70
Chas. Gruenzig, labor.... ...... 510
Jos. Grab, labor ...... .... .... 13 85
Peter Guenther, labor.. .,.. 5 40 '
List of Warrants.
G. Gantenbein, Jr., labor
C. Gantenbein, foreman.... ....
John Hafey, labor.... .. ..
Thos. Hackney. labor.... ,..,
Geo. J. Hahn, foreman.... ..
Chris, Hack. labor
Amb. FIird, labor
Pat I-Iarrington, labor.... ....
Aug. Hafeman, labor ...• ..
Jake Hanson, meson .... ....
John Neil, carpenter
Peter Jacob, labor.... .... .....
Aug. Jass. labor.... .... .... ........
N. Kettenhofen, labor..
John Kelly, labor.... ....
John liientzle, labor
Jacob Kraus, labor....
Paul Krocheski, labor
Fred Krueger, labor.... ....
Mat. Klein, paper collector
John Lavery, labor..
Mart. Lonergan• labor
Mat. Loes, labor
Herman Lem5rke, labor....
M. Lavin, labor ....
L. Leffelholtz, labor.... ..
John Mahoney, labor
Rob. Mack. labor
Jos. Martinek, labor
Nat. Mabe, labor.... ..
Adam Manderschield, labor.... ...
Al. Moyer, labor
Mike McCarten, labor
Wm. McClain, labor
Wm. McDermott. labor
John McGee, labor
John McCarron, labor
Robt. McGivern, driver
W. O'Brien, foreman
Jas. Purcell, labor
Jas. Powers, labor
Jc.hn Pfeffer, labor
W. Quinlan, labor
James Ryan, labor
Jcs. Rooney, labor
Phil. Reddin, labor
Pat Royce, labor
Nick Sweeney, labor
Mike Shea, labor
Thos. Smith, labor
Dan Sheehan, labor
Jos. Statel, labor
Tony Schmidt. labor
Aug. Soyke, labor
Louis Smith. labor
F. Scherr, labor
John Schromen. labor
W. Schromen, labor
John Schroeder. labor
R. Turner, labor
W. Walsh. labor
Ed. Welsh, labor
John Walsh (Race), labor
W. Wearmouth, foreman
Nic. Wampach. labor .... ...
Con. Welsh, labor
Thos. Young. engineer,
Geo. Zumhof, foreman
Josh Calvert, team
M. Gant enbein, team • • • •
M. Hannan, team ..... ... ... .......
Jake Haudenshield, team
Thos. Heins, team.
Peter Horch, team
John Hnffmire (contract)
Mike, Kenneally, team
Pat Linehan, team ......
John Long, team
Thos. Morgan, team
Ted O'Brien, team
Geo. Reynolds, team
Ed. Seoley, team
Sam Snodgrass, team
J. Southerland, team
James Tobin, team
... ... .........
16 50
20 00
1 35
7 45
20 00
11 50
11 85
1 35
14 40
10 00
20 00
6 90
1 35
6 10
5 40
12 15
14 40
14 40
12 50
9 45
11. 50
6 90
12 40
17 55
17 55
6 10
13 20
11 15
9 70
17 55
11 50
2 05
4 05
7 45
4 75
19 50
20 00
6 75
7 45
13 20
10 80
19 15
2 115
22 15
2 70
7 45
5 71
2 00
6 75
7 45
10 80
17 55
2 00
6 10
3 40
11 15
2 70
6 75
20 00
12 ti0
3 40
75 00
16 E0
25 20
30 75
16 65
22 85
33 61
40 85
23 65
14 20
32 05
6 30
29 15
17 35
31 50
15 75
30 75
24 45
John. Williams, team
Leslie• Wellington, team
M. Zogg, team
Labor on sewers for the
of September, 1902:
Fat Casserly. labor
J. Corcoran, labor
S. H. Cook. foreman
R. A. Fuller, labor
F. I-Tuecker, labor
Pat Kenneally, labor
Pat Sage. labor
Landon Taylor, labor
Labor on Bee Branch
half of September, 1902:
W. Brode, labor 8 00
Pat Casserly, labor 9 60
J. Corcoran, labor.... .. 8 00
S. H. Cook, foreman 12 50
Sam Elmer, lobar 4 80
R. A. Fuller, labor 11 20
F. Honecker, labor.. .... 11 20
Pat Kenneally, labor.... .... 12 80
Herman Miller, labor.... 5 60
Jake Perrlon, labor.... .... 2 80
Pat Sage, labor 9 60
J. Schuer. labor ...... .... .... 3 20
Landon Taylor, labor.... 9 60
Teams hauling Sprinkling Wagons dur-
ing the last half of September, 1902:
Becker Bros ...... .... .... $ 37 20
Frank Burns 18 00
T. B. Cain.... 20 00
A. Conrad 19 60
M. Maher 19 60
J. J. McCollin&.... 19 60
A. Doerr, Jr., assistant assessor for
September $ 75 00
Jos. J. Murphy, assistant assessor
for September 75 00
F. A. Miller, 1 dozen brooms for
city hall 2 65
Dubuque Telegraph -Herald, 1,000
postals for treasurer's office 11 50
Key City Gas Co., gas for var-
ious departments.... .... .... 251 60
C. O. D. Laundry, towels and racks
fer June, July, August and Sep-
tember 16 00
J. W. Wittmer, drugs and supplies,
city hall 85
J. Drehouse, cleaning chimneys and 22 00
stoves at city hall..
Jno. Leicht. 82.50 yards of ground
delivered to Washington Park.... 4125
Hedley & Brown, glass and paint 66
for First ward scales.. .
Martin-Strelau Co., coke for city
15 00
Iowa Telephone Co., telephone ser-
vice for various departments 33 02
Union Electric Co., arc lights for
2029 58
Van Valkenberg & McEvoy, stove
pipe and damper for First ward 115
Geo. W. Healey, grass seed and
tree pruner for parks 5 00
M. J. G. La Nicca, supplies for 30
J. G. Moser, setting up and repair-
ing stoves In police headquarters 5 70
and matron department.. . . ...
J. G. Moser, hardware for sewer 8 60
Dempsey & Son, mantels at Ninth
street engine house and city hall. 8 30
F. M. Jaeger & Co.. hardware for 35
road department....
Geo. Bock, repairs for road depart- 1 40
Dubuque Woodenware & Lumber
Co., lumber for road department. 77 30
Ragatz & Schaetgen, repairs on
last half_
31 85
16 10
28 35
11 20
12 83
12 50
9 60
it 00
11 20
11 20
during the last
List of Warrants.
steam roller
A. R. Staufenbeil, to difference on
exchange on clock for police head- 12 50
Rumpf-Frudden Lumber Co., lum-
ber for road department 3411
Wm. Marshall, repairing steam
roller.. 1 75
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for road
department.... 9 85
Linehan & Molo, white waste and
oakum for steam roller.. 2 SO
A. A. Brown, repairs on steam rol-
ler 1 25
A. A. Brown, repairs for road de-
partment .. 1 75
Jno. Butt, repairs for road depart-
ment.. 4 95
J. W. Wittmer, drugs and supplies
for police department 3 35
Jno. Drehouse, cleaning chimneys
at patrol house 2 00
M. Stafford, oats delivered at patrol
house 58 OS
H. J. Tropf, board of prisoners for
September 8 Ob
Geo. W. Healey, new tools for road
department 5 60
Linehan & Molo, sewer pipe and
Manila rope for sewer depart-
Headford Bros. & Hitchins, man-
hole covers and rims for sewer de-
partment 14 00
Globe -Journal, official printing for
September 60 00
Dubuque Telegraph -Herald, official
printing for September 50 00
Dubuque Telegraph -Herald, health
reports for June and July 800
F. M. Jaeger & Co., hardware for
fire department 1 20
Jno. Newman & Son, one new wag-
on for fire department 40 00
Jno. Newman & Son, repairs for fire
department 5 20
J. Gukeisen, laying new floor in
chemical engine house 30 00
Dubuque Woodenware & Lumber
Co., lumber Chemical Engine
House 74 b9
Farley-Loetscher Mfg. Co., lumber
Chemical Engine house 4 70
Keller & Luchterhand, brick mason
work Chemical Engine house 50 40
Keller & Luchterhand, brick mason
work Fourth Street Engine house 18 75
Ragatz & Schaetgen, repairs at
Central and Enghteenth Street
Engine houses 14 45
J. J. Schromen, mattresses for
Eighteenth Street Engine house24 00
M. Stafford, oats for fire depart-
ment .. 523 60
M. Stafford, hay for fire department 23 53
RTunderlich & Wiederholt, horse -
shoeing fire department ....... 6 85
Ott, Mueser & Co.. shavings fire de-
partment 8 50
Key City Gas Co., coke and coal
fire department ... ..... ... 55 55
Key City Gas Co., to rent of Hum-
phrey light at Central Engine
Key City Gas Co., mantels and
chimneys for fire department
Wm. Marshall, to repairing heater
at Ninth Street Engine house
Van Valkenberg & McEvoy, stove
pipe and elbows for fire depart-
Lally & Geisler, repairs at Ninth
Street Engine house
Geo. W. Healey, hardware for fire
23 20
17 65
3 50
6 60
7 70
13 45
Jno. Butt, repairs for fire depart-
ment 1 30
The Times, official printing for Sep-
tember •• 15 00
National Demokrat, official print-
ing for September 25 00
T. E. Frith, removing garbage and
dead animals during September,
1902 390 00
Rhomberg Bros., 1 empty cask for
Bee Branch 1 00
Water Works Trustees, to repairing
flre plug at Diamond House on
Julien Avenue 3 50
Ott, Meurer & Co•, lumber for Bee
Branch department 38 50
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Bee
Branch department 100
P. Eisbach, to digging ditch in Bee
Branch sewer from Rhomberg
Avenue to Eagle Point Avenue
for drainage purposes 79 80
Jno. Butt. repairs for sewer de-
partment 6 75
Ellwanger Bros.. repairing harness
for fire department 10 20
Ellwanger Bros., repairing harness
for road department ... 2 55
J. C. Althauser, 1 office basket.... 49
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co.,
25 feet of hose for steam roller.... 7 00
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co.,
hose couplings and clamps for
steam roller 75
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co.,
2 pair short rubber boots for sew-
er department ... ............. 6 50
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co,
3 pair hip boots for Bee Branch
sewer 13 50
J. J. Sheridan. 1 stove drum and
pipes for police headquarters 5 00
Lear & Kennedy, horseshoeing for
flre department 2 50
F. Post Co., supplies for Engineer's
office 340
Jno. Steiner, sheriff, serving notice
on C. F. Nagle to remove his
house boat from levee 2 35
Ryan -Miller Co., oak lumber for
road department 163 47
G. Mersch, 51 lin. feet of curbing
del. on Highland Place 13 77
Steuck & Linehan, estimate con-
structing storm sewer in Couler
Creek between 27th street and
Peru road 847 97
Peter Eisbach, estimate construct-
ing storm sewer in Bee Branch
from end of present sewer to
south line of Sanford Avenue 908 28
H. Brinkman, excavation permits
redeemed 70 00
H. Brinkman, interest on warrants
outstanding.... .... .... 825 00
H. Brinkman, freight charges road
department.. .... .... 20 05
H. Brinkman. express charges En-
gineer department.... .... .... .... 45
H. Brankman, exchange, New York 25
H. Brankman, postage stamps 10 00
H. Brinkman, Library Trustees' or-
ders paid 306 66
German Trust & Savings Bank,
loan 5000 00
Dubuque National Bank, loan 5000 CO
Nellie Meehan, loan.... „•. 350 00
L. C. Lubck, loan.... .... .... 500 00
Wm Steuck, loan 500 00
German Trust & Savings Bank,
loan.... 5000 00
Labor on Streets for the first half of
October, 1902:
A. Alderson, labor.... ,.•. $ 13 85
Rich. Burns, labor.... .... .... 6 75
Official Notices.
Joos. lirouillette, labor•. ..
Paul Becker, labor.... .... ....
Phil Becker, labor.... ,..•
Fred Buddlen, labor
Fred Budde, labor .... .... .... .....
Chas. Busse, labor...... ....
J. Brachtenhach, labor
John Callahan, labor.... ..•,
Wm. Conehl.in, labor....
Jerry Cahill. labor.... labor
Dave Crotty, labor.... ....
James Callahan, foreman..
Jas. Connolly, labor....
H. Cobb. labor.... .... .... .... ...
John Corbett, labor.... .. , • ........
H. Cosgrove. driver.. ..
John Dougherty, labor..
Peter De Fontaine, labor
Peter Dax, labor.... ....
John Egan. labor
John Engels, labor.... ....
J. Ess, labor.... ....
I Egenberger, labor.... ..
Mike Farrell, labor.... ..•,
Geo. Frost. foreman.
Mat. Fetshele, labor.... ....
W. Flanagan, labor..
John Flynn, labor.... ....
Pat Fenelon, labor.... ....
Barney Glass. labor....
Pat Gilloon, labor.... ....
Henry Galle, labor .... .... ..
Chas. Gruenzig. labor ...
C. Gantenbein, Jr..
P. Guenther, labor
Jos. Grab. labor....
G. Gau, labor
Jos. Guenther, labor.... ...,
C. Gantenbein, foreman.. .,
Thos. Hackney, labor..........
John Ha fey. labor.
Lawrence Horrig. labor....
Geo. J. i-l-ihn, foreman
Chris. Hack, labor.... ..
Amb. Hird. labor.... ..•.
A. Handelman, labor
Aug. Hafemnn, labor.... ....
J. Hansen, labor..
John Heil, carpetner.... ....
Peter Jacob, labor.. ....
A. Jass, labor
Kettenhofen, labor.... •• 15 55
John Kelly. labor.. .... 5 75
Jos. Kientzle, labor...... .,
Jacob Kraus, labor.... 10 80
Paul Krocheski, labor.... .. .. 15 35
Mat. Klein, paper collector 13 85
Mart. Lonergan, labor....12 50
Herman Lembke, labor.. ... • 4 40
Frank Lassente, labor.... .. 9 60
M. Lavin, labor..,. 17 55
L. Leffelholtz, labor.. „ 17 55
John Mahoney, labor.... .. ..,, . 5 75
Rob. Mack. labor •. 1115
Jos. Martinek. labor.. , . • • 15 20
Adam Mandersheid, labor.. ... • 440
Al. Mover. labor.... . 17 55
5 75!
John McCarron, labor• • • • • • 1 35
John McGee, labor.... . • 6 10
Barney McCormack. labor .. , • • • . 19 50
R. McGivern. driver .... .. • . . ' '20 00
O'Brien. foreman . , • . • • • • . ' 4 05
Jas. Purcell. labor . 10 80
Jas. Powers, labor ... • • • • • • • . ' 8 10
John Pfeiffer. labor , • . • .. , .
W. Quinlan. labor . • .. , , 4 01
14 85
Jas. Ryan. labor . • • • • ..... 9 15
Theo. Rademan, labor .... 10 50
.los. Rooney. labor .... .... 13 ]6
Pat. Royce. labor.. , . , .. • • • • • ' 9 80
Nick Sweeney, labor , . , , • ... . '
Mike Shea, labor .. • • • • • 75
.... 2 9 70
Jas. Straney. labor.. .....
7 10 John Schroeder, labor „ ,,, 9 15
15 55 Jos. Statel, labor •, , , . , 8 45
8 8(1 I •Louis Smith, labor , • , • , . . , , , 6 40
4 75 S. Schaetzle, labor , , . . , . .. 3 40
3 05 Frank Scherr, labor. , , , , , , . 17 b5
440 Jas. Tally, labor,,,, ,,,, •
„,,,, 845
8 65 \V. Welsh, labor 13 '.i
9 80 John Welsh, (Caledonia 1 labor •' 7o;
11 15 John Walsh, (Mace) labor 13 85
8 10 W. Wearmouth, foreman , , , , , , 20 01)
70 Nic. Wampach. labor 3 • • • 05
2000 Geo. Zumhof, foreman ,•,. ,,•, 1950
17 55 Josh Calvert, team 29 15
17 55 Jas. Graham, team , , , , , , , 15 75
17 55 M. Gantenbein, team , , , , , 19 70
19 50 .. ”
M. Hannan, team 32 30
4 75 J. Haudenshield, team, 37 80
4 05 Thos. Heins, team • 13 401
15 Peter Horeb, team, , 32 65
14 35 J. •Huffmire, (contract) •team•• , •37 90
11 15 Mike Kenneally, team 32 30
12 85 Pat Linchan, team , , , , , , , . 19 70
10 15 John Long, team , , , , , , , , 32 65.
45 . "
20 00 Thos. Morgan, team , , , , , , , , , , 26 00
Carson McElrath, team , .. , , . , , 16 55
340 Ted O'Brien, team , , , , , , , , , ... 25 20 •
13 85 Geo. Reynolds, team , , , , • . , • , , 38 60
17 55 Ed. Seeley, team . ... ... . ...... 37 80
13 85 J. Sutherland, team , • , • • , .. .. 36 25
10 50 Frank Sieg, team , ... .... 3 15
7 10 Jas. Tobin, team , , , , .... • 37 05
15 90 M. Theis, team .. • . . • • , ...... 4 75
6 00 John Williams, team 2 40
12 85 M. Zogg, team.... , . .•. 13 40
12 50 Labor on sewers for the first half of
11 85 October, 1902:
7 10 P. Casserly, labor , .. • , . , . 20 80
20 00 J. Corcoran, labor , .. , .... • , 19 20
5 75 S. H. Cook, foreman , .. , • . 25 00
11 15 R. A. Fuller, labor 19 20
7 10 F. Honecker, labor , • • • .... 20 80
20 00 P. Kenneally, labor , ... • , .. , • 14 40
7 10 Pat Sage, labor , .. • 20 80
5 40 Landon Taylor, labor. .... . • 20 80
10 80 Teams hauling sprinkling wagons dur-
10 70 ing the first half of October, 1902: 66 70
8 00 Becker Bros., , , . ... .
20 00 Frank Burns, ... .. , 35 40
11 85 T. B. Cain 36 00
4 05 A. Conrad • ..... 37 20
6 45 Martin Maher .... ... , . • 36 40
J. J. McCollins 35 00
B. J. Scherr, painting cells in cala- b6 70
Brown & Brown, grading Lang-
worthy40 avenue
Steuck & Linehan, estimate on cir-
cular culvert, Couler avenue 17314
Steuck & Linehan, estimate on
Fourteenth street storm sewer. , 573 75
Geo. Wilkinson, constructing side. 33 53
walk, College avenue
McDonald & Howe, cleaning out
old shaft rear of Grandview 25 00
Engine house....
I hereby certify that the foregoing is
a true and correct list of all warrants
issued by me duringChe month of Oc-
tober, 1902.
City Recorder.
Dan Sheehan, labor . , .. .. , . .. • •
Thos. Smith, labor ,.•, •.•. •.•'
9 15
Chris. Sholl, labor , , . • • . , . . • • •
284 Official Notices.
In accordance with Law of the State
of Iowa, you are hereby notified to close
your places of business on Tuesday, Nov.
4th, 1902, (Election Day) from 7 o'clock
a. m. until 7 o'clock p. m., and you are
not to sell, or give away• any intoxicat-
ing liquors during the hours specified.
Witness my hand and seal of the City
of Dubuque this 3rd day of November,
1902. C. H. BERG,
(Seal) Mayor of the City of Dubuque.
Mayor's Office.
Dubuque, October 18th, 1902.
Notice Is hereby given that the regis-
ters of election duly appointed to regis-
ter voters in the city of Dubuque, Iowa,
will be in attendance at the places here-
inbelow mentioned, for the purpose of
correcting the registry list of names of
such electors as may be entitled to vote
at this fall election to be held Tuesday,
Nov. 4th, 1902.
Said registers will meet at their respec-
tive places on Thursday and Friday, Oc-
tober 23rd and 24th, 1902, at 8 o'clock a,
m, and be in session until 9 o'clock P. m.
of said day
Said registers will thereafter meet on
Saturday, November the 1st, 1902, from 8
o'clock a. m. to 9 o'clock p. m. of said
•day for the purpose of correcting the list
and adding thereto such names of voters
as may be entitled to vote.
Said registers will thereafter meet on
Tuesday, November 4th, 1902, (election
day) and be in session from the time
the polls open until they close, and reg-
ister only such voters as were absent
from the city during the preceding days
that the board was in session, also such
voters as did not become citizens until
Monday or Tuesday, November 3rd and
4th. 1902.
The places: of registration in the sev-
eral wards and precincts of said city are
as follows:
First Precinct—Rafferty's place, No. 311
South Locust street.
Second Precinct—Mrs. Lucas' place, No.
1 South Locust street.
First Precinct—Court house.
Second Precinct—Fourth street engine
First Precinct—Ninth street engine
Second Precinct—CIty Hall.
Third Precinct—Palen's place, 1810 Cou-
ler avenue.
First Precinct—Annex west of Wales
Second Precinct—Western Brewery.
Third Precinct—Kenyon's barber shop,
146 West Locust street.
First Precinct—Schmidt's brewery, Cou-
ler avenue.
Second Precinct—Henry G. Muller's
place, corner Elm and Eagle Point ave-
Third Precinct—Miss Rose Fengler's
place, corner Shilier and Rhomberg ave-
Fourth Precinct—Roesner's place, cor-
ner Twenty-third and Jackson street.
All qualified voters of said city are no-
tified that unless they voted at the last
general election they must present them-
selves at the places and time hereinabove
mentioned for registration or they will be
debarred of the privilege of voting at
said election.
Witness my hand at Dubuque, Iowa,
this 18th day of October, 1902.
18-23-inc. C. H. BERG, Mayor.
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk four
(4) feet wide, of good two-inch plank,
brick, stone or cement, be, within ten (10)
days of this notice, constructed and laid
in conformity with the ordinance In rela-
tion to sidewalks on the west side of
North Main street. between Leibnitz
street and Klingenberg Terrace, abutting
lot 45, E. 100 feet, Marsh's Add., owned•
by A. J. Limback et al., at the expense
of the abutting property.
Passed by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque November 6th, 1902.
11-10-10t City Recorder.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That the grade of Traut
Terrace be established and described as
follows: Beginning at the south curb
line of Diagonal Street and Traut Ter-
race, which is station 12, elevation 43.2;
thence southerly to station 0.0, which is
the lot line of Diagonal Street; thence
southerly to station x72, beginning of
curve. elevation 44.4; thence southerly to
station 1x56.3 end of curve, elevation 44.6:
thence southerly to station 2x32.5, eleva-
tion 40.6.
Section 2. This Ordinance shall take
effect and be in force from and after its
publication one time in the Dubuque
Globe -Journal newspaper.
Approved Nov. 25th, 1902.
Attest: City Recorder.
Passed by the City Council Nov. 20th,
Published officially in the Evening
Globe -Journal Nov. 26th, 1902.
U -26 -It City Recorder.
To Mary A. Kemier:
You are hereby notified that in accord-
ance with a resolution of the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, for clean-
ing alleys during the month of May, 1902,
a special assessment will be levied for
the expense thereof, at the next regular
meeting of the City Council, upon all
lots and parcels of land abutting on said
improvement, City lot No. 336, owned by
you, being subject to such special as-
sessment. And you are notified to ap-
pear at said meeting of the Council, to
be held on the 4th day of December, 1902,
and show cause, if any you have, why
said assessment should not be levied.
Amount, $1.50.
11-21-10t City Recorder.
Official Notices.
To All \Vho Are Named Below:
You are hereby notified that in accord-
ance with an ordinance of the City of
Dubuque for repairing sidewalks in the
month of October, 1902, that a special as-
sessment will be levied for the expense
thereof at the regular meeting of the
City Council upon all lots and parcels of
land on said improvement, owned by you
being subject to such special assessment.
And you are hereby notified to appear at
said meeting of the council to be held on
the 4th day of December, A. D. 1902, and
show cause if any you have, why said as-
sessme.nt should not be levied.
1902. Owner. Description.
Oct. 3-NIc Engel, Windsor Ave.
Sub.. lot 3, 24 ft. lumber, 50c; %
hour labor, 25c 3 75
Oct. 6 -Jas. Mullen Est., Finley's
Add., lots 10-11. 5 ft. lumber, 10c;
% hour labor, 25c 35
Oct. 6 -Ellen O'Halleron, Finley's
Add• lot 14, 12 ft. lumber, 25c; %
hcur labor, 25c
Oct, 6-A. \V. Kemler Est., Hodge's
Sub., lots 13-14, 5 ft. lumber, lOc;
/ hour labor, 25e 35
Oct. 6-A. J. Van Duzee, O'Neill's
Sub., No. 2, lot 23, 7 ft. lumber,
15c; 112 hour labor, 25c 40
Oct. 6-A. Ronson Est., S. M. Lang -
worthy's Add., lot 12, 27 ft. lumber.
55e; 1 hour labor. 50c 1 05
Oct. 6-\Vm. Schroeder, Sub. 2 of
Min. lot 158, lot 2 20 ft. lumber,
40c; 1,¢ hour labor, 25c 65
Oct. 6 -Geo. Salot, Sub. 39, Kelly's
Sub., lots 1-2, 8 ft. lumber. 13c; 1/2
hour labor, 25c 40
Oct. 9-A. A. Cooper, City W. 74 ft
lot 84, 14 ft. lumber, 30c; 1/2 hour
labor. 25c 55
Oct. 9-E. \V. Alhee, City, lot 85. 3 ft.
lumber. 3c: 1/2 hour labor, 25c 30
Oct. 9-C. 11. Eighmey, trustee.
City, 1.0 570. 17 ft. lumber, 35c; 1
hour labor, 25c 60
Oct. 9 -Elizabeth Manson, City, lot
198a, 48 ft. lumber, 95c; 1/2 hour la-
bor, 25e 1 20
Oct. 10 -Catholic University of
Washington et al., Levhls' Add.,
lot 1, 68 ft. lumber, $1.35; 1 hour la-
bor, 50c 1 85
Oct. 10 --Geo. Shoup, Bradstreet's
Add.. lot 17, 10 ft. lumber, 20c; 1/2
hour labor, 25c
Oct. 10-C. H. Eighmey, Sub. 2 of
8 of Min. lot 159, lot 2, 10 ft. lum-
ber, 20c: hour labor, 25c
Oct. 11-E. R'. Albee, City, lot 85. 24
ft, lumber, 50c; 1/2 hour labor, 25e75
Oct. 11 -Rev. P. J. Burke, City N.
43.9 ft. lot 117, 16 ft. lumber, 30c;
' hour labor. 25c
Oct. 11 -Leathers & Trewin, L. 1T.
1 nnglvot•thy's Add.• •N. 71 ft., lot
151, 5 ft. lumber. 10c; 1/2 hour la-
bor, 25cc
Oct, 11 -Bridget Lahey. Deming &
I orr's Sub., lot 20, 5 ft. lumber,
10c; V, hour labor, 25c
Oct. 11-\\'m. Alderman, City, lot 322,
33 ft. lumber, 65c; % hour labor,
1 03
Oct. 15 -Pat Moran, Union Add., lot
180, 17 ft. lumber, 350; 1F, hour la-
bor, 25e
Oct. 17-G. Radford, Farley's Su Ca
lot 22, 4 ft. lumber, 10c; 35
bor, 25c
Oct. IS -Tim Dillon, Dillon's Sub.,
lots 1-2; 22 ft. lumber, 45c; /z
labor, 25c ...... .... .... .............
Oct. 18-A. A. Cooper, Grandview
Ave. Add., lot 11, 16 ftlumber,
Lk; 1/2 hour labor, 25c
Oct. 20 -Helena Engler, O. Taylor's
Sub., lot 19, 10 ft. lumber, 20e;
1 hour labor, 25c
Oct. 20-1-Tenry Pfotzer and Ida De-
ment, Sub. 8 and 9, Geiger's Sub.
S. 50 ft., lot 2, 7 ft. lumber, 15c;
/ hour labor, 25c
Oct. 20-G. M. Orvis, Finley Home
Add., lot 13, 10 ft. lumber, 20c; %
hour labor, 25c.... 25e
Oct. 20 -Emma White, Finley Home
Add., lot 16, 16 ft. lumber, 30c; 1/2
hour labor, 25c
Oct. 20 -Frank R. Scott, Finley
Add., lot 155. 5 ft. lumber, 10c; 1/2
hour labor, 25c
Oct. 23 -Henry and Mary Oser, Sub
1 of 103, L. 13. Langworthy's, lot
1, 20 ft. lumber, 40c; 1/2 hour labor,
Oct. 23 -Caroline Cameron and Ma-
tilda Carpenter, Glendale Add., S.
1/2, let 230, 16 ft. lumber, 30c; %
hour labor, 25c.... .... .... ........
Oct. 24 -Thos. Hill, S. M. Lang -
worthy's Add., lot 53, 13 ft. lum-
ber, 25c; 1/2 hour labor, 25c
Oct. 24-E. M. Kringle, Sub. 7 of
Min. lot 79, lot 6, 8 ft. lumber, 15c;
1/, hour labor, 25c.... ....
Oct. 24-L. A. Cummings, Sub. Min.
lot 80, lot 2, 4 ft. lumber, 10c; 1/4
hour labor, 25c
Oct. 24 -John Olinger, Boulevard
Add., lots 2-3-4, 20 ft. lumber, 40c;
1,4 hour labor 25c
Oct. 25-Edw. Langworthy Est,
Pauline Langworthy's Sub., lot 5,
15 ft. lumber, 30c; 1/2 hour labor,
Oct. 25 -Mead Langton, Pauline
Langworthy's Sub., lot 9, 15 ft.
lumber. 30c; 1/. hour labor, 25c
Oct. 25 -Jas. H. Shields, Dubuque
Harbor Co.'s Add., block I. lot
8, 16 ft. lumber, 30c; 1/2 hour labor,
Oct. 25 -Bridget Redman, TJnion
Add., Ict 127. 35 ft. lumber, 70c; 1
hour labor. 50c
Oct. 27-H. Wunderlich, Fortune's
Sub., lot 7, 8 ft. lumber, 15c; 1/2
labor. 25c
Oct. 27 -Jas. H. King, Fortune's
Sub., lot 15, 8 ft. lumber, 15c; 1/2 hour
labor, 25c
tet. 27 -Rev. John Keane, City Sub,
lot 697, 16 ft. lumber, 30c; 1/2 hour
hour labor, 25c •
ct. 27 -Phoebe Woods, Bis°ell's Du-
buque. lot 10, 16 ft. lumber, 30c; 1/2
hour labor, 25c
Oct. 27 -Julia D. Rhomberg, Guern-
sey & Langworthy's Add., lot 8,
GO ft. lumber, $1.20; a$ hour labor,
Get. 27-1-I. 1'. & N. \V. Kimball,
Farm Add., lot a.
ber, 50e; 1/ hour labor. '. ,
Oct. 27 -Chris. Slieber, 0,1 0,4 i,4 Farm
Add., 5 1/2 lot 320, 21 0. lumber,
50c; 1 hour's labor, 5e,
Oct. 27-A. A. Cooper, City, u , Iot labor,
20 198a,t. lumber, 40c; 1/z
Oct. 27-C. H. Eighmey and O. E.
Guernsey, Deming & Horr's Sub.,
lot 21. 8 ft. lumber, 15c; / hour la-
bor. 25c
Cct. 27-C. Seeger, Deming & Horr's
Sub., lot 1.9, S ft. lumber, 15c; %
hour labor. 25e
Oct. 2S -Bridget Lahey, Deming &
Hure's Sub., lot 8, 10 ft. lumber,
1 ZO
1 G0
1 00
286 Official Notices.
20c; 'A hour labor, 25c 45
Oct. 30—Jas. Moran, Inion Add., lot
179, 27 ft. lumber, 55e; 1 hour la-
bor, 25c 80
Oct. 10—'1'. Kenn.,nlly, Union Add,
lot 172, 10 ft. lumber, 20c; 1/2 hour
labor, 25c 45
Oct. 30—Thos. Meehan, Union Add.,
lot 132, 8 ft. lumber, 15c; 1/2 hour
labor, 25e ... ... ......... ... 40
Oct. 30—Thos. Meehan, Union Add..
lot 131, 24 ft. lumber, 50c; / hour
labor, 25e 75
Oct. 30—Chicago & Great Western
R'y. Co., Sanford's Sub., lot 61, 10
ft. lumber, 20c; 1/2 hour labor, 25c45
Oct. 10—Valentine Schlel, Sub. 196
and 197. L. TT. Langworthv's Add.,
lots 10-11, 11 ft. lumber, 25c; %
hour labor. 25c 50
11-21-10t City Recorder.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Pre.sen4—Alds. Clancy, Corra.nee, Frit h.
11•.1rr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Regular Session, Dec. 4, 1902.
Regular Session, December 4th, 1902.
Council met at 8:30 o'clock P. M.
Ald. Corrance moved that the council
proceedings for the month of November
be approved as printed. Carried.
The following bills were ordered paid:
A. Doerr, Jr., Assistant Assessor for
November $ 75 00
J. J. Murphy, Assistant Assessor for
H. J. Tropf, board of prisoners for
November.. 21 60
Palmer, Berg & Co., blank books
and stationery for various depart-
ments 29 75
G. W. Healey & Son, grass seed for
Washington Park .... 8 00
Palmer, Berg & Co., Abstract, case
of Schnee vs. City of Dubuque.... 46 00
C. L. McGovern, recording deeds and
plats 17 50
L. Daily, cleaning around Market
G. Holl, repairing key, Assessor's
Eichhorn & Bechtel, brushes, City
P. Baumgartner, Assistant Market -
master for November
.Jno. Mahoney, inspector Langworthy
Avenue sanitary sewer.... ...... ..
W. H. Foster, inspector sanitary
sewer between Rhomberg and
Garfield Avenues
Jno. Bohn, inspector on Bee Branch
storm sewer
P. J. Seippel, lumber for Road dept
Purington Paving Brick Co., brick
for Road department
G. Bock, repairs for Road depart-
Jno. Engel, sawing wood, City Hall
Rumpf, Frudden Lumber Co., lum-
ber for Road department
Kumpf, Frudden Lumber Co., lum-
ber for Road department
A. Y. McDonald & Morrison Mfg
Co., packing for steam roller
T. McCaffrey, grave4 for Road dept
P. Clancy, cinders for Road dept
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Road
department.... ....
Jno. Butt, repairs for Road dept....
Ellwanger Bros., blankets for Road
J. Marsch, gravel for Road dept
Wagner & Dorgan, to use of wagon,
Road department .... ....
Dubuque 011 Tank Line, oil for
Steam Roller
Conlin & Kearns, coal for Steam
T. J. Mulgrew, coal for Steam Roller
Martin & Strelau, coal for Steam
Linehan & Molo, waste and sewer
pipe for Road department
F. Thornely, to running and test-
ing new Steam Roller
'Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber for Road
R. B. Twaites, pasturing horses for
Fire department.... ............ 2 50
Phil Pier, coal for Fire department 11 80
75 00
14 00
8 10
25 33
9 34
40 00
37 70
75 00
1 65
2 50
27 42
47 44
1 25
4 40
18 75
1 35
2 10
17 85
1 50
2 00
13 76
17 28
15 00
1 78
10 00
36 55
Jno. Newman & Son, repairs for
Fire department.. 6 85
P. J. Seippel, lumber for Fire de-
partment..., 14 76
Melloy Bros., coal for Fire depart-
ment 17 47
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Fire
department.... 15 00
Lear & Kennedy, horseshoeing for
Fire department.... 5 40
Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse -
shoeing for Fire department 11 00
G. W. Healey & Son, hardware for
Fire department...... 1 60
Ellwanger Bros., repairing harness
for Fire department.... 5 30
J. Kriebs, blankets for Fire depart-
ment 600
T. W. Ruete, paints and oils for
Fire department.... .... 10 60
G. W. Healey & Son, hardware for
Fire department 6 85
Ott,. Meuser & Co., shavings ror Fire
department 1 00
G. Ragatz & Son, repairs for Fire
department 1 45
Dubuque 011 Tank Line, on for Fire
department 7 45
Central Electric Co., supplies for
Fire Department.. 4315
Eichhorn & Bechtel, bran for Fire
department ...... .... .... 4 75
Fischer & Co., coal for Fire depart-
ment 43 80
T. F. Kane, hay for Fire department 93 35
P. H. Halpin, supplies for Fire
department.... ...... 6 25
Key City Gas Co., coke for Fre de-
partment 15 80
Eichhorn & Bechtel, bran for pa-
trol house .. ............ .... .. 2 15
T. W. Ruete, paints and oils for
calaboose.... ........ 18 30
T. F. Kane, hay delivered at patrol
house .. 16 25
Becker Bros., use of horse for pa-
trol team 7 00
H. King, sawing wood for patrol
house 2 00
A. Felter, whitewashing at patrol
house 7 50
Ellwanger Bros., repairing harness
for patrol team 50
National Demokrat, official printing
for November ........ .... .... 25 00
Union Electric Co., arc lights for
November ....2029 58
T. E. Frith, removing garbarge and
dead animals ...... .... .... ......... 348 50
The McEvoy Co., brick masonry on
arch at Sanford Avenue 5 00
Key City Roofing Co., cement for
Bee Branch storm sewer.... 21 60
H. Magdal, steel rails for Bee
Branch sewer 12 60
Geo. Bock, repairs for Bee Branch
sewer 1 15
T. J. Mulgrew, cement for Bee
Branch sewer 17 00
Peter Eistbach, estirriO on Bee
Branch sewer.... 1216 50
O'Farrell & Street, paving alley be-
tween Locust and Bluff streets
from Tenth to Eleventh streets632 48
Gus. Brown, grading Gilmore Place 178 50
Brown & Brown, grading Lang-
worthy avenue.... .... 335 07
Duggan, Sullivan & Cota, hardware
for grading department 1 20
Steuck & Linehan, estimate on
Fourteenth Street storm sewer 680 50
Jno. Heim, brick for sewer depart-
ment 20 00
Dolan & Robinson, final estimate
on sanitary sewer in Johnson Ave-
Regular Session, Dec. 4, 1902.
nue ..1194 70
P. J. Selppel, lumber for Grand-
view Engine House.... 12 30
The following bills were ordered re-
ferred to the committee on Streets:
G. F. Kleih, hardware for Road de-
partment $ 165
Brown & Brown, removing vault in
Langworthy Avenue 25 00
Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs on
Steam Roller.... .... 2 95
J. M. Lee, laying cement walk on
Grove Terrace crossing on Elev-
enth street.... .... .... 27 79
The following bills were referred to the
committee on Public Grounds and Build-
Witter Bros., carpenter work at
Centraii and Fourth Street En-
gine houses $184 40
J. Gukeisen, carpenter repairs at
Fourth Street Engine house 6 00
Petition of P. J. Newman asking that
the Engineer be instructed to give grade
for curbing abutting lot 19 on State street.
Ald. Sheridan moved to grant the prayer
of the petition, and the Engineer be in-
structed to give the proper grade. Car-
Petition of Martha Wiedner, asking the
Council to take proper action on her
claim which was referred to the com-
mittee on Claims May 17th, 1900.
On motion the petition was rererred to
the committee on Claims.
The following petitions were referred to
the Delinquent Tax committee:
Petition of Mrs. Mary Silzer, asking
for the ca.ncelation of her assessment on
W. of lot 47, Cox's Add.
Petition of Mrs. Maria Ellis, asking that
her taxes be canceled on her homestead
for the year of 1901.
Petition of Helen L. Atherton, asking
that she be exempt on her taxes to the
amount of $800.00, she being the widow of
an honorably discharged Union soldier.
Petition of J. M. McFadden, asking that
the assessment of the Cushing Vinegar
& Mustard Factory be fixed at $8,000.00
for a period of ten years.
On motion the petition was referred to
the Board of Equalization.
Petitions of the Union Electric Co„ in
relation to discontinue the operation of
cars on what is known as "The Iowa
Street Line," also asking permission to
install switches in various streets, were
on motion referred to the committee of
the Whole.
The following Ordinances were pre-
treated and read and on motion referred
to the Ordinance committee and City At-
An Ordinance granting to the Chicago
Great Western Railway Co. the right to
fill and grade Elm street between San-
ford and Twenty-third street and to
change the channel of the stream com-
monly called "Couler Creek" so as to per-
mit of the laying of a eecond track in
Elm street between Sanford and Twenty-
third streets and across Sanford, Twenty-
second and Twenty-third streets in the
City of Dubuque.
Also Ordinance granting permission to
the Chicago Great Western Railway Co.
to occupy a portion of Jackson street.
Ald. Frith presented a deed and plat
and moved, That the vacation deed, here-
with presented, ' xecuted by Thomas Wat-
ters, be approved and that the same be
ordered placed on record.
The vacation deed referred to being a
deed vacating "Bonson Avenue and the
alley" between said Bonson Avenue and
Wooton Avenue, shown on recorded plat
of Wooton's addition to tim city of Du-
buque in Book of Plats (4), pages 494 and
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Ald. Frith then moved, That the plat
of Watters' subdivision of part of Woot-
cn's addition, herewith presented, be ap-
proved, and that the same be ordered
placed on record..
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones Raymond and Sheridan.
Ald. Frith then moved, That the quit
claim deed to the west 20 feet of lot
one of lot one of Mineral lot 67 in the
city of Dubuque, Iowa, executed by
James E. McClain and W. A. McClain to
the city of Dubuque, be accepted, and
that the same be ordered placed on rec-
ord. Carried.
Aid. Sheridan moved that the Finance
committee be instructed to make proper
provision to pay for the sewer in Lang-
worthy Avenue. Carried.
Mayor Berg reported as follows:
Dubuque, December 4, 1902.
To the Honorable City Council of the
City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen—The undersigned, appoint-
ed by your honorable body to secure the
opinion of an expert on the merits of
the new steam, roller, beg to submit
herewith, for your consideration, the
written opinion of Mr. Fred Thornley.
The report follows:
Dubuque, Iowa, Nov. 28, 1902.
Hon, C. H. Berg, Mayor City of Dubuque:
Dear Sir --In compliance with your re-
quest I have made a careful examination
of the new steam road roller and beg to
report as follows:
I find that the various parts are well
and substantially made. The appliances
for feeding, firing and cleaning the boiler
are very complete and handy. The
power steering gear is especially well ad-
apted to its purpose of enabling the op-
erator to handle the roller with ease and
safety. On the 26th inst. two trial runs
were made from, Bluff street to the top
of Third street hill. The gcvernor belt
was thrown off and the engine operated
with the throttle valve. The run was
made up the hill in six minutes with an
average steam pressure of 110 lbs. The
first run was made with the injector
feeding, the second with the injector shut
off without uncovering the flues. The
descent in each case was made under
steam pressure. No attempt was made
to back up the hill as that would tend
to cause priming, 1. e., to pass water in-
stead of steam into the cylinder.
I am bound to say that the perform-
ance surprised me as judging from a the-
oretioal standpoint, the boiler, which
does not figure up more than 10 horse
power nominal, was altogether too small
for continuous duty, but judging from
the performance on Wednesday It appears
to be ample, providing the operator un-
derstands his business and the fuel fur-
nished has first-class steaming qualities,
Regular Session, Dec. 4, 1902. 289
two very Important factors in a machine
of this description.
The sided raft to tire furnace appears
to me to be not only inconvenient, but at
times quite detrimental. The material in
the wheel rims appears to be softer than
accords with good wearing quality and the
master gear and steering gear miters al-
ready show signs of wear and might with
advantage have been made of steel. On
the whole I am of the opinion that the
machine in question is a good service-
able one and that with proper care it
will do gojd service for many years. Re-
spectfully submitted,
Aid. Sheridan moved that the report be
received and filed and the committee be
discharged. Carried.
City Treasurer Brinkman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque;
Gentlemen -Below you will find state-
ment of amounts advanced by me during
the month of November. 1902, for which
please order warrants drawn in my fa-
Excavation permits redeemed $ 80.00
Interest on warrants outstanding579.17
Freight charges, Road Dept 36.75
Freight charges, Road Dept 29.10
Freight charges, Fire Dept .32
Postage stamps 10.00
Refunded regular taxes 14.60
Library Trustees' orders redeemed1289.10
1 also received money borrowed from
the following parties. Please order loan
warrants drawn in their favor:
1902 -
Nov. 20 -German Trust & Savings
Bank $5,000.0G
Nov. 24-E. J. O'Loughlin 500.00
Dec. 1 -Dubuque National Bank10.000.00
Dec. 2-G. A. Hoffman 350.00
On motion the report was received and
warrants ordered drawn to pay the var-
ious amounts and the report referred
back to the Committee on Finance.
City Auditor Hoffman reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentle/nen-Herewith find my report
for the month of November, 1902, showing
the receipts and disbursements for the
Cash on hand Nov. 1st, 1902 $14,596.46
Receipts from all sources 25,511.20
Warrants redeemed during month.$25,281.43
Coupons redeemed during month. 267.50
Cash on hand Dec. lst, 1902 16,557.73
The above cash balance belongs to the
various sinking funds.
Also report that there is due the city
officers for the month of November, 1902,
Also the following is a record of all in-
terest coupons redeemed by Treasurer for
the past month:
Improvement bond coupons $267.50
The following list shows the Appropria-
tions and the amount of Warrants drawn
on each Fund since the b*glnning of the
fiscal year, beginning March 1st, 1902,
to Dec. 1st, 1902:
Apropriatlon. Expended.
Expense ..... ... ... .....$40,000 $28,671 80
Road 42,000 36,877 66
Fire .... ....... ... 35,000 22,019 56
Police ..... ... 28,000 18,405 65
,8ewerag'e 5,000 3,329 95
Printing 2,000 1,080 00
Engineer 4,000 1,906 65
Gas and Light 25,000 16,217 70
Water Works Bond Int26,000 12,037 50
Interest .. 45,000
Board of Health ... 6,000 4,707 03
Grading .... .. ...... 2,000 767 03
Bee Branch 13,000 4,814 44
Eagle Point Bridge 5,000 4,776 10
Special Bonded Debt Int3,000 1,534 53
Redemption .... ....... 2,500
Judgment .. ... ... ... . 3,000 2,786 18
Library 6,000 1,294 23
Sprinkling -
First District ..... ... 750 495 32
Second Dirtrict 2,300 1,178 85
Third District 2,200 1,084 66
Fourth District ...... 2,300 789 55
Fifth District ... ... 1,500 1,105 12
Special bonded debt Int.. 3,000 1,534 53
Grandview Ave Engine
House ... .. .......... .. 6,000 1,851 40
Mount Carmel Ave. Grad-
ing 1,000
Sidewalk Repairing 500 9713
Special Sewer Fund 5,000 4,240 95
Total Appropriations..$318,050
Respectfully submitted,
F. B. HOFFMAN, Recorder.
On motion the report was received and
warrants ordered drawn to pay city of-
ficers and the report refered back to the
Finance Committee:
Fire Chief Reinfrted reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of Dubuque:
Gentlemen -I herewith submit my pay
roll for the Fire Department for the
month of November, 1902:
Amount due Firemen $1964 80
Chairman Committee on Fire.
On motion the pay roll was received
and Warrants ordered drawn to pay Fire-
men, and the pay roll referred back to
the committee on Fire.
Chief of Police Morgan reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my re-
port and pay roll for the Police Depart-
ment for the month of November, 1902:
Total arrests for the month 62
Patrol runs for the month 51.
Miles traveled for the month 100%
Residents arrested 35
Lodgers harbored ... ......• •••100
Defective Lights 217
Doors found open 25
Meals furnished 108
Cost of food $ 21 60
City Ordinance Cases, Treasurer's
75 00
Also the Treasurer's Receipt for 5
Also the pay roll for Policemen for the
month of November, 1902:
Amount due Policemen $1929.85
Respectfully submitted,
Chief of Police.
On motion the report and pay roll was
received, and warrants ordered drawn to
pay Policemen, and the report referred
back to the committee on Police.
290 Regular Session, Dec. 4, 1902.
Frank Carney, Justice of the Peace for
Julien township, reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
Gentlemen: Below please find my re-
port of all cases tried by me for the vio-
lation of City Ordinances during the
month of November. 1902:
State of Iowa for use of City of Du-
buque vs. Frank Smith, Josie Fry and
James Thompson. In all the above cases
all of the defendants were fined $25.00 and
costs. Each, all of which were paid,
total amount $75.00, which was turned
over to the Chief of Police, and for all
of which sum please find Treasurer's re-
ceipt attached.
Justice of the Peace.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the report be
received and filed. Carried.
City Engineer Boyce reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay
roll for labcrr on Streets during the sec-
ond half of November, 1902:
Amount due Laborers on streets. .$978 95
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Chairman Committee on Streets.
Also submit my pay roll for labor on
Sewers for the last half of November,
Amount due Laborers on Sewers. ,$146 60
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Chairman Committee on Sewers.
Also submit my pay roll for Labor or
Bee Branch Sewer during the last half of
November, 1902:
Amount due Laborers on Bee
Branch $272 45
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Chairman Committee on Bee Branch.
Also submit my pay roll for Teams
hauling sprinkling wagons during the last
half of November, 1902:
Amount due Teamsters $ 28 00
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Chairman Committee on Paving, Sweep-
ing and Sprinkling.
On motion the pay rolls for Labor on
Streets, Sewers, Bee Branch and Sprink-
ling were received, and warrants ordered
drawn to pay the various amounts and the
pay rolls referred back to the proper
City Electrician Hipman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of Dubuque.
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my re-
port of Defective Lights for the month
of November, 1902: I find from the reports
of the Police Department that the total
hours that 217 Lamps failed to burn would
equal 7.14 Lamps for one month, or $39.15.
Respectfully submitted,
City Electrician.
On motion the report was received and
the Auditor instructed to deduct from
the Union Electric Company's bill for the
month of November, 1902, the amount
of $39.15.
The following Weighmasters' and Wood -
measurers' receipts were referred to the
committee on Markets:
H. J. Tropf, City Hall receipts. ,$ 33 19
Louise Pitschner, West Dubuque
Scale receipts. .. , , •, 2 25
T. Faherty, First Ward scale re-
R. Hay, Eighth Street Scale receipts 2 65
R. F. Curran, wood measurer's re-
ceipts. , • , . , , „ 7 08
City Recorler Arendt reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen: Herewith attached please
find receipts of the City Treasurer for
$10.50 in settlement of the bill which you
referred to me for collection against the
Chicago Great Western Railway Co.,
Sept. 4th, 1902, for rolling various streets.
Very respectfully,
City Recorder.
On motion the report was received and
City Recorder Arendt also presented the
printed notice, certified to by the publish-
er, of the Council's intention to levy a
special assessment against the different
named property holders for repairing
s!dewalks for the month of October, 1902.
No remonstrance being filed the Mayor
asked if any one present had any objec-
tions to said special assessment.
No objections being stated, on motion of
Ald. Sheridan the notice was received and
Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the fol-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for repair-
ing sidewalks for the month of October,
1902, in front of and adjoining the same,
a Special Tax be and is hereby levied on
the several lots, and parts of lots, and
parcels of real estate hereinafter named,
situate and owned, and for the several
amounts set opposite each lot or parcel
of real estate, as follows:
Special Assessment submitted and pass-
ed Dec. 4th, 1902.
Oct. 3—Nic. Engel, Windsor Ave.
Sub., lot 3, 24 ft. lumber, 50c; 1-2
hour labor, 25c. . . , 75
Oct. 6—Jas. Mullen Est., Finley's
Add., Lots 10 and 11, 5 ft. lumber,
10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c. . . . , , , , 35
Oct. 6—Ellen O'Halleron, Finley's
Add., Lot 14, 12 ft. lumber, 25c; 1-2
hour labor, 25c....• • .. 50
Oct. 6—A. W. Kemler Est., Hdge's
Sub., Lots 13-14, 5 ft. lumber, 10c;
1-2 hour labor, 25c. . . , • .. 35
Oct. 6—A. J. Van Duzee, O'Neill's
Sub. No. 2, Lot 23, 7 ft. lumber,
15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c, , , , 90
Oct. 6—R. Bonson Est., S. M. Lang -
worthy's Add., Lot 12, 27 ft. lum-
ber, 55c; 1 hour labor, 50c 1 05
Regular Session, Dec. 4, 1902.
Oct. 6—Wm. Schroeder, Sub. 2 of
Min. Lot 158, Lot 2, 20 ft. lumber,
40c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c. , , . 65
Oct. 6—Geo. Salot, Sub. 39, Kelly's
Sub., Lots 1-2, 8 ft. lumber, 15c;
1-2 hour labor, 25c, ,
Oct. 9—A. A. Cooper, City, W 74 ft,
Lot 84, 14 ft. lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour
labor, 25c.... . .
Oct. 9—E. W. Albee, City, Lot 85,
3 ft. lumber, 5c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c
Oct. 9—C. 1-L Eighmey, Trustee,
City, Lot 570, 17 ft. lumber, 35c;
1-2 hour labor, 25c, ,
Oct. 9—Elizabeth Manson, City, Lot
198a, 48 ft. lumber, 93c; 1-2 hour
labor. 25c, ••• .... .... ...... 1 20
Oct. 10—Catholic University of
Washington, et al., L'vins' Add.,
Lot 1. 68 ft. lumber, $1.35; 1 hour 1
labor, 50c, .
Oct. 10—Geo. Shoup, Bradstreet's
Add.. Lot 17, 10 ft. lumber, 200; 45
1-2 hour labor, 25c....
'Oct. 10—C. H. Eighmey, Sub. 2 of 8
of Min. Lot 159, Lot 2, 10 ft. lum-
her, 20c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c.. 45
Oct. 11—E. W. Albee, City, Lot 85,
24 ft lumber, 50c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 75
Oct. 11—Rev. P. J. Burke, City, N
43.9 ft. Lot 117, 16 ft. lumber, 30c; 5
1-2 hour labor, 25c...
Oct. 11—Leathers & Trewin, L. H.
Langworthy's Add., N 71 ft., Lot
151, 5 ft. lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour
labor. 25c,
Oct. 11—Bridget Lahey, Deming &
Horr's Sub., Lot 20. 5 ft. lumber,
10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c....
Oct. 11—Wm. Alderman, City, Lot
372, 33 ft. lumber, 65c; 3-4 hour 1 Ob
labor, 40c. ...
Oct. 15—Pat Moran, Union Add., Lot
180, 17 ft. lumber, 35c; 1-2 hour
labor, 25c,
Oct. 17—G. Radford, Farley's Sub.,
Lot 22, 4 ft. lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour
labor, '-'5c . • '
Oct. 18—Tim Dillon. Dillon's Sub.,
Lots 1-2, 22 ft. lumber, 45c; 1-2 hour
Lot 80, Lot 2, 4 ft. lumber, 10c; %
hour labor, 25c
Oct. 24.—John Olinger, Boulevard
Add., Lots 2, 3, 4, 20 ft. lumber, 40c;
% hour labor, 250
40 Oct. 25.—Edw. Langworthy Est,
Pauline Langworthy's Sub., Lot 5,
15 ft. lumber, 30c; 2 hour labor, 25
55 Oct. 25.—Mead Langton, Pauline
Langworthy's Sub., Lot 9, 15 ft.
30 lumber, 30c; 1/2 hour labor, 25c
Oct. 25.—Jas. H. Shields, Dubuque
Harbor Co.'s Add., Block 1, Lot 8,
16 ft. lumber, 30c; / hour labor,
Oct. 25.—Bridget Redman, Union
Add., Lot 127, 35 ft. lumber, 70c;
1 hour labor, 50c
Oct. 27.—H. Wunderlich, Fortune's
Sub., Lot 15, 8 ft. lumber, 15c; 1
hour labor, 25c 40
Oct. 27.—Jas. H. King. Fortune's
Sub., Lot 7, 8 ft. lumber, 15c; 1h
hour labor, 21.c 40
Oot. 27.—Rev. John Keane, City, Lot
697, 16 ft. lumber, 30c; 1/2 hour
labor, 25c 55
Oct. 27.—Phoebe Woods, Bissell's
Dubuque, Lot 10, 16 ft. lumber, 30c;
1 hour labor, 250 55
Oct. 27.—Julia D. Rhomberg, Guern-
5 sey & Langworthy's Add., Lot 8,
60 ft. lumber, $1.20; % hour labor, 1
40c 60
Oct. 27.—H. P. & N. W. Kimbal,
35 Davis Farm Add., Lot 337, 24 ft.
lumber, 50c; / hour labor, 25c75
Oct. 27.—Chris, Stieber, Davis Farm
Add., S. % Lot 320, 24 ft. lumber, 1 00
50c; 1 hour labor, 50c
Oct. 27.—A. A. Cooper, City, Lot
198a, 20 ft. lumber, 40c; 65
labor, 25c
Oct. 27.—C. H. Eighmey and O. E.
60 Guernsey, Deming & Horr's Sub.,
Lot 21, 8 ft. lumber, 150; % hour 40
labor, 25c
35 Oct. 27.—C. Seeger, Deming & Horr's
Sub., Lot 18, 8 ft. lumber, 15c; 1/2 40
hour labor, 25c
70 Oct. 28.—Bridget Lahey. Deming &
Horr's Sub., Lot 8, 10 ft. lumber,
20c; ik hour labor, 25c 45
55 Oct. 30.—Jas. Moran, Union Add.,h
Lot 179, 27 ft. lumber, 55c; lelour
labor, 25c
45 Oct. 30.—T. Kenneally, Union hour
Lot 172. 10 ft. lumber, 20c; 1/2
labor, 25c
Oct. 30.—Thos. Meehan, Union Add,
40 Lot 132, 8 ft. lumber, 15c; / hour
labor, 25c
Oct. 30.—Thos. Meehan, Union hour Lot 131, 24 ft. lumber, 50c; 1ur
labor, 25c
Oct. 30.—Chicago Great Western Ry.
55 Co., Sanford's hourulabor, 61,25c 10
lumber, 20c; lrf3
Valentine L.H..Langworthy's Add., Lots 10
35 L
and 11, 13 it lumber, 26c; / hour
labor, 25c
Oct. 1S—A. A. Cooper, Grandview
Ave. Add., Lot 11, 16 ft. lumber,
30c: 1-2 hour labor, 25c....
Oct. 20—Helena Engler, O'Taylor's
Sub., Lot 19, 10 ft. Iumber, 20c;
1-2 hour labor, 25c. .. .
Oct. 20—Henry Pfotzer and Ida De-
ment, Sub. 8 and 9, Gieger's Sub.,
S 50 ft., Lot 2, 7 ft. lumber, 15c;
1-2 hour labor, 25c, .. .
Oct. 20—G. M. Orvis, Finley Home,
Add., Lot 13, 10 ft. lumber, 20c;
1-2 hour labor, 25c....
Oct. 20—Emma White, Finley Home
Add., Lot 16, 16 ft. lumber, 30c;
1-2 hour labor, 25c...
Oct. 20—Frank R. Scott, Finley
Add., Lot 155, 5 ft. lumber, 10c;
1-2 hour labor, 25c. .. .
Oot. 23—Henry and Mary Oser, Sub.
1 of L. H. Langworthy's Add.,
Lot 1, 20 ft. lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour
labor, 25c....
Oct: 23—Caroline Cameron and Ma-
tilda Carpenter, Glendale Add., S
1-2 Lot 230, 16 ft. lumber, 30c; 1-2
hour labor. 25c.... ,
Oct. 24—Thos. Hill, S. M. Lang -
worthy's Add., Lot 63, 13 ft. lum-
ber, 25c: 1-2 hour labor, 25c
Oct. 24—E. M. Kringle, Sub. 7 of
Min. Lot 79, Lot 6. 8 ft. lumber,
15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c....
Oct. 24.—L. A. Cummings, Sub. Min.
$ 14 35
Total...... .............. ....... .....$ 33 76
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alda. Clancy, Corrance. Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
City Recorder Arendt also presented the
292 Regular Session, Dec. 4, 1902.
printed notice certified to by the publisher,
of the Council's intention to levy a spec-
ial assessment, against Mary A. Kemler,
for cleaning alley during the month of
May, 1902.
No remonstrance being filed, the Mayor
asked 1f any one present had any ob-
jections to said special assessment.
No objections being stated, on motion of
Aid. Sheridan the notice was received and
Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the fol-
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque: That to pay for cleaning al-
leys during the month of May, 1902, in
front of and adjoining the same, a Spec-
ial Tax be and Is hereby levied on the
several, lots and parts of lots, and par-
cels of real estate hereinafter named, sit-
uate and owned, and for the several
amounts set oppcsite each lot or parcel
of real estate, as follows:
Special assessment submitted and passed
Dec. 4, 1902.
Mary A. Kemler, City, Lot 336, '2
loads, at 75c $ 1 60
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Ald. Harr, chairmanof the committee
on Finance, reported as follows:
Your committee on Finance, to whom
was referred the petition of the Haney -
Campbell Co., asking that in accordance
with the arrangement made with the City
Council, August 16, 1895, its taxes be can-
celed for the year 1901, would recommend
that the prayer of the petitioner be
granted and that the treasurer be in-
structed accordingly.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report of
the committee on Finance. Carried. •
Ald. Frith, chairman of the Ordinance
committee, presented an Ordinance for
the vacation of Ash street from the
southerly line of Lots 19 in Block 12 and
6 in Block 17, Railroad Add., to the north
property line of Twentieth street, Twen-
tieth street from the east property line
of Ash street, to the west property line
of Marsh street; the alley between Ash
street and Marsh street from the south-
erly line of 6 and 19, Block 17, Railroad
Add., to the south property line of Twen-
tieth street; Marsh street from the north
property line of Twentieth street, to the
north end of said Marsh street and also
the alley between Marsh street and Hick-
ory street, from the north end of said
alley to the north property line of
Twentieth street.
And moved that the Ordinance be read
for the first time.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
The Ordinance was then read for the
first time.
Ald. Frith moved that the rules be sus-
pended for the purpose of reading the
Ordinance by its title the second time.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas}–Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones. Raymond and Sheridan.
The Ordinance was then read by its
title the second time.
Ald. Frith moved that the Ordinance be
adopted as read. Carried.
The Mayor declared the Ordinance
adopted and passed.
The Ordinance follows:
An Ordinance for the vacation of Ash
street from the southerly line of lots 19
in Block 12 and 6 in Block 17, Railroad
Add., to the north property line of
Twentieth street; Twentieth street from
the east property line of Ash street to
the west property line of Marsh street;
the alley between Ash street and Marsh
street from the southerly line of lots 6
and 19, Block 17, Railroad Add., to the
south property line of Twentieth street;
Marsh street from the north property
line of Twentieth street to the north end
of said Marsh street, and also the alley
between Marsh street and Hickory street
from the north end of said alley to the
rorth property line of Twentieth 'street.
Whereas, The Chicago, Milwaukee. &
St. Paul Railway company has petition-
ed the City Council for the vacation of
the streets and alleys above designated;
Whereas, The Chicago, Milwaukee &
St. Paul Railway company is the owner
of all the real estate abutting on said
streets and alleys; and,
Whereas, Notice of the intention of the
City Council to vacate said streets and al-
leys has been published in the official pa-
pers of the city; and.
Whereas, No objections have been made
to such proposed vacation, nor does it
appear to this council that said streets
and alleys will be required for street pur-
poses; therefore,
Be It Ordained by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That Ash street. from the
southerly line of lots 19 in Block 12 and
6 in Block 17, Railroad Add., to the
north property line of Twentieth street;
Twentieth street from the east property \
line of Ash street to the ' west property
line of Marsh street, the alley between
Ash . street and Marsh street from
line of Twentieth street; Marsh street
from the north property line of Twen-
tieth street to the' north end
of said Marsh street, and also the alley
between Marsh street and 'Hickory street
from the north end of said alley to the
north property ,line of Twentieth street,
he a'nd the same are hereby vacated, and
the use of said streets and alleys is here-
by granted to the Chicago, Milwaukee &
St. Paul Railway company as long as the
same are used in connection with the op-
eration of its shops now located in that
vicinity; provided, that if, at any time
the said railway company shall cease to
operate said shops, then the above named
streets and alleys shall revert to the city
of Dubuque, and this Ordinance shall be
null and void.
Sec. 2. This Ordinance shall be in force
and take effect from and after its pas-
sage and publication one time in the
Evening Globe -Journal newspaper of the
clty of Dubuque.
Ald. Frith, chairman of the Committee
on Streets, reported as follows:
Your Committee on Streets, to whom
was referred the petition of John Dug-
gan, asking that he be paid for thirteen
days' labor wheeling macadam, beg to re-
Regular Session, Dec. 4, 1902. 293
port that the Iretitioner was not author-
ized to perform this labor, and we would
therefore recommend in favor of receiv-
ing and filing the petition.
Also your Committee on Streets, to
whom was raferred the petition of F.
Meer, Sr., asking that he bo allowed the
sum of $50.00 for grading Trout Terraca
a,nd that said amount be applied on his
taxes for the year 1902, would recommend
that the prayer of the petitioner be
granted and that the City Treasurer be
instructed in accordance herewith.
E. E. FRITH, Chairman.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report
of the Committee on Streets. Carried.
Ald. C orraneo, chairman of the Com-
mittee on Markets, reported as follows:
Your Committee on Marlcets, to whom
was referred the petition of Noel & Wag -
nor, asking that they be allowed to erect
a hog -weighing scales in the rear of
their store. 1850-60 Cooler Avenue, would
recommend that the prayer of the peti-
tioners be granted, provided that not
more than four feet of the Street be oc-
cupied by said scales, and that they be
removed from the Streat• by the first of
April, 1903.
Also your Committee on Markets beg
to report, that owing to the large in-
crease in the . amount of weighing to be
done at tire City Hall during the winter
season. we have appointed an assistant to
the Marketmaster, who will remain with
him until April 1, 1903, and who will be
paid at the rate of Rner day.
Ald. Corrance moved to adopt the re-
tort of the Committee on Markets. Car-
Ald. Jones, chairman of the Committee
on Public Grounds and Buildings, report-
ed as follows:
Your Committee on Public Grounds and
Buildings. would respectfully recommend
that tho balance due Gingrich & Wessel -
hof, the contractors who painted the
Ninth and Fourth Street Enaine houses,
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the report of
the Commlttaa on Public Grounds and
Buildings. Carried.
Ald. Clancy, chairman of the Committee
on Fire, moved that the City Recorder
be instructed to advertise for bids to
Veterinary Surgeons, for furnishing med-
icine and tending to the city horses for
one year, from Jan. 1st, 1903: Carried.
Ald. Raymond, chairman of the Com-
mittee on Delinquent Tax, reported as
Your Committee on Delinquent Taxes,
would respectfully recommend that the
City Treasurer be instructed to accept,
without interest, one-half the amount
due for the taxes of 1899, 1900 and 1901 by
Mrs. Marie McEvoy on the Na of the E
of lot 766,G 1
Ald. Raymond rnoved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Horr, chairman of the Board of
Equalization, reported as follows:
Your Board of Equalization, to whom
was referred the petition of Jas. Cushing
& Sons Co., asking for a reduction of
their taxes, would respectfully recom-
ommend that the City Treasurer be in-
structed to accept their taxes for the
years 1901 and 1902 on a valuation of Five
Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00.)
JOSEPH L. HORR, Chairman.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report.
Ald. Jones, of the Board of Health, re-
ported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: Your Board of Health. at a
meeting held Dec. 1st, 1902, would re-
spectfully report the adoption of the fol-
lowing resolution:
Be It Resolved by the Board of Health
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: That
Martha Weidmer, N. 1-5 City Lot No. 490;
Wm, Lorenz, East Dubuque Add.. Lot 27;
Gabriel Weis, N. 60 ft. of N. 3-5 City Lot
444: Mrs. C. G. Kreschmer, S. M. 1,4 City
Lot 443; Marg. Thompson, N. M. 14 City
Lot No. 443, having failed to connect said
property with the sanitary sewer situated
in the alley between White and Jackson
street. also in the alley between White
and Clay street and Nineteenth street,
abutting on said property: and it being
deemed necessary for the preservation of
the public health of said city that said
premises be connected with said sanitary
sewer, it is hereby ordered by the Board
of Health of the City of Dubuque. Iowa,
by virtue of the power vested in it by Sec-
tion 1032 'of the Code of Iowa of 1897. and
Chapter Twenty-flve of the Revised Or-
dinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque,
that said Martha Weidmer. Wm. Lorenz.
Galiriel Weis, Mrs. C. G. Kretsehmer and
Marg. Thompson, shall within thirty days
from the date of service of notice of this
order. connect said premises- with said
sanitary sewer.
Dated this 1st day of December. 1902.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the resolu-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corranee. Frith,
Horr, Jones. Raymond and Sheridan.
Also report that the contract for haul-
ing garbage has expired, and that the dis-
continuation of hauling garbage has been
placed at the discretion of the Mayor and
Health Physician.
Also report that the Board at the rec-
ommendation of Health Officer Michel. or-
dered the first five rules of the State
Board of Health, in relation to Contag-
ious.lJiseases. published in the newspapers
'for the guidance of the patrons and
teachers of the various schools of the city.
Also report that the Board referred to
the City Attorney the matter of condemn-
ing the building known as the Barracks,
for habitation, the City Attorney to report
at the next meeting.
Ald. Jones shoved to adopt the report
of the Board of Health. Carried.
Ald. Horr, chairman of the committee
of the Whole, reported as follows:
Your committee of the Whole, to whom
was referred the within resolution which
was presented to the City Council Novem-
ber 20, 1902, granting the Chicago Great
Western Railway company the right to
encroach on Jackson street with their
round house. would respectfully recom-
mend that said resolution be adopted, pro-
vided the said Chicago Great Western
Railway company complete that part of
the Bee Branch sewer under their 'right
of way between Rhomberg and Garfield
be adopted bythisCouncil fornce with an that
Also, your Committee of the Whole.
to whom was referred the petition
etiti n afthhe
"(Talon Electric Company,
they be allowed to discontinue what is
known as the ''Iowa Street line," would
294 Regular Session, Dec. 4, 1902.
respectfully recommend that said peti-
tion he referred back to the Union Elec-
tric Company f(r a more specific state-
ment of the streets or parts thereof on
which they desire to discontinue oper-
ating their cars. Also, in the event of
the city's granting the prayer of the pe-
titioner, how long a time they would re-
quire to remove the tracks, poles and
wires and replace the street in accept-
able condition. We would also ask said
Union Electric Company to state if any
additional switches will be required, and
if so, to give approximately the loca-
tion of the same. And in case any law
suit should be brought against the City
by reason of the abandonment of the
Ic wa Street line, whether or not said
Union Electric Ccmpany will hold the
City harmless.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report
of the Comanittce of the Whole. Carried.
Also, your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the report of the
harbor committee cn the petition of the
L. H. Langworthy Company in relation
to the use of a portlin of the ground
on the north side of the ice harbor for
saw mill purposes. would respectfully
recommend that the said Langworthy
company be allowed the use of a strip
fifty feet wide abutting the east line of
lot 21, block L, Booth's Add., from the
south line of Third street to the ice
hat bor; provided, said petitioners cover
their buildings. both on the sides and
the roof with metal. use a spark arrester
on their smoke stack, have no permanent
piles of lumber on said strip of ground
and allow no saw dust or other recuse
ti fall into the river or harbor. %rhe
rights herein granted to be at the pleas-
ure of the Council, and the Mayor is
hereby authorized and instructed• to en-
ter into a contract with the said L. H.
Langworthy Company according to this
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr. Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Ald. Jones moved that the resolution
passed Oct. 23rd, 1913. be rescinded and
the following resolution be adopted in
lieu thereof.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Clancy Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Nays—None. •
Resolution follows:
Aid. Jones offered the following:
Whereas, It is deemed necessary and
advisable by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque to vacate and annul the
alley extending from Fifth Avenue to the
alley first north of Fifth Avenue and be-
tween lot 13, Jansen's Sub. south, and lot
8, Jansen's Sub., fcr the purpose of relo-
cating said alley one lot south of present
location and using the south line of said
lot 8, Jansen's Sub., for the south side
of said alley; therefcre,
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That it is the intention
of said City Council to vacate and annul
the alley extending from Fifth Avenue
to the alley first north of said Fifth
Avenue. and be it further resolved, that
the City Engineer be and he is hereby
instructed to make a survey and plat of
such proposed vacation and annulment,
showing the land or lots abutting on and
through which said alley runs at the
point of sucl, proposed vacation, the
names of the owners of the property or
lots abutting on said alley at the point
of the proposed vacation and the quan-
tity of land and the extent of the alley
proposed to be vacated, and to file such
plat in his office for public inspection.
That after such plat is so filed said Clty
Engineer shall give the owners of the
property abutting on said alley at the
point of the proposed vacation, notice,
as prescribed in Section Two (2), Chapter
Thirty-one (31) of the Ordinances of the
City of Dubuque, and shall further cause
notice of said proposed vacation to be
published in the city paper as prescrib-
ed in Section Eight (8) of Chapter Thir-
ty-one (31) of the Ordinances of the Clty
of Dubuque.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the resolu-
Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Herr. Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Aid. Corrance offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
Citi of Dubuque. That a sidewalk four
(1) feet wide, of good two inch plank,
brick, stone or cement, be, within ten
(10) days of this notice, constructed and
laid in conformity with the ordinance
in relation to sidewalks, on the north
side of West Chestnut street, between
Walnut street and west end of West
Chestnut street, abutting lot 8. Bissell's
Dub., owned by Joseph Schrup, at the
etpense of abutting property. Adopted
b' "thV following vote:
.&yes-Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Alderman Horr offered the following:
Whereas, the contract heretofore en-
tered into by the City of Dubuque for the
brick paving of the alley hereinafter
described has been completed and the
City Engineer has computed that the cost
and expense of said improvement amounts
to Seven Hundred Dollars ($700.00), there-
fore he it
Resolved, by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, that to provide for the
payment of the cost of brick paving the
alley between Bluff street and Locust
street and Locust street from the north
curb line of Tenth street to the south curb
line of Eleventh street, the Mayor is re-
quired to execute and deliver to the Re-
corder, to be by him registered and coun-
tersigned, three (3) bonds of the denomin-
ation of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00)
each, and one (1) of the denomination of
One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), dated De-
cember 4, 1902, payable on or before seven
(7) years after the date thereof and bear-
ing interest at the rate of five (5) per
cent. per annum, payable semi-annually.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the resolu-
Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Clancy. Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Aid. Horr also offered the following:
Whereas, the contract heretofore en-
tered into by the City of Dubuque for
the constructing of a sanitary sewer as
hereinafter described has been complet-
ed. and the City Engineer has comput-
ed that the cost and expense of said
sewer amounts to Fourteen Hundred
Dollars ($1400.00), therefore,
Regular Session, Dee. 4, 1902. 295
13t It resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, that to provide
for the payment cf the cost of construct-
ing the sanitary sewer in Johnson Avenue
from the manhole at the intersection of
said Johnson Avenue and Lincoln Ave-
nue, to Eagle Point Avenue; thence in
said Eagle Point Avenue to Queen
street; thence in said Queen street to
the south lot line of lot 32 in Sanford's
Add., the Mayor Is required to execute
and deliver to the Recorder, to be by
him registered and countersigned, seven
(7) bonds of the denomination of Two
Hundred Dollars ($200.00) each, dated De-
cember 4. 1902, payable on or before
seven (7) years after the date there(•f
and bearing Interest at the rate of five
(i) per cent. per annum, payable semi-
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the resolu-
Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas—Alda. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Flory, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Ald. Raymond moved to adjourn until
December 18th, 1902. Carried.
City Recorder.
1)4 .?"1-411014V. Recorder
Approved. .
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present— Alds. C'orranc'o; Frith, Barr.
,Tones. Raymond a nd ridan.
Ahsettt—Aid, ('Innev.
Regular Session, Dec. 18, 1902.
Regular Session Dec. 13, 1902.
tOfiicial. j
Council met at 8:16 o'clock p. m.
Bond of City Assessor -Elect C. B.
Schorr was read and on motion approv-
Whereupon Mayor Berg administered
the oath of office to C. 13. Scherr, City
The following Bills were ordered paid:
John Mahoney, inspector on Lang-
worthy Ave sanitary sewer , .$ 17 33
Wm. Fos& r, inspector on sanitary
sewer in alley between Rhnmherg
and Garfield Avenues 13 33
Jno. Bnhn, inspector on Bee
Branch sewer i3 33
M. Tschirgi, Jr., constructing sani-
tary sewer in Langworthy Ave.1310 00
F. N. Brunkow, final estimate for
building Grandview Ave engine
lBW 00house ,,, . .
On motion the bill was referred to the
committee on Public Grounds and Build-
Petition of the Emerald Fishing club,
by Jno. Ward, President, asking permis-
sion to continue to use the present site
and a strip of ground fifteen feet in
length on the north and south side of
their building located on the east side
of the lower Levee. between Dodge and
Charter streets.
Ald. Raymond moved to grant the
prayer of the petition. Carried.
Petition of Ida Luchterhand in rela-
tion to Improvetnent Bond No. 18, for
improving Grove street and which was
lost about a year ago last April, was on
motion referred to the Finance commit-
tee and City Attorney.
Petition of Bernard and Bertha Huel-
shoff, asking that they be allowed the
sum of $20.')0 for grading the street abut-
ting their property back of the Fulton
Ald. Horr moved to refer the petition
to the Street Committee and City Engi-
neer. Carried.
Petition of the Eagle Point Lime
Works, by E. A. Fengler, M'gr., asking
Oounci1 to Oa at them 'permissiidn to
cross highway leading to the Dubuque
and Wisconsin High Bridge with an
overhead bridge to be located about 150
feet north of their present bridge and
about 26 feet above roadway.
On motion the petition was referred to
the Committee of the Whole and they
to view the grounds.
XClaim of Edward Farrell, claiming the
sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00)
for personal damages sustained by his
wife. Florence Farrell, at the northeast
corner of Seventh and Main streets.
Ald. Raymond moved to refer the
claim to the committee on Claims and
City Attorney. Carried,
Petiti+ons of Mrs. Bridget Scott and
Mrs. Amelia Voss in relation to cancel-
lation of their taxes were, on motion,
referred to the committee on Delinquent
Mayor Berg reported that it had been
necessary to appoint Special Police on
Hallowe'en night, to help protect the
property of the citizens of Dubuque, and
that the men employed on the Sewers
had been appointed for that purpose;
that they were entitled to some compen-
sation for said extra work, and that it
was up to the Council to state what
amount should be allowed them.
On motion of Ald. Jones warrants were
ordered drawn for the amount of one
day's pay, or $1.60.
City Attorney Barnes reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the city of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: In the case of Catherine
S'hert:dan vs. City of Dubugtp, Rvhilc.h
was recently tried in the District Court
and a verdict rendered against the City,
the Court on this 18th day of December,
1902, entered an order as of date De- '
cember llth, 1902, granting the defend-
ant's motion for a new trial in said
case upon condition that the City pay all
court costs of last trial within ten days
from this date.
Attached hereto is a certified copy of
the costs above referred to amounting
to $139.10, and as said sum is far less
than what would be required to appeal
said case to the Supreme Court I recom-
mend that your Honorable Body order
a warrant for said sum of $139.10 payable
to the Mayor and the Mayor be instruct-
ed to immediately pay the same into
the hands of the Clerk of the District
Respectfully submitted,
City Attorney.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the report
be approved, and a warrant be drawn
in favor of the Mayor for the amount.
City Attorney Barnes also reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen—I herewith present War-
ranty Deed from Carrie Cain, widow, to
the city of Dubuque of the following de-
scribed premises: Lot No. 2 of Cain's
subdivision No. 2, according to the re-
corded plat thereof recorded in book of
plats No. 5, page 149, of the record of
plats of Dubuque County, Iowa, the same
being for :3treet purposes only. The plat
showing the strip of ground hereby con-
veyed has heretofore been presented to
your honorable body and approved and
ordered recorded. The deed is in proper
form and I recommend that the same
be approved and ordered recorded. Re-
spectfully submitted,
City Attorney.
Ald. Corrance moved to adopt the re-
port and the deed be properly recorded.
City Attorney Barnes also reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen—The deed
asgi en by his wif Frank o
Drasda and Mary
the city of Dubuque, for that part of his
property condemned by the city for the
i on of Lincoln
to Jackson Street is defective ctie
the description, and I herewith present a
correction deed correctly
premises intendedto bi
conveyed to the
298 Regular Session, Dec. 18, 1902.
city by the original deed above referred
to. The deed is in legal form and prop-
erly executed, and 1 recommend that the
same be approved and ordered recorded.
Respectfully submitted,
City Attorney.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report
and the deed be properly recorded. Car-
City Engineer Boyce reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen—I herewith submit my pay
roll for labor on streets for the first half
of December, 1902:
Amount due laborers on streets $305.55
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved: E. E. FRITH,
Chairman Committee on Streets.
Also submit my pay roll for labor on
sewers during the first half of December,
Amount dile laborers on sewers $173.75
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Chairman Committee on Sewers.
Also submit my pay roll for labor on
Bee Branch during the first half of De-
cember, 1902:
Amount due laborers on Bee
Branch ... $183.05
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved: E. E. FRITH,
Chairman Committee on Bee Branch.
On motion the pay rolls for labor on
streets, sewers and Bee Branch were re-
ceived and warrants ordered drawn to
pay the various amounts, and the pay
rolls referred back to the proper com-
City Engineer Boyce also reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen—Herewith attached please
find plat showing proposed street from
t1 -e North Cascade Road to the corpora-
tion line.
On motion the plat was referred to the
Committee of the Whole.
City Engineer Boyce also reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the Citty of Dubuque:
Gentlemen—Herewith attached please
find plat showing proposed vacation and
relocation of Millville Road.
On motion the plat was referred to the
Ordinance Committee.
City Engineer Boyce also reported as
To the Mayor and City Council of the
City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen—Herwith attached please
find plat showing proposed vacation and
relocation of an alley first north of Fifth
Avenue in Jansen's Sub., as per resolu-
tion of Dec. 4, 1902. Proper notices were
served on the abutting property owners.
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Ald. Jones moved that the plat be ap-
proved and properly recorded. Carried
by the following vote:
Yens—Aide. Corrance, Frith, Horr,
,Tones, Raymond and Sheridan. Total, R.
Absent—Aid. Clancy.
City Recorder Arendt presented a no-
tice served on Joseph Schrup to construct
n four -foot sidewalk on the north side
of West Chestnut Street. between Walnut
Street and west end of West Chestnut
Ald. Corrance moved that action in this
matter be postponed until spring. Car-
Also presented and read the printed no-
tice properly certified to by the publishes
of the Council's intention to construct
a sanitary sewer in Johnson Avenue,
Eagle Point Avenue and Queen street
from end of present sewer in Lincoln
Avenue to south lot line of lot 32 in San -
ford's Su'b.
No remonstrance being filed, the Mayor
asked if any one present had any objec-
tion to the construction of said sewer.
No objection being stated. on motion of
Ald. Sheridan the notice was ordered re-
ceived and filed.
Also presentted and read a contract be-
tween the City of Dubuque and the L. H.
Langworthy company of this city. grant-
ing the L. H. Langworthy company a
strip of ground along the river front for
saw mill purposes.
The contract follows:
This Agreement made this — day of
December, 1902, by and between the City
of Dubuque, Iowa, of the first part, and
the L. H. Langworthy Company, of said
City, of the second part:
WITNESSETH: That the party of the
first part, in consideration of the per-
formance by the party of the second part,
of the covenantshereinafter stated. here-
by allows and permits the party of the
second part to use and occupy, during
the pleasure of the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, a certain strip of
ground fifty (50) feet wide, abutting the
east lot line of lot No. 21, Black 2,
Booth's Addition, from the south line of
Third street to the Ice Harbor; said strip
of ground to be used as a site for a
hard wood Saw Mill,
The permission herein granted to the
party of the second part by the party of
the first part, is given upon. the express
condition that the party of the second
part cover their buildings both on the
sides and roof with metal, use a Spark
Arrester on their Smoke Stack; place no
permanent piles or lumber on said strip
of ground and allow no saw dust or other
refuse to fall into the river or harbor.
And the party of the second part agrees
to vacate said strip of ground and to re-
move their mill and buildings therefrom
within 60 days from the time the party
of the first part through its City Council
by resolution so directs. It being partic-
ularly agreed and understood by the par-
ties hereto that the use hereby granted
is to be only during the pleasure of the
City Council of the City of Dubuque.
City Recorder.
Regular Session, Dec. 18, 1902. 299
Aid. I -torr moved that the Rules be sus-
pended, in order that Mr. M. M. Walker,
who represented this City at the sipper
Mississippi River convention, held at the
City of Quincy, 111., might make his re-
port. Carried.
Mr. Walker stated among other things,
that a Resolution was adopted at that
meeting ordering the proceedings of the
Convention printed; to provide for the
necessary expenses connected therewith,
and for the general use of the Association
an assessment was levied against all
Cities along the Upper Mississippi River.
All Towns of over ten thousand popula-
tion to pay $25.00.
Ald. Sheridan moved that a warrant be
drawn in favor of Capt. Killeen for $25.00
to pay the City's share, towards publish-
ing the proceedings of said Convention.
Alda Corrance moved that a vote of
thanks be tendered to Mr. M. M. Walker
and Capt. Killeen, who so ably repre-
sented this City at the Upper Mississippi
River Convention. Carried.
Ald. Jones moved that the bids for do-
ing the veterinary work and furnishing
medicine for horses of the Fire. Police
and Street departments he opened. Car-
Bids follows:
H. J. Hagerty. per horse per month46c
\V. R. 1 iillartdn. per horse per month47c
F. A. 1>ulton, per horse per month 65c
Horr moved to award the contract
to H. J. Hagerty. he being the lowest bid-
der. Carried.
Ald. Frith. chairman of the Ordinance
committee. presented and read an Ordin-
ance entitled "An Ordinance amending
an Ordinance to• provide for improving
the Streets, Alleys and Public Landings
and for the construction and repair of
Ald, Frith moved that the Ordinance as
read be the first reading. Carried.
Ald. Frith moved that the rules be sus-
pended for the purpose of reading the
Ordinance by its title for the second
Ca,rrioel by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Corrance. Frith. Horr,
Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Absent—Ald. Clancy.
The Ordinance was then read by its
title for the second time.
Ald. Frith moved that the Ordinance be
adopted as read.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—olds Corrance, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Absent—Ali. Clancy.
'1'he Mayor declared the Ordinance
The Ordinance follows:
Be It Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That Sections 36 and 37 of
Chapter XXXII of the Revised Ordin-
ances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque, be-
ing an Ordinance to provide for improv-
ing the Streets, Alleys and Public Land -
Ings, and for the construction and re-
pair of Sidewalks, he and the same are
hereby repealed, and the following sec-
tion is substituted in lieu thereof.
Section 2. That whenever it shall be
deemed necessary or expedient by the
Sidewalk Inspector of the City to repair
the sidewalk on any Street, Alley or
Avenue, or any part thereof, within the
limits of said City, said Sidewalk Inspec-
tor shall give to the owner of each or
any lot abutting upon the Street, Alley
or Avenue, where said Sidewalk is to be
repaired, a notice in writing to repair the
same under the supervision of said Side-
walk Inspector within ten days from the
service of said notice. Said notice may
be served by any police officer of the
City and by delivering a copy of the same
to the person to whom the same is di-
rected. The police officer serving such
notice, shall make due return of such ser-
vice, or that no one can be found on
whom service can be made; the notice
and return to be tiled with the City Re-
corder. Any owner, 'having been duly
notified as above, who shall neglect or
refuse to have said repairs made within
ten days' notice. as aforesaid, shall be
liable to a fine of not less than one dol-
lar. nor more than twenty dollars. In all
cases where lots or parts of lots are un-
occupied, or where the owner has not been
found. as shown by the return upon the
notice by the police officer, the Sidewalk
Inspector shall proceed to have said re-
pairs made forthwith; and in all cases
where the owner of anylot or part of a lot
neglects or refuses to make the necessary
repairs within the time required in the
notice, it shall be the duty of the Side-
walk Inspector immediately after the ex-
piration of the time, to cause said re-
pairs to be made as soon as practicable.
The Sidewalk Inspector shall report all
expenses incurred under this section to
the City Council, giving a description of
the lot or part of a lot, and the amount
of the expense chargeable to each par-
cel, and the Council shall assess the levy
as a special tax against the owners there-
of and upon the lot or lots, or parts
thereof, in front of which said work has
been done, the amount reported by the
Sidewalk Inspector to be due from each
lot or part of a lot; Provided, that when
the expense of such repairs, in the judg-
ment of the Sidewalk Inspector, shall
not exceed the sum of ten dollars, the
notice provided for in this section shall
not be required to be given; but said
Sidewalk Inspector may cause such re-
pairs to be made as soon as practicable,
and shall report the expenses of the same
to the City o lots,l, giving a or part of acrn
of the lot or
front of which such repairs are mde,
and such expenses shall be assessed as a
special tax against said lot or lots, or part
of a lot, and the Sidewalk Inspector is
hereby authorized to prosecute all per-
sons violating this ordinance.
Section 3. This Ordinance shall be in
force and publpas-
sage and plication one time in the
Evening Globe -Journal newspaper.
Adopted —
Attest: City Recorder.
Ald. Frith also presented and 0 read Ordinance
entitled "An
amending an ordinance entitled an or-
800 Regular Session, Dec. 18, 1902.
dinance relating to the obstruction of
Streets, Alleys and Sidewalks, regulating
excavations therefin and providing for
the removal of snow and ice therefrom
and being Chapter XXXIII. of the Re-
vised Ordinances of the City of Dubuque
of 1901.
Ald. Frith moved that the ordinance
as read be the first reading. Carried.
Aid. Frith moved that the rules be
suspended for the purpose of reading the
oi(dinance by its title for the second
Carried by the following vote:
'Yeats—Alda. Corrance, F'rl'th , Horr,
Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Absent—Aid. Clancy.
The ordinance was then read by its
title for the second time.
Ald. Frith moved 'that the ordinance
be adopted as read.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Corrance, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Absent—Aid. Clancy.
The Mayor declared the ordinance
The ordinance follows:
BUQUE OF 1901:
Be it ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That e'ection32 of Chap-
ter XX1 t . q&•the•Revis4d Ordinances
of 1901 of the City of Dubuque, being
an ordinance relating to the obstruction
of streets, alleys and sidewalks, regulat-
ing excatations therein and providing
for the removal of show and ice there-
from, be and the same is hereby repeal-
ed and the following section is substi-
tuted in lieu thereof:
Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the own-
er, occupant or person having the
care of any building, or lot or part of a
lot fronting or bordering upon any side-
walk in the city, to keep the sidewalk
Immediately fronting or bordering upon
said property free and clear of all ice,
snow, slush, mud, dirt, ashes and all
filth, obnoxious or dangerous substances
Whatever; and any such person permit-
ting the sidewalk to remain with a.ny
such substance upon it for more than
twenty-four hours after the same may
have been deposited shall be liable to
pay a fine of not less than two nor more
than ten dollars. And the Sidewalk In-
spector is hereby authorized to prosecute
all persons violating this section. .
Sec. 3. This ordinance shall be in
force and effect from and after its
adoption and publication one time in the
Evening Globe -Journal newspaper.
Adopted , 1902.
City Recorder.
Ald. Frith also presented and read
"An Ordinance granting the Chicago
Great Western Railway Co. the right to
fill and grade Elm street between San-
ford and Twenty-third streets, so as to
straighten the channel of the stream
commonly, called "fouler Creek," so as
to permit of the laying of a second track
in Elm street between Sanford and
Twenty-third streets and across Sanford,
Twenty-second and Twenty-third streets
in the City of Dubuque."
Ald. Frith moved that the ordinance
as read be the first reading. Carried.
Ald. Frith then moved that the ordi-
nance lay over until the next meeting
of the Council. Carried.
Alderman Frith offered the following:
Whereas, It is deemed necessary and
advisable by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque to vacate and annul that past
of Jackson Street hereinafter described,
and to grant the use thereof to the Chi-
cago Great Western Railway company;
Resolved, That it is the intention of the
City Council of the City of Dubuque to
vacate and annul that portion of Jack-
son Street described as follows: Com-
mencing at a point in the northeasterly
line of Jackson. Street, which is 138 feet
and 6 inches northwestwardly from the
northerly corner of Jackson Street and
Peru Road, and extending to a point In
the same line, which is 67 Peet and 3
inches northwestwardly from the point
last named; the portion. of said Street to
be vacated and annulled between the
aforesaia points, to conform to a wall of
a "round house," which the said rail-
way company contemplates enlarging.
and which wall is to be in the form of
chords (each of which shall be 26 feet
3* inches in length) on a radius of 144
feet and 9 inches, and not to extend at
any point more than 4 feet and 7 inches
into said Jackson Street.
Be it further resolved, That the City
Engineer be and he is hereby directed to
make a survey and plat of such proposed
vacation and annulment, showing the
land or lots abutting on and through
which said Jackson Street runs at the
point of such proposed vacation, the names
of the owners of the property or lots
abutting on said street at the point of
the proposed vacation and the quantity
of land and the extent of the street pro-
posed to be vacated, and to file such
plat in his office for public inspection.
That after such plat is so prepared
and filed, the City Engineer shall give
the owners of the property abutting on
said street at the point of the proposed
vacation notice. as prescribed in Section
2. Chapter XXXT. of the Ordinances of
the City of Dubuque and shall further
cause notice of said proposed vaca-
tion to be published in the city papers
as prescribed in Section 8 of Chapter
XXXT. of the Ordinances of the City of
Aid. Frith moved to adopt the resolu-
tion. Carried.
The matter of change of grade of
Emsley's Lane from Fengler Avenue to
Eagle Street came up and on motion of
Ald. Frith the matter was referred to the
Committee of the Whole.
Ald. Jones of the Harbor Committee re-
ported as follows:
Your Committee on Harbors would re-
spectfully recommend that the privilege
of operating a skating rink in the Ice
harbor during the present winter be
Regular Session Dec. 18, 1902.
granted to Mrs. Ernest Bohn, and that
the license i.e.-2 for said privilege be fixed
at Twenty-five dollars and to be paid by
the first (1st) of January, 1903.
Ald. Jones moved t.) adopt the report.
Ald. Jones, chairman of the Committee
on Public Grounds and Buildings, report-
ed as follows:
In favor of paying the following bilis:
Joe Gukeisen, carpenter work at
Fourth street Engine House $ 6 00
Witter Bris., carpenter work at
Central Engine House 184 40
Mullen & Pa.pin, plumbing, gas fit-
ting, etc., at Grandview Avenue
Engine House 479 00
Ald. Jones moved that Mullen & Papin
be allowed 75 per cent. of their bill,
amounting to $359.25. Carried.
Ald Jones moved to adopt the report.
Ald. Raymond. chairman of the Com-
mittee on Delinquent Taxes, reported as
Your Committee on Delinquent Taxes,
to whom was referred the petition of
Mrs. Mary Silzer, asking that the taxes
on her property. the R' 1 of Lot 47. Cox's
Add., be canceled for the year's 1900 and
1901, would recommend that the prayer
of the petitioner be granted and that the
Treasurer he instructed accordingly.
Also your Committee on Delinquent
Taxes, to whom was referred the peti-
tion of Mrs. Mary Ellis, asking that her
taxes he eanetAod for the year 1901, beg
to report that her property had already
been sold for said taxes before the peti-
tion was presented to the Council:
would therefore recommend that
tition be received and filed.
Also your Committee on Delinquent
Taxes. to whom was referred the petition
of Mrs. Helen L. Atherton, the widow
of an honorably- discharged soldier of the
war of the Rebellion, asking that her
property. S 1-2 of 790. E 20 feet of the
N 1.2 of 790 and the E 11 feet of the S
1-2 of 797 in A. McDaniel's .\dd.. he ex-
empt from taxation to the extent of
$800.00 valuation. would recommend that
the prayer of the petitioner be granted
and that the treasurer he instructed ac-
Also your Committee on Delinquent
Taxes, to whom was referred the petition
of Mrs. Maurice Noonan. asking that on
account of her poverty. the taxes on her
property. Lot 1 of 1 ,If City Lot 735, and
Lot 1 of Sub. City i.ot 7:5a. be canceled
for the year 1901. would recommend that
said tax be allowed to remain a lien on
her property and that the treasurer be
instructed not to sell.
Also your Committee on Delinquent
Taxes, to whom was referred the petition
of C. \V. \\'ullweber, asking that he be
granted the exemption from taxation
provided by law for honorably discharg-
ed soldiers of the war of the Rebellion,
heg to report that the assessed valua-
tion of Mr. \Vullweber's property is in
excess of $5,000.00 and he is therefor not
entitled to the exemption: we would
therefor recommend that the petition be
received and filed.
Ald. Raymond moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Sheridan, chairman of the Com
mittee on Sewers, reported as follows:
Your Committee on Sewers would re-
spectfully report that we have examined
the sanitary sewer in Langworthy Ave-
nue, from Booth street to Hill street, M.
Tschirgi, Jr., contractor. and would
reoarnmend that said sewer be accepted.
We would also recommend that the City
Engineer be instructed to prepare the
special assessment against the abutting
property owners and that the. Finance
committee make provision for an issue
of bonds to the amount of 81,600.00 to pay
for the construction of said sewer.
A.id. Sheridan moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Horr, chairman of the Board of
Equalization, reported as follows:
Your Board of Equalization, to whom
was referred the petition of J. McFad-
den, stating that the Cushing Vinegar
factory was about to be re -organized,
and the new concern conducted by the
Cushing -McFadden Company, and asking
that the assesment of the new company
be fixed at a valuation of $5,000.00 for the
ensuing ten years, would recommend
that commencing with the year 1903, the
taxes on the real estate at present being
used in connection with the above men-
tloned vinegar factory, together with
tlhe personal property of said Cushing -
McFadden Co. be accepted on a basis of
$5,000.00 valuation for a period of five
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report:
Ald. Jones moved to adjourn until Jan.
Sth, 190^,. '
City Recorder.
mil • Recorder
List of Warrants.
City Re,•urder's Office.
Dubuque, Iowa, December 1, 1902.
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen—The following is a complete
'list of all warrants issued by me during
the month of November, 1902:
C. H. Berg, salary, Mayor $116 70
H. Brinkman, salary, Treasurer133 35
H. Brinkman, salary, Assistant
Treasurer 75 00
C. F. Arendt, salary, Recorder 116 70
F. B. Hoffman, salary, Auditor116 70
C. 13. Scherr, salary, Assessor 125 00
Ge.o. A. Barnes, salary, Attorney150 00
J. B. Powers, salary, Assistant
Attorney 50 00
Ed. Morgan, salary, Chief of Police 100 00
Jos. Reinfried, salary. Fire Chief, 100 00
J. W. Lawler, salary. Committee
Clerk 95 00
Wm. A. Kaep, Deputy Recorder75 00
Jno. Krayer. clerk, Treasurer's of-
fice ... 60 00
Jas. Boyce, salary. City Engineer166 65
E. Anderson, salary, Assistant En-
gineer 100 00
F. Neuw•oethner, salary. Rodman60 00
E. Herron, salary, Superintendent
Street Sprinkling.... 50 00
Wm. Hlpman, salary, Electrician83 35
H. Tropf, salary, Marketmaster50 00
P. Ryan, salary, Park Custodian40 00
P. Kien, salary, Park Custodian40 00
T. Faherty, Park Custodian... 10 00
Dr. B. Michel, salary, Health Of-
ficer 50 00
F. Flynn, salary, Sanitary Patrol-
man 60 00
N. Offerman, salary Poundmaster45 00
Mrs. H. Koenig, salary, Janitress20 00
A. Crawford, salary, Sidewalk In-
spector.... 50 00
R. F. Curran, salary, Wharfmaster20 00
M. Clancy, salary, Alderman 25 00
H. Corrance, salary, Alderman 25 00
E. E. Frith, salary, Alderman 25 00
J. L. Horr, salary, Alderman 25 00
R. Jones, salary, Alderman.... 25 00
G. N. Raymond, salary, Alderman, 25 00
J. J. Sheridan, salary, Alderman25 00
M. Eitel, fireman 65 00
J. Essman, fireman 75 00
:1. Duccini, fireman 60 00
J. Flynn, fireman 65 00
J. Roshin, fireman 60 00
J. 'i'sclrudi, fireman 50 00
A. Hoer, fireman 50 CO
J. Schonberger, fireman 50 00
J. Daley, fireman 65 00
J. Barnes, fireman 75 00
T. Ryder, fireman 60 00
W. Ducey, fireman 60 00
G. Beyer, fireman 65 00
F. Murphy, fireman 50 00
P. Ahern, fireman 50 00
M. Kelly, fireman 50 00
D. Ahern, fireman 65 00
F. Kenneally, flreman 65 00
T. Kennedy, fireman 50 00
P. Zilllg, fireman 50 00
M. Sweeney, fireman 50 00
H. Cain, fireman 50 00
A. McDonnell, fireman 75 00
N. Wagner, fireman 50 00
C. Hansen, flreman 50 00
J. Murphy, flreman 60 00
G. Gehrke, fireman 65 00
T. Flynn, fireman..
F. Baumgartner, fireman..
W. O'Connell, fireman......
J. Smith, fireman
C. Kannolt, fireman.. ....
J. Allen, fireman
B. Weston, fireman
M. Fahey, fireman
G. Burkel, police
B. Busse, police....
J. Carter, police
M. Craugh, police
J. Clune. police.
J. Cody, police
P. Dunplhy, police
H. Donlon, police
Wilmer Cook, police
John Fitzpatrick, police
Jas. Flynn, police
1Vm. Frith, police
P. Hanlon, police.... .... ....
Wm. Hennessy, police.... ...
M. Kilty, police....
E. Kahn, police
J. Loetscher, police.... .... ..
John Murphy, police.... ....
P. McCollins, police...... ....
P. McInerney, police.... ...
John Moore, police.... .... ...
D. Norton. police.... .... ....
M. O'Connor, police..
A. Pfeffer, police.... ....
Pat Powers, police
1'. Reilly, police....
J. Raesle, police
Jas. Ryan police
Otto Rath, police.... .... ......
Tom Sweeney, police
P. Scharff, police.... ...
P. Sullivan, police....
Al. Scherr, police....
P. Sutton, police.... ....
J. L. Sullivan, police
M. Stapleton, portfce....
L. Zeidman, police
Joe Tyler, police
Mrs. Kate Hibbi, matron
Miss B. Brennan, matron
Labor on streets the last
tober, 1902:
A. Alderson, labcr
E. Amanda, labor
Rich. Burns, labor
John Burns, labor
Pa.ul Becker, labor
Fred Budde, Labor
Plni. Becker, labor
John Brachtenbach, labor
Chas. Busse, labor
Mike Cain, labor
Wm. Coughlin, labor
John Callahan, labor
Jas. Callahan, foreman
J. Connolly, labor
H. Cobb, labor
John Corbett, labor
Henry Cosgrove, driver
Peter Defontaine, labor
John Dougherty, labor
John Egan, labor
John Engels, labor
U. Eggenberger, labor
John Ess, labor
Mike Farrell, labor
Dan Fox, labor
Geo. Frost, foreman
Mat. Fetshele, labor
John Flynn, labor
Pat. Fenelon, labor
E. Frith, labor
Nelson Frith, stoker
Pat. Grue, labor
(Barney Glass, labor
Pat Gllloon, labor
60 00
50 00
50 00
46 40
65 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
51 65
36 30
53 30
69 35
51 65
51 65
50 00
53 30
71 55
39 00
50 00
50 00
51 65
50 00
50 00
59 90
50 00
51 65
50 00
51 68
60 00
46 70
61 55
61 55
50 00
80 00
71 50
61 55
51 65
72 00
51 65
53 30
64 00
50 00
4s 35
50 00
50 00
63 30
30 00
30 00
half of Oc-
$ 9 45
2 65
9 1.,
14 _
5 lu
6 70
6 75
10 80
6 75
5 40
20 00
18 90
18 90
18 90
21 00
5 4)
9 45
16 20
15 55
6 75
8 10
1 35
4 05
14 85
6 75
18 90
2 70
50 00
1 35
17 55
14 85
List of Warrants: 303
1ienry Galle, labor
Chas. Gruenzlg, labor
Jos. Grab, labor
G. Gau, labor
Jos. Guenther, labor
C. Gantenbein, foreman
Thos. Hackney, labor
John Hafey, labor
Geo. }lecklinger, labor
Geo. J. Hahn, foreman
Amb. Hird, labor
A. Handelman, labor ..
Aug. Bateman, labor ..
John Heil, carpenter
Peter Jacob, labor
Aug. Jass, labor
John. Kenneally. labor
Nic Nettenhofen, labor
John Kelly, labor
Paul Krocheski, labor
Mat. Klein. paper collector
Martin Lonergan. labor
Frank La,sente, labor
-Berman Lembke. labor
Mike Lavin. labor
L. Loffelholtz, labor
John Mahoney. labor
Rob Mack. labor
JOS. Martinek. labor
Nat. Mabe. labor
Al. Moyer, labor
,Jas. McCarron. labor
\V. \lrt•lain, labor
Pat McPoland. labor
Robt. McGivern, driver
W. O'Brien. foreman
Jas. Purcell. labor
John Pfeiffer, labor
John Parker. labor
Jake Perrion• labor
\\'m. Quinlan. labor
James Ryan, labor
Theo. Rademan• labor
Jos. Rooney. labor
Pat. Royce. labor
Niek Sweeney. labor
Jas. Straney. labor
Dan. Sheehan, labor
Thos. Smith. labor
John Schroeder. labor
.los. Statel, labor
Aug. Soyke. labor
Louis Smith, labor
S. Schaetzle. labor
F. Scherr, labor
R. Turner. labor
John Welsh (Caledonia) labor
W. Welsh, labor
John Welsh. (Race) labor
W. \Vearmouth, foreman
Nic. \\'ampach, labor
Thos. Young, engineer
Adam Zingel, labor
G. Zumhof, foreman
Frank Burns, team
Jake Brenner. team
Josh Calvert, team
Jas. Graham. team
M. Gantenbein, team
M. Hannan, team
Jake Haudenshield, team
Peter Horch, team.... .... ..
J. Huffmire, team (contract)
Mike Kenneally, team
Pat. Linehan, team
John Long, team •••
Carson McElrath, team
Ted. O'Brien, team...............
Geo. Reynolds, team.... .. .........
Ed. Seeley, team.... .... ....
Frank Sieg, team...
J. Sutherland, team....
JamesTobin, team ...... .... ... .
M. Zogg, team
9 45
5 40
13 50
8 10
6 75
20 CO
10 80
2 70
6 10
20 00
14 85
6 75
16 20
20 00
14 85
4 05
1 35
10 80
2 70
17 55
12 50
8 10
17 55
10 15
18 90
10 80
2 70
17 55
14 85
18 90
8 80
1 35
14 R5
G 75
12 15
14 85
10 80
13 50
16 20
19 50
9 00
6 75
3 40
41 00
1 !15
10 80
2 70
10 80
13 50
5 40
18 90
5 40
13 50
6 45
4 05
20 00
13 50
75 00
12 15
19 50
5 55
31 50
15 75
15 75
11 05
33 10
31 50
40 95
40 85
31 50
15 75
40 95
37 80
37 80
40 95
40 95
37 80
40 95
40 95
18 90
Labor on sewers during the last half
of October, 1902:
Pat Casserly, labor.. 22 40
J. Corcoran, labor 22 40
S. H. Coox, foreman... .. 25 00
R. A. Fuller, labor .... .... 22 40
F, Honecker, labor 22 40
P. Keanneally, labor 22 40
Pat Sage, labor...... .... 22 40
Landon Taylor, labor .... .... 22 40
Labor on Bee Branch sewer during the
last half of October. 1902:
E. Amanda, labor 3 40
Aug. Jass, labor 2 70
J. Krause, labor.... 9 45
J. Perior. labor 1015
John Schrom'en, labor 28 00
W. Schromen, 'helper ......... .... 12 00
Teams hauling Sprinkling Wagons dur-
ing last half of October, 1902:
Becker Bros ...... .... .... ...... $ 60 70
Frank Burns.... 35 00
T. B. Cain.. 37 20
A. Conrad 42 00
Martin Maher 34 80
J. J. McCollins 38 60
Jno. McCabe, special police 165
Jno. Long, damages to property35 00
Cath. Deckert, damages to prop-
erty ....1600 00
F. Drasda, damages to property....3400 00
N. Nicks Est., damages to prop-
erty 440 00
A. Doerr, Jr., assistant assessor
for October ...... .... .... .... $ 75 00
Jos. J. Murphy, assistant assessor
for October 75 00
H. J. Tropf, board of prisoners16 00
Union Printing Co., half pay on 42
register books.... 36 50
Bieg & Rood, stationery and sup-
plies far various offices 9 55
Union Printing Co., printing ab-
stract in case of Bauer vs. City56 00
Palmer, Berg & Co., blank books
and stationery for various offices 46 00
R. D. Swisher Mfg. Co., rubber
deters for recorder's office 2 20
Iowa Telephone Co., toll line ser-
vice.... 1 99
Dubuque Telephone Co., telephone
rent 600
Klauer & Kress, new tools and
hardware, city hall 1 65
H. Corrance, supplies at city ball3 50
Mullin & Pepin, plumbing at city
hall 3 95
Even & Fuchs, coal, First ward
scales.... 5 00
T. Faherty, repairing First ward 8 45
Hoffman & Kemler, carpenter's
risk on Grandview avenue En-
gine 'house
Farley & Loetscher Mfg. Co., lum-
ber delivered at 4th street engine 1710
Key City Gas Co., gas for var-
ious departments....
Key City Army, rent of four Hum- 2
phrey lights at Armory
L. Daily, cleaning around market28 00
square........ .
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., rub- 1 10
ber Stamps for assessor
W. Baumgartner, new tools and
hardware for road department8 90
Klauer & Kress, new tools for road 18 50
department.... ...... . • . • .... .... 1 60
Jno. Butt, repairs for road de-
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for road 20 66
department, .
L. Lindenberg, hardware and new
304 List of Warrants.
tools for road department.... .... 4 35
Key City Gas Co., coke for steam
roller.... 10 65
T. J. Mulgrew, coal for steam rol-
ler 3 05
Becker Bros., coal for steam roller 14 00
Melloy Bros., coal for steam roller 12 45
F. Burns, coal for steam roller14 28
Linehan & Molo, coal for steam rol-
ler 29 65
McElrath Teaming Co., sand for
road department 100
Lagen & Sullivan, horse shoeing
for road department 3 50
Collings & Pliffner, horse shoeing
for road department , . , . , S 00
F. A. Dolton, veterinary services
for road department 95
I'. Clancy, cinders for road depart-
ment.. 15 50
J. Fluftmeler, hauling for road de-
partment •. , 5 25
F. A. Dolton, veterinary services
for fire department , . .. , . , . , 11 52
H, J. Haggerty, veterinary services
for fire department .. , . . , , , . , 7 68
Lear & Kennedy, horse shoeing for
fire department600
Collings & Pfiffner, horse shoeing
tor fire department.... , , , 20 00
Wunderlich & Wiederholt, services
for fire department , .. , ... , „ 5 00
Lagen & Sullivan, services for fire
department , , , , , , , , 15 50
Key City Gas Co., coke for fire
Union. Eleotric Co., supplies for fire
department .......... ........ 30
department .... .... .... .... 3 00
A. Y. McDonald & Morrison Mfg.
Co., 1 tank and gauge glass for
fire department 865
Key City Gas Co., rent of Hum-
phrey light at 9th street engine
Key City Gas Co., 1 mantle at Delhi
street engine house „ 35
H. Wunderlich & Son, half dozen
chairs at Delhi street engine
house .. .. 12 00
Eliwanger Bros., repairing harness
for fire department , , , , , , , , „ 10 20
Monarch Elec. Wire Co., supplies
.for fire department , , , , , , , , 32 40
Phil. Pier, coal for fire department 22 20
Key City Roofing Co., pitch for
fire department ,
Mullen & Papin, plumbing at Cen-
tral engine house , , , , , , , , , , , , 4 00
L. Lindenberg, hardware for fire
department 6 05
Dub. 011 Tank Line, oil for fire de-
partment , , , 6 50
Linehan & Molo, supplies for fire
department ,,,, , 310
A. Tredway & Sons, hardware for
fire department •4 78
M. Stafford, hay for fire de•part-
ment. . . , „ , 104 44
Ott, Meuser & Co., shavings for fire
department . , . 6 00
Iowa Iron Works Co., repairs for
fire department , , , • , , , , 3 45
Jno. Newman & Son, repairs at 4th
street engine house. . . . , , , , , , 21 95
Nutwood Livery Co., use of buggy
for fire chief 3 00
Metz Mfg. Co., 3 doors for 4th
street engine house.... .... „ 14 75
Morrison Bros., 1 vertical boiler, 9th
street engine house.... .... , . 60 00
Central Elec. Co., 2 fire alarm boxes .
9th street engine house 86 30
D. Lattner, maple wood delivered
in city hall ,, 1640
J. F. Ris & Bro., 1 air tight heater
complete. for matron department 910
Jas. Levi & Co., 1 rug for matron
department , . , . 10 00
G. F. Kleih, hardware for pollee
department .. ... , . 1 70
Key City Gas Co., chimney and
shade for matron department , 110
H. Corrance, supplies for matron
department . , . , , , 3 15
C. J. W. Saunders, supplies for ma-
tron department 5 60
Mullen & Pepin, plumbing for po-
lice department , .. . 3 05
J. G. Moser. hardware and supplies
for matron department , , 1 50
H. J. Haggerty, veterinary services
for patrol team , 288
Collings & Pflffner, horse shoeing
for patrol team , , , , , , 22 00
J. G. Moser, hardware for sewer
department , , , , , 50
Jno. Butt, repairs for sewer de-
partment 2 30
F. Schlotz & Son, repairs for sewer
department „ ,
H. Corrance, supplies for sewer de-
G. F. Kleih, 1 level for sewer de-
Key City Roofing Ca, sewer pipe
for sewer department
Linehan & Molo, cement for sewer
Dubuque Telegraph -Herald, official
printing for October
Globe -Journal, official printing for
The Times, official printing for Oc-
Natl. Demokrat, official printing for
October 26 00
Union Elec. Co., arc lights for Oct2029 58
G. F. Kleih, 1 axe for engineer's of-
fice 125
Pape & Jacquinot, gas fitting 'engi-
neer's office 12 95
Union Printing Co., 500 sewer con-
nection notices for board of health 2 75
Telegraph -Herald, health report for
August 5 75
T. E. Frith, removing garbage and
dead animals during October 376 38
Arthur Turner, cleaning vault in
Langworthy avenue 12 00
Otto Ruete, analyzing city water30 00
Jno. Bohn, inspector on Bee Branch
sewer 20 00
Linehan & Molo, cement for Bee
Branch sewer ... 10 50
Klauer & Kress, new tools Bee
Branch sewer 3 10
F. Eisbach, estimate Bee Branch
sewer 1154 8*
Brown & Brawn, grading Lang-
worthy avenue 292 23
Steuck & Linehan, estimate on 14th
street storm sewer 803 25
Jno. Tibey, final estimate on Dodge
street storm sewer 193 87
Dub. Wooden Ware & Lumb. Co,
lumber for special sidewalk fund51 91
Standard 011 Co., oil for sprinkling
department 7 18
Labor cleaning and repairing streets
during the first half of November, 1902:
Paul Becker, labor 12 85
Phil. Becker, labor 6 75
Fred Buddien, labor 1015
Jake Brenner, labor 135
W. Coughlin, labor 5 40
Jas. Callahan, foreman 20 00
Jas. Connolly, labor 17 55
Hiram Cobb, labor 17 55
1 95
3 60
1 00
3 65
5 25
50 00
60 00
15 00
Official Notices.
John Corbett. labor 18 55
Henry Cosgrove, driver 19 0
John Egan, labor 15 65
John Engels, labor 610
John Ess, labor 5 40
Dan Fox, labor 4 05
Mike Farrell, labor 810
Geo. Frost, foreman 20 00
Mat. Fetschele, labor 4 05
Pat. Fenelon, labor 17 66
Barney Glass, labor 6 75
Pa.t. Gilloon, labor 6 76
Chas. Gruenzig, labor 915
Geo. Gau, labor 5 40
Jos. Grab• labor 1015
Jos. Guenther. labor 6 75
Peter Guenther, labor 6 75
C. Gantenbein, foreman 20 00
John Hafer, labor 5 40
Thos. Hackney, labor 70
Jake Hansen, labor 9 00
Geo. J. Halm, foreman 2000
A. Handelman, labor 7 80
Chris. Hack, labor 10 50
Amb. Hird, labor 4 05
John Heil, carpenter.... .. 20 00
Peter Jacob. labor ...... .... 6 75
Aug. Jags. labor 2 05
Nie. Kettenhofen, labor.... ...... 9 15
John Kelly, labor .... .. ....... 4 05
Mat. Klein, paper collector.... 12 50
H. Lembke, labor.... • • 17 55
Mike Lavin. labor 17 55
L. Loffelholtz, labor 6 40
Nat. Mabe, labor.... ..•. .. .. .......5 55
Al. Moyer. labor ...... .... .. ..
W. McDermott, labor.... ... 8 80
B. McCormack, labor ....... ..... 17 50
R. McGivern. driver 20 00
W. O'Brien, foreman000
Jas. Powers, labor 7 45
John Pfeiffer, labor 8 80
W. Quinlan, labor 4 75
Jas. Ryan. labor 14 75
Jos. Rooney, labor.. .. 2
Nick Sweeney, labor 3 00
Dan Sheehan, labor 6 75
Aug. Soyke, labor 6 75
Jos. Statel, labor.... ...... • • • • 6 45
John Schroeder. labor 16 55
Frank Scherr. labor • • • • • 6 75
R. Turner, labor.... ..
W. Welsh, labor 8 80
W. Wearrnouth, foreman 20 4500
Adam Zi ngel, labor.... ....
G. Brenner, team.... .... 17 35
Josh Calvert, team 12 60
John Evans, labor.... .... . • 22 05
James Graham, labor 1106
John Huft:mire. labor (contract • • 37 90
31 50
Pat Linehan, labor 37 80
Carson McElrath, labor 12 60
Ted O'Brien, labor 6 30
Geo. Reynolds, labor 22 05
Ed. Seeley, labor 30 05
J. Sutherland. labor 17 35
Frank Sleg, labor 17 66
M. Zogg, labor
Labor on sewers during the first half
of November, 1902: 19 20
Pat. Casserly, labor 19 20
J. Corcoran, labor 29 00
S. H. Cook, foreman 19 20
R. A. Fuller, labor 20 80
F. Honecker, labor 19 20
P. Kenneally, labor 19 20
Pat. Sage. labor 20 80
Landon Taylor, labor
Labor on Bee Branch during the first
halt of November, 1902:
J. Kraus, labor 5640
J. Perryon, labor 12 75
3 26
John Schromen, labor
W. Schromen, labor 00
Teams hauling Sprinkling Wagons 30
ing the first half of November, 1902:
. .... $ 9 60
11 20
Becker Bros
Frank Burns
T. B. Cain
A. Conrad..
Martin Maher
J. J. McCollIns
F. Carney, court costs in city or-
dinance cases
H. Brinkman, excavation permits
redeemed $ 85 00
H. Brinkman, interest on warrants
oustandirig .... .... 1123 53
H. Brinkman, freight charges, Fire
H. Brinkman, refunded regular
H. Brinkman, Library Trustees'
orders redeemed .... 904 24
First National Bank, loan 5000 00
Dubuque National Bank, loan _5000 ,5000 00
Mrs. Ellen Rowan, loan 1500 00
Cath. \Timmer, loan 1000 00
Mrs. Anna Federspiel, loan 1500 00
Cath. H. Dodds, loan 500 00
Lissette Jungferman, loan 1000 00
Dub. Police Prot. Ass'n, loan. . . 700 00
Giegerich & Wesselhaft, painting
4th and 9th street engine houses 67 50
F. M. Clarke, personal damages15 00
P. Linehan, pine wood for steam
roller 8 00
G. F. Kleih, hardware for road
department • 5 00
Jno. Butt, repairs for fire depart-
ment 18 60
J. Neuman & Son, repairs on chief's
buggy 26 50
Dub. Water Co., bal. 'due for water
furnished to city 499 50
J. Corbett, labor first half of No-
vember 17 55
I hereby certify that the foregoing is
a true and correct list of all warrants
issued by me during the month of No-
vember, 1902. C. F. ARENDT,
City Recorder.
9 65
Be It Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That Sections36 and 37of
Chapter XXXII. of Lite
ances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque, be-
ing an Ordinance to provide for improve-
ing the Streets, Alleys and Public Land-
ings, and for the construction and repair
of Sidewalks, be and the same are here-
by repealed, and the following section
is substituted in lieu thereof.
Section 2. That whenever it shall be
deemed necessary or expedient to repair
Sidewalk Inspector of the City to repair
the sidewalk on any Street, Alley or
Avenue, or any part thereof, within the
limits of said City, said Sidewalk Inspec-
tor shall give to the owner of each or
any lot abutting upon the Street, Alley
or Avenue, where said Sidewalk is to be
repaired, a notice in writing to repair the
same under the supervision of said Side-
walk Inspector within ten days from the
service of said notice.
Boe may
be served by any police
City and by delivering a copy of the same
Official Notices.
to .the person to whom the same is di-
rected.. The police officer serving such
notice shall make due return of such ser-
vice, or that no one can be found on
whom service can be made; the notice and
return to be filed with the City Re-
corder. Any owner, having been duly
notified as above, who shall neglect or
refuse to have said repairs made within
ten days' notice, as aforesaid, shall be
liable to a fine of not less than one dol-
lar, nor more than twenty dollars. In all
cases where lots or parts of lots are un-
occupied, or where the owner has not
been found, as shown by the return upon
the notice by the police officer, the Side-
walk Inspector shall proceed to have said
repairs made forthwith; and in all cases
where the owner of any lot or part of
a lot neglects or refuses to make the nec-
essary repairs within the time required in
the notice, it shall be the duty of the
Sidewalk Inspector immediately after the
expiration of the time, to cause said re-
pairs to be made as soon as practicable.
The Sidewalk Inspector shall report all
expenses incurred under this section to
the City Council, giving a description of
the lot or part of a lot, and the amount
of the expense chargeable to each parcel.
and the Council shall assess the levy
as a special tax against the owners there-
of and upon the lot or lots. or parts
thereof, in front of which said work has
been done, the amount reported by the
Sidewalk Insnector to be due from each
lot or part of a lot; Provided, that when
the expense of such repairs, in the judg-
ment of the Sidewalk Inspector. shall
not exceed the sum of ten dollars, the
notice provided for in this section shall
not be required to he given: but said
Sidewalk Inspector may cause such re-
pairs to be made as soon as practicable,
and Rho 11 report the expenses of the same
to the City Council, giving a description
of the lot or lots. or nart of a lot, in
front of which such repairs are made.
and such expenses shall he assessed as a
special tax against said lot or lots, or
nart of a lot, and the Sidewalk Insnector
is hereby authorized to prosecute all per-
sons violating. this Ordinance.
Section 3. This Ordinance shall be to
force and effect from and after its pas-
sage and publication one time in the
Evening* Globe -Journal newspaper.
Dec. 20, 1902.
Approved: C. H. BERG. Mayor.
Attest: C. F. ARENDT.
City Recorder.
Passed by the City Council Dec. 18, 1902.
Publl"fied officially in the Evening
Globe -Journal Dec. 23rd. 1902.
12-23-1t C. F. ARENDT.
City Recorder.
BUQUE OF 1901:
Be, It Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That Section 32 of Chapter
XXXIII. of the Revised Ordinances of
1901 of the City of Dubuque. being an or-
dinance relating to the obstruction of
streets, alleys and sidewalks, regulating
excavations therein and providing for the
removal of snow and ice therefrom, be
and the same is hereby repealed and the
following section is substituted in lieu
Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the own-
er, occupant or person having the care of
any building, or lot or part of a. lot front-
ing or bordering upon any sidewalk in
the city, to keep the sidewalk immediate-
ly fronting or bordering upon said prop-
erty free and clear of all ice, snow, slush,
mud, dirt, aahes and, all filth obnoxious
or dangerous substances whatever; and
any such person permitting the sidewalk
to remain with any such substance upon
it for more than twenty-four hours after
the same may have been deposited shall
be liable to pay a fine of not less than two
nor more than ten dollars. And the Side-
walk Inspector is hereby authorized to
prosecute all persons violating this Sec-
tion -
Sec. 3. This ordinance shall be in
force and effect upon and after its adop-
tion and publication one time in the
Evening Globe -Journal newspaper.
Approved December 20th, 1902.
C. H. BERG, Mayor.
Attest: C. F. ARENDT,
City Recorder.
Passed by the City Council Dec. 18th,
Published officially in the Evening
Globe -Journal Dec. 23rd, 1902.
12 -23 -It City Recorder.
City Recorder's Office,
Dubuque, Ia., Aug. llth, 1902.
To All Whom It May Concern:
You and each of you are hereby noti-
fied that it is the intention of the City
council of Dubuque to construct an S -
inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in John-
son avenue, Eagle Point avenue and
Queen street from end of present sewer
in Lincoln avenue, to south lot line of
lot No. 32 in Sanford's sub.
That a plat and specifications of said
proposed s ;wer is now on file in the of-
fice of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that said sewer will be 935 feet in length.
with 5 manholes, and will cost $1,400.00
in total.
Any person having objections to the
construction of said sewer are hereby
notified to appear in person before the
City Council, which will be in session
Dec. 18th, 1902, or to file their objections
in writing with the City Recorder on
or before Dec. 18th, 1902.
12-9-10t. City Recorder.
Alderman Corrance offered the follow-
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of .Dubuque: That a sidewalk four (4)
feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick,
Official Notices. 307
stone or cement, be, within ten (10) days
of this notice, constructed and laid In
conformity with the ordinance in relation
to sidewalks, on the north side of West
Chestnut street, between Walnut street
and the west end of West Chestnut street,
abutting lot 8, Bissell's Dubuque, owned
by Joseph Schrup, at the expense of
;,hutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Herr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Nays—None. Total, 7.
Dated Dubuque, Dec. 9th, 1902.
12-9-10t City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at the
office of the City Recorder up to 7:30
o'clock p. m., Dec. 18th, 1902, for doing
the veterinary work and furnishing med-
icine for the horses of the Fire, Police
and Street departments, and all horses
owned- and -seed- by the city, for the term
of one year, commencing Jan. lst, 1903.
Bidders must state the price per horse
per month for doing such work and fur-
nishing all medicine.
The city reserves the right to reject any
and all bids..
Dated Dec. 9th, 1902.
An Ordinance for the vacation of Ash
streets from the southerly line of lots 19
in Block 12 and 6 in Block 17, Railroad
Add., to the north property line of Twen-
tieth street; Twentieth street from the
east property line of Ash street to
the west property line of Marsh street;
the alley between Ash street and Marsh
street from the southerly line of lots 6
and 19, Block 17. Railroad Add., to the
south property line of Twentieth street;
Marsh street from the north property
line of Twentieth street to the north end
of said Marsh street, and also the alley
between Marsh street and Hickory street
from the north end of said alley to the
north property line of Twentieth street.
Whereas, The Chicago, Milwaukee &
St. Paul Railway company has petition
ed the City Council for the vacation of
the streets and alleys above designated;
Whereas, The Chicago, Milwaukee &
St. Paul Railway company is the owner
of all the real estate abutting on said
streets and alleys; and,
Whereas, Notice of the intention of the
City Council to vacate said streets and
alleys has been published in the official
papers of the city; and,
Whereas, No objections have been made
to such proposed vacation, nor does it
appear to this council that said streets
and alleys will be required for street pur-
poses; therefore,
Be It Ordainned by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That Ash street. from the
southerly line of lots 19 in Block 12 and
6 in Block 17, Railroad Add., to the
north property line of Twentieth street;
Twentieth street from the east property
line of Ash street to the west property
line of Marsh street, the alley between
Ash street and Marsh street from
line cif twentieth sfr`eet; 1Gtaish Stte-
from the north property line of Twen-
tieth street to the north end of said
Marsh street, and also the alley between
Marsh street and Hickory street from
the north end of said alley to the north
property line of Twentieth street, be and
the same are hereby vacated, and the use
of said streets and alleys is hereby grant-
ed to the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Railway company as long as the same are
used in connection with the operation of
its shops now located in that vicinity;
provided, that if, at any time the said
railway company shall cease to operate
said shops, then the above named streets
and alleys shall revert to the city of Du-
buque, and this Ordinance shall be null
and void.
Sec. 2. This Ordinance shall be in force
and take effect from and after its pas-
sage and publication one time in the
Evening Globe -Journal newspaper of the
city of Dubuque.
Approved Dec. 8th, 1902.
C. H. BERG, Mayor.
Attest: C. F. ARENDT,
Passed by the City Council Dec. 4th,
Published officially in the Evening
Globe -Journal Dec. 13th, 1902.
12-13-1t City Recorder.
To All Whom It May Concern:
You and each of you are hereby noti-
fied that it is the intention of the City
Council of the city of Dubuque to con-
struct an 8 -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer
in Langworthy Avenue from Nevada
street to Hill street.
That a plat and specification of said
proposedsewer is now on file in the of-
fice of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that said sewer will be 10E0 lineal feet
in length, including 5 manholes, and will
cost the abutting property owners $1600
in total.
Any person having objections to the
construction of said sanitary sewer are
hereby notified to appear in person be-
fore the City Council at its regular ses-
sion, January 8, 1903, or to file in writing
their objections with the City Recorder
on or before January 8, 1903.
Dated at Dubuque, Dec. 27, 1902.
12-27-1Ot. City Recorder.
Notice is hereby given to all concern-
ed that a special assessment will be lev-
ied to pay for improving the alley be-
tween Locust and Bluff streets, from
Tenth street to Eleventh street. O'Far-
rell & Street, contractors. Amount of
special assessment, $700.00, against the
abutting property upon and along said
alley, as provided by law at a session of
the city council, to be held Jan. 8th. 1903.
And that there Is a plat and schedule
on file in the office of the City Recorder
of said City of Dubuque, showing the
alley on which said improvement was
made, and the separate lots and parcels
of ground or specified portion thereof,
subject to assessment of such improve-
ment, the name of the owner thereof as
far as practicable and the amount to be
assessed against each lot or parcel of
308 Official Notices.
ground, which plot and schedule is sub-
ject to public inspection.
And that any and all persons objecting
to said special assessment of said plat
must file his or their objection in writing
with the City Recorder of said City of
Dubuque, on or before said session of the
City Council to be held Jan. 8th, 1903, or
to appear at said session of the Council
to show cause, if any you have, why said
assessment should not be levied.
Darted Dubuque, Iowa, Dec. 20th, 1902.
12-20-l0t -C. F. Arendt,
City Recorder.
To J. S. Stephens.
You are hereby notified that in accor-
dance with a resolution of the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, for cutting
weeds during the month of July, 1902, a
special assessment will be levied for the
expense thereof, at the next regular
meeting of the City Council, upon all lots
and parcels of land abutting on said im-
provement, Lot No. 22, Julia Langworthy
Add., owned by you, being subject to
such special assessment. And you are no-
tified to appear at said meeting of the
Council, to be held on the 8th day of Jan-
uary, 1903, and show cause, if any you
have, why said assessment should not
be levied,
Amount $1.40. -C. F. Arendt,
12-20-10t. City Recorder,
To All Who Are Named Below:
You are hereby notified that in accord•
ance with an Ordinance of the City of
Dubuque for repairing Sidewalks in tho
Month of November, 1902, that a special
assessment will be levied for the expense
' thereof, at the regular meeting of the
City Council, upon all lots and parcels
of land on said improvement, owned by
ycu, being subject to such special assess-
ment. And you are notified to appear
.at said meeting of the Council to be
held on the Eighth day of January, A.
D., 1903, and show cause. if any you
have, why said assessment should not ba
Nov. 1 -Bridget Whittemore, Union
Add., lot 38, 8 ft. lumber, 150; r/4
hour labor, 15c.... .... 30
Nov. 1-H. & E. Callighan, Sub. Pt
Min. Lot 63 and E. Pt. Union Add
69, lots 1-2, 20 ft. lumber, 40c;
hour labor. 25c 65
Nov. 1-J. M. Miller et al., Sub. Pt
Min. Lot 315, lot 2. 8 ft. lumber,
15c; % hour labor, 25c 40
Nov. 1 -Mary L. Bunting, Glendale
Add.. lot 82, 18 ft, lumber, 35c; r/4
hour labor, 15 50
Nov. 1-C. H. Reynolds, McNulty's
Sub. N. 36 ft., lot 2, 10 ft. lumber,
20c; % hour labor, 250 45
Nov. 3 -Cath. Schroeder, E. Lang -
worthy's Add., lot 70, 5 ft. lum-
her, 10c: 1 hour labor, 25c 35
Nov. 3-M. D. Goux, E. Langwor-
thy's Add., lot 51, 5 ft. lumber,
10c; j4 hour labor, 25c 35
Nov. 20 -6 -Catholic University of
Washington et al., Levin's Add.,
lot 11, 26 ft. lumber, 50c; 1% hour
labor, 75c ...... .... .... .... 1 25
Nov. 20-P. S. Slocum, Sidonia Hos-
ford's Sub., lot 5, 6 ft. lumber, 100;
1 hour labor, 25c 35
Nov. 20 -German Presb. College,
Sub. City 675, lot 7, 20 ft. lumber,
40c; l hour labor. 25c 65
Nov. 7-A. Treub, Sub. of 2 of 7 of
Miri. lot.159, lot,8, 5.ft. lumber, 10c;
1,4 hour labor, 25c'.....• -^'"Trustee, 35
Nov: 7-C. H. Eighmey,
City, . lot 570, 66 ft. lumber, $1.30; %, 1 70
hour labor, 40c
Nov. 7 -German Presb. College, Sub,
City 675, lot 7, 200 bricks, $2.00; 4 4
hours' labor, $2.00
Nov.8-IV. M. Davis, Cox Add., lot
2, 8 ft. Iumbrr, 15c; 1 hour labor,
Nov. S-Jno. S. Garrigan . Est.; Sub.
City 720, lot 1, 12 ft. lumber, 250;
% hour labor, 15c 40
Nov. 8 -Geo. Salot, Sub. 39, Kelly's
Sub., lot 1, 8 ft. lumber, 15c; 1 hour 40
labor, 25c....
Nov. 8-C. B. Scherr, Trustee, Voel
ker's Add., lot 21, 10 ft. lumber, 200; 45
% hour labor, 25e
Nov. 8 - Leathers & Trewin,
Schroeder's Add., lot 20, 5 ft. lum-
ber, 10c; % hour labor, 25c • . 35
Nov. '10 -Geo. Kirkland, Sub. • 10
Dunn's Sub., lot 1, 8 ft. lumber, 15c;
% hour labor, 25c 40
Nov. 10 -Mich. Schunk Est., Davis
Farm Add., lot 287, 10 ftlumber,
20c;r/4 hour labor, 150 35
Nov. 11 -Thos. O'Brien, Glendale
Add., lot 158, 20 ft. • lumber, 40c;
1 hour labor, 25c 65
Nov. 11-R. & E. LangwOrtuy Est.,
Glendale Add., lots 225-226, 40 ft.
lumber, • 80c; • % hour labor, 40o.... 1 20
Nov. 11 -Pat. Walsh Est., Mc('ran-
ey's 1st Add., lot 71, 30 ft. lumber,
60c; % hour labor, 40 • 1 00
Nov. 11-22-E. Smith, A. McDan-
iel's Sub., lot 782, 65 ft. lumber,
$1.30; 11 hour labor, 75c ' • 2 05
Nov. 13-G. Perry Est., Nairn's Add.,
lots 20-21, 14 ft. lumber, 30c; 1 hour
labor, 25c.... 55
Nov. 13-H. Wunderlich, Fortune's-
ortune'sSub., lot 15, 8 ft. lumber, 15c; 'r
hour labor, '25c'.. 40
Nov. 15 -Watters & Dennis, Sub. .3
City 720, lot 6, 16 ft. lumber, 30c; •1
hour labor, 50c so
Nov. 15-A.' &. J. Trueb-S. Southwell,
and E. T. Goldthorp, Sub. City T20,
lots 6-7, 9 ft. lumber, 20c; % hour
labor, 25c.. .. 45
Nov. 15-R.. E. Butler, Sub. 2 of ,189;
Union Add.,' lot 1, 10 ft. lumber, 20c;''
m hour labor, 25c 45
Nov.,17-Jno, McQuillan, Union Add,
lot 183, 48 ft, lumber, • 95c; 1 hour
labor, 50c 1 45
Nov. 17 -Thos. Hassett, Iiarper's
Sub.. N. 85 ft. lot 2, 13 ft. lumbar, -
25c; % hour labor, 25c 50
Nov. 18 -Leathers & Trewtn, L. 11.
Langworthy's Add., N. 71 ft., lot
151, 15 ft. lumber, 30c; hour la-
bor, 25c.... ...... .... .... 55
Nov. 18.-C. B. Scherr, Trustee, Me-
chanic's Add., lots 154-155, 8 ft. lum-
ber, 15c; 1 hour labor, Sic 40
Nov. 18. -Roman Lorenz, E. Lang -
worthy's Add., lot 47, 5 ft. lumber,
10c; 1 hour labor, 25c 35
Nov. 19.-Edw. Langworthy, Est,
Pauline Langworthy's Sub., lot 5, 6
ft. lumber, 1Oc; 1 hour labor, 25c35
Nov. ,19. -Mead Langton, Pauline
Langworthy's Sub., lots 9-10, 34 ft
lumber, 70c; % hour labor, 40c 1 10
Nov. 20. -Marg. Eichhorn, ` L. H
Langworthy's Add., W. 1,4, lot 44,
20 ft. lumber, 40c; % hour labor,
25c 66
Nov. 20. -Wm. Guederian Est., Rodg-
er's Sub., lot 26, 13 ft. lumber, 25c;
ti¢ hour labor, 25c 60
Nov. 20. -Mary and Ellen Ryan, Hed-
Official Notices.
ley's Sub., lot 6, 10 ft. lumber, 20e; i
hour labor, 15c.. 35
Nov. 24. -Julia D. Rhomberg and G
S. Kringle, Rose Hill Add., lots 2-3-
7-8, 100 ft, lumber, $2,00; 11/4 hour's
labor, 75c 9 i5
Nov. 24. -Mary Wilde, Sub. 1 of 2 of
Min. Lot 45. lot 2, 17 ft. lumber, 35c;
1,4 hour labor, 25c G0
Nov. 24. -Wm. McClain, Hoskin's
Sub., lot 5, 6 ft. lumber, 10c; / hour
labor, 25c 31
Nov. 24. -Peter Eisbach, Sub. 1, Bon -
son & Stewart's Sub., lot 1, 15 ft
lumber, 30e; 1/4 hour labor, 15c 45
Nov. 24. -Peter Eisbach, Sub. 1, Bon -
son & Stewart's Sub., lot 3, 26 ft.
lumber, 50c: 14 hour labor. 25c 'S
Nov. 24. -Cath. McMahon, Sub. of pt
Min. Lot 149, lot 23, 7 ft. lumber,
15c; 1/4 hour labor, 25c 40
Nov. 24. -Pat McCann, Union Add,
lot 13, 12 ft. lumber, 25c; cost of la-
bor, 10c 35
Nov. 24. -Mary L. Bunting, Julia
Langworthy's Add.. lot 5, 7 ft. lum-
her, 15c; / hour labor, 25c 40
Nov. 26. -Cath. Boland, City N. M
1-5. lot 430, 10 ft. lumber, 20c; 1/4
hour labor, 15c 35
Nov. 25.-A. W. Kehler Est., Mc-
Coy's Sub., lot 1, 5 ft. lumber, 10c;
114. hour labor, `1-. c - 35
Nov. 28.-R. J. Ellis, Sub. 7, Min. Lot
79. lot 3. 8 ft. lumber. 15c; / hour
labor, 25e 40
Nov. 29.-F. W. and Frank Coates.
S. M. Langworthy's Add., lot 41, 7
ft. lumber, 15c; 1/, hour labor 25c40
Nov. 29. -Timothy Dillon, Dillon's
Sub., lot 1, 5 ftlumber, 10c; 1/4
hour labor, 25c
Nov. 29.-A. A. Cooper, Grandview
Ave. Add., lot 11, 5 ft. lumber, 10c;
4 hour labor, 25e
Nov. 29.-J. U. Sam.mis, Grandview
Ave. Add., lot 6. 5 ft. lumber, 10c;
1/2 hour labor, 25c
Nov. 19.-R. W. Hosford, S. M.
Langworthy's Add., lots 50-51, 24 ft
lumber, 50c: F4 hour labor, 40c
Nov. 19. -Geo. Schrup, Bradatreets
Add., lot 17, 16 ft. lumber, 30c; 1/2
hour labor, 25c
Nov. 19.-Jno. Olinger, Boulevard
Add., lots 43-44, 21 ft. lumber, 40c;
1/2 hour labor. 25c.....
Nov. 19.-R. and E. Langworthy
Glendale Add., lot 221, 10 ft. lum-
20c; 1/4 hour labor. 25c
Nov. 20.-A. Schaeffle, Rodger's Sub.,
lot 27. 5 ft. lumber, 1(c; 1/4 hour la-
bor, 15c
Nov. 21. -Geo. Salot, Sub. 39, Kelly's
Sub.. lot 2, 200 ft. lumber, $4.00; 2 51p
hour's labor, $1.00.
Nov. 21.-A. G. Children, Sub. 17,
Min. Lot 79, lot 1, 16 ft. lumber, 30c;
1/2 hour labor, 25c.......... ..
Nov. 2L -Bridget Eagan, Sub. 17, Min.
Lot 79, lot 16, 50 ft. lumber, $1.00; 125
14 hour labor, 25c ..... ... ...
12-20-10t. City Recorder.
The undersigned is now ready to re-
ceive the taxes for tH Bear 1902.
12-16 2 wka City Treasurer.
End of Book No. 32
December 18, 1902
City of Dubuque
Council Record
Book No. 33
January 8, 1903 - December 17, 1903
Official Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Dubuque for the Year 1903
The Telegraph Herald Printers and Binders 1904
S d
CITY OrrICCRS r0R 1903
Mayor—C. H. Berg. I Auditor—F. B. HOFFMAN.
Recorder—C. F, ARENDT. I Attorney—G. A. BARNES.
Treasurer—H. W. BRINKMAN. Engineer—J. H. BOYCE.
Assessor—CONRAD B. SCHERR. Chief of Police—EDW. MORGAN.
GEO. N. RAYMOND—Second Ward. EUGENE E. FRITH—Fifth Ward.
JOSEPH L. HORR—Third Ward.
Mayor Pro Tem—JOSEPH L. HORR. Electrician—WM. P. HIPMAN.
Fire Chief—JOSEPH REINFRIED. Market Master—H, J. TROPF.
Health Officer—BEN MICHEL. Harbor Master—H. A. MOYES.
Committee Clerk—JOHN W. LAWLER. Police Matrons—MISS B. BRENNAN,
Sidewalk Inspector—ADAM CRAW- and MRS. KATE HIBI.
Finance. Police and Light.
Mayor Berg, Horr, Jones, Sheridan. Sheridan, Jones, Horr.
Ordinance. Printing.
Frith, Jones, Raymond. Jones, Raymond, Clancy.
Claims. Delinquent Tax.
Corrance, Sheridan, Horr. Raymond, Jones, Sheridan.
Streets. Sewers.
Frith, Florr, Sheridan. Sheridan, Horr, Corrance.
Paving, Sweeping and Sprinkling. Electrical Construction.
Raymond, Horr, Clancy. Jones, Raymond, Corrance.
Harbors. Board of Equalization.
Clancy, Jones, Raymond. Horr, Sheridan, Jones, Clancy, Ray-
Supplies. mond, Corrance, Frith.
Sheridan, Horr, Corrance. Board of Health.
Markets. Mayor—Berg.
Corrance, Frith, Horr, Aldermen—Sheridan and Jones.
Citizens—Otto M. Ruete, Geo. Salot.
Public Grounds and Buildings. Health Officer—Dr. Ben Michel.
Jones, Raymond, Corrance. Sanitary Policeman—Frank Flynn,
Fire. Clerk of the Board.
Clancy, Jones, Corrance. C. F. Arendt.
Regular Meetings of the Council the ist and 3rd Thursday Evenings in Every Month
INDEX-Book 33.
Jan. S-Alley between Locust and Bluff Streets from 10th to llth
Streets; Special assessment levied for improvement of.. 5
" 8-Armory Hall; Matter of expiration of lease of ........ 11, 14. 104
" 22-Albrecht, Jno., Taxes 14, 31
" 22-Alley between Garfield and Rhomberg Aves. from Kniest
Street to Johnson Ace.; Resolution ordering Jury on re-
ceived and filed 18, 19
" 22-Alley between Garfield and Rhomberg Aves. from Johnson
Ave. to south lot line of. Lot 21 "A" Smedley's Sub. to
south line of Lot 31 High Street Sub.; Resolution order-
ing opening of, 40, 46, 56, 58, 87 19, 33, 37 •
Feb. 5.-Adams Company, Taxes 28
" 5-Armstrong, Martin; Ta-.:es 28, 56
" 5-Alden, Lillian L.; Taxes 28. 104
" 5-Alley between Elm and Queen Streets, from Sanford Ave
to 23rd Street; Plat of, showing proposed opening of30
" 19-Appropriations of various Departments for the fiscal year;
Referred to Committee of the Whole 34, 66
" 28-Alley from West Third Street to Langworthy Ave.; Pet
of E. A. Buettell et al in rel. to extension of 39, 110
Mar. 5-Ardmore Terrace from West llth Street to Wilbuh Lane;
Resolution ordering improvement of 58, 67
" 19-Alley between Hart Street and Kauffman Ave. from
Frances to Valeria Streets; Petition of Chas. P. Mettel
et al in relation to improvement of, 98, 100, 102, 106, 130,
165, 166, 206 59, 87, 93
" 19-Ardmore Terrace from West llth Street to Wilbur Lane;
Petition of L. Lindenberg et al and Lucy M. Weigel et al
remonstrating against opening of.. .. ... .. .. .... 59, 67, 92
" 19-Alley between Seminary and Leibnitz Streets frons Paul
Street east; Petition of Jno. Barker et al in relation to
grading of 59, 110
April 16-Alley between Bradley and Grandview Aves., from Whelan
to Altman Aves.; Petition of Carl Consor et al in relation
to opening of 99, 166
" 30-Ann Avenue, from Lincoln Ave. to Emsley's Lane; Peti-
tion of Jos. Reugamer et al in relation to opening of.. 108
" 30-Adams Ave., from Reed to Fifth Aves.; Petition of Max
Rost et al in relation to grade of 108
" 30-Alley between Garfield and Rhomberg Aves., from Kniest
Street to Johnson Ave.; Resolution ordering Improvement
of 113, 136, 162, 164
30-Alley between Alpine and Nevada Streets, from West 3rd
to Langworthy Ave.; Resolution ordering improvement
of 155, 156, 162, 296 115, 136
May 21-Alley between Frances and Valeria Streets; Petition of F.
D. Scharle in relation to width of 132, 166
" 21-Alley between Garfield and Rhomberg Aves., from Kniest
Street to Johnson Ave.; Profile of grade of
183, 209, 215, 230, 235, 240, 288 133, 164
" 21-Alleys; Cleaning of; Special assessment levied for 133
zs; 21-Alley from West Locust Street to Rosedale Ave. In Wm
Blake's Add.; Matter of widening of 139
June 4-Alley between South Alpine and Nevada Streets, from
Langworthy Ave. to West 3rd Street; Profile of grade of
272, 300, 301, 304, 325. 156, 267
" 4-Alley between Jackson and Washington Streets, northerly
through Lot 10 of Min. Lot 322 to 26th Street; Matter of
extension of 270, 316, 321 163, 180
-____ _.- ---- .---4-'
INDEX—Book 33.
Aug. 20—Alley first north of West 5th Street from Alpine to Nevada
Streets; Grade of .18, 2i7, 272
Sept. 17—Alley between Iowa and Clay Streets, from 14th to 15th'.
Streets; Petition of E. H. Sheppley in relation to obstruc-
tion in 39, 239.
Oct. 1—Alley in Block 5 Dub. Harbor Imp. Co.'s Add.; Matter of
vacation of, 300, 325 263, 289
" 15—Alden, Emma L.; City Lot 232; ordered to connect with
sanitary sewer 268
" 15—Appel, Jno.; North 30% feet City Lot 240 ordered to connect
% i • with sanitary sewer 268
111,00• " 15—Ardmore Terrace, from West llth Street 200 feet south;
Matter of improvement of 269, 29], 294
Nov. 5—Alley between Edison and Mertz streets from Stafford Ave:
to Stines' Add.; Matter of improvement of 288, 304
d '
i . 1
• '1
I, ,
!I '
t,.,111• 4 PS ,...r../.. ,-.. -
:7 1'elgiltirel
INDEX—Book 33.
Jan. 8—Bills allowed and referred 1, 2
" 8—Becker, Jno.; Petition of in relation to purchase of ma-
cadam 3, 66
" 8—Bush, Chas; Taxes, (special assessment) 3, 19
" 22—Bank and Insurance Building; Taxes ... 14
" 22—Bechtel, Barbara; Taxes 14, 31
22—Beyer, Mrs. Eliz.; Taxes, 268, 239 14, 56
" 22—Brown & Brown; Bill of 18
Feb. 5—Bills allowed and referred 27, 28 r.
" 19—Brown & Greeley; Taxes 33, 65 15"'"
" 28—Bills allowed and referred 38, 39
" 28—Baule, J. H. et al; Petition of in relation to sawdust nuis-
ance of Farley-Loetscher Mfg. Co.'s plant 39, 66, 81
Mar. 5—Breitschuh, Mrs. Wm.; Taxes 55, 138
" 5—Board of Health Report 57
" 19—Barnes, Geo. A.; Bill of 65
" 19—Bonds; Dubuque Water Works, called in 66
" 19—Bonds; Improvement, called in 67
" 19—Board of Supervisors requt-sted to furnish quarterly state-
ment to City Council of the amount of Road Fund col-
lected in Julien Township 68.
April 2—Bills allowed and referred 81, 82
" 2—Brinkman, H., City Treasurer; Petition of in relation to
cancellation of taxes of the Dubuque Water Co., F. D.
Stout and Grace A. Provost (City property) 82
" 2—Braun, Christ.; Petition of in relation to water overflowing
his property on Seventh Ave 82.
" 2—Belmond Street, east side of between Rose and north end
of Belmond Street; sidewalk ordered on 94, 110J
" 16—Bottoms, Mrs. Eliz.; Taxes 99, 138 j
" 30—Booth Street, from present terminus to 14th Street; Pett-
tion of F. Rohner et al in relation to opening and im-
proving of 108, 289 y,
" 30—Board of Health; Citizens Members of appointed 111
" 30—Bee Branch Storm Water Sewer; Contractor P. Eisbach
allowed $1,400 extra for construction of (supplemental
contract of 111, 137 L
" 30—Bee Branch Storm Water Sewer; City Attorney instructed
to prepare written opinion whether theC ity can issue
Bonds to complete construction of 113, 129'
" 30—Bee Branch Storm Water Sewer; Jno. Bohn appointed In-
spector of 115
May 7—Bills allowed and referred 125, 126
" 21—Bluff Street from llth to 14th Streets; Profile of grade of132, 161
June 4—Bills allowed and referred 153'
" 4—Buehler, Leonard; Taxes (special assessment) 154, 165
" 4—Board of Health; Report.. 161
" 18—Baumhover, A.; Taxes (special assessment) 164
July 2—Bills allowed and referred 177, 178
" 2—Bluff and 14th Streets; Guters in to be paved with brick185
" 16—Blades, Wm.; Taxes .. 187, 209
Aug. 6—Bills allowed and referred 201, 202
" 6—Becker Bros.; Bill of 202, 236
" 6—Bills due City; ordered collected (Key City Gas So., Steuck
& Linehan and Union Electric Co.) 202, 214
" 6-Baler, Mrs. Anna; Taxes 203, 268.
" 6-Board of Health; Report 210
INDEX—Book 33.
" 6-13luff Street, west side of between 13th and 14th Streets;
Sidewalk ordered on 211
" 6—Broadway Extension, from Gay to Putnam Streets;
Petition of P. Loetscher et al in relation to improve-
ment of, 230, 246, 260, 267, 269, 273, 303, 321, 322, 213, 217
20—Blitsch, Mrs. Cath.; Taxes 213, 237
'• 20—Butler, C. L.; Taxes (special assessment) .. 213, 245
•• 20—Byrne, Martin; Petition of in relation to approving plat of
Sub. Min. Lot 317 .. 213
•' 20—Bertsch, Mrs. Anna; Claim of for personal damages $1,000) 213, 232, 241
•• 20—Board of Equalization; Arpointment of... 213
20—Bluff Street, from 12th to 14th Streets: Change of Grade of
(Jury ordered on 270) 214, 247, 318
Sept. 3—Bills allowed and referred 229
" 17—Breithaupt, Lizzie; Original Notice District Court and Claim
of in relation to foreclosure of mortgage against Wm.
O'Connell and City of Dubuque .. 239
" 17—Butler, Courtland L.; Resolution ordering to connect with
sanitary sewer 215
" 17—Board of Health; Report 245
.Oct. 1—Bills allowed and referred 257, 258
" 1—Bee Branch Storm Water Sewer between Garfield and
Rhomberg Aves., constructed by C. G. W. Ry. Co., ac-
cepted .. 263
" 15—Bissell, C. and A. J. Parker: Resolution ordering to connect
with sanitary sewer 268
15—Bade, Mrs. Theresa; Resolution ordering to connect with
sanitary sewer 268
°' 15—Board of Health; Report 268
Nov. 5—Bills allowed and referred 287, 28S
5—Brown & Brown; Bill against ordered collected 288
5—Byrne, M.; petition of in relation to approving plat of High-
land Addition 296
" 5—Board of Health; Report 296
19—Bills allowed ... 299
It 19—Bee Branch Storm Water Sewer; Engineer instructed to
give lines of right of way from Eagle Point Avenue to
Sanford Avenue330
" 19—Baumgartner, appointed assistant Market Master 304
Dec. 3—Bills allowed and referred • 313
"P •3—Bradley, A. E.; Bill of 314, 324
" 3—Butt Bros.; Bill of 314
" 3—Barrett, Mrs. Jno.; Taxes 314
" 17—Board of Health; Report .. 325
i ,
INDEX -Book 33.
• .1903. SUBJECT. PAGE.
_Jan. 8—Cleveland Avenue from South Dodge.Street to Grandview
Ave.; Pet. of Jas. Saul et al in relation to extension of 3
" 8—City Assessor; Deputies of, Salary fixed at $100 per month 12
" 8—City Treasurer; Deputy of, Salary fixed at $100 per month 12
" 22—Cox Street; Petition of O'Farrell & Norton to final estimate
for grading of 14, 36, 65
" 22—C. B. & Q. Ry. Co.; Taxes 14, 57
" 22—C. M. & St. P. Ry. Co.; Taxes ... .. 14, 57
" 22—C. G. W. Ry. Co.; Taxes 14, 57
" 22—City Weighmasters; To weigh all coal sold in the City on
• City Scales 19
Feb. 5—Central Engine House; Matter of providing with Fire Es-
capes 28, 237
" 5—Carney, F., Justice Of the Peace; Report of City Ordinance
Cases . 29, 83
" 5—Council Proceedings; Printing Index and binding 25 copies
of; Recorder instructed to advertise for bids 31, 34
" 28—City Attorney's Annual Report for 1902 41
.Mar. 19—Cunningham, Jas.; Taxes 59, 138
19—City Directories; matter of distributing of 65
April 2—C. M. & St. P. Ry. Co.; Petition of in relation to laying side-
track on west side of 19th Street from Sycamore to Lynn
Streets ... 82, 105
" 2—Clarkson, Menervia; Taxes .. 82, 138
" 2—City's Public Buildings; Matter of providing Fire Escapes87
" 2—CityAttorney's Assistant; Salary fixed at $900 92
" 16—C. M. & St. P. Ry. Co. and C. G. W. Ry. Co.'s; Resolution
ordering the construction of a storm water sewer
through their right of way on 16th and Pine Streets 102, 182, 264
" 16—City Property (Dubuque Water Works Lots); Matter of
cancellation of County Taxes on 102, 104
" 16—Calvert, Jos.; Awarded contract for sweeping brick-paved
streets 103
" 30—Contractors doing work for the City to,furnish Surety Bond 112
May 7—Couler Avenue, west side of between Kauffmann Ave. and
Hart Street; Sidewalk ordered on 130
" 21—C. M. & St. P. Ry. Co.; Taxes 132, 191
" 21—City Hall; Matter of scrubbing and cleaninf offices in 139, 190
" 21—City Engineer instructed to make two (2) maps showing
water plugs in City ' 140
July 2—Cheefham, Benj. Estate; Taxes . 173, 209
" 2—Cooper, A. A. Jr.; Taxes 178, 295
" 2—Corrigan, Jno.; Claim of for personal damages.. 178, 208
" 2—City Attorney's Report in relation to back pay due police-
men and firemen 180, 188
" 16—Carney, F., Justice of the Peace; Report of City Ordinance
Cases, 259, 231 188, 204
Aug. 6—Cooper, A. A. Sr.; Petition of in relation to putting down
cinder walk on west side of Jones Street, (Remonstrance
of T. J. Mulgrew) 202, 210
" 6—C. G. W. Ry. Co.; Petition of in relation to extension of time
for construction of Bee Branch Sewer through their
right of way between Garfled and Rhomberg Ayes, 322, 263 202, 211
" 6—Connolly, Thos.; Resolution ordering to connect with sani-
tary sewer 210
'Sept. 3—Chamberlain, I. C.; Taxes 230, 302
" 3—City Auditor instructed to transfer amount of cost of two
sprinkling wagons from Sprinkling Fund to General Ex-
pense Fund .. 238
INDEX—Book 33.
1903. SUBJECT.
" 17—Considine, Thos. vs. City; Witness fees in case of ordered
paid 241, 262
Oct. 1—Cornell Street; Petition of H. H. Smyth et al in relation
to stone crossings in 258
" 1—Carter, Jas. (policeman); Petition of in relation to increase
of salary of 258, 269
Nov. 5—Carter, J. H.; Taxes 288
" 5—Corbett, Mrs. Mary J.; Taxes 289, 319
" 19—Chief of Police; Edw. Morgan, Death of 299
Dec. 3—Cooper, Mrs. Susan; Taxes 314, 324
" 17—City Attorney instructed to bring suit against parties bay-
ing not paid their personal taxes.... 325.
• ,
. 4r .
INDEX--Book 33.
Jan. S—Dubuque Water \Vurks Trustees; Bill against for rolling
trenches ordered collected 2, 30
" S—Doerr, A. Jr.; Appointed Deputy Assessor 12:
" 22—Deery, Jno.; Taxes 14, 36
" 22—Dubuque & Sioux City Ry. Co.; Taxes 14, 57
" 22—Dubuque Water Works Trustees; Quarterly Report of end-
ing Dec. 31, 1902 .. .. 14, 45
" 22—Deed Quit Claim; Rudolph Jones and Wife to City of
Dubuque .. 17, 36, 65
" 22—Dolton, F. A.; Bill of 18
Feb. 5—Dubuque Casket Co.; Taxes 28
" 19—Dubuque Turbine & Roller Mill Co.; Taxes 33, 66
" 28—Dubuque Brewing & Malting Co.; Taxes 39, 104
Mar. 5—Dubuque Wooden Ware & Lumber Co.; Petition of in rela-
tion to overflow of water through their yards from Rhom-
berg Avenue and vicinity 55, 65
" 5—Deed Warranty; E. W. Albee and Wife to City of Dubuque,
ordered returned to E. W. Albee 56, 269, 294
" 19—Deed Quit Claim; W. A. Leathers and C. B. Trewin to City
of Dubuque 64
April 2—Dubuque and East Dubuque Ferry Co.; Petition of asking
that they be granted a ferry franchise for five years82
" 2—Dubuque Turbine & Roller Mill Co.; Petition of asking for
the granting of Headford Bros. & Hitchins the right to
construct a frame building abutting their property 82
" 2—Dubuque Altar Co.; Taxes 82
" 2—Dubuque Packing Co.; Taxes 82
" 2—Dubuque Telephone Co.; Taxes 82, 210
" 16—Dolan, Mrs. Mary; Taxes 99, 138
" 16—Deed Quit Claim; Geo. Buehler and Wife to City of Du-
buque .. 99
" 16—Dubuque Water Works Trustees; Quarterly report of end-
ing March 31, 1903 .... 101, 112
" 30—Davenport Street and Broadway Extension; Petition of
Robert Sommer et al in relation to grade of 108
" 30—Davis Avenue; Plat of showing widening and profile of
grade of 109, 111, 112
May 7—De Lorimier, Mary; Taxes 126, 138
" 21—Dubuque High Bridge Co.; (annual report of) 132, 166
June 18—Degnan, Mrs. Mary; Taxes (special assessment) 164, 185
" 18—Deed Quit Claim; Jos. C. Roberts and Wife to City of Du-
que 164
July 16—Dunn, Pat. T.; Petition of in relation to blasting rock on •
Bluff Street Extension 187, 204, 208
" 16—Dubuque Benev. and Humane Society; Petition of in rela-
tion to applying to all drinking fountains such appliances
•whereby dogs may quench their thirst 187, 210
" 16—Dubuque Water Works Trustees; Quarterly report of end-
ing June 30, 1903 .... 188, 210
Aug. 20—Dubuque Zither Club; Petition of in relation to use of room
in City Hall .. .. 213, 215
" 20—Dubuque Star Brewing Co.; Petition of in relation to vaca-
tion of Tower Street and alley back of Blocks 4 and 5 in
Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co.'s Add 213, 263
Sept. 3—Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress; Invitation of for
Labor Day parade accepted 230
" 3—Donnelly, Miss Tillie; Employed at stenographer for Legal
Department .... 238
" 17—Deery, Jno.; Taxes (special assessment) 239
••'OYlC24'.T'Ml3"+'T".. ..:a.5.g19• . :'.,.,.,,.. .. t...f ..__.....,,: .t:..1 i(®0.`..`. _.... _.N'
INDEX—Book 33.
1903. --- SUBJECT. PAGE.
D •
" 17—Delhi Street Engine House; Matter of procuring storm
sash for 215, 263
Oct. 1—Duttle, F. H.; Claim of for damage to property 258, 296
" 15—Dunleith and Dubuque Bridge Co.; Taxes 266
" 15—Dubuque Brewing & Malting Co.; Taxes .... 266, 302
" 15—Dubuque Water Works Trustees; Quarterly report of end-
ing September 30, 1903 267, 296
" 15—Deery, Jno.; Resolution ordering to connect with sanitary •
sewer 268
Nov. 5—Deed Quit Claim; Matter of execution of City of Dubuque
to Michael Weber 288, 302
" 5—Dubuque Brewing & Malting Co.; Petition of in relation to
use of sidewalk on 27th Street 289, 305
" 19—Dubuque Star Brewing Co.; Taxes 299. 319
" 19—Donovan, Marion J.; Petition of in relation to laying new
sidewalk on St. Joseph Street 299
Dec. 3—Dubuque Benevolent and Humane Society; Petition of in
relation to passage of an Ordinance prohibiting the
throwing or depositing of into any Alley or Street, nails,
metal or other articles which will injure horses feet.... 314
" 3—Doyle, Dan; Taxes 311, 324
, „
INDEX—Book 33.
Jan. 8—Eagle Point Lime Works; Petition of in relation to over-
head bridge across Dubuque and Wisconsin High Bridge
Approach 12
Mar. 5—Electric Light at intersection of Park and Grandview
Avenues; Petition of Jno. Lavery et al in relation to plac-
ing of 55, 65
" 19—Eagle Street; Petition of Chas. Nank in relation to change
of grade of 59, 111, 115
" 19—Eberhart, Lorenz; BIll of 65
April 2—Eleventh Street Elevator Co.; Petition of in relation to re-
pairing their tracks and constructing retaining wall ..., 82
" 30—Eddy, R. T.; Taxes 108, 13S
" 30—Electric Light at intersection of Leibnitz and Clifford
Streets: Petition of H. Tropf et al in relation to placing of 108, 237
May 7—Electric Light at intersection of Klingenberg Terrace and
Kleine Street; Petition of R. Bernhart et al in relation
to placing of .. 126, 237
" 21—Electric Light at intersection of Bluff and Dodge Streets;
Petition of J. M. Connolly et al in relation to placing of 132, 237
June 4—Eighteenth Street Engine House; Matter of repairing of.... 163
Aug. 6—Electric Light at intersection of Rhomberg and 3rd Ayes.;
Petition of Mrs. H. Tinkham et al in relation to placing of 203, 237
" 20—Electric Light at intersection of Fulton and King Streets;
Petition of Herman Ney et al in relation to placing of.... 213, 237
Sept. 17—Express Companies in City; Statement of the assessments
and valuation of 240
Oct. 1—Election; Polling place of 2nd Precinct 3rd Ward to be held
in Police Headquarters 265
Nov. 5—Electric Light in Angella Street; Petition of H. C. Milligan
et al in relation to placing of 288
Dec. 3—East Street from Delhi to Bennett Streets; Profile of grade
of r 316
INDEX--Book 33.
Jan. 8—Ferguson, E. A.; Taxes 3, 19
" 8—Free Public Library; Board of Trustees, Annual Report of, 7
" 8—Farrell, Mrs. Florence and Edw.; Claim of for personal
damages, 262, 240 11, 14
" 22—Fire Department; Matter of purchasing hose for18, 31
Feb. 5—Finley Hospital; Bill of 28, 3'
• " 5—Fire Department; Matter of purchasing horses for 31
" 19—Fenelon Place; Matter of opening of.. . 36, 45
" 28—Farley-Loetscher Mfg. Co.; Petition of in relation to con-
structing a bridge across Eighth Street from their build-
ing to Old 011 Mill property 40, 57
Mar. 19—Fulton Street, from King Street to Broadway Extension;
Petition of Chris Becke et al in relation to improve-
I ment of 59, 110
April 2—Finance Reports, (Annual); Matter of printing of 87
" 2—Fire Department; Members of appointed for Grandview
Avenue Engine•House 88
" 16—Fifteenth Street; from Bluff to Pickett Streets; Bad con-
dition of steps in 99
" 30—Fulton Street, from Monroe to south end of Fulton Street;
Resolution ordering improvement of, 185, 167, 162. 154.... 114, 136
May 21—Fulton and Monroe Streets; Profile of grade of 132, 185
" 21—Fourteenth Street, from Iowa to Jackson Streets; Matter
of repairing of 139
June 4—Fire Alarm Box; Matter of placing of between Seminar„
Woodward and Asbury Streets 161
" 18—Free Public Library Trustees; Re-appointment of 165
" 18—Fifth Street, from Iowa to Main Streets; Matter of im-
proving of 166, 184, 205
July 16—Fifth Avenue in Ham's Add.; Petition of Dubuque Wooden
Ware and Lumber Co., in relation to brick paving of187
" 16—Fengler, E.; Notified to put up fence along side of Rock
Crusher on High Bridge Approach 191
Aug. 6—First Church of Christ; Taxes 203
" 20—Free Public Library; Petition of in relation to the tax levy
of 1903 .. .. 106, 213, 132
" 20—Fetchele, Matt.; Petition of asking for the appointment of
paper collector .. 213, 237
" 20—Fourth Street Dump; Matter of changing to north side of
Sept. 3—Fort Kearney peanut stand at northeast corner of Main and
Seventh Streets; Matter of being a nuisance 23S, 246
" 17—Foster, Wm.; Bill of 245
Oct. 1—Fire Department; Matter of purchasing horses for 263, 268
" 1—Fire and Police Departments; Bids advertised for hay and
oats 263, 267
" 1—Fuel for various Departments; Bids advertised for hay and
oats 263, 267, 295
" 17—Fourteenth and Prairie Streets; Brick gutters ordered in272
Dec. 17—Fogarty, J. R. et al; Taxes (special assessment) 322
" 17—Fourth Street Extension; Matter of straightening ofr. 325
17—Fourth Street; Matter of building viaduct over and across
railroad tracks on .. 325.
INDEX—Book 33.
Jan. 8—Glover, H. B. et al; Petition of in relation to sprinkling as-
sessments 3, 19
8—randview Avenue Engine House; Accepted and insurance of 11, 13
" 22—Governor's Greys; Petition of :n relation to lease of Ar-
mory Hall 11, 14, 104
" 22—Grandview Avenue Engine House; Matter of purchasing
furniture and hose for 18, 30
Mar. 5—Gioden, Wni. et al; Petition of in relation to constructing
frame dwellings on Corner 13th and Jackson Streets55
" 19—Grnehle, G.; Ordered to collect back personal taxes 66
April 2—Garfield Avenue, west side of between Dock and Ann Aves.;
Sidewalk ordered on 93
" 2—Garfield Avenue, west side of between Fengler and Ann
Aves.; Sidewalk ordered on 93
16—Grace Street, from its western terminus to East Street;
Petition of WmWiley et al in relation to improvement
of 99, 110
" 16—Garbage and Dead Animals; Removal of; Contract awarded
to Thos. E. Frith 105, 111, 325
" 30—Grace Street, from west line of Sub. 7 O'Hare's Sub. Lot 4
to East Street; Resolution ordering improvement of 115, 137
May 7—Glab, Jno., Justice of the Peace; Report of City Ordinance
Cases 130, 231
" 7—G. A. R., Chairman Finance Committee; Warrant ordered
drawn for $200.00 Memorial Day expenses 131
" 21—G. A. R.; Invitation of accepted for Memorial Day parade132
June 4—Grace Street, from Hall to East Streets; Petition of F. A
Oatey et al in relation to improvement of, 185, 183, 180, 154, 165, 166
July 2—Grandview Avenue Engine House; Matter of heating of....185, 190, 263
Aug. 6—Gilmore Place, from alley first north of Fenelon Place to
south curb line of West 5th Street accepted, 304, 218, 215 209
Sept. 3—Garfield Avenue, west side of between Windsor and Staf-
ford Aves.; Sidewalk ordered on 238
" 17—Germania Stock Company; Taxes 239, 305
Nov. 19—Grace Street; Petition of H. T. Walker in relation to taking
out filling of 299, 318
Dec. 17—Gandolfo, Mrs. Adeline; Petition of in rel:ition to purchase
of her macadam • 322
" 17—Gmehle, Gotf.; Bill of 323•
INDEX—Sock 33.
Jan. 8—Haggerty, Cath.; Claim of for personal damages ($1,000) 2, 33, 103
8—Hancock, Dr. J. C.; Bill of 12, 32, 39
" 22—Huelshoff, B.; Alowed $20 for grading Traut Terrace 18
Feb. 5—Homan & Hoe'hl; Bill of 28, 45
5—Huffmeier, Jno.; Petition of in relation to hauling sweepings 28, 56
from paved streets
" 5—Holz, Mrs. Chas.; Claim of for personal damages 28. 35
" 19—Hollnagel, Mrs. Fredericka; Taxes 33, 57
" 28—Howie, D. T.; Petition of in relation to s.dewalk on Belmond 39, 94, lin
Street ..
" 28—Ham, Sarah,; Taxes 39. 65
! April 2—Hagge& Fox Mfg. Co.; Taxes... 92
2—Herron, Edw.. Supt. Street Sprinkling: Salary of fixed at
$60 per month 92
" 30—Healey, Edw.; ePtition of in relation to ash house in rear
of his property 108
•' 30—Horr, Jos. L., Alderman, et al; Committee of in relation to
discriminations in valuations of assessment i for lots in
Ham's Add 10s
" 30—Health Officer; Dr. B. Michel appointed 111
I May 7—Hanson, P.; Bill of 126. 190
" 21—Hansen, Chas.; Petition of asking for employment from
I City 132
June 4—Hempstead Street, south of Leibnitz Street; Matter of vaca-
tion of 154, 1C3, 151
" 4—Hall and Louisa Streets, Lots abutting on; Petition of J. C
Hendrick et al in relation to drainage of 154
" 4—Health Officer, Dr. B. Michel; Annual report of .. 161
July 2—Haney-Campbell Co.; Taxes 178, 209
Aug. 6—Harkett, W. A.; Petition of in relation to re-platting Lot 2
Sub. Out Lot 735 City 203. 237
I " 6—Hagerty, H. J.; Bill of 210
Oct. 15—Hanson, P.; Petition of in relation to erecting frame barn
on Lot 71 East Dubuque Add 266. 304
• " 15—Holden, Jno.; Taxes 266. 29:.
Nov. 5—Hughes,. Mrs. Eliz.; Taxes 259, 304
" 5—Haubner, H.; Appointed Weighmaster Couler Ave. and 26th
Street scales 295
• I ,
INDEX Book 33.
April 2—Ida Street; Plat of showing change of 84
" 16—Iroquois Pearl Button Works; Committee appointed to set-
tle strike of 105
July 16—I. 0. 0. F., Harmony and Julien Lodges; Taxes 1St, 237
Aug. 6—Iowa Telephone Co.; Bill of .. 202, 237
Nov. 5—Iowa Iron Works; Bill of 288, 319
" 19—Independent School District; Taxes 299, 319
Dec. 3—Iroquois Pearl Button Co.; Taxes 314, 325
" 3—Ice Harbor; Leased to eKckevoet and Bohn for skating
rink purposes 318
" 3—Iowa Telephone Co.; Matter of furnishing telephone for
Treasurer's office 319
rwiF` ; .,,;. ., { -- {
, , , .. , ..... tit 144 -01; -'4
1141r .01 •MMINNI
INDEX—Book 33.
Jan. 8—Jackson Street; Part of in Min. Lot 363; plat of showing
proposed vacation of 5
14, 35
" 22—Jess, Jane R.; Taxes (special assessment) 28, 36
Feb. 5—Jungk, Mrs. Henrietta; Taxes
Mar. 5—Jungk, Herman et al; ePtition of in relation to A. Paley's
barn being a nuisance, 110 55, 59, 105
" 5—Juergens, Mrs. Mary; Resolution ordering to connect with
sanitary sewer 57
April 2—Jackson Street; East side of between 25th and 26th Streets,
sidewalk ordered on •• 94
" 16—Jaeger, A. G.; Taxes .. 99, 139
May 21—Jackson Street, from 14th to Sanford Ave.; flatter of re-
pairing of . 139
July 2—Jones Street, north side of between Nest Main and South
Locust Streets; Sidewalk ordered on 186
" 16—Julien House Company; Claim of ... 157, 20M
Nov. 19—Jones, Rudolph; Taxes (special assessment) 299
INDEX—Book 33.
Jan. S—Key City Gas Co.; Bill against for rolling trenches ordered
collected 2, 30
" 8—Kessler, J., Justice of the Peace; Report of City Ordin-
ance Cases 4
" 22—Kautz, Mrs. Dorothea; Taxes 14, 31
" 22—Kleih, G. F.; Bill of 18
" 22—Kopald, B.; Taxes 19
Feb. 5—Key City Gas Co.; Taxes 32
" 19—Kiebel, 14. J.; Taxes 33, 57
" 19—Kruse, Mrs. Mary; Claim of for personal damages 33
April 16—Klein, Matt; Paper Collector, services of dispensed with103, 157
16—Kenety, J. M.; Taxes (special assessment)................ 105
" 30—Kruse, Mrs. Mary; Claim of for personal damages (35,000)...108, 208, 239
" 30—Kelly Springfield Road Roller Co.; Warrant for $3,000 or-
dered drawn as part payment on new steam roller, 267, 111, 139, 238
Aug. 6—Kingsley, Jos. F. et al; Petition of in relation to stagnant
water on north side of Merchant's Lane 203
" 20—Keating, A. F.; Taxes 213, 237
" 20—Kiene & Altman; In relation to deeding Lot 37 South Park
Hill Add. to City 213
• Sept. 3—Knights of Maccabees; Petition of in relation to use of third
floor in City Hall 230, 245
" 3—Kauffman Avenue, south side of between Kleine and Hemp-
stead Streets; Sidewalk ordered on 238
" 17—Kemler, Minnie and M. A.; Ordered to connect with sanitary
sewer 245
Oct. 1—Koch, Jacob Estate; Taxes 258, 295
`° 15—Kemler, R. W.; Petition of in relation to constructing side-
walk abutting Lot 13 Cummings Sub 266
1111117111 ..
INDEX—Book 33.
];u 3. sURJECT, PAGE.
Jan. 8—Lincoln Avenue, from White to Jackson Streets; Declared
opened as a public street 12
" 22—Lillak, Matt; Taxes 14, 31
" 22—Lee, Jno.; 13i11 of - 18
Feb. 5—Lindsay, Dr. S. S.; Bill of 28, 36
5—Luchterhand, Mrs. Ida; Matter of losingimprovementrovenent Bond
No. 18 for improving Grove Street 31
`1 2S—Lagen, Miss Anna; Taxes 39, 57
" 28—Lavery, Ino. J. Allowed $15.00 part payment as Janitor of
.' Grandview Avenue Engine House.... 45, 87, 161
April 16—Law, Miss Viola M.; Taxes 99, 138
-• " 16—Langworthy. Mary A. vs. City of Dubuque; Settlement of
suit of 1I0
" 16—Lincoln Avenue, from White to Jackson Streets: Resolution
ordering improvement of, 218, 217. 209• 162, 1:,7. 154, 137 106, 127
Ila 7—Lawther Avenue, west of Burden Avenue; Petition of F.
W. Brunkow et al in relation to grade of 126, 185, 205
" 7—Locust Street, east side of between 4th and 5th streets;
Sidewalk ordered on ... 13o
" 21—License; Teamsters employed by City trot to pay 139
July 2—Loibi, Mrs. Cath.; Taxes 178, 2r9
" 2—Lincoln Avenue, east end of near River; Matter of improv-
ing of 1s5
" 16—Langworthy Avenue, from Hill to Booth Streets: Ronds
issued for improvement of 11'1
Aug. 6—Loeffler, Mrs. Wilhelmina; Taxes 203. 268
" 6—La Tourelle, Mrs. Anna; Claim of for personal damages
($1,000) ... 203, 236
N11 • " 6—Langworthy Avenue, from Hill to Alpine Streets: Accepted :Ai
; " 6—Lacy, B. W.; Ordered to fill Lots 35 to 40 inclusive in
•11' Reche's Reche's Sub 210. 218, 26s
1 " 6—Lincoln Avenue, east side of between Windsor and Staf-
ford Avenues; Sidewak ordered on 212
I 20—Langworthy Avenue, from Hill to South Alpine Streets:
Remonstrance of Ada L. Collier against improvement of
296, 244 213. 21':
20—Levi, Mrs. Minette; Petition of remonstrating against re- -
laying sidewalk abutting her property at 4th and Main
Streets, 238, 237, 230 .... 213. 215
Sept. 17—Lehman, Alois; Claim of for damages to property 239• 266• 395
Oct. 1—Lyon, D. E.; Bill against for arching Mineral Shaft from
from West 3rd to Langworthy Ave, between South A:pine
and Nevada Streets .. 01-8
" 1—Locust Street, east side of between 8th and 9th Streets; -
Sidewalk ordered on264
" 1—Langworthy Avenue, south side of between Alpine and
Nevada Streets; Sidewalk ordered on ... 265
" 15—Lagen, P. Estate; Ordered to connect with sanitary sewer 268
" 15—Langworthy Avenue, south side of between Hill and Alpine
Streets; Sidawelks ordered on
Nov. 5—Langworthy, Julia L.; Petition of in relation to correcting 2.0
41 plat of Summit Add 258, 304, 323
5—Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, aFirview Sub.; Matter of purchase of for
quarry purposes 296
" 19—Langworthy Avenue, from South Alpine to Booth Streets;
Special Assessment levied for improvement of 300, 301, 304
INDEX—Book 33.
Jan. 22—McMahon, Huss; Taxes 14, 92
Feb. 5—McCauley, Mrs. Jas.; Taxes 28, 92
Mar. 5—McDonald & Morrison Mfg. Co.; Taxes 55
" 19—McCune, Mrs. Cath.; Taxes .. 59, 139
April 2—McDonnell, A.; Engineer of reserve Engine Fire Depart-
ment; Salary fixed at $60.00 per month 92, 99, 111
" 16—McPoland, Dan.; Claim of for personal damages 99
July 16—McCoy, Mrs. B.; Taxes 184
^Oct. 15—McCloskey, Mrs. Jane M.; Taxes... 266, 304
7 •
INDEX—Book 33.
Jan. 8—Michel, Dr. B.; Bill of 12, 32
8—Murphy, J. J.; Appointed Deputy Assessor 12
8—iMillville .Road; Matter of vacation and re-location of.. 13, 34
—Mt. Carmel Avenue; Matter of widening of 18, 65, =96
Feb. --Mullen & Papin; Bill of 28, 45
" 5—Moser, Jno.; Bill of 32
" , --Macadam; Engineer instructed to measure L. 36. 6., 84
•` 28 AIulgrew, T. J.; Petition of in relation to Ott, Meuser &
Co, maintaining a steam engine and boiler close to his
ice houses on Levee Front :91. I'
" 28—Metz Mfg. Co.; Taxes '
" 28—Meyer, C. H. et al; ePtition of in relation to establishing a
street from west side of Riker Street to intersection of
Rush Street 3•4
Mar. 5—Millville Road; south side of between Lemon Street and
- City Limits; Sidewalk ordered on .• 5.8
" 19—Moritz. Chas.;, Taxes 59, 138
April 2—Matthews, Alphonse vs. t'ity; Settlement of suit of 83, 99
" 2—Murphy, Jerry, Night Watchman at Central Engine House;
Salary of fixed at $50.00 per month :•2
" 2—Main Street, east side of between 6th and 7th Streets;
Sidewalk ordered on .. 94
i " 16—Merchant's Lane; Petition of Clara Gantenbein et al in vela-
tion to grading of 99, 111
30—Mulgrew, T. J.; Petition of in relation to filling of Levee
Front .. 108, 166
30—Monroe Street, from Broadway Extension to intersection of
Fulton and Monroe Streets; Resolution ordering improve-
ment of, 185, 167, 154, 136 .... 114, 13'2
May 7—Mt. St. Joseph's College; Petition of Sisters of Charity in
relation to placing fire alarm box in building of 126
I " 7—Marshall, Wm.; Bill of . 126, 138
• " 7—Macadam; Lists for May, June, July, Aug., Sept., and
October, 290, 260, 235, 205 129, 137, 181
i June 4—Main Street, west side of between 12th and 13th Streets;
Sidewalk ordered on 163
I18—Mt. St. Joseph's College; Invitation of .for Commencement
I Exercises accepted 164
,, July 2—May, Mrs. Helen; Taxes 178, 241:0
I I 16—Mulgrew, T. J.; Petition of Objecting to A. A. Cooper put- 4
ting in cinder walk on north side of Jones Street from
Iowa Street to Levee Front 187, 210
16—Main Street, west side of between 1st and 2nd Streets; Side-
walk ordered on 191
Aug. 6—Main Street, west side of between 3rd and 4th Streets; Side-
walk ordered on .. 212
6—Main Street, east side of between 3rd and 4th Streets;
Sidewalk ordered on 212 272
Sept. 3—Mullen & Papin; Bill of 229, 243
" 3—Mahoney, Jno.; Petition of in relation to line of sidewalk
abutting his property on Southern Avenue 230, 241
c, 3—Main Street, east side of between 5th and 6th Streets; u
Sidewalk ordered on ..
„ 17—Morgan, Jos. S.; -,,
Resolution •ordering to connect with sans-'
tary sewer `A4
Oct. 1—Main Street, west side of between 8th and 9th Streets; ,.A245
Sidewalk ordered on" 264
15—Martin, Geo.; Petition of in relation to laying sidewalk on
south side of Langworthy Avenue from Hill to alley
west of Hill Street 266 f
C 15—Marxer, Margt.; Resolution ordering to connect with sani-
tary sewer .. ,,, 268
t ti
INDEX—Book 33.
191,;;. S UI3JECT. PAGE.
April 2—Nevada Street, west side of between West 3rd and West
5th Streets; Sidewalk ordered on 94
May 7—Newman, Jno. 6r. Son; Bill of 126, 161
June 4—Neuwoehner, H. J.; Bill of . 156
" 18—Noonan, Jas. & Co.; Bill of 165
Aug. 20—Napier Street, from Clifford Street to Lot No. 310, Mechan-
ics Add.; Petition of L. Witter et al in relation to im-
provement of, 318, 299, 267, 264 212. 244
Sept. 17—Neeves, Geo. A.; Resolution ordering to connect Nvith sani-
tary sewer 245
Oct. 1—Ninth Street, south side of between Main ;111d Locust
Streets; Sidewalk ordered on 265
" 15—Nelson,.A.; Petition of in relation to laying cinder walk
abutting Lots 3 and 4 in Reeder Langworthy's Add.... 266
Nov. 5—Nagle, J. J.; Petition of granting City permission to take
rocks from his property 288
Dec. 3—Nester & Hammel; Bill of 314, 324
INDEX—Book 33.
0 .
Jan. 8—Officers: Reports of 3
., 8—Ott. \leaser & Co.; Bill against for macadam ordered cul-
ler ted
" 8—Ordinance vacaating a portion of Jackson Street; also
granting permission to C. G. W. Ity. C.'. to occupy that
portion of Jackson Street so vacated 10
" 8—Ordinance granting C. G. W. Ity. Co. the right to till and
grade Elm Street between Sanford Avenue and 23rd
Street and change of channel of stream called Couler
Creek so as to permit laying of second trade in Eint
Stre-1 between Sanford Avenue and 23rd Street and
:4'.,•." acnes Sanford Avenue, 22nd and 23rd Streets 1U
" 22-0fficers; Reports of • •• 14
" 22—Ordinance vacating alley between Lots 8 and 13 Jansen's
Sub. and re-locating said alley so that south line of Lot
8 be the south line of said alley .... I8
Feb. 5—Officers; Reports of •• •',
" 19—Officers; Reports of 33
" 19—Ordinance vacating part of Millviile Road and n•-locating
said Millvilie Road through Min. Lot 306 34
" 28—Officers; Reports of 40
'sMar. 5—Officers; Reports of 55
19—Officers; Reports of 10
19—Officers; Reports of (Annual); referred to Finance t'om-
i mittee 63
j April 2—Officers; Reports of 1
" 2—Ordinance in relation to abandoning street railway lines
i on Iowa Street, etc ti5, 96i 2—Ordinance vacating alley between Rhomberg and Garfield
1 Avenues from Kniest Street to Johnson Avenue 86
" 2—Ordinance granting Farley & Loetscher Mfg. Co. the right
1. to construct bridge across Sth Street from their facto-y
to new building between White and Jackson Streets.... 87, 97
Ili 16—Officers; Reports of 10,)
" 16—Ordinance changing and establishing a grade of alley
between Francis and Valeria Streets from Kauffman
Avenue. to Hart Street 102
I ' 16—Ordinance amending an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance
dividing the City into Road Districts for the purpose of
Sprinkling the Streets of said City and for the payment
•Ij of the expense for the same • 103
16—Officers, Appointive; Salaries of fixed . .......105, 138, 158
16—Officers, Appointive; Elected for the ensuing year 106
30—Officers; Reports of 108
j, 30—Officers; Bonds of approved and sworn in 109
i 30—Ordinance providing for the width of sidewalks.and road-
I way on Fulton and Monroe Streets . 109
" 30—Ordinance establishing the grade of Davis Avenue 110
May 7—Officers; Reports of 126
" 21—Officers; Reports of 132
' • 21—Ordinance vacating part of Ida Street 'and providing for
the straightening of the same 138, 165
" 21—Ordinance Committee instructed to draft an Ordinance
in relation to constructing new sidewalks 139
June 4—Oeth, Mrs. Cath.; Taxes (special assessment) 154, 166
4—Officers; Reports of 155
" 4—Ordinance establishing the grade of Raymond Place 159
'il 1
INDEX —Book 33.
41 4—Ordinance establishing the grade of Fulton and Monroe
Streets from southwest lot line of Broadway Extension
to center line of King Street 159
" 4—Ordinance establishing the grade of Lincoln Avenue be-
tween White and Jackson Streets 159
4—Ordinance establishing the grade of alley between South
Alpine and Nevada Streets from West 3rd Street to
Langworthy Avenue 160
" 4—Ordinance amending an Ordinance to define the duties of
the City Engineer and being Chapter XIV. of the Re-
vised Ordinances of 1901 160
" 18—Officers; Reports of 164
.July 2—Officers; Reports of 178
" 2—Ordinance estabishing the grade of alley between Garfield
and Rhomberg Avenues from Kniest Street to Johnson
Avenue 1S3
" 2—Ordinance vacating part of Hempstead Street lying south
of Leibnitz Street 13t
" 2—Ordinance establishing the grade of Grace Street from
west line of Sub. Lot 7 Ann O'Hare's Sub. to East Street 1S4
" 16—Official papers; Globe-Journal and Telegraph-Herald; Com-
munication of in relation to increase of pay 187, 210, 299
16—Officers; Reports of 187
" 16—Ordinance amending an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance
in relation to licensing and regulations of various occu-
pations, etc 188, 235
Aug. 6—Oriental Tea Co.; Taxes 203
" 6—Officers; Reports of 203
" 6—Ordinance to provide for the registration of Births, Deaths,
Burials and Contagious Diseases ... 207
" 6—Ordinance Committee instructed to prepare an Ordinance
limiting speed of Automobiles 211
" 6—Ordinance Committee instructed to prepare an Ordinance
providing for placing of telephone wires underground 211
" 6—Ordinance Committee instructed to prepare an Ordinance
in relation to constructing cinder walks on certain
streets in the City 211
" 20—Officers; Reports of 213
Sept. 3—Officers; Reports of 230
" 17—O'Farrell & Street; Communication of in relation to dupli-
cating excavation permit for Peru Road between Jackson
and Washington Streets 239, 262
" 17—Officers; Reports of 239
" 17—Ordinance amending an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance
to provide for improving Streets, Alleys, Public Landings,
and for the Construction and Repair of Sidewalks 211, 298
" 17—Ordinance providing for the placing of telephone wires
underground in the City Limits, etc 242, 303
Oct. 1—Officers; Reports of 258
" 1—Ordinance establishing the grade of Willow Street from
St. Ambrose Street to west line of Min. Lot 179 262
" 15—Officers; Reports of 266
" 15—Ordinance establishing the grade of Broadway Extension 267
from Gay to Putnam Streets
" 15—O'Farrell, Jas.; Resolution ordering to connect with sant-
tary sewer 239
Nov. 5—Officers' Reports . ••
INDEX--Book 33.
---- — _
Ordinance Committee instructed to draft an Ordinance pro-
hibiting the distribution of samples of patent medicine 296, 303
throughout the City
19—Ordinance prohibiting and regulating the digging of privy 303
vaults in Sewer Districts .. 314
Dec. 3—Officers; Reports of __
" 17—Officers, Reports of ""
" 17—Ordinance prohibiting the throwing, casting or sweeping
of nails, or broken glass on any street, sidewalk or alley
etc 1
" 17—O'Meara, Tim; Bill of
I,I •
J ._
INDEX--Book 33.
1903. SUBJE i'. PAGE.
P r
Jan. B--Pier, Jno. vs. City of Dubuque; Settlement and Court Costs
in Suit of ..... 3, 14
Feb. 7—Page, Jno. P.; Taxes (special assessment) 31
" 28—Purchasing Committee instructed to purchase gong and
two drop box coils for Grandview Avenue Engine House 45
April 2—Patrol team to haul all shavings used at Patrol House 81
" 2—Pier & Neuwoehner; Contract of in relation to placing
waste paper boxes on street corners 87
" 2—Police Department; Iules and Regulations of 88
" 16—Pine Street from 23rd to 28th Streets; Petition of J. T. Mul-
vey et al in relation to improvement of 99, 110
" 30—Police Department; Matter of purchasing new police uni-
forms for 110
" 30—Purchasing Committee instructed to purchase two new
Street Sprinkling Wagons 110
" 30—Pine Street from 23rd to 26th Streets; Resolution ordering
improvement of, 166, 157, 154 113, 137
May 7—Purchasing Committee instructed to let contract for 200
books of the Rules and Regulations of the Police De-
partment .. 130
" 7—Purchasing Committee instructed to purchase one car load
of Galesburg brick ....130, 190, 238
June 4—Police Patrol; flatter of purc'hasing horses for 161, 185
Sept. 3—Pape & Jacquinot; Bill of 229, 245
" 17—Plapp, Jacob, Estate; Resolution ordering to connect with
sanitary sewer 245
Oct. 1—Patrol team and wagon; Matter of housing of in basement
of City Hall 263, 295
" 15—Perleth, Wm.; Petition of in relation to laying sidewalk
abutting Lot 30 in Wilson's Sub 266
" 15—Purchasing Committee instructed to purchase one dozen
tubes of fire extinguishing powder 268
" 15—Plekenbrock, E. B. & Sons; Resolution ordering to connect
with sanitary sewer 268
Nov. 19—Pfotzer, H., and J. H. Rhomberg; Petition of in relation to
constructing frame building on City Lot 248, corner of
7th and Clay Streets ... 299
" 19—Pfotzer, H, and J. H. Rhomberg; Taxes 299, 319
Dec. 3—Putnam Street from Broadway Extension to Muscatine
Street; Profile of grade of ..... 316
" 3—Patrol House at 14th and Elm Streets; Matter of Construct-
ing of 319
" 3—Police Department; Jas. Ryan appointed Desk Sergeant •
and Jno. Raesli appointed Private Detective of 319
" 3—Police Department; Matter of purchasing Caps and Over-
coats for 319, 324
INDEX--Book 33.
Uuy 7—Queen Street from north line of Metiers Sub. to Burden
Avenue; Petition of N. Mettel et al in relation to opening
rock from his property .. • • 288
and improving of 126, 319, 321
I '
' I
I' !.I
INDEX--Book 33.
Jan. 8—Reinecke, Dr. E. L.; Bill of 2, 35
" S—Rowland, Mrs. Cath.; Taxes 2, 57
" 22—Ryan, Gertrude W.; Taxes (special assessment) '14, 31
" 22—Ragatz, Geo. & Son; Bill of 18, 236
Feb. 19—Rousch, Mrs. Margt; Taxes 33, 57
" 19—Rhomberg, A. L.; Taxes, 288, 188, 139, 108 36, 46, 104
Mar. 19—Remus, F. et al; Petition of in relation to improving
alley in rear of his property 59 108, 184
" 19—Raymond Place, from Fenelon Place to Cooper Street;
Plat of and resolution ordering improvement of, 303, 302,
300, 296, 162, 157, 155, 135 64, 112
April 2—Road leading southeasterly from North Cascade Road to
City Limits; Plat of approved 92
" 2—Rhomberg Avenue, south side of between Jackson and
Washington Streets; Sidewalk ordered on. 95
" 30—Richardson Co., Geo.; Taxes 10S
May 7—Roosevelt Reception Committee; Warrant ordered drawn
for $300.00 for decorating purposes for 126
" 21—Robinson Avenue; Petition of 'M. Ludescher et al in rela-
lation to Improvement of 132
" 21—Rhomberg, Dominic; Taxes 139
June 4—Ryan. D.; Petition of in relation to water overflowing his
property on Grandview Avenue 154, 319, 320
" 18—Rosedale Avenue, from end of present street to West Locust
Street; Plat of proposed extension of .. 164
July 2—Rush Street, north side of between Mountain Lane and
Union Street; Sidewalk ordered in ... 186
" 16—Rohr, August; Taxes 187, 209
Sept. 17—Ryan, Mrs. Cath.; Claim of for personal damages ($2,500) 239, 322
°' 17—Railroad Companies in City; Statements of the assessment
and valuations of 240, 260
" 17—Register Clerks; Appointed 241
Oct. 15—Reche, Louise; Petition of in relation to approving plat of
Reche's Sub. No. 3 266
" 15—Reilly, Mrs. Mary T.; Resolution ordering to connect with
sanitary sewer 268
" 15—Rock Crusher; Matter of purchase of, 319, 305 269, 272
Nov. 19—Reilly, Thos.; Appointed .Chief of Police to fill unexpired
term of Edw. Morgan, deceased.. 299
" 19—Ronan, James; Taxes (special assessment) 305, 320
. .
INDEX-Book 33.
_ _ PAGE.
1963. :-1•11JECT.
. ! Jan. 8-Sheridan, Cath. vs. City- of Dubuque; Settlement of court
:, 210, 26,.!
costs in suit of
" 8-Sidewalks; Cleaning snow and ice front; special its:less-
ment levied for
8-Stephens, J. S.; Taxes (special assessment)
S-Siciewalks; Repairing of; special assessment levied for....
I , " 8-Sewer, Sanitary in Langworthy Avenue; Published notice
7, 12, 17
for construction of, 245, 213
8-Sewer, Sanitary in Johnson Avenue, Eagle Point Avenue
12. 16
and Queen Street, accepted
" 8-St. Francis Orphanage; Taxes 12
" 8-Street from North to South Streets; Opened and declared
a public highway . 13
" 22-Smith, Mrs. Platt; Taxes 14, :11
" 29-Side":ilks; Cleaning snow and ice from; 'pc 111 assess-
ment levied for 15
" 22-Simplot, J. M.; Taxes19
• Feb. 5-Storey, S. A.; Taxes 28, 36
I " 5-Samuels, Giles; Claim of for personal damages
28, 35
5-Sidewalks; Repairing of; Special assessments ordered can-
:-.. celled 30
" 5-Sidewalks; Cleaning. snow and ice from; assessments or-
dered cancelled 3)
L " 19-Street from North Cascade Road west to City Limits;
1 ' Petition of L. F. Withee et al in relation to location of.. 33, 45, 92
19-Saul, Mrs. Eliz.; Taxes 33, 56
" 19-Sidewalks; Cleaning snow and ice from: Special assessment
levied for 34
" 19-Sprinkling Wagons; Matter of painting of, 103 34. 44, 55
" 28-Sheppley, E. H.; Petition of in relation to removing ob-
structions in alley between Iowa and Clay Streets and
14th and 15th Streets 39, 239
28-Smedley Steam Pump Co.; Petition of in relation to ex-
tending the sanitary sewer to their plant 45
" 28-Sewer, Sanitary in Kniest Street from manhole in Lin-
coln Avenue to alley between Rhomberg and Garfield
Avenues, thence to manhole in Johnson Avenue,
, 66, 67, 92, 130, 133, 214 45, 59, 64
Mar. 5-Sidewalks; Cleaning snow and ice from; Sidewalk Inspect-
or's report in relation to 55
. " 5-Sidewalks; Repairing of; Special assessment levied for55
. " 5-Scott, Mrs. Bridget; Taxes 56, 82, 138
i 1 " 19-South Street; Petition of Jno. Heim in relation to repairing
of 59, 110
19-Snyder, Hattie A.; Taxes (special assessment) 59, 245
19-Sidewalks; Cleaning snow and ice from; Special assessment
levied for 60, 85
" 19-Streets, Paved; Matter of cleaning of 65, 103
19-Sewer, Storm Water in 16th and 15th Streets, from Wash-
ington to Pine Streets; Engineer instructed to prepare
plans and specifications for 67
19-Schulte, B. & Son; Ordered to take care of water flowing
from their stone cutting plant 68
April 2-Seventh Avenue from Julien Add. to City Limits; Plat of
., win.). dedications properly signed 84
2-Sidewalks; Repairing of; special assessment levied for85
" 2-Sewer, Sanitary, in alley between Rhomberg and Garfield
Avenues, from Johnson to Middle Avenues; accepted.... 92, 93. 100
1 i '
' .... .
k - _ :w
411) )1
s INDEX-Book 33.
" 16-Sisters of St. Francis; Petition of in relati 01 to openingof
street abutting their property 99, 111, 112
" 16-Sewer, Storm Water, in 15th Street from Washington to
Elm Streets; also in Elni Street from 15th to 14th
Streets; Plans and specifications of adopted; 263, 162, 102, 139, 154
" 19-Sewer, Storm Water in 16th Street from Washington to
• East Side of Pine Street; also stone culvert in 16th Street
from Washington to East Side of Pine Street, 264, 263, 185,
166, 162, 154 102, 139
`{ 30-Schmidt Mfg. Co.; Taxes .108, 154, 166
" 30-Sanitary Policeman; Frank Flynn appointed 111
" 30-Spring Street; Engineer instructed to prepare plat show-
ing re-location of 113, 157, 289
" 30-Sewer, Sanitary, in alley between Jackson and Washington
Streets from Sanford Avenue to 27th Street; Resolution
' ordering construction of 114, 137
May 7-Smedley Steam Pump Co.; Bill of 126, 165
" 7-Sidewalks; Repairing of; Special Assessment levied for 128
" 21-Sidewalks; Construction of; Special Assessment levied for 135
" • 21-Sixteenth Street, from Iowa to Jackson Streets; Matter of
repairing of 139
June 4-South Locust Street, between Jones and Dodge Streets;
Petition of D. Ahearn et al in relation to bad condition of
gutter in west side of .. 154. 203
" 4-Schwartz, Mrs. Louisa; Taxes, 304, 266 151, 185
" 4-Sidewalks; Repairing of, Special Assessment levied for ind •
erroneous assessments 157, 180
July 2-Staufenbeil, A. -R.; Bill of • 178, 190
-Straub, Jos. et al; Petition of in relation to Improving
Broadway Extension from Gay to Putnam Streets, 178, 217, 273
" 2-Sheean, Dan; Bill of 178. 190
" 2-Sewer, Sanitary, in alley between Pine and Elm Streets,
from Sixteenth to Seventeenth Streets; Petition of Metz
Mfg. Co. in relation to extension of 178, 190, 191
" 2-Sewer, Sanitary in Twenty-Sixth Street from White Street
100 feet west of Couler Avenue; Petition of Rev. A. Bae-
ding in relation to extension of 17S, 190
2-Sewer, Sanitary, in Kniest Street; Petition of F. N. Russo
in relation to making connections with 178, 190
" 2-Sabula and Muscatine and Fulton and Monroe Streets;
Matter of constructing two cisterns in intersections of, 180, 188, 207
" 2-Sidewalks; Repairing of, Special Assessment levied for. 181
" 2-Sidewalks; Construction of, special assessment levied for 182
" 2-Sprinkling Districts; Amendments of 185
" 16-Sprinkling Streets; Matter of compensation for water used
for 190, 210
" 16-Sewer, Sanitary; in alley between Elm and Pine Streets,
from Sivteenth to Seventeenth Streets; Resolution order-
ing construction of. 300. 297, 296, 263. 217 191, 207, 211
Aug. 6-Sewer, Storm Water, in Walnut Street, between Julien Ave-
nue and West Eleventh Street; Petition of Jno. Nagle in
relation to construction of 202, 244. 260
" 6-St. Ambrose Street from Asbury to Arch Streets; Petition
of Chas. H. Meyer et al in relation to improvement or 202
" 6-Stolteben, Win. et al; Petition of in relation to obstructions
on passageway between Alma and Rebecca Streets 203, 211, 237
" 6-Sidewalks; Repairing of, special assessment levied for 205
" 6-Sewer Committee; instructed to purchase 'hose reel and 210
500 feet of hose for Sewer Department.
INDEX,—Book 33.
--- — .C13JL+'C'1'. PAGE.
•• 20—Seventh Avenue in Ham's Adel.; matter of straightening of 230, 218.' 9, 3u4
Sept. 3—Simplot, Ida M.; Taxes `
•• 3—Sewer, Sanitary, in alley between Jackson and \\'ashing-.
ton Streets from Sanford Avenue to Twenty-seventh
Streets; Petition of Jos. Ziereis et al in relation to con-
of, 247, 246 2392
• 3—Sidewalks; Repairing of, special assessment levied for •,
' ,1,1
, '• 3—Stewart Avenue; Matter of replacing curb on ••• 236
• " 17—Sewer. Storni Water, in Arlington Street from Highland
Place to Grove Terrace; Petition of J. \V. Conchar et al
in relation to construction of 239
" 17—Sullivan, T. 0.; Ordered to connect with sanitary sewer241
" 17—Street Sprinkling Superintendent; salary of to be charged
` `' • to Engineer's Fund 247
Oct. 1—Sidewalks; Repairing of, sltei ial assessment levied 1 r... 26a
" 1—Sewer. Sanitary, in White Strek t north of Sanford Avenue;
matter of examining of 263
" 1—Spruce Street, hest side of Letween Jefferson Street and
Julien Avenue; sidewalk ordered on 26
' 15—St. Joseph Street, south side of between Fremont Avenue
and Stetmore Street; sidewalk ordered on 271. 297
• Nov. 5—St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital; Taxes 290, 305
" 5—Sidewalks; Repairing of, special assessment levied for492
" 5—Streets; Repairing, cleaning and sprinkling of, matter of
dividing into districts of V97, 2,o5
Dec. 3—Sears, Henry; Claim of 314, 325
" 3—Starr, Sam; Taxes 314, 324
" 3—Smedley Steam Pump Co.; Tares 314. 324
" 3—Sidewalks; Repairing of, special assessment levied for .. 316
3—Steam Road Roller (New); matter of charging c.,st of to
General Expense Fund 320, 327
" 17—Seidel, Mrs. Eva; Taxes 322
:j Y•
n:`, 1
INDEX—Book 33.
Jan. 8—ibey, Jno.; Claim of (Dodge Street Storm Sewer) 2
" 8—Telegraph-Herald; Bills of 12, 111, 161
Feb. 19—Tourrot, Geo.; Taxes 33, 57
" 28—Trilk, Madaline L.; Taxes 39, 64
" 28—Thompson, A. A.; Taxes 39, 57
April 2—Twenty-second Street, north side of between Washington
and Elm Streets; sidewalk ordered on 93
" 30—Team Drivers' Union; Communication of in relation to new
scale of wages for teamsters 108, 130
May 7—Town Clock; Taking care of; Bids advertised for and con-
tract awarded 130, 138, 161
July 16—Trernplar, Mrs. Maria; Taxes 187, 209
Aug. 20—Tax List for 1903; Referred to Board of Equalization 214,'260
Sept. 17—Telegraph and Telephone Companies in City; statements of
the assessments and valuations of 240, 260
Oct. 1—Tower Street; Petition of Conlin & Kearns in relation to
vacation of 258, 269, 289
" 1—Tower Street, from northerly line of alley in Block 5,
Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's Add. to north-
erly line of Wall Street; Vacation of, 325 263, 289, 300
" 15—Thedinga, Maria L.; Taxes 266
Nov. 5—Tax Levy; Fixed for 1903 295
Dec. 17—Tschirgi, Matt.; Bill of for sewer connections 322
l :Lilf®I..eIPIF^el'/B'f.::'.. F.-Pi ,• x:;,. - —.. --.c.., -t Y... .... :-. -i:,,.t...^J.. ..., .:ilf:?; ,,.::.:i.l.:.fw:p..h' .., 13 1:: .
INDEX-- Book 33.
.Jan. 8—Union Electric Co.; Bill against for rolling ordered collected
8—17nin rels-
n toremoving emoving ttr icks on the ELinehan tl a Iow astreetal
Second and Locust Streets, Sanford Avenue and Jackson 12, 191
Feb. 19—Union Electric Co.; Communication of in relation to coniple- 113
tion of contract for enclosed arc lamps
April 16—Union Electric Co.; Communication of in relation to placing
switch in Dodge Street, west of Bluff street: also to in-
stall connecting curve at intersection of Eighth and 99
Clay Streets
" 30—Union Electric Co.; Granted permission to repldce their rails 111
with T rails
May 7—Union Electric Co.; To furnish inspector on brick paved 131
streets while taking up their tracks
Oct. 1—Union Electric Co.; Bill of
25S, 295•
INDEX —Book 33.
Jan. 8—Voe'.ker, Jno.; Bills of, 161, 111 12, 105
Feb. 5—Voss, Mrs. Amelia; Taxes 31, 33, 57
April '2—Valeria Street; East Side of between Hart Street and Kauf-
mann Avenue; Sidewalk ordered on 93
May 21—Vogt, Jos.; Claim of for personal damages ($2,000) 187 132, 137, 161 •
July 16—Villa Street; Petition of Sylvester Patch in relation to grade
of 187
Aug. 6—Voelker, C. A.; Taxes (special assessment) 322, 319 203, 237, 299
INDEX—Book 33.
Jan. S—Reeds, noxious: Cutting of, special assesn.ent ordered can- 5, 6
" S—Weigel, F. Estate: Taxes (special assessment) 5
"• 22—Wilson, H. E,: Taxes (special assessment) 14, 31
" 22—Walker, Lottie F.; ('lain of for personal damages $3,000).,,. 33, 35
Feb. 19—Wiedner, Mrs. Martha; Taxes
28—Weipert, Paul; Claim of or personal damages 40, 103, 109
Mar. 5—Water and Dodge Streets; Petition of T. ,l. Mulgrew in rela-
tion to filling and grading of 55, 105
" 19—Water Mains west of Broadway and Diagonal streets; Peti-
tion of Herman Ney et al in r lation to extension of59, 161, 188
'; 19—Water stains in West 17th St.. from Clarke to Catherine
Streets: Petition of E. F. Milligan et al in relation to
extension of •• 59
Ii •' 19—Ward, Jno.; Claim of for personal damages 59, 99
" 19—Wagner & Dorgan, ordered to take care of water flowing
from their stone cutting plant 6S
May 7—Rater tIains in Twelfth Street east of railroad tracks;
Petition of Carr. Ryder & Adams Co. in relation to ex-
tension of 126
June 4—Washington Street North through lot 10 of Mineral Lot 322
to Twenty-Sixth Street; matter of extension of 16::
" 4—West Locust Street. north side of between Ellis and Foye
Streets: sidewalk ordered on 16::
, 18—\Vater Mains in Union Avenue from Alta Vista to \Vest
Locust Streets; petition of A. Sieg et al in relation to
,I ',,1, extension of 164
!' 18—Whittemore. Mrs. Bridget: Taxes (special assessment) 164. 155
July 2—Wybrant, Jno.; Taxes 17S. 209
Aug. 6—Willow Street from St. Ambrose Street to 223 feet east of
!I I St. Ambrose Street; Petition of Sisters of Holy tihost in
relation to improvement of. 323. 322. 321• ^r :9:2, 260.. 202, 244. 246
II " 6—Water Mains in Atlantic and Audubon Av-ines: Petition
I! of M. Fahey et al in relation to extension 1' .. 20.2, 230
Ii May " 6—Water Fountain at Sixth and Main Streets; matter of
I_' replacing of
Sept. 3—Wildhaber, J. et al, petition of remonstrating against paying
II special assessments for improving alley bettceen Rhum-
berg and Garfield Avenues from Kniest Street to John-
son Avenue 230, 240
.'i 17—Waller, Robt. Estate, ordered to connect with sanitary
sewer 245
I Oct. 1—Wolf, Geo. W.; Claim of for damages to property pro erty 258, 296
15—West Eleventh Street; matter of repairing retaining wall on,
also constructing cement sidewalg on 269, 304
Nov. 5—Weeds, noxious; cutting of, special assessment levied for291
J 11
1 it1
,1 11
• •
INDEX—Book 33.
1903. Sl'IlJECT. PAGE.
,... .
415-.k Feb. 2S---Yet ger. Chas; ''axes
'I4. .,
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Alds. Clancy, Corra.nee , p`rith.
orr. Jones. Raymond and SherltInn.
Regular Session,
Jan. 8, 1903.
Council met at 8:15 P. M.
Ald. Raymond moved that the Council
proceedings for the month of December
be approved as printed. Carried.
'Phe following bills were ordered paid:
A. Doerr, Jr., assistant assessor
for December ... t 75 00
J. J. Murphy, assistant assessor for
December 75 00
P. Baumgartner, assistant market
master for December 36 45
H. J. Tropf, board of prisoners for
December 13 00
Bieg & Rood, supplies for City At-
torney 75
Harger & Blish, stationery and sup-
plies for various departments 24 95
Globe -Journal, printing delinquent
tax list for 1902 68 80
Smith -Morgan Ptg. Co., blank books
and stationery for various depart-
ments 69 50
Union Ptg. Co., blank stationery
for various departments 5 00
Palmer -Berg Co., blank stationery
and blank books for various de-
partments 124 75
C. L. McGovern, filing and recording
deeds and plats 2 75
F. Burne, hard wood delivered at
city hall 28 00
Melloy Bros., hard wood delivered
at city hall 15 75
Conlin & Kearns, wood delivered at
city hall 13 00
W. Womberg, wood delivered at city
hall 19 b0
Becker Bros., soft coal delivered at
city hall 20 38
H. King. sawing wood at city hall11 75
G. F. Kleih, hardware 50
Dub. Telephone Co., telephone rent
Mayor's office 3 00
Dr. B. Michel, professional services
in case of Cath. Sheridan vs. city25 00
Standard Lumber Co., sawdust for
city hall 50
Standard Lumber Co., lumber for
Fourth street engine house 38 75
J. P. Cooke & Co., 1 rubber stamp20
Key City Gas Co., gas for various
departments 127 40
G. A. Barnes, money advanced for
filing abstract in supreme court
case of G. Schnee vs. City of Du-
buque 10 63
Chas. Matz, repairs for road depart-
ment 1 45
Jno. Duggan, repairs for road de-
partment 510
Standard Lumber Co., lumber for
road department . 157 24
Klauer & Kress, hardware for road
department . 2 05
Lyons & Lyons, 1 second hand stove
for road department 2 50
Hussman & Lies. hardware for road
department 40
W. Baumgartner, hardware for road
department 8 05
J. G. Moser, hardware for road de-
partment 5 25
G. W. Healey & Son, hardware for
road department 113
Ott. Mueser & Co., lumber for road
department 38 75
C. Giese, tiling and repairing saws
for road department 150
McElrath Teaming Co., sand for
road department 800
W. Lynch, sawing wood for road
department 2 00
Collings & Pfiffner, horse shoeing for
road department 450
Lagen & Sullivan, horse shoeing for
road ,lepartment 4 00
Pat Clancy, cinders for road depart-
ment 19 75
Purington Paving Brick Co., paving
brick for road department 60 00
Standard Oil Co., oil for steam rol-
ler 120
P. Hanson, oil and candles for steam
roller 3 80
Becker Bros., soft coal for steam
roller .... .... .... 19 30
Jerry Mersch, gravel for road de-
partment 1 86
Byrne & Saul, rock for road de-
partment 600
F. A. Dalton. veterinary services for
road department 98
Melloy Bros., soft coal for fire de-
partment 11 19
Phil Pier, soft coal for fire depart-
ment 36 38
F. Burns, soft coal for fire depart-
ment 21 26
Linehan & Molo, soft coal for fire
department 40 87
Becker Bros., soft coal for fire de-
partment 92 83
Linehan & Molo, supplies for fire
department 3 40
Carr, Ryder & Adams Co., lumber
for flre department 415
Ott, Mueser & Co., shavings for fire
department 1 30
Standard Lumber Co., shavings for
fire department 1 50
G. W. Healey & Son, hardware for
fire department .. 50
J. G. Moser, hardware for fire de-
partment 60
Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse
shoeing for fire department 1 75
Heller & Scherr, horse shoeing for
fire department 3 50
Collings & Pfiffner, horse shoeing
for flre denartment 28 60
Lagen & Sullivan, horse shoeing for
lire department 16 25
Iowa Telephone Co., telephone rent
for various departments 32 02
Dub. Oil Tank Line, oil for fire de-
partment 8 40
Standard 011 Co., oil for fire de-
partment ..... ... 180
Jno. Butt, repairs for lire depart-
ment 760
Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs for flre
department 2 92
Butt Bros, repairs for fire depart-
ment ...... ... ... ... ... CO
J. Newman & Son, repairs for fire
department 2 65
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary services
for fire department 7 88
Jno. Kriebs, bridle snaps for fire
department 60
Dub. Rubber & Belting Co., rubber
coats for fire department 109 ?S
Noel & Wagner, bran for fire depart-
ment 80
A. Ruh, bran for fire department6 99
Dub. Mattress factory, mattress for
flre department 170
Regular Session, Jan. 8, 1903.
W. H. Torbert, drugs and sponges
for fire department
Hedley & Brown, paints and oils for
fire department
Little. Becker & Co., supplies for
fire department
Eichhorn & Bechtel, bran for fire
Iowa Iron Works, repairs on steam-
er Stewart
Key City Roofing Co, repairing roof
Central engine house 38 00
Central housea
street engine house
Key City Gas Co., coke
for fire de-
Key City Gas Co., Humphrey lights
at Central engine house
Key City Gas Co., supplies for fire
Keep & Buechele, caps for police de-
Nicoll, the Tailor. police overcoats..
J. W. Wittmer, drugs and supplies 5
for police department
Eichhorn & Bechtel, matches for po-
lice department 50
Lyons & Lyons. 1 stove for patrol
house 22 00
H. King, sawing wood at patrol 2
Melloy Bros., soft coal at patrol 16 25
F. Burns. hauling at patrol house 75
Collings & Pflffner, horse shoeing 12 80
patrol team
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary services
for patrol house 2 RF
Butt Bros., repairs on patrol wagon 75
C. McGarvey. sawing wood for ma-
tron department 175
McDermott & Gow, plumbing and
repairing water closet in calaboose 9 95
Ott, Meurer & Co., lumber for sewer
department 11 95
Jno. Butt, repairs for sewer depart-
ment 105
Headford Bros. & Hitchins, manhole
covers and rims for sewer de-
partment 34 00
Dub. Rubber & Belting Co.. expan-
sion rings for sewer department4 00
J. G. Moser, hardware for sewer de-
partment 20
Hussman & Lies. hardware for
sewer department 2 50
Globe -Journal official printing for
November and December 120 00
National Demokrat, official printing
for December 25 00
The Times, official printing for No-
vember and December 30 00
Dubuque Telegraph -Herald, official
printing for November and Decem-
ber ... 100 00
Phil. Pier, soft wood for engineer's
department 475
Union Electric Co., arc lights for
December 2029 58
Dubuque Telegraph -Herald, blank
books for health department
Dubuque Telegraph -Herald, health
reports for September and October
Smith -Morgan Ptg. Co., blank sta-
tionery for health department
T. E. Frith removing garbage and
dead animals during December ,.
P. Eisbach, estimate on Bee Branch
P. Eisbach, cement sold to city for
Bee Branch sewer
Jas. Street, rock for Bee Branch
Jas. Noonan & Co., brick for Bee
14 75
6 62
18 38
14 05
3 75
26 00
220 00
16 00
8 00
3 00
83 64
41 50
6 20
78 40
Branch sewer ,.... 3 96
Jno. Heim, brick for Bee Branch 11 ?a
sewer cement for
Key City Rooting Co., 6 10
Bee Branch sewer
Mrs. C. Fosselman, gasoline and oil 2
for Bee Branch sewer
G. Mersch, rock furnished for Bee 110 55
Branch sewer
Jno. Butt, repairs for Bee Branch 190
Brown & Brown, grading Lang-
worthy avenue
Standard Lumber Co., lumber for 31 40
special sidewalk fund
J. B. Miller, use of derrick at Du-
buque and Wisconsin high bride6 00
Klauer & Kress, new tools for Mt
Carmel fund
Mullen & Papin, balance due for
plumbing at Gandvieiw engine 119 75
T. T. Carkeek, balance due on com-
mission of Grandview Engine,
Dr. E. L. Reinecke, to professional
services rendered Wm. Clark June
10th, 1902 12 00
On motion the bill was referred to the
Committee on Claims.
Key City Gas Co., to 1 Welsbach
Light at Ninth Street Engine
$ 1
On motion the bill was received and
The following bills due the City were
referred to the City Engineer for collec-
Union Electric Co., to City of Du-
buque, Dr. To rolling various
Streets $ 26 5
Key City Gas Co., to City of Du-
buque, Dr., to rolling gas trenches
in various Streets.... 27 00
Dubuque Water Trustees, to City of
Dubuque, Dr., to rolling Water
trenches in various Streets 13 50
2 10
Original Notice, District Court, in case
of Jno. Tibey vs. City of Dubuque, claim-
ing the sum of $1,096.60 as money due him
for work, labor and services performed
for said City of Dubuque.
Also claim of' Cath, Hagerty, claiming
the sum of $1,000 for personal damages
sustained by falling on the sidewalk on
the West Side of Dell Street, near alley,
between West Fourteenth and Arlington
On motion both the Notice and Claim
were referred to the committee on Claims
and City Attorney.
Petition of B. E. Linehan and fifty-
three other signers, asking Council to
grant the prayer of the Union Electric
Company to remove its tracks on, tlhe
"Iowa Street Line" between Second and
Locust streets and Sanford and Jackson
Ald. Raymond moved to refer tlhe peti-
tion to the Ordinance committee. Car-
Petition of Cath. Rowland asking that
she be exempt on her homestead from
taxation to the amount of $800.00, she be-
ing the wife of an honorably discharged
Union soldier.
On motion the petition was referred td
the Delinquent Tax committee.
Regular Session, Jan. 8, 1903.
Petition of A. E. Ferguson, asking that
the assessment on Tots 1 and 2 of Min. Lot
76, also 1 of 1 of 4 and '2 of 4 of Min. Lot
73. be placed at $1,850.00 for the year 1992.
On motion the petition was referred to
the Board of Equalization and City As-
'.l'he following petitions were referred to
the Committee of the Whole:
Petition of Jno. Becker, asking city to
purchase 1,000 yards) of macadam to the
value of $500.00 and the same to be ap-
plied on his taxes to be paid for the im-
provement of Kaufman Ave. as levied
against Min. Lot 337.
Petition of Jaynes Saul and forty-five
other signers, asking that Cleveland Ave-
nue be extended through from its pres-
ent terminus, South Dodge Street, to
Grandview Avenue,
Petition of H. B. Glover Co. and fifteen
other signers, asking City Council to re-
consider their action in the matter of the
Sprinkling Assessment for the year 1902.
Ald. Frith moved to receive and file' the
Ald. Sheridan moved to refer the peti-
tion to the Committee of the Whole.
Petition of Chas. Bush, asking that the
asses_'ment levied for sprinitling East %
of lot 30 in Mount Pleasant Add. be can-
On motion the petition was referred to
the Committee of the Whole.
Mayor Berg reported as follows:
To the Honomalble City Council of the
City of Dubuque:
Gentlertnen: Herewith please find re-
ceipt from the Clerk of the District Court
for $139.10 in settlement of the Court Cost
in the case of Cath. Sheridan. vs. City of
Dubuque, according to the action taken
by your Honorable Body in this matter
at your regular meeting Dec. 18th, 1902.
C. H. BERG, Mayor.
On motion the report was received and
City Attorney Barnes reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and Aldermen
of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: Reporting on the case of
John Pier vs. the City of Dubuque, the
same has been settled in accordance with
the terms heretofore recommended by me
and adopted by your Honorable Body.
The basis) of the settlement is as follows:
Plaintiff is to pay the sum of $17.25 to
the defendant in full payment of the
special assessment referred to in said
case. The City to pay the costs, which
are taxed at $29.55.
Accompanying this report you will find
check of John Pier & Co., endorsed, pay-
able to the City Treasurer for said sum
of $17.25. I would recommend that the
same be accepted by your Honorable
Body in full payment of saki special as-
sessment and that the treasurer be in-
structed to issue a receipt to said John
Pier in full settlement of said special as-
sessment. I would further recommend
that an order be drawn in favor of the
Mayor for the sum of $29.56, being the
costs in said case, and the Mayor be in-
structed to pay the same to the Clerk of
the .District Court.
Respectfully submitted,
City Attorney.
Aid. Horr moved that the report be re-
ceived and the recommendations carried
out. Carried.
City Treasurer Brinkman reported as
fel lows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: Below you will find state-
ment of amounts advanced by me during
the month of December, 1902, for which
please order Warrants drawn in my fa-
Bvcavating Permits Redeemed $ 75.00
Interest on Warrants outstanding 625.42
For grading Traut Terrace 50.00
Error in charging Water Tax .60
$ 751.02
Library Trustees Orders Paid $1,101.25
I also received money borrowed from
the following parties, for which please or-
der Loan Warrants drawn in their favor.
Dec. 6th, 1902. German Bank $5,000.00
Dec. 6th, 1902.—First National
Bank 5.000.00
Dec. 18th, 1902.—Elizabeth. Dansch 250.00
Dec. 13th. 1902.—L. Rischtasch200.00
Jan. 6th, 1903.—Elizabeth Dansch300.00
H. BRINKMAN, Treasurer.
On motion the report was received and
Warrants ordered drawn to pay the var-
ious amounts: and, the report referred
back to the Committee on Finance.
City Auditor Hoffman reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: Herewith find' my report
for the month of December. 1902, show-
ing the receipts and disbursements for
the month.
Cash on hand Dec, lst, 1902 $16,557.73
Receipts from all sources. 33,686.65
month $20,570.61
month 1,086.25
Warrants redeemed during
Coupons redeemed during
W. W. Coupons redeemed
W. W. Bonds redeemed
Cash on 'hand January lst, 1906....$12,065.02
The albove cash balance belongs to the
various sinking funds.
Also report that there is due the City
Officers for the month of December, 1902,
Also the following is a record of all
Interest Coupons redeemed by Treasurer
for the past month:
Water Works Coupons $10,552.50
Regular Bond Coupons 337.50
Improvement Bond Coupons 748.75
The following list shows the Appropria-
tion® and the amount of Warrants drawn
on each Fund since the beginning of
the fiscal year beginning March Ist, 1902,
to January 1st, 1903:
Engineer 25 000
Gas and Light
Water Works Bond In-
terest...25,000 . ....
Interest ...... .. .. 45,000
Board of Health 6,
Grading.... .... .
Bee Branch.... .. .. ..... 13,000
Eagle Point Bridge....... 5,000
Spec ial Bonded Paving... 5,000
Redemption.. .. 2,500
Judgment.. .. 3,000
Library 6.000
Sprinkling — First
...... .... 750
Sprinkling —Second Dis-
trict.... 2.300
Sprinkling — Third Dis-
trict 2,200
Sprinkling —Fourth Dis-
tract 2,300 806.55
Sprinkling — Fifth Dis-
trict. . ... .... 1,500 1,115.12
Special Bonded Debt In-
terest 3,000 2,138.10
Grandview Ave. Engine
House 6,000 2,222.955
Mount Carmel Avenue
Grading.... . 1,000
Sidewalk Repairing.. .... 500 97.13
Special Sewer Fund,. .. 5.000 4,906.82
On motion the report was received and
Warrants Ordered drawn to pay City Of-
ficers. and the report referred back to
the Committee on Finance.
Regular Session, Jan. 8, 1903.
Appropriation. Expended.
$40,000 $31,463.05
42,000 38,725.86
36,000 24,593.11
28,000 20,527.05
5,000 3,690.30
2,000 1,105.00
Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen.: I herewith submit
roll for the Fire Department
month of December, 1902:
Amount due Firemen $2,018.21
MATT. CLANCY, Chairman. Committee
on Fire.
On •motion the pay roll was received
and Warrants ordered drawn to pay Fire-
men and the pay roll referred back to the
Committee on Fire.
my pay
for the
Chief of Police Morgan reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my re-
port and pay roll for the Police Depart-
ment for the month of December, 1902:
Total Arrests for the Month 60
Patrol Runs for the Month
Miles Traveled for the Month
Residents Arrested
Doors Found Open
Lodgers Harbored...... ....
Defective Lights
Meals Furnished
Cost of Food
City Ordinance Fines....
Poundmaster's Receipts
Sheriff Dieting Prisoners
Also the pay roll for Policemen for the
month of December, 1902:
$ 5.00
$ 3.25
Amount due Policemen.... $1,914.45
Respectfully submitted,
Chief of Police.
On motion the report and pay roll was
received and Warrants ordered drawn to
pay Policemen and the report referred
back to the Committee on Police.
Justice Kessler, Justice of the Peace for
Julien 'Township, reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: The undersigned, a Justice
of the Peace within and for Julien Town-
ship, Dubuque County, Iowa, hereby
make the following report of all cases
tried by me in violation of the City Ordin-
ance during the month of December. 1902:
State of Iowa for the l'se of the City of
1902. Viol't'g City Ord. Cost.
L. Willea, Dec. 5th, Sect. 4 of
Chapt. 36.... .... $1.85
Thomas Smith. Dec, llth, Sect,
18 of Chapt. 36 .85
James Thompson, Dec. llth
Sect. 18 of Chapt. 36 .85
Joe Frey. Dec. llth, Sect. 18,
of Chapt. 36.... .... .85
D. L. Harkins •85
$ 5.00
$5.25 $85.00
Of this $10.00 was remitted$10.00
Balance $75.00
Which I paid to Edw. Morgan, Chief of
Police, and the cost in the above entitled
I paid into the City Treasury in the sum
of $6.25, all of which is respectfully sub-
Justice of the Peace.
On motion the report was received and
tiled. Carried.
City Engineer Boyce reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay
roll for Labor on Streets during the last
half of December, 1902.
Amount due Laborers on Streets...$409.80
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved: E. E. FRITH,
Chaiman Comamittee on Streets.
Also submit my pay roll for Labor on
Sewers during the last half of December,
Amount due Laborers on Sewers....$172.20
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Chairman Committee on Sewers.
Also submit my pay roll for Labor on
Bee Branch sewer during the last half of
December, 1902.
Amount due Iaborers
on Bee
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved: E. E. FRITH,
Chairman Committee on Bee Branch.
Regular Session, January 8, 1903
On motion the pay roll for Streets, Sew-
ers and Bee .Branch were received, and
warrants ordered drawn to pay the var-
ious amounts and the pay rolls referred
back to the proper committees.
City Electrician reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: 1 herewith submit my re-
port 01 Defective 1..gnits for the month or
December, 1902.
I find from the report of the Pollee De-
partment that the total hours that 335
Lamps failed to burn would equal 104
Lamps for one month, or $56.70.
Respectfully submitted,
City Electrician.
On motion the report was received and
the Auditor instructed to deduct from.
the Union Electric Company's bill for the
month of December, 1902, the amount of
The following Weighmasters and Wood -
measurers' receipts were referred to the
Committee on Markets:
H. J. Trope, City Hall receipts....$ 42 L5
Louise Pitschner, West Dubuque
Scale receipts 2 56
T. Faherty, First Ward Scale ., re-
ceipts 9 66
R. Hay, Eighth Street Scale re-
ceipts 9 el
Geo. Pfiffner, Jackson Street Scale
receipts 5 70
R. F. Curran, Woodmeasurer's re-
ceipts 9 61
City Engineer Boyce reported as rot -
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: Attached please find Treas-
urer's receipt for $66.45 for Macadam sold
to Ott, Meuse'. & Co., as per bill sub-
mitted to me for collection.
City Engineer.
On motion the report was received and
City Engineer Boyce also reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen --On account of erroneous as-
sessment I ask for the cancellation of
the special assessment against lot 29, Julia
I..aigworthy's Add.. for cutting weeds in
July, 1902. Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report.
Sidewalk Inspector Crawford reported
as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: The undersigned, to whom
you referred the within petition of F. H.
Weigel, in relation to the special assess-
ment levied against city lot No. 55 and
the S. 44 feet of city lot No. 21. for shov-
eling the snow from the sidewalks abut-
ting thereon, beg to report that the work
was done by the city and that the assess-
ments are correct and just.
Sidewalk Inspector.
City Engineer.
Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the report.
.Jan. 8, 1903.
City Engineer Boyce reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: Herewith attached please
find plat showing proporied vacation or a
part of Jackson street in Mineral Lot No.
Proper notice was served on the abut-
ting property owners Dec. 26th, 1902.
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Ald. Frith moved to suspend the rules
that Hon. D. J. Lenehan might be heard
in relation to the vacation of part or
Jackson street. Carried.
Hon. D. J. Lenehan addressed the Coun-
cil in relation to extending the wall of
the C. G. W. R'y. company's round house
in Jackson. street.
Mr. M. M. Hoffman. in behalf of the
Dubuque Investment Company, address-
ed the Council protesting against said
Whereupon Ald. Corra nee moved that
the plat he approved and properly record-
- Carried by the following vote:
Yea*—Alds. Corrance. Frith, Hort.,
Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Nays—Aid. Clancy.
Sidewalk Inspector Crawford reported
as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: Herewith attached please
find statement of the sidewalks cleaned
during the month of December, 1902, with
the names of parties that done the work,
according to the Ordinance relating to
cleaning sidewalks. Respectfully sub-
Sidewalk Inspector.
Ald. Harr mov-?d that the report be re-
ceived and the Recorder be instructed to
advertise she special assessment. Car-
City Recorder Arendt presented snit
read the printed notice, certified to Ay
the publisher, of the Council's intention
to levy a special assessment for improv-
ing the alley between Locust and Bluff
Streets, from Tenth to Eleventh Streets.
No remonstrance being filed. the Mayor
asked if any one present had any objec-
tion to elaid special assessment.
No objection being stated, on motion of
Ald. Frith the notice was received and
Whereupon Md. Raymond offered the
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque. That to pay for Um.
Provingthe alley between. Locust and
Bluff Streets, from Tenth Street to
Eleventh Street, by O'Farrell & Street,
contractors, in front of and adjoining
the same a. special tax be and is hereby
levied on the several lots and parts of
lots, and parcels of real estate herein-
after named, situated and owned, and
for the several amounts set opposite each
lot or parcel of real estate. as follows:
J. R. Guthrie, city lot 656, 35.1 sq.
yds at $2.25 per sq. yd $ 78 98
Grace A. and Sarah M. Provost, city
lot 657, 28.4 sq. yds. at $2.25 Per 90
sq. yd
Grace A. and Sarah M. Provost, city
S. 2 ft. lot 658, 1.1 .wi. yds. at $2.25 2 48
per sq. yd'
John Lagen. City S. M. 32 ft, lot 653,
Regular Session, Jan. 1903.
17.8 sq. yds. at $2.25 per sq. yd....
Ellen G. Provost, City N. 17 ft, lot
658, 9.6 sl. yds. at $2.25 per sq.yd..
Ellan G. Provost. City S. 16.5 ft. E.
% lot 659, 12.1 sq. yds. at $2.26 per
sq. yd
H. A. Hill, City S. 21.8 ft. N. 35.2 ft.
E. % lot 659, 7.2 sq. yds. at $2.25
per sq. yd'
Wells & Ham, city N. 13 ft. No. 35.2
ft. E. 1h lot I:9. 7.2 sq. yds. at $2.25
per sq. yd
Wells & Ham, city S. 8 ft. E. 1 lot
660, 4.4 sq. yds. at $2.25 per sq. yd
First Presbyterian Church, City N
43 ft. E. % of 660, 30.7 sq. yds. at
$2.26 per sq: yd'
James Rowan, City lot 656a, 35.1 sq.
yds. at $2.25 per sq. yd•
James Rowan, Sub. City 657a, lot 2,
9 sq. yds. at $2.25 per sq. yd
Thos. J. Quinlan, Sub. City 657a, lot
1, 19.5 sq. yds. at $2.25 per sq. yd43 87
City of Dubuque, City lot 658a, 28.4
sq. yds. at $2.25 per sq. yd 63 91
City of Dubuque. City W. 1 lot 659,
28.4 sq yds. at $2.25 per sq. yd 63 91
City of Dubuque, Sub. City W. %
660, lot %, 35.1 sq. yds. at $2.25 per
sq. Yd 78 98
Ald Raymond moved to adopt the res-
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes -Aids. Clancy, Corrance. Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Nays -None.
40 05
21 60
20 70
27 22
16 20
9 90
69 07
78 98
20 25
City Recorder Arendt also presented the
printed notice certified to Uy the pub-
lisher of the C'ouncil's intention to levy
a special assessment against J. S. Steph-
ans for cutting weeds during the month
of July, 1902.
No remonstrance being filed, the Mayor
asked if any one present had any objec-
tion to said special assessment.
No objection being stated, on motion or
Ald. Sheridan the notice was received and
Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the fol-
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, That to pay for cutting
weeds during the month of July, 1902, in
front and adjoining the same, a special
tax be and is hereby levied on the sev-
eral lots and parts of lots and parcels
of real estate hereinafter named, situate
and owned, and for the several amounts
set opposite each lot or parcel of real es-
tate as follows:
July 25-J. S. Stephens, Julia Lang-
worthy- Add., lot 22, 8 hours' lahor.$1 40
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr. Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Nay# -None.
City Recorder Arendt also presented
the printed notice, certified to by the
publisher, of thea Council's intention to
levy a special assessment against the dif-
ferent named property owners for repalr-
irg sidewalks for the month of Novem-
ber, 1902.
No remonstrance being filed, the Mayor
asked if any one present had any objec-
tion to said special assessment.
No objection being stated, on motion of
Ald. Jones, the notice was received and
filed, Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for repair-
ing sidewalks during the month of No-,
vember, 1902, in frcmt of and adjoining
the same, a special tax be and is hereby
levied on the several lots. and parts of
lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter
named, situate and owned and. for the
several amounts set opposite each lot or.
parcel of real estate, as follows:
Nov. 1 -Bridget Whittemore. Union
Add.. lot 83.8 ft. lumber, 15c; r/4
hour labor, 15c 30
Nov. 1-14. & E. Callaghan, Sub. Pt
Min. Lot 63 and E. Pt. Union Add
69, lots 1-2, 20 ft. lumber, 40e: 1
hour labor. 25e 65
Nov. 1-J. M. Miller, et al, Sub. Pt.
Min. Lot 315, lot. 2. .8 ft. Kimber,
15e; 4 hour labor, 25c 40
Nov. 1 -Mary L. Bunting. Glendale
Add., lot 82, 18 ft. lumber, 35e: 14
hour labor. 15c 50
Nov, 1-C. H. Reynolds. MeNulty's
Sub. N. 36 ft., lot 2 10 ft. lumber,
20c: 4 hour. labor, 25c...
Nov. 3 -Cath. Schroeder. E. Lang -
worthy's Add.. lot 70, 5 ft. lum-
ber, 10e; 14 hour labor, Me 36
Nov. 3-M. D. Goux, F Langwor-
thy's Add.. lot 51. 5 ft. lumber
10e; % hour labor, 25e 35
Nov. 31 -6 -Catholic University of
Washington. et al. Levin's Add
lot 11, 26 ft, lumber, 50c; 11 hours
labor, 75c 1 25
Nov. 20-P. S. Slocum. Sidonia Hos-
ford's Sub., lot 5, 6 ft. lumber, 10c:
1,( hour labor. 25e 35.
Nov. 20 -German Presb. College,
Sub. City 675. lot 7. 20 ft. lumber.
40c; 1/2 hour labor. 26c Bir
Nov. 7-A. Treuh, Sub. of 2 of 7 of
Min. lot 159, lot 3. 5 ft. lumber, 10e:
r4 hour labor. 25c 35
Nov. 7-C. H. Eighmey, Trustee
City lot 570. 66 ft. lumber, $1.30: 14
-hour labor, 40e 1 70
Nov. 7 -German Presb. College. Sub.
City 675, lot 7. 2(W) bricks, $2.00: 4
hours' labor, $2.00 4 00
Nov. 8-W. M. Davis, Cox Add., lot
2, 8 ft. lumber, 15e: % hour labor,
c 40
Nov. 8-Jno. S. Garrigan Est., Sub.
City 720. lot 1, 12 ft. lumber,' 25c:
14. hourf labor, 15c 40
Nov. 8 -Geo. Sabot, Sub. 39, Kelly's
Sub., lot 1. 8 ft. lumber, 15e; %
hour labor, 26e 40
Nov. 8-C. B. Scheer, Trustee, Voel-
ker's Add.. lot 21, 10 ft. lumber,
20c: lk hour labor, 25c 46
Nov. 8 -Leathers & Trewin,
Schroeder's Add., lot 20, 5 ft. lum-
ber, 10c; 4 hour labor, 25c 3e
Nov. 10 -Geo. Kirkland, Sub. 10
Dunn's Sub., lot 1, 8 ft. lumber;
15c; r4 hour labor, 25c 40
Nov. 10 -Mich. Sehunk Ent., Dabs
Farm Add., lot 287. 10 ft. lumber,
20c; 14 hour labor, 15e 35
Nov. 11 -Thos. O'Brien, Glendale
Add., lot 158, 20 ft. lumiber, 40c;
15 hour labor, 25c 66
Nov. 11-R. & E. Langworthy E14t
Glendale Add., lots 225-226, 40 ft.
lumber, 80c; 4 hour labor, 40e 120
Nov. 11 -Pat. Walsh Est.. McCra-
ney's 1st Add., lot 'i ; 30 ft. lu7n-
her, 60c: 14 hour labor, 40c 100
Nov, 11-22-E. Smith, A. M'cDantels'
Sub., lot 782, 65 ft, lumber, $1.30;
1% hours labor, 75c 2 05
Nov. 13-G. Perry Est., Nairn's Add,
lots 20-21, 14 ft. lumber, 30e; %
Regular Session, Jan. 8, 1903. 7
hour labor, 25c
Nov. 13-H. Wunderlich, Fortune's
Sub., lot 15, 8 ft. lumber, 15c; 341
hour labor 25c
Nov. 15 -Watters & Dennis, Sub. 3
City 720, lot 6, 16 ft. lumber, 30c; 1
hour labor, 50c
Nov. 15-A. & J. Trueb-S. Southwell,
and E. T. Goldthorp, Sub. City 720,
lots G-7. 9 ft. lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour
labor. 250
Nov. 15-R. E. Butler, Sub. 2 of 1S9,
Union Add., lot 1, 10 ft. lumber,
20c; 1-2 hour la.bor, 25c
Nov. 17-Jno. McQuillan, Unicn.
Add., lot 183, 48 ft. lumber, 95c; 1
hour labor, 50c
Nov. 17 -Thos. Hassett, Harper's
Sub. N. 85 ft. lot 2, 13 ft. lumber,
25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c
Nov. 18 -Leathers & Trewin, L H
Langw'orthy's Add., N. 71 ft., lot
151, 15 ft. lumber, SOc; 1-2 hour
labor, 25c
Nov. 18-C. B. Scherr, Trustee, Me-
chanic's Add., lots 154-155, 8 ft.
lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c....
Nov. '1S -Roman Lorena, E. Lang -
worthy's Add., lot 47, 5 ft lumber,
10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c
Nov. 19-Edw. Langworthy Est.,
Pauline La.ngworthy's Sub., lot 5,
6 ft. lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor,
Nov. 19 -Mead Langton, Pa.uline
Langworthy's Sub., lots 9-10, 34 ft.
lumber, 70c; 3-4 hour labor, 40c..
Nov. 20 -Marg. Eichhorn, L. H.
Langworthy's Add., W. 1-2 lot 44,
20 ft. lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor,
Nov. 20 -WmGudertan Est., Rodg-
er's Sub., lot 26, 13 ft. lumber, 25c;
1-2 hour labor, 25c
Nov. 20 -Mary and Ellen Ryan,
Hedley's Sub., lot 6, 10 ft. lum-
ber, 20c; 1-4 hour labor, 15c
Nov. 20-A. Schaefile, Rodger's Sub,
lot 27, 5 ft. lumber, 10c; 1-4 hour
labor. 15c
Nov. 21 -Geo. Salot, Sub. 39, Kelly's
Sub., lot 2, 200 ft. lumber, $4.00; 2
h'our's labor, $1.00
Nov. 21-A. G. Children, Sub. 17,
Min. Lot 79, lot 1, 16 ft. lumber,
30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c
Nov. 21 -Bridget Eagan, Sub. 17,
Min. Lot 79, lot 16, 50 ft. lumber,
$1.00; 1-2 hour labor, 25c
Nov. 24 -Julia D. Rhomberg and G
S. Kringle, Rose Hill Add.; lots
2-3-7-8, 100 ft. lumber, $2.00; 1 1-2
hour's labor, 75c
Nov. 24 -Mary Wilde, Sub. 1 of 2 of
Min. Lot 45, lot 2, 17 ft. lumbar,
35c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c
Nov. 24 -Wm, McClain, Hoskin's
Sub., lot 5, 6 ft. lumber, 10c; 1-2
hour labor, 25c
Nov. 24 -Peter Eisbach, Sub. 1, Bon -
son & Stewart's Sub., lot 1, 15 ft.
lumber, 50c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c
Nov. 24 -Peter Eisbach, Sub. 1, Bon -
son & Stewart's Sub., lot 3, 26 ft.
lumber, 50c; 1-2 hours. abor, 25c
Nov. 24 -Cath. McMahon, Sub. of
pt. Min. Lot 149, lot 23, 7 ft. lum-
ber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c
Nov. 24 -Pat McCann., Union Add,
lot 13, 12 ft. lumber, 25c; cost of
labor, 10c
Nov. 24 -Mary L. Butning, Julia
Langworthy's Add., lot 5, 7 ft.
lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c....
Nov. 2G -Cath. Boland, City N. M.
1 45
1 10
5 00
1 25
2 75
1-5, lot 430, 10 ft. lumber, 20c; 1-4
hour labor, 15c
Nov. 25-A. W. Kem.ler Est., Mc-
Coy's Sub., lot 1, 5 ft. lumber, 10c;
1-2 hour labor, 25c 15
Nov. 28-R. J. Ellis, Sub. 7, Min,
Lot 79, lot 3,.8 ft. lumber, 15c; 1-2 '
hour labor, 25c •40
Nov. 29-F. W. and Frank Coates,
S. M. Langworthy's Add., lot 41,
7 ft. lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor,
25c 40
Nov. 29 -Timothy , Dillon, Dillon's
Sub., lot 1, 5 ft. lumber, 10c; 1-2; •
hour labor, 25c 35
Nov. .9-A. A. Cooper, Grandview
Ave Add., lot 11, 5 ft. lumber, 10c;
1-2. hour labor, 25c 35
Nov. £9-J. 11. Sammis, Grandview
Ave Add., lot 6, 5 ft. lumber, 10c;
1-2 hour labor, 25c. 35
Nov. 19-R. W. Hosford, S. M
Langwcrthy's Add., lots 50-51, 24
lumber, 50c; 3-4 hour labor, 40c 90
Nov. 19 -Geo. Schrup, Bradsetreets
Add., lot 17, 16 ft.. lumber, 30c; 1-2
hour labor, 25c
Nov. 19-Jno. Olinger, Boulevard
Add., lots 43-44, 21 ft. lumber, 40c;
1-2 hour labor, 25c G5
Nov. 19-11. and E. Langworthy
Ests., Glendale Add., lot 221, 10 ft.
lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c45
Total 5lG 00
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the Resolu-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Flory, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan,
Nays -None.
City Recorder Arendt also presented the
printed notice certified to by the publish-
er, of the Council's intention to con-
struct an 8 -inch Tile Pipe Sanitary Hewer
in Langworthy Avenue from Nevada
Street to Hill Street.
No remonstrance being filed the Mayor
asked if anyone present had any objec-
tion to said Sewer.
No objection being stated, on motion of
Ald. Sheridan the Notice was received
and filed.
Mayor Berg presented and read the first
annual report of the board of trustees of
the Carnegie -Stout free Public Library.
Report follows:
To the Mayor and Council of the City of
The statute of the state relating to the
establishment and maintenance of free
public libraries provides that boards of
trustees of such libraries shall make re-
ports for each year ending Dec. 31st.,
which shall include "a statement of the
condition of the library, the number of
books added thereto, the number circu-
lated, the number no•t returned or lost,
the amount of fines collected, and the
amount of money expended in the main-
tenance thereof, during said year, to-
gether with such further information as
may be deemed important."
In obedience to this requirement the
board of trustees of the Carnegie -Stout
Free Library of Dubuque beg leave to
submit their first annual report. At the
close of the year 1901, the work of the
board did not seem to require official re-
port, as it has consisted simply of prep-
aration of plans for the new building, the
letting of contracts, and carrying fur -
ward something of the structural work.
8 Regular Session, Jan. 8, 1903.
The work of construction commeuc, d
about the middle of October, 1901, and
the building was completed and furnl-,h-
ed, ready for operation, about the mid-
dle of October, 1902. In the meantime the
library work was carried forward by the
directors of the Young Men's Library as-
sociation. who permanently closed the
old library on the 15th day of .August,
1902. At that time the books passed un-
der the control of your board of trustees;
Enid under the skillful superintendence of
the librarian, Miss Bessie Sargeant Smith,
a very large amount of work Was done by
herself and faithful assistants in the way
of repairing, rebinding, relabeling and re -
cataloging then], preparatory to removal
to the new building. The removal of
the stacks and hooks from the old to the
new building took place early in Septem-
ber, and was done with remarkable east,
ard celerity. And by the time the need-
ed furnishing was completed In October,
the books, with many new accessions,
were ready for the use of the public.
The building was thrown open to the in-
spection of the mayor and council and
the press of the city on the 17th day of
October, and to the people of Dubuque
on the af[erncons and evenings of Oct.
20, 21 and 22. This plan of inauguration
proved very successful, for nearly every
family in the city sent one or more rep-
resentatives to view the building and
contents, and these tock away with then;
a feeling of pride and interest in the
beneficent institution. In no other way
could their sense of proprietorship in the
library have been more strongly impress-
ed, or its use by them more effectively
This has• been proved by the rapid
growth in the membership and the con-
stant use made of the books, reading
rooms and other facilities. The children's
reading rooms daily a delightfully im-
pressive scene, filled to overflowing, as
it is after school hours with lloys and
girls intensely eager for the pleasure that
the bucks so clearly afford them, and who
are surly being intelectually and mor-
ally benefited thereby.
The December report of the librarian
shows that the membership has reached
3691, and is' steadily growing. Also that
since the library was opened Oct. 23rd
the e have been drawn from the shelves
and carried to the homes of our pcopie
2.1,510 volumes. When the library was
transferred by the Yoting Men's Library
Association, it catalogued 19,371 volumes,
in addition to which there were about
5.000 volumes of government publicatiors.
To these there have been added by pur-
chase 1.095 volumes, and by gift 252 vol-
umes, making a total at the close of the
calendar year of 10,648 volumes. No books
are reported lost. but many have to he
temporarily withdrawn for repal: s and
re -binding. This work is so large and
continuous as to force the employment
cf an extra assistant.
The purpose and spirit of the manage-
ment, both of trustees and librarians, is
one of general and courteous invitation.
And everything will he done within the
limits of the support fund to extend the
advantages of the library to all classes
and conditions of our people. There is
reason to expect that the present large
clfentage of the library will be constantly
and greatly increased and that the edu-
cational influences of the institution will
be carried into most of the homes of our
city. With very rare exceptions the con-
ditct of those who have used the library
has been in accord with the quiet, orderly
and restful spirit of the place, and there
have been hut few abuses of the trustful
policy of the management that has given
free access to the shelves and privileges
of the institution.
The artistic tastes and generous im-
pulses of Judge and Mrs. Shims, to-
gether with the gifts of the Art Associa-
tion and others, have made the art de-
partment of the work most creditable
to our city. Considerable material Is In
sight and promises to make useful and in-
teresting the historical and special mu-
seum rooms, but the board is now without
the means to properly furnish these
roosts so as to attract gifts or exhibits.
The financial statement of the present
year naturally divides itself into two
paras. First, income and expenditures
for construction and furnishing; second,
the support fund raised by taxation and
ex_pendit;;res therefrotn.
Amount received from Hon. An-
drew Carnegie $60.000.00
Am.;unt received from Young
Men's Association 10.034.56
Amount received on general sub-
scription 11,505.00
Amount received from ladies of
Dubuque, collected by Mrs.
Lewis 813.75
Amount received from the sale
of Provoost house and fence ... 332.50
T. tal $82,685.81
Paid to John Field & E. A. Engler
en general contract $72.117.00
Paid to 31 hn Field & E. A. Engler
for extra work 613.75
Faicl\'illiamst n & Spencer for
architects' fees 3,650.00
Paid 'Bessie S. Smith to pay for
labor, cataloging, and repairing
books. printing, stationery, etc200.00
Pa'd (leo-ge Ifinkson for moving
tools and stacks 34.10
Paid Union Electric Co. for wir-
De, building 866.12
Paid Key City Gas Co. for pip-
ing building 174.48
Paid Key City Gas Co. for light-
ing fixtures and placing same .. 1,919.70
Paid Portland Cement Co. for
s`dewallcs 614.04)
Paid Carr. Ryder & Adams for
storm sash and screens 265.00
Paid Carr, Ryder & Adams for
book cases, etc. 87.35
Paid The Newburgh Co. for ex-
tra painting 183.25
Pcid for furniture, floor coveting.
shades, etc. 1,311.76
Paid for cleaning windows, etc54.08
Paid sundry bills for sodding,
hardware. lumber. labor, etc51.19
Paid bills for freight, hauling and
mosn work 46.50
Paid J. J. Grigg, lumber and car-
pentry 41.04
Paid for typewriting machine 100.00
Paid T. J. Donahue, building cis-
Paid Linehan & Moto, plumbing
for cistern 118.11
Paid F. N. Schroeder, treasurer
Paid to secretary for incidentals
Paid for carpet On auditorium
Paid to librarian's fund to close
Tcta1 x82.685.S1
Regular Session, Jan. 8, 1903.
By amount appropriated by coun-
cil for fiscal year ending March
1st, 1903 $6,000.0I
July 30 -Bessie S. Smith,
stilary for July $ 83.33
Sept. 2 -Bessie S. Smith,
salary for August.... 83.33
Sept. 30 -Bessie S. Smith,
s.ilary for S.eptember 83.33
Sept. 30 -Marjorie Graves,
salary for September.. 30.00
Sept. 30 -Grace Mil
salary for September.. 30.00
Sept. 30-C. Wilder, salary
r.,I. Sept crnher. 30.00
Scln• 3o-J:1cob Sievers, sal-
ary tor September 50.00
Oet. .;-Key City Gas Co,
for 24.48
Oct. 11-Harger & Blish, for
books 213.18
Oct. 11 -Palmer. Berg & Co,
for binding 63.50
Oct. 11 -Bessie S. Smith, to
to pay bills for books, etc. 31.90
Oct. 11 -Bessie S. Smith. to
pay for books ...... 76.00
Oct. 11 -Bessie S. Smith, to
pay for labor. etc 50.00
Oct, 11-Besele S. Smith, to
pay bills for books 128.74
Oct. 11-Harger & Blish, for
books.... 93.11
Oct. 11 -Bessie S. Smith,
salary for October.... 83.13
Oct. 11-C. Wilder, salary for
October.... ............ 30.00
Oct. 11 -Marjorie Graves,
salary for October 30.00
Oct. 11 -Grace Mullany, sal-
ary for October... 30.00
Oct. 11 -Jacob Sievers, sal-
ary for October. 50.00
Nov. 8 -Union, Electric CO,
lighting for October 17.79
Nov. 11 -Bessie S. Smith, to
pay sundry bills for books,
etc 41.32
Nov. 15 -Key City Gas Co,
for coke .......... 30.54
Nov. 17-Harger & Blish, for
books 53.29
Nov. 17 -Paltrier & Berg, for
binding . 39.35
Nov. 17 -Bessie S. Smith, for
sundry bills for books 104.28
Nov. 22 -Thomas Kane &
Oo.. for opera chairs 674 00
Nov. 29 -Bessie S. Smith,
salary for November 83.33
Nov. 29-C. Wilder, salary
for November.... .. 30.00
Nov. 29 -Marjorie Graves,
salary for November 30.00
Nov, 29 -Grace Mullany, :sal-
ary for November 30.00
Nov. 29-Jacab Sievers, sal-
ary for November.. 50.00
Nov. 29-A. G. Temple, sal-
ary for November.... 30.00
Nov. 29-Besste S. Smith, for
incidentals.... 50.00
Nov. 29-Harger & Blish, for
books 62.04
Nov. 29-Bennison Bros., for
books.. . 2.58
Nov. 29 -Iowa Trust & Sav-
ings Bank, for drafts to
pay bills 55.20
• •
Dec. 1 -Key City Gas Co., for
coke 83.83
Dec. 3 -Union Electric Co,
light for November.. 50.93
Dec. 6 -Iowa Trust & Sav-
ings Bank, for drafts to
pay bills 109.25
Dec. 6 -Iowa Trust & Sav-
ings Bank, for drafts to
pay bills 14.00
Dec. 9 -Albert Ney, placing
orchestra chairs.- 77.48
Dec. 15 -Union; Electric Co,
for wiring, lights, vitc 30.72
Dec. 22-Harger & Blish, for
books 159.04
Dec. 22 -Palmer, l3erg &
for binding ...... 45.75
Dec. 22-G. B. Grosvenor, for
Dec. 22 -Iowa Trust & Sav-
ings Bank for drafts to
pay bills._ 121.95
Dec. 22-S m 1 t h -M, organ
Printing Co., for printing. 22.15
Dec. 22 - Telegraph -Herald,
for printing.... 35.50
Dec. 31-Bess4e S. Smith, sal-
ary for 83.33
Dec. 31-0. Wilder, salary
for December.. .. 30.00
Dec. 31 -Marjorie Graves,
salary for December 30.00'
Dec. 31 -Grace Mullany, sal-
ary for December 30.00
Dec. 31-A. G. Temple, salary
f(11DeCeMber.... 30.00
Dec. 31 -Jacob Sievers. sal-
ary for December.... 50.00
Dec. 31 -Union Electric! Co,
light for December.- 51.38
Dec. 31 -Key City Gas Co,
light and coke 134.74
Dec. 31 -Peter Kiene & Sun,
insurance.- .. 86.25
Balance of appropriation
undrawn. . $2,043.05
Out of this the expense of the remain-
der of the fiscal year must be paid.
The amount of tines collected as shown
by the books of the librarian by months
was as follows:
October.- $
November. 10.11
December 23.83
These fines have gone into the librar$
ian's contingent fund, and have been duly
accounted for by her. It has been found
convenient and ecessary to create such
a contingent fund in order to pay many
mall items of current expense, the li-
brarian making monthly report of such
contingent fund to the board of trus-
Subdividing the above expenditures
from the Support fund, the several items
of expense show as follows:
Salaries •of librarian and janitor $1,119.98
Books, magazines and papers 1,197.73
Bi di
nng•••• ••••
Printing.. •
Seats for auditorium and placing
Librarian to pay for various sup-
plieS . .
Extensio of electric wiring
Total $3.966.95
Respectfully submitted,
Board of Library Trustees,
By Jacob Rich, President.
Ald. Sheridan moved rhat the report be
received and tiled. Carried.
Ald. Frith, chairman of the Ordintuwe
committee, presented an Ordinance vacat-
ing a portion of Jackson street and grant-
ing perms lion to the Chicago Great
Western Railway company to occupy the
portion of Jacksonstreet so vacated.
Ald, Frith moved that the Ordinance be
read the brat time.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Corrance, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Nays -Aid. Clancy.
The Ordinance was then read for the
first time.
Ald. Frith moved to suspend the rules
for the purpose of reading the Ordinance
by its title the second time. Carried.
The Ordinance was read by its title the
second time.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the Ordi-
nance as read.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aldst Corrance, Frith, Horr,
Jones. Raymond and Sheridan.
Nays—Aid. Clancy.
The Mayor declared the Ordinance
adopted and passed.
The Ordinance follows:
Regular Session, Jan. t(, 190:'.
Whereas, The Chicago Great Western
Railway Company has petitioned the C tv
Council of the City of Dubuque for the
vacation of that portion of Jackson Street
hereinafter described, and
Whereas, the Chicago Great Western
Railway Company is the owner of the
real estate abutting said portion of Jack-
son Street, and
Whereas. Notice of the intention of the
City Council to vacate said portion of
Jackson Street has been published in the
official papers of the City, and
Whereas, No valid objections have been
made to such proposed vacation, there-
Be It Ordained by the City Council of
the Oity of Dubuque:
Section 1. That that portion of Jackson
Street lying northeasterly of the follow-
ing described line: Beginning at a point
in the northeasterly line of Jackson Street,
which point is one hundred and thirty-
two feet and ten inches (132 feet 10 inches)
northwesterly from the northerly corner
of Jackson Street and Peru Road, and ex-
tending ,northwesterly to a point which
point is thirteen feet and five inches (13
feet 5 inches) northwesterly along the
northeasterly line of Jackson Street from
the point of beginning, and three feet and
eight inches (3 feet 8 inches) southwesterly
from and at right angles to the northeas-
easterly line of Jackson Street; thence
northwesterly to a point which point is
thirty-nine feet and ten inches (39 feet
10 indhes) northwesterly along the north-
easterly line of Jackson Street from the
point of beginning and four feet and two,
inches (4 feet 2 inches) southwesterly
from and at right angles to the north-
erly line of Jackson Street; thence north-
westerly to a point which point is sixty-
six feet and three inches (66 feet 3 inches)
northwesterly along the northeasterly
line of Jackson Street from the point of
beginning, and three feet three and one-
half inches (3 feet 31/2 Inches) southwes-
terly from and at right angles to the
northeasterly line of Jackson Street;
thence northwesterly to a point in the
northeasterly line of Jackson Street.
which point is seventy-seven feet and
nine inches (77 feet 9 inches) northwes-
terly along the northeasterly line of Jack-
son Street from the point of beginning;
said line to be broken nt each of the
three points in Jackson Street mentioned
above by offsets extending five inches (5
inches) further into said Jackson Street
for a distance, in each case of two feet
(2 feet), be and the same is hereby vacat-
ed, and the use of said portion of said
Street is hereby granted to the Chicago
Great Western Railway Company for the
erection of a wall for a round house; pro-
vided, that should the said Railway Com-
pany, or its successors,cease to so use the
prrinises hereby vacated, lit •n that Ir r -
tion of Jackson Street hereby vacated
shall revert to the City of Dubuque, and
this Ordinance shall be null and void.
Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in
force and take effect from and after its
passage and publication one time In the
Evening Globe -Journal newspaper of the
City of Dubuque.
City Recorder.
Ald. Frith, chairman of the Ordinance
committee, also reported back to the
Council an Ordinance granting the Chi-
cago Great Western Railway Company -
the right to fill and grade Elm street be-
tween Sanford and Twenty --third Streets,
so as to straighten the channel of the
stream commonly called "Cooler Creek."
so as to permit of the laying of a second
track in Elm Street between Sanford and
Twenty-third Streets and across Sanford,
Twenty-second and Twenty-third Streets
in the City of Dubuque, and moved that
the Ordinance be read the second time.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Corrance, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Nays—Ald. Clancy.
Ald. Frith moved that the Ordinance
1 adopted as read:
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Corranc(, Frith. Horr,
.Tones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Nays—Ald. Clancy.
The Mayor declared the Ordinance
Ordinance follows:
Regular Session, Jan. 8, 1903.
The City Council of the City of Du-
buque do ordain as follows:
Section 1. Permission Is hereby granted
to the Chicago Great Western Railway
Company, its successors or assigns, to ex-
cavate and fill in Elm Street between San-
ford and Twenty-third Streets in the City
of Dubuque, Iowa, so as to straighten the
channel of Cooler Creek in said street suf-
ficiently to permit of the construction of
a second railway track across Sanford
Street and along Elm Street to and across
Twenty-third Street in said City, so that
the railway tracks and the channel of
Couler Creek shall be when straightened
substantially as shown on the blue print
Identified by the signature of F. R.
Coates, Chief Engineer, and tiled in the
office of the City Recorder of Dubuque
on the 4th day of December. 1902. Salo
ditch when straightened shall be entirely
within the boundaries of Elm Street and
be maintained by the Chicago Great Wes-
tern Railway Company at not less than
its present capacity until the completion
of the Bee Branch sewer to Twenty-
third Street, but not longer than Novem-
ber 1. 1905. If said Bee Branch sewer
shall net be completed to Twenty-third
Street by said date.
Section 2. Permission is also hereby
granted to the Chicago Great Western
Railway Company, its successors and as-
signs, to till the channel of Cooler Creek
and grade the southwest half of Elm
Street between the northwest line of San-
ford Street and the Northwest line Of
Twenty-third Street at any time after
the Bee Branch sewer now in process of
construction shall be completed to Twen-
ty-third Street; such right to fill said
channel and to grade said Street to ac-
crue. in any event. not later than Novem-
ber 1, 1905. Such filling and grading shall
be done to the present level of the north-
east half of Elm Street along said course.
except that such a depression shall be
left for a gutter along said Elm Streef
between Sanford and Twenty-third
Streets as the City Council shall direct.
Such depression shall, however. be not
more than two feet deep in the deepest
part and shall slope from its deepest part
to a top width of not more than eight
feet. The southwest line of such depres-
sion shall he four feet from the south-
west line of said Street
Section 3. In consideration of the grants
and privileges made and given herein
the Chicago Great Western Railway com-
pany. its successors or assigns, shall be-
fore Aug. 1, 1903, construct and thereafter
maintain a sewer across its right of way
between Rhomberg Avenue and Garfield
Avenue in the City of Dubuque. so as to
properly connect the sewer now ending
on the northwest side of Garfield Avenue.
with the sewer now ending on the north-
east side of Rhomberg Avenue: and for
such purpose permission is hereby grant-
ed to said Railway company to enter up-
on Garfield and Rhomberg Avenue's and
excavate therein• and tear down so much
of the sewer now constructed as may be
necessary to properly construct said sew-
er according to the plan of said Railway
company therefor: provided, that when
said sewer shall be fully completed, said
Railway company shall restore said Gar -
field and Rhcunberg Avenues to their
preseent condition. t'pon the completion
of said sewer between Rhomberg Avenue
and Garfield Avenue, the City of Du-
buque hereby agrees to pay to the Chi-
cago Great \\'esters Railway company
the sum of ora thousand one hundred
and sixty-two dollars.
Section 4. The Chicago Great Western
Railway company, its succt•ssors and as-
signs shall hold the City of Dubuque
harmless from any and all damages oc-
casioned by the construction of said sew-
er across its said right of way. or occa-
sioned by the straigth'ening of the chan-
nel of Couler Creek in ii lm Streets, or
by the construction of a second. railway
uac•k in Elm Street• or by the filling and
grniing of Elan Street as herein pro-
Seetiea 5. 'I•hc Chicago Great Western
Railway ec nma ny shall accept this ordl-
munre Iby tiling with the City Recorder
bbf the city of Dubuque within thirty
ci;0s after the passage and publication of
the same its written acceptance thereof
executed by its proper officers, consent-
ing t.b the terms and conditions of this or-
dinance sed agtecing for itself. its sue-
cess4ors and assigns to perform all acts
and thing's herein agreed and required to
be clone by the Railway company, its
eeecscrs and assigns. Such acceptance
may be made and tiled after the passage
of this Ordinance and before its ptrb'l
Section 6. This Ordinance shall take
effect and be inforce on and after its
pasage, publication and acceptance dZI
n.rcln provided.
Adopted . 190
City Recorder.
\Id. t•nrronee, chairman of the Commit-
tee on claims, reported as follows:
Your Cuatntitieo on Claims. to whorl
was referred tho claims of Edward Far-
rell for damages sustained by his wife,
Florence Farrell, at the corner of Sev-
enth :out Main Streets, would recommend
that said claim be received and filed.
H. CORRANC'E. Chairman.
A.d, C orrnnce moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Jones. chairman of the Committee
on Public Grounds and 1luildings, report-
ed as follow:
Your Commitlee on Public Grounds and
Buildings, beg to respectfully report that
we have examined the Grandview Avenue
Engine House and find the same to be
satisfactory; we would therefore recom-
mend that a warrant in the sum of $2,-
567.25 be ordered drawn on the City Treas-
uer in favor of F. W. Brunkow, the
contractor, in full settlement of his con-
Also your Committee on Public Grounds
and Buildings would respectfully recom-
mend that the City Recorder notify the
Governor's Greys that the lease for the
Armory has expired and that they are
in arrears for one year's rent; also, that
until the amount due is paid, they are
not tenants of the City of Dubuque.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the report.
Regular Session, Jan. 8, 1903.
Ald. Sheridan, chairman of the Sewer
Committee; stated that the sanitary sew-
ers In Langworthy Avenue and .Tohnson
Avenue were accepted and moved that
the City Recorder be instruced to ad-
vertise 1 he notice of special assessment
for said sewers. Carried.
Ald. Jones of the Board of Health re-
ported as follows:
To the Honorable. Mayor and City Coun-
ell of t ho ('ity of Dubuque:
Gentlemen—Your Board of Health. at a
meeting held Jan. 5th, 1913, ' would re-
spet•tfully report that we considered three
bill- from the Telegraph -herald, one for
health reports for September and Oc-
tober, $5.00: me for 50 books of contngioes
disease blanks. $16.00. and one for health
reports for March and April. $5.00. and
recommend that the bills for health re-
nurts of September and October: also
for fifty books of contagious disease
blanks he paid: the other hill for health
reports for March and April was refer-
red hack to ,ho Telegraph -Herald, as that
hill has been paid.
Also report that \Ir. John A. Voelker
i'r, s. --pled :t hill for conveying Mr. and
Mrs. Benidict and son. also Peter Frank.
to the Detention hospital: also for fumi-
gatin the 1, siderce of Mr. Benidict and
Peter Frank: total amount, $35.21. which
was :Halbert by the board, and referred
to the County Supervisors for payment.
Also report that the hoard referred to
the Cite Att, rney for his opinion. the
matter in regard to doctors, who are de-
linquent in reporting their births and
deaths to the office of the City Recorder.
Also report that the hills of Dr. J. C.
Hancock and Dr. B. Michel. which were
referred hack to the hoard by the Coun-
tv SuneryiAo's. were in • turn referred
hack to the lectors. they to make out
their bills. according to the opinion of
the County Attorney.
Also report that the hoard ordered all
the tee cut in the river for general use
of the public to he cot above the north
line of the ice harbor, on account of
ewers entering into the river below this
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the report of
the Board of Health. Carried.
Ald. Horr, chairman of the Committee
of the Whole. reported as follows:
Your Committee of the Whole would
respectfully recommend that, commenc-
ing with the first day of January, 1903,
the salaries of the deputy assessors and
that of the deputy treasurer he fixed at
$100 per month.
JOS. L. HORR. Chairman.
Md. Horr moved to adopt the report.
Communication of C. B. Scherr, City
ASSessol', appointing A Doerr and J. J.
Murphy deputy assessors for the ensuing
term, was read and on motion of Ald.
Horr was approved.
Bonds of Deputy Assessors Doerr and
Murphy were presented and read and on
motion approved by the council, where-
upon Mayor Berg administered the oath
of office to A. Doerr and J. J. Murphy
as deputy assessors for the ensuing term.
lags !$50.00 ht foil settlement of the spec-
ial assessment levied. against the S. 1 2-10
feet of the N. 1-6 of City Lot 4$S for street
improvement. would recommend that the
prayer of the petitioner be granted and
that the 'measurer he Instructed accord-
Also your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of the
Eagle Point Dime Works, asking for per-
tnission to erect an overhead bridge
across the approach to the Dubuque and
Wisconsin bridge, about 160.feet north of
their present bridge. would recommend
that the prayer of the petitioner be
eranted, provided. that the said Eagle
Point Lime Works enter into an agree -
men holding the city harmless from any
damages that may be occasioned by rea-
son of such lsidge being erected: also.
that the City Attorney he instructed to
prepare said agreement.
Also your Committee of the Whole. 10
whom was referred the supplementary
petition of the union Electric company,
asking that they he allowed to take up
the track and abandon the service on the
following streets and portions of streets,
viz: from the inter'sec'tion of Second and
Locust Streets northerly on Locust Street
to Fifth Street. thence easterly on Fifth
Street to Iowa Street, thence northerly
on lowa Street to Sixteenth Street. thence
easterly on Sixteenth Street to Jackson
Street. also from the Intersection of
Iowa Street and Fourteenth Street easter-
n- on Fourteenth Street to Jackson Street,
thence northerly on Jackson Street to
Sanford Street. would recommend that
the prayer of the petitioner be granted,
provided the said Union Electric eompanv
accede to such conditions as the Council
may hereafter rennire h,' orditrieee.
Ald. Horr moved to adont the report of
the Committee of the Whole. Carried.
Alderman H, rr offered the following:
Whereas. The contract heretofore en-
tered into by the City of Dubuque for
the constructing of a sanitary sewer as
hereinafter described has been completed
and the City Engineer has computed that
the cost and expense of said sewer
amounts to sixteen hundred dollars
($1.6ft000): therefore.
Be it Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That to provide for
the payment of the cost of the sanitary
sewer in Langworthy Avenue from Ne-
vada Street to Hill Street. the Mayor is
required to execute and deliver to the
Recorder, to be by him registered and
countersigned, eight (8) bonds of the de-
nomination of two hundred dollars ($21)0.00)
each, dated January 10, 1908, payable on
or before seven (7) years after the date
thereof and hearing interest at the rate
of five (5) per cent. per annuam, payable
Ald. Horr moved to adopt.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and, Sheridan.
Ald. Horr also reported: Nays—None.
Your Committee of the Whole, to whom
was referred the petition of Rev. C.
Johannesl for the St. Francis Orphanage,
asking that the City Treasurer be in-
structed to accept the sum of flfty dol-
Ald. Frith offered the following:
Be It Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque: That a Street
forty-five (45) feet wide, through the
Regular Session, Jan. 8, 1903.
properties of F. Drasda, N. Nicks and C.
Deckert. from White Street and extend-
ing in a northeasterly direction through
the W. th of Tots forty-one and forty-two,
L. H. Langworthy's Add., and lot four
(4) of the Sub. of the E. 1 of lots forty-
two .42t and forty-three (43), and the E.
1/2 of lot forty-one (41), in L. H. Lang -
worthy's Add. to Jackson Street, in the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, be and the same
is hereby declared opened and established
in aceea'dance with the survey and plat
made 1.y the City Engineer of the City of
Dubuque, which plat Is on file in the office
of rail City Engineer, and be it further
H s ice 1, That a record of said plat
and description thereof be made by the
City Recorder In a suitable book for that
purpose provided.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt.
Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Clancy. Corrance, Frith,
Horr. Jones. Raymond and Sheridan.
Ald. Frith also offered the following:
Be It Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque. That a street fifty%
tool 1'....1 wide, through the properties of
Mary .1. reriett and N. Glab, from South
scree:. and extending in a northerly di-
avcu,,n thrvntgh lut» fifty-nine (59), sixty
(60), te. nay -fou (24) and twenty-five (25)
of Qui I y's Sill,. of part of Mineral Lot
157 in N.,rlh Street, in the City of Du-
buque. I nc.i. 1%, and the same is hereby
declared opened and established in ac-
cordance with the survey and plat made
by the City Engineer of the City of Du-
buque. which plat is on file in the office
of said City Engineer, and be it further
Resolved. That a record of said plat
and description thereof be made by the
City Recorder in a suitable book for that
purpose provided.
Aid, Frith moved to adopt.
Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr. Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Ald. Frith also offered the following:
Whereas. It is deemed necessary and
advisable by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque to vacate and annul that
part of Millville Road hereinafter de-
scribed, for the purpose of relocating the
same; therefore.
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That it is the inten-
tion of said City Council to vacate and
annul that part of Mlllvllle Road de-
scribed as follows. to -wit: Beginning at
a point on the West line of Mineral Lot
360, sixty-four feet North of the South"-
outh=west corner of said Mineral Lot 360,
thence N. 87 degs. 18 mins. E. four hun-
dred and twenty-six feet, thence N. 70
degs. 41 mins. E. two hundred and five
feet. thence S. 79 degs. W. six hundred
and thirty feet to the place of begin-
ning and containing 29-100 acres.
Be it further resolved, That the City
Engineer be and he is hereby instructed
to make a survey and plat showing the
proposed re -location as well as the pro-
posed vacation and annulment, the land
or lots abutting on or through which said
road runs at the point of such proposed
vacation and re -location, the names of
the owners of the property or lots abut-
ting on said road at the point of the
tion, and
the quantity of land and thea extent of
the road proposed •to be vacated, and the
quantity required for the proposed re-lo-
catlon and to file such plat in his office
for public inspection. That after such
plat is so filed, said City Engineer shall
give the owners of the property abutting
on said road at the point of the pro-
posed vacation and re -location, notice as
prescribed in Sec. 2, Chapter 31, of the
Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, and
shall further cause notice of said pro-
posed vacation and re -location to be pub-
lished in the city papers as prescribed
by Sec. 8 of Chapter 31 of the Ordinances
of the City of Dubuque.
Aid. Frith moved to adopt.
Adopted by the follotwing vote:
Yeas—Aldst Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan,
Ald. Jones brought up the matter of In-
suring the new Fire Engine House on
Grandview Avenue and moved that the
matter be referred to the committee on
Public Grounds and Buildings with pow;
er, Carried.
The Mayor stated that there ought to
be placed a sidewalk abutting the prop-
erty which was deeded to the City by
E, W. Albee and his wife.
On motion the matter was referred to
the Street Committee.
Ald. Raymond moved that the Council
adjourn until Jan. 22nd, 1903.
Carried. C. F. ARENDT,
City Recorder.
a01"4 Recorder.
Mayer Berg in thr chair.
Present—Aids. Clancy. Corrance. Frith.
Horn• Jones. Ra y -mond and Sheilah it.
Regular Session, Jan. 22, 1903.
Council met at 3:15 o'clock P. M.
Petition of the Bank and Insurance
Building company, asking that the as-
sessment on its property for the year
1902, be placed at the sum, of $75,000.
Aid. Corrance moved that the prayer of
the petition he granted. Carried.
Petition of O'Farrell & Norton, asking
that the City Engineer be instructed to
make a dual estimate of the grading
dune on Cox street.
On m ,tion the petition was referred to
the Sit vet Committee and City Engineer.
The following petitions were referred
to the Delinquent Tax Committee.
Petition of Mrs. Dorethea Kautz ask-
ing that her taxes for 1902 be canceled on
her half lot in Davis Farm Add.
Petition of Barbara Bechtel, asking
that her personal taxes for the year 1902
be canceled.
Petition of Eliz. Beyer, asking that her
taxes be remitted on lot 6 in Hamburg's
Add. for the years 1901 and 1902.
Petition of Mathias Lillack, asking that
the assessment on E. 40 feet of lot 354 in
East Dubuque Add. be canceled.
Petition of Jno. Albrecht, asking that
taxes on lot 6. Taylor's Add., be can-
celed for the year 1902.
Petition of Jane R. Jess, asking that
her assessment on lot 565 "A" be placed
at $2,000 for the year 1902.
Ald. Raymond moved to refer the pe-
tition to the Board of Equalization. Car-
Petition of Mrs. Platt Smith, asking
Council to reduce the valuation on the
Sub. East rp of City Lot 655, and lots 9
and 10
On motion the petition was referred
to the Board of Equalization and City
Petition of John Beery, asking for a
reduction of his taxes on his property,
Third and Main streets, also 'north 20
feet of lot 9.
On motion the petition was referred to
the Board of Equalization and City As-
Petitions of the C., B. & Q. R'y. Co., C.
M. & St. P. R'y. Co., C. G. W. R'y. Co.
and Dubuque & Sioux City R'y Co. ask-
ing for a reduction of their mileage as-
sessments for the year 1902.
On motion the petitions were referred
to the Board of Equalization, City As-
sessor and City Attorney.
The following petitions were referred
to the Committee of the Whole.
Petition of Ross McMahon, asking
Council to instruct the Treasurer to ac-
cept 25 per cent. of the original assess-
ment without interest for the special as-
sessment as levied agalnst lot 2 of 5 of
Min. Lot 21.
Petition of Gertrude W. Ryan and H.
E. Wilson. asking Council to remit the
interest on their special assessment for
paving Locust Street and levied against
Lot 662 "A."
Petition of the •'t,ocrrnot''s Greys." by
W. H. 'Thrift. Captain. ;asking for a re-
newal of the lease to Ute third floor of
the Central Engine Itonse for use as an
('191171 ut' Lottie V. Walker. claiming
the sum of $3.000 as damages for injuries
received by falling on a sidewalk in
front of 47 Eighth Street.
Original notice of claim of Edward Far-
rell, claiming the sum of $5,000 as datn-
ag.es sustained on account of injuries to
his wife, Florence Farrell.
On motion the claim and original no-
tice were referred to the Committee en
Claims and City Attorney.
REI'Olt'I'S OF tnt"l•'ll'Eits.
City T':nghntt r lie3,e as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor an,1 City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen— I herewith submit my pay
roll nn streets during the first half of
January, 1903:
Amount due laborers en streets ..$231.:0
Respectfully submitted.
city 1':ng(ne,•r.
E. E. Fltl'1'1i.
Chairman Comndtn a on Streets.
A pproved
\Iso submit my pay roll for l;tt» 1' on
sewers during the first half of January,
Anwtlnt due laborers on sewers ..$146.60
Respeetfnlly submitted,
Pity Engineer.
Chairman Committee on Sewers.
Also submit my pay toll for I;tbor
grading Mt. ('armn-•1 Avenue during the
first half of January. 1903:
Amount due laborers $141.40
Respectfully submitted.
City Engineer.
Approved: 1:. E. FRTTii.
Chairman Committee on Streets.
On motion the pay roll for Streets.
Sewers and Mt. Carmel Avenue were re-
ceived, and Warrants ordered drawn to
pay the various amounts, and the pay
rolls referred back to the proper com-
The report of the Waterworks Trustees
for the three months ending Jan. 1st,
1903, was presented and referred to a
special committee, consisting of Alder-
men Sheridan. Raymond and Corrance.
Mayor Berg reported as follows:
To the Honorable City Council of the
City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen—Herewith attached please
,find receipt from Clerk of District Court
for $29.55 in settlement of the court
costs in the case of John Pier vs. City
of Dubuque, according to the recommen-
dation of the City Attorney, and adopt-
Regular Session, Jan. 22, 1903.
ed by your honorable body, Jan. 8, 1903.
C. 17. BERG., Mayor.
City Recorder Arendt presented and
read the printed notice, certified to by
the publisher, of the Council's intention
to Icvy a special assessment against the
different named property owners for the
removal of snow and ice from sidewalks,
In the month of December.
No remonstrance being Tiled. the Mayor
asked if any one present teal any objec-
tion to said speelal assrssment.
Ald. Frth stated that \Ir. (leo. Kirk-
land objected to his assessment. but
moved that the notice be received and
filed, and the Sidewalk Insuecter in-
structed to see if there had been any mis-
take made in Mr. Kirkland's assessment.
1Vhereupon AI41. Frith offered the fol-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for re-
moval of snow and ice from sidewalks
during the month of December, 1902, by
City contractor, 1n front of and adjoining
the same, a special tax be and is hereby
levied on the several lots and parts of
lots, and parcels of real estate herein-
after named, situate and owned, and for
the several amounts set opposite each lot
or parcel of real estate, as follows:
Special assessment submitted and
passed Jan. 22nd, 1903.
Dec. 5—Nic. Glab, Finley's Add.. lots
226-226-227, 156 lin. ft. at lc per ft$ 1 56
Dec. 5—Johanna Gieser, Finley's
Add., lot 228, 52 lin. ft. at lc per ft. 52
Dec. 10—Jas. Levi, sub. S. 1/2, City
456, lot 2, 86 lin. ft. at 114c per ft1 29
Dec. 10—W, L. Bradley, City N. 1-5,
lot 465, 40 lin. ft. at 11c per ft 60
Dec. 10—Jno. V. Rider, City E. 25 ft
S. 2-5, lot 461. 16 lin. ft. at 11,4c per
ft 24
1)ec. l0—Ellen B. Woods, City E. 47
ft. \V. 62 ft. S. 2-5. lot 461, 16 lin. ft
at 1%c per ft 24
Dec. 10—C. J. Peterson, City W. 65.8
ft. S. 62.4 ft, lot 465, 16 lin. ft, at
1%c per ft 24
Dec. 10—L. H. Waples, City S. 9 ft
lot 44, all lot 45, 20 lin. ft. at 11/20
per ft 30
Dec. 10—J. J. Dunn, City S. 1I. 19.6
ft., lot 61, 19 lin. ft at 11,4e per ft'30
Dec. 10—J. H. Simplot, City 5. 2-3,
lot 66, 22 lin. ft. at 1%c per f` 33
Dec. 10—W. L. Bradley, trustee, and
Grace Provost, City lot 7, 22 lin. ft
at 1%c per ft 33
Dec. 10—Francis Mangold Est., City
N. 21.3 ft., lot 132, 40 lin. ft. at 11/20
per ft 30
Dec. 10—J. P. Quigley, City W. 39,
lot 133, 16 lin. ft. at 11/20 per ft 24
Dec. 10-0eo. R. Clark, College Sub,
lot 15, 119 lin. ft. at 10 per ft 119
Dec. 13—Jno. Keenan, W. M. 100 ft
City lot 608, 100 lin. ft. at 11/2c per
Dec. 19-3. J. Dunn, City S. M., 19.6
ft., lot 61, 19.6 lin ft. at 11/2c per ft.. 30
Dec. 19—W. L. Bradley, trustee, and
Graee Provost, City lot 7, 22 lin. ft
at 11/2c per ft 33
Dec. 20—J. G. Bailey, A. McDaniels'
Sub., lot 800, 50 lin. ft. at 1460 per
ft 75
Dec. 22—Etta Bowman. Bonson's
Sub., lot 1, 24 lin. ft. at 11/20 per ft 36
Dec. 22—John Pier, City lot 578, 76
lin. ft. at 11/2c per ft 111
Dec. 22—Jas. Beach & Sons, Sub
1 50
City 578a and 579, lot 6, 12 lin. ft
at 1%c per ft 18
Dec. 22—Jas. Beach & Sons, City lot
580, 40 lin. ft. at 1%c per ft 60
Dec, 22--C. H. F.ighmey. trustee
City lots 569-570, 2E0 lin. ft. at 114.c
per ft 3 75
Dec. 22—Jos. J. Nagle. City S 65 ft,
lot 567, 65 lin. ft. at 11/20 per ft93
Dec. 22—Jas. Donahue, City N. 23.10
ft., E. 100 ft., lot 105, 36 lin. ft. at
1%c per ft b4
Dec. 22—W. L. Bradley, City lot 104,
20 lin. ft. at le per ft 20
Dec. 22—W. L. Bradley, City S. 34.6
ft., lot 103, 22 lin. ft. at 112c per ft33
Dee. 22—Bons"n & Coates, City lot
628, 511 lin. ft. at 1144, perft t5
Dee. 22--R. Brinson Est. and W. and
D. Brunaltill. City lot 629, 20 lin.
ft. at 1%42 per ft 30
Dec. 22—W. and D. Brunskill, City
lot 627. CM lin. ft. at le per ft 50
Dec. 22—John Marcan, Suh. 1 of 1 of
2 of City 670, etc., lot 2, 116 lin. ft.
at 10 and 11/4e per ft 143
Tier. 22—Catholic 'University of
Washington, et a1. A. McDaniels'
Sub., lots 820 and 821, 211 lin. ft. at
10 and 11/40 per ft 2 42
Dee. 22—Atlee Goldthirpe, Sub. City
741, lot 3, 93 lin. ft. at 114e per ft1 16
Dec. 22.—Mary Wiegel. Sub. City 741,
lot 2. 104 lin. ft., a.t 4040 per ft1 30
Dec. 22.—Mead Langt.n, Pauline
Lang worthy's Sub.. lots 9-10, 100
lin. ft., at 11/4c per ft 125
Dec. 22.—Bridget Eagan, Sub. Min.
Lot 79, lot 16, 40 lin. ft., at 11/4c per
I t 50
Dec. 22.—Frank M. Marsh, part Min.
Lot 174, 350 lin. ft., at 11/c per ft.. 4 37
Dec. 22.—S. J. Goldthorpe, City Lot
324, 150 lin. ft., at 11/2c per ft 2 26
Dec. 22.—Ella Bosserman et al., City
Lot 353, 100 lin. ft., at 1140 per ft1 50
Dec. 22.—A. \V. Kemler Est., City
Lot 282, 50 lin. ft., at 114c per ft75
Dec. 22.—American Linseed Co,
City S. 14 Lot 374, 100 lin, ft., at
114c per ft 160
Dec. 22.—F. H. and J. H. Stout, City
Lot 509, 125 lin. ft., at 11/20 per ft1 83
Dec. 22.—A. Heucklln, City E. 52 ft
Lot 383, 75 lin. ft., a.t 114c per rt113
Dec. 22.—B. W. Lacy and J. V. R1 -
der, City S. 1-5 Lot 440, 75 lin. ft,
at 114c per rt 113
Dec. 22.—Geo. Kirkland, Sub. 10,
Dunn's 'Sub., lot 1, 150 lin. ft., at
lc per ft ... .. 150
Dec. 22.—John Olinger, Boulevard
Add., lots 1-46, 270 lin. ft., at lc
per ft 2 70
Dec. 22.—John Olinger„ Boulevard
Add., lots 1 to 23 Inc., 575 lin. ft.,
1.1/ac per ft.... 7 19
Dec. 22.—Rhomberg & Meuser, Davis
Farm Add., lot 225, 100 lin. ft., at
lc per ft 100
Dec, 22.—E. M. Kringle, Sub. 7,
Min. Lot 79, lot 6, 74 lin. ft., at 11/4c
per ft 93
Dec. 22.—A. J. Van Duzee, Wilson's
Sub., S. 89 ft., lot 41, 100 lin. ft., at
11/40 per ft .... 125
Dec. 22.—C. H. Elghmey, Sub. 2,
Min. Lot 159, lot 2, 50 lin. ft., at
lc per ft 60
Dec. 22.—A. Trew, Sub. 7, Min. Lot
159, lot 3, 36 lin. ft., at lc
Dec. 22.—Jno V. Rider, Sister's
Add., lot 5(6-7, 300 lin. ft., at 11/40
per ft
Dec. 22.—J. V. and S. P. Rider, Sis-
ters' Add., lots 8-9, 200 lin. ft., at
11/4c per ft
3 75
2 60
Regular Session, Jan. 22, 1903.
Dec. 22.—C. A. Alexander. Sub. 3,
Babcock's Sub., lot 2, 281 lin. ft., 2 td
at lc 1.er ft .....
Dec. 22.—C. A. Alexander, Sub. 5,
Simpson's Add., lot 1, 86 lin. ft., at
lc per ft
Dec. 22.—Theo. Trieloff, Concord
Sub.. lot 13. 100 lin. ft., at lc per ft. 1 W
Dec. 22.—J. T Hancock Est., Sub.
Min. Lot 158, lot 6, 150 11n. ft., at
lc per ft
Dec. 23.—\\n. Reche Est., Reche's
Sub.. No. 2. lot 17. 450 lilt ft.. at
lc per ft
Dec. 23.—Ca tholic University of
Washington et al., Leven's Add.,
lots 2 to S inc., 350 lin. ft., at 11/4c
per ft
Dec. 27.—Leathers & Trewln, Julia
Langworthy's Add.. lot 8, 52. lin.
ft., at lc per ft 52
Dec. 27.—Catholic University of
Washington et al., Kelly's Sub.,
lots 1-2, 100 lin. ft., at 11/4c per ft. 1 25
Dec. 27.—ileo, R. Clark, College
Sub., lot 15, 100 lin. ft.. at lc per
ft 1 00
Dec. 31.-11. Wunderlich, Fortune's
Sub.. lot 15. 170 lin, ft., at 114c per
ft 2 13
Dec. 30.—Carr. Ryder & Adams,
Guernsey & L.angworthy's Sub.,
lots 3-4. 10.4 lin. ft.; at lc per ft1 01
Dec. :30.—y. L. Pohle, Julia Lang -
worth 's Add., lot 51, 52 lin. ft., at'
lc per ft i.2
I.,,. 31-.1no. I.. liuettcll. Nain's
Add., lots 1-14, 250 lin. ft., at Ic per
ft 2 50
Dec, 31.—Julia D. Rhomberg, Guern-
sey & Langwoi thy's Add., lots 7-8,
104 lin. ft.. at le per ft 1 04
Dec. 30.—Geo. Salot. Sub. 2 of 2 of
City 678, etc., lot 1, 50 lin. ft.. at
114c per ft 75
Dec. 30.—J. V. Rider, Sisters' Add.,
lots 5-6-7, 300 lin. ft., at 14.tc per ft, 3 75
Dec. 30.—J. V. and S. P. Rider, Sis-
ters' Add.. ,ots 8-9, 200 lin. ft., at
11/4c per ft 2 50
Dec, 30.—Dixon Cottingham, Sub. 38
and 39, Quigley's Sub., lot 5, 50 lin
ft, at 11/4c per ft 63
Dec. 30.—E. A. and G. A. Burden,
City S. 23.3 ft.. N. 1/2, N. M. 1-5,
lot 466, 23 lin. ft., at 144c per ft35
Dec. 31.—Nannie T. Bell, City S. 2-5
lot 499, 40 lin. ft., at 11/2c per ft60
Dec. 31.—Mary L. Bunting, Glen-
dale Add., lots 82-84, 100 lin. ft,
at lc 100
Dec. 31.—Francis Poole, Glendale
Add.. lot 78, 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft50
Dec. 31.—Ada L. Collier, Sub. Min.
lot 322. let 10, 150 lin, ft., at 11/40
per ft.... ........ .... 188
1)ec. ::1.—\Wm. Klauer et al., Davis
Farm Add., lot 213, 230 lin. ft., at
10 per ft
Dec. 30.—J. H. Jecklin Est., Sub. 1
of 143, L. H, Langworthy's Add.,
lot 1, 200 lin. ft., at lc per ft 2 00
1 50
4 50
4 37
2 30
Total $106 04
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu-
tions Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alda. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
City Recorder Arendt also presented the
printed notice certified to by the Pub-
lisher, of the Council's intention to levy
a special assessment for constructing an
8 -inch Tile Pipe Sanitary Sewer in John-
son Avenue, Eagle Point Avenue and
Queen Street from manhole in Lincoln
Avenue to South Lot line of Lot 32, San -
ford's Sub.
Also the n monstrimoe of Geo. Bendel
remonstrating against said assessment 00
his property.
On motion of Ald. Horr the remon-
strance was received and Hied.
Whereupon Ald. Sheridan offered the
Resolved by the City Connell of the City
of Dubuque: That to pay for an Eight -
Inch Tile Pipe Sanitary Sewer in Johnson
Avenue. FSagle Point Avenue and Queen
Street from manhole in Lincoln Avenue
to South Lot Line of Lot 32, Sanford's
Sub.. by Dolan & Robinson. Contractors,
in front of and adjoining the sank, a
Special Tax be and is hereby levied on
the several Lots and Parts of Lots, and
Parcels of Real Estate hereinafter named,
situate a nd owned. and for the several
amounts set opposite each Lot or Parcel
of Real Estate, as follows:
Special Assessment snhmltted and
passed Jan. 22nd, 1903.
Frank Duertscit'r. Cook's Add., lot
56, 63.52 sq. ft. at .01076 per sq. ft..8 68 34
Mary Neumeistcr, (rook's Add.. lot
57, 72.19 sq. ft. it .111076 per sq. ft.. 77 68
Jac, Bruck, Cook's Add., 84 and S. 2
ft. lot 83, 47.80 sit. ft at .01076 per
sq. ft 31 13
John Hillard. Cook's Add., N. 43.' i,
lot 83, 43.84 sq. ft. at .01076 per sq.
ft. . 47 18
\\'m. Pohl. Cook's Add., let 82, 45.S4
sq. ft. at .01076 per sq. ft 49 32
Chas. Fosselman Est.• Soh. Min. Lot
467, S. W. 193 ft. Int 1. 101.322 sq. ft.
at .01076 per sq. ft 108 52
Wm. F. Reinhoel, Sul,. Min. Lot 467.
N. E. -10 ft. lot 1, 21_00 sq. ft. at
.01076 per sq. ft 222 60
Sacred Heart church and school,
Sanford's Sub.. lot 12. 50.00 sq. ft.
at .01076 per sq. ft: deduction of
$15.00 for 50 ft. extra distance for
connection .S S0
Sacred lle:u•t church and school
Sanford's Sub., let 11, 59.00 sq. ft
at .01076 per sq. ft 63 48
Sacred Heart church and school
vacated alley, 20.00 sq. ft. at .01076
per sq. ft 21 ;2
Sacred Heart church and school,
Sanford's Sub., lot 34, 43.40 sq. ft.
at .01074 per sq. ft 46 38
Sacred Heart church and school,
Sanford's Sub., lot ::1, 50.000 sq. ft.
at .01076 per sq. ft 33 80
City of Dubuque, Sub. Alin. Lot 313,
lot 2, 127.00 sq. ft. at
ft 136 65
A. C. Pancratz, Sanford's Sub., lot
10, 59.00 sq. ft. at .01076 per sq ft63 48
Nic, Wolff, Sanford's Sub., lot 9,
50.00 sq. ft. at .01076 per sq. ft 53 80
Wm. Tueting, Sanford's Sub., lot 8,
50.00 sq. ft. at .01076 per sq. ft 53 80
Dingman Ball, Sanford's Sub., lot 7,
50.00 sq. ft. at .01076 per sq. ft: de-
duction of $3.00 for 10 ft. extra
distance for connection 50 80
Geo. Bendel, Sanford's Sub., lot 6,
50.00 sq. ft. at .011)76 per sq. ft.; de-
duction of $15.00 for 50 ft. extra
distance for connection 38 80
C. Brede, Sub. Min. Lot 314, lot 5,
102.00 sq. ft. at .01076 per sq ft 109 75
J. H. Reavell, Sub, Min. Lot 314, lot
4, 53.50 sq ft. at .01076 per sq. ft57 56
Ind. School Dist. of Dubuque, Sub.
Min. Lot 314, lot 3, 173.30 sq. ft. at
.01076 per sq. ft 186 47
•o1076 per sq.
Regular Session, Jan. 22, 1903.
Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the Res-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—AIds. Clancy, Carranee, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
City Recorder Arendt also presented the
printed notice certified to by the Publish-
er, of the Council's intention to levy a
special assessment, for constructing an
8 -inch Tile Pipe Sanitary Sewer, in Lang-
worthy avenue from Nevada Street to
Hill Street.
No remonstrance being flied, the Mayor
asked if anyone present had any objec-
tion to said special assessment.
No objection being stated, on motion the
notice was received and flled.
Whereupon Ald. Sheridan offered the
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That to pay for con-
structing an Eight Inch Tile Pipe Sani-
tary Sewer in Langworthy Avenue from
Nevada Street to Hill Street, by M.
Tschirgi. Jr., contractor, in front of and
adjoining the same, a Special Tax be and
is hereby levied on the several Lots, and
Parts of Lots, and Parcels of Real Estate
hereinafter named, situate and owned,
and for the several amounts set opposite
each Lot or Parcel of Real Estate, as
Special assessment submitted and passed
Jan. 22nd, 1906.
Aug. Gertenbach, Julia Langwor-
thy's Add., Lot 41, 57.50 sq. ft., at
.0082407 per sq. ft 47 38
Mary L. Bunting, Julia Langwor-
thy's Add., Lot 42, 57.50 sq. ft., at
.0082407 per sq. ft 47 38
Chas. Stillman, Julia Langwor-
thy's Add., Lot 43, 57.50 sq, ft., at
.00822107 per sq. ft 47 38
H. Gertenbach, Julia Langwor-
thy's Add., Lot 44, 51.75 sq. ft., at
.0082407 per sq. ft 42 65
J. S. Stephens, Julia Langwor-
thy's Add, Lot 53, 54.15 sq. ft., at
.0082407 per sq. ft 44 63
Chas. Stillman, Julia Langworthy's
Add., Lot 52. 53.20 sq. ft., at .0082407
per sq. ft. (Deduction of $15.00 for
50 ft. extra distance to make con-
nection) 28 85
Chas. Stillman., Julia Langworthy's
' Add., Lot 4, 60.00 sq. ft., at .0082407
per sq. ft 49 46
Mary L. Bunting, Julia Langwor-
thy's Add., Lot 5, 57.50 sq. ft., at
.0082407 per sq. ft, (Deduction of
$15.00 for 50 ft. extra distance to
make connection 32 38
Mary L. Bunting, Julia Langwor-
thy's Add., Lot 9, 60.95 sq. ft., at
.0082407 per sq. ft 50 24
F. Poole, Julia Langworthy's Add,
Lot 10, 57.50 sq, ft., at .0082407 per
sq. ft .......... .... .... 47 38
J. L. Langworthy, Julia Langwor-
thy's Add., Lot 11, 57.60 sq. ft., at
.0082407 per sq. ft 47 38
Geo. Masters, Julia Langworthy's
Add., Lot 12, 60.95 sq. ft., at .0082407
per sq. ft 50 24
V. A. Langworthy Est., Sub. 2 and
3, Mrs. L. H. Langworthy's Sub.,
Lot 6, 57.50 sq. ft., at .0082407 per
sq, ft.... 47 38
V. A. Langworthy Est., Sub. 2 and
3, Mrs. L. H. Langworthy's Sub.,
Lot 5, 57.50 sq. ft., at .0082407 per
sq. ft.... 47 38
V. A. Langworthy Est., Sub. 2 and
3, Mrs. L. H. Langworthy's Sub.,
Lot 4, 57.50 sq. ft., at .0082407 per
sq. ft 47 38
V. A. Langworthy Est., Sub. 2 and
3, Mrs. L. H. La.ngworthy's Sub.,
Lot 3, 57.50 sq. ft., at .0082407 per
sq. ft 47 38
Chas. Richardson, Sub. 2 and 3, Mrs
L. H. angwortny's Sub., Lot 2,
57.50 sq. ft., at .0082407 per sq. ft47 38
Chas. Richardson, Sub. 2and 3, Mrs
L. H. Langworthy's Sub., Lot 1,
52.90 sq. ft., at .0082407 per sq ft 43 60
Mary A. Langworthy. Langworthy
Avenue Sub., Lot 1, 57.50 sq. ft.,
at .0082407 per sq. ft., (Deduction of
$6.00 for extra distance to make
connection) 42 3t
Hattie A. Schneider, Langworthy
Avenue Sub., Lot 2, 57.50 sq. ft.,
at .0082407 per sq. ft., (Deduction of
$15.00 for extra distance to make
connection) 32 38
C. L. Buttler, Langworthy Avenue
Sub„ Lot 3, 57.50 sq. ft., at .0082407
per sq. ft., (Deduction of $25.00 for
extra distance to make connec-
tion) 22 38
V. A. Langworthy Est.. Sub. 4,
Mrs. L. H. Langworthy's Sub., Lot
1, 195.50 sq. ft., at .0082407 per sq
ft 161 11
V. A. Langworthy Est., Sub. 4,
Mrs. L. H. Langworthy's Sub., Lot
2, 79.06 sq. ft., at .0082407 per sq.
ft 65 16
V. A. Langworthy Est., Sub. 4,
Mrs. L. H. Langworthy's Sub., Lot
3. 79.06 sq. ft., at .0082407 per sq
ft 65 15
V. A. Langworthy Est., Sub. 4,
Mrs. L. H. Langworthy's Sub., Lot
4, 79.06 sq. ft., at .0082407 per sq
ft 65 15
V. A. Langworthy Est., Sub. 4,
Mrs. L. H. Langworthy's Sub., Lot
5, 79.06 sq. ft., at .0082407 per sq
ft 65 15
Julia L. Langworthy, Julia Lang -
worthy's Add., Lot 3, 72.67 sq. ft.,
at .0082407 per sq. ft 59 89
Julia Langworthy, Julia Langwor-
thy's Add., Lot 2, 37.18 sq. ft., at
.0082407 per sq. ft., (Deduction of
$10.00 for extra distance to make
connection) 20 89
Edw. Buettell, Julia Langworthy's
Add., Lot 21, 126.00 sq. ft., at
.0082407 per sq. ft 103 83
Mary L. Bunting, Julia Langwor-
thy's Add., Lot 28, 65.00 sq. ft., at
.0082407 per sq. ft 53 57
C. E. Wales, Julia Langworthy's
Add., Lot 27, 57.60 sq. ft., at .0082407
per sq. ft., (Deduction of $20.00 for
extra distance to make connec-
27 38
Total $1600 00
Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the Res-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Carrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan_
Nays --None.
Ald. Frith, chairman of the Ordinance
committee, presented a Deed from Ru-
dolph Jones and wife to the City of Du-
buque, the Southeasterly Twenty (20) feet
of Lot Eight (8), Jansen's Subdivision of
Regular Session, Jan. 22, 1903.
the City- of Dubuque, for Alley purposes
only. and moved that the Deed be accept-
ed, and the ('1ty Recorder instructed to
properly record the same. Carried.
Aid. Frith also presented and read an
Ordinance vacating the Alley between
Lot 'Thirteen (13). Jansen's Sub. and Lot
Eight N. Jansen's Sob.. and relocating
said Alley, so that the Southerly line o1'
said Lot Eight (8), Jansen's Sub., shall
be the Southerly line of said Ally. and
moved that this be the first reading of
the Ordinance. Carried.
Ald. Frith moved to suspend the rules
for the purpose of reading the Ordinance
by its tithe the second time.
Carried by the following vote:
Vets—Aids. (Taney. Corrance, Frith,
Burr. Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Na ys—None.
The Ordinance was then read by its title
the second time.
Ald. Frith moved to adept the Ordin-
ance as read.
Carri'zd by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Clancy. Corrance, Frith,
'Har:'. Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
The Ordinance follows:
1.1:1' I:1:'I'\\'h:I:' L( rl' 'I'Il IR'1'EEN (13).
JANSEN'S SI'I:., .\N1, L01' EIGHT (ib.
S:\Ili :\I,I.I:v SO 'l'I1A'1' 'I'II1: SOUTH-
ERLY LINT? (,1" SA11) 1,c1'1' 18t. JAN-
SEN'S 51 111.. SIL\1.L 111: '1'111': SOI'"1'l1-
\Viler, as. It is deemed necessary and
advisable by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque to . vacate the alley herein-
after described for the purpose of relo-
cating the same, and
'Whereas, Notice of the intention of the
City Council to vacate and relocate said
alley has been published in the official
newspapers of the city, and
Whereas, No objections have been
made to such proposed vacation and re-
location, and
'Whereas, A deed conveying to the City
of Dubuque so much of Lot Eight (8),
Jansen's Sub., as will 13,e required for the
relocation of said Alley, has been pre-
sented to and accepted by this Council,
Be It Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That the Alhey between Lot
Thirteen (13). Jansen's Sub„ and Lot
Eight (8), Jansen's Sub., be and the same
is hereby vacated to the original owners,
their successors or assigns.
Section 2. That an alley twenty (20)
feet wide be and the same is hereby es-
tablished from Fifth Avenue to the Alley
first northeastwardly of said Fifth Ave-
nue and having for its southerly line the
southerly line of Lot Eight (8), Jansen's.
Section 3. This Ordinance shall be id
force and take effect from and after its
passage and publication one time in the
Dubuque Daily Globe -Journal newspaper.
Adopted — —, 1903,
Attest: City Recorder.
Ald. Frith, chairman of the committee
on Streets, reported as follows:
You committee on Streets. to whom
was referred the till of G. F. Klelh for
supplies for the Road Department.
amounting to $1.65. would recommend that
25 per cent. th deducted from said amount
and that a warrant for $1.90 be ordered
drawn on the City "Treasurer 1n full set-
tlement .f the claim.
Also, your c/In mat 00 on Streets. to
whom was referred the resolution offered
to the City Council November 20. 1902,
providing for the summoning of a jury to
asset the damages caused by the open-
ing of the proposed alley between Gar -
Weld and Rhomberg Avenues from the
southerly line of lot 33, High Stret Sub.,
to Johnson Avenue. would recommend
that said resolution he received and filed.
Also, your committee on Streets, to
whom was referred the petition of Bernard
Iluelshoff and Bertha iluelshnff, asking
that they he allowed the sum of $21) in
p,iyinent for gra ding done 1 ythentonTraut
Terrace. would recommend that the pray-
er of the petitioners he gr:i 1Ie 1 and that
the Treasurer he instruet1 t to apply said
amount on their taxes for the year 1902.
Also, year committee on Streets, t,:
whom was referred the bili of Geo. Ra-
gatz & Son for $2.93 for supplies for the
Steam Roller, would recommend that the
bill be allowed and that a warrant in set-
tlement thereof be ordered drawn on the
city Treasurer.
Also, your committee on Streets, tc
whom was referred the bill of Brown &
Brown for $25.01( for removing brick vault
on Langworthy Avenue. would recom-
mend that said hill he not allowed.
Also, your committee on Streets would
recommend that the City Engineer he in-
structed to widen Mt. Carmel Ave., the
surplus material to be used on said Ave-
nue for filling.
Also, your eommltte,) on Streets, tc
whom was referred the within hill of
John Lee for $29.95 for constructing a ce-
ment sidewalk on Grove Terrace, beg to
report that we find said bill to be cor-
rect and would therefore recommend that
the same be paid.
E. E. FRITII, Chairman.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report of
the committee on Streets. Carried.
Ald. Clancy, chairman of the commit-
tee on Fire, reported as follows:
Your committee on Fire would respect-
fully recommend that the within bill of
F. A. Dalton, for $11.52 for veterinary
services for the 'Fire Department during
the months of November and December,
1902, be paid.
Also, your committee on Fire would re-
spectfully recommend that the Purchas-
ing committee be instructed to purchase
the necessary furniture for the Grand-
view Avenue Engine House. Also that
the City Recorder be instructed to adver-
tise for bids for 1,000 feet of 21 -inch Cot-
ton, Rubber Lined Hose.
MAT. CLANCY, Chairman.
Ald, Clancy moved to adopt the report
of the Committee on Fire. Carried.
Ald. Herr, chairman of the Board of
Equalization, reported as follows:
Regular Session, Jan. 22, 1903.
Your Board of Equalization, to whom
was referred the petition of John H. Sim-
plot. asking that the valuation on the sup.
of Min. Lot 84, Lot 2, be reduced to $2,500,
would recommend that said petition be
received and filed.
Also, your Board of
whom was referred the
Ferguson. asking that
Lots 1 ..f _ of Alin. Lot
Min. Lot 73 :mil 2(if 4of
be redileed, would re,•.
valuation on sail] lots he
and that tIe city
to receiv,• the taxes for
accordance v,ith this r.
Equalization, to
petition of A. E.
the valuation on
71;, 1 of 1 of 4 of
1 .:f Alin. 1,ot 71.
oilmen,' that tin
placed at $2,0041.00
n'.•r I instructed
111 \ -;.1' 1:1,12 in
nnn ..11 t1on.
Also, your 130:1 1
whom was retell.,
Iiopald asking Ilia
stock or na'rcht 1
valuation, would
petition he receiv.,
Ald. 11orr moved
the Board of Egna
of Equalization, 1.1
.I the petition of 13.
1 the a -s ,n..•nt on his
lisp he r. du,'rd to $401)
ree4o nnend tliat said
1 and tiled.
1.. 1 1 tJ1tI:, Chairman.
14. adopt the report of
lization. Carried.
Aid. 1l. rr, chairman of the committee of
the \Vholo, reported ted as follows:
]our comntitt.'o of 111.' \\'hole, to whom
was referred the 1 titi.n , 1' Chas. T.
Bush, asking that the sprinkling tax lev-
ied against the E. t_ or lot 10. Mount
Pleasant Add.. I',. canceled. would recom-
mend that said petition he received and
Also, your committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of 1-1. B.
Glover Company et al., asking that the
Sprinkling Ordinance be amended so as
to make the tax apply only against real
estate, would recommend that said peti-
tion be received and filed.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report of
the committee of the \Vhol'a. Carried.
Ald. Frith offered the following:
Be It Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque: That the action
of this Council of November 10, 1902,
adopting the plat of the pro'puwed alley
between Garfield and Rhomberg Avenues,
from the southerly line of lot 33 High
Street Sub., to Johnson Avenue, be re-
scinded, and that said plat be and the
same is hereby declared null and void.
Ald, Frith moved to adopt. Carried.
Ald. Frith offered the following:
Be It Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed
necessary and advisable to lay out an al-
ley between Rhomberg and Garfield Ave-
nues from Johnson Avenue to the south
line of Lot 21 "A" in Smedley's Sub., said
alley to be 22 feet wide from Johnson
Avenue to the south line of lot 3 of 2 of
Min. Lot 113 "A," from which point said
alley is to taper to a width of 20 feet and
to become 20 feet wide at the south line of
lot 31 of High Street Sub., and to con-
tinue 20 feet wide to the south line of
lot 21 "A" in Smedley's Sub., in the city
of Dubuque, Iowa; and be it further
Resolved, That the City Ehgineer be
and he is hereby directed to make a sur-
vey and plat of such proposed improve-
ment, showing the land or lots through
or over which the same Is proposed to be
made, the names of the owners thereof,
and the quantity of land proposed to be
taken and file such plat in his office tor
Public inspection; that after such plat
is so prepared and filed, said City Engi-
neer shall give the owners of the prop-
erty through or over which such im-
provement 1s proposed to be made, no-
tice as prescribed in Section 2 of Chapter
31 of the Ordinances of the City of Du-
Ald. Frith moved to adopt.
Adopted by the following vote:
Yons—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
llnrr, .Tom`s. Raymond and Sheridan.
The Mayor stated that all coal sold
by dealers in the city should he weighed
on the city scales.
\\'herenpnn Ald. Clancy moved that the
Mayor enforce the Ordinance in regard to
weighing of coal in the city. Carried.
Aid. Sheridan moved that the Council
adjourn until February 5th, 1903. Car-
ried. C. F. ARENDT,
City Recorder.
Attest :
Approved,. ' .a44vf.gt 90i
List of Warrants.
City Recorder's Office.
Dubuque, Iowa, January 1, 1912.
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: The following is a com-
plete list of all warrants issued by me
during the month of December, 1902:
C. H. Berg, salary, Mayor $116 65
H. Brinkman, salary, Treasurer133 3i,
H. Brinkman, salary, Assistant
Treasurer 75 00
C. F. Arendt, salary, Recorder 116 (
F. B. Hoffman, salary, Auditor 116 6;
C. B. Scherr, salary, Assessor 125 01
Geo. A. Barnes, salary, Attorney150 07
J. B. Powers, salary, Asst. Attorney 50 00
Ed. Morgan, salary, Chief of Police 100 00
Jos. Reinfried, salary, Fire Chief100 00
J. W. Lawlor, salary, Committee
Clerk.... .... 95 00
Wm. A. Kaep, Dep. Recorder 75 00
Jno. Krayer, clerk, Treasurer's of-
fice.... 60 00
Jas. Boyce, salary, City Engineer166 65
E, Anderson, salary, Assistant En-
gineer.... 100 00
F. Neuwoehner, salary, rodman50 00
E. Herron, salary, Superintendent
Street Sprinkling.... 50 00
W. Hipman, salary, Electrician 83 30
H. Tropf, salary, Marketmaster50 00
P. Ryan, salary, Park Custodian40 00
P. Kien, salary, Park Custodian40 06
T. Faherty, Park Custodian 10 OC
Dr. B. Michel, salary, Health Of-
ficer .... .... 50 00
F. Flynn, salary, Sanitary Patrol-
man .... 60 00
N. Offerman, salary, Poundmaster 45 00
Mrs. H. Koenig, salary, Janitress20 00
A. Crawford, salary, Sidewalk In-
spector . 50 00
R. F. Curran, salary, Wharfmaster 20 00
M. Clancy, salary, Alderman 25 00
H. Oorrance, salary, Alderman 25 00
E. E. Frith, salary, Alderman 25 00
J. L. Herr, salary, Alderman 25 00
R. Jones, salary, Alderman 25 00
G. N. Raymond, salary, Ald•erman25 00
J. J. Sheridan, salary, Alderman25 Ol
M. Eitel, fireman.. ..
J. Essman, fireman
A. Duccini, fireman.,
J. Flynn, fireman,....
J. Ros'hin, fireman....
J. Tschudi, fireman
A. Hear, fireman.... .. ..
J. Schoenberger, fireman....
J. Daley, fireman
J. Barnes, fireman.. .. ..
T. Ryder, fireman..
W. Ducey, fireman
G. Beyer, fireman.
F. Murphy, fireman.... ,...
P. Ahern, fireman.
M. Kelly, filamen
D. Ahern, fireman...,
F. Kenneally, fireman
A. McDonald, fireman
J. Murphy, fireman..
T. Kennedy. fireman.
P. Zillig, fireman
M. Sweeney, fireman....
H. Cain, fireman....
N. Wagner, fireman
C. Hansen, fireman
W. McConnell, sub
G. Gehrke, fireman....
T. Flynn, fireman..
65 00
75 00
60 00
65 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
65 00
75 00
60 00
60 00
65 00
50 00
50 00
50 06
65 00
65 00
75 03
60 01
50 01
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 03
45 25
50 09
65 I)0
60 00
F. Baumgartner, fireman.... 50 Oa
J. Smith. fireman 50 (1.1
C. Naimoli, fireman..... 65 Ol
J. Allen. fireman. ... ...... 60 01
B. Weston, fireman ... 50 0
M. Fahey, fireman.... 50 Ot
W. Dockstader. sub. fireman 4 51
Joe Bertsch, police 50 n
G. Burke!, police.... 50 0,1
J. Carter, police 51 of
M. Craugh, police 0,7 2e
J. Ciune, police 53:11
J. Cody, police.... .. 51 6..
P. Dunphy, police.... .... 51 65
H. Donlon, pollee.... .... .. 51 61
Wilmer Cook, police 50 0
John Fitzpatrick, police 41 7.1
Jas. Flynn, police.... .... 0
Wm. Frith, police.... 51 t;-,
P. Hanlon,. police.... .. .... 4,, 0
M. Kilty, pilice....
E. Kahn, police....
J. Loetscher, police.... .... ..... ..
John Murphy, police.
P. MCCo'Ilins, police
P. Mclr.erney, police
John Moore, police .... .... .. ......
D. Norton, police.... ...... .. .......
M. O'Connor, police....
A. Pfeffer, police
Pat Powers, police.. ..
T. Reilly, police.... ....
51 61
60 01
al til
50 0
51 63
1'9 tr
51 01
50 0,
511 lM
51 01
'33 IN
ti- 2.1
50 0:
51 C,1
lilt 0.'
64 011
50 01
_0 as
51 ‘11
51 01
20 to
:;0 00
J. Racsle. police..
Jas. Ryan, police...... ....
Otto Rath. police.... .. .,
Tom Sweeney, police
P. Scharff, police..
P. Sullivan, police
Al. Scherr, police
P. Sutton, police....
J. L. Sullivan, police
M. Stapleton, police
L. Zeidman, police
Joe Tyler, police....
Mrs. Kate Hibbs, matron
Miss B. Brennan, matron.
Labor on streets during the second half
of November, 1902:
A. Alderson, labor
$ 8 10
Paul Becker, labor 13 50
John Callahan, labor 4 03
Mike Cain, labor 8 10
\'Vm. Coughlin, labor 2 70
Hugh Connell, labor 2 o
Jas. Callahan, foreman 20 00
Jame Connolly, labor 1.1 85
H. Cobb, labor 14 s.,
John Corbett, labor 14 8+,
Henry Cosgrove, driver 16 50
Pet<•r De Fontaine, labor 8 10
Peter Dax, labor 10 80
John Egan. labor 10 80
Geo. Frost. foreman 20 00
Mat. Fetshele, labor 915
John Flynn, labor .3 71
Pat 6'entrn. labor 14 83
Nelson Frith, stoker 50 00
Barney Glass, labor 4 ,n
Henry Galle, labor 9 45
Pat Gillonn, laber 4 05
?0,. Grab. labor 13 50
Joe. Guenther, labor 2 70
C. Gantenhein, foreman 10 00
Geo. J. Hahn. foreman 20 00
Amb. Hird, labor 3 40
Chris. Hack. labor 3 40
Aug. Handelman. labor 2 70
Jake Hanson, labor 6 60
Aug. Hafeman, labor 4 0
,Torn Hell, carpenter 20 00
Peter Jacob. labor 12 85
Aug, Jass, labor 41ri
Nie Kettenhofen, labor 5 40
John Kelly, labor 4 05
Mat. Klein, paper collector 12 511
List of Warrants.
Martin Lonergan, labor 4 75
Mike Lavin, labor 14 85
L. Loffelholtz, labor 14 86
Nat. Mabe. labor 3 40
Al. Moyer, labor 16 20
John McGee, labor 6 75
Pat Mc -Poland, labor 8 80
Jas. \lcc'racken, labor 2 70
R. McGivern, driver 16 50
W. O'Brien, foreman 20 00
Jas. Powers, labor 4 05
Jas. Purcell, labor 10 80
,john Pfeiffer. labor 6 75
W. Quinlan. labor 810
James Ryan, labor 3 40
Jos. Rooney, labor 1650
Nick Sweeney, labor 4 75
Mike Shea, labor 6 75
Dan Sheehan. labor 8 00
John Schroeder, labor 9 45
F. Scherr, labor 14 85
W. Walsh. labor 14 85
John Welsh (Caledonia) labor 810
W. \Vearmonth, foreman 20 00
Thos. Young, engineer 75 00
Geo. Brenner. team 15 76
Jos. Calvert, team 28 35
J. Evans, team 315
James Graham, team. 12 GO
Mike Hannan. team.... .. 17 35
Jake Hau:clenshield, team 28 35
John Huffmlre. team, (contract)35 OC
Wm. Mohr, team 6 30
Thos. Morgan. team 1 60
J. J. McCollins. team 10 25
Carson McElrath, team 22 05
Ted O'Brien, team. 9 45
L. Pell. team 7 90
Geo. Reynolds, team 17 35
Ed. Seeley. team 9 45
J. Sutherland, team 28 35
Jamey Tobin. team 12 60
M. Theis. team
Labor on sewers for the last ha
November. 1902:
Pat Casserly. labor 17 60
J. Corcoran. labor 17 60
S. H. Cook. foreman 25 00
R. A. Fuller, labor 17 60
F. Honecker. labor 17 60
P. Kenneally. labor 17 60
Pat. Sage. labor 16 00
Landon Taylor, labor 17 60
Teams hauling sprinkling wagons dur-
ing the last half of November. 1902:
Becker Bros. 8 80
Frank Burns 12 40
J. J. McCollins 4 80
Lalior on Bee Branch sewer during the
last half of November, 1902:
.Anton Bolein. labor 4 40
J. Brachtenbach, labor 8 10
Peter Tax, labor 2 70
Sam Elmer, labor 1 70
Nic Fischer, labor 5 00
C. Gantenbein, foreman 10 00
Jos. Guenther, labor 6 75
C. Gantenbein. Jr., labor 2315
Geo. Gat]. labor 13 50
Aug. Bateman, labor 2 70
Mat. Holtz, labor 5 25
Aug. Joss, labor 6 75
J. Kientzle, labor 5 40
Jacob Kraus, labor 1215
H. I.eik, labor 8 75
H. Lembke, labor 10 80
B. McCormack, labor 4 05
C. Nanck, labor 19 40
J. Schromen, labor 33 00
Jos. Schafetel, labor 170
E. J. Schilling. brick mason 13 50
R. Turner. labor 2 70
Nie. \Vampach, labor 13 50
3 15
if of
J. Evans, team 1R 90
John Long, team 10 23
Matt. Theis, te:ini 9 45
M. %egg, team 1i; 90
A. Doerr, Jr., assistant assessor for
November ,. $ i5 00
J. J. Murphy, assistant assessor for
November 75 00
H. J. Tropf, board of prisoners for
November ...... .... .... 21 60
Palmer, Berg & Co., blank books
and stationery for various de-
partments.... .... ...... .... 29 75
G. W. Healey & Son, grass seed for
Washington Park...... .... 8 00
Palmer, Berg & Co., abstract case
of Schnee vs. City of Dubuque46 00
C. L. McGovern, recording deeds
and plats 17 50
L. Daily, cleaning around Market
Square 14 00
G. Holl, repairing key, assessor's
office 50
Eichhorn & Bechtel, brushes, city
hall 95
P. Baum:gartnrer, assistant Market -
master for November.... .. .. .. 8 10
Gus. Holl, repairing lock, record-
er's office 50
Jno. Mahoney, inspector Lang-
worthy avenue sanitary sewer.... 25 33
W. H. Foster, inspector sanitary
sewer between Rhomberg and
Garfleld avenues.... .... .... 9 34
John Bohn, inspector on Bee Branch
storm sewer.... 40 00
P. J. Seippel, lumber for road de-
partment.. .... 37 76
Purington Brick Paving Co., brick
for road department.... .. ........ 75 00
G. Bock, repairs for road depart-
menrt.... .... .... 1 66
John Engel, sawing wood, city hall 2 50
Rumpf, Frudden Lumber Co., lum-
ber for road department.... 27 42
Rumpf, Frudden Lumber Co., lum-
ber for road department 47 44
A. Y. McDonald & Morrison Mfg
Co., packing for steam roller.... 1 25
T. McCaffrey, gravel for road de-
partment.... .... .... 4 4i
P. Clancy, cinders for road depart -
m 18 76
F. Schloz & Co., repairs for road
department.. 1 35
John Butt, repairs for road de-
partment 2 1C
Ellwanger Bros., blankets for road
department.. 6 00
J. Mersc'h, gravel for road dept.... 17 85
Wagner & Dorgan, to use of wagon,
road department.... ...... ... 1 50
Dubuque Oil Tank Line, oil for
steam roller.... 200
Conlin & Kearns, coal for steam rol-
ler . ........ .... 13 76
T. J Mulgrew, coal for steam roller 17 28
Martin & Strelau, coal for steam
roller.... 15 00
Linehan & Molo, waste and sewer
pipe for road department.. .. 1 75
F Thornely, to running and testing
ing new steam roller 10 00
Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber for road
department.... 36 55
R. E. Twaites, pasturing horses for
fire department.... .. 6 89
Phil Pier, coal for fire department 11 80
John Newman & Son, repairs for
fire department,... .... ,. 685
P. J. Seippel, lumber for fire de-
partment.... .... .... .... 17 41
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for fire
15 00
List of Warrants.
Dielloy Bros., coal for fire depart-
Lear & Kennedy, horseshoeing for
fire department....
Wunderlick & \Viederholt, horse -
shoeing for fire department
G. W. Healey & Son. hardware for
fire department.—
Ell wanger
epartment....Ellwangcr Bros., repairing harness
for fire department.... ..
J. Kriehs, blankets for fire depart-
T. \V. Ruete, paints and oils for fire
department... .
G. W. Healey & Son, hardware for
fire department.. .
Ott, Metiser & Co., shavings for fire
department.... ....
G. Ragatz & Son, repairs for fire
department.... ....
Dubuque Oil Tank Line, oil for
re department
17 47
5 4C
11 0'
1 65
6 36
10 50
6 85
1 00
1 45
1 45
Central Electric Co., supplies for
fire department.... .. .... 43 15
Eichhorn & Bechtel, bran for fire
department.... .... .... 4 75
Fischer & Co.. coal for fire de-
partment.... •.. 43 80
T. F. Kane, hay for fire depart-
ment 93 35
P. H. Halpin, supplies for fide de-
partment.... .... •, 6 25
Key City Gas Co., coke for fire de-
partment.... .... 15 80
Eich:horn & Bechtel, bran for pa-
trol house .. .... .... .... 2 12
T. W. Ruete, paints and oils for
calaboose.... .... .... .......... 18 3t
T. F. Kane, hay delivered at pa-
trol house 16 25
Becker Bros., use of horse for patrol
team.... ,... .. 7 0t
H. King, sawing wood for patrol
A. Fetter, whitewashing at patrol
Ellwa.nger Bros., repairing harness
for patrol team.... .
National Demokrat, official printing
for November ... 25 00
Union Electric Co., arc lights for
November ..•. .... ., 2029 55
T. E. Frith, removing garbage and
dead animals 384 50
The McEvoy Co., brick masonry on
arch at Sanford avenue .... 5 OC
Key City Rooflng Co., cement for
Bee Branch storm. sewer.... .... 21 60
H. Magdal, steel rails for Bee
Branchsewer.... .... ..,.
Geo. Bock, repairs for Bee Branch
T. J. Mulgrew, cement for Bee
Branch sewer 17 00
P. Seippel, estimate on Bee Branch
sewer.... . , .. .. 1216 50
O'Farrell & Street, paving alley be-
tween Locust and Bluff streets
from Tenth to Eleventh streets632 40
Gus. Brown, grading GIlmore Place 178 50
Brown & Brown, grading Lang-
worthy avenue.... 335 0'r
Dugan, Sullivan & Cote, hardware
for grading department.. .. .. . 1 20
Steuck & Linehan, estimate on
Fourteenth street storm sewer580 50
John Helm, brick for sewer de-
partment 20 06
Dolan & Robinson, final estimate on
sanitary sewer on Johnson ave-
nue 1194 70
P. J. Seippel, lumber for Grand-
view Avniue Engine house 12 30
Giegerich & Wesselhaft, balance due
2 00 '
7 50
12 60
1 15
Painting Fourth street and Cen-
tral Engine houses.... 22 so
Mary J. Corbett, damages to prop-
erty.... •300 00
Nic. Glab, damages to property30 00
Mullen & Papin, estimate for
plumbing contract of Grandview
Engine house 359 25
Singrin Bros., pine wood for city
hall •... •• 220
Melloy Bros., pine wood for city
hall 2 75
Dempsey & Son, gas fitting in as-
sessor's office ...... .... .... 2 30
G. F. Kleih, new stove for Mayor's
office 44 91
Conlin & Kearns. ice for city hall16 20
'Union Printing Co., blank station,-
ery for various departments 76 00
M. S. Hardie, blank stationery for
various departments.... 8 50
Key City Gas Co., gas for various
departments.... ... 106 00
Key City Gas Co., rent of Humph-
rey lights.... .... .. 2 5C
Mullen Bros., repairing fountains9 20
Martin & Strelau, coal for road de-
partment.... .... • 15 OC
T. J. Mulgrew, coal for road de-
partment 17 36
Colin & Kearns, coal for road de-
partment.... 13 75
H. Brinkman, Excavation Permits
redeemed .. $ 80 00
H. Brinkman, Interest on Wart'an.tg
oustanding.... .... .... .... 597 17
H. Brinkman, freight charges, road
department 36 75
H. Brinkman; freight charges, road
department 29 40
H. Brinkman, freight charges, flre
department .... .... .... .. 30
H. Brinkman, postage stamps 10 00
H. Brinkman, refunded regular
taxes 14 60
H. Brinkman, Library Trustees' or-
ders redeemed .. 128915
German Trust & Savings Bank,
loan $ 5,000 OC
E. J. O'Laughlin, loan 500 00
Dubuque National Bank, loan10,000 00
G. A. Hoffman, loan 350 00
Labor on streets for the first half of
December, 1902:
Jos. Brouillette, labor 305
Paul Becker, labor 7 45
Ant. Bolein, labor 70
J. Brachtenbach, labor 1 05
C. Bleueher,' labor 70
H. Connell, labor 6 75
W. Coughlin, labor 710
Thos. Cahill, labor 135
Jas. Connolly, labor 4 05
Jas. Callahan, foreman 20 00
H. Cosgrove, driver 19 50
John Engels. labor 4 0.5
Jos, Eberhart, labor 3 05
Geo. Frost, foreman 20 00
John Flynn, labor 1 30
Yat Fenelon, labor 405
Mat. Fetsthele, labor 3 05
Pat. Gilloon. labor 70
Barney Glass, labor 2 05
Jos. Guenther, labor 70
C. Gantenbein, foreman 10 00
Jos. Grab, labor 2 05
Geo. J. Hahn, foreman 20 00
Aug. Handelman, labor 1 35
Chris. Hack, labor 135
Jake Hanson. labor 3 00
John Hell, carpenter 20 00
Nic Kettenhofen, labor 4 75
John Kelly, labor 135
Jake Kraus, labor 1 05
Official Notices. 23
Mat. Klein, paper collector 12 50
Mart. Lonergan, labor 105
H. Lang, labor 2 70
M. Lavin, labor 2 i0
L. Loffelholtz, labor 2 70
Al. Moyer, labor 17 55
Jas. McCarron, labor 2 70
Jas. McCracken, labor 510
B. McCormack, labor 105
R. McGivern, diivcr 19 55
W. O'Brien, foreman 20 00
John Pfeiffer, labor 5 411
Chas. fierce, lobar 10:.
\V. Quinlan. labor I ;•_
Jos. Rooney, labor ., 75
Nick Sweeney, labor it 7:.
John Schroeder, labor 40
Jos. Schafetel, labor 105
F. Scherr, labor 2 70
Fred Starr. Ichor 135
W. Walsh. 1.1 nn' 140
John Welsh, (Caledonia) labor 1 35
\V. \\'earmonth, foreman _o t0
Jos. Calvert, team 4 15
J. Haudenahield, team 710
J. liuffmire, team (contract) 5 85
Mile Kenneally, team 11 05
Pat Lenihan. team 4 75
J. J. Mct7ollins, team 2 40
John l'eil, team 4 75
Ed. Seeley, team 1105
Jas. 'Tobin, team 111
Labor on sewers during the first h
of December, 1903:
Pat. Casserly, labor 20 80
J. Corcoran, labor 20 80
S. H. Cook, foreman 25 00
R. A. Fuller, labor 20 80
F. Honecker, labor 20 80
F. Kenneally, labor 20 80
I'at. Sage, labor 20 80
Landon, Taylor, labor 20 80
James Tobin, team 315
Labor on Bee Branch during the first
half of December, 1902:
H. Bauch, labor 10 95
J. Brachtenbach, labor 3 40
A. Bolein, labor 2 05
Jos. Eberhart, labor 3 75
Sam Elmer, labor 9 45
Nic. Fischer, labor 20 00
C. Gantenbein, foreman 10 00
G. Gau, labor 2 05
C. Gantenbein, Jr., labor 26 25
Jake Kraus, labor 8 45
J. Ktentzle, labor 2 05
H. Liek, labor 3 75
C. Nanek, labor 5 CO
Jos. Rooney, labor 12 75
John Schromen, foreman 36 00
Jos. Schafetel, labor 13 20
John Long, team 11 05
A. Paley, team 9 45
M. Theis, team 1 60
C. H. Berg, court costs of Sheridan
vs. City 13910
Wm. Foster, inspector on sewer in
alley between Rhomberg and Gar-
field avenues 13 35
Jno. Mahoney, inspector on Lang-
worthy avenue 17 35
Jno. Bohn, inspector on Bee Branch 13 35
M. Tschlrgi, final estimate for sani-
tary sewer in Langworthy ave-
nue 1350 00
Witter Bros. carpenter work at
Central and Fourth street Engine
houses 184 40
J. Gukeisen, carpenter work at
Fourth street engine house 6 00
Capt. Jno. F. Killeen, expense for
Mississippi river convention
P. Casserly, special police for Hal-
low e'en night
J. Corcoran. special police for Hal -
1 60
lots e'en night
R. A. Fuller, special police for Hal-
low o -•'en right
F. Sage, special police for IIal-
low e'en night 160
J. Heil, special police for Hal-
low e'en night
R. McGivern, special police for Hal-
low e'en night 160
I hereby certify that the foregoing is
a true and correct lint of all warrants
issued by me during the month of De-
cember, 1902. C. F. ARENDT,
City Recorder.
1 60
1 rill
I 60
To All Who Are Named Below:
You are hereby notified that in accord-
ance with au Ordinance of the City of
Dubuque for removal of snow and ice
from :sidewalks in the month of Decem-
ber. 1002. that a special assessment will
be L•vied for the expense thereof, at the
regular meeting of the City Council, up-
on all lots and parcels of land on said
improvement, owned by you, being sub-
ject to such special aasement. And
you are notified to appear at said meet-
ing of the Council, to be held on the 22nd
day of January, A. D. 1906, and show
cause, if any you have, why said assess-
ment should not be levied:
Dec. 5—Nic. Clab, Finley's Add.. lots
225-226-227, 156 lin. ft. at lc per ft$ 1 56
Dec. 5—Johanna Gieser, Finley's
Add., lot 228, 52 lin. ft. at lc per ft. 62
Dec. 10—Jas. Levi, Sub. S. 1/2, City
456, lot 2. SG lin. ft. at 154c per ft1 29
Dec. 10—W. L. Bradley, City N. 1-5,
lot 465, 40 lin. ft. at 1 %.c per ft 60
Dec. 10—Jno. V. Rider, City E. 25 ft
S. 2-5, lot 461, 16 lin. ft. at 11,40 per
ft 24
Dec. 10—Ellen B. Woods, City E. 47
ft. \V. 62 ft. S. 2-5. lot 461, 16 lin. ft
at 154c per ft 24
Dec. 10—C. J. Peterson, City W. 65.8
ft. S. 62.4 ft, lot 465, 16 lin. ft, at
1140 per ft 24
Dec. 10—L. H. \Naples, City S. 9 ft
lot 44, all lot 45, 20 lin. ft. at 11,%c
per ft 30
Dec. 10—J. J. Dunn, city S. M. 19.6
ft., lot 61, 19 lin. ft at 154e per ft30
Dec. 10—J. H. Simplot, City S. 2-3
lot 66, 22 lin. ft. at 11/2c per ft 33
Dec. 10—W. L. Bradley, trustee, and
Grace Provost, City lot 7, 22 lin. ft
at 11,40 per ft 33
Dec. 10—Francis Mangold Est., City
N. 21.3 ft., lot 132, 40 lin. ft. at 1',4c
per ft GO
Dec. 10—J. P. Quigley, City W. 34,
lot 133, 16 stn. ft. at 1344 per ft 74
Dec. 10—t?eo. R. Clark, College Sub,
lot 15. 119 lin. ft. at le per ft 119
Dec. 13—Jno. Keenan, W. M. 100 ft
City lot 608, 100 lin. ft. at 11/2c per
Dec. 19—J. J. Dunn, City S. M., 19.6
ft., lot 61, 19.6 lin ft. at 154c per ft.. 30
Dec. 19—W. L. Bradley, trustee, and
Grace Provost, City lot 7, 22 lin. ft
at 154c per ft
Dec. 20—J. G. Bailey, A. McDaniels'
Sub., lot 800, 50 lin. ft. at 11,40 per
ft 75
Dec. 22—Etta Bowman, Bonson'e
Sub., lot 1, 24 lin. ft. at 11%c per ft 36
Dec. 22—John Pier, City lot 578, 76
lin. ft. at 11/2c per ft 111
Dec. 22—Jas. Beach & Sons, Sub
City 578a and 579, lot 6, 12 lin. ft
at 11hc per ft
Dec. 22—Jas. Beach & Sons, City lot
1 50
Official Notices.
580, 40 lin. ft. at 11kc per ft
Dec. 2 -C. H. Eighmev. trustee,
City lots 569-570, 2E0 lin. ft. at 11/2.c
per ft.....
Dec. 22—Jos. J. Nagle, City S 65 ft.,
lot 567, 65 lin. ft. at 1%c per ft93
Dec. 2'2—Jas. Donahue. City N. 23.10
ft., E. 100 ft.. lot 105, 36 1111. ft. at
11tc per ft.......
Dec. ^-2—W. L. Bradley. City lot 104,
20 lin. ft. at lc per ft
Dec. 22—W. L. Bradley, City S. 34.6
ee. 22—flolt 103, e2fl &' Coates.cCityflot
Dei. _
621. 50 lin. ft. at 11,4e per ft
Der. 2A_ --R. Benson Est. and W. and
D, Brineltill, City lot 629, 20 lin.
ft. at. 11c per ft
Dec. 22—W. and D. Brunskill, City
lot 627, 50 1111. ft. at lc per ft
Dec. 22—John Marcan, Sub. 1 of 1 of
2 of City' 670, etc., lot 2. 116 lin. ft.
nt lc and 11/ac per ft
Dee. 22—Catholic University of
Washington, et al, A. McDaniels'
Sub.. lots 820 and 821, 211 lin. ft, at
le and 11/c per ft
Dec. 22•—Aliso Goldth,rpe, Sub. City
741, lot 3, 93 lin. ft. at 1%c per ft
Dec. 22.—Mary Wiegel, Sub. City 741,
lot 2. 104 lin. ft.. at v1/4c per ft
Dec. 22.—Mead Langt.m. Pauline
Langworthy's Sub., lots 9-10, 100
lin. ft., at 11/4c per .ft
Dee. 22.—Bridget Eagan, Sub. Min.
Lot 79, lot 16, 40 lin. ft., at 11/4c per
Dec. 22.—Frank M. Marsh, part Min
Lot 174, 350 lin. ft., at l%c per ft
Dec. 22.—S. J. Goldthorpe, City Lot
324, 150 lin. ft., at 11,4c per ft
Dec. 22.—Ella Bosserman et al., City
Lot 353, 100 lin. ft.. at 11 c per ft
• Dec. 22.—A. W. Kemler Est., City
Lot 282,.'50 lin. ft., at 1%c per ft
Dec. .22.—American Linseed Co,
City S. % Lot 374, 100 lin. ft., at
11/2c per ft
Dec. 22.—F. H. and J. H. Stout, City
• Lot 509, 125 lin. ft., at 11 -kc per ft...
Dec. 22.—A. Heucklin, City E. 52 ft.
•Lot 383, 75 lin. ft., at 1%c per ft..
Dec. 22.—B. W. Lacy and J. • V. • Ri-
der, 'City S. 1-5 Lot 440, 75 lin. ft,
' `at 1%c per ft
Dec. 22.—Geo. Kirkland, Sub. 10,
Dunn's Sub., lot 1, 150 lin. ft., at
lc per ft
Dec. 22.—John Olinger, Boulevard
Add.,- lots 1-46, 270 lin. ft., at lc
per ft
Dec. 22. -John Olinger, Boulevard
Add., lots 1 to 23 inc., 575 lin. ft.,
11/4c per ft. ,
Dec. 22.—Rhomberg & Meuser, Davis
Farm Add., lot 225, 100 lin. ft., at
lc per ft
Dec. 22.—E. M. Kringle, Sub. 7,
Min. Let 79, lot 6, 74 lin. ft., at 11/4c
per ft
Dec. 22.—A. J. Van Duzee, Wilson's
Sub., S. 89 ft., lot 41, 100 lin. ft., at
11/4c per ft
Dec. 22.—C. H. Eighmey, Sub. 2,
Min. Lot 159, lot 2, 50 lin. ft., at
lc per ft
Dec. 22.—A. Trew, Sub. 7, Min. Lot
159, lot 3, 36 lin. ft., at lc
Dec. 22.—Jno, V. Rider, Sister's
Add., lot 5-6-7, 300 lin. ft., at 11/40
per ft
Dec. 22.—J. V. and S. P. Rider, Sis-
ters' Add., lots 8-9, 200 lin. ft., at
11/4c per ft
Dec. 22.—C. A. Alexander, Sub. 3,
Babcock's Sub., lot 2, 281 lin. ft.,
3 75
1 43
2 42
1 16
1 30
1 25
4 37
2 26
1 50
1 83
1 50
7 19
1 00
1 26
8 76"
2 60
at le i.er ft 2 81
Dec. 22.—C. A. ex1,d6 Alexander, Sft , 5,
Simpson's Add.,86
lc per ft
Dec, 22.—Theo. TrielotfConcord
..Sub.; lot 13. 100 lin. ft., at lc per ft. 1 00
Dec. 22.—J. T. Hancock Est., Sub.
Min. Lot 158, lot 6, 160 lln. ft., at 1 60
lc per ft
Dec. 23.—Wm. Beetle Est., Reche's
Sub., No. 2, lot 17, 450 lin. ft., at 4 50
lc per ft
Dec. 23.—Catholic University of
Washington et al., Leven's Add.,
lots 2 to 8 inc., 350 lin. ft., at 11/4c
per ft 4 37
Dec. 27.—Leathers & Trewin, Julia
Langworthy's Add., lot 8, 52 lin.
ft., at lc per ft 52
Dec. 27.—Catholic University of
Washingto.z et al., Kelly's Sub.,
lots 1-2, 100 lin. ft., at 1%c per ft. 1 25
Dec. 27.—Geo. R. Clark, College
Sub., lot 15, 100 lin. ft., at lc per
ft 1 W
Dee. 31.—H. Wunderlich, Fortune's •
Sub., lot 15, 170 lin. ft., at 11/4c per
ft 2 13
Dec. 30.—Carr, Ryder & Adams,
Guernsey & Langworthy's Sub.,
lots 3-4, 104 lin. ft., at lc per ft1 04
Dec. 30.—F. L. Poole, Julia Lang -
worthy's Add., lot 51, 52 lin. ft., at
• lc per ft 53
Dec. 31--Jno. L. Buettell. Nain's
Add., lots 1-14, 250 lin. ft, at lc per
ft 2 60
Dec. 31.—Julia 'D. 'Rhombei•g, Guern-
sey & Langworthy's Add., lots 7-8,
104 lin. ft., at lc per ft 1 04
Dec. 30.—Geo. Salot. Sub. 2 of 2 of
City 678, etc., lot 1, 50 lin. ft., at
134c per ft 75
Dec. 30.—J. V. Rider, Sisters' Add.,
lots 5-6-7, 300 lin. ft., at iliac per ft. 3 75
Dec. 30.—J. V. and S. P. Rider, Sis-
ters' Add.. lots 8-9, 200 lin. ft., at
1%c per ft 2 60
Dec. 30.—Dixon Cottingham, Sub. 38
and 39, Quigley's Sub., lot 6, 50 lin.
ft., at 114c per ft
Dec. 30.—E. A. and G. A. Burden,
City S. 23.3 ft., N. 1/a, N. M. 1-5,
lot 466, 23 lin. ft., at 11c per ft
Dec. 31.—Nannie T. Bell, City S. 2-5
lot 499, 40 lin. ft., at 11/2c per ft
Dec. 31.—Mary L. Bunting, Glen-
dale Add., lots 82-84, 100 lin. ft,
at lc 100
Dec. 31.—Francis Poole, Glendale
Add., lot 78, 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft50
Dec. 31.—Ada L. Collier, Sub. Min
lot 322, lot 10, 150 lin. ft., at 11/4c
per ft 188
Dee. 31.—Wm. Klauer et al., Davis
Farm Add., lot 213, 230 lin. ft., at
lc. per ft 2 30
Dec. 30.—J. H. Jecklin Est., Sub. 1
of 143, L. H. .Langworthy's Add.,
tat 1, 200 lin. ft., at lc per ft
2 00
Total $106 04
1-13-10t . City Recorder.
'Notice is hereby given to all concern-
ed that a special assessment Will be lev-
ied to pay for constructing an 8 -inch tile
pipe sanitary sewer in Langatorthy's Ave-
nue from Nevada Street to 11111 Street, M.
Tschirgi, ' Jr., contractor. Amount of
special assessment, $1,600, against the
abutting property upon and along said
List of Warrants.
street, as provided by law at a session
it the City Council. to be held Jan. 22nd,
And that there is a plat and schedule
o• ,.i, •h,• o'11,•e al' the Ci,y Recorder
of said City of Dubuque, showing the
,.t,,. un .,utc„ s.,ui «.,ii,ru,e,««wt was
made, and the separate lots and parcels
ut g, uu,.0 ur s,e.tuod punka' taeivuf,
subject to assessment of such improve
mcnt, the name of the owner thereof as
far as practicable and the amount to be
r:neu ag tet each lot or parcel of
ground, which plat and schedule is sub-
ject to public inspection.
Anti th.,t au,v auu a,t ,,ersons objecting
to said special .assessment of said plat
must file ills or their objection in writing
wile tin .i y Reeurtier of said Clty of
Dubuque, on or before said session of the
taty council to be held Jan. 22nd, 19113, cr
to appear at said session of the Council
1., sh w rouse, It any you have, why said
assessment should not be levied.
Da,ed Dubuque, lowa, Jan. 12th. 1903.
1-12-10t C. F. ARENDT,
(City Recorder.
Notice is hereby given to all concerned
that a special assessment will be levied
to pay for constructing an 8 -inch Tile
Pipe Sanitary Sewer in Johnson Avenue,
Eagle Point Avenue and Queen Street,
from manhole in Lincoln Ave. to South
Lot line of Lot 32, Sanford's Sub., Dolan
& Robinson, contractors. Amount of
special assessment 61,400.16, against the
abutting property upon and along said
Streets, as provided by law at a session of
the City Council to be held Jan. 22nd, 1903.
And that there is a plat and schedule
on file in the office of the City Recorder
of said City of Dubuque, showing the
Streets on which said Improvement was
made, and the separate lots and parcels
of ground cr specified portion thereof.
subject to assessment of sucn improve-
ment, the name of the owner thereot
as far as practicable and the amount to
be assesecd against each lot or parcel
f ground, which plat and schedule is
subject to public inspection.
And that any and all persons objecting
to said special assessment of said plat
must file his or their objection in writing
with the City Recorder of said City of
Dubuque on or before said session of the
City Ccuncil, tc be held January 22nd, 1903,
or to a,- pear at said session of the Cou n •
cli to show cause, if any you have, why
said assessment should not be levied.
Dated Dubuque, Iowa, Jan. 12th, 1903.
1.12 101 City Recorder.
Whereas, It is deemed necessary and
advisable by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque to vacate the alley herein-
after described for the purpose of relo-
cating the same, end
Whereas, Notice of the intention of the
City Council to vacate and relocate said
alley has been published in the official
newspapers of the city, and
Whereas, No objections have been
made to such proposed vacation and re-
location, and
Whereas, A deed conveying to the city
of Dubuque so much of Lot Eight (8),
Jansen's Sub., as will be required for
the relocation of said alley, has been pre-
sented to and accepted by this Council,
Be It Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That the alley between Lot
Thirteen (13), Jansen's Sub., and Lot
Eight (8), Jansen's Sub., be and the same
is hereby vacated to the original owners,
their successor or assigns.
Section 2. That an alley twenty (20)
feet wide be and the same is hereby es-
tablished from Fifth Avenue to the AlIley
first northeastwardly of said Fifth Ave-
nue and having for its southerly line the
southerly line of Lot Eight (8), Jansen's
Section 3. This Ordinance dhan be in
force and take effect from and after its
passage and publication one time in the
Dubuque Daily Globe -Journal newspaper.
Adopted Jan. 22nd, 1903.
Approved Jan. 27th.
Attest: City Recorder.
Published officially in the Evening
Globe -Journal, Jan. 28th, 1903.
1-28-1t City Recorder.
Attention having been called to the fact
that all dealers do not weigh their Coal
on the Public Scales, you are hereby no-
tified that the following sections of Chap
ter XXII. of the Revised Ordinances of
the City of Dubuque will be enforced:
Sec. 12. That any person selling or of-
fering to sell, within the limits of the
city, any coal, to be consumed therein,
in less then carload lots, shall cause the
same to be weighed upon the public
scales of the city, and obtain certificates
of the weight thereof from the weigher,
and the said weigher shall write the cer-
tificate in ink, and shall receive therefor
from the owners of persona offering such
coal to be weighed the sum of five cents
for each draught.
Sec. 26. Any person violating any of the
provisions of this Chapter unless other-
wise wovidcvi herein, shall upon convic-
tion be fined not less than five nor more
than fifty dollars. and may be imprisoned
until sub fine and costs are paid, not ex-
ceeding thirty days.
You are further notified that all wagons
hauling coal must be numbered.
By otder of the City Council.
C. H. BE11.1. `Inyor.
Januaty 24th, 1903.
Regular Session, Feb. 5, 1903.
Regular Sessdon February 5th, 1903.
Council met at 8:15 o'clock P. M.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Hort., Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Aid. Raymond moved that the council
proceedings for the month of January be
approved as printed. Carried.
The following bills were ordered paid:
P. Baumgartner, Asst. Marketmas-
ter for January $ 36 45
R. Jungk, repairing fountain at
14th and Elm Streets 2 95
Key City Gas Co., gas for various
departments 108 00
Jas. Kelly, stationery and supplies
for various departments.. 11 65
Harger & Blish, stationery and
supplies for varlous departments415
Bieg & Rood, stationery and sup-
plies for various departments.. 9 90
C. T. Bush, two photos of side-
walk on Lincoln avenue 3 00
C. A. Noyes, Shades and rollers,
Auditor's office 7 35
C. A. Noyes, supplies for Eng• ineer's
office 200
C. O. D. Laundry, towels and
racks 16 00
Dempsey & Son, mantel wires at
City Hall 15
J. Duggan, repairs on Sprinkling
Wagon • 1 50
Key City Gas Co., rental of 4 arcs
in Armory.... 2 50
A. R. Staufenbell, taking care of
Town Clock 7 months 49 95
A. R. Staufenbeil, repairing clock
Treasurer's office 1 00
G. F. Kleih, hardware at City Hall 85
J. Needham, insurance on Grand-
view Avenue Engine house 9 12
F. H. Weihe & Co., insurance on
Grandview Avenue Engine house 912
T. J. Mulgrew, hard coal at City
Hall 14 50
Fengler Bros., hard wood at City
Hall 54 05
W. Womberg, hard wood at City
Hall.... 46 65
Jno. Engels, sawing wood at City
Hall 4 50
The Martin-Str•elau Co., edgings at
City Hall 4 00
Jas. Beach & Son, soap at City Hall 3 75
Palmer, Berg & Co., blank station-
ery for various departments 19 00
Jno. Duggan, repairs for road de-
partment.... 6 35
Lagen & Sullivan, horseshoeing for
road department.... 4 25
Ellwanger Bros., repairing harness
for road department.... ....
P. Clancy, cinders for road depart-
The Martin & Strelau Co., 6 barrels
salt for road department
G. W. Healey & Son, hardware for
road department..
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for road
department.... . .
Phil Pier, soft coal for fire depart-
ment.... ............ .... ...
T. J. Mulgrew, soft coal for fire
1 40
29 75
4 50
6 80
13 9S
department 29 45
Linehan & Molo, soft coal for fire
department.. 23 55
Linehan & Molo, white waste for
fire department.... .... 9 95
Melloy Bros., soft coal for fire de-
partment.. 19 66
Key City Gas Co., rent of arc light
at Ninth Street Engine house100
Key City Gas Co., mantels and
chimneys for fire department.... . 80
Dubuque Oil Tank Line, oil for fire
department.... 7 00
Harger & Blish, toilet paper for fire
department.... .... .. . . .. 6 00
Key City Gas Co., coke for fire de-
partment.... 38 40
Byrne Bros., use of team and
wagon for fire department 4 50
Byrne Bros., one water key for
sewer department,... .... 2 50
W. H. Torbert, drugs and supplies
for fire department 16 24
Jos. A. Palen, drugs and supplies
for fire department 34 60
Jas. Beach & Son, soap for fire de-
partment.... 2 90
Ott, Meuser & Co., shavings for tire
department, 00
.... ... ....
T. F. Kane, hay for tire department 189 35
H. Wunderlich & Son, 3 arm chairs
at 4th street engine house 6 00
Nutwood Livrry Co., to use of am -
balance 2 00
.. . .... .. .. .
F. M. Jaeger & Co., hardware fur
fire department .... .... .... 1 75
Ellwanger Bros., repairing harness
for fire department , . , . .... 12 00
J F. Ris & Bro., repairs for fire
department . . . . .... .... .... . . 7 65
Lear & Kennedy, horse shoeing for
fire department .... .... 500
Wunderlich & Wlederholt, horse
shoeing for lire department 575
Lagen & Sullivan. horse shoeing for
fire department• . , 6 05
Kannolt & Powers, horse shceing for
fire department , .. . 26 70
The Iowa Iron Works. repairing
steamer R. W. Stewart ••. 1130
Wm. Gere, raising steamer R. W.
Stewart at lith and Clay streets 8 00
I' iauer Mfg. Co.. repairing jacket
on steamer R. W. Stewart 5 40
A. C. Haller. carpenter repairs at
4th street engine house 25 95
if J. 'I`ropf, board of prisoners dur-
ing January .. 7 00
F. Schloz & Sun, repairs for police
department ,. .. .... 50
F. Burns, maple wood for matron's
T. F. Kane. hay delivered at patrol
Becker Bros., oak wood delivered at
patrol house .... .... .... ....
Cn.ion Electric Co., arc lights for
January. 190:; , .20229 58
H. H. Berg & Co.. supplies for
matron's department , . .. 13 10
Fengler Bros.. hard wood for engi-
neer's department ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,1300
Harger & Blish, blue print paper
for engineer's department 9 30
Globe -Journal, official printing for
January .... .... ........... 6000
The Times, official printing for Jan-
uary ... 15 00
... .. .... ... . ....
Dubuque Telegraph -herald, official
printing for January , , , . ...... 50 00
National Demokrat, official printing
for January .... .... .... .... 2500
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for sewer
department .... .... .... 25
G. F. Kleih, tacks for li olth d--
7 00
17 35
12 00
28 Regular Session, Feb.5, 1903.
pal'tmcnt,• •. .. .. .. .
Wm. Beutin, sand for Bee Branch
department, , , .. . .
L. Lindenberg, dynamite and fuse
for Mt, Carmel Avenue
G. W. Healey & Son, powder and
fuse for Mt. Carmel .Avenue
F. Al. Jaeger & Co., powder and
fuse for Mt. Carmel Avenue
Dubuque Cabinet Makers' Assn.
iron beds, mattresses and springs
ler Grandview Avenue engine
13 00
6 95
3 05
1 75
30 (M)
The following bilis were ordered re-
Mullen & Papin. plumbing and gas
fitting at City Hall 22 45
On motion the hill was referred to the
committees on Public Grounds and Build-
ing and Police and Light.
Dr. S. S. Lindsay, professional ser-
vices for Firemen Sweeny and
Hansen.. ..................10 • .....
Finley Hospital, to board and at-
tendance for Fireman C. Hansen, , 3 00
On motion both : bills were referred to
the Fire committee.
Homan & Rt:ehl, repairing two. of-
fice chairs at city Hall . 7 50
On motion the bill was sent back for
cul reetion.
Petition of The Adams Co. asking that
the treasurer he instructed to. cancel the
assessment on real estate, north 1-2 of
I -1k "C" exceeding the amount of $3,150.00.
Also to cancel the assessment on tools
and machinery amounting to $1.000.00 ac-
cording to resolution adopted Sept. 3rd,
Ald. Horr moved that the in'ty,.r of the
petition he granted. Carlied.
Petition of the Dubuque casket Co.,
asking that their taxes on personal prop-
erty and improvements be canceled for
the year 1902, as per resolution passed
by the City Council in March, 1893.
Ald. Frith moved to grant the petition.
Petition of Jno. Huffineier, asking that
he be employed by the City to haul off
the sweepings from the brick paved
streets during the coming season; also
proposing to do said work at $17.50 per
On motion the matter was referred to
the committee on Paving, Sweeping and
Petition of Martin Armstrong, asking
that the taxes for the year 1902 be can-
celed on lot 12, Martin's Dubuque.
On motion the petition was referred to
the Delinquent Tax committee.
The following petitions were referred
to the Board of Equalization:
Petition of S. A. Storey, asking that his
taxes on $200.00 personalty be canceled
for the year 1902.
Also petition of Lillian L. Alden, asking
that the Treasurer be instructed to re-
ceive the amount of $58.24 in full for her
taxes on personal property, also on N,%
of lot 6 and E. 2 feet of lot 7 in A. L.
Brown's Sub.
Petition of Henrietta Jungk, by F. W.
Wieland, asking that her taxes on mon-
eys and credits be canceled for the year
On motion the petition was referred to
the Board of Equalization and City As-
Petition of Mrs. Jas. McCauley, asking
for a compromise to pay for the special
assessment as levied against E. % of lot
3 for improving Grandview Avenue.
On motion the petition was referred to
the committee of the Whole.
Communication of Jos. Reinfried, Fire
Chief. asking that the Central Engine
house at the corner of Ninth and Iowa
streets, be provided with Fire Escapes,
in pursuance to the law enacted by the
Twenty-ninth General Assembly of the
State of Iowa.
Ald. Raymond moved to refer the com-
munication to the committee on Public
Grounds and Buildings. Carried.
Communication and claim of Mrs. Chas.
Holtz, asking that she be allowed the
expenses incurred on account of her fall-
ing on a defective ddewalk in front of
the property of Mrs. Ga.rrigan on Hill
Also claim of Giles Samuel. claiming
the sum of $50.00 for personal damages
sustained by being run into by a party
of young people who were coasting upon
a large sleigh down West Seventeenth'
On motion both claims were referred to
the committee on Claims and City Attor-
l'ity 'Treasurer Brinkman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
c:Fntlemen: Below you will find state-
ment of amounts advanced by me during
the past month, for which please order
warrants drawn in my favor:
Interest on warrants outstanding,$2,915.89
Postage .... .... .... .... .... 10.40
New York exchange , ... , , , .. , . 3.10
'Iwo horses for tire department , . 350.00
Library orders paid $ 550.70
1 also received money borrowed front
the following. Please order Loan War-
rants drawn in her favor:
Jan. 6th., Elizabeth Dausch$ 300.00
On motion the report was received and
warrants ordered drawn to pay the var-
ious amounts. and the report referred
back to the committee on Finance.
City Auditor Hoffman reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: Herewith find my report for
the month of January, 1903, showing the
receipts and disbursements for the month:
Cash on hand Jan. 1, 1903 812,035.02
Receipts from all sources 87,953.21
Regular Session, Feb. 5, 1903.
Warrants redeemed during month,$20,666.55
Coupons redeemed during month 4,317.50
W. W. coupons redeemed during
month ... , .... ... „ 562.50
Cash on hand Feb. 1. 1903 $74,441.68
Of the cash on hand there belongs
to the Improvement Bond Fund,$17,356.96
Leaving a balance to the cerdit of
Also report that there is due the
City Officers for the month of
January, 1903 . , .. .. ....$ 2,528.20
Also the following is a record of all In-
terest Coupons redeemed by Treasurer for
the past month:
Regular Bond Coupons $3 205.00
interest Bond Coupons 1112.50
Water Works Bond Coupons , , , , 562.50
The following list shows the Appropria-
tions and the amount of Warrants drawn
on each Fund since the beginning of the
fiscal year beginning March 1st, 1902, to
Feb. 1st, 1903:
Appropriation. Expended.
Expense ...$ 40.000 $33,802.25
Road 42,000 39,837.96
Fire 35,000 27,373.21
Police 28,000 22,808.;x,
Sewerage... ..... :.. 5,000 4,101.40
Printing ..... . . ... ... 2.000 1,350.00
Engineer... ... .., 4,000 2,359.25
Gas and Light 25,000 20,276.86
Water Works Bond In-
tereat .... .... .... 25.000 21.152.50
Interest .... .. , , .. , , 45.000
Board of Health 6.000 5,390.13
Grading ..... ... ... ... 2,000 1,545.98
Bee Branch , 13.004 0.989.34
Eagle Point Bridge.. 5,000 4,782.10
Special Bonded Paving5.000
Judgment . . ... ... ... 3.000 2,786.1S
Library ,•,, ,••, 6.000 1,684.54
Redemption 2.500
Sprhnkinlg First District750 515.32
Sprinkling Second Dis-
trict 2,300 1,202.85
crn•ingling Third Dis-
trict 2.200 1,119.66
Sprinkling Fourth Dis-
trict 2,300 853.30
Sprinkling Fifth Dis-
trict 1.500 1,125.12
Special Bonded Debt In-
terest.... .. .... ....... 3,000 3,000.00
Grandview A' e. Engine
House... 6,000 5,007.20
Mount Carmel Ave.
Grading 1.000 143.50
Sidewalk Repairing .. 500 128.53
Special Sewer Fund 5,000 4,906.82
On motion the report was received and
warrants ordered drawn to pay city of-
ficers, and the report referred back to
the Comanittee on Finance.
Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen—I herewith submit my pay
roll for the Fire Department for the
month of January, 1903:
Amount due firemen 81,907.00
Chairman Committee on Fire.
On motion the pay roll w'is reveived
and warrants ordered drawn to pay fire-
men, and the report referred back to the
Committee on Fire.
Chief of Police Morgan reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen -1 herewith submit my re-
port and pay roll for the Police Depart-
ment for the month of January, 1900:
Total arrests for the month 47
Patrol runs for the month 50
Miles traveled for the month 752h
Residents arrested for the month., 23
Doors found open for the month 36
Lodgers harbored for the month100
Defective lights for the month 425
Meals furnished for the month 35
Cost of food for the month $ 7.00
City Ordinance fines 80.00
Sheriff dieting prisoners 4.00
Also the Pay roll for policemen for the
month of January, 1903:
Amount due. policemen $1,893.15
On motionthe report and pay roll was
received,. and warrants .ordered drawn to
Par policemen, and the report referred
'hack to• the Committee on Police.
Justice Carney. justice of the peace for
Julien Township, reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
Gentlemen—Below please Lind a report
of all cases tried by ne for the violation
of City Ordinance during the month of
January, 1903:
Total amount of fines collected during
the month. $80.00, which has been paid
into the City Treasury, and the receipt
for the same placed in the hands of the
Chief of Police. Respectfully.
Justice of the Peace.
On motion the report was received and
City Electrician Hipman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my re-
port of defective Lights for the month
of January, 1903. I find from the hours
that 325 Lamps failed to burn would equal
13 Lamps for one month, or $70.20.
Respectfully submitted,
City Electrician.
On motion the report was received and
the City Auditor instructed to deduct
from the Union Electric Company's bill
for the month of January, 1903, the
amount of $70.20.
City Engineer Boyce reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay
roll for Labor on Streets during the last
half of January, 1903.
Regular Session, Feb. 3, 1903.
Amount due Laborers on Streets..$41S 50
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved: E. E. FRITH,
Chairman Committee on Streets.
Also submit my pay roll for Labor on
Sewers dnrin; the last half of January,
Amount clue Laborers on Sewers....$156 20
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Chairman Committee on Sewers.
Also submit my pay roil for labor grad-
ing Mt. Carmel Avenue during the last
half of January. 1903:
Amount due Inbnrers for grading
Mt. Carmel Avenue $271.55
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved. E. E. FRITH.
Chairman Committee on Streets.
On motion the pay roll for Streets,
Sewers and Mt. Carmel Avenue were re-
ceived and warrants ordered drawn to
pay the various amounts and the pay
rolls reformed hack to the proper com-
The following welghm•asters' and wood -
measurers' receints were referred to the
Committee on Markets:
H. J. Tropf. City Hall receipts $33.30
Louise Pitschner. West Dubuque
scale receipts 2.50
T. Faherty, First Ward scale re-
ceipts 6.96
R. flay, Eighth Street scale receipts3.43
Mrs. C. Deckert, Rhomberg Avenue
scale receipts 2.83
Noel & Wagner, 'White Street. be-
tween 18th and 19th Streets. scale
receipts for hogs .45
R. F. Curran, woodmeasurer's re-
ceipts 11.05
City Engineer Boyce reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—Herewith attached please
find Treasurer's receipts for hills referred
to me for collection against Waterworks
Trustees and Fninn Electric Company.
Bill of Key City Gas Company has been
returned to City Auditor with instruc-
tions to deduct from warrant due Key
City Gas Company.
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
On motion the report was received and
City Engineer Boyce also reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
Gentlemen:—Attached find plat showing
the parcels of land' proposed to he taken
for the opening and widening of an al-
ley between Elm and Queen Streets, from
Sanford to Twenty-third streets. Notiets
of . Council's intention have been prop-
erly served.
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Ald. Frith stated that quite a number
of the parties interested were present,
and moved that the rules be suspended
to give the parties an opportunity to aa -
dress the Council. Carried.
Several parties addressed the Council
in favor, and others against the opening
of said alley. After the conclusion of
remarks, Ald. Frith moved that every-
thing pertaining to the opening of said
alley be referred to the Street Com-
mittee. Carried.
Sidewalk Inspector Crawford reported
as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil :
Gentlemen:—On account of erroneous
assessments on the following property I
petition for cancellation of same.
Theresa Imhoff. Davis Farm Add.. lot
306: amount of assessment, 5.5e: date of
levy, July 10th, 1902.
Jno. C. Bobzien, Glendale Add.. lot 155;
amount of assessment. :5e; date of levy,
Oct, 2Srd. 1902.
Cttth. Mettel, Sub. Min. lot 158. lot 8;
amount of assessment, :15c: date of levy,
Nov. 6th, 1902.
John Bottoms, Sub. 151. Mechanics'
Add.. lot 2; amount of assessment, 2.5c;
date of levy. Nov. 6th, 1902.
Geo. Radford, Farley's Sub. lot 22;
amount of assessment. 25e: date of levy,
Dec. 9th, 1902.
F. W. Coates, Glendale Add., lot IPO;
amount of assessment, 25c; date of levy,
Oct. 23rd, 1902.
Also report that the following described
property was erroneously assessed for the
removal of snow and ice. I petition tor
cancellation of same on account of said
Reeder Langworthy. Sub. lot 10. as-
sessed to Sam Smith: date of levy, Oct.
2nd, 1902; amount of assessment, 35e.
Sub. 10, Dunn's Sub., lot 1; assessed to
Geo. Kirkland: amount of assessment,
$1.50; date of levy, Jan. Sth, 1903.
Respectfully submitted,
Sidewalk Inspector.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the reports
be received and the Treasurer be In-
structed to cancel the assessment. Car-
Sidewalk Inspector Crawford also re-
ported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
Gentlemen:—Herewith attached please
find statement of the removal of snow
and ice from sidewalks during the months
of December, 1902, and January, 1903.
with the names of the parties that done
the work, according to the Ordinance re-
lating to cleaning sidewalks.
Respectfully submitted,
Sidewalk Inspector.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the report be
received and the Recorder be instructed
to advertise the special assessment.
Regular Session, Feb. 5, 1903.
The following bids for hose for Fire
Department were ordered opened:
B. F. Richardson & Co.
Yale double Jacket 63c per foot
Yale single Jacket 41c per foot
King single Jacket 34c per foot
Plain single Jacket 271c per foot
The Gutta Percha & Rubber Mfg. Co.
Baker Fabric Brand 80c per foot
Rescue Jacket Brand 70c per foot
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Company.
Key City Hose 69c per foot
Chief Hose 60e per foot
Patrol Brand Wax and Gum
Treated 80c per foot
Ald. Horr moved that the Council take
a recess for a few minutes, and the bids
be referred to the committee on Fire and
Chief to examine the bids and report to
the Council. Carried.
After a recess of fifteen minutes, Aid.
Clancy, chairman of the Fire committee,
recommended that the contract be award-
ed to the Dubuque Rubber & Belting
Company for 1,000 feet of Patrol Brand
Wax and Gum Treated Hose at 80c per
foot. Carried.
Ald. Horr, chairman of the FInance
committee, reported as follows:
Your committee on Finance, to whom
was referred the petition of John P. Page,
in relation to the special assessment
against his property for the brick pav-
ing of Fourth Street, beg to report that
we find an error was made in comput-
ing the amount that should be charged
to said property; we would therefore rec-
ommend that said assessment be cor-
rected and the City Treasurer be in-
structed to substitute the following
amounts for those originally charged and
to cancel the balance:
Sub. 304, City Lot 3 $154.34
Sub. City 304, Lot 2 A 69.86
Ald. Horr movd to adopt the report.
Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Also, your committee on Finance, to
whom was referrec the petition of Ger-
trude W. Ryan and Harry E. Wilson,
asking that the City Treasurer be in-
structed to accept the amount of the as-
sessment levied against City Lot No. 662a
for the Brick Paving of Locust streets,
without interest, in full settlement of said
assessment, would recommend that said
petition be received and filed.
Also, your committee on Finance, to
whom was referred the petition of Ida
Luchtei'hand. starting that she had lost
Improvement Bond No. 18, and asking
that the matter be arranged so she can
collect her interest and principal when
due, beg to report that we have in-
structed the City Attorney to prepare
such papers as are necessary to protect
the City, and we would recommend that
the City Treasurer be instructed to take
up said bond upon presentation by the
Petitioner of a receipt for the amount
thereof, together with a properly exe-
cuted indemnifying bond and affidavit of
loss and ownership.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report
of the committee on Finance. Carried.
Ald. Clancy, chairman of the commit-
tee on Fire, reported as follows:
Your committee on Fire would respect-
fully report that we have purchased two
horses for the Fire Department, paying
therefor the sum of $350.00.
Ald. Frith moved that the action of the
committee on Fire be approved.
Ald. Jones, chairman of the committee
on Printing, moved that the City Recor-
der be instructed to advertise for bids
for the printing of Index and binding of
25 copies of the Council proceedings for
the year 1902. Carried.
Ald. Raymond, chairman of the De-
linquent Tax committee, reported as fol-
Your committee on Delinquent Taxes,
to whom. was referred the petition of
Dorothy Kautz, asking that the taxes on
her property in Davis Farm Add. be can-
celed for the year 1902, would recommend
that on account of her poverty the taxes
be allowed to remain a lien on her prop-
erty and that the Treasurer be instructed
not to sell.
Also, your committee on Delinquent
Taxes, to whom was referred the petition
of Amelia Voss, aslaing that the taxes
against her property, N. 23 feet of City
Lot 335, be canceled, would recommend
that said petition be received and filed.
Also, your committee on Delinquent
Taxes, to whom was referred the petition
of Barbara Bechtel, asking that on ac-
count of her age the taxes on her per-
sonal property be canceled for the year
1902, would recommend that the prayer
of the petitioner be granted and that the
City Treasurer be instructed accordingly.
Also, your committee on Delinquent
Taxes, to whom was referred the petition
of M. LIllak, asking that the taxes
against his property, E. 40 feet, lot 354,
East Dubuque Aad., be canceled for the
year 1902, would recommend that on ac-
count of his age and infirmity the taxes
be allowed to remain a lien on his prop-
erty and that the City Treasurer be in-
structed not to sell.
Also, your committee on Delinquent
Taxes, to whom was referred the peti-
tion of John Albrecht, asking that the
taxes against his property, Sub Lot 60,
Taylor's Sub., be canceled for the year
1902, would recommend that on account
of his poverty the taxes be allowed to
remain a lien on the property and that
the City Treasurer be instructed not to
sell. G. N. RAYMOND,
Ald. Raymond move'' to adopt the re-
port of the Delinquent Tax committee.
Ald. Horr, chairman of the Board of
Equalization, reported as follows:
Your Board of Equalization, to whom
was referred the petition of Mrs. Platt
Smith. asking that the assessed valuation
of Sub. E. 1-2 of City Lot 655, Lots Nine
(9) and ten (10) be reduced, would recom-
mend that the City Treasurer lie instruct-
ed to accept taxes on said lots on a basis
of $4,900.00 valuation for the year 1902.
32 Regular Session, Feb. 5, 1903.
Also your Board of Equalization, to
whom was referred the petition of the
Key City Gas Co., asking that its assess-
ment be reduced to the amount as re-
turned by the City Assessor, would rec-
ommend that the prayer of the petitioner
be granted and that the City Treasurer be
instructed to receive the taxes as fixed
by the City Assessor at $75,000.00.
Aid. Horr moved to adopt the report of
the Board of Equalization. Carried.
Ald. Jones, of the Board of Health, re-
ported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen: Your Board of Health at a
meeting 'held Feb. 2nd, 1903, would re-
spectfully report that the Bills of Dr.
John C. Hancock and Dr. B. Michel, for
Smallpox Patients they attended during
the epidemic from Sept. 1st., 1901, to May
1st., 1902. and which had been referred
back to them for correction at our last
meeting, were again presented, and the
Board referred the same to the County
Board of Supervisors with the following
The Board of Health of the City of Du-
buque, hereby certifies, that it has exam-
ined the bill of Dr. John C. Hancock,
Physician to said Board, and that to the
best of its knowledge and belief the pa-
tients mentioned in said Bill were treated
by said Dr. John C. Hancock. The Board
also finds that the reasonable value of the
said medical services rendered by the
said John C. Hancock is $1,200.00.
Clerk to the Board.
Members of the Board of Health.
Also made the same recommendation to
the Bill of Dr. B. Michel, except setting
the amount at $150.00 as reasonable value
for services rendered, by him, from Jan.
1st, 1902, to May 1st., 1902.
Also report that we received and filed
a Bill from John Moser, for House Rent
and Fumigating his Building at No. 1041
Clay Street, during the month of Decem-
ber, 1901, while a Smallpox case was con-
fined in the same.
City Attorney Barnes aso made the fol-
lowing report to the Board:
To the Board of Health of the City of
Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: At the last meeting of your
Honorable Body, you requested me to
prepare an opinion as to whether or not
there is any penalty provided by the ordi-
nances of the City of Dubuque for the
failure of the attending physicians to re-
port to the City Recorder all births and
deaths occurring in the City of Dubuque.
Chapter 43 of the revised ordinances of
1901, fully covers the question. Section 1
provides that births shall be reported
within forty-eight hours from the time
of birth, and section 2 provides that
deaths shall be reported within twelve
hours; said reports to be made to the
City Recorder. Section 8 provides that
any person or persons convicted of the
violation of this ordinance shall be fined
in a sum not less than Five ($5.00) Dol-
lars, or more than One Hundred ($100.00)
Dollars for each offense, and imprisoned
until such fine and costs are paid not ex-
cEeding thirty days.
Respectfully submitted,
City Attorney.
Also report that the Board ordered
Chapter 43 of the revised Ordinance of
1901 published in full in the newspapers,
the same to bo considered due notice to all
parties interested.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the report of
the Board of Health. Carried.
Ald. Clancy moved that the City Engi-
neer be instructed to measure macadam
of some of the poor people in the city.
Ald. Corrance moved a substitute that
the matter of measuring macadam be
postponed for the present, also that the
matter be referred to the Committee of
the Whole. Carried.
Ald. Raymond moved that the Council
adjourn until February 19th, 1903. Car-
ried. C. F. ARENDT,
City Recorder.
1 ..,
..04.... ... Recorder.
Approved. r17Cl J `./ 190.
.. - ... ..... Mayor
Regular Session, Feb. 19, 1903.
Regular Session, February 19th, 1903.
Council met at 8:30 o'clock P. M.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Alds. Corrance, Frith, liorr,
Jones. Raymond and Sheridan.
Absent—Ald. Clancy.
Petition of Lyman F. Withee et al.,
asking for the location of a street ex-
tending from the North Cascade Road
west to the City Limits.
Ald. Horr moved to grant the petition
and the City Engineer be instructed to
prepare a plat showing a 40 foot street
instead of 50 feet. Carried.
The following petitions were referred to
the Delinquent Tax committee:
Petition of Eliz. Saul, asking that her
taxes be canceled on lot 2, Hoskin's Sub..
for the year 1902.
Petition of Fredericka llollnagel, ask-
ing that her taxes be remitted on lot 7,
In Klein & Klingenberg's Sub., for the
year 1902.
Petition of Mrs. Amelia Voss,. asking
for the cancelation of her taxes on the
north 23 feet of lot 335, City, for the years
1901 and 1907.
Petitions of H. J. Kiebel and Geo. Tou-
rot, asking that the taxes on their home-
stead be canceled to the amount of $800.00,
they being honorably discharged Union
Also petition of Mrs. Marg't. Rousch,
asking for the cancelation of her taxes to
the amount of $800.000 on lot No. 104,
Burden & Lawther's Add., she being the
widow of an honorably discharged Union
Petition of Brown & Greeley, asking
that their assesttmynt on Merchandise be
canceled for the year 1902.
On motion the petition was referred to
the Board of Equalization.
Petition of the Dubuque Turbine and
Roller Mill Co., asking that they be
granted four (4) years' remission of their
taxes in addition to the six (6) years as
granted I,y the City Council.
On motion the petition was referred to
the committee of the Whole.
Claim of Mary Kruse, claiming the sum
of $5,000.00 for injuries sustained by fall-
ing on an icy sidewalk in front of lot 19,
McCraney's 2nd Add., on Lincoln Avenue.
Original Notice, District Court, of Lot-
tie A. Walker, claiming the sum of
$3,000.00 for personal injuries sustained by
falling on an icy sidewalk In front of
building No. 47 Eighth Street.
Also Original Notice, District Court, of
Catherine Hagerty, claiming the sum of
$1,000.00 as damages sutained by falling on
a sidewalk on the west side of Dell Street,
near alley between West Fourteenth and
Arlington Streets.
On motion the Claim and Original No-
tices were referred to the committee on
Claims and City Attorney.
Mayer Berg presented and read the fol-
lowing communication from the Union
Electric Company:
Hon. C. H. Berg, Mayor, City:
Dear Sir: I beg to advise you that the
installation of the 6.6 Ampere Alternating
Enclosed Arc Lamps called for by con-
tract signed October 3rd, 1902, was com-
pleted February 18th.
Very truly yours,
F. L. Dame, General Manager.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the commun-
ication be received and filed. Carried.
City Engineer Boyce presented a plat
for the opening of an alley between
Rhc•mberg and Garfield Avenues from
Johnson Avenue to Kniest SUeet.
Ald. Sheridan moved that the plat be
laid aside for the present. Carried.
City Engineer Boyce also reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of Dubuque.
Gentlemen: Attached please find Treas-
urer's receipts for $16.50 and $10.75,
amounts received from sale of old iron, as
per bills attached.
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
On motion the report was received and
Also submit my pay roll for Labor on
Streets during the first half of February,
Amount due Laborers on Streets....$401.70
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved: E. E. FRITH,
Chairman Committee un Streets.
Also submit my pay roll for Labor on
Sewers during the first half of February,
Amount due Laborers on Sewers....$149.80
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Chairman Committee on Sewers.
Also submit my pay roll for Labor
grading Mt. Carmel Avenue during the
first half of February, 1903.
Amount due Laborers $232.85
Respectfully submitted,
City Enginer.
Approved: E. E. FRITH,
Chairman Committee on Streets.
On motion the pay roll for Streets,
Sewers and Mt. Carmel Avenue were re-
ceived and Warrants ordered drawn to
pay the various amounts and the pay
rolls referred back to the proper commit-
City Recorder Arendt presented and
read the printed notice, certified to by
the Publisher, of the Council's intention
to levy a Special Assessment against the
removal of snow and ice from sidewalks
3,1 Regular Session, Feb. 19, 1903.
in the months of December, 1902, and Jan-
uary, 1903.
No remonstrance being filed, the Mayor
stated that Paul Schlenker objected to
his assssment on the ground that his son
had always cleaned the sidewalk.
Ald. Frith moved that the matter be
referred to the Sidewalk Inspector for
correction. Carried.
Whereupon, Ald. Frith offered the fol-
Resolvel by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for re-
moval of snow and ice from Sidewalks
during December, 1902, and January, 1903,
in front of and adjoining the same, a
special tax be and is hereby levied on the
several lots, and parts of lots and parcels
of real estate hereinafter named, situate
and owned, and for the several amounts
set opposite each lot or parcel of real
estate, as follows:
Special assessment submitted Feb. 19th.
1902. Owner. Description. Cost.
Dec. 22 -Paul Schlenker, Dunn's Sub..
lot 8, 106 lin. ft. at Ic per foot $ 1 06
Dec. 22-Gottf. Blockiinger, King's
1st Add., lot 21, 150 lin. ft. at lc per
ft 1 50
Total $ 2 56
1903. Owner. Description. Cost
Jan. 2 -Wm. Hintrager, Farley's
Sub., lot 13, 50 lin. ft. at 11/4c per ft 60
Jan. 3-Kiene & Altman, Grandview
Place, lots 2-4, 100 lin. ft. at lc
per ft 100
Jan. 7-A. J. Van Duzee, O'Neill's
Sub. No. 2, lot 23, 140 lin. ft at lc
per ft 140
Jan. 12 -Geo. R. Clark, College Add,
lot 15, 100 lin, ft at lc per ft 1 00
Jan. 16 -Mary A. Langworthy, Mrs
L. H. Langworthy's Add., N. 161
ft. lot 8, 100 lin. ft at lc per ft 1 80
Jan. 16 -Mary Wilde, Sub. 1 of 2 of 7
of Min. Lot 45 (Sub. 2 of 2 of 7 of
45, lot 1), lot 2, 226 lin. ft at le per
ft 225
Jan. 16 -Cath. University of Wash-
ington, et al, Levens' Add., lots 1
to 8, inc., 400 lin. ft. at 11/4c per ft5 00
Jan. 16-D. J. Linehan, Home Add,
lots 9-10, 95 lin. ft at lc per ft
Jan. 17-F. W. & Frank Coates, S.
M. Langworthy's Add., lots 39-42
and 43, 100 lin. ft. at 11c per ft.,
$1.50; 113 lin. ft. at lc per ft, total2 63
Jan. 17 -Cath. Stafford, S. M. Lang -
worthy's Add., lot 44, 50 lin. ft. at
1%c per ft. 75c; 113 lin. ft. at le
per lin ft, $1.13; total
Jan. 2 -Kate Lundbeck, Cox's Add,
E. 24 ft. lot 22, 162 lin. ft. at lc
per ft
Jan. 20 -Wm. Reche Est., Reche's
Sub. No. 2, lot 17, 400 lin. ft. at lc
per ft
Jan. 20 -Nie. Glab, Finley's Add,
lots 156-157-168, 190 lin. ft. at lc
per ft
Jan. 20 -Frank R. Scott, Finley's
Add., lot 155, 66 lin. ft. at lc per ft.
Jan. 21-W. G. Cox, Levens' Add.,
lot 14, 67 lin. ft. at lc per ft
Jan. 21 -Cath, University of Wash-
ington, et al, Levens' Add., lots
9-10-11, 150 lin. ft. at 11/40 per ft
Jan. 21-L. G. Hurd, Gray's Sub,
lot 3, 50 lin. ft. at 11/40 per ft
1 88
1 70
1 85
Jan. 21-L. G. Hurd, Gray's Sub.,
lots 6-7-8-9, 250 lin. ft. at lc per ft2 60
Jan. 21 -Helen Wright, Grey's Sub,
lots 2-4, 100 lin. ft. at 11c per ft1 25
Jan. 21-Jno. McDonald, McNulty's
Sub., S. 89 ft. lot 2, 126 lin. ft. at 1
11/4c per ft
Jan. 24-Robt. and Jno. Lee, S. M.
Langworthy's Add., lots 1-2, 100 lin. 1
ft. at lc per ft
Jan. 26-F. W. Fitzpatrick Est.,
Union Add., lot 146, 114 lin. ft. at 1 42
114c per ft
Jan. 27 -Mrs. Sidney Saul, Saul's
Sub., lots 1-2, 30 lin. ft. at 11/4c
per ft 38
Jan. 27-C. A. Alexander, Sub. 3,
Babcock's, lot 2 and Sub. 5, Simp-
son's Add., lot 1, 160 lin. ft. at W40 1
per ft
Jan. 26-F. N. Russo, Smedley's
Sub., lot 11, 40 lin. ft. at 11/4c per 6
ft 0
Jan. 29 -Cath, University of Wash-
ington, et al, Union Add., lots 165-
166, 120 lin. ft. at lc per ft 1 20
Total $41 34
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resoiu-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Ald. Corrance. Frith, Horr, Jones,
Raymond and Sheridan.
Nays -None.
Absent-Ald. Clancy.
Bids for printing the index and binding
25 books of the Council proceedings for
the year 1902 were, on motion, ordered
opened. Bids as follows:
The Telegraph -Herald, per book $3.50
Mathis -Mets Company, per book 3.75
Ald. Raymond moved that the contract
be awarded to the Telegraph -Herald,
they being the lowest bidders. Carried.
Alderman Horr moved that the matter
of fixing the appropriations for the com-
ing fiscal year he referred to the Com-
n:ittee of the Whole and that a meet-
ing of said committee he called for that
purpose and that no other business be
considered at that meeting. Carried.
Ald. Rymond moved that the City Re-
corder be instructed to advertise for bids
for painting the city's sprinkling wag-
ons (8 wagons). Carried.
Ald. Raymond moved that the Purchas-
ing Committee be instructed to purchase
two (2) Berry horse collars, complete, for
the Grandview Avenue Engine house.
Ald. Frith, chairman of the Ordinance
Committee, presented a plat showing
proposed vacation and re -location of Mill-
ville Road and moved that the plat be
approved and the City Recorder be in-
structed to properly record the same.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Alds. Corrance, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Nays -None.
Absent-Ald. Clancy.
Ald. Frith also presented and read an
Ordinance vacating a part of MI►Iville
Road hereinafter described and re -locating
said Millville Road as 'hereinafter de-
scribed through Mineral lot No. 306 in the
City of Dubuque.
Regular Session, Feb. 19, 1903. 35
Ald. Frith moved that the reading just
had be the first reading. Carried.
Ald. Frith moved to suspend the rules
for the purpose of reading the Ordinance
by its title for the second time. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Corrance, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Absent—Ail. Clancy.
Aid. Frith moved that the Ordinance be
adopted as read.
Adopted as follows:
Yeas—Aids. Corrance, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Absent—Ald. Clancy.
The Mayor declared the Ordinance
The Ordinance follows:
Whereas it is deemed necessary and ad-
visable by the City Council of the City of
Dubuque, to vacate that part of Millville
Road described as follows, beginning at
a point on the West line of Mineral Lot
360, sixty-four feet North of the South-
west corner of said Mineral Lot 360, thence
North 87 deg., 18 mins. East 426 feet;
thence North 70 degs., 41 mins. East 203
feet; thence South 79 degs. West 630 feet
to the place of beginning and containing
29-100 of an acre. and being now known as
lots 2 of 1 of 1 of 1; and 2of2of1; and
2 of 2 of Mineral Lot 360, and
Whereas, notice of the intention of the
City Council to vacate and re -locate said
Millville Road has been published in the
official newspapers of the city, and
Whereas, no objections have been made
to such proposed vacation and relocation,
Whereas, the owners and proprietors of
the land required for said re -location have
dedicated to the City of Dubuque the land
recessary for said re -location and describ-
ed as follows: Beginning in the center
of the road at a point on the West line
of Mineral Lot 360, thirty-two feet North
of the Southwest corner of Mineral Lot
360, thence North 87 degs. 18 mins. East
429 feet to angle; thence North 70 degs. 41
mins. East 254.2 feet to the East line of
Mineral Lot 360. From this point the
Southeast corner of Mineral Lot 360 bears
south 105.5 feet, Therefore
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque.
Section 1. That that part of Millville
Road embraced within the following
metes and boundaries, to -wit: Beginning
at a point on the West lot line of Mineral
Lot 360, sixty-four feet North of the
Southwest corner of said Mineral Lot 360,
thence North 87 degs. 18 mins. East 426
feet; thence North 70 degs. 41 mins. East
205 feet; thence South 79 degs. West 630
feet to the place of beginning and contain-
ing 29-100 of an acree, and being now
known as lots 2 of 1 ofl of 1, and 2 of 2 of
1; and 2 of 2 of Mineral Lot 360, be and the
same is hereby vacated to the original
owners, their successors or assigns.
Sec. 2. That Millville Road be and the
same is hereby established sixty-four feet
wide, through and across Mineral Lot
360, the center line of said road being de-
scribed as follows: Beginning in the cen-
ter of the road at a point on the West
line of Mineral Lot 360, thirty-two feet
North of the Southwest corner of Mineral
Lot 360, thence North 87 degs. 18 mins.
East 429 feet to angle; thence North 70
degs. 41 mins. East 254.2 feet to the East
line of Mineral Lot 360. From this point
the Southeast corner of Mineral Lot 360
bears South 105.5 feet.
Sec. 3. This ordinance shall be in force
and take effect from and after its passage
and publication one time in the Dubuque
Daily Globe -Journal newspaper.
Adopted, , 1903.
Citv Recorder.
Ald. Corrance, Chairman of the Com-
mittee on Claims, reported as follows:
Your Committee on Claims, to whom
was referred the petition of Martha Wied-
ner to relation to the taxes on her per-
sonal property, would recommend that
said petition be referred to the Board of
Equalization and City Assessor.
Also, your Committee on Claims, to
whom was referred the bill of Dr. Rein-
ecke for professional services rendered
\V. Clark of the Sewer department, would
recommend that said bill be received and
Also, your Committee on Claims, to
whom was referred the claims of Lottie
F. Walker for $3,000.00 damages for per-
sonal injuries sustained by her in falling
on a sidewalk on Eighth street, beg to
report that we have examined into the
merits of her claim and find that the
sidewalk at the point where she claims
tc have received her injury at the time
when she received her injury, was in a
reasonably safe condition for public
travel. And, believing it to be our duty
not to recommend a settlement in any
case except where it appears to us that
there is a legal liability, and condemning
the growing practice of presenting claims
of this kind where the injury was clearly
caused by the negligence of the claimant,
we would recommend that the petition be
received and filed.
Also your Committee on Claims, to
whom was referred the petition of Giles
Samuels, who was injured by bedng run
into by a party of coasters on West Sev-
enteenth Street, also the petition of !',lrs.
Charles Holtz who was injured by fall-
ing on a slippery siaewalk on Hill Street,
asking that they, be allowed such an
tn..ount as tl,. City Council may deem
In oiler as compensation for the injuries
so received, beg to report, that while net
recognizing an. legal liability on the part
of the city growing out of said injuries,
still under the peculiar circumstances of
these two injuries, we would recommend
that Giles Samuels be allowed the au:n
3 $25 in full set Cement of all claims and
demands growing out of his said injury;
and we further recommend that Mrs.
Chas. Holtz be allowed the sum of $40
in full settlement of all claims and de-
Regular Session, Feb. 19, 190 3.
mends she may have growing out of said
Ald. Corrance moved to adopt the re-
port of the committee on Claims. Car-
Ald. Frith, chairman of the Committee
on Streets, reported as follows:
Your Committee on Streets, to whom
was referred the petition of O'Farrell &
Norton, asking that the City Engineer,
be instructed to make a final estimate
of the grading on Cox street,
would recommend that the prayer of the
petitioners be granted and that the City
Engineer be instructed accordingly.
Also your Committee on Streets, to
whom was referred through the Commit-
tee of the Whole. the petition of J. H.
Klein. et al, asking that Fenelon Place
be opened and extended northerly from
Its eastern terminus to Cooper Street,
would recommend that Alderman Ray-
mond and the City Engineer be appoint-
ed a committee and authorized to tender
C. B. 'rrewin the sum. of $1,000.00 for the
went 40 feet of lot 1 of City Lot 692, and
Mrs. Alderson or assigns the sum of
$1,000.60 for Lot 43 and the east of Lot
44 of Sub. City 691. E. E. FRITH,
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report of
the Street Committee. Carried.
Ald. Corrance of the Fire Committee
reported as follows:
Your Committee cn Fire, to whom was
referred the within bill of Finley Hospital
for $3.00 for board and attendance given
to Fireman I-Iansen, would respectfully
recommend that said bill be paid.
Also your Committee on Fire, to whom
was referred the within bill of Dr. S. h.
Lindsay for $10.00 for professional ser-
vices rendered Firemen Hansen and
Sweeney. would recommend that said bill
be received and filed.
M. CLANCY, Chairman.
Ald. Corrance moved to adopt the re-
port of the Co:nmittee on Fire. Car-
Ald. Horr, chairman of the Board of
Equalization, reported as follows:
Your Board of Equalization, to whom
was referred the petition of Henrietta
Jungk, asking that the assessment leveed
against her for moneys and credits be
canceled, would recommend that the said
Petition be received and filed.
Also your Board of Equalization, to
whom was referred the petition or A. L.
Rhomberg, asking for a review or the
assessments made for 1902 on certain lots
on Corlell's Dubuque, Dubuque Harbor
Co.'s Add. and Ham's Add., would rec-
ommend that the assessments remain as
levied and that the said petition be re-
ceived and filed.
Also your Board of Equalization, to
whom wes referred the petition of Jane
R. Jess, asking that the valuation of Iot
565a be reduced to $2,000.00, would recom-
mend that the prayer of the petitioner
be granted and that the Treasurer be In-
structed to accept the tax for the year
1902 in accordance herewith.
Also your Board of Equalization, to
whom was referred the petition of John
Deery, asking that the assessed
valuation of the Merchants' Hotel
and the N. 20 feet of lot 9,
City, be reduced, would recommend
that the valuation on. the Merchants' Ho-
tel be not changed, but that the valua-
tion on the N. 20 feet of lot 9, City, be
reduced to $7,000.00 and that the Treasurer
be instructed to accept the taxes for the
year 1902 in accordance herewith.
Also your Board of Equalization. to
whom was referred the petition of S. A.
Story. asking that the assessment of $200
personal property levied against him ror
the year 1902 be canceled. beg to report
that we find that said assessment was
levied in error: we would therefore rec-
ommend that the prayer of the petitioner
be granted and that the Treasurer be in-
structed accordingly.
Ald. Herr moved to adopt the report of
the Board of Equalization. Carried.
Ald. Hort, chairman of the Committee
of the Whole. reported as follows:
Your committee of the Whole would ro-
spectfully recommend that not more than
5.000 subic yards of macadam be pur-
chased by the City this season, and that
not more than 30 yards be accepted from
any one person: the price to he paid for
the same to he as follows: 85 cents p r
cubic yard where the rock is furnished
by the party breaking it. and 60 cents
per cubic yard where the rook is fcn•-
niahed by the City. We would also Ivo-
emmend that each Ward Alderman be
authorized to issue permits for breaking
not to excecd 1,000 yards of madncadm
and that the Street committee and City
d':ngirreer be instructed to prepare spec-
ifications stating the size, kind and quai-
ity- of sadd macadam. also that they shall
designate the location where the same
shall be broken.
Ald. Harr maned to adopt the report
of the committee of tt Whole. Carried.
Ald. Frith offered the following:
Whereas, at th'a regular session of the
City Council of the City of Dubuque, held
January 22, 1903, a deep trom Rudolph
Jones and wifte to the City of Dubuque of
the southeast twenty feet of lot 8. Jan -
Fen's subdivision of the City of Dubuque,
for alley purposes only, was presented to
said Council and duly accepted, and
Whereas, said property was accepted by
said City for the purpose of relocating
the alley between Fifth Ave.nue and the
alley first northeast therefrom in Jansen's
subdivision, and
Whereas, at the same session of said
Council, an ordinance was passed, vacat-
ing the alley between lot 13, Jansen's sub-
division and lot 8, Jansen's subdivision,
and relocating said alley upon the proper-
ty deeded to said city by said Rudolph
Jones and wife, and
Whereas, it is the intention of the City
of Dubuque to vest the title to the lance
covered by said vacated alley in Rudolph
Jones in +exchange for the land required
for the alley as relocated, therefore, be it
Regular Session, Feb. 19, 1903. 37
Resolved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, that the Mayor be and is
hereby directed to execute a deed to Ru-
dolph Jones of the following described
property: "An alley vacated by the City
of Dubuque, twenty feet wide, lying be-
tween the northwesterly line of lot 8 and
the southeasterly tine of lot 13, extending
from Fifth Avenue in Jansen's subdivis-
ion, being a subdi4lsion in the City of
Dubuque, Iowa." The consideration of
this deed being the exchange of the
property referred to In the preamble to
this resolution.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu-
Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Corrance, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Absent—Aid. Clancy.
Ald. Frith offered the following:
Whereas, it is deemed advisable by the
City Council of the City of Dubuque to
lay out and open an alley between Rhom-
berg and Garfield Avenues. from John-
son Avenue to the South line of Lot 21a
in Smedley's Sub.; said alley to be 22 feet
wide from Johnson Avenue to the South
line of Lot 3 of 2 of Mineral Lot 113a,
from which point said airey is to taper to
a width of 20 feet and to become 20 feet
wide at the South line of Lot 31 of High
Street Sub., and to continue 20 feet wide
to the South line of Lot 21a, in Smedley's
Sub., in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, ac-
cording to the plat and survey of said
alley prepared by the City Engineer and
filed in his office; therefore, be It
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque. that the City Recorder
be and he is hereby instructed to issue
a venire to the Chief of Police, command-
ing him to summon a jury of twelve free-
holders, citizens of said city not directly
interested. and having the qualifications
required by ordinance, for the purpose of
assessing any damages, which may be
sustained by reason of the laying out
and opening of said alley, by any owner
of the property proposed to be taken for
said alley.
All the proceedings under this resolu-
tion to be taken in accordance with the
Charter and the provisions of Chapter
XXXI of the Ordinances of the City of
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu-
Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Corrance, Frith, Horr,
Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Absent—Ald. Clancy.
Ald. Sheridan Moved that the plat be
referred to Alderman -at -Large Jones and
the City Engineer, they to get the signa-
tures of parties interested before said
Jury is summoned. Carried.
Ald. Raymond moved to adjourn until
Feb. 28th, 1903. Carried.
City Recorder.
' Recorder.
38 Adjourned Regular Session, Feb. 28, 1903.
Adjourned Regular Session, Feb. 28th.
Council met at 8:15 p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Alda. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
The following bilis were ordered paid:
A. A. Brown, repairs for road de-
partment $ 40
Collings & Pfiffner, horse shoeing
road department 2 50
F. M. Jaeger & Co., supplies road
department 9 19
F. Schloz & Son, repairs road de-
partment 2 55
Patrick Clancy, hauling cinders for
Fourth street extension 23 50
Geo. Bock, sharpening tools road
department 1 15
Klauer & Kress, supplies for road
department 4 35
Klauer & Kress, 25 ft. one -Inch rope
Bee Branch 115
R. E. Haschke, sharpening picks
road department .0
Geo: Ragatz & Son, repairs and sup-
plies for road department 11 84
J. G. Moser, one-half dozen snow
shovels road department 2 5,,
Duggan, Sullivan & Co., supplies
road department 9 95
Klauer & Kress, one pick handle
road department 20
H. Corrance, 1 bbl. salt road depart-
ment 1 20
Globe -Journal, official printing for
February 60 00
The Times, official printing for Feb-
ruary 15 00
Telegraph -Herald, official printing
for February 50 00
National Demokrat, official printing
for February 25 00
Telegraph -Herald, health reports
for November 4 00
T. E. Frith, for removing dead an-
imals from streets during the
months of December, January and
February 23 00
C. T. Bush, to two different pho-
tos of sidewalks on 14th street,
near Bluff street 3 00
G. A. Barnes, to expenses attending
Supreme Court 8 75
Peter Baumgartner, Asst. Market -
master for February
Peter P. Bewer & Co., 5 yards mus-
H. Corrance, supplies for City Hall
Fred J. Daniels, 10 gal. disinfecting
Bieg & Rood, supplies to various
James Beach & Son, 1 box of
Northwest soap
Frank C. Starr, supplies for fire de-
Martin & Strelau Co., coal Delhi
Street Engine House
Collings & Pfiffner, horse shoeing
fire department
Collings & Pfiffner, horse shoeing
fire department
Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse
shoeing fire department
Ott, Mueser & Co., shavings fire de-
Martin & Strelau Co., coal Delhi
32 40
3 10
21 00
10 95
3 20
13 00
4 00
3 90
4 36
2 25
Street Engine House 9 00
H. Wunderlich & Son, chairs
Grandview Ave Engine House 21 50
H. Corrance, matches and lye, etc3 70
Bieg & Rood, supplies fire depart-
ment 600
M. Stafford, supplies fire depart-
ment 265
Martin & Streit' ti Co.. coal, Delhi
Engine House 20 40
Fred Roehl, supplies fire depart-
ment 1 40
Hartman Furniture Co., desk and
table fire department 22 00
C. Faulkenheiner, supplies fire de-
partment 2 00
Ellwanger Bros., supplies fire de-
partment 13 25
Frank Burns, coal 18th Street En-
gine House 12 91
F. Schloz & Son, supplies fire de-
partment 25
John F. Garvey. supplies Ninth
Street Engine House 6 45
Jas. T'rudell, supplies Ninth Street
Engine House 2 50
John Mullen, supplies Ninth Street
Engine' House 6 75
Jas. J. Rowan, supplies fire depart-
ment 49 35
11. J. Hagerty, veterinary services
fire department 19 32
W. H. Torbert, supplies lire depart-
ment 623
Peter Lang, supplies 18th Street En-
gine House 115
H. J. Hagerty, examining horses
fire department 10 00
John Krlehs, supplies fire depart-
ment 990
Even & Fuchs, coal fire department,
Ninth Street 48 33
Fischer & Co., coal fire department,
Ninth Street 43 36
Linehan & Molo, coal fire depart-
ment, Ninth Street 20 82
Iowa Iron Works Co., repairs fire
department 28 86
Linehan & Molo, coal 18th Street
Engine House 10 18
Iowa Iron Works, repairs engine
fire department 15 00
Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies fire
department 7 25
Thos. J. Mulgrew, coal fire depart-
ment 17 54
Linehan & Molo, coal Ninth Street
Engine House 1315
Phil Pier, coal Ninth Street En-
gine House 29 68
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co,
hose fire department 800 00
Key City Gas Co., 4 lamps at Ar-
mory 2 50
Key City Gas Co., supplies various
departments 91 90
Key City Gas Co., coal and coke fire
department 40 50
Key City Gas Co., mantels for fire
department 1 70
W. W. Whelan, electrical supplies
for various offices in City Hall .. 2 90
Union Printing Co., to 1,500 assess-
ment blanks 20 50
G. B. Grosvenor Co., 1 case toilet
paper 6 00
The Martin-Strelau Co., coal for
City Hall„ 10 15
Even & Fuchs, wood and coal for
City Hall 12 00
The Martin-Strelau Co., coal for
City Hall 1210
Jos. J. Rowan, 2 yards muslin, En-
gineer's department 25
Klauer & Kress, 1 pair shears 75
Adjourned Regular Session, Feb. 28, 1903. 39
Dubuque Cabinetmakers' Assn., re-
pairing chair Engineer's depart-
ment 2 50
Thomas J. Mulgrew, coal City Hall14 58
Palmer, Berg & Co., supplies to va-
rious departments 52 75
Peter Theisen, to sawing 10 42.128
cords of wood 11 80
F. Kupferschmidt, to sawing 3
cords of wood 4 00
Phil. Breitha.upt, 1'/ inch marble
elbow 25
A. A. Brown, repairs for sewer de-
partment 9 25
Landon Taylor, 1 pair rubber boots2 75
H. Corrance, supplies for sewer
department 7 10
Union Electric Co., arc lights for
February 202958
Jas. McCabe, supplies for police
department 5 90
H. J. Tropf, serving meals to pris-
oners „ 5 00
Collings & Pfiffner, horse shoeing
police department 14 25
Conlin & Kearns, 1 cord of oak
wood 600
Dubuque Cabinetmakers' Assn., re-
pairs and ref. 1 office chair ma-
tron's department 2 00
Even & Fuchs, 1 cord of wood pa-
trol house ....... .... 6 50
Linehan & Molo, coal for patrol
house 9 38
Matt Stafford, straw for police de-
partment 6 03
Chas. Fischer, sawing one cord of
wood 1 75
Moore & Ferring, supplies for ma-
tron department 4 05
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary services
for January and February at pa-
trol house 2 76
Tom Connolly, combination hose
and chemical wagon. per contract.1400 00
Aid. Horr moved that the bill of Mr.
Connolly be paid out of what is left in
the Grandview Avenue Engine House
Fund, the balance out of the Fire Fund.
The following bill was referred:
Dr. John C. Hancock, to profession-
al services for Mr. Henry Cos-
grove, from. Nov. 5th to Dec. 9th,
1902, 7 visits $ 14 00
3 office calls 3 00
$17 00
On motion the bill was referred to
Mr. Cosgrove.
Petition of H. J. Baule, et al, asking
to abate the nuisance of the Farley &
Loetscher Mfg. Co., in allowing their
shaving blower to remain open.
On motion the petition was referred to
the Committee of the Whole.
Petition of Miss Anna Lagen, asking
that the interest on the taxes and special
assessments due on the south 26 ft. of
City Lot No. 231 be remitted.
On motion the petition was referred
to the Committee of the Whole.
Petition of David T. Howie, et al., ask-
ing that the City Council order the con-
struction of a four -foot sidewalk on Bel -
mond Street, abutting lots Nos. 13, 14, 15,
16, 17 and Sub. 1 of lot 12, E. E. Jones'
Sub., between Rose Street and North
end of Helmond Street.
On motion the petition was referred to
the committee on Streets.
Petition of Chas. S. Gerger, an honor-
ably discharged soldier of the Rebellion,
asking for exemption of his homestead
from taxation to the amount of Eight
Hundred ($800.00) Dollars; also that the
City Treasurer be instructed to refund
to him the sum of $2.75, which he had
already paid into the City Treasury.
On motion the petition was referred to
the Delinquent T'ax Committee.
Communication of Thos. J. Mulgrew,
objecting to Ott, Meuser & Co. m.aintaln-
ing a steam engine and boiler close to
his ice houses on the Levee.
On motion the communication was re-
ferred to the Committee of the Whole,
they to view the ground.
Petition of the Metz Manufacturing Co.,
asking for the exemption from taxation
for a period of ten years, from Jan. 1st,
1903, all personal property and improve-
ments on lots 226, 225 and north half of
lot 224 and lots 177, 178 and north half of
lot 179, in East Dubuque Addition.
On motion the petition was referred to
the Committee of the Whole, and the
Metz Mfg. Co. to be notified when the
committee meets.
Petition of C. H. Meyer, et al, asking
that the City Council establish a street,
beginning at the west end of Riker Street
to the intersection of Rush Street.
On motion the petition. was referred to
the Committee of the Whole.
Petition of A. A. Thompson, an honor-
ably discharged soldier of the Rebellion,
asking for the exemption of taxes from
his homestead.
On motion the petition was referred to
the Delinquent Tax Committee.
Petition of Madeline L. Trilk, asking
for a reduction of taxes on her property
in Berry's Subdivision, claiming that her
house was not finished at the time the
assessment was made.
On motion the petition was referred to
the City Assessor.
Petition of Sarah Ham, asking that her
Taxes be reduced to the same amount
that she paid last year.
On motion the Petition was referred to
the Board of Equalization.
Petition of E. A. Buettell et al., asking
for the extension of the Alley from West
Third Street to Langworthy Avenue,
abutting the property on Alpine and Ne-
vada Streets, also to grade and macad-
amize the same.
On motion the Petition was referred to
the committee on Streets and City En-
Petition of the Dubuque Brewing &
Malting Co., asking that the assessed
valuation of their property acquired be-
fore June 1st, 1896, be placed at $70,000, and
on all its real estate acquired after June
1st, 1896, at the taxable value thereof as
fixed by the Assessor.
On motion the Petition was referred to
the Board of Equalization and City As-
Petition of E. H. Sheppley, asking that
one-half of the Alley between Iowa and
40 Adjourned Regular Session, Feb. 28, 1903.
Clay Streets and Fourteenth and Fif-
teenth Streets, be kept clear of obstruc-
tions, so that his tenants might have use
of said Alley.
On motion the Petition was referred
to the Chief of Police to have the nuis-
ance abated.
Petition of the Farley & Loetscher Mfg,
Co., asking permission to erect and main-
tain a bridge across Eighth Street from
their present building to the proposed
new building, or what is known as the Oil
Mill property. Also permission to re-
locate the switch now leading to said 011
Mill property.
On moduli. of Ald. Horr the petition was
referred to the committee of the Whole
with power, they to view the ground Mon-
day morning at 9 o'clock a. m.
Communication and Claim of Paul Wei -
pert. claiming the sum of $2,500.00 dam-
ages for injuries sustained by him, on
Feb. 1st, 1903, because of a defective side-
walk on t'he northerly side of Broadway
Extension, In front of the premises then
occupied by the late D. Mueggenburg, No.
363 Broadway Extension.
On motion the claim was referred to the
committee on Claims and City Attorney.
The report of the jury appointed to as-
sess damages for opening the Alley be-
tween Rhomiberg and Garfield Avenues
and Johnson Avenue and Kniest Street
was presented and read, the jury award-
ing the sum of $80.00 to the R. Waller
Est., Lot 1 of Lot 3 of Mineral Lot 113A,
and to Geo. Buehler, Lot 21A. Smedley's
Subdivision, the sum of $136.00.
Ald. Jones moved that the award he
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones. Raymond and Sheridan.
Ald. Clancy moved that a warrant to
the amount of $2.00 be drawn in favor of
each of the jurors appointed to assess
damages for opening the said Alley.
City Treasurer Brinkman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of Dubuque:
Gentlemen—Below you will find state-
ment of amounts advanced by me during
•the past month, for which please order
warrants drawn in my favor:
interest on warrants outstanding..$1,733 23
Refunded tax 36 60
New York Exchange 7 20
Postage stamps 2b
Express charges, lire 1 40
$1,778 68
Library Trustees' orders paid 226 53
Respectfully submitted.
On motion the report was received and
warrants ordered drawn to pay the var-
ious amounts and the report referred
back to the Committee on Finance.
City Auditor Hoffman reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen—Herewith find a list of of-
ficers and salaries due for the month of
February, 1903:
Amount due city officers $2.528.00
Also herewith find a list of unclaimed
warrants. which 1 present for cancella-
Total amounts of warrants un-
claimed $332.25
Ald. Horr moved that the report be ad-
opted and the recommendation of the
Auditor carried out. Carried.
City Electrician Hipman reported as
To the Ijonorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen I herewith submit my re-
port of defective lights for the month of
February, 1903. 1 rind from the reports
of the Police Department. that the total
hours that 97 lamps failed to burn would
equal 3tk lamps for one month or $18.90.
Respectfully submitted.
City Electrician.
On motion the rcnort was received and
the City- Auditor instructed to deduct
from the inion Ele^tric company's hill
for the month of February, 1903, the
amount of $18.90.
Fire Chief Reinfrled reported as fol-
To the Honrable Mayer and city Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: 1 herewith submit my pay
roll for the Fire Department for the
month of h ebruary, 1903:
Amount due Firemen $2,017.95
Approved: MAT. CLANCY,
Chairman Committee on Fir,a.
On motion the Pay Roll was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay Fire-
men, and the report referred back to the
committee on File.
Chief of Police Morgan reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil cf the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my Re-
port and Pay Roll for the Police Depart-
ment for the month of February, 1903:
Total Arrests for the Month 43
Patrol Runs for the Month
Miles Traveled for the Month u4'.
Lodgers Harbored.... 9'
Defective Lights
Doors Found Open
Residents Arrested..
Meals Furnished
Cost of Food $ 5.0u
City Ordinance Fines 75.00
Also the Pay Roll for Policemen for
the month of February, 1903:
Amount due Policemen $1,899.60
On motion the Report and Pay Roll was
received and warrants ordered drawn to
pay Policemen, and the Report referred
back to the committee on Police.
City Engineer Boyce reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my Pay
Roll for Labor on Streets during the last
half of February, 1903:
Amount due Labours on Streets..$409.65
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Adjourned Regular Session, Feb. 28, 1903. 41
Approved: E. E. FRITH,
Chairman Committee on Streets.
Also submit my Pay Roll for Labor on
Sewer during the last half of February,
Amount due Laborers on Sewers....$136.20
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Chairman Committee on Sewers.
Also submit my Pay Roll for Labor
grading Mt. Carmel, Avenue during the
last half of February, 1903:
Amount due Laborers for grading
Mt. Carmel Avenue.... $169.15
Respeotfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved: E. E. FRITH,
Chairman Committee on Streets.
On motion the Pay Roll for Streets.
Sewers and Mt. Carmel Avenue were re-
ceived and warrants ordered drawn to
pay the various amounts and the Pay
Rolls referred back to the proper com-
The following yearly report of the City
Attorney was presented and read:
Dubuque. Iowa. March 1. 1903.
To the Honorable Mayor and Aldermen
of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen—In compliance with the
provisions of chapter 13 of the Revised
Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Du-
buque. I hereby submit my annual re-
port as City Attorney for the year end-
ing February 28, 1903:
11539—Maria Kempf, et al., vs. City of
This action was instituted to recover
damages in the sum of $3.000 from the
city on account of an alleged illegal
change of grade of street In front of the
Plaintiff's property and appropriating
part of such property in the improvement
of Southern Avenue. issues made up
and case ready for trial. Order made
at the January term, 1903• that this case
be tried or dismissed at the March term.
12051—Alphons Matthews vs. City of Du-
Suit to recover $95.00 from the city on
account of professional services rendered
the city. This case was tried during the
administration of Thomas H. Duffy, City
Attorney, and judgment rendered in fa-
vor of the plaintiff for the full amount
of the claim. Motion for a new trial
made and overruled during former ad-
ministration and judgment entered. This
judgment, 'together with the costs in said
suit, still remains unsatisfied.
12398—Simon Thoeni vs. City of Du-
This action was begun at the Septem-
ber term, 1898. in the District Court.
Plaintiff claims damages in the sum of
$1.000, on account of an alleged dice ti
change of grade on Grace Street. To the
plaintiff's petition as amended the de-
fendant flied a demurrer on the ground
that the cause of a,etion, under the Code
of 1897, was barred by the Statute of
Limitations. At the January term, 1900,
of the District Court, such demurrer was
overruled, and thereupon the city except-
ed, refused to plead further and elected
to stand upon its demurrer. Appeal to
the supreme Court perfected, and at the
January term, 1902, of the said court an
opinion was handed clown affirming the
judgment of the Lower Court, and on
March 3rd, 1902, and dining the term of
my predecessor judgment against the
City for $551.70 was rendered against the
city, together with the ccsts of suit by
consent of the parties. Judgment and
the costs paid March 15. 1902.
12627—Thomas Casey vs. City of Du-
Petition of plaintiff in this case was
filed for •the March term• 1899, of the
District Court• asking damages in the
sum of $2,000 on account of personal in-
juries received in falling on an alleged
icy sidewalk on the 22nd day of Decem-
ber. 1898. Issues joined and case ready
for trial.
12862—Mary A. Langworthy vs. City of
Plaintiff in her petition, which was flied
for the January term, 1900, asks $1,000
damages on account of personal injuries
received by her in falling on a slippery
sidewalk, on August 26th• 1899. while
walking along Winona Avenue. issues
made up and case ready for trial.
13036—Michael O'Donnell vs. Clay of Du-
This case was instituted at the May
term, 1900, of the District Court. Plain-
tiff claims that he was injured March
16th, 1900, by falling on ice which had
accumulated in an alley crossing near
the northeast corner of Lot No. 1, Diene
& Blocklinger's Subdivision, and asks
judgment against the city for the suns
of $5,000. Issues made up and case ready
for trial.
13096—William R. Treanor vs. City of
This is an action to recover $1,000 dam-
ages against the city on account of the
injuries received by the plaintiff on the
Pith day of May, 1900, by the explosion of
a dynamite cap, which he had found
near where some city employes had been
working. Case pending on motion by
defendant asking the court to strike out
certain parts of th' plaintiff's petition.
13181—Mary J. Stannard vs. City of
This ease was begun at the October
.term, 1900, in the District Court. '1'114.
plaintiff claims damages against the
city in the sum of 81.000. on account 01'
an alleged injury sustained in her fallhi,
00 a sidewalk in front of No. 2718 Cooter
Avenue, on the 18th day of August, 189x,
Case pending on demurrer filed by de-
fendant against the petition of plaintiff
as amended.
13247—Gustav Schnee vs. City of Du-
This is an action brought agahtst the
city by the father of one Arnold S hnee,
a minor, to recover damages in the sum
of $5.000 on account of the death of said
minor, which, it is alleged. resulted from
a fall off the sidewalk in front of the
store building known as No. 1:006 Rhntn-
berg Avenue. The fall resulting 10 said
minor breaking his neck. Action was
brought for the January term, 1901, of the
District Court. Issues made up and ease
ready for trial.
13248+—Gustav Schnee, Administrator, vs.
City of Dubuque:
Action to recover from the city the
sum of $10,000 damages as administrator
42 Adjourned Regular Session, Feb. 28, 1903.
of the estate of Arnold Schnee, deceased.
The facts in the case are the same as In
the case of Gustav Schnee vs. City of
Dubuque, being No. 13247, above set out.
Issues duly made up and at the January
term, 1902, case tried to court and jury.
On February 13, 1992. the jury returned a
verdict for the city. Plaintiff asked for
and received ten days in which to pre-
pare and file a motion for a new trial.
Motion of plaintiff for a new trial sus-
tained, to which ruling the defendant ex-
cepted. Defendant perfected an ap-
peal to. the Supreme Court, where said
case 15 now pending.
13347—John Maguire vs. City of Du-
Case instituted February 28, 1901. In his
petition the plaintiff recites that he was
injured by falling over an obstruction
on Sixteenth street, between White and
Jackson streets, on the 30th day of Nov-
ember, 1900, and on account of the in-
juries received he asks judgment against
the City for the sum of $1,000. Issues
made up and the case ready for trial.
13373—John C. Bauer vs. City of Du-
Suit started at the May term, 1901. The
plaintiff asks judgment against the City
for the sum of $3,000 en account of in-
juries received in falling over a spike
or wire on the sidewalk in the rear of
A. A. Cooper's barn on West Fifth Street.
City served notice on A. A. Cooper. Sr.,•
instructing him to appear and defend the
action, and during the trial which took
place at the January term, 1902, he was
represented by Mr. L. G. Hurd. Jury
found for plaintiff in the sum of $2,750.
Defendant filed a motion for a new trial.
In deciding the motion for a new trial the
court /educed the verdict to the sum of
$2,250, and overruled defendant's motion
for a new trial, to which defendant ex-
cepted. On the 25th day of July, 1902; I
served notice of appeal to the Supreme
Court of the State of Iowa and said case
is now pending in said court.
13435—Adelain Braconier vs. City of Du-
This suit to recover $5,000 damages
against the City was begun for the Oc-
tober term, 1901, of the District Court.
Plaintiff alleges that she was injured by
having her right foot caught in a hole
in the sidewalk in front of Lot. No. 2, in
Jones' Subdivision to the City of Du-
buque, on Alta. Vista Street. Accident
occurred March 3rd, 1901, about 7 o'clock
a. m. Plaintiff filed her "written ver-
ified statement, etc.," with the City with-
in thirty days after the accident, and
prepared and filed her petition in the of-
fice of the District Court within three
months from the time the accident hap-
pened, but she did not place the original
notice in the hands of the sheriff for ser-
vice on the City until September 24, 1901.
Defendant filed demurrer to petition.
Demurrer sustained, judgment against
Adelain Braconier for costs. On Septem-
ber 12, 1902, notice of appeal to the Su-
preme Court of the State of Iowa was
served on me by James E. Knight, at-
torney for plaintiff, but no further pro-
ceedings has been had.
13494—George B. Albrecht vs. City of
Case instituted for the October term.
1901, of the District Court. Plaintiff
claims $700 from the City on account of
back salary. The City, after several
amendments were filed by plaintiff, de-
murred to the petition of plaintiff on the
ground that the facts stated did not en-
title the plaintiff to the relief demanded,
which demurrer was sustained. Plaintiff
again amended his petition and defendant
tiled another demurrer and on the 13th
clan of January. Th 3, the court made the
following ruling un said demurrer:
"Demurrer to amended and substituted
t•etitlon. sustained."
I'lalntit" excepts and stands on ruling.
pI:aintiff given G0 days to prepare and
have filed bill of exceptions. bill of ex-
ceptions nut filed up to date of making
this report. But the time for filing same
has not :•et ext,h ed.
13506 --Theo. Altmann vs. ('ity of Du -
Same character of ease as No. 13491.
The same proceedings were taken in this
case in case No. 13494, and it Is in the
same condition.
13507—Charles T. Thomas vs. City of Du-
Same character of case as No. 13494.
Same proceedings taken in this case its
in case No. 13494, and it is in the same
135N—Matt. Stafford vs. City of Du-
Same character of ease as No. 13494.
The same proceedings were taken in this
ease its in ease No. 13491. and it is in the
same condition.
13509—A. A. Cullen vs. City of Dubuque.
Same character of case as No. 13494.
The same proceedings were taken In this
case as in case No. 13494. and it is in the
same condition.
13510—Bernard Lagen vs. City of Du-
Same character of case as No. 13494.
The same proceedings were taken in this
case as in case No. 13494, and it is in the
same condition.
13511—Frank Dem:ert vs. City of Du-
Same character of case as No. 13494.
The same proceedings were taken in this
case as in case No. 13494, and it is in the
same condition.
13512—J. R. Jellison vs. City of Du-
Same character of case as No. 13494.
The same proceedings were taken in this
case as in case No. 13494, and it is in the
same condition.
13454—Charles B. Palmer vs. City of Du-
Action to recover Fifty t$50) Dollars
damage on account of Injuries to horse
and wagon. such injuries being caused by
tl:e horse backing over an ungarded wall
on Seminary Street. Issues made up and
case ready for trial.
13633—Mary- McGuire vs. City of Dubuque.
Action to recover damages against the
City on account of injuries to horse, caus-
ed by a sheet of ice on Stafford Avenue.
at its intersection with Queen Street.
Case was started before Jacob Kessler.
J. P., and as the City did not introduce
evidence, he found for the plaintiff in the
sum of $50.00. City gave notice of appeal,
filed its bond in the sum of $200, and the
Justice prepared and filed Ills transcript
111 the office of the clerk of the District
Court. Case ready for trial in the Dis-
trict Court.
13371—Catherine Sheridan vs. City of Du-
Plaintiff seeks to recover judgment
against the defendant for $10,000, on ac-
count of personal injuries received by her
on Deeember 8, 1901, by falling on an al-
leged defective sidewalk in front of the
north six feet of lot 617 in the City of
Adjourned Regular Session, Feb. 28, 1903. 43
Dubuque. Iowa. issues made up and the
case tried to a jury at the October Term,
1902, and a verdict rendered in favor of
the plaintiff in the sum of $3,CO3. De-
fendant filed a motion for a new trial.
which motion was sustained by the court
and a new trial granted upon the defend-
ants paying the costs. Defendant paid
the costs and the case is ready for retrial.
13672—William Sheridan vs. City of Du-
Action instituted by the husband of
Catherine Sheridan to recover judgment
against the City in the sum of $5,000, on
account of damages sustained by him
through the injuries sustained by his
wife. The issues made up and the case
ready for trial.
13724—L. M. Langstaff vs. City of Du-
This action was commenced for the May
Term, 1902, of the District Court. Plain-
tiff seeks to recover judgment in the
sum of $2070 against the City on account
of services rendered by him, from April,
1896, to May lst. 1902. as clerk of the
Board of Health of the City. Defendant
tiled a motion for a more specific state-
ment which was sustained by the court
and plaintiff ash's leave to file an amend-
ed and substituted petition, which was
filed on the 16th day of February, 1903.
Issues will be made up at the March
13725—Geo. Kunz, by Catherine ,Kunz.
his mother and next friend, vs. City of
Suit commenced for the May Term, 1902,
of the District Court. Plaintiff asks judg-
ment against the City for the sum of
$5,000 on account of injuries received on
the 16th day of February, 1902, while
coasting on Third Street by running Into
a truck wagon which was standing in
the street. Case pending on demurrer to
petition filed by defendant.
13736—Becker & Son and J. Becker and
Frank Becker vs. The City of Dubuque.
Action commenced for the May Term.
1902, of the District Court. Plaintiff asks
judgment against the City for the sum
of $650 and as grounds therefor allege
that they made a verbal contract with
James Boyce, an officer of the City, for
the delivery by them of a certain char-
acter and quantity of stone, and that
while they stood ready to carry out their
part of the contract, that said Boyce re-
fused to permit them to do so. Defend-
ant filed a motion for more specific state-
ment, which was sustained, and on Feb-
ruary 16, plaintiff flied an amendment to
said petition. Case now pending on this
condition and issues will be made at the
March Term of said Court.
13747—Otto Kirkley vs. The City of Du-
buque, and John C. Hancock.
Petition filed for May Term, 1902, of the
District Court. Plaintiff asks judgment
against the City and John C. Hancock
for the sum of $5.000, on account of dam-
ages alleged to have been sustained by
him by reason of the alleged wrongful
conversion of his residence into a de-
tention hospital. Case pending on de-
murrer to said petition under section
1050 of the Code, and other ground.
13748—Peter Mersch vs. City of Du-
The petition filed for May Term, 1902,
of the District Court, asking judgment
against the City for the sum of $5,000 on
account of damages by reason of per-
sonal injuries alleged to have been re•
ceived through his wife falling on an un-
even formation of ice on Fourteenth
Street between Mount Pleasant AVentto
and Wood Street. Accident occurred De-
cember 19th. 1901, suit commenced April
24, 1902. Case pending on demurrer to pe-
tition under section 1051 of the Code.
13749—Margaret Mersch vs. City of Du-
Petition filed fur May 'Perm. 1901, of the
District Court. asking judgment against
the City for the sum of $5.000. a.+ damages
for injuries alleged to have been received
by her December 19. 1901. by slipping en
an ice formation at alley cr,iaine on
Fourteenth Street between Mount Pleas. -
ant :\venue and Wood Street. This suit
was :;tasted April 24. 1902. Case pending
on demurrer to petition under section 1051
of the Code.
13752—Thomas Considine vs. City of Du-
Original notice served and petition filed
May 10, 1902, for the October term, 1902, of
the District Court, asking judgment
against the City for the sum of $2,500 ori
account of personal injuries alleged to
have been received while walking on the
sidewalk adjacent to Lot No. 3 of the
Su'bdiv'ision of Lots 18, 19 and 20 in Kelly's
Subdivision and Addition to the City of
Dubuque, caused as alleged, by stepping
upon a quantity of rough, rounded, slop-
ing, uneven and slippery ice, claimed by
plaintiff to have existed at that time on a
driveway across said sidewalk at said
point. Case was tried to a jury at the
January term, 1903, and on the 20th day
of January, 1906, the jury returned a ver-
dict in favor of the plaintiff for the sum
of $762. Defendant filed a motion for a
new trial January 22, 1903, which motion
was argued and submitted and overruled'
by the court and the defendant given 75
days to have prepared and filed a Bill of
Exceptions. Transcript of the evidence
.13887—John Tibet' vs. City of Dubuque:
Petition in two counts filed December
19, 1902. The first count claims a balance
of $915.60, with interest from the 12th day
of December, 1901, upon a written con-
tract entered into by defendant, and the
plaintiff on December S, 1900, whereby
plaintiff was to construct a storm water
sewer in Dodge Street from South Main
Street to the Mississippi River, for the
sum of $3.85 per cubic yard.
The second count claims damages for
aleged failure of defendant to furnish
grade stakes for six days from about the
8th day of October. 1901, and claims dam-
age at the rate of $30.00 per clay for six
days. The petition prays judgment for
the sum of $1,095.60, with interest and
costs. Case pending on a motion for more
specific statement as to first count and on
demurrer as to second count.
13882—Florence Farrell vs. City of Du-
Petition filed December 13, 1902. Plain-
tiff claims damages in the sum of $4,000,
as damages for personal injuries alleged
to have been sustained by her on the 14th
day of October, 1902, by reason of a scant-
ling or bunting frame falling and injuring
her eye and head. Accident alleged to
have occurred on the Northwest corner of
Seventh and Main Streets. Case pending
on a motion filed by defendant asking the
court to strike out certain parts of said
13928—Edward Farrell vs. the City of
Petition filed January 13, 1503, for
March term of the District Court. Plain-
tiff claims damages in the sum of $5,000,
44 Adjourned Regular Session, Feb. 28, 1903.
because of injuries alleged to have been
sustained by his wife cn the 14th •day
of October, 1902. by reason of the scant-
ling or bunting frame falling and In-
juring her eye and head. Accident al-
leged to have occurred on the North-
west corner of Seventh and Main Streets.
No action will be taken in this case until
the March term of court.
John Tierney vs. City of Dubuque:
This case was brought on January 3I,
1903, bafors F. Carney, Justice of the
Peace. Plaintiff claims the sum of $16.50
for balance of salary due as policeman
of the City of Dubuque for the month
of March, 1900. Case came on for hear-
ing on the 17th day of February. 1903, and
defendant filed a motion for a more
sl>ec•ific statement, which was argued to
The court and by the court overruled.
}defendant then tiled a demurrer to the
petition, which after being argued was
overruled by the court. Defendant duly
excepted to both of said rulings anri
gave notice of a wilt of Error. Plata -
tiff then proceeded to take judgment for
amount of claim and costs. Case will bo
removed to the District Court for the
purpose of reviewing the action of the
court as above stated.
Ber, Busse vs. City of Dubuque:
This case is of the same character as
the. case of John Tierney vs. City of
Dubuque. Amount cf claim $25.00. Same
procedure taken as in the case of John
Tierney vs, City of Dubuque.
James Rooney vs, City of Dubuque:
This case is of the same character as
the case last above referred to, except
that the amount claimed, to -wit: $25.00, is
a balance claimsd to be due a member
of the Fire Department far the month of
January. 1898. The same procedure taken
in this case as in the case of Tierney
vs. City of Dubuque.
Phil J. Dumphey vs. City of Duhuqu.e:
This case is of the same character as
the. case of John Tierney vs. the City
of Dubuque. The amount claimed is
$25.00. Same procedure taken in this
ea.no as. in the case of Tierney vs, Clly
of Dubuque.
Nic Brandt vs. City of Dubuque:
This case is of the same character as
the case of John Tlernev vs. City of Du-
buque. Amount of claim, $33.00. Same
procedure taken in this case. as in the
case of John Tierney vs. City of Du-
11910—J. J. Murray, et al, vs. City of
Action brought to enjoin the city- from
removing an electric light pole on the
Northeast corner of Fourteenth and Cor-
nell Streets. This case has been drop-
ped from the calendar with leave to re-
instate if the plaintiffs desire to do so.
12071—John Pier vs. City of Dubuque:
This Is an injunction proceeding Insti-
tuted to enjoin the City from collecting
a special assessment levied against the
plaintiff's property on Seventh and Clay
Streets to pay the cost of sidewalk abut-
ting such property and for damages el,
leged to, have been, sustained by the
building, of such sidewalk by the City.
This case has been settled. Plaintiff
paying the defendant the sum of $17.26 In
full settlement. Defendant paying the
k 13673—Carl Wilde et al vs. City of Du-
'Phis proceeding was instituted for the
;March 'L'erm. 191.2, of the District Court.
Petition asks for an Injunction restrain-
ing the City from collecting :t cert::,tt
speelal assessment levied against propels
owned by the plaintiffs to nay for the iin_
provement of Seminary Street. This ,, is,•
has been settled. Plaintiffs paid $tu.00 in
full for said assessments together with
the costs.
13838—Adam Fogel vs. The City of Du-
Petition filed September _;. 1:1,2, praying
that a Writ of Injunction issue to re-
strain defendant from attempting to make
sale of Sub -division 67, of Lot t] in t
City of Dubuque. to lay for the street
improvement on Clay Street and Seven-
teenth Street abutting said lot. C'as,• is
pending on a motion tiled by defendant
asking the court to strike out coria;:,
parts of plaintiff's petition.
11393—Simon Thoent vs. City of Du-
From an adverse decision of the judge
of the District Court this case was ap-
pealed to the Supreme Court during :t
former administration and at the Jan-
uary 'Terni. 1902, the Su_rreme Court af-
firmed the findings of the lower court and
the case remanded for further proceed-
ings in the District Court. On March :;
1902 by consent of parties judgment 14
rendered In favor of plaintiff and against
the defendant for the sum of 551 and
17-1G0 dollars and costs taxed at $49.11.
Judgment and costs paid March 15, 19(2.
12797—lulatgaret Rousch vs. City of Du-
From a judgment rendered :tga1ns1 It in
the District Court the City appealed to
the Supreme Court during a forma' ad-
l -
ministration. Case was affirmed by tlu.
Supreme Court and the judgment render-
ed against the City February 21. 19C0. in
the sum of $1.500, together with the costs
of said suit were paid June 7. 1902.
13f00—Jacob Pfeiffer vs. City of Du-
This is a damage suit. from a ju Ig-
ment rendered against him in the lower
court the plaintiff has appealed to the
Supreme Court. The ease has been fully
argued and was submitted to the Su-
rreme Court at the January 'Term. 1903.
An opinion is expected, to be banded down
by the Supreme Court at Its ne) t term.
Respectfully submitted.
City Attorcev.
Ald. Harr moved that the report be re-
ceived and the same published In the
yearly report of the Committee on Fi-
nance for the year 11112. Carried.
Ald. Raymond, chairman of the Com-
mittee on Paving. Sweeping and Sprink-
ling, offered the following motion:
Alderman Raymond moved that the
isefo,•ebids for bpaining eight e InStructed t(8)o rSprink-
ling Wagons, the same to, be done in ac-
cordance with the specifications on file
in his office and to present said bids to
the City Council at its regular session
March o. 1903.
Ald. Raymond moved to adopt said
motion which, was carried.
Ald. Jones. chairman of the Committee
Adjourned Regular Session, Feb. 28, 1903. 45
on Public Grounds and Buildings, re-
ported as follows:
Your Committee on Public Grounds and
Buildings, to whom was referred the
within bill of Mullen &. Pepin for $22.45
for plumbing at the City Hall, would
recommend that a warrant in the sum
of $22.00 be ordered drawn in full set-
tlement of said claim, of which amount
$9.30 is to be charged to the Police Fund
and $12.70 to the Expense Fund.
Also your Committee on Public Grounds
and Buildings, to whom was referred the
bill of Homan & Roehl for $7.50 for re-
pairing furniture for the Police Depart-
ment, would recommend that said bill be
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the report
of the Committee on Public Grounds
and Buildings. Carried.
Ald. Sheridan. chairman of the Com-
mittee on Sewers, reported the follow-
Your Committee on Sewers, to whom
was referred the petition of the Smedley
Steam Pump Co., asking that the sani-
tary sewer system be extended so that
they could make connection therewith,
would respectfully recommend that the
prayer of the petitioner be granted.
Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the re-
port of the Committee on Sewers. Car-
Ald. Jones, chairman of the Committee
on Public Grounds and Buildings, offered
the following motion:
That a warrant be drawn for $15.00 in
favor of John J. Lavery. as part pay-
ment for acting an custodian of Grand-
view Avenue Engine House. Carried.
Ald. Sheridan, chairman of Special
Committee on Statement of Water Trus-
tees, reported as follows:
Your Special Committee. to whom was
rei'errod the statement of the 1Valer
Trustees for the quarter ending Decem-
ber 31, 1902, beg to report that we have
compared said statement with the vouch-
ers on tile in the office of the Trustees
and find the same correspond; we would
therefore re-ommerd that said statement
be received and filed.
Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Raymond, chairman of the Special
committee on the eastern terminus of
Fenelon Place, reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuueq:
Gentlemen: Your Special Committee,
appointed to make a tender of $1,000.00
'each to C. B. Trewin and Mrs. Alderson
or her assigns, beg leave to report that
we have made a tender as authorized,
and the same has been accepted for a
forty foot street from the eastern ter-
minus of Fenlon Place northerly to
Cooper Street.
Ald. Raymond moved to adopt the re-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alda. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Ald. Horr, chairman of the committee
of the Whole, reported as follows:
Your committee of the 1Vhole, to whom
was referred the plat of the proposed
street from the North Cascade Road,
southeasterly to the City Limits, would
recommend that said plat be referred
hack to the City Engineer.
JOSEPH L. HORR, Chairman.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report
of the committee of the Whole.
Ald. Clancy, chairman of the commit-
tee on Fire, moved that the Purchasing
committee he instructed to procure a
gong anddpro drop box coils for the
Grandview ngine House.
Ald. Horr offered the following:
Whereas, It is deemed necessary and
advisable by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque to lay out and open a street
forty (40) feet wide through the proper-
ties of Jas. Beach, Trustee, Henry Meyer
Estate, Emana \Vithee, Henry Mehl, Mary
S. Edwards, Mary L. Kelly, James Chun-
ing and F. J. Chuning Estate, from the
Northwest corner of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot
122 and Lot 5 of Mineral Lot 122, and ex-
tending in a Southeasterly direction
through Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 122, Lot 5
of Mineral Lot 122, Mineral Lot 114, Lot
1 of the Sub. of Mineral Lots 116 and 117,
Lot 2 of Mineral Lots 116 and 117, Lot 3 of
Mineral Lots 116 and 117, Lot 4 of Min-
eral Lots 116 and 117, Lot 1 of Mineral
Lot 113, Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 113, Lot 1 of
Mineral Lot 112, Lot 1 of 1 of Mineral Lot
118. Lot 1 of 1 of 2 of 1 of Mineral Lot
118, Lot 2 of 1 of 2 of 1 of Mineral Lot 118,
Lot 2 of 2 of 1 of Mineral Lot 118, Lot 2
of Mineral Lot 118, Lot 3 of Mineral Lot
112 to the South line of the City Limits
and to connect at that point with the
county road. All the above described
property being in the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, therefore
Resolved, by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, that the City Engineer
he and he is hereby directed to make a
survey and plat of such proposed im-
provement, showing the land or lots
through or over which the same Is pro-
posed to be made, the names of the own-
ers thereof, and the quantity of land
proposed to be taken and to file such plat
in his office for public inspection; that
after such plat is so prepared and filed,
said City Engineer shall give the owners
of the property through or over which
such improvement is proposed to be
made, notice as prescribed in Section 2 of
Chapter 31 of the Ordinances of the City
of Dubuque.
Ald. Horr moved to adopt the resolu-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy. Corrance. Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Ald. Jones off, rod the following:
Be it resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque. 'I'Irat it Is deemed nec-
essary and iuly ka',h• to construct a said-
tt:ry sewer in Kniest Street from rn; 1 -
hnle in Lincoln Avenue to :,II ) h •Iwi en
Rhnmberg ar.d Garfield Avenues. Ili,•nee
up said alley to manhole in .l ,lui ui .\co•
i:oe. and it is hereby pr,e,oa• l u. • ,n-
struct a sanitary sewer in slid Eldest
Street from present manhole in Lincoln
Avenue to alley het ween Rhnmberg and
46 Adjourned Regular Session, Feb. 28, 1903.
Garfield .Avenue, thence un said alley to
present ni "nhole in Johnson Avenue as
follows. to -wit: A twelve inch tile pipe
sewer it um present manhole In Lincoln
AN enue to a point on the northerly side
of Kniest Street. opposite an alley be-
tween ithomberg and Garfield Avenues.
from this point en eight Inch tile pipe
sewer in above named alley to present
manhole in Johnson Avenue.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt said reso-
lution. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Clancy. Corrance. Frith, Hot'.
Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Aid. Jones offered the following:
Be it resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque. That the City En-
gineer be and he is hereby directed to
prepare a plat and specifications for a
twelve inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in
Kniest Street from present manhole in
Lincoln Avenue and Kniest Street, thence
southeasterly along Kniest Street to a
point opposite an alley between Rhom-
berg and Garfield Avenues, thence north-
easterly to the northerly side of Kniest
Street, from this point an eight inch tile
pipe sanitary sewer northeasterly in
above named alley to the present manhole
In Johnson Avenue, showing the locatioa
and general nature of such improvement.
the extent thereof, the size and kind of
material to be used, and to prepare an
estimate of the cost thereof, and the
amount assessable upon each lot or par-
cel of land adjacent to or abutting there-
on per front foot or square foot in area
and to file such plat, specifications and
estimate in the office of the City Recorder.
That after such plat is filed, the City
Recorder shall cause to be published no-
tice of the intention of the Council to
*rake such improvement, which notice
shall he published in three consecutive
issues of the official newspaper of the
city of Dubuque, stating that such plat
is on file, and generally the nature of the
sewer, its location, size and kinds of ma-
terial to be used and the estimate of its
cost. and fixing the time before which ob-
jections can be filed, which time shall not
be less than five clays after the last pub-
lication of such notice, and after the com-
pletion of the publication of such notice
he shall at its next regular session, notify
the Council thereof in writing with a
printed copy of such notice accompanying
the same.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt said reso-
lution. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Ald. Corrance moved to reconsider the
action taken by the Council, in adopting
the report of the Board of Equalization,
in regard to raising the assessment on
vacant lots owned by Mr. J. Rhomberg.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Raymond,
and Sheridan. Total, 4.
Nays—Alds. Frith, Horr and Jones.
Total, 3.
Ald. Clancy moved to refer the matter
back to the Board of Equalization. Car-
Ald. Jones moved that the City Treas-
urer bo instructed to set aside the
amounts awarded by the jury for open-
ing up the alley between Johnson Avenue
and Kniest Street. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yens—AIds. Clancy, Corrance. Frith,
Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan.
Aid. Sheridan moved that the Council
adjourn until March 5th. 190.3. Carried.
City Recorder.
Approvedf{' `? ' 0 ( 190
List of Warrants. 47
City Recorder's Office.
Dubuque, luwa, February 3, 1903.
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen—The following is a complete
list of ali warrants issued by me during
the month of January, 1903:
C. H. Berg, salary, Mayor $116 10
1-1. Brinkman, salary, Treasurer , 133 35
H. Brinkman, salary, Assistant
Treasurer , , , , 75 00
C. F. Arendt, salary, Recorder 116 70
F. B. Hoffman, salary, Auditor . , 116 70
C. B. Scherr, salary, Assessor 125 00
Geo. A. Barnes, salary, Attorney , , 150 00
J. 13. Powers, salary-, Assistant
Attorney , , . b0 0U
Ed. Morgan, salary, Chief of Police 100 00
Jos. Reiufried, salary, Fire Chief, , 100 00
J. \V. Lawler, salary, Committee
Wm. A. Kaep, Deputy Recorder75 00
Jno. Krayer, clerk, Treasurer's of-
Jas. Boyce, salary, City Engineer . 166 65
E. Anderson, salary, Assistant En -
1 00 00
F. Neuwoehner, salary, Rodman 50 00
E. Herron, salary, Superintendent
Street Sprinkling .... .... 50 00
Wm. Hipman, salary, Electrician , , 83 35
H. Tropf, salary, Marketmester 50 00
P. Ryan, salary Part Custodian 40 00
P. Kien, salary Park Custodian 40 00
T. Faherty, Park Custodian , 10 00
Dr. B. Michel, salary, Health Of -
neer 50 00
F. Flynn, salary, Sanitary Patrol-
man.... , .. , .., . .4 ..... , . „ . 60
man60 00
N. Offerman, salary, Poundwaster 45 00
Mrs. H. Koenig, salary, Janitress , , 20 00
A. Crawford, salary, Sidewalk In-
spector 50 00
R. F. Curran, salary, Wharfmaster 20 00
M. Clancy, salary, Alderman 25 00
H. Corrance, salary, Alderman , , 25 00
E. E. Frith, salary, Alderman , 25 00
J. L. Horr, salary, Alderman 25 00
H. Jones, salary, Alderman 25 00
G. N. Raymond, salary, Alderman, , 25 00
J. J. Sheridan, salary, Alderman 25 00
M. Eitel, fireman 66 00
J. Esaman, fireman 75 00
A. Duecini, fireman 60 60
J. Flynn, fireman 66 00
J. Roshin, fireman 60 00
J. Tschirgi, fireman 60 00
A. Heer, fireman 50 00
J. Schonberger, fireman 50 00
J. Daley, fireman 65 00
J. Barnes, fireman 75 00
T. Ryder, fireman 60 00
W. Ducey, fireman 60 00
G. Beyer, fireman 65 00
F. Murphy, fireman 50 00
P. Ahern, fireman 50 00
M. Kelly, fireman 60 00
D. Ahern, fireman, 65 00
F. Kenneally fireman 66 00
T. Kennedy, fireman 50 00
P. Zillig, fireman 60 00
M. Sweeney, fireman 50 00
H. Cain, fireman 50 00
N. Wagner, fireman 1;0 00
Hansen, fireman '30 00
A. McDonald, fireman 75 00
J. Murphy, fireman 60 00
J. Smith, flreanan 32 35
P. Fury, flremaa,..,. .... 25 00
P. Fox, fireman 150
G. Gehrke, fireman 59 40
T. Flynn, fireman 60 00
F. Baumgartner, fireman 50 00
Wm. McConnell, fireman., 50 00
C. Kannolt, fireman 65 00
J. Allen, fireman 60 00
R. Weston, fireman..., 50 00
M. Fahey, fireman 50 00
G. Burke], police 50 00
J. Carter, police 56 00
J. Clune, police 50 00
Jno. Cody, police 50 00
W. Cook, police 70 00
W. Corcoran, police 2810
M. Craugh, police 4100
H. Donlon, police 50 00
Phil Dunphey, police 50 00
J. Fitzpatrick, police 50 00
Jas. Flynn, police._ .... .... 50 00
Wm. Frith, police.... 60 00
Pat Hanlon, police 25 00
E. Kahn, police 50 00
M. Kilty, police 50 00
Jno. Loetscher, police 50 00
P. McCollins, police 50 00
1'. McInerney, police 50 00
Jno. Moore, police 60 00
Jno. Murphy. police 50 00
D. Norton, police 50 00.
M. O'Connor, pollee 50 00
Jno. Raesli, police 65 00
Otto Rath, police 50 00
T. Reilly, police 65 01
Jas. Ryan, police 50 00
P. Scharff, police 50 00
Al. Scherr, police 60 00
M. Stapleton, police 50 00
P. Sullivan, police 50 00
Jno. L. Sullivan, police 50 00
I'. Sutton, police 43 40
Tom Sweeney, police 60 00
Aug. Pfeffer, police 46 70
Pat Powers, pollee 35 25
Joe Tyler, police 50 0)
L. Zeldman, police 50 00
Mrs. Kate Hibbe, matron 30 00
Miss B. Brennan, matron 30 00
Labor un streets during the last half of
December, 1902:
Jos. Broulette, labor 7 45
Paul Becker, labor 6.0
W. Coughlin, labor 5 49
Jas. Callahan, labor 20 05
H. Cosgrove, labor 19 50
M. Donegan, labor 70
John Egan, labor 2 05
John Engels, labor 70
J. Eberhardt, labor 5 75
Geo. Frost, foreman 20 00
Mat. Fetshele, labor 510
Pat. Fenelon, labor 4 40
Maurice Fenelon, labor 135
Nelson Frith, stoker 50 00
Barney Glass, labor 2 05
C. Gantenbein, foreman 10 00
Geo. J. Hahn, foreman 20 00
Amb. Hird. labor 4 05
Aug. Handelman, labor 135
John Heil, carpenter 20 00
Nle Kettenhofen, labor 3 05
J. Kraus, labor 3 75
Mat. Klein, paper collector 12 50
H. Lembke, labor 2 40
Al. Moyer, labor 17 55
Jas. McCracken, labor 4 05
R. McGivern, driver 19 50
W. O'Brien, foreman 20 00
John Pfeiffer, labor 4 75
C. H. Pierce, labor 2 70
W. Quinlan, labor 5 75
Nick Sweeney, labor 4 05
James Slmth, labor 70
John Welsh, labor..,, 135
W. Welsh, labor,.,,., .... 5 40
W. Wearmouth, foreman.... 20 00
C. A. White, labor 135
Book 33 continued on Film #15