Y Roll_15 Part 1Continuation City of Dubuque Council Record Book No. 33 January 8, 1903 - December 17, 1903 48 List of Warrants. Thos. Young, engineer Labor on Sewers during last December, 1902. P. Casserly, labor J. Corcoran. labor S. H. Cook, foreman R. A. Fuller, labor F. Honecker, labor P. Kenneally, labor Pat. Sage, labor.... .. Landon Taylor, labor Labor on Bee Branch during the half of December, 1902: J. Eberhardt. labor N. Fischer, labor C. Gantenbein, foreman C. Gantenbein, Jr., labor J. Kraus, labor H. Lembke, labor H. Leik, labor ...... .... Emil Nigg, labor Jos. Rooney, labor John Schromen. labor Jos. Shafetel. labor A. Paley, team A. Doerr, Jr., assistant assessor $ 75 00 for December J. J. Murphy, assistant assessor for 00 December P. Baumgartner, assistant market 36 45 master for December H. J. Tropf, board of prisoners for CO December 13 Bieg & Rood, supplies for City At- torney 75 Harger & Blish, stationery and 8).151 - plies for various departments 2135 Globe -Journal. printing delinquent tax list for 1902 68 80 Smith -Morgan Ptg. Co., blank books and stationery for various depart- ments 69 50 Union Ptg. Co., blank stationery for various departments 5 00 Palmer -Berg Co., blank stationery and blank books for various de- partments 124 75 C. L. McGovern, filing and recording deeds and plats 2 75 F. Burns, hard wood delivered at city hall 28 00 Melloy Bros.. hard wood delivered at city hall 15 75 Conlin & Kearns, wood delivered at city hall 13 00 W. `6omberg, woos delivered at city hall 19 50 Becker Bros., soft coal delivered at city hall 20 38 H. King. sawing wood at city hall11 75 G. F. Kleih, hardware 50 Dub. Telephone Co., telephone rent Mayor's office 3 00 Dr. B. Michel. professional services in case of Cath. Sheridan vs. city25 00 Standard Lumber Co., sawdust for city hall 50 Standard Lumber Co., lumber for Fourth street engine house 38 75 J. P. Cooke & Co., 1 rubber stamp20 Key City Gas Co., gas for various departments 127 40 G. A. Barnes, money advanced for filing abstract in supreme court case of G. Schnee vs. City of Du- buque 10 63 Chas. Matz, repairs for road depart- ment 1 45 Jno. Duggan, repairs for road de- partment 5 10 Standard Lumber Co., lumber for road department . 157 24 Klauer & Kress, hardware for road department .. 2 05 Lyons & Lyons, 1 second hand stove .75 00 half of $ 20 80 20 80 2500 21 60 20 80 20 80 21 60 20 80 last 4 415 15 00 10 00 17 50 6 ,b 2 70 13 75 7 90 1050 21 CO 0 45 s 70 for road department 2 50 Hussman & Lies, hardware for road department 443 W. Baumgartner, hardware for road 8 department 03 J. G. Moser, hardware for road de- partment e- 5 partment. 25 G. W. Healey & Son, hardware for 1 13 road department Ott. Mueser & Co., lumber for road 38 73 department C. Giese, tiling and repairing saws 1 50 for road department McElrath Teaming Co., sand for 8 road department CIO W. Lynch, sawing wood for road 2 department 4.40 Collings & Ptlffner, horse shoeing for 4 road department 50 Lagen & Sullivan, horse shoeing for 4 road .leparttnent 00 Pat Clancy, cinders for road depart - 19 75 ment Purington Paving Brick Co., paving brick for road department 60 00 Stardard Oil Co., oil for steam rol- ler 20 P. Hanson, oil and candles for steam 3 rol:er 80 Becker Bros, soft coal for steam 19 30 roller Jerry Mersch, gravel for road de- partment Byrne & Saul. rock for road de- partment 00 F. A. Dalton, veterinary services for road department 96 Melloy Bros., soft coal for fire de- partment11 Phil Pier, soft coal for fire depart- ment 35 F. Burns. soft coal for fire depart- ment 21 23 Linehan & Molo, soft coal for fire department Becker Bros., soft coal for fire de- partment 53 Linehan & Molo, supplies for fire 3 40 department Carr. Ryder & Adams Co., lumber for fire department 415 Ott. Mueser & Co., shavings for ftre 1 department 50 Standard Lumber Co., shavings for 1 50 fire department G. W. Healey & Son, hardware for fire department J. G. Moser, hardware for fire de- partment 60 Wunderlich & Wiederholt. horse shoeing for fire department 1 75 Heller & Scherr, horse shoeing for fire department 3 ''O Collings & Pflffner, horse shoeing for fire denartment 28 60 Lagen & Sullivan, horse shoeing for fire department 16 23 Iowa Telephone Co., telephone rent for various departments 32 02 Dub. 011 Tank Line, oil for fire de- partment .. 8 40 Standard Oil Co., oil for fire de- partment 80 Jno. Butt, repairs for fire depart- ment. 60 Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs for lire department 2 92 Butt Bros, repairs for flue depart- ment ...... ... ... ... ... 60 J. Newman & Son, repairs for fire department 2 51 H. J. Hagerty, veterinary services for fire department 768 Jno. Kriehs, bridle snaps for fire department (10 List of Warrants. • 49 Dub. Rubber & Belting Co., rubber coats for fire department 109 25 Noel & Wagner, bran for fire depart- ment 80 A. Ruh, bran for fire department.... 5 $0 Dub. Mattress factory, mattress for 1 70 fire department W. H. Torbert, drugs and sponges 14 75 for fire department Hedley & Brown, paints and oils for 6 62 fire department Little, Becker & Co., supplies for fire department 60 Eichhorn & Bechtel, bran for fire 80 department Iowa Iron Works, repairs on steam- er Stewart Key City Rooting Co, repairing roof Central engine house 38 00 McDermott & Gow, Plumbing at Central engine house and Delhi 18 38 street engine house Key City Gas Co., coke for fire de- partment Key City Gas Co., Humphrey lights 3 at Central engine house 75 Key City Gas Co., supplies for fire 70 department Haep & Buechele, caps for police de- partment Nicoll. the Tailor. police overcoats100 one-half pay 00 J. W. Wittmer, drugs and supplies 5 for police department 65 Eichhorn & Bechtel, matches for po- lice department 50 Lyons & Lyons, 1 stove for patrol house 22 00 H. King, sawing wood at patrol 2 house 00 Melloy Bros., soft coal at patrol house 16 25 F. Burns. hauling at patrol house 75 Collings & Pfiffner, horse shoeing 12 80 patrol team H. J. Hagerty. veterinary services 2 for patrol house 86 Suit Bros.. repairs on patrol wagon 75 C. McGarvey. sawing wood for ma- tron department McDermott & Gow, plumbing and repairing water closet in calaboose 9 95 Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber for sewer 11 95 department Jno. Butt, repairs for sewer _depart- ment 05 Headford Bros. & Hitchins, manhole covers and rims for sewer de- partment Dub. Rubber & Belting Co., expan- sion rings for sewer department4 00 J. G. Moser, hardware for sewer de- partment zo Hussman & Lies. hardware for 2 50 sewer department Globe -Journal official printing for 120 November and December 00 National Demokrat, official printing for December 25 00 The Times, official printing for No- vember and December Dubuque Telegraph -Herald. official printing for November and Decem- 100 ber •" 00 Phil. Pier, soft wood for engineer's 4 department 75 Union Electric Co., arc lights for 58 December Dubuque Telegraph -Herald, blank 16 00 books for health department Dubuque Telegraph -Herald, health reports for September and October 8 00 Smith -Morgan Ptg. Co., blank sta- tionery for health department3 00 T. E. Frith removing garbage and dead animals during December .... 83 64 P. Eisbach, estimate on Bee Branch sewer 41 50 P. Eisbach, cement sold to city for Bee Branch sewer 5 20 Jas. Street, rock for Bee Branch sewer 78 40 Jas. Noonan & Co., brick for Bee Branch sewer 3 95 Jno. Heim, brick for Bee Branch sewer 11 25 Key City Roofing Co., cement for Bee Branch sewer 610 Mrs. C. Fosselman, gasoline and oil for Bee Branch sewer 2 20 G. Mersch, rock furnished for Bee Branch sewer 110 35 Jno. Butt, repairs for Bee Branch 1 sewer 90 Brown & Brown, grading Lang- worthy avenue Standard Lumber Co., lumber for 31 40 special sidewalk fund J. B. Miller, use of derrick at Du- buque and Wisconsin high bridge6 00 Klauer & Kress, new tools for Mt2 10 Carmel fund Mullen & Papin, balance due for plumbing at Grandview engine house 119 75 T. T. Carkeek, balance due on com- mission of Grandview Engine house 97 25 F. W. Brunkow, balance due con- structing Grandview Ave engine `15E7 25 house , C. H. Berg (Mayor). court costs in 29 suit of Jno. Pier vs. city 55 H. Brinkman, excavating permits $ 75 00 redeemed.... .. .... H. Brinkman, interest on warrants 625 42 outstanding. .. • H. Brinkman, for grading Traut 50 00 Terrace . H. Brinkman, 'error in charging Water Tax 60 H. Brinkman, Library Trustees' or- ders paid 500011 25 German Bank, Loan 5000 00 00 First National Bank Loan 300 00 Eliz. Bausch. Loan 200 00 L. Risehatsch, Loan.... 00 00 Fliz, Dausch, Loam.... Labor on streets during the first half of January, 1903: 4 05 Jos. Broullette, labor 10 5 Paul Becker, labor 0 Jas. Callahan, foreman 1 35 Hiram Cobb, labor 1 W. Coughlan, labor 6 ]5 1619 H. Cosgrove, driver 70 John ligan, labor 4 05 J. Eberhardt. labor L4 00 Geo. Frost, foreman 4 05 Mat. Fetshele, labor70 Pat. Fenelon, labor Barney Glass, labor 70 24)74) G. Gantenbein, foreman 20 (Yl 00 Geo. J. Hahn, foreman 01 John Hell, carpenter 20 ) 3 Nic. i. ettenhofen, labor 4 7;, 75 Jake Kraus, labor 12 50 Mat. Klein, paper collector 16 50 Al. Moyer, labor 18 20 R. McGivern, driver 805 Chas. Pierce, labor 2 70 W. Quinlan, labor 10 Nick Sweeney, labor 'A 6 0 W. Wearmouth, foreman 2 0 C. A. White, labor Labor on streets during the first halt of January, 1903: 19 20 Pat Casserly, labor 0 J. Corcoran, labor 19 25 2 200 S. H. Cook, foreman 50 Official Notices. R. A. Fuller, labor F. Honecker, labor J. Rooney, labor 19 Pat Sage, labor 19 20 20 Landon Taylor, labor Labor grading Mt. Carmel Avenue during the first half of January, 1903: John Beakley, labor John Coyne, labor Peter Carney, labor Hugh Connell, labor Thos. Hackney, labor Mike Meagher, labor J. Mangner, labor Jas. McCarron, labor Wm. O'Brien, foreman Jas. Parcel, labor Jas. Powers, labor W. Sheehan, labor ... Geo. Reynolds, team Ed. Seeley, team G. F. Kleih, hardware for road de- partment F. A. Dolton, veterinary services for fire department Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs on steam roller Jno. M. Lee, constructing cement sidewalk on Grove Terrace 27 95 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of all warrants issued by me during the month of Jan- uary, 1903. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. 4 SO 20 80 19 20 9 45 9 45 8 80 9 46 8 10 9 45 7 45 6 75 20 00 1 35 9 46 70 20 50 20 50 1 40 11 555 2 95 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To All Who Are Nameo Below: You are hereby notified that in accord anc with an ordinance of the City of I)u•• buque for repairing sidewalks in the months of December, 1902, and January, 1003, that a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the regu- lar meeting of the City Council upon nil lots and parcels of land on said improve- ment owned by you, being sul jecl to inch special assessment. And you ars tlUliliU;i to appear at said mnetir.r, ut the Council to be held on tin ilio 9e) cI ]March, A. D., 1903, and show t..ttse, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. 1902. Dec. 1 -Frank M. Marsh, Mineral Lot, lot 174, 12 feet lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 50 Dec. 1 -Peter Eisbach, Bonson & Stewart's Sub, lot 1, 23 feet lum- ber, 45c; 1-2 hour labor, 25e Dec. 4 -Thos. Melchior, Sub. 66, S M. Langworthy's Add., lot 2, 12 feet lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 250 .... ...... .... .... 70 5') Total .... .... .... .... .....$170 1903. Jan. 2 -John L. Buettell, Nairn's Add.. lot 14. 8 feet lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor 25c„ Jan. 3 -Julia D. Rhomberg, Guernsey & Langworthy's Add., lots 7 and 8, 7 feet lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c , Jan. 3 -Pat. Neary, Cooper's Sub, lot C, 13 feet lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c, , Jan. 7 -Thos. Johnston, Ham's Add., lot 440, 10 feet lumber, 20e; 1-2 hour labor 25c , 45 Jan. 20-Robt. Bartels, Sub. 1 of 1, Waller's Sub., lot 2, 8 feet lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25,,,, Jan. 17 -Catholic University of Wash- ington et al, Leven's Add., lot 1, 140 feet lumber, $2.80; 2 hours' labor, 40 40 50 40 3 80 Jan. 20 -Chas. Newman, Nairn's Add., lot 15, 7 feet lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor 26c.. Jan. 20 -Gilbert Perry Est., • N• airn's Add., lots 21 and 22, 8 feet lumber, 150; 1-2 hour labor, 25c.. , , , Jan. 21 -Mrs. Jos. Leute Est., Sub. 1 Min. Lot 100, lot 5, 17 feet lumber, 35c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c, , Jan. 21 -Henry and Mary Oser, ▪ L. H. Langworthy's Add., lot 84, 20 feet lumber, 40c; 3-4 hour labor, 40c. , Jan. 21 -Peter Hemmi, Cook's Add., N 1-2 lot 62, 10 feet lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c.. ... .Tan. 31 -Frank W. Altman, E▪ ast Du- buque Add., S 1-2 lot 237, 10 feet lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c. Jan. 31 -Johanna Frenzel, John King's 1st Add., S 1-2 lot 8, 8 feet lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c. , , Jan. 31 -Bertha M. Luckritz, John King's 1st Add., N E 1-4 lot 8, 50 feet lumber, $1.00; 3-4 hour labor, 40 40 60 80 45 45 40 Jan. 31 -Rev. J. J. Keane, City, lot 697, 1.2 feet lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c.... .... .... .. . . . . 50 Total .... .... ... .$11 35 C. F. ARNDT. 2-24-10t. City Recorder. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To All Who Are Named Below: You are hereby notified that in accord- ance with an Ordinance of the City of Dubuque for removal of snow and Ice from sidewalks in the months of Decem- bers, 1902, and January, 1903, that a spec- ial assessment will be levied for the ex- pense thereof, at the regular meeting of the City Council, upon all lots and par- cels of land on said improvement, owned by you, being subject to such special as- sessment. And you are notified to ap- pear at said meeting of the Council, to be held on the 19th day of February, A. D. 1903, and show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied: Dec. 22 -Paul Schlenker, Dennis' Sub.. lot 8, 106 lin ft. at lc per ft. 1 06 Dec. 22-Gottf. Blocklinger, King's 1st Add., lot 21, 150 lin. ft. at lc per ft 160 Jan. 2 -Wm. Hintrager, Farley's Sub., lot 13, 50 lin. ft. at 1t/%c per ft 60 Jan. 3-Kiene & Altman, Grandview Place, loth 2-4, 100 lin. ft. at 10 per ft 100 Jan. 7-A. J. Van Duzee, O'Neill's Sub. No. 2, lot 23, 140 lin. ft. at lo per ft Jan. 12 -Geo. R. Clark, College Add, lot 15, 100 lin. ft. at is per ft Jan. 16 -Mary A. Langworthy, Mrs L. H. Langworthy's Add., N. 161 ft. lot 8, 180 lin. ft. at lc per ft Jan. 1.. -Mary Wild, Sub. 1 of 2 of 7 of Min. Lot 45 (and Sub. 2 of 2 of 7 of 45, lot 1), lot 2, 225 lin. ft at le per ft Jan. 16 -Cath. University of Wash- ington, et al, Levens' Add., 1 to 8 Inc., 400 lin. ft. at 1t/c per ft Jan. 16-D. J. Linehan, Home Add, lots 9-10, 95 lin. ft. at lc per ft Jan. 17-F. W. and Frank Coates, L. M. Langworthy's Add., lots 39-42- 43, 100 lin. ft. at 11,c per ft. $1.50; 113 lin. ft. at Sc per ft. $1.13 Jan. 17 -Cath. Stafford, L. W. Lang - Worthy's Add., lot 44, 60 lin. ft. at i%c per ft., 75c; 113 lin. ft. at lc per ft, $1.13 1 40 1 00 1 80 2 25 5 00 95 262 1 88 Official Notices. 51 Jan. 2—Kate Lundbeck, Cox•s Add., E. 24 ft. lot 22, 162 lin. ft. at 11hc and 1 c per ft Jan. 20—Wm. Reche Est., Reche's Sub. No. 2, lot 17, 400 lin. ft. at 1c per ft Jan. 20—Nic. Glab, Finley's Add, lots 156-157-158, 190 lin. ft. at lc per ft 190 Jan. 20—Frank R. Scott, Finley's Add.. lot 155, 66 lin. ft. at lc per ft. Jan. 21—W. G. Cox, Levens' Add., lot 14, 67 lin. ft. at lc per ft Jan. 21—Cath. University of Wash- ington, et al, Levens' Add., lots 9-10-11, 150 lin. ft. at 114c per ft Jan. 21—L. G. Hurd, Gray's Sub., lot 3, 50 lin. ft. at 114c per ft L. G. Hurd, Gray's Sub., lots 6-7-8-9, 250 lin. ft. at lc per ft Jan. 21—Helen Wright. Giay's Sub, lots 2-4. 100 lin. ft. at 1140 per ft Jan. 21—Jno. McDonald, McNulty's Sub., S. 89 ft. lot 2, 126 lin. ft. at 114c per ft Jan. 24—Robt. and Jno. Lee, S. M. Langworthy's Add., lots 1-2, 100 lin. ft. at lc per ft Jan. 26—F. W. Fitzpatrick Est, Union Add., lot 146, 114 lin. ft. at 114c per ft Jan. 27—Mrs. Sidney Saul, Saul's Sub., lots 1-2, 30 lin. ft. at 114c per ft Jan. 27-0. A. Alexander, Sub. 3, Babcock's lot 2 and Sub. 5. Simp- son's Add., lot 1. 160 lin. ft. at 1140 per ft 1 CO Jar.. 26—F. N. Russo, Smedley's Sub., lot 11, 40 lin. ft. at 1%c per ft Jan. 29—Cat. University of Wash- ington, et al. Union Add.. lots 165- 166, 120 lin. ft. at lc per ft 1 20 C. P. ARENDT, 2-10-10t City Recorder. 1 70 4 00 66 67 1 85 62 2 50 1 25 1 100 1 42 28 60 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE VACATING A PART OF MILLVILLE ROAD HEREIN- AFTER DESCRIBED AND RE• LO- CATING SAID MILLVILLE ROAD AS HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED THROUGH MINERAL LOT 306 IN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA' Whereas it is deemed necessary and ad- visable by the City Council of the City of Dubuque to vacate that part of Millville Road described as follows, beginning at a point on the West line of Mineral Lot 360, sixty-four feet North of the South- west corner of said Mineral Lot 360, thence North 87 deg., 18 mins. East 426 feet; thence North 70 degs., 41 mins. East 205 feet; thence South 79 degs. West 630 feet to the place of beginning and containing 29-100 of an acre, and being now known as lots 2 of 1 of 1 of 1; and 2 of 2 of 1; and 2 of 2 of Mineral Lot 360, and Whereas, notice of the intention of the City Council to vacate and re -locate said Millville Road has been published in the official newspapers of the city, and Whereas, no objections have been made to such proposed vacation and re -location, and Whereas, the owners and proprietors of the land required for said re -location have dedicated to the City of Dubuque the land necessary for said re -location and described as follows: Beginning in the center of the road at a point on the West line of Mineral Lot 360, thirty-two feet North of the Southwest corner of Mineral Lot 360, thence North 87 degs., 18 ming. East 429 feet to angle; thence North 70 degs. 41 mins. East 254.2 feet to the East line of Mineral Lot 360. From this point the Southeast corner of Mineral Lot 360 bears south 105.5 meet, therefore Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That that part of Millville Road embraced within the following metes and boundaries, to -wit: Beginning at a point on the West lot line of Min- eral Lot 360, sixty-four feet North of the Southwest corner of said Mineral Lot 360, thence North 87 degs. 18 mins. East 426 feet; thence North 70 degs. 41 mins. East 205 feet; thence South 79 degs. West 630 feet to the place of beginning and con- taining 29-100 of an acre, and being now known as lots 2 of 1 of 1 of 1, and 2 of 2 of 1; and 2 of 2 of Mineral Lot 360, be and the same is hereby vacated to the original owners, their successors or as- signs. Sec. 2. That Millville Road be and the same is hereby established sixty-four feet wide, through and across Mineral Lot 360, the center line of said road be- ing described as follows: Beginning in the center of the road at a point on the Nest line of Mineral Lot 360, thirty-two feet North of the Southwest corner of Mineral Lot 360, thence North 87 degs. 18 mins. Ehast 420 feet to angle; thence North 70 degs. 41 mins. East 254.2 feet to the East line of Mineral Lot 360. From this point the Southeast corner of Min- eral Lot 360 bears South 106.5 feet. Sec. 3. This ordinance dhall be in force and take effect from and after its 'pas- sage and publication one time in the Du- buque Daily Globe -Journal newspaper. Approved Feb. 25th, 1903. C. H. BERG, Mayor. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Passed by the City Council Feb. 19t 1 1903. Published officially in the Evening Globe -Journal, Feb. 27th, 1903. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. NOTICE. City Recorder's Office, Dubuque, Iowa, Jan. 26th, 1903.—Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 4 o'clock p. m., February 5th, 1903, for 1.000 feet of 2% inch Cotton, Rubber Lined Hose. Bidders must state price per lineal foot for said Hose, to be delivered F. O. B. in Du- buque. Bids must be accompanied by sample of Hose bid on. The city reserves the right to reject anall bids. C. F ARENDT, 1-26-10t City Recorder. Notice to Union Printers. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Recorder, up to 4 o'clock o. m., Thursday, February 19th, 1903, for printing the Index, and binding in books: Twenty-five copies of the Council pro- ceedings for the year 1902. Sample and description of the work can be seen in the office of the City Recorder. Bidders will state the price per book. No bid will be considered unless it bears the union label. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated Dubuque, Feb. —11th, t , 19 . ndt, City Recorder. 2-11-9t 52 Official Notices. aries of Elm Street and be maintained by the Chicago Great Western Railwa;, Company ,at not less than Its present capacity until the completion of the Bee Branch sewer to Twenty-third Street, but not longer than November 1, 1905, if said Bee Branch sewer shall not be completed to Twenty-third Street by said date. Section 2. Permission is also hereby granted to the Chicago Great Western Railway Company. its successors and assigns, to fill the channel of Couler Creek and grade the southwest half of Elm Street between the northwest line of Sanford Street and the northwest line of Twenty-third Street at any time after the Bee Branch sewer, now In process of construction. shall he completed to Twenty-third Street; such right to fill said channel and to grade said Street to accrue. in any event. not later than November 1. 1905. Such tilling and grading shall be done to the present level of the northeast half of Elm Street along said course, except that such a depression shall be left for a gutter along said Elm Street between Sanford and Twenty-third Streets ns the City Council shall direct. Such depression shall. however. be not more than two feet deep in the deepest part and shall slope from its deepest part to a top width of not more than eight feet. The south - weet line of such depression shall be four feet from the southwest line of said Street. Section 9. In consideration of the grants and privileges made and given herein the Chicago Great Western Railway com- pany, its successors or assigns. shall. be- fore Aug. 1. 1903. construct and thereaf- ter maintain a sewer across its right ut way between Rhomberg Avenue and Garfield Avenue in the City of Dubuque. so as to properly connect the sewer now ending on the northwest side of Garfield Avenue. with the sewer now ending on the northeast side of Rhomberg Avenue: and for such purpose permission is here- by granted to said Railway company to enter upon Garfield and Rhomberg Ave- nues and exeavate therein and tear down so much of the sewer now constructed as may be necessary to property construct said sewer according to the plan of safd Railway company therefor; provided, that when said sewer shall be fully com- pleted said Railway company shall restore said Garfield and Rhmoberg Avenues to their present condition. Upon the com- pletion of said sewer between Rhomberg Avenue and Garfield Avenue, the City of Dubuque hereby agrees to pay to the Chicago Great Western Railway company the sum of one thousand one hundred and sixty-two dollars. Section 4. The Chicago Great Western Railway company, its successors and as- signs, shall hold the City of pubuque harmless from any and all damages oc- casioned by the construction of said sew- er across its said right of way, or oc- casioned by the straighteneng of the channel of Cooler Creek in Eim Street, or by the construction of a second rail- way track in Elm Street. or by the fill- ing and grading of Elm Street as herein provided. Section 5. The Chicago Great Western Railway company shall accept this ordi- nance by filing with the City Recorder of the City of Dubuque within thirty days after the passage and publication of the same its written acceptance thereon executed by its proper officers, consent - OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRES- ENTS, That the Chicago Great WEstern Railway Company has and does hereby accept that certain ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of Dubuque on the eighth (Sth) day of January, 1903, and approved by the Mayor of said City on the twelfth (12th) day of January, 1903, entitled, "AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN RAiL- WAY COMPANY THE RIGHT TO FILL AND GRADE ELM STREET BETWEEN SANFORD AND TWEN- TY-THIRD STREETS SO AS TO STRAIGHTEN THE CHANNEL OF THE STREAM COMMONLY CALLED 'COULER CREEK.' SO AS TO PER- MIT OF THE LAYING OF A SECOND TRACK IN ELM STREET BETWEEN SANFORD AND TWENTY-THIRD STREETS AND ACROSS SANFORD. TWENTY-SECOND AND TWENTY- THiRD STREETS, IN THE CITY OF DUBIUQU E " And the Chicago Great Western Rail- way Company consents to the terms and conditions of the said ordinance and agrees for itself, its successors and as- signs to perform all acts and things therein agreed to be done by it. its suc- cessors and assigns. Witness, the name and corporate seal of the Chicago Great Western Railway Company this Gth day of February. 1903. CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN RAIL- WAY COMPANY, By Samuel Stiekney, General Manager. Attest: R. C. Wright, Secretary. O. K.—A. G. Briggs. 2-10-1t. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN FAIL - WAY COMPANY THE RIGHT TO FILL AND GRADE ELM STREET BETWEEN SANFORD AND TWEN- TY-THIRD STREETS, SO AS TO STRAIGHTEN THE CHANNEL OF THE STREAM COMMONLY CALLED "COULER CREEK," SO AS TO PER- MIT OF THE LAYING OF A SECOND TRACK IN ELM STREET BETWEEN SANFORD AND TWENTY-THIRD STREETS AND ACROSS SANFORD, TWENTY-SECOND AND TWENTY- THIRD STREETS IN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE. The City Council of the City of Du- buque do ordain as follows: Section 1. Permission ishereby granted to the Chicago Great Western Railway Company, its successors or assigns, to ex- cavate and fill in Elm Street between Sanford and Twenty-third Streets in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, so as to straight- en the channel of Couler Creek in said street sufficiently to permit of the con- struction of a second railway track across Sanford Street and along Elm Street to and across Twenty-third Street in said City, so that the railway tracks and the channel of Couler Creek shall be when straightened substantially as shown on the blue print identified by the signature of F. R. Coates, Chief En- gineer. and filed in the office of the City Recorder of Dubuque on the 4th day of December. 1902. Said ditch when straight- ened shall be entirely within the bound- Official Notices. Ing to the terms and conditions of this ordinance and agreeing for itself, its successors and assigns to perform all acts and things herein agreed and re- quired to be done by the Railway com- pany, its successors and assigns. Such acceptance may be made and filed after the passage of this ordinance and before its publication. Section 6. This ordinance shall take ef- fect and be in force on and after its passage, publication and acceptance as herein provided. Approved Jan. 12, 1903. C. H. BERG, Mayor. Attest: C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Passed by the City Council Jan. 8. 1903. Published officially in the Evening Globe -Journal, Feb. 5th, C. F. 1903. 2-5-1t City Recorder. AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE VACATING A POR- TION OF JACKSON STREET AND GRANTING PERMISSION TO THE CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN RAIL- WAY COMPANY TO OCCUPY THE PORTION OF JACKSON STREET SO VACATED. Whereas, The Chicago Great Western Railway Company has petitioned ti'.?. City Council of the City of Dubuque for the vacation of that portion of JacksJn Street hereinafter described, and Whereas, the Chicago Great Western Railway Company is the owner of the real estate abutting said portion of Jack- son Street, and Whereas, Notice of the intention of the City Council to vacate said portion of Jackson Street has been published in the official papers of the City, and Whereas, No valid objections have been made to such propose,' vacation, there- fore Be It Ordained by the City Council of s. the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That that portion of Jackson Street lying northeasterly of the follow- ing described line: Beginning at a point in the northeasterly line of Jackson Street, which point is one hundred and thirty-two feet and ten inches (132 feet 10 inches) northwesterly from the northerly corner of Jackson Street and Peru Road, and extending northwesterly to a point which point is thirteen feet and five inches (13 feet 5 inches) northwesterly along the northeastely line of Jackson Street from the point of beginning, and three feet and eight inches (3 feet 8 inches) southwester- ly from and at right angles to the north- easterly line of Jackson Street; thence northwesterly to a point which point is thirty-nine feet and ten inches (39 feet 10 inches) northwesterly along the north- easterly line of Jackson Street from the point of beginning and four feet and two inches (4 feet 2 inches) southwesterly from and at right angles to the north- erly line of Jackson Street; thence north- westerly to a point which point is sixty- six feet and three inches (66 feet 3 inches) northwesterly along the northeasterly line of Jackson Street from the point beginning, and three feet three and one- half inohes (3 feet 31/2 inches) southwest- erly from and at right angles to the northeasterly line of Jackson Street; theence northwesterly to a point northeasterly line of Jackson Street; which point is seventy-seven nininches (77feet9inches) northwest- erly along the northeasterly line of Jack- son Street from the point of beginning; said line to be broken at each of the three points in Jackson Street mentioned above by offsets extending five inches (5 inches) further into said Jackson Street for a distance, in each case of two feet (2 feet), be and the same is hereby vacat- ed, and the use of said portion of said Street is hereby granted to the Chicago Great Western Railway Company for the erection of a wall for a round house; pro- vided, that should the said Railway Com- pany, or its successors, cease to so use the premises hereby vacated; then that por- tion of Jackson Street hereby vacated shall revert to the City of Dubuque, and this Ordinance shall be null and void. Section 2. This Ordinance shall be In force and take effect from and after its passage and publication one time in the Evening Globe -Journal newspaper of the City of Dubuque. Passed by the City Council Jan. 8th., 1903. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. On this 5th day of February, 1903, the Mayor having failed to sign the foregoing Ordinance within 14 days, from the time the same was passed by the Council, and having failed to call a meeting of the Council within said time, and return said Ordinance, with his reasons for not sign- ing the same, said Ordinance becomes op- erative without such signature as pro- vided by Section 685 of the Code of Iowa of 1897. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Published officially in the Evening Globe -Journal Feb. 5th., 1903. C. F. ARENDT, 2-5-1t. City Recorder. TO PHYSICIANS, MIDWIVES, SEX- TONS OF CEMETERIES. AND OTH- ERS TO WI -KM IT MAY CONCERN: Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That every physician, mid- wife, nurse, householder, or other per- son under whose care or supervision any child may be born within the jurisdic- tion of this city, shall report the fact of said birth to the City Recorder within forty-eight hours of the occurrence of the same in the manner and form pre- scribed in Blank No. 1, particular care being taken by the person so reporting to name the street, the number of the domicile, the ward, the name and na- tionality of the parents, the sex of the child, and the other facts connected with the birth aforesaid and which are re- ferred to on the aforesaid Blank No. 1. Sec. 2. Every physician, or other per- son, having charge of or treating any person who shall die within this city. shall, within twelve hours after said death report the same in writing to the City Recorder, with the name, date, and cause of death, in the manner prescrib- ed in Blank No. 2. Sec. 3. No burial permit shall be is- sued by the Recorder until after the proper death certificate shall have been deposited with him; and before issuing a burial permit on a death certificate signed by any other than a physician, xcept certificates of death of the newly - born signed by midwives, and those signed by the Coroner, said certificate shall be referred to the Physician of the Board of Health, who shall, upon inves- tigation, direct the Recorder in relation Official Notices. thereto. Sec. 4. Every sexton, or custodian of n cemetery, before receiving for burial any corpse, shall first receive from the un- dertaker or other person bringing said corpse for burial, a burial permit from the City Recorder, and shall return the same to him properly endorsed with his signature, within ten days, after the manner and form prescribed in Blank No. 3. Should the undertaker or other person in charge of a corpse, by accident or mistake, have failed to procure tho nec- essary permit from the City Recorder, the sexton or custodian of the cemetery may receive the body for interment. Said sexton or 'custodian shall procure the permit required, and return the same and report the facts in writing to the City Recorder, within two days. Sec. 5. Every railroad, steamboat, ferry, transportation, or other company, and every other person, before removing beyond the jurisdiction of this city the corpse of any person who may have died, or may have been buried within the jurisdiction of this city, shall first obtain from the City Recorder a permit, in the manner and form prescribed in Blank No. 3. Sec. 6. Every physician, midwife, nurse, householder, or other person, hav- ing the care of any case of cholera, smallpox, diphtheria, hydrophobia, measles, scarlet, spotted, typhoid, typhus or yellow fever, or other contagious diseases, shall report the same within twelve hours af- ter acquiring a knowledge there- of, to the City Recorder, in the manner and form prescribed in Blank No. 4, to- gether with such other information as may be required by the Board of Health, and upon the recovery of such cases shall report said recovery to the City Recorder, in the manner and form pre- scribed in Blank No. 5. Sec. 7. That the City Recorder shall, in the month of March, report to the City Council a statement of the number of birth and deaths recorded during the previous year, and such other informa- tion and suggestions in relation thereto as he may deem useful, and shall also make such report to the City or State Board of Health whenever requested gy them. Sec. 8. That any person or persons convicted of a violation of this Ordi- nance shall be fined in a sum not less than five or more than one hundred dol- lars for each offense, and imprisoned un- til such fine and costs are paid, not ex- ceeding thirty days. This Ordinance will be strictly en- forced. Per order of the Board of Health. C. F. ARENDT, 2-4-5t. Clerk to the Board. NOTICE TO PAINTERS. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Recorder up to 7:30 o'clock p. m. Thursday, March bth, 1903, for painting eight (8) Sprinkling Wagons, according to specifications now on file at the office of the City Recorder. A certified check '2 $50 on some Du- buque bank must accompany each bid, as a guarantee that the contract will be entered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. C. F. ARENDT, 3-3-4t City Recorder. Regular Session, March 5, 1903. 55 CITY COUNCIL Regular Session, March 5011, 1903. Council met at 8:15 o'clock P. M. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Alds. Clancy. Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Absent—None. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. Petition of Wm. Gloden and Joseph Schrup asking permission to build a Pra.me House. one on the south 1 and the other on the north ]M of Lot 56. East Du- buque add.. corner of Thirteenth and Jackson Street. Ald. Clancy moved that the prayer of the Petition be granted. Carried. Petition of Mrs. Wm. Breitschuh asking that her taxes be cancelled on Lot 37, Althauser's Sub, No. 2. On motion was referred to the Delin- quent Tax Committee. John Newman & Son 160.00 Ald. Raymond moved ;hat the Contract he let to John Newman & Son, they being the lowest bidders. Carried. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. The annual report of the Chief of Po- lice was presented and read. A Id. I-lorr moved that the report be re- ceived and filed. and incorporated in the Finance report for the year 1102. Carried. Sidewalk Inspector Crawford reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen—Herewith attached please find statement of the Sidewalk cleaned during the month of February, the names of parties that done the work, according to the ordinance relating to cleaning Sidewalks. Respectfully submitted, ADAM CRAWFORD, Sidewalk Inspector. Ald. Sheridan moved that the report be received and the Recorder instructed to give ten days' notice in the official newspaper of the Council's intention to levy said special assessment. Carried. Petition of the Dubuque Wooden Ware & Lumber Co. asking that the City Coun- cil take some action to prevent the heavy flow of water through their yards, from Rhomberg Avenue and vicinity. On motion the Petition was referred to the Committee on Streets and City Engi- neer. A communication of the A. Y. McDonald & Morrison Mfg. Co.. calling the attention of the City Council to a Resolution passed July 12th, 1895. that the assessment for Taxation on Lots No. 207 to 270. 331 to 340, 393 to 402. in East Dubuque add. No. 2. in- cluding Buildings and improvements thereon, shall be fixed and remain at $8.100 for Ten years from the year 1895, and asking that the City Treasurer be in- structed to receive Taxes on said amount for the year 1902. Ald. Sheridan moved that the prayer of the Petition be granted. and the Treasurer instructed to receive the Taxes according to said Resolution. Carried. Petition of Thos. J. Mulgrew, asking the City to fill and grade Water Street and Dodge Street abutting on lot 2 of Block 15, on which he intends to build a barn. On motion the Petition was referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of John j. Lavery et al, asking thateth e i ter.ection of Gray Counl to place andview Electric Avenue and Park Avenue. On motion was referred to the Commit- tee on Police and Light to report at the next meeting of the Council. Petition of Herman Jungk et al. asking that the City Council declare the Dairy Barn of A. Paley, on Garfield Avenue, a n Was con have tsame, received motionofAld.Jonesed and flied. The bids to paint eight sprinkling wagons were presented and ordered op- ened. $ 20.00 Butt Bros., each No certified check being enclosed, the bid was, upon motion of Ald. Frith, re- jected. 5174.00 F. C. Duggan City Recorder Arendt presented and read the printed notice, certified to by the publisher. of the Counell's intention to levy a special assessment against the different named property owners for re- pairing Sidewalks for the months of December. 1902, and January. 1903. No remonstrance being filed, the Mayor asked if any one present had any ob- jection to said special assessment. Mr. Luckritz being prescni, objected to the special assessment against the N. E. 1/4 Lot 8 in John Ring's 1st Add. On motion of Ald. Frith the objection was referred to the Sidewalk Inspector for correction. Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the fol- lowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That to pay for repair- ing sidewalks for the months of Decem- ber, 1902, and January, 1903, in front of and adjoining the same, a Special Tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate, hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Special assessment submitted and pass- ed March 5th, 1903: 1902. Owner, Description. Dec. 1—Frank M. Marsh, Mineral Lot 174. 12 ft. lumber 25c. lk hour 60 labor 25c Dec. 1—Peter Elabach. 13onsou & Stewart's Sub., lot 1, 23 ft. lumber 70 45c, 1 hour labor 25c Dec. 4—Thos. Melchoit, Sub. 56, S. M. lumberl25c, 1/, hour labor 25e]2 ft. 50 Total$ 1 70 Jan. 2—John L. Buettell, Nairn's Add., lot 14, 8 ft. lumber 16c.40 'F hour labor 25c J n. 3—Julia D. ey & Langwortthy'shAdcd..,,rlot 78,r7sft lumber 15e, 1 hour labor 25c 40 Jan. 3—Pat lot C, 13 ft. lute ber 25c, hourary, Cooper's u labor 25c60 56 Regular Session, March 5, 1903. Jan. 7—Thos. Johnston, Ham's Add., lot 440, 10 ft. lumber 20c, / hour labor 25c Jan. 20—Robt. Bartels, Sub. 1 of 1, Waller's Sub., lot 2, 8 ft. Iumber 15c, 1/2 hour labor 25c Jan.• 17—Catholic University of Wasihington, et al, Leven's Add., lot 1, 140 ft. lumber $2.80, 2 hours' labor $1.00 Jan. 20—Chas. Newman, Nairn's Add., lot 15, : ft. lumner 15c, 1 hour labor 25e Jan. 20—Gilbert Perry Est.. Nairn's Add., lots 21-22, 8 ft. lumber 15c, 1/2 hoar labor 25c Jan. 21—Mrs. Jos. Leute Est., Sub. I, Min. Lot 100, lot 5, 17 ft. lumber 35c. / hour labor 25c Jan. 21—Henry and Mary Oser, L. H. Langworthy's Add., lot 84, 20 ft lumber 40c, 84 hour labor 40c 8U Jan. 21—Peter Hemmi. Cook's Add N r/Z lot 62, 10 ft. lumber 20c, 1/2 hour labor 25r 43 Jan. 31—Frank W. Altman, East Du- buque Add., S 1/2 lot 287, 10 ft. lum- ber £(c, 1/2 hour In.hor 2.5c 45 Jan. 31—Tohanna Frenzel. John King's 1st Add., S 1Fz lot 8, 8 ft. lumi r 17e, 1•(2 hour labor 25c 40 Jan 3•- I'.-r1!,•i \i. Luckritz. John King's Int Add . N. E. 1/4 lot 8, 50 fc. hunt er 51 , hour labor 40c1 40 Jan. 31—Rev. J. J. Keene, City lot 697, 12 ft. lumber ic, / hour labor 25c 50 45 40 3 80 40 40 60 Total $11 35 Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alis. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. The following Weighmaeters and Wood - measurers' receipts were referred to the committee on Markets: H. J. Tropf, City Hall receipts $37.45 Noel & Wagner, White Street, be- tween 18th and 19th Streets, Scale receipts for Hogs .60 Louise Pitschner, West Dubuque Scale receipts 2.90 T. Faherty, First Ward Scale re- ceipts R. Hay, Eighth Street Scale re- ceipts.. R. F. Curran, Woodmeasurer's re- ceipts 5.41 3.05 9.44 City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: Herewith attached please find plat of proposed Alley between Rhomberg Ave. and Garfield Ave. from Johnson Avenue to Kniest Street. Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Ald. Sheridan moved that the Plat be adopted, and the Recorder instructed to have the same properly recorded. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alda. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Frith, chairman of the committee on Streets, reported as follows: Your committee on Streets, to whom was referred the communication of E. W. Albee in relation to Ardmore Terrace, would recommend that said communica- tion be received and filed. Also, your committee on Streets, to whom was referred the deed of E. W. Albee and wife to the City of the E. 15 feet of Lot 1 of the Sub. of City Lot 687, would recommend that said deed be re- turned to E. W. Albee and that he be re- quested to refund the $50.00 paid therefor. Also, your committee on Streets would respectfully recommend that the City Engineer be instructed to measure such macadam as has been broken on permits by the ward alderman. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. Ald. Frith moved to naopt the report of the committee on Streets. Carried. Ald. Raymond, chairman of the com- mittee on Paving. Sweeping and Sprink- ling, reported as follows: Your committee on Paving, Sweeping and Sprinkling, to whom was referred the petition of John Huffmire, asking that he be employed by the City during the com- ing summer, hauling the sweepings from the brick paved streets ac the se.me wages as last year, would recomm‘md that the petitioner be re-employed at the pleasure of this committee and the City Engineer and that his wages be fixed at $17.50 per week, the same rate as last year. GEORGE N. RAYMOND, Chairman. Ald. Raymond moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Ald. Raymond, chairman of the com- mittee on Delinquent Taxes, reported as follows: Your committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whorn was referred the petition of Bridget Scott, asking that the taxes against her property be canceled, would recommend that said petition be received and filed. Also, your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the petition of Elizabeth Beyer, asking that the taxes on her property he canceled for the years 1901 and 1902, beg to report that her prop- erty has been sold for the taxes of 1901; we would therefore recommend that said petition be received and filed. Also, your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the petition of Martin Armstrong, asking that the taxes on his property, Lot 12, in Martin's Dubuque, be canceled for the year 1902, would recommend that the prayer of the petition be granted and that the Treasurer he instructed accordingly. Also, your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the petition of Mrs. Eliza Saul, asking that the taxes on her property, Lot 2, Hoskin's Sub., be canceled. would recommend that on ac- count of her poverty the taxes be allow- ed to remain a lien on the property and that the Treasurer be instructed not to sell. Regular Session, March 5, 1903. 57 Also. your Committee on Delinquent Taxes. to whom was referred the petition of Fredericka Hollnagel, asking that her taxes un Lot 7. Klein and Klingenberg'.: Sub. be canceled for the year 1902, would recommend that on account of her pover- ty. said taxes he allowed to remain a lien om the property and that the Treas- urer be instructed not to sell. Also. your Committee on Delinquent Taxes would respectfully recommend that the within petition of George Tourot be referred to the City Assessor. Also, your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the petition of Amelia Voss, asking that on account of her poverty, the taxes on her property. N. 23 feet of City Lot 335 be canceled, would recommend that said taxes be al- lowed to remain a lien on the property and that the Treasurer be instructed not to sell. Also. your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the petition of Chas. S. Yerger, asking that he be refunded the sum of $2.75 paid by him for the tax of 1901, would recommend that said petition be received and filed. Also, your Committee on Delinquent Taxes would respectfully recommend that the Treasurer be instructed to cancel the taxes to the extent of $800.00 valuation on the property of the following named honorably discharged soldiers or widows of honorably discharged soldiers of the War of the Rebellion: A. A. Thompson, Lot 45, Althauser'.: Sub. Chas. S. Yerger, Lots 9 and 10, Emsley's Sub. Margaret Rusch, Lot 104, Burden & Law- ther's Sub. Catharine Rowland, N. 35 feet City Lot 327 and S. 1-2 of City Lot 328. H. J. H. Kiebel, personal property. GEORGE N. RAYMOND, Chairman. Ald. Raymond moved to adopt the re- port of the Delinquent Tax Committee. Carried. Ald. Ilorr, chairman of the Committee of the Whole, reported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole, to whom were referred the petitions of the different Railroad Companies entering the city in relation to their taxes for the year 1902, would recommend that said Railroad Companies pay all their taxes in full, except that due on their mileage and that the City Treasurer be instruct- ed to receive on said mileage an amount equal to one-fourth of the sum assessed by the City Assessor, without penalty or interest, and to issue a receipt there- for as applying on the taxes claimed to be clue for the year 1902 on said mileage as per the written stipulation to be en- tered into between said City and said Railroad Companies. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of the Metz Mfg. Co., asking that all personal property and improvements on Lots 226, 225 and the N. 1k of 224, and Lots 177, 178 and the N. 3¢ of 179, East Dubuque Add., be exempt from taxation and that the taxes on said real estate be accepted at its present valuation for a period of ten years, would recommend that for a per- iod of five years. commencing January 1, 1903, the taxes of said Metz Mfg. Co. on said lots be accepted as prayed for. Also your Committee of the Whole. to whom was referred the petition of Miss Anna Lagen in relation to the taxes and special assessment against the S. 26 5-10 feet of City Lot 231, would recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be grant- ed and that the City Treasurer be in- structed accordingly. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition • of the Farley & Loetscher Mfg. Co., asking that they be granted permission: lst. To erect and maintain a bridge across Eighth Street from their present factory to their proposed new building, according to a plan attached to said ,de- tition. 2nd. To move the switch now leading to the oil mill property about 150 feet further south. so as to bring said side- track close up to the proposed new building. 3rd. To erect and maintain a building over the alley between White and Jack- son Streets, facing on Seventh Street be- tween City Lots 358 and 369, would rec- omanend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted, provided, the moving of said switch be done under the supervision of of Street Committee and City Engineer. We would farther recommend that the Ordinance Committee he instructed to draft an ordinanc. confirming the privi- leges herein recommended. JOSEPH L. HORR. Chairman. Ald. Horr moved to adont the report of the Committee of the Whole. Car- ried. Ald. Jones of the Board of Health re- ported as follows,: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: Your Board of Health, at a meeting held March 2d. 1903, consid- ered the matter of Undertakers abusing the privilege of the second paragraph of Sec. 4 of Chapter 43 of the Revised Or- dinances of 1901, and would therefore rec- ommend to your Honorable Body. that the second paragraph of Sec. 4 of Chap- ter 43 of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 be so amended as to strike out the same and the Ordinance committee instructed to draw an Ordinance accordingly. Alyn report the adoption of the follow- ing resoltion: Be It Resolved by the Board of Health of the City of Dubuue,q Iowa: That Mrs. Mary Juergens, the owner of the S. M. 1-5 of City 436, having failed to connect said property with the sanitary sewer situat- ed in Couler Avenue, abutting on said property; and it being deemed necessary for the preservation of the public health of said city that said premises be con- nected with said sanitary sewer, It is hereby ordered by the Board of Health of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by virtue of the power vested in it by Section 1032 of the Code of Iowa of 1897, and Chapter Twenty-five of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque, that said Mrs. Mary Juergens shall, within thirty days from the date of service of notice of this order, connect said premises with said sanitary sewer. 58. Regular Session, March 5, 1903. Dated this 2nd day of March, 1903. Ald. Jones moved to adopt the report of the Board of Health. Carried by the following orrance, Frith, Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Frith offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to improve Ard- more Terrace from West Eleventh Street to Wilbur Lane, and that it is hereby proposed to grade, cement, curb, brick, gutter and macadamize said street to a width of twenty-five feet. Ald. Frith nu.ved to adopt. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Aid. Frith offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that the City En- gineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the lo- cation, nature and extent of the proposed improvement on Ardmore Terrace from West Eleventh Street to Wilber Lane, and the kind of mat_rial to be used. and an estimate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such im- provement, and the amount assessable upon any railway of street railway, the amount and cost thereof to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of band adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City Recorder; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his of- fice, the City Recorder shall publish in three consecutive issues of a newspaper published in this city a notice stating that such plat and estimate are on file, the location and nature of the imiprove- ment, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost and the time be- fore which objections thereto can be flied and the time fixed for hearing, which time Shall not be less than five days after the last publication of such notice and after such publication shall have been made, the City Recorder shall, at the next reg- ular session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Cbrrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan, Nays—None. Alderman Frith offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a Sidewalk two (2) feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of Millville Road, between Lemon Street and City Limits, abutting lots 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13, Humboldt Add., owned by Peter and M. M. Hoffman, at the ex- pense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Alderman Clancy, Corrance. Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheri- dan. Nays—None. Alderman Frith offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk two (2) feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of Millville Road, between Lemon Street and City Limits, abutting lot 59, Fairmount Park Add., owned by Dubuque Pressed Brick Co., at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the fol- lowing vote: Aves: Aldermen Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheri- dan. Nays—None. Ald. Jones offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. that an alley twen- ty-two (22) feet wide, from Johnson Avenue to the South line of Lot 3 of 2 of Mineral Lot 113A, from which point said alley is to taper to a width of twenty (20) feet and to become twenty (20) feet wide at the South line of Lot 31 High Street Sub., and to continue twenty (20) feet wide to the South line of Lot 21A in Smedley's Sub., and passing through the properties of Ursula Marty, Celestine Blasi, Louise Weglau, Maria Pfiffner, Jac. Wildhaber, Dubuque Building and Loan Association. St. Joseph's Mercy Hos- pital, Dubuque Fire and Marine Insurance Co., R. Waller Est.. and George Buehler, and extending in a Southwesterly direc- tion through Lot 3 of 2 of Mineral Lot 113A, Lots 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 and 33 of High Street Sub.; Lots 2 of 2 and 2 of 3 and 1 of 3 of Mineral Lot 113A; and Lot 21A in Smedley's Sub., in the City of Dubuque. Iowa, be and the same is hereby declared opened and established in accordance with the survey and plat made by the City En- gineer of the City of Dubuque, which plat is on file in the office of said City Engineer; and be it further Resolved, That a record of said plat and description thereof be made by the City Recorder in a suitable book for that purpose provided. Ald. Jones moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Raymond moved to adjourn until March 19th, 1903. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Attest: .4.40e7; .... . . . . . . .. . . . Recorder. // 4 1903 Mayor. Approved. • Regular Session, March 19, 1903. 59 CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session March 19th, 1903. (Official.) Council met at 8:15 p. m. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Ald. Raymond moved that the council proceedings for the month of February be approved as printed. Carried. PETITIONS AN1) COMMUNICATIONS. Petition of Fred Remus asking that the alley in the rear of his property running along the westerly or southwesterly side of his lots back of Mertz Street be ordered improved. On motion referred to the Committee on Streets. • Petition of Christ. 13ecke et al request- ing the council to have Fulton Street from King Street to Broadway Extension grad- ed, curbed. guttered and macadamized the full length of street. On motion the petition was referred to the Committee on Streets and City Engi- neer. Petition of Chas. P. Mettle et al asking that the alley bet. Hart St. and Kauff- man Ave. and Francis and Valeria Sts. be ordered improved. On motion was referred to the commit- tee on Streets and City Engineer. Petition of Jno. Heim asking that South Street be repaired and put in passable condition. On motion referred to the committee on Streets and City Engineer. Petition of Herm. Ney & 55 other sign- ers, residents and property owners on Park Hill and South Park Hill asking bet- ter fire protection in said vicinity and that the water mains be extended West from Broadway and Diagonal Sts. Ald. Frith moved to refer the petition to the Committee on Fire. Carried. Petition of Hattie A. Snyder asking that the specialy assessment as levied against lot 2 of Langworthy Ave. Add for con- structing a sanitary sewer in Langworthy Ave. be ordered canceled, having already paid for a sanitary sewer in Hill St. Ald. Horr moved that the petition be referred to the committee on Sewers. Carried. Aid. Horr moved to refer the petition to the Board of Equalization. Carried. Petition of John Plein et al stating that the Dairy Barn owned and occupied by E. Paley and situated on Garfield Ave. con- stitutes a public nuisance and requesting the city council to take some action abat- ing said nuisance in the most speedy and practical way possible. Ald. Jones moved to suspend the rules and parties interested may be heard. Carried. Mr. Kraemer addressed the council de- claring said barn a nuisance and ought to be removed. Mr. E. Paley also addressed the council stating it was impossible for him to move said barn at 'resent, but would move from said premises some time next year. Ald. Sheridan moved to refer the pe- tition to the Board of Health. Carried. Petitions of Jas. Cunningham and Chas. Moritz stating that they are honorably discharged Union soldiers of the War of the Rebellion and asking for exemption of their property from taxation to the amount of $800.00 on the assessed valua- tion of the same for the year 1902. On motion both petitions were refer- red to the Delinquent Tax committee. Petition of Mrs. Cath. McCune asking that she be refunded the sum of $125.23, money paid into the City Treasurer's of- fice and levied against lot 3 in Boxleit- er's Add. for the improvement of Grand- view Ave. Petition of Carl Nank in relation to change of grade on Eagle street was on motion referred to the committee of the Whole. Communication of the lova State Atlas Pub'l Co., by H. Huebinger, M'g'r., who wialt to submit a proposition of interest to the city, explaining the merits of their work to be issued in 1904, and exhibited at the St. Louis World's Fair. On motion was referred to the Com- mittee of the Whole. Petitions of L. Lindenberg, et al., and Lucy M. Weigel, et al, objecting to the opening of Ardmore Terrace, unless the came be made at least 40 feet in width, the entire length from West Eleventh Street to Wilbur Avenue. On motion both petitions were referred to the Committee of the Whole and City Engineer. Petition of John J. Barker, et al, ask- ing that the City Engineer be instructed to properly grade and clean the alley between Seminary and Leibnitz Streets and extending from Paul Street east. Ald. Sheridan moved that the City En- gineer clean said alley at the expense of the abutting property owners; and the balance of the petition in regard to grad- ing of be referred to the Committee on Streets and City Engineer. Carried. Petition of E. F. Milligan, et al, asking that ains in eSt Seven- teenthliStreet e t br e eMextended West Seventeenth and Clark Streets to the cor- ner of Catherine Street. On motion was referred to the Dubuque Water Works Trustees. recommending that the prayer of the ;petition be granted. Petitiong inst co object- ing . constructing a sanitary sewer ld Rhomberg A alley between niest eStreet to Johnson Avenues, On motion the petition was received Avenue. and filed. - Claim of John Ward, claiming the sum of $250 for personal injuries sustained by failing on a defective and icy sidewalk on Clay tha dWhite Sof Thirteenth, between ets. beAld. received Sheridan moved flied.d that the petition Carried. 60 Regular Session, March 19, 1903. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Auditor Hoffman reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil: Gentlemen—Herewith find my report for the month of February, 1903, showing the receipts and disbursements for the month: Cash on hand, Feb. 1st, 1903 $ 74,441.68 Receipts from all sources 104,637.43 $179,079.11 DISBURSEMENTS. Warrants redeemed during the month 4 $10 'F 03 Improvement coupons 112.50 7,240.70 Regular coupons $111,179.13 Cash rn hand Marcl- 1st, 190367,899.98 Of the cash on hand there be- longs to the Improvement Bond Fund Improvement Bond Interest Fund 19,552.31 33.2.07 $ 19,884.38 Leaving, bahnce to the credit of 48,015.60 the city of Also the following Is a record of all Interest Coupons redeemed by Treasurer fcr the past month: Regular Bond Coupons $7,240.70 Interest Bond Ccupons 112.50 $7,353.7.0 Tht following list shows the appropria- tions and the amounts of Warrants drawn on each fund since the beginning of the fiscal year, beginning March 1st, 1902, to March 1st, 1903: Appropriation: Expended. Expense.... .. $40,000 $37,998.56 Road.... .... .... 42,000 41,384.59 Fire.... .. ....... 35,000 34,588.34 Police.... 28,000 27,036.40 Sewerage.. .. 5,000 4,649.20 Printing. .. .. 2,000 1,620.00 Engineer .. .. .. .. 4,000 2,816.45 Gas and Light 25,000 24,336.02 Water Works Bond Inter- est 25,000 23,152.50 Interest.... .... .... 45,000 42,323.11 Board of Health.. .. 6.000 5,637.38 Grading 2,000 1,545.98 Bee Branch.... .. 13,000 7,003.49 Eagle Point Bridge 5,000 4,782.10 Special Bonded Paving5,000 Redemption.. .... .. 2,500 Judgment.... .. 3,000 2 786.18 Library 6,000 4,461.84 Sprinklink, First Dist 750 535.32 Sprinkling, Second Dist2,300 1,222.85 Sprinkling, Third Dist 2,200 1,139.66 Sprinkling, Fourth Dist.... 2,300 876.80 Sprinkling, Fifth Dist 1,500 1,145.12 Special Bonded Debt In- terest.... .... 3,000 3,000.00 Grandview Avenue Engine House.... ............... .. 6,000 6,000.00 Mount Carmel Avenue, Grading.. .. 1,000 845.25 Sidewalk Repairing.. 600 128.53 Special Sewer Fund.. 5,000 4,906.82 Total Appropriation... ..$318,050 Respectfully, F. B. HOFFMAN, Auditor. On motion of Ald. Sheridan the report was received and the same referred back to the committee on Finance. City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: To theHonorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on Streets during the first half of March, 1903. Amount due Laborers on Streets..$486.80 Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved: E. E. FRITH, Chairman Committee on Streets. JOSEPH L. HORR, JOHN J. SHERIDAN. Also submit my pay roll for labor on •Sewers during the first half of March, 1903: Amount due Laborers on Sewers....$161.S0 Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved: JOHN J. SHERIDAN, Chairman. Committee on Sewers. JOSEPH L. HORR, HUGH CORRANCE. On motion the pay rolls for Streets and Sewers were received, and Warrants or- dered drawn to pay the various amounts and the pay rolls referred back to the proper committees. City Recorder Arendt presented and read the printed notice certified to by the Publisher, of the Council's intention to levy a special assessment against the dif- ferent named property owners for the cleaning of snow and ice from the Side- walks in the month of February, 1903. Also the communication of J. M. Ken- ety remonstrating against the said spec- ial assessment against Lot 56, Littleton & Sawyer's Add. . On motion the remonstrance was re- ferred to the Sidewalk Inspector to report at the next meeting of the Council. The Mayor asked if anyone present had any objection to said special assessment. No objection being stated, on motion of Ald. Sheridan the notice was received and filed. Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the fol- lowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for removal of Snow and Ice from Sidewalks during F'eb- ruary, 1903, in front of and adjoining the same, a Special Tax be and is hereby lev- ied on the several Lots, and Parts of Lots and Parcels of Real Estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each Lot or Parcel or Real Estate, as follows: Feb. 4—Dubuque Malting Co., City, 5 21.6 ft, Lot 1, 80 lin. ft. at 1/c Feb. 5—Francis Poole, Julia Lang - worthy's Add., Lot 7, 50 lin. ft at ]c per ft 50 Feb. 5—S. M. Langworthy Est., Julia Langworthy's Add., Lot 1, 75 lin. ft. at le per ft 75 Feb. 5—Julia Langworthy, Julia Langworthy's Add., Lots 2-3, 100 lin. ft. at lc per ft Feb. 5—J. J. Nagle, Fortune's Sub, Lot 7, 100 lin. ft. at 11/ac per ft Feb. 5—Geo. Salot, Sub. 39. Kelly's Sub., Lot 1, 50 lin. ft. at 11/ac per ft Feb. 5—E. M. Kringle, Sub. 7 of Min. Lot 79, Lot 6, 72 lin. ft. at 11/ac per ft Feb. 5—Bradley & McLean, City, Lot 222-223, 200 lin. ft., at 11/zc per ft 300 Feb. 5—Francis Poole, Julia Lang - worthy's Add., Lot 17, 140 lin. ft. 1 00 1 25 60 90 Regular Session, March 19, 1903: 61 at lc per ft 1 40 Feb. 5-J. S. Stephens, Julia Lang - worthy's Add., Lot 22, 130. lin. ft at lc per ft 1 30 Feb. 6-C. 1-1. EighmeY, Sub. 2 of 8 of Min. Lot 159, S 1/2 Lot 1, 200 lin. ft. at lc per ft 2 00 Feb. 6 -Mary Linehan, City, Lot 299. 40 lin. ft. at 11/20 per ft 60 Feb. 6-C. G. & C. H. Meyer, City, N 1/2 Lot 235, 25 lin. ft. at 11/10 per ft 35 Feb. 6 -John Powers et al. City, Lot 314, 160 lin. ft. at 11/20 per ft 2 25 Feb. 6-Magdelina L. Trilk. City. N 1/2 Lot 362, 20 lin. ft. at 11,20 per ft 30 Feb. 6 -Al. Matthews, Sub. City 738, Lot 6. 50 lin. ft. at 11/2c per ft75 Feb. 6 -Catholic Untversity of Wash- ington et al, Kelly's Sub., Lots 1-2, 100 lin. ft. at 11/2c per ft 1 +'.o pet ft 120 Feb. 4 -Richard Hinde, City, N 1,2 Lot 3a, 20 lin. ft. at 11/20 per ft 30 Feb. 4-B. J. O'Neill, City, M 19.6 ft, Lot 78, 20 lin. ft. at 11/20 per ft30 Feb. 4 -Bradley & Provost, City, Lot 7, 30 lin. ft. at 11/2c per ft 45 Feb. 4 -Universalist Church, City, Lot 638, 134 lin. ft. at 11/2c per ft2 00 Feb. 4-•Jno. Macdonald. McNulty's Sub., S 89 ft, Lot 1, 110 lin. ft. at 11,420 per ft; Lot 1, 89 lin .ft. at 1.1/2c per ft 2 75 Feb. 5-1-1. P. Bissell, City, 5 86.4 ft, Lot 466, 120 lin. ft. at 11/10 per ft1 80 Feb. 5-W. H. Day. City, Lot 40a, 60 lin. ft. at 11/20 per ft 75 Feb. 5-L. H. Waples. City, Lot 45, 50 lin. ft. at 11/2c per ft 75 Feb. 5 -Wm. L. Bradley, City, Lot 150, 60 lin. ft. at 11/20 per ft 90 Feb. 5-W. & D. Brunskill, City, Lot 627, 50 lin. ft. at 11/2c per ft 76 Feb. 5-W. L. B*adley and J. V. Rider, City, Lot. 146, 50 lin. ft. at 60 lc per ft Feb. 5--Bonson & Brunskill, City, Lot 629, 40 lin. ft. at 11/20 per ft 60 Feb. 5 -Telegraph -Herald, City, N 1/2 Lot 100, 50 lin. ft. at 11/2c per ft 75 Feb. 5 -Wm. L. Bradley, City, S 34.G ft. Lot 104, 100 lin. ft. at 11/20 per ft 1 50 Feb. 5-Tredway & Provost, City, Lot 637, 40 lin. ft. at 1342c per ft60 Feb. 6 -Abby C. Staples, City, 96 and N 13 ft. Lot 95, 170 lin. ft at 2 55 11,20 per ft Feb. 5 -Hayes & Gehrig, City Lot 596, 80 lin. ft. at 11/2c per ft 1 20 Feb. 5 -Ella A. Richardson, City Lot 128, 170 lin. ft. at 11,20 per ft 2 55 Feb. 5 -Ellen B. Woods. City, S 2-3 Lot 112, 100 lin. ft. at 11/20 per ft1 50 Feb. 5 -John Deery, City, W 50 ft. Lot 605. 50 lin. ft. at 11/20 per ft76 Feb. 6 -John Specht, Union Add., 5 165 ft. Lots 194-195, 100 lin. ft. at lc 1 00 per ft Feb. 6 -Wm. Hintrager, Union Add, 5 165 ft Lot 190, 65 lin. ft. at lc per ft 65 Feb. 6 -Ed. Conlin, Union Add., 5 165 ft. Lot 191-192-193, 180 lin. ft at 1 80 lc per ft Feb. 6 -Rich. Ronson Est., Union Add., Lot 210, 60 lin. ft. at lc per ft 60 Feb. 6 -Jas. Moran, Union Add., Lot 90 179, 90 lin. ft. at 1 c per ft Feb. 6 -Pat. Moran, Union Add., Lot 180, 23 lin. ft. at lc per ft 25 Feb. 6-T. E. & J. S. Fifield, Union Add., Lots 174-175, GO lin. ft. at 1c per ft Feb. 6 -Catholic University of Wash- ington et al, Union Add., Lots 165- 1 20 166, 120 lin. ft. at is per ft Feb. 6 --Thos. Meehan, Union Add, 60 Lot 151. 00 lin. ft. at lc per ft Feb. 6 -Bridget Whittemore, Union. Add., Lot 83, 60 1:n. tt. at lc per ft Feb. Si -Cath. Birmingham, Sun. 76 & 77 Tinton Add., Lot 1 and Union Add., 78, 120 lin. ft. at 11/2c per ft 1 50 Feb. 6-E. & H. Callihan, Sub. 2 of Min. Lot 63 and E pt Lot 69, Union Add., Lots 1 and 2, 50 lin. ft. at 11/4c per ft Feb. 6 -Aug. Ingwerson, Bush's Sub.. Lot 13, (50 lin. ft. at lc per ft Feb. 5 -Mary Wilde, Sub. 1 of 2 of. 7 of Min. Lot 45, Lot 2; Sub. 2 of 2 of 7 of Min. Lot 45, Lot 1, 225 lits. ft. at lc per ft 2 25 Feb. 5-J. L. Meyer. Sub. 76 & 77, Union Add., Lot 2, 150 lin. ft. at 11/ac per ft 1 90 Feb. 5 -Mrs. Sidney Saul, Saul's Sub., Lot 1, 40 lin. ft. at 11/40 per ft 50 Feb. 5-Jno. T. Hancock Est., Sub. Min. Lot 168, Lot 6, 260 lin. ft. at lc per ft 2 80 Feb. 5-Jno. Spensley Est., Sub. 45, Simpson's Add., Lot 2, 225 lin. ft at le per ft 225 Feb. 5 -Julia D. Rhomberg, Guernsey & Langworthy's Add., Lots 7-S, 100 lin. ft. at lc. per ft 1 00 Feb. 5 -Carr, Ryder & Adams, Guernsey & Langworthy's Add., Lots ;-4, 100 lin. ft. at lc per ft 1 00 Feb. 5 -Francis Poole. Julia L. Langworthy's Add., Lot 17-51, 120 lin. ft. at lc per ft 1 20 Feb. 5-J. S. Stephens, Julia Lang - worthy's Add., Lots 53-18. 120 lin. ft. at 1c per ft 1 20 Feb. 5 -Julia Langworthy, Lois Add., Lot 8. 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft 50 Feb. 5 -Carr, Ryder & Adams. Lois Add., Lot. 6, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft60 Feb. 5 -Mary L. Bunting, Julia Langworthy's Add.. Lot 5. 50 lin. ft. at 1c per ft 50 Feb. 5-J. S. Stephens, Julia Lang - worthy's Add., Lot 6, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft Feb. 6 -Emma E. Meyer, S. M. Langworthy's Add., Lots 49-50-51, 75 lin. ft. at 11/4c per ft Feb. 6 -Miller Brewing Co. Sub City 703, Lot 13 and 1 of 14, 40 lin ft. at 11,2c per ft Feb. 6 -Mary E. Kenna, Sub. 14, City 703, Lots 2-3, 30 lin. ft. at 11/2 per ft Feb. 5 -Mich. O'Rourke, City, Lot 147, 30 lin. ft., at 11/20 per ft Feb. 6 -Wm. L, Bradley, City N. 1-5 Lot 465, 40 lin. ft., at 11/2c per ft Feb. 7-F. B. Daniels, Sub. City 674, E. 40 ft.. Lot 3, 40 lin, ft., at 11/2c per ft Feb. 7-A. R. Stauefnbeil, City S. 78 ft., N. 3-5 Lot 444, 75 lin. ft., at is per ft Feb. 7 -Paul Schlenker, City S. 26.6 ft., N. 2-5 Lot 444, 25 lin ft., at lc per ft Feb. 7-C. J. Peterson, Sub. W. 65.8 ft., S. 62.4 ft., Lot 465, 70 lin. ft, at lc per ft Feb. Lot 52, 100a11n. Sub. tM1c pot er ft Feb. o f atr1 RichWaller Est.,0 City, Lot 2Feb. 7 -Marg. Barry, City S. 2-5, Lot 554, 50 lin. ft., at 11/20 per ft.... Feb. 7 -Fred Durey, City S. 2-5, Lot 558, 20 lin. ft., at 11/2c per ft FebLots7-John 38, Beery, 39, 40, Bub.0i . n. ft., Lot at 11,4c per ft Feb. 9 -Cath. Stafford, S. M. Lang - 60 60 60 60 50 95 60 45 45 60 60 75 25 70 1 25 75 75 30 1 85 62. Regular Session, March 19; 1903. worthy's Add., Lot 44, 180 lin. ft., at lc per ft Feb. 9 -Chas. Wales, Nairn's Add., Lots 30, 31, 32, 78 lin. ft., at 11/4c per ft.... Feb. 9-Eda. Langworthy Est., Pauline Langworthy's Sub.. Lots 4-5, 325 lin. ft., at 11/4c per ft Feb. 9 -Mary L. Bunting, Julia Langworthy's Add., Lot 20, 70 lin. ft., at lc per ft Feb. 9-F. A. Seeman, E. E. Jones' Sub., Lots 1-2, 100 lin. ft., at 11/4c per ft Feb, 9 -Mary Schaffner, Sub. Min. Lot 100, N. 40 ft., Lot 1, 100 lin. ft., at 11/4c per ft ...... .... .... ....... Feb. 9-C., M. & St. P. Railway Co., East Dubuque Add., Lot 251, 100 lin. ft., at 11/4c per ft Feb. 9 -Henry Riker, Farley's Sub, Lot 14, 119 lin. ft., at 11/4c per ft Feb. 9• -Wm. Hintrager, Farley's Sub., Lot 13, 50 lin. ft., at 11/4c ger ft Feb. 9 --Ida F. Hosford, Cain's Sub, Lot 7, 120 lin. ft.. at 1%c per ft Feb. 7 -Cath. Sullivan, City, Lots 635A-635, 30 nn. ft.. at 11/2c per ft Feb. 5 -Geo. R. Clark. college Sub, Lot 15, 115 lin. ft., at is per ft Feb. 5-A. J. Van Duzee, O'Neill's Sub. No. 2, Lot 23, 140 lin ft., at lc per ft Feb. 5 -American Linseed Co., City S. 1/2 Lot 374, 100 lin. ft., at 1/c per ft Feb. 5 -Patrick Welsh Est.. East Dubuque Add., Lots 164-165, 100 lin. ft., at 11/4c per ft Feb. 5 -Phil Jungk, East Dubuque Add., Lot 46, 125 lin, ft., at 11/4c per ft Feb. 5 -Wm. Hansen, City N. 1-5, Lot 1,81, 110 lin. ft.. at 11/4c per ft... Fel;. ;,--Q1 J. a d Thee. So1eup, City S. 1-.i. Lct 412, :;0 iin. , at lc per f` Feb. Ilaber, Last Du- buque Add., Lot 87, 100 lin, ft., at 11/4c per ft...... .... P b. 5-J. J. Dunn, City N. 2-5, Lot 431, 70 lin. ft., at 114c per ft Feb. 5 -Jac. Plapp Est., City S 1-5, Lot 495, 100 lin. ft.. at 11/4c per ft Feb. 5-B. S. McElhaney, East Du- buque Add., Lot 67, 75 lin. ft., at 11/4c per ft Feb. 6 -Dubuque Cabinet Makers' Assn., City, Lots 380, 381-382, 150 lin. ft., at 114c per ft Feb. 6 -American Linseed Co., City, Lots 375 to 378 Inc., 250 lin. ft., at 11/4c per ft Feb. 6-F. D. & J. H. Stout, City, 509 and Lot 2 of 4 of 509A, 690 lin. ft., at 11/4c per ft Feb. 6-H. F. and A. E. Girard, City, N/, Lot 326, 25 lin. ft.. at 11/4c per ft Feb. 6-A. B. Keller, City, Lot 204, 50 lin. ft., at 11/4c per ft Feb. 5-11. P. Willging, Marsh's Add., Lots 18-19, 100 lin. ft., at lc per ft Feb. 5-Jno. F. Johannsen, Marsh's Add., Lot 20, 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft Feb. 5 -Henry Hanover, Marsh's Add., Lot 21, 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft Feb. 5-A. F& B. D. Heeb, Marsh's Add., Lots 22, 23, 26, 27, 30, 250 lin., ft., at le ger ft Feb. 5 -Bertha Baum?hover, Marsh's Add., Lots 24-25, 100 11n. ft., at lc per ft Feb. 5-Jno. Bottoms, Marsh's Add., S. 1/2 Lot 28. 25 lin. ft., at lc per ft 1 80 Feb. 5-A. Huber, Marsh's Add., Lot 29, 60 lin. ft.. at is per ft Feb. 5 --Peter Nicks, Marsh's Add, 95 Lot 50, 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft Feb. 5-\\'m. Hintrager, Marsh's Add., Lot 49, 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft 4 05 Feb 5-A.. J. Lemb,eck, Marsh's Add., E. 100 ft., Lot 45, 100 lin. ft, at lc per ft 100 70 Feb. 6 -Matilda Specht, Marsh's Add., Lot 41, 180 lin. ft., at lc per ft 100 125 Feb. 5 -Ed. Carney. Chas. Klingen- berg's 4th Sub., Lot 1 and Lot 2 of Lot 2, 30 lin. ft., at to per ft 30 125 Feb. 5 -Rich. Waller Est., Chas Klingenberg's 9th Sub., Lot 12, 25 lin. ft., at lc per ft 25 1 26 Feb. 5-J. H. Je cklin Est.. Sub. 1, L. II. Langworthy's Add., Lot 1, 1 35 200 lin ft. at lc per ft 2 00 Feb. 5 -Fred Miller Brewing Co, Sub. 1 of 1 of 2 of City 670, etc, 60 Lot 2, 50 lin. ft., at 11/2c per ft 60 Feb. 5 -Wm. Hintrager, Quigley's 150 Sub. 710, W. 42 ft., Lot 15, 40 lin. ft., at lc per tt 40 95 Feb. 5 -Kate Lunbeck, Cox's Add, E. 24 ft., Lot 22, 162 lin. ft., le 116 per ft 1 70 Feb. 5 -John Koch Est., Cox's Add., Lot 16, 50 lin. ft., at 114c per 1 40 ft GO Feb. 5 -Ferdinand I1httgether, Blake's Add., Let 12, 60 lin. ft., at 1 50 lc per ft Feb. 5 -Thos. and Louisa Paisley, Blake's Add., Lots 13-14, 100 lin. ft., 12u at lc per ft 100 Feb. 5 -Jac. Traut, Blake's Add, Lot 15, 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft 50 Feb. 5 -Hughes & Blake, Blake's Add., Lots 20, 21, 22, 100 lin. ft., at. lc per ft.... 1 00 Feb. 5 -Geo. Q. Barnes, Littleton & Sawyer's Add., Lot 54, 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft Feb. 5-L. H. Langworthy, Trustee, 125 Porter's Add., Lot 2, 60 lin. ft., at 11/40 per ft 88 Feb. 5-C. H. Jordan, Forter's Add., Lt t 3, 50 lin. ft., at 114c per ft 1 25 Feb. 5 -Fred Haardt, Porter's Add, Lot 4, 50 lin. ft., at 11/4c per ft Feb. 5-W. G. Cox, Lox's Add., Lot 95 111, 50 lin. ft., at 11/4c per ft Feb. 5 -Eugene Earley, Cox's Add, Lot 105, 50 lin. ft., at 11/4c per ft 185 Feb. 6 -Wm. Lawther, Cox's Add, Sub. 91, Lot 2, Sub. 92, Lot 2, 140 lin. ft., at 11/4c per ft 3 75 Feb. 6 -Geo. Salot, Sub. 2 of 2 of City 678, etc., Lot 1, 30 lin. ft., at 1/c per ft 9 25 Feb. 6-W. M. Davis, Cox's Add., Lot 2, 25 lin. ft., at lc per ft Feb. 6-E. H. Sheppley, Cox's Add, 35 Lot 3, 60 lin. ft., at lc per ft Feb. 4-E. Schwind, Woodlawn Park, 75 Lot 246, 50 lin. ft., at 11/4c per ft Feb. 4-C. A. Voelker, Woodlawn Park, Lot 54, 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft 100 Feb. 4 -John Trexler, Woodlawn Park, Lot 200, 50 lin. ft , at 11/4c 50 per ft Feb. 4-B. J. Schwind, Woodlawn Park, Lot 201, 50 11n. ft, at 11/4c 50 per ft Feb. 5-M. Tschirgi, Sr., Woodlawn Park, Lots 202-203, 100 lin. ft., at 2 50 11/4c per ft Feb. 5 -Wm. Lawther, Woodlawn Park, Lots 153-154, 100 lin, ft., at 1 00 11/4c per ft Feb. 5-Jno. Rheel, Woodlawn Park, 25 60 50 50 50 1 55 1 40 30 50 75 60 60 60 60 1 75 45 25 50 60 50 60 60 125 1 25 Regular Session, March 19, 1903. . 63 Lot 102, 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft.... 50 Feb. 5 -Anna M. Bush, Oakland Park, Lots 9, 10, 12, 140 lin. ft., 140 at lc per ft Feb. 5-L. G. Hurd, 3, r300lin. b., Lots 6, 7, 8,310 lc per ft Feb. 5 -Helen Wright, Gray's Sub., Lots 2-4, 100 lin. ft., at 114c per ft.. 1 25 Feb. 5-J. L. Buettell, Home Add., Lot 12, 60 lin. ft., at lc per ft 50 Feb. 5-W. H. Doane, Oakland Park, Lot 5-6, 100 lin. ft., at 1%c 1 per ft •••• 25 Feb. 5-M. and F. Ryan, J. N. Hill's Sub., Lot 7, 50 lin. ft., at 114c per 60 ft Feb. 5-D. J. Linehan, Home Add., Lots 9, 10, 11, 140 lin. ft., at lc per 1 40 ft Feb. 5 -Cath. University of Wash- ington et al., Levens Add., Lots 2 to 11, inc., 500 lin, ft., at lc per ft 5 00 Feb. 6 -Harriett Perkins, Sub. 3 of Min. Lot 172, Lot 2, 45 lin. ft., at 55 114c per ft Feb. 6-Nic Glab, Finley's Add, Lots 225, 226, 227, 150 lin. ft., at lc 1 50 per ft Feb. 6 -Geo. Salot, Finley's Add., 20 Lot 4, 30 lin ft., at 1c per ft Feb. 6-Nic Glab, Finley's Add, Lots 156, 157, 158, 280 lin. ft., at lc 2 0 per ft Feb. 6 -Frank R. Scott,Add Lot 155 and S. Lot 1154,190 lin. ft., at lc 90 Feb. 6 -Ellen O'Halieron, Finley's Add., Lots 13, 14, 15, 60 lin. ft., at 60 lc per ft Feb. 6 -German Orphan Asylum, Finley Add., Lots 30-31, 100 lin. ft, 1 00 at lc per ft Feb. 6 -Albert A. Deckert, Levens' Add., Lot 29, 50 lin. ft., at 114c per 60 ft.... Feb. 6-C. DScott, Levens' Add., Lot 27, 50 lin. ft., at 114c per ft.... 60 Feb. 10-Edw. Langworthy Est., Pauline Langworthy's Add., Lots 5, 6, 7, 8. 450 lln. ft., at 114c per ft.. 5 60 Feb. 6-R. M. Kunz, McCraney's 1st Add., Lots 82, 85, 86, 308 lin. ft., at 3 45 114c and lc per ft.... Feb. 5 -Louisa and Bertha Rhom- berg, Ham's Add., Lots 451-452, 100 100 lin. ft., at lc per ft Feb, 5 -Martin Kunkel, McCraney's 1st Add., Lot 74, 200 lin. ft., at lc 0 per ft Feb. 5 -Leathers & Trewin, Me- Craney's 1st Add., Lots 77-78, 50 i0 lin. ft., at lc per ft Feb. 5 -Beach Y Faber, McCraney's 1st Add., Lot 47. 50 lin. ft. at lc 60 per ft Feb. 5 -Herman Jungk, McCraney's 1st Add., Lot 19, 150 lin. ft. at lc 10 per ft Feb. 5-W. W. Ballard, Wick's Add, Lot 24, 100 lin. ft. at lc per ft1 00 Feb. 5-W. D. Goux, McCraney's 1st Add., Lot 69, 50 lin. ft. at 114c per ft: 140 lin. ft. at lc per ft; 200 total Feb. 5-J. J. McCarthy, McCraney's 1st Add., Lot 37, 50 lin. ft. at le 50 Per ft • Feb. 5 -Pat Welsh Est., McCraney's 1st Add., 71 and Ham's Add., Lot l 447, 100 lin. ft. at 1140 per ft 25 Feb. 5-F. M. Robinson Est., Ham's Add., lots 435-436-437-438, 200 lin. ft. 2 0 at 114c per ft Feb. 5 -Norma Jungles, Ham's Add., lot 434, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft. 50 Feb. 10-J. C. Roberts, Reche's Sub., • lot 22, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft 50 Feb, 10-R. E. Girard, Hodge's Sub, Lots 3-4-5, 120 lin. ft. at lc per ft, 100 lin. ft. at 1140 per ft; total2 45 Feb. 10 -Thos. Hill, Ann O'Hare's Sub. E. Pt., Lot 29, 180 lin. ft. at lc per ft Feb. 10-Edw. Muntz, Sub. Min. Lot 1 0 81, Lot 1, 50 lin. ft. at 114c per ft.. 60 Feb. 10 -Louisa Giesernan, Martin's Dubuque N. 100 ft., Lot 1, 50 lin. ft. at 1140 per ft 60 Feb. 5-R. M. Kunz, McCraney's 1st Add., Lois 23-24-25-26, 200 lin. ft. at lc per ft 2 0 Feb. 6 -Francis Wagner, Sub. 87 and 88, L. H. Langworthy's Add., Lot Feb. 6 -Henry Deft Est.. L. H. 3, 25 lin. ft. at lc per ft 26 Langworthy's Add., S. 14, Lot 13, 20 lin. ft. at 1%c per ft 0 Feb. 6 -Frank Jaeger, City, Sub. 2-5, Lot 437, 25 lin. ft. at 1/c per ft40 Feb. 6-C. A. Walters, L. H. Lang - worthy's Add.. N. 65 ft., Lot 11, 20 lin. ft. at 11/4c per ft 30 Feb. 6-M, Giesmann, L. H. Lang - worthy's N. M. 31 ft., Lot 9. 25 lin. ft. at 11/40 per ft.; 25 lin. ft. at 1'4c per ft.: total 70 Feb. 6 -Chicago G. W. R'y Co, Sanford's. Sub.. Lots 60-61, 130 lin. 130 ft. at lc per ft Feb. 6 -Valentine Schiel, Sub. 196 and 197, L. H. Langworthy's Add., Lots 10-11, 100 lin. ft. at lc per ft1 00 Feb. 6-F. Wagner. O. S. Lang - worthy's Add., Lot 1, 70 lin. ft. 90 at114cper ft Feb. 7 -Mary A. Alexander. E. Langworthy's Add., Lot 69, 100 lin. 100 ft. at lc per ft Feb. 7 -Chas. Kruse, O. S. Lang - worthy's .Add., Lot 12, 100 lin. ft100 at lc per ft Feb. 7-Jno. Marzen, E. Lang - worthy's Add., 46. and 5. 35 ft. Lot 70 45, 70 lin. ft. at lc per ft Feb. 7 -Dubuque Malting Co., E Langworthy's Add., Lot 17, 130 lin1 30 ft. at lc per ft Feb. 7-Jno, Vvverberg Est.. Davis Farm .Add., 301, and. N. 1/4 Lot 300, 75 lin. ft. at 114c per ft 90 reb. Add Lot 299, 7-Susanna lin. Davis 114c per ft Feb. 7 -Wm. liieting, Sanford's Sub.. Lot 8, 60 lin. ft. at le ner ft60 Fin. eb. 466,Lot12,, 200lin. ft, atese, Sub. 114c 2 50 per ft Feb, 7-A. R. Staufenbeil, E. Lang - worthy's Add., Lot 31, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft Feb. 7-M. M. offman, E. Lang - worthy's Add., Lot 18, 100 lin. ft at lc per ft 1 0 Fale Add.? L to158, 0B lin. ft. at 114c GO Feb. per ft7-M. E. Church, Olinger's Sub., Lot 1, 100 lin. t. Feb.7 Wm. Klauer, at et al, lc Davis 1 00 Farm Add., Lot 213, 100 lin. ft. at 1 W lc per ft Langworthy's Feb. 6-R. and E. Eat., Glendale Add., Lots 223-224- 1 85 225, 150 lin. ft. at 1'4cper ft Glendale Feb. 6 -Mary L. Add., Lots 82-84, 100 lin. ft. at lc 100 per • ft.....•. • Feb. 6 --Francis .... Poole, Glendale Adlin. ft. r ft. Feb.d6-Ada L 500Collier, at Sub. BMin50 50 . 64' Regular Session, March 19, 1903. Lot 322, Lot 10, 150 lin. ft. at 114c 1 85 per ft Feb. 6 -Martha Zinn; Glendale Add., Lot 81, 60 lin. ft. at lc per ft 60 Feb, 7-R. and E. Langworthy Eats, Glendale Add., Lots ^47-270-271-294, 350 lin. ft. at lc per ft 350 Feb. 7 -Chris. Schneider, Glendale Add., Lot 210, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft. 50 Feb. 7 -Elizabeth Nicks, Glendale Add., Lot 216, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft Feb. 7-R. and E. Langworthy Etst, Glendale Add., Lots 213-214-219-220- 221, 350 lin. ft. at lc per ft 3a0 Feb. 7 -Mary Pleins. Glendale Add Lot 14, 50 lin, ft. at lc per ft 50 Feb. 7 -Jac. Kessler, Glendale Add, N. % 18 and S3¢ Lot 19, 50 lin. ft at lc per ft Feb. 7 -Jac. Hedrick, Glendale Add, Lot 22, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft 50 Feb. 7 -Chas. Stafford, Stafford's Add., Lots 59-60, 100 lin. ft. at lc per ft 1 00 Feb. 7 -Dement & Duncan, Burden- Lawther's Add., Lots 74-75, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft 50 Feb. 7-A. J. Schenker, Burden- Lawther's Add., Lot 141, 50 lin. ft at lc per ft 50 Feb. 7 -Geo. Eichhorn, Burden- Lawther's Add., Lot 78, 50 lin. ft at lc per lin ft 50 Feb. 7 --Kate Kolfenbach, Glendale Add., N. % Lot 19, 25 lin. ft. at lc per ft 25 Feb. 10-C. E. Wales, Prospect Hill Add., Lot 26, 84 lin. ft. at 1%c per ft 105 Feb. lii-Rudoiph Nolte Est., City, Lot 176, 100 lin. ft. at 1%c per ft1 50 Feb. 10-C. A. Alexander, Sub. 3, Babcock's Add., Lot 2 and Sub. 5, Simpson's Add , Lot 1, 220 lin. ft at lc per ft 2 .:0 Feb. 10 -Theo. Trieloff, Concord's Sub., Lot 13, 100 lin. ft. at lc per lin. ft 100 Feb. 10-Edw. Langworthv's Est, City M. 40 ft., Lot 19, 20 lin. ft. at 1%c per ft Feb. 5-Kennety and Mulgrew, Lit- tleton & Sawyer's Add., Lot 55, 50 lin. ft, at lc per ft 50 Feb. 5 -Wm. McClain, Hoskins' Sub., Lot 5, 50 lin .ft. at 11/40 per ft Feb. 5 -Helen M. Sauer, McCraney's lat Add., Lot 48, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft Feb. 5-R. M. Kunz, McCraney's 1st Add., Lot 49, 50 lin, ft. at lc per ft. 50 Feb. 5-M. D. Goux, McCraney's 1st Add., Lot 50, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft. 50 Feb. 5 -Geo. Salot, McCraney's lit Add., Lot 51, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft. 50 Feb. 10 -Anna Heer, Reche's Sub., Lot 23, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft 50 Feb. 10-T. B. Cain, Reche's Sub, Lot 24, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft Feb. 10-Jno. V. Rider, City E. 52 ft S. 2-5, Lot 461, 16 lin. ft. at 1%c per ft Feb. 9 -Belle Chamberlain, E. E Jones' Sub., Lot 3, 50 lin ft. at 11%4c per ft Feb. 5-J. J. Zuegenbuehler, Sub. 3 of Min. Lot 178, Lot 2, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft Feb. 6-Rob't. Bonson Est., Union Add., Lot 15, 60 lin. ft. at 1%c per ft Feb. 6 -Wm. V. GUI, Oakland Park Add., Lot Lot 14, 45 lin. ft. at 1c per ft Feb. 6-M. JMcCullough, Oakland 50 50 33 t,0 50 50 26 60 50 75 45 Park Add., Lot 15, 45 lin. ft. at lc per ft Feb. 6 -Mary Coulter, Gray's Sub, Lot 5, 50 linft. at 11/4c per ft Feb. 5-J. Lobdell, Julia Lang - worthy's Add., Lot 50, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft Feb. 6 -Home for the Friendless, Gray's Sub., Lot 1, 25 lin. ft. at 1%c per ft 30 46 60 u0 Total Ald. Frith moved to adopt the tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays -None. 8258 05 resolu- City Recorder Arendt also presented and read the printed notice certified to by the Publisher, of the Cbuncil's intention to construct a Sanitary Sewer in Kniest Street, from, manhole at Kniest Street and Lincoln Avenue to alley between Rhomberg and Garfield Avenues, thence up said alley to present manhole in John- son Avenue. No remonstrance being filed, the Mayor asked if anyone present had any objec- tion to said Sewer. Messrs. Leonard and George Buehler addressed the Council, remonstrating .against the construction of said Sewer. Whereupon Ald. Sheridan moved that the notice be received and filed. Carried. City Assessor Scherr reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The undersigned, to whom you referred the petition of Mrs. M. L. Trilk, asking that the valuation on her property in Barry's Sub., be reduced to ,Four Hundred Dollars for the year 1902, would recoanmend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the City Treasurer be instructed accordingly. C. B. SCHERR, City Assessor. Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: Herewith attached please find plat of Raymond Place from Fen- lon Place to Cooper Street. Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Ald. Raymond moved that the plat be adopted. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Harr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays -None. Ald. Raymond also presented the deeds from W. A. Leathers and C. B. Trewin, selling the described strip of land on said plat to the City of Dubuque for Street purposes, and stated that the City Attor- ney had examined said deeds and ab- stract and found them correct. And moved that the deeds be accepted, and the City Recorder instructed to have both the deeds and plat properly recorded. Carried by the follo'wing vote: Yeas -Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Herr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays -None. Regular Session, March 19, 1903. 65 Ald. Raymond also moved that a War- rant in the scum of $2,000.00 be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer in favor of C. B. Trewin in payment of said deeds. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. The anuvual reports of the City Engi- neer, Chief of Fine Department, City Au- ditor and City Treasurer were presented. Ald. Sheridan moved to refer the same to the Finance committee to have them embodied in the Finance. report for the year 1902. Carried. Mayor Berg presented a deed from the City of Dubuque to Rudolph Jones, for an Alley, vacated by the City of Du- buque, 20 feet wide, lying between the Northeasterly line of Lot 8 and the South- easterly line of Lot 13, extending from Fifth Avenue to the Alley first Northeast therefrom, in Jansen's Subdivision, being a Subdivision in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Ald. Sheridan moved that the Mayor and Recorder be instructed to sign said deed. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Adds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan, Nays—None. The Mayor also presented and read the following telegra.mm Dated Washington, D. C., March 16th, 1903. Mayor C. H. Berg, Dubuque, Iowa. The President, accompanied by the Sec- retary of War and other distinguished persons, will arrive at Dubuque on June 2nd, about 6 o'clock evening. and remain until 6 next morning. Details by letter. Signed. W. B. ALLISON and J. P. DOLLIVER. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Corrance, chairman of the commit- tee on Claims, presented a bill in favor of G. A. Barnes, City Attorney, for money advanced by him for filing applications for Writs of Error in various cases, $10.00, and moved that a warrant be drawnfor said amount on the City Treasurer in fav - of G. A. Barnes and the bill paid. Car- ried. Ald. Frith, chairman of the committee on Streets, presented a bill for $226.90, be- ing balance due O'Farrell & Norton for grading Cox Street, and moved that a Warrant for said amount be drawn on the Treasurer in favor of O'Farrell & Norton, and the bill paid. Carried. Ald. Frith also presented a list of names who had permits from the City to break Macadam, also the amount of Ma- cadam broken by each as measured by the City Engineer, and moved that War- rants be drawn on the Treasurer to pay the various amounts. Carried. Ald. Frith also reported as follows: Your committee on Streets would re- spectfully recommend that the City En- gineer be instructed to have the Street Cleanings from the lower end of town dumped on Mt. Carmel Avenue, and the cleanings from further up town be dumped on Twelfth and Fourteenth Streets. Also that the man at present on the Fourth Street dump be instructed to take charge of all three of the dumps above mentioned. Also, your committee on Streets, to whom was referred the petition of the Dubuque Wooden Ware and Lumber Co., asking that the flow of water from, Rhomberg Avenue be diverted so as not to flood their yards, beg to report that we have instructed the City Engineer to en- large the openings to the Ninth Avenue Storm Water :)ewer, on. Rhomberg Ave- nue, sufficiently to prevent the water from flowing past that point. Also your committee on Streets would respectfully recommend that the City En- gineer be instructed to have the brick' paved streets cleaned and that the horse scraper be used for such cleaning when practicable. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report of the committee on Streets. Carried. a Ald. Jones, chairman of the committee on Public Grounds and Buildings, pre- sented a bill in favor of Lorena Eberhart, for one Storm Saslh at City Hall, $9.30, and moved that a warrant be drawn on the City Treasurer for said amount in favor of L. Eberhart, and the bill paid. Carried. Ald. Sheridan, chairman of the commit- tee on Police and Light, reported as fol- lows: Your committee on Police and Light, to whom was referred the petition of John J. Lavery et al., asking that an arc lamp be placed at the intersection of Park and Grandview Avenues, would recommend that the prayer of the petitioners be granted and that the Union Electric Co. be instructed in accordance herewith. JOHN J. SHERIDAN, Chairman. Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Ald. Jones, chairman of the committee on Printing, stated that the number of City Directories ordered by the City Council were now in the possession of the Recorder, and moved that the Recorder be instructed to furnish each of the offi- ces in the City Hall with one copy, also each of the Engine Hipuses and Patrol House, also one each to the Mayor, Al- dermen and City Attorney. Carried. Ald. Horr, chairman of the Board of Equralization, reported as follows: Your Board of Equalization, to whom was referred the petition of Brown & Greeley, stating that they did not start in business until March 17, 1902, and ask- ing therefore that the personal tax against them for said!' year be canceled, would recommend that said petition be received and filed. Also, your Board of Equalization, to whom was referred the petition of Sara Ham, asking that the City Treasurer be instructed to accept the Sum of $33.08 in full settlement for the taxes of 1902 against Lot 531, Ham's Addition, would respectfully recommend that said petition be received and filed. JOSEPH L. HORR, Chairman. 66 Regular Session, March 19, 1903. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report of the Board of Equalization. Carried. Ald. Horr, chairman of the committee of the Whole, reported as follows: Your committee of the Whole, to wham was referred the petition of the Dubuque Turbine and Roller Mill Co., asking that they be granted exemption fromtaxation for four years to complete the ten years' perifor and which they supposed which they haapetitioned were granted, beg to report that both the policy of the present council and the one preceding it, was to limit the term of all exemptions to five years; we would therefore recommend that the petition he received and filed. Also, your committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of H. J. Baule et al., asking tnat the sawdust nuisance caused by the Farley & Loeb scher Mfg. Co.s shaving blowers, being allowed to remain open be abated, would recommend that the prayer of the peti- tioners be granted and that the Farley & Loetscher Mfg. Co. be instructed to make such provision as will prevent the nui- sance complained of. Also, your committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that Gott- lieb Gemehle be employed by the City to collect back personal taxes and that he receive compensation for his services 15 per cent. of his collections and that he be under the direction of the City Treasurer. Also, your committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Jahn Becker, asking that the City accept 1,000 yards of rough maeadam in settlement of the special assessment levied against Mineral Lot 337 for the improvement of Kauffman Avenue, would recommend that the said petition be received and filed. Add. Horr moved to adopt the report of the committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. Horr, chairman of the committee of the Whole, offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City c:f Dubuque: That the Appropriations for the ensu- ing year for the different departments and purposes of the City be fixed as fol- lows: For General Expense and Oonttn- gent Fund $ 40,000 For Improvement, Repair, Main- tenance and Cleaning of Street% Alleys and Highways 38,000 For Expense of Fire Department38,000 For Expense of Police Department 28,000 For Care, Maintenance and Repair of Sewers, Storm and Sanitary5,000 For Printing 2,000 For Expense of Engineer Depart- ment, including Salaries 3,500 For Expense of Street Lighting25,000 For Interest on Bonded and Float- ing Debt 43,000 For Expenses of Board of Health6,000 For Grading Fund.... 4,000 For Continuation of Bee Branch, Storm Water Sewer.... 7,000 For taking up Improvement Bonds, issued for Payment of Special Ac- sessments against Parks, Fire Engine Houses and Other Real Estate owned by the City for Paving and Macadamizing of Streets and Interest on same For Payments of Judgments against the City.... 2,500 8,000 District Road Fund for Sprinkling Purposes— First District.... 800 Second District.... .. 1,500 Third District 1,500 Fourth District.... .... 1,200 Fifth District.... .. .. 1,400 For Interest on Special Bonded Debt.... 4,000 For Special Sewer Fund 2,500 (So much of this appropriation as will be needed for the 15th and 16th Street Sewers to be expended be- fore any of it becomes available for other sewers.) For Grading Mount Carmel Ave- nue 1,000 For Repairing and Rebuilding Side- walks 1,000 For Grading Bluff Street Extension 1,000 Total Appropriations.. 8260,900 Ald, Horr moved to adopt the resolution. Adopted by the foliowing vote: Yeas•—Alda. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Mayor Berg stated that the Building and Loan Association offered to pay 850.00 to the City for a piece of grbund elicited to them on account of the opening of the Alley between Rhomberg and Gar- field Avenues, from Johnson Avenue to Kniest street and wished to know who had the matter in charge. Whereupon Ald. Horr moved that the matter be referred to the committee on Streets, City Engineer and City Attorney. Carried. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Herr offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the City Treasurer be and he is hereby instructed to call in for redemption, twenty Dubuque Water Works Bonds, numbered 41 to 50. both inclusive, also bond numbered 370. The interest on all the above bonds to cease on the first day of June, 1903. Ald, Horr moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Herr also offered the following: W'hereas, the contract heretofore en- tered into by the City of Dubuque for the constructing of a sanitary sewer as here- inafter described, is approaching com- pletion and the City Engineer has com- puted that the cost and expense of said sewer amounts to Twenty -Eight Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($2,850.00), therefore Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to provide for the cost of constructing the sanitary sewer in the alley between Garfield Ave- nue and Rhomberg Avenue, from John- son Avenue to Middie Avenue, the Mayor is required to execute and deliver to the City Recorder, to be by him registered and countersigned, thirteen bonds of the denomination of Two Hundred Dollars each and one bond of the denomination of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars, num- bered from 199 to 212, both inclusive, dated April 15th, 1903, payable on or before seven (7) years after the date thereof and bear- ing interest at the rate of five (5) per cent. per annum, payable semiannually. Regular Session, March 19, 1903. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Adopted by the following vote: yeas--Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays -None. Ald. Harr also offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That it is deemed necessary and advisable to extend the Sixteenth Street Storm Sewer from the west end of the present sewer in Pine Street, southwesterly in said Sixteenth Street, to the center of \Pasihington Street, and in so doing it will be neces- sary to construct said sewer under and across the right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company and urier and across the right of way of the Chicago Great Western Railway Company, and be it further Resolved, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare plans. and specifications for the extension of said storm water sewer, showing the loca- tion and general nature of such im- provement, the extent thereof, and the size and kind of material to be used,•and to prepare an estimate of the cost there- of, and the amount thereof assessable against the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company and the amount thereof assessable against the Chicago Great Western Railway Company per lineal foot, and to file such plat, specifi- cation and estimate in his office. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas -Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays -None. Ald. Horr also offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That it is deemed recessary and advisable to extend the Fifteenth Street Storm Water Sewer from the west end of the present sewer in Pine Street, southwesterly in said Fif- teenth Street, to the center of Washing- ton Street, and in so doing it will be nec- essary to construct said sewer under and across the right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company and under and across the right of way of the Chicago Great Western Railway Company, and be it further Resolved, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare plans and specifications for the extension of said storm water sewer, showing the loca- tion and general nature of such improve- ment, the extent thereof, the size and kind of material to be used, and to pre- pare an estimate of the cost thereof, and the amount thereof assessable against the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company and the amount thereof assess- able against the Chicago Great Western Railway Company per lineal foot, and to file such plat, specifications and estimate in his office. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas -Alda Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nay:ic-None. Ald. Horr also offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City Treasurer be and he is hereby instructed fii to call in for redemption the following • Improvement bonds: Nos. 167 to 173, inclusive, dated June 1, 1902, ($500.00 each.) Nos. .118 and 119, dated January 2, 1902, ($500.00 each.) ' No. 87, dated January 1, 1898, ($1,000.00.) No. 77, dated September 2, 1897, ($100.00.) No. 81, dated November 15, 1901, ($250.00.) No. 189, dated December 4, 1902, ($200.00.) No. 190, dated December 4, 1902, ($100.00.) Nos. 185 and 186, dated December 4, 1902, ($200.00 each.) No. 198, dated January 10, 1903, ($200.00.) Nos. 175 and 176, dated June 1, 1902, ($500.00 each.) The interest on all the above bonds to cease on the 1st day of April, 1903. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Adcpted by the following vote: Yeas-Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones. Raymond and Sheridan. Nays -None. A Id. Jones offered the following: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sanitary sewer of 12 -inch tile pipe be constructed in Kniest Street from the manhole at the intersection of Kniest Sheet and Lincoln Avenue to the alley between Rhtenherg and Garfield Avenues: thence an 8 -inch file pipe sewer northeasterly in said alley to the manhole at the interseciiou.of said alley and Johnson Avenue. according to the plat and specifications of said sewer prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and be it further resolved That said sewer shall. be completed on or before the 20th day of May. 1903, and shall be pail for at the time and in the manner prescribed by Chapter 34 of the Revised Ordinances of 1901, of the City of Dubuque for the payment of the cost of constructing sewers. The proposals for doing sueh work will he acted upon by the council on the 211(1 day of April, 1903, and tiie City Recorder is l 'ropy ordered to give ten days nnl14•n publication, ask- ing for proposals as pro videa by ordi- nance. Aid. Jones moved to adopt the resolu- tion. :\riopted by the following vote: Yeas -Aids. Clancy. Corrance. Frith, 1 -fear, Jones. Raymond and Sheridan. Na ys-None. Ald. Jones also offered the following: Be it resolved by the ('11 y Council of the City of Dubuque. That the resolution adopted by the City Council at the session held March 5. 1903, providing. for the im- provement of Ardmore 'Terrace from West Eleventh Street to Wilber Lane be and the same is hereby rescinded. Ald. Jones moved to adopt the resolu- tion Carried. A11. Raymond offered the following: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That a street forty (40) feet wide be and the same is hereby de- clared open from Fenelon Place northerly to Cooper Street. through lot 1 of lot 1 of Outlot 692; and lot 43 and the east of lot 44 of the sub -division of Outlets 691, 700 and 721 in the city of Dubuque. Iowa. and that the City Recorder he and he Is hereby instructed to record the plat and a description of said street in a suitable hook for that purpose provided. '68 • Regular Session; March 19, 1903. A Id. Raymond movod to adopt the reso- lution. _ 1lopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy. (_orranue, Frith, Horr, tones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays --None. Ald. Sheridan offered the following res- olution: Whereas, Section 1530 of the code of 1897, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 65 of the 29th General Assembly, provides that, "The Board of Supervisors of each county .shall, at the time of levying taxes for other purposes, levy a tax of not more than one mill on the dollar of the as- sessed value of the taxable property in its county, including all taxable property in cities and incorporated towns, which shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner as other taxes, and be known as the county road fund, and paid out only on the order of the board for work done on the roads of the county in such places as it shall determine; but so much of the county road fund as arises from property within any city or incorpor- ated town shall be expended on the roads or streets within such city or town, or on the roads adjacent thereto, under the direction of the city or town council; and the county treasurer shall receive the same compensation for collecting this tax as he does for collecting corporation taxes. Moneys so collected shall not be trans- ferable to any other fund or used for any other purpose. The board of supervisors shall levy an additional sum for the ben- efit of such townships as shall have cer- tified a desire for such additional levy, as provided for in Section fifteen hundred and twenty-eight of this chapter; but the amount for the general township fund and the county road fund shall not exceed in any year five mills on the dollar," and Whereas, the Board of Supervisors of Dubuque County, Iowa,in compliance with said section of the statute as amended, has levied a road tax of one mill on the dollar on the assessed value of the tax- able property in Dubuque County, includ- ing the taxable value of the property in the City of Dubuque, for the year 1902. and, Whereas, under the provisions of the statute above set out that part of said tax collected in Julien Township is to be ex- pended upon the streets of said city, or streets adjacent thereto under the direc- tion of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that the Board of Supervisors of Dubuque County, Iowa, be requested to furnish a quarterly state- ment to the City Council of the City of Dubuque of the amount in said road fund collected in Julien Township and available for the purposes set forth in said sec- tion 1530 of the code, and, Be It Further Resolved, that a copy of this resolution be presented to the Board of Supervisors of Dubuque County at its next regular session. Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Alerman Sheridan also offered the fol- lowing: Whereas, the firms of B. Schulte & Son and Wagner & Dorgan have been allowing the water used in their stone cutting establishments to flow into the storth water sewers, and Whereas, the sediment in said water clogs up said sewers and puts the city to a conskierable expense for cleaning out the same; therefore, Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City En- gineer' be instructed to notify both the aforesaid firms to 'provide catch -basins of such depth and capacity as he may deem sufficient to prevent said sediment from entering said sewers. Aid. Sheridan moved to adopt the res- olution. Carried. Ald. Raymond moved to adjourn until April 2nd, 1903. Carried. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Attest: .Recorder. List of Warrants. - 69 LIST OF WARRANTS. • City Recorder's Office. Dubuque. Iowa. March 2. 1903. To the 1-Ionorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen—The following is a complete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of February, 1903: C. H. Berg, salary, Mayor $116 65 H. Brinkman, salary, Treasurer 133 30 J. A. McKinley, salary, Deputy 100 00 Treasurer Chas. F. Arendt, salary, Recorder116 65 Wm. A. Kaep, salary, Deputy Re- corder 75 00 F. B. Hoffman, salary, Auditor 116 65 (2. B. Scherr, salary, Assessor 115 00 A. Doerr. Jr., salary, Asst. Assessor 100 00 J. J. Murphy, salary. Asst. Assessor 100 00 Geo. A. Barnes, salary. Attorney 150 00 J. B. Powers, salary, Assistant Attorney 50 CO Ed. Morgan. salary, Chief of Police 100 00 Jos. Reinfried, salary. Fire Chief 100 00 J. W. Lawler. salary, Committee Clerk 95 00 John Kraycr, clerk, Treasurer's of- fice 60 00 Jas. Boyce, salary, City Engineer166 65 E. Anderson, salary, Assistant En- gineer ...... .... .... 100 00 F. Neuwoehner, salary. Rodman 50 00 E. Herron, salary, Superintendent Street Sprinkling 50 CO Wm. Hinman, salary, Electrician 83 30 11. Tropf. salary, Marketmaster 50 00 P. Ryan, salary, Park Custodian 40 (i0 P. Kien, salary, Park Custodian 40 00 T. Faherty, Park Custodian 10 00 Dr. 13. Michel, salary, Health Of- ficer 50 00 F. Flynn, salary, Sanitary Patrol- man .. GO 00 N. Offerman, salary, Poundmaster 45 00 Mrs. H. Koenig, salary, Janitress 20 00 A. Crawford, salary, Sidewalk In- spector .. 50 00 M. Clancy, salary, Alderman 25 00 H. Corrance, salary, Alderman 25 00 E. E. Frith, salary, Alderman 25 00 J. L. Horr, salary, Alderman 25 00 R. Jones, salary, Alderman 25 00 G. N. Raymond, salary, Alderman25 00 J. J. Sheridan, salary, Alderman 25 00 M. Eitel, fireman 65 00 J. Essman, fireman 75 00 A. Duccini, fireman 60 00 J. Flynn, fireman 65 00 J. Roshin, fireman 60 00 J. Tschudi, fireman 60 00 A. Heer, fireman 50 00 J. Schoenberger, fireman 50 00 J. Daley, fireman 65 00 J. Barnes, fireman 75 00 T. Ryder, fireman 60 00 G. Beyer, fireman 65 00 W. Ducey, fireman 60 00 T. Murphy, fireman 50 00 P. Ahern, fireman 50 00 M. Kelly, fireman 50 00 D. Ahern, fireman 65 00 F. Kenneally, fireman 65 00 T. Kennedy, fireman 50 00 P. Zillig, fireman 50 00 M. Sweeney, fireman 50 00 H. Cain, fireman 50 00 N. Wagner, fireman 50 00 C. Hansen, fireman 50 00 A. McDonald, fireman 75 00 J. Murphy, fireman 60 00 J. Smith, fireman 52 00 0. Gehrke. fireman 65 00 T. Flynn. fireman 00 00 F. Baumgartner, fireman 50 (10 W. O'Connell. fireman 50 00 C Kannolt, fireman 65 00 J. Allen, fireman 60 00 B. Weston, fireman 50 00 M. Fahey, fireman 50 00 G. Burke!, police 50 00 J. Carter, police 50 00 J Clune, police 00 00 Jno. Cody, police 50 00 W. Cools, police 50 00 W. Corcoran, police 50 00 M. Craugh, police 40 00 H. Donlon, police 47 00 J. Fitzpatrick, police 50 00 Jas. Flynn, police 00 00 Wm. Frith. police 50 00 Pat. Hanlon, police 41 00 E. Kahn, nolice 50 00 M. Kilty, police 33 60 Jno. Loetscher. police 50 00 P. Me('nllins. police 50 00 F. McInerney. police 60 00 Jnn. Moore, police 60 00 Jnn. \lurphy. police 50 00 D. Norton. police 50 00 M. O'Connor, police 60 00 Jnn. liaesli, police 65 00 Otto Rath. police 41 50 T. Reilly, police 66 00 Jas. Ryan, police 50 00 P. Seharff. police 50 00 Al. Scherr. police 60 CO M. Stapleton. pollee 50 00 P. Sullivan, nonce 60 00 Jno. L. Sullivan. police 43 40 P. Sutton. _,,:i, 46 75 Tom Sn-,.4.. , .nice 60 00 Aug. Pfeil pollee 50 00 Pat. Pow nolice 50 00 Joe 'Tyler. ...Pee 50 00 L. Zeidman, police 50 00 Mrs. Kate IIibbe, matron 30 00 Miss B. Brennan, matron 30 00 Labor on Streets during the last half of January, 1903: Jos. Brouillette, labor 610 Paul Becker, labor 6 75 Hiram Cobb, labor 4 05 Jas. Callahan, foreman 20 00 W. Coughlin, labor 12 50 Henry Cosgrove, driver 2100 M. Donegan, labor 105 John Dougherty, labor 70 Jos. Eberhardt, labor 1170 Pat Fenelon, labor 202 00 Geo. Frost, foreman5 75 Mat. Fetshele, labor 50 00 Nelson Frith, stoker.... C. Gantenbein, foreman.... 20 00 John Hafey, labor 70 Geo. 3. Hahn, foreman 20 00 0 40 Amb. Hird, labor 20 00 John Heil, carpenter6 45 Nic. Kettenhofen, labor 10 50 Jake Kraus, labor 12 50 Mat. Klein, paper collector 18 90 Al. Moyer, labor 1190 R. McGivern, driver 3 40 mr. Quinlan, labor 1 40 Jos. Rooney, labor.... 2 40 John Spear, labor 2 40 2 70 9 15 205 20 00 75 00 315 first half 2240 John Schroeder, labor Jos. Schafetel, labor Nick Sweeney, labor W. Welsh, labor W. Wearmouth, foreman T. Young engineer John Huffmire, labor Labor on Sewers during the of January, 1903: Pat Casserly, labor 70 • J. Corcoran, labor List of Warrants. 22 40 S. H. Cook, foreman 25 00 F. Honecker, labor 22 40 P. Kenneally, labor 9 60 J. Rooney, labor.... 960 P. Sage, labor 22 40 Landon Taylor, labor 22 40 • Labor grading Mt. Carmel Avenue dur- ing the last half of January, 1903. E. Burns, labor 6 75 W. Boyce, labor 6 75 Ben Burd, labor 10 80 Tom Barrett, labor 14 20 Jas. Beakey, labor 10 80 Mike Carney, labor 13 50 Lanty Cahill, labor 810 Hugh Connell, labor.... 2 70 John Coyne, labor 4 05 Peter Carney, labor 4 05 Mike Farrell, labor 5 40 P. C. Foley, labor 7 45 Peter Gregory, labor 13 50 Thos. Hackney, labor 9 80 Mike Meagher, labor 2 70 John Meagher, labor 6 75 Frank McCann, labor 810 W. O'Brien, foreman..._ 20 00 Jas. Purcell, labor 810 Jas. Powers, labor 4 05 E. Quinlivan, labor 4 05 Maurice Sullivan, labor 2 05 W. Sheehan, labor 17 55 Frank Mathis, team 23 65 Dennis O'Mearra, team.... .... 25 20 Geo. Reynolds, team.... .... 15 75 Ed. Seeley, team 15 75 P. Baumgartner, Asst. Marketmas- ter for January $ 36 45 R. Jungk, repairing fountain at 14th and Elm Streets 2 95 Key City Gas Co., gas for various departments 108 00 Jas. Kelly, stationery and supplies for various departments.. 11 65 Harger & Blish, stationary and supplies fur various departments4 15 Bieg & Rood, stationery and sup- plies for various departments.. 9 90 C. T. Bush, two photos of side- walk on Lincoln avenue 3 00 C. A. Noyes, shades .tnd rollers, Auditor's office 7 35 C. A. Noyes, supplies for Engineer's office 200 C. O. D. Laundry, towels and racks .... 16 00 Dempsey & Son, mantel wires at City Hall 15 J. Duggan, repairs on Sprinkling Wagon 1 50 Key City Gas Co., rental of 4 arcs in Armory.... 2 50 A. R. Staufenbeil, taking care of Town Clock 7 months 49 95 A. R. Staufenbeil, repairing clock Treasurer's office 100 G. F. Kleih, hardware at City Hall 85 J. Needham, insurance on Grand- view Avenue Engine house 912 F. H. Weihe & Co., insurance on Grandview Avenue Engine house 912 T. J. Mulgrew, hard coal at City Hall Fengler Bros., hard wood at City Hall W. Womberg, hard wood at City Hall.... ..,... .... Jno. Engels, sawing wood at City Hall The Martin-Strelau Co., edgings at City Hall Jas. Beach & Son, soap at City Hall 3 75 Palmer, Berg & Co., blank station- ery for various departments 14 50 54 05 46 65 4 50 4 00 19 00 Jno. Duggan, repairs for road de- partment.... ,.,. ,... 6 35 • Lagen & Sullivan, horseshoeing for road department.... .... 4 25 Ellwanger Bros., repairing harness for road department.... .... ...... 1 40 P. Clancy, cinders for road depart- ment.. 29 75 The Martin & Strelau Co., 6 barrels salt for road department 4 60 G. W. Healey & Son, hardware for road department.. 45 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for road department.... 6 80 Phil Pier, soft coal for fire depart- ment. ............. .... ... 13 93 T. J. Mulgrew, soft coal for fire department • • 29 45 Linehan & Molo, soft coal for fire department.. '2 55 Linehan & Molo, white waste for fire department.... .... 9 95 Molloy Bros., soft coal for fire de- partment.. 19 66 Key City Gas Co., rent or arc light at Ninth Street Engine house 1 CO Key City Gas Co., mantels and chimneys for fire department80 Dubuque Oil Tank Line, 011 for fire department.... 7 00 Barger & Blish, toilet paper for lire department.... .... .. 6 00 Key City Gas Co., coke for fire de- partment.... 38 40 Byrne Bros., use of team and wagon for fire department 4 50 Byrne Bros., one water key for ewer department.... ... 2 50 W. H. Torbert, drugs and supplies for fire department 16 24 Jos. A. Palen, drugs and supplies for fire department 34 60 Jas. Beach & Son, soap for fire de- partment 2 90 Ott. Nleiiuet t'o., titin ,i u f r lire department T. F. hay for 11:.0 d.•l,u•tment 1'y 11_ Wunder liol & Sr n. 1 arum eh iri s at 4th street engine house Nutw,od Livery Co.. to use of 010- 1111 F. 1\i. Jaeger & Co.. hardware for fire department .... .... .... . Ellwanger Bros., repairing harness for lire department .... .... J F. Ris & Bro., repairs for fire department.... .... .... .... . . Lear & Kennedy, horse shoeing for fire department .... .... Wunderlich & \\'iederholt, horse shoeing for fire department Lagen & Sullivan, horse shoeing for fire department ,... Kannolt & Powers, horse shoeing for fire department .... The Iowa iron Works, repairing steamer R. W. Stewart \\'m. Gere, raising steamer R. W. Stewart at 14th and Clay streets Klauer Mfg. Co.. repairing jacket on steamer R. W. Stewart A. C. Haller, carpenter repairs at 4th street engine house If J. Tropf, board of prisoners dur- ing January „ . F. Schloz & Son, repairs for police department , , F. Burns, maple wood for matron's department T. F. Kane, hay delivered at patrol Becker Bros., oak wood delivered at patrol house ,,,, . Union Electric Co., arc lights for January, 1903 ,,,• .,202908 1 75 12 00 7 65 500 5 75 6 05 26 70 11 30 800 5 40 25 95 7 00 50 7 00 17 35 12 00 . List of Warrants. H. H. Berg & Co., supplies for matrgn's department , 1310 Fengier Bras., hard wood for engi- neer's department • . , ... • 13 00 Harger & Blish, blue print paper for engineer's department 9 30 Globe -Journal, official printing for January 60 00• The Times, official printing for Jan- uary 15 00 Dubuque Telegraph -Herald, official printing for January , , . 50 00 National Demokrat, official printing for January25 00 .... ... ... F. Schloz & Son. repairs for sewer department 25 G. F. Kleih, tacks for health de- partment.... 25 Wm. Dentin, sand for Bee Branch department, . , , . 13 00 L. Lin+lenberg, dynamite and fuse for Mt. Carmel Avenue 6 95 G. W. Healey & Son, powder and fuse for Mt. Carmel Avenue 3 03 F. M. Jaeger & Co., powder and fuse for Mt. Carmel Avenue , , 1 75 Dubuque Cabinet Makers' Ass'n, iron beds• mattresses and springs for Grandview Avenue engine house30 00 H. Brinkman, interest on warants outstanding $2,916.89 H. Brinxman, Postage 10.40 H. Brinkman, New York exchange 3.10 H. Brinkman, two Horses for Fire Department.... ........ 350.00 H. Brinkman, Library Orders paid 550.70 Eliz. Dausch, loan.... .... ... ........$300.00 Labor on Streets during the first half of February, 1903: Al. Alderson, labot 4 75 Jos. Brouillette, labor 610 Paul Becker, labor 1015 C. Bluecher, labor 1 05 J. Brachtenbach, labor 105 Jas. Callahan, foreman 20 00 W. Coughlin, labor 16 20 Hugh Connell, labor 135 Lanty Cahill, labor 4 05 John Cahill, labor 4 05 M. Grue, labor 4 05 H. Cosgrove, driver 18 00 M. Donegan, labor.... 6 75 John Egan, labor.... .. • • 2 40 John Engels, labor 6 75 Jos. Eberhardt, labor.... .... 12 15 20 00 7 45 1 35 35 3 75 6 10 1 05 20 00 20 00 5 75 4 05 20 00 1 70 7 80 4 40 70 9 15 12 50 6 75 7 45 4 05 16 20 9 45 5 40 Geo. Frost, foreman Mat. Fetshele, labor Pat. Fenelon, labor.... Barney Glass, labor Jas. Graham, labor Dietrich Grashorn, labor P. Guenther, labor.... .... C. Gantenbein, foreman Geo. J. Hahn, foreman.. .. Amb. Hird, labor John Haley, labor John Heil, carpenter Aug. Jass, labor Nic Kettenhofen, labor........ John Kelly, labor John Keast, labor Jake Kraus, labor M. Klein, paper collector M. Lavin, labor.... .... H. Lembko, tabor Rob. Mack, labor Al. Moyer, labor Jas. McCracken, labot B. McCormack, labor 18 00 R. McGivern, driver •• H. Neuwoehner, labor.... ............ 7 45 W. Quinlivan, labor 3 75 Jos. Rooney, labor 4 75 John Spear, labor •71 Ernest pmith, labor 4 05 'Chris. Sholl, labor • 4 John Schroeder, labor 1 35 Aug. Schtlaki, labor 105 Nick Sweeney, labor. 10 60 \V. Walsh, labor 240 J. Welsh (Caledonia), labor 3 40 \'. Wearmouth, forematv.. 20 00 N. Wampach, labor 2106 C. A. White, labor 135 A. Paley, team 3 95 Labor on Sewers during the first half 00 February, 1903: P. Casserly, labor 19 20 J. Corcoran, labor20 00 S. H. Cook, foreman 25 00 R. A. Fuller, labor.... .... 19 20 F. Honecker, labor 19 20 P. Kenneally, labor 6 40 P. Sage, labor.. 2160 L. Taylor, labor 19 20 Labor grading Mt. Carmel Avenue dur- ing the first half of February, 1903: John Barrett, labor 4 05 Jas. Beakey, labor 810 Ed. Burns, labor.... •... 610 W. Boyce, labor. 75 Thos. Cahill, labor 6 40 Peter Carney, labor.. Nick Campbell, labor. • .... 4 054 05 John Coyne, labor 10 80 H. Connell, labor.. .... 9 45 Thos. Donahue, labor.... .... 8 10 Pat Furey, labor 14 20 Pat Grue, labor 5 40 Thos. Hackney, labor.... 8 80 Ed. Mangner, labor 84 80 5 Jas. McCarron, labor W. O'Brien, foreman.... .. 20 00 Jas. Powers, labor..... • .... 10 80 Ed. Quinlivan, labor6 75 W. Sheehan, labor.... 810 Dennis O'Mearra, team.... .... 15 75 G. Reynolds, team 18 90 Ed. Seeley, team 34 65 Mrs. Chas. Holtz, personal damages 40 00 Giles Samuels, personal damages25 00 Finley Hospital, board and attend- ance for Fireman Hansen 00 C. H. Berg, salary, Mayor $116 60 H. Brinkman. salary. Treasurer 122 45 J A. McKinley. salary. Asisstntit lin nQ 'Treasurer .... .... .... .... C F. Arendt. salary, Recorder 11e e0 Wm. A. Kaep. salary, Deputy Re- corder F. B. Hoffman. salary. Auditor .... 1111 es C. B. Schorr. sal:u•y. Assessor125 00 A. Doerr. Jr.. salary Asst. Assessor 100 00 J. J. Murphy, salary. Asst. Assessor 100 00 Geo. A. Barn•'. salary, Attorney ..15000 J. B. Powers. salary. Assistant Attorney . .. .... 50 00 Ed. Morgan. salary, Chief of Police 100 00 Jos. P.einfrieil. salary. Dire Chief .. 100 00 J. W. Lawler. salary. Committee Clerk .. .... ........ 95 00 John Krayer, clerk. 'T'reasurer's of- fice .las. Boyce, salary. City Engineer.. 166 65 E. Anderson, salary, Assistant En- gineer . F. Neuwoehner. salary, Rodman ... 50 00 E. Herron. salary, Superintendent 50 00 Street Sprinkling Wm. Hipman, salary, Electrician . • 83 45 H. Tropf, salary, Marketmaster 50 00 P. Ryan, salary, Park Custodian 40 00 P Kien, salary, Park Custodian • • • 410 00 T. Faherty, Park Custodian Dr. B. Michel, salary, Health Of- 60 00 Of- ficer .. • •... ... ..... F. Flynn, salary, Sanitary Patrol- 60 00 Patrol- man N. Offerman, salary, Poundmaster .. 45 00 72 List of Warrants. Mt•s. H. Koenig. salary. Janitress .. 20 00 A. Crawford. salary, Sidewalk In- sbector 50 00 }t F. Curran. AnInry. \\'hnrfmaster 20 00 M. Clahey. salary, .\Merman 25 00 14. Corrnn(' . satlr , Alderman 26 00 E. E. Frith. salary, Alderman 25 00 25 00 J. 1-f Horr. salary. Alderhan It. Johes. salary. Alderman 25 60 G. N. Raymond, salary Alderman25 00 J. J. Sheridan. salary Alderman 6t00 M. Eitel, fireman 66 00 J. Essman, fireman 60 00 A. Ducclni, fireman0 i. Flynn, fireman 65 0 00 00 . Roskin, fireman 60 00 J. 1 schudl, fireman 60 00 A. Herr, fireman 34 30 J. Schonberger, fireman6 70 J. Heei•, fireman 3 15 00 J. Daley, fireman 75 00 J. Barnes, fireman 73 00 T. Ryder, fireman 65 00 G. Byer. fireman 65 00 W. Ducey, fireman F. Murphy, fireman 50 00 M. Kelly, fireman 50 00 P. Ahern, fireman 50 00 J. Smith, fireman 4160 D. Ahern. fireman 65 00 F. Kenneally, fireman 65 00 A. McDonald, fireman 75 00 J. Murphy, fireman 60 00 T. Kennedy, fireman .. .... 50 00 P. ZillIg, fireman 50 00 M. Sweeney, fireman 50 00 H. Cain, fireman 60 00 N. Wagner, fireman .. 60 00 C. Hanson, fireman 3915 C. 'Clark, sub. fireman 10 85 G. 'Gehrke, fireman 62 85 T. Flynn, fireman.... 60 00 F. Baumgartner, fireman.... 60 00 Wm. McConnell, fireman 60 00 C. Kannolt, fireman.... .... 65 00 J. Allen, fireman 60 00 B. 'Weston, fireman.... .... 50 00 M. Fahey, fireman.... .... 50 00 G. Burkel, ! olice 50 00 J. Carter, police 50 1.0J. Clune, police 50 00 Jno. Cody, police 60 00 W. Cook, police 50 00 W. Corcoran. police 50 (0 M. Craugh, police 65 00 H. Donlon, police 50 00 Phil Dunphey, police 50 00 J. Fitzpatrick, police 60 00 Jas. Flynn, police 60 00 Wm. Frith, police 50 00 Pat. Hanlon, Police 50 00 E Kahn, police 50 00 M. Kilty, police.... 50 00 Jno. Loetscher, police.... .... 50 00 P. McCollins, police.... .... 50 00 P. McInerney, police 50 00 Jno. Moore, police 55 00 Jno. Murphy, police.... .... 47 00 D. Norton, police 50 00 M. O'Connor, police.... 50 00 Aug. Pfeffer, police.... .... 50 00 Pat Powers, police 50 00 Jno. Raesli, police 66 00 Otto Rath, police.... 25 00 T. Reilly, police.... 65 00 Jas. Ryan, police 50 00 P. Scharff, police.... 50 00 Al. Scherr, police.. .... .... 60 00 M. Stapleton, police.... .... 60 00 P. Sullivan, police.... 50 00 John L. Sullivan, police 50 00 P. Sutton, police.... 47 00 Tom Sweeney, police.... 60 00 Joe Tyler, police 50 00 L. Zeidman, police.... .... ....... 60 00 Mrs. Kate Hlbbe, matron 30 00 Miss B. Brennan, matron 30 00 Labor for last half of February, 1903: J. Broulette, labor .... 3 75 P. Becker, labor 70 J. Callaghan, labor.... 20 00 \\'m. Coughlin, labor.... .. 3 75 11. Cogg1•ove, labor 18 00 T. Donahue, labor 1 05 1 70 J. Engels, labor J. Eberhart, labor 204 75 00 G. Frost, labor M. Fetschle, labor.... 135 N. Frith, stoker 60 00 J. Gavin, labor 560 D. Grasshorn, labor 70 C. Gantenbein, labor 2200 0000 Geo. Hahn, labor J. Hansen, labor 100 J. Hell. labor 20 00 Aug. Jam, labor 7 45 F. Keck. labor 4 85 N. Kettenhofen, labor 3 06 J. Kaus. labor 3 05 Matt Klein, labcr 12 60 A. W. Miller, labor 6 75 R. Mack, labor 3 06 Al. Moyer, labor 16 20 J. McKernan, labor 6 76 R. McGivern, labor 18 00 J. Rooney, labor 10 35 J. Spear, labor 5 00 J. Schroeder, labor 2 40 N. Sweeney, labor . 1 05 R. Turner, labor 135 Jno. Waist, labor 35 N. Wearmouth. labor 20 00 Tom Young, engineer 76 00 J. 'Calvert, team 1 60 J. Haudentfichild, team 2 40 A. Paley, team 16 55 P. Casserly, labor on sewers 16 00 J. Corcoran, labor on sewers 19 20 S. H. Cook, labor on sewers 25 00 R. A. Fuller, labor on sewers 17 60 F. Hohnecker, labor on sewers 11 20 P. Kenneally, labor on sewers 17 60 P. Sage, labor on sewers 10 40 L. Taylor, labor on sewers 19 20 Grading Mt. Carmel Avenue, last half of February: B. Bird, labor 10 15 J. Beakey, labor 1015 P. Carney, labor 1 05 M. 'Carney, labor 7 45 T. Cahill, labor 1016 T. Dougherty. labor 610 P. Gregory, labor 1016 P. Grue. labor 4 05 T. Hackney. labor 2 70 B. Leavitt, labor 1016 M. Meagher. labor 1016 E. Magner, labor 1016 W. 'O'Brien. labor 20 00 W. Sheehan, labor 9 46 R. McMahon, team 23 65 G. Reynolds. team 23 66 P. Olinger, juror on opening of al- ley, between Johnson Avenue and Kniest Street 2 00 D. W. Linehan, juror on opening of alley between Johnson Avenue and Kniest Street 2 00 Jno. Heim, juror on opening of alley between Johnson Avenue and Kniest Straet 2 00 B. J. Ryan, juror on opening of alley between Johnson Avenue and Kniest Street 2 00 J. Kessler, juror on opening of alley between Johnson Avenue and Kniest Street 2 00 W. Hollnagel, juror on opening of alley between Johnson Avenue cnd Kniest Street 2 00 List of Warrants. 73 C. J. Ostwald, Juror en opening of alley between Johnson Avenue 2 and Kniest Street 00 Geo, Schaffhausen, Juror on opening of alley between Johnson Avenue 2 and Kniest Street 00 Julius Wtedner, juror on opening of alley between Johnson Avenue and Kniest Street 2 00 A. J. H. Tuegel, juror on vvening of alley between Johnson Avenue and Kniest Street 2 00 R. W. Rogers. juror on opening of alley between Johnson Avenue 2 00 and Kniest Street P. H. Halpin, Juior on opening of alley between Johnson Avenue 2 and Kniest Street 00 A. A. Brown, repairs for road de- partment 40 Collings & Pflffner, horse shoeing 2 road department 50 F. M. Jaeger & Co., supplies road 9 department F. Schloz & Son, repairs road de- partment 55 Patrick Clancy, hauling cinders for Fourth street extension 23 50 Geo. Bock, sharpening tools road 116 department Klauer & Kress, supplies for road 4 department 35 Klauer & Kress, 25 ft. one -inch rope 1 15 Bee Branch R. E. Haschke, sharpening picks _0 road department Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs and sup- 11 84 plies for road department J. G. Moser, one-half dozen snow 2 , shovels road department Duggan, Sullivan & Co., supplies9 road department 95 Klauer & Kress, one pick handle 20 road department H. Corrance, 1 bbl. salt road depart- 1 20 depart- ment Globe -Journal, official printing for February 60 00 The Times, official printing for Feb - 5 00 ruary Telegraph -Herald, official printing for February 50 00 National Demokrat, official printing 25 for February 00 Telegraph -Herald, health reports 4 for November 00 T. E. Frith, for removing dead an- imals from streets during the months of December, January and February 23 00 C. T. Bush, to two different pho- tos of sidewalks on 14th street, 3 near Bluff street 00 G. A. Barnes, to expenses attending 8 75 Supreme Court Peter Baumgartner, Asst. Market - master for February Peter P. Bewer & Co., 5 yards mus- 40 lin H. Corrance, supplies for City Hall. 3 10 Fred J. Daniels, 10 galdisinfecting medicine 21 00 Bieg & Rood, supplies to various 10 96 offices James Beach & Son, 1 box of 3 Northwest soap 20 Frank C. Starr, supplies for fire de- partment Martin & Strelau Co., coal Delhi 13 00 Street Engine House Collings & Pflffner, horse shoeing 4 fire department 00 Collings & Pfiffner, horse shoeing 3 fire department 90 Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse 4 shoeing ;fire department 85 Ott, Mueser & Co., shavings fire de- partment 2 25 Martin & Strelau Co., • coal Deihl Street Engine House 900 H. 'Wunderlich & Son. chairs Grandview Ave Engine House 2160 H. Corrance, matches and lye, etc3 70 Sieg & Rood, supplies fire depart- ment 600 M. Stafford, supplies fire depart- ment 2 56 Martin & Strelau Co., coal, Delhi Engine House 20 40 Fred Roehl, supplies fire depart- ment 1 40 Hartman Furniture Co., desk and table fire department 22 00 C. Faulkenheiner, supplies fire de- partment 2 00 Ellwanger Bros., supplies fire de- partment 13 25 Frank Burns, coal 18th Street En- gire.Jlouse 12 91 F. Schloz & Son, supplies fire de- partment 25 John F. Garvey, supplies Ninth Street Engine House 6 45 Jas. Trudell, supplies Ninth Street Engine Houae 2 50 John Mullen, supplies Ninth Street Engine House 6 76 Jas. J. Rowan, supplies fire depart- ment 49 35 H. J. Hagerty, veterinary services fire department 19 32 W. H. Torbert, supplies fire depart- ment 628 Peter Lang, supplies 18th Street En- gine House 115 H. J. Hagerty, examining horses fire department LII.0 John Kriebs, supplies fire depart- ment 90 Even & Fuchs, coal fire department, Ninth Street 48 33 Fischer & Co., coal fire department, 43 26 Ninth Street Linehan & Molo, coal fire depart- ment, Ninth Street 20 62 Iowa Iron Works Co., repairs fire department 28 96 Linehan & Molo, coal 18th Street 1018 Engine House Iowa Iron Works, repairs engine 16.00 fire department Eichhorn & Bechtel, suppIfes fire 7 department 25 Thos. J. Mulgrew, coal fire depart - 17 54 ment Linehan & Molo, coal Ninth Street 13 15 Engine House Phil Pier, coal Ninth Street En- gine House 29 AS Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., 800 60 hose fire department Key City Gas Co., 4 lamps at Ar- mory250 Key City Gas Co., supplies various 91 90 departments Key City Gas Co., coal and coke fire 50 department Key City Gas Co., mantels for fire 1 70 department W. W. Whelan, electrical supplies for various offices in City Hall 2.90 Union Printing Co., to 1,500 assess - 20 60 ment blanks G. B. Grosvenor Co, 1 case toilet 6 paper 00 The Martin-Strelau Co., coal for 1016 City Hall Even & Fuchs, wood and coal for 12 00 City Hall The Martin-Strelau Co., coal for 1210 City Hall Jos. J. Rowan, 2 yards muslin, En- 74 Official Notices. gineer's department ' Klauer & Kress, 1 pair shears. Dubuque Cabinetmakers' Assn., re- ' pairing chair Engineer's depart- 2 50 meat Thomas J. Mulgrew, coal City Hall14 58 Palmer, Berg & Co., supplies to va- 52 75 nous departments s`;wing 10 4':.128 Peter Theisen, to 1180 cords of wood F. Kupferschmidt, to sawing 3 4 00 cords of wood Phil. Breithaupt, 12 inch marble 25 elbow A. A. Brown, repairs for sewer de- partment Landon Taylor. 1 pair rubber boots. 2 75 H. Corrance, supplies for sewer department Union Electric Co., arc lights form 58 Febt•unry Jas. McCabe, supplies for police department H. J. Tropf, serving meals to pris- oners Collings & Pflffner, horse shoeing 14 25 police department Conlin & Kearns, 1 cord of oak wood Dubuque Cabinetmakers' Assn., re- pairs and ref. 1 office chair ma- tron's department ...... ... Even & Fuchs, 1 cord of wood pa- trol house 6 50 Linehan & Molo, coal for patrol 9 house 38 Matt Stafford, straw for police de- partment 6 05 Chas. Fischer, sawing one cord of wood 1 75 Moore & Ferring, supplies for ma- tron department .. 4 05 H. J. Hagerty, veterinary services for January and February at pa- trol house 2 7G Tom Coi'fttblly, combination hose and chemical wagon. per contract.140V 00 Homan & Roehl, repairing chairs City Hall 7 50 Mullen & Papin, plumbing at City Hall.... 22 00 Jno. J. Lavery, part payment as cus- todian of Grandview Ave. Engine House 15 00 H. Brinkman, interest on warrants outstanding .. .... .... ............$1.733 23 H. Brinkman, refunded tax 36 GO H. Brinkman, New York Exchange 7 20 H. Brinkman, postage stamps 25 H. Brinkman, express charges, fire 1 40 H. Brinkman, Library Trustees' or- ders paid 226 56 I hereby certify' that the foregoing is a true and correct list of all warrants is- sued by me during the month of Feb- ruary, 1903. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. 25 75 9 25 7 10 5 90 500 6 00 • should hot be !levied:, Feb. I—Dubuque Matting Co.. City, S 21.6 ft, Lot 1, .80 ,lin. ft. at 1%c Feb. .5 -Francis Poore, Julia Lang - worthy's Add., Lot 7, 50 lin. ft at lc per ft 50 Feb. 5—S. M. Langworthy Est.. Julia Langworthy's Add., Lot 1, 75 lits. ft. at lc per ft 75 Feb. 5—Julia Langworthy, Julia Langworthy's Add., Lots 2-3, 100 lin. ft. at lc per ft 1 00 Feb. 5—J. J. Nagle, Fortune's Sub, Lot 7, 100 lits. ft. at 11/4c par ft1 25 Feb. 5- Geo. Salot. Sub. 39. Kelly's Sub., Lot 1. 50 lin. ft. at 11/4c per ft 60 Feb. 5—E. M. Kringle, Sub. 7 of Min. Lot 79, Lot 6, 72 lin. ft. at 11/4c per ft 90 Feb. 5—Bradley & McLean, City, Lot 222-223, 200 lin. ft., at 1/c per ft 300 Feb. 5—Francis Poole, Julia Lang - worthy's Add., Lot 17. 140 lin. ft at lc per ft 1 40 Feb. 5—J. S. Stephens. Julia Lang - worthy's Add., Lot 22, 1:30 lin. rt at lc per ft 1 30 Feb. 5—C. H. Eighmey, Sub. 2 of 8 of Min. Lot 159. S % Lot 1, 200 lin. ft. at lc per ft 2 00 Feb. G—Mary Linchan, City, Lot 299. 40 lin. ft. at 1/c per ft 60 Feb. 6—C. G. & C. H. Meyer. City, N % Lot 235, 2.5 lin. ft. at 11/2c per ft 35 Feb. 6—John Powers et al. City. Lot 314, 150 lin. ft. at 11,2c per ft 2 25 Feb. 6—Magdelina L. Trill:. City. N / Lot 362. 20 lin. ft. at 11/c per ft 30 Feb. 6—Al. Matthews, Sub. City 738, Lot 6, 50 lin. ft. at 11/2c per ft75 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To All Who Are Named Below: You are hereby notified that in accord- ance with an ordinance of the City of Du- buque for the cleaning of snow and ice from the sidewalks .in the month of Feb. ruary, 1903, that a special assessment will be ledied for the expense thereof. at the regitlar'meeting of the City Cduncil, upon all tots •and .parcels of land: on said im- provement awned by you • being subject to such special assessment. Ahd you are notified• to appear at 'said meeting of the CIty 'Cbuncil-to be held on the `19th day of March. A. D., 1903, and show` cause if any .You have why ..said assessment Feb. 6—Catholic University of Wash- ington et al. Kelly's Sub., Lots 1-2, 100 lin. ft. at 11/4c per ft 1 9.5 pet ft 120 Feb. 4—Richard Hinde, City, N Lot 3a, 20 lin. ft. at 11/2c per ft 30 Feb. 4—B. J. O'Neill. City, M 19.6 ft, Lot 78, 20 lin. ft. at 1/c per ft30 Feb. 4—Bradley & Provost, City, Lot 7, 30 lin. ft. at 1/c per ft 45 Feb. 4—T'niversalist Church, City, Lot 633, 134 lin. ft. at 12c per ft2 00 Feb. 4—Jno. Macdonald, McNulty's Sub., S 89 ft, Lot 1, 110 lin. ft. at 1/c per ft; Lot 1, 89 lin .ft. at 11/4c per ft 2 75 Feb. 5-11. P. Bissell, City, S 86.4 ft, Lot 466, 120 lin. ft. at 1/c per ft1 80 Feb. 5—W. H. Day. City, Lot 40a, 50 lin. ft. at 1V.c per ft 75 Feb. 5—L. H. Waples, City, Lot 45, 50 lin. ft. at 1/c per ft 75 Feb. 5—Wm. L. Bradley, City, Lot 150, GO lin. ft. at 11/2c per ft Feb. 5—W. & D. Brunskill, City, Lot 75 027, 50 lin. ft. at •1%c per ft Feb. 5—W. L. B*adley and J. V Rider, City, Lot. 146, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft 50 Feb. 5—Bonson & Brunskill, City, Lot 629, 40 lin. ft. at 11/2c per ft Feb. 5—Telegraph-Herald, City, N 1/2 Lot 100, 50 lin. ft. at 11c• per ft Feb. 5—Wm. L. Bradley, City, S 346 ft. Lot 104, 100 lin. ft, at 11/2c per ft Feb,' 5—Tredway &. Provdat, City, • Lot 637, 40 lin.. ft. at .11/2c per ft60 Feb. 6—Abby C. Staples,. City, 96 arid N 13 ft. Lot 95,• 170 liri. ft at 11/2c per ft ' Feb. 5—Hayes & Gehrig, City Lot 596, SO lin. ft,. at 111c per • ft Feb. 5—J611a. A. Richardson, City Lot 128, j70lin. ft...at 11/2c per. ft Fell. 5—Ellen B. Woods. 'Ctty,, 13 2 3 90 60 75 1 50 2 55 1 20 2 55 • Official Notices. 75 Lot 112, 100 lin. ft. at 11/4c per ft1 50 Feb. 5 -John Peery, City, W 50 ft Lot 605. 50 lin. ft. at 11/4c per ft. 76 Feb. 6 -John Specht, Union Add., S 165 ft. Lots 194-195, 100 lin. ft. at lc 1 00 per ft Feb. 6 -Wm. Hintrager, Union Add, S 165 ft Lot 190, 65 lin. ft. at lc per ft 65 Feb. G -Ed. Conlin, Union Add., S 165 ft. Lot 191-192-193, 180 lin. ft at 1 80 lc per ft Feb. 6 --Rich. Bonson Est.. Union Add., Lot 210, 60 lin. ft. at lc per ft 60 Feb. 6 -Jas. Moran, .Union Add., Lot 179, 90 lin. ft. at 1 c per ft 90 Feb. 6 -Pat. Moran, Union Add., Lot 180, 23 lin. ft. at lc per ft 25 Feb. 6-T. E. & J. S. Fifield. Union Add.. Lots 174-175, GO lin. ft. at lc 60 per ft Feb. 6 -Catholic University of Wash- ington et al, Union Add., Lots 165- 1G6, 120 lin. ft. at lc per ft 1 20 Feb. 6 --Thos. Meehan, Union Add, Lot 131, 60 lin. ft. at is per ft 60 Feb. 6 -Bridget Whittemore, Union Add., Lot 83, 50 lrn. rt. at lc per ft 50 Feb. 6 -Cath. Birmingham, Sub. 76 & 77 Union Add., Lot 1 and Union Add., 78, 120 lin. ft. at 1.%c per ft 1 50 Feb. 6-E. & H. Callihan, Sub. 2 of Min. Lot 63 and E pt Lot 69, Union Add., Lots 1 and 2, 50 lin. ft. at 11/40 60 per ft Feb. 6 -Aug. Ingwerson, Bush's Sub.. Lot 13, 60 lin. ft. at lc per ft60 Feb. 5 -Mary 'Wilde, Sub. 1 of 2 of 7 of Min. Lot 45, Lot 2; Sub. 2 of 2 of 7 of Min. Lot 45, Lot 1, 225 lin. ft. at lc per ft 2 25 Feb. 5-J. L. Meyer. Sub. 76 & 77, Union Add., Lot 2, 150 lin. ft. at 1 90 114c per ft Feb. 5 -Mrs. Sidney Saul, Saul's Sub., Lot 1, 40 lin. ft. at 11/4c per ft 53 Feb. 5--Jno. T. Hancock Est., Sub. Min. Lot 158, Lot 6, 280 lin. ft. at 80 lc per ft Feb. 5-Jno. Spensley Est., Sub. 45, Simpson's Add., Lot 2. 225 lin. ft. 2 ya at lc per ft Feb. 5 -Julia. D. Rhomberg. Guernsey & Langworthy's Add.. Lots 7-8, 100 1 00 lin. ft. at lc. per ft Feb. 5 -Carr, Ryder & Adams, Guernsey & Langworthy's Add., Lots 3-4, 100 lin. ft. at lc per ft 1 09 Feb. 5 -Francis Poole, Julia L Langworthy's Add., Lot 17-51, 120 120 lin. ft. at lc per ft Feb. 5-J. S. Stephens. Julia Lang - worthy's Add., Lots 53-18. 120 Un. 1 20 ft. at lc per ft Fob. 5 -Julia Langworthy, Lois Add., Lot 8, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft 50 Feb. 5 -Carr, Ryder & Adams. Lois Add., Lot 6, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft50 Feb. 5 -Mary L. Bunting, Julia Langworthy's Add., Lot 5, 50 lin. ft. at lc Ler ft Feb. 5-J. S. Stephens, Julia Lang - worthy's Add., Lot 6, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft Feb. 6 -Emma E. Meyer, S. M. Langworthy's Add., Lots 49-50-51, 75 lin. ft. at 1140 per ft Feb. 6 -Miller Brewing Co. Sub City 703, Lot 13 and 1 of 14, 40 lin ft. at 11/4c per ft Feb. 6 -Mary E. Kenna, Sub. 14, City 703, Lots 2-3, 30 lin. ft. at 11/20 per ft Feb. 5 -Mich. O'Rourke, City, Lot 147, 30 lin. ft., at 11/4c per ft Feb. 6 -Wm. Lot 65, 40 liBradley, dfat 1/ct per ft Feb. 7-F. B. Daniels, Sub. City 674. E. 40 ft.. Lot 3, 40 lin. ft., at 1140 per ft Feb. 7-A. R. Stauefnbell, City S. 78 ft., N. 3-5 Lot 444, 75 lin. ft, at lc per ft Feb. 7 -Paul Schlenker, City S26.6 ft., N. 2-5 Lot 444, 25 lin ft., at lc per ft Feb. 7-C. J. Peterson, Sub. W. 65.8 ft., S. 62.4 ft., Lot 465, 70 lin. ft, at lc per ft Feb. 5-J. J. Nagle, Sub. Min. Lot 39, Lot 52, 100 lin. ft., at 11/4c per ft Feb. 6 -RichWaller Est., City, Lot 234, 50 lin. ft., at 1140 per ft Feb. 7 -Marg. Barry, City S. 2-5, Lot 554, 50 lin. ft., at 114c per ft.... Feb. 7 -Fred Durey, City S. 2-5, Lot 558, 20 lin. ft., at 11/40 per ft 30 Feb. 7 -John Deery, Sub. Min. Lot 39, Lots 38, 39, 40, 150 lin. ft., at 11/4c par ft 185 Feb. 9 -Cath. Stafford, S. M. Lang - worthy's Add., Lot 44, 180 lin. ft., at lc per ft Feb. 9 -Chas. Wales, Nairn's Add., Lots 30, 31, 32, 78 lin. ft., at 11/40 per ft. 95 Feb. 9-Eda. Langworthy Est., Pauline Langworthy's Sub., Lots 4-5, 325 lin. ft., at 1%c per ft 4 05 Feb. 9 -Mary L. Bunting, Julia Langworthy's Add., Lot 20, 70 lin. ft., at lc per ft 70 Feb. 9-F. A. Seeman, E. E. Jones' Sub., Lots 1-2, 100 lin. ft., at 11/4c 1 25 per ft Feb. 9 -Mary Schaffner, Sub. Min. Lot 100, N. 40 ft., Lot 1, 100 lin. ft., 1 `25 at 11/4c per ft Feb. 9-C., M. & StP. Railway Co., East Dubuque Add., Lot 251, 100 1 lin. ft., at 11/4c per ft 25 Feb. 9 -Henry Riker, Farley's Sub., b., 186 Lot 18, 110 lin. ft., at 11/4c per Feb. 9 --Wm. Hintrager, Farley's Sub., Lot 13, 50 lin. ft., at 1140 60 per ft Feb. 9 -Ida F. Hosford, Cain's Sub., Lot 7, 120 lin. ft., at 11/40 per ft.... 1 50 Feb. 7 -Cath. Sullivan, City, Lots 635A-635, 30 nn. ft., at 11/4c per ft.. 45 Feb. 5 -Geo. R. Clark, eoitege Sub., 1 l: Lot 15, 115 lin. ft., at lc per ft Feb. 5-A. J. Van Duzee, O'Neill's Sub. No. 2, Lot 23, 140 lin ft., at 140 lc per ft Feb. 5 -American Linseed Co., City S. 4 Lot 374, 100 lin. ft., at 11/40 1 50 per ft Feb. 5 -Patrick Welsh Est., East Dubuque Add., Lots 164-165, 100 lin. 1 ft., at 11/40 per ft. • •East Dubuque Feb, 25 5 -Phil Jungk, at 1140 Add., Lot 46, 125 lin, ft., 1 56 per ft Feb. 5 -Wm. Hansen, City N. 1-5, Lot 483, 110 lin. ft., at 11/40 per ft... 1 40 hrup, City 50 Feb155, Lot -Geo. 432, nd T432,30olin. 0ft., at lc per ft H Haber, 50 Feb. 5 -Johanna Easft Dat buque Add., Lot 87, 100 lin. 1 25 114c per ft ...... .... ................. 95 Feb. 5-J. J. Dunn, City N. 2-5, Lot 85 431, 70 lin. ft., at Est per ity' S"1... Feb. 5 -Jac. Plapp 1i i per ft.. 1 25 60 Lot 495, 100 lin. ft.. at 1.a Feb. 5-B. S. McElhaney, East Du- buque Add., Lot 67, 76 11n. ft., at 45 1140 per ft ........... ... ..... 95 inet Feb. Assn., City, Lots Lots 380que ,381 382, 150 lin. 45 1 85 ft., at 11/40 per ft .................. Feb. 6 -American Linseed Co., City; 60 75 25 70 1 25 75 75 1 80 30 60 • 76 Official Notices, Lots 375 to 378 Inc., 250 lin. ft.,,at 114c per ft Feb, 6-F. D. & J. H. Stout, City, 509 and Lot 2 of 4 of 509A, 690 lin. ft., at 114c per ft Feb. 6-H. F. and A. E. Girard, City, N% Lot 326, 25 lin. ft.. at 11,ic per ft Feb. 6-A. B. Keller, City, Lot 204, 50 lin. ft., at 11c per ft Feb. 5-H, P. Willging, Marsh's Add., Lots 18-19, 100 lin. ft., at lc per ft Feb. 5-Jno. F. Johannsen, Marsh's Add., Lot 20, 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft Feb. 5 -Henry Hanover, Marsh's Add., Lot 21, 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft Feb. 5-A, F& B. D. Heeb, Marsh's Add., Lots 22, 23, 26, 27, 30, 250 lin ft., at lc per ft Feb. 6 -Bertha Baumhover, Marsh's Add., Lots 24-25, 100 lin. ft„ at lc per ft Feb. 5-Jno. Bottoms, Marsh's Add, S. 1,4 Lot 28. 25 lin. ft., at lc per ft Feb. 5-A, Huber. Marsh's Add., Lot 29, 50 lin. ft.. at lc per ft Feb. 5 -Peter Nicks, Marsh's Add, Lot 50, 60 lin. ft., at lc per ft Feb. 5 -Wm. Hintrager, Marsh's Add., Lot 49, 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft Feb 5-A. J. Lembeck, Marsh's Add., E. 100 ft., Lot 45, 100 lin. ft, at lc per ft Feb. 5 -Matilda Specht, Marsh's Add., Lot 41, 180 lin. ft., at lc per ft Feb. 5 -Ed. Carney, Chas. Klingen- berg's 4th Sub., Lot 1 and Lot 2 of Lot 2, 30 lin. ft., at lc per ft Feb. 5 -Rich. Waller Est., Chas. Klingenberg's 4th Sub., Lot 12, 25 lin. ft., at lc per ft Feb. 5-J. H. Jeckhn Est., Sub. 1, L. H. Langworthy's Add., Lot 1, 200 lin. ft.. at lc per ft Feb. 5 -Fred Miller Brewing Co, Sub. 1 of 1 of 2 of City 670, etc, Lot 2, 50 lin. ft., at 11,4c per ft Feb. 5 -Wm. Hintrager, Quigley's Sub. 710, W. 42 ft., Lot 15, 40 lin. ft., at lc per ft Feb. 5 -Kate Lunbeck, Cox's Add, E. 24 ft., Lot 22, 162 lin. ft., lc per ft Feb. 5 -John Koch Est., Cox's Add., Lot 16, 50 lin. ft., at 114c per ft Feb. 5 -Ferdinand Fettgether, Blake's Add., Lot 12, 60 lin. ft., at le per ft Feb. 5 -Thos. and Louisa Paisley, Blake's Add., Lots 13-14, 100 lin. ft., at lc per ft Feb. 5 -Jac. Traut, Blake's Add., Lot 15, 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft Feb. 5 -Hughes & Blake, Blake's Add., Lots 20, 21, 22, 100 lin. ft., at lc per ft.... Feb. 5 -Geo. A. Barnes, Littleton & Sawyer's Add., Lot 64, 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft Feb. 5-L. H. Langworthy, Trustee, Porter's Add., Lot 2, 60 lin. ft., at 11/4o per ft Feb. 5-C. H. Jordan, Porter's Add., Let 3, 50 lin ft., at 114c per ft Feb. 6 -Fred Haardt, Porter's Add, Lot 4, 50 lin. ft., at 114c per ft Feb. 5-W. G. Cox, Cox's Add., Lot 111, 50. lin. ft., at 11/40 per ft Feb. 5 -Eugene Earley. Cox's Add, Lot 106, 50 lin. ft., at 11/40 per ft Feb, 6 -Wm. Lawther, Cox's Add, Sub. 91, Lot 2, Sub. 92, Lot 2, 140 8 75: 925, 35 75 1 00 50 60 250 100 26 50 60 50 1 00 100 30 25 2 00 60 40 1 70 60 60 100 50 1 00 50 76 60 60 60 60 lin. ft., at 11/40 per ft , 175 Feb. 6= -Geo. Salot, Sub. 2 of 2 of City 678, etc., • Lot 1, 30 lin. ft., at 11c per ft 45 Feb, 6-W. M. Davis, Cox's Add., Lot 2, 25 lin. ft, at lc per ft 25 Feb. 6-E. H. Sheppley, Cox's Add, Lot 3, 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft 50 Feb. 4-E. Schwind, Woodlawn Park, Lot 246, 60 lin. ft., at 1%c per ft60 Feb. 4-C. A. Voelker, Woodlawn Park, Lot 54, 501111. ft., at lc per ft 50 Feb. 4 -John Trexler, Woodlawn Park, Lot 200, 50 lin. ft . at 1%c per ft GO Feb. 4-B. J. Schwind, Woodlawn Park, Lot 201, 50 lin. ft, at 11/40 per ft 60 Feb. 5-M. Tschirgi, Sr., Woodlawn Park, Lots 202-203, 100 lin. ft., at 1%4c per ft 125 Feb. 5 -Wm. Lawthet, Woodlawn Park, Lots 153-154, 100 lin. ft., at 11/4c per ft 125 Feb. 5-Jno. Rheel, Woodlawn Park, Lot 102, 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft60 Feb. 5 -Anna M. Bush, Oakland Park, Lots 9, 10, 12, 140 lin. ft., at lc per ft 1 40 Feb. 5-L. G. Hurd, Gray's Sub, Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, Lot 3, 300 lin, ft, lc per ft.. 310 Feb. 5 -Helen Wright, Gray's Sub, Lots 2-4, 100 lin. ft., at 1%c per ft1 25 Feb. 5-J. L. Buettell, Home Add, Lot 12, 60 lin. ft., at lc per ft 60 Feb. 5-W. H. Doane, Oakland Park, Lot 5-6, 100 lin. ft., at 11/40 per ft 125 Feb. 5-M. and F. Ryan, J. N. Hill's Sub., Lot 7, 50 lin. ft., at 114c per ft 60 Feb. 5-D. JLinehan, Home Add., Lots 9, 10, 11, 140 lin. ft., at lc per ft 140 Feb. 5 -Cath. University of Wash- ington et al., Levens Add., Lots 2 to 11, inc., 500 lin, ft., at lc per ft 6 00 Feb. 5 -Harriett Perkins, Sub. 3 of Min. Lot 172, Lot 2, 45 lin. ft., at 114c per ft 55 Feb. 6-Nic Glab, Finley's Add., Lots 225, 226, 227, 150 lin. ft., at lc per ft 150 Feb. 6 -Geo. Salot, Finley's Add, Lot 4, 30 lin ft.. at lc per ft 30 Feb. 6-Nic Glab, Finley's Add, Lots 156, 157, 158, 280 lin. ft., at lc per ft 280 Feb. 6 -Frank R. Scott, Finley's Add., Lot 155 and S. 1 Lot 154, 90 lin. ft., at lc 90 Feb. 6 -Ellen O'Halieron, Finley's Add., Lots 13, 14, 15, 60 lin. ft., at lc per ft 60 Feb. 6 -German Orphan Asylum, Finley Add., Lots 30-31, 100 lin. ft., at 1c per ft 100 Feb. 6 -Albert A. Deckert, Levens' Add., Lot 29, 50 lin ft., at 11/40 per ft Feb. 6-C. D. Scott, Levens' Add., Lot 27, 50 lin. ft., at 11/4c per ft.... Feb. 10-Edw. Langworthy Est., Pauline Langworthy's Add., Lots 5, 6, 7. 8. 450 lin ft., at 11/40 per ft.. 6 60 Feb. 5-R. M. Kunz, McCraney's 1st Add., Lots 82, 85, 86, 308 lin. ft., at 11/40 and lc per ft.... Feb. 5 -Louisa and Bertha Rhom- berg, Ham's Add., Lots 451-452, 100 lin. ft., at lc per ft Feb. 6 -Martin Kunkel, McCraney's 1st Add., Lot 74, 200 lin. ft., at lc per ft Feb. 5 -Leathers & Trewin, Mc - 60 60 3 45 100 2 00 Official Notices. Craney's 1st Add., Lots 77-78, 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft Feb. 5 -Beach 1., Faber, McCraney's 1st Add., Lot 47. 50 lin. ft. at 10 per ft Feb. 5 -Herman Jungk, McCraney's 1st Add., Lot 19, 150 lin. ft. at to per ft Feb. 5-W. W. Ballard, Wick's Add., Lot 24, 100 lin. ft. at lc per ft Feb. 5-W. D. Goux, McCraney's 1st Add., Lot 69, 50 lin. ft. at P40 per ft; 140 lin. ft: at is per ft.; total Feb. 5-J. J. McCarthy, McCraney's let Add., Lot 37, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft Feb. 5 -Pat Welsh Est., McCraney's 'st Add., 71 and Ham's Add., Lot 447, 100 lin. ft. at 114c per ft Feb. 5-F. M. Robinson Es,., Ham's Add., lots 435-436-437-438, 200 lin. ft at 11/c per ft Feb. 5 -Norma Jungles, Ham's Add., lot 434. 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft. Feb. 10-J. C. Roberts, Reche's Sub., lot 22, 50 lin, ft. at lc per ft Feb. 10-R. E. Girard, Hodge's Sub, Lots 3-4-5, 120 lin. ft. at lc per ft, 100 lin. ft. at 11/40 per ft; total Feb. 10 -Thos. Hill, Ann O'Hare's Sub. E. Pt., Lot 29, 180 lin. ft. at lc per ft Feb. 10-Edw. Muntz, Sub. Min. Lot 81, Lot 1, 50 lin. ft. at 11/4c per ft.. Feb. 10 -Louisa Gieseman, Martin's Dubuque N. 100 ft., Lot 1, 50 lin. ft. at 114c per ft Feb. 5-R. M. Kunz, McCraney's 1st Add., Lots 23-24-25-26, 200 lin. ft. at le per ft Feb. 6 -Francis Wagner, Sub. 87 and 58, L. H. Langworthy's Add., Lot 3, 25 lin. ft, at lc per ft Feb. 6 -Henry Doft Est.. L. H Langworthy's Add., S. 1/4, Lot 13, 20 lin. ft. at 1140 per ft Feb. 6 -Frank Saeger, City, Sub. 2-5, Lot 437, 25 lin. ft. at 114c per ft Feb. 6-C. A. Walters, L. H. Lang - worthy's Add„ N. 65 ft., Lot 11, 20 lin. ft. at 12c per ft Feb. 6-M. Giesmann, L. H. Lang - worthy's N. M. 31 ft., Lot 9, 25 lin. ft. at 11/2c per ft.; 25 lin. ft. at 1140 per ft.; total Feb. 6 -Chicago G. W. R'y Co, Sanford's Sub.. Lots 60-61, 130 lin. ft. at lc per ft Feb, 6 -Valentine Schiel, Sub. 196 and 197, L. H. Langworthy's Add., Lots 10-11, 100 lin. ft. at lc per ft Feb. 6-F. Wagner. O. S. Lang - worthy's Add., Lot 1, 70 lin. ft. at 11/2c per ft Feb. 7 -Mary A. Alexander, E. Langworthy's Add., Lot 69, 100 lin. ft. at lc per ft Feb. 7 -Chas. Kruse, O. S. Lang - worthy's Add., Lot 12, 100 lin. ft. at lc per ft Feb. 7-Jno. Marzen, E. Lang - worthy's Add., 46, and S. 35 ft. Lot 45, 70 lin. ft. at le per ft Feb. 7 -Dubuque Malting Co., E. Langworthy's Add., Lot 17, 130 lin. ft. at lc per ft. Feb. 7-Jno. Vyverberg Est.. Davis Farm Add., 301, and N. 1/2 Lot 300, 75 lin. ft. at 11/c per ft Feb. 7 -Susanna Noel, Davis Farm Add., Lot 299, 50 lin. ft. at 1144c per ft Feb. 7 -Wm. 'I ueting, Sanford's Sub., Lot 8, 60 lin. ft. at lc ner ft.. Feb. 7 -Deming & Kiesel, Sub. Min. Lot 466, Lot 2, 200 lin. ft. at 11/4c per ft 50 Feb. 7-A, R. Staufenbeil, ELang - worthy's Add., Lot 31, 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft Feb. 7-M. M. Hoffman, ELang - worthy's Add., Lot 18, 100 lin. ft. at lc per ft Feb. 7 -Thos. O'Brien, Glendale Add., Lot 158, 60 lin. ft. at 11/4c per ft Feb. 7-M. E. Church, Olinger's Sub., Lot 1, 100 lin. ft. at lc per ft. Feb. 7 -Wm. Klauer, et al, Davis Farm Add., Lot 213, 100 lin. ft. at lc per ft Feb. 6-R. and E. Langworthy's Est., Glendale Add., Lots 223-224- 225, 150 lin. ft. at 11/4c per ft Feb. 6 -Mary L. Bunting, Glendale Add., Lots 82-84, 100 lin. ft. at lc per ft Feb. 6 --Francis Poole, Glendale 2 50 Add., Lot 78, 60 lin. ft. at lc per ft. Feb. 6 -Ada L. Collier, Sub. Min. 60 Lot 322, Lot 10, 150 lin. ft. at 114c per ft I 35 GO Feb. 6 -Martha Zinn. Glendale Add, Lot 81, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft o0. Feb. 7-R. and E. Langworthy Ests, 245 Glendale Add., Lots ^47-270-271-294, 350 lin. ft. at lc per ft 3 50 Feb. 7 -Chris. Schneider, Glendale 1 80 Add., Lot 210, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft. 5o Feb. 7 -Elizabeth Nicks, Glendale 60 Add., Lot 216, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft 50 Feb. 7-R. and E. Langworthy Etst, 60 cliendnle Add.. Lots 213-214.219-220- 221, 350 lin. ft. at lc per ft 3 50 Feb. 7 -Mary Pleins, Glendale Add, 2 00 Lot 14, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft 50 Feb. 7 -Jac. Kessler, Glendale Add, N. 1/ 18 and S1/2 Lot 19, 50 lin. ft 26 at lc per ft 50 Feb. 7 -Jac. Hedrick, Glendale Add., Lot 22, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft 50 30 Feb. 7 -Chas. Stafford, Stafford's Add., Lots 59-60, 100 lin. ft. at lc 40 per ft 100' Feb. 7 -Dement & Duncan, Burden- Lawther's Add., Lots 74-75, 50 lin. 30 ft. at lc per ft 50 Feb. 7-A. J. Schenker, Burden- Lawther's Add., Lot 141, 50 lin. ft at lc per ft 50' 70 Feb. 7 -Geo. Eichhorn, Burden- Lawther's Add., Lot 78, 50 lin. ft at lc per lin ft 50. 130 Feb. 7 -Kate Kolfenbach, Glendale Add., N. 14 Lot 19, 26 lin, ft. at lc Per ft 25 1 00 Feb. 10-C. E. Wales, Prospect Hill Add., Lot 26, 84 lin. ft. at 11/4c per ft 90 Feb. 10 -Rudolph Nolte Est., City, Lot 176, 100 lin. ft. at 11/2c per ft.. 1 60 Feb. 10-C. A. Alexander, Sub. 3, 1 00 Babcock's Add., Lot 2 and Sub. 5, Simpson's Add , Lot 1, 220 lin. ft at lc per ft 2.0 100 Feb. 10 -Theo. Trieloff, Concord's Sub., Lot 13, 100 lin. ft. at lc per lin. ft 70 Feb. 1M. 40 ft., Lott 9 he 20lin. ftt. t., Cityat 11/2c per ft 1 30 Feb. 5-Kennety and Mulgrew, Lit- tleton & Sawyer's Add., Lot 55, 50 lin. ft, at lc per ft Hoskins' 90 Feb. 5 -Wm. McClain, Sub., Lot 5, 50 lin .ft. at 11/40 per ft CO Feb. 5 -Helen M. Sauer, McCraney's let Add., Lot 48, 50 lin. ft. at 1c 60 Feb. ft b -R. M. Kunz, McCraney's let Add., Lot 49, 50 lin, ft. at lc per ft. 90 1 50 1 00 2 00 60 1 25 7. 2 50 • 50 1.00 00 1•000 1400• 1486 1.00• 50 106 1 00. 30 50 50 50. 50 Official Notices. Feb. 6—M. D. Goux, McCraney's 1st Add., Lot 50, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft. aO Feb. 5—Geo. Salot, McCraney's 1st Add., Lot 51, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft. 50 Feb. 10—Anna Heer, Reche's Sub., Lot 23, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft Feb. 10—T. B. Cain, Reche's Sub, 50 Lot 24, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft Feb. 10—Jno. V. Rider, City E. 52 ft S. 2-5, Lot 461, 16 lin. ft. at 1%c per ft Feb. 9—Belle Chamberlain, E. E Jones' Sub., Lot 3, 50 lin ft. at 1%c per ft Feb. 5—J. J. Zuegenbuehler, Sub. 3 of Min. Lot 178, Lot 2, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft Feb. 6—Rob't. Bonson Est.. Union Add., Lot 15, 60 lin. ft. at 134c per ft Feb. 6—Wm. V. Gill, Oakland Park Add., Lot Lot Ft, 45 lin. ft. at lc per ft Feb. 6—M. JMcCullough. Oakland Park Add., Lot 15, 45 lin. ft. at lc per ft Feb. 6—Mary Coulter, Gray's Sub, Lot 5, 50 lin. ft. at 1%c per ft Feb. 5—J. Lobdell, Julia Lang - worthy's Add., Lot 50, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft Feb. 6—Home for the Friendless, Gray's Sub., Lot 1, 25 lin. ft. at 11/.1c per ft 50 Total 3-9-10t 25 60 50 75 45 45 60 60 30 ..,,, .,. $258 05 - C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. NOTICE. OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTENTION TO CONSTRUCTASANI.TARY SEWER IN KNIEST STREET FROM MAN- HOLE AT KNIEST STREET AND LINCOLN AVENUE TO ALLEY BE- TWEEN E- TWEEN RHOMI3ERG .>.ND GAR - FIELD AVENUE, THENCE UP SAID ALLEY TO PRESENT MANHOLE IN JOHNSON AVENUE. To All 'Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby noti- fied that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque to con- struct a 12 -inch tile pipe Sanitary Sewer in Kniest Street from manhole at Kniest Street and Lincoln Avenue to alley be- tween Rhomberg• and Garfield Avenue, then 8 -Inch Tile Pipe up said alley to pres- ent manhole in Johnson Avenue. That a plat and specifications of said proposed sewer is now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said sewer will be 915 lineal feet in length, including 5 manholes, and will cost the abutting property owners $1,100.00 in total. Any person having objections to the construction of said Sanitary Sewer are hereby notified to appear before the City Council at its regular session March 19th, 1903, or to file in writing with the City Recorder their objections on or before March 19th, 1903. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Dated at Dubuque, March 7th, 1903. 3-7-10t. SIDEWALK NOTICE. Alderman Frith offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a Sidewalk two (2) feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance ;n re- lation to, sidewalks, on the south side of Millditle "Road, .between ` emon Street and City' Limits. 'abutting lot 59;. Fair- mount Park, 'owned by Dubuque Pressed Brick Co., at the exliense of abutting property. Also. resolved by the City 'Council of the City of Dubuque: That a Sidewalk two (2) feet wide, df good rwo-Inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid, in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of Millville Road, between Letson Street and City Limits, abutting lots 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13, Humboldt Add., owned by Peter and M. M. Hoffman, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the fol. lowing vote: Ayes—Aids. Clancy. Corrance, Frith, Horr. Jones, Ray-mdnd and Sheridan. Nays—None. Total -7. Dated Dubuque, March 11th, 1903. C. F. ARENDT, 3 -11 -8th City Recorder. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To all who are named below: You are hereby notified that' in accord- ance with an ordinance of the City .of Du- buque for reparing sidewalks during the month of February 1903.. that a special as- sessment will be levied for the expense thereof, at the regular meeting of the City Council. upon all lots and parcels of land on said improvement owned by you being subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the City Councilto he held on the 2 nd day of April, A. D. 1903. and show cause if any you have why said asses- ment should not be levied. Feb. 10.—Edw. Langworthy, Est., Pauline Langworthys Sub. lot 5 32 feet lumber, G5 cents, 3-4 hour labor 40 cents,. total, $1 oS Feb. 12. --Jac. Kessler, Glendale Add lot 27. 7 fect lumber. 15 cents, 1-2 hour labor, :5 cents, total 40 Feb. 14.--R. R. E. Langworthy Ests Glendale Add. lots 223-224-225. 20 feat lumber, 40 cents, 3-4 hour lab- • or, 40 cents, total, 80 ,Feb. 21.—Geo. Hampton. Woodlawn Park, lot 99, 7 feet lumber. 15 cents, 1-2 hour labor, 25 cents, total 40 Feb. 21. --Ed. McDermott,Levens Add. lot,.29, 7 feet lumber. 15.cents, I-2. hour.labor, C5 cents, total 40 ,Feb. 221.—Eliz, Kirk, Levens Add, lot 30, 16 feet lumber, 30 cents, 1-2 hour labor, 10 cents, total 40 Feb. 21.—Louisa & T. J. Paisley, City S 1-5, lot 476, repairing cement,walk 1 00 Feb. 21.—Albert Johnson, Woodlawn Park, lot 52, 10 feet lumber, 20 cents 1-2 hour labor, 25 cents, total 45 Feb. 24.—Aug. Meyer, Finley. Waples and Burtons Add., lot 125. 5 feet lumber, 10 cents, 1-2 hour labor, 25 cents, total 35 Feb. 24.—Nic Glab, Finley's Add, lots 225-226 227 18 feet lumber, 35 cents, 1-2 hour labor, 25 cents, total 60 Feb. 24.—J. H. Shields Finley, Wap - les & Burtons Add. lot 126, 5 feet lumber, 10 cents, 1-2 hour labor, 25 cents, total 35 Feb. 24.—C. B. Guler, Newberry & Hales Sub. lot 20, 13 feet lumber 25 cents, 1-2 hour labor, 25 cents, total 50 Feb. 26.—Agnes Smith, McClains Sub. lot 8, 8 feet lumber, 15 cents, 1-2 hour labor, 25 cents. total 40 Official Notices. • `I Feb. 23.--D.. Muggenburg, Sub, Min Lot 319, lot 8, 58 feet lumber, $1.16, 2 hours labor. $1.00, total Feb. 27.—J. H. Jecklln Est. Sub. 1 of 143 L. H. Langworthy's Add. lot 1 116 feet lumber, $2.30, 2 hours labor, $1.00. total l' •h. 28 -Julia Hooper Prospect Hill Add. lot 30. 8 feet lumber, 16 cents 1-2 hour labor 25 cents, total Feb. 28. -C. F. Markel Prospect Hill Add. lot. 20, 3 feet lumber, 10 cents 1-2 hour labor 25 cents total 2 15 3 30 35 35 Total 813 30 C. F. ARNDT, City Recorder. 3-23-10 times. NOTICE TO SEWER CONTRACTORS. completed on or before May 20th, 1903, and Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Recorder until 7:30 o'clock p. m. Thursday, April 2nd, 1903, for the construction of a 12 -inch Tile Pipe Sanitary Sewer in Kniest street, from present manhole at Kniest Street and Lin- ' coin Avenue to alley between Rhomberg and Garfield Avenue, and 8 -inch Tile Pipe up said alley to manhole in Johnson Ave- nue according to the Plans and Specifi- cations prepared by the City Engineer, and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that it will require 416 lineal feet of 12 -inch Tile Pipe, 484.5 lineal feet of 8 -inch Tile Pipe, and 12 lineal feet of 8 -inch Cast Iron Pipe and 5 manholes. The work to be shall be paid for when said work is com- pleted and accepted by the City Coun- cil. Bidders must state price per lineal foot for Tile Pipe, also the price per lineal foot for Cast Iron Pipe, and each manhole. All bids must be accompanied by a cer- tified check of $100.00 on some Dubuque bank. as a guarantee that a contract will bo entered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated Dubuque. March 23rd, 1903. C. F. ARENDT. 3-23-10t. City Recorder. NOTICE TO PAINTERS. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Recorder up to 7:30 o'clock p. m. Thursday. March 5th, 1903, for painting eight (8) Sprinkling Wagons. according to specifications now on file at the office of the City Recorder. A certified check of 150 on some Du- buque bank must accompany each bid, as a guarantee that the contract will be en- tered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject :1.1'V awl all hid:'. C. F. ARENDT, 3-3-4t City Recorder. Regular Session, April 2, 1903. • 81 CITY COUNCIL. . Regular Session April 2nd, 1903. (Official.) Council met at 8:20 o'clock P. M. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Alda. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Absent—None. Ald. Raymond moved that the Council proceedings for the month of March be ap- proved as printed. Carried. BILLS. The following bills were ordered paid: P. Baumgartner, asst. Market Mas-$ 3610 ter L. Daily, cleaning around Market 56 00 Square... Wm. Foster, Inspector on Sewer in Alley between Rhomberg and Gar- field Avenues H. J. Tropf, board of prisoners for 900 March.... Palmer, Berg Co., printing assign- ment of errors and argument in 13 00 case of Schnee vs. City J. L. McCabe, transcript of testi- mony in case of Thos. Considine 65 40 vs. City C. L. McGovern, recording plat and 400 deeds Pape & Jacquinot, repairing foun- tain at Twenty-third street.. 4 15 Mullen Bros., repairing fountain at 5 85 Fourteenth and Elm. McDermott & Gow, plumbing at City 1 Hall 45 Dubuque Telephone Co., telephone 300 rent for mayor............ • • • Iowa Telephone Co., telephone rent 33 0 for various departments M. S. Hardie, 21 copies of City Direc- tory 5 0 R. D. Swisher Mfg. Co., supplies for 2 5 Recorder's office F. A. Miller, 1 dozen brooms, City 2 6 Hall. G. F. Kleih, new shovels and hard- 5 5 ware at City Hall Even & Fuchs, hard coal, First ward 1 6 scales Key City Gas Co., gas for various 98 departments ...... .... .. P. Clancy, cinders and gravel for 9 Jackson Park M. Morrissey, sawing wood for road 2 and police departments.... . • • Linehan & Molo, cement and waste 20 for Road department Geo. F. Kleih, new tools and 'hard- 5 ware for road department.. . • Chas. Giese, filing saws for Road department Lear & Kennedy, horseshoeing for 4 Road department.. .. "' F. Schloz & Son, repairing tools for 3 Road department.... .. Jno. Butt, repairing tools for Road 8 department.... .............. .. P. Clancy, cinders for Road depart- ment Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber for Road 43 department Becker Bros., coal for Steam Roller 38 Lagen & Sullivan, horseshoeing for 16 Fire department.... . • • ...... Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse- shoeing 7 shoeing for Fire department.. .. Heller & Scherr, horse shoeing for 7 Fire department.... ................ Lear & Kennedy, horseshoeing for Fire department .4 75 T. F. Kane, hay and oats. for Fire department.. 356 05 Fischer & Co., Coal for Fire depart • - ment Even & Fuchs, coal for Fire depart - 62 45 ment 13 65 Phil Pier, coal for Fire department 15 75 F. Burns, coal for Fire department 14 45 Becker Bros., coal for Fire depart - 17 80 ment Eichhorn & Bechtel, salt and bran 216 for fire department Farley & Loetscher Mfg. Co., re- pairing ladder for Fire depart- 3 45 ment. .. Key City Gas Co., coke 22 10 C. H. Little, Becker Co., supplies for Fire and Expense departments 11 45 Dubuque 011 Tank Line, oil for Fire 700 department Ott, Meuser & Co., shavings for Fire 4 department 25 A. Y. McDonald & Morrison Mfg. Co., brass casting for Fire de- partment.. . Dubuque Mattress Factory, 1 mat- tress for Central Engine House.... 1 70 Jno. Newman & Son, repairing and painting Hose wagon for Fourth 98 40 Street Engine House Key City Gas Co., to rent of arc lights at Armory and Central En- gine House.. Gamewell Fire Alarm•Telegraph Co., 1 pair of magnets for repeater at 15 00 Central Engine House F. C. Stover, 2 drop box magnets for 500 Fire department Conlin & Kearns, hard wood for Po- lice department.. . F. Burns, shavings for Patrol house 2 60 Becker Bros., shavings for Patrol 4 00 house • 2 Becker Bros., coal for Patrol house 6 30 T. F. Kane, oats for Patrol house23 53 0 G. F. Kleih, shovels and scoop for 310 Patrol house.... 0 G. F. Kleih, hardware for Sewer de- 55 partment 5 Jno. Butt, repairs for Sewer depart- 1 20 ment. . 5 Conlin & Kearns, oak wood for En- 000 gineer's office ............. 2 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Engi: 120 neer's office...... • • • 30 Globe -Journal, official printing for 00 00 March 50 The Times, official printing for March.. 16 00 •"'•' " ............ .. 60 Dubuque Telegraph -Herald, official 50 00 printing for March...... ...... 30 National Demokrat, official print- 2- 00 ing for March.... ar •'.... for 95 Union Electric Co., ..... 2029 58 March 80 Ott, Meurer & Co., lumber for gar: 35 bage dump ......... ..... ..... 00 Geo. W. Healey & Son, powder for 3 50 Mr. Carmel Ave....... .... 20 00 75 10 65 80 50 80 Ald. Horr moved that the patrol team haul all shavings to he used at the patrol house. Carried. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. Petition of Geo. Mehl and twenty-two other signers, asking City Council law dust some action toward abating the nuisance resulting through. the Mfnegligence of the Farley & petition be Co. Ald. Horr moved that the , pend he to referred to the City 82 Regular Session, April 2, 1903. report in writing at the next meeting of the Council. Carried. Petition of the 1 uiuique and East Du- buque Ferry Co., in- \V. H. Wisner, Mgr., asking that they he granted an exclusive ferry p rioof ve (5) years,falso othat theyhise foraebegrant dflthe use of 200 feet of harbor frontage for the same period, subject to such reasonable regulations, as the Council shall make from time to time with reference thereto. On motion of Ald. Raymond the prayer of the petition was granted. Petition of the Dubuque Turbine & Roller Mils Co., et al, requesting the Council to grant Headford Bros. & Hitch- ins the right to construct a frame build- ing :;n by 45 feet in size, situated on lot 417 in Plock between Eighth and Ninth Streets. on Washington Street. Ald. Clancy moved to grant the prayer of the petition. Carried. Petition of the Dubuque Altar Mfg. Co., asking that their assessment be made in accordance with the ordinance adopted at the regular session of the City Council, August 10, 1900. and the Treasurer be in- structed to accept payment of taxes con- forming thereto. Ald. Clancy moved to grant the pe- tition. Carried. Petition of the Dubuque Packing Co., by Jas. Beach, president, asking Council to instruct the City Treasurer 'to receive in full for all taxes, the tax as levied on their real estate. Ald. Frith moved that the petition be granted. Carried. Petition of the Eleventh Street Elevator Co., by Geo. W. Kiesel, president, asking permision to re -arrange and lower their tracks, also agreeing to build a waiting station at the lower landing and also to build a retaining wall on either side of the excavation. On motion the petition was granted and that said work be done under the super- vision of the Street Committee and City Engineer. Petition of Menervia Clarkson, asking for the cancellation of her taxes for the years 1901 and 1902 as levied against her property, which is described as follows: Lot 1 of Sub. 5 of Min. Lot 141, Lot 6 of Sub. 5 of Min, Lot 141, Lot 2 of Sub. 2 of Min. Lot 140, Lot 2 of Sub. of Min. Lot 208, and Lot 2 of Sub. 60, Simpson's Add. Also petition of Mrs. Bridget Scott, ask- ing for an exemption from taxation of her homestead to the amount of $800, she being the wife of an honorably discharg- ed union soldier. On motion both petitions were referred to the Delinquent Tax Committee. Petition of the Dubuque Telephone Co., by Vic. H. Stevens, president, asking Council to accept $192.50 in full for city taxes for the year 1902. On motion was referred to the Board of Equalization. Petition of H. Brinkman, City Treas- urer, asking that the taxes on the prop- erty assessed to the Dubuque Water Co., and now owned by the city, also the taxes on the property assessed to F. D. Stout and Grace A. Provost, library property, bn ordered canceled. -\id. I -Torr moved to. refer the petition to the hoard of Equalization and City Assessor. Carried. Petition of Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Ry. Co., by J. M. Stapleton, super- intendent, asking that they be granted permission to lay a sidetrack on the west side of Nineteenth (19th) street adjoining their property. from Sycamore to Lynn street. Also petition of Christ. Braun asking the council to carry off the surface water which flutes through his property clown Seventh Avenue in Ham's Add. On motion both petitions were referred to the Committee of the \Whole. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Auditor Hoffman reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen—Herewith find my report for the month of March, 1903, showing the reeepits and disbursements for the month: C'ash on hand March 1, 1903 $67,899.98 Receipts from all sources 24,437.43 $92,337.41 DISBURSEMENTS. Warrants redeemed $ 7,052.01 Coupons redeemed 244.56 W. W. coupons redeemed 112.60 $ 8,009.07 Cash on hand April 1, 1903 $84,328.34 Of the cash on hand there belongs to the Improvement Bond Fund.$20,591.27 Improvement Bond Interest Fund. 337.64 $20,928.91 Leaving a balance to the credit of the City $63,399.43 Also report that there is due the City Officers for the month of March 1903 $ 2,528.20 Also the following is a record of all Interest Coupons redeemed by Treasurer for the past month: Improvement Bond Coupons $ 244.56 Water Works Bond Coupons 112.50 $ 357.06 The following list shows the Appropri- ations and the amount of Warrants drawn on each Fund since the beginning of the fiscal year beginning March 1st, 1903, to April 1st, 1903: Appropriation. Expended. Expense $40,000 $2,019.80 Road 38,000 2,438.25 Fire 38,000 Police 28.000 Sewerage 5,000 Printing 2,000 Engineer 3,500 Gas and Light 25,000 Interest 43,000 Board of Health 6,000 Grading 4,000 Bee Branch 7,000 Special Bonded Paving 2,500 Judgment 3,000 Sprinkling --First district . 800 Sprinkling—Second district 1,500 Sprinkling—Third district. 1,500 Sprinkling—Fourth district 1,200 Sprinkling—Fifth district. 1,400 Special Bonded Debt In- terest • 4,000 161.80 226.90 Regular Session, April 2, 1903. 83 Mt. Carmel Ave. Grading 1.000 Sidewalk IRepatring 1.000 Special Sewer Fund 2,5G0 Grading Bluff Street Ex- tension 1,000 Total Appropriation ...$260,900 Respectfully. F. 13. HOFFMAN, Auditor. On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay City Officers and the report referred back to the Committee on Finance. City Treasurer Brinkman reported as follows: To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen—Below you will find state- ment of amounts advanced by me during the month of March, 1903, for which please order warrants drawn in my fa- vor. Interest paid on warrants out- standing $1,859 52 Postage stamps 10 00 Refunded tax 55 Express charges, fire 25 Freight charges, fire 4 08 $1,874 40 Library orders paid 707 37 Respect fully, H. BR1NKMAN, Treasurer. On motion the report was received, and warrants ordered drawn to pay the var- ious amounts and the report referred back to the Committee on Finance. Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol- lows: To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen—I herewith submit my pay roll for the Fire Department for the month of March, 1903: Amount due firemen $1,966.65 JOSEPH REINFRIED, Chief. MATT CLANCY, Chairman Committee on Fire. On motion the pay roll was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay fire- men and the report referred back to the Committee on Fire. Chief of Police Morgan reported as fol- lows: To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen—I herewith submit my re- port and pay roll for the Police Depart- ment for the month of March, 1903: Total arrests for the month 55 Patrol runs for the month 46 Miles traveled for the month 92'fa Residents arrested for the month 26 Doors found open for the month36 Lodgers harbored for the month237 Defective lights for the month 35 Meals furnished for the month .. 45 Cost of food for the month $ 9.00 Fines City Ordinance cases $96.00 Poundmasters's receipts $ 1.00 Also the pay roll for policemen for the month of March, 1903: Amount due policemen $1,900.40 On motion the report and pay roll was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay policemen, and the report referred back to the Committee on Pollee. Justice Carney, Justice of the Peace for Julien Township, reported as follows: To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen—Below please find a report of all cases tried by me for the violation of City Ordinances during the month of March, 1903: Total amount of fines collected during the month, $95.00, which has been paid into the City Treasury. and the receipts for the same placed in the hands of the Chief of Police. Respectfully, F. CARNEY, Justice of the Peace. On motion the report was received and filed. City Attorney Barnes reported as fol- lows: 'To the honorable .11nyor and Aldermen of the City of Dubuque: Reporting on the ease of Alphons Mat- thews against the City of Dubuque, I find that a judgment was entered against the City of Dubuque on the 25th day of No- vember. 1899. for the sum of Nine Hun- dred and Twenty-five ($925) Dollars with interest at six per cent from the 9th day of April, 1890. with costs taxed against said City in the sum of $36.60. The total amount of this judgment to date is $1.312.40 exclusive of cost. I would therefore recommend that a warrant be drawn in favor of the Mayor for said sum of $1,312.-10 and that the Mayor he directed to pay said sum to said Alphons Matthews upon his satisfying • said judgment. I further recommend that a warrant be drawn in the sum of $36.60 in favor of the Mayor for the payment of the costs in said action and that the Mayor be di- rected to pay said costs and obtain re- ceipt therefore. Respectfully submitted, G. A. BARNES, City Attorney. Ald. EIorr moved that the report be adopted, and that warrants'be drawn for the amounts as recommended. Carried. City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen—I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on Streets for the last half of March, 1903: Amount due laborers on Streets....$2,103.20 Respectfully submitted. JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved: E. E. FRITH, Chairman Committee on Streets. JOSEPH L. HORR, JOHN J. SHERIDAN. Also submit my pay roll for Labor on Sewers during the last half of March, 1903: Amount due Laborers on Sewers....$181.80 Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved: JOHN J. SHERIDAN, Chairman Committee on Sewers. JOSEPH L. HORR, HUGH CORRANCE. On motion the pay rolls for Streets and Sewers were received and warrants order- ed drawn to pay the various amounts and the pay rolls referred back to the proper committees. Regular Session, April 2, 1903. City Engineer' Boyce also reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil: Gentlemen -Herewith attached please find plat showing change in Ida street. This plat was approved by the City Coun- cil Dec. 7th. 1890, but not recorded on the County Records. Please order the City Recorder to have same placed on the County Records. Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE. City Engineer. Ald. Sheridan moved that the recom- mendation he approved, and the Recorder instructed to have the plat properly re- corded. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Alda. Clancy. Corrance. Frith, Horr, Jones. Raymond and Sheridan. Nays -None. City Engineer Boyce also reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil: Gentlemen -Herewith attached please find plat of Seventh Avenue from city limits to Julien addition, with dedication properly signed. Respectfully submitted. JAMES H. BOYCE. City Engineer. Ald. Sheridan moved that the plat be approved, and the Recorder instructed to have the same properly recorded. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas-.>lds. Clancy. Corrance. Frith, Horr. Jones. Raymond and Sheridan. Nays -None. The following weighmasters' and wood- moasurers' receipts were referred to the Committee on Marl:ets: Ii J. Tropf. City Hall receipts $ 21 05 Louise Pitschner, West Dubuque Scale receipts.... .... 2 07 R. F. Curran, Woodmeasurer's re- ceipts 3 75 City Electrician Hipman reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my re- port of defective lights for the month of March, 1903. I find from the report of the Police department that the total hours that 35 lamps failed to burn would equal 2 2-3 lamps for one month, or $14.40. Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM HIPMAN, City Electrician. On motion the report was received and the City Auditor instructed to deduct from the Union Electric Company's bill for the month of March, 1903, the amount of $14.40. Sidewalks for the month of February, 1903. . No remonstrance being filed, the Mayor asked if anyone present had any objection to said Special Assessment. No objection being stated, on motion of Alderman Sher- • idan the notice was received and filed. Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the fol- lowing: City Engineer Boyce reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Attached please find state- ment of macadam measured April 1st, and the amount due for same. Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Ald. Jones moved that the report be ap- proved, and that warrants be ordered drawn for the various amounts. Carried. City. Recorder Arendt presented and read the printed notice, certified to by the pub- lisher, of the Council's intention to levy a Special Assessment against the differ- ent named property owners for repairing Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for repairing Sidewalks during the month of February, 1903. in front of and adjoining the same, a Special Tax be and is hereby levied on the several Lots, and Parts of Lots, and Parcels of Real Estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each Lot or Parcel of Real Estate, as follows: Special Assessment submitted and passed April 2nd, 1903. Feb. 10.-F.dw. Langworthy, Est Pauline Langworthys Sub. lot 5 32 feet lumber, 65 cents, 3-4 hour labor 40 cents,. total, $1 05 Feb. 12. -Jac. Kessler. Glendale Add lot 37, 7 feet lumber, 15 cents, 1-2 hour labor, 25 cents. total 40 Feb. 14.--R. & E. Langworthy Ests Glendale Add. lots 223-02.4-2_5. 20 feet lumber. 40 cents, 3-4 hour lab- or, 40 cents. tltnl SO Feb. 21. -Geo. Kampton, Woodlawn Park, lot 99. 7 feet number. 15 cents, 1-2 hour labor. 25 cents, total 40 Feh. 21. --Ed. McDermott. Levens Add. lot 29. 7 feet lumber. 15 cents, 1-2 hour labor. 25 cents. total 40 Feb. 21. -Eliz. Rirk. Levens Add lot 30, 16 feet lumber. 30 cents. 1-2 ]lour labor. 10 cents. total Feb. 21. -Louisa & T. J. Paisley, City S 1-5. lot 470, repairing cement walk 1 00 Feb. 21. -Albert Johnson. Wondlawn Park. lot 52, 10 feet lumber, 20 cents 1-2 hour labor. 25 cents, total Feb. 24. -Aug. Meyer, Finley. W'aples and Burtons Add., lot 125. 5 feet lumber, 10 cents, 1-2 hour labor. 25 cents, total 35 Feb. 24.-Nic Glah. Finley's Add lots 225-220 227 1S feet lumber. 35 cents. 1-2 hour labor. 25 cents, total 60 Feb. 24.-J. H. Shields Finley, Wap - les & Burtons Add. lot 120. 5 feet lumber, 10 cents, 1-2 hour labor, 25 cents, total 35 Feb. 24.-C. 13. Guler, Newberry & Hales Sub. lot 20. 13 feet lumber 25 cents, 1-2 hour labor, 25 cents, total 60 Feb. 20. -Agnes Smith, McClalns Sub. lot 8, 8 feet lumber, 15 cents; 1k hour labor, 25 cents, total 40 Feb. 23.-D. Muggenburg. Sub. Min. Lot 319. lot 8, 5S feet lumber. $1.15, 2 hours labor, $1.00, total 215 Feb. 27.-J. H. Jecklin Est. Sub. 1 of 143 L. H. Langworthy's Add. lot 1 116 feet lumber, $2.10, 2 hours labor, 51.00. total 3 30 Feb. 28. --Julia Hooper Prospect Hill Add. Int 30. 8 feet lumber. 15 cents 1-2 hour labor, 25 cents, total Feb. 28.--C. F. Markel Prospect Hill Add. lot 20, o feet lumber, 10 cents 1-2 hour labor 25 cents total 40 45 40 35 Total $13 30 Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays -None. Regular Session, April 2, 1903. 85 Sidewalk Inspector Crawford reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil: Gentlemen: On account of erroneous as- sessment on the following described prop- erion of same: ty, Snoewtion for Cleaning during tthe month of February, 1903: Harriett Perkins, Sub. 3 of Min. Lot $ 55 172, Lot 2 For Sidewalk repairs for month of Oc- tober, 1902: Helena Engler, O. Taylor's Sub, 45 Lot 19 Also on account of erroneous assess- ment for cleaning snow from sidewalks during the month of February, 03, against Lots No. 191, 192, 193, Union Add.. Ed. Conlin, owner, assessment $1.80, I would recommend that the Special As- sessment against said lots in Union Add. be 40 cents and that the City Treasurer be instructed accordingly. Also the undersigned, to whom you re- ferred n relation tohthe Special in petition oAssesment lev- ied ied against lot 55, Littleton & Sawyers' Add., for cleaning snow from the side- port that the wok kabuttingwas done by the city eand that the assessment is correct. The original motion' of Ald. Frith was then carried. Also in relation to the objection of Mr. Luckritz against the special assessment levied March 5th for Sidewalk repairs against the N. E. 14 Lot 8, John King's lot Add. Bertha M. Luckritz, owner, beg to report that the assessment is correct. Also the special assessment for cleaning Snow from the Sidewalk during the month of December, 1012, against Lot 8, Dunn's Sub., Paul Schlenker, owner, is correct. Respectfully, ADAM CRAWFORD, Sidewalk Inspector. Ald. Jones moved that the various re- ports of eived and filed, sl ector be re- d, and the Treasurer in- structed accordingly. Carried. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Frith, chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented an read an Ordi- nance granting the Union. Electric com- pany the right to abandon the operation of its Street Railway upon the Streets and parts of Streets herein named, and setting forth the restrictions and condi- tions under which said right is granted, and moved that the reading just had be ccnsidered the first reading. Carried by the following vote: Frith, Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Frith moved that the Ordinance be now considered under the rules, and laid over for further consideration until the next meeting of the Council, and that the Ordinance be published. Ald. Raymond moved that the rules be suspended in order to hear from Mr. Lindsay cn the matter. Carried. Mr. Lindsay addressed the Council, stating that the Union Electric Company had no objection to the Ordinance laying over until the next meeting of the Coun- cil. The ordinance follows: AN ORDINANCE GRANTING THE UNION ELECTRIC COMPANY THE RIGHT TO ABAN- DON THE OPERATION OF ITS STREET RAILWAY UPON THE STREETS AND PARTS OF STREETS 1-IEREIN NAMED, AND SETTING FORTH THE RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH SAID RIGHT IS GRANTED: Whereas by an ordinance passed March 6, 1902, and approved and accepted March 13, 1902, a franchise was granted to the Union Electric Company of Dubuque, Iowa, for the maintenance and operation of a street railway along and upon cer- tain streets and parts of streets therein designated; And whereas, under section 21 of said ordinance, said Union Electric Company agrees not to abandon or cease the oper- ation of any portion of said Street Rail- way without the consent of the City Council of the City of Dubuque: And whereas, it is deemed best for the interests both of said Union Electric Company and of the City of Dubuque that the operation of portions of said Street Railway be discontinued, and franchise rights thereon he relinquished and abandoned; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAIN- ED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE: Section 1. That the Union Electr.c Company of Dubuque, Iowa, is hereby granted permission to abandon the oper- ation of its Street Railway now operated upon and along the following streets and portions of streets, namely: Beginning at the intersection of Second and Locust streets, northerly on Locust street tc Fifth street; thence easterly on Fifth street to Iowa street; thence north- erly on lows street to Six- teenth street; thence easterly on Six- teenth street to Jackson street; also from the intersection of Iowa and Fourteenth streets easterly on Fourteenth street, to Jackson street; thence northerly on Jackson street to Sanford street. Section 2. Said Union Electric Com- pany, by the acceptance of this ordinance agrees to relinquish, es to the above named streets, and also as to that portion of Iowa Street lying between Third and Fifth Streets, all rights granted said Company to operate a Street Railway line thereon by virtue of any franchise or franchises heretofore granted said Company or its predecessors by the City of Dubuque, it being understood that the rights and privileges granted said Union Electric Company by section 1 hereof are upon the express conditions following: Which are to be observed and applied to the City of Dubuque and the Union h:b•ctr1c company. its successors or as- signs. Section 3. Said Union Electric Com- pany shall, on or before November 1st. 1903, remove from the Streets and por- tions of Streets enumerated in section 1 hereof, all the track including all l ties. and wires, and before said November 1st, 1903, shall repair said Streets and portions of Streets so that such portions so repaired shall be uniform With the remainder of un- der the ttheesupery sio npof' the Citye Engineer, 86 Regular Session, April 2, 1903. and to the satisfaction of the Council, it being understood that all cast iron box culverts be left as new located. Section 4. Said Union Electric Com- pany shall indemnify the City of Dubuque for any damages which may be recovered against it in a proper preceeding by rea- son of the discontinuance of Street Rail- way service on the Streets above named, and shall save the City harmless on ac- count thereof, provided that Electric Company, shall have written no- tice of any such suit or action for dam- ages against said City on account of such discontinuance of said Street Railway service, and shall be permitted to defend the same. And said Union Electric Com- pany shall indemnify the City cf Du- buque for all damages recovered against it in the proper proceeding by reason of injuries occasioned by the negligence of said Company in doing the work con- templated in sections one and three here- of. Section 5. The Union Electric Company, upon the completion of its proposed new power hous.e, and not later than Janu- ary 1st, 1905, shalt, at the option of the City of Dubuque, enter into a contract with the City to sprinkle the Streets, below the Bluffs (and on Dodge Street line to McClain's store), covered by its lines of railway, as frequently as may be determined by said contract and dur- ing the sprinkling season as agreed upon therein, and for the term of five years or more as may be agreed upon in said con- tract. The price to be paid for said sprinkling to be the actual cost to said Union Electric Company, and all legiti- mate outlays made by said Company in preparing to do said sprinkling, includ- ing purchase of car and equipment and all necessary side tracks, as well as the actual cost of operation, shall be taken into consideration in arriving at said cost. The amount to be paid by said City to said Union Electric Company for said sprinkling shall be determined and agreed upon by said City and said Union Electric Company if possible. In the event of the failure of said City and said Union Elec- tric Company to agree upon the actual cost of such sprinkling it is agreed that the same is to be submitted to arbitra- tion. For this purpose the City shall se- lect one arbitrator, the Union Electric Company shall select one arbitrator, and the two thus selected shall select a third, and the arbitrators thus chosen shall make a thorough investigation and deter- mine the actual cost of the sprinkling re- quired to be done under said contract, and the cost thus determined, shall be the basis of the sum to be paid to said Union Electric Company by said City, provided that said City reserves the right to enter into said contract or not, as it may elect. after said cost shall have been determined. If said City elects to enter into such contract, the Union Electric Company agrees to purchase a sprinkling car of the latest approved pattern, properly equipped, and have the same ready for operation at the beginning of the sprink- ling season of 1905, or earlier, as may be determined by said contract, and further agrees to operate said car and keep the same in repair for the consideration to be mentioned in said contract. And the City of Dubuque agrees to fur- nish and place in position such stand- pipes as may be required for filling said sprinkling car, not . exceeding five In number, to he located at points to be c greed upon by said Tlnion Electric Com- pany and City Engineer. The City of Dubuque shall furnish all water required for said sprinkling without cost to said Union Electric Company. And the said Union Electric Company further agrees to place such turn -eats In their fracas as may in necessary to make said stand- pipes available. Section 4. The Union Electric Company shall file with the City Recorder a writ- ten acceptance of this ordinance within twenty- (20) days after its passage by the City Council, otherwise it shall at once cease to have any further force or ef- fect. If accepted by said Company within .the time herein specified this or- dinance shall thereupon be published one time in the Dubuque Globe -Journal news- paper and take effect. and be in force from and after such publication. Adopted , 1903. Approved ----, 1903. Mayor. Attest: City Recorder. Ald. Frith also presented and read an Ordinance vacating a part of the Alley heretofore established from Kniest street to the Northeast line of Lot 21A, Smed- ley's subdivision, and moved that the reading just had be considered its first reading. Carried. Ald. Frith moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of reading the Ordinance by its title for the second time. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Aid. Frith moved that the Ordinance be adopted as read. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Herr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. The Mayor declared the Ordinance ad- opted. The ordinance follows: AN ORDINANCE VACATING A PART OF THE ALLEY HERETOFORE ESTABLISHED FROM KNIEST STREET TO TI -IE NORTH- EAST LINE, OF LOT 21, SMEDLEY'S SUBDIVISION. Whereas, in laying out and establishing the alley from Johnson Avenue to the south line of Lot 21 A in Smedley's Sub- division it was deemed necessary and advisable to altar the part of the alley heretofore established and beginning at Kniest Street and connecting with that part of the alley established by resolu• tion of the City Council adopted March 5, 1903, above referred to, and in making such change a part of said alley is no longer necessary for alley purposes, said part being now known and designated as lots 17 A and 18 A in Smedley's Subdivis- ion as appears by the recorded plat of said alley recorded in Book of Plats 5. page 167. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE: Section 1. That that part of the alley heretofore existing from Kniest Street to the northeast line of Lot 21 A in Smed- ley's Subdivision and being now known and designated as Lots 17 A and 404 A in Regular Session, April 2, 1903. 87 Smedley's Subdidision according to the recorded plat of said alley recorded in Book of Plats 5, page 167, of the record of plats of *Dubuque County, Iowa, being no longer required by said city for alley purposes, be and the same is hereby va- cated. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in force. and take effect from and after its pas- sage and publication one time in the Dubuque Daily Globe Sourna1 newspaper. Adopted , Mayor. Attest: City Recorder. Ald. Frith also presented and read an Ordinance granting to Farley & Loetscher Manufacturing Company of Dubuque, Iowa, the right to build and maintain a bridge across Eighth Street from their present factory between White and Jack- son Streets to their proposed new build- ing to be erected on the north side of Eighth Street between White and Jack- son Streets, and further granted said Company the right to move the switch now leading to the 011 Mill Property about one hundred and fifty feet further south, also granting said Company the right to build and maintain a building over the alley between White and Jack- son Streets, facing on Seventh Street, between City Lots 35S and 369. And moved that the reading just had be the first reading. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays— None. Ald. Frith moved that lay over under the rules meeting of the Council. the Ordinance until the next Carried. Ald. Frith, chairman of the Committee on Streets, reported as follows: Your Committee on Streets, to whom was referred the petition of Chas. P. Mettel, et al., asking that the alley be- tween Francis Street and Valeria Street from Kauffman Avenue to Hart Street be graded and macadamized, would rec- ommend that the prayer of the petition- ers be granted. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report. Carried. Ald. Frith also presented and read the following contract: PERMIT TO PLACE WASTE PAPER BOXES UPON THE STREET COR- NERS AND OTHER PUBLIC PLACES: Pursuant to the action taken by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, at its regular session held on the 18th day of September, 1902, permission is hereby gronthestreetto ier & corners ndNeuwoehner on other pub- lic uulic places, seventy-five (75) boxes for ire - positing, waste paper, said boxes to be not larger than hes oy twenty-four (24) inches (18) esby thirty-six (36) inches in size, and to be located at such points as may be determined by the Com- mittee on Streets and to be there main- tained by said Pier & Neuwoehner for a period of ten years, without expense to the City of Dubuque. And said Pier & Neuwoehner in consideration of theper- mission herein granted hereby agree empty boxes at their own expense when ever necessary. — day Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, this of March, 1903. CITY OF DUBUQUE, By Attest: City Recorder. Ald. Sheridan moved that the Mayor be instructed to enter into said contract with Pier & Neuwoehner. Carried. Alderman Frith also offered the follow- ing resotutiori: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubitque, That the Mayor he and he is hereby authorized and instruct- ed to execute a deed to Mathew Specht, Lot 17 A in Smedley's Subdivision accord- ing to the recorded plat thereof, recorded in book of plats 5, page 167, by Warranty Deed for the consideration of One ($1.00) Dollar. The land above described be- ing no longer required for alley purposes and having been vacated by ordinance. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Alderman Frith also offered the follow- ing resolution: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized and in- structed to execute a deed to the Du- buque Building & Loan Association, Lot 18 A in Smedley's Subdivision according to the recorded plat thereof, recorded in book of plats 5,' page 167, by Warranty Deed, in consideration of the payment by said Dubuque Building & Loan Company to the City of Dubuque of the sum of Fifty ($50.00) Dollars. The land above described being no longer required for al- ley purposes and having been vacated by ordinance. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Whereupon the Mayor presented and read the Deeds referred to in the above resolutions. Ald. Horr moved that when the par- ties bring in the amounts, as set forth to the Deeds, the Mayor and Recorder be instructed to sign the same. Carried. Ald. Horr also moved that the Finance Committee be authorized to have 300 copies printed of the Finance report for the year 1902. Also that the Committee be authorized to advertize for bids to print the same. Carried. Ald. Jones, chairman of the Committee tee on Public Grounds and Building% that a warrant be drawn in favor of John J. Lavery for $20.00 for services as cus- todian of the New Engine House. Car- ried. Ald. Clancy, chairman of the Committee statedon Fire, that be done inregard something ought Fire Escapes that were ordered put on different build- ings belonging to the City. Ald. Jones moved that action in regard to Fire Escapes be postponed for the present. Carried. Ald. Clancy also reported as follows: Your Committee on Fire begs to report • 88 Regular Session, April 2, 1903. that we, have promoted R. Weston of the Delhi Street Engine House to be captain, of the Grandview Avenue Engine house; also that we have made the following ap- pointments to the department: Ed. McDer- mott, Jos. Benner, W. McClain and John Smith; said appointments have been made subject to the approval of the City Coun- cil. Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the report. Carried. Ald. Sheridan, chairman of the Com- mittee on Police and Light, presented and read the following rules and regulations of the Police Department: RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE GENERAL GOVERNMENT OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE. REGULATIONS FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. Qualifications of Policemen. No person shall be appointed a mem- ber of the Police Force unless: 1. He be more than twenty-five and less than forty-five years of age. P He be a citizen of the United States and the :Mate of Iowa. 3. He shall at the time of his appoint- ment have been a resident of the city for one year next preceding his appointment. 4. He shall be capable of speaking. reading and writing the English language. 5. Nor shall he be appointed a member of said Force, if he is interested or en- gaged in keeping any tavern. saloon. coffee-house, ten -pin alley or beer -shop; and when appointed. he shall hold his office during the will and pleasure of the Mayor. r,. He shall sign these rules and regu- lations and agree to abide by the provis- ions of the same at the time of his ap- pointment. CHIEF OF POLICE. I. The Chief of Police shall be the commanding officer of the entire Police Force and shall be subject only to the direction of the Mayor. H. He shall devote his whole time and energy to the discharge of his duties, and shall see that the laws and ordinance:; are enforced. and that all offenders are reported to the proper tribunal for pun- ishment. III. His General Orders will be sub- mitted to the Mayor before promulgation. IV. In cases of emergency he may issue orders, and dispose of the entire force, as he may deem necessary. reporting his actions and reasons therefor as soon as possible, to the Mayor. V. He shall have charge of and shall issue and receive the stars. buttons and other ensignia belonging to the Police Force, and shall be the custodian of all property belonging to the City, and pro- vided for the use of the force; and also of all property received and retained by the police authorities. VI. He shall see that the rules and regulations herein prescribed are strictly observed and enforced. VII. The Chief of Police shall keep in his office a book, in which shall be enter- ed the name of every person arrested and placed in the calaboose or matron's quarters, together with the date and cause thereof, and such other facts as he may deem proper or necessary. At the end of each month said Chief of Police shall report to the City Council, the dis- position of all cases of persons so con- fined. VIII. The Chief of Police, shall, every morning, on the opening of the Police Court, cause the persons who may have been detained in the calaboose the night • previous, and all property which may have come into his possession during the night, to be conveyed to the Police Court, accompanied by the patrutman or officer who made the arrest; and said patrolman or officer shall file the information. read the warrant to the prisoner, and become a witness in relation to the charges made against the prisoner. IX. When a crime has been committed, and the Chief of Police has reason to suspect that negligence it attributable to the patrolman, on whcse beat or district the crime was committed, such patrol- man will be required to show that he was strictly attending to his duty, In accord- ance with the rules and regulations and if found negligent, he shall be subject to punishment at the discretion of the Mayor. CAPTAINS. I. The Captains of Police will be held strictly responsible for the preservation of the public peace, and to insure good order they are vested with the power to post the men under their command In such places, and assign them such duties as they deem expedient; subject always to the orders of the Chief of Police. I1. Captains shall continually patrol the city, except when they are on duty at the station, and see that the patrol- men of the city are performing their re- spective duties. They shall, if possible, speak to each and every patrolman un- der their command at least three times during their tour of duty. 111. They shall promptly report to the Mayor or Chief of Police every case of misconduct or neglect of duty. They shall report the names of all patrolmen guilty of misconduct or neglecting their duty and the nature of the charge, in writing. IV. Captains shall set examples of so- briety, discipline, neatness and accuracy to the patrolmen under their command and shall exercise thoroughness, courtesy, moderation and dignity toward them at all,times; but shall at no time show fa- miliarity unbecoming an officer. PATROLMEN. I. All police officers, at the time of their appointment, shall take and sub- scribe the usual oath of office and shall sign these rules and regulations and agree to abide by the provisions of the same; and by so doing shall be.duly qual- ified as peace officers within the city limits. II. It shall be the duty of patrolmen to see that the lives and property of the inhabitants of the city are carefully watched over and guarded, and to pre- vent as far as may be in their power. the commission of any offense against persons or property. For these purpose= they are invested with authority and it is their duty to arrest with or without warrant, and imprison for the time being, until they can be brought before the proper court for examination or trial, all persons whom they know, or have reason to believe to be guilty or any violation of the laws of the State or ordinances of the City. • I1I. A person who shall have committ- ed a breach of peace, a felony or a mis- demeanor or violation of an ordinance, may be pursued wherever he may go, Regular Session, April 2, 1903. '•'.89 and if he take refuge In any house, en- closure or other place, the patrolman, af- ter stating his office and object, may, if permission to enter be not given, break open the doors or windows, enter the house and arrest the' offender. IV. All patrolmen are respectively au- thorized and empowered in a peaceable manner (or if refused admittance after demand is made, with force and arms) to enter into any house, store, grocery or other place or building whatever, in which any person or persons may rea- sonably be suspected to be for unlawful purposes, and if any person or persons shall be found therein, guilty of any crime or misdemeanor, or violation of any law or ordinance for the preservat on of the peace and good order of the city, or who may reasonably be suspected thereof, or who shall be aiding or abet- ting such person or persons so found, said patrolman shall apprehend and keep in custody such person or persons, as in case of other arrests. V. Each patrolman shall be quiet, civil and orderly in his deportment while on duty. In the performance of his duty he must maintain decorum and attention; command of temper, patie: ce and discre- tion, and must at all times refrain from harsh, violent, coarse, profane or inso- lent language and shall act with firmness and energy. VI. No patrolman shall accept or re- ceive from, any person while in custody, or after such person shall have been dis- charged, nor from any such person's friends, and gratuity, reward or gift, di- rectly or indirectly, or any article or thing of value, as compensation for any dam- ages sustained by him in the discharge of his duty, without the written permission of the Ala yor. VII. No patrolman or member of the force shall communicate to any person any information which may enable such person to escape from arrest or punish- ment or enable him to dispose of or se- crete any goods or other valuable thing stolen or embezzled. VIII. Patrolmen when on duty shall wear the ensignia of their office on the outside of the outermost garment over the left breast, conspicuously displaying the same so that the entire surface there- of may be seen, except when caution may dictate that the same shall not be ex- posed, or when ordered on special duty by a superior officer. 1X. No patrolman shall be absent from duty or leave the city without consent of the Mayor or Chief of Police. X. All persons arrested during the time the office of the Police Justice shall be open, shall be taken immediately before said Justice, and all persons arrested when said office is not open shall be conveyed to the calaboose, unless other- wise ordered by the Mayor or Chief of Police, or unless it shall require a place of greater security; in which case the prisoner shall be immediately- taken to the county jail. XI. Any officer or patrolman who shall willfully maltreat or use unnecessary vio- lence towards a prisoner or other per- son, shall on complaint being made and the fact established, be fined, suspended or discharged at the pleasure of the Mayor. XII. No officer or patrolman shall com- pound om- Perr ons persons ny Coro property danonst any 1 " 1 with- draw any complaint •flied against any person charged with such offense without the consent of the Mayor or Chief of Po- lice. XIII. Punctual attendance, prompt obedience to orders and conformity to the rules and regulations will be rigidly enforced. XIV. When any person charges anoth- er with the commission of a crime, arid insists that the person charged be taken Into custody, the patrolman shall re- quire the accuser (if unknown to him, or if known, and there appears to the patrolman any sufficient reason therefor), to accompany him to the police station. XV. When it becomes necessary to make an arrest the patrolman shall do so in as easy and quiet a manner as pos- sible, using only sufficient force to se• cure the prisoner. In no instance shall he strike the prisoner, except in self-de- fense. XVI. Patrolmen while on duty shall continually patrol every part of their beat once each hour if practicable. And each patrolman shall confine his patrol within the limits of his beat except in case of fire, arrest of a prisoner or when so ordered by his superior officers. XVII. Every officer and patrolman will be held responsible for the prompt and proper discharge of the duties assigned him by his superior officers. XVIII. Patrolmen on night duty will be careful to note the location of all safes in stores, offices and banks on their beats. and be particularly watchful of the same while on duty. They will fre- quently during the tour of night duty, carefully observe all doors and low win- dows of dwellings and stores and see that they are properly secured. XIX. Patrolmen will strictly watch the conduct of all suspicious persons, or those of known bad character who may live. or be found on their several beats, and take notice of the time and the particu- lar part of their beats where such per- sons are seen, and of any attending cir- cumstances worthy of notice. When any serious offense shall have been com- mitted, each patrolman shall report at once to the Chief of Police or Captains, what persons of such character he has observed and what time and place on his beat. XX. Each patrolman will be furnished with a fire alarm, key, so that in case of fire he can turn in an alarm. In time of fire he shall repair thereto and render such assistance as may be within his power In saving life and property. He shall also guard against any interference or hindrance to the firemen. During the time of fire he shall strictly obey the or- ders of the Chief of the Fire Depart- ment. XXI. Patrolmen will not allow the sidewalks or carriage -ways to be obstruct- ed or a nuisance to be caused by the as- semblage of idle or disorderly persons on the sidewalks, streets or at the doors of public halls, churches, stores or dwellings, or to the hindrance or annoyance of per- sons passing, or to the disturbance of the neighborhood. Persons committing such offenses will be civilly requested to dis- perse, and if they refuse must he arrested. XXII. The prevention of crime being the first duty of a patrolman, he should endeavor always to affect that object, as the best evidence of his efficiency will be •found in the absence of offenses in his 90 Regular Session, April 2, 1903. district, rather than in the number of ar- rests he makes. For this purpose he should make himself thoroughly acquaint- ed with every part of his beat, with the residents therein, and carefully watch all unknown or suspicious characters. XXIII. Officers and patrolmen must be familiar with the rules and regulations and at all times appear neatly attired and clean in person and equipments. XXIV. Each patrolman is required to give his name and number when requested by citizens or strangers. XXV. A patrolman must be cautious never to interfere unnecessarily, but when required to act, he should do so with dis- cretion and boldness. And he may arrest anyone who opposes him in the execution of his duty, but he should not draw nor present weapons on slight or insufficient cause. XXVI. When making an arrest of a person or persons, always report the cause of the same to the patrol guard in order that the sergeant may be correctly in- formed of the nature of the arrest, so that he can properly record the same. XXVII. All members of the department are prohibited from making assertions or using language tending to discredit or reflect on the integrity of the patrolmen, until the facts have been reported to the Chief of Police and action taken thereon by the Mayor. XXVIII. The failure of any member of the department to pay his honest debts, contracted while in the service. may ren- der him liable to suspension or dismissal from the force. XXIX. Patrolmen are especially warned against commenting upon orders issued by the Chief of Police or Captains. Due re- spect must be shown the nead of the de- partment. Any patrolman violating this section will be promptly dealt with by the Mayor. XXX. It is hereby made the duty of the Chief of Police, Captains of Police and Patrolmen to have all oostructions re- moved from the sidewalks, streets and gutters of their respective beats, and to keep the same clear at all times while on duty, and to put up all necessary guards and lights to prevent accident when sew- ers and bridges are open for repairs and found unguarded, and each neglect of said duty shall be reported to the Mayor. XXXI. Patrolmen shall report daily to the Chief of Police the location and nature of all defective sidewalks found upon their respective beats. And they shall make daily inspection of the sidewalks while pa- troling their beats. They shall also make daily report to the Chief of Police of the number and location of .lectric lights fail- ing to burn in their respective districts and the number of hours the same failed to burn. They shall also report daily to the Chief of Police all doors found open or unfastened on their respective beats. XXXII. Whenever any patrolman shall be found asleep while he should be on duty or intoxicated, or absent from his beat unless by the order of his superior officers, or guilty of improper conduct, he shall be removed or suspended by the Mayor. XXXIII. Patrolmen must not walk to- gether or talk with each other when they meet on the confines of their beats, unless to communicate information appertaining to their police duties, and in such cases they must make the communication as brief as possible; and they must not en- gage in conversation with any person on any part of their beat, except in regard to matters concerning the immediate dis- charge of their duties. Each patrolman must constantly patrol his beat, unless otherwise directed by the Chief of Police or other superior officer. A non-compliance with the requirements of this rule shall be deemed "cause for punishment." XXXIV. Any patrolman absent from duty without leave shall 'forfeit all pay for the time of such absence, and may be reprimanded or dismissed therefor. XXXV. Members of the department are prohibited from smoking while on duty before 10 o'clock p. m., or from loitering in saloons, or entering therein except in the proper discharge of their duty. XXXVI. Patrolmen while on duty dur- ing the day time, shall be under the con- trol and subject to the orders of the Chief of Police, but during the night time, and in the absence of the Chief of Police, shall he under the exclusive control and sub- ject to the orders of the Captains of Po- lice and such Captains shall also be pa- trolmen and subject to the orders of the Chief of Police. and shall report either to the Mayor or Chief of Police any neglect of duty on the part of any patrolman. POLICE MATRONS. I. The Police Matrons shall have entire charge and control of the female pris- oners under the supervision of the Chief of Police, and shall at all times be ren- dered such assistance as they may re- quire from the officer or patrolman on duty in the office of the Chief of Police. II. When female prisoners are arrested and brought to the station, they shall be placed in charge of the matron, who will search them and take from them all money and valuables and turn the same over to the Chief of Police; the same to be returned when the prisoner is dis- charged. III. 1 t shall be the duty of the Matrons to see that all prisoners under their charge shall conduct themselves in a be- coming manner and prevent all boisterous or loud talk and riot permit them to en- gage in idle conversation with anyone passing along the street or sidewalk. IV. Visiting with prisoners is strictly prohibited. unless on a written order from the office of the Chief of Police, such visit to be in the presence of the Matron. Vis- its sall not exceed fifteen minutes in du- ration.h V. No members of the police depart- ment will be allowed to enter the female department to converse with the inmates, unless on business pertaining to her case and then only by consent and in the pres- ence of the matron. VI. The matron shall also take charge of all lost children brought into the sta- tion and will care for them until called for or proper disposition is made of them. VII. The Matron may accompany fe- male prisoners to the district court, but shall not interest herself or interfere in any way or manner in the employment of any attorney to aid in the defense of pris- oners in her charge, and will be governed as far as possible by the rules and regula- tions adopted by the police department. VIII. Any prisoner found violating any of the above rules shall be placed in a cell and kept there at the discretion of the matron in charge. IX. No parcels given to prisoners unless thoroughly examined by the Matron and by her consent. Regular Session, April 2, 1903. 91 UNIFORM. The dress to be worn by the members of the Police Force of the City of Du- buque shall follows:be as DRESS COAT. The dress coat for the Chief of Police and Captains shall be a single breasted sack, buttoning close up under the chin, with turnover collar of blue black silk velvet, and one pocket on the inside left breast. The sack shall extend one half of the distance from the articulation of the hip Joint to the bend of the knee, and shall have four gilt buttons on the breast placed at equal distances apart, and three small gold gilt police buttons on the under seam of each cuff. The body of sack shall be lined with black Italian cloth, and the sleeves with light colored Silesia. shall be made without wadding. For the patrolmen and all other mem- bers of the force, the same as for the Chief of Police, except the collar will be the same material as the coat, and there will be no buttons worn on the under seam of the Puff. ANTALOONS. The pantaloons shall be made for all members of the force alike, and plain, with one hip pocket in addition to the or- dinary pockets. VEST. The vest shall be made alike for all members of the force; single-breasted, buttoning high in the neck, with eight small buttons placed at equal distances, except that the Chief of Police and Cap- tains may wear white linen vests. NECKTIE. All members of the force shall wear black silk ties. CAPS. Same as used by Chicago city police, Philadelphia pattern, for all members ex- cept Chief of Police and Captains, which shall be distinguished from the others by bands of gilt lace five -sixteenths of an inch wide at the base. COLOR. The full dress of all members of the Dubuque City Police shall be navy blue, pure indigo dyed, and all wool. INSIGNIA AND MANUAL. The star, buttons, book of rules and reg- ulations, club and belt, will be furnished by the City, at the office of the Chief of Police, to all members of the force free of cost, to remain the property of the city and to be returned to the office of the Chief of Police whenever any member shall sever his conection with the force, in as good condition, natural wear and tear members excepted, received; the force willbe required to pay for the loss or damage to same, which may arise from their own wilful- ness or neglect. All members of the force will wear the prescribed uniform at all timeschemo n duty or when appearing in public, specially authorized by the Chief of Po- lice to appear in citizens' clothes, and when on duty the coat shall always be buttoned. wi The prescribed belt club and star ut all l always be worn when on duty, otherno time. star will always be carried aboutthe person when off dutY. All members of the force will be re- form in austrctly neat condition and their to keep their person and funiform and equipments in perfect order and re- pair. All members of the force will be by required to have their clothing Committee on the tailor selected by Police, the lowest reliable bidder being selected. All material to be selected by the Committee and to be of uniform, qual- ity. RULES OF CONDUCT. If you are entrusted with the care of a beat do not play the loafer on it by loung- ing in doorways or leaning against cor- ners, or other objects, but make it your business to know what is going on in every part of your beat as far as practicable, without unnecessary interference. Let no person or circumstance escape your notice and be able at all times to give informa- tion respecting any circumstance of im- portance occurring thereon. Learn the people residing or doing business on your beat; protect their property, make your- self useful and aid them in all their law- ful pursuits, and by an upright and straightforward course and a close atten- tion to duty endeavor to merit the good will of all good citizens. You know not how soon you may need their aid and their favor will add much to your power and influence to do good. But in the pur- suance of your duty as much as possible, avoid laying yourself under special obli- gations to anyone. Let yuur services rath- er place others under obligation to you. You know not how soon your duties may pre-emptorily demand that you act in op- position to some individual interest. Lend a willing ear to all complaints made to you in your official capacity. The most un- worthy have a right to be heard and a word of comfort to the afflicted, or of ad- vice to the erring costs you nothing, and may do much good. In ordinary cases, if you find yourself in a position not knowing exactly what to do, better to do too little than too much; it is easier to excuse a moderation than an excess. Whenever it is necessary to make an arrest, and you attempt to do it, don't fail, but use no more force than required to protect yourself and secure your prisoner. Forbearance under provocation and a temperate, though firm deportment, will insure a patrolman support in the dis- charge of his duties: while a violent or excited manner, or unnecessary publicity in making an arrest will destroy his in- dividual influence and tends to lower the department in the estimation of the pub- lic. You should hold yourself iand readiness obeytnt all times to answer the orders of your superiur officers. You shall treat your superior officers with respect and in your demeanor to your associates on the force, be courteous and consider- ate, guarding yourself against envy, jeal- ousy or other unfriendly feeling. Refrain from all communications to their discredit, except to your superior officer, whom it is your duty to inform of everything of im- portance happening on your beat. Indulgence in the practice of scandal and spreading rumors affecting the char- acter of a brother officer tends to lower the department in public estimation, and to create and foster ill -feeling and animos- ity among the men and tends to subvert good discipline. No officer can be successful or efficient in the execution of his duties unless he understands the requirements of the laws and ordinances. thSpare no pains in post- tgy thatt bby virtue of eyour commiss on oyour duties extend y to crimmal laws. officer should be only familiar ar withthe lawEvery or ordinance he is to execute and he should J 92 Regular Session, April 2, 1903. also know enough of the civil law to dis- tinguish between the two. Maintain a perfect control of temper, can self come can what control one that Ne govern rdegrade your position by placing yourself on a level with a drunken man, or a man in a passion by suffering his abuse to get you in a passion also. Select you asso- tes with care and endeavor at all times toamaintain the dignity of the department. Ald. Sheridan moved that the Rules and Regulations be adopted as presented and read. Carried. Ald. Sheridan, chairman of the commit- tee on Sewers, reported as follows: Your committee on Sewers begs to re- port that they have examined the sanitary sewer in the alley between Rhomberg and Garfield Avenues from Johnson to Middle Avenues, Noonan & Co., contractors, and finding the same to be satisfactory, we would recommend that the said sewer be accepted and that a warrant in the sum certified by the City Engineer to be due for the construction of said sewer, be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer in favor of the above named contractors. Also the bill to James Noonan & Co., certified to by the City Engineer for $2,544.40. Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the report of the committee on Sewers. Carried. Ald. Horr. chairman of the committee of the Whole, reported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole would re- spectfully recommend that the accom- panying plat of the road leading south- easterly from the North Cascade road to the City Limits be approved and that the same be ordered placed on record. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance. Frith, Horr, Jones. Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Horr also reported as follows: Your committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of the Hagge & Fox Mfg. Co., asking that the improve- ments on Lots 134 and 135, Glendale Add., No. 2, be not assessed for a period of ten years, would recommend that for a period of five years, commencing January 1, 1902, the valuation for assessment purposes on said Lots 134 and 135, Glendale Add., No. 2, including improvements, machinery and such other property as may be required for the operation of the plant, also on such material, both raw and finished as may remain on said premises, be fixed at Sev- en Hundred' and Fifty Dollars, and that the Treasurer he instructed in accordance herewith. Also, your committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of L. Lin- denberg et al., asking that the north 200 feet of Ardmore Terrace be improved to a width of 40 feet, would recommend that said petition be received and filed. Also, your committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the remonstrance of Lucy M. Weigel et al. against improving Ardmore Terrace unless it be improved to a uniform width of 40 feet throughout its entire length, would recommend that the prayer of the remonstrators be grant- ed, and that the Street committee be in- structed to confer wih W. H. Day, Jr., and obtain terms deeding the 15 foot strip necessary to make said street 40 feet wide throughout, and report the result of their interview to the council. Also, your committee of the Whole. to whom was referred the petition of Mrs. James McCauley, asking that the sum of $50.00 be acepted by the city in settlement of the special assessment levied against the E. / of Lot 3 in Lenheim Add. for the improvement of Grandview Avenue, would recommend that said petition be received and flled. Also, your committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that begin- ning May 1, 1903, the salary of the Assis- tant City Attorney be fixed at $900.00 per year; also. beginning the same date. that the salary of Ed. W. Herron, superinten- dent of Sprinkling, be increased $10.00 per month on account of the extra work per- formed by him in the office of the City Engineer. Also, your committee of the Whole. to whom was referred the petition of Ross McMahon, asking that the city accept 25 per cent. of the assessment levied against Lot 2 of 5 of Min. Lot 21 for the improve- ment of Grandview Avenue, in full settle- ment of said assessment, would recom- mend that said petition be received and filed. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report of the committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. Horr also reported as follows: Your committee of the Whole would re- spectfully recommend that the salary of A. McDonnell, engineer of the reserve steamer of the Fire Department, be re- duced to $60.00 per month, and that the salary of J. Murphy, night watchman at the Central Engine House. be reduced to $50.00 per month. said reductions to take effect May 1, 1903. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report. Md. Frith moved a substitute to refer the report back to the committee of the Whole. which was lost. The original motion to adopt the report was carried. Bids for constructing a 12 -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Kniest street from pres- ent manhole at the intersection of Kniest street and Lincoln Avenue to alley be- tween Rhomberg and Garfield Avenues, and an 8 -inch tile pipe sewer up said alley to manhole in Johnson Avenue, were pre- sented and on motion of Ald. Frith, were ordered opened. Bids as follows: Steuck & Linehan - 12 -inch tile pipe, per foot 8 -inch tile pipe, per foot 8 -inch cast iron pipe, per foot Manholes, complete, each M. Tschirgi, Jr. - 12 -inch tile pipe, per foot 8 -inch tile pipe, per foot 8 -inch cast iron pipe, per foot Manholes, each complete O'Farrell & Street - 12 and 8 -inch tile pipe, per foot 8 -inch cast iron pipe, per foot Manholes, each, complete Jas. Noonan & Co. - 12 and 8 -inch tile pipe, including 8 - inch cast iron pipe, per foot........ .93 Manholes, each, complete $27.00 On motion of Md. Frith the contract was awarded to Steuck & Linehan, they being the lowest bidders. .69 .66 $ 1.28 30.00 .75 .75 $ 1.00 35.00 .821/2 $ 1.50 28.00 if Regular Session, April 2, 1903. 93 • Aid. Clancy moved that the bond for constructing said sewer be fixed at $1,000.00. Carried. RESOLUTIONS. Alderman Sheridan offered the follow- ing: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City Engineer be and is hereby directed to prepare a plat of the alley between Rhomberg and Garfield Avenues from Johnson Avenue to Middle Avenue, showing the separate lots or parcels of ground, or specified .portions thereof, subject to assessment for the construction of the sanitary sewer in said alley, the names of the owners thereof as far as practicable and the amount to he assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, and to tile said plat and schedule in the office of the City Recorder for public inspection. After the filing of said plat and schedule in his office, the City Recorder shall give ten days' notice by publishing the same in two newspa- pers published in the city. that said plat and schedule are on file in his office and fixing a time within which all objections thereto or to prior proceedings must be made in writing. Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the reso- lution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Alderman Frith offered the following: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to improve the alley between Francis Street and Valeria Street from Kauffman Avenue to Hart Street, and that it is hereby proposed to grade, curb, gutter and macadamize sail Street. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Alderman Frith also offered the fol- lowing: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City En- gineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the lo- cation, nature and extent of the pro- posed improvement on the alley between Francis and Valeria Street, from Kauff- man Avenue to Hart Street and the kind of material to be used, and en estimate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such improvement, and the amount assessable upon any railway or Street Railway, the amount and cost thereof to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City Re- corder; that after the filing of said Plat and estimate in his office. the City Re- corder shall publish in three consecutive issues of a newspaper published in this city a notice stating that such plat and estimate ar on file, the location and na- ture of the improvement, kind of material to be used,. and an estimate of its cost and the time before which objections thereto can be filed and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of such notice and after such pubiieM- tion shall have been made, the City Re- corder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, .Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Alderman Frith also offered the fol- lowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk six (6) feet wide, of good two-inch plank; brick, stone or cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks, on the west side of Garfield Avenue, between Ann Avenue and Dock Avenue, abutting lot S ?h lot 22, McCraney's first Add., owned by Mary A. Gearey, at Lhe expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes --Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Alderman Frith also offered the fol- lowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk six (6) feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, store cr cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west side of Garfield Avenue, between Fengler Avenue and Ann Avenue, abutting lot 4. Jungk's Add., owned by Henry J. Wunderlich, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, 13orr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Alderman Frith offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk four (4) feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the east side of Valeria Street, between Kauffman Avenue and Hart Street, abutting lot 40, Tivoli Add., owned by Roman Lorenz Edtate, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Herr. Jones. Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Alderman Frith also offered the fol- lowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk four (4) feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, he, within ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid 1n conformity with the ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks, on the north side of Twenty-second Street, between Elm Street and Washington Street, abutting lot 69, E. Langworthy's Add., owned by Mary A. Alexander at the expense of abutting property. 91 Regular Session, April 2, 1903. Adopted by the following vote: Frith, Ayes—Alda. Clancy, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays -None. Alderman Frith also offered the fol- lowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk six (6) feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and lalo in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks on the east side of Jackson Street, between Twenty-fifth Street and Twenty-sixth Street, abutting lot 79, Glen- dale Add., owned by Catherine Oeth, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Alderman Frith also offered the fol- lowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk six (6) feet wide. of good two -Inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks on the east side of Jack- son Street, between Twenty-fifth Street and Twenty-sixth Street, abutting lot 81, Glendale Add., owned by Martha Zinn, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Frith also offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk six (6) feet wide, of good two inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks, on the east side of Jackson street, between Twenty-fifth street and Twenty- sixth street, abutting lot 78, Glendale Add., owned by Frances L. Poole, at the ex- pense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Frith also offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk six (6) feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone, or cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks, on the east side of Jackson street, between Twenty-fifth street and Twenty- sixth street, abutting lot 82, Glendale Add., owned by Mary L. Bunting, at the ex- pense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Frith also offered the folowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk six (6) feet wide, of good two inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the east side of Jackson street, be- tween Twenty-sixth street and Twenty- fifth street, abutting lot 84, Glendale Add., owned by Mary L. Bunting, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jcnes, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Raymond offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk four (4) feet wide, of good two inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the West side of Nevada street, between West Third street and Nest Fifth street, abutting Lots 11, 12, 13 and 14, Nairn's Add., owned by Jno. L. Buettel Est., at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones. Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Raymond also offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk twelve (12) feet wide, of good cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance In relation to sidewalks, on the east side of Main street, between Sixth street and Sev- enth Street, abutting Lot 21, N. 2D feet, City, owned by Frances Jaeger, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Raymond also offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk twelve (12) feet wide, of good cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the east side of Main street, between Sixth street and Sev- enth street, abutting Lot 21, S. 44 feet, City, owned by Fred Weiegt Est., at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Alderman Raymond also offered the fol- lowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk twelve (12) feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks, on the east side of Main Street, between Sixth Street and Seventh Street, abutting lot 22, So. 1/2, City, owned by H. E. Wilson and G. W. Ryan, at the expense of abutting prop• erty. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Alderman Corrance offered the follow- ing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk four (4) feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be; within ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the east side of Belmond Regular Session, April 2, 1903. 95 Street, between Rose Street and North end of Belmond Street, abutting lot 15, E. E. Jones Sub., owned by Henry L. Becker, at the expense of abutting prop- erty. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Alderman Corrance also offered the fol- lowing: Resolved by the Clity Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk four (4) feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks, on the east side of Bel - mond Street, between Rose Street and North end of Belmond Street, abutting lot 16, E. E. Jones' Sub., owned by Jennie Powers, at the expense of abutting prop- erty. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Alderman Horr offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk six (6) feet wide, of good brick, stone or cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice, constructer and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the South side of Rhomberg Avenue, between Jackson Street and Washington Street, abutting lot N. 49 ft. of lot 8 of Min. lot 100, owned by J. H. Bassett, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes --Alda. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Raymond moved to adjourn until April 16th, 1903. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Special Session, April 9, 1903. CITY COUNCIL Special Session April 9th, 1903. (Official.) Council met at S o'clock p. m. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith. Horr. Jones. Raymond and Sheridan. Absent—None. The Mayor stated that the business be- fore the special meeting was to take final action on the ordinance in relation to the Union Electric company taking up their street car tracks in various streets. Also to take final action on the ordinance granting the Farley & Loetscher Mfg. Co. certain rights and privileges. And the profile showing grade of the alley between Frances street and Valeria street, from Kauffman avenue to Hart street. Ald. Frith moved that the ordinance in relation to the Union Electric company taking up their street car tracks in var- ious streets be now read for the second thne. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. The ordinance was then read for the second time. Ald. Horr moved that after the word following, at the end of section 2, the following amendment be inserted: Which are to be observed and applied to the City of Dubuque. and the Union Electric company, its successors or as- signs. Carried. Ald. Horr moved that the City Attorney be instructed to draw up a penalty clause to be inserted in this ordinanc, that if the Union Electric company failed to have said street car track removed and the street put back in proper shape by the 1st day of November, 1903, that the Union Electric company be compelled to pay to the City a certain amount for each addi- tional day it takes to complete said work. Lost by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Horr and Sheridan. Nays--Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Jones and Raymond. Ald. Frith moved that the ordinance be now adopted as read and amended. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr. Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. The Mayor declared the ordinance adopted. Ordinance as amended follows: AN ORDINANCE GRANTING THE UNION ELECTRIC COMPANY THE RIGHT TO ABAN- DON THE OPERATION OF ITS STREET RAILWAY UPON THE STREETS AND PARTS OF STREETS HEREIN NAMED, AND SETTING FORTH THE RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH SAID RIGHT IS GRANTED: Whereas by an ordinance passed March 6, 1902, and approved and accepted March 13, 1902, a franchise was granted to the Union Electric Company of Dubuque, Iowa, for the maintenance and operation of a street railway along and upon cer- tain streets and parts of streets therein designated: And whereas. under section 21 of said ordinance, said Union Electric Company agrees not to abandon or cease the oper- ation of any portion of said Street Rail- way without the consent of the City Council of the City of Dubuque: And whereas, it is deemed best for the interests both of said Union Electric Company and of the Cit;; of Dubuque that the operation of portions of said Street Railway be discontinued, and franchise rights thereon be relinquished and abandoned: NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAIN- ED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE: Section 1. That the Union Electr c Company of Dubuque, lowa, Is hereby granted permission to abandon the oper- ation of its Street Railway now operated upon and along the following streets and portions of streets, namely: Beginning at the intersection of Second and Locust streets, northerly on Locust street tc Fifth street; thence easterly on Fifth street to Iowa street; thence north- erly on Iowa street to Six- teenth street; thence easterly on Six- teenth street to Jackson street; also from the intersection of Iowa and Fourteenth streets easterly on Fourteenth street, to Jackson street; thence northerly on Jackson street to Sanford street. Section 2. Said Union Electric Com- pany, by the acceptance of this ordinance agrees to relinquish, as to the above named streets, and also as to that portion of Iowa Street lying between Third and Fifth Streets. all rights granted said Company to operate a Street Railway line thereon by virtue of any franchise or franchises heretofore granted said Company or its predecessors by the City of Dubuque, It being understood that the rights and privileges granted said Union Electric Company by section 1 hereof are upon the express conditions following: Which are to he observed and applied to the City of Dubuque and the Union Electric company, its successors or as- signs. Section 3. Said Union Electric Com- pany shall, on or before November 1st. 1903, remove from the Streets and por- tions of Streets enumerated in section 1 hereof. all the track now laid thereon. including all rails, ties, railway poles and wires, and before said November 1st, 1903, shall repair said Streets and portions of Streets so that such portions so repaired shall be uniform with the remainder of the Street, such repairing to be done un- der the supervision of the City Engineer, and to the satisfaction of the Council, it being understood that all cant iron box culverts be left as now located. Section 4. Said Union Electric Com- pany shall indemnify the City of Dubuque for any damages which may be recovered against it in a proper preceeding by rea- son of the discontinuance of Street Rail- way service on the Streets above named, and shall save the City harmless on ac- count thereof, provided that said Union Electric Company, shall have written no- tice of any such suit or action for dam- ages against said City on account of such discontinuance of said Street Rallway service, and shall be permitted to defend the same. And said Union Electric Com- pany shall indemnify the City of Du- buque for all damages recovered against it in the proper proceeding by reason of Special Session, April 9, 1903. 97 injuries occasioned by the negligence of said Company in doing the work con- templated in sections one and three here- of. Section 5. The Union Electric Company, upon the completion of its proposed new power house, and not later than Janu- ary 1st, 1906, shalt, at the option of the City of Dubuque, enter into a contract with the City to sprinkle the Streets, below the Bluffs (and on Dodge Street line to McClain'sl store), covered by its lines of railway, as frequently as may be determined by said contract and dur- ing the sprinkling season as agreed upon therein, and for the term of five years or more as may be agreed upon in said con- tract. The price to be paid for said sprinkling to be the actual cost to said Union Electric Company, and all legiti- mate outlays made by said Company in preparing to do said sprinkling, includ- ing purchase of car and equipment and all necessary side tracks, as well as the actual cost of operation, shall be taken into consideration in arriving at said cost. The amount to be paid by said City to said Union Electric Company for said sprinkling shall be determined and agreed upon by said City and said Union Electric Company if possible. In the event of the failure of said City and said Union Elec- tric Company to agree upon the actual cost of such sprinkling it is agreed that the same is to be submitted to arbitra- tion. For this purpose the City shall se- lect one arbitrator, the Union Electric Company shall select one arbitrator, and the twe thus selected shall select a third, and the arbitrators thus chosen shall make a thorough investigation and deter- mine the actual cost of the sprinkling re- quired to be done under said contract, and the cost thus determined, shall be the basis of the sum to be paid to said Union Electric Company by said City, provided that said City reserves the right to enter into said contract or not, as it may elect. after said cost shall have been determined. If said City elects to enter into such contract, the Union Electric Company agrees to purchase a sprinkling car of the latest approved pattern, properly equipped, and have the same ready for operation at the beginning of the sprink- ling season of 1905, or earlier, as may be determined by said contract, and further agrees to operate said car and keep the same in repair for the consideration to be mentioned in said contract. And the City of Dubuque agrees to fur- nish and place in position such stand- pipes as may be required for filling said sprinkling car, not exceeding five in number, to be located at points to be s greed upon by said Union- Electric Com- pany and City Engineer. The City of Dubuque shall furnish all water required for said sprinkling without cost to said Union Electric Company. And the said Union Electric Company further agrees to place such turn -outs in their tracks as may be necessary to make said stand- pipes available. Section 6. The Union Electric Company shall file with the City Recorder a writ- ten acceptance of this ordinance within twenty (20) days after its passage by the City Council, otherwise it shall at once cease to have any further force or ef- fect. If accepted by said Company within the time herein specified this or- dinance shall thereupon be published one time in the Dubuque Globe -Journal news- paper and take effect. and be in force from and after such publication. Adopted , 1903. Approved . 1903. Mayor. Attest: City Recorder. Ald. Frith moved that the ordinance in relation to the Farley & Loetscher Mfg. Co. be now read for the second time. Carried by the follwing vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. The ordinance was then read for the second time. Ald. Frith moved that the ordinance be now adopted as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. The Mayor declared the ordinance adopted. The ordinance follows: AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO FART LEY & LOETSCHER MANUFACTUR- ING CO. OF DUBUQUE, IOWA. (IN- CORPORATED), THE RIGHT TO BUILD AND MAINTAIN A BRIDGE ACROSS EIGHTH STREET FROM THEIR PRESENT FACTORY BE- TWEEN WHITE AND JACKSON STREETS TO THEIR PROPOSED NEW BUILDING TO BE ERECTED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF EIGHTH STREET BETWEEN WHITE AND JACKSON STREETS, AND FUR- THER GRANTING SAID COMPANY THE RIGHT TO MOVE THE SWITCH NOW LEADING TO THE "OIL MILL" PROPERTY ABOUT ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY FEET FURTHER SOUTH. ALSO GRANTING SAID COMPANY THE RIGHT TO BUILD AND MAINTAIN A BUILDING OVER THE ALLEY BETWEEN WHITE AND JACKSON STREETS. FACING ON SEVENTH STREET BETWEEN CITY LOTS 358 AND 369. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That the Farley & Loetscher Manufacturing Company, a corporation or- ganized under r the laws of the State of Iowa, with principal place of business in Dubuque, Iowa, it successors and assigns, be and are hereby authorized to build and perpetually maintain a bridge, according to the plan now on office of the City Rto der of said city, across Eighth Street from their present factory situated between White and Jackson Streets, to the proposed new building on the north side of Eighth Jack- son Streets in t the City of Dubuquet between White e Iowa. Section 2 That said bridge shall not be less than twenty -SIX feet Ins said hfeight m the established grade th Street to the under side of said bridge. Section 3. In order to utilize the switch now situated on the west side of Jackson Street between Eighth and Ninth Streets for the purposes required by said Farl & Loetscher Manufacturing permission hereby Far- ley &LoetscherManufacturing Company, to have said switch moved about one hun- dred and fifty feet further south than at present located according to the plan of said switch now on file in the office of 98 Special Session, April 9, 1903. the City Recorder of said City, said work to be done under the supervision of the Street Committee and City Engineer. Section 4. The said Farley ts successors 8z Loetscher Manufacturing Company, and assigns, are hereby further author- ized and empowered to build and perpet- ually maintain a building over the alley between White and Jackson Streets, fac- ing on Seventh Street, between City Lots 358 and 369. Section 5. That said building is to be constructed so there shall not be less than twelve feet in height from the established grade of said alley to the underside of said building. Section 6. That the said Farley & Loet- scher Manufacturing Company, (being the owner of all the land on both sides of Eighth Street where said bridge is to be located, and also all the land on both sides of said al- ley where said building is to be located), e its heirs, successors and assigns, e acceptance of this ordinance hereby per- petually obligates itself and themselves, to become responsible to any person or per- sons, firm or corporation sustaining any injury or damage by reason of the con- struction and maintenance of said bridge across Eighth Street as provided in Sec- tion 1 hereof; or by reason of the construc- tion and maintenance of said building over the alley between White and Jack- son Streets. as provided in Section 4 here- of, and hereby agree to hold the City of Dubuque harmless and free from all or any such loss, damage or litigation as may result from the construction and maintenance of said bridge or building. Section 7. This ordinance shall be in force from and after its acceptance. in writing by the proper officers of the Far- ley & Loetscher Manufacturing Company and its passage by the Council and publi- cation In the official papers of the City of Dubuque. Adopted — Approved: Attest: 1903. Mayor. City Recorder. The profile of the alley between Francis Street and Valeria Street, from Kauff- man Avenue to Hart Street, was pre- sented. Ald. Frith moved that the profile be re- ferred to the committee on Streets and City Engineer. Carried. Ald. Horr moved to adjourn. Carried. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. ,n/`-- Gtet--. Regular Session, April 16, 1903. 99 CITY COUNCIL. REGULAR SESSION APRIL 16, 1903. (Official.) Council met at 8:20 o'clock P. M. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—A lds. Clancy. Corrance, Frith, Herr. Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Absent—None. PETITIONS ANI) COMMUNICATIONS. Petition of Andrew McDonnell asking the council to reconsider their action in reducing his salary from $75.00 to $60.00 per month. also to restore his salary to the amount it previously was. Ald. Jones moved that the prayer of the petition be granted. Ald. Clancy moved a substitute that the petition be referred to the committee of the Whole. Carried. Petition of J. T. Mulvey et al asking that Pine Street from Twenty-eight Street south to Twenty-third Street he improv- ed by curbing, guttering and macadamiz- ing also to have water mains extended in said street. On motion was referred to the Street Committee and City Engineer. Petition of Jno. Strelau et al in rela- tion to the dangerous condition of the steps leading from Fifteenth and Bluff street to Pickett Street was on motion re- ferred to the Street Committee. Petition of Wm. Wiley et al asking that Grace Street from its western terminus or the improved street to East Street, be graded, curbed. guttered and macada- mized. On motion of Ald. Jones was referred to the Committee on Streets and City En- gineer and they to report at the next meeting of the council. Petition of Clara R. Gantenbeln and Mrs. Anna G. Adams asking permission to grade Merchants Lane abutting lots 2 and 3 in Porter's Add., also that the Engineer establish a grade on said Merchant's Lane. On motion was referred to the Commit- tee on Streets and City Engineer with power. Petition of Mary A. Dolan asking that her taxes on the west % of lot 62 in Union Add. be remitted for the year 1902. Also petition of Elizabeth Bottom ask- ing for an exemption from taxation of her homestead to the amount of $800.00. she being a widow of an honorably dis- charged union soldier. On motion both petitions were referred to the Delinquent Tax Committee. Petition of Miss Viola M. Law asking that the Treasurer be instructed to accept payment on the amount of $2200.00 instead of $3200.00 personalty and as levied against lot 2. Sub. Min. Lot No. 80. Also petition of A. G. Jaeger asking that his taxes for the year 1898 and levied against his cigar store be ordered can- celed. On motion both petitions were referred to the Board of Equajization and City As- sessor. Petition of Carl Consocr asking that the alley between Bradley Avenue and Grand- view Avenue from Whelan Avenue to Alt- man Avenue be ordered opened. On motion was referred to the Commit- tee of the Whole. Petition of the Sisters of St. Francis asking for the opening of a street from the East line of lot 2 of 4 of the Sub. of N. E. 14, Sec. 13, Twp. 89 N. R.. 2 East of the 5th P. M., also that the City Engi- neer ho instructed to establish a grade on Windsor Avenue abutting their prop- er ty. Ald. Clancy moved to refer the petition to the Committee of the Whole to view the ground. Carried. Communication of the Union Electric company. by F. L. Dame. general mana- ger, applying for permission to place switch on Dodge Street west of Bluff Street; also to install connecting curve at the intersection of Eighth and Clay Streets, said curve to be on the south side of the Eighth Street track and on the east side of the Clay Street track. Permission granted April 10th. 1903. C. H. Berg, Mayor. Ald. Raymond moved that the action of the Mayor be approved. Carried. Claim of Dan McPoland, claiming the sum of $1,000 for personal injuries sus- tained by a falling wall at the Iowa Iron Works fire. Ald. Corrance moved that the claim be received and flied. Carried. Claim of Jno. Ward, claiming the sum of $250 for personal damages sustained by falling on an icy sidewalk on south side of Thirteenth Street, between Clay and White Streets. Ald. Horr moved to refer the claim to a special committee consisting of the Mayor and two (2) Aldermen at Large. Ald. Sheridan moved to receive and filo the claim. Carried. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Mayor Berg presented a deed from George Buehler and wife to the City of Dubuque, for Lot Two (2) of the Subdi- vision of Lot Twenty-one "A" (21a) of Smedley's Subdivision, according to the recorded plat thereof, recorded in Book of Plats 5 on page 167 of the records of plats of Dubuque County, Iowa. And stated that no warrant had been ordered drawn in favor of Mr. Buehler, that he had advanced the amount as awarded by the jury for said piece of property. $136, and asked that a warrant be drawn in his favor for said amount. Ald. Horr moved that the action of the Mayor be approved, and that a warrant be ordered drawn in favor of the Mayor for $136 and the Recorder instructed to have said deed properly recorded. Car- ried. Ald. Sheridan moved that a warrant bo drawn in favor of the R. Wailer Estate for $80.00 for Lot One (1) of Lot Three (3) of Mineral Lot 113a as awarded by the jury in said case. Carried. Mayor Berg also presented a receipt from Alphons Matthews for $1.312.40 for settlement of the claim of Mr. Matthews against the city. Also a recepit from the clerk of the 100 Regular Session, April 16, 1903. district court for $36.60 for the court costs in said action. The Mayor also stated tnat the bonds i>sued for the payment of the sewer In the :alley between Rhomberg and Garfield Avenues, from Johnson Avenue to Middle A venue, amounting to $2,850.04 had been Fuld and prey nted the City Treasurer's receipt therefor. City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: To the Hon. Mayer and City Council of the c'hy of Dubuque: Gentlemen: -1 herewith submit my pay roll for labor on Streets doting the first half of April, 1903. Amc,'_tnt flue laborers on Streets....$1,891.25 Respectfully sub:nitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved: E. E. FRITH, Chairman Committee on Streets. JOSEPH L. HORR, JOHN J. SHERIDAN. Also submit my pay roll for labor on sewers during the first half of April, 1903. Amount due laborers on sewers $170.60 Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engin 'e”". Approved: JOHN J. SHERII) \N. Chairman Committee on Sewers. JOSEPH L. HORR, HIGH CORRANCE. Also submit my pay roll for teams haul- ing sprinkling wagons during the first half of April, 1903: Amount due teamsters $41.40 Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. ROYCE, City Engineer. Approved: GEO N. RAYMOND, Chairman Committee on Paving, Sweep- ing and Sprinkling. JOSEPH L. HO1tH, MATT CLANCY, On motion the pay rolls for Streets, Sewers and Sprinkling were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the var- ious amounts, and the pay rolls referred back to the proper committees. City Attorney Barnes reported as fol- lows: Dubuque, Iowa, April 9, 1903. To the Honorable Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I desire to report that I have obtained a dismissal of the case of Mary A. Langworthy vs. the City of Du- buque, upon the payment of the costs by said City. This was an action for $4,000, said sum being claimed by plaintiff as damages on account of an injury alleged to have been received by her in falling on a sidewalk on Winona Avenue, August 26, 1899. The costs in the case, as appears by the statement of the clerk of the District Court hereto attached amount to $17.60. I would therefore recommend that an or- der be drawn in favor of the Mayor for $17.60 and that the Mayor be instructed to pay to the clerk of the District Court the costs in said case. Respectfully submitted, G. A. BARNES, City Attorney. Ald. Horr moved that the report be ap- proved and that a warrant be ordered drawn in favor of the Mayor to satisfy said claim. Carried. City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: Hereto attached please find Treasurer's receipts Ncs. 13 and 42 amount- ing to $2.25. This amount was received from the following parties for macadam: Iowa Coffin Co S1.25 E. E. Frith 1.W 82.25 Respectfully, JAMES H. BOYCE. City Engineer. On motion the report was received and filed. City Recorder .Arendt presented and read the printed notice, certified to by the pub- lisher of the Council's intention to im- prove the alley between Francis and Val- eria Streets from Kauffman Avenue to Hart Street. No remonstrance being filed the Mayor asked If anyone present had any objection to said improvement. No objection being stated, the notice on mo- tion was received and filed: City Recorder Arendt also presented and read the printed notice, certified to by the Publisher, of the Council's intention to levy a special assessment, to pay for the construction of an 8 -inch Tile Pipe Sani- tary Sewer in alley between Rhomberg and Garfield Avenues, from Johnson Ave- nue to Middle Avenue, Noonan & Co., con- tractors. No remonstrance being filed, the Mayor asked if anyone present had any objection to said special assessment. No objection being stated. on motion the notice was received and filed. Whereupon Ald. Sheridan offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for constructing an 8 -inch Tile Pipe Sanitary Sewer be- tween Garfield Avenue and Rhomberg Avenue, from Johnson Avenue to Middle Avenue. by James Noonan & Co., con- tractors, in front of and adjoining the same, a Special Tax be and is hereby lev- ied on the several Lots and Parts of Lots, and Parcels of Real Estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each Lot or Parcel of Real Estate, as follows: Special assessment submitted and passed April 16th, 1903. Otto F. Lange, Cook's Add., lot 1, 52.43 ft. at .787c $ 41 26 Math. Hansen, Cook's Add., lot 2, 41 26 52.43 ft. at .787c Sidonia Luck, Cook's Add., lot 3, 4126 52.43 ft. at .787c Anna Kirmse, Cook's Add., lot 4, 26 52.43 ft. at .787c Grace E. Merritt, Cook's Add., S. i '63 lot 5, 26.2 ft. at .787c 20 Sophia Gruetzmacher, Cook's Add, N. 14 lot 5, 26.2 ft. at .787c 20 63 John Berry, Cook's Add., lot 6, 412G 52.43 ft. at .787c Victoria Holzman, Cook's Add., S. ihs 20 63 lot 7, 26.2 ft. at .787c Dan Schmalz Est., Cook's Add., lot 26 8, 52.43 ft. at .787c Dan Schmalz Est., Cook's Add., lot 9, 52.43 ft. at .787c 41 26 Dan Schmalz Est., Cook's Add., lot 10, 52.43 ft. at .787c 41 26 Dan Schmalz Est., Cook's Add., lot Regular Session, April 16, 1903. 101 11, 52.43 ft. at .787c 41 26 Geo. Buehler, Cook's Add., lot 12, 52.43 ft. at .787c 41 26 J. M. Lillig, Cook's Add., lot 14, 52.43 f4. at .787c 41 26 J. M. rillig, Cook's Add., lot 13, 52.43 ft. at .787c 41 26 Third Pres. Church. Dreibilbie's Add., lot 1, 46.8 ft. at .787c 36 83 Cath. Gross, Dreibilbie's Add., lot 2, 46.8 ft. at .787c 36 S3 D. C. Huntington, Dreibilbie's Add, lot 3, 46.8 ft. at .787c 36 83 Fred Miller, Dreibilbie's Add., lot 4, 36 83 46.8 ft. at .787c Chas. Ruttier, Dreibilbie's Add., lot 36 83 5, 46.8 ft. at .7870 Edwin Smedley. Dreibilbie's Add, 36 83 lot 6, 46.8 ft. at .787c Cath. Smedley, Dreibilbie's Add, S. 35 ft. lot 7, 35 ft. at .787c 27 55 M. J. Calehan, Dreibilbie's Add, N. 11.8 ft., lot 7, 11.8 ft. at .787c.... 9 28 M. J. Calehan, Dreibilbie's Add., lot 36 83 8, 46.8 ft. at .787c Jacob Miller, Hooper's Add., lot 1, 4126 52.4 ft. at .787c Amanda C. Maxwell, Hooper's Add, 41 26 lot 2, 52.4 ft. at .787c Amanda C. Maxwell, Hooper's Add, 41 26 lot 3, 52.4 ft. at .787c T. F. Maxwell Est.. Hooper's Add, 41.26 lot 4, 52.4 ft. at .787c Stephen Zaner, Hooper's Add., S. 1 20 63 lot 5, 26.2 ft. at .787c Jos. Dietl, Hooper's Add., N. 1 lot G3 5, 26.2 ft. at .787c 20 Mich. J. Loes, Hooper's Add., lot 6, 41 26 52.4 ft. at .787c Robt. Beckler, Hooper's Add., lot 7, 26 52.4 ft. at .787c Dan Ruff, McCraney's 2nd Add., lot 27 86 5, 35.4 ft. at .787c Geo. Schaffhauser, McCraney's 2nd 39 35 Add., lot 4, 50 ft. at .787c Emma C. Holtz, McCraney's 2nd Add., lot 3, 50 ft. at .787c 39 35 Alice M. Fengler, McCraney's 2nd Add., lot 2. 50 ft. at .787c 39 35 Alice M. Fengler, McCraney's 2nd Acid., lot 1, 50 ft. at .787c 39 35 Nick Reisch, Wick's Add, lot 23, 50 ft. at .787c 39 35 W. W. Ballard, Wick's Add., lot 21, 50 ft. at .787c 39 35 Wilhelmina Loeffler, Wick's Add, lots 19-21, 100 ft. at .787c 78 S. J. Patch, McCraney's 2nd Add, 39 lot 10, 50 ft. at .787c Wm. Taylor, McCraney's 211d Add„ Int 9, 50 ft at .787c o9 Rose E. Fengler, McCraney's ?nd 39 Add., lot 8, 50 ft. at .7870 Chas. Arendt, McCraney's 2nd Add, 31 N. 40 ft. lot 7, 40 ft. at .787c Trangott Fengler, McCraney's 2nd Add., S. 10 ft. lot 7, 10 ft. at .787c7 Trangott Fengler, McCraney's 2nd Acid., lot 6, 35.4 ft. at .787c 27 E. H. Shepley, Hooper's Add., lot 41 8, 52.4 ft. at .787c Cath. Bieger, Hooper's Add., lot 9, 52.4 ft. at .787c 41 Ambrose Leiser, Hooper's Add., N. 1/2 lot 10, 26.2 ft. at .787c 20 John C. Scharf, Hooper's Add., S. 34 lot 10, 26.2 ft. at .787c 20 Pauline Leiser, Hooper's Add., lot 41 11, 52.4 ft. at .787c J. A. McCaughey, Hooper's Add., N. 42 ft. lot 12, 42 ft. at .787c 33 Pauline Haas, Hooper's Add., S. 104 8 ft. lot 12, 10.4 ft. at .787a Pauline Haas, Hooper's Add., lot 41 13, 52.4 ft. at .787c 70 35 35 35 48 87 86 26 26 63 63 26 05 18 26 Chas. Ruttier, Hooper's. Add., lot 14, 52.4 ft. at .787c 41 26 Christ. Maker, Dreibilbie's Add., lot 9, 47 ft. at .787c 36 99 Louisa Relfateck, Dreibilbie's Add, lot 10, 46.8 ft. at .787c 36 83 J. W. \Verner, Drelbllbie's Add., lot 11. 40.8 ft. at .787c 36 83 Chas. Kuttler, Dreibilbie's Add., lot 12, 46.8 ft. at .787c 36 `33 Wm. P. Cooley, Dreibilbie's Add, lot 13. 46.8 ft. at .7870 36 83 Fred Miller, Dreibilbie's Add., lot 14, 46.8 ft. at .787c 36 83 Marg. Meyer, Dreibilbie's Add., N. 40 ft. lot 15, 40 ft. at .787c 31 48 Marg. \Viedner, Dreibilbie's Add, S. 68 ft. lot 15, 68 ft. at .787c 5 45 Marg. W'iedner, Dreibilbie's Add, lot 16, 46.8 ft. at .787c 36 83 Gottlieb Schwaeg'lcr Est., Cook's Add., lot 15, 52.43 ft. at .787c, 41 26 Gottlieb Schwaegler Est., Cook's Add., lot 16, 52.43 ft. at .787c 41 26 Peter Fasselins, Cook's Add., N. 49.6 ft. lot 17, 49.6 ft. at .787c 39 03 Geo. Funk Est. Cook's Add., s 2.5 ft, lot 17. 2.5 ft at .787c 1 97 Geo. Funk Est. Cook's Add., lot 18, 52.43 ft at .787c 4123 Geo. Funk Est., lot 19, 52.43 ft., at .787c 41 26 John C. Decher. Cook's Add., N 35.6 ft, lot 20, 35.0 ft., at .787c 28 02 H. C. Deckert Est., Cook's Add, S 16.8 ft. lot 20. 16.8 ft. at .787c13 22 H. C. Deckert Est., Cook's Add, lot 21. 52.43 ft. at .7870 91 26 Marg. .Hoerner. Cook's Add., lot 22, 52.43 ft. at .787c 41 26 Jane McDonough, Cook's Add. lot 23, 52.43 ft. at .787c 41 26 Frank Geissler. Cook's Add.. lot 24, 52.43 ft. at ..87c 41 26 Jos. Kle, ni;t. C'ook's Add., lot 25, 12.43 ft. at ..`ie 41 26 Jos. Kleeman. Cook's Add., lot 26, 52.43 ft. at .7s7c 41 26 Jos. Kleeman. C'ook's Add., lot 27, 52.43 ft, at ..•..e ' 41 26 Nick Ley. (',,ok's Add., lot 28, 52.43 ft. at .7s7c 41 26 Gaudenz Truog, Cook's Add., N. 1 lot 7. 26.2 ft. at .787c 20.63 $ 476.44 1207 68 1166 92 Total $2850 04 Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the Reso- lution. Carried by the following vote: • Yeas -Aids. Clancy. Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones. Raymond and Sheridan. Nays -None. The Water Works Trustees reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: Enclosed find report of our receipts and disbursements for the three months ending March 31st., together with a detailed statement of the expenditures. Very respectfully. DUBUQUE WATER . WORKS TRUS- TEES, By John Ellwanger, President. Philip F. Ryder, Treasurer and Vice President. J. B. Powers, Trustee. On motion the report was referred to a Special Committee of three, consisting of Alds. Jones, Sheridan and Raymond. 102 Regular Session, April 16, 1903. City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: Herewith attached please find . fans and specifications, which I sub- mit for a Storm Water Tile Pipe Sewer in Fifteenth Street from Washington Street to Elm Street, and in Elm Street from Fifteenth Street to Fourteenth Street. I recommend this plan in place of the one ordered by your honorable body in Fif- teenth Street from Washington Street to Pine Street. Respectfully submitted. JAMES H. BOYCE. City Engineer. Ald. Horr moved that the plans as pre- sented be approved. Carried. City Engineer Boyce also reported :rs follows: To the Honorable Mayor. and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: There is on file in the City Engineer's office. Plans and Specifications for constructing a Storm Water Tile Pipe Sewer and a stone circular culvert in Six. tcenth Street from Washington Street to East side of Pine Street. 37.5 lineal feet 42 -inch stone circular cul- vert. C.. M. & St. P. Ry. 45.0 lineal feet 42 -inch stone culvert, C. G. W. Ry. 313.8 lineal feet 20 -inch Tile Pipe, City. 188.5 lineal feet 30 -inch Tile Pipe, City. Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE. City Engineer. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Horr, chairman of the Committee on Finance, reported as follows: Your Committee on Finance begs to re- port that the tax for the year 1900 still stands on the books of the County Treas- urer against the following lots now own- ed by the City of Dubuque, and being the Tots transferred by the Dubuque Water Works Company at the time the city ob- tained possession of the water works: Sub. Min. Lot 336, Lot 5; Min. Lot Ntc 203; Burton's Add., Lots 17, 18, 23; Sec. 19- 89-32, part 8; Sub. 1 of 3, Min. Lot 172, Lot 2; Ham's Add., pts. Lots 34 and 45; Lots 321 to 335 and 340 to 343, and we would recommend that the City Recorder be instructed to petition the Board of Supervisors of Dubuque County, asking that the said tax of 1900 on the above named lots be canceled. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report of the Committee on Finance. Carried. Ald. Frith, chairman of the Committee on Streets, reported as follows: Your Committee on Streets, to whom was referred the profile of the proposed change of grade on the alley between Francis and Valeria Streets, from Kauff- man Avenue to Hart Street, would rec- ommend that the grade of said alley be changed as shown by said profile, and that said grade be properly established by ordinance. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report. Carried. Whereupon Ald. Horr offered the follow- ing: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the Chicago. Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Com- pany and the Chicago Great Western Railway Company are hereby required to construct a storm water sewer in accord- ance with plans and specifications on file in the office of the City Engineer of the City of Dubuque. Iowa, for a storm water sewer on Sixteenth Street from the west end of the present sewer in Pine Street. southwesterly in said Sixteenth Street. to center of Washington Street; said rail- road companies are required to construct that portion of said sewer as shown by said plans and specifications, which is contained within the limits of their rights of way on Sixteenth Street, under the direction and subject to the approval of the City Engineer, and said railroad companies are required to designate in writing to the City Council of the City of Dubuque within thirty (30) days after the service of a copy of this resolution upon them, whether or not they propose to construct said portion of said sewer themselves; and -said railroad companies are hereby notified that in case of their failure to so designate their wishes with- in the time specified, and further failure to commence work upon said sewer within thirty (30) days from the service of a copy of this resolution, it will be presumed that said railroad companies do not propose to construct such portions of said sewer, and that the City of Dubuque will recover the cost thereof from said companies. Be it further resolved. That service of this resolution be made upon said railroad companies by serving them with a certi- fied copy of same. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the Resolu- tion. Carried. Ald. Frith also presented and read an Ordinance, changing and establishing the grade of the alley between Francis Street and Valeria Street, from the north curo line of Kauffman Avenue to the south curb line of Hart Street. And moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading. Carried. Ald. Frith moved to suspend the rules tor the purpose of reading the Ordinance b;' its title for the second time. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. The Ordinance was then read by its title the second time. Ald. Frith moved that the Ordinance be now adopted as read. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. The Mayor declared the Ordinance ad- opted. The Ordinance follows: AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE CHANGING AND ES- TABLISHING THE GRADE OF THE ALLEY BETWEEN FRANCIS STREET AND VALERIA STREET. FROM THE NORTH CURB LINE OF KAUFFMAN AVENUE TO THE SOUTH CURB LINE OF HART STREET. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. Section 1. That the grade of the alley between Francis Street and Valeria Street, from the north curb line of Kauff- man Avenue to the south curb line of Hart Street be described and establisher) as follows: Starting at the north curb line of Kauffman Avenue, which is sta- Regular Session, April 16, 1903. 103 tion 0-12, elevation 38.36; thence northerly to station 1-57, elevation 43.3; thence northerly to the south curb line of Hart Street, which is station 4-84.3, elevation 61.03. Sec. 2. This ordinance to be in force from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Globe -Journal newspaper. Adopted Approved Attest: , Mayor. City Recorder. Ald. Frith also presented and read an Ordinance amending an Ordinance en- titled An Ordinance dividing the City in- to Road Districts for the purpose of sprinkling the streets of said City and for the payment of the expense for the same. Ald. Frith moved that the reading just had be its first reading. Carried. Ald. Frith moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of reading the Ordinance by its title for the second time. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond, Sheridan. Nays—None. The Ordinance was then read by its title for the second time. Ald. Frith moved that the Ordinance be adopted as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy. Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond, Sheridan. Nays—None. The Mayor declared the ordinance adopted. Ordinance follows: AN ORDINANCE. `1 'AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AN OR- DINANCE ENTITLED "AN ORDIN- r% ANCE DIVIDING THE CITY INTO ROAD DISTRICTS FOR THE PUR- POSE OFA SPRINKLING THEt E—PAYMi NT OF THE EXPENSE FOR THE SAME. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That the above entitled ordi- nace be and is hereby amended by adding to District No. 1 thereof, South Locust Street, from Dodge Street to Railroad Ave- nue. Section 2. That Diagonal Street. from Couler Avenue to Broadway Street, and Broadway Street from Diagonal Street to Blocklinger Lane should be added to Dis- trict No. 5 thereof. Section 3. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and publica- tion one time in the Dubuque Globe -Jour- nal newspaper. Adopted — Approved: Mayor. Attest: City Recorder. Ald. Corrance, chairman of the commit- tee on Claims, reported as follows: Your committee on Claims, to whom was referred the Original Notice in the case of Catherine Hagerty vs. City of Dubuque, would recommend that said notice be re- ferred to the City Attorney. Also, your committee on Claims, to whom was referred the claim of Paul Wel- pert, asking that he be allowed the sum of $2,500 damages for injuries sustained by him by reason of a defective railing on the northerly side of Broadway Extension, would recommend that he be allowed the sum of Two Hundred ($200.00) Dollars hi full for his alleged injuries, providing a settlement can be made on that basis. Whereupon the City Atorney presented the following report: Dubuque, lowa, April 16, 1903. To the I-Ionorable Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: In relation to the claim of Paul Weipert for $2,500.00, as damages for personal injuries claimed to have been sustained by him because of a fall oc- casioned by a defective railing on the Northerly side of Broadway Extension in front of the premises then occupied by D. Muegenberg, and being known as No. 363 Broadway Extension, I beg leave to report that I have arranged a setltement with said Paul Weipert, he agreeing to accept Two Hundred ($200) Dollars in full for all damages sustained by him growing out of said injury. I would therefore recommend that your honorable body order a warrant drawn in the sum of $200.00, in my favor, with in- structions to complete said settlement with • said Paul Weipert, and to report said set- tlement together with a receipt in full for same to the Council. Respectfully submitted, G. A. BARNES, City Attorney. Ald. Corrance moved that the report of the committe on Claims and City Attor- ney be adopted, and that a warrant be drawn in favor of the City Attorney for $200.00 to settle the claim of Paul Weipert. Carried. Ald. Raymond, chairman of the commit- tee on Paving, Sweeping and Sprinkling, reported as follows: Your committee on Paving, Sweeping and Sprinkling begs to report that we have obtained bids for sweeping the brick paved streets and find that the one sub- mitted by J. Calvert to be the lowest, he having agreed to sweep the brick paved streets in accordance with a schedule pre- pared by the City Engineer, for the sum of $18.00 per week; we would therefore rec- ommend that J. Calvert be awarded the contract during the pleasure of your com- mittee, and that the City Attorney be in- structed to draw up an agreement in ac- cordance with this report and the above mentioned schedule to be entered into by said J. Calvert and the City of Dubuque. Also, your committe on Paving, Sweep- ing and Sprinkling begs to report that we have examined the job of painting done by John Newman & Son on the sprinkling wagons, and finding the same to be done in accordance with the specifications and entirely satisfactory to your committee, we would recommend that the work be accepted. Also, your committee on Paving, Sweep- ing and Sprinkling would respectfully rec- ommend that the men employed to sweep be the ba ickjackets, pavets. overalls sand caps provided be white jackets, se- lected by your committee. Also, your committee on Paving, Sweep- ing and Sprinkling woula respectfully rec- ommend that the services of the paper col- lector be dispensed with at the end of the month of April, 1903. 104 Regular Session, April 16, 1903. Ald. Raymond moved to adopt the re- port of the committee. Carried. Ald. Jones, chairman of the committee on Public Grounds and Buildings, pre- sented and read the following: LEASE. This agreement made and entered into this first day of January, 1903, by and be- tween the City a f`D; baugUe ry and nd Chet e Govon er- nors' Greys, said city. WITNESSETH, The said City of Du- buque in consideration of the covenants hereinafter contained has demised and leased to said Governor's Grey Company the following described premises, viz: The third and fourth floors of what is known as the Central Engine House Build- ing, situated on the southwest corner of Iowa and Ninth Streets in the City of Dubuque, for a term of one year fromthe first day of January, 1903, with the privi- lege of renewal upon such conditions and such terms as may hereafter be agreed up- on by the parties hereto. The City of Dubuque agrees to furnish steam for the proper and sufficient heat- ing of said premises and properly light the same for the use and benefit of said com- pany during the term of this lease. It is further agreed that said Governor's Greys will carefully examine all gas bills ren- dered for lighting salt: premises and when found correct will O. K. the same before presentation to the Council for payment. The said Governor's (Greys Company to pay the City of Dubuque the sum of Two Hundred ($200) Dollars as rental for said premises, said amount to be paid in two equal payments, one of One Hundred ($100) Dollars on the first day of July, 1903, and one for One Hundred ($100) Dollars on the first day of January, 1904. The Governor's Greys agree to surren- der said premises at the end of said term in as good condition as they were at the commencement of the term, reasonable use and wear thereof and damages by the ele- ments excepted. The Governor's Greys being a military company and one of the companies of the Iowa National Guards, is to use said premises as an armory and for proper, customary and legitimates uses connected therewith, provided that said premises shall not be used ror drilling purposes af- ter 11 o'clock p. m. during the term of this lease. It is agreed that said company when it will not interfere with the use of said premises for the purposes aforesaid may permit said premises to Le used for other public purposes when in the judgment of said company it sees fit to do so and that said company may make a charge for such use of a sufficient sum to be paid in ad- vance by the persona who are to use said premises and said charge is to be made for cleaning and putting said premises in proper condition after its use as contem- plated aforesaid. It is further agreed that if the Fire De- partment of the City of Dubuque desire to do so, they may have the use of hall which is a part of said premises for their annual . ball. And it is further agreed that if the Police Force of the City of Dubuque desire to do so, they may have the use of said hall for their annual ball, both without charge. It is further agreed that if default is made for thirty days in any one of the above installments of rent due, then this lease may be terminated by the City of Dubuque. Dated at Dubuque this — day of , 1903. CITY OF DUBUQUE. By Mayor. Attest: City Recorder. Ald. Jones moved that the Lease be ap- proved as read. and the Mayor instructed to enter into a Contract according to said Lease. Carried. Ald. Horr, Chairman of the Board of Equalization, reported as follows: Your Board of Equalization, reporting on the communication of City Treasurer Brinkman in relation to the taxes for the year 1900 against the lots acquired by the City from the Dubuque Water Co., would recommend that he be instructed to can- cel the taxes. both personal and real, against the following described lots: Sub. Min. Lot 336. Lot 5; Min. Lot N 1 203: Burton's Add.. Lots 17, 18 and 23; Sec. 19, 89, 32, part Lot 8; Sub. 1 of 3 of Min. Lot 172, Lot 2; Ham's Add., parts Lots 34 and 45; Lots 321 to 335 and 340 to 343. We would also recommend that the taxes for the year 1901, against the following de- scribed lots be ordered canceled; said lots having been acquired by the City for the Free Public Library: City N 35 ft., Lot 659; City Lot 658a; City S. 16.2 feet W. 1 of Lot 659. Also your Board of Equalization. to whom was referred the petition of Martha Wiedmer, stating that through an error, she had been overassessed on her person- a. property for the year 1899 and asking that the City Treasurer be instructed to refund the sum of $13.20, which amount she had paid on said overassessment, would recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the City Treasurer be instructed in accordance herewith. Also your Board of Equalization, to whom was referred the petition of the Dubuque Brewing and Malting Co., ask- ing that in accordance with the action of the City Council June 1, 1896, the City Treasurer be instructed to accept the sum of $2465.85 in full settlement for all city taxes for the year 1902, would recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be grant- ed and that the Treasurer be instructed accordingly. Also your Board of Equalization, to whom was referred the petition of Lillian L Alden, asking that the Treasurer be instructed to receive the sum of $58.24 in full settlement of the taxes, both personal and real levied against the N. 1/2 of Lot 6 and the E. 2 feet of Lot 7 in A. L. Brown's Sub., would recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the Treasurer be instructed accordingly. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report of the Board of Equalization. Carried. Aid. Horr also reported as follows: Your Board of Equalization to whom was referred the petition of A. L. Rhom- berg, asking for a review of the valuation fixed by this Board on his lots in Ham's Addition and other property owned by him, would recommend that the valuation on said lots in Ham's Add. be increased 30 per cent on the amount thereof as re- turned by the City Assessor, and that $1,000.00 be deducted from the valuation on the homestead, which amount is to Regular Session, April 16, 1903. be applied by the assessor proportionately among the lots in Ham's Add. Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the report. Ald. Frith moved a substitute to post- pone action on said report until the next meeting of the Council. Substitute lost by the following vote: Yeas -Alis. Frith. Ilorr and Jones. Total 3. Nays -Aids. Clancy. Corrance, Raymond and Sheridan. Total 4. The original motion of Ald. Clancy to adopt the report was carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas -Aids. Clancy. Corrance. Raymond and Sheridan. Total 4. Nays -Alda. Frith, Horr and Jones Total 3. Ald. Jones, of the Board of Health, re- ported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun • Ell of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: Your Board of Health at a meeting held April 6th. 1903. took under consideration the petition referred to it by the City Council of John Plein et al. asking the City Council to have the Dairy Earn of A. Paley declared a nuisance and have the same removed. Would respectfully report that we re- ferred the same to the Health Physician and Sanitary Policeman to investigate, and report at the next meeting of the Board. Also report that a Bill of Mr. John A. Voelker to conveying two Smallpox Pa- tients to the Detention Hospital. also to fumigating the residences of same, was referred to the Health Physician and San- itary Policeman. Also report that we instructed the health officer to investigate the various reports brought to the attention of the board, of unwholesome meats being sold in a certain butcher shop. Also report that the board instructed the City Recorder to advertize for bids for hauling the garbage, etc., for the sea- son of 1903, the bids to be acted upon by the board April 20th, 1303. Ald. Jones moved to adopt the report of the Board of Health. Carried. • Ald. Horr, chairman of the Committee of the Whole, reported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway CompanY, asking that they be granted permission to lay a side track on the west side of Nine- teenth Street, abutting their property from Sycamore to Lynn Street, would rec- ommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report. Carried by the following vote: Frith, Yeas-Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. -Nays-None. Ald. Horr also reported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Thos. J. Mulgrew, asking that Dodge and Water Streets be filled, would recommend that the City Engineer be instructed to dump the Street cleanings on Dodge Street, east of the Illinois Central tracks, and we would further recommend the adoption of a resolution requiring the Illinois Central Railroad Company to fill Water Street to its full width. Also your Committee of the Whole 105 would respectfully recommend that the special assessment levied against Lot 66, Littleton & Sawyer's Add.. owned by J. M. Kennety, for cleaning snow from the side- walk abutting thereon be canceled, be- cause said assessment was levied in er • ror. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the communication of Thos. J. Mulgrew in relation to the steam engine used by Ott. Meuser & Co.. in pulling lumber on the levee, would rec- ommend that the matter be referred to the Harbor Committee. Also your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the Harbor Master be instructed to notify Thos. J. Mulgrew to remove the sawdust and ashes froth the levee in front of his ice houses. Also your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that a committee be appointed, composed of three members of the City Council to act in conjunction with a committee to be appointed by the Retailers' association, for the purpose of conferring with the managers of the Iriquois Pearl Button Works, with a view of bringing about a settlement between them and their em- ployees. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. The Mayor appointed upon the commit- tee to act in conjunction with the Retail- ers' association, to confer with the man- agers of the Iroquois Pearl Button Works, Aids. Horr, Clancy and Raymond. On motion the Mayor was added to the committee, to act as chairman. Ald. Horr also reported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole would recommend that the salaries of the dif- ferent appointive officers and city em- ployees be fixed as follows for the year commencing May 1, 1903: Chief of Fire Department, $100.00 per month. Chief of Police. $100.00 per month. Committee Clerk, $100.00 per month. Assistant City Engineer, $100.00 per month. Assistant Treasurer, $100.00 per month. City Electrician, $83.33 per month. Assistant Attorney, $76.00 per mouth. Assistant Recorder, $80.00 per month. Treasurer's Clerk, $60.00 per month. Superintendent of Sprinkling, $60.00 per month. Sanitary Policeman, $65.00 per month. Sidewalk Inspector. $50.00 mo month. Sewer Foreman, $50.00 per Marketmaster, $50.00 per month. Rodman in Engineer's Office, $50.00 per month. month. City Carpenter, $46.00 per Driver of Carpenter's Wagon, $40.00 per month.onth. Park Custodians, $40.00 montm Poundmaster, $35. perper month. h. Foreman on Dumps, $40.00onth. Harbormaster. $20.00 per Janitress, $20.00 per month. 10 00 per Custodian Phoenix Park, $ month.35 per day. Sewer tLaborerrs, $t6Garbage 0 per day. Engineer on Steam Roller, $100.00 per month. 106 Stoker on Steam Roller, $60.00 per month. The Engineer and Stoker on steam rol- ler to be employed but nine months dur- ing the year, 19 3.s and ' From from Manch 15, ay 1, 11903, to Dec. 15,, 1904, to May 1, 1904. .\ e would also recommend that the bonds of such officers as are required to furnish the same be fixed at the same :,moon[ as last year. JOSEPH L. HORR, Chairman. Ald. Frith mrived to amend the report, to strike out $35.00 and insert $40.00 in lieu thereof, Carried byPthe nfollowing per vote: Yeas—Aids. Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones and Raymond. Nays—Aids. Clancy and Sheridan. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report as amended. Carried. R1 SOLCT1UNS. Ald. Horr offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That for the pur- pose of the Library Tax, all property within the limits of the City of Dubuque shall be assessed at its full assessable and taxable value as exemption under any resolution or ordin- ance passed by the City council shall have any force or effect as to assessments for library purposes. This resolution is to be applicable to assessments made for the year 1903 and succeeding years. Aid. Horr moved to r.Jopt the resolu- tion. Carried. Regular Session, April 16, 1903. Ald. Frith also offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That it is deemed necessary and advisable to improve Lin- coln Avenue from White street to Jackson street, and that it is hereby proposed to grade. curb, gutter and macadamize said street. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. .Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Frith also offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the City En- gineer be and is hereby directed to pre- pare a plat showing generally the loca- tion, nature and extent of the proposed improvement on Lincoln Avenue from White street to Jackson street and the kind of material to be used, and an esti- mate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such improvement, and the amount assessable upon any railway, or street railway, the amount and cost thereof to be paid by the City, if any, and the cost there- of and amount assessable upon each lot ,or parcel of land adjacent to or abut- ting upon such improvement per front foot: and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City Recorder; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the City Recorder shall publish in three consecutive issues of a newspaper published in this city a notice stating that such plat and estimate are on file, the lo- cation and nature of the improvement, kind of material to be used, and an esti- mate of its cost and the time before which objections thereto can be filed and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication, of such notice and after such publication shall have been made, the City Recorder syall, at e next notifyre the session Council of the City Council thereof in writing with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Aid. Frith moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Frith also offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the Alley be- tween Valeria and Frances Streets from Kauffman Avenue to Hart Street, be im- proved by grading and macadamizing the same in accordance with the plat and spec- ifications for such improvement prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and be it further resolved that said improvement shall be completed on or before the 1st day of July, 1903, and shall be paid for at the time and in the manner prescribed by Chapter 32 of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque for the payment of theoals for doingsuch work cost menta. The proposals will be acted upon by the council on the 7th day of Ivlay, 1903, and the City Re- corder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication, asking for propos- als as provided by ordinance. Ald. Frith moved to adopt. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr. Jones, Raymond, Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Horr moved that the Counr'.1 pro- ceed to elect the appointive officers for the ensuing year. Carried. Mayor Berg appointed .ids. Sheridan and Horr as tellers. FOR CI'T'Y ELE(" 1'I1ICIAN. Aid. Ilorr moved that \\'m. Hipman be appointed City Electrician for the ensuing year and that he be elected by acclama- tion. Unanimously carried. and the Mayor declared Wm. Hipman duly elected City Electrielan. FOR MARICET MASTER. Ald. Raymond moved that H. J. Tropf be appointed Market Master for the ensu- ing year and that he be elected by accla- mation. unanimously carried, and the Mayor declared H. J. Tropf duly elected Market Master. FOR SIDEWALK INSPECTOR. Ald. Horr moved that Adam Crawford be appointed Sidewalk Inspector for the ensuing year and that he be elected by acclamation. Carried unanimously and the Mayor de- clared Adam Crawford duly elected Side- walk Inspector. FOR SUPERINTENDENT OF STREET SPRINKLING AND ASSISTANT IN ENGINEER'S OFFICE. Aid. Raymond moved that Edw. Herron he appointed Superintendent of Street Sprinkling and Assistant in Engineer's Office for the ensuing year and that he be elected by acclamation. Carried unanimously and the Mayo' de- clared Edw. Herron duly elected Super- Regular Session, April 16, 1903. 107 intendant of Street Sprinkling and Assis- tant in Engineer's Office. PARK CI'erODIANS. Ald. Corrance moved that Peter Kien i..e appointed Park Custodian for Jackson Park for the ensuing year and that he be elected by acclamation. Unanimously carried and the Mayor de- clared Peter Kien duly elected Park Cus- todian of Jackson Park. The following were candidates for Cus- todian of Washington Park: Patrick Ryan and Thos. Cahill. FIRST BALLOT. Patrick Ryan T Thos. Cahill 0 Patrick Ryan having reeeiN ed the ma- jority of votes was declared elected for the ensuing year. For Custodian of Phoenix. Park Thomas Faherty was on motion of Ald. Raymond appointed and elected by acclamation for the ensuing year. FOR POUNDMASTER. The following were put in nomination: N. Offerman and Al. Moyer. First ballot— N. Offerman received 4 votes. Al. Moyer received 3 votes. N. Offerman receiving the majority of votes was declared elected for the en- suing year. FOR WOODMEASURER AND WHARF - MASTER. The following were put in nomination: H. A. Moyes and R. F. Curran. First ballot— H. A. Moyes received 5 votes. R. F. Curran received 2 votes. H. A. Moyes receiving the majority of votes was declared elected for the en- suing year. FOR ENGINEER STEAM ROLLER. The following were put in nomination: Thomas Young and Peter Martin. First ballot— Thos. Young received 5 votes. Peter Martin received 2 votes. Thos. Young receiving the majority of votes was declared elected for the en- suing year. Ald. Horr moved that Nelson Frith be elected stoker of steam roller by accla- mation for the ensuing year. Carried. Resignation of Mr. S. H. Cook, Sewer Foreman. was presented and read. Where- upon Ald. Corrance moved that the res- ignation be accepted. Ald. Jones moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of hearing Mr. Cook. Car- ried. Mr. Cook stated he would be a candi- date for the same position if elected. Ald. Frith moved that Mr. Cook be al- lowed to withdraw his resignation. Car- ried. Mr. Cook then withdrew his resignation. The following were put in nomination for Sewer Foreman: S. H. Cook. R. T. Eddy. A. J. H. Tuegel. Landon Taylor. First ballot— R. T. Eddy received 4 votes. S. H. Cook received 1 vote. A. J. H. Tuegel received 1 vote. Landon Taylor received 1 vote. R. T. Eddy receiving the majority of votes was declared elected for the en- suing year. For City Carpenter John Heil was elect- ed by acclamation. For Driver of Carpenter Wagon Jos. Rooney was elected by acclamaution. For taking charge of Fourth Street dump James Callaghan was elected by acclamation. For taking charge of the garbage dump the following were put in nomination: J. Straney, Sr. Al. Moyer. Rob't. McGivern. First ballot— Jas. Straney, Sr., received 4 votes. Robert McGivern received 2 votes. Al. Moyer received 1 vote. Jas. Straney, Sr., having received the majority of votes, was declared elected for the ensuing year. Ald. Horr moved that the following named constitute the Sewer gang: Pat Casserly. Jno. Corcoran. H. Cosgrove. Robt. Fuller. F. Honecker. P. Kenneally. Pat Sage. Landon Taylor. Ald. Sheridan moved that all the pres- ent weighmasters be re -appointed for the ensuing year. Carried. The Mayor declared all the foregoing named duly elected by the Council to their respective offices and they to assume their duties May 1st, 1903. Ald. Frith moved to adjourn until April 30th, 1903. Carried. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Attest: .Recorder. Approved. ,Za. Mayor. 108 Adjourned Regular Session, April 30, 1903. CITY COUNCIL. Adjourned Regular Session April 30th, 1903. (Official.) Council met at 8:15 o'clock P. M. Mayor Berg In the chair. Present—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Absen t --None. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. Petition of Frank Rohner et al asking for the opening of Booth Street from its present terminus to Fourteenth Street, also that said street be improved from Julien Avenue to Fourteenth Street. On motion of Ald. Corrance the prayer of the petition was granted. Petition of Jos. Ruegamer et al asking that Ann Avenue be opened from Lincoln Avenue to Emsley Lane, was on motion referred to the Stregt committee and City Engineer, and they report at the next meeeting of the Council. Petition of Max Rost et al asking that the City Engineer be instructed to estab- lish a grade on Adams Avenue from Reed to Fifth Avenue. Ald. Frith moved to grant the petition and the Engineer be instructed to estab- lish a grade on said Avenue. Carried. Petition of Robt. Sommer asking for the grade of Davenport Street and Broad- way Extension. On motion the petition was granted and Engineer instructed to give the grade. Petition of the Geo. Richardson Co., asking that their taxes for 1902 be re- mitted as per Committee of the Whole report of July 1st, 1901, exempting them from taxation for a period of five (5) years. On motion of Ald. Frith the.peti• tion was granted. Petition of Wm. Lewin et al joining in with the petition of Fred Remus in rela- tion to opening and improving the alley in rear of Fred Remus' property in A. Steine's Add. On motion was referred to the Street Committee. Petition of Mrs. H. Tropf et al asking that an electric arc light be placed at the intersection of Leibnitz and Clifford Streets. On motion of Ald. Sheridan was referred to Police and Light committee. Petition of Schmid Mfg. Co. asking that their personal taxes for the past five (5) years be ordered canceled. Ald. Raymond moved to refer the peti- tion to the Board of Equalization. Car- ried. Petition of R. T. Eddy asking for ex- emption of his homestead from taxation to the amount of $800.00 on the assessed valuation of the same for the year 1902. On motion was referred to the Delin- quent Tax Committee. Petition of Thos. J. Mulgrew asking per- mission to continue to put filling in Levee fronting his ice houses until It runs out eight or ten feet wider from Dodge to Charter Streets. On motion was referred to the Commit- tee of the Whole. Petition of Edward Healy asking Coun- cil to grant him the right to let his ash house remain permanently where now lo- cated In rear of Twelfth and Bluff Streets. On motion was referred to Committee of the Whole. Communication of the Team Drivers' union stating that a new scale of wages would go into effect May 1st, 1903, giving teamsters 40c per hour, and asking that the City only employ union teamsters, was on motion referred to the Committee of the Whole. Original Notice. District Court, Mary Kruse vs. City of Dubuque. claiming the sum of $5,000.00 for injuries sustained by falling on an icy sidewalk in front of the premises known as lot 19 in McCraney's 2nd Add. Ald. Sheridan moved to refer notice to the City Attorney. Carried. The following communication was pre- sented and read: Dubuque. Iowa, April 30, 1903. To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The undersigned citizens and taxpayers of the city of Dubuque, would respectfully call the attention of your honorable body to the manifest dis- criminations in the valuations for assess- ment purposes on the following lots in Ham's Add. The figures submitted are arr returned by the City Assessor for the year 1902. prior to the action of the Board of Equalization: Lot 408, owned by the Rhomberg Estate, was assessed at $300.00; Lot 409, immediately adjoining said lot 408, is owned by the B. Schulte Estate and 1s ar. inside lot the same as lot 408, yet the assessment on said Lot 409 is 8400.00. Lot 411, a corner lot on the northerly side of the street. owned by the Rhomberg Es- tate, is valued at $400.00, while Lot 410, on the opposite corner of the same side of the street, owned by the Schulte Estate, is assessed at $600.00, and Lot 412, owned by the Rhomberg Estate, being equal in value to the above mentioned Lot 409, is assessed at only $300.00. The Rhomberg Estate owns Lots 429 to 432, inclusive, and the assessment thereon is $300.00 per lot, while the Robinson Estate, which owns Lots 436 to 438, inclusive, said lots being of exactly the same value as the Rhom- berg lots. is assessed at $600.00 per lot. We therefore ask your honorable body that this discrimination be not allowed to stand, and that the valuation on the above mentioned lots, as well as on a number of other Lots in Ham's Add., be equalized and assessed at the same value as other unimproved Lots in that immedi- ate vicinity. Very respectfully, JOSEPH L. HORR, E. E. FRITH, RUDOLPH JONES. Ald. Horr moved to refer the communi- cation to the Board of Equalization. Car- ried. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Auditor Hoffman reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen—The following is a record of Adjourned Regular Session, April 30, 1903. 109 all Interest Coupons redeemed by Treas- urer for the past month: Improvement Bond Coupons $ 115.42 Regular Bond Coupons 3114.52 $3229.94 Improvement Bonds redeemed $3150.10 Also report that there is due the City Officers for the month of$�698.45 April, 1903 On motion the report wus received and warrants ordered drawn, to pay City Of- ficers. and the report referred back to the Committee on Finance. Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen—I herewith submit my pay roll for the Fire Department for the month of April. 1903: Amount due Firemen $9080.55 JOSEPH REINFRIED, Chief. MATT. CLANCY, Chairman Committee on Fire. On motion the pay roll was received, and warrants ordered drawn to pay Fire- men, and the report referred back to the Committee on Fire. Chief of Police Morgan reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cIl of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen -1 herewith submit my report and Day roll for the Police Department for the month of April, 1903: Total arrests for the month 89 Patrol runs for the month 82 Miles traveled for the month 16354 Residents arrested for the month 54 Doors found opera for the month 30 Lodgers harbored for the month110 Defective lights for the month 16 Meals furnished for the month .. 76 Cost of food for the month $ 15 20 Sheriff Steiner. dieting prisoners 6 00 City Ordinance fines 75 00 Also the Pay Roll for Policemen for the month of April, 1903: Amount due policemen $1878 10 On motion the report and pay roll were received, and warrants ordered drawn to pay policemen, and the report referred back to the Committee on Police. City Attorney Barnes reported as fol- lows: Dubuque, Iowa, April 29, 1903. To the Honorable Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen—I have settled the claim for damages of Paul Weipert against the City of Dubuque, growing out of a fall on the sidewalk on the northerly side of Broad- way Extension, on or about the first day of February, 1903,.for the sum of Two Hundred Dollars, the same being in full settlement for all injuries growing out of said fall. I attach hereto receipt of Paul Weipert for said amount. Respectfully submitted, G. A. BARNES. Dubuque, Iowa, April 17, 1903. Received from City of Dubuque the sum of Two Hundred ($200.00) Dollars in full settlement for all personal injuries re- ceived by me, and in full for my claim for damages against said City, growing out of a fall on the sidewalk, Feb. 1, 1903, caused by a defective railing on the northerly side of Broadway Extension in front of the premises then occupied by D. Mueg- genburg and being known as No. 363, Broadway Extension, situated in the City of Dubuque. Iowa. PAUL WEIPERT. Ald. Horr moved that the report be re- ceived and filed. Carried. City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: Herewith attached please find plat showing proposed widening of Davis Avenue, from east of present 60 -foot Street to the East line of the West 34 of Lot 3 of the N. E. 54 Sec. 13, T. 89, R. 2, E. of the 5th P. M. Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Ald. Sheridan moved that the Plat be adopted and the Recorder instructed to have the same properly recorded, and the Engineer's report be received and filed. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alda. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. City Engineer Boyce also reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: Herewith attached please find Profile showing proposed grade of Davis Avenue from the East line of Wind- sor Avenue, to a point 768 feet east, which I would recommend to your honorable body for adoption. JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Ald. Sheridan moved that the Profile be referred to the Ordinance committee. Car- ried. The Officials Bonds of Health Physician Dr. B. Michel. City Electrician William Hipman and Sidewalk Inspector Adam Crawford were presented and examined by the City Attorney, who reported that the bonds were properly executed. On motion the bonds were approved. Whereupon the Mayor administered the oath of office to the various officers ap- pointed for the ensuing year. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Frith, chairman and the read Ordinancean committee, presentedordin- ance providing for the width of Sidewalks and l&oadway on Fulton and Monroe Streets, and moved that the reading just had be its first reading. Carried. Ald. Frith moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of reading the Ordinance by its title for the second time. Carried by the following vote: Frith. Yeas—Alda. Clancy, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. The Ordinance was then read by its title the second time. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the Ordinance as read. Carried by the following vote:Corrance, Frith, Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. The Mayor declared the Ordinance adopted. The Ordinance follows: 1 1 u Adjourned Regular Session, April 30, 1903. AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE WIDTH OF SIDEWALKS AND ROADWAY ON FULTON AND MON- ROE STREETS. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That .in the improvement of Fulton and Monroe Streets, the roadway shall be twenty-six (26) feet wide between curb/, and the sidewalks twelve (12) feet wide on each side of Mcnroe Street, with Fulton Street. The roadway from said intersection of Monroe and Fulton Streets to the south end of said Fulton Street to be twenty-six (26) feet wide between curbs and the sidewalk twelve (12) feet wide on each side thereof. Section 2. That Section 32. Chapter XXXII of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque, shall not apply to the improvement of the Streets re- ferred to in Section 1 hereof. Section 3. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its pub- lication one time in the Dubuque Globe - Journal newspaper. Adopted -- , 1903. Approved. Attest: Mayor. City Recorder. Ald. Frith also presented and read an Ordinance establishing the grade of Davis Avenue, and moved that the reading just had be its first reading. Carried. • Aid: Frith moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of reading the Ordinance by its itle for the second time. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alda. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays -None. The Ordinance was then read by its title the second time. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the Ordinance as read: Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Alds. Clancy. Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays -None. The Mayor declared the Ordinance adopted. The' Ordinance follows: AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE ESTABISHING THE GRADE OF DAVIS AVENUE. Be It Ordained by the City Coouncil of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That the grade of Davis Ave- nue be 'established and described as fol- lows:'' Beginhing at the East curb line of Windsor Avenue, which is Station —10, Elevation 174.7. Thence Easterly to Station 7x68, Eleva- tion 215.0. Section 2. This Ordinance shall take ef- fect and be in force from and after its passage and publication one (1) time in the Dubuque Globe -Journal newspaper. Adopted ' —, 1903. Approved , 1903. Attest: Mayor. City Recorder. Ald. Frith, chairman of the committee on Streets, reported as follows: Your committee on Streets, to whom was referred the petition of Herman Ney et al., asking that Fulton Street be im- proved full length thereof, would recom- mend that the prayer of the petitioners be granted. Also, your committee on Streets, to whom was referred the petition of J. T. Mulvey et al., asking that Pine Street be improved from Twenty-third to Twenty- eighth Streets. would recommend that said Street be improved from Twenty-third to Twenty-sixth Streets. Also, your committee on Streets, to who was referred the petition of John Heim, asking that South Street be put in passable condition, would recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the City Engineer be instructed to work said Street with the road grader. Also, your committee on Streets. to whom was referred the petition of John T. Howie et al., asking that a sidewalk be ordered laid on Belmond Street, abutting Lots 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17, E. E. Jones' Sub.. would recommend that the prayer of the petitioners be granted. Also, your committee on Streets, to whom was referred the petition of W. Wi- ley et al., asking that Grace Street from the end of the present improvement to East Street be improved, would recom- mend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted. Also, your committee on Streets, to whom was referred the petition of E. A. Buettell et al., asking that the alley be- tween Alpine and Nevada Streets from West Third Street to Langworthy Avenue. be improved and that the mineral shed situated on said alley be removed. would recommend that the prayer of the peti- tioners be granted and that the Chief of Police be instructed to notify the owners of said shed to have the same removed without delay. Also, your committee on Streets; to whom was referred the petition of John J. Barker et al., asking that the alley he- tween Seminary and Leibnitz Streets from Paul Street to the east end of said alley be graded, would recommend that the City Engineer he instructed to use the surplus material in said alley for filling wherever required in that locality. E. E. FRITH. Chairman. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report of the committee on Streets. Carried. Ald. Sheridan, chairman of the Police and Light committee, moved that the City Recorder advertise for bids to Union Tailors for new Police uniforms. Carried. Ald. Raymond, chairman of the com- mittee on Paving. Sweeping and Sprink- ling, moved that the Purchasing commit- tee be instructed to order two (2) Street Sprinkling wagons complete from the Aus- tin Western Mfg. Co. Carried. Ald. Jones of the Board of Health re- ported as follows To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—Your Board of Health, at a meeting held April 27th, 1903. would re- spectfully report on the petition of John Plein, et al, in relation to the Dairy Barn • Adjourned Regular Session, April 30, 1903. 111 of A. Paley, that the premises have been inspected by the Health Officer and Sani- tary Policeman and found to be in as good a sanitary condition as can be ex- pected, therefore do not consider the place a nuisance, and would recommend that the petition be received and filed. Also report that the Board audited two bills of Mr. John Voelker, for conveying several smallpox patients to the Detention Hospital and fumigating the residences of same, total amount $30.39, and referred the bills to the Board of Supervisors for pay- ment. Also recommend that the bill of the Tel- egraph -Herald for health reports for Jan- uary, amounting to $1.00, be paid. Also report that the Board recommends to the County Attorney that he take cog- nizance of the case of Tom O'Connell, for violating the rules of the Board of Health, by wilfully exposing himself to the detri- ment of the public, after he had been in- formed that he hart the smallpox, and also for resisting the officers. Also report that the contract for hauling the garbage, etc., for the season of 1903, was awarded to Thomas E. Frith at the following rates: For removing all gar- bage, etc., once a day in the down town districts, and twice a week on the bluffs, $13.59 per day, and for removing all the garbage, etc., once a day in the down town disti icts and three times a week on the bluffs, $14.95 per day. Also recommend that the selection of Dr. B. Michel, for Heaith Physician, and Frank Flynn for Sanitary Policeman, by the Board, be confirmed by your honor- able body, with the understanding that the Health Physician do all the work per- taining to the Board, for the same com- pensation, $50.00 per month. Also recommend that the reappointment of Mr. Geo. Salct and Otto M. Ruete, as citizen members to the Board of Health for the ensuing year be confirmed by your honorable body. Ald. Jones moved to adopt the report of the Board of Health. Carried. Ald. Horr, chairman of the Committee of the Whole, reported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole would re- spectfully recommend that the 'Linton Electric Company be granted permission to replace their present rails wherever they may deem necesary with a T rail. Said T rails to be at least 7 inches in height and to weigh not less than 70 pounds per yard. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of An- drew McDonnell, engineer of the reserve fire steamer, asking the City Council to reconsider its action in reducing his salary from $75.00 to $60.00 per month and restore the same to what it originally was, would recommend that the salary of the engi- neer of the reserve steam tire engine be fixed at $67.50 per month. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of C. Nanck, in relation to the water from Eagle Street flowing onto his lots at the corner of Middle Avenue and Dursley Lane, would recommend that the matter be referred to a committee of three to ascertain on what conditions the city can secure a' portion of Lot 43 In Althauser's Sub.. for the purpose of diverting the water from said lots. Also your Committee of the Whole begs to report that under the agreement with the Kelly -Springfield Road Roller Co., of Springfield, Ohio, the City Council must decide by the 1st day of May, 1903, whether or not it is the intention of the City to purchase the new steam road rol- ler; also, in the event of purchasing said roller, whether or not it is the intention to turn in the old roller in part payment thereon, would recommend that the new roller he purchased by the City and that the old roller be retained; we would fur- ther recommend that a warrant in the sum of $3,000.00 be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer in favor of the Kelly - Springfield Road Roller Co., in part pay- ment for said roller and that a balance of $550.00 he held until the expiration of the term of the guarantee. Also your Committee of the Whole, re- porting on the petition of Clara Ganten- bein and Anna G. Adams, asking for permission to grade Merchants' Lane in rear of Lots 2 and 3, Porter's Add., at no cost to the crity, would recommend that the prayer rf the petitioners be granted; also, that they he allowed to take out the ledge rock at prevent exposed in said Merchants' Lan' in rear of the above . mentioned lots, provided, that they refill with the proper material, the excavation made in taking out said ledge to the satisfaction of the Street Committee and City Engineer, and deposit any surplus filling on such parts of said Lane as they may be directed by said Committee and Engineer; also, provided that they will enter into a written agreement with the City to perform the things herein recom- mended. Ash; your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of the Sis- ters of St, Francis, asking that Davis Avenue be opened from the east line of Lot 2 of 4 of the Sub. of the N. E. 14 of Sec. 13, T. 89, N. R. 2, east of the 5th P. M., to the west line of the east % of Lot 3 of the same Subdivision, also asking that they be given strip of ground e compensation thewould be taken for the opening of said avenue, would recommend that said avenue be opened as prayed for, and that the sum of $200.00 be allowed for the above mentioned strip of ground, for which sum we would recommend that a warrant be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer in favor of the Sisters of St. Francis, to be paid over to them upon presentation of a deed of re- linquishment of the above mentioned strip. We would further recommend that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare on e said a profile of the proposed grade avenue. Also your Committee of the Whole would respectfully state that Peter E1s- bach, the contractor on Bee Branch sewer. presented a communication to this comm cons derabletee, camoun ofthat lost money by reason of his having taken the work at a much lower figure than it could possibly have been constructed for, and if forced to continue the work it will ne at a con- 112 Adjourned Regular Session, April 30, 1903. stantly increasing loss, and asking there• fore that he be allowed something addi- tional on said contract, would report as follows: Not wishing to distress a man who has shown a disposition to do his utmost to comply with the terms of his contract, and knowing that if he were relleved of said contract and the work readvertiscd, the lowest bidder would be, on account of the higher rate paid for labor and material, several hundred dol- lars above the amount Mr. Eisbach asks us additional compensation, we would therefore recommend that on the comple- tion of his contract, provided the work be done to the satisfaction of the Street Committee and City Engineer,' that sat.' Peter Eisbach be allowed the additional sum of $1,400.(i0, which amount is to be in full for all claims of whatsoever nature growing out of said contract, and pro• vided further, that said Peter Eisbach en- ters into a written agreement, to be pre• pared by the City Attorney, in accordance with the terms of this report. JOSEPH L. HORR, Chairman. Ald. Herr moved to adopt the report of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. Jones, chairman of the Special Committee to audit the quarterly report of the Dubuque Water Works Trustees, reported as follows: Your Special Committee, appointed to audit the report of the Water Worts Trustees for the quarter ending April 1. 1903, beg to report that we have examined the same and compared the items as therein set out with the vouchers on file in the office of said Trustees, and finding the same to correspond we would recom- mend that said report be received and flied. RUDOLPH JONES, Chairman. Ald. Jones moved that the report be adopted. Carried. RESOLUTIONS. Alderman Horr offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to open Davis Avenue from the east line of Lot 2 of 4 of the Sub. of the N. E. 1/4 of Sec. 13, T. 99, N. R. 2 east of the 6th P. M., to the west line of the east % of Lot 3 of the same Subdivision; and be it further re- solved, that the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to make a survey and plat of such proposed improvement, showing the lands or lots through or over which the same is proposed to be made, the names of the owners thereof, and the quantity of land proposed to be taken, and file such plat in his office for public inspection; that after such plat is so pre- pared and filed, said City Engineer shall give the owners of the property through or over which such improvement is pro- posed to be made, notice as described in Section 2 of Chapter 31 of the ordi- nances of the City of Dubuque. .Md. Herr moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried. Alderman Raymond offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to improve Ray- mond Place from the north curb line of Fenelon Place to the south line of Cooper Street, and that it Is hereby proposed to grade, curb, gutter and macadamize said Street. Ald. Raymond moved to adopt the reso- lution. Carded by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Herr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Alderman Raymond also offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City En- gineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the le - cation, nature and extent of the proposed improvement on Raymond Place from the north curb line of Fenelon Place to the south line of Cooper Street, and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such improvement, and the amount assessable upon any railway or street railway, the amount and cost there-. of to be paid by the City, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City Re- corder; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the City Re- corder shall publish in three consecutive issues of a newspaper published in this city a notice stating that such plat and estimate are on file, the location and na- ture of the improvement, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost and the time before Which objections thereto can be filed and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than live days after the last publication of such notice and after such publication shall have been made, the City Recorder shall at the next regular session of the City Cbuncil notify the Council thereof in writing with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Aid. Raymond moved to adopt the res- olution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Alderman Raymond also offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City En- gineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a profile showing a grade on Raymond Place from Fenelon Place to Cooper Street. Ald. Raymond moved to adopt the reso- lution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Frith offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That from and after the adoption of this resolution, all con- tractors required by the City of Dubuque to furnish a surety bond for the faithful performance of the work to be done under their contracts, must furnish, at their own expense, a surety bond issued by some responsible Guaranty or Surety company, And that no contract requiring such bond be entered into by the City of Dubuque, unless said bond shall have been issued in accordance with the terms of this reso- lution. Adjourned Regular Session, April 30, 1903. 113. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu tion. Carried. Ald. Frith also offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That the City At- torney be and he Is hereby directed to prepare a written opinion stating whether or not the city could issue bonds to com- plete the construction of the Bee Branch sewer. and to present said opinion to the City Council at its next regular session. Ald Frith moved to adopt the resolution. Carried. Aid. Jones offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That it is deemed necessary and advisable to improve the alley between Garfield and Rhomberg Avenues from Kniest Street to Johnson Avenue, and that it is hereby proposed to Grade and macadamize said alley. Ald. Jones moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas --Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr. Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Aid. Jones also offered the follows^g: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the CitY En- gineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the lo- cation. nature and extent of the.proposed improvement on the alley between Gar- field and Rhomberg Avenues from Kniest Street to Johnson Avenue, and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof. and the amount and cost of such improvement, and the amount assessable upon any railway or street railway, the amount and cost thereof to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assess- able upon each lot or parcel of land ad- jacent to or abutting upon such improve- nient per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City Re- corder; that after the tiling of said plat and estimate in his office. the City Re- corder shall publish in three consecutive issues of a newspaper published in this city a notice stating that such plat and estimate are on file, the location and na- ture of the improvement, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost and the time before which objections thereto can be filed and the time fixed for hear- ing. which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of such no- tice, and after such publication shall have been made. the City Recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council notify the Council thereof in writing with a printed copy of such notice accompany- ing the same. Ald. Jones moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones. Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Jones moved that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare a profile of grade of the alley between Rhomberg and Garfield Avenues from Kniest Street to Johnson Avenue, and present the same to the City Council. Carried. Ald. Corrance offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to alter and change the location of Spring Street be- tween West Fourteenth Street and the south line_ of Lot 1 of the Sub. of Lot 25, Mount Pleasant addition. in the City of Dubuque, so that said Spring Street will intersect Booth Street as now located, and be it further resolved, that the City Engineer he and he is hereby directed to make a survey and plat of such proposed improvement, showing the land or lots through or over which the same is pro- posed to be made, the names of the own- ers thereof, and the quantity of land pro- posed to be taken and file such plat in his office for public inspection; that after such plat is so prepared and filed, said City Engineer shall give the owners of the property through or over which such im- provement is proposed to be made, notice as prescribed in Section 2 of Chapter XXXI. of the ordinances of the City of Dubuque. Ald. Corrance moved to adopt the reso- lution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones. Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Frith offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That it is deemed necessary and advisable to improve Pine Street from Twenty-third Street to Twen- ty-sixth Street, and it is hereby proposed to grade. curb. gutter and macadamize said street. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy. Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Frith also offered the ro:iowing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That the City Engi- neer be and he is hereby directed to pre- pare a plat showing generally the loca- tion. nature and extent of the proposed improvement on Pine Street from Twenty- third Street to Twenty-sixth Street, and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such improve- ment. and the amount assessable upon any railway or street railway, the amount and cost tnereor to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such im- provement per front foot. and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City Recorder; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the City Re- corder shall publish in three consecutive issues of a newspaper published in this city a notice stating that such plat and estimate are on file, the location and na- ture of the improvement, kind of materia) to be used. and an estimate of its cost and the time before which objections thereto can be filed and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication o' such notice and after such publication shall have been made, the City Re- corder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Frith also offered the following: 114 Adjourned Regular Session, April 30, 1903. Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That it is deemed necessary and advisable to construct a sanitary sewer in the alley between Washington and Jackson Streets and it is hereby proposed to construct a sanitary sewer in said alley between Washington and Jackson Streets as follows, to -wit: A twelve inch tile nape sewer from Sanford Street to Twenty-third Street. and a ten inch tile pipe sewer from said Twenty third Street to TwentySeventh Street. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—A lds. Clancy. Corrance. Frith, }torr, Jones. Raymond and Sheridan. Nays --None. Alderman Frith also offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City En- gineer be and he is hereby directed to pre- pare a plat and specifications for a San- itary Sewer in the alley between Wash- ington and Jackson Streets, as follows: A twelve -inch tile pipe sewer, from San- ford Street and Twenty-third Street, and a ten -inch tile pipe sewer from said Twen- ty-third Street to Twenty --seventh Street, showing the location and general nature of such improvement, the extent thereo°. the size and kind of material to be used, and to prepare an estimate of the cost thereof, and the amount absessabe upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting thereon per front foot or square foot in area and to file such plat, speci- fications and estimate in the office of the City Recorder. That after such plat is flied, the City Recorder shall cause to be published no- tice of the intention of the Council to make such improvement, which notice shall be published in three consecutive is- sues of the official newspaper of the city of Dubuque, stating that such plat is on file, and generally the nature of the sewer, its location, slze and kind of ma- terial to be used and the estimate of its cost, and fixing the time before which objection can be filed, which time shall not he less than five days after the last publication of such notice, and after the completion of the publication of such no- tice he shall at its next regular session, notify the Council thereof in writing with a printed copy of such notice accompany- ing the same. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resou- ti o n. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds.. Clancy. Corrance, Frith, Hon•, Jones. Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Aid. Frith also offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to improve Ful- ton Street from its intersection with Mon- roe Street to the southerly end of said ]Fulton Street. and that it is hereby pro- posed to grade. curb. gutter and macada- mize said street and make the same twen- ty-six feet wide between the curbstones. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy. Corrance. Frith, ]iorr, Jones. Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Aid. Frith also offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City En- gineer be and he is hereby instructed to prepare a plat showing generally the lo- cation, nature and extent of the proposed improvement on Fulton Street. from its intersection with Monroe Street to the Southerly end of said Fulton Street, and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such improve- ment, and the amount assessable upon any railway or street railway, the amount and cost thereof to be paid by the city. if any, and the cost thereof and amount assess- able up each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City Recorder; that after the filing of said plat and esti- mate in his office, the City Recorder shall publish in three consecutiveissues of a newspaper published in this city a notice stating that such plat and estimate' are on file, the location and nature of the im- provement. kind of material to he used, and an estimate of its cost and the time before which objections thereto can he filed and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of such notice and af- ter such publication shall have been made the City Recorder shall, at the next regu- lar session of the city council notify the council thereof in writing with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance. Frith, Horr, Jones. Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Horr moved that the Engineer be instructed to get all the signatures he can along Monroe and Fulton Streets that are in favor of said improvement. Carried. Ald. Frith also offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That it is deemed necessary and advisable to improve Mon- roe Street from the Southwest curb line of Broadway Extension to the intersection cf said Monroe Street with Fulton Street, and that it is hereby proposed to grade. curb, gutter and macadamize said Street and make the same twenty-six feet wide between the curb stones. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance. Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Frith also offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City En- gineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing geenrally the lo- cation, nature and extent of the proposed improvement on Monroe Street from the Southwest curb line of Broadway Exten- sion to the intersection of said Monroe Street with Fulton Street and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such improvement, and the amount assessable upon any railway or street railway, the amount and cost there- of to be paid by the City, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estim- ate in the office of the City Recorder; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the City Recorder shall pub- Adjourned Regular Session, April 30, 1903. 115 lash in three consecutive iss,Ps of a news- ingthat such plat and noticer published in this city, a estimate are on file, the location and nature of the improve- ment, kind of material to be used, and an• estimate of its cost and the time before which objections thereto can be flied, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of such notice, and after such publication shall have been made, the City Recorder shall, at the next reg- ular session of the City Council notify the Council thereof in writing with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Alderman Frith also offered the follow ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to improve Grace Street from the west line of Sub. 7, O'Hara's Sub., lot 4, to East Street, and it is hereby proposed to grade, curb, gut- ter and macadamize said street. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Alderman Frith also offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City En- gineer he and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the lo- cation, nature and extent of the proposed improvement on Grace Street, from the west line of Sub. 7, O'Harra's Sub., Lot 7. to East Street, and the kind of material to he used. and an estimate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such improvement and the amount assess- able upon any railway or street railway, the amount and cost thereof to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assesable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting up- on such improvement per front foot. and to file such plat and estimate in the of- fice of the City Recorder; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the City Recorder shall publish in three consecutive issues of a newspaper published in this city, a notice stating that such plat and estimate are on file, the lo- cation and nature of the improvement, kind of material to he used, and an esti- mate of its cost and the time before which objections thereto can be flied, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not he less than five days after the last publication of such notice, and after such publication shall have been made, the City Recorder shall, at the next regular ses- sion of the City Council, notify the Coun- cil thereof in writing with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alda. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Alderman Raymond offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That is is deemed necessary and advisable to improve the alley between Alpine and Nevada Streets, from West Third Street to Langworthy Avenue, and that it is hereby proposed to grade and macadamize said alley. Ald. Raymond moved to adopt the res- olution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alis. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Raymond also offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City Engi- neer be and he is hereby directed to pre- pare a plat showing generally the loca- tion, nature and extent of the proposed improvement on the alley between Alpine and Nevada Streets, from West Third Street to Langworthy Avenue, and the kind of material to be used, and an esti- mate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such improvement, and the amount assessable upon any rail- way or street railway, the a:nount and cost thereof to be paid by the city, if any, and the coat thereof and amount assess- able upon each lot or parcel of land ad- jacent to or abutting upon such improx e- ment per f -int foot, and to file such plat and estima'. in the office of the City Re- corder; th . after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the City Re- corder shall publish in three consecutive issues of a newspaper published in this city a notice stating that such plat and estimate are on file, the location and na- ture of the improvement, kind of material to he used, and an estimate of its cost and the time before which objections thereto can be filed and the time flxed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of such notice and after such publication shall have been made, the City Recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council notify the council thereof in writ- ing with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. Raymond moved to adopt the reso- lution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan, Nays—None. Ald. Horr moved that John Bohn be ap- pointed inspector of the Bee Branch Sewer, and that his salary be $50.00 per rnonth during the time so employed. Car- ried. The Mayor appointed a special commit- tee consisting of three members of the Council, Alds. Horr, Sheridan and Jones, to investigate the condition of Eagle Street or Emsley's Lane. Ald. Frith moved to adjourn until May 7th, 1903. Attest: ... Recorder. Pe - 1903 116 List of Warrants. LIST OF CITY WARRANTS. City Recorder's Office. Dubuque. Iowa, April 1, 1903. To the 'Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen—The following Is a complete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of March. 1903: Al. Alderson. labor 4 75 Jos. Brouiliette, labor 810 Paul Becker, labor 13 85 Jos. Blocklinger, labor 1.85 W. Coughlin. labor 8.80 Lanty Cahill, labor 70 Jas. Callahan, foreman 20.00 Henry Cosgrove, driver 18'00 John Engels, labor 2.05 Jos. Eberhardt, labor 3 40 S. Eberle, labor 5.40 Geo. Frost, foreman 20 00 Mat. Fetshele, labor 4 05 Dominic Frank, labor 540 Pat. Fenelon, labor 185 Jos. Gavin. labor 12 15 Jas. Graham, labor 1.35 C. Gantenbein, Jr., labor 1'60 C. Gantenbein, foreman 20 00 Geo. • J. Hahn, foreman 2000 Amb. Hird, labor 540 John Heil, carpenter 2000 Aug. Jass, -labor 5 10 John Jehring, -labor 5 40 Fred Keck, labor 10 E.0 Nic Kettenhofen, labor 4 05 Jacob Kasper, labor 4 05 Jacob Kraus, labor 2 05 Mat. Klein, paper collector 12 50 Dietrich l.illig, labor 1 35 H. Leinbke, labor 10 50 John Magee, labor 1 35 A. W. Miller, labor 915 Rob Mack, labor 4 05 W. Mohr, labor 4 75 Al. Moyer, labor 16 20 Jas. McKernan, labor 4 05 J. McCracken, labor 9 05 Pat McPoland, labor 6 40 Robert McGivern, driver 12 (10 W. O'Brien, foreman 20 00 Jas. Powers, labor 610 John Pfeiffer, labor 4 75 Maurice Quinlan, labor 2 05 Jos. Rooney, carpenter 12 00 John Spear, labor 1115 Thos. Smith, labor 70 John Schroeder, labor 4 75 Lawrence Trost, labor ..... ... 2 70 W. Wearmouth, foreman 20 00 J. J. McCollins, team ... 6 30 Carson McElrath, team 4 75 A. Paley, team 16 55 L. Pell, team Ed. Seeley, team J. Sullivan, team Jas. Tobin, team M. Theis, team .... 9 45 M. Zogg, team, • 2 90 Labor on sewers during the first half of March, 1903: P. Casslerly, labor John Corcoran, -labor S. H. Cook, foreman R. A. Fuller, labor Fred Honecker, labor .... 12 60 11 05 80 18 90 19 20 19'20 25 00 19 20 19 20 Pat Kenneally, labor 19 20 Jas. Rooney, labor 3 20 Pat Sage, labor 18 40 Landon Taylor, labor 19 20 MACADAM. 1 Sam. Allen $ 13 30 Burke, Waiter 9 76 Bradley, Jno. 3 00 Bluchert, Chas. 22.46 Casper, Jac. 15.15 Case. John 13 50 Donnegan. Mich. 14 06 Frost. Wm. 9 80 De Fontaine. P. & F. 35.90 Frommelt, David 9610 Geasland, Joe 26 00 Glass.:Barney 16 15 Hafey, John 21 50 Helmer, Max 21 70 Henderson. A. 170 Hackney, Thos. 1215 Kenneally, Titn. 1826 ifrocheski, Paul 1290 Lavin. •Mich. 8 60 Lovett, J. and J. Baummers 63 65 Mertinek. Jos. .23 70 Miller. -Jno. 12 60 McClain, Wm. 14 30 McMahon. Ross 19 80 M4Poland, Pat. 8 00 'Neubauer, Jno. 22 60 Sweeney. N. and J. Oailighan 23 30 Parker & SOn 55 85 Otto, -Julius 2510 'McDermott, Wm. 13 96 McDermott, Ed. 1410 Bliley, Chas. 22 45 Reed. Jas. 4 75 Schmidt, Ernst 16 30 Schwaegler, Wm. 22 95 Schnee, A. and B. 12 60 Tippe, H. 19 05 Welsh, Jno. 1570 Zingle, Nic. 19 80 Burkhart. Chas. & Co. 65 60 Dax, Peter & F. 62 95 Ginter, Joe 29 90 Ginter, Peter 23 60 O'Shea, Pat. 33 75 Purcell, Jog 29 50 Riepitch, Carl 33 30 Schnee, A. Sr B. 56 20 Twieg, Johan 33'65 Zingle, A. A. 64 85 Casper, Jac. 50 65 Duggan, Jno. 57 40 Cain, F. & M. 153 90 Furey, Pat. 6135 Helmer, Max 58 00 Horrig, Lawrence 46 90 Heim, John 86 00 Jacobi 54 90 Kelly. Tim 60 25 Kronfeidt, Wm. 8415 Lassance, F. 43 85 McGee, Jno. 60 30 L. Eberhart, storm sash for matron department 9 80 C. B. Trewin, damages to property on Raymond Place.... 2000-00 O'Farrell & Norton, grading Cox street 226 9b G. A. Barnes, money advanced in cases , of -Jno. Tierney et al., vs. City 1000 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct listofall warrants issued by -me during the month of March, 1903. C. F..ARENDT, City Recorder. Official Notices. 117 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. AN ORDIANACE. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AN OR- DINANCE ENTITLED "AN ORDI- NANCE DIV1DIG THE CITY INTO ROAD DISTRICTS FOR 'THE PUR- POSE OF SPRINKLING AND THE PAYMENT OF THE EXPENSE FOR THE SAME. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That the above entitled ordi- nance be and is hereby amended by adding to District No. 1 thereof, South .Locust Street, from Dodge Street to Railroad Ave- nue. Section 2. That Diagonal Street, from Couler Avenue to Broadway Street, and Broadway Street from Diagonal Street to Blocklinger Lane should be added to Dis- trict No. 5 thereof. Section 3. This Ordinance shall he in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and publica- tion one in the Dubuque Globe -Jour- nal newspaper. Adopted by the City Council April 16th, 1906. Approved April 20th, 1903. C. H. BERG, Mayor. Attest: C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Published officially in the Evening Globe - Journal April 2-uth, 1903. 4 -25 -it OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. AN ORDIANACE. AN ORDINANCE CHANGING AND ES- TABLISHING THE GRADE OF THE ALLEY BETWEEN FRANCIS STREET AND VALERIA STREET, FROM THE NORTH CURB LINE OF KAUFFMAN AVENUE TO THE SOUTH CURB LINE OF HART STREET. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. Section 1. That the grade of the alley between Francis Street and Valeria Street, from the north curb line of Kauff- man Avenue to the south curb line of Hart Street be described and established as follows: Starting at the north curb line of Kauffman Avenue, which is sta- tion 0-12, elevation 38.36; thence northerly to station 1-57, elevation 43.3; thence northerly to the south curb line of Hart Street, which is station 4-84.3, elevation 61.03. Sec. 2. This ordinance to be in force from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuq.ue Globe -Journal newspaper. Adopted by the City Council April 16th, 1903. Approved April 20th, 1903. C. H. BERG, Mayor. Attest: C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Published officially in the Evening Globe - Journal April 26th, 1903. 4-26-1t OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO FAR - LEY & LOETSCHER MANUFACTUR- ING CO. OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, (IN- CORPORATED), THE RIGHT TO BUILD AND MAINTAIN A :BRIDGE ACROSS EIGHTH STREET FROM THEIR PRESENT FACTORY BE- TWEEN WHITE AND JACKSON STREETS TO THEIR PROPOSED NEW BUILDING TO BE ERECTED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF EIGHTH STREET BETWEEN WHITE AND JACKSON STREETS. ' AND FUR- THER GRANTING SAID COMPAN1j • THE RIGHT TO MOVE THE SWITCH NOW LEADING TO THE "OIL MILL" PROPERTY :BOUT ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY FEET FURTHER SOUTH. ALSO GRANTING SAID COMPANY THE RIGHT TO 'BUILD AND MAINTAIN A BUILDING OVER THE ALLEY BETWEEN WHITE AND JACKSON STREETS. FACING ON SEVENTH STREET BETWEEN CITY LOTS 358 AND 369. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the•City of Dubuque: Section 1. That. the Farley.& Loetscher Manufacturing Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Iowa. with principal ,place of business in Dubuque, Iowa. it successors and assigns, be and are hereby authorized'to build and perpetually maintain a bridge. according to the plan now on file in the office ofthe City Recorder of said city. across Eighth Street from their present factory situated between White and Jackson Streets, to the proposed new building on •the north side of Eighth Street between White and Jackson Streets in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Section 2. That said bridge shall not ibe less than twenty-six feet in height from the established grade of said Eighth Street to the under side of said bridge. -Section. 3. In order to utilize the switch now situated on the west side of Jackson Street between Eighth and Ninth Streets for the purposes required by said Farley & Loetscher Manufacturing Company, permission is hereby granted to said Far- ley & Loetscher Manufacturing Company, to have said switch moved about one hun- dred and fifty feet further south than at present located according to the plan of said switch now on file in the office of the City Recorder of said City. said woek to be done under the supervision of the Street Committee and City Engineer. Section 4. The said Farley & Loetscher Manufacturing Company, its successors anis -assigns. are hereby further author- ized and empowered to build and perpet- ually maintain a building over the alley between White and Jackson Streets. fac- ing on Seventh Street, between City Lots 358 and 369. Section 5. That said building is to 'be constructed so there shall not be less than twelve feet in height from the established grade of said alley to the underside of said building. Section 6. That the said Farley & Loet- scher Manufacturing Company, (being the owner of all the land on both sides of Eighth Street where said bridge is to be located. and also all the land on both sides of said alley where said building is to be located), its heirs, successors and assigns. by the acceptance of this ordi- nance hereby perpetually obligates itself and themselves, to become responsible to any person or persons, firm or corporation sustaining any injury or damageby reas- on of the construction and maintenance of said bridge across Eighth Street as provided in Section 1 hereof; or by reasons of the construction and maintenance of said building over the alley between White and Jackson Streets, as provided in Section 4 hereof, and hereby agree to hold the City of Dubuque harmlessand free from all or any such loss, damage or litigation as may result from the con - 118 Official Notices. structlon and maintenance of said bridge Or building. Rection 7. Tills ordinance shall be in ffiree from and after its acceptance. in writing by the proper officers of the Far- ley, & Loetscher Manufacturing Company and its passage by the Council and pub- lication in the official papers of the City of Dubuque. ,Adopted by the City Council April 9th, 1;1113. .Approved . April 9th. 1903. C. H. BERG. Mayor. Attest: C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Accepted by the Farley & Loetscher Mfg, Cp. April 20th, 1903. By C. LOETSCHER, Pres. By C. M. PEASLEE, Secy. Published officially in the Evening Globe -Journal April 25th, 1903. 4-25-1t. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To All Who Are Named Below: You are hereby notified that in accordance with an ordinance of the City of Dubuque for repairing sidewalks during the month Of March 1, 1903; that a special assess- ment will be levied for the expense there- of at the regular meeting of the City Council upon all lobs and parcels of land subject to such special ssessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the Council to be held on the 7th day pf May, A. D., 1903, and show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not he levied. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for repair- ing sidewalks during month of March, 1903, in front of and adjoining the same, a Special Tax be and is hereby levied on the several Lots, and Parts of Lots, and Parcels of Real Estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each Lot or Farcel of Real Estate, as follows: 1903. Owner. Description. March 2 -Ellen O'Halleron, Finley's ( Add., lots 13-14-15, 18 ft. lumber 35c, 1-2 hour labor 25c $ 60 March 2-A. Kocnendorfer, Finley's Add., Lots 42-43, 10 ft. lumber 20c, 1-2 hour labor 25c 45 March 2-C. G. & C. H. Meyer, King's Grove Add., lots 4-5, 10 ft. lumber 20c, 1-2 hour labor 25c 45 March 2 -John Oppell, Sub. 63, San - ford's Sub. N. 30 ft. lot 2, 5 ft. lum- ber 10c, 1-2 hour labor 25c 35 March 2 -John Powers, et al, A. Mc - Daniels' Sub., lot 798, 8 ft. lumber 15c, 1-2 hour labor 25c 40 March 2 -Finley Hospital, Finley Home Add., lot 1, 18 ft. lumber 35c. 1-2 hour labor 25c 60 March 3 -Aug. Ingwerson, Bush's Sub., lot 13, 10 ft. lumber 20c, 1-2 hour labor 25c March 5 -Jac. Elckert, Davis Farm Add., lot 370, 10 ft. lumber 20c, 1-2 hour labor 25c March 5-J. W. Neumeister, E. Langworthy's Add., lots 82-82, 10 ft. lumber 20c, 1-2 hour labor 25c45 March 5 -Mary A. McPoland, S. i,4 E. 113 ft., City lot 608, 13 ft. lumber 25c, 1-2 hour labor 25c March 6-J. M. Sullivan, Wilson's Sub., lot 19, 5 ft. lumber 10c, 1-2 hour labor 25c March 6 -Mary E. Waller, Hodge's Sub., lots 28-29, 7 ft. lumber 15c, 1-2 hour labor 25c 45 45 50 36 40 March 6 -Jas. Alderson, Sub. 1, Quigley's Sub., lot 1, 12 ft. lumber 25c, 1-2 hour labor 25c March 6-C. A. Alexander. Sub. 5, Simpson's Add., lot 1, 12 ft. lum- ber 26c, 1-2 hour labor 25c March 6 -Al. Gasser, Sisters Add lot 1, 18 ft. lumber 35c, 1-2 hour labor 25c March 6-R. & E. Langworthy Eats., Glendale Add., lots 225-226, 22 ft. lumber 95c, 1-2 hour labor 25c March 6 -Ulrich Willy, Sub. 218-219, Davis Farm Add., . lots 1-2, 30 ft. 60c, 1-2 hour labor 25c March 9-Jno. N. Zeigler, Glendale Add., lot 36, 10 ft. lumber 200, 1-2 hour labor 25c March 9 -Geo. F. Hedrick, Glendale Add., lot 26, 10 ft. lumber 20c, 1-2 hour labor 25e March 11 -Fred Miller Brew. Co, Sul,. 1 of 1 of 2 of City 670 etc, lot 2, 5 ft. lumber 100, 1-2 hoar la- bor 25c March 11, Mary A. Johnson, Sub. 5, A. L. Brown's, lots 1-2, 40 ft. lum- ber 80c, 3-4 hour labor 40c 1 20 March 12 -Mary A. Mulkern, City lot 221, 118 ft. lumber $2.35, 2 hours' la- bor $1.00 3 35 March 12-G. B. Wood, Finley Home Add., lot 18, 12 ft. lumber 25c, 1-2 hour labor 25c March 12 -Mat. Maher, Sub. 136-137 Union Add., S. 133.10 ft., 16 ft lumber 30c, 1 hour labor 50c March 12-B. S. McElhaney, East Dubuque Add., lot 67, 12 ft. lumber 25c, 3-4 hour labor 40c March 12-Kiene & Altman, Sub., 239 Davis Farm Add., lot 1, 5 ft. lum- ber 10c, 1-2 hour labor 25c March 14-J. J. Dunn, City N. 2-5, lot 431, 4 ft. lumber 10c, 1-2 hour labor 25c March 14-H. M. Andres Est., King's 1st Add., N. E. 1-4 lot 10, 4 ft. lum- ber 10c, 1-2 hour labor 25c March 14-C. G. W. R'y Co., right of way W. side Rhomberg Ave.. 12 ft. lumber 25c. 1-2 hour labor 25c50 March 14 -Jos. Bott, Sub. 4 of 3 of Min. lot 88 and pt. 87. lot 1, 14 ft. lumber 30c, 1-2 hour labor 50c March 14 -Louis Morris, E. E. Jones Sub., lot 8, 94 ft. lumber $1.90, 1 hour labor 50c Marsh 19-R. Waller Est., Cain's Sub., lot 16, 7 ft. lumber 15c, 1-2 hour labor 25c March 14 -Elizabeth Nicks, Marsh's Add., lot 51, 7 ft. lumber 150, 1-2 hour labor 25c March 16 -Kate Lundbeck, Cox's Add.. E 24 ft. lot 22. 7 ft. lumber 15c, 1-2 hour labor 25c March 16-J. F. Stampfer, Sub. 'City 674, lot 1, repairing brick walk. 1-2 hour labor 25c March 16-L. Ii. Waples. City, lot 45, repairing brick walk, 1-2 hour labor 25c March 17 -Frank M. Ellis, Burden- Lawther Add.. lot 143. 10 ft. lum- her 20c, 1-2 hour labor 25c March 17 -Jos. Rranclel, Burden- Lawther Add.. lot 137, 16 ft. lum- ber 30c, 1-2 hour labor 25c 55 March 17 -Leathers & Trewin, Bur- den-Lawther Add., lot 82. 14 it. lumber 300, 1-2 hour labor 25c March 17-H. Demerit and E. O. Duncan, Burden-Lawther Add.. lot 86, 10 ft. lumber 20c, 1-2 hour labor 25c March 17 -Mary Carney Est., Staf- 50 50 60 70 86 45 45 35 50 80 65 36 35 35 80 2 40 40 40 40 25 25 45 55 45 Official Notices. ford's Add., lot 16, 43 ft. lumber 85c, 3-4 hour labor 40c 1 25 Maroh 17 -Wm. Lawther and J. V. Rider, Burden -Lowther Add., lot 19. 8 ft. lumber 15c, 1-2 hour labor 25c 40 March 17 -Wm. Hintrager, O'Tay- 1or's Sub., lot 22, 7 ft. lumber 15c, 1 -2 hour labor 25c March 17-F. W. Fitzpatrick Eai:, Union Add., lot 146, 10 ft. lumber 20c. 1-2 hour labor 25c March 17 -Martin Sullivan, Saul's Sub., lot 4, 8 ft. lumber 15c, 1-2 hour labor 25c March 17 -Amanda Taft, N 79 ft., 5 129 ft. of Sub. 4, 5, 6, Kiene & Blocklinger's Sub., 52 ft. lumber $1.05. 1 hour's labor 50c 1 5;i March 1.8 --Geo G. Perry, N 62 ft, Kiene & Blocklinger's Sub., 70 ft. lumber $1.40, 2 hour's labor $1.502 90 March 18 -Dinah Bennett, Sub. 2 of City 72'i. lot 1. 10 ft. lumber 20c, 1-2 hour labor 25c 45 March 18-E. G. Redman, Kiene & Blocklinger's Sub., lots 5-S. 4 ft. lumber 10c, 1-2 hour labor 25c S6 March 19 -Jas. McCabe, Corriell's Sub., lot 1, 22 ft. lumber 45c, 3-4 hour labor 40c 85 March 20-Jno. Newman. Nairn's Add.. lots 16-17, 60 ft. lumber $1.26, 1 1-2 hours' labor 75c 1 95 March 20-J. W. Schwind, O'Neill's Sub. No. 2, lot 10. 13 ft. lumber 25c, 1-2 hour labor 25c 50 March 20-T. O'Sullivan, Quigley's Sub., 710, lot 1, 8 ft. lumber 15c, 2-4 hour labor 40c 55 March 20-W. G. Cox, Cox's Add.. lot 5, 32 ft. lumber 65c, 3-4 hour labor 40c 105 March 19 --Ida and Henry Espe, Glendale Add., N 1-2 lot 157, 4 ft. lumber 10c, 1-2 hour labor 25c 35 March 19 -Gerhard Tenhaaf, Davis Farm Add., S 1-2 lot 558, 10 ft lum- ber 20c, 1-2 hour labor 25c 45 March 19 -Louisa Schunk. Davis Farm Add., lot 287, 32 ft. lumber 65c. 1-2 ho'ir labor 25c 90 March 21-Ferd. Fettgather. Blake's Add., lot 12, 4 ft. lumber 10c, 1-2 hour labor 25c 35 March 21 -Convent and School, Min- eral Lot 186, 5 ft. lumber 10c, 1-2 hour labor 25c 35 March 21 -Eliz. Willging, Finley's Add., lot 9, 8 ft. lumber 15c, 1-2 hour labor 25c 40 March 21-A. E. Ferguson. New - burg's Sub., lot 1. 8 ft. lumber 15c, 1-2 hour labor 25c March 21-0. J. Peterson. W 65.8 ft, 5 62.4 ft. City lot 465, repairing brick walk 25 March 21 -Reeder Langworthy, East Dubuque Add., W 65 ft lot 227. 2 ft. lumber 5c, 1-2 hour 25c March 21 -Fred Miller Brewing Co, Fast Dubuque Add., S 31.2 ft., lot 142, 24 ft lumber 50c. 1-2 hour labor 25c 75 March 23 -Mary A. McPoland, City, S 1-2, E 113 ft. lot 608, 30 ft lum- ber 60c, 1-2 hour labor 25c March 25-R. H. Thompson, West's Add., lot 13, 16 ft. lumber 30c, 1-2 hour labor 25c March 25. -Bridget Whittemore, Un- ion Add., lots 74-88, 28 ft. lumber 55c, 1-2 hour labor 25c March 25. -Anna Zinn, E. Langwor- thy's Add., N. 25 ft., lot 44, 10 ft. lumber 20c, 1-2 hour labor 25e March 25. -Dora Rawson, Union 40 45 40 40 30 85. 55 80 45 119 Add., lot 70, 5 ft. lumber 10c, 1-2 hour labor 25c 85 March 26.-F. Fosselman and C. Fos- selman Est., L. H. Langworthy's Add., lot 187, 55 ft. lumber $1.10, 3-4 hour labor 40c 1 60 March 26. -Ed. Avenarius, Davis Farm Add., lot 257, 67 ft. lumber $1.35, 1 1-2 hour labor 75c 210 March 26. -Pat Hughes, sub. 2 of 8 of Ellen Blake's Sub., lot 2, 47 ft. lumber 95c, 1 hour labor 50c1 45 March 27.-F. Callihan, Quigley's Sub. 710, lot 14, 34 ft. lumber 70c, 1 hour labor 50c 120 March 28. -Rosa Goebel, city, 505, lot 2, 17 ft. lumber 35c, 3-4 hour labor 40c 75 March 27. -Marg. Pals, Cook's Add, lot 60, 12 ft. lumber 25c, 1-2 hour labor 25c 50 March 28. -Peter Nicks, L. H. Lang - worthy's Add., S. E. 1-4, lot 25, 12 ft. lumber 25c, 1-2 hour laoor 25c50 March 28.-H. P. and N. W. Kim- ball, Davis Farm Add., lot 337, 8 ft. lumber 15c, 1-2 hour labor 25c40 March 28. -Wm. Hedrick, Glendale Add., lot 24, 5 ft. lumber 10c, 1-2 hour labor 75c 35 March 28. -Jac. Hedrick, Glendale Add., lot 23, 26 ft. lumber 50c, 1-2 hour labor 50c 1 00 March 28.-R. M. Kunz, Glendale Add., lot 15, 8 ft. lumber 15c, 1-2 hour labor 25c 40 March 28. -Mary Pleins. Glendale Add., lot 14, 15 ft. !umber 30c, 1-2 hour labor 25c 55 March 28.-Kiene & Altman, Davis Farm Add., Sub. 239, lot 1, 8 ft lumber 15c 16 March 28. -Cath. Oeth, Glendale Add., lot 79, 22 ft. lumber 45c, 1-2 hour labor 25c 70 March 28. -John J. Kiene, Levens' Add., lot 1, 80 ft. lumber $1.60, 1 hour labor 50c 2 10 March 30. -Jas. M. Sullivan. City, lot 46, repairing brick sidewalk 30 March 30.-A. Munsell, City, S. 1-2, N. M. 1-5 and N. 1-2, M. 1-5, lot 466, repairing brick sidewalk 80 March 30.-F. A. Coates, City, N. 2-5, lot 436, 30 ft. lumber 60c, 1-2 hour labor 25c 85 March 30. -Frank Jaeger, City, S. 2-5, lot 437, 27 ft. lumber 55c, 1 hour 105 labor 50c March 30. -Dom. Nickles, Glendale Add., lot 232, 3 ft. lumber 5c, 1-2 30 hour labor 25c March 30. -Herman Roesch et al., Broadway Add., lots 8, 9, 10, 20 ft. lumber 40c, 1-2 hour labor 25c 65 March 30.-A Huber, Marsh's Add, lot 29, 48 ft. lumber 95c, 1 hour labor 1 50c 45 Chas. Heinze, L. H. Langworthy's Add., lot 147, 7 ft. lumber 15c, 1-2 40 hour labor 25c March 21.-G. G. Ferguson, New - burg's Sub., lot 2, 8 ft. lumber 15c, 1-2 hour labor 250 40 Total 4-22 10t $ 21 45 21 90 21 85 $ 65 20 C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals will be received at the Office of the City Recorder until 7:30 o'clock p. m. Thursday, May 7th, 1903, 120 Official Notices. for the improvement of the Alley.between Valeria and Frances Streets, from Kauff- man Avenue to Hart Street, In accord- ance with plans and specifications now on file in the Office of the City Recorder. It is estimated. by the City Engineer that it will require: Macadam. 1057 4 square yards; grading. cut 983 cubic yards. The work to be completed on or before the 1st day of JIYlj', 1903, and shall be paid forwhen said work is completed, and ac- cepted by the City Council. The proposals for doing said work will be acted upon by the City Council the 7th day of May, 1903. Bidders must state price per square yard • for macadamizing and cubic yard grading. Each hid must be accompanied by a certified check for 850.00 on some Dubuque bunk, as a guarantee that a contrast will'be entered into if awarded. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated Dubuque April? F. ARENDT, 4-22-100. City Recorder. NOTICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTENTION , '1'0 IMPROVE LINCOLN AVENUE FROM WHITE STREET TO JACKSON STREET: To' Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby notified that it is the intention of the City Coun- cil 'of the City of Dubuque to improve Lincoln Avenue from White Street to Jackson Street. That a plat and specifications of said propcsed improvement is now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require New Curbstone set, 400 lineal feet. Old Curbstone reset, 48 lineal feet. Guttering, 152.4 square yards. Macadamizing, 609.6 square yards. Grading, 182 cubic yards. Any person having objection to said im- provement is hereby notified to appear be- fore the City Council at its regular session to be held May 7th, 1903, or to file with the City Recorder their objections in writ- ing on or before May 7th, 1903 Dated this 22nd day of April, 19'18 C. F. ARENDT, 4.22-10t City RAeorder. NOTICE TO GARBAGE CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Recorder up to 4 o'clock p. m., April 20th, 1903, for the removal of garbage and dead animals for the season of 1903, in the districts herein below des- ignated. all of said garbage to be hauled and dumped at the City dump, at the foot of Railroad Avenue, into the MIs- sistlippi river. First District—A11 the territory south of Eighth Street and Julien Avenue. Second District—All territory lying be- tween Eighth Street and Julien Avenue t:nd' Seventeenth Street and West Seven- teenth Street. Third District—All territory lying north of Seventeenth and West Seventeenth Strlete. Garbage must be removed once a day in the down town districts and twice a week on the Bluffs, during the months of May, June, July and October; and once a day in the down town districts and three times a week on the Bluffs dur- ing the months of August and Septem- ber.. Bidders must state the price per day for removing in each district, and the• price per day in the entire City. A certified check of $60.00 on some Du- buque bank must accompany each bid as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids. C. F. ARENDT, 4-8-10t City Recorder. NOTICE TO SIDEWALK CONTRAC- TORR. Dubuque. Ia., April 10, 1903. Sealed proposals will be received at the City Engineer's Office, City of Dubuque, Iowa, up to 4 p. in. Saturday, April 18th, 1903, for constructing sidewalks as follows, where not already laid: Six feet wide, of brick, on the west side of Washington street, between Thirteenth street and Fourteenth street, abutting Lot 68, East Dubuque Add. Four feet wide, of plank, on the west side of North Main street, between Leib- nitz street and Klingenberg Terrace, abut- ting the east 100 feet of Lot 45, Marsh's Add. All in accordance with specifications on file in said office. A certified check of 10 per cent. of total will be required with each bid. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. ADAM CRAWFORD, 4-18-5t Sidewalk Inspector. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT. Notice is hereby given to all concerned that a special assessment will be levied to pay for the construction of an 8 -inch Tile Pipe Sanitary sewer in alley be- tween Rhomberg and Garfield Avenues from Johnson Avenue to Middle Avenue. Noonan & Co., contractors. Amount of special assessment $2.850.04 against the abutting property, upon and along said sewer, as provided by law at a session of the City Council to be held April 16th, 1903. And that there is a plat and schedule on file in the office of the City Recorder of said City of Dubuque showing the alley or a part thereof in which said sewer has been constructed, and the separate lots and parcels of ground or specified por- tions thereof subject to assessment of such improvement, the names of the owners as far as practicable, and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, which plat and schedule 1s sub- ject to public inspection. And that any and all persons objecting to said special assessment of said plat must file his or their objection in writing with the City Recorder of said City of Dubuque on or before said session of the City Council to be held April 16th. 1903. or to appear at said session of the Council tc, show cause if any you have why said assessment should not be levied. Dated Dubuque,• Iowa, April 6th, 1903. C. F. ARENDT, 4 -G -10t. City Recorder. NOTICE OF THE COUNCIL'S INTENTION TO IMPROVE THE ALLEY BETWEEN FRANCIS AND VALERIA STREETS, FROM KAUFFMAN AVENUE TO HART STREET. You and each of you are hereby notified that it is the intention of the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque to improve the Alley between Francis and Valeria Streets, from Kauffman Avenue to Hart Street. Official Notices. 121 That a plat and specification of said pro- posed improvement is now un file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said Improvement will require Grading, cut, 772 cubic yards. Macadamizing 1,057.6 square yards. Total estimated cost to property owners $432.04. Any person having objections to said Improvement is hereby notified to appear before the City Council at its session to be held April 16th, 1903, or to tile with the City Recorder their objections in writing on or before April 1 th,F 903. C.ARENDT, 4-8-8t City Recorder. LEGAL. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING THE UNION ELECTRIC COMPANY THE RIGHT TO ABAN- DON THE OPERATION OF ITS STREET RAILWAY UPON THE STREETS AND PARTS OF STREETS HEREIN NAMED, AND SETTING FORTH THE RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH SAID RIGHT IS GRANTED: Whereas by an ordinance passed March 6, 1902, and approved and accepted March 13, 3902, a franchise was granted to the Union Electric Company of Dubuque, Iowa, for the maintenance and operation of a street railway along and upon cer- tain streets and parts of streets therein designated: And whereas, under section 21 of said ordinance, said Union Electric Company agrees not to abandon or cease the oper- ation of any portion of said Street Rail- way without the consent of the City Council of the City of Dubuque: And whereas, it is deemed best for the interests both of said Union Electric Company and of the Cit, of Dubuque that the operation of purtions of said Street Railway be discontinued, and franchise rights thereon be relinquished and abandoned; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAIN- ED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE: Section 1. That the 'Union Electr c Company of Dubuque, Iowa, is hereby granted permission to abandon the oper- ation of its Street Railway now operated upon and along the following streets and portions of streets, namely: Beginning at the intersection of Second and Locust streets, northerly on Locust street tc Fifth street; thence easterly on Fifth street to Iowa street; thence north- erly on Iowa street to Six- teenth street; thence easterly on Six- teenth street to Jackson street: also from the intersection of Iowa and Fourteenth streets easterly on Fourteenth street, to Jackson street; thence northerly on Jackson street to Sanford street. Section 2. Said Union Electric Com- pany, by the acceptance of this ordinanco agrees to relinquish, as to the above named streets, and also as to that portion of Iowa Street lying between Third and Fifth Streets, all rights granted said Company to operate a Street Railway line thereon by virtue of any franchise or franchises heretofore granted said Company or its predecessors by the City of Dubuque, it being understood that the rights and privileges granted said Union Electric Company by section 1 hereof aro upon the express Conditions following: Which are to be observed and applied to the City of Dubuque and the Union Electric company, its successors or as- signs. Section 3. Said Union Electric Com- pany shall, on or before November 1st. 1903, remove from the Streets and por- tions of. Streets enumerated in section 1 hereof, all the track now laid thereon, including all rails, ties, railway poles and wires, and before said November 1st, 1903, shall repair said Streets and portions of Streets so that such portions so repaired shall be uniform with the remainder of the Street, such repairing to be done un- der the supervision of the City Engineer, and to the satisfaction of the Council, It being understood that all cant iron box culverts be left as now located. Section 4. Said Union Electric 'Com- pany shall indemnify the City of Dubuque for any damages which may be recovered against it in a proper preceeding by rea- son of the discontinuance of Street Rail- way service on the Streets above named, and shall save the City harmless on ac- count thereof, provided that said Union Electric Company, shall have written nu- tice of any such suit or action for dam- ages against said City on account of such discontinuance of said Street Railway service, and shall be permitted to defend the same. And said Union Electric Com- pany shall indemnify the City of Du- buque for all damages recovered against it in the proper proceeding by reason of injuries occasioned by the negligence of said Company in doing the work con- templated in sections one and three here- of. Section 5. The Union Electric Company, upon the completion of its proposed neer power house, and not later than Janu- ary 1st, 1905, shall, at the option of the City of Dubuque, enter into a contract with the City to sprinkle the Streets, below the Bluffs (and on Dodge Street line to McClain's store), covered by its lines of railway. as frequently as may be determined by said contract and dur- ing the sprinkling season as agreed upon therein, and for the term of Ove years or more as may be agreed upon in said con- tract. The price to be paid for said sprinkling to be the actual cost to said Union Electric Company, and all legiti- mate outlays made by said Company in preparing to do said sprinkling, includ- ing purchase of car and equipment and all necessary side tracks, as well as the actual • cost of operation, shall be taken into consideration in arriving at said cost. The amount to be paid by said City to said Union Electric Company for said sprinkling shall be determined and agreed upon by said City and said Union Electric Company if possible. In the event of the failure of said City and said Union Elec- tric Company to agree upon the actual cost of such sprinkling it is agreed that the same is to be submitted to arbitra- tion. For this purpose the City shall se- lect one arbitrator, the Union Electric Company shall select one arbitrator, and the two thus selected shall select a third, and the arbitrators thus chosen shall make a thorough investigation and deter- mine the actual cost of the sprinkling re- quired to be done under said contract, and the cost thus determined, shall be the basis of the sum to be paid to said Union Electric Company by said City, provided that said City reserves the right Official Notices. to enter into said contract or not, as it may elect. after said cost shall have been determined. If said City elects to enter into such contract, the Tinton Electric Company agrees to purchase a sprinkling car of the latest approved pattern, properly equipped, and have the same ready for operation at the beginning of the sprink- ling season of 1905, or earlier, as may be determined by said contract, and further agrees to operate said car and keep the same in repair for the consideration to be mentioned in said contract. And the City of Dubuque agrees to fur- nish and place in position such stand- pipes as may be required for filling said sprinkling car, not exceeding five in number, to be located at points to be (greed upon by said Unior. Electric Com- pany and City Engineer. The City of Dubuque shall furnish all water required for said 'sprinkling without cost to said Union Electric Company. And the said Union Electric Company further agrees to place such turn -outs in their tracks as may be necessary to make said stand- pipes available. Section 0. The Union Electric Company shall file with the City Recorder a writ- ten acceptance of this ordinance within twenty (20) days after its passage by the City Council, otherwise it shall at on'.' cease to have any further force or ef- fect. If accepted by said Company within the time herein specified this or- dinance shall thereupon be published one time in the Dubuque Globe -Journal news- paper and take effect. and be in force from and after such publication. Adopted by the City Council April 9th, 1903. Approved April 9th, 1903. C. H. BERG, Mayor. Attest: C. H. ARENDT, City Recorder. Accepted by Union Electric Company April 9th, 1903. By D. D. MYERS, Vice President. J. R. LINDSAY, Secretary. Published officially in the Evening Globe -Journal April 14th, 1903. C. F. ARENDT, 4-14-1t City Recorder. April 13, 1903. To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: Gentlemen:—The Union Electric Com- pany hereby accepts, the Ordinance en- titled, "An Ordinance granting the Union Electric Company the right to abandon the operation of its Street Railway up- on the Streets and parts of Streets here- in named, and setting forth the restric- tions and conditions under which said right is granted," which said Ordinance was adopted by the City Council of Du- buque, and approved by the Mayor April 9th, 1903. UNION ELECTRIC COMPANY, By D. D. Myers, Vice President. J. It. Lindsay, Secretary. Dubuque, Iowa, April 13th, 1903. IN'OTICE IN RELA Itj:: TO CLEANING ALLEYS. Section 34 of the Ordinance in relation to Offenses and Penalties reads as fol- lows: No person shall cast or leave exposed in any street, alley, lot, common, or wat- ef course within the city, the carcare of any animal, or any putrid or unsound meat, fish, or other substance, or make, use, keep, or permit !n his, her or their dwelling house, shop. store, factory, out- house, cellar, yard. lot, or any other place within the city, any noisome or or- fensive liquid, or substance injurious to the health of the citizens, or an annoy- ance to the neighborhood. or throw any filth, manure, offal, or other offensive matter, in any street. alley, lot, or water course in the city, and any person who shall refuse or neglect to remove, on tie- ing duly notified by the city any suen offensive substance made, used or kept by such person. shall be subject to a tine of not less than one dollar nor more than twenty dollars, and be Imprisoned until such fine and costs are paid, not exceed- ing thirty days. In accordance with the Foregning sec- tion, you aro hereby nolifled tc remove all filth. ashes. rubbish, etc., from the alley In rear of your premises r.lthin flue days from date of this notice or you will Ile prosecuted to the fullest extent of tie law. By order Committee of the Whole. C. H. BERG. Mayor. Dated April 4. 1901 NOTICE To the Holders of Luouque Water Works Bonds Numbered Forty -One (41) to Fif- ty -Nine (59), inclusive, also Bond num- bered Three Hundred and Seventy (370). The City Council at its meeting held on March 19th, 1903, directed that Dubuque Water Works Bonds, numbered forty-one (41) to fifty-nine (69), inclusive, and bond number three hundred and seventy (370) he redeemed in accordance with the ordi- nance and contract entered into by the City of Dubuque and the holders of the .Water Works bonds. Above bonds should be presented at the City Treasurer's of- fice on June 1st, 1903, for redemption. All interest on above bonds will cease June 1st, 3903. H. BRINKMAN, City Treasurer. Dubuque, Ia., March 31st, 1903. 4-1 to 6-1 NOTICE TO TINION TAILORS. Bids will be received up to 4 p. m. Thursday, May 21st, 1903, at the Mayor's office, City Hall, for furnishing such mem- bers of the Police Force as may need the same with uniforms. Such uniforms to be made in accordance with the specifications set out in the Rules and Regulations of the Police Department and which may be seen at the office of the Chief of Police at City Hall. Samples must accompany all bids. COMMITTEE ON POLICE AND LIGHT. 5-6-14t OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. AN ORDINANCE VACATING A PART OF THE ALLEY HERETOFORE ESTABLISHED FROM KNIEST STREET TO THE NORTH- EAST LINE OF LOT 21, SMEDLEY'S SUBDIVISION. Whereas, in laying out and establishing the alley from Johnson Avenue to the south line of Lot 21 A in Smedley's Sub- division it was deemed necessary and advisable to alter the part of the alley heretofore established and beginning at Kniest Street and connecting with that part of the alley established by resolu • tion of the City Council adopted March 5. 1903, above referred to, and in making such change a part of said alley is no longer necessaryfor alley purposes, said part being now known and designated as ;r. Official Notices. lots 17 A and Ain Smedley's Subdivis- ion as appears by the recorded plat of said alley recorded in Book of Plats 5, page 167. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE: Section 1. That that part of the alley heretofore existing ir•om Kniest Street to the northeast lime of Lot 21 A in Smed- ley's Subdivision and being now known and designated as Lots 17 A and 18 A In Smedley's Subdivision according to the recorded plat of said alley recorded in Book of Plats 5. page 167, of the record of plats of Dubuque County, Iowa, being no longer required by said city for alley purposes, be and the same is hereby va- cated. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in force, and take effect from and after its pas- sage and publication one time in the Dubuque Daily Globe . ournal newspaper. Adopted by the City Council April 2nd, 1903. Approved April 7th, 1903. C. H. BERG, Mayor. Attest: C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Published officially In the Evening Globe -Journal April 14th, 1903. 4-14-1t C. F. ARENDT, SIDEWALK NOTICE. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk six (6) feet wide, of goc,d two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance inrela- tion to sidewalks, on the west side of Garfield Avenue, between Ann Avenue and Dock Avenue, abutting lot S 1 lot 22, McCraney's first Add., owned by Mary A. Geary, at the expense of abutting property. Also, That a sidewalk six (6) feet wide. of good ck, or cement, be, owithin ten (10) -inch pla, idays stone of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks, on the west side of Garfield Ave- nue, between Fengler Avenue and Ann Avenue, abutting lot 4, Jungk's Add., owned by Henry J. Wunderlich, at the expense of abutting grope' Y. Also, That a sidewalk. four feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks, on the east side of Valeria. Street, between Kauffman Avenue and Hart Street, abutting lot 40, Tivoli Add., owned by Roman Lorenz Estate, at the expense of abutting property. 123 between Twenty-fifth Street, and Twenty- sixth Street, abutting lot 79, Glendale Add., owned by Catherine Oeth, at the expense of abutting property. Also, That a sidewalk six (6) feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone .'t• cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks on the east side of Jackson Street, between Twenty-fifth Street and Twenty- sixth Street, abutting lot 81, Glendale Add., owned by Martha Zinn, at the ex- pense of abutting property. Also, That a sidewalk six (6) feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement. he, within ten (10) clays of th,s notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks. on the east side of Jackson Street, between Twenty-fifth Street and Twenty- sixth Street, abutting lot 78. Glendale Add., owned by Francis L. Poole, at the expense of abutting property. Also, That a sidewalk six (6) feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, withir. ten ,(10) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks, on the east side of Jackson Street, between Twenty-fifth Street and Twenty- sixth Street, abutting lot 82, Glendale Add., owned by Mary L. Bunting, at the expense of abutting property. Also, That a sidewalk six (6) feet wide, of good, two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks• on the east side of Jackson Street, between Twenty-sixth Street and Twen- ty-fifth Street, abutting lot 84, Glendale Add., owned by Mary L. Bunting, at the expense of abutting property. Also, That a sidewalk four (4) feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to side- . walks, on the west side of Nevada Street, between West and Third Street and West Fifth Street, abutting Lots 11, 12, 13 and 14, Nairn's Add., owned by Jno. L. Buet- tel Est.• at the expense of abutting property. Also, That a sidewalk twelve (12) feet wide, of good cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice. constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks, on the east side of Main Street, between Sixth Street and Seventh Street, abutting Lot 21, N. 20 feet, City, owned by Frances Jaeger, at the expense of abutting property. Also, That a sidewalk twelve (12) feet wide, of good cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks. on the east side of Main Street, between Sixth Street and Seventh Street, abutting Lot 21. S. 44 feet, City, owned by Fred Wiegel Est., at the expense of abutting property. Also, That a sidewalk twelve 12)k. st nt wwide, of good two-inch plank, or cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid in ,con- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the east side of Main Street, between Sixth Street and Seventh Stret, abutting lot 22, So. ik, City. owned by H. E. Wilson and G. W. Ryan, atthe expense of abutting property. Also, That a sidewalk four (4) feet wide, Also, That a sidewalk four (4) feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick. stone or cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks, on the north side of Twenty-sec- ond Street, between Elm Street and Washington Street, abutting lot 69, E. Iangworthy's Add., owned by Mary A. Alexander, at the expense of abutting property. Also, That a sidewalk six (6) feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks, on the east side of Jackson Street, 124 Official Notices. of good two -Inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid In conformity with the ordinance In relation to side- walks, on the east side of Belmond Street, between Rose Street and North end of Belmond Street. abutting lot 15, E. E. Jones Sub., owned by Henry L. Becker, at the expense of abutting property. Also, That a sidewalk four (4) feet wide, of gond two-inch plank. brick, stone or cement, be, within ten (lu) days of this notice, constructed and 1 lid to conformity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks, on the east side of Belmond Street, between Rose Street and North end of Belmond Street. abutting lot 16, E. E. Jones Sub,. owned by Jennie Powers, at the expense of abutting property. Altin, That a sidewalk six (6) feet wide, of gu,ul brick, stone or cement, be, within ten 110) days of this notice, constructed and Iald in conformity with the ordinance in relation to p)dewalks, on the South side of Rhomberg Avenue, between Jack- son Street and Washington Street, abut- ting lot N. 49 ft. of lot 6 of Min. lot 100, owned by J. 11. Bassett, at the expense of abutting property. Passed by the City Council of the City of Dubuque April 2nd, 1903. C. F. ARENDT, 4 -11 -it City Recorder. Regular Session, May 7, 1903. CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session May 7th, 1903. (OFFICIAL.) Council met at 8:30 o'clock P. M. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond, Sheridan. Absent—None. BILLS. The following bills were ordered paid: Gotf. Gmehle, collecting back taxes$ 78 73 Jno. A. Voelker, :umlgating cala- boose 3 48 H. Tropf, board of prisoners 15 20 Wm. Foster, inspector on Kniest 30 80 Street sewer C. L. McGovern, recording deeds and plats 12 75 E. Frith, painting benches for parks 6 00 W. McLaughlin, hauling brush from 1 parks 00 M. J. G. La Nicca, paints and oils 3 70 for Expense dept.... C. A. Noyes, framing photo of City 3 60 officials Pape & Jacquinot, repairing fountain 4 96 in Jackson Park Barger & Blish, stationery for var- ious offices Mullen & Papin, plumbing at Jack- son Park Martin-Strelau Co., edgings for City 2 Hall.... 25 Fischer & Co., 1 cord oak wood for 6 City Hall.... 00 F. Burns & Co., 1 cord of oak wood 6 for City Hall 00 P. Devaney, sawing wood for City 1 Hall 00 H. Galle, sawing wood for City 1 Hall 25 Union Printing Co., to printing argu- ment in case of Bauer vs. City27 50 Smith -Morgan Printing etter heads for Recorder and Engineer5 50 Palmer, Berg & Co., blank books and stationery for various depart - 9 75 ments Key City Gas Co., gas for various 96 departments.. ...... .... 3 Klauer & Kress, hardware for road and fire departments J. P. Cooke & Co., dog and team 13 license tags R. D. Swisher Mfg. Co., rubber type and holder for Auditor's office L. Lindenberg, new tools for Road 15 department W. Baumgartner, hardware for Road 13 department hardware Geo. W. Healey & Son, 6 for Road department..s and oils for T. W. Ruete, D 29 Road department P. J. Seippel, lumber for Road de- partment Rumpf, Frudden Lumber Co., lum- ber for Road department Linehan & Molo, cement and sewer 7 pipe for Road department Key City Roofing Co., sewer pipe 1 for Road department Thos. Burns, gravel for Road de- partment A. Aberl, gravel for Road depart- ment P. Clancy, cinders for Road depart- ment 125 Ellwanger Bros., repairing harness for Road and Police departments9 30 Martin-Strelau Co., 8 barrels of salt for Road department 600 A. Gasser, paving brick for Road department.... .... 20 00 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Road and Fire departments 4 25 Jno. Butt, repairs for Road depart- 3 ment Jno. Butt, repairs at Grandview Ave18 46 Engine House Dubuque Turbine Roller Mill Co., to % gallon of asphaltum for steam roller Becker Bros., pine wood for steam 3 roller 00 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., hose 7 So for steam roller Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., 1 pair hip boots and washers for 5 sewer department. 25 E. Frith, constructing new sidewalk abutting E. 100 feet Lot 45, Marsh's 16 73 Add G. L. Korman, relaying brick side- walk over sewer on S. W. corner Eagle Point Ave. and Elm Street9 00 G. L. Korman, constructing brick sidewalk abutting lot 68, East Du- buque27 Add Austin -Western Co., supplies for 13 32 Street Sweeper... Kannolt & Powers, horse shoeing for 21 05 Fire department. shWuoeingh & Wiederholt, Fire department horse 6 50 shoeing Collings & Pffffner, horse shoeing for 7 50 Fire department... Collings & Pfiffner, horse shoeing for 10 50 Police department.... .. Lagen & Sullivan, horse shoeing for 7 40 Fire and Road departments Lear & Kennedy, horse shoeing for 3 Fire and Road departments 00 Phil Pier, coal for Fire department14 55 Fischer & Co., coal for Fire depart- 12 60 depart- ment Dubuque Oil Tank Line, oil for Fire 8 department 00 G. W. Healey & Son, hardware for 10 08 Fire department F. Burns, coal for Fire departmen22 75 Chicago Fire Apparatus Co., supplies for Fire department 43 35 P. J. Seippel, lumber for Fire de- 39 10 partment 05 F. A. Miller, barn brooms for Fire 10 00 50 department.... ...... .... ...... Key City Gas Co., cont for Fire de- 3 75 00 partment Key City Gas Co., arc lights for ar- 60 mory and Ninth Street Engine 4 50 house 26 Key City Gas Co., coke for Fire de- 24 90 partment 30 T. W. Ruete, paints and oils for Fire 6 55. department....... . 90 Fire Extinguisher Mfg. Co., supplies 14 00 for Fire department.. • • 13 Iowa Iron Works Co., repairs for 75 Fire department.... • • 50 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., rub- ber coats and hose for Fire depart- ment 22 25 35 ........ .. .... Mullen Bros., plumbing at Central 8 05 5 CO Engine house.... .................... Key City Roofing Co., repairing roof 00 0 45 of Central Engine house.... ....... Wm. Marshall, repairing steamer R. L.. Lindenberg, ...................... 00 Stewart., hardware and rope 8 00 for Grandview Ave. Engine house 15 10 H. Wunderlich & Son. 1 mirror for 7 75 Grandview Ave. Engine house.. • • • • 3 00 25 Regluar Session May 7, 1903. Iowa Telephone Co., telephone service for Grandview Ave. Engine house 4 00 Ellwanger Bros., new harness for Grandview Ave. Engine house 45 00 Mullen & Pepin, putting in new gas fixtures for Grandview Ave. Engine 17 45 house Ellwanger Bros, l repairing harness for Fire department.... . Tower & Lyon, coat and vest buttons for Police department.... .. Jno. Butt, repairs for Sewer depart- ment Linehan & Molo, 1 cap for Sewer department Globe -Journal official printing for April The Times. official printing for April National Demokrat, official printing for April Dubuque Telegraph -Herald, official printing for April Dubuque Telegraph -Herald, to print- ing index and binding Council pro- ceedings8750 for 1902 (25 books) Dubuque Telegraph -Herald, health 4 reports for January 00 Union Electric Co., arc lights for 2029 58 April Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., new 8 15 hose for garbage dump Steuck & Linehan, estimate on san- itary sewer in Kniest Street, etc 677.57 Dolan & Robinson, final estimate constructing sewer in Johnson Ave. Eagle Point Ave. and Queen Street 15 00 Jno. Newman & Son, painting eight Street Sprinklers. as per contract160 00 Jno. Newman, to lettering seven Street Sprinklers 10 50 Jno. Newman, repairing Street Sprinklers 6 20 Jno. Newman, hauling Street Sprink- lers to shop 2 00 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., new hose for Street Sprinklers 79 50 Standard Oil Co., oil and axle grease for Street Sprinklers 7 55 7 55 32 00 2 20 15 60 00 15 00 25 00 50 00 The following Bills were ordered referred to the Street Committee: Smedley Steam Pump Co., repairing injector on Steam Roller $ 3 20 Wm. Marshall, repairs on Steam Roller 1 80 P. Hanson, hay for City Pound and oil and matches for Steam Roller.. 1 50 On motion the bill was referred to the committee on Streets and Police and Ligh t. Jno. Newman & Son, repairing Street Sprinkling Wagons $ 40 05 On motion the bill was referred to the committee on Paving, Sweeping and Sprinkling. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. Petition of F. W. Brunkow et al., asking that the City Engineer be instructed to establish a grade on Lawther Avenue, one block west of Burden Avenue. Ald. Horr moved to refer the petition to the Street committee and City Engineer. Carried. Petition of the Sisters of Charity of Mt. St. Joseph's College, asking that a fire alarm box be placed in one of the build ings of Mount St. Joseph. On motion was referred to the Commit- tee on Fire. Petition of Rudolph Bernhard, et al, asking that an electric arc light be placed at the intersection of Klingenberg Ter- race and Klein Street. Ori motion petition was referred to the committee on Police and Light. Petition c f Mary De Lorimier, asking to except her homestead, part of lot 159, known as 1064 Locust Street, from taxes for the year 1902. On motion was referred to the Delin- quent Tax Committee. Petition of Nic. Mettel. et al, asking Council to open and improve Queen Street from north line of Mettel's subdivision to Burden Avenue. Ald. Frith moved to refer the petition to the Committee of the Whole and they to view the ground. Carried. Petition of Carr, Ryder & Adams Co., asking for the extension of water mains in Twelfth (12th) Street east of the rail- road tracks, also that hydrants be placed in front of the Miller ice house and be- tween the McDonald & Morrison Mfg. Co.'s plant and the east line of the Carr, Ryder & Adams Co.'s lumber yard on Twelfth Street. The orders of the petition having al- ready been complied with, on motion of Ald. Sheridan the petition was received and filed. Ald. Raymond moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of hearing some members of the Roosevelt Reception Com- mittee. Carried. Mr. M. E. Erwin, secretary of Dubuque Retailers' Association, adressed the Council, irking fu: an appropriation of 8;.00.01 to Le used for decorating purposes only. Messrs. L. Gonner. J. W. Conchar and J. Ellwanger also addressed the Council n the same subject. Ald. Frith then moved that the Council appropriate $'250.00. Ald. Corrance moved a substitute to ap- propriate $300.00. Substitute carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Jones, Raymond. Sheridan. Nays—Frith and Horr. Ald. Clancy moved that a warrant be drawn in favor of F. J. Piekenbrock, Treasurer of the Executive Committee, to the amount of $30(L00. Carried. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Ci:y Treasurer Brinkman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen—Below you will find state- ment of amounts advanced by me during the past month, for which please order warrants drawn in my favor: Excavation permits redeemed .....$ 50.00 Interest on warrants outstanding .. 1,063.96 .90 .80 13.20 Exchange, New York 2.80 Exchange, New York •'-'S Express charges Error interest coupon, Express charges, fire Freight charges, police Freight charges. road Refunded tax .60 No. 123 1.00 2.53 Regular Session, May 7, 1903. 127 Freight charges, fire 2.46 $1.128.56 Library orders paid 459.85 Respectfully, H. BRINKMAN, Treasurer. On motion the report was received an I warrants ordered drawn to pay the var- ious amounts and the report referred back to the Committee on Finance. Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on Streets, for the last half of April, 1903: Amount due Laborers on Streets ..$2165 95 Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. City Auditor Hoffman reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—Herewith find my report for the month of April, 1903, showing the receipts and disbursements for the month: Cash on hand April 1st, 1903 $84,328.34 Receipts from all sources 13,582.38 $97,910.72 DISBURSEMENTS. 21,271.97 Warrants redeemed $21,271.97 3,229.94 Coupons redeemed . . 3,150.00 Bonds redeemed $27.651.91 Cash on hand May 1st, 1903 70,258.81 Of the cash on hand there be- longs to the Improvement Bond 18,096.01 Fund Improvement Bond Interest Fund. 272.25 $18,368.26 Leaving a balance to the credit of1,890.65 the city of The following list shows Appropriations and the amount of Warrants drawn on each Fund since the beginning of the fiscal year beginning March 1, 1903, to May, 1st, 1903: Appropriation. Expended. Expense $40,000 $4.500.23 Road 38,000 6.761.25 Fire 38.000 2,081.48 Police 28,000 2,086.80 Sewerage 5.100 555.95 Printing 2.000 195.00 Engineer 3,500 223.85 Gas and Light 23.000 2.023.55 Interest 43,000 Board of Health 6.000 110.85 Grading 4.000 226.90 Bee Branch 7.000 Special Bonded Paving 2.500 Judgment 3,000 1.349.00 Sprinkling --1st district 800 15.00 Sprinkling -2d district 1,500 21.20 Sprinkling -3d district .. 1,5(0 20.60 Sprinkling -4th district . 1.200 13.40 Sprinkling -5th district . 1,400 21.20 Special Bonded Debt In- terest 4,000 Mount Carmel Avenue Grading 1,000 3.60 Sidewalk Repairing 1,000 33.70 Special Sewer Fund 2,500 Grading Bluff Street Ex- tension 1,000 Total Appropriation $260,900 Respectfully, F. B. HOFFMAN, Auditor. On motion the report was received, and referred back to the Committee on Fi- nance. City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Approved. E. E. FRITH, Chairman Committee on Streets. JOSEPH L. HORR, JOHN J. SHERIDAN, Also submit my pay roll for labor on Sewers during the last half of April, 1903: Amount due Laborers on Sewers ...$170 60 Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. JOHN J. SHERIDAN, Chairman Committee on Sewers. JOSEPH L. HORR, HUGH CORRANCE. Approved. Also submit my pay roll for Teams hauling Sprinkling Wagons during the last half of' .April, 1903: 00 Amount due Teamsters $186 Respectfully submitted. JAMES H. BOYCE. City Engineer. GEO. N. RAYMOND. Chairman Committee on Paving, Sweep- ing and Sprinkling. JOSEPH L. HORR, • MATT. CLANCY. On motion the pay rolls for Streets, Sewers and Sprinkling Wagons were re- ceived and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts. and the pay rolls referred back to the proper Committees. Approved. City Electrician Hiprnan reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my re- port of defective lights for the month of April 1903. I find from the report of the Police Department that the total hours that 16 lamps failed to burn would equal 2-3 of a Lamp one month or $3.60. Respectfully submitted. WILLIAM HIPMAN, City Electrician. On motion the report was received and the City Auditor instructed to deduct from the Union Electric Compa.ny's bill for the month of April. 1903, the amount of $3.60. The following Weighmasters' and Wood - measurers' reeeiuts were referred to the Committee on Markets: H. J. Tropf, City Hall receipts $20 20 Louisa Pitsehner, West Dubuque 216 scale receipts R. Hay, .Eighth street scale receipts 616 T. Faherty, First ward scale re- ceipts 8 41 M. C. Deckert, Fthomberg avenue scale receipts R. F. Curran, Woodmeasurer's re- ceipts City Recorder Arendt presented and read the printed notice. certified to by the publisher, of the Council's intention to improve Lincoln Avenue from White Street to Jackson Street. No remonstrance being filed, the Mayor asked if any one present had any objec- tion to said mprovement. No objection 1 68 1 80 128 Regular Session, May 7, 1903. being stated the notice was on motion of Ald. Sheridan received and filed. City Recorder Arendt also presented and read the printed notice. certified to by the publisher. of the Council's intention to levy a Special Assessment against the dif- ferent'named property owners for repair- ing Sidewalks for the month of March, 1903. No remonstrance being filed. the Mayor asked if any one present had any objec- tion to said Special Assessment. Ald. Corrance stated that Cath. Oeth objected to the assessment against her property. as she had since constructed a new sidewalk. Ald. Clancy moved that said assessment he stricken off the list. which was lost. Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the follow- ing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for repairing sdewalks during month of March, 1903, ir, front of and adjoining the same, a Special Tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned. and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real es- tate, as follows: Special Assessment submitted and pass- ed May 7th, 1903: 1903. Owner. Description. March 2 -Ellen O'Halleron, Finley's Add., lots 13-14-15, 18 ft. lumber 35c, 1-2 hour labor lac $ 60 March 2-A.. Kocnendorfer, Finley's Add., lots 42-43, 10 ft. lumber 20c, 1-2 hour labor 25c 45 March 2-C. G. & C. H. Meyer, King's Grove Add., Tots 4-5, 10 ft. lumber 20c. 1-2 hour labor 25c 45 March 2 -John Oppell, Sub. 63, San - ford's Sub. N. 30 ft. lot 2, 5 ft. lum- ber 10c, 1-2 hour labor 25c 35 March 2 -John Powers, et al, A. Mc - Daniels' Sub., lot 798, 8 ft. lumber 15c, 1-2 hour labor 25c 40 March 2 -Finley Hospital, Finley Home Add., lot 1, 18 ft. lumber 35c. 1-2 hour labor 25c 60 March 3 -Aug. Ingwer•son, Bush's Sub., lot 13, 10 ft. lumber 20c, 1-2 hour labor 25r 45 March 5 -Jac. Elckert, Davis Farm Add., lot 370, 10 ft. lumber 20c, 1-2 hour labor 26c 45 March 5-J. W. Neumeister, E. Langworthy's Add., lots 82-82, 10 ft. lumber 20c. 1-2 hour labor 25c45 March 5 -Mary A. McPoland, S. 1 E. 113 ft., City lot 608, 13 ft. lumber 25c, 1-2 hour labor 25c 50 March 6-J. M. Sullivan, Wilson's Sub.. lot 19, 5 ft. lumber 10c, 1-2 hour labor 25c 36 March 6 -Mary E. Waller, Hodge's Sub., Tots 28-29, 7 ft. lumber 15c, 1-2 hour labor 25c 40 March 6 -Jas. Alderson, Sub. 1, Quigley's Sub., lot 1, 12 ft. lumber 25c, 1-2 hour labor 25c 50 March 6-C. A. Alexander, Sub. 5, Simpson's Add., lot 1, 12 ft. lum- ber 25c. 1-2 hour labor 25c 50 March 6 -Al. Gasser, Sisters Add lot 1, 18 ft. lumber 35c, 1-2 hour labor 25c March 6-R. & E. Langworthy Eats., Glendale Add., lots 225-226, 22 ft. lumber 45c, 1-2 hour labor 25c70 March 6 -Ulrich Willy, Sub. 218-219, Davis Farm Add., loth 1-2, 30 ft. lumber 60e, 1-2 hour labor 25c 85 March 9-Jno. N. Zeigler Glendale 60 Add., lot 36, 10 ft. Lumber 20c, 1-2 hour labor 25c 45 March 9 -Geo. F. Hedrick, Glendale Add., lot 26, 10 ft. lumber 20c, 1-2 hour labor 25c 45 March 11 -Fred Miller Brew. Co, Sul 1 of 1 of 2 of City 670 etc, lot 2, 5 ft. lumber 10c, 2-2 hoer la- bor 25c 35 March 11, Mary A. Johnson, Sub. 5, A. L. Brown's, lots 1-2, 40 ft. lum- ber 80c, 3-4 hour labor 40c 120 March 12 -Mary A. Mulkern, City lot 221, 118 ft. lumber $2.35, 2 hours' la- bor $1.00 3 35 March 12-G. B. Wood, Finley Home Add., lot 18, 12 ft. lumber 25c, 1-2 hour labor 25c 50 March 12 -Mat. Maher, Sub. 136-137 Union Add., S. 133.10 ft., 16 ft lumber 30c, 1 hour labor 50c March 12--B. S. McElhaney, East Dubuque Add., lot 67, 12 ft. lumber 25c, 3-4 hour labor 40c 66 March 12-Klene & Altman. Sub., 239 Davis Farm Add., lot 1, 5 ft. lum- ber 10c, 1-2 hour labor 25c 35 March 14-J. J. Dunn, City N. 2-5, lot 431, 4 ft. lumber 10c, 1-2 hour labor 25c 35 March 14-H. M. Andres Est., King's 1st Add., N. E. 1-4 lot 10, 4 ft. lum- ber 10c, 1-2 hour labor 25c 35 March 14-C. G. W. R'y Co., right of way W. side Rhomberg Ave., 12 ft. lumber 25c. 1-2 hour labor 25c.. 50 March 14 -Jos. Bott, Sub. 4 of 3 of Min. lot 88 and pt. 87, lot 1, 14 ft. lumber 30c, 1-2 hour labor 50c 80 March 14 -Louis Morris, E. E. Jones Sub., lot 8, 94 ft. lumber $1.90, 1 hour labor 50c 2 40 Moral 14-R. Waller Est., Cain's Sub., lot 16, 7 ft. lumber 15c, 1-2 hour labor 25c 40 March 14 -Elizabeth Nicks, Marsh's Add., lot 51, 7 ft. lumber 15c, 1-2 hour labor 25c 40 March 16 -Kate Lundbeck. Cox's Add.. E 24 ft. lot 22. 7 ft. lumber 15c, 1-2 hour labor 2.5c 40 March 16-3. F. Stampfer. Pub. lCity 674, lot 1. repairing brick walk, 1-2 hour labor 25r 25 March 16-L. Ii. Waples. City. lot 45, repairing brick walk. 1-2 hour labor 25c 25 March 17 -Frank M. Ellis. Burden- Lawther Add., lot 143. 10 ft. lum- her 20c. 1-2 hour labor 25c 45 March 17 -Jos. Brant -lel. Burden - Lowther Add.. lot 137, 16 ft. lum- ber 30c, 1-2 hour labor 25c 55 March 17 -•Leathers & Trewin, Bur- den-Lawther Add., lot 82. 14 it. lumber 30c, 1-2 hour labor 25c 55 March 17-H. Dement and E. O. Duncan. Burden -La wther Add., lot 86, 10 ft. lumber 20c. 1-2 hour labor 25c March 17 -Mary Carney Nat.. Staf- ford's Add.. lot 16, 43 ft. lumber 85c, 3-4 hour labor 40c 1 25 March 17 -Wm. Lawther and J. V Rider, Burden-Lawther Add., lot 19, 8 ft. lumber 15c, 1-2 hour labor 25c 40 March 17 -Wm. Hintrager, O'Tay- lor's Sub., lot 22, 7 ft. lumber 15c, 1-2 hour labor 25c 40 March 17-F. W. Fitzpatrick Est Union Add., lot 146. 10 ft. lumber 20c, 1-2 hour labor 25c 45 March 17 -Martin Sullivan, Saul's Sub., lot 4, 8 ft. lumber 15e, 1-2 hour labor 25c 40 80 45 Regular Session, May 7, 1903. March 17—Amanda Taft, N 79 ft., S 129 ft. of Sub. 4, 5. 6, Kiene & Rlocklinger's Sub.. 52 ft. lumber $1.06, 1 hour's labor 50c March 1S—Geo G. Perry, N 52 ft, Kiene & Blocklinger's Sub., 70 ft lumber $1.40, 3 hour's labor $1.50., March 18 --Dinah Bennett, Sub. 2 of City 721, lot 1, 10 ft. lumber 20c, 1-2 hour labor 25c March 18—E. G. Redman, Kiene & I3locklinger's Sub., lots i -S, 4 ft. lumner 1Oc, 1-2 hour labor 25c March 19—Jas. McCabe, Corriell's Sub.' lot 1, 22 ft. lumber 45e, 3-4 hour labor 40e March 20—Jno. Newman. Nairn's Add.. lots 16-17. G0 ft. lumber $1.20. 1 1-2 hours' labor 75c March 20—J. W. Schwind, O'Neill's Sub. No. 2, lot 10. 13 ft. lumber 25c, 1-2 hour labor 25c March 20—T. O'Sullivan, Quigley's Sub., 710, lot 1, 8 ft. lumber 15c. 0-4 hour labor 40c March 20—W. G. Cox, Cox's Add.. lot 5, 32 ft. lumber 65c, 3-4 hour labor 40c March 19--1da and Ilenry Espe Glendale Add.. N 1-2 lot 157, 4 ft lumber 10c. 1-2 hour labor 25c March 19—Gerhard Tenhaaf, Davis Farm Add., S 1-2 lot 358. 10 ft lum- ber ?0c, 1-2 hour labor 25c. March 19—Louisa Schunk. Davis Farm Add., lot 287. 32 ft. lumber f5c. 1-2 bo'ir labor 25' Mach 21—Ford. Fel tgathor. Blake's Add., lot 12. 4 ft. lumber 10c. 1-2 hour labor 25c March 21—Convent and School, Min- eral Lot 186, 5 ft. lumber 10c, 1-2 hour labor 25c March 21—Eliz. Willging. Finley's Add., lot 9, 8 ft. lumber 15c. 1-2 hour labor 25c March 21—A. E. Fergueon, New - burg's Sub., lot 1. 8 ft. lumber 150, 1-2 hour labor 25c March 21—C. J. Peterson, W 65.8 ft, 5 62.4 ft. City lot 465, repairing brick walk March 21—Reeder Langworthy, East Dubuque Add., \V 55 ft int 227, 2 ft. lumber 5c, 1-2 hour 25c March 21—Fred Miller Brewing Co, East Dubuque Add.. 5 31.2 ft.. lot 142. 24 ft lumber 50c. 1-2 hour labor 25c March 23—Mary A. McPoland. City, S 1-2, E 113 ft. lot 608. 30 ft lum- ber 60c, 1-2 hour labor 25c March 25—R. H. Thompson, West's Add., lot 13, 16 ft. lumber 30e, 1-2 hour labor 25c March 25.—Br1dget Whittemore, Un- ion Add., lots 74-83, 28 ft. lumber 55c, 1-2 hour labor 25c March 25.—Anna Zinn, E. Langwor- thy's Add., N. 25 ft., lot 44, 10 ft. lumber 20c, 1-2 hour labor 25c March 25.—Dora Rawson, Union Add., lot 70, 5 ft. lumber 10c, 1-2 hour labor 25c March 26.—F. Fosselman and C. Fos- selman Est., L. H. Langworthy's Add., lot 187, 55 ft. lumber $1.10, 3-4 hour labor 40c March 26.—Ed. Avenarius, Davis Farm Add., lot 257, 67 ft. lumber $1.35, 1 1-2 hour labor 75c March 26.—Pat Hughes, sub. 2 of 8 of Ellen Blake's Sub., lot 2, 47 ft. lumber 95c, 1 hour labor 50c March 27.—F. Callihan, Quigley's Sub. 710. lot 14, 34 ft. lumber 70c, 1 hour labor 500 1 55 2 90 45 35 85 1 95 50 55 1 06 35 45 9C 35 35 40 40 25 30 75 85 55 80 45 85 1 50 2 10 1 45 1 20 129 March 28.—Rosa Goebel, city, 505, tot 2. 17 ft. lumber 35c, 3-4 hour labor 40c March 27.—Marg. Pals, Cook's Add, lot 60, 12 ft. lumber 25c, 1-2 hour labor 25c March 28.—Peter Nicks, L. H. Lang - worthy's Add., S. E. 1-4, lot 25, 12 ft. lumber 25c, 1-2 hour laoor 25c50 March 28.—H. P. and N. W. Kim- ball, Davis Farm Add., lot 337, 8 ft. lumber 15c, 1-2 hour labor 25c40 March 28.—Wm. Hedrick, Glendale Add., lot 24, 5 ft. lumber 10c, 1-2 hour labor 25c 35 March 28.—Jac. Hedrick. Glendale Add., lot 23, 26 ft. lumber 50e, 1-2 hour labor 50c 100 March 28.—R. M. Kunz, Glendale Add., lot 15, 8 ft. lumber 15c, 1-2 hour labor 25c March 28.—Mary Pleins, Glendale Add., lot 14, 15 ft. lumber 30c, 1-2 hour labor 25c March 28.—Kiene & Altman, Davis Farm Add., Sub. 239, lot 1, 8 ft lumber lbc March 28.—Cath. Oeth, Glendale Add., lot 79, 22 ft. lumber 45e, 1-2 hour labor 25c March 28.—John J. Kiene, Levens' Add., lot 1, 80 ft. lumber $1.60, 1 2 hour labor 50c March 30.—Jas. M. Sullivan. City, lot 46, repairing brick sidewalk March 30.—A. Munsell, City, S. 1-2, N. M. 1-5 and N. 1-2, M. 1-5, lot 46G, repairing brick sidewalk March 30.—F. A. Coates, City, N. 2-5, lot 436. 30 ft. lumber 60c, 1-2 hour labor 25c March 30.—Frank Jaeger, City, S. 2-5, lot 437, 27 ft. lumber 55c, 1 hour l labor 60c.... March 30.—Dom. Nickles, Glendale Add., lot 232, 3 ft. lumber 5c, 1-2 hour labor 25c March 30.—Herman Boesch et al, Broadway Add., lots 8, 9, 10, 20 ft lumber 40c, 1-2 hour labor 25c March 30.—A Huber, Marsh's Add, lot 29, 48 ft. lumber 95c, 1 hour labor 1 50c 46 Chas. Heinze, L. H. Langworthy's Add., lot 147, 7 ft. lumber 15c, 1-2 hour labor 25c March 21.—G. G. Ferguson. New - burg's Sub., lot 2, 8 ft. lumber 15c, 1-2 hour labor 25c Total $ 65 20 Ald. Frith moved to adopt the reso- lution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy. Corrance. Frith, Ilorr, Jones. Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. 75 50 40 55 16 70 10 30 80 85 05 30 65 40 40 City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: Attached :.lease find state- ment of amounts due for macadam meas- ured May 6th, 1903: $135 90 Total amount RespectfuJAMES H. BOYCE. City Engineer. Ald. Jones moved that the report be ap- proved. ordered drawn for and the various amountsthat warrantsba Carried. City Attorney Barnes reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Dubuque: 130 Regluar Session May 7, 1903. On the 30th day of April, 1903, your Hon- orable Body passed a resolution directing me to prepare a written opinion as to . whether or not the City could issue bonds to complete the construction of the Bee Branch Sewer. My opinion is that the City has no power to issue bonds for the purpose stated. I will state briefly the grounds upon which the above opinion is based. The laws of Iowa and the Ordinances of the City re. lating t3 the improvement of streets and the construction of sewers, etc., provide for the issuing of bonds where the cost of tl.e sane Is to be paid by special as- sessments upon the abutting or adjacent property. As I understand it the Bee Branch. *ewer as far a❑ constructed has been paid for by special appropriations for that purpose, and not by special as- sr=sments against tl:e abutting property, there tetng no provision in the law for is- suing bonds in cases of this kind. the City is without authority so to do. Respectfully submitted, G. A. BARNES, City Attorney. Ald. Raymond moved that the City at- torney's opinion be received and put on file. Carried. John Glah, justice of the peace for Jul- ien township, reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—Below please flnd a report of all cases tried by me for the violation of City Ordinances during the month of April, 1903: Total amount of fines collected during the month $75.00, which has been paid into the City Trea"ury, and the receipts for the same placed in the hands of the Chief of Police. Respectfully, JOHN GLAB, Justice of the Peace. On motion the report was received and flied. Two bids for improving the Alley from Francis street to Valenta street, between Kaufman Avenue and Hart street, were presented and ordered opened. O'Farrell & Street—Grading 25c per cubic yard. Macadamizing 56c per square yard. James Noonan & Co.—Grading, 12c per cubic yard. Macadamizing, 55c per square yard. Ald. Frith moved that Noonan & Co. be awarded the contract, they being the lowest bidders. Carried. Ald. Corrance moved that the contrac- tors' bond be placed at $300. Carried. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Raymond of the committee on Pub- lic Grounds and Buildings, moved that the Recorder be instructed to advertise for bids for taking care 5Y the Town Clock for one year, from June lst, 1903, to June lst, 1904, the Council to take action on said bids at their next meeting. Carried. Ald. Frith, chairman of the committee on Streets, moved that the committee Clerk be instructed to order one carload of Galesburg brick. Carried. Ald. Sheridan, chairman of the commit- tee on Police and Light, moved that the Committee Clerk be instructed to let a contract for 200 books of the Rules and Regulations of the Police Department. Carried. Ald. Horr, chairman of the committee of the Whole, reported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of the Team Drivers' International Union, would re- spectfully recommend as follows: First, that the rate of wages be fixed at forty cents per hour; second, that the hours for teams shall be from 7 o'clock a. m. to 12 o'clock m., and from 1 to 5 o'clock p. m.; third, that none but first-class teams, driv- en by capable men, be employed by the city, and that no employment be given a teamster unless he be a resident of the City of Dubuque and a taxpayer therein. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report of the committee of the Whole. Carried. RESOUTIONS. Alderman Horr offered the following: \\ hereas, the contract heretofore enter- ed into by the City of Dubuque for the constructing of a sanitary sewer as here- inafter described, is approaching comple- tion and the City Engineer has computed that the cost and expense of said sewer amounts to Nine Hundred Dollars ($900.00), therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to provide for the cost of constructing the sanitary sew- er in Kniest Street from Lincoln Avenue to the alley between Rhomberg and Gar- field Avenues, thence, northeasterly in said alley to the present manhole in John- son Avenue, the Mayor is required to ex- ecute and deliver to the City Recorder. to be by him registered and countersigned three bonds of the denomination of Three Hundred Dollars each, numbered from 213 to 215, both inclusive, dated June 1, 1903, payable on or before seven (7) years after the date thereof and hearing interest at the rate of five '(5) per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Frith offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk six (6) foe*, wtd.. of good brick. stone or cement, be, within ten (10) days o:' this notice, con- structed and laid in confo,mity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, where not already laid, on the we=t side of Couler Avenue, between Kaufman Avenue and Hart Street, abutting lot 3 Tivoli Add., owned by Geo. Bock, at the ex- pense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance. Frith. Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays -None. Ald. Raymond offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk twelve (12) feet wide, of good brick, stone or ce- ment, be, within ten (10) deys of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks, on the east side of Locust street, between Fourth street and Fifth street, abutting City Lot 93 and S 2 4-12 ft. of 94, owned by B. Lagen, at the expense of abutting property. Regular Session, May 7, 1908. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy. Corrance, Frith. }torr, Jones. Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Bort moved that a warrant be ordered drawn for $200.00 in favor of the Chairman of the Finance Committee on Memorial day exercises to help defray the expense of said exercises. Carried unanimously. Ald. Raymond stated that the city ought to have in Inspector to look after the work of taking up the Street Car Tracks on Brick Paved Streets. Whereupon, Ald. Clancy moved that the Union Electric company be notified to furnish an Inspector, to see that their contractors put the Brick Paved Streets In proper condition, according to specifi- cations, after the tracks have been re- moved. Carried unanimously. Ald. Jones moved to adjourn until May 21st, 1901 C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Attest: 4,, 64..7y no cr • 181 �;;•� Regular Session, May 21, 1903. CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session, May 21st, 1903. (Official.) Council met at 8:15 o'clock P. M. Mayor Berg in the chair.Corrance, Frith, Present—Alda. Clancy, Horr, Jones, Raymond, Sheridan. Absent—None. AId. Sheridan moved that the Council Proceedings for the month of April be ap- proved as printed. Carried. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. Petition of M. Ludescher et al., asking that Robinson Avenue be improved, was on motion referred to the committee on Streets and City Engineer. Petition of Jno. M. Connolly, asking that an electric arc light be placed at the in- tersection, of Bluff and Dodge streets. Ald. Sheridan moved to refer the petition to the Police and Light committee. Car- ried. Petition of F. D. Scharle, asking that the alley between Francis and Valeria streets be 20 feet wide according to official plat. Ald. Frith moved that the petition be re- ferred to the committee of the Whole and they to view the grounds. Carried. Petition of Jno. Burner et al., asking that he be provided with a reasonable amount of work by city was on motion referred to the City Engineer. Petition of Chas. Hansen, asking th•it he be given such employment as he could render on account of being injured while going to a fire. On motion was referred to the commit- tee of the Whole. Petition of Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Co., asking for the proper cancellation of taxes on their property in Wiltse's Dubuque, East Dubuque and Railroad Additions. Ald. Horr moved to refer the petition to the Board of Equalization. Carried. Claim of Jos. Vogt, claiming the sum of $2,000.00 for injuries sustained by falling into an unguarded opening in sidewalk on north side of Julien Avenue in front of lot 1 of Levens' Add. On motion was referred to committee nn Claiins and City Attorney. Invitation of G. A. R.. by F. M. Hop- kins. chairmen. An invitation inviting Mayor and City Council and City Officers t., take psrt in Memorial Day parade May :g t i,, 19e:'. On motion the invitation was accepted and the Mayor, City Council and Officers attend in a body. Annual report of Dubuque High Bridge Co. for the fiscal year ending April 30th, 1903, was read and on motion referred to e Special Committee to audit said report. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: -1 herewith submit my pay roll for labor on streets during the first half of May. 1903: Amount due laborers on streets....$1,258 05 Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved: E. E. FRITH. Chairman Committee on Streets. JOSEPH L. }TORR. JOHN J. SHERIDAN, Also submit my pay roll for labor on rowers during the first half of May, 1903: Amount due laborers on sewers $159.40 Respectfully submitted JAMES H. BOYCE. City Engineer. Approved: JOHN J. SHE,RIDAN, Chairman Committee on Sewers. JOSEPH L. HORR. HUGH CORRANCE. Also submit my pay rr‘ll for teams haul- ing sprinkling wagons during the first half of May, 1903: Amount :due teamsters $283.40 Respectfully submitted JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved: GEO. N. RAYMOND. Chairman Committee on Paving, Sweeping and Sprinkling. JOSEPH L. HORR. MATT CLANCY. On motion the pay rolls for streets, sewers and sprinkling wagons were re- ceived and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts, and the pay rolls referred back to the proper committees. City Engineer Boyce also reported as follows: To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—Attached please find profile of proposed grade of Fulton and Monroe Streets; also attached please find waiver signed by all the abutting property own- ers on Fulton and Monroe Streets, except the Elizabeth Nicks Est. Respectfully submitted. JAMES H. BOYCE. City Engineer. Ald. Jones moved that the profile of grade be approved, and referred to the Or- dinance Committee; also that the waiver be filed with the same. Carried. City Engineer Boyce also reported as follows: To the Hon. Mayor and City Council: Attached please find profile of Bluff'' Street, from north lot line of Eleventh Street to the south curb line of Fourteenth Street. The red line shows the established grade' on said street. The full black line shows the present curb on the west side. Th" broken black line shows the present curb on the east side. The violet line shows the proposed change in grade. In the improvement of Bluff Street there seems to have been no attempt made to conform to or follow the established grade. Respectfully submitted. JAMES H. BOYCE, 0.1ty Engineer. Aid. Col ranee moved that the profile be Regular Session, May 21, 1903. 183 approved, and referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. City Engineer Boyce also reported as follows: To the Hon. Mayor and City Council: Attached please find profile of proposed grade in alley between Rhomherg Avenue and Garfield Avenue, from Kniest Street to Johnson Avenue. Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Ald. Horr moved that the profile be ap- proved, and referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Ald. Sheridan. Chairman of the Commit- tee on Sewers, reported as follows: Your Committee on Sewers begs to re- port that we have examined the sanitary sewer in Kniest Street from Lincoln Ave- nue to the alley between Garfield and Rhomberg Avenues, thence, northeasterly in said alley to Johnson Avenue, Steuck & Linehan. contractors, and finding the same constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications, we would recommend that said sewer he accepted. We would further recommend that the City Engi- neer he instructed to prepare a plat of the street and alley or part thereof in which said sewer has been constructed. showing the lots or parcels of ground, or specified portions thereof, subject to as- sessment for said improvement, the names of the owners thereof as far as practi- cable and the amount to • be assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, and file said plat and schedule in the office c.f the City Recorder for public inspection. After said plat and schedule are so filed in his office, said Recorder shall give ten clays nota^e, by publishing same three times in two newspapers published in this city, one of which shall be the official paper, that such plat and schedule are cut file in his office, and fixing a time within which all ohiections thereto nr to the prior proceedings must be made in writ- ing. Aid. Sheridan moved to adopt the report. Carried. City Recorder Arendt presented and read the printed Notice of the Council's intention to levy a Special assessment to nav for the eonstructlon of an 8 -inch and 12 -inch Tile Pine Sanitary Sewer in Kniest Streeet from Lincoln Avenue to alley be- tween Rhomherg and Garfield Avenues, thence in said Alley to manhole in John- son Avenue. No remonstrance being filed, the Mayor asked if any one present had any objec- tion to said Special Assessment. No ob- jection being stated. the notice was on .motion received and filed. Whereupon Ald. Sheridan offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for con- structing a 12 and 8 -inch Tile Pipe Sani- tary Sewer in Kniest Street from Lincoln Avenue to alley between Rhomberg Ave- nue and Garfield Avenue. thence in said alley to manhole in Johnson Avenue by Steuck & Tlnehan, contractors, in front of and adjoining the same, a Special Tax be and is hereby levied on the several Lots, and Parts of Lots, and Parcels of Real . Estate hereinafter named, situate and owned. and for the several amounts set opposite each Lot or Parcel of Real Estate, as follows: Special assessment sumbitted and pass- ed May 21st, 1903. W. R. H. Kendall, Sub. 9, Kniest's Sub., Lot 3 and N 10 ft Lot 2 $ C. F. Schubert, Sub. 9, Kniest's Sub, S 45 ft Lot 2 Gertrude Montel, Sub. 9, Kniest's Sub., Lot 1 Hugo Ruh Est., Smedley's Sub., Lot 10 Smedley Steam Pump Co., Smedley's Sub., Lot 22 Wm. Hos, Smedley's Sub., W 21.2 ft, Lot 20 Louis Reinecke, Smedley's Sub., E 8.2 ft, 20 all, Lot 19 Robert Specht, Smedley's Sub., Lot 18 Math. Specht, Smedley's Sub.. Lot 17 Dubuque Bldg. & Loan Ass'n, Smed- ley's Sub., Lot 16 Dubuque Bldg. & Loan Ass'n, High Street Sub., Sub. 33, Lot 1 Martha Wledman, high Street Sub, Sub. 32, Lot 1 Jac. Wilhaber. High Street Sub, Sub. 31, Lot 1 Jac. Wilhaber. High Street • Sub Sub. 30, Lot 1 Maria Pfiffner. High Street Sub, Sub 29. Lot 1 Louisa Weglau, }Iigh Street Sub., Sub. 28. Lot 1 Celestine Blasi. High Street Sub, Suh. 27, Lot 1 F. J. Kessler Est, High Street Sub, Lot 26 ITrsula Marty. High Street Sub, Lot 25 Christian Reifsteck, High Street Sub., Lot 24 Christian Reifsteck, High Street Sub., Lot 23 Theo. Scharle, Scharle's Suh.. Lot 4 Darbara Scharle, Scharle's Sub., Lot 3 Barbara Scharle, Scharle's Sub, Lot 1 The St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital, Sub 2 of 2 of Min. Lot 113a, Lot 1 N. J. Schrup, Sub. 2 of 3 of Min. Lot 113a, Lot 1 R. Waller Est., Sub 1 of 3 of Min Lot 113a, Lot 1 Geo. Buehler, Sub. 21a, Smedley's Sub.. Lot 1 Leonard Buehler, Sub. 21, Smedley's Sub., Lot 2 Mich. Wingert Sub. 21, Smedley's Sub., Lot 1 51 35 35 65 31 60 23 70 71 10 23 70 31 60 23 70 23 70 23 70 23 70 23 70 23 70 23 70 23 70 23 70 23 70 23 70 23 73 23 70 23 70 23 70 15 80 23 70 39 50 47 40 59 25 39 50 27 65 23 70 Total$9C0 60 SheridanAld. he res- olut on Cart Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. City Recorder Arendt also presented and read the printed notice certified to by the publisher, of the Council's intention to levy a Special Assessment against the dif- ferent named property owners for clean- ing alleys during the month of April, e pobjection 1903. No remonstrance being flied, ar asked if anyone present had any to said Special Assessment. No objection being stated, the notice was on motion re- ceived and filed. Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the follow - Resolved by the City Council of the ing: City of Dubuque: That to pay for Cleaning Al- leys during the month of April, 1903, in 184 Regular Session, May 21, 1903. front of and adjoining the same, a Special Tax be and is hereby levied on the several Lots, and parts of Lots, and Parcels of Real Estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each Lot or Parcel of Real Estate, as follows: Special Assessment submitted and passed May 21st, 1903. Marg. Donahue, City S. 16 ft., lot 122, 1 load at 75c per lead $ 75 E lien Hennessy, City N. 2-3, lot 124, 75 1 load at 73c per load John J. Keane, City lot 125, 1 load at 75c per load 75 Mich. Halpin, Est., City lot 574, 1 load at 750 per load 75 B. J. O'Neill, City N. M. 19.6 ft., lot 78, 1 load at 75c per load 75 John Flynn, City E. 40 ft.. lot 84, 1 load at 75c per load 75 Jane R. Jess, City lot 565a, 1 load at 75c per load 75 Johanna and Ellen Jess, City S. 42 ft., lot 534, 1 load at Ec per I'ad 75 M. P. McCullough, City lot 539a, 1 lot.d at 75c per load 75 Hyde: Bros., City N. 42 fc., lot 75, 2 h -ads at 75c per load 1 50 W. and D. Brunskill, City lot 627, 5 loads at 75c per load 3 75 Ellen B. Wood, City S 2-3 lot 112, 2 load; at 75c per load 150 D. H. Connyham Est., City lot 754, 2 loads at 75c per load 1 50 W. L. Bradley, City S. 2-3 lot 748, 1 load at 75c per load 75 Henry Riker, City S lot 99, 1 load at The per load 75 Geo. A. Neeves, City S. M 19.2 ft, lot 62, 2 loads at 75c per load 1 50 Reeder Langworthy, City S. 20.6 ft, lot 65a, 1 load at 75c per load 75 Steiner & Zust, City S. 11.6 ft., lot 19 and N. 10.6 ft. lot 18, 2 loads at 75c per load 1 50 Fdw. Langworthy Est., City M. 40 rt., lot 19, 2 loaas at 75c per load 1 50 D. S. Wilson Est., City S. 1,¢, lot 22, 1 load at 75c per load 75 J. & J. Ogilby, City N. % lot 22, 1 load at 75c per load 75 Francis Jaeger, City N. 20 ft., lot 21, 1 load at 75c per load 75 Staples & Walsh, City lot 16, 2 loads at 75c per load 150 W. L. Bradley & McLean, City lots 222-223, 4 loads at 75c per load 3 00 Dora K. Altman, City W. 47 ft., lot 244, 4 loads at 75c per load 3 00 L. C. Bissell and A. J. Parker, City lots 227-228, 3 Loads at 75c per load 2 25 • John Deery, City N. 25 ft. lot 231, 1 load at 750 per load 75 'Robt. Waller Est.. City lot 233, 3 loads at 75c per load 2 25 Rich. Waller Est., City lot 234 and S M. lot 235, 3 loads at 75c per load2 25 Jno. A. Pals, City S. M. 26 ft. lot 316, 1 load at 75c per load H. F. Salot, City S. 9.3 ft., 316 N. 69 ft., lot 315, 1 load at 75c Schlitz Brewing Co., City 5 1-2 Lot • 293, 2 loads at 75c per load Marg. Linehan, City Lot 299. 2 loads at 75e per load James Lee, G. W. Rodger's Sub., Lot 28, 1 load at 75c per load C. E. Wales, Prospect Hill Add, Lot 29, 1 load at 75c per load C. E. Wales, Prospect Hill Add, Lots 25-26, 1 load at 75c per toad Marg. Cavanaugh. Prospect Hill Add., Lot 7, 1 load at 75c per load J. L. Meyer, Bradstreet's Add., Lot 75 75 150 1 50 75 75 75 75 15, 2 loads at 75c per load 10. H. SheppleY, City M 1-5, Lot 463, 2 loads at 75c per load Ino. Butt, City E 47.4 ft, S 62.4 ft, Lot 465, 1 load at 75c per load Baptist Church, City, N 53.5 ft. Lot 406, 2 loads at 75c per load G. L. Torbert Est.. City, N 2-5 Lot 459, 4 loads at 75c per load II. P. Bissell, City, 5 86.4 ft, Lot 466, 2 loads at 750 per load 1Vm. L .Bradley, Trustee, City, S 1-2, Lot 164, 2 loads at 75c per load Wm. L. Bradley, Trustee, City, 5 38, 4 loads at 73c per toad Wm. L. Bradley, Trustee. City, N 1-2 Lot 35, 5 loads at 75c per load Syndicate Block. City, Lots 29-30, 1 loads at 75c per load Maria A. Kiene et al, City. Lot 213 and S 1-2 Lot 212, 4 loads at 75c per load 3 00 Sarah F. Brown, City. S 1-2 Lot 206, 1 load at 75c per load 75 Mrs. A. 13. Keller, City, Lot 204, 2 loads at 75c per load 150 J. and J. Ogilby, City, Lot 201 and N 11.2 ft. lot 202, 2 loads at 75c per load 160 Eliz. Marshall. City, S 1-2, M 1-5 and N 15 ft. S M 1-5, Lot 458, 1 load at 75c per load 75 13. B. and M. 10. Richards, City, S M 1-5 Lot 418, 3 loads at 75c per load 225 Nannie T. Bell, City. 5 2-5 Lot 449, 3 loads at 75c per load 2 25 G. Tenhof, City, S 1-2, N M 1-5, Lot 451, 2 loads at 75c per load 1 50 Eli Cole, City, N M 1-5, Lot 452, 1 load at 75c per load 75 Dubuque National Bank, City, M 1-5, Lot 434, 2 loads at 75c per load 1 50 Jno. and Amelia Olinger, City, N 1-4 Lot 443, 3 loads at 750 per load 2 25 J. J. Dunn, City, N 2-5 Lot 431, 1 load at 75c per load 75 Christina Duttle Est., City, N 1-2, N 1-5 Lot 430, 2 loads at 75c per load 1 50 Sarah Stewart. City Lot 337, 3 loads at 75c per load 2 25 Gott. Wunderlich Est., City, N 1-2 Lot 331, 2 loads at 75c per load 1 50 S. Brown and W. Krakow Est, City Lot 340, 2 loads at 75c per load 1 50 H. B. Glover, City N. 26.2 ft., S. 46.8 ft, N. 42.10 ft., S. 90 ft. lot 467, 3 loads at 75c per load 2 25 Francis W. Bradley, City N. 1,a lot 48, 3 loads at 75c per load 2 25 Wm. and G. E. Davis, A. McDaniels' Sub., lot 765, 2 loads at 75c per load 150 T. F. O'Connor, Farley's Sub., E. by lot 17, 2 loads at 75c per load 1 60 Sidonia Hosford and T. B. Cain, Hetherington's Sub., lot 4, 2 loads at 75c per load 160 Martin Kirwin, Cummins' Sub., lots 14-15, 3 loads at 75c per load P. W. Crawford, Hetherington's Sub., lots 5-6, 2 loads at 75c per load 150 M. H. Martin, A. McDaniels' Sub, lot 819, 1 load at 75c per load Frank Duggan, Cain's Sub., lot 2, 1 load at 75c per load G. H. Davis, Cain's Sub., lot 3, 2 loads at 75c per load Henry Wilmers, Cain's Sub., lot 9, 2 loads at 75c per load 150 John Hier, Cain's Sub., lot 5, 1 load at 75c per load 76 Jeanne Hopkins, Sub. 13, McNulty's Sub., lot 2, 2 loads at 76c per load1 50 1 60 1 50 75 1 50 3 00 1 60 1 60 3 00 3 75 2 25 2 25 75 75 1 60 • N Regluar Session May 21, 1903. 135 Jos. Butt, Sub. 5-8-9, McNulty's Sub., lots 6-7, 2 loads at 75c per 1 50 Load A. M. Beck, Sub. 5-8-9, McNulty's Sub., lots 4-5, 2 loads at 75c per 150 load J.Iots 88a and 87,5l t 2, 14 fload fatMin. 5c per load75 W. H. Peabody, Henson and Baird's Sub., lot 9, 1 load at 75c per load.. 75 H. E. Cooney, Sub. 803. A. McDan- iels' Sub., lot 1, 4 loads at 75c per 3 load 00 Marg. Faust, City Lot 341, 2 loads 160 at 75o per load Jno. Strelau, City, 5 1-2, 5 M 1-5 Lot 493. 1 load at 75e per toad 75 Geo. Ganshirt. City. 5 M 1-5 Lot 160 492, 2 loads at 75c per load Edw. Langworthy Est.. East Du- buque Add., Lot 83, 2 loads at 75c 1 50 per load Eliza Lembeck, City, S 30 ft, N 80 ft. Lot 499, 2 loads at 75r. per load1 50 Kunnigunda Foerst, City, N M 1-5 Lot 498. 3 loads at 75c per load 2 23 Andrew Bitter, City, N 1-2. S M 1-5 Lot 493. 2 loads at 75c per load 1 50 Geo. Salot, City Lot 42.4. 3 loads at 75c per load 2 25 Alex Model. City, N 1-2 Lot 291, 3 2 25 loads at 75c per load M. Majerus, City, N 2-5. W M 1-4 Lot 500, 2 loads at 75c per load 1 50 Cath. C. Ryan, East Dubuque Add., Lot 109, 2 loads at 75c per load ... 1 50 Kiene & Altman, East Dubuque Add., Lot 108, 2 loads at 75c per 1 load 50 Peter Schrafl, East Dubuque Add, N 1-2 Lot 158, 2 loads at 75c per 1 load 50 Chas. Steuck, East Dubuque Add, Lots 173-174, 3 loads at 75c per 2 load 25 Jno. Schuler, City, N 2-5 Lot 486, 2 1 20 loads at 75c per load Peter Nicks, City, S 1-2. M 1-5 Lot 437, 1 load at 75c per load 75 Eug. Hemmi, City. S 1-5, 5 1-2. S M 1-5 Lot 487, 1 load at 75c per load75 A. and E. Hacket, City not 42, 1 load 75 at 75c uer load J. V. Eider, City, S 1-2 Lot 53, 4 3 00 loads at 75c Der load Ed. Baumgartner, Steiner's Add, S 20 ft. Lot 7, 1 load at 75c per 75 load St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Stein- er's Add., Lot 11, 2 loads at 76c per 1 load 50 N. J. Loes Cook's Add., Lot 32, 3 2 25 loads at 75c per load Total $153 00 Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu- tions. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Alda. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays -None. of Dubuque: That to pay for construct- ing a (4) four foot plank sidewalk abut- ting Marsh's Add., E. 100 ft., lot 95, by Ed- win Frith, contractor, in front of and ad- joining the same, a Special Tax be and is hereby levied on the several Lots, and Parts of Lots and Parcels of Real Estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each Lot or Parcel of Real Estate, as follows: Special Assessment submitted and passed May 21st, 1903. A. J. Leinbeck, Marsh's Add., E. 100 feet, lot 45, 57.7 lin. ft., at 39c per ft $ 16 73 Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays -None. City Recorder Arendt also presented and read the printed notice of Special Assess- ment to A. J. Lembeck for constructing a new sidewalk In front of his property dur- ing the month of May, 1903. No remonstrance being filed, the Mayor asked if anyone present had any objection to said Special Assessment. No objection being stated, the notice on motion was re- ceived and filed. Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the fol- lowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City City Recorder Arendt also presented and read the printed notice, certifled to by the publisher, or the Council's intention to levy a Special Assessment against B. S. McElhaney for constructing a new side- walk in front of his property during the month of May, 1903. Also the remonstrance signed by Wm. Hintrager against the said special assess- ment. Ald. Frith moved that the remonstrance be received and tiled. Carried. Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the fol- lowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for constructing a (6) Six foot Brick Sidewalk, abutting Lot 68, East Dubuque Add., by Geo. L. Kormann, contractor, in front of and herebyad- d is same, aSpecial xbe n leviedontheseveralLots,a and Parts of Lots and Parcels of Real Estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each Lot or Parcel of Real Estate as follows: Special Assessment submitted and passed May 21st. 1903. B. S. McElhaney, East Dubuque Add., lot 68, 307.8 sq. ft., at 9c per $ 27 70 sq. ft Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the followingvote: Frith. Yeas-Alds. Clancy, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays -None. City Recorder Arendt also presented and read the printed notice, certifled to by the publisher, of the Council's intention to improve Raymond Place. from the north curb line of Fenelon Place to the south line of Cooper Street. No remonstrance being filed the Mayor asked If any one present had any objec- tion to said improvement. No objection being stated, the notice was on motion received and filed. Whereupon Ald. Raymond offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City the City of Dubuque, That Council Place, from the north curb line of Fene- lon Place to the south curb l of Cooper Street, be improved by grading, guttering and macadamizing the same In accordance with the plat and specifications for such improvement prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the of- fice of the City Recorder, and be it fur- ther resolved, that said improvement shall bob19 d3, and shallr fore the lst day of be paid for at the October, 1908, 136 Regular Session, May 21, 1903. time and In the manner prescribed by Chapter XXXII. of the Revised Ordi- nances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque for the payment of the cost of street improve- ments. The proposals for doing such work will be acted upon by the Council on the 4th day of June, 1903, and the City Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication, asking for proposals as provided by ordinance. Ald. Raymond moved to adopt the resc- lutiou. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alda. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. City Recorder Ar-ndt also presented and read the printed notice; certified to by the publisher, of the Council's intention to im- prove Fulton Street and Monroe Street, from southe'et end of Fult n Street to the south curb lire cf Broadway Exten- sion. No remon,tr'nce being filed the Maycr asked if any one present had any objec- tiny to 'aid im»rovement. No ohiection being stated, the notice was on motion received and fll'd. Whereupon Alderman Frith offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Fulton Street, from its intersection with Monroe Street, to the southerly end of said Fulton Street, be improved by grading, curbing, guttering and macadamizing the same in accord- ance with the plat and specification for such improvement prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and be it further re- solved that said improvement shall be completed on or before the 1st day of Sep- tember, 1903, and shall be paid for at the time and in the manner prescribed by Chapter XXXII. of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque for the payment of the cost of street improve- ments. The proposals for doing such work will be acted upon by the Council on the 4th day of June, 1903, and the City Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication, asking for proposals as provided by ordinance. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Frith also offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Monroe Street from its intersection with Fulton Street, to the southwest curb line of Broadway Extension. he improved by grading. curb- ing, guttering and macadamizing the same in accordance with the plat and specifica- tions for such improvement prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and be it fur- ther resolved, that said improvement shall be completed on or before the 1st day of September, 1903, and shall be paid for at the time and in the manner prescriebd by Chapter XXXII. of the Revised Ordin- ances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque for the payment of the cost of street improve- ments. The proposals for doing such work will be acted upon by the Council on the 4th day of June, 1903, and the City Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication, asking for proposals as provided by ordinance. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alda. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nay s—None. City Recorder Arendt also presented and read the printed notice, certified to by the publisher, of the Council's inten- tion to improve the alley between Alpine and Nevada Streets. from Langworthy Avenue to \'Vest Third Street. No remonstrance being filed, the Mayor asked it any one present had any objec- tion said improvement. No objection being stated. the notice on motion was re- ceived and filed. Whereupon Ald. Raymond offered the following: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the alley between Alpine and Nevada Streets, from the south curb line of West Third Street to the north property line of Langworthy Avenue be improved by grading and ma- cadamizing. The same in accordance with the plat and specifications for such im- provement prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and be it further Resolved, That said improvement shall be completed on or before the 1st day of October. 1903, and shall he paid for at the time and in the manner prescribed by Chapter XXXII. of the Revised Ordi- nances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque for the payment of the cost of street im- provements. The proposals for doing such work will be acted upon by the council on the 4th day of June, 1903, and the City Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication asking for proposals as provided by ordinance. Ald. Raymond moved to adopt the reso- lution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. City Recorder Arendt also presented and read the printed notice, certified to by the publisher, of the Council's intention to improve the alley between Rhomberg Avenue and Garfield Avenue, from Kniest Street to Johnson Avenue. No remonstrance being filed, the Mayor asked if any one present had any objec- tion to said improvement. No objection being stated, the notice on motion was re- ceived and filed. Whereupon Ald. Jones offered the fol- lowing: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that the alley be- tween Garfield and Rhomberg Avenues from the south line of Lot 1 of 33 of High Street Sub., to the south property line of Johnson Avenue be improved by grading and macadamizing, the same in accordance with the plat and specifica- tions for such improvement prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and be it fur- ther Resolved, That said improvement shall be completed on or before the 15th day of July, 1903, and shall be paid for at the time and in the manner prescribed by Chapter XXXII. of the Revised Ordi- nances of 1901 of the city of Dubuque for Regular Session, May 21, 1903. 137 the payment of the cost of street improve- ments. The proposals for doing such work will be acted upon by the Council on the 4th day of June, 1903, and the City Recorder Is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication, asking for proposals as provided by ordinance. Aid. Jones moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones. Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. City Recorder Arendt also presented and read the printed notice, certified to by the publisher, of the Council's inten- tion to improve Pine Street from Twenty - Third to Twenty -Sixth Streets. No remonstrance being filed. the Mayor asked if any one present had any objec- tion to said improvement. No objection being stated. the notice was on motion received and filed. Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the fol- lowing: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Pine Street from the north curb line of Twenty-third Street to the north property line of Twenty-sixth street be improved by grad- ing, curbing, guttering and macadamiz- ing, the same in accordance with the plat and specifications for such improve- ment prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Re- corder, and be it further Resolved. That said improvement shall be completed on or before the 1st day of October, 1903. and shall be paid for at the time and in the manner prescribed by Chapter XXXII. of the Revised Or- dinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque for the payment of the cost of streets im- provements. The proposals for doing such work will be acted upon by the council on the 4th day of June. 1903, and the City Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication, asking for proposals as provided by ordinance. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones. Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Frith also offered the following: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Lincoln Ave- nue from the east curb line of White Street to the west curb line of Jackson Street be improved by grading, curbing, guttering and macadamizing. the same in accordance with the plat and specifi- cation for such improvement prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and be it fur- ther Resolved, That said improvement shall be completed on or before the 15th day of July, 1903, and shall be paid for at the time and in the manner prescribed by Chapter XXXII. of the Revised Ordi- nances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque for the payment of the cost of street im- provement. The proposals for doing such work will be acted upon by the Council on the 4th day of June, 1903, and the City Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication, asking for proposals as provided by ordinance. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: City Recorder Arendt also presented and read the printed notice. certified to by the publisher, of the Council's intention to construct a Sanitary Sewer in alley between Jackson and Washington Streets from Sanford Avenue to Twenty-seventh Street. No remonstrance being filed the Mayor asked if any one present had any objec- tion to the construction of said Sewer. No objection being stated, the notice on motion was received and flied. Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the fol- lowing: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a Sanitary Sewer oi' 12 -inch tile pipe be constructed in the alley between Jackson and Washington Streets from the manhole in Sanford Street to Twenty-third Street, thence in the same alley a 10 -inch tile pipe sewer to the manhole in Twenty-seventh Street. according to the plat and specifications of said sewer prepared by the City Engi- neer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and be it further Resolved, That said sewer shall be com- pleted on or before the 1st day of Oc- tober, 1903, and shall be paid for at the timeandin the manner prescribed by Chapter 34 of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque for the pay- ment of the cost of constructing sewers. The proposals for doing such work will be acted upon by the Council on the 4th day of June, 1903, and the City Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication. asking for proposals as provided by ordinance. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. City Recorder Arendt also presented and read printed the fiCouncil'sfl ed to by the publisher,inten- tion to improve Grace Street, from the west line of Sub. 7, Ann O'Hare's Sub., Lot 7, to East Street. Also the remonstrance of Maria L. Ben- nett, et al, remonstrating against the said improvement. Ald. Sheridan moved that the rules be suspended to said remonstrance. Mr. to hear from remonstran e.Carried p inCarried. Mr. Kapp addressed the Council stating his reasons why he objected to said im- provement. Mr. H. E. Cosgrove addressed dhe Coun- cil in favor of said improvement. Ald. Frith moved that the resolution or- dering said improvement, also the remon- strance, referred the the Whole, theyto viewthe ground. Car- ried. The Mayor presented a letter setting forth the particulars in regard to a Mr. Vogt falling Streetand Julien Avenue, on the evening of April 10th, 1903, which was on motion referred to the Committee on Claims and City Attorney. The Mayor also presented dt read Cita a supplemental contract, between theBeof eubuque and peth rsEisbach in regard to wer. Aid. Sheridan moved that the contract II 188 Regular Session, May 21, 1903. be accepted and the Mayor and Recorder instructed to sign the same. Carried. The contract follows: SUPPLEMENTAL CONTRACT. This agreement made and entered into by and between the City of Dubuque of Dubuque County and State of Iowa, party of the first part, and Peter Eisbach of Dubuque County. and State of Iowa, par- ty of the second part: Witnesseth: That in consideration of the party of the second part completing that part of the Bee Branch Sewer cover- ed by his contract with the party of the first part, dated June 2. 1902, and being a contract to construct what is known as the Bee Branch Sewer from the end of the present sewer in Elm Street to San- ford Street. according to the plans and Specifications therein referred to: and fur- ther in consideration of the waiver by said party of the second part of all claims for damages growing out of any failure of the party of the first part to take care of the water in that nart of said sewer here- tofore completed. it is agreed flrst. that said party of the second part hereby waives all claims for damages against said city growing out of any failure on the part of the party of the first part to take care of the water in that part of said sewer already constructed. 2nd. The party of the first port for the considerations above stated, agrees to pay to the party of the se-ond nart after said contract is completed to the satisfaction of the Street Committee and the City En- gineer and after said work has been ac- cepted by the City Connell the sum of Fourteen Hundred Dollars in addition to the sum named in the original contract above referred to. In witness whereof the said Peter Els- bach has hereto subscribed his name, and the Mayor of said city set his hand and affixed the seal of said city this - day of May. 1903. Attest: City Recorder. Bids for taking care of and winding the town clock for one year were on motion ordered or'ered and were as follow! J. P. Buechele & Co $95.00 W. W. Wormood 95.00 Both bids being alike, were on motion referred to the committee on Public Grounds and Buildings. The Mayor stated that some of the sal- aries of various officers which were fixed for the fiscal year are in conflict with the Revised Ordinances of 1901. and nr tion of Ald. Jones the matter was referred to the committee of the Whole. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Aid. Frith, chairman of the Ordinance committee, presented and read an Ordin- ance, vacating a part of Ida street in the City of Dubuque and providing for the straightening of the same. Ald. Frith moved that the reading just had be its first reading. Carried. Ald. Frith then moved that the Ordin- ance under the rules lay over until next meeting of the Council. Carried. Ald. Frith, chairman of the Street com- mittee, reported as follows: Your committee on Streets, to whom was referred the bill of W. Marshall for $1.80 for calking flues on steam roller. beg to report that a draft in settlement of the above bill has been received from the Kel- ly -Springfield Road Roller Co., which draft has been transmitted to said W. Marshall, whose receipt therefore is here- to attached; we therefore recommend that said bill be received and filed. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report of the Street committee. Carried. Ald. Raymond, chairman of the Delin- quent Tax committee, reported as follows: Your committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the petition of Rosa Breitschuh, asking that the taxes against her property, Lot 37 Althauser's Sub. No. 2, be canceled, would recommend that said taxes be allowed to remain a lien against said property and that the treasurer be instructed not to sell. Also your committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the petition of Mary A. Dolan, asking that the taxes on her homestead, the west 'fz of Lot 62, in Union Addition, be canceled, would rec- ommend that the said petition be received and flied. Also your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the petition of Mrs. Minerva Clarkson, asking that the taxes for the years 1901 and 1902 against Lot 1 of Sub. 5 of Mineral Lot 141, Lot 6 of Sub. 5 of Mineral Lot 141, Lot 2 of Sub. 2 of Mineral Lot 140, Lot 2 of Sub. Mineral Lot 208 and Lot 2 of Sub. 60, Simpson's Add.. be canceled, would rec- ommend that said taxes be allowed to re- main a lien against said property and that the Treasurer be instructed not to sell. Also your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the petition of Mary De Lorimier, asking that the tax against her homestead, part of City Lot 159, be canceled for the year 1902, would recommend that said tax be allowed to remain a lien on the property and that the Treasurer be instructed not to sell. Also your Committee on Delinquent Taxes would respectfully recommend that the property of the following honorably discharged soldiers, and widows of hon- orably discharged soldiers of the War of the Rebellion be exempt from taxation to the amount of $800.00 on the assessed val- uation thereof: R. T. Eddy, Mobley's Dubuque, N. 70 ft., Lot 5. James Cunningham, Buettell's Sub. 2 and Lot 5. Charles Moritz. Stein's Add.. Lot 10. Elizabeth Bottom, Bradley's Sub., Lots 6 and 7. Bridget Scott, E. Dubuque Add.. Lot 149. GEO. N. RAYMOND, Chairman. Ald. Raymond moved to adopt the re- port of the Delinquent Tax Committee. Carried. Ald. Horr, chairman of the Board of Equalization, reported as follows: Your Board of Equalization. to whom was referred the petition of Miss Viola Law, stating that through an error she had been assessed on $3,200.00 personalty, whereas the amount should not be in ex- cess of $2,200.00, on which amount she asks that the Treasurer be instructed to accept payment, would recommend that Regluar. Session May 21, 1903. 189 the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the Treasurer be instructed ac- cordingly. Also your Board of Equalization, to whom was referred the petition of A. G. Jaeger, stating that he has been assessed for the years 1898 and 1902, although he had been in business altogether but twelve months during both the above named years and asking therefore that the tax for the year 1898 be canceled, would rec- ommend that the City Treasurer be in- structed to cancel said tax of 1893 upon the payment by the petitioner of all sub- sequent taxes levied against him. Also your Board of Equalization, to whom was referred the petition of Cath- erine McCune. asking that she be re- funded the sum of $125.24, which amount was paid by her under protest for the improvement of view de, would recommend that said petition bei received and filed. Also, your Board of Equalization, report- ing on the within communication of D. Rhomberg. in which he offers to pay the sum of $25.00 in full settlement of all taxes, regular and special. against Lot 3 of Lots 14 and 15, Bush's Sub., would recommend that said communication be rceived LeHORRand filed. Chairman. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report of the Board of Equalization. Carried. Also, your Board of Equalization, to whom was referred the petition of Joseph L. Horr et al., asking for an equalization of the assessed valuation on the unim- proved lots owned by the Rhomberg Es- tate in Ham's Add., with other unim- proved property in the same addition, would recommend that the said petition be received and filed. Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the report. Adopted by the followingoteRaymond Yeas—Alds. Clancy, and Sheridan. Nays—Alds. Frith, Horr and Jones. Ald. Horr, chairman of the committee of the Whole, reported as follows: Your committee of the Whole would re- spectfully recommend that the City En- gineer be instructed to repair that portion of 14th street from Iowa to Jackson street, 16th street from Iowa to Jackson street, and Jackson street from 14th to Sanford street not included in the work to be done by the Union Electric Co., and that the final covering be not put on any part of said streets until the entire width thereof 1s prepared to receive the same; then the contractor. for the 'Union Elec- tric Co. to bear the expense of covering that part of said streets effected by the re- moval of the tracks therefrom and the city to cover the balance. ordered drawn on the City Treasurer in favor of the Kelly -Springfield Road Rol- ler Co. for $550.00 in full settlement for the balance due on the steam roller. JOSEPH L. HORR, Chairman. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report of the Committee of the whole. Carried. Also, your committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that that contractorspart of the work already for theUniontheerformed by Electric Co.,Co.,in replacing that portion of 14th street from Iowa to Jackson street, 16th street from Iowa to Jackson street and Jackson street from 14th to Sanford street, effected by the tearing up of the tracks and ties on said streets be accepted. Also your committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that a warrant be Ald. Jones moved that the cleaning and scrubbing of offices, etc., at city hall be left with the Committee on Markets. Car- ried. RESOLUTIONS. Alderman Horr offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the Ordinance Committee be and they are hereby in- structed to prepare an Ordinance provid- ing for the proper and uniform construe - tion of sidewalks, designating the grade thereof, the location of the same between the curb and property lines and stating the width to which sidewalks shall be laid. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the resolution. Carried. Alderman Horr also offered the follow- ing. : Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That from and af- ter the adoption of this resolution, no li- cense fee be charged to teamsters em- ployed by the city. Ald. Horr moved to refer the resolution to the Ordinance committee. Carried. Alderman Horr also offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City Re- corder be and he is hereby instructed to advertise for bids for the constructionof a storm water sewer in Fifteenth Street from the center of Washington Street to the center of Elm Street, thence, souther- ly in Elm Street to the present storm water sewer in Fourteenth Street hi ac- cordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. On motion of Ald. Horr it was adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones. Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Alderman Horr also offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City Re- corder be and hereby he is advertise forbids for the construction of a storm water from the centers of eWash r in Sixteenth Street Washington Street to the present sewer or. the East side of Pine Street in accordance with the plans and Engineer iand tinow on ons fledlein the office of the City Recorder. Ald. Herr moved to adopt. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy. Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Frith,ance. Sheridan Horr, Nays—None. Ald. Corrance offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to widen the Alley in Wm. Blake's Addition to a width of 60 feet, from West land cu t be street to Rosedale avenue, 140 Regular Session, May 21, 1903. abutting the west side of said alley and from end of said alley a street 60 feet wide passing through Min. Lot 183 and University Place to its intersection with Rosedale avenue. And be It further resolved, that the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to make a survey and plat of such proposed improvement, showing the lands or lots through or over which the same is pro - es of the own- posed the thereof and the to be made, quantity of land pro- posed to be taken and file such plat in his office for public inspection; that after such plat is so prepared and filed, said City Engineer shall give the owners of the property through or over which such im- provement is proposed to be made, notice as prescribed in Section 2 of Chapter XXXI. of the Ordinances of the City of Dubuque. Aid. Corrance moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance. Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Clancy moved that the City Engi- neer he instructed to prepare two (2) maps showing Water Plugs in the City, said maps to be placed one in Delhi street and the other in Grandview Avenue Engine houses. Carried. Ald. Raymond moved that a vote of thanks be tendered by the City Council to Mr. Harkett for flowers furnished for Washington Park. Carried. Ald. Frith moved to adjourn until June 4th, 1903. Carried. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Attest: Recorder. List of Warrants LIST OF CITY WARRANTS. City Recorder's )tfice, Dubuque. Iowa. May 1. 1903. To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The following is a com- plete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of April. 1903. $116 65 C. H. Berg,salary. H. Brinkman, salary, Treasurer 133 30 J. A. McKinley. salary, Deputy 100 00 Treasurer Chas. F. Arendt, salary, Recorder 116 65 Wm. A. Kaep. salary, Deputy Re- corder75 F. B. Hoffman, salary, Auditor 116 65 C. 13. Scheer, salary. Assessor 125 09 A. Doerr, Jr., salary, Asst. Assessor 100 00 J J. Murphy, salary. Asst. Assessor 100 00 Geo. A. Barnes. salary. Attorney150 00 J. B. Powers, salary, Assistant 50 00Attorney Ed. Morgan. salary, Chief of Police 100 00 Jos. Reinfried, salary, Fire Chief 100 00 J. W. Lawler. salary, Committee 00 Clerk John Krayer, clerk, Treasurer's of- 00 of- fice Jas. Boyce, salary, City Engineer166 65 E. Anderson, salary, Assistant En- gineer 00 00 F. Neuwoehner, salary, Rodman 60 00 E. Herron, salary, Superintendent 50 00 Street Sprinkling Wm. Hipman, salary, Electrician 83 30 H. Tropf, salary, Marketmaster 50 00 P. Ryan, salary, Park Custodian 40 00 P. Kien, salary. Park Custodian 40 00 T. Faherty, salary. Park Custodian 10 00 Dr. B. Michel, salary, Health Of - 0 00 ficer 1'. Flynn, salary, Sanitary Patrol - 60 00 man N. Offerman, salary, Poundmaster 45 00 Mrs. H. Koenig, salary, Janitress 20 00 A. Crawford, salary, Sidewalk In- spector50 50 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 M. Clancy, salary, Alderman H. Corrance, salary, Alderman E. E. Frith, salary, Alderman J L IIorr, salary, Alderman R. Jones, salary, Alderman 25 00 G. N. Raymond, salary, Alderman 25 00 J. J. Sheridan, salary, Alderman 25 00 00 75 00 60 00 65 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 65 GO 75 00 60 00 65 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 65 00 65 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 75 00 60 00 1 65 65 00 60 00 M. Eitel, fireman J Essman. fireman A. Duccini, fireman J. Flynn, fireman J. Roshin, fireman J. Tschudi, fireman A. Heer, fireman J Schoenberger, fireman J. Daley, fireman J. Barnes, fireman T. Ryder, ' fireman G. Beyer, fireman W. Ducey, fireman T. Murphy, fireman P. Ahern, fireman M. Kelly, fireman D. Ahern, fireman F. Kenneally, fireman T. Kennedy, fireman P. Zillig, fireman M. Sweeney, fireman H. Cain, fireman N. Wagner. fireman C. Hansen, fireman A. McDonald, fireman J. Murphy, fireman J. Smith, fireman G. Gehrke, fireman T. Flynn, fireman F. Baumgartner. fireman W. O'Connell. fireman C. Kannolt, fireman J. Allen, fireman B. Weston, fireman M. Fahey, fireman G. Burkel, police J. Carter, police J. Clune. police Jno. Cody, police W. Cook, police 50 00 50 00 65 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 46 70 50 00 50 00 50 00 51 65 48 35 40 00 47 00 48 35 50 00 50 00 4670 5165 50 00 Jno. Loetscher• police 46 70 P. McCollins, police 50 00 P. McInerney, police 50 00 Jno. Moore. police 60 CO Jno. Murphy, police 50 00 D. Norton, police 50 00 M. O'Connor, police 51 65 Jno. Raesli. police 65 00 Otto Rath, police 46 00 T. Reilly. police 65 00 Jas. Ryan. police 51 65 P. Scharff, police 50 00 Al. Scherr. police 56 00 M. Stapleton, police 50 00 P. Sullivan. police 50 00 Jno. L. Sullivan, police 30 00 P. Sutton, police 48 DO Tom Sweeney, police 62 CO Aug. Pfeffer. police 50 00 Pat. Powers. police 50 00 Joe Tyler. police 50 CO L. Zeidman, police 5165 Mrs .Kate Hibbe, matron 30 00 Miss B. Brennan. matron 30 00 Labor on streets for the last half of March, 1903: 5 A. Alderson, labor 8 3 4 405 Sam Allen, labor Ernest Amanda, labor 5 05 6 105 Richard Burns, labor 10 80 Jos. Broillette, labor4 75 John Burns, labor 14 20 Paul Becker, labor 620 Jos• Blocklinger 5 10 C. Busse, labor 775 J. Brachtenbach, labor 5 40 Fred Buddion, labor 6 45 Chris. Buelow, labor 4 75 A. Bolein, labor 2 70 Geo. Bippus, labor 0 J. Brenner, labor 4 4 7 40 Chas, Bremer, labor 3 40 Peter Petsche, labor 2 05 C. Bluecher, labor 1205 Jos. Brown, labor 14 20 W. Coughlin, labor 420 Jerry Cahill, labor 610 Hugh Connell, labor 4 10 John Callahan, labor 14 50 James Connolly, labor ..... .... 2 70 Mike Cunningham, labor 270 Tom Cahill, labor 1 35 Jas. Clarkson, labor • 22 06 Jas. Callahan, foreman 0 00 John Corbett, 75 labor .......... Dan Connors, labor 3 labor ...... 16 20 Hiram Cobb, •••••••"' Henry Cosgrove, driver .............. 21 00 . 4 Thos. Donahue, labo............... 4 06 r John Dougherty, ...... 5 40 Peter De Fontaine, labor ........ 2 05 06 M. Donegan, labor 3 10 Ed. Desmond, labor .................. John Darhoof, labor ....... .. 6 45 •..440 Pat Devaney, labor 375 Mike Differding, labor ............ W. Corcoran, police M. Craugh, police H. Donlon, police J. Fitzpatrick, police Jas. Flynn, police Wm. Frith. police Pat Hanlon. police E. Kahn, police M. Kilty, police 142 List of Warrants Peter Dax John Egan, labor John Engels, labor Jos. Eberhardt, labor John Ess, labor Chris•. Elterman, labor S. Eberle, labor Dan Fox, labor Geo. Frost, foreman M. Fetschele, labor Pat Farrell, labor John Flynn, labor Dominic Frank, labor I Fanner labor 2 70 9 45 11 50 8 80 5 40 6 10 3 75 6 10 20 00 8 80 8 45 3 40 70 6 75 J. Fluckinger, labor 170 Pat Fenelon, labor 16 20 Nelson Frith, stoker 60 00 Peter Gregory. labor 7 4, Pat Grue, labor 2 05 Jos. Gavin, labor 12 50 Marney Glass. labor 710 Pat Galloon, labor 7 45 Jas. Graham, labor 12 50 Henry Galle. labor 7 45 Chas. Gruenzig, labor 10 80 Jos. Giesland. labor 10 50 Jos. Grab, labor 9 45 H. Grode, labor 710 Geo. Gan. labor 610 Jos. Guenther, labor 4 75 Peter Guenther, labor 4 05 G. Gantenbein, foreman 20 00 Thos. Hackney, labor 4 05 6 10 John Hafey, labor George Hecklinger, labor 5 40 George J. Hahn, foreman 20 00 Amb. Hird, labor 8 45 Tom Harker, labor 3 75 James Hird, foreman 6 00 A. Hafeman, labor 710 Jake Hansen, labor 9 60 Max. Helmer, labor 70 John Heartle, labor 2 05 John Heil, carpenter 20 00 Fred Ihrke, labor 2 70 Peter Jacobs, labor 4 05 W. Johnson, labor 1 35 Conrad Jaener, labor 2 05 John Jehring, labor 5 75 Aug. Jass, labor 4 40 Tim Kelly, labor 2 05 Fred Keck, labor 7 45 Chas. Kampman, labor 5 75 Nic. Kettenhofen, labor 9 45 Mike Kas, labor 5 75 John Kness, labor 4 40 John Kelly, labor 7 80 John Keast, labor 8 50 Jake Kasper, labor 2 70 Paul Krocheski, labor 8 80 Fred Kaufman, labor 6 45 C. Kuppferschmidt, labor 4 40 Theo. Klaski, labor 2 70 F. Kuppferschmidt, labor 2 70 Chas. Krantz, labor 5 75 J. Kientzle, labor 2 70 Mat. Klein, paper collector 12 50 Pat. Leonard, labor 3 40 Martin Lonergan, labor 5 40 Mike Lavin, labor 2 40 Dietrich Lillig, labor 4 05 Pat Lynch, labor Tom Lonergan, labor John Long, labor Mat. Loes, labor Walter Lynch, labor Frank Lassance, labor H. Lembke, labor A. Lang, labor John Lanser,labor, J. Luchtenberger, labor John Lavin, labor L. Loeffelholz, labor Mike Meagher, Iabor Geo. Moore, labor 6 75 5 75 3 05 2 40 1 35 5 40 6 10 5 90 3 40 1 35 2 05 1 35 6 10 6 10 John Magee, labor Phil Melloy, labor A. W. Miller, labor Rob. Mack, labor Tom Maloy, labor Wm. Mohr, labor Ed. Maloy, labor Amb. Mai, labor James Maley, labor Jos. Martinek, labor Nat. Mabe, labor Adam Manderscheid, labor John Markward, painter Al. Moyer, labor Frank McCann, labor John McNulty, labor James McCarron, labor Pat. McMullen, labor W. McDermott, labor Thomas McDonald, labor.... J. McCrackin, labor Pat. McPoland, labor B. McCormack, labor John Noonan (Dodge) labor John Noonan (Woodlawn) labor H. Neuwoehner, labor W. O'Brien, foreman C. Otto, labor James Powers, labor James Purcell, labor John Pfeiffer, labor Chas. Pierce, labor Gerhard Parr, labor John Pullens, labor John Parker, labor W. Quinlan, labor James Ryan, labor Chas. Reilley, labor Jas. Reed, labor Chas. Ripisch, labor F. Radloff, labor Fred Remus, labor Jos. Rooney, labor Frank Strawmeyer; labor Nick Sweeney, labor Dan Sheehan, foreman Jas. Straney, labor Mike Shea, labor Thos. Smith, labor John Spear, labor John Schroeder, labor Frank Scherr labor Tony Schmidt labor Aug. Soyke, labor Chris. Sholl, labor Ernest Smith, labor John Sloan, labor Sam Sterling, labor Louis Smith, labor Jos. Schafetel, labor Sam Sommer, labor A. Schilski. labor S. Schaetzle, labor J. Scheidecker, labor Lawrence Trost, labor John Tashner, labor John Twieg, labor R. Turner, labor Chas. Vincent, labor J. Welsh (Caledonia), labor Jos. 'Williams, labor Anton Wondrasek, labor John Ward, labor John Welsh (Race), labor W. Wearmouth, foreman Nic. Wampach, labor Aug. Witte, labor Thos. Young, engineer Geo. Zumhoff, foreman Becker Bros., team Frank Burns, team 6 40 8 40 11 15 11 50 3 75 12 85 6 45 2 70 6 40 8 45 3 05 6 40 12 75 18 90 6 10 8 10 6 10 6 40 305 135 11 15 9 15 745 1 40 1 35 4 05 20 00 1 35 9 45 3 40 14 20 7 80 70 2 40 11 15 9 80 5 75 4 40 3 75 3 75 6 10 70 21 00 6 10 8 10 6 25 2 05 2 05 8 45 7 10 5 40 15 90 7 10 5 40 10 15 6 45 4 75 2 70 2 40 6 75 7 45 7 45 5 10 2 70 11 50 1 35 7 10 4 75 1 35 6 10 4 75 1 35 2 40 6 75 20 00 10 80 6 10 75 00 600 42 90 15 85 John Berwanger, team 7 90 H. Bischop. team 315 Josh Calvert, team 25 20 James Costello, team 4 75 List of Warrants 148 A. Conrad. team 945 E. Frith, team 36 25 M. Gantenbein, team 1160 Mike Hannan, team 2915 J. Huffmire, team 1185 J. Huffmire (contract), team 17 50 J. Huffrnfre, Jr., team 21 00 J. Haudenschield, team 1021 45 45 Thos. Heinz, team Peter Horeb. team 19 r0 Mike Kenneally, team 10 25 John Linehan, team 15 75 P. Linehan, team James Lonergan, team 14 20 1420 John Long, team John Mulgrew, team1414 30 2U Martin Maher, team J. G. Moore, team 8 70 1870 Dan Melloy, team Frank Mathis, team 1 60 John M,•t'ollins, team 34 66 Carson McElrath, team 9 45 Ted O'l:rien, team 24 45 Hary Pier, team 9 4o A. Pak, team 1815 Louis Peil, team 315 Geo. Reynolds, team 9 45 Ed. Seeley, team 22 05 Jerry Sullivan, team 23 65 James Tobin, team 20 di M. Theis, team 20 70 John \\ iliums, team 9 'c Leslie Wellington, team 17 7 90 M. Zogg, team Labor on Sewers during the last half of March, 1903: 22 40 Pat. Casserly, labor $ 22 40 John Corcoran, labor 25 00 S. H. Cook, foreman 22 40 R. A. Fuller, labor 22 40 Fred Honecker, lanor 22 40 Pat. Iienneally, lauor 2 40 Pat. Sage, labor 2 22 40 ...two,.1 , ,vv,r, iabnr P. Baumgartner, asst. Market Mas- ter L. Daily, cleaning around Market 56 00 Square Wm. Foster, Inspector on Sewer in Alley between Rhomberg and Gar- field Avenues H. J. Tropf, board of prisoners for 9 00 March Palmer, Berg Co., printing assign- ment of errors and argument in 13 00 case of Schnee vs. City J. L. McCabe, transcript of testi- mony in case of Thos. Considine 65 40 vs. City C. L. McGovern, recording plat and deeds 4 00 Pape & Jacquinot, repairing fountain 4 15 at Twenty-third street.... Mullen Bros., repairing fountain at 5 Fourteenth and Elm 85 McDermott & Gow, plumbing at City 145 Hall Dubuque Telephone Co., telephone 3 rent for Mayor 00 Iowa Telephone Co., telephone rent 02 for various departments M. S. Hardie, 21 copies of City Direc- tory 00 R. D. Swisher Mfg. Co., supplies for 2 60 Recorder's Office F. A. Miller, 1 dozen brooms, City 2 Hall 65 G. F. Kleih, new shovels and hard- 5 ware at City Hall 55 Even & Fuchs, hard coal, First 1 ward scales 62 Key City Gas Co., gas for various 98 30 departments.... P. Clancy, cinders and gravel for 9 60 Jackson Park • M. Morrissey, sawing wood for road and police departments Linehan a' Molt). cement and waste for Road department G. F. Kleih, new tools and hard- ware for Road department Chas. Giese, filing saws for Road department Lear & Kennedy, horseshoeing for Road department F. Schloz & Son, repairing tools for Road department.... Jno. Butt, repairing tools for Road department P. Clancy, cinders for Road depart- ment Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber for Road department 43 10 Becker Bros., coal for Steam Roller38 65 Lagen & Sullivan, horseshoeing for Fire department 16 80 'Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse - shoeing for Fire department 7 50 Heller & Scherr, horseshoeing for Fire department 7 80 Lear & Kennedy, horseshoeing for Fire department 476 T. F. Kane, hay and oats for Fire department 356 05 Fischer & Co., coal for Fire depart- ment 62 45 Ever & Fuchs, coal for Fire depart- ment 13 65 Phil Pier, coal for Fire department15 75 F. Burns, coal for Fire department14 45 Becker Brcs., coal for Fire depart - 17 80 ment Eichhorn &. Bechtel. salt and bran for Fire department 2 15 Farley & Loetscher Mfg. Co., re- pairing ladder for Fire department 3 45 Key City Gas Co., coke 2210 C. H. Little, Becker Co., supplies for Fire and Expense departments1145 Dubuque 011 Tank Line, oil for Fire 7 00 department Ott, Meuser & Co., shavings for Fire 426 department A. Y. McDonald & Morrison Mfg. Co., brass casting for Fire de- partment 00 Dubuque Mattress Factory, 1 mat- tress for Central Engine House .... 1 70 Jno. Newman & Son, repairing and painting Hose wagon for Fourth 98 40 Street Engine House Key City Gas Co., to rent of arc lights at Armory and Central En- gine House Gamewell Fire Alarm Telegraph Co., 1 pair of magnets for repeater at 15 00 Central Engine House F. C. Stover, 2 drop box magnets for b 00 Fire department Conlin & Kearns, hard wood for Po- 6 00 lice department F. Burns, shavings for Patrol house2 50 Becker Bros., shavings for Patrol 4 00 house T.B6 30 e F.oatsforPatrol house.. Kane, coal for uses. 23 63 G. F. Kleih, shovels and scoop for 310 Patrol house G. F. Kleih, hardware for Sewer de - 55 partment Juo. Butt, repairs for Sewer depart- ment Conlin & Kearns, oak wood for En - 6 00 gineer's office F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Engi- 120 neer's office printing for Globe -Journal, official p 60 00 March The Times, official printing for 15 00 March 2 5 20 30 5 95 80 4 CO 3 20 8 00 7 75 1' ft 144 List of Warrants Dubuque Telegraph -Herald, official printing for March 50 00 National Demokrat official printing ing for March 25 00 Union Electric Co., arc lights for March 2029 58 Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber for gar- bage dump 85 Geo. W. Healey & Son, powder for Mt. Carmel Ave 3 30 Jno. J. Lavery, Janitor Grandview Avenue Engine House 20 1,0 M. Farrell, macadam 9 35 D. Hammell, macadam 11 90 Wm. McConnell. macadam 4 50 Wm. McDermott, macadam 20 60 Jno. McGee, macadam 8 50 H. Meggenburg, macadam 1 e) Jas. Purcell, macadam 17 00 A. Sieg, macadam 47 50 C. H. Berg. Mayor, judgment and court costs, case of Al. Matthews vs. City 1349 00 H. Brinkman, interest paid on war- rants outstanding 1859 52 H. Brinkman, postage stamps 10 00 H. Brinkman, refunded tax 55 II. Brinkman, express charges, fire 25 H. Brinkman, freight charges. fire4 08 H. Brinkman. library orders paid 707 37 Jas. Noonan & Co., constructing sanitary sewer in alley between Garfield and Rhomberg avenues, from Johnson to Middle avenue 2544 40 Labor on Streets during the first halt of A: ril, 1903: Sam Allen. labor 915 E. Amanda, labor 610 Rich. Burns, labor 5 40 Jos. Brouiliette. labor 4 40 John Burns, labor 3 40 Paul Becker. labor Jos. Blocklinger, labor Fred Buddien, labor Geo. hippus, labor C. Busse, labor Peter Betsche, labor J. Brachtenbach, labor Jos. Brown. labor W. Coughlin, labor Jerry Cahill, labor Hugh Connell, labor Jas. Clarkson, labor Jas. Callahan foreman John Corbett, labor Dan Connors, labor H. Cobb, labor Jas. Connolly, labor Henry Cosgrove, driver John Dougherty. labor Peter DeFontaine, labor Ed. Desmond, labor John Darhoof, labor M. Donegan, labor Pat. Devaney, labor Mike Diferding, labor Peter Dax, labor. John Egan, labor John Engels, labor C. Ellermann, labor Jos. Eberhardt, labor J. Ess, labor 8. Elmer, labor Dan Fox, labor Mike Farrell, labor Geo. Frost, foreman Mat. Fetshele, labor Pat. Farrell, labor John Flynn, labor J. Fluckinger, labor Pat. Fenelon, labor Peter Gregory, labor Pat Grue, labor Barney Glass, labor James Graham, labor Pat. Gilloon, labor 10 50 6 10 8 12 2 05 4 75 4 40 6 75 1755 9 45 4 05 4 05 4 05 20 00 6 10 8 80 17 65 17 55 19 GO 4 05 1 35 2 70 2 70 35 5 40 4 40 1 35 6 10 10 15 6 10 1 85 4 75 2 40 4 05 4 05 20 00 6 10 6 10 5 10 1 35 17 55 6 75 6 75 7 45 2 70 6 10 Jos. Gavin, labor Henry Galle, labor Chas. Gruenzig, labor Jos. Giesland, labor Jos. Guenther, labor Jos. Grab, labor 1�. Grode, labor Geo. Rau, labor Peter Guenther, labor C. Gantenbein, labor J. M. Garrison, labor C. Gantenbein, foreman 3 SO 6 45 8 80 10 80 8 80 12 50 •4n 5 40 6 76 12 40 2 40 20 00 John Hafey, labor 4 05 4 75 6 45 20 00 7 10 Thos. Harker, labor 3 40 Jimmy Hird, labor 8 80 Jas. Hird, foreman 10 50 Aug. Hafeman, labor 610 Jake Hanson, labor 135 John Hacrtle, labor 2 70 John Heil, carpenter 20 00 Fred lhrke, labor 7 80 W. Johnson, labor 3 75 Peter Jacobs, labor 8 80 Conrad Jaenar, labor 1115 John Jehring, labor 6 75 Aug. Jass, labor 4 05 Tim Kelly, labor 4 05 Nic Kettenhofen, labor 610 Chas. Kampman, labor 510 Mike Kas, labor 5 75 John Kness, labor 5 75 John Kelly, labor 8 80 Fred Kaufman, labor 2 06 C. Kiipferschmidt, labor 3 40 Paul Krocheski. labor 1015 F. Kupferschmidt, labor 1 35 Jos. Kientze, labor 135 M. Klein, paper collector 12 50 Pat Leonard, labor 810 M. Lavin, labcr 4 05 Dietrich I.illig, labor 510 Mat Loes, labor 510 Pat Lynch, labor 880 Tom Lonergan, labor 1015 Jas. Long, labor 106 J. Luzenberger, labor .... 4 05 Walter Lynch, labor 7 80 A. Lang, labor 4 75 Frank I a'rsance, labor 3 40 J. Lanser, labor 133 H. Lembke, labor 5 40 J. Lavin, labor 4 05 H. Leik, labor 3 40 L. Loeffelholz, labor 17 55 Phil Melloy, labor 7 45 Geo. Moore, labor 3 40 A. W. Miller, labor 7 '- Rob. Mack, labor 9 80 W. Mohr, labor 2 05 Tom Malloy, labor 510 Ed. Malloy, labor S So Amb. Mai, labor 5 40 3 40 10 15 8 SO 4 05 600 17 65 70 4 05 6 10 405 4 05 4 05 2 05 10 50 7 45 2 70 3 40 5 40 6 75 Geo. Hocklinger, labor Lawrence Horrig, labor Geo. F. Hahn, foreman Amb. Hird, labor Jas. Malloy, labor Nat. Mabe, labor Jos. Martinek, labor A. Manderscheid, labor John Markward, painter Al. Moyer, garbage dump Pat. McMullen, labor John Magee, labor Frank McCann, labor John McNulty, labor Jas. McCarron, labor W. McDermott, labor Thos. McDonald, labor Jas. McCrackin, labor Pat. McPoland, labor B. McCormack, labor John Noonan, labor H. Neuwoehner, labor Chas. Nanck labor Official Notices. 145 W. O'Brien, foreman Chas. Otto, labor James Powers, labor James Purcell, labor.... John Pfeiffer, labor Chas. Pierce, labor John Pullens, labor John Barker, labor W. Quinlan, labor James Ryan, labor Chas. Reilly, labor Jas. Reed, labor Fred Radloff, labor Jos. Rooney, driver .... Nick Sweeney, labor Dan Sheehan, foreman Frank Strohmeyer, labor Jas. Straney, labor Mike Shea, labor John Spear. labor Thos. Smith, labor James Smith, labor Tony Schmidt, labor Jos. Statel, labor Aug. Soyke, labor Chris. Sholl, labor Ernest Smith, labor John Sloan. labor Sam Sterling, labor Louis Smith, labor Sam Sommers, labor J. Scheidecker, labor Aug. Schilski, labor S. Schaetzle, labor S. S. Eberle, labor Jos. Schafetel, labor Frank Scherr, labor Lawrence Trost, labor John Tashner, labor R. Turner, labor ... 4 J. Twieg, labor 406 06 C. Vincent, labor 3 40 Jos. Williams, labor70 John Welsh, (Caledonia) labor 2 00 John Ward, labor 7 45 John Walsh, (Race) labor 20 00 W. Wearmouth, labor 10 00 Aug. Witte, labor 0 80 Nic. Wampach, labor 34 65 Frank Burns, team 48 85 Becker Bros., team 20 H. Bfschop, team 1413 65 J. Berwanger, team 14 20 Josh Calvert, team 4 20 Mike Connors, team 62 25 E. Frith, team 17 35 Mike Hannon, team 11 05 J. Huffmire, Jr., team 22 05 J. Haudenshield, team 06 John Huffmire, team 55 705 Tom Heins, team 2619 00 P. Horth, team 14 20 Mike Kenneally, team 3 15 John Linehan, team 13 40 Pat. Linehan, team 14 20 Martin Maher, team 0 J. G. Moore, team 15 20 150 Dan Melloy, team 26 80 5 Frank Mathis, team 5 55 J. J. McCollins, team 555 Carson McElrath, team 15 75 Ted. O'Brien, team 15 75 Harvey Pier, team 90 1 7 75 L. Piel, team Geo. Reynolds, team 23 5 Ed. Seeley, team 26 00 Jas. Tobin, team 6 45 M. Theis, labor 145 W. G. Woods, team "'"' 115 John Williams, team 118 65 Leslie Wellington, team .......•.• 365 M. Zogg, team Labor on sewers during the first half of April, 1900: Pat Casserly, labor •••"•"" 20 80 20 00 4 75 7 45 4 05 12 85 6 45 5 40 7 h0 6 10 8 45 7 80 8 45 11 50 19 50 10 80 6 75 5 40 405 406 10 15 6 75 405 240 476 575 6 75 8 80 3 75 9 15 8 10 3 40 2 70 1 35 3 40 3 40 9 45 17 55 7 45 8 80 5 40 John Corcoran, labor S. H. Cook, foreman R A. Fuller, labor Fred Honecker, labor Pat Kenneally, labor Pat Sage, labor Landon Taylor, labor Teams hauling sprinkling wagons dur- ing the first half of April. 1903: T. B. Cain A. Conrad, John Linehan Martin Maher Dan Melloy J. J. McCollins McElrath Teaming Co Geo. A. Barnest, statement of suit of Paul Weipert vs. City 200 00 C. H. Berg, damages to property in alley between Rhomberg and Gar- field Avenues, from Johnson Ave to Kniest Street 136 00 C. H. Berk, court costs in cast of Mary A. Langworthy vs. City 17 60 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of ail warrants is- sued by me during the month of April, 1903. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. 20 80 26 00 20 80 20 80 20 SO 20 SO 20 80 5 80 5 60 6 80 5 60 6 40 5 60 5 60 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE WIDTH OF SIDEWALKS AND ROADWAY ON FULTON AND MON- ROE STREETS. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That in the improvement of Fulton and Monroe Streets, the roadway shall be twenty-six (26) feet wide between curbs, and the sidewalks twelve (12) feet wide on each side of Monroe Street, with Fulton Street. The roadway from said intersection of Monroe and Fulton Streets to the south end of said Fulton Street to be twenty-six (26) feet wide between curbs a.nd the sidewalk twelve (12) feet wide on each side thereof. Section 2. That Section 32, Chapter ofX J thelCity the of Dubuque, shall Ordinances of n t apply to the improvement of the Streets re- ferred to in Section 1 hereof. Section 3. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its pub- lication one time in the Dubuque Globe - Journal newspaper. Adopted by the City Council April 30th, 1903. Approved May 4 C'BERG, Mayor. Attest: C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Published officially in the Evening Globe -Journal May 13th, 1903. 5__lt OFFIANAORPDIINANCE.ION. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE GRADE OF DAVIS AVENUE. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That the grade of Davis Ave- nue be established and described as fol- lows: Beginning at the East curb line of Windsor Avenue, which is Station 10, Ele- vation 147.7. Thence Easterly to Station 7x68, Eleva- tion 215.0. Section 2. This ordinance shall take ef- 146 Official Notices. feet and be in force from and after its passage and publication one (1) time in the Dubuque Globe -Journal newspaper. Adopted by the City Council April 30th, 1902. Approved May 4th, 1903. C. H. BERG, Mayor. Attest: C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Published officially in the Evening Globe - Journal May 13th, 1903. 5-13-1t SIDEWALK NOTICE. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk (6) feet wide, of good brick, stone or cement, he, within, ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, where not • al- ready laid, on the west side of Couler ave- nue between Kaufman avenue and Hart street, abutting lot 3, Tivoli Add., owned by Geo. Bock, at the expense of abutting property. Also, Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk twelve (12) feet wide, of good brick, stone or cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conform- ity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks, on the east side of Locust street, between Fourth street and Fifth street. abutting City Lot 93 and 5 2 4-12 ft. of 94, owned by B. Lagen, at the expense of abutting property. Passed by the City Council of the City of Dubuque May 7th, 1903. C. F. ARENDT, 5-14-1t City Recorder. NOTICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTENTION TO IMPROVE THE ALLEY BE- TWEEN GARFIELD AND RHOM- BERG AVENUES, FROM KNIEST STREET TO JOHNSON AVENUE. To Whom It May Concern: You and each of yuu are hereby notified that it is the intention of the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque to improve the Alley between Garfield and Rhomberg Avenues from Kniest Street to Johnson Avenue. That a plat and specification of said pro- posed improvement is nnw on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require Macadamizing, 709 square yards. Total•estimated cost to property owners. $366.20. Any person having objections to said improvement is hereby notified to appear before the City Council at its session to be held May 21st, 1903, or to file with the City Recorder their objections in writing on or before May 21st, 1903. C. F. ARENDT, 5-12-10t City Recorder. NOTICE. OF THE COUNCIL'S INTENTION TO IMPROVE RAYMOND PLACE, FROM THE NORTH CURB LINE OF FENE- LON PLACE TO THE SOUTH LINE OF COOPER STREET. To Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby notified that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque to improve Ray- mond Place from the north curb line of Fenelon Place to the south line of Cooper street. That a plat and specifications of said pro- posed improvement is now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require new curb- stone set, 492 lineal feet; guttering, 227 square yards; macadamizing, 437.3 square yards; making a total estimated cost to the abutting property owners of $596.35. Any person having objection to said im- provement is hereby notified to appear be- fore the City Council at its regular session to be held May 21st, 1903, or to file with the City Recorder their objections in writing on or before May 21st, 1903. Dated this 12th day of May, 1903. C. F. ARENDT, 5-12-10t City Recorder. NOTICE TO SIDEWALK CONTRACT- ORS. Dubuque, Ia., May 13. 1903.—Sealed pro- posals will be received at the City En- gineer's office, City of Dubuque, Iowa, up to 4 p. m. Saturday, May 23rd, 1903, for constructing sidewalks as follows, where not already laid: Six feet wide of plank on the east side of Jackson, between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth street, abutting Lot 82, Glendale Add. Six feet wide of plank, on the east side of Jackson, between Twenty-fifth and Twent7.-sixth street, abutting Lot 84, Glen- dale Add. Four feet wide, of plank, on the north side of Twenty-second street, between Washington street and Elm street, abut- ting Lot 69, E. Langworthy's Add. All in accordance with specifications on file in said office. A certified cheek of 10 per cent. of the total will be required with each bid. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. ADAM CRAWFORD, Sidewalk Inspector. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE•. To A. J. Lemback: You are hereby notified that in accord- ance with a resolution of the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, for construct- ing new sidewalk during the month of May, 1903, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the City Council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, Lot No. 45, Marsh's Add., E. 100 feet, owned by you, being subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the Council, to be held on the 21st day of May, 1903, and show cause. if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. Amount, $16.73. C. F. ARENDT, 5-11-10t City Recorder. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To B. S. McElhaney: You are hereby notified that in accord- ance with a resolution of the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, for construct- ing new sidewalk during the month of MaY, 1903, a special assessment will be levied for the expense theerof, at the next reg- ular meeting of the City Council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, Lot No. 68, East Dubuque Add., owned by you, being subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the Council, to be held on the 21st day of May, 1903, and show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. Amount, $27.70. C. F. ARENDT, 5-11-1Ot City Recorder. Official Notices. NOTICE OF THE uITY COUNCIL'S INTEN- TION TO IMPROVE PINE STREET FROM TWENTY-THIRD TO TWEN- TY-SIXTH STItEETS. To All Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby noti- fied that It is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque to improve Pine Street from Twenty-third to Twenty-sixth Streets. That a plat and specification of said proposed improvement is now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require 1,297 lineal feet of curbing, 576.1 square yards of guttering. 1,346 square yards of ma- cadamizing, making a total estimated cost to the abutting property owners of $1,163,39. Any person having objections to said improvement 1s hereby notified to appear before the City Council at its session t, be held May 21st, 1903, or to file with the City Recorder their objections in writing on or before May 21st, 1903. Dated this 12th day of May, 1903, C. F. ARENDT, 5-12-10t City Recorder. NOTICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTENTION TO IMPROVE GRACE STREET FROM THE WEST LINE OF SUB. 7, ANN O'HARE'S SUB, LOT 7, TO EAST STREET. To Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby notified that it is the intention of the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque to improve Grace Street from the west line of Sub. 7, Ann O'Hare's Sub., Lot 7, to East Street. That a plat and specifications of said proposed improvement is now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvrthent will require New Curbstone set, 1,877.18 lineal feet. Guttering, 835.3 square yards. Macadamizing, 2,352.5 square yards. Making a total estimated cost to the abut- ting property owners of $2,626.64. Any person having objection to said im- provement is hereby notified to appear before the City Council at its regular ses- sion to be held May 21st, 1903, or to file with the City Recorder their objections in writing on or before May 21st, 1903. Dated this 12th day of May. 1903. C. F. ARENDT, 5-12-10t City Recorder. NOTICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTEN- TION TO IMPROVE FULTON STREET AND MONROE STREET FROM SOUTHEAST END OF FUL- TON STREET TO THE SOUTH CURB LINE OF BROADWAY EXTENTION. To All Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby noti- fled that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque to improve Fulton Street and Monroe Street, from Southeast end of Fulton Street to the South curb line of Broadway Exten- sion. • Thal a plat and specifications of said proposed improvement is now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require new curbstone set, 1297 lineal feet; guttering, 576.1 square yards; macadamizing, 1346 147 square yards; making a total estimated cost to the abutting property owners of $1,663.39. Any person having objections to said improvement is hereby notified to appear before the City Council at its regular ses- sirn to be held May 2st, 1903, or to file with the City Recrirder their ohiections in writing on or before Hay 21st, 1903. Dated this 12th day of May, 1903. C. F. ARENDT, 5-12-100 City Recorder. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT. Notice is hereby given to all concerned that a special assessment will be levied to pay for the construction of an 8 -inch and 12 -inch Tile Pipe Sanitary sewer in Kniest Street frcm Lincoln Avenue to al- ley between Rhomberg Avenue and Gar- field Avenue. thence in said alley to man- hole in Johnson Avenue, Steuck & Line. han, contractors. Amount of special as- sessment, $900.60, against tb. abutting property, upon and along, said sewer, as provided by law at a session of the City Council to be held May 21st, 1903. And that there is a plat and schedule on file in the office of the City Recorder of said City of Dubuque, showing the alley or a part thereof in which said sewer has been constructed, and the separate lots and parcels of ground and specified por- tions thereof subject to assessment of such improvement. the names of the owners as far as practicable, and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, which plat and schedule is sub- ject to public inspection. And that any any all persons objecting to said special assessment of said plat must file his or their objection In writing with the City Recorder or said City of Du- buque on or before said session of th' City Council to fie held May 21st, 1903, or to appear at said session of the Council to show cause if any you have why said assessment should not be levied. Dated Dubuque, Iowa, Fay llth, 1903. ARENDT, 5-11-10t City Retarder. NOTICE TO UNION TAILORS. Bids will be received up to 4 p. m. Thursday, May 21st, 1903, at the Mayor's office, City Hall, for furnishing such mem- bers of the Police Force as may need the same with uniforms. Such uniforms to be made in accordance with the specifications set out in the Rules and Regulations of the Police Department and which may be seen at the office of the Chief of Police at City Hall. Samples must accompany all bids. COMMITTEE ON POLICE AND LIGHT. 5-6-14t NOTICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTEN- TION TO IMPROVE THE ALLEY BETWEEN ALPINE AND NEVADA STREETS, FROM AVENUE TO WEST THIRD LANG`ORTH STREET. To All Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby noti- fied that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque to improve the alley between Alpine and Ne- vada Streets. from Langworthy Avenue to West Third Street. That the plat and specifications of said proposed improvement is now on file 111 the office of the City Recorder. It 1s estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement wil require as fol- lows: 890 square yards of macadam. To- 148 Official Notices. tal estimate cost to the abutting property owners. $445.(i. Any person having objections to said improvement is nereby notified to appear before the City Council at its session to be held May 21st, 1903. or to file with the City Recorder tneir objections in writing on or before Mal' 21st, 1903. Dated May 12th, 1903. C. F. ARENDT, b -12-10t ''1v Recorder. NOTICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTENTION TO CONSTRUCT A SANITARY SEW- ER IN ALLEY BETWEEN JACKSON AND WASHINGTON STREETS FROM SANFORD AVENUE TO TWENTY- SEVENTH STREET. To All Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby notified that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque to construct a 10 and 12 -inch Tile Pipe Sanitary Sewer in alley between Jackson and Washington streets from Sanford Avenue to Twenty- seventh streets. That a plat and specifications of said proposed sewer is now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said sewer will be 4,210 lineal feet in length, including 18 manholes, and will cost the abutting property owners $3,522.70 in total. Any person having objections to the con- struction of said Sanitary Sewer are here- by notified to appear before the City Council at its regular session May 21st, 1903, or to file in writing with the City Re- corder their objections on or before May 21st, 1903. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Dated at Dubuque, May 12th, 1903. 5-12-10t SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To All Who Are Named Below: You are hereby notified that in accord- ance with an ordinance of the City of Du- buque for the cleaning of alleys in the month of April, 1903, that a special as- sessment will be levied for the expense thereof, at the regular meeting of the City Council, upon all lots and parcels of land on said improvement owned by you being subject to such special assessment. Arid you are notified to appear at said meeting of the City Cour.cil to be held on the 21st day of May, A. D., 1903, and show cause, If any you have, why said assess- ment should not be levied. Marg. Donahue, City S. 16 ft., lot 122, 1 load at 75c per load $ 75 Ellen Hennessy, City N. 2-3, lot 124, 1 load at 75e per load 76 John J. Keane, City lot 125, 1 load at 75c per load 75 Mich. Halpin, Est., City lot 574, 1 load at 75c per load 13. J. O'Neill, City N. M. 19.6 ft., lot 78, 1 load at 75c per load John Flynn, City E. 40 ft.. lot 84, 1 load at 75c per load 75 Jane R. Jess. City lot 565a, 1 load at 75c per load Johanna and Ellen Jess, City S. 42 ft., lot 534, 1 load at 75c per lead 75 M. D. McCullough. City lot 639a, 1 loud at 75c per load Ryder Bros., City N. 42 ft., lot 75, 2 'cads at 75c per load 1 50 W. and D. Brunskill, City lot 627, 5 loads at 75c per load Ellen B. Wood, City S 2-3 lot 112, 2 75 75 75 75 3 75 Icad. at 750 per load 150 D. H. Connyham Est., City lot 754, 2 Loads at 75c per load W. L. Bradley, City S. 2-3 lot 748, 1 load at 75c per load Henry Riker, City S 1 lot 99, 1 load at 75c per load Geo. A. Neeves, City S. M 19.2 ft, lot 62, 2 loads at 75c per load Reeder Langworthy, City S. 20.6 ft, lot 65a, 1 load at 75c per load Steiner & Zust, City S. 11.6 ft., lot 19 and N. 10.6 ft. lot 18, 2 loads at 75c per load 160 Edw. Langworthy Est., City M. 40 ft., Not 19, 2 loaas at 75c per load 1 50 L. S. Wilson Est., City S. 1, lot 22, 1 load at 75c per load 75 J, & J. Ogilby, City N. lot 22, 1 load at 750 per load 7b Francis Jaeger, City N. 20 ft., lot 21, 1 1 rad at 75c per load 75 Staples & Walsh, City lot 16, 2 loads at 75c per load 150 W. L. Bradley & McLean, City lots 222-223, 4 loads at 75c per load .. 3 00 Dora K. Altman, City W. 47 ft., lot 244, 4 loads at 75c per load 3 00 7.. C. Bissell and A. J. Parker, City lots 227-228, 3 loads at 75c per load 2 05 John Deery, City N. 25 ft. lot 231, 1 load at 75c per load 75 Robt. Waller Est., City lot 233, 3 loads at 75c per load 2 25 Rich. Waller Est., City lot 234 and S lk lot 235, 3 loads at 75c per load.. 2 26 Jno. A. Pals, City S. M. 26 ft. lot 316, 1 load at 75c per load 75 H. F. Salot, City S. 9.3 ft., 316 N. 6.9 ft., lot 315, 1 load at 75c 75 Schlitz Brewing Co., City S 1-2 Lot 293, 2 loads at 75c per load 1 50 Marg. Linehan, City Lot 299. 2 loads at 75e per load 1 50 James Lee, G. W. Rodger's Sub., Lot 28, 1 load at 75c per load 75 C. E. Wales, Prospect Hill Add Lot 29. 1 load at 75c per load 75 C. E. Wales. Prospect Hill Add Lots 25-26, 1 load at 750 per toad 75 Marg. Cavanaugh. Prospect Hill Add.. Lot 7, 1 load at 75c per load J. L. Meyer, Bradstreet's Add., Lot 15, 2 loads at 75c per load 16. H. Sheppley, City M 1-5. Lot 463 2 loads at 75c per load Jno. Butt, City E 47.4 ft, S 62.4 ft Lot 465, 1 load at 75c per load Baptist Church, City, N 53.5 ft. Lot 466, 2 loads at 75c per load G. L. Torbert Est., City, N 2-5 Lot 459, 4 loads at 75c per load H. P. Bissell, City, S 86.4 ft, Lot 466, 2 loads at 75c per load Wm. L .Bradley, Trustee, City, 5 1-2, Lot 164, 2 loads at 75c per load Wm. L. Bradley, Trustee, City, 8 38, 4 loads at lac per load Wm. L. Bradley, Trustee, City, N 1-2 Lot 35, 5 loads at 75c per load Syndicate Block, City, Lots 29-30, 3 loads at 75c per load Maria A. Kiene et al, City, Lot 213 and 5 1-2 Lot 212, 4 loads at 75c per load Sarah F. Brown, City, S 1-2 Lot 206, 1 load at 75c per load Mrs. A. B. Keller, City. Lot 204, 2 loads at 75c per load J. and J. Ogilby, City, Lot 201 and N 11.2 ft. lot 202, 2 loads at 75c per load Eliz. Marshall. City. 5 1-2, M 1-5 and N 15 ft. S M 1-5, Lot 458. 1 load 1 50 75 75 1 50 75 75 1 50 1 50 75 1 50 3 00 1 50 1 50 3 00 3 75 2 25 8 00 75 1 50 1 50 Official Notices. 149 at 75c per load 76 B. B. and M. E. Richards, City, S M 1-5 Lot 418, 3 loads at 75c per 2 load 25 Nannie T. Bell, City. 5 2-5 Lot 449, 3 loads at 75c per load 225 G. Tenhof, City, 5 1-2, N M 1-5, Lot 451, 2 loads at 750 per load 1 50 Eli Cole, City, IN M 1-5, Lot 452, 1 load at 750 per load 75 Dubuque National Bank, CIttoad 150 1-5, Lot 434, 2 loads at 75c per Jno. and Amelia Olinger, City, N 1-4 Lot 443, 3 loads at 15c per load 2 25 J. J. Dunn, City, N 2-5 Lot 431, load at 75c per load 75 Christina Duttle Est., City, N 1-2, N 1-5 Lot 430, 2 loads at 750 per 160 load Sarah Stewart. City Lot 337, 3 loads at 750 per load 2 25 Gott. Wunderlich Est., City, N 1-2 Lot 331. 2 loads at 750 per load 1 50 S. Brown and W. Krakow Est, City Lot 340, 2 loads at 75c per load 1 50 H. B. Glover, City N. 26.2 ft., S. 46.8 ft. N. 42.10 ft., S. 90 ft. lot 467, 3 loads at 75c per load 2 25 Francis W. Bradley, City N. lot 48, 3 loads at 75c per load 2 25 Wm. and G. E. Davis, A. McDaniels' Sub., lot 765, 2 loads at 75c per 1 load 50 T. F. O'Connor, Farley's Sup., E. sfe lot 17, 2 loads at 75c per load 1 50 Sidonia Hosford and T. B. Cain, Hetherington's Sub., lot 4, 2 loads at 75c per load 1 50 Martin Kirwin, Cummins' Sub., lots 14-15, 3 loads at 75c per load 2 25 P. W. Crawford, Hetherington's Sub., Lots 5-6, 2 loads at 75c per load 1 50 M. H. Martin, A. McDaniels' Sub, lot 819, 1 load at 75c per load 75 Frank Duggan, Cain's Sub., lot 2, 73 1 load at 75c per load G. H. Davis, Cain's Sub., lot 3, 2 1 loads at 75c per load 50 Henry Wilmers, Cain's Sub., lot 9, 2 1 loads at 75c per load 50 John Hier, Cain's Sub., lot 5, 1 Load at 75c per load 75 Jeanne Hopkins, Sub. 13, McNulty's Sub., lot 2, 2 loads at 75c per load1 50 Jos. Bott, Sub. 5-8-9, McNulty's Sub., lots 6-7, 2 loads at 75c per 1 load 50 A. M. Beck, Sub. 5-8-9, McNulty's Sub., lots 4-5, 2 loads at 75c per 1 load 50 J. F. Jackson, Sub. 4 of 3 of Min lots 88 and 87, lot 2, 1 load at 75c per load W. H. Peabody, Henion and Baird's Sub., lot 9, 1 load at 75c per load75 H. E. Cooney, Sub. 803, A. McDan- iels' Sub., lot 1, 4 loads at 75c per 300 load Marg. Faust, City Lot 341, 2 loads 1 50 at 75c per load Jno. Strelau, City, S 1-2, S M 1-5 75 Lot 496. 1 load at 75e per ioad Geo. Ganshirt. City, S M 1-5 Lot 160 492, 2 loads at 75c per load Edw. Langworthy Est., East Du- buque Add., Lot 88, 2 loads at 75c 1 50 per load Eliza Lembeck, City, S 30 ft, N 80 ft. Lot 499, 2 loads at 75c per load1 50 Kunnigunda Foerst, CitY. N M 1-5 Lot 498, 3 loads at 75c per load 2 25 Andrew Bitter, City, N 1-2, 5 M 1-5 Lot 498, 2 loads at 75c per load 1 50 Geo. Salot, City Lot 429. 3 loads at 2 25 750 per load Alex Hodel, City, N 1-2 Lot 391, 3 loads at 75c per load 2 26 M. Majerus, City, N 2-5, W M 1-4 Lot 500, 2 loads at 75c per load 1 50 Cath. C. Ryan. East Dubuque Add., Lot 109, 2 loads at 75c Der load 1 50 Kiene & Altman, East Dubuque Add., Lot 108, 2 loads at 75c per load 1 50 Peter Schrafl, East Dubuque Add, N 1-2 Lot 158. 2 loads at 75c per load Chas. Steuck, East Dubuque Add Lots 173-174, 3 loads at 75c per load 225 Jno. Schuler, City, N 2-5 Lot 486, 2 loads at 750 per load 1 F0 Peter Nicks, City, S 1-2, M 1-5 Lot 487. 1 load at 75c per load 75 i) ug. Hemmi, City. S 1-5. S 1-2. S M 1-5 Lot 487, 1 load at 75c per load75 A. and E. Hacket, City Lot 42, 1 load at 750 per land 75 J. V. Eider, City, S 1-2 Lot 53, 4 loads at 75c Der load 3 00 Ed. Baumgartner, Steiner's Add S 20 ft. Lot 7, 1 Toad at 75c per load St. Paul's Lutheran Cnurch. Stein- er's Add., Lot 11, 2 leads at 75c per load 1 50 N. J. Loes Cook's Add., Lot 32, 3 loads at 75c per load 2 25 1 50 75 Total $153 00 C. F. ARENDT. 5-11-10t. City Recorder. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Recorder until 7:30 o'clock p. m. Thursday, June 4th, 1903, for the improvement of Pine street from the north curb line of Twenty-third street to the north property line of Twenty-sixth street, in accordance with plans and specifica- tions now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that it will require new curbstone set, 3,798 lin- eal feet, guttering 1,686 square yards, ma- cadamizing 3,516 square yards, cutting 3,353 cubic yards. The work to be completed on or before the first day of October, 1903, and shall be paid for e accepted bysaid work is mpleted and City Council. o The proposals for doing said work will be acted upon by the City Council the 4th day of June, 1903. Bidders must state price per lineal foot for new curbing set, and the price per square yard for guttering and macadam- izing. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for $100 on some Du- buque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated Dubuque, May 25th, 1903. C. F. ARENDT, 5-25-10t. City Recorder. NOTICE TO SEWER CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of t City o'clock p. me Thursday, Recorder June 4th, 1903. for the construction of a 12 -inch beep ipe e Sanitary Sewer, in the alley Jackson and Washington streets from manhole in Sanford street to Twenty- third street, thence in same alley a 10 -inch tile pipe Sanitary Sewer to manhole In Twenty-seventh Street, in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer. and now on ftle in the office of the City Recorder. 150 Official Notices. It is estimated by the City Engineer that it will require 2.648 lineal feet of 10 - inch tile pipe and 1,562 lineal feet of 12 - inch tile pipe and 19 manholes. Bidders must state price per lineal foot for tile pipe. also the price for each man- hole. The work to be completed on or before October 1st., 1903, and shall be paid for when said work is completed and accept- ed by the City Council. All bids must he accompanied by a cer- tified check of $100.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated Dubuque, May 25th., 1903. C. F. ARENDT, 5-25-10t. City Recorder. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To All Who notified Named ing accordance You are hereby with an ordinance of the City of Dubuque for repairing sidewalks during the month of April, 1903, that a special assessment win be levied for the expense thereof at the regular meeting of the City Council upon all lots and parcels of lana subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the Council to be held on the 4th day of June, A. D. 1903, and show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied: April 1. -Arthur McGinnis, Union Add., lot 6, 8 ft. lumber 15c, 1-2 hour labor 25c $ 40 April 1.-B. W. Lacy, City 493a, lot 3, 20 bricks 20c, 3-4 hour labor 40c60 April 1.-D. S. Wilson Est., City 443a, lot 662a, 20 bricks 20c, 3-4 hour labor 40c 60 April 1.-R. Bonson Est., S. M. Lang - worthy's Add., lots 11-12, 35 ft. lum- ber 70c, 1 hour lobar 50c 1 20 April 1.-C. Seeger, Deming & Horr's Add., lot 18, 8 ft. lumber 15c, 1-2 hour labor 25c 40 April 1-H. Wunderlich, Fortune's Sub., lot 15, 8 ft. lumber 15c, 1-2 hour labor 25c 40 April 1. -Ruben Lewis, Sub. City 500, N. 1-5, W. 1-4, lot 6, 6 ft. lumber 10c, 1-2 hour labor 25c 35 April 1. -John Buettell, Sub: 20, Fin- ley Home Add., lot 1, 12 ft. lumber 25c, 1-2 hour labor 25c 50 April 1. -Wm. T. Roehl, Finley Home Add., lot 21, 27 ft. lumber 55c, 3-4 hour labor 40c 95 April 1. -Levi, Henderson & Sullivan, South. Ave. Add., lot 8, 24 ft. lum- ber 50c, 1-2 hour labor 25c April 2.-H. E. Cooney, Sub. 803, A. McDaniels' Sub., lot 1, 32 ft. lum- ber 65c, 1 2 hour labor 25c April 3. -John Olinger, Boulevard Add., lots 20-21, 10 ft. lumber 20c, 1-2 hour labor 25c April 3.-C., M. & St. Paul Ry. Co, Dub. Harb. Imp. Co.'s Add., block 20, lot 18, 8 ft. lumber 15c, 1-2 hour labor 25c April 3. -John Powers et al., A. Mc - Daniels' Sub., lot 798, 24 ft. lum- ber 50c, 1-2 hour labor 25c April 4. -Pat. F. Walsh, Porter's Add., S. 30 ft. lot. 12, 5 ft. lumber 10c, 1-2 hour labor 25c April 4.-J. F. Fairbanlcs, City, E 33.6 ft., lot 643, 3-4 hour labor 40c April 6. -Albert Johnson, Woodlawn Park, lot 52, 5 ft. lumber 10c, 1-2 hour labor 25c April 6.-A. W. Kemler Est, Sub. 4, 75 90 45 40 75 35 40 35 Ann O'Hare's Sub., lot 2, 20 ft. lumber 40c, 1-2 hour labor 25c April 6. -Christian Science Church, Hodge's Sub., N. U2 ft., lot 11, 18 ft. lumber 35c, 1-2 hour labor 25c April 6. -Ellen O'Halleron, Finley's Add., lot 14, 11 ft. lumber 20c, 1-2 hour labor 25c April 6.-M. M. Hoffman, E. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 18, 18 ft. lumber 35c, 1-2 hour labor 25c April 6. -Frank Jaeger, Jaeger's Sub, lots 3-4, 32 ft. lumber 65c, 3-4 hour labor 40c April 6.-P. J. Ruegamer, Nicks' Add., lot 26, 16 ft. lumber 30c, 1-2 hour labor 25c April 7. -John Macdonald, McNulty's Sub., S. 89 ft., lot 2, 20 ft. lumber 40c, 3-4 hour labor 40c April 8. -Valentine Schiel, Sub 196-197, L. H. Langworthy's Add., lot 10, 16 ft. lumber 30c, 1-2 tour labor 25e April 8.-Niedemeyer & Rittenmeyer, Hooper's Add., lot 29, 8 ft. lumber 15c, 1-2 hour labor 25c April 8.-E. Hemmi, Sub. 3 and 4, Stafford's Add., N. 50 ft., lot 1, 17 ft. lumber 35c, 1-2 hour labor 25c April 8. -Cath. Schuler, Sub. 3 and 4, Stafford's Add., S. 50 ft., lot 1, 26 ft. lumber 50c, 3-4 hour labor 40c April 8. -Schneider & Kleih, Sub. 1, Gieger's Sub., E. 1-2, lots 4-5, 32 ft. lumber 65c, 3-4 hour labor 40c April 9. -John Olinger, Boulevard Add., lot 19, 23 ft. lumber 45c, 1-2 hour labor 25c April 10.-A. F. Jaeger, Davis Farm Add., lots 270-271, 60 ft. lumber $1.20, 3-4 hour labor 40c April 10-Kiene & Altman, Sub 2 and 3, Kiene & Altman's Sub., Lot 1, 2> ft. lumber, 55c; 1-2 hour labor tar April 11 -john Blat.:e Est.. Ellen Blake's Sub., Lot 7, 02 ft lumber, $1.25; 1 hour labor 50c April 11-Sussana Noel, Davis Farm Add., Lot 299, 20 ft lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor 25c April 11 -Peter ZNanderscheid, Davis Farm Add., Lot 267, 12 ft lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25e April 11 -Jac. Marshall, Sub. 277, Davis Farm Add., Lot 1, 8 ft lum- ber 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c April 11-C., M. & St. Paul Ry Co, right of way, Fifteenth and Pine street, 20 ft lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c April 14 -Mary and Clara Ziegler, E. Langworthy's Add., S 1-2 Lot 16, 16 ft lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c April 15 -Julia D. Rhomherg, Guern- sey & Langworthy's Sub., Lot 8, 24 ft lumber, 50c; 1-2 hour labor 25c April 18 -Ellen Ode, Sub. 2, City 673, Lot 6, 264 it lumber, $5.30; 4 hours' labor, $22.00 April 18 -Garman Tr" & Savings Bank, Sub 2, City 673, Lot 5, 8 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c April 18 -Dubuque Malting Co, Marsh's Add., Lot 1, 18 ft lumber, 35c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c April 18-J. J. Lundbeck, Mechanics Add., 5 100 ft, Lot 109, 3G ft lumber, 70c; 3-1 hour labor, 40c April 20-J. and E. Tibey, Sub. 3, Min. Lot 53, Lot 1, 31 ft lumber, 60c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c April 20 -Dixon Cottingham, Sub. 39, Quigley's Sub., Lot 5, 10 ft lumber, 65 63 45 60 1 05 55 80 55 40 60 90 1 05 70 1 60 80 1 75 65 50 40 65 55 75 7 80 40 60 1 10 86 Official Notices. 151 20c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c April 11—Fred Weigel Est.. City. S 21.2 ft Lot 467. 20 ft lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 25e April 20—Jas. Alderson, Sub. 1. Quig- ley's Sub., Lot 1, 10 ft lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c April 20-13. Jestel. City. N 1-2. N 1-5, Lot 456. 1-2 hour labor. 21' April 20 --Wen. Recite Est.. City.. 5 31.5 ft. 5 1-4. Lot 443. brick, 5e; 1-2 hour labor. 25c April 20—H. B. Glover. City. Lot 100, brick, 5c; 1-2 hour labor, 250 April 20—Mrs. H. F. Bowers and D. S. Wilson Est., City, S 21 ft. Lot 17, 21 bricks, 20c; 3-4 hour labor, 40c GO April 20 --Fred Kinne,ker, City. N 1-2. Lot 452. 1-2 hour tabor, '5c April''—Jno. Olinger. Boulevard Add..Lot 25. S ft lumber. 15c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c April 22 --Jos. Zimmerman, John King's 1st Add., Lot 16, 4 ft lum- ber. 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c April 22—Elizabeth Nicks. Glendale Add., Lot 216. 28 ft lumber, 55c; 3-4 hour labor, 40c April 22—Jas Levi, Davis Farm Add, Lot 238. 20 ft lumber, 40c; 3-4 hour labor, 40c April 22—Peter Wanclerscheid, Davis Farm Add., Lot 246. 8 ft lumber, 15e; 1-2 hour labor, 25c April 22—John Marzen, E. Langwor- thy's Add., Lot 46,' 23 ft lumber, 45c; 1-2 hour labor, 250 April 23—Dora Rawson, Sub. 70-71, Union Add., Lot 1, 26 ft lumber, 50c; 3-4 hour labor, 40c April 23—J. C. Fitzpatrick, 'Union Add., Lot 151, 24 ft lumber, 50c; 1-2 hour labor, 25e April 23—Mrs. Sidney Saul, Saul's Sub., Lot 5, 19 ft lumber, 40c; 1 hour labor, 50c April 23—Martin Sullivan. Saul's Sub., Lot 4, 62 ft lumber, $1.25; 1 1-2 hours' labor, 75c 2 00 April 23—C. G. W. Ry Co., right of way. Lincoln Avenue. 4 ft lum- ber. 10e: 1-2 hour labor. 25c April 22—Cath. Schioeder, E. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 70, 5 ft. lumber 10c; 3z hour labor 25c 1355 April 24—Pat Hughes Est., Bush's Sub., lot 4, 174 hour labor 25c 23 April 24—Stephen Zenner, Burden- Lawther's Add., lot 131, 11 ft. lum- ber 20c; r/ hoar labor 2bc 45 April 24—Frank and RoselIne Hol- land, Burden & Lawther Add., lot 84, 34 ft. lumber 70c; hour labor 95 20c April 2S—Kemler & Cain, Cain's Sub, lot 14. 5 ft. lumber 10c; / hour labor 25c 35 April 2S—Geo. Eichhorn, Cummins' Sub., lot 22, 8 ft. lumber 15c; 1/2, hour 25c 40 April 2S—Paul Traut Est., Farley's, Sub., lot 35, 2 ft. lumber 5c; 2 30 hour labor 25c April 29—Ellen O'Halleron, Finley's Add., lot 15, 8 ft. lumber 15c; 1/z hour labor 25c April 29—Jas. Mullen Est., Finley's Add., lots 10-11, 5 ft lumber 10c; 1h hour labor 25c April 29—W. G. Cox, Levens' Add, lot 14, 8 ft. lumber 15c; 1/1 hour labor 25c 45 . 65 45 25 30 30 25 40 35 95 80 40 70 90 73 90 35 Total 5-25-10t 40 35 40 $52 50 C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. NGr1cE To the Holders of Duouque Water Works Bonds Numbered Forty -One (41) to Fif- ty -Nine (59), inclusive, also Bond num- bered Three Hundred and Seventy (370). The City Council at its meeting held on March 19th, 1903, directed that Dubuque Water Works Bonds, numbered forty-one (41) to flfty-•nine (59), inclusive, and bond number three hundred and seventy (370) be redeemed in accordance with the ordi- nance and contract entered Into by the City of Dubuque and the holders of the Water Works bonds. Above bonds should be presented at the City Treasurer's of- fice on June 1st, 1903. for redemption. All interest on above bonds will cease June 1st, 1903. H. BRINKMAN, City Treasurer Dubuque, la., March 31st. 1903. 4-1 to 6-1 NOTICE TO CO\'CRACI'OIIS Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Recorder until 7:30 o'clock p. m. Thursday. June 4th, 1903, for improving the alley between Alpine and Nevada Streets from south curb line of West Third Street to the north prop- erty line of Langworthy Avenue. accord- ing to plans and specifications now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that it will require 810 square yards of macadam and 547 cubic yards of cutting. The work to he completed on or before October -1st. 1903, and shall be paid for when said work is completed and accept- ed by the City Council. The proposals for doing said work will be acted upon by the City Council the 4th day of June, 1903. Bidders must state price per square yard for macadamizing. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for $50.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guar- antee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated Dubuque May 2C. F. ARENDT, 5-25-10times. City Recorder. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Recorder until 7:30 o'clock p. m. Thursday, June 4th, 1903, for improving the alley between Garfield and Rhomberg Avenues, from the south line of lot 1 of 33 of High Street Sub., to the south prc7rerty line of Johnson Avenue, accordon filelin the office of ng to plans the CityRecorder.ns w order. It is estimated by the City Engineer that it will require 674 square yards of macadam and 547 cubic yards of grading cut. The work to be completed on or before July 15th, aifor when said workl is o completed and, and shall be ac cepted bY the saidworkwillil. The be acted upon by for bythe City Council on the 4th day of June, 1903. Bidders must state price per square yard for macadamizing. Each bid must be ac- companied by a certified check for $50.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated Dubuque May C th, 1903. ARENDT, 5-25-10t City Recorder. NOTICE TO SEWER CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the P.m., office June 14t , 1903, for dthe utconstruction of 152 Official Notices. c. Storni Water 'rile Pipe Sewer in Fif• teenth Street, from Washington Street to Elm Street. and Elm Street from Fif- teenth Street to Fourteenth street in ac- cordance with plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer. and now ori isle in the office of the Clty Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that it will require 95 lineal feet of 10 - inch 'rile Pipe, 82 lineal feet of 12 -inch Tile Pipe, 280 lineal feet of 18 -inch Tile Pipe, 328 lineal feet of 24 -inch Tile Pape and 3 manholes. Bidders will state the price per lineal foot for Tile Pipe. also price for each Manhole. All bids must he accompanied by a cer- tified check for $50.00 on some Dubuque bank, as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids. C. F. ARENDT, 5-27-8t. City Recorder. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Recorder until 7:30 o'clock p. m. Thursday, June 4th, 1903, for the improvement of Raymond Place from the north curb line of Fenelon Place to the south curb line of Cooper street, in ac- cordance with plans and specifications now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that it will require new curbstone set 500 lineal feet, guttering 228.8 square yards, macad- amizing, 451.6 square yards, cutting 500 cubic yards. The work to be completed on or before the first day of October, 1903, and shall be paid for when said work is completed and accepted by the City Council. The proposals for doing said work will be acted upon by the City Council the 4th day of June, 1903. Bidders must state price per lineal foot for new curbing set, ana the price per square yard for guttering and macadam- izing. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check of $50.00 on some Du- buque bank as a guarantee that a con- tract will be entered into if awardea. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated Dubuque, May 25th, 1903. C. F. ARENDT, 5-25-10t City Recorder. NOTICE TO SEWER CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the afflce of the City Recorder up to 7:30 o'clock p. m. June 4th, 1903, for the con- struction of a storm water tile pipe and stone circular culvert in Sixteenth Street, from center of Washington Street to end of present sewer in Pine Street, in ac- cordance with plans and specifications pre- pared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that it will require: 87 lineal feet 10 -inch Tile Pipe. 176 lineal feet 12 -inch Tile Pipe. 320.8 lineal feet 20 -inch Tile Pipe. 181 lineal feet 30 -inch 'rile Pipe. And 82.5 lineal feet 42 -inch Stone Circu- lar Culvert. Also 2 man holes. Bidders will state the price per lineal foot for Tile Pipe, also lineal foot for stone culvert, and each manhole. All bids must be accompanied by a cer- tified check for $50.00 on some Dubuque bank, as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. C. F. ARENDT, 5-27-8t City Recorder. NOTICE TO JEWELERS. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 7:30 o'clock p. m., May 21st, 1903, for repairing, cleaning and oiling the Town Clocx, also for taking care of and winding said clock for one year. Birders must state the price for repair- ing, cleaning and oiling and furnishing all material, also the price per year for taking care of and furnishing all material that may be required to keep said clock in complete running order for one year from June lat, 1E03, to June 1st, 1904. The City reserves the right to reject any all bids. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. NU'1'lt'E '1'O CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Recorder until 7:30 o'clock p. m.. Thursday. June 4th., 1903, for the improvement of Lincoln Avenue from the east curb line of White Street to the west curb line of Jackson Street, in accordance with plans and specifica- tions now on filed in the office of the City Recorder. It Is estimated by the City Engineer that it will require new curbstone set 400 lineal feet. 48 lineal feet re -set, gutter- ing 181.8 square yards, macadamizing 531 square yards, cutting 122 cubic yards. The work to be completed on or before the 15th day of July, 1903, and shall be paid for when said work is completed and accepted by the City Council. The proposals for doing said work will be acted upon by the City Council the 4th day of June, 1903. Bidders must state price per lineal foot, for new curbing set and re -set, and the price per square yard for guttering and macadamizing. Each bid must be accom- panied by a certified check for $50.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will he entered into if awarded. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated Dubuque, May 25th., 1903. C. F. ARENDT, 5-25-10t. City Recorder. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Engineer until 7:30 o'clock p. m., Thursday, Oct. 23, 1903, for the improvement of Fulton Street from southeast end to intersection with Monroe Street and Monroe Street to Broadway Extension, in accordance with plans and specifications now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that it will require new surbstone set 1,297 lineal feet, guttering 576 square yards. macadamizing 1.346 square yards, grading 1.635 cubic yards. The work to be completed on or before the first day of Septemuer, 1903, and shall be paid for when said work is com• pleted and accepted by the City Coun- cil. The proposals for doing said work will be acted upon by the City Council the 4th day of June, 1903. Bidders must state price per lineal foot, for new curbing set, and the price per square yard for guttering and macada mining. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for $100 on some Du- buque bank as a guarantee that a con- tract will be entered into if awarded. The Clty Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated Dubuque, May 25th, 1903. C. F. ARENDT, 5-25-10t. City Recorder. Regular Session June 4, 1903. 153 CITY COUNCIL jtegular Session June 4, 1903. (Official.) Council met at 8:15 o'clock P. M. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Aids. Clancy. Corrance, Frith. I -Torr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Absent --None. Ald. Raymond moved that the Coun- cil proceedings for the month of May be approved as printed. Carried. BILLS. The following hails were ordered paid: G. Gmehle, collecting delinquent taxes $ 71 90 L. Daily, cleaning around Market Square. April and May 28 00 Mrs. H. Koenig. scrubbing Assess- or's office 100 H. J. Tropf, board of prisoners for May 12 60 Dubuque Telephone Co., telephone rent for Mayor's office and Engine House No. 5 5 00 hubuque Enterprise. blank station- ery for expense department and Board of Health25 00 Palmer. Berg & Co.. blank books fur Assessor and Auditor 55 00 Fisher & Co., wood for City Hall 6 00 J. P. Cooke Co., rubber stamps for Auditor 1 05 Worrell Mfg. Co., disinfectine for City Hall 12 50 T. J. Mulgrew, hard coal for City Hall 27 68 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., rub- ber hose for City Hall 3 50 Jas. Kelly, stationery and supplies for various offices 3 75 Bieg & Rood. stationery and sup- plies for various offices 11 80 G. B. Grosvenor, stationery and sup- plies for various offices 3 60 G. B. Grosvenor, flags for City Hall 12 00 G. F. Kleih. hardware for road de- partment 2 25 D. Sheehan. trees for various parks 20 00 W. H. Guilford & Son, trees for Engine House No. 5 14 00 Gus Holl, sharpening lawn mowers 150 W. McLaughlin, hauling brush from Jackson park 150 Pape & Jacquinot, repairing water fountains 15 07 Mullen Bros., repairing water foun- tains 9 95 Key City Gas Co., gas for various partments 80 70 Dr. B. Michel, professional services in case of Cath. Sheridan vs. City. 25 00 Dr. J. J. Brownson, professional ser- vices in case of Cath. Sheridan vs. City 25 00 J. L. McCabe. transcript of testi- mony in case of Cath Sheridan vs. City 12 T. Byrne, gravel for road depart- ment 73 A. Siege, rock for road department 20 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for road de- partment 7 Mauer & Kress, new tools for road department tl Dubuque Woodenware Co., lumber for road department 12 T. J. Mulgrew, sewer pipe for road department 24 Purington Paving Brick Co., brick for road department 134 Standard 011 Co., oil for steam roller 10 00 75 60 90 50 80 30 40 30 Becker Bros., coal for steam roller72 05 Lear & Kennedy, horse shoeing for fire department 2 50 Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse shoeing for fire department 7 05 F. M. Jaeger & Co.. hardware. lire and road departments 1715 Jno. Hartig, repairs for fire depart- ment 2 80 Jos. Simones & Co., 1 dozen white spreads for fire department 15 f0 Fischer & Co., coal for Fire Dept12 95 W. H. Torbert, drugs and supplies for Fire Dept 16 70 Hedley & Brown, white lead for Fire Dept.. 90 McDonald & Morrison Mfg. Co., sup- plies for Fire Dept 190 T. F. Kane, hay and oats for Fire Dept 212 60 Dub. Oil Tank Line, oil for Fire Dept 14 00 Dub. Rubber & Belting Co., 1 fire- man's rubber coat 3 50 Dub. Rubber & Belting Co., 6 dozen expansion rings 12 00 Whelan & Cellner, 1 push button for Fire Dept 50 Ott, Meuser & Co, shavings for Fire Dept 6 15 Conlin & Kearns, oak wood for Fire Dept 3 :30 Dub. Harness & Saddlery Co., col- lars and pads for Fire Dept 2100 G. F. Thorman, glass and putty for Fire Dept 4 60 F. C. Stover, magnets for Fire Dept39 00 Key City Gas Co., coke for Fire 17 60 Dept Key City Gas Co., to rental of gas arcs at Central Engine House and 3 Armory 50 Linehan & Melo, plumbing at Fourth 11 Y Street Engine House H. J. Haggerty, veterinary services for Fire and Police Dents 34 50 C. E. Berry, collars, hames and hangers for Engine House No. 585 00 Fire Extinguisher Mfg. Co., 1 2% inch self returner expanding tool for Fire Dept 2115 Star Electric Co., 1 15 -inch Engine House gong for Engine House No. 100 5 R. D. Kirmse, repairing clocks for 1 uU Central Engine House G. F. Kleih, hardware for Police Dept P. Devaney, sawing wood for Police Dept T. F. Kane, hay and oats for Patrol House T. J. Mulgrew, hard coal for Patrol House Globe -Journal, official printing for May 60 00 The Times, official printing for May 15 00 Dubuque Telegraph-Hcrald, official printing for May 50 00 National Demokrat, official printing 25 for May 'Union Electric Co., arc lights for 2045 77 May F. M. Jaeger & Co., supplies for 75 Sewer Dept Jno. Hartig, repairing tapes for En- t n- 1 gineer's Dept A. Y. McDonald & Morrison Mfg. Co., supplies for garbage dump .. 2 10 Dubuque Telegraph -Herald, health reports for February and March.. 8 u0 T. E. Frith, removing garbage and 347 15 dead animals during May ...prink - J. Newman & Son, repairing sl 5 OU ling wagons ............ 60 1 00 39 76 28 22 154 Regular Session June 4, 1903.. G. F. Klelh, hardware for Sprink- ling Dept 25 Dub. Rubber & Belting Co. 2 lbs. as- bestos packing for Springling Dept. GO Jno. Bohn, inspector on Bee Branch sewer 34 75 Peter hasbach, estimate on Bee Branch sewer 58119 Jas. Noonan & Co., grading between Francis £treet and Valeria Street, from Kauffman Avenue to Hart Street 126 13 Jas. Noonan & Co.. estimate on sani- tary sewer in alley between Rhom- berg and Garfield Avenues, from • Johnson Avenue to Middle Avenue75 00 M, Tschirgi, estimate on sanitary sewer in Langworthy Avenue 60 00 PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. Ptition of Herm. Buseman by Husted & Michel, his attorneys, asking that that part of Hempstead street lying south of Leib- nitz street be vacated and that the coun- cil order the proper steps to be taken necessary in said matter. Ald. Horr moved to grant the petition. Carried. Petition of Floyd A. Oatey et al., ask- ing that Grace street from Hall to East streets be improved. On motion was referred to committee on Streets. Petition of D. Ryan in relation to water overflowing his property on Grandview Avenue was on motion referred to the committe on Streets. Petiton of Dennis Ahern et al., calling the attention of the Council to the bad condition of the gutter in the block on the west side of South Locust street be- tween Jones ana Dodge streets. Ald. Frith moved to refer the petition to the Street committee and City Engi- neer. Carried. Petition of Leonard Buehler, asking for a reduction of the special assessment lev- •ied against lot 2 of lot 21 in Smedley's Sub for the construction of a sanitary sewer in alley between Garfield and Rhom- berg avenues from Kniest street to John- son avenue. On motion of Ald. Corrance was re- ferred to the committee on Sewers, City Engineer and Cty Attorney. Petition of Louisa Schwartz, asking that lots 7 and 9 in Marsh's Dubuque No. 2, lot 6 in Kringle's sub. and lot No. 6 "A," Quigley's Sub. of Out Lot 711, which were sold for taxes of 1901, be redeemed, also that the taxes for 1902 and 1903 be ordered canceled. On motion the petition was referred to the Board of Equalization. Petition of J. C. Hendrick et al., askng that the lots abutting between Hall and Louisa streets from Delhi to Grace streets, be ordered drained and filled to grade. On motion was referred to the Board of Health. Petition of Schmid Mfg. Co., asking that they be exempt from taxes for a period of five (5) years, dating from Jan- uary, 1903. Ald. Horr moved to refer the petition to the committee of the Whole. Carried. Petition of Mrs. Cath. Oeth, asking that the special assessment levied against lot 79, Glendale Add., for sidewalk repairs, be ordered canceled. On motion was referred to the commit- tee of the Whole. Aid. Corrance moved to recind the res- olutions ordering the improvement of Pine street from Twenty-third to Twen- ty-sixth streets. also sanitary sewer in alley between Washington and Jackson 'streets from Sanford Avenue to Twenty- seventh street. Ald. Frith moved a substitute that the matter lay over until the next meeting of the Council and the bids for doing said work be held until said meeting. Substi- tute lost. • The original motion to recind the reso- lutions was then carried. Ald. Frith moved to open all bids for the -improvement of Streets and Alleys and construction of Sewers. Carried. Bids as follows: Improvement of Lincoln Avenue from White to Jackson Streets: Frank A. Burns— Grading in total Curbing, per lineal foot Guttering. per square yard Macadamizing, per square yard McNamara & Co.— Grading, per cubic yard Curbing, per lineal foot Curbing, old, reset, per lineal foot Guttering, per square yard Macadamizing. per square yard Fengler & Beutin— Grading, per cubic yard Curbing, per lineal foot Curbing, old, reset, per lineal foot Guttering, per square yard Macadamizing, per square yard O'Farrell & Street— Grading, per cubic yard Curbing, per lineal foot Guttering, per square yard Macadamizing, per square yard Steuck & Linehan— Grading, per cubic yard Curbing, per lineal foot Curbing, old, reset, per lineal foot Guttering, per square yard Macadamzing, per square yard $25.00 48c 48c 55c 18c 500 10c 55c 530 12>¢c 500 20c 50c 55c 15c 43c 43c 50c 15c 45c 20c 45c 55c $408.75 65c G5c 65c sq. $2.00 Improvement of Fulton and Monroe streets to Broadway Extension: Frank A. Burns— Grading in total Curbing, per lineal foot Guttering, per square yard Macadamizing, per square yard Galesburg brick cross walks, per yard McNamara & Co.— Grading, per cubic yard Curbing, per lineal foot Guttering, per square yard Macadamizing, per square yard Steuck & Linehan— Grading, per cubic yard Curbing, per lineal foot Guttering, per square yard Macadamizing, per square yard O'Farrell & Street— Grading, per cubic yard Curbing, per lineal foot Guttering, per square yard Macadamizing, per square yard Improvement of alley between Rhom- 35c 571c 60c 60c 25c 60c 60c 65c 20c 65c 55c 56e Regular Session June 4, 1903. 155 berg and Garfield Avenues from Kniest Street to Johnson Avenue. Frank A. Burns— $136.75 Grading in total Macadamizing, per square yard 68c b engler & Beutin— Grading, per cubic yard 10c Macadamizing, per square yard 32c McNamara & Co.— Grading, per cubic yard 30z. Macadamizing, per square yard 55c Steuck & Linehan— Grading, per cubic yard 15c Macadamizing, per square yard 65c O'Farrell & Street— Grading, per cubic yard 20c Macadamizing, per square yard 55c Improvement cif AIleY between Alpine and Nevada Streets from West Third Street to Langworthy Avenue: O'Farrell & Street— Grading. Ler cubic yard tie. Macadamizing, per square yard 60c Gus Brown— Grading. per cubic yard 13c Macadamizing. Ler square yard i5•; R. C. Mathis— Grading in total $136.75 Macadamizing, per square yard 55c Improvement of Raymond Place from Fet:eion Place to Cooper Street: O'Farrell & Street— Curbing. per Iu.eal fo d 55c Grading, per cubic yard 40e Guttering. per square yard 55c Macadamizing, per square yard 55,' Constructing storm water sewer in Fif- teenth Street from Washington to Elm Streets and Elm Street from Fifteenth to Fourteenth Street: Robt. Hay & Co.— H-inch Tile Pipe, per lineal foot 69c 12 -inch Tile Pipe, per lineal foot 73c 15 -inch Tile Pipe, per lineal foot ...$1.09 21 -inch Tile Pipe, per lineal foot $1.50 Manholes. each $47.00 McNamara & Co. - 10 -inch Tile pipe, per lineal foot 50c 1t -inch Tile Pipe, per lineal foot ....541/Qc 18 -inch Tile Pipe, per lineal foot 954 21 -inch Tile Pipe, per lineal foot ....$15332. Manholes, each $227.00 O'Farrell & Street - 10 -inch Tile Pipe. per lineal foot 55c 12 -inch Tile Pipe, per lineal foot 60c 18 -inch Tile Pipe, per lineal foot 95c 24 -inch Tile Pipe, per lineal foot . $1.50 Manholes, each $28.00 Steuci & Linehan - 10 -inch Pipe. per lineal foot 45e 11 -inch Pipe. per lineal foot 500 P -inch Pipe, per lineal foot $1.00 24 -inch Pipe. per lineal foot $1.70 Manholes. each $25.00 Constructing storm water tile pipe and stone circular culvert in Sixteenth Street from center of Washington Street to end of present sewer in Pine Street: McNamara & Co. - 10 -inch Tile Pipe, per lineal foot 50c 12 -inch Tile Pipe, per lineal foot ....541/4c• 20 -inch tile pipe per lineal foot $1.30 30 -inch tile pipe per lineal foot $2.35 Stone culvert, per lineal foot $3.50 Manholes, each $27.00 Steuck & Linehan - 10 -inch tile pipe per lineal foot 45c 12 -inch tile pipe, per lineal foot 50c 20 -inch tile pipe per lineal foot 30 -inch tile pipe per lineal foot Stone culvert per lineal foot Manholes, each O'Farrell & Street - 10 -inch tile pipe per lineal foot 55c 12 -inch tile pipe per lineal foot 60e 20 -inch tile pipe per lineal foot $1.15 30 -inch tile pipe per lineal foot $2.50 Stone culvert per lineal foot $5.50 Manholes, each $28 Oi' Aid. Horr moved that all bids as open- ed he referred to the City Engineer for computation. Carried. 01.30 $2.70 $5.50 $25.00 REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Treasurer Brinkman reported as follows: To the Hon. Mayer and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—Below you will find state- ment of amounts advanced by me dur- ing the month of May, 1903, for which please order warrants drawn in my fa- vor: Excavation permits redeemed $180.00 Interest on warrants outstanding630 82 Postage stamps 10.00 Freight charges, bricks Road Dept58 80 Freicht charges, bricks Road Dept68 80 Express charges Fire Dept 30 $880 42 Library orders paid 524 92 Respectfully, 11. BRINIiMAN, Treasurer. On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the var- ious amounts and the report referred back to the Committee on Finance. Chief of Police Morgan reported as fol- lows: To the 1-Ionorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit the Po- lice report for the month of May, 1903: 69 69 1261% 30 25 Total arrests for the month Patrol runs for the month Miles traveled for the month Residents arrested for the month Doors found open for the month Lodgers harbored for the month 30 Defective lights for the month 14 Meals furnished for the month .. 63 Cost of food for the month $ 12 60 Poundmaster's receipts for month 75 00 Fines, City Ordinance cases00 0 Sheriff, dieting prisoners Also the pay roll for Policemen for the month of May, 1903: Amount clue policemen $1909 75 Respectfully submitted, EDW. MORGAN, Chief of Police. On motion the report and pay roll were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay policemen, and the report referred back to the Committee on Police. Fire Chief Reinfrled reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my pay roll for the Fire Department for the month of May, 1903: $2241.86 Amount clue Firemen JOSEPH REINFRIC Def. MATT CLANCY, Chairman Committee on Fire. 156 Regular Session June 4, 1903. On motion the pay roll was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay Firemen. and the report referred bacl: to the Com- mittee on Fire. City Electrician Hipman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Duuuclue: Gentlemen: -1 herewith submit my re- port of defective lights for the month of May. 1903. I find from the reports of the Police Department that the total hours that 14 lamps failed to burn would equal 2I lamps for one mouth or $13.50. Respectfully :submitted. WILLIAM HIPMAN. City Electrician. On motion the report was reecived and the City Auditor instructed to deduct from the Union Electric Co.'s bill for the month of May, 1903, the amount of $13.50. City Auditor Hoffman reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: Herewith find my report for the month of May, 1903, showing the receipts for the month: Cash on hand May 1st, 1903 $70,258.51 Receipts from all sources 16,046.38 $86,305.19 DISBURSEMENTS. Warrants redeemed $19,928.64 Coupons redeemed 516,25 Bonds redeemed 1,000.00 $21,444.89 Cash on hand June 1st, 1903 $64,860.30 The above cash balance includes the Improvement Bond Fund, Improvement Bond Interest Fund, Improvement Fund, Water Works and Library Fund Bal- ances. Also report that there is due the City Officers for the montn of May, 1903, $2,588.20. Also the following is a record of all Interest Coupons redeemed by Treasurer for the past month. Improvement Bond Cupons $516.25 The following list shows the Appropria- tions and the amount of Warrants drawn on each Fund since the beginning of the fiscal year beginning March 1st, 1903, to June lst, 1903: Appropriation. Expended. Expense $40,000 $ 7,192.56 Road 38,C00 14.1'91.25 Fire 38.000 5.623.4' Police 28,010 4,131.95 Few erage 5.000 933.40 Printing 2,000 270.00 Engineer 3,500 440.50 Gas and Light 25,000 4.159.16 Interest 43.000 Board of Health 6,000 246.50 Grading 4.000 226.90 Bee Branch 7.000 16.10 Special Bonded Paving .. 2.500 Judgment 3,000 1,349.00 Sprinkling, 1st district 800 123.60 Sprinkling, 2d district 1,500 221.90 Sprinkling. 3d district 1.500 199.15 Sprinkling. 4th district 1.200 109.80 Sprinkling. 5th district 1.400 213.40 Special Bonded Debt Interest 4.000 Mt. Carmel Ave. Grading 1.000 3.50 Sidewalk Repairing LOCO 128.45 Special Sewer Fund 2.510 Grading Bluff Street Ex- tension 1.cro Total nppt•opriation. 2,10 o Respectfully, Holl' •i u:. Aud!+or. On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay city of- ficers, and the report referred back to the Committee on Finance. City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on streets for the last half of May, 1900: Amount due laborers on streets $1,259.85 Respectfully submitted. JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved: E. E. FRITH, Chairman Committee on Streets, JOSEPH L. HORR, JOHN J. SHERIDAN. Also submit my pay roll for labor on sewers during the last half of May, 1903: Amount due laborers on sewers $145.50 Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved: JOHN J. SHERIDAN, Chairman Committee on Sewers. JOSEPH L. HORR, HUGH CORRANCE. Also submit my pay roll for teams haul- ing sprinkling wagons during the last half of May, 1903: Amount due teamsters $215.20 Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved: GEO. N. RAYMOND, Chairman Committee on Paving, Sweeping and Sprinkling. JOSEPH L. HORR, MATT CLANCY. On motion the pay rolls for streets, sewers and sprinkling wagons were re- ceived and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts, and the pay rolls referred back to the proper committees. Sidewalk Inspector Crawford reported as follows: To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—Attached please find bills of Henry J. Neuwoehner for constructing sidewalks abutting the following property: Glendale Add., lots 82 and 84, 100 ft at 42c per ft $ 42 00 18. Langworthy's Add., lot 69, 98 ft at 29c per ft 28 42 Respectfully submitted, ADAM CRAWFORD, Sidewalk Inspector. Ald. Sheridan moved that the report be received and that warrants he drawn for said amounts on the special Sidewalk Fund and the bills paid. Carried. City Engineer Boyce reported as follows: To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: Herewith attached please flnd profile of alley between South Alpine street and Nevada street from Lang- worthy avenue to West Third street. I would recommend that the grade as shown by the red line on profile be adopted. Regular Session June 4, 1903. 157 Also herewith attached please tind pro- file of Lincoln Avenue from White Street to Jackson street, the proposed grade is shown by the straight black line on pro- file. Also herewith is presented the profile of Raymond Place, from Fenelon Place to Cooper street. I would recommend the adoption of the black line as the official grade of said street. Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. On motion of Ald. Sheridan the three above named profiles were referred to the Ordinance committee. City Engineer Boyce also presented pro- file of Pine street from Twenty-third to Twenty-sixth street, asking for change of grade. Black line shows present grade. Red line shows proposed change. On motion of Ald. Frith the profile was referred to the committee on Streets. City Engineer Boyce also presented a plat showing the relocation of Spring street, proper notices were served on the respective owners and plat filed in the office of the City Engineer May 22nd, 1903. On motion of Ald. Frith the plat was referred to the committee on Streets. City Engineer Boyce also presented a statement showing amounts due for ma- cadam June lst, 1903. Total amount, $39.90. Ald. Sheridan moved that warrants be ordered drawn for the various amounts. Carried. labor 25c $ 40 April 1.—B. W. Lacy, City 443a, lot 3, 20 bricks 20c, 3-4 hour labor 40c60 April 1.—D. S. Wilson Est., City 443a, lot 662a, 70 bricks 20c, 3-4 hour labor 400 April 1.—R. Bonson Est., S. M. Lang - worthy's Add., lots 11-12, 35 ft. lum- ber 70c, 1 hour labor 50c 1 20 April 1.—C. Seeger, Deming & Horr's Add., lot 18, 8 ft. lumber 15c, 1-2 hour labor 25c April 1—H. Wunderlich, Fortune's Sub., lot 15, 8 ft. lumber 15c, 1-2 hour labor 25c April 1.—Ruben Lewis, Sub. City 500, N. 1-5, W. 1-4, lot 6, 6 ft. lumber 10c, 1-2 hour labor 25c April 1.—John Buettell, Sub. 20, Fin- ley Home Add., lot 1, 12 ft. lumber 25c, 1-2 hour labor 25c April 1.—Wm. T. Roehl, Finley Home Add., lot 21, 27 ft. lumber 55c, 3-4 hour labor 40c April 1.—Levi, Henderson & Sulliva�l, South. Ave. Add., lot 8, 24 ft. lum- ber 50c, 1-2 hour labor 25c April 2.—H. E. Cooney, Sub. 803, A. McDaniels' Sub., lot 1, 32 ft. lum- ber 65c, 1 2 hour labor 25c April 3.—John Olinger, Boulevard Add., lots 20-21, 10 ft. lumber 20c, 1-2 hour labor 25c April 3.—C., M. & St. Paul Ry. Co, Dub. Harb. Imp. Co.'s Add., block 20, lot 18, 8 ft. lumber 15c, 1-2 hour labor 25c April 3.—John Powers et al., A. Mc - Daniels' Sub., lot 798, 24 ft. lum- ber 50c, 1-2 hour labor 25c April 4.—Pat. F. Walsh, Porter's Add., S. 30 ft. lot 12, 5 ft. lumber 10c, 1-2 hour labor 25c. April 4.—J. F. Fairbanlcs, City, E. 33.6 ft., lot 643, 3-4 hour labor 40c oodlawn APark, lot 152,tJ5ftnlumbero10c, 1-2 hour labor 25c April 6.—A. O Hare'sKSub., loter t 2,8ub. 20 ft lumber 40c, 1-2 hour labor 25c April 6.—Christian Science Church, Hodge's Sub., N. 112 ft., lot 11, 18 ft. lumber 35c, 1-2 hour labor 26c O April Add., lot 14, 11 ft. lumber 20c,Finley's 1-2 hour labor 25e April 6.—M. M. Hoffman, E. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 18, 18 ft. lumber 35c, 1-2 hour labor 250 April 6.—Frank Jaeger, Jaeger's Sub, lots 3-4, 32 ft. lumber 65c, 3-4 hour 1 labor 40c Nicks' 05 April 6.—P. J. Ruegamer, Add., lot 26, 16 ft. lumber 30c, 1-2 hour labor 25c April 7.—John Macdonald, McNulty's Sub., S. 89 ft., lot 2. 20 ft. lumber 40c, 3-4 hour labor 40c April 8.—Valentine Schiel, Sub 196-197. L. H. Langworthy's Add., lot 10, 16 ft. lumber 30c, 1-2 hour labor 250 ttenmeyer, AHooper's il 1Add.,e Yer & 1 lot 29, 8ft. lumber 15c, 1-2 hour labor 25c April 8.—E. Hemmi, Sub. 3 and 4, Stafford's Add., N. 60 ft., lot 1, 17 ft. lumber 35c, 1-2 hour labor 25c April aord'stAdd., S. 50h. Schuler, Pt., 1 t 1. 3 a Stafford's 26 ft. lumber 50c, 3-4 hour labor April 8.—Schneider & Kleih, Sub. 1, Gieger's Sub., E. 1-2, lots 4-5. 32 ft. dumber 65c. 3-4 hour labor 40ulevard 1 05 April 9.—John Olinger, Add., lot 19, 23 ft. lumber 45c, 1-2 The Mayor stated that at the last meet- ing of the Council in April, the Council adopted a report. dispensing with the ser- vices of Matt. Klein as Paper Collector, after the first of May, nut regardless of this action Mr. Klein kept right on col- lecting paper as before for two weeks, and claimed his salary for that time. I therefore paid Mr. Klein $12.50 and re- ceived his receipt therefor. Ald. Raymond moved that the report of the Mayor be approved, and that a war- rant for $12.50 be drawn in favor of the Mayor. Carried. 60 City Recorder Arendt presented and read the printed notice, certified to by the publisher, of the Council's intention to levy a special assessment against the dif- ferent named property owners for repair- ing sidewalks for the month of April, 1903: No remonstrance being filed, the Mayor asked if any one present had any objec- tion to said Special Assessment. No objection being stated, on motion the notice was received and filed. Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the fol- lowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for re- pairing sidewalks during April, 1903, in front of and adjoining the same. a special tax be and is hereby levied on the seof veral lots and parts of lots aand parcelsestate hereinafter named, situated and owned, a for ts set opposite each the lot or parcel ofareal nestate, as. follows: Special Assessment submitted and pass- ed June 4th, 1903: April 1—Arthur McGinness, Union Add., lot 6, 8 ft. lumber 15c, 1-2 hour 40 40 36 50 95 75 90 45 40 75 35 40 85 65 03 45 60 55 80 56 40 60 158 Regular Session June 4, 1903. hour labor 25c April 10.-A. F. Jaeger, Davis Farm Add., lots 270-271, 60 ft. lumber $1.20, 1 60 3-4 hour labor 40c April 11,-Klene & Altman. Sub 2 and 3, Eiene & Altman's Sub Lot 1, 28 ft. lumber. 65c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c April 11 -John Blake Est.. Ellen Blake's Sub.. Lot 7. 62 ft lumber. $1.25; 1 hour labor 50c 1 '75 April 11-Sus"ana Noel, Davis Farm Add.. Lot 299. 20 ft Ium',er. 40c; 1-2 hour labor 25c April 11 -Peter Wanderscheid. Davis Farm Add.. Lot 267. 12 ft lumber. 25c; 1-2 hour labor. 25e 50 April 11 -Jac. Marshall. Sub. 277, Davis Farm Add.. Lot 1. 8 ft lum- ber 15c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c 40 April 11-C.. M. & St. Paul Ry Co right of way. Fifteenth and Pine street. 20 ft lumber, 40e; 1-2 hour labor. 25e 65 April 14 -Mary and Clara Ziegler, E. Langworthy's Add.. S 1-2 Lot 1f,. 16 ft lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 66 April 15 -Julia D. R`rornberg, Guern- sey & J.angworthy'a Sub.. Lot 8, 24 ft lumber, 50c; 1-2 hour labor 25c 75 April 18 -Ellen Ode, Sub. 2. City 673, Lot 6, 264 ft lumber, $5.30; 4 hours' labor. $2.00 7 30 April 18 -German Timm. & Savings Bank, Sub 2. City 673, Lot 5. 8 ft lumber. 15e: 1-2 hour labor. 25c 40 April 18 -Dubuque Malting Co, Marsh's Add.. Lot 1. 18 ft lumber, 35c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 60 April 18-J. J. Lundbeck, Mechanics Add., S 100 ft. Lot 109, 36 ft lumber, 70c; 3-4 hour labor, 40c 110 April 20-J. and E. Tibey. Sub. 3, Min. Lot 53. Lot 1, 31 ft lumber, 60c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 85 April 20 -Dixon Cottingnam, Sub. 39. Quigley's Sub., Lot 5, 10 ft. lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 45 April 11 -Fred Weigel Est.. City. 8 21.2 ft Lot 467, 20 ft lumber 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 25e April 20 -Jas. Alderson. Sub. 1, Quig- ley's Sub.. Lot 1, 10 ft lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c April 20-B. Jestel, City, N 1-2, N 1-6, Lot 456, 1-2 hour labor, 25c25 April 20 -Wm. Reche Est., City., 5 31.5 ft, S 1-4, Lot 443. brick, 5c; 1-2 hour labor, 25e April 20-H. B. Glover, City, Lot 160, brick, 6c; 1-2 hour labor, 25e April 20 -Mrs. H. F. Bowers and D. S. Wilson Est., City, 8 21 ft, Lot 17, 21 bricks, 20c; 3-4 hour labor, 400 April 20 --Fred Einne' ker, City, N 1-2, Lot 452, 1-2 hour tabor, 25c April 22 -Joe. Olinger, Boulevard Add., Lot 25. 8 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c April 22 -Jos. Zimmerman, John King's 1st Add., Lot 16, 4 ft lum- ber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c April 22 -Elizabeth Nicks. Glendale Add., Lot 216, 28 ft lumber, 55c; 3-4 hour lab. r, 40c April 22 -Jas Levi, Davis Farm Add, Lot 238. 20 ft lumber, 40c; 3-4 hour labor, 40c April 22 -Peter Wanderscheld, Davis Farm Add., Lot 246, 8 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c April 22 -John Marzen, E. Langwor- thy's Add., Lot 46, 23 ft lumber, 70 80 65 65 45 30 30 60 25 40 36 95 80 40 45c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c April 23 -Dora Rowson, Sub. 70-71 Union Add.. Lot 1. 26 ft lumber, 50c; 3-4 hour labor. 40c A pril 23--J. C. Fltzpltrick. Union Add., Lot 161. 24 ft lumber. 50c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c April 23- rs. Sidney Saul, Saul's Sub.. Lot 6, 19 ft lumber, 40c; 1 hour labor, 50c April 23 -Martin Sullivan. Saul's Sub., Lot 4. 62 ft lumber. $1.25; 1 1-2 hours' labor. 76c 2 00 April 23-C. G. W. Ry Co., right of way, Lincoln Avenue, 4 ft lum- ber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c April 22 -Cath. Schroeder, E. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 70, 5 ft. lumber 10c; 34 hour labor 26c Ap:ii 24 -Pat Hughes Est., Bush's Sub., lot 4, 1 hour labor 25c April 24 -Stephen Zenner, Burden- Lawther's Add., lot 131, 11 ft. lum- ber 20c; 1 hoar labor 2oc April 24 -Frank and Roseline Hol- land, Burden & Lawther Add., lot 84, 34 ft. lumber 70c; 34 hour labor 2,c 95 April 28-Kemler & Cain, Cain's Sub, lot 14. 5 ft. lumber 10c; 34 hour labor 26c 35 April 28 -Geo. Eichhorn, Cummins' Sub., lot 22,8 ft. lumber 15c; 34 hour 25c 40 April 28 -Paul Traut Est., Farley's Sub., lot 35, :: ft. lumber 5c; 35 hour labor 25c 30 April 29 -Ellen O'Halleron, Finley's Add.. lot 15, 8 ft. lumber 15cl 34 hour labor 25c April 29 -Jas. Mullen Est., Finley's Add., lots 10-11, 5 ft lumber 10c; 3f: hour labor 25c April 29-W. G. Cox, Levens' Add, lot 14, 8 ft, lumber 16c; 3fe hour labor 25c 70 90 75 90 35 35 23 45 40 35 i0 Total 862 50 Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays -None. The following Weighmasters' and Wood Measurers' receipts were referred to the Committee on Markets: H. J. Tropf, City Hall receipts $20.55 Amount collected for Hucksters, Stands 70.00 T. Faherty, First Ward scale re- ceipts 4.32 Louise Pitschner, West Dubuque scale receipts 1.53 H. A. Moyes, Woodmeasurer'sreceipts .57 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Frith, chairman of the Ordinance committee, reported as follows: Your Committee on Ordinances would respectfully- recommend that the resolu- tion adopted April 16, 1903, fixing the sal- aries of the appointive officers and city employees for the ensuing year, insofar as said resolution applies to the Sanitary Policeman and the Engineer and Stoker of the steam roller be hereby rescinded. Md. Frith moved to adopt the report. Carried, Ald. Frith also presented and read an Ordinance establishing the grade of Ray- mond Place, and moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading. Carried. Regular Session June 4, 1903. 159 Ald. Frith moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of reading the Ordinance by its title for the second time. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr. Jones. Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. The Ordinance was then read by its title the second time. Ald. Frith moved that the Ordinance be now adopted as read. Carried by the foilowin_ vote: Yeas—Alda. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr. Jones. Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. The Mayor declared the Ordinance adopted. The Ordinance follows: AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE GRADE OF RAYMOND PLACE. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That the grade of Raymond Place be established and described as fol- lows: Beginning at the north curb line of Fenelon Place, station 0-10, elevation 208.8, thence northwesterly to station 1x10, elevation 209.0, which is the beginning of the curved grade, thence northwesterly to station 2x61, elevation 207.5, which is the termination of the curved grade and cen- ter of Cooper Street. Section 2. This ordinance to be in force and take effect from and after its pas- sage by the City Council and its publi- cation one time in the Dubuque Globe - Journal newspaper. Adopted • 1903. Approved Mayor. Attest: City Recorder. Ald. Frith also presentedd ref d,.ud n ordinance establishing the gr Ful- ton and Monroe Streets, from the south- west lot line of Broadway Extension to the center line of King Street, and moved that the reading just had be considered its first reading. Carried. Ald. Frith moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of reading the ordinance by its title the second time. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. The ordinance was then read by its title the second time. Ald. Frith moved that the ordinance be now adopted as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. The Mayor declared the ordinance ad- opted. The ordinance follows: southwest lot line of Broaway Extension and the west curb line of Monroe street, which is station 0-2, elevation 163.4, thence southwesterly to station 0-10, elevation 163.6, which is the beginning of curved grade, thence southwesterly to station 0-50, elevation 165.3, which is the termination of the curved grade, thence southwesterly to station 1-40, elevation 171.5, thence southwesterly to station 6-20, center of King street, elevation 183.0. Also begin- ning at the southwest lot line of Broad- way Extension and the east curb line of Monroe street, which is station 0-25, ele- vation 160.4, which is the beginning of curved grade, thence southwesterly to station 0-60, elveation 165.0, which is the termiantion of curved grade, thence southwesterly to station 1-40, elevation 170.5, thence southwesterly to station 6-20, which is the center of King street, eleva- tion 182.5. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage uy the City Council and its pub- lication one time in the Dubuque Globe - Journal newspaper. Adopted 1903. Approved. AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE GRADE OF FULTON AND MONROE STREWYrS FROM THE SOUTHWEST LOT LINE OF BROADWAY EXTEN- SION TO THE CENTER LINE OF KING STREET. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That the grade of Fulton and Monroe streets from the southwest lot line of Broadway extension to the cen- ter of King street be established and de- e - scribed as follows: Beginning Attest: Mayor. City Recorder. Ald. Frith also presented and read an Ordinance establishing the grade of Lin- coln Avenue. between White and Jackson streets, and moved that the reading just had be considered its first reading. Car- ried. Ald. Frith moved to suspend the rule8 for the purpose of reading the Ordinance by its title the second time. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alda. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. The Ordinance was then . read by its title the second time. Ald. Frith moved that the Ordinance be now adopted as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. The Mayor declared the Ordinance adopted. The Ordinance follows: AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE BE- TWEENGRADE OF WHITE LAND N EJACKSON STREETS. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That the grade of Lincoln betweenAvenue Jackson streets bees blished and described as fol- lows: Beginning at the east curb line of White street, which is station -12, eleva- tion 27.79, thence to station 0-0, which is the east lot line of White street, thence easterly to which curb line of Jackson street, elevation 23.79. Section 2. This Ordinance to be in force and take effect from and after its pas- sage by the City Council and its publica- tion one time in the Dubuque Globe - Journal newspaper. Adopted Approved. Attest: 1903. Mayor. City Recorder. 160 Regular Session June 4, 1903. Ald. Frith also presented read f alleny Ordinance establishing the grade between Rhomberg and Garfield Avenues from Kniest Street to Johnson Avenue, and moved that the reading Just had be considered its first reading. Carried. Ald. Frith moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of reading the Ordinance by its title for the second time. : Carried by the following vote: Frith, Yeas—Alda. Clancy, Horr, Jones, Raymond and zheridan. Nays—None. The Ordinance was then read by its title for the second time. Ald. Frith moved that the Ordinance be now adopted as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. The Mayor declared the Ordinance ad- opted. The Ordinance follows: AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE GRADE OF ALLEY BETWEEN RHOMBERG AND GARFIELD AVE- NUES, FROM KNIEST STREET TO JOHNSON AVENUE. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That the grade of the alley between Rhomberg and Garfield Avenues, from Kniest Street to Johnson Avenue, be established and described as follows: Be- ginning at the north curb line of Kniest Street, which is station 0-11, elevation 20.70, thence northerly to station 4x39.5, which is the south curb line of Johnson Avenue, elevation 28.6. Section 2. This ordinance to be in force and take effect from and after its pas- sage by the City Council and its publica- tion one time in the Dubuque Globe -Jour- nal newspaper. Adopted , 1903. Approved. Attest: City Recorder. Mayor. Ald. Frith also presented and read an Ordinance establishing the grade of alley between South Alpir.e Street and Nevada Street, from West Third Street to Lang- worthy Avenue, and moved that the read- ing just had be considered its first read- ing. Carried. Ald. Frith moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of reading the Ordinance by its title for the second time. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. The Ordinance was then read by its title for the second time. Ald. Frith moved that the Ordinance be now adopted as read. Carried by the following vote: ' Yeas—Alda. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. The Mayor declared the Ordinance ad- opted. The Ordinance follows: AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THD GRADE OF ALLEY BETWEEN SOUTH ALPINE STREET AND NEV- ADA STREET FROM WEST THIRD STREET TO LANGWORTHY AVE- NUE. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That the grade of the alley between South .Alpine street and Nevada street from West Third street to Lang- worthy Avenue be established and de- scribed as follows: Beginning at the south curb line of West Third street, which is station 0-12, elevation 271.5, thence southerly to station 0-0, which Is the south line of West Third street, thence southerly to station 1-40, elevation 275.0, thence southerly to station 2-50, which is the be- ginning of the curved grade, elevation 282.0, thence southerly to station 3-0, ele- vation 284.4, thence southerly to station 3-64, which is the north line of Lang- worthy Avenue. elevation 284.0. thenra southerly to station 3-74, which is the curb line of Langworthy avenue, and ter- mination of curbed grade, elevation 284.0. Section 2. This Ordinance to be In force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Globe -Journal newspaper. Adopted , 1903. Approved. Attest: Mayor. City Recorder. Ald. Frith also presetned and read an Ordinance amending an Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance to Define the Duties of the City Engineer" and being Chapter XIV of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque, and moved that the reading just had be considered its first reading. Carried. Ald. Frith moved to quspend the rules for the purpose of reading the Ordinance by its title for the second time. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr. Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. The Ordinance was then read by its title for the second time Ald. Frith moved that the Ordinance be now adopted as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. The Mayor then declared the Ordinance adopted. The Ordinance follows: AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AN OR- DINANCE ENTITLED "AN ORDIN- ANCE TO DEFINE THE DUTIES OF THE CITY ENGINEER" AND BEING CHAPTER XIV. OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1901 OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That Section 3, Chapter 14 of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque be and the same is hereby repealed and the following section is sub- stituted in lieu thereof. Section 2. That the said Engineer shall, as soon as practicable, ascertain and des- ignate upon suitable plats thereof. to be by him prepared, the grade of each street or alley, hereafter opened in said City, and shall also designate upon each plat so prepared by him, the bench mark to- gether with the elevation thereof, from Regular Session June 4, 1903. 161 which the grade apon such plat is deter- mined. Section 3. This Ordinance to be in force and take effect from and after its pas- sage by the City Council and its publica- tion one time in the Dubuque Globe - Journal newspaper. 1903. Adopted Approved. Attest: Mayor. City Recorder. Ald. Frith presented the profile of Bluff street, and moved that the same be re- ferred to the committee on Streets. Car- ried. Ald. Corrance, chairman of the Com- mittee on Claims, reported as follows: Your Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the claim of Joseph Vogt for $2,000, as compensation for injuries al- leged to have been sustained by him in falling into a trench, also the report of Night Sergeant Scherr in regard to the matter, would respectfully recommend that said claim be received and filed and that the report of the night sergeant he referred to the City Attorney. H. CORRANCE, Chairman. Ald. Corrance moved to adopt the re- port of the Committee on Claims. Car- ried. Ald. Clancy, chairman of the Commit tee on Fire, reported as follows: Your Committee on Fire begs to report that the territory on Seminary Street is very poorly provided with fire alarm boxes; there being no box between Wood- ward and Asbury Streets, a distance of fully one mile; we would therefore recom- mend that the Purchasing Committee be instructed to purchase a fire alarm box, together with its accessories, to be placed on Seminary Street about midway be- tween the above mentioned points. Also your Committee on Fire, to whorn was referred the petition of Herman Ney, et al, asking that a water plug be placed on Park Hill for fire protection, beg to re- port that the city is not sufficient to carry iwater pressure far enough up said hill to be of any use; we would therefore recommend that said petition be received and filed. We would further recommend, that the City Engineer and Chief of the Fire Department be instructed to deter- mine the location for two cisterns on said Hill, and to prepare plans and specifica- tions for the same. MATT CLANCY, Chairman. Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the report of the Committee on Fire. Carried. Ald. Sheridan, chairman of the Police and Light Committee, reported as follows: Your Committee on Police and Light would respectfully report that the team at present on the patrol wagon is un- evenly matched in gait, the result being that the load is thrown altogether on the faster horse, and we would recommend that this committee and the Chief of Po- lice be empowered to dispose of the slower horse to the beat advantage and secure a faster one in his stead. JOHN J. SHERIDAN, Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Ald. Jones, chairman of the Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings, reported as follows: Your Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings would respectfully recommend that John J. Lavery be allowed the sum of $16.00 in full settlement for services rendered by him as watchman at the Grandview Avenue Engine House prior to its being put into service, and that a warrant in said amount be ordered drawn in his favor. Also your Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings, to whom was referred the matter of awarding the contract for car- ing for the Town Clock, beg to report. that we have awarded said contract to J. P. Buechele & Co., and would recom- mend that the City Attorney be instruct- ed to prepare a written agreement to be entered into by and between said firm and the City of Dubuque, and that the Mayor be authorized to sign said agreement. RUJDOLPH JONES, Chairman_. Ald. Jones moved to adopt the report of the Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings. Carried. Ald. Raymond, chairman of the Com- mittee on Paving, Sprinkling and Sweep- ing, reported in favor of paying the bill of Jno. Newman & Son for repairs on city sprinklers, amounting to $40.06. GEO. N. RAYMOND, Chairman of the Committee on Paving, Sweeping and Sprinkling. Ald. Raymond moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Ald. Jones, of the Board of Health, re- ported as follows: To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: Your Board of Health would respectfully, report that at a meet- ing held June 1st, 1903, the Board audited a bill of Mr. John Voelker for conveying John Oliver, a smallpox patient, to the detention hospital; amount $8.00, and re- ferred the bill to the County Supervisors for payment. Also recommend that the bill of the Tel- egraph -Herald for health reports for the month of February, amountig to $4.00, be paid. We would also recommed the adoption of the following annual report of Dr. B. Michel, Health Physician to the Board: AN. REPORT OF HEALTH Dubuque, Iowa, May I2,11903. To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—The Physician to your Board of Health has the honor of sub- mitting his annual report for the year end- ing February 28, 1903: The number of deaths for the year is 512, as r s year, showing an increase st 427 othe incr aseof85. p�The unumber of births is 625, as against 541 for the pre- vious year, showing a gain of 84. The births outnumber the deaths by 113, as against 114 last year. The number or contagious diseases re- ported during the year is 218, of which 69 were 6. There have been ltwo a deaths decrease from smallpox. There were 57 fever, 42 cases of measles, 14 cases of caofetdiphther a and 36 cases of typhoid fever. During the past year we had an epi- 162 Regular Session June 4, 1903. demic of typhoid fever; there were report• ed 36 cases with 14 deaths—a rate of death of 38.88 per cent. of reported cases. This epidemic was of a type of moderate sever- ity, one In which might be expected a death rate of from 6 to 10 per cent. It has come to my knowledge that the physi- cians of this city were under the impres- sion that cnly such cases that require the premises to be placarded should be re- ported; for that reason a large percent- age of typhoid cases were not reported. if the total deaths were 6 per cent we had 280 cases; if 10 per cent we had a total of 140 cases of typhoid fever. In my opinion the actual number lies between the above figures. An epidemic of this kind is a very severe lesson, especially as it could be prevented. These cases occurred in persons using cistern and well water. Re- peated examinations have shown the ab- solute safety of water furnished by the City Water Works. The deductions from the above are apparent. All wells within the city limits should be condemned, because the entire soil is dangerously contaminated with the selp- age frum vaults and cess pools. Cisterns cleaned every year and protected from surface water, are not so dangerous; but the fault lies in the fact that the majority of cisterns are not propeny cared for. In my opinion the number of typhoid fever cases could be reduced to the mini- mun, by having sewer connections wher- ever possible, by a thorough system of garbage collection, and a general use of city water in place of wells and cisterns. The ice fields were inspected by order of your Board, and it was found that all ice was being cut rrom the channel of the river and should be of good quality. During the year 115 houses have been fumigated under the supervision of Sani- tary Policeman Flynn, who also investi- gated 1,210 complaints pertaining to this department. There were also 15 sewer conections ordered made- and 168 vaults cleaned. Respectfully submitted, B. MICHEL, M. D., Physician to the Board. Your Board of Health would also recom- mend the adoption of the following sup- plementary report of Dr. B. Michel: Dubuque, Iowa, June 3, 1903. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—As requested by the Board of Health, I state to the City Council the advisability and the necessity of mak- ing and enforcing sewer connections wherever water mains are laid. As shown by my annual report to the Board of Health, wherever there are sewer con- nections and the city water is in use, there are no cases of typhoid fever. Last season was excessively wet, causing over- flow of surface water into cisterns; thus contaminating the water. Wells, partic- ularly below the bluffs, are dangerous on account of the soil being contaminated for years by vaults. Last year the city was visited with the most severe epidemic of typhoid in its history, there being some two hundred cases of typhoid with four- teen deaths. As far as I have been able to ascertain, in all of these cases, cistern or well water was used. In view of the fact that the city is pure and free from contamination, and profiting by the ex- perience of last year, I respectfully recom- mend its use. It is of the utmost import- ance to preserve the health of the people of the city; nothing is more conducive to that than pure water, and nothing is more detrimental to health and productive c f malarial and typhoid diseases than im- pure water and imperfect drainage. The use of wells and cisterns, which are af- fected by seepage is a generater of dis- ease. I feel it my duty as Health Phys- ician, to call your attention particularly to this matter, which in my judgment is of prime importance to the city. Natural- ly, Dubuque when supplied with pure water and carefully guarded by sewer connections, is a healthy city, and 1 feel, as does the Board of Health, that your attention should be called particularly to this matter and that you give it attention. I am informed that in many portions of the city where water mains are now laid, sewer connections are not made, and par- ties do not avail themselves of the use and benefit derived from sewer connec- tions and also of the use of pure water. I am aware of the fact that the ordinary person using impure water and not deriv- ing the benefit from proper drainage, de- rived from sewer connections, does not realize the danger until disease and death visits his family. The old adage, that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, is applicable particularly to ques- tions of health. It is much easier to pro- vide, and protect against disease, than to cure it. I feel it my duty as an officer of the city, having no motive but the wel- fare of the city, to make this communica- tion and sincerely trust that you will give it attention, particularly as to sewer con- nections, for I feel that upon this depends largely the health of the city, and prob- ably the lives of many of its inhabitants. Sewer conections in all cases should be or- dered and mace where it Is possible, and I recommend and urge the use also of the city water wherever it is available. Very respectfully, BEN MICHE'L, Health Physician. Ald. Jones moved to adopt the report of the Board of Health. Carried. City Engineer Boyce, to whom was re- ferred the bids for computation, reported as follows: Lincoln Avenue, O'Farrell & Street were lowest bidders and on motion were award- ed contract and their bond fixed at $300. Raymond Place, O'Farrell & Street were lowest bidders and on motion were award- ed contract and their bond fixed at $500. Fulton & Monroe Streets, O'Farrell & Street were lowest bidders and on motion awarded contract and bond fixed at $800. Alley between Rhomberg and Garfield Avenues, from Kniest Street to Johnson Avenue, Fengler & Beutin were lowest bidders and on motion awarded contract and bond fixed at $200. Alley between West Third and Alpine Streets, Gus Brown was lowest bidder and on motion was awarded contract and bond fixed at $300.00. Sewer in Fifteenth Street, O'Farrell & Street were lowest bidders and on motion awarded contract and bond fixed at $300.00. Sewer in Sixteenth Street, O'Farrell & Street were lowest bidders and on motion awarded contract and bond fixed at $400.00. Ald. Horr moved that the computation of the Sixteenth Street sewer be made without that part which goes under the railroad tracks. Carried. Ald. Sheridan moved that when the con- tract be signed for constructing said sewer shall read exclusive of the stone work Regular Session June 4, 1903. 183 which goes under the railroad tracks. Carried. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Corrance offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk six (6) feet wor cement, be, two-inch plank, within n 1stone days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks on the north side of West Locust street, between Ellis street and Foye street, abutting lot 11, west 20 feet Cox's Add., owned by Sarah Lundbeck, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the followingvote: Horr, Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Absent—Aid. Frith. Ald. Corrance also offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk six (6) feet wide, cem cement, be, within tenwo-inch a nk, brick, stone or(10) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conform- ity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks, on the north side of West Locust street, between Ellis street and Foye street, abutting lot 11, east 30 feet, Cox's Add., owned by Herbert Lundbeck, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Horr, Ayes—Alda. Clancy, Corrance, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Absent—Ald. Frith. Ald. Corrance also offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk twelve (12) feet wide, of good cement, be. within ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks on the west side of Main, between Twelfth street and Thir- teenth street, abutting lot 468, City, owned by Sr. Joseph's Academy, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Absent—Ald. Frith. Alderman Frith offered the following: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. that it is deemed necessary and advisable to extend Wash- ington street northerly through lot 10 of Min. lot 322 to Twenty-sixth Street and also to extend the alley between Jackson and Washington Streets northerly through lot 10 of Min. lot 322 to Twenty-sixth Street, and be it further resolved, that the City Engineer be and he is hereby di- rected to make a survey and plat of such proposed improvement. showing the lands or lots through or over which the same is proposed to be made, the names of the owners thereof, and the quantity of land proposed to be taken and file such plat in his office for public inspection; that after such plat is so prepared and filed. said City Engineer shall give the owners of the property through or over which such improvement is proposed to be made, notice as prescribed in Section 2 of Chap- ter XXXI of the Ordinances of the City of Dubuque. Md. Frith moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried. Ald. Horr offered the following: Whereas, the petition of Herm. Buse - man asking the vacation of that part of Hempstead Street lying south of Leibnitz Street, has been presented to this Coun- cil. And, whereas• it appearing that this Council, acting on a similar petition on the 4th day of October, 1900, intended to grant the same and vacate that potion of Hempstead Street above described and whereas it appears that by some over- sight only a portion of said street lying south of said Leibnitz Street was vacat- ed And• whereas, said Herm. Buseman is the only abutting property owner affected by said vacation. he being the party ask- ing the same, And, whereas. a plat of said proposed vacation having already been made and filed in the Engineer's Office for use in the former attempted vacation above re- ferred to. Therefore. be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that it is deemed advisable and necessary to vacate that portion of Hempstead Street lying south of Leibnitz Street in said City, and be it further Resolved. That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to use the sur- vey and plat of such proposed vacation heretofore made• showing the lands and lots affected, and the owners thereof, and file the same in his office for public in- spection, and to give the notice prescrib- ed in Sec. 2, Chapter 31, of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, to .all persons interested in the proposed vaca- tion of said part of said street aforesaid. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the resolu- t!on. Carried. Ald. Jones moved that the matter of repairing doors at the Eighteenth street Commit- tee engine on Publisec Groune dsand d the Buildings. Carried. Ald. Raymond moved to adjourn until June 18th, 1903. Carried. CF. ARENDT, City Recorder. ...Recorder Regular Session June 18, 1903. CITY COUNCIL. Itegular Session June 18th, 1903, (Official.) Council met at 8:15 o'clock P. M. Mayor I3erg in the chair. Present—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, }Torr, Jones. Raymond and Sheridan. Absent—None. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. Petition of Theo. Scharle et al asking for change of grade in alley between Rhomberg and Garfield Avenues from Kniest Street to Johnson Avenue. Ald. Frith moved to grant the petition. Carried. Petition Of Anthony Sieg et al asking for the extension of water mains in Union Avenue from intersection of Alta. Vista Street to West Locust Street. On motion was referred to the Water Works Trustees. Petition of A. Baumhover asking for a reduction of special assessment for clean- ing alley abutting lot 9, Tivoli Add. Ald. Jones moved to grant the petition. Carried. Petition of Mrs. Mary Degnan asking Council to accept one-half (%) of the special assessment in full settlement for the improvement of Oak Street in Union Add. On motion was referred to the Com- mittee of the Whole. Petition of Mrs. Bridget Whittemore asking for the cancellation of the special assessment as levied against lot 83, Union Add. for the improvement of Holly Street. On motion was referred to the Commit- tee of the Whole. Invitation of Mt. St. Joseph college, academic department, inviting the Mayor and City Council to be present at the commencement exercises to be held June 15th, 1903. On motion the invitation was accepted and Recorder instructed to extend thanks for the same. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay roll for Labor on Streets during the first half of June, 1903. Amount due Laborers on Streets..$1412.15 Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. E. E. FRITH, Chairman Committee on Streets. JOSEPH L. HORR, JOHN J. SHERIDAN. Approved: Also submit my pay roll for Labor on Sewers, during the first half of June, 1903. Amount due Laborers on Sewers ..$1G9.s0 Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved: JOHN J. SHERIDAN, Chairman Committee on Sewers. JOSEPH L. HORR, HUGH CORRANCE. Also submit my pay roil for Team: hauling Sprinkling Wagons, during the first half of Tune, 190:1. Amount due Teamsters $^84 GO Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE. City Engineer, Approved. GEO. N. RAYMOND, Chairtnan Committee on Paving, Sweep- ing and Sprinkling. JOSEPH L. HORR, MATT. ('LANCY. Also submit my pay roll for Labor on Bluff Street Extension, during the first half of June, 1903. Amount due Laborers $8.90 Respectfully submitted, JAMES II. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved: E. E. FRITH, Chairman Committee on Streets. JOSEPH L. HORR, JOHN J. SHERIDAN. On notion the pay rolls for Streets, Sewers and Sprinkling Wagons were re- ceived, and warrants ordered drawn :o pay the various amounts, and the pay rolls referred back to the proper com- mittees. City Recorder Arendt presented a Deed front Joseph C. Roberts and wife, to the City of Dubuque, for the following de- scribed premises, situated in the City of Dubuque, Lot Two (2) of the Sub -division of Lot Twenty-two (22) of Reche's Sub- division in the City of Dubuque. Iowa, ac- cording to the recorded Plat thereof. Ald. Frith moved that the Deed be ac- cepted, and the City Recorder instructed to have the same properly recorded. Car- ried. City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque. Gentlemen: Herewith attached please find Plat showing the proposed extension, of Rosedale Avenue from the end of the present Street, to West Locust Street. Proper notices have been served upon the abutting property owners. Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Ald. Jones moved to refer the Plat t.3 the Street Committee and City Engineer. Carried. City Engineer Boyce also reported as follows: Herewith attached please find profl'e Of change of grade of alley between Rhom- berg and Garfield Avenues from Kniest Street to Johnson Avenue. Red line shows adopted grade. Blue line proposed change of grade. Respectfully, submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Ald. Frith moved that the change of grade be approved and the same referred Regular Session June 18, 1903. 165 to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Mayor Berg reported as follows: Gentlemen of the Council: The terms of D. J. Lenehan, Peter Kiene and Peter Klauer, as trustees of the Carnegie -Stout Free Public Library, having expired, I beg leave to inform you that I have reappointed the gentlemen named. and respectfully ask you to con- firm the appointment. Ald. Horr moved that the action of the Mayor be approved. Carried. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Frith, chairman of the Ordinance Committee, reported back the Ordinance vacating a part of Ida Street in the City of Dubuque and providing for the straightening of the same and moved that the Ordinance be read the second time. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. The Ordinance was then read the sec- ond time. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the ordinance. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. The Mayor declared the Ordinance ad- opted. Ordinance follows: AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE VACATING A PART OF IDA STREET IN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE AND PROVIDING FOR THE STRAIGHTENING OF THE SAME. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That that part of Ida Street described as follows: Lot 2 of the Sub. division of Lot 21 of Reche's Subdivision in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, being no longer required for Street purposes, the same is . hereby vacated. Section 2. That for the purpose of straightening said lda Street, Joseph C. Roberts has deeded to the City of Du- buque Lot 2 of the Subdivision of Lot 22 of Reche's Subdivision in the City of Du- buque, Iowa, in consideration of said city deeding to said Joseph C. Roberts the lot described in Section 1 hereof, and the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute a deed to said Joseph C. Roberts, convey- ing said property. Section 3. This ordinance to be in effect from and after its passage and publica- tion one time in the Dubuque Globe -Jour- nal newspaper. Adopted Attest: Approved City Recorder. Mayor. Ald. Frith, chairman of the Committee on Streets, reported as follows: Your Committee on Streets, to whom was referred the petition of Floyd A. Oatey, et al, asking that Grace Street be improved, would recommend that said pe- tition be received and filed. warrant be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer in settlement thereof.. Also your Committee on Streets begs to report that we have examined the im- provement of the alley between Frances end Valeria Streets, from Kauffman Ave- nue to Hart Street, James Noonan & Co., contractors, and finding said work to be constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications, we would recommend that said alley be accepted and the Fi- nance Committee instructed to provide for an issue of bonds to cover the cost of same. Also your Committee on Streets, to whom was referred the bill of the Smedley Steam Pump Company for repairs on the steam roller, would recommend that a Also your Committee on Streets, to whom was referred by the Committee of the Whole the resolution offered by Alderman Corrance for the improvement of Grace Street, beg to report that we have changed the dates named in said resolution for the reception of bids and for the completion of the work, and would recommend that said resolution be adopt- ed as amended. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. Resolution follows: Ald. Frith offered the following: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Grace Street, from west line of sub. 7. Ann O'Hare's sub., lot 7, to the east curb line of East Street, be improved by grading, curbing, guttering and macadamizing the same in accordance with the plat and specifica- tions for such improvement prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and be it fur- ther resolved, that said improvement shall be completed on or before the 15th day of November, 1903, and shall be paid for at the time and in the manner prescribed by Chapter XXXII. of the Revised Or- dinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque for the payment of the cost of street im- provements. The proposals for doing such work will be acted upon by the Council on the 2nd day of July, 1903, and the City Recorder is hereby licat on ordered asking for proposals ten days' notice poposals byas provided by ordinance. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolution. Adopted by the following vote: ranee, Frith, Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Horr, Jones, Raymond, Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Frith, chairman of the committee on Streets, also reported in favor of al- lowing the bill of Jas. Noonan & Co., for improving the alley between Francis and Valeria streets from Street, amounting to $453.0. Hart venue to Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report of the committee on Streets. Carried. Ald. Sheridan, chairman of the commit- tee on Sewers, reported as follows: ' Your committee on Sewers, to whom was referred the petition of Leonard Buehler, asking that the special assess- ment levied against Lot 2 of 21 of Smed- ley's Sub. for the construction of the sanitary sewer in the alley between Gar- field and Rhomberg Avenues be reduced, would recommend that said petition be re- ceived and filed. JOHN J. SHER DAChnN, Ald. Raymond m ve ofto suhespend ng Mr. rules for the PuPo Leonard Buehler. Carried. 166 Regular Session June 18, 1903. Mr. Buehler addressed the Council, pro- testing against paying special assessment as levied against Lot 2 of 21, in Smedley's sewerSub. f in the alleyonstrucobetweennRh.omberof a gitaand Garfield Avenues, from Kniest Street to Johnson Avenue. Whereupon Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the report of the committee on Sewers. Carried. Aid. Horr, chairman of the committee of the Whole, reported as follows: Your committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the resolution offered by Ald. Corrance for the improvement of Grace Street, beg to report that we have re- ferred said resolution to the committee on Streets. Also, your committe of the Whole, to whom was referred the communication of F. D. Scharle, in relation to the width of the alley Streets, tFrancis and al woulderia recommend thattheCity Engineer be instructed to notify Mr. Scharle to move his sheds and fences off the line of said alley. Also, your committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Carl Boase, asking Grandview hat the alley Avenues be Bradley opened from Whelan Avenue to Altman Avenue, beg to report that we do not consider it advisable to open said alley at the present time; we would therefore rec- ommend that said petition be received and filed. Also, your committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the remonstrance of Marla L. Bennett et al., against the im- provement of Grace street, would recom- mend that said remonstrance be received and filed. Also, your committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the communication of the Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress in relation to rubber hose, would recom- mend that said communication be filed for future reference. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of T. J. Mulgrew, asking that he be allowed to continue dumping ashes and saw -dust on the levee in front of his ice -houses, for the purpose of widening the street, would recommend that said petition be received and filed. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of the Schmid Mfg. Co., asking that they be ex- empt from taxation for a period of five years, would recommend that the City Treasurer be instructed to allow said firm a credit of $30.00 per annum on their taxes for a period of five years commencing January 1, 1903. Provided said Schmid Mfg. Co. pay all back taxes due the city prior to that date. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Mrs. Catherine Oeth, asking that the special assessment levied against lot 79, Glendale Add., for sidewalk repairs be canceled, because said repairs were made after she had contracted for a new sidewalk and be- fore the contractor had any time to lay the same. would recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the Treasurer be instructed in ac- cordance herewith. JOSEPH L. HORR, Chairman. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Mayor Berg, chairman of the Special Committee appointed to audit the annual report of the Dubuque High Bridge Co., reported as follows: Dubuque, Iowa, June 18, 1903. To the Honorable City Council: Gentlemen:—The undersigned, your spec- ial committee designated by ordinance, beg leave to report that we have careful- ly examined the books, vouchers and all matters pertaining to the receipts and dis- bursements of the Dubuque High Bridge Company, and that we find that the same correspond with the report submitt- ed to this Council and which is hereto at- tached. We also find from said report, that the net receipts for the fiscal year, ending April 30, 1903, were less than 8 per cent on the investment, and as said com- pany is exempt under its special ordinance until such time as its net receipts will equal that amount, therefore we recom- mend that the City Treasurer be instruct- ed to cancel the taxes against said com- pany for the year 1902. C. H. BERG, Mayor. F. B. HOFFMAN, City Auditor. Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the re- port of the Special Committee. Carried. Ald. Raymond moved that the matter of improving Fifth Street from Iowa to Main Streets he referred to the Committee on Streets and City Engineer. Carried. RESOLUTIONS. Alderman Frith offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that to determine the amount of damage, if any, sustained by the abutting property owners on Pine Street between Twenty-third and Twenty- sixth Streets, by reason of the change of grade on said Street, a jury be empaneled in accordance with the provisions of Sec- tion 21 of Chapter XXXI. of the Re- vised Ordinances of the City of Dubuque of 1901. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolution. Carried. Ald. Horr offered the following: Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the action taken by the Council at its regular meeting held June -i, 1903. awarding the contract for the construction of a storm water sewer in Sixteenth Street, exclusive of the stone work under the railroad tracks, to O'Farrell & Street, be reconsidered. And that the City Recorder be instructed to re -advertise for bids for the construction of said sewer, including the stone work under the right of way of the Chicago Great Western Railway Company and Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried. Ald. Horr also offered the following: Whereas, the contract heretofore enter- ed into by the City of Dubuque for the improving of an alley as hereinafter de- scribed. is approaching completion, and the City Engineer has computed that the Regular Session June 18 1903. 167 cost and expense of said improvement amounts to Six Hundred ($600.00), there- fore, • Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to provide for the cost of improving the alley between Frances and Valeria Streets from Kauf- man Avenue to Hart Street, the Mayor is required to execute and deliver to the City Recorder, to be by him registered and countersigned, two bonds of the de- nomination of three hundred dollars each. numbered 216 and 217, dated July 1, 1903, payable on or before seven years after the dote thereof and bearing interest at the rate of five per cent per annum, payable semi-annually. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried. Ald. Frith moved that the signing of the contract for the improvement of Ful- ton and Monroe Streets be postponed un- til next meeting of the Council. Carried. Ald. Frith moved to adjourn until July 2nd, 1903. Carried. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Attest: si 16s List of Warrants LIST Of CIT RRANTS City Recorder's Office, Dubuque, Iowa, June 1, 1903. To the Honorable Mayor eine City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The following is a com- plete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of May, 1903: C. H. Berg, salary, Mayor $116 70 H. Brinkman, salary, Treasurer133 35 J. A. McKinley, salary, Deputy 100 Treasurer 00 Jno. Krayer, clerk Treasurer's of- 00 of- fice Chas. F. Arendt, salary, Recorder.. 116 70 Wm. A. Kaep, salary Deputy Re- corder75 F. B. Hoffman, salary, Auditor 116 70 C. B. Scherr, salary, Assessor 125 00 A. Doerr, Jr., salary, Asst. Asses- sor 100 00 J. J. Murphy, salary, Asst. Asses- sor 100 00 Geo. A. Barnes, salary, Attorney150 00 J. B. Powers, salary, Assistant At- torney50 Ed. Morgan. salary, Chief of Police 100 00 Jos. Reinfried, salary, Fire Chief100 00 J. W. Lawlor, salary, Committee Clerk 95 00 Jas. Boyce, salary, City Engineer166 65 E. Anderson, salary, Assistant En- gineer 100 00 F. Neuwoehner, salary, Rodman50 00 E. Herron, salary, Superintendent Street Sprinkling 50 00 Wm. Hinman, salary, Electrician83 35 H. Tropf, salary, Marketmaster50 00 P. Ryan, salary, Park Custodian40 00 P. Kien. salary, Park Custodian40 00 T. Faherty, salary, Park Custodian 10 00 Dr. B. F. Michel, salary, Health Of- ficer 50 00 F. Flynn, saalry, Sanitary Patrol- man 60 00 N. Offerman, salary, Poundmaster45 00 Mrs. H. Koenig, salary, Janitress20 00 A. Crawford, salary, Sidewalk In- spector R. F. Curran, salary, Wharfmaster M. Clancy, salary, Alderman H. Corrance, salary, Alderman E. E. Frith, salary, Alderman J. L. Horr, salary, Alderman R. Jones, salary, Alderman G. N. Raymond, salary, Alderman25 00 J. J. Sheridan, salary, Alderman25 00 M. Eitel, fireman $ 65 00 J, Essman, fireman 75 00 A. Duccini, fireman 60 00 J. Flynn, fireman .. 65 00 J. Roshin, fireman 60 00 J. Tschudi, fireman 50 00 A. Heer, fireman 50 00 50 00 ' 65 00 75 00 60 00 65 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 65 00 63 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 40 30 75 00 50 00 20 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 J. Schonberger, fireman J. Daley, fireman J. Barnes, fireman T. Ryder, fireman G. Beyer, fireman W. Ducey, fireman F. Murphy, fireman P. Ahern, fireman M. Kelly, fireman D. Ahern, fireman T. Flynn, fireman P. Zillig, fireman H. Cain, fireman M. Sweeney, fireman N. Wagner, fireman A. McDonald, fireman J. Murphy, fireman J. Benzer, fireman T. O'Meara, fireman C. Hanson, fireman 60 00 24 50 24 50 10 80 8 30 65 00 56 00 50 00 5 00 25 00 65 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 59 00 62 00 28 25 38 20 39 60 50 00 50 00 50 00 53 30 W. Corcoran. police 50 00 M. Craugh, police 65 00 H. Donlon. police 50 00 J. Fitzpatrick, police 46 70 Jas. Flynn. police 50 00 Wm. Frith, police 50 00 rat Hanlon, police 50 00 E. Kahn. police 50 00 M. Kilty. police 50 00 Jno. Loetscher. police 48 35 P. McCollins, police 50 00 P. McInerney, police 50 00 .Ino. Moore. police 60 00 Jno. Murphy, police 50 00 7). Norton, police 50 00 M. O'Connor, police 50 00 :lug. Pfeffer, police 21 45 Pat. Powers, police 50 00 Jno. Itaesli, police 65 00 Otto Rata. police 50 00 T. Reilly, police 67 00 Jas. Ryan. police 50 0) P. Scharff, police 50 00 Al. Scherr, police 60 00 M. Stapleton, police 50 00 P. Sullivan, police 50 00 Jno. L. Sullivan, police 30 00 P. Sutton, police 46 70 Tom Sweeney, police 62 00 Joe Tyler, police 33 00 L. Zeidman, police 50 00 Mrs. Kate Hibhe, matron 30 00 Miss L. Brennan, matron 30 00 Kelly Springfleld Steam Roller Co.. part payment on new steam road roller 6000 00 J. McCullough. fireman G. Gehrke, fireman T Kennedy. fireman F. Baumgartner, fireman J. Smith. fireman W. Kannolt, fireman C. Kannolt. fireman J Allen. fireman M. Fahey, fireman Wm. O'Connell, fireman B. Weston, fireman F. Kenneally, fireman E. McDermot. fireman W. McClain, fireman G. Burkel, police J. Carter, police J Clune. police Jno. Cody, police W. Cook, police Labor on streets during the last half of April, 1903: Sam Allen, labor 5 40 E. Amanda, labor 1115 Rich Burns, labor 10 80 Jos. Brouillette, labor 4 06 John Burns, labor 6 45 Paul Becker, labor 13 50 C. Busse, labor 8 80 P. Betsche, labor 475 Geo. Bippus, labor 4 05 J. Brachtenbach, labor 8 10 C. Bluecher, labor 3 40 Fred Buddlen, labor 1150 Ant. Bolein, labor 135 Fred Budde, labor 9 80 Jos. Brown, labor 17 55 W. Coughlin, labor 10 80 Hugh Connell, labor ... 10 80 John Corbett, labor 7 45 Dan Connors, labor 1 35 H. Cobb, labor 17 55 Jas. Connolly, labor 17 56 Jas. Callahan, foreman 20 00 Henry Cosgrove, driver 19 60 List of Warrants 169 John Dougherty, labor Peter De Fointaine, labor Ed. Desmond,. labor Mike Donegan, labor John Drehouse, labor Pat Devaney, labor Mike Differding, labor John Egan, labor John Engels, labor S. Eberle, labor C. Ellermann, labor J. Ess, labor S. Elmer, labor Dan Fox. labor Mike Farrell. labor. Geo. Frost, foreman Pat. Farrell. labor Mat Fetshele• labor John Flynn, labor Pat Fenelon, labor Nelson Frith. stoker Peter Gregory, labor Barney Glass. labor Pat Gilloon labor James Graham. labor Henry Galle, labor Chas. Gruensiz. labor Jos. Giesland. labor Jos. Guenther. labor H. Grode, labor Jos. Grab. labor J. M. Garrison, labor C. Gantenbein. foreman Geo. Hecklinger. labor Geo. J. Hahn. foreman Amb. Hird, labor Thos. Harker, labor James Hird. foreman Jimmy Hird. labor Aug. Hafeman, labor John Heil, carpenter Fred Ihrcke. labor Conrad Jaenar, labor J. Jehring, labor Aug. Jass, labor Tim Kelly. labor John Keenan, labor Nie. Kettenhofen, labor Mike Kas, labor John Kress, labor 810 James McCracken, labor 4 Ob Pat McPoland, labor 3 75 B. McCormick, labor 1160 John Noonan, labor 3 00 11. Neuwoehner, labor 3 40 C. Nanck, labor 3 40 W. O'Brien, foreman Chas. Kampmann. labor John Kelly, labor Jake Kraus, labor C. Kupferschmidt. labor Jos. Kientzle, labor P. Krocheski, labor Mat Klein, paper collector Pat. Leonard, labor Martin Lonergan, labor Mike Lavin, labor Tom Lonergan, labor Pat. Lynch. labor Mat Loes. labor Dietrich Lillig, labor Walter Lynch, labor F. Lassance, labor H. Lembke, labor H. Leik, mason L Loeffelholz, labor George Moore. labor Phil Melloy, labor John Mahoney, foreman A. VV. Miller, labor Rob. Mack, labor Amb. Mai, labor Nat. Mabe, tabor Jos. Martinek, labor Adam Manderscheid, labor Al. Moyer, labor John McGee, labor Janes McCarron, labor Pat McMullin, labor W. McDermott, labor W. McClain, labor Thos. McDonald, labor 11 !Xi C. Otto, labor 10 80 Chris. Ode, labor 70 James Powers, labor 4 75 James Purcell, labor 11 85 Chas. Pierce, labor 6 10 John Pu ilens. labor 10 80 John Pfeiffer, labor 1080 John Parker, labor 20 00 C. Pribe, labor 810 Wm. Quinlan, labor 2 70 945 17 55 50 00 14 55 8 10 7 SO 6 75 6 10 9 45 10 80 4 75 4 75 14 55 2 70 20 00 3 40 20 00 9 45 1 35 1 50 1 35 14 35 20 00 13 00 1 35 6 10 6 45 6 75 35 10 50 6 46 4 05 4 05 9 15 8 80 4 05 4 05 4 05 12 50 10 80 9 15 2 40 8 10 5 40 2 05 2 05 6 10 4 75 14 35 10 15 17 65 10 80 9 45 12 00 9 45 8 10 2 70 8 10 13 85 4 75 17 55 10 80 13 85 9 45 9 45 70 3 05 10 80 6 1i 7 10 10 80 13 50 10 15 20 00 4 75 12 15 14 55 10 80 4 05 s 75 13 50 13 20 18 00 8 45 Maurice Quinlan, labor 2 40 James Ryan, labor 10 50 Mat. Raishek, labor 2 05 Chas. Reilley, labor 8 30 James Reed, labor 0 Fred Radloff, labor 4 80 19 05 Jos. Rooney, driver 50 Nick Sweeney, labor 10 80 Jas. Straney, labor 10 80 Dan Sheehan, labor 6 00 John Spear, foreman 4 50 Thos. Smith, labor 9 45 Aug. Soyke, labor 4 75 Ernest Smith, labor 810 John Sloan, labor 3 40 Jos. Statel, labor 4 05 Chris. Sholl, labor 3 40 John Schroeder. labor 7 90 Louis Smith, labor 3 05 Jos. Schaftel, labor 4 05 Sam Sommer. labor 5 40 S. Schaetzle, labor 9 80 F. Scharr, labor 13 50 Lawrence Trost, labor 8 10 John 'Tashner, labor 1 35 H. Turner, labor 10 80 C. Vincent. labor 14 20 Jos. Williams. labor 7 80 John Welsh (Caledonia), labor 9 80 W. Welsh. labor 18 75 John Ward. labor 4 75 John Walsh (Race). labor 4 75 W. Weasmouth, foreman 20 00 N. Wamnach. labor 10 80 G. Wiedman, labor 4 05 Aug. Witte. labor 4 05 Thos. Young, engineer 75 00 A Zugenbuehler, labor 810 Geo.Zumhaf, foreman 20 25 Becker Bros., team 69 30 Frank Burns, team 22 85 J Berwang'er, team 9 45G 30 Josh Calvert, team 39 30 Josh Calvert (contract), team 29 95 E. Frith. team 30 75 Mike Mannan, team 05 J. Haudenshield, team 22 2205 John Huffmire, Jr., team 37 90 John Huffmire. team (contract)9 45 Thos. Heinz, team 34 65 3 Peter Horch, team John Lenihan, team 18 5 15 Pat Linehan. team 8 000 John Long, team 22 05 Martin Maher, team 00 John. Mulgrew, team 5 00 J. G. Moore, team Dan Malloy, team 11 05 Frank Mathis, team ................ • • • 33 15 JJohn MCCollins, team ............... • • 3 45 Ted O'Brien, team ................ • • • • 39 45 Geo. Reynolds, team 17 35 Geo.. Raschid, Ed. Seeley, team 23 65 James Tobin, team 28 35 M. Theis. team ........................ 18 1590 Jesse Venn, team ...................... 3 45 John Williams, team ................... 170 T_eslie ellington. team M. Zogg, team Labor on Sewers during the of April, 1903: Pat Casserly, labor John Corcoran, labor 26 00 S. H. Cook, foreman • • 20 80 R. A. Fuller, labor 20 80 Fred Honecker, labor 20 80 Pat Kenneally, labor 20 80 Pat Sage, labor 20 80 Landon Taylor, labor Teams hauling Sprinkling Wagons dur- ing the last half of April. 1903: $ 25 60 T. B. Cain 7 20 A. Conrad 2 27 40 John Lenihan 25 60 Martin Maher 30 00 Dan Melloy 27 60 J. J. McCollins 23 60 McElrath Teaming Co Gotf. Gmehle• collecting back taxes 78 73 Jno. A. Voelker, fumigating cala- 13 43 boose 15 20 H. Tropf, board of prisoners Wm. Foster, inspector on Kniest 30 80 Street sewer C. L. McGovern, recording deeds 75 and plats E. Frith, painting benches for parks 6 00 Jas. Reed, macadam 3 60 Sam Allen, macadam 50 Wm. Frost, macadam 16 90 John Welsh, macadam 395 Sam Sterling, macadam Mike Donnegan, macadam 8 i5 John Hafey, macadam 26 35 Thos. Shea, macadam 18 70 Wm. McClain, macadam 3 50 Love and Jno. Baumers, macadam4 25 Love and Jno. Baumers, macadam 13 10 Peter Dax, macadam 26 45 Barney Glass, macadam 420 Jos. L. Horr. appropriation for Memorial Day services 200 oU F. B. Piekenhrock, appropriation for Roosevelt reception 300 00 W. McLaughlin, hauling brush from parks.. 1 00 M. J. G. La Nicca, paints and oils for Expense dept 3 70 C. A. Noyes, framing photo of City officials 3 50 Pape & Jacquinot, repairing fountain in Jackson Park 496 Harger & Biish, stationery for var- ious offices 6 13 Mullen & Papin, plumbing at Jack- son Park 1 20 Martin-Strelau Co., edgings for City Hall 225 Fischer & Co., 1 cord oak wood for City Hall 6 00 F. Burns & Co., 1 cord of oak wood for City Hall 6 00 P. Devaney, sawing wood for City Hall 100 H. Galle, sawing wood for City Hall 125 Union Printing Co., to printing argu- ment in case of Bauer vs. City27 50 Smith -Morgan Printing Co., letter heads for Recorder and Engineer5 50 Palmer, Berg & Co., blank books and stationery for various depart- ments Key City Gas Co., gas for various departments Klauer & Kress, hardware for road and fire departments 3 50 J. P. Cooke & Co., dog and team license tags 13 00 R. D. Swisher Mfg. Co., rubber type and holder for Auditor's office 60 L. Lindenberg, new tools for Road List of Warrants 1s 911 3 15 last half 20 80 20 80 95 39 75 96 10 department W. Baumgartner, hardware for Road department Geo. W. Healey & Son, hardware for Road department.. T. W. Ruete, paints and oils for Road department P. J. Seippel, lumber for Road de- partment Rumpf, Frudden Lumber Co., lum- ber for Road department Linehan & Molo, cement and sewer pipe for Road department Key City Roofing Co., sewer pipe for Road department 10 45 Thos. Burns, gravel for Road de- partment 60 00 A. Aberl, gravel for Road depart- ment 18 00 P. Clancy, cinders for Road depart- ment 7 75 Ellwanger Bros., repairing harness for Road and Police departments9 30 Martin-Strelau Co., 8 barrels of salt for Road department 6 00 A. Gasser, paving brick for Road department.... .... 20 00 F. Schloz Son, repairs ror road and Fire departments 4 25 Jno. Butt, repairs for Road depart- ment 360 Jno. Butt, repairs at Grandview Ave Engine House 18 45 Dubuque Turbine Roller Mill Co., to gallon of asphaltum for steam roller 25 Becker Bros., pine wood for steam roller 3 00 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., hose for steam roller 7 85 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., 1 pair hip boots and washers for sewer department.... .... 5 25 E. Frith, constructing new sidewalk abutting E. 100 feet Lot 45, Marsh's Add 16 73 G. L. Korman, relaying brick side- walk over sewer on S. W. corner Eagle Point Ave. and Elm Street9 00 G. L. Korman, constructing brick sidewalk abutting lot 68, East Du- buque Add 27 70 Austin -Western Co., supplies for Street Sweeper.... .... 13 32 Kannolt & Powers, horse shoeing for Fire department.... 21 05 Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse shoeing for Fire department 6 60 Collings & Pflffner, horse shoeing for Fire department.... .... 7 50 Collings & Pflffner, horse shoeing for Police department.... .... 10 50 Lagen & Sullivan, horse shoeing for Fire and Road departments 7 40 Lear & Kennedy, horse shoeing for Fire and Road departments 3 00 Phil Pier, coal for Fire department14 65 Fischer & Co., coal for Fire depart- ment 12 60 Dubuque Oil Tank Line, oil for Fire department 8 00 C. W. Healey & Son, hardware for Fire department.... 10 08 F. Burns, coal for Fire department22 75 Chicago Fire Apparatus Co., supplies for Fire department 43 35 P. J. Seippel, lumber for Fire de- partment 39 05 F. A. Miller, barn brooms for Fire department.... . Key City Gas Co., coal for Fire de- partment Key City Gas Co., arc lights for ar- mory and Ninth Street Engine 4 house 60 15 25 13 30 6 90 29 13 23 50 64 35 75 GO 10 00 3 78 List of Warrants Key City Gas Co., .coke for Fire de- partment T. W. Ruete, paints and oils for Fire 6 55 department Fire Extinguisher Mfg. Co., supplies for Fire department 14 00 Iowa Iron Works Co., repairs for 75 Firedepartment.... .... Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., rub- ber coats and hose for Fire depart - 22 25 ment Mullen Bros., plumbing at Central 8 05 Engine house Key City Roofing Co., repairing roof of Central Engine house.... 2 00 Wm. Marshall, repairing steamer R W. Stewart 23 87 L. Lindenberg, hardware and rope for Grandview Ave. Engine house 1510 H. Wunderlich & Son, 1 mirror for Grandview Ave. Engine house 3 00 Iowa Telephone Co., telephone service for Grandview Ave. Engine house 4 00 Eliwanger Bros., new harness for Grandview Ave. Engine house 45 00 Mullen & Papin, putting in new gas fixtures for Grandview Ave. Engine house 17 45 Eliwanger Bros., repairing harness 7 55 for Fire department.... . Tower & Lyon, coat and vest buttons 32 00 for Police department.... .... .... . Jno. Butt, repairs for Sewer depart- ment 20 Linehan & Molo, 1 cap for Sewer 15 department. . Globe -Journal, official printing for April 60 00 The Times, official printing for April 15 00 National Demokrat, official printing 25 00 for April Dubuque Telegraph -Herald, official printing for April 50 00 Dubuque Telegraph -Herald, to print- ing index and binding Council pro- ceedings50 for 1902 (25 books) Dubuque Telegraph -Herald, health 4 reports for January 00 Union Electric Co., arc lights for2029 58 April ........ .... . Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., new 8 y, hose for garbage dump Steuck & Linehan, estimate on san- itary sewer in Kniest Street, etc 677.57 Dolan & Robinson, final estimate constructing sewer In Johnson Ave. Eagle Point Ave. and Queen Street 15 00 Jno. Newman & Son, painting eight Street Sprinklers, as per contract160 00 Jno. Newman, to lettering seven 10 50 Street Sprinklers Jno. Newman, repairing Street 6 Sprinklers 20 Jno. Newman, hauling Street Sprink- lers to shop Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., new hose for Street Sprinklers 79 50 Standard Oil Co., oil and axle grease 7 55 for Street Sprinklers H. Brinkman, Excavation permits 00 redeemed H. Brinkman, Interest on warrants l0"3 90 outstanding H. Brinkman. Express charges for Road, Fire and Police Department 136 70 0 H. Brinkman. Refunded Tax 0 H. Brinkman, Exchange on Bonds, 471 N. Y. H. Brinkman, Library Orders paid .. 459 85 Labor on streets during the first half of May, 1903: A. Alderson, labor E. Amanda, labor Rich Burns, labor John Burns, labor Paul Becker, labor Fred Budde, labor Fred Buddien, labor G. Bippus, labor J. Bractenbach., labor Chas. Busse, labor Jos. Brown, labor W. Coughlin, labor 8 10 7 80 5 40 70 171 10 50 10 50 10 50 1 35 6 75 6 10 17 56 945 8 25 17 55 17 56 16 50 20 00 20 00 2 70 12 86 10 50 9 45 20 00 7 20 17 55 2 40 4 05 2 40 8 10 6 60 4 75 17 25 20 00 8 80 20 00 4 75 9 70 22 60 8 65 10 50 5 40 4 95 1 35 7 20 14 70 8 80 7 80 4 40 13 05 L. Loeffelholz, labor.... 17 55 Rob. Mack, labor 10 50 J. Martinek, labor 13 60 James McCarron, labor 2 40 Pat McMullen, labor 1015 W. McDermott, labor 4 75 Pat McPoland, labor 1115 H. Neuwoehner, labor 7 45 \V. O'Brien, foreman 20 00 Julius Otto, labor 5 25 James Powers, labor 2 40 James Purcell, labor 6 75 John Pfeiffer, labor 7 80 John Pfeiffer, bricklayer 8 85 Maurice Quinlan, iatwr.. 112 50 0 W. Quinlan, labor5 40 James Ryan, labor Mat. Raishek, labor 6 60 Fred Remus, labor u iu Jos. Rooney, driver 20 00 Nic. Sweeney, labor 810 Dan Sheehan, labor 5 00 John Sloan. labor 1 35 John Schroeder, labor 6 75 Louis Smith, labor 14 55 S. Schaetzle, labor 4 05 F. Scherr, labor 17 55 R. Turner, labor 6 75 Chas. Vincent, labor 10 50 John Welsh (Caledonia), labor 4 75 W. Welsh, labor 1185 John Ward, labor 1 35 W. Wearmouth, foreman 20 00 Geo. Zumhoff, foreman 19 50 Becker Bros., team 6 30 F''rank Burns, team 15 60 1 80 39 00 M. Hannan, team 36 90 J. Haudenshield, team 45 90 John Corbett, labor .... II. Cobb, labor Jas. Connolly, labor H. Ccnnell, labor Jas. Callahan, foreman Henry Cosgrove, driver M. Donegan, labor John Egan. labor John Engles, labor ... John Ess, labor George Frost, foreman ........ ... Pat Farrell, labor . • • . Fat Fenelon, labor Peter Gregory, labor Pat Grue, labor Barney Glass, labor Pat Gilloon, labor Henty Galle, labor Chas. Gruenzig, labor Pos. Grab, labor C. Gantenbein, foreman John Hafey, labor George J. Hahn, foreman J. Hird, labor Aug. Hafetnan, labor John Heil, carpenter Fred Ihrcke, labor J. Jehring, labor Tim Kelly, labor Mike Kas, labor Chas. Kampman, labor Nic. Kettenhofen, labor Paul Krocheski, labor Pat Leonard, labor Mike Lavin, labor Martin Lonergan, labor H. Lembke, labor.. Thos. Cox, team Jos. Calvert, team (contract) 172 Official Notices. J. Huffmire. Jr.. team Thos. Heinz. team Peter Horch, team J Huffmire. team (contract) John Long. team Martin Maher. team Frank Mathis, team Dan Melloy. team J. T. McCollins. team A. Paley, team George Reynolds. team Ed. Seeley. team James Tobin. team Leslie Wellington. team M. Zogg. team Labor on sewers during the first May, 1903: P. Casserly, labor John Corcoran, labor R. T. Eddy, foreman R. A. Fuller, labor F. Honecker, labor Pat Kenneally, labor Pat Sage, labor Landon Taylor, labor Teams hauling Sprinkling Wagons dur- ing the first half of May, 1903: $ 37 40 40 40 46 00 39 40 39 20 40 00 41 00 21 20 37 80 4590 37 90 39 80 22 60 10 80 6 00 7 20 12 60 6 30 23 40 15 30 22 80 14 40 half of 20 80 20 80 25 00 16 00 16 00 20 80 20 80 19 20 T. B. Cain A. Conrad J. Linehan Martin Maher Dan Melloy J. J. McCollins McElrath Teaming Co Kelley Springfield Road Roller Co., balance due on new Steam Road Roller 550 00 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of all warrants is- sued by me during the month of May, 1903. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE VACATING A PART OF IDA STREET IN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE AND PROVIDING FOR THE STRAIGHTENING OF THE SAME. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That that part of Ida Street described as follows: Lot 2 of the Sub- division of Lot 21 of Reche's Subdivision in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, being no longer required for Street purposes, the same is hereby vacated. Section 2. That for the purpose of straightening said Ida Street, Joseph C. Roberts has deeded to the City of Du- buque, Lot 2 of the Subdivision of Lot, 22 of Reche's Subdivision in the City of Du- buque, Iowa, in consideration of said city deeding to said Joseph C. Roberts the lot described in Section 1 hereof, and the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute a deed to said Joseph C. Roberts, convey- ing said property. Section 3. This ordinance to be in effect from and after its passage and publica- tion one time in the Dubuque Globe -Jour- nal newspaper. Adopted by the City Council June is, 1906. Approved June 23rd, 1903. C. H. BERG, Mayor. Attest: C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Published officially in the Evening Globe -Journal June 26th, 1903. 6 -26 -It OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE GRADE OF LINCOLN AVENUE BE- TWEEN WHITE AND JACKSON STREETS. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That the grade of Lincoln Avenue between White and Jackson streets be established and described as fol- lows: Beginning at the east curb line of White street, which is station -12, eleva- tion 27.79, thence to station 0-0, which is the east lot line of White street, thence easterly to station 2-16, which is the west curb line of Jackson street, elevation 23.79. Section 2. This Ordinance to be in force and take effect from and after its pas- sage by the City Council and its publica- tion one time in the Dubuque Globe - Journal newspaper. Adopted by the City Council June 4th, 1903. Approved June 10th, 1903. C. 11. BERG, Mayor. Attest: C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Published officially in the Evening Globe -Journal, June 17th, 1903. 6-17-1t OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE GRADE OF RAYMOND PLACE. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That the grade of Raymond Place be established and described as fol- lows: Beginning at the north curb line of Fenelon Place, station 0-10, elevation 208.8, thence northwesterly to station 1x10, elevation 209.0, which is the beginning of the curved grade, thence northwesterly to station 2x51, elevation 207.5, which is the termination of the curved grade and cen- ter of Cooper Street. Section 2. This ordinance to be in force and take effect from and after its pas- sage by the City Council and its publi- cation one time in the Dubuque Globe - Journal newspaper. Adopted by the City Council June 4th, 1903. Approved June 10th, 1903. C. H. BERG, Mayor. Attest: ' C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Published officially in the Evening Globe -Journal, June 17th, 1903. 6-17-1t OFFICIAAL PUBLICATION. AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE GRADE OF FULTON AND MONROE STREETS FROM THE SOUTHWEST LOT LINE OF BROADWAY EXTEN- SION TO THE CENTER LINE OF KING STREET. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That the grade of Fulton and Monroe streets from the southwest lot line of Broadway extension to the cen- ter of King street be established and de- scribed as follows: Beginning at the southwest lot line of Broadway Extension and the west curb line of Monroe street, which is station 0-2, elevation 163.4, thence southwesterly to station 0-10, elevation 163.6, which is the beginning of curved grade, thence southwesterly to station 0-50, elevation 165.3, which is the termination Oficial Notices. of the curved grade, thence southwesterly to station 1-40, elevation 171.5, thence southwesterly to station 6-20. center of King street. elevation 183.0. Also begin- ning at the southwest lot line of Broad- way Extension and the east curb line of Monroe street, which 1s station 0-25, ele- vation 160.4. which is the beginning of curved grade. thence southwesterly to station 0.60. elevation 105.0. which is the termination of curved n grade ole\ Hti e southwesterly o 170.5. thence southwesterly to station 6-20. which is the center of King street. eleva- tion 182.5. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its pub- lication one time in the Dubuque Globe - Journal newspaper. Adopted by the City Council June 4th, 1903. Approved June 10th, 1903. C. H. BERG, Mayor. Attest: C. F. ARENDT. City Recorder. Published officially 7t in 1190 the Evening Globe -Journal June 0-17-1t. 173 from Kniest Street to Johnson :\venue. ho established and described as follows: Be ginning at the north curb line of Knie+t Slleet. which is station 0-12• elevation 21).70. thence northerly to station 4x39.5. which 's the south curb line of Johnson Avon,•. ole'•ation 28.6. Section .. This ordinance to be in force and take effect from :tut after its + is sage by the. City Council and its publica- tion one time in the Dubuque Globe - Journal newspaper. Adopted by the City Council June 4th. Approved June 10th, 1903. C. H. BERG. M t:'or. Attest: C. F. ARENDT. City Recorder. Published oflteiall:• in the Evening Globe -Journal, June 17th, 1903. 6-17-1t. OFFICIAL PU13LICATION. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE GRADE OF ALLEY BETWEEN SOUTH ALPINE STREET AND NEV- ADA STREET FROM WEST THIRD STREET TO LANGWORTHY AVE- NUE. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That the grade of the alley between South Alpine street and Nevada street from West Third street to Lang- worthy Avenue be established and de- scribed as follows: Beginning at the south curb line of West Third street, which is station 0.12, elevation 271.5, thence southerly to station 0-0, which is the south line of West Third street, thence souther- ly to station 1-40, elevation 275.0, thence southerly to station 2-50, which is the be- ginning e- S2n0 i thence tsoutherly to staion 3-0, statlevationionele- vation 284.4, thence southerly to station 3-64, which is the north lisle of Lang- worthy Avenue. elevation 284.0. thence southerly to statin 3-74, which is the curb line of Langworthy avenue. and ter- mination of curbed grade, elevation 284.0. Section 2. This Ordinance to be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Globe -Journal newspaper. Adopted by the City Council June 4th, 1903. Approved June 10th, 1903. C. H. BERG, Mayor. Attest: C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Published officially in the Evening Globe -Journal June 17th, 1903. 6 -17 -it. OFFICIAT, PUBLICATION. AN OIRDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE GRADE OF ALLEY BETWEEN RHOMBERG AND GARFIELD AVE- NUES, FROM KNIEST STREET TO JOHNSON AVENUE. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That the grade of the alley between Rhomherg and Garfield Avenues, OFFICIAL PITBLICATION. AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AN OR- DINANCE ENTITLED "AN ORDIN- ANCE TO DEFINE THE D1'TIES OF THE CITY ENGINEER" AND BEING CHAPTER XIV. OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1901 OF THE CI'T'Y OF DUBUQUE. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That Section 3. Chapter 14 of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque be and the same is hereby repealed and the following section is sub- stituted in lieu thereof. Section 2. That the said Engineer shall, as soon as practicable, ascertain and des- ignate upon suitable plats thereof, to be by him prepared, the grade of each street or alley, hereafter opened in said City. and shall also designate upon each plat preparedso k to- getherwit the elevation bench the vation thereor f,from which the grade upon such plat is deter- mined. Section 3. This Ordinance to be in flre,• and take effect from and after its pas- sand its age by one he Ctime vin otl eCunoilDubuque publica- tion Globe- Journal newspaper. Adopted by the City Council June 40, 1903. Approved June 10Cr, I19 3.BMayor. Attest: C. F. ARENDT. City Recorder. Published officially ti 1903.he Evening Globe -Journal, June 6-17-1t. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk six (6) feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick. stone or cement, he, within ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks on the north side of West Locust street, between Ellis street and Foye abutting lot Add., ownedby Sarah Lundbeck. int eetothe expense of abutting property. Also, that a sidewalk six (61 f wide. of good two-inch plank, brick, stone er cement, be, within ten (70) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks, on the north side of Nest Locust street, between Ellis street and Foye Add.. iby lot 11, Herbert Lnndbt 30 e kt t te1the Add., owned by property. expense of abutting pr Also, that a sidewalk twelve (12) fts't 174 Official Notices. wide, of good cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice. constructed and laid In conformity with the ordinance in re- lation to sidewalks on the west side of Main, between Twelfth street and Thir- teenth street, abutting lot 408, City, owned hp St. Joseph's Academy, at the expense of abutting property. Passed by the City Council of the City of Dubuque June 14th, 1903. C. F. ARENDT, 6 -16 -It. City Recorder. LEGAL. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To all who are named below: You are h.. reby notified that in accord- ance with an ordinance of the City of Du- buque for repairing sidewalks during the month of May, 1903, that a special assess- ment will be levied for the expense there- of, at the regular meeting of the City Council, upon all lots and parcels of land on said improvement owned by you being subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeet- ing of the City Council to be held on the 2nd day of July A. D., 1903, and show cause if any you have why said assess- ment should not be levied. May 1-J. W. Kintzinger, Sub. 3 of of Min. Lot 91, lot 4, 10 ft. lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25 45 May 1 -Leathers & Trewin, Julia Langworthy's Add., lot 8, 7 ft. lumber, 150; 1-2 hour labor, 25c40 May 1-F. L. Poole, Julia Lang - worthy's Add., lot 7, 7 ft. lumber, 150; 1-2 hour labor; 25c 40 May 2 -Minnie and M. A. Kemler, Ann O'Hare's Sub., lot 4, 12 ft. lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c60 May 2 -Church (Christian Science, Hodge's Sub.. lot 11, 5 ft. lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 35 May 2-A. W. Kemler Est., Morheis- er's Sub„ lots 1-2, 49 ft. lumber, $1.00; 1 hour labor, 50c 150 May 4 -Matilda Specht, Marsh's Add„ lot 41, 13 ft. lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c 50 May 4 -Mrs, E. Mellen, Sub. City 684, lot 2, 32 ft. lumber, 65c: 3-4 hour labor, 40c 1 05 May 5-E. Langworthy Est.. Pauline Langworthy's Sub., lots 5-6, 33 ft. lumber, 65c; 1 hour labor, 50c 115 May 5-M. D. Goux, E. Langwor- thy's Add., lots 51, 5 ft. lumber, IOc; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 35 May 7 -Fred Miller Brewing Co, McCraney's 1st Add„ S W 1-2, lot 56, 8 ft. lumber, 15e; 1-2 hour labor, 25c May 8-Jno. J. Keane. City, lot 607, 28 ft. lumber, 55c; 1 hour labor, 50c 1 05 May 9 -Wm. McGrath Est., Sub. Min. Lot 93b, lot 1, 16 ft. lumber, 30e; 1-2 hour labor, 26c May 9 -Anthony Siege, Wood's Add, lot 82, 5 ft. lumber, loc; 1-2 hour labor, 25c May 9-M. J. McCollough, Fairview Sub., lot 13, 59 ft. lumber, $1.20; 1 hour labor, 50c May 12 -Sarah Lewis, Levens' Add, lot 32, 10 ft. lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25e May 12 -Jas. J. Lynn, Buettell's Sub., lot 9, 32 ft. lumber, 65c; 1 hour labor, 50c 40 55 35 1 70 45 1 15 May 13 --Chicago Great Western Ry Co.. Smedley'. Sub.. lot 2, 52 ft lumber, $1.05; 1 1-2 hours' Wan 75c l 90 May 14 -Theo. Trieloff, Sub. 39, 40, 41, Simpson's Add., lots 5-6, 21 ft. lum- ber. 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 65 May 14 -Sarah J. Bothwell, Sub Min. Lot 158, lot 8, 22 ft. lumber, 45c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c May 14-C. D. Scott, G. W. Rodger's Sub., lot 12, 10 ft. lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 45 May 15-J. J. Nagle. Sub. Min. Lot 39, lot 52. 10 ft. lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c, 45 May 15 -Mrs. P. Kennedy, Stout's Add., lot 5. 125 ft. lumber, $2.56; 1 hour's labor. 50c May 15-Jno. Macdonald. McNulty -'s Sub.. S 89 ft. lot 2. 22 ft. lumber, 45c; 1 hour's labor, 50c May 15--J. H. Simplot, Min. Lot 83, 8 ft. lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 40 May 15-W. and F. A. Coates, Mar- tin's, Dubuque. lot 3, 42 ft. lum- ber, 85c; 1 hour labor. 50c May 15 -Eliz. Taylor, Cain's Sub., lot 4, 8 ft. lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c May 15 -Cath. McCann, Pauline Langworthy's Sub.. lot 11, 3 ft. lumber, 5c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c May 16 -German Pres. College, Sub City 675, lot 7, 12 ft. lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 50 May 16 -John Olinger, Boulevard Add., lots 21, 22, 23, 24, 54 ft. lum- ber, $1.10; 1 1-2 hours' labor. 75c1 85 May 18-J. H. Jecklin Est., Sub. 1 of 143. L. H. Langworthy's Add lot 1. 72 ft lumber, $1.45; 1 1-2 hours' labor, 75c 2 20 I%lay 18-N. J. Lees. Cook's Add.. lot 32, 40 ft. lumber, 80c; 1 hours' labor, 50c 1 30 May 19-H. Wunderlich, Fortune's Sub.. lot 15. 10 ft. lumber, 30e; 1-2 hour labor, 25e 55 May 19 --Chas. E. Wales, Prospect 11111 Add.. lot 29, 8 ft. lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 40 May 19-C. H. Eighmey, Sub. 2 of 8 of Min. Lot 159, 5 1-2, lot 1, 18 ft. lumber, 35c; 3-4 hour labor, 40c75 May 19 -Wm. Reche Est., Reche's Sub. No. 2, lot 17, 33 ft. lumber, 65c; 1 1-2 hours labor, 75c May 19 -John Deery, City, W. 50 ft, lot 608, 13 ft. lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 0" May 20-C. H. Eighmey, trustee, City, lot 570. 39 ft. lutnher. 800; 1 hour labor. 50r 1 5' May 20 -Mary McDonnell, Sub. City 601, lot 3, 8 ft. lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 4d May 22-R. & E. Langworthy Est., Glendale Add., lot 153, 17 ft. lum- ber, 35c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c May 23 -Catholic University of Washington et al., A. McDaniel's Sub., lots 820-821, 40 ft. lumber, 80c; 1 hour labor, 50c May 23 -John Pier, City, S. 1-2. lot 362, 16 ft. lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c.... 55 May 23 -John Marzen, E. Langwor- thy's Add., lot 46, 7 ft. lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c May 25 -Kate Lundbeck, Cox's Add, E. 24 ft., lot 22, 43 ft. lumber, 85c; 1-2 hour labor, 50c May 25-W. G. Cox, Cox's Add., lot 73, 7 ft. lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor 3 00 95 1 40 60 1 30 40 1 30 OM - Official Notices. 175 40 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. 25c May 6—Thos. e Addrz lot 158, 40O'Brien, t.ft.rlumber, SOc; 3-4 hour labor, 40c May 27—Jno. S.r lgn Est., SubCity 720. lot 1, 34 1 hour labor, SOc MAay ndale dd., N.—A. J. 1-2, lot 231, 12 ft. er, lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c May 29—John and Emma Kenney, City, lot 574 A, 17 ft. lumber, 35c May 29—John J. J. lumber, Keane, $1. 0; 111t2 s 697-726. 86 hours labor, 75c May 29—C. H. Reynolds, Milligan's Sub., lot 4, 7 ft. lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c May 29—Ellen O'Halleron, Finley's Add., lot 14, 10 ft. lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c May 28—R. & E. Langworthy Est, Glendale Add., lots r41-224, 40 ft lumber, 80c; 1 hour labor, 50c Total 1 20 1 20 50 35 2 45 40 45 1 30 846 30 C. F. ARENDT, 6-22-10t City Recorder. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To Mary A. Alexander: You are hereby notified that in accord- ance with a resolution of the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, for construct- ing new sidewalk during the month of May, 1903, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof, at the next regular meeting of the City Council, upon all the lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement. Lot No. 69, E. Langworthy's Add., 98 feet, owned by you, being subject to such special as- sessment. And you are notified to ap- pear at said meeting of the City Council to be held on the 2nd day of July, 1903. and show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. Amount $28.42. C. F. ARENDT, G -22-10t City Recorder. LEGAL. To Mary L. Bunting: You are hereby • notified that in accord- ance with a resolution of the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, for construct- ing new sidewalk during the month of May, 1903, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof, at the next regular meeting of the City Council. upon all the lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, Lots No. 82 and 84, Glendale Add., owned by you, being subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the City Council, to be held on the 2nd day of July, 1903, and show cause, if any you have, why said as- sessment should not be levied. Amount, 842.00. C. F. ARENDT. 6-22-10t City Recorder. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Recorder 2nd,1903, 7:30f July 'clock p. m. Thursday, improving Grace Street from the west line of Sub. 7, Ann O'Hare's Sub., Lot 7, to the east curb line of East Street, according to plans and specifications now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that it will require: 1,877 lineal feet of curbing. 835 square yards of guttering. 2,X52 square yards of macadam. 4,929 cubic yards of grading (cut). The work to be completed on or before Nov, 15th, 1903, and shall be paid for whei said work is completed and accepted by the City Council. The proposals for do- ing said work will be acted upon by the City Council the 2nd day of July, 1903. Bidders must state price per square yard for inacadamizing ann guttering and bid per lineal foot for curbing. Each must be accompanied by a certified check for $50.00 on some Dubuque hank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated Dubuque, June 20th, 1 03. C. F. 6-22-1.0t City Recorder. Regular Session July 2, 1903, 177 CITY COUNCIL. Regular Se, -ion July 2nd. 1903. (Official.) Council met at 8:20 o'clock P. M. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Hort% Jones. Raymond and Sheridan. Absent—None. Ald. Corrance moved that the council proceedings for the month of June be ap- proved as printed. Carried. ' BILLS. The following Bills were ordered paid: C. Gmehle. collecting back taxes $ 29 10 C. F. Arendt, Notarial fee 5 00 Ed. Frith, labor at city hall 9 75 H. Tropf, board of prisoners 12 40 T. E. Frith, removing garbage and dead animals i 37515 Jno. Bohn, inspector Bee Branch sewer W. Foster, inspector 15th street storm sewer Palmer. Berg & Co., blank station- ery for various departments Union Printing. Co., blank station- ery for various departments Even & Fuchs, coal, First ward scales Key City Gas Co., gas for various departments H. G. Young & Co., cleaning car - pats. city hall C. O. D. Laundry, towels and racks (5 months) Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber, West Dubuque scales G. W. Healey & Son, supplies for parks F. Wunderlich, paint for parks .. W. McLaughlin, hauling at Jackson 50 park Jas. Levi Sr Co., carpet for mayor's 15 00 office P. Lang, cups and chains for foun- tains McDermott & Gow, plumbing at 5 60 city hall McDermott & Gow, plumbing at 1 50 Central engine house P. Clancy, cinders for road dent 10 75 A. Turner, cleaning vaults in Lin- coln Avenue A. Turner, cleaning vaults in alley between Rhomberg and Garfield Avenues from Kniest Street to Johnson Avenue F. Schloz & Son, repairs for road dept Jno. Duggan. repairs for road dept. Geo. Bock, repairs for road dept Butt Bros., repairs for road dept Jno. Butt. repairs for road dept Geo. R. Clark, 24 -ft. iron fence on Highland •Place Geo. Ragatz & Son, supplies for road dept. Eagle Point Lime Works, rock for road dept. O'Farrell & Street, extra labor on Lincoln Avenue Wm. Beutin, sand for road dept. T. J. Mulgrew, coal for steam roller T. J. Mulgrew, sewer pipe for road dept. Jno. Leicht, sand for road dept. F. Roehl. hardware for road dept A. Stoltz, moving buildings in Lin- coln Avenue ••' 25 00 P. Seippel, lumber for road dept.... 40 40 34 60 12 30 39 75 52 25 1 75 61 30 19 75 20 00 885 1 60 1 00 10 08 5 70 17 25 75 50 685 A. Duertscher. replacing sidewalk on Eagle Point Avenue Standard Oil Co., oil for roller Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., hose for steam roller Smedley Steam Pump Co., repairs on old steam roller Key City Gas Co., coke for steam roller Wunderlich & Wiederholt. horse shoeing for fire dept. Collings & Pflffner, horse shoeing for fire dept. Lear & Kennedy, horse shoeing for fire and road dept. Lagen & Sullivan. horse shoeing for fire and road dept. A E. Bradley, mounting flre dept. Schaeffer Bros. & Powell supplies for fire dent. G. F. Thorman, sunplies for lire dept. Jno. Butt, repairs for fire dept. Geo. Bock. repairs for fire dept J. Kriebs, 1 dozen line snaps for flre dept. Martin, Strelau Co.. 1 cord of edg- ings for fire dept. llumpf, Frudden Lumber Co., lum- ber for fire dept. Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs for fire dept. Ernsdorff Buggy Co., for chief's buggy T. Connolly, repairs on Hose Wag- ons and Hook and Ladder Truck '3,3 75 McClain Bros., salt and bran for 2 90 Fire department J. Newman & Sons, repairs for Fire 7 department 50 T. F. Kane, hay and oats for Fire 178 55 department Ott, Meurer & Co., shavings for 5 Fire department 00 E. E. Frith, neatsfoot oil for Fire 9 00 department Farley-Loetscher Mfg. Co., Co., lumber for Fire department 2 30 H. J. Hagerty, veterinary services 1010 for Fire department G. W. Healey & Son, hardware for 1 Fire department 50 F. Roehl, hardware for Fire de- partment Even & Fuchs, 'Fi cord of wood for 3 Fire department 25 L. J. Schmitt, hardware for Fire 145 department Butt Bros., 1 new exercising cart 48 00 for Fire department Key City Roofing Co., sewer pipe for Fire, Road and Expense depart- 70 depart- ments 22 24 00 10 00 steam 17 40 00 2 50 6 25 52 40 5 38 7 25 2 05 maps for Mfg. Co.. buggy top 9 35 5 00 78 25 24 25 5 00 1550 3 25 13 25 4 00 3 13 5 05 2 90 1 50 60 4 00 42 60 1 00 10 50 Key City Gas Co., coal and coke for 55 Fire department Key City Gas Co., arc lights Central 3 50 Engine house and armory A. Grandview Avenue new for Engine 5 00 house Jos. J. Rowan, 9 hats for Police 10 35 de- partment lies for Moore & Ferning supe2 50 Ma- tron's department Jas. Levi & Co., linoleum for Ma- tron's department .................. H. J. Hagerty, veterinary services T. F. Kane, hay and oats for Pa6 40 for Patrol Team ..••••.. 13 85 Pat Team horse shoeing Collings & Pflffner, 1100 for Patrol Team ................. T. J. Mulgrew, cement for Sewer 178 Regular Session July 2, 1903. department 4 25 Globe -Journal, official printing for June 60 00 The Times, official printing for June 16 00 Dubuque Telegraph -Herald, official 50 00 printing for June National Demokrat, official printing for June 26 00 Union Electric Co., arc lights for 2045 77 June Linehan & Molo, sewer pipe for gar- bage dump.... so Jno. Butt, repairs for Sprinkling department J. Newman & Son, repairs for Sprinkling department Austin -Western Co., 2 new Sprink- ling Wagons Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., 2 pairs hip boots for Bee Branch 9 00 sewer P. Eisbach, estimate on Bee Branch 469 25 sewer Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber for Side- walk department 12 05 Geo. W. Healey & Son, nails for 10 65 Sidewalk department Dubuque Woodenware & Lumber Co., lumber for Sidewalk depart- ment 29 05 O'Farrell & Street, estimate on 15th 644 22 street sewer J. Noonan & Co., final estimate for sanitary sewer in alley between Rhomberg and Garfield Avenues from Johnson to Middle Avenues25 00 Jas. Noonan & Co., estimate for improving alley between Francis and Valeria streets from Hart street to Kauffman Avenue 92 41 Brown & brown, improving Lang- worthy Avenue from Hill to South Alpine streets 1436 16 4 50 9 25 The following bills were ordered re- ferred: A. R. Staufenbeil, taking care of Town Clock, from Dec. 1st, 02, to June 1st, 03 $ 49 95 A. R. Staufenbell, repairing clocks at City Hall 160 Dan Sheehan, grubbing out stumps at Washington Park 4 00 On motion both bills were referred to the committee on Public Grounds and Buildings. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. Petition of Jos. Straub et al., asking that Broadway Extension from Gay to Putnam streets be improved. On motion of Alderman Frith was re- ferred to committee on Streets and City Engineer. Petition of The Metz Mfg. Co., by L. F. Metz, secretary, asking that the sanitary sewer in alley between liRszasiskot:441nd Elm streets be extended easterly to their plant. On motion was referred to the Sewer commi ttee. Petition of Rev. A. Boeding, asking that a sanitary sewer be ordered constructed from present sewer in White Street to a point 100 feet west of the westerly lade of Cooler Avenue on 26th Street at his Own expense. Also petition of F. N. Russo. asking for permission to connect with sanitary sewer situated on west side of Kniest street op- posite his premises. On motion both petitions were referred to the Sewer committee and City Engineer with power. The following petitions were referred to the Delinquent Tax Committee: Petition of Helen May, asking for tho cancellation of her taxes on lot No. 106, Union Add., for the year 1902. Also petition of I. J. Cheetham, asking that the taxes of the B. Cheetham Est., be ordered canceled for the year 1902. Also petition of Mrs. Cath. Loibl, ask- ing that her taxes on lot No. 206, Ham's Add., be ordered canceled for the year 1502. Also petition of Jno. Wybrant, asking for the exemption of his homestead from taxation to the amount of $800.00 on the assessed valuation of the same for the year 1902. Petition of Haney -Campbell Company, by A. R. Allen, Supt., asking that their taxes be remitted according to resolution passed June 1st, 1896. On motion was referred to Board of Equalization. Petition of A. A. Cooper, Jr., asking that his personal taxes on moneys and credits amounting to $25,000 be ordered canceled. On motion was referred to the Board of Equalization. Claim of Jno. Corrigan, claiming the sum of $2,000.00 for personal injuries sus- tained while driving through South Street On motion was referred to the Commit- tee on Claims and City Attorney. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Treasurer Brinkman reported as follows: To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—Below you will find state- ment of amounts advanced by me dur- ing the month of June. 1903, for which please order warrants drawn in my favor: Excavation permits redeemed $135.00 Interest on warrants outstanding427.02 Freight charges, Sprinkling Dept30.00 Freight charges, Fire Dept 1.06 Exchange, "New York" .45 Balance on horse trade, "Police" 75.00 $668.52 Library orders paid 596.66 Respectfully, H. BRINKMAN, Treasurer On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the var- ious amounts and the report referred back to the Committee on Finance. City Auditor Hoffman reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: Herewith find my report for the month of June, 1903, showing the receipts and disbursements for the month: Cash on hand June 1st, 1903 $64,860.30 Receipts from all sources 7,812.91 $72,673.21 DISBURSEMENTS. $17,089.21 Coupons redeemed 1,176.26 11,340.00 20,000.00 $19.60i.46 Cash on hand July lst, 1903 $23,067.75 The above cash balance includes tate Improvement Bond Fund. improvement Rnnd Interest Fund, Improvement Fund, Water Works and Library Fund Bal- ances. Warrants redeemed W. W. coupons redeemed W. W. bonds redeemed I Regular Session July 2, 1903. 179 Also report that there is due the City Officers for the month of June, 1903, $2,588.45. Also the following is a record of all Interest Coupons redeemed by Treasurer for the past month: Improvemnt Bond Coupons $ 763.75 Water Works Coupons $11,340.00 Regular Bond Coupons 0 2 62.500 Water Works Bonds redeemed $20,000.00 The following list shows the Appropria- tions and the amount of Warrants drawn on each Fund since the beginning of the fiscal year beginning March 1st, 1903, to July 1st, 1903: Appropriation. Expended. Expense $40,000 $ 9,664.46 Road 38,000 17,549.15 Fire 38.000 8.750.97 Police 28.000 6.252.511 Sewerage 5.000 1,295.05 Printing 2,000 405.00 Engineer 3.500 658.15 Gas and Light 25.000 6,104.93 Interest 43,000 Board of Health 6,000 736.75 Grading 4,000 353.05 Bee Branch 7,000 632.05 Special Bonded Paving • 2,53 50 1,349.00 Judgment Sprinkling, First district800 251.90 Sprinkling, Second district 1.500 349.65 Sprinkling, Third district 1,500 327.45 Sprinkling,Fourth district 1,200 184.75 Sprinkling, Fifth district. 1,400 361.90 Special Bonded Debt In- terest 4,000 Mt. Carmel Ave. Grad - 1.000 3.50 ing Sidewalk Repairing 1,000 198.85 Special Sewer Fund 2,500 Grading Bluff Street Ex - 1,000 8.90 tension Total Appropriation $260,900 Respectfully, F. B. HOFFMAN, Auditor. On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay city of- ficers, and the report referred back to the Committee on Finance. from the Union Electric Co's. bill for the month of June, 1903, the amount of $6.48. Chief of Police Morgan reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit the Po- lice report for the month of June, 1903: Total arrests for the month Patrol runs for the month Miles traveled for the month Residents arrested for the month Doors found open for the month Lodgers harbored for the month Defective lights for the month 24 Meals furnished for the month .. 62 Cost of food for the month $ 12 40 Poundmaster's receipts for month8 00 Fines. City Ordinance cases 20 00 Also the pay roll for Policemen for the month of June, 1903: Amount due Policemen $2,030.70 Respectfully submitted, EDW. MORGAN, Chief of Police. On motion the report and pay roll were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay policemen, and the report referred back to the Committee on Police. Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen—I herewith submit my pay roll for the Fire Department for the month of June, 1903: Amount due Firemen $2.223.50 JOSEPH REINFRIED, MATT CLANCY, Chairman Committee on Fire. On motion the pay roll was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay Firemen, and the report referred back to the Com- mittee on Fire. City Electrician Hipman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: re- port herewith suinbit my port of defective lights for the month of June, 1903. I find from the reports of the Police Department that the total hours that 24 lamps failed to burn would equal 1 1-6 lamps for one month or $6.48. Respectfully submitted, WILLIl City Electrician. On motion the report was received and the City Auditor instructed to deduct 83 76 155 37 20 25 City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on streets for the last half of June, 1903: Amount due laborers on streets....$1,551.18 Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved: E. E. FRITH, Chairman Committee on Streets. JOSEPH L. HORR, JOHN J. SHERIDAN. Also submit my pay roll for labor on sewers during the last half of June, 1903: Amount due laborers on sewers $177.00 Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved: JOHN J. SHERIDAN, Chairman Committee on Sewers. JOSEPH L. HORR. HUGH CORRANCE. Also submit my pay roll for teams haul- ing sprinkling wagons during the last half ot June, 1903: Amount due teamsters $384.00 Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. ROYCE, City Engineer. Approved: GEO. N. RAYMOND, Chairman Committee on Paving, Sweep- ing and Sprinkling. JOSEPH L. HORR. MATT. CLANCY. Also submit mY pay roll for labor on Bluff Street Extension for the last half ot June, 1903: $175.40 Amount due laborers Respectfully submitted, H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved: E. E. FRITH, Chirman Committee on Streets. JOSEPH L. HORR. JOHN J. SHERIDAN. On motion the pay rolls for streets, sewers. sprinkling wagons and labor on Bluff Street Extension were received and 180 Regular Session July 2, 1903. warrants ordered drawn to pay the var- ious amounts, and the pay rolls referred back to the proper committees. City Engineer Boyce also presented a statement showing amounts due for ma- cadam July 1st, 1903. Total amount, $267.55. Ald. Sheridan moved that warrants be of dered drawn for the various amounts. Carried. City Engineer Eoyce reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—Herewith please find at- tached profile of Grace Street from the west line of the sub -division of lot 7, Ann O'Hara's Sub.. to East Street. Respectfully submitted, JAS. H. BOYCE, City Engineer. On motion of Ald. Corrance was referred to the Ordinance committee. Also herewith attached please find plat showing proposed vacation of that part of Hempstead Street lying south of Leib- nitz Street abutting lot 94. Mechanic's Add. and lots 20 and 21 in Buseman's Sub. Respectfully submitted, JAS. H. BOYCE. City Engineer. Aid. Horr moved that the plat be ap- proved and properly recorded, then be referred to the Ordinance committee and they be instructed to draft an Ordinance vacating said street. Carried. Also attached please find plat showing proposed extension of alley between Washington and Jackson Streets to its in- tersection with Twenty-seventh Street, also the proposed extension of Washing- ton Street to its intersection with Twenty- seventh Street; proper notices were serv- ed on the respective property owners. Respectfully submitted, JAS. H. BOYCE, City Engineer. On motion of Ald. Sheridan the plat was referred to the committee on Streets. Also attached please find plans of . two (2) cisterns; one (1) at the intersection of Sabula and Muscatine Streets, and one (1) at the intersection of Fulton and Mon- roe Streets. Cisterns to have masonry walls, brick arches, and concrete botttoms. Estimated cost $325.00 each. Respectfully submitted, JAS. H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Ald. Clancy moved that the plat be ap- proved and the Recorder instructed to ad- vertise for bids. Carried. Sidewalk Inspector Crawford reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—On account of erroneous as- sessments for repairing sidewalks, I peti- tion for the cancellation of the following: M. Fenton, Levi's .Add., lot 9, levied Feb. 9, 1900 $ Eliz. Acker, Sub. 2 of 2 of 7 of Min lot 159, lot 1, levied July 10, 1902 F. Kennicker, City N 1-5, lot 452, levied March 19, 1903 SNOW CLEANING. Cath. Sullivan, City lots 535a and 536, levied March 19, 1903 $ 45 Respectfully submitted, A. CRAWFORD, Sidewalk Inspector. 1 70 60 45 Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the report and the Treasurer be instructed to cancel the same. Carried. City Atttm'ney Barnes reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Dubuque. Gentlemen:—In February, 1903, several cases were started by the parties named 1•elow, before F. Carney, justice of the peace, in amounts ranging from $16.50. to $3i.00 and being claimed by them for back salary as policemen and firemen that had teen withheld by the City of Dubuque. Demurrers v:ere filed in each of the cases before the Justice of the peace and the same were by him overruled and judg- ment entered in each of the cases togeth- er with the costs. A writ of error was taken to the district court in each of the cases and on the Rth clay of June. 1903, the district court affirmed the action of said justice of the peace. Below you will find a list of said claim- ants together with the amount of the judgments, including interest and costs. I recommend that a warrant be drawn in favor of the Mayor for the sum of $232.40 cn the judgment fund with instruction that he apply the same in payment of the said judgments in the district court. John Tierney— Judgment $16 50 Interest 3 21 Costs 14 25 Total $33 96 James Rooney— Judgment $25 00 Interest 8 13 Costs 13 05 Total $46 18 Nicholas Brandt— Judgment $33 00 Interest 8 91 Costs 13 05 Total $54 96 I3en Busse— Judgment $25 00 Interest 4 37 Costs 13 05 Total $42 42 Phil J. Dunphy— Judgment $33 00 Interest 8 83 Costs 13 05 Total $54 88 Total $232. 40 Attached hereto find statements of said judgments issued by the clerk of the dis- trict court. Respectfully submitted, G. A. BARNES, City Attorney. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report and that a warrant be drawn in favor of the Mayor to pay the judgment and court costs in said suit. Carried. City Recorder Arendt presented and read right of way notice which was properly served and accepted by Herm. Buseman, vacating that part of Hempstead street lying south of Leibnitz street, also waiv- er of notice of The Knapp Stout & Co. Company, waiving notice of the applica- tion vacating that part of Hempstead street lying south of Leibnitz street. On motion the notice and waiver were. 'received and filed. M Regular Session July 2, 1903. City Recorder Arendt also presented and read the printed notice, certified to by the publisher, of the Council's inten- tion to levy a special assessment against the different named property owners for repairing sidewalks for the month of May, 1903: No remonstrance being filed, the Mayor asked if anyone present had any objec- tion to said Special Assessment. No objection being stated, on motion the notice was received and filed. Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the fol- lowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for repair- ing sidewalks during the month of May, 1903, by City, in front of and adjoining the same, a Special Tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of Lots, and Parcels of Real Estate herein- after named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Special assessment submitted and passed July 2nd, 1903. May 1-J. W. Kintzinger, Sub. 3 of of Min. Lot 91, lot 4, 10 ft. lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25 May 1 -Leathers & Trewin, Julia Langworthy's Add., lot 8, 7 ft. lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c May 1-F. L. Poole, Julia Lang - worthy's Add., lot 7, 7. ft. lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c May 2 -Minnie and M. A. Kemler, Ann O'Hare's Sub., lot 4, 12 ft. lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c May 2 -Church (Christian Science), Hodge's Sub.. lot 11, 5 ft. lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c May 2-A. W. Kemler Est., Morheis- er's Sub., lots 1-2, 49 ft. lumber, $1.00; 1 hour labor, 50c Slay 4 -Matilda Specht, Marsh's Add., lot 41, 13 ft. lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c May 4 -Mrs. E. Mellen, Sub. City 684, lot 2, 32 ft. lumber, 65c: 3-4 hour labor, 40c May 5-E. Langworthy Est.. Pauline Langworthy's Sub., lots 5-6. 33 ft lumber, G5c; 1 hour labor, 50c May 5-M. D. Guux, E. Langwor- thy's Add., lots 51, 5 ft. lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c May 7 -Fred Miller Brewing Co Mcrraney's 1st Add., 9 W 1.2. lot 56, 8 ft. lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c May 8-Jno. J. Keane, City, lot 607, 28 ft. lumher, 55c; 1 hour labor. 60c May 9 -Wm. McGrath Est., Sub. Min. Lot 93b, lot 1, 16 ft. lumber, 30e; 1-2 hour labor, 25c May 9 -Anthony Siege, Wood's Add, lot 82, 5 ft. lumber, 100; 1-2 hour labor, 26c May 9-M. J. McCullough, Fairview Sub., lot 13, 59 ft. lumber, $1.20; 1 hour labor, 50c May 12 -Sarah Lewis, Levens' Add lot 32, 10 ft. lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c May 12 -Jas. J. Lynn, Buettell's Sub., lot 9, 32 ft. lumber, 65c; 1 hour labor, 50c May 13 -Chicago Great Western RY Co., Smedley's Sub., lot 2, 52 ft. lumber, $1.05; 1 1-2 hours' labor, 1 80 750 May 14 -Theo. Trieloff, Sub. 39, 40, 41. Simpson's Add., lots 5-6, 21 ft. lum- ber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c .. May 14 -Sarah J. Bothwell, Sub. Min. Lot 158, lot 8, 22 ft. lumber, 45 40 40 50 35 1 50 50 1 05 1 15 40 1 05 55 35 1 70 45c; 1-2 hour labor, 26c May 14-C D. Scott, G. W. Rodger's Sub., lot 12, 10 fl. lumher, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c May 15-J. J. Nagle. Sub. Min. Lot 39, lot 62, 10 ft. lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c May 15 -Mrs. P. Kennedy, Stout's Add.. lot 5, 125 ft. lumber, $2.50; 1 hour's labor, 60c 3 00 May 15-Jno. Macdonald, McNulty's Sub., S 89 ft. lot 2, 22 ft. lumber, 45c; 1 hour's labor, 50c May 15--J. H. Simplot, Min. Lot 83, 8 ft. lumber, 150; 1-2 hour labor, 26c May 15-W. and F. A. Coates, Mar- tin's. Dubuque, lot 3, 42 ft. lum- ber, 85c; 1 hour labor. 50c 135 May 15 -Eliz. Taylor. Cain's Sub., lot 4, 8 ft. lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c May 15 -Cath. McCann, Pauline Langworthy's Sub., lot 11, 3 ft. lumber, 5c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c May 1G -German Pres. College, Sub City 675, lot 7, 12 ft. lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c May 16 -John Olinger, Boulevard Add.. lots 21, 22, 23, 24, 54 ft. lum- ber, $1.10; 1 1-2 hours' labor, 75c185 May 18-J. H. Jecklin Est.. Sub. 1 of 143. L. H. Langworthy's Add., lot 1, 72 ft lumber, $1.45; 1 1-2 hours' labor, 75c 2 20 May 18-N. J. Loes, Cook's Add., lot 32, 40 ft. lumher, 80c; 1 hours' labor 50c 1 30 May 19-H. Wunderlich, Fortune's Sub., lot 15, 16 ft. lumher, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c May 19 -Chas. E. Wales, Prospect UM Add., lot 29, 8 ft. lumher, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 40 May 19-C. II. Eighmey, Sub. 2 of 8 of Min. Lot 159, 9 1-2, lot 1, 18 ft. lumber, 35c; 3-4 hour labor. 40c May 19 -Wm. Reche Est.. Reche's Sub. No. 2, lot 17, 33 ft. lumber, 65c; 1 1-2 hours labor, 75c 140 May 19 -John Deery, City, W. 50 ft, lot 608, 13 ft. lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c trustee, May 20-C. H. Eighmey. City, lot 510. 39 ft. lumber, 80c; 1 hour labor. 50c 13i6 May 20 -Mary McDonnell, Sub. City 601, lot 3, 8 ft. lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c May 22-R. & E. Langworthy Est., Glendale Add., lot 153, 17 ft. lum- ber, 35c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c May 23 -Catholic University of Washington et al., A. McDaniel's Sub., lots 820-821, 40 ft. lumber, 80c; 1 hour labor, 50c May 23 -John Pier, City, S. 1-2, lot 362, 16 ft. lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c.... May thys3Add.nlot 86, 7n ft.Eumbe,15c; 1-2 hour labor, 250 May 25 -Kate Lundbeck, Cox's Add, E. 24 ft., lot 22, 43 ft. lumber, 85c; 1-2 hour labor, 50c May 7 ft. lu lumbG. er, Cox's -2 hour Add., lbor 25c Glendale May 26 -Thos. O'Brien, Add., lot 158, 40 ft. lumber, 80c; 3-4 hour labor, 40c Mub ay 7720,no. lotS1, 34r a ft..lumber,.70c; 1 hour labor, 50c May 27-A. J. Schenker, Glendale Add., N. 1-2, lot 231, 12 ft. lumber, 25c; 1.2 hour labor, 25c 45 1 15 65 181 70 45 45 95 40 40 39 50 55 75 50 40 60 1 80 55 40 1 30 40 1 20 1 20 50 182 Regular Session July 2, 1903. May 29—John and Emma Kenney, City, lot 674 A, 17 -ft. lumber, 35c35 May 29—John J. Keane, City, lots 697-726, 86 ft. lumber, $1.70; 1 1-2 hours labor, 75c May 29—C. H. Reynolds, Milligan's Sub., lot 4, 7 ft. lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c May s Add ot1len 14, 10 ft. lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c May 28—R. & E. Langworthy Est, Glendale Add., lots 223-224, 40 ft lumber, 80c; 1 hour labor, 50c 1 30 Total 846 30 Aid. Frith moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the following eas—Alda. Clancy,Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. 245 40 45 City Recorder Arendt also presented and read the printed notice of Special Assess- ment to b[ary A. Alexander for construct- ing a new sidewalk in front of her prop- erty during the month of May, 1903. No remonstrance being filed, the Mayor asked if anyone present had any objection to said Special Assessment. No objection being stated, the notice on motion was re- ceived and filed. Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the fol- lowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for constructing a 4 -foot plank sidewalk abutting Lot 09, E. Langworthy's Add., by Henry J. Neu- woehner, Contractor, in front of and ad- joining the same, a Special Tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate herein- after named, situated and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Special Assessment submitted and passed July 2nd, 1903. Owner. Description. Mary A. Alexander, E. Langworthy's Add., lot 69, 98 lin. ft. at 29c per ft..828 42 Ald. Frith moved •to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. City Recorder Arendt also presented and read the printed notice, certified to by the publisher, of the Council's intention to levy a Special Assessment against Mary L. Bunting, for constructing a new side- walk in front of her property during the month of May, 1903. No remonstrance being filed, the Mayor asked if anyone present had any objection to said Special Assessment. No objection being stated, the notice was on motion re- ceived and filed. Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the fol- lowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for con- structing a 6 -foot plank sidewalk abutting Glendale Add., lots 82 and 83, by Henry J. Neuwoehner, Contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a Special Tax be and Is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situated ai:d owned, and for the several amounts set opposite tach lot or parcel cf real estate, as fol- lows: Special Assessment submitted and passed July 2nd, 1903. Owner. Description. Mary L. Bunting, Glendale Add., lots 82-S4, 100 lin. ft. at 42e per ft....$42 00 Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alis. Clancy, Corrance, Frith. Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Mayor Berg presented and read the fol- lowing communications: St. Paul, Minn.. June 19. 1903. Hon. C. H. Berg, Mayor, Dubuque, Iowa: Dear Sir:—The C. G. W. R'y. owns and operates railway tracks through the streets of twenty-five or more cities which have extensive systems of sewers which cross under the railway tracks in a good many places. Dubuque is the only one where the idea seems to prevail that the C., G. W. R'y. ought to construct at its own expense that part of the public sewer which lies under the Railway Company's tracks. In other cities the only thing we are required to do when the city is about to construct a sewer is to have some one connected with the Railway Company look after our track and trains so that no accident will happen. Dubuque, among all these cities, is in some respects absolutely the most success- ful. During 1894 and 1895. when other cities were making no growth and had dif- ficulty to take care of their unemployed labor, Dubuque, I am told, constructed more buildings, more miles of pavement and more improvements, public and pri- vate, than at any other time in her his- tory. Now the C. G. W. R'y. does not wish to escape one dollar of its just apportion- ment of taxes or other obligations to the communities through which it passes and upon which it is dependent for its patron- age. Neither does it wish to be in a continual quarrel with .Dubuque or any other city. In view of the facts, before we under- take to compromise or otherwise dispose of this difference of opinion, I would like to be informed fully as to the reasons why your city government takes the posi- tion that we should construct the sewers under our own tracks when other cities do not take that position. Yours truly, S. C. STICKNEY, General Manager. Dubuque, Iowa, June 20, 1903. Samuel C. Stickney, Gen. Mgr. C. G. W'n. Railway Co., • St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: Your favor of June 19th was duly received and I have carefully noted the contents. In answer to your inquiry why we take the position that your com- pany should construct the sewer under your tracks at your expense, when other cities do not take that position, will say: that I am not prepared to say what the law provides with regard to the construc- tion of drains in cities of Iowa not act- ing under special charter, as I have given that question no examination. But I call your attention to the fact that Dubuque is a city acting under a special charter and that Section 964 of the Code of Iowa relating to such cities provides: "Such cities shall have the power to order any railway or street railway to construct and maintain under the direction and subject to the approval of the City Engineer, culverts and drains across its right of Regular Session July 2, 1903. 183 way to any street, alley, highway or other place as such council may deem necessary, and if any railway or street railway company neglect or refuse, for more than thirty (30) days' after such notice, as may be prescribed by resolution, to comply with the requirements of any such order, the city may construct such culvert or drain and recover the cost thereof from such company." If you are not familiar with this statute perhaps it on the situmay situation. The hother row s railway compome light an- ies whose tracks pass through the City of Dubuque and whose tracks are sit- uated similarly to yours, and whose lines undoubtedly pass through other cities re- quiring culverts and drains, as yours does, recognize the force of this law and co-operate with the city in constructing such culverts and drains as are necessary for the purpose of drainage. and recog- nize that their property is protected and benefited by their construction. This law seems to us to be entirely equitable and just because each company should have the right of constructing its own work under its right of way; and for the fur- ther reason that the part of the culvert or drain under the railway company's tracks in many cases should be of an en- tirely different construction from that of the balance of the sewer, and for these reasons the law is made, as we under- stand it, so that the railway company may do its own work if it desires, but cannot hinder the construction of proper systems of drainage. The C., M. & St. P. Railway Company recognizing the necessity for this partic- ular culvert, and recognizing its legal liability to construct it, has intimated its intention of building its part of this culvert and has the material on the ground for its construction, and if you are sincere in your statement that you do not wish to escape one dollar of your just appor- tionment of taxes or other obligations to this community, then I would ask you to co-operate with the C., M. & St. P. Rail- way Company and place a suitable culvert under your right of way and that at once, because if • the balance of this sewer is constructed and there is no outlet at beur right dam damage otoway yourthere cannot property. Thecon- tract for the balance of the sewer is let and we are waiting upon the C. G. W. Railway Company. desiring an amicable agreement if possible. Trusting that you will take prompt ac- tion in this matter, in order that the work may not be unnecessarily delayed, I re- main Rea C. BRG,r H. ]Mayor. titled hereafter in case any such work comes up so that we will have time to take the matter up thoroughly with the City Attorney to see if we can arrive at a decision as to exactly what this law does mean. Yours truly, S. C. STICKNEY, General Manager. Ald. Clancy moved that the communi- cations be inserted in the Council Pro- ceedings. Carried. St. Paul, Minn., June 23, 1903. Mr. C. H. Berg, Mayor, Dubuque, Iowa. Dear Sir: Your favor of the 20th at hand. The law you quote mentions "cul- verts and drains." We did not construe this to mean sewers. We thought we had constrneted such culverts as were neces- sary and construed drains to mean the same as culverts except that they might be open culverts or such small structures as would hardly deserve the name of cul- vert. It seems that you construe culverts and drains to cover such a case as the one in question and in as much as the cost is not very great. we have decided to go ahead and do this work at once. We do not wish this to establish a prec- edent, however, and would like to be no- Ald. Jones moved to open bids for the improvement of Grace street. Carried. Bids as follows: McNamara & Co.— 17c Grading, per cubic yard 17c Curbing, per lineal foot 43c Guttering, per square yard Macadamizing, per square yard 50c Frank A. Burns— 19 zc Grading, per cubic yard 500 Curbing, per lineal foot Guttering. per square square yard rdard 48c 54c Macadamizing, per O'Farrell & Street— 20c Grading, per cubic yard c Curbing. per lineal foot 20 47 Guttering, per square yard 50c Macadamizing, per square yard 550 Brown & Brown— 20c Grading, per cubic yard 60c Curbing, per lineal foot0c Guttering, per square yard 6 60c Macadamizing. per square yard On motion the bids were referred to the City Engineer for computation: REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Frith, chairman of the Ordinance committee, reported as followh: Your Committee on Ordinances, to whom was posed sedreferred change theofgrade on the Halley pbe- tween Garfield and Rhomberg Avenues, from Kniest Street to Johnson Avenue. would recommend that the grade of said alley be adopted in accordance with the change shown in the profile. and that said grade be properly estahlieeted by ordi- nance E. E. FRITH, Chairman. Aid. Frith moved to adopt the report. Carried. Ald. Frith presented and read an Ordi- nance y bet seenestablishing Garfield and Rhomberg Avenues, from Kniest Street to Johnson Avenue, and moved that the reading Just had be considered the first reading. Carried. Ald. Frith moved to suspend the rules for the dinance by itstitlerOr for the second time. Carried lw the following vote: Corrance, Frith, Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. The Ordinance was then read by its title the second time. Ald. Frith moved that the Ordinnneo be now adopted as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy. Corrance. Frith, Horr, Jones. Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. The Mayor declared the Ordinance ad- opted. The Ordinance follows: AN ORT)TNANC,E. AN ORT)TNANT"F ESTAPT.TSTIT' 'rrTH GRATF OF TETE ALT.T ' T1111TWFTrN GARFIELD AND RHOMBERG AVE- 184 Regular Session July 2, 1903. NUES, FROM KNIEST STREET TO JOHNSON AVENUE. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That the grade of the alley between Garfield and Rhomberg Avenues, from Kniest Street to Johnson Avenue, be established and described as follows: Be- ginning at the north curb line of Kniest Street, which is station 12, elevation 20.7; thence station 0.0, which is the north line of Kniest Street; thence northwesterly to station 3x77, elevation 28.6; thence to sta- tion 4x39.5, which is the south curb of Johnson Avenue, elevation 28.6. Section 2. This Ordinance to be in force and take effect from and after its pas- sage by the City Council and its publi- cation one time in the Dubuque Globe - Journal newspaper. Adopted , 1903. Approved Attest: City Recorder. Mayor. Md. Frith also presented and read an Orainance vacating part of Hempstead Street, lying south of Leibnitz Street and moved that the reading just had be con- sidered its first reading. Carried. Ald. Frith moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of reading the ordinance by its title the second time. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alas. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. The Ordinance was then read by its title the second time. Ald. Frith moved that the Ordinance be now adopted as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. The Mayor declared the Ordinance ad- opted. The Ordinance follows: AN ORDINANCE VACATING PART OF HEMPSTEAD STREET, LYING SOUTH OF LEIBNITZ STREET. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That all that part of Hemp- stead Street lying south of Leibnitz Street be and the same is hereby vacated and an- nulled and is hereby abandoned as a Street or part of a Street, anything in the Ordi- nances of the City to the contrary, not- withstanding. Section 2. This Ordinance shall take ef• feet from and after its passage and pub- lication one time in the Dubuque Globe - Journal newspaper. Adopted , 1903. Approved Attest• City Recorder. Mayor. Ald. Frith also presented and read an Ordinance establishing the grade on Grace Street, from the west line of the Subdi- vision of lot No. 7, Ann O'Hare's Sub., to East Street, and moved that the read- ing just had be considered its first read- ing. Carried. Ald. Frith moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of reading the Ordinance by its title the second time. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy. Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. The Ordinance was then read by its title the second time. Ald. Frith moved that the Ordinance be now adopted as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones. Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. The Mayor declared the Ordinance adopted. The Ordinance follows: AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE GRADE OF GRACE STREET FROM THE WEST LINE OF THE SUBDI- VISION OF LOT 7. ANN O'HARE'S SUB. TO EAST STREET. Be it Ordianed by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That the grade of Grace Street from the west line of the sub -di- vision of lot 7. Ann O'Hare's Sub. to East Street, be established and described as follows: Beginning at the northwest curb of Hall and Grace Streets, which is sta- tion 42, elevation 275.14, thence westerly on a curve grade to station x18. elevation 273.3, end of curve grade, thence westerly to station 2x43. elevation 296.0, beginning of curve grade. thence westerly on a curve to station 5x20, elevation 300.2, end of curve, thence westerly to station 6x50. elevation 295.0, thence westerly to center of East Street. Sec. 2. This ordinance to be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Globe -Journal newspaper. Adopted 1903. Approved: Attest: Mayor. City Recorder. Ald. Frith, chairman of the committee on Streets, reported as follows: Your committee on Streets would re- spectfully report that we have considered it advisable to substitute a steam pump for the injectors on the steam roller, and have been notified by the Kelly -Springfield Road Roller company that they are will- ing to pay $12.50 towards defraying the cost of same. We would respectfully recommend that their offer be accepted. and the company be notified to remit the above amount. Also, your committee an Streets would respectfully recommend that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare plans for the re -construc- tion of Fifth Street showing a raise in said street of one foot at the north- west corner of the alley first east of Main Street and running out to nothing at said Main Street. Also. your committee on Streets, to whom were referred the petitions of F. Remus and W. Lewin et al., asking that an alley abutting the property of said F. Remus be improved, would recommend that the prayer of the petitioners be granted. Provided, that all abutting property owners on said alley sign an agreement that they will make no object - tion to the assessment for doing the work. nor to any irregularity or illegality o,f said assessment or levy, and also agree,to pay their assessments when due. Regular Session July 2, 1903. 185 Also. your committee on Streets, to whom was referred the petition of F. W. Brunkow et al., asking that the grade be established on Lawther Avenue, one block west of Burden Avenue and also that the same be graded, would recom- mend that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare a profile showing a proposed grade on said avenue and submit the same to the City Council at its next session. We would further recommend that the grading prayed for in said petition be de- ferred until the complete improvement of said avenue is desired. E E. FRITH, Chairman. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report of the Street committee. Carried. Ald. Raymond of the Harbor Committee moved that the matter of improving the east end of Lincoln Avenue at the river be referred to the Street Committee and City Engineer. Carried. lay over until next meeting of the Coun- cil. Carried. City Engineer Boyce reported bids of Grace Streets as follows: BIDS IN TOTAL. McNamara & Co. F. A. Burns O'Farrell & Street Brown & Brown Ald. Clancy moved to award the con- tract to McNamara & Co., they being the lowest bidders, provided the Council can legally improve said street; also that the bond be fixed at $500.00. Carried. on the $3,180.49 3,570.97 3,578.52 4.024.72 Ald. Clancy, chairman or the Commit- tee on Fire, moved that the matter of heating the Grandview Avenue Engine House be referred to the COmmittee on Public Grounds and Buildings. Carried. Ald. Sheridan, chairman of the Police and Light Committee, stated that the committee had made a change in the pa- trol team and traded one of the horses and $75.00 in cash for another horse in or- der to of Ald. Horr the action onm, and f the committee was approved. Ald. Horr, chairman of the Board of Equalization, reported as follows: Your Board of Equalization, to whom was referred the petition of Mrs. Louise Schwartz, stating that Lots 7 and 9 in Sub.Marsh's Dubuque 6 and Lot 6a of Quigley'sSub of Outin - lot 711 were sold for the tax of 1901, and asking that said lots be redeemed by the city, and that all taxes against the same be canceled, would recommend that said petition be receive JOand filed. SEPH z. HORR, Chairman. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report. Carried. Ald. Horr moved that the action of the City Council taken at its regular session held on the 18th day of June, 1906, by which the action of the City Council taken d of its regular 19011, sessin awardingl then the th day contract for the construction of a storm water sewer in Sixteenth Street to O'Farrell & Street, was reconsidered, be reconsidered. Car- ried. Ald. Horr also moved hat the Mayor be instructed to sign the contract for the construction of a tile pipe storm water sewer in Sixteenth Street, awarded to O'Farrell & Street at the regular session of the Council held on the 4th day of June, 1903. Carried. Aid. Frith brought the matter of im- proving Fulton and Monroe Streets, whereupon Aid. Frith moved to suspend thofethe rules abuttingthe of P ope tY owners nersinonssa d Streets. Carried. Messrs. Becke & Ney addressed the Council, urging them to take action on improving said Streets. Aid. Corrance moved that the matter Ald. Horr, chairman of the committee of the Whole, reported as follows: Your committee of the Whole would re- spectfully recommend that the Committee Clerk be instructed to purchase one car load of Galesburg brick. Also, your committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the City Engineer be instructed to pave with brick the two gutters crossing Bluff Street at its intersection with Fourteenth Street. Also, your committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Mrs. Bridget Whittemore, asking that the special assessment levied against Lot No. 83, Union Addition, for the improvement of Holly Street be canceled, would recom- mend that said petition be received and filed. Also, your committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Mrs. Mary Degnan, asking that the city accept one-half of the amount of the special as- sessment levied against Lotsand 00, Union Addition, for the imp o\'ement of Oak Street in full settlement of said as- sessment. would recommend that said pe- tition be received and L. HORR, Chairman. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report of the committee of the Whole. Carried. RESOLUTIONS. Aldetman Raymond offered the follow- ing: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City As- sessor be and he is hereby instructed to include in the assessment for sprinkling purposes, the property abutting on the following named streets or parts there- of subject to such assessment: Southern Avenue, from Dodge Street to Railroad Avenue. West Eleventh Street, from Walnut Street to Highland Place. Highland Place, from West Eleventh Street to Arlington Street. toClark West See enteen h Street. Locust Street Ellis Street, from West Locust Street to Almond Street. Almond Street, from Ellis Street to Foye Street. Diagonal Street, from Couler Avenue to Broadway. Broadway, from Diagonal Street to •Blockltnger Lane. Windsor Avenue, from Eagle Point Ave- nue to Ries Street. Ald. Raymond moved to adopt the res- , olution. Carried. Ald. Clancy offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City 186 Regular Session July 2, 1903. of Dubuque: That a sidewalk twelve (12) feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the north side of Jones Street, between West Main Street and South Locust Street, abutting lot City No. 660, owned by W. J. Burns, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Clancy also offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk four (4) feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brinck, stone or cement, be. within ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid In conformity with the ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks, on the north side of Rush Street, between Mountain 165 feet and Union Street. abutting f lots 194 and 195. in Union Add.. owned by John Specht, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nuys—None. Ald. Frith moved to adjourn until July 16th, 1903. Carried. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Attest: . 4 Approved Recorder 190., ayor Regular Session July 16, 1903. CITY COUNCIL Regular Session July lt:th, (Official.) Council met at 8:15 o'clock P. M. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—.Ads. Clancy, Corrance. Frith, Horr, Jones. Raymond and Sheridan. Absent—None. PN.TITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. Petition of P. H. Dunn In relation to the careless manner of handling rock and stones by men employed by the city that are working on Bluff street extension, was on motion referred to the committee on Streets and City Engineer. Petition of Sylvester J. Patch asking that the City Engineer be instructed to set stakes showing grade of Villa Street, abutting East side of lot 199, Union Add. On motion was referred to the commit- tee on Streets, City Engineer and City Attorney with power. Petition of the Dubuque Benevolent and Humane Society asking permission to add to all drinkinz fountains in the city such appliance, whereby dogs may he enabled to slake their thirst. Ald. Raymond moved to refer the peti- tion to the committee of the Whole. Carried. Petition of the Evening Globe -Journal and Telegraph -Herald asking that they be appointed the official papers of the City, and that they be paid fifty cents (50c) an inch for the publication of the proceedings. and the regular legal rate for publishing legal notices, Ordinances, advertisements, etc. On motion of Ald. Sheridan was referred to the committee of the Whole. 187 Also petition of Maria Tremul01 asking that her taxes be canceled on lot 2 of Sub. 5 in Hughes' Sub. Also petition of \\'m. Blades asking that the Treasurer he instructed to receive taxes on $2,000, as $4,000.00 was transferred to some bank outside of the city. Also petition of the I. O. O. F.. 1lar- mony and Julien lodges, asking that the taxes on lot 638, City, be cancelled for the year 1902. Original Notice, District court. of Jos- eph Vogt vs. City of Dubuque. claiming the sum of 52000.00 as :,ers nial damages sustained by falling into ;on opening , ning on the north side of Julien Avenge, between Alpine and Alta Vista Streets. On motion the Original Netiee was re- ferred to the City Attorney. The following was presented and read: Estirnate of cost of glass and screens broken at the Julien .House (7 mpany June 16th, 1903. by mob, amounting; to $136.65, and on motion was referred to the com- mittee on Claims and City Attorney and they report to the Council. Petition of The Dubuque Wooden Ware & Lumber Co. and thirty-four other sign- ers asking for the continuation of bricx f itsying of termi terminus, alsotetoowidenlnand Avenue deepen the basin on Fifth Avenue near the mouth of Seventh .avenue sewer. Ald. Horr moved to refer the matter to the committee of the. Whole and they to view the grounds. Carried. Communicationo` f T. J. Iduigrew in relation to A. A. Cooper putting in a chi - der walk on the north side of Jones Street from Iowa Street to Levee Front, was on motion referred to the committee of the 'Whole and they to view the grounds. Petition of Mrs. L. McCoy asking. that her homestead described as the west 22 feet of lot 14, Union Add.. be redeemed from secs ent`taxessa}tthat nd 1 may beso to n due cel nlon sub- sequent the same. Ald. Raymond moved to grant the prayer of the petition andas11'e1 be instructed to redeem said property, was sold for taxes of 1901. Carried. The following petitions were referred to the Delinquent Tax committee: Petition of Aug. Rohr asking for the cancellation of his taxes 011 lot 283, East Dubuque Add. No. '. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: -1 herewith submit my pay roll for labor on streets for the first half of July, 1903: Amount due laborers on streets....$1,291.70 Respemitted, ctfully H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved: E. E. FRITH, Chairman Committee on Streets. JOHN J. SHERIDAN. JOSEPH L. HORR, Also submit my pay roll for labor on sewers during the first half of July, Amount due laborers on sewers..... •$154.60 Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved: JOHN J. SHERIDAN, Chairman' Committee on Sewers. JOSEPH L. HORR, HUGH CORRANCE. Also submit my pay roll for teams haul- ing sprinkling wagons durng the first halt of July, 1903:70 00 Amount clue teamsters submitted, Respectfully JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved: GEO. N. RAYMOND, Chairman Committee on Paving, Sweep- ing and Sprinkling. JOSEPH L. HORR, MATT CLANCY. Also submit my pay roll for labor on B1utf Street Extension for the first half of July, 1903:;194.7U .Amount due laborers ...... • • Respectfully submitted, JAMES CE, ity Engineer. Approved: E. E. FRITH, Chairman Ce on Streets. JOSEPH eL. HORR, JOHN J.oSHERIDAN. ll for On motion the pay ts, sewers, sprinkling wagons and labor on Bluff Street Extension were received and i I t k v 188 Regular Session July 16, 1903. warrants ordered drawn to pay the var- ious amounts. and the pay rolls referred back to the proper committees. The following Weighmasters' and Wood - measurers' receipts were referred to the Commttee on Markets: H. J. Tropf, City Hall receipts $20 30 Louisa Pitschner, West Dubuque 19S scale receipts R. Hay, Eighthstreet scale d receipts4 60 First T. Faherty,6 43 re- ceipts H. Moyes, Woodmeasurer's receipts35 F. Carney, justice of the peace for Jt: - lien Township,, reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—Below please find a report of all cases tried by me for the violation of City Ordinances during the month of May, 1903: Total amount of fines collected during the month $75.00, which has been paid into the City Treasury, and the receipts for the same placed in the hands of Chief of Police. Respectfully, FRANK CARNEY. Justice of the Peace. Also below please find report of all cases tried by me for the violation of City Ordinances during the month of June. 1903: Total amount of fines collected during the month. $20.00. which has been paid into the City Treasury. and the receipts for the same placed in the hands of the Chief of Police. Respectfully. FRANK CARNEY, Justice of the Peace. On motion the reports were received and filed. City Assessor C. B. Scherr reported as follows: Tc the honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen—In accordance with your in- structions in regard to the assessment of the J. A. Rhomberg estate. on its lots in Ham's Addition, I herewith submit a schedule showing the raises in the valu- ations made as per your instructions. Said schedule shows a raise of $5.250.00 over the assessment as originally return- ed by me, and which would make a re- duction of $57.75 on the Taxes on said Lots from the amount as fixed by the Board of Equalization, which amount I would recommend the City Treasurer be instructed to deduct from the Taxes of 1902 on the within enumerated lots be- longing to said J. A. Rhomberg estate. Respectfully, C. B. SCHERR, City Assessor. Ald. Sheridan moved that the report be approved, and the Treasurer instructed accordingly. Carried. City Attorney Barnes reported as fol- lows: Dubuque, Iowa, July 16, 1903. To the Honorable Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen—I beg leave to report that in the distribution of the court costs in the cases of Tierney et al, against the City, the same being five cases for back salary for policemen and firemen, which costs were ordered paid at the last regu- lar session of the council, there is the sum of two dollars in each case to the credit of the city upon the cash book in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of this county; said sum of ten dollars having been previously paid by the City at the time the Writs of Error in said cases were filed in the District Court. I would therefore recommend to your honorable body that the Treasurer he in- structed to collect said ten dollars and receipt for the same upon said cash book. and that he be further instructed to place said ten dollars to the credit of the judgment fund. Respectfully submitted. G. A. BARNES. City Attorney. Ald. Sheridan moved that the report be approved. and the Treasurer he in- structed to collect the said amount. Car- ried. The Water Works Trustees reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: Enclosed find report of our receipts and disbursements for the three months ending June 30th, together with a detailed statement of expenditures. Very respectfully, —Dubuque Water Works Trustees. By JOHN ELLWANGER, President. PHILIP F. RYDER, Treasurer and Vice President. J. B. POWERS, Trustee. On motion the report was accepted and a special committee, consisting of Aids. Raymond. Sheridan and Jones, appointed to audit the same. Mayor Berg presented a receipt from the Clerk of the District Court for $232.40 for the judgments, including interest and costs, obtained by the Firemen and Police- men, for hack salary due them, which was paid by the Mayor, according to the in- struction of the Council at its previous meeting. On motion was received and filed. Bids were ordered opened for construct- ing two (2) Cisterns, one at the intersec- tion of Fulton and Monroe streets and one at the intersection of Muscatine and Sabula streets. Bids as follows in total: T. J. Donahue, each Cistern $500.00 Steuck & Linehan, each Cistern523.00 McNamara & Noonan, one Cistern at 597.50 McNamara & Noonan, one Cistern at 602.50 On motion of Ald. Raymond the con- tract was awarded to T. J. Donahue, he being the lowest bidder and the bond fixed at $300.00. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Alb. Frith, chairman of the Ordinance committee, presented and read an Ordi- nance amending an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance in relation to the Licensing and Regulations of various occupations and business, persons, things, exhibitions, games and amusements, and being Chapter 26 of the Revised Ordinance of 1901, and moved that the reading just had be con- sidered the first reading. Carried. Ald. Frith moved that the Ordinance lay over until the next regular meeting of the Council. Carried. The Ordinance follows: An Ordinance amending an Ordinance Regular Session July 16, 1903. 189 entitled an Ordinance to relation to the Licensing and Regulations of various oc- cupations and business, persons, things, exhibitions, games nthe amusements, being Chapter 26ofRevised Ordin- ances of 1901. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Sec. 1. That Sections 9, 10 and 11 of Chapter 26 of the Revised Ordinances of 1901, of the City of Dubuque, and being an Ordinance in relation to the licensing and regulations of various occupations and business, persons, things, exhibitions, games and amusements, he and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 2. No person shall within the limits of the City of Dubuque, use, or permit to be used, or driven, upon the public streets, alleys or grounds, anygon, cart or dray, for public drayage, or the C purpose of hauling any gos, one part of wares, the City to merchandise or other material or prop- erty, where the contract for cartage is by the load or piece, or by the week, day or month, nor shall any person within the limits of said city perform the duties of hackman, coachman or teamster, for the carriage of passengers, or shall carry passengers for profit or gain, with any hack, carriage, cab, omnibus or any other conveyance, without first procuring a li- cense therefor, for which shall be paid, for each omnibus, ten dollars, and for each moving van ten dollar or annagfn each hack, carriage, driven by two horses or mules, or pro - her manner, ve dollars, pelled fora any each ctarriage, rayflor wagon, driven by one horse or mule, two dollars and fifty cents, provided that this section shall not apply to the vehicles of livery stable -keepers, except those used in car- rying passengers and baggage. Sec. 3. A license for any of the pur- poses enumerated in Section 2 hereof shall be procured and issued in the manner provided in Section 2 of the Revised Ordinances of 1901,pof of the City of Dubuque, upon payment of the sum provided in Section 2 hereof. Sec. 4. Each owner, drayman, or team- ster, shall cause the number of his 11 - cense to be printed or fastened on his dray, wagon, cart or conveyance in some conspicuous place, and shall furnisi ted to all persons when demanded, a P or written receipt for whatever goods, wares or merchandise, or other articles delivered to his care, and also a correct list of charges allowed hereunder. Sec. 5. Each hackman, coachman, or person in charge of any vehicle or con- veyance for the carriage of passengers shall cause the number of his licenseto be painted or fastened on his cab, coach or other vehicle, or conveyance, in some conspicuous place, and shall wear a shield or plate with the number of his hack license conspicuously on his hat or coat, and shall furnish to all persons when demanded, a written receipt for bag- gage, goods or merchandise delivered to his care; and also the correct list of charges allowed under this Ordinance. Sec. fi, The saiu owner, drayman, team- ster, hackman, coachman, or proprietor of any other conveyance, when his cart, wagon, hack, etc., has been numbered and his license obtained, shall he entitled to collect and receive not to exceed the fol- lowing charges, to -wit: For the drayage, loading o loading and unloading of any of goods, wares, merchandise, lumber, bag- gage or other material or property not exceeding two thousand pounds any dis- tance not greater than one mile below the bluffs, a sum not exceeding twenty- five cents; and for said distance upon the bluffs a sum not exceeding fifty cents: and for any greater distance within the limits of said city not to exceed twenty- five cents more; for loads exceeding two thousand pounds in weight. for any dis- tance not greater than one mile below the bluffs, a sum not exceeding fifty cents, and for said distance upon the bluffs a sum not exceeding seventy-flve cents; and for any greater distance an ad- ditional sum not exceeding thirty-five cents. For one day's work with horse and dray. for cart and driver a sum not ex- ceeding two dollars and seventy -flue cents. For one day's work with wagon. two horses and driver, a sum not exceed- ing three dollars and sixty cents for a day of nine hours, and not exceeding four dollars for a day of ten hours. For carry- ing any passenger from any place in said city to another therein not to exceed twenty -flue cents. except when said pass- enger shall at his or her request, be car- ried onto. or from any of the bluffs with - iv the limits of the city, in which case, a sum not exceeding fifty cents may be charged and received. License to carry passengers will not authorize the car- riage of property. goods or merchandise, but will permit the carriage of the usual baggage of their passengers. Sec. 7. No owner or driver of any dray, cart, hack, or other vehicle, while waiting for employment at any stand. railway depot, or place in said city. shall un- necessarily snap or flourish a whip, or use indecent or profane language. or be guilty of boisterous or loud talk, or dis- orderly conduct, or vex or annoy any citizen or traveler or obstruct any side- walk, and such owners and drivers are required to obey any and all regulations and rules adopted by any railroad com- pany, or other association or person, or the Chief of Police, for the promotion of order at any public landing. railroad depot, or other place in said city, not inconsistent with the Ordinances of the City, and the police regulations thereof. Sec. 8. The Chief of Police shall regu- late hack. coach, wagon, and dray stands, and see that they do not interfere with the public travel. Sec. 9. It is 'hereby made the duty of the driver of each omnibus, hack, or other vehicle used for the carrying of passengers, to have posted up in his omnibus, hack, or other vehicle a printed list the charges entitled make underthe provisions of tothis Ordinance. Sec. 10. All licenses issued under this Ordinance shall expire on the 31st day of December of the year in which they are issued and ifisuea e pifor in proportion after first day of January, may be to the time said license has to run; pro- vided that no license shall be issued for a sum less than one-half of the amount provided by this Ordinance. Sec. 11. If any person or company shall violate any provision of this Ordinance, he or they shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon a conviction ine not here- ere - of, will be punished by morethan five nor dollars and costs of prosecution hundred andbe impaid, or imprisoned isoned dfora tem fine and costs nott ex- ceeding thirty days. 190 Regular Session July 16, 1903. Sec. 12. This Ordinance shall take' ef- fect and be in force from and after its passage and publicaton one ime in the Dubuque Daily Globei tnewspaper. Journal newaper. AId. Raymond. Chairman of the Com- mittee on Paving. Sweeping and Sprink- ling, reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil: Gentlemen—Your Committee on Sprink- ling would respectfully renort that they met by appointment the WaterTrustees e'e`l at their office, Wednesday, consider the question of compensation for Af- terthe water used for nkling. street some discussion of ther isubjec . the trustees made to your committee. a prop- osition of $2.000.00 as a fiat rate, or 6c per thousand gallons. which would give a consumption of 33.300,000 gallons. and if the amount used exceeds that, no extra charge will be made and if less. deduc- tions to be made at that rate. The trus- tees dewire to attach meters to the wagons to satisfy themselves as to the actual amount of water used. and to check waste, if anv. We would recom- mend that this matter be referred to the Committee of the Whole for further in- vestigation. Ald. Raymond moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Ald. Corrance. Chairman of the Com- mittee on Markets. presented a bill from Mrs. Mary Kraut and Mrs. E. Mueke, of $14.85 each. for scrubbing and cleaning the City Hall. and moved that the bills he paid. Carried. Ald. Jones. Chairman of the Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings, report- ed as follows: Your Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings, to whom was referred the bill of D. Sheehan for $4.00 for grubbing stumps in Washington park. would re- spectfully recommend that said hill be paid and that a warrant be ordered drawn on the city treasury in settlement there- of. Also your Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings would respectfully recom- mend that the purchasing committee be instructed to purchase one carload of brick to be used for the purpose of con- structing an approach to Grandview Ave- nue Engine house and also for construct- ing a sidewalk abutting the lots upon which said engine house is erected. Also your Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings would respectfully recom- mend that this committee be authorized to purchase two foundry stoves; one to take the place of the furnace in the Delhi Street Engine House and the other for the Grandview Avenue Engine House. Also your Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings, to whom was referred the bill of A. R. Staufenbeil for $49.95 for tending the Town Clock. and $1.50 for repairing clocks at City Hall and Patrol House would recommend that said bill be paid and that a warrant be ordered drawn on the city treasury in settlement there- of. Ald. Jones moved to adopt the various reports of the Committee. Carried. Ald. Sheridan. Chairman of the Com- mittee on Police and Light. reported as follows: Your Committee on Police and Light, to whom was referred the bill of P. Hanson for $1.51). would respectfully recommend that said bill be allowed and that an or- der be drawn on the City Treasurer in settlement thereof. Aid. Sheridan tnoved to adopt the re- port. Carried. .\ld. Raymond. Chairman o1• the Com- mittee on Delinquent Taxes. reported :u follows: Your Committee on Delinquent Taxes would respectfully recommend that the action of the City Council of March 5. in receiving and tiling the petition of ('has. S. Yerger. wherein he asked that to be refunded the sum of $0.75, which amount he had paid in as taxes on lot, 9 and 10, Emsiey's Add., be rescinded. Aid. Raymond moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Also, your Committee on Delinquent Taxes would respectfully recommend that the City Treasurer be instructed to refund the sum of $2.75 paid by Chas. S. Yerger for taxes on lots 9 and 10. Ems- Icy's Add., said Chas. S. Verger having been a soldier in the War of the Rebellion and therefore entitled to exemption under the law. Alcl. Raymond moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Ald. Sheridan, chairman of the Commit- tee on Sewers. reported as follows: Your Committee on Sewers, to whom was referred the petition of the Rev. Ar- nold Boeding. rector of the Holy Ghost church. asking that the City Council or- der the construction, at his expense, of a sanitary sewer in Twenty-sixth Street from the present sewer in White Street to a point one hundred feet west of the westerly line of Couler Avenue, and agree- ing in consideration of the granting of said petition. that the congregation of the Holy Ghost will pay its assessment, for the construction of a sanitary sewer in Couler Avenue whenever such sewer is or- dered, would recommend that permission be granted to the Rev. A. Boeding to con- struct said sewer in Twenty-sixth Street. provided the work be done under the di- rection of the City Engineer. .Also your Committee on Sewers, to whom was referred the petition of F. N. Russo, asking fur permisision to connect with the sanitary sewer, situated on the west side of Kniest Street, beg to report that said F. N. Russo has agreed in his said petition not to oppose the construction of a sanitary sewer should one be ordered on the east side of Kniest Street or abut- ting his property on Rhomberg Avenue, and also to pay the special assessment levied to defray the cost of such sewer when constructed; we would therefore rec- ommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted, provided the work be done under the din•cticu of the City Engineer. Also your Committee on Sewers, to whom was referred the petition of the Metz Manufacturing Co., asking that the sanitary sewerage system be extended to their plant, would recommend that the prayer of the petitioners be granted. Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the var- ious reports. Carried. 4 1 Regular Session July 16, 1903. Ald. Horr, chairman of the Board of Equalization, to whom was referred the Petition of the Chicago, Milwaukee& St. Paul Railway Co., asking that the taxes for the year 1902 against lots 300 and 301, East Dubuque Add., lots 1 to 12, inclusive, in Block 20, lots 1 to 6, Block 17, and lots 19 to 24, Block 17, In Railroad Add., and lots 8 to 26, inclusive, Block 2, in Wiltse's Du- buque be ordered canceled, because said lots were returned to the Executive Coun- cil and by it included in the assessment for 1902. would recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted, with the understanding that for the present year, lot 300 in East Dubuque Add., is to be Horr locally movd by to e adopthe Ald.ty Asessor. repot t. Carried. Ald. Horr, chairman of the Committee of the Whole, reported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole would re- spectfully recommend that the work done by the union Electric Company tSteuck & Lenehan, Contractors) in repairing the Streets and parts of Streets from which the tracks comprising what was known as the "Iowa Street been re- moved. he accepted by th ehaveiCouncil. Ald, Horr moved to adopt the report. Carried. Ald. Frith moved that the City Engi- neer be instructed to notify Mr. the Feng- ler, - ler, to put up a fence, Bridge approach. where his rock crusher is situated, according to the agreement with the City Council. Carried. City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk twelve (12) feet wide, of good cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewatxs, on the west side of Main street, between First street and Second street, abutting S. 22 feet of City Lot 78, owned by Thomas Kavanaugh estate, at the expense of abutting prop- erty. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes--Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. RESOLI•'l'IONS. Alderman Frith °tiered the following: Whereas. It is deemed necessary and advisable by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, to lay out, open and extend the alley, twenty feet wide. through bit 10 of the Sub. of Mineral Lot 322, from the southerly line of said lot to the; southerly line of Twenty-seventhd also Street, elonging to Ada L. Collier; lay out. open and extend Washington Street. fifty feet wide. through lot 10 of the Sub. of Mineral Lot 322. from the southerly line of said lot to the southerly line of Twenty-seventh Street, belonging to Ada L. Collier, all of said property being in the City of Dubuque, Iowa' ac- cording to the plat and survey of said al- ley and said street prepared by the Cl Engineer and filed in his office; therefore. Be it Resolved by the City Council of the- corder tbe and y of u henisehereby instruc. That the ty Rtedto issue a venire to the Chief of Police, com- manding him to summon a jury of twelve freeholders, citizens of said city not di- rectly interested, for the purpose of as- sessing any damages. which may be sus- tained by reaso+r of the laying out, open- ing and extending of said alley and street by the owner of the property proposed to be taken for said alley and All the proceedings under this resolution to be taken in accordance with the charter and the the ordinances provof isions City ltoft f Dubuque. Aid. Frith moved to adopt the resolution. Lost by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith, Horr and Jones. To- tal, 3. Corrance, RaymondNays—Alda. Clancy, and Sheridan. Total, 4. Ald. Clancy offered the, following: Resolved by the City Council of the Ald. Horr offered the following: Whereas, the contract heretofore entered Into by the City of Dubuque for the im- proving hereinafter de- scribed is approaching co 1 letionand the City Engineer has computed that the cost and expense of said improvement amounts to Four Thousand Dollars ($4,000.00), there- fore Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that to provide for the cost of improving Langworthy Ave- nue from Hill street to Booth street, the Mayor is required to execute and deliver to the City Recorder, to be by him regis- tered and countersigned, sixteen bonds of the denomination of two hundred and fifty dollars each, numbered from 218 to 233, both inclusive, dated August 15, 1903, pay- able on or before seven years after date thereof and bearing interest at the rate of five per cent per annum, payable semi-an- nually. Aid. Horr moved to adopt the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Frith, yeas—Alda. Clancy, Corrance, Horr. Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Sheridan offered the following: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed neces- sary and advisable to construct a sanitary sewer in alley between Elm and Pine streets and it is hereby proposed to con- struct a sanit,iry sewer in said a l yobe- tween Elm and Pine streets, as to -wit: an eight -inch tile pipe sewer from thpresent Seventeeanhole in nth Sixteenth nthstreet, and assess the cost thereof against the abut- ting property. Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the res- olution. Adopted by the following vote: Frith, Yeas—Alda. Clancy. Corrance, 1-lorr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Sheridan offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Council That the City Engi- neer City of Dubuque, B pare a plplatand specifications directed foran eight - inch tile pipe sanitary sewer In alley be- tween Elni and Pine streets from present manhole in Sixteenth street to center of Seventeenth street, showinglocat`On and rho general nature of such imiro extent thereof, the size and and kain of material to be used, and to p' and the estimate of the cost thereof, amount assessable upon eachtlot oTngthereo parcel of land adjacent to per front foot square d to filesuchplat, specifications and esti- mate t the office ofthe is ity filed, the oCty That after such plat ttleeo of rthe aintenttion to of theCounciloto 192 Regular Session July 16, 1903. make ch improvement, which notice shall beupublished in three consecutive is- sues of the official newspaper of the City of Dubuque, stating that such plat is on file, and generally the nature of the sewer, to location, estimate of iand kinds of tstcost, beused and and fixing the time before which objec- tions can be filed, which time shall not be less than five days after the last pub- • lication of such notice, and after enotm- pletion of the publication of such he shall at its next regular session, notify the Council thereof in writing with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the reso- lution. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Horr moved that the matter of pre- paring plans and specifications for improv- ing the ground south of the City Hall be referred to the Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings and the City En- gineer. Carried. Ald. Jones moved to adjourn until Au- gust Gth, 1903. Carried. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Attest: Recorder List of Warrants 193 LIST Of CITY WARflANTS J. Genzer, fireman T. O'Meara, fireman J. McLaughlin, fireman G. Gherki. fireman T. Kennedy. fireman F. Baumgartner. fireman J. Smith, fireman W. Kannolt, fireman C. Kannolt, fireman J. Allen, fireman M. Fahey. fireman Wm. O'Connell. fireman R. Weston, fireman F. Kenneally, fireman E. McDermott, fireman Wm. McClain, fireman G. Burkel, police J. Carter. police J. Chine. police Jno. Cody, police W. Cook. police W. Corcoran, police M. Crnugh, police H. Donlon. police J. Fitzpatrick, police Jas. Flynn, police Wm. Frith, police Fat Hanlon, police L' Kahn, police M. Kilty, police Jno. Loetscher, police P. McCollins, police P. McInerney. police Jno. Moore, police ,Tno. Murphy. police D. Norton, police M. O'Connor, police Pat. Powers. police Jno. Raesli, police Otto Rath, police T. Reilly, police Jas. Ryan, police P. Scharff, police Al. Scherr, police M. Stapleton, police P. Sullivan, police J. L. Sullivan. police 1'. Sutton, police T. Sweeney. police L. Zeidman. police K. Hihbe, matron B. Brennan, matron Labor on streets during May, 1903: A. Alderson, labor E. Amanda, labor Rich. Burns. labor Jos. Brouillette, labor John Burns, labor Paul Becker, labor D. J. Brightbill, labor C. Busse, labor Chas. Bluecher, labor Fred Budde, labor Fred Buddein, labor John Brachtenbach, labor J. Brown, labor W. Coughlin, labor John Corbett, labor H. Cobb, labor Jas. Connolly, labor 18 00 H. Connell, bricklayer 18 00 Jas. Callahan, foreman ....... 0 0 Henry Cosgrove. driver • • • • • • • • • . • Mike Donegan, labor 11 00 150 Peter Dax, labor ....... ..... 35 1 35 John Egan, labor • • • • • • • • """ Engels. labor ......... ............ 7 80 John Eng 5 40 J. Ess, labor ..... ........ .. • . 00 65 0 Geo. Frost, foreman .•..... 0 0 50 00 Pat Farrell, labor • • • • • 16 20 50 00 Pat Fenelon, labor 16 00 50 00 Nelson Frith, stoker • • • • . . 0 40 Pat Grue, labor .... • • • • 5 0 Henry Calle, labor .................... 65 0 56 00 61 61 66 04) 60 r:0 50 00 18 30 33 35 66 00 600 500 50 0 66 0 60 0 60 0 50 0 50 00 46 70 51 65 Cite Recorder's Office, Dubuque. Iowa, July 1, 1903 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: ' The following is a complete list of all warrants issued by me dur- ing the month of June, 1903: $116r 65 C. H. Berg, salary, JH.. BrA.in McKinley,salary, alary, Deputy 133 30 Treasurer 100 00 Chas. F. Arendt, salary, Recorder116 65 Wm. A. Kaep, salary, 80 0 Re- corder F. B. Hoffman, salary, Auditor 116 65 C. B. Scherr, salary, Assessor 125 00 A. Doerr, Jr., salary, Asst. Asses- sor10 0 Asst. Asses- sorJ. J. Murphy, salary,10 0 G. A. Barnes, salary, Attorney150 00 J. B. Powers, salary, Assistant At- torney100 00 Jos. Reinfried Ed. Morgan, alsalary, hlFire ef f Chief.. 100 00 J. W. Lawlor, salary, Committee Clerk 100 00 Jas. Boyce, salary, City Engineer166 65 E. Anderson, salary, Assistant En- gineer Rodman.... 50 00 F. Neuwoehner, salary, E. Herron, salary, Superintendent 60 00 Street Sprinkling Wm. Hipman, salary, Electricianter...• 50 00 H. Tropf, salary, P. Ryan, salary, Park Custodian40 00 40 00 T. Faherty,P. Kien, salary, Park Custodian ary, Park 10 00 Dr. B. F. Michel, salary, Health Of- 50 00 Of- ficer F. Flynn, salary, Sanitary Patrol- 60 0 Patrol- man N. Offerman, salary, Poundmaster.. 40 00 Mrs. H. Koenig, salary, ia Sidewalk In- spector 20 00 A. Crawford, salary,50 0 H. A. Moyes, salary, Wharfmaster. 20 00 M. Clancy, salary, Alderman H. Corrance, salary, Aldermen2255 00 E. E. Frith, salary, AAlderman ld m ann • • • • • • 25 00 J. L. Horr, salary, 25 00 R. Jones, salary, Alderman G. N. Raymond, salary, Alderman25 00 J. J. Sheridan, salary, Alderman25 00 M. Eitel, fireman 65 00 J. Sssman, fireman A Duccini. fireman J. Flynn, fireman J Roshin, fireman A. Heer, fireman J. Tschudi, fireman J. Schonherger, fireman J. Heer, sub. fireman J Daley, fireman J Barnes, fireman T. Ryder, fireman W. Ducey, fireman G. Beyer, fireman F. Murphy, fireman P. Ahern, fireman M Kelley, fireman 75 00 60 00 65 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 4 40 65 00 75 00 60 00 60 00 65 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 51 65 59 90 50 00 67 20 51 65 50 00 50 00 45 00 50 00 53 30 50 00 50 00 51 05 51 65 60 00 50 00 39 00 51 65 53 30 67 20 50 00 69 00 51 65 50 00 62 00 51 65 5165 51 65 45 0 64 00 51 65 30 00 30 00 the last half of D. Ahern, fireman 65 00 A. McDonnell, fireman 67 50 T. Flynn, fireman J. Murphy, fireman P. Zillig, fireman H. Cain, fireman M. Sweeney, fireman ................. 50 0000 N. Wagner, fireman 10 15 7 10 1 36 1 36 7 80 11 50 10 15 5 40 8 45 7 46 2 70 11 50 16 :0 8 80 6 75 16 20 16 20 C. Gruenzig, labor Jcs. Grab, Tabor H. Grode, labor C. Gantenbeln, foreman Geo. J. Hahn, foreman J. Hird, labor Aug. Hafeman, labor John Heil. carpenter Fred Ihrcke, labor Tim Kelly, labor Nic. Kettenhofen, labor Mike Kas, labor John Kelly, labor Paul Krocheski, labor John Lavery, labor Martin Lonergan, labor Mike Lavin, labor Mat. Loes, labor L. Loeffelholz, labor M. Meagher. labor Rob. Mack. labor Jos. Martinek. labor W. McDermott. labor John McNulty, labor Pat. McMullin, labor W. O'Brien, foreman C. Ode, labor List of Warrants Jas. Purcell, labor Jas. Powers. labor John Pfeiffer. bricklayer W. Quinlan. labor James Ryan. labor Mat. Raishek, labor Jos. Rooney. driver Nic. Sweeney, labor John Schroeder, labor Aug. Soyke. labor Geo. Sutter. labor Louis Smith, labor Jale Scheuer, labor Frank Scherr, labor Jas. Straney. labor (garbage) R. Turner, labor Fred Remus. labor W. Welsh. labor John Welsh (Caledonia) labor Jos. Williams. labor W. Wearmouth, foreman Thos. Young, engineer Geo. Zumhoff, foreman Becker Bros., teams Frank Burns. teams Thos. Cox, teams J. Calvert, teams (contract) John Huffmlre, Jr., teams J. Haudenshield, teams Thos. Heinz, teams P. 1.Iorch, teams J. Huffmire, teams (contract) M. Kenneally, teams John Lenihan. teams Pat. Lenihan. teams W. Leik, teams John Long. teams Frank Mathis. teams J. G. Moore. teams Dan Melloy, teams J. J. McCollins, teams Geo. Reynolds, teams Ed. Seeley, teams James Tobin, teams L. Wellington, teams John Williams, teams Frank Winters, teams 11 40 11 15 4 05 20 00 20 00 9 45 11 50 22 50 1 35 2 70 12 00 6 10 1 05 2 40 8 80 10 50 10 60 4 75 33 75 5 10 9 40 8 45 4 05 9 15 4 40 20 00 3 40 2 70 7 45 18 00 2 05 4 75 1 35 20 00 70 5 60 4 85 4 70 2 70 2 70 16 20 33 75 1 35 2 70 6 75 10 15 5 10 20 00 75 00 15 00 13 20 8 80 13 50 39 00 31 70 960 7 20 28 80 37 90 16 20 2110 12 80 10 80 30 60 14 40 10 80 4 40 18 50 2 40 18 00 28 80 12 00 15 00 5 40 Labor on sewers during the last half of May, 1003: Pat C.rsserly. labor • John !'oreoran, labor R. T. Eddy, foreman H. A. Fuller. labor F. Honecker. labor Pat Kenneally, labor Pat Sage. labor Landon Taylor. labor 17 60 17 60 25 00 17 60 10 00 17 60 16 80 17 60 Teams marling Sprinkling Wagons dur- ing the last half of May, 1903: 1'. B. Cain 31 00 A. Conrad 3160 J. Linehan 30 80 Dan Melloy 30 80 Martin Maher 29 40 J. J. McCollins 31 60 McElrath Teaming Co. 30 00 Theo. Ganahl. _ onee 48:15 11. H. Gray. police 51 65 J. Lavery. janitor. Grandview En- gine house 15 00 C. H. Berg. money advanced to M. Klein. parer collector 12 50 G. Gmehle, collecting delinquent taxes 71 90 L. Daily, cleaning around Market Square, April and May 28 00 Mrs. H. Koenig. scrubbing Assess- or's office 100 H. J. Tropf. board of prisoners for May 12 60 Dubuque Telephone Co., telephone rent for Mayor's office and Engine House No. 5 5 00 Dubuque Enterprise. blank station- ery for expense department and Board of Health 25 00 Palmer. Berg & Co.. blank books for Assessor :nl Auditor 55 00 Fisher & Co.. wend for City Hall 6 00 J. P. Cooke Co.. rubber stamps for Auditor 1 05 Worrell Mfg. Co., disinfectine for City Hall 12 50 T J. Mulgrew. hard coal for City Hall 27 68 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co.. rub- ber hose for City Hall 3 50 Jas. Kelly, stationery and supplies for various offices 3 75 Bieg & Rood, stationery and sup- plies for various offices 11 80 G. B. Grosvenor. stationery and sup- plies for various offices 3 60 G. B. Grosvenor. flags for City Hall 12 00 G. F. Meth, hardware for road de- partment - 2 25 D. Sheehan. trees for various parks 20 00 W. 1-1. Guilford & Son. trees for Engine House No. 5 14 00 Gus Holl. sharpening lawn mowers 1 50 W. McLaughlin. hauling brush from Jackson park 1 50 Pape & Jacquinot, repairing water fountains 15 07 Mullen Bros., repairing water foun- tains 9 95 Key City Gas Co., gas for various departments 80 70 Dr. B. Michel, professional services in case of CaO]. Sheridan vs. City. 25 00 Dr. J. J. Brownson, professional ser- vices in ease of Cath. Sheridan vs. City 25 00 J. L. McCabe. transcript of testi- mony in case of Cath. Sheridan vs. City 12 00 '1'. Byrne, gravel for road depart- ment 73 7 A. Siege, rock for road department 20 60 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for road de- partment 7 90 Mauer & Kress, new tools for road department 6 50 Dubuque Woodenware Co., lumber for road department 12 80 T. J. Mulgrew, .sewer pipe for road department 24 36 Purington Paving Brick Co., brick for road .department 134 40 Standard Oil Co., oil for steam roller 10 30 Becker Bros.. coal for steam roller72 05 Lear & Kennedy, horse shoeing for fire department 2 50 Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse List of Warrants 195 shoeing for fire department 7 05 F. M. Jaeger & Co., hardware, fire 17 15 and road departments Jno. Hartig, repairs for fire depart- ment 80 Jos. Sitnones & Co.. 1 dozen white spreads for fire department 15 00 Fischer & Co., coal tor Fire Dept12 95 W. H. Torbert, drugs and supplies 16 70 for Fire Dept Hedley & Brown, white lead for Fire Dept 90 McDonald & Morrison Mfg. Co., sup- 190 plies for Fire Dept T. F. Kane, hay and oats for Fire 212 Dept Dub. Oil Tank Line, oil for Fire OP Dept 14 O Dub. Rubber & Belting Co., 1 fire- 3 man's rubber coat 50 Dub. Rubber & Belting Co., 6 dozen 12 00 expansion rings Whelan & Cellner, 1 push button for Fire Dept 50 Ott, Meuser & Co, shavings for Fire 6 Dept 15 Conlin & Kearns, oak wood for Fire 3 Dept bu Dub. Harness & Saddlery Co., col- lars and pads for Fire Dept G. F. Thorman, glass and putty for 4 Fire Dept 60 Key Cityver, magnets for Gas Co., coke Fire Dept. DFP a 39 W Dept 17 60 I;City Gas Co., to rental gas arcs at Central Engine House and Armory 3 50 Linehan & Molo, plumbing at Fourth 11 25 Street Engine House services H. J. Hagerty. veterinary 34 50 for Fire and Pollee Depts C. E. Berry, collars, hames and hangers for Engine House No. 5 Fire Extinguisher Mfg. Co., 1 21 Inch self returner expanding tool for Fire Dept Star Electric Co., 1 15 -inch Engine House gong for Engine House No, 100 UO 5 ..... R. D. Kirmse, repairing clocks for 1OU Central Engine House G. F. Kleih, hardware for Police SO Dept P. Devaney, sawing wood for Police 1 UU Dept T. F. Kane, hay and oats for Patrol 78 House •'" T. J. Mulgrew, hard coal for Patrol 22 House 28 Globe -Journal, official printing for May 60 OU The Times, official printing for May 15 00 Dubuque Telegraph -Herald, official 00 printing for May National Demokrat, official Printing 50 25 00 for May Union Electric Co., arc lights for 2045 77 May F. M. Jaeger & Co., supplies for 75 Sewer Dept....... . ............. .... Jno. Hartlg, repairing tapes for En- gineer's00 Dept..... .. • • • A. Y. McDonald & Morrison Mfg. Co., supplies for garbage dump ... 210 Dubuque Telegraph -Herald, health reports for February and rspa 8 u0 T. E. Frith, removing garbage34715 dead animals during May ..... k- J. Newman & Son, repairing sp 5 ling wagons ... 00 ..................... G. F. Kleih, hardware for Sprink- ling Dept....... . .. ............ 25 s. as- Dub. forber & Belting Spr nklingb ackingDept. 60 85 00 21 16 Jno. Bohn, inspector on Bee Branch sewer 34 75 Peter Eisbach, Bee Branch sewer 581 19 Jas. Noonan & Co., grading between Francis Street and Valeria Street, from K:tttffmar. Avenue to Hart Street 126 13 Jas. Noonan & Co.. estimate on sani- tary sewer in alley between Rhom- berg and Garfield Avenues, from Johnson Avenue to Middle Avenue. M. Tschirgi, estimate on sanitary sewer in Langworthy Avenue 50 00 H. J. Neuwoehner, constructing new sidewalks in Glendale and E70 40 Langworthy's Add H. Brinkman, excavation permits a180 00 redeemed H. Brinkman, interest on warrants 630 82 outstanding 10 00 H. Brinkman, postage stamps H. Brinkman, freight charges, brick, 58 80 estimate on 750(1 Road department H. Brinkman, express charges, Fire department Library order paid C. Blucnert, macadam T. Kenneally, macadam M. Lavin, macadam N. Sweeney, macadam 30 524 92 11 05 1 85 6 95 20 05 hal f Labor on Streets during the first of June, 1903: A. Alderson. labor 91. Amanda. labor Jos. Brouillette. labor John Burns, labor Paul Becker. labor D. J. Brightbill. labor Fred Buddien, labor C. Blueeher.labor, Fred Budde, labor Geo. Binptts, labor Chas. Buse, labor J. Brachtenbach, labor Jos. Brown. labor W. Coughlan. labor John Callahan. labor John Corbett. labor H. Cobb, labor Jas. Connolly. labor H. Connell. bricklayer Jas. Callahan. foreman H. Cosgrove, driver M. Donegan. labor John Egan. labor John Engels. labor J. Eberhardt. labor John Ess. labor Mike Farrell. labor Geo. Frost. foreman Fat Fenenn, labor Pat Galloon. labor Henry Galle, labor C. Gruenzir, labor Jos. Grab. labor 20 00 C. Gantenbein, foreman ............... 0 75 H Geo. J. John J. Hahn, fea, lab foreman ............... 20 00 James Hird, labor ....................... 9 45510 Aug. Hafeman, labor .................. John Heil, carpenter ................... 22 S0 Peter Jacobs. labor............ • • • • 75 N. Kettenhofen, labor ................ • 6 75 Mike Kas, labor ....................... John Kelly, labor• ............... • 10 15 2 70 W. KLavin, t, lablaboror................... • 3 50 Mike Lavin, 610 Martin Lonergan, labor....... • • • • • • 13 20 H. Lembko, labor .................... 9 15 F. Lassance. labor........ • • • ""......15 L. Leffelholz, labor ............... . 19 7 55 Rob. Mack, labor .................... Jos. Martinek, labor .................... 8 10 Nat. Mabe, labor ................ 3 40 3 40 8 45 6 75 14 20 8 45 4 40 9 15 14 20 70 4 75 8 45 17 55 12 50 1 35 6 45 17 55 17 55 18 75 20 011 20 00 3 05 11 85 13 20 1 35 5 40 10 80 20 00 17 65 7 10 8811 r 75 11 Sr. 196 Official Notices. Pat. McMullen, labor James McCarron, labor W. O'Brien, foreman Chris. Ode, labor James Powers, labor James Purcell, labor John Parker, labor John Pfeiffer, bricklayer W. Quinlan, labor James Ryan. labor Mat. Ralshek, labor (Continued on Second Page.) 8 Theo. Rademan, labor 20 45 00 Jos. Rooney, driver 10 50 Mc. Sweeney, labor6 75 James Straney, labor 10 80 John Schroeder, labor10 3 0 2 0 Aug. Soyke, labor 8 Jos. State], labo* John Sloan, labor 8 015 5 Louis Smith, labor 810 Jos. Schaftel, labor 10 W. Schwaegler, labor 9 5 F. Scherr, labor 1717 55 5 Jos. Straney, labor55 R. Turner, labor 85 40 Jos. Williams, labor20 8 W. Welsh, labor 1 5 40 John Walsh, labor W. Wearmouth, foreman 1520 00 00 Geo. Zumhoff, foreman 16 00 Becker Bros., team 1600 Frank Burns, team 18 00 J. Berwanger, team5 85 Thos. Cox, team 39 00 Josh. Calvert, team (contract) 3900 Mike Hannan, team 32 40 Thos. Heinz, labor 15 30 Peter Horch, team John Huffmire, team (contract)314 40 M. Kenneally, team 32 80 Pat. Lenlhan, team 36 90 W. Leik, team 19 80 John Long, team 1980 D. Lattner, team Frank Mathis, team 14 40 Martin Maher, team 67 20 00 Dan Melloy, team J. G. Moore, team 3 60 J. J. McCollins, team 7 20 Geo. Reynolds, team 25 20 Ed. Seeley, team 18 00 Adam Stoltz, team 12 60 James Tobin, team 18 00 M. Theis, team 18 00 J. Williams, team 36 00 Frank Winters, team 36 00 M. Zogg, team 18 00 Labor on Sewers during the first half of June. 1903: P. Casserly, labor 20 80 John Corcoran. labor 20 80 R. T. Eddy, foreman 25 00 R. A. Fuller, labor 20 60 F. Honecker, labor 20 80 P. Kenneally, labor 20 80 Pat. Sage, labor 20 00 Landon Taylor, labor "01 ::0 Teams hauling Sprinkling Wagons dur- ing the first half of June, 1903: Becker Bros $ 18 80 T. B. Cain 27 80 A. Conrad 34 40 James H. Keefe 29 20 John Linehan 3520 Martin Maher 35 40 Dan Melloy 34 40 J. J. McCollins 34 20 McElrath Teaming Co 35 20 Labor on Bluff Street Extension during the first half of June, 1903: Peter Carney, quarryman 180 ,1'. Kenneally, quarryman 1 80 T. Kenneally, foreman 165 Jas. McCarron, labor 150 9 15 6 75 20 00 9 15 9 15 70 9 45 18 75 6 75 4 05 8 45 Pat McMullen, labor 75 James Powers, labor 150 J. Noonan & Cc., estimate on im- proving alley between Francis and Valeria Streets, from Kauffman Avenue to Hart Street 453 05 Smedley Steam Pump Co., repairing steam roller 3 20 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of all warrants is- sued by me during the month of June, 1903. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. • OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. AN ORDINANCE. N ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE GRADE OF THE ALLEY BETWEEN GARFIELD AND RHOMBERG AVE- NUES FROM KNIEST STREET TO JOHNSON AVENUE. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That the grade of the alley between Garfield and Rhomber Avenues, from Kniest Street to Johnson Avenue. be established and described as follows: Be• ginning at the north curb line of Kniest Street. which is station 12, elevation 20.7; thence station 0.0, which is the north line of Kniest Street; thence northwesterly to station 8x77. elevation 28.6; thence to sta- tion 4x39.5. which is the south curb of Johnson Avenue, elevation 28.6. Section 2. This Ordinance to be in force and take effect from and after its pas- sage by the City Council and its publi- cation one time in the Dubuque Globe - Journal newspaper. Adopted July 2nd, 1903 Approved Mayor. Attest: C. F. ARENDT. City Recorder. Published officially in the Evening Globe -Journal July 10th, 1903. C. F. ARENDT, 7-14-1t. City Recorder. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE VACATING PART OF HEMSTEAD STREET, LYING SOUTH OF LEIBNITZ STREET. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That all that part of Hemp- stead Street lying south of Leibnitz Street be and the same is hereby vacated and annulled and is hereby abandoned as a Street or part of a Street, anything in the Ordinances of the City to the contrary, notwithstanding. Section 2. This Ordinance shall take ef- fect from and after its passage and pub- lication one time in the Dubuque Globe - Journal newspaper. Adopted July 2nd, 1903 Approved Mayor. Attest: C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Published officially in the Evening Globe -Journal July 10th, 1903. C. F. ARENDT, 7-14-1t. City Recorder. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE GRADE OF GRACE STREET FROM THE WEST LINE OF THE SUBDI- VISION OF LOT 7, ANN O'HARE'S SUB. TO EAST STREET. Official Notices. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That the grade of Grace Street from the west line of the sub -di- vision of lot 7. Ann O'Hare's Sub. to East Street, be established and described as follows: Beginning at the northwest curb of Hall and Grace Streets. which is sta- tion 42. elevation 275.14. thence westerly on a curve grade to station x18. elevation 273.3. end of curve grade. thence westerly to station 2x43, elevation 296.0. beginning of ly on a curvetrto stve ation 5x20nelevation ade. thece r300.2, end of curve. thence westerly to station Gx50. elevation 295.0. thence westerly to center of East Street. Sec. 2. This ordinance to be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Globe -Journal newspaper. Adopted July 2nd. 1903. Approved Mayor. Attest: C. F. ARENDT City Recorder. Published officially in the Evening Globe -Journal July 10th, C.F 903RENDT, 7-14-1t. City Recorder. 197 June 1-J. H. Shields and W. L. Bradley, Dubuque Harbor Co's. Add., N 1-2, Block 10, lot 1, 80 ft lumber. $1.60; 1 hour labor. 50c June 1. -Anna M. Bush• Dubuque Harbor Co's. Add., Block 1, lot 9a, 40 ft lumber, 80c: 3-4 hour labor, 40c June 1 -James Rowan. City, 5 27 ft, lot 532a, brick and labor June 1-J. D. Rhomberg and G. S Kringle, Rose Hill Add., lots 3-4. 16 ft lumber, 30c; 1 hour labor, 50c June 2 -Wm. and F. A. Coates, City, N 2-5 lot 436, 10 ft lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c June 2 -Chicago G. W. Ry Co.. right of way E side Rhomberg avenue, 10 ft lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c June 4 -Jos. Herod, Mir..eral Lot W 100 ft, lot 184, 10 ft lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c June 4 -Jos. O'Halleron, East Du- buque Add., lot 151, 8 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c June 6--P. M. Harrington, Sub. 23, Kelly's Sub., lot 6, 10 ft lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c June 5--Nic Engel, Windsor Ave Sub., lot 3, 8 ft lumber, 15c: 1-2 hour labor, 25c n Est., High June Sub., lot 5-Emeli 11,, 24ft.lumber, 50c; 3-4 hour labor, 40c June G -Sarah G. ub, N 1-2, E 1-2, N 1-2 lot 36. 24 ft lum- ber, 50c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c June 6-W. A. Irwin, Union Add, E 1-2, lot 50. 2 ft lumber. 45c; 3-4 hour labor, 40c June 6 -flora Rawson, Sub. 70 and 71, Union Add., lot 1, 10 ft lumber, • 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c June 8 -Frank Lanser, Reeder Lang - worthy's Sub., lot 12, 5 ft lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Reeder June 8 -Andrew Nelson, 12 ft Langworthy's Sub., lot 4, lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c June 8-Sarah J. Bothwell, 8, 8 ft lumber, 15c; b. Min. Lot158,lot5c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c Whelan's June 5 ftClumber, 10c; 1-2 Sub.,, lot 7 7, , hour labor, 25c June 8-P. F. Dalton, Grandview Ave Add., lot 6, 8 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c June 8 -Citizens' State Bank, Sub. b. Min. Lot 46, lot 1, 16 1-2 hour labor, 25c • • • . HFo • "rtune's June 8- . Wunderlich, 30c; 1-2 Sub., lot 15, 15 ft lumber, hour labor, 25c ............ • • •..... • oesch et al, Jroadwa Add, lots 9-10, 15 ft lum- her, 30c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c South June 11 -Ellen F. Callahan, Park IIill Add., lot 16, 21 ft lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c • • • • • .. Lang. June 11 -Martha Zinn, L. H. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 24a, 20 ft lum- ber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 250 ....... June 11 -John Olinger, Bo1 el hour ur lots 1-21, 20 ft lumber, 40 25c ............ labor, al,City, June 12 -John 25f Enwaer, 50c;r 3-4 hour lot 745, ft lumber, labor, 40c ..••••••••••"""' June 12-G. W. Brown, East Du- buque Add.. lot 47.8 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c ................... June 12 -Theresa W. Bade, Ham's 1-2 Add., lot 270, 5 ft lumber, 1 hour labor, 25c •.......••••"""" NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the July 16 h, 1903, forRecorder pto the con- strm. uction p. of two (2) cisterns, one to be located at the intersection of Fulton and intersec- tion Monroe Muscatine and one andSabula Streets, in s accordance with thelans anoffice ofd thecCitytiRe- corder. CryBrick, Concretetors are ; and red tIroo n for each Ma- sonry, cistern separately, and in total accord- ing to Elans and NGINEER'S ESTIMATE. Grading - Ordinary or Earth excavation, 200 cubic yards. Rock excavation, 33 cubic yards. Bidders to state the price per cubic yaid for each kind of excavation. A certified check on some Dubuque hank that a for con ract swill ust accompany entered into if awarded. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids. C. F. ARENDT, 6-8 to 16 -----_City Recorder. ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To all who are named below: You are hereby notified that in accord- ance with an ordinance of the City of Du- buque for repairing sidewalks during the month of June, 1903, that a special assess- ment will be levied for the expense there- of, at the regular meeting of the City Council. upon all lots and parcels of land nd on said improvement owned by you subject to such special assessment. And meet- ingyou are of the oCity dat Council to bto appear held on the Gth day of August, A. D.. 1903, and show cause if any you have why said assess- ment should not be levied. June 1-J. H. Shields, Dubuque Har- bor Co's. Add.. Block 1, lot 8-8a, 70 ft lumber, $1.40; 1 hour labor, $ 190 50c June 1 -Winona Land Co.. Dubuque Harbor Co's. Add., Block 1, lot 12, 48 ft lumber, 95c; 1 hour labor, 50c 1 45 2 10 1 20 75 80 45 45 45 40 45 40 90 75 85 45 35 50 40 35 40 55 55 65 65 65 65 90 40 35 198 Official Notices. June 12-3. A. Rhomberg, Ham's Add., lot 208. 17 ft lumber, 35c; 1-2 hour labor, 26c June ne. Sub. 5 of Min Lot 62, lot 2.—John B14rft lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c June 13 --Wm McClain. Hoskin's Sub.. lot 5. 8 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Saul's Jure 13—Mrs. Sidney Saul, Sub., lot 5, 10 ft lumber. 20c; 34 hour labor, 25c June 13—F. W. Fitzpatrick Est, Union Add., lots 145-146, 12 ft lum- ber, 26c; 3 hour labor. Mac June 13—Mrs. J. Collinson. Union Add., lots 155-156. 10 ft lumber, 20c; 34 hour labor, 25c June 13—Catholic University of Washington. et al.. lots 165-166, 26 ft lumber 50c; % hour labor, 40c .Tune 13—T. Iienneally, Union Add, lots 171-172. 12 ft lumber 25c June 13—Jno. Specht. Union Add, 5 165 ft lots 194-195, 20 ft lumber, 40c; 1 hour labor. 26c June 13—Sarah Mahoney, Union Add lot 204, 5 ft lumber, 10c; 1 hour la- bor 25c June 13—Wm. Lawther and J. V. Rider, Burden-Lawther Add., lot 16, 5 ft lumber, 10c; 34 hour labor, 25c June 16—Catholic University of Washington, I,evens Add.. lot 1, 16 ft lumber. 30c; 3I4 hour labor. 25c 3 une 16—Catholic University of Washington. Levers Add., lots 9-10, 38 ft lumber. 75c; 34 hour labor, 25c. June I6—Catholic University of Washington, Levens Add., lot 8, 3 ft lumber 5c; 34 hour labor, 25c June 16—Henry Hanover, Marsh's Add.. lot 21, 40 ft lumber. 80c; % hour labor, 40c June 16—A. F. & B. 1). Heeb, Marsh's Add.. lots 22•-23, 8 ft lum- ber, 15c; 34 hour labor. 25c June 16—H. P. Willging, Marsh's Add.. lot 19, 5 ft lumber 10c; 1 hour labor, 25c June 16—Jno. M. Miller, et al, Sub. Min. Lot 315, lot 2. 12 ft lumber, 25c; 34 hour labor, 25c June 17—Bosserman & Ives, City S 1 lot 334, 17 ft lumber, 36c; 34 hour labor. 25c GO 55 40 45 50 45 June 20—Marian Stokley, Sub. City 738. lot 9, 30 ft lumber, 60c June 20—John McDonald, McNulty's Sub. S 89 ft lot 2, 24 ft lumber, 50c; 1 hour labor, 26c June 20—Mrs. F. M. S. Bailey, A. Mc - Daniels' Sub., lot 799, 7 ft lumber, 15c; 34 hour labor, 25c June 20—E. Smith. A. McDaniels' Sub, lot 782, 28 ft lumber, 55c; 34 hour labor, 25e June 21—Marg. Rubeck, Sub. 1 and 2 of Sub, 1 of 3 of 10 and 2 of 3 of 11, Kniest's Sub., lot 2. 13 ft lumber, 25c; 34 hour labor, 25c June 22—M. M. Hoffman, E. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 18, 34 ft lumber, 70c; 14 hour labor, 25c June 23—Geo. W. Kiesel, Dubuque Harbor Co.'s Add., W 1 Blk. 19, lot 6. 27 ft lumber, 55c; 1 hour la- bor, 25c June 23—Geo. W. Kiesel, Dubuque Harbor Co.'s Add., W 34 Blk. 19, lot 5, 18 ft lumber, 35c; % hour la- bor, 40c June 23—Ed. Muntz, Dubuque Har- bor Co.'s Add., W 34 Blk. 19, lot 2, 17 ft lumber, 35c; i/i hour labor, 90 25 65 35 35 55 1 00 30 1 20 40 35 5r/ 60 60 75 40 bO 50 95 80 75 25c June 23—M. J. Everett Est., City E 1 655, lot 2, 10 ft lumber, 20c; 34 hour labor, 25c June 25—German Presbyterian Col- lege. City E 1/2 675. lot 7. 12 ft lum- ber. 25c: 34 hour labor. 25c June 25-11. P. & N. W. Kimball, Davis Farm Add.. lot 337. 20 ft lum- ber. 40c; 1 hour labor 26c June 26—Paul Traut Est.. Farley's Sub., lot 35, 63 ft lumber. $1.35; 1 hour labor. 50c June 26—Mrs. R. R. Jackson, Far- ley's Sub.. lot 8, 8 ft lumber, 15c; 1 hour labor. 25c June 26—Sidonia Hosford. Sidonia Hosford's Sub.. lot 2, 12 ft lumber, 25c; 34 hour labor, 25c June 27—Thos. Meehan. Union Add, lot 132, 8 ft lumber. 15c; 34 hour la- bor 25c June 29—Ulrich Willey, sub. 219, Davis Farm Add., lots, 1-2, 22 ft. lumber, 45c; 1 hour labor, 25c70 June 29—Mrs. J. P. Buehler. sub. 1 of Min. lot 314, lot 3, 37 ft. lumber, 75c; 1 hour labor, 50c 125 June 29—Pancratzius Domenig, High Street sub., lot 1, 10 ft. lumber, 20c; 34 hour labor, 25c 45 June 6—Owen O'Hare, Kelly's sub, lot 24, 12 ft. lumber, 25c; 34 hour labor, 25c 50 60 til b0 65 1 8; 40 50 40 Total 7-24-10t $ 45 15 C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. NOTICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTENTION TO CONSTRUCT AN 8 -INCH TILE PIPE SANITARY SEWER IN ALLEY BETWEEN ELM AND PINE STREETS, FROM MANHOLE IN SIXTEENTH STREET TO CENTER OF SEVEN- TEENTH STREET To All Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby noti- fied that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque to con- struct an 8-i[:ch tile pipe sanitary sewer in alley between Elm and Pine Streets, from manhole in Sixteenth Street to cen- ter of Seventeenth Street. That a plat and specification of said proposed sewer is now on file in the of- fice of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said sewer will be 323 lineal feet in length. including 2 manholes, and will cost the abutting property owners $337.92 in total. Any persons having objections to the construction of said sanitary sewer are hereby notified to Zppear in person be- fore the City Council at its regular ses- sion August 6th, 1903, or to file in writing their objections with the City Recorder On or before August 6th, 1903. Dated at Dubuque, July 20th. 1903. C. F. ARENDT, 7-20-10t City Recorder. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT. Notice is hereby given to all concerned. that a special assessment will be levied to pay for improving the alley between Francis and Valeria Streets, from Kauff- man Avenue to Flart Street, Jas. Noonan & Co., contractors. Amount of special assessment, $600.02. against the abutting property upon along said. alley, as provided by law at a Official Notices. session of the City Council, to be held August 6th, 1903. And that there is a plat and schedule on file in the office of the City Recorder of said City of Dubuque. showing the alley on which said improvement was made, and the separate lots and parcels of ground or specified portion thereof, sub- ject to assessment of such improvement, the name of the owner thereof as far as practicable and the amount to be assessed ground, against each lot or parcel ofosnd which plat and schedule is subject to pub- lic inspection. And that any and all persons objecting io said special assessment of said plat must file his or thRecorder objection tdin writing City with the City Dubuque, on or before said session of the City Council to be held August 6th, 1901 or to appear at said session of the Council (o show cause. if any you have. why said assessment should not be levied. Dated at Dubuque.July CARENDT. 7-20-10t City Recorder. SIDEWALh NOTICE. Resolved. by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk four (4) feet wide. of good two-inch plank. brick, stone or cement, be, within ten (10 days of this notice, constructed and laic: In conformity with the ordinance in row - tion to sidewalks, on the north side i f Street,Rush between Mountain Union n Street.abutting south165 afeet of lots 194 and 195. in Union Add.. owned by John Specht, at the expense of abutting property. Passed by the City Council of the City of Dubuque July 2nd. 1903. C. F. ARENDT. 7-13-10t City Recorder. NOTICE TO PRINTERS. Sealed bids will be received at the May- or's Office, City Hall, up to 4 o'clock p. nn. Thursday. July 23, 1903, for printing and binding 300 copies of the Annual Re- port of the the Finance priceperpage. Bidders will state Bids will also be received at the same time for printing and binding 200 copies of the Police Riles and Regulations. Further int ,rmation can be obtained from the Committee Clerk at the Mayor's Office. COMMITTEE ON FINANCE• SIDEWALI. NOTICE. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk twelve (12) Rel. wide, of good two-inch plank. brick. stone or cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the north side Jones Street, between West MainStreetand South Locust Street, butting slot City y No. 500. owned by expense of abutting property. Passed by the City Council of the City of Dubuque July 2nd. 1903.C. F. ARENDT. 7-13-10t City Recorder. Regular Session August 6, 1903. CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session, August 6th, 1903. (Official.) Council met at 8:15 o'clock P. M. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Absent—None. Ald. Raymond moved that the Council proceedings for the month of July be ap- proved as printed. Carried. BILLS. The following bills were ordered paid: G. Gmehle, collecting back taxes$ 75 48 L. Daily, cleaning around Market Square during June and July 28 00 H. Tropf, board of prisoners for 12 20 July T. E. Frith, removing garbage and 375 03 dead animals Geo. Salol, services rendered as member of Board of Health from May 1st, 1902, to May 1st, 1903 33 00 Otto M. Ruete,, services rendered as member of Board of Health from May 1st, 1902, to May lst, 1903 27 00 Jno. Bohn, inspector Bee Branch sewer 50 00 W. Foster, inspector 16th street 36 95 Storm Water sewer C. T. Bush, photos in case of Con- sidine vs. City G. B. Grosvenor, supplies for var- ious departments Safford Stamp Works, stamps for Recorder's office J. Beach & Son, soap at City Hall A. E.' Bradley, glazing at City Hall R. L. Spellenberg, repairing waste pipe, City Hall Byrne Bros., use of Carryall H. Corrance, supplies at City Hall J. W. Wittmer, supplies and drugs at City Hall Palmer, Berg & Co., blank station- ery for various departments Smith -Morgan Printing Co., blank stationery for various departments. 46 00 Mullen & Papin, repairs at City Hall Key City Gas Co., gas for various departments Key City Gas Co., arc lights at Ar- mory Hall W. McLaughlin, hauling at Jackson Park E. J. Schilling, repairing cement walk at City Hall E. J. Schilling, relaying brick side- walk at S. W. corner 4th and Main 70 20 streets M. J. G. La Niece, drugs for Road 160 department Cleaver & McCarten, repairing foun- tain at Julien and Grant enues 2 80 Pape & Jacquinot, cutting gasplug at 13th and Clay streets1 75 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Road 4 75 and Sewer departments........... C. Matz, repairs for Road and 410 Sprinkling departments .. • Purington Paving Brick Co., brick for Road and Fire departments162 50 Pat Clancy, cinders for Road de- partment 00 Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber for Road 20 00 department Chas. Giese. filing saws for Road 1 department •••.."" ............... . 20 7 00 8 10 4 20 3 80 1 00 35 4 00 8 25 330 27 25 201 Jno. Kriebs, fly net for Road de- partment Linehan & Molo, sewer pipe for 14 85 Road department Key City Roofing Co., sewer pipe 2 80 for Road department F. A. Withers, 1 casting for Road department 50 Eagle Point Lime Works, macadam 275 60 for Road department Steuck & Linehan, paving brick for 86 70 Road department Wm. Marshall, repairs on Old Steam 12 45 Roller Ragatz & Son, repairs on Old Steam 4 27 Roller Kean Bros., pine wood for Steam 4 50 Roller P. Linehan, pine wood for Steam 9 Roller 00 Standard 011 Co., oil for Steam 2 Roller 50 P. Hansen, oil and matches for 1 Steam Roller 05 Key City Gas Co., coke for Steam 13 55 Roller " "' J.. W. Wittmer, supplies for Steam 65 Roller Smedley Steam Pump Co., repairs 6 on Street Sweeper 00 Austin -Western Co., fibre for Street 18 00 Sweeper Key City Gas Co., coal and coke for 25 10 fire department Wunderlich & \\-iederholt, horse 8 20 shoeing for lire department L. Lindenberg, Manila rope for tiro 2 90 department '1'. H. Clark. paints and oils for fire 4 10 department Fire Extinguisher Mfg. Co.. 200 ft. chemical hose, coupled, for fire 80 00 department 1-l. Corrance, supplies for fire de- partment50 Linehan & Molo, white waste for 10 28 flre department Eichhorn & Bechtel. bran for fire 90 department Dubuque Oil Tank Line, oil for fire 810 department Western Electrical Supply Co., sup- 51.14 plies for fire department Co, Dubuque Rubber & Belting coat and vest buttons for fire de- partment00 T. F. Kane. hay and oats for fire 165.57 department G. W. Healey & Son, hardware for 2 10 fire department Ott, Meuser & Co., shavings for 5 50 fire department McDonald & Morrison Mfg. Co., 1 7 90 gong for lire department G. F. Thorman. glass and putty at , 05 18th street engine house Lally & G,.ixl •r. repairing roof at rU nth street ,•swine house ............ Mullen & I',aa,in. plurnbiug at 9th { GO street engine house .................. Iowa iron works, repairing steamer 21 75 "Olinger" Iowa Iron \Cords r, pairing steamer 63 50"Stewart" The N.10Evnc r' .. Illi l: mason word: at Grandview Ave Engine House 1' 50 Har'gt•r R• 1:Ifsla. shad..., for Grand.. view Ave I?ngin,. Ilons,. ............ 17 00 J. W. Witmer. drugs ;unl supplies i i0 for' folie, ,lore) 1m,•nt .. .. C. J. \V. Saunders. moat for Ma- 4 i5 troll's department .. ......... ... A. Fluetsela, milk for Matron's de- partment 7i» ............... for Pllchhorn & Bechtel, supplies 2 10 58 80 2 50 60 10 00 202 Regular Session August 6, 1903. Matron's department 5 00 T. F. Kane. oats delivered at Patrol 18 65 House Pape & Jacquinot, repairing foun- tain on South Dodge street 85 G. Ragatz & Son, repairs for Sewer department H. Corrance, supplies for Sewer de- partment McDonald & Morrison Mfg. Co, wrenches for Sewer department1 76 Globe -Journal, official printing for .Tuly 60 00 The Times. official printing for July 15 00 National Demokrat, official printing 25 00 for July Ilarger & Blish, stationery and sup- plies for Engineer's department 31 40 l'nion Electric Co., arc lights for July 2046 77 H. J. Hagerty, examining hogs 6 00 Smith -Morgan Printing Co.. blank stationery for Board of Health 5 60 H. Corrance, 1 broom for Board of Health 90 Ott. Meuser & Co.. lumber delivered at Garbage Dump 58 75 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for sprinkling department 3 40 J. Newman & Son, repairs for sprinkling department 4 80 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co, hose for sprinkling department 108 00 Ott. Meuser & Co.. lumber for spec- ial Sidewalk department 28 90 Dubuque Woodenwaro Lumber Co, lumber for special Sidewalk de- partment 53 63 Fengler & Beutin, estimate for im- proving alley between Rhomberg and Garfield Avenues from John- son Avenue to south lot line of High Street sub. 299 83 O'Farrell & Street. estimate for im- proving Lincoln Avenue from White to Jackson Streets 434.47 Gus Brown, estimate for improving Gilmore Place from West Fifth street to alley south of Cooper street 896 10 Steuck & Linehan. constructing san- itary sewer in Kniest street from Lincoln Avenue to alley between Garfield and Rhomberg Avenues 54 00 Jno. Heim, 3,500 paving brick for special Sewer department 28 00 O'Farrell & Street. constructing storm water sewer in 15th street from Washington to Elm streets .. 274.92 O'Farrell & Street, constructing storm water sewer in 16th street ' from Washington street to rail- road tracks 898 39 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., 2 pair hip hoots for Bee Branch sewer department Peter Eishach, estimate on Bee Branch storm water sewer 942 24 Steuck & Linehan, final estimate on storm water sewer in Couler Creek between 27th street and Peru road 33 70 O'Farrell & Street, grading Lincoln Avenue from White to Jackson streets 42 45 Brown & Brown grading Lang- worthy Avenue from Hill to Booth street 296 45 Brown & Brown, grading Gilmore Place 187 50 Fengler & Beutin, grading alley be- tween Rhomberg and Garfield Avenues, from Johnson Avenue to south line of High Street Sub 6815 1 10 1 20 9 00 The following bills were ordered referred: Iowa Telephone Co., telephones for various Depts 39 02 On motion was referred to the Com- mittee on Supplies: Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs on steam road roller 41 53 Becker Bros., hauling brick to Grandview Avenue Engine House20 60 On motion both bills were referred to the Committee on Streets: The following bilis due to the City of Dubuque were ordered collected: Steuck & Linehan— To labor $ 7 80 To macadam 180 00 To rolling 37 50 Union Electric Co.— To rolling on Rhomberg Avenue To rolling Dodge, near Bluff St $226.30 $ 1 60 75 $ 225 Key City Gas Co., to rolling trenches in various Streets 75 00 Dub. Water Works Trustees, to roll- ing trenches in various Streets 21 00 On motion the bills were referred to the City Engineer for collection. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. Petition of A. A. Cooper, asking for per- mission to put down a cinder sidewalk on Jones Streets, from west side of the Cooper Wagon Works block as far east as Water Street. On motion action was postponed. Petition of the Chicago Great Western R'y Co., by D. J. Lenehan. asking for an extension of time from August 1st to September 1st for the completion of Bee Branch storm water sewer through their right of way on Rhomberg Avenue. Alderman Raymond moved that the prayer of the petition be granted. Car- ried. Petition of Jno. Nagle, asking that a tile pipe sewer be constructed abutting his property on Walnut Street, between Julien Avenue and West Eleventh Street. On motion was referred to the Street Committee. Petition of C. H. Meyer, et al, asking for the improvement of St. Ambrose Street from Asbury to Arcn Streets. Also petition of the Sisters of the Holy Ghost, et al, asking that Willow Street, from its intersection with St. Ambrose Street to a point 223 feet east of St. Am- brose Street, he improved. On motion both petitions were referred to the Committee on Streets. Also that the City Engineer be instruct- ed to prepare profiles of grade of said streets. Petition of Martin Fahey et al, asking for the extension of water mains in the vicinity of Atlantic and Audubon Avenues: also that a fire alarm box be placed at or near said Avenues. On motion of Ald. Corrance the matter was referred to the Committee on Fire and Water Works Trustees. I Regular Session August 6, 1903. Petition of Mrs. Helen Tinkham, et al, asking that an arc light be placed at the intersection of Third and Rhomberg or Third and Lincoln Avenues. On motion the petition was referred to the Police and Light Committee. Petition of Jos. F. Kingsley, et al, in relation to pond of stagnant water, situat- ed on the north side of Merchants' Lane, was on motion referred to the City En- gineer to have Mr. Gantenbein carry out his contract with the city. Petition of Wm. Stolteben, et al, ask- ing for tha removalbetween Alma andof obstructions aced on a wa passage way Re- becca Streets; and that the city construct a sidewalk and steps thereon where not already constructed. Also remonstrance of Rebecca J. Far- ley, objecting against constructing a side- walk and steps on passage way between Alma and Rebecca Streets. On motion the petition and remonstrance were referred to the City Attorney and City Engineer. Petition of Wm. A. Harxett in relation to re -platting lot 2 of the subdivision of Out Lot No. 735, City, was on motion of Ald. Horr referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Chris. A. Voelker, asking Council to accept one-half of the special assessment as levied for improving Audu- bon and Auburn Avenues. On motion the petition was referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Mrs. Anna Baier, asking that she be exempt of her homestead from taxation to the amount of $800.00, she be- ing the widow of an honorably discharged Union soldier. Also petition of Mrs. Wilhelmina Loeff- ler, asking that her taxes be canceled on lots 19 and 20, in Wick's Addition. On motion both petitions were referred to the Delinquent Tax Committee. Petition of First Church of Christ, by C. L. Butler, Trustee, asking that the as- sessor be instructed to cancel the taxes on lot 2 of 641 and lot 642, for the reason that the same is used for church pur- poses only. On motion was referred to the Board of Equalization. Petition of the Oriental Tea Co., asking that the City Treasurer be instructed to cancel all taxes, as levied against their corporation for the year • 1902. On motion the petition was received and filed. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. 208 City Treasurer Brinkman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: Below you will find state- ment of amounts advanced by me during the month of July, 1903, for which please order Warrants drawn in my favor: Excavation Permits redeemed $ 65 00 Interest on Warrants outstanding697 8822 C. B. & Q. Freight charges New York Exchange Postage Stamps Refunded Tax Refunded Tax C., M. & St. P., Freight charges, Fire department C., B. & Q., Freight charges, Fire department............... ....... I. C. R. R., Freight charges, Road department C., B. & Q., Freight charges, Road department 2 95 10 00 7 80 2 75 Claim of Mrs. Anna La Tourelle, claim- ing dam - the sum of $1,000 for personal ages sustained by falling on a defective sidewalk on the northwest side of Rhom- berg Avenue, near Ninth Avenue. On motion was referred to the Com- mittee on Claims and City Attorney. Invitation from the International Con- vention Committee, of the Catholic Order of ty Council stosparticipate inkthe or and Ci parade of local and visiting Foresters to be held Thursday morning, August 13th, 1903. On motion of Ald. Horr the invitation was accepted with thanks and the Council to turn out in a body. 1 25 1 10 1 35 47 38 $837.05 Library Orders redeemed $414 39 I also received money borrowed as be- low. Please order Loan Warrants drawn in favor of party mentioned. July 30th, 1903.—Mrs. AR.e B. R od ...$3,000.00 H. BRINKMAN, Treasurer. On motion the report was received and Warrants ordered drawn to pay the var- ious amounts, and the report referred back to the Committee on Finance. City Auditor Hoffman reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: report Gentlemen: Herewith find my receipt and disbursements i for the month of July, for the mo th3, showing e Cash on hand July lst, 1903....... •$23,067.75 75 Receipts from all sources $32,320.20 DISBURSEMENTS. Warrants redeemed $19,507.25 Coupons redeemed 4,202.50 Water Works Coupons redeemed 112.50 $23,822.25 Cash7.95 on oabovehand cash August lbalanceiincludes the Improvement Bond Fund, Improvement Bond Interest Fund, Improvement Fund and Library Fund balances. Also report that there is due the City Officers for the month of July, 03, $2,588.20. Also the following is a record of all In- terest Coupons redeemed by Treasurer for the past month: $3,080.00 Regular Bond Coupons W. W. Bond Coupons 112.50 1 12'.50 Improvement Bond Coupons $4,315.00 The following list shows the Appro- priations and the amount of Warrants drawn he fiscalfund year beginning March beginning oflst,, 1903, to August, 1903: Appropriation. Expended Expense • • • • $40,000 $11,965.86 38,000 21,130.00 Road ........ 11,607.17 38,000 Fire .......................... 28,000 8,580.95 Power .................... 5,000 1,672.35 Sewerage 2,000 540.00 Printing "' 204 Regular Session August 6, 1903. Engineer Gas and Light Interest Board of Health Grading Bee Branch Special Bonded Paving Judgment Sprinkling, First District.. 800 Sprinkling, Second District 1,500 Sprinkling, Third District. 1,500 Sprinkling, Fourth District 1,200 Sprinkling, Fifth District. 1,400 Special Bonded Debt In- terest Mount Carmel Ave. Grad - 1,000 ing Sidewalk Repairing 1,000 Special Sewer Fund 2,500 Grading Bluff Street Ex- tension 1,000 3,500 25,000 43,000 6,000 4,000 7,000 2,500 3,000 899.80 8,150.70 1,222.50 353.05 1,144.90 1,581.40 471.15 716.06 654.50 404.75 680.00 3.50 250.60 656.50 379.00 Total Appropriation $260,900 Respectfully, F. B. HOFFMAN. Auditor. On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay City of- ficers, and the report referred back to the Committee on Finance. Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol- lows: To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my pay roll for the Fire Department for the month of July, 1903: Amount due Firemen $2,213.85 JOSEPH REINFRIED, Chief. MATT CLANCY, Chairman Committee on Fire. On motion the pay roll was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay Firemen, and the report referred back to the Com- mittee on Fire. Chief of Police Morgan reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit the Police report for the month of July, 1903: Total arrests for the month 66 Patrol runs for the month 64 Miles traveled for the month 122 Residents arrested for the month Doors found open for the month 32 Lodgers harbored for the month 22 Defective lights fur the month 50 Meals furnished for the month 01 Cost of food for the month $12.20 City Ordinance tines for the month 96.00 Sheriff. board of prisoners for month9.30 Also the pay roll for Policemen for the month of July, 1903: Amount due Policemen $1,886.65 Respectfully submitted, EDW. MORGAN, Chief Police. • On motion the report and pay roll were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay Policemen, and the report referred back to the Committee on Police. F. Carney, Justice of the Peace for Ju- lien Township, reported as follows: To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—Below please find a report of all cases tried by me for the violation of City Ordinances during the month of July, 1903: Total amount of ,lines collected during the month, $95.00, which has been paid in- to the City Treasury, and the receipts for the same placed in the hands of the Chief of Police. Hespecttully, FRANK CARNEY, Justice of the Peace. On motion the report was received and filed. City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: 'fo the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: -1 herewith submit my pay roll for labor on streets for the last half of July, 1903: Amount due laborers on streets....$1,363.60 Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved: E. E. F1IITH, Chairman Committee on Streets. JOSEPH L. HORR, JOHN J, SHERIDAN, Also submit my pay roll for labor on sewers during the last half of July, 1903: Amount due laborers on sewers $181.50 Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved: JOHN J. SHERIDAN, Chairman Committee on Sewers. JOSEPH L. HORR, HUGH CORRANCE. Also submit my pay roll for teams haul- ing sprinkling wagons during the last half of July, 1903: Amount due teamsters $431.40 Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved: GEO. N. RAYMOND, Chairman Committee on Paving, Sweep- ing and Sprinkling. JOSEPH L. HORR, MATT CLANCY. Also submit my pay roll for labor on Bluff Street Extention for the last half of July, 1903: Amount due laborers $162.50 Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved: E. E. FRITH. Chairman Committee cn Streets. JOSEPH L. HOER, JOHN J, SHERIDAN, Also submit my pay roll for labor on Bee Branch sewer during the last half of July, 1903: Amount due laborers on Bee Branch..$42.00 Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved: E. E. FRITH, Chairman Committee on Streets. JOSEPH L. HORR. JOHN J. SHERIDAN. On [notion the pay rolls for Streets. Sewers, Sprinkling Wagons, Bluff Street Extension and Bee Branch were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts, and the pay rolls re- ferred back to the proper Committees. The Mayor stated that Mr. Patrick Dunn had some complaint to make to the Council. Mr. Dunn being present, ad- dressed the Council. stating that his prop- erty had been damaged by falling rocks during the improvement on Bluff Street Regular Session August 6, 1903. 205 Extension. and wished to be reimbursed by the City. Ald. Raymond moved that Mr. Dunn be allowed $10.00 in full for all damages. Ald. Frith moved an amendment that Mr. Dunn weic allowed was carried. full for all damages, City Electrician liipman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my re- port for defective lights for the month of July, 1903. 1 find from the reports of the Police department that the total hours that 50 Lamps failed to burn would equal 12 Lamps for one month of $64.80. Respectfully submitted. WILLIAM HIPMAN. City Electrician. On motion the report was received and the City Auditor instructed to deduct from the Union Electric Cto's. amount ill for the of month of July, $64.80. levy a special assessment against the dif- ferent named property owners for repair- ing sidewalks for the month of June, 1903: No remonstrance being filed, the Mayor asked if anyone present had any objec- tion to said Special Assessment. No objection being stated, on motion the notice was received and flied. City Engineer .Boyce reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque. Gentlemen:—Regarding the improve- ment of Fifth Street from Iowa to Main Street I would recommend that a brick gutter be constructed on both sides of said Fifth Street, the gutters to be four feet wide from the west line of Iowa Street to the east line of alley. six feet wide across the alley, and three feet wide from the west line of alley to the east line of Main Street. set on both Also that new curbing be sides of Fifth Street from Iowa Street to Main Street. including returns at the alley. I would also recommend a change of grade from the center of the alley to the present curb on east line of Main Street, higher than wouldh grade be one thepresent curb atnorth- west corner of the alley and Fifth Street and conform to the present curbs on the east side of Main Street. Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Ald. Sheridan moved that the report be approved, and the same referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. City Engineer Boyce also reported as follows: Herewith attached please find profile showing proposed grade of Lawther Ave- nue from the southwest curb of Burden Avenue to its intersection with Twenty- sixth Street. RespectfJlAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. On motion the profile was referred to the Committee on Streets. Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the fol- lowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay o re- pairing Sidewalks during month of June, 1903, in front of and adjoining the same, a Special Tax be and is hereby levied on the several Lots, and Parts of Lot, and Parcels of Real Estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each Lot or Par- cel of Real Estate, as follows: Special Assessment submitted and passed Aug. 6, 1903. June 1—.1. H. Shields. Dubuque Har- bor Co's. Add.. Block 1, lot 8-8a 70 ft lumber, $1.40; 1 hour labor $ 190 50c June 1—Winona Land Co., Dubuque Harbor Co's. Add., Block 1, lot 12. 48 ft lumber, 95c; 1 hour labor. 50c 1 45 June 1—J. H. Shields and W. L. Bradley, Dubuque 1 -[arbor Co's. Add., W. 1-2, Block 10, lot 1, 80 ft lumber. $1.60; 1 hour labor. 50c2 10 June 1—Anna M. Bush, Dubuque Harbor Co's. Add., Block 1, lot 9a, 40 ft lumber, 80c; 3-4 hour labor, 1 20 40c June 1—Jame= Rowan, City. S 27 ft, lot 532a, brick and ....lobo,75 June 1—J. D. Rhomoerg and G. S. Kringle. Rose Hill Add., lots 3-4, 16 ft lumber, 30c: 1 hour labor. 50c June 2—Wm. and F. A. Coates, City, N 2-5 lot 436, 10 ft lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c June ht ofway IE s de Rhomberg avenue, 10 ft lumber, 20c: 1-2 hour labor, 25c June xJ ft, lot 184, 10 ft lumber, 20c; 100r 1-2 hour labor, 25c June Du- buque Add., rot 151, S ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c June 6--P. M. Harrington, Sub. 23, Kelly's Sub., lot 2, 10 ft lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c June 5—Nic Engel, Windsor Ave Sub., lot 3, 8 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c June 5—Emelia Guderian Est., High St. Sub., lot 11, 24 ft. lumber, 50c; 3-4 hour labor, 40c June ub., N 1 f2, E 1-2, N 1-2 lot 36rt, e124 ft lvs sum lum- ber, 50c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c June 6—W. A. E 1-2,lot 50. 22 Irwin, Add lumber. 45c;3-4 hour labor, 40c Jun71 cUnion lAdd.a lot 1, 10 ft lumbewson, Sub. 70 r, 20e; 1-2 hour labor. 25c June 8—Frank Lanser, Reeder Lang - worthy's Sub.. lot 12. 5 ft lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Reeder June S—Andrew Nerso 4,R1eeder ft Langworthy's Sub., lot lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour laboh Min. June S—Sarah J. Bothwell, ru15ct W. Lot 158, lot 8, 8 ft lumber, 1-2 hour labor. 25c . • . • • a • "' W hetan's June . 7,E 5 ftC umber loci 1-2 Bub., lot 7, hour labor, 25c ...........vr.u.dview June S—P. F. Dalton, City Engineer Boyce also reported as follows: Attached please find statement show- ing amounts due for macadam for the month of July, 1903: $67 96 Totalamount ........................... Ald. Frith moved that the re9ort be approved, and that warrants be ordered drawn for the various amounts. Car- ried. City Recorder Arendt presented and read the printed notice, certified to by the publisher, of the Council's intention to SO 45 45 45 40 45 40 90• 75 85 45 35 50 40 35 206 Regular Session August 6, 1903. 1-2 hour labor, 25c ... ... Ave Add., lot 6, 8 ft lumber, tub June 8 -Citizens' bate Bank. Min. Lot 46, lot 1, 16 ft lumber, 30c; 55 1-2 hour labor. 25c June 8-1-I. Wunderlich, Fortune's Sub., lot 15, 15 ft lumber, 30c; 1-2 65 hour labor, 25c June 11 -Herman Boesch et al, Broadway Add., lots 9-10. 15 ft lum- 55 Tier, 30'; 1-2 hour labor. 25c June 11 -Ellen F. Callahan, South Park hill Add., lot 16, 21 ft.iumber, 65 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c June 11 -Martha Zinn, L. H. Lang - worthy's Adcl., lot 24a, 20 ft lum- ber, 40e; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 65 June 11 -John Olinger, Boulevard, lots 1-21, 20 ft tumher, 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 65 June 12 --John Etiwanger et al, City, lot 745, 25 ft lumber, 50c; 3-4 hour labor. 40c 90 June 12-G. W. Brown. East Du- buque Add., lot 47, 8 ft lumber, 15e; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 40 June 12 -Theresa W. rade, Ham's Add., lot 270, 5 ft lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c June 12-J. A. Rhomberg, Ham's Add., lot 208, 17 ft lumber, 350; 1-2 hour labor, 25c GO June 13 -John Byrne, Sub. 5 of Min Lot 62, lot 2, 14 ft lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 55 June 13 --Wm McClain. Hoskin's Sub., lot 5, 8 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25e 40 June 13 -Mrs. Sidney Saul. Saul's Sub., lot 6, 10 ft lumber. 20c; % hour labor, 2bc 45 June 13-F. W. Fitzpatrick Est., Union Add., lots 145-146, 12 ft lum • ber, 25c; 3 hour labor, Mc 50 June 13 -Mrs. J. Collinson, Union Add., lots 155-156, 10 ft lumber, 20c; 3¢ hour labor, 25c 45 June 13 -Catholic University of Washington, et al., lots 165-166, 26 ft lumber 50c; % hour labor, 40cb0 June 1:3-T. Kenneally, Union Add, lots 171-172, 12 ft lumber 250 Zr June 13-Jno. Specht, Union Add, S 165 ft lots 194-195, 20 ft lumber, 40e; 1 hour labor, 26c June 13 -Sarah Mahoney, UnlOn Add, lot 204, 5 ft lumber, 10e; % hour la- bor 25c June 13 -Wm. Lawther and J. V. Rider, burden-Lawther Add., lot 16, 5 ft lumber, 10c; % hour labor, 25c June 16 -Catholic University of Washington, Levens Add., lot 1, 16 ft lumber, 30c; 1 hour labor, 25e June 16 -Catholic University of Washington, Levens Add., lots 9-10, 38 ft lumber, 75c; 3 hour labor, 25c. June 16 -Catholic T;niversity of Washington, Levens Add., lot 8, 3 ft lumber 5c; % hour labor, 25c June 16 -Hem y Hanover, Marsh's Add., lot 21, 40 ft lumber, 800; 3a hour labor, 40c June 16-A. F. & B. D. Heeb, Marsh's Add., lots 22.23, 8 ft lum- ber, 15c; % hour labor, 26c June 16-H. P. Willging, Marsh'!" Add., lot 19, 5 ft lumber 10c; % hour labor, Mc June 1C-Jno. M. Miller, et al, Sub. Min. Lot 315, lot 2, 12 ft lumber, 25c; 3 hour labor, 25c June 17-Bosserman & Ives, City S 3sa lot 334, 17 ft lumber, 35c; % hour labor, 25c June 20 -Marian Stokley, Sub. City 738, lot 9, 30 ft lumber. 60c.... 40 65 36 35 55 1 00 30 1 20 40 35 50 60 60 June 20 -John McDonald, oTeNulty's Sub. 5 89 ft lot 2, 24 ft lumber, 60e; 3 hour labor, 26c June 20 -Mrs. F. M. S. Bailey, A. Mc - Daniels' Sub., lot 799, 7 ft lumber, 15c; % hour labor. 25e June 20-E. Smitn, A. McDaniels' Sub, lot 782, 28 ft lumber, 66c; 1/2 hour labor, 25c 80 June 21 -Marg. Rubeck, Sub. 1 and 2 of Sub. 1 of 3 of 10 and 2 of 3 of 11, Kniest's Sub., lo* 2, 13 ft lumber, 25c; t,¢ hour labor, 25c 50 June 22-M. M. Hoffman, E. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 18, 34 ft lumber, 70c; % hour labor, 26c 95 June 23 -Geo. W. Mosel, Dubuque Harbor Co.'s Add., W % Blk. 19, lot 6, 27 ft lumber, 55c; 3 hour la- bor, 26c 80 June 23 -Geo. W. Klesel, Dubuque Harbor Co.'s Add., W 3 Blk. 19, lot 5, 18 ft lumber, 36c; % hour la- bor, 40c 75 June 23 -Ed. Muntz, Dubuque Har- bor Co.'s Add., W 3tZ Blk. 19, lot 2, 17 ft lumber, 25c; % hour labor. 25c 60 June 23-M. J. Everett Eat., City E ' 665, lot 2, 10 ft lumber, 20c; 1/2 hour labor, 25c 45 June 25 -German Presbyterian Col- lege, City G75, lot 7, 12 ft lum- ber, 26c: 1,4 hour labor. 25c be June 25-H. I-. & N. W. Kimball, Davis Farm Add.. lot 337, 20 ft lum- ber, 40c; 34 hour labor 25c 65 June 26 -Paul Traut Est., Farley's Sub., lot 35, 63 ft lumber, $1.35; 1 hour labor, 50c 185 June 26 -Mrs. R. R. Jackson, Far- ley's Sub., lat 8, 8 ft lumber, 15c; 34 hour labor, 2uc 40 June 26-Sidonia Hosford, Sidonia Hosford's Sub.. lot 2, 12 ft lumber, 26e; % hour labor, 25c 5O June 27 -Thos. Meehan, Union Add, lot 132. 8 ft lumber, 15c; % hour la- 40 bor 25c June 29 -Ulrich Willey, sub. 219, Davis Farm Add., lots, 1-2, 22 ft. lumber, 45c; ata hour labor, 25c.... 70 June 29 -Mrs. J. P. Buehler, sub. 1 of Min. lot 314, lot 3, 37 ft. lumber, 75c; 1 hour labor, 50c June 29-Pancratzius Domenig, High Street sub., lot 1, 10 ft. lumber, 20c; % hour labor, 25c June 6 -Owen O'Hare, Kehy's sub, lot 24, 12 ft. lumber, 25c; % hour labor, 25c Total $ 45 15 Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays -None. 75 40 1 26 45 60 City Recorder Arendt also presented and read the printed notice of Special As- sessment for improving the alley between Francis and Valeria Streets, from Kauff- man Avenue to Hart Street. No remonstrance being filed, the Mayor asked if any one present had any objec- tion to said special assessment. No ob- jection being stated, the notice on motion was received and filed. Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the fol- lowing: Iiesolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for im- proving the alley between Francis Street Regular Session August 6, 1903. and Valcria Street from Kaufman Avenue to Hart Street by Jas. Noonan & Co.. contractors, in front of an adjoining the same, a Special 'Pax, he an is hereby levied on the several Lots, and Parts of Lots. and Parcels of Real Estate herein- after named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each Lot or Parcel of Real Estate. as follows: Special Assessment submitted and passed August 6, 1903. Dom. Hoffman, Tivoli Add.. lot 31, 156.1 square yards macadamizing at 56 1-2c $ 93 43 A. F. Jaeger Est., Tivoli Add., lot 34. 44.4 square yards macadamiz- ing at 56 1-2c 25 00 Cath. Dolter, Tivoli Add., lot 35, 444 .quare yards macadamizing at 561-2c 25 00 E. H. Krakow, Tivoli Add., N 1-2 lot 36, 22.2 square yards macada- mizing at 56 1-2c 12 0 D. Wendt, Tivoli Add., S 1-2 lot 36, 22.2 yards macadamizing at 56 1-2c 12 50 Peter Nicks. Tivoli Add., lot 37, 55.5 square yards macadamizing at 56 1-2c 31 28 A. G. Reed, Tivoli Add., lot 38, 175.5 square yards macadamizing at 56 1-2c 98 72 Prank D. Scharle, Tivoli, Add., lot 30, 56.8 square yards macadamiz- ing at 66 1-2c 31 95 Frank Fosselman, Tivoli Add.. lot 29, 55.6 square yards macadamizing at 56 1-2c 31 28 Frank Fosselman. Tivoli Add.. lot 28, 55.6 square yards macadamizing at 56 1-Zc 31 28 Chas. P. Mettel. Tivoli Add., lot 27. 55.6 square yards macadamizing 312S at 5(3 1-2c J. A. Rhomberg Est., Tivoli Add, lot 26, 55.6 square yards macadam- izing at 56 1-2c 31 28 J. A. Rhomberg Est., Tivoli Add, lot 25, 55.6 square yards macadam- izing at 56 1-2c 31 28 Frank Langger, Tivoli Add.. lot 24, 55.6 square yards macadamizing 3125 at 56 1-2c John Stuber Jr., Tivoli Add., lot 23, 55.6 square yards macadamizing 3125 at 56 1-2c John Kulow, Tivoli A.dd., lot D2. 55.6 square yards macadamizing 3128 at 56 1-2c Geo. Salot, Tivoli Add., lot 21, 34.5 square yards macadamizing 19 40 at 56 1-2c _40 Total $600 02 Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance. Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. City Recorder Arendt also presented and read the printed notice of the Council's intention to construct an 8 -inch Tile pipe Sanitary Sewer in alley between Elm and Pine Streets, from manhole in Sixteenth Street to center of Seventeenth Street. Also the communication of Victoria Simones, remonstrating against the con- struction of said Sewer. Ald. Clancy moved that the remon- strance be received and filed. Carried. The Mayor stated that at the last meet- ing of the Council, a contract was let to T. J. Donahue, to build two cisterns, one at the intersection of Fulton and Mon - 207 roe Streets, and one at the intersection of Muscatine and Sabina Streets. that he had investigated the matter. and found that the pre.,erty owners would not he much benefited h;• those cisterns, for the reason that no fire engines could get up there; therefore lie declined to sign said contract. Ald. Frith moved that the action of the Mayor he approved and that a Special Committee be appointed to confer with the Nater \t'or'e: Tru, tees to devi.e :, un e plan for proper lire protection in that le- cality. Carried. The Mayor appointed upon said comnr.i:- tee Aids. Frith. Sheridan and Jones. REPORTS OF S'T'ANDING COMMI'T'- TEES. Ald. Frith, chairtnan of the Ordinance committee, presented and read an ordin- ance to provide for the registration of Births, Death, Burials and Contagious Diseases, and moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading. Carried. Ald. Frith moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of reading the ordinance by its title for the second time. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond, Sheridan. Nays—None. The ordinance was then read by its title the second time. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the ordinance as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond, Sheridan. Nays—None. The Mayor declared :he ordinance adopted. Ordinance follows: An Ordinance to provide for the Regis- tration of Births, Deaths, Burial and Contagious Diseases. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Sec. 1. That Chapter XLIII. of the Re- vised Ordinance of 1901, of the City of Dubuque, be and the same is hereby re- pealed. Sec. 2. That every physician, midwife, nurse, householder, or other person un- der whose care or supervision any child may be born within the jurisdiction of the city, shall report the fact of said birth to the City Recorder within forty- eight hours of the occurrence of the same in the manner and form prescribed in Blank 1, particular care being taken by the person so reporting to name the street, the number of the domicile, the ward, the name and nationality of the parents, the sex of the child, and other facts connect- ed with the birth aforesaid and which are referred to It shall be aforesaidthedty Blank Sec.3. of every physician and surgeon in attendance up- on i event of death, to give to the fan family or person having charge of the corpse a certificate, stating, as near as can be ascertained, the name, sex, color. age, occupation, date of death, whether single or married, wid- ow or widower, nationality, and place of birth, time of residence in the city, place and cause of death and duration of dis- ease. Such certificate shall state the name of the physician or surgeon in at- tendance at the death. he signed by such physicianorasurgeon, Regular Session August 6, 1903. and shall also be signed by some relative or attendant of such deceased person, or bsome e of such corpse undertakerbefore having a burial permit tshall be issued thereon, provided, that where a inquestcoroner's sheld, ficate shall he signed bythecs coroner andshall state the fact that an inquest was so held, and shall be 1n such form, and con- tain such other facts as may be pre- scribed by the Board of Health. Sec. 4. In case any person dies without a physician or surgeon in attendance, or in case the physician or surgeon In at- tendance, relative, attendant or undertak- er shall refuse to sign the certificate of death. as provided in the foregoing section, the person having charge of such corpse shall forthwith notify the Physician of the Board of Health of that fact, who shall therehe cts and if it shalluappear pon v tot him gate tthat athe decedent died from natural causes he shall sign the certificate, and deliver the same to the person in appears that gdecedent died from unnate of such corpse. But - ural ural causes, he shall immediately refer the case to the coroner. Sec. 5. Every undertaker, or other per- son in charge, before removing any corpse for burial in any of the cemeteries with or adjacent to the city of Dtihuque, shall first obtain from the City Recorder a per- mit so to do. Said burial permit shall he issued by the City Recorder upon de- positing in his office the certificate of death provided by sections two and three hereof. Burial permits shall also be is- sued upon certificates of death signed by midwives in cases of the death of the newly -born. when countersigned by a rel- ative attendant or undertaker. But no burial permit shall he issued by the re- corder until after the proper death certifi- cate shall have been deposited with him. Sec. 6. Every sexton. or custodian of a cemetery. before receiving for burial any corpse. shall first receive from the un- dertaker or other person bringing such corpse for burial, p burial permit from the City Recorder; said sexton shall re- turn the same to the City Recorder prop- erly endorsed with his signature within ten days, after the manner and form pre- scribed in Blank No: 3. Sec. 7. Every railroad. steamboat. ferry. transportation or other comnanv. and every other person, before removing beyond the jurisdiction of this city the corpse of any person who may have died. or may have been buried within the juris- diction of this city. shall. first obtain from the ('it:• Recorder a permit. in the man- ner and form prescribed in Blank No. 7. Sec. S. The City Ttee,wder shall file all certificates of birth, and deaths at the time they one de:msitc•.1 with him and preserve the same in his office. and shall keep a record thereof in a book provided for that purpose. He shall also in the month of March, report to the City Coun- cil a statement of the number of births and deatl : recorded during the previous year, .lid Such other information and suggestions in relation thereto as he may deem useful, and shall also quake such report to the City or State Board of Health whenever requested by them. Sec. 9. Every physician, midwife. nurse, householder or other person having the care of •any case of cholera. smallpox. diphtheria. hydrophobia. measles, scarlet, spotted, typhoid. typhus or yellow fever, or other contagious diseases. shall report tate same, within twelve hours after ae- qulring a knowledge thereof, to the City Recorder. in the manner and form pre- scribed in Blank No. 4. together with such other Information as may re required by the Board of Health. and upon the recov- ery of sueth cases shall report said re- covery to the C1tp Recorder. ;n the inan- ner and form prescribed in Blank No. f. Sec. 10. That any person or persons convicted of a violation of this Ordi- nance shall be fined in a sum not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense. and Imprisoned until such fine and costs are paid. hot exceeding thirty days. Sec. 11. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication one time in the Dubuque Daily Globe -Journal newspaper. Adopted A pprov ed Attest: Mayor. City Recorder. Ald. Frith moved that the Ordinance pertaining to Teamsters' License be re- ferred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. Corranee. chairman of the Com- mittee on Claims, reported as follows: Your Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the claim of the Julier. House Company for $130.65 for damages to building alleged to have been caused by mob. would recommend that said claim be received and filed. Also. your Committee on Claims. to wohm was referred the claim of John Carrigan for damages for personal in- juries alleged to have been sustained by him, would recommend that said claim he received and filed. Also, your Committee on Claims. to whom was referred the claim of Mary Kruse for damages for personal injuries alleged to have been sustained by her. would recommend that said claim be re- ceived and filed. H. CORRANCE, Chairman. Ald. Corranee moved to adopt the re- port of the Committee on Claims. Car- ried. Ald. Frith, chairman of the Committee on Streets, reported as follows: Your Committee on Streets, to whom was referred the communication of P. H. Dunn. calling attention to the damage done his property by stones falling there- on from Bluff Street Extension, where the city has a gang of men at work, beg to report that we have instructed the City Engineer to have the city carpenters re- pair any damage that has been caused to Mr. Dunn's property by reason of any .carelessness on the part of the city's em- ployes. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. Ald. Frith moved that the report be re- ceived and filed. Carried. Also your Committee on Streets, to whom was referred the petition of D. Ahern, et al, in relation to the gutter oil the west side of South Locust Street, be- tween Jones and Dodge Streets, would recommend that the City Engineer be in- structed to prepare a profile showing a change of grade on said South Locust Street, between the above mentioned points. Regular Session August 6, 1903. 209 .\ iso your Committee on Streets begs to report that we have examined efrim- provement on Langworthy Avenue, Hill to Alpine Streets, Brown & Brown, contractors, and would recommend that the same be accepted; we would also rer, ommend that the City Engineer be in- structed to prepare and assessment by thesagains the pproperty re im- provement and file the same with the City Recorder for publication. Also that the Finance Committee be instructed to pro- vide for an issue of bonds to defray the cost of said improvement. Also your Committee on Streets begs to report that we have examined the im- provement on Lincoln Avenue, from White to Jackson Streets, O'Farrell &. Street, contractors, and would recommend that the same be accepted; we would also recommend that the City Engineer be in- structed to prepare an assessment against the property benefited by the said im- provement and tile the same with the City Recorder for publication. Also, that the Finance Committee be instructed to pro- vide for an issue of bonds to defray the cost of said improvement. Ald. Raymond, chairman of the Delin- quent Tax Committee, reported as fol- lows: Your Committee on Delinquent Tax, to whom was referred the petition of John Wybrant, stating that he is an honorably discharged sailor of the War of the Re- bellion and asking therefore that he be granted exemption from taxation for the year 1902 on the W IA of City Lot 667, to the extent of $800.00 valuation, would rec- ommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the treasurer be in- structed accordingly. Also your Committee on Delinquent Taxes„ to whom was referred the peti- tion of I. .1. Cheetham. asking that the taxes against Sub. Lot 38 of Wilson's Sub. be canceled, would recommend, on account of his physical condition. that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the treasurer be instructed accordingly. Also your Committee on Streets begs to report that we have examined the im- prevement on Gilmore Place from alley first north of Fenlon Place to south curb line of West Fifth Street, M. A. Brown, contractor, and would recommend that the some be accepted! we would also recom- mend that the City Engineer be instruct- ed to prepare an assessment against the property benefited by said improvement and file the same with the City Recorder for publication. Also, that the Finance Committee be instructed to provide for an issue of bonds to defray the cost of said improvement. Also your Committee Streets begs to report that we have examined the im- provement on Alley between Rhomberg and Garfield Avenues, from Johnson Ave- nue to south line of High Street Sub., Fengler & Beutin, contractors, and would recommend that the same be accepted, we e City Engineer dbel instructed to recommendso prepare that han as- sessment against the property benefited by said improvement and file the same with the City Recorder for publication. Also that the Finance Committee be in- structed to provide for an issue of bonds to defray the cost E. FRITH, improvement. E. Chairman. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report of the Committee on Streets. Carried. Ald. Jones, chairman of the Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings, reported as follows: Your Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings, to whom was referred the mat- ter of improving the driveway on south side of the city g hall, ube d r coo - mendnd tthat the City ed to repair said driveway with tar ma- cadam and to put in a brick crossing on Iowa Street. Also that he be authorized to purchase such macadam as will be necessary for said work from the Eagle Point Lime Works. RUDOLPH JONES, Chairman. Aldi Jones moved to adopt the report. Carried. Also your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the peti- tion of W. Blades, asking that the treas- urer be instructed to receive taxes on $2,000.00 in full settlement of the assess- ment against him for moneys and credit, would recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and the treasurer be so notified. Also your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, ion af Maria 'I i e plrhom `ir. askias ng referred tthe tlieetatxes against her property, Sub. 5 of Hughes' Sub. Lot 2, be canceled for the year 1902, would recommend that on account of her poverty, the prayer of the petition be granted and that the treasurer be instruct- ed accordingly. Also your Committee on Delinquent 'faxes. to whom was referred the petition of August Rohr, asking that on account of his physical condition the taxes against his property. Lot 283 East Dubuque Add., No. 2 be canceled for the year 1902, would recommend that the prayer of the peti- tioner be granted and that the treasurer be instructed accordingly. Also your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the petition ofer Mrpso`e t`' that thetaxes on again t Cher property Lot 106 Union Addition, be can- celed recommend thapr the year 1902, taxes be allowed to would saidremain a lien on the property and that the treasurer be instructed not to sell. Also your Committee on Delinquent Taxes ,to whom was referred the petition of Catherine Loibl, asking on account of her poverty that teh taxes against her property, lot 206 Ham's Addition, be can- celed for the year 1902, would recommend that said taxes be allowed the aina n a lien on the property and carer be instructto sell. ed N. RAYMOND, Chairman. Aid. Raymond moved to adopt the re- port of the Delinquent Tax Committee. Carried. Ald. Horr, chairman of the Board of Equalization, reported as follows: whom Your Board of Equalization, to was referred the petitioon r aof t the Hanemon ey- Campbell Co., asking the taxes assessed against them in ac- 210 Regular Session August 6, 1903. cordance with the action of the City Council of June 1, 1903, would recommend that said petition be received and filed. Also your Board of Equalization, to whom was referred the petition of the Du- buque Telephone Co., asking that the City Treasurer he instructed to accept $192.50 in full for the taxes for the year 1902, would recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the Treas- mer he instructed accordingly. JOS. L. HORR, Chairman. Aid. Horr moved to adopt the report of the Board of Equalization. Carried. Ald. Jones of the Board of Health re- Forted as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: Your Board of Health would respectfully report, that at a meet- ing held August 3rd, 1903, we examined a bill from H. J. Hagerty, veterinary sur- geon, for examining hogs and beef during the month of January, 1903. Total amount $15.00. We would recommend that the sum of $5.00 he allowed in full settlement of said bill. We also recommend, on account of a pool of stagnant water on Lots Nos. 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 and 40, in Reche's sub., owned by B. W. Lacy, that Mr. Lacy be noti- fied to fill said lots to grade. Also recommend the adoption of the fol- lowing resolution: Be It Resolved by the Board of Health of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: That Thom- as Connolly, the owner of City Lots Nos. 177 and 178 in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, having failed to connect said property with the sanitary sewer situated in alley be- tween Iowa and Main Streets, abutting on said property; and it being deemed neces- sary for the preservation of the public health of said City that said premises be connected with said sanitary sewer, It is hereby ordered by the Board of Health of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by virtue of the power vested in it by Section 1032 of the Code of Iowa of 1897, and Chapter Twenty-five of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque, that said Thomas Connelly shall within thirty days from the date of service of notice of this order, connect said premises with said sanitary sewer. Dated this 3rd day of August, 1903. On motion of Ald. Jones the report of the Board of Health was adopted. Ald. Horr, chairman of the committee of the Whole, reported as follows: Your committee of the Whole would re- spectfully recommend that the committee on Sewers be instructed to purchase one hand hose reel and 500 feet of two-inch rubber hose for use in flushing out sew - era. Also, your committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the City Engineer be instructed to replace the drinking fountain on Sixth street with one made of stone. Also, your committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the report of the com- mittee on Sprinkling in relation to the compensation to be paid the Water Works Trustees for water used for street sprink- ling, would recommend that said Water Works Trustees be allowed the sum of $2,000.00 for the water so used during the season of 1903. Also, your committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the remonstrance of T. J. Mulgrew against the laying of a cinder sidewalk on Jones street, would re- spectfully recommend that said remon- strance be received and filed. Also, your committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of the Dubuque Benevolent and Humane Society in relation to attaching an appliance to the drinking fountains, whereby dogs may be enable to' slake their thirst, would recommend that that said petition be re- ferred to the Water Works Trustees. Also, your committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of the Dubuque Wooden Ware and Lumber Co. et al., asking that the brick paving of the middle of Fifth Avenue be continued to the terminus of said Avenue, beg to re- port that we have visited the ground and find that the City Engineer has already repaired the lower portion of said Ave- nue so that it is at present in good con- dition. The upper portion, however, needs some attention and we would recommend that the City Engineer be instructed to make such repairs thereon as are neces- sary to put the same in passable condi- tion. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the communication of the Globe -Journal and the Telegraph -Herald newspapers. asking that tney be paid at. the rate of fifty cents per Inch for the publication of the council proceed- ings and extra for notices, etc., the foregoing rates to be equally divided between both papers, beg to report that all appropriations for the year were made in February and the amount then set aside for printing was 82,000.00. As the cost of publishing the proceedings for one year at the present rate foots up to $1,800, leaving a balance of but $200 in the Print- ing Fund for emergencies, it will be im- possible to increase the rate of compensa- tion for the present; therefore we would recommend that the Printing Committee be instructed to inform both journals that the City Council will endeavor to mater- ially condense the proceedings. Should this not be satisfactory, we would recom- mend that said Printing Committee be authorized to enter into a contract with one paper only for the publication of the proceedings and notices. JOSEPH L. HORR, Chairman. Aid. Horr moved to adopt the report of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. Raymond, chairman of the Special Committee to audit the report of the Du- buque Water Works Trustees, reported as follows: Your Special Committee, to whom was referred the statement of the Water Works Trustees for the quarter ending June 30, 1903, beg to report that we have compared the same with the vouchers on file in the office of the Trustees and find the sante to correspond; we would there- fore recommend that said statement be re- ceived and filed. GEORGE N. RAYMOND, Chairman. Ald. Raymond moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Regular Session August 6, 1903. 211 Alderman Horr moved that the Ordi- nance Committee be instructed to prepare an ordinance limiting the rate of speed at which automobiles may be operated on the streets of the city. Carried. RESOLUTIONS. Alderman Frith offered tne following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the Committee on Ordi- nances be and are hereby instructed to prepare an ordinance providing for the placing of telephone wires under ground within certain limit of the City of Du- ddefining viding fortheregutlation anderection r o aerial telephone poles and wires outside of said district in said city, and present said ordinance at the next meeting of the Council Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried. Alderman Burr offered the following: Whereas, Almost invariably the suits brought against the y for damages are occasioned by defective plank sidewalks, and Whereas, It is an utter impossibility to maintain plank sidewalks in perfect con- dition for any length of time and also im- possible to keep such strict supervision over them as will guard the city against such suits, and Whereas, It should be the aim of the City Council to endeavor to render such suits impossible by providing for the aboli- tion of plank walks as much as possible, and substituting in their stead a good, substantial walk, the cost of making which will not over burden the property owners; therefore, Council of Be it Resolved by the City the City of Dubuque, That the Ordinance Committee be and is hereby instructed or ttoo prepare an ordinance providing use of properly constructed cinder side- walks on certain streets in tne city where the travel along the same is not great. Permission for laying such walks to be, in all cases, previously obtained from the City Council. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Corrance, Horr, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—Alda. Clancy, Frith and Jones. Ald. Horr also offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the time for the completion of the sewer between City o - berg and Garfield Avenues, Dubuque, across the right of way of of the Chicago Great Western Railway as provided by section 3 of an Ordinance passed January 8th, 1903, and approved January 12th, 1903, be extended so as to of authorize n et ion or before September saidsewer onlst, 1903. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the resolution. Carried. Alderman Sheridan offered following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sanitary sewer of eight -inch tile pipe be constructed in the alley between Pine and Elm streets from the present manhole in Sixteenth Street to the center of Seventeenth specifications Street, of according to the plat and sp said sewer prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder; and be it further Resolved, That said :ewer shall be com- pleted on or before the 16th day of Sep- tember, 1903. and shall be paid for at the time and in the manner . prescribed by Chapter 34, of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque for the pay- ment of the cost of constructing sewers. The proposals for doing such work will be acted upon by the Council on the 20th day of August, 1903. and the City Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication. asking for proposals as pro- vided by ordinance. Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance , Frith. Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Corrance offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a Sidewalk eight (8) feet wide, of good brick, stone or cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west side of Bluff street, between Thirteenth street and Fourteenth street. abutting lot 1, A. L. Brown's exp, ownse ed by P. McCullough, at f abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Corrance also offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a Sidewalk eight (8) feet wide of good brick, stone or cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice, conthestructed ordinan ordinance conformitylation to sidewalks, on the west side of Bluff street between Thirteenth street and Fourteenth street, abutting S 1h of lot 769a, A. McDaniels' sub., owned by JamesMcDonnell at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Corrance also offeo offe—e following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a Sidewalk eight (8) feet wide, of goo two -in hn teen , brick, ys stone or cement, b notice, of this conformity with the constructed ordinance in id rela- tion to sidewalks, on the west side of Bluff street, between Thirteenth street and Fourteenth street, abutting lot 769, A. McDaniels' sub., owned, by Mary E. Hodg- don, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Frith, Ayes—Alda. Clancy. Corrance, Horr, Jones. Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Corrance also offered tthe il ofollo Cwinfg Resolved by the City of Dubuque: That a Sidewalk eight (8) feet wide. of good brick, stone tor cement, be, within ten (10) days constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west side of een Thirteenth streetand : Fourteenth street,ff street, abutting lot 2 of N. 1-2 of as A. Mc- Daniels' sub., owned by James n estate, at the expense of abutting prop- erty. 212 ' Regular Session August 6, 1903. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Clancy. Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Raymond offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of elve (12) Dubuque: wide, That goodStwo-Inch walke plank brinck, stone or cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west side of Main Fourth street, street.between abutting N.Thirdt fstreet and ft., tY Lot 70, owned by Catholic University of Washington, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Clancy. Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Raymond also offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a Sidewalk twelve (12) feet wide, of good cement. be. within ten (10) days of this notice. constructed and laid in conformity with the ordin- ance in relation to sidewalks. on the east side of Main street, between Third street and Fourth street, abutting N. 1-3. City Lot 1, owned by Robert Waller estate, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Clancy. Corrance. Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Raymond also offered the following: Resolved by the City Council oT the City of Dubuque: That a Sidewalk twelve (12) feet wide, of good cement. be. within ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance In relation to sidewalks. on the west side of Man street. between Third street and Fourth street. abutting S. 20.6 ft. City Lot 69, owned by James McDonnell, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Clancy. Corrance. Frith, Horr, Jones. Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Frith offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a Sidewalk six (6) feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, atone or cement. be, within ten (10) clays of this notice. constructed and laid in conform- ity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks, on the east side of Lin,,oln Avenue, between Windsor Avenue and Stafford Ave- nue, abutting S 18.4 ft.. Lot 43 and Lot 44, Cook's Add., owned by Peter Weitz, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Clancy. Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Raymond moved to adjourn until Aug. 20th, 1903. Carried. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Attest: 4 e 'a , i , , , 2 7 . - - - . . . . . . , . . .............. . . . Recorder Approved. .C(.7 • ...1908 . . Mayor i Regular Session August 20, 1903. CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session August 20th, 1903. (Official). council me at 8:00 o'clock F. M. .\ tapir Berg in the chair. 1-'resent—Aids, Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Absent—None. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. Petition of The Free Public Library in relation to fixing one-third of a mill on the dollar of the taxable valuation of the City of Dubuque for the year 1903 was on mo- tion referred to the City Attorney. Petition of P. Loetscher, et al, stating that if Broadway Extension from Ya to Putman Streets be improved,will not make any objection to the assessment for doing the work, or to any irregularity or illegality of said assessment or levy. and agree to pay said assessment when due. Ald. Horr moved to receive the petition and waiver and same be placed on record. Carried. Petition of Ada L. Collier, remonstrating against the improvement of Langworthy Avenue from Hill to South Alpine Streets; that said work was not being done accord- ing to plans and specifications. On motion was referred to the Street Committee. Petition of Louis Witter, et al, asking that Napier Street, from Clifford Street to Lot 130, Mechanics' Aad., ne improved was on motion referred to the Committee on Streets and City Engineer. Petition of Dubuque Zither club in rela- tion to use of one of the rooms in City Hall for practice purposes was on mo- tion referred to the Committee on Pub- lic Grounds and Buildings. Petition of Herrn. Ney, et al., asking that an electric light be placed at the in- tersection of Fulton and Icing Streets. was on motion referred to the Committee on Police and Light. 213 Petition of Mrs. Minette Levi, reta- onstrating against the re-laying of a brick sidewalk abutting the north 44 feet of City Lot 69. Also petition of Matt. Fetschele, apply- ing for the position of paper collector. On motion both petitions were referred to the committee of the Whole. Petition of Martin Byrne, asking that the plat of the subdivision of Mineral Lot No. 317 be approved and placed on record. Ald. Sheridan moved to refer the peti- tion and plat to the committee of the Whole. Carried. Petition of C. L. Butler remonstrating against paying the special assessment for constructing a sanitary sewer in Lang- worthy Avenue. Ald. Raymond moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of hearing Mr. C. L. Butler. Mr. Butler addressed the Council, stating that said sewer was no benefit to him, and that the assessment as levied against his property be canceled. On motion the petition was referred to the Sewer Committee and City Attorney. Petition of Mrs. Cath. Blitsch, asking that her taxes on lot 13, Tivoli Add., be canceled for the year 1903. On motion was referred to the Delin- quent Tax Committee. Petition of A. F. Keating in relation to cancellation of special assessment levied against lot 255, Woodlawn Park Add., for street improvement was on motion re- ferred to the Board of Equalization. Petition of Dubuque Star Brewing Co., asking for the vacation of alley in Block 5, and all of Tower street back of Block 4 and 5, not already vacated in the Du- buque Harbor and Improvement Co.'s Add., also that the Engineer be instruct- ed to give the line of Fourth Street Ex- tension and Wall street, being Block 5. On motion was referred to the commit- tee of the Whole and City Engineer to view the grounds and the Engineer he instructed to give the lines of Fourth Street Extension and Wall street. Petition of Peter Kiene and Franc W. Altman proposing to deed to the city lot No. 37, South Park Hill Add., for the pur- pose of erecting thereon a stand pipe for fire protection on Park 1-1111 and vieirity. On motion the matter was referred to the Special committee, Aldermen Jones, Sheridan and Frith. Claim of Mrs. Anna Bertsch, claiming the sum of $1,000.00 on account of per- sonal injuries sustained by falling on a defective sidewalk on the south side of Twenty-sixth street. On motion was referred to the commit- tee on Claims and the City Attorney. Ald. Frith moved that the City Engineer be instructed to notify Mr. J. Callahan to have the dump on Fourth street changed to the north side. Carried. Mayor Berg appointed the Board of Equalization for the ensuing year, as fol- lows: Corrance, Frith and Aids. Horr, Clancy, Raymond. Ald. Corrance moved that the two Al- dermen -at -Large be added to the Board. Carried. appoint- mentSheridan moved that the app ment of the Boardraof EEqualization by the Mayor be app REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Engineer Boyo( renort(.,l ati fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my paY roll for labor on streets fur the first halt of August, 1903: Amount clue laborers on streets ....$350.15 Respectfully submitted. JAMES 1f. BOYCE, ('ity Engineer. E. E. 1'PI'I'l1. Chairman Committee on Streets. JOSEPH T.. 1iORR. IOII:C .T. SIHERIDJAN, Also submit my pay roll for labor on Approved: 214 Regular Session August 20, 1903. sewers during the first half of August, 1903: Amount due laborers on RONeI' .....1F6.00 Respectfully submitted. J:\M1 S 11. I11)' I'11. City Engineer. Approved: Chairman JOHN J. Si-IERI11.\N. Committee on Sewers. JOSEPH L. 1-10111t. H1'GII CORK.\N('I:. Also submit my pay roll for teams haul- ing sprinkling wagons during the first half of August. 1903: Amount clue teatnsters 8.00 Respectfully submitted. JAMES 11. BOYCE. ('ity Engineer. Approved: GEO. N. RAYMOND. Chairman Committee on Paving, Sweep- ing and Sprinkling. JOSEPH L. HORR. MATT CLANCY. On motion the pay rolls for Streets, Sewers and Sprinkling Wagons. were re- ceived and warrants ordered drawn. to pay the various amounts. and the pay rolls referred back to the proper Com- mittees. City Assessor Scherr reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the. City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—I hereby notify your hon- orable body that the Assessment Roll for the year 1903 is now ready for the Board of Equalization. Respectfully submitted, C. B. SCHERR, City Assessor. On motion the report was received and filed. City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—Sidewalks have been order- ed on the wrest side of Bluff Street be- tween Twelfth Street and Fourteenth Street. It is necessary that grades should be given for these walks. The present grade of Bluff Street, es- tablished in 1857, will in my opinion need to be changed so as to more nearly con- form to the present street. I would recommend that the grade of Bluff Street, between Twelfth Street and Fourteenth Street be referred to the Street Commit- tee and City Engineer. Respectfully submitted. JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Ald. Frith moved that the report be re- ceived, and the matter in regard to grade on Bluff Street, from Twelth Street to Fourteenth Street, be referred as recom- mended. Carried. The City Engineer also reported as fol- lows: On account of error in making the as- sessment for constructing a Sanitary Sewer in Kniest Street against the prop- erty of C. F. Schubert and Gertrude Mon - tel, I would ask for a correction of same, and that the corrected assessment he as follows: C. F. Schubert, Sub. 9, Kniest's Sub., S. 40 ft., lot 2 $31.60 Gertrude Monte!. Sub. 9. 1' ulest's Sub.. lot 1 The pr -sent ;Isse-sntent is ;is follows: l'. I Schubert. Sub. 9, I<nela'., Suh., S. 15 ft. lot - R:k....i Gertrude llonlol. Sul). 9. l:nie:a's Sub.. lot 1 :11_00 Dale of assessment. Jl;i>• .1st. 19e3. Respectfully submitted. J.\ Al ES 11. 1IOV('li, lily Engineer. Ald. Sheridan moved that the report be receixed and the City Treasurer be in- structed to correct said assessment. Par- ried. The City Engineer also reported as fol- lows: 1-ierewith attached please find City 'T'reasurer's reeeilts for $77.25. money col- lected by me from Mc 1<ey City Gas Co., $75.00; t'tiion Electric ('n., t2.25. according to the instructions received from you! Honorable Body at your precious session. Respectfully submitted. JAMES 11. BOYCE. City Engineer. On motion the report was received and tiled. City Attorney Barite: reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—On the 6th day of August, 1903, the petition of William Stolteben and others with relation to the opening and maintaining of a passageway or thorough- fare from Alma Street to Rebecca Street along the south line of lot number 15 of Fairview Addition to the City of Du- buque, and the remonstrance of Rebecca J. Farley thereto, was referred to me for the purpose of investigating the records and reporting to your honorable body. There is no recorded plat on file in the office of the Recorder of Dubuque County showing an alley at the point in question. But the status of the ten feet in dispute has been determined and fixed by a decree in the District Court of this county. At the April term, 1887, of said court, Judith Sage filed a petition in equity against Rebecca J. Farley and George W. Farley, claiming to be the owner of lot number 9 of the Subdivision of out lot 667 as shown by the original plat of the City of Dubuque, and that the defendants are the owners of out lot 668. That In February, 1871, Thomas Yates was the owner of both out lots 667 and 668 and sub- divided and laid out the said out lot into lots, streets and alleys, and among others so laid out and dedicated to the use and benefit of the public, an alley running east and west along the north line of plain- tiff's said lot from Alma Street west to Rebecca Street, and taking the ground necessary for such alley from out lot 668. The petition further states that said Thomas Yates opened said alley and placed stone walls along the outer lines of the same, and the public accepted said alley and the same has been used openly by the public for more than fifteen years last past. That on the first day of February, 1871, Philip Sage bought plaintiff's said lot from said Thomas Yates, who then ex- hibited to said Sage a plat of said out lots 667 and 668 which had thereon the above described alley and then and there represented and stated to said Sage that said alley was intended as a public alley and should be and remain open as such to Regular Session August 20, 1903. the public and especially to the use and benefit of the owners of out lots 667 and 668. The petition further states that the de- fendants have threatened and are about to close up and permanently obstruct said alley and deprive plaintiffs and the pub- lic of the use of the same and prays for relief. The case was tried by the court and on the 5th day of October, 1887, a decree was entered containing among other things the following: "And now, on this 6th day of October, 1887, plaintiff introduced evidence to sustain the allegations on her petition and the court finds the same to be true and she is entitled to the relief demmnded. It is therefore ordered and adjudged that the defendants, Rebecca J. Farley and Geo. W. Farley, be and hereby are re- strained and forever enjoined from ob- structing and closing up in any manner the alley described in plaintiff's petition, to -wit: The alley running east and west along the north line of plaintiff's premises." "The said alley extending from Alma Street to Rebecca Street and located on the south part of out lot 668 and that de- fendants be and hereby are perpetually enjoined and restrained from interfering with plaintiffs ordinary and lawful use of said alley." About ten years later another suit was instituted by Thomas Yates and others, their heirs of Thomas Yates, deceased. against Philip Sage and Judith Sage, in which case 1 believe it was intended to quit the title in the ten feet in controversy, but as the description in the petition and in the decree which followed failed to de- scribe the ten feet in question, but de- scribed ten feet in a different location, this latter case and the decree therein is without force and effect as far as the ten feet in controversy is concerned. I quote the above pleadings and decree in order that your Honorable Body may see upon what I base my opinion. I an, of opinion that the decree first above re- ferred to establishes and fixes the status of the south ten feet of lot 15 in Fairview Addition as a public alley, and that if Re- becca .1. Farley has obstructed or caused the same to be obstructed, that said action on her part is a violation of the perpet- ual injunction above referred to. Said strip of ground having been decreed to be a public alley by the District Court of Dubuque County, is under the care and control of the City of Dubuque the same as any other public street or alley. I would recommend that the Council or the Committee of the Whole visit the ground for the purpose of ascertaining whether said alley is obstructed as claim- ed by petitioners, before any further ac- tion is taken by your Honorable Body. Respectfully submitted, GEO A. BARNES, City Attorney Ald. Raymond moved that the report be received and the Committee of the Whole visit the ground, as recommended. Car- ried. City Recorder Arendt presented and read the printed notice, certified to by the publisher, of the Council's intention to levy a special assessment against the A. Levi Est. for repairing a sidewalk during the month of July, 1903. Ald. Frith moved that the Notice and Special Assessment be referred to the committee of the Whole. Carried. City Recorder Arendt also presented and 215 read the Printed Notice or special assess- ment for improving the alley between Rhomberg and Garfield Avenues, from Johnson Avenue to Kniest street. No remonstrance being tiled, the Mayor asked if any one present had any objection to said special assessment. Mr. J. Wildhaber being present ad- dressed the Council, remonstrating against said assessment. Whereupon Ald. Horr moved that the assessment be referred back to the City Engineer for correction. Carried. City Recorder Arendt also presented and read the Printed Notice, certified to by the publisher, of the Council's intention to levy a Special Assessment against the (1111erent naated ora',erty Uwne1A tot• im- proving oving Gilmore Place, from alio• first north of l•'cneluu Plate to south curb line of \1'"e. t Pim; :-treet. No remonstrance being filed, the Mayor asked if anyone present had any objec- tion to said Special Assessment. No objection being stated. on motion the Notice was received and filed. Whereupon :\1 t. I. r' offere 1 the tol- 1 wiry.: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for improving Gilmore Place from Alley first north of Fenelon Place to south curb line of West Fifth street. by Gus Brown, contractor. in front of and adjoining the same, a Special Tax be and is hereby levied on the several Lots and Parts of Lots, and Parcels of Real Estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each Lot or Parcel of Real Estate, as follows: Special assessment submitted and passed August _eth. 1903. John 11. Kleine. sub or 4, Summit lot 1. lin f: r'110b- s1`t1 ,'. '.,l 57e. ,M.01;: 22,2 1; 4;11 - tt'1'll`:; 11.4 Vii yt1s .1 .Irl; t`11- gineer.ne ,•\ 1 uv1.:,• ..... . John H. Kleine, sub. of 5, Summit street sub, lot 1, 50 lin ft curbstone, at 57c, $28.50; 22.2 sq yds guttering, at 57c, $12.65; 44.4 sq yds macad- amizing, at 60c, $26.64; engineering 79 expenses, $4.00 John H. Kleine, sub of 1, Summit street sub, lot 1, 67 lin ft curbstone, at 57e. $38.1'1: 2!I.5 sq yds eu['ering. at 57c, $16.99; 59.5 sq yds macad- amizing, at 60c, $35.70; engineering 96 24 expenses, $5.36.... J sub. Outs Sub 3of Lot 721, lot 180Nox lint ft curbstone, at 57c, $45.60; 35.5 sq yds guttering, at 57c, $20.23; 71.1 sq yds macadamizing, at 60c. $42.66; engi- neering expenses, $6.40 Dinah I. Bennett, Sub. of 2 of Mat- tox sub, Out Lot 721, lot 1, 151.5 lin ft curbstone, at 57c, $86.35; 64.4 set yds guttering, at 57c, $36.71; 127.1 sq yds macadamizingat$1660 , 209 96 $76.26; engineering expenses, Alot64, 130.8rlin ft curbstone, at 57c, $74.56; 61.2 sq yds guttering, at 57c, $34.88; 124.3 sq yds macadamizing, at 60c, $74.58; engineering expenses, $7.74...... ... 191 76 Alo, Sub. of Out Lot 700, t22, 128.5rlin ft curbstone at 57c, $7324: 68.2 sq yds guttering, at 57c, $38.87; 137.8 sq yds macadamizing, at 60c, $32.68; engineering expenses, 216 7.74 A. A. Cooper, Sub. of Out Lot 700, lot 21, 132.5 lin ft curbstone at 57c, at 57c, $75.52; 59.5 sq yds guttering, at GOc, $69.84; engi$33.91; 116.4 sq neering expenses, $7.21 186 48 Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith. Horr, Jones. Raymond and Sheridan. Na,yr•-None. Regular Session August 20, 1903". 202 53 City Recorder Arendt also presented and read the printed notice, certified to by the publisher, of the Council's intention to levy n special assessment against the different named property owners for improving Langworthy Avenue from Hill Street to South Alpine Street. No remonstrance being filed, the Mayor asked if any one present had any objec• tion to said special assessment. No objection being stated, on motion the notice was received and filed. Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the fol- lowing: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for improving Langworthy avenue, from Hill street to South Alpine street, by Brown & Brown, contractors, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby le- vied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite to each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Special assessment submitted and passed August 12, 1903. Chas. Stillman, owner, Julia L. Langworthy addition, lot 4, 140.79 lin. feet curbstone at 50c, $70.35; 78.3 sq. yds. guttering, at 50c, $39.15; 180.7 sq. yds. maca- damazing at 55c, $99.38; 11.5 feet curb reset at 10e, $1.15; engin- eering expenses, $5.28 ..... ... ... $215.31 Mary L. ' Bunting, owner, Julia L. Langworthy addition, lot 9, 68 lin. feet at 50c, $34; 35.3 sq. yds. gut- tering at 50c, $17.65; 86.3 sq. yds. macadamizing at 55c, $47.46; en- gineering expenses, $2.33 ..... ... 101.44 F. L. Poole, owner, Julia L. Lang- worthy addition, lot 10, 50 lin. feet curbstone at 50c, $25; 22.2 sq. yds, guttering at 50c, $11.10; 61.1 sq. yds. macadamizing at 55c, $33.60; engineering expenses, $2.20. 71.90 J. L. Langworthy, owner, lot 11, 50 lin. feet curbstone at 50c, $25; 22.2 sq. yas. guttering at 50c, $11.10; 61.1 sq. yds. macadam- izing at 55c, $33.60; engineering expenses, $2.20 ... ... ... ... ... Geo. Masters, owner, Julia L. Langworthy addition, lot 12, 53 lin. feet curbstone at 50c, $26.50; 23.6 sq. yds. guttering at 50c, $11.80; 64.8 sq. yds. macadamiz- ing at 55c, $35.64; engineering expenses, $2.33 ... ... .. .... ... L. H. Langworthy & Ada, owner, sub. 2 and 3 of Miss L. H. Lang - worthy's sub., lot 6, 50 lin. feet at 50c, $25; 22.2 sq. yds. guttering at 50c, $11.10; 61.1 sq. yds. maca- damizing at 55c, $33.60; engineer- ing expenses, $2.20 ,,. ... ... .. L. Collin, trustees owner, lot 3, 50 50 lin. feet curbstone at 50c, $25; 22.2 sq. yds. guttering at 50c, 71.90 76.27 71.90 $11.10; 61.1 sq. yds. macadamiz- ing at 55c, $33.60; engineering expenses, $2.20 ... ... ... ... ... L. Collin, trustees, owner, sub. 2 and 3, Miss L. H. Langworthy's sub., lot 4, 60 lin. feet curbstone at 50c, $25; 22.2 sq. yds. gutter- ing at 50c, $11.10; 61.1 sq. yds. macadamizing at 55c, $33.60; en- gineering expenses. $2.20.. .,. ,,. L. Collin, trustees owner, lot 5, lin. feet curbstone at 50c; $25; 22.2 sq. yds. guttering at 50c, $11.10; 6I.1 sq. yds. macadamiz- ing at •-,:,c, $3'3.60; engineering expenses. $2.20 Chas. Richardson, owner, sub. 2 and 3 of Miss L. H. Langworthy's sub., lot 2, 50 lin. feet curbstone at 50c, $25; 22.2 sq. yds. guttering at 50c, $11.10; 61.1 sq. yds. maca- damizing at 55c, $33.60; engineer- ing expenses, $2.20 ... ... ... ... Chas. Richardson, owner, sub. 2 and 3, Miss L. H. Langworthy's sub., lot 1, 72 lin. feet curbstone at 50c, $36; 40 sq. yds. guttering, $20; 112.4 sq. yds. macadamizing at 55c, $61.82; 17.5 lin. feet curb rest at 10c, $1.75; engineering ex- penses, $3.15 ... ... ... .. ... 122.75 Julia L. Langworthy, owner Julia L. Langworthy's addition, lot 3, 173.2 lin. feet curbstone at 50c, $86.60; 87.8 sq. yds. guttering at 50c $43.90; 223.8 sq. yds. macadamiz- ing at 55c, $123.09; 11.9 lin. feet curb reset at 10c, $1.19; engineer- ing expenses, $7.57 ...... ... ... .. 262.37 L. H. Langworthy and Ada L. Collier, trustees. owner sub. 4, Mrs. L. H. Langworthy's sub. lot 5, 68.75 lin. feet curbstone at 50c, $34.37; 30.6 sq. yds. gut- tering at 50c, $15.30; 84 sq. yds. macadamizing at 55c, $46.20; en- gineering expenses. $3.02 .. Ada L. Collier, Ada L. Collier, sub. 4, Mrs. L. H. Langworthy's sub. lot 4, 68.75 lin. feet curbstone at 50c, $34.37; 30.6 sq. yds. gutter- ing at 50c. $15.30; 84 sq. yds. mac- adamazing at 55c, $46.20; engin- eering expenses, $3.02 ... 98.89 Bernice McFadden, owner, sub. 3, 68.75 lin. feet curbstone at 50c, $34.37; 30.6 sq. yds. guttering at 50c, $15.30; 84 sq. yds. macadam- izing at 55c, $46.20; engineering expenses, $3.02 ... ... ... ... ... L. H. Langworthy and Ada L. Collier, trustees, sub. 4, Mrs. L. H. Langworthy's sub., lot 2, 68.75 lin. feet curbstone at 50c, $34.37; 30.6 sq. yds. guttering at 50c, $15.30; 84 sq. yds. macadam- izing at 55c, $46.20; engineering expenses, $3.02 L. H. Langworthy, owner, sub. 4, Mrs L. H. Langworthy's sub., lot 1, 229.2 lin. feet curbstone at 50c, $114.60; 110.7 sq. yds. guttering at 50c, $55.35; 300 sq. yds. macadam- izing at 55c, $165; 20.6 lin. feet curb reset at 10e, $2.06; engin- eering expenses, $10.77 .,, 71.90 71.90 71.90 71.90 98.89 98.89 98.89 347.78 Total ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... $2,024.75 Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Ald. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays -None. Regular Session August 20, 1903. City Recorder Arendt also presented and read the printed notice certified to by the publisher of the council's intention to levy a special assessment against the dif- ferent named property owners, for im- proving Lincoln avenue, from White street to Jackson street. No remonstrance being filed, the mayor asked if anyone present had any objection to said special assessment. No objection being stated, the notice on motion was received and filed. Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the fol- lowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for the improve- ment of Lincoln Avenue, from east curb line of White Street to the west curb line of Jackson Street, by O'Farrell & Street, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Special assessment submitted and passed Aug. 20, 1903. Frank Drasda, L. H. Langworthy's Add., N 37 ft of S. 46 ft of the W 5i lot 41, 107 lin. ft. curbstone at 43c, $46.02; 51.1 sy. yds. guttering at 43c, $21.97; 122.5 sq. yds. macadamizing. at 60c, $61.25; 8 lin. ft. curbstone re- set at 10c, 80c; engineering $146 97 ex- pense, $16.93 Frank Drasda, L. H. Langworthy's Add., S 28 ft. of W lot 42, 91.8 lin. ft. curbstone at 43c, $39.47; 51.1 sq. yds. guttering at 43c, $21.97; 122.6 sq. yds. macadamizing at 50c, $61.25; 19.5 lin. ft. curbstone at 100, $1.95; engineering expense, $16.9314157 Nic Nicks Est., L. H. Langworthy's N 55.9 ft., E "/i lot 41, 100.5 lin. ft. curbstone at 43c, $43.21; 51.1 sq. yds. guttering at 43c, $21.97; 120.7 sq. yds. macadamizing at 50c, $60.35; 11 lin. ft. curbstone reset at 10c, $1.10; 143 56 engineering expense, $16.93 Nic Louis, Sub. E 4e 42 and 43, L. H Langworthy's Add., lot 3, 98.2 lin ft: curbstone at 43c, $42.23; 51.1 sq. yds. guttering at 43c $21.97; 120.7 sq. yds. macadamizing at 50c, $60.35; 14.2 lin. ft. curbstone reset at 10c. $1.42; engineering expense, $16.93142 90 Total $576 00 Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: Frith, Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. 217 awarded to McNamara & Co., they being the lowest bidders. Carried. Ald. Horr moved that the contractors' bond for doing said work be placed at $50.00. Carried. Bids for the construction of an 8 -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer, in alley between .Elm and Pine Streets, from manhole in Sixteenth Street to center of Seventeenth Street, were presented, and on motion were ordered opened. O'Farrell & Street - 8 -inch tile pipe, per lineal foot. • •""'$ 60 30 00 Manholes, each Steuck & Linehan - 8 -inch tile pipe, per lineal foot . •$27 00 Manholes, each McNamara & Co. - 8 -inch tile pipe, per lineal foot $26 00 Manholes, each Ald. Clancy moved that the contract be REPORTS OF Co\l \I I'I" I'I:I:S. AId. Frith. chairman of the Committee on Streets, reported to follows: Your Committee on Burets. to whom was referred the petition of Joseph Straub et al., asking that 1-1r 0 (1 \v. y Extension, from Gay to Putnam Streets. be graded, curbed, guttered and ntueadantized at the expense of the abutting property owners. beg to report that said property owners have signed a waiver whereby they agree to make no objection to :my illegality or irregularity in the assessment and also to pay the assessment when due; we would therefore recommend that the prayer of the petitioners be grained. E. E. FRI'I'I.. Chairman. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report. Carried. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Frith offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City council of the City of Dubuque. That it is deemed necessary and advisable to improve Broadway Extension from ttay Street to Putnam Street, and that it i, hereby pro- posed to grade. curb, gutter and macad- amize said street. and :ts> , the cost of such curbins, ;;uttering and macadamia ing against the ai,utting property. AId. Frith unwed to adopt the resolu- tion. Adopted Inc 1he fallowing vote: Yeas—Aids. l'I:uiec, t'iar,11100, Frith, 1-l.orr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Alderman Frith offered the following: Be it resolved by the city countcil of the city of Dubuque that the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, na- ture and extent of the proposed improve- ment of Broadway Extension, from Gay to Putnam streets, and the kind of mater- ial to be used, and an estimate of the en- tire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such improvemet, and the amount assessable upon any railway or street railway, the amount and c st there - ofd the of to be paid by the city, if cost thereof and amount assessable upon each lot or adacent to or abutting upon o such improrcel of vemet per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the city recorder; that af- ter the filing of said plat and estimate In his office, the city recorder shall publish in three consecutive issues of a newspa- per hatpublished p atnandsestimate arecita notice onstating file, the location and nature of the improve- ment, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its e before which objections thereto caost and n bo filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of such notice, and after such publication shall have been made, the city , at the nex regular session recorder other ll city council, noti- fythe councilthereofsnoticeaccompany- ingpr printed copy of ing the same. Alderman Frith moved the adoption of the resolution. 218 Regular Session August 20, 1903. Adopted by the following vote: Frith, Yeas—Alda. Clancy, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Alderman Horr offered the following: Whereas, the contract heretofore enter- ed into by the city of Dubuque for the im- proving of a street as hereinafter de- scribed has been completed and the city engineer has computed that the cost and expense of said improvement amounts to eleven hundred ad fifty dollars ($1,150), therefore Be it resolved by the city council of the • city of Dubuque that to provide for the cost of improving Gilmore Place, from the alley first north of Fenelon Place to the south curb line of West Fifth street, the mayor is required to execute and deliver to the city recorder, to be by him regis- tered and countersigned, two bonds of the denomination of five hundred and seventy-five dollars each, numbered 235 and 236 respectively, dated Sept. 1, 1903, pay- able on or before seven years after the date thereof, and hearing interest at the rate of 5 per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the resolution. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald Horr also offered the following: Whereas, the contract heretofore enter- ed into by the City of Dubuque for the improvement of a street as hereinafter described has been completed, and the City Engineer has computed that the cost and expenses of said improvement amounts to Five Hundred and Seventy- five Dollars (0575.00), therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that to provide for the cost of improving Lincoln Avenue from White Street to Jackson Street, the Mayor is required to execute and deliver to the City Recorder, to he by him regis- tered and countersigned, one bond of the denomination of five hundred and seventy- five dollars. numbered 234, dated Septem- ber 1. 1903, payable on or before seven years after the date thereof and bearing interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually. Aid. Horr moved to adopt the Resolu- tion. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones. Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Alderman Raymond offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City En- gineer be and he is hereby instructed to prepare a profile showing a proposed grade on the alley first north of West Fifth Street from Alpine Street to Nevada Street. Also to prepare a profile showing a proposed change of grade on the alley between Alpine and Nevada Streets, from the north line of lot 11, Bradstreet's Sub., to the alley above described. Ald. Raymond moved to adopt the reso- lution. Carried. Ald. Jones of the Board of Health of- fered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That B. W. Lacey, the owner of Lots Nos. 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 and 40, in Reche's Sub. of the City of Dubuque, he notified to fill said lots, so that the nuis- ance now upon the same, consisting of stagnant water thereon. be abated. And that said lots be so filled wttnin thirty (30) days from the date of service of notice upon him of the passage of this resolution. Ald. Jones moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Frith moved that the matter of straightening Seventh (7th) Avenue in Ham's Add., be referred to the Street Committee and City Engineer to do said work at an estimated cost of $150. Car- ried. Ald. Horr moved that the City Engineer be instructed to purchase a plow for the purpose of grading streets. Carried. Aid. Raymond moved to adjourn until September 3rd, 1903. Carried. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Attest: dr -7/' Recorder Approved..?' -. ! 1908 List of Warrants 219 LIST OF CITY WARRANTS City Retarder: s Office, Dubuque, Iowa, July 1, 1903. To the Honoralbe Mayor and City Council of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The following is a com- plete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of July, 1903: C. H. Berg, salary, Mayor $116 70 H. Brinkman, salary, Treasurer 133 35 J. A. McKinlay, salary, Deputy 100 00 Treasurer Jno. Krayer, clerk, Treasurer's of- 60 00 of- fice Recorder.. 116 70 Chas. F. Arendt, salary,Recorder.. Re- corder A. Kaep, salary, 80 00 corder F. B. Hoffman, salary, Auditor 116 70 C. B. Scherr, salary, Assessor 125 00 A. Doerr, Jr., salary, Asst. Assess sor •. 100 00 J. J. Murphy, salary, Asst. Asses- 100 00 sor Geo. A. Barnes, salary, Attorney150 00 J. B. Powers, salary, Assistant At- torney .. 00 Ed. Morgan, salary, Chief of Police 100 00 Jos. Reinfried, salary, Fire Chief.. 100 00 J. W. Lawler, salary, Committee Clerk 100 00 • Jas. Boyce, salary, City Engineer166 65 E. Anderson, salary, Assistant En- gineer 100 00 F. Neuwoehnet', salary Rodman 50 00 E. Merron, salary Superintendent Street Sprinkling \Vm. Hipman, salary, Electrician H. Tropf, salary, Marketmaster P. Ryan, salary, Park Custodian . P. Kien, salary, Park Custodian .• T. Flaherty, salary, Park Custodian Dr. B. F. Michel salary, Of- ficer . 1 F. Flynn, sale Patrol- man N. Offerman, salary, Poundmaster .. Mrs. H. Koenig, salary, Janitress . A. Crawford, salary, Sidewalk In- spector . H. A. Moyes, salary, W harfmaster M. Clancy, salary, Alderman H. Corrance, salary, Alderman E. E. Frith, salary, Alderman J. L. Horr, salary, Alderman R. Jones, salary, Alderman G. N. Raymond, salary, Alderman J. J. Sheridan, salary, Alderman M. Eitel, fireman J. Essman, fireman A. Duccini, fireman J. Flynn, fireman J. Roshin, fireman J. Tschudi, fireman A. Heer, fireman 00 J. Schoenberger, fireman .•••••••••••. 506 00 75 00 60 00 66 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 60 00 65 GO 65 00 P. Zillig, fireman 50 00 M. Sweeney, fireman 500 0000 H. Cain, fireman 60 00 N. Wagner, fireman 50 00 J. Benzer, fireman 50 00 T. O'Mera, fireman 60 00 83 35 50 00 40 00 40 00 1000 50 00 salary Sanitary Petro 60 00 45 00 20 00 J. Murphy, fireman A. McDonnell, fireman J. McLaughlin, fireman G. Gerke, fireman T. Kennedy, fireman 50 M 20 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 65 00 75 00 60 00 65 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 J. Daly, fireman J. Barnes, fireman T. Ryder, fireman G. Beyer, fireman H. Ducey, fireman F. Murphy, fireman P. Ahern, fireman M. Kelly, fireman D. Ahern, fireman T. Flynn, fireman F. Baumgartner, fireman J. Smith, fireman C. Kannolt, fireman J. Allen, fireman M. Fahey, fireman Wm. O'Connell, fireman R. Weston, fireman F. Kenneally, fireman \Vm. McClain, fireman fireman \Vm. McDermott, ;. Burkel, police J. Carter, police J. Clone, police Jno. Cody, police \V. Cook,' police 60 00 67 M 30 00 66 00 60 05 60 OG 60 00 65 00 60 00 50 00 60 00 65 00 60 00 50 00 60 00 53 30 61 55 56 60 58 25 56 00 \V. Corcoran, police 58 25 M. Craugh, police 76 00 11. Donlon. police 51 63 .1. Fitzpatrick, police 53 30 Jas. Flynn, police 50 CO \Vm. Frith, police 56 60 T. Ganahl, police 58 25 1\. Gray. police 5i8 25 Pat Hanlon, police 50 00 I. Kahn, police 59 90 M. Kilty, police 5' GO Jno. Loetscher, police 5o 0' P. McCollins. police ,6 60 P. McInerney, police 56 60 Jno. Moore, police 60 00 D. Norton. police 5165 M. O'Connor, police 53:;0 Jno. Murphy, police 50 C0 Jno. Raesli, police 76 00 Otto Rath. police 56 60 T. Reilly, police 73 80 Jas. Ryan. police 53 30 P. Scharff, police 5165 Al. Scherr, police 72 00 M. Stapleton, police 54 95 P. Sullivan, police 58 25 Jno. L. Sullivan, police 53 30 P. Sutton, police 50 00 Tom Sweeney, police 66 00 L. Zeidman, police 56 60 Mrs. Kate Hibhe, matron 30 00 Miss B. Brennan, matron 30 00 H. Tropf, special police 1 65 Al. Moyer, special police 4 95 Labor on Streets during the last half of June, 1903: 11 50 A. Alderson, labor 11 85 E. Amanda, labor 10 80 J. Brouillette, labor4 05 John Burns, labor 16 20 Paul Becker, labor 6 10 D. J. Brightbill, labor 610 Chas. Buddien, labor 6 75 Fred Budde, labor 9 45 J. Brachtenhach, labor 17 55 J. Brown, labor 14 85 W. Coughlan, labor 485 John Callahan, labor 1 75 Mike Cunningham, labor 1075 Jerry Cahill, labor 9 45 John Corbett, labor 17 55 H. Cobb, labor 17 55 Jas. Connolly, labor 16 50 H. Connell, labor 20 00 Jas. Callahan, foreman 20 00 H. Cosgrove, driver 8 80 Mike Donegan, labor 12 85 John Egan, labor 4 05 John Engels, labor 5 75 John Ess. labor 20 00 George Frost, foreman 9 15 John Flynn, labor 15 Pat. Fenelon, labor ......... • • • • • • 5 19 17 40 Nelson Frith, stoker 144 45 Nelson Frith, engineer 7 45 Pat Grue, labor 220 List of Warrants • Henry Galle, labor Chas. Grunezig, labor Jos. Grab, labor C. Gantenbeiu, foreman John Hafey, labor Geo. Hahn, foreman James Hird, labor Aug. Hafeman, labor John Heil. carpenter Chas Hanson, stoker Peter Jacob, labor Nic Kettenhofen, labor Chas. Kampman, labor John Kelly, labor John Lavery, labor Martin Lonergan, labor Mike Lavin, labor H. Lembke, labor Frank Lassance, labor L. Loeffelholz, labor Rob Mack, Iabor Nat Mabe, labor Jos Martinek, labor Pat McMullen, labor W. McDermott, labor W. O'Brien, foreman Chris Ode, labor 9 45 6 75 15 20 20 00 6 10 20 00 12 85 12 70 22 50 23 08 14 20 9 80 8 10 1 35 10 15 12 85 945 12 70 1 50 17 55 8 10 3 05 9 SO 13 50 6 75 20 00 9 45 M. O'Hern, stoker 9 60 John Parker, labor 70 J. Pfeiffer, bricklayer 19 50 W. Quinlan, labor 6 75 James Ryan, labor 15555 James Reed, labor 70 Mat Ratshek, labor 135 Fred Remus, labor 810 Theo. Rademan, labor 10 65 Jos. Rooney. driver 20 09 Nick Sweeney, labor 13 50 Jas. Straney, labor 4 05 Aug. Soyke, labor 9 45 John Sloan, labor 3 75 John Schroeder, labor 4 40 John Statel, labor 135 Louis Smith, labor 810 W. Schwaegler, labor 1115 F. Scherr, labor 1755 Joseph Straney, labor 18 90 R. Turner, labor 5 75 W. Welsh, labor 1215 John Walsh (Race) 70 W. Wearmouth, foreman 20 00 Jos. Wieland, labor 136 P. Welsh, engineer 2165 Thos. Young. engineer 75 00 Geo. Zumhof, foreman 18 00 Frank Burns, team 13 20 J. Berwanger, team 33 30 Josh Calvert, team (contract) 39 GO Mike Hannan, team 34 20 Thos. Heinz, team 6 40 Peter Horch, team 21 60 John Huffmire, team (contract) 37 90 Jas. Keefe, team 3 60 M. Kenneally, team 7 20 Pat Linehan, team 38 SO W. Leik, team 24 30 David Lattner, team 26 60 John Long, team 5 •10 Frank Mathis, team 10 80 J. G. Moore, team 22 80 Dan Melloy, team 180 J. J. McCollins, team 9 40 Geo. Reynolds, team 12 40 Ed. Seeley, team 32 00 Adam Stoltz, team 26 60 James Tobin, team 36 00 M. Theis, team 12 60 W. Woods, team . ... Frank Winters, team .,. J. Williams, team P. Casserly, labor John Corcoran, labor R. T. Eddy, foreman R. A. Fuller, labor F. Honecker, labor P. Kenneally, labor 19 60 27 00 16 00 22 40 20 80 25 00 20 80 22 e0 22 40 Pat. Sage, labor 22 40 Landon Taylor, labor 20 80 Becker Bros... ... ... 42 40 T. B. Cain 39 20 A. Conrad ... .. 42 00 J. H. Keefe.. 42 80 J. Linehan 42 40 Martin Maher 44 40 D. Melloy .. ... ........ 42 00 J. J. McCollins 45 20 McElrath Teaming Company 43 20 E. Boyce, quarryman ... 11 70 John Carney, quarryman 12 60 Peter Carney, quarryman 22 05 G. Kenneally, waterboy 415 Thos. Kenneally, foreman 20 00 Jas. Kenneally, quarryman 22 05 Jas. McCarron, labor 1615 Jas. Powers, labor 17 66 John Smith, labor 9 75 \V. Woods, labor 3 75 22 95 W. Woods, team 12 60 Pat Devaney 7 10 John Heim ... 53 35 John Heim 61 10 John Heim ... 27 70 M. Lavin 4 25 Tony Siege 5 20 Tony Siege 9 70 Tony Siege 75 40 • Tony Siege 2S 75 The following Bills were, ordered paid: C. Gmehle, collecting back taxes $ 29 10 C. F. Arendt, Notarial fee 5 00 Ed. Frith, labor at city hall 9 75 H. Troid'. board of prisoners 12 40 T. E. Frith, removing garbage and dead animals 37515 Jno. Bohn, inspector Bee Branch sewer 34 60 W. Foster, inspector 15th street storm sewer 12 30 Palmer, Berg & Co., blank station- ery for various departments 39 75 Union Printing Co., blank station- ery for various departments 52 25 Even & Fuchs, coal, First ward scales 1 75 Key City Gas Co., gas for various departments 61 30 H. G. Young & Co., cleaning car- pets, city hall 19 75 C. O. D. Laundry, towels and racks (5 months) 20 00 Ott,Meuser & Co., lumber, West Dubuque scales 8 85 G. W. Healey & Son, supplies for parks 1 GO F. Wunderlich, paint for parks 1 00 W. McLaughlin, hauling at Jackson park 50. Jas. Levi & Co., carpet for mayor's office 15 00 P. Lang, cups and chains for foun- tains 2 30 McDermott & Gow, plumbing at city hall 5 GO McDermott & Gow, plumbing at Central engine house 150 P. Clancy, cinders for road dent 10 75 A. Turner, cleaning vaults in Lin- coln Avenue 14 00 A. Turner, cleaning vaults in alley between Rhomberg and Garfield Avenues from Kniest Street to Johnson Avenue F. Schloz & Son, repairs for road dept Jno. Duggan, repairs for road dept. Geo. Bock, reoarrs for road dept Butt Bros., repairs for road dept Jno. Butt. repairs for road dept Geo. R. Clark, 24 -ft. iron fence on Highland •Place J,dhn Schromen. n a,son 10 08 5 70 17 25 75 50 6 85 24 00 List of Warrants 221 Geo. Ragatz & Son, supplies for 17 road dept. Eagle 'Point Lime Works, rock for 40 00 road dept. O'Farrell & Street, extra labor on 2 50 Lincoln Avenue Wm. Beutin, sand for road dept. 6 25 T. J. Mulgrew, coal for steam roller 52 40 T. J. Mulgrew, sewer pipe for road 5 38 dept. Jno. Leicht, sand for road dept. 7 25 F. Roehl, hardware for road dept2 05 A. Stoltz. moving buildings in Lin- coln Avenue 25 00 P. Sefppel, lumber for road dept40 40 A. Duertscher, replacing sidewalk 10 00 on Eagle Point Avenue • Standard Oil Co., oil for steam 3i roller Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., hose 5 00 for steam roller Smedley Steam Pump Co., repairs 78 25 on old steam roller Key City Gas Co., coke for steam 24 25 roller Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse 5 00 shoeing for fire dept. Collings & Pfiffner, horse shoeing 15 50 for fire dept. Lear & Kennedy. horse shoeing for 3 25 fire and road dept. Lagen & Sullivan. horse shoeing 13 25 for fire and road dept. A E. Bradley, mounting maps for 4 00 fire dept. Schaeffer Bros. & Powell Mfg. Co, 313 supplies for fire dept. G. F. Thorman, supplies for fire 5 05 dept. Jno. Butt, repairs for nre dept. 2 90 Geo. Bock. repairs for fire dept. .... 1 50 J. Kriehs. 1 dozen line snaps for fire 60 dept. Martin, Strelau Co., 1 cord of edg- ings for fire dept. Rumpf, Frudden Lumber Co., lum- ber for fire dept. 42 Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs for fire 1 00 dept. top Ernsdorff Buggy Co., buggy for chief's buggy 10 80 T. Connolly, repairs on Hose Wag- ons and Hook and Ladder Truck 23 75 McClain Bros., salt and bran for 2 90 Fire department J. Newman & Sons, repairs for Fire 7 50 department T. F. Kane, hay and oats for Fire 178 56 department Ott, Meuser & Co., shavings for 500 Fire department E. E. Frith, .neatsfoot oil for Fire 9 department Co Co., Farley-Loetscher Mfg. 2 lumber for Fire rit services H. J. Hagerty, 10 for Fire department G. W. Healey & Son, hardware for1 Fire department F. Roehl, hardware for Fire de- partment Even & Fuchs, % cord of wood for 3 Fire department L. J. Schmitt. hardware for Fire 1 department "' Butt Bros., 1 new exercising cart for Fire department 48 Key City Roofing Co., sewer pipe for Fire, Road and Expense depart. menta 22 Key City Gas Co., coal and coke for Fire department Key City Gas Co., are lights Central 3 Engine house and armory.......... A. R. Knights & Co., 1 new clock for Grandview Avenue Engine house 5 00 Jos. J. Rowan, 9 hats for Pollee de- partment 10 35 Moore & Ferring supplies for Ma- tron's department 2 50 Jas. Levi & Co., linoleum for Ma- tron's department 1515 H. J. Hagerty, veterinary services for Patrol Team 6 40 T. F. Kane, hay and oats for Patrol Team 13 85 Collings & Pflffner, horse shoeing for Patrol Team 1100 T. J. Mulgrew, cement for Sewer department 4 25 Globe -Journal, official printing for 00 June The Times, official printing for June 15 00 Dubuque Telegraph -Herald, official printing for June 50 00 National Demokrat, official printing 25 00 for June Union Electric Co., arc lights for 2046 77 June Linehan & Molo, sewer pipe for gar- bage dump 60 Jno. Butt, repairs for Sprinkling 4 50 department J. Newman & Son, repairs for 9 Sprinkling department 25 Austin -Western Co., 2 new Sprink- ling Wagons Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., 2 pairs hip boots for Bee Branch 9 00 sewer P. Eisbach, estimate on Bee Branch 469 25 sewer Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber for Side- walk department Geo. W. Healey & Son, nails for 10 65 Sidewalk department Dubuque Woodenware & Lumber Co., lumber for Sidewalk depart- ment O'Farrell & Street, estimate on 15th G44 22 street sewer J. Noonan & Co., final estimate for sanitary sewer in alley between Rhomberg and Garfield Avenues from Johnson to Middle Avenues25 00 Jas. te for imp ovingnalley between maFrancis and Valeria streets from Hart 92 41 street to Kauffman Avenue Brown &. Brown, improving Lang- worthy Avenue from Hill to South 1436 15 7 10 5 00 10 15 00 30 10 50 60 25 45 00 70 55 50 Alpine streets A. Alderson, labor M. Ahern. stoker Jos. Broufllette, labor ...... 6 20 Paul Becker, labor ..... ......... 14 John Burns, labor • • •' 6 10 D. J. Brightbill, labor 1610 F. Budde, labor ...... • • • 13 50 C. Buddien, labor .. • 4 05 C. Busse, labor .. • 2 05 J. Brachtenbach, labor 12 05 Jos. Brown, labor ... ... W. Coughlan, labor ••• ••• 16 20q 05 Jerry Cahill, labor 8 80 John Corbett, labor ... .••••••••;;::: 16 20 H. Cobb, labor . 16 20 James Connolly, labor •. • • • ...... "' , 6 20 D. Corcoran, labor ..... 4 50 or H. Connell, labor... . ..•.•• 2450 James Callahan, 20 00 H. Cosgrove, driver ... 20 00 M. Donegan, driver 0 00 Peter Dax, driver 10 80 John Egan, driver 20 00 George Frost, foreman •' John Flynn, labor .. •••••••••••"' 6 75 .•, i6 20 Pal Fenelon, labor .................... List of Warrants Pat Grue, labor 5 40 Peter Gregory, labor 11 50 Henry Galle, labor 7 60 C. Gruenzig, labor 1216 Jos. Grab, labor 1186 C. Gantenbein, foreman 20 00 George J. Hahn, foreman 20 00 J. Hird, labor 7 80 Aug. Hafeman, labor 15 05 John Heil, carpenter 22 50 C. Hanson. stoker 15 40 Peter Jacob, labor 1'160 Chas. Kampman, labor 2 70 Nic. Kettenhofen, labor 9 45 Paul Krocheski, labor 14 70 M. Lavin, labor 610 Martin Lonergan, labor 6 75 H. Lembke, labor 14 05 L. Loffoelholtz, labor 16 20. John Mahoney, labor 1015 Rob Mack, labor 12 50 J. Martinek, labor 15 55 Nat Mabe, labor 7 47 Pat McMullen, labor 4 05 W. McDermott, labor 1215 John McCarron, labor 6 75 W. McClain, labor 4 (6 John McNulty, labor 4 07 Pat McPoland, labor 7 80 W. O'Brien, foreman 20 00 C. Ode, labor 810 James Purcell, labor 1015 J. Pfeiffer, labor 15 60 W. Quinlan, labor 11 50 James Ryan, labor 810 Mat Raishek, labor 3 40 F. Remus, labor 610 Theo. Rademan, labor 135 Jos. Rooney, driver 20 00 Nick Sweeney, labor 9 45 John Schroeder, labor 7 90 John Sioan, labor 610 Jos. State], labor 5 40 Aug. Soyke, labor 6 75 Louis Smith, labor 15 55 Jos. Schafetel, labor 1 70 F. Scherr, labor 16 20 Jaynes Straney, labor 16 20 W. Welsh, labor 4 75 W. W. Wearmouth, foreman 20 00 J. Wieland, labor 14 85 Nic. Wampach, labor 135 George Zumhof, foreman 18 00 Frank Burns, team 5 20 Becker Bros., team 2 40 J. Berwanger, team 10 80 J. Calvert, team contract 39 00 M. Gantenbein, team 27 00 Mike Hannan, team 28 80 J. Haudenshield, team 20 00 Peter Horch, team 26 60 John Huffmire, team contract 37 90 James Keefe, team 3 40 M. Kenneally, team 10 80 John Long, team 32 00 W. Leik, team 10 80 J. G. Moore, team 3 60 J. J. McCollins, team 23 40 Jeff McGrath, team 14 40 George Reynolds, team 25 40 H. Rink, team 6 30 Ed. Seeley, team 34 40 James Tobin, team 30 60 M. Theiss, team 12 60 J. Williams, team 9 60 Frank Winters, team 18 00 Labor on sewers during the first half of July, 1903: Pat Casserly, labor John Corcoran, labor R. T. Eddy, foreman R. A. Fuller, labor F. Honecker, labor Pat Kenneally, labor Pat Sage, labor 19 20 17 60 25 f0 19 20 19 20 16 00 19 20 Landon Taylor, labor 19 20 Teams hauling sprinkling wagons during the flrst half of July, 1903: Becker Bros $ 38 80 T. B. Cain 38 00 A. Conrad 4120 James H. Keefe 42 00 John Linehan 43 20 Martin Maher 42 40 Dan Meloy 41 20 J. J. Collins 4120 McEliath Teaming Co 4120 Labor grading Bluff Street Extension during the first half of July, 1903: R. Burns, labor 8 25 Ed. Boyce, quarryman 4 ai John Carney. quarryman 5 40 Peter Carney. givarryman 20 70 John Fitz, labor 75 Pat Grue, labor 4 50 John Hafey, labor 9 00 George Kenneally, water boy 8 65 James Kenneally, quarryman 20 70 T. Kenneally, foreman 20 00 James McLease, labor 5 25 James McCarron, labor 14 25 James Powers, laoor 13 50 John Schromen, mason 2160 John Smith, labor 4 50 W. Woods, labor 7 50 W. Woods, team 25 20 Mrs. E. Muecke, scrubbing city hall 14 85 Mrs. M. Kraut, scrubbing city hall 14 85 P. Hanson, hay for city pound .. 150 A. R. Staufenbeil, taking care of Town Clock, from Dec. 1st, '02, to June lst, '93 49 95 A. R. Staufenbeil, repairing clocks at City Hall .. 150 Dan Sheehan. grubbing out stumps at Washington park 4 00 H. Brinkman, excavation permits re- deemed ... 135 00 H. Brinkman, interest on warrants outstanding 427 02 H. Brinkman, freight charges, Sprinkling department 30 00 H. Brinkman, freight charges, Fire department 1 05 H. Brinkman, exchange, New York, 45 H. Brinkman, balance on horse trade, "Police" 75 00 Library orders paid 596 66 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of all warrants is- sued by me during the month of July, 1903. C. F. ARENDT. City Recorder. SECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To A. Levi Est.: You are hereby notified that in accord- ance with a resolution of the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, for repairing sidewalks during the month of July, 1903, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof, at the next regular meeting of the City Council, upon all the lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, N. 44 ft. City Lot 69, owned by you being subject to such special as- sessment. And you are notified to ap- pear at said meeting of the City Council, to be held on the 20th day of August, 1903, and show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. Amount, $70.20. C. F. ARENDT, 8-10-10t City Recorder. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT. Dubuque, Iowa, Aug. 10, 1903. Notice is hereby given to all concerned that a special assessment will be levied irt Official Notices. 223 to pay for improving Lincoln Avenue, from White Street to Jackson Street, O'Farrell & Street, contractors. amount of special assessment $75.00 against the rroperty abutting along and upon said street as providea by law, at a session of the Council to be held Aug. 20th. 1903. And that there is a plat and schedule on file in the office of the City Recorder of the City of Dubuque showing the street or part thereof on which said street has been improved and the separate lots and parcels of ground or specified portion thereof, subject to assessment for suet, improvement; the name of the owners thereof as far as practicable and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, which plat and sched- ule is subject to public inspection. And That any and all persons objecting to said special assessments of said plat and schedule must their objections file ons in writing the City Recorder of said City of Dubuque on or before saidAug.th, ssion 0f 1903, the Cority Council, to t appear at be held ug. g• said session of the Council to show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. C. F. ARENDT, 8-10-10t City RecPrder. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT. Dubuque, Iowa, Aug. 10, 1903. Notice is hereby given to all concerned that a special assessment will be levied to pay for improving Gilmore Place, from south curb line of West Fifth Street to al- ley south of Cooper Street. Gus Brown, contractor; amount or special assessment, $1,150.00, against the property abutting along and upon said street as provided by law, at a session of the Council to be held August 20th, 1903. And that there is a plat and schedule on file in the office of the City Recorder of the City of Dubuque, showing the street or part thereof on which said street has peen improved and the separate lots and parcels of ground 01 specified portion thereof, subject to assess- ment for such improvement; the name of the owners thereof as far as practicibta and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, which plat and schedule is subject to public inspec- tion. And that any and all persons cb- jecting to said special assessments of said plat and schedule must file his or their objections in writing with the City Recorder of said City of Dubuque before said session of the City Council. to be held August 20th, 1903, or to appear at said session of the Council to show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. C F. ARENDT, 8-10-10t City Recorder. for when said work is completed and ac- cepted by the City Council. All bids must be accompanied by a cer- tified check of $50.000 on some Dubuq,.e bank as a guarantee that a contract will he entered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bias. Dated Dubuque, Aug. 10th, 1903. C. F. ARENDT, 8-10-10t City Recorder. NOTICE TO SEWER CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Recorder until 7:30 o'clock p. m., Thursday, Aug. 20th, 1903, for the construction of an eight -inch tile streetpipe between Elm Sanitary and alley Sewer, in i a street,f from manhole in 16th street to center of 17th street, in ac- cordance with plans and specifications on preparedfilein the the the ty of the ineer, and City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that it will require 323 lineal feet of 8 -inch tile pipe and 2 manholes. Bidders must state price per lineal foot for tile pipe, also the price for each man- hole. The work to be completed on or before September 15th, 1903, and shall be paid NOTICE OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT. Dubuque, Iowa, Aug. 10th, 1903. Notice is hereby given to all concerned that a special assessment will be levied to pay for improving alley between Rhom- berg avenue and Garfield avenue from Johnson avenue to south lot line of High Street sub. Fengler & Bentin, contractor; amount of special assessment, $400.00. against the property abutting along and upon said street as provided by law, at a session of the council to be held Aug. 20th, 1903. And that there is a plat and sched- ule on file in the office of the City Recor- der of the City of Dubuque, showing the street or part thereof on which said street has been improved and the separate lots and parcels of ground or specified portion thereof, subject to assessment for such improvement; the name of the owners thereof as far as practicable, and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, which plat and schedule is subject to public inspection. And that any and all persons objecting to said spec- ial assessments of said plat and schedule must file his or their objections in writ- ing with the City Recorder of said City of Dubuque on or before said session of the City Council, to be held Aug. 20th, 1903, or to appear at said session of the City Council, to show cause, If any you have, why said assessments should not be levied. C. F. ARENDT, 8-10-10t City Recorder. OFFICIAL. Pt'BLICATION. AN ORDINANCE. An Ordinance to provide for the Regis- tration of Births, Deaths, Burial and Contagious Diseases. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Sec. 1. That Chapter XLIII. of the Re- vised n 1901, the Dubuque, beand the same is hereby re- pealed. midwife, Sec. 2. That every physician, nurse, householder, or other person un- der whose care or supervision any child may be born within the jurisdiction of the city, shall report the fact of said birth to the City Recorder within forty- eight e in the 0manner urs of n and occurrencee form P escribed pin Blank 1, particular care being taken by the person s reporting the numberof thedoa street, the ward,the name and nationality of the sex of the child, and other connect- ed with the birth aforesaid and which are referred to on the aforesaid Blank No. 1. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of Y physician and surgeon in attendance up- on any sick person in this city, in event of death, to give to the family or person having charge of the corpse a certificate, stating, as near as can be ascertained, the name, sex, color, age, te of death, whether single or and led,plaid- ow or widower, nationality, birth, time of residence in the city, place Official Notices. and cause of death and duration of dis- ease. Such certificate shall state the name of the physician or surgeon in at- tendance at the time of death, and shall be signed by such physician or surgeon, and shall also be signed by some relative or attendant of such deceased person, or by some undertaker having charge of such corpse before a burial permit shall be issued thereon, provided, that where a coroner's inquest is held, said certificate shall be signed by the coroner and shall state the fact that an inquest was so held, and shall be in such form, and con- tain such other facts as may be pre- scribed by the Board of Health. Sec. 4. In case any person dies without a physician or surgeon to attendance, or in case the physician or surgeon in at- tendance, relative, attendant or undertak- er shall refuse to sign the certificate of death, as provided in the foregoing section, the person having charge of such corpse shall forthwith notify the Physician of the Board of Health of that fact, who shall thereupon investigate the facts and if it shall appear to him that the decedent died from natural causes he shall sign the certificate, and deliver the same to the person in charge of such corpse. But it it appears that decedent died from unnat- ural causes, he shall immediately refer the case to the coroner. Sec. 5. Every undertaker, or other per- son in charge, before removing any corpse for burial in any of the cemeteries with or adjacent to the city of Dubuque, shall first obtain from the City Recorder a per- mit so to do. Said burial permit shall be issued by the City Recorder upon de- positing in his office the certificate of death provided by sections two and three hereof. Burial permits shall also be is- sued upon certificates of death signed by midwives in cases of the death of the newly -born. when countersigned by a rel- ative. attendant or undertaker. But no burial permit shall be issued by the re- corder until after the proper death certifi- cate shall have been deposited with him. Sec. 6. Every sexton, or custodian of a. cemetery. before receiving for burial any corpse, shall first receive from the un- dertaker or other person bringing such corpse for burial, a burial permit from the City Recorder; said sexton shall re- turn the same to the City Recorder prop- erly endorsed with his signature within ten days, after the manner and form pre- scribed in Blank No. 3. See. 7. Every railroad. steamboat. ferry. trmsportaticm or other company. and every other person, before removing beyond the jurisdiction of this city the corpse of any person who may have died, or may have been hurled within the juris- diction of this city. shall first obtain from the City Recorder a permit. in the man- ner and form prescribed in Blank No. 3. See. 8. 'I'Iie City Recorder shall file all certificates of births and deaths at the time they are deposited with him and preserve the same in his office. and shall keep a record thereof in a book provided for that purpose. He shall also in the month of March, report to the City Coun- cil a statement of the number of births and deaths recorded during the previous year, and such other information and suggestions in relation thereto as he may deem useful, and shall also make such report to the City or State Board of Health whenever requested by them. Sec. 9. Every physician, midwife, nurse, householder or other person having the care of any case of cholera, smallpox. diphtheria, hydrophobia, measles. scarlet, spotted, typhoid, typhus or yellow fever, or other contagious diseases, shall report the same, within twelve hours after ac- quiring a knowledge thereof, to the City Recorder, in the manner and form pre- scribed in Blank No. 4. together with such other information as may ne required by the Board of Health. and upon the recov- ery of such cases shall report said re, eovery to the ('1ty Recorder. ;n the :Ban- ner and form proscribed In Blank No. (, Sec. 10. That any person or persons convicted of a violation of this Ordi- nance shall he fined in a sum not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense. and imprisoned until such fine and costs are paid, hot exceeding thirty days. Sec. 11. This ordinance shall take effect and he in force from and after its passage :.nd publication one time in the Dubuque Daily Globe -Journal newspaper. Adopted Aug. 6th, 1903. Approved Aug. 10th, 1903. C. H. BERG, Mayor. Attest: • C. F. ARENDT. City Recorder. Published officially in the Evening Globe -Journal Aug. 20. 1903. C. F. ARENDT, 8-20-1t. City Recorder. SIDE\\'ALK NOTICES. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a Sidewalk eight (8? feet wide. of good brick, stone or cement, be. within ten (10) days of this notice. eonstructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west side of Bluff street. between Thirteenth street and Fourteenth street. abutting lot 1. A. L. Brown's sub., owned by P. McCullough, at the expense of abutting property. Also, 'l.'hat a Sidewalk eight (8) feet wide of good brick. stone or cement, be within ten (10) days of this notice, con- structed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks on the west side of Bluff street between Thirteenth street and Fourteenth street, abutting S 1-2 of lot 769a, A. McDaniels' sub., owned by James McDonnell at the expense of abutting property. Also, 'l'hat a Sidewalk eight (8) feet wide of good brick, stone or cement, be within ten (10) days of this notice, con- structed and laidin conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks on the west side of Bluff street, between Thirteenth street and Fourteenth street. abutting lot 769, A. McDaniels' sub., own- ed by Mary E. Hodgdon, at the expense of abutting property. Also, That a Sidewalk eight (8) feet wide of good brick, stone or cement, be within ten (10) days of this notice, con- structed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks on the west side of Bluff street, between Thirteenth street and Fourteenth street, abutting lot 2 of N 1-2 of 769a, A. Mc - Daniels' sub., owned by James Mullen estate, at the expense of abutting prop- erty. Also, That a Sidewalk twelve (12) feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks, on the west side of Main street, between Third street and Fourth street, abutting N. 281,(; ft., City Lot 70, owned v. Oilicial Notices. 225 by Catholic University of Washington, at the expense of abutting property. Also. That a Sidewalk twelve (12) feet wide, of good cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in re- lation to sidewalks. on the east side of Main street, between 'third street end Fourth street, abutting N. 1-3. City Lot 1, owned by Robert Wailer estate. at the expense of abutting property. Also. 'J'hat a Stdewa.lk twelve (12) feet wide. of good cement, be. within ten (10) days of this notice constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in re- lation to sidewalks. on the west side of Main street. between Third street and Fourth street, abutting S. 20.6 ft. City Lot 69, owned by James McDonnell. at the ex- pense of abutting property. Also, That a Sidewalk six (6) feet wide, of good two-inch plank. brick. stone or cement, be. within ten (10) days of this notice. constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks. on the east side of Lincoln Ave- nue. between Windsor Avenue and Staf- ford Avenue, abutting S. 18.4 ft.. Lot 43 and Lot 44, Cook's Add.. owned by Peter Weitz. at the expense of abutting prop- erty. Passed by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, August 6th. 1903 C. F. RENDT, 8-15-1t. City Recorder. NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, held on the 6th day of Aug- ust, 1903, the following Special Assess- ments were levied on the real estate here- inafter described, and that in case of fail- ure to pay the seventh Dart within the time prescribed by the Ordinance govern- ing same all will become delinquent and subject to collection bydistress ie H. BRINKMAN, City Treasurer. Name. Description. Lot. Am't. Dom Hoffman. Tivoli Add 31 $93.43 A. A. Jaeger Ets.. Tivoli Add34 25.00 Cath bolter. Tivoli Add 35 25.00 12.50 12.50 31.2r 98.72 31.95 31.28 31.28 31.28 31.28 31.28 31.28 31.28 19.40 E. H. Krakow, Tivoli Add 36 D. Wendt, Tivoli Add., S t/a 36 Peter Nicks. Tivoli Add 37 A. G. Reed, Tivoli Add Frank D. Scharle, Tivoli Add30 Frank Fosselman, Tivoli Add28 Chas. P. Mettel, Tivoli Add 27 J. H. Rhomberg Est. Tivoli Add.26 J. H. Rhomberg Est. Tivoli Add.25 Frank Laug.ges, Tivoli Add 24 John Stuber, Jr., Tivoli Add23 John Kulow, Tivoli Add 99 21 Geo. Salot, Tivoli Add NOTICE OF SPECIAL $SS ESS M ENT. Dubuque, Iowa, A Notice is hereby given to all concerned that a specia lassessment will be levied to pay for improving Langworthy Ave. from Hill street to South Alpiineo strunteet. of spec al Brown & Brown, contractors; assessment, $2,024.75. against the property abutting along and upon said street as provided by law, at a session of the coun- cil to be held Aug. 20th, 1903. And that there is a on office of the City Recplat and or'deredleof theein Cityt of Dubuque showing the street or part there- of on which said street has been ims - proved eeim- proved and the saparate lots and parcel of ground or specified portion thereof, subject to assessment for such improve - ment; the name of the owners thereof as far as practicable and the amount to be assessed against each • lot or parcel of ground, which plat and schedule is sub- ject to public inspection. And that any and all persons objecting to said special assessments of said plat and schedule must file his or their objections in writ- ing with the City Recorder of said City of Dubuque on or before said session of the City Council, to be held Aug. 20th, 1903. or to appear at said sessionhave, e council to show cause if any you assessments should not be leviC. F. ed. ENDT, 8-10-10t City Recorder. NOTICE Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the city council of the city of Dubuque, held on the 20th day of August, 1903, the following special assess- ments were levied on the real estate here- inafter described, and that in case cf failure to pay the one-seventh part with- in the time prescribed by the ordinance governing same, all will become delin- quent and subject to collection by distress and sale. H. BRINKMAN, City Treasurer. For improvement of Langworthy ave- nue, from Hill street to South Alpine street: Name.Description. Amount. Chas. Stillman, Julia Langwor- $215.31 thy's addition, lot 4 Mary L. Bunting, Julia Langwor- thy's addition, lot 9 ... ..• ... ... F. L. Poole, Langworthy's addi- tion, lot 10 .. •" "' J. L. Langworthy. Julia Langwor- thy's addition, lot 11 .. .... Geo. Masters, Julia Langworthy's addition, lot 12 .... ... ........ ... L. H. Langworthy and Ada L. Collier, trustees, sub. 2 and 3, Mrs. L. H. Langworthy's sub., lot6 ..... ... ... .. ................ L. H. Langworthy and Ada L. Collier. trustees, sub. 2 and 3, Mrs. L. H. Langworthy's sub., lot 5 L. H. Langworthy and Ada L. Collier. trustees, sub. 2 and 3, Mrs. L. H. Langworthy's sub., lot4 ... ... ... ............ L. H. Langworthy and Ada L. Collier, trustees, sub. 2 and 3, Mrs. L. H. Langworthy's sub., lot3 ................. Chas. Richardson, sub. 2 and 3, Mrs. L. H. Langworthy's sub., lot 2 ........ Chas. Mrs. L..o H. angworbthy'sane ti lot1 ................. Julia L. Langworthy, Julia L. Langworthy's addition, lot 3 L. H. Langworthy and Ada Mrs. LH. Collier, trustub ,s, sub. lot 5 L. H. Langworthy's L. L. H. Langworthy and Ada Mrs. Collier, trustees, sub. 4, L. H. Langworthy's sub. lot 2 Ada L. Collier, sub. 4, Mrs. L. H. Langworthy's sub.,lot Mrs.... Bernice McFadden, sub. 4,L. H. Langworthy, sub. 4., Mrs. L. H. Langworthy's sub., lot 1.... 347.78 For improvement of Lincoln avenue, from White street to Jackson street: Frank Drasda, L. H. Langworthy addition, N. 37 feet of S. 46 feet 101.44 71.90 71.90 67.27 71.90 71.90 71.90 71.90 71.90 122.72 262.37 98.89 98.89 98.89 Official Notices. of W. 1-2, lot 41 , $146.97 Frank Drnsda, L. H. Langworthy's addition, S. 28 feet, W. 1-2, lot 141.57 42 Nic. Nicks, est., L. H. Lankwor- thy's addition, N. 55 feet, E 1-2, 143.56 lot 41 .. Mc Louis, sub. E. 1-2, 42 and 43, L. H. Langworthy's addition, 142.90 lot 3 ... ... • For improvement of Gilmore place, from alley north of Fenelon place to West Fifth street: John H. Kline, sub. 4, Summit street, sub. lot 1 John H. Kline, sub. 5, Summit street, sub., lot 1 John H. Kline, sub., 1, Summit eu'eet sub., lot 1 .. J. Culbertson, sub. 3 of Mattox sub. out lot 721. lot 1 114.89 Diana S. Bennett, sub. 2 of Mattox sub. out lot 721, lot 1 ... ... 209.96 A. A. Cooper, sub. out lot 700, lot 64 ... 191.76 A. A. Cooper, sub. out lot 700, lot 22 ... . 202.53 A. A. Cooper, sub. out lot 700, lot 21 186.48 aug 26-1t 76.35 71.97 96.24 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To All Who Are Named Below: You are hereby notified that in accordance with an ordinance of the City of Dubuque for repairing sidewalks in the month of July, 1903, that a special assessment will be levied fat the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the City Council upon all lots and parcels of land on said improvement. oweed by you being :;uhjeet to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the Council to be held on the 3rd day of Sep- tember, A. D. 1903, and show cause, If any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. July 1 -Jacob Kessler, Glendale Add., lot 37, 5 ft lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c $ 35 July 1 -Aug. Becker, Glendale Add, lot 43, 6 ft lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 35 July 2-J. B. Rhomberg Est., Tivoli Add., lot 25, 12 ft lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 50 July 3 -Wm. Hlntrager, Marsh's Add., lot 49, 167 ft lumber, $3.25; 4 hours labor, $2.00 5 25 July 7 -Fred Miller Brewing Co, East Dubuque Add., S. 31.2 ft lot 142, 31 ft lumber, 60c; 3-4 hour labor, 40c 100 July 8-P. Eisbach, sub. 1, Bonson & Stewart's sub., lot 1, 43 ft lumber. 85c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 1 10 July 8 -St. Columbkill's Church, Un- ion Add, lot 139, 18 ft lumber, 35c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 60 July 8 -Mat. Maher, Union Add., S 133.10 ft, lot 136, 10 ft lumber 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 46 July 8-3. J. Nagle, Sub. City 579, lot 5, 10 ft lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c July 8 -Mary E. Waller, Hodge's Sub. No. 2. lots 26-27, 54 ft lumber, $1.10; 1-2 hour labor. 25c July 8 -Jas. Rowan, Sub. 6. 7, 8, 9, Quigley's Sub., lots 13-14, 5 ft lum- ber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c July 8 -Dixon Cottingham, Sub. 38- 39, Quigley's Sub., lot 5, 5 ft lum- ber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 46 1 35 85 35 July 3 -Charlotte Post, Hodge's Sub., lot 9, 10 ft lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 45 July 8-A. E. Girard, Hodge's Sub, lot 5, 13 ft lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 60 July 8-G. M. Orvis, Sub. 1, Quig- ley's Sub., lot 1, 5 ft lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 35 July 8-R. and E. Langworthy Est, Glendale Add., lot 223, 10 ft lum- ber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 45 July 8-A. W. Kemler Est., Sub. 4, Ann O'Hare's Sub., lots 1-2, 21 ft lumber, 40c; 3-4 hour labor, 40c80 July 6 -German Pres. College. Sub. City 675, lot 7, 16 ft lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 65 July 6 -Jos. Pilmeier, East Dubuque Add., lot 101, 16 ft lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 55 July 6-Kiena & Altman, Sub.' pt. 239, Davis Farm Add., lot 1, 11 ft lum- ber, 20c: 1-2 hour labor, 25c 45 July 10 -Winona Land Co., City, lot 564, 3 ft lumber, 5c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 30 July 10 -Mercy Hospital, Sub. min. lot 66, lot 2, 45 ft lumber, 90c; 1 hour labor, 50 140 July 10 -Anna Kelly, Cox's Add, lots 99-100, 10 ft lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 45 July 10-W. G. Cox, Cox's Add., lot 73, i0 ft lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 45 July 10-W. G. Cox, Cox's Add., lot 111, 43 ft lumber, 85c, 1 hour labor, 50c 1 35 July 10-F. W. Fitzpatrick Est., 'Un- ion Add.. lot 146. 11 ft lumber. 2Ce; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 46 July 10 -Mich. Lentz, Sub. 92, Cox's And., lot 1, 8 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 40 July 13 -Ed. Stoltz, Glendale Add, N. 1-2 lot 229, 36 ft lumber, 70c; 3-4 hour labor, 40c 1 10 July 13-R. and E. Langworthy Est, Glendale Add., lot 270, 10 ft lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 45 July 14 -Morris Wilson, Weland's Sub., lot 6. 5 ft lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour laoor, 25c 35 July 16-C. B. Scnerr, trustee, C. A Voelker's Add., lot 20, 15 ft lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 55 July 16 -Leathers & Trewin, J. P. Schroeder's Add., lot 20, 20 ft. lum- ber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 65 July 16 -John Vitzthum, Mechanic's Add., E. 40 ft, lot 97, 14 ft lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 55 July 16-H. Busemann, Mechanics' Add., lot 95, 10 ft lumber, 20e; 1-2 hour labor. 26c 45 July 16-Jno. Buettell Est., Me- chanics' Add., lot 94, 5 ft lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 35 July 16 -Knapp, Stout & Co., Buse- mann's Sub., lot 20, 27 ft lumber, 55e; 1-2 hou: labor, 25c 80 July 17 -Dennis Flannlgen, Glendale Add., lot 9, 8 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 40 July 17 -Schneider & Kleih, Sub. 1, Gieger's Sub. E 1• lots 4-5, 20 ft lumber, 40c; 3-4 hour labor. 40c80 July 17-Kiene & Altman, Rub. Pt 239, Davis Farm Add., lot 1, 3 ft lumber, 5c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c30 July 16-Jno. Moran, Union Add., lot 179, 13 ft lumber 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 50 July 16 -Rich. Butler, Sub. 2 of 189, Union Add., lot 1, 12 ft lumber, 26c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 60 Official Notices. 227 July 16 -Bridget Weigel, Grove Ter- race Sub., lots 6-7-8, 30 ft lumber, 60c 1-2 hour labor, 25c July 17-P. W. Crawford, A. Mc - Daniels' Sub., lots 778-779, 20 ft lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c July 17 -Wm. H. Duggan Eat., Cen- tral Add., lot 3, 21 ft lumber, 40c; 3-4 hour labor, 40c July 18-F. Miller Brewing Co., East Dubuque Add., S. 31.2 ft lot 142, 8 ft. lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c July 18 -Henry Riker, Farley's Sub, lot 4, 43 ft lumber, 86c; 3-4 hour labor, 40c July 18 -John Olinger, Boulevard Add., lot 1, 19 ft lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c July 18-Jno. L. Buettell Est, Nairn's Add., lot 1, 8 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 26c July 18-W. H. Doane, Finley Home Add., lot 10, 5 ft lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Jul Add., lot 13, 6 ft1lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c July 18-J. H. Simplot, Mineral Lot 83, 8 ft lumber, 150; 1-2 hour labor, 40 25c July 18 -Henry Levil,e, Davis Farm Add., N. 1-2 lot 281, 12 ft lumber, 50 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c July 18-Susana Noel, 'Davis Farm Add., N. 1-2 lot 299, 50 ft lumber, 10 $1.00; 1 hour labor, 50c July 18 -Mrs. H. P. & N. W. Kim- ball, Davis Farm Add., N. 1-2 lot 337, 8 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 40 25c July 18-R. M. Kunz, Glendale Add., lots 58-59, 21 ft lumber, 40c; 1 hour 90 labor, 50cJuly 19-J. A. Rhomberg Est., Ham's Add., lot 208, 8 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 40 hour labor, 25c JulElle Bllake's Sub., lot u2, 24 ft lum- ber, 50c; 3-4 hour labor, 40c 90 July Add., -M. D. o lot 50, 7ft lux. umber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 40 July 20 -Albert Johnson, W oodlawn Park Add., lot 52, 13 ft lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c July 20-C. A. Voelk rftWoodlawn lumber, Park Add.. lot 55, 23 45c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c July 21 -John Olinger, Boulevard Add., lots 20-21, 28 ft lumber, 55c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c July 21-R. & E. Langworthy, Glen- dale Add., lot 223, S ft lumber, 150; 1-2 hour labor, 25c July 22 -John Coleman, City N. 22 ft lot 592, 13 ft lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor. 25e July 22--E. H. Eighmey, City N. ft. lot 570, 32 ft lumber, 65c; 1-2 hour labor 26c Ju1st Add., lot 1i74, 80 ft Umber, $1.60 1 hour labor, Oc 2 July 22 -Jas. Mullen Est., Finley Add., lots 10-11, 19 ft lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c ............. July 22-P. F. Dalton, Grandview Ave. Add., lot 6, 19 ft lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 250 .................. July 22 -Mary Wilde. Sub. 1 of 2 of 7 of Min. Lot 45, lot 2, 7 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c July 22-G. W. Brown Est., East Du- buque Add., lot 47, 12 ft lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c • . July 23 -Chicago Great Western RY Co., Sanford's Sub., lot 61, 31 ft 85 65 80 40 1 25 65 40 30 35 70 YJ 40 50 90 10 65 65 lumber, 40c; 1 hour labor, 50c July 23-Trueb, Southwell & Gold- thorpe, Sub. City 720, lots 6-7, 19 ft lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c July 24-W. J. and W. G. Cox, Cor- riell's Sub., lot 44, 27 ft lumber, 55c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c July 24-Sidonia Hosford, Sidonia Hosford's Sub., lot 2, 18 ft lumber, 35c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c July 24 -Jos. Jeffroy, Finley. Waples & Burton's Add., lot 10, 16 ft lum- ber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 55 July 24 -Emma Hawe, Sub. Min. Lot 170, lot 3, 10 ft lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c July 24 -Geo. Salot, Finley's Add, lot 4, 61 ft lumber. $1.20; 3-4 hour labor, 40c 1 60 July 24-Nic. Glab. Finley Add., lots 157-158, 24 ft lumber, 50c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 75 July 24 -Frank A. Scott, Finley's Add., lot 155, 5 ft lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c July 24 -Anna M. Kurz Est., Fin 36 - ley's Add., lot 129, 12 ft lumber, ' 25c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c 50 July 25-T. Kenneally, Union Add lots 171-172, 72 ft lumber, $1.45; 3-4 185 hour labor, 40c July 25-C. H. Eighmey, City, lot 569, 160 ft lumber, $3.20; 1 hour labor, hour labor, 25c 40 July 28-F. W. and Francis Coates, 3 70 50c July 25 -Thos. Meehan, Inion Add., lot 131, 8 ft lumber, lbc; 1.2 hour 40 labor, 25c July 25 -John J. Keane, City, lot 720, 8 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 40 July 25 -Julia D. Rhomberg. Guern- sey & Langworthy's Add., lot 8, 27 ft lumber, 55c; 1 hour labor, 50c 1 05 July 24 -Bridget Rebman. Union Add., lot 126, 16 ft lumber, 30c; 1-2 55 hour labor, 25c. July 27-J. D. Rhomberg and G. S. Kringle, Rose Hill Add., lots 3-4-5. b7 ft lumber, $1.15; 1 hour labor, 50c 1 65 July 27 -John Flynn, City E 40 ft lot 84, 12 ft lumber. 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 0 25c July lot 117,13 ft lumber, 25c;r1-243,9 hour labor. 25c 50 July 27-E. Langworthy Est., Paul- ine Langworthy's Sub., lot 5, 20 ft lumbe, 40c; hourabor July 28- C.. M. & St. lPaul Ry Co., 90 East Dubuque Add., lot 246, 4 ft lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c35 July 28 -Patrick Linehan, East Du- buque Add., lot 114, 18 ft lumber, 60 35c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c J Faring dd F,loa2 1, 20Eft lumberst., , 65 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 250 July 28 -Catholic University of Washington et al, A. McDaniel's Sub. 51ot 1 of 821of t 180m lots 3-4-5.1-2 81 ft lumber, $1.60; 1 hour labor. 50c210 July 28 -Jas. M. McFadden, Sub1-2 . and 4, McNulty's Sub., t 2, 10 ft lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c .......... .......................... 46 July 28 -Simon Trainor, Sub. 12, lot 1, 15 7 ft lumber, 15c .......... .. • July 28 -John McDonald. M lumber, Sub., S. 89 ft lot 45 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c ••'"Sub. 6, July 29-C. A. Alexander, Simpson's Add., lot 1. 21 ft lumber, 08 .. 001, 'aogsl .moll 6 8 !301. July 29 -John V. Rider, Sisters' Add., 40 60 90 65 80 60 45 228 Official Notices. lots 5-6-7, 26 ft lumber. 50c; 1-2 75 hour labor, 25c July 29—J: V. •and S. P. Rider. Sis- ters' Add.. lot '9, 8 ft lumber, 15c; 40 1-2 hour labor, 25c July 30—Henry Pfotzer, Stafford's Add., lot 28, 7 ft lumber. 15c; 1-2 40 hour labor, 25c July 30—Leathers & Trewin, Burden- I.awther Add.. lot 82, 6 ft lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 35 July 30—E. A. and G. A. Burden, Burden & Lawther Add., lot 88, 5 ft lumber, IOc; 1-2 hour labor. 25c 35 July 30—Wm. Lawther and J. V. Rider, Burden & Lawther Add., lot 7, 5 ft lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 35 July 30—Wm. Lawther and J. V. Rider, Burden & Lawther Add., lot 17, 5 ft lumber, 'Cc; 1-2 hour labor. 25c 35 July 80—Nic Engel, Windsor Ave. Sub., lots 3-4, 64 ft lumber, $1.30; 1 hour labor, 50c 180 July 30—J. J. Dunn, City N. '-5 lot 431. 6 ft lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 35 July 30—Alfred Manger, Burden- Lawther Add., lot 91. 8 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 40 July 31—M. S. Hardie, Sub. City 684, lot 4, 74 ft lumber, $1.50; 1 hour labor, 50c 2 00 July 31—M. M. Johannsen, Morgan's Sub., lot 7. 13 ft lumber, 25c; 1-2 labor, 25c 60 July 31—M. J. McCullough and J. J Dunn, Morgan's Sub., lots 4-8, 17 ft lumber, 35c; 1-2 hour labor, 26c60 July 31—Kate M. Cady, Farley's Sub.. lot 24, 24 ft lumber, 50c; 1 hour labor. 50c 1 00 July 31—D. C. Phillips. Sub. 2 of City 653, lot 1. 13 ft lumber. 25c; 1-2 July 21—Frank Beyer, Glendale Add lot 51, 16 ft lumber. 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 55 Total $ 83 75 C. F. ARENDT. 8-24•lOt. City Recorder. NOTICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTENTION TO IMPROVE BROADWAY EXTEN- SION, FROM GAY STREET TO PUT - NAM STREET. To Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby notified that it is the intention of the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque to improve Broadway Extension, from Gay Street to Putnam Street. That a plat and specifications of said proposed improvement is now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require New Curbstone set, 812 lineal feet. Guttering, 360.7 square yards. Macadamizing, 1,087.7 square yards. Any person having objection to said im- provement is hereby notified to appear be- fore the City Council at its regular session to be held Sept. 3rd, 1903, or to file with the City Recorder their objections in writ- ing on or before Sept. 3rd, 1900. Dated this 26th day of August, 1903. C. F. ARENDT, 8-26-8t City Recorder. Regular Session Sept. 3, 1903. 229 CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session September 3rd, 1903. (,Official). Council met at 8:15 p. m. Mayor Berg in the chair. ith, Horr, Jones, Present—Aids. Clancy, Raymond and Sheridan. Absent—Ald. Corrance. Ald. Raymond moved that the Council proceedings for the month of August be approved as printed. Carried. BILLS. The following bills were ordered paid: G. Gmehle, collecting delinquent taxes 40 20 H. Tropf, board of prisoners for Aug 13 00 T. E. Frith, removing garbage and 389 50 dead animals Jno. Bohn, inspector on Bee Branch 50 00 sewer """ Remington Typewriter Co., 1 coupon 7 book for ribbons 00 M. H. Hardie, letter heads for May- or's office 25 Palmer, Berg Sc. Co., blank books and 25 stationery for various offices 82 Dub. Rubber & Belting Co., 1 num- bering machine for 'treasurer's of - 10 35 lice Little, Becker & Co., mantels and supplies for City Hall and Fire 915 Department L. Telford, looking up mortgages2 00 Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber at City 13 95 Hall W. W. Whelan, grinding lawn mow- ers00 for parks C. F. Ris & Bros., hardware City Hall and repairs for Fire Dept...... 2 Key City Gas Co., gas tor various departments 73 Key City Gas Co., rental of gas arcs at Central Engine House and Ar- 3 mory La Shanz & Co, catching dogs ..... • • 4 Pape & Jacquinot, pt payment for fit- ting up two water closets in City Hall 63 Jno. Butt, repairs for road and 13 sewer departments F. Schloz & Son, repairs for roau 3 and sewer departments A. B. Brown, repairs for road and 3 sewer departments . • • • • . • "' J. Duggan, repairs for roaa dept 5 Ellwanger Bros., repairing harness for road and fire hepta.... • • • " • 12 lum- Rumpf, Frudden Lumber Co., ber for road and special sidewalk 65 depts "' A Sieg, rock furnished for ruad new tool dept. 18 G. W. Healey Son, s for road department '•""• Hussmann & Lies, hardware for road 2 2 partment ............................... Duggan & Cota, hardware for road department Key City Roofing Co., cement for 1 road department • •" Lear & Kennedy, horse shoeing for 1 road and fire departments • • • • • • • P. Clancy, cinders for road dept....., McElrath Teaming Co., sand for road 60 department McElrath Teaming Co., use of horse 29 50 for carpenter wagon Smedley Steam Pump Co., manhole 99 covers and rims for road and Bee 18 00 Branch departments Phil Pier, coal for steam road roller6b 35 E. J. Voggenthaler Co.. repairs on 10 50 road roller Dub. Rubber & Belting Co., belting 115 for road roller Kannolt & Powers, horse shoeing for 18 00 fire department Heller & Scherr, horse shoeing for 4 00 fire department Lagen & Sullivan, horse shoeing for 13 00 fire department Wunderlich & Wiederhalt, horse shoeing for fire department 7 00 W. H. Torbert, drugs and supplies 15 25 for fire department F. Mertz, repairs for fire department 4 00 H. J. Hagerty, veterinary services for fire and police departments23 00 Standard Oil Co., oil for fire dept 30 25 Key City Gas Co., coke for fire de- partment35 Ott, Meuser & Co., shavings for fire 7 department 00 Star Electric Co.. 1 fire alarm box110 50 Klauer Mfg. Co., repairs for fire department 50 Lally & Geissler, repairs ror fire de- partment75 E. J. Voggenthaler Co., repairs for 41 95 fire department Carr, Ryder & Adams Co., reglazing 3 90 at Central Engine House A. Gasser, brick for Grandview Ave- nue255 Engine House Linehan & Molo, supplies for fire department 35 Dubuque Cabinet Makers' Assn., one- 4 EO half dozen policemen's billies Ellwanger Bros., repairing harness 90 for police department Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies for ma- 66 tron department feet Dub. Rubber & Belting Co., 500 of hose and couplings for sewer 227 50 65 department Dub. Rubber & Belting Co., 1 hose 90 wagon for sewer department 50 00 Dub. Rubber & Belting Co., 30 feet of 6 G'0 hose for garbage dump 50 Globe -Journal, official printing for 00 August ....... ..... ..... ....... The Times, official printing for Au- gust 15 00 00 National Dernokrat, official printing 25 00 for August ...... • • 9v Telegraph -Herald, official printing 100 for July and August ............ • ^ 00 20 Union Electric Co., arc lights for2045 77 August .•••••• ••••' ... ..... 25 P. Eisbach, estimate on Bee Branch 821 98 20 sewer Mates and frames Iowa Iron Works, g' 40 for 15th and ]6th streets storm 00 G5 ... sewers................................... P. J. Seippel, lumber for sidewalk 21 department . 00 70 O'Farrell & Street, grading Raymond 363 12 Place 6 50 -------- The following bills were ordered re - 115 ferred: lumbtng at City Mullen & Papin, p 8 35 .. ... 9 55 Hall n airing gas pipes at City Hall . • Pape &.. •Jacquiot. repairing 7 45 1 25 On motion both billisPubwcere Grounds referred ato o 2 50 the Committee on 5 25 Buildings• 230 Regular Session Sept. 3, 1903. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. Petition of Jno Mahoney asking that the City Engineer be instructed to give the lines for sidewalk abutting his prop- erty on Southern Avenue. On motion of Ald. Frith the petition was referred to the Committee on Streets. Petition of Frank J. Sauer, et al, asking permission for the use of the third floor at City Hall for the purpose of drilling a uniform rank team of the Knights of the Maccabees. Also petition of Dubuque Zither club in regard to use of room at City Hall for practice purposes. On motion both petitions were referred to the Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings. Petition of Ida M. Simplot, administra- trlx of the J. H. Simplot Est., asking that the assessed valuation for 1902 on S. 2-3 of City Lot 66 be reduced from $18,000 to $14,000. On motion was referred to the Board of Equalization. Petition of J. Wildhaber, et al, protest- ing against paying the special assessment for improving the alley between Rhom- berg and Garfield Avenues, from Kniest Street to Johnson Avenue, said alley not being improved according to proper grade. On motion was referred to City Engineer and he to report at the next meeting of the City Council. Petition of I. C. Chamberlain, asking that lots 24 and 25, block 15, in Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co.'s Add., be re- deemed from tax sale, said lots being a part of the Chicago Great Western R'y. Co.'s right of way. On motion was referred to City Attor- ney and City Engineer. Petition of Jas. Ziereis, et al, asking for the construction of a sanitary sewer in al- ley between Jackson and Washington Streets, from Sanford Avenue to Twenty- seventh (27th) Street. On motion was referred to the Commit- tee of the Whole. Petition of Martin Fahey, et al, ask- ing for the extension of water mains in Audubon Avenue, also that a fire plug be placed at the corner of Audubon and Dex- ter Avenues. On motion was referred to the Water- works Trustees. Invitation of the Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress inviting he Mayor and City Council and Fire Department to take part in the Labor Day parade, Sep- tember 7th, 1903. On motion the invitation was accepted: and the Fire Chief be instructed to have the Fire Department turn out in a body. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Recorder Arendt presented and read the printed notice, certified to by the pub- lisher, of the Council's intention to im- prove Broadway Extension, from Gay Street to Putnam °,.iireet. L. C. Luther, a property owner on said street, addressed the Council, remonstrat- ing against the City taking any more ground on the east side of the street, in order to make a 50 foot street, stating that the property owners on that side of the street had already given 20 feet for that purpose. Ald. Frith moved that the Notice, and the remonstrance against the same, be referred to the Street Committee and City Engineer. Carried. Ald. Sheridan moved that the rules be suspended, in order to hear from Dr, Levi in regard to the sidewalk repaired by the City at Fourth and Main Streets. Car- ried. Mr. Levi addressed the Council, remon- strating against the amount of special as- sessment for repairing said sidewalk, After a thorough discussion of the mat- ter Mr. Levi agreed to pay the special assessment. City Treasurer Brinkman reported as follows: To the Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen—Below you will find state- ment of amounts advanced by me during. the past month for which please order warrants drawn in my ravor: Excavation permits redeemed $ 95 60 Interest on warrants outstanding1178 42 Freight charges for brick, fire 31 58 2 00 7 15 622 55 Demurrage on above car, fire New York Exchange—expense Library orders paid I also received money borrowed from the following. Please order loan war- rants drawn in their favor: Aug. 1st, Dubuque National bank $ 4000 6 pct Aug. 13th, James Callaghan 400 5 pct Aug. 24th, John Augustin 2500 5 pct Aug, 25th, M. N. McLean 500 5 pct Aug. 26th, L. C. Lubck 800 5 pct Aug. 26th, Wm. Steuck 1000 5 pet REFUNDED LOANS Aug. 25th, Margaret Cooney$ 400 Aug. 29th, E. J. Hyde, adms..... 2800 $12,400 Respectfully, H. BRINKMAN, Treasurer. On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the var- ious amounts, and the report referred back to the Committee on Finance. City Auditor Hoffman reported as fol- lows: To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—The following is my report for the month of August, 1903, showing the receipts and disbursements for the month: Cash on hand Aug. 1st, 1903 $ 8,497 95 Receipts from all sources 30,528 75 $39,026 70 DISBURSEMENTS. Warrants redeemed $25,076 58 Coupons redeemed 6,896 13 Bonds redeemed 100 00 $32,072 71 Cash on hand Sept 1st, 1903 6,953 99 The above cash balance includes the Im- provement Bond Fund, Improvement Bond Interest Fund. Improvement Fund and Li- brary Fund balances. Also report that there is due the City Officers for the month of August, 1903, $2,588.45. Also the following is a record of all in- terest coupons and Bonds redeemed by Treasurer for the past month: Regular Session Sept. 3, 1903. 231 Regular Bond coupons $6,772 38 Improvement Bond coupons )23 75 $6,896 13 Improvement Bond. No. 18, 1st, 1899. 100 00 The following list shows the Appropria- tions and the amount of Warrants dr.twu on each Fund since the beginning of the fiscal year beginning March 1st, 1903, to September 1st, 1903: Appropriation. Expended. Expense $40,000 $11,152.81 Road 38,000 24,077.16 Fire 38,000 14,568.89 Police 28,000 10,620.10 Sewerage 5,000 2,046.36 Printing 2,000 625.00 Engineer 3,500 1,147.85 Gas and Light 25.000 10,196.47 Interest 43,000 Board of Health 6,000 1,845.30 Grading 4,000 937.61 Bee Branch 7,000 2;221.85 Special Bonded Paving • • 3,0002,500 1,581.40 Judgment Sprinkling -1st district800 000.00 Sprinkling -2nd district 1,500 1,331.25 Sprinkling -3d district 1,500 1,384.00 Sprinkling -4th district 1,200 1,023.95 Sprinkling -5th district 1,400 1,294.30 Special Bonded Debt In- terest Mount Carmel Ave. Grad - 1,000 3.50 ing Sidewalk Repairing 1,000 403.35 Special Sewer Fund 2,500 1,894.76 Grading Bluff Street Ex - 1,000 541.50 tension Total Appropriation $260,900 Respectfully, F. B. HOFFMAN, Auditor. On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay City Of- ficers, and the report referred back to the Committee on Finance. Amount due Policemen I,t'i: 10 Respectfully submitted. EDW. MOW,. N. Chief of PM': On 'M:On motion the report and pay roll were received, and warrants ordered drawn to pay Policemen, and the report retcrted back to the Committee on Police. Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The following is the pay roll of the Fire Department for the month of August, 1903: Amount due Firemen 82,902 50 JOSEPH REINFR C Def. MATT. CLANCY, Chairman Committee on Fire. On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay Firemen and the report referred back to the Com- mittee on Fire. Chief of Police Morgan reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the Po- lice report for the month of August, 1903:3 Total arrests for the month 58 8 Patrol runs for the month 55 Miles traveled for the month 111 27 Residents arrested Doors found open Lodgers harbored Defective lightr Meals furnished Cost of food• • • ................ • Poundmaster's receipts City ordinance fines 7 75 Sheriff dieting prisoners Also the pay roll for Policemen for the month of August, 1903: F. Carney, Justice of the Peace for Jul- ien Township, reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: Below please find a report of all cases tried by me for the violation of City .Ordinances during the month of August, 1903: Total amount of Fines collected during the month, $20.00, which has been paid into the City Treasury, and the receipt for same placed in the hands of the Chief of Police. Respectfully, FRANK CARNEY, Justice of the Peace. 17 65 • •.$13 CO 4Cl 95 CO John Glab, Justice of the Peace for Julien Township, reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: Below please find a report of all cases tried by me for the violation of City Ordinances during the month of August, 1903: Total amount of Fines collected by me during the month, 575.00, which has been paid into the City Treasury and the re- ceipt for same placed in the hands of the Chief of Police. Respectfully, JOHN GLAB, Justice of the Peace. On motion both reports were received and filed. The following Weighmasters' and Wood - measurers' receipts were referred to the Committee on Markets: H. J. Tropf, City Hall receipts for $16 75 July H. J. Tropf, City Hall receipts for U August 27 6 T. Faherty, First ward scale receipts 94 for July T. Faherty, First ward scale receipts 4 81 for August Louisa Pitschner, West Dubuque 130 scale receipts for July Louisa Pitschner, West Dubuque 1 scale receipts for August 85 Mrs. C. Deckert, Rhomberg Avenue 180 scale receipts for August H. A. Moyes, Woodmeasurer's re- ceipts for July H. A. Moyes, Woodmeasurer's re- ceipts for August City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on streets for tlo last half of August, 1903: Amount due laborers on streets ...$1.157.15 Respectfully submitted, JAMES 14. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved: E. E. FRITH, Chairman Committee on Streets. JOSEPH L. HORR, JOHN J. SHERIDAN. Also submit my pay roll for labor on l4 282 Regular Session Sept. 3, 1903. sewers during the last half of August, 1903: Amount due laborers on sewers $170.00 Respectfully submitted. JAMES H. BOYCE. City Engineer. JOHN J. SHERIDAN, Chairman Committee on Sewers. JOSEPH L. HORR. HUGH CORRANCE. Also submit my pay roll for teams haul- ing sprinkling wagons during the last half of August, 1903: Amount due teamsters $342.80 Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved: GEO. N. RAYMOND, Chairman Committee on Paving. Sweep- ing and Sprinkling. JOSEPH L. HORR, MATT. CLANCY. On motion the pay rolls for Streets, Sewers and Sprinkling Wagons, were re- ceived and Warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts, and the pay rolls referred back to the proper Commit- tees. Approved: City Electrician Hipman reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my re- port of Defective Lights for the month of August, 1903: I find from the report of the Police De- partment that the total hours that 38 lamps failed to burn would equal 1% lamps for one month of $0.85. Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM HIPMAN, City Electrician. On motion the report was received, and the City Auditor instructed to deduct from the Union Electric company's bill for the month of August, 1903, the amount of $6.85. City Attorney Barnes reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—At the regular meeting of your honorable body held on the 20th day of August, 1903. you referred to me the annexed resolution of the Board of Lib- rary Trustees of Dubuque with instruc- tions for me to ascertain the rate or amount of levy that may be made by your honorable body for the maintenance of said library under the ordinances of the City of Dubuque and the statutes governing public libraries. I find that at the regular session held October 18, 1980, the City Council of the City of Dubuque passed an ordinance en- titled "An ordinance to establish and maintain a free public library in the city of Dubuque." section one of which pro- vides that the City of Dubuque shall have all the powers and be subject to all the duties conferred and imposed by sections, 727, 728, 729, 730, 731 and 732 and paragraph 0 of section 1005 of the code of Iowa of 1897. Section two provides for the annual levy by the City of Dubuque of not ex- ceeding one-quarter of a mill on the dol- lar of the assessed valuation of all tax- able property in said City of Dubuque, to be used as provided by law for the maintenance of said library. Sub -division six of section 1005 of the code above referred to was amended March 26, 1902, so as to read as follows: "They shall have power to levy annually the following taxes for special purposes: In cities which have established, or may establish a free public library all taxes as provided in section 732 and amendments thereto." On the llth day of April, 1902, the 29th General Assembly of the State of Iowa amended section 732 so as to read as fol- lows: "The board of trustees shall, be- fore the first day of August in each year determine or fix the amount or rate, not exceeding two mills on the dollar in all cities and in towns, of the taxable valu- ation in such city or town, to be levied, collected and appropriated for the ensuing year for the maintenance of such library * a * * and shall cause the same to be certified to the City Council, which shall levy such tax or so much thereof as it may deem necessary to promote library interests for each of said pur- poses so determined and fixed, and cer- tify the per cent thereof to the County Auditor, with the other taxes for said year." I am of opinion that as there is a conflict between section two of the ordi- nance above referred to and section 732 of the code as amended with relation to the amount or rate of the levy for the maintenance of said library that the state law controls and that the ordinance in so far as it undertakes to limit the amount of the levy to one-quarter of a mill on the dollar is null and void and without force and effect. The board of library trustees in adopt- ing the resolution hereto attached have complied literally with the provisions of section 732 of the code as amended, but the resolution passed by said board of library trustees is not necessarily bind- ing upon the City Council, as under sec- tion 732 of the code the City Council "shall levy such taxes or so much thereof as it may deem necessary." I would recommend that the communi- cation from the board of library trustees be referred to the Committee of the Whole and that said Board of Library Trustees be invited to be present with the Committee of the Whole at the time the same is taken up for disposition. Respectfully submitted, G. A. BARNES, City Attorney. Ald. Sheridan moved that the report be approved, and that the Resolution of the Library Trustees be referred to the Committee of the Whole as recommended. Carried. City Attorney Barnes also reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—In compliance with the in- structions of the Committee on Claims I have arranged for a compromise of the claim of Mrs. Anna Bertsch. who claims the sum of One Thousand ($1,000) Dollars on account of personal injuries which she claims to have sustained by falling on a defective sidewalk on the south side of Twenty-sixth street. I can settle this claim for one hundred and forty dollars, and as this sum is less than it would re- quire to fight the case, I would recom- mend that a warrant be drawn in my favor for the sum of one hundred and forty dollars, with instructions to settle said claim and to report settlement with Regular Session Sept. 3, 1903. receipt attached at the next regular ses- sion of the council. Respectfully submitted, G. A. BARNES. City Attorney. Ald. Horr moved that the report be ap- .proved, and a Warrant he ordered drawn in favor of Mr. Barnes for $140.00 to settle said claim. Carried. City Recorder Arendt presented and read, the printed notice, certified to by the Publisher. of the Council's intention to levy a Special Assessment against the different named property owners for re- pairing Sidewalks for the month of July, 1903. No remonstrance being filed, the Mayor asked if any one present had any obiection to said objection beingstated, Special on motion the no- tice was received and filed. Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the fol- lowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for re- pairing Sidewalks during month of July, 1903, in front of and adjoining the same, a Special the several Lote s, and Parts of Lots, and Parcels of Real Estate hereinafter named, situate and owned. and for the several amounts set opposite each Lot or Pat - cel of Real Estate, as follows: Special Assessment submitted and passed Sept. 3rd, 1903. July 1 -Jacob Kessler, Glendale Add., lot 37, 5 ft lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour $ o0 labor, 25c July 1 -Aug. Becker, Glendale Add., lot 43, 6 ft lumber, 10e; 1-2 hour labor, 25c July 2-J. 13. Rhomberg Est., Tivoli Add., lot 25, 12 ft lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c July 3 -Wm. Hintrager, Marsh's Add., lot 49, 162 ft lumber, $3.25; 4 525 hours labor, $2.00 July 7 -Fred Miller Brewing Co, East Dubuque Add., S. 31.2 ft lot 142, 31 ft lumber, 60e; 3-4 hour 100 labor, 40c July 8-P. Eisbach, Sub. 1, Bonson & Stewart's Sub., lot 1, 43 ft lumber. 110 85c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c July 8 -St. Columbkill's Church, Union Add., lot 139, 18 ft lumber, 35c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c .July 8 -Mat. Maher, Union Add., S. 133.10 ft, lot 136. 10 ft lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c 579, July 8-J. J. Nagle, Sub. City lot 5, 10 ft lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c July 8 -Mary E. Waller, Hodge's Sub. No. 2, lots 26-27, 54 ft lumber, 1 35 $1.10; 1-2 hour labor, 25c July 8 -Jas. Rowan, Sub. 6, 7, 8, 9, Quigley'. Sub., lots 13-14, 5 ft lum- ber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c July S -Dixon Cottingham, Sub, 3 39, Quigley's Sub., lot 5, 5 ft lum- ber, 100; 1-2 hcur labor, 25c July 8-Charolctte Post, Hodge's Sub, lot 9, 10 ft lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c July 8-A. E. Girard, Hodge's Sour lot 5, 13 ft lumber, 25c; 1-2 ur labor, 25c July 8-G. M. Orvis, Sub. 1, Quig- ley's Sub., lot 1, 5 ft lumber, 10e; 1-2 hour labor. 25c.... • • • • • • ""' est., July 8-11. and E. Langworthy Glendale Add., lot 223, 10 ft lum- ber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c ..Sub. .. July S-A. W. Kemler Est., 4. Ann O'Hare's Sub., lots 1-2, 21 ft 35 50 60 95 45 233 lumber, 40c; 3-4 hour labor, 10c80 July 6 -Getman Pres. College, Sub City 675, lot 7, 16 ft lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c July 6 -Jos. Pilmeler, East Dubwiuc Add., lot 101. 16 ft lumber, 30c: 1-2 hour labor. 25c July 6-Kiene & Altman, Sub. pt. 239, Davis Farm Add., lot 1, 11 ft lum- ber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, lac July 10 -Winona Land Co., City, lot 564, 3 ft lumber. 5e; 1-2 hour labor. 25c July 10 -Mercy Hospital. Sub. Min. lot 66, lot 2, 45 ft lumber, 90c; 1 hour labor, 50c July 10 -Anna Kelly. Cox's Add Tots 99-100. 10 ft lumber, 20e; 1-2 hour labor, 25c July 10-W. G. Cox. Cox's Add., lot 73, 10 ft lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c July 10-W. G. Cox, Cox's Add., lot 111, 43 ft lumber, 85c; 1 hour labor, 1 50c 35 July lO-r. 'V. Fitzpatrick Est., Union Add., lot 146. 11 ft lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c July 10 -Mich. Lenz. Sub. 92, Cox's Add., lot 1, 8 ft lumber. 15c; 1-2 hour Iaboc', 25c July 13 -Ed. Stoltz, Glendale Add, N. 1-2 lot 229, 36 ft lumber, 70e; 110 3-4 hour labor, 40c July 13-R. and E. Langworthy Est, Glendale Add., lot 270, 10 ft lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c July 14 -Morris Wilson, Weiland's Sub., lot 6, 5 ft lumber, 10e; 1-2 hour labor, 25c July 16-C. 13. Schen, trustee. C. A. Voelker's Add., lot 20, 15 ft lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c July 16 -Leathers & Trewin, J. P Sc'aroeder'n Add., lot 20, 20 ft lum- ber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c July 16 -John Vltzthum, Mechanic's Add., E. 90 ft lot 97, 14 ft lumber, 30e; 1-2 I•our labor, 26c Mechanics' July 16-H. Busemann, Add., lot 95, 10 ft lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c July 16-Jno. Buettell Est., Me- chanics' Add., lot 94, 5 ft lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c July 16-KnaPP, Stout & Co.. Buse- mann's Sub., lot 20, 27 ft lumber, 55c; 1-2 hour labor, 26e July 17 -Dennis Flaunlger, lend1le e Add.. lot 9, 8 2 hour labor, 25c ......................... July 17 -Schneider & Kleih, Sub. 1t Geiger's Sub. E. 1-2 lots 4-5, lumber. 40c; 3-4 hour labor, 40e...... July 17-Kiene & Altman, Sub. Pt. 239. Davis Farm Add., lot 1, 3 ft lumber, 5c; 1-2 hour labor, 25e• July 16-Jno. Moran, Union Add., lot 179, 13 ft lumber, 25e; 1-2 hour labor, 25e.........SuL. 2 of .... July 16 -Rich. Butler, ft lumber, 189, Union Add., lot 1, 1'2 25c; 1-2 hour labor. 2.5e ................ July 16 -Bridget Re lumber, e ian, Unon o; Add., lot 126, 10 f1-2 hour labor, 26c July 16 -Lucy M.weigel, Grove Ter- race Sub., lots 6-7-8, 30 ft. lumber, GOc, 1-2 hour labor,25c..Mc. July 17-P. W. Crawford, A. f c Daniels' Sub., lots 778-779, lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour bDat25July 17 -Wm. H. Duggan t lumber, n; Cen- tral Add., lot 3, 20400 3-4 hours labor, • • • • • " 35 35 45 50 35 46 55 55 50 1 40 45 45 45 40 45 35 55 65 55 45 35 10 40 10 30 50 50 45 85 65 80 234 Regular Session Sept. 3, 1903. July 18-8'. Miller Erg. Co., Mist Dubuque Add., S. 312 ft lot 142, 8 ft Lumber, 15c, 1-2 hour labor 25c July 18 -Henry Riker, Farley's Sub., lot 4, 14 ft lumber, 85c; 3-4 hours labor, 40c ' July 18 -John Olinger, Boulevard Add., lot 1, 19 ft lumber, 40c, 1-2 hour labor, 25c .. July 18-Jno. L. Buettell Est, Nairn's Add., lot 1, 8 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c July 18-W. H. Doane, Finley Home Add., lot 10, 5 ft lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c July 18 -Wm. Lawther, S. M. Langworthy's Add., lot 13, 5 ft lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c.. July 18-3. H. Simplot, Mineral Lot 83, 8 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour la- bor, 25c July 18 -Henry Deville, Davis Farm Add., N. 1-2 lot 281, 12 ft lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c July 18-Susana Noel, Davis Farm Aad., N. 1-2 lot 299, 50 ft lumber, $1.00; 1-2 hour labor, 50c July 18 -Mrs. N. P. & N. ViT. Kim- ball, Davis Farm Add., N. 1-2 lot 337, 8 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour la- bor, 25c July 18-R. M. Kunz, Glendale Add, lots 58-59, 21 ft lumber, 40c; 1 hour labor, 50c July 19-3. A. Rhomberg Est, Ham's Add., lot 208, 8 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c July 20 -Pat Hughes, Sub. 2 of 8 of Ellen Blake's Sub., lot 2, 24 ft lumber, 50c; 3-4 hour labor, 40c July 20-M. D. Goux. McCraney's 1st Add., lot 50, 7 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c ... ... July 20 -Albert Johnson, Woodlawn Park Add., lot 52, 13 ft lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c July 20-C. A. Voelker, Woodlawn Park Add., lot 55, 23 ft lumber, 45c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c July 21 -John Olinger, Boulevard Add., lots 20-21, 28 ft lumber, 55c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c July 21-R. & E. Langworthy, Glendale Add., lot 332, 8 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c July 22 -John Coleman, City N, 22 ft lot 592, 13 ft lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c... ... ... .. . July 22-E. H. Eighmey, City N. 22 ft, lot 570, 32 ft lumber, 65c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c July 22 -Martin Kunkel, McCra- ney's 1st Add., lot 74, 80 ft lumber, $1.60; 1 hour labor, 50c July 22 -Jas. Mullen Est.. Finley Add., lots 10-11, 19 ft lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c July 22-P. F. Dalton, O -and View Ave. Add., lot 6, 19 ft lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c July 22 -Mary Wilde, Sub. 1 of 2 of 7 of Min. lot 43, lot 2, 7 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25e July 22-G. W. Brown, East Dubuque, Add, lot 47, 12 ft lum- her, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c July 23 -Chicago Great Western Ry. Co., Sanford's Sub., lot 61, 21 21 ft lumber, 40e; 1 hour labor, 50e, July 23-'l'rueb, Southwell & Gold- thorpe, Sub. City 720, lots 6-7, 19 ft lumber, 40e; 1-2 hour labor, 25c July 24-1W. J. & W. G. Cox, Cor- riell's Sub., lot 44, 27 ft lumber, 40 1 25 65 40 35 35 40 50 1 50 40 90 40 90 40 50 70 80 40 60 90 2 10 65 65 40 50 90 65 55c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Sl July 24-Sidonia Hosford, Sidonia Hosford's Sub., lot 2, 18 ft lum- ber, 35c; 1-2 hour labor, 25e 60 July 24 -Jos. Jeffroy, Finley, Wa- ples & Burton's Add.. lot 10, 16 ft bet'. 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 55 July 24 -Emma Hawe, Sub. Min Lot 170, lot 3, 10 ft lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 45 July 24 -Geo. Salot, Finley's Add, lot 4. 61 ft lumber, $1.20; 3-4 hour labor, 40c 1 r0 July 24-Nic Glab, Finley Add., lots 157-158, 24 ft lumber, 50c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 75 July 24 -Frank A. Scott, Finley's Add., lot 15,5, 5 ft lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 35 July 24 -Anna M. Kurtz }1st.. Fin- ley's Add., lot 129, 12 ft lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 60 July 25-T. Kenneally, Union Add, lots 171-172, 72 ft lumber, $1.45; 3-4 hour labor, 40c 185 July 25-C. H. Eighmey, City, lot 569, 160 ft lumber, $3.20; 1 hour labor, 25c 40 July 25 -Thos, Meehan, inion Add.. lot 131, 8 ft lumber. 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 40 July 25 -John J. Keane. City, lot 726, 8 ft lumber. 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 40 July 25 --Julia D. Rhomherg, Guern- sey & Langworthy's Add.. lot S, 27 ft lumber. 55c; 1 hour labor, 50c 1 05 July 24 -Bridget Rehman. i'rion Add., lot 126, 16 ft lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c 55 July 27-J. D. Rhomherg and G. S. Kringle, Rose Hill Add.. lots 3-4-5, 57 ft lumber, $1.15; 1 hour labor, 50c 166 July 27 -John Flynn. City E. 40 ft lot 84, 12 ft lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 50 July 27-P. 3, Burke. City N. 43 ft lot 117, 13 ft lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 50 July 27-E. Langworthy Est.. Paul- ine Langworthy's Sub., lot 5, 20 ft lumber, 40e; 1 hour labor, 50c 90 July 28-C.. M. & St. Paul Ry. Co East Dubuque Add.. lot 246. 4 ft lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c 33 July 28 -Patrick Lih,ehan, East Du- buque Add., lot 114. 18 ft lumber, 35c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 60 July 28-A. F. Jaeger Est., Davis Farm Add., lot 271, 20 ft lumber, 4ec; 1-2 hour labor, 25e 65 July 21 -Catholic University of Washington, et al. A. McDanieis' Sub., lot 821. 0 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labc,r. 25e July 28-F. W. and Fra'icis Coates, Sub. 5 of Min. Lot 80, lots 3-4-5, 81 ft lumber. $1.60; 1 hour labor, 50c2 10 July 28 -Jas. M. McFadden, Sub. 1 and 4, McNulty's Sub., W 1-2 lot 2. 10 ft lumber. 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25e July 28 -Simon Trainor, Sub. 12. lot 1, 7 ft lumber, 15c July 2S -John McDonald, McNulty's Sub., S. 89 ft lot 2. 10 ft lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c July 29-C. A. Alexander, Sub. 5, Simpson's Add., lot 1, 21 ft lumber, 40c; 3-4 hour labor. 10c July 29 -John V. Rider, Sisters' Add, lots 5-6-7, 26 ft lumber, 50c; 1-2 hour labor. 25e July 29--J, V. and S. P. Rider, Sis- . ters' Add., lot 9, 8 ft lumber, 15c; 40 45 15 45 80 io Regular Session Sept. 3, 1903. 235 1-2 he ur labor. ' C July 30—Henr> Pfotzer, Stafford's Add., lot 28, 7 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c July 30—Leathers & Trewiu, Burden- Lawther Add., lot 82, 5 ft lumner, 36 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c July 30--E. A. and G. A. Burden, Burden & Lawther Add., lot 88, 5 ft lumber, 1Oc; 1-2 hour labor, 25c35 July 30—Wm. Lawther and J. V. Rider, Burden & Lawther's Add., lot 7, 5 ft lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c July 30—Wm. Lawther and J. V. Rider, Burden & Lawtber's Add., lot 17, 5 ft lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 35 July 30—Nic Engel, Windsor Ave, Sub, lots 3-4, 64 ft lumber, $1.30; 1 80 1 hour labor, 50c • July 30—J. J. Dunn, City N. 2-5 lot 431, 6 ft lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 35 25c July urden- Law he rAdd.. lot lfred a91, 8 ft nger, Blumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 40 July 31—M. S. Hardie, Sub. City 684, lot 4, 74 ft lumber, $1.50; 1 hour 2 labor, 50c 00 July 31—M. M. Johannsen, Morgan's Sub., lot 7, 13 ft lumner, 25c; 1-2 0 hour labor, 25c my 31—M. 3, McCullough and J. J. Dunn's Morgan's Sub., lots 4-8. 17 ft lumber, 35c; 1-2 hour labor, July 31—Kate M. Cady. Farley's Sub., lot 24. 24 ft lumber, 50c; 1 1 hour labor, 50c 00 July 3,3lo D113 Cmbe25c; Phillips,r, 2of City 1 1-2 hour labor, 25c 50 July 21—Frank Beyer, Glendale Add, lot 51, 16 ft lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour 55 labor, 25c _-- Total $ 83 75 Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymod and Sheridan. Nays—None. Absent—Ald. Corrance. City Engineer Boyce reported as follows: Attached please find statement showing amount due for macadam for the month of August, 1903. Total amount, $152.55. Ald. Sheridan moved that the report be approved and t drawn for the various warrants e io samounts.Carried. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMIT - 10 40 35 dated September 15th, 1903, payable on or before seven years after the date there- of and bearing interest at the rate of five per cent per annum, payable semian- nually. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Absent—Aid. Corrance. Ald. Horr, chairman of the Finance Com- mittee offered the following: Whereas, The contract heretofore enter- ed into by the City of Dubuque for the im- provement alley scribedhas be n complet hereinafter and the en- gineer has computed that the cost and sdprovement amounts Fift Dollars ($350.00 Three Hundredand Therefore, Council of Be is Resolved, By the City the City of Dubuque, that to provide for the the cost of improving ween een Garfield and Rhomberg Avenues, Johnson Avenue to the south line of High Street Sub., the Mayor is required o exe- cute t cute and deliver to the City be by him registered and countersigned, one bond of the denomination of Hundred and Fifty Dollars, n mberedhree 237, Ald. Frith, chairman of the Ordinance Committee, reported pack the ordinance amending an ordinance entitled, An Or- dinance in relation to the licensing and regulations of various occupations and business, persons, things, exhibitions, games and amusements, and being Chap- ter 26 of the Revised Ordinances of 1901, and moved that the ordinance as amended be read the second time. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith, Horr, Jones, Ray- mond and Sheridan. Absent—Aids. Clancy and Corrance. The ordinance was then read the second. time. Aid. Frith moved to adopt the ordinance as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Absent—Md. Corrance. The Mayor declared the ordinance adopt- ed. The ordinance follows: An Ordinance amending an Ordinancd entitled an Ordinance in relation to the Licensing and Regulations of various oc- cupations and business, persons, things, exhibitions, games and amusements, and being Chapter 26 of the Revised Ordin- ances of 1901. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Sec. 1. That Sections 9, 10 and 11 of Chapter 26 of the Revised Ordinances of 1901, of the City of Dubuque, and being an Ordinance in relation to the licensing and regulations of various occupations and business, persons, things, exhibitions, games and amusements, be and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 2. No person shall within the limits of the City of Dubuque, use, or permit to sbetreets, useets. alleysor driven,orounds, any on the wagon, ctreeto, cart or dray, for public drayage, or for the purpose of hauling from one part of the City to another any goods, wares, merchandise or other material or prop- erty, where the contract for cartageweeisdby by the load or piece, or by or month, nor shall any person within the limlta of said city perform the duties of hackman, coachman or teamster, for the carriage of passengers, ur shall carry passengers for profit or gain. wiit'h anv hack, carriage, cab, s or any other conveyance, without flr.t procuring a license therefor, fur which shall be paid, for eachfl imn ba h each moving van, and hack, dray, carriage or wagon, driven by two horses or mules, or pro- pelled in any other manner, five dollars, and for each carriage, aray or wagon, driven by one horse or mule, two dollars and fifty cents, provided that this section shall not apply to the vehicles of livery stable-keepers, except hoseused in car- rying passengers baggage. the pur- Sec. 3. A license for any poses enumerated in Section 2 hereof shall 236 Regular Session Sept. 3, 1903. be procured and issued in the manner provided in Section of Revised Ordinances2 Chapter of of 1901, of the City of Dubuque, upon payment of the sum provided in Section 2 hereof. Sec. 4. Each owner, drayman, or team ster, shall cause the number of his li- cense to be printed or fastened on hi dray, wagon, cart, moving van, or conveyance in some conspicuous place, and shall furnish to all persons, when demanded, a printed or written receipt for whatever goods, wares or merchandise, or other articles delivered to his care, and also a correct list of charges allowed hereunder. Sec. 5. Each hackman, coachman, or person in charge of any vehicle or con- veyance for the carriage of passengers shall cause the number of his license to be painted or fastened on his cab, hack, coach or other vehicle, or conveyance, in some conspicuous place, and shall wear a shield or plate with the number of his hack license conspicuously on his hat or coat, and shall furnish to all persons when demanded, a written receipt for bag- gage, goods or merchandise delivered to his care; and also the correct list of charges allowed under this Ordinance. Sec. 6. The saki owner. drayman, team- ster. hackman. coachman, or proprietor of any other conveyance. when his cart. wagon. hack. etc.„ has been numbered and his license obtained, shall he entitled to collect and receive not to exceed the fol- lowing charges. to -wit: For the drayage. loading and unloading of any load of goods. wares, merchandise, lumber. bag- gage or other material or property not exceeding two hundred pounds any dis- tance not greater than one mile below the bluffs, a sum not exceeding twenty- five cents; and for said distance upon the bluffs a sum not exceeding fifty cents; and for any greater distance within the limits of said city not to exceed twenty- five cents more; for loads from two hun- dred pounds to one thousand pounds in weight, for any distance not greater than one mile below the bluffs, a sum not exceeding fifty cents. and for said distance upon the bluffs a sum not exceeding seventy-five cents; and for any greater distance an ad- ditional sum not exceeding thirty-five cents. For one day's work with horse and dray, for cart and driver a sum not ex- ceeding two dollars and seventy-five cents. For one day's work with wagon, two horses and driver, a sum not exceed- ing three dollars and sixty cents for a day of nine hours, and not exceeding four dollars for a day of ten hours. For carry- ing any passenger from any place in said city to another therein, not exceeding a distance of one mile, a sum not to exceed twentyfive cents. For a distance in ex- cess of one mile the sum of fifty cents may be charged. When any pass- enger shall at his or her request. be car- ried onto, or from any of the bluffs within the limits of the city, a sum not exceeding fifty cents may be charged and received. License to carry passengers will not authorize the car- riage of property. goods or merchandise. but will permit the carriage of the usual baggage of their passengers. Sec. 7. No owner or driver of any dray, cart, hack. or other vehicle, while waiting for employment at any stand. railway depot, or place in said city. shall un- necessarily snap or flourish a whip, or use indecent or profane 'language, or be guilty of boisterous or loud talk, or dis- orderly conduct. or vex or annoy any citizen or traveler or obstruct any side- walk. and such owners and drivers are required to obey any and all regulations and rules adopted by any railroad com- pany. or other association or person. or the Chief of Police, for the promotion of order at any public landing. railroad depot. or other place in said city, not inconsistent with the Ordinances of the City, and the police regulations thereof. Sec. 8. The Chief of Police shall regu- late hack. coach, wagon. and dray stands. and see that they do not interfere with the public travel. Sec. 9. It is hereby made the duty of the driver of each omnibus. hack, or other vehicle used for the carrying of passengers. to have posted up in his omnibus, hack, or other vehicle a printed list of the charges which he is entitled to make under the provisions of this Ordinance. Sec. 10. All licenses issued under this Ordinance shall expire on the 31st day of December of the year in which they are issued and if issued after the first day of January, may be paid for in proportion to the time said license has to run; pro- vided that no license shall be issued for a sum less than one-half of the amount provided by this Ordinance. Sec. 11. If any person or company shall violate any provision of this Ordinance, he or they shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. and upon conviction there- of. will be punished by a rine of not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars and costs of prosecution and be imprisoned until said fine and costs are paid. or iinprisoned for a term not ex- ceeding thirty days. Sec. 12. This Ordinance shall take ef- fect and be in force from and after its passage and publication one time in the Dubuque Daily Globe -Journal newspaper. Approved 1903. Mayor. Attest: City Recorder. Ald. Sheridan of the Committee on Claims reported as follows: Your Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the notice of the claim of Anna La Tourelle for $1,000.00 for per- sonal injuries alleged to have been sus- tained her, would respectfully recommend that said notice he received and filed. H. CORRANCE, Chairman. Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Ald. Frith, Chairman of the Committee on Streets, reported as follows: Your Committee on Streets would re- spectfully recommend that the City Engi- neer be instructed to replace the curb on Stewart Avenue, where the same has be- come displaced by reason of a cave-in on said Avenue. Also, your Committee on Streets, to whom was referred the bill of Becker Bros. for hauling brick to the Grandview Avenue engine house, would respectfully recommend that the sum of s$16.40 be al- lowed fn full settlement of the claim. Also, your Committee on Streets, to whom was referred the bill of George Ragatz & Son for repair on the steam roller, beg to report that these repairs Regular Session Sept. 3. 1903. 237 were made on the old roller and would therefore recommend that a warrant be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer in settlement of the bill. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the reports of the Street Committee. Carried. Ald. Sheridan, Chairman of the Com- mittee on Supplies, reported as follows: Your Committee on Supplies, to whom was referred the hills of the Iowa Tele- phone Company for telephone service for the quarter ending September 30, 1903, would recommend that a warrant in the sum of $39.02 De ordered drawn on the City Treasurer in settlement of said bills. JOHN J. SHERIDAN, Chairman. Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Ald. Jones, Chairman of the Commit- tee on Public Grounds and Buildings, re- ported as follows: Your Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings, to whom was referred the no- tice of the Chief of the Fire Department in relation to the construction of a fire escape on the Central Engine House, would respectfully recommend that a fire escape he placed on said building and that the City Recorder be instructed to ad- vertise for bids for the construction of the same. RUDOLPH JONES, Chairman. Ald. Jones moved to adopt the report. Carried. Ald. Sheridan, Chairman of the Com- mittee on Police and Light, reported as follows: Your Committee on Police and Light, to whom were referred the petitions of H. J. Tropf et al. Rudolph Bernard et al, Herman Ney et al, Helen Tinkham et al, and John M. Connolly, asking that elec- tric lights be placed in their respective neighborhoods, beg to report that the ap- propriations made at the beginning of the fiscal year will barely defray the cost of the number of lamps now in ser- vice and it will accordingly be impossible to make any additions until after March 1, 1904; we would therefore recommend that said petitions be received and filed. JOHN J. SHERIDAN Chairman. Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Ald. Raymond, Chairman of the Delin- quent Tax Committee, reported as fol- lows: Your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the petition of Catharine Blitsch, asking that on ac- count of her poverty the valuation for assessment purposes on Lot 13 in Tivoli Addition be reduced, would recommend that said valuation be placed at $500.00, on which amount the Treasurer is hereby authorized and instructed to accept pay- ment in full settlement. GEORGE N. RAYMOND, Chairman. Ald. Raymond moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Ald. Horr, Chairman of the Board of Equalization, reported as follows: Your Board of Equalization, to whom was referred the petition of A. F. Keat- ing, in relation to the special assessment levied against Lot 255 Woodlawn Park for street improvement, would recom- mend that the Treasurer he instructed to accept the offer of the petitioner, pro- vided settlement be made within ten days from date; otherwise this action to he null and void. -- --- Also your board of equalization to whom was referred the petition of Harmony and Julien lodges, I. O. O. F., asking that the taxes on city lot 633 be canceled for the year 1902, would recommend that the prayer of the petitioners be granted and that the Treasurer be instructed accord- ingly. JOSEPH L. HORR. Chairman. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the reports of the Board of Equalization. Carried. Ald. Horr, chairman of the committee of the Whole reported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the ordinance amending Chapter XXVI of the Revised Ordinances of 1901, would respectfully recommend that said ordinance he nut u_on its final passage. Also your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the City En- gin'ier and Sidewalk Inspector be instruct- ed to reconstruct the steps in the alley abutting the south line of lot 15 of Fair- view Addition, from Alma to Rebecca Street, and place the same in the middle of the alley. We would also recommend that the steps in Pickett Street, from Bluff to Alma Street, and the steps near the 18th Street Engine House be repaired un- der the supervision of the aforesaid of- ficers. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Matt. Fetschle, asking that he be appointed pa- per collector, would recommend that the City Recorder be instructed to file said application for future reference. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of William Harkett, asking that the City of Dubuque join with him in vacating lot 2 of the sub. of out lot of mak- ink a new plat and overcoming purpose omingthe com- plicated descriptions of the various sub- divisions of said lot, would recommend that the prayer of petitioner be granted, provided said petitioner furnish to abplat la showing the property proposed cated, together with such changes as it is proposed to make. Also your Committee of the Whole. to whom was referred A. Welker, in relation petition Chris. las- sessment against lots 56, 156 and 164 in Woodlawn Park, would recomd that that said petition be granted, provided within ten days from date he pay the as- sessments on all the lot:. affected by the compromise of August a •t, 1'Ic2, andon all the 10,.s herein specified; also otherwise this action to be null and void. We would further trt instructedinrecommend that accordance e Treasurer be e with this report. Also your Committee the Whole, to whom was referred the Mrs. Minette Levi, against theelevying of a special assessment for repairing a side- 238 Regular Session Sept. 3, 1903. walk abutting the N. 41 ft. of City Lot 69. would respectfully recommend that said remonstrance be received and filed. JOSEPH L. HnORR,Cn Ald. Horr moved to adopt the various reports of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Aid. Horr offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Duhuque: That to pay for repair- ing sidewalk abutting the north 44 ft. of City Lot 69 by E. J. Schilling, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be, and is hereby, levied on the several lots. and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real es- tate, as follows: A. Levi Est., City N. 44 ft., lot 69, repair- ing brick sidewalks, $70.20. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the resolution. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Absent—Ald. Corrance. The Mayor stated that Mr. G. A. Grimm was present and desired to address the Council, whereupon Ald. Frith moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of hear- ing Mr, Grimm. Mr. Grimm addressed the Council stat- ing that the peanut and popcorn stand at the N. E. corner of Seventh and Main Streets was a nuisance and wanted same removed. On motion the matter was referred to the Committee of the Whole. Ald. Sheridan, chairman of the Com- mittee on Supplies, reported that they authorized the Committee Clerk to order a car load of paving brick and moved that the action of the committee he approved. Carried. Ald. Sheridan moved that the City At- torney he requested to dictate a letter to the Committee Clerk, notifying the Kelly Steam Road Roller Co. of the breaking of the left wheel hub of the steam road rol- ler. Carried. RESOLUTIONS. Alderman Raymond offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City Audi- tor he and he is hereby directed to trans- fer the amount of the cost of the two sprinkling wagons purchased this spring, from the sprinkling fund and charge the sarne to the general fund. Ald. Raymond moved to adopt the reso- lution. eso.lotion, Carried. Alderman Horr offered the following: Whereas the amount of work required by the legal department of the city is con- stantly increasing, and in order to con- tinue to keep the same up in the future as it has been during the past year, it is necessary to provide for a stenographer for said department; therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That during the pleasure of the City Council, Miss Tillie Donnelly be employed by the City of Du- huque as stenographer for the legal De- partment, at a compensation of Twenty Dollars per month, and that the City Aud- itor be instructed to place her name upon the pay roll commencing September 1, 1903. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the resolution. Carried. Ald. Raymond offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a Sidewalk twelve (12) feet wide, of Food cement. be, within ten 110) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the east side of Main street, between Fifth street and Sixth street. abutting lot S. 34 feet, City I.ot 18, owned by Wm. Ruff Est.. at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Clancy. Frith. Horr, Jones, 1t ,yrnond, and Sheridan. Na ys—None. Absent—Ald. Corrance. Ald. Frith offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Duhuque: That a Sidewalk six (6) feet wide, of good brick or cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conform- ity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks, on the west side of Garfield Ave- nue between Windsor Avenue and Staf- ford Avenue. abutting lots 13 and 14, Cooke's Add., owned by J. M. Lillig, at the expense of abutting property. Adopt- ed by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Clancy-, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—none. Absent—Ald. Corrance. Ald. Frith also offered the following: Resclved by the City Council of the City of Duhu nue: That a Sidewalk four (4) feet wide, of brick or cement, he. within ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of Kauffman Avenue between Kleine Street and Hempstead Street, abutting lot 2 of Sub. 138, 140 and 142, L. H. Lang - worthy's Add., owned by Joseph Baum- gartner, at the expense of abutting prop- erty. Adopted by the following vote: • Ayes—.- ids. Clancy, Frith. Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nn ys—None. Absent—Ald. Corrance. Ald. Frith moved to adjourn until September 17th, 1903. C. F. ARENDT, Cita Recorder. Attest: a4"--11274---Recorder 190 Approved... `. . . Mayor Regular Session Sept. 17, 1903. 239 CITY COUNCIL. lt...gular Session September 17th, 1903. (Official). Council met at 8:15 P. M. Mayor Berg In the chair. Present — Alds. Clancy, Corrance Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Absent—None. PETITIONS AND COMMI'N !CATIONS. Petition of O'Farrell and Street, asking to have money refunded on excavation permit In Peru Road, between Jackson and Washington streets. On motion was re- ferred to Finance committee with power. Petition of James \V. Conchar et al, ask- ing that a storm water sewer be construc- ted in Arlington street, from Highland Place to Grove Terrace. On motion was referred to the committee .on Streets, Alderman Corranee and City Engineer. Petition of E. H. Shepley in relation to obstruction In alley between Iowa and Clay streets from 14th to 15th streets, was .on motion referred to the Chief of Police to have said obstruction removed. Petition of John Decry, remonstrating against paying special assessment, as le- vied against his property for the construc- tion of a sanitary sewer in West Locust • street. On motion was referred to the committee on Sewers and CRY Engineer. The Mayor presented and read the fol- lowing. HON. C. H. BERG, DUBUQUE, 10\\'A. Dear Sir—We enclose herewith bill of lad- ing for steam road roller wheel, which was shipped from here prepaid on the llth. It is a surprise to 115 Hitt one of these wheels would break. \Ve have made ne charge. As to oilier things you mention. we will have one of our engineers call on you. Yours very truly. 'PIIE KE LLY-SPRTNGFTELD IROAD ROLLER COMPANY, J. 13. ('.\RTUELL. President. On motion of Alderman Sheridan the communication was received and filed. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City .Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable 'Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—I 1.crewlth submit my pay roll for labor on streets for the first half of September, 1903: Amount due laborers 011 streets....$1,007.50 Respectfully submitted, JAMES 1-l. BOYCE, City Engineer. Petition of Eliz. Beyer, asking for the cancellation of her taxes on lot 6. Ham- burg addition, for the years of 1901 and 1902.On motion was referred to the Delin- quent Tax committee. Petition of the Germania Stock company, asking that the taxes on city lot 209 remain the same as last year. On motion the petition was referred to the Board of Equalization. Remonstrance of Hermans Mauer et al, remonstrating against the construction of 'a sanitary sewer in alloy. between Jack- son and Washington streets, from Sanford Avenue to Twenty-sev.ntit street. On motion the remonstrance was referred 'to the committee of the Whole. Petition and claim of Aloys Lehman, claiming the sum of $78.55 as damages to his property on account of bad condition ,of street. On motion the petition and claim was re- ceived and filed. Original noti,edi strict court and claim of Lizzie Breithaupt in relation to fore- closure of mortgage against \Vm. Connell •et al and the City of Dubuque was on mo- tion referred to the City Attorney. Claim of Mrs. Catherine Ryan, claiming the sum of $2,500 for personal damages, sustawalk ited by fabutting lotsg 43oinaUnionn te side - addition, owned by the Pickup Estate. On motion was referred to the committee • on Claims and City Attorney. Approved: E. E. FRITH. Chairman Committee on JOHN J. SHERSDAN, JOSEPH L. HORR, Also submit my pay roll for labor on sewers during the first half of September, 1903: Amount due laborers on sewers....$156.20 Respectfully submitted. JAMES H BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved: JOHN J. SHERIDAN, Chalrtnan Committee on Sewers. JOSEPH L. IIORR. 1-tl'GH ('01(1ANCE. Also submit my pity toll for teams haul- ing sprinkling wagons during the first half of September. 1903: $182.50 Amount clue teamsters Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. I3OYCE, City Engineer. Approved: GEO N. RAYMOND, Chairman Committee on Pnving, Sweep- ing .and SPrin JOng. SEPH L. 11ORR, MATT.' CLANCY, Also suluoil my pay roll for grading Seventh •\v. e I , during the lust half of September. $161.7n Amount dile Tabor. rs ltespe l(ulIN submitted. JAMES II. 1()YCE, (Jit Engineer. E. E. Fltl'I'If. Chairman Commlltee on Sheets. JOSEPH 1.. 1 I t IHR. JOHN J. SIIEItIDAN. On motion the pay\\ a Ins r Seventh ls s, Sewers, Sprinkling' - Sl war Avenue grading w'.r`' ,.,\ed and ordered drawn to pay the impalas, and the pay rolls referred back to the proper committees. Appro\ ed : 240 Regular Session Sept. 17, 1903. Ald. 1torr rnoved that the rules be sus- pended for the purpose of hearing from Mr. F. \V. Bailin, representing the Ad- vance Fire Appliance company of Mil- waukee. Mr. Paulo addressed the Coun- cil, explaining the merits of his fire ex- tinguisher, for the purpose of making 0 sale to the city, hut no action was taken by the Council. City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: -I would respectfully report that the amount I was authorized to ex- pend on the grading of Seventh Avenue has been exhausted. I think that from fifty to seventy-five dollars more should he allowed for the grading this fall. Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Ald. frith moved that the report of the Engineer, with the recommendation be approved and that $75.00 more he expend- ed on said avenue this fall. Carried. The City Engineer also reported on the communication of J. WIldhaber, et al, in relation to the grade of the alley between Rhomberg and Garfield Avenues, from Johnson Avenue to Kniest Street, as fol- lows: On the within communication- I would respectfully report that we have run the levels over this work, and find that the alley has been improved substantially up- on the established grape. Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Ald. Frith moved that the report be adopted, and the communication of J. Wildhaber et al be received and filed. Carried. The City Engineer also reported as fol- lows: Herewith ewith attached please find corrected ass••ssment for improving the alley be- twet n Rhomberg and Garfield Avenues. from Johnson Avenue to south lot line of Tigh Street Sub. Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the fol- lowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for improving the alley between Rhomberg Avenue and Garfield Avenue from Johnson Avenue to snout lot line of High Street Sub.. by I'engl •r & Beuten, contractors, in front of nml adjoining the same, a Special Tax 111 is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of read estate hereinafter nam„ 1, situate and owned. and for the several amounts set opposite ,•;telt lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: sp. eial Assessment submitted and pass- ed Sept. 17th, 1903. t'hristian Reifsteck, High Street Sub., lot 23, 2S.:1 square yards ma- cadamizing:it 52e, $11.72; engineer- ing exp.•nw.. 71c $ 15 45 Christian lieif-teek. lligit Street Sulo., Int 21, square yard ma- cadamizing. it 52e, $14.72; engineer- ing , xltenso. 74c 15 46 Frstila Marty. 1ligit Street Sub., lot 25• 2x.3 s,! 1:u•e yards macadamiz- ing at 52c, 3'1-1.72; engineering ex- pett71„ 15 45 Bran) J. Kessler last.. lllgh Street Ittt 25• 28.3 square yards nta- ead: mizing ;t1 52e, $1.4.72; engineer- ing expense. 71e 15 .16 t'ellestine 1:11 1. Sub. 27. high Street sub.. Int 1. 2tt:l 51111re yards ma- eadamiziitg n1 52e. $111.117; engineer- ing exp.aise, .ane 16 07 Louisa \\',•clan. Sul.. 1'. high Street Sub.. lot I. ::'0.3 square yards ma- cadamizing a1 :•2c. $15.711; engineer- ing expense. 711e 16 55. Mrs. \i. 1'fifI' •r. Sub. 20. High Street Salt., lot 1. 2:'.7 square yards ma- eadamizing . 1 r;'e. $15.41; engineer- ing expense. 77e 117 21 .111(011 11'14111; )er. Sub. 70. 1 ligh Street Suit., lut 1. 1.2 square yards nnae;e.l;uttizing at 52e. $15.10; ungi- noerii:g ,•xnenso, 71:c 15 94 Jacob \\'i1,llutlter, Sub. :11. high Street Sot... Int 1, 20.1; square yards macadamizing cut 52e. $14.87: engi- neering expense. 71t.15 61 'Martha \\'ie,ln'•r. Stilt. 32. high Street Sub., lot 1. 25.:; stortre )ands macadamizing at 52e. $11.72: t ngi- neering expense. le 15 46 Dubuque Building ,2 1,n nn .\ss'n. Sub. 311, High Street Sub., hot 1. 28.3 square yards punt t,i tmizing at 52e, $14.72: engineering expense. 74c 15 45. Theo. Sell:n9e. S,•h: ri,•'s Sub.. lot 1, 115 square yards macadamizing at 52e. $59.80: engineering expense. 62 79. $_'.99 The St. .1os,••,h's Mercy 11espital. Sub. 2 of ' of Alin. lot 113a. lot 1. 51 $,!pare yttrt1 macadamizing at 52c. x"' .; _; engineering expense. $1.33 "-7 05 Dubuque• Fire ,\ Marine insurance Co.. Sulu. 2 of :: of \lin. lot 11.3x, lot 1. 73.4 Si. r,• yards macad:tnuz- ing at 52e. $38.17; engineering ex- pense, $1.91 40 CS R. Waller Est.. Sun. 1 of :1 of Min lot 113a. let 1. tit.: s,luvre yards ms- oadamizing at 52e, $13.32; engineer- ing expense. $2.1545 1S Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays -None. J. H. Weimer, County Auditor, presen- ted statements of the assessments and val- uations of railroads, express companies, and telegraph lines in the City of Dubuque, as fixed by the Executive Council and Board of Supervisors of Dubuque County for the year 1903. and were, on motion. referred to the Board of Equalization. City Attorney Barnes reported as fol- lows: To The Honorable Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: -In the trial of the case ( 1 Catherine Sheridan vs. City of Dubuque. tried at the March term, 1903, the City in- curred the following expenses for witnes- ses, which should be paid: Leo McCabe, one day, one mile $1.35 C. H. Berg, two days, one mile 2.60 Edward Herron, two days, one mile 2.50 T. H. Duffy, two days, one mile 2.170 Dr. B. Mitchell, two days, one mile2.60 Eugene Anderson, two days, one mile, 2.60 Total 514.35 Also in the case of Florence Farrell vs. City of Dubuque, tried at the May term, 1903, as follows: T. J. Paisley, four days, one mile55.10 G. A. Grimm, one day, one mile 1.35 Regular Session Sept. 17, 1903. Henry Donlon, one day, one mile .... 1. Theodore Bauer, one day, one mile .. 1.35 Michael O'Connor, one day, one mile..1.35 Frank Carney, one day, one mile .. 1.35 Adam Crawford, five days, one mile, 6.45 Total $18.L0 Also in the case of Thomas Considine vs. City of Dubuque, tried at the January term, 1903, of the district court, the follow- ing: W. Armstrong, two days, one mile.. $.60 John Lawlor, two days, one John Spear, two days, one mile 2.61 John Spear, two days, one mile 2.6o0 Edward Herron, two days, one mile .. 2.60 Eugene Anderson, two days, one mile, 2.60 Thomas Hinds, two days, one mile ..2.60 W. S. Wright, one day, one mile Total ... $19.55 be drawn for thesum e of $552.20 in f or ofnd that a t the MaYoI and that he be instructed to apply the same in the payment of the witness fees above reported. Respectfully sumbmi t A BARNES Ald. Horr moved that the report be re- , \Ithm. Robcri ceived and that a warrant for the full 1 1•ifth ward, amount be drawn in favor of the Mayor, I Raab, Peter Zi as recommended. Carried. •_'41 :5 were referred the lists from which names are to be selected for Register Clerks for the coming year, would respectfully rec- ommend that the following be chosen: First Ward, First Precinct—James Car- roll. R. F. Curran. First Ward, Second .Agnew, M. Lippman. Second Wad, First Precinct—D. D. W. Carver, John Howe. Second Ward, Second Precinct—Peter McLaughlin, Adam Lorenz. 'Third Ward. First Precinct—Peter B. Hoffman, Andrew Voelker. 'Third Ward, Second Precinct—Frank Nejedly, H. M. Brewbaker. 'Third Ward. 'Third Precinct—Anton Palen, William llaisch. Fourth Ward. First Precinct—Fred M. Hopkins. A. r. gasser. Fourth Ward. Second Precinct—George Precinct—James l . rain. Pout ,h Ward. 'Third Precinct—James Norton, J. II. 'I'rieb. Fifth Ward, First Precinct—Andrew Kaufman, A. J. H. Tuegel. Fifth Ward, Second Precinct—Louis P I'eryon, Jelin Geyer. City Attorney. Fifth \\lud. 'Third Precinct—Frank City Attorney Barnes also reported as follows: '1`o the Honorable 1`.1 r': ur and Aldermen of the City of Dui 1.o ne: Gentlemen :—Attacrud hereto you will find receiat of Anna I;ertsch for one hun- dred and forty dollars in full satisfaction of her claim against the City of Dubuque by reason of personal rsonal injurio< sustained by her on the 1 tit day of July. 1!u_. by falling on a side, walk near the corner of Twenty-sixth and Jackson street::. Respectfully submitted. G. A. BARNES. City attorney. Dubuque. Sept. title. 1:I1 3. Received of the City of Dubuque, the sum of One Hundred and Forty ($140.00) Dollars. in full satisfaction of my claim against the City of Dubuque, by reason of personal injuries sustained by me on the 12th day of July, 1903, on the side- walk r f of lot 12, Glendale Addition tosthe lCity fof Dubuque, which sidewalk is situated near the cor- ner of Twenty-sixth and Jackson Streets, said claim for damages being more fully set out in notice of claim by me day with the recorder of said City, of August, 1903. ANNA I3ERTSCH. Witness—J. A. Just. On motion the report was received and fl led. The list of names furnished to the City Council by the Chairmen of the City Cen- tral Committees of the Republican and Democratic parties to select the names of Register Clerks for registration for the coming year were presented. Ald. Horr moved that the llst be re- ferred to the Committee of the Whole, inutes look to the list, ant d report ts for ten o the Coun , il. carried. Aftor taking a reties` of ten Committee Ald. Horr, Chairman of the of the Whole, reported to the Council as follows: to whom Your Committee of the Whole, Ald.. Born tm the Committee REPORTS OF S'T'ANDING COMMITTEES. Itoe lch r. I ourth Precinct—Peter ogler. JOSEPH L. T-IORR. Chairman. v 1 to adopt the report of of the Whole. Carried. Ald. Frith, chairman of the Ordinance Committee. presented and read an Ordi- nance amending an Ordinance, entitled an Ordinnce, to provide for improving the Streets. Alleys and Public Landings, and for the construction and repair of Fidewalka. and being chapter 32 of the Re- vised Ordinances of 1991 of the City of Dubuque. And moved that the reading just be Cstrhad had considered the first reading. Ald. Frith moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of reading the Ordinance by its title for the second time. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—Ald. Clancy. The Ordinance was then read by lts title the second time. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the Ordinance as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alts. Corrance. Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—Alt. Clancy. The Mayor declared the Ordinance ad- opted. The Ordinance follows: .- , Ordinance An Ordinance ame:n:,a.•.,•5 entitled, An Ordinance to tlov il for im' proving the Streets, \lies blic Landings, and for the construction t`'nd repair of Sidewalks. and being tec 32 of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque: Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That sections 31 and 34 of Chapter XXXII. of the Revised Ordi- nances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque, and being an Ordinance to provide for 11. - proving the Streets, Alleys and Public Landings, and for the int truhectsion n aand repair of Sidewalks. Regular Session Sept. 17, 1903. hereby repealed. Section 2. That all Sidewalks hereafter built or laid on any Street. Alley or Ave- nue. shall be laid to the established grade, or if no grade shall have been es •tablished, or if the grade has been estab- lished and the Street, Alley or Avenue has rot heel) graded, to such temporary grade av may be given by the ('ity Engineer. and no material except cement. asphalt or iron shall he used for the surface for Side- walks within the fire limits, and no ma- terial except cement. asphaltsurface of brick shall be used for the sidewalks outside of such limits except as provided in sections three and Fix hereof. Section 3. Cinch rs may be used in the construction of Sidewalks in the manu- facturing district within the fire limc!s and outside of the lire limits as provided in section six hereof. permission in all cases having been first obtained from the City Council. in the construction of Sidewalks upon the various streets lead- ing to the bluffs in said city. and in the construction of Sidewalks upon any Street upon the bluffs, where cement. as- phalt. iron or brick would not be reason- ably safe owing to the steepness of the grade, the City Council may order the use of such other material as it deems hest adapted for such locations, but no Sid.•'. •,Ik -hall be constructed of any material other than cement, asphalt. iron or brick without permission having been first obtained therefor from the City Coun- cil; and no person shall build or lay any Sidewalk upon any Street leading to the bluffs in said city without such perm's. sion, unless ordered so to do by the City Council. Sidewalks hereafter constructed of brick shall be made of good, substan- tial hard brick. and shall be laid on a bed of sand at least four inches thick. even at the top. to be range work, with close joints. full width of Sidewalk. An.l whenever the City Council deems it advis- able to order a Sidewalk constructed of plank upon any of the Streets leading to the bluffs or upon any Street upon thy' bluffs where cement, asphalt, iron or brick would not be reasonably safe, owing to the steepness of the grade. the same shall he constructed of good tw,-inch plank sur- faced on one side, with not less than three stringers for a Sidewalk four feet wide. and on Sidewalks more than four feet wide a stringer for every two feet of width. The stringers to be not less than three and three-quarter inches square. laid lengthwise cf the walk; the stringers on the outside and inside to be laid within one inch from the end of the plank, and all planks to be laid crosswise of the walk. When Sidewalks are constructed of cin- ders under the provisions of this Ordi- nance, the earth stunt! he excavated to a depth not less than iwelve inches and filled with screened eflders. thoroughly tamped. and when constructed within the fire limits the same to be brought to grade, the surface to be dressed down from the side nearest the lot line with a fall of not more than one and one-half inches from the inside cf the same to the outside on Sidewalks four feet wide, and on Sidewalks six feet wide a fall of two inches from the inside to the outside of the same, and when completed the outsid> to correspond with the grade. All cinder walks when completed to present a smooth and level surface. Section 4. Any peraon desiring to lay a Sidewalk in said city of any material oth- er than cement, asphalt, iron or brick, shall file a petition with the City Council setting forth a description of the lot or lots in front of which said Sidewalk is proposed to be constructed; the name of the Street where located. and the kind of material proposed to be used in the con- struction of the same. The Colwell shall investigate the location and shall refuse to permit the mime to he laid. unless it appears to the Council that the material proposed to be used is better adapted or the construction of the same, owing to the steepness of the grade of the Street on which the same 's located. than the material mentioned in section two hereof. The Council may substitute such other material as it may deem proper and or- der such Sidewalk to be constructed ac- cordingly. Section 5. Any Sidewalk hereafter con- structed contrary to the provisions of this Ordinance, shall be condemned by the Sidewalk Inspector who shall report all such cases to the City Council. and the Council shall by resolution order such Sidewalk removed and order the construc- tion of a Sidewalk of suitable material. according to the requirements cf this Or- dinance. The Sidewalk Inspector shall immediately notify the owner or agent of the property abutting slid walk of the action of the Council, in the same manner provided by this chapter as amended, fol repairing sidewalks. and if the owner. agent or person having charge of the same. neglects or refusrs to build sa1A Sidewalk far ten day s after the service of said notice. the same shall be built by the city and the cost thereof levied against the abutting property as in cases of other special assessments. Section 6. All Sid walks shall he laid subject to the supervision and direction of the City Engineer and Sidewalk inspector, according to the plans and specifications to be furnished by said Pity Engineer. where the same is not provided for in this Ordinance; ant, all expenses of paving and laying of any Sidewalk shall be borne by the owners of the lots abutting the same. Provided, that Sidewalks laid to tempor- ary grade may be constructed of cinders. permission having been first obtained therefor from the City Council. Section 7. Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter, er failing to comply with any of the requirements thereof, shall. upon conviction. be fined not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, and shall be im• prlsoned until such fine and costs are paid. not exceeding thirty days. Section 11. This Ordinance to he in force and take effect on ar.d after its passage and publication ore time in the Dubuque Daily Globe -Journal newspaper. Passed Approved: Attest: -- . Mayor. Ald. Frith also presented and read an Ordinance providing for the placing of telephone wires underground within cer- tain limits and regulating the erection of aerial telephone poles and wires outside of said district in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. And moved that the reading just had he considered the first reading. Carried. Ald. Frith moved that the Ordinance be published in the proceedings. and laid over for further action until the next meeting of the Council. Carried. The Ordinance follows: Regullir Session Sept. 17, 19013. AN ORDINANCE providing for the Placing of telephone wires underground certain] regulating the 2-313 office of the City Recorder. and all con- duits and manholes Shall be constructed within limits arid in accnrd:utce with said corrected state - •erection of aerial telephone poles and meal. trap, phut or specifications. And a wires outside of said district in the City permit to excavate in any street or al - of Dubuque, Imva• ley shall be issued by the City Engineer 13e It Ordained by the City Council of to construct such conduits and manholes when ihr location of the samehas been the City of Dubuque: 1 'That the territory in said approved by lir City(rennin :Is above Serto.t city of Dubugti' embraced within the fol- i„tti;:g described within the following de- scribed hound,arie, shall l e known nown bas the egin- •• 1'ntiet•grottlttl District,” ning at a point on the northwest corner •of Iowa and First street; thence west •along the north side of First street to the aest side of sstreet; long the west sideof1e thence ,tiststreet to the south side of Seventeenth street; thence •east along the south side of Seventeenth street to the west side of Clay street; thence north along the west side of Clay •street a C(2,tt1 \venule to the north side of - A.t"c'W'' thence east along the north side of Sanford street to 'the west side of Jackson street; thence south along the west side of Jackson street to the south sideo Elevent street; thence west ;along the south side of Eleventh street to the east side of White street; thence south along the east side of White suet to the north sideof Fourth street; thence west along e north side of FourtIt street andthence west south •side of Iowa street; along the west side of Iowa street to the point of beginning. Section 2. From and after the first day of January. 19011, no person. firmor.telc_ > it, un poration operating or maintaining b:ngit:cot•, And the p,nson, firm er cer- tain w•:ores. shall erect. operate or main- sameerre shall pay all •;tion owning the d;um:g, : for imiuries to persons or to the talo any distal wires within the above I of any properly owner er :air - the district. except such wires as ger subscribers property •IL es to the trite of Uu- Oro\ Met • Section d. Each person, firm or cor- poration planning underground conduits tinder the precisions of this ordinance, stall include in the plans and conduits space til the capacity of mac (1) duct in ttltich the city m:n' place its wires free of ebarge, and lite City Electrician shall be allowed free access to such ducts at all times and shall Ito allowed facilities and privileges itis• ges at manholes for putting in and taking oat wires in the spa,',' SO allotted to cite city, equal in all restr.e'ts In those til' the corporation (untag the sante, pro- vided that no electric light. or potter, or ttircS creating a high trusion or danger- ous current, shall he placed or maintained in any conduits built anti owned by any telephone c'mnpany. Section 5. In the location, construction or repair of any conduit or conduits, any ese;n•nliun or construction made or placed in any street ur allot• :,1 an)' timeor forr any suets purpose, I,y :any one, I,t„perl; guarded; :cud any pavement. :It any time or for any purpose whatever, torn tip or displaced by any person, firm corpol•:tt111t tinder the terms of this nrdiue•Itc.,, shall he pr„peily and speedily replaced aid put in its fernier condition dor the 'Allprrcisi„n til' Itte City may leo necessary to cu - and customers with the underground sYs- to be used for such disbe - tributing ;as Nil • bu,lue• resulting from er oceasiened by, ,;t• growing out of negligence or improper tem. The. poles t: const ue•tin1' 11., ting wires i=hall e located as fat' as e.e,ustruetiun in lite laying. practicable, in the alleys within said tits- he t•ic•t. If any such Person, firm or cor- or repairing of such Cando.';ts o tahnin>Iin- 11 portttton shall be delayed in the construe- felly icon .cid use of the n' of Dubuque from and :against all tion of its underground plant in said fully indemnify and sate harmless the district lay injunction or other process of claims, actions or oohs tit I: w er in any court, or be strikes, o^fosher extra- delay ',only of ;any name or nature, for d:un- prttl,.t.lt resulting ordinary causes. Inc period herein pre- scribed he added to the 1 t ” scribed for the const•uc•tb it of the under- ground work required by this ordinance. Section 3. Before any corporation now operating or hereafter acquiring the right to operate telephone wares to the streets of said city shall begin the work of Plac- ing its wires and cables ander ground. t shalt present to the City Council of s d oily a written statement specifying the streets and alleys or parts thereof, in which its conduits are to be Located; the :Il,pro5intate size of the conduits proposed to 1, used and the distance from the ser - Ince of the street to the top of stttatremn- duits. and such statement 'mill11itirations panted by a map, plan or which shall show the proposed i,,,':atieti of the conduits with reference to the streets, alleys and surface of the streets and the approximate dimensions of the conduits and manholes to be used therewith, and the proposed locations may same be casnged by the City Council if theconduits, ll in any way interfere with any Pipes or sewers placed underground, or if located on streets objectionable to ther plan -Council, and such statement, map, p cor- speciflcatlons, so altered after beingrected or changed, together with the orig- inal statement, shall remain on file in the loges 1(1 persats or oat afrom. occasioned by m' ;;cooing the units -tun of any such p,•rsun, tiro or eot'p:u'atiun. their 0ertants or agents, 10 properly guard any excavation or straiten at any time or for any purpose tthatsoeter mode, place :• c:etscel in any sire, t et' alley. ur for the emission to t,r:'perly and spet•dilylo ilet,y, snehaee tlicatc- re- p:ote• any opening. ute•nt in proper 1(1:110 s , Lu' ;IS such re- pair ata y he mad( t ''Ss:,rn 1 t the ill lea'- "eronc,• v'ilit said 1);( \••1111•11t. Cat,t',1 ily Ila• loeatii,. liiillSi rill'iiiiil, ncr ur cell lir ,lf .\ i.,1 .a ill .aid e: naduitS :cul tit;nth„I'•s•sla,,ll ;:I ,"`' . 1101',,111, 111•111 til• 0k11'1,111';i17.111 , :1.: ,::lit ;end At stills anal defend :ot out t X11, 0 011.. said city ttnntio,g Yue, or against of 1 r=or. r,u i >uc. , i“. grace on lir i ,uair,;,.:.1:,1,, : -• n,.:ot- corporation in tile hvinnc.,, of said tcork :: tial .. in Writing s' t't int Co -I,1 , - ,',,file l':atall Should any parr 'r' fail er solor aep,ir lion us,• i„ r l le, ,1 .,cit ill ;ill)' patetnt•tet ,.r curia:,' ,1> „,, ,t- ,. strrt. ut• alley, iu :I:1,11i till. .ane• plul,.,l by tttir• only.,:u, ilo n way I,r r:•t,l:i:.,.,1 or r, ! :;:r1 to- ah, , 117: nudes Ib11 dot ,til. I,1 , .;o,, lis,• of s,,,'lt 1,i1'- i11141 ilt 1110 ou, Hanna or , flit:., 244 Regular Session Sept. 17, 1903. Section 11. Before commencing any work under a permit issued by the City En- gineer, tinder the provisions of section thren. I or attioti shallotile with the r CityRecorder. a bond in such sum not exceeding fifteen thousand ($15.000) dollars as the City Coun- cil nay fix, with a surety company au- thorized to do business In the State of Towrt as surety, or with not less than two t:a eersonal sureties to be approved by the City 1'ouneIl, conditioned that such person. tiro; ar corporation will perform all the re,inirements of section five (5) hereof. Section 7. The distribution of wires from conduits to buildings or other loca- tions above ground within said under- ground district, shall he by means of poles or underground connections. the location of said poles, together with the manner of constructing said underground connec- tion to be under the supervision of the Committee on Streets and City Engineer. Section 8. Nothing contained in this or- dinance shall be so construed as to pre- vent the City Council from exercising the right of the City to enlarge the under- ground district when such action be- comes necessary. Section 9. The provisions of this ordin- ance are subject to such reasonable reg- ulations and ordinances of a police na- ture as the City Council of said city may be authorized to, and may from time to time deem it necessary to adopt not de- structive of the rights which may ac- crue to any person, firm or corporation under this ordinance. Section 10. The City of Dubuque re- serves the .right to remove from streets, alleys and public places of the said city any poles, wires or other aerial fixtures which any such person, firm or corpora- tion may attempt to maintain therein contrary to the provisions of this ordin- ance. Section 11. Each telephone company subject to the provisions of this ordin- ance, shall furnish to the City of Du- buque free of cost twelve (12) telephones, which telephones shall be installed in such of the offices of said city as the city may designate, and shall be for the use of its officials. In addition to said free tele- phones such company shall furnish to said city such additional telephones as it may require for its officials or departments, at one-half (%) of the rate regularly charged by it to its subscribers in the City of Dubuque for like services. Section 12. Any person, firm or corpor- ation now or hereafter maintaining or operating telephone wires within said city and outside of the underground district described in section one (1) hereof, may at its election place all or any portion of its wires outside of said underground dis- trict underground, either in connection with the underground construction requir- ed by this ordinance, or from time to time thereafter, and the provisions of sections three (3) to ten (10) inclusive, of this or- dinance shall apply to all underground construction which may be so made out- side of such underground district. Section 13. Outside of the underground district herein provided for, the wires of all such companies, which they may not elect to place in underground conduits shall be erected and he maintained on poles, which in no ease shall be less than forty (40) feet in length within the bus- iness district, and thirty (30) feet in length outside the same. The location of the poles and wires as now made for dis tributlon by the companies operating in said city outside of said underground dis- trict, is hereby approved and all changes or extensions by any company shrill be done under the direction and supervision. of the City Electrician; provided, that no pole shall be erected and no permit issued for the same until the city council has approved of such proposed routes and con- s ttion. :sr rucothin6 in this ordinance contained shall be construed as an acquiescence in, or rat- ification of the occupation of any of the streets, alleys or public places in the city of Dubuque by any person. firm or cor- poration, now occupying the same without legal right, nor shall this ordinance be construed as conferring the right to occu- lty any of the streets, alleys or public places of said city upon any such person, firm or corporation now illegally or with- out authority occupying the same. Section 14. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication one time in the Dubuque Globe -Journal newspaper. Passed August, --, 1903. Approved August —, 1903. Attest: Mayor. City Recorder. Aid. Frith, chairman of the Committee o, Streets. reported as follows: Your Committee on Streets. Cu whom was referred the communication of Ada L. Collier in relation to the defects in the construction of Lang- worthy Avenue, beg to report that the City Engineer has been Instructed to rem- edy said defects. We would therefore recommend that said communication be received and filed. Also your Committee on Streets, to• whom was referred the petition of L. Witter, et al., asking that Napier Street. from Clifford Street to Lot 130 in Me- chanic's addition be improved, and that said street be trade twenty-four feet wide between curbs and sidewalks six feet wide. would recommend that the prayer of the Petitioners be granted. Provided, that the city reserves the right to the full width of the said street as at presem platted. Also your Committee on Streets, to whom was referred the petition of John Nagle, asking that a tile pipe sewer be constructed in Walnut Street to carry off the storm water, would recommend that the City Engineer be instructed to pre' pare a plan showing the most feasible manner of taking care of said water. Also your Committee on Streets, to whom was referred the petition of John Mahoney, asking that the City Engineer he instructed to give him the lines for a sidewalk abutting the property of Michael Mahoney, would recommend that the City Engineer be instructed to give the peti tioner the grade to which %lid sidewalk shall be laid. Also your Committee on Streets, to whom was referred the petition of the Sis- ters of the Holy Ghost, asking that Wil- low Street, from its intersection with St. Ambrose Street to the alley next east of said St. Ambrose Street he improved, beg to report that in order to expedite mat Regular Session Sept. 17, 1903. 245 1,.i,, the owners of all the abutting prop- '.Co the Honorable Mayor and City Council ,•sty have signed a waiver of all irregu- of the City of Dubuque: larities or illegalities of whatever nature Gentlemen:—Your Board of health out of the making of said street iwould at at a meet - ng held Sept. 9th, 1903•ully rtht e following res- or of the assessment to defray thethe levying olutions were passed. We would therefore the coat of same. We would therefore recommend that the prayer of the pets- re`ommendai that dohs. same be adopted by Hon be granted. Frith moven to adopt the various Be it Resolved by the Boat of Health of the City of Dubuque. Iowa. That T. O. Sullivan. S 1 City Lot •I a: Minnie and M. A. Kemler, S. 1/2 City Lot 3a; Robert Wal- ler Est., N. 1-3 City Lot 11. and Jacob Plal.p Est., S. 1-5 and S. M. 1-6 of Ctty Lot 495, having failed to connect said property with the sanitary sewer situated In the allay between Main and lowa and White and Jackson Streets. abutting on said property.; and it being deemed neces- sary for the preservation of the public health of said city that said premises be connected with sold sanitary sewer. It is hereby ordered by the Board of Health of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. by virtue of the power vested in it by Seetion 1032 of the Code of Iowa of 1897. and Chapter Twenty-five of the Revised Ordinances of 1101 of the City of Dubuque. that said T. O. Sullivan, Mincie :ld M. A. Kemler, Robert Waller Est. and Jacob Plapp Est. shall within tnirty days from the date of service of notice of this order. connect said premises with said sanitary sewer. Dated this 9th day of September, 1903. Also. Be It Resolved by the Board of Health of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: That Joseph S. Morgan, S. 64.4 ft. of City Lot 612; Geo. A. Neeves, City Lot, No. 4, and Courtland L. Butler, trustee, City Lot. No. 642. having failed to connect said property with the sanitary sewer sit- uated in Bluff street, and .n alley between Main and Iowa streets, abutting on said Property; and it being deemed necessary for the preservation of the public health of said city that said premises be con- nected with said sanitary sewer, It is here- by ordered by the Board of Health of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. by virtue of the power vested in it by Section 1032 of the Code of Iowa of 1897, and Chapter 'twen- ty-five of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque, that said Jos- eph S. Morgan, Geo. A. Neeves and Courtland L. Butler shall within thirty daice of dersfrom connecthe saidte of premisesvs or - with said san- itary sewer. Dated this 9th day of September, 1903. '\Ve would also recommend to your Honorable Body, that you pass a resolu- tion and ordinance prohibiting gthe of dig- ging of new vaults in any 1 Sewer District in this city. Also report that the Board instructed lHalth c eman Flynn tofchel and investigate Sanitary t edistrict lying south of Sixth street and east of Iowa street and report all parties not con- nect next meeting tofe thennitary Board.Sewer at the Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the report of the Board of Health. Carried. --- Aid. Sheridan also moved that the City Attorney and Ordinance Committee be instructed to draft an Ordinance, covering the Healthc in mregardiot digging newn of the ara ults in the Sewer District of this city. Carried. _---- Ald. Borr, chairmanoil 15 f htheommittee of the Whole, tsu . reports of the Committee on Streets. Car- ried. —___— Ale. Jones. chairman of the Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings, reported as follows: Your Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings, to whom was referred the pe- iituon of the Knights of Maccabees. asking that they he granted permission to use the third floor of the City Hall for the purpose of drilling, would recommend that the prayer of the petitioners be grant- ed. Provided, that said petitioners pay for such gas as may be used by them. Also your Committee on Public Grounds and the petition ilofr the Dubgs, to uque a Zitherm was f club,, ask- ing that they be allowed the use of a r nom in the ','ity Hall for practice pur- poses. would respectfully recommend tha t the prayer of the petitioner be granted. Provided, that said club pays for such gas and fuel as tnay be used by it. Also your Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings. to whom was referred the Lill of Pape & Jacquinot for $7.45 for plumbing at the City Hall. would recom- mend that a warrant in said amount be rrdered drawn on the City Treasurer in settlement of the bill. Also your Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings, to whom Io foe as3referred e5 f rredttth bill of Mullen & Pap in at the City Hall. would recommend that a warrant in said amount benoderd drawn on the City;Treasurer settle- ment of the bill. Ald, Jones moved to adopt the various reports of the committee. Carried. Ald. Jones moved that the natter of pro- curing storm sash for the Delhi Street Engine House be referred to the, Commit- tee on Public Grounds and Buildings t to a ascertain the cost of same, Car - rat ied. next meeting of the Council. __ Ald, Sheridan, chairman of the Sewer Committee, presented a bill of Wm. Fos- ter, inspector on Sanitary Sewer :n alley, from Sixteenth to Seventeenth, tat nth,amount, be- tween Elm and Pine Streets; forR6aid amounmovetandthat the billwarrant drawn paid ried. _ Ald. Sheridan also reported as follows: Your Committee on Sewers, to owh were referred the petitions f C. L. Butler and Hattie A. Snyder, asking that the special assess- ment levied against their lots for the con- struction of a sanitary sewerin wouldLangre- worthy Avenue be canceled, ssptictfully recobe rec mm nd t flied. both said pe- d Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the report. Carried Ald. Sheridan of the Board of Health reported as follows: 246 Regular Session Sept. 17, 1903. Your Committee of the Whole, report- ing on the petition of John Graham et al., asking that the candy store. owned by M. Kearney. situated under the stairs at the corner of Seventh and Main streets and known as "Fort Kearney," be allowed to remain in its present location, would recommend that the prayer of the peti- tioners be granted. Provided that the business carried on in said candy store be conducted by the said Michael Kearney personally. or in ease of sickness or dis- ability by his immediate agent. The priv- ilege herein gianted to be subject to the pleasure of the t'muracil and with the un- derstanding that the said Michael Kear- ney be not allowed to sub -let or transfer the same. Also. your committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of J. Zieris et al., asking that a sanitary sewer be constructed in the alley between Jack- son and Washington streets from San- ford to 'twenty-setcnth street, would rec- ommend that the preliminary resolution, ordering the construction of said sewtr :is far north as Twenty-lifth street, be adopted, and also that the proper steps Ie taken to condemn the right of way for tun• osttusion of the above mentioned al- ley through Lot 10 of Mineral Lot 322. Also, your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the communication of G. A. Grimm, asking that the shanty at the northeast corner of Seventh and Main streets be removed, would recommend that said communication he received and filed. Ald. ] lorr moved to adopt the report of the Committee of the Waole. Carried. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Frith offered the •following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That Broadway Extension from the end of the present im- provement at Gay street to Putnam street be improved by grading, curbing, guttering and macadamizing the same in accordance with the plat and specifica- tions for such improvement prepared by the City Engin, er and now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and be it fur- ther resolved that said improvement shall be completed on or before the 1st day of December, 1903, and shall be paid for at the time and in the manner prescribed by Chapter XXXII. of the Revised Ordin- ances of 1902 of the City of Dubuque for the payment of the cost of street im- provements. The proposals for doing such work will be acted upon by the council on the 1st day of t ictober, 1903. and the City Recor- der is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication, asking for pro- posals as provided by ordinance. Aid. Frith moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Corrance offered the following: Be It Resolved by the CIty Council of the City of Dubuque, that it is deemed necessary and advisable to improve Wil- low street from the east curb line of St. Ambrose street, to the west line of the alley first east of said St. Ambrose street, -and it is hereby proposed to grade, curb, gutter and macad- amize said street and to assess the cost of such curbing, guttering and macadam- izing against the abutting property. Ald. Corrance moved to adopt the res- olution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy. Corrance, Frith, Horn, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan, Nays—None. Ald. Corrance also offered the following: Tie It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City En- gineer be and he is hereby directed to pre• pare a plat showing generally the loca- tion. nature and extent of the proposed improvement on Willow street, from the east curb line of St. Ambrose street to the west line of the alley first east of said St. Ambrose street, and the kind of material to be used and an estimate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such improvement, and the amount assessable upon any railway or street railway, the amount and cost there- of to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assessable ilium each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City Re- corder; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his offiee, the City Re- corder shall publish in three consecutive issues of a newspaper published In this city, a notice stating that such plat and estimate are on tile, the location and na- ture of the improvement, kind of mater- ial to be used. and an estimate of its cost and the time before which objections thereto can be filed. and the time fixed for hearing. which time shall not be less ilt:ut five clays after the last publication of such notice, and after such publication shall have been made, the City Recorder hall, :tt the next regular session of the city Council notify the council thereof in ttriting with a printed copy of such no- Oct- accompanying the, same. Aid. Corrance moved to adopt the reso- lution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Harr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Corrance also offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Willow street, from St. Ambrose street to the alley first east of said St. Ambrose street, be im- proved by grading, curbing, guttering and macadamizing the same in accordance with the plat and specifications for such improvement prepared by the City En- gineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and be it further re- solved, that said improvement shall be t ompleted on or before the lst day of De- cember, 1903, and shall he paid for at the time and in the manner prescribed by Chapter 32 of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque for the pay- ment of the cost of street improvements. The proposals for doing such work will be acted upon by the Council on the 1st clay of October, 1903, and the City Recor- der is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication, asking for pro- posals as provided by ordinance. Ald. Corrance moved to adopt the reso- lution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids, Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Regular Session Sept. 17, 1903. 247 Nays—None.-- Add. Frith offered the following: 13e It Resolved by the City Council of -the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to construct a Sanitary Sewer in the alley between Jack- son and Washington streets, and it is SerePrs pid construct it ary Sewerr in alley betweenJacksonand Washington streets, as follows, to -wit: A twelve -inch the pipe sewer from Sanford street'I'wten inchird tiletreet, pipe -hence in sewer to BaclddalITwntyley, reet, and to assess the cos of sai d sewer fifth tagainst the abutting prop- erty. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Ald. Corrance moved a substitute, that this. and said sewer tintthe salley relation between Jacksono and Washington Street. from Sanford 'Street to Twenty-third Street be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Substi- tr.te carried by the following vote:Raymond, Yens—Aids, Clancy, and Sheridan. Total, 4. Nays—A1.1s. Frith, flora. Jones. Total, 8. Alderman Corrance offered the follow- ing: Whereas, It is deemed expedient by the • City Council of the City of chae the gradeFourgteenth Street of and ffTwelfth reet. between therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City En- gineer be and he is hereby directed pod tto o prepare from actual survey the Council a profile showing the grade Proposed; and to report whether or not n grade has been previously established 00 said street. and if there has been a grade previously established on said street, said profile to also show said es- tablish grade And said City Engineer is further instructed to report whether or not any person has made improvements en said street acca•ding to said establish- ed grade. Ald. Corrance moved to adopt the res- • olution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy. Corrance. Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Attached please find plat showing prop- erty owners on each side of Bluff Street, from Eleventh to Fourteenth Streets: SBOYCE. City Engineer. Ali. Sheridan moved that said plat be placed on file. Carried. Ald. Raymond offered the following res- olution: Be it Resolved by the City Counil of the City of Dubuque, That the City Auditor be and he is hereby directed to transfer the salary of the Superintendent of Sprinkling from the Sprinkling Fund to the Engineer Fund. Also that he charge the cost of painting and repairing the wagons and the cost of the new hose to the general expense fund. Ald. Raymond moved to adopt the reso- lution. Carried. Ald. Corrance offered the following: of Be it Resolved by the City the City of Dubuque. That the Mayor be and he is hereby directed to select a jury eachto S ofss the the property iowne s any. abutting the proposed change of grade on Bluff Street between 'Twelfth and Fourteenth Streets, as provided in Section 2, Chapter 31 of the Revised an 1 qdances that of1901 of other the proceed - in said ings be had as ter. Ald. Corrance mo,edaltonado t the Carried. Ald. Raymond moved to adjourn until October lst, 1903. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. The City Engineer reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—In compliance with the di- rection of your honorable body. I here- with submit profile of Bluff Street, from Street ng by the blak ll1inestthe tStreet,h curbs set on the street, the red line showing establish- ed grade. The blue lines. the proposed change of grade that I would recommend. The property is improved on both sides of the street. Respectfully, H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Aid. Sheridan moved that ihe Engineer bele presented by the City ac- cepted. vote: Carried by the following : votete Frith, Yeas—Alda. Clancy, Horr, Jones. Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. City Engineer also reported as ' follows: Attest: • aAP.4r.....'...Recorder ... .190d.. App rnred.. 24S List of Warrants LIST Of CITY MINES City Recordct''4 Office. I011.11.1110, Iowa. Sept. 1, 140:1. 'I'., the Honorable :Mayor and City Coun- cil of 1111hnti0e: Gentlemen:—Tho following 1S a complete list or ;til wa1r;u1I' iS.tnt•tl by me during tilt month of .\ugnst. :1110:1: $110 OS C. 11. I •rg. ullau'y, \I;tynr H. Brinkman. salary. 'Treasurer 133 30 J. A. McKinlay. salary, Ih•puty 11111 00 'Treasurer Jno. Brayer, clerk. 'Treasurer's of- GO 00 fico Chas. F. .Arendt. saloy, Recorder 11G 75 1\'nt. A. Karp, salary. Deputy Re- corder SO 110 F. 13. Hoffman. salary. Auditor 110 05 C. 13. Schorr. :;;Ilan y. .\Gses,ot 125 00 A. 130er1•, Jr.. salary, Asst. Assess- or 161) 00 J. J. Murphy. salary, :\s.st. Assess - 100 110 or Geo. A. Barnes. salary. Attorney 150 110 J. .13. Powers, salary. .\ssistatnt ...At- torney 75 00 FJd. Morgan. salary. Chief of Police 100 III) Jos. I(tinfrietl, salary. lire Chief100 00 J. \V. I.alt•ler. salary, Committee Ckrlc 1111) 00 Jas. Boyce, salary. ('ily Engineer .1001 i5 E. Anderson, salary. Assistant En- gineer 100 00 F'. Neu woch er. salary. Rodman 50 00 E. Herron. Galan'}. Superintendent Street Sprinkling GO 00 Wm. I lilnu:nt, salary. Electrician 83 30 L1. 'Trop,,, salu'y, Ala t kotlnastor 50 00 P. lty:n:. salary. Park custodian 4000 7'. Bien. salary. Park Csslodia n 40 110 T. Flaherty. salary. Park Custodian. 10 110 Dr. 13. F. i\lirlo•I• salary. 1lealth Of- ficer 5u e0 1`. Fly'nrt, sII•ay. Sanlitau'y 1'alrol- man G0 00 N. Offermtul, salary. l'oundmaster40 (10 Airs. 11. Koenig. sal:;ry, Janitress20 00 A. Cranford, salary. Sidewalk In- sprt for 50 00 J 1. A. Aloyes, salary. \\'harfmaster . 20 00 li. Clancy. salary. Alderman 'r. 00 II. Cortance, salary. Alderman 25 00 10. I:. Frith, salary. Alderman 25 00 J. L. Ilorr, salary, .\Itlernlal 25 00 It. Jones, salary, Alderman 25 00 G. N. Raymond, salary. Alderman 25 00 J. J. Sheridan. salary, Alterman 25 00 M. Eitel, fireman 65 00 J. Essman, fireman 75 00 A. Duccini, fireman 60 W J. Flynn, fireman 65 00 J. Roshin, fireman 60 00 A. Beer, fireman 50 00 J. Tschucli. fireman 50 00 J. Schonberger, fireman 50 110 J. Daley, fireman 65 t0 J. Barnes, fireman 76 00 T. Ryder, fireman 60 00 G. Beyer, fireman 65 00 W. Ducey, fireman 60 W F. Murphy, fireman 60 00 P. Ahern, fireman 60 00 M. Kelley, fireman 60 00 D. Ahern, fireman 65 00 A. McDonnell, fireman 67 50 T. Flynn, fireman 65 00 J. Murphy, fireman 60 00 P. Zillig, fireman 60 00 H. Cain, fireman 60 00 M. Sweeney, fireman 50 00 N. Wagner, fireman 50 00 J. Benzer, fireman 50 W J. McLaughlin, tireman 50 00 T. O'Meara, fireman 50 00 G. Gehrke, fireman 66 dt T. Kennedy, fireman 60 00• F. Baumgartner. fireman b0 00 J. Smith, fireman b0 00. C. Kannolt, fireman 66 00 J. Allen, fireman 60 00 M. Fahey, fireman 50 00 Wm. O'Connell, fireman 60 00 R; Weston. fireman 65 00 F. Kernleally, fireman 60 00 E. McDermott, fireman 50 00 Wm. McClain, fireman 50 00 G. Burkel, police 60 00 J. Carter, police . 50 00 J. Clune, police 50 00 W. Cook, police 50 00 W. Corcoran, police 60 00 M. Craugh, police 65 00 H. Donlon. police 50 00 J. Fitzpatrick, police 50 00 Jas. Flynn, police 60 GO Wm. Frith, police 50 00 Theo. Gannhl, police 50 00 13. Gray. police 50 00 Pat Hanlon, police 50 00 E. Kahn, police 5165 M. Kitty, police 50 00 Jno. Loetscher, police 9815 P. McCollins, police 50 01 P. McInerney, police 50 00 Jno. Moore, police 60 00 Jno. Murphy, police 50 00 D. Norton, police 60 00 M. O'Connor, police 50 00 Jno. Raesli, police fall 00 Otto Rath, police T. Reilly, police Jas. Ryan, police t"' t"' P. Scharff, police 5000 Al. Scher., police 60 00 P. Sutton, police 50 00 Tom Sweeney, police 60 ('0 M. Stapleton, police 50 00 P. Sullivan, police 50 00 Jno. L. Sullivan. police 50 00 L. Zeidman. police 50 00 Mrs. Kate Hibbe, matron 30 00 Miss L. Brennan, matron 30 00 Labor on Streets for the last half of July, 1903: A. Alderson. labor 11 85 E Amanda. labor 2 70 Jos. Brouillette, labor 9 80 John Burns, labor 10 80 Paul Becker. Iabor 17 55 It. J. Brightbill, labor 1110 C. Buddies. labor 5 75 Fred Budde, labor 1150 Jos. Brown, labor 18 90 W. Coughlan. labor . 13 85 Mike Cain, labor 2 70 John Corlett, labor 710 H. Cobb, labor 18 90. James Connolly, labor 18 90 H. Connell, labor 10 90 James Callahan, foreman 20 00 H. Cosgrove, driver q0 00 Peter DeFontaine, labor 11 50 1\i. Donegan, labor 5 40 John Egan, labor 12 85 John Engels, labor 35 John Engels, stoker 2120 Geo. Frost, foreman 20 00 John Flynn, labor 10 80 Pat Fenelon, labor 18 90 Nelson Frith, stoker 25 00 Nelson Frith, engineer 37 50 Peter Gregory, labor 170 Barney Glass. labor 1115 I1. Galle, labor 710 C. Gruenzig, labor 6 75 Jos. Grab, labor 17 25 List of Warrants C'. Gantenbein. foreman George J. Hahn, foreman Amb. Hird, labor John Hamilton, labor Jake Hanson, mason John Hall, carpenter Peter Jacob, labor Chas. Kampman, labor Nic. Kettenhofen, labor John Lavery, labor Martin Lonergan, labor Mike Lavin, labor H. Lembke, labor L. Loffelholz, labor John Mahoney, labor Larry Maher, labor Rob. Mack, labor .Jos. Murdock. labor Nat. Mabe, labor John Miller, labor John McNulty, labor John McGee, labor Pat McMullen, labor Pat. McPoland, labor W. O'Brien, foreman Chris. Ode, labor James Purcell, labor J. Pfeiffer, labor W. Quinlan, labor James Ryan, labor Mat. Raishek. labor Jcs. Rooney, driver Nic. Sweeney, labor Jas. Straney, labor John Schroeder, labor Jos. Statel, labor John Sloan, labor 'l'ony Schmidt, labor ,.-August Soyke, labor W. Schwaegler. labor F. Scheer. labor James Straney. labor \V. \Vearmouth, foreman ,los. Wieland, labor Nie. Wompach. labor Thos. Voting, engineer Frank Burns. team .1. Berwanger. t cam Josh Calvert. team (contract) ....•• M. Gantenbeiu, team Alike Hannan. team J. Haudenshield. team John fTuffmire, team o•outract) James Keefe, team Pat. Linehan, team Martin Maher. team J G. Moore, team J. J. McCollins, team Jeff McGrath, team Geo. Reynolds, team Ed. Seeley. team Adam Stoltz, team James 'Tobin. team Labor on Sewers during the last half July, 1903: Pat Casserly, labor .....................$ 2 John Corcoran, labor ................... 2 R. T. Eddy, foreman ................... R. A. Fuller, labor .................... 2 F. Honecker, labor .................... Pat Kenneally, labor .................. Pat Sage, labor ......................... Landon Taylor, labor ................. Labor on Bee 13ranch sewer during lost half of July, 1903: Dr. Corcoran. labor ................... John Engels, labor ..................... Henry Gallo, labor .................... Bob.Mack. labor .... ..... ... Labor on Bluff Street Extension du the last half of July, Rich, Burns, labor .................... Peter Carney, quarryman , • • • • • • • Peter Gregory, labor ............•••.. Pat Grue, labor ...................... John Hafey, labor ...... • • • ..... 20 00 20 00 945 1 35 20 2F 22 50 9 45 6 75 8 40 9 45 3 40 4 11 16 18 90 6 75 9 45 7 10 12 50 7 45 6 10 14 55 1 35 6 45 10 15 20 00 13 85 6 75 24 00 George Kenneally water boy James Kenneally. quarryman Thos. Kenneally, foreman James McLeese, labor James McCarron, labor James Powers, labor John Schroman. mason W. Woods. team Dubuque, Iowa, August 5, 1903. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I herewith submit roll for teams hauling Sprinkling during the last half of July, 1903: ]Becker Bros T. B. Cain .\. Conrad James H. Keefe John Linehan Martin Maher Dan Melloy J. J. McCollins McElrath Teaming Cu G. Gmehle, collecting back taxes....$ 75 48 L. 'Daily, cleaning around Market 28 00 Square during June and July H. Tropf, board of prisoners for 12 20 July T. E. Frith, removing garbage and 375 03 dead animals Geo. Salot, services rendered as member of Board of Health from May lst, 1902, to May 1st, 1903 33 00 Otto M. Ruete. services rendered as member of Board of Health from May 1st, 1902, to May 1st, 1903......27 00 Jno. Bohn, inspector Bee Branch 50 00 sewer W. Foster, inspector 16th street 36 95 Storm Water sewer C. '1'. Bush, photos in case of Con- 7 00 sidine vs. City G. B. Grosvenor, supplies for var- 810 sous departments Safford Stamp Works, stamps for 4 20 Recorder's office J. Beach & Son, soap at City Hall.. 3 80 A. E. Bradley, glazing at City Hall 1 00 R. L. Spellenberg, repairing waste 35 pipe, City Hall Byrne Bros., me of Carryall400 I-1. Corrance, supplies at City Hall 8 25 J. W. Wittmer, supplies and drugs 3 30 at City Hall 249 6 20 148'5 13 85 1 93 9 90 12 40 16 90 29 70 13 •0 17 90 10 80 20 00 9 15 ill 13 20 6 10 8 .0 8 70 G 10 12 50 18 90 20 25 20 00 3 75 14 55 75 00 27 20 7 20 42 C0 36 90 G 30 -14 40 40 85 1 SO 3 60 3 60 10 80 7 20 38 70 21 40 17 60 18 00 28 80 of 2 40 2 40 25 0U `2 40 19 20 22 40 22 44) 22 4U the 18 00 1 50 10 50 12 00 ring 10 90 14 05 9 00 10 90 11 65 my pay Wagons $ 56 40 46 60 47 tit) 40 40 50 40 48 80 46 00 47 60 47 60 Palmer, Berg & Co., blank station- ery for various Printing Co., s blank L7 25 stationery for various departments. 46 00 Mullen & Papin, repairs at City 210 Hall Key City Gas Co., gas for various 80 departments Key City Gas Co., arc lights at Ar- mory Hall............................ 2 50 W. McLaughlin, hauling at Jackson 50 Park ............ E. J. Schilling, repairing cement 10 00 walk at City Hall............•.•••• E. J. Schilling, relaying brick slde- walk at S. W. corner 4th and Main q0 20 streets 1 50 M. J. G. La Nicca, drugs for Road department "•' ..pairing foun- tain& McCarten, tain at Julien and Grant avenues 2 80 Pape & Jacquinot,cutting utti g ...........175 at 13th and Clay F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Road 4 75 and Sewer departments o ...... d C. Matz, repairs for 4 10 Sprinkling departments ts ....Co.brick Purington Paving for Road andFire depr rtme0 s... 162 55 li Pat Clancy, 600 de- partment List of Warrants Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber for Road 20 00 department Chas. Giese, filing saws for Road department Jno. Kriehs, fly net for Road de- partment Linehan & Molo, sewer pipe for Road department Key City Roofing Co., sewer 2 80 for Road department F. A. Withers, 1 casting for Road department Eagle Point Lime Works, macadam 2 b 60 for Road department Steuck & Linehan, paving brick for 86 70 Road department Wm. Marshall, repairs on Old Steam 12 45 Roller Ragatz & Son, repairs on Old Steam Roller Bean Bros., pine wood for Steam 4 60 Rollet P. Linehan, pine wood for Steam 9 00 Roller Standard 011 Co., oil for Steam • 2 50 Roller 1'. Hansen, oil and matches for Steam Roller 1 05 Key City Gas Co., coke for Steam Roller 13 65 J. W. WIttmer, supplies for Steam Roller 05 Smedley Steam Pump Co., repairs on Street Sweeper 6 00 Austin -Western Co., fibre for Street Sweeper 18 00 i<oc city Gas ('o., coal and coke for tide tiepartm rat 2510 Wunderlich & yCtederhoit, horse shoeing- 1'n• fire department 8 20 B. Lindenberg, 1\tattilat rope for fire department 2 90 T. H. ('lark. paints and oils for fire department 4 10 Fire Extinguisher Mfg. Co., 200 ft. chemical hose. coupled, for fire department 80 00 14. Corr•ance. supplies for tire de- partment 6 50 fire depau•lnn•nt 10 28 Eichhorr, & Bechtel. bran for fire department 90 Dubuque Oil Tank Line, oil for fire department 8 10 Western Electrical Supply Co., sup- plies for tire department 51.14 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., coat and vest buttons for fire de- partment 7 00 T. F. Kane. hay and oats for fire department 165.57 G. W. Healey & Son, hardware for fire department 210 Ott, Meuser & Co., shavings for fire department 5 50 i\lcl humid & Morrison Mfg. Co., 1 grnr4 for lire department 7 90 G. 1'. '1'horuaan. glass and putty at 1st Ii :'beet engine house 5 05 Lolly (\ Geizler, repairing roof at 9111 street engine house 3 00 Mullett & Papin, plumbing at 9th street engine house 4 60 Iowa Iron Works, repairing steamer •Y )Bogor•' 21 15 Iowa iron Works. repairing steamer -Stewart" 63 50 The ,\it I vny Co., brick mason work Grandview Ave Engine House 1580 Il:u •r ,c laish, shades for Grand- vietc .\ve Engine House 17 00 .1. \V. Whinier, drugs and supplies for Both e department 7 70 t'. .1. \V. Saunders, meat for Ma- tron's department 4 75 1 20 1 75 14 85 pipe 4 27 Fluetsoh. milk for Matron's de- partment 75 Fiichhorn & Bechtel. supplies for Matron's department 500 T. F. Kane. oats delivered at Patrol House 18 65 Pape & Jacquinot. repairing foun- tain on South Dodge street 6 85 G. Ragatz & Sun. repairs for Sewer department 1 10 H. ('orr:ince. supplies for Sewer de- partment 1 20 McDonald & Morrison Mfg. Co, wrenches for Sewer department Globe -Journal. official printing for July 60 00 The 'rimes, official printing for July 15 00 National Demokrat. official printing for July 25 00 Ilarger & Blish. stationery and sup- plies for Engineer's department 31 40 Union Electric Co.. arc lights for July "045 77 H. J. Hagerty. examining hogs 5 00 Smith -Morgan Printing Co.. blank stationery for 'Board of Health 5 50 H. Corrane". 1 bream for Board of Health 40 Ott. Mouser & Co.. lumber delivered at Garbage i)nmp 58 75 F. Schloz & Son. repairs for sprinkling department 3 40 J. Newman! & Son. repairs for sprinkling department 4 80 Dubuque Rubber & Pelting Co, hose for sprinkling dep:1t trnent 108 00 Ott. Meuser & Co., lumber for spec- ial Sidewalk department 28 90 Dubuque \Watt Klett wart, Lumber (o, lumber for special Sidewalk de- partment 53 63 Fengler & 1teutin. estimate for im- proving alley between Rhomberg and Garfield _\venues from John- son Avenue to south lot line of High Street sub 249 83 O'Farrell & Street. estimate for im- proving Lincoln Avenue from White to Jackson Streets 434.47 Gus Brown, estimate for improving Gilmore Place from West Fifth street to alley south of Cooper street 896 10 Steuck & Linehan. eonstruoting san- itary sewer in I:nicst street from Lincoln Avenue to alloy between Garfield and l:homberg Avenues 54 00 Jno. Heim, 3,500 paving brick for special Sewer department 28 00 O'Farrell & Street. constructing storm water sewer in 15th street from Washington to Elm streets .. 274.92 O'Farrell & Street. constructing storm natter -I n•c!• in 16th street front \\';,s;itin' I itt scoot to rail- road Cracks 898'39 1 75 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., 2 pair hip boots for Bee Branch sewer department 9 00 Peter Eisbach, estimate on Bee Branch storm water sewer 942 24 Steuck & Linehan, final estimate on storm water sewer in Couler Creek between 27th street and Pertt road 33 70 O'Farrell & Street, grading Lincoln Avenue from White to Jackson streets 42 45 Brown & Brown grading Lang- worthy Avenue from Hill to Booth street 296 45 Brown & Brown, grading Gilmore Place 187 50 Fengler & Beutin, grading alley be- tween Rhomberg and Garfield Avenues, from Johnson Avenue to List of Warrants south line of High Street Sub 5815 Dubuque Water Trustees, water used for sprinkling purposes 2000 00 P. Dunn, damages to property 5 00 H. Brinkman, Excavation Permits 00 redeemed H Brinkman, Interest on War- rants outstanding 697 82 H. Brinkman, C., B. & Q., Freight 25 charges H. Brink nan, New York Exchange 2 95 H. Brinkman, Postage Stamps 10 00 H. Brinkman, Refunded Tax 2 75 H. Brinkman, Refunded Tax 11. Brinkman, C., M. & St. P, Freight Charges, Fire department1 25 Frank Mathis, team Freight 1. .1. Met',Ilins, tc•im H. Brinkman, C., B. & Q., g 110 i. t'f. 51c1Irnih, term Charges, Fire department,• ileo. \ ng. 50>'10 •. 1.1 1,1111 ,1(1111 51));111.51));111.1,(1)(11,(1)(111l• .Ins. Slate!. 1:11„11 • 1'ony Schmidt, brickl:l yl•r Tony Schmidt. labor 1•'. .S I i r, I:tbnl ,lay. Strn cy. laborIt. Tullio'', labor \\'. \\"cmronn11h1•(1,•05(1 , 11 h'r:tnk Burns. team 261 6 10 (i 75 1)10 1 50 1 35 17 fun 17 55 !1 45 _II 110 2 80 ,4 ()) 7 0 1 80 ..7 411 da _140 7 20 :17 8'11 15 ^0 111(1 1) 131 2(I 3 60 ,loch Calvert. team (contract) \I. (bultcnbein. team Hike Hal:nn a n, lea m john Flnffmhe, team (contract) I'111. Linehan. loam H Brinkman. S C R R Freight loam I ,1 1 35 t 1.•0. tt, > nnl,lc. teamCharges, Road department ,,t 5,,,.I„\. t •:ao H. Brinkman, C., B. & Q., Freight 47 38 James '1'01)11. 1,•:1111 Charges, Road department woods. teamH. Brinkman Library Orders re - V\ deemed Mrs. A. B. Rood, loan Donnegan. Mich. macadam Heck, Jos.. macadam Heck. Jos.. cacadam Riney. Chas.. macadam Siege, Tony. macadam Siege, Tony. macadam Siege, 'I'onv 414 39 3000 00 8 75 23 80 8 00 48 G') 36 80 14 PO 12 10 SI. %oc . 1 •:Im '13 40 Labor on Sewers during the first half of August. 1403: P. Casserly. labor John Corcoran. IiI1 or R. T. Eddy, foreman R. A. Fuller, labor I'. 1Tohnecker. labor ,'at Kenucally. labor 1'al Sage. labor $ 17 60 17 00 25 00 12 80 19 20 19 20 17 60 17 60 Labor on Straets during the first half 1,;111505 Ta>'lor, labor of August, 1903: Teams hulling sprinkling wagons during A. Alderson, labor 4 05 the lIl.t half of August. 1913: E. Amanda. labor 12 GlI'cekcr tiros. Jos. Brouillette. labor 4 75 'I'. I1. t'nhn Paul Decker. labor 14 20 \ c'onrad D. J Brightbill. labor 5 40 .1. 11. F. •el•o Ch1L . Backbit, labor 1150„1110 Linehan7! red Budde, labor 6 10 Martin Maher Phil. Recker, labor 1405 D:111 :V •Iloy Jos. Brown, labor 7 45 Mike Cain, labor 4 75 Peter Carney, labor 10 80 W. Coughlin, labor 0 10 John Corbet, labor 17 55 H. Cobb, labor 17 55 Jas, Connally, labor 20 00 Jas. Callahan, foreman 20 00 H. Cosgrove, driver 2 00 John Egan. labor 70 John Engels, stoker 0025 6 Geo. Frost, foreman 20 John Flynn, labor 16100 Pat Fenelon. labor 4 55 55 Barney Glass. labor 6 10 Chas. Gruenzig, labor 10 Jos. Grab, labor 2 8 810 C. Gantenbein, foreman 8 0) John Hafey, labor 7 45 0 T. Hackney. labor 27 45 Geo. J. Hahn, foreman 80 20 50 G Aug. Hafeman, labor 7 John Heil, carpenter 100 Nic Kettenhofen, labor 610 John Kelly 9 0 _ Martin Lonerg;ln. labor _ 70 70 Mike Lavin. labor 7)1 H. Lembk]2 e, labor 17) 80 L. Loffelholz. labor O 55 5 1:. ',nye. bricklayer7 9 John 5! lbol11 y. labor Rob. Mack,Mack,l:th1 35or 530 P. McMullen. labor 1 10 R. 5) ('orinac•k. labor ^1100 \V'. 11' 1 hien, foreman 00 C. (Phi. labor70 James Purcell, labor 13 50 John Pfeiffer. brickl:tcel' 1 35 31,111•s fly: ll. labor :lin7 1 35 Milt. ltaislo•k, labor 70 Fred Ren2 Remus, labor _ 70 .John Schroeder, labor r, 111 311 80 21 CII 34 110 ;000 34 811 31 20 32 40 :14 40 32 80 Jos. Rooney. drivel' .1..I. \Icl' Ilius \!el?h;ttlt ')'';ening ('o. 1 hereby eortIfy that the foregoing is a true and col roc( list of all warrants ii,- )'11ed by me dtn•ing•tht( mouth of .\ YPltlI 1003' t'ity llet•u1del'. SIDEWALK NOTICES. Resolved by the city council of the city of D11iIl,tue that a sidewalk twelve (12) ten (1mt days off this notice, construccement, be. ted and laid 111 conformity with the irdinance In relation to sidewalks.n011 tthe eaststrsidtatof Main street, Sixth street, ahutt`\ iglomS. 34 feet,. Ciat Y Lot 18, owned by the expense of abutting property. Also, That a sidewalk six (6) feet, of ten (1 o) good brick or cement, be, days of this notice, he constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west side of Garfield avenue, between Windsor avenue :1111 Stafford avenue, abutting blots 11 Snld 1.1• Cooke's Addition, lig. at the expense of abutting property. Also. That a sidewalk, four (4) feet wide, of brick or cement, be, within ten (10) dns of t his notice, constructed and laid In conformity with this ordtn,an leinfrIlat on to sidewalks, on the man avenue, between le nne street and Hemub. stead 140ean street,142abutting Langworthy's Add., and 142, owned by Joseph B:i1 51 rrtyuer, at the ex- pense of abutting 1 Passed by the City Coun0il of the City of Dubuque, SePtenther 3rd, 1903. t C. F. A C tY Recorder. 9-11 It 252 Official Notices. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To All Who Are Named Below: You :ire hereby notified that In accordance with an ordinance of the City of Dubu- que for repairing sidewalks in the month of August, 1903, that a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof, at the next regular meeting of the City Council upon all lots and parcels of land on said improvement, owned by you, be- ing subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the council to be held on the 1st day of October, A. D. 1903, and show cause, If any you have, why said assess- ment should not be levied. OWNER AND DESCRIPTION - August 1 -Chas. Heintz, L. H. Lang - worthy's addition. lot 147, 10 feet lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c; toal $ .45 August 1 -John Kemps, Sub. 1 of 153 (a), L. H. Langworthy's Add., lot 2, 10 feet lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c ... ... ... ... ... 45 August 1-W. G. Cox, Cox's Add., lot 16, 13 feet lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour la- bor, 25c ... ... ... ... 4u August 1 - W. G. Cox, Cox's Add, lots 59-34, 10 feet lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c ... ... ... ... 45 August 1-E. Langworthy Est., Paul- ine Langworthy's Add., lots 5 and 6, 80 feet lumber, $1.60; 1 1-2 hours' la- bor, 75c ... ... ... ... - $ 2.35 August 4 - Nic Glab, Finley's Addi- tion, lots 225-226-227, 64 feet lumber, $1.30, 1 hour work, 50c .. 1.80 August 4 -John J. Keane, City S., 135 Lot 79, lot 1; 10 feet lumber, 20c; x373, lot 723, 13 feet lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c ... ... ... 50 August 5-R. J. Ellis, Sub. 7, Min. Lot 79„ lot 1; 10 feet lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c ... ... ... 45 August 1 -Charles J. and Otto Spahn, Sub. 1 W. 1-2, L. H. Langworthy's Add., lot 1, 15 feet lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c ... ... ... ... 55 August 5-J. H. Shields and W. L. Bradley, Sub. 1 of W. 1-2, block 10, Dub. Har. Co.'s Add., lot 1, 40 feet lumber, 80c; 1 day's work, 50c 1.30 August 1 - Winona Land Co, Dub. Harbor Co.'s Add., block 1, lot 12; 20 feet lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c ... ... ... ... ... ... 65 August 6-J. H. Shields, Dub. Har. Co.'s Add., block 1, lot 8a, 12 feet lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 50 August 6-J. J. Nagle, Sub. 1, Ran- dall's Sub., lot 1, 14 feet lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 55 August 6 - German Presby. church, Sub. City 675, lot 7; 32 feet lumber, 65c; 1 hour labor, 50c .. 1.16 August 7 -John L. Buettell, Nairno Add., lot 14, 5 feet lumber, 10, 1-2 hour labor, 25c ... ... ......... 35 August 7 -Wm. H. Crabtree, L. M Langworthy's Sub., lot 1; 5 feet lum- lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c . 35 August 7 -Robert Bartels, Sub. 2 of 1 Waller's Sub., lot 1, 5 feet lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c ... ... 35 August 7 -John Mullen Est., Finley's Add., lots 10-11, 23 feet lumber, 45c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c ... ... ... 70 August 8 -Mike Burke, Stout's Add, lots 3-4, 30 feet lumber, 60c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c ... ... ... ... 85 August 8-J. L. Meyer, Sub. 76 and 77, 'Inion Add., lot 2, 11 feet lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 45 August 8 -Mrs. Sidney Saul, Saul's Sub., lots 1-2-3, 83 feet lumber, $1.65; 1 1-2 hour's work, 75c 2.40 August 8 -Winona Land Co., Dub. Harbor Co.'s Add., block 1, lot 12; 12 feet lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor 25c 80 August 10-R. and E. Langworthy's Estate, Glendale Add., lot 153, 22 feet lumber, 45c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 70 August 10 -Mary T. Riley, City lot 294, 20 feet lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor 25c 65 August 10-F. N. Schroeder, Sub. 2, Min. Lot 158; lot 2, 70 feet lumber, $1.40; 1 hour labor, 50c ... ... 1.90 August 10 -Winona Land Co., Dub Har. Co.'s Add., block 1, lot 12, 36 feet lumber, 70c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c ... ... ... 95 August 11-R. and E. Langworthy Estate, Glendale Add.. lots 223 to 228, 172 feet lumber, $3.45; 1 1-2 hr. labor, 75c ... ... ... ... ... 4.20. August 11 -Thomas O'Brien. Glendale Add., lot 158, 44 feet lumber, 90c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c ... ... 1.15 August 12 - Anna Kurz. Mechanics Add., lot 156, 21 feet lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c ... .. .... ... 65 August 12-C. B. Scherr, trustee, Me- chanic3 Add., lot 155, 13 feet lumber, 25e; 1-2 hour labor, 25c ... ... August 12 -Nellie Dorgan, Dorgan's Sub., lot 9, 8 feet lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c ... ... ... ... ... 40 August 12 -James Mullen Estate, Sub 2 of Min Lot 88 and pt. 87, lot 5, 16 feet lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 26c 55 August 12 - D. J. Linehan. Home Add.. lot 10, 4 feet lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c ... ... ... ... 35 Aug. 14 -Hugo Ruh Est, Smedley's Sub., lot 9, 8 ft lumber, 15e; 1-2 hour labor. 25c 40 Aug. 1 I -Mrs 11. P. & N. W. Kim - hall, Davis Farm Add., lot 337, 8 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c40 Aug. 14-L. H. Waples. City lot 45; brick and sand, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 50 Aug. 14 -Pat F. Walsh, Porter's Add, S 30 ft. lot 12. 6 ft lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 55 Aug. 15-M. J. McCullough, Fairview Sub., lot 13, 22 ft lumber, 45c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 70 Aug. 15 -Mich. Roche, Sub. City 610, lot 2, 16 ft lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 55 Aug, 15 -Mary McLean, Sub. City 610, lot 1, 8 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour la- bor, 25c 40 Aug. 17-A. F. & 13. D. Heeb, Marsh's Add., lot 26, 7 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 40 Aug. 18 -Geo. Salot, Kelly's Sub. 39, lot 1, 47 ft lumber, 95c; 1 hour la- bor, 50c 145 Aug. 18 -Finley Hospital, Finley Home Add., lot 1, 10 ft lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 45 Aug. 17-C. H. Gregoire, Nairn's Add, W 3/s lot 33, 10 ft lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 43 Aug. 17-E. M. Kringle, Sub. 7 Min Lot 79, lot 6. 19 ft lumber, 40c; 1 hour labor, 50c 90 .Aug. 17-J. M. Sullivan', Wilson's Sub., lot 19, 8 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 40 Aug. 18 -John Deery, Sub. City 682, lot 8, 46 ft lumber, 90c; 3-4 hour la- bor, 40c 1 30 Aug. 18 -Jas. McCabe, Corriell's Sub, lots 1-2, 94 ft lumber, $1.90; 1 1-2 hours' labor, 76c 2 65 Aug. 18-P. Hughes, Needham's Sub, lot 1, 21 ft lumber, 40c; 2 hours' la - 50 r Official Notices. •253 bor, $1.00 Aug. 22—Math. Riede, Glendale Add., lot 1, 10 ft lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour la - mor, 25c 45 Aug. 22—Jac. Kessler, Glendale Add, lot 37. 5 ft lumber, 10c; 1-4 hour la- bor, 15c 25 Aug. 22—Valentine Schiel, Sub. 196 and 197, L. H. Langworthy's Add., lots 10-11, 16 ft lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour 55 labor, 25c Aug. 22—John Olinger, Boulevard Add., lots 23-24, 31 ft lumber, 60c; 110 1 hour labor, 50c Aug. 22—Third Presby. Church, Drei- bilbies Add., lot 1, 9 ft lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 46 Aug 22—Wm. H. Duggan Est., Cen- tral Add.. lot 3, 8 ft lumber, 15c; 40 1-2 hour labor, 26c Aug. 22—Jas. Beach & Sons, City lot 582. 16 ft lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour la- bor, 25c 55 Aug. 22—G. M. Orvis, Sub. 1, Quig- ley's Sub., lot 1, 5 ft lumber, lOc; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 35 Aug. 22—Jno. M. Miller, et al, Sub. Min. Lot 315, lot 2, 70 ft lumber, 1 90 $1.40; 1 hour labor, 50c Aug. 27—Anna M. Bush, Dub. Harbor Co.'s Add., Blk. 1, lot 10, 12 ft lum- ber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c. .. 50 Aug. 27—John Flynn. City hour la40 ft, - bor, 12 ft lumber, 25c; 50 bor, 25c Aug. 27—Marg. Martin. Sub. City 703, lot 15, 20 ft lumber. 40c; 1-2 hour la- fW bor, 25c Sub., S. 89 ft, lot 2. 48 ft lumber, 95c; Aug. 27—John Macdonald, lieNulty's 1 45 1 hour labor, 50c Boulevard Aug. 28—John Olinger, Add., lots 16 to 23, 68 ft lumber, 1 85 $1.35; 1 hour labor, 50c Aug. 29—E. & H. Callenan, Sub. 2 Min. Lot 63 and E. pt lot 69. Union Add., lot 2, 7 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour 40 labor, 25c Aug. 29—Cath. Hall, Bush's Sub., lot 12, 12 ft lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 50 25c Aug. 29—St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital, Sub. City 731, lot 1. 10 ft lumber. 20c 1-2 hour labor, 25c Aug. 31—John Blake Est., Ellen Blake's Sub., lot 7, 24 ft lumber, 50 50c Aug. 31—J, J. Dunn. Loetscher & Treub's Sub., lots 16-17, 12 ft lumber, 50 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Aug. 31—Buol & Loetscher, Loetscher & Treub's Sub., lots 8-9, 5 ft lumber, 10e; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 33 Aug. 31—Cath. University of Wash- ington, et al. Levens' Add., lots 1 to 8, 34 ft lumber, 70c; 1-2 hour la- 95 bor, 25c Aug. 31—J. H. Simplot, Mineral Lot 83. 20 ft lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Aug. 31—John Olinger, Boulevard Add., lot 1, 19 ft lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Aug. 22—Lucy M. Weigle, Grove Ter- race Sub., lots 6-7-8, 18 ft lumber, 35c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c ........ • • • •"' 1 40 Total C. F. ARENDT, 9-21-10t City Reorder. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Recorder up to :30 o'clock p. m., October 1st, 1903, for the im- proving of Broadway Extension from the 66 end of the present improvement at Gay Street to Putnam Street. in accordance with plans and specifications now on -file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that it will require new curbstone set 812 lineal feet, guttering 360.7 square yards. macadamizing 1.08,.7 square yards, cut- ting 2,110 cubic yards. The work to be completed on or before December 1st, 1903, and shall be paid for, when said work is completed, and ac- ccepted by the City Council. The pro- posals for doing said work will be acted upon by the City Council the 1st day • c.f October, 1903. Bidders must state price per lineal foot, for new curbing set, and the price per square yard for guttering and ma- cadamizing. Each bid must be accom- panied by a certified check for $100 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered Into if awarded. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated Dubuque, September 21st, 1903. C. F. ARENDT, 9-21-10t City Recorder. C5 60 $59 00 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the officeof the CityRecorder until o'clock p. m•husdt.1s903 for the improvement of Willow Steet from St. Ambrose Street to the alley east of said St. Ambrose Street. in accordance with plans and specifications now on file in the office of the City City rdEngineer. It is estimated by t that it will require new curbstone Net 501 lineal feet, guttering 222.5 square yards. macadamizing 575.6 square yards, cutting 1,550 cubic yards. The work to be completed on or before the first day of December, 1903, and shall be paid for when said work is completed and accepted by the City Council. The proposals for doing saidwill be acted upon by the City Council the 1st day of October, 1903. Bidders must state price per lineal foot, for neW curbing set, and the price per square yard for guttering and ma- cadamizing. Each bid must be accom- panied by a certified check for $50.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awd. TheardeCity Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated Dubuque, September 21st, 1903. C. F. ARENDT, 9-21-1Ot City Recorder. — — NOTICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S1NTENTION TO IMPROVE WILLOW STREET FROM ST. AMBROSE STREET TO THE ALLEY FIRST EAST OF' SAID ST. AMBROSE STREET. To Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby notified that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque to improve Wil- low oStreet alley first eas of said St.Am rose street. That a plat and specifications of filsaid proposed improvement is now on the office of the City Recorder. It Is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require eriew. 2226curbstone set, 501rd lineal acadamizing, 575.6 squareu square Yards: total estimated yards; making a cost to the abutting property owners 'et $714.52. 254 Official Notices. Any person having objection to said improvement is hereby notified to appear before the City Council at its regular file with to i theheld Cityy Recorder their objec- tions bjeor t tions in writing on or before October 1st, 1903. Dated Dubuque. September 21st, 1903. C. F. ARENDT, 9-21-10t City Recorder. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. AN ORDINANCE. An Ordinance amending an Ordinancd entitled an Ordinance in relation to the Licensing and Regulations of various oc- cupations and business, persons, things, beings, and exhibitions,games 26of the Revised (Ordin- ances of 1901. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Sec. 1. That Sections 9, 10 and 11 of Chapter 26 of the Revised Ordinances of 1901, of the City of Dubuque, and being an Ordinance in relation to the licensing and regulations of various occupations and business, persons, things, exhibitions, games and amusements, be and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 2. No person shall within the limits of the City of Dubuque, use, or permit to be used, or driven, upon the public streets, alleys or grounds, anygon, on, cart or dray, for public drayage, or the purpose of hauling from one part of the City to another any goods, wares, merchandise or other material or prop- erty, where the contract for cartage is by the load or piece, or by the week, day or month, nor shall any person within the limits of said city perform the duties of hackman, coachman or teamster, for the carriage of passengers, ur shall carry passengers for profit or gain. with any hack, carriage, cab, omnibus or any other conveyance, without first procuring a license therefor, for which shall be paid, for each omnibus. each moving van, and for each hack, dray, carriage or wagon, driven by two horses or mules, or pro- pelled in any other manner, rive dollars, and for each carriage, aray or wagon, driven by one horse or mule, two dollars and fifty cents, provided that this section shall not apply to the vehicles of livery stable -keepers, except those used in car- rying passengers and baggage. Sec. 3. A license for any of the pur- poses enumerated in Section 2 hereof shall be procured and issued in the manner provided in Section 2 of Chapter 26 of the Revised Ordinances of 1901, of the City of Dubuque, upon payment of the sum provided in Section 2 hereof. Sec. 4. Each owner, drayman, or team• stet-, shall cause the number of his li- cense to be printed or fastened on his dray, wagon, cart, moving Van, or conveyance in some conspicuous place, and shall furnish to all persons, when demanded, a printed or written receipt tor whatever goods, wares or merchandise, or other articles delivered to his care, and also a correct list of charges allowed hereunder. Sec. 5. Each hackman, coachman, or person in charge of any vehicle or con- veyance for the carriage of passengers shall cause the number of his license to be painted or fastened on his cab, hack, coach or other vehicle, or conveyance, in some conspicuous place, and shall wear a shield or plate with the number of his hack license conspicuously on his hat or coat, and shall furnish to all persons when demanded, a written receipt for bag- gage, goods or merchandise delivered to his care; and also the correct list of charges allowed under this Ordinance. Sec. 6. The said n1•rner, drayman, team- ster, hackman, coachman, or proprietor of any other conveyance, when his cart. wagon, hack. etc.. has been numbered and his license obtained. shall he entitled to collect and receive not to exceed the fol- lowing charges, to -wit: For the drayage. loading. and unloading of any load of goods. wares, merchandise. lumber, bag- gage or other material or property not exceeding two hundred pounds any dis- tance not greater than one mile below the bluffs, a sum not exceeding twenty- five cents; and for said dist:uic, upon the bluffs a sum not exceeding lifty rents; and for any greater distance within the limits of said city not to exceed twenty- five cents more; for loads from two hun- dred pounds to one thousand pounds in weight, for any distance not greater than one mile below the bluffs, a sum not exceeding fifty cents, and for said distance mum the bluffs a sum not exceeding- seventy-five cents; and for any greater distance an ad- ditional sum not exceeding thirty-five cents. For one day's work with Horse and dray, for cart and driver a sum not ex- ceeding two dollars and seventy-five cents. For one day's work with wagon, two horses and driver. a sum not exceed- ing three dollars and sixty cents for a day of nine hours, and not exceeding four dollars for a day of ten hours. For carry- ing any passenger from any place in said city to another therein, not exceeding a distance of one mile, a sum not to exceed twentyflve cents. For a distance in ex- cess of one mile the sum of fifty cents may be charged. When any pass- enger shall at his or her request, he car- ried onto, or from any of the bluffs within the limits of the city, a sum not exceeding fifty cents may be charged and received. License to carry passengers will not authorize the car- riage of property. goods or merchandise, but will permit the carriage of the usual baggage of their passengers. Sec. 7. No owner or driver of any dray, cart, hack, or other vehicle, while waiting for employment at any stand. railway depot, or place in said city. shall un- aecessarily snap or flourish a whip, or use indecent or profane language, or be guilty of boisterous or loud talk, or dis- orderly conduct, or vex or annoy any citizen or traveler or obstruct any side- walk, and such owners and drivers are required to obey any and all regulations and rules adopted by any railroad com- pany, or other association or person, or the Chief of Police, for the promotion of order at any public landing, railroad depot. or other place in said city, not inconsistent with the Ordinances of the City, and the police regulations thereof. Sec. 8. The Chief of Police shall regu- late hack, coach, wagon, and dray stands, and see that they do not interfere with the public travel. Sec. 9. It is hereby made the duty of the driver of each omnibus, hack, or other vehicle used for the carrying of passengers, to have posted up in his omnibus, hack, or other vehicle a printed list of the charges which he is entitled to make under the provisions of this Ordinance. Sec. 10. All licenses issued under this Official Notices. x:15 Ordinance shall expire on the 31st day of December of the year in which they are is_ued and if issued after the first day of January, may be paid for in proportion to the time said license has to run; pro- vided that no license shall be issued for a sum less than one-half of the amount provided by this Ordinance. Sec. 11. If any person or company shall violate any provision of this Ordinance, he or they shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction there- of, will be punished by a rine of not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars and costs of prosecution and be imprisoned until said fine and costs are paid, or imprisoned for a term not ex- ceeding thirty days. Sec. 12. This Ordinance shall take ef- fect and be in force from and after its passage and publication one time in the Dubuque Daily Globe -Journal newspaper. Adopted Sept. 3, 1903. Approved Sept. 11, 1903. C. H. BERG, Mayor. Attest: C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Published officially in the Evening Glebe -Journal, Sept. 12, 1903. C. F. ARENDT, 9-12 It City Recorder. Attest: Recorder Approved...... 190. ..ma65) k-_ Mayor r Regular Session Oct. 1, 1903. CITY COUNCIL. Rt.gular Session ist, 19r3. Ceuncil met at 8:80 o'eloelc P. M. 1101.g in the chair. Present -Aids. (limey. ',111%1111,. Prith, 11.01% J(IIII'S Onil Sher)dan. .thsent--.\ hi. Raymond. 1. 1-1orr moved that the Connell pro. .•• —Hugs for the month of Septeniber he 1as yrrinted. Carried. BILLS. The following hills were ordered paid: L. Daily, cleaning around 1\1;11.ket Sottai.e during the months )1' Aug- ust and September 28 t 11. 3. Tropf. board of prisoners for Septtimher 9 00 '1' .1.7.. Frith. removing garbage anti 0;0 5,1 dead animals Bohn. inspeetor on Bee Branch sewer 13 :15 Key City Gas Co., rental of gas arSafford Stamp Werks. st a nips 1.,w .725 T;21,1, cs at arniet.y :Key ('ity Gas Co.. gas for varieus &Tart ments Auditor's office 1 81 131014 & 190(1(1. stationery and supplies for various 0010oos 5 411 Kelly•s Book Storo. st7;tionery 1011 supplies for various offices 7 25 Palmer. Berg & to.. printing bonds and 1)141111.-. .,tathoterN. 14 no STIlitit itiorgito ih biting Co., print- ing and binding Finattee re- ports 109 15 SmithMorgan Printing Co.. print- ing Pollee roles and regulations 39 5)) Smith. Mergan Printing Co.. print - .3110. Steiner, sheriff. 1,. serving 110- 8 0) ing (1144 reports tices in Cite law suits 2 50 Pape & .Tacquinot. balance due Im bill for constructing toilet room in City Hall 14 00 19 00 Matron's department 1-1. T. Carpenter, carpenter werk at Dubuque Telephone Co.. tolt.phone rent for Mayor's office 41 1111 engin, house No. 5 0 re McDermott & Gow, plumbing at ('ity 111111 and C(01t1al Engine House 6 911 Jno. Juorgens. painting toilet room. Matron's department 18 00 R. L. Spellenberg, repairing waste pipe. ('ity lIall 31 J. Newman & Son. repairs for sprinkling' department 'Dtilanitie Wooden Warl• and 1.11inher 52 5c, Sidewalk department Linehan & Molo. sewer pipe for Road department 8 10 Xey City Roof'g Co., sewer pipe for Road department 3 75 G. Ragatz & Son. repairs for R0:141 department Lear & 'Kennedy, horse shoeing for Road department 2 50 Eagle Point Lime Works. macadam for Road department 127 40 Pat. Clancy, cinders for Road de - W. 13. Baumgartner, new tools for 75 partment 12 Road and Engineer's (10101rt111)1t .1s 11; 7(1 .Purington Paving 13rick Co.. brick for Road department 05 112 257 Smedley Steam Pump re.. repairs on Street Sweeper 5 50 Smedley Steam Pump Co.. gra te, and frames for Sill`eiH1 Sewer partment 27 50 F. A. Burns. use of hots, ir- nen Ler wapiti 50 • City (las Co., coke for 501111 reller N. .1.1equin0t. arching 51a11 in alley hetwl'ell S1111(11 .\ 11)11)) :11111 NPV:11LI Si 1'1'0 S. from \Vest Third stre"t Langworth. Ave 40 00 1,00r & 1<enrody. horse shoeing for (1011:111111,111. 25)! Collings i'liffrer. horse shoeing fer department 20 00 \Vinalerlich \Vied,,rholt. hot.se 511) )0110, (VI. Fir(' ((1): 11111)0)1 7 10 '1' I:011e hay and oats for Fire . . deportment 210 G. P.agatz & Son, repairs for Fir'' '; .111000 11 & .11,4140 supplies for Ph, depattnn.nt 95 los. A. Palen. Hu,. vitro' for Fire department lleeker 11,, of horses for Vire 1, 'P 1 5 (01 1. Nown!! s.01. 1' 15 for Firo 1 75 .1 v. 1 hot blast stove. oomph01 0. -Ph... do:,trtment •••• 11; 25 .71;0 ri,:r 04 1 rei);Iirs for Fire de- part 1.... • 1 00 Key cl, 4 Co., coke for Vire de- pot t!,1 . 00 00 (;:ts ce.. rental gas arc 11 c• 101 orgine (01 51<''!' Fire •1opartinent 2 50 Zelletner. rep;Ors for Fire don:I/i- ntent 7 15 low:1 Iron Works. 1 set of grates for Fire dep0rtment 2 75 3.11111011 & Papin. 1 gas stove and repairs fur Matron's department5 50 Eichhorn & Bechtel. supplies for Matron's department.. A. Fluetsch, milk for Mt 110114' de- portment F. A. Burns, shavings at Patrol house T. F. Kane. hay and oats at I'atrol house Collings & Pfiffner. lim.seshoeing Patrol team G. \V. Healey & Son, new tools for Sewer department Globe -3011111:41, official printing for September The Times. official printing for Sep- tember ............... Telt‘gratd-t-Perald, official printing for September ..... ............ 50 00 National Demokrat. officio] printing for September ..................... 00 lion Electric Co., are lights for September ..............................204n 77 P. Eisleich, estimate on sewer............................... 308 10 T. J. Mulgrew, cement and sewer Pipe for Special Sewer depart- 60 ment................................ 22 O'Farre11 & Street. final estimate constructing storm water sewers in Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets 113 05 A. Gasser. bric•k for Spell Side - -walk department ................... 10 00 McNamara & final estimate constructing sanitary sewer in al- ley between Elm and Pine fl'orn Sixteenth to Seventeenth streets.. 177 45 Brown & Brown, estimate for im- proving Langworthy Avenue from 6 00 104) 5 01) 3-1 40 12 00 300 60 00 15 00 4. 4) 258 Regular Session Oct. 1, 1903. Alpine to Booth streets 1359 55 Brown & Brown. estimate for im- proving Langworthy Avenue from 11111 to South Alpine streets....,., 344 80 Brown & Brown, grading alley be- tween South Alpine and Nevada streets from \\'est Third street to ]0'. 00 Langworthy Avenue. I'nilm Electric Co.. to transferring line at Garfield Avenue and C. G. 1W. tracks and replacing s.tme... 19 40 On motion of Ald. Horr the bill was referred to the Street committee: Ald. Hort. moved that the City Record- er he r nd is hereby instructed to make out a hill against D. E. Lyon and others to the amount of $20.00 to help pay half the expense in arching mineral shaft running from West Third street to Lang- worthy Avenue between South Alpine and Nevada streets. Carried. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. Petition of 'rhos. Cook, askittig that the personal taxes of the Jacob Koch estate amounting to $60.00 as levied for the year 1902, be ordered canceled. On motion was referred to the Board of Equalization. Petition of H. H. Smith et al., asking that a crossing be placed at 42 Cornell street, was on motion referred to the Alderman of the Fourth ward and City Engineer. The following petitions were referred to the committee of the Whole: Petition of Conlin & Kearns, asking for the vacation of Tower street abutting their property, also that Sixth Street, abutting their property between Tower street and Levee be filled. Also petition of Geo. W. Wolf, asking that he be allowed the sum of $57.94 as damages to his property on Angella street; said Angella street not being improved according to the established grade. Also petition of Frank H. Duttle, ask- ing that he be allowed the sum of $76.41 as damages to his property on Angella Streets. said Angella Street not being Im- proved according to the established grade. Also petition of Policeman James Car- ter, asking for increase of salary on ac- count of being recently assigned to the most important beat in the city. Invitation from the League of Iowa Municipalities, inviting the Mayor, City Councilmen and City Officials to attend the sixth annual meeting of the league to be held at Waterloo, Iowa, October 14th and 15th, 1903. On motion of Ald. Horr, the invitation was accepted with thanks and that the Mayor ascertain the number of delegates wishing to attend. then Inform the May- or of Waterloo, Iowa. City Treasurer Brinkman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: Below you will find state- ment of amounts advanced by me during the past month for which please order warrants drawn in my favor: Excavation Permits redeemed $ 65 00 Interest paid on Warrants outstand- ing 714 25 New York Exchange 120 Telegram 50 Freight Charges for Road depart- ment 31 58 Freight Charges for Road depart- ment 4 08. $816 61 Lihratry Orders Paid $635 54 I also received money borrowed from the following parties. Please order Loan Warrants drawn in their favor. Sept. 1st, 1903, John Kriebs, $600, at 5. per cent. Sept. 4111. 1903, M. E. Holmes, $2,000, at 5 per cent. Sept. 4th, 1903, German Trust & Savings Bank. $5.IN)0 at 6 per cent. Sept. 10th. 1903, German Trust & Sav- ings Bank, $2,500 at 5 per cent. Sept. 16th, 1903, Chas. Steuck, $2.000 at 5 per cent. Warrants refunded: Sept. 3rd. 1903—Thos. J. Magee $600.0% Respectfully, H. BRINKMAN. Treasurer. On motion the report was received and Warrants ordered drawn to pay the var- ious amounts, and the report referred back to the committee on Finance. City Auditor Hoffman reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: Herewith find my report for the month of September, 1903, show- ing the receipts and disbursements for the month: Cash on hand Sept. 1st, 1903 $ 6,953.9% Receipts from all sources 21,494.98 $28,448.97 DISBURSEMENTS. Warrants redeemed $18,745.17 Coupons redeemed 753.75 $19,498.92 Cash en hand Oct. 1st. 1903 $ 8,950.05 Also report that there is due the City Officers for the month of September $2,608.20. Also the following is a record of all Interest Coupons redeemea by the Treas- urer for the past month: Regular Bond Coupons Interest Bond Coupons $507 50 246 25 $753 71 The following list shows the appropri- ations and the amount of warrants drawn en each fund since the beginning of th, fiscal year beginning March 1, 1903, to Oct. 1, 1903. Expense $40,000 $16,530.51 Road .. 38,000 26,922.66 Fire 38,000 17,394.77 Police ... 28,000 12,710.15 Sewerage 6,000 2,701.30 Printing ... 2,000 810.00' Engineer 3,500 1,364.50 Gas and light ..... ... .... 25,000 12,242.24 Interest 43,000 Board of health ... ... .... 6,000 2,353.15 Grading 4,000 1,462.48 Bee branch 7.000 3,102.83 Special bonded paving 2.500 Judgment 3,000 1,581.40 Sprinkling lst district 800 Sprinkling 2r1 district 1,600 Sprinkling 3rd distrist 1.500 Sprinkling 4th district 1,200 Sprinkling 5th district 1,400 Regular Session Oct. 1, 1903. tial bonded debt interest 4.000 .\It. Carm21 ave. grading1,0141 4.15 Sidewalk repairing .... 1,000 453.25 Special sewer fund 2,500 1,963.61 Grading Bluff st. extension 1.000 545.20 Total appropriation 8260.94)4) Respectfully, F. B. HOFFMAN. Auditor. On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay city of- ficers and the report referred back to the committee on Finance. Fire Chief Retnfried reported as foi- l( WS: To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen.—The following is the pay roll of the fire department for the month of September, 1903: Amount due firemen, $2,222.25. JOSEPH REINFRIED, Chief. MATT CLANCY, Chairman of the Committee on Fire. On motion the report was received and warrants orc ered drawn to pay firemen and the report referred back to the com- mittee on Fire. Chief of Police Morgan reported as fol- lows: To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my po- lice report for the month of September, 1903: 57 Total arrests for the month Residents arrested for the month29 Doors found open for the month 23 Lodgers harbored for the month 15 Defective lights for the month 45 Meals furnished for the month Cost of food for the month $9.00 Pound master's receipts for mor.th.. 6.50 Sheriff dieting prisoner's for month..14.62 City ordinance tiles for month 20.00 Patrol runs for month 10350 Miles traveled for month ... Also the pay roll for policemen for the month of September, 1505: Amount due policemen, $1,854.10. Respectfully submitted, EDWARD MORGAN, Chief of Police. On motion the report and pay roll were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay policemen, and the report referred back to the Committee on Police. F. Carney, justice of the peace for Ju- lien township, reported as follows: To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of the Citiy of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—Below please find a report of all cases tried by me, for the violation of city ordinances during the month of September. 1903: Total amount of Fines collected by me during the month, $20.00, which has been paid into the City Treasury and the re- ceipt for same placed in the hands of the Chief of Police. Respectfully, FRANK CARNEY, Justice of the Peace. On motion the report was received and filed. The following Weighmasters' and Wood - measurers receipts were referred to the committee on Markets: H. J. Tropf, City Hall receipts $ 23 90 Louise Pitschner, \Vest Dubuque Scale receipts 2 10 H. A. Moyes, \Voodmeasurer's re- ceipt 1 36 City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on streets for the last half of September. 1903: Amount due laborers on streets...$1,446.05 Respectfully submitted. JAMES H. BOYCE:, City Engineer. Approved: E. E. FRITH, Chairman Committee on Streets. JOSEPH L. HORR, JOHN J. SHERIDAN. Also submit my pay roll for labor on sewers during the last half of September, 1903: Amount clue laborers on sewers....$118.60 Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved' JOHN J. SH ERI DAN. Chairman Committee on Sewers. JOSEPH L. HORR, HUGH CORRANCE. Alsc, s.ibmit my pay roll for teams haul- ing sprinkling wagons during the last half of September, 1903: Amount due teamsters $292.40 Respectfully submitted. JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved: GEO. N. RAYMOND, Chairman Committee on Paving. Sweep- ing and Sprinkling. JOSEPH L. HORR, MATT. CLANCY. Also submit any pay roll for labor on Bluff Street Extension for the last half of September. 1903: Amount due laborers $245.80 Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved: E. E. FRITH, Chairman Committee on Streets. JOSEPH L. HORR, JOHN J. SHERIDAN. Also submit my pay roll for grading' Seventh Avenue during the last half of September, 1903: City Engineer Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved: E. E. FRITH, Chairman Committee on Streets. JOSEPH L. HORR, JOHN J. SHERIDAN. Also submit my pay roll for labor con- structing catch -basins on the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Street Storm Water Sew- ers, to be charged to the Special Sewer fund: $71.85 Amount due laborers Respectfully submitted JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved: E. E. FRITH, Chairman Committee on Streets. JOSEPH L. HORR, JOHN J. SHERIDAN. On motion the pay rolls for Streets, 260 Regular Session Oct. 1, 1903. Sewers, Sprinkling \\'agons, Bluff Street Extension and Seventh Avenue Grading, were received and warrants ordereddrawnthe to pay the various amounts, proper pay rolls referred back to the Pro P committees: City lace trieiau Hipman reported as follows: To the 1lonnrable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: 1 herewith submit my re- port of Defective Lights for the month of September. 1903. 1 find from the re- port of the Police Department that the total hours that 14 lamps failed to burn would equal two-thirds of a lamp one month, or $3.60. Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM H1PMAN, City Electrician. On motion the report was received and the City Auditor instructed to deduct from the inion Electric Company's hill for the month of September, 1903, the amount of $3.60. J. H. Weimer. County Auditor, present- ed statement of the assessment and val- r,ition of Telephone Lines in the City of Dubuque as fixed by the Executive Coun- cil, and the Board of Supervisors of Du- buque County for the year 1903 and was on motion referred to the Board of Equal- ization. City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: Attached :lease find statement of ,.mounts due No. macadam during the nnu1th of S(' tembel', 191"3: Total amount duo Ail. Jones 11e(ed that the report be ac- eepled. and that warrants be drawn for toe various amounts. (';pried. City Assessor Scherr reported as fol- lows: Dubuque. Iowa, Sept. 30, 111' To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: (gentlemen: -1 herewith submit a state- ment of the valuation, loth real and per- sonal of the city of Dubuque for the year 1903: Real estate $17.339.810.00 Personal 6,903,090.00 Total $24.342,900.00 I also submit the valuations in the dif- ferent sprinkling districts: First district Second district Third district Fourth district Fifth district Very $1.591.530.00 4.352,195.00 ;,225.440.00 2.987.335.00 2,230.905,00 respectfully, C. B. SCHERR, City Assessor. On motion the report was referred to the Committee of the Whole, and the Committee instructed to make the levy for the year 1903. City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: Attached please find profile of Willow Street from the center of St. Ambrose Street to the west line of Mineral Lot 179. I would recommend the adoption of the grade as shown on proflle, by the black line. Respectfully, JAMES II. BOYCE, City Engineer. Aid. Sheridan 1110V ed 111;11 ihe proflle he accepted. and the 1:r1i1n: nee ('otmnittee he instructed to (11':101 an 1.1rhlinance adopt- ing the same. Carried. Oit\• Engineer I:11yee also reported as follows: Herewith attached please 1i111 profile of Ihroadway Extension Il•om (1 l of present improvement in t;ay street to center of Putnam Street. 1 Weald recommend the adoption of ;;rade as shown by red lines on profile. On motion the _11(11111' was referred to the ('ominittee of the \\'hole to i^ew the ground and rc:'urt to the Council. ('its Engineer Royce also reported as follows: Herewith att,:ehe11 No Ise find plan of 'file Pie Sef.f e in \\':lh,ut Street, from \\'est Eleventh Street to Julien :‘venue, (111 motion the :shin was referred to the Committee on Streets. City Recorder .\n•nilt Presented and read the printed teal, e.c, rtilied to by the pub- lisher, u:' tH• Council's intention to im- l•ov1• \\ ilio ' Street. from St. Ambrose Street to the alley first east of said St. .\1111,1 se Stn•et. No relewsth;,nce being filed, the Mayor asked if th11'' was any one 111 the room who obj'.1,1 to Said intproveInent. No ob- jetion being stated. on motion the notice was received and filed. C'ity Recorder Arendt also presented and read the printed notice. certified to by the publisher. of Hie Council's intention to levy a Sp"caul :\sso'sment against the different named prom rty owners for re- pairing Sid,•,vall:s for the month of August. 1111 :. No remonstrance being tiled the \11yor asked 1f any ono present had any objection to said Special Assess- ment. Nu objection being SUu(d, on mo- tion the notice was received :and tiled. 'Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the fol- lowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That to pay for Repairing Sidewalks during the month of August. 1903, in front of and adjoining the same, a Special Tax be and is hereby levied on the several Lots. and Parts of Lots, and Parcels of Real Estate hereinafter nam- ed, situate and owned. 1101 for the sev- eral amounts set opposite each Lot, or Parcel of Real Estate, as follows: Special Assessment submitted and pass- ed Oct. lst. 1903. August 1—Chas. Heintz, L. H. Lang - worthy's addition, lot 147, 10 feet lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c; total $ `5 August 1—John Kemps, Sub. 1 of 153 (a), L. H. Langworthy's Add., lot 2. 10 feet lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, August 1—W. G. Cox, Cox's Add., lot ::6, 13 feet lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour la- bor, 25c 50 August 1 — W. G. Cox, Cox's Add, lots 59-34, 10 feet lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c .. 45 August 1—E. Langworthy Est., Paul- ine Langworthy's Add., lots 5 and 6, 80 feet lumber, 81.60; 1 1-2 hours' la- bor, 751 ... ... ... $ August 4 — Nte Glab, Flnley's Addi- tion, lots 225-226-227, 64 feet lumber, $1.30, 1 hour work, 50c .. August 4—John J. Keane, City S., 135 x373, lot 723, 13 feet lumber, 25c; 1-2 49 2.35 1.80 4 Regular Session Oct. 1, 1903. hour labor, 25c ... ... ... ............ August 5—R. J. Ellis. Sub. 7. Min. Lot 79, lot 1; 10 feet lumber, 20e; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 45 August 1—Charles J. and Otto Spahn, Sub. 1 W. 1-2, L. H. Langworthy's Add., lot 1, 15 feet lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c .. August 5—J. H. Shields and W. L. Bradley, Sub. 1 of W. 1-2, block 10, Dub. Har. Co.'s Add., lot 1, 40 feet lumber, 80c; 1 day's work, 50c .... 1.30 August 1 — Winona Land Co., Dub. Harbor Co.'s Add., block 1, lot 12; 20 feet lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... 65 August 6—J. H. Shields, Dub. 1 -Tar. Co.'s Add., block 1, lot 8a, 12 feet lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 50 August 6—J. J. Nagle, Sub. 1, Ran- dall's Sub., lot 1, 14 feet lumber, b5 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c ... ,., August 6 — German Presby. church, Sub. City 675, lot 7; 32 feet lumber, 65c; 1 hour labor, 50c ... ,., 1.15 August 7—John 1.. 13uettell. Nairn's Add.. lot 14. 5 teet lu.nuer, 10, 1-2 hour labor. 25c 35 August 7—\\'m. H. Crabtree, L. M Langworthy's Sub., lot 11; 5 feet - lumber, lcc; 1-2 hour labor. 25c August 7—Robert Bartels, Sub. 2 of 1 Waller's Sub„ lot 1, 5 feet lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c August 7—John Mullen Est., Finley's Add., lots 10-11. 23 feet lumber, 45c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c .August 8—Mike Burke, Stout's Add., bots 3-4, 30 feet lumber, 60c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c ... ... ... .August 8—J. L. Meyer, Sub. 76 and 77, Union Add., lot 2, 11 feet lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour moor, 25c August 8—Mrs. Sidney Saul, Saul's Sub., lots 1-2-3, 83 feet lumber, $1.65; 1 1-2 hour's woni. 15c .August S—Winona Land Co., Dub. Harbor Co.'s Add., block 1, lot 12; 12 feet lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor 25c .. August 10—R. and E. Langworthy's Estate, Glendale Ada., 101153, 22 feet lumber, 45c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c .August 10—Mary T. Riley, City lot 294, 20 feet lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor 25c August 10—F. N. Schroeder, Sub. 2, Min. Lot 158; lot 2, 70 feet lumber, $1.40; 1 hour labor, 50c .. August 10—Winona Land Co., Dub. Har. Co.'s Add., block 1, lot 12, 36 feet lumber, 70c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c August 11—R. and E. Langworthy Estate, Glendale Add., lots 223 to 228, 172 feet lumber, $3.45; 1 1-2 hr. labor, 75c ' August 11—Thomas O'Brien, Glendale Add., lot 158, 44 feet lumber, 90c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c August 12 — Anna Kurz, Mechanics Add., lot 156, 21 feet lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c .August 12—C. B. Scherr, trustee, Me- chanics Add., lot 155, 13 feet lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c . August 12—Nellie Dorgan, Dorgan's Sub., lot 9, 8 feet lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c .. "' August 12—James Mullen Estate, Sub. 2 of Min Lot 88 and pt. 87, lot 5, 16 feet lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c .August 12 — D. J. Linehan. Home Add.. lot 10, 4 feet lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c .Aug. 19—Hugo Rub Est, Smedley's Sub., lot 9, 8 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour 00 55 35 So 70 85 45 2.41) 10 70 65 1.90 95 4.20 1.15 65 50 40 labor, 25c Aug. 11—Mrs, H. 1'. & N. W. Kim - hall. Davis Farm Add., lot 337, 8 ft lumber. 15e; 1-'2 hour labor, 25c40 Aug. 14—L. IJ. \Vaples, City lot 45; brick and sand. 225c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Aug. 14—Pat F. Walsh, Porter's Add., 5 30 ft. lot 12, 6 ft lumber. 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25e Aug. 15—M. J. McCullough, Fairview Sub., lot 13; 22 ft lumber, 45c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c Aug. 15—Mi(h. Roche, Sub. City 610, lot 2, 10 ft lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Aug, 15-1\4ary McLean, Sub. City 610, lot 1, 8 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 horn' la- bor, 23c Aug. 17—A. F. & 13. 1). lieeb, Marsh's Add.. lot 26, 7 ft lumber, lac; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 40 Aug. 1S—Geo. Salot. Kelly's Sub. 39, lot 1, 47 ft lumber, 96c; 1 hour la- bor, 50c 1 45 Aug. 18—Finley- Hospital, Finley Home Add., lot 1, 10 ft lumber, 20c; 1-9 hour labor. 25e Aug. 17—C. 1-I. Gregoire, Nairn's Add, \V lh lot 33. 10 ft lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25e 43 Aug. 17—E. M. Kringle, Sub. 7 Min. Lot 79. lot 6, 19 ft lumber, 40c; 1 hour labor, 50c 90 Aug. 17—J. M. Sullivan, Wilson's Sub., lot 19, 8 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 40 Aug. 18—John Deery, Sub. City 682, lot 8. 46 ft lumber, 90c; 3-4 hour la- bor,30 40c Aug. 18—Jas. McCabe, Corriell's Sub, lots 1-2. 91 ft lumber, $1,90; 1 1-2 2 hours' labor, 76c Aug. 18-1'. Hughes, Needham's Sob, lot 1, 21 t't lumbo-, •4Oc; 2 hours' la- bor, $1.00 •••••• Aug. 22—Math. Ricrl,'. 1 teudnle .Add., lot 1. 10 ft. lumber. lac; 1=2 horn' la- bor. 25c 95 Aug. 22—.lac. Kessler. Glendale Add, lot 27. 5 ft lumber, 10e; 1--1 hour la- bor, 15e 25 Aug. 22—Valentine Seidel, Sub. 196 and 197, L. I1. Langworthy's Add., lots 1O-11. 16 ft lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour 55 labor. 25c Aug.22—John (slinger, Boulevard Add., lots 23-21. :I1 ft lumber, 60c; 1 10 1 hour Inhor, 5ue Aug. •'•'-- Third lh'eslty. Church, Dreb- bilbit's .\dt1., lot 1, 9 ft lumber, 20c; 46 1-2 hour lama', 25c Aug. _'—\\'in. I1. Duggan list., Cen- tral Atltl.. lot 3. 8 ft lumber, 15c; 40 1-2 slam. labor. '-'Sc ... Aug. _2 -.Ids. Iaacit & bobs, City lot 111 it loather, ;1uc; 1-2 hour la- bor. - \I. Orvis, Sub. 1, Quig- ley's anis., lot 1, 3 fl: lumber, IOc; 1 boor labor. 23e 36 Aug. Il—J no. M. Miller. et al. Sub Mitt. but ;113, lot 2, r 51.10; 1 hour labor, 50c 1 ' Aug. 27—Anna M, flush, Dun. Harbor Co.'s Add., I31k. 1, lot 10. 12 ft lum- 1-2 hour labor, 25c. 50 Ler, ' Aug. "7—John Flynn. Cit l In hour lot 84, 12 ft lumber, 2 50 bor, 25t• Aug. 27 --Marg. Mar11u. Sub. City 703, tut 13. "0 ft lumber. 10e; 1-2 how' la - f•5 Lor. "- •,c .. . ........ Aug. 27—John Niactloa;,l,i, \I,Nulty's Sub., S. 8.9 ft, lot 2. 18 ft lumber, 95c; 1 e, L 2S—John Aug.. Olinger, Boulevard 55 35 261 90 50 56 56 40 45 Mw 1 262 Regular Session Oct. 1, 1903 Add., lots 16 to 28, 6S ft lumber, 1 $1.35; 1 hour labor, SCc 85 Aug. 29—E. & II. Callenan, Sub. 2 Min. Lot 63 and E. pt lot 09. Union Add., lot 2, 7 ft lumber. 15e; 1-2 hour labor. 25e Aug. 29 --Cath. Hall, Bush's Sub., lot 12, 12 ft lumber, 25e; 1-2 hour labor, 21c Aug. 29—St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital, Sub. City 7;11, lot 1. 10 ft lumber, 20c 1-2 hour labor, 25c Aug. 31—John Blake Estt lumber, Blake's Sub., lot 7, 24 30c Aug. 31—J. .1. Dunn, Loetscher & Treub's Sub., lots 16-17, 12 ft lumber, ,0 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Aug. 31—Buol Sr Loetscher, Loetscher & Trc•ub's Sub., lots 8-9, 5 ft lumber, ; 10e; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Aug. 31—Cath. University of Wash- ington, et al, Levens' Add., lots 1 to 8, 34 ft lumber, 70e; 1-2 hour la- bor, 25c Aug. 31—J. H. Simplot, Mineral Lot 83. 20 ft lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 26c Aug. 31—John Olinger, Boulevard Add., lot 1, 19 ft lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor. 25e C5 Aug. 22—Lucy M. Weigle, Grove Ter- race Sub., lots 6-7-8, 18 ft lumber, 35c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 60 40 5•) 50 93 Total S59 00 Ald. Frith moved to adopt the Resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Hurr, Jones and Sheridan. Absent—Ald. Raymond. Mayor Berg reported that he had paid the amount of $52,20 to the Clerk of the District Court, according to the instruc- tion received by the Council, at its 1 ist meeting, and presented a receipt therefor. The Mayor also stated that he had ap- pointed and sworn in three Policemen. Also that quite a number of complaints had been made to him, in regard to re- moving the benches out of Flat Iron park. and asked to have the same re- turned. Ald. Iones gloved that the action of the Mayor be appproved, and that the benches he returned to Flat Iron park. Carried, Ala. Frith moved to open the bids for improving Willow Street and that action be postponed on the bids for improving Broadway Extension until next session of the Council. Carried. Bids for Willow Street as follows: Brown & Brown— Grading. per cubic yard Curbing, per lineal foot Guttering, per square yard Macadamizing, per square yard C. B. McNamara & Co.— Grading, per cubic yard Curbing, per lineal foot Guttering, per square yard Macadamizing, per square yard Chas. A. Steuck— Grading, per cubic yard Curbing, per lineal foot Guttering, per square yard Macadamizing, per square yard O'Farrell & Street— Grading, per cubic yard Curbing. per lineal foot Guttering, per square yard 30e 55c 55c 115c 250 50c 50e 53c 30c 45c 45c 60e 20c 50c 500 \1:u•,nlan i•r.ii:_, nor : ouare yard of • thi ,,,„ ,„ i .ALI. frith the c ult•aci •, • ,I i t i' I'. r, 11 L Suet, the; h•.•in?:: ILS ! ••. I 1,01,1,•rs and that 11.• hent he lix,•d ;I1 T21i'.cu. Carried. 1{I:l't 11t'l'S ()F t't 1 \t \11'I" 1'F:F:S. id. llorr, t'it tii trot , f the C(1mi11IteP on i'inautoe. r*0'n'ted Ws, f,11111tvs: 1'(1111. t'nin•ritl,,• ut hin,n,•.•. 1.1 tch,on was rel'en;J tl ":itiun 111' ,:'1' ur,'ll ,L Street statilir Thai ih,•ir original permit to exc:t"ate iu i',•ru It.. i,l LetWet•11 Jack- son and \\'asl:ingtun Streets had been Inst. together with the 'I'r,•asuror's r,•coi pt I n the deposit of :11l1.,1u required under the ordinance for such ex ;,t-;ttton. and asking that the Treasurer he in.strueted to refund tu• sail $10,t'°. arm-) I,1, s,•nt,tti,,n of the duplicate r,.t't'I f mat t•x,•ai•ation permit issued h;' said 'Treasurer. would recom- mend that the prayer of th,• petitioner be granted na that the '1'r,• surer be in- structed ac cer,lingly. JOSi:P1I 1.. HORR. Chairman. :\ld. l+.urr moved to adieit the report_ Carried. Ald. Filth. Chairman of the Ordinance Corrlmitt, Ian•-,vtted :int' read 1111 Ordi- nance ,•staiIisiling 0 grade on Willow Street f:'onl the center of St. Ambrose Street to the vest bile of Mineral Lot 179 and moved that the reading just had he consider.•d its first reading. Carried_ Ald. Frith moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of reading the Ordinance by its title the second time. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones and Sheridan. Nays—None. Absent—Alit. Raymond. The Ordinance was then read by Its title. Ald. Frith moved that the Ordinance be now adopted as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—olds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,. Horr, Jones and Sheridan. Nays—None. Absen t—Ald. Raymond. Ordinance follows: AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE GRADE OF WILLOW STREET FROM THE CENTER OF ST. AMBROSE STREET TO THE WEST LINE OF MINERAL LOT NO. 179. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That the grade of Willow Street from the center of St. Ambrose Street to the West line of Mineral Lot No. 179 be established and described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of St. Ambrose Street and Willow Street. which is station 33, elevation 286.0, thence easterly on a curve grade to the West line of the alley first East of St. Am- brose Street, which is station 2x23,5, ele- vation 281.5, thence easterly on a curve grade to station 4x76, elevation 268.7 end of curve grade, thence easterly to sta- tion 6x23, elevation 269.5, which is the east line of the alley second east of St. Ambrose Street and the West line of Mineral Lot No. 179. Section 2. This Ordinance to be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its pub- Regular Session Oct. 1, 1903. 263 lication one time in the Dubuque Globe- mittee on Sewers and City Engineer be Journal newspaper. instructed to investigate the condition of Adopted 1903. the White Street Sewer with a view of Approved ----- finding out whether or not holes have been Mayor. mad, in said sewer for the purpose of draining the adjoining property. and also to find out if there :1re any obstructions in said sewer. and report their findings Ald. Frith also moved that action on to the City Council. the telephone Ordinance he postponed for I Also, your committee of the Whole. to whom was referred the petition of the Dubuque Star Brewing Co., asking that the alley in Block 5, Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co.'s Add.. and also Tower Street from the northerly line of afore- said alley to the northerly line of Wall Street, be vacated, would recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be grant- ed and that the preliminary resolution be adopted by the City Council providing for such vacation. JOSEPH L. HORR, Chairman. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report committee of the Whole. Car - Attest: City Recorder. the present. Carried. Ald. Frith, chairman of the Committee on Streets. reported as follows: Your Committee on Streets would re • spectfully report that we have examined that portion of the Bee Branch storm water se wcr constructed by the Chicago Great 'Western Railway Company, be- tween Garfield and Rho-nberg Avenues and would reeommend the acceptance of the same by the City Council. Also your Committee on Streets would respectfully report that we have exam- ined the storm water sewers in Sixteenth oed. Street from Washington Street to the Chicago Great Western R. R. tracks, and also that in Fifteenth Street from Wash- ington Street to Elm Street. thence south in Elm Street to Fourteenth Street, and would recommend that said sewers be ac- cepted. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report of the Street Committee. Carried. Ald. Sheridan, chairman of the Sewer Committee, reported as follows: Your Committee on Sewers begs to re- port that it has examined the sanitary sewer in the alley between Elm and Pine Streets, from Sixteenth to Seventeenth Street. McNamara & Co., contractors, and would recommend that said sewer bei accepted; we would further recommend that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare a special assessment against the abutting or adjacent property liable for the same. also that the Finance Com- mittee make provision for an issue of bonds to cover the cost of the construc- tion of said sewer. JOHN J. SHERI AN n Chairman. Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Ald. Jones, chairman of the committee on Public Grounds and Buildings, report- ed that the cost of putting in storm sash on the Delhi Street Engine House would be about $44.00. Whereupon Ald. Horr moved that the report of the committee be approved and the committee be instructed to proceed and do the work. Carried. Ald. Clancy of the committee on Pub - lie Grounds and Buildings moved that the matter of heating the Delhi and Grandre- ferrediew to the Avenue commit committee sof houses theWhole. Carried. Ald. Clancy, chairman of the commit- tee on Fire, moved that the City Recor- der be and is hereby instructed to adver- tise for suitable horses for the Fire De- partment. Carried. Ald. Horr, chairman of the committee of the Whole, reported as follows: Your committee of the Whole would om respectfully recommend that the RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Sheridan. chairman of the com- mittee on Supplies. offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City Recorder be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bids for supplying the different de- partments of the city with hard and soft coal, coke, wood. hay and oats for a'per- iod of one year, beginning October 1. 1903. Ald. Sheridan moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried. Ald. 1 oe offered the following: Whereas. in neck r to inc•reasc the cfic- ic•ncy of the Dulicc force, it is deemed ad- visab!c to have the patrol wagon housed chose:' to notice la-adquarters, so that in cases of emergency prompter action can he secured, and Whereas, the Fe' cines of one man could he dispensed wit}: l.} followin@' out the plan herein proposed, and also a consid- erable saving effected in the amount of coal and wood consumed by the police department. therefore Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That the Co'.nmit- tee on Public Grounds and Buildings be instructed to prepare a plan showing what changes it would he necessary to make to order to provide for the housing of the said patrol wagon and term in the base- ment of the City Hall tine 1 to ito ssent next said plan to the City regular session. Ald. Jones moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried. Ald. Horr offered the following: Whereas, It is deemed necessary and ad- visable by the City Council of the ('ity of Dubuque to vacate and annul the alley Block Dubuque fIone t Company's Addition. :Ind also Tower Street from the northerly line of the aforesaid alley to the northerly line of Wall Street. therefore Resolved by the City ('ounell of the City of Dubuque. That it is the intention of said City Council to vacate and annul the alley in Block 5. Dubuque Harbor Im- provement Company's Addition and also Tower Street from the northerly line of ofpWallrStreet.tland be it furtherer Iv line 264 Regular Session Oct. 1, 1903. 11esolved, That t1 ('sty Engineer be and he is hereby instruc•t(•,l to nr(lte a survey and plat of such prop' (l vacation and :unnullment, showing the land or lots abut- ting on and through which said alley ;dal street me at the point of the proposed vat•.tttoti, tl,t• names of the owner of the Imtln•rty. or tots :thoUtnc o:-..ant1 and soil .spiv, t ;tt tl t• ,u the I proposed vacation, :tnd the quan- tity of Enol and the extent of the title:' and the street proposed to he vacated. and to file such plat in itis nliiee for public tt;sn, 01 1,111. Tlntt after such plat is so filed s;til Pity Engineer shall give the owners of the property abutting on sold alloy and on said street at the point of the prnposcd vaeatt(,n, notice. :is l,reserthed in Section 1'hn:,tr(• al. of the Ordinances of the City of Duhtu:ne. and shall further c (use notice of ::aid prols,.,cd Vacation to 1 111b- lished 1n the city p.tper as prescribed ht Section S oi' Chapter 21 of the Ordinance: of the City of Dubuque. .\ Id. Gorr moved to adopt the resolu- tion. .\lopted by the following vote: 1'eas—Aids. ('fancy. Corraneo. Frith, I1orr. lopes and Sheridan. Nays—None. .\l.set:t—.\1t1. Raymond. .\til. frith offered the following: 1\'1•er' tit•tt :'.trtiou of the Sixteenth r, t storm water sewer under th, ii:hts of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee & :.t. Paul and Chicago Great western railway (.onn:•:noes has been completed by said railway: companies and has been ex- amined by the City Engineer. who re- ports the, same to be satisfactory. there- fore Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That said portion of said sewer be accented and that the City Re- corder notify tate pr.wer officer of said railway companies of the action of the emitted. .\Id. hrith moved the adoption of the re- duIion. Carried. Ald. Frith also offered the following: Be it resolved by the City- Council of the City of Dubuque. That it is deemed t,coos- sary and advisable to improve Napier Street from Clifford Street to the east line of lot 10 in Mechanic's Add., and it is hereby proposed to grade. curb. gutter and macadamize sold street and to assess the rust of such curbing. guttering and ma- cadamizing' ; gaitist the abutting property. Ald. Frith movc.l to about the resolu- tion. Adopted by the following vote: yeas --.\Ids. l'Inney. l'orr:Inco. Frith, I tort.. and Sheridan. Nays. _None. Absent—. -lid. Raymond. Ald. Frith also offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the City En- gineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the lo- cation, nature, and extent of the proposed improvement on Napier Street from Clif- ford Street to the east line of lot 130, Me- chanic's Addition, and the kind of mater- ial to be used and an estimate of the en- tire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such improvement, and the amount as- sessable upon any railway or street rail- way, the amount and cost thereof to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abut- ting upon such improvement per front foot. and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the Pity Recorder; that after the tiling of said plat and estimate in his office. the City Recorder shalt pub- lish in three consecutive issues of a news- paper published in this city, a notice st;ttibg that such plat and estimate are en tile, the location and nature of the improvement, kind of material to he used. and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can lie tiled. and the time fixed for hearing. which time shall not be less than live • day's after the last publication of such notice. :and after such publication shall have been made. the City Recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council. notify- the Council thereof in writing with a printed copy of such no- tice accompanying the same. Aid. Frith moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Adopted by the following vote: fess,— Alds. Clacy. Corrance, Frith, llorr, Jones and Sheridan. Nays—None. Absent—Ald. Raymond. Ald. cot non, t•,. offered the following: Reselcod by the City Council of the ('114 el Duhutlat•: That a sidewalk 1tv,•lv,• 112) feet wide, of good cement, be, within ten 110) days of this notice. cnn- strn.'ted and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks. on the e:151 side of Locust street. between Eighth street and Ninth street, abutting lot No. 14S. City, owned by Lizzie Con- nelly. at the expense of abutting prop- erty. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. ('I tncy. Corrance, Frith, Horr. Jones and Sheridan. Absent—Ald. Raymond. Ald. Corrance also offered the follow- ing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk twelve (12) feet wide, of good cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice. con- structed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the t..st side of Locust street, between Eighth street and Ninth street, abutting lot No. 147. ('ity. owned by Michael O'Rourke. at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Clancy. Corrance, Frith, Horr. Jones and Sheridan. Absent—Aid. Raymond. Ald. Corrance also offered the follow- ing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk twelve (12) feet wide, of good cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice, con- structed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west side of Main street, between Eighth street and Ninth street, abutting CItY Lot 51 and N. 2.2 feet of City Lot 52, owned by Geo. B. Burch Est., at the ex- pense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones and Sheridan. Absent—Ald. Raymond. Alderman Corrance also offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: ']'hat a Sidewalk twelve Regular Session Oct. 1, 1903. i) feet wide, of good cement, be, with- in ten (10) days of this notice, construct- ed and laid in conformity with thsthenordi- nance in relation to south side of Ninth Street, between Main Street and Locust Street, abutting city lot 62, to the alley owned by Geo. )3. Burch estate, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following: Ayes—Alda. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Flort% Jcnes and Sheridan. Absent—Aid. Raymond. 265 Md. Horr stated that the polling place in the Second precinct of the Third ward had been changed from the police head- quarters to the Sidewalk Inspector's of- fice and moved that hereafter the polling place he in the police headquarters. Car- Ald. Corrance moved to adjourn until October 15th. 1903. Carried. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Attest: Alderman Corrance also offered the fol- lowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a Sidewalk four (4) feet wide. of gcod two-inch plank, brick or cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks, on the west side of Spruce Street, between Jefferson Street and Julien Avenue, abutting lot 2 of Sub. 43, Farley's Sub., owned by E. J. Delaney, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones and Sheridan. Absent—Aid. Raymond. Alderman Corrance also offered the fol- loResol Resolved by the City Council of the City cf Dubuque: That a Sidewalk four (4) feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick or cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks, on the west side of Spruce Street, between Jefferson Street and Julien Avenue, abutting N. 96.6 ft. t. Lct 36, Farley's Sub., owned by Ludescher, at the expense of abutting property. A.d pted by the following vote: Frith, Ayes—Ald. Clancy, Horr, Jones and Sheridan. A.bsent—Ald. Raymond. Alderman Clancy offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the lk four City(4) f et Dubuque:That wide, of goodbrick doracement. be. within ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity sidewalks, with the ordinance in relation to on the south side of Langworthy Avenue, between Alpine streetand L. NevadaLangwrthyts abutting lot 42, Add., owned by Mary L. Bunting, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted 1 y the following grra vote: Frith, Ayes—Ald. Clancy, Hcrr, Jones and Sheridan. Absent—Ald. Raymond. Alderman Clancy also offered the fol - :owing: Council of the Resolved by the City City of Dubuque: Th tbai Sidewalk alkcefour (4) feet wide, of g be, within ten (10) days of this notice , cq structed and laid in conformity ih the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, i ewaike. on the south side of Langworthy between Alpine Street and Nevada Street, abutting lot 63. Julia L. Langworthy owned by J. S. Stephens, at the expense of abutting property• Adopted by the followig: Corrance, vote:Frith, Ayes—Ald. Clancy, Horr. Jones and Sheridan. Absent—Ald. Raymond. .............. ... Recorder Approved. • •a'4 • 1903 - Payor otos 00i 266 Regular Session Oct. 15, 1903. CITY COUNCIL Regular Session October 15th, 1903. (Official.) Council met at 8:00 P. M. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Aids. Clancy. Frith. Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Absent—Ald. Corrance. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. Petition of Geo. Martin in relation to laying sidewalk on south side of Lang- worthy Avenue from Hill Street to alley west of Hill Street. was granted on mo- tion of Ald. Sheridan. Petition of the Dt e thK& Dubuque its at- torney, ridge Company, by asking Council to reduce the val- uation of their property for the year 1903. On motion of Ald. Horr the petition was received and filed. Petition of the Dubuque Brewing & Malting Co., by A. F. Heeb, Secretary and Treasurer. asking that they be re- funded the sum of $13.18 on account of double assessment on lot 17 in E. Lang - worthy's Add. On motion the petition was referred to the Finance Committee and City As- sessor. Petition of Peter Hansen asking for per- mission to build frame barn on lot 71. East Dubuque Add. On motion was referred to the Commit- tee on Fire and Fire Chief. Petition of Maria L. Thedinga, by W. S. Wright, attorney, asking for a re- duction on her assessment, south 12 3-12 feet of City lot Si. On motion was referred to the City At- torney. Petition of Mrs. Jane M. McCloskey. asking for the cancellation of her taxes ori her property for the years 1902 and 1903. On motion was referred to the Delin- quent Tax Committee. Petition of Louisa Schwartz asking that her taxes be cancelled on lots 7 and 9, Marsh's, Dubuque. On motion was referred to the Delin- quent Tax Committee. Petition of R. W. Kemler in relation to laying Krick sidewalk abutting lot 13, Cumming's Sub.. was on motion referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Jno. Holden in relation to personal taxes was on motion referred to the Board of Equalization and City Assessor. Petition of Andrew Nelson in relation to laying cinder walk abutting lots 3 and 4. Reeder Langworthy's Add., was on motion referred to Sidewalk Inspector to report at the next meeting of the Coun- cil. Petition of Aloys Lehman claiming the sum of $78.55 as damages to his property on the southwest corner of West Sixteenth and Rebecca Streets. On motion was referred to the Commit- tee of the Whole. Petition of \\'m. Perleth in relation to laying sidewalk on West Eighth Street. between Wilson Avenue and Roberts Ave- nue, abutting lot 30. Wilson's Sub. On motion the petition was granted, pro- vided that the sidewalk be constructed in accordance with the Ordinance in re- lation to Sidewalks and under the super- vision of the Sidewalk Inspector. Petition of Louise Reche asking that the plat of Reche's sub -division No. 3, a sub- division of lot 17 of Reche's Sub. No. 2, be approved. On motion the plat was referred to the Committee of the Whole. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Engineer Boyce reported as fol. - lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on Streets for the first half of October, 1903: Amount due Laborers on Streets...$1,260.20 Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved: E. E. FRITH, Chairman Committee on Streets. JOSEPH L. HORR, JOHN J. SHERIDAN. Also submit my pay roll for Labor on Sewers during the first half of October, 1903: Amount due Laborers on Sewers.. ..$156.20 Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved: JOHN J. SHERIDAN, Chairman Committee on Sewers. JOSEPH L. HORR, HUGH CORRANCE. Also submit my pay roll for Teams haul- ing Sprinkling Wagons during the first half of October, 1903: Amount due Teamsters $160.00 Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved: GEO. N. RAYMOND, Chairman Committee on Paving, Sweep- ing and Sprinkling. JOSEPH L. HORR, MATT. CLANCY. Also submit my pay roll for Labor on Bluff Street Extension for the first half of October, 1903: $132.30 Amount due Laborers Respectfully submitted. JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved: E. E. FRITH, Chairman Committee on Streets. JOSEPH L. HORR, JOHN J. SHERIDAN. On motion the pay rolls for Streets. Sewers, Sprinkling Wagons and Bluff Street Extension were received, and war- rants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts, and the pay rolls referred back to the proper committees. City Engineer Boyce also reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Regular Session Oct. 15, 1903. 267 Gentlemen: In compliance with the di- rection of your Honorable Body, I here- with submit profile of the Alley between Alpine Street and Nevada Street, from Ju- lien Avenue to the Alley first north of West Fifth Street. The red line shows the established grade, the black line the grade submitted. The property 19 improved on both sides of this Alley. Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Ald. Sheridan moved that the profile of said grade be accepted. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Horr, Jones. Raymond and Sheridan. Absent—Ald. Corrance. City Engineer Boyce also reported as follows: In compliance with the direction of your Honorably Body, I herewith submit pro- file of the Alley between Julien Avenue and West Fifth Street, from Alpine Street to Nevada Street, these being no estab- lished grade on this Alley. A proposed grade is shown by the black line. Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Ald. Sheridan moved that said profile of grade be referred to the Ordinance Com- mittee to draft an Ordinance adopting the same. Carried. City Recorder Arendt presented and read the printed notice, certified to by the Pub- lisher, of the Council's intention to im- prove Napier Street, from Clifford Street to the east line of Lot 130, Mechanic's Addition. No remonstrance being filed, the Mayor asked if anyone present had any objec- tion to said improvement. No objection being stated, the Notice, on motion was received and filed. Mayor Berg presented the statement of expenditures from July 1st to September 30th, 1903, of the Water Works Trustees, and referred the same to a Special com- mittee consisting of Alds. Sheridan, Ray- mond and Clancy. The Mayor also presented a communi- cation from the Kelly -Springfield Road Roller Co., in regard to a large rear wheel received by the City from the above named company for our Steam Road Roller. On motion of Ald. Horr, the communi- 'cation was referred to the City Attorney to answer the same. Philip Pier— Scranton or Lehigh coal $9.00 per ton Indiana Block or Best Northern, or Southern Illinois coal $5.00 per ton Dry oak wood at $5.00 per cord Dry maple wood at $6.00 per. cord Becker Bros.— Hard coal at $9.00 per ton Soft coal at $5.00 per ton Coke crushed $7.00 per ton Coke, lump size $6.50 per ton Oak wood $5.20 per cord Maple wood $6.20 per cord Conlin & Kearns— Hard coal at $9.00 per ton Soft coal at $5.00 per ton Oak wood $6.00 per cord Maple wood $7.00 per cord Martin & Strelau Co.— Hard o—Hard coal $9.00 per ton Carterville lump $5.00 per ton Sunnyside Carterville Washed Egg $5.00 per tori Crushed coke $7.00 per ton Thos. J. Mulgrew— Hard coal $9.00 per ton Soft coal $5.00 per ton On motion of Ald. Sheridan the bids were referred to the Committee on Sup- plies with power. Ald. Frith moved to open the bids for hay and oats. Carried. Bids as follows: Matt Stafford— $9.70 per ton Hay at Oats at 421/4c per bushel J. J. Nagle— Hay at $9.50 per ton Oats at 47c per bushrl T. F. Kane— Hay at $8.50 per ton Oats at 44c per bushel On motion of Ald. Frith the contract was awarded to T. F. Kane, he being the lowest bidder. Bids for coal and wood were on motion .ordered opened: Bids as follows: Bids for improving Broadway Extension as follows: McNamara & Co.— 17e Grading, per cubic yard 67c Curbing, per lineal foot 57c Guttering, per square yard i7c Macadamizing. per square yard O'Farrell & Street— 20c Grading, per cubic yard 25c Curbing, per lineal foot c Guttering, per square yard 55 555 Macadamizing, per square yard 55c Chas. A. Steuck— Grading, c 23 per cubic yard 23c Curbing, per lineal foot 45ce Guttering, per square yard 54c Macadamizing, ptr square yard On motion the contract was awarded to Ch d and Sheuek. he fixed ngttthe lowest bid- REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES. - Ald. Frith, chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented and read an Ordi- nance establishing the grade on Broad- way to way Extension from Gay Streets and moved that the reading justt had be considered the first reading. tied. Ald. Frith moved to suspend the rules for the purpose econdthe mOrdinance by tstitle for the Carried by the following vote: Jones, Yeas—Alda. Clancy, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—Nene. Absent—Aid, Corrance. its The Ordinance was then read by title the second time. Ald. Frith moved that the Ordinance be adopted as read. Adopted by the following vote: yeas—Alda. Clancy. Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Absent—Aid. Corrance. The Mayor declared the Ordinance ad- opted. Ordinance follows: AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE 268 Regular Session Oct. 15, 1903. GRADE OF BROADWAY EXTENSION FROM GAY TO PGTNAM STREETS. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That the grae Streetof foB Broadway Putnam Extension from Gay Street he established and described as follows. beginning at station nd of present improvement;; elevation 1 5, a ation of west curb 179.7, elevation of east curb 178.96, thence northerly to station x 52.4, center of Charles Street, elevation west curb 181.0. elevation east curb 180.0. thence to sta- tion 4x05.5, center of Putnam Street, ele- vation west curb 172.5, elevation east curb 171.6. Section 2. This Ordinance to be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its pub- lication one time in the Dubuque Globe - Journal newspaper. 1903. Adopted Approved Attest: Mayor. City Recorder. Ald. Clancy, chairman of the Committee on Fire, reported as follows: Your Committee on Fire begs to report that they have purchased one horse for the Fire Department from W. Prossel of Lattnerville, for the sum of $200.00, which amount has been advanced by the City Treasurer. Ald. Clancy moved that a warrant be drawn in favor of the Treasurer for the above amount. Carried. Also your Committee on Fire would recommend that the Purchasing Commit- tee purchase one dozen tubes of fire ex- tinguishing powder for use in the city hall. MATT CLANCY, Chairman. Ald. Clarcy moved to adopt the reports of the Fire Committee. Carried. Ald. Raymond, chairman of the De- linquent Tax Committee, reported as fol- lows: Your Commitee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the petition of Mr,. Elizabeth Beyer, asking that the taxes against her property, Lot 6, Hamburg Acid., be canceled for the years 1901 and 1902, beg to report that the city was using said lot during the early part of 1901 for storing macadam, and the understanding was that it should be exempt from taxa- tion while being so used; the committee failed to notify the Treasurer of this ar- rangement and the property was sold for the tax of 1901; we would therefore rec- ommend that the Treasurer be instructed to redeem said lot from tax sale and can- cel the tax of 1901, but that the tax of 1902 be allowed to remain a lien on the property. Also your Committee on Delinquent Taxes. to whom was referred the petition of Mrs. Wilhelmina Loeffler, asking that the taxes on her homestead, lots 19 and 20, Wick's Add., be canceled, beg to report that said property has been sold by the petitioner and we therefore recommend that said petition he received and filed. Also your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the petition of Mrs. Anna Beier, the widow of an honorably discharged soldier of the Mex- ican war, asking that her property be exempt from taxation to the amount of $800.00 on the assessed valuation of the same, in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 7 of Section 1304 of the Code of Iowa, would recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the Treasurer he instructed accord- ingly. GEORGE N. RAYMOND, Chairman. Ald. Raymond moved to adopt the re- ports of the Committee on Delinquent Taxes. Carried. Ald. Horr, chairman of the Board of Equalization, reported that the Board of Equalization had met on the 13th of Octo- ber, 1903, and concluded their work and had adjourned sine die. Ald. Jones of the Board of Health re- ported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: Your Board of Health would respectfully report that a meeting held Oct. 5th, 1903, the following resolu- tions were passed: Be It Resolved by the Board of Health of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: That Jno. Deery, N. 25 ft. City Lot 231; E. B. Piek- enhrock & Sons. City Lot, No. 229; L. C. Bissell and A. J. Parker, City Lots No. 227 and 228; P. Lagen Est., S. 26.5 ft. City Lot 231; Emma L. Alden, City Lot 232; Robert Waller Est., City Lot No. 233; Margaret Marxer, N. 1 less 11 inches of City Lot No. 239; Jno. Appel, N. 30% feet of City Lot No. 240; Mary T. Reilly, City Lot No. 294; Teresa Bade, N. 1 City Lot No. 298; James O'Farrell, S. 1 M. 1-5 of City Lot No. 457, having failed to connect said property with the sanitary sewer sit- uated in the Alley between Iowa and Clay and Clay and White Streets, abutting on said property; and it being deemed neces- sary for the preservation of the public health of said city that said premises be connected with said sanitary sewer, It is hereby ordered by the Board of Health of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by virtue of the power vested in it by Section 1032 of the Code of Iowa of 1897, and Chapter Twenty-five of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque, that said Jno. Deery, E. B. Piekenbrock & Sons, L. C. Bissell and A. J. Parker, P. Lagen Est., Emma L. Alden, Rolst. Waller Est., Margaret Marxer, Jno. Appel, Mary T. Reilly. Teresa Bade and James O'Farrell, shall within forty days from the date of service of notice of this order, connect said premises with said sanitary sewer. Dated this 5th clay of October, 1903. Also, Resolved by the Board of Health of the City of Dubuque, That the con- tents of the building known as City Lot No. 596 and owned by Jas. A. Hayes and Henry Gehrig be and the same is hereby declared a nuisance; and Be it further resolved that a notice as provided in Chapter No. 25 of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque be served upon the owners of said property, order- ing the contents of said building to be re- moved and destroyed and said building put in a sanitary condition. Also report that the Board instructed Health Officer Michel and Sanitary Police- man Flynn to investigate the district lying east of Main Street from Sixth Street to Seventeenth Street, and report all parties not connected with the sanitary sewer at the next meeting of the Board. Ald. Jones moved to adopt the report of the Board of Health. Carried. 1 Regular Session Oct. 15, 1903. 269 Ald. Sheridan moved that the City En- gineer and Street committee be empowered to enter into a contract with B. W. Lacy in regard to filling to grade lots 35 to 40, inclusive, in Reche's Sub. Carried. Ald. Horr, chairman of the committee of the Whole, reported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Conlin & Kearns in relation to the filling of Tower Street, abutting lots 6 to 11 in Block 0, Booth's Add., and also of Sixth Street, abutting Lot 11 in said addition, would recommend that the City Engineer be in- structed to dump scrapings and sweepings from the streets on said Sixth Street, abutting said Lot 11. Also, your committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the profile showing a proposed grade on Broadway Extension between Gay and Putnam Streets, would recommend that said grade be approved and that the Ordinance Committee be in- structed to prepare an ordinance properly establishing the same. Also, your committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the previous action of the City Council in or- dering the return of the deed of part of City Lot 687, Lot 1, to E. W. Albee, be rescinded. er until May 1, 1904, to be $1.000.00, and the price for the crusher complete with twenty horse -power engine, mounted, screen, elevator and all other accessories, delivered and placed in such locality as the Street committee may direct, set up and ready for operation, to be 82,250.00. Also, your committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petiton of Patrol- man James P. Carter, asking that he be granted a raise in salary on account of length of service and the importance of the beat he patrols, beg to report that we consider that the raising of the salary of any one man on the force would tend to create dissatisfaction among the men, and we would therefore recommend that the said petition be received and filed. We would further recommend that the com- mittee on Police and Light be instructed to formulate a system whereby the police force will he graded, not according to the length of time served on the force, but according to the merits of the men as de- termined by the marks, good or bad, earn- ed by each member of the force. Also, your committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the City Engineer be instructed to bring the wall on West Eleventh Street, btween the elevator and Ardmore Terrace, to a proper height to conform to the grade of said West d to have a rail- ingimilar similartoth Shattonn Highland Place, north of the elevator, built thereon. Also, to southsideconstruct sidewalk of said West Eleenth Street, east from the cross -walk on Ardmore Terrace to following the north ofe the curve of the curbWest Eleventh Street. The work to be done according byto the plans and specifications prepared the City Engineer at an estimated cost of $260.00, and that the City Engineer be instructed to ask for bids on ttecement t sidewalk, bids to be opened bye Scommittee. Also. your committee of the Whole here- with presents the petition of the owners of all the property abutting on Ardmore Terrace from West Eleventh Street to a point 200 feet south thereof, asking that said portion of said street be improved, and also an agreement from said property owners waiving every objection to any irregularity or illegality in the ordering of the work or the levying of the assess- ment to defray the cost of the same. We would recommend to the City Council that the prayer of the petitioners be granted and that in order to expedite matters both preliminary and final resolutions be adopted at this meeting. JOSEPH L. HOAR, Chairman. Ad. Horr moved to adopt the various reports of the committee of the Whole. Carried. Also, your committee of the Whole would respectfullyreco odd that o thee Street committee be empowered contract for the lease of a No. 4 Rock into aCrusher. The city to have the priv- ilege rixilege of purchasing the same and allowing thethe amount paid in rent to apply the purchase price. The rental for said crush - RESOLUTIONS. Aid. Horr offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the City Engineer be instructed to prepare a profile of grade of Ardmore Terrace from \Vest Eleventh Street to a point two hundred feet south of said West Eleventh Street and present the same at the next regular session of the Council. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the resolution. Carried. Ald. Horr also offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That it is deemed necessary and advisable to improve Ard- more Terrace from West Eleventh Street to a point 200 feet south of said West Eleventh Street, and that it is hereby proposed to grade, curb, gutter and ma- cadamize said street, and to assess the cost of such curbing, guttering and ma- cadamizing against the abutting property. property. Aid. Horr moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the following hvote: Jones, Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Raymond and Sheridan. Absent—Ald. Corrance. Ald. Horr also offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the City En- gineer be and he is herebdirected to othe pre- pare a plat showing generally loca- tion, nature and extent of the proposed improvement on Ardmore Terrace from West Eleventh Street to a point 200 feet south ofid materr'italEtovbetand used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof, and amountthe and of improve- ment, and the amount assessable upon any railway or street railway, the amount and cost thereof to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount of land assessable upon each lot orUpp an such Im- adjacent to or abutting provement per front foot, and to file such Plat and ate in the City Re orderinoffice that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the City Recorder shall publish in three consecu- 270 Regular Session Oct. 15, 1903. ttve issues of a newspaper published in andthis city, a notice estmateare stating on file. the location and nature of the improvement, kind of mater- nal to be used, and an estimate of its cost and the time before which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of such notice, and after such publication shall have been made, the City Recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council notify the Council thereof in writing with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Absent—Ald. Corrance. Ald. Horr also offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That Ardmore Ter- race from West Eleventh Street to a point 200 feet south of said West Elev- enth Street be improved by grading, curb- ing. guttering and macadamizing, the same in accordance with the plat and specifications for such improvement pre- pared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and be it further resolved that said improve- ment shall be completed on or before the 1st day of December, 1903, and shall be paid for at the time and in the manner prescribed by Chapter XXXII. of the Re- vised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque for the payment of the cost of street improvements. The proposals for doing such work will be acted upon by the Council on the 5th day of November, 1903, and the City Re- corder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication, asking for propos- als as provided by ordinance. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Absent—Aid. Corrance. Alderman Horr also offered the follow- ing: Whereas. the Mayor having reported that a certain number of the property owners on Bluff Street. between Four- teenth Street and Twelfth Street. have appointed C. A. Voelker as one of the ap- praisers to act with T. J. Paisley, who had been appointed by said Mayor as provided by ordinance in assessing the damages in the proposed change of grade on said street; and having further re- ported that a number of the abutters have failed to join in the selection of said C. A. Voelker as such appraiser, therefore Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That said T. J. Paisley, C. A. Voelker and such other person as they may select, comprise the appraisers to assess the damages, if any, growing out of the proposed change of grade on said street abutting the proper- ty owned by the following named persons, viz: D. S. Nilson estate. City Lot 662a; Charles Christman, S 1-2 of the S. 51 feet of City Lot 662; John 13. Glover, N. 1-2 of the S. 51 feet of City Lot 662; Thomas Hardie estate, M. 38.1 feet of City Lot 662; Second Presbyterian church. N. 52 feet of City Lot 662; P. H. McCullough, Lot 1 of A. L. -Brown's Add.; James Mullen estate, N. 1-2 of City Lot 769a; James McDonnell, S. 1-2 of City Lot 763a; Mary E. Hodgdon, City Lot 769; Mary E. Hodgdon. City Lot 768; E. H. Sheppley, City Lot 767; Mary A. McEvoy, N. 1-2 of City Lot 763; Margaret Ahern. S. 1-2 of City Lot 766; Wm. and G. E. Davis. City Lot 765; Sarah Smith, N. 1-2 of City Lot 764; Jermima Souther - land. S. 1-2 of City Lot 764; Rosa anil Joseph Trudell. City Lot 763; Emma Al- den, City Lot 762; E:nma Alden. N. 7 feet of City Lot 761; Anna 13. Ryan. N. 1-5 of City Lot 663; Anna B. Ryan, N. 1C.4 feet of the N. M. 1-5 of City Lot 663; Catherine C. Ryan, S. 40.10 feet of the N. M. 1-5 of City Lot 663; Catherine C. Ryan, Mid- dle 1-6 of City Lot 663; M. E. and B. B. Richards, W. 52 feet of the S. M. 1-5 of City Lot 663; M. E. and 13. B. Richards. W. 62 feet of the S. 1-5 of City Lot 063; and that said appraisers proceed to assess the damages, if any. growing out of such proposed change or grace agreeably to the provisions of Chapter 31 of the Revis- ed Ordinances of the City of Dubuque of 1901. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the Resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy. Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Absent—Ald. Corrance. Ald. Frith offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City .of Dubuque. That it is deemed necessary and advisable to extend the alley between Jackson and Washington Street. northerly through lot 10 of Min- eral lot 322, from its present termination to Twenty-sixth Street. and be it further Resolved, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to make a survt y and plat of such proposed improvement. showing the lands or lots through or over which the same is proposed to be made. the names of the owners thereof, and the quantity of land proposed to be taken and file such plat in his office for public in- spection; that after such plat is so pre- pared and filed. said City Engineer shall give the owners of the property through or over which such improvement is pro- posed to be made, notice as prescribed in Section 2 of Chapter 31 of the ordinances of the City of Dubuque. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the Resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy. Frith, Horr, Jones. Raymond, and Sheridan. Absent—Ald. Corrance. Ald. Clancy offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a Sidewalk four (4) feet wide. of good brick or cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice. constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of Langworthy Avenue. between Hill Street and Alpine Street, abutting lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 of Sub. 2 and 3. Mrs. L. H. Langworthy's Add., owned by Ada L. Collier, at the expense of abut- ting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Clancy. Frith, Horr. Jones. Raymond and Sheridan. Absent—Ald. Corrance. Ald. Clancy also offered the following: Resolved by the City Cou, ll of .the City of Dubuque, That a Sidewalk four (4) feet wide. of good brick or cement. he, within ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with Regular Session Oct. 15, 1903. 271 the ordinance to relation to sidewalks. on the south side of Langworthy Avenue, between Hill Street and Alpine Street, abutting lot 10. Julia L. Langworthy Add.. owned by F. L. Poole. at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the fol- lowing vote: Ayes—Alda. Clancy. Frith, Ilorr. Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Ahsent—Ald. Corrance. Ald. Clancy also offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That a Sidewalk four (4) feet wide. of good brick or cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of Langworthy Avenue, between Hill Street and Alpine Street, abutting lot 9. Julia L. Langworthy's Add.. owned by Mary L. Bunting. at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Clancy. Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Absent—Aid. Corrance. Ald. Clancy also offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk four (4) feet wide, of good brick or cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice, con- structed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of Langworthy Avenue be- tween Hill Street and Alpine Street, abut- ting lot 11, Julia L. Langworthy's Add., owned by Julia Langworthy, at the ex- pense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Clancy, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Absent—Ald. Corrance. Ald. Clancy also offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of (4) feet Dubuque: sidewalk of good two -cinch plank, brick or cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice, s laid formitywith the ordinancenrelation to sidewalks, on the south side of St. Joseph Street, between Fremont Avenue and Stetmore Street, abutting lots 3, 4, 5 and 6, Babcock's Sub., owned by Marion Don- ovan, n-ovan, at the expense of abutting prop Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Ald. Clancy, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Absent—Ald. Corrance. Ald. Raymond mov C to F A adjourn until Nov. 5th, 1903. City Recorder. Attest: Recor der Special Session Oct. 17, 1903. CITY COUNCIL Special Session, n Octl, er 17th, 1903. Council met at 8:25 o'clock P. M. Mayor Berg In the chair. Present—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Absent—None. The Mayor stated that this meeting had been called for the purpose of considering several matters. First, In regard to a Hay Bid that dis- appeared from the Desk of the City Re- corder. Second, In regard to an action taken by this Council, ordering the laying of a new sidewalk on the east side of Main Street between Fifth and Sixth Streets. Third, In regard to the action taken by this Council on the profile of grade of the Alley between Julien Avenue and West Fifth Street, from Alpine Street to Nev- ada Street. Also of the Alley between Alpine and Nevada Street, from Julien Avenue to the Alley first north of West Fifth Street. Fourth, In regard to the action taken by this Council upon the report of the committee of the Whole, recommending that the City buy a Rock Crusher. The Mayor stated the circumstances as presented to him in regard to a Hay Bid that disappeared from the desk of the City Recorder. Ald. Horr moved that a committee be appointed to investigate the matter, the committee to consist of the two Aldermen - at -Large and the Mayor. Carried. Ald. Horr, chairman of the committee of the Whole, reported as follows: Your committee of the Whole would re- spectfully recommend that the resolution adopted by the City Council, September 3, 1903, ordering the laying of a new side- walk on the east side of Main Street, be- tween Fifth and Sixth Streets, abutting the property of Wm. Ruff Estate, be re- scinded, because it is the intention of the owners of said property to commence the erection of a new building on said property within a short time; but in the meantime that the said owners place said sidewalk in safe condition. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report. Carried. Ald. Raymond moved that the action of the Council in regard to the profiles of grade of the Alley between Julien Avenue and West Fifth Street from Alpine Street to Nevada Street, also the Alley between Alpine Street and Nevada Street, from Julien Avenue to the Alley first north of West Fifth Street be reconsidered. Car- ried. Ald. Horr moved that the matter be re- ferred to the committee on Streets. Carried. The Mayor also brought up the matter in regard to the city buying a Rock Crusher, and statedthat he refused to sign said contract for the reason that the city was not in need of a Rock Crusher at the present time, also that the city could get the use of the Crusher now owned by the county without any expense. Ald. Raymond moved that said profiles be referred to the committee of the Whole. Ald. Horr moved a substitute, that the proflles be referred to the Street com- mittee. The substitute was carried. The Mayor brought up the matter in re- gard to putting in a brick gutter in Fourteenth Street across Prairie Street. Ald. Sheridan moved that the rules be suspended in order to hear from Mr. Marklan, the representative of the com- pany wishing to sell the city a Rock Crusher, also from Mr. Lee. a citizen of Dubuque. Carried. Mr. Marklan and Mr. Lee addressed the Council, dwelling upon the advantages the City would derive from the use of a Rock Crusher. Ald. Jones moved that the action taken by this Council on the report of the com- mittee of the Whole recommending that the City buy a Rock Crusher be recon- sidered. Lost by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Corrance and Jones, total 2. Nays—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Horr, Ray- mond and Sheridan, total 5. The Mayor stated that he would not sign the contract. Whereupon Ald. Sheridan moved that the Council pass the matter over the Mayor's veto. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Horr, Ray- mond and Sheridan, total 5. Nays—Aids. Jones and Corrance, total 2. On motion the Council adjourned. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Attest: yy Recorder. /X Approved "' 6` 1901.. iq r Special Session Oct. 30, 1903. 273 CITY COUNCIL. Special Session October 30th, 1903. (OFFICIAL). Council met at 7:45 P. M. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones. Raymond and Sheridan. Absent—None. The Mayor stated that he had called the special session of the Council to consider improvementthe and thepares interested objecting roadwaY etoithe grade of said improvement were Invited to he present to state their grievance to the Council. The Mayor also stated that the benches of the various parks in the city had been removed for the season and thought they ought to be replaced as long as the weath- er permits. Ald. Jones moved to adjourn. Carried. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Attest: Approred. Recorrieer. 1903. Mayor. Ald. Clancy moved to suspend the rules forythe puowners abutting Inof hBtoadway g of the Ex Extension. proper- ty owners abutting Carried. Mr. H. Kohlman and others addressed the Council, objecting to the grade of said street. On motion the petition of Jos. Straub, et al, asking for the improvement also, waiver agreeing to make no objection i any illegality or irregularity as- sessment of said improvement which were adopted by the Committee on Streets Aug. 20th. 1903, were read. Whereupon the following waspresented and read: Dubuque, Ia., Oct. 30th, 1903. To the Hon. Mayor and City Council: Gen prop- erty owners ons the e west sidee of Broad- way Extension Extension ask that your Honorable Body grant us the permission to put in a curb six (6) inches higher than provided by the plans and specifications and also to grade topof said curbhe lk one between)Charlesabove and the tap y ExtenPutnam andask Streets said changes abe made at the expense of the City of Dubuque. Very respectfully, JOS. STRAUB, L. JAEGER, ROBT. SOMMER. HENRY KOHLMAN, SAM SOMMER, A. LONG. Ald. Horr moved that the communica- tion be referred to the City Engineer and he to check up the names of the prop- erty owners to see whether they all had P'. ped the same. Carried. City Engineer stated t all the prop- erty owners on th e west side hsigned the petition and Ald Frith moved to grant the petition. Carried unanimously. Ald. Frith also moved that Mr.Chas. Steuck's proposition of putting in the curb at 15c plin. foot extra, all expenses be accepted. Cart ied.uding Ald. Clancy moved that the hack the Cus- todian be ordered to place benches in all the parks. Carried. 274 List of Warrants LIST OF CITY WARRANTS City Recorder's Office, Dubuque, Iowa, October 1, 1903. To the honorable Mayor and City Council of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The following is a complete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of September, 1903: C. H. Berg, salary, Mayor $116 70 H. Brinkman, salary, Treasurer133 35 J. A. McKinley, salary, Deputy 100 W Treasurer Jno. Krayer, clerk, Treasurer's of- W W of- fice Chas. F. Arendt, salary, Recorder.. 116 70 Wm. A. Kaep, salary Deputy Re - 80 00 corder F. B. Hoffman, salary, Auditor 116 70 C. B. Scherr, salary, Assessor 125 00 A. Doerr, Jr., salary, Assistant As - 100 00 sessor J. J. Murphy, salary, Assistant As- 100 W As- sessor Geo. A. Barnes, salary, Attorney.... 150 00 J. B. Powers, salary, Assistant At- torney75 00 Ed. Morgan, salary, Chief of Police.. 100 00 dos. he rumen. saru•y. File Chiet..1(000 J. W. Lawler, salary, Committee 1W 00 Clerk Jas. Boyce, salary, City Engineer166 65 E. Anderson, salary, Assistant En- gineer 100 00 F. Neuwoehner, salary, Rodman 60 00 E. Herron. silery. superintendent of Street Sprinkling 60 W Wm. Hipman, salary, Electrician83 35 H. Tropf, salary, Marketmaster50 00 P. Ryan, salary, Park Custodian40 00 P. Kien, salary, Park Custodian40 00 T. Faherty, salary, Park Custodian10 00 Dr. B. F. Michel, salary, Health Of- ficer 50 00 F. Flynn, salary, Sanitary Patrol- man 60 00 N. Offerman, salary, Poundmaster40 00 Mrs. H. Koenig, salary, Janitress20 00 A. Crawford, salary, Sidewalk In- spector H. A. Moyes. salary. Wharfmaster M. Clancy, salary, Alderman H. Corrance, salary, Alderman E. E. Frith, salary, Alderman J. L. Horr, salary, Alderman R. Jones, salary. Alderman G. N. Raymond, salary, Alderman J. J. Sheridan, salary, Alderman M. Eitel, fireman J. Essman. fireman A. Duccini, fireman J. Flynn. fireman J. Jtoshin, fireman J. '.i'schudi. fireman A. Heer. fireman J. Schonherger, fireman J. Daley, flreman J. Barnes, flreman T. Ryder, fireman G. Beyer, fireman W. Ducey, fireman F. Murphy. fireman P. Ahern, fireman M. Kelley, fireman D. Ahern, fireman A. McDonnell, fireman T. Flynn, fireman J. Murphy, fireman P. Zillig, fireman H. Cain, fireman M. Sweeney, fireman N, Wagner, fireman J. Benzer, fireman T. O'Meara, fireman J. McLaughlin. fireman 50 00 G. Gherki, fireman 65 00 T. Kennedy, fireman 60 Co F. Baumgartner, fireman • 50 00 J. Smith, fireman 50 00 C. Kannalt, fireman 65 0e J. Allen. fireman 61. to M. Fahey, fireman 50 00 Wm. O'Connell, fireman 50 00 R. Welton, fireman 66 W F. Kenneally, fireman 60 40 E. McDermott, fireman 50 00 Wm, McClain, fireman 50 00 G. Burkel. police :A r .1. C+irter. 1:o:ice 54 ir, J. Chine. pollee .1 cJ W. Cook, police 53 30 W. Corcoran, police 50 (0 0 (•0 67 20 55. Criugh. T„policeII. Donlon. '•oliee 50 00 J. Fitzpatrick. police Jas. Flynn. pollee50 (0 Wm. Frith. police 50 t0 5105 Theo. Ganalil. ,police B. Gray, police 53 30 50 CO 53 30 Pat. Hanlon. .vo:ice 50 CO E. Kahn, ?,Dike M. Kitty. police Jno. Loetscher. police 50 C0 P. McCollins. pollee 51000 P. McInerney, police 50 00 Jno. Moore. police 60 ('0 Jno. Murphy. police 50 00 D. Norton, police 50 W M. O'Connor, police 54 93 Jno. Raesli, police 65 Obi Otto Rath, police 50 (N' T. Reilly, police 65 t"' Jas, Ryan, police 54 `•r P. Scharff, police 50 ("' Al. Schen, police 66 00 P. Sutton, police 50 00 Tom Sweeney, police 60 0 M. Stapleton, police 60 ,•' P. Sullivan, police 50 Co Jno. I,. Sullivan, police 50 00 L. Zeidman, police 50 00 Mrs. Kate Hibbe, matron 30 00 Miss L. Brennan, matron 30 00 Al. Moyer, special police 1155 50 00 Labor on Streets for the last half of 20 00 August, 1903: 25 00 A. Alderson, labor 10 8O 25 00 E. Amanda, •labor 4 75 25 00 :John Burns, labor 15 55 25 00 Jos. Brouillette, labor 6 45 25 00 Paul Becker, labor 15 55 25 00 D. J. Brightbill. labor 9 15 25 00 C. Buddien, labor 11 30 65 00 F. Budde, labor 4 40 75 00 Jos. Brown, labor 17 55 60 00 Mike Cain, labor 5 40 65 00 W. Coughlan, labor 10 80 60 W John Corbett, labor 6 75 50 00 H. Cobb. labor 17 55 50 00 Jas. Connolly, labor 17 55 50 00 Jas. Callahan, foreman 20 00 65 00 H. Cosgrove, driver 20 (0 76 00 M. Donegan, labor 8 SO 60 00 John Egan, labor 15 90 65 00 Mike Farrell, labor 3 40 60 00 Geo. Frost, foreman 20 00 50 00 John Flynn, labor 8 10 50 00 Pat Fenelon, labor 17 55 50 00 Nelson Frith, stoker 25 00 65 00 Barney Glass, labor 10 80 67 60 Pat Gilloon, labor 10 50 65 00 Henry Galle, labor 10 50 50 JO C. Greunzig, labor 12 85 50 00 Jos. Grab, labor 12 85 50 00 C. Gantenhein, foreman 20 00 50 00 Thos. Hackney, labor 8 10 50 00 Geo. J. Hahn, foreman 20 00 50 00 Amb. Hird, labor 6 10 50 00 Aug. Hafeman, labor 4 05 List of Warrants 275 John Heil, carpenter 2'I 10 Peter Jacob, labor N. Kettenhofen, labor 7 10 Marlin Lonergan, labor 100 0580 H. Lembke, labor L. Loffoelholz, labor 17 55 Bob. Love, bricklayer 18 73 Rob. Mack, labor 810 Jos. Martinek, labor 12 85 Pat McMullin, labor 6 7' W. McDermott, labor 44 75 05 B. McCormack, labor 4 75 W. O'Brien, foreman 2 5 00 C. Ode, labor 40 1545 James Purcell, labor John Pfeiffer, bricklayer 19 50 W. Quinlan, labor 1590 10 50 James Ryan, labor50 Fred Remus, labor 11510 00 Jos. Rooney, driver 3 75 James Straney, labor 6 75 Tony Schmidt, labor 675 John Schroeder, labor 4 40 Jos. Statel, labor John Sloan, labor.... 3 40 14 40 Louis Smith, labor 17 55 F. Scherr, labor 17 55 James Straney, labor 05 R. Turner, labor 4 W. Welsh, labor 12 5 \V. R-earmouth, foreman 20 0 5 00 Jos. Wieland, labor 11 85 5 85 'Choc. \'nuna, Fnglneer 7 20 H. Bischop, team.. 6 30 J. Berwanger. team 6 00 John Calvert, team contract 39 M. Gantenbein, team 14 14 40 Mike Hannan, team 38 00 J. Haudenshield, team 37 90 John Huffmire, team contract 7 20 P. Linehan, team 2 70 J. Long, team 27 90 Frank Mathis, team 00 4 John McCollins, team 3 47 80 Jeff McGrath, team 19 80 Dennis O'Meara, team 10 80 George Reynolds, team 14 40 Ed. Seeley, team 37 80 James Tobin, labor Labor on Sewers during the last half of August, 1903: 20 P. Casserly. labor g 0 John Corcoran, labor 252 R. T. Eddy, foreman 20 R. A. Fuller, labor 20 F. Hohnecker, labor 20 P. Kenneally, labor 20 P. Sage, labor Landon Taylor, labor 20 Wagons 20 Teams hauling Sprinkling Wag du ing the last half of August, 1903: $ 38 Becker Bros 36 T. B. Cain 36 A. Conrad 39 J. H. Keefe 40 John Linehan Martin Maher .......•.... 36 Dan Melloy 38 J. J. McCollins 38 McElrath Teaming Co G. Grnehle, collecting delinquent 4 taxes H. Tr•opf, board of prisoners for Aug 1 T. E. Frith, removing garbage and dead animals '.... 38 Jno. Bohn, inspector on Bee Branch a sewer Remington Typewriter Co., 1 coupon book for ribbons M. H. Hardie, letter heads for May- or's office Palmer, Berg & Co., blank books and 8 stationery for various offices .. • • • .Dub. Rubber & Belting Co., 1 num- bering machine for Treasurer's of - Cite Little, Becker & Co., mantels and supplies for City Hall and Fire Department L. Telford. looking up mortgages.... Ott. Meurer & Co., lumber at City Hall \V. W. Whelan, grinding lawn mow- ers for parks C. F. Ris & Bros.. hardware City Hall and repairs for Fire Dept Key City Gag Co.. gas for various clepalaments Kcy City Gas Co., rental of gas arcs at Centr'il Engine House and Ar- mory La Shanz & Co.. catching clogs 4 00 Pape & Jacquinot, ptpayment for fit- ting up two water closets in City Hall Jno. Butt. repairs tot road and 13 9u sewer departments F. Schloz & Son, repairs for roan 3 20 and sewer departments A. B. Brown, repairs for road and sewer departments 3 25 J. Duggan. repairs for roaa dept5 20 Ellwanger Bros., repairing harness for road and fire depts 12 40 Rumpf. Frudden Lumber Co., lum- ber for road and special sidewalk depts 55 55 A Sieg, rock furnished for road dept18 70 G. W. Healey & Son, new tools for 6 50 road department Hussmann & Lies, hardware for road 21 15 partment Duggan & Cota, hardware for road department 39 55 Key City Rooting Co., cement for road department 11 25 Lear & Kennedy, horse shoeing for 12 RO road and fire departments 5 25 P. Clancy, cinders for road dept McElrath Teaming Co., sand for road 29 50 department McElrath Teaming Co., use of horse 55 5o for carpenter wagon Smedley Steam Pump Co., manhole covers and rims for road and Bee 18 00 80 Branch departments 80 Phil Pier, coal for steam road roller. 65 35 00 E. J. Voggcnthaler Co., repairs on 10 50 80 road roller Co belting 80 Dub. Rubber & Belting1 15 80 for road roller 80 Kannolt & Powers, horse shoeing for 18 00 80 fire department r- Heller & Scherr, horse shoeing for 4 UO fire department • • • • • • • • "' "' 00 Lagen & Sullivan, horse shoeing for 13 00 40 fire department Wie... ..... horse 40 Wunderlich & 7 00 20 shoeing for fire department 80 \V. H. Torbert, drugs and supplies 15 25 40 for fire department 40 F. Mertz. repairs for fire department 4 00 40 H. J. Hagerty. veterinary yvices 23 t0 80 for fire and police Standard Oil Co., oil for fire dept33 000 0 20 Key City Gas Co.. coke for tire de.. 35 3 00 partment •••• ••• .."...for fire Ott. Meuser & Co.. shavings Co., 7 00 9 50 department ..... .... ... ........ Star Electric CI. fire alarm box.. 110 50 0 00 Klauer Mfg. Co., repairs for tire 50 department 7 00 Lally & Geissler, repairs Tor fire de- 75 partment 5 25 E. J. Voggenthaler Co.. repairs for 41 °5 fire department . • • • . • . .. 2 25 Carr, Ryder & Adams Co.. reglazing 390 at Central Engine House ............ A. Gasser, brick for Grandview Ave - 10 35 9 15 200 13 05 5 GO 265 7390 50 63 00 36 it* 276 List of Warrants 2 55 nue Engine House Linehan & Molo, supplies for fire 35 department Dubuque Cabinet Makers' Assn., one- half dozen policemen's billies 4 i0 Ellwanger Bros., repairing harness DO for police department Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies for ma- tron department Dub. Rubber & Belting Co., 500 feet of hose ard couplings for sewer 227 .O department Dub. Rubber & Belting Co., 1 hose 50 00 wagon for sewer department Dub. Rubber & Belting Co., 30 feet of 6 hose for garbage dump 60 Globe -Journal, official printing for 60 00 August The Times, official printing for Au- gust 00 National Demokrat, official printing 25 00 for August Telegraph -Herald. official printing 100 for July and August 00 Union Electric Co., arc lights for2045 77 August P. Eishach, estimate on Bee Branch 821 98 sewer Iowa Iron Works, grates and frames for 15th and 16th streets storm sewers 55 45) P, J. Seippel, lumber for sidewalk 1100 department O'Farrell & Street, grading Raymond Place 363 12 M. Dunnigan, macadam 8 75 Jos. Heck, macadam 32 30 C. Reilly, macadam 48 60 A. Sieg, macadam 62 90 G. A. Barnes, City Attorney, per- sonal damages in suit of Anna Bertsch vs. City 140 00 Iowa Telephone Co., telephone ser- vice for various departments 32 00 G. Ragatz & Son, repairs on Steam Roller 41 55 Becker Bros., hauling brick to Grandview Ave. Engine house16 40 H. Brinkman, Excavation Permits redeemed 95 00 H. Brinkman, Interest on Warrants outstanding 1178 42 H. Brinkman, Freight charges for Brick, Fire 31 58 H. Brinkman, demurrage on above car, fire 200 H. Brinkman, New York Exchange— expense 7 15 H. Brinkman, Library Orders paid622 55 H. Brinkman, loan $12,400.00 Labor on streets during the first half of September, 1903: A. Alderson, labor E. Amanda, labor Jos, Brouillette, labor Paul Becker Fred Budde, labor John Brachtenback, labor Chas. Busse, labor Jos. Brown, labor W. Coughlan, labor John Corbett, labor H. Cobb, labor Jas. Connolly, labor Jas. Calahan, foreman H. Cosgrove, driver John Dougherty, labor Thos Donahue, labor M. Donegan, labor John Egan, labor John Engels, labor Mike Farrell, labor Geo. Frost, foreman John Flynn, labor P. Fenelon, labor 2 70 4 25 1 35 15 20 6 10 6 10 5 95 16 20 7 46 11 50 16 20 16 20 20 00 20 CO 6 45 2 70 1 25 13 60 540 6 10 20 00 2 70 16 20 Pat Gilloon, labor 5 40 Barney Glass, labor 5 40 Henry Galle, labor 2 70 C. Gruenzig, labor 340 Jos, Grab, labor 8'w Thos. Hackney, labor 7 80 Jake Hanson, mason 9 65 G. Hecklinger, labor 1015 Geo. J. Hahn, foreman 20 00 Amb. Bird, labor 8 80 Aug. Hale:nau. labor 8 05 John Heil. carpenter 22 50 Peter Jacob, labor 810 Aug. Jass, labor 2 70 Nic. Kettenhofen, labor 7 10 John Kelly. labor 9 '5 Paul lirocheski, labor 5 40 J. luau,. labor 8 10 Mike Lavin, labor 13 85 Martin Lonergan, labor 1115 F. Lassente, labor ll 75 Herman Lembke, labor 2 05 L. Loi'felholz, labor 810 Bob Love, labor 1• " Rob. Mack, labor - Nat. Mahe. labor Jos. Martlnek, labor A. Manderscheid, labor P. McMullen. labor tt 1" W. McDermott. labor 0 1" W. ('Brien. foreman Chris. Glide. labor Jas. Power labor 7 James Purcell. Libor 010 John Par!: r. labor J '0 J. Pfeiffer, labor 9 75 W. Quinlan. labor 4 C5 James Ryan. labor 15 51 Jos. Rooney, driver James Straney, labor John Schroeder, labor 1 John Sloan. labor 0 75 Jos. Statel. labor 810 Aug. Soyke. labor 1015 Louis Smith. labor 1 35 F. Scherr. labor 10 20 James Straney. labor 17 51 W. Welsh, labor 1115 W. Wearmouth, foreman 20 00 Geo. Zumhof, foreman 18 00 Becker Bros, team 3 20 Josh Calvert, team contract 39 00 M. Gantenbein, team 39 20 Mike Hannan, team 3 60 J. Haudenshield, team 28 40 J. Huffmire, team contract 37 90 James Keefe, team 7 20 Pat Linehan, team 25 20 Frank Mathis, team 10 80 J. J. McCollins, team 30 00 Jeff. McGrath, team 27 90 Geo. Reynolds, team 33 40 E. Seeley, team 3160 James Tobin, team 33 30 J. Williams, team 6 40 Labor on Sewers during the first half of September, 1903: P. Casserly, labor $ 17 60 John Corcoran, labor 1920 R. T. Eddy, foreman 25 00 R. A. Fuller, labor 19 20 F. Hohnecker, labor 19 20 P. Kenneally, labor 19 20 P. Sage, labor 17 60 Landon Taylor, labor 19 20 Teams hauling sprinkling wagons dur- ing the first half of September, 1903: Becker Bros 20 00 T. B. Cain 17 20 A. Conrad 20 00 J. H. Keefe 21 60 J. Linehan 20 80 Martin Maher 2120 Dan Melloy 20 40 J. J. McCollins 2160 Official Notices. 277 McElrath Teaming Co 20 00 Grading Seventh Avenue during the first half of September, 1903: $ 1 35 Fred Budde 7 35 C. Buddien 10 80 J. Berwanger 20 00 C. Gantenbein 00 A. Henderson 7 705 Louis Korn 42 05 John Miller 3 05 J. Pfohl 8 25 J. Pfeiffer 80 10 Geo. Sears 0 H. Bischof 3021 00 J. Berwanger 0 00 A. Paley 213 80 M. Zogg Pape & Jacquinot, plumbing at City 7 Hall 45 Mullin & Papin, plumbing at City 8 36 Hall ••' Wrn. Foster, inspector on sanitary sewer in alley between Elm and Pine from 16th to 17th streets 13 55 C. H. Berg. Mayor, witness fees in cases of Cath. Sheridan vs. City, Florence Farrell vs. City and 52 20 Thos. Considine vs. City I hereby certify that the foregoing is a by trueand dduring correct the monthof all o f r Sissued September, 1903. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Passed by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, October 15th, 1903. C. F. ARENDT, 10-28-1t City Recorder. NOTICE OF THE CITY t_ t•NCIL'S INTENTION TO IMPROV E NAPIER STREET, FROM CLIFFORD STREET TO THE EAST LINE OF LOT 150, MECHANICS' ADDITION. To Whom It May Concern: You and each of you ate hereby notlli p•d that it is the intention of the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque to improve Napier Street, from Clifford Street to the east line of Lot 130, Mechanics' Add. That a plat and specifications of said proposed improvement is now cn tile In the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require new curbstone set. 696.5 lineal feet; guttering, 4.9.4 square yards; macadarnl.dcg, 580.6 square yards; making a total estimates cost to the abutting property owners of 8822.27. Any person having objection to said impro✓eme,'t is hereby otifled to appear before the City Council at Its regular ses- sion to be held October 15th, 1903, or to tile with the City Recorder their objec- tions in writing on or before October lath, 1903. Dated this 7th day of October. 1903. C. F. ARENDT. City Recorder. SIDEWALK NOTICES. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk four (4) feet wide, of good brick or cement, be, within and (10) In confros of this ity withetheonstructed ordinance In relation to sidewalks, on the south side of Langworthy Avenue, between Hill Street and Alpine Street, abutting lots 3, 4. 5 and 6 of Sub. 2 and 3, Mrs. L. H. Langworthy's Add., owned by Ada L. Col- lier, at the expense of abutting property. Also, That a Sidewalk four (4) feet wide, of good brick or cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in sidewalksrelation to os LangworthyAvenue betweenHill Street and Alpine Street, abutting lot 10, Julie L. Langworthy's Add., owned by oF. L. Poole, at the expense of abutting propertY. Also, That a Sidewalk four (4) feet wide, of good brick or cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of betweenLangworthy Avenue t and Alpine Str et abuttt glot 9, JulliaeL. Langworthy's Add., owned by Mary L. Bunting, at the expense of abutting prop- erty. Also, That a Sidewalk four (4) feet wi be, withinf good brick or cement, n (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of Langworthy Avenue, between Hill Street and Alpine Street, abutting lot 11, Julia L. Langworthy's Julia Langworthy, the expense of abut- ting property. Also, That a Sidewalk four (4) feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick or cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice, constructed ordinancenin relation tod laid in conformity i th sidewalks, theon the south side of St. Joseph Street, be- tween Fremont Avenue5 andaStetmore 4,Marlon Donovan, Street, abutting lots 3, Bab - cock's Sub., owned by property. at the expense of abutting Pro P 10-7-8t NOTICE TC SIDEWA K CONT RAC - Dubuque, Ia., October 7th, 1903. Sealed proposals will be received at the City Engineer's Office, City ysd f Dubuque, Iowa, up to 4 p. m. 15th, 1903, for constructing sidewalk as follows where not already laid: Twelve feet wide, of cement, on the east side of Main street, between Fifth street and Sixth street, abutting South 3i feet of City Lot 18. Four feet wide, of brick, on the south side cf Kaufman avenue, between Kleine street and Hemstead street, abutting Lot 2 of Sub. 138-140 and 142, L. H. Lang - worthy's Add. Six feet wide, of brick, on the east side of Lincoln avenue, between Windsor ave- nue and Stafford avenue, abutting south 18.4 feet of Lot 43, and all of Lot 44, Cook's Add. All in accordance with specifications on file in said office. A certified check of 10 per cent. of total will be required with hid. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. ADAM Sidewalk Inspector. 10-7 5t HOIRSES WANTED. It is the intention of the Firet1Comrmit- tee of the City of Dubuque, 3 or more horses suitable havor the'oF r. -t Department. Any 1 " suitable for that purpose, will present the same at theO 9th 14th` 1903, et naine0 a0U . Wednesday. , n where axaminee andmputee chase the sameJe. in . C. F. ARENDT. E DT. City 10-7-8t. --------- NOTICE TO HAY AND GRAIN DEALERS. Sealed proposals will be received at r..y 7 278 Official Notices. office up to 7:30 o'clock p. m.. Oct. 15th, 190.3. to finnnlsh the fire, police and Street deartmef nulmber tone nts coatseandcity number Dubuque ne with othv hay tor the term of one year from November 1st, 1903. Such oats and hay to be delivered In such quantities and at such places as rn,ay 1..e eyelet ed by the city from time to time All hay and oats to be weighed on the city scales at the .itv hall and delivered at the expense of the contract- or. 'l'he oats to be figured at 35 pounds to the bushel. Each bid must be accompanied p some wit th a certified check tor $2'• c buque bunk as 0 guarantee that a con- tract will he entered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject ;ut noel all bide. Dated Dubuque. O C. F. ARENDT, 10-6.9t City Recorder. NOTICE TO COAL AND WOOD DEAL- ERS. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 7:30 o'clock p. m. Thursday, Oct. 15th, 1903, for furnishing the Fire_ and Police Departments of the City of Dubuque. also the City Hall, with coal. coke and wood for the term of one year, beginning November 1st, 1903. Bidders will state the price for No. 1 oak and maple wood, also the price for hard and soft coal and the kind and name of same, also the price and quality of coke. The coal and wood to he delivered in such quantities at such places and time as the city may direct. The coal and coke to he weighed on the city scales at the City Hall and delivered at the expense of the contractor. Each bid must be accompanied with a certified check for $25.000 on some Du- buque bank as a guarantee that a con- tract will be entered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated Oct. 6th, 1903. C. F. ARENDT, 10-6-9t City Recorder. 1:OT rr-_. OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTENTION TO IMPROVE NAPIER STREET FROM CLIFFORD STREET TO EAST LINE OF LOT 130. MECHANIC'S ADD. To Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby notified that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque to improve Napier Street from Clifford Street to the east line of lot 130, Mechanic's Add. That a plat and specifications of said proposed improvement is now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require new curbstone set. 696.5 lineal feet; guttering, 309.4 square yards; macadamizing, 580.6 square yards; making a total estimated cost to the abutting property owners of $822.27. Any person having objection to said Im- provement is hereby notified to appear before the City Council at its regular session to be held October 15th, 1903, or to file with the City Recorder their objec- tions in writing on or before October 15th, 1903. Dated Dubuque, October 5th, 1903. C. F. ARENDT. City Recorder. 10 -5 -lot. NOTICE TO REGISTER CLERKS. All Register Clerks are hereby not.tie;l to Le present at the City Hill (Mayor's office) at 8:00 o'clock p. m.. Tuesday even- ing, Oct. 20, 19f3, for the purpe•e of be't,g sworn in. C. F. ARENDT, 10-19-1t. ('it-Re-nrder. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE GRADE OF BROADWAY EXTENSION FROM GAY TO PU'TNAM STREETS. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That the grade of Broadway Extension. from Gay Street to Putnam Street. be established and described as follows: Beginning at station — 15, end of pres- ent improvement; elevation of west curl, 179.7, elevation of east curb 178.96, thence northerly to station x 52.4. center of Charles Street, elevation west curb 151.0. elevation east curb 180.0, thence to sta- tion 4xb5.5, center of Putnam Street. ele- vation west curb 172.5, elevation east curb 171.5. Section 2. This Ordinance to be in forced and take effect from and after '.ts passage by the City Council and its pub- lication one time in the Dubuque Globe - Journal newspaper. Adopted Oct. 15th, 1903. Approved Oct. '_lst. 1903. Attest: C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Published officially in the Evening Globe -Journal. Oct. 2Gth, 1903. C. F. ARENDT, 30-26-1t City Recorder. AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE GRADE OF WILLOW STREET FROM THE CENTER OF ST. AMBROSE STREET TO 'THE WEST LINE OF MINERAL LOT NO. 179. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That the grade of Willow Street from the center of St. Ambrose Street to the West line cf Mineral Lot No. 179 be established and described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of St. Ambrose Street and Willow Street. which is station 33, elevation 285.0, thence easterly on a curve grade to the West line of the alley first East of St. Am- brose Street, which is station 2x23.5, ele- vaticn 281.5, thence easterly on a curve grade to station 4x75, elevation 268.7 end of curve grade, thence easterly to sta- tion 6x23, elevation 259.5, which is the east line of the alley second east of St. Ambrose Street and the West line of Mineral Lot No. 179. Section 2. This Ordinance to be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its pub - publication one time in the Dubuque Globe -Journal newspaper. Adopted Oct. 1st. 1903. Approved Oct. 5th, 1903. C. H. BERG, Mayor. Attest: C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Published officially in the Evening Globe -Journal Oct. 12th, 1903. C. F. ARENDT, 10-12-1t City Recorder. Official Notices. 270 REGISTRATION NOTICE. Mayor's Office, Dubuque, October 19th, 1903. Notice is hereby given that the regis- ters of election duly appointed to register voters in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, will be in attendance at the places herein be- low metnioned, for the purpose of correct- ing the registry list of names of such elec- tors as may be entitled to vote at this fall election to be held Tuesday, Nov. 3rd, 1903. Said registers will meet at their respec- tive places on Thursday and Friday, Oc- tober 22nd and 23rd, 1903, at 8 o'clock a. m. and be in session until 9 o'clock p. m. of said days. Said registers will thereafter meet on Saturday, October the 31st, 1903, from 8 o'clock a. m. to 9 o'clock p. m. of said day for the purpose of correcting the list and adding thereto such names of voters as may be entitled to vote. Said registers will thereafter meet on Tueday) and be in session ovember rfrom 90 he time 3, (election the poll) polls open until they close, and register only such voters as were absent from the city during the preceding days that the board was in session, also such voters as did not become citizens until Monday or Tuesday, November 2nd and 3rd, 1903. The places of registration In the several wards and precincts of said city are as follows: FIRST WARD. First Precinct—Rafferty's place, No. 311 South Locust street. Second Precinct—Mrs. Lucas' place, No. 1 South LocustSECOND street. WARD. First Precinct—Court house. Second Precinct—Fourth Street Engine House. THIRD WARD. First Precinct—Ninth Street Engine House. Second Precinct—City Hall. Third Precinct—Paten's Place, 1810 Cou- ler avenue. FOURTH WARD. First Precinct—Annex west of Wales hotel. Second Precinct—Western Brewery. Third Precinct—Kenyon's Barber Shop, 146 West Locust CFIFTH street. First Precinct—Sehmidt's brewery, Cou- ler avenue. Muell .•"s Second Precinct—Henry G. place, corner Elm and Eagle Point avenue. Third Precinct—Miss Rose Fengler's place, corner Shiller and Rhomberg ave- nues. Fourth ° lace, Twenty-third and s acksonstreet. corner All qualified voters of`aid d city are at the lao- tified that unless they st general election they must present them- selves at the places and time hereinbefore re mentioned for registration or they illdebarred of the privilege of voting at said election.WIowa, this il9thsdayyof October, haat Dubuque, 10-19-3t C. H. BERG, Mayor. SIDEWALK NOTICES. Resolved by the City Council of the Dubuque:City of elve 12' feetwide, of g od cement be, alk within ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the east side .of Locust street, between Eighth street and Ninth street, abutting lot No' 148. City. owned by Lizzie Connelly. at the ex- pense of abutting property. Also, That a sidewalk twelve 121) feet wide, of good cement. be, within ten (10) days of thi, notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in re- lator n to sidewalks. on the east side of Locust street. between Eighth street and Ninth street. abutting lot No. 147. City. owned by Michael O'Rourke, at the ex- 1,ense of abutting property. Also, That a sidewalk twelve (12) feet wide. of good cement. he. within ten (10) days of this notice. constructed and laid in conft rmity with the ordinance in re- lation to sidewalks. on the west side of Main street, between Eighth street and Ninth street. abutting City Lot 51 and N. 2.2 feet of City Lot 52, owned by Geo. B. Burch Est., at the expense of the abutting property. Also, That a sidewalk twelve 112) feet wide. of gocd cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice. constructed and laid. in conformity with the ordinance in re- lation to sidewalks on the south side of Ninth street, between Main street and Locust street, abutting city lot 51, to the alley, owned by Geo. B. Burch estate, at the expense of abutting property. Also, That a sidewalk four (4) feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick or cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, (01 the west side of Spruce street, between Jefferson street and Julien avenue, abut- ting Lot 2 cf Sub. 43. Farley's Sub , own- ed by E. J. Delaney, at the expense of abutting property. Also, That a sidewalk tour (4) feet wide. of gocd two-inch plank, brick or cement, be, within, ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation o side- walks, on the west side of S, - u estreet, between Jefferson street and Julien ave- nue, abutting N. 96.6 ft., Lot 36, Farley's Sub., owned by M. Ludescher, at the ex- pense cf abutting property. Also, Thato a sidewalk cement, be. witl'+ (1 wwide, g d brick or in ten (10) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on nhetwesouthse of Langworthy avenue, Lot Alpin; street and Nevada street, abutting Mary. L. BuntJulia L. ing, rt attheexpense's Add., W f abued t- tingng property. Also, That a sidewalk four (4) feet wide, of good hr+ck cr cement, be, within ten 00) days of this notice, constructel and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, avenue. on btthe south side f Langtt orthyLot street and Nevada street, abutting 53, Julia L. Langw°the seAdd., o fn d by J. 5, Stephens, a t t - ting property. Passed by the City Council Oct. 1st, 1903. C. F. AItENDT, City Recorder. 10-8-1t. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION, AN ORDINANCE. An Ordinance amending an Ordinance entitled, An Ordinance topro id for Pubilic proving the Streets. Alleys Landings, and for the construction apt and repair of Revised Ordinances, and s of 1901 of 32 of the the City of Dubuque: 280 Official Notices Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That sections 31 and 34 of Chapter XXXII. of the Revised Ordi- nances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque, and being an Ordinance to provide for im- proving the Streets, Alleys and Public Landings, and for the construction and repair of Sidewalks, he and the same are hereby repealed. Section 2. That all Sidewalks hereafter built or laid on any Street, Alley or Ave- nue. shall be laid to the established grade, or if no grade shall have been es tablished, or if the grade has been estab- lished eebeen grad , to sichetemporary y or tt e has ngrade as may he given by the City Engineer, and no material except cement. asphalt or iron shall be used for the surface of Side- walks within the fire limits. and no ma- terial except cement, asphalt, iron or brick shall be used for the surface of sidewalks outside of such limits except as provided in sections three and six hereof. Section 3. Cinderside Sidewalks in used the in the c nsfruciion of manu- facturing district within the fire limits and outside of the fire limits as provided in section six hereof. permission in all cases having been first obtained from the City Council. In the construction of Sidewalks upon the various streets lead- ing to the bluffs in said city, and in the construction of Sidewalks upon any Street upon the bluffs, where cement, as- phalt, iron or brick would not be reason- ably safe owing to the steepness of the grade, the City Council may order the use of such other material as it deems hest adapted for such locations, but no Sidewalk shall he constructed of any material other than cement, asphalt. iron or brick without permission having been first obtained therefor from the City Cour- ell; and no person shall build or lay any Sidewalk upon any Street leading to the bluffs in said city without such permis . sion, unless ordered so to do by the City Council. Sidewalks hereafter constructed of brick shall he made of good. substan- tial hard brick, and shall he laid on a bed of sand at least four inches thick, even at the top. to he range work, with close joints, full width of Sidewalk. And whenever the City Council deems it advis- able to order a Sidewalk constructed of plank upon any of the Streets leading to the bluffs or upon any Street upon the bluffs where cement, asphalt, iron or brick would not he reasonably safe, owing to the steepness of the grade, the same shall he constructed of good two-inch plank sur- faced on one side, with not less than three stringers for a Sidewalk four feet wide. and on Sidewalks more than four feet wide a stringer for every two feet of width. The stringers to be not less than three and three-quarter inches square. laid lengthwise cf the walk; the stringers on the outside and inside to be laid within one inch from the end of the plank, and all planks to be laid crosswise of the walk. When Sidewalks are constructed of cin- ders under the provisions of this Ordi- nance, the earth shall be excavated to a depth not less than twelve inches and filled with screened cinders, thoroughly tamped, and when constructed within the fire limits the same to be brought to grade, the surface to be dressed down from the side nearest the lot line with a fall of not more than one and one-half inches from the inside cf the same to the outside on Sidewalks four feet wide, and on Sidewalks six feet wide a fall of two Inches from the inside to the outside of the same, and when completed the outside to correspond with the grade. All cinder walks whencompleted to present a smooth and level surface. Section 4. Any peroon desiring to lay a Sidewalk in said city of any material oth- er than cement. asphalt, iron or brick, shall file a petition with the City Council setting forth a description of the lot or lots in front of which said Sidewalk is proposed to be constructed; the name of the Street where located, and the kind of material proposed to be used in the con- struction of the same. The Council shall investigate the location and shall refuse to permit the same to he laid, unless it appears to the Council that the material proposed to be used is better adapted or the construction of the same, owing to the steepness of the grade of the Street on which the same is located. than the material mentioned in section two hereof. The Council may substitute such other material as it may deem proper and or- der such Sidewalk to be constructed ac- cordingly. Section 5. Any Sidewalk hereafter con- structed contrary to the provisions of this Ordinance, shall be condemned by the Sidewalk Inspector who shall report all such cases to the City Council, and the Council shall by resolution order such Sidewalk removed and order the construc- tion of a Sidewalk of suitable material, according to the requirements of this Or- dinance. The Sidewalk Inspector shall immediately notify the owner or agent of the property abutting said walk of the action of the Council. in the same manner provided by this chapter as amended, for repairing sidewalks, and if the owner, agent or person having charge of th same. neglects or refuses to build said Sidewalk for ten days shall bafter ee built by rvice of said notice. the e the city and the cost thereof levied against the abutting property as in cases of other special assessments. Section 6. All Sidewalks shall be laid subject to the supervision and direction of the City Engineer and Sidewalk Inspector, according to the plans and spbcifications to be furnished by said City Engineer. where the same is not provided for in thea Ordinance; anc, all expenses of paving and laying of any Sidewalk shall be borne by the owners of the lots abutting the same. Provided, that Sidewalks laid to tempor- ary grade may he constructed of cinders. permission having been first obtained therefor from the City Council. Section 7. Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter, or failing to comply with any of the requirements thereof, shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, and shall be im• prisoned until such fine and ccsts are paid. not exceeding thirty days. Section 8. This Ordinance to be in force and take effect on ar:d after its passage and publication one time in the Dubuque Daily Globe -Journal newspaper. Adopted September 17th, 193. Approved September 22nd, 1903. C. H. BERG, Mayor. Attest: C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Published officially in the Evening Globe -Journal September 29th, 1903. C. F. ARENDT. 9-29-1t City Recorder. Official Notices. 281 LEGAL. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To All Who Are Named Below: You are hereby notified that in accordance with an ordinance of the City of Du- buque for repairing sidewalks in the month of September, 1903, that a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof, at the C Councilext uponallar lots end pareting - cels City bysyou,land beng subjectimprovement, such special as- sessment.owned And you are notified to ap- pear at said meeting of the Council to be held on the 5th day of November, A. D., 1903, and show cause, if any you have, why said assessment shook: not be levied. 1903. Owner. Description. Sept, 1-F. D. and J. H. Stout. City C09 and Sue City 509a, lot 2, 52 ft. lumber, $1.05; 1 1-2 hours labor, 75c 1 80 Sept. 1 -Wm. Lawther and J. V. Rider, Burden-Lawther Add., lot 17, 17 ft. lumber. 35c; 3-4 hour la- bor,75 40c Sept. 1--F. H. Duersch, Burden-Law- ther Add., lot 121. 27 ft. lumber, 55c; 3-4 hour labor. 40c Sept. 1-F. H. and R. Holland, Bur- den-Lawther Add., lot 84, 10 ft. lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 45 Sept. 1-Nic Engle, Windsor Ave. Sun., lots 3-4. 12 ft. lumber, 25c; 1-2 51) hoar labor, 25c Sept. 2 -Cath. Carmody, East Du- oLnue Add.. E. 1-2 lot 51, 53 ft. lumber, $1.05; 1 hour labor. 50e 1 55 Sept. 2-C. H. Eighmey, trustee. City lots 669-570, 293 ft. lumber, $5.85; 2 6 83 hours labor, $1.00 Sept. 4-N. J. Loes, Cook's Add., lot 32. 20 ft. lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour la- bel.. '25e Sept. 4 -John J. Ream City lots 697- 726. 104 ft. !umber, $2.10, 1 hour la- 2 la- bor, 50c.. 60 Sept. 4_i\ erey Hospital, Mineral lot 66, 8 ft. lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, tic Sept. 4 -Ellen O'Halleron, Finley's Add., lots 13-14, 8 ft. lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c Sept. 4. -Sarah Mahoney. Sub. Min. lot 193, lot 1. 7 ft. lumber, hour labor, 25c Jno. F. V. White, Glendale Add, lot 7, 10 ft. lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Sept. 4-H. P. and N. W. Kimball, Davis Farm Add., lot 337, 16 ft. lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c Sept. 4 -Math. Riede, Glendale Add., lot 1, 10 ft. lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c West'sSept, 4-R. H. Thompson, Add., lot 13, 16 ft. lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Sept. 4 -Agatha Heim, Humboldt Add., lots 14-15, It ft. lumber, 30c; 1-2 hours labor, 25c. • • • • "' O'Neill'. Sept. 9-A. J. Van Duzee, Sub. No. 2, lot 23, 10 ft. lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Sept. 9 -Wm. T. Roehl, Finley Home Add., lot 21, 10 ft. lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c . Sept. 9 -Mary Quinlivan, O'Nelll's Sub. No. 2, lot 19, 5 ft. lumber, 1-2 hour labor, 25c . • • • "". Sept. 9 -Wm. Lawther, S. M. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 13, 5 ft. lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 5c...... • • ""' . Sept. 9 -German Presbyterian Col- lum- lege, Sub. 90c1111 h 675,, 45 95 65 40 40 40 45 55 Sept. 10-Jno. Trueb Est., Trueb's Sub., lot 1, 33 ft. innlher. Ole; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Sept. 9 -Jas. Powers, O' N eill's Riverview, lot 82, 43 ft. lumber, O5c; 1 nour labor, 50e Sept. 10 -Eliza A, and Geo. A. Bur- den, Burclen-Lawther'. Add., lot 5, 19 ft. lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Sept. 10 -Eliza A. and Geo. A. Bur- den, Burden-Lawther's Add.. lot 6, a ft. lumber, l0c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Sept. i1 -\WG. Cox, t'ox's Add., lot 73, 7 ft. lumber, 15c; 1-' hour la- bor, 25c Sept. 11 -Mary Zoller, Cox's Add, lot 77, 12 ft. lumber, 25c Sept. 11 -Barbara Flick. Cox's Add, lots 78-79, 40 ft. lumber. SOc; 3-4 hour lal;or, 411, Sept. 11 -Kat^ Lualicck, Cox's Add, E. 21 ft. lot 22, 5v ft. lumber, $1.15; 1 hr ur labor, 51 ,C Sept. 11-J. J. Lundb ck, Mechanics' Add., S. 100 ft. lot 169. 30 ft. lum- ber, GOc: 1-2 hour labor. 25c Sept. 11-C. B. Schorr, trustee, Voelker's Add., lot 3, 7 ft. lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Sept. 12-R. Bonson Est., S. M Langworthy'. Add., lots 9-10, 20 fl. lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Sept. 12-H. G. Torbert, S. M. Lang - worthy's Add., S. 26.6 ft., lot 6, 7 ft. lumber, 15e; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Sept. 12-J. F. Farley, Sub. 14 and 15, Bush's Sub., lot 3, 30 ft. lumber, 60c; 1-2 hour labor 25c Sept. 12 -Jas. Beach & Sons, City, lot 582, 5 ft. lumber, 10e; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Sept. 12-A. A. Cooper, Sub. Out Lot 700, parts 691 and 721, lot 10, 12 ft. lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Sept. 12-A. W. Kemler Est., Mc- Coy's Sub., lot 1, 40 ft. lumber, 80c; 1 20 3-4 hour labor, 40c Sept. 12-J. A. Rhomberg, Corriell's Sub., lots 332 Sept. 14 -Henry C. Becker, A. lumber, 65 ' Add., lot 7, 74 ft. lumber, $1.50; 1 2 00 hour labor. 50c Sept. 14 -Dubuque Malting Co., L H. Langworthy'. Add., lot 8a, 50 ft. lumber, $1.00; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 1 25 Sept. 14-Louisia Schunk, Davis Farm Add., lot 287, 88 ft. lumber, 2 25 $1.75; 1 hour labor, 50c Sept. 4-11alome Add-., Bechtel, 22-23,, 44ft. lumb r 1 15 90c; 1-2 hour labor 25c Sept. 4 -11 -Schneider & Kleih, Sub. 5 and 7 and W. 7.1 ft. of 9, Wick's Add., lot 1, 10 ft. lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Central Sept. 15 -John TredwaY. Add., lot 2, 5 ft. lumber, 10e; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Min. Sept. 15-E. M. Kringle, Sub. 7, Lot 79, lot 6, 54 ft. lumbor, $1.10; 185 1 1-2 hours labor, 7 Sullivan, Wilson's Sept. 15-J. M. Sub., lot 19, 26 ft. lumber, 50c; 1 Sub., lot 1 UU qg hour labor, 50c. • • •" Sept. 15-A. F. Bany, Bell's1-2 hSr labor, 4, 12 ft. lumber, 25c; 15-Jno.60 33 25c• • ". Olinger,'' Boulevard Sept. 23 ft. lumber, 45c; 1-2 Add., lot 46, hour labor, '-5c•' Altman, Sub. 239, Sept.Kiene Davis•s Farm hour"labor, 25ct. lum- ber, lOc; c; 45 55 55 45 90 1 35 65 35 40 26 1 £0 1 65 85 4'0 65 40 85 35 50 45 35 35 1 40 70 35 28') Official Notices. Sept. I ark lot15-A52, tf .lumber,,"dlawn 85c; 1 hour labor. 50c 135 Sept. 15-C. A. Voelker, Woodlawn Park, lots, 53, 54, 55, 30 ft. lumber, 85 60c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Sept. 15-\N. H. Doane, Oakland Park, lot 6, 10 ft. lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Sept. 16 -Mary Coulter, Gray's Sub. lot 6, 44 ft. lumber, 90c; 1 hour 14U labor, 50c Sept. 16 -Maria Schwind, Sub. 5, Riley's Sub., lot 2, G ft. lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor. 20c 85 Sept. 16 -John Dowling, Lawrence's Dubuque, lots 9-10, 13 ft. lumber, 50 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Sept. 16 -Albert C. Deckert, Levens Add., lot 29, 4 ft. lumoer, 10c; 1.2 hour labor, 25c Sept. 16-S. Gilmore. Levens Add., lot 30, 7 ft. ]umber, 1a.:; 1-2 hoe -- labor, 25c 40 Sept. 16 -Alice (Goldthorpe, Sub. Cit3, 741, lot 3, 10 ft. lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Sept. 16-C. E. Wales, Prospect Hill, lot 26, 12 ft. lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour 50 labor, 25c Sept. 16-P. J. Early, Prospect Hill, lot 27, 19 ft. lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 03 Sept. 16 -Mrs. J. V. Bowers, Kiene & Blocklinger's Sub., N. 75 ft. lots 1, 2, 3, 14 ft. lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 55 Sept. 16-Jno. H. Kleine, Sub. 5, Summit St. Add., lot 1, 50 ft. lum- ber, $1.00; 3-4 hour labor, 40c 1 9U Sept. 17 -Catholic University of Washington et al., Levens' Add lot 1, 8 ft. lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour 4U labor, 25c.... Sept. 17-T. Kavanaugh Est., Sub Min. Lot 22, lot 4, 19 ft. lumber, 40c; 3-4 hour labor, 40c 80 Sept. 17-J U. P.ho:nLerg and G. S. 1• i'lo;:. ;:Vise hill :Add.. lots 1 to 1'' iu, ;i; i : ; loather, 53.00; 1 1-2 hour, ; iL a.77, 3 75 Sept. 17-Wiii. 11innrn_• r. Sub. City Lot 724. to, , ..7 :, ••. lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour Sept. 17 --A. „1" r. Sub. City Lot etc . I is 19 " . S feet lum- 1 er. 1".,•; 1-: li,,ur l:tbor, 25c Sept. 17 -\\ ; uc rs & Dennis. Sub. City 1. .4 . bit 4, e feet lumber, 15e; 1-2 bo- labor, 25c Sept. 1•-- Ni Kauffman, Sub. City lut 2, 10 feet lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour Lcb.n•, 25c Sept. 14. Simplot, Mineral Lot . 1„ fe.'t lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour lal,or, 25c Sept. is -E. Smith, A. McDaniel's Sub., lot 782, 40 feet lumber, 80c; 3-4 hour labor, 40c Sept. 19 -Gilbert Perry Est.. Nairn's Add., lot 19, 20, 21, 22. 17 feet lum- ber, 35c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c Sept. 19-Jno. .L. Buettell Est, Nairn's Add., lot 14. 12 feet lum- ber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Sept. 19-Jno. L. Buettell Est, Nairn's Add.. lot 1, 29 feet lum- ber, 60c; 3-4 hour labor. 40c Sept. 19 -Emma E. Meyer, S. M. Langworthy's Add., lots 49, 50, 27 feet. lumber, 55c; 1-2 hour labor, 21c -Sept. 19-E. Langworthy Est., Paul- ine Langworthy's Add., lot 5, 12 feet lumber, $1.45; 1 hour labor, 50c .... 46 35 aq ;1 0 40 40 45 55 1 20 60 60 1 00 80 1 95 Sept. 21 -Patrick Fox Es.., Union Add., E. 1-2 lot 49, 22 feet lumber, 45c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 70 Sept 21-W. A. Irwin, Union Add, W. 1-2 lot 49, 36 feet lumber, 70c; 1-2 hour labor. 25e 95 Sept. 21 -Ed. Conlin. Union Add., S 165 feet, lot 191. 7 feet lumber. 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 40 Sept. 21-Jno. McQuillan. Union Add.. lot 188, 50 feet lumber. $1.00; 1 hour labor. 50c 1 50 Sept. 21-C. G. and C. H. Meyer, Union Add.. lot 181. 29 feet lum- ber. roc; 3-4 hour labor, 4Cc 1 00 Sept. 19-1'at. Moran. Union Add lot 180. 15 feet lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 55 Sept. 21 -Al. Mathews, Sub. City Lot 728. lot 6. 20 feet lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c 65 Sept. 21-F. Hemmer, Glendale Add, lot 50, 5 feet lumber, ltc; 1-2 hour labor. 25c 35 Sept. 21--Hissette Eisencger, Glen- dale Add., lot 31, 5 feet lumber, 10c; l-2 hour labor. 25c 35 Sept. 221 -Wm. Haggerty, Glendale Add.. lot 34. 7 feet lumber, 15c; 1-2 ',tour labor. 25c 40 Sept. 21 -Geo. f . Hedrick. Glendale Add., lot 26, 53 feet lumber. 51.05; 1 hour labor, 50c 155 Sept. 21 -Jacob Kessler, Glendale Add., lot 37. 22 feet lumber. 45c; 1 2 hour labor. 25( 70 Sept. 21-R. and E. Langworthy Est., Glendale Add.. lots 225, 226, 227, 64 feet lumber, $1.10; 3-4 hour labor, 40c 1 50 Sept. 21-A. F. Jaeger Est.. Davis Farm Add.. lots 270. 271. 1G feet lumber, 30; 1-2 hour labor. 25c 55 Sept. 21 -Carr. Ryder & Adams, Guernsey & Langworthy's Add., lot 3, 7 feet lumber. 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 0 Sept. 21 -Julia D. Rhomberg, Guern- sey & Langworthy's Add., lots 7, 8, 7 feet lumber. 15e; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 40 Sept. 21 -Andrew Nelson, Reeder Langworthy's Sub., lot 4. 4 feet lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c35 Sept. 22 -Sarah J. Bothwell, Sub, Min..Lot 158, lot S, S feet lumber 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25e 40 Sept. 22-P. S. Slocum, Sidonia Hos- ford's Sub.• lot 5, 11 feet lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 45 Sept. 22 -Emma E. Meyer, S. M. Langworthy's Add., lots 49. 50, 10 feet lumber, 20c; 1.2 hour lobos, 25c 45 Add., lot 13, 36 feet lumber, 70c; Sept. 22-R. H. Thompson, West's 3-4 hour labor, 40c 110 Sept. 23-H. T. Bowers and D. S. Wilson Est., City 5 21 ft., lot 17, brick and labor 50 Sept. 23 -Anna Sauerwine, Farley's Sub., lot 45, brick and labor 50 Sept. 23 -Ellen O'Halleron, Finley's Add., lot 15, 4 ft. lumber, 10e; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 35 Sept. 23 -Convent and Schoor, Sub. 1 of Min. lots 186-187, lot 1, 5 ft. lum- ber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c 35 Sept, 23 -.Hughes & Blake, Blake's Add., lots 20-21, 8 ft. lumber, 16c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 40 Sept. -23--John Buettell Est., Sub. 2 of 20, Finley Home Add.. lot 1, 10 ft. lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c. 45 Sept. 23 -Wm. T. Roehl, Finley Home Add., lot 21, 16 ft. lumber, 30c 1-2 hour labor, 25c 55 Official Notices. Sept. 23—C. H. l..ghiney, Sub. 2 of 8 of Min. lot 159, S. 1-2 lot 1, 21 ft. lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Sept. 13—Nic. Glab, Finley, Waples & Burton's Add., lot 129, 43 ft lumber, 85c; 1 hour labor, 50c Sept. IJ—J. M. Luke, Finley, Waples & Burton's Add., lot 18, 10 ft. lum- per, 20c; 1-2 hour labor 25c Sept. 24—H '.Wunderlich, Fortune's Sub., lot 15, 36 ft. lumber, Inc; 3-4 hour labor, 40c Sept. Hill, lot 3, 67aft. umber, $1.35; Prospect3- hour labor, 40c Sept. 2A—Jac. Marshall. Sub. 277, Da - .vis Farm Add., lot 1, H ft. lum- ber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Sept. 24—Jac. Haudenschlld, Davis Farm Add., N. 28 ft. lot 275, 17 ft. lumber, 35c Sept. 24—H. P. & N. W. Kimball, Davis Farm Add., lot 337, 16 ft. lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Sept. .24—Wm. Hedrick, Glendale Add., lot 24, 5 ft. lumber. 10c; 1-2 hour labor. roc Sept. 25—John Specht, Union Add, S. 165 ft., lots 194-195, 251 ft. lum- ber, $5,00; 3 hours labor, $1.50 Sept. 26—J. J. Ott, Randall's Add, lot 3, 83JtJb,$11 fl mer$1.65;1-2 hour labor, 25c 190 Sept. 26—German Trust & Savings Bank, Dorgan's Sub., lot 1, 16 ft. lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c.... 55 Sept. 28—C., M. & St. Paul Ry. Co., East Dubuque Add., lot 246, 28 ft. lumber, 55c; 1-2 hour labor, L. Sept. 28—Julia Langworthy,Julia Langworthy's Add., lot 3, 20 ft. lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Sept. Langworthy's Stephens, Add., lot Julia6,7 ft. lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c40 Sept. .28—Thos. Hassett, Harper's Sub., N. 85 ft., lot 2, 190 ft. lumber, $3.80; 5 hours labor, $2.50 6 30 Sept. 28—Leathers & Trewin, L. H. Langwortny's Add., S. 100 ft. lot 155, 30 ft. lumber, 60c; 1-2 hour 85 labor, 25c Sept. 28—Anton Becker, L. H. Lang - worthy's Add., N. 92 ft., lot 155, 13 ft. lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 60 25cSpahn, L. Sept.H 28—Mary K. H. Langworthy's Add., N. 50 ft., S. 100 ft., lot 161, 5 ft. lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 26c ................ 35 Sept. 28—Leathers & Trewin, L. 11. Langworthy's Add., N. 71 ft., lot 151, 10 ft. lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c........ .. Sept. 28—J. H. Jecklin Est156 a. . Langworthy's Add., lot 6 ft. lumber, 70c; 1 hour labor. 50c.. Sept. 29—G. M. Brown, East Du- buque Add., lot 47, 6 ft. lumber, IOc: 1-2 hour labor, 25c.......... "' Sept. 29—Al. hannig, Sub. 25, Mt. 55c Pleasant 12 hours labor, 27 25c.. lum- ber, 'Sept. 8—Mary A. McQuillian,ub. City 692, lot 3, 16 ft. lumber, 1-2 hour labor, 25c ................... Sept. 23—Wm. B. Yates Est. lot 10, Add., 9 and E. 9 ft., v. 23 ft. lumber, 45c: 3-4 hour labor, 40c..................................... 66 1 35 45 1 10 1 5 55 35 55. 35 6 50 80 65 VACATION NOTICE. Notice is Hereby Given, That there is now on file in my office a plat asking the vacation of the alley in Block 5, Du- buque Harbor Improvement cumpany's Add.; also Tower Street. from the north line of above named alley to the north- erly lane of Wall Street. All persons having any objections to said proposed vacation must file their claims in my office on or before Novem- ber 5th, 1903. JAMES H. BOYCE, 10-27-100 City Engineer. 45 1 20 35 80 55 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will ue received atthe office of the City Recorder until 7:30 o'clock p. m. Thursday, Nov. 5th, 191.:1. for the improvement of Ardmore Terrace fom West Eleventh Street to a point two hundred (200) feet south of said \Vest Eleventh Street in accordance with plans and specifications now on tile in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that it will require new curbstone set 415 lineal feet, guttering 192 square yards, macadamizing 427 square yards, cutting 306 cubic yards. The work to be completed on or before the first day 00 December, 1903, and shall be paid for when said work is completed and acccepted by the City Council. The proposals for doing said work will be acted upon by the City Council the 5th day of November, 1903. Bidders must state price per lineal foot, for new curbing set, and the price per square yardfor obid guttering be nd ma- ccadamizin5. accom- panied by a certified cheek for $50.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. The City Council reserves the right to reject anY and all bids. Dated Dubuque, OctoCbeF 23A ENDTd, 1903. 10-23-1Ot. City Recorder. NOTICE OF THE CITY COI1NC11.'S INTENTION TO IMPROVE ARDMORE TERRACE, FROM WEST ELEVENTH STItE'ET TO A POINT TWO HIJNDRD (200) FEET SOUTH OF SAID WEST ELEVENTH STREET. To Whom 1t May Concer You and each of n hereby notified that it is the intention of the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque to improve Ardmore Teroe, from West Eleventh in p Street to a P t two hundred (200) feet south of said West and specifications oft. said proposed m Thata pimprovement is now on file in the office of the City Recorder. City Engineer It is estimated by the that said improvement 415 will llrire uir'et• re New Curbstone set, erns Guttering. 142 square y' s. Macadamizing, 027 square y r d Any person having objection to said im- provement is hereby notified to appear before the City Council at 1 regular with ses- sion to be held Nov. 5, 1903, 0oorr to to J file ilex in the City Recorder nett5th, ectl writing on or beforeNov.October. 1903. Dated this 23rd dayC.F. ARENDT, City Recorder. 10-23-300 80 Total ........ .....$117 50 C 10-26 lot City Rec0rdet. $,1/1fh►io SPECIAL ASSESSMENT Belo tev.. ou To All Who Are Named are hereby notified that in occordance Mk h 284 Official Notices with an ordinance of the City of Du- buque for the cutting of weeds the months of July and August, 190°0, assessmenta special the expensether of at will levied he meet- ing of City ocil.upon all said improv*s and parcels ofland on rent owned by you being subject to such spec- ial assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the City Coun- cil, to he held on the 5th of November, A. D., 1903, and show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. 1903. July 22 -Emma White, Finley Home Add., lot 16, 7 hours labor July 20 -Wm. Lowther, S. M. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 13, 6 hour's labor 1 00 August 8 -Math. Riede, Glendale Add., lots 1 and 2, 5 hours labor85 August 10 -Ada L. Collier, Sub. Min. 2 20 lot 322, lot 10, 14 hours labor August 10 -Cath. Oeth. Glendale Add., lot 79, 3 hours labor 55 August 10 -Mary L. Bunting, Glen- dale Add., lot 82, 3 hours labor55 Add., lot 82. 3 hours labor August 18 -Mary L. Bunting, Glen- dale Add., lot 84, 3 hours labor.. 55 August 18 -Francisca Wagner, Sub. 87 and 88, L. H. Langworthy's 40 Add., lot 3, 2 hours labor August 14-R. and E. Langw'vthy's Est., Glendale Add., lots 235 .o 243. 24 hours labor 3 70 August 14-R. and 18. Langworthy's Est.. Glendale Add., lots 162, 163 164 and 165, 14 hours labor 2 20 August 14 -Christ. Jacobi Est., Glen- dale Add., lots 171 and 172, 8 hours labor 1 30 August 18 -Jas. Levi, Davis Farm Add., lots 237 and 238, 7 hours labor August 18-R. and E. Langworthy Est., Glendale Add., lots 247 to 270, 42 hours labor August 19-M. M. Hoffman, E. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 18, 3 hours labor 55 August 21-L. Reinecke, L. H. Lang - worthy's Add., W 1-2 lot 182. 183, 1S4, 185. 10 hours labor August 20-Jno. M. Ziegler, Glendale Add., lot 36, 3 hours labor August 20 -Aug. Flechsig, Glendale Add,. lot 13, 2 hours labor August 20-R. M. Kunz, Glendale Add., lot 16, 2 hours labor August 20 -Geo. F. Hedrick, Glendale Add., lot 26, 3 hours iauor August 20 -Jac. Kessler, Glendale Add., lot 37, 2 hours labor August 20 -Ulrich Willy, Glendale Add., lot 145, 3 hours labor August 20 -Peter Kaiser, Glendale Add., lot 144, 3 'hours labor August 20-W. J. Nesler, Glendale Add., lots 142-143, 6 hours labor1 09 August 20-R. M. Kunz, McCraney's 1st Add.. lots 85-86, 4 hours labor70 August 20 -Jos. W. Davis, sub. of 2 of 80 and 81, McCraney's 1st Add., lot 3 and part of 2, 3 hours labor55 August 20 -Leathers & Trewin, Mc- Craney's 1st Add., lots 77-78, 7 hours labor.... August 20-M. D. Goux, McCraney's 1st Add., lot 69. 3 hours labor August 20 -Mary A. Walsh, Ham's Add., lot 447, 6 hours labor August 20-J. J. McCarthy, Mc- Craney's 1st Add., lots 37-38, 4 hours labor August 20 -Frank W. Altman, Mc- Craney's 1st Add., lot rl, 2 hours labor 85 55 1 15 6 40 1. 60 55 40 40 65 40 55 55 August 20-R. M. Kunz, McCraney's lots 23, 24, 25, 26, 6 hours labor.... 1 00 August 24 -Geo. Salot, McCraney's 1st Add., lot 51, 1/ hours labor35 August 24-M. D. Goux, McCraney's 1st Add., lot 50, 11 hours labor35 July 20 -Jas. Woodward, Sub. 3 of 64, Simpson's Add., lot 1, 4 hours la- bor70 July 25-J. J. Rowan, Breakey's Add., lots 7-8, 8 hours' labor 1 20 July 27-Robt. Bonson Est., Union Add., lots 210-211-212, 10 hours' la- bor July 29 -Wm. Hintrager, Union Add., 5 part lot 109, 4 hours labor 70 Aug. 15 -Jas. A. Hayes and H Gehrig, City lot 596, 18 hours labor 2 80 Aug. 18 -Mary L. Bunting, Julia L. Langworthy's Add., lot 5, 3 1-4 hours labor 60. 5kug. 18-J. S. Stephens, Julia L Langworthy's Add., lot 6, 3 1-4 hours labor so Aug. th- s Addeo lot 7, Julia3 L. 1-4 hours Lang - worthy's 60labor Aug. 13 -Leathers & Trewin, Julia L. Langworthy's Add., lot 8, 3 1-4 hours labor 60 Aug. 20 -Annie Shea. O'Neill's No 2, lot 16, 5 hours labor 85 Aug 20-E Hemmi, O'Neill's Sub, 1 lots 3-4, 6 hours labor 00 Aug. 21-J. S Stephens, Julia L. Langworthy's Add., lot 22, 9 hours 1 labor 45 Aug. 21-F. L. Poole, Julia L. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 17, 9 hours la- bor 45 Aug. 25-JS. Stephens, S. M. Lang - worthy's Sub., lots 1-2, 4 hours la- bor Aug. 25-S. M. Langworthy Est., S M. Langworthy's Sub.. lot 10, 2 40 hours labor Aug. 25 -Maggie Doty, Reeder Lang - worthy's Sub., lot 6, 9 hours labor. 1 45 August 27 -Julia D. Rhomherg, Sub. 1 and 2 of Min. Lot 62 and pt Min. lot 149. 1, la, 2, 5 hours labor 85 August 27-A. W. Kemler Est., Union Add.. lot 182. 5 hours labor 85 August 28 -Mat. Maher, Union Add., S. 133.10 feet lot 136-137, 8 hours 130 labor August 28 -Patrick Walsh Est., East Dubuque Add., lots 164, 165. 5 hours labor 85 August 29 -Paul Trout Est., Far- ley's Sub., lot 35, 9 hours labor 1 45 August 29 -German Trust & Savings hank, Dorgan's Sub., lots 1, la, 115 7 hours labor August 29 -Nellie Dorgan, Dorgan's Sub., lot 8, 5 hours labor 85 July 27 -John L. Buettell Est, Nairn's Add., lots 1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 13, 4 60 14, 30 hours labor July 27-C. H. Eighmey, Sub. 8, Min. Lot 159, lot 2, 9 hours labor 1 45 July 30-W. and D. Brunskill, Mar- tin's, Dubuque, lot 10, 8 hours la - 1 30 bol July 31 -Catholic University of Washington, Kelly's Sub., lots 1, 2, 8 hours labor 1 30 July 17 -Owen O'Hare, Kelly's Sub, lot 24, 3 hours labor 55 July 21-W. H. Doane, Finley Home Add., lots 10-11, 9 hours labor .. 1 45 July 17-P. M. Harrington, Sub. 23, Kelly's Sub., lot 6, 3 hours labor.. 56 August 12-E. M. Kringle, Sub. 7, Min. Lot 79, lot 6, 12 hours labor 1 90 July 29-F. W. and Frank Coates, 1 15 65 1 00 70 40 70 Official Notices. 285 S. M. Langworthy's Add., lots 39, 40, 41, 42. 43, 18 hours labor August 24—R. M. Kunz, McCraney's 1st Add.. lot 49, 1% hours labor, August 24—Dan. Sauer, McCraney's 1st Add., lot 45, 1% hours labor August 24—Helen M. Sauer, Mc- Craney's lat Add., lot 46, 1% hours labor August 24—Jas. Beach, trustee, and Marie Faber, McCraney's 1st Add, lot 47, 1 labor August 24—Herman Jungk, McCran- ey's 1st Add., lot 55, 2 hours labor August 24—Mary Carney Est., Staf- ford's Add., lot 16, 3 hours labor August 24—Jackson Staf- ford's Add.0fStafford.,f15,3 hours labor Total 2 80 35 35 25 35 40 55 55 877 90 C. F. ARENDT, 10-23-10t City Recorder. NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, held on the 17th day of Septem- ber, 1903. the following Special Assess- ments were levied on the real estate here- inafter described, and that in case of fail- ure to pay the one seventh part within the tg ime prescribed alle will become inance govern- ingdelinquent and subject to collection by distress and sale. 11. BRINKMAN, City Treasurer. For improvement of alley between Gar- field and Rhomberg avenues:Lot. Amount. Name— Description. C. Reifsteck, High Street Sub23 $15 46 C. Reifsteck, High Street Sub24 15 46 Ursula Marty, High Street Sub25 15 46 F. J. Kessler Est., High Street Sub 2^ 26 15 46 Celeste Blasi, Sub. • High g 1 16 87 Street Sub. High Louisa Weglau, Sub. 28, 1 16 55 Street Sub. Mrs. M. Ptiffner, Sub. 29, High 1 16 21 Street Sub. High J. Wildhaber, Sub. 30, 1 15 94 Street Sub. High J. Wildhaber, Sub. 31, 1 15 61 Street Sub. Martha Wiedmer, Sub. 32, High 1 15 46 Street Sub, Dubuque Building & Loan As- sociation, Sub. 33, High Street 1 15 46 Sub. Theo. Scharle, Scharle's Sub. .. 4 62 79 Mercy Hospital, Sub. 2 of 2 of 1 2785 Min. Lot 113a Dubuque Fire & Marine Insur- ance 3 Company, 1 40 08 Min. Lot 113a R. Waller Est., Sub. 1 of 3 of 1 45 48 Min. Lot 113a ............... Regular Session Nov. 5, 1903. 287 CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session, November 5th, 1903. (OFFICIAL). Council met at 8:15 o'clock P. M. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones. Raymond and Sheridan. Absent—None. Ald. Raymond moved that the Conned proceedings for the month of October be approved as printed. Carried. BILLS. The following bills were ordered paid. H. J. Tropf, board of prisoners for month of October $ 14.00 Iowa Telephone Co., telephone ser- vice for various departments 39.02 Barger & Blish, stationery and sup- 7 50 plies Bieg & Rood, stationery and sup- 2110 plies Safford Stamp Wks., stamps and supplies for Auditor's office 220 A. E. Bradley, glazing at City Hall1 00 Kenna -Lavin Printing Co., blank stationery for various departments 17 50 G. W. Healey & Son, rake for park 100 Key City Gas Co., gas for various 84 90 departments Key City Gas Co., arc lights at Ar- 2 Ar- mory 50 Conlin & Kearns, wood at City Hall 6 00 Conlon & Kearns, ice at City Hall 1170 for season 1903 C. O. D. Laundry Co., towels and racks for July, August, September 16 00 ane' October. 1903 Wm. McLaughlin, hauling at Jack- son park Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs on stcam roller 49 53 Dubuque Woodenware & Lumber Co., lumber for Road and Spec6195 Sidewalk departments McElrath Teaming Co., use of horse 69 00 for carpenter wagon P. J. Seippel, lumber for Road de- partment F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Road 1190 department W. B. Baumgartner, hardware for 16 65 Road department McElrath Teaming Co., sand for 7 75 Road department harness Ellwanger Bros., repairing for Road and Police departments.. 5 95 A. E. Bradley, glazing at calaboose 1 25 Conlin & Kearns, wood for Police 6 department •' 00 H. J. Hagerty, veterinary services 2 75 for Patrol team Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies for 10 05 Matron department F. M. Jaeger & Co., supplies for Sewer department Linehan & Molo, cement for Sewer department • • • • • Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., washers for Sewer department.... F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Sewer department Pape & Jacquinot, repairing foun- tain at Dodge and Bluff Streets.. 170 'Lear & Kennedy, horse shoeing for4 00 Road and Fire department • • Union Electric Co., arc lights for 2 5 77 October for 'Globe -Journal, official printing 60 00 October •••••".. 75 5 25 1 50 40 The Times, official printing for Oc- tober 15 00 Telegraph -Herald, official printing for October 50 00 National Derrokra1, official printing for October 25 00 I -larger & Blish, blue print paper and metallic tapes for Engineer's office 17 25 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Engi- neer's office 2 40 J. Newman & Son, repairs for Sprinkling department 14 50 F. Schloz & Son, repairs tor Sprink- ling department 75 T. E. Frith, removing garbage and dead animals for October 375 03 Headford Bros. & Hitchins, manhole covers and rims for Sewer depart- ment and Bee Branch 34 65 Headford Bros. & Hitchins, one grate for Fire department 100 Rumpf-Frudden Lumber Co., lumber delivered at Bluff Street Extension 97 07 Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber for Road department 42 65 Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber for Spec- ial Sidewalk department 21 00 Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber and shav- ings for Fire department 16 30 F. Burns, coal for Steam Roller 96 65 Jno. Butt, repairs for Road and 6 55 Sewer departments G. F. Iileih, new tools and hardware 16 75 for Road department G. F. Kleih. drinking chains for fountains G. F. Kleih, hardware for Police department G. F. Kleih, hardware for Expense 3 40 department G. F. Kleih, tacks for Board of 25 Health T. F. Kane, hay and oats for Fire 155 05 and Police departments Klauer & Kress, hardware for City 19U Hall Klauer & Kress, setting up and blackening stoves at City Hall 16 95 Klauer & Kress, hardware for Road 14 25 department Klauer & Kress, supplies for Engi- neer's office Klauer & Kress, nails delivered to Bluff Street Extension Klauer & Kress, nails for Fire de- partment Klauer & Kress, hardware for Police department Klauer & Kress, one o11 can for Sprinkling department P. Pier, coal delivered at City Hall116 75 P. Pier, coal for Fire department10 60 P. Pier, oak wood for Police depart- ment 25 Gto for trip expense Des Moines attending Supreme 12 50 Court Geo. A. Barnes, cash advanced filing fee in case of Considin`v s.d 9iity.-.- 5 00 Soudan Specialty Mfg. 12 50 tant for City Hall F. A. Miller, one dozen brooms at 2 80 City Hall P. Clancyment, cinders for Road depart- 10 50 H. Grode, sawing wood at City Hall 2 00 Jno. Sloan. sawing wood at City Hall 4 00 Smith & Paar, sawing wood at City 1 75 Hall................................... Jno. Bohn, inspector Bee Branch sewer . • to 00 ............... harness Ellwanger departmeBros., nt 14 90 for Fire dep bran for Fire de - 95 partmen ............. . cups and 2 45 2 40 75 2 65 100 2 10 20 288 Regular Session Nov. 5, 1903. J. Newman & Son, repairs for Fire 36 66 department Lagen & Sullivan, horse shoeing for 6 00 Fire department Lagen & Sloan, horse shoeing for 660 Fire department Heller & Scherr, horse shoeing for 3 00 Fire department Vollenweider & Hein, horse shoeing 7 26 for Fire department Lear & Kennedy, horse shoeing for 2 00 Fire department Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse 4 75 shoeing for Fire department Key City Gas Co., rent of arc light 100 at Central Engine house Key City Gas Co., coke for Fire 32 55 department Dubuque Oil Tank Line, on for Fire 700 department Linehan & Molo, coal for Fire de- 9 85 partment Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber and shavings for Fire department 16 30 Advance Fire Appliance Co., blaze killer for Fire department 30 00 Iowa Iron Works, repairs for Fire 75 department Fire Extinguisher Mfg Co., supplies 300 for Fire department J. H. Clay, supplies for Fire depart - 13 55 ment H. J. Hagerty, veterinary services 31 15 for Fire department Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co, packing for Fire department 66 Rumpf-Frudden Lumber Co., lum- ber for Fire department 6 25 R. Spellenberg, repairs for Fire de- partment 5 35 F. M. Jaeger & Co., hardware for Fire department 5 05 The McEvoy Co., brick mason work at Grandview Ave. Engine House 5 85 Brown & Brown, to extra work on Langworthy Ave, from Alpine to Nevada Street 15 50 Brown & Brown, to raising gutter in Langworthy Avenue 12 00 Brown & Brown, to extra work on Gilmore Place and Langworthy Ave 40 46 Brown & Brown, estimate for im- proving alley between South Al- pine and Nevada Streets from West Third Street to Langworthy Ave 401 33 Brown & Brown, final estimate for improving Langworthy Ave, from South Alpine to Booth Street 481 84 Brown & Brown, final estimate for improving Langworthy Ave., from Hill to Booth Streets 98 29 Brown & Brown, final estimate for grading Langworthy Ave., from Hill to Booth Streets 50 00 Brown & Brown, final estimate for grading alley between South Al- pine and Nevada Streets, from West Third Street to Langworthy Ave 25 20 Gus. Brown. final estimate for im- proving Gilmore Place from West Fifth Street to alley south of Cooper Street 164 60 Peter Eisbach, estimate on Bee Branch sewer 244 80 Jos. Keller, brick mason work on Eighth Street storm sewer 6 50 O'Farrell & Street, estimate for im- proving Raymond Place from Fenelon Place to Cooper Street 603 86 O'Farrell & Street, grading Ray- mond Place 405 28 O'Farrell & Street, grading Willow Street 335 52 Chas. Steuck, grading Broadway Extension 3355 34 Iowa Iron Works, repairs on steam- er Stewart 16 75 On motion the hill was referred to the committee on Fire. Bill of Brown & Brown, To City of Dubuque. To labor and material furnished for the improvement of Lang- worthy Avenue 26 70 On motion was referred to the City Auditor and he to deduct said amount from the money due Brown & Brown from the City. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. Petition of C. H. Reynolds. secretary of the Dubuque Building & Loan association, asking that lot 16 "A," of Smedley's Sub., as conveyed in connection with the open- ing of the alley between Rhomberg and' Garfield Avenues and Johnson Avenue and Kniest Street, be conveyed to Michael Weber, the purchaser of said lot. Ald. Sheridan moved that the Mayor and Recorder execute a deed to Mr. M. Weber in lieu of the one executed in April, 1903. Carried. Petition of J. J. Nagle granting the City permission to remove dirt and rock from his property, known as lots 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in Randall's Sub., until further notice free of charge. Ald. Sheridan moved that the proposi- tion be accepted and the petition be re- ceived and flied. Carried. Petition of A. L. Rhomberg asking that the taxes on lots No. 640 and 641, East Du- buque Add., and Block 24, Railroad Add., be ordered canceled for a period of Ave (5) years. Also that the Treasurer be in- structed to cancel the taxes for the year 1902 on said property, the same being used for a Detention Hospital. Ald. Horr moved to grant the petition and the Treasurer be instructed to cancel the taxes on said property. Carried. Petition of Jno. H. Carter asking that the interest of the special assessment for improving street abutting lot 5 in Sumner Hill Add.. be canceled. On motion was referred to the commit- tee on Finance and City Attorney. Petition and Waiver of Mrs. Maria Muel- ler et al, property owners abutting on the alley between Edison and Mertz Streets from the alley first east of Staf- ford Ave. to easterly line of Steins' Add.. agreeing that if said alley be improved that they will not make any objections to the assessment for doing the work or to any irregularity, or illegality of said as- sessment when due. Ald. Jones moved to refer the matter to the Street Committee and they to view the grounds. Carried. Petition of Julia L. Langworthy in re- lation to correcting the plat of Summit Addition which was made and filed on the 10th day of March, 1885, was on mo- tion referred to the committee on Streets and City Attorney. Petition of H. C. Milligan et al, asking that an electric arc light he placed in the Regular Session Nov. 6, 1903. 289 neighborhood of Angella Street, was on motion referred to the committee un Po- lice and Light. Petition of Mrs. Eliz. Hughes asking that her taxes he remitted on lot 1, Len- heim's Add. On motion was referred to the Delin- quent Tax committee. Petition of Mrs. Mary J. Corbett asking that her taxes he reduced on lots 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 in Bennett Street Sub., also lots 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 60, 61, 62 and G3 in Quigley's Sub. On motion was referred to the Board of Equalization. Petition of Mrs. Ida M. Simplot asking that her assessment on the south two- thirds (2-3) of City Lot No. 66 be reduced from $18000.00 to $14000.00. On motion was referred to the Board of Equalization. Petition of St. Joseph's Mercy Hos- pital, asking that lot 1 of the subdivision of City Lot No. 731 he exempt from tax- ation, the same being used exclusively for hospital purposes. On motion was rferred to the Board of Equalization. Petition of the Dubuque Brewing and Malting Co., by A. F. Heeb, Secretary, asking permission for the use of side- walk abutting their property on Twenty- seventh Street, also to extend their side track across Twenty-seventh Street into . lot 49 in Glendale Add., and also fill to grade that part of Liebe Avenue extend- ing from Jackson Street, east of the C. G. W. railway tracks. Ald. Raymond moved to refer the mat- ter to the Committee of the Whole and they to view the grounds. Carried. Spring Streets, from Julien Avenue to West Fourteenth Street. On motion of Ald. Horr, the rules were suspended for the purpose of hearing Mr. Falkenhainer. Mr. Chas. Falkenhainer addressed the Council, stating that the improvement of said streets was very much needed and would benefit the public in that vicinity and when thin improvement be made that the streets be improved on a straight line through to West Fourteenth Street. 1.1d. Horr moved to refer the petition to the Committee of the Whole to view the ground. Carried. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Treasurer Brinkman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: Below you will find state- ment of amounts advanced by me during the past month, for which please order warrants drawn in my favor: Excavation permits redeemed $ 55 00 Interest paid on warrants out - 1409 29 25 3 30 75 10 00 9 00 385 00 35 Petition of Wm. Hintrager, protesting against the vacation of ofTalley in Block 5 and of any part et in Dubuque Harbor Improvement Com- pany's Addition. Ald. Sheridan moved to receive and file the petition. Ald. Horr moved a substitute to refer the petition to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Petition of Edward Byrne, stating that his bid for furnishing the city with hay at and that he $y awarded contract per ton was e d beto furnish the city with hay on account of him be- ing the lowest bidder was on motion re- ceived and filed. Whereupon Mayor Berg presented and read the following: appointed to in - Your Special Committee app vestig:.te the circumstances connected with the disappearance of the bid for hay of Martin Byrne, begs to report that the bid and also the $25.00 enclosure ewere found in the office of the City er and returned to Mr. By C.e. H. BERG, J. J. SHERIDAN, RUDOLPH C Committee. On motion the report was adopted. Petition of Chas. Falkenhainer, et al, asking that their names be added toth aalready filed list of property wnerh and ask- ing for the improvement of standing Telegram Exchange New York Freight charges Postage stamps Refunded regular tax Horses for Fire department Express charges $1872 94 Library orders paid $ 366 54 I also received (Money borrowed) from the following parties. Please order loan warrants drawn in their favor: Oct. 5th, 1903—First National bank, $5,000, 6 per cent. interest. Oct. 5th, 1903—Dubuque National bank, $5,000, 6 per cent. interest. Oct. 8th, 1903—Mrs. Cath. Ward, $150, 5 per cent. interest. Oct. 16th, 1903—Dubuque National bank, $5,000, 6 per cent. interest. Oct. 26th, 1903—F. Henker, $800, 5 per cent. interest. Respectfully, H. BRINKMAN, Treasurer. On motion the report was received ad warrants ordered drawn to pay var- ious the amounts, and the report referred back to the committee on Finance. City Auditor Hoffman reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubque: Gentlemen: Herewith find my report for the month of October, 1903, showing the receipts and disbursements for the month: g 9ntt Cash on hand Oct. 1st, 1903 23,375.35 50.05 Receipts from all sources 532,325.40 DISBURSEMENTS. Warrants redeemed $21,027.97 Coupons redeemed 3,183.89 $24,211.86 Cash on hand Nov. lst, 1903 $ 8,113.54 The above cash balance includes the he Improvement Bond Fund, Inte Interest Fund and Library Fund balances. Also report that there is due the City Officers for the month of October record 2,6f08 a54. Also the following is a Interest Coupons redeemed by Treasurer for the past month: 032 Regular Bond Coupons.......... 290 Regular Session Nov. 5, 1903. Interest Bond Coupons Water Works Bond Coupons 106.25 45.00 $3,183.89 The following list shows the Appropria- tions and the amount of Warrants drawn on e fiscal each nbeginning d since hMarch n1st,gthe of 1903,to Nov. 1st. 1903: Appropriation. Expended. Expense $40,000 $18,7'29.31 Road 38,000 30,372.82 Fire 38,000 20,200.32 Police 28,000 14,791.55 Sewerage 5,000 3,019.90 Printing 2,000 945.00 Engineer 3,500 1,642.85 Gas and Light 25,000 14,288.01 Interest 43,000 Board of Health 6,000 2,852.65 Grading 4,000 1,637.58 Bee Branch 7,000 3,514.28 Special Bonded Paving 2,500 Judgment 3,000 1,581.40 Sprinkling, First District800 Sprinkling, Second District 1,500 Sprinkling, Third District1,500 Sprinkling, Fourth District 1,200 Sprinkling, Fifth District1,400 Special Bonded Debt In- terest 4,000 2,033.06 Mount Carmel Ave. Grading 1,000 4.15 Sidewalk Repairing 1,000 504.00 Special Sewer Fund 2,500 2,376.16 Grading Bluff Street Ex- tensiun 1,000 923.31! Total Appropriation $260,900 Respectfully, F. B. HOFFMAN, Auditor. On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drav,n to pay the City Officers, and the report referred back to the Committee on Finance. Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—The following is the pay roll of the Fire department for the month of October: Amount the firemen $2,210.60 On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay firemen, and the report referred back to the Com- mittee on Fire. Chief of Police Morgan reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: -1 herewith submit the Po- lice report for the month of October, 1903: 7 otal arrests for the month 82 Residents arrested for the month 44 Doors found open for the month28 Lodgers harbored for the month70 Defective lights for the month629 Meals furnished for the month 70 Cost of food for the month $14.00 Sheriff. dieting prisoners for the month $24.75 Poundmaster's receipts for the month $ 1.00 Patrol runs for the month 69 Miles traveled for the month 1161h A:so the pay roll for Policemen for the month of October, 1903: Amount due policemen 81,996.30 Respectfully submitted, EDW. MORGAN, Chief of Police. On motion the report and pay roll were received, and warrants ordered drawn to pay policemen, and the report referred back to the Committee on Police. City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on streets for the last half of October, 1903: Amount due laborers on streets...$1,728.55 Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved: E. E. FRITH, Chairman Committee on Streets. JOSEPH L. HORR, JOHN J. SHERIDAN. Also submit nay pay roll for labor on sewers during the last half of October, 1903: Amount due laborers on sewers $191.40 Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved: JOHN J. SHERIDAN, Chairman Committee on Sewers. JOSEPH L. HORR, HUGH CORRANCE. Also submit my pay roll for teams haul- ing sprinkling wagons during the last half of October, 1903: Amount due teamsters $279.20 Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE. City Engineer. Approved: GEO. N. RAYMOND, Chairman Committee on Paving. Sweep- ing and Sr.rinkling. JOSEPH L. HORR, MATT CLANCY. On motion the pay rolls for streets, sewers and sprinkling wagons were re- ceived ana warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts and the pay rolls referred back to the proper com- mittees. City Engineer Boyce also reported as follows: Attached please find statement showing amounts due for macadam for month ut October, 1903: Total amount due $269 90 On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the var- ious amounts. City Electrician Hipman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque. Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my re- port of Defective Lights for the month of October, 1903: I find from the reports of the Police de- partment that the total hours that 029 Lamps failed to burn would equal 171 Lamps for one month or $94.50. Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM HIPMAN. City Electrician. On motion the report was received, and the City Auditor instructed to deduct from the Union Electric Company's bill for the month of October, D03, the amount of $94.50. The following Weighmasters' and Wood - measurers' receipts were referred to the committee on Markets: H. J. Tropf, City Hall receipts ..$46 95 Regular Session Nov. 5, 1903. '711 J r c , 291 R. Hay, 8th St. Scale receipts 5 01 Louise Pitschner, West Dubuque Scale receipts 4 00 T. Faherty, First Ward Scale re- ceipts 10 39 H. A. ,Moyes, \Voodmeasurer's re- ceipts 1 70 City Recorder Arendt presented and read the printed notice certified to by the Publisher, of thr• Council's intention to improve Ardmore 'Terrace from West Eleventh Street to a point i0 feet. south of said West Eleventh Street. No remonstrance being filed. the Mayor asked if there was anyone in the room who objected to said improvement. No objection being stated, on motion the no- tice was received and fit, d. City Recorder Arendt also presented and read the printed notice, certified to by the publisher, of the Council's intention to levy a Special Assessment against the different named property owr.a is for cut- ting weeds for the months of July and August, 1903. No remonstrance being filed the Mayor asked if any one present had any objection to said Special Assessment. No objection being stated, on motion the notice was received and filed. Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the fol- lowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That to pay for cutting, weeds during the months of July and August, in front of and adjoining the same. a Special Tax be and is hereby levied on the several Lots, and parts of Lots. and Parcels of Real Estate herein- after named, situate and owned and for the several amounts set opposite each Lot or Parcel of Real Estate, as follows: July 20 -Jas. \Voodward, Sub. 3 of b4, Simpson's Add., lot 1, 4 hours la- bor July 25-J. J. Rowan, Breakey's Add., lots 7-3, 8 hours' labor July 27-Robt. Benson i2:., Union Add., lots 210-211-212, 10 hour's' la- bor .July 29 -Wm. Hintrager, Union Add., S part lot 109, 4 hours labor Aug. 15 -Jas. A. Hayes and H Gehrig. City lot 596, 18 hours labor Aug. 18 -Mary L. Bunting, Julia L. Langworthy's Add., lot 5, hours labor Aug. 18-J. S. Stephens, Julia L Langwc rthy's Add.. lot b, 3 1-4 hours labor Aug. 18-F. L. Poole. Julia L. haug- worthy's Add, lot 7, rs labor Aug. 18-Leat'ters & TrTe lot, Julia 1 3angworthy'- hours labor .......... ........ ........ Aug. 20 -Annie Shea, O'Neill's No. 2, lot 16, 5 hours labor ............... Aug 20-E Hernmf, O'Neill's Sub., lots 3-4, 0 hours labor •..Julia L. Aug. 21-J. S Stephens, Langworthy's Add., lot 22, 9 hours labor .. Aug. 21-F. L. Poole, Julia L. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 17, 9 hours la- bor Aug. 25-JS. Stephens, S. M. Lang - worthy's Sub., lots 1-2, 4 hours la- bor Aug. 25-5, M. Langworthy Est., S. M. Langworthy's Sub., lot 10, 2 hours labor .."' Reeder Lang. Aug. 25 -Maggie Doty, worthy's Sub., lot 6, 9 hours labor. August 27 -Julia D. Rhomberg, Sub. 70 1 50 46 70 2 80 60 60 60 60 S5 100 1 45 1 45 70 40 1 4b 1 and 2 of Min. Lot 62 and pt Min lot 149, 1, la, 2, 5 hours labor August 27-A. W. liemler Est, Union Add., lot 182, 5 hours labor August 2S -Mat. Maher, Union Add S. 133.10 feet lot 136-137, 8 hours labor August 28 -Patrick \Wals:, Est., East Dubuque Add.. lots 164. 167, 5 hours labor August 29 -Paul Traut Est., Far- ley's Sub., lot 35, 9 hours labor August 29 -German 'Trust & Savings bank, Dorgan's Sub., lots 1. la, 7 hours labor August 29 -Nellie Dorgan. 1organ's Sub., lot 8, 5 hours labor ,Tuly 27 -John L. Buett,ll Est, Nairn's Add., lots 1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 30 hours labor July 27-C. H. Eighmey, Sub. 8, Min. Lot 159, lot 2, 9 hours labor July 30-\V. and D. llrunskill, Mar- tin's. Dubuque, lot h• 8 hours la- bor 1 30 July 31 -Catholic 1'niversity of Washington. et al, Sub, Lots 1, 2, 8 hours labor 1 30 July 17 -Owen O'Hare. Kelly's Sub, lot 21. 3 hours labor .,. 55 July 21--W. H. Doane, Finley 1 -Lome Adel., lots 15-11, 9 hours labor 1 15 July 17-P. M. Harrington, Sub. 21. Belly's Sub.. lot 6, 3 hours Labor.. 50 August 12-E. M. Kringle, Sub. 7. Min. Lot 79. lot 6, 12 hours labor 1 90 July 29-F. \V. and Frank Coates, S. LVL Langworthy's Add., lots 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 18 hours labor 2 80 July 22-Ernma \1'hite, Finley I-lome Add., lot 16. 5 hours labor 85 July 20 -Wm. Lowther, S. M. Lang - worthy's Add.. lot 13, 6 hours labor 1 00 August S -Math. Riede. Glendale Add., Lots 1 and 2, 5 hours labor85 August 10 -Ada L. Collier, Sub. Min. lot 322. lot 10. 14 hours lah:ar 2 20 August 10 -Cath. Oeth, Glendale 65 Add.. lot 79, 3 hours labor August 10 -Mary L. Bunting. Glen- dale Add., lot 82. 3 hour:; labor55 August 1S -Mary L. Bunting, Glen- dale Add., lot 84, 3 hours labor.. August 1S -Francisca Wagner. Sub. 87 and 88, L. H. Langworthy's 40 Add.. lot 3, 2 hours labor August 14-R. and 16. Langworthy's Est., Glendale Add., lots 235 :0 243. 3 70 24 hours labor August 14-R. and E. Langworthy's Est.. Glendale Add., lots 162. 163, 2 20 164 and 105. 14 hours Labor August 14 -Christ. Jacobi Est., Glen- dale Add., lots 171 and 172, 8 hero's labor August 18 -Jas. Levi, Davis Farm Add., lots 237 and 238, 7 hours labor August 18-R. ana ls. Langworthy Est., Glendale Add., lots 247 to 2'i0 42 hours labor August 19-M. M. Hoffman, E. Lang - worthy's Add., lot IS, 3 hours labor 55 August 21-L. Reinecke, L. 1I. Lang - worthy's Add., W 1-2 lot 182, 183, 1 60 184, 185. 10 hours labor August 20-Jno. M. Ziegler, Glendale Add., lot 36, 3 hours labor Glendale r August 20 -Aug. Add,. lot 13, 2 hours labor August lot R. 20-R. M. Kurs laborGlendale August 20 -Geo. F. Hedrick, Glendale Add., lot 26, 3 hours t a bo r c. Kessler, Glendale August lot 37,2 hours labor 85 85 1 30 85 1 45 1 15 85 4 60 1 15 1 30 1 15 6 40 55 40 40 65 40 292 Regular Session Nov. 5, 1903. August 20 -Ulrich Willy, Glendale Add., lot 145, 3 hours labor August 20 -Peter Kaiser, Glendale Add., lot 144, 3 hours labor August 20-W. J. Nesler. Glendale Add., lots 142-143, 6 hours labor1 00 August 20-R. M. Kunz, McCraney's let Add., lots 85-86, 4 hours labor70 August 20 -Jos. W. Davis, sub. of 2 of 80 and 81, McCraneY's 1st Add., lot 3 and part of 2, 3 hours labor55 August 20 -Leathers & Trewin, Mc- Craney's 1st Add., lots 77-78, 7 hours labor.... August 20-M. D. Goux, McCraney's lst Add., lot 69. 3 hours labor 55 August 20 -Mary A. Walsh, Ham's Add., lot 447, 6 hours labor August 20-J. 1st Add., lots McCarthy, -38, c4 hours labor August Craney sl st aAdd , lot nk W1 2 hours labor August 20-R. M. Kunz, McCraney's let Add., lots 23, 24, 26, 26, 6 hours 1 labor 00 August 24 -Geo. Salot, McCraney's 1st Add., lot 51, 11 hours labor35 August 24-M. D. Goux, McCraney's 1st Add., lot 50, 11 hours labor35 August 24-R. M. Kunz, McCraney's 1st Add., lot 49, 13/2 hours labor35 August 24 -Dan. Sauer, McCraney's 1st Add., lot 45, 13/2 hours labor 35 August 24 -Helen M. Sauer, Mc- Craney's 1st Add., lot 46, 134 hours labor 35 August 24 -Jas. Beach, trustee, and Marie Faber, McCraney's 1st Add., 35 lot 47, 134 hours labor August 24 -Herman Jungk, McCran- ey's 1st Add., lot 55, 2 hours labor 40 August 24 -Mary Carney Est., Staf- ford's Add., lot 16, 3 hours labor.... 55 August 24 -Jackson Stafford, Staf- ford's Add., S. 40 feet, lot 15, 3 hours labor a5 Total $77 90 Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Ilorr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays -None. 55 55 1 15 1 00 70 40 City Recorder Arendt also presented and read the printed notice, certified to by the publisher, of the Council's intention to levy a Special Assessment against the different named property owners for re- pairing Sidewalks for the month of Sep- tember, 1903. No remonstrance being filed, the Mayor asked if anyone present had any objection to said Special Assessment. No objection being stated, on motion the notice was received and filed. Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the fol- lowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for repairing Sidewalks during September, 1903, in front of and adjoining the same, a Special Tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real es- tate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as fol- lows: Sept, 1-F. D. and J. H. Stout. City 509 and Sub City 509a, lot 2, 52 ft. lumber, $1.05; 1 1-2 hours labor, 75c 1 80 Sept. 1 -Wm. Lawther and J. V. Rider, Burden-Lawther Add., lot 17, 17 ft. lumber, 35c; 3-4 hour la- bor, 40c Sept. 1--F. H. Duersch, Burden-Law- ther Add., lot 121. 27 ft. lumber, 55c; 3-4 hour labor. 40c Sept. 1-F. H. and R. Holland, Bur- den-L,awthcr Add., lot 84, 10 ft, lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Sept. 1-Nic Engle, Windsor Ave Sun., lots 3-4, 12 ft. lumber, 25c; 1-z. Hour labor, 25c 60 Sept. 2 -Cath. Carmody, East Du- buque Add., E. 1-2 lot 61, 53 ft. lumber, $1.06; 1. hour labor, 50c 1 's Sept, 2-C. H. Eighmey, trustee. City lots 569-570, 293 ft. lumber, $5.85; 2 hours labor, $1.00 6 85 Sept. 4-N. J. Loes, Cook's Add., lot 32, 20 ft. lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour la- bor. Ite 65 Sept. 4 -John J. Isean, City lots 697- 726, 104 ft. lumber, $2.10, 1 hour la- bor, 50c 60 Sept. 4 -Mercy Hospital, Mineral lot 66, 8 ft. lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 4') Sept. 4 -Ellen O'Halleron, Finley's Add., lots 1344, 8 ft. lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c '10 Sept. 4. -Sari Mahoney, Sub. Min lot 193, lot 1, 7 ft. lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c 40 Jno. V. White, Glendale Add, lot 7, 10 ft. lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 45 Sept. 4-H. P. and N. W. Kimball, Davis Farm Add., lot 337, 16 ft. lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c55 Sept. 4 -Math. Riede, Glendale Add., lot 1, 10 ft. lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 45 Sept. 4-R. H. Thompson. West's Add., lot 13, 16 ft. lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 26c 55• Sept. 4 -Agatha Heim. Humboldt Add., lots 14-15, 1c ft. lumber, 30c; 1-2 hours labor, 25c 53 Sept. 9-A. J. Van Duzee, O'Neill's Sub. No. 2, lot 23, 10 ft. lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labo., 25c 46 Sept. 9 -Wm. T. Roehl, Finley Home Add., lot 21, 10 ft. lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c 45 Sept. 9 -Mary Quinlivan, O'Neill's Sub. No. 2, lot 19, 5 ft. lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 35 Sept. 9 -Wm. Lawther, S. M. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 13, 5 ft. lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 31 Sept. 9 -German Presbyterian Col- lege, Sub. City 675, lot 7, 45 ft. lum- ber, 90c; 1 hour labor, 50c 140 Sept. 10-Jno. Trueb Est., Trueb's Sub., lot 1, 33 ft. lumber, 65c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 90 Sept. 9 -Jas. Powers, O'Neill's Riverview, lot 82, 43 ft. lumber, 55c; 1 nour labor, 50c 135 Sept. 10 -Eliza A, and Geo. A. Bur- den, Burden-Lawther's Add., lot 5, 19 ft. lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor 25c 65 Sept. 10 -Eliza A. and Geo, A. Bur- den, Burden-Lawther's Add., Iot 6, 5 ft. lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 35 Sept. 11-WG. Cox, Cox's Add., lot 73, 7 ft, lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour la- bor, 25c 40 Sept. 11 -Mary Zoller. Cox's Add, lot 77, 12 ft. lumber, 250 25 Sept. 11 -Barbara Flick. Cox's Add, lots 78-79, 40 ft. lumber, 80e; 3-4 hour labor, 400 1 20 Sept. 11 -Kate Ludbeck, Cox's Add, E. 24 ft. lot 22, 68 ft. lumber, 11.16; 1 hour labor, 50c Sept. 11-J, J. Lundbeck, Mechanics' 75. 95 46 1 65- Regular Session Nov. 6, 1903. Add, S. 100 ft. lot 11i9. 30 ft. lum- ber, 60c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Sept. 11-C. B. Scherr, trustee, Voelker's Add., lot 3, 7 ft. lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Sept. 12-R. Bonson Est., S. M Langworthy's Add., lots 9-10, 20 ft lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 65 Scpt. 12-H. G. Torbert, S. M. Lang - worthy's Add., S. 26.6 ft.., lot 6, 7 ft. lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Sept. 12-J. F. Farley, Sub. 14 and 15, Bush's Sub., lot 3, 30 ft. lumber, 60c; 1-2 hour labor 25c Sept. 12 -Jas. Beach & Sons, City, lot 582, 5 ft. lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour 35 labor, 25c Sept. 12-A. A. Cooper, Sub. Out Lot 700, parts 691 and 721, lot 10, 12 ft. lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c.... Sept. 12-A. W. Kemler Est.. Mc- Coy's Sub., lot 1, 40 ft. lumber, 800; 1 20 3-4 hour labor, 40c Sept. 12-J. A. Rhomberg• Corriell's Sub., lots 42-43, 32 ft. lumber. 65c65 Sept. Add.,lotHenry7, 74 ft. lumber, $1.50; 1 hour labor. 50c 2 00 Sept. 14 -Dubuque Malting Co., L H. Langworthy's Add., lot 8a, 50 ft. lumber, $1.00; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 1 25 Sept. 14 -Louisa Schunk, Davis Farm Add., lot 287. 88 ft. lumber, 2 25 $1.75; 1 hour labor, 50c Sept. 4 -11 -Salome Bechtel, Hoop- er's Add., lots 22-23, 44 ft. lumber, 116 90c; 1-2 hour labor 25c Sept. 4 -11 -Schneider & Kleih, Sub. 5 and 7 and W. 7.1 ft. of 9, Wick's Add., lot 1. 10 ft. lumber. 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 45 Sept. Central Add.,1 lot 2,n5 ft. lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 85 Sept. 15-E. M. Kringle, Gflu Sub.b7, Min. Lot 79, lot 6, 185 1 1-2 hours labor, 750.. Wilson's Sept. 15-J. M. Sullivan, Sub., lot 19, 26 ft. lumber, 50c; 1 1 hour labor, 50c 00 Sept. 12 15-A. F. ft. umberr,aBell's 2oc; 1ny, 2 hour labor, 25cule5 Sept. no. Olinger, Add., llotJ46, 23 ft. umberr,o 45c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Sept. Davis Farm Add., lot 1, 4 ftan, .r lum- ber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Sept. 15- filbert Johnson, Woodlawn Park, lot 52, 42 ft. lumber, 85c; 1 hour labor, 50c.....•••••• "" 1 Sept. 15-C, A. Voelker, Woodlawn Park, lots, 53, 54, 55, 30 ft. lumber, 60c; 1-2 hour labor, 255c••"pakland Sept. 15-W. H. Doane, Park, lot 6, 10 ft. lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c .......... . .... •... Sept.l, 44 ft lumber, 90c; y Coulter, Gray's hour lot b, 1 labor, 50c .............. ..8ub. 5, Sept. 16 -Maria Schwind, d,flumber,b. Riley's Sub., lot 2, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 26c .............. Sept. 16 -John Dowling, La.wrence'a Dubuque,u2 rou lots labor, 9-10,13 36 ft. t., lumber, Sept. 16 -Albert C. Decker,, Levens' Add., lot 29, 4 ft. lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c•••••"'Levens Add., Sept. 16-5. Gilmore, Lev 1-2 hour lot 30, 7 ft. Lumber, labor, 25c.......... . horpe, Sept. lot 3, 10e Gft. dtlumber,20c;C1t2 b5 90 85 60 0 7 35 35 hour labor, 25c Sept. 16-C. E. Wales, Prospect Hill, lot 26, 12 ft. lumber, 26c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Sept. 16-P. J. Early, Prospect Hill, lot 27, 19 ft. lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Sept. 16 -Mrs. J. V. Bowers, Kiene & Blocklinger's Sub., N. 75 ft. lots 1, 2, 3, 14 ft. lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Sept. 16-Jno. H. Kleine, Sub. 5, Summit St. Add., lot 1, 50 ft. lum- ber, $1.00; 3-4 hour labor, 40c 1 40 Sept. 17 -Catholic University of Washington et al., Levens' Add., lot 1, 8 ft. lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour lauur, 25c. Sept. 17-T. Kavanaugh Est, Sub. Min. Lot 22, lot 4, 19 *t. lumber, 80 40c; 3-4 hour labor, 40c Sept. 17-J. D. Rho_nberg and G. S. Kringle, Rose Hill Add.. lots 1 to 13 inelusiv., 150 feet lumber, $3.00; 1 1-2 hours labor, 75c 3 75 Sept. 17 -Win. Hintrager, Sub. City Lot 724. lot 13, 5 feet lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour la'ior 25c 36 Sept. 17-A. A. Cooper. Sub. City Lot 700, etc , lots 19.20, 8 feet lum- ber. 15e; 1-1 hour labor, 25c 40 Sept. 17 -Writers & Dennis, Sub. City Lot i'i 1, lot 4, 8 feet lurnber, 15c; 1-2 hoe- labor. 25c 40 Sept. 1R-Nic Kauffman, Sub. City Lot 738, lot 2, 10 feet lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 45 Sept. 18--J. H. Simplot, Mineral Lot 83, 16 feet lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 55 Sept. 18-E. Smith, A. McDaniel's Sub., lot 782. 40 feet lumber, 80c; 120 3-4 hour labor, 40c Sept. 19 -Gilbert Perry Est., Nairn's Add., lot 19, 20, 21, 22. 17 feet lum- ber, 35c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c 60 Sept. 19-Jno. L. Buettell Est, Nairn's Add., lot 14, 12 feet lum- ber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 50 Sept. 19-Jno. L. Buettell Est, Nairn's Add., lot 1, 29 feet lum- ber, 60c; 3-4 hour labor, 40c 00 Sept. 19 -Emma E. Meyer. S. M. Langworthy's Add., lots 49, 50, 27 feet lumber, 55c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c ao Sept. 19-E. Langworthy Est., Paul- ine tl lot feet lumber, $1.45; 1hourlabo . 50c196 Sept. 21 -Patrick Fox Es..., Union Add., E. 1-2 lot 49, 22 teet lumber, 70 45c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c Sept 21-W. A. Irwin, Union Add, W. 1-2 lot 49, 36 feet lumber, 70c; 86 1-2 hour labor, 26c Sept. 21 -Ed. Conlin, Union Add., S 165 feet, lot 191, 7 feet lumber, 15c; 45 1-2 hour labor, 25c 40 Sept. 21-Jno. McQuillan, Union Add., lot 183, 50 feet lumber, $1.00; l 401 hour labor, c •••••••••""" 60 Sept. 21-C. G. and C. H. Meyer• Union Add., lot 181, 29 feet lam - 361 ber, 60c; 3-4 hour labor, 40c .. • 00 Sept. 19 --Pat. Moran, Unto d1-2 lot 180. 15 feet lumber, 30c 50 hour labor, 25c .. • • . Sept. Il -Al. Mathews, Sub. City; lot 738, lot 6, 20 feet lumber, 35 hour labor. 25c ...................... Sept. 21-F. Hemmer, Glendale Add., lot 30, 5 feet lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour 40 labor, 25c ....... Sept. 21-Hissette Eise feet , Glen- dale Add., lot 31, 293 15 50 65 56 40 294 Regular Session Nov. 5, 1903. 10e; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Sept. 21 -Wm. Haggerty, Glendale Add., lot 34, 7 feet lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 15c Sept. 21 -Geo. F. Hedrick, Glendale Add.. lot 21, 53 feet lumber, $1.05; 166 1 hour labor, 50c Sept. 21 -Jacob Kessler. Glendale Add., lot 37, 22 feet lumber, 45c; 1-2 hour labor, 25( 70 Sept. 21-R. and E. Langworthy Est, Glendale Add., lots 225, 226. 227, 54 feet lumber, $1.10; 3-4 hour labor. 1 60 40c Sept. 21-A. F. Jaeger Est., Davis Farm Add.. lots 270, 271, 16 feet lumber, 30; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 55 .Sept. 21 -Carr, Ryder & Adams, Guernsey & Langworthy's Add., lot 3, 7 feet lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour ` labor, 25c 0 Sept. 21 -Julia D. Rhomberg, Guern- sey & Langworthy's Add., lots 7. 8, 7 feet lumber, 15e; 1-2 hour labor, 40 25c Sept. 21 -Andrew Nelson, Reeder Langworthy's Sub., lot 4, 4 feet lumbar, 10c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c35 Sept. 22 -Sarah J. Bothwell. Sub, Min. Lot 158, lot 8, 8 feet lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25e 40 Sept. 22-P. S. Slocum, Skionia Hos- ford's Sub., lot 5, 11 feet lumber, 21c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 45 Sept. 2' -Emma E. Meyer, S. M. Langworthy's Add.. lots 49. 50, 10 Adel., lot 13, 30 feet lumber, 70c; feet lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 45 Sept. 22-R. H. Thompson, West's 3-4 hour labor, 40c 110 Sept. 23-H. T. Bowers and D. S. Wilson Est., City S 21 ft., lot 17, brick and labor 50 Sept. 23 -Anna Sauerwine, Farley's Sub., lot 45, brick and labor 50 Sept. 23 -Ellen O'Halleron, Finley's Add., lot 15, 4 ft. lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 35 Sept. 23 -Convent and School, Sub. 1 of Min. lots 186-187, lot 1, 5 ft. lum- ber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c 35 Sept, 23 -Hughes & Blake, Blake's Add., lots .0-21, S ft. lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, tic Sept. 23 -John Buettell Est., Sub. 2 of 20, Finley Home Add.. lot 1, 10 ft. lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor. 25e. 45 Sept. 23 -Wm. T. Roehl, Finley Home Add.. lot 21, 16 ft. lumber, 30c 1-2 hour labor. 25c Sept. 23-C. H. Eighmey, tub. 2 of 8 of Min, lot 159, S. 1-z lot 1, 21 ft. lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c,. 63 Sept. 23-Nic. Glab, Finley, Wapies & Burton's Add., lot 129, 43 ft lumbar, S5c; 1 hour labor, 50c 1 35 Sept. 23-J. M. Luke, Finley, Waples & Burton's Add., lot 18, 10 ft. lum- ber, 20c: 1-2 hour labor 25c Sept. 24-H Wunderlicl., Fortune's Sub., lot 15, 36 ft. lumber, 70c; 3-4 hour labor, 40c 110 Sept. 24 -German Bank, Prospect Hill, lot 13, 67 ft. lumber, $1.35; 3-4 hour labor, 40c 175 Sept. 24 -Jac. Marshall, Sub. 277, Da- vis Farm Add., lot 1, 16 ft. lum- ber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Sept. 24 -Jac. Haudenschild, Davis Farm Add.. N. 28 ft. lot 275, 17 ft. lumber, 35c 35 Sept. 24-H. P. & N. W. Kimball, Davis Farm Add., lot 337, 16 ft. lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25e Sept. 24 -Wm. Hedrick. Glendale Add., lot 24, 5 ft. lumber. 10e; 1-2 36 40 40 55 45 00 55 hour labor, Sept. 25 -John Specht, Union Add., S. 165 ft., lots 194-195, 251 ft. lum- ber, $5.00; 3 hours labor, $1.50 6 50 Sept. 26-J. J. Ott, Randall's Add, lot 3, 83 ft. lumber, $1.65; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 1 90 Sept. 26 -German Trust & Savings Bank, Dorgan's Sub., lot 1, 16 ft. lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c55 Sept. 28-C., M. & St. Paul Ry. Co, East Dubuque Add., lot 246, 28 ft lumber, 55c; 1-2 hour labor, 25cSO Sept. 28 -Julia Langworthy, Julia L Langworthy's Add., lot 3, 20 ft. lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 65 Sept. 28-J. S. Stephens, Julia L Langworthy's Add., lot 6, 7 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c40 Sept. 28 -Thos. Hassett, Harper's Sub., N. 85 ft., lot 2, 190 ft. lumber, $3.80; 5 hours labor, $2.50 6 30 Sept. 28 -Leathers & Trewin, L. H Langwortny's Add., S. 100 ft. lot 155, 30 ft. lumber, 60c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 85 Sept. 28 -Anton Becker, L. H. Lang - worthy's Add., N. 92 ft., lot 155, 13 ft. hunter, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 50 Sept. 28 -Mary K. Spahn, L. H. Langworthy's Add., N. 50 ft., S. 100 ft., lot 151, 5 ft. lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 35 Sept. 28 -Leathers & 'rrewin, L. H Langworthy's Add., N. 71 ft., lot 151, 10 ft. lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 45 Sept. 28-J. H. Jecklin Est., L. H Langworthy's Add., lot 156a, 36 ft. lumber, 70c; 1 hour labor. 50c1 20 Sept. n-(1. 81. 13r,,wn. 1:act Du- buque Add., lot 47, 6 ft. lumber, 35 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Sept. 29 -Al. hannig, Sub. 25, Mt. Pleasant Add.. lot 1. 27 ft. lum- ber, 55c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c.... Sept. 8 -Mary A. McQuillian, Sub. City 692, lot 3, 16 ft. lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Sept. 23 -Wm. 13. Yates Est., Cox's Add., 9 and E. 9 ft., F. 1-2 lot 10. 23 ft. lumber, 45e; 3-4 hour labor. 400 Total $117 50 Ald. Frith moved to adopt the Reso- lution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Alds. Clancy. Corrance. Frith. Horr, Jones. Raymond and Sheridan. Nays -None. 35 55 80 Ald. Sheridan moved that Ald. Horr be instructed to see Mr. E. W. Alhee and procure a deed. which had been returned to Mr. All by mistake, and file the same with tin., City Recorder. Carried. Bids for i ,,proving Ardmore Terrace were presented, and on motion of Ald. Frith were ordered opened. Bids as follows: Chas. Steuck- Grading, per cubic yard Curbing, per lineal foot Guttering, per square yard Macadamizing. per square yard O'Farrell & Street - Grading, per cubic yard Curbing. per lineal foot Guttering. per square yard Macadamizing, per square yard On motion the contract was awarded to Chas. Steuck, he being the lowest bidder; and the bond fixed at $2C0.00. 20c 450 $1 75 53c 26e 50c $1 50 50c Regular Session. Nov. 5, 1903. 295 REPORTS of STANDING COMMIT- Ald. Frith, chairman of the committee on Streets, reported as follows: Your Committee on Streets. to whom was referred the Dill of the l'niun Elec- tric Co. for $19.40 tor transferring line at Garfield Avenue, beg to report that we do not consider the city in any manner liable for the charge and would therefore recom- mend that said hill be received and filed. E.FRITH, Chairman. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report. •Carried. Ald. Sheridan, chairman of the Commit- tee on Supplies, reported as follows: Your Committee on Supplies, to whom were referred with power the bids fo: furnishing the city with fuel for the ensu ing year, begs to report that all the bids on coal were uniform at $9.00 per ton for hard and $5.00 per ton for soft coal, but that Philip Pier submitted the lowest incl •on wood, $5.00 for oak and $0.00 for maple, conditioned on the city awarding him also the contract for the coal; we have accord- ingly awarded the contract to Philip Pier, and would recommend that the City At- torney he instructed to prepare an agree- ment to be entered into by both parties to this contract, and that the Mayor be authorized to sign the same. J. J. SHERIDAN. Chairman. Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Your Board of Equalization, to whom was referred the petition of John Holden, asking that the valuation for assessment purposes on his personal property for the year 1902 be reduced to $1,600.00, would recommend that the prayer of the peti- tioner be granted and that the Treasurer be instructed accordingly. Also, your Board of Equalization, to whom was referred the petition of Theo- dore Cook, one of the heirs of the estate of Jacob Koch, stating that said estate was erroneously assessed on th$6000.00he pme per- sonal property, anas be canceled because said estate was in- solvent and had no property subject to taxation, would recommend that the pray- er of the petitioner he granted and that the Treasurer be ructed accordingly. JOS. tHORR, Chairman. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report of the Board of Equalization. Carried. Ald. Jones, chairman of the Committee •on Public Grounds and Buildings, reported as follows: Your Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings. to whom was referred the mat- ter of making provisions to keep the pa- trol wagon and team in the basement of the city hall. begs to report that we do not consider it feasible to make such a change and we would recommend that this committee be empowered to make -such repairs on the patrol house as may be necessary. RUDOLPH JONES. Chairman. Ald. Jones moved to adopt the report. Ald. Horr moved to amend that the City •Carpenters make the necessary repairs at the patrol house. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alda. Clancy, Corrance. Horr and Sheridan. Nays—Alds. Frith. Jones and Raymond. The motion to adopt the report as amended was then carried by the follow- ing vote: Corrance, Horr and Yeas—Alda. Clancy, Nays—Alda. Frith, Jones and Raymond. :Sheridan. chair Ald. Corrance, reported vverbally that Mr. n of the commit - H. Houbner had P tee on Markets, repepurchased the grocery :store of Mr. Kessler and moved that he be appointed Twenty sixth streeghmaster of t scales.r ave- nue Carried.Recorder Ald. Horr moved that the City asters reports forwsca entsend notify all in receiptseverym ntheir. Carried. Ald. Horr, chairman of the Board of Equalization, reported as follows: Your Board of Equalization, to whom was referred the petition of A. A. Cooper, mon- eysJr., s and icredits ng tassessed there aagainsstt him for the year 1902, which assessment is erron- eous, as he has no moneys and credits whatever subject to taxation, and asking therefore that said assessment be can- mmend that the prayer oflthe petitioner ed, would obe granted and that the treasurer he JOSEPH cL.dHORR,i Chairman. Ald. Clancy moved the report. Adopted by thefollowing vote: t Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—Alds. Frith, Horr and Jones. Ald. Herr, chairman of the Committee of the Whole, reported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the matter of fixing the tax levy for the recommend that rti e3fo llowingould crescrespectfully be adopted: City Council of the C Be it Resolved by That the taxes for the City of Dubuque, the year 1903 for the purposes below speci- fied, be levied as provided by law on all taxable property within the limits of said city for the respective number of mills on the dollar of the assessed valuation olf aall taxable property in said city lows: „q mills General fund .................•..,...4 __3 mills Fire fund ...................... mills Bond fund .... ..... ............. 1 mill Gas and Light fund ........... • ...1 mill Water Tax ...................... __3 mill Library Tax ........................ Be it further resolved, That a regular water levy tax of one (1) mill on the dollar of the assessed valuation be levied upon ply oft said waterlas determined bylt heesucaction of the City Council.at for And be itfurther resolved. tax be levied on sprinkling purposes, a in the different ll the taxable psaperty in the number road districts of said city of mills on the dollar of the assessed val- uation in each of said districts as set out below: f,0-700 mill First district ........................ ,,.,._0-100 mill Thirdrdd disdistrict ..••••• ....,......,50-1r0mill district ..40-100 mill Fourth district ................. . • (lil_7rn Mill Fifth district Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report and resolution. 296 Regular Session Nov. 5, 1903. Ne.opten l:^ t1: fn'.Iov:ir.s; Yeas—:\hls. Clancy. Corranee, Frith. Herr, Jones, Reymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Also, your Committee of the Whole would r( rpectfully recommend the pur- chase by the City Council of lots 1, 2. 3. and 4 of Fairview Sub. for quarry pur- poses. Also, your Committe of the Whole would respectfully recommend] that the City Engineer he instructed to eommenc,+ the work of grading Mount Cannel Ave- nue as soon as possible. Also. your Committee of the Whole. to whom was referred the petition of F. H. Duttle, asking that he be allowed the sum of $71.41 for dnm`ir,e sustained by him by reason of the failure on the part of the city to improve Angell 1 Street according to the established grade. would reeom.mend that a warrant in said amount be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer in favor of said F. H. Duttle and that said'City Treasurer he instructed to pay the sox* to said F. H. Duttle upon the payment by said F. H. Duttle of the special assessment levied against his property for the improvement of Angella Street. Also, your Committee of the Whole. to whom was referred the petition of George H. Wolfe, asking that he be al- lowed the sum of $17.94 for damage sus- tained by him by reason of the failure on the part of the city to improve Angella. Street according to the established grade, would recommend that a warrant in said amount he ordered drawn on the City Treasurer in favor of said George H. Wolfe and that said City Treasurer be in- structed to pay the same to said George H. Wolfe upon the payment by said George H. Wolfe of the special assess- ment levied against his property for the improvement of Angella Street. Also, your committee of the Whole, toi whom was referred the petition of Martin Byrne, asking that an accompanying plat of Highland Addition—a subdivision of Mineral Lot 317—be approved, would rec- ommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the proper resolution be adopted. JOSEPH L. HORR, Chairman. Ald. Horr move,) to adopt the various reports of the committee of the Whole. Carried. Whereupon Ald. Herr offered the fol- lowing: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the plat of Highland Addition, a subdivision of Min- eral Lot 317, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, be approved and that the Mayor and Re- corder of the city are hereby directed to make proper certification of this resolu- tion in order that the same may be prop- erly recorded. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Ilorr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Sheridan, chairman of the Special committee, appointed to audit the report of the Dubuque Water Works Trustees, reported as follows: Your Special committee appointed to au- dit the statement of the Water Works Trustees for the quarter ending September 30, 1903, begs to report that we have com- pared said statement with the vouchers on file in the office of said Water Works Trustees and find the same to correspond; we would therefore recommend that said statement be received and filed. JOHN J. SHERIDAN. Chairman. Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the report. Carried. Ald. Sheridan moved that the Recorder be and is hereby instructed to advertise the Special Assessment notices for improv- ing Langworthy Ave., Raymond Place, Alley between South Alpine and Nevada streets from West Third Street to Lang- worthy Ave, and constructing Sanitary Sewer in Alley between Elm and Pine Streets from Sixteenth to Seventeenth streets. Carried. Ald. Jones of the Board of Health re- ported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: Your Board of Health would respectfully recommend to your Honorable Body that your Ordinance committee be instructed to draft an Ordinance prohibit- ing the distribution of samples of patent medicine throughout the City of Dubuque. Also report that the Board adopted the following resolution: Be It Resolved by the Board of Health of the City of Dubuque, lowa, that Hanna E. Lawther, N. M. 1-6 of City Lot No. 460. Anna B. Ryan, S. 52.2 feet of City Lot No. 460. J. H. Thedinga Est., N. 2-5 of City Lot No. 461. Eliza A. and Hugh Corrance, N. 1-5 of City Lot No. 460. Marg. Pleins, N. 1-2 of City Lot No. 163. Geo. W. Kiesel, Trustee, S. 1-2 of City Lot No. 164. Jennie C. Theiring, S. 1-2 of City Lot No. 163. G. F. Thorman, S. 1-2 of the N. M. 1-5 of City Lot No. 453. A. M. Downer Est., S. 20 feet of the S. 1-5 of City Lot No. 453. E. H. Sheppley, N. 2-5 of City Lot No. 455. B. Jestel, N. 1-2 of the N. 1-5 of City Lot No. 45G. Michael Liddy, S. 49.2 feet of S. M. 1-5 and N. 26.2 feet of S. 1-5 of City Lot No. 455. Eli Cole, N. M. 1-5 of City Lot No. 452. Chris. Jungk Est., M. 1-5 and N. 1-2 of S. M. 1-5 of City Lot No. 452. Harriete Kenniker, N. 1-5 of City Lot 452. Emma Richter, S. 28 feet of the M. 1-5 of City Lot No. 451. A. Matthews, N. 1-2 of the N. 1-5 of City Lot No. 451. Wm. Schaefer, S. 1-2 of the N. 1-5 of City Lot No. 451. Matthews & Traut, N. 1-2 of the N. M. 1-5 of City Lot No. 461. P. Ternes Est., S. 1-5 of City Lot No. 450. Anthony Lorenz, S. 1-2 of N. 1-5 of City Lot No. 450. Chas. Luther, S. 1-2 of the N. M. 1-5 of City Lot 449. Regular Session Nov. 5, 1903. 297 Wm. Hintrager, Sub. 199 and 200 of City Lot No. 2. Adolph Hines, N. 1-2 of City Lot No. 210. P. W. Crawford, S. 12 feet 9 inches, City Lot No. 219, N. 1-2 City Lot No. 220. Mary A. Mulkern, City Lot No. 221. H. Pfotzer and J. H. Rhomberg, City Lot No. 248. Julius Hartig Estate, City Lot No. 225. John Butt, S. 1-2 of City Lot No. 257. John Roth, N. 40.2 feet of City Lot No. 258. John Kriehs, City Lot 275 and S. 2 feet of City Lot No. 274. Louis Trexler, City Lot No. 276. A. W. Kemler Est., City Lot No. 281. Kiene & Altman, City Lot No. 283. Bell B. De Clercq. S. 1-2 less N. M. 4 by 60 feet of City Lot No. 311. Otto Frenzel, N. 1-2 of City Lot No. 311. John Pilmeir, N. 1-2 of the S. M. 1-5 of City Lot No. 442. M. Michels. S. 1-2 of the S. M. 1-5 of City Lot Na. 442. M. Buchman, S. 1-5 of City Lot. No. 442. Joe Jaeggie Est., Sub. City Lot 443a, Lot No. 1. Margt. Thompson, N. M. 1-4 of City Lot No. 443. C. G. Kretschmer, N. M. 1-4 of City Lot No. 443. Gabriel Weis, N. 50 feet of the N. 3-5 of City Lot No. 444. Schneider & Kleih, Sub. 4 of S. 1-5 of City Lot 444 and N. 14 feet of Lot No. 2. Sam Rice, S. 26.2 feet of the M. 1-5 of City Lot No. 446. Andrew Voelker, N. 25 feet of the M. 1-5 of City Lot No. 446. Christina Hausen, S. 1-2 of the S. 1-5 of City Lot No. 479. Mary Alien, N. 1-2 of the H. 1-5 and S. 1-2 of the S. M. 1-5 of City Lot No. 479. Gertrude Seeger, N. 1-2 of the N. M. 1-5 and S. 1-2 of the N. 1-5 of City Lot No. 479. Frank Lenz, S. 49.2 feet of the N. M. 1-5 of City Lot No. 441. Christian Jungk Est., M. 1-5 of City Lot No. 441. Margt. Lorez, 5. 1-2 of the S. M. 1-5 of City Lot No. 441. L. Gonner, S. M. 1-5 of City Lot 434. Geo. W. Schrup, undivided 1-2 of S. 1-5 of City Lot No. 432. Josephine Folzer, N. 1-2 of the N. 1-5 of City Lot No. 479. Mrs. Eva. Baur, N. 1-5 of City Lot No. 434. Theo. Schrup, undivided 1-2 of the S. 1-5 of City Lot No. 432. Mary A. t 9 inches of City Lot Mulkern,14, all 315, a d 5.e9 feet 3 inches of 316. B. C. Scherr, S. 27 feet 8 inches of CitY Lot No. 335. John A. Pauls, S. M. 26 feet of City Lot No. 316. Wm. Alderman, City Lot No. 322. E. R. Wright, S. 25 feet of City Lot No, 325. Theo. Bushman, N. 26 feet 2 inches of City Lot No. 325. Chas. Neuman, S. 1-2 of City Lot No. 326. Mrs. W. Kley, N. 1-2 of City Lot No. 328. Catherine Rowland, N. 35 feet 2 inches of City Lot No. 327. J. Moore, N. 1-2 of City Lot No. 330. Kundegunda Foerst, S. 1-2 of City Lot No. 330. C. Voss Est., N. 26 feet 6 inches of City Lot No. 335. Dubuque Malting Co., City Lot No. 338. Peter Fay, N. M. 1-5 of City Lot No. 432. Johanna Springelmeyer, S. 1-5 of City Lot No. 432. C. A. Walter, N. 1-5 of City Lot No. 432. having failed to connect said property with the sanitary sewer situated in the Alley be- tween Main and Iowa, Iowa and Clay and Clay and White Streets, abutting on said property; and it being deemed necessary for the preservation of the public health of saki city that said premises be connect- ed with said sanitary sewer, It is hereby ordered by the Board of Health of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by virtue of the power vested in It by Section 1032 of the Code of Iowa of 1597, and Chapter Twenty-five of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque, that all the above named property owners shall within thirty days from the date of service of notice of this order, connect said premises with said sanitary sewer. Dated this 2nd day of November, 1903. Ald. Jones moved to adopt the report and resolution of the Board of Health. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas -Aids. Clancy, Corrance. Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays -None. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Clancy offered the following: Resolved. That the City Assessor, City Engineer and City Attorney be directed to devise and report to this Council a pian providing for the division and territory to he included in each separate Road district for at least Five (5) Road Dis- tricts in the city for the purpose of repair- ing. cleaning and sprinkling the streets, as provided by statute. AId. Herr moved to refer the resolution to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. Clancy offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk four (4) feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick or cement, be, within ten (10) days of this notice, constructed an.I laid in conformity with the ordinance is rela- tion to sidewalks, on the south, Bide of St. Joseph Street, between Fremont Ave and Stelmore street, abutting lots 7. S. 9 and 10, Babcock's Sub.. owned by Einer Alexander, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays -None. Ald. Horr offered the following: Whereas, the contract heretofore en- tered into by the City of Dubuque for the construction of a sanitary sewer as here- inafter described has been completed and the uted costCity andFngineer expen. e hoof saldas p l at the improvement amounts to $216.54, of which amount $130.30 is to be paid In cash, therefore Be It resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to provide for the balance of the cost of constructing aer n eight inch tile pipe sanitary the alley between Elm and Pine Streets from et to eventeenth Street. Sthe eMayor enth Siserequirede toexecute and deliver to registeredthe e and countersigned, City Recorder, to n by himone bond nation dollar of s and twenhe ty-four ninety-six fourr cents ($90.24) numbered 238, dated November 15th. 1903, payable on or before seven years after the date thereof and hearing interest at f 298 Regular Session Nov. 5, 1903. the rate of live per 'cent per annum, pay- able semi-annually. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried. Ald. Frith moved that the Ordinance Committee be instructed to amend the Ordinance in relation to constructing new sidewalks so as to read that all bids for su- mittednand acted constructing upon by the beks the City Carried. Ald. Sheridan moved to adjourn until November 19th, 1903. Carried. pC. ARENDT. City Recorder. Attest: • Recorder. Approved.' ✓ 1903... Mayor Regular Session Nov. 19, 1903. CITY COUNCIL. 1., gloat' Session Nov. 19th, 1903. (Official./ Council met at 8:20 P. M. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present -Aids. Clancy. Corral ce. Frith, 1 -torr, Jones. Raymond and Sheridan. Absent -None. The Mayor stated that it became his painful duty to inform the Council of the death of Chief of Police Edward Morgan, and that he would appoint Officer Thomas Reilly. Chief of Police, to fill out the un- expired term of Mr. Morgan. Ald. Horr moved that the action of the Mayor in appointing 'Phomas Reilly Chief of Police be approved. Carried. Officer Reilly was to the Council Chamber. informed of his appointment, and the Oath of Office administered by the Mayor. Ald. Raymond moved that a Warrant be drawn in favor of \1r. Morgan's mother for a full month's pay for the month of November. Carried. PETITIONS AND COMMCNIC.ATIONS. Petition of Rudolph es. stating that he is the owner of Lot " of the Sub. of Lots 80 and SI McCrtuu y's First Add., and that through an error the special assessment for improving Dock Avenue had been levied against Lot 3. which does not abut against said avenue. but should have been levied against Lot 2. Because of this error. neither the petitioner nor the previous owner were ever notified about said assessment. The petitioner is now videdthletnCity will cg to pay ancelaid tthe intereset ttron same. \ c of r Ald. Sheridan moved that the prayer the petitioner be granted, and the Treas- urer be instructed accordingly. Petition of H. Pfotzer and J. H. Rh one berg ;asking permission to put up _story fram building to take the place of the two story frame building now situ- ated on the rear end of Lot No. 218. and fronting on Seventh Street. On motion of Aid. Frith the prayer of the petition was granted. _�- my Petition of the ,tar Brewing comp` asking the Council topayment. nst thc taxes ity Treasurer to accept committee for taxes according to 0 report o1 the of the Whole adopted April 7th. 1898. that J. H. Rhomherg, his le•irs and assigns yearsbe for on exempt nimp o improvements nts to g.'1 , made ton lots numbered 4. 5, 6 , 1. ,t � • and d 10. in Block 3. and Lots 1, 2.3.5 4. 6. and7. 8. 9 and 5 and g 10 in Block 4, Lots 1. 2. parts of Lots it, 7. S. 9. 10. 11 and 12 in Block 5, Lots 13. 11. 1.., i':: and 17 and parts of Lots 18 and 19 in ]dock it, Lots 34.:15, 30, 37 and 38 in Block 11. all inclusive in the DubuqueHarbor Improvement Company's Add., providing thatitsillbe usedex elusively for manufacturing purposes and employ not less than 20 men. Also that the City 'Treasurer be instruct- ed to accept 85,000 as the total amount of 299 personal prop ert> to ns.-osscd for the year of 19(2. On motion 1h.• petition was referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of il. l'fotzer and J. U. 1thom- berg asking for naluellon of taxes on Lot No. 248, In the ('it yof Dubuque, was on motion referrer, to the L'o.u•d 01 Equalization. Petition of Chrls..\. Voelker asking that the City neer pt in cash one-half of Inc Special Assessment levied against 1.ot 181. Auburn .t n e. and Lots 91 and 9'" on .\ud- ubon \'. in lull settlement of said Spec- ial .\ssessnu•nt, ;tls9 that the interest on the same be remitted. On motion ;he p'i Ilion was referred to the Committee of the Whole. Also petition of Chris. A. Voelker offer- ing to the City the u,.• of Lots 154 ;nal 155. Mechanics Add.. for the period of tic, > ern s free of clvu•ge, for the Purpose of crashing rock. prNidir.g tine taxes be exempted during said period. On motion of Ald. llorr the petition was referred to the Committee on Streets with power. A waiver signed by Chris. A. Voelker and Matt. Czizek was Presented, in which the undersigned agree not to make any objection to the special assessment for improving Napier Street from Clifford Street to east line of lot 130, Mechanic's Add. Ald. Frith moved to refer the same to the committee on Streets to ascertain if all the property owners had signed a and report o the Council. waive Carried. Petition of H. er, M. D., ask- ing that he be allowed to take out about 100 yards of earth from Grace Street to fill up his lot No. 28, in Reche's Sub. Ws on otn the a committee onf9 Streets andrith y Ed n- gineer, with power. Peitition of Marion J. Donovan, asking the Council to recall the notice served on him to make a four -foot sidewalk in front of his property on St. Joseph Street, stat- ing that there was not room on account o: trees. for a four -foot walk. On motion the petition was referred to the committee of the Whole to view the ground. Petition of the Independentasking thSct hool alt Dies- trict of Dubuque, oof lot 5oofhSub9 f oft the of lot 1 of Mineral Lot80, be canceled for the year 1902. Was on motion referred to the Board of Equalization. Petition of the Globe -Journal and Tele- graph -Herald le -graph -Herald newspaPet's, asking the Council to take some action in regard to more compensation on for motiodoing ofAlde Jones. re Printing, and referred to the committee on Printing City Attorney. The following bills were presented and on motion ordered paid: 27 copies Union Printing Co., to Abstracts in caseoo1 Thomas Con- sidine sidine vs. CityDubuque........g a" 00pages . .'.......rush and Wm. McLaughlin, hauling 300 Regular Session Nov. 19, 1903. grass from Jackson Park Chris. Gantenbein, Jr., 16 dimension rocks and one rock for fountain, total 16 00 REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Mayor Berg reported that some of the $Qe property owners abutting on Branch Sewer from Sanford Street south wished to fill their lots to grade, and wanted instructions from the Council. Ald. Sheridan moved that the matter be referred to the City Engineer. Ald. Frith moved that the City Engi- neer be instructed to give the line of the right30 feet the Sewer fromEagle Point Avenue Branch nue oSan- ford Street. Carried. 1 00 City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on Streets for the first half of November, 1903: Amount due laborers on Streets....$842.25 Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved: E. E. FRITH, Chairman Committee on Streets. JOSEPH L. HORR, JOHN J. SHERIDAN. Also submit my pay roll for labor on Sewers during the first half of November, 1003: Amount due laborers on Sewers ....$157.00 Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved: JOHN J. SHERIDAN, Chairman Committee on Sewers. JOSEPH L. HORit, HUGH CORRANCE. Also submit my pay roll for teams haul- ing Sprinkling Wagons during the first half of November, 1903: Amount due teamsters $112.40 Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved: GEO. N. RAYMOND, Chairman Committee on Paving, Sweep- ing and Sprinkling. JOSEPH L. HORR, MATT. CLANCY. Also submit my pay roil for labor grad- ing Mount Carmel Avenue during the first half of November, 1903: Amount due laborers $59.50 Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved: E. E. FRITH, Chairman Committee on Streets. JOSEPH L. HORR, JOHN J. SHERIDAN. Also submit my pay roll for labor grad- ing Willow Street during the first half of November, 1903. Amount due laborers Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE. airy Engineer. . Approved: E. E. FRITH, Chairman Committee on Streets. JOSEPH L. HORR, JOHN J. SHERIDAN. $73.05 On motion the pay roll for Streets, Sew- ers, Sprinkling Wagons, grading Mount Carmel Avenue and Willow Street were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts, and the pay rolls referred back to the proper commit- tecc. City Engineer Boyce also reported as follows: Herewith attached please find plat of proposed vacation of an alley in Block 5, of Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co.'s Addition, also so much of Tower Street from the north line of Wall Street to the north line of the above named alley. Notices were served on the respective property owners. Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. On motion the report and plat was re- ferred to the committee of the Whole. City Recorder Arendt presented and read the printed notice, certified to by the publisher, of the Council's intention to levy a special assessment against the dif- ferent named property owners for con- structing art 8 -inch Tile Pipe Sanitary Sewer in Alley between Elm and Pine Streets, from Sixteenth to Seventeenth Street. Also, that a special assessment be levied for improving Langworthy Avenue from South Alpine Street to Booth Street. Also, that a special assessment be levied for improving the Alley between South Al- pine and Nevada Streets, from West Third Street to Langworthy Avenue. Also, that a special assessment be levied for improving Raymond Place from Fen- elon Place to Cooper Street. No remonstrance being filed against any of the above named notices, the Mayor asked if any one present had any objec- tion to any of the above named special assessments. No objection being stated, on motion the notices were received and filed. Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the fol- lowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for con- structing an eight -inch Tile Pipe Sanitary Sewer in the Alley between Elm and Pine Streets, from Sixteenth to Seventeenth Streets, by McNamara & Co., contractors, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and 1,4 hereto, levier) nn the several lots, and parts of lots, and par- cels of real estate hereinafter named, sit- uate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows: Special assessment submitted and pas,: - ed Nov. 14th, 1903. Victoria Simones, East Dubuque Add. W. 65 ft lot 222, 51.2 lin ft at 47c $ 2 0 Victoria Simones, East Dubuque Add., W 65 ft lot 223, 51.2 lin ft at 47c 24 06 Victoria Simones, East Dubuque Add., W. 65 ft S 1-2 lot 224, 25.6 lin ft at 47c Metz Mfg. Co., East Dubuque Add., W. 65 ft N 1-2 lot 224, 25.6 lin ft at 47c Metz Mfg. Co., East Dubuque Add., W. 65 ft, lot 225, 51.2 lin ft, at 47c Metz Mfg. Co., East Dubuque Add, W. 65 ft, lot 226, 51.2 lin ft at 47c Metz Mfg. Co., East Dubuque Add, lot 177, 51.2 lin ft, at 47c 12 03 12 03 24 06 24 06 24 06 Regular Session Nov. 19, 1903. 301 Metz Mfg. Co., East Dubuque Add., lot 178. 51.2 lin ft, at 47c 24 06 MetZ Mfg. Co., East Dubuque Add, N. 1-2 lot 179, 25.6 lin ft, at 47c 12 03 Victoria Simones, East Dubuque Add., S. 1-2 lot 179, 25.6 lin ft, at 47c 12 03 Victoria Simones, East Dubuque Add., lot 180, 51.2 lin ft, at 47c 24 06 Total $216 64 Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Herr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays -None. Ald. Frith also offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for im- proving Langworthy Avenue, from South Alpine Street to Booth Street by Brown & Brown. contractors. in front of and adjoining the same a Special Tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situated and owned, and for the several amounts set oppo- site each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Special .-1Fsessment submitted and pass- ed Nov. 19th. 1903. J. S. Stephens, Julia L. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 53, 124 lin. ft. curbstone at 60c, $62; 69.1 sq. yds. guttering at 50c, $34.50; 168 6 sq. yds. macadamizing at 55c, $92.73; 8.7 lin. ft. curb reset at 10c, 87c; engineering expense, $4.84 $ 194 94 H. Gertenbaeh, Julia L. Lang - worthy's Add.. lot 44, 55 lin. ft. curbstone at 50c, $27.50; 29.6 sq. yds. guttering at 50e, $14.80; 73.2 sq. yds. macadamizing at 65e, $40.26; engineering expense, $1.9884 54 Chas. Stillman, Julia L. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 43, 50.1 lin ft. curbstone at 50c, $25.05; 22.3 sq. yds. guttering at 50c, $11.15; 61.2 sq. yds. macadamizing, at 55c, $33.66; engineering expense, $2.20.. 72 06 Mary L. Bunting, Julia L. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 42, 50.6 lin. ft. curbstone at 50e. $25.30; 22.5 sq. s.25; 61.8 qyd . rnacadamizingll . at 55c, $33.99; engineering expense, $2.20.. Aug. Gertenbach, Julia L. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 41, 70 lin. ft. curbstone at 50c, $35; 39 sq. yds. yds.guttering at 50c, l0 102.6 macadamizing at55c$6.43; engineering expense, $2.20 J. S. pJulia Lang - worthy's Add., lot 36, 151 linft. curbstone at 50c, $75.50; 80.4 sq. yds. guttering at 50c. $40.20; 208.8 sq. yds. macadamizing at 55c, $114.84; engineering expense. $5.28. HA. dd. Torbert, Sr 26.6 ft lot 6, 134.3 lin. ft curbstone at 50c, $67.15; 76.8 sq. guttering 8mac macadamizing at 183.1 sq. 55c, $100.70; 12.9 lin. ft. curb reset, at 10c, $1.29; engineering expense, 212 91 Geo. Ellis Est., Subs. 7 and 8, S. M. Laot 1, 39.6 in. ft. curbstone rbstone at 50c,1 $69.80; l 78.2 sq. .3 sq. yds. macadamizing at 50c, 39dam zingat; l59c, $101.36; 11.4 lin, ft. curb reset s e a t 10e, $1.14; engineering 216 77 $5.37 ................................. 72 74 113 13 235 82 F. L. Poole. Julia L. Langworthy's Add., lot 35, 161 lin. ft. curbstone at 50e, $75.50; 80.4 sq. yds. gutter- ing at 50c, $40.20; 208.8 sq. yds. macadamizing at 55c, $114.S4; engi- neering expense, $5.28 Mary L. Bunting, Julia L. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 28, 160.7 lin. ft. curbstone at 50c, $80.35; 84.7 sq. yds. guttering at 60c, $42.36; 220.6 sq. yds. macadamizing at 65c, $121.33; engineering expense, $5.72. 249 75 Edw, A. Buettell, Julia L. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 21, 187.5 lin. ft. curbstone at 50c, $93.75; 97.8 sq. yds. guttering at 50c, $48.90; 246.7 sq. yds. macadamizing at 55c, 8135.68; 10 lin. ft. curb reset at 10c, $1.00; engineering expense, $7.70.. 287 03 235 82 Total $1,975 51 Aid Frith moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays -None. Ald. Frith also offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for im- proving the Alley between South Alpine and Nevada Streets, from West Third Street to Langworthy Avenue, by Browu & Brown, contractors, in front of and ad- joining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as fol- lows: Special assessment submitted and passed November 17th, 1903. E. A. Buettell, Julia L. Langwor thy's Add., lot 21, 85.2 so yds ma- cadamizing, at 55c, $46.86; engineer- ing$ 49 expense, $2.39 25 Mary L. Bunting, Julia L. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 20, 84 sq yds macadamizing. at 55c, $46.20; en- gineering46 expense, $2.26 John A. Meshinger, Julia L. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 19, 84 sq yds macadamizing, at 55c, $46.20; en- gineering expense, $2.26 J. S. Stephens, Julia L. Langwor- thy's Add., lot 18, 84 sq yds ma- cadamizing, at 55c, $46.20; engin- eering expense, $2.26 48 46 F. L. Poole, Julia L. Langworthy's Add., g 1 at 17, 55c, 3sq $48.02 asmacadam- e engineering expense, 50 28 expense. $2.26 J Langwor- thy's Julia L Add., lot 22161.8 sq yds ma- cadamizing, at 55c, $33.19; engin- eering57 expense, $1.58 a L. Jangwor- thy'sSAddQalot 2311 L58.3 sq yds ma- cadamizing, at 5c, $32.07; engineer- ing expense, $1.58 F. L. Poole, Julie L. Langworthy's Add., lot, 62.3 gyds macadam - engin engineering iting, at 5c, $3 ex- pense, $1.68. "" ""35 95 Julia D. Rhomberg, Julia L. Lang - Yd worthy's Add, lot 25, 62.3 gengis macadamizing, at 55c, $34.27; 45 95 gineering expense, $1.68 Julia Langworthy, JuliaL. sLaq ng - worthy's Add., lot 26, 62 macadamizing, at 55c, $34.27; en- gineering expense, $1.68 Julia L. W. E. and Viola Fox, 302 Regular Session Nov. 19, 1903. Langworthy's Add., lot 27, 58.9 sq yds macadamizing, at 55c, $32.40; engineering expense, $1.61 34 01 Mary L. Bunting, Julia L. Lang - worthy's Add.. lot 28, 58.9 sq yds macadamizing, at 55c, $32.40; en- gineering expense, $1.61 34 01 Total 8490.00 Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Frith also offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for im- proving Raymond Place from Fenelon Place to Cooper Street, by O'Farrell & Street, contractors, in front of and ad- joining the same. a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Special assessment submitted and passed November 19th, 1903. Fenelon Place Elevator Co., Sub. 1 of 1 of out lot 692• lot 1, 110.6 lin ft curbstone. at 55e, $60.83; 57.8 sq yds guttering, at 55c, $31.79; 120 sq yds macadamizing, at 55c, $66; 224 lin ft curb reset, at 10c, $2.24; engi- neering expense, $7.97 $168 83 A. A. Cooper, East part of city lot (E. 122 ft) lot 691, 127.8 lin ft curb- stone, at 55c, $70.£9; 58.5 sq yds gut- tering. at 55c. $32.18; 114.4 sq yds macadamizing, at 55c, $62.92; engi- • neering expense, $7.97 173 36 Leathers & Trewin, Sub. of E. 1-2 of lot 44 of out lot 700 and part 691, lot 2, 129 lin ft curbstone, at 55c, $70.95; 59.2 sq yds guttering, at 65c, $32.56; 114.4 sq yds macadamizing, at 55c, $62.92; engineering expense, $7.97 174 40 T. G. Cragin, Sub. 1, out lot 700 and part 691, lot 2, 126.7 lin ft curb- stone, at 55c, 869.69; 57.3 sq yds gut- tering, at 55c, $31.52; 116 sq yds ma- cadamizing, at 55c, $63.80; 4.3 lin ft curb reset, at 10c, 43c; engineering expense, $7.97 173 41 Total $690 00 Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu • tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alda. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. City Attorney Barnes and City Engi- neer Boyce reported as follows: The undersigned, to waom was refer- red the attached petition of I. C. Cham- berlain. asking that the City redeem from tax sale and refund to him the amount paid by him with interest on lots 24 and 25, block 15, Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's Addition, for purpose of examining into the facts con- nected with said tax sale and the owner- ship of said lots, beg leave to report that we have examined the records with regard to the same and find that all the lots in question are owned by the Chi- cago Great Western Railway. That said company derived its title to lot 25 by warranty deed from the Standard Lum- ber Company in December, 1888; and to lot 24 from William Hintrager• et al., under a condemnation proceeding. The consideration fixed by the Sheriff's jury was $678.50. which was paid to the Sheriff as required by law. This condemnation suit was had October 27, 1888. There ap- pears to be no deed on record to lot 24, but in cases of condemnation no deed is executed in many instances, the award and report of the jury being the token of title. As these lots belong to the Chicago Great Western Railway and forms a part of its right of way, the same should not have been sold for taxes in the manner referred to in said petition. We would further recommend that as the money was paid into the City Treasury by 1. C. Chamberlain by mis- take, that the City redeem said lots from said tax sale and refund to said Cham- berlain the amount due thereon. Respectfully submitted, G. A. BARNES, City Attorney. JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Ald. Sheridan moved that the report las accepted and the recommendation car- ried out. Carried. City Recorder Arendt reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—According to the instruc- tions of your Honorable Body, I take pleasure to report that the Mayor and myself executed a deed to Michael Weber for lot 16a in Smedley's Sub. Please find Treasurer's receipt of $50.00 attached for the same; also deed of Michael Weber to the City of Dubuque, for lot 2 of the subdivision of lot 33 of High Street Sub., in the City of Dubuque. Respectfully submitted. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Ald. Sheridan moved .that the action of the Mayor and Recorder he approved, and the deed of Michael Weber placed on record. Carried. Mayor Berg stated that he w:1ti not feeling well, and wished to be excused. Ald. Horr, Mayor Pro Tem, then presid- ed during the remainder of the meeting. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Horr, Chairman of the Committee on Finance, reported as follows: Your Committee on Finance, to whotn was referred the petition of the Dubuque Brewing and Malting Company, stating that they are the owners of Lot 17, E. Langworthy Add., that for the year 1898 said lot was assessed to A. C. Lantzky, and that the taxes for said year were paid by the petitioners. That for the same year, 1898, said lot was also assessed to the Iiey City Fire In- surance Company and was sold for the taxes of 1898, the petitioners being com- pelled to pay the sum of $13.18 to redeem said lot from tax sale, which amount they ask to have refunded, would recom- mend that the prayer of the petitioners be granted and that the City Treasurer be instructed to refund said amount of $13.18 as prayed for. JOSEPH L. HORR. Chairman. Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the report. Carried. Regular Session Nov. 19, 1903. Aid, Frith, chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented and read an Ordi- nance prohibiting and regulating the dig- ging of privy vaults in the Sewer districts in the City of Dubuque, and moved that the reading just had be considered its first reading. Carried. Ald. Frith moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of reading the Ordinance by its title the second time. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr. Jones. Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. The Ordinance was then read by its title. Ald. Frith moved that the Ordinance be now a(101)1d as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, hoer, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. The Ordinance follows: An Ordinance prohibiting and regulating the digging of privy vaults in the sew- er districts In the City of Dubuque: Be It Ordined by the City Council of the fifty of Dubuque: Sec. 1. That no person, firm or corpor- ation shall dig any privy vault upon any lot in the City of Dubuque, abutting any Street or Alley in which is located a san- itary sewer, provided said sanitary sewer is so located that connection can be made therewith. Sec. 2. Any person, firm or corpora- tion, desiring to dig any such vault upon any lot in said city which abuts any Street or Alley in which is located a san- itary sewer, shall, before digging such vault, rile a petition with the City Coun- cil, stating that said sanitary sewer is so located that connection cannot be made therewith. The City Council shall inves- tigate the merits of said petition and if the statements therein are found to be true, the Council may by resolution, permit said vault to be dug, but no per- mit shall be granted for any other reason. Sec. 3. Any person, firm or corpora- tion violating any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars, together with costs of pros- ecution, or imprisoned in the county jail until such fine and costs are paid, not ex- ceeding thirty days. Sec. 4. This ordinance to take effect and be in force on and after its publication one time in the Dubuque Globe -Journal newspaper. Adopted November --, 1903. Approved , 1903. Attest: Mayor. City Recorder. Ald. Frith also presented and read an ordinanee prohibiting the distribution of samples of patent medicines in the City of Dubuque. And moved that the reading just had be considered its first reading. Carried. Ald. Frith moved to suspend the rules tor the purpose of reading the ordinance by its title the second time. Carried by the following vote: Frith, Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. The ordinance was then read by its title. Ald. Frith moved that the ordinance be now ndopted. 303 Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. The ordinance follows: An Ordinance prohibiting the distribution of samples of patent medicines in the City of Dubuque: Bt It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Sec. 1. No person, firm or corporation shall either personally or through their agents or employees, distribute any sam- ple or samples of any patent or proprie- tary medicine, either by giving the same to individuals upon the street or by de- livering the same at any residence in said city, or by throwing them in any store or building or other place in said city, or in any other manner. Sec. 2. That the provisions of section one hereof shall not be so construed as to prevent any druggist or apothecary or employee of any such druggist or apoth- ecary, from delivering to their customers such samples of patent or proprietary medicine as they deem proper. provided that no such druggist, apothecary or em- ployee shall deliver any such sample to any person under sixteen years of age. Sec. 3. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be guil- ty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars, together with costs of prosecution, or be confined in the county jail until such fine and costs are paid, not exceeding thirty days. Sec. 4. This ordinance to take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication one time in the Dubuque Globe -Journal newspaper. Passed , Approved Attest: Mayor. City Recorder. Ald. Clancy moved that the ordinance providing for the placing of telephone wires under ground within certain limits, and regulating the action of aerial tele- phone poles and wires outside of said district in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, be taken up and read for the second time. Carried. The ordinance was then read. A Id. Corrance moved that the reading just had be considered its second reading. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, aim Horr, Jones, Raymond anpd Sheridan. Nays—Ald. Frith. Ald. Corrance moved that the ordinance be now adopted as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—Aid. Frith. Ald. Frith, chairman of the committee on Streets, reported as follows: Your committee on Streets begs to re- port that we nave examined the improve- ment on the following named streets and alley, to -wit: Raymond Place from Fenelon Place to Cooper Street, O'Farrell & Street, con- tractors. Broadway Extension from Gay to Put- nam Street, Charles Steuck, contractor. \\'illnw .5'lrret from St. .1'nht•oso 9111) 11 to the alley first east of said St. Ambrose 304 Regular Session Nov. 19, 1903. Street, O'Farrell & Street, contractors. Alley between South Alpine and Nevada Streets from Langworthy Avenue to West Third Street, Brown & Brown, contrac- tors. And would recommend that said streets and alley he accepted and that the City Engineer he instructed to prepare a plat showing the separate lots or parcels of ground subject to assessment for such improvement, together with the names and owners thereof, as far as practicable, and the amount to he ;issessed against each lot or parcel of ground, and to file such plat and schedule in the office of the Recorder, who shall thereupon give the notice provided for by Section 16 of Chap- ter 31 of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque. Also that the Finance committee be instructed to pro- vide for the issuance of bonds to cover the cost of said improvement. Also, your committee on Streets, to whom was referred the petition of Julia L. Langworthy, asking that the city join with the owners of the property in Sum- mit Addition in making a new plat of said addition, said new plat being rendered necessary by reason of omissions in the original plat, would recommend that the petitioner be instructed to prepare a plat showing the errors claimed to exist in the original plat and to submit the same to the City Council. Also, your committee on Streets begs to report that we have examined the im- provement on Langworthy Avenue front South Alpine Street to Booth Street, Brown & Brown, contractors, and also on Gilmore Place from West Fifth Street to Alley first south of Fenelon Plaer, Gus. 'Grown. contractor, and would recommend that said streets he accepted and that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare a plat showing the separate lots or parcels of ground subject to assessment for such improvement. together with the na-• e, of the owners thereof as far as practicable, and the amount to he assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, and to file such plat and schedule in the office of the Recorder, who shall thereupon give the notice provided for by Section 16 of Chap- ter 31 of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque. Also, your committee on Streets begs to report that we received bids as follows for the construction of a cement walk on West Eleventh Street and Highland Place: James Lee, 13c per square foot. E. J. Schilling, 14c per square foot. James Lee being the lowest bidder was awarded the contract and will proceed with the work as soon as the weather per- mits. Also, your committee on Streets would respectfully recommend that the City En- gineer be instructed to construct a porta- ble bin to be used in connection with the rock crusher. Also your Committee on Streets, to whom was referred the within waiver of Fritz Remus, et al., for the improvement of an alley between Edison and Mertz Streets, would recommend that said waiv- er be referred back to said Fritz Remus to secure the signatures of all the own- ers of property abutting on said alley. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the various reports of the Committee on Streets. Car- ried. Ald. Corrance, chairman of the Com- mittee on Markets, reported as follows: Your Committee on Markets begs to report that in accordance with the usual custom of giving the Marketmaster an assistant during the winter months, we have appointed P. Baumgartner such as- sistant, at $1.35 a day, to remain until April 1st, 1904, and desire that the Coun- cil ratify the action of the committee. H. CORRANCE, Chairman. Ald. Corrance moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Ald. Clancy, chairman of the Committee on Fire, reported as follows: You Committee on Fire and Chief of the Fire Department, to whom was re- ferred with power the petition of Peter Hanson, asking that he be granted per- mission to erect a new frame barn, two stories high and about 4U by 16 feet di- mensions on lot 71, East Dubuque Add., said new barn to replace an old one, beg to report that the owners of two- thirds of the property situated in the block wherein it is proposed to erect said barn have signed their consent and join- ed in the petition for the same; we have, therefore, in accordance with the power conferred on us by the Council, granted said Peter Hanson the permission as prayed for in his petition. Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Ald. Ray mond, chairman of the Com- mittee on DelinquentTaxes, reported as follows: Your Committee on Delinquent Taxes to whom was referred the petition of Louisa Schwartz, stating that she is a widow without any means of support, that her property, Lots 7 and 9 in Marsh's Dubuque No. 2, Lot 6, Kringle's Sub., and Lot Ga in Quigley's sub .of Outlot 711, total valuation $500.00, had been sold for the taxes of 1901, and asking that said lots oc redeemed end that the taxes for the years 1901 and 1902 be canceled, would recommend that the prayer of the peti- tioner be granted and that the Treasurer be instructed accordingly. Also your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the peti- tion of Jane M. McCloskey, asking that the taxes against her property, Lot 2, Cain's Sub., be canceled for the year 1902 and 1903, would recommend that said taxes be allowed to remain a lien on the property and that the Treasurer be in- structed not to sell. Also your Committee on Delinquent Tames, to whom was referred the peti- tion of Elizabeth Hughes, asking that the taxes against part of Lot 1 Len- heim's Add., be canceled for the year 1902, would recommend that the taxes be al- lowed to remain a loin on the property and that the Treasurer be instructed not to sell.. Ald. Raymond moved to adopt the re- ports of the Committee on Delinquent Taxes, Carried. Ald. Horr, chairman of the Board of Equalizatign, reported as follows: Your 'Bard of Equalization to whom were refeFred the petitions of Ida M. Simplot, asking that the valuation of the Regular Session Nov. 19, 1903. 305 south 2-3 of City Lot GO be reduced from $15.0tl0.00 'to 8.14.100.m. would recommend that said petitions be re•2eived and filed and for the reas,'n that the matter had leen previously •.( t(d on." Also. your Board oEqualization, to whom was referred th )etition of the Ger- mania Stock Compan.'. asking that the valuation for assessment purposes on City Lot No. 209 be fixed for the year )02 at the same amount as for 1901, would recom- mend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the Treasurer be in- structed accordingly. Also, your Board of Equalization, to whom was referred the petition of the St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital, asking that the taxes against Lot 1 of the Sub. of City Lot 731 be canceled and that said lot be exempt from taxation because the same is used exclusively for hospital purposes. would recommend that the prayer of the petition be granted and that the Treas- urer and Assessor be instructed accord- irgly. Ald. I-iorr moved to adopt the various reports of the Board of Equalization. Carried. Ald. Horr, chairman of the committee of the Whole, reported as follows: Your committee or the Whole. to whom was referred the hill of Aloys Lehmann for $78.55 for damages to his property on West Sixteenth Street, would recommend that said Aloys Lehmann be allowed the sum of Forty Dollars ($40.00) in full set- tlement of all claims of whatsoever na- ture he may have against the City of Du- buque. by reason of the cave-in on his premises. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of the Dutuque Brewing and Malting Company, stating that they were the owners of all the property on each side of Twenty- seventh Street where the same is crossed by the C. G. W. R. R. tracks, and ask- ing that they be granted permission to ex- tend their present private track across said Twenty-seventh Street and into Lot 49, Glendale .Addition. Also that they be granted permission to use the sidewalk on the south side of Twenty-seventh Street abutting said Lot 49, Glendale Add., the full width of said walk for the erection of a glass shed thereon. Also that they be granted permission to fill in Liebes Avenue, where the same is below grade between Jackson Street and the C. G, W. R. R. tracks, would respectfully recommend that the Ordinance Commit- tee he instructed to prepare an ordinance granting said company permission to hiy their track across Twenty-seventh Street and to present said ordinance to the Council. Also that said Dubuque Brew- ing and Malting Company be granted the use of the sidewalk abutting Lot 49. Glendale Addition, as prayed for. for a period of five years and thereafter at the pleasueVeof hr e City Council, heand also that that part of their petition re- lating to the filling of Liebes Avenue be referred to the Committee on Streets and City Engineer. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the resolution sessionof by Alderman Clancy the the City Council held re ef to c 1903.0 providing for the appointment roittee to devise and report a plan for the division of the city into five road districts, begs to report that we have amended said resolution by substituting the word "threet (3)" for the word "five (5)" in the fourth line thereof and would recommend the adoption of the .ame as amended. Also, your committee of the Whole n mold respectfully recommend that the City Treasurer be instructed to accept from James Ronan the sum of Twenty- five Dollars ($25.00) in full settlement for the special assesment levied against lots 27 and 28, inion Addition, for the improve- ment of Oak Street. JOSEPH L. HOER. Chairman. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the various reports cf the committee of the Whole. Carried. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Clancy offered the following: Resolved, That the City Assessor. City Engineer and City Attorney be directed to devise and report to this Council a plan providing for the division and terri- tory to be included in each separate road district for at least three (3) road dis- tricts in the City, for the purpose of re pairing. cleaning and sprinkling the streets, as provided by the statute. Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried. Ald. Clancy moved that the matter of furnishing rock for the Rock Crusher he brought up before the committee of the Whole at an early date. Carried. Ald. Raymond moved to adjourn until December 3rd, 1103. Carried. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Attest: ' Recorder Approved.. . `5 1901 • yor 306 Li st of Warrant s LIST OF CITY WARRANTS City Recorder's Office. Dubuque. Iowa, November 1. 1903. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The following is a complete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of October, 1903: C. H. Berg, salary, Mayor $116 66 H. Brinkman, salary, Treasurer 133 30 J. A. McKinlay, salary, Deputy Treasurer 100 00 Jno. Brayer, clerk, Treasurer's of- W fico 60 Chas. F. Arendt, salary. Recorder116 60 Wm. A. Kaep, salary, Deputy Re- corder 80 00 F. B. Hoffman. salary, Auditor11665 C. B. Scherr. salary. Assessor 125 00. A. Doerr, Jr., salary, Assistant As- sessor 1W OU J. J. Murphy, salary, Assistant As- sessor 10U 00 Geo. A. Barnes, salary, Attorney150 OU J. B. Powers, salary, Assistant At- a•ney 75 IRI l':al. Morgan, salary, Chief of Police 100 00 .J .s. Reinfried. salary, FIre Chief100 00 J. \V. Lawler, salary, Committee Clerk 100 U0 Jas. Boyce. salary. City Engineer166 65 E. Anderson, salary, Assistant En- gineer 100 I O F. Neuwoehner, salary, Rodman 50 00 E. Herron, salary, Superintendent Street Sprinkling 60 00 \\'m. Hipman, salary, Electrician83 30 H. Tropf, salary, Marketmaster50 00 P. Ryan, salary, Park Custodian40 00 P. Kien, salary, Park Custodian40 00 T. Faherty, salary, Park Custodian 10 00 Dr. 13. F. Michel. salary, Health Of- ficer 50 L{) F. Flynn. salary, Sanitary Patrol- man 6U 00 N. Offern:an, salary, Poundmaster45 00 Mrs. H. Koenig, salary, Janitress20 00 A. Crawford, salary, Sidewalk In- spector 60 00 H. A. Moyes, salary, Wharfmaster20 00 M. Clancy, salary, Alderman 25 UU H. Corrance, salary, Alderman 25 00 E. E. Frith, salary, Alderman 25 00 J. L. Horr, salary, Alderman 25 00 R. Jones, salary, Alderman 25 UU G. N. Raymond, salary, Alderman25 00 J. J. Sheridan, salary, Alderman25 00 Tillie Donnelly. stenographer 20 00 M. Eitel, Fireman 65 00 J. Essman, Fireman 75 00 A. Duccini, Fireman 60 00 J. Flynn, Fireman 65 00 J. Roshin, Fireman 6U 00 J. Tschudi, Fireman 50 00 A. Heer, Fireman 50 00 J. Schonberger, Fireman 50 00 J. Daley. Fireman 65 00 J. Barnes, Fireman 75 00 T. Ryder, Fireman 60 00 G. Beyer, Fireman 65 011 W. Ducey, Fireman 60 00 F. Murphy, Fireman 50 00 P. Ahern, Fireman 50 00 M. Kelley, Fireman 50 00 J. McLaughlin, Fireman 50 00 D. Ahern, Fireman 65 50 T. Flynn, Fireman 65 00 A. McDonnell, Fireman 67 50 J. Murphy, Fireman 50 00 P. Zillig, Fireman 50 00 H. Cain, Fireman 60 00 M. Sweeney, Fireman 50 00 N. Wagner, Fireman 5U 131 J. Brenzer, Fireman T. O'Meara. Fireman Wm. Kannolt, Fireman G. Gherki, Fireman T. Kennedy, Fireman 50 00 11 55 38 20 65 00 60 "0 F. Baumgartner, Fireman 50 00 J. Smith, Fireman 50 00 C. Kannolt, Fireman 65 00 J. Allen. Fireman 60'40 I\I. Fahey, Firernan 50 00 \\'m. O'Connell, Fireman 50 00 R. Weston, Fireman 65 00 F. Kenneally. Fireman 60 00 E. McDermltt, Fireman 50 OU Wm. McClain, Fireman 50 00 G. I:urkel, Police 50 05) J. Carter, Police 6155 J. Clune, Police 50 50 Jno. Cody, Police 50 OU NV. Cook, Police 50 U0 W. Corcoran. Police 51 65 M. Craugh, Police 65 00 H. Donlon. Police 50 00 J. Fitzpatrick. Police 50 00 Jas. Flynn, Police 50 00 Wm. Frith, Police 50 00 T. Ganahl, Police 50 00 B. Gray, Police 5U 00 Pat Hanlon, Police 5U 00 E. Kahn, Police 33 W M. Kitty, Police 50 00 Jno. Loetscher, Police 43 40 P. McCollins, Police 50 00 P. McInerney. Police 50 00 Jno. Mocre, Police 40 00 D. Norton, Police 50 00 M. O'Connor, Police 50 00 Jno, Murphy, Police 50 00 Jno. Raesli, Police 65 110 Otto Rath. Police 50 00 T. Reilly. Police 65 00 Jas. Ryan. Police 50 00 P. Scharff. Police 50 00 Al. Scherr, Police 60 00 M. Stapleton. Police 50 00 P. Sullivan, Police 50 00 Jno. L. Sullivan, Police 33 00 P. Sutton. Police 50 00 Tom Sweeney. Police 50 00 L. Zeidman, Police 5U 00 Mrs. Kate Hibbe, Matron 30 00 Miss B. Brennan, Matron 30 00 Ed. Meyers, Special Police 28 05 Labor on Streets for last half of Sep- tember: A. Alderson, lihor 10 80 John Burris, labor 11 50 Paul Becl:er, labor 17 35 John Brachtenbach, labor In Fred Budde, labor C. Buddien, labor Fred Buddien. labor John Bohn, labor Jos. Brown, labor 1 W. Coughlan, labor 11 Jerry Cahill. labor Mike Cain, labor 11 John Corbett, labor H. Cobb, labor 17 Jas. Connolly, Labor 1; Jas. Callahan. foreman Co 1w 11. Cosgrove, driver 20 00 Thos. Donahue, labor 10 80 P. Defontalne, labor 6 45 M. Donegan, labor 8 10 Peter Dax, labor 7 65 John Egan. labor 9 45 John Engels, labor 16 35 John Ess, labor 7 65 George Frost, foreman 20 00 John Flynn, labor 13 20 Pat. Fenelon. labor 17 65 Nelson Frith, stoker 50 00 Barney Glass. labor 15 55 Pat. Galloon, labor 5 40 List of Warrants 307 Henry Mille. labor 7 80 Chas. Gruenzig, labor 15 40 Jos. Grab. labor 10 35 C. Gantenbein, foreman 10 00 Thos. Hackney, labor 6 75 Geo. Hecklinger, labor 519 Geo. J. Hahn, foreman 20 00 Aug. Hafeman, labor 3 05 A. Henderson, labor 915 John Hell, carptener 22 50 Fred lhrcke, labor 3 75 Peter Jacob, labor 1635 Aug. Jass, labor 6 49 Nic. Kettenhofen, labor 13 65 Paul Krocheski, labor 17 25 J. Kraus, labor 17 55 M. Lonergan, labor 1160 Herman Lembke, labor 11 60 Frank Lassance, labor 405 Bob. Love, bricklayer 15 00 Tom Malloy, labor 2 05 J. Martinek, labor 1185 Nat. Mabe, labor 4 U5 J. Miller, labor 510 John McNulty, labor 15 20 Pat. McMullen, labor 135 Pat. McPoland, labor 1185 Carl Nank, mason 16 50 W. O'Brien, foreman 20 00 Chris. Ode, labor 7 65 Jas. Powers, labor 5 40 Jas. Purcell, labor 8 80 John Parker, labor 5 40 J. Pfeiffer, bricklayer 19 60 W. Quinlan, labor 610 James Ryan, labor 16 90 Jos. Rooney, driver 20 90 Dan Sheehan, mason 10 00 John Schroeder, labor 6 75 John Sloan, labor 5 4U Jos. Sta tel. labor 3 7% Aug. Soyke. labor 5 75 Louis Smith. labor 915 1'. Scheer, labor 17 65 Jas. St:1ney, labor 17 55 W. \\eIsh, labor 7 80 W. \\', nrnnouth. foreman 20 00 Thos. Young. engineer. 75 00 Geo. Zumhof. forcanan 19 50 Becker Bros.. team 18 90 J. Berwanger. team 14 40 13. Blschop. I,;n» 12 60 John Calvert. learn 37 80 Josh Culvert. contract 39 00 Mat. Gantenbein, team 7 40 J. Haudenshichl. team 25 20 Peter Horch, team 24 00 John Huffmire, team (contract) 37 90 James Keefe. team 7 20 M. Kenneally. team 3 GO Prat. Linchao. team 12 90 .1. ti. Mori•. ',am 7 20 J. J. ',h4 •olliu.-., team 10 SO J(•fi. Al,•(7r.tth. tenon 45 90 Georgy 1:..111olds. team 43 80 Ed. Seel. > . team 43 80 Adam Stoltz, team 18 60 James Tobin, team 3.2 40 J. Williams, team 12 40 Al. Zogg, team 2 70 1.,ibor on Sewers oaring the Last halt of September, 1903: P. Casserly, labor John Corcoran, labor R. T. Eddy, foreman R. A. Fuller, labor F. Hohnecker, labor Pat Kenneally, labor Pat Sage, labor Landon Taylor, labor Teams hauling Sprinkling Wagons dur- ing the last half of September, 1903:$ 36 1>U Becker Bros $ 17 60 17 60 25 00 8U0 8 00 17 00 17 oU 8 00 'T. B. Cain A. Conrad Jas. H. Keefe 38 00 1200 38 00 John Linehan Martin Maher Dan Melloy J. J. McCollins McElrath Teaming Co Peter Carney, quarryman Peter Carney, labor Ed. Firzlaff, mason Pat Grue, labor Peter Gregory, labor John Hafey, labor George Kenneally. water boy Thos. Kcnneally, foreman H. Leicht, mason Mike Maher. labor John lvlahony. labor James McCarron, labor 41 20 38 00 40 00 37 4U 12 00 12 60 665 18 90 4 50 16 15 10 50 805 20 00 18 1,0 16 15 18 25 16 15 James Powers, labor 11 65 Nick Sweeney, labor 1615 George Raschid, team 13 50 W. Woods. team 32 70 Grading Seventh Avenue during the last half of September, 1903: John Berwanger. labor 7 50 C. Gantenbein, foreman 10 00 A. Henderson, labor 1 35 John Miller, labor G 75 George Sear, labor 610 R. Turner. labor 5 40 H. I:ischop, team 14 40 J. Berwanger. team 3 110 M. Zogg, team 18 e0 Labor constructing catch -basins on the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Street storm water sewers, to be charged to the Spec- ial Sewer fund: J. Hanson, mason 14 65 Pat Casserly, labor 3 20 John Corcoran, labor 3 20 Pat Kenneally, labor 3 20 Pat Sage, labor 3 20 It. A. Fuller. labor 12 80 Landon 'Taylor, labor 1280 F. 1!ohnecker, labor 12 80 Tom Kelly. labor 6 00 MACADAM. Duggn. John. Valley street. 34.2 cubic• Fara!, $ 29 05 Furry. 1':at.. \'alloy street, 070 ell hie y iI'(IS 711 Psi Belly. '('1111. Soulhcru avenue. olio• 7:uds Ji11l0w. Cluis.. Tial, ;tree(. 111.1) cubic yards 8 50 Shea, 61 Ili,. \',allay stmt. 11.9 cubic yards 49 GO Hafferman, Aug., Pine street. be- tween 23rd and 24th, 14.5 cubic yards 12 30 Krollfelllt. AV'm.. fine street. be- tween 23rd and 221141. 45.2 cubic yards 28 40 Tippe. Ilci.ry, east end of 23rd sheet. 2:. un ,ruble yards 21 25 L. Daily, cleaning around Market Square during the months of Aug - and September $ 28 OU 1-1. J. Tropf, board of prisoners for 9 00 September T. E. Frith, removing garbage and 389 5U dead animals Jno. Bohn, inspector on Bee Branch 45 sewer Key City Gas Co., rental of gas 2 5U arcs at Armory Key City Gas Co., gas for various 75 20 departments . Safford Stamp Works, stamps for 1 Auditor's office 81 Bieg & Rood, stationery and supplies 5 4U for various offices Kelly's Book Store, tsatlonery and supplies for various offices 7 25 Palmer, Berg & Co., printing bonds 14 00and blank stationery Smith, Morgan Printing Co., print - 33.0 28 05 308 List of Warrants ing and binding 300 Finance Re- ports Smith, Morgan Printing Co., print- ing Police Rules and Regulations Smith, Morgan Printing Co., print- ing 50 Chief of Police Reports Jno. Steiner, Sheriff, to serving na- tices ir, City law suits Pape & Jacquinot, balance due on bill for constructing toilet room in Matron's department H. T. Carpenter, carpenter work at City Hall Dubuque Telephone Co., telephone rent for Mayor's office and engine house No. 5 McDermott & Gow, plumbing at City Hall and Central Engine house Jno. Juergens, painting toilet room, Matron's department R. L. Spellenberg, repairing waste pipe, City Hall J. Newman & Son, repairs for Sprinkling department Dubuque Woodenware and Lumber Co., lumber for Road and Special Sidewalk department Linehan & Molo, sewer pipe for Road department Key City Roofing Co., sewer pipe for Road department G. Ragatz & Son, repairs for Road department G. Ragatz & Son, repairs for Road department Lear & Kennedy, horse shoeing for Road department Eagle Point Lime Works, macadam for Road department Pat. Clancy, cinders for Road de- partment W. B. Baumgartner, new tools for Road and Engineer's departments Purington Paving Brick Co., brick for Road department Smedley Steam Pump Co., repairs on Street Sweeper Smedley Steam Pump Co., grates and frames for Special Sewer de- partment F. A. Burns, use of horse for car- penter wagon Key City Gas Co., coke for Steam Roller N. Jacquinot, arching mineral shaft in alley between South Alpine and Nevada Streets, from West Third Street to Langworthy Avenue Lear & Kennedy, horse shoeing for Fire department Collings & Pfiffner, horse shoeing for Fire department Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse shoeing for Fire department T. F. Kane, hay and oats for department G. Ragatz & Son, repairs for department Linehan & Molo, supplies for Fire department Jos. A. Palen, blue vitrol for Fire department Becker Bros., use of horses for Fire department J. Newman & Son, repairs for Fire department J. F. Ris & Bro., 1 hot blast stove, complete, for Fire department.... Morrison Bros., repairs for Fire de- partment Key City Gas Co., coke for Fire department Key City Gas Co., rental gas arc at Central Engine house Ott, Meuser & Co., shavings for Fire department F. Zehetner, repairs for Fire depart - 168 16 39 50 8 U0 2 50 14 00 19 10 6 00 6 90 18 00 35 210 52 6U 8 111 3 76 3 76 20 2 5U 127 40 1275 16 70 65 02 5 50 27 tO 50 39 811 40 00 20 00 20 00 7 40 Fire 240 75 Fire 370 85 28 00 5 00 1 i6 16 2a 1 10 20 U0 1 00 2 al) ment Iowa Iron Works, 1 set of grates for Fire department Mullen & Papin, 1 gas stove and repairs for Matron's department Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies for Matron's department A. Fluetseh, milk for Matron's de- partment F. A. Burns, shavings at Patrol house T. F. Kane, hay and oats at Patrol house ......... .... .... Collings & P flffner, horseshoeing Patrol team G. W. Healey & 'son, new tools for Sewer department Globe -Journal, official printing for September G0 90 The TImes, official printing for Sep- tember 15 00 Telegraph -Herald, official printing for September 60 00 National Demokrat, official printing for September 25 00 Union Electric Co., arc lights for September 2045 77 P. Eisbsch, estimate on Bee Branch sewer 368 10 T. J. Mulgrew, cement and sewer pipe for Special Sewer depart- ment 22 66 O'Farrell & Street, final estimate constructing st)rm water sewers in Fifteenth and Sixteenth Streets 113 66 A. Gasser, brick for Special Side- walk department 10 00 McNamara & Co., final estimate constructing sanitary sewer in al- ley between Elm and Pine from Sixteenth to Seventeenth Streets177 45 Brown & Brown, estimate for im- proving Langworthy Avenue from Alpine to Booth Streets 1359 55 Brown & Brown, estimate for im- proving Langworthy Avenue from Hill to South Alpine Streets 344 SO Brown & Brown, grading alley be- tween South Alpine and Nevada Streets from West Third Street to Langworthy Avenue 102 00 H. Brinkman, Excavating Permits redeemed 65 00 H. Brinkman, interest paid on War- rants outstanding 714 25 H. Brinkman, New York Exchange 120 H. Brinkman, telegram 50 H. Brinkman, freight charges for Road department 3168 H. Brinkman, freight charges for Road department 4 08 H. Brinkman, Library orders paid635 54 J. Krebs, loan 600 00 M. E. Holmes, loan 2000 00 Germ. Trust & Savings Bank, loan7500 00 Chas. Steuek, loan 2000 00 T. J. Magee, loan 600 00 Labor on Streets for the first half of October: A. Alderson, labor 8 45 E. Amanda, labor 9 15 John Burns, labor 9 45 J. Rrouillette, labor 710 Paul Becker, labor 14 85 D. J. Brightbill, labor 4 05 John Bohn, mason 16 25 C. Buddien, labor 510 Fred Buddien, labor 9 80 Chas. Bluecher, labor 1015 Fred Budde, labor 510 John Brachtenbach, labor 9 45 Chas. Busse, labor 985 John Brown. labor 10 30 Mike Cain, labor 1115 W. Coughlan, labor 4 05 John Corbett, labor 8 45 r 16 2 76 5 60 6 90 1 50 5 00 34 40 12 00 3 CO Official Notices 309 H. Cobb, labor Jas. Connolly, labor D. Corcoran. labor James Callahan, foreman H. Cosgrove, driver Peter De Fontaine. labor Thos. Donahue, labor John Egan. labor John Engels. labor Mike Farrell. labor Geo. Frost. foreman Pat. FenclOn. labor Barney (1 ss. labor Pat. (iillonn, labor Henry (Lille, labor Jos. Grab. labor Joseph Guenther. labor C. Gantenhein, foreman Thos. 'Hackney, labor Geo. J. Hahn. foreman A. Henderson labor Aug. Hafeman. labor J. 'Hanson, mason John Heil, carpenter Fred Ihrcke, labor Peter Jacob, labor Nic. Kettenhofen, labor J. Kraus. labor Paul Krocheski, labor Martin Lonergan, labor H. Lembke, labor F. Lassance. labor John Levens. carpenter Nat. Mabe, labor J. Martinek. labor A. Mandersheid. labor Pat. McMullen. labor John McNulty. labor Pat. McPoland, labor Carl Natick, mason W. O'Brien, foreman James Purcell. labor John Parker, labor John Pfeiffer, bricklayer W. Quinlan, labor James Ryan. labor Chas. Reinfrank, labor Jos. Rooney, driver Aug. Soyke. labor John Schroeder. labor John Sloan, labor Louis Smith, labor Frank Scherr, labor Jas. Straney, labor W. Welsh, labor W. Wearmouth, foreman John Walsh, (Race) labor Geo. Zumhoff, foreman Becker Bros., team H. Bischop, team John Calvert, team Josh Calvert, team John Evans, team Mike Hannan, team J. Haudenshield, team Peter Horeb, team John Huffmire, team (contract) M. Kenneally, team James Keefe, team Pat. Linehan, team J. G. Moore, team J. J. McCollins, team Jeff McGrath, team Geo. Reynolds, team Ed. Seeley, team Adam Stoltz, team James Tobin, team M. Zogg, team 10 80 Labor on Sewers rrom the 1st to the 14th of October, 1503: Pat Casserly, labor John Corcoran, labor R. T. Eddy, foreman R. A. Fuller, labor F. Hohnecker, labor Pat Kenneally, labor IG 20 10 20 5 25 20 00 20 00 4 05 1 35 13 85 9 35 8 80 20 00 10 20 15 20 5 40 5 10 5 40 2 70 20 00 12 50 20 00 12 85 3 75 24 75 22 50 5 10 13 55 9 80 16 20 70 13 85 15 40 4 05 8 00 1 35 4 05 11 35 15 20 4 05 3 40 1 00 20 00 11 15 10 80 18 00 8 95 14 85 11 35 20 00 6 75 11 50 5 15 3 75 10, 20 16 20 6 75 20 0C 9 95 18 00 16 80 40 50 20 00 (contract) 36 00 18 90 2 80 44 40 19 80 35 00 22 50 13 40 12 40 8 00 38 20 28 80 34 80 29 40 3 GO 10 80 $ 1920 19 20 25 00 19 20 19 20 17 60 Pat Sage. labor 17 60 Landon Taylor, labor 19 20 Hauling sprinkling wagons during the first half of October, 1903: Becker Bros 7'. B. Cain Jas. H. Keefe John Linehan Martin Maher Dan Mellor J. J. McCollins $ 23 20 17 20 28 40 30 00 22 40 28 00 10 00 Grading on Bluff Street Extension from the 1st to the 14th of October, 1903: Rich. Burns, labor Peter Carney, labor John Dougherty, labor Pat Grue, labor Peter Gregory, labor John H afey, labor 'Phos. 1.1nr,e,,11 y, foreman Gen. K,nneally. water boy Bob. Love, carpenter Mike Maher. labor John Mahoney, labor James 51cCar:on, labor James Powers, labor Nick Sweeney, labor Geo. Raschid, team W. Woods, team 22 50 4 15 1 50 6 40 0 40 7 90 ;0 00 20 8 25 7 90 0 40 790 f, 40 6 40 8 10 18 90 I hereby certify that the foregoing is - a true and correct list of all warrants is- sued by ane during the month of October. 1903. C. F. ARENDT. City Recorder. NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, held on the 19th day of Nov- ember, 1903, the following Special Assess- ments were levied on the real estate here- inafter described, an dthat in case of fail- ure to pay the one-seventh part within the time prescribed by the Ordinance gov- erning same, all will become delinquent and subject to collection by distress and sale. H. BRINKMAN, City Treasurer. For Improving Raymond Place from Fenelon Place to Cooper Street: Name. Description. Amount. Fenelon Place Elevator Co., sub. 1 of 1 of out lot 692, lot 1 $168 83 A. A. Cooper, east part of city lot (E. 222 ft.) lot 691 178 36 Leathers & Trewin, sub. E. 1, lot 44, out lot 700 and part 691, lot 2 174 40 T. L. Cragin, sub. 1, out lots 700 and part 691, lot 2 173 41 For Improving Langworthy Avenue from South Alpine Street to Booth Street: J. S. Stephens, Julia L. Langwor- thy's Add., lot 53 194 94 H. Gertenbach, Julia L. Langwor- thy's Add., lot 44 84 54 Chas. Stillman, Julia L. Langwor- thy's Add., lot 43 72 06 Mary L. Bunting, Julia L. Langwor- thy's Add., lot 42 72 74 Aug. Gertenbach, Julia L. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 41 113 13 J. S. Stephens, Julia L. Langwor- thy's Add., lot 36 235 82 H. G. Torbert, S. M. Langworthy' Add., S. 26.6 ft., lot 6 212 91 Geo. Ellis Est., sub. 7 and 8, S. M Langworthy'. Add., lot 1 216 77 F. L. Poole. Julia L. Langworthy' Add., lot 39 245 82 Mary L. Bunting, Julia L. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 28 249 75 E. A. Buettell, Julia L. Langwor- thy's Add., lot 21 287 03 For Improving Alley Between South Al- 310 Official Notices. pine and Nevada Streets: E. A. Buettell, Julie L. Langwor- thy's Add., lot 21 Mary L. Bunting, Julia L worthy's Add., lot 20 Jno. A. Meshinger, Julia L worthy's Add., lot 19 J. S. Stephens, Julia L. Langwor thy's Add., lot 18 F. L. Poole, Julia L. Langworthy' Add., lot 17 J. S. Stephens. Julia L. Langwor thy's Add., lot 22 J. S. Stephens. Julia L. Langwor- thy's Add., lot 23 F. L. Poole, Julia L. Langworthy's Add., lot 24 Julia D. Rhomberg, Julia L. Lang - worthy's Add.. lot 20 W. E. and Viola Fox, Julia L. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 27 Mary L. Bunting, Julia L. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 28 Julia Langworthy, Julia L. Lang - worthy's Add.. lot 26 49 25 48 46 48 96 48 46 s 6028 35 57 33 65 35 95 35 95 34 01 34 01 35 95 Lang- ang Lang- Lang NOTICE NOTICE Oh SPECIAL ASSESSMENT. Dubuque. Iowa. Nov. 9th, 1903. Notice is hereby given to all concerned that a special assessment will be levied to pay fur improving Raymond Place, from Fenelon Place to Cooper Street, O'Farrell & Street, contractors; amount of special assessment $690.00, against the property abutting along and upon said street as provided by law, at a session of the Council to be held Nov. 19th, 1903. And that there is a plat and schedule on file in the office of the City Recorder of the City of Dubuque, showing the street cr part thereof on which said street has been improved and the separate lots and parcels of ground or specified portion thereof, subject to assessment for such imp:•ovement; the name of the owners thereof as far as practicable and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, watch plat and schedule is subject to public inspection. And that any and all persons objecting to said special assessments cf said plat and schedule must file his or their objec- tions in writing with the City Recorder of said City of Dubuque on or before said session of the City Council, to be held Noy. 20th, 1903, or to appear at said session of the Council to show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. C. F. ARENDT. 11-9-10t City Recorder. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT. Notice is hereby given to all concerned that a special assessment will be levied to pay for the construction of an S -inch Tile Pipe Sanitary Sewer in the alley be- tween Elm and Pine Streets. from Six- teenth Street to Seventeenth Street, Mc- Namara & Co., contractors. Amount of special assessment, $216.64, against the abutting property upon and along said sewer, as provided by law at a session of the City Council to be held Nov, 19th, 1903. And that there is a plat and schedule on tile in the office of tht City Recorder of said City of Dubuque, showing the al- ley or a part thereof in which said sewer has been constructed, and the separate lots and parcels of ground and specified portions thereof subject to assessment of such improvement, the names of the own- ers as far as practicable, and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, which plat and schedule is subject to public inspection. And that any and all persons objecting to said special assessment of said plat must file his or their objection In writing with the City Recorder of said City of Dubuque en or before said session of the City Council to be held Nov. 19th, 1903, cr to appear at said session of the Cour. eIi to show cause, if any you have, why said assessment shoula not be levied. Dated Dubuque, Iowa, Nov. 9th, 1903, C. F. ARENDT. 11-9-10t City Recorder. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT. Dubuque, Iowa. Nov. 9th, 1900. Notice is hereby given to all concerned that a special assesment will be levied to pay for improving alley between South Alpine, and Nevada Streets from West Third Street to Langworthy Avenue, Brown & Brown, contractors; amount of special assessment, $490.00; against the property abutting along and upon said street as provided by law, at a session of the council to be held Nov. 19th, 1903. And that there is a plat and schedule on file in the office of the City Recorder of the City of Dubuque, showing the street or part thereof on which said street has been improved and the separate lots and parcels of ground or specified portion thereof, subject to assessment for such improvement; the name of the own- ers thereof as far as practicable. and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, which plat and sched- ule is subject to public inspection. And that any and all persons objecting to said special assessments of said plat and Fchedule must file his or their objections in writing with the City Recorder of said City of Dubuque on or before said session of the City Council, to be held Nov. 19th, 1903, or to appear at said session of the City Council, to show cause, if any you have. why said assessments should not be levied. C. F. ARENDT, 11-9-10t. City Recorder. NOTICE OF SPEC:A L ASSESSMENT. Dubuque. Iowa, Nov. 9th, 1903. Notice is hereby given to all concerned that a special assessment will be levied to pay for improving Langworthy Avenue from South Alpine Street to Booth Street, Brown & Brown, contractors; amount of special assessment, $1,975.51; against the property abutting along and upon said street as provided by law, at a session of the council to be held Nov. 19th, 1903. And that there is a plat and schedule on file in the office of the City Recorder of the City of Dubuque showing the street or part thereof on which said street has been improved and the separate lots and parcels of ground or specified portion thereof, subject to assessment for such improvement; the name of the owner thereof as far as practicable and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, which plat and schedule is subject to public inspection. And that any and all persons objecting to said special assesments of said plat and schedule must file his or their objec- tions in writing with the City Recorder of said City of Dubuque on or before said session of the City Council, to he held Nov. 19th, 1903, or to appear at said ses- sion of the council to show cause if any you have. why said assessments should not be levied. C. F. ARENDT, 11-9-10t. City Recorder. Official Notices 311 LEGAL. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To All Who Are Named Below: You are hereby notified that in accordance with an ordinance of the City of Du- buque for repairing sidewalks In the month of October, 1903, that a special as- sessment will be lievied for the expense thereof, at the next regular meeting of the City Council upon all lots and par- cels of land on said improvement, owned by you. being subject to such special as- sessment. And you are notified to ap- pear at said meeting of the Council to be held on the 3rd day of December, A. D., 1903, and show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. 1903. Oct. 1 -Anna George, Dreibilbie's Add., lot 37, 20 ft lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 25e 65 Oct. 2 -Hugo 1-tuh Est., Smedley's Sub., lots 9-10, 8 ft lumber, 15e; 1-2 hour labor. 25c 40 Oct. s -C. H. Eiglimey, Trustee, City lot 569, 54 ft lumber, $1.10; 3-4 hour labor, 40c 1 50 Oct. 5 -Leonard Hartman, East Du- buque Add., N 1-2 lot 97, 20 ft lumber, 40c 40 • Oct. 5 -Thos. O'Brien. Glendale Add., lot 158. 20 ft lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 65 Oct. 5-Gottf. Blocklinger, John King's 1st Add., lot 21. 45 ft lum- ber, 90c; 1 hour labor, 500 1 40 Oct. '5 -Theo. Altman, Dunn's Sub, lot 14, 7 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 40 Oct. 5-Ferernanil Fettgether, Blake's Add., lot 12. 12 ft lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c 50 Oct. 5 -Jac. Traut, Blake's Add., lot 15, 19 ft lumber, 40c 3-4 hour labor, 40c 80 Oct. 5 -Jos. Herod, W 100 ft. Min. lot 184, 24 ft lumber. 50c 60 Oct. 7-F. N. Schroeder, Sub. 2 of Min. lot 158, lot 2, 28 ft lumber, 55c; 3-4 hour labor. 40c 95 Oct. 8 -Mary I. Gilliam, Martin's Dubuque, lot 2, 6 ft lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 35 Oct. 8-J. S. Garrigan Est.. Kelly's Sub., lot 98, 10 ft lumber, 20e 20 Oct. S -Geo. Salot, Sub. 39, Kelly's Sub., lot 1. 34 it lumber, 70c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Oct. 12 -Geo. Salot, Quigley's Sub. 709, lot 17, 10 ft lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Oct. 8 -David C. Landon, Martin's Dubuque. lot 7, 24 ft lumber, 50c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c Oct. 12 -John Olinger. Boulevard Add., lots 22-23. 12 ft lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Oct. 12 -Wm. N. Koppes, Davis Farm Add., N. 2-3 lot 214. 22 ft lumber, 95c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 70 Oct. 13-D. W. Linehan, Rodgers' Sub., lot 21, 8 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Oct. 13-J. D. Rhomberg and G. 8. Kringle. Rose Hill Add., lots 1 to 5, 29 ft lumber. 60c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Oct. 13 -Mary L. Bunting, Julia L Langworthy•s Add.. lot 5, 11 ft lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c.. • • Oct. ]3 -Leathers & Trewln, Julia L. Langworthy•s Add., lot 8. 7 ft lum- 95 45 76 50 40 86 45 ber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c Oct. 13 -Catholic University of Washington, et al, Levens' Add., lots 1 to 11, 51 ft. lumber, $1.00; 3-4 hour labor, 40c Oct. 13 -Cath. Hall. Bush's Sub.• lot 12, 5 ft lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Oct. 14-D. J. Linehan, Yab s & Pickett's Sub., lots 1-2, 10 ft lum- ber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c Oct. 14 -Ambrose Leiser. Woodlawn Park, lot 101, 30 ft lumber, 60c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Oct. 14 -Geo. Kampman, \Voodlawn Park, lot 99. 26 ft lumber. 50c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Oct. 14-Kiene & Altman, Woodlawn Park• lots 1-22, 20 ft lumber. 40c: 1-2 hour labor. 25c Oct. 14-Kiene & Altman. Oakland Park, lot 20, 7 ft lumber, 15c: 1-2 labor, 25c Oct. 11 -Jos. Fecker, Woodlawn Park, lot 151. 32 ft lumber. 65c: 1-2 hour labor. 25c Oct. 14 -Jos. Trueb Est.. Truce,':: Sub.. lot 1. 5 ft lumber. 10c; 1-' hour labor, 25c Oct. 14-C. H. Eighmey, Trustee, City lots 569-570, 32 ft lumber, 65c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Oct. 14 -Engelhardt Hemmi, Subs 21-4. Stafford's Add.. N. 50 ft lot 1. 5 ft lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 9,5e Oct. 15 -Geo Salot, City, lot 428, 8 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Oct. 15 -Anna M. Kurz, O'Taylor's Sub., lots 20-21, 40 ft lumber, 80c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c Oct. 16 -Third Presbyterian Church, Dreibilbie's Sub., lot 1, 14 ft lum- ber, 30c Oct. 16-J. S. Randall, Fengler's Add., lot 39, 45 ft lumber, 90c; 3-4 hour labor, 40c Oct. 16 -Steiner & Zust, City S. 116 ft, lot 19, labor on brick walk Oct. 17 -Geo. Mohr, City N. 1-5, lot 99S. 8 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour la- bor. 25c Oct. 17-28-29-J. and E. Tibey, Sub. 3 of Min. lot 03, lot 1, 44 ft lumber, 90c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Oct. 17 -Mary C. Dunn, Finley's Add., lots 16-17, 5 ft lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Dct. 17 -Jas. Mullen Est.. Finley's Add., lots 10-11, 8 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c Oct. 17 -Mich. Lentz, Sub. 92, Cox's Add., lot 1, 6 ft lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c Oct. 17-M. A. Brown, Krayer's Sub., lot 2, 30 ft lumber, 60c; 3-4 hour labor, 40c Oct. 20 -30 -Herman Roescn, et al, Broadway Add.. lots 9-10, 24 ft lumber, 50c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Oct. 20 -Paul Traut Est.. Farley's Sub., lot 35, 5 ft lumber, 10c; 1-2 licit- labor, 25c Oct. ''.2-E. Smith. A. McDaniels' Sub., lot 782, 8 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hoer labor. 25c Oct. 22 -Henry Riker, Farley's Sub, lot 14, 30 ft lumber, 60c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Oct. 23 -Hugo Ruh Est, Smedley's Sub.. lots 9-10, 8 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Oct. 23 -Schneider & Klelh, Gclger's Sub., E. 1-2 lots 4-1,, 5 ft lumber, 10'c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Oct. 23-E. W. Alhee, City lot 85, 20 40 1 40 35 55 85 75 65 40 90 35 90 35 40 106 30 1 30 40 40 1 15 35 40 35 1 00 35 40 85 40 35 312 Official Notices. ft ;umber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c65 Oct. 2.3 -Ruh' n Lewis. Sub. City 500 N. 1-2 W. 1-1/4 lot 6. 8 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hours labor 25c 10 Oct. 24 -Ellen O'Halleron, Finley's Add., lots 14-15, 10 ft lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 45 Oct. 24 -Eliza Schuler, Schuler's Sub., lot 1, 5 ft lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 35 Oct. 24 -Theo. Altman, Dunn's Sub., lot 14, 27 ft lumber, 55c; 1-2 hour labor, 26c 80 Oct. 24-J. H. Rhomberg and Wm Muser, Davis Farm Add., lot 225, 16 ft lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 55 Oct. 24 -Church. Olinger's Sub., lot 1, 20 ft lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour, 25c.... 65 Oct. 26 -Wm, and F. A. Coates, Cummins' Sub., lot 8, 26 ft lumber, 50c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 75 Oct. 26-J. J. Dunn, City N. 2-5, lot 431, 194 ft lumber, $3.35; 1 hour la- bor 50c 4 35 Oct. 27 -Patrick Welsh Est., East Dubuque Add., lot 164, 8 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25e 40 Oct. 27 -Wm. and F. A. Coates, City N. 2-5. lot 436, 40 ft lumber. 80c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 1 05 Oct. 28 -Mrs. D. Gilliam, Kelly's Sub., lot 27, 73 ft lumber, $1.45; 1 hour labor, 50c 195 Oct. 28 -John Macdonald, McNulty's Sub., S. 89 ft., lot 2, 40 ft lumber, 80c: 1 hour labor, 50c 130 Oct. 2E --Isabella Cain, Hoskin's Sub, lot 3, 16 ft lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour la- bor, 25c 55 Oct. :8 -Wm. Mcelarn, Toskin's Sub., lot 5, 29 ft lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 6,5 Oct. 28-P. Eisbach, Sub. 1, Bonson & Stewart's Sub., lot 1, 90 ft lum- ber, $1.80; 1 hour labor, 50c 2 30 Oct. 28-E. and H. Callihan, Sub. 2, Min. Lot 63 and E. part lot 69, Union Add., lot 1-2, 10 ft lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 45 Oct. 28 -John J. Keane, City, lot 697, 16 ft lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 55 Oct. 28-M. J. Everett, Sub. E. 1-2 655, lot 2, 32 ft lumber, 65c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Oct. 29-F. N. Schroeder, Sub. 2 of Min. Lot 153, lot 2, 13 ft lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25e 5U Oct. 29 -Jos. Jeffroy, Finley, Wa- pies & Burton's Add., lot 10, 32 ft lumber, 65c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c90 Oct. 29-Nic. Glab Est., Finley's Add., lots 225-226. 17 ft lumber, 35c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 60 Oct. 29 -Wm. Reche Est., Reche's Sub. No. 2, lot 17. 13 ft lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 50 Oct. 29 -Jos. Herod, Blake's Add, lot 11, 7 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 40 Oct. 29 -Mercy Hospital, Sub. Min. lot 66, lot 2, 10 ft lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Oct. 30-C. H. Eighmey, trustee, 15 city, lots 569-570. 28 ft lumber, 55c; 1-2 hour labor 25c yv Oct. 30-C., M. & St. Paul Ry. Co, East Dubuque Add., lot 246, 16 ft lumber, 30c: 1-2 hour labor, 25c55 act. 30 -Jas, H. Shields, Sub. W. 1-2 Block 1, Dubuque Harbor Co.'s Add., lot 8, 16 ft lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Oct. 30 -Anna Collins City, lot 66 620, brick and labor 175 Total 11-23 10t Attest: $57 85 C. F. ARENDT, city Recorder. Approved Recor der 190.. Mayor Regular Session Dec. 3, 1903. CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session, December 3rd, 1903. (Official.) Council met at 8:15 o'clock P. M. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Absent—None. Ald. Raymond moved that the Council Proceedings for the month of November be approved as printed. Carried. BILLS. 'rhe following bills were ordered paid: P. Baumgartner, Assistant Market - master $ 28 35 L. Daily, cleaning around Market Square 28 00 H. J. Tropf, board of prisoners for November 9 00 Jno. A. Voelker, furnishing crepe and material for draping Police Headquarters 6 50 Wm. Brode, sawing wood at City Hall 4 775 Jno. Bohn, inspector on Bee Branch Sewer 50 00 H. Corrance, supplies at City Hall3 05 P. Pier. pine wood at City Hall 3 25 A. E. Bradley, glazing at City Hall and Ninth Street Engine House8 60 •Geo. W. Healey & Son, grass seed for Washington Park 2 00 P. J. Seippel, lumber for West Du- buque Scales 150 W. W. Whelan, repairing vaults in Recorder's and Auditor's office4 90 W. W. Whelan, 1 dozen zincs for City Hall 1 7U Pape & Jacquinot, repairing foun- tain at Dodge and Bluff streets3 :'s Union Printing Co., blank stationery for Recorder's office and Commit- tee Clerk 8 25 Palmer, Berg & Co., 100 time books and blank stationery for various departments 30 25 Key City Gas Co., gas for various departments 92 20 Ivey City Gas Co., rental for gas arc at Armory 2 60 T. J. Paisley, juror for change of grade on Bluff Street 10 00 •C. A. Voelker, juror for change of grade on Bluff Street 10110 W. A. Leathers, juror for change of grade on Bluff Street 10 00 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Road department Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber for Road and Special Sidewalk departments 64 65 .Ott, Meuser & Co., macadam for Road department 14 03 Rumpf, Frudden Lumber Co., lum- ber for Road department Rumpf, Frudden Lumber Co., lum- ber for Special Sidewalk and Bee Branch L. Lindenberg, hardware for Road department Eagle Point Lime Works, macadam for Road department A. Sieg, curbing furnished Road de- partment . 56 15 P. Clancy Est., cinders furnished Road department P. Clancy Est., unloading and haul- ing Rock Crusher .Key City Roofing Co., sewer pipe and cement for Road department.. 9 80 32 50 34 35 10 tib 2 40 12 25 12 00 23 95 313 Jno. Leicht, sand for Road depart- mept 400 A. Heim, brick for Road depart- ment . 12 Ou F. A. Miller, brooms for Road and Fire departments 9 SU Smedley Steam Pump Co.. manhole covers and rings for Road and Bee Branch departments 27 00 Martin, Strelau Co., coal for Steam Roller 21 43 P. Pier, coal for Steam Roller 72 80 W. Marshall, repairing Steam Roller 9 00 Butt Bros., rods for Rock Crusher12 85 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co, packing for Steam Roller 4 78 P. Hanson, oil and matches for Steam Roller 80 Wagner & Dorgan, use of truck for hauling crossing stone 1 25 Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse shoeing for Fire department 12 65 Lagen & Sloan, horse shoeing for Fire department 16 00 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Fire department 15 G. W. Healey & Son, 400 toe calks for Fite Department .... .... 13 25 T. F. Kane, hay and oats for Fire department 497 75 Ott. Meuser & Co., shavings for Fire department 8 25 Dubuque Oil Tank Line, oil for Fire department 7 25 P. Pier, hard and soft coal for Fire department 302 30 A. Y. McDonald & Morrison Mfg Co., diaphram rubbers for Fire de- partment 2 60 C. Falkenhainer, glass and varnish for Fire department 2 .i5 Elchhorn & Bechtel, bran for Fire department 3 U5 H. Corrance, salt and matches for for Fire department 2 90 W. H. Torbert, Bicarb. Soda and Drugs for Fire department 14 35 R. E. Twaites, pasturing horse for Fire department 12 50 Hedley & Brown, glass and oil for Fire department 95 Key City Gas Co., coke for FIre de- partment 20 95 Key City Gas Co., rental gas arc at Central Engine House 100 J. Newman & Son, repairs at Fourth Street Engine House 8 60 Butt Bros., repairing hook and lad- der truck and hose cart for Fire department 84 35 Butt Bros., repairs on cart for Delhi Street Engine douse 4 40 Dubuque Mattress Factory, 1 mat- tress for Fire department 2 00 Gamewell Fire Alarm Telegraph Co., 1 dozen fire alarm keys 3 00 E. Schilling, repairs at Central En- gine House 3 00 G. S. Weaver, fitting storm sash at Fourth Street Engine House7 00 F. M. Jaeger & Co., police whistles and nippers for Pollee department 3 75 J. Huffmeier, hauling clay at Patrol House 125 T. F. Kane, oats delivered at Patrol House 57 GU Butt Bros., repairs on patrol wagon 3 75 Elchhorn & Bechtel, supplies for 8 Matron department 55 G. H. Davis Co., dishes for Matron department 75 A. Fluetsch, milk tickets for Matron department ......... .. 1 75 C. J. Saunders, meat for Matron 8 75 department H. Corrance, oil and candles for 314 Regular Session Dec. 3, 1903. Sewer department 2 05 Globe -Journal, official printing for November 60 00 The Times, official printing for November 15 00 Dubuque Telegraph -Herald, official printing for November 50 00 National Demokrat, official print- ing for November :15 Co Inion Eleetrie Co.. are light for Novemb,,t• 2045 77 T. E. Frill]. removing garbage and dead anima is for November 3472225 J. Ernsdorff & Sons, hardware for Mt. Carmel Ave 6 50 F. M. .Jaeger & Co.. dynamite and fuse for Mt. t'artnel .Ave 66 50 G. W. Ilealev & Son, dynamite and fuse for Mt. Carmel .Ave 6 55 J. Newman & Son, repairs for Sprinkling cicpartnient 1 75 B. W. Lacy. grading Grace street 117 00 O'Farrell & Street, grading Wil- low street 56 48 Chas. Steuck. grading Broadway Extension 124 65 O'Farrell & Street, estimate for im- proving Willow street 643 'i5 O'Farrell & Street, amount retained for paving alley between Locust and Bluff street::, from 10th to llth streets 33 28 Chas. Steuck, estimate for improv- ing Broadway Extension 1C27 42 P. J. Seippel. lumber for Special Sidewalk department 31 20 Peter Elsbach, estimate for con- structing Bee Branch storm water sewer 1659 20 The following bills were ordered re- ferred: A. E. Bradley, glazing at armory hall $ 7 00 On motion the bill was referred to the Committee on Public Grounds and Build- ings. Nesler & Hammel. supplies and re- pairs for Sewer department $ 4 50 On motion was referred to the Sewer Committee. Butt Bros.. i epairs for Sprinkling department $ 100 On motion was referred to the Commit- tee on Sprinkling. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. Petition of Dubuque Benevolent and Humane society, by J. S. Lewis, presi- dent, asking for the passage of an Ordi- nance which will prohibit depositing or throwing into any alley or street any nails or metal which is liable to injure horses' feet. On motion was referred to the Ordi- nance Committee. Petition of Henry Sears asking that he he awarded such sum as will compensate him for the loss of twenty-five (25) fruit trees which were destroyed on account of the opening of a new street abutting his property. Ald. Frith moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of hearing Mr. Sears. Carried. Mr. Sears addressed the Council, stating he ought to have some compensation for the loss of said trees. Ahl. Clancy moved to refer the petition to the Committee of the Whole. Ald. Jones moved a substitute that Mr. Soars be allowed $1.00 for each tree. Substitute lost. The original motion to refer to the Committee of the Whole was then car- ried. The following petitions were referred to the Delinquent Tax Committee: Petition of Mrs. Susie S. Cooper asking that her taxes be remitted on lot 2 of Sub. 76. R"oodlawn Park Add.. and lots 33 and 14. Rosedale ;\dd. Petition of Mrs. Jno. Barrett arlting for the cancellation of special assess- ment against Sub. Min. lot 74 for the construction of a new sidewalk abutting said lot. Petit Mrs of Daniel Doyle and Sam Starr, honorably discharged union sol- diers, asking for exemption of their homesteads from taxation to the amount of ".8C0.t0 on the assessed valuation of the same for the years 1902 and 1903. Petition of the Iroquois Pearl Button Co., asking that their taxes, both real and personal. be remitted as levied against lots 1. 2. 3 and 9. Block 6, Du- buque Harbor Company's Add. Also petition of Smedley Steam Pump Co., by F. W. Altman, treasurer, asking that Treasurer be instructed to accept payment on taxes for the year 191'2 on $10,000 valuation for real estate and per- sonal. On motion both petitions were referred to the Board of Equalization. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Treasurer Brinkman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- citl of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—Below you will find state- ment of amounts advanced by me during the past month, for which please order warrants drawn in my favor: Excavation permits redeemed $ 60 00 Interest paid on warrants outstand- standing 1408 (.7 Refunded regular tax 4418 Express charges (Engineer) 55 $1513 40 Library Trustees orders paid 498 58 Also received money borrowed from the following parties. Please order loan warrants drawn in their favor: Nov. 24th, Dubuque Police Protec- tive Association $ 500 00 Nov. 25th, J. F. Ryan 200 GO Nov. 27th, P. McInerney 300 00 Nov. 30th, First National Bank 5,000 00 Nov. 30th, German Trust & Sav- ings Bank 10,000 00 Respectfully, H. BRINKMAN, Treasurer. On motion the report was received, and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts, and the report referred back to the Committee on Finance. City Auditor Hoffman reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil: Gentlemen:—Herewith find my report for the month of November, 1903, show- ing the receipts and disbursements for the month: Cash on hand Nov. 1st, 1903 $ 8,113 54 Regular Session Dec. 3. 1903. 315 RECEIPTS. Receipts from all sources 33,369 25 $41,842 79 DISBURSEMENTS. Warrants redeemed during month 20,345 75 Coupons redeemed during month398 55 $20,744 60 Cash on hand December 1st, 1903 $20,718 29 The above cash balance includes the Improvement Bond Fund, Improvement Bond Interest Fund, Library Fund and Sprinkling Fund Balances. Also report that there is due the City Officers for the month of November $2,60S 20 Also the following is a record of all In- terest Coupons redeemed by Treasurer for the past month: Improvement Bond Coupons $398 75 The following list shows the Appro- priations and the amount of Warrants drawn on each Fund since the beginning of the fiscal year beginning March 1st, 1903, to Dec. 1st. 19o2: Appropriation. Expended. Expense 040,000 821.234.06 Road ^0 000 33.816.27 Fire 38.000 23,404.52 Police 28.000 17,025.35 Sewerage 5.000 3,421.20 Printing 2.000 1,080.00 Engineer 3.500 1,946.00 Gas and Light 25.000 16.333.78 Interest 41.000 Board of Health 6.000 3.337.70 Grading 4.000 2,802.03 Bee Branch 7,000 3,802,0S Special Bonded Paving 2.500 Judgment 3.000 Sprinkling. 1st district 800 Sprinkling. 2nd district1.500 Sprinkling. 3rd district1.500 Sprinkling, 4th district1.200 Sprinkling. 5th district1,900 Special Bonded Debt Lr- terest 4.000 Mt. Carmel Ave Grading 1.000 Sidewalk Repairing 1.000 Special Sewer Fund 2.500 Grading Bluff Street Ex- tension 1.000 1,581.40 2,341.04 63.65 559.50 2,388.16 1.oeo.00 Total Appropriation ..8260.900 Respectfully, F. 13. HOFFMAN, Auditor. On notion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the City Officers and the report referred back to the Committee on Finance. Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil: Gentlemen:—The following is the Pay Roll of the Fire Department for the month of November: 82,L'9.00 Amount due Firemen On motion the report was received, and warrants ordered drawn to pay Firemen, and the report referred back to the Com- mittee on Fire. Chief of Police Reilly reported as fol- lows: To the IIonorable Mayor and City Coun- cil: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit the Po- lice report for the month of November, 1903: 4r, Total arrests for the month •.. 40 Residents arrested for the month.. 10 Doors found open 32 Defective light 53 Lodgers harbored 110 Meals furnished 41 Cost of food 9 1'0 S19riff, ,li,'ting prisoners _- 75 Patrol runs for the month Milts traveled for the month Also the Pay Roll for Police'm n for the month of November. 1St.1: Amount clue Policemen (:03910 Respectfully suhmitteil. Tl-IOS. REILL,Y. Chief of Police. On motion the report and pay roll were received, and warrants ordered drawn to pay Policemen, and the report referred hack to the Committee on Police. City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on Streets for the last half of November, 1903: Amount due laborers on Streets ....$699.45 Respectfully submitted, JAMES 14. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved: E. E. FRITH, Chairman Committee on Streets. JOSEPH L. 1-IORR, JOHN 3. SHERIDAN Also submit my pay roll for labor on Sewers during the last half of November, 1903: Amount due laborers on Sewers....$159.40 Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved: JOHN J. SHERIDAN, Chairman Committee on Sewers.. JOSEPH L. HORR, HUGH CORRANCE. Also submit my pay roll for teams haul- ing Sprinkling Wagons during the last half of November, 1903: Amount due teamsters $2.00 Respectfully submitted. JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved: GEO. N. RAYMOND, Chairman Committee on Paving, Sweep- ing and Sprinkling. JOSEPH L. HORR, MATT CLANCY. Also submit my pay roll for labor grad- ing Mount Carmel Avenue during the last half of November, 1903: $ 52 00 Amount due laborers Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved: E. E. FRITH, Chairman Committee on Streets. JOSEPH L. I-IORR, JOHN J. SHERIDAN On mon the pay agonsll or andee grading , Sew - ens, Sprprinkling Mount Carmel Avenue were received warrants ordered drawn to pay the var- ices amounts, and the pay rolls referred back to the proper committees. City Electrician Hipman reported as follows. To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my report of defective lights for the month of November, 1903. I find 316 Regular Session Dec. 3, 1903. from the • reports of the Po- lice Department that the total hours that 53 lamps failed to burn would equal 1% lamps for one month, or- $6.75. Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM HIPMAN, City Electrician. On motion the report was received, and the City Auditor instructed to deduct from the Union Electric Co.'s bill for the month of November, 1903, the amount of $6.75. The following \Weighmasters' and \\'oodmeasurers' receipts were referred to the Committee on Markets: H. J. Tiopi', City Hall receipts $15.20 Lon ie• Pitschner. West Dubuque sell r,•c cipts 3.58 T, 1.clntty. first Ward scale re- cc•ipts 5 95 Geo. A. Ptiffner, 25th and Jackson Slr«et scale receipts 12 03 H. Haulm r. Couler Avenue scale receipts 2.46 H. A. Moyes, \Woodmeasurer's re- ceipts 3 82 City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: '1'o the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil: Gentlemen:—Attached please find plat showing extension of the alley between Jackson Street and Washington Street from its present termination, northerly through lot 10 of Min. Lot 322, to Twenty- sixth Street. Proper notice has been served on prop- erty owners, and plat has been on file in my office since Oct. 26th, 1903. Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Aid. Frith moved that the report and plat be approved, and the plat placed on record. Carried. City Engineer also reported as follows: Herewith is presented the profile of Put- nam Street from the west curb line of Broadway Extension to the east curb line of Muscatine Street. I would recommend the adoption of the black line as the official grade of said street. Also herewith is presented the profile of East Street, from the south curb line of Delhi Street, to the center of Bennett Street. I would recommend the adoption of the black line as the Official grade of said street. Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Ald. Horr moved that both profiles be referred to the Committee on Streets. Carried. City Recorder Arendt presented and read the printed notice, certified to by the Publisher, of the Council's intention to levy a Special Assessment against the different named property owners for re- pairing Sidewalks during the month of October 1, 1903. No remonstrance being filed, the Mayor asked if anyone present had any objec- tion to said Special Assessment. No objection being stated, on motion the notice was received and filed. Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the fol- lowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for re- pairing sidewalks during the month of October, 1903. in front of and adjoining the same, a Special Tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate herein- after named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: 1903. Oct. 1—Anna George. Dreibiltiie's Add., lot 37, 20 ft lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c Oct. 2-1-lugo Ruh Est.. Smedley's Sub.. lots 9-10, 8 ft lumber, 35c: 1-2 hour labor. 25c Oct. 3—C. Il. Eighmey. trustee. City, lot 509. 54 ft lumber. $1.10; 2-1 hour labor. 40c 1 50 Oct. 5—Leonard Hartman, East Du- buque Add.. N 1-2 lot 97. 20 ft lumber, 40c 40 Oct. 5—Thos. O'Brien. Glendale Add.. lot 158, 20 ft lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c 05 Oct. 5—Gott I. Blocklinger_ John King's 1st. Add.. lot 21. 45 ft lum- ber, 90c; 1 hour labor, 50c 1 40 Oct. 5—Theo. Altman. Dunn's Sub lot 14, 7 ft lumber, 15e; 1-2 hour labor. 25c 90 Oct. 5—Ferdinand Fettgether, Blake's Add.. lot 12. 12 ft lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 50 Oct. 5—Jac. Traut, Blake's Add lot 15, 19 ft lumber, 40c; 3-4 hour labor, 40c 80 Oct. 5—Jos. Herod, W 100 ft Min lot 184. 24 ft lumber, 500 50 Oct. 7—F. N. Schroeder, Sub. 2 of of Min. Lot 158, lot 2, 28 ft lumber, 550 95 Oct. 8—Mary I. Gilliam, Martin's Dubuque, lot 2. 0 ft lumber, 10, 1-2 hour labor. 25c 35 Oct 8—J. S. Garrigan Est., Kelly's Sub., lot 38. 10 ft lumber, 20c 20 Oct. 8—Geo. Salot, Sub. 39, Kelly's Sub., lot 1, 34 ft lumber, 70c; 1-2 hour labor. 5e 95 Oct. 12—Geo. Salol, Quigley's Sub 709. lot 17. 10 ft lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor. 15e 45 Oct. 8—David C'. Landon. Martin's Dubuque. lot 7. 24 ft lumber, 50c; 1-2 hour labor, 25e 75 Oct. 12—John Olinger, Bouelvard Add., lots 22-23, 12 ft lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 50 Oct. 12—Wm. N. Koppes, Davis Farm Add.. N 2-3 lot 214. 22 ft lum- ber. 45c; 1-2 hour labor, 25e 70 Oct. 13—D. W. Linehan. Rodger's Sub., lot 21. 8 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25e 40 Oct. 13—J. D. Rhomberg and G. S. Kringle, Rose Hill Add., lots 1 to 5. 29 ft lumber. 60c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 85 Oct. 13—Mary L. Bunting, Julia L. Langworthy's Add., lot 5. 11 ft lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c45 Oct 13 --Leathers & Trewin. Julia L. Langworthy's Add., lot 8. 7 ft lumber. 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25 Oct. 13—Catholic University of Washington et al, Leven's Add., lots 1 to 11, 51 ft lumber, $1.00, 3-4 hour labor, 40c 1 40 Oct. 13—Catherine Hall, Bush's Sub., lot 12. 5 ft lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 35 Oct. 14-11 J. Linehan, Yates & Pickett's Sub., lots 1-2, 10 ft lum- ber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 40 40 55 Regular Session Dec. 3, 1903. 317 Oct. 14 -Ambrose Leiser. Woodlawn Park, lot 101, 30 ft lumber, 60e; 1-" hour labor, 25c Oct. 14 -Geo. Kampm:rn. \Voodlawn Park, lot 99, 26 ft lumber, 50c; 1 hour labor. 25c Oct. 14-Kiene & Altman, Wood - lawn Park, lots 1-.. 20 ft :umber. 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 25e Oct. 14-Iiiene & Altman. Oakland Park, lot 20. 7 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c; Oct. 14-308. Fecker, Woodlawn Park, lot. 151. 32 ft lumber, 65c; 1,•2 hour labor, 25c Jos. Trueh Est.. Trueb's Sub., lot 1, 5 ft lumber. 10c; 1-2 hour la- bor, 25c Oct. 1I -C. H. Eighmey. Trustee, City. lots 569-570, 32 ft lumber, 65c; 1-:: hour labor, 25c Oct. 14 -Engelhardt Hemmi, Subs 2-3-4. Stafford's Add.. N. 50 ft, lot 1, 5 ft lumber. 10e; 1-2 hour labor. 25c Oct. 15 -Geo. Salot, city, lot 428, 8 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c.... Oct. 15 -Anna M. Kurz, O. Taylor's sub., lots 20-21, 40 ft lumber, 80c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Oct. 16 -Third Presbyterian Church, Dreibilbie's Add., lot 1, 14 ft lum- ber, 30c Oct. 16-J. S. Randall, Fengler's Add., lot 39, 45 ft lumber, 90c; 3-4 hour labor, 40c Oct. 16 -Steiner & Zust, city, S. 11.6 ft, lot 19, labor on brick walk Oct. 17 -Geo. Mohr, City, N. 1-5, lot 498, 8 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Oct. 17, 28, 29-J. and E. Tibet',' Sub. 3 of min lot 63, lot 1, 44 ft lumber, 90c, 1-2 hour labor, 25c Oct. 17 -Mary C. Dunn, Finley's Add., lots 16-17, 5 ft lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Oct. 17 -Jas. Mullen Est., Finley's Add., lots 10-11, 8 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Oct. 17 -Mich. Lentz, Sub. 92, Cox's Add., lot 1, 6 ft lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Oct. 17-M. A. Brown, Krayer's Sub, lot 2, 30 ft lumber, 60c; 3-4 hour labor, 40c Oct. 20 -Herman Roesch et al, Broadway Add., lots 9-10, 24 ft lumber, 50c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Oct. 20 -Paul Traut Est., Farley Sub., lot 35, 5 ft lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Oct. 22-E. Smith, A. McDaniel's Sub., lot 782, 8 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Oct. 22 -Henry Riker, Farley's Sub, lot 14, 30 ft lumber, 60c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Oct. 23 -Hugo Ruh Est., Smedley's Sub., lots 9-10, 8 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Oct. 23 -Schneider & Kleih, Geiger's Sub. E. 1-2, lots 4-5, 5 ft lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Oct. 23-E. W. Albee, City, lot 85, 20 ft lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c •Oct. 23 -Ruben Lewis, Sub. City, 500, N. 1-2, W. 1-4, lot 6, 8 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Oct. 24 -Ellen O'Halleron, Finley's Add., Lots 14-15, 10 ft lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Oct. 24 -Eliza Schuler, Schuler's Sub., lot 1, 5 ft lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Oct. 24 -Theo. Altman, Dunn's Sub, 85 75 65 40 90 35 90 35 40 1 05 3U 1 30 40 4U 1 15 35 40 35 1 00 75 35 40 85 40 35 65 40 45 35 lot 14, 27 ft lumber, 55c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Oct. 24-J. H. Rhomberg and Wm. Meuser, Davis Farm Add., lot 225, 16 ft lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Oct. 24 -Church, Olinger's Sub., lot 1, 20 ft lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour la- bor, 25c Oct. 26 -Wm. and F. A. Coates, Cummins' Sub., lot 8, 26 ft lum- ber, 50c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Oct. 26-J. J. Dunn, City, N. 2-5, lot 431, 194 ft lumber, $3.85; 1 hour la- bor, 50c Oct. 27 -Patrick Welsh Est., East Dubuque Add., lot 164, 8 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Oct. 27 -Wm. and F. A. Coates, City, N. 2-5, lot 436, 40 ft lumber, 80c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Oct. 28 -Mrs. D. Gilliam, Kelly's Sub., lot 27, 73 ft lumber, $1.45; 1 hour labor, 50c Oct. 28 -John Macdonald, McNulty's Sub., S. 89 ft, lot 2, 40 ft lumber, 80c; 1 hour labor, 50c Oct. 28 -Isabella Cain, Hoskins' Sub, lot 3, 16 ft lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour la- bor, 25c Oct. 28 -Wm. McClain, Hoskins' Sub., lot 5, 20 ft lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Oct. 28-P. Eisbach, Sub. 1, Bonson & Stewart's Sub., lot 1, 90 ft lum- ber, $1.80, 1 hour labor, 50c Oct. 28-E. and H. Callahan. Sub. 2, Min. lot 63 and E. pt. lot 69. Union Add., lots 1 and 2, 10 ft lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Oct. 28 -John J. Keane, City lot 697, 16 ft lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Oct. 28-M. J, Everett, Sub. E. 1-2 of 655, lot 2, 32 ft lumber, 65c; 1-2 hour labor, 26c Oct. 29-F. N. Schroeder, Sub. 2 of Min. lot 158, lot 2, 13 ft lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Oct. 29 -Jos. Jeffroy, Finley. Waples & Burton's Add., lot 10, 32 ft lum- ber, 55c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Oct. 29--Nic Glab Est., Finley's Add., lots 225-226, 17 ft lumber, 35c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Oct. 29 -Wm. Reche Est., Reche's Sub. No. 2, lot 17, 13 ft lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Oct. 29 -Jos. Herod, Blake's Add, lot 11, 7 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour la- bor, 25c Oct. 29 -Mercy Hospital, Sub. Min lot 66. lot 2, 10 ft lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Oct. 30-C. H. Eighmey, Trustee, City, lots 569-570, 28 ft lumber, 55c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Oct. 30-C., M. & St. P. R'y Co, East Dubuque Add., lot 246, 16 ft lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Oct. 30 -Jas. H. Shields, Sub. W. 1-2 Block 1. Dub. Har, Co.'s Add, lot 8, 16 ft. lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour' labor, 25c Oct. 30 -Anna Collins, City, lot 620, brick and labor 8u 55 tis 75 4 35 40 1 05 1 95 1 30 55 65 2 30 45 55 90 50 90 60 50 90 46 80 55 55 1 75 Total $ 57 86 Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Alda. Clancy Corrance. Frith, Horr. Jones. Raymond and Sheridan. Nays -None. 318 Regular Session Dec. 3, 1903. The report of the appraisers, appointed in the tnatter of the change of grade on Biuff Street, between Fourteenth Street and 'Twelfth Street, was presented and read. Report follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: The undersigned appraisers selected to assess the damages resulting to the abutlers on Bluff Street in said City between Fourteenth and Twelfth streets by reason of the change of grade of said Bluff Street be- tween said cross streets, report as fol- lows'. That on Sept. 29, 1903, the undersigned T. .I Paisley received notice of his ap- pointment as such trustee by the Mayor of said City, a copy of the notice to hhn being hp•reto attached. 'l'hat on Sept. 29, 1903. notice of the appointment of T. J. Paisley was served on said abutters, such notice as served by the City Marshal of Dubuque with his return thereon heing hereto attached. 'Chat on Sept. 30, 1903, the majority of said abutters by an instrument in writ- ing selected the undersigned, Chris. A. Voelker, as their appraiser on said mat- ter. Said written selection being hereto attached. That on October 19th, 1903, the said two appraisers so selected, chose as the third appraiser the undersigned, W. A. Leath- ers. That on said 14th day of October, A. D., 1903, said appraisers qualified by their oath in writing, for the faithful per- formance of such duties. Said qualifi- cation being hereto attached. That they gave notice to said abutters of the time and place, when and where they would meet for the purpose of de- termining said question and requesting said abutters to meet with them at said time and place. Which said notice was served on said abutters on November lith and 18th, 1903. Said notice with the return of service thereon being hereto attached. That at the time and place, in said notice fixed, said appraisers met and had before them plat of said ground and the profile showing the old established grade, the ground surface and the proposed grade, heard the statements of abutters, and also went carefuly over ground and viewed the grade stakes as set by the City Engineer. After a careful consideration of the matter we find as follows: That in case the City Council of the City of Du- buque should order the relaying of any sidewalk or the resetting of any curb- ing on said Bluff Street between Four- teenth and Twelfth Streets, or in case any of said abutters on said portion of Bluff Street desire to relay their walk or re- set their curb, the said City of Dubuque will be required to do the necessary work, furnish the necessary earth or remove the same as the case may be in order to bring that part of said street, on which it is required to lay such walk or set such curbing to the newly established grade. Outside of any expense necessary to bring sidewalks to the new grade which we have above provided for, we find damages as follows: To D. S. Wilson estate owners, H. E. Wilson and Gertrude W. Ryan, nothing. To Chas. Christman, nothing. To J. 13. Glover, nothing. 'ro Thomas Hardie estate. nothing. To Second Presbyterian Church, noth- ing. To M. E. and B. 'B. Richards. noth- ing. To Cath. C. Ryan. nothing. To Anna B. Ryan, nothing. To P. H. McCullough, nothing. To James Mullen estate, nothing. To James McDonnell, nothing. To Mary E. Ilodgdon, nothing. To Geo. W. Kiesel, trustee, nothing. To E. H. Sheppley, nothing. To Mary E. McEvoy, nothing. To Margaret Ahern, nothing. To Wm. and G. E. Davis. nothing. To Sarah Smith, Five dollars ($5). To Jeremiah Southerland, Five dollars (V)• To Rosa and Joseph Truedell, Ten dol- lars ($10). To Emma Alden. Twenty -Five dollars ($25). Dated this 2nd day of December, A. D., 1903. 'r. J. PAISLEY, CHRIS. A. VOELKER, W. A. LEATFIERS. Ald. Sheridan moved that the report be received and the same confirmed. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones. Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Sheridan also moved that the mat- ter of establishing the grade on Bluff Street. from Twelfth Street to Four- teenth Street, he referred to the Ordi- nance Committee; they to draft an Ordi- nance establishing the same. Carried. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMIT- TEES. Ald. Frith, chairman of the Committee on Streets. reported as follows: Your Committee on Streets, to whom was referred the waiver signed by certain abutters on Napier Street, in relation to the improvement of said Napier Street, would recommend that said waiver be re- turned for the purpose of securing the signature of all the abutting property owners. Also, your Committee on Streets, to whom was referred the petition of Dr. Harry T. Wtlker, asking that he be granted permission to remove about 100 yards of earth from Grace Street for the purpose of filling his lot. would recom- mend that the prayer of the petitionre be granted, provided that no charge be made for removing said earth and that the work he done under the direction of the City Engineer. E. E. FRITH. Chairman. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the, report of the Committee on Streets. Carried. Ald. Clancy, Chairman of the Commit- tee on Harbors. reported verbally that the committee had Leased the harbor for skating rink purposes to Mrs. Bohn and 7. Keckevoet at 025.00 for the season, and moved that the action of the committee be approved. Carried. Ald. Jones, Chairman of the Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings, report- ed as follows: Your Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings would respectfully recommend Regular Session Dec. 3, 1903. 319 'that the City Engineer he instructed to draw up plans for a building to be erect- ed on the southwest corner of the City Pound (14th and Elm streets), for a Patrol House and for storing Steam Road Roller, Rock Crusher and Sprinkling Wagons. RUDOLPH JONES, Chairman. Ald. Jones moved to adopt the report. Carried. Ali. Clancy, Chairman of the Commit- tee on Fire, reported as follows: Your committee on Fire, to whom was referred the bill of the Iowa Iron Works for $16.75 for repairs on the steamer "Stewart," beg to report that we have audited said b111 and found it correct; we would therefore recommend that a war- rant he ordered drawn on the City Treas- urer in settlement of the same. MATT. CLANCY, Chairman. Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the report. Carried. Ald. Sheridan, chairman of the commit- tee on Police and Light, reported as fol- lows: Your committee on Police and Light would respectfully recommend that the matter of purchasing overcoats and caps for the police force, be referred with power to this committee and that the city pay the sum of $10 towards defraying the cost of each overcoat so ordered. JOHN J. SHERIDAN, Chairman. Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the report. Carried. Ald. Sheridan also stated that the Mayor and Police committee had met and changed one of the Night Captains, Mr. Jno. Raesle, to the position of Private Detective, in citizen's clothes; also that they appointed Mr. Jas. Ryan Desk Ser- geant and moved that the action of the Mayor and Police committee be ap- proved. Carried. Ald. Horr, chairman of the Board of Equalization, reported as follows: Your Board of Equalization, to whom was referred the petition of H. Pfotzer and J. H. Rhomberg, in relation to the value on City Lot No. 248, beg to report that the City Assessor has already re- duced the valuation on said lot and would therefore recommend that said petition he received and filed. Also, your Board of Equalization, to whom was referred the petition of the Independent School District of Dubuque, stating that the South 149 feet of Lot 1 of the Sub. of Lot 5 of Mineral Lot 80, has been purchased by said District for school purposes, and asking therefore that said property be exempt from taxation, would recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the Treas- urer be instructed accordingly. Also, your Board of Equalization, to whom was referred the petition of Mary J. Corbett in relation to the valuation on certain lots in Bennett Street Sub. and also in Quigley's Sub., beg to report that the Assessor has already reduced the valuation on said property and would therefore recommend that said petition be received and flied. JOSEPH L. 'TORR. Chairman. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report of the Board of Equalization. Carried. Ald. Horr, chairman of the committee of the Whole, reported as follows: Your committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of C. A. Voelker in relation to the special assessment against Lots 65, 91, 92 and 185 in Wood - lawn Park Subdivision for street im- provements, would recommend that the prayer of said petition be granted, pro- vided payment be made on all said lots without delay and we would further rec- ommend that the Treasurer be notified in accordance herewith. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of the Dubuque Star Brewing Company, asking that the City Treasurer be instructed to accept taxes on their real estate in ac- cordance with the action of the City Council of April 7, 1895, and also that said Treasurer be instructed to accept taxes on their personal property on a basis of $5,000.00 valuation, would recom- mend that said City Treasurer be in- structed to cancel the taxes on the im- provements on Lots 4-5-0-7-S-9-10 in Block 3, Lots 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 in Block 4, Lots 1-2-3-4-5 and parts of Lots 6-7-8-9-10-11-12 1r: Block 5, Lots 13-14-15-16-17 and parts of Lots 18 and 19 in Block 6, Lots 34-36-36-37- 38 in Block 11, all inclusive in the Du- buque Harbor Improvement Company's Addition, and also to accept taxes on their personal property on a basis of 816,- 00.00 valuation. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of J. A. Peryon, et al. asking that Queen Street be extended from its present terminus to Burden Avenue, would recommend that the prayer of the petitioners be grantd and that the preliminary resolution pro- viding for condemnation proceedings be adopted by the City Council. Also your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the location of the quarries from which rock for macadam is to be taken be left to the Street Committee and City Engineer. Also that all rock furnished by parties not directly in the employ of the city be subject to inspection by said Street Com- mittee and City Engineer. The price to be paid for rock so fur- nished not to exceed 35 cents per cubic yard delivered in such place as the Street Committee and City Engineer may direct and amount to be taken out not to ex- ceed 10,000 cubic yards. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Dennis Ryan in relation to the water flowing from Grandview Avenue through his property, would recommend that the re- port of the sub -committee to which said matter was referred, and which is hereto attached, be adopted and that a warrant in the sum of Two Hundred and Twenty- five Dollars be ordered drawn on the city treasury in favor of said Dennis Ryan in accordance with the terms of said re- port. Also your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the Mayor be authorized to enter into a con- tract with the Iowa Telephone Company to furnish a telephone for the Treasurer's office provided satisfactory terms can be made with said company. Also your Committee of the Whole 320 Regular Session Dec. 3, 1903. would respectfully recommend that the City Engineer be instructed to re -set the curbing on Angella Street abutting Lots 8-9'and 10 of Quigley's Sub. of Outlot 709. Also your Committee of the Whole would recommend that the following res- olution he adopted: Whereas, the cost of the steam road roller. harrow and plow purchased dur- ing the spring of 1903 has been erroneous- ly charged to the Road Fund, and we be- lieve said amount should have been charged to the General Expense Fund; therefore. Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City Audi- tor he and he is hereby instructed to credit the Road Fund with $3,550; the amount paid for said roller, harrow and plow• arid to charge said amount to the General Expense Fund. JOSEPH L. HORR, Chairman. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the various reports of the Committee of the Whole Carried. Ald. Horr• chairman of the Committee of the Whole, also presented and read the report of the Special Committee. to the Committee of the Whole, which is as follows: Your Committee appointed with power to settle the amount to be paid by James Ronan for special assessments levied upon lots 27 and 2S in Union addition to the City of Dubuque. Iowa, for the im- provement of Oak Street. beg leave to report that we have performed said duty. and have settled the differences existing between said James Ronan and the City of Dubuque. Said Ronan to pay twenty- five dollars in full for said taxes for the year's 1900. 1901 and 1902. and all special assessments levied against said lots. We would therefore recommend that the Committee of the Whole recommend to the Council the acceptance of this settlement and that a resolution be pass- ed by the City Council directing the Treasurer to accept the sum of twenty- five dollars less the city taxes for 1900. 1901 and 1902. in full settlement for the special assessment against said property. Respectfully submitted, C. H. BERG, Mayor. G. A. BARNES, City Attorney. This is to certify that James Ronan of the City of Dubuque, State of Iowa, and the City of Dubuque, have settled all differences existing between them, includ- ing all damages which said James Ronan has sustained and may hereafter sus- tain by reason of the improvemefat of Oak Street abutting lots 27 and 28 in Union Addition to the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and by the terms of this settle- ment the said James Ronan has paid on this date to the City of Dubuque the sum of twenty-five dollars in full for city taxes for the years 1900, 1901 and 1902, to- gether with all special assessments now existing against said lots, and the Treas- urer of said City has issued to him a receipt in full therefor. Signed this 24th day of November, 1903. JAMES RONAN. CITY OF DUBUQUE, By C. H. Berg, Mayor. Also your committee appointed by the Committee of the Whole to secure the right of allowing the water falling upon and running onto Grandview Avenue and passing along said avenue to the prem- ises of Dennis Ryan, being lots 2 and 4 of Mineral lot 28 In the City of Dubuque, Iowa. to pass through and oyer s tid premises, beg leave to report. that said committee has entered into the agree- ment attached hereto securing said right for the sum of two hundred and twenty- five dollars. which suns is in full for said privilege :md also rovers all damages heretofore or hereafter sustained 11 reason of said water (lowing o•:, r said premises. 'We would therefore recommend that the Committee of the Whole recommend to the Council that the action of the com- mittee be approved. and that an order be drawn in favor of Dennis Ryan for the sum of two hunched and twenty-Ilve dol- lars, the amount mentioned in said agreement. Respectfully submitted, C. H. BERG, Mayor. G. A. BARNES. City Attorney AGREEMENT. This agreement made this 23rd day of November, 1903, by and between Dennis Ryan of the City of Dubuque, County of Dubuque, and State of Iowa, of the first part and the City of Dubuque, State of Iowa, as the second part: WITNESSETH: That in consideration of the sum of two hundred and twenty- five dollars in hand paid by the party of the second part to the party of the first part, the receipt whereof is hereby ac- knowledged, the party of the first part agrees with the party of the second part that the water falling upon and running onto Grandview Avenue and passing along said avenue to the premises of the party of the first part, being lots 2 and 4 of Mineral Lot 28, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, may pass over said premises at the point where the same now runs until such time as said Grandview Avenue is per- manently improved in such manner as to divert said water from running over and across said premises. It is further agreed by the parties here- to that said sum of two hundred and twenty-five dollars shall be in full for the privilege herein granted and shall cover all damages heretofore or hereafter to be sustained by reason of said water flowing over said premises. It is further mutually agreed that when- ever said Grandview Avenue south of the premises above described, is improved that the excess filling or material shall be placed upon said premises in the ditch thereon situated, or so much thereof as may be necessary to fill the same, said filling to be placed thereon free of cost to the party of the first part. Signed this 23rd day of November, 1903. DENNIS RYAN. CITY OF DUBUQUE. By C. H. BERG. Mayor. Ald. Herr moved that the action of the committtees be approved as recommended. Carried. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Horr offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the Treasurer be instructed to receive the sum of $25.00 less the City Taxes on lots 27 and 28 in Union Addition for the years 1900, 1901 and 1902, in full for the special assessment levied against said lots, for the improve- Regular Session Dec. 3, 1903, 321 ment of Oak Strer t, ahuttinc,• said pr'p- •erty; and be it further resolved, That the Treasurer be instructed to redeem said lots from tax sale for the years 1900 and 1901. i Ald. Horr moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried. Ald. Horr offered the following: Whereas, The contract heretofore en- tered Into by the City of Dubuque for the improvement of a street as hereinaf- ter described and the City Engineer has computed that the cost and expense of said improvement amounts to $700.00; therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to provide •for the cost of improving Willow Street from St. Ambrose Street to the alley first east of said St. Ambrose Street, the May- or is required to execute and deliver to the City Recorder, to be by him register- ed and countersigned, two bonds of the denomination of Two Hundred Dollars and one bond of the denomination of Three Hundred Dollars, numbered 239-240 and 241, dated December 15th, 1903, pay- able on or before seven years after the date thereof and bearing interest at the rate of 5 per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Na ys—None. Aldcrmau Horr also offered the fol- lowing: Whereas, The contract heretofore enter- ed into by the City of Dubuque for the improvement of a street as hereinafter described and the City Engineer has computed that the cost and expense of said improvement amounts to $1,100.00; therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to provide for the cost of improving Broadway Exten- sion. from Gay Street to Putnam Street, the Mayor is required to execute and de- liver to the City Recorder, to be by him registered and countersigned, three bonds of the denomination of Three Hundred Dollars and one bond of the denomination of Two Hundred Dollars, numbered 242- 243-244 and 245. dated December 15th, 1903. payable on or before seven years after the date thereof and bearing interest at the rate of 5 per cent. per annum, pay- able semi-annually. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones. Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Frith offered the following: Whereas. it is deemed advisable by the City Council of the City of Dubuque to • open and extend the alley between Jack- son and Washington Streets through Lot 10 of Mineral Lot 322 from the southerly line of said lot to Twenty-sixth Street, therefore Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City Re- corder be and he is hereby instructed to issue a venire to the Chief of Police com- manding him to summon a jury of twelve freeholders. citizens of said city not di- -rectly interested, and having the qualifi- cations required by ordinance, for the purpose of assessing any damages which may he sustained by reason of the open- ing and extending of said alley by the owner of the property proposed to be taken for said alley. All the proceeding under this resolution to be taken in accordance with the char- ter and the provisions of Chapter 31 of the Ordinances of the City of Dubuque. Ald. Frith moved to refer the above resolution to the Committee on Streets. Carried. Ald. Raymond moved that the Special Committee appointed on the matter of extending Queen Street be discharged. Carried. Ald. Frith moved that the matter of extending Queen Street be referred to the Committee on Streets and City Engineer, to report at a future meeting. Carried. Ald. Raymond moved to adjourn until Dec. 17th, 1903. Carried. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Attest: ..4.0":. L Recorder. Approved-(' • 190 3 . . Mayor. 322 Regular Session Dec. 17, 1903. CITY COUNCIL Regular Session December 17th. 1903. (Official.) Council met at 8:15 o'clock P. M. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Aids. Clancy. Corrance. Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Absent—None. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. Petition of Mrs. Adeline Gandolfo ask- ing City to purchase her macadam locat- ed on \Vest Seventeenth street. On notion was referred to the Street Committee. Petit inn and Claim of the C. G. W. Ry. Co.. claiming the sum of $1162.00 for pro- portional cost of constructing Bee Branch storm sewer between Garfield and Rhom- berg avenues. as per Sec. 3 of the Ordi- nance adopted July 8th, 1903. On motion the matter was referred to the Street Committee and City Engineer. Petition of M. Tschirgi claiming the sum of $14.82 for sewer connections made with Tschirgi sewer on S. 22 ft. of lot 78, city. On motion was referred to the Sewer Committee. Petition of Mrs. Eva Seidel asking for the remission of her taxes on lots 519, 620 and 521 in Ham's Add. On motion referred to Delinquent Tax Committee. Petition of J. R. Fogarty et al protest- ing against paying special assessment for constructing sidewalk on and along Grandview Avenue from South Dodge Street to Southern Avenue. On motion was referred to the Commit- tee of the Whole. Petition of Chris. A. Voelker asking City to accept in cash one-half of the special assessment as levied against lot 15: for improving Auburn Ave and lot 68 for improving Audubon Avenue. provid- ing it be accepted in full settlement ofsaid assessments and that the interest be re- mitted on all. On motion was referred to the Com- mittee of the Whole. Original Notice, District Court. Claim of Catherine Ryan, claiming the sum of Twenty-five Hundred Dollars ($2500.00) as damages for personal injuries. was on motion referred to the City Attorney. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on Streets for the first half of December, 1903: .Amount due laborers on Streets....$396.73 Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved: E. E. FRITH, Chairman Committee on Streets. JOSEPH L. HORR, JOHN J. SHERIDAN. Also submit my pay roll for labor on Sewers during the first half of December, 1903: Amount due laborers on Sewers....$162.60 Respectfully submitted. .LAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved: JOHN J. SHERIDAN, Chairman Committee on Sewers. JOSEPH L. HORR, HUGH CORRANCE. Also submit my pay roll for labor grad- ing Mount Carmel Avenue during the first half of December, 1903: Amount due laborers $267.20 Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved: E. E. FRITH, Chairman Committee on Streets. JOSEPH L. HORR, JOHN J. SHERIDAN. On motion the pay roll for Streets, Sew- ers and gradink Mount Carmel Avenue were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts, and the pay rolls referred back to the proper committees. City Recorder Arendt presented and read the printed notice, certified to by the publisher, of the Council's intention, to levy a special assessment against the different named property owners for im- proving Broadway Extension from end of present improvement to Putnam Street. Also that a special assessment be levied for improving Willow Street from St. Ambrose Street to alley' first east of St. Ambrose Street. No remonstrance being filed against any of the above named notices, the Mayor asked if any one present had any objec- tion to any of the above named special assessments. No objection being stated, on motion the notices were received and filed. Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the fol- lowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for improv- ing Broadway Extension from end of present improvement to Putnam Street. by Carl Steuch, Contractor, in front of and adjoining the same. a Special Tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named. situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: 'Wm. Kuntz, Wm. Rebman's Sub., lot 1. 31.3 sq. yds. macadamizing at 54e $ Kiene & Altman. South Park Hill Add., lot 37. 44 lin. ft. curbstone, at 45c. $19.80; 22.7 sq. yds. gutter- ing at 45c, $10.21; 114.3 sq. yds. macadamizing at 54c, $61.73; engi- neering expenses, $1.41 Leonard Jaeger, South Park Hill Add.. lot 36. 70 lin. ft. curbstone at 45c, $31.50; 32.9 sq. yds. gutter- ing at 95c, $14.81; 96.3 sq. yds. macadamizing at 54e. $52.00; en- gineering expenses. $2.24 100 65 Aug. Lang. South Park Hill Add, lot 35, 50 lin. ft. curbstone at 45c, $22.50; 22.2 sq. yds, guttering at 46c. $9.99; 52.8 sq. yds. macad- amizing at 54c, $28.51; engineer- ing expenses, $1.60 Jos. Straub, South Park Hill Add., lot 34. 50 lin. feet curbstone at 16 90 93 15 62 60 Regular Session Dec. 17, 1903. 323 45c, $22.50; 22.2 sq. yds. guttering at 45:, $9.99; 52.8 sq. yds. macad- amizing :it 54c. $28.51; engineering expenses. $1.60 62 G9 Henry Kohlman, South Park .Hill Add,. Ht .13, 50 lin. ft. curbstone at 45c.. $22.50; 22.2 sq. yds. guQer- Mg at 15e, $9.99; 62.8 sq. yds. macadamizing at 54c, $28.51; en- gineering expenses. $1.60 62 60 .Sam Sommer. South Park Hill Add., loi Sn lin. ft. curbstone at 45c. $'2.71.: 22.2 sq. yds. gutter- ing :it 45e. $9.99: $52.S sq. yds. macadamizing at 54c, $28.51; en- gineering expenses, $1.60 62.60 S. R. Sommer. South Park Hill Add., lot 31. 59.3 lin. ft, curbstone at 45c. $26.69; 26.3 sq. yds. gutter- ing :it 455, $11.83; 02.6 sq. yds. macadamizing at 54c, $33.S0; engi- neering expenses. $1.911 74 22 D. Muggenhurg, Sub. :1. Min. Lot 319, lot 1, 43 Iii:. ft. curbstone at 45c, $19.35; 19.1 sq. yds. guttering at 45e. $8.60; 21..8 sq. yds. macad- amizing at 54i. $13.39; engineer- ing expenses. $1.38 42 72 Christ. Ellcrman. Sub, 3. Min. Lot 319. lot 2. 50 lin. ft. curbstone at 45c. $22.50; 22.2 sq. yds. gutter- ing •a. 45c, $9..c9: 52.8 sq. yds. ma- cadamizing at 51c. $28.51; engi- neering expenses. $1.60 62 G0 Fred Nank. Sub 3. Min. Lot 319, lot 3 50 lin. ft. curbstone at 45c, :422.50; _'2 sl. yds. guttering at 45c. *22.50: 2_.2 sq yds. at 45c. $9.99; 62.8 sq. yds. macadamizing at 54c. $28.51; engineering expenses. $1.60 62 60 Fred Kaufmann. Sub. 3. Min. Lot 319. lot 4. 511 lin. ft. curbstone at 45c, $':2.50; 22.2 sq. yds. guttering at 45c. $9.99; 52.8 sq. yds. macad- amizing at 54c, $28.51; engineering expenses. $1.60 62 60 Chas. Ellerman, Sub. 3, Min. Lot 319, lot 5, 50 lin, ft. curbstone at 45c, $22.50; 22.2 sq. yds. guttering at 45c. $9.99; 52.8 sq. yds. macad- amizing at 54c. $28.51; engineer- ing expenses. $1.60 62 60 Mrs. Peter Loetscher, Sub. 3, Min. Lot 319. lot 6, 50 lin. ft. curbstone at 45c, $22.50; 22.2 sq. yds. gutter- ing at 45c, $9.99; 52.8 sq. yds. macadamizing at 54c, $28.51; engi- neering expenses. $1.60 62 60 Mrs. Peter l.octscher, Sub. 3 Min Lot 319. lot 7, 50 lin. ft. curbstone at 45e. $22.50; 22.2 sq. yds. gutter- ing at 45c, $9.99; 52.8 sq. yds. macadamizing at 54c, $28.51; engi- neering expenses. $1.60 62 60 D. Muggenburg, Sub. 3. Min. Lot 319, lot 8, 70.5 lin. ft. curbstone at 45c, $31.72; 3.2 sq. yds. guttering at 45c, $14.40; 90.1 sq. yds. macadam- izing at 54c. $48.65; engineering expenses. $2.30 97 07 Total $1,050 61 Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones. Raymond and Sheridan. Nays -None. Ald. Frith also offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for improv- ing Willow Street from St. Ambrose Street to alley first east of St. Ambrose Street, by Street & O'Farrell, contractors, in front of and adjoining the same. a Spec- ial Tax be and Is hereby levied on the several Lots, and Parts of Lots, and Par- cels of Real Estate, hereinafter named, sit- uate and ownee, ana for the several amounts set opposite each Lot or Parcel of Real Estate, as follows: St. Anthony's Church, Finley's Add„ lot 20, 243.2 lin ft curbstone at 50c, $1'21.60; 109.9 sq yds guttering at 50c. $54.95; 290.9 sq yds macadamizing at 55c. $160; engineering expense, $13.59 $350 14 Sisters of the Holy Ghost, Finley's Add., lot 21, 77 lin ft curbstone at 50c. $38.50; 34.2 sq yds guttering at 50c. $17.10; 94.1 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 55c, $51.76; engineering ex- pense, $3.90 11126 Sisters of the Holy Ghost, Finley's Add.. lot 22, 66 lin ft curbstone at 50c. $33; 29.3 sq yds guttering at 50c. $14.65; 80.7 sq yds macadamizing at 55c, $41.:1; engineering expense, $3.90 95 94 Sisters of the Holy Ghost, Finley's Add., lot 23, 66 lin ft curbstone, at 59c. $33; 29.3 sq yds guttering at 50c, $14.65; 80.7 sq yds macadamizing at 55c. $44.39; engineering expense, $3.90 95 94 Sisters of the Holy Ghost. Finley's Add., lot 24, 34 lin ft curbstone at 50. $17; 16.6 sq yds guttering at 50c, $8.30; 35.4 sq yds macadamizing at 55c, $19.47; engineering expense. $1.95 46 32 $700.00 Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones. Raymond and Sheridan. Nays -None. A plat of Summit Addition, with a pe- tition of Julia L. Langworthy, was pre- sented, asking that the Council authorize and empower the properly constituted offi- cers to join with the other owners of said property. to sign said plat. Ald. Raymond moved that the prayer of the petitioner be granted. and the Mayor and Recorder instructed to sign the same. Carried. Ald. Frith moved that the rules be now suspended for the purpose of hearing from Mr. H. A. Moyes, Woodmeasurer, Carried. Mr. Moyes addressed the Council, stat- ing that he had trouble in collecting some of his fees for measuring wood un- der the present Ordinance and asked that the Council take some action in the mat- ter. Ald. Jones moved that the matter be referred to the committee of the Whole. Carried. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMIT- TEES. Ald. Herr, chairman of the Finance committee, reported in favor of paying the following bill: Gotf. Gmehle, to collecting delin- quent taxes $ 6U 32 On motion the bill was allowed and a warrant ordered drawn for above amount. Ald. Frith, chairman of the Ordinance committee, presented and read an Ordin- ance prohibiting the throwing. casting or sweeping of nails or broken glass on any Regular Session Dec. 17, 1903. street, sidewalk or alley, and prohibiting the throwing or casting of bottles or tin- ware upon the same, and moved that the reading just had be considered its first reading. Carried. Ald. Frith moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of reading the Ordinance by its title for the second time. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Corrance excused from voting. The Ordinance was then read by its title. Aid. Frith moved that the Ordinance be adopted as read. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones. Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. The Mayor declared the Ordinance adopted. Ordinance follows: AN ORDINANCE prohibiting the throw- ing, casting or sweeping of nails or broken glass on any street, sidewalk or alley and prohibiting the throwing or casting of bottles or tinware upon the same. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. No person shall throw, cast or sweep any nail or nails or broken glass or throw or cast any bottle or bot- tles or any tinware of any kind or de- scription upon any sidewalk, street or al- ley in the City of Dubuque. Section 2. Any person violating Section One hereof shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined not less than one dollar nor more than five dollars, or be confined in the county jail until such fine including costs of prosecution have been paid, not exceed- ing thirty days. Section 3. This Ordinance to be in force and take effect from and after its passage and publication one time in the Dubuque Globe -Journal newspaper. Passed --- Approved Attest: Mayor. City Recorder, Ald. Jones, chairman of the committee on Public Grounds and Buildings, report- ed as follows: Your committee on Public Grounds and Buildings, to whom was referred the bill of A. E. Bradley, amounting to $7.00 for glazing at the Armory, beg to report that we consider the Governor's Greys respon- sible for this bill and would therefore rec- ommend that the same be referred to Captain Thrift for settlement. Also, your committee on Public Grounds and Buildings respectfully report in favor of paying the bill of Tim O'Meara for carpenter work done at the First Ward Scales amounting to $15.00. RUDOLPH JONES, Chairman. Ald. Jones moved to adopt the report. Carried. Ald. Sheridan, chairman of the commit- tee on Police and Light, reported as fol- lows: Your committee on Police and Light begs to report that acting under instruc- tions from your Honorable Body we ad- vertised for bids for furnishing the po- lice department with such caps and over- coats as were required, and that we awarded the contract to Iiaep & Buechele at the following prices: Caps, $1.60 each. and overcoats $22.00 each. The caps are to be paid for by the city and the city will also pay $10.00 toward the cost of each. coat; the balance on said coats to be withheld by the Treasurer from the war- rants of the different officers ordering said costs, and we would recommend that the Treasurer be instructed to this effect. JOHN J. SHERIDAN. Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Ald. Raymond, chairman of the commit -- tee on Delinquent Taxes, reported as fol- lows: Your committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the petition of Sam Starr, asking that he be granted exemp- tion from taxation to the extent of $800.00• valuation on Lots 92, 103 and 118 Burden and Lawther's Add.. he being an honor- ably discharged soldier of the War of the Rebellion, would recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the Treasurer be instructed accord- ingly. Also, your committee on Delinquent Taxes. to whom was referred the petition of Mary J. Doyle, wife of Daniel Doyle, asking that for the year 1902 she be grant- ed exemption from taxation to the extent of $800.00 valuation on the West 62 feet of Lot 32, Union Add., she being the wife - of an honorably discharged soldier of the War of the Rebellion, would recom- mend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the Treasurer be in- structed accordingly. Also, your committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the petition of Mrs. Susie S. Cooper, asking that on account of her poverty, the taxes against Lot 2 of the Sub. of Lot 76, Woodlawn Park Add., and Lots 33 and 34, Rosedale Add., (assessed at $550.00) be canceled for the year 1902, would recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the Treasurer be instructed accord- ingly. GEORGE N. RAYMOND, Chairman. Ald. Raymond moved to adopt the re - Port of the Delinquent Tax committee. Carried. Ald. Sheridan, chairman of the Sewer committee, reported as follows: Your committee on Sewers, to whom was referred the bill of Nesler & Ham- mel, amounting to $4.50, for plumbing and repairing drinking fountain at Dubuque High Bridge, beg to report that we find the charge to be correct and would there- fore recommend that a warrant be or- dered drawn for said amount in settle- ment of the claim. JNO. J. SHERIDAN, Chairman. Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Ald. Horr, chairman of the Board of Equalization, reported as follows: Your Board of Equalization, to whom was referred the petition of the Smedley Steam Pump Company, asking that in ac- cordance with the action of the City Coun- cil of July 1, 1901, the City Treasurer be instructed to accept taxes on Lot 22,. Smedley's Add., including the tax on their personal property, on a basis of $10,000.00. valuation for the year 1902, would recom- Regular Session Dec, 17. 1903. 325 mend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the Treasurer be in- structed accordingly. Also, your Board of Equalization, to whom was referred the petition of the Iroquois Pearl Button Company, asking that the taxes on their personal prop- erty be canceled and that the taxes on their real estate, on which their factory is situated, be also canceled, would rec- ommend that the Treasurer be instructed to cancel the personal taxes against said company for the year 1903, but to allow the tax on the real estate to stand as charged. Also, your Board of Equalization would respectfully recommend that the City At- torney be instructed to bring suit against such parties as have not paid taxes on their personal property, and that the Treasurer be instructet to furnish the City Attorney with the names of said parties and such other information ns lie may request. JOSEPH L. HORR, Chairman. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the various reports of the Board of Equalization. Carried. Ald. Horr, chairman of the Committee of the Whole, reported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the remonstrance of Wm. Hintt'ager against the proposed vacation of the alley in Block 5, Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's Addition, or of any part of Tower Street, would respect- fully recommend that said remonstrance be received and filed. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the plat showing that part of Tower Street and of the al- ley between. Wall Street and Pine Street proposed to be vacated to the Dubuque Star Brewing Company, would recom- mend that said plat he approved and that the Ordinance Committee be instructed to prepare and submit to this Council, An Ordinance covering said vacation, and providing for the filling to grade of said alley and said street before the 1st day of January, 1907. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Henry Sears, asking that he be compen- sated for fruit trees that were planted on the strip dedicated to the city by the abutting property owners for the reloca- tion of Seventh Avenue, would respect- fully recommend that said petition be re- ceived and filed. JOSEPH L. HORR, Chairman. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the various reports of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. Jones of the Board of Health re- ported as follows: To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—Your Board of Health would respectfully report that at their meeting held Dec. 7th the Mayor was in- structed to notify the garbage contractor that the collecting of garbage for this season be discontinued on the 12th day of December. There being no other business of im- portance, the Board adjourned until the first Monday in January, 1904. Aid. Jones moved to adopt the report. Carried. City Engineer Boyce presented plat showing the straightening of Fourth (4th) Street Extension. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the plat and refer same back to City Engineer to get all the signatures of the abutting prop- erty owners. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alda. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr. Jones. Raymond and Sheridan. Na ys—None, RESOLUTIONS, Ald. Horr offered the following: Resolved. That the Ordinance Commit- tee confer with the Street Committee, City Engineer and City Attorney, and prepare and present to this Council an Ordinance for the construction and re- quiring the construction of a viaduct on Fourth Street over and across the rail- road tracks on said street as provided by sections 770 and 771 of the code of 1897. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried. Ald. Horr offered the following: Whereas, the contract heretofore en- tered into by the City of Dubuque for the improvement of a Street as herein- after described has been completed, and the City Engineer has computed that the cost and expense of said improvement amounts to $1,050.00, therefore Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to provide for the cost of improving Broadway Exten- sion from Gay to Putnam Streets, the Mayor is required to execute and deliver to the City Recorder, to be by him reg- istered and countersigned, three bonds of the denomination of Three Hundred Dol- lars and one bond of the denomination of of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars, num- bered 242, 243, 244 and 245, dated December 15th, 1903, payable on or before seven years after the date thereof and bearing interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum payable semi-annually. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance. Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Horr also offered the following: Whereas, the contract heretofore enter- ed into by the City of Dubuque for the improvement of an alley as hereinafter described, has been completed and the City Engineer has computed that the cost and expense of said improvement amounts to $490, therefore. Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to provide for the cost of improving the alley between South Alpine and Nevada Streets from West Third Street to Langworthy Ave- nue, the Mayor is required to execute and deliver to the City Recorder, to be by him registered and countersigned, two bonds of the denomination of Two Hundred and Forty-five Dollars, numbered 246 and 247, dated January 1st, 1904, payable on or be- fore seven years after the date thereof and bearing interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum payable semi-an- nually. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the resolu- tion. 326 Regular Session Dec. 17, 1903. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Raymond moved to adjourn until January 7th, 1904. Carried. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Attest: 1?ecorder Approve • g 190 49 Mayor 1 Special Session Dec. 15, 1903. 327 CITY COUNCIL Special Session December 15th, 1903. (Official.) Council met at s o'clock P. M. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—AIds. Clancy, Frith, Ilorr, .Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Absent—Ald. Corrance. 'Che Mayor stated that he had called this special session for the purpose that the Council might take some action on his veto of the liesohntion reported to the Council by the Committee of the Whole at its regular meeting Dee. :1rd, and adopted by the same. The .lh•iyor lead the Resolution, which reads as follows: Your Committee of the \\'hole would recommend that the following Resolution be adopted: 'Whereas. the cost of the sterno road roller. h:u•rew :and plow purchased dining the spring of 1!w.: iris boon erroneously charged 10 the head Fund. and we be- lieve that said amount should have been charged to the General Expense Fund, therefore Be it Resnlred by the City Council of the City of Dubwluo. That the city Aud- itor he and be is hereby instructed to credit the Road Pule' with :1550.00, the amount paid for said roller. letrrew :und plow. and to c•haree said amount to the General Expense Fund. The Mayor's veto follows: Gentlemen of the Council: I return to your honorable body the attached resolution without my signature Because I deem It a violation of sec- tion 743 of the Cuuc, in that it is an at- tempt to divert the sum of $3,560 from the General Expense Fund to the Road Fund. In order to satisfy myself as to the correctness of the position I have taken, from a legal standpoint, I request- ed Mr, Barnes, the City Attorney, to pre- pare a written opinion upon this ques- tion, a copy of which is attached hereto. and submitted herewith. Dated at Dubuque, this 15th day of De- •cen:ber, 1903. C. H. Berg, Mayor. City Attorney Barnes' opinion follows: Hon. C. H. Berg, Mayer of the City of Dubuque: Dear Sir: Complying with your request for an opinion as to the legality of the resolu- tion passed by the council at the regular session held on the 3rd day of December, 1903, I beg leave to submit the following: The resolution referred to is in the "fol- lowing language: "Whereas, the cost of the steam road roller, harrow and plough purchased during the Spring of 1903, has been erroneously charged to the Road Fund, and we believe said amount should have been charged to the General Ex- pense Fund, therefore, "Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the City Auditor be and he is hereby instructed to credit the Road Fund with $3,550, the amount paid for said roller, harrow and plough, and to charge the amount to the General Expense Fund." From an i::vestigation of the facts sur- rounding this transaction, it appears that the warrants drawn aggregating $3,550, for the payment of the steam roller, and other articles referred to in the resolutions, were drawn against the Road Fund and are so marked and endorsed as required by law, and the warrants have been paid and are now in the hands of the City Treas- urer. The preamble to the resolution states that this amount was erroneously charged to the Road Fund. I am in- clined to the opinion that this statement is not entirely correct. The amount was properly chargeable to the Road Fund, as the Road Fund in this City is for the whole City, and the articles purchased were for the use of that department. On the other hand, the said sum might possi- bly have been taken from the General Expense Fund, had the Council and your honor so determined at the time the war- rants were drawn, but it does not neces- sarily follow that because it might have been paid out of the General Expense Fund at the time the warrants were drawn that that end may now be attain- ed by the passage of this resolution. If a proper resolution had been passed after these warrants were issued and be- fore they were paid, there is no question hut whit the warrants could be recalled and new warrants issued, but after they have been paid and are no longer in the hands of the Auditor, but are in the hands of the Treasurer as his vouchers for the Payment. the same is beyond the recall of the Council. And it is easy to see that if the Auditor should do what the resolution requires so far as his books are concerned, it would not effect the fund, for the reason that on the Treasurer's hooks the same is charged against the Road Fund. There being no way of re- calling these warrants, the only way of accomplishing what the Council seems to desire, would be to have the Auditor and the Treasurer both add this sum of $3,550 to the Road Fund and charge it to the General Expense Fund; but this would be in direct viohliou of section 743 of the ('ode, which is as follows: "Any mem- ber of the ('ity ('o'metl. or any officer of any City levying and collecting taxes un- der provisions of this chapter, who shall In any manner participate in or advise to the diversion of any part of said tax to any other purpose than that provided for in this chapter. shall be deemed guilty of the crime of embezzlement, and shall he punished accordingly." There can he no other conclusion than that it would be a diversion of the General Expense Fund to transfer $3,550 of it to the Road Fund, and any person participating in such di- version is liable to the penalties of the Statute quoted. I am therefore of opinion that the fact that this sum might have been paid from the General Expense Fund would not ex - cuss the Council in diverting the funds of the Genetal Expense Fund in the manner contemplated by this resolution. The ob- ject of the Statute is to confine the ex- penditures of a City within the limits of its appropriations, and it is calculated to prevent extravagance on the part of the ('onn(•11 and if money from one fund could he transferred to :mother, after the mon- ey in that fund had been expended on the ground of error. or any other ground, the Statute above ,looted would be with- out any force ur virtue. I deem it un- necessary to mitis' you :uiy farther as to your duly in the premise,,,other than NI 328 Special Session Dec. 15, 1903. to call your attention to the provisions of section GS.5 of the Code of 1S97. Respectfully submitted, G. A. Karnes, City Attorney. A Id. Horr moved that the action of the Mayor and the opinion of the City Attor- ney he approved. (`arried. Aid. Frith moved to auljonrn. Carried. C. F. ArtENDT. City Recorder. Attest: • Recorder 0.4 Approved.. ':. 1905 . . Mayor r! List of Warrants 329 LIST Of GITRRtNTS city Recorder's 011ie.. Lel. i1', . Iowa, December 1, 3903. To the Hon. i..H' Mayor and City Council of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The following is a complete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of November, 1903: C. H. Berg. =;nary, Mayor 8116 70 H. Brinkman. salary. 'Treasurer133 35 J. A. McKinley, salary, Deputy Treasurer 100 RI Jno. Kraycr. clerk, 'Treasurer's of- fice 60W Chas. F. Arendt. salary, Recorder116 70 \\'m. A. Kite)). salary, Deputy Re- corder 80 00 F. 13. Hoffman, salary. Auditor 116 50 C. B. Scherr, salary. Assessor 125 00 A. Doerr, Jr., salary, Assistant As- sessor 100 00 J. J. Murphy, salary. Assistant As- sessor 100 00 Geo. A. Barnes, salary. Attorney150 00 J. B. Powers, salary, Assistant At- torney 75 00 Ed. Morgan. salary. Chief of Police 100 00 Jos. Reinfried, salary, Fire Chief100 00 J. \V. Lawler, salary, Committee Clerk 100 UU Jas. Boyce, salary, City Engineer166 05 E. Anderson. salary, Assistant En- gineer 100 Oil F. Neuwoehner. salary, Rodman50 00 E. Herron, salary, superintendent of Street Sprinkling 60 00 \\'m. Hipman, salary. Electrician, 83 35 FI. Tropf, salary, Marketmaster 50 00 P. Ryan, salary, Park Custodian40 00 P. Kien. salary, Park Custodian40 00 T. Faherty, salary, Park Custodian10 00 Dr. B. F. Michel, salary, Health Of- ficer 50 00 F. Flynn, salary, Sanitary Patrol- man 60 W N. Offerman. salary, Poundmaster40 00 Mrs. H. Koenig, salary, Janitress20 00 A. Crawford. salary, Sidewalk In- spector 50 00 H. A. Moyes, salary, Wharfmaster,. 20 00 M. Clancy, salary, Alderman25 00 H. Corrance, salary, Alderman 25 00 E. E. Frith, salary, Alderman 25 00 J. L. Horr, salary, Alderman 25 00 R. Jones, salary, Alderman 25 00 G. N. Raymond, salary, Alderman25 00 J. J. Sheridan, salary, Alderman 25 00 Tillie Donnelly, stenographer 20 00 M. Eitel. fireman 65 00 J. Esaman, fireman 75 00 A. Duccini. fireman 59 05 J. Flynn, fireman 65 00 J. Roshin. fireman 60 00 A. Beer. fireman 50 00 J. 'I'schudi, fireman 50 00 J. Schonberger, fireman 50 00 J. Daley. fireman 1;5 00 ?. Barnes, fireman 75 00 F. Ryder. fireman ro 00 \V. Ducey, fireman 1.0 (0 G. Beyer, fireman 65 (Iia F. Murphy. fireman a010 P. Ahern, fireman '0 00 M. Kelley, fireman F.0 idi D. Ahern. fireman .:5 A. McDonald. fireman 07 50 '1'. Flynn. fireman 05 00 J. Murphy, fireman 50 00 P. Zillig, fireman 50 00 H. Cane. fireman '" I'1 51. Sweeney, fireman 50 00 N. Wagner. fireman 50 00 J. Beazer. fireman 50 00 J. McLaughlin. fireman 50 00 G. Gheric1. fireman 65 00 T. Kennedy. fireman 190 00 F. Baumgartner. fireman 50 00. J. Smith, fireman 50 00 \V. K;umolt, fireman 50 00 C. Naimoli, fireman 15 00 J. Allen. fireman 60 00 51. Talley. fireman 50 00 W. ('Connell. fireman 50 00 Ti. \\',"ton. fireman 05 00 F. Kenneally. fireman 130 00 E. McDermott. fireman 50 00 W. 51(('l:ain, fireman 50 00 \. Hecker, police 5000 J. H. Barry. police 50 00 G. Burk 'l. police 50 00 J. Carter, police 51 65 J. ('link. police 50 00 .Jno. ('rnly, pollee 50 00 \V. cook. police 5105 W. ('ore.man. police 50 00 M. ('raugh, police 05 00 H. I).niirni. police 51 65 3. " 11 z3❑itrlc•k. police 40 00 Jas. Flynn. police 50 00 \\'m. Frith, police 50 00 T. c.anahl• poli..' 50 00 1.. Grasset. notice 50 00 13. Gray. police 50 00 Pat. Hanlon. police 5165 M. Kilty, police 50 00 Jno. Lnetsc•her. police 50 00 P. McCollins. police 50 00 P. McInerney. police 50 00 Jno. Moore. police 60 00 D. Norton. police 50 00 51. O'Connor. police 51 65 Jno. Murphy. police 51 65 Jno. Raesli. police 65 00 Otto Rath. police 50 00 T. Reilly. police 07 20 Jas. Ryan. police 51 65 P. Scharff, pollee 51 65 Al. Scherr, police 60 00 M. Stapleton. police 50 00 P. Sullivan, police 50 00 Jno. L. Sullivan, police 33 00 P. Sutton, police 45 00 Tom Sweeney. police 60 00 L. Zeidman, police 50 00 Mrs. hate Hibbe, matron 30 00 Miss B. Brennan. matron 30 00 E. Meyers. special police 5 95 P. Kenneally, special police 1 05 W. O'Brien. special police 1 05 H. Tropf. special pollee 1 65 Labor on streets from Oct. 15th to Oct 31st, inclusive. E. Amanda, labor 3 05 Jas. Beakey, labor 810 J. Brouillette, labor 2 05 John Burns, labor 10 80 Paul Becker, labor 20 25 D. J. Brightbill, labor 4 05 C. Bluecher, labor 5 75 Fred Budde, labor 13 20 Fred Buddien, labor 4 05 John Brachtenbach, labor 16 20 Chas. Busse, labor 70 Jos. Brown, labor 20 25 J. Bohn, mason 13 75 W. Coughlin, labor 810 Peter Carney, labor 1215 John Corbett, labor 14 20 H. Cobb, labor 20 25 James Connolly, labor 20 25 D. Corcoran, labor 18 00 Jas, Callahan, foreman 20 00 H. Cosgrove, driver 20 00 Thos, Donahue, labor 16 20 John Egan, labor 16 20 330 List of Warrants John Engels, labor Mike Farrell, labor George Frost., foreman Mat. Fetschele, labor John Flynn, labor Pat Fenelon, labor Nelson Frith, stoker Barney Glass. labor Pat Gillnon, labor .Jos. Grab, labor 12 15 1 35 20 00 4 05 3 05 20 25 50 00 6 75 10 80 19 25 1,.1bnr on Streets. hist half of October. 19113: .los. (;iien111) 1 . labor• (;oi•g,• (.inti. labor I I. t l u!14 )1heb1. forrtnan Th11,, 1lafey. 1a1tnr• ylihc !fall. 1(1(41• Gt orc, J. Hahn. coven -inn Anil.. 11 it 1. ;alar Jath s llird. Inhor .1. Hanson. nuts")) John 114 i!. carp Iter I', (,a' .1ar/t1). brio). .\nom. .lis<, Libor \in 1. 1I,•cltof4 n. 1'11)01• Jt,lin 1O.11-. labor .Ins. Nint zlc. Iabut' J. Kraus. Inbar y1 ).tier 1.4au•rgan. I thnr 1'. I., ssatoe. 1 lbor 11. 14 3111.![o. la hot* Ilo'I.o(0, 1.tb,n• .1. Lrt rar111'ntrt• .1,du: Ala honey. labor 'font 51,110y. Libor .Io.. \I.mthc!c. Iabor $ 1115 4 05 _0 f0 1215 5 40 _u i0 0 45 4 1'5 '1'1 75 1:1 50 12 85 1-1 85 111 s, 10 211 1:1 50 16 20 10 15 18 e0 13 (0 12 15 810 4 5 A. MalulcrsclI id. labor 10 80 .John McNulty. labor 810 .Tames McCarron, labor 810 Pal \h•Mttlloli. Ia1ot• 0 45 Nat. \1c Poland. labor 6 75 11. Nottwoehner, labor 6 75 W. (Y l hien, foreman 20 00 4 ltt is. Ode, labor 1 35 .Elates Powers, labor 1015 Joint Parker, labor 135 John Pfeiffer. labor 19 50 W. Quinlan. Lubar 13 50 Labor on streets, •last half of October, 1903. James Ryan, labor 20 25 Phil Redding, labor 3 40 Chas. Reinfrank, labor 7 45 Jos. Rooney, driver 20 00 Nick Sweeney, labor 10 SO Aug. Soyke, labor 2 05 john Schroeder, labor 4 05 1.4.111s Smith, labor 810 Frank Scher).. labor 20 25 .I,ts. Straney. savor 20 25 Dan Sheehan, mason 700 It. 'I'urnei•, labor 1215 \\•.Welsh, labor 9 45 1\ \\e:u'mouth, foreman 20 00 Nip \V i npac•h, labor 4 C3 Phos. Young, engineer 75 00 Geo. Zumhoff, foreman 22 30 Becker Bros., team 14 40 H. Bisehop, team 1170 Josh Calvert, team, contract 45 (0 M. Gantenbein, team 28 80 Mike Hannan, team ., 54 00 J. .Haudenshield, team 55 60 Peter Horeb, team 46 80 J. Huffmire, team, contract 43 75 Mike Kenneally, team 32 40 James 11. Kecfc, tea un 5 40 John Linehan. labor 2 00 Pat. Linehan, team 32 40 John Long, team 2160 J. J. McCollins, team 42 80 Dennis O'Meara, team 21 60 George Reynolds, team 10 SO Ed. Seeley, team 31; Ou A. Stoltz, team James Tobin, team M. Zogg, team Labor on Sewers during of October , 1903: Pat Casserly, labor John Corcoran, labor R. T. Eddy, foreman R. A. Fuller, labor F. Hohnecker, labor Pat Kenneally, labor Pat Sage, labor Landon Taylor, labor Teams hauling Sprinkling Wagons ing the last half of October, 1903: Becker Bros T. B. Cain James H. Keefe John Linehan iVlartin Maher Dan 2tIelloy J. J. McCollins Ih fontain. Peter. Southern Ave, .ou. yds. It Sac $ 19 10 Itnre.au, Mich., 11111 St., 3.5 Cu y41s, nt 55,3 00 int'I cy. u'i,•k. Valle; street, 20.5 rte. yti . :tt ..5.0' 17 40 Heck. k. .1os.. iahins,,I Alley, 48.5 eu y(..,. nt 55c 4125 Lass:uu'e Frank. 21 cu. yds. at S5c17 S5 Lens1e. John, 8.5 cu. yds. :tt 85c 7 20 Melt,rtnoIt, \\'m„ Dodge street, 27.5 ('ll. yds. /It S5c 23 35 lot '11)111. \Ym., Cascade Crossing, 10.5 cm yds. at 85c 16 35 McMahon. \lahon. foss, Southern Ave., S cu. ::ds. at 510' 6 80 .\1ol'nl.nul. I'at.. West Locust street, 5 cn. yds. .11 ;c 4 25 Parker, John. \`=est Locust street 42.5 cu. yds. at 85c 3615 Schnee, Albert. Adams street, 60.5 cu. yds. at SSe 51 45 O'Dea, John. Dodge street, 24 cu yds, at S5c 20 40 Tippe Henry, Pine and Twenty-third streets, 6.3 eu. yds. at 85c 5 35 Total $269 90 H. J. Trupf. board of prisoners for month of October $ 11.00 lower 'Telephone Co., telephone ser- vice for various departments 39.02 }larger & Blish, stationery and sup- plies 7 50 Bit'g & Rood, stationery and sup- plies 21 JO Safford Stamp Wks.. stamps and supplies for Auditor's office 2 PO A. E. Bradley, glazing at City Hall1 04 Kerala -Lavin Printing Co., blank stationery for various departments 17 50 G. W. Healey & Son, rake for park 1 00 Key City Gas Co., gas for various departments 84 90 Key City Gas Co., arc lights at Ar- mory 2 50 Conlin & Kearns, wood at City Hall 6 00 Conlon & Kearns, ice at City Hall for season 1901 11 70 C. O. D. Laundry ('o., towels 111141 racks fo:• July. August, September ant' October. 1903 16 00 Wm. McLaughlin, hauling at Jack- son park 2 50 Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs on steam roller 49 53 Duhuoue Woodenware & Lumber Co., lumber for Road and Spec Sidewalk departments 6195 McFJlrath Teaming Co„ use of horse for carpenter wagon 69 00 P. J. Seippel, lumber for Road de- partment 53 75 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Road 29 70 5400 10 SO the last halt $232(1 24 00 25 00 24 (1) 24 00 24 UO 23 20 24 00 dur- 29 20 50 80 49 20 44 OU 46 UU 46 00 List of Warrants 331 d•'partment 11 90 W. 13. Baumgartner, hardware for Road department 16 65 McElrath Teaming Co., sand for Road department 7 75 Ellwanget• Bros., repairing harness for Road and Police departments5 95 A. E. Brodley. ;lazing at calaboose 125 ,Conlin & Kearns, wood for Police department 6 00 11. J. Hagerty, veterinary services fur Patrol team 2 75 I:iehliorn & Bechtel. supplies for MaIrun department 1005 .0. Al, Jaeger & (':,., supplies for Sewer dc•nartmcnt 75 Linehan & Molo. cement for Sewer department 5 25 Dubuque Ruirber & Belting Co, washers fur Sewer department150 F. Schloz & Son. repairs for Sewer department 40 Pape & J: crla;roofrepairing foun- tain at Dodge and Bluff Streets.. 1 70 Lear & Kennedy, horse shoeing for Road and Fire department 4 00 Union Electric Co., arc lights for October 2045 77 •Globe -Journal, official printing for October 60 00 The 'rimes. official printing for Oc- tober 15 00 Telegraph -Herald, official printing for October 50 00 National Demokral, official printing for October 25 00 Ha user & hlish. blue print paper and metallic tapes for Engineer's office 17 25 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for EngI- neer's office 2 40 .J. Newman & Son, repairs for Sprinkling department 14 50 F. Schloz & Son. repairs tor Sprink- ling department 75 T. E. Frith, removing garbage and dead animals for October 375 03 Jieadford Bros. & Hitchins, manhole covers and rims for Sewer depart- ment and Bee Branch 34 65 .Headford Bros. & Hitchins, one grate for Fire department 100 Kumpf-Frudden Lumber Co., lumber delivered at Bluff Street Extension 97 07 'Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber for Road department 42 65 'Ott, Mouser & Co., lumber for Spec- ial Sidewalk department 21 00 'Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber and shav- ings for Fire department 16 30 F. Barns. coal for Steam Roller 96 65 Jno. Butt, repairs for Road and Sewer departments 6 65 G. F. 1<loih. ncty tools and hardware for Road department 16 75 G. F. Kleih, drinking cups and chains for fountains 'G. F. Kleih, hardware for Police department G. F. Kleih, hardware for Expense department G. F. Iileih, tacks for Board of Health T. F. Kane, hay and oats for Fire and Police departments 155 05 Klauer & Kress, hardware for City Hall 1 90 Klauer & Kress, setting up and blackening stoves at City Hall 16 95 Klauer & Kress, hardware for Road department 14 25 Klauer & Kress, supplies for Engi- neer's office 75 Klauer & Kress, nails delivered to Bluff Street Extension 2 65 2 45 2 40 3 40 25 Klauer & Kress, nails for Fire de- partment 1 00 Klauer & Kress, hardware for Police department 2 10 Klauer & Kress, one oil can for Sprinkling department 20 P. Pier, coal delivered at City Hall116 75 P. Pier, coal for Fire department10 60 P. Pier, oak wood for Police depart- ment 25 00 Geo. A. Barnes, to expense for trip to Des Moines attending Supreme Court 12 50 Geo. A. Barnes, cash advanced filing fee in case of Considine vs. City5 00 Soudan Specialty Mfg. c;o., disinfec- tant for City Hall 12 50 F. A. Miller, one dozen brooms at City 1 -[all 2 80 P. Clancy, cinders for Road depart- ment 10 50 H. Grode, sawing wood at City Hall 2 00 Jno. Sloan, sawing wood at City Hall 4 00 Smith & Paar, sawing wood at City Hall 1 75 Jno. Bohn, inspector Bee Branch sewer Ellwanger Bros., repairing harness for Fire department Eichhorn & Co., bran for Fire de- partment J. Newman & Son. repairs for Fire department Lagen & Sullivan, horse shoeing for Fire department Lagen & Sloan, horse shoeing for Fire department Heller & Scherr, horse shoeing for Fire department Vollenweider & Hein, horse shoeing for Fire department Lear & Kennedy, horse shoeing for Fire department Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse shoeing for Fire department' Key City Gas Co., rent of arc Light at Central Engine house Key City Gas Co., coke for Fire department Dubuque Oil Tank Line, on for Fire department Linehan & Molo, coal for Fire de- partment Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber and shavings for Fire department Advance Fire Appliance Co., blaze killer for Fire department Iowa Iron Works, repairs for Fire department Fire Extinguisher Mfg Co., supplies for Fire department J. H. Clay, supplies for Fire depart- ment H. J. Hagerty, veterinary services for Fire department Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co, packing for Fire department Rumpf-Frudden Lumber Co., lum- ber for Fire department R. Spellenberg, repairs for Fire de- partment I \I. Jaeger & Co.. hardware for Dire di pat•t111& i 1 The \Iel:coy l'o., brick mason work nt cironrl\iew Ave. Engine !louse itrown & Itrowa. to extra work on Lang -worthy Ave, from Alpine to Nevada Streit. Brown & Brown, to raising gutter in 1.:ual;wortby .\ V( 11111' ]frown , Itruwu. to extra work 00 tlilntore Place and Langworthy :\ ye ]crown & itrnwn. estimate lr,r im- proving alley between South Al - 25 00 14 90 95 36 55 6 00 5 50 3 09 7 25 200 4 75 100 32 55 7 00 9 85 16 30 30 00 75 3 00 13 55 31 15 65 6 25 5 35 505 585 15 50 12 00 40 45 332 List of Warrants pine and Nevado Streets from \\'est '1'1111)1 Street to Langworthy Av. r 401 33 Brown & Brown. final estimate l'or improving 1 io.:worthy Ave. Ilam South Alpine to ltoutll Street .., 481 81 Brown .t Brown. final estimate for improving l.nngworthy .\ve.. 11"m Hill to Booth Streets9S 29 Brown & Brown. final estimate for grading Langworthy Ave.. from Bill to Booth Sire, is 70 (10 Brown & Brown. limit estimate for grading :al.e•y 1 etwe en South Al- pine and Nev+ul a Streets. from 'Wert Third Street e r 1. utgwnrtlay Ave tie 21 Gus. Iiruwn, final estimate for im- proving Gilmore Plaei from \\'est. Fifth Street to alley south of Cooper Street 161 50 Peter l 1sbach. « (Bruit tit on Bee I3raneh sewer "-14 SO Jos. J' ll, r. 111,1: mason work on Eighth Street storm sewer 6 50 O'Farrell & Strt et. estimate for im- proving Raymond Place from Fenelon Place to Cooper Street 6(3 86 O'Farrell & Street, grading Ray- mond Place 405 28 O'Farrell & Street, grading Willow Street 335 52 Chas. Steuck. grading Broadway Extension 335 31 F. Duttle, damages to property 76 41 Geo. Wolfe, damages to property57 94 H. Brinkman, Excavation permit's redeemed 65 00 H. Brinkman, Interest paid on war- rants outstanding 1409 29 H.Brinkman, telegram 25 H. Brinkman, Exchange New York 3 30 H. Brinkman, freight charges 75 H. Brinkman, postage stamps 10 00 H. Brinkman, refunded regular tax 9 00 H. Brinkman, horses for Fire de- partment 385 Ou H. Brinkman, express charges 35 H. Brinkman, library orders paid366 54 First National Bank, loan $ 5000 00 Dubuque National Bank, loan 10000 OO 150 00 800 00 Mrs. Cath. Ward, loan F. Henker, loan Labor on Streets during the fire:t half of November, 1903: Al. Alderson, labor $ 1 35 James Beakev, labor 2 70 Jos. Brouillette, labor 9 45 Paul Becker. labor 810 Fred Buddlen, labor 9 2,0 Fred Budde. labor 5 40 Ant. Bolein, labor 13 20 Jos. Brown, labor 16 20 W. Coughlan, labor 4 05 John Corbett. labor 6 75 H. Cobb, labor 16 20 Jas. Connolly, labor 16 20 D. Corcoran. labor 16 50 J. Callahan. foreman 20 00 H. Cosgrove, driver 20 00 John Dougherty. labor 1. 15 John Egan• labor 1 35 John Engels. labor 4 05 Mike Farrell, labor 9 45 George Frost, foreman 20 00 Mat. Fetshele, labor - 9 45 John Flynn, labor 4 i5 Pat. Fenelon, labor 16 20 Peter Gregory, labor 10 80 Barney Glass, labor 9 45 C. Gantenbein, foreman 20 00 Mike Hall. labor 810 Geo. Hecklinger, labor 4 05 George J. Hahn, foreman 20 00 James Hird, labor 1 35 Amb. Ilird. labor 1 36 Adam Ilenele•rson. labor 4 05 J. Hansen. mason 27 00 Labor• 00 Streets for first half of Nov- ember, 1903: John Heil, carpenter $ 22 5U Peter Jacob, labor 8 10 N. Kettenhofen, labor 810 J. Kraus. labor 16 20 M. La in. labor 4 75 A. \V. Miller, labor 4 75 James McCarron, labor 2 711 Pat McMullen, labor 2 115 John McNulty, labor 2 70 Pat Mel'oland, labor 4 05 \V. O'Brien. foreman 20 00, John Parker, labor 6 75 James Ryan, labor 1420 Jos. Rooney, driver 20 00 Dan Sheehan, mason 2 00. Nick Sweeney, labor 2 70 Aug. Soyke, labor 3 40 John Schroeder, labor 6 75 F. Scherr, labor 16 20 Jas. Straney, labor 16 20 H. Turner, labor 5 40 W. \\'earmouth, foreman 20 1.10 Frank Burns, team 19 00 Becker Bros., team 9 90 John Berwanger, team 14 40 Jos. Calvert, team (contract) 36 00 Mike Hannan, team 32 4U J. Huffmire, team (contract) 35 110 J. Haudenshield, team 19 60 Jeff McGrath, team 3 60 Dennis O'Meara, team 18 00 Geo. Reynolds, team 39 60 'Ed. Seeley, team 9 UU James Tobin, team 2160 M. Theis, team 10 80 M. Zogg, team 14 40 Labor on sewers during the first half of November, 1903: Pat Casserly, labor 19 20 J. Corcoran, labor 19 20- R. T Eddy, foreman 25 00 R. A. Fuller, labor 19 20 F, Hohnecker, labor 17 60 P. Kenneally, labor 19 20 Pat Sage, labor 18 40 Landon Taylor, labor 19 20 Teams hauling sprinkling wagons dur- ing the first half of November, 1903: T. B. Cain 13 20 James H. Keefe, John Linehan Martin Maher Dan Meloy J. J. McCollins Labor grading Mount Carmel Avenue during the first half of November, 1903: R. Burns, labor Peter Carney, quarryman Peter Gregory, quarryman Thos. Hackney, quarryman John Hafey, labor T. Kenneally, foreman Bob Love, labor John Mahoney, quarryman James 141eCar ron, quarryman Jame:; Powers. quarryman W. Sheehan, quarryman W. Woods, team W 18 Labor grading Willow Street during the first half of November, 1903: A. Alderson, labor $ 5 40 5 40 5 40 5 40 Jos. Martinek, labor 5 10 Pat. McPoland, labor 2 70 John Parker. labor 4 05 Becker Bros., team 10 80 Jeff McGrath, team 14 40 29 20 19 60 20 40 21 20 8 80 2 70 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 05 10 00 4 05 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 50 7 20 Paul Becker, labor James Hird, labor Antb. Hird, labor f Otiicial Notices. 333 ,James 'Tobin, team 14 40 C. Gantenhehn, rock furnished to city 400 \Cm. Mcl:uighlin. hauling at Jack- son Park .. 100 inion Printing Co., printing ab- stract in case of Considine vs. City 92 00 i hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list of all warrants issued by MC during the month or November, 1903. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. NOTICE 'Cite city LIN. ;Ists for the year 1903 are now in my hands ready for cnllectlon. 11. RIRINIiMAN. Dec 16-2wks City Treasurer. NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, held on the lith day of Decem- ber, 1903, the following Special Assess- ments were levied on the real estate here- inafter described, and that in case of fail- ure to pay the one-seventh part within the time prescribed by the Ordinance gov- erning same, all will become delinquent and subject to collection by distress and sale. H. BRINKMAN, City Treasurer. For the improvement of Willow Street from St. Ambrose Street to first alley east of St. Ambrose Street: Name. Description. Amount. St. Anthony's Church, Finley's Add., lot 20 $350.14 Sisters of the Holy Ghost, Finley's Add., lot 21 111.26 Sisters of the Holy Ghost, Finley's Add., lot 22 95.94 Sisters of the Holy Ghost, Finley's Add, lot 23 95.94 Sisters of the Holy Ghost, Finley's Add., lot 24 46.72 For the improvement of Broadway Ex- tension from the end of the present im- provement to Putnam Street: Wm. Kuntz, Wm. Rebman's Sub, lot 1 $ 16.90 Kiene & Altman, South Park Hill Add., lot 37 93.16 Leonard Jaeger, South Park Hill Add., lot 36 10(1.55 Aug. Lang, South Park Hill Add, lot 35 Jos. Straub, South Park Hill Add, lot 34 Henry Kohlman, South Park Hill Add.. lot 33 Sam Sommer, South Park Hill Add, lot 32 R. Sommer, South Park Hill Add, lot 31 D. Mueggenburg, Sub. 3, Min. Lot 319, lot 1 Chriss Ellerman, Sub. 3, Min. Lot 319, lot 2 Fred Nauk, Sub. 3, Min. Lot 319, lot 3 Fred Kaufman, Sub. 3, Min. Lot 319, lot 4 Chas. Ellerman, Sub. 3, Min. Lot 319, lot 5 Airs. P. Loetscher, Sub. 3, Min. Lot 319, lot 6 Mrs. P. Loetscher, Sub. 3, Min. Lot 319, lot 7 D. Mueggenburg, Sub. 3, Min. Lot 319, lot 8 Dec. 24, 1t. 62.60 62.60 62.60 62.60 74.22 42.72 62.61 62.60 62.60 62.60 62.60 62.60 97.07 NOTICE TO TAILORS. Sealed proposals addressed to the un- dersigned committee will be received at the Mayor's Office, City Hall, up to 2 o'clock p. m., Thursday, December 10, 1903, for furnishing eight IS) overcoats for the Police Department. Samples of cloth and lining must accompany bids. The Committee reserves the right to trject any or all bids. — Committee on Police and Light. Dec. 5-5t. NOTII.'E TO HATTERS. Sealed m•ouosals addressed to the under- signed committee will be received at the Mayor's Office, City Hall, up to 2 o'clock p. m., Thursday. December 10, 7903, for furnishing nineteen (19) caps for the Po- lice Department. Sample must accom- pany bids. The Committee reserves the right to reject any or all bids. — Committee on Police and Light, Dec. 5 -It. NOTICE OF SPECIAI.ASSESSMENT. Dubuque, Iowa, Nov. 9th, 1903, Noti,. Is hereby given to all concerned, that a special assessment will be levied In pay for improving Willow Street, front St. Ambrose Street to alley first east o! - St. .Ambrose Street. Street & O'Farrell, Contractors; amount of special assess- ment $700.00; against the property abut- ting along and upon said street as pro- vided by law, at a session of the Council to be held Dec. 17th, 1903. And that there is a plat and schedule on file in the office of the City Recorder of the City of Dubuque showing that street or part thereof on which said street has been improved and the separ- ate lots and parcels of ground or speci- fied portion thereof, subject to assess- ment for such improvement; the name of the owner thereof as far as practicable and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, which plat and schedule is subject to public inspec- tion. And that any and all persons ob- jecting to said special assessments of said plat and schedule must file his or their objections in writing with the City Recorder of said City of Dubuque on or before said session of the City Council, to be held Dec. 17th, 1903, or to appear at said session of the Council to show cause, if any you have, why said assess- ments should not be levied. C. F. ARENDT, 12-7-10t City Recorder. NOTICE 0 FSPECIAL ASSESSMENT. Dubuque. Iowa, Dec. 7th. 1903. Notice is hereby given to all concerned that a special assessment will be levied to pay for improving Broadway Exten- sion from end of present improvement to Putnam Street. Chas. Steuck, contractor, amount of special assessment $1100.00, against the property abutting along and upon said street as provided by law, at a session of the Counci, to be held Dec. 17th, 1903. And that there is a plat and schedule on file in the office of the City Recorder of the City of Dubuque, show- ing the street or part thereof on which said street has been improved and the separate lots and parcels of ground or specified portion thereof, subject to as- sessment for such improvement; the name of the owners thereof as far as practicable and the amount to he assess- ed against each lot or parcel of ground, 334 Official Notices which plat and schedule is subject to public Inspection. And that any and all . persons objecting to said special assess- tnents of said Plat and schedule must file his or their objections in writing with the City Recorder of said City of Dubuque on or before said session of the City Council, to be held December lith. 1903, or to appear at said session of the Coun- cil to show cause, if any you have, why said assesment should not be levied. C. F. ARENDT, 12-7-10t. City Recorder. OFFICI.\I. Pt'BLICA'L'ION. :\ N ORDINANCE. AN ORUIN.\ Nt'1: PRO1-IIBI'lING AND REG 1'LATIN( I '!rill.: DIGGING OF PRI VI- \'.\I•L'I'S IN THE SE\\'ER DIS'I'RICIS IN '1'!-11.7 CITY OF DI'- Bt'Q1'I:: Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That no person. firm or cor- P01 11ton shall dig any privy vault upon any lot in the City of Dubuque, abutting any Street or Alley in which is located :( 511111 n•y sewer. provided said sanitary sower is so located that connection can be made therewith. Sec. _'. :\ny person. lirm or corporation. desiring to dig- any such vault upon any lot in said city which :abuts any Street or Alley in which is located a sanitary sewer. shall. before digging such vault. file a petition with the City Council, slat- ing that said sanitary sewer is so located that connection cannot be made there- with. The City Council shall investigate the merits of said petition and if the statements therein :are found to be true. the Connell may by resolution, permit s::td vault to be dug. but no permit sha,11 be go:ulted for any other reason. Sec. 2. Any person. firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance. slum. upon conviction, be fined not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars. together with costs of pros- ecution. or imprisoned in the county jail until such line and costs are paid, not ex- (*.oding thirty days. See. 4. This ordinance to take effect and be in fore*. on and after its publication one time in the Dubuque Globe -Journal newspaper. Adopted Nov. 19th. 1903. Approved Nov. 23rd, 1903. C. H. I3IRG. .\ I t c est : Mayor. ('. 1'. .\BENDY, City Recorder. Published officially in the Evening (Nobe -Journal. Dec. 2nd, 1903. C. F. ARENDT, 12 -2 -It City Recorder. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. AN ORDINANCE. An Ordinance prohibiting the distribution of samples of patent medicines in the City of Dubuque: Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Sec, 1. No person, firm or corporation shall either personally or through their agents or employees, distribute any sam- ple or samples of any patent or proprie- tary medicine, either by giving the same to individuals upon the street or by de- livering the same at any residence in said city, or by throwing them in any store or building or other place in the city, or In any other manner. Sec. 2,—That the provisions of section one hereof shall not be so construed as to prevent any druggist or apothecary or employee of any such druggist or apoth- ecary. from delivering to their customers such samples or patent or proprietary medicine as they deem proper, provided that no such druggist, apothecary or em- ployee shall deliver any such sample to any person under sixteen years of age. Sec. 3. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be guil- ty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be tined not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars, together with costs of prosecution, or be confined in the county jail until such fine and costs are pail. not exceeding thirty clays. Sec. 4. This ordinance to take effect and be in force Dom .end after its pas- sage and puhlica t Ilan one time in the Dubuque (nope -Journal newspaper, Adopted Nov. filth, 1903. Approved Nov. _3rd, 1903. C. H, BERG, Mayor. Attest: C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Published officially in the Evening Globe -Journal Dec. 2nd. 1903. C. F. ARENDT, 12-2-1t. City Recorder. OFFICIAL Pl'BLICA'L'ION, AN ORDINANCE. .\N ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR Tt11: PLACING OF TELEPHONE WIRES UNDERGROUND \WITHIN CERTAIN LIMITS, AND ItISGl'1.:\71'- 1NG '1'11E ERECTION OF AERIAL, 'I'ELEPI1ONE POLES AND \CIRES OUTSIDE OF SAID DIS'I'.RI( r IN '1'111.1 CITY OF DI'Bt'QI'1:, IO\\'.\. Be It Ordained by the City C'ounc•il of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That the territory in said City of Dubuque embraced within the fol- lowing describec1 boundaries shall be known as the "Underground District." namely: beginning at :1 point kin the northwest corner of Iowa and First street; thence west along the north side of First st',el to the West Side of Locust street; there, north along the west side of Locust street to the south side of Sev- enteenth street; thence east along the south vide 111 seventeenth street to the west side of flay street; thence north along the west side of Clay street and Cooler avenue to the north side of San- ford Street, thence east along the north side of Sanford street to the west side of Jackson suet; thence south along the west side of ,Jackson street to the south side of Eleventh street; then,. west ;Hong the south side of Eleventh street to the east side of \V'anite street; thence south along' the east side of while a1•0,1 to the north side of Fourth street; thence west along the north side of Fourth street to the west side of Iowa street; and thence south along the west side of Iowa street to the point of beginning. Section 2. From and after the first day of January, 1900. no person, firm or cor- poration operating or maintaining tele- phone wires. sink 11 erect. operate or Main- tain any aerial wins within the above (b•Serile1l district. except such Wires :15 may be necessary to connect subscribers and customers With the underground sys- tem. The polys to Be used fm• such dis- tributing wires shun he 1oc:tied us far as practicable. in the alleys within said dis- trict. 1 f any such person. firm or coo- Official Notices. 335 potation shall be delayed in the construc- tion of its underground plant in said district by injunction or other process of any court, or by strikes, or other extra- ordinary causes, the time of such delay shall be added to the period herein pre- scribed for the construction of the under- ground work required by this ordinance. Section 3. Before any corporation now operating or hereafter acquiring the right to operate telephone wires in the streets of said city shall begin the work of pine- s ing its wires and cables under ground, it shall present to the City Council of said city a written statement specifying the streets and alleys, or parts thereof. in which its conduits are to be located; the approximate size of the conduits proposed to be used and the distance from the sur- face of the street to the. top of such con- duits. and such statement shall be accom- panied by a map, plan or specifications which shall show the proposed location of the conduits wit h reference to the streets, alleys and surface of the streets and the approximate dimensions of the conduits and manholes to be used therewith, and the proposed locations may be changed by the City Council if the same shall in any way interfere with any conduits, pipes or sewers placed underground, or it located on streets objectionable to the City Council. and such statement, map, plan or specifications, so altered after be- ing corrected or changed, together with the original statement. shall remain on tile in the office of the City Recorder, and all conduits and manholes shall he con- structed in accordance with said cor- rected statement. map. plan or specifica- tions. And a permit to excavate in any street or alley shall be issued by the City Engineer to construct such conduits and manholes when the location of the same has been approved by the City Council as above provided. Section 4. Each person. firm or cor- poration planning underground conduits under the provisions of this ordinance. shall include in the plans and conduits space of the capacity of one (1) duct in which the city may place its wires free of charge. alai the City Electrician shall he ;allowed flee access to such ducts at all times and shall be allowed facilities ,and privileges at manholes for putting in and taking out wires in the space so allotted to the city, equal in all respects to those of the corporation owning the some, pro- vided that no electric light, or power; or wires creating a high tension or danger- ous current. shall be placed or maintained in any conduits built and owned by any telephone company. Section 5. In the location, construction or repair of any conduit or conduits, any excavation or construction made or placed in any street or alley. at any time or for any such purpose. by any one. shall be properly guarded; and any pavement. at any time or for any purpose whatever. torn up or displaced by any person. firm or corporation. under the terms of this ordinance shall be properly and speedily replaced and nut in its former condition by it. under the supervision of the City Engineer. And the person, firm or cor- poration ow'ting the same shall pay all damages for injuries to persons or to the property of any property owner or cor- poration. as well as to the City of Du- buque. resulting from or occasioned by. or growing out of negligence or improper construction in the laying. connsttueting or repairing of such conduits or the main- tenance and use of the same. an.I shall • fully indemnify and save harmless the City of Dubuque from and against all claims, actions or suits at lac. or ut equity of any name or nature. f.,, dam- ages to persons or property result ng from, occasioned by or growing out of the omission of any sue'.p.• :nn. Pro or corporation, their servants or a gen.,. to properly guard any ex: a e t int .•I' eh- atruction at any time or to,. ; nv pnrpts,? whatsoever made, place or eause.l in any street or alley. or for the omission to properly and speedily repl,•,.•v• and re- pave any opening, or to keep such rsave- ment in proper repair so Lir su,'lt re- pair may be made necessary by in, inter- ference with said pavement ears .d arc the location. construction, use 0, ,..;,air of said conduits and manhol'-s. :;rel said person. flrm or corporation shall appear and defend any and all suits h ongt;t against said city growhtg out of any neg- ligence on the part of such pe: spm. firm or corporation in the const:11 to„n et' maintenance of said work upon h,•t 1; no- tified in writing so to do by said Should any person. firm or eti ! t,r,i t ion fail or refuse to replace or repair ;.ttv pavement or curbing removed by it in any street or alley, in doing the work contemplated by this ordinance. then the same may he replaced or repaired by the city under the direction of the City En- gineer. and at the cost and expense of such person. firm or corporation. Section 6. Before commencing any work under a permit issued by the City En- gineer, under the provisions of section three (3) hereof, such person, firm or cor- po'taion shall file wit hthe City Recorder, a bond in such sum not exceeding fifteen thousand ($15,000) dollars as the City Council may fix, with a surety company authorized to do business in the State of Iowa as surety. or with not less than two (2) personal sureties to be approved by the City Council. conditioned that such person, firm or corporation will per- form all the requirements of section five (5) hereof. Section 7. The distribution of wires from conduits to buildings or other loca- tions above ground within said under- ground district, shall be by means of poles or underground connections, the lo- cation of said poles. together with the manner of constructing said underground connection to be under the supervision of the Committee on Streets and City En- gineer. Section 8. Nothing contained in this or- dinance shall he so construed as to pre- vent the City Council from exercising the right of the City to enlarge the underground district when such ac- tion becomes necessary. Section 9. The provisions of this ordi- nance are subject to such reasonable reg- ulations and ordinances of a police na- ture as the City Council of said city may be authorized to, and may from time to time deem it necessary to adopt not de- structive of the rights which may ac- crue to any person. firm or corporation under this ordinance. Section 10. The City of Dubuque re- serves the right to remove from streets, alleys and public places of the said city any poles, wires or other aerial fixtures which any such person, firm or corpora- tion may attempt to maintain therein contrary to the provisions of this ordi- nance. Section 11. Each telephone compat.y X86 Official Notices subject to the provisions of this ordi- nance. shall furnish to the City of Du- buque free of cost twelve (12) telephones, which telephones shall be installed In such of the offices of said city as the city may designate, and shall be for the use of its officials. In addition to said fre^ telephones such company shall furnish to said city such additional telephones as it may require for its officials or depart- ments, at one-half (1/2) of the rate regu- larly charged by it to its subscribers in the City of Dubuque for like services. Section 12. Any person, firm or corpor- ation now or hereafter maintaining or operating telephone wires within said city and outside of the underground district described in section one (1) hereof, may at its election place all or any portion of its wires outside of said underground dis- trict underground. either in connection with the underground construction requir- ed by this ordinance, or from time to time thereafter, and the provisions of sections three (3) to ten (10), inclusive, of this ordinance shall apply to all under- ground construction which may be so made outside of such underground dis- trict. Section 12. Outside of the underground district herein provided for, the wires of all such companies, which they may not elect to place in underground conduits shall be erected and be maintained on poles, which in no case shall be less than forty (40) feet in length within the bus- iness district, and thirty (30) feet in length outside the same. The location of the poles and wires as now made for dis- tribution by the companies operating in said city outside of said underground dis- trict, is hereby approved and all changes or extensions by any company shall be clone under the direction and supervision of the City Electricion; provided, that no pole shall be erected and no permit issued for the same until the City Council has approvd of such proposed routes and construction. Nothing in this ordinance contained shall be construed as an acquiescence in, or ratification of the occupation of any of the streets, alleys or public places in the city of Dubuque, by any person, firm or corporation, now occupying the same *bithout legal right, nor shall this ordi- nance be construed as conferring the right to occupy any of the streets, alleys or public places of said city upon any such person, firm or corporation now ille- gally or without authority occupying the same. Section 14. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication one time in the Dubuque Globe -Journal newspaper. Adopted Nov. 19th, 1903. Approved Nov. 30th, 1903. C. H. BERG, Mayor. Attest: C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Published officially in the Evening Globe -Journal Dec. 2nd, 1903. C. F. ARENDT, 12-2-1t. City Recorder. End of Book No. 33 December 17, 1903 City of Dubuque Council Record Book No. 34 January 7, 1904 - December 15, 1904 Council Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Dubuque For the Year 1904 Telegraph Herald Printers and Binders 1905 • 11, Ti CITY OFFICERS rC)I? YLAP 1904 ELECTIVE OFFICERS. ., Mayor—C. H. Berg. Auditor—F. B. Hoffman. Recorder—C. F. Arendt. Attorney—J. W. Kintzinger. Treasurer—H. W. Brinkman. Engineer—J. H. Boyce. Assessor—C. B. Scherr. ALDERMEN-AT-LARGE. M. E. LYON—First Ward. 1 RUDOLPH JONES—Fifth Ward. ALDERMEN. MATT CLANCY—First Ward. P. H. McLAUGHLIN, Dec'd.—Second J. A. STUMPF—Third Ward. Ward. i H. CORRANCE—Fourth Ward. JOS. NEEDHAM (to till vacancy)— E. E. FRITH—Fifth Ward. Second Ward. APPOINTIVE OFFICERS. Mayor Pro Tem—MATT CLANCY. Electrician—W. P. HIPMAN. Fire Chief—JOS. REINFRIED. Sidewalk Inspector—I. CONIGISKY. Chief of Police—THOS. REILLY. Market Master—F. P. HAYES. Committee Clerk—J. W. LAWLOR. Harbor Master—C. W. KATZ. STANDING COMMITTEES. Finance. Police and Light. Corrance, Jones, Lyons. Needham, Jones, Corrance. Ordinance. Lyons, Jones, Fri lh. Printing. Claims. Jones, Clancy, Corrance. Corrance, Needham, Clancy. Delinquent Tax. Streets. Stumpf, Lyons, Jones. Frith, Corrance, Stumpf, Needham, Clancy. Sewers. Sprinkling. Lyons, Corrance, Stumpf. Needham, Clancy, Frith. Electrical Construction. Harbors. Frith, Jones, Stumpf. Clancy, Jones, Lyons. Supplies. Board of Equalization. Lyons, Corrance, Frith. Jones, Lyons, Corrance, Frith, Clancy, Needham, Stumpf. Markets. Stumpf, Corrance, Jones. Board of Health. Public Grounds and Buildings. Mayor Berg, Aldermen Lyons and Jones, Needham, Clancy. Jones, Citizens Otto M. Reute, Geo. Salot. Fire. Health Officer—Dr. Ben Michel. Clancy, Jones, Corrance. Sanitary Policeman—Frank Flynn. Regular Meetings of the Council the 1st and 3rd Thursday Evenings lit Every Month. 1 - i i INDEX—Book 34. • 1904. SUBJECT. PAGE: A t i4 Jan. 7—Atkins, Mrs. Mary; Taxes 2, 71 .•3 21—Albrecht, Jno.; Taxes 10, 71 2.1—Adams, Anna G.; Taxes 10, 56 1 Feb. 4—Arduser, Paul; Claim of for personal damages 36, 45, 50 ', 4—Alden, Mrs. L. F.; Taxes 36, 66 4—Appropriations of various departments for the fiscal year; matter of fixing of 41, 45, 73 Mar. 17—Alley between White and Jackson, from 16th to 17th Sts.; matter of repairing of 69 April 7—Aldermen; Sworn in 93 May 19—Alley bet. Elm and Pine, from 18th to 19th Sts.; Petition of Dubuque Altar Co. in relation to vacation of; 148 118, 121, 142 " 19—Ardmore Terrace, from West 11th St. 200 feet south; Im- provement of accepted; 192 120, 121, 143 " 19—Automobiles; City Attorney instructed to draft an Ordinance regulating speed of 121 " 19—Ardmore Terrace Wall; Completion of 121 June 2—Alley between 9th and 10th Avenues; Petition of A. Fischer et al in relation to widening of 135, 147 July 7—Audubon School; Matter of distributing macadam at 166 " 7—Alley between Delhi Street Engine House and Mr. Ruh's Store ordered paved with brick 166 " 21—Alderman of Second Ward; Matter of appointing of....172, 191, 197, 198 Aug. 18—Alley between Jackson and Washington Sts. from 25th to 26th Sts, running through Mineral Lot 322; proposed ex- tension of; 287, 284 .... .. .. 195, 244, 245 Sept. 15—Anderson, Chas. et al; Taxes (special assessment) for con- structing sanitary sewer in Dodge Street 216, 237 Oct. 6—Alleys; Cleaning of, erroneous assessments ordered canceled 232 6—Alderman Jos. Needham appointed chairman of Committees on Sprinkling, and Police and Light; also member of Committees on Claims, Streets, and Public Grounds and Buildings 240 Nov. 3—Alley first west of Grandview Avenue rear of Lot 14 Grand- . view Place; Petition of Mrs. Anna Whelan et al in rela- tionto opening of 256 Dec. 15—Atmory Hall; Matter of renewing lease of with Governor's Greys .. 287 I INDEX—Book 34. 1904. SUBJECT. .' 11111.11111.1.111 PAGE: Jan. 7—Bills allowed and Referred 1, 2 " 7—Bee Branch Storm Water Sewer between Rhomberg and Garfield Avenues constructed by C. G. W. Ry. Co through their right of way ordered paid 7, 48, 49, 89 " 21—Bank and Insurance Building Co.; Taxes 10 " 21—Buettell, Jno. Estate; Taxes (special assessment) 10, 38 Feb. 4—Bills, allowed and referred 35 " 4—Bunting, L. et al; Taxes (special assessment) 36, 56 " 4—Bradley, A. E.; Bill of 40 " 4—Board of Health Report 41 " 18—Bonds; Improvement called in 46 " 29—Bills allowed 48 " 29—Blitsch, Mrs. Catherine; Taxes 49, 71 " 29—Bechtel, Mrs Barbara; Taxes 49, 71 " 29—Breslin, Hugh; Taxes 49, 72 " 29—Bonds; Improvement, Refunding of 57 Mar. 3—Bills allowed and referred 64 " 17—Bee Branch Storm Water Sewer from Sanford Avenue to Washington Street; Engineer instructed to prepare plans and specifications for construction of 73, 88, 91, 236 April 7—Bills allowed and referred 83 " 7—Butt Bros.; Bill of 89 " 7—Board of Health Report 90 " 21—Boyce, Jas. City Engineer; Communication of in relation to appointing his deputies 95, 139, 161 May 5—Bills allowed and referred 105, 106 " 5—Barker, Miss Gertrude; Appointed stenographer for Legal department 106 5—Bridge on 25th Street between Jackson and Washington Streets; Matter of re-construction of 112 5—Board of Health Report 113 5—Board of Health; Members of ordered paid 114 19—Bee Branch Storm Water Sewer, from Eagle Point Ave to Sanford Street; Petition of Peter Eisbach in relation to measurement of 118 19—Bills allowed ............. .... .... .... .... .... . 121 June 2—Bills allowed and referred 133, 134 " 2—Byrnes, Jno.; Taxes 135, 170 " 16—Bechtel, Mrs. Barbara; Taxes 142, 170 " 16—Bills allowed 145 " 16—Board of Health Report 147 " 16—Bee Branch Storm Water Sewer; Matter of appointing In- spector for 149 July 7—Bills allowed and referred 159, 160 7—Bluff Street, from 4th to 8th streets; Profile of grade for sidewalk on 166, 168, 196 21—Buettell, A. C.; Petition of in relation to relaying plank side- walk on Allison Place and College Avenue 167 " 21—Board of Health Report 170 " 21—Bluff Street west side of between Emmett and Dodge Streets; sidewalk ordered on 172 Aug. 4—Bills allowed and referred 183, 184 " 4—Butt Helmuth; Claim of 184, 217 4—Bernhart Rudolph; Claim of for personal damages ($10,000), 184, 216 4—Bluff Street from 11th to 14th streets; Damages to property on account of change of grade ordered paid 190 " 18—Booth Street from Julien Avenue to West 14th street; Peti- tion of Chas. Falkenhainer et al in relation to improve- ment of 194 i I ___ r4 INDEX—Book 34. 1904. SUBJECT. PAGE. B " 18—Brede, Mrs. Christina; Taxes (special assessment) 194 Sept. 1—Bills allowed and referred 209, 210 " 1—Brown & Brown; Bill against ordered collected 210 " 1—Burns, J. F.; Petition of in relation to stagment water on lots 9, 10 and 11, sub. Mineral Lots 79 210, 217 " 1—Bonds; Improvement, refunding of 214 " 15—Bills allowed 218 " 15—Brown, Jos.; Retained as driver of carpenter wagon 227 Oct. 6—Bills allowed and referred 228, 229 " 6—Bluff Street; West side of from 14th street south; petition • of G. B. Grosvenor et al in relation to constructing side- walk on 230 " 6—Board of Health Report 236 " 6—Bluff street, west side of between 13th and West 14th street; sidewalk ordered on 239 " 20—Bluff Street Extension; Grading of 245 " 20—Booth Street and Julien Avenue; Matter of draining corner of 245 Nov. 3—Bills allowed and referred 255, 256 3—Bennett, Mrs. Mary; Taxes 259 17—Beekman, Jno. J.; Claim of for personal damages 262 " 17—Buettell, A. C.; Petition of in relation to grading sidewalk i abutting lot 1 of 20 Finley Home Addition 262 Dec. 1—Bills allowed and referred 277, 278 i " 1—Baumgartner, Peter; Appointed assistant Market Master283 I 1—Bonds; Improvement, ordered issued for construction of sanitary sewer in Booth street, etc 283 t ) INDEX—Book 34. 1904. SUBJECT. PAGE. C Jan. 7—Cedar Street from 10th to 11th streets; Petition of Key `` City Gas Co. in relation to vacation of 2 9, 10, 18, 38 a " 7—Cushing's Addition; Plat of approved 2, 112, 115 " 21—Carberry, Mrs. Alma B.; Taxes 10, 40 Feb. 4—Council Proceedings and Index of for 1903; Printing and binding of (25 copies) 41, 44, 56 " 4—Chief of Police, Thos. Reilly; Matter of putting in telephone in residence of 41 " 29—Cushing-McFadden Co.; Taxes 49 " 29—Charter Street from Railroad tracks to Levee Front; Peti- tion of T. J. Mulgrew in relation to vacation of 49, 90, 99, 118 " 29—City Attorney's Annual Report for the year 1903 50 Mar. 3—Cooper, A. A. Jr.; Taxes 67 " 3—Cooper A. A. Wagon & Buggy Co.; Petition of in relation to laying sidewalk on First Street Extension 67, 90, 91 " 3—Claims for personal damages, resulting from defective streets or sidewalks, to be filed five (5) days after accident 68 17—Curran, R. F.; Petition of in relation to back salary due him as Wharfmaster 69, 90, 97 April 7—Clark Street near Star Brewery; Matter of changing name of 84, 98 " 7—Carter, J. H.; Taxes (special assessment) 88 " 21—City Directories; Petition of Telegraph-Herald in relation to purchase of 95, 165 " 21—Cooper, A. A., Sr.; Taxes 95, 146, 196 " 21—Chamberlain, W. C.; Taxes 95, 138 " 21—City Weighmasters appointed 95 " 21—Committees; Standing, appointed 97 " 21—Chief of Police; Thos. Reilly appointed for ensuing term 98 May 5—Couler Avenue, from Eagle Point Avenue to center of 22nd Street; Matter of paving with brick 115, 119 " 19—Collins, Alice C.; Taxes 118, 170 1 19—Connolly, M. B.; Claim of for personal damages ($1,000) 118, 167 1 June 2—Cedar Street, from 8th Street to alley between 7th and 8th Streets; Petition of Union Electric Co. in relation to va- cation of; 144 134, 140, 142 • 16—Civic Division Woman's Club; Petition of in relation to en- forcing certain Ordinances 142 July 21—Couler Avenue; West side of between 27th Street and Mill- ville Road; Sidewalk ordered on 172 Aug. 4—Chaney, Rich. O.; Petition of in relation to City forfeiting its rights in property known as Water Level 184 " 4—City Hall; Matter of providing with Fire Escapes 184, 245 18—Columbia Addition; Plat of approved 194, 213 " 18—City Property; (10 feet wide) adjoining south side of Lincoln Avenue between Washington and Elm Streets, sold to Peter Scharff 197 { Sept. 15—Cushing, Jas.; Taxes (special assessment) 216, 237 {4` Oct. 6—Clay Street, west side of between 7th and 8th Streets; f.' Sidewalk ordered on 238 I 6—Catherine Street; Grading of 240, 259 " 20—Couler Avenue, North; Matter of brick paving of 244 " 20—City Treasurer; Instructed to collect all delinquent taxes245 Dec. 15—City Assessor Elect C. B. Scherr and Deputies A. Doerr, Jr, Jos. J. Murphy; Bonds of approved and sworn in 285 15—Cooper, A. A. Wagon & Buggy Co.; Taxes 285 " 15—City Attorney J. W. Kintzinger and Assistant City Attorney J. C. Longueville; Bills of 287 I' iii I i INDEX—Book 34. 1904. SUBJECT. PAGE. Jan. 7—Dubuque Altar Co.; Taxes 2 7—Doft, Henry, Estate; Taxes 2 f " 7—Donahue, Jas. P.; Taxes (special assessment) 2, 41 " 7—Deery, Jno.; Taxes (special assessment) 8 " 21—Dubuque Water Works Trustees; Quarterly report of end- ing December 31, 1903 11, 41 Feb. 18—Dubuque Packing Co.; Petition of in relation to stationing watchman at 16th Street railroad crossing 43 " 18—Dearborn, Mrs. Elizabeth; Taxes 43, 57 " 29—Dubuque Packing Co.; Taxes 49 Mar. 17—Dubuque Casket Co.; Taxes 69, 89 " 17—Deed Quit Claim; vacating lot 2, part of Out Lot 735 70, 97 April 7—De Lorimier, Mrs. Mary; Taxes 84 21—Dubuque Brewing & Malting Co.; Taxes 95, 121 " 21—Deckert, W. D. Co.; Taxes 95 4 21—Dubuque Typographical Union; Petition of asking for the donation of Lots No. 1032 and No. 1033 in Linwood Ceme- teryu for burial purposes 95, 118 May 6—Delaney, E. J., petition in relation to laying plank sidewalk abutting his property 106,120 " 5—Dubuque Base Ball Assn.; Communication of asking that Union Electric Co. be instructed to lay a track on 24th Street from Couler Avenue to Jackson Street 139,106,118 " 5—Dubuque Water Works Trustees; quarterly report end- ing March 31st, 1904 108,148 " 19—Dubuque Altar Co.; petition of in relation to vacation of alley between Elm and Pine, from 18th to 19th Sts; 118, 121, 142, 148 June 2—Dubuque Water Works Trustees; Bill of 134,147 " 2—Dubuque High Bridge Co; Annual Report of 134,161 " 16—Dubuque Retailers Ass'n.; petition of in relation to in- creasing license of transit merchants 142 July 7—Dubuque Brewing & Malting Co.; petition of in relation to grade of sidewalk abutting their property 160 • " 21—Dubuque Telephone Co.; Taxes 167, 196 " 21—Deed Quit Claim; A. Ruh to City of Dubuque 168 " 21—Dubuque Water Works; Trustees quarterly report of end- ing June 30, 1904 168, 190 Aug. 4—Dempsey, Mrs. Sophia; Taxes 184,236 Sept. 1—Dubuque Brewing & Malting Co.; Bill of 210 " 1—Deed Warranty; Jno. Parker to City of Dubuque 212 " 15—Dubuque and Wisconsin Bridge Co.; Taxes 216 Oct. 6—Dubuque Boat & Boiler Works; Taxes 230 " 20—Dolan, Mrs. Mary; Taxes 241,259 " 20—Dubuque Water Works Trustees; quarterly Report ending September 30th, 1904 242,264 Nov. 3—Davis Avenue; petition of Rev. R. Boeding et al in relation to change of grade of 256,259 " 3—Dubuque Star Brewing Co.; Taxes 256 Dec. 15—Dubuque Base Ball Club; petition of in relation to use of Armory Hall for Fair purposes 285 " 15—Dubuque Star Brewing Co.; Taxes. (special assment for Improving Levee Front.) 287 I e • _ice: INDEX—Book 34. 1904! SUBJECT. PAGE. E Jan. 21—Electric Light on Chestnut street West of Walnut street; petition of Mary E. Canqvan et al in relation to placing of 10 21—Eagle Street to Emsley's Lane; Engineer instructed'topre- pare plans showing most feasible manner providing for water flowing from 19 Feb. 4—Election Booths; County to pay half to cost for re-pairing of36 " 29—Ellwanger, E. P.; Claim of for personal damages 48,86 " 29—Electric Light in Francis Street; between Hart and Kauff- man Avenue; Petition of P. Mettel et al in relation to placing of 48 " 29—Ernsdorff Buggy Co.; Taxes 49, 72 " 29—Eisbach, Peter; Bill of 56 Mar.. 3—Election; Judges and Clerks of; matter of appointing of68, 72 ` 17—Electric Light in Millville Road between Couler Avenue and City Limits; petition of J. B. Hirtz et al' in relation to ,'4 placing of 69 p. April 7—Election; Votes of Canvassed. 91 .61 " 21—Electric Light ordered placed at intersection of Hill and Alley first of Caledonia Place 99, 138 " 21—Electric Light ordered placed in West 5th Street at a point 100 feet East of Prospect Street 99 May 5—Electric Light at intersection of Coates and Waller Streets; petition of John Gadient in relation to placing of 106,138 ;: 5—Electric Light at intersection of West 17th and Catherine Streets; petition of A. Wombacher et al in relation to placing of .. 106 19—Electric Light at intersection of King and Fulton Streets; petition of Herman Ney et al in relation to placing of.... 118,138 June 2—Eagle Street to Middle Avenue; petition of C. /lank et al in relation to extension of 135 July 21—Electric Light at foot of 3rd Street; petition of Y. M. C. A. in relation to placing of 167 • Aug. 18—Eagle Point Boat House; petition of in relation to running Ferry between Eagle Point and Kimbal's Park 194,214 Sept. 1—Express Companies in City; statement of the assessments and valuations of 213 " 15—Electric Light at intersection of Prospect and West 5th Streets; petition of H. Michel et al in relation to plac- ing of 216,236 Oct. 6—Eight Street; South Side of between Iowa and Clay Streets; sidewalk ordered on 238 Nov. 3—Eisbach, Peter; Petition of in relation to' city purchasing rock for macadam 256 17—Electric Light at intersection of Dodge Street and Grand- view Avenue; petition of Jno. J. Lavery in relation to moving same 50 feet further south 262 Dec. 1—English Lane; Burns and Whalen; protesting against being fenced up 278,287 i' I INDEX—Book 34. 1904. SUBJECT. PAGE. I Jan. 7—Fire Department; Engine House No. 5, Hot Air Heater in accepted .................................. .. 8 " 7—Fire Department; Matter of purchasing hose for 8,41,45 Feb. 4—Free Public Library; Jas. M. McFadden appointed member of Board of Trustees 39 " 4—Fire Department; Matter of erecting new Engine House in Eagle Point District 211-57.... 41,43,46 " 18—Fire Department; Members of; petition of in relation to increase of salary 43, 57, 68 " 18—Fire Department; Matter of furnishing Chemical Engine, with rubber tires 45 Mar. 17—First Church of Christ; Taxes 72 " 17—Fourth Street Extension; Matter of straightening of 72, 90, 262 April 21—Fitzpatrick, J. C. vs.City of Dubuque; Court costs in suit of 96,189 May 5—Flynn, Frank; Appointed Sanitary patrolman 113 " 19—Fire Department; Matter of purchasing hats for 121 June 16—Foster; Wm..; Bill of 146 July 7—Finance Reports. Annual; Matter of printing of 165 " 7—Foster, W.; Appointed Inspector on Sanford Street Sewer166 " 21—Fifth Ward Engine House, Eagle Point District matter of selecting site for; 237, 212, 211. 195 169, 190, 194 " 21—Fifth Street from Main to Iowa Streets; Change of grade of 171, 186 Aug. 4—Falkenhainer, Chas.; petition of in relation to constructing new sidewalk abutting his property on Booth Street184,195 " 4—Faust, Mrs. May; Taxes 184 " 18—Foster, Wm.; Bill of 196 Sept. 15—Free Public Library; petition of in relation to tax levy for 1904 216 Oct. 6—Foye Street; West side of between West Locust Street and Merchant's Lane; sidewalk ordered on 239 " 6—Fifth Ward Engine House; Eagle Point District; T. T. Carkeek architect instructed to draw up plans and speci- fications for construction of; 263 240, 242, 259 " 20—Fire and Police Departments; Bids advertised for Hay and Oats for 245,258 20—Fuel for various Departments; Bids advertised for 245 20—Fire Engine R. W. Stewart; Contract of American—La France Fire Engine Co. for re-building and repairing of246 Nov. 17—Faust, Mrs. Mary; Claim of for rock taken by City 262 " 17—Fire Engine House (Delhi Street); matter of purchasing storm sash for 265 Dec. 15—Fire Department; Matter of purchasing horses for 287 • r t INDEX—Book 34. 1904. SUBJECT. PAGE. G Jan. 7—Grand Opera House; Inspection of in relation to Fire 3,40 protection 10,56 21—Gantenbein, Clara R,; Taxes Feb. 18—Governor's Greys; granted Lease of Armary Hall 45 May. 5—G. A. R. Invitation of for Memorial Day Parade accepted106 " 5—Garbage and Dead animals; Removal of; contract award- 113 ed to T. E. Frith 5—Gmehle, Gotf.; appointed to collect moneys due City for cleaning alleys 114 June 2—Globe Journal; Bills of 134,145 Oct. 20—Germania Stock Co.; Taxes 241 20—Graham, Robt.; Bill of 242 Nov. 3—Grandview Avenue Sidewalks on; matter of repairing of 260 Dec. 1—Glenn, Wm.; protesting against Mr. Kemler erecting three story frame shed on 1st Street between Locust and Bluff Streets 278, 285, 287 1—Grandview Avenue between Whalen and Rider Streets West side of and East side of between Malady and State Streets; abbutters permitted to use cinders for sidewalk purposes 283 }. y Yn 1 Ir YI 1 11 j1 INDEX—Book 34. 1904. SUBJECT. PAGE. H Feb. 4—Hartig, Jno.; Taxes 36,57 - 4—Haggerty, Catherine vs. City of Dubuque; settlement of suit of 37,44 " 29—Haney-Campbell Co.; Taxes 196-161 49,72 Mar. 17—Heeb Street; Matter of extension of 69,120 April 7—Hemmelder, A. J. M.; Taxes (special assment) 84,112 " 21—Haubner, A. H. appointed weighmaster 26th Street and Couler Avenue scales 95 " 21—Harrison Street from Jones to Dodge Streets; petition of T. J. Donahue in relation to grade of 95, 112 " 21—Hoffman, F. B., City Auditor; Communication of in relation to appointing deputy for his office 95, 114 May 5—Higgins, E.; petition of in relation to erecting bath House in Ice Harbor 106 5—Hammond Packing Co.; Taxes 106, 139 " 19—Hedley, J. F.; petition in relation to reduction of Auction `' eer's License .. 118 July 7—Hogan, Mary J.; Taxes. (special assessment) 160,169 " 21—Hedley, J. F. et al; petition of in relation to appointing Robt. Jess Alderman of Second Ward 167 " 21—Hughes, Mrs. Elizabeth; Taxes 170 Aug. 18—Ham, Sara; Taxes 194, 236 " 18—Hagge & Fox Mnfg. Co.; Taxes 194, 214 Sept. 1—Hill Thos.; petition or in relation to removal of telegraph pole located at corner of Julien Avenue and Booth Street 210 " 15—Hintrager, Wm.; Notices of in relation to redeeming certain property from Tax Sale 216 Oct. 20—Hennessey, Michael Estate; Taxes 241,264 1 h h' III INDEX—Book 34. 1904. SUBJECT. PAGE. I Jan. 7—Iowa Home Insurance Company; Taxes 236 8,194 Mar. 17—I. O. O. F. Harmony and Julien Lodges; Taxes 69,89 April 7—Iowa Telephone Co.; Bill of 84,146 May 6—I1g, Paul; Bill of 106,120 " 19—Iowa State Insurance Company; Bill of 121 Aug. 4—Iroquois Pearl Button Co.; Taxes 184, 196 ' 4—Iowa State Atlas Co.; Matter of exhibiting views of Public Buildings in City at World's Fair, St. Louis, Mo...264170,229 Sept. 1—Iowa Telephone Co.; Bill against for rolling ordered collec- ted 210,232 " 1—Iowa Telephone Co.; Taxes 210,216 Oct. 6—Iowa Telephone Co.; Bill of 229, 259 " 6—Iowa Publishing Co.; Bill of 229 Nov. 3—Ice Harbor Skating Rink; Recorder instructed to advertise for bids for running of 257,264 Dec. 16—Iowa State Insurance Co.; policy on 9th Street Engine House approved 287 t '1 i 11 1 1 , I 1 Ia I INDEX—Book 34. 1904. SUBJECT. PAGE. J July 21—Sullen Avenue, south side of between West 8th Street and Air Hill Street; Sidewalk ordered on 172 Oct. 6—Julien Avenue, South side of between Air Hill and Wilson Avenue; sidewalk ordered on 238,239 " 20—Julien Avenue, south side of between Wilson Avenue and Alpine Street; sidewalk ordered on 245 I . INDEX—Book 34. 1904. SUBJECT. PAGE. K Feb. 4—Kapp, Jno.; Taxes. (special assessment) 36,44 " 4—Kopald, B.; Taxes 36,56 I 4—Klauer Mnfg. Co.; petition of in relation to laying side- track on East side of Washington Street between 9th • and 10th Streets 36,45 " 4—Key City Gas Co.; Bill against for rolling trenches collected 38 ef 18—Klass, Aug.; Taxes 43, 71 " 29—Kimball, Capt. R.; petition of in relation to construct new ferry dock at Eagle Point Landing 48, 90 " 29—Keane, Rt. Rev. Jno. J.; Taxes 49, 72 Mar. 17—Kessler, Jacob et al; petition of in relation to re-opening of Rosdale Avenue 69,191 April 7—Koch, Jacob Est; Taxes 84, 146 " 7—Kemler, R. W.; matter of constructing retaining wall abut- ting his property on Race Street 89 " 21—Kaep, Wm. A.; Appointed Deputy City Recorder 96 " 21—Koenig, Mrs. Helen appointed Janitress City Hall 98 " 21—Kauffmann Avenue, from Couler Avenue to a point 200 feet West of Cushing's Place; matter of Improving of 139-119-115 99,109 May 19—Kintzinger, Nic.; Claim of for back salary due him: 161118, 139, 143 June 2—Key City Building Club; Taxes 135,196 " 16—Kemler, R. W.; Petition of in relation to laying temporary walk abutting lot 13 Cumming's Sub 265-165 142, 161 " 16—Katz, Chas. W.; Appointed Inspector of Wood 145 July 21—Kruse, Mrs. Mary vs. City of Dubuque; settlement of suit of 168 Aug. 4—Klein, Mrs. V.; Taxes 184,236 (' Oct. 6—Key City Gas Co.; petition of in relation to extending sanitary sewer to their property on Eleventh Street 245-242 ' 230,237 " 6—Kemler, R. W. Estate; owner of lots 1, 3 and 6 Sub, lot 7 Min. Lot 79; Resolution ordering drainage of 238 " 20—Kerwin, M.; Taxes 241 " 20—Katz, C. W., Wood Inspector; Communication of in relation to stationing Wood Measurers at 3d and Iowa, 7th and White, and 14th and Elm Streets 241 Nov. 3—Keckevoet, Jno.; Petition of asking for license to conduct Skating Ring in Ice Harbor 257 I II, I il i 1 11 Hi j