Y Roll_15 Part 2 INDEX—Book 34. 1904. SUBJECT. PAGE. L Jan. 7—Loeffler, Mrs. W.; Taxes 2,40 " 21—Lyon-Barnard Co.; Taxes 10,57 Feb. 4—License Collector; Matter of appointing of 41, 140 " 29—Lassance, F.; petition of in relation to purchase of macadam 48 Mar. 17—Ludescher, B. J.; Claim of for damages to property 69,89 April 7—La Tourelle, Mrs. Anna vs. City of Dubuque; Judgment 86, 97 and Court Costs in suit of " 21—Longueville, J. C.; matter of being appointed assistant City Attorney 115 97,114 May 19—Langworthy Avenue; North and South sides of between Hill and Nevada Streets; Petition of Chas. Stillman et al in relation to constructing sidewalk on 118,145 19—Law, Viola M.; Taxes 118,139 June 2—Liberty Bell; passing through City; matter of viewing of138 142,170 " 16—Lonergan, Thos. and Honora; Taxes " 16—Langworthy Avenue, from Hill to Booth Streets; sidewalk ordered on 148, 168, 190 " 16—Langworthy Avenue, from Hill to Booth Streets; Resolution 148 ordering Improvement of July 7—Lillie, Wm.; Claim of for personal damages 160, 196 " 21—Lincoln Avenue, South side of between Washington and 172 Elm Streets; sidewalk ordered on 4,236 Aug. 18—Loibl, Mrs. Catherine; Taxes 19 19236 Sept. 1—Leicht, Jno.; Taxes (special assessment) 230,241210, Oct. 6—Lenihan, D. J.; Taxes (special assessment) a INDEX—Book 34. 1904. SUBJECT. PAGE. Mc Feb. 4—McGrath, D.; offering City free of charge rock for macadam 36 " 29—McDonald & Morrison M'fg. Co.; Taxes 49 Mar. 3—McDonnell, A.; petition of in relation to back salary due him 67 April 21—McCloskey, Mrs. Jane; Taxes 95,170 May 5—McCune, Mrs. Catherine; Taxes (special assessment) 106 July 7—McLaughlin, P. H., Alderman 2d Ward; Death of 169,167 Aug. 18—McCarthy, J. J.; matter of furnishing abstract of Title to lots 36 and 37 McCarthy's First Add. and Warrant ordered drawn for sum of $1,000.00 to pay for same, as site of 5th Ward Engine House 195,211 Oct. 6—McCormack, Bridget; Taxes 230,259 Nov. 17—McCarthy, Kenline & Roedell; proposition of in regard to settling case of Rose Smith vs. City of Dubuque 262 Dec. 1—McClain, Wm.; Petition of in relation to purchase of ma- cadam 278 • • Nommum INDEX—Book 34. 1904. SUBJECT. PAGE.- Jan. AGE.Jan. 7—Mississippi River Improvement Association; Warrant for $75.00 ordered drawn for expense of delegates to Wash- ington, D. C. in interest of 8,18 Feb. 4—Marty, Mrs. Ursula; Taxes 36,71 " 4—Meyer, Nic.; Taxes. 36,57 " 4—Minges, Laura and Geo.; Taxes 36,57 " 29—Moyes, H. A.: Warfmaster allowed $20.00 per month for entire year 68 Mar. 3—Morris-Johnson-Brown Mnfg. Co.; Taxes 67, 72 " 17—Macadam in various Wards; Engineer instructed to meas- ure 213-109 72,88 April 7—Mulgrew, M. J., Clerk District Court; Bill of 84 " 7—Metz M'fg Co.; Taxes 84,146 " 7—Mayor Berg's Valedictory and Inaugural address 93 " 21—Market Square; Cleaning of contract awarded to L. Daily98 May 5—Michel, Dr. B., appointed Health Officer; annual Report of113,114 " 5—Murphy, Jerry; Nightwatchman at Central Engine House; Matter of fixing Salary of at $60 per month 116 " 19—May, Mrs. Helen; Taxes 118,145 June 2—Miller & Reifsteck; Taxes (special assessment) 135 July 7—Mahoney, Mrs. Sarah; Taxes 161 Aug. 4—Meyer, Mrs. Eva; Taxes 184,196 " 18—Manson, Clara A.; Taxes 194, 264 Sept. 1—Mississippi River Improvement Ass'n.; petition of asking City to appropriate $300.00 for Expenses to entertain River and Harbor Committee of 237-216 211,214 " 15—Mulligan, P. J.; Claim of for personal damages to his son 285 215,278 Oct. 6—Mulgrew, T. J.; petition of in relation to filling North half of Camp Street; also remonstrance against filling of 230, 244 " 6—Main Street, West side of between 11th and 12th Streets; sidewalk ordered on 239 Nov. 3—Mt. Carmel Avenue; Grading of 260,283 " 3—Mayor,—pro tern; Alderman Clancy appointed 261 Dec. 15—Massey, F. I.; petition and Waiver of in relation to connect- ing with sanitary sewer in West 3rd Street at its inter- section with James Street 2c5 INDEX—Book 34. I, 1904. SUBJECT. PAGE. N Feb. 18—Ney Herman; Taxes 43,71 April 21—Ninth Street, East to Water Front; petition of Morris- Brown-Johnson M'fg. Co. in relation to extension of..11995,99 Aug. 4—Newman, Jno. & Son; Bill of 184,214 " 25—Needham ,Jos.; appointed alderman of Second Ward to fill 198 vacancy of Alderman P. H. McLaughlin deceased Oct. 6—Nevada Street; East side of between Julien and West 5th 238,239 Street; sidewalk ordered on I • • I'. it INDEX—Book 34. 1904. SUBJECT. PAGE. 0 Jan. 7—Officers; Reports of • 2 " 7—Ordinance providing for the appointment ofInspector of Wood 110,98,97 6,18,41 10 " 21—Officers; Reports of 36 Feb. 4—Officers; Reports of " Ordinance vacating Cedar Street, from 9th to 10th Streets439 " 18—Officers; Reports of " 18—Ordinance vacating alley in Block 5 Dubuque Harbor Im- provement Co.'s Add.; also Tower Street from north line 44 of aforesaid alley to north line of Wall Street 49 " 29—Officers; Reports of " 29—Ordinance establishing Road Districts and defining their 66 limits •• 29—Ordinance Committee instructed to prepare an Ordinance providing for the proper width and location of sidewalks 57 in City Limits 67 Mar. 3—Officers; Reports of 69 •' 17—Officers; Reports of " 17—Official Printing; Agreement of Globe-Journal and Tele- graph-Herald71 in relation to printing of 84 April 7—Officers Reports of •• 7—Ordinance Fixing the Salary of the members161 14 ofFire De- partment 88, 985 " 7—Officers; appointed; Bonds of approved and sworn in 95 " 21—Officers; Reports of " 21—Ordinance to provide for the appointment of Street Com- 97,110,119 missioner 119 May 5—Officers; Reports. of " 5—Official Papers appointed 107 112 ".✓19—Officers; Reports of • 135 June 2—Officers; Reports of " 2—Ordinance granting Morris-Johnson-Brown Mnfg. Co. right to lay a sidetrack in 9th Street from C. M. & St. P. tracks 138 to Easterly end of said 9th Street " 2—Ordinance granting additional rights to Union Electric Co. in relation to laying track in 24th Street; from Washing- ton Street to Couler Avenue 142 " 16—Officers; Reports of " 16—Ordinance in relation to circus license; Matter of increasing 143, 167 amount for " 16—Ordinance; Vacating Cedar Street from 8th Street to alley 144 between 7th and 8th Streets " 16—Ordinance; Repealing Section 8 Chapter XXVII. of the Re- vised Ordinances of 1901, fixing salary of Members of Fire 145, 147, 165 Department 165 " 16—O'Meara, Mike; Bill of " 16—Old Canal Lot, situated in Southwest Quarter of Section 19, Township 89, Range 3 East; Title of, Engineer instructed 149 to make survey of 161 July 7—Officers; Reports of 161 " 21—Officers; Reports of 167 Aug. 4—Officers; Reports of " 18—Officers; Reports of 184 195 Sept. 1—Officers; Reports of 211 " 15—Officers; Reports of " 15—Ordinance to provide for the establishment of a City Police 217 and to prescribe Rules and Regulations therefor 1 INDEX—Book 34. 1904. SUBJECT. PAGE. 0 Oct. 6—Officers; Reports of 230 " 6—Ordinance; Vacating alley between Elm and Pine Streets, 235, 242 from 18th to 19th Streets " 6—Ordinance; Vacating Charter Street from West Line of Levee to East Line of Water Street and from West Line of Water Street to East Line of Lot 1, Block 15 and Lot 1, Block 18, in Dubuque Harbor Company's Addition235, 243 " 20—Officers; Reports of 241 " 20—Ordinance; Providing for the protection of Fire Hydrants 243 in City of Dubuque I Nov. 3—Officers; Reports of 257 17—Officers; Reports of 262 Dec. 1—Officers; Reports of 278 " 15—Officers; Reports of 285 " 15—Ordinance in relation to weighing and measuring by City Weighers and Measurers; Matter of revising of 287 I i I. i t: 11 Ii 1 iib x ° INDEX—Book 34. ,rt, 1. 1904. SUBJECT. PAGE. • N„q , p Jan. 7—Pierce, Clara L.; Claim of for personal damages ($3,000) 2, 18, 69 88 `r �" 7—Pier, Philip; Bill of , 19 _ 7—Park, Public; Matter of establishing of in Fifth Ward 8 21—Plein, John; Taxes 10, 40 t}` 21—Public Grounds and Buildings; Committee of with Fire Chief and Chief of Police to inspect Public Halls and Build- ings, in relation to fire protection 36, 44 Feb. 4—Pitschner, Chas.; Taxes (special assessment) " 4—Patrol House (New); Matter of erecting of at City Pound40, 43 " 18—Police Department; Petition of members of in relation to 43 increase of salary of 71, 43 Mar. 17—Patrol Wagon; Matter of repairing of 89, 190 April 7—Patrol Wagon (New); Matter of purchasing of135 June 2—Puliens, John; Claim of 139, 143 " 2—Patrol House; Painting of " 16—Patch, S. J.; Petition of in relation to taking rock from his 142 property, corner Rush and Villa Streets 16—Parker, John; Agreement of in relation to strip of ground to be used as part of street known as Rosedale Avenue.. 143, 212 July 7—Purchasing Committee; Instructed to purchase two car 166 loads of paving brick 169 21—Patrol House; Matter of putting in new floor Aug. 4—Pierce Street; Petition of P. F. Ryder et al in relation to 184 repairing of 184 4—Pier, John; Taxes (speciad assessment) ` Sept. 1—Palmer, Chas. B. vs. City of Dubuque; Settlement of suit of 213, 216 Oct. 6—Public Buildings; Fire Chief insutructed to inspect and see that the Ordinance compelling owners thereof to have 237 doors of said buildings open outwards be enforced 256 Nov. 3—Pfotzer, H, and J. H. Rhomberg; Taxes " 3—Petry, John; Claim against City Employee P. Lavin 257 17—Police Department; Matter of purchasing overcoats for264, 283 14 INDEX—Book 34. 1904. SUBJECT. PAGE. Jan. 7—Quinn, Daniel; Taxes 2, 71 " 7—Queen Street, North; Matter of Extension of 69, 90, 140, 171, 197, 241, 278 • I 1' I likair m r INDEX—Book 34. 1904. SUBJECT. PAGE. K } • 2, 57 ,h Jan. 7—Ryan, Dennis; Taxes " 7—Railroad Crossings in City: Matter of ordering automatic 8, 18, 46 1. gates on6 , " 7—Railroad Companies in City; Taxes ;• it- x� 21—Ryan, Mrs. Catherine, vs. City of Dubuque; Settlement of suit of 10, 39 21—Railroad Companies in City to repaint crossing signs; also to comply with the Ordinance in relation to speed of 19 trains in City limits 36, 71 Feb. 4—Roehl, Fred; Taxes " 29—Reifsteck, Chas.; Petition of in relation to making his scales 48 on Garfield Avenue a public City scale Mar. 17—Richards, B. B.; Claim of for grading sidewalk abutting his 69, 89, 148 property on Bluff Street 134, 167 June 2—Rasquin, Beatrice; Claim of for personal damages 142, 170 l rr " 16—Rohr, August; Taxes July 21—Race Street; East side of between West 11th and Rose 172 Streets, sidewalk ordered on 184, 214 '''r'= Aug. 4—Ragatz, Geo. & Son; Bill of '.g. 4—Rosedale Avenue; Engineer instructed to prepare plat 69191 I, showing land to be deeded for opening of Sept. 1--Railroad Companies in City; Statement of the assessments 213 and valuations of 216 15—Rhomberg, A. L.; Taxes 217 15—Register Clerks; Appointed 227 " 29—Rooney, Jos.; Retained as City Ca enter nnographer for Legal Oct. 6—Rupprecht, Miss E. B.; App 230 Department 230 • " 6—Rhomberg, A. L.; Taxes (special assessment) 262 Nov. 17—Ragatz, Mrs. Catherine; Taxes e '` Dec. 1—Road Funds in each District; Engineer instructed to aster- 284 ��vi tain amounts of :ry 9 s3' 5 •: 4 t , `jy',. II I INDEX-Book 34• 1904. SUBJECT. PAGE. S Jan. 7-St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital; Taxes; 168 2, 67, 118 " 7-Sewer, Sanitary in Dodge Street, from Bluff to Grandview Avenue; Petition of C. J. Peterson et al in relation to Construction of; 191, 188, 166, 91, 88, 84, 73 2, 45, 46, 70 " 7-Sidewalks; Repairing of; special assessments levied for4 "• 21-Sidewalks; Cleaning snow and Ice from; special assess- ment levied for 6 " 21-Schmid Mnfg. Co.; Taxes 10 " 21-Smith, Mrs. Platt; Taxes 10, 57 " 21-Sidewalks; Cleaning snow and ice from; special assess- ment levied for 11 Feb. 4-Sidewalks; Repairing of, special assesments levied for or- dered canceled 38 " 4-Sidewalks; Repairing of; special assessment levied for 38, 96 " 4-Seidel. Mrs. Eva; Taxes 40 " 4-Sprinkling Wagons; Recorder instructed to advertise for bids for painting of 41, 44, 56 " 18-Sidewalks; Cleaning snow and ice from; special assess- ment for; referred to Committee of the Whole 43, 56, 86 " 18-Streets; Repairing, Cleaning and Sprinkling of; divided into Districts 43 " 29-Silzer, Mrs. Mary; Taxes 49, 71 " 29-Sprinkling Wagons; Matter of insuring of 56, 67 Mar. 17-Straub, Jos. et al; Petition of in relation to vacating two feet of sidewalk abutting his property on Broadway Extension 69, 88 " 17-Seitz, Ernst; Taxes 69, 89 " 17-Smith, Rosa; Claim of for personal damages ($3,000) 69, 95 April 7-Smith-Morgan Printing Co.; Bill of 84, 113 " 7-Sullivan, T. 0. and W. A. Folk; Taxes (special assessment) 84, 146 " 7-Scharle, Theo.; Taxes (special assessment) 84 " 7-Sewer, Sanitary, in Alpine Street, from Langworthy Avenue to Dodge Street; Petition of Leathers & Trewin et al in relation to construction of; 191, 163, 146. 110, 99 84, 91, 96 7-Sewer, Sanitary, in White Street from Eagle Point Avenue to Sanford Street; Petition of Jno. Meyer et al in relation to construction of; 191, 187, 165, 120, 116 84, 98, 109 " 21-Sidewalk on Louisa Street from South to Bennett Streets; Petition of Jos. Grigg et al in relation to construction of 95, 112 " 21-Sewer, Sanitary, in Booth Street from Dodge to Nevada Streets, thence north in Nevada Street to West 5th Street Petition of Tom Collings et al in relation to construc- tion of; 171, 170, 140, 138 95, 112, 116 " 21-Sewer, Storm Water, in Washington Street from 18th to 19th Streets; Engineer instructed to prepare plans and Specifications for construction of; 235, 120 99, 109, 116 May 5-Strayer, J. J.; Taxes 106, 139 " 5-Sidewalks; Repairing of; special assessment levied for 108 " 5-Streets, paved; Cleaning of; Contract awarded for 109 June 2-Smedley Steam Pump Co.: Taxes 135 " 2-Sewer, Storm Water, in alley between Rhomberg and Lincoln Avenues; Petition of A. L. Rhomberg in relation to straightening of . 135, 147, 165 " 2-Sewer, Sanitary, in 11th Street east to Cedar Street; Petition of Key City Gas Co. in relation to extension of 135 " 2-Sewer, Sanitary, in Grandview Avenue, from Dodge to North Streets; Petition of C. A. Van Wie et al in relation to construction of; 260, 242, 236, 168, 166, 163 135, 146, 148 I Ii � 1 �I± II i t INDEX—Book 34. 1904. SUBJECT. PAGE. . S 2—Sewer Men; Petition of P. Kenneally et al in relation to in- " crease of salary of 135, 165 " 2—Sheppley, E. H.; Taxes (special assessment) 135 " 2—Sidewalks; Repairing of; Special Assessment levied for137 ;s �, 2—Sewer, Storm Water, in Sanford Street; Engineer instructed •'.+,,,t, , to prepare plans and specifications for construction of 140, 142, 164,236 " 2—Sixth Street, from Bluff to Clay Streets; Matter of paving of 140, 143, 149 " 16—Schneider, H. F. C.; Petition of in relation to grade of side- 142, 166 walk on Bluff Street " 16—Sewer, Sanitary in 13th Street from alley east of Washing- ton Street to center of Cedar Street; special assessment for construction of ordered corrected 143 16—Schuler, P. J.; Appointed Inspector of Bee Branch Storm 149 Water Sewer 160, 149 July 7—Smith-Morgan Printing Co.; Bill of 7—Sewer, Storm Water, in 15th Street between Cedar and Sycamore Streets; Petition of F. Cherney et al in relation to construction of 160, 169, 259 ,',a 7—Sidewalks; Repairing of; special assessment levied for 163 r 167, 196 " 21—Scherrer, Jonas; Taxes (special assessment) 169 21—Schuler, P. J.; Bill of ` 21—Second Street from Iowa Street to alley first west of north side of; Brick gutter ordered constructed in 170 Aug. 4—Sidewalks; Repairing of; special assessment levied for 186 ` 4—Sewer, Sanitary in Booth Street from Dodge to West Third Streets, thence in West Third Street to Nevada Street; +la thence in Nevada Street to alley first south of West Fifth :4 . Street, Construction of; 286, 285, 283, 213, 197. 190, 192, 195 i• 4—Sewer, Storm Water in Walnut Street from West Eleventh 190, 195, 236 �,. Street to Julien Avenue; Plans of approved 18—Schnee, Gust., Administrator vs. City of Dubuque; Supreme 194, 212, 286 c Court Costs in suit of210, 236 l n Sept. 1—Schwartz, Mrs. Louise; Taxes N 15—St. Joseph Street; South side of at intersection of Fremont ;e.afi ; Avenue; Petition of J. J. Quigley et al in relation to,, construction of sidewalk on 216 " 29—Streets; Cleaning, sweeping and sprinkling of for balance 227, 235 of season; Referred to Street Committee 29—Streets, brick paved; Contract for sweeping of annulled227 Oct. 6—Sewer, Sanitary in Hill Street; from Langworthy Avenue to Dodge Street; Petition of H. F. Trenk in relation to ry`+ 230 extension of • ' 6—Sidewalks; Repairing of erroneous assessments ordered 232, 279 ,;, canceled 232 6—Sidewalks; Repairing of special assessment levied for " 6—Sewer, Sanitary, in Eleventh Street from manhole in alley between Washington and Elm Streets to center of Cedar 230, 237, 242 , Street; Construction of; 245 6—Sixth Street, south side of between Clay and White Streets; 239 " Sidewalk ordered on " 6—Sixteenth Street, south side of between Jackson and Wash- 240 ington Streets; Sidewalk ordered on 241, 264 1'" " 20—Smith, A. J.; Taxes Nov. 3—Sewer, sanitary, in Lincoln Avenue, from Johnson to Ann Avenues; Resolution ordering construction of 260, 262, 263 263 'i,_ 17—Street proposed to Outer Levee; Plat of k' " 17—Sheridan, Catherine, vs. City of Dubuque; Settlement of 263, 279 Suit of • ia: 1,, T •'_ fl INDEX—Book 34. 1904. SUBJECT. PAGE. S Dec. 1—Schmitt, Herman; Bill of 278 1—Sidewalks; Repairing of; Special assessment levied for280 " 15—Sidewalk Inspector instructed to provide wooden receptacles filled with sand at various places in city, to distribute sand over slippery sidewalks 288 'lll II !11 146 ', • INDEX—Book 34. 1904. SUBJECT. PAGE. T Jan. 21—Telegraph pole at Ninth and Main Streets; Matter of re- moval of Feb. 4.—Tschirgi, Matt.; Bill of for sewer connections 40 April 21—Thedinga, Maria L. vs. City of Dubuque; Court costs in suit of 96, 109 May 5—Town Clerk; Painting of, Recorder instructed to advertise 116, 120 for bids 118, 146 " 19—Thedinga, Maria L.; Taxes 134, 145 June 2—Telegraph-Herald; Bill of 142, 170 16—Tremplar, Mrs. Mary; Taxes Aug. 18—Twenty-Sixth Street, west of Couler Avenue; Petition of 194 Rev. A. Boeding et al in relation to improvement of 195 18—Tax List for 1904; Referred to Board or Equalization Sept. 1—Telegraph and Telephone Companies in City; Statement of the assessments and valuations of 213 1—Town Clock; Taking care of; Contract awarded to J. P. 213 Buechele 4;, Oct. 6—Theiring, F. W.; Taxes 230, 259 1p, " 6—Taxes; Statement of valuation both real and personal; also 232 of various Road Districts 236 6—Tibbals, Mrs. Harriet; Taxes 260 Nov. 3—Tax Levy for 1904; Fixed AL, 3. Poy+ rte.. .SY4 ��tr INDEX—Book 34. 1904. SUBJECT. . PAGE. U April 7—Union Electric Co.; New rails of to be used in City; height fixed at 6 inches 90 June 16—United German Societies; Invitation of for Fourth of July parade accepted 142, 150, 167 Oct. 6—Union Electric Co.; Bill of 229, 264 " 6—Union Electric Co.; Communication of in relation to inspect- ing streets, where street railway tracks have been re- laid 230, 244, 245 Nov. 3—Union Street abutting Lot 213, Union Addition; Petition of F. M. Mathis in relation to vacation of 257 > ,' " 17—Union Electric Co.; Matter of laying their tracks over `' sidewalk abutting J. A. Rhomberg's property near car 0 barn ...... .... .. ...... .... .... .... .... 263 ,jlo' 1 i , J • rs+ iIA 1rj' 9k ati r` jL '4111111111410: .m. \< \ INDEX—Bok3. #oa SUBJECT. PAGE t` — : . V Jan. v wUs C. A.; Taxes (special assessments); 21 , !, , 10, , 17■■ . 8, 36, 44 Feb. 4—Voss, Mrs. Amelia; Taxes 36, 71 June z vgt, Jos. vs. Cof Dubuque; Settlement of suit of 138 16—Vaults; Cleaning of; Co&mr awarded to A. Turner a7 y July 7—Van H «m Wm.; Claim of for personal dame I ;, y . \ . \ \ \ \\ < \ \ ; 1 \ \ « < 7«< INDEX—Book 34• 1904. SUBJECT. PAGE. W Feb. 4—Weeds, Noxious: Cutting of, special assessments levied for 38 ordered canceled 18—Winall, Mrs. Sarah; Taxes 43 Mar. 3—Wieland, Dr. F. W.; Claim of for damages to property67 " 17—Williams, Jno. P. and Pat. Linehan; Petition of in rela- tion to grading alley in rear of Lots 312, 313, 409, and 410 in Ham's Addition 69, 169 " 17—Water Fountain at West 14th and Alta Vista Streets; Petition of J. D. Sullivan in relation to placing of 69, 89 April 7—Water Mains in White Street, from Eagle Point Avenue to Sanford Street; Matter of extension of 84 " 21—Water Mains in alley between White and Jackson Streets from Rhomberg to Eagle Point Avenues: Petition of J i Hestroffer et al in relation to extension of 95 " 21—Water Mains in Rush Street, from present terminus of said Main east to Villa Street; Petition of Jno. Tibey et al in relation to extension of 95 " 21—Walker, Lottie, vs. City of Dubuque; Court costs in suit of; 161 96, 109, 145 11 July 7—Water Fountain at First and Main Streets: Ordered re- placed 166 " 21—Waller, R. Estate; Ordered to connect with sanitary sewer (City Lot 119) 170 :I 21—West Eleventh Street; North side of between Walnut and I Race Streets; Sidewalk ordered on 172 Aug. 4—Willow Street; Improvement of; Bonds ordered issued for payment of 191 " 18—Fest Third Street; North side of: Petition of W. B. Van Valkenburg in relation to sidewalk on 194 ' " 18—Walker, M. M. et al; Petition of in relation to City ap- propriating $600 for expenses, furnishing transportation to National Harbor and River Committee from St. Paul ' to St. Louis 194 ? a Sept. 15—Westminster Presbyterian Church granted permission to lay sidewalk three inches above grade abutting their property on Bluff Street 218 " 15—White Street, from Eagle Point Avenue to Sanford Street: matter of repairing of 218 Oct. 6—West Locust Street; West side of between Foye Street and Hodgdon Avenue; Sidewalk ordered on 240 ;. " 6—Washington Street; West side of between 15th and 16th Streets; Sidewalk ordered on .. .. Nov. 17—West Fourteenth Street, between Spring and Glenn Oak Avenue; Matter of repairing of 265 Dec. 1—Wharfmaster; Services of dispensed with for a period of 4 months 283 11 1 1 Ili _ .. . .. INDEX—Book 34. 1904. SUBJECT. PAGE. Y July 7—Y. M. C. Association; Petition of in relation to erecting a swimming school at foot of Third Street .. 161 Dec. 1—Yates, Mrs. Rebecca J,; Taxes 278 SII Regular Session Jan, 7. 1904. 1 CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session, January 7th. 1904. (Official.) Council met at 8:15 o'clock P. M. Mayor Berg in the chair, Prcyent—Alds. C'l:tncy, Corrance, Frith, }Torr, Jones. Raymond and Sheridan. Absent—None. Ald. Raymond moved that the Council j5roceedings for the month of December, 1903, be approved as printed. Carried. I31LLS. The following bills were ordered paid: .Dr. B. Michel, professional services in rise of ('ath. Sheridan vs. City$ 25 00 F. Baumgartner, assistant Market- 36 45 amaster A. E. Bradley, glazing City 1-Tall2 50 J. Manhoff, 55 pounds rags for City 2 Hall 20 Key City Gas Co., gas for various 135 IO department .Linwood Cemetery Co., care of lots 5 00 , for Fire Department Palmer, Berg & Co., blank books, U etc 88 5 M. S. Hardie, blank books 17 25 .Safford Stamp Works, stamps for 2 OU Auditor's office .Smith -Morgan Prtg. Co., half pay 36 50 on Register Books Iowa Telephone Co., telephone ser- vices for various departments 39 00 C. L. McGovern, recording plats and 3 75 deeds •G. Holl, repairing lock and keys1 20 Dubuque Telephone Co., telephones Mayor's office and engine house No. 5 6 00 Globe -Journal, printing delinquent tax list • 56 60 hey City Gas Co., rental gas arcs at Armory hall 2 5U ..1. Beach & Son, soap at City Hall 3 20 Duggan & Cota, hardware for First Ward Scales 100 •Ott, Mcuser & Co., lumber for First 15 70 Ward Scales Hedley & Brown, paints and glass 5 40 for First Ward Scales P. Even,- coal First Ward Scales15 65 Wm. Beutin, sand for Road depart- ment 12 25 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co, 'black sheet rubber for Road de- 315 partment Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., 2 pair cluck hip boots for Bee Branch department 10 G0 Chas.' Gie'se, filing saws for Road department 1 itO Schroeder -Kleine Grocer., salt for 6 9U Road department Dubuque Woodenware Co., lumber for Road department F. Schloz & Son, repairing tools for Road .department •Jno, .Butt, repairing tools for Road and Sewer departments 'C.• Gruetzmacher, gravel for Road department P. Pier, wood' for Road department W. Hood, sawing wood for Road department I l uer & Kress, hardware for Road delihrtnfent •G. F. Ileih, hardware for City Hall Arid Police departments G."F. Kleih, hardware and new tools for Road department 16 25 P. Clancy Est., cinders for Road department 21 00 Klauer Mfg. Co., galvanized iron pans for Rock Crusher 17 75 G. Ragatz & Son, repairing Steam Roller 1 00 F. Zehetner, repairing Steam Roller 1 35 W. D. Deckert & Co., sheet lead for Steam Roller 35 Smith -Morgan Prtg. Co., Sidewalk Notices 2 66 Vollenweider & Hein, horse shoeing for Fire Department 16 50 Kanolt & Powers, horse shoeing for Fire department 2315 Collings & Pflffner, horse shoeing for Fire and Police departments34 55 Heller & Scherr. horse shoeing for Fire and Road departments 6'40 Lt:n' & Kt' &'tly. horse shoeing for lire and road dept. 7 50 Lear & Rush. horse shoeing for fire and road 11(.1,1 6 75 T. F. 1.aite. :lay for lire and police delis. 1'-'I30 11. J. Hagerty. r)',. '.'eterin:u•y services for (ire and police depts. 24 05 1'. Pier, coal and wood for the de- partment 175 20 F. Se•llloz & Son. repairs for lire der,( •ttnettt 12 00 1a,Lu'ine (til Tank Line. oil for fire department 8 70 NI: , uer SI lg. Co.. 1 check damper for lire department 150 G. Ragatz & Son, repairs for fire department 2 85 G. \V. Ilealey & Son, hardware for fire dep:tvtmcnt 15 40 Ott. -Meuse:. & Co.. shavings for fire tlt'po 'i ti it .. 160 SI. S1:11'I'onl, gran for lire depart- ment 7 10 Butt Ih•oe., rep.,irs for tire depart- ment 1 85 John Butt, repairs for tare depart- ment .... 11 50 Morrison Eros., repairing slcntners for tire department 20 80 Jos. A. Palen. blue vitrol for lire department 33 05 ley City Gas Co., coal and coke for lire deportment 55 00 Key city Gas Co., rental gas arcs, Central engine house 100 McDermott & Guw. plumbing at ('entr,l engine Louse 3 G0 Fire 1ixt'g Al fg. Co., hose for chemical engine 18 00 Metz Mfg. Co., storm sash for Delhi St. engine house 37 00 Smedley Ste:un Pump Co., 1 Hart- ford heater for rugine house No. 5 135 00 P. Phi', coni and wood for police department 83 20 R'. Broil', sawing wood for police departmett 10 25 1\I. M. 1-1o111nan, gloves and crepe for pollee department 5 70 RLim•r & Kress. kitchen utensils ft,r :Matrtn department 1 75 I:ichhot•tt & Bechtel. groceries for 10 40 : Matron's department .. C. J. \1". Saunders, Jr., meat for Matron's department ... 3 35 -\. I'loelscli. milk :earl eggs for 1 80 S talroti'e d l :irirnent Lyons .\ I.yoa:s, setling grates and cheeks :it 1i:etrol house 195 it. '1'rol4, lobed of prisoners for 10 UO 17(.eeoti,(.r ••• •••• Byrne & Saul, rock for sewer de- ett ((neat 1 25 Lally & Geissler, repairs I'nr engi- 66 20 2 64) 2 95 1200 4 20 2 00 3 75 2 35 2 Regular Session Jan. 7, 11104. acer's department 90 E. Dietzgen Co., snlgdi'- for engi- neer's department .... 17 50 Union Eleitrie t'o.. :•re for December 2015 77 T. E. Frith. hauling _arbage and dead nninuals 152 SO C. P. i.leih. hard tc:•re for I3ee L'nuteb departnv- 1 .... :::0 L. Ehorhort. laim! I;, Itr:teh department .. I... .... 7 75 J. h:rnsdorff ,' Sons . I .ir ltv:n•e for Alt. (.'arrnel :\c.•. _ 30 Butt Pros., repairs for Alt. ('an•mel Ave. Jno. Duggan, rep: irs foe Mt. (':u•met Ave 11 $0 Clnbe-Journal, official printing for December 60 00 The 'Times, official printing for De- cember 15 00 Dubuque Telegraph-IIrald, official printing for December 50 00 National Dc rrtokrat, official printing for December 25 00 P. Pier, wood for road and police departments ...... .... .... 20 00 On motion the bill was referred to the Committee on Police and Light. 25 The following kills due the city were referred to the City. Engineer for collec- tion: Dubuque Water Works 'Trustees to City of Dubuque. To rolling various streets 4 6 75 Key City Gas Co. to City of Dubuque. To rolling various streets $ 55 50 St. Joseph's College to City of Dubuque. To rolling $ 7 J0 To 30 cub. yds of gravel at 25c 7 50 $15 00 PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. Petition of hey City Gas Co., by Geo. McLean, president, asking for the vaca- tion of Cedar street from Tenth to Elev- enth streets. Ald. Hore moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of hearing Mr. G. McLean, president of the company. Carried. Mr. McLean addressed the council, urging them to take immediate action in vacating said street in order to allow the company to make arrangements for the construction of their new gas plant. On motion of Ald. Sheridan the petition was granted. Petition of the Dubuque Altar Co., ask- ing that their assessment be levied ac- cording to Ordinance passed August 16th, 1900, and that the City Treasurer be in- structed to accept payment of taxes for 1903 in accordance therewith. Ald. Sheridan moved to grant the peti- tion. Carried. Petition of Henry Doft Est. asking that the assessment on $2,000.00 moneys and credits be ordered canceled, said amount being invested in Dubuque Water Works bonds. On motion of Ald. Horr the petition was granted. The following petitions were referred to the Delinquent Tax Committee: Petition of Mrs. Mary Atkins asking for the cancellation of her taxes on lot 9, Yates & Pickett's Sub, for the year 1899. Petition of Daniel Quinn asking that his taxes on lots 1, 2, and 3 in Railroad Add., Illi: he canceled for the year 1902. Petition of Mrs. W. Loeffler, asking that her back taxes on lots 19 and 21 in Wick's Add., be ordered canceled. The following petitions were referred to the Maid of Equalization and City As- sessor: Petition of Dennis Ryan. asking that the taxes he reduced on lots 2 and 4 of Soh. Min. Lot 2S. Petition of St. Joseph's Merry Hospital, asking that the taxes on City out lot No. ;';I be ordered canceled, the same i. ine used for no purpose whatever ex- cepting hospital purposes. 'I'hc' following petitions were referred to the Committee of the Whole: Petition of C. J. Peterson. et al, asking for the construction of a sanitary sewer in Dodge Street extending from South Locust Street to Grandview Avenue. Also petition of James I'. Donahue, ask- ing Council to accept $24i0.00 in full pay- ment for special assessmt-nt as levied against city lot No, 22` for paving of Iowa Street. Petition and claim of Clara L. fierce. claiming the sum of Three Thousand Dollars ($:1,11(91,040 tr personal injuries sustained by falling on an icy sidewalk on the Ablest side of Iowa Street, between Tenth and Eleventh Streets. On motion thr• petition and claim was referred to the Committee on Claims and City Attorney. Petition and pkat of the Cushing-JIc- Fadden Co., asking for the approval if plat of Cushing's Add., :t subdivision In the City of Dubuque. On motion ryas referred to the Street Committee and City Engineer. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Treasurer Brinkman reported as follows: Below you will find statement of amounts advanced by me during the past month, for which please order war- rants drawn in my favor: Excavation permits redeemed $130 00 Interest paid on warrants out- standing 552 41 New York Exchange 65 Postage stamps 10 60 Damages to property 40 00 Express charges Road Dept 150 Express charges Fire Dept 50 Library orders paid $72725 27 59 I also received money borrowed from the following parties. Please order loan warrants drawn in their favor: 1903. Dec 7th—Dubuque National Bank,.$55,000.00 Dee. 17th—German Trust & Savings Bank 5000,00 REFUNDED LOAN. Dec. 21st, 1903—Mary Rehbaum Respectfully, $1,400.00 H. BRINKMAN, On motion the report was r ceivedrer. and warrants ordered drawn to pay the var- ious amounts, and the report referred back to the Committee on Finance. Fire Chief Reinfried as fol- lows: To the HonorrablegueMayorw and Cit, Jan. y CCoun, cit of the City of Dubuque: r. Regular Session Jan. 7, 1904. 3 Gentlemen: I herewith submit to your Honorable Body my report in regard to the Grand Opera douse as ordered by Mayor Berg. Inspected the Grand Opera House Jan- uary 4th, 1904, and find that the ordinance relating to fire protection in opera [louses and other Public Buildings is being vio- lated. The Grand Opera ]louse is equipped with a canvas curtain instead of sheet steel or asbestos. There are no iron doors leading into the boxes on each side of the building. I therefore recommend to your Honorable body the following: That the owners of said Opera House be insti ucted by the Mayor and City Coun- cil to put in a sheet steel or asbestos stage curtain, also that iron doors be placed on each side of building leading into the boxes. Also that sprinklers or stand pipes be eel, -t, u:•ted back of the stage to be used in ease of fire. That all exits be marked over the doors "Exits" and be open during all perform- ances. Also that a push button be plac- ed back of stage, near door communicat- ing with the Central Engine House. Respectfully submitted, JOS. R. REINFRIED, Fire Chief. Ald. Raymond moved that the rules be suspended to hear from Hon. J. H. Shields in regard to the foregoing report. Car- ried. Mr. Shields addressed the Council, stat- ing that the Opera House company was willing to do anything within reason, in order to make such changes as the Coun- cil might recommend. Ald. Horr moved that the report of the Fire Chief be referred to the committee on Public Grounds and Buildings and that said committee confer with the pro- prietors of the Opera House at once. Carried. City Auditor Hoffman reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil: Gentlemen: Herewith find my report for the month of December, 1903, showing the receipts and disbursements for the month: Cash on hand Dec. 1st, 1903 520,738.29 RECEIPTS. Receipts from all sources 26,832.16 $47,570.45 DISBURSEMENTS. Warrants redeemed $20,610.70 Coupons redeemed 10,856.25 Bonds redeemed 150.00 $31,616.95 Cash on hand Jan. 1st, 1904 515,953.50 The above cash balance includes Im- provement Bond Fund, Improvement Bond Interest Fund, Library and Sprinkling Fund balances. Also report that there is due the City Officers for the month of December $2,608.45. Also the following is a record of all Interest Coupons and Bonds redeemed by Treasurer for the past month: Water Works Coupons $ 9,697.60 Regular Bond Coupons 412.50 Improvement Bond Coupons 746.25 $10,856.25 Improvement Bond, No. 245, dated Dec. 15th, 1903 5 150.00 The following list shows the Appropria- tions and the amount of Warrants drawn en each fund since the beginning of the fiscal year, beginning March 1st, 1903, to January 1st, 1904: Appropriation Expended Expense $40,000 $23,653.04 Road 38.000 35,366.37 Fire 38,000 26,813.37 Police 28,000 19,272.85 Sewer age 5,000 3,788.25 Printing 2,000 1,215.00 Engineer 3,500 2,223.20 Gas and Light 25,000 18,379.05 Interest 43,000 Board of Health 6,000 3,794.95 Grading 4.000 3,160.18 Bee Branch 7.000 5,536.63 Judgment 3,000 1,581.40 Special Bonded Paving2.500 Sprinkling First District S00 Sprinkling Second District 1,500 Sprinkling Third District 1.500 Sprinkling Fourth District 1,200 Sprinkling Fifth District 1,400 Special Bonded Debt In- terest 4,000 3,032,40 Mount Carmel Avenue Grading 1,000 66:.40 Sidewalk Repairing 1,000 669.10 Special Sewer Fund 2,500 2,389.46 Grading Bluff Street Ex- tension 1,000 1,000.00 Total Appropriation$260,900 Respectfully, F. B. HOFFMAN, Auditor. On motion the report wit:: received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the City Officers, and the report referred back to the Committ ' on Fitt n„ e. Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol- lows: To the I[onorable 2l;iyor and City Coun- cil: Gentlemen—The following is the pay roll of the Fire department for the month of December, 1903: Amount due Firemen $2321 35 On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay Firemen, and the report referred back to the com- mittee on Fire. Chief of Police Reilly reported as fol- lows: 'Co the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil: Gentlemen—I herewith submit the Po- lice report for the month of December, 1903: Total arrests for the month 48 Residents arrested for the month24 Doors found open 34 Defective lights 18 Lodgers harbored 141 Meals furnished 50 Cost of food $10 00 Sheriff, dieting prisoners $20 80 Patrol runs for the month 38 Miles traveled for the month 571 Also the pay roll for Policemen for the month of December, 1903: Amount due Policemen $1935 00 Respectfully submitted, THOS. REILLY, Chief of Police. On motion the report and pay roll were received, and warrants ordered drawn to pay Policemen, and the report referred back to the Committee on Police. City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: -1 Regular -Session Jan. 7, 1904. t;entiemen:--1 herew-ith submit my pay roll for Inhor ,:u Streets for the last half \mnnnt chip I:j111 15 on Streets ....$511 9:1 Itesrt.•etfully submitted. J.\ AH?S H. itttl'('I:. City Engineer. _Approved: E. E. FRITH, Chairman Committee on Streets. JOSE!'! I. L. 11t1RY:, JOHN J. SH ERI .).\N. Also submit my pay roll for labor on Sewers during the last half 44 December, 1903: Amount due laborers on Sewers ....$170 60 Respectfully submitted. JAMES II. lBOYCE, City Engineer. Approved: JOI1N J. SIIEP.ID:AN. Chairman Committee on Sewers. JOSEPH E. 110IIR. _Iii GIII ('ORRAN 'I:. Also submit my nay roll for labor grad- ing Mount Carmol Avenue during the last half of December, 1903: Amount due l;ihur,•rs $29$ 55 ' Respectfully submitted. JAMES H. ROYCE, y Engineer. Approved: E. 1:. PRI T1I. Chairman Committee on Streets. JOSEPH L. IIOItH. JOHN J. SFHERID:\N. On motion the pay roll for Streets, Sew- ers and grading Mount Carmel AVenue were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts and the pay rolls referred back to the proper committees. City Electrician 1 -Lipman reported as follows: 'To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil: Gentlemen: -1 herewith submit my re - Tort of defective lights for the month of December, 191,3. I find from the report of the Police deportment that the total hours that it lamps failed to burn would equal three-fourths of :t hump for one month, or $4.05. Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM HIP\l.\N, On motion the report wits receivy Electrician. d and the City Auditor instructed to deduct from the Union Electric Company's bill for the month of December, 1903, the amount of $4.05. The following It',.ighmasters' and Wood - measurers' receipts were referred to the Committee on Markets: If. J. Tropf, City Hall receipts , Louise Pitselu;, r. West Dubuque scale UJ 15 receipts T. I'nbet ty, first ward sc:tle ceipts H. la tamer, ceipts Conh•r Ave. scale rr•. 3 20 re - 1 57 R. Hay. Eighth Street scale receipts 3 24 2 19 Mrs. C. Deckert, Rhombetg Aye, scale receipts 4 09 H. A. Moyes, '\Voodmeasurers' re- ceipts 1 23 City Recorder Arendt presented and read the printed notice, certified to by the publishers, of the Council's intention to levy a special assessment against the different nasi ••1 property owners for re- pairing Sidew.ilks (luring the month of N,.c•n1h,•r. 19' N,' relnon.str,uu - • being Jile(l, the Mayor asked if :m one present had ally uh,joc_ lion to said spec hit :tssessnm•nl. Ni oh_ ieeti nt h,•ing stated. on motion the no - tie, vats gee,-Ived and tiled. U'hereupon .1141. frith offered the fol- lowing: Noc. _ .11,110 Povc,•rs et al. A. Me - 1 auii,•I's Soo., lot 79s. 10 It lum- ber'. _n,.: 1-. hour labor, 25c $ 45 Nov. 2--(:nhot1 University of \\'asllington et al, Levens' .\dd lots 9_le. Y ft Itnnher, luc; 1-3 hour labor. 250 35 Nov. 2-11. Hanson Est. S. Al. Lang- worth- .\d,l.. lots 9-ln. 11 ft lunt- her. _ 1-3 b/ ' Inbor. 250 45 Nov. 2-1 t'. I I. Eighntey. Sub. 2 of of \lin. Lot 13'1. 5 1-2 lot 1, GO ft lumber I : 1 hour labor, 51k 1 70 1 711 Nov. _--,Jno. I,. Ituettell Est.. Nairn's .Ad(l.. lot 14. 5 ft lumber, lee; 1-2 Lour lahor. 250 35 NOV. 2"—J. S. St,•i hens. Jull:t I.:;ngw'ortlly's Add.. lot 22. 7 ft lumber. 15e; 1-2 hour labor, 25c40 Nov. 2-11••nry Hardin, Sub. 224 Union Add.. lot 2 :17 ft lumber, 75e; I hour labor. 511,- 1 25 Nov. ,;—Fr:utk Al. Ellis. Burden- Law•th,'r Add.. lot 11:1. 711 ft lum- b.r. $l.lu: 1 Hour labor, 5,,. 1 90 Nov. 3--\Vol.::nd F. A. Cones, City, N 3-3 lot 4:10, S ft lumher. 15c; 1-2 hour labor._5,. 40 Nov. 3- \I. M. Hoffman. E. l,:nt.g- w'ortlly's Add.. lot Is. 19 ft lumber. I'' 1-2 hour Inhor, 25c 65 Nov. —John M:n'zen. E. I.angwor- tli\''s Add.. lot 40. 2.0 ft lumh,•r. are; ::-1 hour labor. Inc 90 Nov. 5—Chicago ureal \\'estern Railway Co.. S:utf,n'd's Sub., lot 67. 21 ft lunther, lee; ; 1 hour lobo'. 50c 90 Nov. 5—Marg. Pats, ('oak's Add.. lot 60. 24 ft lumber, 50e; 1-2 hour labor, 25e Nov, 5—P, 75 J. Renter. Sanford's Sub., lot 30, 27 1't lumber, 55c; 1-2 hour labor. 25, SO Schneider te Kiehl. Sub. 5 and 7 and \\• 7.1 ft of lot 9, Wick's Add., lots 1-3. 17 ft lunther, 15c'; 1-2 hour labor, 2 • GO Nov. 5—tiro Salol. \Ict'raney's 1st Add., let 51, 21 ft lumber, 40e; 1-2 hour labor, 25e Go Nov. G—A. J. Lembeek et al. Marsh's Add., E 100 ft lot 45, 5 ft lumber. tee; 1-2 hour labor, 25c.. 35 Nov. tl--i,• 'I'. Farwell Est.. Sub. 2. Geo. 11. AV',,owl's Still., lot 1. 1:1 ft lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c.. 50 Nov. Ii—Jno. L. Buettell Est., Me- chanic's Add., lot 94, 10 ft lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Nov. G—linapp-Stout & Co., Buse - man's Sub., lots 19-20, 10 ft lum- ber, 20e; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Nov. G—J, 1I. Jecklin Est., Sub 113, 40 L. II. Langworthy's Add., W 1-2 lot 3, 5 ft lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c .............. Nov. G—Anna Kurz, ....... 35 Add., .lot 156, 10 ft Mechanic's "0c; 1-2 hoar labor, 25c lumber, _. Nov. 6—Chas, Heinze, ...H. a 46 Lang- -worthy's Add., lot 147, 93 ftlJlum- ber, $1.85; 1 hour labor, 50c Nov. G—John Kemps, Sub , 1 53, L. 2 35 Regular Session Jan, 7. 1904. 5 14, Langworthy's Add., lot 2. 36 ft iumb,..r. 7ae; 3-I hour labor: ice. Nov 6—Me'choir Selllagel. Sub. 153, Lansworthy's Add.. 101 1. 5 ft lumber, lee; 1-2 hour labor. 95e .Nov. 6—J. II. Jecklin Est., L. IL Langworthy's Add.. lot 156, 5 ft lumber. Inc;k1-2 hour labor, 25e.... Nov. ii—Leathers & Trewin, L. H. Langworthy's AM1., N. 71 ft, lot 151. 5 ft lumber, 10e; 1-2 hour la- bor. 25e Nov. 6-- \\". and D. rtrunskill, Mar- tin's Dubuque. lot 10. 19 It lumber, 04.: 1-2 ill/Ur labor. 1'. 11 uglios. Ne«lham's Sub, lot 1, 7 ft boiler. 15o; 1-2 11011r labor Nov. Meyer. llrmlstl'oet's ..\,1,1.. lot 15. ; ft lumbor, 11,-; 1-2 hour la bor. :51. Nov. 6—J. I. Shold.,i. mineral lot 83. 4 ft lumber. 10e; 1-2 hour labor, 25,• Nov. 7—Mile' llurhe, Stout's Add., lot 291. ft lumber. 81.95; 2 hours labor. $1.e0 Nov. 7—Bosserman & City, S 1-2, lot 334, :'.41 ft lumber, $2.80, 1 hour labor, 1:0c Nov. 7—Herman Roesch et al., Broadway Add., lots 9-10, 46 ft lum- ber, 90c; 3-4 hour labor, 40c Nov. 10—Emma White, Finley Home Add., lot 16, 21 ft lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Nov. 10—Jas. Mullen Est., Finley's Add., lot 10-11, 7 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Nov. 10—Frank R. Scott, Finley's Add., lot 155, 5 ft lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Nov. 10—Jos. H. Hanover, Klein- schmidt's sub., lot 5, 10 ft lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Nov. 10—C. G. Meyer, sub. 128, Fin- ley's Add., lots 2-3, 13 ft lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Nov. 10—Anna M. Kurz Est., Fin- ley's Add., lot 129. 27 ft lumber, 55c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Nov. 10—L. H. Waples, City, lot 45, 190 brick, $1.90; 4 hours labor, $2.00 .Nov. 11—Wilhelmina Loeffler, Wick's Add., lot 19, 30 ft lumber, 60c; 1,2 hour labor, 25c Nov. 11—Leathers & Trewin, Mc- Craney's 1st Add., lot 77, 4 ft lum- ber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c .Nov. 11—M. D. Goux, McCraney's 1st Add., lot 69, 9 ft lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Nov. 11—R. M. Kunz, McCraney's 1st Add., lot 82, 14 ft lumber, 30c; hour labor, 25c Nov. 11—Fred. Licht, Davis Farm Add., lot 278. 8 ft lumber, 15c -Nov. 11—W. H. Doane, Finley Home Add., lot 11, 13 ft lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c -Nov. 11—J. 1., Meyer, sub. 76 and 77, Union Add., lot 2, 6 ft lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c _Nov. 11—F. W. Fitzpatrick Est., Un- ion Add., lot 146, 42 ft lumber, 85c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Nov. 12—Thos. Meehan, Union Add, lot 131, 12 ft lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, He -Nov. 12—John J. Keane, City, lot 697, 18 ft lumber, 35c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c .Nov. 12—Mich. Halpin Est., City, lot 574, 40 ft lumber, 80c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 1 10 35 35 35 65 40 35 35c 6 95 3 30 1 30 65 4U 35 45 . 60 80 3 90 85 35 45 66 15 51) 55 1 10 50 511 1 lb Nov. 13—J. F. McCarthy, Sub. City 724, N. 50.10 ft of lots 4-5-6, 42 ft lumber, 85c;1 hour labor, 50c 1 35 Nov. 13—Mary E. Hodgdon, A. Mc - Daniel's Sub., lot 769, 16 ft lum- ber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c b5 Nov. 13—Jemima Sutherland, A. Mc - Daniels' Sub.. S. 1-2 lot 764, 40 ft lumber, 80c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c1 05 Nov. 13—M. J. Everett 1st,. Sub City 655, lot 2. 13 ft lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, He Nov. 14—Nie. Glah, Finley's Add, lots 225-226-227, 52 ft lumber, $1.05; 1 hour labor, 50c 1 55 Nov. 14—Edw. Langworthy Est, Pauline Langworthy's Add., lots 5-6, 130 ft lumber, $2.60; 1 1-2 hours labor, The 3 35 Nov. 14—C. H. Eighmey, trustee, city, lots 569-570, 40 ft lumber, 80c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 1 05 Nov. 14—Chicago G. \V. Ry. Co, right of way, Rhomberg Ave.. 74 ft lumber, $1.50: 1 hour labor, 50c2 00 Nov. 17—John Decry, City, W. 50 ft lot 608, 86 ft lumber, $1.70; 2 hours labor. $1.00 2 70 Nov. 17—Mary A. MeQuillen, Sub, City, 692, lot 3, 10 ft lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour lalicer, 25c 45 Nov. 17—First National Bank, City, lot 309, 32 ft lumber, 65c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 90 Nov. 17—F. L. Poole, Julia Lang - worthy's Add., lot 7, 8 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 4U Nov. 17—Julia Langworthy, Julia Langworthy's Add., lot 3, 13 ft lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 50 Nov. 17—S. M. Langworthy, Julia Langworthy's Add., lot 1, 10 ft lum- ber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 45 Nov. 17—Wm. llintrager. O'Tttylor's Sub., lot 22, 8 ft. lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c 40 Nov. 17—Anna M. Kurz Est., 0"fay- lor's Sub., lots 20-21, 50 ft. lumber, $1.01, 1 boil:. labor, 50e 1 50 Nov. Gmehle, (bauble's Sub, lot 1. 12 ft. lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour la- bor, 25e 50 Nov. 11—Jo-rib Kesslet, Glendale Add., lot 27. 8 ft. lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, "5c 40 Nov. 19—R. M. Kunz, Glendale Add, lot 60, 5 ft. lumber, 10e; 1-2 hour labor, 25e 35 Nov. 17—liosserman & Ives, City S. 1-2 lot 334, 80 ft. lumber, $1.60, 1 hour labor, 50c 210 Nov. 19—Mrs, 1-1, 1'. & N. W. Kim- ball, Davis Farm Add., lot 337, 16 ft. lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c. 55 Nov. 19—John Olinger, Boulevard Add., lots 21-22-23, 30 ft. lumber, 60c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 85 Nov. 19—Matt Kdtenlmfer, Glendale Add., lot 44, 5 ft. lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 35 Nov. 19—Mary A. Kemler and Car- rie Cain, Cain's Sub., lot 14, 16 ft. lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c56 Nov. 18—D, J. Linehan, Home Add, lots 9-10, 12 ft. lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 50 Nov. 18—J. S. Dolson, 1.evens' Add, lot 24, 11 ft. lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 45 Nov. 18—Al. Hannig. Sub, 25. Mt Pleasant Add., lot 1, 12 ft. lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor. He 50 Nov. 18—Jno. Dowling, Lawrence's Dubuque, lots 7-8, 20 ft. lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 65 Nov. 18—Kiene & Altman, Wood - lawn Park, lot 49, 10 ft. lumber, 6 Regular Session Jan. 7, 1904. 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 23c Nov. 18 -Nellie Dorgan, Dorgan's Sub., lot 8, 18 ft. lumber, 15c; 1-2 hor,r labor, 25c Nov. 18 -German Presbyterian Col- lege, Sub. City 673, lot 7, 12 ft. lum- ber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Nov. 20-H. 1:. Clover, City lot 160, brick walk. 1-2 hour labor, 25c Nov, 20-A. Ma ist.11, City S. % N. 1\I 1-5, lot 166. 32 brick. 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Nov. 20-J. F. Stampfer, Sub. 1, City 674, lot 1, brick and labor Nov. 20 -Paul Schlenker, City S. 256 ft. N. 2-5 lot 444, 40 bric!;, auc; 3-4 hour labor. 40c Nov. 21-A. E. Girard, Hodge's Sub, lot 5, 40 ft, lumber, SOc; 1 hour la- bor, 50c Nov. 21 -Herman Roesch, et al, Broadway Add., lots 5-6, 19 ft. lum- ber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Nov. 21 -John Olinger. Boulevard Acl., lot 24, 5 ft. lumber, 10c; 1-2 hot:r labor, 25c Nov. 21 -Andrew Bauer, Sub. Min lot lee, lot. 6. 18 ft. lumber, 35c Nov :l -Chicago G. W. R'y. Co, 1::,st Dubuque Add.. E. 35 ft. lot 21,7, 12 ft. lumber, 2'3c; 1-2 hour la - mor, 95e Nov. Nov. 21-('iticago G. W. R'y. Co., East Dubuque Add., E. 35 ft, lot 211, 18 ft. lumber, 35c; 1-2 hour la- bor, 25c Nov. 23-K, 31. & V. Schulte, Ham's Add., lot 410, 15 ft. lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c Nov. 3 -Thos. O'Brien, Glendale Add., lot 158, 10 ft. lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 15c Nov 23 -Chicago G. W. R'y. Co, Sanford's Sub., lot 61, 5 ft. lumber, IOc; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Nov. 24 -Peter Eisban, Sub. 2, Bon - son & Stewart's Sub„ lot 1, 43 ft. Lumber, 8.5e; 1-2 hour labor, 25c110 Nov. 24 -Peter Eisbach, Sub. 1, Bon - son & Stewart's Sub., lot 1, 5 ft. lumber, lac; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Nov. 25 -Nit Engel, Windsor Ave Sub., lot 3, 8 ft. lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Nov, 27-Nic Glab, Finley's Add, lots 156-157, 9 ft lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Nov. 27 -Ellen O'Halleron, Finley's Add., lots 14-15, 20 ft lumber, 40e: 1-2 hour labor, 25c Nov. 27-W. M. Davis, Cox's Add, lot 2, 8 ft lumber, 15e; 1-2 hour labor. 25c Nov. 27 -Valentine Schiel, Sub. 19C- 197, L. H. Langworthy's Add., lots 10-11, 5 ft lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour la- bor, 25e Nov. 28-A. R. Staufenbeil, E Langworthy's Add., N 1-2 lot 20, 5 ft lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Nov. 2S -P. J. Ruegamer, Wick's Add., lot 26, 16 ft lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Nov. 28 -Frank Jaeger, Jaeger's Sub„ lot 2, 16 ft lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Nov. 28 -Jas. Mullen Est., East Du- buque Add., lot 45, 27 ft lumber, 55c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c Nov. 28 -Leathers & Trewin, L. H Langworthy's Add., N 71 ft lot 151, 12 ft lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour la- bor, 25c Nov, 30-A. W. Kemlet Est., Sub 4, Ann O'Hare's Sub., lots 1-2, 28 ft lumber, 55c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 45 60 60 25 55 30 80 1 30 ('u 35 35 60 CO 65 45 35 35 40 45 65 40 35 35 55 55 80 60 80 Nov. 23-Chiea;;o. Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway to.. right of way, Pine and 15111 street. 35 ft lumbor, 70c; 1-2 hour labor. 250 95. Nov. 12 --Tim 1 tillnn. Stewart's Sub, lot 2. 5 ft lumber. Inc; 1-2 hour 1:1- 1 ,01-. 25c Nov. 12 -Geo. Salot. tr'1l;re's Sub, lot 19, 4 ft turnI r. 1,-•; 1-2 hour labor, 230 Nov. 12-P. F. Dutton. c;r:rtulview :\ve Add.. lots 1-4. 22 ft lumber, 5e; 1-2 (tour 1•111or, 25e 70 Nov. 12 -Tim Dillon. Dillon's lots 1=2. 111 ft lumber, 2ec; 1-2 hour labor, 45 Nov. 12-1o111 \!rtjailli:m, Sub. 1st, Inion Add.. lot 1. 7 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 !tour labor, 15c 4; 35 35 Total Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu- tion. tarried by the following vote: Tons -Aids. Clancy, Corra nee. Frith, 1lorr. Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays -None. $93 10 Sic:rtvalk Iuslcec•tor Crawford reported as follows: Htrewith attached please find state- ment of the removal of snow and ice from sidewalks during the month of December, 1903, with the names of the parties that done the work, accorc;ing to the Ordi- nance relating to cleaning sidewalks. Respectfully submitted. ADAM CRAWFORD, Sidewalk Inspector. Ald, Sheridan moved that the report be received and the Recorder be instruct- ed to advertise said special assessment ten times in the official newspaper, ac- cording to the Ordinance. Carried. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES Ald, Frith, chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented and read an Ordi- nance providing for the appointment of an Inspector of wood, and regulating the sale of wood for fuel in the City of Du- buque and repealing Chapter XXI. of the Revised Ordinances of 1901, of the City of Dubuque, and moved that the reading just had be considered its first reading. Carried, Ald. Frith then moved that the Ordi- nance lay over until next meeting of the Council. Carried. Ordinance follows: An Ordinance providing for the appoint- ment of an inspector of wood, and regu- lating the sale of wood for fuel in the City of Dubuque, and repealing Chapter XXI. of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That Chapter XXI, of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque, the same being an ordinance providing for the appointment of an In- spector of wood, and regulating the sale of wood for fuel in the City of Dubuque, be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 2. That the City Council shall, during the month of April following each municipal election, appoint some compe- tent person as city inspector of wood, who shall remain in office during the pleasure of the Council, and whose duty it shall be to enforce the provisions of this ordinance and such amendments thereto as may from time to time be Regular Session Jan. 7, 1904. 7 made. Section 3. Said inspector of wood shall, for the faithful performance of his du- ties, give bond in the sum of five hun- dred ($500) dollars, with sureties, which bond shall be approved by the City Coun- cil and be renewed by said inspector every year. Said inspector shall be sworn to perform the duties of such office to the best of his knowledge and ability, and in conformity with the provisions of this Ordinance. Section 4. All wood hereafter sold to consumers for fuel in the City of Du- buque shall be sold by the cord or part thereof, and the cord mentioned in this Ordinance shall consist of 128 cubic feet. well and compactly piled, with reason- able allowance for crooked and uneven wood. Section G. All wood dealers of the City of Dubuque and all other persons engag- ed in delivering wood for fuel to con- sumers in said city, shall use for such purpose an open rack constructed in such manner that each rank of wood when placed thereon shall be plainly visible. Section 6. No wood dealer of said city and no employee of such dealer and no farmer or other person shall deliver to any resident of said city any wood for fuel upon any wagon, sled or other vehicle, until the same shall have been first inspected and measured by the in- spector of wood and a certificate of the quantity thereof, in cords or part of a cord, has been delivered to him by said inspector; such inspection and measure- ment to be made after said wood has been loaded upon such wagon, sled or other vehicle. The certificate of measure- ment to be delivered in each instance to the purchaser of the wood. Sec. 7. The inspector of wood shall not buy, sell or in any manner deal in wood either for himself or others, save and ex- cept to purchase wood for his own use, nor shall he br, interested, either directly or indirectly, in the purchase or selling of wood, nor in the profits to he derived therefrom, nor shall he in any manner aid or ;assist in making sales or purchase of wood. Sec. S. Said inspector of wood shall designate at least three places. distribut- ed in such manner as to be readily access- ible from the different wood yards of the city and said inspector or a deputy ap- pointed by hi.n, shall attend ;at such places, or at e tc•h other places as may be designated by the ',,unci]. at all reason- able times and tnetasure all wood brought to such places for that purpose, and upon receiving the fee therefor shall deliver a certficate of the quantity thereof to the person bringing the same. Said inspector shall also have deputies located on the various roads leading into the city who shall measure all wood brought into the city to be used as fuel. Sec. 9. Said inspector shal be respon- sible for any damage occasioned by his neglect, carelessness or fraudulent meas- urement and on conviction of fraudulent measurement, he shall pay a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars together with the costs of prosecu- tion and be imprisoned until such fine and costs are paid not exceeding thirty days, and be removed from office by the city council. Sec. 10. The inspector of wood shall be entitled to receive the sum of ten cents for each load measured when the quan- tity does not exceed one cord. When a load exceeds nr' cord lint does not ex- ceed tw,, cirds Ila• Sala of ti ftoen ',rats may lie charged ;Ind received therefor. See. 11. The dntioc of the Inspector or wood and harbor master may Ire perform- ed t,y the same Person at the pleasure of the council. See. 12. Any person who shall resist or interfere with the inspe'tor of wood in the perform;ntee of his ii ti• s under Ilii; ordinance, or shall au-giet ur coins' in comply with ;try al' tin• rcquiremenis lher,of. or any l-.Tro;, wit,, shall use a. certificate isstt'-d by said inspector for :a load of w•,,od othta' than the one for w dell it was issued, shall he punished by a tine of ma I••ss than five dollars nor more than lift'. dollars together with the costs of proseentiot,, :it the discretion of the court Before whom Le may he pros- ecuted and sue], wort may imprison :my such person until such tine ;old costs are paid, nit exceeding thirty days. See. 17. The inspector of wood shall keep a correct and true account of all wood measured by hint and shall report to the city council at the first regular session in each month the amount of wood measured by him and his deputies during the month pre\ nous: for whom tine same was measured and the ;amount of fees paid therefor by er.olt le- son. and shall ;account for and Pay tutu the treas- ury tour per cent of all fees ro'Cired by him during said month, and shrill turn over to the :Auditor the stubs of all cer- tificates issued by him. showing the date of issue, the ;'mount of wood measured, for whom measured and the fees charged for the same. Sec. 14. :\s soon ;as tiny wood shall have been measured by the inspector or his deputy, said inspector or his deputy shall have the right to demand and re- ceive front the person in charge of such wood in advance the fees to which he may be entitled. and shall not be re- quired to deliver a certificate until such fees are paid. Sec. 15. This ordinance to be in force and take effect from ;and after its pass- age and publication one time in the Du- buque Daily Globe -Journal newspaper. Passed Approved Attest: Mayor. Ald. Frith. Chairman of the Commit- tee on Streets. reported as follows: Your Committee on Streets, to whom was referred the petition of the Chicago Great Western Railway company, asking that an order be drawn in its favor on the City Treasurer for $1163.00, which sum represents the amount agreed to be paid by the city to said railway company for the construction of that part of Bee Branch sewer under its right of way be- tween Garfield and Rhomberg Avenues, would recommend that a warrant in said sum be ordered drawn as prayed for, from which amount the Treasurer is hereby instructed to deduct such special assessments as may be due the city from said company. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report. Carried. Ald. Jones, Chairman of the Commit. tee on Public Grounds and Buildings, re- ported as follows: 8 Regular Session Jan. 7, 1904. Your t'onnntttc,• on Public (tennis and Buildings begs If. I part (h::l we have ni:led the !Lill Tidal Ilot .Air Heater ilist,ilIe,1 in Engine !hose No. S by the Smedley Steitin I'unip ('o.. and find the results ohhtini d from said heater to lie entirely satisfactory: tiro would therefore recommend liu,t said heater he accepted. 1-tt DOLPH JONES. Chairman. Aid. Jones moved to adopt the report. Carried. Ald. Clancy, chairman of the committee on Fire, stated that the Fire Chief recom- mends the purchase of 1.000 feet of hose and moved that the matter be referred to the commitee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. Sheridan chairman of the Sewer committee, reported as follows: Your committee on Sewers, to whom was referred the petition of Jno. Deery, requesting a correction of the double as- sessment against lot 3 of Out Lot 670, would recommend that the cancellation of $16.31, the amount assessed against said lot for constructing a sewer in \Vest Lo- cust street, The above lot was assessed for a sewer in Clark street, June 1st, 1896 JNO. J. SHERIDAN, Chairman. JOS. L. HORR. H. CORRANCE, JAS. H. BOYCE. AIB. Sheridan moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Ald. Horr, chairman of the Committee of the Whole. reported its follows: Your Committee of the whole would respectfully recommend that a warrant in the sum of $75,00 he ordered drawn on the City Treasurer hi favor of M. Si, Walker, to hc' by him delivered to L. Bos- well, Secretary. which sum represents the amount of the assessment levied upon the City of Dubuque for its share of the ex- penses of a delegation to Washington in the interest of the improvement of the upper Mississippi River. Also your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the City Treasurer he instructed to cancel the tax against the Iowa Home Insurance? company for the year 19110, and to accept the sten of $2:I7.50 far the tax of 1901 and $250,(t) for the tax of 19:2, which amounts are to he in full settlement of the regu- lar taxes for the ahove mentioned years. Your Committee of the Whole. to whom was referred the petition of C. A. Voelker in relation to the special assess- ment levied against Lot 155, Woodlawn Park Sub., for the improvement of Au- burn Avenue, and also against Lot 68 in the same subdivision for the improvement of Audubon Avenue, would recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted, provided the matter be settled immediately. We further recommend that the Treasurer be instructed in ac- cordance with this report, JOSEPH L. HORR, Ald. Horr moved to adopt the ivm ions reports of the Committee of the Whole, Carried. RESOLUTIONS. Alderman Frith offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the Committee on Streets be and is hereby instructed to prepare a resolution providing. for the erection of gates by the different rail- road companies at such of the railway crossings as said committee may deem advisable for the safety of the public. Ald. Frith m vcd to adopt the resole. lion. Carried, Aldertmru Frith also offered the follow- ing: Lie it Resolved by the ('Ity Council of the (i'it)- of Ind wane, That it is deemed necessary turd advisable to open it street fifty feet wide, beginning :it the west- erly lino ectende,l of (lueeii Street, and running in a northc.tst,•rly direction through lots :I and I of the Sul. of ll 1" and I3 of N. E. I, of ties. ]::, .., A9, N. P. 2 E 5th 1-'. SI. to \\'inds„r Avenue, and be it further Resolved. That the City Engineer he and he is hereby directed to make a sur- vey and Phil of such proposed ha 'ove- ment. sheaving the land or lots ihrnu or o'er Whit It the s,ime is proposed in he made. the names of the owners thereof, and the quantity of land prop„sed to he taken and to file such plat in his offi-e for public ins',cclion that after such I,Ini is so ',reproved and tiled, said City Engi- neer hnll give the owners of the prop- erty through ur ovi r which such improve- ment is proposed to he made. notice a prescribed In Section 2 of I'hapti'r 31 of the Ordinances of the I'ity of IhlIuclue. Aid. Frith taovt•d to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried. Ald. Frith also olTeretl the fallowing, which w is adopted: whereas. The City of i anhuque has green to such proportions drat the park facilities novo• existing. and prodded at the time the city was laid nut. seem t he inadequate to the pri•si nI ',odic needs, anti are SIP to •nt, d as not to he readily aeeessille to a iairgc Irnporli,u, of the in- lualitauats of said city: and, Whereas. It appears to the Council that the ',oldie health. convenience and wel- fare will be promoted by establishing a public park in the Fifth ward of said city; Therefore, he is r, solved by the City Council of the City of 1,ulwtue, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to es- tablish at public park in the Fifth ward of said city in circlet' to promote the health. con\i nienc•e and welfare of its in- hahitants: and be it further, Resolved. That a enmtnitt'i of three (3) be app'itt'-ii by the Mayor it lie in- structed to ascertain if a suitable site can lie oltaincd for suet',itIt a:nd to as- certain the cost of the land nc,-esi t -i- for such purpose and report the result of such investigation to the city council: and that such other and further proceed- ings he had relating thereto, as may be determined by the Council pursmint to Section 999 of the Code of lova and other provision of the statute pertaining to this slitii•c•t. I'he speci+:I ,•otnmittc•e appointed by the Mayor rove Ald. Frith and Alds.-at-Large Jones and Sheridan. Ald. Horr offered the following, which was adopted: Whereas, Differences exist between the City of Dubuque and the several railroad companies entering said city as to the amount by said rrailroad companies,f city taxes that andsaid city ci has entered into a stipulation with said railroad companies relating to the pay- 1'*' ular Session January 7, 1904 nu'nt of the taxes due from said com- panies for the year 1952. and, Whereas, The same questions are in- volved in suits now pending in Cedar Rapids and Davenport. which will prob- ,+blv be de, -mined by the Supreme Court of the State: ther,•tor' he it Resolved by th,.• City Council of the City of Dnb,tfuc, That a stipulation be entered into between said cite and said railroad companies for the taxes due for the year 1911:1. similar to the stipulation en- tered into by said parties regarding the taxes for the year 1902, with the addition that no interest or pena by shall be claimed by the city from said companies for the unpaid taxes for said years 1901 and 1902. And the City Attorney is in- structed not to take any further action with regard to the same at the present time. Ald. Hm'r offered the following: Whereas, the i' , v City Gas Company has flied its pt tilion asking for the vaca- tion of Cedar St rel from Tenth to Elev- enth streets and renrsents that it is the owner of all the land ,trotting the part of said street so asked to be vacated; now therefore. Resolved. Ih:.t the City Engineer Le di- rected to mate,• a stirv,•v and plat of that Tart of C','dai,' st,,-'•I proposed to be va- cated to in said Engineer's office subject to public inspection and to give the notices r^,Inirod lry ordinance to all owners of pro,,erty ;abutting said ground proposed to so vacated and to pub- lish the required by ordinance of said pr, ,>,-d vacation. Ald. :Gorr tnovotl to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried. Ald. Cm ranee moved to adjourn until January 21st, 1904, Carried. C. F. AREND'I'. City Recorder. Attest: . Recn ' lc1'. !I 10 Regular Session Jan. 21, 1904. CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session, January 21st. 1904. (OFFICIAL.) Council met ,tt S:00 o'clock P. 1\f. Mayor L',ag in the chair. ]:'resent—.l,ls. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Hort., ,Jones. Raymond and Sheridan. Absent—None. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. Petition of the Bank S. Insurance Build- ing Co.. by .1. IL Shields, asking that the assessment for the year 1003 on the Bank and Insurance building be fixed at the sum of $75.000.00 in accordance with the contract entered into by the City. On motion of Ald. Raymond the petition was granted. Petition of D. E. Lyon requesting that the City Treasurer be ordered to accept $81.15. one-half of the taxes, in full pay- ment.:ts levied against the Lyon -Barnard Co. On motion was referred to the Board of Equalization. Petition of the Schmid Mfg. Co. asking for the cancellation of their assessment for 1903 according to Committee of the Whole report adopted in June, 1903. Ald. Clancy moved to grant the peti- tion. Carried. Petition of Mrs. Mary E. Canovan et al asking that an electric light be placed on Chestnut street west of Walnut street. On motion was referred to the Com- mittee on Police and Light. Petition of A. C. Buettell asking that the special assessment as levied against the J. L. Buettell estate for cleaning snow and ice from sidewalk be ordered canceled. On motion was referred to Sidewalk Inspector and he to report at the next meeting of the Council. 1'he t'nllowing petitions were r,•Ierred to the Delinquent Tax committee: Petition of Jno. Albrecht asking that his taxes for 1903 be ordered eancelcd. Also petition of Jno. Plein asking that he he exempt on his homestead from taxation to the amount of $500.00, he be- ing an honorably discharged union sol- dier. Also petition of Alma 11. Carberry ask- ing that she be exempt on her home- stead to the amount of $800.00, she being the widow of an honorable discharged union soldier. The following petitions were referred to the board of Equalization: Petition of I'I:nn I. Gantenbein, ask- ing that the w-sessment on lot 2 in For• ter's :\d,l., he e dnced from $600.00 to $1011.ua. Also p'titi,m of Anna G. Adams, ask- ing that the assessment on lot 3 in Por- ter's Ad.l. he reduced from $400.00 to $350.00. Also petition of Airs. Platt Smith, ask- ing that the assessment on lots 9 and 10, Sub. E r/. of City hot 655, be reduced from $6,500.00 to $4,900.00, Remonstrance. of Jos. Rummel, et al, F, \1anahl, e1 :,1, H. C. Brandt, et al, \\'m. Singrin, ct :t1, \V. Wilkinson, et al, 1. 13. Iiecknian, et al. Jim. Sheller. et- al, W. I. Maine, el Al, Chas. E. Day. et al, Aug. Prange, et al. .Ino. (lose, et A. S'ltnihe, et al. remonstrating against the vocation of I', day Street from 'Tenth to Eleventh Sttects. Alda Shiai ,Lot mt.\e,I to suspend the I'll1, s for the l,ul'I n„e of heating the re- ntonstrtltots objecting against the vaca- tion of said Cedar Street. \I r. Jno ,.\lorrisotl, .los. Rhoutherg and Col. D. E. Lyon, representing the remon- strators, addressed the Council objecting against the vacation. Mr. (leo. McLean, President of the Key City flits conmpany, also addressed the Council in favor of the vacation of said street. Alda Ilorr ntovotl•to reconsid, r the action of the Council taken at the meeting of the Council Cold ,lint. 7th. granting the petition of the Key lily Gustompany In relation to the vacation of Cellar Street from Tenth and Eleventh Streets. .Ald. Jones e1oy.•0 a substitute that all the remonstraues he referred to the Committee of the \\'hole and they to view the grounds. Carried. Rha'OR'I'S OE O1" I" ICEIIS, City Engineer Boyce report, d :Is fol- lows: To the honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gent11 men:—I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on Streets for the first half of January, 1904: Amount due laborer's on Strevts ,$135.30 Respectfully submitted JAM ES I I. IOYt'E, City Engineer, Approved: E. E. FRITH, Chairman Committee on Strents. JOSE1'I I 1.. 1iORR, JOHN J. SHERIDAN. ray pity roll for labor on the first half of January, Also submit Sewers ,luring 1f04: Amount clue laborers on Sety,• Respect hilly sill :,,iI led. ,I:\\I I;S 11. I:I,'i'I: ('it y Engine, r. Approved: JIihIN .1. 5I I I:It11,.\N, Chairman committee ,n, Sett, ry. .11'SEP!! hit't ; I I t'I (IIIl.\ NI'f:. (in ntntiolt the I. rolls jr Stn,, is and Servers here received anti ty:irranis or- dered drawn to pay the various amounts :and the oily rolls referral back to the Proper committees. City Attorney Parties reported as fol- lows: To the 1-imnorahle Mayor :Ind Aldermen of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—I beg leave to report that negotiations looking to a settlement of the ease of Catherine Ryan vs. City of Dubuque, have been Lending for some time anti it 1'Isis of settlement has !wen reached between the parties. The plain- tiff was injured on the evening of the 8th of Altgest. 190:1, by trilling over a, defective plank in the sidewalk on the north side of Cleveland Avenue, Sustain- ing serious internal 'ujnrtes. the 'milieu' lars iii cu- lat•s of which are all familiar to your Honorable Body. I lhtye inv,-slig:tted the cause of the injury and feel s:ttislie,l from a legal standpoint that the condition of the sidewalks. at the point where plaintiff Regular Session Jan, 21. 1901. 11 was injuroil. was su,•h as to render the city liaaln in this eas, . 1 have also ex- amined into the extent of tho Injuries sustained by the plaintiff and 1 :nn sat- isfied that h t• injuries were severe and painful and ,he Bois r, -,mired medical treatment from the date of the injury to the present time. and will require medi- (al attendance for :111 indefinite period in the future. 'Under the circumstances above stated, I recommend to the Committee on Claims that this case he settled if possible, an'.l was by- said c.,mmittee instructed to set- tle the same. Its. Ity:nt agrees to accept four hun- dred and twenty-five 1$425) dollars in full settlomen tor all in,iuries. pain and suffer- ing. past and future, suffered and to he suffered by her growing out of said in- juries. tb • city to pay all court costs in this ease. I lherefere recommend that a warrant Lo drawn in favor of the Mayor for the sum of four hundred and twenty-five ($4211 dnllas. with instrnc•tions that he pay the same to said Catherine Ryan upon her signing 11 r •e'•ild in full and stipula- tion of disntiss•il. the same to be prepared by the ('ity .\ttnree). And also that a warrant he drawn in livor of the Alayor foi' the sura ' 1 eight and 55-100 ($S.55) dol- lars. whit instructions that he pay the salve to the clerk of the court. being in Poll 1icr ,osts in said case and take a 1, ,•eipt 111.1 efnr. Respectfully submitted, G. A. BARNES, City Attorney. Ald. ier,• moved that the report be ad - .opted ottd that warrants he drawn in fa- vor of the Mayor for the above amounts, as recommended. Carried. The report of the \Vater Works 'Trus- tees. showing the receipts and disburse- ments for the three months ending Dec. • 31st, 1913. was presented, and on motion was referred to a special committee con- sisting of Alds. Jones. Sheridan and Horr. City Recorder Arendt presented and read the printed notice certified to by the publisher of the Council's intention to levy a special assessment against the differ- ent named property owners. for removal of Snow and Ice frons Sidewalks during the mouth of December, 1903. Also a communication of A. 1'. Buettell .remollstrnting against the speci:,l assess- ment for cleaning Snow and Ice from ,Sidewalks abutting his property. On mo- tion the remonstrance was referred to •the Sidewalk Inspector to report at the next meeting of the Couie'il. Whereupon AId. Frith offered the fol- lowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for Re- moval of Snow and Ice from Sidewalks during December, 1903, in front of and -adjoining the same, a Special Tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set -opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Special Assessment submitted and ,passed Jan. 21st,, 1904. 1903. Description. Total. Dec. 14—Dubuque Malting Co., City - S. 21.G ft., lot 1, 130 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft , ...$ 1 95 V. 1tide] and P. W. L.n Pity N. 2.6 It. 7'. and 77:t, :10 lin. ft. ,,t 1 1-2e per 11 45 Dee. 11—,1. 11. Shields. Dubuque Dar Add., I:I'a k I. lots s -'.a -St,, 48 lin. 11. a1 I 1-2c per 1't 70 Dec, 11—Shields nod 51:1c t:. liodg- don, .Dubuque 11:i. Co.'s Add., Block. 1, lot 17, 170 lin. ft. it 1 1-2c per ft 2 55 ;lee. 15—Shields & Bradley, Sub. 1 of W. lam, 'Block 10, Dub. liar. Co.'s Add.. lot 1, 170 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 2 55 Dee. 15—C. I1. Eighmey. trustee. City Tots 369-570, 230 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 3 45 Dee. 15--111. Cent. R'y. Co.. Dubuque I 1 , . Co.'s .Add:, E. t/, Bleck 1, lot 1. :nit lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per fl 1 50 Dec. 15—II:1yes & Gehrig, City 596 and lot 1 of L95, 110 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 165 10.o. 11—Catholic 1',,iv. of \Vashing- ton, et al, City N. 1/2. Jot 536, 30 lin. 1l. at 1 1 -le per ft 45 Dec. 15-1'. J. Burke. City N. 43.9 ft, lot 117. 100 lilt. It. at 1 1-2c per ft150 Dee. 15—Ellwangcr, Brady, et al, ('ity lot 745, 350 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 625 Dec. 15—A. A. Cooper, City lot 116, 170 lin. ft. at 1 1-2e per ft 2 55 Dec. 15—A, A. Cooper, City lot 198a, 30 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 45 I we. 17—S. M. Langworthy Est, Julia L. Langworthy's Add., lot 1, 75 lin. ft. at 1c per ft 75 Dec. 17—Julia Langworthy, Julia L Langworthy's Add., lots 2-:1. 100 lin 1:'t. at le per ft 100 Dec. l7—Mary L. Bunting, Julia L Langworthy's Add., lot 5, 50 lin. ft at lc per ft 50 Dec. 11—J. S. Stephens, Julia L Langworthy's Add., Jot 6, 50 lin. ft at lc per ft 50 Dec. 17-1'. L. Poole, Julia L. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 7, 50 11n. ft. at le per ft 50 Dec. 17—Leathers.& Trewin, Julia L Langworthy's Add., lot s, 50 lin. ft at lc per ft 60 Dec. 17—F. L. Poole. Julia L. Lang- worthy, Add., lot 17, 75 lin. ft :It le per ft 75 Dec. 17—J. S. Stephens, Julia L 1.'u,gwurthv's Add., lot 18, 70 lin ft, :11 le per ft 70 Dee. 17 --Mary L. Bunting, Julia L I.-u,gwurthy's Add., lot 20, 70 lin ft. at le per ft 70 Dee. 17—F, L. Poole, Julia L. Lang- worthy'.s.Add., lot 51, 50 lin. ft. at 1,• per I't 60 Doc. 17—Julia 1,. 1thombet'g, Guern- sey & Langwnrtiiy•s Add., Lots 7-8, 100 lin. ft. at lc per ft 100 Dec. 17—Carr, Ryder & Adams, Guernsey & Langworthy's Add„ lots :1-I. 100 lin. ft. at le per ft 1 00 Dec. 17—Carr, Ryder & Adams, Lois Add., lot 6. r.a lin. ft. at le per ft50 Dec. 17—Julia Langworthy, Lois Add., lot 8, 50 lin. ft. at 1c per ft50 Dee. 17—Mat Florey, Lois Add., lot 4, 50 lin. ft. at 7c per ft 50 Dec. 18 --John Pier, city, lot 578, 50 lin. ft, at 1 1-2c per ft 75 Deo. 18—J. J. Nagle. Stih, City 579, lot 5, 20 lin. ft. :it I 1-1, per ft 30 Dee. 1S—P. 11. Halpin. cif y' tut 571, 120 lin. ft. at 1 1 -lc per 11 1 80 Dee. 19—.',, A. Ccoper, City N. 61.2 ft, b,t 71. 61 lin. ft at 1 1-2c per ft 96 Lee. 19---haia 11. Richardson, ('ily lot 12 Regular Session Jan. 21, 1904. 128, 170 lin. ft. at 1 1-2e per ft 2 55 Dec. 19—Ellen B. Woods. City S. 2-3, lot 112. 100 lin. ft at 1 1-2c per ft150 Dec. 19-1'. J. Suipp..1. City loC127, 60 lin. ft. at 1 1-2e per ft 90 Dec. 13—Cecelia Adams, City S. lot 5E. 30 lin. ft. 1 1-2e per ft45 Dec. 26—Catli. Hall. Bush's Sub., lot 12, 60 lin. ft. at Sc per ft 60 Dee. & IF. Callihan, Sub. 2, Alin. lot 6:1 and pt. lot 69, Union Add.. lots 1-2, 120 lin. ft. at lc per ft Dec. 26—.T. F. Fart, .y. Sub. 11-15. 131.1.411.., Sub., lot :1. 70 lin. ft. at 1 1 -le per ft Dec. 2t:—It. lionson Est., Union Add, 75 lot 13, lig lin. ft. at 1 1-4e per ft Dec. 111—Jou. Maedonald, MeNulty's Sub. S. 89 ft. lot 2, 190 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft 2 40 Dec. 14—Jno. Macdonald, McNulty's Sub., S. 89 ft. lot 2, 190 lin. ft. at 1 1-4e per ft Dec. 10—Catholic rine. of Washing- ton, et al, Mobley's Dub. 6 and 7 and Kelly's Sub, 1-2, 170 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft 2 10 Dec. 1 i—C;Itholje of washing - toil, it al. Mobicy's hub. 6 and 7 and Kelly's Stilt. 1-2, 170 lin. ft. at 1 1-1i• per ft 2 10 Dec. 10-1 losford, Trent,, et al, Mar- tin's Dubuque, lot s. 30 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft co Dec. 14—Hosford, Trenb, et al, Mar- tin's Dubuque, lot s. 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-4e per ft CO Dec. 11—E. M. Kringle, Sub. 7, Alin. lot 79, lo, it, 70 lin, ft. at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 14- Brewing Co., Sub. City 7ii, lot 13 and 1 of 14, 170 lin. ft. at I per ft 2 55 Dec. 14--.\ It. Staufenbeil, Sub. City 703, lot 211, lin. ft. at 1 1 -cc per ft. 75 Dec. 14—J. .1. Dunn, City S. M. 19.6 ft. lot 61. 20 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft. 30 Dec, 15—Celina Levi, City N. 1-3 lot 24, 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 1 1,0 Dec. 15—C. G. and C. H. Meyer, City N. lh lot 215, 26 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 40 Dec. 15—John J. Keane, City lot 145, 150 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 2 25 Dec. 15—F. Weigel, Est., City lot 55, 130 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 1 93 Dec. 16—G. H. Schumacher, Cain's Sub., lot 8, 150 :in. ft. at lc per ft1 VI Dec. 16—Al, Mathews, Sub. City 738, lot 6, 25 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft..15 Dec. 16—Cath. Stafford, S. M. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 44, 60 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft, 75c; and '100 lin. ft. at lc per ft, 11.011; total 175 Dec. 16—John H. Kleine, Summit St. Add., lots 2-3, 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft 1. 25 Dec. 16—P. I. Earle, Prospect Hill, lots 27-28, 190 lin. tt. at 1 1-4c per ft. 2 40 Dec. 15-1-1. Wunderlich, Fortune's Sub., lot 15, 160 lin, ft. at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 16—Geo. Salot, Sub. 39, Kelly's Sub., lot 1, 80 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 16—Bernard Becke, City lot 301, 50 lin. ft, at 1 1-2c per ft Dec. 16—W. & D. Brunskilt, City lot 627, 60 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Dec 16—Bosserman & Ives, City lot 65, 60 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Dec. 17—C. E. Wales, Prospect Hill, lot 26, 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-4e per ft 1 25 Dec. 17—Mary A. Kemler. et al, Sub. City 721, lot 1, 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c 1 20 83 2 40 90 200 100 75 96 90 per ft Dec. 17.—Mary A. Langworthy, Mrs L. II. Langworthy's Add., N. 160 ft lot s, 130 lin. ft., at le per ft Dec. 17.—.\. \V. Kemler Est., Mc- Coy's Sub., lot 1, 190 lin. it., at 1 1-Ic per ft Dec. 17.—V. I. Poole, Julia L. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 17, 140 lin. ft, at le per ft Dec. 17.--J. S. Stephens, Julia L Langwirtliy's Add., lot 2:;. lin ft., :it 1,• per ft Dee. 17.—J no. L. 13tiettell Est, Nairn's Add., lots 11, 12, 13, 14, 120 lin. ft., at lc per ft Dec. 17.—Jno. L. I3uettell Est, Nairn's Add., lot 1, 120 lin. ft., at lc per ft Dcc. 17.—Emma E. Meyer, S. 51. Langworthy's Add., lots 49, 30, 51, 120 lin. ft., at 1 I -2c per ft Dec. 17.—Jae. Zangmeister, Sub. City 6S8, etc., lot 7, 38 lin. ft., at 1 1-2c per ft Dec. 17.—J. J. Nagle, Sub. City 688, etc., lot 6, 20 lin. ft., at 1 1-2c per It. Dec. 17.—A. L. Itliumberg, Sul. City 688, etc., lot 5, 20 lin. ft., at 1 1-2c DePte--.1. 1f7t.—Mieli. D. Sullivan, Sub. City 685, vie., lot 2, 23 lin. ft., at 1 1-2c per ji Dec. 17.—A. J. Van Duzee, Wilson's Sub., lot 13, 30 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft Dei'. 17.—Trueb, Southwell et al., sal). City 720. lots 6 and 7, GO lin. ft., at Ic per ft Dee. 17.—A. E. Ferguson, Sub. 4 of min. lot 73, lot 2, 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft Dec. 17.—Jos. McCabe. Corriell's Sub., lots 1 ;ind 2, 280 lin. ft., at lc per ft Dec. 17.—Edw. Sluntz. ub. min. lot SI, lot 1, 25 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 17.—\\'. and D. Brunskill, Mar- tin's Dubuque, lot 10, 50 lin. ft., at 1”1. !'t !litz Brewing Co., City S. 130 lin. ft., at 1 1-2c 1 1.5 1 00 2 49 1 40 1 30 ZU 1 20 1 SU Sc 30 1U 40 61.1 GO tit/ 2 SU 3u 50 per t 1 Sc Dec. 1, Miehel, sub. city 525, lot 1. ft., at 1 1-2c per ft 75 Dec. 21,-'2,—John Macdonald, McNul- ty's sub., S. 89 ft., lot 2, 190 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft 2 40 Dec. 25-29.—Catholic Cniversit y of Washington et al., Kelly's sub. 1 and 2, and Mobley's Dubuque, lots 6-7, 170 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft 2 10 Dec. 26-29.—Hosford, Treub et al, Martin's Dubuque, lot 8, 50 lin. ft, at 1 1-4c per ft 6U Dec. 26-29.--J. J. Nagle, Martin's Du- buque, lots 9-11, 100 lin. ft., at Ic per ft 188 Dec. 29.—J. J. Dunn, City S. Al. 19.6 ft., lot 61, 20 lin. ft., at 1 1-2c per ft. 30 Dec. 29.—Fred. Jenkel Est., City S. 14.4 ft., lot 62, 14 lin. ft., at 1 1-2c per ft ZU Dec. 29.—Jno. J. Keane, City S. 72 ft. lot 58 and all lot 59, 20 lin. ft., at 1 1-2c per ft SO Dec. 29.—Schlitz Brewing Co., City S. 1-2 lot 293, 130 lin. ft., at 1 1-2c Per ft 1 95 Dec. 26.—Hayes & Gehrig, City 596 and lot 1 of lot 595, 110 lin. ft., at 1 1-2c per ft 169 Dec. 26.—Dubuque Malting Co., City S. 21.6 ft., lot 1, 130 lin. ft., at 1 1-2c Per ft 199 Dec. 26.—J. H. Shields, Dubuque Harbor Co.'s Add., Block 1, lots 1, Regular Session Jan. 21, 1904. la and lb. 48 lin. ft., at 1 1-2c per ft. tO Dec. 2S.—P. H. Halpin, City, lot 571, 120 lin. ft., at 1 1-2c per ft 1 SO Dec. 28.—C'. .1I. Eighmey, City, lots 569 and 570, 230 lin. ft., at 1 1-2.c per ft 3 45 Dec. 29.—J. F. Farley, Sub. 14 and 15, Bush's Sub., lot 3, 70 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft 55 Dec. 29.—R. Bonson list., t'nion Add, 1,1 II. 00 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft75 D. e. '9.—Cath. Hall, Bush's Sub, lot 12. 00 lin. ft., at lc per ft 60 Dee. _9.-1 :. and H. Callihan, Sub. 2, Alin. let 63 and part lot 69, t'nion Add.. lots 1-2. 120 lin. ft.. at lc per ft 1 20 Dec. :Ie.—Dubuque Malting Co.. City S. 21.0 ft.. lot 1, 130 lin. ft.. at 1 1-2c per ft 195 Dec. 30.—J. Ii. Shields, Dubuque Harbor Co.'s Add., Block 1, lots 8, Sa and Sb, 48 lin. ft., at 1 1-2c per ft 70 Dec. 30.—J. H. Shields and Mary E. Hodgdon, Dubuque harbor Co.'s Add., Block 1, lot 17, 171) lin. ft., at 1 1-2c per ft 2 55 Dec. 30.—Shields & Bradley, Sub. 1 of A\'. 1-2. Block 10, Dubuque Har- bor Co.'s Add., lot 1, 60 lin. ft., at 1 1-2,• per ft 90 Dec. 30.—C, 11. Eighmey. trustee, city. leas 569-570, 230 lin. ft., at 1 1-2e p,•r ft 3 45 Dec. :Ie.—Mayes & Gearig, City, 596 and lot 1 of 595, 110 lin. ft., at 1 1-2c per ft 1 65 Dec. 30.—Ella B. Richardson, City, lot 128, 170 lin. ft., at 1 1-2c per ft2 55 Dec. 30.—Ellen a. wooer, city, S. 2-3, lot 112, 100 lin. ft., at 1 1-2c per ft 1 00 Dec. 31.—Julia Langworthy, Lois Add., lot 8, 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft60 Dec. 31.—Carr, Ryder & Adams, Lois Add., lot 6, 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft50 Dec. 31.—Mat. Florey, Lois Add., lot 4, 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft 50 Dec. 31.—Julia D. Rhomberg, Guern- sey & Langworthy's Add., Lots 7-8, 100 lin. ft., at lc per ft Dec. 31.—Carr, Ryder & Adams, Guernsey & Langworthy's Add., lots 3-4, 100 lin. ft., at lc per ft Dec. 31.—S. M. Langworthy's Est, Julia Langworthy's Add., lot 1, 50 lin. ft., at lc ger ft Dec. 31.—Julia Langworthy, Julia Langworthy's Add., lots 2-3, 100 lin. ft., at lc per ft Dec. 31.—Mary L. Bunting, Julia Langworthy's Add., lot 5, 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft Dec. 31.—J. S. Stephens, Julia Lang - worthy's Add., lot 6, 50 tin. ft., at lc per ft Dec. 21.—F. L. Poole, Julia Lang - worthy's Add., lot 7, 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft Dec. 31.—Leathers & Trewin, Julia Langworthy's Add., lot 8, 50 lin. ft, at lc per ft Dec. 31.—F. L. Poole, Julia Lang - worthy's Add., lot 17, 70 lin. ft., at lc per ft Dec. 31.—J. S. Stephens, Julia Lang - worthy's Add., lot 18, 70 lin. ft., at lc per ft Dec. 31.—Mary L. Bunting, Julia Langworthy's Add., lot 20, 70 lin. ft., at lc per ft Dec. 31.—J. Lobdell, Julia Lang - worthy's Add., lot 50, 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft Dec. 31.—F. L. Poole, Julia Lang - 1 00 1 00 60 1 00 60 60 60 50 70 70 70 60 13 worthy's Add., lot 51, 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft 60 Dec. 31.-3. S. Stephens, Julia Lang - worthy's Add., lot 53, 25 lin. ft., at 1c per ft 25 Dec. 31.—Mrs. Sidney Saul, Saul's Sul,.. lots 1-2-3. 120 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft 1 50 Dec. 31.—J. C. Fitzpatrick, Union Add., lot 151, 85 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c pct. ft 105 Dec. 3I.—I". \V. Fitzpatrick, Union Adel.. lot I -I0, 200 lin. ft., at lc per ft 2 00 Dec. 31.—\f;u•tin Sullivan, Sub. 152, Union A.l.l., lot 1. .70 lin. ft., at lc per c' 60 Dec. 31.—John Pier, City, lot 578, 50 lin. ft.. at 1 1-2c per ft 75 Dec. ;11—J. J. .Cagle, Sett. City 579, lot 5. 5e lin. II. :it I 1-2e per foot.. 75 Dee.:I1--1\htrg. Barry. City S 2-3, lot 551. 50 lin. ft. nt 1 1-, • per foot 75 Dec. 39--Jno. Pow, rs ,•t al. City S 44.0 1't. lot :III. 150 lin. ft. :it 1 1-2e per ft Dec. 30—Mel:art] \\'it ll,r Est, City 11 nnt1 S. 1-2 to 2:15. 125 lin. ft. at 1 1-9e per ft 1 90 Dee. 30---C. G. and C. II. Meyer. a•. City, N. 1-2 lot 235. 25 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 40 Dee. 3c—Bernard n•d 1:eeke. City lot 301, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 75 Dec. 30—\\•. :nal D. Brunskill. City lot 027, 50 lin. ft. at t 1-2e tu•t• ft75 Dec. 31—Idiller 11rewing Co.. Sub. City 703. lot 1:1 and d 1 of 14, 170 lin. ft at 1 1- 2e per ft 2 55 Dec. 31—A. It. Staufenheil, Sub. City 703, lot 20. 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 75 Dec. 31—Geo. Palet. Soh. 39, Kelly's Sub., lot 1. XO lin. ft. at 1 I -1c per ft 1 00 Dec. 31—Mary A. I:emler, Sub. City 721, lot 1. 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-4e per ft. 1 25 Dec. 31—John 11. 1.1 'lag. Summit St. Add.. lots 2-I. 1,0 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft 125 Dee. 11—P. I. Enrle. Prospect Hill .A11,1.. lots 27-28. 190 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft. 2 40 Dee. 31—C. E. Wales. Prospect 11111 Add., lot 20, 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-4e per ft 1 25 Dec. 31—H. Wunderlich, Fort tine's Sub., lot 15, 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-40 per ft. 2 00 Dec. 31—A. W. Kentler Est., McCoy's Sub., lot I, 195 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft. 22 40 Dec. 31—A. Ferguson. Sub. 4 of Min. lot 73, lot 2, 00 lin. ft. at le per ft. 60 Dee. 31—E. Al. Kringle, Sub. 7 of Min. lot 79. lot 6, 70 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft 90 Dee. 31—Cath. Stafford. S. M. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 44. r,0 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft.; 100 lin. ft. at is per ft. 175 Dec. 31—Emma E. Meyer, S. M. Langworthy's Add., lots 49-50-51, 120 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 1 80 Dec. 14—Mrs. C. G. Kretschmer, City, S. M. 1-4, lot 443, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft. 75 Dec. 14—W. L. Bradley, City, S. :II2 ft. of S. 1-5, lot 452, 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft. 1 60 Dec. 14—Al. Matthews, City, N. 1-2 N. 1-5, lot 451, 130 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft. 1 95 Dec. 14—Eli Cole, City, N. M. 1-5 lot 452, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 75 225 14 Regular Session Jan. 21, 1904. PVC. Ii City. N. 1-5 lot 152. 110 lin. ft. at I 1-2, per ft Dee. 11- J. J. Dunn, City. N. 2-5 lot El. in. ft. at I 1-4c per ft Dee. 15 --Jas. Levi. Suh. S. 1-2 Clty IS;, lot 2, 86 fin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft. 14ee. 15 -Jos. H. Shields, City N. Al. 1-5 li.1 156. 25 lin. ft. nt 1 1-2e per ft. Dee. 1:0 -Enti•lia Cimehle. Suh. City. S. 1-9 lot 156, lots 2-1. 75 lin. It. id 1 1-2e per ft. Es,. 15- Ellen S. Hort'. City N AT 1-5 lot 165. 55 lin. ft. at 1 1-24• per ft Dee, 15-.111.). T.ewis. Cit5-. AL 1-5 lot 165. 55 lin. ft. at 1 1-2e per ft 10.. 15-C. J. 'Peterson. City, W. 65.5 14_ S. 69.4 ft. lot 465. 130 1111. ft. at 1 1-2, 1.4.1' ft. Dee. 15 -John Putt. City. E. 47.4 ft, S. 69.4 ft. lot -165. 46 lin. ft. at 1 1-2e per ft. Dec. 14.-W. 1-I. Doane, Oakland Park. lot 5, 50 lin. ft., at 11-hc per ft Dec. 14. -Peter Eiene et al., Elm St. Sub., lots 1 and 2, 40 lin. ft., at lc per ft Dec. 14. -Hugo Ruh Est., Smedley's Sub., lot 10. 100 lin. ft., at 114c per ft Bee. 15-.\. Altitirell. City, S. 1-2. N. Al. 1-5 oil N. 1-2. Al. 1-.. lot It.;. 55 lin. ft. at 1 1-2e per ft. Dee. 15-D. N. Cooley Est.. City. S 1-2. AT. 1-5 )n1(1 N. 16 ft.. S. Al. 1-5 lot 166. 40 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Dec. 15-14. P. Bissell. City. S. 56.1 ft. lot 166. 195 lin. ft. at 1 1-2e per ft. Dec. 15--L. TT. Waplos. City. 45, and S. 9 ft. lot 14, 110 lin. ft. at 1 1-2e per ft. lies'. 15-J. H. Shields. C'ity, N. 42.2 ft. lot 11. 12 lin. ft. 'it 1 1-2(. per ft. 15-.\. Levi. Est.. City. N. 1-2 lot 13. 25 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Dee. 15 -(leo. R. Burch Est.. City lot 51. 110 lin. ft. at 1 1-2(. per ft Dee. 15 -Wm. L. Bradley. City. lot 155. ii; iin.• ft. at 1 1-2c per ft. 15 -Mrs. A. B. Roller, CitY lot 20-I. 10lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 15--W. L. Bradley. City, N. 1-5 lot 1115. is; lin. ft. at 1 1-2e per ft Dee. 15 -Ellen B. Wood, City, E. 97 ft., W. 62 ft. of S. 2-5 lot El, 20 lin. ft. at 1. 1-2e per ft Dee. 15-'iV, H. Day, City. lot 40;1 1)0 1111. ft. at 1 1-2e per ft Dee. 15 -Anna B. Ryan. City. S. 59." ft. lot 460. 150 lin. ft. at 1 1-2e per ft. Dee. 15 -St. Joseph's Academy, City, lot ES. 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-2i. per ft Dee. 16 --Elizabeth Marshall, City S. 1-2. M. 1-5. lot 458. 25 lin. ft. ill I 1-2c pi.i• ft. rtee. 16 -II. B. Torbert Est.. City, N. '2-5 lot 159. 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-"c Is'.'. t't Doe. 16-Alitrg. Pleins, City. N. 1-2 lot 163, 25 lin. ft. at 1 1-2e per ft. Dec. 16 -Mrs. E. Daugherty, City, S. 1-2 lot 167, 25 lin. ft. ;it 1 1-9c per ft. Doc. 16-B. E. Linehan, City, E. 43 ft. lot 171, 25 lin. ft. at 1 1-2e per ft. Dec. 10 -Elena & Altman, City, lot 253, 150 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Dee. 16--A. W. Kemler, City, lot 281, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Dec. 16-11. J. Cooper, City, N. 1-2 ict 277, 25 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft... Dee, 16-N1c. Kauftimmi.. East Du- buque Add.. N. 12.10 ft. lot 126. 12 lin. ft. at 1 I-Ic per ft 1 65 2 50 1 30 40 1 15 75 75 1 95 50 (6i 41) 1 25 75 GO 2 85 1 65 65 40 90 25 1 50 25 30 1 50 225 1 50 40 75 40 40 90 2 25 75 40 15 Dec. 16 -Peter Hansen. East Dit- tman. Add.. N. 1-2 lot 124 S 1-2 lot 125. 511 lin. ft. itt 1 1 -to 3,1. it Ili- -It. 5. AlcEllutney. East Du- buque Add.. lots 117-11S. 1.10 lilt. ft. at 1 1-Ic per ft. 1 00 Dec.h16 -Al ieli. Corbel t. East Du- buque Add.. N. 1-2 lot 115, 25 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft. 30 Dee. 16 •Jollant,ii Patin. City. M. 1-5 lot 152. 55 lin. rt. :it per ft 50 Dec. 16 --Wm, Beebe Est.. City. S 11.5 ft., S. I -I lot .143, 110 lin. It, at IC PCI. ft. Thedinga Est.. City No. 2-5 lot 461. 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-4e per ft. 1 25 tee. 16- E. II. Sheppiey. I ny. 2-5 lot 1.55. 10 lin. ft. at 1 1-2e per ft. 60 16.,•. 16-- it. City. S. 1-2. N. AI. 1-5 lot 451, lin, ft. at 1 1-2c per ft. 40 ),•,.. J. \'. Rider and It. \V Lacy. City. S. 1-2 lot 44o. Is' 1111 ft. at 1 1-2e ter ft. 60 Al. ‘). eviler. City. Al. 1-5 lot 155, 55 lin. ft. at 1 1 -le per ft65 Ilerrnan. (7ity N. SI 1-5, lot 434, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft 65 1 tee. iti-L•twrence elonner. City S. Al. 1-5, lot 434, 25 lin, ft. at 1 1-4c per 30 Dec. 16-Jonantia _Huber. East Du- buque Add.. lot 87, 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-44: per ft 1 25 16-4 Ierman Bank, East Du- buque Add.. lists 911-91. 1511 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c 15,r ft 2 60 Dec. 16-F. A. Scott, East Dubuque Add., lot 92, 50 lin. ft. :it 1 1-4c per ft 65 Dec. 17-P. J. Ruegamer. Sub. Min. lot loiN. Its ft., lot 5, 150 lin. ft. at Is.' pet. ft 1 50 Dee. 17-Engelhart Ilemmi. City S 1-5. lot 457, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft 65 Dec. 17 -Mary Juergens, City S. M. 1-5, lot 436, 55 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 75 Dee, I7 -J. V. Rider, ('ity S. 1/2 M. lot 436. 25 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 40 Dec. 17-11. Dement Est., City N. 1/2, M. 1-6, lot 436, 25 fin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft. 40 Dec. 17-AVm. and F. A. Coates, City N. 2-5, lot 436, 200 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c ner ft 2 50 Dec. 17 -Conrad Lange Est., Sub City 638-639 etc., lot 6, 25 lin. ft at 1 1-2c per it 40 Dec. 17-M. Tessier Est., Clty N. 3-4 N. M. 1-5, lot 185, 1:5 lin. ft, at lc per ft 1 25 Dec. 17 -Nie, Derneden, East Du- buque .A(141.. N. i,4 lot 157, 25 lin. ft at lc per ft 25 Dec 18-11. E. Alulligan, Clzy S. M 1-5, lot 472. 50 lit,. ft. at 1 1-2e per ft 75 IS -J1/1111 .\. b.:st., City N. -11.4 ft., lot 565, 5o lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 75 Dec. 18-1. 1-1. City lot 339, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per it 65 Dec. 18 -Frank Fuhrman, City N. % M. 1-5, lot 469, 32 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c pe- ft 40 Dec. 16 --Jennie C. Theiring, City S 34, lot 163, 25 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft40 Dec. 26 -Nautili: 'I'. Bell, City S. 2-5 lot -149, 80 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft. 1 20 Dec. 26-55'. L. Bradley, City N. 1-5, lot 465, 20 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft30 rec. 26 -Ellen S. Noir, City N. M 1-5, lot 965, 50 lin, ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 75 Dec. 26 -John. Butt, City E. 97.4 ft. S. 62.4 ft., lot 465, 46 lin, ft. at 1 1-2c 1 00 Regular Session Jan. 21, 1904. 15 per tt i.. . Dec. 26 -Anna B. Ryan, City S. 52.2 ft., lot 460, 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Dec. 26-G. L. Torbert Est., City N 2-5, lot 959, 20 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Dec. 26-N. Bray, City M. 1-5, lot 459, 50 lin. ft. at le per ft Dec. 26-H. L. I3issell, City S. 86.4 ft lot 466, 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Dec. 26-W. H. Day, City lot 40a, 80 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Dec. 26-.I. V. Rider, et al, City lot 36a, 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Dec. 26 -Wm. Bray, City S. 1/2, lot 164a, 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Lee. 26-M. A. McHenry, City N. 1/2, lot 164a, 25 11n. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Dec. 31 -Johanna Hither, East Du- buque Add., lot 87, 100 lin. ft. at lc per ft Dec. 31 -German Bank, East Du- buque Add., lot 91, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 31-F. A. Scott, East Dubuque Add., lot 92, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1.-4c per ft Dec. 31 -Geo. \V. and Theo. Schrup, City S. 1-5, lot 432, 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 31 -Lawrence Gonner, City S. 52 ft. S. 2-5, lot 433, 100 lin. ft. at lc Per ft Dec. 31-G. M. Brown, East Dubuque Add., lot 47, 20 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Dec. 31 -Mrs. A. B. Keller, City, lot 204, 100 lin. ft. at lc per ft Dec. 31 -Adam Weiland, City lot 273 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Dec. 31-kicue & Altman, City lot 283, 7e11 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Dec. 31-Ilenry Wunderlich, City S 1/. lot 331, 25 lin. ft. at lc per ft Dec. :a -Mary A. Schulte, City S. Vs, lot :1:12,_l lin. ft. at lc per ft Dec. 31-\I. M. Hoffman, City N. /, N. 1-5, lot -150, 5.1 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Dec. 14 -Ellen G'1l:alleran, Finley's Add., lots 13-14-15, Iso lin. ft. at lc per ft Dec. 11 -Emma Meyer, Sub. 1 of 3 of Min. lot 172, lot 1, 48 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 14 -Home of the Friendless, Gray's Sub., lot 1, 24 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 14 -Helen Wright, Gray's Sub, lots 2-4, 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 14-L. G. Hurd, Gray's Sub, lot 3. 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 14 -Mary Coultes, Gray's Sub, lot 5, 50 lilt. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 14 -Gee. Salot, Finley's Add, lot 4, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft Dec. 15-\\'nt. Plintrager, Farley's Sub., lot 13, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 15 -Henry Biker, Farley's Sub, lot 14, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 15 -Frank Bell, A. McDaniels' Sub., S. E. 1/4i lot 822, 30 lin, ft. at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 15 -Ida F. Hosford, Cain's Sub, lot 7, 70 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft, 90c; and 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft, 50c; total Dec. 15-Kemler & Cain, Cain's Sub., lot 14. 42 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 15 -Mary A. Kemler, Cain's Sub., lots 18-19, 84 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 15-Kemler & Cain, Cain's Sub., lot 12, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft Dec. 15 -Catholic t'niv, of Washing - 75 1 50 80 60 1 60 1 20 1 50 1 50 40 1 (0 8Q 100 1 50 1 60 25 25 75 1 80 60 30 1 25 65 65 50 65 65 40 1 40 50 1 05 50 ton, et al, A. McDaniels', lots 820- 821, 120 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft, $1.50; and 80 lin. ft. at is per ft, 80c; total 2 30 Dec. 16-J. L. Iluettell Est., Quigley's Sub. 710, lots 4-5, 100 lin. ft. at lc per ft 100 Dec. 16 -Wm. Hiatrager, Quigley's Sub.. 710, \V. 42 ft., lot 15, 40 lin. ft. at 1.c per ft 40 Dec. 16-E. P. Callihan, Quigley's Sub. 710, lot 14, 50 lin, ft. at le per ft 50 Dec. 16-Jno. A. Koch Est., Cox's Add., lot 16, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 16 -Gee,. Saint, Sub. 1 of 1 of 2 of City 678, lot 1, 25 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Dec. 16 -Mich. Lentz, Sub. 92, Cox's Add., lot 1, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Dec. 16 -Wm. Lawther, Sub. 91, Cox's Add., lot 2, and Sub. 92, Cox's Add.. lot 2, 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft 125 Dec. 16-W. G. Cox, t'cx's lot 111, 51, lin. ft. .It 1 1-1c rn•: I't. . Dee. 10 -Fred 21.2 ft. lot 41.1. .111 lin. ft. at 1 1-2e Pot' ft. Dee. I7 'I'. D. I.ee. 5111). 1. City 1107, I t :'. _; lin. ft. :It 1 1-4e Der. 17 AW. 1-i. Pe.tbody. Vales & Piel:ett's Sub.. lot 5. 50 lit:. 1't. at lc per ft. 50 Dee. 17 -Jas. \Mille, '1st.. Sub. N. 1-2, A. McD:miel's Sub., lot 2, 30 lin. ft at 1 1-4e per ft. 40 Do,•. 17--:\ ry II. IIndgnun, .\. I`:11111.Is Su11.. Int 765, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-2e per ft. 75 Doc. 17 --Win. .'•1 1 .tile. A. Ah•Utnt- ic•I's Sul... P. 1-2 lot 757. 30 lin. ft. at 1 I -_r per ft. 45 Dcc. 17--At.nvti:a 1'rtlnn•t•, S;;L. City felt, 1401 5. 25 'lin. ft. at I I-_1• per ft. 40 Dec. 17 --Cat ludic University of \\asl,itl:;l,1;I et al, Leven's Add., lots 1 to 11 inc., 1000 lin. ft. :It 1 1-4c per ft. 12 50 Dee. 17 -Louis Iiiesm:tn, Marsh's Dula:title, lot 1, 50 lin. it. at 1 1-2c 11I'I' ft. 75 Dc,•. 17-,1nn. lmwling. Lawrence'': Inlhnllue I. 8-9-10-11, 250 lin. ft. at le pt. ft. ;;'.:111; nt lin. ft. at 1 1-Ic per ft. 7" 3 25 Dec. 7--I i'f1•r Ilocrr, Lawrence's Dulntlnr. lot I1, 40 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft. 50 Dec. 17--Alarin Schwind, Sub. 5, Riley's Sub., lot 2. 50 lin. ft. at ] 1 -lc per ft. 65 Der. 17 --Jos. Riley. Sul). 3 and 4, Itiley's Sn11., lot 2. 200 lin. ft. at 1 1-I. per ft. 250 Dec. 18-(1co. 'Villging, City, lot 155, 125 lits. ft. :It 1 I -2e per ft. 1 90 Dee. 18-1'11iversalist church. City, lot 638, 1:111 lin. ft. ;it 1 1-2.• per ft. 195 Dee. IS -J. 11. Shields. ('ity. N. 3: ft. lot 477. 130 lin. 1'1. :It 1 1-21' per 1't. 1 95 Dec. 18 -Rich. Mallen, Dorgan's Sub, lots 11-12, tl0 lin. ft. at Ic per ft60 Dec. 18-F. W. littmman et al, Dor- gan's Sub., lot 14, 25 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft. 40 Dec. 18 -Sophia L. Baler, Schuler's Sub., lot 3, 10 lin. ft. at lc per ft40 Dee. 18-0. 51. Chatfield, Finley, \Valdes and Burton's Add., lot 17, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft. 60 Dee. Is -Jos. Jeffroy. Finley, 1Vtiples and Burton's API.. lot 10, 50 lin. ft. at Ic per ft. 60 65 40 75 65 75 30 16 Regular Session Jan. 21, 1904. Dec. 1\--Eninti Schwind. Tschirgi & Schwind's, E. 50 ft. lot 13. 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft. 1 0•4.. 18—Emma Schwind. Woodlawn Park. lots '216. 71 in. ft. at Ic per ft. Dec. Tsehirej. Sr., Woodlawn Park. lots lin. ft. at It Dec.1(11 ti Iten J. Schwind, Woo. Hawn Park. lot Se!. 50 lin.a ft. t le per ft. 50 Dee. I'. Trexler, Woodlawn Park. lot 70 lin. ft. :it lc per ft. 50 Dec. 18- AVin. Lawther, Woodlawn Park, has 15::-.15.4, tee lin. ft. :it Ic per ft. Dec. 18—A. J. Lembeek et al, Wood- hmn Park, lot 1e0. 50 lin. feet. at lc per ft. Dec. 18—Anihrose Leiser, Woodlawn Para, 1,1 tIlt. Sit lin. ft. at lc per ft. SO Dec. 18—Albert Johnson, Wooillawn Park. lots 100 lin. ft. at le per ft. 1 00 Dec. 18—N & A It man. Wood - lawn Park, lots 1-2, let lin. ft. at lc per It. 1 00 Dee. Is- Kiene & Altman. Wood - Park. Its 101 lin. ft. at lc per ft. 1 00 Dee. 1:- Is F. uttkland Parli. lot I,. :0 lin. at le per ft. 50 D(e. 2:- Ellee (.11,111,11m. Eieley's Add.. ha, 1511 lin. ft. at Je per ft' 1 SI Dee. ..7;eett. '‘'inley's Add, lot I. 5! ti. it. at le per ft. 50 Dec. ''6--EinaJi Sit vi. Sub. 1 of '3 of Min. lot 172, lot I. 48 lin. ft. at 1 1-1c per it. 60 Dee. •J;—(1eo. .Salot, Quigley's Sub, '1111. iot 17. 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft50 Dee. _!i \\. ilintrager. Quigley's Sub.. 7111. \V. 42 ft. lot 15, 40 lin. ft. tt II psift. 90 Dee. :29—E. Callehan, Quigley's Sub.. 710, 191 11, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft. GO Dec. 29—John A. Koch Est.. Cox's Add., lot 16, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft. 05 Dec. 30—Wm. Lawther, Suh. 91, cox's Add., lot 2 and Sub. 92. lot 2, 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c pet' ft. 1 25 Dec. 30—Geo. Salot, Sub. 1 of 1 of 2 of City 678, lot 1, 25 ft. ;it 1 1-Ic per ft. Dec. 30—W. G. Cox, Cox's Add., lot 111, 50 lin. ft. at I 1-4c per ft. 65 Dee. 30—Wm. llintrager, Farley's Sub_ lot 13, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-Ic Per ft Dee. & Cain, Cain's Sub, lot 14, 42 lin. ft. at 1 1-40 per ft 50 Dec. 30—Franh. Bell. A. AleDaniel's Sub., S. E. 1-4 lot ,,22. 30 lin. ft. at 1 1-4e per ft Dec. 30— Alary A. Kentler, Cain's Sub.. lots 18-10, 84 lin. ft. at 1 1-4e per ft. Dec. 31-1". \V, 'gel I1st., t'ity, 55, 50 lin. ft. at I 1-2c per ft Dec. 31—Mich. O'Rourke. e, 147, 30 lin. ft .at 1 1-2c per ft Dec. 31—Alfred Tredway Est., city, lot 149, 25 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Dec. 31—Bonson & Brunskill, City, lot 029, 25 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Dec. 11--W. and F. A. Coates. Cite, lot 017, 20 lin. ft. at Ic per ft Dec. 31—W. J. and W. G. Cox, Cor- r011s lot 44, 150 lin. ft. at 1 1-2e per ft. Dee. it 511th. D. Sullivan, Sub, City 68,, etc., lot 2, 25 lin. ft. at 1 1-2e per ft. 65 GO 1 00 1 00 50 40 65 lot lot 40 105 75 45 40 40 20 2 25 40 y & PrOVI1St CI t y, lot 637. 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-2e per ft1 50. Dec. ;VI—Universalist church. City, lot 315. 130 lin. ft. :it 1 1-2c per ft1 9& Dee. 31—Cat holic Eniversit y if Washington i•t al, Leven's Add lots 1 to It inc., 1000 ha. ft. 1 I-Ic per ft. 12 50 Dec. 31 --Louis Giesmann. Alarsles Dubuque. lot 1. 50 In. ft. nt 1 1-2r per ft. 75 Dec. 31—Ellen 01-billeron. Finley's Add.. lots 15-13-14. NI lin. It 1,. pia. It. 1 80 Dv,'. Sa lot. Finley's Add_ , lot 4. 5(1 lin. ft. ii ic per ft GO Dee. 31—Jas. Mullen Est.. Finle's Add.. lots 1,1-11, hi) lin. ft. at to per ft. 1 00 Dec. 31—Aiina Zinn, Einley's Add lot 20, 50 lin. ft. at It. per ft. 50 Dec. 31—Emina Woodkiwii Park. lots _ le. 50 lin. ft. ;it per ft. So Dec. :11—N. Sr.. lawn Park. lot 211, lin. ft. ;it le per ft. 50 Dec. 31—Andrew Drees. Sub. city 7:1‘ lot 1. 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-4e per ft. 1 25 Dec. 14.—Frank N. Russo. Sub. 1 of 3, Kniest's Sub., lot 2, 150 lin. ft, at lc per ft 150 Dec. 14.-1'rank N. Russo, Smedley's Sub., lots 1I-12. 2:i lin. ft.. at 1 1-4e per ft 1 77 Dec. 14.—Chicago G. \V. Hy. Co, right of way. Lincoln Ave., 40 lin ft.. at lc per ft 40 Dec. 14.—Mary Ht,heck. ub. 1 and 2 of sub. 1 and 3 of 10 and 2 of 3 of 11, Kniest's sub., lot 2. 110 lin. ft., at le per lin. ft 1 ZU Dec. 14.—Mat tha Weil mei', Smed- ley's sub., lot 13. 15 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft 3U Dec. 14.—Franeisa Wagner. sub. 87- 88, L. II. Langworthy's Add., lot 3, 20 lin. ft., at lc per ft 20 Dec. 14.—Chicago G. \V. Ry. Co, Sandford's sub., lots 00-61, 130 lin. ft., at lc per ft 1 3U Dec. 14.—Frar.eisea Wagner, 0. S. Langworthy's Sub., lot 1, 50 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft 65 Dec. 14.—Wm. K latter et al., Davis Farm Add., lot 213, 60 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft.. 75c; 170 110. ft., at Ic per ft., $1.70 2 47 Dec. 15.—Church, Olinger's Sub., lot 1, 150 lin. ft., at lc per ft Dec. 15.—Jas. Levi, Da vis Farm Add.. 237-238, 170 lin. ft., at lc per ft., $1.70; 120 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft., $1.50 3 20 Dec. 15.—Johanna Frenzel. King's 1st Add., S. 1-2 lot 8, 29 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft 65 Dec. 15.—Jos. Zimmerman, King's 1st Add., lot 16, 90 lin. ft.. at 1 1-4c per ft 1 10 Dec. 15.—A, and T. Schmid, Schaff- ner's Sub., lot 3-4, 90 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft 1 10 Dec. 15.—M, Giesemann, L. H. Lang - worthy's Add., N. M. 31 ft., lot 9, 30 lin. ft., at 1 1-2c per ft 45 Dec. 15.—Dubuque Malting Co., L. H. Langworthy's Add., lots 8 and 8a, 120 lin. ft., at 1 1-2c per ft 1 80 Dubuque Malting Co., Marsh's Add, lot 1, 240 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft3 00 Dec. 15.—Dorothy Klein, L. H. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 4d, 60 lin. ft., at lc per ft 60 Dec. 15.—Martha Scheidecker Est, L. H. Langworthy's Add., W. 110 1 50 41) Regular Session Jan 21, 1904 ft., lot 34, 110 lin. ft.. at.1 1-4c per ft 1 30 Dec. 15.—Frank M. Ellis, Burden- Lawthcr Add, lot 143, 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft 50 Dec. 15.--F. Landoll, Burden-Law- ther Add., lot 142, 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft 50 Dec. 15.—A. 2. Schenker. Burden- Lawther Add., lot 141, 50 lin. ft, at lc per ft b0 Dec. 15.—Stephen Zenner, Burden- Lawthcr Add., lot 131, 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft bU Dec 15.—Henry Drenzy, Burden- .Latwther A,11.. lot 132, 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft Dec. 15.—!'has. itorahauser. Burden- Lawther Add., lot 127. 50 lin. 1't., at le per ft 56 Dec. 15.—S. Zenner, Burden-Lawther Add.. lot 125, 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft, 50 Dee. 1.1.—Adam Mueller, Sub. 3, Gieger's sub., lot 10. 1110 lin. ft.,' at lc per 1't 1 00 Dec. 16.—Mary Carney Est., Staf- ford's Add.. lot 111. :n lin. ft., at lc per fl bU Dec. 16.—J. 11. Jecklin Est.. sub. 1 of 143. 1.. 11. Langworthy's Add., lot 1. 2011 lin. ft.. at le per ft 2 00 Dec. 111.-11en. KirkI,t,.1, sub. 10, Dunn's sub.. lot 1, 110 lin. ft., at lc per ft 140 Dec. 16.—R. :u] E. Langworthy Est., Glendale Add., 223 to 228, inc., and lot 246, 200 lin. ft.. at lc. $2.00; 300 lin. ft.. at 1 1-4c per ft., $3.755 15 Dec. 16.—Barbara Zugenbuehler, Glendale Add., N. 1-2 of lot 260, 25 lin. ft.. at 1 1-4c per ft 30 Dec. 16.—Thos. O'Brien, Glendale Add., lot 158, 50 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c65 Dec. 16.—Mary L. Bunting, Glendale Add.. let 82, 50 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft f5 Dec. 76.—Martha Zinn, Glendale Add., Iot 81, 50 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 16.—Peter Oeth, Glendale Add., lot 79, 50 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 16.—Gerhard '1'enhaa t', Davis Farm Add., lots 357-358, 70 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 16.—Ada L. Collier. sub. min lot 322, lot, 10, 150 lin. ft.. at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 17.—G. W. Davis, Glendale Add., lot 10, 50 lin. ft., at 1 1-2c per ft Dec. 17.—Aug. Kaiser, Glendale Add!, lot 5, 50 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft65 Dec. 17.—Mich. Majerus, Davis Farm Add., lots 343, 50 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c Per ft 65 Dec. 17.—Josephine Prowse, Glendale Add., lot 3, 50 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 17.—Math. Riede, Glendale Add, lot 1, 100 lin. ft., at lc per ft Dec. 17.—Peter Nix, Liebe's Sub., lot 1, 50 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 17.—Sarah Reilly, Davis Farm Add., lot 325, 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft. Dec. 17.—Adolph Klee, \Vest's Add., lot 20, 25 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft., Dec. 17.—Shiras, Van Duzee & Hen- derson, West's Add., lot 19, 50 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft 65 Dec. 17.—John Vyverberg Est., Da- vis Farm Add., lot 301, 50 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 17.—Susanna Noel, Davis Farm Add.. lot 299, 50 lin. ft., at 1 1-40 per ft Dec. 17.—Nic Jochum Est., Davis Farm Acid., lot 279, 25 lin. ft., at 65 05 96 1 90 55 6b 1 00 65 50 30 fl6 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 18.—Christian Brede Est., sub min. lot 304, lot 5, 100 lin. ft., at 1 1-2c per ft., $1.50; 100 lin. ft., at lc per ft.. $1.00 Dec. 1S.—Chas. Fosselmtut. sub. min lot 467, S. \V. 193 ft.. lot 1, 150 lift• ft., at 1c per ft.. $1.50; 100 lin. ft., :it 1 1-4e p, r ft., 51.25 Dee. 13.—\\'nt. F. Reinachl. stab. min. 1at 407. N. E. 40 ft., lou 1, 40 lin. ft., at 1 I -4c per fl 1Jec. l .-1'h;1s. Steuck, Frische's sub.. W. 97 ft., lot 5, 511 lin. ft., at 1 1-41' poi ft Dec. 1".- Jos. J. Duertseher, sub. 4, Kni,'st's r'uh.. lot 1 and N. 5 f1., of 1.0. 2, 11'1 11,1. lt.. at 1 1-1'.' per ft., 51.25: -lu lin. It., al 10 p.v 61.. Dec. 1o.-- \Ln . 11111'! n, r, l'ook's Add.. tut _'. lull lin. 1't., at 11' 111.1' ft, *1.00: ..50 lin. ft.. :it 1. 1 -lo per f1., 65c Dec. 15.-- 1 I,'ury ,1 nnglc. Hooper's Add.• lots 15-16, 75 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 15.-1-1enry Scars, Hooper's Add., 18 ;Ind N. 1-2 lot 17, 75 lin. ft., at 1 1-4 per ft Dec. 1S.—.-\. Munsell, Hooper's Add lot 35. 511 lit:. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 1S. --A. Munsell. 1-Tooper's Add, lot 34, 25 lin, ft., at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 15.—Henry Wunderlich, Tivoli Add., S. 1-2 lot 1, 100 lin. ft., at lc per ft Dec. 29.—K. and L. Kolfenbach, Glendale Add., lot 57, 50 lin. ft, at lc per ft Dec. 29.—R. M. Kunz, Glendale Add, lots 58, 59, 60, 250 lin. ft., at lc per ft Dec. 29.—J. H. Jecklin Est., Sub. 1 of 143, L. H. Langworthy's Add., lot 1. 200 lin. ft., at lc per ft Dec. 20.—Nic Gonner, L. H. Lang - worthy's Adcd., N. 1-3, lot 5, 30 lin. ft , at 1 1-2c per ft ll1.1e. :111—.las. A. Hayes. 1.. 06. Lang - worthy's 5. 50 ft., lot 6, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-2,' per ft 1 h'1'. 30—Maury Kohlman, L. H. I.:ntgcvorllly's Add., S. 50 ft., lot 4a, 251 lin. ft. :it I 1-2c per ft Dec. 311—J. 11. \I1•ycr, L. 11. Lang - worthy's N. ?_, lot 0h, 25 lin, ft. at 1 1-4e per ft Dec. 30—I1erntan Zernel•lie. L. H Langwnrth>'s Add.. N. >,_, lot lOj, 25 ]in. ft. at 1 1--I1'' per ft Dec. 30—Elizabeth Nicks, L. H Langworthy's Add., lot 121, 25 lin ft, at 1 1-4e per ft Dec. 30—Af, A. Ilrown, Kraver"s Sub, lot 2, 130 lin. ft. :1t lc per ft Dec. 31—\\'m, Klauor, 't :1l, Davis Farm Add.. let 213, 170 lin. ft. at lc per ft, $1.70; and 60 lin, ft. at 1 1-4c per ft., 75c; total Dec. :11—Jas. Levi, imvis Farm Add, lots 237-235, 120 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft., $1.50; and 170 lin. ft. at le per ft., $1.70; total Dec. 31—R. & E. Langworthy Est., Glendale Add., 223 to 228 and 246, 200 lin. ft, at lc per ft., $2.00; and 300 lin. ft. at 1 1-40, $3.75; total.,.. Dec. :11—Henry \Wunderlich, Tivoli Add.. S. 1/(1i lot 1, 100 lin, ft. at 1c per ft Dec. 31—Jos. Zimmerman, King's 1st Add., lot 16, 90 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 29—Frank M. Ellis, Burden- Lawther Add., lot 143, 50 lin. ft. at le per ft 17 30 1 GO 1 t5 95 95 65 30 1 W 50 2 50 2 U0 45 75 30 30 30 30 1 30 2 45 3 20 5 75 1 00 1 10 60 is Regular Session Jan. 21, 1904. Dec. 29-17. Landoldt, Burden-Law- thcr Add., lot 142, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft. Dec. 29—A. J. Schenker, Burden- Lawther Add., lot 141, 60 lin. ft at lc per ft Dec. 3—Stephen Zenner, Burden- Law•ther, lot 131, 50 ]bt. ft. at Ic per ft Dec. 29—Henry Dreazy. Burden- Lawther Add., lot 122, 50 lin. ft. at Ic per ft Dec. 29—Chas, Bornhauser, Burden- Law'ther Add., lot 127, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft Dec. 29—Sam Starr, Burden-Lawther Add.. lot 92, 50 lir.. ft at lc per ft.. ft Dec. 29—Chas. T. Rieger. O'Neill's Riverview. lot 16, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft Dec. 30—M. 11, helix. O'Neill's River- view, lot 1, nu lits. ft. at lc per ftSO Dec. .:a—Wm. Lawther, O'Neill's Riverview.-. jot 60, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft 50 Dec. 30—Anna M. Kurz Est., O'Tay- lor's Sub., lots 20-21, 100 lin. ft. at Ic per ft 160 Dec. 30—\\-m. tutu t roger. 0 -Taylor's Sub.. lots 22-22-24, 150 lin, ft. at lc per ft 1 70 I tee, :a—Leathers & Trewin, Burden- I,;twther Add., lot 73, 50 lin. ft. at Ic per ft 66 Dement & Duncan, Burden-Lawther Add., lots 74-75, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft 50 Dec. 30—Adam Mueller, Sub. 3, Gie- ger's sub,. lot l0, 100 lin. ft. at lc per fc 100 Total $463 75 Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clacy, Corrance, Frith, Hort., Jones, Rnymoud and Sheridan. Nays—None. 60 60 00 60 50 50 City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil: Gentlemen:—Iia•rewith please find plat showing 11ol,os ' I vacation of part of Cedar Street from Tenth to Eleventh Streets. Proper notices were served en the respective abutting property owners. ilis],ecl fully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. On motion the report and plat was re- ferred to the Committee of the Whole. A communication from L. B. Boswell, Secretary of the Upper Mississippi River Improvement .\ss,ei:ttion, to the Mayor, was presented. acknowledging the re- ceipt of cheek for $75.00, being assessment against the City by the above named as- sociation. On motion of Aid. Sheridan the com- munication was received and filed. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMIT- TEES. Ald. Frith, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee moved to refer the Ordinance In relation to measuring wood to Com- mittee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. Corrance, Chairman of the Com- mittee on Claims, reported as follows: Your Committee on Claims, to whom was referred t Pierce in relati have been snst falling on a sli for $5,,yi,. i.a as , sustained, w„I SLtlenl,•nt he r, he statement of ('lata L. on to the injury alleged to aimed I v her by reason of I,p,ry walk and her claim itnl,tges fur Ilii• bljn'ies SO 1111 reconunend that said eei'ed and tiled. )1. Cult14.\N(1.1, Chairman. moved to ;t, sola the re- Ald ('ot•t•anee port. I'an'ried. Ald. Frith. Chairman of the Committee on Streets. reported as fultows: Your Committee on Streets, w•bo wet'e directed by your honor;,) l,• hu,ly to pre- pare a resolution providing for the erec- tion of gal.:4 at the different nt raiiway crossings. begs to report that we have been over the ground and would recom- mend that the following resolution be adopted: Whereas, It is deemed necessary and advisable by the City ('ount•ii ot• the City of Dubuque for the saf,•ly and conven- ience of the public. that greater protec- tion be provided at the different railway crossings than that which We have at present. therefore he it Resolve,). That the several railroads en- tering the ,•sty b,• instructed to safe- guard the ,lil'f,•rect crossings as follows: At Railroad Avenue That one wateb- man be maintained jointly by the Chi- cano, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad company :Ind by the Illinois Central Rail- road Company. At both Jones Street and First St ' 1-- Thaat three men he maintained jointly by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail- road Company and the Illinois Central Railroad Company. At Second Street and at 'Third Street -- That one mint be maintained jointly by the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail- road Company and Illinois Central Rail- road Company. At Fourth Street and at Sixth Street -- That one man he maintained ,jointly by the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. fail Rail- road Company, the Illinois central Rail- road Company and the ('hie;igo, Burling- ton & Quiuey Railroad Company. At Seventh Street—That one maul lie maintained jointly by the Chicago, Mil- waukee & St. Paul Railroad Compaoy and by the Chicago Creat Western Railroad Company. At T\velfth Street --']'bat one man be maintained jointly by the Chicago, Mil- waukee & St. Panel Railroad Company and the Chicago Great Western Railroad Company. At Thirteenth Street. 1'oarte,•ntb Street, 1'ii'te,•ut Street. Stxt,-t•11tlh Street and Seventeenth Street That hotb the Chi- cago, Alill:mike, ,t, St. Paul Railroad Company and the Chicago (creat \\"estern Railroad Company he required to main- tain gates. At Garfield. Ftbonlbet'g and Eagle Point Avenues—']'hat the Chicago Great 'West- ern Railroad Company be required to maintain gates. At Kniest Street, Sanford Street and Twenty-fourth Street—']'hat the Chicago Great Western Railroad Company be re- quired to maintain gates. Be it further resolved that the City Re- corder be instructed to notify the differ- ent Railroad Companies interested of the passage of this resolution and directing the said Railroad Companies to comply within thirty (30) days from the service of notice. Regular Session Jan. 21, 1904. 19 Aid. Raymond moved that the rel en t and Re$o111tin11 he rc•1errc l 10 the Com- mittee of the \\'hole. Carried. Ald. Sheridan chairman of the commit- tee on Police and Light, reported as fol- lows: Year committee un Police and fight. to whom was referred the hills of P. Pier, amounting to $:1fnn for wood furnished the Police deportment. would recommend that :I warrant lie order,d drawn on the Treas- ure] in settlement of the claim. JOlIN J. SIIERIDAN, Chairman. Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. .\Id. Jones, chairman of the committee on Electrical Construction. stated that the telegraph pole located at Ninth and Alain streets is m bad condition and should be removed at once and moved that the matter be referred to the committee on Electrical Construction with power. Car- ried. RESOLF PIONS. Ald. Frith offered the following: 11e 11 Resolved IIV the ('its' Council of the City of ltuhInlne. That the City Re- c•nrder he instructed to notify the differ- entrailroad en111 . 14irs to repaint their crossing signs and to maintain said signs at all times in a legible condition. And be it farther Resolved. That the Chief of Police be and he is hereby directed to compel said railroad companies to comply with the ordinance in regard to the speed of trains within the city limits. _\]d. Frith moiv•d to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried. Aid. Frith also offered the following: Be 1 Resolved ILy the city Council of the city of Ilnhlulue. That the City En- gineer be 11 1 he is hereby directed to prepare :1 plan showing the most feasible manner 0f providing for the water which flow., ,lawn Eagle Street to h:msley's Lane. \Id. frith moved to :Idnpt the resolu- tion. carried. Alderman Clancy offered the following: Be it Resolved by the city council of the City of Dubuque, That thi• committee on Public (7ruunlls and Buildings together with the Fire Chief rind chief of Police, be instructed to investigate the different public halls, assembly rooms and opera houses in the city with 11 view of taking such measures as may be Iloaught neces- sary to protect the lives of the public in cast• of fire or dangerous eunstrnolinn. Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried. Ald. Raymond moved to adjourn until Feb, 4th, 1904. Carried. C. F. ARENDT. City Recorder. Attest: Recorder rsn List of Warrants LIST 0f [ITY /ijARRtNTS, City Recorder's Office, Dubuque. Iowa, January 1, 1904. To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The following is a complete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of Ia.cember, 1903: C. H. Berg. salary, Mayor $1.116 G5 H. I3rinknt::n, salary, Treasurer133 30 J. A. McKinley, salary, Keenly Trcasul.t•r 100 00 Jno. Krayw, clerk, 'M'easurer's of- fice t'll 0i1 Chas. F. Arendt, salary, Recorder.. 110 65 Wm. A. Kaep, salary, Deputy Re- corder SO 00 F. B. Hoffman. salary, Auditor 110 05 C. 13. Sellers, salary, .Asw'ssor• 125 On A. Dow,' ,Jr., salary, Assistant As- sessor AAAA 100 00 J. J. Slnrphy, salary, Assistant As- sessor AAAA 100 00 Geo. A. Barnes, salary. Attorney—. 150 00 J. B. Powers, salary. Assistant .\t- tornt y 75 00 Ed. -Morgan, salary. Chief of Police 100 00 Jos. I:einfrictl, salary, fire Chief100 00 J. W. bawl saltily Committee Clerk 100 00 Jas. I:oyee. salary. City Engineer 106 65 E. Anderson. salary, Assistant En- gineer 100 00 F. Neuwochnc•r, salary, Rodman AAAA 50 00 E. Herron, s,tl:try, Superintendent Street Sprinkling GO 00 1\'m. Ilipnuat. salary, Iaeelriei:m 83 30 lf. 'I'rnpf. salary. Afarh,ltuastcr 50 00 P. Ryan. sal:n•y, I':a•k Custodian 40 00 P. Fein. salary, Park Custodian 40 00 T. Falerty, salary, Park Custodian 10 00 Dr. B. F. Michel, salary, Health Of- ficer 50 00 F. Flynt.. salary, Sanitary Patrol- man GO 00 N. Uffernhot, salary, Poundnuaster45 00 Mrs. I I. Koenig, salary, Janitress 20 00 A. C'riwl'..IA salary, Sidewalk In- sp'etur 50 Os H. A. Mm's, salary, \Vharfmasterwi no 51. (Tilley, salary, Alderman re ii, t'urrance, salary, Alderman E. E. brill, salary, .\Merman .1. I.. I torr, salary, Alderman 1{. .!ones. .salary, .\l i!t•1'In:t 11 U.N. Raymond, salary, Alderman J. J. Sheridan, salary, Alderman_ n M. Eitel, fireman J. Estsm:ut, liretn:at A. Dueeinni. lirrnr,tn J. Flynn, fireman J. Roshuo, fireman A. 1 -Icer, fireman J. 'I'sehndi, fireman J. Schon inrger, fireman J. Daley, fireman J. Barnes, fireman T. Ryder, fireman G. Beyer, fireman W. Ducey, fireman F. Murphy, fireman P. Ahern, fireman M. Kelley, fireman D. Ahern, fireman P. 7.iliig•, fireman T. Flynn, fir=man M. Sweeney, fireman H. Cain, fireman N. Wagner, fireman J. Benzer, fireman 65 es 60 nn 50 in 50 0„ 50 0,. 65 01. 75 0t. 60 0t. 65 On 60 In 50 On 50 ai 50 (10 65 00 43 20 65 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 A. Siel tuna ll. fireman 67 50 J. 2,Inrpliy. fireman 54113 0 0030 W. K:u t a ll. fireman 1; (;. (111.11:e. fireman 65 00 'I'. Kennedy, fireman 60 OO 1'. I:aumg,u•lncr, fireman 560 t0 J. Smith, fireman 50 00 C. I<:nuntlt, fireman 65 00 J. Allen, fireman 60 00 M. Fahey, tiro alt at ISO 00 \V'. (l'C'onnell. fireman 50 00 H. fireman 65 00 F. Fenno: llr. fireman GO (N) E. \Icl t,•rnttI. fireman 50 00 W. SI 1 lain, fireman 50 00 A. !1 •,-ki'r. pollee 51 bit .f. II. Barry, pollee 51 613 G. l;urkel, pnliee 51 (r p 51 GI puoIi 51 65 .Ino, I'rtl}. nliee 51 65 \V'. t uok. I:nlice Si Fri W. Corcoran, police 51 65 SI. i r.ugh. pollee fci 0t 0 1f. 1t. minn, pollee 51 U1 ,J. I'itznatriek. pollee 50 00 Jas.Flynn.poli, 50 00 I \\m, i r!lit, Iulie, 51(: 'I', iI t i ill, pnlire 51 es F.. (;tassel. pollee 51 (15 13. Gray. pollee 51 fit Pat I laulon. pubic, 50 00 M. Killy, police 51 65 ,inn. I...elseller. pnliee 50 011 P. :\l ea'oli!ns, pol!t• 51 f5 It. 511 ' 'niey, police 51 65 Jho, Moor,, piliee Gil (0) It. Norton. police hi 65 M. t t'i'ntinur. pollee 51 65 Jan. Murphy, !',,,lie, 50 00 67 20 5165 67 20 67 0(1 51 6..-r 62 00 51 61 50 00 45 45 00 Tom .'tce,ncy, police 6 2 01! 51 65 Mrs. Keit. IliLhe, mitran :1000 IV's.: It. lirenn'tn, matron 30 O0 Labor of Streets for the first half of November, 1903: A. Alderson. labor $ 135 W. Armstrong, carpenter 13 50 John Burns, labor 2 70 Paul Becker, labor 6 75 131uecher, labor 2 40 ,Ins. Brown, labo' 16 20 55'. Coughlan, labor 10 80 H. Cobb, labor 16 20 Jas. Connolly, labor 16 20 Jas. Callahan, foreman 20 00 H. Cosgrove, driver 20 00 Thos. Donahue, labor 2 70 John Egan, labor 5 90 John Engels, labor 810 George Frost, foreman 20 00 Pat Fenelon, labor 1620 Nelson Frith, stoker.... 50 00 Pat Gilloon, labor 135 Jos. Grab, labor 10 Jos. Guenther, labor 2 70 C. Gantenbein, foreman 20 00 George J. Hahn, foreman 20 00 James Hird, labor 135 Amb. Hird, labor 70 Martin Lonergan, labor John Heil, carpenter 22 50 J. Kraus, labor 16 20 M. Kilhurg, carpenter 1365075 T. (':u•ter, Jno. Raesli, pollee ((Ito itath. entice T. Tidily. pone.. its, hymn. pollee P. Scharff, pnlieIndic('.51. Selterr. pulpollee\T. Staplet,m, pnliee 1'. Sullivan. police Inn. f.. Su!livnn, pnliee P Stu I'll.. poi Pe I'. I, %eitlrtan. police List of Warrants Alit:, Lavin. labor 5 40 A. \V. Miller. lahor 1. 35 AleHoy. lahor (3 75 Jos. :\iartinek, labor 1 35 .11)1111 NieNulty. labor 4 (15 \V. (('1 311 foreman 20 00 John Parker. lahor 70 Jarnes Ryan. labor Jos. 1(4001,,y. driver 24) 041 Nick Sweeney. lahor 9 45 Aug, soyke. labor 1 :7) Schen.. hihor 1:3 50 Jas. 541140 \. lo hor 17 55 R. Turner. Ichor 1 05 John \Velsh (C.11,11011.1), labor 1 35 AV. \Vearmont h. foreman 20 10 '17110s. Y111111g. 75 co Josh calvert. team 7 20 Josh ( 'Overt. team (contract) 18 00 111 1)01!. 19 in 11 70 11. Hannan. team 7 20 J. Ilandenshield, te0t11 3 Go .1. 1 luffrnir,. t,•am (contract) 3791) Pat. Linehan. team 7 2(1 J. J. 1\leCollins. team 3 60 Jeff McCirath. team 13 50 seeicy. team 28 80 James T.Thin. team 3 110 11. Theis. team 9 90 for the last half of 1.11111.1r t 145: P. casserl . labor 19 20 J. ('o hill. labor 19 20 R. '1'. I.:ddy. foreman 25 00 R. A. lahor 19 20 F. Holinecher. labor 19 20 P. K('rim.ally. labor 19 20 Pat Sage. labor 19 20 Landon Taylor. labor 19 20 Labor on :\ it. Carmel Avenue during the last half of November, 1903: Ben. Burd. quarryman 4151) Rich. Burns. labor 9 45 Mike Cal m•y. quarryman 1 50 1 37, 1). Cunningliam. labor John Co quarryman 1). Ca 69 01)45 Thos. quarryman 16 50 rm.y. quarryman 16 50 Pet4 r (114 I\. quarryman 9 75 11 ik 1 la 11. 5 55 John 11 i Cey. labor 9 45 Thos. 11:odineY. quarryman 10 50 'rhos. 1:,,a 11114) 11y. foreman 20 00 Mat. Kenneally. quarryman 7 20 Rob. Love. quarryman 10 50 John Mahoney, quarryman 16 50 James SI) 1.000, lahor 9 45 James AleCarron, labor 14 85 John Powers, quarryman 15 00 Tom Sha, quarryman 6 00 sil,,ehan, quarryman 3 40 John Letiihan, team 25 20 \V. Wr0)(1s, team 23 40 Team hauling Sprinkling Wagon during the last half of November, 1903: James H. Keefe $ 2 03 P. Baumgartner, Assistant Market - master $ 28 35 L. Daily, cleaning around Market Square H. J. Tropf, board of prisoners for November Jno. A. Voelker, furnishing crepe and material for draping Police Headquarters Wm. Brode, sawing wood at City Hall Jno. Bohn, inspector on Bee Branch Sewer 50 00 H. Corrance, supplies at City Hall3 05 P. Pier, pine wood at City Hall 3 25 A. E. Bradley, glazing at City Hall and Ninth Street Engine House8 60 Geo. W. Healey & Son, grass seed 28 tn) 904) 650 4 75 21 for Washington Park 2 00 P. T. Seippel, lumber for West Du- buque Sea les 1 50 \V. \V. \V helan, repairing vaults in lteeor‘ler•s and Auditor's office4 90 W. \V. Whelan, 1 dozen zincs for City Hall 1 70 l'ap • & .1.(equinot, repairing foun- tain :it Dodge and .Bluff streets.— 3 55 1-1,1,01 Printing Co.. blank stationery iteeorder's office and Commit - 1'' Clerk 8 25 Palmer. 13erg & Co., 100 time books :111.1 1)11101: siationery for various departnn uts 3023> Key City Gas co., o for various departments 92 2° ey City (3;1 1.. 1'. a.11 1 for gas K at Armory 1 611 T. .1. Paisley, juror for change of t ill bluff Street 10 00 Voelker. juror for change of grade on Bluff Street 10 UU \V. A. Leatli,rs. juror for change of grade on Bluff Street 10 00 F. Sehloz & Son, repairs for Road department 9 80 Ott. :.\1( user & Co., lumber for Road and Special Sidewalk departments 64 65 Ott, Alenser & Co., macadam for Road department 14 03 Rurnpf. Frtith-ii Lumber Co., lum- ber for Road dep:u.tment 32 oU Rurnpf. Prudden Lumber Co., lum- ber for Special Sidewalk and Bee Branch 34 35 L. Lindenberg, hardware depafor Road department 1 4605 Eagle Point Lirtment : me Works, A. Sig, •urbing furnished Road de- 56 15 n P. cl.oe•y Est., cinders furnished rtmet 41 141 department 12 25 P. 4 Tilley Est., unloading and haul - 44 I ti,t•I: crusher Key rite Rooting Co., sewer pipe 11.1 eement for Road dcicirtment23 95 Jno. L. icht, sand DA. Road depart - 4 OU men A. Heim, brick for }toad depart- ment 12 90 F. A. Miller, brooms for Road and Fire departments 9 SO Smedley Steam Pump Co., manhole covers and Hogs for Road and Bee 27 1.111 13ranch departments Martin, Strelatt Co., coal for Steam .Roller 21 43 W. Marshall, repairing Steam Roller 729 800U P. Pier, coal for Steam Roller Butt Bros., rods for Hock Crusher12 85 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co, Packing for Steam Roller 4 78 P. Hanson, oil and matches for Steam Roller 80 Wagner & Dorgan, use of truck for hauling crossing* stone 1 Zb 'Wunderlich & \Viederholt, horse shoeing for Fire department 12 65 Lagen & Sloan, horse shoeing for Fire department 16 00 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Fire department 76 G. W. Healey & Son, 400 toe calks for Fire Department 13 25 T. F. Kane, hay and oats for Fire department 497 75 Ott, Meuser & Co., shavings for Fire department 8 26 Dubuque Oil Tank Line, oil for Fire department 7 'at P. Pier, hard and soft coal for Fire department 302 311 A. Y. McDonald & Morrison Mfg Co., diaphram rubbers for Fire de - for Road macadam List of Warrants. partment lutt.t Iron \\"arks, repairing Steamer C. Falkenhalner. glass and varnish 2 +5 Stetc;Irt ]6 7: '2 50 for Fire department e Etc hhurn & Bechtel. bran for Fire3 l lredeemellu;u . excavation permits fin 1$ ck•partment II. Oa -ranee• salt and matches for II. Ilrinl:n;an. internal paid on war-II'Ix i. for Dire department rants. rants outstanding \V. 11. Torbert. Jlicarb. Soda and II. Brinkman. refunded regular tax 11 Is Drugs fur Fire department14 36 H. 1 -Brinkman. express charges (En- B.. E- - e. E. Twaitea. pasturing horse for gineert a` Fire department 12 50 I-1. Brinkman. Library orders paid.. It's :.s H( Ill, y \ Drown. glass and oil for Putnam.. Police ProtectionAssocia- liro dep: n•Iment 95 tion. loan -IMI ill Fey City (:as Co., coke for Fire de- .1. P. Itvan. loan _oa tie ley City Gas Co.. rental gas arc at part melt 20 9J P. AIc I veiny, loan "011 1141 First National Bank, loan 5,1041 141 German 'Prost & Sayings (Sank. loan 111,10111'II Labor on Stre -ts' hiring the first halt of December. 1003: .los. Bruuilleue. labor $ 5 7201 John Burns. labor 70 Paul Becker. labor ole, A. IPulein, labor 135 1 r, d Berg. labor 1 35 Jus. I:rua n. laborJO SC \\'. I', ulghlait. labor 4 75 Jelin Clnbett. Inbar' 340 II. Cobb. labor In su Jas.(lunn1iity, labor 11113:(111): a `I .1.1, -,.Callahan. foreman•)1 no I I. 1'uogI asci'. driver 41 tie M. 1 r1ln,•g;lU, labor 1 Peter I lx. labor I :C John Egan. labor 1 11:, John Engels. labor 4 George l'rusl_ (,a'i'rman wl on \Int. Petsclu•lc, la1)ut• S 1,a .lobi Flynn. n. l abut• 7" 1'11t I"enelon• labor.-, I CBlas.. ahot• - u', .i .- ir.th. labor 1 .1... :n, tither. labor 12.21 I 1'.•I. r I:m.11(.n•r. labor ' III (:. I:,Itit,-nbein. fnrcno it _u un H. Corrance, oil and candles for toil .1. II:t lnl. la 1,..r _a ul Sewer department tJ ohn l letl. carpenter _' :'t Globe -Journal, official printing for N. 1:e1t1•nhofeu. labor I Niuvembei' 60 (ii Jake Kraus. Ia1)ur 1': ''; Jake Kis ter. labor 7'I The Times. official printing for i \„tv•nuta'r 15 tJo J1. Lavin, labor 4 O1 1,uLu:lne 'I'ell•gr;lllh-lioruld. official \I. l.nnl•rg:ut. 1;11)11! 240 printing for \oyenl1)or 50 (III .\. \\'. \filler. labor 1'_'0 National 1 rentokrat, official print- Tont \lalloy, labor o •lot ing for \ut•I•mber _ rn .los. .\l: u•tinek, labor 11-231 711 I titan Electric Co., :ire light for John Alc\ulty, labor 3 40 \uyl•ntber 1'15 77 P. A11.1'obnrl1. labor 2 e5 T. E. Frith, i• u:oyiug garbage and H. J. Netiwoeluna•, Iahor _ (>.5 11,•1111 animals for November "I7 AV'. O'Brien. forem;ln '..2.,100 J. I•:rux,!orff ,' Sills. 1, ut',Ity:,re for John F'feiffer, labor :r 4.1 Alt. Carmel .\t'1 1111 John Parker. laborOa I ill. .7:n•eer & ('u.. dyn:Imile and \\', riel•tkln, labor 70 Pose for .lit. I'nrntel Ave•I1,;; Su \lauriee llninlall, L'lbnr 1 -a G. \\'. 11.•;11ey , Son. dynamite and las. ]{Honey. 'rivet .0 411 fuse for .\It. (':u mel .\ yo :,', Niel: Sweeney. labor _ 711 J. \i'wul:ul O Son. repairs for e r:ulrh Scher.. labor 11' I:, Sprinkling III 1,:111111elit 1 7. .I. ,traHey. labor I7 fr:r D. \V. Laoy. craning Grace street 117 r11 Laurence 'Trost. labor :711 il• l Farrell II & Suly t. grading' \\'il- \\'. \Ce:u•mouth. 111111)It) _0 0(t lore su:•I t fir 1 Josh Calvert, team 3 1:0 (''has. Stench. grading' Broadway S1. (la ntetibein, team 1 SO I:xtensiotl 1_'4 r5 Mike Hannan. team _ 70 tr'1'arrell & Street. estimate for im- I. Iluffutiro. team (contract)2:3370 1:roving \\'Sire• street 661 ,i5 Pat. Linehan, team :', 60 n'l011rrell & Street. ;unount retained Al. Maher. team UO for ,laying alb•! between Locust J:nuos Tobin. team :1'J and IBlutl' streets. frons loth to 11111 sweets oS Labor Ili Sewers during the first halt ('has. Stench, estimate for improv_ of Dec.tuber, 79113: iug liro:Illw \- Extension 11U7 .II Pat Casserly. labor $ 19 21 1'. J. Neillln•I. lumber for Special J. Corcoran, labor 19 20 Sidewalk department of _o R. T. Eddy. foreman 15 011 Peter I:isbach. estimate for can- R. A. Fuller, labor 208C su ucting Ile, Branch storm water i F. ilohnecker, labor 19 20 Central Engine Ilouse 1 0 J. Nitcenun & S ,n, repairs at Fourth Street Engin. !louse 8 611 Butt [fres.. repairing hook and lad- der truck aunt hose cart for Fire 1u•I,artmont 84 35 'Butt Ilres.. repairs ,at cart for Delhi Street Engine r loose 4 40 Dubuque Mattress Factory. 1 mat- tress for Fire department 2 00 'Game•we11 Fire Ala m Telegraph Co.. 1 dozen fire alarm keys 3 00 1.7. Schilling, repairs at Central En- gine lions,, 3 00 -G. S. Weaver. lilting storm sash at Fourth Street Engine House7 W F. M. Jaeger & Co., police whistles amt nippers for Police department 3 75 J. Iluffineier, hauling clay at Patrol louse 1 25 'I'. I. I1;mo. oats delivered at Patrol l lulwe 57 60 Roti Ih1•s., repairs on patrol wagon 3 75 Iachltorn & Bechtel, supplies for Aiatronn department 8 55 G. I t. Davis Co., dishes for Matron department 1• A. Rlnetsc•h. milk tickets for Matron department ...... ... 1 73 C. J. Saunders, meat for Matron department ' 8 75 Official Notices. 2i3 P. Kenneally, labor 19 2' P. Sage, labor 19 21 Landon Taylor, labor 20 8C Grading Mt. Carmel Avenue during the first half of December, 1903: James P.eakey, quarryman $ 13 50 Ben Hurd, quarryman 7 50 Peter c'arney, labor (Rush St) 5 40 Lant. I %thill, labor 5 40 Hugh Connell, quarryman 6 00 Mike Chevallier, quarryman 6 00 D. Cunningham, labor 12 77 John Carney, quarryman 13 5C Thos. Cahill, quarryman 13 50 Peter Carney, quarryman (S. Dodge) 7 5C Mike Carney, quarryman 7 5C Peter De Fontaine, labor 5 40 Mike Farrell, labor 4 0: John Furey, labor 10 80 Tom Hird, quarryman 4 5C Mike Hall, labor 6 75 Mat. Kcnneally, quarryman 10 5C T. Kcnneally, foreman 20 00 Ed. Manger, quarryman 3 00 li John Smith, quarryman 6 0( Mike Sullivan, quarryman 12 7 Torn Shea. gnat•ryman 7 70 Mike 1:e0'Inca lly, team 27 21 John Linehan, team 7 21 Frank .Alathis. team 25 2) D. O'Meara. team 1 1) George Reynolds, team 7 21 Ed. Seeley, team 7 21' W. AV',.0115, team 3 60 G, Can hie, collecting back taxes60 30 T. O'Meara. carpenter repairs at 1st \\':n d Scales 15 00 Nester & Hammel. repairs on water fountain at High Bridge 4 50 I hereby certify- that the foregoing is 0 correct list of all warrants issued by me .during the month of December, 1903. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. NOTICE. Chief of Police Office, Dubuque, Iowa, January 20th, 1904. To All \Vhoni It May Concern: Notice to Auctioneers, Pawnbrokers, Junk Dealers. I -Lacks, Omnibuses, Car- riages, Drays, Teamsters, Expressmen, Hotel Keepers, Restaurants, Eating 1 -louses, Owners of Billiard and Pool 'fa- bles, etc., Bowling Alleys, Peddlers, Thea- ters and Shows, Hotel Runners and Por- ters, Transient Merchants, Street Ven- dors, Vault Cleaners and Scavengers, and Owners of Dogs. Notice is hereby given to all parties requiring a city license, that the same is now past due and if not paid immediately, they will be prosecuted in accordance with the ordinance on that .subject. which was adopted and passed by the City Council September 3rd, 1903. THOS. REILLY, 1-20-10t Chief of Police. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE prohibiting the throw- ing, casting or sweeping of nails or broken glass on any street, sidewalk or alley and prohibiting the throwing or casting of bottles or tinware upon the same. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. No person shall throw, cast or sweep any nail or nails or broken glass or throw or cast any bottle or bot- tles or any tinware of any kind or de- scription upon any sidewalk, street or alley in the City of Dubuque. Section 2. Any person violating' Section One hereof shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined not less than one dollar nor more than five dollars. or be confined in the county jail until such fine including costs of prosecution have been paid, not exceed- ing thirty days. Section 3. This Ordinance to be in force and take effect from ilia! after its passage and publication one time in the Dubuque Globe -Journal newspaper. Adopted Dec. I'7tin, 1903. Approved Dec. 21st, 1903. C. N. BERG, .vtayor. C. F. ARENDT, Attest: City Recorder. Published officially in the Evening Globe -Journal Dec, 30th, 1903. C. F. ARENDT, 12-30-]t City Recorder. ACATION I' OTICE. . Notice is hereby given, That there is now on file in my office a plat asking the vacation of Cedar street from Tenth street to Eleventh street. All persons having any objections to said proposed vacation must file their claims In my office on or before January 21st. JAMES H. BOYCE. 1-9-10t City Engineer. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To All Who Are Named Below: You are hereby notified that in accordance with an ordinance of the City of Dubuque for repairing sidewalks in the month of December, 1903, that a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof, at the next regular meeting of the City Council upon all lots and parcels of land on said improvement, owned by you, be- ing subject to such special assessment. And you arc notified to appear at said meeting of the Council to be held on the 4th day of February, A. D. 1904, and show cause, if any you have, why said assess- ment should not be levied. 1903. Dec. 1.—C. A. Alexander, Sub. 3, Babcock's Sub., lot 2, 11 bricks, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c $ 35 Dec. 1.—Wm. Stotz, Sub. Min. lot 160, lot 3, 10 ft. lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 45 Dec. 1.—J. T. Hancock Est., Sub Min. lot 158, lot 7, 30 ft. lumber, 60c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 85 Dec. 2.—Wm. J. Strain, City, lot 599a, 120 ft. lumber, $2.40; 1 hour labor, 50c 2 90 Dec. 4.—German Presbyterian Col- lege, Sub. City 675, lot 7, 12 ft. lum- ber, 25e; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 50 Dec. 5.—A. F. Jaeger Est., Davis Farm Add., lots 270-271, 15 ft. lum- her, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 15 Dec. 5.—Jas. Levi, Davis Farm Add, lot 238, 5 ft. lumber, 1Oc; 1-2 hour labor. 25c 35 Dec. 5.—Tim Dillon, Dillon's Sub, lots 1-2, 10 ft. lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor 25c 45 Dec. 5.—Tim Dillon, Grandview Ave. Add., lot 8, 20 ft. lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 65 Dec. 5.—P. F. Dalton, Grandview Ave. Add., lot 3, 20 ft. lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Dec. 5.—P. F. Dalton, Grandview Ave. Add., lot 4, 8 ft. lumber. 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 40 Dec. 5.—Church, Union Add., lots 138- 139, 30 ft. lumber, 60c; 3-4 hour 24 Official Notices.. labor. 10e Dec. 5.-.A. Lorenz, Sub. City 68S, lot 132. a ft. lumber, 15c: 1-2 hour labor, _5 D(e. -Thos. Meehan, Union Ado, etc., W. 27 ft., lit 9. 20 ft. lumber, 40, Be.'. 5.-Duba(ue Malting Co., Davis Farm Add.. E. 70 ft., lot 376, 7 ft. lumber. I' 1-2 hour labor, 25c40 Dec. S. --It. & E. Langworthy Est Gletalalc Add.. lot 213, 25 ft. lum- ber, 50e; 1-2 liar labor, 25c 75 Dec. L. --prank: M. Marsh. Sub. Pt Min. Lot 171. loge 1-2, 33 ft. lumber, 75c; 3-4 h..ur la bot•, 40c 115 Dee. s. -A. J. Van Duzee. O'Neill's Sub. No.2. lot 23. 5 ft. lumber, 10c; 1-2 know labor. 25e 3 Dee. 8.-Buol & Loctscher, Loet- scher & Treub's Sub., lot 15, 8 ft. lumber, 15e; 1-2 hour labor, 25c, 40 Dec. 8.-Buol & Loetscher, Loet- scher & Treub's Sub., lots 9-10, 10 ft. lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 2545 Dec. 11. -Wm. Lawther & J. V. Ri- der, Burden-Lawther Add., lot 17, 10 ft. lumber, 20e; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 45 Dec. 19.-C. A. \'oelker. Woodlawn Park, lot 53. 5 1't. lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25e 45 Dec. 19. -Jobs J. Keane, Levens' Add., lot 2, 20 ft. lumber. 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Go Dec. 19. -Ambrose Leiser. Woodlawn Park, lot 101, 10 ft. lumber, 20e; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 35 Dec. 19. -Carr, Ryder & Adams, Guernsey & Langworthy's Add., lots 3-4, 50 ft. lumber, $1.00; 1 hour labor, 50c 150 Total C. F. ARENDT$,16 SO 1-25-10t City Recorder. 100 40 40 SPECIAL -155E55.IIENT NOTICE. To All Who Are Named Below: You are aerehy notified that in accordance with au ordin:a:,•,• .,f the City of Du- buque I' -n• repairing sidewalks in the month of November, 1903, that t special assessment will he levied fur the expense thereof, at the next regular meeting of the City Council upon all lots and par- cels of land on said improvement, owned by you, being sul,.iec•t to such special as- s..ssnna.t. .\ rel you are notified to ap- pear al said meeting of the Council to be held on the 7th day of January, A. D., l90 -l. and shots cause, it any you have, wlty said assessment should not be levied. IOf3. Nov. 2 -John Powers et al, A. Mc - Daniel's Sub., lot 798, 10 ft lum- ber, 20c; 1-; hour Labor, 25, $ 45 Nov. 2-Cathol;c l'niversity of Washington et al, Levens' .Add., lots 9-1 u, G ft lumber. tae; 1-2 hour labor, 25.- Nov. _ - 1:. Ronson last, S. \I. Lang- wortliy .5Id., lots 9-10, 10 ft lum- ber. Sue; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 45 Nov. '--C. If. Eighmey, Sub. 2 of 8 of Min. Lot 159, S 1-2 lot 1, fill ft lumber, $1.20; 1 hour Labor, Sac 170 35 Nov. 2-Jno. L. Buettell kat., Nairn's Add., lot 14. 5 ft lumber, lee; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Nov. 2-J. S. Stephens, Julia L Langworthy's Add., lot 22. 7 ft lumber, 15e; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 1 70 35 40 Nov. '--Iluan•y Dardis, Sub. 229. Union Add.. lot 2.:17 ft lumber, 75c: 1 hour labor, 50e 1 25 Nor. J-- I t- otk SI. Ellis, Burden- T.:iwthor Add., lot 11:1. 70 ft lum- ber, $1.10; 1 hour labor, 5.c 1 90 Nov. 5-\\'nt. and P. A. Coates. City, N 2-5 lot i:P1. .s ft lumber, 150; 1-2 hour bihor. ' 40 Nov. 5--\I. M. Hoffman, E. Lang - worthy's .\.I,I., lot Is. 10 ft ltnnber, lee: 1-2 hour labor, 25.- 65 Nov. 5 -John .11arzen, E. Langwor- thy's Add.. lot 10. B ft lumber, See: 7-1 hi nt• lalu,t', 40e 90 Nov. 5--i'bictten Great \V,stern 1tailway CIL , San ford's Sub., lot .1, 21 ft lumber, dab; 1 hour labor. 90 Nov. :i -Marg. Pits. l'ook's Add.. lot 6o. 2-1 ft lumber, 50c; 1-2 hour labor. 75 Nov. 5-P. J. Renter. g;utford's Sub., lot 30. 27 ft lumber, 55e; 1-2 hour labor. _5c SO Schneider fi Nieih. Sub. 5 and 7 and \V 7.1 ft of lot 9. Wick's Add., lots 1-2, 17 ft lumber, 35e; 1-2 hour labor. 25e 60• Nov. 5 -Geo Salot. McCraney's 1st Add., let 51, 21 ft lumber, 40e; 1-2 (tour labor, 25e G5 Nov. 6-:\. J. Lemheck et al, Stl:n•slt's Add., B 100 ft lot 45. 5 1't lumber. 1e,•: 1-' hour labor. Br35 Nov. 5- I,. T. I'-rrwell Est., Sub. 2. •;e,,. It, Wood's Sub.. lot 1. 13 ft lumber, '.-,c; 1-2 hour labor, 25e50 Nov. ,-Jno. L. Buettell Est.. Me- eltatde's :Add., lot 94, 10 ft lumber, 2,.e; 1-2 hour labor, 25e 45 NOV. I-linapl,-Stout & Co.. Ituse- man's Sub., lots 19-20, 10 ft lum- ber. 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25.' 45 Nov. G -J. H. Jecklin Est., Sub 113 L. H. Langworthy's Add.. W 1-2 lot 3, 5 ft lumber. 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 35 Nov. 6 -Anna Kurz, Mechanic's Add., lot 156, 10 ft lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 45 Nov. 6 -Chas. Heinze, L, H. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 147, 93 ft lum- ber, $1.55; 1 hour labor, 50c 2 35 Nov. f, John Kemps, Sub. 155. L. II. Langworthy's Add., lot 2. :36 ft lumber, 70c; 3-1 (tour labor, 40c. 110 Nov G-Melcholr Sehlagel, Sub. 15:1, L. H. Langworthy's Add., lot 1, 5 ft lumber, le,-; 1-2 hour labor, Be Nov. O --J. H. Jecklin ISsi., B. If. I.:utw,u-thy's Add.. lot 15i;. 5 ft luntb.•r. lees; 1-2 hour labor, 25e.... 35 Nov. 1;--1,-athcrs & 'I'rcwin, 7.. II. I.atiatvorttn''r Add.. N. 71 1't, lot 151. ., rt lumber, I'--; 1-2 hour la - 35 Nov. G-\\". and I). 1-runslcill, Mar- tin's Dubuque. I. la, 19 ft lumber, 40e; 1-2 hour Labor, 25e P. Hughes, Ne( dham's Sob, lot 1, 7 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor. 25e Nov. G -J. L. Meyer, IIradstreot's Add., lot 15, 1 ft lltlnie r, 10e; 1-2 hour labor, 15e Nov. O -.J. FT. SImplot. Mineral lot 83, 4 ft lumber, 10e; 1-2 hour labor, 25e Nov. 7 -Mika Burke, Stout's Add., lot 4, 298 ft lumber, $5.95; 2 hours labor, $1.00 Nov. 7-Bosserman & Ives, City, S 1-2, lot 334, :141 ft lumber, $2.80, 1 35 65 40 35 350 6 95 Official Notices hour labor. .14• Nov. 7 -Herman Boesch et al., Broadway Add., lots 9-10, 46 ft lum- ber, 90c; 3-4 hour labor, 40c Nov. 10 -Emma White, Finley Home Add., lot 16, 21 ft lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Nov. 10 -Jas. Mullen Est., Finley's Add., lot 10-11, 7 ft lumber. 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Nov. 10 -Frank R. Scott, Finley's Add., lot 155, 5 ft lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Nov. 10 -Jos. H. Hanover, Klein- schmidt's sub., lot 5. 10 ft lumber, 20c,'f 1-2 hour labor, 25c Nov710-C. G. Meyer, sub. 128, Fin- ley's Add., lots 2-3, 13 ft lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Nov. 10 -Anna M. Kurz Est., Fin- ley's Add., lot 129, 27 ft lumber, 55c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Nov. 10-L. H. Waples, City, lot 45, 190 brick, $1.90: 4 hours labor, $2.00 Nov. 11 -Wilhelmina Loeffler, Wick's Add., lot 19, 30 ft lumber, 60c; 1,2 hour labor. 25c Nov. 11 -Leathers & Trewin, Mc- Craney's 1st Add., lot 77, 4 ft lum- ber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Nov. 11-M. D. Goux, McCraney's 1st Add., lot 69, 9 ft lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Nov. 11-R. M. Kunz, McCraney's 1st Add., lot 82, 14 ft lumber, 30c; hour labor, 25c Nov. 11 -Fred. Licht, Davis Farm Add., lot 278, 8 ft lumber, 15c Nov. 11-W. H. Doane, Finley Home Add., lot 11, 13 ft lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Nov. 11-J. I,. Meyer, sub. 76 and 77, Union Add., lot 2, 6 ft lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c Nov. 11-F. W. Fitzpatrick Est., Un- ion Add., lot 146, 42 ft lumber, 85c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Nov. 12 -Thos. Meehan, Union Add, lot 131, 12 ft lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Nov. 12 -John J. Keane, City, lot 697, 18 ft lumber, 35c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Nov. 12 -Mich. Halpin Est., City, lot 574, 40 ft lumber, SOc; 1-2 hour labor. 25c Nov. 13-J. F. McCarthy, Sub. City 724, N. 50.10 ft of lots 4-5-6, 42 ft lumber, 85c;1 hour labor, 500 Nov. 13 -Mary E. Hodgdon, A. Mc - Daniel's Sub., lot 769, 16 ft lum- ber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Nov. 13 -Jemima Sutherland. A. Me - Daniels' Sub., S. 1-2 lot 764, 40 ft lumber, SOc; 1-2 hour labor, 15c Nov. 13-M. J. Everett Est., Sub City 655, lot 2, 13 ft lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Nov. 14-Nic. Glab, Finley's Add, lots 225-226-227, 52 ft lumber, $1.05; 1 hour labor, 50c Nov. 14-Edw. Langworthy Est, Pauline Langworthy's Add., lots 5-6, 130 ft lumber, $2.60; 1 1-2 hours labor, 75c Nov. 14-C. If. Eighmey, trustee, city, lots 569-570, 40 ft lumber, 80c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Nov. 14 -Chicago G. W. Ry. Co, right of way, Rhomberg Ave.. 74 ft lumber, $1.50: 1 hour labor, 50c Nov. 17 -John Deery, City, W. 50 ft, lot 608, 86 ft lumber, $1.70; 2 hours labor. $1.00 Nov. 17 -Mary A. McQuillen, Sub City, 692, lot 3, 10 ft lumber, 20c; 3 30 1 3U 65 4U 35 45 50 10 3 90 85 35 45 65 1b 6U 55 1 IU 6U bU 1 05 1 35 bb 1 06 f1 1 55 3 3b 1 t'5 200 2 70 25 1-2 hour Inbar, 25c 45 Nov. 17 -First National Bank, City, lot 309, 32 ft lumber, 65c; 1-2 hour labor, He 90 Nov. 17-F. L. Poole, Julia Lang - worthy's Add., lot 7, 8 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, He 40 Nov 17 -Julia Langworthy, Julia Langworthy's Add., lot 3, 13 ft lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 50 Nov. 17-5. M. Langworthy, Julia Langworthy's Add., lot 1, 10 ft lum- ber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 46 Nov. 17 -Win. ilintrager, O"l'aylor's Sub., lot 22, 8 ft. lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor. Be 90 Nov. 17 -Anna M. Kurz Est., O'Tay- lor's Sub., lets 20-21. 50 ft. lumber, $1.00; 1 him.. labor, Pie Nov. 17 -GG. Gmehle, Gmelile's Sub, lot 1. 12 ft. lumber, 22,c; 1-2 hour la- bor, 25c Nov. 19 -Jacob Kessler. Glendale Add.. lot 37. S ft. lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 40 Nov. 19-R. M. Kunz, Glendale Add, lot (30, 5 ft. lumber, lOc; 1-2 hour Libor. 25c 35 Nov. 17-Bosserman & Ives, City S. 1-2 lot 334, 80 ft. lumber, $1.60, 1 hour labor, 50c 210 Nov. 19 -Mrs. H. P. & N. W. Kim- ball. Davis Farm Add., lot 337, 16 ft. lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25e. 55' Nov. 19 -John Olinger, Boulevard Add., lots 21-22-23, 30 ft. lumber, 60e; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 85 Nov. 19 -Matt Kettenhofer, Glendale Add.. lot 41, 5 ft. lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour 1a1or, 25c 35 Nov. 19 -Mary A. Kemler and Car- rie Cain, Cain's Sub., lot 14, 16 ft. lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, He55 Nov. 18-D, J. Linehan, Home Add, lots 9-10. 12 ft. lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor. '5c 50 N..v. 1 -.J. S. Dolson, Levens' Add, lot 21, 11 ft. lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 45 Nov. 1S -Al. 1iannig. Sub. 25, Mt. Pleasant Add., lot 1, 12 ft. lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 50 Nov, 1S-Jno. Dowling. Lawrence's Dubuque, lots 7-8, 20 ft. lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 65 Nov. 1S-ICiene & Altman, Wood - lawn Park, lot 49, 10 ft. lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, Bc 45 Nov. 1S -Nellie Dorgan, Dorgan's Sub., lot S, 18 ft. lumber, 35c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 60 Nov. 1S -German Presbyterian Col- lege, Sub. City 675, lot 7, 12 ft. lum- ber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 50 Nov. 20-H. B. Glover, City lot 160, brick walk. 1-2 hour labor, Be 25 Nov. 20-A. Munselj, City S. % N. M 1-5, lot 466, 32 brick, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 55 Nov. 20-J. F. Stampfer, Sub. 1, City 674, lot 1, brick and labor 30 Nov. 20 -Paul Schlenker, City S. 256 ft. N. 2-5 lot 444, 40 bricic, 4Uc; 3-4 hour labor, 40c 80 Nov. 21-A. E. Girard, Hodge's Sub, lot 5. 40 ft. lumber, 80c; 1 hour la- bor, 50c 1 30 Nov. 21 -Herman Boesch, et al, Broadway Add., lots 5-6, 19 ft. lum- ber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 65 Nov. 21 -John Olinger, Boulevard Add., lot 24, 5 ft. lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 35 Nov. 21 -Andrew Bauer. Sub. Min lot 10), lot 0, 18 ft. lumber, 35c 35 1 60 50 • 26 Official Notic't's. Nov 21 -Chicago G. W. R'y. Co., East Dubuque Add., E. 35 ft. lot w07, 13 ft. lumber, 25c; 1-2 hour la - mor, 25e Nov. 21-)'iticago G. W. R'y. Co, Est Dubuque Add., E. 35 ft. lot 211, 10 ft. lumber, 35c; 1-2 hour la- bor, 25c Nov. 23-E. M. & V. Schulte, Ham's Add.. lot -II'. 1G ft. lumber, 30c; 1-2 hoar is IH,1. 25e Nov. 23 -Thos. O'Brien, Glendale Add., lot 1.5". hi ft, lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor. Nov 23 -Chicago G. W. R'y. Co., Sanford's Sub., lot 61, 5 ft. lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Nov. 24 -Peter Eismalt, Sub. 2, Bon - son & Stewart's Sub., lot 1, 43 ft. lumber, 85c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Nov. 24 -Peter Eisbach, Sub. 1, Bon - son & Stewart's Sub., lot 1, 5 ft. lumber, Pre; 1-2 hour labor. 25c Nov. t5 --Nie Engel, Windsor Ave. Sub., lot 3, 8 ft. lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor 25c Nov. 27 -Nis Glob, Finley's Acid lots 150-157. 9 ft lumber. Zee: 1-2 hour labor. 25c Nov. 27 -Ellen O'1-lalleron, Finley's Add., lots 14-15, 20 ft lumber, 40e: 1-2 hour lit tot'. "5e Nov. 27-\V. B. Davis, Cox's Add, lot 2, S ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor. 25e Nov. 27 -Valentine Schiel, Sub. 190- 197, L. H. Langworthy's Add., lots 10-11, 5 ft lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour la- bor, 25e Nov. 28-A. R. Staufenbeil. E. Ltngworthy'r. ,\dd.. N 1-2 lot 20, 5 ft lumber, Ire; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Nov. 2S -P. J. Ruegamer. Wick's Acid., lot II, 10 ft lumber. 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Nov. IS -Frank Jaeger. Jaeger's Sub., lot 2, 10 ft lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Nov. 2S -Jas. Mullen Est.. East Du- buque Add., lot 45. 57 ft lumber, 55c; 1-2 hour labor. Nov. 2S -Leathers & '1'recvin, L. H. Langworthy's Add.. N 71 ft lot 151, 12 ft lumber. Mc; 1-2 hour la- bor, 25c Nov. 30-A. 'iv. hemlet Est., Sub. 4, Ann O'Hare's Sub., lots 1-2, 23 ft lumber, 55c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Nov. 25 -Chi, ,o. Milwaukee & St. Pail P.aitw:i Co.. right of way, Piee and 15tl, street. ft lumber, Teo; 1-2 Iorttl' Not-. 1'.' Tim Dillon. Stewart's Sub., lel5 ft lumber, le 1-2 hour 'a- ria. _5c No V. 12 -Geo. Salot, O'Ilare's Sub, lot 19, 4 ft lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor. 25o Nov. 12-P. F. Dalton, Grandview Ave Add., lots 3-4. 22 ft lumber, 45c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Nov. 12 -Tim Dillon, Dillon's Add, lots 1-2, 10 ft lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor. 25c Nov. 12 -John McQiilliiut, Sub. 184, Union Add., lot 1, 7 ft lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Total 51't:i'I.\I. ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To .011 Who Aro N,uaod I:elow: hereby untitled that In accord - 50 anct• with an Ordinance of the City of Dubuque tor removal of snow and 'ce iron, sidewalks in the month of Decem- ber. 1903, that a spectaI assessment will 60 be levied for the expense thereof, at the regular nteeting of the city Council, up- on all lots and parcels of land on said 56 improvement, owned by you, being sub- ject to such special assessment. 4.nd you aro notified to ;,ppenr at said meet - 45 lug of the Council, to I,e held on the 21st clay of January. A. D., 1904, and show cause. if any you ha ve. why said assess - 35 moat abould not be levied: Special Assessment submitted and 110 passed Jan. 21st, 1904. 1903. Description. Total. Dec. 14 -Dubuque Mating Co., City 35 S. 21.6 ft., lot 1, 130 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft $ 1 95 Dec. 14-Jno. 0'. Rider and 13. W 40 Lacy, City N. 2.6 ft. 78 and 77a, 30 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 45 Dec, 14-J. 11. Shields, Dubuque 1-Iar Co.'s Add., Block 1, lots S -0a -Sb, 48 lin. ft. at 1 1 -lc per ft 70 Dee. 14 -Shields and Mary E. 1-lodg- don, Dubuque liar. Co.'s Add., Block 1, lot 17, 170 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 2 55 40 Dee. 15 -Shields ,\ ltrac,ley, Sub. 1 of \C, 1/2, Block 10, Dub. liar. Co.'s Add., lot 1, 170 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 205 Dec. 15-C. H. Eighmey, trustee, City lots 869-570, 230 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 3 45 Dec. 15 --II!. cent. R'y. tu.. Dubuque Har, Co.'s Add., E. !_ Block 1, lot 1, 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 1 50 Dec. 15 -Hayes. Gehrig, City 596 and lot 1 of 595, 110 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 1 65 Dec. 15-C:ttltolie I'niv. of Washing- ton, et al, City N. ?_, lot 536, 30 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 45 Dec. 15-1'. J. Burke. City N. 43.9 ft, lot 117, 100 lin. t. at 1 1-2c per ft1 50 Dec. 15-Ellwanger, Brady, et al, City lot 742. 350 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 50 Dee. 15-A. A. Cooper. City lot 116, 170 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c pet' ft 255 Dec, 15-A, A. Cooper, City lot 19Sa, SO 30 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Dec. 17-S. M. Langworthy Est, Julia L. Langworthy's Add., lot 1, 75 lin. ft. at lc per ft 95 Dec. 17 -Julia Langworthy. Julia L Ltingwot•thy's Add., lots 2-3, 100 lin, ft. at ]c Per ft 100 35 Dee. 17-M:ny L. Bunting, Julia L. Langworthy's Add., lot 5, 50 lin. ft. at le per ft 35 Dec. li-J. S. Stephens, Julia L. Langworthy's Add., lot 6, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft 70 Dec. 17-F. L. Poole, Julia L. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 7, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft 4c Dec. 17 -Leathers & Trewln, Julia L. Langworthy's Add., lot 8, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft 41 Dec. 17-F. L. Poole, Julia L. Lang- worthy, Add., lot 17, 75 lin. ft. $93 10 at le per ft Dec. 17-J. S. Stephens, Julia L. Langworthy's Add., lot 18, 70 lin ft, at lc per ft Dec. 17 -Mary L. Bunting, Julia L Langworthy's Add., lot 20, 70 lin ft. at lc per ft 45 65 35 35 55 55 SO 5 25 45 75 50 50 50 60 75 70 70 Official Notices. 27 Dec. 17-F. L. Poole, Julia L. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 51, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft Dec. 17 -Julia D. Rhomberg, Guern- sey- & Langworthy's Add., lots 7-8, 100 lin. ft. at lc per ft 100 Dec. 17 -Carr, Ryder & Adams, Guernsey & Langworthy's Add., lots 3-4, 100 lin. ft. at Ic per ft 1 00 Dec. 17 -Carr, Ryder & Adams, Lois Add., lot 6, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft Dec. 17 -Julia Langworthy, Lois Add., lot 8, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft Dec. 17 -Mat Florey, Lois Add., lot 4, 60 lin. ft. at ]c per ft Dec. 18 --John Pier, City, lot 578, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Dec. 18-J. J. Nagle, Sub. City 579, lot 5, 20 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Dec. 18-P. H. Halpin, City lot 571, 120 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Dec. 19-A. A. Cooper, City N. 64.2 ft. lot 73, 64 lin. ft at 1 1-2c per ft Dec. 19 -Ella B. Richardson, City lot 128, 170 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 2 55 Dee. 19 -Ellen B. Woods, City S. 2-3, lot 112. 100 lin. ft at 1 1-2c per ft150 Dee. 19-P. J. Seippcl. City lot 127, 60 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c Per ft 90 Dec. 15 -Corolla Adams. City S. 1 lot 536, 30 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft45 Dcc. 26-Catli. Ilall. Bush's Sub., lot 12, 60 lin. ft at le per ft 60 Dec. 26-E. & II. Callihan, Sub. 2, Min. lot 6% :uul pt. lot 69, Union Add., lots 1-2, ] 0 lin. ft. at lc per ft 1 20 Dec. 26-J. F. Farley, Sub. 14-15. 1lush': Sub., lot 3, 70 lin. ft. at 1 1-Ic per ft 85 Dec. 26-1t. Monson list., Inion Add, lot J:,. t10 lin. ft. nl 1 1-4c per ft 75 Dee. 10-.Iuo. \In,-d,ntald, McNulty's Sub. S. 89 1't. lot 2, 190 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft 2 40 Dec. 1d-Jno. Macdonald, \IcN ulty's Sub., S. 89 ft. lot 2, 190 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft 2 40 Dec. 70 -Catholic nth-. of Washing- ton, et al, Mobley -'s 1 tub. 6 and 7 and Kelly's Sub. 1-2, 170 lin. ft. at l 1-4c per ft 2 10 Dec. 14 -Catholic Univ. of Washing- ton, et al, Mobley's Dub. 6 and 7 and Kelly's Sub. 1-2, 170 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft 210 Dec. 10-Hosford, Trcub, et al, Mar- tin's Dubuque, lot 8, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft 60 Dec. 14-Ilosford, Treub, et al, Mar- tin's Dubuque, lot S, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft 60 Dec. 11-E. M. Kringle, Sub. 7, Min lot 79. lot 6, 70 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 14 ---Miller Brewing Co., Sub. City 703, lot 13 and 1 of 14, 170 lin. it. at 1 1-2c per ft 2 55 Dec, 14-A. 1;. Staufenbeil, Sub. City 703, lot 20, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft. 71 Dee. 14-J. J. Dunn, City S. M. 19.6 ft. lot 61, 20 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft. 30 Dec. 15 -Celina Levi, City N. 1-3 lot 24, 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 1 50 .Dec. 15-C. G. and C. H. Meyer, City K. 1/ lot 235, 26 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 40 Dec. 15 -John J. Keane, City lot 145 150 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 2 25 Dec. 15-F. Weigel. Est., City lot 55, 130 lin, ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 195 Dec. 16-G. H. Schumacher, Cain's Sub., lot 8, 150 lin. ft. at lc per ft1 50 Dec. 16 -Al. Mathews, Sub. City 738, lot 6, 25 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft35 Dec. 16 -Cath. Stafford, S. 1I. Lang - 60 50 5(1 50 75 30 1 80 95 90 worthy's Arll., lot 41, On lin. ft. at 1 1-4c pet ft, 75e; and 100 lin. ft. at Ic per ft. 11.00; total Dec. 16 -John II. Kleine, Summit St Add., lots 2-,. 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft Dcc. 16-1'. 1. Earle, Prospect Hill, lots 27-25, 190 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft. Dec. P1-11. Wunderlich, Fortune's Sub., lot 15. 160 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 10 -Geo. Salot, Sub. 39, Kelly's Sub., lot 1, SO lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 16 -Bernard Lecke, City lot 301, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Dec. 16--\V. & D. Bruusicnl, City lot 627, 60 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Dec 16-Bosscrman & Ives, City lot 65, 60 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Dec. 17-C. E. \Vales, Prospect Hill, lot 26, 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 17 -Mary A, Kemler. et al, Sub. City 721, lot 1, 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 17. -Mary A. Langworthy, Mrs. L. H. Jangworthy's Add., N. 160 ft. lot 8, 150 lin. ft., at lc per ft Dec. 17.-A. W. Iiemler Est., Mc- Coy's Sub., lot 1, 190 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 17.-F. L. Poole, Julia L. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 17, 140 lin, ft, at lc per ft Dec. 17.-J. S. Stephens, Julia L Lutgworthy's Add., lot 23, 130 lin ft., at lc per ft Dec. 17.-Jno. L. Buettell Est, Nairn's. Add., lots 11, 12, 13, 14, 320 lin. ft., at lc per ft Dec. 17.-Jno. L. Buettell Est, Nairtt's _\dd., lot 1, 120 lin. ft., at lc per ft Dec. 17. -Emma E. Meyer, S. M. Langworlhy's Add., lots 49, 50, 51, 120 lin. ft., at 1 1-2c per ft Dec. 17. -Jar. Zangmeister, Sub. City 688, etc., lot 7, 38 lin. ft., at 1 1-2c per ft 65 Dee. 17.-J. J. Nagle, Sub. City -.688, etc., lot 6, 20 lin. ft., at 1 1-2c per ft. 30 Dee. 17.-A. L. Ithomberg, Sub. City 688, etc., lot 5, 20 lin. ft., at 1 1-2c per ft 30 Dec. 17. -Mich. D. Sullivan, Sub. City- OS, etc., lot 2, 25 lin. ft., at 1 1-2c per ft Dcc. 17.-A. J. Van Duzec, Wilson's Sub., lot 15, 50 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft 60 Dec. 17.-Trueb, Southwell et al., sub. City 720, lots 6 and 7, 60 lin. ft., at lc per ft 60 Dec. 17.-.\. E. Ferguson, Sub. 4 of min. lot 73, lot 2, 60 lin. ft., at lc per ft tiU Dec. 17. -Jus. :McCabe. Corriell's Sub., lots 1 and 2, 280 lin. ft., at lc per ft 2 80 Dcc. 17.-Ibm '. \luutz, sub. rain. lot 81, lot 1, 27 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft30 Dec. 17.-\\'. and D. llrunskill, Mar- lin's Dubuque, lot 10, 50 lin. ft., at 1, per ft 6U Dec. 78. -Schlitz Brewing Co., City S. 1-2, lot 293, 130 lin. ft., at 1 1-2c per 195 Dec. 18ft.-Jacob Michel, sub. city 525, lot 1, 50 lin. ft., at 1 1-2c per ft 75 Dec. 26 -29 -John Macdonald, McNul- ty's sub., S. 89 ft., lot 2, 190 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft 2 40 Dec. 26 -29. -Catholic University of Washington et al., Kelly's sub. 1 and 2. :uul Mobley's Dubuque, lots 6-7, 170 in. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft 2 10 1 75 1 25 2 40 2 00 1 00 75 9C 90 1 25 1 25 1 50 2 40 1 40 1 30 3 20 1 2U 1 80 28 Official Notices. Dec. 26-29.-Hosford, Treub et al., Martin's Dubuque, lot 8, 50 lin. ft., at I 1-4c per ft Dec. 26-29.-J. J. Nagle, Martin's Du- buque, lots 9-11, 100 lin. ft., at lc per ft Dec. 29.-J. J. Dunn, City S. M. 19.6 ft., lot 61, 20 lin. ft., at 1 1-2c per ft. 30 Dec. 29. -Fred. Jenkel Est., City S. 14.4 ft., lot 62, 14 lin. ft., at 1 1-2c per ft Dec. 29.-Jno. J. Keane, City S. 7.2 ft. lot 58 and all lot 59, 20 lin. ft., at 1 1-2c per ft Dec. 29. -Schlitz Brewing Co., City S. 1-2 lot 293, 130 lin. ft., at 1 1-2c per ft Dec. 26. -Hayes & Gehrig, City 596 and lot 1 of lot 595, 110 lin. ft., at 1 1 1-2c per ft lib Dec. 26. -Dubuque Malting Co., City S. 21.6 ft., lot 1, 130 lin. ft., at 1 1-2c 1 95 per ft Dec. 26.-J. H. Shields, Dubuque Harbor Co.'s Add.. Block 1, lots 1, la and lb, 48 lin. ft.. at 1 1-2c per ft. at Dec. 28.-P. H. Halpin, City, lot 571, 120 lin. ft., at 1 1-2c per ft 1 80 Dec. 28.-C. II. Eighmey, City, lots 569 and 570, 230 lin. ft., at 1 1-2c per ft 3 45 Dec. 29.-J. F. Farley, Sub. 14 and 15, Bush's Sub., lot 3, 70 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft 85 Dec. 29.-R. Bonson Est., Union Add, lot 15, 60 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft' 75 Dec. 29. -Cath. Hall. Bush's Sub, lot 12, 60 lin. ft., at lc per ft GO Dec. 29.-E. and H. Callihan. Sub. 2, Min. lot 63 and part lot 69, Union Add., lots 1-2, 120 lin. ft., at lc per ft 1 20 Dec. 30. -Dubuque Malting Co., City S. 21.6 ft.. lot 1, 130 lin. ft.. at 1 1-2c per ft 195 Dec. 30.-J. H. Shields. Dubuque Harbor Co.'s Add.. Block 1, lots 8, 8a and Sb, 48 lin. ft., at 1 1-2c per ft 70 Dec. 30.-J. H. Shields and Mary E. Hodgdorf, Dubuque Harbor Co.'s Add.. Block 1, lot 17, 170 lin. ft., at 1 I -2c per ft 255 Dec. :le -Shields & Bradley, Sub. 1 of \V. I-2. Block 10, Dubuque Har- bor co.'s Add., lot 1, GO lin. ft., at 1 I-'.• per ft 90 Dec. t. -C. H. Eighmey, trustee, city. lots 569-570, 230 lin. ft., at 1 1-2c per ft 3 45 Dec. 30. -Hayes & Gearig, City, 596 and lot 1 of 595, 110 lin. ft., at 1 1-2c per ft 1 05 Dec. 30. -Ella B. Richardson, City, lot 128, 171) tin. ft., at 1 1-2c per ft2 55 Dec. 30. -Ellen >z. rrooes, city, S. 2-3, lot 112, T(0 lin. ft., at 1 1-2c per ft Dec. 31. -Julia Langworthy, Lois Add., lot s..70 lin. ft., at lc per ft Dec. 31. -Lair, Ryder & Adams, Lois Add., lot 6. 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft Dec. 31. -Mat. Florey, Lois Add., lot 4, 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft Dec. 31. -Julia D. Rhomberg, Guern- sey & Langworthy's Add., lots 7-8, 100 lin. ft., at lc per ft Dec. 31. -Carr, Ryder & Adams, Guernsey & Langworthy's Add., lots 3-4, 100 lin. ft., at is per ft Dec. 31.-S. M. Langworthy's Est, Julia Langworthy's Add., lot 1, 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft Dec. 31. -Julia Langworthy, Julia Langworthy's Add., lots 2-3, 100 lin. ft., at lc per ft 60 10 21.1 3U 1 95 1 50 50 50 50 1 00 1 00 t,'J 100 I Dec. 31. -Mary L. Bunting, Julia Langworthy's Add., lot o, cO Iin. ft., at lc per ft Dec. 31.-J. S. Stephens, Julia Lang - worthy's Add., lot 6, 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft Dec. 31.-F. L. Poole, Julia Lang - worthy's Add., lot 7, 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft Dec. 31. -Leathers & Trewin, Julia Langworthy's Add., lot 8, 50 lin. ft, at lc per ft Dec. 31.-F. L. Poole, 3ulia Lang - worthy's Add., lot 17, 70 lin. ft., at lc per ft Dec. 31.-J. S. Stephens, Julia Lang - worthy's Add., lot 18, 70 lin, ft., at lc per ft Dec. 31. -Mary L.' Bunting, Julia Langworthy's Add., lot 20, 70 lin. ft., at lc per ft Dec. 31.-J. Lobdell, Julia Lang - worthy's Add., lot 50, 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft Dec. 31.-F. L. Poole, Julia Lang - worthy's Add., lot 51. 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft Dec. 31.-J. S. Stephens, Julia Lang - worthy's Add., lot 53, 25 lin. ft., at lc per ft Dec. 31. -Mrs. Sidney Saul, Saul's Sub., lots 1--3, 120 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 31.-1. C. Fitzpatrick. Union Add., lot 151, S5 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 31.-F. \V. Fitzpatrick. Union Add., lot 1-16. BE lin. ft.. at lc per ft Dec. 31. -Martin Sullivan, Sub. 152, Union Add., lot 1, 50 lin. ft., at to per f« Dec. 31. -John Pier, City, lot 57S. 50 lin. ft.. at 1 1-2c per ft Dee. 31-J. J. N igl". Sub. City :79. lot 3•' lin. It. it I 1-_c per foot Dee. 3l --Marg. Barry. City S _-.. lot 77-1. 70 lir. ft. ,it 1 1-2.• per foot De.. :le- Jou. l'ow, is et al, City S. 41.6 ft. lot 311, 150 lin. ft. at 1 1-2e I.a ft Dee. :lo-Hieh:n'd \V'tiller tat, City II :nut S. 1-2 lot 237. 125 lin. ft. :it 1 1-2e 1.,y• ft and ('. I1. Meyer. City. N. 1-2 lot 235, 25 lin. ft. :it 1 1-2e per ft Dee. :to Itetn:u•d I:er•ke, ('ity tot 301 '.•t lilt. I't. ;it 1 1-2e per ft 11e.•. to- -\V. and D. Brunskill. City lot 627 Si lin. ft. at 1 1-2e per ft D. e. :;1- IIMet. Brewing Co.. Sub. City 711:1, lot 13 an..l 1 of 11. 170 lin. ft :it 1 1-2e l,i-i' ft Dee. 21-A. R. Stturfenteil. Sub. City 703, lot 20, 70 lin. ft. :it I 1-2c per ft Dec. 31 -Gen, Salot, Sub. 34, Ketty'' Sub.. lot 1. 80 lin. ft. tit 1 1-4c per ft Dee. 31 -Mary A. Kc'mler, Sub. City 721, lot 1, 100 lin. ft. at 1 1 -le per ft. Dee. 31 -John It. Kleine, Summit St. Add., lots 2-1. 100 lin. ft. at 1 1--1e per ft Deo. :11-- P. I. Earle, Prospect 11111 Add., ln: Ilnt lin. 1't. tit 1 1-Ic per ft. Dee. 31-('. E. Wales. P:'oslleet Hill l Add., lot '.;, Ito lilt. ft. :it 1 1 -Ii• per ft Dee. 31 - I1. Wunderlich, Fort une'1 Sul,.. lot 15, 760 lin. ft. at 1 1-4e per ft. Dee.:;1-.\ \V. h:ernier Est.. tle('ny's 6U 6U 80 5U 71.1 70 70 611 6U 25 1 60 1 U5 2 U0 bU '( 5 75 75 2 25 1 90 40 75 75 - 75 75 1 00 1 25 1 27 2 10 1 25 2 00 Official Notices Sub., lot 1. 190 lin. ft. at 1 1-4e per ft. 2 40 Dee. 31-A. Ferguson. Sub. 4 of Min lot 73. lot 2. 60 lin. ft. at le per ftGO Dee. 31-E. M. Kringle. Sub. 7 of Min. lot 79. lot 6, 70 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft 90 Dec. 31 -Cath. Stafford. S. M. Lang - worthy's Add.. lot 41. 60 lin. ft. at 1 1-4e per it.; ire lin. ft. at lc per ft. 1 75 Dte. 31-Emnia E. Meyer, S. M. itgwort hy's Add., lots 49-50-51. 120 lin. rt. at I 1-2c per ft 1 SO Dee. 11 -Mrs. C. G. Kretschmer. City, S. M. 1-4, lot 443, 50 1M. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft. 75 Dec. 14-W. L. Bradley, City, S. 312 ft. of S. 1-5, lot 452, 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft. 1 50 Dec. 14 -Al. Matthews, City, N. 1-2, N. 1-5, lot 451, 130 Un. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft. 1 95 Dee. 14 -Eli Cole, City, N. M. 1-5 lot 472. 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 75 Dee. 11 -Fred Kenniker, City. N. 1-5 122. 110 lin. ft. at 1 1-2, per ft1 65 Pt.,. 11- J. J. Dunn. City. N. 2-5 lot 4:1I, .2111 lin. ft. at 1 1-4e per ft 2 50 Dee. 15 Jas. Levi. Sat,. S. 1-2 City .156. 1,2,06 un. ft. at 1 1-2, per ft. 1 30 Dee. IS Jas, H. Shields. City N. 1-5 lot ;56. 25 iin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft. 40 Dee. 15 Erneli.t Gmehle. Sub. City, S. 1-2 lot :56. lots 3-4. Ts lin. ft. at 1 1-2, per ft. 1 15 15 Ellen S. ITorr. City N 1-7, lot 165. 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-2, per ft75 is, e. 15 110,. J. Lewis. City. M. 1-5 9:5, 5.1 lin. ft. 'It 1 1-2e per ft75 te,•. I5 -C. J. -Peterson. City. \\'. 65.9 ft.. S. 62.4 ft. lot 465. 1:10 lin. ft. at 1 1-2e per ft. 1 95 15 -john Butt. City. E. 47.1 ft S. 22.4 ft. lot .165. 41 lin. ft. at 1 1-2e per ft. 70 Dec. 14.-W. H. Doane, Oakland Park, lot 5, 50 lin. ft., at 114c per ft Dec. 14. -Peter Kiene et al., Elm St. Sub., lots 1 and 2, 40 lin. ft., at lc per ft Dec. 14. -1 -Ingo Ruh Est., Smedley's Sub., lot 10. 100 lin. ft., at 1'1c per ft 1 25 Dec. 15-A. 'Mtinsell. City. S. 1-2. N M. 1-5 and N. 1-2. 2'1. 1-5 lot 166, Tot lin. ft. at 1 1-20 per ft. 75 Dec. 15-D. N. Cooley list.. Cit y. S 1-2, M. 1-5 and N. 16 ft.. S. M. 1-5 lot 466, 40 lin. ft. at 1 1-2o per ft60 Dec. 15-1 F. P. Bissell, City, S. 06.4 ft. lit !co', 190 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c 285 1),e. 15 I.. II. Waples, City. IS. and S. II ft. lot 4. 110 lin. ft. at I 1-2e per ft. 1 65 Dee. 15 -.1. It. Shields. City. N. 122 ft. lot 11. 12 lin. ft. at I 1-21per ft. 65 Dee. 15- A. Levi. Est.. City. N. 1-2 12. 25 lilt. ft. at 1 I -2e per ft40 lice. 15- (leo. 11. Burch Est.. City. lot 51. 60 lin. ft. at 1 1-2e per ft90 Dee. 15- T. -Bradley. City. lot 150. 11: liii. ft. at 1 1-2e per It. 25 Dee. 15- -NIrs. A. It. Keller. city. lot 2e1. 160 lin. ft. at 1 1-2, per ft1 50 11,.e. 15-W. L. Bradley, city. N. 1-5 lot 165. 16 lin. ft. al 1 1-2e per ft25 Dee. 15 --Ellen 11. Wood, C'ity, E. 47 ft., \V. 62 ft. of 5. 2-5 lot •161, 20 lin. ft. at 1 1-2, per ft 30 Dee. 15--W. it. 1 itiy. City. lot 10a, 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-2e per ft -1 50 Dec. 15 -Anna 11. Hyatt. t V. S. 22 20 ft. lot 460. 15111M. ft. at 1 per it. 2 25 Dee. 15 -St. Joseph's .\codemy. City, lot 4118. 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-2e per ft1 50 Dec. 16-Elizaheth Citi, S. 1-2. SI. 1-5. lot 458. 25 lin. ft. it 1 1-20 per ft. 40 11; L. Torbert list., City, N. 2-5 lot 159. 59 lin. ft. at 1 1-2, per ft. Cieins. City, N. 1-' lot 162, 25 lin. ft. at 1 1-2,• per ft. I h 16-\1rs. E. Da ughert y. City. 8'. 1-2 lot 167. 27. lin. H. I 1-'2.• per ft. Dee. 16-11. E. Linehan. City. E. .1:: ft. lot 171, 25 lin. ft. at 1 1-2.. per ft. Dee. 16--Kitse & Altman, City, lot 2s:1, 170 lin. It. at 1 1-20 per ft l`Yrnicr. CItY. lot 201, 50 lin. It at 1 1-2e per ft Dee. 16-11. J. Cooper, city, N. 122 lt.t. 277. 25 lin. ft. at 1 1-2, pet' ft Dee. 16 -Nie. Natinnann. East Du- buque Add.. N. 12.10 ft. lot 126. 11 lin. ft. at 1 1 -le per ft Dec. 16-1't ter 1 la iisen. East Du- buque, Add.. N. 1-2 lot 124 and S. 1-2 lot 125. 50 lin. rt. tit I 1-1c pet' ft. 11;-11. S. MeEllianey. East Dq- buque Add.. lots 67-68. 811 lin. It, at 1 1 -le per ft. Dee. 16- -2t1 Corbett, East Du- huque Add., N. 1-2 lot 115, 25 lin. ft. :it 1 1 -le per ft. Dee. 11;-.1tottittitti Pauw. City. IM. 1-5 it Is' 50 lin. ftat le per ft 1),,,•. 16 -Wm. lieehe Est.. City, S. :11.5 ft.. S. 1-I lot 113. 100 an. ft. at le per ft. Dee. 16-J. .41. Thedi»git Est.. city. Ni. 2-5 lot 461, 100 lin. It. at I 1-4c per ft. Dee. 16--E. 14. Sitepptey. I ny. N. 2-5 hit 455. 40 lin. ft. at I -Si'1per ft. Dee. Tenhaaf, City. S. 1-2. N. M. 1-5 lot 451, 25 lin. ft. at 11-2c per ft. Dee. 11;- J. V. Rider and B. W. Lacy. Cit y. S. 1-2 lot 4441, .10 1ln. ft. It 1 1-2e ter ft. Dee. Weiner, City, M. 1-5 lot 405, 511 lin. ft. iit I -1, per ft Dee. l6-11.0•11. Herman, City N. M. 1-5, lot 4:14, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft 16-1.,iwrenee thinner, City S. M. 1-5. lot 434, 25 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c Dec. 16-Johann.1 Huber, East Du- buque ,Add.. Mt S7, 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-4e per It Dee. 16 -German Bank, East Du- buque Add., lots 9U-91, 200 lin, ft. at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 16-F. A. Scott, East Dubuque .\ dd., lot 92, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per Dee. 17-P. J. Ruegamer. Sub. Min. lot 100, N. 40 ft., lot 8, 150 lin. ft. at lc per ft Dee, 17-Engelhart Hemmi, City S 1-5, lot 487, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft !tee. 17 -Mary Juergens, City S. M. 1-5, lot 436, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 17-J. V. Rider, City S. % M. 1-5, lot 436, 25 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Dec. 17-11. Demerit Est.. City N. M. 1-5, lot 436, 25 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft.... ..... Dec. 17 -Win. and F. A. Coates, City N. 2-5, lot 436, 200 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 17 -Conrad Lange Est., Sub City 038-639 etc., lot G, 25 lin. ft at 1 1-2c per ft Dec. 17-M. Fessler Est., City N. 3-4 75 40 40 Ill 25 75 40 15 65 1 00 30 50 1 00 125 40 40 60 65 65 30 1 2.1 2 50 65 1 50 65 75 40 40 250 40 • 80 Official Notices. N. M. 1-5, lot Hs, 125 lin. ft. at lc per ft Dec. 17-Nic. Derneden, East Du- buque Add., N. ' lot 117, 25 lin. ft :It lc per ft Dee 1• -II. E. Mulligan, City S. M 1-5 lot 472, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Dec. ls--John A. Koch Est., City N. 41,4 ft.. lot 268, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-20 per ft Dec. 1•--I. 11. Keepers. City lot 339, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 1s -Frank Fuhrman, City N. % M. 1-7, lot 469, 32 lin. ft. at 1. 1-4c pet' ft Dec. 13 --Jennie C, Theiring, City S 14,, lot 163, 25 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft40 Dec. 26 -Nannie T. Bell, City S. 2-5 lot 449, 80 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft120 Dec. 26-\\'. L. Bradley, City N. 1-5, lot 461, 20 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft30 rec. 26 -Ellen S. Horr, City N. M 1-5, lot 465, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Dee. 26 -John Butt. City E. 47.4 ft. S. 622.4 ft., lot 465, 46 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c l et lI Dee. 36 -Anna B. Ryan, City S. 522 ft., lot 460, 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Due. 3c G. 1.. Torbert Est., City N. 2-3,lot 4:9, -'U lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per t Dec. 26-N. Bray, City M. 1-5, lot 459, 50 lin. ft. at le per ft Dec. 26-1I. L. Bissell, City S. 56.4 ft lot 466, 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Dec. 26-\V. 11. Day, City lot 40a, SO lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Dec. 26-.1. 1'. Rider, et al, City lot 36a, 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Dec. 26-\\'ni. Bray, City S. 1/z, lot 164a, 1110 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft rec. 226-\l. A. McHenry. City N. 1/2, lot 164a, 1 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Dec. 51-Johabna Huber, East Du- buque Add., lot >7. loll lin. ft. at lc per ft Dee. 31 -German Bank, East Du- buque Add., lot 91, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 31-F. A. Scott, East Dubuque Add., lot 92, 5u lin. ft. at 1 1 -le per ft Dec. 31 -Gen. \V. and Theo. Schrup, City S. 1-5, lot 432, 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 31 -Lawrence Conner, City S. 52 ft. S. 2-5, lot 433, 100 En. ft. at lc pet' ft Dec. 31-01. M. Brown, East Dubuque Add., lot 47, 20 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Dee. 31 -Mrs. A. B. Keller, City, lot 204, 100 lin. ft. at lc per ft Dec. 31 -Adam Weiland, City lot 273 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Dee. . It -lime & Altman, City lot 205, 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Dee. 31-I t nry Wunderlich, City S. lot 331, 21 lin. ft. at lc per ft Dec. 31 -Mary A. Schulte, City S. 1/z, lot 332, 23 lin. ft. at is per ft Doc. 31-M. M. lion man, City N. 1/2, N. 1-5. lot .ISO, :,0 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Dec. 14 -Ellen O'Halleron, Finley's Add., lots 13-11-15, 180 lin. ft. at lc per ft Dec. 11 -Emma Meyer, Sub. 1 of 3 of Min. lot 17.2, lot 1, 48 lin, ft. at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 14 -Dome of the Friendless, Gray's Sub., lot 1, 24 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 14 -Helen Wright, Gray's Sub, 1 25 25 75 75 65 40 75 76 1 60 30 50 1 50 1 20 1 50 150 40 1 (0 65 65 125 100 3t 1 00 1 50 1 50 55 25 75 1 80 60 80 lots 2-4. 100 lin, ft. at 11-Ic per ft. 1 23 Dec. 14-L. G. Hurd, Gray's Sub., lot 1. 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 14 -Mary Coultes, Gray's Sub, lot 5, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 1I -Geo. Saiot, Finley's Add, lot 4, 50 En. ft. at lc per ft Dec. 13-\\'m, II int Tager, Farley's Sub., lot 11, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft 65 Dec. 15 -Henry Hiker, Farley's Sub, lot 14, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1 -lc per ft Dec. 15 -Frank Bell, A. McDaniels' Sub., S. E. ta, lot 522, 'JO lin, ft. at 1 1-4c per ft 40 Dec. 15-1da F. Hosford, Cain's Sub, lot 7, 70 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft, 90c; and 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft, 500; total 1 40 Dec. 15-Kemler & Cain, Cain's Sub., lot 14. 42 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft 50 Dec. 15 -Mary A. Ketnler, Cain's Sub.. lots 18-19, 84 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft 105 Dec. 15-Kemler & Cain, Cain's Sub, lot 12, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft 50 Dec. 11 -Catholic 1'niv. of Washing- ton. of al. A. Mcllaniels', lots 920- 821, 120 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft, $1.50; and SO lin. ft. at lc per ft, SOc; total 2 30 Dec. 16-J. L. Buettell Est., QuIgley's Sub. 710, lots 4-5, 100 lin. ft. at lc per ft 100 Dtc. 16-\\'m. Hit'trager, Quigley's Sub.. 710, W. 42 ft., lot 15, 40 lin. ft. at lc per ft 40 Dec. 16-E. F. Callihan, Quigley's Snb. 710, lot 14, 50 lin, ft, at lc per ft 50 Dec. 16-Jno. A. Koch Est., Cox's Add., lot 16, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft 65 Dec. 16 -Geo: Salol, Sub. 1 of 1 of of City 678, lot 1, 2: lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 40 Dec. 16 -Mich. Lentz. Sub. 92, Cox's Add., lot 1, 10 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 75 Dec. 16 -Wm. L:twthcr, Sub. 91, Cox's Add., lot 2, and Sub. 92, Cox's Add.. lot 2, 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft 1 Dec. 16-\\-. I . 1'ox, Cox's Add, lot 111. Si, lin. it. at 1 1-4c pee ft. 65 Dec. 16 --Fred `,W, i;;el 1:. ,., c its . S. 21.2 ft. lot 4i,7, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft. 71 Dcc. I7- T. D. Lee, Sub. 2. City 007, 1•,t 3, 25 lin. ft. at 1 1-Ic• 30 Dec. 17-W. lI. Lr•'bo,ly, Wales 0 Ti l tt' SIu ., lot 5. 50 iii:. ft. at lc pct. ft 50 Dec. I--.1:is. Mallen Est.. Sub. N. 1-2, A. \TcDaniel's Snb., lot 2. lin. ft :it 1 I -le per ft. 1''• Dec. 17 --Mary E. )In,i nal. ... `.I, I titicl< Sal,., lot 74;,. :,u lin. tt. 1 1-24• t„•r D,..•. 17-\\'tn. `1 Davis. A. it l's Sub., 1-2 Int 737. at 1 1-2c per ft. 45 Dec. 17-1\I.n•tita Palmer, Sub. ('it;: lot 5, 25 lin. ft. at I 1-20 tier ft. 40 1 Tec. 17 -Catholic Ciiiicrsity of Washington et al, Leven's Add.. lot., 1 t0 11 inc., 1000 lin. ft. at 1 1-Ic per ft 120 1 n c. 17 -Louis Gie tn:ni. Marsh's Dubuque, lot 1, 50 lin. it. iit 1 I -'c per ft. 75 Dec. 17-Jno. Dowling, Lawrcnco'`3 Dubuque, lots 8-9-10-11, 950 lin. ft. lit lc per ft, 12.50; 60 lin. ft. at 1 1 -ti' per ft. 75c 3 21 Dee. 17 -Peter l loerr, l.,t ivrcncc'S Dubuque, lot c,, 40 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c 65 65 50 65 Official Notices. 31 per ft. Dec. 17 -Maria Sclitvincl, Sub. 5, Riley's Sub., lot :.. 50 lin. ft. at 11-4e per ft. Dec. 17 -Jos. Itilcy. Sub. and 4, Riley's Sub., lot 2. 210 lin. ft. at 1 1-I • per ft. Dee. is--Gcu. `\'illging, c'tly, lot 155, 125 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per It. Dec•. ls- Iniyersa list c•hur.•li, City, lot i7. 1::0 lin. ft. at 1. I -2c per ft. Dec. is -J. H. Shields. City. N. 35 ft. lot. 477. 110 lin. ft. at I 1-2c per ft. 1 95 Dec. IS -I Itch. 51 ellen, Dorgan's Sub, lots 11-12, 0. lin. ft. at lc per ftGO Dec. is -F. \V. l'ammitn et al. Dor- gan's Sub.. lot D. 25 lin. ft. at. 1 1-2c per 1•t. Dec. is -Sophia L. linter. Schuler's Sul... lot 3, 10 lin. ft. ;.t Ii' per ft Dee. Is -O. M. t't itliel,l, Finley, \\'aples and hurton's Add., lot 17, 50 lin. ft. :it lc per It. Dec. 1S -Jos. .I,•ffroy. 1" inlet', \Vaplcs and Burton's .\,Ill.. lot 10, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft. Dec. 1S-l:uun t Schwind. 'Cschirgi & Schwind's, I'.. 50 ft. lot 13. 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-4e pet' ft. Dec. 10-Bntru;i Schwind. \\'ouitlawn Park. lots 24•.. In lfo. ft. at Jc per ft. Dec. is --\l. 'I'scliirgi, Sr., \VundLtwti Park. lots ,z41-21,.... lou lin. ft. at Ic per It. 1 00 Dec. is -hen J. Schwind, \Voodlawn Park. lot 201. 50 lin. ft. at le per ft. 50 Dec. 1s -Job a 'I'rexter, \\'oodlawn Park. lot 2cn.:,.. lin. ft. at lc per ft. 50 Dec. 18 --Win. I.:.wlhor. Wood htwn Park. lots 177-1:, 1. 100 lin. ft. at lc per ft. 1 00 Dec. is -.A. J. Lembcck et al, AV'uod- lawn Pork, lot 100. 50 lin. feet. at L• pot' H. 50 uce, ls--.\mbro: e Leiser. 1Voiell;t\vn I'nrt. lot 101. Ti,lit.. ft. it 1,• per ft. 50 Dec. Is-.AIhort Juln,snn, AV'ou.il;wn lot lin. ft. at lc per t't 1 00 Dcc•. !s--tsicnc & Altman. \Vood- lawn Park, lots 1-2, 100 lin. ft. at is per f 100 Dec. 1S-Fiene & .Altman, Wood - Park. lots 49-50, 100 lin. ft. at lc per ft. 1 00 Dec. is .Coni V ohs. Oakl;utd Pork. lot I Si' I..:. ft. it In per ft. 50 Dee. - I:II, .. t i l lull. roa. Finley's Add.. lot... 11 11-1i.. Pu Iin. ft. at lc perft. .. . .... .. .. Dee. --ii, u. . • it. '''Itley's Add, lot I. .. :.l 1,• 1„1r ft. 50 Dec. 1,e1u1., \I, t.... Sub. 1 of , of Alin. 1st 172. 1w Is lit.. ft_ at 1 1-4c per ft. ('0 Dee. p:. -Geo. Salot, Qui^_;ley's Sub, 710, lot 17. 5t lin. ft. at le per ft50 Dec. :9-\\'m. llintroger, Sub., 710. AA'. -12 It. lot 17. -lu lit:. ft. at It• I ' It. Dec. 211-I•:. 1'. t alh•h;tn, Quigley's Sul,.. 710. lot 11, 30 lin. ft. at lc p,•1' ft. Dec. _U -,blot A. Kush Fist., L'ox's A.1.1.. lot I.1. 50 lin. 1•t. at 1 1-4c rep ft Dee. 30- AV'm. Lowther, Sub. 91, Cox's' Add.. lot 2 and Sul). 92, lot 2, 101; lin. ft. :it 1 I- Ic per ft. Dee. :0- t;c... Salol, Sub. 1 of 1 of 2 of City 67s, lot 1, 25 ft. at 1 1-2c per ft. Dee. ::a .\\'. it. c:'nS, ('us's Add., lot. in. ft. ;it I I -L• per ft. 60 65 2 50 1 90 1 95 40 40 50 60 65 60 1 SO 1') 50 65 1 25 40 65 Doc. ;;•• -\Vitt. Ilintrager. Farley's Sub., lot 13, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1 -lc per ft Dec. 30-Kcntler & Cain, (:aia's Sub, lot 14, 12 lin. ft. itt 1 1-Ic per ft 50 Dec. 30-Fratik Bell. Sub., S. I•:. 1-4 lot 822, :30 lin. ft. at 1 1-1c per ft 1)r,•. :;r- Slave A. Kcmlcr. ('tilt's Sul... lots Iz-1'... Si lin. ft. ;tt 1 1 -ie per ft. 105 \\"cigel Est.. City, lot :,c lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 75 D.• •. :II. \licit. O'Rourke. City, Int 117. Tip lin. ft Att. 1 1-2c per ft 45 -.\Ifrcd '1'ro.l\v:.y I•1st.. City. lot 11:1. 2T lin. ft. tit 1 1-2c per ft 40 Dec. :1 I it.nsnn .\ Brunskill. City. lot •_Ill. _7 lin. ft. nt 11-2c per ft10 Dec. II .\\'. ;old F. A. Coate..:. City. lot 1117. 20 lin. ft. at is per ft 20 Dec. 31- 00'. 1. and \V. G. CON. Cc r- rlell's Sub.. lot 44. 1.10 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft. 2 25 Dec. 31 -Mich. D. Sullivan, Sub. Cit' GSS, etc., lot 2, 25 lit. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft. 40 Dec. 11 -'lief( v:iy & Provost. City, lot 617, 100 lin. I't. nt 1 1-2.• per ft150 Dec. 31-ITitivcrstlist church. City, lot (:1,S. 130 lits. ft. :it I 1-2c per ft195 Dec. 31 -Catholic I'niversity of Washington it al, Levee's Add lots I to 11 inc., 1010 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft. 12 50 Dec. 31 -Louis Giesmtunn, \Lu'slt's Dubuque. lot 1, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft. 75 Dec. 31 -Ellen 0'1 lo Heron, Finley's Add.. lots 15-1:1-11. ISO lin. ft. at lc per ft. Dec. :Il--tlen. Sn lot. Finley's .-Adtl lot .1. 711 lir,. ft. :it 1i• i i ft Lee. :Il -.fns. Mullen l :st.. 1' inlcy's Add.. hits 10-11. 1•'0 lin. ft. at It: per 1't. 1 00 Dee. al- \nn:t %inn. Finley's .\tld, tot 2rn 50 lin. 1't. nt le per ft. 1:nint:. Scir.vind. AAoo.11:.wt. (':irk. lois :-IG, 70 Iin. rt. at L• per ft. 50 Al, schir ;i, Sr., \\'ou.l- I+.\vn Park. t.,t 2•::3, 511 lin. 1't. :it lc per ft. 50 Dee. :1-• .011ri v Drees. Sub. ('ity 73s, Int I. iii lin. It. ;it 1 1 --ti' pet' ft. 1 25 Dec. 14. -Frank N. Russo, Sub. 1 of Kniest's Sub., lot 2, 150 lin. ft, at Ic per ft 1 60 Dec. 14. -Frank N. Russo, Smedley's Sub.. lots i1-12. 25 lin. ft., at 1 1-Ic per ft 155 Dec. 14. -Chicago G. W. By. Co„ right of way, Lincoln Ave., 40 lin. ft.. ;it Ic per ft 411 Dec. 11.-\Itry itubeck, sub. 1 and 2 of sub. 1 and 7 of 10 and 2 of 3 of 11, Ktiiest's sub., lot 2, 130 lin. ft., at 1c Per lin. ft 16U Dec. 14.-\larth;t \\'eidmer, Smed- lcy's sub., lot 13. 25 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft 30 Dec. 11.-1" rancisca 00';tgner, sub. 87- SS, H. II. Langwortlty's Add., lot 3, 20 lin. ft., tit lc per ft 20 Dec. 14. -Chicago G. W. Ry. Co, Sandford's sub., lots G0-61, 130 lin1 311 ft., at lc per ft Dec. 14.-Frar•cisca Wagner, O. S Langworthy's Sub., lot 1, 50 lin. ft, 66 at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 14.-\Vm. Klaucr et al., Davis Farm Add., lot 213, 60 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft., 75c; 170 110. ft., at lc 45 per ft., $1.70 Dec. 15. -Church, Olinger's Sub., lot 50 32 Official Notices. 1, 150 lin. ft., at is per ft Dec. a Add.,23JLevi, 238, 170 lin. Davisft., Farm at lc per ft., $1.70; 120 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft., $1.50 Dec. 15.—Johanna Frenzel, King's 1st Add., S. 1-2 lot 8, 29 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 15.—Jos. Zimmerman, King's 1st AdJ., lot 16, 90 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 15.—A. and T. Schmid, Schaff- ner's Sub., lot 3-4, 90 lin. ft., at 1 -.1.01 1-4c per ft Dec. 15.—M. Giesemann, L. H. Lang - worthy's Add., N. M. 31 ft., lot 9, 45 30 lin. ft., at 1 1-2c per ft Dec. 15.—Dubuque Malting Co., L. H. Langworthy's Add., lots 8 and 8a, 120 lin. ft., at 1 1-2c per ft 1 80 Dubuque Malting Co., Marsh's Add, lot 1, 240 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft3 00 Dec. 15.—Dorothy Klein, L. H. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 4d, 60 lin. ft., at 60 lc per ft Dec. 15.—Martha Scheidecker Est, L. H. Langworthy's Add., W. 110 ft., lot 34, 110 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft 1 30 Dec. 15.—Frank M. Ellis, Burden- Lawther Add., lot 113, 50 lin. ft., at 50 is per ft Dec. 15.—F. Landolt, Burden-Law- ther Add., lot 142, 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft 5U Dec. 15.—A. J. Schenker, Burden- Lawther Add., lot 141, 50 lin. ft, at lc per ft SI) Dec. 15.—Stephen Zenner. Burden- Lawther Add., lot 131, 50 lin. ft., at le per ft o0 Dec 15.—Henry Dreazy, Burden- Lawther Add., lot 132, 50 lin. ft., at Ic per ft 5U Dec. 15.—Chas. Bortihauser, Burden- Lawther Add., lot 127, 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft 50 Dec. 15.—S. Zenner, Burden-Lawther Add., lot 125, 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft. 50 Dec. 16.—Adam Mueller, Sub. 3, Gieger's sub., lot 10, 100 lin. ft., at lc per ft 1 VU Dec. 16.—Mary Carney Est., Staf- ford's Add., lot 16, 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft 5U Dec. 16.—J. 1-I. Jecklin Est., sub. 1 of 143, L. H. Langworthy's Add., lot 1, 200 lin. ft., at lc per ft 2 00 Dec. 16.—Geo. Kirkland, sub. 10, Dunn's sub., lot 1, 110 lin. ft., at is per ft 1 4U Dec. 16.-11. and E. Langworthy Est., Glendale Add., 223 to 228. inc., and lot 246, 200 lin. ft., at ic, $2.00; 300 lin. ft.. at 1 1-4c per ft.. $3.755 75 Dec. 16.—Barbara 'Zugcnhuehler, Glendale Add., N. 1-2 of lot 260, 25 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 16.—'Phos. O'Brien, Glendale Add., lot 158, 50 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c Dec. 16.—Mary L. Bunting, Glendale Add., lot 82, 50 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 16.—Martha Zinn, Glendale Add., lot 81, 50 lin. ft., at 1. 1-4c per ft Dec. 16.—Peter Oeth, Glendale Add, lot 79, 50 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft.... Dec. 16.—Gerhard Tenhaaf, Davis Farm Add., lots 357-358, 70 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 16.—Ada L. Collier, sub. min. lot 322, lot, 10, 150 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 17.—G. W. Davis, Glendale Add., lot 10, 50 lin. ft., at 1 1-2c per ft 1 50 3 20 85 1 10 30 65 65 65 05 80 1 90 15 Dec. 17.—Aug. Kaiser, Glendale Add., lot 5. 50 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft65 Dec. 17.—Mich. Majerus, Davis Farm Add., lots 343, 50 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 17.—Josephine Prowse, Glendale Add., lot 3, 50 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft 65 Dec. 17.—Math. Riede, Glendale Add, lot 1, 100 lin, ft., at lc per ft 1 OU Dec. 17.—Peter Nix, Liebe's Sub., lot 1, 50 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft 65 Dec. 17.—Sarah Reilly, Davis Farm Add., lot 325, 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft. 5U Dec. 17.—Adolph Klee, West's Add., lot 20, 23 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft30 Dec. 17.—Shires. Van Duzee & Hen- derson, West's Add., lot 19, 50 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft 65 Dec. 17.—John Vyverberg Est., Da- vis Farm Add., lot 301, 50 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft W Dec. 17.—Susanna Noel, Davis Farm Add., lot 299, 50 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c . per ft 1,5 Dec. 17.—Nic Jochum Est.. Davis Farm Add., lot 279, 25 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft 311 Dec. 18.—Christian Brede Est., sub. min. lot 304, lot 5, 100 lin. ft., at 1 1-2c per ft., $1.50; 100 lin. ft., at lc per ft., $1.00 1 CO Dec. 18.—Chas. Fosselman, sub. min lot 467, S. W. 193 ft., lot 1, 150 lin ft., at Ic per ft., $1.50; 100 lin. ft, at 1 1-Ic p, i. ft., $1.2; 2 75 Dec. 1S.—Win. h'. Rcinoehl, sub. min lot 467. N. E. 40 ft., lot 1, 40 lin ft., at 1 I -4c per ft 50 Dec. 1'.—Cho s. Steuck. 1rische's sub., W. 97 ft.. lot 5, 50 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per tt 55 Dec. 1S.—Jos. J. Duertscher, sub. 4, Kniest's sub., lot 1 and N. 5 ft., of lot 2, 100 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft., $1.25; 40 lin. ft., at lc per ft., 40c1 lis Dec. 18.—Marg. II—merrier, Cook's Add., lot 22. 1100 lin. ft., at lc per ft, $1.00; 50 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft, 65c 1 E5 Dec. 18.-1 I enry Jungk, 1 looper's Add., lots 15-16, 75 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft 95 Dec. 18.—henry Sears, I Iooper's Add., 18 and N. 1-2 lot 17, 75 lin. ft., at 1 1-4 per ft 95 Dec. 18.—A. Munsell, Ilouper's Add, lot 35, 50 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft 65 Dec. 18.--A. Munsell, Ilooper's Add, lot 34. 25 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft30 Dec. 15.—Henry Wunderlich, Tivoli Add., S. 1-2 lot 1, 100 lin. ft., at lc per ft 1 OU Dec. 29.—K. and L. Kolfenbach, Glendale Add., lot 57, 50 lin. ft, at lc per ft Dec. 29.—R. M. Kunz, Glendale Add, lots 58, 59, 60, 2511 lin. ft., at SC per ft 2 50 Dec. 29.—J. H. Jecklin Est., Sub. 1 of 143, L. H. Langworthy's Add., lot 1, 200 lin. ft., at lc per ft 2 00 Dec. 30.—Nic Gonner, L. H. Lang - worthy's Add., N. 1-3, lot 5, 30 lin. ft., at 1 1-2c per ft 45 1 i.• •. 30—Jas. A. Hayes, L. 11. Lang- w.'rthy's S. 50 ft., lot 6, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 75 Dec. 30—Mary Kohlman, L. H. Langworthy's Add., S. 50 ft., lot 4a, 20 lin. ft. at 1 1.-2c per ft 30 Dec, 30—J. B. Meyer, L. H. Lang - worthy's N. 1/, lot 811, 25 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft 30 Dec. 30-11erman Zernecke. L. H Langworthy's Add., N. 1/,, lot 10j, 25 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft Dec. 30—Elizabeth Nicks, L. H. Langworthy's Add., lot 121, 25 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft 30 Dec. 30—M. A. Brown, Krayer's Sub, Iot 2, 130 lin. ft, at lc per ft 1 30 Dec. 31—Wm. Klauer, et al, Davis Farm Add., lot 213, 170 lin. ft. at lc per ft, $1.70; and 60 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft., 75c; total 2 45 Dec. 31—Jas. Levi, Davis Farm Add., lots 237-23S, 120 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft., $1.50; and 170 lin. ft. at lc per ft., $1.70; total Dec. 31—R. & E. Langworthy Est., Glendale Add., 223 to 228 and 246, 200 lin. ft. at lc per ft., $2.00; and 300 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c, $3.75; total.... 5 75 Dec. 31—Henry Wunderlich, Tivoli Add.. S. Mu, lot 1, 100 lin. ft. at lc per ft 100 Dec. 31—Jos. Zimmerman, King's 1st Add., lot 16, 90 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft 1 10 Dec. 29—Frank M. Ellis, Burden- Lawther Add., lot 143, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft 60 Dec. 29—F. i.andold t, Burden-Law- ther Add., lot 142, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft 60 Dec. 29—A. J. Schenker, Burden- Lawther Add., lot 141, 50 lin. ft at lc per ft 60 Dec. 29—Stephen Zenner, Burden- Lawther, lot 131, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft 50 Dec. 29—Henry Dreazy, Burden- Lawther Add., lot 132, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft 60 Dec. 29—Chas. Bornhauser, Burden- Lawther Add., lot 127, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft 50 Dec. 29--S nn Starr, Burden-Lawther Add.. lot 92, 50 lin. ft at le per ft.. 50 Dec. 29—Chas. T. Rieger, O'Neill's Riverview, lot 16, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft 50 Dec. 30—M. D. Goux, O'Neill's River- view, lot 39, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft50 Dec. 00—Wrn. Lawther, O'Neill's Riverview, lot 60, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft Dec. 3U—A nnn, M. Kurz Est., O'Tay- 1or's Stili., lots 20-21, 100 lin. ft. at lc per ft 100 Dec. 30—Wm. llintrager, O'Taylor's Sub., lots 22-23-24, 150 lin. ft. at lc per ft 1 50 Dec. 30—Leathers & "Tewin, Burden- Lawther Add., lot 73, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft Dement & Duncan, Burden-Lawther Add., lots 74-75, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft Dec. 30—Adam Mueller, Sub. 3, Gie- ger's Sub., lot 10, 100 lin. ft. at lc per ft 1 00 Official Notices 30 3 20 50 50 60 Total 1-11-10t $463 75 C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. P I Regular Session Feb. 4, 1904. CITY COUNCIL. nlnr ` --ion February 4th, 1904. a 1 iii Fll'1.A I.) Council met at S:15 o'clock P. M. mayor Berg hi the chair. I resent—Aids. (Taney, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Absent—None. Ald. Corrance moved that the council proceedings for the month of January be approved as printed. Carried. 1111.1.S. The following bills were ordered paid: P. Baumgartner. assistant Market - master for J:n a ary $ 35 10 L. Daily. cleaning around Market Square for December, 1903, and Jann:uy, 1904 28 00 L. Fay, repairing and overhauling election booths 19 00 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for election booths 50 Ellw^mger Bros.. snaps for curtains for election booths 1 85 Chas. Oswald, braces and clamps for election booths 145 Rider. Wallis Co., ducking for cur- tains for election booths 2 55 G. F. Kleih, rope for election booths 35 Key City Gas Co., gas for various department 102 70 Key City Gas Co., Bracket and 1 Welsbacli light at City lball 2 05 J. Beach & Son, soap ,at City hall and Ninth Street Engine house G 70 -G. B. Grosvenor, stationery and supplies for various offices 15 90 Kelly's Book Store, stationery and supplies for various offices 13 30 Kelly's Book Store, stationery and supplies for Legal department 15 75 Kenna. Lavin Pt'g Co., blank sta- tionery 3 75 Palmer, Berg & Co., blank station- ery16 and printing bonds Dubuque Enterprise Co., blank sta- tionery for Auditor Little, Pecker Co.. mantles and chimneys, City 1 -fall and Fire de- 10 50 de- partment Mullen & Papin, plumbing at City Hall 6 25 Carr, Ryder & Adams Co., sash 50 cord, City Hall R. L Spellenberg, repairs at City 50 ITall Lyons & Lyons, repairs for First Ward Scales T. Faherty, supplies for First Ward Scales McElrath Teaming Co., sand for Road Department F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Road Department Ellwanger Bros.. repairing harness for Road and Fire Department .... P. Lang, Hardware for Road and Special Sidewalk Department ,... F. A. Miller, 1-2 dozen Brooms for Road Department Klauer & Kress, 1-2 dozen Sidewalk Scrapers J. Simones & Co., Blankets, Com- forters and Sheets for Fire Depart - 50 50 ment 4.agen & Sloan, horse shoeing for 85 98 2 25 1 55 18 05 1 95 2 00 2 40 35 Fire I rep:n'tment 8 00 Wunderlich ,t \\'iederholt, horse shoving for Fire 1 )e1rartno nt $ 55 Key Pity tloas Co .. coke for Fire De- l'Itment 22 9 _5 Key city (his ('o., rental of gas :aro al Armory and central Engine hour. 5U Tilts -'Thompson Foundry Co.. I \\'al,•r 11,,x for Fire 1\ep:u•Un,•nt.. l5 'I'. F. Kane. I lay and pals for Fire lint '1 huh ...... .... 2 ' 55 \Ictal'• Itros., Stt':nv for Tire I)e- parlm'•ut 3 25 G. W. Healey & Son, 1-2 dozen bushel baskets for Fire Depart- ment .... 4 20 l.. It ag.atz & Son, repairs for Fire Ih•parl:ra n1 320 Piro I':xI'g Mfg. Co.. 1-2 dozen pick axes for I in• I)ep: u•tnunt 13 50 lrnhn1tne aril 'I':unk 1.ine, Oil for Fire Depart meta 15 95 A. Ruh, Linin for Fire Department 5 70 1'. J. Scippel, I urnbet' for Fire De- partment 2 10 1'. Pier, coal and wood for tire de- partment 142 95 Morrison Eros., repairs :at Fourth SUrct Engine linuse 8 95 11. \Vunderlich, chairs for Eigh- teenth Street and Central Engine Houses 11 50 \l„rtiu-SUcl:au Co., use and damage on ropes and tackle used at Na- tional Biscuit Co.'s lire 3 00 Kaep & Buechele, part payment on police overcoats 90 00 Karp & Buechele, caps for police de- partment 29 75 Kelley's book store, blank stationery for police department 150 P. Pier, coal and wood at city hull151 20 J. IT:u•tig, keys for police depart- GO depart- ment J. llartigmending steel tape for Engineer's office 75 Eichhern & Bechtel, groceries and suppliers for matron department4 45 C. .1. W. Saunders, meat for matron 1 40 de; nrlment \\'in. Hood, sawing wood for ma- S 50 tro11 dep:u'r, tent F. A, Nesler, 1 clock for matron de- 4 50 de- partment A. It. Kcights & Co., 1 star for chief 1 75 of police Ellwanger Bros., repairing harness 110 for patrol team 11. 't'nrpf, board of prisoners for 2 40 January Inion Electric Co., arc lights for 2045 77 January Globe -Journal, Official printing for 60 UO Ja.uuaa'y The 'Time-, official printing for Jan- 15 00 nary Telegraph-IIerald, o1'fici:al printing 50 GO for January Natioi.al Dernukrat, ul'ficiul printing 25 00 for January E. Ai deison, supplies etc., for En- 500 ginccr's office F. Schloz & Sun, repairs for Engi- 1 neer's office Fengler & Beutin, final estimate for improving alley between Garfield and Rhomberg Avenues, from Kniest Street to Johnson Avenue 49 71 Ald. Sheridan moved that the City Re- corder ake out and present a bill instructedtothe County of Dubuque for half the cost of repairing election booths. Carried. ;30 Regular Session Feb. 4, 1904 PETITIONS .\NL) •t'OAIAII'NICATIONS. Petition of Jno. Rapp and Chas. I'itsc•hner. asking Council to accept $500 of th,, special ::ssessment as levied against (Mir property in VWoodlawn Park f, 1110 intprov(nu•nt of Auburn, Algona. Lecora I1 and lhihnqu0 Avenues. Also petition ,.if Chris. A. \'oelker, offer- ing to pay in cash one-half tif) of the special ;tse S:mutts as levied for improv- ing Auburn, Alta, Audubon and Algona Avenues. On motion of Aid. Jims both petitions were referred to the Committee on Fi- nance and City :Attorney with power. Petition of Paul Arduser, claiming the sum of Tin for p.rson:ii damages sustain- ed by falling on the icy walk on Main between Sixth and Seventh Streets. Or, motion was referred to the Com- mittee on Claims :Hid City Attorney. Petition of Dennis McGrath. offering the ri:v ire, of charge a quantity of rock. the :.ane being on lot 5, ['lion Add. On mai .n \\ as referred to the Street Committer: The following petitions were referred to the Delinquent Tax Committee: Petition of Amelia Foss, askit,g for the cancellation sof htr taxes n the north twenty-three 1:!:') feet of lot J.-, City. Also petition of t'rsnl;t Marty, asking for the exemptions of her homestead front taxation to the amount of $500, she being the widow I ut honorably ltischar e'l Union soldier. Also petition Fred Roehl, asking that he be cx,•n1p1 of Li; homestead from tax- ation to the :unot,nt of $S00, he being an honor:thly ttis.•h:nged t'nion soldier. The following petitions were referred to the Ise r.l of Equalization: Petition of Jno. llartig, asking for the ,tion of the assessment on $1,100, moms s and credits. AJ. ptitian of 13. Kopald, asking that t lie 111,11t as levied against his stock b ods ue reduced from $1,000 to $400. Also petition of Nic Meyer, asking that the assessment as levied against $22,500.00 moneys and credits be ordered canceled. Also petition of L. Bunting et al., asking for a reduction of the special assessment as levied against lots 28, 35 and 36 in Ju- lia L. Langworthy's Add., for the improve- ment of Langworthy Avenue. Also petition of Airs. L. F. Alden, ask- ing that her assessment on $4,000.04 moneys and credits lie reduced to $2,0110.00; also that II, s,sment on N. t/ Lot 6 and I. in A. L. B'rown's Sub. be re- m- .1 111)111 1,. '._11.00. Petition 1 1' I.. ,i 1, Aliugcs, ask- ing' that 11: „nl.-r, d ..:kneeled on East 110 1 i 1...t I in Oakland Park Add. On motion the ; . I ition was referred to the Board of Equalization and City As- sessor. Petition of the Klauer Mfg, Co., asking permission to lay a sidetrack adjoining their factory on the east side of Wash- ington street between Ninth and Tenth streets. Ald. Jones moved to refer the petition to the committee of the Whole with power and they to view the grounds, Car- ried. REPOIR'l' OF OFFICERS. City 'I'reasur. ; trinitman reported as follows: To the I lonoral.l,. and City Council: Gentlemen: Belo, >,nt will lied state- ment of amounts n, e I by me during the past month, please order warrants drawn in tor: Excavation permits redeemed $ 10.1)0 Interest paid on Warrants out- standing 3,106.882 Freight charges .50 New York exchange 5.10 I',stage stamps .40 1;t fund regular Tax 13.15 $:3,1:33.97 Library Orders paid $615.23 Respect fully, TT. BRIN KAIAN, Treasurer. On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the var- ious amounts, and the report referred Bark to the committee on Finance. City Auditor lloffin:1n repotted as fol- lows: To the Honorable Al.iyor and City Council: Gentleatce—llra•,•witIi find my report for 1h.. ntonth of January. l914. showing lite receipts :not dishursemenis for the ntonth: cash ea 11100 .1:11. 1st. Itt -I 515.:15:3.50 Berl ipts ft'ont all . our.1e-, 1;3.4:56.15 $79.41,9.58 \\-:1rrlills redeemed $27.3.`19.75 Cant i le [..deemed 4.307.50 water works Coupons r'•.lcented1,170.00 $10.937.28 Cash on hand Feb. 1st. 19111 $46.472.30 The above cash balance includes the Improvement Bond Fund, Improvement, Band Interest Fund, library- and Sprink- ling Fund balances. Also report that there is due the city officers for the month of January 82.:,03.20. Also the following is a record of all In- ierest Coupons rode, wed by Treasurer for the past month: Regular Bond Coupons $1300.30 Water \\'rtrks Coupons Improvement Bond Coupons 1.170.00 1, i) 37.50 $5,537.50 The following list shows the Appropl'fa- tions and the amount of Warrants drawn on each Fund since the beginning of the fiscal year beginning March 1st, 19101, to February 1st, 1904: Appropriation. Expended. Expense $40,000 $27,329.01) Roark '150)00 :3N;.5:38.6L' I'irr• 388.00)0 31.123.1 Poitce 288,00:1 2l.: 1.:::) Sewerage 3,044) 4.157.11 Printing 2,00), 1.750.00 Engineer 3,500 2,5^_9.15 Gas and Light 25.000 °0,.1'5.:32 Interest 43`3,.,500.00000) 3000 73o,trd of Health 6,000 4,0)57.75 Grading 4.000 3,160.18 Bee Branch 7,000 5,556.68 Special Bonded Paving 2,500 Judgment 3,000 1,581.40 Sprinkling First District800 800.00 Sprinkling Second District 1,500 1,500.04) Sprinkling Third District1,500 1,500.00 Sprinkling Fourth District 1,200 1.200.00 Sprinkling Fifth District1,400 1,400.00 Special Bonded Debt In- terest 4,000 4,000.00 _Mount Carmel Avenue, Regular Session Feb. 4, 1904. Grading 1,000 974.90 Sidewalk Repairing 1.000 671.75 Special Sewer Fund 2,500 ^-.:h9. lc Grading Bluff Street Ex- tension 1.000 1)100.00 To tui Appropriation $_011,100 Resplott illy. F. B. flue"I'\IA\, Auditor. On motion the report was r,•c'ived and warrants ord. red drawn to pay llte City Officers. and the report referred back to the Committe on Finance. Fire Chi, f Reinfried reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil: Gentlemen:—Tho I'ollnwing is the pay roll of the Fire Department for the month of January, 11'I: Amount due firemen S2,172.7_0 On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the fire- men ,and the report referred back to the Committee on Fire. Chief of Police Reilly reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil: Gentlemen: -1 herewith submit the po- lice report for the month of January, 1901: Total arrests for the month 49 Residents arrested for the month Doors found open for the month24 Defective lights for the month 26 Lodgers harbored for the month 119 Meals furnished for the month 12 Cost of food for the month $2.40 Sheriff, dieting prisoners for month$8.50 Patrol runs for the month ' Miles traveled for the month 4 1%_ Also the pay roll fur policemen for the month of January, 1904: Amount due policemen 81974.15 Respectfully submitted, THOS. REIL1.Y, Chief of Police. On motion the report and pay roll were received. and warrants ord, 1'.•.1 drawn to pay the policemen and the report refer- red back to the Committe nn Police: City Engine, r Boyce reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: (1,•ntlemen:-1 herewith submit my pay roll for labor on Streets for the last halt of January, 1904: Amount due laborers on Streets $4S1.20 Respectfully submitted. JAMES IT. BOYCE. City Engineer. Approved: E. E. FRITH, Chairman Committee on Streets. J(SEI'1T 1,. HOER, JOHN J. SI-IERIDAN. Also submit my pay roll for labor on Sewers during the last half of January, 1904: Amount due laborers on Sewers....$165.80 Respectfully submitted, JAMES II I tOYCE, y Engineer. Approved: Jul IN .1. SII ERIDAN, Chairman Cuntn1itte,• on Sewers. JUSEI'lI I.. !Mitt:, DEMI I I ,111:.\\,'f:. On motion the ray rolls for Streets and Sewers w, re reo. ived and warrants or- dered drawn to pay the various amounts 37 and the pay rolls referred back to the proper committrcS. City Attorney herrn, s reported as fol- lows: To the llonorahle 1111yor and Aldermen of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I beg lease to report that the committee en claims and myself for the past six weeks have had under con- sideration II St•tt I.'ment in the cas • of: Catherlr.c Haggerty vs. City of Dubuque. This case is for damages caused by a fall on the sidewalk ',n the wrest side of hell Street in the City of iluhtulue. The side- walk was obstructed by ridgy. uneven and dangerous accumulations of snow and ice, which the City had negligently al- lowed to accumulate :Ind remain nn Said walk, After a ear. fill examination into th facts as to the liability of the city fin' the condition aS ahove described. ;unl 1'111' investigating thoroughly the Hann,, and extent of the injuries plaintiff, 1 le i•anie satisfied that the City was I. gaily liable in this case. The pria,•ipal injury to plaintiff consists of the hones in the back of her left hand IWirg Inol:ln ;MO although the injury has l,.,•0 properly dressed and bandaged two separate times and two npetatim15 p''rforna•d upon the shin', tilc'y still refuse to rouuite, and as the iiiitn• ,,c,•nrre,I oil the 11th day of De- cember, e- m i', 1902, it would appear that her in- juria s are of :1 permanent nature. Tho Plaintiff is a domestic and depun.ls entire- ly upon her own labor f.i' her support. With the sanction and approval of the committe,e en claims .t off,t•ed to settle this case for the slim of .six hundred ;alit r•vi'111,ln ,$61, dolhu•s, dcfond;utt to le -y h• oS;s ours. 'Phis offer was held under colisiheratiou Icy plaintiff until the 23rd day ,Jf January, 1904, when the same was ace. pt, d upas the c•oniliti,ai that the amount be Maid within thirty 43,0 days from that dote. I believe this to be ;t good settlement for the Cite, as it is a small amount considering the gravity of the case incl much less than a jury would find had the case been tried. [ therefore recommend that the action cf the City Attorney in making this set- tlement be approved by the council: that a warrant be drawn in favor of the Mayor for the sum of six hundred and seventeen ($'117) dollars, and that he be instructed to pay the same to A1111 l w's & Frantzen, attorneys f.i plaintiff. upon their signing a receipt in full for all damages growing out of said injury. and also signing a stip- ulation of dismissal of said action: said receipt and stipulation to be prepared by the rile Attorney. I also recommcd that an order be drawn in favor of the Vayor for the sun of ten and 25-100 41(1.251 dollars, co:u't costs in said case, and that the Mc yor be bistro instria ted to pay said court costs and Lake a c''•pipt therefor, and re- port at the next 1 ,';rnlar meeting of the council. Respectfully :submitted, G. A. BARNES, City Attorney. On motion of Ald. 1Torr. the report was approved, and warrants ordered drawn in favor of the Mayor as recommended. City Electrician llipman reported as fol- lows: To the 1-icmorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen—I herewith submit my report of Defective Lights for the month of Jan- uary, 1904. 1 find from the report of the Police Department that the total hours that 2G lamps failed to burn would equal 3S Regular Session Feb. 4, 1904. 2 lamps for one month, or $10.50. Respectfully Submitted. \VILLI:\\ II Il B.\N, l'ity Electrician. On motion the report w w., received and the Auditor instructed to deduct from the Union Electric Co.'s bill for the mouth of January, 1904, the amount of $10.80. City Engineer Boyce reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen.—Attached please find Treas- urer's receipt for $05.75, amount collected for rolling. From the Key trite (las $57.00. and the I,nba.!ue \\':Iter \\',I• 'J'i•ristces $0.73. :is per bills referred to neo for colleetiut:. Respectfully. JAMES H. BOYCE. City Engineer. On motion of Ald. Sheridan the report was received and filed. The City Engineer also reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:—On account of error In as- sessment I would ask for the cancella- tion of the fill"wing assessments for cleaning alleys: July 10. 1902—M. F, Matthews. A. Mc- It:o:iris' Sub., lot 804 $3 00 ,1ev 15. 19112—John Schuler, City N 2-5 lot 481; 150 :\Iso the fill, wing assessments for cut- ting weed': Uct• 2::• 1902—D. 1-1. McCarthy, Sub. 2 of S of Min. lot 159. N. 1/2 lot 1$1 60 Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Ald. Frith moved that the report be ap- proved and the Treasurer instructed ac- cordingly. Carried. Sidewalk his;.ector Crawford reported as follows: To the 1 -Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil: Gentlemen:—On account of erroneous as- sessment 1 ask for the cancellation of the following assessments: Date of Levy. June 20, 1901—L. Smith Est., Sub. Min. lot 79, lots 9-10-11 $1 05 .July 10, 1902—Mary Kelly Est., Union Add., lot 135 65 July 2, 1903—Anthony Siege, Woods' Add.. lot 82 Jan. 7, 1904—A. R. Staufenbeil, E. Langworthy's Add., N. % lot 20 Jan. 21, 1904-1. Lobdell, Julia Lang - worthy's Add., lot 50 Sept. 3, 1903—Kate M. Cady, Farley's Sub., lot 24—This assessn eat of $1.00 should be reduced to Respectfully submitted, ADAM CRAWFORD, Sidewalk Inspector. Ald. Frith moved that the report be .approved and the Treasurer instructed ac- cordingly. Carried. 05 35 50 55 Sidewalk Inspector Crawford also re- ported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—Reporting on the petition of A. C, Buettell, Administrator of the Estate of John L. Buettell, deceased, I beg to state that I find the assessments for removing snow and ice from sidewalk levied against lots 4 and 5 of Quigley's Sub. 710 and lot 1, Nairn's Add., to be correct. The assessment against lots 11, ,11111 14. Nairn's Acid.. I find to be in eS r.sS, and would recommend that the Treasurer be instruoted to deduct the m„ trr! litre .,'niS from the assess- tneut .,n Sail tori. l:,•sl. ret frilly submitted, AIF.tB CRAWFORD, Sidewalk Inspector. \Id. Ibis unve.1 that the report be ap- proved p- 1ofcd :Ind l i. 'Il eastn er be instructed accordingly. C:o h d. Citi- Recorder Arendt presented and read ilii' printed notice, certified to by the Publisher, of the t'„uuc'il's intention to van:,te C,-•dnr• St r,•, t from 'fcntll to Eleventh Street. \I.I. Sheridan moved that said notice be received and tiled. C'arr'ied. City R,'e'nIer Arcu,lt also presented and read tine printed notice, certified to by the Publish, me. of the Council's inten- tion to levy a special assessment against the differ -lit named property owners for ,•p:rrring Sidewalks during the month of 1tecenrl er. 191:1: Nn remonstrance bei:•.g tiled the Mayor asked if :n.> one present hail any ohjce- tion to said special assessment. No ub- jeetion being Staled. on motion the notice was received and tiled. \\ hereupon AI•.t. 1" Lith offered the fol- lowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for repairing Sidewalks during month of December, 1903, in front of and adjoining the same, a Special Tax be and is hereby levied on the several Lots, and farts of Lots and Par- cels cif heal Estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each I Mt or Parcel of Real Estate, as follows: Special Assessn:ent submitted and passed Feb. 4th, 1904. Dec. 1.—C. A. Alexander, Sub. 3, Babcock's Sub., lot 2. 11 bricks. 10c; 1-2 hour labor. 25,. $ 35 Dec. 1.—Wm. Stotz, Sub. Min. lot 160. lot 3, 10 ft. lumber, 2oc; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 45 Dec. 1.—J. T. Hancock Est., Sub Min. lot 158, lot 7, 30 ft. lumber, 60c; 1-2 hour labor, Ole 85 flee. 2.—\\'m. J. Strain. City, lot 599a, 120 ft. lumber, $2.40; 1 hour labor, 2 90 50c Dec. 9.—German Presbyterian Col- lege, Sub. City 675, lot 7, 12 ft. lum- ber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, Ole Dec. 5.—A. F. Jaeger Est., Davis Farm Add., lots 270-271, 15 ft. lum- ber, 30e; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Dec. 5.—Jas. Levi, Davis Farm Add, lot 238, 5 ft. lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Dec. 5.—Tlrn Dillon, Dillon's Sub, lots 1-2, 10 ft. lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor 25c Dec. 5.—Tim Dillon, Grandview Ave Add., lot 8, 20 ft. lumber, 40o: 1-2 hour labor, 25c 65 Dec. 5.—P. F. Dalton, Grandview Ave. Add., lot 3, 20 ft. lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Dec. 5.—P. F. Dalton, Grandview Ave. Add., lot 4, 8 ft. lumber. 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Dec. 5.—Church, Union Add., lots 138- 139, 30 ft. lumber, 60c; 3-4 hour labor, 40c 1 00 Dec. 5—Thos. Meehan, Union Add, lot 132, 8 ft. lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 50 b5 35 45 40 40 Regular Session Feb. 4, 1904. 39 Dec. 5.—A. Lorenz, Sub. City 688, etc., W. 27 ft., lot 9, 20 ft. lumber, 40c 40 Dec. 5.—Dubuque Malting Co., Davis Farm Add., E. 70 fl., lot 376, 7 ft. lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c40 Dec. 8.—R. & E. Langworthy Est, Glendale Add., lot 213, 25 ft. lum- ber, 50c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 75 Dec. 8.—Frank M. Marsh. Sub. Pt Min. Lot 174, lots 1-2. 38 ft. lumber, 75c; 3-4 hour labor, 40c 115 Dec. 8.—A. J. Van Duzee, O'Neill's Sub. No. 2, lot 23, 5 ft. lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25e 35 Dec. 8.—Buol & Loetscher, Loet- scher & Treub's Sub., lot 15. 8 ft. lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c40 Dec. 8.—Buol & Loetscher, Loet- scher & Treub's Sub., lots 9-10, 10 ft. lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 2545 Dec. 11.—Wm. Lawther & J. V. Ri- der, Burden-Lawther Add., lot 17, 10 ft. lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 45 Dec. 19.—C. A. Voelker, Woodlawn Park. lot 53. 5 ft. lumber, 10c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 35 Dec. 19.—John J. Keane, Levens' Add., lot 2, 20 ft. lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c Dec. 19.—Ambrose Leiser, Woodlawn Park, lot 101, 10 ft. lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 45 Dec. 19.—Carr, Ryder & Adams, Guernsey & Langworthy's Add., lots 3-4, 50 ft. lumber, $1.00; 1 hour labor, 50c 1 50 Total $ 16 85 Aid. Frith moved to adopt the resolution. Carried by the following vote; Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Bb City Engineer Boyce reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen—Herewith attached please find Plat of proposed Street from the wes- terly line of Queen Street extended, through lots 3 and 4 of Sub, of 11, 12 and 13 of N. E. 1/4 of Sec. 13, T. 89, N. R. 2 E. to Windsor Avenue. Notice was served on the respective property owners. JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Ald. Frith moved to refer said Plat to the committee on Streets. Carried. Respectfully submitted. Sidewalk Inspector Crawford reported as follows: Herewith attached please find statement of the removal of snow and ice from Side- walks during the month of January, 1904, with the names of the parties that done the work, according to the Ordinance re- lating to cleaning Sidewalks. Respectfully submitted ADAM CRAWFORD, Sidewalk Inspector. Aid. Sheridan moved that the report be received and the Recorder be instructed to advertise said special assessment ten times in the official newspaper, according to the Ordinance. Carried. Mayor Berg reported on the case of Mrs. Catherine Ryan vs. the City of Dubuque, which had been settled by the City Attor- ney for $425.00, .and presented and read a receipt for the above amount signed by Catherine Ryan. Also a receipt from the clerk of the District Court for $6.55, being court costs in full, for the above named case. Also a receipt from the City Treasurer far $2.00 refunded by the Mayor, being amount drawn in favor of the Mayor in excess of the actual court cost in the above named case. Ald. Clancy moved that the action of the Mayor and City Attorney be approved. Ca rried. Mayor Herq- also reported that he re- ceived sum,. time age, the resignation of James E. \\'el:,h :is a 'Trustee of the Car- negie -Stout I'il,lie Libra y, which had been accepted, and that he had appointed in his place Mr. James M. 'ilei adder. Ald. Frith moved that the action of the Mayor be approved. Carried. The falluw-ing \Veighmasters' and Wood - measurers' receipts were referred to the committee on Markets: H. J. 'I'ropf, City Hall recipts $40.50 T. Faherty, First Ward Scale re - iii itv 6.29 Louise l'itw•hncr, West Dubuque Sea to receipts 3.20 Ii.. A. Moyes. \Voodmensuret•s' re- ceipts 10.80 REPORTS OF STANDING TEES. COMMIT - Aid. Frith, chairman of the Ordinance committee, presented and read an ordin- ance for the vacation of Cedar Street be- tween Tenth and Eleventh Streets in the City of Dubuque, and moved that the reading just had be considered its first reading. Carried. Ald. Frith moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of reading the Ordinance by its title the second time. Carried by the following vote: Ycas—AIds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. The Ordinance was then read by its title. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the Ordinance as read. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. The Mayor declared the Ordinance adopted. Ordinance follows: An Ordinance for the Vacation of Cedar Street Between Tenth and Eleventh Streets in the City of Dubuque. Whereas, The Key City Gas Company, a corporation organized under the laws of Iowa, has petitioned the City Council of the City of Dubuque for the vacation and annuliment of Cedar Street between Tenth and Eleventh Streets in the City of Du- buque, and Whereas, The said Key City Gas Com- pany is the owner to fee simple of all the real estate abutting said portion of said Cedar Street, and needs said portion of said street, in connection with its said abutting property, for its proposed new gas works and plant required by the in- creased demands of the residents of the city, and \Vhereas, By the direction of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, the City Engineer has made a plat of and showing said portion of said street proposed to be vacated, and filed the same in his office subject to public inspection, and due no- 40 Regular Session Feb. 4, 1904. rice has been given to all abutting prop- erty owners, and ten days' notice of said proposed vacation has been published in the official paper of the city, and the pro- posed ;Ruben has been submitted to the city (1110111 :11 two regular sessions. ruin Whereas. IL appears that no valid ob- jections have been mole 10 the vacation of said portion of said street. and said aLo\e described portion of said street is not required for sn•eet purposes; Therefore. lie It Ordained by the City Council of the city of Dubuque: Section 1. That Cedar Street between Tenth and Eleventh streets in the city of Dubuque be and the ,same is hereby va- cated and annulled and the permanent use thereof is her. by granted to the Key City Gas Company anti its successors and as- signs as a sill of the ground to be used and occupied by said gas works and plant. Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in force and tike effect from and after its passage and publication one time in the Dubuque Daily t:lu1 e Journal, official pa- per of the City of Dubuque. Adopted 1909. Approved Mayor. Attest: Recorder. Ald. Jones, chairman of the committee on Public Grounds and Buildings, reported as follows: Your committee on Public Grounds and Buildings, to whom was referred the mat- ter of erecting a building on the city pound, begs to report that they have in- vestigated the matter and find that it will require a budding about 52 feet by 145 feet by 12 feet high. This would give ample room for storing the sprinkling wagons, the rock crusher, steam roller, lumber and such other property as might be desired and leave room enough for a carpenter Atop and patrol house. \Ve would recommend that the City Recorder be instructed to invite architects to sub- mit sketches for such a building and in- form them that they may obtain full par- ticulars by calling at the City Engineer's office. Also your Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings, who were instructed by this Council to investigate the conditions existing at the Grand Opera House, with a view of safeguarding the public in case of fire, begs to report that the manage- ment of said opera house has made the following alterations: An automatic trap has been constructed in the roof over the stage which would act as a flue in case of fire and draw the flames straight up, instead of allowing them to spread over the auditorium. Iron door's have been hung between the dressing rooms and the stage. A light has been installed in the alley.' A direct wire has been put in to communicate with the Central En- gine house. Fire extinguishers have been put in all the dressing rooms. The exits are all so marked fn large letters. In addition to the foregoing, we have been assured by the owners that between six and eight thousand dollars will be ex- pended during the spring on further al- terations. The building will then be connected with the water mains on Eighth Street and the basement plan will be changed so as to give egress from the dressing rooms to Eighth Street. We would further report that we have con- sidered the merits of steel and asbestos. .•urt:uns, and would recommend that the City Recorder lie Instructed to notify the way°rs of the said opera house that they should put in an asbestos curtain of the hest duality without delay. RU'DOLPII JONES, Chairman. GEO. N. RAYMOND, MATT C!. ANCY. Ald. Jones unwed to adopt the reports of the committee on Public Grounds and Buildings. Car tied. Al]. Jones also moved that the bill of A. E. Bradley for glazing at the Ar- mory, ;mounting to $7.410, be paid. Car- ried. Ald. Raymond, chairman of the Com- mittee on Delinquent 'faxes, repotted as follows: Your Committee on Delinquent '1'axe--, to whom was referred the petition of Mrs. Wilhelmina Loeffler, asking that the taxes against her property, lots 19 and 21. Wick's Add., be ordered canceled for the year 1902 would recommend that the prayer of the petitioper be granted and that the Treasurer be instructed ac- cordingly. Also your Committee on Delinquent 'Panes, to whom was referred the peti- tion of Alma E. Carberry, widow of an honorably o:sciltrgod soldier of the \Var of the (cheilion, asking that her prop- erty, Sub. 2, Butch's Sub.. lot 1 and Butch's Sub., Int 1. he exetapt from tax- ation to the amount of $800.00 on the as- sessed valuation of the same for the year 1903, would recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted :tad that the Treasurer Le instructed accordingly. Also .our Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom wit.; referred the peti- tion of John Plein, an honorably dis- charged soldier of the War of the Re- bellion, asking that his property, Mc- Craney's 1st Addition, lot 1, be exempt from taxation to th • amount of ,8O011 on the assessed valuation of the same for the year 1903, would recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the City 'Treasurer be instructed ac- cordingly. Also your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the petition of Eva Seidle, asking that she be granted an extension of time for the payment of the taxes assessed against lots 519, 522') and 521 in Ham's Add., would recommend that said taxes be allowed to remain a lien on the property and that the Treas- urer be instructed not to sell. GEO. N. RAYMOND. Chairman. Ald. Raymond moved to adopt the re- port of the Delinquent Tax Committee. Carried. Ald. Sheridan, chairman of the Commit- tee on Sewers, reported as follows: Your Committee on Sewers, to whom was referred the communication of M. Tschh•gi, stating that the S. 19.5 feet of the N. 22 feet of City lot No. 78, owned by J. V. Rider and B. W. Lacey has been connected on June 2, 1903, with the sewer in the alley between Main and Locust Streets and that the charge for said connection is $29.64, one-half of which amount is to be retained by the City and Regular Session Feb. 4, 1904. the balance paid over to him, begs to report that the above amount has been paid into the city treasury by Messrs. Rider and Lacey; we would therefore recommend that in accordance with the ordinance relating to said sewer, a war- rant in the sum of $14.82 he ordered drawn on the city treasury in favor of M. Tschirgi. JOHN J. SHERIDAN, Chairman. Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Ald. Jones, of the Board of Health, re- ported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil: Gentlemen: Your Board of Health would respect fully report that at their meeting held Feb. 1st. 1904, the following bills in relation to the Small Pox cases occur- ring in the family of ('has. Hansen were presented and audited by the Board and ordered referred to the County Super- visors for payment: Jno. A. Voelker, To conveying Chas. Hansen's family to Detention hos-$19 00 pital Edw. Vey, To groceries and supplies delivered to Chas. Hansen's fam- 4 95 ily McElrnth Teaming Co., To 1 load of water delivered to Chas. Han- sen's home Jno. A. Voelker, To fumigating the residence of Chas. Hansen 0 40 Ald. Jones moved to adopt the report. Carried. Aid. Piorr, Chairman of the Committee of the Whole, reported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole, to whom were referred the several remonstrances of Joseph Hummel et al, against the pro- posed vacation of Cedar Street, would recommend that said remonsttunecs be received and filed and that the ordinance committee be instructed to present an ordinance to this council providing for the vacation of said Cedar ,Street to the Key City Gas Company. Also, your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of James P. Donahoe, asking that the city accept the sum of $200.00 in full settlement of the special assessment levied against City Lot 228 for the paving of Iowa Street, would recommend that said petition he re- ceived and filed. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the requisition of the chief of the fire department for 1,000 feet of cotton -jacket, rubber lined hose, would recommend that the matter of purchasing said hose be referred to the Committee on Fire and Chief of the Fire depart- ment with power. JOSEPH L. HORR, Chairman. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the various reports of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Also your committee of the Whole, to whom was reappointment ofrred the danance inspector iof provid- ing for the aPP wood and regulating the sale of wood for fuel in the City of Dubuque, and repealing Chapter XXI. of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque, begs to re- port that they have amended said ordin- ance by inserting an addition section, known as Section 15 In the Ordinance as 41 amended, and would recommend that the Ordinance as amended be adopted. JOSEPH L. HORR, Chairman. Ald. Raymond moved to suspend the - rules for the purpose of hearing Mr. P. Strelan. Carried. Mr. Strelau stated that on account of some of the wool dealers being absent from the cite. and who wunld like to be present at the nu•,ting of the Council when said Ordinance was passed, he would prefer of having the Ordinance lay over until the next meeting of the Coun- cil. Whereupon Ald. Clancy nutted that the nrdinanco in relation to the appointment of an inspector of \Good lay over until the next meeting of the Council. Carried. Ald. Jones. chairman of the Special committee to ;milt the quarterly report of the Dubuque Water Works Trustees, re- ported as follows: Your Special committee, to whom was referred the quarterly statement of the Water Works Trustees for the quarter ending December 31, 1901. b. ge to report that we have audited said st;tlenient and' find the same to correspond with the vouchers on file in the office of said 'Trus- tees, we would therefore recommend that said statement be received and tiled. RLDOLPI I JONES, 1NES, Chairman. JNO. J. Sl I E1tIDAN, JOS. L. BOHR. Committee. Ald. Jones moved to adopt the report. Carried. RESOLUTIONS. Alderman Frith offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That when appro- priations are being made for the fiscal year beginning March 1, 1904, a special appropriation of $5,000.00 be made for the purchase of a site and the construction and equipping of a fire engine house there- on. Such site to be purchased in such locality as may be deemed most advisable for the protection of property both in the Eagle Point district and the north end of the Fifth ward. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried. Ald. Raymond moved that the City Re- corder be instructed to advertise for bids for binding twenty-five (25) copies of the Council proceedings and printing the in- dex of 1903. Carried. Ald. Raymond also moved that the City Recorder be instructed to advertise for bids for the painting of nine (9) sprinkling wagons according to specifications on file in the City Recorder's office. Car- ried. Ald. Raymond also moved that the mat- ter of fixing the appropriations for the fiscal year be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. Sheridan moved that the matter of appointing a License Collector be refer- red to the Committca of the Whole. Car- ried. Ald. Horr moved that the Mayor enter into a contract with some Telephone com- pany for the purpose of placing a tel- 42 Regular Session Feb. 4, 1904. ephone in the residence of Thos. Reilly, Chief of Yolice. Carried. Ald. Sheridan moved to adjourn until the 18th day of February. 1904. Carried. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Attest: 4. CSG ,r(ler i! Approred.. ifif! , to„ . .Mayor Regular Session Feb. 18, 1904. CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session, February ((itticial.) conned tell ii i at 5:211 o'clock .1'. .51. in the chair. ('holey, Corrtutce, Frith, 11: I; mond and Sheridan. • lE.TI't'tl)NS .\N11 t'(t\l.\II'NIC.1T1ONS. Petition of The Dubuque AWooden \Vare Co.. he L.11. Jredc. Secretary, et al., A. Witting et al.. G. J tttaun;tier, Jr., et it., J. Jierr,anger ct al., ih ail E. JCruse et al., Otto F. Lange et al., Jun. I'lein et al., Amos 1';tley et al.. ;taking that ;t lire sta- tion he established with proper equipment and lie located in the .East end of the Fifth \\'ard near the l:tr. hall School, on 1-Ihnntbt'rg Avenue. ▪ \Id. Jones moved to suspend the rules for the Impose of hearing from some of the residents and taxpayers of the Filth \Wand. C.iuietl. ▪ \ttnl'ney 1:. 1', ltoedi'll addressed the Council. stating that the Fifth Award ill that vicinity was tcithetit lire protection and that :is taxpayers are entitled 10 some eimsideratilut and asked the Connell to act favorably in grant:ng sant petitions. Messrs. L. II. Hurtle. E. Fengler. L. and Geo. I:uehler :lad others addressed the Council tt the same matter. .AId. Frith moved that the prayer of the l telitiout'rs he granted. \Itl. ('nrrance moved as ;t substitute that lilt' petition. he referred to the com- mittee of the \\'hole. Substitute carried by the following vote: Yeas—A Ids. Cla tic'. Corrauce, lion:, Raymond anil Sheridan. Nays—.\ids. Frith anti Jones. Petition if The l tubut3 11 Packing Co., by Jas. Ftao•h. President. asking that a watchman be stationed at the railroad crossing on Sixteeuith stroct. On motion the petition was received and tied. --- Petition of the members of The Du- buque Police Force, by P. Mcl'ollins et al., asking for an increase of salary, also Petition of the members of the Dubuque Eire Department. asking for an increase of salary. On motion both petitions were referred to the committee of the Whole. 13 t 111 I -U.11 k l; it -;is I t :. I-1. 1,. the Board of I•:qnalizatinn. i:l•:1'(1it'I'S 01' 111 I It'I:I:S ('ily i•:u,gint jL'oye r pnted as fnl- To thr Ilor,orabl AliOaln and City Coutt- cil of tile (-itr of Dubuque: (IcntIcaien:—I ltetoititlt submit my pay loll for lama' on Streets for the Iirst half of V..bruare. l!tni _Anu•nnt due labor,rs ou Slitets gSSS.70 Iii -sl eel 'ully snlnnitted. I:1 t\'t'4:. I•:oginter. .\ pl a n\'ed : E. E. Chairman t'itinumiltee ,,l, St•wit's, Jc)lIN J. SIII•:l:Ilt.\N. .IOS l•:1'I I L. 111,1:1:. Also snitmii rr: Ir19 roll I'ti lather on Sewers (luring the lit half nt: .Fcln'uar'y. 1904: Anu,uut due laborers ou St•atus 5175.00 Itesl cetfully siilnniltt'd. .I:\ \I ES II. 1 a I\'CI•:. t'ily Iaigin' er. Approved: ,1(1II> .1. SIII•:1:111:\N. Imo ('unnuillrr ou Sli ce Is. JOSEPH 1.. Ill lttt. 111'(111 ('(11:1::\N('h.. On nutlion the par Polis for Streets and Seta's ',sere rec••ived. :maid \Vale': lltS or - d nett \tn tit SIC the various amounts :and the p;.y rolls referred !Niel: to the Honer opt•r eon.ntittci i. Petition of Mrs. Sarah W. \\'mall, ask- ing that assessment of moneys and credits on $22.700.011 as levied against the S. S. W Inall Est., be ordered canceled. \Id. Raymond moved to grant the peti- tion and tite Treasurer be instructed ac- cordingly. Carried. The following petitions were referred to the Delinquent Tax committee: Petition of Ilcrm, 'Ney, asking that the taxes on lot :14, \\'nt. Rebman'H Sub., be ordered canceled. Also petition of Aug. Klass, asking that he be exempt of his home stead from taxation to the amount of $000.00, he being art honorably discharged Union soldier. • Petition of Elizabeth Dearborn, risking that the assessed valuation of S. 1-2, M. 1-5, City Lot 998, be reduced from $2,200.00 to $1,300.00. City Itec•nrdel' Arendt presented and read the printed notice certilit'd to by the publishers. of the t'ouncil's intention It key a speeial :Isse:=storm against. die tiil'f,v•ent named property oNhiters for the removal of snots and ice fano sidewalks during the month of .l;onuary. 19111. Nit remonstrance beicg liled the \btyor asked if Wray one frust -n1 had any ohjec- liori to so ill special :ussessutrnt. Ud, I•'riled OM Mr. J. Olinger ohjeeted to his spt'eial assessment, and mow, d that said special ; issessutt•nt be referred to the Committee on Streets. Carried. 'Cwt. sketches for a building to lie erect - (d on the Pity found were presented. :All. Jones nutted to refer the same to the Committee on Puddle Grounds and thtildiugs and Pity Eitginoer. Carried. I'lo• following report of the Special Com- mittee. .ippoittled to submitplans for tilli:liug Ih city into road districts was prt•,ctded .00l read. I ubulue, Iowa. Feb. 15, 191st. To the 11.i:or:dile \layer and ('ily coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: ---Your eommitiee appointed to submit, Ithtos for dividing the city into ro;td districts for Ilio pntpost' of cleaning, sprinkling and repairing. beg leave to re- port that we have given the matter care- ful t•onsidt•ration and recommend that slue oily he dlviied into three districts or flit IIIrpo:,es. Said districts to eoailtri,:t• the territory as hereinafter de- serih d: The first district shall comprise all the territory lying south of the following de- scribed lice: Conuneneing on the west at the City Limits al. the boundary line between the First, mid Fourth wards, thence easterly :long said ward boundary liar to the center of Grandview Avenue, thence northerly along the north bound- Regular Session Feb. 1904. ary line between the Fourth and Second wards to the east side of Bluff Street, thence southerly to the north side of Bluff and Sixth Streets. thence easterly to the west side of Iowa. and Sixth Streets, thence northerly to the north side of Seventh tad Iowa Streets, thence easterly to the east line of City Lot 510, thence along the old corporation line to the center of Eighth Stre.t. thence east- erly along tile ward houn.lry line between the Second and Third wards to the Mis- sissippi Ricer. The second district shall comprise all the territory lying north and east of the following lines: commencing on the east at the :Mississippi River on the boundary line between the Second and Third wards, thence west, rly .it ag said line to the old corporation line. thence southerly along the east lin,• ..f ('iiv Lot :du to the north side of S.v..11t11 Street, thence westerly to the west Seventh and Iona. Srr ets. them, southerly to the north silt' of Sixth Street. thence westerly to the east silo of Bluff Street, thence north- erly to the center of 1•:ighth Street, thence easter]- to the east side of alley between Main ❑inl Locust Sieets. thence north- erly to the south side of Tenth Street, the:u•e . ;1st. rly to the center of Main Street, thence northerly along the ward boundary lire between Third and Fourth wards to the old corporation line and being the south boundary line of the Fifth ward, thence westerly along the ward boundary line between the Fifth and Fourth wards to the City Limits. The thin] district shall comprise all the territory within the limits of the city not embraced in the First and Second dis- tricts as herein described. Respectfully submitted, G. A. BARNES. JAMES H. BOYCE. C. B. SCI-HEER. Ald. Frith moved to refer the above report to the Committee of the Whole. Ald. Clancy moved a substitute, that the report he approved, and referred to the Ordinance Committee to draft an Ordinance adopting the same according to law. Carried by the following vote: Teas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Mayor Berg reported as follows: In compliance with the insuvetiuns of the City Council 1 have carried out the settlement made by the City .Attorney in the case of Catherine Ilaggelty vs. City of Dubuque, by paying to Matthews & Frantzen, attorneys for plaintiff. the sum of six hundred and seventeen ($017) Dol- lars, and by paying the cost of court in the sum of $10.25. Attached you will find receipts in full :1s ;.hove. C. H. BERG, Mayor. Ald. Sheridan moved that the report be approved and the documents received and filed. Carried. Bid for printing index and binding 25 copies of the council proceedings for 1903 was ordered opened. Bid as follows: The Telegraph -Herald, per book, $3.50. There only being one bid on motion was referred to the Committee on Printing. Bid for painting nine (9) Sprinkling Wagons was ordel'ed opened. 1:i.1 as follows: ,loo. Newman k `on, painting :1 Sprint:_ ?in \\'ag•u.s at I".0 e:ueh, nr $I71..ia for tt wagons. 'fh''v.• only being one 1 i.l on 111.11011 was re (erred to th,. ('onnnitle,• on 1'nv- hug. Sweeping and Ste inkling. I1EP( _tit'I'S (.,I•' S'I'.\NI'IN1, t't I: ES. .\Id. ll,a'r. chairman of the ConnrItt'I, rep rI'd ;.s follows: Your I'entanitt. ott Finance, to whom was r. f. rred with i.ewer the p.•tit ion of John liapp .et :it, ill ''elation to the sp. - ial assessnt.•nts :i ;iinst iii'' following property in \\'oodl;two 1':irk .\ddition. n;nn'•ly: lots l:r'. ]tel. 191. 1:15 (ill ll'd for the iinprov, mew ..f Auburn .\ venue. lots Ti., _i5 40 .lu :lint _11 for the intllroyc- ntent ..f .\!c n :' .\\e nn,•, lots l:e' and Ti1 fur the inlproc. nn•nt of itee ,rich .\-,•ane ;:t,d lots I''': ;111.1 _ iur the intpruv,•tn,'nt Of 1 1111.•.11;ae .\C ' n •. beets in' II chat the>' 11;1 ;2.1%111 1,11 Ih.' prayer of the l..•ti- lion.•r and li:iv,• ill-trItetell the Treasurer aeeonli':gly. your I'.muaitlee on Fin:mttee• to whom w',.s r f''I ''I \vitt' power the peti- tion of I'. \. \"o.•Iker in relation to the sp einl ;.ssessntenls against the following Pr" p'r'y in \\"oodLtwn Park Addition. to - wit: I.ols 1'ai, 101, 1,4 and 1..:: for the im- provem, at of . 111on'n .\venue. lots 4511 :tit ;275 for the intproy. meta of .\lin Avenue. lots 51 ;ut,l ••5 for the improvement of Andul...11 ,\v. nue and lots 4_11 : 11,1 _::o for the improvement of .\:g on:. Avenue. begs to report that they hale gr:.nte.l the prny,a• of th.• p1 tilioner nII'l b;t-c lit- sit'u.te.l the tr•tu'n'er aeeordingl'. Ji 15E1'1 1 L. 1 I 111:11, I'Inl 1111].]]1. \Id. Horr Moved to adopt the reports of the Finance t'omtnittee. Carried. Aid. Frith. chairman n1' the Ordinance Committee, presented ;11111 r';t,l an ()rdi- nance for the -;ten tion of the ,\Iley in ?:Incl: Dnbugne 1l;nbur Improvement ('o's. Addition, also TeWer St 11.0111 the longingly line of Ih,• :tfuresni,l alley to the northerly line ..t Will Street, and moved that the reading just had be con- sider. d on - side ..l its lust reading. Curried. .A1d. Frith moved to suspend the rules for the purpose ..t reading the Ordinance 1.y it title the seeond time. Carried by the follnw'ing vote: Yitis__.\Ids. ('busy. Corrance. Frith, Ilorr. J.,t,,'s. (Raymond and Sheridan. N;.ys- Nene, 'I'Ia• t trliu;.nee was then read by its title In.• the seeolla reading. 1.1. Frit]. 111.1v .1 that the Ordinance be now nulu!.I..I Adopted by the n.11'wing vote: 1'.•;.s—:\Ids. butey. ('orrant•e, Frith, I iorr, ,]ones, Etaynton.l and Sheridan. Nays—None, The Ordinance follows: AN ORDINANCE. An Ordinance for the Vacation of the Al- ley in Block 5, Dubuque Harbor Im- provement Company's Addition, and also Tower Street from the northerly Line of the aforesaid Alley to the Northerly Line of Wall Street. Whereas, The Dubuque Star Brewing Co., a corporation organized under the laws of Iowa, has petitioned the City Council of the City of Dubuque for the vacation of the alley in Block 5, Dubuque i7 Regular Fessiou Feb. 18., 1904. Harbor Improvement Company Addition Tower Street Wall Street Dubuque Star Brewing Company owner official paper of the city Secion 1. Alley in Block 5 vacated annulled permanent use to Dubuque Star brewing company hree years from the date of the adoption of this ordinance. A failure so to do will render this ordinance null and void. Section 3. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage and publication one time in the Iiubuque Daily Globe -Journal newspaper. Adopted --- ---• 1911-1. Approved ---- --- --• Attest: Mayor. City Recorder. Ald. Cornua•,-, chairman of the commit- tee on Claims, reported as follows: Your committee on Claims. to whom was referred the claim of Pawl Arduser for $150.00 as compensation for damages sus - tamed by him by reason of falling en a slippery sidewalk. would recommend that in till' Stns of $100.00 be ordered drawn on the City Treasury in favor of said Paul Arduser, which sum is to be in full settlement of all claims of whatso- ever nature growing out of said accident. H. CORRANCE, Chairman. Ald. Corrance moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Ald. Jones, chairman of the committee on Public Grounds and Buildings, reported as follows: Your committee on Public Grounds and Buildings herewith submits a lease which has been drawn up by the City Attorney, leasing the Armory to the Governor's Greys for a period of one year from Jan- uary 1, 1904, and would recommend that the Mayor be instructed to sign the same. RUDOLPH JONES, Chairman. Ald. Jones moved to adopt the report. Carried. Ald. Clancy, chairman of the committee on Fire, reported as follows: Your committee on Fire begs to report that a representative of the Fire Stone Tire and Rubber Co., of Akron, Ohio, called on your committee and agreed to furnish rubber tires for chemical engine allow the city a six months' trial of tires special brake necessary puchasing hose for the fire department dubuque Rubber and Belting Company Gum and Wax treated hose constructing the sanitary sewer in Dodge Street from South Bluff St to Booth St be borne by the city. Also. your Committee of the 'Whole. to whom was referred the petition of the ]Uauor Manufacturing til., asking that it be granted permission to lay :t sidetrack adjoining its faet:ry on Washington Street, between Ninth and 'Tenth Sweets, would recommend that the prayer of the petitioner h•• granted, provided the work be done under the snpla'\'iSion of the Street I'otmt,itt. e and Pity Engineer; we would further r11ommend that the Ordi- nance committee be instructed to pre- pare all ordinance c•onliriniug the right herein granted. Also, your Committee of the Whole. to whom was referred the petition of C. J. Peterson et al, asking that a sewer be constructed in Dodge Street from South Bluff Street to Grandview Avenue, would recommend that the prayer of the peti- tioner be granted and that the proper resolution be presented to this council. JOSEPH L. I-IORR, Chairman. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the various reports of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Also, your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the resolution intro- Regular Session Feb. 18, 1904 railroad crossings Railroad Avenue Illinois Central Railroad Company Jones Street Chicago, Milwaukee, & St. Paul R. R. Co. First Street Second Street Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R. R. Co. Third Street Seventh Street Eighth Street Fifteenth Street Seventeenth Street Garfield and Rhomberg Avenue Chicago Great Western R. R. Co. Eagle Point Avenue Sixteenth Street Engine House redemption of bonds, improving streets sanitary sewer in Dodge St Rhomberg Avenue also at Twenty-fourth Street—that alarm gongs lie maintained by the Chicago Great Western R. R. Co. At Rhomberg and Eagle Point Avenues— that one man during the day and one man during the night be maintained by the Chicago Great Western R. R. Co. At Sanford Street—that one man be maintained during the day by the Chicago Great Western R. R. Co. Be it further Resolved, That the City Recorder be and he is hereby instructed to notify the different railroad companies herein mentioned of the passage of this resolution and direct said railroad com- panies to comply with the same within thirty days from the service of notice. Ald. Clancy moved that Seventeenth Street be stricken out and Sixteenth Street be inserted in lieu thereof. Car- ried. :111(1 knot of nlrttel i;it to he used, 111(1 to prepare an estimate of the cost thereof and the amount aisems;thlt upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting thereon per front foot or square foot in area, and to file such plat, specifications :Hid estimate in the office of the City Re- rorder. That after Sueli plat is tiled, the City Recorder 5h:111 ('111151' to he published no- tice of the Council la malt, such improve- ment, tvhi,•h notice sb;tll h.• published ill three consecutive issues of the official newspaper of the City of Dubuque, stat- ing that such plat is on file and generally the nature of the sewer, its location. size Regular Session Feb. 18, 1904. 17 and kinds of material to be used, and the estimate of its cost, and fixing the time before which objections can be filed, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of said no- tice, and after the completion of the pub- lication of such notice, he shall at its next session, notify the Council thereof in writ- inf, with a printed copy of such notice ac- companying the same. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Raymond moved to adjourn until February 29th, 1904. C. F. :\P.ENDT. City Recorder. _1111111111111IMEE Adjourned 1Zeg,u1ar Session Feb. :29,1904, CITY COUNCIL. Adjourned Itegular Session, February pm.). it..)1.-1FICI•\ 1 Council met Ii s:15 liek P. Ai. Alayor Berg in the chair. Present—.\ 1.1s. t'lancy. Corranee. Frith, liorr. Jones. ISIIymond and Sheridan. BILLS. The following hills were ordered paid: llatungatiner. assistant market- $ 33 7 master 5 C. I:. Seln-rr, extra work prepairing Road I listricts /o 00 . - • II. .1. Tropf, ba ord ot. pris•mets tor 10 61, Pehruary .1. R. (lrk, iron fem.. m retaining wall on 114410)in.] Mt.,. i).) City Hall and Fire department S Key City .:as c..., gas for various depart men Is 100 7., Palmer. 1 :erg k co., 1.1.111k hooks and stationery for various .1...p:tri- mlas 1.-1 Kenna -Lavin Prt'g. 5,. blank s•ta- ti.mery C. H. Little, Becker ,(S co.. mantles and supplies for Expense and Vire departnients Safford Stamp Works, s'. ii'- for Recorder Even. 1•,1111 for First Ward scales 7 67. Kannalt t'IS. hol S.• shoeing for Fire .1.•p11rtim.lit 1 3,1 Lagen & Sloan, Ii l's Sh, wing for department 5 .11 youenweid..r k Hein, horse shoeing for Fire Department 4 50 'Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse shoeing for Fire department 3 Si) Lear & Rush, horse ,h,eing for Fire .lepartment Collings & Pliffner. shoeing for I. -ire and Polito depai•tments.. 1 1 2,0 city /las I St.,1.1)))1 Mil coke for Fire department Key City c...s co., rental of gas arcs for Fire department 75 Carr, Ryder & Adams Co., shavings for Fire department 1 00 F. F. Kane, hay and ...its for Fire department 161 15 Ellwanger llrlls., Fel i1ti ii 1114 hai'ness for Fire department 6 Si) J. Newman & Son, repairs for Fire department 1 S5 McDonald 55 -Morrison Mfg, Co., re- pairs for Fire department 1 00 Jno. Mullen, harness di ..ssing for Fire department Dubuque Rubbcr & Belting Co., 2,000 feet of hose for Fire department..1660 00 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., 5 doz. gaskets for Fire department.. 3 00 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Fire department 6 00 Jno. Butt, repairs for Fire depart- ments G. Ragatz & Son, repairs for Fire department Klauer & Kress, hardware for Fire and Police departments J. F. His & Bro., repairs for Fire department W. H. Torbert, drugs and supplies for Fire department Phil Pier, coal and wood for Fire H J Hagerty veterinary services La France Fire Engine Co R W Stewart and J J Linehan J W wittmer Wm Hood W Schneider T F Kane A Fluetsch M A Doran J Butt Globe-Journal the Times Dubuque Telegraph-Herald National Demokrat Union Electric Co T E Frith Standard Lumber Petitions and Communications Capt R Kimbel Ferry Dock, Eagle Point Landing E P Ellwanger claim C Reifsteck city scales F Lassance macadam Elm and 26th St Chas P Mettle, Francis St, Kauffman Avenue and Hart Street C. G. W. Ry. Co. by Hurd, Lenehan, & Kiesel attorneys Bee Branch Storm Water Sewer between Garfield and Rhomberg Avenues Feb. 29, 1904 C. G. W. Railway Co. Bee Branch Sewer through right of way Garfield and Rhomberg Avenue Cushing-McFadden Co. J. F. McFadden A. Y. McDonald & Morrison Mfg Co. Dubuque Packing Co. by Jas Beach Delinquent Tax Committee Catherine Blitsch Mary Silzer Barbara Bechtel Board of Equalization and City Assessor Hugh Breslin Jno J Keane Jno P Carroll Yates' subdivision college grounds Haney-Campbell Co asking for the remittance of their taxes for 1903. Petition of 'I'. J Alulgrew asking foo the vacation of Charter Street from railroad tracks east to Publie Levee. On motion was referred to the Commit- tee of the Whole and they to view the grounds. Petition of The Ernsdorff Buggy Co., asking that they be exempt from taxa - '1'o the 1lonorablo Mayor and Pity Council: 1;ontl.•nnat: I hcrowith submit my re- port 11m1 111y roll for th.• 1'0111,• 111p11r1- 1n1111 for the month of l' Ia•nary. 1904: '1'ot11 .Arrests 101. the mouth 55 Hosid.•ots Arrested for the month 32 L1or. found open for the month 22 Defective Lights for the month 79 Lodgers harbored for the month 97 Meals furnished for the month 50 Cost of Food for the month $10.00 Sheriff dieting Prisoners $18.20 Patrol runs for the month 37 Aviles traveled 66 Also the pay roll for Policemen for the month of February, 1904: Amount due Policemen $1,963.15 On motion the report and pay roll was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay Policemen, and the report referred Lack to the committee on Police. Adjourned 1 igular Session Feb. 29, 1904 City Engineer Royce reported :,s f111ovws. I To the IlororaWe Mayor and City Council of the City of Inductile: Gentlemen: t herewith submit lily pay. roll f.a• labor on Streets for the last halt of Ftbrimry. 1910: Amount due Laborers on Streets i47F.15 Respectfully submitted. JAMES H. BOY Cl:. City Engineer. ,\ I,l,ro\'ed: E. E. FRITH. 1. Chairman Committee on Streets. JOSEPII 1.. )lC)ltlt. Jl111N J. SI11':LI I'AN. Also submit my pay roll for Libor on :Sewers during the last half of February, .1901: Amount due 1.ahorers on Sew rs.... t It1.''' Respectfully submitted. JAMES II. 1:0YCE. City Engineer. Approved: JOHN J. SII_EFtIDAN. Chairman Committee on Sewers. JOSEPH L. I-IOItl-L. H UGH CORR.A N ('E. On motion the pity rolls for Streets and Sewers were received :Hud w;n•railts or- dered drawn to pay the various amounts and the pay rolls referred back to the proper committees. City Electrician Ilipm:ul reported as fol- lows: To the I l,'uorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Icicwith find my report of Defective Lights for the month of Feb- ruary. .1904. Accordng to the report of the 1'ulice Department 1 Iiud that the to- tal hours that 19 Lamps failed to barn would eqoal 3 Lamps for one month, ur $16.20 Respectfully submitted. WILLIAM HII'\IAN, City Electrician. On motion the report was received and the Auditor instructed to deduct from the Union Electric Company's bill for the month of February, 1904, the sum of $16.20. The Mayor presented and read the fol- lowing receipt from Paul Arduser: Dubuque, Iowa, February 23rd, 1904. Received of the City of Dubuque the sum of One Hundred ($100) Dollars, in full settlement for all damages sustained by me and for all pail and. suffering endured, and to be endured, by reason of said dam- ages and occasioned by a fall upon the east side of Main street, on the 30th day of December, 1903. PAUL ARDUSER. On motion the receipt was ordered re- ceived and filed. The following annual report of City At- torney Barnes was presented and ordered read: Dubuque, Iowa, March 1, 1904. To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—ln compliance with the provisions of chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Du- buque, 1 hereby submit my annual report as City Attorney for the 3ear ending February 29th, 1904: Law Cases pending in District Court: No. 11,539. Maria Kempf, et al, vs. City of Dubuque. This action was instituted to recover damages in the sum of three thousand ($3,000) dollars, from the City on account of an alleged illegal change of grade in front of the plaintiff's property. One ounl ,lain :s that the City apin•opriate,l part of snub property In the inlprovelnent of r.'ouUlern Avenue. Issues outdo up'and 1.as" 1•0;Ily for trial. No, 12.1,37. 'I limit (Hs, y vs. City of Ilnbuquo. Petition of plaintiff in this eas, was 11e.1 for tiro .\Lu•eli term. Is99. of the Dis- trict 1"air. .1sl.in damages in the sunt 1\w.' ilion:o01 dollar:. on ac- count of p,'Isilnal in,tnrb•s leceiwed ill llillp o1 :1Ie q. i w side\w;t ll: nn the 32nd day iii December. 1599. Issues join- ed ;111(1 ons,, rent) f 'r N.., vs. City of 11111,,1 :. I, 'I nt I court. I'l:un- il1,1 in 1 \Ln•,'ii ie.. which had sling nem' 1). Kien'' nil asks the sunt Issue? trial. 1 I:. 'I ,',11.''v cs. Pity This is an anion to iee: v, r oil, thou- sand l$Lut01 dollars damages s against the City on account of injuries received by I.lanttiff on tie ctli day of \l:ty. hel), by the explosion of :H dyn:ttr.ite cap, vwl,i,•h he had found near \wh, r'• .•',nn' oily ''ut- pbq'ees hail been sworking` Case pend- ing on motion to lu•tition. Nu 13,217. Gustav Siltree ws. City of Dubuque. 'I'llis is; an ;tetion brnur4ht :against the City by the fit Ii ''1'''f one .\rn',ld Schnee, minor. to recover damages its the sum I f live thousand ,$:,,1euu dollars on account if the .le;•ilt of said minor, which. it is alleged r :stilted from a fall off the side- walk in front of the store building known as No. 13'13 Rhomberg Avenue. The fall resrilling in said minor breaking his net l:. Action was brought for the January terns, 1901. of the District Court. Issues made up and case ready for trial. No. 13.3'7. John McGuire vs. City of Du- btalue. ('ase instilnit,t February 2.5, 1901. In his petition the iI.ulutlt'f I. 'it, s that he was injured by falling nett an obstruc- tion on Sixteenth Street, between \\'hit,' and Jackson Streets, on the :nth day of November, 19110, and on account of the injuries received, lie asks judgment against the City for the sum of one thousand 1$1.01111 dollars. Issues made up and case ready fits 11:11. No. Ia.IGI. Ill:t;les It. i';Hlnn•r vs. City of Dubu,lue, Action to recover fifty ($fa) dollars to horse and \\ay;1:n, milled by the horse backing over an unguarded wall on Semi- nary Street. Issues made tip and case re:nlw for trial. No. 13.1;:1::. \l:u•y \1cfnire vs. City of minima.. Action to recover damages against the City on account of Injuries to horse, caused by a sheet of ice on Stafford Avenue, and its intersection with Queen Street. Case was started before Ja- cob Kessler, J. P., who found for plain- tiff in the sum of fifty ($130) dollars. De- fendant appealed and the Justice prepared and filed his transcript in the office of the clerk of the District Court. Case ready for trial in the District Court. No. 13,671. Catherine Sheridan vs. City of Dubuque. Adjourned Regular Session Feb. 29, 1904 Plantiff seeks to recover judgement against the defendant for $10,000 dollars personal injuries received by December 8th, 1901 falling on an alleged defective sidewalk Lot No. 617 verdict in favor of plantiff Adjourned Regular Feb. 29, 1904 where site claims to have been injured, was broken. decayed and out of repair. ('ase tried it the January term. 1904. in life District Ceut t. ,Jury returned a vet' - diet ter lice bundled ($5001 dollars in fav- or of the plaintiff' on J:tnr:try 11. 1904. Motion (ur +a n,'w 11'1.1l oc,artl„,. No further :u•tiott i.11,:.•11 in 1::IS CIS.. up to the prew to time. EQPITY t'.\SI•:S I'LXlltXt: IN THE 1 )IS'I'1:1t''I' I'((l'1:'I'. No. 13.138. Adam Vogel vs. City of Du - Pet biett u- Petition Itle,! „.pti nal, r 25. 1902, praying that a A\ti: „I' Iti•joeotiou Issue to restrain said defendant from attempting to make said ut Snh(liVi,$iee 1,"t number six in the City of Dubuque. to pay for the street improvement en (lay S:reet and Seventeenth Street. abutting said lot. De- f(•ntlnttt tiled answer and counterclaim, claiming on the part of the City the v:alae of the material furnished and labor pert. wined in making the improvement re- ferred to. The issues relating to said eeonterc•Irttm are not yet made up. Ne. 13.1:1:1. Citizens' State Prank v's. Rob- ert Jess :and City of Dubuque. 'this is a fereelesme proceeding started doting a former administration. Petition claims that the mortgage sued on is su- perior to any claim or lien the City may have against the prem - - eribed in the mortgage. The pr. e• le, is situated on ti:. .,ntitt First and Main Str, • "1 - to is the special as said pretIu. 's for Alain Suv•,1. :\ de, entered during a and the case was coutieee,I erred .,rust of referred against anent of was -1:.,t City of Dubwlue. This property ,•hanged hands in the meantime and .w belongs to the Dubuque Malting ..:.d Brewing Company. who are seeking to obtain a permanent injunction restraining the City from collecting said special rtssessmeut in this same proceeding by way of sup- plemental petition. The issues are net yet made ftp. No. 14.220. 'l1a Dubuque Building 6'r Loan Assaciatt, _ vs. Theodore Trieloff et al. and City i nabuque. This is a ,•losure proceeding in which the plaintiff states that the City claims to have nota,• lien upon the premises de- scribed in the mortgage, but whatever lien the City may have the same is junior and inferior to the lien of plaintiff's mortgage. 1 filed a motion a asking' plaintiff to make the petition more specific by stating what lien it is claimed that the plaintiff has against said property. Case is now pend- ing on this motion. No. 14.09l. Lizzie Breithaupt vs. Wm. Connell et al., and the City of Dubuque. This is a foreclosure proceeding, in which the plaintiff claims that the City of Dubuque claims a lien against said prop- erty, but that any lien that the City has is junior and inferior to the lien of said mortgage. The lien referred to is the special assessment for improving Southern Avenue abutting the south seventeen feet of Lot number five, and the north eight feet of Lot number six of Levi's Addition and subsequent taxes. Defendant filed a general denial, but no hearing has been had on the part of the City. CASES AND CLAIMS SETTLED AND DISPOSED OF SINCE LAST REPORT. No. 12.051, Alphons Matthews vs. City of Dubuque. Suit to recover nine hundred twenty-five Session Feb. 29, 1904. ($9'5) doliars from the City on account of professional services rendered the same. This case was tried and judgment entered on the 25th day of November. 1899, during a. former administration. Judgment en- tered fat• nine hundred twenty -live ($925) dollars, with interest at 6 per cent. from the 9t11 (tray of April, 1890; the amount due April 2nd. 1903. was $1,312.40, judgment, and $30.0e costs. Warrants were ordered drawn en said date and this claim and cents were paid. No. 12.802. Mary A. Langworthy vs. City of Dubuque. Petition filed at the January term, 1900, claiming four thousand ($1,000) dollars damages on account of personal injuries received by her in falling on a slippery sidewalk. on August 20, 1899. whit,• walk- ing along \\'inutta Avenue. 'I'Itis case was dismissed on the 0th day of _April, 1903. Defendant praying the costs taxed at $17.00. Ne. t3,(U0. Jacob Pfeiffer vs. City of Du- buque. 'finis was it suit for personal injuries. Plaintiff claiming live thousand dolt:us as damages ;alleged to have been sustained by milia: on :t spot ,,f ire sit- uated ,.et the sidewalk at the southeast curter of Main :utd lecen,l Streets. ('iso tried :It tile January term, 19111. and ver- dict in favor of tine Pity. :Hid judgment r(anb•red a itrst I,luintit'f for costs,. Plain- tiff appealed to the supreme court. 1 pre - paned additional :abstract :anti argunn•nt, :11t.1 argiwil the e.ts,• int the Stltl'enu• ('.,tart nt the Iiva• rite sante eras snhmitted. The judgment the lower ,•uurt was :tfl:irnted by the Supreme Court. This decision is in fever of the City :and finally disposes of the ease. No. 13,181. .Mary J. Stannard vs. City of Dubuque. Petition was filed for the October term, 1900. Plaintiff claimed damages against the City in the stun of one thousand ($b0e0) dollars, on :accottnt of an alleged iminry sustained by her fruit falling on a sidewalk in front of No. 2718 Cooler Ave- ttee• en the 18th day of August, 1893. I tiled a demurrer to the petition, which was sustained at the May term, 1903. Case dismissed at plaintiff's cost on November 4, 1903. No. 13,435. Adelain Bracconier vs. City of Dubuque. This is an action to recover five thou- sand ($5,000) dollars damages against the City of Dubuque for injuries sustained by plaintiff. She alleges that she was injured by having her right foot caught in a hole in the sidewalk on Alta Vista Street on March 3, 1901. A demurrer to the petition was sustained and judgment rendered against pittilltff for costs. No appeal to the Supreme Court was per- fected in this case and the above dispo- sition is final. Ne. 13,494. Geo. B. Albrecht vs. City of Dubuque. Petition filed for the October term, 1901, of the District Court. Plaintiff claims seven hundred ($700) dollars from the City on account of back salary. A de- murrer to the petition was sustained on the 13th day of January, 1903, and plain- tiff was given sixty days to prepare and have filed a bill of exceptions. Judgment against plaintiff for costs. No appeal to the Supreme Court was perfected and the above disposition of the case is final. No, 12,506. Theo. Altman vs. City of Du- buque. Petition filed for the October term, 1901. of the District Court. Plaintiff claims • Adjourned Regular Session Feb. :29, 1904. tw,, dollarstittIlitISt II m•eonnt of leiltitit ile,' for the A1.1. term. 1;1112. Ilf lock stiltto• and int, it st from _April I ii. Dist Het coin t. 11 tint iff aslts l'97. Ihmturter to petition sustained an Id against the and John I. Jimmity id. 1903. Judgrnent against plain- int in the stint II tiv thonsind ($5,0040 dollars as damages allegtd to have be, n sustained 1,y Ii iii tIt son • .1. ge,i. wrongful cony,' sitin of his esi - den.— int., a Detention I lospita 1. 1,, tirrer to petition til, d Ala\ fah. 19 12. um rii 10C.t, Ht. Cod.. all 1 ,IIher case d its to Cit miry 12, 191:1. ii tlaintiff's .•,,sts. NII. AI. ( 'ily of 1 mi moue. Petition ill, ,1 ii tit,' t.1.111. 19,2. of the I ,f -t", ii t011. II claims led:t- n., ni dest Ile. city ..or th, \•. tho,H, 111, ,111 :1,-1111111 reaen' t Him s allege It, have 1,i ei, hy f,illiiii.t till ii nu, \ en for:nation ,/11 1.',11111,11111 :N111.1 1, 1 \\*. -u Alt, Ph•asittit 511 •1. A 111.11H11 .11111'1112 11.0 11,i' It. 11101i.. his 11th - lit at ;nor,. sit tie .IS S11,,I.1111.•11 ,111 11111 5t1-1 dv of 11'1VY. 1:111. :11111 plaintiff was ttrant-,1 live clays ii 11. amend liis la tition. 1'1 tintift. failitut to tile in anten(lnl,.1.I 1,y Ca ordt•red lv lii eriort., ill, d tntl fnemt titiered agaiPst It] thltiff for •,,s1.4 Tin, is Baal .lisposition th, tiff flit' t•.,, -1.S. Plaintiff given sixty its to prepare and have Med hill ,if 1, - lions. No appeal was perfeettal .111d 111, ti IV' diSi51S111111: I.r tilt' lI final. N.,. (Marles 1'. Thomas vs. city of I ittimone. .11111111 111 I for tin: netol,er ham, It of Hie Histriet. Court. Plaintiff elaini, "-even 11111).11., d ($700) dollars, from the City on aiaatunt Ihielt. salary. 'hamm- ier to petition sustained on tie Lith day 11111:1. :111,1 IlilV.• 111,,(1 Lill N“ appeal was Iile.mal and the ;move dispositien the case is final. Nt,12,505. Matt Stafford vs. Dm- Intque• petition tiled fir iii' 1).•1,.1”-r it lin, 1:01, or ill,. Ids! ri,t (...1;rt. I 'Ltintiff sev„ii huLdred t::74110 dollars from tilt' City on accomit of hacl: salary. De- mur], r to petition sustained on the 1:ltli Clay 4,f .lantrit•y. Itto:1; judgait•itt again,t 1,1a illtilftill1SIS. Plaintiff given sixty days to prt•p:Ll'.• .111.1 11.1V.tilt-ii t•N- ,•••ption,-., N ill,a1 was ',Fleeted (Ind the aimv.. disposition of the ease Is 1111:11. 1'11111.11 VS. 1:11Y trf Du- buque. Petition tiled for the oetol,er ttrm, of the DistriM Court. Plaintiff tilthlVIs seven hunarea $7040 Ciollars from t City on account of hack. salary. De- murrer to thaitien sustaineil on the 13th day tic wiry, 1903: jug -Iglu, nt against plaintiff for 1.11S1S. P111111111' given sixt• days t .1 j11.1.11i11.1 ;111.1 1.111. 1611 No appeal was perf.a.ted and the above disposition ot the ease is Imal. Lagen vs. City of Du - Petition tiled for the October term, 1901, of tin' District Court. Plaintiff claims four limull.ed ($9110 (-1„th,r, with interes from Auril 7. Po.N. on account of back salary. lhantirter to petition sustained on the 12th i day ,,f January. 1903; judg- nualts tigilinst plaintiff for costs. Plain- tiff civil sixty tlays to prepare and have tiled bill of ex('eptions. No appeal was perfected and the above disposition of the case is final. No. 13.111. Frank Denm.rt vs. City of Dubmple. Petiti:ui tiled for the October term, 1901, of the Histriet Court. Plaintiff claims four ($400) dollars and interest from A pill 7, 1,.9S, on account of back salary. Iiennirrer to petition sustained on the kith day of January, 1903; judg- ments against plaintiff for costs. Plain- tiff given sixty days to prepare and have filed bill of ex,eptions. No appeal was perfect .d and the above disposition of the ease is final. No. 13,112. 3. It. Jellison vs. City of Dubuque. Petition filed for the October term, 1901, of the District Court. Plaintiff claims seven hundred ($700) dollars from the City on account of back salary. Demur- rer to petition sustained on the 13th day of January, 1903: ;judgment against plain- tiff for costs. Plaintiff given sixty days to prepare and have filed bill of excep- tions. No appeal was perfected and the above disposition of the case is final. No. 13,474. Otto Iiirkly vs. City of Du- buque and John I'. Hancock. Petition !Heti ;it ALty 1.1.m. 11,2. the District Court. Plaintiff asks judg- ment agaiast tlit City f,,r the S11111 ti' livi. thnlIS:11111 1$:;,41nin Ch',Ilars as damages for hilt:0,s alleged tt t hay.• lit'- it ii!•1' 11, -t'rml i -i It Itl.)!, 1,y slipping on an iniev,at formation tt• 111' 011 it I,},,IW,11.1 Mt. V.•11q.•intl W".1.111 S11,1-1. A 11,“litill 1,, r 1•1 it lie sustain..1 1,y the court tilt the 5th .1.1y 1.1 rt.itl 11,11W, I1C1, 1110 phintiff was i_Il vi II 1i V.' ninth to COMply WWI S.1111 ord..r. Plaintiff f itlitig to tile alllend- IPt'lli it, ordered by the Coma. 1111. 1111'111 d against plaintiff for costs. This is ;I tinal disposition of the case. The following cases. John Tierney a's. City of Dubuque. amount itt claim $16.50: Ben Busse city tlf Ituhlique, claim $25.00; James Rooney vs. City t if Dubuque, claim $25.00; I'M' Dumphey VS. City of Dubuque, claim $27,00. taid Nick Brandt vs. City of Dubuque. 'It mm $:t:I,tll ill be- ing cases to iceover salary withheld by the City and in which judgments were entered before 10 -.Kearney, Justice of the Peace. were I.y defendant paying the judgments, the amount in controversy. being too I.) -justify an appeal. No. 13,973. Catherine Haggerty V:-1. City of Dubuque. Petition filed February 19, 1903. Plaintiff claims one thousand ($1,000) dollars for Personal injuries alleged to have been sus- tained by her on December Gth, 1902, by falling upon an icy sidewalk while walk- ing on the west side of Dell Street. After a careful examination into the facts sur- rounding this case. I was fully convinced that the plaintiff had a good casa against the City, and recommended to the com- mittee on Claims that the case be set- tled. The injuries received by plaintiff are of a serious and permanent nature, and I was authorized by the committee on Claims to make the best settlement pos- sible in this case, and the case was set- tled for the sum of $617; defendant pay- 54 , AcLourned Regular Session Feb. It C4. 11], coos17. $11,22:i. This settle- ittemit was approved liy thi • committee on clm.inis and Connell. ilYan vs. ('it it Petition tiled Ilma. of the 1../istt.iet Court. Plaintiff claims tact,- ty-tive hundred dollars. fol. pcl'- :.4.,1:11 by her while \ea 11:.• ing mill the nortlim•rly side of Cleveland Avenue: said injuries being caused by a 11018, :illi defective plank iii the Amboy:11k which hail been in that coinlition for a Immi.g. tin... prior 1‘, the arci,1,111hum ex- aininine the sidewalk in mutestion. I found the claim mi' the petitioner to hi' correct. lilt hit lii' lily had iii.' vu, condition (.01111i1,1hicii if I exist iii i.uiiil 81,10W011( fat' long time prior to the accident. and upon exainining the if pi.iiitity I flint t ha, sho was seriously and Per - ma II, Lily injured. I iseertitined that the could lie settli•d fur it rea- sminahle 1111,11nt and reported to tilt. mii t'liiiirms that the case could be 11•11 1.11. mini' 'Mildred and twtmety-liye mill, rs ;Ind costs iit' court taxe,1 at Tho corundum,. min Claims author- ized a settlenient min this basis. \\Mich \\ aliproveml by the Commcil aril the case wo:. settled. Ni, I 1.1;3, Maria I.. Thedinga vs. City if is ;,„ I., i)istri,.t. Court front lLu' action of the City i'moincil sitting as a Curl iii Imionalizatimin iii refusing reduce her assessment upon south 1.2 :mem! root or. lot 1;1 and the north 1 1 feet of lot in the City if 101.011C1.11e, f10111 111111. 111011.,1041 ilo.i1;irstm styli 0018- 01141 .10lial'8. (•:180 \\":1S, to the coati, who affixed the ,issossinent at the sum After the appeal the Cit offered to reduce this assessment from nine thousand dollars. hi eight thousand \Odell the iiiiiietiff refused to :me - cent, and 1.0callSt. (.1' this Pict the court ordered that inti party pay its own costs. Thoth 1Veipert vs. City of 1.mbuque. l'atil \Veipert in the notice served on the City, Filmic. a iditirn fur twenty - live hail:h.:it danniges for 1.(mtsmc injuries clitim- eml to have Imeou :must:lined hint February IL I of a fall (IC - 1st Iii'! by:, miclom•iiim• railing on littim north side of Ilroamlwit. Exttaision; the supports to :maid, r;111004 11,1(110; 1.0(.11 sawed off in tinter that the sidewalk. tainhl he It.vt.leil up, :I:1(1 :tiler the sidewalk was repaired the railing tilt not fastened in position. condition Intml existed for several months 111101' to 110 ;0•(111011( and (11t, City Was (•10:11'1' 1111111c for the condition ithat described. The injuries to plaintiff \vete of a very painful, though not of a perma- nent Hahne. I arranged for a settlemimnt of CIL., case on the basis ut t \vo hundred ($2010 41011:11's. With the approval of the committee on t'lairns. This action was :tot:roved liy the cmitineil 16, 19113, and the case was settled for said sum of two 1$211in dollars. Anna Bertsch vs. City of Dubuque. Mrs. .\nirt Bertsch in her notice pre- sented to the Council August 90, 1903, ('laltned mine (110118:11111 ($1,0)0) dollars on account of personal injuries sustained by falling on a clefectivt, sidewalk on the corner of Twenty-sixth and Jackson Streets, on the 12th day of July, 1903. Up- on an examination of the sidewalk where tite injury occurred it was found to be in a dangerous and defective condition, the U Ille 1111 (11(1 sidowall: which should have la ei, romovoil and rililiteed prior to tho accidont. I SlIt•ci•c(10,1 in arranging a mailimpromise mmf this' claim for the sum of and bitty ($1-111) dollars and recommelithal a settlement of the ease to the committee on Claims. The committee mill l'laims and Council approved this ac- tion and the case was settled September mil. 1913. by 1110 payment of one hundred and forty Cd Im dollars in full satisfaction of the claim. SUPREM C( ib 1 t SES. Gustav Seititem., administrator, ‘4.tilt 01: 1)0110010, 11111111(in: C1:1111:8( 1011 (11,1118:1101 1$111,1.01111 dollars danniges as administrator of the ,s1a1t. deceasetl. It is alleged that said .\iemild Schnee came to mieittli lmy fallingoff the sidewalk in fruid of the store building known as No. Elainilmerg .Aventle. The ease was tiled at the January term, 1902, and tbe jury rendered a verdict for the City. The 01.111't 8118(11111(.(1 111011011 for a 110W 1'10111 1110 .0.1101, I If OW t'muliil in grantin;.... a new trial, defendant. appealed to tit. Sup:eie Court. Supreme C01111. :11111'1110,i il_ic it li011 of (11‘• tm iii t Mt 2't it day iii'.1:111111.0". 1;q11, tilt tilt 111011115 it it (ID... 11111S1 10. 10.4,1101 111,1 ill (11C 1118(1.10. P(..tition tiled for the Alay term. Dol. .Plaintiff claims three thousand Gil:Lotto) 11011111'S (18 1111111:11408, 101' receivtmmi by hint by falling over a soil:, or wire on the sitlewalll in the rear of A. A. Cooper's barn on \Vest Fifth Street. 'Flits ease was tried during a former administration, at the January tern:. 111112. Jury found for plaintiff in the stint of $2.75n. The court in overruling the motion for a now trial tiled lit defendant reduced the verdict to $2,2211. On the 25th day of July. 1902, 1 served notice if appeal to the Supreme Court, ititiHm•Imared abstract and printed argument IL 1 also presented oral argu- ment to th.• Supreme Court, al the time if sillmmissimii, mif'. the ease. The Supreme Court reversed thi• judgment of tile low- er court on the day of January. 191)4. 'i'his decision of the Supremt• Court is in 1.:10,1' of OW City. Ni.. 13.752. Thmitnas Considine vs. City of Dubuque. Petition Moil for the I iotiil,or term, 1902, the Itistrii•t Court. Plaintiff asks -judgment against the city for the stint rwettly-live hundred dollars on ac- count if personal injuries alleged to haVe been received by htrtt white \vall:ing Or: the sidewalk 40' driveway 11.1.1:0•011( to lot number Hiroo bit of the Subdivision of lots 10 and 211. in 1:idly's Subdivision, all Addition to the (_'ity , if I mlitique, caused as by stepping upim a quan- tity (.1. l'010.z11, 1,0111110(1, 811.1iillg :11141 un- slipprry claimed by ilaintiff to have existed on a driveway across said sid,walk :it said point. The case wits tried at the January term, 19113, and a vurdiet rendered in favor of plaintiff for the sum of $71;.2,(iii. Defendant tiled a motion for :1 now trial January 22, 1903, which was iivorruied by the court and judgment rendered mill the verdict. Front this judgmont the defendant appealed to the Supreme Court, where the case is now pending, Front an examiniiiiiin ..f the foregoing list of cases. it will be I .1,,,,i•vc.d that not- withstanding it large proportion of the cases have boon disposed of, that the .1"110 I. 1:.1114 lily 1,1' 101- , Adjourned Regular Session Feb. '1.9, Ull) I. 53 new edscs bled ke els the lumber prac- tically the :-:ne :is existed at the begin- 1,ing of my tram of uffiI I. :\ majority of these r.t:-cS arise front in.iurieS cluim- ea to have he 111 clue to dcfecliyI• street:; nu sidt.w:tll(s. and whit, tilt. Legit -thinly.. has :tlienip!ed to safeguard the rights of the City i.y re,pdring :. writ len, vet Hied statement. of the time. 111.1•e, extent of injury- and parth•tillir defect. etc., to I e 1111(1 within thirty caul clays from the date of the injury. the provisions of the 51:11111 do n:.t in fact accomplish the :le - sired result. In nearly every case the claimant. \tails until the last clay before • filing this notice. and in it great major- ity of ;.ts+•s the City hies no opportunily or ne;lking an examination of the piae, -where the injuries otie alleged to tn(v occurred until the evidence of the allege 1 defect lets disappeared. It is undoubted- ly leu:- that the taxpayers in all the cities in the States are entitled to moil protection from the Legislature in cases of this character, than at present pro- vided. The representatives of most of the cities of the Best unci second class aro in Livor additional legislation tending to relieve such cities ,.I' this 1111'(115 and annny:t ace, anti 11 is lel o pe std to make a united e•Il,•t in this direction. One of the remedies suggested is the I,assage of a Statute 'xenll,tin cities of (lie first and second class Ironn any li;thility re- sulting 1'r nn defect ive streets ur side- walks unless ;t tnitlee of the parlicul'u' defect causing or contrihlting to til., injury, is tiled with the clerk of the city or served upon the Stteet Commissioner. at least live days previous to the time when the accident occurs. Other meas- ures have also been considered which tend to reduce the liability in the se cases. in order to bring this nl;ltte•r prominent- ly before the Legislature it is desirable that the City -Attorneys mentioned. hold a meeting at 1 tl s AMots, before the ad- journment 1f that hndy. I heli,•\(• it would he a,l\is:thle for your Honorable Body to 111•ep;ue ;tn,l toss a resolution. setting forth the needs of the. City in this particular and asking the Legislature to pass ;t hill either along the liner above suggested. or such other 144- islation as they maty dctm proper, whit-il will tend to reduce municipal liability in this class of cases. And if you deem It ndvis;ti.le I.. authorize me to attena the meeting above referred to. Respectfully submitted, A. BARNES, ('it\ Attorney. Ald. Tiavnn.u,l moved that the report be adopted ;uul pt.idished in the proceed- ings, Carried. Aid. liter moved that the recommen• dation sec forth in the annual report of the City Attorney he approved, and the City Attorney instructed to draw up a resolution covering the same, and pre- sent it at the next meeting of the Coun- cil. Carried. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMIT- 1EES, Ald. Frith, chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented and read an Ordi- nance establishing Road Districts and de- fining their limits and moved that the reading Just had be considered its first reading. Carried. Ald. Frith then moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of reading the (n'Ili.:,.oe, Ly is till.. for th, sccond time Carried I y the following vol.': Yeas—Alda. l'Inuc•y-. C,aranc, frith. lion% Jones. Raymond and She!i11:ut. Nays—None. The ordinance was then read by its till, for the second time. Al i. Frith nn.\.•,I That the ordinance be 1111(1 :IIl,cl,i1'11 as react. ('aril. d I.y the following \ale: Yc;,s--.\Ids. Cluny, Corr;uu•e, Frith, Dory, Jones. laynunal and Sheridan. Nays—Non:. th•dinane follows: Al: ordinance establishing L'o;(d Dis- tricts; and d,•lining their I.ituits: ile it (111111111111 ill the City Council of the City of I(uhuque: Section I. That the City of Dubuque be divided into three Lio:ul Districts, for the purpose of c•Icuuing. sprinkling and re - I airing the :greets of said City in ac• coF'LIII,• will( section Pel1 of the Code of P'97. Section _. All that portion of the City of Ind iu,lu, which lies south of the fol- lovvin,g deseril,ed lila 4-1. to -wit: Com - 1 ,11 .he West nl till' ('ity I.iIuit: at the I,onndnry lin,• tieltvel.t the Fir --t and 1Volarllt w;u'Qs; tht.nec e.•nslorly :11111g Said ward hound;uy Iille In the center of Grandview Avenue; thence northerly ;,long the north boundary line helweett the Fourth and the Second wards to the east side of Bluff Street; thence souther- ly to the north side of Chaff and Sixth Streets: thence easterly to the west side , i 1110,, and Sixth Streets: thence north- cerlv to the north side of Seventh an,l lore;( Streets; thence easterly to the cast line of City Lot Gln; thence along the old corporation line to the center of Eighth Street; thence• cask Hy along the ward boundary line het ween the Second and Third %yards to the center of the channel of the AIississippi Ricer, shall be, and constitute the First Load District of the City of I (iihuque. Scetion a. All of that part of said City lying north and east of the following lines, to -wit: ('onun:awing on the east :It the center of the Alain Channel of the Mississippi River on the boundary line between Ihe• Second and 'third wards; thence westerly along said line to the old orpor:ltin5 line; thence southerly :.long the east line of City Lot :de to the north std. of Seventh Street: thence westerly to the west side of S,•\e.ilh and Iowa Streets: thence southerly to the north. suck of Sixth Street: til, are westerly to the east sill • of I',liitf SIreet; Ihcuce northerly to Ih1 :•,•tiler of Eighth Street; thence easterly to the east side of al- ]ey ht -tweet. villin ;and Locust. Streets; thence northerly III the South side of Tenth Sweet: thence easterly to the cen- ter of Dain Strict: thence northerly along the ward boundary line between the Third and Fourth wards, to the old cor- poration line, and being the south bound- ary line of the Fifth ward; thence west- erly :,leu_ the ward I nundat•y line be- tween th,e Fifth and I'ourlh wards to the City Limits; shall h' and constitute the Second 11o:,d District of the City of Du- buque. Section 4. The Third Road District of the City of Dubuque shall comprise all the property within the Limits of the City, not embraced in the First and Second Districts as described in sections two and three hereof. 511 Adjourned Regular Session Feb. =)Sl, 1904. Section f. At the ling 1if nt:dcin, the aununl :1u11ropri:lllers in i:a•1i \,•at', the. 1'ntmeil shall ileterniitie the ,nnonnt to I.,• spit -tiled in each o11' said Read h is- Iricl inr the 1nnpose nI' r;niulain,, rl,:nt- in•_ nd ro iclilin t h• rtreet1. alleys Anil public 'dams in loch 1.i s.1id listIi,ts: %drills appropriation shall not he in CX - 1,,. 011' the ptoreeds of ;1 I Ix ,ci INN, milt, on Ih1• dollar on Ih,• t:lxaLlo v::1111' of flee property incl11led ill raid district, in addition In iii poll tax of residents of Sail dislriel, : fid the road tax on land, not 11:11 l for ordinary city bixee. Seeti0'i 'I'he poll tax of residents of each ,listriet -Ball lie paid into ln'opel- tonl listtiei fend. awl when paid in labor '4111111 h•• worked in such district. and sn fat' at: praclicahle, :ill the work 11,u1ing, sprinkling :and repairing the streets in :my district Shall be performed by residents of the district. Section 7. 'Phis- Ordinance to be In force and take effect from and nftcr its pas- sage ;1111 III licalinn one lime in the Ind,1011, 11.1i1c t,i;he-Juurn:iI newSl:iper. Passed App1ov'ecl -- Attest Fite ti1,n11,•r. . \layer. Ald. Frith. ehairnt::u of the committee on Streets. report-, ns 1'1111„vv's: A'onr,.onimittee 011 itt VII' III, to w'hont w;is rel'1 rred till re"o11Itilitt proposing 111 1.•vy ;1 speci:ll nssl•s'snn•nt Against certain lots 11111 ',oriels of 1:Iil l for cleaning sant' and ice fr•nn the sidewalks abutting there- on during the month of January, 140-I. would respectfully recommend that said resolution 11e adopted. skis Frills oohed to adopt the report. tarried I1y the following vote: Yeas --Alis, Clancy, l'orrtutcc•. Frith, 11orr. .Jnt,1•s. Raymund anal Sheridan. Nays—Nome. Alis Frith also reported as follows: 1'o111' committee on Streets would re- speell'ully rel mtmt•td in favor of allow- ing so Inch of the attached bill of Petet Eishach. contractor, for work done on the Bee Branch Sewer :ts there is money in the fund, and paying the balance when the new appropriation is made. Provided, said Peter Eisbach signs a written agree- ment to accept the same in full settlement of :ill claims Of whatsoever nature grow - in; lint of his contract on said Pee Branch s1 Wer, AId. Frith moved that the report he adopieII ;n111 the City Attorney instructed to pr1•p.me a receipt to he signed by Mr. 1•:isll:ielI. tarried. Frith also reported as follows: your committee on Streets, to whom was referred the accompanying plat sub- mitted by the City Engineer showing a prop,sed street from Queen Street ex- tended. easterly to Windsor Avenue, would recommend that said plat be ap- proved and that the l.inwood Cemetery Association Ise allowed the sum of Nine ltonind Dollars for the land It is pro- posed ul take for said street, alley and park ;as shown nn said plat, for which antotitit we would further recommend that warrants tie ordered drawn on the City Treasury. to the paid over to said Associa- tion by the \layor. upon the presentation of the proper deeds to the city. Aid. Frith moved that said plat and re- port be adopted. Carried by the following vote: Peas—:\Ids. 1'l;ntcy. Corr:tnee. Frith, Herr. .1en1:s. lityntend anti Sheridan. Na vs—None. Aid. Jon, s chaiiotati or the Priming nnmittee, ',ported as follows: Your committee on Printing. II, vv ho nn vcns ref, tired the hill itthntill,•,l 11y the 'I',•1- ,ra11h-Ilet'ald for printing the index for. And hin,lini III golly -live cold,•, 111' rho town, it Ilroece11111,s for the year 1111:: for the sunt of $:1.:11 per book. beg to report tit:11 wo have x,0,1,1,1 said hid awl hive instructed the Telegraph -1 1 erahl to pro- ceed with the Jonas mot'111 to :atolls the report. tried. AId. Raymond. chairman of the commit- tee on Paving. Sweeping and Sprinkling. reported that the committee had aw:u'ded the contract for painting the nine Sprink- ling \\'agoras to John Ncwnt:nt & Son at $111.1111 each. and Moved that the action of the ennialttiee 111. apill, 1\ii. 4 tI'ried. Atli. Chi :cy moved that the chairman on l'av'ing. Sweeping :Ind Sprinkling be :ntthorized to take ant a policy insuring said \cagons for sixty 11.1ys. tarried. AId. 11ou'r, chairman of the Ih1:u'd of Equ:Ilizati.m. 11•1)011ell :1s follows: Your Ilii d of i•:1pu1liratil.n, to whom w'as referred the petition of Clara R. tl:ut- tei•,I,ett:, asking that the valuation on Lot Porter's .Add., be reduced from $666.66 to $100.11,1 wnul;l recommend that the v'aln:i- ti.*lt on soil Int be placed itt $560,01) and that the 'I're;tsilH r he instructed to accept the taxes ria' the year 1:11:1 on that basis. Also, your Board cf Equalization, to whom was; referred the petition of Anna U. Adams. asking that the valuation on Lot 3, Porter's Add., h1• reduced front $400.00 to Joo,ll. would reclnnnn•nd that said petition be I. cowed ,1111 lilei. Also. your Hoard of Equalization, to whom w::.s referred the politico of Mary' L. Painting. Frances I.. Poole and J. S. Stephens. asking tilt the 'I're,tsurer lie in- structed to ac•ce.1pt the sunt of $100.00 per lot in full settlement the special as- sessment levied against lots 45, :15 and 36, in Julia L. Langworthy's .Add., for the improvement of I.;n:,vcortby _Avenue, would recommend that the prayer of the Petitioners be granted and that the 'Tt'uas- ufer be instructed accordingly. Also. ylatr Board of Equalization, to whom was referred the petition of Lillian F. Alden, asking that her assessment on moneys and credits he reduced to $2,000.00, also that the valuation of the N. t/4 of Lot 0 and E. 2 feet of Lot 7, in A. L. L'row'n's Sub.. be reduced from $2,600.00 to $2,200.00, would recommend that the pray- er of the petitioner h1• granted and that the 'Treasurer he instructed to accept her taxes on the foregoing basis for the year 1903. Also, your Board of Equalization, to whom was referred the petition of B. Kopald, risking that his assessment on merchandise for the year 1903 be reduced from $1,000.00 to $400.00, would recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the Treasurer be in- structed accordingly, Adjourned Regular Session Feb. 2!9, 1904. Also. your it;11 1 of Equalization. to whom was r•i'erre.l the ctallnnndeatiou 11i' 1). E. Lyon, olI,'iIng to pay the stun of 6s1.I5 in full settlentent ,4 the taxes against the I.yott, I;arn;u'd ('o., for the years I•str; t,: 19112, bulb inclusive, would recanuu,•nd that s'aiii otter Le accepted tunl 111;11 the Treasurer he instructed aa•- cordingly. .\Lo, your hoard of Equalization, to whorl tt't,S referred the petition of John Il:u'tig,'skin: that the assessment ;,;;;bust hitt for $1.1ot,1a0 motleys and eu ' lits h,• ,'aticeled for the reason that s:ii.l money vv:,:: used by hila fat' purchasing real es- tate during the nt'Oil i of Alaurit. 111113. would lecottnn•ud that the prayer of ih1• petitioner he granted and that the 'I'reas- urer he iustt'neted accordingly. .Also, your Board of I'' ii:tlirntiou. t•, vvhont was referred the !,.Haien of the Si. los, l,h's \lurcy Hospital, asking that tie: taxes against Sul.. City 7:II. Lot L be e;ut- celetl for the yeal' I:, ,t, ;u:d tilt-,, unit Lite .\s;-+ess,r he insirurt,•.I to ,•X,•ntl,l said let from Ituc:niou ill the future for the reg,olt that the sante is !using „set ,•xrinsiv.t•,' for hospital ptn'Inis's. would recommei,J that the prayer of the paitiot,•r he grant liutt the Ilrnsnrer :111,1 .\sSeSsor ho ins'tr'ucted accordingly. Also, your• I'';n,l of I•:.inaiiznti'nt, to whorl was referred the petition of Eliza- beth I),tu'ii Iii, asking that the valuation on the S. 1.2 if the M. 1-5 of City Lot IT: be reduced from $2,200.0:1 to $1.100.($1, w'nld recommend that on account of her crct,m- stances the valuation of said I,tt h1• placed at $1.500. and that the Ti•:isnrer he in- • structed accordingly. Alsn, your Board of Equalization, to whom was referred the petition of \it•k- olaius Shyer, asking that the $2.5110.10 add- ed to his assessment by this ltnurd be canceled. would recommend that the player of the petitioner be granted and that the 'I'1.'' i -ti' a• be instructed ae.ord- ingl,'. Also, your Hoard of Equalization. to whom was referred the petition 'f Dennis Ryan, asking that the valuation of Lots 2 and 4 of Sul,. Alineral Lot It, he reduced. would recommend that said petition he received and tiled. Also, your Board of Equalization, to whom was referred tho petition of Laura Minges. asking that the tax of 1903 against the east 110 feet '1' Lot 1 of Oak- land Park .Addition, he e:nu•elled for the reason that out of the moneys and credits assessed to her. and on which she has al- ready Maid the .taxes, she purchased the :shove described Int in February, 1903, pay- ing'therefor the stint of $1.8tit.ntt. would recommend that the prayer of the peti- tioner he granted and that the 'Treasurer he instructed accordingly. Also, your llotu'tl of I.1,lualization. to whom was referred the petition of Mrs. Platt Smith, asking that the valuation of the Sub. A. 1-' ti city Lot ,15:,, Lots 9 and 10 he reduced from $0,500.011 to $1.- 900,00, would reeornmenil that the prayer of the petitioner be grained and that the Treasurer he instructed accordingly. Ald. I-lorr roved to adopt the v'al•iOUS reports of the Hoard of Equalization. Carried. .\hi, ii'1ti', t'Iiairinnn of the i'onrilliii'' 'f ti,, \\'ltd.•.1,1.1'1,11 :IS f'll'u-St 1'11111. I ,,f iii,• \\'11111,•. I,, \vlr.un were r.hvrell 1111• s.,'eral 1)(1 it „I' ti.. r:-si,l,•:it> the 1'.1'1 sial,• 'f th,• Vitt ward. tskin;a iii iI :, tiro limp:11ty In• sta- tioned iii the viciniir '.f the \I;trsltall school. beets to r' -port that we deem it ad- visal:le lied _irnt,•r la'otel tion front lir,• given the residents of this seetion of the ctl5, Mit do not coo -id, -t' the' Io:•;tti. named in the petition to Ite the most :n1- \itlilageo0s; w' would ii i'''fore Ise; nt,,,d that the l:etitionv iitsol':u• as ii,e relate to the s!aLlisliin „I' ;in , ngiue hosts,• in the east side of sni•I \v:, 1.11 1• grinned, lett that the matter of lo,•:1tion. e,Inipnt'iti and other ,i, tail,-. h1• referred in the t'onnrdilee en Fire Iv tilt _\Idernt.nt Erich and ti' chit t of lit,• tine depart - lit,•nt added. \ills Burt' 1111,..,1 t„ :t lett the report. u'Ii rrd: •1. .-\hl. herr :tis,, 1.1,'1.01 :is I( S: 1'11111. t'ouunitte, 'f tin \\'hole, la \V ln,nl wts 1 f,'rr.1 the I ,•1111011 'I' the pi iitn' t: :11:11 It l,tty .: ..f the til .parintent. :1stc- ing' that tie''.' Is granted :in increase ,,I' solar>. ..,eti,l recommend that the tn':tyer of the p.'titiom 1.s he grant,"I :and that. the :tmnunt of the Met,.is.' he determined latter. Ald. l fort' :novel to ad,,pl lite 1'el,ol't. .Alii. Frills nl'vod a snbstillite. that the rep's! :tad Petit 11011 L' reh'i'red basic to th1• a',ttnntittt•. of the 1\'brie. Suhstitnt. was ,•:na•ded. Itl•:St 11.1 "I'll tsS. Alderman 1 -Iola• offered the following: Ile it resolved by the City t'onn,il of the City of Dubu,luc. That the ordi to nc•; t'omntitl,•e he and they tar h,•rely ill - I„ pl l'i'',. an ordinance provid- ing for the proper and uniform location :nal width of sidewalks on all the shu'''ts \vitltin the limits of the city. designating the location of the sante h,•t\ve'•II the enrh and property lines ;aid requiring prot.erly i,wn.1.s to proem, plans, speei- lii:aligns :and permit before conslt'uetdng any sidewalk. A1.1. Hort. moved t' :1111 11.1 the Resolu- tion. t';n'ried. .AIdernttut Mori' also offered the fol- lowing: VV'berg:,s•, A number of the improve- ment h'ut's issued to defray the expeltse et t ertaie. streets and other improve- ments node :,long and in front of the :lathing property benefited thereby, were arigina lly isr'ied in denominations of one tleee,ne11 dollars. and whereas. Lands of this denontiaatton have proven them - to i„• Loth inconvenient and un- eeouontieatl for the city, as it. is impos- sible to caul in these hands until the full amount of their fee, has been col- lected from the :butler, and as it of- ten happens that large amotmts, but less than case thousand dollars accumulates in the hands of the treasurer and must he held by hhn, and cannot be utilized; iherefare be it It, soled, That under and by virtue of the 'r,intnu•e of 1h,• City of Dubuque and the powers conferred upon said city I.' Beeth: s)5 and 849, Chapter 8, Title V', Cod. of Iowa of 1897, certain bonds hereinafter mentioned he refunded, and a seri,•:, 11f bonds of tt denomination of AA(ljouriied Regular Session Feb. 29, 11'0.1. Five Ilumftet Dollars each, be used to refund these. The bonds t„ I,• reloaded iire des, rihel ;Is roII es: I:: r1 I. nnmh'red 51 dall,I :April 1. I a . :un„Waling t„ :;;_,uao.ul, of whit I, anunlnt ,tI.Sea.1111 arm tit he re- funded a1,,i the hal on e paid for front funds now in the hands of the ('it,!' 'I'reisn:i't. The refunding hoods le Ile nntnl,'i 1 _I'., 219 :nal 'i,o, hearing date of April 1, 1901. each of a denomination of $•-,ou,ua, hearing interest at the rate of 5 per cent, per annual. payable semi- ;tnnually. The bonds to Ii l,cn'abb' sever >ears from date, or at any time I aI Ill' lilt'lotl of lit' tit) hollt rrincipal :,nd interest to be I,Ily;thle ::t the office of the City Treasurer nt It,1. buque, Iowa. The bonds and coupons to snhstalni illy in the 1'ollotving form: Vint,,] States of America. St ite ('its- „f Dubuque, County (if ]tuhuque. Number Ill?I.I'NI)INt; IlONID. 5n, l I I. ,11: urs. The city of Dubuque. in the State ,tf los. a. for value received. ln'omi ,•x to pay t„ the h'at'er hereof. on the 1st ,day of April. A. D.. 19it, or any time before at the ,.pliou of the ,'ity. til' sum of Willi inter'St tl:er'ult lit tilt, tate of five per cent. per annum, payable semi-an- nually, on the 1st day of (1,tober and the l:t day :,f April. on the presentation ;uul nrr'nd't• of the interest coupons bereto :itt'eiud as they become due. I,ot11 principal ;nt.] interest ,if this bond I.,yahlt at the office of the City 'I'teasofet lit Dubuque, Iowa. This bond is issued in the City of Dubuque, under and ht- virtue of Sections SIS and 549 of Chapa r ti. Title V. of the (mode of 1897 of the St:It,• of Iowa. and payable as therein pr yided. and in a('cut.ii ice with the resolntioits of the ('sty Council of said city pissed ott the 29th day of Feb- ruary. 19ni. This bond is one of a series of litre' bonds of like tenor, date and amount. numbered 245. 2-19 and _W, and is issued for the purpose of providing for the refunding of certain bonds numbered uuAnd 55, dated April 1st. 189 7. issued to d,•frav the expense of certain street im- provements in. upon and :dung certain streets in said City of Dubuque. namely: College A\',•11:1'. front West 'Thiel Street to West Fifth Street, West Third Street, from Alltir.e Street to College Avenue. Allison 1'111(' from Delhi Street to Col - leg' .\want,, 'tw,ill--sixth Street, from Jackson to Pine Street, Twenty-seventh Street, from Jackson Street to Chicago Great Western itaiiw;ty, which cost is payable by the ahniting property bene- fited thereby and by law a lien on said allotting property, and is payable In seven annual installments, with interest on said deferred payments at the rate of ii per Bent. per annum, and it is here- by certified and recited that all the acts, comfitiot,s :,,l things required to be done precedent to and ht the Issuing of this bond have been properly clone, happened and performance in regular and due form, :Is required by law, and for the payment hereof, both principal and interest, the full faith and credit of said City of Du- buque is irrevocably pledged, in accord- ance with the said Sections 848 and 849, Chapter 8, Title V, of the Code of 1897, and the resolutions of the City Council referred to. In wile, sswh'r'„I silt ('ity of Dtt- hn,Iuc, h': its city l'ounciI, has mused this bond to Ie signed by its ..\110 or. at- tested by its Iiet•el'det•, with the seal of the city affixed. ;lint countersigned by its Auditor. this 1st day of April. Paul. ;tit.( til'• interest coupons hereto : Itt:w, ile,l to he executed by the facsimile siunatures of the 'Mayor and I:t,ot',ler of said City of Ihthuque, all as of dale of the 1st da • of \layer of the City of Duhut{ue. lily i -t' 'unlet'. (pity Recorder. 1'ltl:.AI (til I ht (Ili, day of the city of .I)uhutpt,•, Iovt•;I. penalises to tiny hearer ;Is provide( in said bonds. the stmt l' TW',•Ive lloll;u's and ]” illy ('mitts lit the „bice of the City 't'm;lsur'r. being six months. interest due that day on its re- funding hon,( No. date .\pril 1st, I. .Add. herr moved to :adopt the Resolu- tion. (married by the f'ollow'ing \•ot,•: ('Ita'l'y. I'ot'a Ice. Frith, Dorn, Jones. ihiy-mon,l and Sheridan. Nays—None. \id. ('In :, y ❑tm e,l that the rules be nett' susended. in order to lout' from Mr. II. -\. \Io),•s in relation to his salary as \Insley. Carried. \Lr. IIe,y,-s addressed the ('ouncil, stat- ing that Ile did not think it just that the Council should discontinue his salary as ll:nLor \luster. after the close of navi- gation. its he hail been appointed and his sal:'- fixed for one year until \day 1st, 11,111. \\'h, retlpon .\ld. Sheridan nerved that th,• matter be referred to the Committee of the \\"hole for consideration. A Id. Frith moved a suhstitnte that yIr. \lugs b' IiIIow'd his salary rtf $70.11,) per month :Is I hil'hur ?,last,' for the entire \'e111'. Substitute en riled by the following vote: leas—. -\IQs. Chancy, ('orrance, Frith, Jones and Raymond. 'Total 5. Kays—Aids. Horn and Sheridan. Total Aid. Frith moved to adjourn until March 3rd, 1904. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Attest: 4` .', .'. Limed ..Itecor(Zer Approved.C% ' ?, • ”" 1901 :/t.: . Mayor :7 • 0 List of Warrants. 59 LIST OF CITY WARRANTS City Recorder's Office. I mlione, j,, Fel.. 1l, 100). TO the 11411444ralde :Mayor ;4t141 City Coun- cil of Dulanitte: Gentlemen: The following- is a vomplete list of all warrants issued 1 iy me during the month of January, 1:14,1: C. 11. Berg, salary .51,,vor :4010 70 H. Brinkman, salary. Treasurer 1:1:1 75 J. A. Ab.1•; in Ivy, salary 1 >eputy 97rea surer ten hi Jim. l<rayer, clerk. Treastiret's or- rice Go to cilas. 10. Arendt. :,:ddry. 310; 71 ',Vin. A. I:a4414. salary. Deputy 1.te- corder ).01 1111 F. 11. I loffnian. salary. .\ uditor 110 71, ('. 1. Schen*. sal:try. 125 011 salary. Assist.int As - 100 00 J. murphy, 1011 C11 GeO. .7. 1 it ''1''. 1-11111 14'. Attorney 150 00 J. B. Powers. salary. Assistant At- torney 754,14 Thos. Reilly. salary, Chief of Police 111, 10 Iteinfried, 0Nh1191 l'IlicfDM, 1111 J. \\ . Law1 •r. c.an wit o•t• Ch•rl: Jas. 17.yee. saltto-. City Engineer104; 65 E. Anderson, salary, Assistant En- gine,r 100 00 F. 0010 1/CP11111111150 00 E. 1 11`1•1,1,. S.1111'Y, superintendent of Stre44t SprinklingGO 10 AVrn II iliman, sAlary, Kl..ctrician03 :15 H. Triad', salary. Mil'ketnnter 5114114 P. Ryan, salary, Park Custodian10 00 N kn. salary. Park Custodian—. 11, 00 T. Falierty. sa t•-, Bark Custodian (1 10 Dr. 11. F. Michel. salary, 114•411111 (0- lleet. 541 1.1) F. Flynn, salary, Sault:to- man 00 141 Offen-nail, salary. Boundniftster411 1\10S. 11. 'Koenig, salary, Janitress 2,, 011 .A. Crawford. salary. Sidewalk' in- spector 50 00 A. Moyes. \\•1„,rfina.ster,20 [0 M. Clancy, salary. .\ !dermal' 2' 11. Corrance, salary, .\ Idernian 77 1 1, E. E. Frith, salary. Alderman 25 la J. L.. itorr, salary. .VIderinfin R. Jones, salary. :\ Herman 25 414 C. N Raymond, salary, .Aiderman 25 iv J. J. Sheridan, salary, Alderman 25 00 Tillie Donnelly, stenographer 20 00 M. Eitel, fireman 65 00 J. Essman. fireman 75 00 A. Duccini, fireman 60 00 J. Flynn, fireman 65 00 J. Roshin, fireman 60 00 J. Tschudi. fireman 50 00 .A. lleer. fireman 50 00 J. Schonberger, fireman 50 00 J. Daley. fireman 65 00 J. Banter, fireman 75 00 T. Ryder, fireman 60 00 G. Beyer, fireman 65 00 Wm. Ducey, fireman 60 00 F. Murphy, fireman 50 00 M. Kelley, fireman 56 62 Ahern, fireman 50 00 P. Furey, fireman 34 08 D. Ahern, fireman 65 CO P. Zillig, fireman 50 00 T. Flynn, fireman 65 00 M. Sweeney, fireman 50 00 H. Cain, fireman 50 00 N. Wagner, fireman 50 00 J. Benzer, fireman 50 00 .t. firethan 67 50 Ainrphy. 11''' 111)11 50 00 .1. 51,, 1.110.111111. fireman .1. 51,1..111;4111in. liri•ntall 50 110 k.imiolt. 21 65 Iirerrhin 65 110 T. Kennedy. lirernati linonigariner. fireolati 50 00 .1. Smith, fireman 50 Oil lineman 65 (0' .1. Allen. fireman Gli Al. Fahey. fireman 50 01) \V111. (1'1'00111.H, lirernmi 51) 00 It. \\lesion. fir.-it,in 65 00 kehileally. fireman 00 00 E. Alel ierniolt. fireman 50 1)0 \Vim Alc(11.tin. email 50 00 Extra. men for National Ilisroit fire: lc..erniey, fir1•111:111 !Ai v. Schroeder. fireman 00 flits 114)11, fireman ", 140 .1. \Vela. fireman nti F. (Iraff. lirehLin 750 .1. Collins. lir,nian 7 51) I.. Allirphy. n1'41110111 00 1'. •: 00 1'. C.irn. - 14) ,T. Salon. liremaii 2 50 A. 1:ee1)er. police •01111 .1. I I. Barry. pod,. (:. I lurkel. police .1. Carter, police 7,7 .1. Chine. police .Ino. Cody, police 50 00 NV. Cook. 10.11ce 50 00 W. Clorcoraii. police -0 (0) M. (ratigh. p.dice 1:5 00 11. 1)onlon. twfice J. Fitzpatrick. police Jas. Flynn. police Wm. Filth. poiice 5,4 i.• 'I'. Ganahl. pollee :oi 00 I.. (IrAssel. police Ill Oili I:. 1 l.:1y. pollee 50 00 Pal. Hanlon. police 50 00 AI. Killy. police 50 00 Jno. 1.,,etscher, police 50 00 1'. 51,4'4)1101)z. police 50 00 1'. :McInerney. pone,. 50 00 Jito. Moore. police 00 04) D. Norton, police 50 00 Al. 1 ).1'11111101'. police 50 00 Jno. Alurphy, police 50 00 .1 no. Itaesli, police 65 00 Otto Rath, police 50 00 Jas. Ryan, ponce 65 00 I'. Scharff, police 50 00 .31. Scherr, polie.• 00 00 I'. Salton. police 95 04) Tom Sweeney, police 65 00 AI. Stapleton, pollee 50 04) P. slimy:tn. police 50 00 L. Sullivan. police 45 00 I.. %Oilman. pollee 50 00 Mrs. Nate llibbe, matron 30 00 .51it.t. I.. Brennan, matron 30 00 Labor on streets during the last half of Decenther, 1903: J. Brouillette, labor 8 10 John Burns, labor 70 Paul 13ecker, labor 10 15 Fred Berg, labor 1 35 C. SSuelow, labor 2 70 J. Brachtenbach, labor 3 05 C. Gantenbein, foreman 20 00 Ben Hurd, labor 2 70 W. Coughlan, labor 12 15 John Corbett, labor 4 05 Jas. Callahan, foreman 20 00 If. Cosgrove, driver 20 00 Mike Donegan. labor 3 10 John Egan, labor 210 Cleo. Frost, foreman 20 00 1 List of Warrants 4 05 Libor 10 80 Pat Foie Ion. Jabot. ltilli. N. GO 00 stoker Ala Vets/ lien labor 3 75 Lane 4111,s. labor 685 : lii Ii 6 45 r.11.. Ii.1. labor 6 45 Guentli. r. llliiir 7 141 Pat Grue. 'ak270a. G 1 445 eo. r. labor c 241 00 .1. Hahn. foroman .14,111: I foil. ea pit Ii 22 50 Nb. 1<oti. idniton. labor 5 10 Jalto 1<nios. I. iii ii 9 SO Alike Lavin, labor 5 95 Aim tit, 1,.,11.•rgan. labor 25)1 II. Lenii.1(... labor 3 75 Vc. 6116,1. 2 40 Labor .iii St ..e.ts 1.as.t. Half of Decorn- lier, 1905: Tom Ali111,.y. labor $ 40 .1..s. Alaimo. 6 I dim. 5 10 John \I, . labor 10 15 c. mid 6, .1 Libor 1 70 Hid. !alio- 9 45 II. 'i 'hair, labor 6 10 I. i11, kilwr 'ii ii 11',1 Hier. Ian. labor \V. Quinlan. Ii Ityiitt, labor I:al:414.k, labor Loom.y. labor 5..1111 S111)11. labor Writtic SchlTr, labor James Smith, labor 2 05 Ni'.Sw..4.1loy, labor 7 45 T. II. Schilling, labor 70 Stranoy. labor 17 55 Lawrence l'rost, labor 8 45 Anton \Vondrasek, labor 1 05 Ii. 1;11.0. zo to Thos. Voting. I;] Iii 75 00 J. J. Ali:coffins. team 80 P. casa.rly, labor 20 SO J. h.thor 21450 R. T. i'ddy. foreman 25 00 R. A. Fidlor. labor 20 50 Hohnookor, labor 20 80 P. 15:enneally. labor 20 80 P. Sagt , labor 20 SO l,j to hi iii To.yliir, labor 20 80 Tom Harr. H. labor 9 45 labor 12 75 Miki. Carney. lalim 7 50 1.1' I ':1:11cy I Dotlgo I. labor 7 50 Pot. r carney (Rush), labor 5 40 vault!, labor 5 40 II i it Ii conuell. hibor 5 711 mho. .i,.labor 904) 1.4ati labor 6 (l) ';i1111, 1,111,1). 6 00 liet.•1 1 ... Libor 5 40 Alit:, 11 tell. I,ilu o• 5 40 Peter Gregory, labor 7 20 Pat (hue, labor 10 80 Thos. 1 lid. bibor 3 00 John I lafey. labor 5 40 Thos. I litelcney, labor 6 00 Thos. 1<enreally, foreman 20 00 Chas. Lee, labor 2 70 John Mangner, labor 12 00 John Mahoney, labor 12 00 Ed. Magner, labor 10 50 Frank McCann, labor 5 40 James McCarron, labor 6 75 James Powers, labor 10 50 Mike Sullivan, labor 9 00 John Linehan, team 14 40 Dennis O'Meara, team 27 00 Geo. Rashid, team 14 4() Geo. Reynolds, team 18 .00 20 00 2 70 145 6 10 1 90 7., E.1. Sooloy, labor 18 00 M. M. Walker. expense for delegates to Washington II' improvement Hr. Michel. ur.lessional servicos$ Iii J. Manhoff, 55 pounds rags for City A. E. Bradley. glazing City I 2 60 P. Baumgartner, itssislant :Market- oitso h. Slim 'Mtn VS. City25 iii) Mastor 36 44 11109.1' River hall 2 20 Kiiy city t;as co.. iii for Val'1011S 155 departim.ilt 50 Co., care of lots 5 kill for Fir - Pointer. 1 :erg & Co_ blank books, oto SI bt) 151. S. Hardie. blank book- 17 25 Safford Stamp Works, stamps for Auditor's offico 2 uo Smith -Morgan Prtg. Lu., half pay 60 on Register 130 56..k..4 Iowa Telephone Co.. telephone ser- vices for various departments 39 00 C. L. McGovern, recording plats and deeds 3 75 G. Hall, repairing look and keys 1 20 Dubuque Telephone (.70., tolophoneS Mayor's office and engine house No. 5 6 00 Globe -Journal, printing delinqui:mt tax list 56 60 Key City Gas Co., rental go arcs at Armory hall 2 64.1 Iteach & Son, soap at City Hall 3 20 & Cola, hardware for First Ward Scales 1 00 oft, Mouser & Ci., lumber for First Ward Scales 15 70 & Brown, paints and glass rm. Fil•St W:Ini 6 40 P. Even. coal First Ward Scales15 55 Wm. Boutin, sand for Road depart- ment 12 25 Dubuque Rubber & Belting CO., black sheet rubber for Road de- partment 3 15 Dubuque Rubber & Bolting Cu., 2 pair duck hip boots for Bee Branch department 40 Chas. Giese, tiling saws for Road department 1 till Schroeder -Kleine Grocer., salt for Road department 6 9U Dubuque Woodenware Co., lumber for Road department 56 20 F. Schloz & Son, repairing tools for Road department '2 64/ Jno. Butt, repairing tools for Road • and Sewer departments 2 95 C. Gruetzmacher, gravel for Road department 12 00 P. Pier, wood for Road department 4 20 W. Hood, sawing wood for Road department 2 00 Klauer & Kress, hardware for Road department 3 75 G. F. Kleih, hardware for City Hall and Police departments 2 35 G. F. Kleih, hardware and new tools for Road department 16 25 P. Clancy Est., cinders for Road department 21. 00 Klauer Mfg. Co., galvanized iron pans for Rock Crusher 17 75 G. Ragatz & Son, repairing Steam Roller 1 00 F. Zehetner, repairing Steam Roller 1 35 W. D. Deckert & Co., sheet lead for Steam Roller 35 Smith -Morgan Prtg. Co., Sidewalk Notices 2 65 Vollenweider & Hein, horse shoeing for Fire Department 16 50 Kanolt & Powers, horse shoeing for Fire department 23 15- List of Warrants (;1 Collings & Pliffner, horse shoeing I I ^0 for Fire and Police departments.. 34 ,S5 „It-.Itnu:tl. I'. 1.1 ltiti, fnr Heller & Scheer, horse shoeing for ] t -t- ,l , l• q) Fire and Road departments 6 40 7 The Tian :•i -.1.In ii,iio to! I a - I,ar & 1:eititely, horse shrtt.iltg for •nl rr 5 uU lire and road dela. 50 1!nl, t•lu, '1', 1._:t1 1 -11 .!1,I. , tli. i tl 1.t :u• t\ ittl"lt. hurre shoeing for printing fnr I t, t aaml t r n1 Mc and toad dept 6 75 National I5 ciiii: -.,t. n:11,•i: 1 printf, 'I'. 1". 1<:tne. .t:iy for lire and pollee for It,,, r1:1. i. to depts. 121 711 11. I;rinknt:tn, t S.;iv7tlion permits IL .i. I latterly, \rleria:u \ services 1,11, mitt 1::0 10fo1. lir,• and police dent • 21 55 11. Iti initimot. interest paid on war - 1'. 1'i,,„ e':tl ant.t wood 1'.tt• 11re ,1,•- rants uelsi:tntl1t: 51 I1 lt: 1tnn•nt 175 20 11. ittinknntn. N -tv Y,Ilii t•Xt•h.ii .. 1;5 F. S,1t1tz & Son. ',twill's for tire11. 1trinkntnn. postage stamps in t;0 lel,.n im, tit 72 co 11. l;rinknuln. 11.1111.1g.,,, to ittoltta•tY lit au 1,nl,nttu,• ,til I':!nl: line, nil f•ttr lint 11. llritactn:nl. tXpress t•11111133. I4•,nt1 41,p:111111,11l 3 7t1 tlt•lt:tl 1nn•nt 1 :,0 I-:I:.uer \Il'u. Co.. 1 ,Beck damper 11. Itrini:n;:tn. ,•\prt•ss charges. Vire re department 1 50 department ,ta at7. .\ Son. i pairs for tiro 11. 1lrinl<ni.ut, Library crtlt-rs paid725 59 int ut ' .s7 1ialttttlu,• Nationdl liank. Lo: ret S5,000•IN1 Ii•:,ley & Son. hardware for tlorinan 'frost ,\ Sayings L';utk. nn•nt 15 du Loan S.0u0.00 1111. .41, , t\ Co., shavings for tiro 1:tn;-\i.ny iitltl unn $1,4uu. nil ,,:l,;tt't, it. .. 1 5U 1.:11 tv ,tn 51 .13 f r the first half c1. Al. Sl:, I!.• 1. hemi f•t-tr lire depart- .1,,,,,,,,„ i3 1: itt itt ....... 7 70 J• I:rt,ttillt•itt•, labor s 10 1;1111 hells.. repairs tor tire depart- l'nttl 1a cher. labor 70 nitmt 1 S5 .1. I;rucltt<•,It tch. labor :l: Joint I:ott, repairs for lire tit part- \\'. t'o:tghlin. I;Ibnr 10 mcnl .... 11 5'.) .)oho Corbett. labor '0 \loliism 11141:.. rt•!t tiri iO steal ,l:unes i':tllal.nn. 'nrcntan 2ti uu for tiro d.pnrUn,•ut 20 SO 11. Cosgrove. tit iv,n•2154312:511 au Jos. A. 1':tlen. blue viuol for lire alike 1tottt• rn. ltbnr 7tt drpal't171cnt u. 05 ion, Frost. foreman 20111) 1<t•\ City tlas Co., t•nal and coke \tat. I't1 It,•le. Elit• 1115 for lire tlel,artmonl 5.5 X10 VA'. Potty', label' 10 i<e\' City t_::1= Cit., rental tits :iters, I't nelnn, Libor •n central ,mint house Ou00 . I; Attlee. labor 71 \ltltrrntott & clow. plumbing at I ..y 41115s. Inbar t't•nUa1 engine house 3 .I.. t;.ntl:t-r. labor 2It Fire Ext•g 1411';7. Co.. hose fol' I r t:m ntlier. hi 4 0,; 'htntit':t1 eni. int• 1S 11, I - : trub. Ltbttl• 70 Metz 1\ilg. Co., storm sash for 1 t.1 11 St. engine, ]nuke Smedley Sli:ua Pump Co.. 1 11:u•t- fortl heater for engine house No. 5 135 00 1'. fist', e0:11 n1!t1 Fault fol' point. 0,r:111111,111 111 : 211 ',V. Bootle. saWing «'noel for polio,• deltartintnt ]tt 25 AT. Al. Hoffman. gloves :Writ Brei t for police ticpartnnmt 5 70 lii:nter ,3 1<ress. l:itt•lten utensils for 'Matron Jepnrutu•nt 1 75 )6ichhorn & Bechtel, groceries for patron's department 10 40 C. J. \V. Saunders, Jr., meat for Matron's ,lel,::rtment ... 3 35 \. 1']uetsch. 'milk and eggs for \L•ttrnn's department 1 SO Lyons AlLyons, setting grates and ,hacks at patrol house 195 II. Tropf, board of prisoners for December .... .... .... .... 10 00 Byrne & Saul, rock for sewer de- partment 1 25 Lally & Geissler, repairs for engi- neer's dep:uimeat 90 E. Dietzgen co.. supplies for engi- neer's department . 17 50 Union Electric Co., are lights for Dc,t nits r 2045 77 T. 1.1. Frith. hauling garbage and (lead animals 152 SO G. 1?. Fleih. h:trdw:u•e for Bee Branch department .... .... 2 10 L. Eberhnrt, )timber for Bet: Branch department 7 75 J. lrnstlorff & Sons Co., hardware for Ml. Carmel Ave. 2 30 Butt Bros., repairs for Mt. Carmel Ave. 35 Jno. Duggan, repair's for Mt. Carmel i'rcm:tll 20 00 I !Jahn. foreman 100 11i,•:1. 1:,httr :l 10 John Heil. carpenter I:, -tit -tilt tfen, labor Ink.• i i:itts. labor 9 15 \I:u•tin Lttnt•rtan. labor 1 :: \tike 1.=t vin, lnbul2 11.5 1 L Lcmitke. ]:tont• 7 ;0 R. Lov,•, labor '2 05 \. \\. -.Miler. labor 70 John AleAttlty. l:thot• 7 45 Tat McBol:ntt1, Libor :l it. foreman 20111 John O'Halloran. labor 4 75 .lniin Parker, 1:1 bur 4 40 \i,•. 1'inst h, I:tltnt• 1 35 Labor on Sir, ets, First 11:111 of January, 1904: \\". Quinlan, I:ti,u• $ 4 75 Janus Ryan, labor 70 .1'o-'. B.)114 .ydriver 20 00 Nick Sweeney, labor S 30 John Spear, Labor 1 55 James Smith, labor 4 75 .los. Straney• laltol' 1620 Lawrence 'frost. labor 1 tis John '1'wieg. Tabor 70 Anton \Vontlr:tsek, labor 1 X15 \V. \\'t:n•It,ontlt. foreman 2!100 Labor on Sewers for the First Halt' of January. 1904: P. t ':tsserly. Intim' $ 19 220 J. Corcoran, labor 19 20 R. '1'. Eddy. foreman 25 00 R. A. Fuller, labor 101X) F. Hohnec•ker, labor 17 60 P. Kenneally, labor 19 20 P. Sage, labor 19 20 Landon Taylor. labor 19 20 C. It 1:erg. Mayor, settlement of Official Notices. snit of Mrs. Cath. Ryan vs. City425 00 C. II. Ilerg. Mayor, court cost in case of Cath. Ryan vs. City S 55 1'. Pier. wood del. at city hall 30 00 I hereby certify that the foregoing is it Irm. :ind correct list of all warrarits is- sued 19 me during the month of January, 1901. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. SVECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To All Whir Are Named Below: out are bereti\ notified that in accord- anc, with a Drdataixe of the City of Daimon, for removal of snow and ice from sidewalks in th,. month of January, 1.9111, that a special assessment will be hauil for tilt expense thereat, tt the regt.lar Lit lug if the City Council, up - nn till lots tin.1 parcels of I:111d on said improx,ement owned by pin. being sub- ject such speebt I assessment. Ani you ate it 110(1 ti 1iiiiear :it said meet- ing if the Council, to be field on the 18th day of February, A. It,. 1901, and show cause, if any you have. why said assess- ment should not 1 e 1901. Owner. Description. Jan. 2—Dubuque Malting Co., S. 21.0 ft.. lot 1, 130 lin. ft. at per ft 1 95 Jan, 6—C. A. Alexander, Sub. 3, Bab - cock's Sub., lot 1. 350 lin. ft. at lc per it 3 50 Jan. School Dist. of Dubuque, Sub. Min. lot 141. bit 1, 120 lin. ft. at lc per ft 1 20 Jan. II—Wm. La wther and N. J Schrup, City N. ::11.2 ft., lot 77, 30 lin. ft. at 1 1-:.• per ft 45 Jan. 5—Dixon Cottitigham, Sub. 38 otilIi, Quigley's Sub., lots 4-5, 50 lin. ft. ;it 1 1-ic per ft 65 Jan. 8—J. 'I'. Hancock Est., Mm. Lot 179, lot 0. 290 lin. lc per ft 2 80 Jan. 8—Miiy II. Wallis and Mary Wilson, Sub. 3 of Min. lot 150, lot 2, 200 lin. ft. at lc pe-, ft 2 00 Jan. 6—Theo. Trieloff. Concord's Sub.. lot 13, 100 lin. ft. at lc tier ft. 1 00 Jan. S—Mary E. Waller, Hodge's Sub. No. 2, lot 17, 70 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft Jan. 9—G. M. (Avis, Sub. Quigley's Sub., lot 1, 80 lin. ft. at lc per ft., P.M: 170 lin. ft. at lc per ft., $1.70; tot ii Jan. 9—Mary E. Waller, Hodge's Sub. No. 2, lots 26 to 33, inc., 300 lin. ft. at lc per ft Jan. 22—Cath. Bushes Sub., lot 12, .50 lin ft. at lc per ft Jan. 22—E. ard 11. Callihan, Sub. 2, Mitt. Lot 63 and M. lot 69, Union Add., lots 1-2, 120 lin. ft. at lc per ft Jan. 22—Rider & Lacy, City N. 2.6 ft. 75 and all lot 77a, Ii lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Jan. 22—Thos, Kavanaugh Est., City S. 22.9 ft. lot 78, 22 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Jan. 22—Dtrouque Malting Co., City Sub. 21.6 ft. lot 1, 130 lin. ft at 1 1-2c per ft Jan. 22—Jas. H. Shields, Dubuque Har. Co.'s Add., Block 1. lots 8 -8a - 8b, 48 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Jan. 22—Jas. Shields and Mary E Hodgdon, Dubuque Har. Co.'s Add., Block 1, lot 17, 170 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Jan. 22—C. H. Eighmey, Trustee, Total Cost. City 1 1-2c Sub. ft. at 2 70 300 50 1 2it 45 35 1 95 70 255 City lot 570. 130 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 1'95 Jan. ""—.I. MWerner. Trustee, City E. 97 ft. lot 171. 120 lin. ft at 1 1-2c pel• ft 1 SO Jan 22—Shields 'e Bradley. Sub. 1 of w. 1,, 17. 10, 11111). liar. Co.'s Add., lot 1. 711 lin. ft. :it 1 1-2e per ft 1 05 22—Mary E. Waller. ilodge•s Stile Ni. 2, lot 17, 70 lin. ft. at I per ft S5 M. 0I'Vls, Sub. 1, Quig- ky', Sub,. lot 1. 50 lin. ft at 1 1-4c per It.. 51. b 170 lin. ft. at lc per ft.. $1.70: total 2 70 E. Waller, !lodge's Sub. Ni. 2. lots 26 to 37. inc., mo lin. ft at 1e per ft 3 00 Jan. 29—Mary Wilde. Sub. 2 of I of 7, Min. Lot 15, lot I, 2110 1111. ft. at lc per ft 200 Jan. "—John Miwthinald. McNulty's Sub.. S. ft., lot 2. Illi lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft 2 40 Jan. 2—Catholic Univ. of Washing- ton. et al. Mobley's Dub. 0 and 7. Kelly's Sub., lots 1-2. 170 lin. ft. at 1 1-1c per ft 2 10 Jan. 2—John row..ts. al. City S 41.6 ft., It 311. Du lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 2 10 Jan. 2—Schlitz 1 -hewing Co.. City S Vo. It 293. 130 lin. ft :It 1 1-2c per ft1 95 Jan. 7—A. \V. Kemler, Est.. Mc- Coy's Sub., lot 1. 190 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft 2 40 Jan. 7—E. M. 1<ringle. Sub. 7, Min Lot 79. lot 0. 70 lin, ft at 1 1-4c per ft 90 Jan. 7—W. & lirunskill, Martin's Dubuque, lot 10. 50 lin. ft at le per ft 50 Jan. 7—Cath. Stafford, S. M. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 44. The lin. ft. at lc per ft, $1.00: 60 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft.. 75c; total 1 75 Jan, 7—Emma E. Meyer. S. M. Lang - worthy's Add., lots 49-50-51, 120 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 1 80 Jan. 7—\\'m. Lawther, S. M. Lang - worthy's Acid., lot 13. 150 lin ft. at lc per ft 150 Jan. 2—A. W. Kemler Est., College Acid., lot 1, 100 lin. ft. at lc per ft. 1 00 „Ian. 2—Geo, R. Clark, College Add., lot 15, 100 lin. ft. at is per ft 1 00 Jan. 14—A. W. Kemler, College Add, lot 1, 100 lin. ft. at lc per ft. 1 00 Jan. 14—Geo, R. Clark, College Add, lot 15, 100 lin. ft. at lc per ft 1 00 Jan. 1S—Wm. & D. Brunskill. City lot 627, 50 lin. ft at 1 1-2c per ft75 Jan. 18—John J. Keane, City lot 59, 25 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 40 Jan. 18—John J. Keane. City lot 145, 100 lin. ft at 1 1-2c per ft 1 50 Jan. 22—John Macdonald, Mc.19:ulty's Sub. S. 89 ft. lot 2, 190 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft 2 40 Jan. 22—Al, Matthews, Sub City 738, lot 6. 25 lin, ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 49 Jan, 22—Catholic Univ. of Washing- ton, et al, Mobley's Dubuque, 6 and 7. Kelly's Sub., lots 1-2, 170 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft 210 Jan. 22—Emma E. Meyer, S. M. Langworthy's Add., lots 49-50-51„ 120 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 1 80 Jan. 22—John J. Keane, City lot 59, 25 lin, ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Jan. 22—J, J. Dunn, City S. M. 196 40 ft., lot 61, 20 lln. ft at 1 1-2c per ft. 30 Jan. 22—Fred Jenkel Est., City S. 14.11. ft tt lot 62, 14 lin. ft at 1 1-2c pe 20 Official Noticos. ti3 Jan. 22 -Schlitz Brewing Co., City S. % lot 293, 130 Dn. ft at 1 1-2c per ft. 1 95 Jan. 22 -john Powers, et al, City S. 41.6 ft. lot 314, 140 lin. ft. at 1 per ft Jan 22 -Mary A. SI Inherit, City lot 313, :01 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Jan. 22 -M Hier Brewing Co., Sub City Th.. lot 13 and 1 of 14, 170 lin ft. at 1 1-2e per ft Jan. 23 -Cath. Stafford, S. M. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 44, 60 lin. ft. at 1 1 -le per ft. 75c; 100 lin. ft. at lc per ft.. $1.00; total 1 75 Jan. 2.1-E M. Kringle, Sub. 7, Min Lot 79, lot 6, 70 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft Jan. 2-i no. V. Rider, City S. 1-5, lot 457, 20 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c, per ft Jan. 2-G. '1'. Torbert Est., City N 2-5 lot 459, 70 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Jan. 6 -Anna B. Ryan, City S. 52.2 ft., lot 460, 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Jan. 6-W. 11. Day. City lot 40a, 80 hn. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Jan. 6 -John Koch Est., Cit y N. 41.4 ft., lot 26S. 140 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft Jan. 6 -Mary Winicke Est., City lot 497n. 150 lin. ft. at I i-Ic per ft Jan. 6 -Rich. Koh:. City S. 1-5, lot 996, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-Ic per ft Jan. IS -Jo'. M. SLIM van, City lot 46, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Jan. 18 -Rider & Burden, City lot 36a, NO lin. ft. at 1 1--2c per ft Jan. 22 -Al. Matthews, City N. 1/, of N. 1-5, lot 451, 125 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft... Jan. 22-G. Tanhfinf, City S. % N. M. 1-5, lot 451, 25 1111. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Jan. 22 -Eli Cole, City N. M. 1-5. lot 452, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-20 per ft Jan. 22-Nic. Glob, Sub, City 675, S 22.111/2 lot 4, 22 lin, ft. at 1 1-2c per ft -Jan. 22-C. B. Schorr, Trustee, Sub S. 2-5 City, 444, lets 1-2, 100 lin. ft at 1 1-2c per ft Jan. 22-Kiene & Altman, City lot 283, 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Jan. 22-W. L. Bradley, City S. 20 ft., lot 33, 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Jan. 22 -Mrs. A. B. Keller, City lot 204, 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Jan. 22 -Mai M. Clark, City N. 33 ft., lot 263, 100 lin. ft., at 1c per ft Jan. 6 -Catholic Untv. of Washing- ton, et al. Levens' Add., 1 to 11, inc., 1,000 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft12 50 Jan. 6-A. W. Kemler Est., Sub. 4, Ann O'Hare's Sub., lots 1-2, 130 lin. ft. at lc per ft Jan. 6 -Christian Science Church, Hodge's Sub, N. 112 ft. lot 11, 45 lin. ft. at lc per ft Jan. 6 -Charlotte Post, Hodge's Sub. lots 9-10, 45 lin. ft. at lc per ft Jan. 6-A. E. Girard, Hodge's Sub, lots 3-4-5, 220 lin. ft., at 1c per ft Jan. 7-A. Treub, Hughes' Sub., lot 3, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft -Jan. 7-W. H. Doane, Oakland Park, lots 5-6, 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft Jan. 7-Kiene & Altman, Woodlawn Park, lots 1-2, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft Jan. 7-Kiene & Altman, Woodlawn Park. lots 49-50, 50 lin. ft. at is Per ft Jan. 7 -Albert Johnson, Woodlawn Park, lots 51-52, 50 lin. ft.. at lc 2 10 G5 2 55 30 30 1 65 1 r0 1 20 1 75 1 90 65 75 150 1 f5 90 30 150 1 50 1 50 150 100 1 30 45 45 2 20 50 125 Eft 60 per it Jar, 7 -Geo. ICt nil000. Woorilawn Park, lot 99. 25 lin. ft., at lc pr ft. Jan. 7-A. J. Letabe,k et al., Wood - lawn P.irk. lot .1,t1. 25 lin. ft.. at le per ft Jan. woodhlwn Park, lot 101. 25 lin. ft., at le per ft Jan. 7. -Win. Law..ther, Woodlawn Park, lots 153-151, 50 lin. ft.. at le per ft Jan. S -Bertha H. Iltrd, Herbst's Sub., lot 6 1;5 lin. ft.. at lc per ft. 35 .Tan. 8-Perthil Ilerlist, Herbst's Sub., lot 4 and I.-- 1-2 of lot 5, 25 lin. ft., at le pr it .Tan. 8 -Louis I lerbst. Herbst's Sub, lot 1, 25 lin. ft., at 1e per ft Jan. Finley. Waples & Burton's Add.. E. 1-2, lot 12, 25 lin. ft.. 41 t le per it Jan. S-A. AV. Kemler Mon- heisei's Sub., lots 1-2. 25 liii. ft.. at 1 1-4c per ft Jan. 8-I.ouis J. Schmitt, Reche's Sub., tot 10, 50 lin. ft.. at 1 1-4c per ft Jan. 8 -Finley llospitil 1, Finley Home Add., lot 1, 200 lin. ft., at lc per ft Jan. 8-Theresit McDonald, Sub. 2 of 2 of 1 of Boxleiter's Add., lot 2, 50 lin. ft., at Ic per ft ;ran. 8-1\lartha llently. Sub. 2 of I Boxleiter's Int 2. 50 lin ft., at le per ft Jan. 8-J. J. Na.gle, Sub. 1 of 2 of 1, Boxleiter's Add., lot 2, 75 lin. ft, at lc per ft Jan. 10-Buol & Loetscher, Loot - seller & Trueb's Sub., its 9-10-11- 12-13. 250 lin. ft.. iit In 1...r It Jan. 1.8-.\\*. II. Doane, Sub. 12 of Min. Lot 172, lots 1-2-3, 100 lin. ft, at is per ft Ian. 18 -Chas. H. Reynolds, Mor- heiser's sub., lot 16. 90 lin ft, at lc per ft. Jan. 22 -Ellen O'llalleron, Finley's Add., lots 13-14-15, 150 lin ft, at is per ft Jan. 22 -Mary C. Dunn, Finley's Add., lots 16-17, 100 lin. ft., at le." per ft Jan. 22 -Jos. L. Hird, Finley, Wa- ples & Burton's Add., lots 135-136, 100 lin. ft., at lc per ft Jan. 22 -Jas. Mullen Est., Finley's Add., lots 10-11, 100 En. ft., at lc per ft Jan. 22 -Geo. SalotFinle's Add., lot 4, 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft Jan. 22-C. G. and C. H. Meyer, Finley's Add., lot 3, 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft Jan. 22-0. M. Chatfield, Finley Waples & Burton's Add., lot 17, 25 lin. ft., at 1.0 per ft Jan. 22 -Jos. Jeffroy, Finley, Waples Burton's Add., lot 10, 50 lin. ft, at lc per ft Jan. 23 -Catholic University of Washington et al., Levens' Add., lots 1 to 11 inc., 1,000 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft Jan. 28 -Wm. Hintrager, Farley's Sub., lot 13. Go lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft Jan. 23 -Frank Bell, A. McDaniels' Sub.. S. E. 1-4, lot 522, 30 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft Jan. 23 -Catholic University of Washington et al., A. McDaniels' Sub., lots 820-821, 200 lin. ft., at lc per ft 50 25 25 25 rio 25 25 25 30 65 2 00 50 50 75 2 50 1 00 40 1 50 1 CO 100 100 60 56 25 50 12 50 65 40 200 64 Official Notices Jan. 23-\Vtn. i-lintragcr. Quigley's Sub. 710. W. 42 ft., lot 15, 40 li11. It, at lc per ft Jan. -lis 1F'. Callihan, Quigley's Sub. 710, lot 11, 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft Jan. 23 -John A. Koch Est., Cox's Add.. lot 16, 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft. 50 Jan. 23 -Geo. Salot. Sub. 1 of 1 of 2 of City 679, lot 1. 25 lin. ft., at 1 1-2c per ft Jan. 23 -Mich. Lentz, Sub, 91, Cox's Add., lot 1, 50 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft Add., lot z; arm Sub. 92, Cox's Add., lot 2, 5n lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft Jan. 2:'--\\'. t;. ('ox, Cox's Add., lot 111, 50 lin. ft.. ;it 1 1-4c per ft 65 Jan. 2-.\. J. Lembeck. Marsh's Add.. E. 1,0 ft., lot 45, 140 lin. ft., at I- 1„r ft 140 Jan. 2 - Stich. Poellman, Marsh's Add.. lots I:1 -I.1, 70 lin. ft., at lc Pc.t. I 1 70 Jan. 5 --Nin Engl,•, Windsor Ave. Sub., lots ;-I, rhi lin. ft., at 1 1-4e per ft 75 Jan. r,-.11, i 1ding,•r, Boulevard Arl., luta.- 1 to 7:; inc., 575 lin. ft., at 1 1-1,. per 1i 7 20 Jan. 6--I'ci, r Kline et al., Elm St Sub.. I, -is 1-2, `0 lin. ft., at lc per ft SO Jan. il- ShagRuebeck, Sub. 1 of 2 of Sul,. I of 3 of 10 and 2 of 3 of 11, Eni, st's Sub., kit 2, 130 lin. ft.. at Ii- 1..T rt 1 30 Jan. 6 -Francisca i.sca Wagner, Sub. S7 - S8, L. II. Ltngwurthy's Add., lot 3, 20 lin. ft., at is per ft 20 Jan. 5--A. Munsell. t-l:ooper's Add., lot Si Ilii. I'i., ;,t lc per ft 50 Tan. \I ;r-. I lu, niter, Cook's Add., lot 2:., 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft 50 Jan. 9 -Fred L. Marclunrd, Sub. 10, Dunn's Sub., lot 1, 140 lin. ft., at lc per ft 140 Jan. H -A. J. Lembeck, -ll:n•sli's Add,, 1:. 100 ft., lot 45, 140 lin. ft., 01 1s per ft 1 40 Jan. 21-1:. M. Kunz, Glendale Add., lot Q. 125 lin. ft., at lc per ft 1 25 Jan. 21 -Nie Wagner, Glendale Add, lot 5S, 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft 50 Jan. 2l -K. and L. F. Kolfenbach, Glendale Add., lot 66, 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft 50 Jan. 22 --Jas. Levi, Davis Farm Add., lots 237-238, 170 lin. ft., at lc per ft., •f1.70; 1 0 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft, 51.50 Jan. 22-hannct Richter, Glendale Add., S. 1-2, lot 271, 25 lin. ft., at is per ft Jan. 22-12. and E. Langworthy Est., Glendale Add., lots 223 to 228 inc., 300 lin. It.. :at lc per ft Jan. ll -'Phos. O'Brien, Glendale Add., lot 158, 50 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft Jan. 22. -Wm. Abitz, Glendale Add, lot 84, 50 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft65 Jan. 22 -Mary L. Bunting, Glendale Add., lot 82, 50 lin, ft., at 1 1-4c per ft Jan. 22 -Lena Hillard, Glendale Add., N. 1-2, lot 12, 20 lin. ft., at 1 1 -lc per ft Jan. 22 -Mich. Majerus, Davis Farm Add., lot 343, 50 lin. ft., at 1 1-4c per ft Jan. 22-C. Capritz, McCraney's 1st Add., lot SI, 100 lint. ft., at lc per ft 1 00 Jan. 22 -It. M. Kunz, McCraney's 1st Add., lots 85-86, 100 lin. ft., at lc 40 60 40 GJ 65 '3 20 co 3 00 1,5 f•s 25 65 per ft I O'1 Jan. 22-R. M. Kunz, McCraney's let Add., lot 92, 100 lin. ft., at lc per ft 1 00 Jan. 22 -Leathers & '1'rewin, Me- Craney's 1st Add., lots 77-7S, 100 lin. ft., at lc per ft 1 00 Jan. 22 -Merman \laud, Jr., Mc- Craney's 1st Add., lot lOS, 50 lin. it, at lc per ft 50 Jan. 22--M. D. Goux, _11ECraney's 1st Add., lot 69, 100 lin. ft., at lc per ft 100 Jan. 22-J. JMcCarthy, McCraney's 1st Add., lot 37, 500 lin. ft., at lc ler ft tt1 Jot1. 22 -Pat Walsh Est., McCraney's 11-t Add., lot 71, 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft 50 Jan. 22-F. M. Robinson Est., 1 add., lots 1:15. 1J.. 4:17, 15,a lin. ft, at lc per ft 1 50 Jan. 22-\i. :). Goux, Mct-'rcniey's 1st Add.. lot 5e. 50 lin. ft., at Ic per ft. 50 Jan. 22-A. Ltu.rrtsch, ret al., Sub. 4 of Min. Lot :ti.;, lot 1, Si lin. ft., at Ic per ft 10 Jan. 22 -Eva Meyer, Sub. I of Alio, Lot Int -, I0 lin. ft., at lc per ft Jan. 2 --.1. l\. 1 -'(•ming and (leu. W til -s,.•I, Sul,. Min. Lot 166, lot 500 lin. ft., ;it lc per lin ft 5 00 Jan. 22 --Marg. Hoerner, l'ook's Add, lot 22. 50 tin. ft., at lc per ft Du Jan. 22 --Frank \I. Ellis. Bur,len- Litwtleer Add., lot 14:1. 25 lin. ft., at lc per ft 25 Jan. 2 --Emma Richter, Burden- Lawther .Add., lot ill, 25 lin. ft., at lc per ft 25 Jan. 22 -Leathers & Trewin, Bur- den-La\\'*her Add.. lot 73, 25 lin. ft.. :it lc per ft 25 Jun. 22 -Dement K Duncan, Burden- Lawthcr Add., lots 71-75, Se lin. ft, at lc per ft 50 Jun. 2'--1;. A. and (1. A. Burden, Burden-Lawther Add.. lot SS, 25 lin. ft., at lc per ft 25 Jan. 12 -IS. A. and G. A. Burden Lav:ther-P.urden Add., lot 90, 25 lin. ft., at jc per it 25 Jan. 22-11. L. \Luitiing, I3urden- Lawther Add., lot S9, 25 lin. ft., at lc per ft Jan. -Alfred Munger, Burden- Lawther Add., lot 91, 25 lin, ft., at lc per ft 25 Jan, 23 -Sam Starr, Burden -Law - titer Add., lot 118, 25 lin. ft., at lc Per ft 25 Jan. 23 --Chas. F. Rieger, O'Neill's River View, lot 16, 25 lin. ft., at 1,• per ft 25 Jan. 23 -Math. Ganteubein, ti Nt-ill's River View, lot 17, 25 lin. ft., at lc per ft 25 Jan. 23 -Adam Mueller, Sub. 3, Geiger's Sub., lot 10, 50 lin. ft., at lc per ft 50 Jan. 23 --Anna M. Kurz, O'Taylor's Sub., lots 20-21, 50 lin. ft., at Sc per ft 50 Jan. 23 -Wm. Hintrager, O'Taylor's Sub., lots 22-23-24, 75 lin. ft., at le Per ft 45 Total $207 50 C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. 5,1 25 -8.10t Official Notices. (i5 NOTICE TO PAINTERS. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Recorder up to 7:30 o'clock P. ?[. Thursday, Feb. 18th, 1004. for Painting Nine (9) Sprinkling Wagons, according to specifications now on file at the office of the City Recorder. A certified check of $50.00 on some Dubuque bank must accompany each bid, as a guarantee that the contract will be entered into if awarded. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids. C. F. ARENDT, 2 -10 -St. City Recorder. NOTICE TO PRINTERS. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Recorder up to 4 o'clock P. M. Thursday, February 18th, 1901, for printing the Index, and binding in Books. Twenty-five copies of the Council pro- ceedings for the year 1903. Sample and description of the work can be seen in the office of the ('ity Recorder. Bidders will state the priee prig,per Book. 'Elie City reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated Dubuque, Feb. 10th, 1:,e1. C. F. .\ I ; I', N I t'1'. 2 -10 -St. t'1'' 1;..eorder. NOTICE TO A1(t'Ill"I'Ia"I'ti. The City Council of the City of Du- buque request that ocelot cts submit sketches for a building to be built on the city pound. All particulars can be ob- tained by calling at the office of the City Engineer. Said sketch to be tiled in the office of the City Recorder on or before 7:30 o'clock p. m. Feb. 18th, 1904. C. F. ARENDT, 2 -10 -St City Recorder. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. AN ORDIN.\NCE. An Ordinance for the Vacati.,n of Cedai Street Between Tenth and Eleventh Streets in the City of Dubuque. Whereas, The Iiey- City Gas Co., a con, poration organized under the laws of Iowa, has petitioned the city council of the city of Dubuque for the vacation and annuli - meat of Cedar street between Tenth and Eleventh streets in the city of Dubuque, and Whereas, The said Iiey City Gas Co. is the owner in fee simple of all the real es- tate abutting said portion of said Cedai/ street, and needs said portion of said street, in eminection with its said abutting property, fur its proposed new gas works and plant required by the increased de- mands of the residents of this city, and Whereas, By the direction of the city council of the City of Dubuque, the city engineer has made a plat of and showing said portion of said street proposed to bi vacated, and filed the same in his office subject to public inspection, and due no- tice has been given to all abutting prop- erty owners and ten days' notice of said proposed vacation has been published in the official paper of the city, and the pro- posed action has been submitted to the city council at two regular sessions, and Whereas, It appears that no valid ob- jections have been made to the vacation of said portion of said street, and said above described portion of said street is not required for street purposes; Therefore, Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That Cedar street between Tenth and Eleventh streets in the city of Dubuque be and the same is hereby va- cated and annulled and the permanent usu thereof is hereby granted to the Iiey City Gas Company and its successors and as- signs as a part of the ground to be used and occupied by said gas works and plant. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage and publication one time in the Dubuque Daily Globe -Journal, official pa- per of the city of Dubuque. Adopted Feb. 4th, 1904. Approved Feb. 4th, 1904. C. I -I. BERG, Mayor. C. F. ARENDT, Attest: City Recorder. Published officially in the Evening Globe -Journal February lth, 1904. C. F. ARENDT, 2-5-1t City Recorder. NOTICE THE CITY COUNCIL'S IN'T'ENTION TO CONSTRUCT A S.\NI"I'.\1RY SEV- ER IN DODGE SHEET 1" Ito \I BLUFF STREET TO GRANDVIE\V AVE. To All Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby notified, that it is the intention of the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque to construct a 10 and 8 -inch Tile Pipe Sanitary Sewer in Dodge Street, from Bluff Street to Grand - View Avenue. That a Plat and Specifications of said proposed Sewer is now an file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated b ythe City Engineer that it will reguire 4,800 lineal feet of 10 - inch tile pipe with 18 manholes, and 990 lineal feet of S -inch tile pipe, with 4 man- holes, and will cost the abutting property owners $5,253.07 in total. Any persons having objection to the con- struction of said sanitary sewer are here- by notified to appear before the City Council at its regular session March 17th, 1904, or to file in writing with the City Recorder their objections on or before March l7th, 1904. Dated at Duhuque, March 7th, 1904. C. F. ARENDT, 3-7-10t City Recorder. Regular Session Mar. 3. 1904. 67 CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session March 3rd, 1904. (OFFICIAL). Council met at 8:15 o'clock p. m. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Absent—Ald. Corrance. BILLS. The following bills were ordered paid: F. Hardie, transcript of testimony in care Of Cath. Sheridan vs. City.$ 94 00 3. L. McCabe, transcript of tes- timony in case of Florence Far- rell v'. City 125 00 J. L. McCabe, transcript of testi- mony in case of Cath. Sheridan vs. City 9 75 Schroeder -Kleine Grocer Co.. salt for Road department 6 90 Phil Fier, wood for Road depart- ment 6 00 Standard Lumber Co., lumber for Road department 93 05 \V. Dentin, sand for Road depart- ment 225 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Road department 2 15 Lear & Rush, horse shoeing for Road department 4 05 Smedley Steam Pump Co., casting for Road department 6 00 P. Clancy Est., hauling sprinkling wagons to J. Neuman & Son's shops . 5 50 Bill of Company "A," 53rd Reg. I N. G., to City of Dubuque, for lighting Armory Hall for month of January, 1904, $5.70; to rent and maintenance of four gas arc lamps, $2.00; total 7 70 On motion the Recorder was instructed to collect the bill. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. Petition of Andrew McDonnell, asking that a warr:unt be drawn in his favor for the sum of $75.00, being the amount due him on account of back salary. Ald. Frith moved that a warrant be drawn in favor of A. McDonnell for $75.00 as prayed for in the petition. Ald. Clancy moved a substitute to refer the petition to the Committee on Fire. Substitute carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Horr and Sheridan. Nays—Aids. Frith, Jones and Raymond. It being a tie the Mayor voted aye. Petition of A. A. Cooper, Jr., asking that the assessment of $25,000 moneys and credits be taken off the tax 1'.st of 1903. On motion of Ald. Clancy the petition was granted and the Treasurer instructed accordingly. Petition of A. A. Cooper Wagon and Buggy company, asking permission to lay a sidetrack or switch on First Street Ex- tension, from Water Street west along the south side of First Street up to a point connecting with the C., B. & Q. R'y Co.'s track. On motion was referred to the Corn mittee of the Whole and they to view the grounds. Petition and claim of F. \V. •\Vieland, claiming the sum of $50.00 for damages to his property sustained by overflow of water on account of defective storm water sewer abutting his property on Couler Avenue and Twentieth Street. Ald. Frith moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of hearing Dr. Wieland. Carried. Dr. \Wieland addressed the Council. calling the Council's attention to the bad condition of said sewer, also the dam- age clone to his property. On motion the matter was referred to the Committee of the Whole and they to view the grounds. Petition of The Morris -Johnson -Brown Mfg. Co.. by J. R. Johnson, treasurer, asking for an exemption from taxation for a period of fifteen (15) years from Jan. 1st, 1904, all personsl property and all improvements of the real estate of said company and accept taxes of their real estate on the basis of the present valuation thereof. Ald. Raymond moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of hearing Attor- ney N.enline, representing the company. Mr. Kenline addressed the Council on the matter, whereupon Ald. Sheridan moved to grant said company an exemp- tion from taxation on their personal prop- erty and improvements for a period of five (5) years, provided they employ fifty (50) men on an average, and the Ordi- nance Committee be instructed to draft an Ordinance accordingly. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Horr, Jones. Raymond and Sheridan. Absent—Aid. Corrance. REPORTS OF OFFli'151{S. The following \Veighmaster's and Wood - measurer's reciepts were received and re- ferred to the Committee on Markets: H. J. Tropf, City Hall receipts 541.25 H. J. Tropf. money collected for Huckster Stands 70.00 H. Haubner, Couler .\ ve. Scale re- ceipts 6.90 Louise Pitschner, West Dubuque Scale receipts 3.50 R. Hay, 8th Street Scale receipts5.56 Geo. A. Pfiffner, Jackson Street Scale receipts 7.41 T. Faherty, First Street Scale re- ceipts 4 88 H. A. Mayes, Woodmeasurer's re- ceipts 8.50 John Lawler, Committee Clerk. reported as follows: Dubuque, Iowa, March 3, 1904. To the Honorable Mayor and, City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—Hereto attached please find Treasurer's receipt for $1.C5 for 300 lbs. Scrap Iron sold this day to Isaac Man- hoff. Very respectfully. JOHN M. LAWLER, Committee Clerk. On motion the report and receipts were received and filed. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMIT- TEES. Ald. Raymond. Chairman of the Com- mittee on Paving, Sweeping and Sprink- ling, reported that he had insured the nine Sprinkling Wagons now being Paint- ed by John Neuman & Son, for sixty days, 68 Regular Session Mar. 3, 1904. according to the' instructions received by the Council at its previous meeting. Ald. Clancy moved that the action of AId. Raymond be a pproved. Carried. Aid. Raymond moved that the Alder- men of each Ward, present names for Judges and Clerks of Election, to be ap- pointed by the Council. Ald. Clancy moved a substitute that the matter he postponed until the next meet- ing of the Council. Substitute lost by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy and Sheridan. Total, 2. Frith. Horr, Jones and Raymond. Total, 4. A hsent—:\ Id. Corrance. A fter further discussion of the question, A Id. Raymond withdrew his motion. Whereupon Ald. Horr moved that the matter of appointing Judges and Clerks of Election be postponed until the next meeting of the Couneil. Carried. A Id. Horr, chairman of the Committee of the \\'hale. reported as follows: Your t'nmmitta, .,I' the Whole, to whom was referred the retiti,m of the pipemen and truekmen of the fire department in relation to an increase of salary, and also the previous report of this committee on said petition, would recommend that the prayer of the petitioners be granted, and that the Ordinance committee he in- structed to prepare an ordinance amend- ing Section S of Chapter 27 of the Re- vised Ordinances of 1901 in such manner as to provide that the salaries of truck - men and pipemen be fixed as follows: First year $50.00 per month, second year $55.00 per month. third year and there- after $60.00 per month. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report. Carried. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. I-lorr offered the following: Whereas, the annual reports of the City Attorney, not only for the present year, hut for the past ten years, show an abnor- mal condition with regard to the number of cases pending in the District Court for personal injuries claimed to be caused by defective streets and sidewalks, and \Whereas, the attempt of the Legislature to safeguard the rights of cities under spcial chartr, by th passage of Section 1051. of the Code, while beneficial to a certain extent, fails to sufficiently protect such Cities against fraudulent and unjust claims, and all other suits growing out of defective streets and sidewalks where the claimed defect or obstruction was un- known to the City or its officers, at the ,mint abet ir. time of the injury; and believing the law as it now stands, is unreasonable and op- pressive, wherein it permits recovery in cases where no ,actual notice to the city of the defective condition is shown; and in charging cities of either the first or second class with constructive notices of defects or obstructions upon its streets or sidewalks in such cases, because all the streets and sidewalks of such cities cannot be inspected frequently enough to discover and repair all defects or obstructions that may from time to time exist thereon, and such failure under the law as it now stands, is sufficient to make the city liable because of implied or constructive notice, notwithstanding the fact that it is impos- sible for the officers of the city to dis- cover and repair or remove all defects or obstructions promptly, and Whereas, we believe all the citizens of such cities should assist the officers of walks, and that they should notify the proper officers of the city of such condi- tions as soon as they are discovered and thus insure prompt repair. And believing that such cities should not be required to pay damages in cases where its proper offi- cers have not had actual notice of the de- fective condition a sufficient length of time rive condition a sufficient length of time before the accident, that by the exercise of ordinary care they could have repaired the same; that the doctrine of implied no- tice, when applied to a city of any mag- nitude, is unjust and oppressive and is prolific of many heavy judgments against such cities, where no officer as a matter of fact has been negligent in his duty to any degree. And believing that the law in this regard should be amended in such a manner as to give reasonable relief to such cities, therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That we deem it for the host interest of the City of Dubuque, as well as all other cities in the State of Iota, of the first and second class, that the laws relat- ing to municipal liability for personal in- juries should be amended by the legisla- ture during its present session, in such manner as to reduce such liability. In be- half of the taxpayers of the City of Du- buque we urgently request the legislature of the State of Iowa to pass a statute ex- empting all such cities from all liability resulting from defective streets or side- walks, unless a notice of the particular defect causing or contributing to the in- jury, is filed with the Recorder of the City or served upon the Street Commissioner or other proper officers, at least five days previous to the time when the accident occurs; and further that where it is shown that the Sidewalk Commissioner or other officer having charge of streets and side- walks has inspected the street or side- walk where the injury occurred within twenty days prior to the injury, that this fact will be sufficient evidence of dili- gence on the part of the city to defeat recovery; or that some other provision be formulated and passed by the Legislature which will reduce the liability of cities in this class of cases. Attest: Ald. Horr moved to adopt the resolution. Carried. Aid. Sheridan moved that the Mayor be empowered to appoint a proper represen- tative from this city to attend a meeting at Des Moines, for the purpose of bringing the matter properly before the Legisla- ture, Carrid. Whereupon the Mayor appointed G. A. Barnes, City Attorney, to represent the City at said meeting. Ald. Jones moved to adjourn until the 17th day of March, 1904. Carried. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Attest: Approv Recorder M4,- 190,Y :cam Mayor i: ,rultlr S ssion Mar. 17, 1904. 69 CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session March lith, luu4. (Official.) Council met at S:15 o'clock P. M. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Aids_ Clancy, Corrance, Frith. Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Absent—None. Ald. Raymond moved that the Council Proceedings for the month of February be approved as printed. Carried. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. Petition of Mrs. B. Baumhover, asking the Council to repair the south end of alley between White and Jackson Streets, as all the water in said alley runs into her yard, was on motion of Ald. Sheridan referred to the City Engineer to repair the same, if not in too serious condition, otherwise to be referred to the committee on Streets. Carried. Petition of John P. William and Pat- rick Linehan, stating that they have a contract for grading Lots No. 409 and 410 and also Lot 312 and 313, in Ham's Add., and asking the Council to grant them permission to also grade the alley and street abutting the same without any expense to the City, was on motion of Ald. Horr, referred to the committee on Streets and City Engineer, with power. Petition of B. D. and A. F. Heeb et al., asking that the City Council vacate Heeb Street, except such part as extends in front of Geo. and C. Rath's property, and plat a new street parallel with I-Ieeb Street from the west line of Heeb Street, 30 feet wide, was on motion of Ald. Frith referred to the Street committee and City Engineer. Petition of Joseph Straub et al., asking for two feet of the sidewalk in front of their property on Broadway Extension, between Charles and Putnam Streets, for the purpose of terracing their lawns. On motion the petition was referred to Street committee and City Engineer, with power. Petition of Jerry D. Sullivan, asking that a Water Fountain be placed at the corner of Fourteenth and Alta Vista Streets, was on motion of Ald. Horr re- ferred to the committee on Streets to re- port at the next meeting of the Council. Petition of R. F. Curran, asking for the sum of $240.00 as back salary due him as Harbor Master, was on motion of Ald. Clancy referred to the committee of the Whole and City Attorney. Petition of B. B. Richards, asking that the sum of $5.50 be "efunded to him for work required to be done by the city, in bringing the sidewalk to the new grade on Bluff Street between Twelfth and Fourteenth Streets. On motion was re- ferred to committee nn Streets and City Engineer. Petition of B. J. Ludescher claiming the amount of $150.00 as damages to his prop- erty. by overflow of Sewer on Julien Ave- nue. Ald. .Jones moved to refer the petition to the Committee on Sewers. Carried. Petition of T,inwool Cemetery Associ- ation requesting that they be allowed to come before the I'nuneil and show the many reasons why it is for the interest of the city and public, as well as them- selves. that the location of the exten- sion of Queen Street he changed, was on motion referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of the Trustees of Odd Fellows' ^emple. asking that the Taxes on their property situated on the corner of Ninth and Locust Streets, lot 113. lie canceled for the „;n 7Ui::. was .m motion referred to the iiiai'd of Equalization. Petition of Dubuque Casket Company asking that their taxes on personal prop- erty and improvements for the year 1903 be canceled. was on motion referred to the Board of Equalization. Petition of J. B. Hirtz et al asking that an Electric Light he placed on Millville Road, between Cooler Avenue and the City Limits, was on motion referred to the Committee on Police and Light. Petition of Jacob Kessler et al asking that the Council reopen Rosedale Ave- nue, was referred to the Committee of the Whole to view the ground. Petition of Ernst Seitz asking that his taxes on Moneys and Credits he can- celed, was on motion referred to the Board of Equalization. Claim of Rosa Smith. claiming the sum of $3,000.00 as damages for injuries receiv- ed by falling on a Sidewalk on the west side of Nevada Street, near the south- east corner of Lot No. 1. Also Original Notice of Claim of Clara L. Pierce, claiming the sum of $3000.00 as damages sustained by her through a fall upon a Sidewalk. On motion the Claim and Original No- tice were referred to the Committee on Claims and City Attorney. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Auditor Hoffman reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil: Gentlemen:—Herewith find my report for the month of February, 1904, show- ing the receipts and disbursements for the month: Cash on hand Feb. 1st, 1904 $ 46,472.30 RECEIPTS. Receipts from all sources $134,960.52 70 • Regular Session Mar. 17, 1904 DISBURSEMENTS. Warrants redeemed $ Regular bond coupons redeemed 6,965.08 Improvement bond coupons re- deemed Waterworks bond coupons re- deemed Regular bonds redeemed Improvement bonds redeemed 124.32 22.60 1,545.00 9,247.71 $104,648.80 Cash on hand March 1st, 190476,784.02 The above cash balance includes the im- provement bond fund, improvement bond interest fund, library and sprinkling fund balances. Also the following is a record of all interest coupons redeemed by Treasurer for the past month: Regular bond coupons redeemed$ 6,965.1i Improvement bond coupons re- deemed Waterworks bond coupons re- deemed 124.32 22.50 $ 7,111.90 Regular city bonds redeemed 1,545.00 Improvement bonds redeemed 9,247.71 $10,792.71 The following list shows the Appro- priations and the amount of Warrants drawn on each Fund since the beginning of the fiscal year beginning March 1st 1903, to March 1st, 1904: Appropriation. Expended. Expense $ 40,000.00 $ 32,225.33 Road 38,000.00 37,950:67 Fire 38,000.00 37,703.72 Police 28,000.00 26,099.30 Sewerage 5,000.00 4,730.90 Printing 9,000.00 1,620.00 Engineer 3,500.00 3,073.20 Gas and Light 25,000.00 24,516.56 Interest 43,000.00 41,906.35 Board of Health 6,000.00 4,309.75 Grading 4,000,00 3,160.18 Bee Branch 7,000.00 6,999.98 Special Bonded Paving 2,500.00 00,000.00 Judgment 3,000.00 1,581.40 Sprinkling 1st District.. 800.00 800.00 Sprinkling 2nd District 1,500.00 1,500.00 Sprinkling 3rd District 1.500.00 1,500.00 Sprinkling 4th District 1,200.00 1,200.00 Sprinkling 5th District 1,400.00 1,400.00 Special Bonded Debt Interest 4,000.00 4,000.00 Mt. Carmel Ave. Grad- ing 1,000.00 974.90 Sidewalk Repairing 1,000.00 Special Sewer Fund2500, 953.10 2,359.46 Grading Bluff Street Extension 1,000.00 1,000.00 Total Appropriation„$260,900.00 On motion the report v -_,s received and the same referred back to the committee on Finance. City Engineer Boyce reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on Streets in the different Road districts during the first half of March, 1904: Amount due Laborers on Streets.....$481.70 Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved: E. E. FRITH. Chairman Committee on Streets. JOSEPH L. BURR. JOHN J. SHERIDAN. Also cubmit my pay roil for labor on Scwcrs during the first half of March, 1901: Amount due Laborers on Sewers $169.80 Respectfully submitted, JAMES 11. 110 VCE. City Engineer. Approved: JOHN J. SI-IERIDAN. Chairman Committee on Sewers, JOSEPH L. HORR. Hl'GH CORRANC'm.' On motion the pay rolls for Streets and Sewers were received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay the various amounts and the pay rolls referred back to the proper committees. Sidewalk Inspector Caiwford reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Herewith attached please find statement of the removal of snow and ice from sidewalks during the month of February, 1904, with the names of the parties that done the work, according to the ordinance relating to cleaning side- walks. Respectfully submitted, ADAM CRA\\'FORD, Sidewalk Inspector. Ald. Sheridan moved that the report be received and the Recorder be instructed to advertise said special assessment ten times in the Official Newspaper. according to the ordinance. Carried. Committee Clerk John W. Lawler ported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Attached hereto please find Treasurer's receipt for $4.31 for scrap iron sold this day to Isaac Manhoff. Very respectfully, JNO. W. LA\VLER. Committee Clerk. On motion of Ald. Sheridan the report was received and filed. City Engineer Boyce reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Chuncil: Gentlemen: Herewith please find plat and deed of vacation of Lot 2 of part of Out Lot 735. Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE. City Aid, Frith moved that the plat Engineer. eere- ferred to the Committee on Streets and City Engineer. Carried. City Recorder Arendt presented and read the printed notice certified to by the Publisher, of the Council's intention to construct a sanitary sewer in Dodge Street from Bluff Street to Grandview Avenue. re- Regular Session Mar. 17, 1904 71 No remonstrance being filed, the Mayor asked if anyone present had any objec- tion to said sewer. No one present objecting to said sewer. the notice on motion of Ald. Sheridan was received and filed. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Sheridan, chairman of the Com- mittee on Police and Light, reported that the patrol wagon was very badly in need of repairs, and asked the Council for in- structions in regard to the matter. Ald. Clancy moved that the matter in regard to patrol wagon he referred to the Committee on Police and Light with power. Carried. Ald. Jones, chairman of the Committee on Printing, reported as follows: Your Committee on Printing, to whom was referred the matter of arranging for the publishing of the Council proceedings, begs to report that an agreement has been reached whereby the Globe -Journal and the Telegraph -Herald will publish the cfficial proceedings for the months ,.f March and April for the sum of 121h cents per inch, provided that the minimum amount of space shall not in any one month be less than five hundred inches. Ald. Jones moved to adopt the report Carried. Ald. Raymond, chairman of the Com- mittee on Delinquent Taxes, reported as follows: Your Committee on Delinquent Taxes. to whom was referred the petition of Katherina Blitsch, asking that on account of her poverty, the tax for the year 1903 on her homestead, Lot 13, Tivoli Add, be canceled, would recommend that the val- uation on said lot be placed at $500.00 and that the Treasurer be instructed to ac- cept the taxes for the year 1903 on that basis. Also your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the petition of Daniel Quinn, asking that on account of his poverty and disability, the taxes for the year 1903 on Lots 1. 2 and 3 in Block 3 of Railroad Add., be canceled, would repomr. ,end that said taxes be al- lowed to remain a lien on the property and that the Treasurer he instructed not to sell. Also your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the petition of Herman Ney, asking that the valua- tion of Lot 34, Wm. Rebman's Sub., be reduced from $1,600.00 to $200.00 because the building on said lot had been destroy- ed by fire during the year 1903, would recommend that the valuation of said lot be placed at $800.00, and that the Treas- urer be instructed to accept the taxes thereon on that basis. Also your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the petition of Ursula Marty, the widow of an hon- orably discharged soldier of the \Var of the Rebellion, asking that her homestead, Lot 25, High Street Sub., be exempt from taxation to the extent of $800.00 on the valuation thereof as provided by law. would recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted. and that the 'Treas- urer be instructed accordingly. Also Your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the petition of Augustus Klaas, an honorably dis- charged soldier of the War of the Re- bellion, asking that he be granted an ex- emption from taxation to the extent of $800.00 as provided by law on Lots 8 and 9 of Sub. 3 of Mineral Lot 319, would rec- ommend that the prayer of the petition- er be granted and that the Treasurer be instructed accordingly. Also Your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the petition of Fred Roehl, an honorably discharged soldier of the War of the Rebellion, ask- ing that he be granted the exemption from taxation provided by law on his personal property, would recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the Treasurer be instructed to deduct the sum of $800 from the valuation of said personal property and to accept the tax onthe balance in full for the year 1903. Also Your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the petition of Mrs. Barbara Bechtel, asking that the tax on her personal property be conceled for the year 1903, would recommend that said petition be received and filed. Also Your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the petition of Mrs. Mary Atkins, asking that the back taxes on Lot 9, Yates & Picket's Sub., be ordered canceled, begs to report that as said petitioner is the widow of an honorably discharged soldier of the War of the Rebellion and therefore en- titled to exemption under the law, we would recommend that her petition be granted and that the Treasurer be in- structed accordingly. Also Your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the petition of J. Albrecht, asking that on account of his advanced age and poor circumstances, the taxes on Lot 6, O. Taylor's Sub., he canceled for the year 1903, would recom- mend that said taxes be allowed to re- main a lien on the property and that the Treasurer be instructed not to sell. Also Your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the petition of Amelia Voss, asking that the taxes on her property be canceled for the year 1903, would recommend that said petition he received and filed. Also Your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the petition of Mary Silzer, asking that on account of her poverty the taxes on the West 1h of 72 Regular Session Mar. 17, 1904. Lot 37 in Cox's Add., be canceled for the years 1902 and 1903, would recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be grant- ed and that the Treasurer be instructed accordingly. Ald. Raymond moved to adopt the various reports of the Delinquent Tax Committee. Carried. stitute twenty-five men in lieu of fifty, as the average number to be employed stead- ily by the Morris -Johnson -Brown Mfg. Co. as a condition to the exemption from tax- ation contemplated by the action of the City Council at its last session. Also, your committee of the Whole, to who was referred the matter of straight - !ling Fourth Street Extension, would rec- mmend that the City Engineer be in- structed to secure the dedication of the butting property required for the pro- fused change, and that the Committee lerk be instructed to write to S Ald. lion•. chairman of the Board of e Equalization, reported as follows: 0 Your Board of Equalization, to whom was referred the petition of the Haney- a Campbell Company, asking that their 1 taxes for the year '903 b- canceled, would C recommend tha• sale, petition he teceived filed. and Also, your Board of Equalization, to whom was referred the petition of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, asking that Lot 2 of City Lot 642 and City Lot 642 be exempt from taxation for the year 1903 because said property is being used for church purposes, begs to report that we find that only a part of this property is being used for church purposes, and we would recommend that a deduction of $2,500.00 be made in the valuation on sale lots and that the 'treasurer be instructed to accept the taxes on the balance in full settlement thereof. Also, your Board of L•';;aalizatton, to whom was referred the petition of Rt. Rev. John J. Keane, Archbishop of Du- buque, asking that Lots 35 to 42, inclusive, in Yates' Sub. of Out Lots 708 and 713, be exempt from taxation for the year 1903 and thereafter, because said lots are being used exclusively for College Grounds, would recommend that the prayer of the petitioner he granted and that the Treas- urer he instructed accordingly. Also, your Board of Equalization, to whom was refereed the petition of Hugh Breslin, stating tnat in making a division of the property, the valuation of the N. 40 Feet of City Lot 573 nad been erroneous- ly placed at $3,000.00, and asking therefore that said valuation be reduced to $2,000.00, would recommend that the prayer of the petitioner he granted and that the Treas- prer be instructed accordingly. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the various reports of the Board of Equalization. Carried. Aid. Herr, chairman of the committee of the Whole, reported as follows: Your committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of the Ernsdorff Boggy Co., asking that the exemption granter] it on November 21, 1901, be made to apply on its personal taxes only, and that in accordance therewith the personal tax for the year 1903 be ordered canceled, would recommend that the prayer of the petitioner he granted and that the Treas- urer be instructed accordingly. Also, your committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend .Ordinance committeethat the he insInstrrucucted to sub - Herold and inform him that this commit- tee has authorized the offer of $500.101 for Lots 15 and 16, in Block 30, .Dubuque Har- bor Improvement Company's Addition. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the various reports of the committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. Frith moved that the City Engi- neer be instructed to measure up all the macadam in the different wards and re- port to the Council. Carried. A communication from the Democratic City Central Committee, recommending names for Judges and Clerks of ];lection was presented. Aid. Frith moved that the matter be re- ferred to the committee of the Whole, they to take a recess for ten minutes and report to the Council. Carrie;]. After taking the recess the committee of the Whole reported the following names: FIRST WARD. First Precinct—Judges, J. W. Wickham, Bart Cain, Henry ri.lker; clerks, Neil Coghlin, L. Marlin. Second Precinct—Judges, 'Phos. Hird. John J. Sheridan, Matt. Clancy; clerks, J. W. Halpin, Thos. J. White. SECOND WARD. First Precinct—Judges, S. T. 'Waterman, Geo. Schaffhauser, J. H. Carroll; clerks, J. H. Strobel, \\'m. La Barge. Second Precinct—Judges, Robert Jess, Charles Falkenhainer, Albert Buckler; clerks, Theo. J. Ris, T. E. Quinlan. THIRD WARD. First Precinct—Judges, J. F. Kopsa, Pe- ter Olinger, Joseph L. Horr; clerks, A. Joeffr'oy, Geo. Ziegler. Second Precinct—Judges, John O'Con- nell, M. Zemanek, Simon Sutter; clerks, Arthur Zinn, Peter Hanson, Jr. Third Precinct—Judges, N. Jacquinot, G. B. Albrecht, P. J. Schuler; clerks, Leo Flynn, B. Westercamp, FOURTH WARD. First Pecinct—Judges, E. P. Laude, W. T. Gilliam, Charles \Vales; clerks, George Lyon, James Lavin. Second Precinct—Judges, John Schro- man, James Hird, Patrick Royce; clerks, Wm. Baxter, Edward McEvoy, Third Precinct—Judges, H. Corrance, Thos. Allen, A. Wombacher; clerks, Geo. H. Wolf, James Lee, Jr. Regular Session Mar. 17, 1904. 78 FIFTH WARD. First Precinct—Judges, John Stieber, Alex Reed, L. C. Fuller; clerks, Chris. Mathis, Chas. Thomas. Second Precinct—Judges, Theo. Scharle, John Zimmerman, K. J. schilling; clerks, Thus. Kane, Frank D-euwoehner. 'third Precinct—Judges, Geo. Retten- maier, O. W. Gieger, R. Jones; clerks, John Kruse, Chas. Conrad, Fourth Precinct—Judges, Adam Stoltz, E. E. Frith, R. Flick; clerks, August Prange, Dan Haas. Aid. Horr moved that the names pre- sented by the committee of the Whole be declared the Judges and Clerks of the City Election to be held April 4th, 1904. Car- ried. RESOLUTIONS. Aid. Horr offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That we endorse the bill, a copy of which is hereto attached, providing that resident taxpayers may act as jurors in cases against cities under special charter if otherwise qualified, and we recommend that our repreesntatives and senator sup- port this bill and use all honorable means to secure its passage. Ald. 1 -torr moved to adopt the resolution. Carried. Alderman Horr, chairman of the Com- mittee of the Whole, offered the fol- lowing: Be it resolved by the CIty Council of " the City of Dubuque, That the appropria- tions for the ensuing year for the dif- ferent departments of the city be fixed as follows: For General Expense and Con- tingent Fund $ 40,000.00 For Expense of Fire Department 38,000.00 For Expense of Police Depart- ment 28,000.00 For Care, Maintenance and Re- pair of Sewers, Storm and San- itary 5,000.00 For Printing 2,500.00 For Expense of Engineer De- partment, including Salaries2,500.00 For Expense of Street Lighting25,000.00 For Interest on Bonded and Floating Debt 42,000.00 For Expense of Board of Health4,500.00 For Grading Fund 4,000.00 For Continuation of Bee Branch Storm Water Sewer 8,500.00 For taking up Improvement Bonds issued for Payment of Special Assessments against Parks, Fire Engine Houses and Other Real Estate owned by the City for Paving and Macad- amizing of Streets and for In- terest on same 2.000.00 For Payment of Judgments against the City 2,000.00 For District Road Fund, for Cleaning, Repairing and Sprink- ling Purposes— First District 10,000.00 Second District 20,000.00 Third District 9,000.00 For Interest on Special Bonded Debt 4,000.00 For Special Sewer Fund 8,000.00 For Grading Mt. Carmel Avenue1,000.00 For Repairing and Rebuilding Sidewalks 1,000.00 For Continuation of Wall at In- tersection of Bluff Street Ex- tension and Villa Street 1,000.00 For Purchase of Lot and Con- struction of Engine House in Fifth Ward 4,000.00 Total Appropriations $268,000.00 Ald. Horr moved to adopt the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr. Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. Frith offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City C.nn oil of the City of Dubuque: That the City En- gineer be and he is herein- directed to pre- pare plans. specifications ant ;in estimate of the cost fur the continuation of the Bee Branch storm water sewer from the end of the present sewer in Sanford Street, westerly in said Sanford Street to Washington Street, thence northerly in said Washington Street as tar as the pres- ent appropriation may carry the same, and to tile said plans, specifications and estimate in the office of the City Recorder, who will thereupon advertise for bids for the construction of said sewer. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolution. Carried. Ald. Sheridan offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that a sanitary sewer of ten inch tile pipe be constructed in Dodge Street from South Bluff Street to Booth Street, thence an eight inch tile pipe sanitary sewer westerly in said Dodge Street to Grandview Avenue, ac- cording to the plat and specifications of said sewer prepared by the City Engi- neer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and be it further resolved, that said sewer shall be completed on or' before the 1st day of July, 1904, and shall be paid for at the time and in the manner prescribed by Chapter 34 of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque for the payment of the cost of constructing sewers. The proposals for doing such work will be acted upon by the Council on the 7th day of April, 1904, and the City Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication, ask- ing for proposals as provided by ordin- ance. Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the reso- lution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. 74 Regular Session Mar. 17, 1904. Aid. Raymond moved to adjourn until April 7th, 1904. Carried. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Attest: ..Recorder Approved.y' y 190 .r ayor L Li of Warrants F CITY MMUS City Recorder's (Ali— Dubuque, fli Dubuque, Iowa, March 1. 1004. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The following is a com- plete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of February, 1904: C. H. Berg, salary, Mayor $116 65 H. Brinkman, salary, Treasurer 133 30 J. A. McKinley, salary, Deputy Treasurer 100 00 Jno. Brayer, clerk, Treasurer's of- fice 60 00 Chas. F. Arendt, salary, Recorder116 65 Wm. A. Kaep, salary, Deputy Re- corder 80 00 F. B. Hoffman, salary, Auditor 116 65 C. B. Scherr, salary, Assessor A. Doerr, Jr., salary, Assistant As- sessor J. J. Murphy, salary, Assistant As- sessor Geo. A. Barnes, salary, Attorney J. B. Powers, salary, Assistant At- torney Ed. Morgan, salary, Chief of Police.. Jos. Reinfried, salary, Fire Chief J. W. Lawler, salary, Committee Clerk Jas. Boyce, salary, City Engineer E. Anderson, salary, Assistant En- gineer F. Neuwoehner, salary, Rcdman E. Herron, salary, Superintendent Street Sprinkling Wm. Hipman, salary, Electrician H. Tropf, salary, Marketmaster P. Ryan, salary, Park Custodian P. Kien, salary, Park Custodian T. Faherty. salary, Park Custodian Dr. B. F. Michel, salary, Health Of- ficer F. Flynn, salary, Sanitary Patrol- man N. Offerman, salary, Poundmaster Mrs. H. Koenig, salary, Janitress A. Crawford, salary, Sidewalk In- spector H. A. Moyes, salary, Wharfmaster M. Clancy, salary. Alderman H. Corrance, salary, Alderman E. E. Frith, salary, Alderman J. L. Horr, salary, Alderman R. Joneg, salary, Alderman G. N. Raymond, salary, Alnerman.. J. J. Sheridan, salary, Alderman.... Tillie Dennehy, stenographer M. Eitel, fireman J. Essman, fireman A. Duccinni. fireman J. Flynn, fireman J. Roshon, fireman A. Heer, fireman J. Tschudi, fireman J. Schonberger, fireman J. Daley, fireman J. Barnes, fireman T. Ryder, fireman G. Beyer, fireman W. Ducey, fireman F. Murphy, fireman P. Ahern, fireman M. Kelley, fireman D. Ahern, fireman P. Zillig, fireman T. Flynn, fireman M. Sweeney, fireman H. Cain, fireman N. Wagner, fireman J. Benzer, fireman 125 00 100 00 100 00 150 00 75 00 100 00 100 00 100 00 166 65 100 00 50 00 60 00 83 30 50 00 40 00 40 00 10 00 50 00 60 00 45 00 20 00 50 00 20 00 25 00 25 Ou 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 20 00 65 00 75 00 60 00 G5 00 GO 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 65 00 75 00 60 00 65 00 GO 00 50 00 50 00 5000 65 00 43 20 65 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 75 A. McDonald, fireman 67 50 J. Murphy, fireman 50 00 G. Gherk' , fireman (a 00 T. Kennedy, fireman 60 00 F. Baumgartner, fireman 50 00 J. Smith, fireman 50 00 C. Kannolt, Berman 65 00 J. Allen, fireman 60 00 M. Fahey, fireman 50 00 W. O'Connell, fireman 50 00 R. Weston, fireman 65 00 F. Kenneally, fireman 60 00 E. McDermott, fireman 50 00 W. McClain, fireman 50 00 P. Furey. substitute fireman 5 00 A. -Becker, police 50 00 J. H. Barry, police 50 00 G. Burkel. police 50 00 J. Carter, police 60 00 J. Clune, police 50 00 Jno. Cody, police 50 00 W. Cook, police 50 O0 W. Corcoran, police 50 00 M. Craugh. police 65 00 13. Donlon. police 50 00 J. Fitzpatrick, police 50 00 Jas. Flynn, police 50 00 Wm. Frith. police 50 00 T. Ganahl, police 50 00 L. Grassel, police 50 OU B. Gray, police 50 00 Pat. Hanlon, police 50 00 M. Kitty, police 50 00 Jno. Loetscher, police 38 45 P. McCollins, police 50 00 P. McInerney, police 50 00 Jno. Moore, police GU 00 D. Norton, police 50 00 M. O'Connor, police 50 00 Jno. Murphy, police 50 00 Jno. Raesli. police 65 00 Otto Hall,. police 50 00 Jas. Ryan. police 65 00 P. Scharff. police 50 00 Al. Scherr. police 60 00 F. Spielman, police 46 05 P. Sutton, police 45 00 Tom Sweeney, police 65 00 M. Stapleton, police 50 00 P. Sullivan, police 50 00 Jno. L. Sullivan, police 43 00 L. Zeidman, police 50 00 Mrs. Kate Hibbe, matron 30 00 Miss L. Brennan, matron 30 00 J. Hell, special police 1 65 Labor on Streets during the last half of January, 1904: J. Brouillette, labor 5 40 Paul Becker, labor 5 75 J. Braehtenbach, labor 3 115 Chris. Buelow, labor 2 05 Anton Bolein, labor 105 W. Coughlan, labor 9 45 John Corbett, labor 2 Jas. Callahan, foreman 20 00 H. Cosgrove, driver 20 00 Mike Donegan, labor 2 05 Jos. Eberhardt, labor 3 40 Geo. Frost, foreman 21) 00 Mat. Fetsl,o•l -, labor 3 40 W. Foley, labor 5 411 P. Fenelon, labor 17 55 Nelson Frith, stoker 50 00 Barney Glass, labor 4 05 Jos. Guenther, labor 1 70 Peter Guenther, labor 1 70 Jas. Grab, labor 2 40 C. Gantenbein, foreman 20 00 George J. Hahn, foreman 20 00 James Hird. labor 2 70 Jake Hansen, labor 135 John Heil, carpenter 50 John Beast, labor 3 40 Jake Kraus, labor 3 05 Mike Lavin, labor 4 04 7t; List of Warrants. Mart. I.onergan. Labor H. Ltnhke, la bop Doh. Ilabor A. \1'. Stiller, labor Joint 5l 'S i tly. labor ('has. McDonald. labor N. .1. Nenwoehnor, labor 11 . o'Brien, hien, forear:nt .1. ((I-lttlloran. labor John Parker, labor Nic. Pinac•h. labor 1\'. Quinlan, labor :Jos. Bonney. driver. Niel: .S"wei•n,c(•. tabor john Spear, labor ('prise Sheol. labor Frank Schorr, labor James Smith, labor his. Sell:lb:I:i. labor 7. Straney, Iahor John \\*H•Isb. labor Arlon AV'ondras: k. labor 1V'. AV'e:mmoutlt. lineman C. .A. AV'Mite, labor Thos. Voting. , ngineer Labor on sewers for the last January. 1004: J. Corcoran, labor R. T. Eddy, foreman R. A. Fuller, labor F. Ilohnecker, labor P. K,•nnc•tllly, labor P. Sage, labor Landon Taylor, labor C. H. Berg, settlement in case of Catherine Hagerty vs. City 027 25 P. I':tumg:u•tner, assistant Market - master for January 3510 L. Daily, cleaning around Market Spa t t'.' for Deeembcr, 1903, and January, 1904 28 00 L. Fay, repairing and ov..tthauling election booths 19 00 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for election booths 3 40 1 30 70 4 40 S 80 2 lib 3 411 20 (10 1 35 5 40 4 40 4 ':5 2n on s1 1 no ,a to 2 40 17 00 2 05 70 20 00 2 70 75 00 half of 20 80 211 80 25 00 211 8U 2(1 $11 20 80 Ill 20 17 00 Road Department 2 25 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Road Department 1 ov Ell wan ger Eros., repairing harness for Road and Fire Department 1S U5 I'. Lang. hardware for Road and Special Sidewalk Department 1 Ji, F. A. Miller, 1-2 dozen Brooms for Road Department 2 00 kIntier & Kress. 1-2 dozen Sidewalk Scrapers J. Simonc's & ('o. Itlank,•ls, com- forters and Sheets for Fire De- partment l.agen & Sloan, horse shoeing for Fire department S 00 Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse shoeing' rot. Fire department S 55 I<, y t'ily Gas Co.. coke for Fire de- o:u'1 Ot•nt -- 25 Key City Gass Co., rental or ga.. are at Armory :tad Central Engine house 2 50 Pitt meson Foundry Co.. 1 A\'ah r 1t..s for Fire del:n•tment 1 25 T. F. Kate, Il:ty and (fats for Fire ill ti 'int' 111 2(111 05 Mettle Ilros., Straw for hire tie p;lrtm •u G. W. I I .ley & S,n1, 1-2 dozen bushel Ii tskets for hire depart- met.l G. R:tgatz & Son, repairs for Fire depttrtntent Fire Ext'g' Mfg. Co., 1-2 dozen pick axes for Fire department 13 50 Dubuque Oil Tank Line, Oil for Fire department 1:. 95 A. Ruh, Bran for Fire department 5 70 P. J. Seippel, Lumber for Fire de- ment 2 10 P. Pier, coal and wi.,„I fol' vire In, itt 112 95 Morrison Bros... - r at ,'. Strict Engi1 ; I •1_,. 8 95 Wunderlich. elclirs for Eigh- teenth Street and Central Engine Houses 11 60 :u•tin-Strelau Co., use and damage in ropes and tackle used at Na- ional Biscuit Co's. fire 3 00 rep ,(; late ehole, part payment on :Mice "(,•r1•oats 1(0 00 lop ,t I;nechelc, caps for Police I; I: run• t 2:1 75 •Iii•\'s hoolc store, blank stationery tr I'1)lie,. department 11,•. en:,l and wood ttt city hall LL'1i' . keys for Police depart- ment 00 TI:n'11g. mending steel tape for F.ngirlter's office 75 .hhorn ,l Bechtel, ^r,,','ries and applies for matron department J. \V. Saunders, meat for matron ep:mtmetlt 1 40 \Sem. Hood, sawingtion department S 50 F. A. Nester, 1 clock for matron de- pt.rtment 4 50 A. R. Knights & ('o., 1 star for chief of police 1 75 Ellwanger Bros., repairing harness for patrol team 110 H. Tropf, board of prisoners for January 2 40 Union Electric Co., arc lights for January 2045 77 Globe -Journal, official printing for January 60 00 The Times, official printing for Jan- uary 15 00 Telegraph -herald, official printing for January 50 00 National Demokrat, official printing 2 40 50 50 :5 120 20 Ellwangol' Bros., snaps for curtains 50 II for election booths 185 Chas. Oswald, braces and clamps \I for election booths Rider, \\ ;tilts Co., ducking for cur- 1 45 tains for election booths 2 5n I`t G, h. KI •i11, rope for election booths 4: B,y lilt Gas ('o., gas for various ch•pnriatents `t Key City i:olra Co„ \V'elsh:iclt light at Ci tykHttllartd 1 I<, J. Ifench & Son, soapy2 Oa P. and Ninth Street Engine Chouse '..l 0 70 J. G. B. Grosvenor', stationery and supplies for various offices 15 9U J. Belly's Book Store. stationery and supplies for various offices Kelly's Book Store, 13 30 Eir stationery and supplies for Legal department 15 75 C. Kenna Lavin P't'g Co., blank sta- tioncry Palmer, Berk & Co., blank station- 3 75 ery and printing bonds Dubuque Enterprise Co.,"" 1G 75 sta- tionery for Auditorblank .............. Little, Becker1 5U Co., mantels and chimneys, City Hall and Fire de- partment ........ Mullen & Pa in,10 b0 hall P plumbing at City Carr,,...,.d,,.s........,.,.h 0 Y5 Ryder & Adams Co„ sash cord, City Hall .......,.. R. L. Spellenherg, repairs at City R. Hall ............. Lyons & Lyons, repairs for First 'Ward Scales .......................... T. Faherty, supplies for First Ward Scales ..,.., McElrath Teaming Co., sand for 98 1 50 15120 4 40 wood for ma- List of Warrants 77 for January 25 III) Ed. Morgan. salary. Chief of Police 100 fall E. Anderson, supplies, etc.. for En- Jos. 10einfl•it•d, salary. Fire chief., 100 00 gineer's officeJ. W. La wit -r, salary. Committee F. Sellluz & Son, repairs for Engi- clerk leo fall neer's office 7 20 .I; s. Byer. .salary. ('ily Engineer . 100 S0 Fengler & Boutin. final estimate for V. Anderson. salai y. Assistant En - improving alley hbetween Garfield neer leu UO and Rhumberg Avenues. from 1-'. \, uwuebner. sal;u-y. Rucinntn 50 00 Kniest Street to Johnson Avenue 49 71 V. Herron, salary, Superintendent I-1. Brinkman, eseu cation hermits Street Sprinkling G0 00 redeemed le n,. \\'m. I liltpman. salary. Electrician . 53 40 H. Brinkman. interest paid on war- II. nolo'. salary. Alarketnwslc•r ... :to oil rants outstanding. 3I0'6 1'. Ryan. salary, Para:custodian ..... 40 00 N. Brinkman, in•ielll charges on I'. Rein, salary. Park custodian .... 40 00 I -I. Brinkman. New York ,•zehnnge 3 le T. Fain I ty. salarv. I';,rk custodian le un 1-. Brinkman. postage .stamps 40 Lr. It. V. Alte1el. salary. Ilealth oi- 1-i. Brinkman. refund regular tax 13 la - ricer ,0 uu 1-I. (Brinkman. library orders paid.....10 2:1 F. Flynn, salry, Sanitary Patrol - Labor c -n Streets daring the first half of man ru Uu February. )904: A. Offen-nail. salary, Potncdmaster-I;, ii.) J. lb- nulled, labor $ 3 40 Alrs. 11. Koenig. salary. .1;utilrc so.. 20 00 Paul lte.•ber. labor it 10 A. Crawford. salary. Sidewalk In - 1C. colloidal'. labor (0, specter 50 00 Janus ('.(llah:ul, foreman 20 III II. A. Aally's, salary, AV'harfmaster . 20 00 1-l. ('osgroce, driver _e e0 AI. Clancy. salary, Alderman25 OU Jos Eberhardt. labor 5 4•I 11. ('orranee, salary, .-Alderman . ':, un (leo. IF rost, foreman _n 0I E. 1•:. Frith, salary. Alderman 5 Ila W. I' ley, lab .r 5 11t J. L. 1Iorr, salary, Alderman25 00 Pot I' nelon. labor 17 .- R. Jolles, salary. Alderman .:22: Uu P;(1 ' -Ira's fah"t 70 (l. A. 11,iymond. salary. .Alderman 251(0 L'.11:1ec I;L•(ss, labor' 711 J. J. Sheridan. salary, Alderman 25 00 1', I Il:tel .l,ein, foreman 20 00 T. Donnelly. Slenogr:Ipbc•r 2n uu 11,, .1. Haim, foreman 20 OU Al. !:ilea, fireman 65 01) .1.Inu s Bird. labor 70J. f•:-snr,ul, fireman i5 60 Jahn I loll. carpenter ! 70 A. Ducc•inni. lirenuut Gal 00 Sic Fettenhnfen, labor 1 J. Flynn. fireman 65 00 Julie Kraus, labor 5 1.I J. Roshon. fireman (0 UO H. Lemhke, labor 4e A. 1 -toot, fireman oil bu R. J. Love, labor l :1: .1. 'I•s:•hath, iireman 50 1111 A. W. Miller, labor 1 n, J. Sehonberger, fireman 50110 .L.11111 McNulty. labor ;n J. Daley,fireman(5115(1:)1 6 ((0 W. O'Brien, I)' i na 20 Ill ..T. 1-1.11'11,S.. fireman u oU John Parker. labor -I 7 T. Ryder, fireman ,n o0 \ir. lincsh, labor 375 G. lleyef, fireman .,nu W. Quinlan. labor 2 05 1V'. ,11eey• fireman in (U Jos. Boon,y, driver 2u UU F. Alurpby, fireman ,u ,I0lick Sweeney. labor 4 115 P. .\b rn, fireman e Jut Strane , labor 17 55 AT. elley, fireman all uU John Schromen, mason 6 U,l D. Ahern. firemanG5 UO \V. AV'enrmcuth, foreman 20 W P. %illig, fitoman 43 20 C.A. White, labor 2 7U T. Flynn. fireman G5 OU Ed. Seeley. team 1 211 PI. Sweeney, fireman CO (Al Labor on Sewers during the first half of iI• Cain, -r. fireman February, 50 00 February, 1904: N. 11'agner, freman 50 00 P. Casserly, labor $ 20 80 J. Belize,. fireman 50 00 J. Corcoran, labor 20 40 A. AleDeletid. firemanoun 50 G7 50 H. T. Eddy, foreman 25 00 J. Alurpby, fireman UO R. A. Fuller. labor "0 SO G.WNaimoli. fireman 13 30 65 00 F. Hohnecker, labor 20 SO G. OLorko, fireman 0 SIl T. Kc needy, fireman GU OU P. Kenneully. labor F. Baumgartner, fireman 5000 P. Sage. labor20 SO Landon 'Taylor. labor 20 SO J. Smith, fireman 5500 0 00 AT. Tschirgi. half pay on sewer con - J. Naimoli, fireman G5 00 14 0 J. Allen, fireman 60 00 nections AI. Fahey, fireman 50 00 P. Arduscr, personal damages 700 00S W. (('Connell, fireman 50 00 C. H. Berg, salary. Mayor710 GU II. Weston, fireman 65 00 H. Brinkman, at hay, "Treasurer .... 1:33 45 F. I:rnne:illy, fireman 60 00 J. A. McKinley, salary, Deputy E. Alei)ermott, fireman •50 00 Treasurer HO 110 W. AleClain. fireman 50 00 Jno. Krayer, clerk, Treasurer's of- A. Becker, police 50 00 flee of - 60 00 J. 11 Barry, police 50 00 Chas. F. Arendt, salary, Recorder.. 110 GO G. Burkel, police .37 511 Wm. A. Kaep, salary, Deputy Re- J. Carter, police 05 00 corder 80 00 J. ('line, police 50 00 F. B. Hoffman, salary, Auditor .... 116 60 Jan, Cody, police 50 00 C. B. Scherr, salary, Assessor 125 00 1V'. (' ..k. police 50 00 A. Doerr, Jr., salary, Assistant As - '\V. (' rcoran, police 50 W sessor 100 00 Al, ('rnugh, police 52 UU J. J. Murphy, salary, Assistant As- H. Donlon, police 50 (t0 sessor 100 UO J. Fitzpatrick, police 50 UO Geo. A. Barnes, salary, Attorney .. 150 Uo Jas. Flynn, police 5() (JO J. B. Powers, salary, Assistant At- Wm. Frith, police 50 00 torney 75 00 T. Ganahl, police 50 00 78 List of Warrants. I L. Grassel, police B. Gray, police Pat. Hanlon, police M. Kilty, police Jno. Loetscher, police P. McCollins, police P. McInerney, police Jno. Moore. police D. Norton, police Jno. Murphy, police M. O'Connor. police Jan. Raesli, police Otto Rath, pa lice Jas. Ryan, police P. Scharff, police Al. Scherr, police F. Spielman, police P. Sutton. police Tom Sweeney, police M. Stapleton, police P. Sullivan, police Jno. L. Sullivan, police L. Zeidman. police Mrs. Kate Hilda., matron 1S 00 5000 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 5000 6000 50 00 50 00 50 00 65 00 50 00 65 00 50 00 55 00 50 00 43 00 65 00 50 00 5000 45 00 46 00 30 00 Miss L. Brennan, matron 30 00 Labor on Streets for the last half of February. Vol: J. P.ronill •Ite, labor 7 45 John Earns. labor 135 Paul 1:eokor. labor 10 15 John ltraehtenbach, labor 2 05 Anton Bo:ein. labor 3 05 W. Coughlan. labor 5 40 John Cor hei t. labor 6 40 Jas. Callahan. foreman 20 00 H. Cosgrove. driver 20 00 J. Eberhardt, labor 5 40 W. P`oley, labor 7 45 Pat. Fenelon, labor 6 75 George Frost, foreman 20 00 Nelson Frith, stoker 5U 00 Pat Grue, labor 3 40 Barney Glass, labor 6 45 P. Guenther, labor 2 70 Jos. Grab, labor 1 70 Jos. Guenther, labor 1 70 C. Gantenbein, foreman 20 00 James Hird, labor 3 40 George J. Hahn. foreman 20 00 John Hell, carpenter 22 80 Nie Kett:•nhofen, labor 4 75 John Ka ast, labor 2 U5 .Take Kraus, labor 5 75 H. Lemblce, labor 3 40 R. Love, labor 6 45 George Moore, labor 6 45 A. W. Miller, labor 2 05 James Malloy, labor 135 Tom Malloy, labor 135 John McNulty, labor 4 75 Chas. McDonald, labor 1 35 Pat. McPoland, labor John O'Halloran. labor 70 70 W. O'Brien, foreman John Pfeiffer, labor 20 00 John Parker, labor 5 40 Nic. Pinsch, labor 8 80 135 W. Quinlan, labor James Ryan, labor 4 05 Jos. Rooney, driver 1 00 2U 00 Nick Sweeney, labor John Spear, labor ............... 2 40 Frank Scherr, labor ""'"'• 4 70 James Smith, labor "" 2 05 Jos. Schafetel, labor ""' 1 05 Jos. Straney, labor ''""""•• 7 05 W. Wearmouth, foreman ""20 00 Thos. Young,75 00 00 Labor on Sewerse for the last half5 of February. 1904: P. Casserly, labor ................ 17 60 J. Corcoran, labor $ 19 20 R. T. Eddy, foreman 25 00 R. A. Fuller, labor 19 20 F. Hohnecker, labor 19 20 P. Kenenally, labor 19 20 P. Sage, labor 9 60 Landon Taylor, labor 17 60 P. Baumgartner, assistant market - master 33 75 C. B. Scherr, extra work preparing Road Districts 75 00 H. J. Tropf, board of prisoners for February 10 U0 G. R. Clark. iron fence on retaining wall on Highland Place 9S 50 H. Corrance, supplies, at City Hall and Fire Department 8 65 Key City Gas Co., gas for various departments 100 70 Palmer, Berg & Co., blank books and stationery for various depart- ments Kenna -Lavin Prt'g Co., blank sta- tionery C. H. Little, Becker & Co., mantels and supplies for Expense and Fire departments Safford Stamp Works. stamps for Recorder 60 P. Even, coal for First Card scales 7 65 Kannolt & Powers. horse shoeing for Fire department Lagen & Sloan, horse shoeing for Fire department Vollenweider & Hein, horse shoeing for Fire department Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse shoeing for Fire department Lear & Rush. horse shoeing for Fire department Collings & Pfiffner, horse shoeing for Fire and Police departments 1120 Key City Gas Co„ coal and coke for Fire department 39 30 Key City Gas Co., rental of gas arcs for Fire department 75 Carr, Ryder & Adams Co., shavings for Fire department 1 00 F. F. Kane, hay and oats for Fire department 161 15 Ellwanger Bros.. repairing harness for Fire department 6 50 J. Newman & Son, repairs for Fire department 1 85 McDonald & Morrison Mfg. Co., re- pairs for Fire department 1 00 Jno. Mullen, harness dressing for Fire department 6 75 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., 2,000 feet of Hose for Fire department1660 00 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., 5 doz. gaskets for Fire department F. Schlo¢ & Son, repairs for Fire department Jno. Butt, repairs for Fire depart- ment G. Ragatz & Son, repairs for Fire department Klauer & Kress, hardware for Fire and Police departments J. F. Ris & Bro., repairs for Fire department W. H. Torbert, drugs and supplies for Fire department 10 35 Phil Pier, coal and wood for Fire department 180 00 Phil Pier, wood for Police depart- ment 79 85 H. J. Hagerty, veterinary services for Fire and Police departments23 90 La France Fire Engine Co., supplies for steamer J. J. Linehan 1 20 American Fire Engine Co., supplies for steamers R. W. Stewart and J. J. Linehan 22 93 Central Electric Co., supplies for fire alarm system 64 98 J. W. Wittner, drugs and supplies 15 75 13 75 7 75 4 30 5 4U 4 50 3 50 2 00 3 00 6 00 5 95 11 75 1 90 75 Official Notices. 79 for Police department 7 25 Wm. Hood, sawing wood for Police department 13 60 W. Schneider, bran and matches for Patrol House 10 95 T. F. Kane, hay delivered at Patrol House 11 90 A. Fluetsch, milk tickets for Matron department 1 55 M. A. Doran, 1 empty cask for Sewer department 100 J. Butt, repairs for Sewer depart- ment 8 90 globe-,Tournal, official printing for Fe hi nary 1,0 00 The Times, official printing for Feb- ruary 15 00 Dubuque Telegraph -Herald. official printing for February 50 00 National Demokrat, official printing for February 2500 Union Electric Co., arc lights for February 2045 77 T. E. Frith, removing dead animals 32 00 Standard Lumber Co.. lumber for Sidewalk department 275 50 P. Eisbach. estimate on Bee Branch storm sewer 1443 30 H. Brinkman, interest on warrants outstanding 1940 23 H. Brinkman, refunded tax 1 00 H. Brinkman, postage stamps 10 00 H. Brinkman, New York exchange 6 40 H. Brinkman, freight charges 75 H. Brinkman, express charges 00 H. Brinkman. library orders paid 573 54 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of all warrant is- sued by me during the month of Febru- ary, 1904. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To All Who Are Named Below: You are hereby notified that in accord- ance with an Ordinance of the City of Dubuque for removal of snow and ice from sidewalks in the month of February, 1904. that a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof. at the regular meeting of the City Council, up- on all lots and parcels of land on said improvement owned by you, being sub- ject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meet- ing of the Council, to be held on the 7th day of April, A. D., 1904, and show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied: Feb. 18 -Dubuque Malting Co., City, S. 21.6 ft. lot 1, 70 lin. ft. at 1 1-2e per ft $ 1 05 Feb. 18 -Jas. H. Shields, Dubuque Har. Co's. Add., Block 1, lots 8a, 8b, 8. 30 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 45 Feb. 1S -Julia D. Rhomberg, Sub. A Cooper's Sub. E. 26 ft. lot 1, 25 lin ft. at 1 1-4c per ft 30 Feb. 19-J. M. Werner, trustee, City, E. 97 ft. lot 571, 120 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 1 80 Feb. 19-C. H. Eighmey, trustee, City lots 569-570, 200 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 3 00 Feb. 19 -Hayes & Gehrig, City lot 696 and lot 1 of 595, 110 lin. ft. at 1 1-20 per ft 1 es Feb. 19 -Ella B. Richardson, City lot 128, 170 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 2 66 Feb. 19 -Ellen B. Wood, City, S. 2-3 lot 112, 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-20 per ft1 60 Feb. 19-C. H. Walker, City, S. 2-3 lot 194, 40 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft60 Feb. 19 -Shields & Bradley, Sub. 1 of W. 1-2, Block 10, Du. Har. Co's. Add., lot 1, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 76 Feb. 19 -Catholic University of Washington et al, City, N. 1-2 lot 536, 30 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft. 45 Feb. 19 -Cecelia Adams, City, S. 1-2 lot 536, 30 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft45 Feb. 19 -Marg. Barry, City, S. 2-3 lot 554, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 75 Feb. 19 -Nellie Baughman, City, S 1-3 lot 558, 30 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 45 Feb. 27-C. A. Alexander, Sub. 3. Babcock's Sub., lot 1, 200 lin. ft. at le per ft 200 Feb. 18 -Miller Brewing Co., Sub. City 703, lot 13 and 1 of 14, 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 1 60 Feb. 18 -John McDonald, Sub., S. 89 ft. McNulty's Sub., lot 2, 190 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft 2 40 Feb. 18 -Catholic University of Washington, et al, Mobley's Du- buque, 6 and 7, Kelly's Sub.. lots 1-2, 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft 1 25 Feb. 19 -Schlitz Brewing Co., City. S. 1-2 lot 293, 130 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 1 95 Feb. 19 -John Powers, et al, City, S. 44 6-10 ft. lot 314, 140 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 2 10 Feb. 19 -Alice Goldthorpe, City, N. 38.8 ft. lot 219, 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 1 50 Feb. 19-Unior, Electric Co., City lot 224. 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 75 Feb. 19-J. J. Dunn, City, S. M. 19.6 ft. lot 61, 20 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft. 30 Feb. 39-E. B. Piekenbrock, City lot 229, 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 1 50 Feb. 19-W. & D. Brunskill, City lot 027, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 75 Feb. 19 -John J. Keane, City lot 145 100 lin. ft at 1 1-2c per ft 1 50 Feb. 19 -Wm. Alderman, City lot 322, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 75 Feb. 20-11. Wunderlich, Fortune's Sub., lot 15, 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft. 1 25 Feb. 20-C. E. Wales, Prospect Hill lot 20, 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft1 25 Feb. 20-E. M. Kringle, Sub. 7, Min lot 79, lot 6, 70 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft. 9I' Feb. 20 -Cath. Stafford, S. M. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 44, 100 lin. ft at lc per ft. 1 00 Feb. 20 -Al. Matthews, Sub. City 738, lot 0. 25 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 4u Feb. 5 -Fred Miller Brewing Co, City. E. 43 ft. of S. 62 ft. lot 172. 100 lin. ft at 1 1-2c per ft 1 25 Feb. 19-W. H. Day. City, lot 40a, 40 lin. ft., at 1 1 -lc per ft 60 Feb. 19 -Wm. Hintrager, Sub. City 200, lot 2, 25 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft30 Feb. 19-B. E. Linehan, City E. 43 ft. lot 171, 25 lin ft. at 1 1-2c per ft30 Feb. 19-Kieue & Altman, City, lot 283, 100 Iii. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 1 50 Feb. 19 -Margaret Faust, City, lot 341, 25 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 30 Feb. 19 -Eli Cole, City, N. M. 1-5 lot 452. 50 lin. ft at lc per ft 50 Feb. 19 -German Bank, East Du- buque Add., lot 91, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft 65 Feb. 19-F. A. Scott, East Dubuque Add, lot 92, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft Feb. 19-E. Hemmi, City, S. 1-5, lot 487, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft Feb. 19 -Frank Jaeger, City, S. 2-5, lot 437, 25 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Feb. 19-J. J. Dunn, City, N. 2-5, lot 431, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft Feb. 20-L. H. \t'aples, City, lot 45, 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Feb. 20 -Jas. Rowan, City, lot 656a, 120 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 65 63 40 65 1 50 1 80 80 Official Notices Feb. 20—Wm. L. Bradley, City: S. 1-5 of S. 2-5, lot 478. 120 lin. ft. at 1 1-2e per ft 1 80 Feb. 18—P. E. Girard, Hodge's Sub., lots 3, 4. 5, 200 lin. ft. at lc per ft2 00 Feb. 19—M. E. Meyer, S. M. Lang - worthy's Add., lots 99, 50, 51, 120 lin. ft. at 1 I -2c per ft 1 SO Feb. 19—P. McCullough, A. L Brown's Sub., lot 1, 130 lin ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 1 95 Feb. 19—Catholic University of Washington et al., Levens' Add., lots 1 to 11 inc., 1,000 lin ft. at 1 1-4c per ft 12 50 Feb. 19—Wm. Hintrager, Farley's Sub.• lot 11, 50 Ha. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft Feb. 19—!"rank Pell, A. AdcDan- iels' Sub., S. E. 1-4, lot 822, 30 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft Feb. 19—Catholic University of Washington et al., A. McDaniels' Sub., S. 11. 1-4, lots 5220-821. 200 lin. ft. at Ic per ft 2 00 Feb. 19—Buol & Loetscher, Loetacher & Treub's Sub., lot 2, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft Feb. 19—W. H. Doane, Sub. 12, Min Lot 172, lots 1, 2, 3, 100 lin. ft. at lc per ft 100 Feb. 19—C. L. McGovern, Milligan's Sub., lot 4, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft50 Feb. 19—John Schwind, Morheiser's Sub., lot 13, 25 lin. ft. at lc per ft.. 25 Feb. 19—John Schwind, Morheiser's Sub.• lots 8-9, 50 lin. ft at le per ft.. 50 Feb. 19.—Theo. Weber. Sub. 1 of 2 of Sub. 1 of 3 of 10 and 2 of 3 of 11, Kniest Sub., lot 2, 130 lin. ft. at lc per ft 1 30 Feb. 19—Peter Kiene et al., Elm Street Sub., lots 1 and 2, SO lin. ft at lc per ft 80 Feb. 19.—J. H. Hetherington, San - ford's Sub., lot 59, 50 lin, ft. at lc per ft 50 Feb. 19—C. G. W. Ry. Co., Sanford's Sub., lots 60-61, 100 lin. ft. at lc per ft Feb. 19 --Jos. Zieries, Glendale Add., 100 lot 234, 20 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft.... Feb. 19 --Henry Heuse, Glendale 25 Add., S. 1-2 lot 157, 25 lin. ft. at lc per ft Feb. 19—Barbara Zugenbuehler, 26 Glendale Add., N. 1-2 lot 160, 25 lin. ft. at 1 1-9c per ft ............... Feb. 19—R. & E. LangworthyE t,, 30 Glendale Add., lots 223to Est., 300 lin. ft. at lc .a, inc„ Feb. 19—R. & E. per Langworthy 3 00 Glendale Add., Langworthy Est.• 271 and 294, 200 lin eft. at lc s 246. i ' t.. Feb. 19-31. & E Langworthy it., 200 Glendale Add., lots 213 and 214 100 lin, ft. at is pet• ft ............. Feb. 19—Wm. Abitz, Glendale Add.. 100 Feb. 84. 5tAdlin. t ft CollicuPer ft ... . ... Sub. Min. 60 Lot 122, lot 10, 150 lin. ft. at is per ft Feb. 19—R. & E. Langworthy Est., 1 50 Sub. Min. Lot 322, lots 220 and 221, 200 Feb. 19-Petet. r J i he's Sul;., lot Feb.1. 2e 19 -Chase 1Timmisch," Da j Farm Add., lot 328, 25 Davit le Der ft..•,,,_lin. ft. at. Feb. 19•—Peter Nix. Sub. Min. Lot 322. lot 5. 100 lin. ft at le per ft.. . FN.eb tIS--oA 19—Agatha Heim. West's Add., Feb. d91Louls.j 0, 25Schenk °11 iv per it.. Add.. lot 287, 50 lin. it Daat ys Farm T ft Feb. 19—D. A. Gehrig. \t'est'spAdd.: lot 13, 50 lin, ft. at Ic per ft... Feb. 19—Mary Carney, Staffo—rd's Add., lot 16, 50 lin. ft. at le per ft. 65 40 Feb. 19.—Chas. Stafford. Stafford's Add., lots 59 and 60, 50 lin. ft. at lc ner lin ft............ Feb. 19—James Beach, Trustee, mc- Cranev's 1st Add.. lots 96 and 97. 50 lin, ft. at le per ft Feb. 19—R. \t. Kunz. MCCraney's 1st Add.. Int s2. 50 lin. ft at 1c per ft Foh. 19—M. 1). ("flux, \I Cra' ev's 1st Adel.. In! f9. 5n lin. ft. at is per ft J. McCall h> . McCraney's let Add.. lots ^r, and a7 50 lin. ft. :it Ie rwr ft Feb. 19.--I'nt \A'cl-lh Est.. Mc- Craney's 1st Add.. tot 71, .50 lin. ft. at lc in r ft .......................... Feb. 19—V. Al. Robinson Est.. ham's Add.. lets 435, 4:10 and 437, 75 lin. ft. at 1c net. ft ................... Feb. 19—A. .T. Lend eel:. \lar,h's 75 Acid.. E. 100 ft., 'nr i. tic lin. It. at 1c per ft ............................ 100 50 .0 50 50 60 50 Total 3-25-10t City Recorder. C. F. ARENDT. 50 C 80 i NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will ue received at the office of the City Recorder until 7:30 o'clock p. m. Thursday, April 7th, 1904, for the construction of a 10 -inch Tile PiAe Sanitay Sewer in Dodge Street, from South Bluff Street to Booth Street, thence an S -inch Tile Pipe Sanitary Sewer west- erly in said Dodge Street to Grandview Avenue according to the plans and spec- ifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the Office of the City Recorder It is estimated by the City Engineer that it will requite 4,720 lineal feet of 10 - inch Tile Pipe, 975 lineal feet of S -inch Tile Pipe, and 23 manholes. The work to be paid for when said work is completed and accepted by the City Council, the same to be completed on or before the 1st day of July, 1904. Bidder must state price per lineal foot for Tile Pipe, and each manhole. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check for $100.00 on some Dubuque Bank, as a guarantee that a contract will be en- tered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubupue, March 25th, 1904. 3-26-1Ot. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. 2 00 25 25 1 ; 0 25 50 50 60 Official. Notices. s NO.1'ICE TO WAGON 11AN 1'FAC- T 1' R E RS, Settled propps:lls will he recrivt•d at the ,Alayor's office. City hall, up to AYednes- dny. April 0, pod. at :: n''Io'k 1'. Al.. tor furnishing Line II\c pnli'o pa tl'ol vw;tgon. 11111 1 tee cl;e to>e speciticnthnts with their lids. The co•11111ittee reserves the .right 10 re- ject tiny :i nil till Niels. I'HAI \II'r'i'I•:1:ON PO1.1('1•: & 1.1(-lll'I'. T. .\tail 5. MAYOR'S i'ROCLAMATION. Notice to Saloonkeepers. In aeeord:enc.• with the la\w of the State of lo\w:1. you art• he rely notified to close your Mace ..1' lalsrness on Monday, .\prig Ithy tact le11'1 ion .1:0 I. from 7 "'Ho •k a. m. until 7 o'eln'k p. m.. and you are not to sell. or give :way, any inloxie'ling liquors during the hours .11ecilied. Witness Illy hand :Ling seal of len• City of 1)ulltI luc this 2nd day of :April. 1904. (Seal.) —C. II. Berg. Mayor of the City of Dubuque. REGISTRATION NI)'I'ICA:. 1layor's Office. Alaugh lith. 19: 1. Notiet• is herby given that the registers of ele(•tion. duly appointed to register voters in the Pity of Dubuque. lova. will he in attendance at the places herein below mentioned. for the ptlrirose Lit (or- reeting the registry li=t of manes of such eleet•.es :Is may he entitled to vote at the env , lection to he held on :Alonday. .Ancil Itis. 11111. Said registers will meet at their rsieee'tlye p1•(ees on 'Thursday and Friday, \I:nrll 24th and 7th, and Saturday. April l:wi. :11 ' o'clock a. m. and be in ses- sion until 9 n'elock n, m. of said days. Said register: will thereafter meet on \lond:ty (Flection Day). April 41h. 1904. and be in session from the time the polls omen until they close. :nal register only ,,ur•h voters :Is were absent from the city during the preceding days that the ho:Ird \y:15 in s(S'lnn. :1150 stk.]) voters :IS did nog heroine t•itizens until Monday, April 1111. 1904. .\ray person applying for registration in any precinct. who is registered in another precinct, shall. before being registered. procure a eertifie:lie• from the hoard of registration. where hi: 11:uit• is registered, stating that the sante has heel) stricken from such registry list. The places of registration in the several wards and precincts of said city cure as follows: FIRST 'WARD. First Precinct—Rafferty's Pine'. South Locust street. Second Precinct—Mrs. Lucas' Place. SECOND WARD. First Preein'l --County Court House. Second Preeinc't—Fourth Street Engine 7 louse. 'l'IITRD WARD. First Precinct—Ninth Street Engine house. Second Precinct—City Hall. Third Precinct—Palen'5 Place, ]810 ('puler Avenue. FO['R'TH \YARD. First Precinct—Lorimier House. Second Precinct—Western Brewery. Third Precinct—Kenyon's Barber shop, 140 West Locust street. FIFTiI WARD. First Precinct—Sehmid's Brewery, Couler Avenue. Second I're'inet—Ilenry G. 1lille•r s Place, earner of Etna street and I::Igle Point .\venue. Third I'l'l' 1(1- \liss !lose I't ngler's Place. corner Schiller and 1{honlherg .\we•- nue5. Fourth I're,•inet \\'nn. Roesn, is I'la ce. corner _:hl and .l;lcltson streets. .\ II elualitied voters of said city are• herr) y notified That mile ss Hwy voted at lie• last f1t11 elertiu(1 p1' til 1.''•i:I1 e1e - (1o11 =trace• the last fall e1•-1 they mint ',resent themselves at the •,I: • nut time herein :11 1-' mentioned tor 1••gistratioi. or they will Ile Ileh:nred of the privilege of voting al said electrn. \Witness illy hand incl the seal of said city this lith dn.:: uI' \larch, 19161. C. H. Ili' lt(:, Mayor. ('. h. .\i{I:ND'I'. t'ity 1{eeorder. Attest: MAYOR'S 1'ROc'i.,\,ll:\'i'it t:'.. In pursuance of law 111111 Iho ordinances of this city, I. C. 11. Berg. \1:Iyo:' of the t'ily of I)uhngne. Stat' .It' Iowa. do hovel t i•,:'Ioim ltiat an election will he bollen ill r.licl city on 1londay. April 4111. 1901. for the purpose of electing a \layor cf the City, City 'Treasurer Pity Attorney. Pity Recorder, Pity Auditor, City Assessor, City Engineer, Two Aldermen -at -Large, Also one Alderman from each %van.! in s,1id city. That on said (lay the pills will he opened at 7 o'clock a. Lit. and 'lased :It 7 o'clock p. m. of said d:1y, t;) receive the votes cast at such election in the follnvw- ing places, to -wit: FIRS'1' \\'ARD. First Prechtct—i-tafferty's Place, Smith Locust street. Second Precinct—\its. Lucas' Place. SECOND \YARD. First Precinct-1'ollnty Court 1 -louse. Second Precinct—F, nrtli Street Engine 1-Iousc. • '1'011(1 \\'AI -IL). First Precinct—Ninth Street Engine I -louse. Second Precinct—Cly Ilall, Third Precinct—Paten's Place, 1810 Cool- er Avenue. 1•'Ol'R'I'II WARD. I'ilst Pree inet—Lorimier House. Seeoud I'reeiuct--\\''stern llrewery. 'I'liirel I'n••inc•t--1<enyon's Barber shop. 110 West l,o,aret street. I•'IF'1'1I \\':\H1). First Pre,•inet—Schmid's 1ir'wery. ('n111- er .Avenue. Second Precinct—Henry (1. Al Place, corner of Elm street and Eagle Pt int Avenue. Third I'rec•inet—Miss Rose 1+'englt•'s Place. corner Schiller and Hhomherg Aveuurs. Fourth Precinct—NY-tn. .Hoesner's Place, corner 'Twenty-third and Jackson streets. Dated March 241h, 1904. Attest: C. H. BERG. Mayor. C. F. AREND'I', City Recorder. Regular Session April 7, 1904. 83 CITY 000NCIL. (Official.) Session, April 7th, 1904. Council met at 8:30 P. M. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Alds. Clancy. Currance, Frith, Horr. Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Absent—None. BILLS. The following bills were ordered paid: P. Baumgartner, Assistant Market - master $ 36 45 H. J. Tropf. board of prisoners for March 10 20 L. Daily, cleaning around Market Squirt February, and March 28 00 G. White. Rodman, Engineer's office 50 00 J. Straney. labor at Garbage Dump. 36 95 J. Pfeiffer. cleaning and distributing lamps for election 7 50 A. Doerr, Sr., hauling ballot boxes and lamps 10 75 L. Daily, setting up booths. First Ward 6 30 J. J. McCollins. setting up booths, Second Ward 6 30 L. Fay, setting up booths. Third Ward 12 05 W. Sinholrl. setting up booths Fourth Ward 9 90 J. R. Flick, setting up booths, Fifth Ward 15 50 G. A. Barnes, expense going to Des Moines 25 30 Union Printing Co., printing argu- ment in case of Considine vs. City 24 00 Union Printing Co., letter heads for Auditor 2 _5 Union Printing Co., poll books and blank stationery 46 25 Union Printing Co., 500 special tally sheets for election 13 00 H. Wunderlich & Son, use of tables and chairs for election 3 50 G. F. Kleih, rope and screws for election 65 I'. Lang, use of oil heater for elec- tion 75 P. Lang. cue pad lock for city pound 50 Key City Gas Co., gas fur various departments 104 30 G. B. Grosvenor Co., blank sta- tionery and supplies for various departments 10 30 Phil Pier, coal delivered at City Hall 60 43 A. E. Bradley, glazing at City Hall 1 30 Mullen & Papin, plumbing at City Hall C. G. D. Laundry, towels and racks at City Hall M. J. G. La Nicca, paints and oils for Road department C. Giese, filing saws for Road de- partment Dubuque Turbine & Roller Mill Co, % gallon asphaltum F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Road department 3 75 21 50 2 70 80 25 85 Key City Roofing Co., cement for Road department 4 20 Mt Iler & Scherr, horse shoeing for Road department 3 80 Dubuque \Woodenware & Lumber Co.. lumber for Road department3 70 Phil Pier, pine wood for steam Roller 3 511 Austin & Western Co, 1 No. 4 Rack Crusher complete ,2,511 00 Wunderlich & \\'iederholt, horse shoeing for Fire department 8 00 Lager & Sloan, horse shoeing for Fire department 10 00 Gus Lear, horse shoeing for Fire de- nartn',ent 4 00 Heller & Scherr, horse shoeing for Fire department 3 80 T. F. Kane. hay and oats for Eire department 102 06 G. W. Healey & Son, hardware for Fire department 1 65 F. M. Jaeger & Co.. hardware for Fire department 1315 Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs for Fire department 9 05 C. Giese, repairing clippers for Fire department 1 25 International Fire Engine Co.. sup- plies for Fire department 20 00 P. Pier, coal for Fire department126 50 R. E. '1'waites, pasturing horses for Fire department 22 50 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Fire department 10 50 Dubuque Cabinet Makers' ARsocia- tion. repairing chairs for Central Engine House 11 60 Key City Gas Co.. coke for Fire de- partment 18 85 Key City Gas Co., gas arcs at 9th and 18th streets Engine Houses1 00 P. Pier, coal and wood for Police de- partment . 40 42 Mullen & l'apin. plumbing :it Patrol House J0 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co.. 1 pair rubber hoots for Patrol Hoose 3 85 F. M. Jaeger & Co.. two police lamps 5 00 M. S. Hardie. letter heads for Po- lice department 1; 75 F. Graff. sawing wood for Polies de- partment 1 75 T. Malloy. sawing wood for Police department 4 Q0 C. J. W. Saunders. meats for Ma- tron department ; 25 A. Fluetsch. milk for Matron de- partment 1 00 Eichhorn & Bechtel. 'supplies for Matron department 10 55 Globe -Journal. official printing for March 67 50 Telegraph -Herald. official printing for March 67 50 National Demokrat, official printing for March 25 00 Union Electric Co., arc lights for March 2045 77 McDonald & Morrison Mfg Co., sup- plies for Sewer department 3 50 G. Ragatz & Son, repairs for Sewer 84 Regular Session April 7, 1904. department McCoiling Express Cohauling Sprinklers to Fourth Street Engine House 2 Ou J. Newman & Son, repairing and re- painting nine Street Sprinklers, as per contract 203 50 P. J. Seippel Lumber Co., lumber for Special Sidewalk department43 90 The following hills were ordered re- ferred: Iowa Telephone Co., telephones for various departments $ 41 2t M. J. Mulgrew, clerk District Court Judgment in case of J. C. Fitzpat- rick vs. City 53 15 On motion was referred to City Attor- ney. Smith -Morgan Printing Co., month- ly pamphlets for March $ 10 00 On motion was referred to the Printing committee. J. W. Halpin, swearing in Judges and Clerks of Election $ 1 00 On motion was received and filed. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. Petition of E. E. McClain, remonstrat- ing against the construction of a Sani- tary Sewer in Dodge Street, was on mo- tion of Ald. Sheridan received and filed. Communication - from John Deery, stat- ing that there are two streets in the city named Clark Street, one leading from West Locust Street to Seventeenth, and one in the vicinity of the Star Brewery, and asking that the name of the street in the vicinity of the Star Brewery be changed. was on motion referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of T. - O. Sullivan and W. A. Folk, asking that the City Council ac- cent one-half in full settlement of the special assessment levied against Lots No. 190 and 191 in Woodlawn Park Add., for street improvement. On motion the Petition was referred to the Board of Equalization. Petition of Mary DeLorimier asking that her taxes for the year 1903 on part of Lit N. 159. City, be canceled. All. Raymond moved that the prayer of the Petition be granted and the Treasurer instructed accordingly. Carried. Petition of A. J. M. Ilemmelder asking that the City accept $15.00 in full pay- ment for improving the Alley in rear of Lot 2 of R. Stine's Add. Was on motion referred to the Committee on Streets. Petition of Leathers & Trewht et al, asking that a Sanitary Sewer be built in Alpine Street from Langworthy Ave- nue to Dodge Street, to he completed and connected with said Dodge Street Sewer. Ald. Raymond moved to refer the Pe- tition to the Committee on Sewers. A Id. Sheridan moved a substitute, that the prayer of the Petition he granted, 2 95 and the notice of the Council's intention to construct said Sewer be published ac- cording to the Ordinance. Carried. Petition of Theo. Scharie asking that the special assessment for cleaning alley as levied against Lot 4 in Scharle's Sub. he ordered canceled. On motion was re- ferred to the Committee on Streets. Petition of Jno. Meyer et al asking for the construction of a Sanitary Sewer in White Street between Eagle Point Ave- nue and Sanford Street. On motion was referred to the Committee on Sewers. Also petition of Jno. Meyer asking for the extension of Water Mains from Lot 27. L. H. Langworthy's Add., to Eagle Point Avenue. On motion was referred to the Water Works Trustees. Petition of the Metz Mfg. Co., asking for the cancellation of their taxes on per- sonal property and improvements located on lots 226, 225 and N. 1-2 of lot 224 and on lots 177. 17S and N. 1-2 of 179, East Dubuque Add., in accordance with the resolution adopted March 5th, 1903. Also petition of Th a. Cook asking that the assessment and taxes as levied against the Jacob Koch (.state be ordered canceled. On motion both petitions were referred to the Board of Equalization and City Assessor. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Treasurer Brinkman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil: Gentlemen:—Below please find statement of amounts advanced by me during the past month, for which please order war- rants drawn in my favor. Interest paid on warrants out- standing $1,857 40 Postage stamps 10 00 Refunded license 2 00 New York exchange . 85 Telegrams to New York 80 Freight charges, fire 4 05 $1,875 10 Library trustee orders paid 916 87 Respectfully, H. BRINKMAN, Treasurer. On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the var- ious amounts, and the report referred back to the Committee on Finance. City Auditor Hoffman reported as fol- lows: To the Hon. Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:—Herewith find my report for the month of March, 1904, showing the receipts and disbursements for the month: Cash on hand March 1st, 1904 $76,784 02 RECEIPTS. Receipts from all sources $14,285 72 $91,069 74 Regular Session April 7, 1904. DISBURSEMENTS. Warrants redeemed Coupons redeemed 85 $ 7,562 57 675 35 $ 8,237 92 Cash on hand April 1st, 1904..... 82,831 82 The above cash balance includes the library, sprinkling, improvement bond and improvement bond interest balances. Also repot that there is due the city of- ficers for the month of March $2,558.20. Also the following is a record of all in- terest coupons redeemed by Treasurer for the past month: Regular bond coupons $ 87 50 Improvement bond coupons 587 85 $675 35 The following list shows the approria- tines and the amount of wart ants drawn on each fund since the beginning of the fiscal year. beginning March 1st, 1904. to April 1st, 1904: Appropriation. Expended Expense $40,000 $227.75 Road— First District 16.000 246.95 Second District 20.000 245 37 Third District 9.000 115.36 Fire 38,000 Police 28,000 Sewerage 5.000 169.80 Printing 2.500 Engineer 2,500 Gas and Light 25.000 Interest ....... .... 42.000 Board of Health 4.500 Grading 4,000 Bee Branch ... 8,500 Special Bonded Paving... 2,000 Judgment ... 2,000 Special Bonded Debt Int.. 4,000 Mt. Carmel Ave. Grading1,000 Sidewalk Repairing 1,000 Special Sewer Fund 5,000 Grading Bluff Street Ex- tension and Villa St 1,000 Fifth Ward Engine House 4,000 Total appropriation ....$268,000 Respectfully, F. B. HOFFMAN, Auditor. On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the city officers and the report referred back to the Committee on Finance. Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and C:ty Coun- cil: Gentlemen:—The following is the pay roll of the Fire Department for the month of March, 1904: Amount due firemen $2,133.33 JOSEPH REINFRIED, Chief. -MATT CLANCY, Chairman of the Committee on Fire. On motion the pay roll was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the firemen, and the pay roll referred back to the Committee on Fire. Chief of Police Reilly reported as fol. lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit the po- lice report for the month of March, 1904: Total arrests for the month 91 Residents arrested Doors found open Defective lights Lodgers harbored Meals furnished Cost of food Sheriff dieting prisoners $ 8.25 Parol runs for the month 53 Miles traveled for the month 86 Also the pay roll for policemen for the month of March, 1904: Amount due policemen $1,968.55 Respectfully submitted. THOS. REILLY. Chief of Police. On motion the report and pay roll were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay policemen and the report referred back to the Committee on Police. 45 27 38i 181 51 $10.20 City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- dl: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my pay loll for labor on streets in the different districts during the last half of April 1904. Amount due laborers on streets ..$1,917.55 Respectfully submitted. JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. E. E. FRITH, Chairman Committee on Streets. JOSEPH L. HORR, JOHN J. SHERIDAN. Also submit my pay roll for labor on sewers during the last half of March, 1904: Amount due laborers on Sewers....$180.20 Respectfully submitted. JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved. JOHN J. SHERIDAN, Chairman Committee on Sewers. JOSEPH L. HORR, HUGH CORRANCE. On motion the pay rolls for Streets and Sewers were received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay the various amounts and the pay rolls referred back to the proper committees. City Electrician Hipman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my re- port of defective lights for the month of March, 1904. I find from the report of the Police Department that the total hours that 387 lamps failed to burn would 86 Regular Session April 7, 1904. equal 134 lamps for. one month, or $9.45. Respectfully submitted, WM. HIPMAN, City Electrician. On motion the report was received and the City Auditor instructed to deduct from the Union Electric company's bill for the month of March, 1904, the amount of $9.45. City Attorney Barnes reported as fol- lows: TO the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil: Gentlemen:—Attached you will find a bill for $1.t,8 due the Register and Leader company for official publication of the legalizing act. I recommend that the bill be allowed and an order drawn for the amount, and the Mayor be instructed to purchase a draft and forward the same to the Regis- ter and Leader company of Des Moines. Jowl. Respectfully submitted. G. A. BARNES, City Attorney. Ald. Sheridan moved that the report be received and a warrant ordered drawn for 85.88 as recommended. Carried. City Attorney Barnes also reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—Attached hereto you will find a release of all liability of the City of Dubuque for personal injuries receiv- ed by Ed. Ellwanger, growing out of a fall ou an icy sidewalk in front of C. A. Walter's Flats on Cooler Avenue, between Eagle Point Avenue and Lincoln Avenue, which injuries consisted of a broken arm. This waiver is signed in consideration of the City paying to his mother, Mrs. Frederike Ellwanger, the sum of fifty ($511) dollars. I would recommend that an order be drawn in favor of Mrs. Frederike Ell- wanger for the sum of fifty dollars in settlement of this claim. .Respectfully submitted, G. A. BARNES, City Attorney. AId. Sheridan moved that the report be approved, and a Warrant ordered drawn in favor of Mrs. Prederike Ellwanger for $50.00 as recommended. Carried. City Attorney Barnes also reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Reporting on the ease of Anna La Tourelie vs- City of Dubuque, which was tried in the District Court at the January term, 1904, a judgment was entered in said case for five hundred ($500) dollars against the defendant city and in favor of plaintiff together with interest and costs. Plaintiff was injured while walking on a sidewalk on Rhomberg Ave. nue in front of property owned by the Dubuque Woodenware company. The amount due to date is as follows: Judgment $500.00 •1.00 Cost of court. a certified fee bill of which is attached 109.50 Making a total of $613.50 I recommend that a warrant be drawn in favor of the 'Mayor for said sum of $611.50. with instructions that he pay said judgment and costs of court and report his doings back to the Council. Respectfully submitted, G. A. BARNES. City Attorney. AId. Horr may, 41 that the report be approved. :incl \\':rrrants ordered drawn for the alaive amount. in favor of the Mayor. as recommended. Carried. Interest to date City Recorder Arendt presented sentec] :aid read the printed notice, certified to by the Publishers, of the C'ouncil's intention to levy a special Assessment against the different named property owners for re- moval of Snow and Ice frorn Sidewalks during the month of Febrinf y. 1904. No remonstrance being tiled, the Mayor asked if any one present had any objec- tion to said special :i=scssnu nt. No ob- jection Nein; SI:te.I. Illy notice oil motion W:is t •c. ived :aid filed. \\'h reupon Ald. Frith offered the fol- lowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That to pay for re- moval of snow and ice during February. 1904. in front and adjoining the same, a Special Tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Special Assessment submitted and passed April 7th, 1904. Feb. 18—Dubuque Malting Co., City, S. 21.6 ft. lot 1, 70 lin. rt. at 1 1-2c per ft $ 1 05 Feb. 18—Jas. H. Shields, Dubuque Har. Co's. Add., Block 1, lots 8a, 8b. 8, 30 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 45 Feb. 1S—Julia D. Rhomberg, Sub. A Cooper's Sub. E. 26 tt. lot 1, 25 lin ft. at 1 1-4c per ft 311 Feb. 19—J. M. Werner, trustee, City, E. 97 ft. lot 571, 120 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 1 80 Feb. 19—C. H. Eighmey, trustee, City lots 569-570, 200 lin. ft. at 1 1-2e per ft 3 00 Feb. 19—Hayes & Gehrig, City lot 696 and lot 1 of 595. 110 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 163 Feb. 19—Ella B. Richardson, City lot 128, 170 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Feb. 19—Ellen B. Wood, City, S. 2-3 lot 112, 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft1 60 Feb. 19—C. H. Walker, City, S. 2-3 lot 194, 40 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Feb. 19—Shields & Bradley, Sub. 1 of W. 1-2, Block 10, Du. Har. Co's. Add., lot 1, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 75 Feb. 19—Catholic University of Washington et al, City, N. 1-2 lot 536, 30 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 45 Feb. 19—Cecelia Adams, City, S. 1-2 lot 536, 30 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Feb. 19—Marg, Barry, City, S. 2-3 lot 554, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 75 255 45 Regular Session April 7, 1904. >3 7 Feb. 19 -Nellie Baughman, City, S. 1-3 lot 558. 30 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 46 Feb. 27-C. A. Alexander, Sub. 3 Babcock's Sub., lot 1, 200 lin. ft at le per ft 2 00 Feb. 18 -Miller Brewing Co., Sub City 703, lot 13 and 1 of 14, 100 lin ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 1 50 Feb. 18 -John McDonald, Sub., S 89 ft. McNulty's Sub., lot 2, 190 lin ft. at 1 1-4c per ft 2 40 Feb. 18 -Catholic University of Washington, et al, Mobley's Du- buque, 6 and 7, Kelly's Sub.. lots 1-2, 100 lin, ft. at 1 1-4c per ft 1 25 Feb. 19 -Schlitz Brewing Co.. City. S 1-2 lot 293, 130 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 1 95 Feb. 19 -John Powers, et al. City, S. 44 6-10 ft. lot 314, 190 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 2 10 Feb. 19 -Alice Goldthorpe, City, N 38.8 ft. lot 219, 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 1 60 Feb. 19 -Union Electric Co., City lot 224, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Feb. 19-J. J. Dunn, City, S. M. 19.6 ft. lot 01, 20 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft. 30 Feb. ]9-G. B. Piekenbrock, City lot 229, 100 lin. ft. at 1 I -2c per ft 1 5U Feb. 19-W. & D. Brunskill, City lot 627, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 75 Feb. 19 -John J. Keane, City lot 145 100 lin. ft at 1 1-2c per ft 1 50 Feb. 19 -Wm. Alderman, City lot 322, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 75 Feb. 20-H. Wunderlich, Fortune's Sub., lot 15, 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft. 1 20 Feb. 20-C. E. Wales, Prospect Hill, lot 26, 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft1 25 Feb. 20-E, M. Kringle, Sub. 7, Min lot 79, lot 6, 70 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft. as Feb. 20 -Cath. Stafford, S. M. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 44, 100 lin. ft at lc per ft. 1 00 Feb. 20 -Al. Matthews, Sub. City 738, lot 0. 25 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 40 Feb. 5 -Fred Miller Brewing Co., City, E. 43 ft. of S. 62 ft. lot 172, 100 lin. ft at 1 1-2c per ft 1 25 Feb. 19-\V. H. Day, City, lot 40a, 40 lin. ft., at 1 1-2c per ft 60 Feb. 19 -Wm. Hintrager, Sub. City 200, lot 2, 25 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft30 Feb. 19-B. E. Linehan, City E. 43 ft lot 171, 25 lin ft. at 1 1-2c per ft'30 Feb. 19-Kiene & Altman, City, lot 283, 100 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 1 50 Feb. 19 -Margaret Faust. City, lot 341, 25 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft 30 Feb. 19 -Eli Cole, City, N. M. 1-5 lot 452, 50 lin. ft at lc per ft Feb. 19 -German Bank, East Du- buque Add., lot 91, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft Feb. 19-F. A. Scott, East Dubuque Add, lot 9.2, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft Feb. 19-E. Hemmi, City, S. 1-5, lot 487, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft Feb. 19 -Frank Jaeger, City, S. 2-5, lot 437, 25 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Feb. 19-J. J. Dunn, City, N. 2-5, lot 431, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft Feb. 20-L. H. Waples, City, lot 45, 100 lin, ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Feb. 20 -Jas. Rowan, City, lot 656a, 120 lin, ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Feb. 20 -Win. L. Bradley, City, S 1-5 of S. 2-5, lot 478. 120 lin. ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Feb. 18-P. E. Girard, Hodge's Sub, lots 3, 4, 5, 200 lin. ft. at le per ft2 00 Feb. 19-M. E. Meyer, S. M. Lang - worthy's Add., lots 49, 50, 51, 120 lin. 76 50 65 65 65 40 65 1 50 1 80 1 80 ft. at 1 I -2c per ft 1 80 Feb. 19-P. McCullough, A. L. Brown's Sub., lot 1, 130 lin ft. at 1 1-2c per ft Feb. 19 -Catholic University of Washington et al., Levens' Add., lots 1 to 11 inc., 1,000 lin ft. at 1 1-4c per ft Feb. 19 -Wm. Hintrager, Farley's Sub., lot 13, 50 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft 65 Feb. 79 -Frank Pell, A. McUan- lels' Sub., S. E. 1-4, lot 822, 30 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft 40 Feb. 19 -Catholic University of Washington et al., A. McDaniels' Sub., S. 1:. 1-4, lots 820-821. 200 lin. ft. at lc per ft 2 00 Feb. 19-Buol & Loetscher, Loetscher & Treub's Sub., lot 2, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft 50 Feb. 19-\\'. H. Doane. Sub. 12, Min Lot 172, lots 1, 2, 3, 100 lin. ft. at le per ft 100 Feb. 19-C. L. McGovern, Milligan's Sub., lot 4, 50 lin, ft. at lc per ft50 Feb. 39 -John Schwind, Morheiser's Sub., lot 13, 25 lin. ft. at lc per ft25 Feb. 19 -John Schwind, Morheiser's Sub., lots 8-9, 50 lin. ft at lc per ft50 Feb. 19. -Theo. Weber, Sub. 1 of 2 of Sub. 1 of 3 of 10 and 2 of 3 of 11. Kniest Sub., lot 2, 130 lin. ft. at le per ft 130 Feb. 19 -Peter Kiene et al., Elm Street Sub., lots 1 and 2, 80 lin. ft at lc per ft 80 Feb. 19.-J. H. Hetherington, San - ford's Sub., lot 59, 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft 50 Feb. 19-C. G. W. By. Co., Sanford's Sub., lots 60-61, 100 lin. ft. at lc per ft 100 Feb. 19. -Emma Richter, Glendale lot 234, 20 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft25 Feb. 19 --Henry Heuse, Glendale Add., S. 1-2 lot 157, 25 lin. ft. at lc per ft 25 Feb. 19 -Barbara Zugenbuehter, Glendale Add., N. 1-2 lot 160, 25 lin. ft. at 1 1-4c per ft 30 Feb. 19-R. & E. Langworthy Est., Glendale Add., lots 223 to 228, Inc., 300 lin. ft. at ]c per ft 3 00 Feb. 19-R. & E. Langworthy Est Glendale Add., lots 240. 247. 27o 271 and 294, 200 lin ft. at lc per ft2 0P Feb. 25-R. and E. Langworthy Est., Glendale Add.. lots 213 and 2t4. 100 lin. ft. at 7c per ft 1 00 Feb. 19 -Wm. Aliitz, Glendale Add lot 84. 00 lin. ft at is pec I' Feb. 19 -Ada L. Collier, Soh. Mtn Lot ::22, lot 10, ISO lin. ft. at ie per ft 1 50 Feb. 19-R. & E. Langworthy Est, Sub. Min. Lot 322. lots 220 and 221, 200 lin. ft. at lc per ft 2 00 Feb. 19 -Peter Nix, Liebe's Sub., lot 1. 25 lin. ft. at lc per ft 25 Feb. 19 -Chas. 'I'immisch, Davis Farm Add., lot 728, 25 lin. ft. at is ner ft 25 Feb. 19 --Peter Nix. Sub. Min. Lot 322. lot 5, 100 lin. ft at I.' per 1't1 i0 Feb. 19 -Agatha Heim, West's Add, N. 56 lot 20, 25 lin. ft. at le per ft25 Feb. 19 -Louisa Schenk. L ivis Farm Add.. lot 287. 50 lin. ft. al to pi r ft. 50 Feb. 19-D. A. Gehrig. \Ve=t's Add lot 13. 50 lin. ft. at 7c tel ft Feb. 19 -Mary Carney, Stafford's Add.. lot 16. 50 lin. ft. a t to per ft. 50 Feb. 19. -Chas. Stafford. Stafford's Add.. lots 59 and 60. 5n lhifl. at lc per lin ft 50 Feb. 19 -James Beach. 'Trustee. A1- - Craa,,e's 1st Add., lots 96 and 97, 50 lin. ft. at is per ft Feb. 10-R. M. Kunz. MrCraney's 1st Add.. lot 62, 50 lin. ft at lc per 1 95 12 50 50 50 :.0 88. Regular Session April 7, 1904. ft Feb. 19—M. D. Gonx. M:Cra: er'.s 1st Add.. lot 09. 50 lin. ft. at lc per ft Feb. 19—J. J. McCarthy. McCraney's 1st Add.. lots :16 and 57. 5a lin. ft. at lc no. ft Feb. 19.—Pat Walsh Est.. Mc- Craney's 1st Add.. lot 71, fo lin. ft at lc per ft Feb. M. Robinson Est.. Ham's Add.. lots 435, 436 and 437. 75 lin. ft at 1c per ft Feb. 19--.\. J. Lembeck. Marsh's Add.. E. 160 ft.. lot 45. 100 lin. ft at lc per ft Eu 60 50 50 75 1 00 Total $ 98 in C, F. ARENDT, City Recorder. moved to adopt the res du - 3 -25-10t Ald. Frith tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil: Gentlemen: Herewith attached please find statement showing amount of maca- dam measured, the owners of same and the amount due, the price being 85 cents per cubic yard. Total amount due $1,167.90 On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn for the various amounts. Bids for the construction of a Tile Pipe Sanitary Sewer in Dodge Street were pre- sented and on motion of Ald. Frith were ordered opened. Bids as follows: TIBEY BROS. 10 -inch Tile Pipe to Booth Street per lineal foot $ 1.17 S -inch Tile Pile to Grandview Ave- nue, per lineal foot .04 Manholes, each .7,00 M. TSCHIRGI, JR. 10 -inch Tile Pipe, per lineal foot $ 1.0s 8 -inch Tile Pipe, per lineal foot .60 Manholes, each 00.00 STEFCI. & LINEIHAN. 10 -inch Tile Pipe, per lineal foot $ 1.16 S -inch Tile Pipe, per lineal foot .70 Manholes, each 21.00 C. B. McNAMAR A. 10 -inch Tile Pipe, per lineal foot $ .84 8 -inch 'file Pipe. per lineal foot .4S. Manholes, each 32.00 JAMES STREET. 10 -inch Tile Pipe, per lineal foot$ 1.28 8 -inch Tile Pipe. per lineal foot .85 Manholes, each 30.00 JAMES NOONAN. 10 -inch Tile Pipe, per lineal foot $ .70 8 -inch Tile Pipe, per lineal foot .53 Manholes, each 5.00 On motion the bids were referred to the City Engineer for computation. Bids for constructing a part of the Bee Blanch Sewer were presented and or- dered opened. Bids as follows: JAMES STREET. From present end of sewer to Washing- ton street, $21.50 per lineal foot. On Washington street, $17.75 per lineal foot. 'rIBEY BROS. From present end of sewer to Wash- ington street. $20.00 per lineal font. On Washington street, $18.75 per lineal foot. On motion both bids were referred to the City Engineer for computation. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Tlnrr. Chairman of the Committee on Finanee. reported as follows: Your Committee on Fin:nu•, , to whom was referred the petition of ,Toho H. Carter, asking that the interest ,,n the balance of tite .,chi assessment levied against let 5, Summer Bill Adel., be can- celed. would recommend that said peti- tion he recei\etl ai:d filed. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the report. Carried. AId. Frith, chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented and read an Ordi- nance repealing section 8 of chapter 27 of the Revised Ordinance of 1901 of the City of Dubuque; and fixing the compen- sation of the members of the Fire De- partment. Ald. Clancy proved that the reading just had he considered its first reading. Ald. Corrance moved a substitute, that the Ordinance be referred to the Commit- tee of the Whole. Substitute carried ley the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Corrance, Frith, Horr and Sheridan. Total, 4. \ay-s—Al,ls, Clancy. Jones and Ray- mond. Total, 3. Ald. Corrance, chairman of the Com- mittee on Claims, reported as follows: Your Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the claim of Clara L. Pierce for $3.000.00 as damages for injuries re- ceived by he.r in falling on a slippery sidewalk, begs to report that the case can be settled for. $450 and court costs. As the question of liability is very close in this case, we would recommend that a settlement he effected on this basis and that a warrant in the above mentioned sum be ordered drawn in favor of the Mayor, to he paid to the claimant in full settlement of all claims of whatsoever nature she may have growing out of said accident. Ald. Corrance moved to adopt the re- port and that a warrant be ordered drawn in favor of the Mayor for the above amount as recommended. Carried. Ald, Frith, chairman of the Committee on Streets, reported as follows: Your Committee on Streets, to whom was referred the petition of Joseph Straub, et al., asking that they be grant- ed two feet of the sidewalk on the west side of Broadway Extension from Charles to Putnam Streets for the purpose of Regular Session April 7, 190.1. constructing a retaining wall thereon. would recommend that the prayer of the petition( r be granted. Also. your Committee on Streets, to whom was referred the petition 01' M. E. :old P,. R. llichards, asking that tit I i• •Illowvcd the sum of $i,.lu. the ex- pee,littne of which anlottnt was rii tiered necessary by the city's re-est:Ililishing the grad,' on Bluff Street between 'Twelfth :n1,1 Ponrtc, nth Street:., would recommend that said petition be received and tiled. Also, your Committee o:i Sheets, to whom was referred the petition of the Chicign Creat Western i iilw:t, Company. asking that the special assess- ments levied against it for the improve- ment 01' Slm Street between Saul ford Street and 'twenty-third Street, and for tine Pitying of Twenty-seventh Street be 'ane.'!.d, because. in the ease of the first special :Irsesstr.ent the then city attor- ney had given :n) opinion to the City Coarsen) in which he held that the City had no authority for '_:,loci the I,... - mein, and in the e:,se of til,• :.ac.-snn ut for improving '1'w,•1ty-ieV, nib St reet. the contractor. through an error (.011 till- tWil ' latin- uocl the imprety moat past the ea -t end of said street and across the fright of way of said company, weal.) recommend that the n.r.,yir of the petitioner be granted :ut,i that the 'Treasurer he instructed to I said is<es:ment We would fur- ther r, ciemnend that a warrant in the sum of $Ilc'.ui he crdcre,l drawn in favor of said company in . ett of its claim for the construction of the Bee Branch sewer under its right of way be- tween Garfield and Rhomberg Avenues. Also, your (`onunittei• on Streets, to whom was r, fcrred the petition of Jerry D. Sullivan et al, asking that a water fountain he established at the cor- ner of 'West Vourteentit and Alta Vista Streets, WOO Id recommend that said pe- tition be received and filed. Also your Committee on Streets, to whom was referred the petition of R. W. Kemler, stating that he wished to lay a brick walk abutting his property en Race Street, but that the water from the street. which slopes down to his lot, would undermine it. and asking there - tore that the city erect a retaining wall so as to prevent said undermining, would recommend that the prayer of the peti- tioner be granted and that the City En- gineer be instructed to make the neces- sary improvements. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the various reports of the Committee on Streets. Car- ried. Ald. Raymond, chairman of the Com- mitlec on Sprinkling, reported as fol- lows: Your Committee on Sprinkling, to whom was referred the bill of Butt Bros. for $1.00 for repairs on sprinkling wagon. would recommend that a warrant be or - I tiered drawn on the Treasurer in settle- ment of the claim. Ald. Raymond moved to adopt the le- l'ort. Carried. Ald. Sheridan, chairman of the Com- mittee on Police and Light, reported as follows: Your Cotmnittee on Pollee and Light, to whom was referred \'ith iu,wer. the matter of purchasing a new patrol wagon or having the old one repaired, begs to report that the cost of h.11 -1:r the old one reuairrd w•onld he so gent that it was thought :invisible to purehase a new am', and the o,ntU•act for building the SMT!.. bu:: hien: :(winded to the Estate of Tam commit:: for til: ,(ai1, :old we would r' connnend that the City Attorney he M- i.uaucb d to III epu'e the contract in writ - Mg according to the i'pecilicatiois hereto utt.0 h, d. and that the liayor• he aotho•- zed to si ,n the s. in.' oft behalf of the cit. Ald. Sheridan moved to adopt the re- port. Ald. Sheridan, Chairman of the Com- mittee on Sewers. reported as follows: Your I," mmittee on Sewers, to whom tvr,s referred the Petition of B. J. Lu- deselwr asking that he he allowed the sum of its compensation for dam- ages ustained by him by reason of the erlloty water from the street flooding his cellar, iI •. would recommend that said claim be received :Ind filed. Also. that the petitioner he iusti acted to bring his sidewalk to grade and that the City En- gineer tie directed to increase the capac- ity of the catch 1lasin. Ald. Sheridan moved to adript the re- port. Carried. :old. Dor, Chairman of the Board of Equalization, reported as fellows: Your Board of Equalization, to whom was referred the petition of the Dubuque Casket Co., asking that the taxis on their personal property :aid iml,rot',-nn•ats be canceled for the year 1111% in iteeard:i nee with the action of the City Council of March, 1S9.3, would recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the Treasurer he instructed accord• ingly. Also, your Board of Equalization, to tvhonl was referred the petition of Il:n•- mony and Julien Lodges, 1. (i. , i. V,, ing that the taxes against City- lot 1¢I3 Le eanooh•d for the year 1903, would rec- ommend that the prayer of the petitioners le grant, d :Ind that the Treasurer be in- structed accordingly. .\ Ism your Board of Equalization, to whom tt•:1s referred the petition. of Ernest Seitz. asking that the taxes assessed against hill) for 01900.00 moneys :end ea•edits be canceled because said money was used by him in starting a dry goods store In New till la., where ie his since mild taxes, wound reerimmend that the pryer of the p.litiriter be grunted and 90 Regular Session April 7, 1904 that the Treasurer be instructed accord- ingly. Ahl. Iiorr moved to adopt the various reports of the Board of Equalization. ('a Fried. Ald. Jones, of the Board of Health, re- ported as follows: 'Co the Honorable able Mayor and City Coun- cil of the city of Dubuque: (lenticnnv:-- Your Botu•d of Health would respe, tfully report that at their meeting hell March Tilt. 1904, three bills were presented. one each from 11. Berg, J. .1. Sheridan and Martin & Strelau. for prt) isions and wood delivered to the De- tention Ilesl•it:il, the same were audited by the Board. and referred to the County Sulu-rvisors for payment. We would also recommend the adoption I.> yoer honorable body of the following (twill::wee: \ (: ( (rdin:u:ce to prohibit spitting upon idewalkn of streets and upon the floors and •d:;lfortns of street cars ;Ind upon the Iloors ol• theaters. ehurches.:mil other places of public assembly. and the throw- ing or depositing upon sidewalks of fruit, vegetables, or any o:n•t thereof. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. From and after the passage, approval and publication of this ordI- nance, it shall be unlawful for any per- son to spit or expectorate upon any part of any sidewalk, or upon any part of the; floors or platforms of the street cars, or t In floors of theaters• churches. or other buildings provided as a place of public :(::ombly. within the City of Dubuque, or to deposit, throw or place upon any - sidewalk in the City of Dubuque, any fruit or vegeta hle, or the peel or rind, or other _(art t hereof. See. \uy Person violating the provis- ions of ilii•: ordinance, shall. upon con- viction. be punished by fine not less than one dollar (Mao) nor more than twenty dollars : e•. This ordinance shall be in force from and after its publication in the Du- buque itlohe-Journal newspaper. lit .lines moved to adopt the report, and to refer the ( (rdinance to the Ordi- nance Committee. Carried. Ald. 1loir chairman of the Committee of the AWhole, reported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the communication of the Linwood Cemetery Association in relation to the proposed street through limit property. would recommend that said communication be received and filed and that in the event of said association refusing to accept within thirty days from date the offer of $900.00 made by this Council at its regular session held February 29, 1904, for the property it is proposed to take for said street, the necessary steps be taken to have a jury appointed to condemn the right of way. Also your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the City Engineer be instructed to take the levels of . the different streets over which the Union Electric company proposes to Put in new tracks and to prepare a profile of the same and establish such bench marks as he may deem proper. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of the A. A. Cooper Wagon and Buggy com- pany. asking for permission to lay a side- track along the south side of First Street from \\'atter Street to the C.. B. & Q. railway track, would recommend that said petition he received and tiltd. Also your Committee of the Whole. to whom was referred the petition of Captain R. Kimbel, asking that he be granted permission to rebuild his old clock at Eagle Point Landing. would rec- ommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted, provided the same be rebuilt under the supervision of the Street Com- mittee and City Engineer and that it be maintained as a public landing. Also your Committee of the \\'hole. to whom was referred the petition of R. F. Cnrran. asking that lie he allowed the salary which he alleges has been illegal- ly withheld from him during the winter months while he was acting as Harbor Master, would recommend that the mat- ter be referred to the Mayor and City Attorney with power to effect a settle- ment. • Also your Committee of the Whole. to whom was referred the matter of straightening Fourth Street Extension. would recommend that S. B. Harold be allowed the sum of $500.00 for lots 15 and 16. Block S0. Dubuque Harbor company's Add.. find that the City Attorney be in- structed to make out the deeds and for- ward theta to Mr. Harold without de- lay. Also your Committee of the \\'hole. to whom was referred the petition of Thomas J. Mulgrew, asking that Charter Street from the railroad tracks to the public levee be vacated, would recom- mend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted. provided that in case the buildings to be erected thereon or on the abutting property he abandoned, then said street to revert to the city. Ald. Horr moved to adopt the various reports of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. RESOLUTIONS Ald, Horr offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That the action of the Council on April 30th, 1903, relating to the height of the rail to be used by the Union Electric company in rebuilding and rpeairing its lines, be and the same is hereby rescinded, and that the height of said rail be fixed at six (6) inches, the re- quirements as to character and weighs of rail remaining unchanged. Regular Session April 7, 1904. Ald, Horr moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy. Corrance, Frith. Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None. Ald. TTorr also offered the following: Whereas, Thomas J. Mulgrow has filed his petition asking for the vacation of Charter Street from the railroad tracks east to the public levee and represents that he is the owner of all the property abutting the part of the street so asked to be vacated: therefore, Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dnhurp,o. That the City Engineer be directed to make a survey and plat of that part of Cl,n 'ter Street proposed to he vacated to he filed in said Engineer's office subject to puhlic inspection and to give the notices required by ordinance to all owners of property abutting said ground proposal to ho so vacated and to publish the notice required by ordi- nance of said required vacation. Ald. 1Torr moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried. Alderman Sheridan offered the folloti- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That it is deeme1 necessary and advisable to construct a sanitary sewer in Alpine Street and it is hereby proposed to construct a sanitary sewer in said Alpine Street, as follows, to -wit: An eight inch tile pipe sewer from the center of Dodge Street to a point one hundred and twenty-five feet south of the south line of Langworthy Avenue. and to assess the cost of said sewer against the abutting property. Aid. Sheridan moved to adopt the res,, lotion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance. Frith. Horr. Jones. Raymond and Sheridan. Nays—None, Alderman Sheridan also offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City En- gineer he and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat and specifications for an eight -inch tile pipe sewer In Alpine Street, frcm the center of Dodge Street to a point about one hundred and twenty- five feet south of the south line of Lang- worthy Avenue, showing the location and general nature of such improvement, the extent thereof, the size and kind of ma- terial to be used, and to prepare an es- r timate of the cost thereof and the amount assessable upon each lot or par- cel of land adjacent to or abutting there- on per front foot or square foot in area, and to file such plat, specifications and estimate in the office of the City Re- corder. That after such plat is filed the City Recorder shall cause to be published no- tice of the Council to make such im- provement, which notice shall be pub- • lished in three consecutive issues of the official newspaper of the City of Du- buque, stating that such plat is on file. and generally the nature of the sewer, its location, size and kinds of material to be used• and the estimate of its cost, and fixing the time before which objections can be filed, which time shall not be less than five days a fter the last publication of said notice, and after the completion I of the puhlicatien of such nut he. he shall at its noxi session, notify the Coun- cil thereof in writing, with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same, Ahl. Sheridan moved to adopt the res- olution. Carried by the following vote: Veas--Alda, Clancy, Corrance. Frith, Horr, Jones, Raymond and Sheridan. Na ys—Node. City Engineer Boyce reported on the bids referred to him for computation as follows: Sanitary Sewer in Dodge Street— M. Tschirgi, total amount $6,372.60 Tibey Bros., total amount 6,721.40 Steuck & Linehan, total amount 6,640.70 James Noonan. total amount 4,395.75 C. B. McNamara, total amount 5,168.80 James Street. total amount 7,560.35 Ald. Clancy moved that said contract be awarded to James Noonan. as he was the lowest bidder. Carried. On motion the bond for doing said work was placed at $1,000.00. Bids on Bee Branch Sewer as follows: James Street, total amount $7,850.00 Tibey Bros., total amount 7,750.00 Ald. Sheridan moved that the contract for constructing a part of the Bee Branch Sewer, be awarded to Tibey Bros., they being the lowest bidders. Carried. On motion the bond for doing said wcrlc was, placed at $1,000.00. The Mayor announced the next thing in order would be the canvassing of the votes of the last City Election, held April 4th, 1904, and appointed Alds. Frith and Sheridan as tellers. The vote was then canvassed from the poll books and found as follows: Mayor C H Berg John J Sheridan Ernest Holtz Recorder Chas F Arendt Frank H Hoffmann A A Leonard Treasurer F W Moser Herman W Brinkman A A Triller Attorney Frank B Hoffman DeWitt C Stewart Peter Brandt Assessor C B Scherr J J Heins C J Mathis Engineer James H Boyce Paul Ilg C R Brandt Alderman 2nd Ward J S Roach Matthew Clancy Charles Holmberg Alderman 2nd Ward George N Raymond P H McLaughlin E Brasher Alderman 3rd Ward Joseph L Horr John A Stumpf Alex McAleece James O'Farrell Alderman 4th Ward Hugh Corrance Robert E Quirk H E Fischer Alderman 5th Ward E E Frith Philip P Doerr John G Enser Aldermen at Large Rudolph Jones Daniel W Rand Michael E Lyons Thomas Federspiel H E Cosgrove T J Rieck Regular Session April 7, 1904. .\ld. Sheridan moved that all the candi- dates receiving a majority or a plurality of the votes cast be declared elected. Carried. Mayor Berg then read his valedictory and inaugural address, which follows: To the Members of the City Council: Gentlemen: This being the last meet- ing of the Council, I desire to congrat- ulate you upon the fact that you have all been spared to serve out your term. The administration I the City Gov- ernment has, been ;(long tpe same lines as in the past—in a desire to meet the varied needs of our people, to avoid clashing with them and to unite all elements of the community in one harmonious whole. Imprt:vements have been conducted with an eye not only to economy but to an in- telligent expenditure of the public funds in a manner calculated to secure the best results to the taxpayers. who are the in- terested parties. Commendation is due to every member of the Council and :ill the officers of the city for the excellent work done during the past two years. The reports of the various departments have been submitted to you. aril I would recommend that they he j :. :i=heel in pamphlet form. These reports i:i in- formation worthy Id your eo m. Indeed. all of our citizens should familiar- ize themselves with the revenues and ex- pcm-, s of the city and otherwise get all the ft formation they can of the affairs of their City Government. I believe the wool 'r.aldl it easier for th,se in author- ity. and bring; abort a better understand- ing between the people and the officers they have selected. I beg to return my sincere thanks to you, gentlemen. for the kind and court- eous treatment you have always accord- ed to me: and alp to all the city officers for the faithful •,•rformance of their du- ties in their n,-! iia pnsitior.s. To the meml, r> the new council I wish to say tlio It will be my earnest desire to co -open, r-ith you in every- thing fel' the bel:etit f Inc common good of all our citizens. I'i i of purl HA action shall always be : :111(1 I am sure we have II: : . „:-Is City at heart and I trust :ill assume our responsibilities with IL. -sincere pur- pose of guarding the wellai• -f this com- munity- to the best of our ability. I remain, Your humble servant. C. II. BERG. Dubuque, April 7th, 1901. Ald. Horr and all the other members of the old Council made remarks, express- ing their regret at the severing of the relations with the retiring members and speaking most pleasantly of the relations that had always existed between them. Mayor Berg then announced he was ready to take the oath of office, which was administered by City Attorney Barnes. • 93 The Mayor then called all the newly elected Aldermen before the desk of the City Recorder and tidministered to them the oath of office. The members are as follows: Ald.-at-Lange .longs of the l"iftli ward, re-elected. Ald.-at-I.argi Lyons t f the First ward. Ald. Mott. Clancy of the First ward. Ald. P. II. McLaughlin of the Second ward. Ald. ,John A. Stumpf of the Third ward .\ld. Hugh ('nuance, Sr.. of the Fourth ward. All, I;: E. Frith of the Fifth ward. Ald. Clancy then moved that Ald. Mc- Laughlin be appointed 3layor pro tem. Ald. Frith moved that his appointment he made by :Mein mu tion. Carried. The Mayor declared Ald. McLaughlin elected. The Mayor then announced the Com- mittee on Streets, to consist of five mem- bers, one alderman from each ward, Alds. Frith. Corrance, Stumpf, Mc- Laughlin and Clancy. Aid. McLaughlin moved that we now proceed to elect the appointive officers to be apointed during the pleasure of the Council. Carried. The Mayor appointed Aids. Lyons and Frith as tellers. MCI. McLaughlin nominated G. N. Raymond Suerintendent of Sprinkling. Ald. Corrance moved that G. N. Ray- mond be elected by acclamation. Car- ried. Ald. Clancy nominated Joseph Reinfrled for Chief of the Fire Department for the ensuing term. Ald. Frith moved that Joseph Reinfried he elected by acclamation. Carried. For City Electrician 1V -m. Hinman was nominated and his appointment made by acclamation. For Committee Clerk John W. Lawler was nominated and his appointment made icy acc;,tmation. For Marketmaster F. Hayes was elected on the first ballot. For Custodian of Washington Park 'I'. Cahill was elected on the first ballot. For Custodian of Jackson Park Henry 1 -lenge was elected on the first ballot. For Sidewalk Inspector I. ('onigisky was elected on the first ballot. For Poundmaster C. Bauman was ap- pointed by acclamation. 1 or \\'harfmaster C. W. Katz was ap- pointed by acclamation. For Engineer Steam Roller If. Flick and for Stoker of Steam Roller N. Frith, both appointments being made by accla- mation. For Sewer Foreman, Tom Hagerty was appointed by acclamation. For Garbage Dump, James McCormick was appointed by acclamation. For Fourth Street Dump J. Callaghan was appointed by acclamation. Ald. McLaughlin moved to adjourn un- L. d 9.1 Regular Session April 7, 1904. til April 21st, 1904. Carried. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Attest: • ••••••.. ...Recorder Approved.. `.190 y Mayor Regular Session April 21, 1904. 95 CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session, April 21st, 1904. (Official.) Council met at 8:30 o'clock P. M. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Jones, Lyons, McLaughlin and Stumpf. Absent—None. Ald. Corrance moved that the Council proceedings for the month of March be approved as printed. Carried. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. Petition of H. Haubner asking that he be appointed weighmaster of the City Scales located at Twenty-sixth and Coul- er Avenue. Ald. Frith moved to grant the petition. Carried. Petition of T. J. Donahue in relation to establishing a grade on Harrison Street from Jones to Dodge Streets, was on mo- tion of Aid. Clancy referred to the Street committee and City Engineer. Petition of Jos. Grigg et al., asking for the construction of a new sidewalk on Louisa Street from South Street north to Bennett Street. On motion was referred to the Street committee. Communication of the Telegraph -Herald requesting the Council to authorize the purchase of 20 copies of the new City Directory. On motion was referred to the commit- tee on Printing. Petition of Tom Collings et al., asking that a sanitary sewer be constructed in Booth Street from Dodge to Nevada Streets; thence north in Nevada Street to West Fifth Street. On motion was referred to the commit- tee on Sewers. Petition of Mrs. Jane McCloskey, ask- ing for the cancellation of her taxes on Lot 11, Cain's Sub. On motion was referred to the Delin- quent Tax committee. The following petitions were referred to the Board of Equalization: Petition of the Dubuque Brewing and Malting Company, asking that the CIty Treasurer be instructed to receive the city taxes for 1903 on the valuation of their plant and real estate in accordance with the Ordinance adopted June 1st, 1896. Also petition of A. A. Cooper, asking that the Treasurer be instructed to ac- cept taxes on lots 691. 700 and 721, the same as 1902, also that the Cooper Wagon Works Block he reduced to $5,000.00. Also petition of the W. D. Deckert Co., asking that their taxes on personal prop - erty be reduced from $12,000.00 to $3,500.00. Also petition of W. C. and Harriett P. Chamberlain, asking for the cancellation of $500.00 moneys and credits as levied for 1903. The following petitions were referred to the committee of the Whole: Petition of the Dubuque Typographical Union No. 22. asking for the donation of lots 1032 and 1033 in Linwood Cemetery for burial purposes. Also petition of the Morris -Johnson - Brown Mfg. Co., et al., asking that Ninth Street east to the water front be extended and opened. Also communication of F. B. Hoffman, Auditor, asking that some provision be made for the appointment of a deputy for the City Auditor's office. Also communication of J. H. Boyce, ask- ing for the appointments of the following assistants in the Engineer's office: E. Anderson, Assistant Engineer; G. G. White. Rodman, and E. W. Herron, As- sessment Clerk. Original Notice District Court and Claim of Rosa Smith claiming the sum of $3,000.00 as damages for an injury sus- tained by falling on defective sidewalk in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, Feb. 20th, 1904. On motion was referred to committee on Claims and City Attorney. Petition of Jno. Hestroffer et al., asking that the water mains be extended in Al- ley between 1Vhite and Jackson Streets from Rhomberg to Eagle Point Avenues. Also petition of Jno. Tibey et al, asking for the extension of water mains in Rush Street from present terminus of said main east to Villa Street. On motion both petitions were referred to the Board of Water Works Trustees. The following weighmasters were ap- pointed for the various scales: Thos. Faherty, First ward settles. Thos. Dona hue, Grandview Avenue scales. Robt. Hay, Eighth and White Street scales. Louise Pitschner, Fourth ward scales. Mrs. H. Deckert, Rhomberg Avenue and Windsor Avenue scales. H. Haubner, Twenty-sixth Street and Cooler Avenue scales. G. Pfiffner, Twenty-fifth and Jackson Street scales. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my pay roll for Libor on strtets in the different districts during the first Half of April, 1904. 96 Regular Session April 21, 1904. Amount due laborers on streets..$3750.30 Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Streets. Also submit my pay roll for labor on sewers during the first hlaf of April, 1904: Amount due laborers on Sewers ....$1G1.00 Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Streets. On motion the pay rolls for Streets and Sewers were received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay the various amounts and the pay rolls referred back to the proper committees. City Attorney Barnes reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—Attached hereto is a state- ment of the costs incurred by the City of Dubuque for witnesses and sheriff fees on subpoenaes in the case of Lottie A. Walker vs. City of Dubuque, the same amounting to $27.15. I recommend that a warrant be drawn in favor of the Mayor for said sum of $27.15 and that he be instructed to pay the same to the clerk of the district court and report his doings to the Coun- cil. Respectfully submitted, G. A. BARNES, City Attorney. Ald. Corrance moved that the report be received, and a warrant ordered drawn for $27.15 in favor of the Mayor as recom- mended. Carried. To the Honorable Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—Attached you will find statement of costs in case of Maria Louisa Thedinga vs. the City Council of the City of Dubuque. This was an ap- peal from the Board of Equalization to the District Court and on final hearing the court adjusted the assessment re- ferred to, and ordered each party to pay its own costs. The city's proportion of said cost is $9.30. I recommend that an order be drawn in favor of the Mayor for $9.20, and that he be instructed to pay said costs to the clerk of the District Court and to report his doings to the Council. Respectfully submitted, G. A. BARNES, City Attorney. Ald. Corrance moved that the report be received, and a warrant ordered drawn in favor of the Mayor for the above amount as recommended. Carried. To the Honorable Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The attached statement of costs In the case of J. C. Fitzpatrick vs. City of Dubuque et al. was referred to me on the 7th day of April, 1904, to as- certain whether or not the same was a legal liability against the City. I have investigated the same and find that the costs therein referred to were incurred in the amount stated in said statement, the case being an injunction proceeding to restrain said city from collecting a cer- tain special assessment levied against the property of plaintiff. A permanent in- junction was decreed against the city on the 5th day of March, 1897, defendant to pay the costs. I would recommend that a warrant be drawn for the sum of $53.15 in favor of the Mayor and that he be instructed to pay said costs to the clerk of the District Court and to report his doings back to the Council. Respectfully submitted, G. A. BARNES. Ald. Clancy moved that the report be received and a warrant ordered drawn in favor of the Mayor as recommended. Car- ried. City Recorder Arendt presented and read the printed notice of the Council's intention to construct a sanitary sewer In Alpine Street, from the center of Dodge Street to a point about one hundred and twenty-five feet south of the south line of Langworthy Avenue. No remonstrance being filed, the Mayor asked If any one present objected to said sanitary sewer. No objection being stated, the notice on motion was received and filed. Sidewalk Inspector Crawford reported as follows: On account of erroneous assessment, I ask for the cancellation of the following assessments: Date of Levy— Oct. 1st, 1903—Chas. J. and Otto Spahn, Sub. 1 of W. %, L. H. Lang - worthy's Add, Lot 1 $ .55 Jan. 21st, 1904—Henry Dreazy, Burden- Lawther Add., Lot 131 .50 Jan. 21st, 1904—G. W. Davis, Glendale Add., Lot 10 .75 Total $1.80 Respectfully submitted, ADAM CRAWFORD, Sidewalk Inspector. Ald. Frith moved that the report be re- ceived and the Treasurer be instructed to cancel said assessment. Carried. City Recorder Arendt presented the fol- lowing: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil: Gentlemen: I hereby appoint Wm. A. Kaep as Assistant City Recorder for the ensuing term, subject to the approval of your Honorable Body. Respectfully submitted, C. F. AREINDT, City Recorder. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the rec- ommendation be approved. Carried. • Regular Session April 21, 1904. City Attorney -elect Nintzinger presented the following: '1'o the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil: Gentlemen: I hereby appoint J. C. Lon- gueville as Assistant City Attorney during my ensuing term cf office. subject to the approval of your Honorable Body. Respectfully submitted, J. W. KINTZINGER, City Attorney. Ald. Frith moved that the recommen- dation be approved. Ald. McLaughlin moved a substitute to refer the same to the committee of the Whole. Ald. Frith withdrew his motion. The motion of AId. McLaughlin was then car- ried. His Honor, Mayor Berg, reported as follows: Gentlemen:—At the last session of your Honorable Body you adopted the report of the City Attorney in relation to the case of LaTourelle vs. City of Dubuque, wherein he recommended that a warrant in the sum of $613.50 he ordered drawn in favor of the Mayor to settle the judgment. court costs and interest in said case. In accordance with your action, the warrant was drawn on the City Treasurer and paid by me to M. J. Mulgrew, Clerk of the District Court, whose receipt there- for is hereto attached. You also, at the same session, adopted the recommendation of the Committee on Claims, that the case of Pierce vs. City of Dubuque be settled by paying to the plaintiff the sum of $450.00, and also paying the costs of the court, and or• dered that a warrant In said sum he drawn on the treasury in favor of the Mayor, to be paid over to the plaintiff upon her signing a receipt therefor and releasing the City of Dubuque from all further liability to her. In accordance with this recomn endation, a warrant in the above sum was drawn and paid by me to the attorneys for said plaintiff, whose receipt therefor is hereto attach- ed, as is also the receipt for 80c, sheriff's fees in this case, which were paid by me. Respectfully submitted, C. H. BERG, Mayor. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the report be approved, and that a warrant for 80c be drawn in favor of the Mayor. Car- ried. The Mayor stated that he was now ready to announce the standing commit- tees for the ensuing year. Ald. Clancy moved that the two alder- men -at -large be added to the Board of Equalization. Carried. The Mayor then announced the Commit- tees as follows: Committee of the Whole, Mayor Pr) Tem McLaughlin, chairman. Finance—Corrance, Jones, Lyons. Ordinance—Lyons, Jones, Frith. Claims—Corrance, McLaughlin, Clancy. 97 Streets—Frith, Corrance, Stumpf, Mc- Laughlin, Clancy. Sprinkling—McLaughlin, Clancy, Frith. Harbors—Clancy, Jones, Lyons. Supplies—Lyons, Corrance, Frith. MarketsStumpf, Corrance, Jones. Public Grounds and Buildings—Jones, McLaughlin, Clancy. Fire—Clancy, Jones, Corrance. Police and Light—McLaughlin, Jones, Corrance. Printing—Jones, Clancy, Corrance. Delinquent Tax—Stumpf, Lyons, Jones. Sewers—Lyons, Corrance, Stumpf. Electrical Construction—Frith, Lyons, Stumpf. Board of Equalization—Jones, chair- man, and all the aldermen. Board of Health—Lyons. Jones, Geo. Salot, O. M. Ruete; C. H. Berg, chairman. Ald. Clancy moved that the Mayor act with the Finance Committee. Carried. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMIT- TEES. Ald. Lyons, chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented and read an Ordi- nance providing for the appointment of an Inspector of Wood, and regulating the sale of wood for fuel in the City of Du- buque. and repealing chapter XXI. of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the read- ing just had be considered its first read- ing. Carried. The Ordinance was then laid over un- der the rules until the next meeting of the Council. Ald. Lyons also presented and read art Ordinance to provide for the appointment of a. Street Commissioner, defining his duties, and fixing the salary of such of- ficer. Ald. Lyons moved that the reading just had be considered its first reading. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Lyons, McLaughlin and Stumpf. Total, 4. Nays—Aids. Corrance, Frith and Jones. Total, 3. The Ordinance was then laid over un- der the rules until the next meeting of the Council. The Mayor reported that, according to the instruction of the Council, he had made a settlement with Mr. R. F. Cur- ran in relation to the back salary, claim- ed by Mr. Curran for the winter months during his term of office as harbormaster, the amount agreed upon being $160.00. Ald. Clancy moved that the report be received and a warrant ordered drawn for the above amount in favor of R. F. Curran. Carried unanimously. Ald. Frith, chairman of the Committee on Streets, reported as follows: Your Committee on Streets, to whom were referred the plat and deed of vaca- tion of Lot 2 of part of outlot 735, said 98 Regular Session April 21, 1904. vacation being made jointly by William A. Hackett and the City of Dubuque for the purpose of replatting said lot and simplifying the description of its sub- divisions, would recommend that said plat be approved and that the Recorder be instructed to secure the necessary signatures to the plat and deed and have the same placed on record. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report. Carried. Ald. Stumpf, Chairman of the Commit- tee on Markets, reported as follows: Your Committee on Markets would re- spectfully recommend that the contract at present existing between the City and Larry Daily for cleaning around the City Hall and hauling the ashes therefrom for the sum of $14.00 per month be extended during the pleasure of the council and that Mrs. Koenig be retained as janitress under the same conditions as to tenure of office. We went(' further recommend that the matter of furnishing Ice for the City Hall during the earning season and the mat- ter of securing extra help at the City Hall during the house-cleaning season be referred to this committee with power. Ald. Stumpf moved to adopt the report. Carried. Ald. Lyons, Chairman of the Commit- tee on Sewers, reported as follows: Your Committee on Sewers. to whom was referred the petition of John Meyer et al, asking that a sanitary sewer be constructed in White Street between Eagle Point Avenue and Sanford Street, would recommend that the prayer of the petitioners he granted and that the pre- liminary resolution be presented to the City Council for adoption. Ald. Lyons moved to adopt the report. Carried. Aad. McLaughlin, Chairman of the Committee of the Whole, reported as fol- lows: Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the ordinance providing for the appointment of an inspector of woos and regulating the sale of wood for fuel in the City of Dubuque, and repealing Chapter XXI. of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Dubuque of 1901. would respectfully recommend the adoption of said ordinance as amended by your com- mittee. Alsoyour committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of John Decry, asking that the name of Clark Street in Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's Addition be changed because said name is duplicated in another part of the city, beg to report that this change has been made some years ago and would therefore recommend that said petition be received and filed. Ald. McLaughlin moved to adopt the re- ports of the committee of the Whole. Car- ried. The following bonds of the elective and appointive officers were presented and approved: C. F. Arendt, City Recorder. James H. Boyce. City Engineer. Frank H. Hoffman. City Auditor. J. W. Kintzinger. City Attorney. J. R. Reinfried, Chief Fire Department, F. P. Hayes, Marketmaster. Isadore Conigisky, Sidewalk Inspector. C. W. Katz. Wharfmaster, Mayor Berg then administered the oath of office to the above named officers and also to the following: J. W. Lawler, Committee Clerk. Chas. Bauman. Poundmaster. Thos. Cahill. Park Custodian. Washing- ton Park. H. Henge. Park Custodian, Jackson Park. Thos. Faherty, Custodian Phoenix Park and Weighmaster First Ward Scales. All the above to assume their office May 1st, 1904. The Mayor then appointed Thos. Reilly Chief of Police for the ensuing term, which was unanimously approved by the Council. RESOLI'TIONS Alderman Lyons offered the following: Be it resolved by the City Couneil of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to construct a sanitary sewer in White Street and it is hereby proposed to construct a sanitary sewer in said White Street. as follows. to -wit: An eight inch tile pipe sewer, from Eagle Point Avenue to Sanford Street, and to assess the cost of said sewer against the abutting property. Adopted by the fallowing vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance. Frith. Jones, Lyons, McLaughlin and Stumpf- Nays—None. Ald. Lyons offered the following: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City En- gineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat and specifications for an eight inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in White Street, from Eagle Point Avenue to Sanford Street, showing the location and general nature of said improvement. the extent thereof, the size and kind of material to be used, and to prepare an estimate of the cost thereof and the amount assessable upon lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting thereon per front foot or square foot in area, and to file such plat, specifications and estimate in the office of the City Recorder. That after such plat is filed, the City Recorder shall cause to be published no- tice of the Council to make such improve- ment, which notice shall be published in three consecutive issues of the official newspaper of the City of Dubuque, stat- ing that such plat is on file and general- ly the nature of the sewer, its location. size and kinds of material to be used, and Regular Session April 21, 1904. 99 the estimate of its cost, and fixing the time before which objections can he filed, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of said no- tice, and after the completion of the pub- lication of such notice, he shall at its next session, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Jones, Lyons, McLaughlin and Stumpf. Nays—None. Alderman McLaughlin offered the fol- lowing: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the resolution adopted at the last session of the City Council providing for the vacation of Charter Street from the east line of the railroad tracks to the Levee be and the same is hereby rescinded. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Jones, Lyons, McLaughlin and Stumpf. Nays—None. Aid. Lyons also offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sanitary sewer of eight -inch tile pipe be con- structed in Alpine Street from center of Dodge Street to a point one hundred twenty-five feet south of the south line of Langworthy Avenue, according to the plat and specifications of said sewer pre- pared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and be it further resolved, that said sewer shall be completed on or before the 1st day of July, 1904, and shall be paid for at the time and in the manner prescribed by Chapter 34 of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque for the pay- ment of the cost of constructing sewers. The proposals for doing such work will be acted upon by the Council cn the 5th day of May, 1904, and the City Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication, asking for proposals as provided by ordinance. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Jones, Lyons, McLaughlin and Stumpf. Nays—None. Ald. McLaughlin also offered the fol- lowing, which was adopted: Whereas, Thomas J. Mulgrew has filed his petition asking for the vacation of Charter Street from the Levee to the east line of Water Street and from the west line of Water Street to the east line of Lot 1, of Block 18 and Lot 1 of Block 15, in Dubuque Harbor Company's Addition and represents that he is the owner of all the land abutting the part of said street so asked to be vacated; now therefore Resolved, That the City Engineer be directed to make a survey and plat of that part of Charter Street proposed to be va- cated to be flied in said EngIneer's office subject to public inspection and to give the notices required by ordinance to all owners of property abutting said ground proposed to be so vacated and to publish the notice required by ordinance of said proposed vacation. Aid. McLaughlin also offered the follow- ing: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the 1111011 Electric Company be instructed to install an electric lamp on Hill Street at the in- tersection of Alley first of Caledonia Place and also on West Fifth Street at a point about one hundred feet east of Prospect Street. On motion was referred to the commit- tee of the \\'hole. Aid. Frith offered the following, which was adopted: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City En- gineer be and he is hereby instructed to prepare plans and specifications show- ing the most feasible manner for improv- ing I{auffmann Avenue from Couier Ave- nue to a point about two hundred feet west of Cushing Place. Ald. Stumpf offered the following, which was adopted: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That til,. City Engineer he and he is hereby hist' tick to pre- pare plans and specifications fur a storm water sewer in Washington Street from Eighteenth Street to Nineteenth Street and to submit the same to the City Coun- cil at its next session. id. Corrance offered the following: \Whereas, Morrison -Johnson -Brown Mfg. Co., and others, all residents and tax- payeas of the City of Dubuque have duly petitioned for the opening and extension of Ninth Street easterly to the water front; and Whereas, the City Council deems it ad- visable to open and extend said Ninth Street easterly to the water front; Therefore be it resolved that the City Engineer make a survey and plat of such proposed streets, showing the land through and over which the same is pro- posed to be made, the names of the own- ers thereof, and the quantity of land proposed to be taken. When completed such plat shall be filed in the City Engi- neer's office and subject to public inspec- tion, after which the City Engineer shall give notice to all owners of the land through and over which such street is proposed to be opened and extended as provided by the Ordinances of the City of Dubuque. On motion of Ald. Corrance the resolu- tion was adopted. Ald. McLaughlin moved to adjourn un- til May 6th, 1904. Carried. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Recorder Attest: Apprty d... . 190iV . . Mayor 100 List of Warrants LIST OF CITY WARRANTS. City Reconb Office, Dubuque. Moria 1, 1904. To the Honorable May, a ..I city Council of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The following is a com- plete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of March. 1904: Labor on Streets in the different Road Districts during the first half of March. 1904: FIRST DISTRICT. Jos. l;r nill,tte, labor John. Burns. Libor W. c',':'ghlan. labor ,llahan, foreman J•„.n. labor • -I. foreman I I ,a. labor bo. in. labor t a Glass, labor 11, ! Kock, labor \i rr in Lonergan, labor A. W. Miller, labor c l o. Aleore labor John McNulty. labor Char. McDonald, labor W. O'Brien, foreman \V. Quinlan, labor James Ryan. labor Jos. Rooney. driver Nick Sweeney. labor John Spear, la 1301• John \':11.111/111'. labor C. A. White, labor Josh Calvert, team J. J. McCollins. team Geo. Reynolds. team Ed. Seob y. team SECOND DISTRICT Ant. Bolein, labor $ 6 75 Chris. Buelow, labor 1 ,;- John Corbett, labor 6 4 John Engels, labor 3 75 Jos. Eberhardt, labor 13 _o W. Foley, labor 9 45 Jos. Grab, labor 205 Jos. Guenther, labor 2 05 Peter Guenther, labor 2 05 C. Gantenbein, foreman 20 00 Geo. J. Hahn, foreman 20 00 John Heil, carpenter 22 50 Nic Kettenhofen, labor 610 Jale Kraus, labor 10 50 H. Lembke, labor 9 80 Rob. Mack, labor 810 Tom Malloy, labor 2 40 John Pfeiffer, labor 2 05 Jake Perrion, labor Nic Pinsch, labor 2 5 076 Chris. Scholl, labor 4 75 Frank Scherr, labor 240 Jos. Schafetel, labor Lawrence Trost, labor 0 2 40 Frank Burns, team.....,..... Albert Conrad, t ”"' 0 00 team80 THIRD DISTRICT. Paul Becker, labor......... H. Cosgrove, driver $ Chas, Gruenzig. laborJames Hird, labor $ 7 so 1 : 10 'in _o fill ,., 9 45 6 75 2 05 8 80 4 75 9 45 6 45 3 40 S 111 20 en ;n 35 20 00 8 80 4 40 2 70 2.70 1 80 3 60 5 80 1 80 10 15 20 00 2 05 8 80 John Beast, labor 5 40 R. Love. labor 2 70 Pat McPoland, labor 4 75 J. O'Halloran, labor 5 40 John Parker, labor 2 05 Jas. Smith, labor 810 IV. Wearmouth, foreman 20 00 C. A. White. labor 1 35 3 GO half of .James• 'Tobin. team LainIr on S.'wers for the first March. 39.04: P. Cusserly labor 20 00 J. Corcoran. labor 20 80 R. '1'. Eddy. foreman 25 00 R. A. Fuller. labor 20 SO F. 11nhn, ekcr, labor _"0 SO P. Kenne;iII , lobos 00 80 P. Sage. h,l;oi "0 SO Landon 'Taylor. Labor 20 80 F. Hardie, transcript of ti st imony in case of Cath. Sheridan vs. City. 94 00 J. L. McCabe. transcript of testi- ninny in case of Florence Farrell vs. City 325 00 J. L. McCabe. transcript of testi- mony in case of Cath. Sheridan vs. City S 75 Schroeder -Kleine Grocer Co., salt for Road department Phil. Pier• wood for Road depart- ment Standard Lurnber Co., lumber for Road department 93 05 \V. Boutin, sand for Road depart- ment .... 2 25 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Road department 2 35 Lear & Rush, horse shoeing for Road department 4 05 Smedley Steam Pump Co., casting for Road department 6 00 P. Clancy Est., hauling sprinkling wagons to J. Neuman & Son's shops .... 5 50 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of all warrants is- sued by me during the month of March, 1904. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. G 90 6 00 • AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE prohibiting the throw- ing, casting or sweeping of nails or broken glass on any street, sidewalk or alley and prohibiting the throwing or casting of bottles or tinware upon the same. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. No person shall throw, cast or sweep any nail or nails or broken glass or throw or cast any bottle or bot- tles or any tinware of any kind or de- scription upon any sidewalk, street or al- ley in the City of Dubuque. Section 2. Any person violating Section One hereof shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall he fined not less than one dollar nor more than five dollars, or be confined In the county Jail until such fine, including costs of prosecution have been paid, not exceed- ing thirty days. Section 3. This Ordinance to be in force and take effect from and after its passage Official Notices and puolicaticn one time in the Dubuque Globe -Journal newspaper. Adopted December 17th. 1903. Approved December 21st. 1903. C. 11. BERG. A[ayor, Attest: C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Published officially iii the Evening Globe -Journal. Ap: it 11th. 1904. C. P. ARENDT, 4 -15 -It City Reeerthr. NOTICE. OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTENTION TO CONSTRUCT A N I'I'.\ RI SEWER IN ALPINE STTRE111'. t'ItDM THE CENTER OF DODUl- STREET TO A POINT ABOI'T ONE lil'NUR ED AND TWENTY-FIVE FEET ;;!)t'i'lt OF THE SOUI'1i LINE OF LANG - WORTHY AV EN I' E. To All Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby noti- fied that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque to con. street an S -inch Tile Pipe Sanitary Sewer in Alpine Street from the center of Dodge Street to a point about one hundred and twenty-five feet south of the south hue of Langworthy Avenue. That a plat and specifications of said proposed Sewer is now on file in the Office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said Sewer will be 925 lineal feet in length, including 3 Manholes, and wi:1. cost the abutting property owners $955.00 in total. Any person having objections to the construction of said Sanitary Sewer are hereby notified to appear before the City Council at its regular session April 21st, 1904, or to file in writing with the City Recorder their objections on or before April 21st, 1904. Dated at Dubuque, April 11th, 1904. C. F. ARENDT, 4-11-10t. City Recorder. NOTICE IN RELATION TO CLEANING ALLEYS. Section 34 of the Ordinance in relation to Offenses and Penalties reads as fol- lows: No person shall cast or leave exposed in any street, alley, lot, common, or wat- er course within the city, the carcass of any animal, or any putrid or unsound meat, fish. o rother substance, or make, use, keep, or permit in his, her or their dwelling house, shop, store, factory, out- house, cellar, yard, lot, or any other place within the city, any noisome or of- fensive liquid, or substance injurious to the health of the citizens, or any annoy- ance to the neighborhood, or throw any filth, manure, offal, or other offensive matter, in any street, alley, lot, or water course in the city, and any person who shall refuse or neglect to remove, on be- ing duly notified by the city any such offensive substance made, used or kept by such person, shall be subject to a fine of not less than one dollar nor more than twenty dollars, and be imprisoned until such line and costs are paid, not exceed- ing thirty days. In accordance with the foregoing sec- tion, you are hereby notified to remove all filth, ashes, rubbish, etc., from the alley in rear of your premises within rive days fro mdate of this notice or you will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. 101 Ly order r'oinmittce of the Whole. Dated April 13th 1904. BERG, Mayor. 4 -13 -St. --- NOTICE TO CON'I'Il-\fa'i't ----- City Recorder's Office, April 12, 1901. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 7:30 p. m., Thursday. April 21. 1904, for the construction of a retain- ing wall on West Eleventh street and Race street. abutting Lot N,,, 1:;, cum_ mins' sub -division. Th, , \t4 i.t work as follows: Engineer's , "I' the euhic ;rrd-. ' :Inl' le. be I:ard. s must state the price per cubic. yard. A certified check for $10.00 must ac- company each bid as a guarantee that the contract will be entered into it awarded. Blanks for bidders will be furnished by the City Recorder. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. 4 -13 -St. C. F. AREND'1'. City Recorder. NOTICE TO GARBAGE CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will Le received at the office of the City Recorder up to 4 o'clock p. m.. May 2nd, 1904, for the removal of garbage and dead animals for the season of 1904, in the districts herein below des- ignated, all of said garbage to be hauled and dumped at the City dump, at the foot of Railroad Avenue, into the Mis- sissippi river, First District—All the territory south of Eighth Street and Julien Avenue. Second District—All territory lying be- tween Eighth Street and Julien Avenue and Seventeenth Street and \Vest Seven- teenth Street. Third District --.\1l territory lying north of Seventeenth and \Vest Seventeenth Streets. Garbage must be removed Open a day in the down town districts and twice a week on the Bluffs. during the month,. of May, June, July and October; :i11.1 once a day in the down town dist•ieis :aid three times a week on the Bluffs dur- ing the months of August and September. Bidders must state the price per day for removing' in each district. and the price per day in the entire City. A certified check of $50.00 on some Du- buque bank must accompany each bid as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. The City reserves the right to reject ally and all bids. C. F. ARENDT, 1-225-7. City Recorder. N OTIC E. OF 771E CI'T'Y r'rrl"\OIL'S INTENTION TO CONS'I'i:I'CI' A SANITARY Si.IVIER iN \\'lIl'l'C S'T'REET FROM l-:AGLE l'(IN'I' .\VENT:E TO SAN - FORD STREET. To All Whom It \lay Concern: You and each of you are hereby notified that it is the intention of the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque to construct ar, S -inch Tile Pipe Sanitary Sewer in White Street from Eagle Point Avenue to San- ford Street. That a Plat and Specifications of said proposed sewer is now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that it will require 980 lineal feet of 8 -inch tile pipe with 4 manholes, and will cost the abutting property owners $825.00 in total. 102 Official Notices. Any persons having objection to the construction of said sanitary sewer are hereby notified to appear before the City Council at its regular session May 5th. 1904, or to file in writing with the City Recorder their objccticus on or before May 0th, 1904. Dated at Dubuque. April 25th, 1904. C. F. ARENDT, 4-25-10t. City Recorder. NOTICE TO SEWEI: CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Recorder until 7:30 o'clock p. m.. Thursday, May 5th, 1904, for the construction of an S -inch Til: Pipe Sanitary Sewer in Alpine Street, from the center of Dodge Street, to a point one hundred and twenty-five feet south of the south line of Langworthy Avenue. according to the plans and spec- ifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that it will require 225 lineal feet of 8 -inch Tile Pipe and 3 manholes. The work to be paid for when said work is completed and accepted by the City Council, the same to be completed on or before the 1st day of July, 1904. Bidder must state price per lineal foot for Tile Pipe, and each manhole. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check for $50.00 on some Dubuque Bank, as a guarantee that a contract will he en- tered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, April 25th, 1904. C. F. ARENDT, 4-25-10t. City Recorder. SPECIAL ASSESSMEN1 :NOTICE. To All Who Are Named Below: You are hereby nt.tified that in accordance with an ordinance of the City of Dubuque for repairing sidewalks during the months of February and March, 1903, that a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the regular meeting of the City Council upon all lots and parcels of land subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meet- ing of the Council to be held on the 6th day of May, A. D. 1904, and show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied: 1904. Owner. Description. Feb. 12—Wm. McGrath Est., Sub. Min. Lot 93B, Lot 1. 23 ft. lumber, 45c; 1 hour labor. 25c $ 70 Feb. 15—R. and E. Langworthy Est, Glendale Add., Lots 224-225, 18 ft lumber, 35c; % hour labor, 25c 60 Feb. 17—Anna M. Bush, City E. 109 ft. Lot 540, 20 ft. lumber, 40c; 1 hour labor. 25c 65 Feb. 17—Valentine Schiel, Sub. 196 and 197, L. H. Langworthy's Add., Lot 10, 10 ft. lumber, 20c; % hour labor, 25c 45 Feb. 23—A. F. and B. D. Heeb, Marsh's Add, Lot 22, 20 ft. lumber, 40c; % hour labor, 25c 65 March 4—Eliz. Hocking, Finley's Add., Lot 160, 7 ft. lumber, 15c; % hour labor, 25c 40 March 4—Emma Alden, A. McDan- iels' Sub., Lot 762, 16 ft. lumber, 30c.... 80 March 5—A. L. Trilk, Sub of 145, L. H. Langworthy's Add., Lot 1, 7 ft. lumber, 15c; rk hour labor, 25c.... 40 March 8—C. M. Buettell's Est., Ellen Blake's Sub., Lots 1-2, 12 ft. lum- bs r. 25c; % hour labor. 25c March 8—Ambrose Leiser, W'ood- lawn Park, Lot 101, 10 ft. lumber, Zoe; % hour labor, 25c 45 March 8—A. J. Lembeck et al, \','oodlawn Park, Lot 97, 20 ft lumber, 40c; % hour labor. 25c March 8—Mariam E. Griffin. Mt Pleasant Add., S. 99 ft., Lot 26. 10 ft. lumber. 20c: 14 hour label*, 25c45 March S—A'. H. Doane, Sub. 12 of Min. Lot 172, Lots 2-3. S ft. lumber, 15c; % hour labor. 25c March 11—German Presbyterian Col- lege. Sub. City 675. Lot 7, 8 ft. lum- ber, 15c; % hour labor. 25c 40 March 22—E. and If. Callihan. Sob 2, Min. Lot 63 and pt. Lot 09. Un- ion Add.. Lots 1-2, 52 ft. lumber, $1.05; 1 hour labor, 50c 1 55 March 26—Valentine Schiel. Sab. 190 and 197, L. H. Lagworthy's Add Lot 10, 5 ft. lumber. loe; % hour la- bor. 25c March 26—Jan, I, Sanford'.s Sub E. 40 ft., Lot 2. 13 ft. lumber. 25c; 1, hour labor. The 50 March 26—Elizabeth Nicks Est., Glendale Add., Lot 216. S ft. lum- ber. 15e: 1,_ hour labor. 25c 40 March 8—\\'m. and F. A. Coates, City N. 2-5. Lot 436. 30 ft. lumber, 60c; ,, hour labor. 25c S5 March 28—Elizabeth Brandt. East Dubuque Arid.. S. 31.2 ft.. ho; 1_ 56 ft. lumber. $1.10 1 10 March 28—Louisa Schenk, Davis Farm Add„ Lot 2S7, 19 ft. lumber, 40c; 14 hour labor, 25c 65 March 29—John Blake Est., Ellen Blake's Sub.. Lot 7, 27 ft. lumber, 55c; 1 hour labor. 25e 80 March 29—J. H. Rhomherg, L. H Langworthy's Add.. Lot 181, 6 ft lumber, 10c; 1 hour labor, 25c 35 March 30—Jno. M. Zeigler. Glendale Add., Lot 36, 5 ft. lumber, 10c; 1,4 hour labor. 25c 35 March 30—R. M. Kunz, Glendale Add.. Lot 60, 5 ft. lumber. 10c: 1/ hour labor, 25c 35 March 30—F. Hemmer, Glendale Add., Lot 43, 5 ft. lumber, 10c; % hour labor, 25c 35 March 31—Al. Matthews, Sub. City 738, Lot 6. 27 ft. lumber. 55c; l hour labor. 25c 80 March 31—Catholic University of Washington et al., Levens' Add., Lot 1, 16 ft. lumber, 30c; 1A hour labor, 25c 55 4-,,^,6-lOt C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. 50 65 40 35 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. AN ORDINANCE. An Ordinance Establishing Road Districts and Defining Their Limits: Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That the City of Dubuque be divided into three Road Districts, for the purpose of cleaning. sprinkling and repairing the streets of said City in ac- cordance with Section 970 of the Code cf 1897. Section 2. All that portion of the City of Dubuque which lies south of the fol- lowing described lines, to -wit: Com- mencing on the west at the City Limits. at the boundary line between the First and Fourth wards; thence easterly along Official Notices said ward boundary line to the center of Grandview Avenue; thence northerly along the north boundary between the Fourth and the Second wards to the east side of Bluff Street; thence southerly to the north side of Bluff and Sixth Streets; thence easterly to the west side of Iowa and Sixth Streets; Ihence northerly to the north side of Seventh and Iowa Streets; thence easterly to the cast line of City Lot 510; thence along the old cor- poration line to the center of Eighth Street; thence ';asterI along the ward boundary line between the Second and Third wards to the center of the channel of the Mississippi River. shall he, and constitute the First itoaol District of the City of Dubuque. Section 3. All of that part of said City lying north and e;,' l of the following lines, to -wit: Commencing on the east at the center of the Alain Channel of the Mississippi River on the boundary line between the Second and Third wards; thence westerly along said line to the old corporation line: thence southerly along the east line of City Lot Geo In the north side of Seventh Street; thence west- erly to the west side of Seventh and Iowa Streets; thence southerly to the north side of Sixth Street: thence westerly to the east side of Bluff Street: thence northerly to the center of Eighth Street: thence easterly to the east side of alley between Main and Locust Streets: thence northerly to the south side of Tenth Street; thence easterly to the center of Main Street; thence oorttally along the boundary line between the Third and Fourth wards, to the old corporation line and being the south boundary line of the Fifth ward: thence westerly along the ward boundary line between the Fifth and Fourth wards to the City Limits; shall be, and constitute the Second Road District of the City of Dubuque. Section 4. The Third Road District of the City of Dubuque shall comprise all the property within the Limits of the City, not embraced in the First and Sec- ond Districts as .le:erihed in sections two and three thereof. Section 5. At the time of making the annual appropriaticns in each year: the Council shall determine the amount to he c xp,•nded in each of said Road Districts for the purpose of sprinkling. cle;tning and ret .(irir t the streets. ,t1leys and lath - lie places in each of said districts: whi•eh appropriation shall not he in , xeess Of the proceeds of a tax of two mills on the dollar on the taxable value of the prop- erty included in said district, in addition to the poll tax of residents of said dis- tricts and the road tax on lands not liable for ordinary city taxes. Section G. The poll tax of residents of each district shall lie paid into proper road district fund, and when paid in la- bor shall he worked in such district, and so far as practicable. all the work of cleaning, sprinkling and repairing the streets in any district shall he performed by residents of the district. Section 7. This Ordinance is to be in 103 force and take effect from and after its passage and puhlieati nt one time in the Dubuque Daily Globe -Journal newspaper. Adopted February'29th, 1904. Approved March 4th. 1904. C. II. BERG. Mayor. Attest: C. F. ARENDT. City Recorder. Published officially in the Evening Globe -Journal March 111th. 1904. C. F. ARENDT. 3-26-1t City Recorder. OFFICIAL Pl'RLIt'ATION. AN ORDINANCE. An Ordinance for the Vacation of the Al- ley in Block :. Dultuque Harbor Im- provement Company's Addition and ;also Tower Street from the Northerly Line of the Aforesaid Alley to the Northerly Line of AS'all St eel. Whereas. The Dubuque Star Brewing Co., a corporation organized under . the laws of Iowa. has petitioned the City Council of the City of Dubuque for the vacation of the Alley in Block 5, Bo - Harbor improvement Company's Addition, and also 'Tower Street from the northerly line of tho ;aforesaid alley to the northerly line of \\';all Street; and. Whereas. The Dubuque Stat' Brewing Company is the owner in fee simple of the real estate hounding or abutting the street and ;alley alLuco designated; and, Whereas. Notice of the application of the said Dnhnque Star Itrewing Company for said vocation has heen published for ten day:, in the olliciaf paper of the city; and, Whereas. It appears that no valid ob- jections have been made to said applica- tion for said vacation, and said above de- scribed Street and Alley are not required for Street or Alloy purposes; therefore, Be Tt Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That the Alley in Block 5. Dubuque ITarhor improvement Company's Addition. and also 'Power Street from the northerly line of the aforesaid Alley to the northerly line of Wall Street. tie. and the same are hereby vacated and annulled and the permanent use thereof is hereby granted to the Dubuque Star Brewing Company, its successors ;and assigns, as a part of the ground to lie used and occu- pied by said brewery. Section 2. The Dubuque Star Brewing Comlaairy ;agrees to fill said Street and Al- ley to grade within three years from the date of the adoption of this ordinance. A failure so to do will render this ordiiuuace null and void. Section 3. This ordinance shall he in force ami take effect from and :after its passage and publication one time in the Dubuque Daily Glohc-Journal newspaper. Adopted February 18th, 1904. Appt'oved hehrtincv 22(1. 1904. C. H. BERG. Mayor. Attest: t'. F. ARiND'I'. City Recorder. Published officially in the Evening Glut March 2Gth, 1904. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. -2l-1t II t Regular Session May 5, 1904. CITY COUNCIL. 1115 Regular Session May 5th. 1904. (Official). Council met at 8:20 o'clock P. M. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Alds. Clancy, Frith. Jones, Lyons. McLaughlin and Stumpf. Absent—Ald. Corrance. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the Coun- cil proceedings for the month of April be approved as printed. Carried. BILLS. The following bills were ordered paid: H. J. Tropf, board of prisoners for April $ 11 20 Kelly's bookstore, stationery and supplies for election 27 60 Kelly's bookstore, stationery and supplies for registration 13 75 Kelly's bookstore, stationery and supplies for various offices 15 75 Kelly's bookstore. stationery and supplies for Recorder's office 10 25 -Smith-Morgan Prtg. Co.. 17,250 elec- tion ballots and envelopes 115 00 W. McLaughlin, hauling at Jackson Park 100 Mullen Bros., plumbing at City Hall 5 95 A. R. Staufenbeil, repairing clock at City Hall i5 Klauer & Kress, supplies for City Hall H. Wunderlich, supplies for Audi- tor's office 100 Dub. Cabinet Mkrs. Assn. repairing chairs for Mayor's office, Engi- neer's, Police and Fire Depts Dub. Rubber & Belting Co., hose for steam roller Stafford Stamp Works, supplies for Auditor's office Metal Stamping C'o., dog and team license tags Phil Pier, hard coal for City Hall Key City Gas Co., gas for various departments J. W. Halpin. qualifying judges and clerks for city election Kelly's bookstore, stationery and supplies for city election Standard Oil Co., oil for Road De- partment 'Chas. Matz, repairs for Road De- partment .Jno. Kane, rock for Road Depart- ment Tibey Bros., rock for Road Depart- ment Wm. Marshall, repairs for rock crusher Wm. Marshall, repairs for steam roller Klauer & Kress, hardware for Road Department Standard Oil Co., oil for rock crusher F. Flchloz & Son, repairs for Road Department 1 85 325 925 70 53 85 2330 88 00 1 00 18 65 3 70 1 45 24 50 6 00 1 25 6 25 2 15 2 63 1 30 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for rock crusher D. McGrath, rock for rock crusher50 00 Pape & Jacquinot, supplies for rock crusher Gus L ear, horse shoeing for Road Department 'Waterworks rks Trustees. repairs Lu• Road Department Linehan & Molo, white waste for steam roller P. Pier, coal for rock crusher and steam roller H. Magdal. Hue.; for Road Depart- ment Little, Becker & Co.. lanterns fur Road Department Jno. Butt, repairs for Road Depart- ment J. Straney, twenty-six days' labor at garbage dump 3510 Key City Roofing Co., sewer pipe for Road Department P. Hanson, oils and candles for steam roller 75 G. Ragatz, repairs for steam roller715 G. Ragatz, repairs for rock crusher2 40 Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse shoeing for Fire Department 7 00 Lagen & Sloan, horse shoeing for Fire Department 5 50 Gus Lear, horse shoeing for Fire Department 1 00 Collings & Pflffner, horse shoeing for Fire Department R 00 H. J. Hagerty, veterinary services for Fire and Pclice Departments21 15 C. A. Noyes, shades for Central En- gine house 19 90 P. J. Seippel, lumber for Central Engine house 14 30 M Stafford, bran for Fire Depart - 8 f5 Klauer & Kress, hardware for Fire Department 25 J. Butt, repairs for Fire Department 1 20 T. F. Kane. hay and oats for Fire Department S4 55 G. Ragatz & Son, repairs for Fire Department 20 35 Mettel Bros.. straw and bran for Fire Department 2 50 L. Lindenberg. hardware for Fire Department 1:; 85 Ellwanger Bros.. repairing harness for Fire Department 15 90 F. Zehetner, repairs for Fire De- partment 2 80 McDonald & Morrison Mfg. Co, supplies for Fire Department T. H. Clark. drugs and supplies for Fire Department 20 00 Carr, Ryder & Adams Co., one-half cord of edgings for Fire Depart- ment Mullen Bros.. plumbing at Central Engine house 1 90 J. Newman & Son, repairs for Fire 2 60 Department W. H. Torbert, drugs and supplies 19 65 for Fire Department Little. Becker & Co., supplies for Fire Department Key City Gas Co.. coke for Fire De - 420 90 3 Int 2 25 10 70 116 95 40 00 2 50 5 20 14 20 25 200 1 15 106 Regular Session May 5, 1904. partmen t Key City Gas Co., coal for Fire De- partment 2 00 Key City Gas Co., rental gas arcs for Fire Department 100 J. R. Miller, pasturing horse for Fire Department 21 5.; Phil Pier, soft coal for Fire Depart- ment 33 SS Kelly's bookstore, stationery for Fire Department 135 Collings & Pfiffner, horse shoeing patrol team 6 00 Phil Pier, 1 cord oak wood Matron Department 5 00 F. Burns, shavings for patrol house 3 00 T. F. Kane, hay and oats for patrol house 43 75 Ellwanger Bros.. repairing harness for patrol team 135 M. Stafford. straw for patrol team6 00 Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies for Matron Department 6 70 C. J. W. Saunders, meat for Matron Department 2 SO J. Butt, repairs for Sewer Depart- ment 295 W. 13. Baumgartner, new tools for Sewer Department 2 70 National Demokrat, official printing for April 25 00 Pape & Jacquinot, gas fitting in En- gineer's office 100 Union Electric Co., arc lights for April 2045 77 Smith -Morgan Prtg. Co., blank sta- tionery for Board of Health 3 00 Duggan & Cota, hardware for Mt Carmel Avenue 110 Jas. Lee, constructing cement walk on West Eleventh and Highland Place 76 44 Duggan & Cota, nails for Sidewalk Department 25 00 Standard 011 Co., oil and axle grease for Sprinkling Department. 4 FO Dub. Rubber & Belting Co., washers and gaskets for Sprinkling Depart- ment 335 Morrison Bros., repairs for Sprink- ling Department 6 00 Wm. Dalbkermeyer, repairs for Sprinkling Department 3 00 J. Neuman & Son, repairs for Sprinkling Department 1110 J. P. Early, premium on Policies for Insurance on Sprinkling Wagons. 1614 J. Butt, repairs for Sprinkling De- partment M. O'Meara, Inspector on Dodge Street Sanitary Sewer 310 Waterworks Trustees, supplies for Dodge Street Sanitary Sewer 19 20 X16 9 30 Paul Ilg, to making calculations of estimate on Bee Branch storm water sewer. On motion was referred to the Com- mittee on Streets. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. Communication of J. W. Kintzinger asking to place his stenographer on the city pay roll at $20.00 per month. On mo- tion of Ald..Tones the communication was approved. Communication of Wm. J. Clark asking for the appointment of city carpenter was on motion received and filed. Petition of Cath. McCune asking fr,r the cancellation of her special assessment as levied against lot 3 in Boxleiter's Add., for the improvement of Grandview Ave- nue was on motion referred to the Com- mittee on Claims and City Attorney. Communication of Elwyn H. Higgins asking that he be granted permission to erect a first class building for bath house purposes at north side of mouth of Ice Harbor. On motion was referred to Committee on Harbors. Petition of Jno. Gadient asking for an electric arc light at corner of Coates Ave- nue and Waller Street. Also petition of A. Wambacher et al, asking that an electric light be placed at the crossing of West Seventeenth ana Catherine Streets. On motion both petitions were referred' to the Police and Light Committee. Petition of E. J. Delaney asking per- mission to lay a new plank sidewalk abutting house numbers 241 and 243 Julien Avenue. On motion was referred to Committee on Streets and Sidewalk Inspector. Petition of J. J. Strayer asking for the cancellation of $2500.00 on moneys and credits as levied against his assessment. Also petition of Geo. W. Raibbe, man- ager of Hammond Packing Co., asking for the cancellation of moneys and credits as assessed against said Ham- mond Packing company. On motion both petitions were referred to the Board of Equalization and City Assessor. Communication of Memorial Day Com- mittee inviting the Mayor and City Coun- cil to participate in Memorial Day parade May 30, 1904. Ald. McLaughlin moved to accept invi- tation with thanks and that a warrant be drawn in favor of T. W. Ruete to the amount of $200.00 to help defray the ex- penses for Memorial Day parade. Car- ried. Communication of W. C. Keeley, presi- dent Dubuque Base Ball Club association, requesting City Council to instruct the union Electric company to lay connect - ting tracks on Twenty-fourth Street, between Jackson Street and Couler Ave. nue. AId. Frith moved to refer the petition. to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Regular Session May 5, 1904. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Treasurer Brinkman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil: Gentlemen:—Below you will find state- ment of amounts advanced by me during the past month, for which please order warrants drawn in my favor: Excavation permits redeemed $ 45.00 Interest paid on warrants outstand- ing 963.17 Express charges, expense .92 Printing bonds, expense 40.05 Telegram to New York, expense.30 Exchange to New York, expense3.35 Express charges, road 1.50 Express charges, engineer 1.30 $1055.59 I refunded old City Loan Warrant. Please order Loan Warrant as follows: April 27, 1904, George Badford $250.00 Library orders paid 706.35 Respectfully, H. BRINKMAN, Treasurer. On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the var- ious amounts, and the report referred back to the Committee on Finance. City Auditor Hoffman reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil: Gentlemen:—Herewith find my report for the month of April, 1904, showing the receipts and disbursements for the month: Cash on hand April 1, 1904 $82,831.82 RECEIPTS. Receipts from all sources 9,020.86 $91,852.68 Warrants redeemed during the month $24,747.44 Coupons redeemed during the month 3,228.89 Bonds redeemed during the month 200.00 $29,976.33 Cash on hand May 1st, 1904 $61,876.35 The above cash balance incluces bal- ances in Improvement Bond Fund, Im- provement Bond Interest Fund, Sprinkling and Library Funds balances. Also report that there is due the City Officers for the month of April, 1904, $2,608.45. Also the following is a record of all In- terest Coupons redeemed by Treasurer for the past month. Regular Bond Coupons Improvement Bond Coupons Water Works Bond Coupons $3,102.64 81.25 45.00 $3,228.89 IMPROVEMENT BONDS. Bonds No. 54 and 55—April 1st, 1897, 2 at $1,000.00 $2,000.00 The following list shows the Appropria- tions and the amount of Warrants drawn on each Fund since the beginning of the 107 fiscal year, beginning March 1st, 1904, to May 1st, 1904: Appropriation. Expended. Expense $40,000 $4,911.60 Road— First District 16.00e Second District 2ii.iiiwi Third District Fire Police Sewerage Printing Engineer Street Lighting Interest Board of Health Grading Bee Branch Special Bonded Paving Judgment 9,010 38,000 28,000 5,000 2.500 2.500 25.000 42,000 4.50) 4,000 5,500 9,000 2,000 1.458.80 1.;\2.07 _.137.46 2.7\3.35 '.177.46 166.1..4) 222.69 2.u45.77 110.00 1,382.45 613.50 Special Bonded Debt Inter- est 4,000 Mount Carmel Ave. Grading 1,000 Sidewalk Repairing 1,000 43.90 Special Sewer Fund 8.000 Grading Bluff Street Exten- sion and Villa Street 1.010 Fifth Ward Engine House4.000 Total Appropriation $268.000 Respectfully, F. B. HOFFMAN, Auditor. On motion the report was received and Warrants ordered drawn to pay the City Officers, and the report referred back to the committee on Finance. Fire Chief Reinfried reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil: Gentlemen: The following is the pay roll of the Fire Department for the month of April, 1904: Amount due Firemen $2,179.50 On motion the report was received, and Warrants ordered drawn to pay the Fire- men, and the report referred back to the committee on Fire. Chief of Police Reilly reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the Po- lice Report for the month of April, 1904: Total Arrests for the month 68 Residents Arrested 27 Doors found open 21 Defective Lights 62 Lodgers Harbored 159 Meals Furnished 56 Cost of Food $11.20 Sheriff Dieting Prisoners $18.12 Patrol Runs for the month 60 Miles traveled for the month 110 Also the pay roll for the Policemen for the month of April, 1904: Amount due Policemen $1,970.15 Respectfully submitted, THOS. REILLY, Chief of Police. On motion the report and pay roll were received and Warrants ordered drawn to pay Policemen, and the report referred back to the committee on Police. 108 Regular Session May 5, 1904. City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil: Gentlemen—I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on Streets in the different districts during the last half of April, 1904: Amount due Laborers on Streets..$2,546.35 Respectfully submitted. JAMES H. BOYCE. City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Streets. Also submit my pay roll for labor on Sewers during the last half of April, 1904: Amount due Laborers on Sewers $169.00 Respectfully submitted. JAMES H. BOYCE. City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Sewers. On motion the pay rolls for Streets and Sewers were received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay the various amounts and the pay rolls referred back to the proper committees. City Electrician Hipman reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil: Gentlemen -1 herewith submit my report of defective Lights for the month of April. 1901. I find from the report of the Police Department, that the total hours that 62 Lamps failed to burn would equal three-fourths of a Lamp for one month, or $4.01. Respectfully submitted. WILLIAM HIPMAN, City Electrician. On motion the report was received and the ('ity Auditor instructed to deduct from the I'nicn Electric Company's bill for the month of April $4.05. The following Weighmasters' and Wood - measurers' receipts were referred to the committee on Markets: H. J. Tropf. City Hall receipts $9.50 'I'. Faherty, First Ward Scale receipts 6.79 Louise Pitschner. West Dubuque Scale receipts 4.37 Mrs. C. Deckert. Rhomberg Ave. Scale receipts 2.if1 R. Hay. Eighth Street Scale receipts2.17 H. A. Moyes. Woodmeasurer's receipts .50 The report of the Water Works Trus- tees, showing the receipts and disburse- ments for the three months ending March :31st, 1904, was presented, and on motion was referred to a special committee, con- sisting rf Aids. Clancy, McLaughlin and Lyons. City Recorder Arendt presented and read the printed notice certified to by the pub- lisher of the Council's intention to levy a special assessment for repairing Sidewalks during the months of February and March, 1904. No remonstrance being filed, the Mayor asked if anyone present had any objec- tion to said special assessment. No ob- jection being stated, the notice on motion was received and filed. . Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the fol- lowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for repairing Sidewalks cluing the months of February and March, 1904. in front of and adjoining the same, a Special Tax be and is here- by levied on the several Lots, and Parts of Lots, and Parcels of Real Estate here- inafter named, situate and owned. and for the several amounts set opposite each Lot or Parcel of Real Estate, as follows: 1904. Owner. Description. Feb. 12—Wm. McGrath Est.. Sub. Min. Lot 93B, Lot 1, 23 ft. lumber, 45c; 1 hour labor. 25c $ 70 Feb. 15—R. and E. Langworthy Est, Glendale Add., Lots 224-225, 18 ft lumber, 35c; 1/2 hour labor. 25c 60 Feb. 17—Anna M. Bush, City E. 109 ft. Lot 540, 20 ft. lumber, 40c; / hour labor. 25c 65 Feb. 17—Valentine Schiel. Sub. 196 and 197, L. H. Langworthy's Add., Lot 10, 10 ft. lumber, 20c; % hour labor. 25c 45 Feb. 23—A. F. and B. D. Heel), Marsh's Add. Lot 22, 20 ft. lumber, 40c; 1/2 hour labor. 25c 65 March 4—Eliz. Hocking, Finley's Add., Lot 160, 7 ft. lumber. 15e: 1/ hour labor, 25c 40 March 4—Emma Alden. A. McDan- ieis' Sub., Lot 762, 16 ft. lumber, 30c.... 30 March 5—A. L. Trl kSub of 145. L. H. Langworthy's Add., Lot 1. 7 ft. lumber, 15c; 1/2 hour labor, 25c.... 40 March 8—C. M. Buettell's Est., Ellen Blake's Sub., Lots 1-2, 12 ft. lum- ber, 25c; 1/2 hour labor. 25c 60 March 8—Ambrose Leiser, Wood - lawn Park. Lot 101. 10 ft. lumber, 20c; 1/2 hour labor, 25c 45 March 8—A. J. Lembeck et al Woodlawn Park. Lot 97. 20 ft lumber, 40c; 1,6 hour labor. 25c 65 March 8—Mariam E. Griffin, Mt. Pleasant Add., S. 99 ft., Lot 26. 10 ft. lumber, 20c; 46 hour labor, 25c95 March 8—W. H. Doane, Sub. 12 of Min. Lot 172, Lots 2-3, 8 ft. lumber, 15c; 16 hour labor. 25e 40 March 11—German Presbyterian Col- lege, Sub. City 675. Lot 7. 8 ft. lum- ber, 15c; % hour labor, 25c 40 March 22—E. and H. Callihan, Sub 2. Min. Lot 63 and pt. Lot 69. Un- ion Add.. Lots 1-2, 52 ft. lumber, $1.05; 1 hour labor, 50c 1 55 March 26—Valentine Schiel, Sub. 196 and 197. L. H. Lagworthy's Add Lot 10, 5 ft. lumber, 10c; % hour la- bor. 25c 85 March 26—James Levi, Sanford's Sub. E. 40 ft., Lot 2, 13 ft. lumber. 25c; % hour labor, 25c 50 March 26—Elizabeth Nicks Est, Glendale Add., Lot 216, 8 ft. lum- ber, 15c; . hour labor, 25c 40 March 28—Wm. and F. A. Coates, City N. 2-5, Lot 436. 30 ft. lumber, 60c; % hour labor, 25c 85 March 28—Elizabeth Brandt, East Dubuque Add., S. 31.2 ft.. Lot 125, 56 ft. lumber. $1.10 110 March 28—Louisa Schunk, Davis Farm Add., Lot 287, 19 ft. lumber, 40c; 1/2 hour labor. 25c 65 March 29—John Blake Est., Ellen Blake's Sub., Lot 7. 27 ft. lumber, 55c; 1/s hour labor. 25c 80 March 29—J. H. Rhomberg, L. H Langworthy's Add.. Lot 181, 6 ft lumber, 10c; % hour labor, 25c 35 Regular Session May 5, 1904. 109 • March 30—Jug,. M. Zeigler, Glendale Add., Lot 36, 5 ft. lumber, 10c; 1/2 hour labor, 25c March 30—R. M. Kunz, Glendale Add., Lot 60, 5 ft. lumber. 10c; 1 hour labor, 25c March 30—F. Hemmer, Glendale Add., Lot 43, 5 ft. lumber, 10c; 1/1 hour labor, 25c March 31—Al. Matthews, Sub. City 738. Lot 6. '27 ft. lumber. 55c; 1/2 hour labor, 25c March 31—Catholic University of Washington et al., Levens' Add., Lot 1, 16 ft. lumber, 30c; 1h hour labor, 25c 33 35 35 80 55 Total $15.95 Ald. Frith moved to adopt the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Frith. Jones, Lyons. McLaughlin and Stumpf. Absent—Abd. Corrance. City Recorder Arendt also presented and read the printed notice certified to by the publisher of tile Council's intention to construct a Sanitary Sewer in White Street from Eagle Point Ave. to Sanford Street. No remonstrance being filed, the Mayor asked if any one present had any objec- tion to the construction of said Sewer. No objection being stated. the notice on motion was received and filed. City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil: Gentlemen—Attached please find state- ment of macadam measured May 1st and the amount due for same: Total amount $158.05 Respectfully. JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Ald. Clancy moved that the report be approved, and that Warrants be ordered drawn for the various amounts. Carried. City Engineer Boyce also reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil: Gentlemen—In compliance with instruc- tions of your Honorable Body, in refer- ence to the improvement of Kaufman Avenue. I would recommend that the Street be paved with brick from Couler Avenue to the east line of lot 145a. L. H. Langworthy's Add. Estimated cost of improving Street as recommended, 7,200 square yards of street complete at $1.30 per square yard. $9,360.00. Respectfully. JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Ald. Frith moved that the recommenda- tion of the City Engineer be approved and that the proper resolution be offered. Carried. City Engineer Boyce also reported as follows: Herewith please find Plans and Specifi- cations of an 8 -inch Tile Pipe Sanitary Sewer in White Street from Eagle Point Avenue to Sanford Street. Ald. Frith moved that the Plans and Specifications be approved. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Jones, Lyons, McLaughlin and Stumpf. Absent—Abd. Corrance. City Engineer Boyce also reported as follows: Herewith find Specifications and Plans of Storm Water 'rile Pipe Sewer in Wash- ington Street from Eighteenth Street to Nineteenth Street. Ald. Frith moved that the Plans and Specifications be approved and that the proper resolution be offered. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Frith. Jones, Lyons. McLaughlin and Stumpf. Absent—Abd. Corrance. Mayer Berg reported as follows: Gentlemen—At the last session of your Honorable Body. you adopted the several reports of the City Attorney, wherein he recommended that warrants in the sums of $53.15, $9.30 and $27.15 be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer in favor of the Mayor to pay the costs in the cases of Fitzpatrick vs. City of Dubuque, Thedinga VS. City of Dubuque and Lottie A. Walk- er vs. City of Dubuque, respectively. t beg to report that in accordance with your aforesaid action, warrants in the above amounts were drawn on the City Treasurer, and by me paid over to the Clerk of the District Court, whose re- ceipts fcr the several amounts are here- to attached. Very respectfully, C. H. BERG, Mayor. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the action of the Mayor be approved. Carried. Bids for sweeping the brick paved Streets, also for hauling away the sweep- ings were presented and on motion were ordered opened. Bids as follows: James H. Keefe, sweeping Streets per week $17.75 Dan Melloy, for sweeping Streets and hauling away the same, per week38.50 Ed. Seeley, for sweeping Streets. per week 17.00 John L. Huffmire, for sweeping Streets. per week 16.90 Jos. Calvert, for sweeping Streets, per week 22.50 M. Hannan, for hauling away sweep- ings, per week 17.00 Geo. Reynolds. for hauling away sweepings, per week 17.00 John L. Huffmire, for hauling away sweepings, per week 23.50 Jos. Calvert, for hauling away sweep- ings, per week 21.00 The contract for sweeping the brick paved streets was on motion awarded to John L. Huffmire, he being the lowest bidder. Ald. Clancy moved that the contract for hauling away the sweepings he awarded to Geo. Reynolds. Carried. 110 Regular Session May 5, 1904. Also the bids for constructing an 8 -inch Tile Pipe Sanitary Sewer in South Alpine Street were opened. Bads as follows: M. Tschirgi— S-inch Tile Pipe, per lineal foot Manholes, each James Street - 8 -Inch Tile Pipe, per lineal foot Manholes, each Brown & Brown - 8 -inch Tile Pipe, per lineal foot Manholes, each O'Farrell & McNamara - 8 -inch Tile Pipe, per lineal foot $ .74 28.00 .68 25.00 .73 22.50 .85 Manholes. each 25.00 On m<.tion the bids were referred to the City Engineer for computation. City Engineer Boyce reported as follows: James Street—Total amount for Sewer $704.00 Brown & Brown—Total amount for Sewer 742.00 M. Tschirgi—Total amount for Sewer 768.50 O'Farrell & McNamara — Total amount for Sewer 861.25 On motion of Ald. Frith the contract was awarded to James Street, he being the lowest bidder, and the bond placed at $300.00. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Lyons, chairman of the Ordinance committee, presented and read an Ordin- ance to provide for the appointment of a Street Commissioner, defining his duties and fixing the salaries of such office. The Ordinance having been read for the first time at the previous meeting, Ald. Lyons moved that the Ordinance be now adopted as read: Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Lyons, McLaughlin and Stumpf. Total, 4. Nays—Alds. Frith and Jones. Total, 2. Absent—Aid. Corrance. The Ordinance being presented to the Mayor for his signature, returned the same with the following: Gentlemen of the Council: r now return to you the Ordinance re- viving the office of Street Commissioner without my signature, for the following reasons: 1. The work of caring for the streets and alleys cannot be improved by creating this office. 2. There can be no money saved to the City by the creation of the office of Street Commissioner, because the Engineer's salary is fixed by ordinance and his duties were enumerated before he was elected and qualified. 3. It is better for all parties concerned that there be no division of the responsi- bility in maintaining and repairng the streets and alleys of the City. 4. The Ordinance abolishing the office of Street Commissioner was passed by six members of the previous Council voting therefor, one member being absent. 5. This change has worked well and sat- isfactory the past two years, and I believe in leaving "well enough" alone. Respectfully, C. H. BERG, Mayor. May 5th, 1904. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the Ordin- ance be adopted over the Mayor's veto. Vote as follows: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Lyons, McLaughlin and Stumpf. Total, 4. Nays—Aids. Frith and Jones. Total, 2. Absent—Aid. Corrance. The Mayor declared the motion not adopted, ruling that four was not two- thirds of the whole Council. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the ruling of the Mayor be not sustained. Vote as follows: Nays—Aids. Clancy, Lyons, McLaughlin and Stumpf. Total, 4. Yeas—Aids. Frith and Jones. The matter was then laid over until the next meeting of the Council. and the City Attorney to prepare an opinion. Ald. Lyons presented an Ordinance pro- viding for the appointment of an inspector of wood, and regulating the sale of wood for fuel in the City of Dubuque, and re- pealing Chapter XXI. of the Revised Or- dinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque. The Ordinance having had its first read- ing at the previous meeting of the Coun- cil, Ald. McLaughlin moved that the Or- dinance be read by its title as amended for the second time. Carried. The Ordinance was then read by it- title for the second time. Ald. Lyons moved that the Ordinance he now adopted as amended. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Jones, Lyons, McLaughlin and Stumpf. Absent—Aid. Corrance. The Mayor declared the Ordinance adopted. The Ordinance follows: An Ordinance providing for the appoint- ment of an inspector of wood, and reg- ulating the sale of wood for fuel in the City of Dubuque, and repealing Chapter XXI, of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DU- BUQUE: Section 1. That Chapter XXI, of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque, the same being an ordinance providing for an appointment of an in- spector of wood, and resulating the sale of wood for fuel in the City of Dubuque, be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 2. That the City Council shall, during the month of April following each municipal election, appoint some compe- tent person as City Inspector of Wood, who shall remain in office during the pleasure of the Council, and whose duty it shall be to enforce the provisions of this ordinance, and such amendments Regular Session May 5, 1904. thereto as may from time to time be made. Section 3. Said inspector of wood shall, for the faithful performance of his du- ties, give bond in the sum of five hun- dred dollars, with sureties, which bond shall be approved by the City Council, and be renewed by said inspector every year. Said inspector shall be sworn to perform the duties of such office to the best of his knowledge and ability, and in conformity with the provisions of this crdinance. Section 4. All cord wood hereafter sold to consumers for fuel in the City of Du- buque. shall be sold by the cord or part thereof, and the cord mentioned in this ordinance shall consist of one hundred and twenty-eight cubic feet. well and compactly piled, with reasonable allow- ances for crooked and uneven wood and that a cord of sawed wood consist of one hundred and twelve feet. Section 5. All cord wood delivered for fuel to consumers in said City, whether sawed or unsawed, either in open racks or box wagons, shall be well and com- pactly piled before presenting the same to the inspector of wood for measure- ment. easure- ment. Section 6. No wood dealer of said City and no employee of sucn dealer and no farmer or other person, shall deliver to any resident of said City any cord wood for fuel either sawed or unsawed, upon any wagon, sled or other vehicle, until the same shall have been first inspected and measured by the inspector of wood, and a certificate of the quantity thereof, in cords or part of a cord, has been de- livered to him by said inspector; such inspection and measurement to be made after said wood has been loaded upon such wagon. sled or other vehicle. The certificates of measurement to be deliv- ered in each instance to the purchaser of the wood; provided, that cord wood de- livered in quantities less than 'one-half of a cord need not be measured. Section 7. The inspector of wood shall not buy, sell or in any manner deal in wood either for himself or others, save and except to purchase wood for his own use, nor shall he be interested either di- rectly or indirectly in the purchase or selling of wood, nor in the profits to be deliver therefrom, nor shall he in any manner aid or assist in making sales or purchases of wood. Section 8. The inspector of wood shall designate at least three places, distribut- ed in such manner so as to be readily accessible from the different wood yards of the City, and said inspector or a deputy appointed by him, shall attend at such places, or at such other places as may be designated by the Council at all reasonable times and measure all wood brought to such places for that purpose, and shall deliver a certificate of the quantity thereof to the person bringing the same. All wood dealers shall settle with the wood inspector at the end of each month for all wood measured by 111 him during the month. Slid inspector shall also have deputies located on the various roads leading into the City, who shall measure all cord wood whether sawed or unsawed, brought into the City to be offered for sale as fuel. A certifi- cate in each case to be delivered showing the number of cubic feet contained in the load. Section 9. Said inspector shall be re- sponsible for any damage occasioned by his neglect, carelessness, or fraudulent measurement and on conviction of fraud- ulent measurement, he shall pay a fine of rot less that ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars. together with the costs of prose- cution. anal he imprisoned until such fine and costs are pill not exceeding thirty (lays, and be removed from office by the City Council. Section 10. The inspector of wood shall he entitled to receive the sum of ten cents for each load measured when the quantity does not exceed one cord, when a load exceeds one hundred and thirty cubic feet. the sum of fifteen cents may be charged and received therefor. Section 11. The duties of the inspector of wood and harbor master may he per- formed by the same person at the pleas- ure of the Council. In such cases he shall have full cot.ti of of placing and pil- ing of cord wood and lumber upon the levee in said city and shall have com- plete supervision thereof, for which ser- vices be shall be entitled to receive the sum of three cents per cord for cord wood, and five cents per thousand feet for lumber, from the owners thereof. Section 12. Any person who shall resist or interfere with the inspector of wood or his deputies, in the performance of their duties under this ordinance, or shall neglect or refuse to comply with any of the requirements thereof, or any person who shall use a certificate issued by such inspector for a load of wood other than the one for which it was issued, shall be punished by a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars, to- gether with the costs of prosecution, at the discretion of the court before whom he may be prosecuted and such court may imprison any such person until such fine and costs are paid, not exceeding thirty days. Section 13. The inspector of wood shall keep a correct and true account of all wood measured by him, and shall report to the City Council at the first regular session in each month, the amount of wood measured by him and his deputies during the month previous; for whom the same was measured and the amount of fees paid therefor by each person and shall account for and pay Into the treas- ury five per cent of all fees received by him during said month. and shall turn over to the Auditor the stubs of all cer- tificates issued by him showing the date of issue, the amount of wood measured, for whom measured and the fees charg- ed for the same. 112 Regular Session May 5, 1904. Section 19. Any wood dealer in the City of Dubuque, whenever he deems advis- able, may call upon the inspector of wood to measure any wood delivered to them whether in cars. barges or in any other manner, and shall pay therefor the sum of three cents per cord. Upon such re- quest being made. said inspector of wood shall perform the services required and upon receipt of the compensation above provided, shall deliver a certificate of the quantity of wood measured. Section 15. This ordinance to be in force and take effect from and after its massage and publication one time in the Dubuque Daily Globe -Journal newspaper. Pa ssed Approved ------- Attest: City Recorder. Mayor. Ald. Frith. chairman of the Committee nn Streets, reported as follows: Your Committee on Streets would re- spectfully recommend that the City En- gineer be instructed to rebuild the bridge on 'Twenty-fifth Street between Jackson Street and Washington Street. Also, your Committee on Streets, to whom was referred the petition of J. J. Grigg et al asking that a sidewalk be ordered constructed on Louisa Street from South Street to Bennett Street, would recommend that the prayer of the petitioners be granted and that the Side- walk Inspector be instructed to determine the kind of material to be used in the construction of said sidewalk. Also. your Committee on Streets, to whom was referred the petition of the Cushing -McFadden Co.. asking that the accompanying plat of Cushing's Addition he approved, would recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the attached resolution relating to the matter be adopted. Also, your Committee on Streets, to whom was referred the petition of T. J. Donahue, asking that a grade be estab- lished on Harrison Street from Jones to Dodge Street, would recommend that the City Engineer he instructed to give the grade and the street line on said Har- rison Street. Also, your Committee on Streets, to whom was referred the petition of A. J. M. Hemmelder, asking that the city ac- cept $15.00 in full settlement of the spec- ial assessment levied against Lot 2 of A. Stine's Add, for the improvement of the alley abutting thereon, would recommend that said petition be received and filed. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the reports of the Street committee. Carried. Aid. Lyons, Chairman of the Commit- tee on Sewers, reported as follows: Your Committee on Sewers, to whom was referred the petition of T. Collings et al asking that sanitary sewers be constructed in Booth. West Third and Nevada Streets. would recommend that the prayer of the petitioners be granted and that the preliminary resolution be adopted by this council. M. E. LYONS, Chairman. Ald. Lyons moved to adopt the report, Carried. Ald. Clancy moved that the Purchasing Committee be instructed to purchase three carloads of brick, one for each district. The brick to lie delivered as needed. Carried. Ald. McLaughlin, Chairman of the Committee on Police and Light. moved that the Committee and the Chief of Police be instructed to select the cloth for the uniforms needed by the police- men. Carried. Ald. Jones. Chairman of the Commit- tee on Printing, reported as follows: Your Committee on Printing would re- spectfully recommend that the Globe - Journal be appointed the official paper of the city for a term of two years be- ginning May 1. 1904, and ending May 1. 1900. to publish all the proceedings of the Council. proclamations of the Mayor and all other official notices and advertise- ments of the City and that the compen- sation for doing said work be fixed at twelve. and one-half (12%) cents per square. Provided that the minimum amount of space for which payment is to be made by the City during the term of this contract shall average five hun- dred (500) squares per month; that bills be presented monthly for the actual amount of space used during the preced- ing month, and at the end of the term of this ,contract, should the aggregate amount of space used be less than twelve thousand (12,000) squares, that the City pay for such shortage at the rate above specified. All matter to be set solid and in brevier type. We also recommend that the Telegraph - Herald publish all the proceedings of the Council, proclamations of the Mayor and all other official notices and advertise- ments of the City, during the same per- iod, under the same conditions and for the same compensation as the Globe - Journal; said proceedings, proclamations, notices and advertisements to be copied from the Globe -Journal. Also, that the National Demokrat pub- lish all notices and advertisements of the City and be paid as compensation for the same the sum of Twenty-five (25) Dollars per month. Also, that the Globe -Journal furnish seventy-five (75) copies of the council proceedings each month in pamphlet form and be paid as compensation there- for the sum of Ten (10) Dollars per month. Regular Session May 5, 1904. 113 Also, that the Globe -Journal be requir- ed to have the publication of the council proceedings completed within five days after each council meeting, and that the Telegraph -Herald have the publication of said proceedings completed within six days after each council meeting. The City reserves the right to change the above arrangements at any time. In case of the failure of said newspapers to comply with the above requirements, there shall he deducted for each day af- ter the said limit of time, the amount of ten per cent. of the bill for the month. Also. that the proprietors of said news- papers shall file with the City Recorder a written acceptance of the above within five days after the adoption of this re- port by the Council. In case of the fail- ure of the proprietors of any of said newspapers to file such written accept- ance within the time specified, it shall be deemed a declination of the foregoing proposition. Your Committee would also recommend that the publishers of the Globe -Journal and the Telegraph -Herald be instructed to leave a copy of their papers at the different engine houses and at the patrol house. RUDOLPH JONES, Chairman. Ald. Jones moved to adopt the report. Ald. McLaughlin moved a substitute that the Telegraph -Herald he declared the Official Paper. Substitute lost by the following: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Lyons, McLaughlin. 'Total, 3. Nays—Aids. Frith, Jones, Stumpf. Total, 3. Absent—Aid. Corrance. There being a tie the Mayor voted nay. The original motion of Ald. Jones to adopt the report was then voted upon, and resulted as follows: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Jones and Stumpf. Total, 3. Nays—Aids. Clancy, Lyons and Mc- Laughlin. Total, 3. Absent—Aid. Corrance. There being a tie vote the Mayor voted .yea. Ald. Jones also reported as follows: Your Committee on Printing, to whom was referred the bill of the Smith -Morgan Printing Co. for $10.00 for printing the proceedings of March. 1904. would rec- ommend that a warrant be ordered drawn on the treasury in settlement of the •claim. Ald. Jones moved to adapt the report. -Carried. Ald. Lyons of the Board of Health re- ported as follows: •To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil: Gentlemen:—Your Board of Health -would respectfully report that at a meet- ing held May 2nd, 1904, the following of- ficers were appointed. For Sanitary Po- liceman. Frank Flynn; for Health Of- ficer, Dr. B. Michel. both to serve dur- ing the ensuing term of two years; and would recommend that the appointments be confirmed by your honorable Body. with the understanding that the 1leulth Physician do all the work pertaining to the Board for the same compensation, *50.00 per month. Also report that the contract for re- moval of garbage etc.. for the season of 1904 was awarded to Thomas E. I rith at the following rates: For removing all garbage, etc., once a day below the bluff and twice a week on the bluff. $13.98 per day; and for removing all garbage once a day below the bluff and three times a week on the bluff, $14.93 per day. We also recommend the adoption of the following resolution: Be it Resolved by the Board of health of the City of Dubuque. Iowa. That Eliza A. and Hugh Corrance, N. 1-3 of City ;.ot No. 460; Jennie C. 'flicking, S. 1/2 of City Lot No. 163; Anna B. Ryan. S. 32.2 feet of City Lot No. 460; J. H. 'I'hrdinger Est.. N. 2-5 of City Lot No. 461: Mary Pleins. N. IF, of City Lot No. 163; \1t -•ha el Liddy, S. 49.2 feet of S. M. ] 5 and N 26.2 feet of S. 1-5 of City Lot 453; Eli Cl-.o,N. M. 1-5 of City I.ot No 432; Schaefer. S. 1/z of the N. ] 5 of City Lit No. 431; Wm. I-lintrager, Sub. City 199 and 200 Lot 2; Julius Hartig Est.. ('Ey Lot No. 255; Mary A. Mulkern, City Lot No. 221; John Butt. S. 1/ of City I. N•,. 257; Chas. Luther. S. r/Z of the N. M. I-3 of City Lot No. 4 -Ill; Anton Lorenz. S. 1 of the N. 1-5 of City Lot No. 430; H. Pfotzer and J. H. Rhomberg, City Lot No, 248; E. H. Scheppley, N. 2-5 of City Lot No. 435; Harriete Kenniker. N. 1-5 of City Lot 152; Emma Richter. S. 28 feet of the M. 1-5 of City Lot No. 451; A. Mathhews. N. 1h of the N. 1-5 of City Lot No. 451; Mathhews & Trout. N. 1/Z of the N. M. 1-5 of City Lot No. 431; Adolph Hines, N. i, of City Lot 210; P. Ternes Est.. S. 1-5 of City Lot No. 450; A. M. Downer Est., S. 20 feet of the S. 1-5 of City Lot No. 453; B. Jestel, N. 1-2 of the N. 1-5 of City Lot No. 456; G. F. Thor. man. S. IA of the N. M. 1-5 of City Lot No. 453; P. W. Crawford, S. 12 feet 9 inches of City 219 and N. 1/2 of City Lit No. 220, having failed to connect said property with the sanitary sewer situated in the allay between Main and Iowa and Iowa and Clay Streets, abutting on said Property; and it being deemed necessary for the preservation of the public health of said city that said premises be con- nected with said sanitary sewer. it is hereby ordered by the Board of Health of the Ci`y ?f Dubuque. Iowa, by virtue of the power vested in it by Section 1(212 of the Code of Iowa of 1897, and Chapter Twenty-five of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque, that all the above named property owners shall within thirty days from the date of ser- vice of notice of this order, connect said premises with said sanitary sewer. Dated this 2nd day of May. 1904. We also recommend that a warrant for 114 Regular Session May 5, 1904. $30.00 be ordered drawn in favor of Geo. Salot for acting as a member of the Board of Health from May 1st 1906, to May 1st, 1904. Also that a warrant for $18.00 be drawn in favor of Otto M. Ruete for the same purpose. We would also recommend the adoption of the following annual report of Dr. B. Michel, Health Physician to the Board. Dubuque. Iowa, March 1, 1904. To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil: Gentlemen:—The Physician to the Board of Health has the honor to submit this annual report for the year ending February 29, 1904. The number of deaths for the year is 585 as against 512 for the previous year, showing an increase of 73. The number of births is 097 as against 625 for the previous year, showing an increase of a The births outnumber the deaths by 112 as against 113 for last year. During the year there were reported 149 cases of Scarlet Fever with four deaths. Seven cases of Small Pox with no deaths. Fourteen cases of Diphtheria with four deaths. Nine cases of Typhoid Fever with seven deaths. A death rate of 77.77 per cent of reported cases, which indicates that all cases of Typhoid Fever are not reported. Of the total number of deaths, fifty- four were due to Consumption and thirty due to Pneumonia. For a city situated as Dubuque is, with all its natural advan- tages, the death rate from Consumption is too large. In view of the above, the adoption and enforcement of the propos- ed ordinance prohibiting spitting on the floors of street cars and other public vehicles and buildings and on sidewalks is important in the matter of controlling the disease of Tuberculosis or Consump- tion, as it is through this dried sputum that this disease is spread. In case of death from Consumption, the premises should be thoroughly disin- fected under supervision of your Board of Health. In September, 1903, the Board laid out a district from Jones to Seventeenth Street east of Main Street with a view of hav- ing all property connected with the sani- tary sewers. In this district there were found 248 houses not connected and using privy vaults; these should all be con- nected this summer, then a new district ordered until all property in the sewer districts is properly connected and all privy vaults abolished. It would be very beneficial to the public health if some plan were adopted to remove the garbage and ashes from our alleys during the winter months. This would not only be a benefit to the sani- tary condition of the city, but would add greatly to its appearance. The city water has been uniformly good, and if it were universally used, and the use of well and cistern water discontinued, such diseases as Typhoid Fever could be almost elimin- ated. The ice fields were inspected by order of your Board, and it was found that all ice was being cut from the channel of the river and should he of good quality. During the year 156 houses were fumi- gated under the supervision of Sanitary Policeman Flynn. who also investigated 1,125 complaints pertaining to this de- partment. There were also 91 sewer con- nections ordered made and 132 vaults cleaned. Respectfully submitted, B. MICHEL. M. D., Physician to the Board. Ald. Clancy moved that the rules be suspended, in order to hear from a gen- tleman in regard to the contract for re- moving the Garbage and Dead Animals. Carried. Attorney F. Jess, representing T. F. Kane, addressed the Council, stating that Mr. Kane was entitled to said Contract, he being the lowest bidder. Ald. Lyons moved that the report of the Board of Health and Resolution be adopted and that part relating to the Garbage Contract, to be referred back to the Board of Health. Carried. Ald. McLaughlin, Chairman of the Com- mittee of the Whole, reported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of City Auditor Hoffman, asking that on account of the extent to which the duties of his office have increased that he he given an assistant, would recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that Edw. Herron be appointed such as- sistant; he also to act as assistant in the office of the City Engineer; and re- ceive in full co mpg nsation the sum of $75.00 per month. Alos, your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that Gott- fried Gmehle be appointed to collect the money due the City for the cleaning of alleys, and that his compensation there- fore be fixed at 10 per cent of the amount collected by him, Ald. McLaughlin moved to adopt the above reports of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. McLaughlin also reported as fol- lows: Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of J. W. Kintzinger, City Attorney, asking that the City Council approve the appointment of J. C. Longueville as assistant City Attorney, would recommend that said appointment be approved and that the salary for said position be fixed at $75.00 per month. Ald. Jones moved to adopt the report. Ald. McLaughlin moved a substitute to receive and file the report and that the vote be taken by ballot. The Mayor appointed Ald. McLaughlin teller. Regular Session May 5, 1904. Substitute lost by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Lyons and Mc- Laughlin. Nays—Aids. Frith, Jones and Stumpf. Absent—Aid. Corrance. It being a tie vote the Mayor voted naY. Ald. Jones then moved to adopt the re- port appointing Mr. J. C. Longueville as- sistant City Attorney and his appoint- ment he approved. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith, Jones and Stumpf. Nays—Aids. Clancy, Lyon and Mc- Laughlin. Absent—Aid. Corrance. It being a tie vote the Mayor voted aye. RESOLUTIONS. Aid. Frith offered the following, which was adopted: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that it is deemed necessary and advisable to improve Kaufman Avenue from Couler Avenue to the east line of Lot 145a, L. H. Lang - worthy's Addition, and it is hereby pro- posed to pave said street with brick on the present macadam foundation, and to assess the cost of such paving against the abutting property. Alderman Frith also offered the fol- lowing, which was adopted: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City En- gineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the lo- cation, nature and extent of the pro- posed improvement on Kaufman Avenue from Couler Avenue to the East line of Lot 145a, L. H. Langworthy's Addition, and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such im- provement, and the amount assessable upon any railway or street railway, the amount and cost thereof to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City Recorder; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the City Recorder shall publish in three consecutive issues of a newspaper published in the city, a notice stating that such plat and estimate are on file, the location and nature of the improve- ment, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost and the time be- fore which objection thereto can befiled, i ad the time fixed for hearing, time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of such notice, and after such publication shall have been made, the City Recorder shall at the next regular session of the City Coun- cil, notify the Council thereof in writing with a printed copy of such notice ac- companying the same. 115 Alderman Frith also offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to improv,! Cooler Avenue from Eagle Point Avenue to the center of Twenty-second Street, and it is hereby proposed to grade. curl) wherever necessary and pave said street with brick on a concrete foundation, and to assess the cost of such grading, curb- ing and paving against the abutting prop- erty. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Frith. Jones, Lyons, McLaughlin and Stumpf. Absent—Aid. Corrance. Alderman Frith also offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the Ci:y Commit of the City of Dubuque. Tbat the city Engi- neer he and he is hereby instructed to prepare a plat showing generally the lo- cation, nature and extent of the peopuned improvement on Cooler Avenue from Eagle Point Avenue to the center of Twenty-second Street, and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such improvement, and the amount assessable upon any railway or street railway, the amount and cost thereof to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount asses- sable upon each lot or parcel of land ad- jacent to or abutting upon such improve- ment, per front foot, and to tile such Plat and estimate in the office of the City Recorder; that after the tiling of said plat and estimate in his office, the City Recorder shall publish in three consecu- tive issues of a newspaper published in the city, a notice stating that such plat, and estimate are on file, the location and nature of the improvement, kind of ma- terial to be used, and an estimate of its cost and the time before which objections thereto can be fixed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five days after the publication of such notice, and after such publication shall have been made, the City Recorder shall, at the next regular session of the Council, notify the Council thereof in writing with a printed copy of such no- tice accompanying the same. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Jones, Lyons, McLaughlin and Stumpf. Absent—Aid. Corrance. Ald. Frith also offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the part of Cushing's Addition, a subdivision of Lot 139, Lot 1, Lot 2 of 137, Lot 3 of 137 and Lot 4 of 137 and also of the west 12 feet of Lot 1 of Lot 135, all in L. H. Lang - worthy's 'Addition to the City of Du- buque, Iowa, be approved upon certificate of City Treasurer that all city taxes are paid in full, and that the Mayor and Re- corder of said city are hereby directed to 116 Regular Session May 5, 1904. make proper certification of this resolu- tion of approval, in order that said plat may he properly recorded. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Frith. Jones, Lyons. McLaughlin and Stumpf. Absent—Aid. Corrance. Ald. Jones offered the following, which was adopted: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the salary of the Assistant City Attorney. J. C. Lon- gueville, for the ensuing term be fixed at the sum of $75.00 per month, the same that was allowed the last Assistant City Attorney. Ald. Lyons offered the following: lie It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a Sanitary Sewer of eight -inch tile pipe be construct- ed in White Street from Eagle Point Ave- nue to Sanford Street. according to the plans and specifications of said sewer pre- pared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office i f the City Recorder, and be it further resolved that said sewer shall he completed on or before the 15th of July, 1904. and shall be paid for at the time and in the manner prescribed by Chapter J4 of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque for the payment of the cost of constructing sewers. The propos- als for doing such work will be acted upon by the Council on the 19th day of May. 19c,4. and the City Recorder is here- by ordered to give ten days' notice by publication, asking fc r proposals as pro- vided by Ordinance. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Jones, Lyons, McLaughlin and Stumpf. Absent—Aid. Corrance. Ald. Lyons also offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That it is deemed necessary and advisable to construct a sanitary sewer in Booth Street from Dodge Street to Forrest Lane and in West Third Street from Booth Street to Nevada Street, thence northerly in Nevada Street to alley first south of West Fifth Street, and it is hereby proposed to construct a sanitary sewer in said Booth, West Third and Nevada Streets as follows: An eight -inch tile pipe sewer in Booth Street from Dodge Street to Forrest Lane, an eight -inch tile pipe sewer in West Third Street from Booth Street to Nevada Street and an eight -inch tile pipe sewer in Nevada Street from West Third Street to the alley first south of West Fifth Street, and to assess the cost of said sewers against the abutting property. Adopted by the following voter Yeas—Alda, Clancy, Frith, Jones, Lyons, McLaughlin and Stumpf. Absent—Ald. Corrance. Alderman Lyons also offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City En- gineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat and specifications for an eight -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Booth Street from Dodge Street to For- rest Lane and in \Vest Third Street from Booth Street to Nevada Street, thence northerly in said Nevada Street to the alley first south of \Vest Fifth Street, showing the location and gene -al nature of said improvement, the extent thereof, the size and kind of material to be used, and to prepare an estimate of the cost thereof and the amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting thereon, per front foot or square foot in area, and to file such plat. speci- fications anti ?stimate in the offiee of the City Recorder. That after such plat is so filed. tb,• City Recorder shall cause to be publish- ed notice of the intention of the Council to make such improvement, which notice shall be published in three consecutive issues of the official newspaper of the City of Dubuque, stathng that such plat is on file, and generally the nature of the sewers, their location. sire and kind of material to be used and the estimate of its cost, and fixing the time before which objections can he filed, which time shall not he less than five days after the last publication of such notice, and after the completion of the publication of the no- tice he shall, at its next regular Session. notify the Council thereof in writing with a printed copy of such notice accom- panying the sante. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy. Frith, ,zones. Lyons. McLaughlin and Stumpf. Absent—Aid. Corrance. Alderman Stumpf offered the following, which was adopted: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City Re- corder be and he is hereby instructed to advertise for bids for the construction of a storm water sewer in Washington Street from Eighteen to Nineteenth Street in accordance with the plans sub- mitted by the City Engineer and ap- proved by the City Council. Alderman McLaughlin offered the fol- lowing, which was adopted: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City Re- corder be and he is hereby instructed to advertise for bids for painting the town clock and tower. Alderman McLaughlin also offered the following: Whereas, At a session of the City Coun- cil, held December 2, 1895, a resolution was adopted, whereby Jerry Murphy, in recognition of the faithful performance of his duties during the twenty-one years of his active service on the fire depart- ment was honorably retired from such active service and appointed night watch- Regular Session May 5, 1904. 117 man :11 the (',• 1t:,ti .•ngine house, and to continue in such service so long as he was able to fulfill the same; and. Whereas, said Jerry Murphy, during the nine years he has been employed as such watchman. has given entire satis- faction and is now fully as competent to till this position as when he was first appointed thereto; and, Whereas, during the spring of 1903 the City Council. without cause, reduced his salary to $50.00 per month; therefore, Resolved by the City Council of the city of Dubuque. That the salary of Jerry Murphy he fixed at $60.00 per month, the same as it was prior to the reduction, and that the City Auditor be instructed accordingly. On motion was referred to the Com- mittee of the Whole. Aid. McLaughlin moved to adjourn un- til May 19th, 1904. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Attest: 4'. Z ........ ...Recorder c Approved.AP: / 190. 3fayor 118 Regular Session May 19, 1904 CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session. May 19th. 1904. (Official.) Council met at s: i) o'clock P. M. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—A his. Clancy, Frith, Jones, Lyons. lie ,augblin and Stumpf. A bscnt—.Id. Corance. I'ETITIONS AND COMMITNICAT1ONS. Petition of Jas. - F. Hedley asking that he be granted a year's Auctioneer's Li- cense for the sum of $25.00 owing to sick- ness he being unable to do any business for the last seven months. On motion the petition was granted. Petition of Chas Stillman et al asking that a 4 -foot sidewalk be ordered laid on the north and south side of Lang- worthy Avenue west of Hill to Nevada Streets, On motion referred to Committee on Streets and Sidewalk Inspector. Petition of Herm. A. Ney et al asking that an electric light be placed at inter- section of King and Fulton Streets. On motion referred to Committee on Police and Light. Petition of Mrs. Helen May asking for the cancellation of her taxes for the year 1903 on lot 106. Union add. Also petition of Alice C. Collins asking for the exemption of her taxes on lots 28 and 29, Park Hill add. for the year 1903. On motion both petitions were re- ferred to Committee on Delinquent Taxes. Petition of Viola M. Law asking for the cancellation of her personal taxes as assessed for the year 1903. Also petition of Maria L. Thedinga ask- ing that the City Treasurer be instructed to refund her the sum of $8.63, being the amount of the assessment on valuation of 1;750.00. On motion both petitions were referred to the Board of Equalization, Petition of St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital asking for cancellation of taxes on lot 731, the same being used for hospital pur- poses only. On motion referred to City Attorney, and he to report at next meeting of the Council. Petition and cla- im of - M. B. Connolly claiming the sum of $1000.00 for personal damages sustained by falling in a hole in the south side of West Fifth Street, west of Bluff and opposite lot 614. On motion referred to Committee on Claims and City Attorney. The following petitions were referred to the Committee of the Whole: Petition of Jac. llaudenshield et al re- monstrating against the laying of street railway track on Twenty-fourth Street from Couler Avenue to Jackson Street. Also petition of Peter Eisbach asking that the City Engineer be instructed to give the proper measurement of the con- struction of Bee Branch sewer from Eagle Point Avenue to Sanford A venue. A:so petition of N. Kintzinger claiming the sum of $160.00 clue him for back salary for the months of January. February and March. 1902. Also petition of the Dubuque Fire De- partment protesting against the petition of the Typographical Inion No. 22 asking that lots 1014 ;mel 1011 in Linwood ceme- tery be laid aside for burial purposes for said union. Also petition of Dubuque Altar Mfg. Co. in relation to ilea don of alley between Elm and Pine Streets from Eighteenth to Nineteenth Streets. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil: Gentlemen—I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on Streets in the different districts during the first half of May. 1901: Amount due Laborers on Streets..$1645.60 Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. P_.OYCE, City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Streets. Also submit my pay roll for labor an Sewers during the first half of May. 1904: Amount due Laborers on Sewers....$159.40 Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Sewers. On motion the pay rolls for Streets and Sewers were received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay the various amounts and the pay rolls referred hack to the proper committees. City Engineer Boyce also reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil: Gentlemen—Herewith please find plat showing the proposed vacation of a part of Charter Street, from the west line of Levee to the east line of Water Street. and from the west line of Water Street to the east line of lot 1, block 15. and lot 1, block 18, Dubuque Harbor Co's. addition. Notices were served on the respective property owners. Respectfully submitted, JAMES H. BOYCE, City Engineer. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the report be approved, and that the Ordinance Committee he instructed to prepare an Ordinance vacating said Street. Carried. City Engineer Boyce also reported as follows: Regular Session May 19, 1904. 119 Herewith please find plat of proposed extension of Ninth Street through lot 1 of 1 of Congressional lot 8. section 19. 'T. 89, N. R. 3, E. of 6th P. M., from end of present Street, to the east line of above named lot. Notices were served on the respective owners. On motion the above report and plat were referred to the Committee of the Whole. City Attorney Kintzinger reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen—At your last meeting I was requested for an opinion as to whether or not the ordinance creating the office of street commissioner, was legally adopted and valid. This ordinance after being regularly read and adopted was returned to the council by the Mayor, vetoed. Af- ter its return it was again voted on and received four votes for, and two votes against its being passed over the Mayor's veto. Section 685 of the Code, which is applicable to cities under special charters, reads as follows: "The Mayor shall sign every ordinance or resolution passed by the council be- fore the same shall be in force. and, if he refuses to sign any such ordinance or resolution, he shall call a meeting of the council within fourteen days there- after and return the same with his reas- ons therefore. s +' a Upon the return of any such ordinance or resolution by the Mayor to the council, it may pass the same over his objections upon a call of the yeas and nays by not less than a two-thirds vote of the council, and the clerk shall certify on said ordinance or resolution, that the same was passed by a two-thirds vote of the council. and sign it officially as clerk." In order to make this ordinance valid therefore. it is necessary that it receive a two-thirds vote of the council, as pro- vided in the above section. If the ordi- nance received a two-thirds vote of the council, then it was duly adopted. If it did not receive such vote, it was not adopted and is void. In order to deter- mine whether or not it received a two- -thirds vote of the council. it is neces- sary first to determine the number of members constituting the council. The membership of the council is determined by Section 937 of the Code of Iowa, ap- plicable to cities acting under special • charters. This section reads as follows: "In any such city having a population of 20,000 or more, as shown by the last State or National census, the council shall consist of a Mayor, two Aldermen - at -Large, and one Alderman from each ward." In this city, where there are five ward aldermen, two aldermen -at -large, and a Mayor, the council therefore consists of eight members. At the last meeting of your honorable body, one of the aldermen was absent from the city, and it was eon - tended on the part of some of the alder- men that the absent member was not to be counted in determining the number of members in the council. If it be conceded that the word COUNCIL, as above re- ferred to, means only those present ,it the meeting of the council, the council would still consist of seven members at that meeting. as there were present six alder- men and the Mayo'. As it is necessary for the passage of the ordinance, over the Mayor's veto. that it receive a two-thirds v,,h• of the council, it would be necessary that such ordinance receive live votes, if it be conceded that only those present constituted the council. As the ordinance received only four votes, and less than two-thirds of the members present, it was not adopted. It is therefore unnecessary to determine at this time whether or not it would take a two-thirds vote of the full eight members in the council to pass it over the Mayor's veto, when there are only seven members of the council pres- ent. It has, however, been decided by our Supreme Court, that the word COUNCIL means all of the members of the council, and that a two-thirds or three-fourths vote of the council means a two-thirds or three-fourths vote of the whole mem- bership of the council. This was decided in the case of Horner vs. Rowley, 51 Iowa, page 620, and also in Griffin vs. Messenger, 114 Iowa. page 99. Under these decisions it appears that in order to pass an ordi- nance over the Mayor's veto, it would require a two-thirds vote of eight mem- bers of the council, whether they are all present or not. The above cited cases also hold that the Mayor is a member of the council, although he only has a vote in case of a tie. As the ordinance in question did not receive even a two-thirds vote of the seven members of the council present, it is my opinion that it is void and of no effect. Dated Dubuque, Iowa. May 19, 1904. Respectfully submitted. J. W. KINTZINGER, City Attorney. Aid. Frith moved that the report of the City Attorney be approved. Carried. City Recorder Arendt presented and read the printed notice certified to by the publisher of the Council's intention to improve Cooler Avenue from Eagle Point Avenue to center of Twenty-second Street. Also a communication signed by forty- four property owners abutting against. the above named street remonstrating against said improvement. Ald. Lyons moved that the prayer .'f the remonstrators be granted. Carried. Aid. Frith moved that the resolution ordering the improvement of Cooler Ave- nue from Eagle Point Avenue to center of Twenty-second Street he rescinded. Ca rried. City Recorder Arendt also presented and read the printed notice, certified to 120 Regular Session May 19, 1904. by the lmhlisher, of the Council's inten- tion to improve Kaufman Avenue from Cooler Avenue to the east lint of lot 145a, L. II. Langwo•thy's Acid. Also a communication signed by forty- fiv ' property owners abutting against the above named street, remonstrating against said improvement. Ald. Frith moved that said remon- strance and notice he referred to th Committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. Lyons presented two bids from F. McNear, for sewer in White Street and storm water sewer in Washington Sheet. the bids not being accepted by the Recorder for the reason that they were presented after the time specified by the notice to sewer contractors. Ald. Lyons moved that said hid be ac- cepted. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy. Lyons and Mc- Laughlin. Total, 3. Nays—Aids. Frith. Jones and Stumpf. Total, 3. Absent—Ald. Corrance. There being a tie vote. the Mayor voted yea. The followi bids were then ordered opened: For an eight -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in White Street from Eagle Point Avenue to Sanford Street- and the sante referred to the City Engineer for com- putation. Also bids for a storm water sewer in Washington Street from Seventeenth Street to Nineteenth Street. Bids also referred to City Engineer for computa- tion. City Engineer Boyce reported on bids as follows: Sanitary sewer in White Street from Eagle Point Avenue to Sanford Street: James Street, total amount for sewer $690 20 Brown & Brown, total amount for sewer 884 00 O'Farrell & McNamara, total amount for sewer 680 40 Frank McNear, total amount for sewer 737 40 M. Tschirgi. total amount for sewer. 631 40 Ald. Fri.h moved that the contract be awarded to M. Tschirgi, he being the lowest bidder, and the bond placed at $900.00. Carried. .! On the sknrm water tile pipe sewer in Warhingt r '. Street from Seventeenth Street to Nineteenth Street, the City En- gineer reported as follows: M. Tschirgi, total amount for sewer.$585 86 O'Farrell & McNamara, total amount for sewer 70174 Frank McNear, total amount for sewer 603 65 James Street, total amount for sewer 676 91 Brown 8: Brown, total amount for sewer 624 14 Ald. Jones moved that said contract be awarded to M. '1'schh'gi. he being the lowest bidder. and the bond placed at $_cii.eo. Curried. also a bid for painting the town clock .;nil t,Wer. was ordered opened. Bid as follows: 13. J. Scherr. painting the town clock and tower. according to the specifications now on file in the office of the City Recorder $365 00 Ald. Clancy moved that the contract he awarded to B. J. Scherr and the bond placed at $100.00. Carried. The Mayor stated that there were gen- tlemen present from Oskaloosa, who wished to address the Council in regard to a State Atlas, to he exhibited at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition at Saint Louis. Ald. Clancy moved that the rules be suspended in order to hear from the gentlemen. Carried. Mr. Ray, representing the Iowa Pub- lishing company of Davenport. addressed the Council. asking that the Council ap- propriate $500.00 for a page in said Atlas, or as much as the Council would see fit. Ald. Clancy moved that the matter he referred to the Committee of the Whole. with power, the same to meet tomorrow. May 20th, at 2 o'clock p. m. Carried. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMIT- TEES. Ald. Frith, chairman of the Committee on Streets, reported as follows: Your Committee on Streets, to whom wes referred the petition of E. J. De- laney, asking that he be permitted to lay a plank sidewalk abutting his property on the north side of Julien Avenue, would recommend that said petition be received and filed and that the Sidewalk Inspector he instructed to require that said side- walk be constructed of cement with a rough wearing surface. Also your Committee on Streets would respectfully report that they have ex- amined the improvement on Ardmore Terrace (Steuck & Linehan, contractors,) and would recommend that said street be accepted and that the Finance Com- mittee be instructed to make provision for an issue of bonds to cover the cost of the improvement of said street. Also your Committee on Streets, to whom was referred the bill of Paul Ilg for $3.00 for making calculations of area of Bee Branch sewer for settlement with contractor, would recommend that said bill be allowed. Also your Committee on Streets, to whom was referred the petition of A. F. Heeb, et al, asking that Heeb Street as at present platted be vacated, except such portion as abuts on the property of George and C. Rath, and offering to Regular Session 19, 1904. deed to the city a strip of their land thirty feet wide, running parallel to and abutting the west line of Heeb Street, said vacation and relocation being for the purpose of securing the improvement of Heeb Street, would rt_commend that the City Engineer be instructed to pre- pare plans showing a street sixty feet wide on a divided grad ; tic, westerly half only to lie improv,1 for tie. present. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. Also ret ort in favor of paying the fol- lowing hills: D. Meant th. rock furnished for rock crusher $201 00 J. Mersch, rock furnished for rock crusher 27 01 tl. Tigges, rock furrirhed• for rock crusher 18 00 M. O'Meare, inspector on Dodge Street 20 00 J. Noonan, estimate on Dodge Street Sewer $ SIIt 00 Ald. Frith moved to adopt the reports of the Street committee. Carried. Ald. Jones, chairman of the committee on Public Grounds and Buildings, reported as follows: in favor of paying the bill of the Iowa State Insurance Company. To policies for City Hall and Fourth Street Engine House $ 55.13 Ald. Jones moved to adopt the report of the committee on Public Grounds and Buildings. Carried, Ald. Jones, chairman of the committee of the Board of Equalization, reported as follows: Your Board of Equalization, to whom was referred the petition of the Dubuque Brewing and Malting Co., asking that in accordance with the ordinance adopted June 1, 1896, fixing a valuation on the property owned by it. the Treasurer be instructed to accept the sum of $2,367.16 in full settlement of its taxes for the year 1903, would recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the Treasurer be instructed accordingly. Ald. Jones moved to adopt the report. Carried. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Frith offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved. That the City Attorney be and is hereby instructed to prepare an Ordin- ance regulating the speed of automobiles within the City limits, six (6) miles an hour to be the limit. Ald. Jones offered the following, which was adopted: Whereas, The contract heretofore en- tered into by the City of Dubuque for the improvement of a street as hereinafter described, and the City Engineer has computed that the cost and expense of said improvement amounts to Seven Hun- dred Dollars; therefore. Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to provide 121 for the cost of improving Ardmore 'ret- race from West Eleventh street to a paint two hundred feet south of Wept Eleventh street, the Mayor is required to expciitt, and deliver to the City Recorder. to 1,e tw him registered and countersigned, two ill bonds of the denomination of Three Hun- dred and Fifty Dollars ($350.00) each, num- bered 261 and 332, dated June 1. 1904, payable on or before seven years after the date therefor and bearing interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum payable semi-annually. Ald. McLaughlin offered the following, which was adopted: \v herons, The Dubuque Altar Company has filed its petition asking for the vacs. - tion of the alley between Elm and Pine Streets from Eighteenth to Nineteenth Street, and represents that it is the owner of all the land abutting the part of the alley so asked to be vacated: therefore, Be It Resolved by the I'ity Council of the City of Dubuque: That the t'ity En- gineer be directed to make a survey and plat of that part of said alley proposed to he vacated to be filed in said Engineer's office and subject to public inspection and to give the notices required by ordinance to all owners of property abutting said ground proposed to he so vacated and to publish the notice required by ordinance of said proposed vacation. Ald. Clancy moved that the matter of purchasing Hats for the Fire Department be referred to the committee on Fire with power. Carried. Ald. Jones moved that the Street com- mittee and City Engineer he instructed to complete the Ardmore 'Terrace wall by putting a coping thereon. Carried. Ald. McLaughlin moved to adjourn un- til June 2nd, 1904. Carried. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. 122 List of Warrants LIST Of IT \111111-iAVS City Recorder's Whet:, Dubuque, Iowa, May 1, 1904. To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The following is a complete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of April, 1904: C. H. Berg, salary, Mayor $116 65 H. Brinkman. salary. Treasurer 133 30 J. A. McKinley, salary, Deputy Treasurer 100 00 Jno. Krayer, clerk. Treasurer's of- fice 60 Chas. F. Arendt, salary, Recorder116 C5 Wm. A. Kaep, salary, Deputy Re- corder 80 00 F. B. Hoffman, salary, Auditor 116 65 C. B. Scherr, salary, Assessor 125 00 A. Doerr, Jr., salary, Assistant As- sessor 100 00 J. J. Murphy, salary, Assistant As- sessor 100 00 Geo. A. Barnes, salary, Attorney150 00 J. B. Powers, salary, Assistant At- torney 75 00 T. Reilly, salary, Chief of Police100 00 Jos. Reinfried, salary, Fire Chief100 00 J. W. Lawler. salary. Committee Clerk 100 00 Jas. Boyce, salary, City Engineer166 65 E. Anderson, salary, Assistant En- gineer 100 00 E. Herron, salary, superintendent Street Sprinkling 60 00 Wm. Flipman, salary, Electrician83 30 H. Tropf, salary, Marketmaster50 00 P. Ryan, salary, Park Custodian40 00 P. Kien, salary, Park Custodian40 00 T. Faherty, salary, Park Custodian 10 00 Dr. B. F. Michel, salary, Health Of- ficer 50 00 F. Flynn, salary, Sanitary Patrol- man 60 00 N. Offerman. salary, Poundmaster45 00 Mrs. H. Koenig, salary, Janitress20 00 A. Crawford, salary, Sidewalk In- spector 50 00 H. A. Moyes, salary. Wharfmaster20 00 M. Clancy, salary, Alderman 25 00 H. Corrance, salary, Alderman 25 00 E. E. Frith, salary, Alderman 25 00 J. L. Horr, salary, Alderman 25 00 R. Jones, salary, Alderman 25 00 G. N. Raymond, salary, Alderman25 00 J. J. Sheridan, salary, Alderman25 00 J . J. Sheridan, salary, Alderman25 00 Tillie Donnelly, stenographer 20 00 M. Eitel, fireman • Essman. fireman A. Duccinni, fireman J. Flynn, fireman J. Roshon, fireman A. Heer, fireman J. Tschudf, fireman J. Schonberger, fireman J. Daley, fireman J. Barnes, fireman T. Ryder, fireman G. Beyer. fireman 65 00 75 00 60 00 65 00 60 00 50 00 5U UU 50 00 65 00 75 00 60 00 65 00 W. Ducey, fireman 60 00 F. Murphy, fireman 50 00 P. Ahern, fireman 5o oo M. Kelley, fireman 50 tfoi D. Ahern, fireman 65 01, P. ZI1lig. fireman 51) fio T. Flynn, fireman 65 00 M. Sweeney, fireman 50 00 H. Cain. fireman so Ill) N. Wagner, fireman so oo J. Benzer, fireman J. McLaughlin. fireman A. McDonald. fireman J. Murphy, fireman 50 00 G. Gehrke. fireman 65 (10 '1'. Kennedy, fireman 60 041 F. Baumgartner, fireman 50 00 J. Smith, fireman 50 00 C. Kannolt, fireman 65 00 J. Allen, fireman (10 00 M. Fahey, fireman 50 00 W. O'Connell, fireman 50 00 R. Weston, fireman 65 00 F. Kenneally, fireman (ii too E. McDermott, fireman 50 00 W. McClain, fireman 50 00 P. Furey, substitute fireman 5 00 W. Kannolt, sub 11 60 A. Becker, police 50 011 J. H. Barry, police 50 00 G. Burke!, police 511 00 J. Carter, police 0110 J. Chine, police Jno. Cody, police W. Cook, police 54 95 W. Corcoran, police 50 Oo M. Craugh, police 65 00 H. Donlon, police 47 00 J. Fitzpatrick, police 47 00 Jas. Flynn, police 50 00 Wm. Frith, police 50 00 T. Ganahl, police 51 65 L. Gra.ssel, police 50 00 B. Gray, police 51 65 Pat Hanlon, police 47 00 M. Kilty, police 50 00 Jno. Loetscher, police 38 45 P. McCollins, police 51 65 P. McInerney, police 50 00 Jno. Moore, police 60 00 D. Norton, police 35 00 M. O'Connor, police 50 00 Jno. Murphy, police 49 00 Jno. Raesli, police 65 00 Otto Rath, police 50 00 Jas. Ryan, police 65 0(1 P. Scharff, police 50 00 Al. Scherr, police 58 00 F. Spielman, police 50 00 P. Sutton, police 35 00 Torn Sweeney, police 65 00 M. Stapleton, police 50 00 P. Sullivan, police 50 00 Jno. L. Sullivan, police 43 00 L. Zeidman, police 50 00 Mrs. Kate Hibbe, matron 30 00 Miss L. Brennan, matron 30 00 Labor on Streets in the different dis- tricts during the last of March, 1904: FIRST DISTRICT. Richard Burns, labor $ 3 75 Jos. Brouillette, labor 9 81) John Burns, labor 2 JO List of Warrants 123 W. Coughlan, labor lo so 11 James Connolly. labor 7 111 Jerry Cahill, labor 3 0., Peter Carney, labor 0 ;0 Lout. Cahill, labor 2 James Callahan. foreman 2o a) Peter DeFontaine. labor 4 40 John Dougherty. labor S 15 N. J. Durchen, labor 10 So Ed. Desmond, labor 5 10 Mike Donegan, labor 7 15 Tom Donahue, labor 4 05 John Egan, labor 12 15 Dan Fox, labor 3 75 Nelson Frith, stoker 50 00 George Frost. foreman 20 00 Pat Grue. labor 5 75 Peter Gregory, labor 4 40 Jos. Gavin. labor 5 40 Pat. Gilloon. labor 10 80 Barney Cdaes. labor 11 50 Thos. Hackney. labor 7 10 John Hafey. labor 7 10 Tim Kelly, labor 3 05 Martin Lonergan. labor 10 80 Mike Lavin, labor 5 40 Mike Meagher, labor 4 05 John Ma honey, foreman 3 00 Phil Melloy, labor 70 A. W. Miller. labor 9 45 George Moore. labor 5 75 John McNulty, labor 8 90 John MeG,.e. labor 3 (.5 James Mecarron. labor 4 40 John McQuillan, labor 3 75 Frank N1 ecann. labor 3 05 James MeAleese. labor 11 10 Dan iloPoland, labor 7 10 W. O'Brien, foreman 20 00 James Purcell, labor 11 15 James Powers, labor 2 05 W. Quinlan, labor 8 10 James Ryan, labor 11 50 Phil Reddin, labor 1 35 Jos. Rooney, driver 20 0.1 Nick Sweeney, labor 6 4', 3 75 Mike Cain, labor Frank Strohmeyer. labor Dan Sheehan, foreman M. S. Sughrue. labor George Short, labor John Spear, foreman W. Sheridan. labor John Varhoof, labor John Welsh (Caledonia), labor Wm. Welsh, labor Thos. Young, engineer Becker Bros., team Josh Calvert, team John Calvert, team Mike Hannan, team James Keefe, team John Lenlhan, team John Mulgrew, team J. J. McCollins. team George Reynolds. team Ed. Seeley, team Jerry Sullivan, team W. Woods, team SECOND DISTRICT E. Amanda, labor Ant. Bolein, labor 8 25 2 (5 8 10 9 40 1 S5 6 10 7 45 4 05 75 09 3 60 24 80 21 60 16 20 28 SO 13 60 6 SO 400.0 19 00 10 00 5 40 22 60 3 40 7 10 C. Buelow, labor 1.1 C. Bremer, labor I 10 5 lo 1.1 4 75 1 11 50 Dennis Corcoran. labor Frank Cherney. labor 2 To Pat Devaney, labor 7 .15 L. Darmacher, labor 2 40 John Drehouse, foreman 6 ' 7,1 John Engels. labor 14 55 Jos. Eberhardt, labor 7 so Ess, labor 5 10 C. Ellermam labor 4 75 W. Foley, labor 7 45 Pat Farrell, labor 7 80 John Farley, foreman 10 90 6 10 J. Brachtenbach, labor C. Buse, labor C. Buddien. labor Jake 13renner, labor W. Buelow, labor John Corbett. labor Peter Dax, labor W. Flynn, labor Frail; Frick. labor 205 Peter Fasselius, labor 5 40 Pat Gilloon, labor 1 35 Jos. Giesland. labor 2 05 Henry Calle, labor 1 35 .Tos. Grab. labor 9 70 Jos. (SMentor. labor 6 10 Peter Guenter, labor 7 80 George Gau, labor 8 15 James Garrison, labor 6 45 H. Grode. labor 3 10 C. Gantenbein, foreman 20 00 Jake Hansen, mason 2 50 Geo. Hecklinger. mason 7 15 Geo. J. Hahn. foreman 20 DO Adam Henderson, labor 3 40 Phil 1 -Tense. labor 2 70 John Haertle. labor 3 40 John Heil, carpenter 22 50 John John. labor 1 41! Peter Jacob, labor 2 70 Wm. Johnson. labor 70 Nie Kettenhofen. labor 9 45 John Kress, labor 6 75 Jake Kraus, labor 8 35 Jake Kasper, labor 7 10 Then. Kleaske. labor 5 40 C. Kupferschmidt, labor 5 40 C. Krantz. labor 5 10 Jos. Kientzle. labor 4 05 Paul Krocheski, labor 2 95 John Levens. labor 2 05 Pat Lynch. labor 7 45 Dietrich Lillig. labor 5 441 H. Lembke, labor 9 00 Frank Lassance, labor 3 40 Alois Long. labor 70 40.5 3 d i I 6 fr5 2 70 Toni ninny. labor Rob. Mack. labor John Murray. labor Ed. Malloy, labor Andres Mai. labor James Malloy, labor A. Manderscheid, labor Ernest Mueke, labor Chas. McManus, labor John McLaughlin, labor C. Nanck, labor (,- 6 11 John Pfeiffer, labor 14 55 Jake Perrion. labor Nic Phisch, labor 124 List of Warrants. W. Papenthein, labor Mat. Raishek, labor Fred Radloff, labor C. Ripiseli. labor C. Reinfrank. labor John Schromen, mason John Spear, labor Frank Scherr, labor Chris. Scholl, labor Ernest Smith. labor Aug. Soyke, labor Herman Smith, labor John Sloan. labor Jos. Statel, labor Jake Schema-. labor Jos. Schafetel, labor A. Schilsky. labor Nic. Selirrnvler, labor Jake Sela idecker, labor H. Schaefer. labor Chas. Seward, labor Lawrence Trost, labor John Twieg, labor R. Turner, labor C. Vincent, labor 340 6 10 70 5 10 70 3 50 2 55 8 10 11 50 9 45 6 75 8 10 7 l0 5 40 5 40 4 40 5 10 4 75 4 75 1 35 1 35 11 50 645 3 40 5 40 Anton \Condrasek, labor 6 45 Nic. Vampach. labor 8 89 Gottlieb \Viedman, labor 1 75 George Zumhof, foreman 9 00 Frank Burns, team 46 00 Becker Bros.. team 24 40 Fred Beutin, team 14 40 J. Berwanger, team 5 40 T. B. Cain. team 3 40 M. Gantenbein, team 14 10 Jake Haudenschield, team 21 20 John Huffmire, team 16 40 Peter Horch, team 1410 Pat Linehan, team 26 00 John Long, team 9 90 A. Pailey, team 11 79 L. Peil, team 100 IV. Rinck, team 5 90 H. Rinck. team 5 40 Adam Stoltz. team 3 50 J. Thanie, team 9 00 M. Zogg, team 11 70 THIRD DISTRICT. Sam Allen, labor A. Alderson, labor Paul Becker, labor D. J. Brightbill. labor Jos. Blocker, labor Jos. Brown, labor H. Cosgrove, driver H. Cobb, labor John Flynn, labor Pat Fenelon, labor Chas. Gruenzig, labor Jos. Giesland, labor James Hird, labor Tom Harker, labor John Keast, labor Peter Kaiser, labor Jake Kraus, labor Bob Love. labor Jos. Martinek. labor Pat McPoland, labor John Nuke, labor John Nutz, labor John O'Halloran, labor Chas. O'Neill, labor John Parker, labor 3 75 2 70 12 85 5 75 1 35 4 75 20 00 2 70 0 70 14 25 10 15 7 80 10 90 3 75 11 85 2 06 3 40 2 05 5 75 5 40 35 2 70 4 75 5 40 9 80 Geo. Putnam, labor 3 75 James Reed, labor 6 45 James Smith, labor 8 45 Sam Sterling labor 3 40 Louis Smith, labor 1 35 F. Scherr, labor 2 10 John Taschner, labor 3 05 Will Tobin, labor 2 05 Jos. Williams, labor 3 75 Jos. Willman. labor 1 35 John Walsh (Race). labor 2 70 Fred Weber, labor 2 70 IT. Wearmouth, foreman 20 00 Adam Zingel, labor 3 40 James Costello, team 5 40 James Lonergan. team 15 30 Jeff McGrath, team 15 30 Jerry Sullivan, team 26 L) John Sutherland, team 9 91 James Tobin, team 26 10 Frank Winters, team 7 20 Labor on Sewers during the last half of March. 1904: P. Casserly, labor $22 40 John Corcoran, labor 22 40 R. T. Eddy, foreman 25 00 R. A. Fuller. labor 22 40 F. Hohnecker, labor 22 40 P. Kenneally, labor 2' 40 Pat. Sage, labor 20 80 Landon Taylor, labor 22 40 H. A. Moyes, Wharfmaster for Jan- uary, February and March, 190460 00 P. Baumgartner, Assistant Market - master 36 45 H. J. Tropf, board of prisoners for March 10 20 L. Daily, cleaning around Market Square February and March 28 00 G. White, Rodman, Engineer's office 50 00 J. Straney, labor at Garbage Dump 36 45 J. Pfeiffer, cleaning and distributing lamps for election 7 50 A. Doerr, Sr., hauling ballot boxes and lamps 10 75 L. Daily, setting up booths, First Ward 6 30 J. J. McCollins, setting up booths, Second Ward 6 30 L. Fay, setting up booths, Third Ward 12 05 W. Sinhold, setting up booths, Fourth 'Ward 9 90 J. R. Flick, setting up booths, Fifth Ward 15 50 G. A. Barnes, expense going to Des Moines 25 30 Union Printing Co., printing argu- ment in case of Considine vs. City 24 00 Union Printing Co., letter heads for Auditor 2 25 Union Printing Co., poll books and blank stationery 46 25 Union Printing Co., 500 special tally sheets for election 13 00 H. Wunderlich & Son, use of tables and chairs for election 3 50 G. F. Kleih, rope and screws for election 65 P. Lang, use of oil heater for elec- tion 75 P. Lang, one pad lock for city pound 50 Key City Gas Co., gas for various List of Warrsant, 125 departments 104 30 G. B. Grosvenor & Co., blank sta- tionery and supplies for vari.. departments 10 30 Phil Pier, coal delivered at City Hall 60 43 A. E. Bradley, glazing at City Hall 1 30 Mullen & Papin, plumbing at City Hall ...3 75 C. 0. D. Laundry, towels and racks at City Hall 21 50 M. J. G. La Nicca, paints and oils for Road department 2 70 C. Giese, filing saws for Road de- partmen t so Dubuque Turbine & Roller Mill Co., . gallon asphaltum F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Road department S5 Key l'ity Roofing Co.. cement for Road department 4 20 Heller & Scherr, horse shoeing for Road department 3 80 Dubuque AV'oodcnware & Lumber Co.. lumber for Road department3 70 Phil Pier, pine wood for steam roller 3 50 Austin & Western Co.. 1 No. 4 Rock 'rusher complete 2250 00 Wunderlich & \\'iederholt. horse shoeing for Fire department S 00 Lagen & Sloan. horse shoeing for Fire department 10 OQ Gus Lear. horse shoeing for Fire department 4 00 Heller & Schorr, horse shoeing for Fire department 3 80 T. 1'. Kane. hay and oats for Fire department 102 06 G. W. 'Healey & Son, hardware for Fire department 1 65 F. M. Jaeger & Co., hardware for Fire department 515 Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs for Fire department 2 05 C. Giese. repairing clippers for Fire department .... 1 25 International Fire Engine Co., sup- plies for Fire department 20 00 F. Pier. coal for Fire department126 50 R. E. 'l'waites, pasturing horses for Fire department 22 50 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Fire department 10 50 Dubuque Cabinet Makers' Associa- tion, repairing chairs for Central Engine House 11 60 Key City Gas Co., coke for Fire de- partment 18 85 Key City Gas Co., gas arcs at 9th and 18th street Engine Houses 1 00 P. Pler, coal and wood for Police department 40 42 Mullen & Papin, plumbing at Patrol House 90 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., 1 pair rubber boots for Patrol House 3 85 F. M. Jaeger & Co., two police lamps .... 5 00 M. S. Hardie, letter heads for Po- lice department 8 75 F. Graff, sawing wood for Police de- partment 1 75 T. Malloy, sawing wood for Police department 4 00 C. J. W. Saunders, meats for Ma- tron department :125 A. Fluetsch, milk for Matron de- partment 1 00 IEiohhorn & Bechtel, supplies for Matron department 10 55 (71nbc-Jotn•cel, official printing for March 67 50 Tel.•graph-llereld, official printing for March 67 50 Nntiennl luemokrat. official printing for March 00 l"Winn Electric arc lights mr 2: March 13 77 M.'DonaId & Morrison \lfg. Co.. supplies f.n. Sewer department .. 3 5U G. Ragatz & Son. repairs for Sewer department 2 95 \I.)'ollias Express I'o., hauling sprinklers to 4th St. Engine I Inose 2 00 J. N.•um:ui. repairing and rep:titing 9 street sprinklers 20:150 P. J. Seipel. lumber for special sidewalk 'lep:urtment 43 90 C. H. Berg. Mayor, judgment and court costs. case of Loutrelle vs. City 613 50 Mrs. F. Eliwanger. personal clam - ages sustained by her son, Edw Ellwanger 50 00 C. H. Berg, Mayor. personal dam- ages sustained by Clara L. Pierce 450 00 C. G. W. R'y. Co., claim for cost Bee Branch storm sewer through right of way between Garfield and Rhomberg Avenues 1162 00 P. 1?isbach. final estimate for cost Bee Branch sewer from Eagle Point Avenue to Sanford Street 22045 The Register -Leader, official publi- cation of legalizing act in relation to street improvements 5 90 MACADAM LIST, MARCH. 1904. Allen, Sam $ 8 50 Becker. Paul 2S 05 Bluchardt, Chas 19 55 Cain, Mike 154 20 Das, Peter 43 35 Donnegan, Mike 12 75 Ess, John 23 80 Frommelt, D. 14 45 Ginter, Peter 44 20 Ginter, Joe 33 15 Heck, Christ 29 75 Heck, Christ 23 80 Helmer, Max 45 00 Helmer. Max 61 20 Horrig, Lawrence 74 80 Kasper, Jac 41 '25 Koehler, John 14 00 Kronfeldt, \\•m 10 20 Af' Lassance, F 43 35 Lembke, Herman 5 95 McClain, Wm 753 tis McDermott. Wm10 20 McGee, John 15 30 McNulty, John 32 30 McPoland, Pat 29 75 Neubauer, John24 65 Parker, John 108 80 Purcell, John 38 25 Radloff, Fred 49 30 Reilly, Chas. (Mrs. A. Gandolfo $4.60) 19 55 i 126 List of Warrants Reilly, Chas 21 25. Rusch, Wm 22 95 Schnee, Albert37 40 Schultz, ('has. 5 Li Martineck, Jos, 12 35 O'Shea, i'at. 5 95 O'Shea, Pat. 2S C5 O'Shea, 'Phos. _ 5 O'Shea, Thos, 15 30 Ramus, John 15 30 Welsh. John 510 Zingle. Adam 0 s0 Zingle. Adam 03 75 Twieg, Johann 12 75 REGISTRATION CLERKS. J. Carroll, 1st ward, 1st prec 27 5f1 R. F. Curran. 1st ward. 1st prec..., 27 50 J. Agnew. 1st ward. 2nd prec 27 50 M. Lippman. 1st ward. 2nd prec27 50 D. D. W. Carver, 2nd ward, 1st twee27 511 A. Lorenz. 2nd w:, rd. 1st prec 27 51) W. T. Dillon. 2nd ward, 2nd prec27 55 F. R. Hnupes. 2nd ward. 2nd prec27 ;a A. Woelker, 3rd ward. 1st prec 27 5n P. B. Hoffm: n, •1rd hard, 1st prec27 50 D. M. P' cwha l:' r, Did ward, 2nd prec 27 50 F. Ne•jcdly, 3rd ward. 2nd prec• 27 50 Wrn. Haisch, 3rd ward, 3rd prec27 50 A. Palen. 3rd ward. 3rd prec 27 50 A. C. Gasser, 4th ward, 1st prec27 50 F. M. Hopkins, 4th ward, 1st prec27 50 T. B. Cain. 4th ward, 2nd prec 27 50 Geo. Willman, 4th ward. 2nd prec27 50 J. H. Trieh. 4th ward. 3rd prec27 Sri J. Norton. 1111 ward. 3rd prec 27 50 A. J. H. 'I'uegel, 5th ward, 1st prec27 50 A. Kauffman, 5th ward, 1st prec27 50 .J. \li oer. 5th ward, 2nd prec 27 50 L. I' Tryon, 5th ward, 2nd prec 27 50 R. II cider, 5th ward, 3rd prec 27 50 F. ?'lihm. 5th ward, 3rd prec 27 50 P. Ziegler. 5th ward. 4th prec 27 60 P. Raal', 5th ward. 4th prec 27 50 JUDGES AND CLERKS OF ELECTION. H. Riker. Judge. First Precinct, First Ward10 00 J. \V. \Wickham, ,judge, First Pre- cinct. First Ward 10 00 B. ('nin. Judge, First Precinct First Ward 10 00 N. Coughlin. Clerk, First Precinct, First Ward 10 00 L. Marlin, Clerk. First Precinct First Ward 10 00 J. J. Sheridan. Judge. Second Pre- cinct. First Ward 10 00 T. Hird. Judge. Second Precinct, First Ward 10 00 M. Clancy. Judge, Second Precinct, First Ward 10 00 T. J. White. Clerk, Second Precinct, First Ward 10 00 J. W. Halpin, Clerk, Second Pre- cinct, First Ward 10 00 L. T. Waterman, Judge, First Pre- cinct. Second Ward 10 00 G. Schaffhauser, Judge, First Pre- cinct, Second Ward 10 00 J. H. Carroll, Judge, First Pre- cinct, Second Ward 10 00 J. H. Strobel. Clerk. First Pre- cinct. Second Ward 10 00 W. La Barge, Clerk, First Pre- cinct, Second Ward 10 00 G. N. Raymond. Judge. Second Pre- cinct, Second Ward Robt. Jess, Judge, Second Precinct, Second Ward Al. Heckler. Judge, Second Precinct Second Ward T. F. Ris. Clerk, Second Precinct Second Ward rd T. E. Quinlan. Clerk. Second Pre- cinct. Second Ward Jos. L. Ho•r, Judge, First Precinct, Third Ward P. Olinger. Judge. First Precinct, Third Ward J. F. Kopsa. Judge. First Precinct, Third Ward G. Ziegler. Clerk, First Precinct, Third Ward A. Geoffroy, Clerk, First Precinct Third Ward S. Sutter. Judge, Second Precinct Third Ward M. Zemanek. Judge. Second Pre- cinct, Third Ward Jno. O'Connell. Judge, Second Pre- cinct, Third Ward A. Zinn. clerk Second Precinct Third Ward P. Hanson, Jr.. clerk Second Pre- cinct, Third Ward G. B. Albrecht, judge Third Pre- cinct. Third Ward N. ,Tacquinot. judge Third Precinct Third Ward P. J. Schuler. judge Third Precinct Third Ward L. Flynn. clerk Third Precinct. Third Ward B. W. Westercamp, clerk Third Precinct, Third Ward E. P. Laude. judge First Precinct Fourth Ward W. T. Gilliam. judge First Precinct Fourth Ward C. E. Wales. judge First Precinct, Fourth Ward Geo. Lyon. clerk First Precinct, Fourth Ward F. P. Hayes, clerk First Precinct Fourth Ward J. Schromen. judge Second Precinct, Fourth Ward Jas. Hird. judge Second Precinct, Fourth Ward P. Royce. judge Second Precinct Fourth Ward \\ Baxter, clerk Second Precinct Fr.nrth Ward E. E. McEvoy. clerk Second Pre- cinct, Fourth Ward A. A. Schilling, judge Third Pre- cinct, Fourth Ward T. Allen, judge Third Precinct Fourth Ward A. Wombacher, judge Third Pre- cinct, Fourth 'Ward G. H. Wolf, clerk Third Precinct, Fourth Ward J. Lee. Jr.. clerk Third Precinct, Fourth Ward A. Reed, judge First Precinct Fifth Ward L. C. Fuller, judge First Precinct, Fifth Ward Jno. Slicber, judge First Precinct, 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 na 10 nn 10 0(1 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 0'1 10 on 10 00 1000 10 00 10 00 10 011 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 on 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 List of Warrants 127 Fifth Ward •C. Ara this, clerk First Precinct, Fifth Ward C. Thomas, clerk First Precinct, Fifth Ward J. Zimmerman, Judge Second Pre- cinct, Fifth Ward 10 00 E. J. Schilling, Judge Second Pre- cinct, Fifth IVard T. Scharle, Judge Second Precinct, Fifth Ward 'F. Neuwochner, Clerk Second Pre- cinct, Fifth \\•ard Jas. Kane. Clerk Second Precinct, Fifth Ward R. Jones. Judge Third Precinct, Fifth Ward 10 00 O. W. Gieger, Judge Third Precinct, Fifth Ward G. Rettenmaier, Judge Third Pre- cinct, Fifth Ward 10 00 ,C. Conrad. Clerk Third Precinct, Fifth Ward 10 00 J. Kruse, Clerk Third Precinct, Fifth Ward 10 00 E. E. Frith, Judge Third Precinct, Fifth Ward 10 00 R. Flick. Judge Third Precinct, Fifth Ward 10 00 A. Stoltz. Judge Third Precinct, Fifth Ward 10 00 D. Maas, Clerk, Third Precinct, Fifth Ward 10 00 A. Prange, Clerk, Third Precinct. Fifth Ward 10 00 BUILDINGS USED FOR REGISTRA- TION AND ELECTION. FIRST WARD. First Precinct—Rafferty's Place, $20.00; E. Seeley, $5.00. Second Precinct—Mrs. Lucas' Place, $20.00; P. Regan, $5.00. FIFTH WARD. Third Precinct—Pa len's Place. $20.00. FOURTH WARD. First Precinct—Wales Hotel, $20.00; Re- liable Dairy Co., $5.00. Second Precinct, N. Hebler. $25.00. Third Precinct, Kenyon's Barber shop. $20.00; F. Stifles, $5.00. FIFT F-IWARD. First Precinct, F. Spahn, $20.00; Win. Meyer, $5.00. Second Precinct. A. W. Albrecht, $20.00; Mrs. E. Henge, $5.00. Third Precinct. Miss Ruse Fengler's Place, $20.00; J. D. Carley. $5.00. Fourth Precinct. Wm. Rnesner's Place. $20.00; J. R. Flick, $5.u0. H. Brinkman, interest paid on warrants outstanding $1,557 4 H. Brinkman, postage stamps $1-8517 0(1 H. Brinkman. refunded license 2 00 H. Brinkman, New York exchange 85 H. Brinkman, telegrams to New 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 York 80 H. Brinkman, freight charges, fire 4 05 H. Brinkman, library trustee or- ders paid 916 87 Labor on streets in the different dis- tricts during the first half of April1901: 'E, Amand,a 2nd 4 75 Al. Alderson, 3rd 14 20 Sam Allen, 3rd 15 2n Rich Burns, 1st 12 8,5 Watt Burke, 1st 6 75 Geo, Bechtel, 1st 2 ,r., Jos. Brouillette, 1st, $6.10; 2nd, $1.557 f John Burns, 1st 4 15 \\•. Buelow, 2nd 1.l,, C. Bremer, 2nd 10 Anton Bolcin, 2nd w Chas. P,uddien, 2nd In Sn Jake Brenner. 2nd In 0 C. Buse, 2nd 9 IG C. Buelow, 2nd In S„ J. Brachtenhach, 2nd 9 15 A. Beiersdorf, 2nd 4 7a C. Bluecher, 2nd 7 45 Paul Becker, 3rd 16 2o, D. J. Brightbill, 3rd 15 57, Jos. Blocker, 3rd 4 (1} Jos. Brown, 1st. $4.40; 2nd. :Ks(); ;rd, $4.35 17 51 W. Coughlin. 1st 14 20 Mike Cain, 1st 13 50 Jerry Cahill, 1st 115+7 Peter Carney, 1st 13 50 Lant. Cahill, 1st 14 20 Mike Cunningham. 1st 7 45 Tom Cahill, 1st 2 70 James Callahan, 1st 20 00 John Corbett, 2nd 11 50 Denis Corcoran, 2nd 810 Frank Cherry, 2nd 1215 Sam Christiansen. 2nd 7 45 Hiram C'obh, 1st. $4.40; 2nd, $8.80; 3rd, $4.35 17 55 Jas. Connolly. 1st. $4.40; 2nd. $8.80; 3rd $4 25 17 55 H. Cosgrove. 1st, $G:65: 2nd, $10.00; 3rd, $3.35 20 00 Peter Defontaine, 1st 11 50 John Dougherty. 1st 14 20 Tom Donahue. 1st. $10.15; 2nd, $1.3511 50 E. Desmond. 1st, $8.10; 2nd, $1.359 45 N. J. Durchen, 1st 7 45 Mike Donegan, 1st 2 70 John Drehouso. 2nd 715 P. Devaney. 2nd 1115 L. Darmacher. lad 6 75 M. Diftording. lnd 1110 Peter ltax. 2nd 9 45 John Egan. 1st. $12.15; 2nd. $1. 1 13 50 John Engels. 2nd 1215 J. Eberhardt. lnd 8 80 John Es-. hint 10 80 C. l:llermaii i 2n(1 10 15 Pon Fox. 1st 12 85 \lila• Farrell, 1st 1015 (;,•,•g,• Frost. 1st 20 00 John I ;•I, y. 2nd 15 00 \V. 1 nley. :n,l 610 Pat Parrett. 2nd 8 80 Frank Frick. 2nd 8 80 W. Flanagan, 2nd 7 45 Peter Fasselius. 2nd 12 15 John Flynn. 3rd 14 20 P. Fenelon. 1st, $4.40; 2nd. $8.80; 3rd $4.35 17 55 Pat Grue, 1st 13 50 Peter Gregory, 1st 14 20 Pat Gilloon. 1st. $12.15; 2nd. $1.55.... 13 50 Barney Glass. 1st 14 20 Henry Galles 2nd 12 85 Peter Guenter. 2nd 12 15 J. M. Garrison. 2nd. 12 85 Ins. (trot). 2nd. 14 20 128 List of Warrants. Jos. Guenter. 2nd. 12 15 H. Erode. 2nd. 9 45 George Gnu, 2nd. 13 60 C. Gantenhein, 2nd. 20 00 Hubert Ga Ho. 2nd, 6 40 Chas. Gruen zig. 3rd. 15 55 Jos. Giesl;tnd. 3rd. 5 40 Tom 1lac'kney, 1st. 8 80 John Mafcy, 1st. 8 80 Gen. 1-Tecklinger, 2nd. 10 30 George T-lahn. 2nd. 20 00 A. Henderson, 2nd. 1 35 .Tohn Heartle. 2nd. 1215 Phil Hense, 2nd. 9 45 James T-Tird, 3rd. 19 50 Tom Harker, 3rd. 14 20 John Heil, 1st. $7.50; 2nd, $11.25; 3rd, $3.75 22 50 W. Johnson, 2nd. 13 50 Peter Jacob. 2nd. 80 Aug. Jass, 2nd. 4 75 C. Jamar. 3rd. 16 80 Tim. molly, 1st 12 85 N. Kcttonhofen, 2nd. 10 95 .john Kness, 2nd. 9 45 Mike Ras, 2nd. 4 05 Jake Kasper, 2nd. 1216 Theo. Klaeska, 2nd. 10 80 Chs. Krantz, 2nd. 1215 Jos.Ttientzle. 2nd. 9 45 C. Kupfersehmidt, 2nd: 9 45 Paul Krocheski. 2nd. 11 50 Juin Beast. 3rd 14 85 Peter Kaiser, 3rd. 7 80 Jake Kraus, 1st, $4.40; 2nd, $8.80; 3rd $4.35 17 55 Mike Lavin, 1st, $9.45; 2nd, $1.35 10 80 Martin Lonergan, 1st. $10.80; 2nd, $1.35 12 15 Pat Lynch. 2nd 13 50 Dietrich Lillig, 2nd 4' Frank Lassance, 2nd 10 Cu Louis Long. 2nd 8 Wt Henry Long, 2nd 9 15 John Lanser, 2nd 8 80 Herman Lembke, 2nd 8 45 Walter Lynch, 3rd 610 Mike Meagher, 1st 810 John Mahoney. 1st 15 75 Phil Melloy, 1st 12 85 George Moore. 1st, $8.10; 2nd, $1.359 45 A. \V. Miller, 1st, $2.70; 2nd, $1.354 05 Ed. Malloy. 2nd 2 70 Andre,. Mai, 2nd 2 70 James Malloy. 2nd 6 75 John -Murray. 2nd S 10 Tom Malloy, 2nd 7 45 A. Mandersebeid, 2nd 9 45 Ernest Moshe, 2nd 12 55 J. G. Modl, 2nd 8 80 Jos. Martinek, :4•d15 90 d John McNulty, 1st 14 20 John SIo(;oe, 1st 12 85 James McCarron. 1st 14 20 John McQuillan, lst 14 85 Frank McCann, 1st 12 85 W. McDermott, 1st 7 45 James McAllese, 1st, $15.75; 2nd, $1.50 17 25 Dan McPoland, 1st 35 John McLaughlin, 1st 1160 Chas. McManus, 2nd 911 John McGrath, 3rd 4 05 Jas. MeCrackin, 3rd. 1015 Pat. Mc Poland,- 3rd. 12 ,s: ': i i Na oak. 2nd. 11 50 'Phos. Needham, 2nd. 11 50 John Nuts, 3rd. 15 90 John \o,•nan. 3rd. S 10 .Tames O'Shea. 1st 1015 R". O'lirit n. 1st 2e 00 ('has, (lltn, 2nd• :1 45 Chas. ((Neill, 3rd. 15 55 17 55 John O'I-Tallora-n, 3rd, James Purcell, 1st 12 15 James Powers. 1st 8 10 John Pfeiffer, 2nd. 510 .lake Perrion, 2nd. 10 SO W. Papenthein, 2nd. 7 45 Pinsch, 2nd. 13 50 John Parker. 3rd. 15 57 Geo. Putnam, 3rd. 15 55 W. Quinlan. 1st. 11 50 Phil Reddin, 1st. $8.10: 2nd. $1.:75 9 45 .Tames Ryan. 1st, 314.55; 2nd, $1.3516 20 Mat. Raishek, 2nd. 1150 Fred Remus. 2nd. 9 4h C. Ripisch, 2nd. 1015 Fred Radloff, 2nd. 4 75 Chas, Reinfrank, 2nd. 9 45 James Reed, 3rd. 14 85 Jos. Rooney, 1st, $3.85; 2nd. $10.00, 3rd, $3.35 20 00 Vick Sweeney, 1st 12 85 Frank Strohmeyer, 1st 12 55 11. S. Sughrue. 1st 2 70 Dan Sheehan. lst. 14 50 Chas. Stick, 1st 205 IV. Sheridan, 1st, $14.20; 2nd, $1.3515 55 John Schafer. 1st 1015 John Spear. 1st 9 00 George Shirt, 1st. $9.45; 2nd, $1.3510 80 ('kris. Shool, 2nd 10 80 Ernest Smith. 2nd 14 `20 Aug. Soyke, 2nd 11 50 Merman Smith. 2nd 1015 Jos. Statel, 2nM 11 50 John Sloan. 2nd 9 SO Rich. Sullivan, 2nd 2 05 Jake Scheuer. 2nd 10 80 Jos. Schafetel, 2nd 1215 Jake Scheidecker, 2nd 1015 A. Schilski, 2n'd 9 45 Sam Sommer, 2nd 8 10 John Schemmel, 2nd 4 75 Chas. Seward, 2nd 9 45 Nie. Schroeder, 2nd 5 40 Sam Sterling, 3rd 5 40 James Smith, 3rd 14 85 Louis Smith, 3rd 8 45 Frank Scher', 1st, $4.40; 2nd, $8.80; 3rd, $4.35 17 55 Lawrence Trost, 2nd 12 8.5 R. Turner, 2nd 14 `20 John Twieg, 2nd. 1215 W. Tobin', 3rd 2 70 John Taschner, 3rd 16 20 John Varhoof, 1st 4 05 C. Vincent, 2nd 9 45 W. Welsh, 1st, $14.20; 2nd, $1.35 15 55 John Welsh, 1st, $8.10; 2nd, $1.359 45 Jacob \\'ittmer, 1st, $6.75; 2nd. $1.35., 810 Anton \\"ondrasek, 2nd 10 80 Nic \\'ampach, 2nd 17150 G. W'iedma.n, 2nd 45 Anton \Vela, 2nd 12 85 Jos. Williams, 3rd 13 85 John Walsh, 3rd 15 55 Official Notices. Fred Weber, 3rd 14 57, W. We a rmout h, 3rd 20 no Gen. Zumhoff. 2nd is no Adam Zingcl, 3rd 15 ,5 TEAMS. Peter Apple, 1st 11 80 Frank Burns. 2nd 6n so Becker 13ros.. 2nd 45 20 F. Boutin. 2rd 22 40 J. Berwanger, 2nd 39 69 Josh Calvert, 1st. $37.80; 2nd, $3.6041 40 John Calvert. 1st 10 00 James Costello, 3rd 9 nn Ben Cain, 3rd 3 60 M. Gantenhein. 2nd 37 80 Jos. (1anahl. 3rd 7 20 Mike Hannan, 1st, $37.50: 2nd. $3.6041 10 J. Handenschield. 2nd 04 1:11 John Huffmire. 2nd 19 ria Peter Horseh. 2nd 12 40 Mike Kenneally. 1st 26 00 James Keefe. let, $:31.60; 2nd. $9.6041 20 J. Knoernschield, 2nd 27 00 John Kane. 3rd 25 20 John Linehan. 1st 40 61 Pat Linehan. 2nd 67 20 John Long. 2nd 37 50 Jas. Lonergan. 3rd 36 01 John Mulgrew, let 21 60 J. J. McCollins. 1st 46 4u Jeff McGrath. 3rd 34 2. John O'Meara, 1st 7 20 Dennis O'Meara. let 36•bl A. Palley. 2nd 7 20 George Reynolds. 1st 23 40 George Rashid, 1st 7 20 W. flock. 2nd 32 40 H. Rinck, 2nd Ed. Seeley. 1st Jerry Sullivan, 1st (Valley St.) 17 Y, Pat Shea, 1st 19 Adam Stoltz, 2nd 30 62 Jerry Sullivan, 3rd ("Vernon St.)71 2. J. Sutherland. 3rd 34 20 J. Thanie, 2nd 32 40 James Tobin, 3rd 30 6, Frank Winters. 3rd 43 20 M. Zogg. 2nd 39 60 Labor on Sewers during the first half of April. 1904: P. Casserly, labor $ 20 SO J. Corcoran. labor 20 80 R. T. Eddy, foreman 25 00 R. A. Fuller, labor 8 00 F. Holinecker, labor 'II 80 P. Kenneally, labor 20 80 P. Sage, labor 17 60 Landon Taylor. labor 20 80 L. Zemanek, labor 6 40 Butt Bros., repairs for Sprinkling department 1 00 R. F. Curran, back salary as Wharf - master 160 51 C. H. Berg, Mayor, witness fees in case of Lottie A. Walker vs. City 27 15 C. H. Berg. Mayor, court costs case of Maria L. Thedinga. vs. City 9 30 C. H. Berg, Mayor. court costs case of J. C. Fitzpatrick vs. City 53 15 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of all warrants is- sued by me during the month of April, 1904. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. 12U N( (11('E. OF THE CITY c, I.'S INTENT1oN TO IMPROVE EA CEMANN AVENEE. Fill m WEST [UI' EINE oF ('Mt 1.Elt AVENEE, TO THE EAST LINE Ml' LII' 115a. I.. H. LANGWowri iy•s iDprioN. AND yr is ilEitEity Piz( (l'MEi TO intADE, 11EREVER NECESSARY, AND PAVE SA ID STREET WITH 1:R1cK 1E PREsEN r i AcA 1,A M FoCNDATION. To All Whom It Ma Y Concern: You and each of you are herebyti fled that it is the intention of ill, y Council of the City of D.ibuque to im- prove Kaufmann Avenue from the west lot line of Corder Avenue to east line of lot 14:m. T.. TI. Langworthy's addition. That a plat and specifications of said proposed improvement is now on file in the office of the City Recorder. Tt Is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require 7.200 square yards of Brick Paving. 3,267 lineal feet of Curbstone reset, and SO lineal feet of new Curbstone, at an estimat2d cost to the property owners of $10.060.00. Any person having objection to said improvement is hereby notified to appear before the City Council at Its regular ses- li,r, to be held on the 19th day of May, 1904. or to file with the City Recorder their objection in writing on or before the 1.1411 day of May, 1901. Dated at Dubuque May 9t11. 1904. C. F. A RENET. 5-9-10t. t v Re:order. NOT In' THF CITY COI"NCi LS INTENTION IM PROVE COELER A V EN ('['7 I1 P03 EAGT.E POINT AV EN1-43 'ENTER OF TWENTI-SEcoND STREET. AND IT IS 11 EIcEllY T'P,O- rosED To GRADE WII ERE - EVER NEcESSAllY. AND PAVE SAID STREET WITH 1PII('K CON- CRETE FOT:NDA TioN. To Ail Whom It May concern: You and each of you aro hereby noti- fied that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque to im- prove Colder Avenue from Eagle Point Avenue to the center of Twenty-second Street. That a plat and specifications of said proposed improvement is now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by tht: City Engineer that said improvement will require 7.125 square yards of Brick Paving, 2.375 Tinel feet of Curbstone reset, and 493 lineal feet of new Curbstone, at an estimated cost to the property owners of $13,974.65. Any person having objection to said improvement is hereby notified to appear before the City Council at its regular see sion to be held on the 19th day of May, 1904, or to file with the City Recorder their objection in writing on or before the 19th day of May, 1904. Dated at Dubuque May 9th. 1904. C. F. ARENDT, 5-9-10t, City Recorder. NOTICE TO SEWER CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Recorder until 7:30 o'clock p. m., Thursday, May 19th. 1904. for the construction of a Storm Water Sewer in Washington Street, from Eigh- teenth Street to Nineteenth Street, ac- cording to the plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Re- corder. 130 Official Notices. It is estimated by the City Engineer that it will require 118 lineal feet of 12 - inch Tile Pipe and 333 lineal feet of 24 -inch Tile Pipe and 2 manholes. The work to be paid for when said work is completed and accepted by the City Council, the same to be completed on or before the 15th day of July, 1904. Bidder must state price per lineal foot for Tile Pipe, and each manhole. All bids must he accompanied by a certified check for $50.00 on some Dubuque Dank, as a guarantee that a contract will be en- tered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque. May 9th, 1904. C. F. ARENDT, C. F. ARENDT, 5-9-10t. City Recorder. NOTICE TO SEWER CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Recorder until 7:30 o'clock p. m.. Thursday, May 19th, 1904, for the construction of an 8 -inch Tile Pipe Sanitary Sewer in White Street from Eagle Point Avenue to Sanford Street, according to the plans and spec- ifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that it will require 980 lineal feet of 8 -inch Tile Pipe and 4 Manholes. The work to be paid for when said work is completed and accepted by the City Council, the same to be completed on or before the 15th day of July, 1904. Bidder must state price per lineal foot for Tile Pipe, and each manhole. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check for $50.00 on some Dubuque Bank. as a guarantee that a contract will he en- tered into if awarded, The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque. May 9th, 1904. 5-9-10t. City Recorder. NOTICE TO PAINTERS. Bids will be received at the office of the City Recorder up to 7:4 P. M. Thurs- day, May 19th, 1904, for Painting the Town Clock and Tower. according to specifications now on file in this office. All bids must be accompanied by a cer- tified check for $50.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into If awarded. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque. May 12th, 1904. C. F. ARENDT, 5-12-7t. City Recorder. NOTICE TO TEAM OWNERS. Sealed proposals will be received at the Office of the City Recorder up to 7:30 o'clock P. M. Thursday, May 5th, 1904, for sweeping the brick paved streets as per schedule on file in the City Engineer's Office. Proposals will also he received at the same time for hauling away the sweepings of the brick paved streets. Bidders have the privilege of bidding on llther or both propositions. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids. C. F. ARENDT, 5.2 4t City Recorder. VACATION NOTICE. Notice is Hereby Given, That there is now on file in my office a plat asking the vacation of a part of Charter Street from the \Vest line of Levee to the East line of Water Street, and from the East line of Water Street to the East line of I. •t Block M. and Lot 1 of Block 11. All persons ha% ing any objecti, t. = t sail proposed vacation must lib. their claims in my office on er before May 19. 1904. JAMES II. BOYCE, 10t City Engineer. _-- OFFICE\I. i't'iI1.1C'ATION. A\ ltll>INANCI:. An Ordinance Providing r.t, the Appoint- ment of an Inspector of \V'oo,l, and Reg- ulating the Sale of \1'0 .tl or Fuel in the City of Dubuque. and Repealing Chapter XXI. of the Revised Ordinanets of 19111 of the City of Dubuque: BE IT ORDAINED BY 'I'I-IE CITY COl'NC'IL OF '1HE CITY OF Dl'- ]iC(11-E: Section 1. That Chapter XXI. of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque. the same being an Ordinance providing for an appointment of an in- spector of wood, and regulating the sale of wood and fuel in the City of Dubuque, be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 2. That the City Council shall, during the month of April following each municipal election, appoint some compe- tent person as City Inspector of \\'ood, who shall remain in office during the pleasure of the Council, and whose duty it shall be to enforce the provisions of this ordinance, and such amendments thereto as may from time to time be mule. Section 3. Said inspector of wood shall, for the faithful performance of his du- ties, give bond in the sum of five hun- dred dollars. with sureties, which bond shall be approved by the City Council, and be renewed by said inspector every year. Said inspector shall be sworn to perform the duties of such itice to the best of his knowledge and ability. and in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance. Section 4. All cord wood hereafter sold to consumers for fuel in the City of Du- buque, shall he sold by the cord or part thereof, and the cord mentioned in this ordinance shall consist of one hundred and twenty-eight cubic feet. well and compactly piled, with reasonahle allow- ances for crooked and uneven wood and that a cord of sawed wood consist of one hundred and twelve feet. Section 5. All cord wood delivered fol fuel to consumers In said City, whether sawed or unsawed, either in 'pen racks or box wagcns, shall be well and com- pactly piled before presenting the same to the inspector of wood for measure- ment. Section 6. No wood dealer of said City and no employee of such dealer and no farmer or other person shall deliver to any resident of said City any cord wood for fuel either sawed or unsawed, upon any wagon, sled or other vehicle, until the same shall have been first inspected and measured by the inspector of wood, and a certificate of the quantity thereof, in cords or part of a cord, has been de- livered to him by said inspector; such in- spection and measurement to be made after said wood has been loaded upon such wagon, sled or other vehicle. The certificates of measurement to be deliv- ered in each instance to the purchaser of the wood; provided. that cord wood de- livered in quantities less than one-half of a cord need not he measured. Section 7. The inspector of wood shall Official Notices. 131 not buy, sell or in any manner deal in wood either for himself or others. save and except to purchase wood for his own use, nor shall he be interested either di- rectly or indirectly in the purchase or selling of wood, nor in the profits to be derived therefrom. nor shall he in any manner aid or assist in making sales or purchases of wood. Section 8. The inspector of wood shall designate at least three places. distribut- ed in such a manner Its to be readily ac- cessible from the different wood yards of the City, and said inspector or a deputy appointed by him, shall attend at such places, or at such other places as may be designated by the Council at all reason- able times and measure all wood brought to such places for that purpose, and shall deliver a certificate of the quantity thereof to the person bringing the same. All wood dealers shall settle with the wood inspector at the end of each month for all wood measured by him during the month. Said inspector shall also have deputies located on the various roads leading into the City who shall measure all cord wood, whether sawed or un - sawed, brought into the City to be offered for sale as fuel. A certificate in each case to he delivered, showing the number of cubic feet contained in the load. Section 9. Said inspector shall be re- sponsible for any damage occasioned by his neglect, carelessness, or fradulent measurement and on conviction of fraud- ulent measurement he shall pay a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars, together with the costs of prosecution, and be imprisoned until such fine and costs are paid, not exceeding thirty days. and be removed from office by the City Council. Section 10. The inspector of wood shall be entitled to receive the sum of ten cents for each load measured when the quantity does not exceed one cord. when a load exceeds one hundred and thirty cubic feet. the sum of fifteen cents may be charged and received therefor. Section 11. The duties of the inspector of wood and harbor master may be per- formed by the same person at the pleas• are of the Council. In such cases he shall have full control of placing and piI ing of cerd wood and lumber upon the levee in said city and shall have com- plete supervision thereof, for which ser- vice he shall be entitled to receive the sum of three cents per cord for cord wood, and five cents per thousand feet for lumber. from the owners thereof. Section 12. Any person who shall resist or interfere with the inspector of wood or his deputies, in the performance of their duties under this ordinance. or shall neglect or refuse to comply with ;my of the requirements thereof, or any person who shall use a certificate issued by such inspector for a load of wood other than the one for which it was issued. shall be punished by a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars. to- gether with the costs of prosecution. at the discretion of the court before whom he may he prosecuted and such court may imprison any such person until such fine and costs are paid. not exceeding thirty days. Section 13. The inspector of wood shall keep a correct and true account of all wood measured by him, and shall report to the City Council at the first regular session in each month. the amount of wood measured by him and his deputies during the month previous; for whom the same was measured and the amount of fees paid therefor by each person and shall account for and pay into the treas- ury live per cent of all fees received by him during said month, and shall turn over to the Auditor the stubs of all cer- tificates issued by him showing the date of issue, the amount of wood measured, for whom measured and the fees charged for the same. Section 14. Any wood dealer in the City of Dubuque, whenever he deems advis- able, may call upon the inspector of wood to measure ani wood delivered to lien. whether in ears. barges or in any lithe: manner, and shrill nay therefor the sunt of three cents per eerd. 1'pon such re- quest being made. said inspector of wood shall perform the services required and upon receipt ef compensation above provided. shall deliver a certificate the quantity of wood measured. Section 15. This Ordinance to be it. force and take effect from and after its passage and publication one time in the Dubuque Daily Globe -Journal newspaper. Adopted May 5th, 1904. Approved May 11th, 1904. C. H. BERG. Mayor. Attest: C. F. ARE,N 11'I'. City Roc•iu•11e1. Published officially in the Evening Globe -Journal May 24th. 1904. 5-24-1t C. F. ARIND'I'. City Recorder. LEGAL, SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To All Who Are Named Below: You are hereby notified that in accordance with an ordinance of the City of Dubuque for repairing sidewalks during the month of April, 1904, that a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the regular meeting of the City Council upon all lots and parcels of land subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the Council to be held on the 2nd day June. A. D. 1904, and show cause, if any you have, why sand assessment should not be levied: 1904. April 5—Louis Reineicke. Smedley's Sub.. lot 19 rp April 7—Kate Lundbeck, Cox's Add, E. 24 ft. lot 22 95 April. 5—Leathers & Trewin. L. H Langworthy's Add.. N. 71 ft. lot 151 35 April 7—E. H. Shepply, Cox's Add, lot 3 49 April 7—Leathers & Trewin, Burden- Lawther Add.. lot 87 45 April 7—Leathers Sr Trewin, Burden- Lawther Add., lot 110 35 April S—Martin Kunkel, McCraney's 1st Add., lot 74 55 April 9—J. L. Meyer, Sub. 70 and 77 Union Add., lot _t 1 40 April 1l—J. L. huhtell Est.. (luig- ley's Sub. 710, lot I 50 April 11—Geo. Willman. V inl ' 's Add., lot 12 April 1l—.John J. Keane, City. lot 4;07. 4ei April 13—Winona Land Co., DuhwmOe Harbor Co's. Add., Block 1. lot 12..9., April 13—Anna M. Bush, Dubuque Harbor Co's. Add., Block 1, lot 10.. April 13—Mrs. J. McLaren. Clemmin- son's Sub., lot 4 April 14—Edw. Muntz. Sub. Min. lot 40 132 Official Notices. 81, lot 1 45 April 14—Jno. J. McLaughlin, Mob- ley's Dubuque, lot 3 1 00 April 14—Julia Langworthy, Julia L Langworthy's Add., lots _- 60 April 14—S. M. Langworthy Est, Julia L. Langworthy's Add., lot 165 April 15—Chicago Great Western Ry Co., right of way (15th st.) 50 April 15—A. \V. Kemler Est.. City, lot 281 80 April 18—Paul Trent Est.. Smyth's Sub., lots 5-6 40 April 18—Buol & Loetscher, Loetscher & Trueb's Sub., lot 13 70 April 18—Chas. Bergner Est., S. M Langworthy's Add., lot 46 55 April 18—J. H. Simplot Est., Mineral lot 83 35 April 19—German Trust & Savings bank, Dorgan's Sub., lot 1 85 April 19—John Marzen, E. Langwor- thy's Add., N. 35 ft. lot 35 40 April 19—M. D. Goux, E. Langwor- thy's Add., lot 51 40 April 19—R. & E. Langworthy Est, Glendale Add., lots 220-221 155 April 19—Jacob Kessler, Glendale Add., lot 37 35 April 19—Jno. M. Ziegler, Glendale Add., lot 36 65 April 20—Dubuque Malting Co., L. H Langworthy's Add., Sa and Marsh's Add.. lot 1 65 April 20—Geo. B. Burch Est., City, lot 51 3 05 April 21—Theo. Weber, Sub. 1 of 2 of Sub. 1 of 3 of 10 and 2 of 11, Knicst's Sub., lot 2 40 April 21—Peter Kiene et al, Elm St Sub., lots 1-" 40 April 21—Chicago Great Western Ry Co., Smedley's Sub., lot 1 1 85 April 21—Emelia Guthrie, Kelly's Sub., lot 4 80 April 21—Al. Matthews, Sub. City 738, lot 3 65 April 22—Mrs. J. Fecker, Cook's Add., lots 47 40 April 23—Rich. Waller Est., McCran- ey's 1st Add., S. E. 125 ft. lot 10045 April 23—R. M. Kunz, McCraney's 1st Add., lot 82 45 April 25—Ellen Ohde. Sub. 2, City 673, lot G 65 April 23—P. Hughes, Needham's Sub., lot 1 35 April 25—J. H. Simplot, Mineral lot 82 55 April 25—Frank M. Marsh, Sub. Pt. Min. Lot 174, lots 1-2 50 April 25—R. Bonson Est., S. M. Lang - worthy's Add.. lot 12 35 April 25—Jas. Levi, Davis Farm Add, lot 238 68 April 27—Anna Kelly, Cox's Add, lots 99-100 45 April 27—W. G. Cox, Cox's Add, lots G0-61 50 April 27—Winona Land Co., Dubuque Harbor Co's. Add., Block 1, lot 1365 April 27—C. H. Eighmey, City, lots 569-570 1 35 April 27—Winona Land Co., City, lot 565 60 April 28—A. W. Kemler Est., Mc- Coy's Sub., lot 1 1 30 April 28—Mary A. McQuillan, Sub. City 692, lot 3 1 05 April 28—Mercy hospital, Min. lot 66, lots 1-2 50 April 28—John J. Keane, City, lot 72665 April 28—Winona Land Co., City, lot 565 60 April 28—D. S. Wilson Est., City, lot 662a 70 April 28—Rosa Goebel, Sub. City 505, lot 2 95 April 29—Valentine Schiel, Sub. 196 and 197, L. H. Langworthy's Add, lot 10 65 April 29—R. & E. Langworthy Est, Glendale Add., lots 224-221 65 April 29—Annie Gilden, City, lot 129 75 April 30—H. Wunderlich, Fortune's Sub., lot 15 130 Total $42 95 C. F. ARENDT, 5-23-10t. City Recorder. NOTICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTENTION TO CONSTRUCT A SANITARY SEW- ER IN BOOTH STREET FROM DODGE STREET TO FOREST LANE. AND IN WEST THIRD STREET FROM BOOTH STREET TO NEVADA STREET, THENCE NORTHERLY IN SAID NEVADA STREET TO THE AL- LEY FIRST SOUTH OF \VEST FIFTH STREET. To All Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby notified that it is the intention of the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque to construct an 8 -inch Tile Pipe Sanitary Sewer in Booth Street from Dodge Street to Forest Lane, and in West Third Street from Booth Street to Nevada Street, thence northerly in said Nevada Street to the Al- ley first south of West Fifth Street. That a plat and specifications of said proposed Sewer is now on file in the Office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said Sewer will be 3,220 lineal feet in length, including 13 Manholes, and will cost the abutting property owners $2,500.00 in total. Any person having objections to the construction of said Sanitary Sewer are hereby notified to appear before the City Council at its regular session, June 2nd, 1904, or to file in writing with the City Recorder their objections on or before June 2nd, 1904. Dated at Dubuque May 23rd, 1904. C. F. ARENDT, 5-23-10t City Recorder. Regular Session June 2, 1904. 133 CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session. June 2nd, 1904. (Official.) Council met at 8:15 o'clock P. M. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Jones, Lyons, McLaughlin and Stumpf. Absent—Ald. Corrance. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the council proceedings for the month of May be approved as printed. Carried. BILLS. The following hills were ordered paid: L. Daily, cleaning around Mar- ket Square during months of April and May $ 28 00 Mrs. H. Koenig. cleaning and scrubbing offices at City Hall 17 Mrs. L. Fichter. cleaning and scrubbing offices at City Hall 16 20 G. Smith. cleaning and repairing at City Hall . 20 25 T. E. Frith. removing garbage and dead animals 335 50 T. E. Frith. removing dead ani- mals for March and April 22 50 . F. P. Hayes, board of prisoners for May 14 00 \V. Foster. inspector on \\'hite street sewer . 5 45 M. O'Meara. inspector nn Dodge street sewer 20 00 M. Ahearn. Inspector on Alpine street sewer TS 60 Key City Gas Co.. gas for var- ious departments 77 70 M. E. Erwin. Parisian gas burn- ers for various departments 28 00 Smith -Morgan Prtg Co.. print- ing and binding April and May pamphlets 20 00 Smith -Morgan Prtg Co.. sup- plies for City election Eichhorn & Bechtel. lamps and oil for City election . ... 8 to Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies for City Hall Pape & Jacquinot, plumbing at Jackson park -McDermott & Cow. repairing fountain on Southern avenue 10 Io 3. B. Monteith. repairing foun- tain on Dodge street 24 05 J. Butt, repairs for Eighth street fountain L. Lindenberg. hardware and grass seed. \Vashington park G. \V. Healey & Son. hardware and supplies. Washington park H. Fitzgerald. repairing benches for various park: 9 60 W. C. Kennedy. painting benches for various parks 16 55 A. Doerr. Sr.. hauling benches for various parks • G. Holl, sharpening lawn mow - 55 I 15 165 5 So 4 20 4 95 2 40 I 00 ers, Jackson park 150 J. F. Ris & Bro., chains and cups for drinking fountains 4 20 Harger & UIish, stationery and supplies inr various offices 22 85 G. F. Klcith, hardware and sup- plies for Expense department 12 15 Palmer, Berg & Co., blank books and stationery for var- ious departments J. \V. W ittmer. drugs and sup- plies for City IIall and Police department P. Even. coal for First ward scales Demkier Bros.. I dozen brooms for City Hall Farley-Loetschcr Mfg. Co, moulding for Auditor's office 25 N. Menzel. carpenter work in Auditor's office ... 19 80 G. \V. Healey & Son, new tools and hardware, Road depart- ment • I0 50 G. F. Kleih, hardware and new tools. Road departmenti i 05 \V. Baumgartner, hardware and new tools. Road department5 45 Martin-Strelau Co., hauling pipe. Road department 3 50 Pitts -Thompson Foundry Co, manhole covers and rings, Road department 47 00 Runtpf-Frudden Lumber Co lumber for Road and Special Sidewalk departments Ott. \leaser Lumber Co.. lum- ber for Road and Special Sidewalk departments 55 30 T. J. Mulgrew, sewer pipe for Road department 22 00 H. Galle. sawing wood for Road department I o0 Purington Brick Paving Co, paving brick for Road de- partment 196 00 J. Keefe. gravel for Road de- partment 125 J. Butt, repairs for Road and Sprinkling departments 7 So F. Schloz & Son. repairs for Road and Sprinkling depart- ments it to A. A. Brown. repairs for Road department 75 Pape & Jacquinot, repairs for Rock Crusher 2 95 P. Pier. coal for Steam Roller and Rock Crusher 102 35 J Sutherland, pine wood for Steam Roller 4 G. Ragatz & Son, repairs .for new Steam Roller 14 G. Ragatz & Son, repairs for old Steam Roller 38 G. Ragatz & Son, repairs for Rock Crusher 5 W. Marshall, repairs for Rork Crusher Standard Oil Co., oil for Rock Crusher 3 70 Dubuque Rubber &Belting Co, supplies for Rock Crusher and Sprinkling department16 00 75 50 6 25 75 2 45 43 90 50 55 15 00 I 00 134 Regular Session June 2, 1904. F. Sieg, rock for Rock Crusher 9 00 A. Sieg, rock for Rock Crusher 73 oo P. Even, rock for Rock Crusher 4 00 J. McGrafh, rock for Rock Crusher 51 00 J. & D. McGrath, rock for Rock Crusher 206 00 F. Burns, rock for Rock Crush- er P. Horch, rock for Rock Crusher D. McGrath, rock for Rock Crusher M. Tigges, rock for Rock Crusher Royce & Frost, rock for Rock Crusher 8o 00 J. Heck, rock for Rock Crusher 25 50 'I'renk Wire Works, wire for Sprinkling department 8o G. Ragatz & Son, repairs for Sprinkling department Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co, couplings for Sprinkling de- partment 5 00 L. Lindenberg, pad locks and tools for Sprinkling depart- ment 125 Austin -Western Co., 300 lbs. hickory fibre for Street Sweeper 18 00 T. F. Kane, hay and oats for Fire department F. A. Miller, 2 dozen dusters for Fire department Eichhorn & Bechtel, bran for Fire department 110 G. Ragatz & Son, repairs for Fire department 145 McDonald -Morrison Mfg. Co, brass casting for Fire depart- ment 2 00 5 00 50 00 8 00 7 35 87 95 500 Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse shoeing for Fire department. Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., nozzle for Fire department J. A. Palen, drugs and supplies for Fire department T. H. Clark. drugs and supplies for Fire department Ott, Meuser & Co., shavings for Fire department Key City Gas Co., coke for Fire department ........ Key City Gas Co., rental of gas arcs for Fire department . Dubuque Mattress Factory, mattresses for Fire depart- ment American Fire Engine Co., sup- plies for Fire department American La France Fire En- gine Co., supplies for Fire de- partment ............ McDermott & Gow, plumbing at Central Engine House Kaep & Buechele, police hel- mets, hats, I chief's and 1 cap- tain's cap and 3 dozen gloves for Police department G. F. Kleih, hardware for Police and Sewer department A. R. Knights, 1 police star T. F. Kane, hay delivered at 175 7 25 75 32 6o 29 75 6 00 25 90 I 00 5 70 3 20 10 30 95 88 40 7 45 I 50 patrol house F. Frohm, carpenter work at patrol house Saunders Meat Co., meat for Matron's department A. Fluetsch, milk tickets for Matron's department Eichhorn & Bechtel, groceries and supplies for Matron's de- partment Schneider & Kleih, sausage for Matron's department H. Schmidt. sawing wood for Matron's department G. Ragatz & Son, repairs for Sewer department .... National Demokrat, official printing for May G. F. Kleih. hardware for En- gineer's department Smith -Morgan Prtg Co., blank stationery for Engineer's de- partment J. Hartig, repairs for Engineer's department .. Union Electric Co., arc lights for May 2045 77 Jas. Street. estimate construct- ing sanitary sewer in South Alpine street 589 40 Steuck & Linehan, grading Ard- more Terrace 6r 20 Steuck & Linehan, estimate for improving Armore Terrace 616 05 9 95 28 Bo 3 60 I 00 14 00 5 05 175 5 65 25 00 I 90 2 50 2 75 The following ferred: Globe -Journal, for April Globe -Journal, for May . 100 3 Dubuque Telegraph -Herald of- ficial printing for April 68 i5 On motion referred to Printing com- mittee and City Recorder. bills were ordered re - official printing official printing 86 25 Dubuque Water Works Trus- tees, for sprinkling streets for the year 1904 $2000 00. On motion was referred to Commit- tee of the Whole. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICA- TIONS. Annual report of the Dubuque High Bridge Co., by Jno. Ellwanger, secre- tary, showing the receipts and expend- itures of the Dubuque High Bridge Company for the fiscal year ending Ap- ril 3oth, 1904. On motion referred to a Special committee, the Mayor, Auditor and Assessor. Petition and Claim of Beatrice Ras- quin claiming the sum of $2000.00 for personal injuries sustained by falling on a sidewalk on Almond street. On motion referred to Committee on Claims and City Attorney. Petition of the Union Electric Co., by J. R. Lindsay, secretary, asking the Regular Session June 2, 1904, vacation of Cedar street from Eighth street to alley between Seventh and Eighth streets, being the ground lying between Lot 33. Block 12, and Lot t, Block 14, in Dubuque Harbor Im- provement Co's. Acid. On motion the petition was granted. Petition of J. Pullens asking that he he re-imbursed for ruining his clothes, while opening a sewer on Thirteenth and Elm streets. On motion was received end filed. Petition of the Smedley Steam Pump Co. asking that their assessment for 1903 he fixed the same as 1902, ac- cording to resolution passed July 1st. 1901, was on motion granted. Petition of A. L. Rhomberg asking that the sewer in alley between Lin- coln and Rhomberg avenue, and be- tween lots 394 and 502, Ham's Add., be straightened and cleaned out a short distance south of culvert in Seventh avenue. Also petition of Carl Nank et al ask- ing for the extension of Eagle street to Middle avenue, also that the grade be lowered so that the water from Eagle street and alley in rear will pass into Middle avenue. On motion both petitions were re- ferred to Committee on Streets and City Engineer. Petition of Key City Gas Co., by Geo. McLean, president, asking for the extension of sanitary sewer in Elev- enth street eastward to Cedar street. Also petition of C. A. Van Wie et al asking that a sanitary sewer be con- structed in Grandview avenue from Dodge street to North street. On motion both petitions were re- ferred to Committee on Sewers and City Engineer. Petition of Jno. Byrnes asking that he be exempt of his homestead from taxation to the amount of $800.00, he being an honorably discharged union soldier, was on motion referred to De- linquent Tax committee . Petition of Key City Building Club, by F. Altman, asking that the Treas- urer be instructed to receive taxes in full for 1903 on the same valuation as assessed for the year 1902 was on mo- tion referred to the Board of Equaliza- tion. Petition of Anton Fischer et al ask- ing that the alley between Ninth and Tenth avenues be widened, also that the same he filled and macadamized for traffic, was on motion referred to Com- mittee of the Whole and they to view the grounds. Petition of the sewer gang, by P. Kenneally et al, in relation to increase of pay was on motion referred to Com - 135 mince of the Whole. Petition of Miller & Reifsteck ask- ing that the special assessment for re- pairing sidewalk as levied against lot 2 of Sub. Min. Lot 315, be ordered caceled. Also petition of L. H. Shepplcy pro- testing against paying special assess- ment for sidewalk repairs as levied against lot 3, Cox's Add. On motion both petitions were re- ferred to Sidewalk Inspector and he to report to the City Council. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Treasurer Brinkman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:—Below you will find statement of amounts advanced by me during the past month for which please order Warrants drawn in my favor: Excavation permits redeemed$ 95.00 Interest paid on warrants out- standing Freight charges, Road 64.34 Freight charges, Fire 1.50 - Express charges, Expense 1.50 Postage Stamps, Expense 1o.o0 $618.99 Library orders paid $822.43. Respectfully. --H. Brinkman, Treasurer. On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts, and the report referred back to the committee on Finance. 446.65. City Auditor Hoffman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City —Council: Gentlemen: Herewith find my re- port for the month of May, 1904, show- ing the receipts and disbursements for the month: Cash on hand May 1st. 1904..$61,876.35 RECEI PTS. Receipts from all sources $19.361.60 $81,237.95 DISBURSEMENTS. Warrants redeemed $19,573.53 Coupons redeemed 391.25 $19,964.78 Cash on hand June 1st, 1904..$61.273.17 The above cash balance includes the balances in Improvement Bond Fund, Improvement Bond Interest Fund, Sprinkling and Library Fund balances. Also report that there is due the City Officers for the month of May, 1904, $2,683.20. Also the following is a record of all coupons and bonds redeemed by the Treasurer during the past month and credited to him: 136 Regular Session June 2, 1904. Improvement Bond Coupons...$391.25 The following list shows the Appro- priations and the amount of Warrants drawn on each fund since the begin- ning of the fiscal year beginning March Ist, 1904, to June Ist. 1904: Appropriation Expended Ro.td— Expense First District Second District Third District Fire Police Sewerage Printing Engineer Street Lighting Interest Board cf Health Grading Bee Branch Special Bonded Paving Judgment Special Bonded Debt Inter- est 4,000 Mount Carmel Ave. Grading 1.000 Sidewalk Repairing 1.000 Special Sewer Fund 8.000 Grading Bluff Street Ex- tension and Villa Street1.000 Fifth Ward Engine House4,000 $40.000 16,000 20,000 9.000 38.000 28.000 .;.a00 -.500 2.500 000 42,000 4,500 4.000 8.500 2,000 2.000 $7,417.00 5,020.53 7.359.224 3,159.36 5,525.00 4.345.01 761.70 185.00 417.29 4.091.54 217.00 1,385.45 613.50 1.10 145.35 852.30 Total Appropriation $268.000 Respectfully. —F. B. Hoffman, Auditor. On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the City Officers, and the report re- ferred back to the committee on Fin- ance. Fire Chief Reinfried reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and Citi' Council: Gentlemen:—The following is the pay roll of the Fire Department for the month of May, 5904: Amount due Firemen $2,227.50 On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the firemen and the report referred back to the Committee on Fire. Chief of Police Reilly reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:—T herewith submit the Police report for the month of May, 1904: Total arrests for the month 68 Residents arrested for the month 35 Doors found open for the month. 18 Defective lights for the monthRI Lodgers harbored for the month21 Meals furnished for the month70 Cost of food for the month $54.00 Sheriff dieting prisoners $34,,;8 Patrol runs 58 Miles traveled . 97 Also the pay roll for the Policemen for the month of May, 1904: Amount due Policemen $2,059.45 Respectfully submitted, —Thos. Reilly, Chief of Police. On motion the report and pay roil were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay policemen. and the re- port referred back to the Committee on Police. City Engineer Boyce reported as follows: To the Hy,norable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen—T herewith submit my pay roll for labor on Streets in the dif- ferent districts during the last half of May. 1904: Amount due Laborers on Streets $2.049.50 Respectfully submitted. —James H. Boyce. City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Streets. Also submit my pay roll for labor on Sewers during the Last half of May. 1904: Amount due Laborers on Sewers $169.00 Respectfully submitted. —James H. Boyce. City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Sewers. On motion the pay rolls for Streets and Sewers were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts and the pay rolls referred back to the proper committees. City Electrician Hinman reported as folly ws To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen—T herewith submit my report of defective lights for the month of May, tgo.. In find from the report of the Police Department that the total hours that 81 Lamps failed to burn would equal 2 Lamps for one month, co -$10.80. Respectfully submitted, —William Hipman, City Electrician. On motion the report was received and the City Auditor instructed to de- duct from the T"nion Electric Com- pany's bill for the month of May $to.80. The following Weighmasters' and Woodmeasurers' receipts were referred to the Committee on Markets: Frank P. Hayes, City Hall re- ceipts . ,$ 15.15 Frank P. Hayes, receipts for renting market stands .. 343.00 T. Faherty. First Ward Scale re- ceipts 3.84 Louise Pitschner, West Dubuque Scale receipts 1.08 R. Hay, Eighth Street Scale re- ceipts 73 H. A. Moyes. \Voodmeasurer's re- Regular Session June 2, 1904. 137 ceipt, month of April 25 C. W. Katz, Woodmeasurer's re- ceipt. month of May 1.T0 City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Herewith attached please find statement of macadam measured June 1st. 1904, and the amount due for same: Total amount due $152.90 Respectfully —James H. Boyce, City Engineer. On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts. City Recorder Arendt presented and read the printed notice certified to by the publisher of the Council's intention to levy a special assessment for repair- ing Sidewalks during the month of April. 190.1. No remonstrance being filed. the Mayor asked if anyone present had any objection to said special assess- ment. No objection being stated, the notice on motion was received and filed. Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the Cityof Dubuque. That to pay for re- pairing sidewalks during month of April, 1904. in front of and adjoining the same, a Special Tax be and is here- by levied on the several lots. and parts of lnts and parcels of real estate here- inafter named. situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate. as follows: April 5—Louis Reineicke, Smedley's Sub.. lot 19 60 April 7—Kate Lundbeck, Cox's Add, E. 24 ft. lot 22 95 April 5—Leathers & Trewin, L. H Langworthy's Add., N. 71 ft, lot 151 35 April 7—E. H. Shepply, Cox's Add lot 3 45 April 7—Leathers & Trewin. Burden- Lawther Add., lot 87 45 April 7—Leathers & Trewin. Burden- Lawther Add.. lot 116 35 April S—Martin Kunkel, McCraney's 1st Add., lot 74 April 9—J. L. Meyer, Sub. 76 and 77, Union Add.. lot 2 140 .April 11—J. L. Buettell Est., Quig- ley's Sub. 710. lot 4 April 11—Geo. Willman, Finley's Add., lot 12 April 11—John J. Keane, City. lot 60740 April 13—Winona Land Co., Dubuque Harbor Co's. .Add., Block 1. lot 1295 April 13—Anna M. Bush. Dubuque Harbor Co's. Add., Block 1, lot 1050 April 15—Mrs. J. McLaren, Clemmin- son's Sub.. lot 4 April 14—Edw. Muntz, Sub. Min. lot 81, lot 1 April 14—Jno. J. McLaughlin, Mob- Iey's Dubuque, lot 3 April 14—Julia Langworthy. Julia L Langworthy's Add., lots 2-3 Aptil 14—S. M. Langworthy Est, Julia L. Langworthy's Add., lot 1 55 50 40 60 45 1 00 60 65 April 15—Chicago Great Western Ry Co., right of way (15th st.) April 15—A. W. Kemler Est„ City, lot 281 April 18—Paul Traut Est.. Smyth's Sub., lots 5-6 April 18—Buol & Loetscher, Loetscher & Trueb's Sub., lot 13 Aptil 18—Chas. Bergner Est., S. M. Langworthy's Add.. lot 46 April 18-3. H. Simplot Est., Mineral lot 83 April 19—German Trust & Savings bank, Dorgan's Sub., lot 1 April 19—John Marzen, 31. Langwor- thy's Add.. N. 35 ft. lot 35 April 19—M. D. Goux, E. Langwor- thy's Add., lot 51 April 19—R. & E. Langworthy Est, Glendale Add.. lots 220-221 April 19—Jacob Kessler, Glendale Add., lot 37 April 19—Jno. M. Ziegler, Glendale Add., lot 36 April 20—Dubuque Malting Co., L. H Langworthy's Add., 8a and Marsh's Add.. lot 1 65 April 20—Geo. B. Burch Est., City, lot 51 3 05 April 21—Theo. Weber, Sub. 1 of 2 of Sub. 1 of 3 of 10 and 2 of 11, Kniest's Sub.. lot 2 40 April 21—Peter Kiene et al, Elm St Sub., lots 1-2 40 April 21—Chicago Great Western Ry Co., Smedley's Sub., lot 1 1 85 April 21—Emelia Guthrie. Kelly's Sub.. lot 4 80 April 21—Al. Matthews, Sub. City 738, lot 3 65 April 22—Mrs. J. Feckcr, Cook's Add.. lots 47 40 April 23—Rich. Waller Est., McCran- ey's 1st Add., S. E. 125 ft. lot 10045 April 23—R. M. Kunz, McCraney's 1st Add.. lot 82 45 April 25—Ellen Ohde, Sub. 2, City 673, lot 6 65 April 23—P. Hughes, Needham's Sub., lot 1 35 April 25—J. H. Simplot, Mineral lot 82 55 April 25—Frank M. Marsh, Sub. Pt. Min. Lot 174. lots 1-2 50 April 25—R. Ronson Est., S. M. Lang - worthy's Add.. lot 12 35 April 25—Jas. Levi, Davis Farin Add, lot 23S 60 April 27—Anna Kelly, Cox's Add, lots '39-100 45 April 27—W. G. Cox, Cox's Add, lots 60-61 50 April 27—Winona Land Co., Dubuque Harbor Co's. Add., Block 1, lot 1365 April 27—C. H. Eighmey, City, lots 569-570 1 35 April 27—Winona Land Co., City, Int 505 50 April 28—A. W. Kemler list., Mc- Coy's Sub., lot 1 1 30 April 2S—Mary A. McQuillan, Sub City 692. lot 3 1 05 April 28—Mercy hospital, Min. lot 60, lots 1-2 50 April 28—John J. Keane, City, lot 72655 April 28—Winona Land Co., Clty, lot 50 565 April 28—D. S. Wilson Est., City, lot a0 602a April 28—Rosa Goebel, Sub. City 505, Jo lot 2 April 29—Valentine Schiel, Sub. 196 and 197, L. H. Langworthy's Add, lot 10 April 29—R. & E. Langworthy Est, Glendale Add., lots 224-225 April 29—Annie Gilden, City, lot 129 75 50 80 40 70 55 35 85 40 40 1 55 35 65 65 65 138 Regular Session June 2, 1904. April 30—H. Wunderlich, Fortune's Sub., lot 15 1 30 Total $42 95 Ald. Frith moved to adopt the Res- olution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Frith. Jones, Lyons, McLaughlin and Stumpf. Absent—Ald. Corrance. City Recorder Arendt also presented and react the printed notice certified to by the publisher of the Council's inten- tion to construct a Sanitary Sewer in Booth Street from Dodge Street to Forest Lane, and in \Vest Third Street, from Booth Street to Nevada Street, thence northerly in said Nevada Street to the alley first south of \Vest Fifth Street. Also communication from Michael Carney et al. remonstrating against the construction of said Sewer. On motion the remonstrance and no- tice were referred to the Committee of the Whole. The Mayor stated that the Liberty Bell would pass through Dubuque next Tuesday on its way to St. Louis, and would stop here two hours for the pur- pose of giving the public an opportun- ity to view the same, and wished to know if the Council would take any special action on the matter. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the Council attend in a body. and that the Mayor he instructed to notify all the factories to blow their whistles, and the churches ring their bells at the time when the train arrives carrying the bell. Carried. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Lyons, Chairman of the Ordi- nance Committee, presented and read an Ordinance granting to the Morris - Johnson -Brown Mfg. Co., incorporat- ed. the right to lay and construct a sidetrack on, over, and along Ninth Street, from the C., M. & St. P. rail- way tracks easterly to the end of said Ninth Street, and moved that the read- ing just had be considered its first reading. Carried. Ald. Lyons moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of reading the Ordinance a second time. Carried by the following vote. Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Jones, Lyons, McLaughlin and Stumpf. AbsentAld. Corrance. The Ordinance was then read for the second time. Ald. Lyons moved that the Ordi- nance be now adopted as read. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Jones, Lyons, McLaughlin and Stumpf. Absent—Ald. Corrance. The Mayor declared the Ordinance adopted. The Ordinance follows: An Ordinance Granting to the Morris - Johnson -Brown Mfg. Co.. Incorpor- ated, the Right to Lay and Con- struct a Sidetrack on, Over and Along Ninth Street, from the C., M. & St. P. Railway Tracks Easterly to the End of Said Ninth Street. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section r. That permission be and is hereby granted to the Morris -John- son -Brown Mfg. Co.. incorporated, to lay and construct a sidetrack on. over and along Ninth street, from the C., M. & St. P. Railway tracks easterly to the end of said Ninth street. said work to he clone under the supervision of the Street Committee and the City Engi- neer. Section 2. That this Ordinance shall be in force from and after its adoption by the City Council and one publication thereof in the official newspapers of the City of Dubuque. Adopted June 2, 1004. Approved Attest: Mayor. City Recorder. Ald. Lyons also presented and read an Ordinance, granting certain addi- tional rights to the Union Electric Co., and moved that the reading just had be considered its first reading. Carried. Ald. Lyons moved that the Ordin- ance lay over under the rules until the next meeting of the Council. Carried. Ald. McLaughlin of the Committee on Claims reported as follows: Your Committee on Claims would respectfully recommend that a warrant of $30.90 be drawn in favor of the Mayor. to be used in settlement of the case of Jos. Vogt vs. the City in full. The balance, if any liability. to be paid by the contractor causing the injury. Ald. McLaughlin moved to adopt the report. Carried. Ald. McLaughlin, chairman of the Committee on Police and Light, re- ported as follows: Your Committee on Police and Light would respectfully recommend that the Union Electric Company be instructed to install an electric lamp on Park Hill at the intersection of King and Fulton Streets, one on Hill Street at the alley first north of Caledonia Place and one at the corner of Coates Avenue and Waller Street. Ald. McLaughlin moved to adopt the report. Carried. Ald. Jones, chairman of the Board of Equalization, reported as follows: Your Board of Equalization, to whom was referred the petition of W. C. and Harriet A. P. Chamberlain, ask- ing that an account of their having Regular Session June 2, 1904, n -ed Five I kindred Dollars of the amount which they had returned to the assessor for the purchase of real estate in the city, that the treasurer be in- structed to accept taxes for the year 1903 on an amount $;oo.00 less than that which is now assessed against them, would recommend that the prayer of the petitioners he granted and that the Treasurer he instructed accordingly. Also your Board of Equalization. to whom was referred the petition of J. J. Strayer, asking that because he did not deduct his liabilities from his moneys and credits when making his assessment return to the City Assessor. as lie is entitled to do under the law, that the Treasurer be instructed to de- duct the stun of $2.5oo.00 from his as- sessment. would gees mnmend that the prayer of lie petitioner he granted and that the Treasurer he instructed accord- ingly. Aiso your Board of Equalization, to whom was referred the petition of the i-Iatiomon;l Packing Company, stating that they had erroneously returned the sum of $2.4S;.00 personalty and asking that said amount he stricken from their assessment. would recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the Treasurer be instructed ac- cordingly. Also, your Board of Equalization, to whom was referred the petition of Viola M. Law. asking that on account of erroneous assessment, the City Treasurer be instructed to deduct $m.000.00 from her assessment on Moneys and Credits. would recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the Treasurer be in- structed accordingly. Ald. Jones moved to adopt the var- ious reports of the Board. Carried. Ald. McT_aughlin. Chairman of the Committee of the Whole, reported as follows: Your Committee 0f the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of the Dubuque Base Ball Club, asking that the Union Electric Co. be requested to lay a connecting track on Twenty- fourth Street between Jackson Street and Couler Avenue. would recommend that said Union Electric Co. be per- mitted to lay a track in said Twenty- fourth Street. provided the line be laid from Elm Street to Couler Avenue and be operated so as not to interfere with the present running of cars around the Peru Road Loop, and that said Union Electric Co. agrees to abide by the provisions of an Ordinance governing the operation of cars on said Twenty- fourth Street line, which the Ordinance Committee is hereby instructed to pre- pare. 139 Also your Committee of the Whole. to whom was referred the petition of Nic. Kintzinger, asking that lie be paid the sunt of $tho.00 tyhich he claims to be the amount of salary as I harbor Master withheld frrrm hum by the city for the winter months during his term of office, would recommend that the flatter be referred to the Mayor to endeavor to effect a settlement with the petitioner. Also your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings be instructed to prepare spec- ifications for a concrete floor for the patrol house and also for the painting of said patrol house, and that it h_, in- structed to advertise for bids and cm - powered to let the contract for doing said work. Also your Committee of the Whole, to tyhtinn was referred the remonstrance of Jos. K. and Robert Kauffman, et al, i+ritle-payinct.-_-r+f Kattffwmtn proposed brick -paving of Kauffman Avenue against the abutting property, would recommend in favor of abandon- ing the proposed improvement for the present. Also your committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Pames H. Boyce, City Engineer, ask- ing- that Eugene Anderson be appoint- ed assistant engineer and G. G. White, rodman, to take effect May 1, 1904, would respectfully recommend in fa- vor of approving the appointment of G. G. White as rodman, and fixing his sal- ary at $;o.00 per month. Ald. McLaughlin moved to adopt the various reports of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. McLaughlin also reported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Tames H. Boyce. City Engineer, ask- ing that Eugene Anderon be appoint- ed assistant engineer and G. G. White, rodman, to take effect May r. 1904. would recommend in favor of appoint- ing Eugene Anderson assistant engi- neer and fixing his salary at Stoo.00 per month. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report. Ald. Clancy moved a substitute that the report he received and filed. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Lyons, Mc- Laughlin and Stumpf. Total. 4. Nays—Aids. Jones and Frith. Total. r Absent—Ald. Corrance. 140 Regular Session June 2, 1904. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Jones offered the following: Whereas, the Union Electric Com- pany has filed its petition asking for the vacation of Cedar Street from Eighth Street to the alley between Seventh and Eighth Streets. in the City of Dubuque. being the ground ly- ing between Lot 33 in Block 12 and Lot 1 in Block 14 of Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's Addition to the City of Dubuque, and represents that it is the owner of all the land abutting the part of said street so asked to be vacated, now therefore Resolved, that the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to make a survey and plat of that part of Cedar Street proposed to be vacated to be filed in said Engineer's office subject to public inspection. and to give the notices required by Ordinance to all owners of property abutting said ground proposed to be vacated, and to publish the notice required by Ordi- nance of the said proposed vacation. Ald. Jones moved to adopt the Res- olution. Carried. Ald. McLaughlin offered the follow- ing: Resolved. That there be appointed by the Council a Collector of Licenses, whose duty shall be to collect all Li- censes provided for by the Ordinances of the City, and that he shall receive as compensation. a salary of $75.00 per month while employed by the City, and that he be required to give bonds in the sum of $t000.00. On motion the Resolution was re- ferred to the Committee of the Whole. Ald. Frith offered the following: Whereas, at a regular session of the City Council held January 7th, 1904, a resolution was adopted declaring it to he deemed necessary and advisable to open a street as hereinafter described through the property of the Linwood Cemetery Association, and Whereas. at a subsequent meeting of the City Council held February 29th, 1904, an offer of Nine Hundred Dollars was made to said Association for the land necessary for the opening of said street, and Whereas, said offer has not been ac- cepted by said Linwood Cemetery As- sociation, therefore Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that the City Recorder be and he is hereby instruct- ed to issue a venire to the Chief of Police commanding him to summon a jury of twelve freeholders. citizens of the city not directly interested. and having the qualifications required by Ordinance. for the purpose of assess- ing any damages which may be sustain- ed by reason of the opening and ex- tending of a street fifty feet wide be- ginning at the westerly line extended of Queen street, and running in a northeasterly direction through Lots 3 and 4 of the Sub. of II, 12 and 13 of the N. E. 1-4 of Section 13, T. 89, N. P. 2, E. 5th I'. M. to Windsor avenue. All the proceedings under this resolution to be taken in accordance with the charter and the provisions of Chapter ,31 of the Ordinances of the City of Dubuque. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the Res- olution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy. Frith. Jones, Lyons. McLaughlin and Stumpf. Absent—Ald. Corrance. Ald. Frith offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the City Engineer be and he is hereby instruct- ed to prepare plans and specifications for a storm water sewer in Sanford Street to connect with the Bee Branch sewer. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the res- olution. Carried. Ald. McLaughlin offered the follow- ing: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That it is deemed necessary and advisable to im- prove Sixth Street from the east curb line of Bluff Street to the west prop- erty line of Clay Street. and it is here- by proposed to pave said street with brick on a concrete foundation and to assess the cost of such improvement against the abutting property. Ald. McLaughlin moved to adopt the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Frith. Jones. Lyons. McLaughlin and Stumpf. Absent—Ald. Corrance. Ald. Lyons offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a san- itary sewer of eight -inch tile pipe be constructed in Booth Street from Dodge Street to Forrest Lane and in West Third Street from Booth Street to Nevada Street, thence northerly in said Nevada Street to the alley first south of \\Test Fifth Street. according to the plans and specifications of said sewer prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and be -it further re- solved that said sewer shall be com- pleted on or before the 1st of Septem- ber, 1904, and shall be paid for at the time and in the manner prescribed by Chapter 34 of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque for the payment of the cost of constructing sewers. The proposition for doing such work will be acted upon by the Council on the 16th slay of July. 1904. and the City Recorder is hereby or- dered to give ten slays' notice by pub- Regular Session June 2, 1904. lic,ttion. asking for proposals as pro- ridcd by Ordinance, .\ld. Lyons moved to adopt the reso- lution, Carried by the following vote: Yeas---Alds. Clancy, Frith, Jones, Lyons. McLaughlin and Stumpf. Absent—Ald. Corrance. • Alderman \lcLaughlin offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of uDbuque. That the City Engineer be and he is hereby instructed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, nature and extent of the proposed improvement on Sixth Street, from Bluff Street to Clay Street, and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof. and the amount and cost of such improve- ment and the amount assessable upon any railway or street railway. the amount and cost thereof to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abut- ting upon such improvement per front font. anti to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City Recorder; that after the filing of said plat and esti- mate in his office, the City Recorder shall publish in three conservative is- sues of a newspaper published in the city, a notice stating that such plat and estimate are on file, the location and nature of the improvement, kind of ma- terial to be used, and an estimate of its cost and the time before which objec- tion thereto can be filed, and the time for hearing, which time shall not be less than five days after the last pub- lication of such notice, and after such publication shall have been made, the City Recorder shall at the next regular session of the City Council. notify the Council thereof in writing with a print- ed copy of such notice accompany the same. Aid. McLaughlin moved to adopt the resolution. Carried. Ald. Frith moved to adjourn until June .16th, 1904. Carried. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Attest ., . Reeorder Regular Session June 16, 1904. OTY COUNCIL. Regular Session June 16th, 1904. (Official.) Council met at 8 o'clock P. M. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Alds. Clancy, Corranee. Frith, Jones. Lyons, McLaughlin and Stumpf. Absent—None. PETITIONS AND COMM UNIC:\ TIONS, Petition of H. F. C. Schneider ask- ing that the Engineer be instructed to give proper grade for sidewalk abutting his property on Bluff Street was grant- ed. Invitation of the United German So- cieties asking the Mayor, City Council, Fire and Police departments to take part in parade for Fourth of July cele- bration. On motion was accepted and the Mayor. City Council and Fire and Po- lice departments turn out in a body. Petition of R. W. Kemler in relation to laying temporary walk abutting lot 13, Cumming's Sub., was referred to Committee on Streets. The following petitions were referred to Delinquent Tax Committee: Petition of Airs. Barbara Bechtel in relation to cancellation of her persona] taxes for toot and 1902. Also petition of Thos. and Honora Lonergan asking that the taxes for 1903 on lot 145, East DubuQue Add., be ordered cancelled. .\lsn petition of Aug. Rohr asking for the cancellation of his taxes on lot 283. East Dubuque Add., No. 2. Also petition of Mrs. Mary 'Templar asking that her taxes be canceled on 1411 5, Hugh's Sub.. of 14•t 172. part of Min. The f, 114•wilig petitions were referr- ed to the Committee of the Whole: Petition of the Civic Division of the Woman's Club asking Council to en- rorce certain Ordinances. Also petition of the Dubuque Retail- ers' association. by Harger & Blish et al, asking to increase the license tax required from transient merchants as provided for in Chapter 26 of the Re- vi<ed Ordinances of the City of Du - !Hume, \1<o petition of S. J. Patch asking th;u all rock to be used for the im- provement of Villa Street he taken from quarry abutting lot on corner of Rush and \'ill:( Streets, alb REPORTS OF OFFICERS, City Engineer Boyce reported as fol, lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on Streets in the dit- ferent districts during the first half of June. 1904: Amount due Laborers on Streets •, ,,.•$4.9417,10 Respectfully submitted, —James H. Boyce, City Engineer. Approved by Committee ott Streets, Also >nbmit my pay roll for labor on Sewers during the first half of June, t 9a4 Amount due Laborers on Sewers ,. $17o,fio Respectfully submitted, —James H. Boyce. City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Sewers, On motion the pay rolls for Streets and Sewers were received and warrant, ordered drawn to pay the various amounts and the pay rolls referred hack to the lirop.er committees, City Engineer Boyce reported is fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council:, Gentlemen: Herewith attached please find plat of the proposed vaca- tion of alley between Elm and Pine Streets from Eighteenth to Nineteenth Streets. Notices were served on the respective abutting property owners. Respectfully. —.James H. Boyce, City Engineer. On motion the above named plat was approved. City Engineer Boyce also reported • as follows: Herewith attached please find Plat of the proposed vacation of part of Cedar Street, from the south line of Eighth Street to the north line of alley be- tween Seventh and Eighth Street. No- tices were served on the respective abutting property owners. Respectfully. —James H. Boyce, City Engineer. Ald. Clancy moved that the Plat as presented by the City Engineer be ap- proved, Carried by the following vote; Y"easr-Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Jones, Lyons. McLaughlin and Stumpf', Nays -None. City Engineer Boyce also reported as follows: In compliance with instructions of your Honorable Body, I herewith sub- mit profile, plan and estimate of cost of proposed Storni Water Sewer in San ford Street from Couler Avenue to Regular Session June 16, 1904. 143 Bee Branch Sewer. Total estimated cost $1,784.60. Respectfully, —James H. Boyce, City Engineer. Ald. Frith moved to refer the report and plat to the Committee on Streets, with power to advertise for bids. Car- ried. City Recorder Arendt presented and read the printed notice, certified to by the Publisher, of the Council's inten- tion to levy a special assessment for impr, wing Ardmore Terrace from West Eleventh Street to a point 200 feet outli of \Vest Eleventh Street. N rem,,,, :trance being filed the Mayor asked if any one present had any objection to said special assess - int nt. No objection being stated the notice on motion was received and filed. Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the following: Resolved. by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That to pay for im- proving Ardmore Terrace from West Eleventh Street to a point 200 feet south of West Eleventh Street. by Chas. Stench. contractor, in front of and adjoining the same. a Special Tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned. and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate. as follows: Special assessment submitted and passed Jnne 16th 1904. E. \\'. .\thee. east 141.5 ft. of Out Lot 667, lot I $ 207 77 Eliza A. and Geo. A. Burden east 1.41.5 ft. of Out Lot 687 lot - 145 50 Fred Rumpf, Grove Terrace Sub., lot I 103 53 Fred R Grove Terrace Sub.. N. 1-2. lot 2 40 43 Louis Lindenberg. Grove Ter- race Sub.. S. 1-2. lot 2 40 43 Louis Lindenberg. Grote Ter- race Sub.. N. 40..1 ft. lot 3 65 20 F. M. Walker. Grove Terrace Sub.. S. to ft.. lot 3 16 30 F. 11. Walker. Grove Terrace Sub.. lot 4 8o 84 Total ' 700 0o .Ild. Frith moved to adopt the reso- lution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy. Corrance. Frith, Jones. Lyons. McLaughlin and Stumpf. Nays—None. City Recorder Arendt also presented and read the printed notice certified to by the publisher of the Council's in- tention to improve Sixth Street. from Bluff to Clay Street. Also a communication signed by eleven property owners on said street, remonstrating against said improve- ment. On motion of Ald. Lyons the com- munication and notice were referred to the Committee of the Whole. Bids for painting Patrol House were opened and read is follows: 1\I. Czizck R. P. Evison C. Emerson F. F. Fay .. 92.50 Mr. Fay being the lowest bidder was awarded the contract. Bids for laying a concrete floor in Patrol House were as follows: F. J. Schilling . $128.00 J. M. Lee 123.0o No certified checks being enclosed in the above bids, the same were on motion rejected. Mayor Berg reported in relation to the claim of N. Kintzinger for back salary clue him as \Vharfmaster. The Mayor stated that \Ir. Kintzinger was willing to settle for $l;o.00. Ald. Jones moved that the Recorder be instructed to draw a tva.rrant for the above amount in favor of the Mayor, for the settlement of the claim of \ir. Kintzinger. Carried. The Mayor also stated that the Or- dinance relating to the Licensing of Circuses ought to he changed. as the :onount specified by the present Ordi- nance was not enough. Ald. Corrance moved that the matter be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. $225.00 162.00 138.0o REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. \1<I. Corrance, chairman of the Com- mittee on Finance. reported as fol- lows: Your Committee on Finance would respectfully recommend that the Treasurer be instructed to make the corrections required by the action of the City Council of August 7, 1002. in adopting the report of the Committee f the Whole. On motion the report was adopted. Uhl. Corrance also presented 'ntd read the following agreement: Duhuh1uc. Iowa. June 1n,, 1904. 1. John Parker. do hereby agree to sell and convey to the City of Dubuque a strip of land sixty (601 feet wide off the northerly side of lot 1 of Mineral Lot 183, for tin sum ,.f Two ?Inn- (ired and Fifty Dollars ($2;o). Said land to be used for part of a street known as k,,;e,lale :Avera'. : nd the said City of Dubuque ;;r . ' to pay to the of ,relaid John Parker the said sum of Two Hundred liU1 Fifty Dollars ($250). upon deliv.:ry t,• ecoid cite. of a deed to said land. 1uly exe- cuted. (Signed) : —John Parker. 144 Regular Session June 16, 1904. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the Mayor be empowered to enter into said contract upon delivery of a deed to said property. Carried. Ald. Lyons. chairman of the Ordi- nance Committee, presented and read an Ordinance granting certain addition- al rights to the Union Electric Com- pany. The Ordinance having had its first reading at the previous meeting, Ald. Lyons moved that the reading just had be considered its second reading. Carried. Ald. Lyons moved that the Ordi- nance be now adopted. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance. Frith. Jones, Lyons, McLaughlin and Stumpf. Nays --None. The Ordinance follows: AN ORDINANCE GRANTING CERTAIN ADDITIONAL RIGHTS TO THE UNION ELEC- TRIC COMPANY. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. Section I. That in addition to the rights and privileges now possessed by the Union Electric Co., for the use and operation of its lines of street railway in the City of Dubuque, there is hereby granted to said Company the right to construct a single track railway, com- mencing at the intersection of Twenty- fourth and Washington Streets in the City of Dubuque. and thence running westerly along Twenty-fourth Street to the intersection of said street with Couler Avenue in said City, said line to be so constructed as to be connect - with the tracks of said railway com- pany on Jackson Street and Couler Avenue, and as nearly in the center of Twenty-fourth Street as practic- able. Section II. Said track on Twenty-fourth Street shall be used and operated by said Union Electric Company in connection with their other lines, only for the pur- pose of transporting people to and from the base ball park on Twenty- fourth and Washington Streets, during the base ball seasons. Whenever said base ball park shall be discontinued to be used for a base ball park, the track, allowed to he constructed by this Or- dinance, shall be taken up by the Street Railway Company, and the Street put in good condition for travel, at its ex- pense. No cars shall be allowed to stand between Jackson Street and Couler Avenue to wait for passengers. Section III. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its publica- tion in the Dubuque Daily Globe Journal newspaper. Adopted , 1904. Attest: Mayor. City Recorder. Ald. Lyons also presented and read an Ordinance for the vacation of Cedar Street from Eighth Street to the alley between Seventh and Eighth Streets in the City of Dubuque, and moved that the reading just had be considered its first reading. Carried. Ald. Lyons moved that the rules be now suspended for the purpose of read- ing the Ordinance by its title for the second time. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy. Corrance, Frith, Jones, Lyons, McLaughlin and Stumpf. The Ordinance was then read by its title for the second time. Ald. Lyons moved that the Ordi- nance be now adopted as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Jones, Lyons, McLaughlin and Stumpf. Nays—None. The Mayor declared the Ordinance adopted. The Ordinance follows: AN ORDINANCE FOR THE VA- CATION OF CEDAR STREET FROM EIGHTH STREET TO THE ALLEY BETWEEN SEV- ENTH AND EIGHTH STREETS IN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE. Whereas, the Union Electric Com- pany, a corporation organized under the laws of Iowa, has petitioned the City Council of the City of Dubuque for the vacation and annullment of Cedar Street from Eighth Street to the alley between Seventh and Eighth Streets in the City of Dubuque, being the ground lying between Lot 33, in Block 12, and Lot I, in Block 14, of Dubuque Harbor Improvement Com- pany's Addition to the City of Du- buque. and Whereas, the said Union Electric Company is the owner in fee simple of all the real estate abutting said por- tion of said Cedar Street and needs said portion of said street in connec- tion with its said abutting property for its proposed new electric power sta- tion and plant required by the increas- ed demands of this city and its resi- dents. and Whereas, by direction of the City Council of the City of Dubuque the City Engineer has made a plat of and showing said portion of said street pro- posed to be vacated, and filed the same in his office subject to public inspec- tion, and due notice has been given to all abutting property owners and ten days' notice of said proposed vacation Regular Session June 16, 1904. has been published in the official paper of the city, and the proposed action has been submitted to the City Council at two regular sessions, and Whereas, it appears that no valid ob- jections have been made to the vaca- tion of said portion of said street. and said above described portion of said street is not required for street pur- poses; Therefore, be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Section 1. That Cedar Street from Eighth Street to the alley between Sev- enth and Eighth Streets in the City of Dubuque. being the ground lying be- tween Lot 33, in Block 12. and Lot 1, in Block 14, of Dubuque Harbor Im- provement Company's Addition to the City of Dubuque be and the same is hereby vacated and annulled and the permanent use thereof is hereby grant- ed to the Union Electric Company, and its successors and assigns as a part of the ground to he used and occupied by its said electric works and plant. Sec. 2. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage and publication one time in the Dubuque Daily Globe -Journal, official paper of the City of Dubuque. Adopted June .. 1.. r . 1904. Approved June .".-2.4.0-1904. Attest. Mayor. City Recorder. Ald. Lyons also presented and read an Ordinance repealing section 8 of Chapter XXVII of the Revised Ordi- nances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque; and fixing the compensation of the members of the Fire department, and moved that the reading just had be con- sidered its first reading. Carried. The Ordinance was then laid over tender the rules until the next meeting. Ald. Corrance. Chairman of the Com- mittee on Claims, reported as follows: Your Committee on Claims would respectfully report that in the case of Lottie Walker vs. City of Dubuque, the plaintiff secured a verdict against the City for $600.00. We now have an of- fer to settle this case for $500.00 and the costs of court. We consider that the additional cost incurred in an ap- peal would more than offset any ad- vantage that might be gained thereby and would therefore recommend that said offer be accepted and that the Mayor be authorized to effect a settle- ment on the above mentioned basis. Ald, Corrance moved to adopt the report, and that a warrant be drawn in favor of the Mayor to settle the same. Carried. Ald. Frith, Chairman of the Com- mittee on Streets, presented the fol- lowing bills: John Berwanger, rock delivered to rock crusher $ 26 00 Frank Burns, rock delivered to rock crusher Joe Heck, rock delivered to rock crusher P. Horsch, rock delivered to rock crusher Tom Moore, rock delivered to rock crusher Dennis McGrath, rock delivered to rock crusher 62 0o T. Siege, rock delivered to rock crusher 72 00 Jas. Noonan, rock delivered to rock crusher 175 00 Jeff. McGrath, rock delivered to rock crusher 32 00 A. Honig, rock delivered to rock crusher 75 00 C. Gantenbcin, rock delivered to rock crusher 39 00 Ald. Frith moved that warrants be ordered drawn for the several amounts and the hills paid. Carried. Ald. Frith also reported as follows: Your Committee on Streets, to whom was referred the petition of Chas. Stillman, et al., asking that a four -foot sidewalk be ordered on both sides of Langworthy Avenue, from Hill Street to Nevada Street, would recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the proper resolutions. be adopted. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. 145 39 00 31 00 700 14 00 Ald. Clancy moved that Mr. Chas. Katz be appointed Inspector of Wood for the ensuing year. Carried. Wereupon Mr. Katz was sworn in by the Mayor. Ald. Jones. chairman of the Commit- tee on Printing, reported at follows: Your Committee on Printing, to whom was referred the bills of the Globe -Journal for publishing the pro- ceedings and notices during the months of April and May, 1904, would recom- mend that the sum of $67.50 be allowed for the month of April, and $99.19 for the month of May, and that a warrant in said amounts be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer in full settlement of said bills. Also your Committee on Printing, to whom was referred the bill of the Tel- egraph -Herald for $68.15 for publish- ing the proceedings and notices during the month of April. 1904, would recom- mend that a warrant in said sum be or- dered drawn on the City Treasurer in settlement of the bill. Aid. Jones moved to adopt the re- ports. Carried. Ald. Stumpf, chairman of the Com- mittee on Delinquent Taxes, reported as follows: Your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the peti- tion of Mrs. Helen May, asking that on account of her poverty the taxes on her property, Lot lob Union Addi- 146 Regular Session June 16, 1904. tion, be canceled for the year 1903, would recommend that said taxes be al- lowed to remain a lien on the property and that the Treasurer be instructed not to sell. Ald. Stumpf moved to adopt the re port. Carried. Ald. Lyons, chairman of the Commit- tee on Sewers, presented the following bills and moved that warrants be drawl, and the bills paid. Carried. Wm. Foster, inspecting sewer in Washington Street $20.00 Alike O'Meara, inspecting sewer in Dodge Street 20.00 Ald. Lyons also reported as follows. Your Committee on Sewers. to whom was referred the petition of C. A. Van Wie, et al., asking that a sanitary sewer be ordered laid in Grandview Avenue, front Dodge to North Street. would recommend that the prayer of the peti- tioners be granted and that the prelim- inary resolutions be adopted. Also, your committee on Sewers would respectfully report that we have examined the sanitary sewer in Alpine street, front Dodge Street to a point about one hundred an -I twenty-five feet south of Langworthy Avenue, James Street. contractor. and would recom- mend that sail sewer be accepted. and that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare a plat of that part of Al- pine Street where said improvement has been made. shoving the separate lots or specified portion thereof sub- ject to assessment for such improve- ment, the names of the owners and the amount to be assessed against each lot, and to file said plat and schedule in the office of the City Recorder. who shall thereupon publish the same ill accordance with the provisions of Sec- tion to, Chanter 34. of the Revised Ordinances of 1go1 of the City of Du- buque. We would further recommend that the Finance committee be instruct- ed to provide for an issue of bonds to cover the cost of constructing said sewer. Ald. Lyons moved to adopt the re- ports of the committee on Sewers. Carried. Aid. Frith reported as follows: Your committee on Electrical Con- struction. to whom was referred the bills of the Iowa Telephone Co. for telephone service for the quarter end- ing June 30, 1904, would respectfully report that under the terms of an or- dinance adopted November 30, 1903. the City of Dubuque is entitled to twelve telephones free of charge, which would be two more than the City has had; we would therefore recommend that the Iowa Telephone Co. be in- structed to place one of the remaining telephones at the Dubuque and Wis- consul Bridge. and to include the tele- phone at Engine House No. 5 in the free list. We would further recom- mend that the charge of $6.00 for tele- phone service at Engine House No. 5 for said quarter be not allowed, and that a warrant in the stun of $37.27 be ordered drawn on the Treasurer in full settlement of said bills. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Ald. Jones reported as follows: Your Board of Equalization, to whom was referred the petition of A. A. Cooper, asking. because the sante was doubly assessed, that $5.000.00 be deducted from the personal assessment against the A. A. Cooper Wagon and Buggy Co.. also that the valuation on City Lots 691. 700 and 721 be fixed at the same amount as for 1902. and that the valuation on the Cooper Wagon Works Block be reduced $5,000.00. would recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted in so far only as the petition applies to the $5.000.00 personalty and that the Treasurer be instructed accordingly. Also, your Board of Equalization. to whom was referred the petition of Theodore Cook, stating that there is an assessment on $6.000.00 money: and credits on the books of the City Treas- urer against the estate of Jacob K„clr for the year 1903, and that said a», -- ment is erroneous bc4anse the indebt- edness of the said estate largely ex- ceeded the moneys and credits.and ask- ing therefore that the said assessment be canceled, would recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the City Treasurer he instructed accordingly. Also, your Board of Equalization, to whom was referred the petition of T. 0. Sullivan and W. A. Folk. in rela- tion to the special assessment levied against Lots 190 and 191. \\"owllawn Park Addition• for the improvement of Auburn and Decorah Avenues, would recommend that the prayer f the peti- tioners be gr=unted, provi,lcd the smat- ter be settled without delay. and that the treasurer he instructed accordingly. Also, your Board of Equalization, to whom was referred the communication of Maria Louisa Thedinga, stating that the District Court had reduced the val- uation placed on her property by Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars, and asking therefore that the sum of $8.63, being the amount of the tax on the over- valuation, lie refunded to her, would recommend that the prayer of the pe- titioner be granted and that a warrant in said sum be ordered drawn on the city treasury in settlement of the claim. Also, your Board of Equalization, to whom was referred the petition of the Metz Manufacturing Co., asking that in accordance with a resolution adopt- Regular Session June 16, 1904. 147 ,ed by the City Council on March 5th, 1903, the taxes on its personalty and also on the improvements on Lots 177, 178. N. 1-2 of 179. 226. 225 and N. 1-2 -of 224. East Dubuque Add., be can- celed for the year 1903, would recom- mend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the Treasurer be instructed accordingly. Ald. Jones moved to adopt the var- ious reports of the Board of Equaliza- tion. Carried. Ald. Lyons, of the Board of Health, reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Your Board of Health -would respectfully report that at their meeting, held June 6th, 1904, a bill of Mr. John A. Voelker was presented, for conveying Frank Flynn, a smallpox -patient, to the detention hospital. Amount of bill, $8.00. The same was audited by the board and referred to the county supervisors for payment. We would also recommend the adop- tion of the following resolution: Be It Resolved by the Board of Health of the City of Dubuque. Iowa: That D. S. Wilson E.i.. City Lot No. 662a: Thos. Hardie E-4.. the M. 38.1 feet of City Lot No. 662: C. A. Walter, N. 1-5 of City Lot No. 432! Hunde- gunda Foerst. S. 1-2 of City Lot No. 33o: C. Voss Est.. N. 26 feet 6 inches of City Lot No. 335; Dubuque Malting Co.. City Lot No. 338; Peter Fay, N. N. 1-5 of City Lot No. 432; Kunde- Kriebs, N. 1-2 of City Lot No. 272; Anna Trexler. City Lot No. 275 and S. .2 feet of City Lot No. 274; Louis Trex- ler. City Lot No. 276: A. W. Kennler Est.. City Lot No. 281; Kiene & Alt- man. City Lot No. 283; Bell B. De Clercq. S. 1-2 less N. M. 4x60 feet of City Lot No. 311; Otto Frenzel, N. 1 - •of City Lot No. 311; John Pilmeir, N. 1-2 of the S. M. 1-5 of City Lot No. 442; M. Michels, S. 1-2 of the N. M. 1-5 of City Lot No. 442; M. Buchman. S. 1-5 of City I_ot No. 442: Margaret 'Thompson. N. M. 1-4 of City Lot No. 443: Theo. Schrup, undivided 1-2 of the S. 1-5 of City Lot No. 434: C. G. Kretschmer, S. M. 1-4 of City Lot No. 443: Gabriel Weis. N. 5o feet of N. 3-5 -of City Lot No. 444; Schneider & Kleih. Sub. 4 of the S. 1-5 of City Lot No. 444; Sam Rice, S. 26.2 feet of the M. 1-5 of City Lot No. 446: Andrew 'Voelker, N. 25 feet of the M. 1-5 of 'City Lot No. 446; Gertrude Seeger, N. 1-2 of N. M. 1-5 and S. 1-2 of N. 1-5 of City Lot No. 479; Margaret Lorez. S. 1-2 of the S. M. 1-5 of City Lot No. -441; L. Gonner, S. M. 1-5 of City Lot No. 434; Josephine Folzer, N. 1-2 of the N. 1-5 of City Lot No. 479; Geo. W. Schrup, undivided 1-2 of S. 1-5 of City Lot No. 432; Mary A. Mulkern. N. 6 feet 9 inches of City Lot 314, all of 315 and S. 9 feet 3 inches of 316; James -O'Farrell, S. 1-2 of M. 1-5 of City Lot No. 457; B. C. Schorr, S. 27 feet 8 inches of City Lot No. 335; John A. Pauls, S. M. 26 feet of City Lot No. 316, having failed to connect said prop- erty with the sanitary sewer situated in the alley between Clay and White streets, abutting on said property: and it being deemed necessary for the preservation of the public health of said city that said premises be con- nected with said sanitary sewer. It is hereby ordered by the Board of Health of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. by vir- tue of the power vested in it by Sec- tion 1032 of the Code of Iowa of 1897, and Chapter Twenty-five of the Re- vised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque, that all the above named property owners shall within thirty days from the date of service of notice of this order, conenct said premises with said sanitary sewer. Dated this 6th clay of June, 1904. We also recommend that the City buy two mackintoshes for the use of conveying Smallpox Patients to the Detention Hospital, also a fumigating lamp, for the use of the Health Officer. Also report that the contract for cleaning vanits for the ensuing year was awarded to Arthur Turner at the same rates as last year. Ald. Lyons moved to adopt the reso- lution and report of the Board of Health. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy Corrance, Frith, Jones. Lyons. McLaughlin and Stumpf. Nays—None. Ald. McLaughlin. chairman of the Committee of the \\'hole, reported as i 11 os: Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the bill of the \\•,iter Trustees for $2.000.00 for water furnished for ' sprinkling purposes, would recommend that said bill be al- lowed and that a warrant in the said sum be ordered drawn on the Treas- urer in settlement of the claim. Also your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the City Engineer he instructed to con- struct two additional intakes to the storm water sewer on Ninth Avenue :it its intersection with Rhomberg Avenue. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Anton Fischer, et al., asking that the alley between Ninth and Tenth Ave- nues be widened, filled and macadamiz- ed, would recommend that the City Engineer be instructed to fill said alley to its full width of thirty feet, and to macadamize the same where necessary. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the ordinance amending the ordinance fixing the com- pensation of the members of the Fire 148 Regular Session June 16, 1904. Department, would respectfully report that we have further amended said or- dinance so as to provide that the same becomes effective March r, 19o5, and would recommend the adoption of said ordinance as amended. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of the Dubuque Altar Mfg. Co., asking that the alley between Elm and Pine Streets from Eighteenth to Nineteenth Street be vacated, would recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the Ordinance Com- mittee be instructed to prepare an or- dinance confirming the rights herein granted, but reserving to the City the right to lay a sanitary sewer in said alley if deemed necessary, and provid- ing that in the event that said premises should cease to be used for manufac- turing purposes, said alley shall revert to the city. Also your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend in ac- cordance with the award of the ap- praisers appointed to assess the dam- age to abutting property by reason of the change of grade on Bluff Street be- tween Twelfth and Fourteenth Streets, that a warrant in the sum of $5.50 be ordered drawn on the Treasurer in favor of B. B. Richards, to compensate him for the amount expended by him in bringing his sidewalk to the new grade. —P. H. McLaughlin, Chairman. Ald. McLaughlin moved to adopt the various reports. Carried. Ald. Clancy, chairman of the Special committee to audit the quarterly re- port of the Water Works trustees, re- ported as follows: Your Special committee, to whom was referred the statement of the Wa- ter Works Trustees for the quarter ending March 31, 19o4, would respect- fully report that we have audited said statement and find the same to corres- pond with the vouchers on file in the office of the Trustees; we would there- fore recommend that said statement be received and filed. —Matt Clancy, Chairman. Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Frith offered the following: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. that it is deem- ed necessary and advisable to lay a sidewalk on Langworthy Avenue from Hill Street to Booth Street, and it is hereby proposed to lay a cement side- walk four feet wide on said street and to assess the cost of said sidewalk against the abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Jones, Lyons, McLaughlin and Stumpf. Nays—None. Ald. Frith also offered the follow- ing: Be it resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque. that the - City Engineer be and he is hereby di- rected to prepare a plat showing gen- erally the location and nature and ex- tent of the proposed improvement on Langworthy Avenue from Hill to• Booth Street, and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such improvement. the amount and cost thereof to be paid by the City, if any. and the cost thereof and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file - such plat and estimate in the office of the City Recorder; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the City Recorder shall publish in three consecutive issues of a newspaper pub- lished in the city, a notice stating that such plat and estimate are on file, the location and nature of the improve- ment, kind of material to be used, and - an estimate of its cost and the time before which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of such notice, and after such publication shall have been made, the City Recorder shall at the next regular session of the City Council. notify the council thereof in writing, with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance. Frith,. Jones. Lyons, McLaughlin and Stumpf. Nays—None. Alderman Lyons offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That it is deemed necessary and advisable to construct a sanitary sewer in Grandview Avenue and it is hereby proposed to construct a sanitary sewer in said Grandview Avenue as follows, to -wit: an eight -inch tile pipe sewer from Dodge Street to North Street, and to assess the cost of said sewer against the butting prop- erty. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas --Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Stumpf. Nays—None___` Ald. Lyons also offered the follow- ing: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat and specifications for an eight -inch tile pipe sanitary sew- er in Grandview Avenue, from Dodge Street to North Street, showing the location and general nature of said im- provement, the extent thereof, the size Regular Session June 16, 1904. and kind of material to be used, and to prepare an estimate of the cost thereof and the amount assessable up- on each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting thereon per front foot or square foot in area, and to file such plat, specifications and estimate in the office of the City Recorder. That after such plat is so filed, the City Recorder shall cause to be pub- lished, notice of the intention of the Council to make such improvement. which notice shall be published in three consecutive issues of the official news- paper of the City of Dubuque, stating that such plat is on file and generally the nature of the sewer, its location. size and kind of material to be used and the estimate of the cost, and fixing the time before which objections can be filed, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of such notice. and after the comple- tion of the publication of the notice. lie shall, at its next regular session, notify the Council thereof in writing with a printed copy of such notice accompany- ing the same. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy. Corrance, Frith, Jones, Lyons, McLaughlin and Stumpf. Absent—None. Ald. Lyons also offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, that the City Attorney be and is hereby instructed to investigate and, at as early a day as practicable, report to the City Council the present status of the title to the real estate commonly known as the "Old Canal Lot." situated in the southwest quarter of Section nineteen (19), Town eighty- nine (89), Range three (3), east of the fifth principal meridian, in the city of Dubuque, and containing twelve acres, and forty-eight one hundredths of an acre. which by Act of Congress of July 2, 1836, was reserved forever "for a public highway and other public uses," and by virtue of an Act of Congress of February 14th, 1855. was conveyed by the United States, to the City of Dubuque, subject to said reservation, by patent dated October 19th, 1855. That the city Attorney be requested to report specifically, whether, in view of the reservation of said Canal Lot "for a public highway and other public uses." in the Act of Congress of July 2, 1836, and of the provision in the patent of October 19th, 1855, making the relinquishment to the City of Du- buque of all rights of the United States in said lot, subject to said reservation, any alienation or diversion, or attempt- ed alienation or diversion of said Canal Lot, or any part thereof, by the City Council for any purpose other than for a public highway and other public uses, was, or would be legal and valid, and operate to divest the public of its rights in said ground. 149 Also, whether the City Council now possesses the right to open or extend any street or public highway through, or across or along, said Canal lot with- out the payment of damages or com- pensation to any private person or cor- poration. That in the consideration of the mat- ters herein submitted to him, the atten- tion of the City Attorney is directed to the report and opinion rendered to the city Council by its attorneys. Ed- ward McCeney and D. C. Cram, relat- ing to the title to said Canal lot in February, ►872, and also to the opinion of the Supreme Court of this State, in the case of Cook vs. City of Burlington reported in the 3oth Iowa Reports, page 94. Resolved further. That the City En- gineer be instructed to make a survey of said Canal lot, and mark the bound- aries of the same in a permanent and distinguishable manner by posts or other suitable marks, and also, to re- port to the City Council. whether, and to what extent, if any, said ground is occupied or encumbered by any private person or corporation for any purpose other than "highway or other public uses." Alderman McLaughlin offered the following, which was referred to the Committee of the Whole: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Sixth Street from the east curb line of Bluff Street to the west property line of Clay Street be improved by brick -paving the same on a concrete foundation accord- ing to the plat and specifications for such improvement prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and be it further re- solved, that said improvement shall be completed on or before the 1st day of September, 1904, and shall be paid for at the time and in the manner prescrib- ed by chapter XXXII. of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Du- buque for the payment of the cost of street improvements. The proposals for doing such work will be acted upon by the Council on the 7th day of July, 1904, and the Cit) Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication, asking for proposals as provided by ordinance. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the Council appoint an Inspector for the Bee Branch Sewer. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Lyons, Mc- Laughlin and Stumpf. Total 4. Nays—Aids. Corrance, Frith and Jones. Total 3. Ald. Stumpf nominated P. J. Schuler. Ald. Jones nominated John Bohn. 150 Regular Session June 16, 1904. The vote was taken by ballot and the Mayor appointed Ald. McLaughlin and Ald. Frith as tellers. Vote as follows: Schuler received 4 votes. Bohn received 3 votes. Mr. Schuler was declared appointed. On motion the Mayor was instructed to make all arrangements in regard to the Council. Fire and Police Depart- ments taking part in the parade to take place on the Fourth of July. Ald. McLaughlin moved to adjourn until July 7th, 19(34. Carried. —C. F. Arendt, City Recorder. Attest: ARecorder ApprovedL% -ic 'i 19041 . . Mayor List of Warrants. LIST Of CIT City Recorder's Office, Dubuque, Ia., June 1st, 1904. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The following is a com- plete list of all warrants issued by pie during the month of May, 1904: •C. H. Bery, salary, Mayor ....$116 7o H. Brinkman, salary, Treasurer 133 35 J. A. McKinley, salary, Deputy Treasurer Too Jno. Krayer, clerk, Treasurer's office . 6o •Chas. F. Arendt, salary, Re- corder 116 1Vm. A. Kaep, salary, Deputy Recorder 8o F. B. Hoffman. salary, Auditor116 C. B. Scherr. salary. Assessor 125 A. Doerr, Jr., salary. Assistant Assessor 100 J. J. Murphy, salary, Assistant Assessor 100 'Geo. A. Barnes. salary. Attor- ney 15o e0 J. B. Powers, salary. Assistant Attorney Thos. Reilly, salary. Chief of Police too 00 Jos. Reinfried, salary. Fire Chief 100 00 J. W. Lawler. salary. Committee Clerk .. 100 00 Jas. Boyce, salary. City Engi- neer . 166 E. Anderson, salary. Assistant Engineer 100 G. White, salary. Rodman 5o E. Herron, salary, superintend- ent of Street Sprinkling 6o Wm. H ipman, salary. Electri- cian 83 35 H. Tropf. salary, Marketmaster 5o 00 P. Ryan, salary, Park Custodian 40 00 P. Kien, salary. Park Custodian 4o 00 T. Faherty, salary. Park Cus- todian to 00 Dr. B. F. Michel. salary, Health Officer 5o 00 F. Flynn, salary, Sanitary Pa- trolman 6o 00 N. Offerman. salary. Pound - master 40 00 Mrs. H. Koenig, salary, Jani- tress 20 00 A. Crawford, salary. Sidewalk inspector H. A. Moyes, salary, Wharf - master M. Clancy, salary. Alderman H. Corrance. salary. Alderman E. E. Frith. salary, Alderman .T. A. Stumpf, salary. Alderman R. Jones, salary. Alderman . P. H. McLaughlin. salary. Al- derman 25 00 M. E. Lyons, salary. Alderman 25 00 Tillie Donnelly. stenographer 20 00 M. Eitel, fireman $ 65 00 00 00 70 00 70 00 00 00 75 00 55 00 00 00 5o) 00 20 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 J. Essman, fireman A. Duccini. fireman J. Flynn. fireman 75 00 6o oo 65 00 151 J. Roshin, fireman Go oo A. Hecr, fireman 50 00 J. Tschudi, fireman 50 00 J. Schonberger, hoseman 50 00 J. Daley, fireman C,5 00 J. Barnes, engineer 75 00 1'. Ryder, fireman 6o 00 G. Beyer, fireman 65 on W. Ducey. fireman 6o 00 F. Murphy, fireman 5o 00 P. Ahern. fireman ;o 00 \i. licllcy, fireman 5o 00 D. .\hcrn• fireman 65 00 P. Zillig, fireman 50 00 T. Flynn, fireman 65 00 M. Sweeney, fireman 5o 00 H. Cain. fireman 5o 00 N. Wagner, fireman 5o 00 J. Benzor, fireman 5o 00 A. McDonnell, fireman 67 5o J. Murphy, fireman 5o 00 J. McLaughlin, fireman 5o oe G. Girke, fireman 65 oo T. Kennedy. fireman 6o 00 F. Baumgartner, fireman 5o 00 J. Smith, fireman 5o 00 C. Kannolt, fireman 65 00 J. Allen, fireman 6o 00 JI. Fahey, fireman 5o 00 W. O'Connell. Iircnlan 5o 00 R. Weston. fireman 65 00 F. Kenncally. fireman 6o 00 E. McDermott, fireman 5o 00 W. McClain, fireman 5o 00 1.. Smith. fireman, extra 2 00 A. 113c:•kcr. police 51 65 J. 11. Barry. police 51 65 G. Burke], police 51 65 J. Carter, police 67 20 T. Clime, police 51 65 Jno. Cody, police 50 00 W. Cook. police 5o 00 W. Corcoran, police 51 65 H. Donlon. police 5o 00 J. Fitzpatrick, police 51 65 Tas. Flynn, police 5o 00 Wni. Frith. police 51 65 T. Ganahl. police 51 65 L. Grasset, police ;t 6; P. Gr•iy. police 51 65 461 on 51 65 inn. T.oet acltcr, police 46 70 P. NIcCoIlin', police 51 65 P. \Irincrncy, nonce 51 65 Trio. Moore. police 60 00 Tl. Norton, police 46 70 \I. O'Connor, police 50 00 ino. Murphy. nolice 50 00 P. Powers, police 33 50 Tno. Raesli. police 65 00 Otto Rath. police 65 To:. Ryan, police 65 00 1'. Scharff. police 50 eo Al. Scherr, police 62 no F. Spielman, police 51 65 P. Sutton. police25 00 Tom Sweeney. police 0 no M. Stapleton, police 51 65 P. Sullivan. police50 00 Tno. L. Sullivan. police So 00 51 55 30 00 30 00 Pot Il:unlon, notice \I. Kil:v. notice T.. Zeidman. police Mrs. Kate Hibbe. matron Miss T.. Brennan. matron 152 List of Warrants Labor cleaning, repairing and sprink- ling in the different districts during the last half of April, 1904: E. Amanda, 2nd. J. Albrecht, 2nd. A. Alderson, 3rd. Sam. Allen, 3rd. Rich. Burns, 1st. Watt. Burke, 1st. Wm. Burke, 1st. Jos. Brouillette, 1st. John Burns, 1st Mike Boyle, 2nd. W. S. Brown, 2nd. C. Bremer, 2nd. A. Bolein. 2nd. J. Brenner. 2nd. C. Buse. 2nd. J. Brachtcnbach, 2nd. C. Bluecher, 2nd. Fred Budde, 2nd. C. Budien• 2nd C. Buelow. 2nd. Paul Bicker. 3rd. D. J. Brightbill, 3rd. Jos. Brown. 1st., $4.40; $8.75: 3rd., $4.40 W. Coughlan, 1st. Mike Cain. 1st. Jerry Cahill, 1st. Peter Carney, 1st. Lant. Cahill, 1st. Tom Cahill. 1st. Mike Cunningham, ist. D. Corcoran, 2nd. Jas. Callaghan, 1st John Cahill. 2nd Frank Cherney, 2nd John Corbett, 2nd H. Cobb, 1st., $4.40; 2nd, 3rd.. $4.40 Jas. Connolly. 1st., $4.40; 2nd., $8.75; 3rd.. $4.40 H. Cosgrove. 1st., $6.65; 2nd, $10.00; 3rd., $3.35 Peter DeFontaine, 1st John Dougherty, 1st Mike Donegan, 1st Tom Donahue. 1st P. Devaney, 2nd Peter Dax, 2nd John Egan• 1st John Engels. 2nd C. Ellermand• 2nd John Ess. 2nd Dan Fox• 1st Mike Farrell, 1st Geo. Frost, 1st John Farley, 2nd Pat Farrell, 2nd W. Flanagan. 2nd L. Fenner, 2nd Pat Fenelon, 1st., $4.40; 2nd, $8.75: 3rd., $4.40 Nels. Frith, 1st., $16.65; 2nd, $25.00; 3rd, $8.35 Pat Grue. 1st Peter Gregore, 1st Barney Glass, 1st Pat Gilloon, 1st Henry Galle, 2nd Chas. Grode, 2nd Jos. Grab. 2nd H. Grode, 2nd 2nd., $8.75; 9S0 6 75 t 35 6 to 2 05 T 35 6 75 4 40 9 90 7 20 I 70 9 15 6 75 7 IO 5 To 7 IO 6 75 8 to 2 70 14 85 8 8o 17 55 14 20 6 To 6 TO 14 20 3 40 3 40 8 30 20 00 8 55 8 8o 4 05 17 55 17 55 20 00 3 40 6 To 3 75 4 40 4 05 2 70 4 40 23 20 2 70 6 75 6 10 5 40 20 00 13 95 4 05 1 35 4 05 17 55 50 00 5 40 2 70 7 45 3 75 8 10 3 60 16 20 8 to Geo. Gail, 2nd 13i Jos. Guenther, 2nd 6 to C. Gantenbein, 2nd 20 00 Chas. Gruenzig. 3rd 13 20 John Hafey, 1st . 6 Ie Thos. Hackney, 1st To So G. Hecklinger, 2nd 2 70• George J. I 2nd 20 00 Phil Hense. 2nd to 50 Toni Harker, 3rd . ... 4 75 James Hird, 3rd 18 oo • John Heil• 1st. 7.50; 2nd, $17.25; 3rd, $3.75 22 50 Peter Jacob, 2nd . 4 75- W. Johnson. 2nd 3 50 Aug. Jass, 2nd to 50 Conrad Jaenar, 3rd • T 35 Tim Kelly, 1st 3 40 Nic Kettenhofen, 2nd 6 to Mike Kas, 2nd . 7 00 John Inness, 2nd 3 40 Theo. Kleska, 2nd 1 70 Jos. Kientzle. 2nd 3 40 C. Kupferschmidt, 2nd 1 35 Paul Krocheski• 2nd 15 55 John Keast, 3rd 16 20 John Kelly, 3rd 4 75 Jale Kraus, 1st, $4.40; 2nd, $8.75; 3rd. $4.40 17 55 Mike Lavin, 1st 4 40 Mart. Lonergan, 1st 6 to • Pat Lynch, 2nd to 80 D. Lillig. 2nd 4 05 Frank Lassance, 2nd To 15 H. Lembke, 2nd IT 50 Walter Lynch, 3rd 4 75 Mike Meagher, 1st 1 35 Phil. Melloy. 1st. 3 40 John Mahoney. 1st. 7 50 George Moore, 1st. 6 45 A. W. Miller. 1st. 9 45 John Munsch, 2nd. 9 90 Tom Malloy, 2nd. 3 15 Tom Malloy, 2nd. 3 4o John Murray, 2nd. 2 70 James Malloy, 2nd. 4 95 A. Manderscheid, 2nd. 9 15 E. Muecke, 2nd. 6 75 T. G. Mueckel. 2nd. 8 45 .Tos. Martinek, 3rd. 12 85 John McGee. 1st. 3 40 James McCarron, 1st. 14 20 John McQuillan, 1st. ? 40 Frank McCann, 1st. 3 49; W. McDermott, list.. 3 40 John McNulty, 1st. . 12 85. Jas. McAleese, 1st. 13 50 J. McLaughlin. 2nd. 8 Io • Jas. McCrackin, 3rd. 6 75 Pat. McPoland, 3rd. 1150 B. McDonnell. 2nd. 25 AO Thos. Needham, 2nd. 2 70 C. Nanck, 2nd. 8 TO John Noonan, 3rd. To 15 John Nutz, 3rd. 4 75 Tas. O'Shea, 1st. 6 To W. O'Brien, 1st. 20 00 Ted. O'Brien, 1st. 4 75 C. Otto, 2nd. 135 Chas. O'Neill, 3rd. 9 45 J. O'Halloran. 3rd. TO 80 Jas. Purcell, 1st. 6 TO James Powers, 1st 6 To John Pfeiffer, 2nd 4 05 List of Warrants. Nic Pinsch, 2nd John Parker. 3rd Geo. Putnam, 3rd W. Quinlan, 1st Geo. N. Raymond 2nd., $22.15; 3rd., James Ryan, 1st. Phil Reddin. 1st Mat. Raishek, 211d Fred Remus, 2nd C. Ripisch, 2nd. Fred Radloff, and C. Reinfrank, 2nd..... James Reed. 3rd Chas. Reilly. 3rd Jos. Rooney, 1st., $6.65; 2nd., $10.00, 3rd., $3.35 Nick Sweeney. 1st Frank Strohmeyer, 1st M. Sughrue, 1st Chas. Stick, 1st W. Sheridan. 1st Ernest Smith. 2nd Aug. Soyke. 2nd Chris. Sholl, 2nd Herman Smith. 2nd Jos. Statel, 2nd John Sloan. 2nd J. Scheiclercker. 2nd A. Schilski, 2nd J. Schammel. 2nd Sam Sommer, 2nd Sam Sterling. 3rd James Smith, 3rd F. Scherr. 1st., $4.40; and, $8.75; 3rd., $4.40 Lawrence Trost, 2nd. John Tashner, 3rd. John Varhoof, 1st. C. Vincent. 2nd. John Welsh, 1st. Wm. Welsh. 1st. Anton Wondrasek, 2nd. Anton Welu. 2nd. Jos. Williams, 3rd. John Walsh, 3rd. Fred Weber. 3rd. W. Wearmouth. 3rd. Thos. Young. 1st.. $25.00; 2nd., $37.5,o; 3rd.. $12.50 Geo. Zumhoff, 2nd. ... Adam Zingle, 3rd. TEAMS. F. Burns. 2nd Becker Bros., 2nd. ... j. Berwanger, 2nd. Josh Calvert, 1st. John Calvert, 1st. A. Conrad, 2nd. Jos. Cahill, 3rd. Ben Cain. 3rd. T. E. Frith, 2nd. M. Gantenbein, 2nd. Mike Hanan, 1st. John Huffmire, 2nd. J Haudenschield, 2nd. Peter I-Iorsch James Keefe, 1st, $17.60; 2nd, $24.00 J. Knoernschild, 2nd. John Kane, 3rd. ... John Lenehan, 1st. P. Linehan, 2nd. John Long, 2nd. 1st., $11.10; $3.70 15 55 16 20 15 20 8 8o 36 95 13 50 3 0.5 to 8o 1 35 4 75 6 75 8 to 7 45 70 20 00 8 8o 3 40 2 05 3 40 to 15 to 83 5 75 6 to 4 05 4 05 4 05 1 05 2 40 9 15 6 75 6 to 9 45 17 55 It 50 4 75 3 05 6 75 4 40 6 10 13:i 15 55 8 So 13 50 1 35 20 00 71 00 18 OG IO Fo 75 20 4t 50 24 to to 40 34 2') 28 00 32 40 30 (Y0 2000 43- 20 2 10 40 80 28 SD 24 So 4I 60 ,; 60 7 2C 4360 19 60 to Fo Jas. Lonergan, ,;rd. John Mulgrew J. J. McCollins, 1st, $21.So; $3.60 Jeff McGrath, 3rd Dennis O'Meara. 1st Geo. Reynolds. 1st H. Rinck, 2nd Ed. Seeley. 1st Pat Shea, 1st Jerry Sullivan, 1st (Valley) Adam Stoltz, 2nd John Sutherland, ,3rd Jerry Sullivan, 3rd (Vernon)... James Tobin, 2nd, $3.60; 3rd, $23.40 T. Thanie. 2nd Frank Winters, 3rd M. Zogg, 2nd Labor on Sewers during half of April, 1904: P. Casserly, labor 20 8o J. Corcoran, labor 20 8o R. T. Eddy, foreman 25 00 F. Honecker, labor 20 8o P. Kenneally, labor 20 8o Pat Sage. labor .. 20 80 Landon Taylor. labor 19 20 L. Zentanck, labor 20 So C. H. Berg, sheriff's fees case of Pierce vs. City T. W. Ruete. appropriation for Memorial Day parade 200 00 Otto M. Ruete, services as member of Board of Health18 o0 Geo. Salot, services as mem- ber of Board of Health MACADAM LIST, APRIL, Tas. Bakey, ist John Burkhardt. 3rd John Duggan. 1st Peter Jacobs, 2nd 3rd, 153 23 40 9 Eo 25 40 16 22 7 20 25 20 5 40 37 Sa 12 60 14 40 7 20 22 50 58 00 27 00 to 8o 3 60 1 8o the last 80 00 30 00 1904. 23 :5 I0 65 20 80 28 90 Tohn Parker, 3rd 14 Or Theo. Ratterman, and 29 75 Mich. Shea, 1st 17 00 Mich. Shea. 1st 6.8c Then. Theis, ist 6 8c H. J. Tropf, board of prisoners for April It 20 Kelly's bookstore, stationery and supplies for election 27 6o Kelly's bookstore, stationery and supplies for registration13 75 Kelly's bookstore, stationery supplies for various offices15 75 Kelly's bookstore, stationery supplies for Recorder's office. to 25 Smith -Morgan Prtg. Co.. 17,250 election ballots and envelopes 115 00 W. McLaughlin, hauling at Jackson Park 100 Mullen Bros., plumbing at City 5 95 Hall A. R. Stufenbeil, repairing clock 75 at City Hall Klauer & Kress, supplies for 1 85 City Hall H. Wunderlich, supplies for Au- ditor's office Dubuque Cabinet Mkrs.' Assn, repairing chairs for Mayor's office. Engineer's. Police and Fire Departments 3 5 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co, I 00 4.11181111111 154 List of Warrants. hose for steam roller Stafford Stamp Works, supplies for Auditor's office 70 Metal Stamping Co., clog and team license tags 53 85 Phil Pier, hard coal for City Hall 23 30 Key City Gas Co., gas for var- ious departments 88 00 J. W. Halpin, qualifying judges and clerks for city election Kelly's bookstore. stationery and supplies for city election 18 65 Standard Oil Co., oil•for Road Department 3 70 Chas. Matz. repairs for Road Department I 45 Jno. Kane. rock for Road De- partment 24 50 Tibey Bros., rock for Road De- partment Wm. Marshall. repairs for rock crusher Wm. Marshall, repairs for steam roller .. Klauer & Kress, hardware for Road Department Standard Oil Co., oil for rock crusher F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Road Department F. Schloz & Son, repairs for rock crusher D. McGrath, rock for rock crusher 50 00 Pape & Jacquinot, supplies for rock crusher Gus Lear, horse shoeing for Road Department 2 00 Waterworks Trustees, repairs for Road Department 2 25 Linehan & \l olo, white waste for steam roller to 70 P. Pier, coal for rock crusher and steam roller 116 95 H. Magdal, Hues for Road De- partment Little, Becker & Co., lanterns for Road Department Jno. Butt, repairs for Road De- partment J. Straney, twenty-six days' la- bor at garbage dump Key City Roofing Co., sewer pipe for Road Department P. Hanson. oils and candles for steam roller G. Ragatz, repairs for steam •roller 7 I G. Ragatz, repairs for rock crusher Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse shoeing for Fire De- partment Lagen & Sloan, horse shoeing for Fire Department Gus Lear, horse shoeing for Fire Department Collings & Pfiffner, horse shoe- ing for Fire Department H. J. Hagerty, veterinary ser- vices for Fire and Police De- partments 21 I C. A. Noyes, shades for Central 9 25 1 00 6 00 125 6 25 2 15 2 63 130 4 20 90 40 00 2 50 5 20 35 to 14 20 75 5 2 40 7 00 55 0 I 00 8 oo 5 Engine House 14 30 P. J. Seippel, lumber for Central Engine House 19 90 M. Stafford, bran for Fire De- partment 8 85 Klauer & Kress. hardware for Fire Department 25 J. Butt, repairs for Fire De- partment I 20 T. F. Kane, hay and oats for Fire Department 84 :5 G. Ragatz & Son, repairs for Fire Department 20 35 Mettel Bros., stray and bran tor Fire Department go L. Lindenberg. hardware for 11rc. Department 13 85 Ellwanger Bros.. repairing liar - ii' -ss for Fire Department F. Zehetner, repairs for Fire Department 2 8o McDonald & \l rrison Mfg Co.. supplies for Fire Depart- ment 25 T. H. Clark. drugs and supplies for Fire Department 20 50 Ca; r. Ryder & Adams Co., one- half cord of edgings for Fire Department 2 00 Mullen Bros., plumbing at Cen- tral Engine house 190 J. Newman & Son, repairs for Fire Department 2 6o W. H. Torbert. drugs and sup- ilies for Fire Department t;; 65 I,i,tle, Becker & Co., supplies tor Fire Department . T. 15 Key City Gas Co., coke for Fire Department 22 15 Key City Gas Co., coal for Fire Department 2 00 Key City Gas Co., rental gas a; cs for Fire Department I co J. R. Miller. pasturing horse for Fire Department 21 55 Phil Pier, soft coal for Fire De- partment Kelly's hook store, stationery for Fire Department ... t 35 Collings & Pfiffner, horse shoe- ing, patrol team 6 ec Phil Pier. i cord oak wood, Ma- trml Department 5 00 F. Burns. shavings for patrol house T F. Kane, hay and oats for patrol house Ellwanger Bros.. repairing har- ness for patrol team 125 M. Stafford, straw for patrol team E;i hhorn & Bechtel, supplies for Matron Department '5 70 C. J. W. Saunders, meat for Ma- tron Department 2 80 J. Butt, repairs for Sewer De- partment W. B. Baumgartner, new tools for Sewer Department 2 70 National Demokrat, official printing for April 25 00 Pape & Jacquinot, gas fitting in Engineer's office : 10 Union Electric Co., arc lights for April 2045 77 1 i t)n 3338 3 00 43 75 6 00 2 95 List of Warrants. 155 Smith -Morgan Prtg. Co., blank stationery for Board of Health 3 'j Duggan & Cota. hardware for Mt. Carmel Avenue 1 to Jas. Lee. constructing cement walk on West Eleventh and Highland Place . 76 .14 Duggan & Cota, nails for Side- walk Department 25 OCT .Standard Oil Co.. oil and axle grease for Sprinkling Depart- ment 4 10 Dub. Rubber & Belting Co, washers and gaskets for Sprinkling Department .i 35 Morrison Bros.. repairs for Sprinkling Department 000 -W\gym. Dalhkermeyer. repairs for Sprinkling Department .3 o0 J. Newman & Son, repairs for Sprinkling Department 1I to J P. Early, premium on Policies for insurance on Sprinkling Wagons 15 14 J. Butt, repairs for Sprinkling Department N. O'Meara, inspector on Dodge Street Sanitary Sewer •; io -Waterworks Trustees, supplies for Dodge Street Sanitary Sewer . 19 23 H. Brinkman. excavation per- mits redeemed $ 45 00 H. Brinkman, interest paid on warrants outstanding 963 17 H. Brinkman, express charges. expense 92 H. Brinkman. printing bonds, expense 4o 05 H. Brinkman. telegram to New York. expense 30 H. Brinkman. exchange to New York. expense 3 35 H. Brinkman, express charges. road 15o -H. Brinkman. express charges. engineer 1 3o George Badford. Loan 250 00 Library orders paid 706 35 Labor on Streets in the different dis- tricts during the first half of May. 1904: • John Albrecht. 2nd $ 8 So E. Amanda, 2nd 1 35 Sam Allen, 3rd 2 70 A. Alderson. 3rd 5 75 J. Brouillette. 1st 6 75 _John Burns. 1st 3 00 W. S. Brown, 2nd II 5o Anton Bolein. 2nd 6 75 J. Brachtenbach. 2nd 6 to "'C. Buddien, 2nd ..12i Mike Boyle, 2nd 12 60 D. J. Brightbill. 3rd 3 75 I2 15 9 30 Paul Becker. 3rd Jos. Brown. 1st.. $7.50; 2nd.• $II.25: 3rd., $3.75 .. 14 85 W. Coughlon, 1st John Corbett. 2nd John Cahill, 2nd J. Connolly. 1st.. $4.05; $8.to: 3rd.. $4.05 J. Callahan. 2nd 'H. Cosgrove. 1st.. $6.65: 2nd.. 22 50 2nd.. II 15 $10.00; 3rd., $3.35 John Dougherty. 1st M. Donegan. 1st P. Devaney. znd. 1'. Donahue. 1st.. $4.05; and $8.to; 3rd.. $4.05 John Egan. 1st John Engel.. 2nd John Engels, 211d John Ess. 211.1 R. T. Eddy. 2nd \like Farrell. 1st \V. Flanagan. 2nd I'cter Gregory. 1st l'at Grue. 1st l'at Gilloon. 1st Barney Gla. 1st. Jos. Gavin. 1st. H. Galle, 211d. John Gladen, znd. Jos. Grab. znd. A. Gantenbein, znd. C. Gantenbein, znd. Chas. Grode, znd. Chas. Gruenzig, 3rd. John Haley. 1st. Geo. Hecklmger, 2nd ,Jake Hansen. 3rd. James Hird. 3rd. August Jass, 2nd. John Kelly. 1st. (Cleveland ave) 5 4o N. Kettcnhofcn. 2nd. 7 80 • John Kness, 2nd. t8 15 45 Mike Kas. 2nd. jos. Kientzle, znd. 6 75 Paul Krocheski, 2nd. 1 35 John Kelly. 3rd. (East St.) .... 2 70 John Kinsella, 2nd. Martin Lonergan. 1st 6 75 Dietrich Lillig, 2nd. 5 40 Tom. Lonergan, 2nd. 4 75 H. Lembke. 2nd. 6 75 W. Lonergan, 2nd. Mike Lavin, 1st.. $4.05; 2nd , $8.10: 3rd.. $4.05 16 20 Mike Meagher, 1st. 2 7o Geo. Moore. 1st 3 75 Tom Malloy. 2nd. 6 75 Ed. Malloy. znd. 5 10 Jos. Martinek, 3rd. 1 t 85 Jas. McLecse, 1st. 6 45 Bart McDonnell, 2nd. 3o no Pat. McPoland, 3rd. 10 Ro John McNulty. 1st, $6.65; 2nd, $10.00: 3rrl. $3.35 J McCormick, 1st. $5.40: 2nd, $8.10: 3rd, $2.70 16 20 W. O'Brien. 1st 20 00 M. O'Hearn, 2nd 1.8 no Nick Pinsch, 201i 1 35 John Parker, 3rd 14 55 J. Pfeiffer. 1st. $4.05; 16 20 3rd. $4.05 W. Quinlan. 1st, $4.05; 2nd. $8.10: 3rd, $4.05 ... 16 20 James Ryan. 1st 13 James Reed. 3rd 4 05 Jas. Rooney. 1st. $7.50: 2nd, 22 50 $r1.25. 3rd, $.3.75 6 75 W. Sheridan, 1st 3 ,0 Dan Sheehan. 1st 5.40 Chris. Shrill, 2nd 50 Ernest Schmidt, 2nd • • . 5 40 Augur Soyke, 2nd 19 20 16 20 20 00 20 00 11 50 4 05 8 to 16 20 7 So 5 40 4 50 6 to 20 00 5 40 2 70 8 8o 5 40 6 45 6 10 20 00 7 8o 2 05 12 85 6 75 20 00 19 20 2 70 8 8o 6 to 23 05 15 00 6 to 480 20 00 2nd, $8.10; 156 Official Notices. John Sloan, 2nd 135 Frank Scherrr, 2nd John Schemmel, 2nd 70 Nick Sweeney, 1st, $4.05; $8.10; 3rd, $4.05 John Tashner, 3rd W. Welsh, 1st John Welsh, 1st Anton Weill, 2nd Jos. Williams. 3rd W. Wearmouth, 3rd Fred Weber, 3rd Geo. Zumhof, 2nd ... Frank Burns, 2nd, $91.70; 3rd, $3,6o 95 30 J. Berwanger, 2nd 32 40 Clancy Transfer Co., 1st 215 6o Jos. Calvert, 1st John Calvert, 1st 13 6o Ben Cain, 1st. $22.50; 3rd, $9.30. 31 8o A. Conrad, 2nd ... 31 20 T. E. Frith, 2nd 4 00 M. Gantenhein, 2nd 2 6o M. Hannan, 1st., $7.20; 2nd., $31.20 3840 J. Haudenchield, 2nd. 39 60 Tohn Huffmire, 2nd. 6 30 John Huffmire, 1st., $4.95; 2nd, $9.85: 3rd., $4.90 9 70 Peter Horch, 2nd. 12 6o John Linehan. 1st 41 40 .Tohn Long, znd. 32 8o James Lonergan, 2nd. 18o W. Maher. 1st. 9 00 John Mulgrew, 1st., $6.30; 3rd, $11.70 18 oo J. T. McCollins. 1st.. $47.10; 2nd, $3.30: 3rd., $4.50 54 90 C. McElraht. 2nd. . 16 20 D. O'Meara. 1st., $2.40; 2nd, $12.00; 3rd.. $18.80 33 20 Geo. Reynolds. 1st. to 8o Geo. Reynolds. 1st., $4.95; 2nd., 89.05: 3rd. $4.95 19 85 Ed. Seeley. 1st. 37 So Jerry Sullivan, 2nd., $11.60; 3rd, $23.20 34 8o Jas. Tobin. 3rd. 38 70 Labor on Sewers during the last half of May, 1904: P. Casserly, labor $ 19 20 J. Corcoran, labor 19 20 T. Hagerty. foreman 25 00 J. Jellison. labor 19 20 Jos. Klang, labor 19 20 P. Kenneally, labor . 19 20 Con Sullivan, labor 19 20 L. Zemanek, labor 19 20 I. C. Chamberlain. insurance55.13 D. McGrath, rock 201 00 J. Marsh, rock 27 00 M. Tit:'ges, rock 18 oo M. O'Meara, inspector on Dodge Street Sewer 20 00 P. Ilg, making estimate of Bee Branch Sewer 3 00 J. Noonan, estimate on Dodge Street Sewer 810 00 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of all war- rants issued by me during the month of May, 1904. —C. F. Arendt, City Recorder. 20 CO 2nd, 16 2.1 5 75 7 90 2 40 1 35 4 05 20 00 6 75 1.50 LEGAL. NOTICE TO SEWER CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Recorder until 7:30 o'clock p. m., Thursday, July 7th, 1904,. for the construction of a Storm Water Sewer in Sanford Street, from Couler Avenue to Bee Branch Sewer, according to the plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that it will require 106 lineal feet of 12 - inch Tile Pipe. 82 lineal feet of 15 -inch, Tile Pipe, 41 feet of 20-inoii Tile Pipe, 440 feet of 24 -inch Tile Pipe. 315 feet 39 -inch Tile Pipe, and 5 Manholes. The work to be paid for when said work is completed and accepted by the City Council. the same to be completed on or - before the 1st day of September, 1904. Bidder must state price per lineal foot for Tile Pipe, and each manhole. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check of $50.00 on some Dubuque Bank. as a guarantee that a contract will be en- tered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any - and all bids. Dated at Dubuque. June 27th. 1904. C. F. ARENDT, 6-27-2t City Recorder. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT. Notice is hereby given to all concerned that a special assessment will be levied to pay for the construction of an 8 -inch Tile Pipe Sanitary Sewer in South Al- pine Street. from center of Dodge Street to a point about 125 feet south of the south line of Langworthy Avenue, Jas. Street, contractor. Amount of special assessment, $748.40. against the abutting property upon and along said sewer, as provided by law at a session of the City Council to be held July 7, 1904. And that there is a plat and schedule on file in the office of the City Recorder of said City of Dubuque, showing the street, or a part thereof in which said sewer has been constructed, and the sep- arate lots and parcels of ground and specified portions thereof subject to as- sessment of such improvement, the names of the owners as far as practicable, and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, which plat and schedule is subject to public inspection. And that any and all persons objecting to said special assessment of said plat must file his or their objection in writing with the City Recorder of said City of Dubuque on or before said session of the City Council to be held July 7th, 1904, or to appear at said session of the Council' to show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. Dated Dubuque, Iowa. June 28th, 1904. C. F. ARENDT, 6-27-3t City Recorder. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To All Who Are Named Below: You are hereby notified that in accord. ance with an ordinance of the City ol'' Dubuque for repairing sidewaljis during the month of May, 1904, that a special as- sessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the regular meeting of the City Council upon all lots and parcels of land subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the Council to be held on the 7th day Official: Notices. 157 of July, A. D., 1904, and show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied: 1904. Owner. Description. Total Cost. May 2-D. C. Phillips, Sub. 2 of 1 of City 653, lot 1 $ .85 May 2 -Geo. Salot, Sub. 39 Kelly's Sub., lot 1. .45 May 2 -Jas. Sullivan. Wilson's Sub, lot 19 .40 May 2-J. A. Rhomberg. Corriell's Sub., lots 41-42 30 May 2 -Jennie A. Wolf, Bradstreet's Add., lot 5 .36 May 2 -Geo. Boxleiter, Motor Sub, .80 lot 7 May 2 -Grandview Ave. M. E. church, Sub. 20, Reche's Sub.. lot 1 35 May 2 -Wm. Reche Est., Reche's Sub, 95 lot 17 May 2 -Jas. Mullen Est., Finley's .40 Add., lot 151 May 3-Jno. Olinger, Boulevard Add., .65 lot 23 May 3 -Emma Richter, Burden -Law- w5 ther Add., lot 141 May 3 -Christ. Jacobi, Burden-Law- ther Add., lot 129 .35 May I -J. J. Zugenbuehler, S. M. .40 Langworthy's Add., lot 54 May 4 -Pat Roddy Est., Union Add, lot 99.50 May 4 -Martha Wiedmer, Steiner's .30 Add., lot 16 May 4-R. and Edw. Langworthy 85 Est., Glendale Add., lot 223 May 9 -Anna M. Bush, City, E. 109 ft50 lot 540 May 4-G. B. Wood, Finley Home .35 Add., lot 18 May 5-Edw. Muntz, Sub. Min. Lot 81, 3U lot 1 .30 May 5 -Wm. L. Bradley, City 150 May 5 -Mary A. Walsh, Ham's Add, 2.40 lot 447 May 6 -The St. Joseph's Mercy Hos- pital,1.05 Sub. City 731, lot 1 May 6 -Mrs. J. P. Buehler, Sub. 1 of 1.96 Min. Lot 314, lot 3 May 6-Jno. J. Keane, Sub. City 725, .90 lot 1 May 7 -Wm. Luther, A. L. Brown's 40 Sub., lot 5 ""' May 7 -Frank BMartin, A. Mc- .80 Daniels' Sub., \V. 1/2 lot 816 May 7-E. Smith, A. McDaniels' Sub, 40 W 1 lot 782 May 7-P. W. Crawford, A. Mc .40 Daniels' Sub., W ria lot 778 May 7 -Chicago G. W. R'y Co., right of way Rhomberg Ave .46 May 7 -Mrs. J. P. Buehler, Sub. 1 of .75 Min. Lot 314, lot 3 May 9-M. D. Goux, Cook's Add., S. 1/2 lot 61 ................. May 9 -Chicago G. W. R'y Co., right of way Lincoln Ave 1.06 May 12-T. B. Cain, Hetherington's Sub., lot 4 """" .35 May 13-R. and Edw. Langworthy Est., Glendale Add., lots 223-224... 2.00 May 14 -Mary Crotty, City M 1-3, lot 556 .45 May 14 -Julien Hotel Co., City M 1-3, lot 196a "May 14 -Ed. Conlin, Union Add., S. 40 165 ft. lot 191 ............................ May 14 -Rich E. Butler, Sub. 2 of 189, Union Add., lot 1 ...................... .66 May 16 -David Lattner, Sub. 3 and 4, 60 Stafford's Add., lot 8 ................. May 16-Jno. and Cath. Faig, King's 45 Grove Add., lot 6 . .. ....es' Add., May 18 -Jas. Alderson, Hug lot 1 .40 May 1S -Jacob Zangmeister Est., S M. Langworthy's Add., lot 14 .40 May 19-A. F. & B. U. 1-ieeb, Marsh's Add., lots 26-1:7 .60 May. 19 --Ada L. Colli, r. Sub. Min. Lot 322. lot 10 .65 'May 19 -Thus. 0'11thn, Glendale Add, lot 158 .Ili May 20 -Chicago M. & St. P. R'y Co., East Dubuque Add., lot 241a5 May 20 -Joseph Herod, W. 100 ft. Mln Lot 184 .35 May 20 -Paul Traut Est., Blake's Add., lots 18-19 .50 May 20 -Thos. and Louisa Paisley, Blake's Add., lot 13 .40 May 21-1V. M. Davis, Cox's Add., lot 2 .70 May 21-Jno. L. Buettell Est., Quig- ley'c Sub. 710, lot 4 .45 May 2.1 -Johanna Frenzel, Jno. King's 1st Add.. S ?z lot 8 .30 May 21 -Ursula Blocklinger, Jno. King's 1st Add., S 1/2 lot 1 .40 May 21-C. G. and C. H. Meyer. King's Grove Add., lot 5 .35 May 21 -Herman Boesch, et al, Broad- way Add., lot 1 .45 May 23 -24 -John Olinger, Boulevard Add., lots 11-12 .75 May 23-24-R. and Edw. Langworthy Est., Glendale Add., lot 223 1.90 May 23 -24 -John Olinger, Boulevard Add., lots 1-44 1.60 May 24 -Belle Roedell, Althauser's Suh., lot 44 .80 May 24 -Casper Ptiffer, High St. Sub, lot 6 .35 May 24-R M. Kunz, McCraney's Add., lot 82 .45 May 24-D. A. Gehrig, West's Add, lot 14 .60 May 24 -M. D. Goux, E. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 51 .56 May 27 -Matt Riede, Glendale Add, lot 1 .90 May 27 -Victoria Simons, East Du- buque Add., lot 180 .36 May 31 -Jas. and T. Kane, Sub. 63, Sanford's Sub., lot 1 •3e May 31 -Jas. Rowan, Stafford's Add, N r/a lot 43 .66 May 31 -Valentine Schiei, Sub. 196-197, L. H. Langworthy's Add., lot 10.35 May 31-F. J. Stoltz, L. H. Lang - worthy's Add., S 2/2 lot 32 .45 May 31-A. F. and D. B. Heeb, Marsh's Add., lot 26 .75 May 31-Jno. Nagle, S. M. Lang- worthy's.45 Add., lot May 31 -Mrs. J. McLaren, Cleminson's Sub., lot 4 May 31 -Theo. Trieloff, Concord's Sub., lot 13 Ellen May 31 -Ben R. Hervey, Cor- kery's Sub., lot 2 May 31 -Lucy M. Weigel, Grove Ter- race Sub., lots 6-7-8 Central May 31-\\'m. H. Duggan, Add., lot 3 May 5-Jno. A. Dobler, Ham's Add, lots 446-446 .40 40 40 1.60 .56 Total .66 $48.75 C. F. ARENDT, 6-27-10t City Recorder. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Bids will be received at the office of the City Recorder up to 4 o'clock p. M. concrete flooreinth. Patrol Hor use, accog rd officeooflthe City Recorder. file in the 158 Official Notices All bids must he accompanied by a cer- tified check for $26.00 on some Dubuque hank, as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque. June 14th. 1901. C. F. ARENDT. 6-14:it City Recorder. NOTICE TO PAINTERS. Rids will he received at the office of the City Recorder up to 4 o'clock p. m. Thurs- day. June 16th. 1904. for painting the Patrol House, according to specifications now on file in the office of the City Re• corder. All hids must be accompanied by a cer titled check for $25.0o on some Dubuque hank as a guarantee that a contract will he entered into if awarded. • The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque. June 14th. 1904. C. F. ARENDT. 11 -at City Recorder. VACATION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that an applica- tion has been made to the City Council of the City of Dubuque for the vacation of Cedar street from Eighth street to the alley between Seventh and Eighth streets in the City of Dubuque, being the ground lying between Lot 33 in Block 12 and Lot 1 in Block 14 of Dubuque Harbor Improve- ment Company's Addition to the City of Dubuque. That a plat of said property has been made and is now on file in my office. That said matter will be acted upon by said council at its meeting to be held Thursday. June 16, 1904, and all persons having objections to said propos- ed vacation must file their said objections in my office on or before said June 16, 1904. JAMES H. BOYCE. 6-4-10t. City Engineer. NOTICE OF THE CITY COLNCIL'S INTENTION TO 1MPltO 15 s1XTH STREET, I'ROM T1 -1E EAST CURB LINE O1' ItLCFF STREET TO THE \•t LS"l' PROPERTY LINE OF CLAY STREET. AND IT IS HEREBY PROPOSED TO GRADE, CL.RB. WHEREVER N.E'CESSAL:Y. AND PAVE SAID STREET WITH BRICK ON A CONCRETE FOUNDA- ' TION. To All Whom It May Concern: •You and each of you are herehy notified that it is the intention of the City Coun- c41 of the City of Dubuque to improve Sixth Street from Bluff Street to City Street. That a plat and specifications of said proposed improvement is now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require 511.1.8 square yards of Brick Paving. 1,588 lineal Peet of Curbstone reset, and 625 lineal feet of new Curbstone, at an estimated cast to the property owners of $9,9%.15. Any person having objection to said improvement is hereby notified to annear before the City Council at its regular ses- sion to be held on the 16th day of June. 1904. or to file with the City Recorder their objection in writing on or before the 16th day of June, 1904. Dated at Dubuque June 8th. 1904. C. F. ARENDT. 6 -R -3t City Recoi der. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT. Dubuque, Iowa. June 8. 1904. Notice is hereby given to all concerned. that a special assessment will be levied. to pay for improving Admore Terrace 4voaa West Eleventh Street to a point 219' feet south of West Eleventh Street. Chas. Stench, contractor. Amount of spec- ial assessment $700.00, against the prop- erty abutting along and upon said street as provided by law, at a session of the Council to be held June 16th, 1904. And that there is a plat and schedule on file in the office of the City Recorder of the City of Dubuque, showing the street or part thereof on which said street has been improved and the separate lots and par- cels of ground or specified portion there- of, subject to assessment for such im- provement; the name of the owners there- of as far as practicable and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel of ground. which plat and schedule is subject to public inspection. And that any and all persons objecting to said special assessments of said plat and schedule must file his o•• their objections in writing with the City Recorder of said City of Dubuque on or before said session of the City Coun- cil. to be held June 16th. 1904. or to annear at said session of the Council to show cause, if any you have. why said assess- ment should not be levied. C. F. ARENDT. 6-9-3t City Recorder. Regular Session July 7, 1904. 1:19 CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session July 7th. 1904. (Official.) Council met at 8:30 o'clock P. M. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Aids. Clancy. Corrance. Frith, Jones and Lyons. Absent—Ald. Stumpf. The Mayor announced the death of the late Ald. P. H. Mc Laughlin and appointed Alds. Clancy and Corrance to act as pall hearers. Ald. Corrance moved that the Mayor appoint a committee to draft suitable resolutions on the death of the late Ald. P. H. McLaughlin. Carried. The Mayor named the following committee: Alds. Corrancc, Jones, Lyons and City Attorney Kintzinger, and they to report at the next meeting of the Council. Ald. Clancy moved that the Council proceedings for the month of June be approved as printed. Carried. BILLS. The following bills were ordered paid: F. P. Hayes, board of prisoners o0 for June W. Foster, inspector on White 13 85 Street Sewer M. O'Meara. inspector on Jo 30 Dodge Street Sewer P. J. Schuler, inspector on Bee 19 20 Branch Sewer Key City Gas Co.. gas for var- ious departments Mullen & Papin. plumbing at 2 6o City Hall Mullen & Papin, repairing foun- tain on South Main StreetIt 85 J. B. Monteith. repairing foun- tain on Jones Street Park.... P. Breithaupt, repairing foun- tain corner Kauffman and Couler Avenues . Klauer & Kress. chains and cups for fountains........... H. Corrance, oil and brooms for parks R. T. Eddy, firing National Sa- lutes for 4th of July 50 W. Ward. saw dust for City • Hall Mullen Bros., plumbing at City Hall Kelly's Book Store, stationery and supplies for various of- fices Dubuque Enterprise Pub. Co., blank stationery for various offices blank Palmer. Berg & Co.. books and stationery for var- ious offices Buck Stamp Works, stamps for Recorder's office Beck Duplicator Co., i duplica- tor for Committee Clerk E. J. Klingenherg, stamp file for Auditor's office A. R. Staufenbeil, clocks at City Hall Dubuque Telephone Co.. tele- phone rent for Mayor and Fire department A. Abeln, abstract of lot I of t5 and I of 16, Block 3o, in Du- buque Harbor Imp. Co.'s Add. N. \leuzel, shelving in Record- er's office N. \leuzel, carpenter repairs on Town Clock F. Fromm, tool boxes for parks B. J. Scherr. painting Town Clock \\ . D. Kennedy, painting drink- ing fountains W. W. \Whelan, sharpening lawn mowers for parks I'ape & jacguinot, repairs for Jackson Park Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co, hose for Phoenix Park \l ullen & Papin. repairs at Jack- son Park F. \1. Jaeger & Co.. lawn mow- er and supplies at Jackson Park Standard Lumber Co. lumber at City l-lall Iowa Telephone Co., telephones for various departments J. Drehouse, cleaning chimneys at City ilall and Patrol Ilouse J. Butt. repairs for Road and Sewer Depts F. Schloz & Son. repairs for Road and Sewer Depts G. Bock. repairs for Road Dept. W. Dalbkermeyer. repairs for Road Dept J. Newman & Son Road Dept G. Ragatz & Son Road Dept McDonald & Morrison Mfg. Co.,supplies for Rock Crusher G. W. Healey & Son. hardware for Road Dept McElrath Teaming Co., sand for Road Dept W. B. Baumgartner, hardware for Road Dept W. Wearmouth, oil for Road Dept........ . ...... Klauer & Kress. hardware for 50 Sm dleyoad DeSteam Pump Co., grates for eRoad CDept hardware F. M. Jg for Key Cityity Roofing Co., cement and sewer pipe for Road Dept T. J. Mulgrew, sewer pipe for 31 Road Dept...:..... • • ..... ' oo Purington Paving Brick Co.. brick for Road Dept ..:•••••• 69 45 C. Schultz, repairs for Fire and 9 75 Road Depts.......... ... 5 I0 2 50 repairing 2 55 5 50 00 2 20 490 4 00 1 25 6 oo 5 00 2 40 12 So 34 90 365 00 repairs for 20 00 repairs for 2 50 100 18 50 I So 6 70 42 33 34 52 6 20 43 8o 14 00 26 00 12 50 2 95 6 45 165 5 35 10 50 28 20 20 93 165 18 00 I 95 30 2 10 19 40 13 30 27 45 160 Regular Session July 7, 1904. Standard Lumber Co., lumber for Road Dept Phil Pier, coal for Steam Roller and Rock Crusher 148 58 Dubuque Wooden Ware and Lumber Co., lumber for Road and Special Sidewalk Depts118 90 Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber for Special Sidewalk Dept 56 75 Pape & Jacquinot, repairs for Rock Crusher 3 05 W. Marshall, repairs for Rock Crusher 13 47 Martin, Strelau Co., moving Rock Crusher 12 00 J. Linehan, rock for Rock Crusher 6 00 Royce & Frost, rock for Rock Crusher Diamond Jo Line Steamers, packing for Steam Roller H. Corrance, oil for Steam Roller 1 10 P. Hanson, oil for Steam Roller Smedley Steam Pump Co., re- pairs for Steam Roller 120 G. Lear. horseshoeing for Road and Fire Depts 12 50 Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horseshoeing for Road and Fire Depts. .. 4 50 Lagen & Sloan. horseshoeing for Road and Fire Depts 9 70 Vollenweider & Hein, horse - shoeing for Road and Fire Depts J. Butt, repairs for Fire Dept8 50 H. J. Hagerty, veterinary ser- vices for Fire and Police Pa- trol 21 15 Dubuque Oil Tank Line, oil for Fire Dept 13 50 F. NI. Jaeger, hardware for Fire Dept Mullen Bros, toilet paper for Fire Dept 6 75 Eichhorn & Bechtel, bran for Fire Dept I o5 R. Spellerberg, repairs for Fire Dept 2 00 Boston One -Price Clothiers, hats for Fire Dept Mullen & Papin, plumbing for Fire Dept H. Corrance, salt and matches for Fire Dept Key City Gas Co., coal, coke and rental of gas arcs for Fire Dept.... .. . Ott. Meuser & Co., shavings for Fire Dept Standard Lumber Co., shavings for Fire Dept J. Newman & Son, repairs for Fire Dept Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co, steam hose for Fire Dept Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co, supplies for Rock Crushes Mullen Bros., plumbing at patrol house J. Huffmire, hauling at patrol house Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies 122 05 44 80 7 75 90 9 50 5 25 65 00 12 95 4 75 19 75 6 oo 8 oo 2 25 2 40 6o 3 30 I 80 for Matron Dept 9 00 H. Corrance, supplies for po- lice and Sewer Depts 1 Schotter & Barrington, catching dogs • • 4 50 Klauer & Kress, wire for Sewer Dept Linehan & Molo, rope for Sewer Dept Dub. Rubb. & Belt'g. Co., 2 pair rubber boots for Sewer DeptII o0 G. Ragatz & Son, repairs for Sewer Dept 3 65 Smedley Steam Pump Co., man- hole covers and rings for Sewer Dept 9 00 Dub. Telegraph -Herald, official printing for June 67 50 Dub. Telegraph -Herald, official printing for May Globe-Tourna.l, official printing for Tune 72 20 Globe -Journal, printing noticesII 25 The "Dimes. printing notices for Board of Health 150 National Demokrat, official printing for June 25 00 \V. & L. E. Gurley. repairing level for Engineer's Dept16 25 Union Electric Co., arc lights for June 2045 77 Mullen Bros., plumbing at gar- barre (1111111) 9 85 Dub. Rubb. & Belt'g. Co.. hose for garbage dump 7 45 T. E. Frith. removing garbage and dead animals for June363 48 J. Noonan, constructing sewer in Dodge street 3182 97 M. Tschirgi, constructing sewer in White street 519 30 M. Tschirgi, constructing sewer in Washington street 466 70 Tibey Bros.. estimate on Bee Branch sewer 3400 00 Smith -Morgan Prtg. Co.. print- ing pamphlets and list of warrants for June 16 75 On motion the bill was referred to the committee on Printing. 70 14 35 58 93 38 PETITIONS AND COMMUNICA- TIONS. The following petitions were referred to the committee on Streets: Petition of W. Lillie, asking that he he allowed some compensation on ac- count of being injured while employed by the City. Also petition of Dubuque Brewing and Malting Co., asking that the grade of sidewalk be raised abutting their property on Twenty-third and Jack- son streets. Also petition of Frank Cherney et al., asking that a storm water sewer be constructed in Fifteenth street be- tween Cedar and Sycamore streets. Also petition of Mary J. Hogan ask- ing council to accept $150.00 in full set- tlement of the special assessment as Regular Session July 7, 1904. levied against lot S for 20 improvingt21, Quigl ey's Out Lot 709, gells street. Petition of Sarah Mahoney, asking for a redaction of her assessment on lots 41 and 42, Union Add., also Min. Lot 193. Also petition of Haney -Campbell Co., asking for the cancellation of their taxes for the years 1902 and 1903. On motion both petitions were re- ferred to Board of Equalization. Petition of Y. M. C. A., asking per- mission to erect a swimming school at the foot of Third street was, on mo- tion, granted. Petition of J. \V. Jones et al.. ask- ing that R. \V. ILemler he allowed to lay a plank walk abutting lot 13, Cum- mings' sub. On motion was received and filed. Communication of J. H. Boyce. City Engineer, asking that the appointment of Eugene Anderson as Assistant En- gineer be approved. On motion was ordered approved. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. standing New York exchange Express charges 161 501.46 .75 .85'. 8.63 21.54- 1.75 $724.98. Library Orders Paid $420.02 I also issued orders for loan War- rants, to take up and redeem old War- rants to following. Please order Loan \Warrants drawn in their favor: 1(104. June 27—Lizzie Osterberger. 5 per cent $750.00 June 3o—hate Burnes, 5 per cent '00.00 Respectfully. —H. Brinkman. Treasurer. (In motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the yarn amounts, and the report re- ferred back to the Committee on Fi- nance. Refunded regular Tax Freight charges. Road Express charges, Engineer City-\uditor Hoffman reported as follows: ' To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:—Herewith find my re- port for the month of June. 1904, show- ing the receipts and disbursements for the month: Cash on hand. Tune 1. 1904..$61.273.17 RECEI PTS. Receipts from all sources ..$ 6,537.0$ $67,810.25 DISBURSEMENTS. Warrants redeemed $21,021.75 1,073.75 Coupons redeemed Water Works Coupons re- deemed ,o,867.50 Water Works Bonds re - 21,000.00 deemed -- $53.963.00 Cash on hand July 1. 1904 $13.847.25 The above cash balance includes Improvement Bond Fund, Imill o S ye- ment Bond Interest Fund, Sl g and Library Fund balances. Also report that there is due the City Officers for the month of June, 1904, $2.683.45. Also the following is a record of all Interest Coupons and Bonds redeemed by the City 'Treasurer during the past month and credited to him: $ glz.5o Regular Bond Coupons 4121.50 Improvement Bond Coupons Water Work Bond Coupons 10,867.50 Mayor Berg reported that according to the instruction of the Council, he had settled the claim of \l r. N. Itint- zinger for back salary as \Vharfmaster for $150.00 and presented the receipt for same. Ald. Clancy moved that the action of the Mayor be approved. Carried. Mayor Berg alsopresented a receipt from Lottie A. \\_ alker and the Clerk of the District Court, in settlement of the claim of Lottie A. Walker against the City of Dubuque. Ald. Corrance moved that the re- port be received and the action of the M ayor approved. Carried. ------- Mayor Berg, chairman of the special committee designated by Ordinance to examine the books, vouchers. etc., of the Dubuque I-Tigh Bridge Co.. re- ported that said committee examined said books and vouchers and found them to correspond with the report submitted to the Council. The committee therefore recom- mends that the City Treasurer be in- structed to cancel the taxes against said company for the year 1903. Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. City Treasurer Brinkman reported as follows: To Gentlemen:—Below find lCouncil:ty statement amount advanced by me during the past month for which please order warrants drawn in my favor: Excavation permits redeemed.. •$190.00 Interest paid on warrants out - $11,941.25 Water Works Bonds ........$21,000.00 The following list shows the appro- priations and the amount of warrants drawn on each fund since the begin- ning of the 4. toJuly beginning March 4: Appropriation. Expended. Expense ... • ... • -.$40,000 $10.354.30 Road—First District. 16,000 7,591.95 162 Regular Session July 7, 1904. Second District20,000 11,615.31 Third District9,000 Fire 8000 Police 28,000 6,735.31 Sewerage 5.000 1,164.10 Printing .... 2.500 444.85 Engineer 2,500 6124.99 Street Lighting .25.000 6,137.31 Interest ... ..... 42.000 Board of Health 4.500 Grading 4.000 Bee Branch .. . 8.5oo Special bonded paving 2,000 Judgment 2,000 Special Bonded Debt interest . • 4.000 M omit Carmel Ave. Grading .... 1,000 Sidewalk Repairing.. I.000 Special Sewer Fund. 8.000 Grading Bluff Street Extension and Vil- Ia. Street 1.000 Fifth Ward Engine House 4.000 Total appropriat'n$268.000 Respectfully. —F. B. Hoffman, Auditor. On motion the report was receive'1 and warrants ordered drawn to pay the City Officers. and the report referred back to the committee on Finance. 4.334.46 8,176.00 739.00 61.20 1,385.45 613.50 I.I0 202.80 936.35 Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The following is the pay roll of the Fire Department for the month of June. 1904: 216.15 Amount due Firemen $20 • On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the Firemen and the report referred back to the committee on Fire. Chief of Police Reilly reported as follows: To the Honorable \layor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the Police Report for the month of June. 1904: Total arrests for the month 114 Residents arrested for the month....36 Doors found open 21 Defective Lights 68 2I 45 $4.00 $17.75 72 Lodgers Harbored Meals Furnished Cost of Food Poundmaster Receipts Sheriff dieting Prisoners Patrol Runs Miles traveled 135 Also the Pay Roll for the Policemen for the month of June, 1904: Amount due Policemen $2.060.00 Respectfully submitted. —Thos. Reilly, Chief of Police. On motion the Report and Pay Roll were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay Policemen and the q•eport referred back to the committee on Po- lice. City Engineer Boyce reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on Streets in the dif- ferent districts during the last half of June. 1904: Amount clue Streets Laborers on $1.998.35 Respectfully submitted, —James H. Boyce, City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Streets. 11s. submit my pay roll for labor on Sewers during the last half of June, 1(104: Amount due Laborers on Sewers $170.60 Respectfully submitted. —James FT. Boyce. City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Sewers. On motion the pay rolls for Streets and Sewers were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts and the pay rolls referred back to the proper committees. City Electrician Hipman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my report of defective Lights for the month of June. 1904. I find from the reports of the Police Department that the total hours that 68 Lamps failed to burn would equal one Lamp for one month or $5.40. Respectfully submitted. —William Hipman. City Electrician. On motion the report was received, and the City Auditor instructed to de- duct from the Union Electric Com- pany's bill for the month of June $5.40. The following Weightnasters' and \Voodnteasurers' receipts were referred to the Committee on Markets: Frank P. Hayes. City Hall re- ceipts . •$ 27 50 T. Faherty. First Ward scale receipts . Louise Pitschner, West Du- buque scale receipts ...s..... R. Hay. Eighth Street scale receipts • C. W. Katz, \Voodmeasurers' receipts...... .... .... .... 4 97 97 I 78 75 City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Attached please find statement of macadam measured July 1st and the amount due for same: Total amount due $63.33 Regular Session July 7, 1904. 163 On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay ' the various amounts. City Recorder Arendt presented and read the printed notice certified to by the Publisher, of the Council's inten- tion to construct a Sanitary Sewer in Grandview Avenue from manhole in Dodge street to the center of North street. No remonstrance being filed, the Mayor asked if any one present had any objection to said improvement. No objection being stated, the notice, on motion, was received and filed. City Recorder Arendt also presented and read the printed notice certified to by the Publisher, of the Council's in- tention to levy a special assassment for the construction of an 8 -inch Tile Pipe Sanitary Sewer in South Alpine street from the center of Dodge street to a point about 125 feet soutl>, of the south line of Langworthy Avenue. No remonstrance being filed, the Mayor asked if any one present had any objection to said special assess- ment. No objection being stated the notice, on motion, was received and filed. Whereupon Ald. Lyons offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for constructing an 8 -inch Tile Pipe Sani- tary Sewer in South Alpine street from center of Dodge street to a point about 725 feet south of the south lot line of Langworthy Avenue, by Jas. Street, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a Special Tax be and is here- by levied on the several Lots, and Parts of Lots, and Parcels of Real Es- tate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each Lot or Parcel of Real Estate, as follows: Special Assessment submitted and passed July 7th, 1904. Andrew Nelson. Reeder Lang - worthy's Sub.. lot 4, 35 lin. ft $ 1 `6 Mary Mar ,10. Reeder La ngworthy's 34 45 Sub.. lot 1:a, 15 lin. ft Frank l t,'ser, Reeder Langwortby's 3.145 Sub., lot 12. 61 lin. ft Julia Langworthy, Lois Add, lot S. ], 55 lin ft .100. F. McGauran. Lois Add.. lot 5G 7, 52 lin. ft Carr, Ryder & Adams. Loi: Add.. lot fG 6, 52 lin. ft Hugh B. McC'arten, Lois Add.. lot 5. 27 56 52 lin. ft lin. Matt Florey. Lois Add.. lot 4. 5227 56 ft Otto M. Schmidt. Lois Add., lot 3. r7 65 52 lin ft Jacob Jansen. Lois Add.. lot 2. 52 56 lin. ft Jacob Jansen. Lois Add.. lot 1. 5i027 26 50 lin. ft ""' Leathers & Trewin. Julia Lang- worthy's28 Add., lot 8, 53.5 lin ft F. L. Poole, Julia Langworthy':' 50 Add., lot 7. 50 lin. ft ............... J. S. Stephens. Julia Langworthy's Add., lot 6, 50 lin. ft F. L. Poole, Julia I.nt,worthv's Add.. lot 51, 50.04 lie.. ft Irving Lnbrlr.11. Jt li,r I.aegw n•thc's Add., It'75. -,0.111 tin. ft John F. I'• I.'.kilt, I.n,,worthv's Add,. 1. 1.4. 52.4s lin. ft \I;u t \ . ,n. r;n.'rn,,,y & Lang - w, - . I,1. bit t. ;2.5 lie. 't Hieli_ • i:. hutlrr, t;n,a'nsey & .Add.. lot 2. .' lin. ft. 27 56 carr. Ryder K Adams. t;n,•rui-.. ,c Bang.„orthp's .1,1,1.. lot 2. 7.2 76 Carr, Ryder ,', Adam- i.arglnn'tIty's Add.. r•lara it. ;;iekle'. fain worthy's :\d.1.. lot 5.H ..:27 75 it. t.. \\'inner. r:nern.- > ,\ I. ing- w,trthy's A, d.. tot r. 52 1 27 75 Jnli;t il. Rhomh,•re, & 1.angworthy's Add.. iot lin. ft. 27 56 .in'ia D. Shomhrrg. • rn=ey & Lengworthy's Add.. l. , ,2 lin. ft. 27 56 Sam Smith. Reeder I.•,!.ee Add., lot 10. IK, tin. ft_ lI 45 Sam Smith. R --eller” i.•i' as .r!I,c'! Add.. lot 11. 55 lin. ft . ... 21 45 I'errha F. r;altiart. Reed. r Ling - worthy's Add.. lot 5, it lin. ft _t _7 Total C 1C 4r Aid. Lyons moved to adopt the res- olution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy. Corrance, Frith, Jones and Lyons. Absent—Aid. Stumpf. 25511 27 51 27 SI 27 7..6 City Recorder Arendt also presented and read the printed notice certified to by the publisher of the Council's inten- tion to levy a special assessment for repairing Sidewalks during the month of May. 1904. No remonstrance being filed, the Mayor asked if any one present had any objection to said special assess- ment. No objection being stated, the notice on motion was received and filed. Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for repairing Sidewalks during month of May. 1904, in front of and adjoining the same, a Special Tax he and is here- by levied on the several Lots and parts of Lots and Parcels of Real Estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set oppo- site each Lot or Parcel of Real Estate, as follows: 1904, Owner. Description. Total cost. May 2—D. C. Phillips. Sub. 2 of 1 of $ .AO City 672. lot 1 May 2—Geo. Saiot. Sub.. 37 Kelly's Sub.. lot 1 May 2—Juts. Sullivan. Wilson's Sub .40 lot 19 May 2—J. A. Rhomberg, Corriell's Sub., lots 41-12 30 May 2—JennieA. Wolf, Bradstreet's Add.. lot 5 .15 Motor Sub May 2—Geo. 13oxleiter, lot 7 .......... .. . . Grandview Ave. M. E. church, May Sub. 20, Reche's Sub.. lot 1 May 2—Wm. Reche Est., Reche's Sub, 164 Regular Session July 7, 1904. May 2 --Jas. Mullen Est., Finley's 45 lot 17 .40 Adcl., lot 151 May 3-Jno. Olinger, Boulevard Add., lot 23 .65 May 3 -Emma Richter, Burden-Law- ther Add., lot 141 .35 May 3 -Christ. Jacobi, Burden-Law- ther Add., lot 129 35 May 4-J. J. Zugenhuehler, S. M. Langworthy's Add., lot 54 .40 May 4 -Pat Roddy Est., Union Add9.50 lot 9 May 4 -Martha Wiedmer, Steiner's Add., lot Iii "u May 4-R. and Edw. Langworthy Est., Glendale Add., lot 2a: May 4 -Anna M. Bush, City. E. 109 ft lot 540 May 4-G. B. Wood, Finley Homes Add., lot 18 May 5-Edw. Muntz, Sub. Min. Lot 81, .30 lot 1.30 May 5-\\'m. L. Brads y. ''ity 150 May 5 -Mary A. Walsh, Ham's Add, 2.40 lot 447 May 6 -The St. Joseph's Mercy Hos- pital, 1 pital, Sub. City 731, lot 1 May 6 -Mrs. J. P. Buehler, Sub. 1 of 1.95 Min. Lot 314. lot 3 May 6 -Jon. J. Keane, Sub. City 725, lot 1 90 May 7 -Wm. Luther, A. L. Brown's Sub., lot 5 .40 May 7 -Frank B. Martin, A. Mc- SO Daniels' Sub., \\'. 1/ lot 816 May 7-E. Smith, A. McDaniels' Sub, a0 W 12 lot 7:.! May 7-1'. \V. t'rawfortl. A. Mc - Daniels' Spb., \V 1;_ lot 773 .40 May 7 -Chicago G. W. It'y Co., right of way Rhomberg Ave .45 \Lay 7 -Mrs. J. P. Buehler, Sub. 1 of Min. Lot 314, lot 3 .75 May 9-M. D. Goux, Cook's Add., S. '/-. lot 61 .53 May 9 -Chicago G. \V. R'y Co., right cf way Lincoln Ave 1.45 May 12-T. B. Cain, Hetherington's Sub., lot 4 35 May 13-R. and Edw. Langworthy Est., Glendale Add., lots 21-2242.00 May 14 -Mary Crotty, City M 1-3. lot 556 .45 May 14 -Julien Hotel Co., City M 1-3, lot 196a •60 May 14 -Ed. Conlin, Union Add., S 165 ft. lot 191 .40 May 14 -Rich E. Butler, Sub. 2 of 189, Union Add.. lot 1 • .65 May 16 -David Lattner, Sub. 3 and 4, Stafford's Add., lot 8 .60 May 16-Jno. and Cath. Faig, King's .15 May 21-Jno. L. Buettell Est.. Quig- ley's Sub. 710, lot 4 May 21 -Johanna Frenuel, Jno. King's 1st Add.. S ?2 lot 8 May 21 -Ursula Blocklinger, King's 1st Add., S lot 1 May 21-C. G. and C. H. Meyer, King's Grove Add., lot 5 May 21 -Herman Boesch, et al, Broad- way Add., lot 1 May 23 -24 -John Olinger, Boulevard Add., lots 1]-12 May 23-24-R. and Edw. Langworthy Est.. Glendale Add.. lot 223 1.90 May 23 -24 -John Olinger, Boulevard Add., lots 1-44 1.60 85 May 24 -Belle Roedell. Altbauser's Sub.. lot 44 .50 May 24 -Casper Pflffer, High St. Sub, lot 6 May 24-R M. Kunz, McCraney's Add.; lot 82 May 24-D, A. Gehrig, West's A id, lot 14 May It -M. P. Goux, E. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 51 May 27 -Matt Riede. (31 ndale Add, let 1 May 27 -Victoria Simons. ]last Du- buque Add., lot 100 May 31 -Jas. and T. K•ine. Sub. 63, Sanford's Sub., lot 1 May 31 -Jas. P.owan. Stafford's Add N 1/ lot 1:1 May 31 -Val, ntine Schiel. Sub. 196-197. L. II. T..,ngworthy'S Add., lot 10.... May :11-F. J. Stoltz. L. 11. Lang - worthy's Add.. S 1_ lot 32 May 31-A. F. and Ii. B. Marsh's _Adi1.. Int _6 May 31 -Jon. Nagle. S worthy's Acid.. lot Mae 31 -Mrs. J. .M i. -ire ,'le•ninson's Sub.. lot 4 May31-Th( n. T t I ff, Concord's Sub., int 13 May 31 -Fen 11. II• rve:. Ellen Cor- kery'S Sub.. lot May 31-l.0 ' a1. V\', ige1, Grove Ter- race Sul . 1.,I, May 31-W m. II. Duggan, G,ntr'+'I Add.. lot 3 May 5 -Jon. A. Boller, lots 445-446 Jno. .45 .30 .40 .35 .45 .75 Grove Add., lot 6 May 18 -Jas. Alderson, Hughes' Add, lot 1 May 1S -Jacob Zangmeister Est., S. M. Langworthy's Add.. lot 14 .40 May 19-A. F. & B. D. Heeb, Marsh's Add., lots 26-27 .60 May 19 -Ada L. Collier, Sub. Min. Lot 322, lot 10 .65 May 19 -Thos. O'Brien, Glendale Add, lot 158 .65 May 20 -Chicago M. & St. P. R'y Co., East Dubuque Add., lot 241.95 May 20 -Joseph Herod, W. 100 ft. Min. Lot 184 .35 May 20 -Paul Trout Est., Blake's Add.. lots 18-19 .50 May 20 -Thos. and Louisa Paisley, Blake's Add., lot 13 .40 May 21-W. M. Davis, Cox's Add., lot 2 .70 .90 Heel), M. Lang - Ham's Add.. FO .75 .45 .60 .55 .90 .35 .66 .35 .45 .75 .45 40 40 .40 1.60 .55 65 Total 540.'5 Aid. Frith moved to adopt the Reso- lution. Carried by the following vote: Yea s-Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Jones and Lyons. Absent-Ald. Stumpf. The following Bids for constructing a Tile Pipe Storm Water Sewer in Sanford Street from Couler Avenue to Bee Branch Sewer were ordered open- ed, and the Bids referred to the City Engineer for computation. City Engineer Boyce reported on Bids as follows: O'Farrell & McNamara, total amount for Sewer . ...$1,758.71 James Noonan, total amount for Sewer 1,717.92 Brown & Brown, total amount for Sewer 1,616.27 Ald. Frith moved that the Contract be awarded to Brown & Brown, they being the lowest bidder, and their bond placed at $250.000. Carried. Regular Session July 7, 1904. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Corrance, Chairman of the Com- mittee on Finance, moved that the Fi- nance Committee be instructed to have 30o copies printed of the annual Fi- nance report of the City. Carried. Ald. Lyons. Chairman of the Ordi- nance Committee, presented and read an Ordinance repealing section 8 of Chapter XXVII of the Revised Ordi- nances of 19ot of the City of Dubuque, and fixing the compensation of the members of the Fire department. The Ordinance having had its first reading at the previous meeting. Ald. Lyons moved that the reading just had he considered its second reading. Car- ried. Ald. Lyons moved that the Ordi- nance he now adopted as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance. Frith, Jones and Lyons. Absent—Ald. Stumpf. The A1ayor declared the adopted. —_-- The Ordinance follows: Section 8 of An Ordinance repealing Chapter XXVII of the Revised Ordin- ances of toot of the City of Dubuque. and fixing the compensation of the members of the Fire Department. Be It Enacted by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 8 of Chap- ter t. That ter XXVII of the Revised Ordinances of toot of the City of Dubuque he :Jut the same is hereby repealed. Section 2. That tcompensation ofrom and f tfter he Marchh1. 1905. the members of the Fire Department shall be as follows: Chief. $100: Assistant saint Chief. $70; Engineers, $75; Captains drivers of 3 -horse hitch, $65: Stok- ers and drivers of 2 -horse hitch. $60 per month. Pipemen and truckmen during the first year's service shall be paid at the rate of $5o per month: during the second year of continuous service, at the rate of $55 per month; during the third year of continuous service, and thereafter at the rate of $6o per nth. Section 3. This Ordinance to take effect and be in force from and after March 1, 1905. after its passage and publication one time in the Dubuque Daily Globe -Journal Newspaper. Passed — Approved ---- — — Ordinance 165 Ald. Corrance moved that a warrant he drawn for $140.00 in favor of the Mayor to reimburse him for said amount, and that said settlement be ratified. Carried, Attest: Mayor. City Recorder. Ald. Frith, chairman of the commit- tee on Streets, reported as follows: Your committee on Streets. to whom was referred the petition of A. L. Rhomherg. asking that the storm water sewer between Rhomherg, and Lincoln Avenues he straightened and cleaned for a short distance south of Seventh Avenue. would recommend that the prayer of the petitioner he granted and that the City Engineer he instructed accordingly. Also, your committee on Streets. to whom was referred the petition of R. Ald. Corrance, chairman of the com- mittee on Claims, reported the settle- ment of the claim of Win. Van Haltern, who fell on a sidewalk on street,fourth Twenty - t soul - der, the amount paidtoMr.ng his 1VanliHal- tern being $140. ftemlcr. asking that he he allowed to lay a plank sidewalk abutting Lot 13. Cumming's Sub., would recommend that said petition he received and filed. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the re- port: of the committee on Streets. Carried. Aid. Jones, chairman of the Printing Committee, reported as fellows: Your Committee on Print ing, to whom was referred the communication of the "1 elegraph-herald in relation to an order for city directories. would recommend that the City Recorder be instructed to place an order with said firm for eleven directories and dis- tribcte them as follows: t for the \lav,,r'> office, t for the Treasurer's office t f:,,• the Engineer's office. *, for the Rccorle•r's office. t for Police Head- quarters, i for the Patrol -louse, and 1 for each of the Engine I'louses. Ald. Tones moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Ald. Tones of the committee of the Whole, reported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of P. Kenneall•. et al. asking that the wages paid for labor on sewers he increased, would respectfully report that the amount appropriated for sewer pur- poses would t,ot permit of the increase prayed for, and would therefore recom- mend that said petitiont he received and filed. Ald. Tones moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Your Committee on Sewers would resnectfull• report that we ewer in have ex- amined amined the sanitary Street. from Eagle Point Avenue to Sanford Street. M. Tschirgi, contrac- tor, and would recommend that said sewer he accepted and that the City Engineer he instrnctedotee a special assessment against helots or parcels of land subject to such assess- ment for said improvement and file the same in the office of the City Re - 166 Regular Session July 7, 1904. corder. who will thereupon publish the notice of said assessment required by ordinance. Your Committee on Sewers would respectfully report that we have exam- ined the sanitary sewer in Dodge Street from South Bluff Street to Grandview Avenue, James Noonan, contractor, and would recommend that said sewer be accepted and that the City Engineer be instructed to pre- pare a special assessment against the lots or parcels of land subject to such assessment for said improvement and file the same in the office of the City Recorder who will thereupon publish the notice of said assessment required by ordinance. Ald. Lyons moved to adopt the var- ious reports of the committee on Sew- ers. Carried. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Lyons offered the following: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sani- tary sewer of eight inch tile pipe be constructed in Grandview Avenue from Dodge Street to North Street. accord- ing to the plans and specifications of said sewer prepared by the City En- gineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. and be it further Resolved. That said sewer shall he completed on or before the 1st day of September. 1904, and shall be paid for at the time and in the manner pre- scribed by Chapter XXXIV of the Re- vised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque for the payment of the cost of constructing sewers. The pro- posals for doing such work will be acted upon by the Council on the 21st day of July, 1904. and the City Record- er is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice 1:v publication. asking for pro- posal: provided by ordinance. Ald. Lyons moved to adopt the Res- olution. O'rrierl by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy. Corrance, Frith. Jones and Lyons. Absent—Ald. Stumpf. -------------- Ald. Clancy moved that the City En- gineer and committee on Streets be in- structed to erect a drinking fountain at First and Main streets and refer the bill to the Home Milling Co. for pay- ment. Carried. Ald. Frith moved that the Engineer be instructed to deliver to the Audubon School, for the School Board. all the. macadam needed at said place at $1.00 per yard. Carried. Ald. Lyons moved that the Commit- tee Clerk be instructed to purchase two carloads of paving brick. Carried. Ald. Clancy moved that the Engineer be instructed to prepare a profile of grade for the sidewalk on Bluff street from Fourth street to Eighth street. Carried. Ald. Frith moved that Wm. Foster be appointed Inspector for the Storm Water Sewer in Sanford Street. Car- ried. Ald. Corrance moved that the Engi- neer be instructed to have the brick, ordered by the Committee Clerk, laid ill the alley between the Delhi Street Engine House and Mr. Ruh's store. Carried. Ald. Lyon moved that the City At- torney he instructed to prepare a deed to he signed by Mr. A. Ruh to the City of Dubuque. for the ground claimed by Mr. Ruh and now occupied by the Delhi Street Engine House. Carried. Ald. Frith moved to adjourn until July 21st. 1904. Carried. —C. F. Arendt, City Recorder. . Recorder 19, .lkayor Approved Regular Session July 21, 1904. CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session July list, 1904. (Official.) Council met at 8:15 o'clock P. M. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Alds. Clancy. Corrance, Frith, Jones. Lyons and Stumpf. Absent—None. PETITIONS 1 AND COMMUNICA- IONS. Petition of A. C. Buettell, asking that he be allowed to relay plank side- walk on Allison Place and College Avenue, was received and filed. Petition of Y. M. C. A.. asking that an arc lamp be placed at the foot of Third Street. was referred to the Po- lice and Light committee. Petition of the Dubuque Telephone Co., asking that the City Treasurer be instructed to accept $151.71 in full for city taxes for the year 1903. Also petition of Jonas Scherer, ask- ing that the Treasurer be instructed to accept $40.00 in full payment for im- proving Woodworth Avenue. On motion both petitions were re- ferred to Board of Equalization and City Assessor. 107 Mayor. Council and City Officials: - 1 he sister and brothers of the late Peter Il. McLaughlin reque-t inc to extend to you their sincere thanks for the beautiful floral offering sent nn the occasion of the death of their beloved brother, and to assure you of their ap- preciation of the sympathy extended. —Stella McDonnell. July 15. 19°4. On motion was received and filed. Petition -of Geo. W. Healey & Son and others. asking that the license on for circuses be not raised beyond $s 0Lows. 25c shows and $75. Also petition of C. A. Voelker, ask- ing Council to accept in cash one-half of the special assessments as levied against lots in Woodlawn Park Sub. for improving Delaware, Alta and Du- buque Avenues. On motion both petitions were re- ferred to the committee of the Whole. Communication of Executive Com- mittee of the United German Societies thanking the City Council for their participation in their parade July 4th, 1904, was on motion received and filed. Whereupon Ald. Corrance. chairman of the Special Committee appointed to draft suitable resolutions on the death of the late Ald. P. iT. McLaughlin. of- fered the following: Whereas, Almighty God in his infin- ite wisdom has seen fit to remove from our midst our colleague and fellow citi- zen, P. H. McLaughlin. in the spring- time of his life: Therefore be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the City of Dubuque is deeply grieved at his untimely demise: That as an alderman of this body and our colleague, we have always found him courteous and obliging; al- ways ready and willing to carry out the trust reposed in him as a public official by an honest and upright course of action, and a conscientious adher- ence to his duty towards the public; that we recognized in him an able and fearless public official and a man cap- able of attaining higher honors: that we mourn his death, and extend our sincere sympathy to his bereaved rela- tives in their hoar of sadness. Be it farther resolved that these res- olutions he spread upon the records of the Council proceedings, and a copy thereof be sent to his family. Dated at Dubuque. Iowa, this day of July. A. D.. 1904. H. Corrance, R. Jones, M. E. Lyons. J. W. Kintzinger. Ald. Corrance moved the adoption of the Resolution. Unanimously carried. Petition of Jas. F. Hedley et al ask- ing that Robt. Jess he appointed alder- man of the Second ward was on motion laid aside. Original Notice. District Court, of M. B. Connolly claiming the sum of $I,000.00 for personal injuries sustained through negligence of the city. Also Original Notice. District CCour of Beatrice Rasquin claiming sum of $2,000.00 for personal damages sus- tained by falling on a defective side- walk. On motion both notices were referr- ed to the Committe on Claims and City Attorney. The Mayor presented and read the following: 2I St REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Engineer Boyce reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on Streets in the dif- ferent districts during the first half of July. 1Q04: Amount due Laborers on 177410 Streets • • • • • • • .....submitte7. Respectfully _James H. Boyce, City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Streets. Also submit my pay roll for labor on Sewers during the first half of July, IOod: Amount due Laborers on 168 Regular Session July 21, 1904. Scwcrs $159.40 Respectfully submitted, —James H. Boyce, City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Sewers. Also submit my pay roll for labor grading Mt. Carmel Avenue during the first half of July, 1904: $29.00 Amount (Inc Laborers Respectfully submitted, —James Id. Boyce, City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Streets. On motion the pay rolls for Streets. Sewers and Mt. Carmel Avenue were receival and warrants ordered drawn tov the various amounts, and the pay rolls referred back to the proper committees. The City Engineer also reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: At a session of the City Council held July 7th. 1904, the City Engineer was instructed to prepare a profile of grade for the sidewalk on Bluff Street from Fourth to Eighth Street. Owing to press of other mat- ters the profile has not been completed, but can be in the course of a few days. I would suggest that the matter be referred to the Street committee. Ald. Corrance moved that the En- gineer's request be complied with, and the Sidewalk Inspector instructed to temporarily repair said Sidewalk at once. Carried. City Recorder Arendt presented and read the printed notice, certified to by the publishers, of the Council's inten- tion to construct a four -foot cement sidewalk on Langworthy Avenue from Booth to Hill Street. No remonstrance being filed, the Mayor asked if anyone present had any objection to the con- struction of said Sidewalk. No objec- tions being stated, thenotice on mo- tion was received and filed. City Attorney Kintzinger reported as follows: The undersigned would respectfully report that in pursuance with your re- quest at the last meeting of the Coun- cil, he has procured a deed from Mr. Andrew Ruh conveying a driveway be- tween his property and the Delhi Street Engine House to the City of Dubuque. the deed for which is here- with returned to the Council. I would recommend that the same be recorded. Respectfully, J. W. Kintzinger, City Attorney. Ald. Clancy moved that the report be approved and the Recorder in- structed to have said deed properly recorded. Carried. City Attorney Kintzinger also report- ed as follows: The undersigned, to whom was re- ferred the within petition of the St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital asking that City Lot 731 be exempted from taxation because the same is used exclusively for hospital purposes, would respect- fully report that this property is used exclusively for such purposes as is set out in the attached affidavit of Sister Mary Agnes, which is hereto attached and made a part of this report. I would therefore recommend that the same be exempted from taxation as prayed for. J. W. Kintzinger, City Attorney. Ald. Clancy moved that the report be approved and the City Treasurer instructed accordingly. Carried. The Water Works Trustees present- ed their quarterly report for the three months ending June 3oth. 1904, and the Mayor appointed a Special Committee consisting of Alds. Jones, Frith and Stumpf to audit the same. Bids for constructing a sanitary sewer in Grandview Avenue, from manhole in Dodge Street to center of North Street. were ordered opened. Bids as follows: Jas. Noonan. 8 -inch tile pipe ... 65c and Manholes each $27.00 O'Farrell & McNamara. 8 -inch tile pipe . 57c and Manholes each •$25.00 Jas. Hird. 8 -inch tile pipe 54' c and Manholes each $26.50 Brown & Brown, 8 -inch tile piQe 45c and Manholes each $23.50 Brown & Brown being the lowe3t bidders were awarded the contract and their bond fixed at $too.00. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Corrance, chairman of the Committee on Claims, reported as fol- lows: Your Committee on Claims would respectfully report that an action is now pending in the District Court of Du- buque County, Iowa, against the City, which was brought by one Mrs. Mary Kruse. This action was for personal injuries received from a fall on a side- walk resulting in breaking the leg of Mrs. Kruse. The claim for damages in this case can be settled by the City for the sum of $50.00 and court costs, amounting to $8.65, and the remission of the taxes on Mrs. Kruse's property for lot number 37 of Fengler's Addi- tion, the amount of taxes being $54.60. Your Committee have investigated this claim, and find that Mrs. Kruse has sustained the injuries set forth in her petition, and was laid up for sev- eral months by reason of the injury. And would further state that she is a Regular Session July 21, 1904. 169 widow, and has a family depending up- on her for support. Deeming it for the best interest of the City we would therefore recom• mend that this case be settled on the above terms, and that a warrant be drawn in favor of the Mayor, in the sum of $58.65, and that the City Treas- urer be instructed to cancel the taxes, amounting to $14.60, on said lot. H. Corrance, M. Clancy. Committee on Claims. Ald. Corrance moved to adopt the report. Carried. ---- Aid. Frith, chairman of committee on Streets, reported as follows: In favor of paying the bill of P. J. Shuler as inspector on Bee Branch sewer for the first half of July, 1904, $25.00. take therefrom whatever amount of sand it may require. We further recommend that said petitioners be not permittted to grade either the al- ley between Garfield and Rhomberg \venues, or Eighth Avenue for the present. —E. E. Frith, Chairman. Ald. Frith move,i to adopt the var- ious rcno.-t, of the Street Committee. Carried. Also, your committee on Streets, to whom was referred the petition of J. Hagerty et al., asking that the storm sewer in Fifteenth Street be extended. would recommend that the prayer of the petitioners he granted and that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare plans and specifications for said sewer, beginning at the end of the present sewer and extending to the middle of the alley between Cedar and Sycamore Streets and file said plans and specifica- tions in the office of the City Recorder who will thereupon advertise for bids for the construction of said sewer in accordance with such plans and specifi- cations. Also, your committee on Streets, to whom was referred the petition of Mary J. Hogan in relation to the spec- ial assessment levied against lots 20 and 21 of Quigley's Sub. of Out Lot 709 for the improvement of Angella Street, would recommend thattl e Treasurer be instructed to accept sum of $15o.00 in full settlement of said assessment. Ald. .Tones, chairman of the Com- mittee on Public Grounds and Build- ings. reported the cost of putting in a new plank floor in the Patrol Ilonse. On motion the matter of putting in a niiv floor \vas referred to the Cor»- mittcc nn Public Grounds and Build- ings. uild- ines•-------- Ald. Clancy, chairman of the Com- mittee on Fire, reported as iolloii Your Committee on Fire, with Ald. Frith added, to whom was referred the matter of selecting a site for the pro- posed Fifth ward engine house, would respectfully report that after carefnlly considering the matter with a view of securing the mo<t advantagc„rrs posi- tion for said engine house, we would recommend in favor of the purchase of Lot 22 in Conk's Add. This lot is sit- uated on the corner of Rhomberg and Staut 52 by 137 feetind `17e, iise`. is ownedbnby Margaret feet Hoerner and can be purchased for $1900.00. _ Also your Special Committee, composed of the Committee on Fire with Ald. Frith added, ap- pointed to select a location for the engine house proposed to he established in the Fifth ward, would re- spectfully report that several inside Adenots ts on Lincoln and Rhomberg can he bought for $500.00 each, while corner lots on the same streets e held at $600.00. There is a very desir- able lot on the corner of Garfieldfeet, Cd. Schiller Avenues, size 5o b 30 and that can be bought for $800.00. an- other on the corner of Middlee Rhomberg Avenues, owned by the Wodrich estate that can be had for $1$00'00' Matt. Clancy, Chairman. On motion both reports were referr- ed to Committee of the Whole to view the grounds. • Ald. Jones, chairman of Committee on Printing, reported as follows: Your Committee on Printing, to of whom o Smith -Morgan ci within to bill PrintingCo.for $16.75, would recommend that a war- e treasury for the boveed named sum irawn onn settlement of the claim. Rudolph Jones, Chairman. Your Committee on Streets, to whom was referred the petition ofP. Linehan and John Williams, grade tllasking dLincthat they be allowed tog dsoln between Rhomberg ann Ave- nues in rear of Lots 409 10, Ham's Add.. and also the alley be- tween Rhomberg and Garfield Ave- nues in rear of Lots 312 and 313 in the same addition, and also ughth t0 Avenue, from Rhomberg the alley first east thereof, would rec- ommend that said petitioners bed per- mitted to grade the alley of said Lots 409 and 410, provided they file a bond in the sum of $200.00, con- ditioned on leaving said alley at or above ,:rade when finished Fi.fthand not damaging the paving of The City reserves the right ny to goeannd n and upon said alley at 170 Regular Session July 21, 1904. Ald. Jones moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Ald. Stumpf, chairman of Committee on Delinquent Taxes. reported as fol- lows: Your committee on Delinquent Taxes would respectfully recommend that on account of the poverty of the petitioners, the Treasurer be instructed to cancel the taxes for the year 1903 against the following property: August Rohr. Lot 283, East Dubuque Add. No. 2. Maria Trentpler. Lot 5, Hughes' Sub. of Mineral Lot 172. Thos. J. and Nora E. Lonergan. Lot No. 145. East Dubuque Add. Alice C. Collins. Lots 28 and 29. Park Hill Add. Also, your committee on Delinquent Taxes would respectfully recommend that the Treasurer be instructed to al- low the taxes for the year 1903 to re- main a lien against the following prop- erty: Mrs. Elizabeth Hughes, north part of Lot I, Lenheim's Addition. Mrs. Jane McCloskey, Lot II, Cain's Stib.. and that he be further instructed not to sell the same. Also, your committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the peti- tion of John Byrnes. an honorably dis- charged soldier of the War of the Re- bellion, asking that in accordance with the Code of Iowa, the taxes against his property. Lot to, Newman, Cooper & Smith's Sub., be canceled for the years 1900, 190I, 1902 and 1903, would respectfully report that we find the property was erroneously sold for the taxes of 1900, and would therefore rec- ommend that the Treasurer be in- structed to redeem the same. Your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the pe- tition of Barbara Bechtel, asking that the tax on her personal property for the year 1903 be canceled, would rec- ommend that said petition be received and filed. —John A. Stumpf, Chairman. Ald. Stumpf moved to adopt the var- ious reports of the Delinquent Tax Committee. Carried. Ald. Lyons of the Board of Health reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:—Your Board of Health would respectfully report, that at their meeting, held July 12th, 1904, a num- ber of bills were presented, for con- veving patients to the Detention Hos- pital. also for groceries and other sup- plies used during the recent smallpox cases confined at said hospital, total amount of bills, $175.85. The bills were audited by the Board and refer- red to the• County Supervisors for payment. Also report that the City Attorney was instructed to prepare a notice to be served on S. P. Wadley to abate the nuisance forthwith, of throwing waste milk and washings, into the Dodec Street storm water sewer. \Ve would further report that said notice has been served on \l r. Wad- ley. and the nuisance abated. Also report. that a notice was or- dered served on R. W. Kemler, agent for the R. Waller Est.. to have the building situated on City Lot No. 119 connected with the Sanitary Sewer within thirty days from the elate of service of notice. Ald. Lyons moved to adopt the re- port of the Board of Health. Carried. Ald. Jones of the committee of the Whole reported as follows: Your committee of the Whole. to whom was referred the remonstrance of Michael Carney et al. against the construction of a sanitary sewer in Booth Street from Dodge Street to Forrest Lane, and also in West Third Street from Booth Street to Nevada Street. thence north in said Nevada Street to the alley first south of West Fifth Street, would recomtitend that that part of the sewer in Booth Street from West Third Street to Forrest Lane be not constructed for the pres- ent, but that the remaining portion be ordered built as originally planned. Also, your committee of the Whole would respectfully report that the pub- lishers of the Iowa State Atlas of Dav- enport, Iowa, called on your commit- tee and offered, if the City would pay them $250.00 for one page in their work, giving views of the public build- ings of the city, etc., to donate the original drawings and copper plates, and furnish 500 copies of the work re- duced and abridged, and one complete full-sized copy, and also have a pano- rama view of the city neatly framed and hung in the Iowa Building at the World's Fair at St. Louis. After due consideration, the Mayor was instruct- ed to make an offer of $100.00 for the foregoing, which he accordingly did and which offer was accepted by said publishers. Also, your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the City Engineer be instructed to con- struct a brick gutter on the north side of Second Street from Iowa Street to the alley first west thereof, provided the owners of the abutting property furnish all the necessary material. Also, your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the Regular Session July 21, 1904. 171 City Engineer be instructed to prepare a profile showing the proposed change of grade on Fifth Street east of Main Street. Also that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a waiver for the owners of the trig by the proposed change os. Also your Committee of the Whole would respectfully report that since the resolution adopted by the City Council on June 2, 1904.. providing for the condemning of a street running in a northeasterly direction from the present terminus of Queen Street, through the property of the Linwood Cemetery Association to Windsor Avenue, we have had a meeting with the trustees of said cemetery, and have reached an agreement whereby in con- sideration of the donating of the land re0uired for the opening of said street. toeether with so much other land as may be required for the extension of the alley between Queen Street and Burden Aveue, from the present ter- minus of said alley to the street whereby proposed to be opened, and also the triangular piece lying to the south of said proposed street between Burden and Windsor Avenues. the City will grade, curb, gutter and macadam- ize said street. lay the necessary side- walks thereon and fence the north side of said street between Burden and Windsor Avenues, at no expense to the said association. We would re- spectfully recommend that the forego- ing arrangement be approved and the City Attorney be instructed to pYe- pare the papers required for the Said car- rying' out of the said agreement. sidewalk after being built by the City, to be maintained thereafter by the abutting property owners. —C. ii. Berg. Chairman Pro Tern. Ald. Tones moved to adopt the var- ious reports of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Lyons offered the following: Be it resolved by the City Council ot the City of Dubuque. that all. resolu- Coun- of the City of Dubuque. That it is deemed necessary and advisable t con- struct a sanitary sewer in Ilooth Street from Dodge Street to West 'Third Street. thence in said \West 'Third Street to Nevada Street, thence in said Ne- vada Street to the alley first south of West Fifth Street. and it is hereby pro- posed to construct a sanitary server in said Booth, West Third anti Nevada Streets as follows: An eight inch tile pipe sewer in Booth Street from Dodge Street to West 'Third Street. thence easterly in said \\-est 'Third Street to Nevada Street. thence northerly in said Nevada Street to the alley tir,t south ot West Fifth Street. and to assess the cost of said sewer against the abutting property. Ald. Lyons moved to adept the Res- olution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Clancy. Corrance. Frith, Jones. Lyons and Stmpf. Nays—None. Ald. Lyons also offered the follow- ing: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the City Engineer he and lie is hereby directed to prepare a plat ;old specifications for an eight -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Booth Street from Dodge Street to \Vest Third Street, thence easterly in said West 'Third Street to Nevada Street. thence northerly in said N,, tda Street to the alley first south of West Fifth Street. showing the location and general nature of said improvement. the extent thereof. the size and kind of material to be used. and to prepare an estimate of the cost thereof and the amount assessable upon each lotor parcel of land adjacent to or abutting thoot r inereon area. and toer cint ffile such plat. square plat specifica- tions and estimate in the office of the City Recorder. That after such plat is so filed, the City Recorder shall cause to be pub- lished. notice of the intention of the Council to make such iniprovetuent, which notice shall be published in three consecutive issues of the oiticial paper of the City of Dubuque. stating that such plat is on file and generally the nature of the sewer. its local in. size 1 f material to be used and the tions heretofore adopted by this I and hint cif, providing for the construction of a estimate of n, rest. and fixing the time Bt Street from before which obiectoiis can he filed. be leas than five sanitary sewer in ootl Dodge Street to Forrest Lane. and in ooth to West Streefrom Street, thence nStreet northerly in said Nevada Street to the alley first south of West Fifth Street, he and the same are hereby rescinded. Ald. Lyons moved to adopt the Res- olution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance. Frith, Jones, Lyons and Stumpf. Nays—None. Ald. Lyons also offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council Mach time snao notice. andtafterlas tthe tcoiication mpletion ssuch ofhe publication of the notice he shall, at its next regular session. notify the Council thereof in writing with a printed copy of such notice accompany- ing the same. Ald. Lyons moved to adopt the reso- lution. Carried by the following vote: Peas—Alts. Clancy, Corrance, Frith. Jones, Lyons and Stumpf. Nays—None. 172 Regular Session July 21, 1904. Alderman Frith offered the .follow- ing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a Sidewalk six feet wide, of good brick or cement, he, within ,;o clays of this notice, con- structed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the \vest ride of Cooler .Avenue, between Twenty-seventh enth Street and \sill 'illc Load, abutting lot 13, \Vest's Add., owned by D. A. Gehrig, at the expense of abutting property. Adopt- ed by the following vote: Ayes—Aldermen Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Jones, Lyons and Stumpf. Nays—None. Ald. Frith also offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk- six feet wide, of good brick or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, con- structed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks on the south side of Lincoln Avenues, between Washington Street and Elm Street, abutting south 5o feet of N. 74 feet of lot i of Sub 97, L. H. Lang - worthy's Add.. City of Dubuque, at the expense of abutting property. On motion was referred to commit- tee of the Whole to view the grounds. Ald. Corrance offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a Sidewalk six feet wide, of good brick or cement, be, within 3o days of this notice, constructed and laid in conform- ity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of Julien Avenue, between West Eighth street and Air Hill street, abutting lots i and 2 of lot 19, City lot 703, owned by A. W. Kemler Est., at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the fol- lowing vote: Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Jones, Lyons and Stumpf. Nays—None. Ald. Corrance also offered the fol- lowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk six feet wide, of good brick or cement, be, within 3o days of this notice, con- structed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the north side of West Eleventh Street, between Walnut Street and Race Street, abutting lot 13, Cum- mings' Sub., owned by R. W. Kemler, at the expense of the abutting prop- erty. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Jones, Lyons and Stumpf. Nays—None. Alderman Corrance also offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a Sidewalk six feet wide, of brick or cement, be, with- in 3o days of this notice, con- structed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the East side of Race Street, be- tween \Vest Eleventh Street and Rose Street, abutting lot 13, Cummings' Sub., owned by R. W. Kemler, at the expense of abutting property. Adopt- ed by the following vote: Aves—Aldermen Clancy, Corrance, Frith. Tones, Lyons and Stumpf. Nays—None. Ald. Clancy offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a Sidewalk six feet wide of good brick or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, construct- ed and laid in conformity with the or- dinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west side of Bluff Street, between Dodge Street and Emmett Street, abut- ting lot 2 of i of 598 City, owned by Thos. Rawson, at the expense of abut- ting property. Adopted by the follow- ing vote: Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Jones, Lyons and Stumpf. Nays --None. Ald. Clancy moved that we now pro- ceed to elect a successor to Ald. Mc- Laughlin. deceased. Carried. After eighteen ballots were taken there was no choice, whereupon Ald. Corrance moved that the matter be postponed until the next meeting of the Council. Carried. Ald, Clancy moved to adjourn until August 4th, 1904. Carried. —C. F. Arendt, City Recorder. Recorder 1901 . Mayor. Approved. List of Warrants. liST IIF crru NaRRaNrs City l < i , irder's Office, Dubuque, la., July 1st, 1904. To the Honorable Mayer and City Council of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The following is a com- plete list of all warrants issued by me during he month of June. 1904: C. H. Berg. salary. Mayor $116 65 H. Brinkman. salary. Treasurer 133 30 J. A. Mc Kinlay. salary, Deputy Treasurer too 00 Jno. Krayer, clerk, Treasurer's office 6o 00 Chas. F. Arendt, salary. Re- corder 116 65 Wm. A. Kaep. salary. Deputy Recorder 8o oo F. B. Hoffman. salary, Auditor116 65 C. B. Scherr, ralary, Assessor 125 00 A. Doerr. Jr.. salary. Assistant Assessor 100 00 J. J. Murphy, salary. Assistant A ssessor loo 00 J. W. Kintzinger, salary, Attor- ney 150 00 J. C. Longueville, salary. As- sistant Attorney 75 00 Thos. Reilly, salary, Chief of Police too 00 Jos. Reinfried, salary. Fire Chief Too 00 J. W. Lawlor, salary, Committee Clerk Too 00 Jas. Boyce, salary, City Engi- neer E. Anderson, salary, Assistant En izineer TOO 00 G. White. salary. Rodman 5o 00 G. N. Raymond, salary. Superin- tendent of Street Sprinkling6o 00 E. Herron. clerk in Auditor and Engineer's office Wm. Hipman salary, Electri- cian F. P. Hayes, salary, Market - master T. Cahill. salary. Park Custodian H. 11 cage, salary, Park Cus- todian . T. Faherty, salary, Park Cus- todian Dr. B. F. Michel, salary, Health Officer F. Flynn, salary, Sanitary Pa- trolman C. Baumann, salary, Pound - master . Mrs. H. Koenig, salary, Jam - tress I. Conigisky, salary. Sidewalk Inspector C. W: Katz, salary, Wharf - master M. Clancy, salary, Alderman .. IT. Corrance, salary, Alderman. E. E. Frith, salary, Alderman .. R. Jones, salary, Alderman .... M. F. Lyons, salary. Alderman.. P. H. McLaughlin. salary, Al- derman J. A. Stumpf, salary. Alderman 166 65 75 00 83 35 50 00 40 00 40 00 IO 00 50 00 6o 00 40 00 .173 l i. Barker. stenographer 20 co M. Eitel, fireman 65 00 J. Essman, fireman 75 00 A. Duccini, fireman bo 00 J. Flynn, fireman 65 00 J. Roshin, fireman (10 oo A, Heer, fireman 50 00 J. Tschudi, fireman ;o 00 J. Schonberger, fireman 50 00 W. i'.annolt, fireman 50 00 J. Daley, fireman h; 00 J. Barnes, fireman 75 00 T. Ryder, fireman 6o 00 G. Beyer, fireman 65 O0 W. Ducey. fireman 6o 00 F. Murphy. fireman 5o 00 P. Ahern, fireman. . . 5o 00 M. Kelly. fireman 5o 00 P. Fury, fireman 50 00 D. Ahern. fireman 65 00 P. Zillig, fireman izo no T. Flynn. fireman 65 00 M. Sweeney, fireman 5o 00 H. Cain, fireman 50 00 J. Benzer. fireman So 00 J. McLaughlin, fireman 5o 00 A. McDonnell, fireman. 67 5o J. Murphy, fireman 5o 00 M. Wagner. fireman 5 00 G. Gehrke, fireman 65 0000 1'. Kennedy, fireman F. Baumgartner. fireman 50 00 F. Smith. fireman 5o oo 55 00 C. Kannolt, fireman 6o 00 J. Allen, fireman M. Fahey, fireman 5o 00 W. O'Connell, fireman 50 00 65 00 R. Weston, fireman 6o5 00 F. Kenneally, fireman E. McDermott. fireman 50 00 W. McClain, fireman 5o 00 A Becker. police 33 00 J. H. Barry, police 5 1 65 G. Burkel, police 67 00 J. Carter, police J. Clone. police 45 O0 Jno. Cody, police 51 65 W. Cook. police 6o 00 W. Corcoran, police 51 65 J. P. Cummings, police 48 35 H. Donlon, police 5o 00 J. Fitzpatrick, police 5o 00 Jas. Flynn. police 5o oo Jno. Fox. police 5o 00 Wm. Frith. police._ — 51 65 T. Ganahl. police 5o 00 L. Grasse!. police 51 65 B. Gray. police 51 65 Pat Hanlon. police 5o 00 M. Kilty, police 51 65 Jno. Loetscher, police 51 65 P. McCollins, police 5o 00 P. McInerney, police 51 65 o0 Jno. Moore, police 6o 5 57 6 D. Norton, police 6o 65 M. O'Connor, police Jno. Murphy, police 50 0O P. Powers, police 85 Jno. Raesli, police 65 oo 5t 65 Otto Rath, police 13 20 J. Rooney police Jas. Ryan, police 65 00 M. Ryan, police 48 35 P. Scharff, police 5o 00 20 00 50 00 20 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 • 174 List of Warrants. Al. Schorr, police 54 00 F. Spielman, police 51 65 P. Sutton, police 550 00 "Tont Sweeney. police oo M. Stapleton. police 51 65 P. Sullivan. police 5o 00 Jim. L. Sullivan, police 441 6 l.. Zeidman, Police S M r-. Kate Hibbe, matron 3o 00 \I iss L. Brennan, matron 30 ao Labor on Streets in the different dis- tricts during the last half of May. 1904: J. Albrecht, 2nd io E. Amanda. 2nd 2 70 A. Alderson. 3rd 9 45 Sant Allen. 3rd 9 4; J. Brouillettc. 1st 5 8; John Burns. Ist 3 25 W. S. Brown. 2nd 9 45 C. Buse, 2nd 1 45 1). J. Brightbill, 3rd 9 15 I'at'I Becket-, 3rd 15 55 Jos. Brown, 1st W. Coughlan. 1st \like Caine. I st I. Callahan. 1,t 20 00 I htt Corbett. 2nd 70 .111111 Cahill. 2n(1 21 50 las. Connoily. 1st 18 90 II. Cosgrove. 1st 20 00 P. De Fontaine, 1st 8 10 John Dougherty, 1st 1 35 M. Donegan. 1st 6o l'at Devaney, 2110 5 40 T. Donahue, 1st 18 90 John Egan, r st 6 6o John Ess, 2nd 5 8o John Engels. 2nd24 00 R T. Eddy. 2nd 12 30 Mike Farrell, 1st 2 70 Dan Fox, 1st 8 8o Frank Frick. 2nd 14 20 H. Fleck. 1st 75 00 Nelson Frith, 1st 50 00 Pat Grue, 1st 2 70 Lahor on Streets, last half of May. 1004: Peter Gregory, st. 135 Barney Glass, 1st. P. Gilloon, 1st. Jos. Gavin. 1 st. 11. Galle. 2nd. Jos. Grab, 2nd. Geo. Gan, 2nd A. Glitenbein, 2nd. C. (iantenbein, 2nd Chas. Grade, 2nd. C. (;ruenzig. 3rd. . T. hackney, 1st. G. I I ecklinger, 2nd. Phil Ilensc. 2nd. James IIird, 3rd. Jake Manson, 3rd. Aug. Jass. 2nd. John Kelly, 1st. N. Kettenhofen, 2nd. John Kness, znd. Mike Kas, 2nd. Jos. Kientzle, 2nd. .. J. Kinsella, 2nd. Martin Lonergan, 1st. ........ W. Lillig, 211d. 50 13 5o I 35 6 6o 5 25 20 00 7 45 16 20 I2 I5 6 to 20 00 19 70 4 75 88e 6 75 6 to 19 5o 6 75 6 75 2 70 16 20 8 to 8 Io 2 70 12 00 8 70 8 75 Tons. Lonergan, 2nd. 8 8o Pat Lynch. 2nd. -4 H. Lentbke. 2nd. \V. Lonergan. 2nd. 21 50 M. Lavin, Ist. 18 90 John \l ellen. 1st. 8 20 Geo. \loose, 1st 8 4o Ed. \I alloy. 1st. 7 45 J. NIart inek, 3rd. 6 75 John McGee, 1st. 1 35 Bart McDonnell, 2nd. 30 00 Labor on streets, last half of \la), 1904: Pat \Ici'oland. 3rd John McNulty J. McCormick C. \ tuck. 211d \V. O'Brien. 1st James Purcell. 1st Pat Ryan. 1st John Parker. 3rd i. Pfeiffer, 1st 12 15 20 00 17 :17() 8 10 10 15 15 12 90 \V. Quinlan. 1st IS 90 James Ryan. tst 13 95 Mike Reddin, 1st 7 ;(' \lat Raishek. 2nd 14 20 C. Reinfrank, 2nd 6 los. Rooney 2 50 D. Sheehan. 1st 10 15 W. Sheridan. 1st 14 to Jos. Statel, 2nd 8 to Chris. Shull, 211d 6 10 Frank Schcrr. 2nd 20 00 I 111 Smith. 3rd 7 8o Toho Sloan, 211d 8 .) \ick Sweeney IS 00 1,11111 Tasehner,. 3rd 5 40 W. Welsh. 1st 6 75 John Welsh, Tst 7 95 \. \Wanipach, 2nd ., to So \V. 1). Wilber, 2nd 4 t0 los. Williams. 3rd 7 45 W. \Wearmouth. 3rd 20 00 John Walsh, 3rd 4 05 Geo. Zumhoff, 2nd 7 50 Frank Burns, 211d 77 6o J. Berwanger, 2nd 39 6o F. G. Becker 35 40 Labor on Streets last half May. 1900: Clancy Transfer Co., 1st i8 00 John Calvert, 1st 21 6o Jos. Calvert. 1st 221 so Ben Cain. 1st 46 to A. Conrad, 2nd 36 00 42 00 52 00 43 20 45 43 0200 20 3 6o Martin & Strelau. 2nd 18 2000 John Mulgrew, 3rd 7 J. J. McCollins, 1st 65 20 C. McElrath, 2nd 16 20 D. O'Meara. 1st 4 00 A. Paley, 2nd 7 20 Geo. Reynolds 39 65 Ed. Seeley. 1st 43 20 Adam Stoltz. 2nd Jerry Sullivan, 3rd 50t8 00 70 James Tobin, 3rd 42 30 45 11d. Hannon, 1st J. Haudenshield, 2nd Peter Horch, 2nd J. Huffmire, 1st J. Linehan, 1st John Long, 2nd W. Maher, 1st List of Warrants. 175 Labor on Sewers for the last half of May, 1904: P. Casserly. labor J. Corcoran, labor T. Il.agerty, foreman J. Jellison. labor Jos. Kiang, labor P. Kenneally, labor C. Sullivan. labor L. Zemanek, labor L. Daily, cleaning around Mar- ket Square during months of April and May 28 00 Mrs. 1-1. Koenig, cleaning and scrubbing offices at City Hall 17 55 Mrs. L. Fichter, cleaning and scrubbing offices at City Hall 16 20 G. Smith, cleaning and repair- ing at City Hall 20 25 T. E. Frith. removing garbage and dead animals T. E. Frith. removing dead ani- mals for \larch and April22 50 F. P. Haves. board of prisoners 14 00 for \Iav W. Foster, Inspector on White street sewer \l. O'\leara, Inspector• on Dodge street sewer .. 20 00 M. Ahearn, Inspector On Alpine 18 6o street sewer gas for Key City Gas Co., var- ious departments 1\I. F. Erwin. Parisian gas burn- ers for various departments.. 28 00 Smith -Morgan Prtg. Co.. print- ing and binding April and 20 00 \iay pamphlets Smith-'lorgan Prtg. Co., sup- plies for City election . 1 15 Eichhorn & Bechtel. lamps and 8 to oil for City election • supplies. Eichhorn & Bechtel.i 65 for City Hall Pape & Jacquinot. plumbing at Jackson park McDermott & Gow, repairing fountain on Southern avenue J. B. \1 onIicth. repairing foun- tain on I)ad e street •••• J. Butt. repairs for Eighth street fountain hardware ........... L. Lindenberg, nd grass seed, Washington park. G. \W. Healey & Son, hardware and supplies. park ........ H\. Fitzgerald. repairing benches for vari0us parks ' ' . W. C. Kennedy, painting benches for various parks.... A. Doerr, Sr.. hauling benches for various parks ........... G. Holl, sharpening lawn mow- ers. Jackson park ............ J. F. Ris & Bro., chains and cups for drinking fountains . Harger & Blish, stationery and supplies for various offices .. G. F. Klein. hardware and sup- plies for Expense e ar hunk ent Palmer, Berg k books and stationery for var- 20 80 20 8o 25 00 20 8o 20 8o 20 So 20 8o 19 20 335 50 5 45 77 70 5 80 I0 IO 24 03 4 _o 4 95 2 40 9 60 16 55 lolls departments J. \W. \Wittmcr, drugs and sup- plies for City Ilall and Police department P. Even, coal scales Dentkier Bros, for City Ilall Farlcy-I. ietscher \Ifg. Co.. moulding for Audit, or's office N. Menzel• carpenter work in Auditor's office G. W. Ica lev & Sin. new tools and hardware. Road depart- ment G. F. Klein. hardware and new tools, Road department W. Baumgartner. hardware and new tolls, Road department \I art in-Strelau Co.. hauling pipe. Road department Pitts-Th.)11ips in Foundry Co, manhole covers and rings. Road department Rumpl-Frudden Lumber Co, lumber for Road and Special Sidewalk departments Ott. Mouser I.nntber Co., b l- ber for Road and Special Sidewalk department T. J. \1ulgremv. sewer pipe for Road department Ll. Galle. sawing Road department Pirington Brick Paving Co., paving brick for Road de- partment J. Keele. gravel for Road de- partiiient J. Butt. repair:; for Road and Sprinkling departments F. Schloz. & Son. repairs for Road and Sprinkling depart- ments A. A. Brown. repairs for Road department Pape & Jacaluinot, repairs for Rock Crusher P. Pier, coal for Steam Roller and Rock Crusher J. Sutherland. pine wood Steam Roller G. Ragatz. & Son. repairs new Steam Roller G. Ragatz & Son. repairs old Steam Roller G. Ragatz & Son. repairs Rock Crusher \\' \larshall. repairs for Rock Crusher Standard Oil Co., oil for Rock Crusher Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co, supplies for Rock Crusher and Sprinkling department F. Sieg. rock for Rock Crusher A, Sieg, rock for Rock Crusher P. Even, rock for Rock Crusher J. McGrath. rock for Rock Crusher J. & D. McGrath, rock for Rock Crusher F. Burns. rock for Rock Crusher I O0 for First ward I dozen brooms I 50 4 20 22 85 I2 I5 wood for 75 50 6 25 75 2 45 25 19 8o 10 50 II 05 5 45 3 50 17 00 43 90 55 30 22 00 100 196 00 for for for for 125 7 8o II 10 75 2 95 102 35 4 50 14 55 38 15 5 00 I 00 3 70 16 00 9 00 73 00 4 00 51 00 206 00 2 00 176 List of Warrants. P. 1iorch, rock for Rock Crusher D. McGrath, rock for Rock Crusher M. I igges, rock for Rock Crusher Royce & Frost, rock for Rock 8o 00 Crusher J. Heck. rock for Rock Crusher 25 50 Trenk \Vire Works, wire for Sprinkling department G. Ragatz & Son, repairs for Sprinkling department ... 7 35 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., couplings for Sprinkling de- partment L. Lindenberg, pad locks and tools for Sprinkling depart- mI 25 ent Austin -Western Co., 300 lbs. hickory fibre for Street Sweeper T. F. Kane, hay and oats for Fire department 87 95 F. A. Miller. 2 dozen dusters for Fire department 5 00 Eichhorn & Bechtel, bran for Fire department 110 G. Ragatz & Son, repairs for Fire department 145 McDonald -Morrison Mfg. Co, brass casting for Fire depart- ment Wunderlich & \V'iederholt, horse shoeing for Fire department Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., mrzzle for Fire department. J.:\. Palen. drugs and supplies for Fire department T. H. Clark, drugs and supplies for Fire department Ott. Meuser & Co., shavings for Fire department Key City Gas Co., coke for Fire department Key City Gas Co., rental of gas arcs for Fire department i o0 Dubuque Mattress Factory, mattresses for Fire depart- ment 5 70 American Fire Engine Co., sup- plies for Fire department3 20 American La France Fire En- gine Co., supplies for Fire de- partment to 30 McDermott & Gow, plumbing at Central Engine House Kaep & Buechele, police hel- mets, hats, I chief's and I cap - tam's cap and 3 dozen gloves for Police department 88 40 G. F. Kleih, hardware for Police and Sewer department A. R. Knights, i police stari 50 T. F. Kane, hay delivered at patrol house F. Frohm. carpenter work at patrol house Saunders Meat Co., meat for Matron's department A. Fluetsch, milk tickets for Matron's department I 00 Eichhorn & Bechtel, groceries and supplies for Matron's de- partment 5 00 50 00 8 oo So 5 00 18 00 175 7 25 75 32 60 29 75 6 00 25 90 95 7 45 9 95 28 80 3 60 14 00 Schneider & Kleih, sausage for Matron's department 5 05. H. Schmidt. sawing wood for Matron's department 175 G. Ragatz & Son, repairs for Sewer department 5 65. National Demokrat, official printing for May 25 00 G. F. Kleih, hardware for En- gineer's department 190 Smith -Morgan Prtg Co., blank stationery for Engineer's de- partment 2 50 J. Hartig, repairs for Engineer's department 2 75 Union Electric Co., arc lights for May •••2045 77 Jas. Street, estimate construct- ing sanitary sewer in South Alpine street 589 40 Steuck & Linehan, grading Ard- more Terrace 61 20 Steuck & Linehan, estimate for improving Ardmore Terrace. 616 05 H. Brinkman. excavation per- mits redeemed 95 00 H. Brinkman, interest paid on warrants outstanding 446 65 H. Brinkman. freight charges, 64 34 Road FT. Brinkman. freight charges, Fire H Brinkman, express charges Expense H. Brinkman, postage stamps. Expense H. Brinkman, Library orders paid 8" 43 Peter Dax, macadam 23 45 Mich. Donnegan, macadam 13 35 Tim Kelly, macadam 20 So \Vnt. \lcDerniott, macadam8 So Chas. Reilly, macadam 18 40 Pat Fury. macadam >> 70 John McGee, macadam . 13 45 Jas. O'Shea, macadam 13 70 Mike Shea, macadam IS 25 Labor on streets in the different districts for the first half of June, 1904: J. Albrecht, 2nd to 8o E. Amanda, 2nd 8 8o A. Alderson, 3rd 9 45 John Burns, 1st 4 05 Tos. Brouillette, 1st 4 05 Chas. Buse, 2nd 7 45 J. Brachtenbach, znd II 50 M. Boyle, 2nd 17 to Paul Becker. 3rd 12 85 D. J. Brightbill, 3rd . 6 10 Jos. Brown, 1st, $1.75; 2nd, $2.60; 3rd, 85c Mike Cain, 1st W. Coughlin, 1st Tas. Callahan, 1st John Corbett, 2nd D. Corcoran, 2nd John Cahill. 2nd Jas. Connolly, 1st, $4.40; 2nd, $8.75: 3rd, $4.40 H. Cosgrove, 1st, $6.65; 2nd, $io.00; 3rd, $3.35 John Dougherty, 1st T. Donahue, 1st, $4.40; 2nd, 150 150 IO 00 5 20 8 ro I0 15 20 00 to 8o 7 45 14 90 17 55 20 00 6 75 List of Warrants. $8.75; 3rd, $44 John Egaii, 1st John Ess, 2nd John Engels, 2n1 Pat Farrell, 211d Frank Frick, 2nd John Flynn, 3rd Peter Gregory, 1st Pat Grue, 1st Barney Glass, 1st Pat Gilloon, 1st Jos. Gavin, 1st H. Galle, 2nd A. Gantenbein, 2nd Jos. Grab. znd. C. Gantenbein, 211(1 C. Grucnzig, 3rd. Thos. Hackney. 1st. John Hafey, 1st. Phil Hensc, 211(1. A. Henderson. 2n(1. Ambrose I 1 ird. 3rd. Jake Hanson, 3rd. James Ilird. 3rd. Peter Jacol,s, 211(1. 211(1. John 1:ncss, 211(1. n Nic Kette'lofen, 211d. Jake Kraus. 211d. John belly, 3rd., \Vest St J. Kinsella• 2nd. Bob Love. 1st Mart. L.onergan, 1st. Pat T.ynch, 2nd. W. Lillig. 211(1. ... D. Lillig• 211d. H. I.embke, 2nd. \V. Loner<_ran, 2nd. M. Lavin. 1st. John Mullen, 1st. .. George Moore, 1st Toni Milloy. 1st Jos. \lartinek. 3rd. John \lcGee. I st Pat. McMullen, I,t. Bart. McDonnell, P. McPoland, 3rd. Chas. McDonough, 3rd. John McNulty, 1st. James McCormack, 1st. C. Natick,W. O'Brien, 1st Jas. Powers. 1st J. Perion, 2nd John PParker, 3rd J. Pfeiffer W. Quinlan, 1st James Ryan, 1st Mat. Raishek, 2nd Chas. Reinfrank, 20(1 Jos. Rooney, 1st Dan Sheehan, 1st 0 178 io51 9 45 22 50 4 05 4 05 135 6 75 8 10 8 8o 6 75 20 00 8 10 13 16 20 OC 5 40 50 20 35 I 35 11 4 05 14 85 4 50 18 00 12 15 Io 8o II 50 4 05 8 to 6 75 18 00 8 00 8 io 4 05 14 00 540 6 75 6 30 17 55 7 45 8 IO 6 75 14 85 8 io to So 30 00 4 05 4 50 20 00 18 90 5 25 20 00 8 10 8 Io 16 20 12 15 I7 55 8 Io 5 40 6 75 22 50 3 50 6 15 2 70 8 8o 177 \V. \\'earnlouth, 3rd 20 00 George Zumhoff, 2nd 18 00 Adam Zingel, 3rd 8 to TEAMS Frank Burns. znd J. Berwanger, 211(1 F. G. Becker. 1st Josh Calvert. 1st John Calvert, 1st A. Conrad. znd Ben Cain, I ct J. Evans. 2nd M. Hannan, annan, I st J. TTaudcnschicld, 2nd Peter 11 or••tl, 2114 J. 1-f uffnlire. 1st. $9.15; 2nd, $18.30; 3rd, $9.15 John Lenihan, 1st John Long. 21111 \V. Maher. 1st Frank Mathis, 1st Martin (\ Strclau, 2nd John \Inlgrew, 3rd J. J. NIcCollins, 1st, $3.45; 3rd, $3.6o C. \IcFlrat h. 2nd I'alcy, 21111 George Revmdds, 2Iu1. $18.45; 301, $9.20 3(i 85 Ed. Seeley, 1st 4(' 80 Adam Stoltz, znd .39 60 Jerry Sullivan, 2nd. $14.25; 3rd. Zogg, 2nd $33.05 '7 30 41.40 Tames n, 3rd 13 (i0 \L Labor on Sewers for the first half of June• 1904: 2080 P. Casscrly, labor 20 R0 J. Corcoran, labor T. Haggerty. foreman 25 00goJ. Jellison. labor .. 220 08o Jos. Kiang. labor 20 Rn P. Kenncally. labor20 80 C. Sullivan. labor 20 80 L. Zemanek, labor C. H. Berg. Mayor, personal damages in case of Lottie 5(5 65 Walker vs. City Globe -Journal, official printing- for rinting I(>< 70 for April and May Telegraph -Herald, official print- ing for April 68 Towa Telephone Co., telephones for various departments Dubuque Water Works Trus- tees. water for sprinkling pur-2000 00 poses B. B. Richards. grading side- walk on Bluff street abutting 5 50 his property I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of he month war- rantss issued by of June, 1904. -C. F. Arendt, City Recorder. W. Sheridan, 1st Aug. Soyke, 2nd John Sloan, 2nd C. Slloll, 2nd.... Frank Scherr, 2nd John Schemmel, 2nd Louis Smith, 3rd......... Nick Sweeney, 1st John Tashner, 3rd W. Welsh, 1st.. • • • • Clifford Wilbur, 2nd W. D. Wilbur, 2nd 8 to 20 00 ,. 4 05 ...... 1 35 ...... 17 55 2 70 ...... 8 I0 9 90. 20 00 $43.05: 2nd, 1st, $9.20; 72 So 20 70 39 zo 21 60 10 8o 45 ('o 40 40 43 zo 43 60 ,34 20 32 40 36 (io 48 00 38 So 9 60 7 20 12 60 25 20 5o 10 32 40 10 So 33 05 178 Official Notices NOTICE OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT. Notice is hereby given to • all concerned that a special assessment will be levied to pay for the construction of a 10 and 8 - inch Tile Pipe Sanitary Sewer in Dodge Street, from Bluff Street to Grandview Avenue, Jas. Noonan, Contractor. Amount of special ;iss,cenient, $3,2.19.10, against the abutting property upon and along said .sewer, as provided by law. at a session of the City Council to be held August 415, 1904. And that there is a plat and schedule on tile in the office of the City Recorder of said City of Dubuque. showing the street, or :. p o•t thereof in which said 1, instructc•il. and the Sep. t•t;.. I reels of ground and s ,e'itied portV! -- thereof subject to as- sn i t , improvement, the names far as peach •able. and s=essi' l against edea Int or gn.und. which plat and .sc1a :iit ;orbit; tt:siatetintt. Am! ii .II ; rsn::s oltjcc•ling to ...i ti ns. .--ii. nt itsaid pi.t: must lilt his or theft oat, tri .n in writing with t: 'tly Record,: - rid City of l)nhuilot• un or before - ill - ssinn of the city Council to he 11.1,1 .Ai;; 1st -tlh. 1901. or to appear :it said s...ci-.;: of the Coun- t it to show cause, if pity puu save. why asses.,met;t should not 1).2 levied. Itttta.i iluhti tie. Iowa, July 20th, 1904. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. NoTIcE IDI' SI'I';CI.\t, ASSESSMENT. Notre.' is h.•reby given to all concerned th.tl :t s ..I assessment will be levied to ,ray f v ih.e construction of an S -inch Tile s !Hilary Sewer in White Street, ft oat V ul.• I int Avenue to Sanford Street. M. Contractor. Amount of sty . i ,1 a.,s. scment, $700.16. against the ahnl•ii.' property upon and along said sewer. ,ts provided by law. at n session of the City t'on:neil to be held August 4111• 1901. And that utero is a plat and schedule tile in the office of the City Recorder of said City of Dubuque. showing the street, or n part thereof in which said :,ewer Itis Iron constructed. and the sep- nate lots and parcels of ground and spc eitie.l p .rtions thereof subject to as- sesemeat of such improvement. the names of the utvt:ers as far as praotirntde. and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel of ground. which plat and schedule is subject to pultli:• inspection. And that any and all persons objecting to soil special assessment of said plat mus: lit.• his or their ohjeetiot in writing with the City Iien of -c of said City of l uhugne un or hefor•' ',Oil session of the city council to b.• held August 4th, 1904. or to appear at Said s, scion of the Coun- cil to show cause, if any you have. why said assessment should not he levied. I.iled Dubuque, Iowa, July 25th. 1904. C'. F. ARENDT, 7-25-3t City Recorder. NOTICE TO SEWER CONTRACTORS, Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Recorder until 7:30 o'clock p. m. Thursday, July 21st, 1904, for the construction of an S -inch Tile Pipe Sanitary Sewer in Grandview Avenue. from manhole in Dodge Street to the center of North Street, according to the plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the of - lice of the City Recorder. it i.; estimated b ythe City Engineer that it will require 810 lineal feet of 8 -Inch Tile Pipe and 3 manholes. The work to be paid for when said work is completed and accepted by the City Council. the sane to he completed on or before the 1st day of September, 1901. Bidder must state price per lineal foot for Tile Pipe. and each manhole. :\:1 bids must be accompanied by a certified check for $50.00 on some Duhu.lue Rack. as a guarantee that a contract will be en- tered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. idled at Dubuque, Jul, 1;'h. 1901. 7_1 ;_2t City F,,cnt'cler. NOT1C1? 1212 '1'111? t'i'll- COUNCIL'S IN'TEN'TION 1211 t't iNs'l'Rt'C'1' A FI )l'lt le( t'KOlENT SIDEWALK ON LANt;- \\'Iti:'filY AVENCE. FR(15i ROOI';1 S'TRt:E'l' TO 1111.1. STREET. Tn All Whom it Slay Concern: You and each of you :ire hetely not fled .tfled that it is the intention of the t't;y Council of the City if Dubuque to con- struct a folir. foot cement si lewallt ' r, Langworthy Avenue. from Itt-co:h Street to Hill Street. That a plat and specification of said proposed im tint• 'meat is now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimnh.t by the City Engineer that said improvement will rcgnire 10.206.1 square fe. t of eeMent walk, it an esti- mated cost to the property holders of $1.120.91. Any pot: -on ;racing objections to the construction of said cement sidewalk are hereby notitted to appear in person he - fore the City Council at its regular ses- sion July 21st. 1904, or to filo in writing with the City Recorder their objections 611 c,r ti'fore July 21st. 1904. Dated at Dubuque. July 11th, 1901. C. F. .\RENDT. 7-14-3t ('its Recorder. LIST OF CITY WARANTS. City Recorder's Office, Dubuque, I t., July let, 1904. To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—The following is a com- plete list of warrants issued by me on various funds during the month of June. 1904: Expense $2,907 30 Road—First District 2,564 37 Second District 4,2.'56; 27 Third District 1.175510 Fire 2,651 90 Police 2,390 30 Sewerage 402 40 Printing 259 85 Engineer 207 70 Street Lighting 2.045 77 Interest 446 65 Board of Health 463 00 Grading 61 20 Special Bonded Assessment 1,205 10 Repairing 57 45 Special Sewer Fund 84 05 Library 822 43 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list of all warrants issued by me on various Funds during the month of June, 1904. C. F. ARENDT, 7 -26 -It City Recorder. Official Notices. 179 nil f'iCIAL PUBLICATION. :\N ORDINANCE. AN ORi'IN.\NCE, FOR THE VACATION OF CUt .\R STREET FROM EiGll'I'lI I STREET 'I'O THE ALLEY BE'r\vEI•:N SEVENTH AND EIGHTH STREET'S IN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE. Whereas, the Union Electric Company. a corporation organized under the laws of Iowa. has petitioned the City Council of the City of Dubuque for the vacation and annullment of Cedar Street from Eighth Street to the alley between Seventh and Eighth Streets in the City of Dubuque, being the ground lying between Lot 33, in Block 12. and Lot 1, in Block 14, of Dubuque Harbor Improvement Com- pany's Addition to the City of Dubuque, and Whereas, the said Union Electric Com- pany is the owner in fee simple of all the real estate abutting said portion of said Cedar Street and needs said portion of said street hi connection with its said abutting property for its proposed new electric power station and plant required by the increased demands of this city and its residents, and Whereas, by direction of the City Coun- cil of the Cite of Dubuque the City En- gineer has made a plat of and showing said portion of said street proposed to be vacated. and filed the same in his office suhj,•et to public inspection, and clue no- tice has heen given to all abutting prop- erty owners and ten days' notice of said proposed vacation has been published in the official paper of the city, and the proposed action has been submitted to the City Council at two regular sessions, and Whereas, it appears that no valid ob- jections have been made to the vaca- tion of said portion of said street. ant said above described portion of said street is not required for street pUi't(5 •s: Therefore, be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Duhn'toe: Section 1. That Cedar Street, from Eighth Street to the alley hr'twuen S 'v enth and Eighth Streets in the City of Dubuque. being the ground lying between Lot 33, in Block 12. and Lot 1. in Block 14, of Dubuque harbor improvement Com- pany's Addition to the City of Dubuque be and the same is hereby vacated and annulled tad the permanent use thereof is hereby granted to the Union Electric Company. and its successors and assigns as a part of the ground to be 11 -cd and occupied by its said electric works and plant. Sec. 2. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its pas• sage and publication one time in the Du- buque Globe -Journal, official paper of the City of Dubuque. Adopted June ;Gth, 11e4. Approved June 21st, 19441.BERG. Attest: C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Published Officially in the Dnbudu Daily Globe -Journal June 30th. 1904. C. F. AREND•i'. 6-30-ItCity Recorder. _ NOTICE TO PRINTERS. Sealed bids will be received at the mayor's office, City Hall, up till 4 o'clock p. tn. Wednesday, July loth, 1904, for printing and binding 300 copies of the annual report of the Mayor. finance committee. Bidders will state the price per page. further informa- tion can be obtained from the com- mittee clerk at the Mayor's ,,trice. CO\I\IITTEEON FINANCE. 7-14-3t LIST OF CITY \VAR.\NTS. City Recorder's Office. Dubuque, 1a.. June 1st. 1904. To the Honrahle Mayor and City Council of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The following is a com- plete list of all warrants issued on the various funds by me during the month of May. 1904: Expense Road -First District Road -Second District Road -Third District Fire Police Sewerage Printing . Engineer Street Lighting interest Board of Health Bee Branch \l hunt Carmel Ave. Grading. . Sidewalk Repairing Special Sewer Fund Loan Library I hereby certify that the foregoing is a contract list of all warrants issued by me on various funds during the month of May. 1904. F. Arendt. 6 24 -It City Recorder. $2,205.40 1,464.78 2,577.17 1,021.90 2,741.65 2,167.55 374.05 25.00 194.60 2,045.77 963.17 161.00 3.00 I.I0 101.45 852.40 250.00 706.35 OF1 1('I.\1. 1'1'lil 1C.\'I'IUN• AN oRDINANcE. AN O1tDIN.AN('1; Ult.ANt'IN(i To THE MORRIS -.11 ii hNr(!N-I:It(t\\'N N1 EG. CO., IN('ORI'Olt.\'i't'.Ii. 'I'll l': RIM I'I' 'I'C LAY AND (•,(NS'I'Itl('I' A SIDETRACK ON. ()VER. AND .\I.oNO NINTll STREET. F10(.\I 'flip: ('.. M. ,C ST. P. RAIZ.\\'.\Y 'I'ltAcKS EASTERLY TO '1'111: END Or SAID NINTH STREET. Be It ((rdainu,l by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That permission Lo and is heret,y granted to the Morris -Johnson - Brown Mfg. Co.. i n'lct l ( t i l.r toted y m i construct a vg Ninth Street, from the C.. M. & St. P. 'Railway tracks ea.stm rly to he e dusaid Ninth Stru t. said work to he 1 the supervision of the Street Committee and the City Engineer. Section 2. That this Ordinance shall be in force from and aft'•r its adoptionntlby by the City Council and one 1 ublthereof in the official newspapers of the City of Dubuque. Adopted June 2nd. 1904. Approved June 8tCh.II9 i. Mayor. Attest: C. F. AtCi REy N Dordcr. Published Officially in the 30th, Dubuque Daily Glol.e-Journal 4. C. F eARENDT, 6-30-1t City Recorder 180 Official Notices OFFICI:\I, I'I'Iti.It'A'I'ION. AN ORDINANCE. AN r)ItirINA NCP: GRA N'I'INI; CERTAIN AliltI'I'IttNAL ItIt:ll'I'r TO THE I'NItaN I;l,t: Tltlt' ((Cdl'ANY. 1:e It Undained by ta' City Council of the city of Dubuque: Section 1. That in addition to the rights and privi- leges now possessed by the Union Elec- tric Co., for the use and operation of its lines of street railway in the City of Du- buque. tba•re is hereby granted a single ra' k railway, commencing at the inter - a ction of Twenty-fourth and Washington Streets in the City of Dubuque. and tit ace running westerly along Twenty- fourth Street to the intersection of said street with Couler Avenue in said City, said line to be so constructed as to be connected with the tracks of said railway company on Jackson Street and Couler Avenue, ;and as nearly in the center of Twenty-fourth Street as practicable. Section I1. Said truck on 'Twenty-fourth Street shall he used and operated by said Union Elec- tric Company 1n Connection with their other lines, only for the purpose of trans- porting people to and from the base ball park on 'Twenty-fourth and Washington Streets, dining the base ball seasons. Whenever said Base ball park shall be discontinued to be used for a base ball par k. I be track, allowed to be construct- ed be this Ordinance, shall be taken on by tb • Mecca Railway Company and the SIU. et put in g,eid condition for travel. at its expense. No cars shall be allowed to .stand b 't W(.011 Jackson Street and Couler Avenue to wait for passengers. Section III. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its publication in the Dubuque Daily Globe -Journal. Adopted June 16th, 1904. Approved June 21st, 1904. C. H. BERG, Mayor. Attest: C. F. ARENDT, ' City Recorder. Published Officially in the Dubuque Daily Globe -Journal June 30th, 1904, C. F. ARENDT, 6 -30 -It City Recorder. trI1ICl:\1. PUBLICATION. AN ORDINANCE. AN iitl'INANCE REPEALING SEC- TIHN s tel CHAPTER XXVII. OF THE t:t:VISI•:!) ORDINANCES OF 1901 OF 'I'llE LI'I'Y OF DUBUQUE, AND FIX- ING '1'111: COMPENSATION OF THE .\Il:Ml:Elts OF THE FIRE DEPART - \I ENT. II.• It Enacted by the City Council of the Cite of Dubuque: ... lion 1. That Section 8 of Chapter XXVII. of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of hi City of Dubuque be and the same le n'.y repealed. Section 2. That from and after March 1. 1!K5, the compensation of the members of the Fire Department shall be as fol- lows: Chief. $100; Assistant Chief, $70; Engineers, $75; Captains and Drivers of three -horse hitch, $65; Stokers and Driv- ers of two -horse hitch, $60 per month. Pipemen and truckmen during the first year's service shall be paid at the rate of $50 per month; during the second year of continuous service, at the rate of $55 per month; during the third year of con- tinuous service, and thereafter at the rate of $60 per month. Section 3. This Ordinance to take effect and be in force from and after March 1, 1905. after its passage and publication one time in the Dubuque Daily Globe -Journal Newspaper. Adopted July 7th, 1904. Approved July 12th, 1904. C. H. BERG, Mayor. Attest: C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Published officially in the Evening Globe -Journal July 19th, 19 04. C. FARENDT, 7-19-1t City Recorder. NOTICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTENTION TO CONSTRUCT A SANITARY SE\\'ER IN GRANDVIE\V AVENUE. FROM MANHOLE IN DODGE SREET TO THE CENTER OF NORTH STREET. To All Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are berehy 'wa- lled, that :t is the intention ,.f the City Council of the City of Dubuque to Con- struct an S -inch Tile Pipe Sanitary Sewer in Grandview Avenue, from manhole in Dodge Street to the center of North Street. That a plat and specifications of said proposed Sewer is now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said Sewer will he S10 lineal feet in length. including 3 Manholes, and will cost the abutting property owners $625.00 in total. Any person having objections to the construction of said Sanitary Sewer are hereby notit'ed to appear bef,,re the City Council at its regular session July 7th, 1904, or to Tile in writing with the City Recorder their objections on or before July 7th, 1904. Dated at Dubuque. June 30th. C. F. ARENDT, 6-30-3t City Recorder LEGAL. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To All Who Are Named Below: You are hereby notified that in accord- ance with an ordinance of the City of Dubuque for repairing sidewalks in the month of June, 1904, that a special as- sessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the regular meeting of the City Council upon all lots and parcels of land on said improvement, owned by you being subject to such special assess- ment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the council to be held on the 4th day of August, A. D., 1904, and show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. Marg. Linehan, Sub. 24, Deming & Horr's Sub., lots 1 and 17 $ 75 J. D. Rhomberg and G. S. Kringle, Rose Hill Add., lots 2-3 55 T. Kavanaugh Est., Sub. Min. Lot 22, lot 4 25 Kate Guderian, Cook's Add., N 1/2 lot 35 1 35 Herbert Lundbeck, Cox's Add., lot 30. 65 P. H. Murray, St. Raphael's Add, lot 2 €• E. M. Kringle, Sub. 7, Min. Lot 79, lot 6 40 A. E. Girard, Hodge's Sub., lots 3-455 R. and Edw. Langworthy Est., Glen- dale Add., lot 271 40 F. A. Nesler, Sanford Sub., lot 20 Mrs. J. P. Buehler, Sub. 1, Min. Lot 45 Official Notices. 181 314. lot 3 65 E. G. Winner, Guernsey & Lang - worthy's Sub., lot 6 35 Jno. Buettell Est., Nairn's Add, lot 1 Frank Lanser, Reeder Langworthy's Add., lot 12 Jno. F. Brede, Julia Langworthy's Add., lot 49 J. J. Dunn, City N 2-5 lot 431 W. H. Meuser, Glendale Add., lot 139. John Pier. Sub. City 579. lots 3-4 Edw. Langworthy Est.. Pauline Langworthy's Sub., lot 5 1 SO Hattie E. Pelan, et al., Br:tdstreets' Add., lot 7 40 Pat Hughes, Needham's Sub., lot 1.. 1 40 German Bark, Prospect Hill Add., lots 13-14 65 John J. Keane. City lot 713 85 J. A. Rhoniberg. 1-lam's Add.. lot 20845 Adam Mueller, Sub. 3 Gieei's Sub, lot 10 50 David Lattner, Sub. 3-4, Stafford's 85 SO 30 35 85 95 35 Add., lot S Pat F. Walsh. Porter's Add., S 30 ft lot 12 Geo. Eich horn, East Dubuque Add, lot 111 J. J. Na:_hc. City lot 427 Geo. Salol, M, t'ratley'S 1st Add, lot 51 N . J. Legs. Cook's Add., lot 32 1 30 Chicago G. W. R'?. c'u., Right-of- way Rhomberg 75 W . E. Seats. Prospect Bill .\dd, 40 lot 20 H. Wunderlich, Fortune's Sub., hit 15 30 Mrs. J. V. Bowers. Kiene & Block- linger's Sub.. N 75 ft. lots 1-'41.... 2 50 J. J. Dunn. Kelly's Sub., S 1/2 lot 33.. 40 Mary and Ellen Ryan, Hedley's Sub, 65 lot 6 W. G. Cox. Cox's Add., lot .5 and 1 E 1,4 lot 6 75 Add M. D. Goux, E. Langworthy's ,35 lot 51 Chicago G. W. Ry. Co., Sanford's 90 Sub., lot 60 Geo. Salot, McCraney'S 1st Add, lot 51 65 F. D. and J. H. Stout, City lot 50950 Ruben Lewis. Sub. City 500, lot G 60 John Pier, City lot 578 35 Wm. Lawther and J. V. Rider, Bur- den-Lawther Add.. lots 10 to 16. inc. 1 45 Kunnigunda Forest, City N. M. 1-5, 55 lot 498 F. W. Coates, Trustee, City W. MGO 1/4 lot 500 E. G. Redman, Kiene & Blocklinger's 1 80 Sub., lots 7-S Theresa McDonald, Sub. 2 of 2 of 1, 40 Boxleiter'S Add.. lot 1 Aug. Kaiser, GlendaleeuAdd., of 540 D. C. Phillips,Cit55 663, lot 1 Frank A Scott, Finley's Add., S ?Z 40 lot 154 Ellen O'Halleron, Finley's Add., 5 1/2 45 lot 13 Sub. 1 of Mt. St. Joseph's College,40 Min. Lots 186-187, lot 1 Louis Witter, Tivoli Add., S 1/z lot 1765 Wm. and F. A. Coates, City N 2-5, 85 lot 436 Henry Pfotzer Est., Sub. 42-43, Staf- ford's Add., lot 1 35 Mt. St. Joseph's College, Sub. Min. Lot 191, lit 1 90 Mary A. Flynn, Quigley's Sub. 710, 49 lot6 .................................... ,., Telgeraph-Herald, City \V. 94 ft. of N 1/a lot 100 ........................... 30 65 15 ,5 65 R'm. and F. A. Coates, City N 2-5 lot 436 J. E. Stempfer, Sub. 1, City 674, lot 1 G. M. Orvis, Finley Home Add, lot 11 C. H. Eighmey, Sub. 2 of 8 of Alin. Lot 159, lot 2 Church (Summit Home Add., lot 2 Frank Coates, S. M. Add., lots 49-50-51 Mich. Halpin Est., City 20.5 ft., lot 576 Edw. Langworthy Est.. Pauline Langworthy's Sub., lot 5 Mary and Henry Oser, L. 11. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 84 Minnie and M. A. Kemler, Sub. 4, Ann O'Hare's Sub., lot 1 H. W. Brown. Reche's Sub., lot 17 Al. Matthews, City N , N 1-5, lot 451 F. W. and Frank Coates, S. M. Langworthy's Add. 1, lot 42 A. A. Cooper, Sub. Out Lot 700, etc, lots 2-3 Ann Collins, City lot 620 Jno. Marzan, E. Langworthy's N 35 ft. lot 45 Cong.), Finley Langworthy's 575i and N Add„ GS 30 65 45 45 1 15 4 15 50 55 40 (t5 50 75 40 1 00 55 Total $54 45 7-25-10t -•---sl v ; t '/ . 1G Regular Session August 4, 1904. 183 CITY COMM Regular Session. August 4th, 1904. (Official.) Council met at 8:3o o'clock P. M. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Aids. Clancy. Corrance. Frith, Jones. Lyons and Stumpf. Absent—None. Ald. Corarnce moved that the Coun- cil Proceedings for the month of July be approved as printed. Carried. BILLS. The following bills were ordered paid: L. Daily. cleaning around Mar- ket Square $ 28 00 F. P. Hayes. hoard of prisoners for July 9 20 T. E. Frith. removing garbage and dead animals for July389 48 W. Foster. inspector on San- ford Street sewer 6 15 P. J. Schuler. inspector on Bee Branch sewer 19 20 P. Jacobs. rock for Rock Crush - 67 50 er A. P. Abeln. abstract of pro- posed canal. being part of Cong. lot 8. Sec. 19. T. 89. N. R. 3 E 50 00 Kelley's Book Store. stationery and supplies for various offices 6 75 G. B. Grosvenor Co.. toilet pa- 6 75 per. City Hall Jas. Levi & Co.. matting. Coun- cil Chamber J. Beach & Son. soap. City Hall 1 40 C. O. D. Laundry. towels and racks. April. May. June and 16 00 July S. I. Mould. photos of alley crossing on Francis Street... 8 00 W. \V. Whelan. grinding lawn mower. Washington Park.... A. Doerr. Sr.. hauling at Jack- son Park Pape & Jacquinot. plumbing at Jackson Park F. Burns. hauling tool boxes for parks McDonald & Morrison. supplies for Jackson Park ............ . Key City Gas Co.. gas for var- ious departments J. P. Buechele & Co.. taking care of Town Clock.......... B. Lagen. carriages for City Council. • • • • • ' ....Aid.... J. J. Murphy, draping Mc- Laughlin's desk • • • . Midland Chemical Co., disinfec- tine. City Hall ............... West Disinfecting Co.. disinfec- tine. City Hal&...Sons, new G. \V. Healey tools. Road Dept• • • • F. Schloz & Son. repairsRoad Dept........ ..... 100 100 G. F. Kleih. new tools, Road Dept W. B. Baumgartner. new tools. Road Dept Smedley Steam Pump pairs Road Dept P. J. Seippel. lumber. Dept Morrison -Johnson -Brown wood. Road Dept C. Matz. repairs for Road and Fire Depts 30 75 T. J. itlulgrew. cement. Road Dept 5 50 P. Lang. new tools. Road Dept 1 75 C. Giese. filing saws. Road Dept So J. Duggan. repairs. Road Dept 16 40 F. \l Jaeger & Co.. dynamite and fuse. Road Dept 23 45 Linehan & Molo, cement. Road Dept 5 25 Pitts -Thompson Foundry Co manhole covers and rings. Road Dept. 12 50 Dubuque Turbine and Roller Mill Co.. asphalt varnish Road Dept 50 G. Ragatz & Son, repairs for Steam Roller and Rock t1 90 Crusher Standard Oil Co.. oil for Steam Roller and Rock Crusher.... 19 10 Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co.. difference in hose re- placed for Rock Crusher 6 00 P. Pier. coal for Rock Crusher 52 05 Wunderlich & Wiederholt. horse 65 shoeing for Fire Dept 7 Collings & Pfiffner. horse shoe- ing for Fire and Police Depts 28 75 G. Lear. horse shoeing for Fire 4 25 and Road Depts P. Heller. horse shoeing for Fire and Road Dept 9 50 Ott. Meuser & Co.. shavings for 6 00 Fire Dept T. F. Kane. hay and oats for 363 30 Fire Dept F_llwanger Bros., repairing har- ness for Fire and Road Depts 10 55 F. 7_ehetner, repairs for Fire 2 Dept 20 Dubuque Oil Tank Line. oil for Fire and Rock Crusher Depts 9 40 W. H. Torbert. drugs and sup- 2 25 plies for Fire Dept P. Lang. hardware for Fire Dept ...... ......... . J. Newman. repairs for Fire 7 Dept qo Key City Gas Co.. coke and gas 29 50 arcs for Fire Dept Grigg. Cain & Co.. carpenter repairs for Fire Dept 7 50 Ellwanger Bros., repairing har- ness for Patrol Team G. F. Kleih. hardware for Pa- trol House T. F. Kane. hay and oats for 27 90 Patrol House Pape & Jacquinot. plumbing for Ito Patrol House J. Huffmeier, hauling at Patrol 1 So House .............. 2 55 50 Co.. re - 2 90 Road 61 20 Co., 5 90 5 55 2 50 • 20 75 5 00 96 75 16 00 5 50 12 50 26 25 9 25 9 05 145 184 Regular Session August 4, 1904. Dubuque Woodenware & Lum- ber Co., shingles at Patrol House T. F. Fay. painting and extra Io8 50 work at Patrol House Eichhorn & Bechtel. groceries and supplies for Matron Dept Saunders Meat Co.. meat for Matron Dept A. Flnetsch, milk and eggs for Matron Dept F. M. Jaeger & Co.. hardware for Sewer Dept Union Electric Co.. arc lights for July Globe -Journal, official printing for July 56 40 National Demokrat. official printing for July 25 00 Linehan & Molo, sewer pipe and cement, Bee Branch 44 95 Tihey Bros., estimate on Bee Branch sewer 2554 Ott, Meuser & Co.. lumber for Special Sidewalk Dept 27 85 Brown & Brown. estimate on Sanford Street Storm Water Sewer 33o 00 Purington Paving Brick Co paving brick for Road Dept202 70 7 50 7 85 5 25 3 65 I 00 2059 52 05 J. Newman & Son, repairs for Sprinkling Dept..... G. Ragatz & Son, repairs for Sprinkling Dept.... 2 35 On motion both bills were referred to committee on Sprinkling. 75 PETITIONS AND COMMUNICA- TIONS. Petition of Rich. 0. Chaney in rela- tion to the City of Dubuque forfeiting its rights in the property known as the Water Level, was referred to the Fin- ance committee and City Attorney. Petition of P. F. Ryder et al., asking that Pierce street be put in a passable condition, was referred to Street com- mittee and 'City Engineer. Petition of Chas. Falkenhainer, ask- ing permission to lay a 4 -foot sidewalk abutting his property on Booth street. Also pettiion of John Pier, asking that the special assessment as levied against City Lot 578 for cleaning snow and ice from sidewalk, be ordered can- celled. On motion both petitions were re- ferred to the committee on Streets and Sidewalk Inspector. Petition of Fire Chief Reinfried, no- tifying the Council to put two (2) Fire Escapes on the City Hall, referred to committee on Public Grounds and Buildings. Pettiion of Mrs. V. Klein, asking for the cancellation of her taxes for the year 1903 on lot 143, East Dubuque Add. Also petition of Mrs. Sophia Demp- sey, asking that her taxes be canceled on lot 2. Sub 34 and 35. Levens' Add., for the year 1903. On motion both petitions were re- ferred to the Delinquent Tax commit- tee. Petition of the Iroquois Pearl But- ton Co.. asking that their personal taxes be ordered canceled for the year 1903. Also petition of Mrs. Eva Meyer, asking that the taxes be reduced on her homestead, corner of Seventeenth and Jackson streets. Both petitions referred to Board of Equalization and City Assessor. Petition of Mrs. Mary Faust. ask- ing that she be exempt of her home- stead from taxation to the amount of $800.00, she being the widow of an honorably discharged Union soldier. On motion was granted. Petition and claim of Helmuth Butt, claiming the sum of $to.00 on account of having his mustard and millet de- stroyed by a city employee, which was sowed on lot, corner Tenth and Bluff streets. Also claim of Rudolph Bernhard, claiming the sum of $to.000.00 as per- sonal damages sustained by falling on sidewalk on' Kleine street. On motion both petitions and claims were referred to committee on Claims and City Attorney. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Treasurer Brinkman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Below you will find statement of amounts advanced by me during the past month, for which please order warrants drawn in my favor: Excavation Permits redeemed..$ 45 00 Interest paid on warrants out- standing ... 847 00 Freight Charges—Expense 70 New York Exchange expense3 10 Postage Stamps expense Io 00 Freight Charges Road 63 28 08 Library Orders paid $425 8o I also received $16,350 money bor- rowed from different parties. Please order Loan Warrants drawn in their favor. Respectfully, —H. Brinkman, Treasurer. On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts, and the report referred back to the committee on Finance. lZtcgui:tr Session August 4, 1904 185 City Auditor Hoffman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Herewith find my re- port for the month of July, 1904, show- ing the receipts and disbursements for the month: Cash on hand July lst. 1904..$13,847.25 RECEIPTS. Receipts from all sources....$22.897.33 $36.744.58 DISBURSEMENTS. $24.372.67 4,469.74 Warrants redeemed Coupons redeemed Water Works Coupons re- deemed 45.00 $28,887.}1 Cash on hand Aug. 1st. 1904..$ 7,857.17 The above cash balance includes Im- provement Bond Fund, Improvement Bond Interest Fund. orinkling and Library Fund balances. Also report that there is due the City Officers for the month of July. 1904, $2,683.20. Also the following is a record of all Interest Coupons and Bonds redeemed by the City Treasurer during the past month and credited to him. Regular Bond Coupons $3.330.00 Improvement Bond Coupons.. 1.139.74 \Vater Works Bond Coupons. 45.00 $4.514.74 The following list shows the Appro- priations and the amount of Warrants drawn on each fund since the begin- ning of the fiscal year, beginning March 1st, 1904, to August 1st, 1904: Appropriation. Expended. Expense ,, $40,000 $13,536.98 Road—First District 16,000 9,729.29 Second District 20,000 13.391.08 Third District 9,000 5,088.64 Fire 38.000 10,795.65 Police 28,000 5,989.66 Sewerage 5,000 1,585.10 Printing 2,500 714.20 Engineer 2,500 834.64 Street Lighting 25.000 5,183.05 Interest 42,E Board of Health 4,500 1,231.90 Grading .... 4,000 61.20 Bee Branch 8,500 4,842.10 Special Bonded Paving • • 2.000 0 613.50 Judgment 1,898.95 Special Bonded Debt Int.. 4,00030.10 Mt. Carmel Ave. Grading 1,000 Sidewalk Repairing .... 1,000 361.60 Special Sewer Fund 8,000 1,936.60 Grading Bluff Street Ex- tension and Villa Street 1,000 Fifth Ward Engine House 4,000 Total Appropriation $268,000 Respectfully, —F. B. Hoffman, Auditor. Fire Chief Rejoined reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The following is the pay roll of the Fire Department for the month of July. 1904: Amount (Inc Firemen `25o —J. R. Reinfried, Chief.` On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the Firemen and the report referred back to the committee on Fire. Chief of Police Reilly reported as • follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the Police Report for the month of July. tgo4: Total arrests for the month 89 Residents arrested for the month22 Detective Lights i Lndcrs Harbored 10 \ical,i Furnished Cost f Food $9.20 Sheriff dieting Prisoners $i;,.o5 Patrol runs 1786 Miles traveled Also the pay roll for the Policemen for the month of July. 1904: Amount due Policemen $2,072.55 Respectfully submitted, —Thos. Reilly, Chief of Police. On motion the report and pay roll were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the Policemen and the report referred back to the committee on Police. On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the City Officers and the report referred back to the committee on Finance. 46 City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on streets in the dif- ferent districts during the last half of July, 1904: Amount due Streets Laborers on $2,105.15 Respectfully submitted, —James H. Boyce, City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Streets. Also submit my pay roll for labor on Sewers during the last half of July, 1904: Amount Sewers due Laborers on $188.20 Respectfully submitted, —James H. Boyce, City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Sewers. Also submit my pay roll for labor grading Mount Carmel Avenue during the last half of July, 1904: t 20 Amount dRue espe Laborers fully submitted, —James H. Boyce, City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Streets. 2 186 Regular Session August 4, 1904. Also submit my pay roll for labor on Special Sewers during the last half of July. 1904: Amount due Laborers $109.85 Respectfully submitted, --James H. Boyce, City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Streets. On motion the pay rolls for Streets. Sewers and Mt. Carmel Avenue were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts. and the pay rolls referred back to the proper committees. ------- City Electrician Hipman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my report of Defective I Lights from the he month of July. 1904. reports of the Police Department that the total hours that 12 Lamps failed to burn would equal V, Lamp for one month, or $2.70. On motion the report was received and the City Auditor instructed to de- duct from the Union Electric Co.'s bill for the month of July the sum of $2.70. The following \Veighmasters' and Woodmcasurcrs' receipts were referred to the committee on Markets: Frani: P. Hayes. City Hall re- ceipts $15.60 F. Faherty. First Ward Scale re- ceipts 3.88 Louise Pitschner. \Vest Dubuque Scale receipts 1.53 R. Hay. Eighth Street Scale re- ceipts I.3o H. Haubner, Couler Ave. Scale receipts 2.51 C. W. Katz. Woodmeasurers' re- ceipts .95 City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: Herewith attached please find profile showing the proposed change of grade of Fifth street from west line of Alley between Main and Iowa streets. to the east curb of Main street. On motion of Ald. Frith the profile was referred to the City Attorney. to draw up a proper waiver to be signed by the property owners. The City Engineer also reported as follows: Herewith attached please find state- ment of amount of macadam measured, the owners of same, and the amount due. Total amount due $9.40 On notion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts. City Recorder Arendt presented and read the printed notice certified to by the publisher of the Council's intention to levy a special assessment for repair- ing Sidewalks • during the month of June. 1904. No remonstrance being filed, the Mayor asked if anyone present had any objection to said assessment. No ob- jection being stated. the notice on mo- tion was received and filed. Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for Re- pairing Sidewalks during month of Jule, 1904. in front of and adjoining the sante. a Special Tax be and is here- by levied on the several Lots, and Parts of Lots and Parcels of Real Es- tate hereinafter named. situate and owned. and for the several amounts set opposite each Lot or Parcel of Real Estate. as follows: Special Assessment submitted and passed Aug. 4th, 3904. Marg. Linehan. Sub. 11. Deming & Bonn's Sub.. lots 1 and 17 $ J. D. Hhnmherg and H. 5. Kringle, Rose 31111 Add.. lots 2-3 T. I'1avanaugh Est.. Sub. Min. Lot 22, lot 4 Bate Huder:an, Conk's Add.. N 1/2 lot 35 Herbert Lundleck. Cox's Add.. lot 30 P. 1-l. Murray, St. Raphael's Add lot 2 E. M. Kringle, Sub. 7. Min. Lot 79, lot 6 A. E. Gir•urd, I -lodge's Sub.. lots 3-4 R. and Edw. Langworthy Est.. (Hen - dale Add., lot 271 F. A. Nester. Sanford Sub., int 20 Mrs. J. P. Buehler. Sub. 1, Min. Lot 314, lot 3 E. G. Winner, Guernsey & Lang - worthy's Sub., lot 6 Jno. Buettell Est.. Nairn's Add lot 1 Frank Lanser. Reeder Langworthy's Add.. lot 12 Jno. F. Brede. Julia Langworthy's Add.. lot 49 J. J. Dunn. City N ' lot 431 W. H. Meuser, Glendale Add., lot 139. John Pier. Sub. City 579. lots 3-4 Edw. Langworthy Est.. Pauline Langworthy's Sub.. lot 5 Hattie E. l elan, et al., Bradstreets' Add.. lot 7 Pat Hughes. Needham's Sub.. lot 1 German Tank. Prospect Hill Add.. lots 13-14 John J. Keane. City lot 73'' J. A. Rhomberg. Ham's Add.. lot 208 Adam Mueller, Sub. 3 Gieger's Sub, lot 10 David Lattner, Sub. 3-4, Stafford's Add., lot 8 Pat F. Walsh. Porter's Add., 5 30 ft lot 12 Geo. Eichhorn, East Dubuque Add, lot 64 J. J. Nagle, City lot 427 Geo. Salot, McCraney's 1st Add, lot 51 N. J. Loes, Cook's Add., lot 32 Chicago G. W. R'y. Co., Right-of- way Rhomberg Ave W. E. Sears. Prospect Hill Add, lot 20 H. Wunderlich, Fortune's Sub., lot 15 75 55 43 1 35 65 65 40 r5 40 45 65 35 80 30 35 85 95 35 1 80 40 1 40 85 85 45 50 85 65 35 75 65 1 30 75 40 30 Regular Session August 4, 1904. 1-+;" Mrs. J. V. Iowers. 1;1.1e & Elock- City Recorder Arendt also presented linger's Sub.. N ft, lots 1-2-22 H) • and read the printed notice certified to J. J. Dunn. Kelly's 5I1L..s lot 010 by the Publisher. of tin Council's in - Mary and Ellen Ryan. I ledley's Soh tention to levy a special :-sessnlent for lot 6 56, the construction of an 8-inell Tile Pipe 75 Sanitary Sewer in White Street from E 1/2 lot 6 M. D. Goux. E. Lngworthy's Adds, Eagle Point Avenue to Sanbird Street. lot 51 35 No remonstrance being tiled. the CliDago w. RN.. co.. S „ifords Mayor asked if anyone present had any Sub.. lot 60 90 ohiection 0, said special assessinvnt. Geo. Mecrann. 1st Add, No objection being stated the notice. lot 71 65 on motion. was received and filed. F. 1).a and J. Id. Stout. City lot 50950 Ruben Lewis Soh. Cite 500, lot 6 60 John Pier. City lot :tt, 25 AVm. Lawther Orli J. V. Eider. Bur- den_Lawther Add.. lots lo i IS. inc. 1 45 Kunnigunda For,st. City N. M. 1-5 lot 498 55 F. W. Coates. Trustee. City \\', 39 14 lot 505 60 E. G. Redman, Kiene & I:loci:Mutt IS Sub.. lots 7-0 1 00 Theres Alel eialtl. Sub. 2 of 2 ,/ 1, Entileiter's Adds. lot 1 .Aug. Kaiser. I Ilentittle Add., lot 540 D. C. Phillips, Suh, 2 of 1 of City 652. lot 1 55 Frank A Scott. Finley's Add., 5 1,5 Int 151 40 Ellen DHalleron. Finley's Add.. S 1/2 lot 12 47 Alt. St. Joseph's College, Sub. I of Min. Lots 106-10. lot 1 40 Louis Water, Tivoli S 1,. lot 17. 65 Wry. and F. A. Coates. City N 2-5 85 lot 436 Henry Pfotzer Est.. Sub. 42-42. Staf- ford's Add., lot 1 Mt. St. Joseph's College, Sub. Mtn Lot 191, lot 1 Mary A. Flynn. Quigley's Sub. 710. lot 6 Telgeraph-Hernhl. City W. 91 ft. of N lot 100 30 Wrn. and F. A. Coates, City N 2-5 55 lot 436 J. E. Stampfer, Sub. 1, City 674, lot 130 G. M. Orvis, Finley Home Add, lot 13 65 C. H. Eighmey, Sub. 2 of S of Min. 45 Lot 1139, lot ' Church (Summit Cong.), Finley- 45 Home Add., lot ' Frank Coates. S. AL Langworthy's Add., lots 49-50-51 1 15 Mich. Halpin Est., City 575a and N 5 20.5 ft., lot 576 15 Edw. Langworthy Est.. Pauline 70 'W. H. Cox. Cox's Ada., It 5 and Langwitrthy's Sub., lot 5 Mary and Henry Oser, L. H. Lang - worthy's Add., lot S4 Minnie and M. A. Kemler. Sub. 4, Ann O'Hare's Sub., lot 1 40 H. W. Brown. Reche's Sub.. lot 1765 Al. Matthews, City N 1/2, N 1-5, lot 451 50 F. W'. and Frank Coates. S. M. Langworthy's Add. 1, lot 42 75 A. A. Cooper. Sub. Out Lot iftf.i, etc, lots 2-3 40 Ann Collins. City lot 620 1 00 Jno. Ma rzan, E. Langworthy's Add, N 35 ft. lot 45 55 55 Total Ald. Frith moved to adopt the reso lution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy. Corrance. Frith Jones, Lyons and Stumpf. Nays—None. $5545 Whereupon Ald. Lyons offered the following: City of Dubuque: That to pay for constructing an eight -inch Tile Pipe Sanitary Sewer in \Vhite Street from Eagle Point Avenue to Sanford Street. by M. Tschirgi. Jr., contractor. in front of and adjoining the same. a Special Tax be and is hereby levied oil the sev- eral Lots and Parts of Lots ;toil Par- cels °f Real Estate hereinafter named, situate and owned. and for the several amounts set opposite each I.ot or Par- cel of Real Estate. as follows: Special A sessinent submitted and passed :Aug. 4th. i1)04. At. Steil --her Est.. L. II. Lang - worthy's Add.. \V 110 ft. lot 34$ 20 14 Regina Saud. 1,. 11. 1.angworthy•s Add.. E 50 ft. lot 21 7 14 Regina Sand. L. II. Langworthy's Add.. E St t ft., 5 lot 32 3 77 SI. Seheideeker Est.. L. II. Lang - worthy's Add.. 55' 110 ft., S ½ lot 22 551. Seheideeker Est.. L. II. lung- witty's Add., N. W. :111500 ft., lot .r1 7 94 Ni' Lntz. L. II. Langworthy's Add., N S 30580 ft. lot 33 5 364 F. J. Stoltz. L. II. Langworthy's All.. N 2 ft. lot 32 SG E. .1. Stoltz, L. II. Langworthy's Add., S ½ lot :12 13 65 Louis Witter, L. H. Langworilly's Add., N 1/2 lot 22 13 65 C. Ltjkas, L. H. Langworthy's Add.. lot 31 E. Lemblie. L. H. Langworthy's Add.. \\* ii lot 30 15 08 S. l.'nitl' I.. H. Langworthy's Add.. 5 ½ lot 30 F. Woodriell Est., L. H. Lang - worthy's Add.. lot 29 27 30 L. H. bang - worthy's Add., lot 28 Peter Nicks. L. H. LangWorthY's Add.. lot 27 Peter Nicks. I.. H. Langworilly's Add., lot 26 27 30 Peter Nicks, L. H. Langworilly's Add., S 1, lot 25 5 71 B. Flick, L. Langworthy's Ad d, NE lot 25 5 71 Nic Herman, L. H. Langworthy's Add., 55' 1/2 lot 25 15 tIki Martha Zinn., L. H. Langwortfiy's Add., lot 24a 2'7 ?Al 'W . 0. Buesch, L. H. Langworthys Add.. lot 23a 27 30 Anna M. Mayer, L. H. Langworthy's Add., S E 1/2 lot 22a5 71 Minnie Schaefer, L. H. Lang - worthy's Add., N E 1/2 lot ...... o 71 Minnie Schaefer, L. H. Lang - worthy's Add., W 1/2 lot 22a ....... 15 AS 1. It 27 311 11 42 F. Est_ 27 30 27 34 18f+ Regular Session August 4, 1904. Casmb r Fromm, lt. L. H. Lang - worthy's Add.. \V , lot 21a 15 M. Frommel t, L. II. Langworthy's 11 Add., K 1 lot 21a P. tinter, L. II. Langworthy's Add, \\' 70 ft. lot 20a 13 Jos. I de I. L. II. La gw'ort hy's 13 Add.. I: 90 ft. lot 20a F. I' Ininn, L. U. Langworthy's Add.. S 2 ft. lot 21 F. 1 -,.-. Inuro, L. It, Langworthy's Add., N 1/z lot "3 S Aug. 1{wiser, L. It. Langworthy's Add.. s t/i lot 5 11. C. I:twernschild, L. H. Lang - worthy's Add.. lot Marg. 1 d eraser, L. H. Langworthy's Add., N 1/2 lot 21 Sophia Knoernshcild. L. H. Lang - worthy's Add.. S 1/2 lot 21 P. II. E. Sommerfield, L. H. Lang - worthy's Add., N 1,2 lot 20 Chas. Ilollnagle, L. H. Lang- worthys' Add., S 1/2 lot 20 Chas, Ilollnagle, L. H. Lang- w•r.rthy's Add.. lot 19 Chas. Ilollnagle. L. H. Lang - worthy's Add., N 1/2 lot 18 Alois Frominelt. I.. [I. Langworthy's Add., S 1L, lot 18 Alois I rommclt, L. H. Langworthy's Add., N y, lot 16p P. E. Spann Est., L. H. Lang - worthy's Add., N 1/2, S 3Gt lot 16p John Spa hn, L. H. Langworthy's Add., S !i,, S z/.t lot 16p Peter Nicks. L. H. Langworthy's Add.. Iot Un Eliza Nicks Est., L. H. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 121 H.Zernes k. . i.. H. Langworthy's Add., N ! lot 10j C. J. and J. A. Peryon, L. H. Lang - worthy's Add., S 1/2 lot 10j J. B. Meyer, L. H. Langworthy's Add., N 1/2 lot Sh John Stieber, L. H. Langworthy's Add., S 1/2 lot Sh Lena Smith, Sub. 1 of Of, L. H Langworthy's Add., lot 1 Eliza Froehlich, Sub. 1 of 6f, L. H Langworthy's Add., lot 2 Dorotha Klein, Sub. Of, L. H. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 2 Dorotha Klein, L. H. Langworthy's Add:, lot 4d Mathilda Specht, L. H. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 2b S8 42 99 40 37 Of) 90 11 90 5 95 5 95 5 95 5 95 11 90 5 95 5 90 6 S2 10 23 1023 27 30 27 30 13 60 13 60 13 55 13 65 671 696 13 65 27 30 27 30 Total $700 16 Ald Lyons moved to adopt the reso- lution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Jones, Lyons and Stumpf. Nays—None. City Recorder Arendt also presented and read the printed notice certified to by the Publisher, of the Council's in- tention to levy a special assessment for the construction of an 8 -inch and to - inch Tile Pipe. Sanitary Sewer in Dodge Street from Bluff Street to Grandview Avenue. No remonstrance being filed, the Mayor asked if anyone present had any objection to said special assessment. No objection being stated the notice, on motion, was received and filed. Whereupon Ald. Lyons offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for constructing a to and 8 -inch Tile Pipe Sanitary Sewer in Dodge Street from Bluff Street to Grandview Avenue, by James Noonan, contractor. in front of and adjoining the same, a Special Tax be and is hereby levied on the several Lots, and Parts of Lots, and Parcels of Real Estate hereinafter named, sit- uate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each Lot or Par- cel of Real Estate, as follows: Name. Description. Lot. Amount. John Walsh Est.. Newman -Cooper & Smyth's Sub., Iot 1 $ 11 07 Bridget Daley, Newman -Cooper & Smyth's Sub., lot " 912 Frank Haynes. Newman -Cooper & Smyth's Sub., lot 3 912 Margaret McNulty. Newman -Cooper & Smyth's Sub., lot 1 9 12 Joseph Str coney, Newman -cooper & Smyth's Sub., lot _ 912 Bridget MoCrn•miek, Newman -Coop- er & Smyth's Sob.. lett 6 912 Terry O'Loughlin. Newman -Cooper & Smyth's Sub., lot 7 9 12 M. Ahearn Est., Newman -Cooper & Smyth's Sub.. lot S 912 M. Ahearn Est., Newman -Cooper & Smyth's Sub., lot 9 912 John Burns. Newman -Cooper & Smyth's Sub., lot 10 912 Thos. Rudd, Newman -Cooper & Smyth's Sub., lot 11 912 Thos. Rudd, Newman -Cooper & Smyth's Sub., E '1/2 lot 12 4 56 Cath. Wilson, Newman -Cooper & Smyth's Sub., W 1/2 lot 1" 4 56 Cath. Wilson. Newman -Cooper & Smyth's Sub., lot 13 912 Cath. Doyle, Newman -Cooper & Smyth's Sub., lot 14 912 Nie Gasper, Sub. A, Cooper's Sub, & f6 ft. lot 1 7 90 Wm. Ohnesorg, Sub. A, Cooper's Sub., W 51,2 ft. lot 1 167 Wm. Ohnesorg, Sub. A, Cooper's Sub., E 1/2 lot " 4 77 Frank McLaughlin, Sub. A, Cooper's Sub., \\' 1/2 lct 2 4 77 Frank McLaughlin, Sub. A, Cooper's Sub., lot 3 9 61 Joseph Straney, Cooper's Sub., N E. 50x150 ft. B 15 73 James Straney, Cooper's Sub., N W. 50x150 ft. B 15 78 P. Neary, Cooper's Sub. C 33 64 Mary M. Berg, Sub. N. 150 ft. lot D, Cooper, Sub., lot 1 1192 Julius Goodhouse, Sub. 2, N 150 ft lot D, Cooper's Sub., lot 1 11 92 Julius Goodhouse, Sub. 2, N 150 ft lot D, Cooper's Sub., lot 2 1192 Fanny Hipman, Sub. City 730 and lot 1, Union Add., lot 16 10 24 Fanny Hipman, Sub. City 730 and lot 1, Union Add., E 30 ft. lot 14912 Thos. Rudd, Sub. City 730 and lot 1, Union Add., W. 3 ft lot 14 112 Thos. Rudd, Sub, City 730 and lot 1, Union Add., lot 13 10 24 Wm. Hipman, Sub. City 730 and lot 1, Union Add., lot 12 I0 24 Cath. McNulty, Sub. City 730 and lot 1, Union Add., lot 11 10 34 Regular Session August 4, 1904. I +9 D. J. Sullivan, Sub. City 730 and lot 1, Union Add., lot 10 Jas. Martin, Sub. City 731 and lot 1, Union Add., lot 9 \Vm. Coughlin, Sub. City 770 and lot 1, Union Add., lot s Maria Delaney, Sul). City 730 and lot 1, Union Add., lot 7 Bridget Doherty, Sul). City 77e and lot 1, Union Add., lot 6 F. McLaughlin. Sub. City 730 and lot 1. Union Add., lot 5 F. McLaughlin. Sub. City 730 and lot 1, Union Add., lot 4 Jas. Callaghan, Sub. City 730 and lot 1, Inion Add., Int 3 Jas. Callaghan. Sub. City 7:10 and lot 1, Union Add., lot Jas. Callahan, Sub. 1 City 711 and lot 1, Union Add., lot 1 5 1 F. McLaughlin, Union Add.. lot 21S 24 F. McLaughlin, Inion Add., lot 3Is 21 F. McLaughlin, Union Add., E 1/2 lot 4 9 12 P. Em•ight, Union .\dd., \\' 12 lot 4912 F. E. Chevalier. Inion Add., lot 518 24 A. Met 10i: ness. Union Add., lot 618 24 P. Roddy Est., Union Add., lot 718 24 P. Roddy Est., Union Add., lot S3517 P. Roddy Ext., Union Add., lot 934 91 Ann McGuinness. Union Add., lot 12 IS 24 P. McCann, Union Add., lot 13. iS 24 P. McCann, Union Add., T: 10 ft. lot 14 12 16 B. McCoy Est., Inion Add.. AV 20 ft. lot 14 R. Bonson Est., Unio>, Add.. lot 15 Ryder Bros. Sub. 14 and 15. Bush's Sub., lot 5 A. C. Ripley, Sub. 14 and 15. Bush's Sub., lot 4 J. F. Farley, Sub. 14 and 15, Bush's Sub., lot 3 Jas. E. McClain, Sub. 14 and 15, Bush's Sub., lot 2 Jas. E. McClain, Sub. 14 and 15. Bush's Sub., lot 1 J. and E. Tibey, Sub. S, Min. lot ICI lot 1 John Byrne, Sub. 5 Min. lot 63, lot 2. \'m. McClain, Sub. 5, Min. lot 62, lot 1 John Byrne, Sub. Min. lot 62, lot 4.. Thos. Byrne, Bonson & Stewart's Sub., lot 19 Thos. Byrne, Bonson & Stewart's Sub., lot 18 Thos. Byrne, Bonson & Stewart's Sub., lot 17 Thos. Byrne, Eonson & Stewart's Suh., lot 16 Thos. Byrne, Bonson & Stewart's Sub., lot 15 Thos. Byrne, Bonson & Stewart's Sub., lot 14 Thos. Byrne, Bonson & Stewart's Sub., lot 13 Thos. Byrne, Bonson & Stewart's Sub., lot 12 Julia D. Rhomberg, Sub. 1 and 2, Min. lot 63 and part of 149, lot 5 Julia D. Rhomberg, Sub. 1 and 2, Min. lot 63 and part of 149, lot 3 Julia D. Rhomberg, Sub. 1 and 2, Min. lot 63 and part of 149, lot 1.... Jas. E. McClain, Sub. Min. lot 149, lot 8 Jas. E. McClain, Sub. Min. lot 149, E 25 ft. lot 7 Cath. McClain, Sub. Min. lot 149, W. 75 ft. lot 7 Cath. McClain, Sub. Min. lot 149, 10 34 10 34 10 64 10 6.1 10 64 14 62 4 99 5 11 4 39 6 09 27 50 15 20 15 20 0 37 9 99 1S •12 52 59 12 77 1S 85 27 21 15 20 15 20 15 20 15 20 1520 15 20 1520 13 76 24 02 22 80 30 40 30 44) 7 60 22 80 16 !A lot 6 7 60 J. Steadman, Sub. Alin. lot 119, \\' lot 6 __ SO Jos. 1•:. McClain. Sub., 2 of 5 or Min. lot 149, C. :51 ft. lot 1 7 lig J. \leMullen Est., Sub. 5 of Alin. lot 149, lot 1 7 60 Ellen Bet•nsden, Sub. 2 of 5 of Alin. lot 149, N. 19x100 ft. lot 1 I:. 12 John Lowrey. Sub. Alin. lot 149, N 150 fl. lot 4 ^0.tu 1\'n:. Ballard Est.. Sub. Min. lot 149. lot 3 30 46 D. W. Cleveland, Sub. Min, lot 119. lot 2 30 .l) \V'm. McDermott. Sub. Alin. lot 119, lot 1 Ann Clancy, Sut. City :des. lot Ann t'l:uney, Sub. City r. , I.,t John n•Ilet, Sat City 59•. I,t Ii Nie Stcceuey, Sul. city 59s. Anna. Sulliv,nt. Stilt. City 59., lot s.. 10 49 AIcc;n•rnn, Sub. city 1;91, ft. Int 1 S 21 John Linehan. Sul). City 694, W. 27 ft. lot :1 7 110 Jno. .1. Kean,•, e1 al, Sub. City Ii91, lot 1 15 20 Jno. J. Keane, et al. City lot 69774 63 Jno. J. Keane. et ;tl, City lot 72674 65 St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital, Sub, City 731, lot 1 74 63 St. Joseph's Mercy Ilospiial, Sub. Min. lot 66, lot 2 "26 ra \I'•Clain Bros.. Sub. 1, Alin. lot 97, lot 1 325 S0• Jno. J. Keane, et al, Sub. city 725, lot 1 Jas. Corcoran, Sub. 1, Min. lot 67, lot 2 Matt Spiehno n, Sub. Min, lot 67, :11 01 7 60 7 60 7 60 i tit) lot Chas. F. Stevenson, A\'ooten's Sub, lot 16 Chas. I. Stevenson, \\'ooten's Sub, lot 17 Jas. and Ell, n \Ion'Iain, \\'ooten's Sub., lot is Jas. and Ellet McClain, Woolen's Sub., hot 19 Mary A\nll, Sub. 1 and 2 of Min. lot tit nil Sub, part Min. lot 119, lot ia. and Sub. Min, lot 6S, lot 2 Chas. Anderson, Reeder Lang - worthy's Sub., lot 1 las. McClain, Reeder Langworthy's Sub., lot 2 Andrew Nelson, Reeder Lang - worthy's Sub., lot 3 Andrew Nelson, Reeder Lang - worthy's Sub., lot 4 B. E. Galliart, Reeder Langworthy's Sub., lot 5 Maggie Doty, Reeder Langworthy's Sub., lot 6 Maggie Doty, Reeder Langwortby's Sub., lot 9 Con Ryan. Jr., Reeder Lang - worthy's Sub., lot 8 Con Ryan, Jr., Reeder Lang - worthy's Sub., lot 7 John Murphy, Sub. Min. lot 158, E % lot 1 F. N. Schroeder, Sub. Min. lot 158, \V % lot 1 F. N. Schroeder, Sub. 2, Min. lot 158, lot 2 Mrs. B. Gluon, Sub. 2 Min. lot 158, lot 1 McClain's Wm. and F. A. Coates, Sub., lot 15 Wm. and F. A. Coates, McClain's 59 93 15 20- 15 015 20 1129 15 20 1520 15 20 3627 30 86 15 63 15 63 17 33 13 68 1362 15 63 15 63 15 65 39 67 40 43 10 (Xi 30 90 1.100 1 ! n I Regular Session August 4, 1904. 1,i; ! I Ali ('Lu„ L'(.,— McClain's Sub., lot 13 111,(•Inin 1 .-.. M I'laln's Sub., lot 12 Ail. \I •I:v. '. \I,•clain's Sub., lot 11 Ed. A1,Evo -. .\l,•P'l;pin's Sub., lot 10 A1,('lain A l bins Sub., lot 9 1. v.'. I:ru.,, rt, Al ('lain's Sub Iui .\ SIr('Inin 1b ps., Alp ('loin's Sub.. lots I. 5, 6 and i FS. .Al..CIain, Subs Alii. lot 150, lot 4. John A1cEv y. Soli. Alin. lot 158, lots 1 in 5 108 64 J. 'I'. Hanco,k Est.. Sub. Miin. lot 158, lot 6 i1 44 John Phillips. Sub. Alin. lot 158. lot 8 158 00 20 00 20 0;; 20 06 20 00 20 00 20 00 2000 116 80 40 80 Total 81.249.10 Ald. Lyons moved to adopt the reso- lution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—.Aids. Clancy, Corrance. Frith. Jones. Lyons and Stumpf. Na\•s—None. City Recorder Arendt also presented and read the printed notice certified to by the Publisher, of the Council's_in- tention to construct an 8 -inch Tile Pipe Sanitary Sewer in Booth Street. from Dodge Street to \\'est Third Street. thence in said West Third Street to Nevada Street. thence in said Nevada Street to the Alley first south of \Vest Fifth Street. No remonstrance being filed, the Mayor asked if anyone present had any objection to the constriction of said Sewer. No objection being stated, the i ntwe, on motion, was received and filed. Aid. Lyons unwed that the action of the Council in regard to calling for bids to construct the above named Sewer be postponed until the next meeting of the Council. Carried. The Mayor reported that some time ago a jury had been appointed by the Council to asses damages, if any, to the property owners abutting along the change of grade on Bluff Street from Eleventh to Fourteenth Street, the jury assessed damages to the following parties, for which no warrants were ordered drawn: Sarah Smith $ 5.00 J. Sutherland 5.00 J. and R. 'l'rudell 10.00 Emma Alden 25.00 Whereupon Ald. Corrance moved that warrants be ordered drawn for the several amounts and the awards paid. Carried. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Aid. Frith. chairman of the commit- tee on Streets, reported as follows: Your committee on Streets, to whom was referred the plans for the storm water sewer in Walnut Street, from West Eleventh Street to Julien Ave- nue. would respectfully recommend that said plans be approved and that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare specifications for said sewer and file the same with the City Recorder who will thereupon advertise for bids for the construction of said sewer in ac- cordance with said plans and specifica- tions. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Ald. Tones. chairman of the Special committee appointed to audit the quar- terly report of the Water \\'orks Trus- tees. reported as follows: Your Special committee. to whom was referred the statement of the Water Works Trustees for the quarter ending June 30th. 1904. would respect- fully report that we have examined said statement and find the same to correspond with the vouchers on file in the office of said Trustees. \\'e would therefore recommend that said statement be received and filed. Ald. Jones moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Ald. Jones of the committee of the Whole reported as follows: Your committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that L. H. Langworthy he granted until next year to lav the sidewalk on the north side of Langworthy Avenue. provided that during the present season he lay the walk on the south side of said avenue abutting his property between Hill Street and the \vest line of Lot 53 in Julia L. Langworthy's Addition. Also. your committee of the Whole would respectfully report that we have examined the new Patrol Wagon built by the Tont Connolly Estate, and would recommend that the sante be ac- cepted. Also, your committee of the 'Whole. to whom was referred the petition of C. A. Voelker in relation to the special assessment levied against Lots 252 and 263 in \Voodlawn Park for the im- provement of Alta. Delaware and Du- buque Avenues. would recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the Treasurer be instructed accordingly. Provided that the matter be settled immediately. Ald. Jones moved to adopt the above reports of the committee of the Whole. Carried. Aid. Jones also reported as follows: Your committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the list of the sites for the proposed Fifth Ward Engine House, would respectfully report in fa- vor of using Reed Avenue from Rhom- berg Avenue to the alley first east thereof for said site. Ald. Frith moved to refer said report hack to the committee of the Whole. Carried. Regular Session August 4, 1904. 191 Ald. Corrance moved that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare a plat showing the land to be deeded to the City for the opening of Rosedale Avenue in accordance with an agree- ment heretofore entered into. and to file said plat with the City Attorney. who is hereby instructed upon receipt of the same to prepare a deed of said property. and present the same to the City Council at its next session. Car- ried. AId. Frith moved that we now pro- ceed to ballot for an Alderman to rep- resent the Second Ward. Carried. After six ballots were taken and there being no choice, the matter on motion wast postponed until the next meeting of the Council. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Corrance offered the following, which was adopted: Whereas. the contract heretofore en- tered into by the City of Dubuque for the construction of a Sanitary Sewer as hereinafter described has been com- pleted and the City Engineer has corn- puted that the cost and expense of said improvement amounts to $3.25o.oe. therefore Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pro- vide for the cost of constructing a San- itary. Sewer in Dodge Street from South Bluff Street to the center of Grandview Avenue. the Mayor is re- quired to execute and deliver to the City Recorder, to be by him registered and countersigned, thirteen bonds of the denomination of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars each. numbered from 253 to 265. both inclusive. dated September 5th. 1904. payable on or before seven years after the date thereof and bear- ing interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum payable semi-annually. Alderman Corrance also offered the following. which was adopted: Whereas the contract heretofore en- tered into by the City of Dubuque for the construction of a sanitary sewer as hereinafter described has been com- pleted and the City Engineer has corn that the cost and exnense of aid improvement amounts to $750. therefore. Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That to pro- vide for the cost of constructing a sanitary sewer in South Alpine Street from the center of Dodge Street to a point about 125 feet south of Lang- worthy Avenue. the Mayor is required to execute and deliver to the City Re- corder. to be by him registered and countersigned. three bonds of the de- nomination of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars each. numbered from 266 to 268, bothinclusive. dated seven yet ars th,1 1904. payable Yable on or before after the date thereof and bearing in- terest at the rate of live per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually. Alderman Corrance also offered the following which was adopted: Whereas, the contract heretofore en- tered into by the City of Dubuque for the construction of a sanitary sewer as hereinafter described has been com- pleted and the City Engineer has com- puted that the cost and expense of said improvement amounts to $700.00; therefore. Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to 'ro- vide for the cost of constructing a sanitary sewer in White Street, from Eagle Point Avenue to Sanford Street. the Mayor is required to execute and deliver to the City Recorder, to be by him registered and countersigned. two bonds of the denomination of Three Hundred and Fifty Dollars each, num- bered 269 and 270, dated September 5th, 1904, payable on or before seven years after the date thereof and bear- ing interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum payable semi-annually. Alderman Corrance also offered the following, which was adopted: Whereas, the owners of all the property abutting on Willow Street from St. Ambrose Street to the alley first east thereof have paid for the im- provement of the street opposite their property, thus making the issuance of improvement bonds to obtain money to pay the contractors unnecessary, and, whereas, the books of the Auditor and Treasurer are specially adapted to the method of issuing bonds and pay- ing the contractor out of the proceeds. then redeeming the bonds with the money paid into the treasury by the abutters for this purpose; therefore, Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That in order to pre- serve the established form and avoid the opening of a new set of books. and to keep the accounts so as to be readily understood, the Mayor ano Finance Committee are hereby in- structed to cause to be issued the fol- lowing improvement bond "pro forma:" UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. State °TheIowa. City of DubDubuque. Dubuque. No. 252. $700.00. IMPROVEMENT BOND. The City of Dubuque. in the State ofI for ireceived. promises to to payay asherenafter stated tothc bearer hereof, the sum of seven hun- dred dollars. at the office of the City Treasurer in the City of Dubuque. Thpreserving isissued form of tprohe cedue rread- opted in the case of all im- provements made by the ecityr in the 192 Regular Session August 4, 1904. past twelve years, and in accordance with the laws and ordinances bearing upon that subject now in force. ft is issued for the purpose of providing for the co:t of a certain street im- provement on Willow Street from St. Ambrose Street to the alley first east thereof, which cost is payable by the abutting property benefited thereby and is made by law a lien thereon. In testimony whereof the City of Dubuque by its Council, has caused this bond to be signed by its Mayor and countersigned by its City Re- corder with the seal of the city affixed this 17th clay of December, 1903. Mayor of the City of Dubuque. Countersigned: (Seal) Cit Recorder. Be it further resolved, That as soon as the above bond is properly issued in accordance with the above resolu- tion, the City Treasurer shall redeem said bond No. 252, of December 17th, 1903, with the money paid in by the abutters on said Willow Street. Ald. Corrance also offered the fol- lowing. which was adopted: Whereas, the owners of all the prop- erty abutting on Ardmore Terrace from West Eleventh Street to a point about two hundred feet south thereof have paid for the improvement of the street opposite their property, thus making the issuance of improvement bonds to obtain money to pay the con- tractors unnecessary. and whereas the hooks of the Auditor and Treasurer are specially adapted to the method of issuing bonds and paying the contrac- tor out of the proceeds, then redeem- ing the bonds with the money paid into the treasury by the abutters for this purpose; therefore, Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that in order to pre- serve the established form and avoid the opening of a new set of books, and to keep the accounts so as to be readily understood, the Mayor and Finance Committee are hereby instructed to cause to be issued the following im- provement bond "pro forma:" UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. State of Iowa. County of Dubuque. The City of Dubuque. No. 251. $700.00. IMPROVEMENT BOND. The City of Dubugtfe, in the State of Iowa, for value received, promises to pay as hereinafter stated to the bearer hereof, the sum of seven hundred dol- lars. at the office of the City Treasurer in the City of Dubuque. This bond is issued for the purpose of preserving the form of procedure adopted in the case of all other street improvements. made by the city in the past twelve years, and in accordance with the laws and ordinances bearing upon that sub- ject now in force. It is issued for the purpose of providing for the cost of a certain street improvement on Ard- more Terrace from West Eleventh Street to a point two hundred feet, south thereof. which cast is payable by the abutting property benefited thereby and is made by law a lien on said property. In testimony whereof, the City of Dubuque, by its Council. has caused this bond to be signed by its Mayor and countersigned by the City Recor- der, with the seal of the city affixed this 16th day of June, 1904. Mayor of .the City of Dubuque. Countersigned: (Seal) City Recorder. Be it further resolved that as soon as the above bond is properly issued in accordance with the above resolu- tion, the City Treasurer shall redeem said bond No. 251 of June 16th, 1904, with the money paid in by the abutters on said Ardmore Terrace. Alderman Lyons offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to construct a sanitary sewer in Booth Street from West Third Street to West Fifth Street, and it is hereby proposed to construct a sanitary sewer in said Booth Street as follows, towit: an eight -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer from the center of \Vest Third Street to the center of Booth Street, and to as- sess the cost of constructing said sewer against the abutting property owners. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, .Tones, Lyons and Stumpf. Nays—None. Alderman Lyons also offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat and specifications for an eight -inch tile pipe sewer in. Booth Street, from the center of West Third Street to center of West Fifth Street, showing the location and general nature of said improvement, the extent thereof, the size and kind of material to be used, and to prepare an estimate of the cost thereof and the amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abut- ting thereon per front foot or square foot in area, and to file such plat, spec- ifications and estimate in the office of the City Recorder. That after such plat is so filed, the City Recorder shall cause to be pub- lished notice of the Council to make such improvement, which notice shall be published in three consecutive issues of the official, Regular Session August 4, 1904. 1913 newspaperof the City of Du- buque, stating that such plat is on file, and generally the location of the sewer, its location, size and kinds of material to be used, and the estimate of its cost, and fixing the time before which objections can be filed. which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of said no- tice, and after the completion of the publication of such notice, he shall at its next session, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Tones. Lyons and Stumpf. Nays—None. Ald. Clancy moved to adjourn until August i8th, 1904. Carried. —C. F. Arendt, City Recorder. Attest: gr741-11-,--Recorcler 194 Regular Session August 18, 1904: CITY COUNCIL. Regular 11)11. August 18th. 1904. (Official.) Council met at 8:30 o'clock P. M. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Alds. Clancy. Corrance. Frith. Jones. Lyons and Stumpf. Absent—None. PE'T'ITIONS AND COMMUNICA- TIONS. Petition of Chas. Falkenhainer et al.. asking for the improvement of Booth Street from Julien Avenue to Nest Fourteenth Street. Also petition of Mrs. Christina Brede asking that the special assessment for cleaning alley in rear of 1064 and 1072 Clay Street be ordered cancele•1. On motion both petitions were re- ferred to the Street committee. The following petitions were referred to the Delinquent Tax committee: Petition of Mrs. Cath. Loibl. asking for the cancellation of her taxes on lot 206, Ham's Add. Also petition of Sara Ham, askin7 that the taxes as levied against lot 531. Ham's Add., remain against said prop- erty until such time as she was able to pay the same. The following petitions were referred to the Board of Equalization: Petition of the Iowa Home Insur- ance Co.. asking that their taxes for 1903 be fixed at $25.000. Also petition of Clara A. Manson. asking that the assessment of the Man- son Tea Co. be reduced to the valua- tion of $600.00. The following petitions were referred to the committee of the Whole: Petition of Hagge & Fox Mfg. Co., asking that the taxes against lots 134 and 135 Glandale Adel.. No. 2. including inmprovements. Machinery and Mer- chandise, be ordered cancelled for the ye:nv,: 1(02 and 1903. Also petition of Chris. A. Voelker. asking Council to accept in cash one- half of the special assessments as lev- ied for the improvement of Auburn and Delaware Avenues and Leibnitz Street. \lso petition of Eagle Point Boat house. asking permission to operate a Ferry between Eagle Point and King hen's Park with the right to use the foot of Lincoln and Rhomberg Ave- nues for a period of ten (to) years. Petition of W. B. Van Valkenburg. asking that a sidewalk be ordered laid nn the north side of West Third Street from east side of Grandview Avenue to westerly terminus of the improved West Third Street. On motion referred to Street Com- mittee and Sidewalk Inspector. Petition of Rev. A. Boeding et al.. asking permission to improve Twenty- sixth Street west of Cooler Avenue. for a length of 148 feet, also that the City give proper grades and lay brick crossing for said street. On motion of Ald. Frith the petition was granted and the Engineer instruct- ed to give the proper grades. Communication and plat of Henry Kiene in relation to approval of plat of Columbia Add., was on motion re- ferred to the Street committee and City Engineer. Communication of M. M. Walker et al.. asking the Council to approp:-iate the sum of $6co.00 as Dubuque's share of the expense in furnishing transpor- tation to the National River and Ilar- bor Committee from St. Paul to St - Louis and entertaining them while in the city. On motion was referred to the com- mittee of the Whole. Statement of court costs. Supreme Court of Iowa. case of Gust. Schnee. Admr. vs. City of Dubuque. amounting to $13.35. was on notion referred to the City Attorney. Petitions of Dubuque Woodenware and Lumber Co,. by L. H. Brede, sec- retary. and others, with 411 signers protesting against locating Fire Engine House back of the Sacred Heart church. On motion the rules were suspended and parties interested were heard. R. P. Roedell, representing parties from the east side of the Fifth ward. addressed the Council, stating that the new Engine House be erected near the Marshall School. or somewhere in that vicinity. Mr. L. H. Brede and others ad- dressed the Council on the same mat- ter. Ald. Frith moved that action on the petition be postponed until they hear of the committee of the Whole report relating to the same matter, also that . the committee of the Whole report now be taken up and read. Carried. Whereupon Ald. Jones of the com- mittee of the Whole reported as fol- lows: Your committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the matter of se- lecting a location for the proposed Fifth Ward Engine House. would re- spectfully recommend that the lot own- ed by the City, situated on Queen Street, and being lot 2 of part of Min- eral lot 313. be selected for that pur- pose. —C. H. Berg. Chairman Pro Tern. 1i 'gular Session August 18, 1904. 195 Ald. Jones moved to receive and file the report. Carried. Ald. Frith moved that the City pur- chase two (2) lots at the corner of Rhomberg and Reed Avenues for said Engine House site, owned by J. J. Mc- Carthy. for the sum of Si.000. and the owner to furnish Abstracts of Title to said lots. Carried by the following vote: 1 eas—:\lds. Clancy. Corrance. Frith. Jones. Lyons and Stumpf. Nays—N one. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay roll districts dung nr streets first dif- ferentthe of August. 1904: Amount due Streets Laborers on $1.632.00 Respectfully submitted. —James H. Boyce. City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Streets. Also submit my pay roll for labor on Sewers during the first half of August, 1904: Amount due Laborers 01$178 60 Sewers Respectfully submitted, —James H. Boyce. City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Sewers. Also submit my pay roll for labor on Special Sewers during the first half of August. 1904: Amount due Laborers $110.75 Respectfully submitted. —James H. Boyce. City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Streets. On motion the pay rolls for Streets and Sewers were received theand warrants various ordered drawn to pay rolls referred amounts, and the pay back to the proper committees. City Recorder Arendt presented and read the printed notice. certified to by the publishers, of the Council's inten- tion to construct an 8 -inch Tile Pipe Sanitary Sewer in Booth Street. from center of West Third Street to the cen- ter of West Fifth Street. No remonstrance being filed, the Mayor asked if anyone present had any objection to the construction of said Sewer. No objection being stated. the notice, on motion, was received and filed. Roll for the year 1904 is ready for in- spection and equalization of same. Respectfully. —C. B. Scherr, City Assessor. On motion the report was received and filed. Ald. Jones moved that the City Re- corder be instructed to invite archi- tects to submit sketches for a two-story brick Engine Hottse, to cost about $2,700. Carried. City Asessor Scherr reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: if Gentlemen: I hereby a Assessment ssmouen Honorable Body that Bids for the construction of a Storm Water Sewer in Walnut Street, also a Storm Water Sewer in Fifteenth Street were presented. and, on motion, were ordered opened and the same referred to the City Engineer for computation. The City En inter reported on the bids as follows: Storm Water Sewer in Walnut St.— James Noonan, total amount for Sewer $648.80 McNamara & O'Farrell. total amount for Sewer $685.87 Storm Water Sewer in Fifteenth St. James Noonan, total amount for Sewer .$292.50 McNamara & O'Farrell, total Sewer $312.00 On motion of Ald. Corrance both contracts were let to James Noonan. he being the lowest bidder. and the bond placed at $100 for each contract. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Frith. Chairman of the commit- tee on Streets. reported as follows: Your committee on Streets. to whom was referred the petition of Chas. Fal- kenhainer, asking that lie he granted permission to lay a four -foot plank walk abutting his property on Booth Street. would recommend that the prayer of the petitioner he granted. said petitioner agreeing iii his said pe- tition that said plank walk will be re- moved upon Booh Street being im- proved. Also your Committee on Streets, to whom was referred the resolution pro- viding for the condemnation of the land required for the opening and ex- tending of the alley between Jackson and Washington Streets, through Min- eral Lot 122, would respectfully rec- ommend that said resolution be ad- opted. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the re- ports of the Committee on Streets. Carried. Aid. Frith also offered the following resolution: theCitys. it is Council of deemedtladvisable e Cityo fDu Du- buque to open and extend the alley be- tween Jackson and Washington Streets through Lot to of Mineral Lot 322 0the southerly lne of therefore. lot to Twenty-sixth nty-.ixth Street 196 Regular Session August 18, 1904. Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City Recorder be and he is hereby instruct- ed to issue a venire to the Chief of Police commanding him to summon a jury of twelve freeholders. citizens of said city not directly interested. and having the qualifications required by ordinance, for the purpose of assess- ing any damages which may be sus. tallied by reason of the opening and extending of said alley by the owner of the property proposed to be taken for said alley. All the proceedings under this reso lution to be taken in accordance with the charter and the provisions of Chanter 11 of the Ordinances of the City of Dubuque. • Ald. Frith moved to adopt the reso- lution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Jones, Lyons and Stumpf. Nays—None. Ald. Frith also presented a bill for $20.00 from W. Foster for services, as Inspector of Sanford Street Storm Wa- ter Sewer, for the first half of August, and moved that a warrant be drawn in favor of W. Foster for the above amount. Carried. Ald. Frith also presented a profile of grade on Bluff Street, from Fourth to Eighth Street, and moved that the same he referred to the Committee on Streets and City Engineer.. Carried. Ald. Jones, chairman of the Board of Emnalization. reported as follows: Your Board of Equalization, re- porting on the within petition of the A. A. Cooper Wagon and Buggy Com- pany, asking that the valuation on City Lots 691, 700 and 721 be reduced to the valuation placed thereon for the year 1902, also that a reduction of $.,000.00 be made on the Cooper Wag- on Works Block, would recommend that with the exception of the valua- tion placed on Lots 2 and 3 of City Lots 691, 700 and 721, which is to re- main as at present, the reduction be made in said City Lots as prayed for, provided said petitioner either pay the special assessment for the improve- ment of Gilmore Place, or sign a writ- ten waiver that no objection will be made to said assessment and agreeing to pay the same when due. We would further recommend that no reduction be made in the valuation of the Cooper Wagon Works Block. Also your Board of Equalization, to whom was referred the petition of the Haney -Campbell Company, asking that in accordance with an ordinance pass- ed June r, 1896. its taxes be canceled for the years 1902 and 1903, would re- spectfully report that we have instruct- ed the City Attorney and City Treas- urer to proceed with the collection of said taxes without delay. Also your Board of Equalization. to whom was referred the petition of the Iroquois Pearl Button Company, ask- ing that in accordance with an agree- ment existing between said company and the City of Dubuque, its taxes on personalty be canceled for the year 1903. would recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the Treasurer be so instructed. Also your Board of Equalization, to whom was referred the petition of Jonas Scherer in relation to the spec- ial assessment levied against Lot 19 in Littleton and Sawyer's Su. for the im- provement of Woodworth Avenue, would respectfully recommend that the City Treasurer be instructed to accept the sum of $67.48 in full settlement of said assessment. Also your Board of Equalization, to whom was referred the petition of the Dubu0ue Telephone Company, ask- ing that the city accept the sum of $151.71, in full for its taxes for the year 1903. would recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted, and the Treasurer he instructed ac- cordingly. Also your Board of Equalization, to whom was referred the petition of E. J. Meyer, asking that the valuation on the property of his mother be re- duced. would recommend that said pe- tition be received and filed. Also your Board of Equalization, to whom was referred the petition of the Key City Building Club, stating that its building was not completed in 1903, and asking therefore that the Treasurer he authorized to receive its taxes in full for the year 1903 on the same val- uation as the property was assessed for in 1002, would recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the Treasurer be instructed ac- cordingly. Ald. Tones moved to adopt the var- ious reports of the Board of Equaliza- tion. Carried. Ald. Jones of the Committee of the Whole reported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that a war- rant in the sure of $91.00 be drawn on the City Treasury in favor of W. Lillig, who was injured while in the employ of the City, provided he sign a waiver holding the City harmless from all claims for damages of whatsoever na- ture he may have, growing out of the said accident. Ald. Jones moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Regular Session August 18, , 1904. 197 Also your Committee of the Whole would recommend that the action of the City Council of February 29, 190.4, in approving the plat of the proposed street from Queen Street to Windsor Avenue be rescinded, together with all action heretofore had pertaining to the matter, and that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare a plat showing a street fifty feet wide, from the west line extended of Queen Street to Wind- sor Avenue, and having the southerly line of Lot 3 of the Sub. of 11, 12 and 13 of the N. E. ?/ of Sec. 13, T. 89, N. R. 2, E. 5th P. M. for the southerly line of said street. Ald. Tones moved to adopt the re- port. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy. Corrance, Frith, Jones, Lyons and Stumpf. Nays—None. Ald. Tones also presented the new plat of Queen Street Extension, and moved that the same be adopted. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Jones, Lyons and Stumpf. Nays—None. center of West Fifth Street, according to the plans and specifications of said sewer prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and be it further re- solved that said sewer shall be com- pleted on or before the 15th day of October, 1904, and shall 1w paid for at the time and in the manner pre- scribed by Chapter N N XIV. of the Revised Ordinances of foot of the City of Dubuque for the payment of the cot of constructing sewers. The pro- posals for doing such work will he acted upon by the Council on the 1st day of September. t9 4. and the City Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication, asking for proposals as provided by ordin- ance. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy. Corrance, Frith. Jones, Lyons and Stumpf. Nays—None. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Lyons offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sanitary sewer of eight -inch tile pipe be con- structed in Booth Street from the cen- ter of Dodge Street to West Third Street, thence in said West Third Street to Nevada Street. thence north- erly in said Nevada Street to the alley first south of West Fifth Street. ac- cording to the plans and specifications of said sewer prepared by the City En- gineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and he it further resolved, that said sewer shall be com- pleted on or before the 15th clay of October, 1904. and shall be paid for at the time and in the manner prescribed by Chapter XXXIV. of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Du- buque for the payment of the cost of constructing Sewers. The proposals for doing such work shall he acted up- on by the Council on the first day of September, 1904, and the City Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' no- tice by publication, asking for propos- als as provided by ordinance. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Jones Lyons and Stumpf. Nays—None. Ald. Lyons also offered the follow- ing: Bt it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sani- tary sewer of eight -inch tile pipe be center of constructedStreet in Booth from West Third Streetto the Ald. Jones offered the following: Whereas. The City of Dubuque. Iowa. is the owner of a tract of ground ten (lo) feet wide, adjoining the south side of Lincoln Avenue, between Wash- ington and Elm Streets, and Whereas. Said land is unsuitable and unnecessary for the purpose for which it was originally purchased: Now, therefore be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. that said strip of ground ten (to) feet wide adjoining the south side of Lin- coln Avenue between Washington and Elm Streets, in said city, he sold to Peter Scharff, for the sum of $150. that being the amount of his bid therefor. On motion was unanimously adopted. A1r1. Frith moved that the City Attor- ney be instructed to procure deeds for Queen Street Extension and the plat he dedicated by the owners for the opening of said street. Carried. Ald. Clancy moved to ballot for an Alderman of the Second Ward. Car- ried. There were four ballots taken. and there being no choice. the matter was. on motion, postponed until next meet- ing of the Council. Ald. Frith moved to adjourn until August 25th, 1904. —C. F. Arendt, City Recorder. Attest: • Approved 1S CyReeorder. Special Session August 25, 1904. CITY COUNCIL. Special Session. August 25th, 1904. (Official.) Council met at 8:45 o'clock P. M. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Aids. Clancy. Corrance, Frith. Jones, Lyons and Stumpf. Absent—None. The Mayor stated the object of this special meeting of the Council was to consider the appointment of an Alder- man of the Second ward, to fill vacancy. of Ald. P. H. Me:Laughlin. deceased. The Mayor appointed Aids. Clancy and Frith as tellers. The following were the candidates: T. Hines. G. Salot. J. Needham. J. J. McLaughlin. J. Hedley. D. D W. Carver. R. Jess. S. Southwell. After the fourteenth ballot was taker Aid. Frith moved that the council take a recess for fifteen minutes. Carried. The time for recess having expired the Mayor called the council to order The council proceeded to ballot with various results up to the seventeenth ballet. which was as follows: T. Hines. votes 2 J. Needham. votes 4 The \l ayor declared M r. Needham elected. he having received the ma- jority of votes. Mr. J. Needham was then sworn in as Alderman of the Second ward Ald. Corrance moved to adjourn. Carried. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. a1-1"3-41:Recorder List of Warrants LIST OF CITY WARRANT 199 S. JI. Eitel. fireman J. l::sman. fireman A. Duccini, fireman J. Flynn, fireman J. Roshin. fireman J. "1'schudi, fireman A. Heer, fireman J. Schonberger. fireman J. Curran, firenu n J. Daley, fireman J. Barnes. fireman 'I'. Ryder, fireman A. Bever, fireman ... W. Ducey, fireman F. Murphy, fireman P. Ahern, fireman M. Kelley, fireman D. Ahern, fireman T. Flynn. fireman A. McDonald. fireman J. Murphy. fireman P. Zillig. fireman M. Sweeney, fireman H. Cain. fireman J. Benzer, fireman J. McGlaughlin. fireman Wm. Kannolt. fireman P. Furey. fireman G. Girke. fireman T. Kennedy. fireman F. Baumgartner. fireman J. Smith, fireman C. Kannolt, fireman J. Allen. fireman M. Fahey. fireman W. O'Connell. fireman R. Weston. fireman F. Kenneally. fireman E. McDermott, fireman W. McClain. fireman J. H. Barry. police G. Burkel, police J. Carter, police J. Clune. police Jno. Cody. police W. Cook. police W. Corcoran. police J. P. Cummings, police T-1. Donlon. police ..... J. Fitzpatrick. police Jas. Flynn. police Jno. Fox, p lice Wm. Frith. police T. GanaP, police L. Grasset, police B. Gray. police • Pat Hanlon, police M. Kitty. police The. Loetscher. police P. McCollins. police P McInerney. police $ 65 00 7500 60 00 6500 .'x 1 00 50 00 46 70 5o 00 3 30 65 OC 75 or, 6o 00 65 00 6o on 50 00 50 00 5000 6; 00 65 00 65 25 50 00 50 on 50 w 5000 50 oc 50 00 45 90 50 00 05 00 00 00 50 00 50 00 65 co 6o 00 50 00 50 00 65 00 6o 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 65 00 51 65 53 30 6o 00 53 30 50 00 50 00 51 65 25 00 51 65 50 00 51 65 44 00 51 65 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 D. IN Orton. police 5o 00 M. O'Connor. police 64 00 Jho. Murphy. police 51 65 P. Powers. police 8 5 Jno. Raesli. police 67 20 Otto Rath, police 5o 00 J. Rooney. .police so 00 Jas. Ryan. police 67 20 M. Ryan. police 1 65 P. Scharff. police g1 65 Al. -Scherr. police 64 0O F. Spielman, .police 0 3 30 P. Sutton. police Tom Sweeny, poli50 3o ce 67 20 City Recorder's Office. Dubuque, Ia., August 1st. 1904. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The following is a com- plete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of July, 1904: C. H. Berg, salary. Mayor $I16 70 H. Brinkman. salary, Treasurer 133 35 J. A. McKinlay, salary, Deputy Treasurer Jno. Krayer, office Chas. F corder Wm. A. Kaep. salary. Deputy Recorder F. B. Hoffman. salary. Auditor. C. B. Scherr. salary. Assessor.. A. Doerr. Jr.. salary. Assistant Assessor J. J. Murphy. salary, Assistant Assessor J. W. Kintzinger. salary. Attor- ney J. C. Longueyille. salary. As- sistant Attorney Thos. Reilly. salary. Chief of Police Jos. Reinfried, salary. Fire Chief J. W. Lawlor, salary. Commit- tee Clerk Jas. Boyce. salary, City Engi- neer E. Anderson Engineer G. White. salary. Rodman G. N. Raymond. salary, Super- intendent of Street Sprinkling E. Herron, clerk in Auditor and Engineer's Office Wm, Hipman. salary, Electric- ian.... . F. P. Hayes, salary. Marketmas- So 00 ter T. Cahill. salary. Park Custodial 4o 00 H. Henge, salary, Park Custo- dian 00 T. Faherty, salary, Park Custo- dian 10 00 Dr. B. F. Michel. salary. Health 50 00 Officer F. Flynn. salary. Sanitary Pa- trolman 6o oo C. Baumann. salary. Poundmas- 40 ter Mrs. H. Koenig. salary. Jani- tress 20 00 I. Conigisky, salary. Sidewalk 50 00 Inspector C. W. Katz, salary. Wharfmas- ter 20 00 M. Clancy. salary. Alderman25 00 H. Corrance, salary, Alderman man 5 0 0 E. E. Frith. salary. Alfid ean25 00 R. Jones, salary. M. E. Lyons, salary, Alderman 25 00 P. H. McLaughlin. salary, Al- derman .. • .. • • • .. ......rman J. A. Stump salary. G. Barker, stenographer clerk, Treasurer's Arendt, salary. Re - 100 00 6o 00 116 70 8o 00 116 70 125 00 I00 00 100 00 150 00 salary. Assistant 75 00 100 00 10000 100 00 166 65 I00 00 50 00 6o 00 75 00 25 00 25 00 20 00 200 List of Warrants. bi. Stapleton, police .......... P. Sullivan, police ........ Jno. L. Sullivan, police L. Zeidman, police Mrs. Kate llibbe, matron Miss L. Brennan, matron Labor on Streets in the different districts during the last half of June. 1904: J. Albrecht, 2nd $ 42 70 05 E. Amanda, 2nd 4' 05 A. Alderson. 3rd Jos. Brouillette, 1st 5 to James Beakey, 1st 7 20 Toni Burke, 1st 5 40 C. Bluecher, znd to 8o F. Buddien, 2nd 16 20 Paul Becker, 3rd 6 75 Clarence Boyce, znd 7 00 Jos. Brown, 1st, $7.50; $11.25: 3rd, $3.75 W. Coughlan, 1st Jas. Callahan, 1st Peter Carney. 1st. Hugh Carney, 1st Pat Carney, 1st John Corbett. 2nd H. Cobb, 3rd Jas. Connolly. 1st, $4.40; 2nd, $8.75; 3rd, $4.40 H. Cosgrove, 1st, $6.75; 2nd, $10.00; 3rd, $3.35 John Dougherty, 1st M. Donegan, 1st Ed. Daley. 1st T. Donahue, 1st, 51 65 51 65 50 00 50 00 30 00 30 00 2nd, $4.40; 2nd, $8.75; 3rd, $4.40 John Egan, 1st John Engels, 1st Dan Fox, 1st Frank Frick, 2nd W. Flanagan, znd E. Firzlaff, 2nd H. Fleck, 1st, $25.00; 2nd, $37.50; 3rd, $12.50 N. Frith. 1st, $16.55; znd, $25.00; 3rd, $8.35 Pat. Gilloon, 1st. Barney Glass, 1st. Jos. Gavin, 1st ..... Pat. Grue, 1 st H. Galle. 211d. Jos. Grab, 2nd. A. Gantenbein, 2nd. C. Gantenbein. 2nd. C. Gruenzig, 3rd. T. Hackney. 1st John Hafev. ist. A. Henderson. 2nd Amb. Hird. 3rd. James Hird, 3rd. Jake Hansen, 2nd. Peter Jacob, 2nd. Aug. Jass, 2nd. T. Kenneally, 1st. John Kelley, 1st. (Cleveland) N. Kettenhofen, 2nd. John Kness, 2nd. J. Kraus. 2nd. J. Kinsella. 2nd. R. J. Love, 1st. H. Leik, 2nd. Mike Lavin, 1st, $4.40; 2nd, 22 50 16 IO 20 00 720 7 20 9 8o 8 IO to 8o 17 55 20 00 5 40 2 70 2I 00 17 55 4 05 15o 8 Io 4 05 2 05 13 50 75 00 50 00 6 tO I2 50 20 00 11 70 4 05 13 5o II 50 20 00 3 40 23 85 8 10 17 55 16 20 19 50 9 00 9 45 1 35 6 15 5 40 6 75 9 45 135 18 00 16 3s 14 65 $8.75; 3rd. $4.40 John Mullen, 1st. Geo. Moore, 1st Alex. Miller. 1st John Mahoney. 1st. Phil. Melloy. 1st. Ed. Malloy. 2nd. P.:t. \lc\1?1llen, 1st. T. McCarron, 1st Tames McLeese. 1st Bart \leDonnell, 1st Pat McPoland, 3rd . Tohn McNulty, 1st, $6.65; 2nd, $Io.00; 3rd, $3.35. Jas. McCormack, 1st, $5.90; 2nd, $8.75: 3rd, $2.90 W. O'Brien. Ist Mike O'Meara, 1st Tames Purcell, 1st Tames Powers. 1st .Tohn Parker, 3rd J. Pfeiffer, 1st, $4.40; 2nd, $8.75; 3rd, $4.40 ... W. Quinlan, 1st, $4.40; 2nd, $8.75: 3rd, $4.40 Tames Ryan. 1st Phil Reddin, 1st Mat Raishek, 2nd Jos. Ronnev. 1st. $7.50: 2nd $11.25; 3rd, $3.75 Dan Sheehan, 1st W. Sheehan, 1st John Sullivan, 1st John Sloan, 2nd F. Scherr, 2nd Louis Smith, ?rd Nick Sweeney, 1st, $8.75; 3rd, $4.40 R. Turner, 2nd L. Taylor, 2nd .. John Welsh, 1st W. Welsh, 1st W. D. Wilbur, 1st W. Wearmouth, 3rd Walter Bradley, 1st Frank Burns, 2nd J. Berwanger, 2nd F. G. Becker, 1st, $3.55; $17.75; 3rd, $28.30 John Calvert, 1st Jos. Calvert, 1st, $7.20 T. B. Cain, 1st, $12.00 A. Conrad, 2nd J. Evans. 2nd. J. Haudenshield, 1st J. Huffmire, 1st, $9.15; $18.30; 3rd, $9.15 M. Hannan, 1st, $2.55; $40.25 M. Kenneally, 1st James Keefe, 1st John Lenihan, 1st $4.40; 2nd, 2nd, $21.60; 3rd, $36.00; 3rd, 2nd, 2nd, 17 55 to 5o 70 5 40 7 20 5 40 5 40 8 to 9 .15 6 75 3o 00 2 05 20 00 17 55 20 00 7 20 5 40 7 20 14 20 17 55 17 55 17 55 5 40 10 8o 22 50 90 25 8o 20 6o 4 05 20 00 to 8o 17 55 9 45 6 00 4 75 6 to 20 00 20 00 14 40 62 2G 14 40 496o 9 00 28 8o 48 00 49 6o 3 60 32 40 36 6o 42 8o 20 40 14 40 54 00 John Long, 2nd 48 00 Frank Mathis, 1st J. J. McCollins, 1st, $58.30; 2nd, $4.90 Jeff McGrath, 3rd Dennis O'Meara, 1st Geo. Reynolds, 1st, $9.25; 2nd, . $18.40; 3rd, $9.20 36 85 32 40 63 20 I 80 14 40 List of Warrants. Ed. Seeley, Ist Jerry Sullivan, znd, $38.80 Janes Tobin, 3rd W. Woods, Ist M. Zogg, znd Labor on Sewers for the June, 1904: P. Casserly, labor 20 8o J. Corcoran, labor 20 8o T. Hagerty, foreman 25 00 J. Jellison, labor 20 8o Jos. Kiang, labor 20 8o P. Kenneally. labor 20 8o C. Sullivan, labor 20 8o L. Zemanek, labor 19 20 N. Kintzinger, back salary for Wharfmaster 150 00 Peter Jacobs, macadam 36 55 \Val. \IcDermott, macadam 12 35 \Vm. McClain, macadam 14 45 F. P. Hayes, board of prisoners for June 9 00 W. Foster. inspector on White 13 85 Street Sewer M. O'Meara, inspector on IG 30 Dodge Street Sewer P. J. Schuler, inspector on Bee Branch Sewer 19 20 Key City Gas Co., gas for var- ious departments Mullen & Papin, plumbing at 2 City Hall Mullen & Papin, repairing foun- tain on South Main StreetII 85 T. B. Monteith, repairing foun- tain on Jones Street Park5 10 P. Breithaupt, repairing foun- tain corner Kauffman and Couler Avenues Klauer & Kress, chains and cups for fountains H. Corrance, oil and brooms for parks R. T. Eddy, firing National Sa- lutes for 4th of July W. Ward, saw dust for City Hall Mullen Bros.. plumbing at City Hall Kelly's Book Store. stationary and supplies for various of- fices . Dubuque Enterprise Pub. Co., blank stationery for various offices Palmer, Berg & Co., blank books and stationery for var- ious offices Buck Stamp Works, stamps for Recorder's office Beck Duplicator Co., I duplica- tor for Committee Clerk E. T. Klineenhere. stamp file for Auditor's office A. R. Staufenbeil, repairing clocks at City Hall Duhunue Telephone Co., tele- phone rent for Mayor and Fire department A. Abeln. abstract of lot 1 of 15 and 1 of 16, Block 30, in Du- buque Harbor Tmp. Co.'s Add $17.6o; 3rd, last 46 8o 56 40 I 8o 25 20 36 00 half of 2 50 2 55 5 50 50 00 I 50 6 20 43 80 14 00 26 oo 2 20 4 90 4 00 I 25 600 5 00 201 N. \Iuezel, shelving in Record- er's office 2 40 N. Meuzel. carpenter repairs on Town Clock 12 8o F. Fronnn, tool boxes for parks 34 90 B. J. Scherr, painting Town Clock 365 00 W. D. Kennedy. painting drink- ing nttinta111s W. \V. Whelan, sharpening lawn 111 wers for parks . Pape & Jacquinot, repairs for Tackson Park Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co, hose for Phoenix Park Mullen & Papin, repairs at Jack- son Park F. M. Jaeger & Co.. lawn mow- ers and supplies at Jackson Park ..' 6 70 Standard Lumber Co., lumber at City Hall 42 33 Iowa Telephone Co., telephones for various departments 34 52 T. Drehousc. cleaning chimneys at City Hall and Patrol House 12 50 J. Butt, repairs for Road and Sewer Dents.. 2 95 F. Schloz & Son. renpirs for Road and Sewer Dents. 6 45 G. Bock, repairs for Road Dept. 1 65 W. Dalbkermeyer, repairs for Road Dept J. Newman & Son, repairs for Road Dept I0 50 G. Ragatz & Son. repairs for Road Dept 28 20 McDonald & \lnrrison Mfg. Co.. woollies for Rock Crusher 20 93 G. W. Healey & Son, hardware for Road Dept t 65 McElrath Teaming Co., sand for Road Dept 18 00 W. B. Baumgartner, hardware for Road Dent... W. Wearmouth, oil for Road Dept Klauer & Kress, hardware for Road Dent 2 r0 Smedley Steam Pump Co, grates for Road Dept 19 40 F. M. Jaeger & Co., hardware for Road Dent • • 13 30 Key City Roofing Co., cement and sewer pipe for Roarl Dept T. J. Mnlgrew, sewer pipe for Road Dept 31 00 Purington Paving Brick Co, brick for Road Dept C. Schultz, repairs for Fire and Road Depts 9 75 Standard Lumber Co., lumber for Road Dept 122 05 Phil Pier, coal for Steam Roller 148 5 and Rock Crusher Dubuque Wooden Ware and .Lumber Co., lumber for Road and Special Sidewalk Dept118 90 Ott. Meuser & Co., lumber for Special Sidewalk Dept 56 75 Pape & Jacquinot, repairs for 3 05 Rock Crusher W. Marshall, repairs for Rock 20 00 2 50 1 00 18 50 8o 5 35 195 30 27 45 69 45 202 List of Warrants. Crusher 13 47 Martin. Strelau Co., moving 12 00 Rock Crusher J. Linehan. rock for Rock Crusher 6 00 Royce & Frost, rock for Rock 44 80 Crusher Diamond Jo Line Steamers, packing for Steam Roller7 75 H. Corrance, oil for Steam Rol- ler to P. Hanson. oil for Steam Roller 90 Smedley Steam Pump Co., re- I 20 pairs for Steam Roller G. Lear, horseshoeing for Road 12 50 and Fire Depts Wunderlich & Wiederholt. horseshoeing for Road and 4 50 Fire Depts Lagen & Sloan. horseshoeing for Road and Fire Depts9 70 Vollenweider & Hein, horse - shoeing for Road and Fire Depts 9 50 J. Butt. repairs for Fire Dept8 50 H. J. Hagerty. veterinary ser- vices for Fire and Police Pa - 21 15 trol Dubuque Oil Tank Line, oil for 13 50 Fire Dept F. M. Jaeger. hardware for Fire Dept 5 5 Mullen Bros.. toilet paper for 6 75 Fire Dept Eichhorn & Bechtel, bran for Fire Dept 105 R. Spellerberg, repairs' for Fire Dept 2 oa Boston One -Price Clothiers hats for Fire Dept... 65 00 Mullen & Papin, plumbing for Fire Dept 12 95 H. Corrance,. salt and matches for Fire Dept 4 75 Key City Gas Co., coal, coke and rental of gas arcs for Fire Dent Ott. Meuser & Co., shavings for Fire Dept Standard Lumber Co.. shavings for Fire Dept J. Newman & Son, repairs for Fire Dept Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., steam hose for Fire Dept Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co, supplies for Rock Crusher Mullen Bros.. plumbing at pa- trol house J. Huffmire, hauling at patrol house Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies for Matron Dept H.•Cortance. supplies for Police and Sewer Depts Scliotter, & Barrington, catching dogs Klauer & Kress, wire for Sewer Dept Linehan & Molo, rope for Sew- ' 'et' Dept Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co; 2 pair rubber boots for Sewer 19 75 6 00 8 oo 2 25 2 40 6o 3 30 I So 9 00 I 70 4 50 35 14 58 Dept II o0 G. Ragatz & Son, repairs for. Sewer Dept 3 65 Smedley Steam Pump Co., man- hole covers and rings for Sewer Dept 9 00 Dubuque Telegraph -Herald, of- ficial printing for June 67 5o Dubuque Telegraph -Herald, of- ficial printing for May Globe -Journal. official printing for June 72 20 Globe -Journal, printing notices 11 25 The Times, printing notices for Board of Health 1 50 National Demokrat, official printing for June 25 00 W. & L. E. Gurley, repairing level for Engineer's Dept16 25 Union Electric Co.. arc lights for June 2045 77 Mullen Bros.. plumbing at gar- bage dump Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co.. hose for garbage dump T. E. Frith. removing garbage and dead animals for June.... 363 48 J. Noonan. constructing sewer in Dodge street 3182 97 M. Tschirgi, constructing sewer in White street 519 30 M. Tschirgi, constructing sewer in Washington street 466 70 Tibey Bros.. estimate on Bee Branch sewer 3400 00 C. H. Berg, settlement of claim of W. Von Halter for per- sonal damages 140 00 H. Brinkman. excavation per- mits redeemed 190 00 H. Brinkman, interest paid on outstanding warrants 501 46 H. Brinkman, New York ex- change 75 H. Brinkman. express charges.. 85 H. Brinkman, refunded regular 8 63 Tax H. Brinkman, freight charges Road 21 54 H. Brinkman. express charges Engineer 93 38 9 85 7 45 1 75 $724 98 Library Orders naid $420 02 H. Brinkman. Loan $950 00 Labor on Streets in the different Districts during the first half of July, 1904: E. Amanda, 2nd TI 15 T. Albrecht, and 12 15 Alex Alderson, 3rd 2 70 Tames Beakey, list 20 40 Thos. Burke; 1st 19 50 lbs. Brouillette. Isl.. 6 55 John Burns. tat 4 5o F. Buddien. 2nd 8 45 T. Brachtenbach. 2nd 5 75 C. Bluecher. 2nd 1 3i Paul Becker. 3rd 15 20 D. T. Briltlrtbill, 3rd - = TO 80 Toa. Brown. 1st; $7.50; and, $i1.25; :Zrd., $.3.75 ' ' • 22 50 Clarence Boyce. list. $t.00; 2nd, List of Warrants '?03 $8.50 W. Coughlan, 1st Hugh Carney, 1st Peter Carney, 1st F. Correll. 1st J. Callahan. 1st Tohn Corbett, 2nd T. Connolly. 1st, $8.75; 3rd, $4.40 H. Cosgrove, 1st. $6.65; 2nd, $io.0o; 3rd, $3.35 John Dougherty, 1st E. Daley, Est M. Donegan. 1st T. Donahue, 1st. $8.75: 3rd. $4.40 John Egan, 1st Mike Farrell, 1st Frank Frick, 2nd L. Ferzlaff. 2nd, $4.50; $20.80 Peter Gregory, 1st Pat Grue. tst Barney Glass, 1st Pat Gilloon, 1st Tos. Gavin. 1st H. GTalle. 2nd A. Gantenbcin. 211d Jos. Grab. 2nd C. Gant enhein, 2nd ins. Geasland, 3rd Chas. Grnenrig, 3rd Tohn TTafev. 1st Thos. Ti ird, tst Thos. Hackney. Est A. Henderson. 2nd .lake T-Tansen, 2nd Tames Third, 3rd August Tass. 2nd Thos. Kenneally. 1st Matt Kenneally. 1st John Kelly, 1>t Cleveland A'•e) Tohn Kress. 21 -id Nic. Kettenhofen. 2nd Tohn Kelly. 3rd (East St.) Tnh a Kinsella, 1st, $3.00 2nd, ,, 52; Bob Love. 1st T3 50 IT. Leict, 2nd. $4.50; 3rd, $20.80. 25 30 M. Lavin, 1st. $4.40; znd, $8.75; 3rd, $2.40 17 55 Mike Meagher, 1st 4 05 John Mahoney, 1st 20 40 John Mullen, tst 8 '0 Alex \l filler, 1st 2 70 Jas. McCarron, tst 16 35 W. McDermott, 1st 9 45 Pat McMullen, 1st 4 05 W. McClain, 1st 3 40 Bart 'McDonnell. 1st 38 00 Pat. McPnland. 3rd. 6 2nd. 45 John McNulty. 1st, $6.65: $17.00: 3rd. $3.3; James McCormack. 1st, $5.40: 2nd. $8.10: 3rd, $2.70 W. O'Brien, 1st M. O'Meara. 1st James Purcell, 1st James Powers. 1st John Parker. 3rd 2nd, John Pfeiffer. 1st. $4.40; $8.75: 3rd. $4.40 0 2nd, W. Quinlan. 1st. $4.05; $4.40; 2nd, $4.40 ; 2nd. 3rd, 9 50 14 20 9 6o 2040 6 75 20 00 12 85 17 55 20 no 4 75 T2 40 I So 17 55 6 75 8 Sc 13 85 25 30 88 4 05 5 8, 3 15 20 00 2 70 2 7c. 2 7r, 20 00 TI 50 7 10 8 So 15 00 22 5C 70 27 00 10 50 6 4- 20 00 6 30 8 6, 13 S0 I 55 6 75 20 00 16 20 20 00 20 40 2 70 20 40 15 55 17 55 $8.10; 3rd. $4.05 Pat Ryan, 1st James Ryan, 1st Phil Reddin, 1st Mat. Raishek, 2nd C. Reinfrank, 20d James Reed, 3rd Jos. Rooney, 1st. $7.50; 2nd. $11.25; 3rd, $3.75 W. Sheehan. 1st John Sullivan. 1st John Sloan. 210 Frank Schorr, 2nd Louis Smith, 3rd James Smith. 3rd Nic Sweeney. 1st. $8.10; 3rd. $4.05 16 20 R. Turner. 211(1 1 35 J. Twieg, 2nd 1 o5 Landon "Taylor, 3rd. 10 55 W. D. Wilbur, 1st 20 00 W. Welh 1st 11 50 John Welsh, 1st John Walsh. 1st W. AWcarmouth, 3rd Walter Bradley. 1st F. Burns. 2nd F. G. Becker. I'.t. $2.25: 2nd. $11.2;: 3rd. $I$.I0 $4.05; 211d. i6 20 16 8o 13 95 4 05 6 75 12 15 7 10 22 5i, 17 70 3 6o 6 75 20 00 13 85 8 45 5 40 5 40 20 00 21 20 41 6o 31 60 I,,>. Calvert. Ist 21 6o T. B. Cain, 1t. $20.40: 3rd. $6.80 27 20 A. Conrad, 211(1 31 6o M. Gantenbcin. 2nd 1 8o M. H annan. 1st. $8.85; 211(1, $25.95 34 Ro T. T-1 audenshield, 2nd 7 20 Peter Horch, 2nd 32 40 John Huffmirc. 1st, $9.1;: 211(1. 6o$18.30; 3rd. $9.15 36 Tames Keefe. .'ird 9 O0 John Linehan, 1st 30 8o Tohn Long, znd 27 20 Frank Mathis, 1st 3 60 T. T. \TcCollins, 1st. $40.10: znd. $2.90 4300 C. McElrath, 2nd 16 20 Teff McGrath. 3rd 29 70 Dennis O'Meara. 1st 19 40 Geo. Reynolds, 1st, $9.25: 2nd. $18.40: 3rd, $9.20 36 85 Ed Seeley. 1st 37 60 Jerry Sullivan. 2nd, $10.65; 3rd, $2I.35 32 2I0 Tames Tobin, 3rd W. Woods. Ist 17 60 Labor on Sewers during the first half of July. 1904: P. Casserly. labor $ 19 20 J. Corcoran. labor 2519 20 T. Hagerty. foreman 19 20 J. Jellison. labor 19 20 T. Klang. labor 19 20 P. Kenneally. labor 19 20 Con. Sullivan. labor 19 20 L. Zemanek, labor Labor grading Mt. Carmel Avenue during the first half of July. 1904:1 8o E. Daley i$ 8o John Kelly, Cleveland Ave I 80 NV. Sheehan Walter Bradley. team 7 20 000 John Linehan. team 7 20 Frank Mathis, team 204 W. Woods, team C. H. Berg, settlement of suit for personal damages of Mrs. Mary Kruse Co.,Smith-Morgan Printing printing list of warrants for June Smith -Morgan Printing Co, pamphlets for June P. J. Schuler. insncrt,,r Bee Branch Sewer, first half of July 25 00 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of all warrants issued by me during the monthF. of July, 1904. City Recorder. Official Notices. 7 20 58 65 6 75 I0 00 NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the City Council of the City of Dubuque. held on the 4th day of August. 1904, the following Special As- sessments were levied on the real estate herein after described, and that in case of failure to pay the one-seventh part within the time prescribed by the Ordi- nance governing same, all will become delinquent and subject to collection by distress and sale. H. BRINIiMAN, City Treasurer. For construction of Sanitary Sewer In Dodge Street: Name. Description. Lot. Amount. John NValsh Est., Newman -Cooper & Smyth's Sub., lot 1 $ 11 07 Bridget Daley, Newman -Cooper & Smyth's Sub., lot 2 912 Frank Haynes, Newman -Cooper & Smyth's Sub., lot 3 912 Margaret McNulty, Newman -Cooper & Smyth's Sub., lot 4 912 Joseph Straney, Newman -Cooper & Smyth's Sub., lot 5 912 Bridget McCormick, Newman -Coop- er & Smyth's Sub., lot 6 912 Terry O'Loughlin, Newman -Cooper & Smyth's Sub., lot 7 9 12 M. .Ahearn Est., Newman -Cooper & Smyth's Sub., lot 8 912 M. Ahearn Est., Newman -Cooper & Smyth's Sub., lot 9 912 John Burns. Newman -Cooper & Smyth's Sub., lot 10 Thos. Rudd, Newman -Cooper & Smyth's Sub., lot 11 Thos. Rudd, Newman -Cooper & Smyth's Sub., E 1 lot 12 Cath. Wilson, Newman -Cooper & Smyth's Sub., W % lot 12 Cath. Wilson, Newman -Cooper & Smyth's Sub., lot 13 Cath. Doyle, Newman -Cooper & Smyth's Sub., lot 14 Nic Gasper, Sub. A, Cooper's Sub, D 16 ft. lot 1 Wm. Ohnesorg, Sub. A, Cooper's Sub., W 51 ft. lot 1 Wm. Ohnesorg, Sub. A, Cooper's Sub.. B 1 lot 2 Frank McLaughlin, Sub. A, Cooper's Sub., W 1 lct 2 Frank McLaughlin, Sub. A, Cooper's Sub., lot 3 Joseph Straney, Cooper's Sub., N. E. 50x150 ft. B James Straney, Cooper's Sub., N. W. 50x150 ft. B P. Neary, Cooper's Sub. C Mary M. Berg, Sub.- N. 150 ft. lot D, 9 12 9 12 4 56 4 56 9 12 9 12 7 90 1 67 4 77 4 77 9 61 15 78 15 78 83 64 Cooper, Sub., lot 1 1192 Julius Goodhouse, Sub. 2, N 150 ft lot D, Cooper's Sub., lot 1.. 11 92 Julius Goodhouse, Sub. 2, N 150 ft lot D, Cooper's Sub., lot 2 1192 Fanny Hipman, Sub. City 730 and lot 1, Union Add., lot 16 10 24 Fanny Hipman, Sub. City 730 and lot 1, Union Add., E 30 ft. lot 149 12 Thos. Rudd, Sub. City 730 and lot 1, Union Add., W. 3 ft lot 14 1 12 Thos. Rudd, Sub. City 730 and lot 1, Union Add., lot 13 10 24 Wm. Hipman, Sub. City 730 and lot 1, Union Add., lot 12 I0 24 Cath. McNulty, Sub. City 730 and lot 1, Union Add., lot 11 10 34 D. J. Sullivan, Sub. City 730 and lot 1, Union Add., lot 10 10 31 Jas. Martin, Sub. City 730 and lot 1, Union Add., lot 9 10 34 Wm. Coughlin, Sub. City 730 and lot 1, Union Add., lot 8 10 64 Maria Delaney, Sub. City 730 and lot 1, Union Add., lot 7 10 64 Bridget Doherty. Sub. City 730 and lot 1. Union Add., lot 6 10 64 F. McLaughlin, Sub. City 730 and lot 1, Union Add., lot 5 14 62 F. McLaughlin, Sub. City 730 and lot 1, Union Add., lot 4 4 99 Jas. Callaghan, Sub. City 730 and lot 1, Union Add., lot 3 511 Jas. Callaghan, Sub. City 730 and lot 1, Union Add., lot 2 4 39 Jas. Callahan, Sub. 1 City 730 and lot 1, Union Add., lot 1 F. McLaughlin, Union Add., lot 2 F. McLaughlin, Union Add., lot 3 F. McLaughlin, Union Add., E 'h lot 4 9 12 5 11 18 24 18 24 P. Enright, Union Add., W r lot 4.. 9 12 F. E. Chevalier, Union Add., lot 5.. 18 24 A. McGuinness, Union Add., lot 6.. 18 24 P. Roddy Est., Union Add., lot 7.... 18 24 P. Roddy Est., Union Add., lot 8... 3517 P. Roddy Est., Union Add., lot 9.... 34 91 Ann McGuinness, Union Add., lot 12 18 24 P. McCann, Union Add., lot 13. .. . 18 24 P. McCann, Union Add., E 40 ft. lot 14 12 16 B. McCoy Est., Union Add., W 20 ft lot 14 6 08 R. Bonson Est., Union Add., lot 1523 86 Ryder Bros. Sub. 14 and 15, Bush's Sub., lot 5 15 20 A. C. Ripley, Sub. 14 and 15, Bush's Sub., lot 4 15 20 J. F. Farley, Sub. 14 and 15, Bush's Sub., lot 3 5 37 Jas. E. McClain, Sub. 14 and 15, Bush's Sub., lot 2 9 99 Jas. E. McClain, Sub. 14 and 15, Bush's Sub.. lot 1 18 41 J. and E. Tibey, Sub. 3, Min. lot 63, lot 1 52 59 John Byrne, Sub. 5 Min. lot 63, lot 2. 12 77 Wm. McClain, Sub. 5, Min. lot 62, lot 1 18 85 John Byrne, Sub. Min. lot 62, lot 427 21 Thos. Byrne. Bonson & Stewart's Sub., lot 19 15 20 Thos. Byrne, Bonson & Stewart's Sub., lot 18 15 20 Thos. Byrne, Bonson & Stewart's Sub., lot 17 15 20 Thos. Byrne. Bonson & Stewart's Sub., lot 16 15 20 Thos. Byrne, Bonson & Stewart's Sub., lot 15 15 20 Thos. Byrne, Bonson & Stewart's Sub., lot 14 15.20 Official Notices. 205 Thos. Byrne, Bonson S. Stewart's Sub., lot 13 Thos. Byrne, Bonson & Stewart's Sub., lot 12 Julia D. Rhomberg, Sub. 1 and 2, Min. lot 63 and part of 149, lot 5 Julia D. Rhomberg, Sub. 1 and 2, Min. lot 63 and part of 149, lot 3 Julia D. Rhomberg, Sub. 1 and 2, Min. lot 63 and part of 149, lot 1 Jas. E. McClain, Sub. Min. lot 149, lot 8 Jas. E. McClain, Sub. Min. lot 149. E 25 ft. lot 7 Cath. McClain, Sub. .\Iin. lot 149, W. 75 ft. lot 7 Cath. McClain, Sub. Min. lot 149, E '/., lot 6 J. Steadman, Sub. Min. lot 149, \V lot 6 Jas. E. McClain, Sub., 2 of 5 of Min. lot 149. E. 25 ft. lot 1 J. McMullen Est., Sub. 5 of Min lot 149, lot 1 Ellen Bernsden, Sub. 2 of 5 of Min lot 149, N. 49x100 ft. lot 1 John Lowrey, Sub. Min. lot 149, N 150 ft. lot 4 30 40 \Vrn. Ballard Est., Sub. Min. lot 149, lot 3 30 40 D. W. Cleveland, Sub. Min. lot 149, lot 30 4U 15 20 13 76 24 02 22 80 30 40 30 40 7 611 22 80 7 60 22 SO 7 69 7 GO 15 12 Wm. McDermott, Sub. Min. lot 149, lot 1 31 01 Ann Clancy, Sub. City 598, lot 4 7 00 Ann Clancy, Sub. City 59S, lot 5 7 60 John O'Dea, Sub. City 59S, lot 6 7 60 Nic Sweeney, Sub. City 59S, lot 7 7 60 Anna Sullivan, Sub. City 59S, lot 820 49 Marg. McCarron, Sub. City 691, E 28 ft. lot 3 8 21 John Linehan, Sub. City 694, W. 27 7 60 ft. lot 3 Jno. J. Keane, et al, Sub. City 694, lot 1 15 20 Jno. J. Keane, et al, City lot 69774 63 Jno. J. Keane, et al, City lot 72674 63 St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital, Sub. City 731, lot 1 74 63 St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital, Sub. 226 63 Min. lot 66, lot - McClain Bros., Sub. 1, Min. lot 67, 325 SO lot 1 Jno. J. Keane, et al, Sub. City 725, 5 lot 1 9 43 Jas. Corcoran, Sub. 1, Min. lot 67, 1 lot 2 5 20 Matt Spielman, Sub. Min. lot 67, lot 2 15 20 Chas. F. Stevenson, Wooten's Sub, 14 29 lot 16 Chas. F. Stevenson, Wooten's Sub, 15 20 lot 17 Jas. and Ellen McClain, Wooten's 15 Sub., lot 18 20 Jas. and Ellen McClain, Wooten's 15 20 Sub., lot 19 Mary Wall, Sub. 1 and 2 of Min. lot 62 and Sub. part Min. lot 149, lot 4a, and Sub. Min. lot 68, lot 236 27 Chas. Anderson, Reeder Lang - worthy's Sub., lot 1 30 86 las. McClain, Reeder Langworthy's 15 G3 Sub., lot 2 Lang Andrew Nelson, Reeder - 15 63 worthy's Sub., lot 3............ Andrew Nelson, Reeder Lang - worthy's Suh., lot 4 17 33 B. E. Galliart, Reeder Langworthy's 13 68 Sub., lot 5 ........................ Maggie Doty, Reeder Langworthy's 13 62 Sub., lot 6 .......................... Maggie Doty, Reeder Langworthy's Sub., lot 9 15 63 Con Ryan, Jr., Reeder Lang - worthy's Sub., lot S 15 63 Con Ryan, Jr., Reeder Lang - worthy's Sub., lot 7 15 65 John Murphy, Sub, Min. lot 158, E lot 1 F. N. Schroeder, Sub. Min, lot 158, \V 1/2 lot 1 F. N. Schroeder, Sub. 2, Min. lot 158, lot 2 10 03 Mrs. B. Gillon, Sub. 2 Min. lot 155, lot 1 30 40 Wm. and F. A. Coates, McClain's Sub., lot 15 11 00 Wm. and F. A. Coates, McClain's Sub., lot 14 20 00 McClain Bros., McClain's Sub., lot 13 20 (K; McClain Bros., McClain's Sub., lot 12 20 00 .:d. McEvoy, McClain's Sub., lot 1120 00 Ed. McEvoy, McClain's Sub., lot 10.. 20 00 McClain Bros., McClain's Sub., lot 9. 20 00 F. V.". Biu :cli rt, McClain's Sub, lot S 20 00 McI'] kin Bros., McClain's Sub., Lots I. 1. 5, 6 and 7 116 SU Ed. ..Al,•('lain, Sub. Min. lot 150, lot 440 80 John Aleh:vuy, Sub. Min. lot 158, lots 4 and 5 108 61 J. T. Hancock Est., Sub. Min. lot 158, lot 6 71 44 Aug 9-1t 39 67 40 43 NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the City Council of the City f Dubuque, held on the 4th day of August, 1904, the following Special As- sessments were levied on the real estate herein after described, and that in case of failure to pay the one-seventh part within the time prescribed by the Ordi- nance governing same, all will become delinquent and subject to c4;1:e:_•amr by distress and sale. H. BRINKMAN. City Treasurer. For construction of Sanitary Sewer in White Street: M. Scheidecker Est.. L. H. Lang - worthy's Add., W 110 ft. lot 34$ 20 16 Regina Sand, L. H. Langworthy's 714 Add., E 50 ft. lot 34 Regina Sand, L. H. Langworthy's Add., E 50 ft., S 1F lot 33 3 54 M. Scheidecker Est., L. H. Lang - worthy's Add., W 110 ft., S lot 33 10 0`1 M. Scheidecker Est., L. H. Lang - worthy's Add., N. W. 30x80 ft, 7 lot 33 94 Nic Lentz, L. H. Langworthy's 5 Add., N E 30x20 ft. lot 33 35 F. J. Stoltz, L. H. Langworthy's 86 Add., N 2 ft. lot 33 F. J. Stoltz, L. H. Langworthy's Add., S 1/2 lot 32 13 6n Louis Witter, L. H. Langworthy's Add., N 1/2 lot 32 13 65 C. Lukas, L. H. Langworthy's 3•( Add., lot 31 E. Lembke. L. H. Langworthy's 15 88 Add., W 1/2 lot 30 S. Lembke, L. H. Langworthy's 1142 Add., E 1/2 lot 30 F. Woodrich Est., L. H. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 29 27 39 F. Woodrich Est., L. H. Lang- worthy's30 Add., lot 28 206 Official Notices Peter Nicks, L. H. Langworthy's Add., lot 27 Peter Nicks, L. H. Langworthy's Add., lot 26 Peter Nicks, L. H. Langworthy's Add., S 10 1/4 lot 25 R. Flick, L. H. Langworthy's Add, N E 1/4 lot 25 Nic Herman, L. H. Langworthy's Add., \V Y2 lot 25 Martha Zinn., L. H. Langworthy's Add., lot 24a W. O. Buesch, L. H. Langworthy's Add., lot 23a Anna M. Mayer, L. H. Langworthy's Add., S F. 14 lot 22a Minnie Schaefer, L. H. Lang - worthy's Add., N E 114 lot 22a Minnie Schaefer, L. H. Lang- worthy'= Add., W 1/4 lot 22a Casmier Frommelt, L. H. Lang - worthy's Add., W 1/4 lot 21a M. Frommelt, L. H. Langworthy's Add., E 14 lot 21a P. Ginter, L. H. Langworthy's Add, \V 70 ft. lot 20a Jos. Dietl, L. H. Langworthy's Add.. E 90 ft. lot 20a F. Fosselman. L. H. Langworthy's Add.. S 2 ft. lot 24 F. Fosselman. I. H. Langworthy's Add. N lot _; Aug. , L. H. Langworthy's Add., S 1/2 lot 23 H. C. Knoernschild, L. H. Lang - worthy's Add., lot Marg. Meuser, L. H. Langworthy's Add., N ?4 lot 21 Sophia Knoernshcild, L. H. Lang - worthy's Add.. S 1/4 lot 21 P. H. E. Sommerfield, L. H. Lang - worthy's Add., N 1/2 lot 20 Chas. Hollnagle, L. H. Lang- worthys' Add., S 111 lot 20 Chas. Holinagle, L. H. Lang - worthy's Add.. lot 19 Chas. Holinagle, L. H. Lang - worthy's Add., N 112 lot 18 Alois Frommelt. L. H. Langworthy's Add., S 1,4 lot 13 Alois Frommelt, L. H. Langworthy's Add.. N 114 lot 16p P. E. Spahn Est., L. H. Lang - worthy's Add., N /, S Z lot 16p John Spahn, L. H. Langworthy's Add., S 112, S 31 lot 16p Peter Nicks, L. H. Langworthy's Add., lot 14n Eliza Nicks Est., L. H. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 121 H. Zernecke, L. H. Langworthy's Add., N 1/4 lot 10j C. J. and J. A. Peryon, L. H. Lang - worthy's Add., S / lot 10j J. B. Meyer, L. H. Langworthy's Add., N 1/2 lot 8h John Stieber, L. H. Langworthy's Add., S 1,¢ lot 8h Lena Smith, Sub. 1 of 6f, L. H Langworthy's Add., lot 1 Eliza Froehlich, Sub. 1 of Of, L. H. Langworthy's Add., lot 2 Dorotha Klein, Sub. 6f, L. H. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 2 Dorothy Klein, L. H. Langworthy' Add., lot 4d Mathilda Specht, L H. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 2b Aug 10-1t 27 34 27 3u 5 71 57l 15 33 27 30 27 31' 5 71 5 71 15 f8 15 1'8 11 42 130 13 40 37 5 a 595 11 lie 5 95 5 95 5 95 5 95 11 90 , 5 95 5 95 6 51 10 23 10 23 27 33 27 30 13 63 1314 13 17 13 65 6 71 6 96 13 65 s 27 3u 27 30 LIST Lf CITY WARRANTS City Recorder's Office, Dubuque, Ia., August 1st, 1904. To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—The following is a com- plete list of warrants issued by me on various funds during the month of July, 1904: Expense $3,182.68 Road—First District 2,137.34 Second District 1,776.57 Third District 754.18 Fire 2,618.75 Police 2,254.35 Sewerage 421.00 Printing 269.35 Engineer 209.12 Street Lighting 2.1145.77 interest 501,45 Board of Health 492.90 Bee Branch 3.456.65 Special Bonded Aassessment 3.212.15 Mount Carmel Ave. Grading 29.00 Sidewalk Repairing 158.50 Special Sewer Fund 1.000.25 Loan 9.10.00 I.ibr:u•y I Iii'! elty ,•' rtil'y th: elicit Iixi of \o.t . On carious I'tuuls during the month July. 1904. C. F. ARENDT, 0-2:2-1t City Recorder. NOTICE TO SEWER CON'rRACTc1Rs Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Recorder until 7:3u o'clock p. m.. Thursday, Aug. 1Sth. 1904, for the construction of a Storm Water Sewer in Walnut Street. from Vest Eleventh Street to Julien Avenue, accord- ing to the plans and specifications p,e- pared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that it will require 20 lineal feet of 12 - Inch Tile Pipe, 145 feet 18 -inch and 250 inch Tile Pipe, 145 feet 18 -inch and `150 feet of 20 -inch Tile Pipe and 2 manholes. The work to be paid for when said work is completed and accepted by the CIty Council, the same to be completed on or before the 1st day of October, 1904. Bidders must state price per lineal foot for Tile Pipe, and each manhole. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check for $50.00 on some Dubuque bank. as a guarantee that a contract will he en- tered into if awarded. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Aug. 10th, 1904. C. F. ARENDT. 8-10-2t City Recorder. NOTICE TO ARCHITECTS. The City Council of the City of Du- buque requests that Architects submit sketches for a two story brick Engine House to be erected on the northeast corner of Reed and Rhomberg avenues. The building to cost about $2,700.00. Said sketches to be filed in the office of the City Recorder on or before 4 o'clock p. m., Aug. 26th, 1904. C. F. ARENDT. 8-22-3t City Recorder. Official Notices. '107. SIDEWALK NOTICE. Resdlved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a Sidewalk six feet wide, of good brick or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west side of Couler Avenue, between Twenty-sev- enth Street and Millville Road, abutting lot 13, West's Add., owned by D. A. Gehrig, at the expense of abutting prop- erty. Also, That a Sidewalk six feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice. con- structed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of Julien Avenue, between West Eighth Street and Air Hill Street, abutting lots 1 and 2 of lot 19, City lot 703, owned by A. W. Kemler Est., at the expense of abutting property. Also, That a sidewalk six feet wide, of good brick or cement, he. within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in re- lation to sidewalks, on the north side of West Eleventh Street. between Walnut Street and Race Street. abutting lot 13, Cummings' Sub., owned by R. W. Kem- ler, at the expense of the abutting prop- erty. Also. That a Sidewalk six feet wide, of good brick or cement. he. within 10 clays of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in rein tion to sidewalks, on the East side of Race Street. between West Eleventh Street and Rose Street, abutting lot 13. Cummings' Sub., owned by R. W. Kemler, at the ex- pense of abutting property. Also. That a Sidewalk six feet wide, of good brick or cement, be. within ...80 days of this notice, constructed and laid in eon• formity with the ordinance ide of n relation tn to sidewalks, on the west side of Bluft Street. between Dodge Street and Em- mett Street. abutting lot 2 of 1 of 598 City, owned by Thos. Rawson, at the ex- pense of abutting property. Passed by the City Council of the City of Dubuque July 21st: F 4.ARENDT. 8-1-1t City Recorder. Pipe Sanitary Sewer in Booth Street, from center of Dodge Street to the cen- ter of West Fifth Street; also easterly in West Third Street, from center of Booth Street to the center of Nevada Street, thence northerly in said Nevada Street to the alley first south of \Vest Fifth Street, in accordance with Plaits and Specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that it will require 2751 lineal feet of 8 - inch Tile Pipe and 10 Manholes. Bidders must state price per lineal foot for tile pipe, also the price for each man- hole. The work to be completed on or before November 1st, 1904, and shall be paid for when said work is completed and accept- ed by the City Council. All bids must be accompanied by a cer- tified chock of $50.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated Dubuque, Aug. 22nd, 1904. C. F. ARENDT, S -22-3t City Recorder. NOTICE TO SEWER CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the ffire of the City Recorder until 7:30 lock p. m. Thursday, Aug. 18th. 1904. for the construction of a Storm Water Stone Box Sewer. in Fifteenth Street, from West line of alley east of Cedar Street to West curb line of Sycamore: Street. It is estimated by the City Engineer, that it will require 130 lineal feet of stone box sewer. Bidders must state price per lineal foot for Sewer, all bids must be ace .mpaniad by a certified check of $50.00 on some Du- buque bank, as a guarantee that a con- tract will be entered into if awarded. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, C.Aug. ARI. 1904. ENDT. 8 -10 -Qt City Recorder. ____ NOTICE TO SEWER CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Recorder until 7:30 o'clock p. m. Thursday, Sept. 1st, 1901, for the construction of an 8 -inch Tile NOTICE TO JEWELERS. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 7:30 o'clock p. m. Aug. 25th 1904, for repairing, cleaning and oiling flu. Town Clock, also taking care of and winding said clock for one year. Bidders must state the price for repairy ing, cleaning and oiling and furnishing all material, also the price per year for taking care of and furnishing all material that may be required to keep said clock in complete running order for one year from Sept. 1st, 1904, to Sept. 1st, 1905. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. C. F. ARENDT, S -22-3t City Recorder. NOTICE OF THE CITY Ct1UNCIL'S INTEN]'in>. TO CONSTRUCT AN 8 -INCL[ T I.15 PIPE SANITARY SE\VER IN BOOTH STREET, FROM CENTER OF WEST THIRD STREET TO'THE CENTER OF WEST FIFTH STREET. To All Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby noti- fied that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque to con- struct an 8 -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Booth Street. from center of \\'. st Third Street to the center of West Fifth Street. That a plat and specification of said proposed sewer is now on file in the of- fice of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said sewer will be 838 lineal feet in length. including 2 manholes, a d wll $;$.M.01,cost the abutting property in total. Any persons having objections to the construction of said sanitary sewer :n•e hereby notified to appear In person be- t fore the August 18th, 1904, Council a orito file ts trinr es- siwrit- ing their objections with the C'Ity Re- corder on or before August 718th.oth. 119)4. Dated at Dubuque, Aug. C. F. ARENDT, 8-10-3t City Recorder. I Regular Session Sept. 1, 1904. 209 CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session September 1st. 1904. (Official.) Council met at 8:20 o'clock P. M. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Lyons and Needham. Absent—Aids. Frith, Jones and Stumpf. Ald. Corrance moved that the coun- cil proceedings for the month of August be approved as printed. Car- ried. BILLS. The following bills were ordered paid: Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co hose and couplings. Jackson and Washington Parks $ 32 85 Klauer & Kress, cups and chains. City Hall 2 25 Union Printing Co., blank weighers' books 76 00 Union Printing Co.. nomination blanks for election F. P. Hayes, board of prisoners for August J. W. Wittmer. drugs and sup- plies, City Hall M. S. Hardie, blank stationery Treasurer's office J. Heil. repairing patrol boxes P. Breithaupt, plumbing, Jack- son Park W. \yard. hauling. Jackson Park •• G. Holl. locks and keys. City Hall G. Gmehle, collecting back taxes Mullen Bros., repairing foun- tam. Seminary street . Pape & Walter. repairing foun- tam on Kauffman avenue C. H. Becker Co.. lanterns for Road department Key City Roofing Co., sewer pipe for Road department T. J. NIulgrew, cement. for Road department J. Heck, rock for Road depart- ment Pitts -.Thompson Foundry Co manhole covers and rings for Road department Eagle Point Lime Works, ce- ment for Road department .. Dubuque \Voodenware & Lum- ber Co.. lumber for Road de- partment Linehan & Molo, white waste for steam roller . • • • Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co.. hose for steal* roller • • W. Marshall. repairs on steam roller " • Dubuque Boat & Boiler Works, repairs on steam roller ...... 6 50 6 20 105 4 50 8 03 13.5 75 4 70 35 00 4 45 6 6o 12 78 4 50 50 W. Gere,- use of jack screws is moving rock crusher J. Agnew, rent of building for use of rock crusher J. Nagle, brick paving over sewer on Julien avenue Wunderlich & \\'iederhnit, horse shoeing, Fire department 5 00 C. H. Becker Co.. lantern globes, Fire department Kannolt & Powers, horse shoe- ing, Fire department 4 25 I 20 4 50 7 50 4 32 50 28 90 Mullen Bros., plumbing at Cen- tral engine house Smith -Morgan Printing Co printing August pamphlets 16 55 J. Butt, repairs for Road Dept J. Butt, repairs for Sewer Dept 4 6o J. Butt, repairs for Sprinkling Dept F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Sprinkling Dept F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Road Dept 2 65 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Sewer Dept 2 95 A. A. Brown, repairs for Road Dept Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber for Road Dept 73 05 Ott, Meuser & Co., shavings for Fire Dept 5 25 E. Vey, oil for Rock Crusher85 P. Pier, coal for Steam Roller and Rock Crusher 117 90 P. Pier, I load rattlings for Fire Dept 3 25 Martin & Strelau, moving Rock Crusher to Couler Ave 12 00 Eichhorn & Bechtel, bran for Fire Dept i 25 Eichhorn & Bechtel, groceries and supplies, Matron's Dept5 70 Key City Gas Co., gas for var- ious Depts 68 Key City Gas Co., coke for Fire i8 So Dept Key City Gas Co.. gas arcs, 00 Central Engine house L. Lindenberg. i sprayer for 50 Jackson Park L Lindenberg, nails for Road 7 Dept Klauer & Kress. knives and to forks for Matron Dept G. H. Davis & Co.. dishes for 6o Matron Dept J. W. Wittmer, drugs and sup- 2 85 plies for Police Dept T. Connolly Est., i new Patrol 450 00 Wagon J. Huffmeier, hauling at Patrol House Tower & Lyon Co., gilt buttons for Police Dept 4 22 G. W. Healey & Son, new tools for Sewer Dept Smith -Morgan Printing Co.. of- 20 10 ficial printing for July..... • • Telegraph -Herald, official print- 57 88 ing for July Telegraph -Herald. ti copies new City Directories......... 90 5 00 40 45 9 70 t o 350 57 76 150 I 75 to 80 25 t 50 2 00 55 00 210 Regular Session Sept. , 1904. • National Demokrat, official printing for August Klauer & Kress. 1 hand ax for Engineer's Dept Union Printing Co.. health re- ports for January. February, March and April T. E. Frith. removing garharge and dead animals 404 45 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co, couplers for Sprinkling Dept. T. J. Mulgrew. cement and sew- er pipe for Bee Branch Dept. Linehan & Molo. sewer pipe for Bee Branch Dept Klauer & Kress, oil can for Sidewalk Dept Morrison Bros., repairs for Sprinkling Dent print- ingSocialist Pub. Co., t16 to Finance reports for 1903.. A. R. Knights, 1 star for Police Dent F. Burns, shavings at Patrol House F. Burns, pine wood steam roller Union Electric Co., arc lamps for August 2061 95 Diamond Jo Line steamers, as- phaltum for Road Dept G. Ragatz & Son, repairs for Fire Dept G. Ragatz & Son, repairs for Road Dept G. Ragatz & Son, repairs for rock crusher G. Ragatz & Son, repairs for Springling Dept \[ullin & Papin, plumbing at City Hall H. T. Hagerty. veterinary ser- vices for Fire and Police Patrol Depts H. J. Hagerty, hospital fees for horse Fire Dept Palmer, Berg & Co., abstract in case of Florence Farrell vs City Palmer, Berg & Co., abstract in case of Lath. Sheridan vs. City Palmer, Berg & Co., blank stationery and blank hooks for various departments W. Foster. inspector on San- ford street sewer J. Berwanger, rock for Road department ...... .. .... Brown & Brown, rock for Road department . ...... .... P. I -Torch, rock for Road de partment Jno. Fury, rock for Road department Brown & Brown, estimate on storm water sewer in Sanford street J. Noonan, estimate on storm water sewer in Walnut street Gus I.ear. horse shoeing for Fire and Road departments. J. Street. final estimate con- structing sewer in Alpine street 25 00 O'Farrell & Street. final esti- mate for improving Lincoln 140 avenue O'Farrell & Street, final esti- mate for improving Raymond 20 00 Place 5 00 55 65 6 55 25 400 2 50 7 00 2 25 3 00 I 17 6 60 23 90 6 oo 98 00 63 00 69 20 00 46 0. 15 00 49 75 46 PC 923 Co 405 0.1 4 -c 70 6o Si 61 33 02 The following bills were referred: Nutwood Livery Co., livery hire for Memorial Day pa= rade 4 co On motion referred back to Nut - wood Livery Co., and they to present said bill to the Memorial Day commit- tee. Dubuque Brewing & Malting Co., to repairs on electric mo- tor truck No. 2 10 00 On motion referred to committee on Claims and City Attorney. Brown & Brown— To City of Dubuque, Dr. To ,3o lineal feet of 18 -inch tile pipe at 55c ; t6 5o On motion referred to City Engi- neer for collection. Iowa Telephone Co.— To City of Dubuque. Dr. To repairs on steam roller, damaged by Telephone Co's.$ 3 50 wires .. On motion referred to the City At- torney for collection. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICA- TIONS. Petition of Jno. Leicht, asking that double assessment for improving Gar- field Avenue from Ann to Dock Ave- nues, as levied against lots 9, to, II, 12, and 13. McCraney's First Add., be or- dered canceled. On motion referred to committee on Streets. Petition of J. F. Burns et al., asking for the drainage and removal of stag- nant water on lots 9, to and it of sub. min. lot 79. On motion referred to Street com- mittee and City Engineer. Petition of Thos. Hill. asking for the removal of telegraph pole located on sidewalk abutting lot 53, in S. M. Lang - worthy's Add., situated at S. E. corner of Booth Street and Julien Avenue. On motion referred to Street com- mittee and City Electrician. Petition of Louisa Schwartz, asking for the cancellation of the assessment on lots 7 and 9, in Marsh's Dubuque No. 2. lot 6. Kringle's sub., and lot 6 "A" in Quigley's sub., was on mo- tion referred to the Delinquent Tax committee. Petition of Iowa ?elephone Co., in relation to reduction of taxes, was on motion referred to City Attorney and City Assessor. Regular Session Sept. 1, 1904. Petition of the Mississippi River Im- provement Association, asking that $300.00 be paid to defray expenses in entertaining the Rivers and Harbors committee while on its trip of inspec- tion down the river. On motion referred to committee of the Whole. Petitions of Otto W. Gieger et al., and others protesting against locating new Fire Engine House at corner of Rhomberg and Reed Avenues, also asking that said Engine House be lo- cated at he corner of Rhomberg and Windsor Avenues. Aid. Corrance moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of hearing from some of the residents protesting against locating said Engine House at the Cor. of Rhomberg and Reed Ayes. Carried. Mr. \Vnh. Neumeister addressed the Council, protesting against said loca- tion and urged the Council to locate said Engine House at the corner of Rhomberg and Windsor Avenues. On motion the remonstrance was re- ferred to the committee of the Whole. Ald. Lyons moved that a warrant he ordered drawn for J. J. McCarthy to the amount of $1,000.00 for the pay- ment of lots 36 and 37 in McCraney's First Add. Unanimously carried. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Treasurer Brinkman. reFort'd -.s follows: To the Hon. Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:—Below you will find statement of amounts advanced by me during the past month, for which please order warrants drawn in my fa- vor: Excavation permits redeemed.$ 90 00 Interest paid on warrants out- standing New York Exchange—expense Postage Amendment references Thir- teenth General Assembly Refunded regular tax Improvement of alley, city property Improvement of Iowa Street, city property. from special bonded paving fund 433 39 Improvement of Iowa Street, city property. from special 52 bonded paving fund 298 $1861 31 Library orders paid • 677 -14 I also received $10,630.00 money bor- rowed from different parties. Please order loan warrants drawn in their favor. R espectfully, —H. Brinknutn, Treasurer. On motion the report was receieed and warrants ordered drawn to pay rt the various amounts. and the rel 97-45 7 00 10 100 15 95 ;7 60 211 referred back to the Committee on Finance. City Auditor Hoffman reported a< follows: To the Hon. Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:—Herewith find my re- port for the month of August, 1904. showing the receipts and disbursements for the month: Cash on hand Aug. 1st, 1904..$ 7.857,17 RECEI PTS. Receipts from all sources.... 32,1 12.29 839,969.4(7 DTSBURSEM ENTS. Warrants redeemed .822.851.68 - Coupons redeemed .. 0,018.00 Improvement bonds redeemed 1,050.00 $31,419.68 Cash on hand Sept. 1st, 1904 8,540.78 The above cash balance includes the Improvement Bond Fund, improvc- ment Pond Interest Fund, Sprinkliu and Library Fund balances. Also report that there is due the City Officers for the month of July. 1904, $2.6;8.a;. Also the following is a record of all Interest Coupons and Bonds red:ein- ed by the City Treasurer during the past month and credited to him: Regular Bond Coupons $6.715.30 Improvement Bond Coupons.. 202.50 .$ 6,918.00 Improvement Bond Redeemed 1,650.00 The following list shows the Appro- priations and the amount of Warrants drawn on each Fund since the begin- ning of the fiscal year, beginning March 1st, 1904, to Sept. 1st, 1904: Appropriation. Expended. Expense $10.000 $15,913.63 Road—First District 16,000 Second District 20,000 Third District 9,000 38,000 25,000 5.000 2.500 2.500 25,000 42,000 4,500 4,000 8,500 Fire Police Sewerage Printing Engineer Street Lighting Interest Board of Health Grading Bee Branch Special Bonded Paving... 2000 1,11.50 Judgment Special Bonded Debt In - 4,000 n 1,p 10 1,598.00 terest .Alt. Carmel Ave. Grading1.000 91.10 Sidewalk Repairing 1,1100 Special Sewer Fund 3.000 3,513..3), Grading Bluff Street Ex- tension and Villa Street 1.000 Fifth Ward Engine house 4,000 Total appropriation $268,019) Respectfully, —F. B. Hoffman, Auditor. On notion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay thc City Officers and the report referred back to the committee on Finance. 11.175.52 15.383.63 5,839.14 13.696.30 11,355.91 1,992.50 795.60 1.026.29 10,212.15 1,731.40 61.91 7,165.: 5 212 Regular Session Sept. 1, 1904. Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The following is the pay roll of the Fire Department for the month of August, 1904: $z z65.10 Amount due Firemen —J. R. Reinfried, Chief. On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the Firemen and the report referred back to the committee on Fire. Chief of Police Reilly reported as follows: 1 o the Honorable Mayor and City Coucil: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the Police Report for the month of Au- gust, 1904: Total arrests for the month 106 Residents arrested 40 Doors found open 20 Defective lights 33 Lodgers harbored 13 Meals furnished 31 Cost of food $6.20 Poundmasters' receipts $1.00 Fines violating ordinance $5.00 Patrol calls 82 Mies traveled 149 Also the pay roll for the Policemen for the month of August, 1904: Amount due Policemen $2,126.00 t_ n motion the report and pay roll were received, and warrants ordered drawn to pay the Policemen, • and the report referred back to the committee on Police. City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on streets in the dif- ferent districts during the last half of August, 1904: Amount due Streets Laborers on $2,359.50 Respectfully submitted, —James H. Boyce, City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Streets. Also submit my pay roll for labor on Sewers during he last half of August, 1904: Amount ers due Laborers on Sew - $204.20 Respectfully submitted, —James H. Boyce. City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Sewers. Also submit my pay roll for labor on Special Sewers during the last half of August, 1904: Amount due Laborers $16.20 Respectfully submitted, —James H. Boyce, City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Streets. Also submit my pay roll for grading on Bluff Street Extension for the last half of August, 1904: Amount due Laborers $83.00 Respectfully submitted, —James H. Boyce, City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Streets. On motion the pay rolls for Streets. Sewers and grading Bluff Street Ex- tension were received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay the various amounts and the pay rolls referred back to the proper committees. City Electrician Hipman reported as follows: To 'the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my report of Defective Lights for the month of August, 1904. I find from the reports of the Police Department that the total hours that 33 Lamps failed to burn would equal I 1-3 Lamps for one month, or $7.20. On motion the report was received and the City Auditor instructed to de- duct from the Union Electric Co.'s bill for the month of August the sum of $7.20. City Attorney Kintzinger reported as follows: To the Hon. Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Herewith attached please find Abstract of Title to Lots Nos. 36 and 37 in T. McCraney's Addition. Al- so deed of J. J. McCarthy and wife for said lots. I have examined the same and find the title to be perfect in J. J. McCarthy. I therefore report that the deed is ready for acceptance by the Council. • Ald. Corrance moved that said deed be accepted and the City Recorder in- structed to have the same properly re- corded. Carried. City Attorney Kintzinger also re- ported as follows: I herewith submit my report on the foregoing statement of Supreme Court costs in case of G. Schnee, Admr., vs. City of Dubuque, amounting to $11.1c. 1 find same correct and there- fore recommend that a warrant be or- dered drawn for said amount. On motion a warrant was ordered drawn in favor of John C. Crockett, Clerk of the Supreme Court, for $13.35. City Attorney Kintzinger also re- ported as follows: I herewith submit you a plat of the property conveyed to the City by Tohn Parker for a roadway, together with a warranty deed of said property from Mr. Parker. The plat has been properly dedicated by the owner. 1 find the title of the property to be in Mr. Parker, and I would further report that the deed is ready for acceptance by the Council. Regular Session Sept. 1, 1904. 213 Ald. Corrance moved that said deed and plat be accepted and the City Re- corder instructed to have the same properly recorded, also that a warrant be drawn in favor of the Mayor for $25o.00 to settle for said strip of ground. Carried. City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Attached please find Treasurer's receipts Nos. 690 and 691 for $134.00. No. 691—L E. Meyers Co., use of Steam Roller for July and 20 days in August $125.00 No. 690—Matt. Clancy, t M Paving Brick $ 14.0o Total $139.00 Respectfully, —James H. Boyce. City Engineer. On rpotion the report was received and filed. City Engineer Boyce also reported as follows: Attached please find statement of ma- cadam measured Sept. 1st. 1904, and the amount due for same. Total amount due $777.45 On notion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts. J. H. Weimer, County Auditor, pre- sented statements of the assessments and valuations of Railroads, Express Companies, Telegraph and Telephone lines in the City of Dubuque, as fixed by the Executive Council and the Board of Supervisors of Dubuque county for the year 1904 and were on motion referred to the Board of Equal- ization and City Assessor. The following Weighmasters' and Wood Measurers' receipts were re- ferred to the committee on Markets: Frank P. Hayes—City Hall re- ceipts 26.00 T. Faherty—First Ward Scale re- ceipts 4.97 R. Hay—Eighth Street scale re- ceipts Louisa Pitschner—West buque Scale receipts Mrs. C. Deckert—Rhomberg Ave. Scale receipts C. W. Katz—Woodmeasurer's re- ceipts The Mayor stated to the Council that he wished at the next meeting of the committee of the Whole to call their attention to the condition of the differ- ent Funds and ke some proviis on nmto to make them during the year. On motion bids for taking care of Du - I.61 2.I2 2.07 1.05 Town Clock were ordered opened: Bids as follows: W. W. Wormood, per year ....$144.00 ). P. Buechele & Co., per year.. 125.o.) On motion the contract was award- ed to J. P. Buechele & Co., they be- ing the lowest bidder. Also for construction of a sanitary sewer in Booth. West Third and Ne- vada Streets to center of West Fifth Street. were ordered opened. Bids in total as follows: Street. Steuck & Linehan Jas. Noonan O'Farrell & McNamara Jas. Hird 1,506.70 Mr. J. Hird being the lowest bidder was awarded the contract and bond fixed at $200.00. $1,923.09 1,893.09 1,708.03 Ald. Lyons moved that Michael O'Meara be appointed inspector on Booth, West Third and Nevada Streets sewer. Carried. REPORTS OF STANDING COM- MITTEES. Ald. Corrance, chairman of the Com- mittee on Claims. reported as follows: To the Hon. Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:—The undersigned Com- mittee on Claims and City Attorney, respectfully report that there is an ac- tion now pending in District Court, en- • titled Chas. B. Palmer, Plaintiff. vs. City of Dubuque, Defendant, in which the plaintiff sues the City for $5o.00 for damages done to plaintiff's horse, wagon and harness, through backing over a retaining wall on Seminary Street. in which the City failed to maintain a barrier or railing. We have investigated the facts in this case and have been able to get a proposi- tion roposition of settlement from the plaintiff by paying him the sum of $25.00 in full for his damages. We would respect- fully recommend that that sum be paid in settlement of this case, and that an order be drawn in favor of the Mayor for the sum to settle the same. —H. Corrance, Chairman Committee on Claims. On motion the report was adopted. Ald. Corrance of the Street commit• tee reported as follows: Your committee on Streets, to whom was referred the petition of Henry Kiene, asking that an accompanying plat of Columbia Addition be approved. would respectfully recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the proper resolution be adopted. —E. E. Frith, Chairman. Ald. Corrance moved to adopt the report. Carried. ,Whereupon Ald. Corrance offered the following, which was adopted: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the plat 214 Regular Session Sept. 1, 1904. of Columbia Addition, a subdivision of Lot i of I, of 2 of 7 of Mineral Lot 45. and of Lot 2 of I. of 2 of 7 of Mineral Lot 45, and of .Lot I of 2 of 2 of 7 of Mineral Lot 45 and of Lot I of 7 of Mineral Lot 45, and of Lot 2 of I of Mineral Lot 31, in the City of Du- buque,hIowa, be approved, and e Mayor and Recorder of the city be and are hereby directed to make proper certification of this resolution in order that the same may be properly re- corded. Aid: Clancy of the Sprinkling com- mittee reported as follows: • 'Your committee on Sprinkling. to whom was referred the bill of John Newman & Son for 75e for repairs on Sprinkling Wagons, would recommend that a warrant be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer•in settlement of the claim. Also, your committee on Sprinkling, to whom was referred the bill of Geo. Ragatz & Son for $2.36 for repairs on Sprinkling Wagons, would recommend that a warrant in said amount be or- dered drawn on the City Treasurer in settlement of the claim. Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the re- ports of the committee on Sprinkling. Carried. Ald. Clancy of the committee of the Whole reported as follows: Your committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of C. A. Voelker, in relation to special as- sessments levied against Lot 186 in Woodlawn Park Addition, for the im- provement of Auburn and Delaware Avenues, and also against Lots 114 and 115, Mechanic's Addition, for the improvement of Leibnitz Street. would recommend that the prayer of the pe- titioner be granted in so far as sail petition relates to said Lot 186, Wood - lawn Park Add.. provided that the mat- ter be adjusted within thirty days from the adoption of this report. but that the assessments against Lots 114 and 11 . Mechanic's Add., be allowed to remain as charged. Also, your committee of the Whole. to whom was referred the petition of the Eagle Point Boat House Co., ask- ing that it be granted the exclusive privilege of operating a ferry between Eagle Point and Kimbel's Park, would recommend that said petition be re- ceived and filed. Also, your committee of the Whole. to whom was referred the petition of the Hagge & Fox Mfg. Co.. asking that the City Council order the taxes canceled on Lots 134 and 135. Glendale Add., No. 2. for the years 1902 and 1903, because its plant had been de- stroyed by fire, would respectfully re- port that said plant was in operation during said entire period, and would recommend therefor that said petition be received and filed. We would further recommend that in accordance with an agreement had with said com- pany of record, the City Treasurer be instructed to accept taxes on said lots, including improvements and machinery thereon, on a basis of $750.00 in full for the years 1902 and 1903. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Messrs. M. M. Walker, H. E. Tredway, F. J. Piekenbrock and John Deery, asking the sum of Six Hundred Dollars be appropriated by the City. of Dubuque's share of the expense • of furnishing a steamboat to transport the River and Harbor Commissioners from St. Paul to St. Louis, and also to entertain them while in the city, would recommend that the City Coun- cil in conjunction with the. three dele- gates to the Upper Mississippi . River Improvement Convention, entertain said Commission while in the city, and that Dubuque's share of the expense for furnishing the steamer be paid up- on the presentation of vouchers from the proper officers of the Upper Mis- sissippi River Improvement Associa- tion, showing in detail the actual ex- pense incurred. —C. H. Berg, Chairman Pro Tem. Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the var- ious reports- of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. RESOLUTIONS. Alderman Corrance offered the fol- lowing: Whereas, a number of the improve- ment bonds issued to defray the ex- pense of certain streets and other im- provements made along and in front of the abutting property benefited there- by have become, or will become clue in the course of this. year, and whereas, said bonds were originally issued in denominations of one thousand dollars, and whereas, bonds of this denomina- tion have proven themselves to be both inconvenient and uneconomical for the City, as it is impossible to call in these bonds until the full amount of their face has been collected from the abutter, and as it often happens that large amounts, hut less than one thou- sand dollars accumulates in the bands of the treasurer and must be held by him, and cannot be. utilized, therefore be it Resolved. That under and by virtue - of the ordinance of the City of Du- buque and the powers conferred upon' said City by Sections 848 and 849, Chapter 8, Title V, Code of• Iowa of 1897, certain bonds hereinafter men- tioned be refunded, and a series of bonds of a denomination of Five Hun- dred Dollars each be issued to refund these. The bonds to he refunded are described as follows: Bonds num Regular Session Sept.. 1, 1904. bered 78, 79, 8o, 8t, 82, 83 84 and 85, dated September r, 1897, and bond number 86, dated January 1, 1898, amounting to Nine Thousand Dollars. Of this amount Seven Thousand Dol- lars are to be refunded, and the bal- ance Haid for from funds now in the hands of the City Treasurer. The re- funding bonds to be numbered 271, 272, 273, 274. 275. 276, 277, 278, 279, 28o, 281, 282, 283 and 284, hearing elate of Sep- tember I, 1904, each of a denomination of Five Hundred Dollars. hearing in- terest at the rate of five per cent. her annum, payable semi-annually. The bonds to be payable seven years from date, or at any time before, at the op- tion of the city. Both principal and interest to be payable at the office of the City Treasurer at Dubuque, Iowa. The bonds and coupons to be substan- tially in the following form. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. State of Iowa. City of Dubuque. No. REFUNDING BOND. $500.00 The City of Dubuque. in the State of Iowa. for value received. promises to pay to the bearer hereof, on the 1st clay of September, A. D., 1911, or at any time before at the option of the city. the sum of FiVE HUNDRED DOLLARS. with interest thereon at the rate of five per cent. per annum, payable semi-an- nually on the 1st day of March and the 1st clay of SeptemPer. on the pres- entation and surrender of the interest coupons hereto attached as they be- come due. Both principal and inter- ect of this bond are navable at the office of the City Tread+ e'- at D+i- huoue. Iowa. This bond is issued by the City of Duhunne, under and by vir- tue of Sections 848 and 840 of Chanter 8, Title V, of the Code of 1897 of the State of Iowa, and payable as therein provided. and in accordance with the resolutions of the City Council of said City passed on the 1st day of Septem- ber. mai. This bond is one of a series of fourteen bonds of like tenor, date and amount. number8, ed 271. 272. 273 ' 274, and 28_t. and i77, s issued for the 242, 25z and purpose of providing for the refund- ing of certain bonds numbered 78. 79. 8o, St, 82, 83, 82 and 85, dated Septem- ber T, 1897, and bond number 86. dated January 1, 1898, issued to defray the expense of certain improvements in, upon and along certain streets and an alley in said City of Dubuque. namely: Sixteenth Street from Pine Street to Sycamore Street. Hall Street from Delhi Street to Grace Street. ',Vey from West Third Street to ONeill Street, between Edith Street and Booth Street, Iowa Street from t Tnth Street to Fourteenth Street, r Glenn Oak Avenue. from \\ est Four- teenth Street to Julien Avenue. Wood Street from West Fourteenth Street 215 to the South line of Lot 4, Myrtle Ad- dition, Alpine Street from Julien Ave- nue to West Third Street, West Third Street from College Avenue to Walsh Street. Wood Street from South line of Lot 4, Myrtle Addition to South line of Mineral Lot 18o, Elm Street from Twenty-sixth Street to Twenty- seventh Street, Washington Street from Twenty-sixth Street to Twenty- seventh wentyseventh Street, which cost is payable by the abutting property benefited thereby and by law a lien on said abut- ting property, and is payable in seven annual installments, with interest on said deferred payments at the rate of six her cent. her annum, and it is hereby certified and recited that all the ;.cts, conditions and things required to he done precedent to and in the issu- ing of this bond have been properly done, happened and performed in reg- ular and due form, as required by law, and for the payment hereof, both prin- cipal and interest, the full faith and credit of said City of Dubuque is ir- revocably pledged, in accordance with the said Sections 848 and 849, Chapter 8. Title V. of the Code of 1897, and the resolutions of the City Council referred to. In Witness Whereof, the City of Du- buque, by its City Council, has caused this bond to be signed by its Mayor, attested by its Recorder, with the seal of the City affixed, and countersigned by its Auditor, this 1st clay of Septem- ber, 1904, and the interest coupons hereto attached to be executed by the facsimile signatures of the Mayor and Recorder of said City of Dubuque, all as of date of the 1st day of September, 1904. Mayor of the City of Dubuque. City Recorder. FORM OF COUPON. No. On the day of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, promises to pay bearer as provided in said bonds, the sum of Twelve Dollars and Fifty Cents at the Office of the City Treasurer, being six months' interest due that clay on its refunding No. , dated September 1st, 1904. Ald, Corrance moved to adopt the resolution. Carried unanimously. Ald. Clancy moved to adjourn until September 15th. Carried. -C. Arendt, City Recorder. Regio 'der. 1905. 216 i Regular Session Sept. 15, 1904. CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session, September i5th, 1904. (Official.) Council met at 8:35 o'clock P. M. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf. Absent—Ald. Jones. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICA- TIONS. Petition of Dubuque & Wisconsin Bridge Co., asking that the City Treas- urer be instructed to cancel the taxes for 1903 on Eagle Point Bridge. On motion the petition was granted. Petition of A. L. Rhomberg, asking that the taxes against lots 64o and 641. in East Dubuque No. 2 and Block 24, in Railroad Add., be ordered canceled, said lots being used for Detention Hos- pital purposes only. On motion was granted. Petition of J. J. Quigley et al., asking that a new sidewalk be ordered con- structed on south side of St. Joseph Street at or near intersection thereto with Freemont Avenue, was on mo- tion granted and Engineer instructed to give proper grades. Petition of Henry Michel et al., in relation to placing an arc light at in- tersection of Prospect and West Fifth Streets, was on motion referred to committee on Police and Light. Petition and claim of P. J. Mulligan, asking for personal damages for his son, Edward, which happened on Aug- ust 24th, 1904, while walking on south side of George Street. Also Original Notice, District Court, of Rudolph Bernhard, claiming the sum of $to,000.00 for personal damages sustained by falling on defective side- walk on east side of Kleine Street. On motion both petitions and claims were ordered referred to committee on Claims and City Attorney. Notices to redeem from Tax Sale of certain property in city by Wm. Hint- rager were on motion referred to the City Attorney. The following petitions were referred to the committee of the Whole: Petition of Chas. Anderson et al., protesting against paying special as- sessment for constructing Sanitary Sewer in north side of Dodge Street. Also petition of John Cushing, ask- ing for the cancellation of special as- sessment for paving intersection of Eighteenth and Couler Avenue. Also petition of Dubuque Library Trustees, asking that one-third of a mill on the dollar of the taxable valu- ation be appropriated for the year 1904 Also expense account for the Con- gressional committee of Rivers and Harbors. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Mayor Berg reported that according to the instructions of the City Council. he had paid $25.00 to C. B. Palmer. for injuries done to the delivery horse, wagon and harness. heretofore belong- ing to the firm of Palmer & Presley, by reason of their backing over a retain- ing wall on Seminary street. and pre- sented a receipt for the same. On motion the action of the Mayor was approved. City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on streets in the dif- ferent districts during the first half of September. 1904: Amount due Laborers Streets on $1.474.3; Respectfully submitted. —James H. Boyce, City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Streets. Also submit my pay roll for labor on Sewers during the first half of Septem- ber. 1904: Amount due Laborers on Sew • - ers $177.00 Respectfully submitted. —James H. Boyce. City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Sewers. Also submit my pay roll for labor on Special Sewers during the first half of September, 1904: Amount due Laborers $ 44.55 Respectfully submitted. —James H. Boyce. City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Streets. Also submit my pay roll for grading on Bluff Street Extension for the first half of September, 1904: Amount due Laborers $161.00 Respectfully submitted, —James H. Boyce. City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Streets. On motion the pay rolls for Streets. Sewers and grading Bluff Street Ex- tension were received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay the various amounts and the pay rolls referred back to the proper committees. City Attorney Kintzinger reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: The undersigned. City Attorney and City Assessor. to whom Regular Session Sept. 15, 1904. 217 the within communication from the Iowa Telephone Co., was referred. would respectfully recommend that the same be received and filed. Respectfully, J. W. Kintzrnger. City Attorney. C. B. Scherr, City Assessor. On motion of Ald. Corrance the re- port was approved. The list of names furnished to the City Council by the Chairmen of the City Central Committees of the Repub- lican and Democratic parties to select the names of Register Clerks for the coming year were presented. Ald. Clancy moved that the list be referred to the Committee of the Whole, they to take a recess for ten minutes to look over the lists, and re- port to the Council. Carried. After taking a recess, the Committee reported the following named, to be appointed Register Clerks for the en- suing year: FIRST WARD. First precinct— L. D. Marlin. D. R. T. Curran. R. Second precinct— James Agnew. D. M. Lippman. R. SECOND WARD. First precinct— D. D. W. Carver. D. Adam R. Lor- enz. R. Second precinct— Thos. Quinlan, D. Theo. Ris. R. THIRD WARD. First precinct— Peter B. Hoffman. D. Andrew Voelker. R. Second precinct— John O'Connell, D. Dan Brewbaker, R. Third precinct- Anton J. Palen. D. Wnr. Haisch, R FOURTH WARD. First precinct— Brad Hopkins, D. Al. Gasser, R. Second precinct— Geo. Willman. D. H. L. Cutts. R. Third precinct— Hugh McMullen. Jr.. D. J. H. Trieh. R. FIFTH WARD. First precinct— Andrew Kaufman, D. A. T. H Tuegel. R. Second precinct— Frank Oeth. D. John Meyer. R. Jno Schmitz /S/ Third precinct— Frank Mihm-. D. Robert Beckler. R. Fourth precinct— Alde Frith d to adopt the l movrep report of the Committee of the Whole. Car- ried. REPORTS OF COM MITT EES. Ald. Lyons. Chairman of the Ordi-: Hance Committee, presented and read an Ordinance amending an Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance to provide for the establishment of a City Police and to prescribe Rules and Regulations therefor,', and being Chapter XVII of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Dubuque of 1901, and moved that the reading just had be considered its first reading. Carried. Ald. Lyons moved that the rules be nowsuspended for the purpose of reading the Ordinance by its title for the second time. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy. Corrance, Frith, Lyons. Needham and Stumpf. Absent—Ald. Jones. The Ordinance was then read by its title for the second time. Ald. Lyons moved that the Ordi- nance be now adopted as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy. Corrance, Frith. Lyons, Needham and Stumpf. Absent--Ald. Jones. The Mayor declared the Ordinance adopted. The Ordinance follows: An Ordinance amending an ordi- nance entitled "An Ordinance to pro- vide for the establishment of a City Police and to prescribe Rules and Reg- ulations therefor," and being Chapter XVII., of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Dubuque of 1901. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section r. That Section 21 of the ordinance entitled "An Ordinance to provide for the establishment of a City Police and to prescribe Rules and •Regulations therefor" be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 2. This -Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its adoption by the City Council and its publication one time in -the Du- buque Globe -Journal newspaper. Adopted , tow. Approved . 1903. . Mayor. Attest: City Recorder. Ald, Corrance. chairman of the com- mittee on Claims. reported as follows: Your committee on Claims. to whom was referred the petition of Helmuth Butt, asking that he be allowed the sum of $10.00 as compensation for shade trees, etc., which were destroyed by the city, would recommend that lie be allowed the sum of $3.00 for said damage. provided he accept said sum in full settlement of the claim. Ald. Corrance moved to adopt the report. Carried. Ald. Frith. chairman of the commit - .tee on Streets. reported as follows: Your committee on Street,. to whom was etition of Burnset referred al., asking John g that someprovis- ion he made for removing the stagnant water from Lots Q. to and 1 t of the 218 Regular Session Sept. 15, 1904. Sub. of Mineral Lot 79, would recom- mend that the City Engineer be in- structed to notify the owners of said lots to have the same filled to a height that will prevent said stagnant' water from remaining thereon, or to cause said lots to be properly drained. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Ald. Frith also presented the follow- ing hills: John Teney—Rock delivered to 16.00 Rock Crusher Martin Tigges—Rock delivered to Rock Crusher 11.75 Peter Horsch—Rock delivered to Io.00 Rock Crusher John Berwanger—Rock delivered to Rock Crusher io.00 On motion of Ald. Frith warrants were ordered drawn to pay the var- ious amounts. Ald. Clancy reported as follows: Your committee of the Whole, acting on the within petition of the Trustees of the Westminster Presbyterian Church, asked that they be granted permission to lay a sidewalk abutting the church on Bluff Street three inches above the established grade, would rec- ommend that said Trustees be granted permission to lay said walk as prayed for from the southeast corner of Thir- teenth and Bluff Streets to the north line of the middle 38 feet of City Lot 662. —C. H. Berg, Chairman pro tem. At,d. Clancy moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Lyons offered the following: Whereas, Undue and unnecessary delay: has been taken by the contractor in replacing the hereinafter mentioned street, after the construction of a sewer therein, in proper condition for travel, therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby instruct- ed to replace White Street and Eagle Point Avenue to Sanford Street in proper condition, and deduct the ex- pense occasioned thereby from the amount due M. Tschirgi, the contract on said sewer. Ald. Lyons moved to adopt the res- olution. Carried. A14. Corrance moved to adjourn un- of October 6th, 1904. Carried. —C. F. Arendt, City Recorder. Attestd Recorder. Approved. / .23 190.5! . ,) : ',.tT" . Mayor. List of Warrants. LIST OF CITY WARRANTS. City Recorder's Office, Dubuque, Ia., September 1st, 1904. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The following is a com- plete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of August, 1904: C. H. Berg, salary, Mayor5116 65 H. Brinkman, salary, Treasurer133 3o J. A. McKinlay, salary, Deputy Treasurer too 0u Jno. Krayer, clerk, Treasurer's office 6o 00 Chas. F. Arendt, salary, Re- corder 116 65 Wm. A. Kaep, salary, Deputy Recorder 8o 00 F. B. Hoffman, salary, Auditor116 65 C. B. Scherr, salary, Assessor125 00 A. Doerr, Jr., salary, Assistant Assessor TOO 00 J. J. Murhpy, salary, Assistant Assessor •• too on J. W. Kintzinger, salary, Attor- ney . 15o 00 J. C. Longueville, salary, As- sistant Attorney 75 00 Gertrude Barker, Attorney's Stenographer 20 00 Thos. Reilly, salary, Chief of Police 1o0 on Jos. Reinfried, salary, Fire Chief too 00 T. W. Lawler, salary, Committee 100 Clerk oo Jas. Boyce, salary, City Engi- t66 65 neer E. Anderson, salary, Assistant Engineer TOO 00 G. White, salary, Rodman 5o 00 G. N. Raymond, salary, Super- intendent of Street Sprinkling 6o (30 E. Herron, clerk in Auditor and Engineer's office 75 00 Wm. Hipman, salary, Electri- 83 35 cian F. P. Hayes, salary, Market - master T. Cahill, salary, Park Custodian 4o 00 H. Henge, salary, 40 Cus- todian 00 T. Faherty, salary, Park Cus- todian Dr. B. F. Michel, salary, Health Officer F. Flynn, salary, Sanitary Pa- trolman pound C. Baumann, salary, Pound - master Mrs. H. Koenig, salary, Jani- tress Sidewalk I. Conigisky. salary, Inspector C. W. Katz, salary, Wharf - master •••• M. Clancy, salary, Alderman.. H. Corrance, salary, Alderman. E. E. Frith, salary, ldeman ...derman . R. Jones, salary, Alderman. M. E. Lyons, salary, P. H. McLaughlin, salary, Al - 50 00 I0 00 50 00 6o oo 40 00 20 00 50 00 319 (lerman 25 00 J. A. Stumpf, salary, Alderman25 00 M. Eitel, fireman $ (i5 00 J. Essman, fireman 7.5 00 A. Duccini, fireman 6o 00 J. Flynn. fireman 65 00 J. Roshin. fireman 6) 00 J. Tschudi, fireman 6o 00 J. Schonberger, fireman 5o oo A. Heel.. fireman 5o 00 J. Daley. fireman 65 oo J. Barnes. fireman 75 00 T. Ryder, fireman 6o 00 G. Beyer, fireman 65 o0 Wm. Ducey. fireman 6o oo F. Murnhy. fireman 46 6; M. Kelley, fireman So 00 P. Ahern. fireman 50 00 M. Kenneallv. fireman 3 35 D. Ahern, fireman 65 00 J. Murphy, fireman so 0o A. McDonald. fireman 67 5o T. Flynn. fireman 6; co P. Zillig, fireman 50 00 H. Cain. fireman ;o 00 M. Sweeney. fireman 5o on J. Beazer. fireman 50 03 J. McGloughlin, fireman 5o o0 W. Kannolt, fireman 5o 00 P. Fury, fireman 5o 00 G. Gherki, fireman 65 00 T. Kennedy, fireman 60 00 F. Baumgartner, fireman 5o o0 J. Smith, fireman 50 00 C. Kannolt, fireman 65 00 J. Allen, fireman 60 00 M. Fahey, fireman 50 00 Wm. O'Connell, fireman 50 00 • R. Weston, fireman 6650 00 op F. Kenneally, fireman E. McDermott, fireman 50 00 W. McClain, fireman 50 00' J. H. Barry, police 50 00 G. Burkel, police 43 20 J. Carter, police J. Clune, police 5o O° Jno. Cody, police 50 O0 W. Cook, police 60 °(' W. Corcoran, police 5 0 d J. P. Cummings, police 5 H. Donlon, police 5o 00- J. Fitzpatrick, police 50 00 Jas. Flynn, police 50 30 Jno. Fox, police 51 65. Wm. Frith, police 50 Ot' oo T. Ganahl, police 50 00 L. Grasse!, police 50 00 B. Gray, police o ocr Pat Hanlon, police '' • 50 00 M. Kilty, police 46 00 5o 00 5000 50 00 62 00 Jno. Murphy, police 50 00 Jno. Raesli, police 65 00 Otto Rath, police 50 00 J. Rooney, police 51 a5 Jas. Ryan, police 60 20 00 M. Ryan, police. 5 P. Scharff, polce 50 00 Al. Scherr, police 62 00 F: Spielman, police 51 65 20 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 Jno. Loetscher, police P. McCollins, P. McInerney, police D. Norton, polic4, M. O'Connor, police y if 220 List of Warrants. P. Sutton, police Toni Sweeney. police M. Stapleton, police Joe Stoltz, police P. Sullivan, police Jno. L. Sullivan, police L. Zeidman, police Mrs. Kate Hibbe, matron....... 3o 00 Miss L. Brennan, matron 30 00 Labor in the different districts dur- ing the last half of July. 1904: J. Albrecht, znd $ 12 5o Jas. Beaky. 1st 22 5o Thos. Burke. 1st 22 50 Jos. Brouillette, 1st 9 85 John Burns, 1st 4 95 F. Buddien. 2nd 4 05 J. Brachtenbach, 2nd 2 05 Paul Becker. 3rd 12 85 D. J. Brightbill, 3rd to 15 Jos. Brown, 1st, $7.50; 2nd. $11.25; 3rd, $3.75 22 .50 Clarence Boyce, 1st. $6.00; 2nd, $6.00 12 W. Coughlan, 1st 16 Peter Carney, 1st 22 Jas, Cunningham, 1st 15 Frank Correll, Ist 13 Jas. Callahan, 1st 20 John Corbet. znd 7 Jas. Connolly, 1st, $4.40; 2nd, $8.75; 3rd. $4.40 H. Cosgrove. 1st, $6.65; 2nd; $10.00; 3rd, $3.35 20 00 John Dougherty, 1st II 5o E. Daley. 1st 14 40 T. Donahue, 1st, $4.40; znd. . $8.75: 3rd. $4.40 17 55 John Egan, 1st 135 John Ess, 2nd 2 70 'Frank Frick, 2nd 9 15 E. Firzlaff, 3rd 22 95 H. Fleck. 1st. $25.00; 2nd,$37.50; 3rd, $12.50 75 00 Nelson Frith, 1st, $16.65; 2nd, • $25.00: 3rd. $8.35 5o 00 Pat Grue. 1st 9 45 Pat Gilloon, 1st II 85 Jas. Graham, 1st 2 4o Jos. Gavin. 1st 20.00 H.. Galle. 2nd 9 45 Jas McCormack, 1st, $5.85; $8 75.: 3rd. $2.95 17 5; W. O'Brien. 1st 20 •o0 M. O'Meara, 1st. 22.50 James Purcell, 1st 8 10 Tames Powers. 1st. ... 9 00 Tohn Parker, 3rd. 14 20 John Pfeiffer. 1st. $4.40: 2nd, -z• z -d, $1.40 W. Quinlan. 1st, $4.40; 2nd, $8.75; 3rd, $4.40 17 55 Pat. kvrin. 1st 22 50 Tante. Ryan. 1st. 17 2; -Phil. Reddin, i.t. 8 6; Matt. Raishel:. n:'l 13 50 C. Reinfrank. md. 7,80 Jos. R o4oie.y. 1st, $11.25: 3rd. $3.7; Hike SuPivan. W. Sheehan, 1st. Dan Sheehan. 1st. $3.30; 2nd. 6o 50 00 65 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 51 65 00 90 50 30 20 00 8o 17.55 211d, 17 55 $7.50: 211d, 22 50 0. 90 18 90 C) 90 John Sloan. 211d. - 5 40 'John Schroeder. 2nd. a 85 Frank Scherr, 211d. 20 00 Louis Smith. 3rd. 4 05 Nick Sweeney. 1st, $8.75: 3rd. $440 17 5.5 J. Twieg, 2nd. 4 05 R. Turner, 2nd. 5 40 W. D. Wilbur. 1st 20 00 W. Welsh. 1st. 13; John Welsh. tst. 8 30 John Walsh. 3rd, 8 to W. Wearmouth, 3rd. 20 00 Walter Bradley. 1st 28 8o F. Burns, znd. 52 20 Frank Beutin, 2nd. 7 20 F. G. Becker, 1st. $2.95: 211d. $14.75' .3rd, $23.50 Clancy Transfer Co., 12 30 Jos. Calvert, 1st. T. B. Cain. 1st. $10.00: 2nd, L000 abor on Streets last half of July. 1904: A. Conrail, znd $ 60 Mike Hannan. 1st. $4.60; 2nd $45.60 5o 20 J. Haudenshield, 2nd 42 30 Peter Horeb, 2nd 10 8o J. Huffmire 38 40 J. J. Linehan, 1st 51 20 John Long, 2nd 39 00 John Mulgrew, 3rd 5 40 J. J. McCollins. 1st, $59.30; 2nd, $4.10 63 4o Jeff McGrath, 3rd 21 6o Dennis O'Meara. 1st 14 40 Geo. Reynolds. 1st. $9.20; 2nd, $18.45; 3rd. $9.20 36 85 Ed. Seeley. 1st 43 20 J. Sullivan, 2nd, $14.40; 3rd. $28.80 43 20 James Tobin. 3rd 19 8o W. Woods, 1st 28 8o Grading Mt. Carmel Avenue during the last half of July. 1904: E. Daley, labor 6 30 John Kelly, labor 6 30 W. Sheehan, labor 7 20 Walter Bradley, team i6 20 Clancy Transfer Co., team 5 40 T. .T. Linehan, team 3 6o W. Woods, team 16 20 Labor on Special Sewers during the last half of July. 1904: J. Albrecht, labor E. Amanda, labor John Bohn Fred Buddien. labor John Ess, labor H. Grode, labor J. Hansen Aug. Jass, labor Jos. Kaesbauer, labor Geo. Kaesbauer, labor Adam Kaesbauer. mason A. Schneider, mason. R. Turner, labor • J. Twieg. labor, Frank Beutin, team Labor on Sewers for the last hal( of July, 1. o P. Casserly. labor $ 20 8o $4.40; 2nd, 1St 41 20 .30 6o • 40 00 135 5 40 14 85 7 45 3 75 135 17 45 t 35 4 05 I 70 14 20 7 45 1 35 12 85 15 30 J. Corcoran. labor T. Hagerty. foreman J. Jellison, labor Jos. Kiang, labor P. Kenneally, labor C. Sullivan, labor L. Taylor, labor L. Zemanek, labor L. Daily, cleaning around Mar- ket Square $ 28 00 F. P. Hayes, board of prison- ers for July 9 20 T. E. Frith. removing garbage and dead animals for July389 48 W. Foster. inspector on San- ford Street sewer 6 15 P. J. Schuler, inspector on Bee Branch sewer 19 20 P. Jacobs. rock for Rock 67 50 Crusher A. P. Abeln, abstract of pro- posed canal. being part of Cong. lot 8. Sec. 19, T. 89. N. R. 3 E 5o oo Kelley's Book Store, stationery and supplies for various of- fices G. B. Grosvenor Co., toilet pa- 6 75 per. City Hall Jas. Levi & Co., matting. Council Chamber 5 60 J. Beach & Son, soap. City Hall 1 40 C. O. D. Laundry, towels and racks, April. May. June and 16 00 July S. I. Mould. photos of alley crossing on Francis Street.. 8 oo W. W. Whelan, grinding lawn mower. Washington Park... I 00 List of Warrants. 221 20 8o 25 00 20 8o 20 80 20 8o 20 8o 17 60 20 8o A. Doerr. Sr.. hauling at Jack- son Park Pape & Jacquinot, plumbing at Jackson Park F. Burns. hauling tool boxes for parks McDonald & Morrison. sup- plies for Jackson Park Key City Gas Co.. gas for var- ious departments J. P. Buechele & Co.. taking care of Town Clock • • • B. Lagen, carriages for City Council Ald Mc- Laughlin's J. Murphy. draping desk • • • Midland Chemical Co., disinfec- tine, t2 50 City Hall . • • West Disinfecting Co.. disin- fectine. City HallSo... new G. W. Healey tools. Road Dept... . • • • • • • F. Schloz & Son, repairs. Road Dept.. .... ....Dols. Road G. F. Klein, new t Dept. ' ' ' 5 90 W. B. Baumgartner. new tools, Road Dept. 5 SS "" Smedley Steam Pump Co.. re- 2 go pairs. Road Dept. .. • • • • • P. J. Seippel, lumber. Road • z Dept. o 75 Morrison -Johnson -Brown Co.. 500 wood, Road Dept. .......... I 00 2 55 50 2 90 61 20 96 75 16 00 5 50 C. Matz, repair: for Road and Fire Depts T. J. Mulgrew. Dept. P. Lang, new tools. Road Dept. C. Giese. filing saws, Road Dept J. Duggan, repairs. Road Dept. F. M. Jaeger & Co., dynamite and fuse, Road Dept. 2345 Linehan & Molo, cement. Road Dept. Pitts -Thompson Foundry Co.. manhole covers and rings, Road Dent. Dubuque Turbine and Roller Mill Co.. asphalt varnish, Road Dept. G. Ragatz & Son. repairs for Steam Roller and Rock Crusher Standard Oil Co.. oil for Steam Roller and Rock Crusher .... Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co.. difference in hose re- placed for Rock Crusher . P. Pier, coal for Rock Crusher Wunderlich & Wiederholt. horse shoeing for Fire Dept. Collings & Pfiffner, horse shoe- ing for Fire and Police Depts G. Lear. horse shoeing for Fire and Road Depts. P. Heller. horse shoeing Fire and Road Dept. Ott. Menser & Co.. shavings for Fire Dept. T. F. Kane. hay and Fire Dept. cement, Road 26 25 9 25 9 05 30 75 5 50 175 8o 16 40 for oats for 5 25 12 50 50 II 90 19 I0 Ellwanger Bros., repairing har- ness for Fire and Road Depts F. Zehetner. repairs for Fire Dept. . Dubuque Oil Tank Line, oil for Fire and Rock Crusher Depts. W. H. Torbert, drugs and sup- plies for Fire Dept. P. Lang, hardware for Fire Dept. J. Newman. repairs for Fire Dept. Key City Gas Co.. coke and gas a9 50 arcs for Fire Dept. ...... Griggs. Cain & Co.. carpenter repairs for Fire Dept. .... 7 50 Ellwanger Bros.. repairing har- ness for Patrol Team G. F. Klein. hardware for Pa- trol House T. F. Kane. hay and oats for 27 90 Patrol House Pape & Jacquinot, plumbing for t to Patrol House J. Huffmeier, hauling at Patrol 1 50 1 -louse Dubuque Woodenware & Lum- ber Co.. shingles at Patrol 7 So House "" T. F. Fay, painting and extra lc8 50 work at Patrol House . Eichhorn & Bechtel, groceries 85 and supplies for Matron Dept 7 Saunders Meat Co.. meat for S 25 Matron Dept. "' for A. Fluetsch, milk and eggs3 65 Matron Dept. 600 52 05 7 65 28 75 4 25 9 50 600 163 10 to 55 2 20 9 40 2 25 1 45 7 50 222 List of Warrants. F. M. Jaeger & Cn., hardware for Sewer Dept. Union Electric Co., arc lights 2o,g 52 for July 'Globe -Journal, official printing for July National Demnkrat, official printing for July Linehan & Mn1,1, sewer pipe and cement, Bee Branch Tibey Bros.. estimate on Bee 2554 og Branch sewer Ott. Meuser & Co.. lumber for 27 85 Special Sidewalk Dept. Brown & Brown, estimate on Sanford Street Storm Water sewer .... .............. 330 00 Purington Paving Brick Co, paving brick for Road Dept202 70 M. Donegan. macadam 4 60 P. Gilloon, macadam 4 80 Mrs. Sarah Smith. damages to property on Bluff street 5 co J. Sutherland, damages to prop- erty on Bluff street 5 00 R. and J. Trudell, damages to property on Bluff street to 00 Emma Alden, damages to prop- erty on Bluff street 25 00 H. Brinkman, excavation per- mits redeemed $ 45 00 H. Brinkman, interest paid on warrants outstanding H. Brinkman, freight charges —expense 70 H. Brinkman, New York ex- change expense 3 10 H. Brinkman, postage stamps expense Io 00 H. Brinkman, freight charges road 63 28 H. Brinkman, library orders paid 425 80 H. Brinkman, loan warrants16,350 00 Labor on streets in the different Dis- stricts during the first half of August. 1904; E. Amanda, 2nd. J. Albrecht, 2nd. A. Alderson, 3rd. J. Brouillette, 1st. John Burns. 1st. C. Bluecher, 2nd. . M. Brown, 2nd. C. Belden, 2nd. Frank 'Bieger, 2nd. Paul Becker. .3rd. D. J. Brightbill, 3rd. Clarence Boyce, 1st. Jos. Brown, 1st. $7.50; 2nd, $11.25; .3rd, $3,75 W. Coughlan, 1st. J. Callahan, 1st. John Corbett, 2nd. J. J. Crimmins, 2nd. Jas. Connolly. 1st, $8.75; 3rd, $4.40 H. Cosgrove, 1st, $10.00; 3rd, $3.35 Mike Donegan, 1st. Ed. Daley, 1st. T. Donahue, 1st, $8.75; 3rd, $4.40 John Ess, 2nd. Mike Farrell, 1st. I 00 56 40 25 00 44 95 847 00 $4.40; and, $6.65; 2nd, $4.40; 2nd, to 15 I 35 0 45 16 90 2 05 2 70 13 75 175 I 80 15 90 6 75 '9 50 22 50 16 20 20 00 9 45 7 75 17 55 20 00 II 35 360 17 55 8 to 6 75 Frank Frick, 211d. 8 to Ed. Frith, 2nd. 18 00 W. Flynn, 2nd. 180 Pat. .Gilloon. 1st 14 40 Barney Glass, 1st. 12 70 Jos. Geasland, 1st. 17 00 Jos. Gavin, 1st, 20 00 H. Galle. and 8 10 Jos. Grab, 2nd 15 55 Geo. Gau, 2nd 12 85 C. Gantenbein, 2nd 20 00 Jos. Ginter, 2nd ... 5 40 C. Gruenzig, 3rd 6 75 James Hird, 1st, $7.00; $15.75 • • 22 75 T. Hackney, 1st 4 50 E. D. Holmes, 2nd 8 55 F. Hohnecker, 2nd 17 90 E. Holmes, 2nd I o0 Peter Jacobs, 2nd 3 40 John Kinsella, 1st, $7.00; $15.75 22 75 Nic Kettenhofen, 2nd 5 40 John Kness, 2nd 13 50 Jake Kraus, 2nd .. 2 70 Paul Krocheski, 2nd. 5 40 Geo. Kuntz, 1st 2 70 John Kelly, 1st 180 L. P. Kendall, 2nd 6 30 John Koehler, 2nd. 180 blob Love 19 90 Mat Loes, 2nd .8 10 Mike Lavin, 1st, $4.40; $8.75; 3rd, $4.40 r7 55 J. Martinek, 3rd 8 'Io Pat McMullen, 1st 70 Jas. McLeese, 1st 135 Bart McDonnell, 2nd 30 00 John McNulty, Ist, $6.65; $10.00; 3rd, $3.35 20 00 Jas. McCormack, 1st, $5.85; $8.75; 3rd, $2.95 17 55 W. O'Brien, 1st 20 00 E. S. Payton, 2nd 8 55 Frank Palmer, 2nd 8 20 John Parker, 3rd 15 90 J. Pfeiffer, 1st, $4.40; 2nd, 3rd, $4.40 17 55 W. Quinlan. 1st, $4.40; $8.75; 3rd, $4.40 Phil Reddin, 1st. James Ryan, 1st. C. Reinfrank, 2nd. O. Riemer. 2nd. . G. Rodden, 2nd. Jos. Rooney. 1st, $7.50; $11.25; 3rd, $3.75 John Schroeder, 2nd. Aug. Soyke, 2nd. John Sloan, 2nd. Frank Scherr, 2nd. W. Sheehan, 1st. 3 60 W. Sommerly, 2nd. 180 Louis Smith, 3rd. 6 75 Dan. Sheehan, 1st, $6.15; 2nd, $I2.25 ...... .... . .... 18 40 Nic. Sweeney. 1st, $4.40; 2nd, $8.75; 3rd, $4.40 17 55 A. A. Thompson, and. 135 John Welsh, 1st. 4 05 Nic. Wampach, 2nd. 13 85 J. Wangner, 2nd. 8 8o Aug. Witte, 2nd. 5 40 W. S. Wilbur, 2nd. 20 00 Con Welsh, 2nd. 45 2nd, 2nd, 2nd, 2nd, 2nd, $8.75; ¢dd, 2nd, 17 55 05 16 05 8 Io 5 6a 180 22 50 12 85 8 Io 9 45 20 00 Official Notices. 228 W. Wearmouth, 3rd. Geo. Zumhoff, 2nd. Frank Burns, 211d. Frank Bentin, 2nd. J. Berwanger. 2nd. F. G. Becker. 1st, $2.20; 2nd, $10.85' 3rd, $r7.35 Jos. Calvert, 1st. T. B. Cain, 1st, $12.00; 2nd, $4.00 A. Conrad, 2nd. Mike Hannan, 1st, $9.00; $28.20 ... ..... ... Peter Horeb, 2nd. John Huffmire. 1st, $9.15; 2nd, $18.30: 3rd. $9.15 Mike Kenneally, 1st J. Lenihan, 1st John Long, 2nd J. J. McCollins, 1st, $28.45; 2nd, $2.95 Jeff McGrath, 3rd A. Paley, 2nd Geo. Reynolds, 1st, $9.25; 2nd, $18.40: 3rd. $9.20 Ed. Seeley, 1st A Stoltz, 2nd J. Sullivan, 2nd, $10:65; 3rd, $21.35 'Martin Tigges, 2nd 14 40 Jas. Tobin, 3rd 42 30 Labor on Sewers during the first half of August, 1904: P. Casserly J. Corcoran T. Hagerty J. Jellison J. Kiang P. Kenneally 'C. Sullivan 19 20 L. Taylor 19.20 Labor on Special Sewers during the 'first half of 'August. 1904: F. Buddien 17 55 John Bohn 33 .75 Jos. Grab .. 70 J. Hansen .20 8o J. Kaesbauer 4 75 A. Kaesbauer l0 8o A. Schneider 810 John Twieg 12 50 J. Berwanger .... 1 8o Wm. Foster, inspector on San - for sewer ... 20 00 Wm. Lillie, personal damages91 00 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of all war- rants issued by me during the month of August, 1904. —C. F. Arendt, City Recorder. 2nd, 20 00 7 5o 7o 00 32 40 17 10 30 40 14 40 16 00 28 83 37 23 27 00 36 6o 16 20 33 20 32 00 31 40 42 30 5 40 28 8o 26 80 24 30 32 00 19 20 19 20 2500 19 20 19 20 19 20 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. AN ORDINANCE. An Ordinance amending an ordinance entitled "An Ordinance to provide for the establishment of a City Police and to prescribe Rules and Regulations therefor," and being ed OrdinancesofChapter XVII., of the City ofDubuquthe e of 1901. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That Section 21 of the ord- nance entitled "An Ordinance to providee for the establishment of a City and to prescribe Rules and Regulations therefor" he and the same is hei eby re- pealed. Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its adoption by the City Council and its pub- lication one time in the Dubuque Globe - Journal newspaper. Adopted Sept. 15th, 1904. Approved Sept. 19th, 1904. C. H. BERG, Mayor. Attest: C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Published offs^sally in the Dubuque Daily Globe -Journal, Sept. 24th, 1901. C. F. ARENDT, 9-24-1t City Recorder. LIiS Lf CITY WARRANTS City Recorder's Office, Dubuque, Ia., September 1st, 1909. To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—The following is a com- plete list of warrants issued by me on various funds during the month of Au- gust, 1904: Expended. Expense $ 2,406.70 Road—First District 1.746.23 Second District 1,992.55 Third District 750.se Fire 2,900160 Police 2,366.26 Sewerage 407:80 Printing .81.40. Engineer X19h65 Street Lighting 21059.50 Interest 847t00 Board of Health 489:50 Bee Branch 2,626.70 Mount Carmel Ave. Grading ;61.20. Sidewalk 'Repairing 47.55 Special Sewer Fund 576.75 Loan 16,850•90 Library .425.80. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list of warrants issued by nit' on various Funds during the .month df August, 1904. C. F..ARENDT, 9-21-1t City Recorder. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To All Who Are Named Below: You are hereby notified that in accord- ance with the ordinance of the City of Dubuque for repairing sidewalks in the month of July, 1904, that a special as- sessment will be levied 'for the expense thereof at the regular meeting of thy City Council upon all lots and parcels of land on said improvements, owned iby you being subject to such special assess- ment. And you are notified council 'to beheld to appear at said meeting of theun cn the 6th day of 'October, A. D., 1904, and show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be 'levied. R. & Edw. Langworthy Est., Glen- dale Add., lot 247 95 Kenety & Mulgrew, Sub. 60 and 61, Littleton & Sawyer's Add., lot 280. Wm. F. Buelow, E. Langworthy's Add., lot 50 45 German Bank, East Dubuque Add, lot 91 C. B. Scherr, Trustee, C. A. Voelker's Add., lot 33 80 C. B. Scherr, Trustee, C. A. Voelket's Add., lot 3 85. 224 Official Notices Sidonla Hosford. Littleton & Saw- yer's Add., lot 57 35 Geo. Mohr Est., Littleton & Saw- yer's40 Add., lot 52 Frank A. Scott, Finley's Add., S. 1 lot 154 36 Eph. Yingling, Cox's Add., lot 97 40 Valentine Schiel, Sub. 196 and 197, L H. Langworthy's Add.. lot 10 65 Jos. Herod, Blake's Add., lot 11 65 Jno. A. Koch Est., Cox's Add., lot 16. 40 Harry Waite, Blake's Add., lot 16 35 Paul Traut Est., Blake's Add., lot 1935 D. C. Phillips, Sub. 2 of 1, City 603, 80 lot 1 W. J. & W. G. Cox, Corriell's Sub, 5 46 lot 44 J. A. Rhomberg Est., Corriell's Sub, lot 47 45 Edw. Langworthy Est., Pauline Langworthy's Sub., lot 5 190 .Jno. L. Buettell Est., Nairn's Add, lot 14 35 Victoria Simones, East Dubuque Add.. lot 180 Schneider & Kleih, Subs. 5 and 7 and W. 7.1 ft. of 9, Wick's Add.. lots 1-2. 60 Ellen O'Halleron, Finley's Add., lots 1 13-14-15 30 Leathers & Trewin, Glendale Add, lot 52 36 Frank A. Scott. Finley's Add., S. '/s lot 154 75 W. H. Doane, Sub. 12 of Min. Lot 172, 40 lot 2 'Geo. Rieger, et al, L. H. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 83 Mary F. McGuire, Glendale Add., lot 1 40 05 R. & Edw. Langworthy Est., Glen- dale Add., lots 224-225 60 R. & Edw. Langworthy Est., Glen- dale Add., lot 153 65 Jno Marzen, E. Langworthy's Add, N. 35 ft. lot 45 45 Jno. Kantlehner, Sub. M., 60 ft. lot 104, L. H. Langworthy's Add., lot 1. '35 John Theis, Sub. 106, L. H. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 1 35 •F. & Chas. Fosselman Est., L. H Langworthy's Add., lot 186 40 John Olinger, Boulevard Add., lots 4-5 1 05 Cushing -McFadden Co., L. H. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 139 40 C. Heintz. L. H. Langworthy's Add, lot 147 00 Thos. Meehan. Subs. 131 and 132, Union Add., lot 2 55 Fred E. Spielman, Union Add., lot 185 35 Louis Julien, Union Add., lot 117 35 Peter Winkel, et al, Union Add., lot 207 40 The St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, Sub Min. Lot 66, lot 2 65 R. M. Kunz, McCraney's 1st Add., lot 82 35 Rich. Waller Est., McCraney's 1st Add. S. E. 125 ft. lot 100 45 P. Hughes, Sub. 2 of part City 711, lot 2 35 Paul Traut Est., Blake's Add., lot 1945 Thos and Louisa Paisley, Blake's Add., lot 14 40 Jos. H. Hanover, Marsh's Add., E 100 ft. lot 47 40 Henry and Mary Oser, L. H. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 84 55 Catholic University of Washington, et al, Kelly's Sub., lots 1-2 Martin Carroll, Nairn's Add., lots 7-8. J. J. Schroeder, Littleton & Saw- yer's Add., lot 4 Joseph Kahn, East Dubuque Add., E 1/2 lot 361 75 6 90 40 35 Levi. Henderson & Sullivan, South Ave. Add., lot 8 35 Jas. Beach & Sons, City lot 682 40 Dubuque Butchers' Ass'n., East Du- buque Add., lot 423 45 James Beach & Sons, City lot 683 55 Dan Rice, Sub. 152, Union Add., lot 245 M. S. Hardie, Sub. City 684, lot 4 1 20 Levi, Henderson & Sullivan, South Ave. Add., lots 12-13 75 Rhomberg & Kringle, Rose Hill Add, lots 2-4-5 3 90 Mary Wilde, Sub. 1 of 2 of 7 of Min. 40 Lot 45, lot 2 Martin Sutton. Sub. Min. Lot 45, lot 3 85 36. & H. Callihan, Sub. 2 of Min. Lot 63 and E. part lot 69, Union Add., 5U lots 1-2 Jas. Beach & Sons, City lot 582 40 J. H. Simplot, Mineral Lot 83 36 J. H. Thedinga Est., Sub. City 551, 50 lot 1 F. W. & Frank Coates, S. M. Lang - worthy's Add., lots 39-40 90 G. M. Staples Est., A. McDaniels' Sub., W. Ufa lot 766 1 50 Ellen O'Halleron, Finley's Add., lots 13-14-16 1 30 M. E. Church, Sub. 20. Reche's Sub, lot 1 45 Buol & Loetscher, Loetscher & Treub's Sub., lot 13 35 Lawrence Smith Est., Sub. Min. Lot 79, lot 9 40 Joseph Herod, Blake's Add., lot 1135 Edw. Langworthy Est.. Pauline Langworthy's Sub., lot 4 40 Martin Heer, Reche's Sub., lot 2745 Geo. Grun1y, Hodge's Sub., lot 1 35 H. P. & N. W. Kimball, Davis Farm Add., lot 337 35 Owen O'Hare, Kelly's Sub., lot 24 35 P. M. Harrington, Subs. 22 and 23 Kelly's Sub., lot 6 95 Kenety & Mulgrew, Subs. 60 and 61, Littleton & Sawyer's Add., lots 1-2. 35 Sidonia Hosford. Littleton & Saw- yer's Add.,. lot 57 40 P. & E. Kiene, Glendale Add., lot 10575 J. & E. Tibey, Sub. 3 Min. Lot 63, lot 1 35 Wm. McClain, Hoskins' Sub., lot 540 C. J. Peterson and P. Slocum, Grand- view Park Add., Blk. 3, lot 3 36 C. J. Peterson and P. Slocum, Grand- view Park Add., Blk. 4, lots 3-4 70 Tim Dillon, Dillon's Sub., lot 1 35 Geo. Salot, O'Hare's Sub., lot 19 45 A. A. Cooper, Grandview Ave. Add, lots 9-10-11 70 T. Kavanaugh Est., Sub. Min. Lot 22, lot 4 35 R. & Edw. Langworthy Est., Glen- dale Add., lot 223 35 Elia. Nicks Est., Glandale Add.. lot 216 85 John Olinger, Boulevard Add., lot 46. 50 Ellen J. Martin, City lot 349 75 M. D. Goux, McCraney's 1st Add., lot 69 75 W. W. Ballard, Wick's Add., lot 2445 B. McCoy Est., Union Add., W. 22 ft. lot 14 75 Sidonia Hosford, Littleton & Saw- yer's Add., lot 57 35 J. A. Rhomberg Est., Wood's Add, lot 26b 35 Leonard Buehler, Fengler's Add., .lot 31 55 Matilda Specht, Klingenberg's 4th Sub., lot 7 60 R. M. Kunz, McCraney's 1st Add., lot 86 45 Buol & Loetscher, Loetscher & Trueb's Sub., lot 11 110 Official Notices. 225 John Flynn, City E. 40 ft. lot 84 ' Total 9-21-10t 50 $71 95 C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To All Who Are Named Below: You are hereby notified that in accord- ance with an ordinance of the City of Dubuque for repairing sidewalks in the month of August, 1904, that a special as- sessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the regular meeting of the City Council upon all lots and parcels of land on said improvement, owned by you, being subject to such special assecz- ment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the council to be held on the 6th day of October, A. D., 1904, and show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. J. F. McCarthy, Sub. Out Lot 724, lot 4 $ 40 German Bank, Prospect Hill Add, lot 14 70 M. A. Brown, Krayer's Sub., lot 290 Catholic University of Washington, et al• Sub. Out Lot 724, lots 2-3 90 Chicago G. W. R'y. Co., Right -of - Way 17th St German Trust & Savings Bank, Sub. 809, A. McDaniels' Sub., lot 1 Ellen T. Callahan, South Park Hill Add., lot 16 Paul. Schlenker, Dunn's Sub., lot 8 D. Muggenburg, Sub. Min. Lot 319, lot S Ursula Blocklinger, John King's 1st Add., lots 1-3 German Bank, Prospect Hill Add, lot 14 German Presbyterian College, Sub. City 675, lot 7 M. A. Brown, Krayer's Sub., lot 2 C. A. Alexander, Sub. 3, Babcock's Sub., lot 2 John Spensley Est., Sub. 45, Simp- son's Add., lot 2 Peter Ginter, L. H. Langworthy's Add.,' W. 70 ft. lot 20a 95 P. Ternes Est., City S. 1-5 lot 4501 45 Mrs. H. Richatsch, City lot 344 45 Adam Weiland, City lot 273 145 R. & Edw. Langworthy Est., Glen- dale15 Add., lots 247-271 W. H. Day, A. McDaniels' Sub., lot 40 830 Jas. Beach & Sons, City lot 5S2 55 Jno. L. Buettell Est., Nairn's Add, 45 lot 14 J. A. Rhomberg Est., Corriell's Sub, 75 lots S-9 Minnie & M. A. Kemler, Colrege 40 Add., lot 1 W. J. Cantillon, O'Neill's Sub., No 2, lot 11 35 Mary Quinlivan, O'Neill's Sub. No75 2, lot 19 C. E. Wales, Nairn's Add., lot 32... • • 75 Jas. McCabe, Corriell's Sub., lot 1 Rose E. Fengler, Fengler's Add., 95 lot19 Frank B. Martin, A. McDaniel,' Sub, 45 W. 3/ lot 816 60 .................. P. W. Crawford, A. McDaniels' Sub., lot 779 ••• " " " " lot 35 .. ......loN•t 571•• 1 7010 Kate Guderian, Cook's Add.• J. M. Werner, Trustee, City Farm Wm. planer, et al. 6U Add., lot 213 ...•• Jas. Mullen Est., Finley's Add., lot 4. Mt. St. Joseph's College, Sub. Min. 40 Lots 1S6-187, lot 2................. 45 70 40 40 55 60 70 40 45 00 15 John Flynn. Sub. Min. Lot 191, lot 2. 86 St. Ambrose Church, Finley's Add, lot 19 40 E.104 M.6 Kringle, Sub. 7. Min. Lot 79, 50 a. Kringle, Sub. 7, Min. Lot 71, lot 6 50 T. B. Cain, Hetherington's Sub., lot 4 35 Martin Sullivan, Saul's Sub., lot 465 Minnie & M. A. Kemler. Sub. 4, Ann O'Hare's Sub., lot 1 75 John Nagle, Martin's Dubuque, lot 11 65 Rose E. Fengler, Nick's Add., lot 19L Mrs. Sidney Saul, Saul's Sub., lot 140 J. J. Murray, Sub. City 740, lot 1 35 Theresa Sullivan. Suh. 152, Union Add., lot 1 45 Jno. T. Hancock Est., Sub. Min. Lot 158, 1oi 7 95 Chicago G. W. R'y. Co.. Right -of - Way 17th St 45 A. F. Jaeger Est., Davi., Farm Add, lot '270 55 Mrs. B. Keough, Sub. 9, Collins' Sub, b- lot 1 German Presbyterian College, Sub. 40 City 675, lot 7 Chas. Hcinze. L. H. Langworthy', 45 Add.. lot 147 John Bottoms, Sub. 151, Mechanics' Add., lot 2 Cushing & McFadden Co., L. H. Langworthy's Add., lot 139 40 Anna Kurz. Mechanics' Add., lot 156. 90 A. F. & B. D. Heeb, Marsh's Add, 45 lot 27 Chas. H. Bradley, Cox's E. 1,4 Add, 1 lots 50-51 05 Edwin Hancock, L. H. Langworthy', 1 10 45 95 Sub., N. 46 ft. lot 26 Al. Matthews, Sub. City 738, lot 6 John J. Keane, Leven's Add., lot 2... 35 ,Kate Inndbeck, Cox's Add., E. 24 ft lot 22 C. G. & C. H. Meyer, King's Grove 55 Add., lot 5 Fred Wodrich, Broadway Add., lot 340 A. F. Bany, Bell's Sub. lot A T. E. & J. S. Fifleld, Union Add., lot 174 36 Martin Maher Est., Union Add.• S. 50 133.10 ft, lot 137 Martin Sullivan, Sub. 131 and 132. Union Add., lot 1 75 tin Peter Winkel, Union Add., lot 207 A. S. Heacock Est., Union Add., lot 55 1961 Pat Walsh Est. McCraney's 1st Add, lot 7155 1Burden- E, A. & G. A. Burden, Lawther Add., lots4-5 Burden-Law•thet 100 Stephen Zenner, Add., lot 131 ............................ 35 \\'m. Lawther & J. V. Rider, Burden- JS Lawther Add., lot 10 .................. \\'m. Lawther & J. V. Rider. Burden- 40 Lawther Add., lot Butden-Lawther Henry Dreazy, 35 Add., lot 132 ................... J. A. Rhomberg Est.. 3,IcCraney's 50 let Acid.. lot 111 Mary Preston, Wilson's Sub., lot 750 Geo. Salot. Sub. 39. Kelly's Sub., lto1 70 Julia D. Rhomberg,n2 Min. Lot 62 and part Subs. 1 1. Lot 149, 45 lot3 .............: Wm. & F. A. Coates, City N. 2-5 lot 5 3U ...... 50 436 N. tiz Kate Guderian, Cook's Add., . 55 [ 35 Marsh's Add., ........... Amelia S. Woodward, ..... lot 40 ..................................... ................ Ind. School Dist. of Dubuque, 4S Min. Lot 45. lot 2............•" ' The St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, Sub. 35 226 Official Notices Min. Lot 66. lot 2 1 5 F. W. & Frank Coates, S. M. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 39 Cath. Stafford, S. M. LangworthY's Add., lot 44 35 H. Wunderlich, Fortune's Sub., lot 15 95 Jos. J. Duertscher, Sub. 4, Kniest'S 50 Sub., lot 1 R. & Edw. Langworthy Est., Glen- dale Add., lots 227-228 85 Al. Matthews, East Dubuque Add., W. 1 lot 51 Ulrich Willy, Sub. 218-219 Davis Farm Add., lot 1 John Olinger, Boulevard Add., lot 231 20 Sophia Knoernschild, L. H. Lang - worthy's Add., S. 1 lot 21 40 Jno. L. Hancock Est., Sub. Min. Lot 1 168, lot 7 05 Hugh Talty, Sub. 2 of Min. Lot 160, lot 1 65 W. H. Doane, Sub. 12 of Min Lot 172, lot 2 65 Henry Cannon, Finley, Waples & Burton's Add., lot 140 40 Geo. Salot, Finley's Add., lot 4 35 Frank A. Scott, Finley's Add., lot 155. 45 John Olinger, Boulevard Add., lots 115 10-11 R. & Edw. Langworthy Est., Glen- dale Add., lots 225-226 65 C. Cameron & M. Carpenter, Glendale 40 Add., S. lot 230 Chicago G. W. R'y Co., Right -of - Way 24th St 75 Frank M. Marsh, Sub. Min. Lot 174, lot 1 90 Chas. Bergner, Sub. Min. Lot 80, lot 3 55 Martha Wiedmer, Johnston's Sub, lot 2 55 J. Steadman, Sub. Min. Lot 149, W. 3 lot 6 40 Hugh Talty, Sub. 2 of Min. Lot 160, lot 2 105 Jno. T. Hancock Est., Sub. Min. Lot 158, lot 7 2 10 John Phillips, Sub. Min. Lot 158, lot 840 Total $74 80 C. F. ARENDT, 9-21-10t City Recorder. Special Session Sept. 29, 1904. CITY COUNCIL. Special Session September 29th, 1904. (Official.) Council met at 8:30 o'clock P. M. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Jones and Needham. Absent—Ald. Stumpf. 227 Mayor Berg stated that the object of the meeting was to consider the condition of the various funds of the Road Department. Ald. Clancy moved that J. McNulty be retained as driver of the carpenter wagon, also that Jos. Rooney be re- tained as city carpenter. Ald. Needham moved as a substitute that the council vote separately for the two men to be retained on carpen- ter wagon. Carried. Ald. Corrance moved to adjourn. —C. F. Arendt, City Recorder. Carried. Attest: Ald. Frith moved that Jos. Rooney be continued as carpenter during the balance of the season. Carried. Ald. Frith moved that the council proceed to ballot for driver of carpen- ter wagon. Carried. Vote follows: J. McNulty 2 jos. Brown 4 The Mayor declared Jos. Brown ap- pointed driver of carpenter wagon. Ald. Clancy moved that the matter of cleaning, sweeping and sprinkling the streets for the balance of the sea- son be referred to Street committee and City Engineer. Carried. The Committee of the Whole re- ported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the services of an extra man on the car- penter wagon be discontinued on the last day of September, 1904, and that thereafter one car- penterhe employed rlonr and thecarpenter wagon. Also, your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the contracts heretofore existing between the City of Dubuque and John Huff - mire for sweeping the brick -paved streets, and George Reynolds for haul- ing the dirt therefrom, be and the same are hereby annulled. Said action to take effect October 1, 5904. —C. H. Berg, Chairman. On motion the report was adopted. . ../2-O.r! ... Recorder Approved.. dN ' 190 f yor .x14= .an- 228 Regular Session Oct. 6, 1904. CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session October 6th, 1904. (Official.) Council met at 8:30 o'clock P. M. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf. Absent—Ald. Corrance. Ald. Clancy moved that the Council proceedings for the month of Septem- ber be approved as printed. Carried. BILLS. The following bills were ordered paid: L. Daily, cleaning around Mar- ket Square for August and September $ 28 00 F. P. Hayes, board of prisoners for September 7 20 T. E. Frith, removing garbage and dead animals for Septem- ber 389 48 M. O'Meara, inspector on Booth Street sewer 23 10 Iowa Telephone Co., telephone rent for various departments Dubuque Telephone Co., tele- phone rent for various depart- ments 6 00 A. R. Staufenbeil, repairing clocks at City Hall 125 G. B. Grosvenor Co., toilet pa- per at City Hall 6 75 Mrs. T. Hagerty, repairing flag at City Hall 100 J. Beach & Son, soap at City Hall 3 00 Key City Gas Co., gas for var- ious departments 78 8o C. L. McGovern, recording plats and deeds 5 25 W. W. Whelan, repairing and grinding lawn mowers for parks 3 50 D. Zogg, carpenter repairs at patrol house 14 40 A. Wohlert, carpenter repairs at Deckert's scales 2 00 F. Zehetner, I iron grate at City Hall 5 65 Standard Lumber Co., lumber at First Ward and West Du- buque scales A. Doerr, Sr., hauling at Jack- son Park N. Jacquinot, plumbing at Jack- son Park Ballard Steam Heating Co., re- pairing fountain on Fifth and Main Ballard Steam Heating Co, plumbing at City Hall Harkett's Floral Nursery, flow- ers for Ald. P. H. McLaugh- lin's dec'd funeral Key City Roofing Co., sewer 35 52 29 95 2 50 5 3o 8 oo 4 20 I0 00 pipe and cement for Road and Special Sewer Departments6 to. F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Road and Sprinkling Depart- ment 9 15 G. Bock, repairs for Road De- partment 7 55 A. A. Brown, repairs for Road Department I o0 P. J. Seippel & Co., lumber for Road and Sidewalk Depart- ment 15 95 T. J. Mulgrew, cement for Road and Special Sewer Depart- ments 9 00 Ellwanger Bros., supplies and repairs for Road and Fire De- partments 3 90 Hussman & Lies, new tools and hardware for Road Depart- ments 1O 75 G. F. Kleih, new tools for Road and Sewer Departments 3 90 W. B. Baumgartner, new tools for Road Department G. W. Healey & Son, new tools for Road Department 4 00 W. Bentin, sand for Road De- partment 2 00 Williams & Linehan, sand for Road Department 6o 90 McElrath Teaming Co., sand for Road Department 8 00 McElrath Teaming Co., sand for Road Department 3 00 Clancy Teaming Co., sand for Road Department 3 00 Palmer, Berg & Co., blank sta- tionery for Road and Board of Health Departments i8 25 Standard Oil Co., oil for Road Department 6 25 T. Byrne, rock for Road De- partment 39 80 P. Pier, coal for Steam Roller6 3o G. Ragatz & Son, repairs for Steam Roller 9 50 Smedley Steam Pump Co., re- pairs for Steam Roller 7 90 J. Beach & Son, t barrel soda for Steam Roller 5 to W. D. Deckert Co., supplies for Steam Roller 3 35 Lagen & Sloan, horse shoeing for Fire Department.... 18 25 Vollenweider & Hein, horse shoeing for Fire Department Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse shoeing for Fire Department 8 00 Gus Lear, horse shoeing for Fire Department 3 70 Collings & Pfiffner, horse shoe- ing for Fire Department 19 00 P. Seippel Lumber Co., lumber for Fire and Special Sidewalk Departments 58 65 Standard Lumber Co., lumber and shavings for Fire De- partment Ott, Meuser & Co., shavings for Fire Department 5 25 T. Connolly Est., cushions for Fire Department t0 00 4 85 5 50 5 70 Regular Session Oct. 6, 1904. 229 American La -France Fire En- gine Co., supplies for Fire Department T. F. Kane, hay and oats for Fire Department and Patrol House . Linehan & Molo, white waste for Fire Department McDermott & Gow, plumbing at Eighteenth Street Engine House McClain Bros., bran for Fire Department P. Pier, coal for Fire Depart- ment Dubuque Oil Tank Line, oil for Fire Department J. Butt. repairs for Fire De- partment Mettel Bros., bran for Fire De- partment Key City Gas Co., coke for Fire Department Key City Gas Co.. rental of gar arcs for Fire Department J. Mullen, harness dressing at Patrol House J. Huffmeier, hauling at Patrol House Saunders Meat Co., meat for Matron Department ......... Eichhorn & Bechtel, groceries and supplies for Matron De- partment Pitts, Thompson Foundry Co, manhole cover and ring for 8 50 Sewer Department F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Sewer Department . 55 A. A. Brown, repairs for Sewer Department Hussman & Lies, new tools for 2 55 Sewer Department . Jacquinot & Mullen, repairs for Sewer Department Globe -Journal, official printing 40 00 for August Globe -Journal, official printing for September 72 6o Telegraph -Herald, official print- ing for August National Demokrat. official printing for September Smith -Morgan Printing Co, monthly proceedings for Sep- tember Union Electric Co., arc lights 2o61 95 for September G. F. Kleih, tacks for Board of Health J. W. Schlueter, oil for Bee Branch Sewer Department... Tibey Bros., final estimate con- structing Bee Branch Storm Sewer in Sanford and to46 20 Wash- ington Streets . Standard Lumber Co., lumber for Special Sidewalk Depart- 184 75 ment Tibey Bros., material furnished g5 70 on Sanford Street........... T. Byrne, dimension stone on 13 50 Sanford Street ............. Jas. Noonan, estimate con- structing Storm Water Sewer 8 0o in Fifteen Street 164 53 Jas. Noonan. final estimate con- structing Storm Water Sewer 767 6o in Walnut Street 264 03 Brown & Brown. final estimate 10 75 constructing Storm \Vater Sewer in Sanford Street from Couler Avenue to Bee Branch 18 0o Sewer 427 17 Brown & Brown, extra digging 3 55 on Sanford Street Sewer Brown & Brown, removing 9 8o double crossing on Jackson and Sanford Streets 8 10 Brown & Brown, to material and extra work taking up and 4 75 relaying pipe on Sanford and Jackson Streets I oo J. Duggan. repairing tools, etc., for Mt. Carmel Extension.... 19 55 Linehan & Molo. 4o feet of rope for Mt. Carmel Extension.... I oo Jas. Noonan, final estimate con- structing Sanitary Sewer in 75 Dodge Street, from South Bluff Street to Grandview 15o Avenue Brown & Brown, estimate con - 4 10 structing Sanitary Sewer in Grandview Avenue from Dodge to North Street 69 52 I0 00 20 50 20 35. 150 I00 00- I 50 0 150 4 20 25 00 15 05 25 70 438 22 M. Tschirgi, Jr., final estimate constructing Sanitary Sewer in White Street from Sanford Street to Eagle Point Avenue 63 It On motion, M. Tschirgi's bill was ordered paid and that $18.15 be de- ducted from said bill for replacing and putting in passable condition White Street from Eagle Point Avenue to Sanford Street. M. Tschirgi, Jr., final estimate constructing storm water tile pipe sewer in Washington Street from Eighteenth to Nineteenth Streets $ 86 22 On motion ,the bill was ordered paid and that $5.40 be deducted from said bill for replacing and putting in pas- sable condition Washington Street from Eighteenth to Nineteenth Streets. The following bills were ordered re- ferred. Union Electric Co., to changing lines at Bee Branch Storm 20 03 Water Sewer $ On motion referred to Committee on Streets. Iowa Telephone Co., extra charges for telephone rent in 200 City Attorney's office $ On motion referred to Committee on Electrical Construction. Iowa Publishing Co., to I State Atlas and View of City and publication in World's Fair $too oo Album On motion referred to Committee of the Whole. 230 Regular Session Oct, 6, 1904. PETITIONS A AND OMMUNICA- S. Petition of The Key City Gas Co., by Geo. McLean, President, asking for the extension of the City's Sani- tary Sewer system to their property on Eleventh Street, and to its exten- sion on Eleventh Street abutting their property from Pine to Cedar Streets. On motion of Ald. Clancy the peti- tion was ordered granted. Petition of G. B. Grosvenor et al., asking that a cement sidewalk be or- dered laid on the west side of Bluff Street from Fourteenth Street south to property known as McCullough property, was on motion granted. Communication of City Attorney J. W. Kintzinger, asking that Miss E. B. Rupprecht's name be placed on the pay roll as stenographer for the legal department. On motion, the request was granted. Petition of Dubuque Boat and Boiler Works, by J. J. Schreiner, Sec- retary. asking that they be exempt from taxation for a period of five (5) years. was on motion granted. Petition of Henry F. Trenk, asking for the extension of the Sanitary Sewer in Hill Street from its present terminus on Langworthy Avenue to Dodge Street. On motion, referred to the Sewer Committee. Petition of F. W. Theiering, asking for the cancellation of his taxes on lots 7 and 8, Roger's Sub., for the year 1903. Also petition of Bridget McCormack, asking that her taxes against lot No. 6 in Newman, Cooper & Smith's Sub., be ordered cancelled for the years 1902 and 1903. On motion, both petitions were re- ferred to the Delinquent Tax Commit- tee. Petition of D. J. Lenihan, asking that the special assessment as levied against lots 3 and 4 in Home Add., for the improvement of Mt. Pleasant Ave- nue, be ordered canceled. On motion, was referred to the City Attorney. Petition of A. L. Rhomberg, asking that the special assessment as levied against Lots 43 and 47 in Corriell's Add., and Lot 26 "B" in Wood's Add., for repairing sidewalks be ordered canceled. On motion, was referred to Street Committee and Sidewalk Inspector. Petition of Thos. J. Mulgrew asking that a Resolution be passed allowing him to fill and use the north one-half of Camp Street. Also remonstrance of S. D. Ryan protesting against granting the petition of Thos. J. Mulgrew asking for the use of North one-half of Camp Street. On motion both petition and remonstrance were referred to Committee of the Whole. _ Communication of the Union Electric company asking that the streets where the street railway tracks have been re- laid with new steel be inspected in or- der that they make settlement with their contractor. On motion referred to Committee of the Whole and City Engineer. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Treasurer Brinkman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:—Below you will find statement of amount advanced by me during the past month, for which please order Warrants drawn in my favor. Excavation permits redeemed$ 95.0o Interest paid on warrants out- standing 1028.37 Express charges—Fire 1.20 Telegrams, New York—Ex- pense I.10 Express charges—Expense .6o New York exchange—Expense .65 Postage—Expense Io.o0 Printing Improvement Bonds— Expense 6o.00 $1196.92 Library orders paid 442.06 I also received $20,000.00 money bor- rowed from different parties. Please order Loan Warrants drawn in their favor. Respectfully. —H. Brinkman, Treasurer. On motion the report was received. and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts. and the report re- ferred back to the Committee on Fi- nance. City Auditor Hoffman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen:—Herewith find my re- port for the month of September, 1904, showing the receipts and disbursements for the month: Cash on hand Sept, 1st, 1904...$8.549.78 RECEIPTS. Receipts from all sources....$3o,158.56 DISBURSEMENTS. $38.708.34 Warrants redeemed $26,512.47 Loupons redeemed 591.24 Regular Session Oct: 6, 1904. 281 Bonds redeemed I,000.00 $28,103.71 Cash on hand Oct. 1st, 1904..$10,604.63 The above cash balance includes the Improvement Bond Fund, Improve- ment Bond interest Fund. Sprinkling, and Library Fund balances. Also report that there is due the City Officers for the month of September, 1904 ..$2,683.20 Also the following is a record of all Interest Coupons and Bonds redeemed by the City Treasurer during the past month and credited to him: Regular bond coupons $320.00 Improvement bond coupons 271.24 $591.24 Improvement bonds redeemed.$1,o00.00 The following list shows the Appro- priations and the amount of Warrants drawn on each Fund since the begin- ning of the fiscal year beginning March 1st., 1904, to October 1st.. 1904: Appropriation. Expended. Expense $40,000 $18,836.53 Road—First District 16,000 13,061.67 Second District 20,000 18,420.53 Third District 9,000 6,583.54 Fire 38,000 16,268.65 Police 28,000 14,078.21 Sewerage 5,000 2,593.45 Printing 2,500 878.50 Engineer 2,500 1,219.34 Street Lighting 25,000 12,304.53 Interest 422,E Board of Health 4,500 Grading 4,000 Bee Branch 8,500 Special Bonded Paving2,000 Judgment 2,000 Special Bonded Debt. Int4,000 Mt. Carmel Ave. Grading1,000 Sidewalk Repairing Special Sewer Fund 8,000 Grading Bluff Street Ex- tension and Villa St1,000 Fifth Ward Engine house. 4,000 Total Appropriation -3268,000 Respectfully, —F. B. Hoffman, Auditor. On motion the report was received, and warrants ordered drawn to pay City Officers and the report referred back to the Committee on Finance. Fire Chief ).einfried reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen:—The following is the pay roll of the Fire Department for the month of September. 1904: 2,232 50 Amount due Firemen . • . • —J. R. Reinfried, Chief. On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the Firemen, and the report referred back to the Committee on Fire. Chief of Police Reilly reported as Tofolws: lo the Honorable Mayor and City 1,265.85 61.20 7,531.00 789.51 613.50 2,273.05 91.30 462.75 3,922.15 244.00 1,000.00 Council. I herewith submit the Police report for the month of September, 5904: Total arrests for the month 93 Residents arrested for the Doors found open Defective lights . Lodgers harbored Meals furnished Cost of food Sehriff, dieting prisoners August and September Patrol calls Miles traveled 157 Also the Pay Roll for the Police- men for the month of September, 1904: Amount due Policemen $2,034.00 Respectfully, —Thos. Reilly, Chief of Police. On motion the report and pay roll were received, and warrants ordered drawn to pay Policemen, and the re- port referred back to the Committee on Police. month 37 32 21 19 36 $ 7.20 for $22.19 88 City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on streets in the dif- ferent districts during the last half of September, 1904: Amount due Laborers on Streets $1,098.95 Respectfully submitted, —James H. Boyce City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Streets. Also submit my pay roll for labor on Sewers during the last half of Septem- ber, 1904: Amount due Laborers on Sew- ers $177.00 Respectfully submitted, —James H. Boyce. City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Sewers. Also submit my pay roll for labor on Special Sewers during the last half of September, 1904: Amount due Laborers $56.15 Respectfully submitted —James H. Boyce. City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Streets. Also submit my pay roll for grading on Bluff Street Extension for the last half of September, 1904: Amount due Respectfully Laborers $299.55 submitted, —James H. Boyce. City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Streets. On motion the pay rolls for Streets. Sewers and grading Bluff Street Ex- tension were received and warrants avarious drawn to pay he referred amounts and the pay rolls back to the proper committees. 232 Regular Session Oct. 6, 1904. On motion the report was referred to the Committee of the Whole. City Attorney Kintzinger reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:—I herewith enclose you the City Treasurer's receipt for $3.50. being the money which you directed me to collect from the Iowa Telephone Company for replacing Whislte on the City Steam Boiler, which was broken by one of their wires hanging across a Street. Respectfully, • --J. W. Kintzinger, City Attorney. On motion the report was received and filed. City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: On account of erroneous assessment on the following described property, I petition for cancellation of same: For cleaning alley, assessment July Toth, 1902: Peter Oeth, L. H. Langworthy's Add., S. 40 ft, lot 52 and N. 1-2 lot 53 $1.50 Elizabeth Taylor, Cain's Sub.- lot 8 1.15 Respectfully, —James H. Boyce, City Engineer. Ald. Clancy moved that the report be adopted, and the Treasurer instructed accordingly. Carried. Sidewalk Inspector Conigisky re- ported as follows: On account of error in assessment on the following described property, I petition for the cancellation of the same: For repairing sidewalk, assessed July 7th, 1904: Jno. Nagle, S. M. Langworthy's Add., E. 100 ft., lot 21 $ .45 The corrected assessment should be: F. A. Gringer, S. M. Langworthy's Add., E. Too ft., lot 21 $ .45 Respectfully, —I. Conigisky, Sidewalk Inspector. On motion the Treasurer was in- structed to correct said assessment. City Assessor Scherr reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: I herewith submit a statement of the valuation, both real and personal of the City of Dubuque for the year 1904: Real estate $17,272,260 Personal 6.647,87o Total $23,920,130 I also submit the valuations in the different Road Districts: First District Second District Third District Respectfully, —C. B. Scherr, City Assessor. $ 8,483,012 10,857,105 4,580,013 City Electrician Hipman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: I herewith submit my report of defective Lights for the month of September, 1904: I find from the report of the Police Department that the total hours that 21 Lamps failed to burn would equal 4of a Lamp for one month or $4.05. On motion the report was received, and the City Auditor instructed to de- duct from the Union Electric com- pany's bill for the month of September the sum of $4.05. The following Weighmasters' and Wood Measurers' receipts were re- ferred to the Committee on Markets: Frank P. Hayes --City Hall re- ceipts $23.05 T. Faherty --First ward scale re- ceipts 5.51 Louise Pitschner—West Dubuque scale receipts 2.85 Robert Hay—Eighth Street scale receipts 2.20 C. W. Katz—Woodmeasurer's receipts 1.75 Haubner & Hayes—Couler Ave scale receipts .40 City Recorder Arendt presented and read the printed Notice, certified to by the Publisher, of the Council's inten- tion to levy a special assessment for repairing Sidewalks during the months of Tuly and August. 1004: No remonstrance being filed, the Mayor asked if any one present had any objection to said assessment. Ald. Frith stated that Wm. F. Buelow ob- jected to his assessment. On motion the matter was referred to the Sidewalk Inspector. Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for repairing sidewalks during July and August, 1904, in front of and adjoining the same, a Special Tax be and is hereby levied on the several Lots, and Parts of Lots, and Parcels of Real Estate hereinafter named. situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each Lot or Parcel of Real Estate, as follows: Owner. Description. July 2—R. & Edw. Langworthy Est., Glendale Add., lot 247 $ 35 July 2—Kenety & Muigrew, Sub. 60 and 61, Littleton & Sawyer's Add, lot 2 80 July 5—Wm. F. Buelow, E. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 60 45 July 5—German Bank, East Dubuque Add., lot 91 35 July 6—C. B. Scherr, Trustee, C. A. Voelker's Add., lot 33 80 July 6—C. B. Scherr, Trustee, C. A. Voelker's Add., lot 3 85 July 7—Sidonia Hosford, Littleton & Sawyer's Add., lot 57 35 Regular Session Oct. 6, 1904. July 7—Geo. Mohr Est., Littleton & Sawyer's Add., lot 52 July 7—Frank A. Scott; Finley's Add , S 1,6 lot 154 July 7—Eph. Youngling, Cox's Add, lot 97 July 8—Valentine Schiel, Sub. 196 and 197, L. H. Langworthy's Add., lot 10. July 9—Jos. Herod, Blake's Acid., lot 11 July 9—Jno. A. Koch Est., Cox's Add., lot 16 July 9—Harry Waite, Blake's Add, lot 16 July 9—Paul Traut Est., Blake's Add., lot 19 July 9—D. C. Phillips, Sub. 2 of 1, City 653, lot 1 July 9—W. J. & \V. G. Cox, Corriell's Sub., lot 44 July 9—J. A. Rhomberg Est., Cor- riell's Sub., lot 47 July 9—Edw. Langworthy Est, Pauline Langworthy's Sub., lot 5 July 9—Jno. L. Buettell 'Est., Nairn's Add., lot 14 July 12—Victoria Simones, East Du- buque Add., lot 180 July 12—Schneider & Kleih, Subs. 5 and 7 and \\' 7.1 ft. of 9, Wick's Add., lots 1-2 July 13—Ellen O'Halleron, Finley's Add., lots 13-14-15 July 13—Leathers & Trewin, Glendale Add.. lot 52 July 13—Frank A. Scott, Finley's ts Add., S. lot 154 July 13—W. H. Doane, Sub. 12 of Min. Lot 172, lot 2 July 13—Geo. Rieger, et al., L. H. Langworthy's Add., lot 83 July 13—Mary F. McGuire, Glendale Add., lot 40 July 13—R. & Edw. Langworthy Est, Glendale Add., lots 224-225 July 13—R. & Edw. Langworthy Est, Glendale Add., lot 153 July 13—Jno. Marzen, E. Lang - worthy's Add , N. 35 ft. lot 45 July 13—Jno. Kantlehuer, Sub. M., 60 ft. lot 104, L. H. Langworthy's 233 July 16—Henry and Mary Oser, L. H. 90 Langworthy's Acu., lot 54 65 July 16—Ca th 'die l'nly. of Washing- ton. et al. Kelly's Sub., lots 1-276 July 16—Martin Carroll, Nairn's Add, lots 7_8 . 690 July 1S—J P. Schroeder, Littleton & • Sawyer's Auld., lot 4 July lS—.las eph Kahn, East Dubuque 65 AGit.. E. 1/2 lot 361 July 18—Levi, Henderson & Sullivan, 40 South Ave. Add., lot S July 1S—JaiBeach & Sons. City lot 35 189 July 18—Dubuque Butchers' Ass'a, 35 East Dubuque Add., lot 42:1 July 19—James Beach & Sons, City 80 lot 583 July 19—Dan Rice, Sub. 152, Union Add., lot 2 July :0—M. S. I-Iardie, Sub. City GS•t, 45 lot 4 1 20 July 20—Levi, Henderson & Sullivan, South Ave. Add., lots 122-13 75 July 20—Rhomberg & Kringle, Rose 35 Hill Add., lots 2-4-5 3 90 July 20—Mary Wilde, Sub. 1 of 2 of 7 of Min. Lot 45, lot 2 90 July 21—Martin Sutton, Sub. Min. Lot 45, lot 3 60 July 9-2—E. & B. Callihan, Sub. 2 of Min. Lot 63 and E. part of lot 69, 1 39 Union Add., lots 1-2 50 July 22—Jas. Beach & Sons, City lot 36 58'2 40 July 22—J. H. Simplot, Mineral Lot 83 35 75 July 22—J. H. Thedinga Est., Sub. City 651, lot 1 50 July 22—F. W. & Frank Coates, S. M. Langworthy's Add., lots 39-40 90 July 22—G. M. Staples Est.. A. Mc - Daniels' Sub., \V. 1/2 lot 766 160 35 40 65 5 45 Add., lot 1 July 13—John Theis, Sub. 106, L. H Langworthy's Add., lot 1 July 13—F. & Chas. Fosselman Est, L. H. Langworthy's Add., lot 156 July 13—John Olinger, Boulevard 1 Add., lots 4-5 05 July 14—Cushing-McFadden Co., L. H. Langworthy's Add., lot 139 July 14—C. Heintz, L. H. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 147 July 15—Thos. Meehan, Sub. 131 and 132, Union Add., lot 2 July 15—Fred E. Spielman, Union Add., lot 185 July 15—Louis Julien, Union Add, lot 117 July 15—Peter Winkel, et al., Union Add., lot 207 July 15—The St. Joseph's Mercy Hos- pital, Sub. Min. Lot 66, lot 2 July 15—R. M. Kunz, McCraney's 1st Add., lot 82 July 15—Rich. Waller Est., Mc- Craney's 1st Add., S. E. 125 ft. lot 45 100 July 16—P. Hughes, Sub. 2 of part ' City 711, lot 2 ....................... July 16—Paul Traut Est., Blake's Add., lot 19 45 """"" July 16—Thos. and Louisa Paisley, Blake's Add., lot 14... • • • "'Marsh's July 16—Jos. H. Hanover, Add., E. 100 ft. lot 47 40 40 35 35 90 45 55 45 1 90 55 85 40 4a 1 05 60 65 45 35 35 40 4U 55 55 35 35 40 65 36 40 July 22—Ellen O'Halleron, Finley's Add., lots 13-14-15 1 30 July 26—M. E. Church, Sub. 20, Reche's Sub., lot 1 45 July 26—Buol & Loetscher, Loetscher & Treub's Sub., lot 13 35 July 26—Lawrence Smith Est., Sub. Min. Lot 79, lot 9 40 July 26—Joseph Herod, Blake's Add, lot 11 35 July 26—Edw. Langworthy Est, Pauline Langworthy's Sub., lot 440 July 27—Martin Heer, Reche's Sub, lot 27 45 July 27—Geo. Grundy, Hodge's Sub, lot 1 35 July 27—H. P & N. W. Kimball, Davis Farm Add., lot 337 35 July 27—Owen O'Hare, Kelly's Sub, lot 21 35 July 27—P. M. Harrington, Sub. 22 and 23, Kelly's Sub., lot 6 95 July 28—Kenety & Mulgrew, Sub. 60 and 61, Littleton & Sawyer's Add., 35 lots 1-2 July 2S—Sidonia Hesford, Littleton & 40 Sawyer's Add., lot 57 July 29—P. & E. Kiene, Glendale Add., lot 105 75 July 19—J. & E. Tibey, Sub. 3, Min35 Lot 63, lot 1 July 29—Wm. McClain, Hoskin's Sub, lot 5 40 July 29—C. J. Peterson & P. Slocum, Grandview Park Add., Blk. 3, lot 335 J GranPeterson Slocum, dv ew Park Add., BIk.4,1 lots 3-470 July 29—Tim Dillon, Dillon's Sub., lot 35 1 July 29—Geo. Salot, O'Hare's Sub., lot 19 .. Grandview July 29—A. A. Cooper, 232 Regular Session Oct. 6, 1904. City Attorney Kintzinger reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:—I herewith enclose you the City Treasurer's receipt for $3.50, being the money which you directed me to collect from the Iowa Telephone Company for replacing Whislte on the City Steam Roller, which was broken by one of their wires hanging across a Street. Respectfully, --J. W. Kintzinger, City Attorney. On motion the report was received and filed. City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: On account of erroneous assessment on the following described property, I petition for cancellation of same: For cleaning alley, assessment July loth, 19o2: Peter Oeth, L. H. Langworthy's Add., S. 40 ft, lot 52 and N. 1-2 lot 53 $1.50 Elizabeth Taylor, Cain's Sub.. lot 8 1.15 Respectfully, —James H. Boyce, City Engineer. Ald. Clancy moved that the report be adopted, and the Treasurer instructed accordingly. Carried. Sidewalk Inspector Conigisky re- ported as follows: On account of error in assessment on the following described property, I petition for the cancellation of the same: For repairing sidewalk, assessed July 7th, 1904: Jno. Nagle, S. M. Langworthy's Add., E. 100 ft., lot 21 $ .45 The corrected assessment should be: F. A. Gringer, S. M. Langworthy's Add., E. coo ft., lot 21 $ .45 Respectfully, —I. Conigisky, Sidewalk Inspector. On motion the Treasurer was in- structed to correct said assessment. City Assessor Scherr reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: I herewith submit a statement of the valuation, both real and personal of the City of Dubuque for the year 1904: Real estate $17,272,260 Personal 6.647,870 Total $23,920,130 I also submit the valuations in the different Road Districts: First District Second District Third District Respectfully, —C. B. Scherr, City Assessor. $ 8,483,012 10,857,105 4,580,013 On motion the report was referred to the Committee of the Whole. City Electrician Hipman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: I herewith submit my report of defective Lights for the month of September, 1904: I find from the report of the Police Department that the total hours that 21 Lamps failed to burn would equal Sof a Lamp for one month or $4.05. On motion the report was received, and the City Auditor instructed to de- duct from the Union Electric com- pany's bill for the month of September the sum of $4.05. The following Weighmasters' and Wood Measurers' receipts were re- ferred to the Committee on Markets: Frank P. Hayes --City Hall re- ceipts $23.05 T. Faherty --First ward scale re- ceipts 5.51 Louise Pitschner—West Dubuque scale receipts 2.85 Robert Hay—Eighth Street scale receipts . 2.29- C. W. Katz—Woodmeasurer's receipts 1.75 Haubner & Hayes—Couler Ave scale receipts .40 City Recorder Arendt presented and read the printed Notice, certified to by the Publisher, of the Council's inten- tion to levy a special assessment for repairing Sidewalks during the months of July and August. 1904: No remonstrance being filed, the Mayor asked if any one present had any objection to said assessment. Ald. Frith stated that Wm. F. Buelow ob- jected to his assessment. On motion the matter was referred to the Sidewalk Inspector. Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for repairing sidewalks during July and August, 1904, in front of and adjoining the same, a Special Tax be and is hereby levied on the several Lots, and Parts of Lots, and Parcels of Real Estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each Lot or Parcel of Real Estate, as follows: Owner. Description. July 2—R. & Edw. Langworthy Est., Glendale Add., lot 247 $ 25 July 2—Kenety & Mulgrew, Sub. 00 and 61, Littleton & Sawyer's Add, lot 2 80 July 5—Wm. F. Buelow, E. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 60 45 July 5—German Bank, East Dubuque Add., lot 91 35 July 6—C. B. Scherr, Trustee, C. A. Voelker's Add., lot 33 80 July 6—C. B. Scherr, Trustee, C. A. Voelker's Add., lot 3 85 July 7—Sidonia Hosford, Littleton & Sawyer's Add., lot 57 35 Regular Session Oct. 6, 1904. 233 July 7—Geo. Mohr Est., Littleton & Sawyer's Add., lot 52 July 7—Frank A. Scott, Finley's Add , S 1/2 lot 154 July 7—Eph. Youngling, Cox's Add, lot 97 July 8—Valentine Schiel, Sub. 196 and 197, L. H. Langworthy's Add., lot 10. 65 July 9—Jos. Herod, Blake's Add., lot 11 July 9—Jno. A. Koch Est., Cox's Add., lot 16 July 9—Harry Waite, Blake's Add, lot 16 35 July 9—Paul Traut Est., Blake's Add., lot 19 35 July 9—D. C. Phillips, Sub. 2 of 1, City 653, lot 1 80 July 9—W. J. & W. G. Cox, Corriell's Sub., lot 44 5 45 July 9—J. A. Rhomherg Est., Cor- riell's Sub., lot 47 45 July Lang worthy Est, Pauline Langworthy's Sub., lot 51 90 July 9—Jno. L. Buettell Est., Nairn's Add., lot 14 35 July 12—Victoria Simones, East Du- buque Add.. It I 55 July 12—Schm idrr & Kleih, Subs. 5 and 7 and W 7.1 ft. of 9, Wick's Add., lots 1-2 60 July 13—Ellen O'Halleron, Finley's Add., lots 13-14-15 1 30 July 13—Leathers & Trewin, Glendale Add.. lot 52 33 July 13—Frank A. Scott, Finley's Add., S. 1/2 lot 154 75 July 13—W. II. Do.ne, Sub. 12 of Min. Lot 172, lot 2 40 July 13—Geo. Rieger, et al., L. H. Langworthy's Add., lot 83 4b July 13—Mary F. McGuire, Glendale Add., lot 40 1 0 July 13—R. & Edw. Langworthy Est, Glendale Add., lots 224-225 July 13—R. & Edw. Langworthy Est, Glendale Add., lot 153 July 13—Jno. Marzen, E. Lang - worthy's Add , N. 35 ft. lot 45 July 13—Jno. Kantlehuer, Sub. M., 60 ft. lot 104, L. H. Langworthy's 40 35 40 65 40 Add., lot 1 July 13—John Theis, Sub. 106, L. H Langworthy's Add., lot 1 July 13—F. & Chas. Fosselman Est, L. H. Langworthy's Add., lot 1S6 July 13—John Olinger, Boulevard Add., lots 4-5 July 14—Cushing-McFadden Co., L. H. Langworthy's Add., lot 139 July 14—C. Heintz, L. H. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 147 July 15—Thos. Meehan, Sub. 131 and 132, Union Add., lot 2 July 15—Fred E. Spielman, Union Add., lot 185 July 15—Louis Julien, Union Add, lot 117 July 15—Peter Winkel, et al., Union Add., lot 207 July 15—The St. Joseph's Mercy Hos- pital, Sub. Min. Lot 66, lot 2 July 15—R. M. Kunz, McCraney's 1st Add., lot 82 July 15—Rich. Waller Est., Mc- Craney's 1st Add., S. E. 125 ft. lot 100 July 16—P. Hughes, Sub. 2 of part City 711, lot 2 July 16—Paul Traut Est., Blake's Add., lot 19 July 16—Thos. and Louisa Paisley, Blake's Add., lot 14 July 16—Jos. H. Hanover, Marsh' Add., E. 100 ft. lot 47 • July 16—Henry and Mary Oser, L. H. Langworthy's Add., lot 84 65 July 16—Catholic Univ. of Washing- ton, et al, Kelly's Sub., lots 1-276 July 16—Martin Carroll, Nairn's Add, lots 7-8 6 90 July 18—J. P. Schroeder, Littleton & Sawyer's Add., lot 4 48 July 18—Joseph Kahn, East Dubuque Add., E. 1/2 lot 361 35 July 18—Levi, Henderson & South Ave. Add., lot 8 35 July 18—Jas. Beach & Sons, City lot 182 40 July 18—Dubuque Butchers' Ass'n, East Dubuque Add., lot 427 July 19—James Beach & Sons, City lot 583 July 19—Dan Rice, Sub. 152, Union Add., lot 2 July JI—M. S. Hardie, Sub. City 684, lot 4 1 20 July 20—Levi, Henderson & Sullivan, South Ave. Add., lots 12-13 75 July 20—Rhomberg & Kringle, Rose Hill Add., lots 2-4-5 3 90 July 2e—Mary Wilde, Sub. 1 of 2 uf 7 of lii. Lot 45, lot 2 40 July 21—Martin Sutton, Sub. Min. Lot 45, lot 3 85 July 22—E. & H. Callihan, Sub. 2 of Min. Lot 63 and E. part of lot 69, Union Add., lots 1-2 60 July 22—Jas. Beach & Sons, City lot 562 40 July :22--J. H. Simplot, Mineral Lot 83 35 July 22--J. H. Thedinga Est., Sub. City 551, lot 1 60 July 22—F. W. & Frank Coates, S. M. Langworthy's Add., lots 39-40 90 July 22—G. M. Staples Est.. A. Mc - Daniels' Sub., W. 1/2 lot 766 1 50 45 65 45 5 .July 22—Ellen O'Halleron, Finley's Add., lots 13-14-16 1 30 60 July 26—M. E. Church, Sub. 20, Reche's Sub., lot 1 45 65 July 26—Buol & Loetscher, Loetscher & Treub's Sub., lot 13 35 45 July 26—Lawrence Smith Est., Sub. Min. Lot 79, lot 9 40 July 26—Joseph Herod, Blake's Add, 35 lot 11 35 July 26—Edw. Langworthy Est, 35 Paulin.; Langworthy's Sub., lot 440 July 27—Martin Heer, Reche's Sub, 40 lot 27 45 July 27—Geo. Grundy, Hodge's Sub, 05 lot 1 35 July 27—H. P & N. W. Kimball, 40 Davis Farm Add., lot 337 35 July 27—Owen O'Hare, Kelly's Sub, 55 lot 24 35 July 27—P. M. Harrington, Sub. 22 55 and 23, Kelly's Sub., lot 6 95 July 28—Kenety & Mulgrew, Sub. 60 35 and 61, Littleton & Sawyer's Add., lots 1-2 35 35 July 28—Sidonia. Hosford, Littleton & Sawyer's Add., lot 57 40 40 July 29—P. & E. Kiene, Glendale Add., lot 105 75 65 July t9—J. & E. Tibey, Sub. 3, Min. Lot 63, lot 1 35 35 July 29—Wm. McClain, Hoskin's Sub, 1 t 5 40 July 29—C. J. Peterson & P. Slocum, 45 Grandview Park Add., Blk. 3, lot 3.. 86 July 29—C. J. Peterson & P. Slocum, 35 Grandview Park Add., Blk. 4, lots 3-470 45 July 29—Tim Dillon, Dillon's Sub., lot 135 40 July 29—Geo. Salot, O'Hare's Sub., lot 1945 40 July 29—A. A. Cooper, Grandview . • : • , ,re,711. Retake of Previous Documents 232 Regular Session Oct. 6, 1904. City Attorney Kintzinger reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith enclose you the City Treasurer's receipt for $3.50, being the money which you directed me to collect from the Iowa Telephone Company for replacing Whislte on the City Steam Roller, which was broken by one of their wires hanging across a Street. Respectfully, —_J. W. Kintzinger, City Attorney. On motion the report was received and filed. City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: On account of erroneous assessment on the following described property, I petition for cancellation of same: For cleaning alley, assessment July Toth, 1902: Peter Oeth, L. H. Langworthy's Add., S. 40 ft, lot 52 and N. 1-2 lot 53 $1.50 Elizabeth Taylor, Cain's Sub.. lot 8 1.15 Respectfully, —James H. Boyce, City Engineer. Ald. Clancy moved that the report be adopted, and the Treasurer instructed accordingly. Carried. Sidewalk Inspector Conigisky re- ported as follows: On account of error in assessment on the following described property, I petition for the cancellation of the same: For repairing sidewalk, assessed July 7th, 1904: Jno. Nagle, S. M. Langworthy's Add., E. 100 ft., lot 21 $ .45 The corrected assessment should be: F. A. Gringer, S. M. Langworthy's Add., E. too ft., lot 21 $ .45 Respectfully, —I. Conigisky, Sidewalk Inspector. On motion the Treasurer was in- structed to correct said assessment. City Assessor Scherr reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: I herewith submit a statement of the valuation, both real and personal of the City of Dubuque for the year 1904: Real estate $17,272,260 Personal 6.647,870 Total $23,920,130 I also submit the valuations in the different Road Districts: First District Second District .. Third District Respectfully, —C. B. Scherr, City Assessor. $ 8,483,012 I0,857,105 4,580,013 On motion the report was referred to the Committee of the Whole. City Electrician Hipman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: I herewith submit my report of defective Lights for the month of September, 1904: I find from the report of the Police Department that the total hours that 21 Lamps failed to burn would equal 34of a Lamp for one month or $4.05. On motion the report was received, and the City Auditor instructed to de- duct from the Union Electric com- pany's hill for the month of September the sum of $4.05. The following Weighmasters' and Wood Measurers' receipts were re- ferred to the Committee on Markets: Frank P. Hayes --City Hall re- ceipts $23.05 T. Faherty --First ward scale re- ceipts 5.51 Louise Pitschner—West Dubuque scale receipts 2.85 Robert Hay—Eighth Street scale receipts 2.29 C. W. Katz—Woodmeasurer's receipts 1.75 Haubner & Hayes—Couler Ave scale receipts .40 City Recorder Arendt presented and read the printed Notice, certified to by the Publisher, of the Council's inten- tion to levy a special assessment for repairing Sidewalks during the months of July and August. 1904: No remonstrance being filed, the Mayor asked if any one present had any objection to said assessment. Ald. Frith stated that Wm. F. Buelow ob- jected to his assessment. On motion the matter was referred to the Sidewalk Inspector. Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for repairing sidewalks during July and August, 1904, in front of and adjoining the same, a Special Tax be and is hereby levied on the several Lots, and Parts of Lots, and Parcels of Real Estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each Lot or Parcel of Real Estate, as follows: Owner. Description. July 2—R. & Edw. Langworthy Est., Glendale Add., lot 247 $ 85 July 2—Kenety & Mulgrew, Sub. 60 and 61, Littleton & Sawyer's Add, lot 2 80 July 5—Wm. F. Buelow, E. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 60 45 July 5—German Bank, East Dubuque Add., lot 91 35 July 6—C. B. Scherr, Trustee, C. A. Voelker's Add., lot 33 80 July 6—C. B. Scherr, Trustee, C. A. Voelker's Add., lot 3 85 July 7—Sidonia Hosford, Littleton & Sawyer's Add., lot 57 .. 35 Regular Session Oct. 6, 1904 233 July 7—Geo. Mohr Est., Littleton & Sawyer's Add., lot 52 July 7—Frank A. Scott, Finley's Add , S 1/2 lot 154 July 7—Eph. Youngling, Cox's Add, lot 97 July 8—Valentine Schiel, Sub. 196 and 197, L. H. Langworthy's Add., lot 10. July 9—Jos. Herod, Blake's Acid., lot 11 July 9—mo. A. Koch Est., Cox's Add., lot 16 July 9—Harry Waite, Blake's Add, lot 16 July 9—Paul Add., lot 19 July 9—D. C. Phillips, Sub. 2 of 1, City 653, lot 1 July 9—\V. J. & \V. G. Cox, Corriell's Traut Est., Blake's 40 35 40 65 65 40 35 36 80 Sub., lot 44 5 45 July 9—J. A. Rhomberg Est., Cor- riell's Sub., lot 47 45 July 9--Edw. Lang worthy Est, Pauline Langworthy's Sub., lot 51 90 July 9—mo. L. Buettell Est., Nairn's Add., lot 14 35 July 12—Victoria Simones, East Du- buque Add., lot 180 55 July 12—Schneider & Kleih, Subs. 5 and 7 and \V 7.1 ft. of 9, Wick's Add., lots 1-2 60 July 13—Ellen O'Halleron, Finley's Add., lots 13-14-15 1 30 July 13—Leathers & Trewin, Glendale Add., lot 52 July 13—Frank A. Scott, Finley's .• Add., S. 1/2 lot 154 July 13—\V. H. Dctne, Sub. 12 of Min. Lot 172, lot 2 40 July 13—Geo. Rieger, et al., L. H Langworthy's Add., lot 83 40 July 13—Mary F. McGuire, Glendale Add., lot 40 1 05 July 13—R. & Edw. Langworthy Est, Glendale Add., lots 224-225 60 July 13—R. & Edw. Langworthy Est, Glendale Add., lot 153 July 13—Jno. Marzen, E. Lang - worthy's Add , N. 35 ft. tot 45 July 13—Jno. Kantlehuer, Sub. SI., 60 ft. lot 104, L. H. Langworthy's Add., lot 1 July 13—John Theis, Sub. 106, L. H. Langworthy's Add., lot 1 July 13—F. & Chas. Fosselman Est, L. H. Langworthy's Add., lot 166.— July 13—John Olinger, Boulevard Add., lots 4-5 1 July 14—Cushing-McFadden Co., L H. Langworthy's Add., lot 139 July 14—C. Heintz, L. H. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 147 July 15—Thos. Meehan, Sub. 131 and 132, Union Add., lot 2 July 15—Fred E. Spielman, Union Add., lot 185 July 15—Louis Julien, Union Add, lot 117 July 15—Peter Winkel, et al., Union Add., lot 207 July 15—The St. Joseph's Mercy Hos- pital, Sub. Min. Lot 66, lot 2 July 15—R. M. Kunz, McCraney's 1st Add., lot 82 July 15—Rich. Waller Est., Mc- Craney's 1st Add., S. E. 125 ft. lot 100 July 16—P. Hughes, Sub. 2 of part City 711, lot 2 July 16—Paul Traut Est., Blake's Add., lot 19 July 16—Thos. and Louisa Paisley, Blake's Add., lot 14 July 16—Jos. H. Hanover, Marsh's Add., E. 100 ft. lot 47 July 16—Henry and Mary Oser, L. H. Langworthy's AC:(i., lot 84 55 July 16—Cathilic Univ. of Washing- ton, et al, Kelly's Sub., lots 1-275 July 16—Martin Carroll, Nairn's Add, lots 7-8 6 90 July 18—J P. Schroeder, Littleton & Sawyer's Add., lot 4 40 July 18—Joseph Kahn, East Dubuque Add., E. ', lot 361 35 July 18—Levi, Henderson & Sullivan, South Ave. Add., lot 8 35 July 18—Jas. Beach & Sons, City lot 182 40 July 18—Dubuque Butchers' Ass ii East Dubuque Add., lot 423 45 July 19—James Beach & Sons, City lot 583 55 July 19—Dan Rice, Sub. 152, Union Add., lot 2 45 July 20—M. S. Hardie, Sub. City 64, lot 4 1 20 July 20—Levi, Henderson & Sullivan, South Ave. Add., lots 12-13 75 July 20—Rhomberg & Kringle, Rose Hill Add., lots 2-4-5 3 90 July 20—Mary Wilde, Sub. 1 of 2 of 7 of Min. Lot 45. lot 2 40 July 21—Martin Sutton, Sub. Min. Lot 45, lot 3 85 July 22—E. & H. Callihan, Sub. 2 of Min. Lot 63 and E. part of lot 69, Union Add., lots 1-2 50 July 22—Jas. Beach & Sons, City lot 35 582 40 July 22—J. H. Simplot, Mineral Lot 83 35 75 July 22—J. H. Tliedinga Est., Sub. City 561, lot 1 50 July 22—F. W. & Frank Coates, S. M. Langworthy's Add., lots 39-40 90 July 22—G. M. Staples Est.. A. Mc - Daniels' Sub., W. % lot 766 1 50 July 22—Ellen O'Halleron, Finley's Add., lots 13-14-15 1 30 July 26—M. E. Church, Sub. 20, Reche's Sub., lot 1 45 65 July 26—Buol & Loetscher, Loetscher & Treub's Sub., lot 13 35 45 July 26—Lawrence Smith Est., Sub. Min, Lot 79, lot 9 40 July 26—Joseph Herod, Blake's Add, 35 lot 11 35 July 26—Edw. Langworthy Est, 36 Pauline Langworthy's Sub., lot 440 July 27—Martin Heer, Reche's Sub, 40 lot 27 45 July 27—Geo. Grundy, Hodge's Sub, 05 lot 1 85 July 27—H. P & N. W. Kimball, 40 Davis Farm Acid., lot 337 36 July 27—Owen O'Hare, Kelly's Sub, 55 lot 24 35 July 27—P. M. Harrington, Sub. 22 55 and 23, Kelly's Sub., lot 6 95 July 28—Kenety & lidulgrew, Sub. 60 35 and 61, Littleton & Sawyer's Add., lots 1-2 35 35 July 28—Sidonia Hosford, Littleton & Sawyer's Add., lot 57 40 40 July 29—P. & E. Kiene, Glendale Add., lot 105 75 65 July 29—.T. & E. Tibey, Sub. 3, Min Lot 63, lot 1 35 35 July 29—Wm. McClain, Hoskin's Sub, lot 5 40 July 29—C. J. Peterson & P. Slocum, 45 Grandview Park Add., Blk. 3, lot 335 July 29—C. J. Peterson & P. Slocum, 35 Grandview Park Add., Blk. 4, lots 3-470 45 July 29—Tim Dillon, Dillon's Sub., lot 135 40 July 29—Geo. Salot, O'Hare's Sub., lot 1945 40 July 29—A. A. Cooper, Grandview 234 Regular Session Oct. 6, 1904. Ave. Add., lots 9-10-11 July 29—T, Kavaraugh Est., Sub. Min Lot 22, lot 4 July 29—R. & Edw. Langworthy Est, Glendale Add., lot 223 July 29—Eliz. Nicks' Est., Glendale Add., lot 216 July 29—John Olinger, Boulevard Add., lot 46 50 July 29—Ellen J. Martin, City lot 349. 75 July 14—M. D. Goux, McCraney's 1st T Add., lot 69 July 14—W. W. Ballard, Wick's Add, 45 lot 24 July 19—B. McCoy Est., Union Add, 75 W. 22 ft. lot 14 July 7—Sidonia Hosford, Littleton & 3ti Sawyer's Add., lot 57 July 9—J. A. Rhomberg Est., Wood's Add., lot 26b July 11—Leonard Buehler, Fengler's Add., lot 31 55 July 13—Matilda Specht, Klingen- berg's . 4th Sub., lot 7 July 14—R. M. Kunz, McCraney's 1st Aad., lot 86 45 July 26—Bool & Loetscher, Loetscher & Trueb's Sub., lot 11 110 July 18—John Flynn. City E. 40 ft. 50 lot 84 Total $71 95 Owner. Description. Aug. 1—J. F. McCarthy, Sub. Out Lot $ 40 724, lot 4 Aug. 1—German Bank, Prospect Hill Add., lot 14 70 Aug. 2—M. A. Brown, Krayer's Sub, lot 2 90 Aug. 2—Catholic Univ. of Washing- ton, et al, Sub. Out Lot 724, lots 2-3. 90 Aug. 2—Chicago G. \V. R'y Co., Right -of -Way, 17th St 45 Aug. 2—German Trust and Savings Bank, Sub. 809, A. McDaniels' Sub, lot 1 70 Aug. 3—Ellen T. Callahan, South Park Hill Add., lot 16 40 Aug. 3—Paul Schlenker, Dunn's Sub, lot 8 40 Aug. 3—D. Maggenburg, Sub. MIn. Lot 319, lot 8 55 Aug. 3—Ursula Blocklinger, John King's 1st Add., lots 1-3 Aug. 3—German Bank, Prospect Hill Add., lot 14 Aug. 3—German Presbyterian College, Sub. City 675, lot 7 40 Aug. 9—M. A. Brown, Krayer's Sub, lot 2 45 Aug. 4—C. A. Alexander, Sub. 3, Bab - cock's Sub., lot 2 60 Aug. 9—John Spensley Est., Sub. 45, Simpson's Add., lot 2 85 Aug. 5—Peter Ginter, L. H. Lang - worthy's Add., W 70 ft. lot 20a 95 Aug. 5—P. Tunes Est., City S 1-5, lot 450 1 45 Aug. 8—Mrs. H. Richatsch, City lot 344 45 Aug. 8—Adam Weiland, City lot 2731 45 Aug. 8—R. & Edw. Langworthy Est, Glendale Add., lots 247-271 1 Aug. 9—W. H. Day, A. McDaniels' Sub., lot 830 Aug. 9—Jas. Beach & Sons, City lot 582 Aug. 10—Jno. L. Buettell Est., Nairn's Add., lot 14 Aug. 10—J. A. Rhomberg Est., Cor- riell's Sub., lots 8-9 Aug. 10—Minnie and M. A. Kemler, College Add., lot 1 Aug. 10—W. J. Cantillon, O'Neill's Sub., No. 2, lot 11 70 Aug. 10—Mary Quinlivan, O'Neill's Sub. No. 2, lot 19 Aug. 10—C. E. Wales, Nairn's Add, lot 32 Aug. 10—Jas. McCabe, Corriell's Sub, lot 1 85 Aug. 11—Rose E. Fengler, Fengler's Add., lot 19 Aug. 11—Frank B. Martin, A. Mc - Daniels' Sub., W 1 lot 816 Aug. 11—P. W. Crawford, A. Mc - Daniels' Sub.., lot 779 Aug. 12—Kate Guderian, Cook's Add, N lfi lot 55 Aug. 12—J. M. Werner, Trustee, City lot 571 Aug. 12—Wm. Klauer, et al, Davis Farm Add., lot 213 Aug. 13—Jas. Mullen Est., Finley's Add., lot 4 Aug. 13—Mt. St. Joseph's College, 35 35 50 70 15 40 55 45 75 40 35 75 35 70 45 45 60 1 10 70 50 65 Sub. Min. Lots 186-187, lot 2 40 Aug. 13—John Flynn, Sub. Min. Lot 191, lot 2 40 Aug. 13—St. Ambrose Church, Fin- ley's Add., lot 19. Aug. 13—E. M. Kringle, Sub. 7, Min. 50 Lot 79, lot 6 Aug. 17—E. M. Krirgle, Sub. 7, Min. Lot 79, lot 6 50 Aug. 17—T. B. Cain, Hetherington's Sub., lot 4 35 Aug. 17—Martin Sullivan, Saul's Sub, lot 4 65 Aug. 17—Minnie and M. A. Kemler, Sub. 4, Ann O'Hare's Sub., lot 175 Aug. 17—John Nagle, Martin's Du- buque, lot 11 65 Aug. 18—Rose E. Fengler, Wick's Add., lot 19 35 Aug. 18—Mrs. Sidney Saul, Saul's 40 Sub., lot 1 Aug. 18—J. J. Murray, Sub. City 740, lot 1 Aug. 18—Theresa Sullivan, Sub. 152, Union Add., lot 1 Aug. 18—Jno. T. Hancock Est., Sub Min. Lot 158, lot 7 Aug. 19—Chicago G. W. R'y Co, Right -of -Way, 17th St Aug. 19—A. F. Jaeger Est., Davis Farm Add., lot 270 Aug. 19—Mrs. B. Keough, Sub. 9, Col- lin's Sub., lot 1 Aug. 20—German Presb. College, Sub. City 675, lot 7 Aug. 20—Chas. Heinze, L. H. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 147 Aug. 20—John Bottoms, Sub. 151, Me- chanics' Add., lot 2 Aug. 20—Cushing & McFadden Co, L. H. Langworthy's Add., lot 139 Aug. 20—Anna Kurz, Mechanics' Add., lot 156 Aug. 20—A. F. and B. D. Hee% Marsh's Add., lot 27 Aug. 22—Chas. H. Bradley, Cox's E. 1/2 Add., lots 50-51 40 Aug. 22—Edwin Hancock, L. H. Lang - worthy's Sub., N 46 ft. lot 26 1 10 Aug. 22—Al. Matthews, Sub. City 738, lot 6 45 Aug. 22—John J. Keane, Levens' Add., lot 2 35 Aug. 22—Kate Lundbeck, Cox's Add, E24ft. lot 22 35 Aug. 22—C. G. and C. H. Meyer, King's Grove Add., lot 5 55 Aug. 22—Fred Wodrich, Broadway Add., lot 3 35 Aug. 22—A. F. Bany, Bell's Sub, lot A Aug. 22—T. E. and J. S. Fifield, Union Add., lot 174 Aug. 23—Martin Maher Est., Union 35 45 95 45 55 55 40 45 95 40 90 45 40 35 Regular Session Oct. 6, 1904. 236- Add., 36 Add., S. 133.10 ft. lot 137 Aug. 23—Martin Sullivan, Sub. 131 and 132, Union Add., lot 1 Aug. 23—Peter Winkel, Union Add, lot 207 Aug. 23—A. S. Heacock Est., Union Add., lot 196 Aug. 23—Pat Walsh Est., McCraney's 1st Add., lot 71 Aug. 24—E. A. and G. A. Burden, Burden-Lawther Add., lots 4-5 Aug. 24—Stephen Zenner, Burden- Lawther Add., lot 131 Aug. 24—Wm. Lawther and J. V. Rider, Burden-Lawther Add., lot 10 35 Aug. 24—Wm. Lawther and J. V. Rider, Burden-Lawther Add., lot 17. 40 Aug. 24—Henry Dreazy, Burden- Lawther Add., lot 132 Aug. 24—J. A. Rhomberg Est., Mc- Craney's 1st Add., lot 111 Aug. 25—Mary Preston, Wilson's Sub, lot 7 Aug. Z5 -Geo. Salot, Sub. i9, Kelly's Sub., lot 1 Aug. 25—Julia D. Rhomberg, Sub. 1 and 2 of Min. Lot 62 and part Min Lot 149, lot 3 Aug. 26—Wm. and F. A. Coates, City N 2-5 lot 436 Aug. 26—Kate Guderian, Cook's Add, N 4 lot 35 Aug. 26—Amelia S. Woodward, Marsh's Add., lot 40 Aug. 27—Ind. School Dist. of Du- buque, Sub. Min. Lot 45, lot 2 50 75 66 55 55 1 00 35 :35 50 30 70 45 5 30 55 Aug. 27—The St. Joseph Mercy Hos- pital, Sub. Min. Lot 66, lot 2 1 Aug. 's7—F. W. and Frank Coates, S. M. Langworthy's Add., lot 39 Aug. 27—Cath. Stafford, S. M. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 44 Aug. 26—H. Wunderlich, Fortune's Sub., lot 15 Aug. 27—Jos. J. Duertscher, Sub. 4, Kniest's Sub., lot 1 Aug. 29—R. and Edw. Langworthy Est., Glendale Add., lots 227-228 Aug. 29—Al. Matthews, East Dubuque Add., W 3i lot 51 Aug. 29—Ulrich `Nilly, Sub. 218-219, Davis Farm Add., lot 1 Aug. 29—John Olinger, Boulevard Add., lot 23 Aug. 29—Sophia Knoernschield, L. H Langworthy's Add., S 1/2 lot 21 Aug. 30—Jno. L. Hancock Est., Sub Min. Lot 158, lot 7 Aug. 30—Hugh Talty, Sub. 2 of Min Lot 160, lot 1 Aug. 30—W. H. Doane, Sub. 12 of Min. Lot 172, lot 2 Aug. 30—Henry Cannon, Finley, Naples and Burton's Add., lot 140 Aug. 30—Geo. Salot, Finley's Add, lot 4 Aug. 30—Frank A. Scott, Finley's Add., lot 155 Aug. 30—John Olinger, Boulevard Add., lots 10-11 Aug. 30—R. and Edw. Langworthy Est., Glendale Add., lots 225-226 Aug. 30—C. Cameron and M. Carpen- ter, Glendale Aad., S '/z lot 230 Aug. 30—Chicago G. \V. R'y Co, Right -of -Way, 24th St Aug. 31—Frank M. Marsh, Sub. Min. Lot 174, lot 1 Aug. 31—Chas. Bergner, Sub. Min. Lot 80, lot 3 Aug. 24—Martha Wiedmer, Johnston's Sub., lot 2 Aug. 30—J. Steadman, Sub. Min. Lot 149, \V % lot 6 Aug. 31—Hugh Talty, Sub. 2 of Min. 85 45 Lot 160, lot 2 Aug. 31—Jno. T. Hancock Est., Sub Min. Lot 158, lot 7 Aug. 31—John Phillips, Sub. Min. Lot 158, lot 8 Aug. 22—Mich. Lentz, Sub 92, Cox's Add., lot 1 1 05 210 40 90 Total $75 70 Ald. Frith moved to adopt the reso- lution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf. Absent—Ald. Corrance. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Lyons, chairman of the Ordin- ance Committee, presented and read an Ordinance for the vacation of the Alley between Elm Street and Pine Street. from Eighteenth Street to Nineteenth Street, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and moved that the reading just had be considered its first reading. Car- ried. Ald. Clancy moved that the Record- er be instructed to give ten days' no- tice of the Council's intention to va- cate said Alley. Carried. Ald. Lyons also presented and read an Ordinance for the vacation of part 25 of Charter Street from the west line J0 of the Levee to the east line of Water Street and from the west line of Wa- 35 ter Street to the east line of Lot 1, Block 15, and Lot 1, Block 18, of the 95 Dubuque Harbor Company's Addition, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and 50 moved that the reading just had be 85 considered its first reading. Carried. Ald. Clancy moved that the Recorder 55 be instructed to give ten days' notice of the Council's intention to vacate part of said Charter Street. Carried. 45 1 20 Ald. Frith, chairman of the Commit - 40 tee on Streets, reported as follows: Your Committee on Streets would 1 06 respectfully report that we have ex- amined the Storm Water Sewer in 65 Washington Street from Eighteenth to 65 Nineteenth Street, (M. Tschirgi, Jr., contractor,) and would recommend 40 that the same be accepted. 35 Also, your Committee on Streets, to 45 whom was referred the petition of John Leicht, asking that the special as - 1 15 sessment levied against Lots io, it and 12, of McCraney's 1st Addition be can - 65 celed, would recommend that said pe- tition be received and filed. 75 Also, your Committee on Streets would respectfully recommend that on 90 account of the great amount of leaves and other matter littering the brick- ' paved streets, the contracts heretofore 66 existing for sweeping said streets and hauling the dirt therefrom be revived 40 and continued leasure of the Committee on Streets, ununder same 40 236 • Regular Session Oct. 6, 1904. tions, would recommend that the taxes be allowed to remain a lien on the property and that the Treasurer be in- structed not to sell same: Katharine Loibl, Lot 206, Ham's Add. Sara Ham, Lot 931, Ham's Add. Sophia Dempsey, Sub. 34 and 35 of Lot 2 of Levens' Sub. Veronica Klein, South 2-3 of Lot 143, East Dubuque Add. Ald. Stumpf moved to adopt the various reports of the Committee on Delinquent Taxes. Carried. terms as those existing prior to Octo- ber 1st, 1904. Also, your Committee on Streets would respectfully report that we have examined the storm water sewer in Walnut Street from Julien Avenue to West Eleventh Street, (James Noonan, contractor,) and would recommend that the sewer be accepted. Also, your Committee on Streets would respectfully report that he have examined the storm water sewer in Sanford Street from Couler Avenue to Washington Street, (Brown & Brown, contractors.) and would recommend that said sewer be accepted. Also, your Committee on Streets would respectfully report that we have examined the Bee Branch Storm Wa- ter Sewer, from the south line of San- ford Avenue to a point in Washington Street about 193 feet north of said Sanford Street, (Tibey Bros., contrac- tors,) and would recommend that said sewer be accepted. Aid. Frith moved to adopt the var- ious reports of the Committee on Streets. Carried. Ald. Jones of the Committee on Po- lice and Light reported as follows: Your Committee on Police and Light, to whom was referred the peti- tion of Henry Michel et al., asking that an electric lamp be placed at the corner of West Fifth and Prospect Streets, would recommend that the prayer of the petitioners be granted, and that the City Electrician be in- structed to notify the Union Electric Co. to install the same. Aid. Jones moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Ald. Stumpf, chairman of the Com- mittee on Delinquent Taxes, reported as follows: Your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the peti- tion of Louisa Schwartz, asking that the taxes against her property, Lots 7 and 9 of Marsh's Sub. No. 2, Lot 6 of Kringle's Sub. and Lot 6a of Quigley's Sub. of Out Lot 711 be canceled for the year 1903, would recommend that on account of her poverty the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the Treasurer be instructed accordingly. Also, your Committee on Delinquent Taxes would respectfully recommend that Harriet Tibbals, the widow of an honorably discharged soldier of the War of the Rebellion, be allowed the exemption of $800.00 on her home- stead, Lot 3 in Arnold's Sub. for the year 1903, and that the Treasurer be instructed accordingly. Also, your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, acting on the following peti- Ald. Lyons. Chairman of the Com- mittee on Sewers, reported as follows: Your Committee on Sewers would respectfully report that we have ex- amined the Sanitary Sewer in Grand- view Avenue from Dodge Street to North Street, (Brown & Brown, con- tractors,) and would recommend that the same be accepted. We would further recommend that the City Engineer be instructed to pre- pare a plat showing the lots or parcels of ground subject to assessment for said improvement, the names of the owners thereof, and the amount as- sessed against each lot or parcel of ground, and file such plat and schedule in the office of the City Recorder, who will thereupon cause to be published the notice provided for by Section 18, Chapter XXXIV. of the Ordinance of 1901 of the City of Dubuque. —M. E. Lyons, Chairman. Ald. Lyons moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Ald. Jones, chairman of the Board of Equalization, reported as follows: Your Board of Equalization, to whom was referred the petition of the Iowa Home Insurance Co., stating that it had been erroneously assessed on $3o,000.00 for the year 1903, where- as its capital stock was but $25,000.00, and asking therefore that said assess- ment be reduced to $25,000.00, would respectfully recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the Treasurer be instructed accord- ingly. —Rudolph Jones, Chairman. Ald. Jones moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Ald. Lyons of the Board of Health reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Your Board of Health would respectfully report that at their meeting held October 3rd, 1904, Health Officer Michel presented and read var- ious Rules and Regulations relating to Deaths, Births and Contagious Dis- eases, from the State Board of Health. We referred the same to the City Re- corder and City Attorney. Also report that a number of bills Regular Session Oct. 6, 1904. 237 were reported for groceries and sup- plies delivered to the Detention Hos- pital, during the time that smallpox patients were confined at said hospital. Total amount of bills, $43.45. The bills were audited by the board and referred to the County Supervisors for pay- ment. Ald. Lyons moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Ald. Clancy of the Committee of the Whole reported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of James Cushing, asking that the special assessment levied against the N. 2-5 of City Lot 435 for brick paving Eigh- teenth Street, and also that the per- sonal tax against him be canceled, would recommend that said personal tax be canceled, but that the special assessment remain as charged. Also, your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the remon- strance of Chas. Anderson et al., against the special assessment levied for the construction of a Sanitary Sew- er in Dodge Street. would recommend that the same be received and filed. Also, your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the bill of the Upper Mississippi River Improvement Association for $300.00 for Dubuque's share of the cost of transporting the Congressional Committee on Rivers and Habors from St. Paul to St. Louis, and also the bills of the local recep- tion committee for $107.87, for ex- penses incurred in entertaining said committee while in the city, would rec- ommend that a warrant in the sum of $407.87 be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer in favor of the Mayor in settlement of said bills. —C. H. Berg, Chairman pro tern. Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the var- ious reports of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Also, your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of H. J. Neuwoehner et al., asking that the matter of locating the proposed Fifth Ward Engine House on the cor- ner of Reed and Rhomberg Avenues be reconsidered and that the same be relocated on the corner of Rhomberg and Windsor Avenues, would recom- mend that said petition be received and filed. Ald. Jones moved to adopt the re- port. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Jones, Lyons and Need- ham. Nays—Aids. Clancy, Frith and Stumpf. Absent—Aid. Corrance. It being a tie vote the Mayor voted Aye. RESOLUTIONS, Ald. Frith offered the following, which was adopted: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the Chief of the Fire Department be and he is. hereby instructed to visit all buildings of a public character and see that the ordinance compelling the owners there- of to have the doors of such buildings open outwards, enforced. Ald Lyons offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to construct a sanitary sewer in Eleventh Street, and it is hereby proposed to construct a sanitary sewer in said Elev- enth Street, as follows, to -wit: A ten - inch tile pipe sewer from the manhole in the alley between Washington and Elm Streets to the center of Cedar Street. and assess the cost thereof against the abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy. Frith. Jones, Lyons. Needham and Stumpf. Absent—Aid. Corrance. Ald. Lyons also offered the follow- ing: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat and specifications for a ten -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Eleventh Street from the manhole in the alley between Washington and Elm Streets to the center of Cedar Street, showing the location and general na- ture of such improvement, the extent thereof, the size and kind of material to be used, and to prepare an estimate of the cost thereof, and the amount as- sessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting thereon, per front foot or square foot in area, and to file such plat, specifications and estimate in the office of the City Re- corder. That alter such plat is so filed, the City Recorder shall cause to be pub- lished notice of the intention of the Council to make such improvement, which notice shall be published in three consecutive issues of the official newspaper of the City of Dubuque, stating that such plat is on file and generally the nature of the sewer, its location, size and kinds of material to be used and the estimate of its cost, and fixing the time before which ob- jections can be filed, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of such notice, and after the completion of the publication of such notice, he shall at its next regu- lar session, notify the Council thereof in writing with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Adopted by the following vote: • 238 Regular Session Oct. 6, 1904. Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf. Absent—Ald. Corrance. Ald. Needham offered the following: Whereas, a water course formerly ran through Lots No. 1 and 3 and Lot 'No. 6 of the subdivision f Lot No. 7 of Mineral Lot 79 Y of Du- buque, Iowa, draining thewater and surface from the upper adjoining wa- ter course and hollow tract of ground, and whereas, said Lots i and 3 and 6 7 thesubdivision u beenof Lot 7 of g graded and Mineral filled Lot 79 across the water course, hollow and ravine through which the water for- merly flowed, so as to obstruct the flow of water through such water course and caused the same toaccum- ulate on the private ground adjoining said Lots on the upper and westerly side to such an extent as to subject the water to become stagnant, and without providing andconstructing a suitable drain for carrying off said wa- ter. Now. therefore. be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that the owners of the aforesaid Lots No. 1 and 3 and 6 of the subdivision of Lot 7 of Mineral Lot 79 in the City of Dubuque. Iowa. be and are hereby or- dered to construct, within thirty days, a 12 -inch tile pipe drain sufficient to carry off the water, the flow of which has been obstructed by the grade of said Lots: said drain to be constructed according to the plans and specifica- tions therefor now on file in the office of the City Engineer. Be it further resolved that the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to notify the owners of said property in writing to carry out the provision of this resolution and that if said drain is not constructed by the owners of said lots within thirty days from ser- vice of said notice. that said City En- gineer be and he is hereby directed to at once proceed to build such drain and report the expense thereof with all costsarising therefrom to the City council. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy. Frith, Jones. Lyons, Needham and Stumpf. Absent—Ald. Corrance. Ald. Needham offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a Sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good cement, be, within ten days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordin- ance in relation to sidewalks, on the east side of Nevada Street, between Julien Avenue and West Fifth Street, abutting S. / Lot 3 of Mineral Lot 8o, owned by Jno. Palmer Est., at the ex- pense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes.—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Jones, Lyons. Needham and Stumpf. Absent—Ald. Corrance. Ald. Needham also offered the fol- lowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a Sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good brick or cement. be, within ten days of this notice, con- structed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks on the west side of Clay Street, be- tween Seventh Street and Eighth Street, abutting City Lot 253andd N. 13.11 ft. 252 "A," owned by J0 me Boyvin, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Clancy. Frith, Jones, Lyons. Needham and Stumpf. Absent—Ald. Corrance. Ald. Needham also offered the fol- lowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That a Sidewalk 8 feet wide, of good brick or cement. be, within ten days of this notice, con- structed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks on the south side of Eighth Street. be- tween Iowa Street and Clay Street, abutting Lot 253, City, owned by Jos- ephine Boyvin, at the expense of abut- ting property. Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Frith. Jones, Lyons. Needham and Stumpf. Absent—Ald. Corrance. Md. Needham also offered the fol- lowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a Sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good cement, be, within ten days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of Julien Avenue, between Air Hill Street and Wilson Avenue, abutting Lot 4. Kelly's Sub., owned by Emelia Guthrie, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Clancy. Frith. Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf. Absent—Ald. Corrance. Ald. Needham also offered the fol- lowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a Sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good brick or cement. be, within ten days of this notice, con- structed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west side of Clay Stret, be- twen Seventh Street and Eighth Street. abutting City Lot 252 and S. 1.1 ft. Lot 252 "A," owned by Martha Cholvin, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Clancy. Frith, Jones. Lyons, Needham and Stumpf. Absent—Ald. Corrance. Regular Session Oct. 6, 1904. Ald. Needham also offered the fol- lowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City ,of Dubuque: That a Sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good cement, be, within ten days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the east side of Nevada Street, between Julien Avenue and West Fifth Street. abut- ting Lot N. / of t6, Bradstreet's Add., owned by Mary R. Abeln, at the ex- pense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Clancy. Frith, Jones. Lyons. Needham and Stumpf. Absent—Ald. Corrance. Ald. Needham also offered the fol- lowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a Sidewalk 8feet wide, of good brick or cement, be, within ten days of this notice, con- structed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south sire of Sixth Street, be- tween White Street and Clay Street, abutting Lot 313. City, owned by Na- tional Biscuit Co.. at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Clancy. Frith. Jones, Lyons. Needham and Stumpf. Absent—Ald. Corrance. Ald. Needham also offered the fol- lowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a Sidewalk 8 feet wide, of good brick or cement, within ten days of this notice, con- structed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of Sixth Street, be- tween Fifth Street and Sixth Street. abutting Lots 312 and 313. City, owned by National Biscuit Co., at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf. Absent—Ald. Corrance. Ald. Needham also offered the fol- lowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a Sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good cement, be, within ten days of this notice. constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the east side of Nevada Street, between Julien Avenue and West Fifth Street, abut- ting Lot 15, Bradstreet's Add.. owned by L. G. Meyer, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf. Absent—Ald. Corrance. Ald. Needham also offered the fol- lowing: Resolved by the City Council of the 239 City of Dubuque: That a Sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good cement, be, within 10 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the East side of Nevada street, between Julien Avenue and West Fifth street. abutting N. 1-2 lot 3 of Min. lot 8o, owned by J. Zangmeister Est., at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the fol- lowing vote: Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf. Absent—Ald. Corrance. Ald. Needham also offered the fol- lowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a Sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good brick or cement, be, within 10 days of this notice, construct- ed and laid in conformity with the or- dinance in relation to sidewalks on the South side of Julien Avenue. be- tween Air Hill street and Wilson Ave- nue. abutting lot 3, Kelly's Sub., owned by F. D. Collette, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the fol- lowing vote: Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf. Absent—Ald. Corrance. Ald. Clancy offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a Sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good cement, be, with- in to days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordi- nance in relation to sidewalks on the West side of Main street, between Elev- enth street and Twelfth street, abut- ting S. 21.2 ft. City lot 467. owned by Fred Weigel Est.. at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the fol- lowing vote: Ayes—Aids. Clancy. Frith, Jones, Lyons. Needham and Stumpf. Absent—Ald. Corrance. Ald. Clancy also offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a Sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good cement, be. with- in io days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordi- nance in relation to sidewalks, on the West side of Bluff street, between West Fourteenth street and Thirteenth street, abutting lot I. A. L. Brown's Sub., owned by P. McCullough, at the expense of abutting property. Adopt- ed by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Clancy. Frith, Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf. Absent—Ald. Corrance. Ald. Clancy also offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a Sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good brick or cement, be, within to days of this notice. con- structed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on 240 Regular Session Oct. 6, 1904. the West side of Foye street, between West Locust street and Merchant's Lane; abutting lot 7, Ellen Blake's Add., owned by Jno. Blake Est., at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf. Absent—Ald. Corrance. Ald. Clancy also offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a Sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good brick or cement, he, within to clays of this notice, con- structed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the North side of West Locust street. between Foye street and Hodg- don Avenue, abutting lots 6 and 7, Ellen Blake's Sub., owned by Jno. Blake Est., at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Clancy. Frith, Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf. Absent—Ald. Corrance. Ald. Stumpf offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a Sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good brick or cement, be. within to days of this notice, con- structed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks. on the West side of Washington street, between Fifteenth street and Sixteenth street, abutting N. 1-2 lot 30, S. 35.2 ft. lot 8r. East Dubuque Add., owned by Jas. O'Farrell, at the expense of abut- ting property. Adopted by the follow- ing vote: Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf. Absent—Ald. Corrance. Ald. Stumpf also offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a Sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good brick or cement. be. within ro days of this notice, con- structed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks. on the South side of Sixteenth street, between Washington street and Jack- son street, abutting N. 16 ft, lot 81, East Dubuque Add., owned by Mary Flynn, at the expense of abutting prop- erty. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Clancy. Frith, Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf. Absent—Ald. Corrance. Ald. Stumpf also offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a Sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good brick or cement, be. within TO days of this notice. con- structed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the West side of Washington street, between Fifteenth street and Sixteenth street. abutting N. r6 ft, lot 8r, East Dubuque Add., owned by Mary Flynn, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf. Absent—Alda Corrance. Aid. Stumpf also offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a Sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good brick or cement. be. within JO days of this notice, con- structed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the West side of Washington street, between Fifteenth and Sixteenth street, abutting lot 78 East Dubuque Add., owned by Henry Grether, at the ex- pense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Frith,' Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf. Absent—Ald. Corrance. Ald. Stumpf also offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a Sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good brick or cement, be. within to days of this notice, con- structed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the West side of Washington street. between Fifteenth and Sixteenth street. abutting N. 1-2 lot 77, East Dubuque Add., owned by Jno. P. Thillman, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Clancy. Frith, Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf. Absent—Ald. Corrance. Ald. Jones presented sketches for the new Engine House, prepared by T. T. Carkeek. and F. Heer & Son, and mov- ed that the Plans prepared by T. T. Carkeek be adopted. Ald. Frith moved that T. T. Carkeek he instructed to draw up the Plans and Specifications for the Engine House, and Superintend the same. and to re- ceive 5 per cent of the contracted price for doing said work. Carried. The Mayor appointed Ald. Needham to the following Committees: As member of the Committee on Streets. As member of the Committee on Claims. Chairman of the Committee on Sprinkling. Chairman of the Committee on Police and Light. Ald. Jones brought up the matter of grading Catherine street and moved that it be referred to the Street Com- mittee for investigation. Carried. Ald. Clancy moved to adjourn until October 20th, 1904. Carried. —C. F. Arendt, City Recorder. Attest: Appr • ?.....t' ; .. Recorder .'.. ' / 1901i1 ........Mayor Regular Session Oct. 20, 1904. 241 CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session Octc•ber zoth. 1904. (Official) Council met at 8:45 o'clock P. M. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Alds. Clancy. Corrance, Frith, Jones, Lyons and Needham. Absent—Ald. Stumpf. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICA- TIONS. Petition of The Germania Stock Co., asking that the taxes on City Lot No. 209 for 1903 be placed the same as in 1902. On notion of Ald. Jones the petition was ordered granted. Petition of M. Kerwin asking for an extension of time to pay the taxes on lots 14 and 15 in Cuniming's Sub., and that the treasurer he instructed not to sell the same. On motion of Ald. Clancy the peti- tion was granted and the treasurer in- structed accordingly. Petiticn of Mary Dolan asking for the cancellation of her taxes as levied against west 1-2 of lot 62 in Union Add. for the years 1902 and 1903. On motion referred to Delinquent Tax committee. Petition of A. J. Smith asking that his personal taxes be cancelled for a period of three or five years. Also petition of D. J. Lenehan, ad- ministrator of Michael V. Hennessy estate. asking for a reduction of the assessed valuation for the year 1903 of said estate to the amount of $5.979.38. On motion both petitions were re- ferred to the Board of Equalization. Communication of C. W. Katz. In- spector of Wood, asking that Wood - measurers be stationed during the com- ing season for the purpose of measur- ing wood at the following places: Third and Iowa streets. Seventh and White streets. Wood Market at Fourteenth and Elm streets. On motion the communication was granted. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay s in if- ferent roll districts dui ngor on tthetthe first half of October, 1904: Amount due Streets Laborers on $980.3o Respectfully submitted. —lames H. Boyce. City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Streets. Also submit my pay roll for labor on Sewers during the first half of October. 1904: Amount ers due Laborers on Sew - $199.85 Respectfully submitted, — James H. Boyce. City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Sewers. Also submit my pay roll for labor on Special Sewers during the first half of October, 1904: Amount due Laborers $31.10 Respectfully submitted, — James H. Boyce. City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Streets. Also submit my pay roll for grading on Bluff Street Extension for the first half of October, 1904: Amount due laborers $299.55 Respectfully submitted. —James H. Boyce. City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Streets. On motion the pay rolls for Streets, Sewers and grading Bluff Street Ex- tension were received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay the various amounts and the pay rolls referred hack to the proper committees. City Engineer Boyce also reported as follows: Attached please find statement of ma- cadam measured October ist, 1904, and the amount due for same. Total amount due .. $31.25 On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts. City Attorney Kintzinger reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The undersigned, to whom in as referred the matter of pro- curing deed and plat of the necessary strip of ground from the Linwood As- sociation for the proposed extension of Queen Street to Windsor Avenue, would respectfully report that the deed for such property and plat, duly exe- cuted, showing the proposed street is herewith attached. This deed and plat have been executed according to your instruction. Respectfully submitted. —J. W. Kintzinger, City Attorney. On motion the report was approved and the Recorder instructed to put said deed and plat on record. City Attorney Kintzinger also report- ed as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The undersigned, to whom was referred the communication of D. J. Lenehan asking that he be assessed for only the improvement in front of Lots 3 and 4 in Home Addition and not that part assessed against him ;242 Regular Session Oct. 20, 1904. for the improvement of the street in- tersection, would respectfully report that I find that Cities under special charters were not authorized to assess the cost of street intersections against the abutting property until authorized to do so by Legislation passed by the Twenty-eighth General Assembly in ef- fect April 22nd, 1896. As the improve- ment in question was made before that time I would recommend that the prayer of the petition be granted. —J. W. Kintzinger, City Attorney. On motion the report was approved and the Treasurer be instructed accord- ingly. City Recorder Arendt presented and read the printed notice certified to by the Publisher, of the Council's intention to levy a special assessment for the construction of an 8 -inch Tile Pipe Sanitary Sewer in Grandview Avenue from manhole in Dodge street to cen- ter of North street. No remonstrance being filed, the Mayor asked if any one present hau any objection to said special assess- ment. No objection being stated the notice, on motion was received and filed. Whereupon Ald. Lyons offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for con- structing an eight -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Grandview Avenue. from man- hole in Dodge Street to center of North Street, by Brawn & Brown, contractors, in front of and adjoining the same, a Special Tax be made and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for sev- eral amounts set opposite each lot or par- cel of real estate, as follows: Owner. Description. .Mary Sigg, Sub. 43, Quigley's Sub., lot 2, 50 sq. ft $ 16 50 Albert Gasser, Sub. 41 and 42 and 1 of 43, Quigley's Sub., lot 1, 229 sq. ft 75 57 Oscar Deckert, Sub. 41 and 42 and 1 of 43, Quigley's Sub., lot 2, 114 sq. ft 37 62 Jacob Mehl, Sub. 41 and 42 and 1 of 43, Quigley's Sub., lot 40, 134 sq. ft. 44 22 Dixon Cottingham, Sub. 38 and 39, Quigley's Sub., lot 5, 53.10 sq. ft17 52 Dixon Cottingham, Sub. 38 and 39, Quigley's Sub., lot 4, 53 sq. tt 17 49 Anna Dodson, Subs. 38 and 39, Quig- ley's Sub., lot 3, 52.90 sq. ft 17 46 Chas. Van \Vie, Subs. 38 and 39, Quigley's Sub., lot 2, 52.90 sq. ft17 46 D. W. Cleveland. Subs. 38 and 39, lot 1, 52 80 sq. ft 17 42 John Phillips, Sub. Min. Lot 158, lot 8, 361.50 sq. ft 119 30 Jno. T. Hancock Est., Sub. Min. Lot 158, lot 7, 208 sq. ft 68 64 Wm. Stoltz, Sub. Min. Lot 160, lot 3, 85 sq. ft 28 05 Total $477 25 Ald. Lyons moved to adopt the resolu- tion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Jones, Lyons and Needham. Atsent—Ald. Stumpf. City Recorder Arendt presented and read the printed notice certified to by the Publisher, of the Council's inten- tion to construct a Sanitary Sewer in Eleventh Street from manhole in alley between Washington and Elm Streets, to the center of Cedar Street. No remonstrance being filed, the Mayor asked if anyone present had any objection to said improvement. No objection being stated, the notice, on motion, was received and filed. The Water Works Trustees pre- sented their quarterly report for the three months ending September 3oth, 1904, and the Mayor appointed a Spec- ial Committee, consisting of Alds. Corrance, Clancy and Needham, to audit the same. Ald. Jones moved that the Recorder be instructed to advertise for bids for constructing the foundation of the new Engine House at corner of Rhomberg and Reed Avenues. Carried. Ald. Corrance, chairman of the Com- mittee on Claims, presented and read the following bill: Robert Graham, to 1 day witness fees in case of Florence Farrell • vs. City of Dubuque $1.35 On motion, the bill was ordered paid and a warrant ordered drawn for above amount. Ald. Lyons, chairman of the Sewer committee, presented and read the fol- lowing bill, which was ordered paid: M. O'Meara, inspector on Booth Street Sanitary Sewer for first half of October $2o.00 REPORTS OF STANDING COM- MITTEES. Ald, Lyons, chairman of the Ordin- ance Committee, presented and read an Ordinance for the vacation of the alley between Elm Street and Pine Street from Eighteenth Street to Nine- teenth Street, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and moved that the reading just had be considered its second reading. Carried. Ald. Lyons moved that the Ordin- ance be adopted as read. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Jones, Lyons and Needham. Nays—None. Absent—Ald. Stumpf. The Ordinance follows: An Ordinance for the Vacation of the Alley Between Elm Street and Pine Street, from Eighteenth Street to Nineteenth Street, in the City of Du- buque, Iowa. Regular Session Oct. 20, 1904. 243 Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. Whereas, the Dubuque Altar Co. are operating a large and extensive Altar Factory on, and are the owners of all of the property in the block on both sides of the alley between Elm Street and Pine Street from Eighteenth Street to Nineteenth Street in the City of Dubuque, Iowa; and, whereas, it has been deemed ex-' pedient by the City Council to vacate said alley to said Dubuque Altar Man- ufacturing Co.. as long as said prem- ises are used for manufacturing pur- . poses, but reserving the right to lay all necessary sewers therein: Therefore, the City Council hereby vacates and annuls that portion of the alley between Elm and Pine Streets, from Eighteenth to Nineteenth Streets in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and the said Dubuque Altar Manufacturing Co., their successors or assigns, are hereby permitted and authorized to use said alley for the erction, maintenance and operation of factory buildings; provid- ed, that if at any time the said Du- buque Altar Manufacturing Co., its successors or assigns, should cease to use the premises above vacated for manufacturing purposes, then the said alley so vacated shall revert back to the City of Dubuque, and this Ordin- :,nce shall be null and void; provided, further, that the City of Dubuque here- by reserves and retains the right to lay any and all sewers or drains which it deems necessary in said alley. Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage and publication one time in the Dubuque Daily Globe -Journal, the official paper of the city. Adopted , 1904. Attest: Mayor. Recorder. Ald. Lyons also presented and read an Ordinance for the vacation of part of Charter Street from the west line of the Levee to the east line of Water Street and from the west line of Water Street to the east line of Lot t, Block 15, and Lot 1, Block 18, of the Du- buque Harbor Company's Addition, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and moved that the reading just had be considered its second reading. Carried. Ald. Lyons moved to adopt the Or- dinance as rind: Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Jones, Lyons and Needham. Nays—None. Absent—Ald. Stumpf. Ordinance follows: An Ordinance for the Vacation of Part of Charter Street from the West Line of the Levee to the East Line of Water Street, and From the West Line of Water Street to the East Line of Lot 1, Block 15, and Lot i, Block 18, of the Dubuque Harbor Company's Addition, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section i. Whereas, Thos. J. Mul- grew is the owner of all of the prop- erty on both sides of Charter Street from the west line of the Levee to the east lines of Lot of 15 and Lot I of 18 of the Dubuque Harbor Company's Addition of the City of Dubuque, Ia., and has ice houses on said property and desires to construct another ice house on the property now occupied by Charter Street adjoining the same; and whereas, the firm of Mulgrew & Phillips, of which said Thos. J. Mul- grew is the successor, has filled said Charter Street, and whereas, it is deemed expedient by the City Council to vacate Charter Street from the west line of the Levee to the east line of Water Street, and from the west line of Water Street to the east lines of Lot 1, Block 15, and Lot 1. Block 18, of the Dubuque Harbor Company's Addition. Therefore, the City Council hereby vacates and annuls that portion of Charter Street from the west line of the Levee to the east line of Water Street, and from the west line of Wa- ter Street to the east lines of Lot r, Block 15. and Lot 1, Block 18 of Du- buque Harbor Company's Addition, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and the said Thos. J. Mulgrew, his successors or assigns, is hereby permitted and au- thorized to use said Street for the erec- tion and maintenance of ice houses. and other buildings in connection with said ice houses; provided, that if at any time the said Thos. J. Mulgrew, his successors or assigns, should cease to use the premises above vacated for ice house purposes, then said Street so vacated shall revert back to the City of Dubuque and this Ordinance shall be null and void; provided further, that the City of Dubuque hereby re- serves and retains the right to lay any and all sewers or drains which it deems necessary in said street. Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage and publication in the Du- buque Daily Globe -Journal, the official paper of the city. Adopted , 1904. Attest: Mayor. Recorder. Ald. Lyons also presented and read an Ordinance providing for the protec- tion of Fire Hydrants in the City of Dubuque and moved that the reading 244 Regular Session Oct. 20, 1904. just had be considered its first reading. Carried. Ald. Lyons moved to suspend the Rules for the purpose of reading the Ordinance by its title for the second time. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Tones, Lyons and Needham. Nays—None. Absent—Aid. Stumpf. The Ordinance was then read by its title the second time. Ald. Lyons moved to adopt the Ordi- nance as read. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Tones. Lyons and Needham. Nays—None. .Absent—Aid. Stumpf. Ordinance follows: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE PROTECTION OF FIRE HYDRANTS IN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: Section i. No person shall, without the permission of the City of Dubuque, or Water Works Trustees of said City, except in time of fire, draw off or cause the water to be removed from any pub- lic or private fire Hydrant, or private fire protection opening. or open any valve on such fire Hydrants or fire protection opening, or remove the cover of any fire Hydrant or stop gate box. Sec. 2. No person or persons shall be allowed to back un any horse, horses or vehicle of any kind, or to hitch to or leave the same standing within five (5) feet of any fire Hydrant, or to place any goods, materials or other obstruc- tions within five (5) feet of any fire Hydrant, or to in any manner whatso- ever impede the free access to, or the immediate connection with any fire Hy- drant by the Fire Department. Sec. 3. Any person violating the pro- visions of this ordinance shall be sub- ject to a fine of not less than Five nor more than Fifty Dollars, or to be im- prisoned not exceeding thirty days, un- til such fine and costs are paid. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage and publication one time in the Dubuque Daily Globe -Journal, official paper of the City of Dubuque. Ald. Clancy, of the Committee of the Whole, reported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole would respectfully report that the owner of Lot to of the Subdivision of Mineral Lot 32.2 has agreed to accept the sum of $95o.00 for so much of said Lot as will be required to extend Washington Street and the alley between Washing- ton and Jackson Streets through said Lot to Twenty-sixth Street, and we would recommend that said proposition be accepted. —C. H. Berg. Chairman pro tern. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the re- port. Ald. Needham moved a substitute that the report be referred back to the Committee of the Whole. Substitute lost by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy and Needham. Nays—Aids. Corrance, Frith, Jones and Lyons. The original motion of Ald. Frith to adopt the report was then carried. Ald. Clancy of the Committee of the Whole also reported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the City Engineer be instructed to measure the piles of macadam owned by Messrs. Heck and Reilly in the third road dis- trict of the city. Also, your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Thos. J. Mulgrew, asking that the north one-half of Camp Street be va- cated to him for the purpose of using the same for a coal and wood yard, would respectfully recommend that said petition be received and filed. Also, your Committe of the Whole, to whom was referred the communica- tion of the Union Electric Co., asking that the work of repairing the streets torn up by it in relaying its tracks be accepted, and would report that the matter w•r.s referred to the City Engi- neer to examine the condition of said streets. Said City Engineer submitted a written report (which is hereto at- tached) stating that some defects of a minor character existed, and he was instructed to point out the same to the Union Electric Co.. said com- pany thereupon submitted the attached agreement to remedy all defects in said streets caused by relaying said tracks. and we would recommend that said agreement be accepted. —C. H. Berg, Chairman pro tem. Aid. Clancy moved to adopt the var- ious reports of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Frith offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the Union Electric Company and all other Property Owners on Couler Avenue between the north line of the Subdivision of Lot 170 and 171 of Lot 2, L. H. Langworthy's Addition to the City of Dubuque, and the north line of Lot io. Wullweber's Subdivision to City of Dubuque, to the south line of Lot 3, Brewery Addition, and the south line of the south % of Lot 23, L. H. Langworthy's Addition, be and are hereby authorized to brick pave said Regular Session Oct. 20, 1904. 245 Couler Avenue adjoining the property above named, providing the entire width of said street between said lim- its are so paved. Said work to be done at the expense of said property owners and under the direction of the Street Committee. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the res- olution. Carried. Ald. Lyons offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That a San- itary Sewer of io-itch tile pipe be con- structed in Eleventh Street. from the manhole in the alley between Wash- ington and Elm Streets, to the center of Cedar Street. according to the plans and specifications of said sewer pre- pared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Re- corder. and be it further resolved, that said sewer shall be completed on or before the 1st day of December, 1904. and shall be paid for at the time and in the manner prescribed by Chapter XXXIV.of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque for the payment of the cost of constructing sewers. The proposals for doing such work will be acted upon by the Coun- cil on the 3rd day of November. 1904, and the City Recorder is hereby or- dered to give ten days' notice by pub- lication. asking for proposals as pro- vided by ordinance. Ald. Lyons moved to adopt the reso- lution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Ald. Clancy. Corrance. Frith. Jones. Lyons and Needham. Absent—Ald. Stumpf. Ald. Clancy offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars be appropriated for grading on Bluff Street Extension. Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the res- olution. Carried. Ald. Frith offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the work of reconstructing the streets along the lines of the Union Electric Company, where the same was torn up for the purpose of relaying their tracks, be ac- cepted by the City of Dubuque, subject to the waiver of said company, pre- sented with the report of the Commit- tee of the Whole, at a session of the City Council held this loth day of Oc- tober, 1904. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the reso- lution. Carried. Ald. Frith also offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That the City Engineer be and he is hereby instruct- ed to grade the street recently ac- quired by the city running from the terminus of Queen Street to Windsor Avenue. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the reso- lution. Carried. Ald. Needham offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dcbuque, That a Sidewalk six (6) feet wide, of good cement, be, within ten (io) days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks. on the south side of Julien Ave:- nue. ve-nue. between Wilson gvenue and Al- pine Street, abutting Mineral Lots 8z and 83, owned by J. H. Simplot, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Jones. Lyons and Needham. Absent—Ald. Stumpf. Ald. Frith moved that the City At- torney be instructed to procure an Abstract and Deed for the strips of ground purchased by the City for an Alley and Street through Lot io of the Subdivision of Mineral Lot 322, owned by the Collier Estate. Carried. Ald. Corrance moved that the City Engineer be instructed to place a tit - drain pipe in front of Chas. Falken- hainer's property, corner of Booth Street and Julien Avenue, in order to drain the water from in front of his property. Carried. ,A4d.,Tones moved that the Recorder be instructed to advertise for bids to furnish the City with Coal and Woofl, also for Hay and Oats, for the coming year. from November 1st, 1904, to November 1st, 1905. Carried. Ald. Clancy moved that the commit- tee on Public Grounds and Buildings report on the Fire Escape matter at the next meeting of the Council. Car- ried. Ald. Jones moved that the City Treasurer be instructed to collect all Delinquent Taxes, and if necessary to procure the aid of the City Attorney. Carried. Ald. Needham moved to adjourn un- til November 3rd, 1904. Carried. C. F. Arendt, City Recorder. Attest: Recorder. 1900. Mayor. Approved 246 Special Session Oct. 28, 1904. CITY COUNCIL. Special Session October 28th, 1904. (Official.) Council met at 9:30 o'clock P. M. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Jones, Needham and Stumpf. Absent—Ald. Corrance. Mayor Berg stated that the object of this special meeting of the City Council was to consider the proposal and con- tract made by the American -La France Fire Engine Company for the purpose of rebuilding and repairing the Fire steamer R. W. Stewart. Proposal and Contract was present- ed and read. Ald. Clancy moved that the proposal and contract for the complete repairs of the Fire steamer R. W. Stewart as presented by the American -La France Fire Engine Co. be accepted and that the City of Dubuque enter into a con- tract with said company to repair the same according to the proposal and specifications of said company for the sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars ($1500.061. Unanimously carried. On motion the council adjourned. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Attest: Recorder 1901/1 Mayor Approved.. Lit of Warrants. 247 LIST OF CITY WARRANTS. City Recorder's Office, Dubuque, Ia., Oct, 1st, 1904. T,, the Honorable Mayor and City Council of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The following is a com- plete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of September, 1904. C. H. Berg, salary, Mayor ....$116 70 H. Brinkman. salary, Treasurer 133 35 J. A. McKinlay, salary, Deputy Treasurer . too 00 Jno. Krayer, clerk. Treasurer's office Chas F. Arendt, salary, Re- corder 116 70 Wm. A. Kaep, salary, Deputy Recorder 8o 00 F. B. Hoffman, salary, Auditor116 70 C. B. Scherr, salary, Assessor 125 00 A. Doerr, Jr., salary, Assistant Assessor too 00 J. T. Murphy, salary, Assistant Assessor too 00 J. W. Kintzingcr, salary. Attor- ney 150 00 J. C. Longueville. salary. As- sistant Attorney ... 75 00 Thos. Reilly, salary. Chief of Police 100 00 jos. Reinfried, salary, Fire Chief too 00 J. W. Lawlor. salary, Commit- tee Clerk loo 00 Jas. Boyce. salary, City Engi- neer 166 65 E. Anderson, salary, Assistant Engineer 1o0 00 G. White, salary. Rodman 5o 00 G. N. Raymond, salary, Super- intendent of Street Sprinkling 6o 00 E. Herron, clerk in Auditor and Engineer's office 75 00 \Vin. Hipman, salary, Electric- ian 83 35 F. P. Hayes, salary, Marketmas- ter T. Cahill, salary, Park Custodian 40 00 H. 1-1 enge, salary. Park Custo- dian 40 00 T. Faherty, salary, Park Custo- dian Dr. B. F. Michel, salary, Health Officer F. Flynn. salary, Sanitary Pa- trolman C. Baumann, salary. Poundmas- ter Mrs. H. Koenig, salary, Jani- tress I. Conigisky, salary. Sidewalk Inspector C. W. Katz, salary, Wharfmas- ter M. Clancy, salary. Alderman H. Corrance, salary. Alderman E. E. Frith, salary, Alderman25 00 R. Jones, salary, Alderman25 00 M. E. Lyons, salary, Alderman 25 00 J. A. Stumpf, salary, Alderman 25 oo G. Barker. stenographer . • • • 2. 65 00 00 M. Eitel, fireman J. Essman, fireman 75 00 60 oo 50 00 I0 00 50 00 6o 00 40 00 20 00 50 00 20 00 25 00 25 00 A. Duccini, fireman 6o 00 J. Flynn, fireman 65 00 J. Roshin, fireman 6o 00 J. Tschudi, fireman 5o 00 A. Heer, fireman 5o 00 A. Schonberger 5o 00 J. Daley, fireman 65 00 J. Barnes, fireman 95 00 T. Ryder, fireman 6o 00 G. Peyer, fireman 65 00 W. Ducey, fireman 6o 00 F. Murphy, fireman 5o 00 P. Ahern, fireman 5o 00 M. Kelley, fireman 5o 00 D. Ahern, fireman 65 00 P. Zillig. fireman 46 50 T. Flynn, fireman 65 00 M. Sweeney, fireman 5o 00 H. Cain, fireman 5o 00 .1. Benzer. fireman 5o 00 J. McGloughlin, fireman 5o 00 P. Fury, fireman 5o 00 J. Murphy. fireman 5o 00 A. McDonald, fireman 67 50 T. Curran. fireman 46 I0 W. Kannolt. fireman 5o ou G. Gehrki, fireman 65 00 T. Kennedy, fireman 6o 00 F. Baumgartner, fireman 5o oc J. Smith, fireman 5o 00 C. Kannolt. fireman 65 00 J. Allen. fireman 6o oo M. Fahey, fireman 5o 00 W. O'Connell. fireman 50 00 R. Weston, fireman 65 00. F. Kenneally, fireman 6o oo E. McDermott, fireman 5o 00 W. McClain, fireman 5o 00 J. H. Barry, police 53 30 G. Burkel, police 51 65 J. Carter, police 69 40 J. Clone, police 51 6 65 Jno. Cody, police 515 W. Cook, police 64 00 W. Corcoran, police 53 30 T. P. Cummings. police 53 30 H. Donlon, police 51 65 J. Fitzpatrick, police 53 30' Tas. Flynn, police 5o 00. Jno. Fox, police 53 30 Wm. Frith, police 51 65 T. Ganahl, police 51 65 L. Grassel. police ... 51 65 B. Gray, police 51 65 Pat Hanlon. notice 5o 00 M. Kilty, police 51 65 Jno. Loetscher, police 5o 00 P. McCollins, police 51 65 P. McInerney, police 51 65 M. O'Connor, police 64 00 Jno. Murphy, police 67 020 Tno. Raesli. police Otto Rath, police 5 I 65 T. Rooney, police 51 65 Jas. Ryan, police 59 40 M. Ryan, police 51 65 P. Scharff, police 652 65 Al. Scherr. police F. Spielman, police 53 30 M. Stapleton. police 53 30 jos. Stoltz, police 51 65 P. Sullivan. police 5o 00 Jno. L. Sullivan, police • 248 List of Warrants. I P. Sutton. police 50 00 T. Sutton, police 550 07 200 1'. Sweeney, police L. 'Zeidman, police 51 65 B. Brennan, police matron 30 00 K. Hibbe, police matron 30 00 Labor on Streets in the different dis- tricts during the last half of August, 1904: J. Albrecht, 2nd $ E. Amanda, 2nd A. Alderson, 3rd J. Brouillett, 1st John Burns, 1st F. Buddien, 2nd Mike Brown, znd Frank Rieger, 2nd. Clif. Belden. 2nd D. J. Brightbill, 3rd Paul Becker. 3rd Tos, Brown. 1st W. Coughlan, -1st Jas. Callaghan, 1st John Corbett, 2nd Jas. Connolly. 1st $4.75 $9.45, 3rd. $4.70 John Dougherty, 1st Mike Donegan, 1st Tom Donahue, 1st Jolin Ess, znd Dan Fox, 1st Frank Frick, 2nd Ed. Frith, znd W. Flynn, 2nd John Farley, 2nd Nelson Frith, 1st Harry Fleck, 1st Jos. Geasland, 1st Barney Glass, 1st Pat Gilloon, 1st jos. Gavin, ist Jos. Grab, 2nd Geo. Gau, 2nd Joe Guenher, 2nd H. Galle. 2nd C. Gantenbein, 2nd Chas. Gruenzig, 3rd Jas. Hird, 1st G. Hecklinger, 2nd E. L. Holmes, 2nd . Fred Hohnecker. znd Percy Hall, znd Peter Tacobs, 2nd Aug. Jass, 2nd Tohn Kinsella, 1st and 2nd Nic. Kettenhoicn, znd John Kness, znd Paul Krocheski, znd John Kass, 2nc1 Paul Krocheski, 2nd Take Kraus. znd L. 'I'. Kendall, 2nd John Koehler, znd Bob Love, 1st Mike Lavin, 1st Mike \laller, 1st John \Millen, Ist Alex \filler, 1st Tas. Malloy, 2nd jos. \lartinek, 3rd Pat \Ic\Iullen, 1st las. \Irl.cese, 2nd Bar \I Donnell, 2nd 2nd 16 20 8 Io 10 8o 13 20 135 2 70 35 75 23 40 6 50 9 45 9 45 22 50 18 6o 20 00 9 45 18 90 9 45 14 55 18 90 19 40 8 I0 I2 15 21 00 19 00 2 65 50 00 75 00 14 20 13 35 10 95 20 00 17 90 4 40 18 6o 2 70 20 00 6 10 14 00 8 IO 8o 24 5o 22 d, 0 12 15 133 15 40 14 85 4 05 35 135 1420 2 70 17 20 23 40 5 25 18 00 8 10 12 15 4 75 135 IO So 9 45 18 75 30 00 John McNulty, 1st las. McCormick, 1st Carl Nanck. 2nd W. O'Brien. 1st .Jas. Purcell, 1st E. S. Payton, 2nd J. C. Parks, 2nd John Parker, 3rd J. Pfeiffer, 1st $4.05. 2nd $8.10, 3rd $4.05 W. Quinlan, 1st $4.75. 2nd 3rd $4.70 Jas. Ryan, 1st Phil Reddin, 1st Mat. Raishek, 2nd 4 75 14 75 C. Reinfrank, 2nd 21 6o G. Rodden, 2nd Frank Richardson, 2nd 218 o James Reed, 3rd Jos. Rooney, 1st $7.50. 2nd $1I.25, 3rd $3.75 Dan Sheehan, 1st John Schroeder, 2nd Aug. Soyke, 2nd Chris. Sholl, 2nd Frank Scherr, 2nd Frank Schuler, 2nd Fred Schulz, 2nd Louis Smith, 3rd Sam Sterling 3rd Nic Sweeney, 1st $4.75, 2nd $9.45. 3rd $4.70 18 90 A. A. Thompson, 2nd 2 70 R. Turner, 2nd 13155 John Welsh, 1st Nic Wampach, 2nd 113 80 Con Welsh, 2nd 27 8o Aug. Witte, 2nd 21 6o John Wangner, 2nd W. Wilbur, 2nd 20 00 W. Wearmouth. 3rd. 20 00 Geo. Yaw, 2nd to i6 15 Geo. Zumhof, 2nd so Frank Burns. 2nd 45 20 J. Berwanger, 2nd 7 20 F. G. Becker, 1st, $2.90; 2nd, $14.70; 3rd, $23.60 41 20 Jos. Calvert, 1st 19 00 las. Costello, 3rd 46 8o T. B. Cain, 1st, $9.50; 3rd, $28.50 38 00 A. Conrad. 2nd 41 60 J. Evans, 2nd 36 00 D. Feldstein, 2nd 32 S0 M. Hannan, 1st, $9.80; $41.40 51 20 T. Haudenshield, 2nd 21 6o T. Huffmire, 1st 40 35 J. Knoernschield, 2nd. 23 40 T. Lone. 211d 43 80 J. Linehan, 1st 45 zo J. J. Collins, 1st, $70.20; 2nd, $4.00 74 20 C. McElrath, 2nd 21 60 Jeff McGrath, 3rd io 8o A. Paley, 2nd 43 60 Geo. Reynolds, 1st, $13.20; 2nd, $19.85; 3rd, $6.60 39 65 Ed. Seeley, Ist 34 20 A. Stoltz, 2nd 36 00 J. Sullivan, and. $16.00; 3rd, $32.00 48 00 M. Tigges, 2nd 40 60 James Tobin, 3rd to So $9.45, 20 00 189c, 17 20 6 15 135 I 00 18 00 9 45 16 20 18 90 17 55 I2 15 22 50 7 00 13 50 5 40 8 10 20 00 50 22 60 8 Io 8 IO 2nd, List of Warrants. 249 R. L. Wolter, 2nd M. Zogg, 2nd Labor on sewers of August, 1904. P. Casserly .J. Corcoran T. Hazel tv. foreman .T. Jellison J. Kiang P. Kenneally C. Sullivan L. Taylor • L. Zemanck 7 20 36 ao for the last half 22 40 22 40 25 00 22 40 22 40 22 40 22 40 22 40 22 4o Labor on Special Sewers during the last half of August, 1904: F. Buddien $ 2 7o John Bohn J. Hansen J. Twieg 135 Grading on Bluff Street Extension for the last half of August, 1904: $ 16 20 9 9t 2 70 16 20 17 3o 5 40 9 90 360 I 8o 5 40 6 75 Peter Carney Matt. Kenneally Thos. Kenneally James McCarron W. O'Brien, foreman Jas. Powers Pat. Ryan W. Sheehan Ed. Seeley Macadam list, August. 1904: Chas. Burkhardt, 25th and Pine Streets, and dist 45 90 Mich. Cain, Southern Avenue, 1st dist 68 oo Mich. Donnegan, Hill Street, 1st dist. 7 40 Peter Defountain, Southern Avenue. 1st dist 23 80 John Duggan, Valley Street, 1st io8 80 dist Pat Furey, Valley Street, 1st 27 20 dist Jos. Heck, Robinson Alley, 3rd 40 30 dist Lawrence Horrig, Pine Street, and dist 75 40 Peter Jacobs, Couler Avenue, 2nd dist 3 40 Tim Kelly, Southern Avenue, Ist dist Frank Lassance, 25th and Pine Streets, 2nd dist John Menzel, Queen Street, 2nd dist . John Mallen, Valley Street, 1st dist Wm. 'McDermott, Dodge Street, 1st dist... Wm. McClain, Cascade Cross- ing. 1st dist John McGee, Southern Avenue, 24 40 1st dist Tas. O'Shea, Valley Street, 1st 43 35 dist Mike Shea. Valley Street, 1st dist 2I 25 Chas. Reilly, West 17th Street, 32 55 3rd dist Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co, hose and couplings. Jackson and Washington Parks $ 32 85 Klauer & Kress. cups and 2 25 chains. City Hall 29 75 33 60 "4 75 52 70 10 45 • Union Printing Co., blank weighers' books Union Printing Co., nomination blanks for election F. P. Hayes, board of prisoners for August J. W. Wittmer, drugs and sup- plies, City Hall. M. S. Hardie, blank stationery. Treasurer's Office J. Heil. repairing patrol boxes 800 P. Breithaupt. plumbing, Jack- son Park W. Ward. hauling, Jackson Park G. Holl, locks and keys, City Hall G. Gmehle, collecting back taxes Mullen Bros., repairing foun- tain, Seminary street Pape & Walter, repairing foun- tain on Kauffman avenue C. H. Becker, lanterns for Road department Key City Roofing Co., sewer pipe for Road department T. J. Mulgrew, cement for Roa i department 4 50 J. Heck, rock for Road depart- ment 5o Pitts -Thompson Foundry Co., manhole covers and rings for Road department........ Eagle Point Lime Works, ce- ment for Road department... 120 Dubuque Woodenware & Lum- ber Co., lumber for Road de- partment 40 45 Linehan & Moto, white waste for steam roller 9 70 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co, hose for steam roller I So W. Marshall, repairs on steam 3 50 roller Dubuoue Boat & Boiler Works, repairs on steam roller 57 76 W. Gere, use of jack screws in moving rock crusher 4 50 J. Agnew, rent of building for use of rock crusher 7 50 J. Nagle, brick paving over sewer on Julien Avenue 4 32 Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse shoeing, Fire department 5 00 C. H. Becker Co., lantern globes, Fire department So Kannolt & Powers, horse shoe - 28 90 trig, Fire department Mullen Bros., plumbing at Cen- tral engine house 90 Smith -Morgan Printing Co, printing August pamphlets... 16 55 T. Butt. repairs for Road Dept.. 5 00 J. Butt, repairs for Sewer Dept. 460 J. Butt, repairs for Sprinkling Dept F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Sprinkling Dept. F. Schloz & 'Son, repairs for Road Dept F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Sewer Dept 76 00 6 5o 6 20 I 05 4 50 135 75 4 70 35 00 4 45 6 6o 85 12 78 4 25 150 1 75 2 65 2 95 150 List of Warrants. A. A. Brown, repairs for Road to 80 D" ept. Ott. AIenser & Co., lumber for Road Dept 73 05 Ott. Meuser & Co., shavings for Fire Dept 5 5 E. Vey, oil for Rock Crusher85 P. Pier, coal for Steam Roller and Rock Crusher 117 90 P. Pier. i load rattlings for Fire Dept 3 25 Martin & Strelau, moving Rock Crusher to Couler Avenue12 00 Eichhorn & Bechtel, bran for Fire Dept 1 5 Eichhorn & Bechtel, groceries and supplies, Matron's Dept. 5 70 Key City Gas Co., gas for var- i68 ous Depts... Key City Gas Co., coke for Fire Dept i8 50 Key City Gas Co., gas arcs, Central Engine house. i oo L. Lindenberg, r sprayer for Jackson Park 50 L. Lindenberg, nails for Road Dept 7 25 Klauer & Kress, knives and forks for Matron Dept I io G. H. Davis & Co., dishes for Matron Dept 6o T. W. Wittmer, drugs and sup- plies for Police Dcpt 2 85 T. Connolly Est., i new Patrol Wagon 450 00 T. Huffmeier, hauling at Patrol House i 50 Tower & Lyon Co., gilt buttons for Police Dept 4 22 G. W. Healey & Son, new tools for S•-•wer Dept 2 00 Smith -U organ Printing Co., of- ficial printing for July 20 Io Telegraph -Herald, official print- ing for July 57 88 Telegraph -Herald, is copies new City Directory National Demokrat, official printing for August 25 00 Klauer & Kress, i hand ax for Engineer's Dept 14o Union Printing Co., health re- ports for January, February, March and April 20 00 T. E. Frith, removing garbage and dead animals 404 45 Dubuciue Rubber & Belting Co, couplers for Sprinkling Dept. 5 00 T. J. Muigrew, cement and sew- er pipe for Bee Branch Dept55 65 Linehan & Molo, sewer pipe for Bee Branch Dept 6 55 Klauer & Kress, oil can for Sidewalk Dept 25 Morrison Bros., repairs for Sprinkling Dept 4 00 Iowa Socialist Pub. Co., print- ing Finance reports for 19o3116 Io A. R. Knights, i star for Police Dept 2 50 F. Burns, shavings at Patrol House 7 00 F. Burns, pine wood steam rollers 2 25 55 00 • Union Electric Co., arc lamps for August 2061 95 Diamond Jo Line steamers, as- phaltum for Road Dept 3 00 G. Ragatz & Son, repairs for Fire Dept G. Ragatz & Son, repairs for 6 Go Road Dept G. Ragatz & Son, repairs for rock crusher 4 10 G. Ragatz & Son, repairs for65 Sprinkling Dept Mullin & Papin, plumbing at8o City IIall H. J. Hagerty, veterinary ser- vices for Fire and Police Patrol Depts...... 23 90 H. J. Hagerty, hospital fees for horse Fire Dept 6 co Palmer, Berg & Co., abstract in case of Florence Farrell vs. City Palmer. Berg & Co., abstract in case of Cath. Sheridan vs City Palmer Berg & Co., blank stationery and blank books for various departments 69 25 W. Foster, inspector on San- ford Street sewer ... 20 00 J. Berwanger, rock for Road department 46 00 Brown & Brown, rock for Road department 15 00 P. Horch, rock for Road de- partment 49 75 Jno. Fury, rock for Road department 46 00 Brown & Brown, estimate on storm water sewer in Sanford Street 923 00 J. Noonan, estimate on storm water sewer in Walnut Street 405 04 Gus Lear, horse shoeing for Fire and Road departments J. Street, final estimate con- structing sewer in Alpine Street 70 60 O'Farrell & Street, final esti- mate for improving Lincoln Avenue 8i 6o O'Farrell & Street, final esti- mate for improving Raymond Place 33 02 T. C. Crockett, supreme court costs case of Schnee vs. City 13 35 C. H. Berg, damages to C. B. Palmer's horse and wagon25 00 J. J. McCarthy, lots 5th Ward Engine house 1000 00 C. H. Berg, Mayor, strip of ground bought from Jno. Parker for street purposes250 00 H. Brinkman, excavation per- mits redeemed 90 00 H. Brinkman, interest paid on warrants outstanding H. Brinkman, New York Ex- change—expense H. Brinkman, postage .. H. Brinkman, amendment refer- ences Thirteenth General As- sembly i o0 H. Brinkman, refunded regular I 57 98 00 63 00 4 23 97 45 700, 40 tax H. Brinkman, improvement of alley, city property ... H. Brinkman, improvement of Iowa Street, city property, from special bonded paving fund H. Brinkman improvement of iowa Street city property, from special bonded paving fund 15 95 57 60 433 39 $1861 31 Library orders paid 6 Loan 10,630 0oo Labor on Streets in the different dis- tricts during the first half of Septem- ber, 1904: Jos, Brouillette, 1st ...$ io 65 John Burns, 1st 2 55 C. Bluecher, 2nd 3 40 Mike Brown, 2nd 22 00 Clifford Belden, 2nd .. 4 0o Frank Bieger, znd 14 40 D. J. Brightbill• 3rd 3 40 Paul Becker, 3rd 9 45 Jos. Brown, 1st $7.50, znd $10.00, 3rd $5.00 22 50 W. Coughlan, 1st 15 00 Jas. Callahan, 1st 20 00 John Corbett. 2nd 6 45 H. Cobb. 3rd 8 10 J. Connolly. 1st $4.40, 2nd 3rd $4.40 17 55 M. Donegan, 1st to 35 T. Donahue, 1st $4.40, 2nd 3rd $4.40 17 55 John Ess, 20d 12 6o Dan Fox. 1st ... • 3 75 Frank Frick, znd 5 75 Frank Flynn, 2nd 9 8o Barney Glass. 1st 12 35 Pat Gilloon, 1st 8 8o Pat Grue. 1st 2 05 Jos. Gavin, 1st 20 00 H. Galle. znd 9 45 Jos. Grab, 2nd 9 8o Jos. Guenther. 2nd (0 25 Peter Guenther. 2nd 9 8o Geo. Gau. znd 8 Io C. Gantenbein, 2nd 20 00 Chas Gruenzig, 3rd 9 80 Phil Hense, 2nd 16 6o Percy Hall, 2nd Fred Hohnecker, 2nd 6 6o Peter Jacobs, 2nd 5 75 Aug. Jass, 2nd.. 6 45 John Kelly, 1st (Cleveland Ave.) 7 45 Nic Kettenhofen, znd 7 io Tohn Kness, 1st 17 55 Paul Krocheski, 2n(1 8 TO M. Kas, 2nd 4 8o 35 Jacob Kraus, 2nd . 12 6o John Koehler, 2nd John Kraemer, 2nd 7 75 Tohn Kinsella, 1st 8 TO Mat. Loes, 2nd Mike Lavin, 1st (7 55 M. Maher. 1st 135 James Malloy, 2nd 4 05 Jos. Martinek, 3rd 4 05 8 To Pat McMullen. 1st. Jas. McLeese, 1st 12 50 Bart McDonnell, 2nd John McNulty, 1st Jas. McCormack, 1st C. Nanck, 2nd Jas. Purcell, 1st J. C. Parks, 211d John Parker, 3rd John Pfeiffer, 1st W. Quinlan, 1st.. James Ryan, 1st Phil Reddin, 1st Mat. Raishek, 2nd C. Reinfrank, znd G. Rodden, 2nd. 10 00 F. Richardson, 2nd. Jas. Reed, .3rd Tos. Rooney, 1st. John Schroeder, znd. .John Sloan, 2n(1. Frank Scherr, 211(1. Tohn Schemmel, 2nd. Frank Schultz, znd. Louis Smith. 3rd. Sam Sterling, 3rd. N. Sweeney, 1st. R. Turner, 2nd. John \Vclsh. 1st N. Wanlpach, 2nd. Con. \Vclsh, 2nd. Jahn Ward, 2nd. Aug. Witte, 2nd. John Wangner, 2n(1. W. S. Wilbur, znd. W. Wearnlouth, 3rd Geo. Yaw, znd. Geo. Zumhof, 2n(1. Frank Burns, 211(1. J. Berwanger, znd. F. G. Becker, 1st. Tos. Calvert, 1st A. Conrad, 2nd. T. B. Cain, 1st. . J. Evans, 2nd. D. Feldstein, 2nd. Mike Hannan, 1st T. Haudenshield, 20(1 Peter Horeb, 2nd. John Huffmire, 1st. J. Knoernschild, znd. John Long, 211(1. T. Linehan. 1st. J. T. McCollins, 1st, $41.95; 2nd, $2.75 C. McElrath, 2nd. Jeff McGrath, 3rd. Geo. Reynolds, 1st, $9.25; 2nd, $18.40; 3rd, $9.20 Ed. Seeley, 1st A. Stoltz, 2nd. J. Sullivan, 2nd, $11.45; 3rd. $22.9; 34 40 J. Thanie, 211d. 12 6o M. Tigges, znd. 3 6o James Tobin. 3rd. 32 R. L. Woller. 2nd. 1 70 • 70 30 00 20 00 17 55 14 40 9 15 14 4o 8 45 1 35 17 55 12 50 3 05 Io 8o 4 40 3 6o 4 05 22 50 5 40 8 to 20 00 1 35 5 40 4 05 4 05 17 55 18 oo 3 0; 8 45 12 60 2 05 14 40 20 20 00 20 00 70 10 5o 46 00 7 20 26 8o 22 50 26 40 20 00 20 70 o 00 29 00 15 30 16 20 36 6o o oo 28 90 .35 60 M. Zogg, 2nd. Labor on Sewers during the first half of September, 1904: $ 19 20 19 20 25 00 17 6o 19 20 20 8o P. Casserly J. Corcoran T. Hagerty J. Jellison J. Klang P. Kenneally 252 Official Notices. C. Sullivan 19 20 L. Taylor 19 20 L. Zeutanek 17 6o Labor on Bluff Street Extension dur- ing the. first half of September, 1904: Phos. Burke 12 50 Peter Carney 15 65 Ed. Daley to 70 James Doyle 2 6o D. Frommelt, mason 22 6o John Kinsella 4 50 James dcCarron 15 65 Ed. O'Hearn 7 to W. O'Brien 25 00 James Powers 4 05 W. Sheehan 15 65 Walter Bradley, team . 25 00 Labor on Special Sewers during the first half of September, 1904: F. Buddien 5 40 J. Bohn 17 55 J. Henson 13 50 J. Haupert 8 to P. Krocheskie 8 to J. Berwanger, rock for crusherlO o0 P. Horth, rock for crusher l0 00 J. Tcney, rock for crusher 16 00 M. Tigges, rock for crusher II 75 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of all warrants issued by me during the month of Sep- tember. 1904. —C. F. Arendt, City Recorder. NOTICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTENTION TO CONSTRUCT A 10 -INCH TILE PIPE SANITARY SEWER IN ELEVENTH STREET. FROM MAN- HOLE IN ALLEY BETWEEN WASH- INGTON AND ELM STRETS, to CEN- TER OF CEDAR STREET. To All Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby noti- fied that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque to con- struct a 10 -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Eleventh Street, from manhole in alley between Washington and Elm Streets, t, center of Cedar Street. That a plat and specification of said proposed sewer is now on file in the of- fice of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Enginee, that said sewer will be 992.5 lineal feet ii, length, including 4 manholes, and will cost the abutting property owners $1,100.00 in total. Any persons having objections to the construction of said sanitary sewer are hereby notified to appear in person be- fore the City Council at its regular ses- sion October 20th, 1904, or to file in writ- ing their objections with the City Re- corder on or before October 20th, 1904. Dated at Dubuque, October 12th, 1904. C. F. ARENDT, 10-12-3t City Recorder. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT. Notice is hereby given to all concerned that a special assessment will he levied to pay for the construction of an 8 -inch Tile Pipe Sanitary Sewer in Grandview Avenue, from manhole in Dodge Street to Center of North Street, Brown & Brown, Contractors. Amount of special assessment, $477.25, against the abutting property upon and along said sewer, as provided by law, at a session of the Ciiy Council to be held October 20th, 1904. And that there is a plat and schedule on file in the office of the City Recorder of said City of Dubuque, showing the street, or a part thereof, in which said sewer has been constructed, and the sep- arate lots and parcels of ground and specified portions thereof subjct to as- sessment of such improvement, the names of the owners as far as practicable, and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, which plat and schedule is subject to public inspection. And that any and all persons objecting to said special assessment of said plat must file his or their objection in writing with the City Recorder of said City of Dubuque on or before said sassion of the City Council to 1.e held October 20th, 1904, or to appear at said session of the Coun- cil to show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. Dated Dubuque, Iowa, October 11th, 1904. C. F. ARENDT, 10-11-3t City Recorder. NOTICE To Whom it May Concern: Notice is hereby given of the Council's intention to vacate part of Charter Street. from the west line of the Levee to the east line of Water Street, and from the west line of Water Street to the east line of Lot 1, Block 15 and Lot 1, Block 18 of the Dubuque Harbor Company's Add., in the City of Dubuque, and that an Ordi- dinance providing for said vacation has been submitted to the City Council of the City of Dubuque at its last regu- lar session. Said Ordinance will be passed at a regular meeting of the Coun- cil after ten days' publication of this No- tice. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, this 10th day of October, 1904. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder of City of Dubuque. 10-10-10t NOTICE. To Whom it May Concern: Notice is hereby given of the Council's intention to vacate the alley between Elm Street and Pine Street. from Eighteenth Street to Nineteenth Street, and that an Ordinance providing for said vacation has been submitted to the City Council of the City of Dubuque at its last regu- lar session. Said Ordinance will be passed at a regular meeting of the Coun- cil after ten days' publication of this No- tice. Dated at Dubuque. Iowa, this 10th day of October, 1904. C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder of City of Dubuque. 10 -10 -lot NOTICE TO STONE MASONS. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Recorder up to 7:30 o'clock p. m. November 3rd, 1904, for the construction and completion of the foun- dation for the new Engine House to be built for the City of Dubuque, Iowa, to be located on the corner of Reed and Rhomberg avenues, according to the plans and specifications as furnished by Thomas T. Carkeek, and now on file 'n the office of the City Recorder. All bids must be accompanied by a cer- tified check for $50.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. C. F. ARENDT, Official Notices. NOTICE TO COAL AND WOOD DEAL- ERS. Sealed proposals will be received at my oiffce up tc 7:30 o'clock p. m. Thursday. Nov. 3rd, 1904, for furnishing the Fire and Police Departments of the City of Dubuque, also the City Hall, with coal, coke and wood for the term of one year, beginning November 1st, 1904. Bidders will state the price for No. 1 oak and maple wood, also the price for hard and soft coal and the kind and name of same• also the price and quality of coke. The coal and wood to be delivered in such quantities at such places and time as the city may direct. The coal and coke to be weighed on the city scales at the City Hall and delivered at the expense of the contractor. Each bid must be accompanied with a certified check for $25.00 on some Du- buque bank as a guarantee that a con- tract will be entered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated Oct. 26th, 1904. C. F. ARENDT, 10-26-3t City Recorder. NOTICE TO HAY AND GRAIN DEAL- ERS. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 7:30 o'clock p. m., Nov. 3rd, 1904, to furnish the Fire, Police and Street Departments of the City of Dubuque with number one oats and number one tim- othy hay for the term of one year from November 1st, 1904. Such oats and hay to be delivered in such quantities and at such places as may be ordered by the city from time to time. All hay and oats to be weighed on the city scales at the city hall and delivered at the expense of the contractor. The oats to be figured at 35 pounds to the bushel. Each bid must be accompanied with a certified check for $25.00 on some Du- buque bank as a guarantee that a con- tract will be entered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated Oct. 26th, 1904. C. F. ARENDT, 10-26-3t City Recorder. REGISTRATION NOTICE. 253 day) and be in session from th? time the polls open until they close, and register only such voters as were absent from the city during the preceeding days that the board was in session, also such voters as aid not become citizens until Monday or Tuesday, November 7th and 8th, 1904. The places of registration in the several wards and precincts of said city are as follows: FIRST \\-ARD. First Precinct—Rafferty's place. No. 311 South Locust street. Second Precinct—Mrs. Lucas' place, No. 1 South Locust street. SECOND WARD. First Precinct—Cour house. Second Precinct—Fourth Street Engine Ilouse. THIRD WARD. First Precinct—Ninth Street Engine House. Second Precinct—City Hall. Third Precinct--Palen's Place, 1810 Cou- ler avenue. FOURTH WARD. First Precinct --Annex west of Wales hotel. Second Precinct—Western, Brewery. Third PrBcinct—Frank Edwards' Barber Shop, 146 West Locust street. FIFTH WARD. First Precinct—Schmidt's brewery, Cou- ler avenue. Second Precinct—Henry G. Mueller's place, corner Elm and Eagle Point ave- nue. Third Precinct—Miss Rose Fengler's place, corner Shiller and Rhomberg ave- nues. Fourth Precinct—Roesner's place, corner Twenty-third and Jackson streets. All qualified voters of said city are no- tified that unless they present themselves at the places and time hereinbefore men- tioned for registration they will be de- barred of the privilege of voting at said election. Witness my hand at Dubuque, Iowa. this 24th day of October, 1904. 10-24-3t C. H. BERG, Mayor. Mayor's Office, Dubuque, Oct. 24th, 1904. Notice is hereby given that the reg- isters of election duly appointed to reg- ister voters in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, will be in attendance at the places here- inbelow mentioned, for the purpose of making the registry list of names of such electors as may be entitled to vote at this fall election, to be held Tuesday, November 8th, 1904. Said registers will meet at their re-• spective places on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, October 27th, 28th and 29th. 1904, at 8 o'clock a. m., and be in session until 9 o'clock p. m. of said days. Said registers will hereafter meet oii Saturday, November the 5th, 1904, from 8 o'clock a. m. to 9 o'clock p. m. of said day for the purpose of correcting the list and adding thereto such names of voters as may be entitled to vote. Said registers will thereafter meet on Tuesday, November 8th, 1904 (election SIDEWAL KNOTICE. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a Sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good cement, be, within ten days of this notice, constructed and lata In conformity with the ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks, on the east side of Nevada Street, Letween Julien Avenue and West Fifth Street, abutting S. 1 Lot 3 of Mineral Lot 80, owned by Jno. Palmer Est., at the expense of abutting prop- erty. Also that a Sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good brick or cement, be, within ten days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks on the west side of Clay Street, between Seventh Street and Eighth Street, abutting City Lot 253 and N. 13.11 ft. 252 "A," owned by Josephine Boyvin, at the expense of abutting property. Also that a Sidewalk S feet wide, of good brick or cement, be, within ten days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks on the south side of Eighth Street, between Iowa Street and Clay Street, abutting Lot 253, City, owned by Josephine Boyvin, at the expense abutting property. Also that a Sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good ceirent, be, within ten days of this 254 Official Notices. • notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance" in relation to side- walks, on the south side of Julien Ave- nue, between Air Hill Street and Wilson Avenue, abutting Lot 4, Kelly's Sub., owned by Emelia Gethrie, at the expen,,e of abutting property. Also that a Sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good brick or cement, be, within ten days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks, on the west side of Clay Street, between Seventh Street and Eighth Street, abutting City Lot 252 and S. 1.1 ft. Lot 252 "A," owned by Martha Cholvin, at the expense of abutting property. Also that a Sidewalk 6 fent wide, of good cement, be, within ten day.' of this notice, constructed and laid in confor- mity with the ..rdinauce in relation to sidewalks, on the east side of Nevada Street, between Julien Avenue and West Fifth Street, abutting Lot N. / of 16, Bradstreet's Add., owned by Mary R. Abeln, at the expei se of abutting prop- erty. Also that a Sidewalk S feet wide, ot good brick or cement, be, within ten days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks, on the south side ot Sixth Street. between White Street and .play Street, abutting Lot 313, City, owned by National Biscuit Co., at the expense of abutting property. Also that a Sidewalk S feet wide, of good brick or cement, within ten days ut this notice, constructed and laid in cnr formity with the ordinanc in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of Sixth Street. between Fifth Street and Sixth Street, abn.rtting Lots 312 and 313. City. owned by National Biscuit Co., at the ex- pense of abutting property. Also that a Si•3ewalk 6 feet wide. of good cement, be, within ten days of this notice, constructed and laid in confor- mity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the east side of Nevada Street, between Julien Avenue and \t'rst Fifth Street, abutting Lot 15, Bradstreet's Acid., owned by L. G. Meyer, at the ex- pense of abutting property. Also that a Sidewalk 6 feet wide, 01 good cement, be. within ten days of this rotice, constructed lnd laid in confor- mity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the East side of Nevada Street, between Julien. Avenue and West Fifth Street, abutting N. / lot 3 of Min. Lot 80, owned by J. Zangmeister Est., at the expense of abutting propel ty. Also that a Sidewalk 6 feet wide, 0t good brick or cement, be, within ten days of this notice. constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks, on the South side ot Julien Avenue. between Air Hill Street and Wilson Avenue, abutting lot ,3, Kelly's Sub., owned by F. D. Collette, at the expense of abutting property. Also that a Sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good cement, be, within ten days of this notice, constructed and laid in confor- mity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks on the West Side of Main Street, between Eleventh Street and Twelfth Street. abutting S. 21.2 ft. City Lot 467. owned by Fred Weigel Est., at the expense of abutting property. Also that a Sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good cement, be, within ten days of this notice, constructed and laid in confor- mity with the c rdinance in relation to sidewalks, on the West side of Bluff Street. between West Fourteenth Street and Thirteenth Street, abutting Lot 1, A. L. Brown's Sub., owned by P. Mc- Cullough, at the expense of abutting property. Also that a Sidewalk •l feet wide, of good brick or cement, be, within ten days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the West side of Foye Street, between West Locust Street and Merchants' Lane, abutting Lot 7. Ellen Blake's Add., owned by Jno. Blake Est., at the expense of abutting property. Also that a Sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good brick or cement, be, within ten days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks, on the North side of West Locust Street, between Foye Street and Hodgdon Avenue, abutting lots 6 and 7, Ellen Blake's Sub., owned by Jno. Blake Est., at the expense of abutting property. Also that a Sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good brick or cement, be, within, ten days of this notice. constructed and laid in conformit ywith the ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks, on the \Vest side of Washington Street, between Fifteenth Street and Sixteenth Street, abutting N. 1/2 lot 30, S. 35.2 ft., lot 81, East Dubuque Add., owned by Jas. O'Farrell, at the ex- pense of abutting property. Also that a Sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good brick or cement, be, within 'ten days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in "rela- to sidewalks, on the South side of Six- teenth Street, between Washington Street and Jackson Street, abutting N. 16 it lot 81, East Dubuque Add., owned by Mary Flynn. at the expense of abutting property. Also that a Sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good brick Or cement, within ten days of this notice, constricted and lai3 in conformity with the ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks, on the West side of Washington Street, between Fifteenth Street and Sixteenth Street, abutting N. 16 ft. lot 81, East Dubuque Add , owned boy Mary Flynn, at the expense of abut- ting property. Also that a Sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good brick or cement, be, within ten days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in re- lation to sidewalks, on the West side 03 Washington Street, between Fifteen) h and Sixteenth Streets, abutting lot 78, East Dubuque Add., owned by Henry Grether, at the expense of abutting property. Also that a Sidewalk 6 feet wide, ot good brick or cement, be, within ten days of this notice, constructed and laid hi conformity with the ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks, on the West side of Washington Street, between Fifteenth and Sixtenth Streets, abutting N. 1/2 lot 77, East Dubuque Add., owned by Jno. P. Thillman, at the expense of abutting property. Passed by the City Council of the City of Dubuque October 6th, 1904. C. F. ARENDT, 10-17-1t City Recorder. Regular Session Nov. 3, 1904. 255 CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session, November 3rd, 1904. (Official.) Council met at 8:25 O'clock P. M. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Alds. Clancy. Corrance, Frith, Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf. Absent—None. Ald. Corrance moved that the Coun- cil Proceedings for the month of Oc- tober be approved as printed. Carried. BILLS. "1'he following bills were ordered paid: Stamp fer & Jaeggi, felt and matting for Assessor's Office $ II 50 Mullen Bros.. plumbing at City hall John Mageson, splitting wood at City H all Jahn Phillips, setting glass in City llall Io 85 T. E. Frith. removing garbage and dead animals for October 363 48 James Noonan, balance on a Stone Box Storm Water Sewer in Fifteenth Street..... 130 2 John Newman & Son, repairs on Sprinkling Wagon i o0 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Sewer Department.... ...... 115 Michael O'Meara, inspector on Booth Street Sewer 20 00 H. Corrance, pail and candles for Sewer Department John Butt, repairs for Sewer Department 7 65 Dr. 1. S. Bigelow, services in Schnee case . 25 00 C. T. Bush, two photos Rhom- berg and Reed Avenues3 00 Court costs in case of Gustave Schnee, Admr., vs. City of Dubuque Court cost in case of E. W. Al - bee vs. City of Dubuque Court costs in case of Melchior Schlegel vs. City of Dubuque J. W. Wittmer, supplies for Health Department Safford Stamp Works, stamp for Auditor's Office T. W. Ruete, supplies for Road and Health Department Gus Holl, 2 keys and fixing lock in Recorder's Office Harger & Blish, supplies for various offices Kelly's Book Store, supplies for Recorder's Office Safford Stamp Works, stamp for Auditor's Office F. Post Co., ruling pen for En- gineer's Office Smith -Morgan Printing Co., 42 Register Books, City's share H. Corrance, supplies for City Hall, various departments 4 JO 75 55 46 35 17 75 18 90 135 135 2 50 75 37 70 IO 90 J4 1 43 36 50 6 80 Key City Gas Co., gas for var- ious departments Clancy Transfer Co., one cord of wood, City Hall F. P. Hayes. board of prisoners for month of October Philip Pier, two cords of wood, Police Department . I0 :)0 Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs for Police Department John Sloan, sawing one cord wood, Police DepartmentI no F_ichhorn & Bechtel, supplies for Police Department to 48 J. M. Garrison, sawing one cord of wood and carrying the same to Matron's quarters T. F. Kane. hay for Police De- partniznt 8 88 John Huffmeir, hauling two loads of rubbish 150 Geo. L. Korman, to brick floor in Patrol House 124 00 Union Electric Co., arc lights for October 2061 95 A. Fluct sch, milk for Matron Department 2 00 Key City Gas Co., one special mantel, Police Department .. 25 J. W. Wittmer, various supplies for Police Department 3 30 H. J. Hagerty, veterinary ser- vices for Police Department, September and October 5 52 Christ. Scholl, sawing and split- ting one cord of wood, Police Department .. • • • • 150 Wm. McLaughlin, hauling two loads of rubbish from Jack- son Park •• I o0 Mullen & Papin, plumbing at City Hall . 4 20 Adam Doerr, Sr., hauling three loads of rubbish from Jackson Park James Strain, hauling benches from Washington Park 1 50 Telegraph -Herald, official print- ing for month of September Globe -Journal, official printing for month of October National Demokrat, official printing for month of October 25 00 Smith -Morgan Printing Co, monthly pamphlets and list of warrants 5 67 Iowa Telephone Co., phone on City Attorney's desk Novem- ber and December 2 00 Steuck & Linehan, final estim- ate on Ardmore Terrace 32 86 Wm Wearmouth, one lantern for Road Department 50 Steuck, Linehan & Street, brick for Road Department 8 74 Thomas Ryan, rent for derrick used on Bluff Street Exten- sion 20 00 Hugh Corrance, supplies for Road Department John Butt, repairs for Road De- 2 40 partment A. A. Brown, repairs for Special Sewer Department 81 oo 6 oo 760 3 13 175 150 59 75 57 66 70 I 50 II1 L 9 256 Regular Session Nov. 3, 1904, Key City Gas Co., coke for Road Department 17 25 Gus Lear. horse shoeing for Road Department 2 00 Key City Roofing Co., cement for Sewer and Road Depart- ment 12 00 Phil Heller. horse shoeing for Road Department 3 00 Phil Pier, coal for Road De- partment .......... .... 64 8o L. Lindenberg. nails for Side- walk Department 4 35 Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs for Road Department 3 32 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Road Department I I0 Van Valkenberg & McEvoy, one oil call for Rock Crusher 50 O'Farrell & McNamara, grub- bing and hauling away tree on S. W. corner of 14th and Bluff Streets 8 oo McElrath Teaming Co., one load of sand, Road Depart- ment I 50 Brown & Brown, final estimate on alley between South Al- pine Street and Nevada Street 23 ;6 The Kelly -Springfield Road Roller Co., one driving center 33 50 H. Corrance, supplies for Fire Department ............ 7 20 Standard Oil Co., lard oil for Fire Department 19 50 F. A. Miller, 2 dozen barn brooms, Fire Department F. A. Miller, 1 dozen carpet brooms, Fire Department Key City Gas Co., Pitts coal for Fire Department 10 35 Key City Gas Co., lump coke for Fire Department 23 So Gus Lear, horse shoeing for Fire Department 3 90 Ott, Meuser & Co., shavings, etc., for Fire Department20 15 Dubuque Oil Tank Line, 5o gal- lons National Light oil .. 6 75 Dubuque Mattress Co., 4 mat- tresses, Ninth Street Engine House 9 40 A. V. McDonald & Co., one Fuller ball, Fire Department 25 j. \V. \Vittmer, blue vitrol for Fire Department 35 00 John Newman & Son, repairs for Fire Department T. \V. Ruete, supplies for Fire Department 17 00 T. F. Kane, hay and oats for Fire Department, per con- tract 107 14 Key City Gas Co., rental for arc lights I 00 Phil Pier, coal for Fire De- partment 177 51 Wunderlich & \Viederholt, horse shoeing, Fire Dept4 5o H. J. Hagerty, to veterinary services, Fire Department, September and October. 21 16 H. Wunderlich & Son, perfor- 7 80. 2 50 135 ated seats and nails for same Van Valkenberg & McEvoy, one patent chimney top Van Valkenberg & McEvoy, re- pairing oil can Lagen & Sloan, horse shoeing, Fire Department Phil Heller, horse shoeing for Fire Department \Vm. Marshall, repairs on Fire Engine J. J. Linehan. \Vm. Marshall, one steel nozzle for Fire Department Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co, steam hose for Fire Depart- ment I 00 7 7 4 17 00 50 25 25 20 2 20 I 30 PETITIONS AND COMMUNICA- TIONS. Petition of Rev. R. Boeding et al., asking that the grade on Davis Avenue be so changed that there will be no more filling or cut than two feet at any place. On motion, petition was referred to the Committee on Streets. Petition of the Star Brewing Co., per J. H. Rhomberg, president, asking that the City Treasurer be instructed to accept payment for taxes on their property, according to a resolution passed by the City Council April 7th, 1898, which exempts said property from taxation for ten years from 1899. Also that their personal property for the year of 1903 be reduced to $5,000.00. Ald. Clancy moved that the petition in relation to the real estate be granted and the Treasurer instructed accord- ingly. Carried. Also petition of the Star Brewing Co., per J. H. Rhomberg, president, asking that the City Treasurer be in- structed to accept payment on their Personal Property for the year 1902 on the basis of $5000.00. On motion the petition was referred to the Board of Equalization. Petition of H. Pfotzer and J. H. Rhomberg asking that the valuation on City Lot No. 248 be reduced from $8000.00 to $4000.00 for the years 1902 and 1903. On motion referred to the Board of Equalization. Petition of Mrs. Anna Whelan et al. asking that the alley first west of Grandview Avenue in rear of lot 14, Grandview Place, and running north and south from said lot, be opened for travel. Was on motion referred to the Com- mittee on Streets. Petition of Peter Eisbach asking the City to buy about 120 cubic yards of Rock suitable for the rock crusher, and apply the proceeds on his Taxes for the year 1903. On motion was referred to the Com- mittee on Streets. Regular Session Nov. 3, 1904. 257 Petition of John Petry, stating that a Mr. P. Lavin owed him $5o.25 for Board and Lodging, and asking the City Council to pay him said amount out of the wages due Mr. Lavin while in the employ of the City. \Vas on motion referred to the Com- mittee of the Whole. Petition of F. M. Mathis, stating that he is the owner of Lot No. 213 in Uninu1 Addition, and asking the City Council to vacate Union Street abut- ting said Lot 213 on the east. accord- ing • to a previous agreement. Ald. Clancy moved that the prayer of the petition be granted, and the Or- dinance Committee instructed to draft an Ordinance vacating said street. Car- ried. Petition of John Keckevot, asking the City Council to issue a License to him for conducting a Skating Rink on the Ice Harbor during the season of 1904 to 1905. On motion the Petition was receiv- ed and filed. and the Recorder instruct- ed to advertise for Bids for conducting a Skating Rink on the Ice Harbor during the colnine season. Bids to be opened by the Harbor Committee on Friday, Nov. Ilth, at 4 o'clock P. M. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Treasurer Brinkman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Below you will find Statement of amounts advanced by me during the past month. for which please order Warrants drawn in my favor: Excavation permits redeemed.$ 50.00 Interest on warrants outstand- ing utstand- ing 1374.23 New York exchange 3.25 Express charges .. .55 Express on bonds to New York 2.65 $1374.33 I also received $18000.00 money bor- rowed from different parties. Please order loan Warrants drawn in their favor. Library orders paid $ 495.05 Respectfully. H. BRINKMAN, Treasurer. On motion the report was received and Warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts. and the report referred hack to the Committee on Fi- nance. City Auditor Hoffman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Herewith find my re- port for the month of October. 1004, showing the receints and disbursements for the month: Cash on hand Oct, I, 1904....$1o,6o4.63 Receipts from all sources .. 27.177.08 DISBURSEMENTS$';, 81.71 Warrants redeemed Oct. 4...$25.2o7.33 Coupons redeemed Oct. 4.... 3,075.77 Cash on hand Nov. 1, 1904—$ $29.498.61 61 The above cash balancncudes the Improvement Bond Fund, Inmprove- ment Bond Interest Fund, Sprinkling and Library Fund Balances. Also report that there is due the City Officers for the month of October, 1904 • • • •$268.3.45 Also the following is a record of all Interest Coupons and Bonds redeemed by the City Treasurer during the past month and credited to him. Improvement Bond Coupons..$ 68.75 Regular Bond Coupons 3007.02 $3075.77 The following list shows the Appro- priations and the amount of Warrants drawn on each Fund since the begin- ning of the fiscal year beginning March 1st, 1904, to Nov. 1st, 1904: Appropriation. Expended. Expense $40,000 $21,466.68 Road—First district16,000 14,055.02 Road — Second dis- trict 20,000 19,296.28 Road—Third district9,000 7,307.39 Fire 38,000 19, 564.80 Police 28,000 16,375.06 Sewerage 5,000 .3,030.05 Printing 2.500 1,056.10 Engineer ...... 2, 500 1,410.99 Street Lighting 25,000 14,366.48 Interest ....... 42,000 Board of Health 4,500 1,773.60 Grading 4,000 61.20 Bee Branch 8,5oo 7,531.70 Special Bonded Pav- ing Judgment ..... .. . Special Bonded Debt Interest .... . Mt. Carmel Avenue Grading .... ..... Sidewalk Repairing . Special Sewer Fund. Grading Bluff Street Extension and Vil- la Street Fifth Ward Engine House ...... 2,000 789.51 2,000 613.50 4,000 2,319.99 1,000 91.30 1,000 708.65 8,000 5,156.89 1,000 828.60 4,000 1,000.00 Total Appropriation$268.000 Respectfully. —F. B. Hoffman, Auditor. On motion the report was received, and warrants ordered drawn to pay the City Officers and the report referred back to the Committee on Finance. Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The following is the 1 • 258 Regular Session Nov. 3, 1904. pay roll of the Fire Department for the month of October. 1904: Amount due Firemen Respectfully, —J. R. Reinfried, Chief. On motion the report was received. and warrants ordered drawn to pay the Firemen. and the retort referred back to the Committee on Fire. $2.232.90 Chief of Police Reilly reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the Police retort for the month of October, 1904: Total arrests for the month86 Residents arrested for the monthzo Doors found open for the month3t Defective lights for the monthtoo Lodgers harbored for the month43 Meals furnished fir the month38 Cost of fond for the m•'nth $ 7.60 Sheriff, dieting prisoners for the month $27.25 Poundmasters' receipts for the month ...... ........ $ 4.00 Patrol calls for the month 70 Miles traveled 158 Also the Pay Roll for the Policemen for the month of Octob _r. 1904: Amount due Policemen $1909.30 Respectfully. —Thos. Reilly. Chief of Police. On motion the report and pay roll were received. and warrants ordered drawn to pay Policemen. and the report referred back to the .Committee on Police. City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on streets in the dif- ferent districts during the last half of October. 1904: Amount due Laborers on Streets .. $1,1o3.go Respectfully submitted. — Tames H. Boyce, City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Streets. Also submit my pay roll for labor on Sewers during the last half of October. I004: .Amount ers due Laborers on Sew - $205.80 Respectfully submitted. —James H. Boyce. City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Sewers. Also submit my pay roll for labor on Special Sewers during the last half of October. 1904: Amount due Laborers $27.90 Respectfully submitted, — Tames H. Boyce. City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Streets. Also submit my pay roll for grading on Bluff Street Extension for the last half of October. 1904: Amount due Laborers $215.65 Respectfully submitted, — James H. Boyce, City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Streets. On motion the pay rolls for Streets. Sewers and grading Bluff Street Ex- tension were received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay the various amounts and the pay rolls referred back to the proper committees. Ald. Clancy moved that the salary for the man attending to the Garbage dump be hereafter charged to the Board of Health Fund, subject to the approval of the City Auditor. Carried. City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coucil: Gentlemen: Herewith attached please find statement of macadam measured Nov. 1st. 190.4. and the amount due for the same: Total amount $9o.8o On motion of Ald. Clancy the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amouts. City Electrician Hipman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my report of defective lights for the month of October. 1904. I find from the re- ports of the Police Department that the total hours that IOC) Lamps failed to burn would equal 2Y Lamps for one month or $13.50. Respectfully submitted. — William Hipman. City Electrician. On motion the report was received. and the City Auditor instructed to de- duct from the Union Electric Com- pany's bill for the month of October the sum of $13.5o. The following \\'eighmasters' and \Vood Measurers' receipts were re- ferred to the Committee on Markets: Frank P. Hayes, City Hall re- ceipts $47,75 T. Faherty. First ward scale receipts 6.49 Louise Pitschner. \Vest Dubuque scale receipts 2.36 R. Hay. Eighth Street scale re- ceipts .. .. ... ..... .. 2.55 C. \V. Katz, \Voodmeasurers' receipts 2,45 The following Bids of supplying the Fire and Police Department with Hay and Oats for the coming year. also tor constructing the foundation for the new Engine House to be built on the Regular Session Nov. 3, 1904. 259 • corner of Reed and Rhomberg avenues, were ordered opened. BID FOR I-IAY AND OATS. T. F. Kane. Hay at $10.50 per ton. Oats at 38!/ cents per bushel. Matt. Stafford. Hay at $11.35 per ton. Oats at 39V2 cents per bushel. On motion of Ald. Clancy the con- tract was awarded to 1'. F. Kane. he being the lowest bidder. Bids for constructing the foundation for the new Engine House. Peter Eisbach—Foundation com- plete $815.30 Bender & Rokusek—Foundation complete 7.13.00 T. J. Donahue—Foundation complete 487.00 Anton Eberl—Foundation co n- pl etc 473.00 Ald. Jones moved that the contract be awarded to Anton Ebert, he being the lowest bidder, and the bond fixed at $loo.00. Carried. Ald. Jones moved that the Plans for the new Engine 1 louse as prepared by Thos. T. Carkeek be approved. Car- ried. Ald. Jones moved that the Recorder be instructed to advertise for Bids to complete the balance of the Engine House, also for doing the Plumbing for the same. Carried. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Frith. Chairman of the Com- mittee on Streets, reported as follows: Your Committee on Streets would respectfully report that we have exam- ined the storm water sewer in Fif- teenth Street, from the west side of the alley between Cedar and Sycamore Streets to the west curb line of Syca- more Street. James Noonan, Contrac- tor. and would recommend that said sewer be accepted. Also, your Committee on Streets would respectfully recommend that the City Engineer be instructed not to per- mit the men breaking macadam for the City, to use soft material for the same. Also, your Committee on Streets, to whom was referred the matter of plac- ing Catharine Street in passable condi- tion, would respectfully recommend that the City Engineer be instructed to do whatever grading may be neces• sary on said street. Also, your Committee on Streets would respectfully recommend that the Board of Supervisors of Dubuque County he requested to instruct the County Surveyor to act in conjunction with the City Engineer in preparing a profile of grade for Davis Avenue, from Windsor Avenue to a point about 768 feet east thereof. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the var- ious reports of the Committee on Streets. Carried. Ald. Frith, chairman of the Commit- tee on Electrical Construction, report- ed as follows: Your Committee on Electrical Con- struction, to whom was referred the bill of the Iowa Telephone Co, for $2.00 for telephones in the office of the City Attorney, would respectfully rec- ommend that a warrant be ordered drawn on the City Treasury in settle- ment of the same. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Ald. Stumpf, chairman of the De- linquent Tax Committee, reported as follows: Your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the peti- tion of Mrs. Mary Bennett, asking that on account of her poverty the taxes on her homestead, Lot 30 of the Sub, of Mineral Lot 39, be cancelled for the year 1903, would respectfully recom- mend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the Treasurer be instructed accordingly. Also, your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred to peti- tion of Mrs. Mary A. Dolan. asking that the taxes against her homestead, the west one-half of Lot 62, Union Addition, be canceled for the years 1902 and 1903, would respectfully rec- ommend that said taxes be allowed to remain a lien on the property and that the Treasurer be instructed not to sell. Also, your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the peti- tion of Frank W. Theiring, asking on account of misfortunes he suffered dur- ing the early part of the summer, by reason of which lie has been thrown out of employment for several months and will not be able to return to work for the rest of the year, that the taxes against his property. Lots 7 and 8 of Roger's Sub., be canceled for the year 1903, would recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the Treasurer be instructed according- ly. Also, your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the peti- tion of Mrs. Bridget McCormack, ask- ing on account of her poverty, that the taxes against her homestead, Lot 6, in Cooper, Newman & Smith's Sub., be canceled for the years 1902 and 1903. would recommend that said taxes be allowed to remain a lien on the prop- erty and that the Treasurer be in- structed not to sell. Ald. Stumpf moved to adopt the various reports. Carried. 26(1 Regular Session Nov. 3, 1904. .\ld. Clancy of the Committee of the Whole reported as follows: Your Committee of the \\•hole. to whom was referred the matter of fix- ing the tax levy for the year 1904. would respectfully recommend that the following resolution be adopted: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That the taxes for the year too4 for the purposes be- low specified. be levied as provided by law in the respective number of stills on the dollar of the assessed Valuation of all the taxable property in said city as follows: General Fund i milli mills 1 2-3 mills Fund1 trill \\ ..:. 1' • .. t mill \ Fund 1-3 mill 1' cr Rc.o'ved. That a reg- \ one t t ' mill on e.1 valuation 1w rt benefitd b' ,?etermined That --:tklfng. of two :he tax- . in each City. •l,e re - Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf. Nays—None. Ald. Jones also offered the following: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat and specifications for a ten -inch tile pipe sewer in Lincoln Avenue. from Tohnson Avenue to Ann Avenue. showing the location and gen- eral nature of such improvement, the extent thereof, the size and kind of material to be used, and to prepare an estimate of the cost thereof. and the amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting thereon per front foot or square foot in area, and to file such plat. specifica- tions and estimate in the office of the City Recorder. That at: such notice is so filed, the City Rec :,ler shall cause to be pub- lished n :: e of the intention of the council make such improvement. which IF •::e shall be published in three consecutive issues of the official news- paper of the City of Dubuque. stating that such plat is on tile, and generally the nature of the sewer, its location. c and kinds of material to be used an estimate of its cost, and fixing time before which objections can which time shall not be less five days after the last publication h notice. and atter the comple- the publication of such notice. at its next regular sessi m. :he Council thereof in writing : a printed copy of such notice ac- ? nyinthe same. : f -.._ •nosed to adopt the Re.s- C... -.ro'i by the f,,':'.owing vote: \- c, s— .... C ce. Fr`ith. and Stumpf. Nays—None. _\'. ?. Corrance offered the following: \\''i:ereas. the contract heretofore en- ' oto by the City of Dubuque for :struction of a Sanitary Sewer. ?e- ribed. has been cont- gineer has cont- e -. and expense of ventent amour:- Resco.ve. by the . :bu. pro- . of . ripe Regular Session Nov. 3, 1904. 261 the rate of five per cent. per annum payable semi-annually. Ald. Corrance moved to adopt the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Ald. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf. Nays—None. Aid. Needham moved that the City Engineer be instructed to enforce Sec- tions 23, 29 and 3o of Chapter XXXIII. of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 at once. Carried. Ald. Lyons brought up the matter of electing a Mayor pro tern and nom- inated Ald. Clancy for that position. Ald. Frith nominated Ald. Corrance. Ald. Needham moved that the elec- tion be by balot. Carried. The Mayor appointed Alds. Frith and Needham as tellers. The vote as follows: Ald. Clancy received 4 votes. Ald. Corrance received 3 votes. The Mayor declared Ald Clancy elected. Ald. Corrance moved to adjourn un- til Nov 17th, 1904. Carried. —C. F. Arendt, City Recorder. Attest: ( Recorder Approved... /d 190'! . Mayor • 262 Regular Session Nov. 17, 1904. CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session November 17th, 1904. (Official) Council met at 8:,3o o'clock P. M. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf. Absent --None. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICA- TIONS. Petition and Claim of Jno. J. Beek- man asking that he be allowed the sum of Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) for perso al damage sustained by falling into an open area on East side of Main street. between Ninth and Tenth streets. Also petition of McCarthy, Kenline & Roedell proposing to settle case of Rose Smith vs. City of Dubuoue pend- ing in the Dubuque District Court for the sum of Four Hundred Dollars ($400.00) in full settlement thereof. Plaintiff to pay all Court Costs, pro- vided same is accepted at once. On motion both petitions were re- ferred to Committee on Claims and City Attorney. Petition of Jno. J. Lavery asking that the Electric arc light at intersec- tion of Grandview Avenue and South Dodge Street he changed about 50 feet further south. On motion was referred to Commit -- tee on Police and Light. Petition of Cath. Ragatz asking that the taxes on lot No. 9. Sou h Park Hill Add., for the year 1933 be ordate:l canceled. On motion was referred to De'in- quent Tax Committee. Petition of C. Loetscher et al ask- ing that a sanitary sewer be or&re constructed in Lincoln Avenue from Johnson to Ann Avenues. Also petition of Mrs. Mary Faust asking that she he paid for rock taken from Lot 33 in Union Add. On motion both petitio^s were re- ferred to Committee of the Whole. Petition of A. C. Buettell asking that the Engineer he instructed to grade sidewalk adjoining lot 1 of 20, Finley Home Add.. in order to dr -'in said walk and lead the water into the street. On motion was referred to City En- gineer with Power. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on streets in the dif- ferent districts during the first half of November, 1904: Amount due Laborers on Streets ,$761.25 Respectfully submitted, —James H. Boyce, City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Stre:ts. Also submit my pay roll for labor on Sewers during the first half of Novem- ber, 1904: Amount due Laborers on Sew- ers .., $198.60 Respectfully submtte_l, —James H. Boyce. City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Sewers. Also submit my pay roll for labor on Special Sewers during the first half of November, 1904: Amount due Laborers $31.10 Respectfully submitted —James H. Boyce, City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Streets. Also submit my pay roll for grad ng on Bluff Street Extension for the first half of November, 1904: Amount due Laborers $119,30 Respe_tfully submitted, —James H. Boyce, City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Streets. On motion the nay rolls for Strees, Sewers and grading Bluff Street Ex- tension were received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay the various amounts and the pay rolls referred back to the proper committees, Committee Clerk J. \V. Lawlor re- ported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I beg to report that in accordance with your instructions of March 17, 1904. and April 7, 1904, relat- ing to the purchase of Lots i of 15 and 1 of 16 in Block 30, Dubuque Harbor Improvemnt Company's Addition, for the purpose of straightening Fourth Street Extension, an abstract of title has been prepared on which the City Attorney has passed favorably and the deed has been signed and is now being held by the Third National Bank of St. Louis. I would therefore rcommend that warrants in the sums of $332.32 and $162.68 be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer in favor of H. B. Her- old and Mary Herold, respectively, in payment of said lots, which sum repre- sents the purchase price, less $5.00 paid by the City for the abstract of title. Very respectfully, Committee Clerk. A1d. Clancy moved that the report be approved and warrants ordered drawn for above amounts to pay for deeds of said lots. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Regular Session Nov. 17, 1904 Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf. Nays -None. City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Hereto attached please find plat showing proposed street to Outer Levee. The part of plat colored "Blue" shows part to he vacated. The part colored "Red" shows the part to be taken. The abutting property owners have been interviewed and have expressed themselves as favorable to the pro- posed change. Respectfully submitted, —J. H. Boyce, City Engineer. Ald. Frith moved to refer the report to the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney. Carried. City Recorder Arendt presented and read the printed notice certified to by the Publisher, of the Council's inten- tion to construct a Sanitary Sewer in Lincoln Avenue from Johnson to Ann Avenues. Also remonstrance of Dietrich Bros. et al.. remonstrating against the con- struction of said sewer. Ald. Clancy moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of hearing from some of the remonstrators. Carried. Messrs. Carmody, Neumeister. Lipp - stock and others addressed the Council on the matter. Ald. Corrance moved to refer the notice, petition and remonstrance to the Committee of the Whole, and that all parties interested be notified to he present at said meeting. Carried. Bids for constructing and completing New Engine House at corner of Rhomberg and Reed Avenues were or- dered opened. Bids as follows: F. W. Brunkow. bid in total..$3,637.00 U. Willy. hid in total $3.516.00 F. D. Scharle, bid in total $2777.77 Mr. F. D. Scharle being the lowest bidder was, on motion. awarded the contract and bond fixed at $500.00. Bids for plumbing for New Engine House as follows: H. B. McCarten. bid in total....$377.00 Jacquinot & Mullen. bid in total.$365.75 On motion, the contract for plumb- ing was awarded to Jacquinot & Mul- len .they b^ing the lowest bidders and their bond fixed at $100.00. Ald. Clancy moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of hearing from Mr. Jos. Rhomberg, in regard to the laying of tracks by the Union Electric 268 Company over sidewalks abutting Mr. Rhomberg's property on Couler Ave- nue. Carried. Attorney G. Lyon. representing Mr. Rhomberg, addressed the Council on the matter, also did Mr. Rhomberg. Ald. Frith moved that the matter be referred to the Committee of the Whole and they to view the grounds. Carried, REPORTS OF STANDING COM- MITTEES. Ald. Corrance, chairman of the Com- mittee on Claims, reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The undersigned. City Attorney, Assistant City Attorney and Committee on Claims, respectfully re- port your Honorable Body that there are now pending against the City of Dubuque two cases entitled Kathryne Sheridan vs. The City of Dubuque and Wm. Sheridan vs. The City of Du- buque. The case of Kathryne Sher- idan was already tried in the District Court of this County at three different times, two of said trials resulting in a verdict against the City and in favor of Mrs. Sheridan in the sum of $3,000.00. At the last trial of said case, which was had at the December term, 1903, judg- ment was rendered against the City in the sum of $3,000.00 and appeal from which judgment was taken to the Su- preme Court, where this case is now pending and will probably be disposed of some time during the next term. The judgment in this case now amounts to about $3,180.00 and in ad- dition thereto the court costs amount- ing to $269.65. That the case of Wm. Sheridan is pending in the District Court of this County and is an action for the recovery of the sum of $5,000.00 for surgical and medical treatment of his wife and because plaintiff was de- prived of the loss df his wife's services and attentions and her normal com- panionship, and because she had been wholly unable to discharge her duties as wife and will continue to do so per- manently. We have examined into the law and the facts of these cases and deem it advisable for the best interests of the City to make settlement thereof, and have in accordance with out views proposed to and received from the plaintiffs an offer and compromise for settlement whereby both cases can be settled for $3,000.00 and costs, as fol- lows: The case in which judgment of $3,000.00 has already been rendered, for the sum of $2,500.00 and costs, and the case of Wm. Sheridan vs. the City for the sum of $500.00 and costs. By making such a settlement both Oto? 264 Regular Session Nov. 17, 1904, of these cases would be disposed of and settled for the amount of the judg- ment rendered in the one case, less the interest. The costs in the District Court of Dubuque County, Iowa, not including the costs in the Supreme Court, amount to the sum of $269.55. Deeming it advisable to have these cases settled on the above basis, we would therefore recommend that war- rants be drawn in favor of the Mayor for the sum of $3,000.00 and the sum of $269.65 for the court costs. Respectfully submitted, J. W. Kintzinger, City Attorney. J. C. Longueville, Assistant City Attorney. H. Corrance, J. H. Needham, M. Clancy, Committee on Claims. Ald. Corrance moved to adopt the report. Carried. Ald. Frith, chairman of the Street • committee. reported as follows: Your Committee on Streets, to whom was referred the bill of the Un- ion Electric Co. for $20.03 for labor and material used in changing lines at Bee Branch sewer, would recommend that a warrant in said amount be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer in settle- ment of the claim. —E. E. Frith, Chairman. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Ald. Clancy, chairman of the Com- mittee on Harbors, reported as fol- lows: Your Committee on Harbors, to whom was referred the matter of let- ting the privilege of conducting a skating rink in the ice harbor during the season of 1904-5, would respectfully report that the following bids were re- ceived: J. Keckevoet $75.15 Ed. Keas 75.00 Mrs. Ernest Bohn 35.0o J. Keckevoet having offered the highest amount for said privilege, we would recommend that the same be granted him. —Matt. Clancy, Chairman. Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Ald. Needham. chairman of the Po- lice and Light Committee, reported as follows: Your Committee on Police and Light begs to report that a number of the policemen are in need of over- coats. and we would recommend that the matter of their purchase be left to this committee with power, and that the City follow its usual custom of con- tributing $io.00 towards defraying the cost of each coat. —J. Needham, Chairman. Ald. Needham moved to adopt the report. Carried. Ald. Lyons, chairman of the commit- tee on sewers, reported .in favor of paying the following bill: M. O'Meara, to service as in- spector on Booth Street sewer for the first half of November.$2o 00 On motion the hill was ordered paid and a warrant ordered drawn for above amount. Ald. Jones. chairman of the Board of Equalization, reported as follows: Your Board of Equalization, to whom was referred the petition of A. J. Smith, asking that his taxes be can- celed for a term of three or five years, would recommend that said petition be received and filed. Also your Board of Equalization, to whom was referred the petition of Clara A. Manson. asking that the as- sessment against the Manson Tea Coni- pany be reduced to $600.00 and that the taxes for the year 1903 be levied on that amount, would recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the Treasurer be instructed accot dingly. Also your Board of Equalization, to whom was referred the petition of D. J. Lenihan, Administrator of the es- tate of M. V. Hennessy, stating that said estate had been assessed on $23,- 800.0o for the year 1903, whereas it should not have been assessed in ex- cess of $17,820.00, because the differ- ence between said amounts had been paid out during the year 1902 in settle- ment of claims filed against said es- tate, would recommend that the pray- er of the petitioner be granted and that the Treasurer be instructed accord- ingly. —Rudolph Jones, Chairman. Ald. Jones moved to adopt the var- ious reports of the Board of Equaliza- tion. Carried. Ald. Clancy, chairman of the Com- mittee of the Whole, moved that a warrant be ordered drawn in favor of the Iowa State Atlas Company to the amount of $100.00 as per agreement with said company. Carried. Ald. Corrance, chairman of the Special Committee to Audit the Water Trustees' Report, reported as follows: Your Special Committee, appointed to audit the statement of the Water Works Trustees for the quarter end- ing September 30, 1904, would respect- fully report that we have examined the vouchers on file in the office of said Trustees and find the same to corres- pond with the statement submitted. We also find that the receipts for the Regular Session Nov. 17, 1904. 265 quarter were $10,939.29, while the ex- penditures during the same period were $11,954.37 and that the balance in hands of the City Treasurer was $425.36. We would recommend that the statement be received and filed. Corrance, Chairman. Ald. Corrance moved to adopt the report. Carried. Ald. Corrance stated that West Fourteenth Street, between Spring Street and Glenn Oak Avenue, was in bad condition and ought to be re- paired. On motion the matter was referred to the Street Committee and City En- gineer with power. Ald. Jones moved that the matter of supplying the Delhi Street Engine House with storm sash be referred to the Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings. Carried. Ald. Needham moved that the City Engineer be instructed to advertise for bids constructing new brick side- walk abutting the property of R. W. Kemler Est. on Julien Avenue. Car- ried. Ald. Clancy moved to adjourn until December 1st. 1404. Carried. —C. F. Arendt. City Recorder. Approved./. fir'' / 190. .Mayor. • 286 List of Warrants. LIST OF CITY WARRANTS. City Recorder's Office, Dubuque, Ia., November 1st, 1904. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The following is a com- plete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of October, 1904: C. H. Berg, salary, Mayor $116 65 H. Brinkman, salary, Treasurer 133 30 J. A. McKinlay, salary, Deputy Treasurer 100 00 Jno. Krayer, clerk, Treasurer's office 6o 0o Chas F. Arendt, salary, Re- corder I16 70 Win. A. Kaep, salary. Deputy Recorder F. B. Hoffman. salary. Auditor. C. B. Scherr. salary. Assessor . A. Doerr, Jr.. salary, Assistant Assessor 100 00 J. 1. Murphy. salary. Assistant Assessor too 00 J. W. Kintzinger, salary. Attor- ney 150 00 J. C. Longueville, salary, As- sistant Attorney 75 00 Gertrude Barker. Attorney's Stenographer 20 00 Thos. Reilly, salary, Chief of Police Too 00 Jos. Reinfried, salary. Fire Chief Too 00 J. W. Lawlor, salary. Commit- tee Clerk .. Too 00 Jas. Boyce. salary, City Engi- neer 166 65 E. Anderson, salary, Assistant Engineer Too 00 G. White, salary, Rodman 50 00 G. N. Raymond. salary. Super- intendent of Street Sprinkling 6o co E. Herron, clerk in Auditor and Engineer's office 75 00 \\T111 Hinman, salary, Electric- ian 83 35 F. P. Hayes, salary, Marketmas- ter 50 00 T. Cahill. salary. Park Custodian 40 00 H. H enge. salary. Park Custo- dian T. Faherty. salary, Park Custo- dian Dr. B. F. Michel. salary. Health Officer F. Flynn. salary, Sanitary Pa- trolman C. Baumann. salary, Poundmas- ter Mrs. H. Koenig, salaryJani- tress I. Conigisky, salary. Sidewalk Inspector C. W. Katz, salary, Wharfmas- ter M. Clancy. salary. Alderman H. Corrance. salary, Alderman E. E. Frith, salary, Alderman R. Jones. salary, Alderman M. E. Lyons. salary, Alderman Tos. Needham, salary, Alderman J. A. Stumpf, salary, Alderman 8o oo IT6 70 125 00 40 00 IO 00 50 00 60 00 40 00 20 00 50 00 20 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 M. Eitel, fireman $ 65 00 J. Essman, fireman 75 00 A. Duccini, fireman 60 oo J. Flynn, fireman 65 00 J. Roshin. fireman 60 00 J. Tschudi, fireman 50 00 A. Schonberger 50 00 A. Neer. fireman 50 00 J. Daley, fireman 65 00 J. Barnes, fireman 75 00 T. Ryder, fireman 6o 00 G. Beyer. fireman 65 oo W. Ducey, fireman 60 00 F. Murphy, fireman 50 00 M. Kelley, fireman 50 00 W. McClain. fireman 50 00 D. Ahern, fireman 65 00 J. Murphy. fireman 50 00 A. McDonald, fireman 67 50 T. Flynn. fireman 65 00 H. Cain, fireman 50 00 M. Sweeney, fireman 50 00 j.. Benzer, fireman 50 00 J. McGloughlin. fireman 50 00 P. Fury, fireman 50 00 W. Kannolt, fireman ... 50 00 G. Gehrki, fireman 65 00 T. Kennedy, fireman 6o 00 F. Baumgartner, fireman 50 00 J. Smith, fireman 50 00 C. Kannolt. fireman 65 00 T. Allen, fireman .. 6o 00 M. Fahey, fireman 5o 00 W. O'Connell. fireman 50 00 R. Weston. fireman 65 00 F. Kenneally. fireman 60 oo E. McDermott, fireman 50 00 P. Ahern, fireman 50 00 J. H. Barry, police 50 00 G. Burkel, police 46 70 J. Carter. police 65 00 J. Clune. police 50 00 Jno. Cody. police 50 00 W. Cook, police 60 00 W. Corcoran, police 50 00 J. P. Cummings, police50 oc H. Donlon, police 50 00 J. Fitzpatrick, police 50 00 Jas. Flynn. police 50 00 Jno. Fox, police 50 00 Wm. Frith, police 50 00 T. Ganahl, police 50 00 L. Grasse], police 50 00 B. Gray, police 50 OC Pat Hanlon, police 50 OC M. Kilty. police 50 00 Jno. Loetscher, police 50 00 P. McCollins, police 50 00 P. McInerney, police 50 00 D. Norton. police 50 00 M. O'Connor, police 62 00 Jno. Murphy. police 50 00 Jno. Raesli, police 65 00 Otto Rath, police 5o 00 J. Rooney, police 50 00 Jas. Ryan, police 65 oc M. Ryan, police 50 00 P. Scharff, police 50 00 Al. Scherr. police 60 00 F. Spielman. police 51 65 M. Stapleton. police 50 oc J. Stoltz. police 50 00 List of Warrants. P. Sullivan, police 5o 00 J. L. Sullivan, police 37 65 P. Sutton, police 50 oo T. Sweeney, police 65 00 L. Zeidman, police 46 00 B. Brennan, matron 30 oc K. Hibbe, matron 30 00 Labor on streets in the several Dis- tricts for the last half of September, I004 : Al. 'Alderson, 3rd. 6 Io los. Brouillette, 1st ... 5 50 John Burns. 1st 4 05 Paul Becker, 3rd 18 D. J. Brightbill, 3rd . 6 Ed. Prunskill, 3rd 3 Jos. Brown, 1st, $7.90; 2nd, $ro.Io; 3rd, $4.50 22 50 W. Coughlan, Ist 20 00 Jas. Callaghan. 1st 20 00 John Corbett. and 2 70 H. Cobb. 3rd 135 Jas. Connolly, 1St 17 55 John Dougherty. 1st 2 05 M. Donegan, 1st Thos. Donahue, 2nd, $11.70; 3rd, $.5.8; 17 55 Mike Farrell. 1st 6 75 Dan Fox. 1st 135 Frank Frick, 1st 2 70 John Flynn. .3rd IO So Harry Fleck, 1st. $26.25; 2nd. $33.75; 3rd. $15.00 75 00 Nelson Frith, 1st, $17.50; znd, $22.:30; 3rd. $10.00 50 00 Pat Grue. 1st 6 75 Barney Glass. 1st 7 95 Pat Gilloon. 1st 6 75 Tos. Gavin. 1st 20 00 P. Guenther, 2nd 2 05 Tos. Guenther, 2nd 3 40 C. Gantenbein, 2nd 20 00 Chas. Gruenzig. 3rd4 05 Peter Jacobs, 211(1 z 70 John Kelly, 1st (Cleveland Ave) 135 T. Kinsella. 1st 150 John Kness, 1st, $5.25; 2nd, $8.80; 3rd, $3.30 Matt Loes, 2nd Mike Lavin. list. $5.25; 2nd. $8.80; 3rd, $3.50 17 55 Mike Maher, 1st 15 Alex. Miller. 1st 75 J. Martinek, 3rd 40 Pat McMullen, 1st 75 James McLeese. 1st 45 John McNulty, 1st, $7.00; 2nd. $9.00; 3rd, $4.00 James McCormick. 1st, $5.25; 2nd. $8.8o; 3rd, $3.50 James Powers, rst John Parker, 3rd W. Quinlan, 1st, $5.25; znd, .8o; 3rd, $3.50 Phil Reddin, 1st James Ryan, 1st Jos. Rooney, 1st, $7.90; $IO.Io; 3rd, $4,.5o John Spear, 1st Frank Scherr. 2nd Nick Sweeney. 1st, $5.25; 2nd, $8.80; 3rd, $3.50 90 75 75 3 90 17 55 2 70 2nd. 9 6 5 6 9 20 00 17 8 18 IC 9r1 17 5, 8 IO 16 90 22 50 9 55 20 00 17 55 267 John Welsh, 1st 70 N. Wampach, 2nd 135 W. Wearmouth, 3rd 20 00 Frank Burns, 2nd 27 60 TEAMS. F. G. Becker. 1st, $2.00; 2nd, $1o.1o; 3rd, $16.30 28 40 Jos. Calvert, 1st 30 6c A. Conrad. 2nd 23 40 T. B. Cain, 1st, $5.00; 3rd $15.00 20 00 Mike Hannan, 1st, $10.15; 2nd, $18.85 29 oc Peter Horch, 2nd 3 6c John Huffmire, 1st, $10.95; 2nd, $18.30; 3rd, $7.35 36 6o John Linehan, 1st 24 00 John Long. 2nd 22 8c J. J. McCollins, 1st, $32.40; 2nd $2.20 34 60 Jeff McGrath. 3rd 50 4c George Reynolds, 1st, $11.05; 2nd, $18.45; 3rd, $7.35 36 85 Ed. Seeley, 1st 29 50 Jerry Sullivan. 2nd, $11.85; 3rd, $23.75 James Tobin, 3rd 16 20 Labor on Bluff Street Extension during the last half of September, 1904; Tom Burke 22 50 Peter Carney 24 30 John Doyle Tames Doyle 24 30 Ed. Daley 24 30 D. Frommelt 45 50 Phil Melloy 4 50 Tames McCarron 18 00 W. O'Brien 25 00 Ed. O'Hearn 24 30 John Summerly . 6 75 W. Sheehan .. 24 30 Walter Bradley, team 10 80 John Linehan 3 6o D. O'Meara 37 80 Labor on Sewers during the last half of September, 1904: P. Casserly $ 12 8o T. Corcoran 20 So T. Hagerty 25 00 T. Jellison 20 So T. Kiang . 20 8o P. Kenneally 20 8o C. Sullivan 20 So L. Taylor 14 40 L. Zemanek 20 8o Labor on Special Sewers during the last half of September, 1904: John Flynn Jos. Grab P. Guenther Jos. Guenther J. Haupert J. Hanson A. Conrad, team John Long M. Zogg F. Buddien Jno. Bohn C. H. Berg, Mayor. city's share entertaining Mississippi River Commission 407 85 L. Daily, cleaning around Mar - 35 60 360 2 6 2 24 II 3 I I 05 IC 05 35 75 25 6c 8c: 8o 70 70 an f 268 List of Warrants. ket Square for August and September $ 28 00 F. P. Hayes, board of prisoners for September 7 20 T. E. Frith, removing garbage and dead animals for Septem- ber 389 48 M. O'Meara, inspector on Booth Street sewer 23 Io Iowa Telephone Co., telephone rent for various departments 35 52 Dubuque Telephone Co., tele- phone rent for various depart- ments A. R. Staufenbeil, repairing clocks at City Hall G. B. Grosvenor Co., toilet pa- per at City Hall Mrs. T. Hagerty, repairing flag at City Hall J. Beach & Son, soap at City Hall 3 00 Key City Gas Co., gas for var- ious departments 78 8o C. L. McGovern, recording plats and deeds 5 25 W. W. Whelan. repairing and grinding lawn mowers for parks 3 50 D. Zogg, carpenter repairs at patrol house 14 40 A. \Vohlert, carpenter repairs at Deckert's scales 2 00 F. Zehetner, I iron grate at City Hall 5 65 Standard Lumber Co.. lumber at First Ward and West Du- buque scales 29 95 A. Doerr, Sr., hauling at Jack- son Park 2 50 N. Jacquinot, plumbing at Jack- son Park 5 30 Ballard Steam Heating Co., re- pairing fountain on Fifth and Main . 8 00 Ballard Steam Heating Co, plumbing at City Hall 4 20 Harkett's Floral Nursery. flow- ers for Ald. P. H. McLaugh- lin's decd funeral 10 00 Key City Roofing Co.. sewer pipe and cement for Road and Special Sewer Departments6 10 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Road and Sprinkling Depart- ment 9 15 G. Bock, repairs for Road De- partment 7 55 A. A. Brown, repairs for Road Department I o0 P. J. Seippel & Co., lumber for Road and Sidewalk Depart- ment 15 95 T. J. Mulgrew, cement for Road and Special Sewer Depart- ments 9 00 Ellwanger Bros., supplies and repairs for Road and Fire De- partments 23 90 Hussman & Lies, new tools and hardware for Road Depart- ments I0 75 G. F. Kleih, new tools for Road 6 00 I 25 6 75 I 00 and Sewer Departments 3 90 W. B. Baumgartner, new tools for Road Department 4 85 G. W. Healey & Son, new tools for Road Department 4 00 W. Bentin, sand for Road De- partment ' 2 00 Williams & Linehan, sand for Road Department 6o 90 McElrath Teaming Co., sand for Road Department 8 00 McElrath Teaming Co., sand for Road Department 3 00 Clancy Teaming Co., sand for Road Department 3 00 Palmer, Berg & Co., blank sta- tionery for Road and Board of Health Departments 18 25 Standard Oil Co., oil for Road Department 6 25 T. Byrne. rock for Road De- partment 39 80 P. Pier, coal for Steam Roller6 30 G. Ragatz & Son, repairs for Steam Roller 9 50 Smedley Steam Pump Co., re- pairs for Steam Roller 7 90 J. Beach & Son, I barrel soda for Steam Roller 5 Io W. D. Deckert Co., supplies for Steam Roller 3 35 Lagen & Sloan, horse shoeing for Fire Department.... 18 25 Vollenweider & Hein, horse shoeing for Fire Department 5 50 Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse shoeing for Fire Department 8 oo Gus Lear, horse shoeing for Fire Department 3 70 Collings & Pfiffner, horse shoe- ing for Fire Department 19 00 P. Seippel Lumber Co., lumber for Fire and Special Sidewalk Departments 58 65 Standard Lumber Co., lumber and shavings for Fire De- partment 5 70 Ott. Meuser & Co., shavings for Fire Department 5 25 T. Connolly Est.. cushions for Fire Department to 00 American La -France Fire En- gine Co., supplies for Fire Department 8 00 T. F. Kane, hay and oats for Fire Department and Patrol House 767 6o Linehan & Molo, white waste for Fire Department I0 75 McDermott & Gow, plumbing at Eighteenth Street Engine House 18 oo McClain Bros., bran for Fire Department 3 55 P. Pier, coal for Fire Depart- ment 9 8o Dubuque Oil Tank Line, oil for Fire Department 8 10 J. Butt, repairs for Fire De- partment 4 75 Mettel Bros., bran for Fire De- partment I o0 Key City Gas Co., coke for Fire List of Warrants. Department Key City Gas Co.. rental of gar arcs for Fire Department I o0 J. Mullen, harness dressing at Patrol House J. Huffmeier, hauling at Patrol House Saunders Meat Co., meat for Matron Department 4 10 Eichhorn & Bechtel. groceries and supplies for Matron De- partment 6 85 Fitts, Thompson Foundry Co, manhole cover and ring for Sewer Department 8 50 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Sewer Department A. A. Brown, repairs for Sewer Department 1 50 Hussman & Lies, new tools for Sewer Department .. 2 55 Jacquinot & Mullen. repairs for Sewer Department 4 20 Globe -Journal, official printing for August 40 00 Globe -journal, official printing for September 72 6o Telegraph -Herald, official print- ing for August 40 00 Nati nal Demokrat, official printing for September 25 00 Smith -Morgan Printing Co, monthly proceedings for Sep- tember 15 05 Union Electric Co., arc lights for September 2061 95 G. F. Kleih, tacks for Board of Health 25 J. W, Schlueter, oil for Bee Branch Sewer Department70 Tibey Bros., final estimate con- structing Bee Branch Storm Sewer in Sanford and Wash- ington Streets 1046 20 Standard Lumber Co., lumber for Special Sidewalk Depart- ment 184 75 Tibey Bros., material furnished on Sanford Street 85 70 T. Byrne, dimension stone on Sanford Street 13 50 Jas. Noonan. estimate con- structing Storm Water Sewer in Fifteen Street 164 53 Jas. Noonan, final estimate con- structing Storm \Vater Sewer in Walnut Street 264 03 Brown & Brown. final estimate constructing Storm Water Sewer in Sanford Street from Couler Avenue to Bee Branch Sewer 427 17 Brown & Brown, extra digging on Sanford Street Sewer 69 52 Brown & Brown, removing double crossing on Jackson and Sanford Streets Brown & Brown, to material and extra work taking up and relaying pipe on Sanford and Jackson Streets J. Duggan, repairing tools, etc, for Mt. Carmel Extension20 35 19 55 75 I 50 55 I0 20 00 50 269 Linehan :: Molo, 40 feet of rope for lit. Carmel Extension, 150 Jas. Noonan, final estimate con- structing Sanitary Sewer in Dodge Street, from South Bluff Street to Grandview Avenue too 00 Brown & Brown, estimate con- structing Sanitary Sewer in Grandview Avenue from Dodge to North Street 438 22 M. Tschirgi, Jr., final estimate constructing Sanitary Sewer in White Street from Sanford Street to Eagle Point Avenue 63 II M. Tschirgi, Jr., final estimate constructing storm water tile pipe sewer in Washington Street from Eighteenth to Nineteenth Streets 86 22 H. Brinkman, excavation per- mits redeemed $ 95 00 H. Brinkman, interest paid on warrants outstanding . 1028 37 H. Brinkman, express charges. Fire i 2C H. Brinkman, telegrams, New York t to H. Brinkman, express charges6o H. Brinkman, New York ex- change 6; H. Brinkman, postage to 00 H. Brinkman, printing improve- ment bonds Co 00 $119692 H. Brinkman, library orders paid 442 06 H. Brinkman, Loans ...$20.000 oc Labor on Streets in the different Road Districts during the first half of October, 190:4. A. Alderson, 3'rd $ 8 to Jos. Brouillette, 1st, $6.75; 3rd, $2.70 9 45 John Burns. 3rd 4 65 Paul Becker. 3rd 17 55 D. J. Brightbill. 3rd 14 20 Jos. Brown. t st, $7.90; 2nd, 10.10; 3rd. $4.50 22 50 W. Coughlan, 1st 20 OC John Corbett, 2nd 5 40 Jos. Connolly, 1st 17 55 Jas. Callahan, Ist 20 00 John Dougherty. 1st 6 75 M. Donegan, 1st 8 Io T. Donahue. 2nd, $11.70; 3rd, $5.85 Dan Fox, 1st Frank Frick, 2nd John Flynn, 3rd Barney Glass, 1st, $8.10; 3rd, $4.05 12 15 Pat Gilloon, 1st, $6.00; 3rd $4.05 10 05 Jos. Grab, 2nd 14 55 Jos. Guenther, 2nd 5 4c Peter Guenther, 2nd 6 75 C Gantenbein, 2nd 20 OL Jos. Geasland, 3rd 15c C. Gruenzig, 3rd 4 05 Geo. Hecklinger, 2nd 5 40 J. Hansen, 3rd II 25 17 6 8 7 55 75 IC 45 270 List of Warrants Peter Jacobs, 2nd 5 10 Nic Kettenhofen, 2nd 5 10 John Kness, 1st, $5.25; znd, $8.80; 3rd, $3.50 17 55 Matt. Loes, 2nd 5 4(. Mike Lavin, 1st, $5.25; 2nd, $8.80; 3rd, $3.50 17 55 Mike Maher, 1st 4 75 A. W. Miller, 1st, $1.95; 3rd, $6.75 8 70 J. Martinek, 3rd 9 45 Jas. McCarron, 1st 8 to Pat McMullen, 1st 9 45 John McGee, 1st 135 W. McDermott, 1st 2 70 Jas. McCormack, 1st. $5.25: 2nd, $8.8o; 3rd, $3.50 17 55 Jas. McLeese, 1st, $8.70; 3rd. $6.75 15 45 James Purcell. 3rd 10 8o John Parker, 3rd 17 55 W. Quinlan. 1st. $5.25; 2nd, $8.8a; 3rd, $3.50 17 55 Phil Reddin. 3rd 4 05 C. Reinfrank. 2nd 5 40 Jos. Rooney. 1st. $7.90; 2nd $10.10; 3rd, $4.50 22 50 John Spear, Ist, $12.00; 3rd, $8.00 20 00 John Sloan, 2nd 5 40 Frank Scherr. 2nd 20 00 John Schammel, 2nd 6 75 Louis Smith, 3rd I 35 Sam Sterling. 3rd 2 40 Nick Sweeney, 1st, $5.25; 2nd, $8.8o; 3rd, $3.50 17 55 John Welsh, 3rd (Caledonia P1) 2 70 W. Wearmouth. 3rd 20 00 Adam Zingel, 3rd II 5e Walter Bradley. 1st 14 40 Albert Bradley, 1st 180 Frank Burns, 2nd II 20 J. Berwanger, 2nd 23 40 F. G. Becker. 1st, 35c: 2nd. $1.70: 3rd, $2.75 4 8o Josh Calvert, 1st. $23.20; 3rd, $1.20 24 40 John Calvert, 3rd 16 00 James Costello, 3rd 18 00 A. Conrad, 2nd 2 00 Mike Hannan. 1st, $23.20; 3rd, $10.80 34 00 J. Haudenshield, 2nd 21 6o John Huffrnire. 1st. $6.75; znd, $11.30; 3rd, $4.50 22 55 John Linehan. 1st 6 8o John Long. 2nd 2 00 Labor on Streets for first half of October. 1904: Jeff McGrath, 3rd $ 28 80 J. J. McCollin% 1st, $5.40; 2nd, 6oc 6 oo Geo. Raschid. 1st 1 8o Geo. Reynolds, 1st, $11.05; 2nd, $18.45; 3rd, $7.35 36 85 Ed. Seeley, 1st 45 00 James Tobin, 3rd 14 40 Jerry Sullivan, 2nd, $2.00; 3rd, $29.20 31 20 M. Zogg, 2nd 14 40 Labor on Bluff Street Extension during the first half of October, 1904: Tom Burke $ 20 70 Peter Carney 2 .70 Ed. Daley 21 6o James Doyle 21 60 John Doyle .... 19 8o D. Frommelt 42 00 Ed. O'Hearn 12 60 W. O'Brien 25 00 John Reynolds 17 to W. Sheehan 20 70 John Summerly 1 80 John Linehan 7 2C D. O'Meara 3 60 W. Woods 28 80 Labor on Sewers during the first half of October, 1904: H. Cosgrove $ 9 25 P. Casserly . 20 8c J. Corcoran 20 8o T. Hagerty, foreman 25 00 J. Jellison 20 8o J. Klang 20 8o P. Kenneally 20 8o C. Sullivan 20 8o L. Taylor 20 00 L. Zemanek .. • . 20 8c Labor on Special Sewers during the first half of October, 1904: Jos. Guenther $ 135 Jos. Grab 135 J. Hansen 16 90 J. Haupert 115 Peter Jacobs 2 70 Nic. Kettenhofen 2 70 N. Wampach 135 Peter Horch 3 60 Macadam List, September, 1904: Cain, Mich.. ....$ 6 80 Defontain. Peter 4 30 Furey, Pat 20 15 R. Graham, witness fees, case of Florence Farrell vs. City133 M. O'Meara, inspector Booth Street Sanitary Sewer for first half of October 20 00 H. Butt, damages to property3 00 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list of all warrants issued by me during the month of October. 1904. —C. F. Arendt, City Recorder. Official Notices. 271 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. • AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE FOR THE VACATION OF THE ALLEY BETWEEN ELM STREET AND PINE STREET, FROM EIGHTEENTH STREET TO NINE- TEENTH STREET, IN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. Whereas, the Dubuque Altar Manafacturing Co. are operating a large and extensive Altar Factory on, and are the owners of all the property in the block on both sides of the alley between Elm Street aad Pine Street, from Eigh- teenth Street to Nineteenth Street in the City of Luhnqur. Iowa, and Whereas, It has been deemed expedient by the City Council to vacate said alley to said Dubuque Altar Manufacturing Co., as long as said premises are used for manufacturing purpcses, but reserving the right to lay all necessary sewers therein; Tterefore. the City Council hereby va- cates and annuls that portion of the al - h y between Elm and Pine Streets, from Eighteenth to Nineteenth Streets, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and the said Du- buque Altar Manufacturing Co., their suc- cessors or assigns, are hereby permitted and authorized to use said alley for the erection, maintenance and operation of factory buildings; provided, that if at any time the said Dubuque Altar Manufactur- ing Co., its successors or assigns, should cease to use the premises above vacated for manufacturing purposes, then the said alley so vacated shall revert back to the City of Dubuque, and this Ordinance shall be null and void; provided. :nrther, that the City of Dubuque hereby reserves aril retains the right to lay any and all sewers or drains which it deems neces- sary in said alley. Secion 2. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage and publication one time in the Dubuque Daily globe -Journal, the officio l paper of the city. Adepted Oct. 20th, 1904. Approved Oct. 2ith, 1904. C. H. BERG, Mayor. Attest: C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Daily Globe -Journal, Nov. 2nd, 1904. C. F. ARENDT, 11-2-1t City Recorder. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. AN ORDINANCE, AN ORDINANCE FOR THE VACATION OF PART OF CHARTER STREET, FROM THE WEST LINE OF THE LEVEE TO THE EAST LINE OF WATER STREET, AND FROM THE WEST LINE OF WATER STREET TO THE EAST LINE OF LOT 1, BLOCK 16, AND LOT 1, BLOCK 18, OF THE DUBUQUE HARBOR COMPANY'S ADDITION, 1N THE CITY OF DU- BUQUE, IOWA. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. Whereas, Thos. J. Mulgrew is the owner of all of the property on both sides of Charter Street from the west line of the Levee to the east lines of Lot 1 of 15 and Lot 1 of 18 of the Du- buque Harbor Company's Addition of the City of Dubuque, Ia., and has ice houses on said property and desires to construct another ice house on the property now or - cupied by. Charter Street. adjoining the same; and Whereas, The firm of Mulgrew & Phil- lips, of which said Thos. J. Mulgrew Is the successor, has filled said Charter street, and Whereas, It is deemed expedient by the City Council to vacate (. l arter Street from the west line of the Levee to the east line of Water Street, and from the west line of Water Street to the east lines of Let 1, Block 15, and Lot 1, Block 18, of. • the Dubuque Harbor Company's Addition. Therefore, the City Council hereby va- cates and annuls the portion of Charter Street from the west line of the Levee to the east line of Water Street, and from the west line of Water Street to the east lines of Lot 1, Block 15, and Lot 1, Block 18 of Dubuque Harbor Company's Addi- tion, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and the said Thos. J. Mulgrew, his successors or assigns, is hereby permitted and auth- orized to use said Street for the erectioa and maintenance of ice houses and other buildings in connection with said ice houses; provided, that if at any time the said Thos. J. Mulgrew, his successors or assigns, should cease to use the prem- ises above vacated for ice house purposes. then said Street so vacated shall revert back to the City of Dubuque and this Or- dinance shall be null and void; provided further, that the City of Dubuque hereby reserves and retains the right to lay any and all sewers or drains which it deems necessary in said Street. Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage and publication in the Dubuque Daily Globe -Journal, the official paper of the city. Adopted Oct. 20th, 1904. Approved Oct. 25th, 1904. C H. BERG, Mayor. Attest: C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Daily Globe -Journal Nov. 2nd, 1904. C. F. ARENDT, 11-2-1t City Recorder. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR TEE PROTECTION OF FIRE HY- DRANTS IN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: Section 1. No person shall, without the rermission of the City of Dubuque, or Water Works Trustees of said City, ex- cept in time of lire, draw off or cause the water to be removed from any public or private fire Hydrant, or private fire pro- tection opening, or open any valve on such fire Hydrants or fire protection opening, or remove the cover of any fire Hydrant or stop gate box. Sec. 2. No person or persons shall be allowed to back up any horse, horses or vehicle of any kind, or to hitch to or leave the same standing within five (5) feet of any tare Hydrant, or to place any goods, materials or other obstructions within five (5) feet of any fire Hydrant, of to in any manner whatsoever impede the free access to, or the immediate connec- tion with any fire Hydrant by the Fire Department. Sec. 3. Any person violating the pro- visions of this ordinance shall be subject to a fine of not less than Five nor more than Fifty Dollars, or to be imprisoned i 272 Official Notices. not exceeding thirty days, until such fine and costs are paid. Sec. 4. This crdmance shall be in force and take effect from and after its pas- sage and publication one time in the Du- buque Daily Globe -Journal, official paper of the City of Dubuque. Adopted Oct. 20th, 1904. Approved Oct. 26th, 1904. C. H. BERG, Mayor. Attest: C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Daily Globe -Journal, Nov. 2nd, 1904. C. F. ARENDT, 11-2-1t City Recorder. NOTICE TO STONE MASONS. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Recorder up to 7:30 o'clock p. m. November 3rd, 1904, for the Construction and completion of the foun- dation for the new Engine House to be built for the City of Dubuque, Iowa, to be located on the corner of Reed and Rhomberg avenues, according to the plans and specifications as furnished by Thomas T. Carkeek, and now on file 'n the office of the City Recorder. All bids must be accompanied by a cer- tified check for $50.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. C. F. ARENDT, NOTICE TO SIDEWALK CONTRAC- TORS. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 10 o'clock a. m. of Friday, November 25th, for constructing a six- foot brisk sidewalk (where not already laid) in froLt of lots one (1) and two (2) of the subdivision of lot 19 of City lot 703. Brick to be hard burnt, equal to No. 2 Galcsburg brick. \Valk to be constructed according to specifications on file in my office. JAMES H. BOYCE, Nov. 18-5t City Engineer. Notice to Wood Dealers, Farm- ers and Others Selling Wood For Fuel. You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance with the provisions of the or- dinance regulating the sale of wood for fuel in the City of Dubuque, all cord wood delivered to any consumer of said city, either sawed or unsawed, must first be inspected and measured by the inspector of wood and a cer- tificate of the quantity thereof ob- tained from him. The following places are hereby des- ignated by the inspector of wood, at which either said inspector or a deputy appointed by him will be in attendance at all reasonable times for the pur- pose of measuring all wood brought to such places for that purpose: Third and Iowa Streets. Seventh and White Streets. Woodmarket, Fourteenth and Elm Streets. —Charles W. Katz, gj 10-29 3t Inspector of Wood. NOTICE. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 4 o'clock p. m. Nov. 11th, 1904, for the privilege of conducting . Skating Rink on the Ice Harbor, during the season of 1904 to 1905. The city reserves the right to reject my and all bids. Dated Nov. 8th, 1504. C. F. ARENDT, 11-8-3t City Recorder. NOTICE TO PLUMBERS. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Recorder up to 7:30 o'clock p. m. Nov. 17th, 1904, for the plumbing in the new Fire Engine House, to be located on the corner of Reed and Rhomberg Avenues, according to the plans and specifications now on file in the office of the City Recorder. All bids must be accompanied by a cer- tified check for $50.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated November 9111, 1904. C. F. ARENDT, 11-9-3t City Recorder. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Recorder up to 7:30 o clock p. m. Nov ember 17th, 1904, for the ci nstruction and completion of a two- story brick Engine House, to be built for the City of Dubuque, Iowa, to he located on the corner of Reed and Rhomberg Avenues, according to the plans and spec- ifications as fu -niched by T. T. Carkeek, and now cn file in the office of the City Recorder All bids must be accompanied by a cer- tified check for $1C0.00 on some Dubuque bark as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids Dated November 9th, 1904. C. F. ARENDT, 11-9-3t City Recorder. NOTICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTENTION TO CONSTRUCT A 10 -INCH TILE PIPE. SANITARY SEWER IN LINCOLN AVENUE, FROM JOHNSON AVENUE TO ANN AVENUE. To Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby noti- fied that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque to con- struct a 10 -inch Tile Pipe Sanitary Sewer in Lincoln Avenue, from Johnson Avenue to Ann Avenue. That a plat and specification of said proposed sewer is now on file in the of - flee of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said sewer will be 2,855 lineal feet in length, including 15 manholes, and will cost the abutting property owners $2,550.00 in total. Any persons having objections to the construction of said sanitary sewer are hereby notified to appear in person be- fore the City Council at its regular ses- sion November 17th, 1904, or to file in writing their objections with the City Re- corder on or before November 17th, 1904. Dated at Dubuque November 9th, 1904. C. F. ARENDT, 11-9-3t City Recorder. Official Notices 273 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. You are hereby notified that in accord- ance with an ordinance of the City of Dubuque for repairing sidewalks in the months of September and October, 1904, To All Who Are Named Below: that a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the regular meeting of the City Council upon all lots and parcels of land on said improvement, owned by you, being subject to such spec- ial assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the council to be held on the 1st day of December, A. D., 1909, and show cause, if any you have, why said :isseesment should not be levied. 1904. Ups nor. Description. Sept. 1—L. Van Buren, Grandview Place. lot 9 $ 125 Sept. 1—Matilda Miller, Grandview Place, let 7 2 ;:5 Sept. 1—J. J. Ott, Randall's Sub., lot Sept. 1—Dubuque Lumber Co.. Sub, Min. Lot 39, lot 41 Sept. 1—Levi, Henderson & Sulli- van, South Ave. Add., lot 11 Sept. 1—Rhomberg & Kringle, Rose Hill Add., lots 2-3 Sept. 1—Rhomberg & Kringle, Rose Hill Add., lots 5-6-7 2 05 Sept. 2—Martin Kunkel, McCraney's 1st Add., lot 74 40 Sept. 3—German Trust & Savings Bank, Dorgan's Sub.. lot 1 45 Sept. 3—John D. Walsh, Porter's Add., Ict 13 Sept. 3—W. G. Cox, lox's Add., lot 59 Sept. 3—A. Haber, Marsh's Add., lot 29 Sept. 3—Dubuque Malting Co, Mare h's Add., lot 31 Sept. 3—\Vm. Mur,tz, Davis Farm Add., lot 146 Sept. 3—P. Hughes, Needham's Sub, lot 1 Sept. 3—C. D. Scott, G. W. Rodgers' Sub., lot 13 Sept. 2—Gi'o. Sal.'t, Sub. 39, Kelly's Sub., lot 1 Sept. 6—Jno. A. Koch Est., City N 91.4 ft., lot 268 Sept. 6—John Olinger, Boulevard Add., lots 9-8-9-15.19 Sept. 6—Chas. Fosselman Est Sub. Min. Lot 467, S. W. 193 ft., lot 1.... Sept. 6—M. D. Coax, E. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 51 Sept. 6—James Levi, Davis Farm Add., lot 238 Sept. 7—F. D. and J. H. Stout, City lot 509 Sept. 8—Jas. Powers, et al, City S 44.6 ft., lot 314 Sept, 8—Ruben Lewis, Sub. City 600, lot 6 Sept. 8—Frank Coates, S. M. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 50 Sept. 9—John J. Keane, Sub. City lot 732 Sept. 9—James Lee, Sub. City 692, S 100 ft. lot 4 Sept. 9—Mary Cavanaugh, Prospect Hill Add., lot 7 Sept. 9—German Bank, Prospect Hill Add., lot 14 Sept. 10—Ellen B. Rice, Union Add, lot 146 Sept. 10—C. H. Eighmey, City lot 570 1 20 Sept. 10—Thos. Kavanaugh Est., F Sub. Min. Lot 22, lot 4 35 Sept. 10—C. D. Sullivan, Sub. 2 of 2 of 3 of City 598, lot 4 Sept. 10—Jno. Powers, et al, City S. 35 35 90 90 95 35 80 40 35 75 65 1 75 15 2 10 40 45 80 80 50 90 50 80 1 06 50 65 95 85 94.6 ft., lot 314 Sept. 10—Jno. J. Keane (Trustee), City lot 698a Sept. 12—John J. Keane, City lot 697 Sept, 12—Catholic Univ. of Washing- ton, et al, A. McDaniels' Sub. lot 821 Sept. 12—Jro. Powers, et al, A. Mc - Daniels' Sub., lot 798 Sept. 12—E. Smith, A. McDaniels' Sub., lot 782 Sept. 12—Harry Waite, Blake's Add, lots 16-17 Sept. 12—Emma Meyer, Sub. 3 of Min. Lot 172, lot 1 Sept. 13—Anna Kurz, Mechanics' Add., lot 157 Sept. 13—Wm. Luther, Sub. 5, A. L. Brown's Sub., lots 1-9 Sept. 13—Rich. Waller Est., Sub. City 721, lot 1 Sept 14—Jno. Macdonald, McNulty's Sub. S. 89 ft. lot Sept. 15—Ellen O'Ha lleron, Finley's Add. lot 19 Sept. 16—German Bank, Prospect Hill Add. lot 14 Sept. 16—John J. Keane (Trustee), City lot 698a Sept 16—John J. Keane, City lot 607, Sept. 16—Adam Weiland, City lot 273 Sept. 17—R. & Edw. Langworthy Est., Glendale Add., lots 223 to 228.. Sept. 17—Martha Zinn, L. 11. Lang - worthy's Add.. lot )4 Sept. 17—Anna Lorenz, E. Lang - worthy's Add., lots 97-48 Sept. 17—St. Peter's Lutheran' Church, Sub. 2 of 2 of 3 of 10, Kniest's Sub., lot 1 Sept. 17—Jno. Miller, et al., Sub. Min. Lot 315, lot 2 Sept. 17—Jos. Zieries, Glendale Add, lot 233 Sept. 17—R. & Edw. Langworthy Est., Glendale Add., lots 223 to 228. Sept. 19—Chas. E. Wales, Prospect Hill Add., lot 29 Sept. 19—H. Wunderlich, Fortune's Sub., lot 15 Sept. 20—Dubuque Lumber Co., Sub. Min. Lot 39, lot 41 Sept. 19—E. G. Redman, Kiene & Blocklinger's Sub., lot 7 Sept. 20—T. J. & Louisa Paisley, Whelan's Sub., lots 4-5-6 Sept. 20—Peterson & Slocum, Grand- view Park, Block 3, lot 7 Sept. 22—C. D. Scott, G. W. Rodgers' Sub.. lot 13.. Sept. 21—Tim Dillon, Grandview Ave. Add., lot S Sept. 21—Paul Trout Est., Blake's Add., lot 18 Sept. 21—Mrs. L. M. Clark, Blake's Add., lot 23 Sept. 21—V. A. Bush, et al, Dorgan's Sub., lot 4 Sept. 22—E. M. Kringle, Sub. 7, Min, Lot 79, lot 6 Sept. 23—Wm. Duggan, Central Add., lot 3 Sept. 23—Archie Frater, Farley's Sub. E. 48 ft. lot 9 Sept. 23—Paul Traut Est., Farley's Sub., lot 35 Sept. 23—A. F. Heeb, Farley's Sub, lot 31 , Sept, 23—Lucy M. Weigel, Grove Ter- race Sub., lot 6 Sept. 23—Mary Dietrich, Davis Farm Add., N. 1,4 lot 274 Sept. 23—F. & C. Fosselman Est., L. 60 50 40 45 65 1 65 60 50 65 1 35 35 85 40 65 55 106 2 50 136 90 1 30 70 40 2 20 55 50 5 95 75 90 56 45 1 05 50 60 1 15 95 35 65 90 40 35 50 • t. a • • ci • 274 _ Official Notices. H. Langworthy's Add., lot 187 Sept. 24—Jno. Eiseneger, Glendale Add., lot 32 Sept. 24—Jac. Marshall Est., Tivoli Add.. N. 1 lot 10 Sept. 29—M. A. Brown, Krayer's Sub., lot 2 Sept. 24—Mary T. Reily, City lot 294 Sept. 24—R. Bonscn Est., Union Add, lot 15 Sept. 24—Pat Neary, Cooper's Sub, lot C Sept. 24—Mercy Hospital, Sub. Min. Lot 66, lot 2 Sept. 24—Pat Roddy Est., Union Add., lot 7 Sept. 26—Chicago G. W. R'y. Co, Sanford's Sub., lot 60 Sept. a6—Johanna Huber, East Du- buque Add., lot 87 Sept. 26—Mrs. J. B. Buehler. Sub. 1 of Min. Lot 314, lot 3 Sept. 26 -Francisca Wagner. Subs. 87-88. L. H. Langworthy's Add., lot Sept. 26—Mary Wilde, Sub. 1 of 2 of 7 of Min. Lot 45, lot 2 Sept. 26—J, L. Meyer, Subs. 76 and 77, 17nlon. Add., lot 2 Sept. 24—Ellen B. Rice, Union Add, lot 146 Sept 26 -John Byrne, Bonson & Stewart's Sub.. lot 24 Sept. 27—Kiene & Altman, Sub. 2, Klene & Altman's Sub., lot 1 Sept. 27—P. J. Ruegamer, Wick's Sub., lot 26 Sept. 29—Thos. & Louisa Paisley, Blake's Add , lot 14 Sept. 29—John Flynn, Sub. Min. Lot 191. lot 2 Sept. 30—C. D. & H. E. Williams, Cily W. 1/2 lot 587 Sept. 30—J. P. Schroeder, Littleton & Sawyer's Add., E. 27 it. lot 6 Sept. 30—A. Kochendorfer, Finley's Add., lot 43 Oct. 1—J. S. Rawlings, Sub. Min. Lot 170, lo'. 7 Oct. 1—A. J. Lundbeck, et al, Wood - lawn Park, lot 96 Oct. 1. --Geo. Kampmaun, Woodlawn Park, lot 99 Oct. 1—C. A. Voelker. Woodlawn Park, lots 5.1-55 Oct. 1—Harriette P. Chamberlain, Woodlawn Park, lot 62 Oct. 1-13. J. Linehan, Home Add lot 10 Oct. 3—Emma White, Finley Home Add., lot 16 Oct. 3—W. H. Doane, Fnley Home Add., lot 11 Oct. 4—Dubuque Malting Co.. Sub. 2, Windsor Ave. Sub., lot 1 Oct. 9—M. D. Goux. McCraney's 1st Add., lot 50 Oct. 4—R. M. Kunz, McCraney's 1st Add., lot 82 Oct. 4—J. F. Kunz, Sanford's Sub, lot 59 Oct. 4—Wm. Jenkins Est., Subs. 22 and 23, Kelly's Sub., lot 1 Oct. 4—Ellen O'Halleron, Finley's Add., lots 13-14 Oct. 5—J. M. Kenety, Quigley's Out Lot 709, lot 2. Oct. 5—W. J. Cantlllon, O'Neill's Sub. No. 2, lot 11 Oct. 5—F. N. Schroeder, Sub. 2 of Min. Lot 168, lot 2 Oct. 5—Jno. Newman. Nairn's Add, lot 16 Oct. 5—Gilbert Perry Est., Nairn's 2 10 45 40 35 1 15 80 50 1 15 60 55 40 65 65 75 135 40 40 160 80 40 35 45 80 45 76 40 40 75 50 40 80 55 40 95 75 S0 45 65 46 1 05 46 80 Add., lot 20 Oct. 6—R. Bonson Est., Union Add, lot 15 Oct. 6—J. W. McEvoy, McMahon's Sub., lot 3 Oct. 6—H. B. McCarten, Bonson & Stewart's Sub., lot 23 Oct. 6—P. F.isbach, Bonson & Stew- art's Sub., lot 4 Oct. 6--P. Eisbach, Sub. 1, Bonson & Stewart's Sub., lot 1 Oct. 7—Jno. Ellwanger, et al., City lot 745 Oct. 7—Ellen B. Rice, Union Add, lot 145 Oct. 7—Ellen B. Rce, Union Add, lot 146 Oct. 8—Mrs. J. P. Buehler, Sub. Min. Let 314, lot 3 Oct. 8—Kenety & Mulgrew, Littleton & Sawyer's Add., lot 56 Oct. 10—E. M. Kringle, Sub. 7, Min. Lot 79, lot 6 Oct. 13—Frank M. Marsh, Sub. Min. Lot 174, lot 2 Oct 11—Henry Hiker, Farley's Sub, lot 14 Oct. 13—Jaccb Kessler, Glendale Add., lot 37 Oct. 13—Jno. M. Miller, et al, Sub. Min. Lot 315, lot 2 Oct. 13—R. & Edw. Langworthy Est., Glendale Add., lot 225 Oct. 13—M. D. Gcux, E. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 51 Oct. 14—Jno. J. McLaughlin, Mob- ley's Dubuque, lot 3 Oct. 14—R. Ronson Est., S. M. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 12 Oct. 14—R. Bonson Est., S. M. Lang - worthy's Add. lot 9 Oct. 14—Cath. Bowland, City N. M 1-5, lot 430 Oct. 15—itich. \Valley Est., Schroed- er's Add., S. 60 ft., lot 33 Oct. 15—Jos. Voggenthaler, Porter's Add., lot 6 Oct. 15—Kate Lundbeck, Cox's Add., E. 24 it. lot 22 Oct. 15—P. H. E. Sommerfeld, East Dubuque Add., S. 1 lot 162 Oct. 17—Chicago M. & St. P. R'y Co., East Dubuque Add., lot 246 Oct. 15—James Beach & Sons, City lot 582 Oct. 18—John J. Keane. City lot 607.. Oct. 20—Kiene & Altman, Dunn's Sub., lot 12 Oct. 20—James Levi, Davis Farm Add., lot 238 Oct. 20—Marg. Hoerner, Cook's Add, lot 22 Oct. 20—Engelhardt Hemmi, Sub. 4, Stafford's Add., N. 50 ft. lot 1 Oct. 20—David Lattner, Stafford's Add., lot 8 Oct. 20—H. & P. Wiesch, Davis Farm Add., N. 2-3 lot 214 Oct. 20—M. D. Goux, E. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 51 Oct. 21—M. Farrell, Sub. Min. Lot 149, lots 11-12 Oct. 21—Key City Gas Co., Sub. City 552, lot 4 Oct. 21—J. H. Thedinga Est., City S. 84 ft. lot 552a. Oct. 21—H. B. McCarten, Bonson & Stewait's Sub., lot 23 Oct. 21—Amelia Guderian, Sub. 4, Kniest's Sub., lot 3 Oct. 21—Geo. Salot, McCraney's 1st Add., lot 51 Oct. 22—Jno. Macdonald, McNulty's Sub. S. 89 ft., lot 2 60 1,5 1 25 45 1 75 160 50 1 10 45 40 55 1 95 80 5 70 40 35 65 40 45 95 40 40 70 40 45 40 50 40 45 85 35 50 60 45 60 35 1 96 50 80 40 1 55 50 40 Official Notices. 275 Oct. 22—Sophia Dempsey, Sub. 31. Levens' Add., lot 2 U u3 Oct. 22—Rhomberg .0 riKngle, Rose 1 -fill Add., lots 5 to 9, inc 1 A0 Oct. 22—Rich. E. Butler, Sub. 2 of 189, Inion Add., lot 1 45 Oct. 22—John Specht, Inion Add., S 161 ft. lot 195 95 Oct. 22—Dennis Ryan, Cnion Add, I4,1 156 ....... ..... ... .. Ilct. 21—I11omberg & Kringle, Rose 11111 .\d l., lot I ) c Ict. I l—l.ovi, 1 i cndi I son L Sullivan,an South Ave. .Add., lot II 1 911 Oct. 21—J. J. (ti, ltcu,lall's Sub.. lot 1 ...90 Oct. 2.5—Dubuque Malting ('o., ('ity S. 21.11 ft. lot 1 lis Oct. 26—E. M. Kringle, Sub. 7, \lin. Lot 79, lot 6 45 Oct. 26—Edw. Fa RsL, Pauline I.nngworthy's Sub. lull 1 -ii 16 Oct. _U—Ann Keogh, Kiene ,L• Bleck- lingor s Sub., S. 50 ft.. lot 6 1 Nil Oct. 26—Chicag'1. M. & St. 1'. R'y Co., Right-of-way. 2nd St. 1 30 Oct. _6—Ill. Cent. R'y Co., Right-of- way. 2nd St.. ... i.0 Oct. a.—Jos. 11. I !deriver, Klein- sc•hmidt's Sub., lot 4 40 Oct. 25—Gey;. Salot, Finley's Add lot I 45 Ott. us—Ell^n O'llailercn . Finley's Add.. lot 15 55 Oct. 29—A. I.. Collier and L. 14. Langworihy, 'I'restees, East Du- buque Add., lot 372 65 Oct. 29—Dubuque Butchers' Assn.. East Dubuque Add., lot 423 75 Oc•t. 29—Karl Fatka, East Dnhaquc Add.. lot 256 411 Oct. 31—CI•. s. Wales, Nairn's Add., lot 32 45 Got, 31—Jno. Buettell Est.. Nairn's Ai'd., lot 1 70 Oct. '11—Finley Hospital, Finley Ilona• .\dd., lot 1 SO Oct. 31—Jas. E. and Amanda Patey, Fil-ley Home Add., lot 19 41 Oct. 31—A. J. Van Duzeo. O'Neill's Suh. No. 2, lot 23 Total ...... .. . . '1-21-3t C. F. ARENDT. City Rocorder. 1 Regular Session Dec. 1, 1904. 277 CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session, December 1st, 1904. (Official.) Council met at 8:30 o'clock P. M. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Aids. Corrance, Frith, Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf. Absent—Ald. Clancy. Ald. Corrance moved that the Coun- cil Proceedings for the month of No- vember be approved as printed. Car- ried. BILLS. The following hills were ordered paid: P. Baumgartner. Asst. Market - master $ 22 95 G. Gmehle, collections made for cleaning of alleys 14 45 L. Daily, cleaning around Mar- ket Square October and No- vember 28 00 Jno. Heil, repairing First Ward Scales 4 15 Dr. 13. Michel, professional ser- , vices as witness in case of G. Schnee vs. City of Dubuque25 00 F. P. Hayes, board of prisoners for November 6 6o M. l)'Meara, inspector on Booth Street Sewer 20 00 P. Even, coal for First Ward Scales IO 70 T. J. Mulgrew, coal delivered at City Hall 27 90 Key City Gas Co., gas for var- ious departments 82 00 C. O. D. Laundry, towels and racks for August, September, October and November i6 00 C. Matz, repairs for Fifth Ward Scales W. Singrin, pine wood, City Hall J. Beach & Sons, soap. City Hall Jacquinot & Mullen, repairing fountain, \Vest Dubuque W. Beutin, sand for Road Dept C. Matz. repairs for Road Dept F. Schloz & Son• repairs for Road Department 3 45 Smedley Steam Pump Co., re- pairs for Steam Roller P. Hanson, oil and matches for Steam Roller P. Pier, rattlings for Steam Roller 3 25 Wunderlich & Wiederllolt, horse shoeing for Fire Dept Collings & Pfiffner, horse shoe- ing for Fire Dept Jno. Powers, horse shoeing for Fire Dept G. Lear. horse shoeing for Fire and Road Depts G. W. Healey & Son, hardware for Fire Dept T. F. Kane, hay for Fire Dept 1 6o 6 00 140 6 50 5 75 1 50 15 40 145 12 05 8 8o 19 35 7 3o I 05 95 03 W. H. Torbert, drugs and sup- plies for Fire Dept 7 00 Key City Gas Co., coke and rental of gas arcs for Fire Dept 17 6o P. Pier, coal for Fire Dept13 3o P. Even, wood for Fire Dept6 00 M. Stafford, bran and straw for Fire Dept . , 990 Dubuque Oil Tank Line, oil for Fire Dept 6 o8 Ott. Meuser & Co., shavings for Fire Dept 150 Clancy Transfer Co., wood and coal for Fire Dept 36 90 McDonald, Morrison Mfg. Co, supplies for Fire Dept 8o R. O. Campbell, signs showing numbers of Fire Alarm Boxes for Fire Dept 23 00 Keller & Luchterhand, brick mason work on Eighteenth Street Engine House 14 70 P. O'Farrell, sawing wood for Police Dept J. E. Hartig, steel keys for Po- lice Dept T. J. Mulgrew, wood for Police Dept 6 oo Collings & Pfiffner, horse shoe- ing for Police Dept 5 00 Clancy Transfer Co., wood for Police Dept. 6 oo J. Simones & Co., blankets and comforters 13 85 S. Appel, carpenter work at Pa- trol House 9 20 Saunders Meat Co., meat for Matron Dept 2 20 F. Shloz & Son, repairs for Sewer Dept 70 A. A. Brown, repairs for Sewer Dept 120 W. Marshall. drop shovels for Sewer Dept 6 00 T. J. Mulgrew, sewer pipe for Special Sewer Dept 9 90 Telegraph -Herald, official print- ing for October 59 15 National Demokrat, official printing for November 25 00 J. E. Hartig, repairs for En- gineer's Dept 35 Union Electric Co, arc lights for November ....2061 95 Union Printing Co., blank sta- tionery for Board of Health and Expense Depts 20 25 T. E. Frith, removing garbage and dead animals for Novem- ber 363 48 P. J. Seippel Lumber Co., lum- ber for Special Sidewalk Dept 52 15 Dubuque Woodenware & Lum- ber Co., lumber for Special Sidewalk Dept 45 40 Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber for Special Sidewalk Dept . 18 95 Ott. Meuser & Co., lumber for Bluff Streets Extension and Special Sewer Depts 18 20 G. W. Healey & Son, hardware for Special Sidewalk Dept6 5o Williams & Linehan, sand for Special Sidewalk and Special 3 75 75 278 Regular Session Dec. 1, 1904. Sewer Depts 15 00 Jas. Hird, estimate constructing Sanitary Sewer in Booth Streets, etc ...1346 70 H. Schmitt, cleaning gutters around Jackson Park 2 00 On motion, was referred to commit- tee on Public Grounds and Buildings. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICA- '1'IONS. Petition of Wm. McLean, asking the City to purchase his macadam located near Cascade Crossing. was on motion referred to Street committee. Petition of Rebecca J. Yates, asking that she be refunded the amount of $11.00 paid for taxes for 1902 on lots 35, 36. 37, 40, 41 and 42, Yates' Sub. On motion, was referred to Board of Equalization. Original Notice. District Court: P. J. Mulligan vs. City of Dubuque, claim- ing the sum of $2,000.00 for personal injuries sustained by his son falling in- to a ditch or gully in St. George Street. On motion was referred to commit- tee on Claims and City Attorney. Ald. Jones moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of hearing from Mr. A. L. Glaser. Carried. Mr, Glaser addressed the Council, remonstrating against Queen Street Extension, stating the way the street was being extended at present would be a detriment to him on account of all storm water from said street overflow- ing his property. On motion of Ald. Frith the matter was referred to the Street committee 2nd City Engineer and they to view the grounds. Mr. W. Glenn also addressed the Council in reference to Mr. Kemler erecting a three (3) story frame shed abutting his mother's property on First Street between Locust and Bluff Streets. Ald. Frith moved to refer the mat- ter to the committee on Fire and Fire Chief. Carried. Messrs. Burns and Whalen also ad- dressed the Council complaining about English Lane being fenced up by Mr. Duggan and having no access to their property. On motion of Ald. Jones the matter was referred to Street committee, City Engineer and City Attorney with power. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Treasurer Brinkman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen:—Below you will find statement of amounts advanced by me during the past month, for which please order warrants drawn in my favor: Excavation permits redeemed..$1o5.00 Interest on warrants outstand- ing . 775.00 Interest on overdue bonds 1 1,3.33 Freight charges—Road 3.25 $995.58 Library orders paid 620.30 I also received $it,000.00 money bor- rowed from different parties. Please order loan warrants drawn in their favor. Respectfully. —H. Brinkman, Treasurer. On motion the report was receiv"d and Warrants ordered drawn to ray the various amounts, and the rep:)rt referred back to the Committee on Finance. City Auditor Hoffman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen:—Herewith find my re- port for the month of November. 1904. showing the receipts and disburse- ments for the month: Cash on hand Nov. I, 1904....$9498.61 RECEIPTS. Receipts from all sources ....$26557.75 $36,056.36 DISBURSEMENTS. Warrants redeemed during month .... .......... Coupons redeemed during month 362.50 Bonds redeemed during month 8,177,25 $27,866.03 Cash on hand Dec. I, 1904....$ 8,190.33 The above cash balance includes the Improvement Bond Fund, Improve- ment Bond Interest Fund. Sprinkling and Library Fund balances. Also report that there is due the City. Officers for the month of Novem- ber, 1904. $2,683.20, Also the following is a record of all Interest Coupons and Bonds redeem- ed by the City Treasurer during the past month and credited to him. Improvement Bond Coupons..$ 362.50 Improvement Bonds . 8,177.25 $8.539.75 The following list shows the Appro- priations and the amount of Warrants drawn on each Fund since the begin- ning of the fiscal year beginning March 1st, 1904, to December 1st, 1904: Appropriation. Expend d. Expense ... $40,000 $24,796.86 Road—First District16,0oo 14,891.82 Road—Second District 20,000 10,998.48 Road—Third District. 9,000 8,033.19 Fire .... 38.000 22,535 00 Regular Session Dec. 1, 1904. Police ...... , , . 28,000 Sewerage .... .... 5,000 Printing .... ..... 2,500 Engineer ... , . , 2 500 Street Lighting 25,000 Interest 42000 Board of Health 4,500 Grading 4,000 Bee Branch . , 8.500 Special Bonded Paving 2.000 Judgment . , .. . 2.000 Special Bonded Debt Interest .. , 4,000 Mount Carmel Ave. Grading .... .... I,000 Sidewalk Repairing 1,000 Special Sewer Fund 8,000 Grading Bluff Street Extension and Villa Street .. •1,000 Fifth \\yard Engine House .... . 4,000 Total appropriation.$268,o00 279 18.671.c6 City Engineer Boyce reported as fol - 3,48400 lows: 1, I,618.24198.50 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: 16.428 43 Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on Streets in the dif- 2,282.53 ferent districts during the last half of 255.95 November, 1904: 8,5oo.00 Amount due Laborers on 789.51 Streets $499.6o 2,000.00 Respectfully submitted, —James H. Boyce. 2 555.36 City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Streets. 91 30 713.00 5.351.59 Alsc submit my pay roll for labor on Sewers during the last half of Novem- ber, 1904: Amount due Laborers on Sew - 988 8o ers $211.4o Respectfully submitted, I,000.00 —Janes H. Boyce, City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Sewers. Respectfully, —F. B. Hoffman, uditor. On notion the report was received and warrants ordered draft n to pay City Officers, and the report referred back to the Committee on Finance. Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen:—The following is the pay roll of the Fire Department for the month of November, 1904: Amount due firemen $2,199.15 Respectfully, —J. R. Reinfried, Chief. On motion the report was received. and Warrants ordered drawn to pay the Firemen, and the report referred back to the Committee on Fire. Chief of Police Reilly reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the Police Report for the month of No- vember, 1904: Total arrests for the month 59 Residents arrested for the month26 Doors found open for the month26 Lodgers harbored for the month98 Defective Lights for the month 27 Meals furnished for the month 33 Cost of food for the month $6.6o Patrol calls for the month 54 Miles traveled for the month 82 Also the Pay Roll for the Policemen for the month of November, 1904. Amount due Policemen $2,021.50 Respectfully. —Thos. Reilly. Chief of Police. On motion the report and pay roll were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay Policemen, and the re- port referred back to the committee on Police. Also submit my pay roll for labor on Mt. Carmel Avenue during the last half of November, 1904: Amount due Laborers $1o3.75 Respectfully submitted, —James H. Boyce, City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Streets. Also submit my pay roll for labor grading streets during the last half of November, 1904: Amount due Laborers $417.15 Respectfully submitted, —James H. Boyce, City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Streets. On motion the pay rolls on Streets and Sewers were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts and the pay rolls referred back to the proper committees. Mayor Berg reported as follows: I herewith return receipts from Wil- liam and Catherine Sheridan for the sum of $1,899.25, being the amount of warrants drawn in my favor towards settlement of their cases. These two cases were settled on a basis of $3.000.00 and the court costs. of which $1,886.5o and $12.75 court costs were paid in cash, being in full payment of the William Sheridan case and costs and a partial payment of the Catherine Sheridan judgment, leaving a balance of $I,113.5o and court costs due on the Catherine Sheridan judgment. Respectfully submitted, —C. H. Berg, Mayor. Dubuque, Iowa. Dec. 1. 1904. Ald. Lyons moved that the action of the Mayor be approved, and the report be received and filed. Carried. Sidewalk Inspector Conigisky re- ported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: On account of erron- 280 Regular Session Dec. 1, 1904. eons assessment, I ask for the cancel- lation of the following assessments lev- ied October 6th, 19o4:fr Wm. F. Buclow, E. Langworthy's Add, Lot 5o 45c Joseph Kahn, East Dubuque Add, Lot 361 35c Fred E. Spielman, Union Add, Lot 185 35c And the following be substituted: John McQuillen, Union Add Lot 183 35c A. L. Collier and L. H. Langwor- thy, Trustee, East Dubuque Add, Lot 372 35c Respectfully submitted, —Isadore Conigisky, Sidewalk Inspector. Ald. Frith moved that the report be approved and the Treasurer instructed accordingly. Carried. City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Herewith attached please find statement of macadam measured during the month of Novem- ber, 1904: Total amount for macadam $11.05 Respectfully, —James H. Boyce, City Engineer. On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the amount. City Electrician Hipman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my report of defective lights for the month of November, 1904. I find from the re- ports of the Police Department that the total hours that 27 lamps failed to burn w(mld equal one lamp for one month, or $5.40. Respectfully submitted, —William Hipman, City Electrician. On motion the report was received and the City Auditor instructed to de- duct from the Union Electric Com- pany's bill for the month of November the sum of $5.40. The following Weighmasters' and Wood Measurers' receipts were re- ferred to the Committee on Markets: Frank P. Hayes, City Hall re- ceipts $45.05 T. Faherty, First Ward Scale re- ceipts 6.42 Louise Pitchner, \Vest Dubuque Scale receipts 2.61 R. Hay, Eighth Street Scale re- ceipts 1.75 H. Haubner. Cooler Ave. Scale receipts 1.28 C. W. Katz, \\Toodnleasurer's re- ceipts 3.45 City Attorney Kintzinger reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit ab- stract proposed deed and plat of prop- erty for proposed extension of Wash- ington Street, and the Alley between Washington and Jackson Streets, be- tween Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth Streets, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. The abstract of this property shows title in Ada L. Collier. When the deed is properly executed and plat recorded the City will have title thereto for Street, Alley and Pub- lic purposes. Respectfully submitted, —J. W. Kintzinger, City Attorney. On motion the report was received and filed. City Recorder Arendt presented and read the Printed Notice, certified to by the Publisher, of the Council's inten- tion to levy a Special Assessment for repairing Sidewalks during the months of September and October, 1904. No remonstrance being filed, the Mayor asked if anyone present had any objec- tion to said Special Assessment. No one remonstrating against said assessment, the Notice on motion was received and filed. Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for repair- ing Sidewalks during months of Septem- ber and October, 1904, in front of and ad- joining the same a Special Tax be and is hereby levied on the several Lots, and Parts of Lots, and Parcels of Real Estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each Lot or Parcel of Real Estate, as follows: 1904. Owner Description. Sept. 1—L. Van Buren, Grandview Place, lot 9 $ 1 25 Sept 1—Matilda Miller, Grandview Piece, lot 7 Sept 1—J. J. Ott, Randall's Sub., lot 3 Sept 1—Dubuque Lumber Co., Sub Min. Lot 39, lot 41 35 Sept 1—Levi, Henderson & Sulli- van, South Ave., Add., lot 11 90 Sept. 1—Rhomberg & Kringle, Rose Hill Add., lots 2-3 Sept. 1—Rhombcrg & Kringle, Rose Hill Add., lots 5-6-7 2 05 Sept. 2—Martin Kunkel, McCraney's 1st Add., lot 74 Sept. 3—German Trust & Savings Bank—Dorgan's Sub., lot 1 45 Sept. 3—John D. Walsh, Porter's Add., lot 13 Sept. 3—W. G. Cox, Cox's Add., lot 69 Sept. 3—A. Huber, Marsh's Add., lot 29 Sept. 3—Dubuque Malting Co, Marsh's Add., lot 31 Sept. 3—Wm. Muntz, Davis Farm Add., lot 346 Sept. 3—P. Hughes, Needham's Sub, lot 1 2 i'5 35 90 40 45 35 su 40 35 75 Regular Session Dec. 1, 1904. 281 Sept. 3—C. D. Scott, G. \V. Rodgers' Sub., lot 13 Sept. 3—Geo. Salot Sub. 39, Kelly's Sub., lot 1 Sept. G—Jno. A. Koch Est., City N 41.4 ft., lot 268 Sept. 6—John Olinger, Boulevard .\.Id., lots 4-8-945-19 Sept. 6—Chas. F osselman Est., Sub. Lot 467, S. W. 193 ft.. lot 1 Set t. 6—M. D. t;oux, E. Lang- •: of thy's Add., lot 51 S. pt. 6—James Levi, Davis Farm Add., lot 238 Sept. 7—F. D. and J. H. Stout, City lot 509 Sept. 8—Jas. Powers, et al., City S. 44.6 ft., lot 314 Sept. S—Ruben L. n is. Sub. City 500, lot 6 Sept. S—Frank Coates. S. M. Lang - worthy's Acid , lot 50 Sept. 9—John J. Keane. Sub. City Sept. 9—Mary Cavanaugh, Prospect worthy's Add., lots 47-48 Sept. 17—St. Peter's Lutheran Church. Sub. 2 of 2 of 3 of 10, Kuiesi's Sub.. lot 1 Sept. 17—Jno. Miller, et al, Sub Hill Add., lot 7 Add., lot 14 Sept. 10—Ellen B. Rice, Union Add, lot 146 Sept. 10—C. H. Eighmey, City lot 570 Sept. 10—Thos. Kavanaugh Est., Sub. Min. Lot 22, lot 4 Sept. 10—C. D. Sullivan, Sub. 2 of 2 of 3 of City 598. lot 4 Sept. 10—Jno. Powers, et al., City S. 44.6 ft., lot 314 Sept. 12—Jno. J. Keane (Trustee), City lot 698a Sept. 9—German Bank. Prospect Hill Sept. 12—John J. Keane, City lot 697 Sept. 12—Catholic Univ. of Washing- ton, et al, A. McDaniels' Sub., lot 821 Sept. 1 Jno. Powers, et al, A. Mc - Daniels' Sub., lot 79S Sept. 12--E. Smith. A. McDaniels' Sub., lot 782 Sept. 12—Harry Waite, Blake'- Add, lots 16-17 Sept. 12—Emma Meyer, Sub. 3 of Min. Lot 172, lot 1 Sept. 13—Anna Kurz. Mechanics' Add., lot 157 Sept. 13—Wm. Lawther, Sub. 5, A. L. Brown's Sub., lots 1-2 Sept. 13—Rich. Waller Est., Sub. City 731, lot 1 rIcNulty's Sept. 11—Jno. Macdonald, Sub. S. 89 ft„ lot 2 Sept. 15—Ellen O'Halleron, Finley's Add., lot 14 Sept. 16—German Bank, Prospect Hill Add., lot 14 Sept. 16—John J. Keane (Trustee), City lot 698a Sept. 16—John J. Keane, City lot 607. Sept. 16—Adam Weiland, City lot 273 Sept. 17—R. & Edw. Langworthy Est., Glendale Add., lots 223 to 228. Sept. 17—Martha Zinn, I., H. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 24a Sept. 17—Anna Lorenz, E. Lang - Min. Lot 3M, lot 2 lot 732 Sept. 9—James Lee, Sub. City 622, S 100 ft., lot 4 Sept. 17—Jos. Zierfes, Glendale Add, lot 233 66 1 75 45 2 10 40 45 80 80 50 90 50 99 1 30 50 65 9•i 1 2(1 36 85 50 50 40 45 66 1 66 50 50 65 1 35 35 86 4,) 65 55 65 166 250 1 35 70 80 1 95 40 Sept. I7—R. & Edw. Langworthy Est., Glendale Add., lots 223 to 228. Sept. 19—Chas. E. \Vales, Prospect Hill Add., lot 29 Sept. 19—H. Wunderlich, Fortune's Sub., lot 15 Sept. 20—Dubuque Lumber Co., Sub Min. Lot 39, lot 41 Sept. 19—E. G. Redman, Kiene & Blocklinger's Sub., lot 7 Sept. 20—T. J. & Louisa. Paisley, Wit don's Sub., lots 4-5-6 Sept. 20—Peterson & Slocum, Grand- view Park, Block 3, lot 7 Sept. 22—C. D. Scott, G. W. Rodgers' Sub., lot 13 Supt. 21—Tim Dillon, Grandview Ave., Add., lot 8 Sept. 21—Paul Traut Est., Blake's Add., lot 18 Sept. 21—Mrs. L. M. Clark, Blake's Add.. lot 23 Sept. 21—V. A. Bush, et al. Dorgan's Sub., lot 1 Sept. 251—E. M. Kringle, Sub. 7. Min Lot 79, lot 6 Sept. 23—Wm. Duggan, Central Add, lot 3 Sept. 23—Archie Frater, Farley's Sub. E. 48 ft. lot 9 Sept. 23—Paul Ttaut Est., Farley's Sub., lot 36 Sept. 23—A. F. Heeb, Farley's Sub, lot 31 40 Sept. 23—Lucy M. Weigel, Grove Terrace Sub., lot 6 Sept. 23—Mai. Dietrich, Davis Farm Add., N. 1/ lot 274 Sept. .7—F. & C. Fosselman Est., L. H. Langworthy's Acid., lot 187 210 Sept. 24—Jno. Eiseneger, Glendale Add., lot 32 45 Sept. 2A—Jac. Marshall Est., Tivoli Acid., N. 1/2 lot 10 40 Sept. 24—M. A. Brown, Krayer's Sub., lot 2 36 Sept. 24—Mary T. Reilly, City lot 294 Sept. 24—R. Bonson Est., Union Add., lot 15 Sept. 24—Pat Neary, Cooper's Sub, lot C Sept. 21—Mercy Hospital, Sub. Min. Lot (iii, lot 2 Sept. 24—Pat Roddy Est., Union Add., lot 7 Sept. 26—Chicago G. \V. R'y. Co, Sanford's Sub., lot 60 Sept. 26—Jchanna Huber, East Du- buque Add., lot 87 Sept. 26—Mrs. J. B. Buehler, Sub. 1 of Min. Lot 314, lot 3 Sept. 26—Francisca \Vagner, Subs 87-88, L. H. Langworthy's Add, lot 3 66 Sept. 26—Mary Wilde, Sub. 1 of 2 of 75 7 of Min. Lot 45, lot 2 Sept. 26—J. L. Meyer. Subs. 76 and 136 77, Union Add., lot 240 lot 146 Sept. 26—Ellen BRice, Union Add., Sept. 26—John Byrne, Bonson & 40 Stewart's Sub., lot 24 Sept. 27—Kiene & Altman, Sub. 2, Kiene & Altman's Sub., lot 1160 Sept. 27—P. J. Ruegamer, Wick's 80 Sub., lot 26 Sept. 29—Thos. & Louisa Paisley, 40 Blake's Add., lot 14 Sept. 29—John Flynn, Sub. Min. Lot 191, lot 2 Sept. 30—C. D. & H. E. Williams, 46 City W. 112 lot 587 Sept. 30—J. P. Schroeder, Littleton & Sawyer's Add., E. 27 ft. lot 680 2 20 55 50 9;t 5 76 90 66 45 1 05 50 GO 1 15 46 35. 65 90 36 60 1 15 S6 80 • 1 15 50 55 40 . 65 35 282 Regular Session Dec. 1, 1904. Sept. 30—A. Kochendorfer, Finley's Add., lot 43 Oct 1—J. S. Rawlings, Sub. Min Lot 170, lot 7 Oct. 1—A. J. Lundbeck, et al, Wood - lawn Park, lot 96 Oct. 1—Geo. Kampmann, Woodlawn Park, lot 99 Oct. 1—C. A. Voelker, Woodlawn Park, lots 54-56 Oct. 1—Harriette P. Chamberlain, Woodlawn Park, lot 52 Oct. 1—D. J. Linehan, Home Add lot 10 Oct. 3—Emma White, Finley Home Add., lot 16 Oct. 3—W. H. Doane, Finley Home Add., lot 11 Oct. 4—Dubuque Malting Co., Sub. 2, Windsor Ave. Sub., lot 1 Oct. 4—M. D. Goux, McCraney's 1st Add., lot 50. .. . Oct. 4—R. M. Kunz, McCraney's 1st Add.. lot 82.... Oct. 4—J. F. Kunz, Sanford's Sub, lot 59 Oct. 9—Wm. Jenkins Est., Subs. 22 and i3. Kelly's Sub., lot 1 Oct. 4—Ellen O'Halleron, Finley's • Add., lots 13-14 Oct. 5—J. M. Kenety, Quigley's Out Lot 709, lot 2 Oct. 5—W. J. Cantillon, O'Neill's Sub. No. 2, lot 11 Oct. 5—F. N. Schroeder, Sub. 2 of Min. Lot 158, lot 2 Oct. 5—Jno. Newman, Nairn's Add, lot 16 Oct. 5—Gilbert Perry Est., Nairn's Add., lot 20 .. ...... .. ... Oct. 6—R. Benson Est., Union Add, lot 15 Oct. 6—J. W. McEvoy, McMahon's Sub., lot 3 Oct. 6—H. B. McCarten, Bonson & Stewart's Sub., lot 23 Oct. 6—P. Eisbach, Ronson & Stew- art's Sub., lot 4 Oct. 6—P. Eisbach, Sub. 1, Bonson & Stewart's Sub., lot 1 Oct. 7—Jno. Ellwanger, et al., City lot 745 Oct. 7—Ellen B. Rice, Union Add, lot 195 Oct. 7—Ellen B. Rice, Union Add, lot 116 Oct. 8—Mrs. J. P. Buehler, Sub. Min. Lot 314, lot 3 Oct. 8—Kenety & Mulgrew, Littleton & Sawyer's Add., lot 56 Oct. 10—E. M. Krlrgle, Sub. 7, Min Lit 79, lot 6 Oct. 13—Frank M. Marsh, Sub. Min. Lot 174, lot 2 Oct. 11—Henry Riker, Farley's Sub, lot 14 Oct. 13—Jacob Kessler. Glendale Add., lot 37 Oat. 13—Jno. M. Miller. et al., Sub. Min. Lot 315, lot 2 Oct. 13—R. & Edw. Langworthy Est., Glendale Add., lot 225 Oct. 13—M. D. Goux, E. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 61 Oct. 14—Jno. J. McLaughlin, Mob- ley's Dubuque, lot 3 Oct. 14—R. Bonson Eat., S. M. Lang - worthy's Acd., lot 12 Oot. 14—R. Bonson Est.. S. M. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 9 Oct. 11—Oath. Bowland, City N. M 1-5 lot 430 Oct. 15—Rich Waller Est., Schrocd- er's Add., S. 60 ft., lot 33 45 75 40 40 75 50 40 80 55 40 95 75 80 45 b5 45 1 05 45 80 60 45 1 25 45 1 75 1 60 50 1 1.0 45 40 55 105 80 5 70 40 35 65 40 45 95 40 10 70 Oct. 15—Jos. Vcggenthaler, Porter's Add., lot 6 Oct. 15—Kate Lundbeck, Cox's Add, E. 24 ft. lot 22 Oct. 15—P. H. E. Scrmmerfeld, East Dubuque Add., S. 1 lot 162 Oct. 17—Chicago, M. & St. P. R'y Co., East Dubuque Add.. lot 246 Oct. 15—James Beach & Sons, City lot 582 Oct. 18—John J. Keane, City lot 607.. Oct. 20—Kiene & Altman, Dunn's Sub., lot 12 Oct. 20—James Levi, Davis Farm Add.. lot 238 Oct. 20 --Marg. Hoerner, Cook's Add, lot 22 Oct. 20—Engelhardt Hemmi. Sub. 4, Stafford's Add , N. 50 ft. lot 1 Oct. 20—David Lattner, Stafford's Add.. lot 8 Oct. 20—H. & P. Wiesch, Davis Farm Add., N. 2-3 lot 214 Oct. 20—M. D. Goux, E. Lang - worthy's Add.. lot 51 Oct. 21—M. Farrell, Sub. Min. Lot 149, lots 11-12 Oct. 21—Key City Gas Co., Sub. City 562, lot 4 Oct. 21—J. H. Thedinga Eat., City S. 84 ft. lot 552a Oct. 21—H. B. McCarten, Ronson & Stewart's Sub., lot 23 Oct. 21—Amelia Guderian, Sub. 4, Kniest's Sub., lot 3 Oct. 21—Geo. Salot, McCraney's 1st Add.. lot 51 Oct. 22—./io. Macdonald, McNulty's Sub., S. 89 ft., lot 2 Oct. 22—Sophia Dempsey, Sub. 34, Levens' Add., loc 2 Oct. 22—Rhomberg & Kringle. Rose Hill Add., lots 5 to 9, inc Oct. 22—Rich. E. Butler. Sub. 2 of 189, Union Ado., lot 1 Oct. 22—John Specht, Union Add., S. 165 ft. lot 195 Oct. 22—Dennis Ryan, Union Add, lot 186 Oct. 24—Rhomberg & Kringle, Rose Hill Add., lot 3 Oct. 24 --Levi, Henderson & Sullivan. South Ave. Add., lot 13 Oct. 24—J. J. Ott, Randall's Sub., let 3 Oct. 5—Dubuque Malting Co., City S. 21.6 ft. lot 1 Oct. 26—E. M. Kringle, Sub. 7. Min Lot 79, lot 6 Oct. 26—Edw. Langworthy Est Pauline Langworthy's Sub., lots 5-6 Oct. 26—Ann Keogh, Kiene & Block- linger's Sub., S. 50 ft. lot 6 Oct. 26—Chicago. M. & St. P. R'y. (`e.. Right-of-way, 2nd St Oct. 26—Ill. Cent. R'y Co.. Right-of- way, 2nd St Oct. 28—Jos. H. Hanover, Klein- schmidt's Sub., lot 4 Oct. 8—Geo. Salot, Finley's Add lot 4 Oct. 28—Ellen O'Halleron, Finley's Add., tot 15. Oct. 29—A. L. Collier and L. H. Langworthy, Trustees, East Du- buque Add., lot 372 Oct. 29—Dubuque Butchers' Assn.. East Dubuque Add., lot 423 Oct. 24—Karl Fatka., East Dubuque Add., lot 286 Oct. 31—Chas Wales, Nairn's Add, lc t 32 Oct. 31—Jno. Bucttell Est., Nairn's Add., lot 1 40 45 40 50 40 45 85 36 50 60 45 60 35 195 50 80 40 155 50 40 6 05 1 40 45 96 55 1 90 1 30 61 45 53 1 80 1 30 50 40 45 55 65 75 40 40 10 4 Regular Session Dec. 1, 1904. 283 Oct. 31—Finley Hospital, Finley Home Add., lot 1 Oct. 31—Jas. E. and Amanda Patey Finley Home Add., lot 19 Oct. 31—A. J. Van Duzee, O'Neill's Sub. No. 2, lot 23 80 96 35 Total $152.90 Ald. Frith moved to adopt the reso- lution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Corrance, Frith, Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf. Absent—Ald. Clancy. REPORTS OF STANDING COM- MITTEES. Ald. Frith, chairman of the Street committee, reported as follows: Your committee on Streets would re- spectfully recommend that the owners of the property abutting on Grandview Avenue between Whelan and Rider Streets on the west side and between Malady and State Streets on the east side, be permitted to use cinders for sidewalk purposes until such time as walks of a more substantial nature are required in that locality, provided that the cost of said walks be borne by said abutters, and that the work be done under the supervision of the City Engineer. Also, your committee on Streets would respectfully recommend that the City purchase i,000 cubic yards of fill- ing for use on Mt. Carmel avenue, pay- ing therefor not to exceed twenty-five cents per yard. —E. E. Frith, Chairman. Ald, Frith moved to adopt the re- ports of the Street committee. Car- ried. Ald. Stumpf, chairman of the Market committee, reported as follows: Your committee on Markets would respectfully report that we have en- gaged Peter Baumgartner to act as as- sistant marketmaster from November io, 1904. and to continue in such capac- ity until April I, 3905. —John A. Stumpf, Chairman. Ald. Stumpf moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Ald. Needham. chairman of the Po- lice and Light committee, reported as follows: Your committee on Police and Light would respectfully report that acting under instructions from your Honor- able Body, we secured prices on over- coats for the Police Department from the different clothing houses, and that we have awarded the contract for fur- nishing the same to the Model One - Price Clothiers at $21.50 per coat. Fol- lowing the usual custom the city is to pay $10.00 of the above amount, and we would recommend that the Treas- urer be instructed to withhold the bal- ance from the warrants of the different officers ordering said coats. —Jos. Needham, Chairman. Ald, Needham moved to adopt the report. Carried. Ald, Lyons. chairman of the Sewer committee, reported as follows: Your committee on Sewers would respectfully report that we have exam- ined the sanitary sewer in Booth Street from Dodge Street to West Third Street to Nevada Street, thence northerly in said Nevada Street to the Alley first south of West Fifth Street, James Hird, contractor, and would rec- ommend that said sewer be accepted. We would further recommend that the City Engineer be instructed to pre- pare a plat showing the lots or par- cels of ground subject to assessment for said improvement, the names of the owners thereof and the amount as- sessed against each lot or parcel of ground, and file such plat and schedule in the office of the City Recorder, who will thereupon cause to be published the notice provided for by Section 18. Chapter XX XIV. of the Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque. —M. E. Lyons, Chairman. Ald. Lyons moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Aid. Corrance of the committee of the Whole reported as follows: Your committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the ser- vices of the Wharfmaster be discon- tinued for a period of four months be- ginning December I, 1904. —Matt. Clancy, Chairman. Ald, Corrance moved to adopt the report. Carried. RESOLUTIONS. Alderman Corrance offered the fol- lowing: Whereas the contract heretofore en- tered into by the City of Dubuque for the construction of a sanitary sewer as hereinafter described has been com- pleted and the City Engineer has com- puted that the cost and expense of said improvement amounts to sixteen hun- dred and seventy-five dollars; there- fore. Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pro- vide for the cost of constructing an eight -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Booth Street. from Dodge Street to West Third Street, thence in West Third to Nevada Streets, thence north- erly in Nevada Street to the alley first south of West Fifth Street, the Mayor is required to execute and deliver to the City Recorder, to be by him reg- istered and countersigned, eight bonds of the denomination of two hundred dollars each, and one bond of the de- nomination of seventy-five dollar;, numbered from 290 to 298, both inclu- 284 Regular Session Dec. 1, 1904. sive, dated January 16th, 1905, payable on or before seven years after the date thereof and bearing interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually. Ald. Corrance moved to adopt the resolution. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Corrance, Frith, Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf. Nays—None. Absent—Ald. Clancy. Alderman Frith offered the follow- ing: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That the neces- sary property for street and alley pur- poses through lot to of the subdivision of mineral lot 322 of the City and County of Dubuque, Iowa, and to be known as lots iota and iota of the sub- division of said lot to according to the plat presented by the owner, Ada L. Collier. be purchased by the City of Duhuone from said Ada L. Collier for the sum of nine hundred and fifty dol- lars. Be it further resolved, That a war- rant he drawn in favor of the Mayor for the sum of nine hundred and fifty dollars. to be paid said Ada L. Colliet as soon as the proper deed has been executed and when said plat shall be duly executed and recorded. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the reso- lution. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Alts. Corrance, Frith, Jones, Lyons and Stumpf. Nays—Ald. Needham. Absent—Ald. Clancy. Ald. Needham offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City En- gineer is hereby instructed to ascer- tain the amount of funds in each Road District. and when any Fund in any department is exhausted, that all work in each department and salaries paid to any official in said department shall cease, and no more indebtedness shall he incurred by the City than the amount of money appropriated for the different funds. That the City Engineer be further instructed not to allow any bills to be contracted against the Road Fund un- less there is money enough in said Road Fund to pay all bills. Ald. Needham moved to adopt the resolution. Aid. Frith moved a substitute to re- fer it to the Committee of the Whole. Substitute lost by the following vote. Yeas—Aids. Frith and Stumpf. Nays—Aids. Corrance, Jones, Lyons and Needham. Absent—Ald. Clancy. The original motion to adopt was carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Corrance, Jones. Lyons and Needham. Nays—Aids. Frith and Stumpf. Absent—Ald. Clancy. Ald. Corrance moved to adjourn un- til rntil December 15th, 1904. Carried. —C. F. Arendt, City Recorder. Attest: . aRecorder Approved 190oty . yor. Regular Session Dec. 15, 1904. 285 CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session December 15th, 1904. (Official.) Council met at 8:15 o'clock P. M. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf. Absent—Aid. Jones. Bond of City Assesor-elect C. B. Scherr was read and on motion ap- proved. The Mayor then administered the oath of office to C. B. Scherr as City Assessor for the ensuing term, com- mencing January 1st, 1905. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICA- TIONS. Communication of C. B. Scherr, City Assessor, appointing A. Doerr, Jr., and Jos. J. Murphy as his deputies for the ensuing term, commencing Jan. 1st, 1905. was read and on motion of Aid. Frith approved. Bonds of Deputy Assessors Doerr and Murphy were read and on motion approved, whereupon Mayor Berg ad- ministered the oath of office to A. Doerr, Jr., and Jos. J. Murphy as Dep- uty Assessors for the ensuing term. Petition and waiver of F. I. Massey, London, England. by E. Anderson, Agent. asking permission to connect with sanitary sewer in West Third Street at its intersection with James Street. On motion, the petition was granted and the waiver received and properly recorded. Petition of A. A. Cooper Wagon and Buggy Co.. asking that the taxes for 1903 on the A. A. Cooper Wagon Works Block be reduced Five Thous- and Dollars, was on motion referred to Board of Equalization. Petition of M. Carney and E. D. White protesting against paying spec- ial assessment for the construction of a Sanitary Sewer in Booth Street, was on motion received and filed. Petition of F. C. Duggan et al., ask- ing that the three-story frame shed built by the trustees of the R. Waller Estate on City Lot 120 be allowed to remain, provided said shed be covered. with tin or sheet iron. On motion was received and filed. Original Notice, District Court, Ed- ward Mulligan, by P. Mulligan, his nat- ural guardian, vs. Cityof Dubuque, claiming the sunt of $3.0 for per- sonal injuries sustained by falling into a ditch or gully in St. George Street. On motion, was referred to Commit- tee on Claims and City Attorney. Petition of Dubuque Base Ball Club. asking the Council to unite with the Governor's Greys in giving them per- mission to use the Armory Hall dur- ing the week of February 6th to 11th. 1905, also with privilege to occupy, if necessary. said hall for three (3) clays of the following week, or until Feb- ruary 15th. 1905. Ald. Clancy moved to grant the pray- er of the petitioners, and when a new contract was entered into between the City of Dubuque and Governor's Greys for the use of Armory Hall, a provis- ion shall be made for the Dubuque ]lase Ball Club having the use of said /ball for fair purposes, as specified in their petition. Carried. City Engineer Boyce reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on Streets in the dif- ferent districts during the first half of December, 1904: Amount due Laborers on Streets $234.10 Respectfully submitted. —James H. Boyce, City Engineer. Ald. Corrance moved that the pay roll for the first and third districts• only. be approved and warrants order- ed drawn to pay the various amounts for said districts. Carried. Also submit my pay roll for Labor on Special Sewers, for the first half of December. 1904: Amount due Laborers $ 12.00 Respectfully submitted. —James H. Boyce, City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Streets. Also submit my pay roll for labor on Sewers during the first half of Decem- ber, 1904: Amount due Laborers on Sew- ers ...$211.40 Respectfully submitted, —James H. Boyce. City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Sewers. Also submit my pay roll for grading Mt. Carmel Avenue during the first half of December, 1904: Amount due Laborers $406.40 Respectfully submitted, —James H. Boyce. City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Streets. Also submit my pay roll for labor grading Queen street during the first half of December, 1904:. Amount due Laborers $235.85 Respectfully submitted, —James H. Boyce. City Engineer. Approved by Committee on Streets. On motion the pay rolls on Streets and Sewers were received and warrants 2H6 Regular Session Dec. 15, 1904. ordered drawn to pay the various amounts and the pay rolls referred back to the proper committees. Mayor Berg reported as follows: Gentlemen of the Council: I here- with return you receipts for the Wit- ness fees in the Schnee case, for which a warrant for Forty-six and .35 -loo Dol- lars ($46.35) was drawn in my favor. Respectfully submitted, —C. H. Berg, Mayor. Ald. Corrance moved that the action of the mayor be approved, and the re- port be received and filed. Carr:ed. City Recorder Arendt presented and read the Printed Notice, certified to by the Publisher, of the Council's inten- tion to levy a Special As essment f r constructing an 8 -inch tile vi a sani- tary sewer in Booth Street, from Dodge Street to West Third Street, in West Third Street to Nevada Street, and in Nevada Street to alley first south of West Fifth Street. Also a communication from Michael Carney and E. D. White remonstrating against said assessment. On motion said communication was received and filed. Whereupon Ald. Lyons offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for con- structing an 8 -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Booth Street, from Dodge Street to West Third Street, in Nest Third to Nevada Street, and in Nevada to alley 1st south of West Third Street, by James Bird, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a Special Tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Name. Descriptions. Lot. Amount. F. N. Schroeder, Sub. 2 of Min. Lot 158, S 222 ft. lot 2 $ 95 46 F. N. Schroeder, Sub. 2 of Min. Lot 158 N 250 ft. lot 2; Sub. 3 of Min. Lot 158, N 230 ft. lot 1 107 50 J. S. Stephens, S. M. Langworthy's Sub., lot 1 9 S9 J. S. Stephens, S. M. Langworthy's Sub., lot 2 Pat Gordon, S. M. Langworthy's Sub., lot 3 I. Harris, S. M. Langwotrhy's Sub, lot 4 Geo. Acker, S. M. Langworthy's Sub., lot 5 H. G. 'Torbert, S. M. Langworthy's Sub., S .6 6 ft. lot 6 11 40 414• boli: D:=t., Subs, 7 and 8, S. M. Langworthy's Sub., lot 1 18 06 4:,.o. Ellis Est., Subs, 7 and S. S. M. Langworthy's Est., lot 2 3612 S. M. Langworthy Est., S. M. Lang - w e thy's Sub., let 9 23 30 S. 11. Langworthy Est., S. M. Lang - worthy's Sub., lot 10 23 30 T. E. Andres, S. M. Langworthy's Sub., lot 12 32 79 Chas. Newman, Nairn's Add., lot 1525 80 John Newman, Nairn's Add., lot 1621 50 21 54) 21 50 21 50 21 50 John Newman, Nairr.'s Add., lot 1721 50 Marg. Rosecamp, Nairn's Add., lot 21 50 18 Guilbert Perry Est., Nairn's Add, lot 19 21 60 Guilbert Perry Est., Nairn's Add, lot :A 21 50 Guilbert Perry Est., Nairn's Add, lot 21 2160 Guilbert Perry Est., Nairn's Add, lot 22 21 50 Otto M. Schmid, Nairn's Add., lot 23 35 00 R. Waller Est., S. M. Langworthy's Add.. N 112.10 ft. lot 5 24 25 Jos. Frost, S. M. Langworthy's Add., S 50 ft. lots 5-6 21 50 Edward Tibey, S. M. Langworthy's Add., lot 4 21 50 Edward Tibey, S. M. Langworthy's Add., lot 3 21 50 Robt. and Jno. Lee, S. M. Lang- wothry's Add., lot 2 21 60 Robt. and Jno. Lee, S. M. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 1 24 19 Thos. S. Collings, Sub. 8, Min. Lot 159, lot 1 26 80 Thos. S. Collings. Sub. 2 of 8, Min. Lot 159, N 171 ft. N 1/2 lot 1 7 52 J. F. McCarthy, Sub. 2 of 8, Min. Lot 159. S 401/2 ft. N 1/y lot 1 17 21 C. H. Eighmey, Sub. 2 of 8, Min. Lot 159, S 2 lot 1 24 94 W. J. Cantillon, O'Neill's Sub. No. 2, lot 11 24 94 J. W. Schwind, O'Neill's Sub. No. 2, lot 10 2494 Bridget Casey, O'Neill's Sub. No. 2, N 1/2 lot 9 12 47 Jno. Buetteli Est., O'Neill's Sub, No. 2, S 1/z lot 9 12 47 Jno. Voellinger, O'Neill's Sub. No 2, N 40 ft. lot S. .. 17 20 Mich. Duggan, O'Neill's Sub. No 2, S 18 ft. lot S 7 74 Mich. Duggan, O'Neill's Sub., N 222 ft. lot 2 9 46 Geo. F. Acker, O'Neill's Sub, 9 38 ft. l,,t 2... ... 16 34 Geo. F. Acker, O'Neill's Sub, N 2 ft. lot 1 S6 Carl Jungwirth, O'Neill's Sub., S 58 ft. lot 1 24 94 Mrs. E. D. White, Sub. Min. Lot 159. lot 6 119 97 M. Kearney, Sub. 3, Min. Lot 158, N pt. let 2. 79 55 Wm. M. Crabtree, S. M. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 11 26 23 Chas. E. Bradley, Julia Lang - worthy's Add., lot 29 25 80 Jno. L. Buettell Eat., Nairn's Add, lot 1 ........ . ... .. .. .. ..... 21 50 Jno. L. Buettell Eat., Nairn's Add, lot 2 21 50 Jno. L. Buetteli Est., Nairn's Add, lot 3 21 50 Chas. F. Marz, Nairn's Add., lot 421 50 Ida M. Young, Nairn's Add., lot 5... 21 50 J. J. McCarthy, Nairn's Add., lot 6. 61 92 C. H. Gregoire, Nairn's Add., S. W. S0x100 ft lot 33 34 40 Emma J. Hein, Nairn's Add., lot 272 7 09 Martin Cerroll, Naitn's Add., lot 721 50 Martin Carroll, Nairn's. Add., lot 821 to Emil Lindenberg, Nairn's Add., lot 9 21 50 Emil Lindenberg, Nairn's Add., lot 10 21 50 John Buettell Est., Nairn's lot 11 .. John Buettell Est., Nairn's Add., lot 12 John Buettell Est., Nairn's Add., lot 13 Add, 21 50 21 50 21 50 Regular Session Dec. 15, 1904. 287 John Buettell Est., Nairn's Add, lot 14 2 SO Ald. Lyons moved to adopt the reso- lution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf. Absent—Ald. Jones. Ald. Corrance moved that the action of the Council, in adopting the resolu- tion to purchase enough ground for a Street and Alley through Mineral Lot 322 and owned by Ada L. Collier. for the sum of Nine Hundred and Fifty Dollars, be reconsidered. Carried. Ald. Corrance moved to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried, REPORTS OF STANDING COM- MITTEES. Ald. Corrance, chairman of the Com- mittee on Claims, presented a bill from City Attorney Kintzinger,also one from Assistant City Attorney Longueville, for $18.90 each, for expenses attending the hearing of the case of Considine vs. City of Dubuque before the Su- preme Court at Des Moines and moved that the warrants be drawn for the above amounts and the bills paid. Car- ried. Ald. Stumpf, chairman of the Com- mittee on Markets, reported as fol- lows: Your Committee on Markets would respectfully recommend that the mat- ter of revising the ordinances now in force governing the measuring and weighing of commodities by the city weighers and measurers, be referred to a joint committee composed of the Committee on Ordinance and Markets with the City Attorney added. Ald. Stumpf moved to adopt the re- p n -t. Carried. Ud. Frith, chairman of the Commit- tee on Streets. reported as follows: Your Committee on Streets, to whom was referred with power the matter of investigating the right of Michael Duggan to construct a fence across English Lane, would respectfully re- port that Mr. Duggan appeared before your committee and stated that he had been assessed for a sidewalk which had been laid on Southern Avenue, and from which his property, Lot 14, South Avenue Addition, is cut off by English Lane. and that on. December 7, 1898, his lot had been sold for said assess- ment. That if his property is assessable for said walk, then he must be the own- er of that part of English Lane lying between Southern Avenue and the east line of his lot: and that in order to test his right in the matter, he had fenced off English Lane but was willing in the event of the City redeeming his lot from said tax sale, to remove the fence and sign a quit claim deed to the piece in dispute. We accepted his proposi- tion and herewith submit a plat and quit claim deed which we would rec- ommend be approved and ordered re- corded. We would further recommend that the City Treasurer be instructed to redeem said lot 14, South Avenue Addition, and deduct the amount of said special assessment, with penalty and interest from the amount due thereon: the regular taxes on said lot to be paid by the owner. Mrs. Elizabeth Duggan. —E. E. Frith, Chairman. Ald. Frith moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Ald. Clancy, chairman of the Com- mittee on Fire, reported as follows: Your Committee on Fire, to whom was referred the complaint of Mrs. Glenn in relation to the three-story frame building recently constructed by R. W. Kemler, adjoining her home. would respectfully recommend that the Chief of the Fire Department be in- structed to notify said R. W. Kemler that he must, within ten clays of the passage hereof, remove so much of said structure as exceeds the height provid- ed by ordinance for woodsheds within the fire limits. Also, your Committee on Fire would respectfully report that owing to the vicious nature of the fire horse. "Tony," and the disability of the large gray horse purchased for Engine House No. ;, we have traded said horses off and allowed $25 additional for a new horse. We would recom- mend that the action of the committee be approved and that a warrant in the sum of Twenty-five Dollars be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer in favor of T. Clancy in settlement of the deal. Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the re- ports of the Committee on Fire. Car- ried. Ald. Clancy, of the Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings, moved that the matter of renewing the Lease with the Governor's Greys be referred to the Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings and City Attorney. Car- ried. Ald. Needham presented an Inscr- ance Policy for $2coo.00 on the Ninth Street Engine house, and moved that the same be approved, and then re- ferred to the Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings. Carried. Ald. Needham also presented a spec- ial assessment against the Star Brew- ing Company, levied Dec. 21st, 1899, for curbing and paving with Brick the Levee front, from the High Bridge to Wall Street. and moved that the Treas- urer and City Attorney be instructed to collect said special assessment at once. Carried. ' •'' VIP 764,:: ,5fl;