Y Roll_15 Part 3288 Regular Session Dec. 15, 1904.
Ald. Needham offered the following.
which was adopted:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque:
That the Sidewalk Inspector be in-
structed to provide at once wooden re-
ceptacles with covers, to be filled with
sand, to be placed on some conveni_nt
lot on the hill at the following loca-
tions: Top of Third street hill, Fifth
street hill. Hill street. Julien avenue
and \Vest Fourteenth street and such
other places as in his judgment may be
necessary. That he employ the two
Park Custodians. Engineer and Sto'<er
of Steam Roller and such other per-
sons drawing salaries not employed to
distribute sand over slippery sidewalks
mostly traveled by the public, especially
on steep grades and inclines and on
Main street, especially on dangerous,
smooth sidewalks.
Ald. Clancy moved to adjourn until
January 5th, r0o5. Carried.
—C. F. Arendt.
City Recorder.
. ,! . ar. Recorder
List of Warrants.
City Recorder's Office,
Dubuque, la.. December 1st, 1904.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: The following is a com-
plete list of all warrants issued by me
during the month of November. 1904.:
C. H. Berg, salary. Mayor $116 70
H. Brankman, salary. Treasurer 133 35
J. A. McKinlay, salary, Deputy
Treasurer 1.00.00
Jno. Krayer, clerk, Treasurer's
office 6o 00
Chas. F. Arendt. salary, Re-
corder 116 70
Wm. A. Kaep, salary. Deputy
Recorder 8o 00
F. B. Hoffman, salary. Auditor116 70
C. B. Scherr, salary, Assessor125 00
A. Doerr. Jr., salary, Assistant
Assessor too 00
J. J. Murphy. salary, Assistant
Assessor too 00
J. \V. Kintzinger, salary, Attor-
ney 15o 00
J. C. Longueville, salary, Assis-
tant Attorney 75 00
Thos. Reilly, salary, Chief of
Police too 00
Jno. Reinfried. salary. Fire Chief loo 00
J. \V. Lawlor, salary. Commit-
tee Clerk too oo
Jas. Boyce, salary. City Engi- 166 65
E. Anderson. salary. Assistant
Engineer too 00
G. White, salary. Rodman 5o 00
G. N. Raymond. salary, Super-
intendent of Street Sprinkling 6o 00
E. Herron. clerk in Auditor's
and Engineer's office75 00
\Vnm. Hipman, salary, Electric -
83 3�
F. P. Hayes. salary. Marketnlas-
ter 5o 00
'I'.'Cahill. salary. Park Custodian 4o 00
H. Henge, salary. Park Custo-
dian.. ....
T. Faherty. salary, Park Custo-
dian .. .
Dr. ft. F. Michel. salary. Health
Officer.... .... 5o 00
F. Flynn. salary. Sanitary Pa-
trolman.. 6o 00
C. Baumann, salary. Poundmas- 40 00
ter.. .
Mrs. H. Koenig. salary, Jani-
tress.. .. 20 00
I. Conigisky, salary. Sidewalk 50 00
C. \V. Katz, salary. Wharfmas..zo 00
M. Clancy. salary. Alderman.. ..25 00
H. Corrance, salary. Alderman .5 00
E. Frith. salary. Alderman 25 00
Mr. Jones. salary alderman 25 00
E. Lyons. salary. Alderman 25 00
Jos. Needham. salary, Al-
derman.... .
Jno. Stumpf. salary, Alderman 25 00
Miss E. B. Rupprecht. steno -
40 00
1.O 00
25 00
grapher.. .. ....
Al. Eitel. fireman
20 00
65 00
J. Iasnuut, fireman 75 00
A. Duccini, fireman 6o 00
J. Flynn, fireman 65 00
J. Roshin, fireman Go 00
J. Tschudi, fireman 50 00
J. Schonberger, fireman 5o 00
A. 1 I cer, fireman 5o 00
J. Daley. firem::n 65 00
J. Barnes, fireman 75 00
T. Ryder. fireman 60 00
G. Ileyer. fireman 65 00
\V. Ducey, fireman 6o 00
F. Murphy. fireman 5o 00
M. Kelley, fireman 5o 00
\V. McClain, fireman 5o 00
1). Ahern, fireman 65 00
I'. Zillig, fireman 6 25
T. Flynn. fireman 65 00
M. Sweeney, fireman 5o 0o
H. Cain, fireman • 5o 00
J. Benzer, fireman 5o 00
J. \1cGloughlin, fireman 50 o0
A. McDonald, fireman 67 50
J. Murphy, fireman 50 00
J. Curran. fireman -t
P. Furry, fireman 5o 00
W. I`annolt. fireman 5o 00
W. Talket, fireman 3 so
G. Gherki, fireman 65 00
T. Kenneby. fireman 6o 00
F. Baumgartner. fireman So 00
J. Smith, fireman 5o 00
C. Kannolt. fireman 65 00
J. Allen, fireman 6o 00
M. Fahey. fireman 5o 00
\V. O'Connell. fireman 5o 0O
R. Weston. fireman 65 00
F. hcnneally. fireman 6o oo
E. McDermott. fireman 5o 00
P. .\hern, fireman so co
\Vm. Dockstader, fireman 5 00
J. H. Barry. police 5o 00
G. Burkel, police 5o co
J. Carter. police 65 00
J. Clone, police 5o 00
Jno. Cody. police 51 65
W. Cook, police 6o 00
W. Corcoran. police 5o 00
T. P. Cummins. police 5o 00
H. Donlon. police 49 15
J. Fitzpatrick. police 25 00
Jas. Flynn. police 5o 00
Jno. Fox, police 5o co
Wm. Frith. police 5o 00
T. Ganahl. police 51 65
L. Grasset, police 5o 0o
B. Gray. police 50 00
Pat Il:onlon, police 43 00
M. Kilty. police 5o 00
Jno. I.octsclicr. police 47 50
P. Meconins, police 5t 65
P. McInerney. police 5o 00
D. Norton, police 5o 00 m
M. O'Connor, police 61
Jno. Murphy, police 67 20
Jno. Raesli, police
Otto Rath. police 5o 00
T. Rooney. police 48 35
Jas. Ryan. police 67 20So coM. Ryan. police 65
P. Scharff. police 51 5160
Al. Scherr. police
z ,.� 1.uS:i iY r ai,.�"ek�9"lt�:tl4it
290 List of Warrants.
F. Speilman. police 50 00
i'. Sutton. police ;o 00
M. Stapleton. police 50 00
J. Stoltz, police 50 00
P. Sullivan. police 51 65
Jun. L. Sullivan, police 65 00
T. Sweeney, police
L. 'Zeidman, police 51 Co
Miss B. Brennan, police matron30 00
Mrs. K. Flihbe, police matron3o 00
Labor on streets in the different
Road Districts during the last half of
October, 1904:
A. Alderson 9 45
Jos. Bronillette TO 20
Fred Buddien 16 35
Paul Becker
D. J. Brightbill 135
Jos. Brown, 1st, $7.90; 211d,
$10.10; 3rd, $4.50 22 50
W. Coughlan, 1st 20 00
Jas. Callahan, 1st 20 00
John Corbett, 2nd 13 50
Jas. Connolly. I st 17 55
John Dougherty, 1st 6 75
M. Donegan. 1st, $8.85; 3rd,
$ 70 II 55
T. Donahue, 2nd, $11.70; 3rd,
John Egan, 1st. $4.80; 3rd, 6oc5 40
Mike Farrell. tst I 35
Frank Flick, 2nd 5 40
harry Fleck, 1st, $26.25; 2nd,
$33.75: Frith,
$15.00 2nd, , - 00
Nelson 1st, $17.56;
$22,50; it'll, $10.00
0 30
Barney Glass, 1st ,i u5
Pat Gilloon, 1st, $4.05; 3rd, $1.35 5 40
Jos. Grab, 2nd 17 55
Jos. Guenther. 211(1 9 45
C. Gantenbein, 2nd 20 00
Chas. Gruenzig, 3rd 16 20
John Haley, 1st 4 05
Peter Jacobs, 20d
Aug. Jass. 2nd 10
\like Kane, 1st 9 45
`;ic. Kottcnhofen, 2n(1 10 15
John Kness, 1st, $5.25; 211(1.
$8.80; 3rd, $3.50 �7 55
Martin Loncrgan ,1st, 75c; 3rd,
$2.70 3 45
Mike Lavi11, 1st, $5.25; 211d,
$8.So; 3rd. $3.50 17 55
M. "Maher. 1st 2 40
A. W. Miller, Ist.-2.10,3rd.-4.80 6 90
Jos. \lartinek .3rd 6 45
W. McDermott. 1st 6 7;
John McNulty, 1st 9 45
Jas. \IcGleese, 1st. -2.10, 3rd
4.80 .. 690
Pat. McPoland, 3rd 3 40
Jas. McCormick, 1st. -5.25, 2nd-
8.80, 3rd. -3.50 17 55
Jas. Powers, -1st 9 45
John Parker, 3rd 16 20
W. Quinlan. Ist.-5.25i 211(1.-8.80
3rd. -3.50 17 .55
Phil Redding Tst.-4.05, 3rd. -T.956 co
C. Reinfrank, 211(1 135
Jos. Rooney. 1st. -7.90, 211(1.-10.IO
3rd 4.50 22 50
Jolin Spear. 1st. 10.00, 3rd 10.00 20 00
John Schroeder, 2nd 1 35
'-5 CO
17 55
John Sloan, 2n(1 6 75
Frank Scherr, 211(1 20 00
Louis Smiths 3rd 3 •!o
Nick Sweeney 1 st.-5.25. 211(117
8.80. 3rd 3.50
John \\'clsh, gird (Caledonia.... 2
\V. \\'carntouth, 3rd 20
Adam/_ingcl, 3rd t8
Frank Burns, 211(1
J. Berwanger. 2n(1 25
F. G. Becker, 1st. -55c, 211(1-
2.85, 3rd. -4.60
John Calvert, 1st. -14.10, 3rd 26 S0
12.40 . .
Josh. Calvert, 1st. -1$.00, 3rd 7.20 25 20
Jas. Costello, 3rd 18 00
.hike Hannan, Ist.-9.20. 3rd
16.00 25 co
John Hnffnlire, Ist.-10.95. 2nd 36 60
18.30, 3rd. -7.35
John Linehan, 1st 2.4 00
C. hicEirath, 211(1 25 20
Jail'. McGrath, 3rd 27 00
J. J. \lcCollins, 1st. -7.20, 2nd
8;c.. 8o3
Geo. Raschid, 1st 21 60
George Reynolds, 1st. 11.05. 211(1.
18.45. 3rd, 7.35 36 8;
Ed. Seeley. 1st ... .. .. .. .. 21 40
J. Sullivan. 2nd. 11.20. 3rd, 22.40 33 60
James "Tobin, 3rd.. .. .. 36 00
Labor on special sewers for the last
half of October, 1904:
J. Hansen �3 5`.,
J. Haupert
Walter Bradley 5 40
Labor on sewers for the last half of
October, 1904:
H. Cosgrove 20 00
P. Casserly 20 80
J. Corcoran 20 So
T. Hagerty ...... 25 00
J. Jellison 20 8u
J. Kiang 20 So
P. Kenneally 20 So
C. Sullivan 2015 So
L. Taylor
L. Zenianck . 20 So
Lahr r m Bluff street extension for
the last li ilf of October, 1904:
Tool Burke, Bluff street 10 So
Toni Burke, grading .. 6 75
R. Burns, grading 4 05
Peter Carney. Bluff and grad-
ing ..
AT. Chevalier. Bluff
F.d. Daley. Bluff
James Doyle, Bluff
Dave Frontmelt, Bluff
Mike Farrell, grading
Peter Gregory. grading
Thos. H ackney, grading
Jas. McCaron, Bluff
Pat. McMullen. _grading
W. O'Brien, Bluff st. $15.00,
grading, $10.00 25 00
John Reynolds, Bluff 10 So
Walter Bradley, Bluff, $8 So
grading, $14.40 23 20
John Linehan, Bluff, $3.60,
grading, $9.20 12 So
Pat Shea, Bluff st i8 00
Tibey Bros. part of final esti-
8 00
17 35
9 00
10 80
2I 00
6 75
6 75
5 40
Io So
5 40
List of Warrants.
mate constructing Bee Branch
sewer .... .. .. .. .. .. ....$968
C. 11. Berg. Mayor court costs
case of M. Schegcl vs. city.... 18 go
C. 1-1. Berg. court costs case of
E. W. Alhee. vs. city.. .. 17
C. 11. Berg. Mayor court costs of
case of Gust. Schnee Adntr. vs.
Stampler & Jaeggi, felt and
matting for Assessor's Office $ 11
Mullen Bros., plumbing at City
l fall 4 10
Jahn Mageson, splitting wood
at City Hall •
John Phillips, setting glass in
City 11311 to 85
T. E. Frith, removing garbage
and dead animals for October 363 48
James Noonan, balance on a
Stone Box Storm Water
Sewer in Fifteenth Street130 22
John Newman & Son, repairs Ino
on Sprinkling Wagon
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for 1 15
Sewer Department....
\1ichacl 0' \leara, inspector on
Booth Street Sewer 20 00
H. Corrance, pail and candles
for Sewer Department
John Butt, repairs for Sewer 7 65
Dr. 1. S. Bigelow, services in
Schnee case
C. T. Bush, two photos Rhom-
berg and Reed Avenues
Court costs in case of Gustave
Sclmec, Achim, vs. City of
46 35
25 00
3 00
46 35
Court cost in case of E. W. Al -
bee vs. City of Dubuque
Court costs in case of Melchior
Schlegel vs. City of Dubuque
T. W. \Vittmer, supplies for
Health Department
Safford Stamp Works, stamp
for Auditor's Office
T. W. Ruete, supplies for Road
and Health Department
Gus Holl, 2 keys and fixing lock
in Recorder's Office
Harger & Blish, supplies for
various offices for
Kelly's Book Store, supplies10 90
Recorder's Office
Safford Stamp Works, stamp 64
for Auditor's Office for En-
Post Co., ruling p1 43
Office •
Smith -Morgan Printing Co, 42
Register Books, Ciy's share
36 50
H. Corrance, supplies
foHall, various departments.... 6 8o
Key City Gas Co., gas for var-
ious departments •
Clancy Transfer Co., one cord 6 00
of wood, City Hall
F. P. Hayes, board of prisoners
for month of October 7 60
Philip Pier, two cords of wood, Io .�o
Police Department
Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs for 3 13
Police Department one cord
John Sloan, sawing
17 75
18 go
2 50
37 70
wood, Police Department
Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies
for Police Department
J. M. Garrison, sawing one cord
of wood and carrying the
same to Matron's quarters
T. P. Dane, hay for Police De-
partni nt
John 11uffmcir. hauling two
loads of rubbish
Geo. L. Korman, to brick floor
in Patrol 1 -louse 124 00
Union Electric Co., arc lights for
October 2061 95
A. Fluetsch, milk for \tatron
Department . oo
Key City Gas Co., one special
mantel, Police Department ..
J. W. \\'ittmer, various supplies
for Police Department
11. J. Hagerty, veterinary ser-
vices for Police Department,
September and October
Christ. Scholl, sawing and split-
ting one cord of wood, Police
Wm. McLaughlin, hauling two
loads of rubbish from Jack-
son Park
Mullen & Papin, plumbing at
City Hall
Adam Doerr, Sr., hauling three
loads of rubbish from Jackson
James Strain, hauling benches
from Washington Park
Telegraph -Herald, official print-
ing for month of September
Globe -Journal, official printing
for month of October
National Demokrat, official
printing for month of October
Smith -Morgan Printing Co..
monthly pamphlets and list of
Iowa Telephone Co., phone on
City Attorney's desk Novem-
ber and December
Steuck & Linehan, final estim-
ate on Ardmore Terrace32 86
I 00
to d8
1 75
3 30
5 52
4 20
1 50
59 75
57 66
25 00
15 67
2 00
VVtn Wearmouth, one lantern for
Road Department
St euck, Linehan & Street, brick
for Road Department
Thomas Ryan, rent for derrick
used on Bluff Street Exten-
Hugh Corrance, supplies for
Road Department
John. Butt, repairs for Road De-
partment.......... .
A. A. Brown, repairs for Special
Sewer Department
Key City Gas Co., coke for
Road Department
Gus Lear. horse shoeing for
Road Department
Key City Roofing Co., cement
for Sewer and Road Depart-
Phil Heller, horse shoeing for
Road Department
Phil Pier, coal for Road De-
partment .......... •....
8 74
20 00
2 40
17 25
2 00
I2 00
3 o
64 So
• 292 List of Warrants
L. Lindenberg, nails for Side-
walk Department 4 35
Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs for
Road Department 3 32
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for
Road Department 1100
Van Valkenberg & McEvoy,
one oil can for Rock Crusher 50
O'Farrell & 1!.cNamara, grub-
bing and hauling away tree on
S. W. corner of 14th and Bluff
Streets 8 00
McElrath Teaming Co., one
load of sand, Road Depart-
ment 150
Brown & Brown, final estimate
on alley between South Al-
pine Street and Nevada
Street 23 36
The Kelly -Springfield Road
Roller Co., one driving center 33 50
1f. Corrance. supplies for Fire
Department 7 20
Standard Oil Co., lard oil for
Fire Department 19 50
F. A. Miller. 2 dozen barn
brooms, Fire Department7 Sc'
F. A. Miller, 1 dozen carpet
brooms, Fire Department2 50
Key City Gas Co., Pitts coal
for Fire Department to 35
Key City Gas Co., lump coke
for Fire Department 23 8o
Gus Lear, horse shoeing for
Fire Department 3 90
Ott, \Leuser & Co., shavings,
etc., for Fire Department20 15
Dubuque Oil Tank Line, 5o gal-
lons National Light oil 6 75
Dubuque Mattress Co., 4 mat-
tresses, Ninth Street Engine
1 -louse 9 40
A. Y. McDonald & Co., one
Fuller ball, Fire Department 25
J. W. \Vittmer, blue vitrol for
Fire Department 35 00
John Newman & Son, repairs
for Fire Department 135
T. W. Ruete, supplies for Fire
Department 17 oo
T. F. Kane, hay and oats for
Fire Department, per con-
tract 107 14
Key City Gas Co., rental for
arc lights 1000
Phil Pier, coal for Fire De-
partment 177 51
Wunderlich & Wiederholt,
horse shoeing, Fire Dept
H. J. Hagerty, to veterinary
services, Fire Department
September and October 21 16
H. Wunderlich & Son, perfor-
ated scats and nails for same100
Van Valkenberg & McEvoy,
one patent chimney top 7 00
Van Valkenberg & McEvoy, re-
pairing oil can. 50
Lagen & Sloan. horse shoeing,
Fire Department 7 25
Phil Heller, horse shoeing for
Fire Department 4 25
Wm. Marshall, repairs on Fire
Engine J. J. Linehan 17 20
4 50
Wm. Marshall, one steel nozzle
for Fire Department 2 20
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co,
steam hose for Fire Depart-
ment 130
H. Brinkman, excavation per-
mits redeemed . $ 50.00
11. Brinkman, interest on war-
rants outstanding 1374.23
H. Irinkman. New York ex-
change 3.25
H. Brinkman. express charges. .55
H. 'Brinkman. express on bonds
to New York 2.65
H. Brinkman, library orders
H. Iirjnkman, loans 18.0000
M. Donnegan. macadam 8
C. Gantenbein. Jr.. macadam
J. Heck. macadam 8
J. Martineck, macadam 15 90
C. Reilly. macadam 24 75
H. Tippc, macadam 8 50
M. O'Meara. inspector on
Booth street sewer 20 00
Labor on streets in the different road
districts during the first half of Novem-
her, 1904:
A. Alderson. 3rd 13 50
Jos. Brouillette. 1st 7 50
F. Buddicn, 2nd. 6 75
Paul Becker. 3rd. 15 55
Jos. Brown, 1st $7.85. 2nd $10.15,
3rd. $4.5o 22 50
\V. Coughlan, 1st 2200 00
Jas. Callahan. 1st 20 00
John Corbett, 22nd 7 45
Jas. Connolly, 1st 16 20
John Dougherty. 1st 5 40
T. Donahue,2nd.$1o.80. 3rd $5.40 16 20
John Egan, 1st. 7 35
Frank Frick, 1st 5 75
Barney Glass, 1st 8 70
Pat. Gilloon, 1st 7.35
Frank Gavin, 1st 20 00
Geo. Gau. 2nd to So
Jos. Grab. 1st 1 35
C. Gantenbein. 2nd 20 00
C. Gruenzig. 3rd 8 to
Jos. Geasland, 3rd. 7 45
John Hafey. 1st to 8o
Phil Hense, 2nd 4 05
J. Hansen, 2nd 7 90
Nic. Kettenhofen, 211d II 15
John Knees, 1st $4.o5. 2nd $6.75.
3rd, $2.70 13 50
Mike Lavin, 1st, $4.85. 22nd. $8.10
3rd, $3.25 16 20
jos. Martinek, 3rd 15 20
John McNulty, 1st 14 85
W. McDermott, 1st 5 40
J. McCormack, Health fund 17 55
Jas. Powers. 1st 9 45
John Parker, 3rd 15 55
W. Quinlan. 1st, $4.45.
3rd. $2.95 14 85
Phil Reddin. 1st 2 70
C. Reinfrank, 2nd 8 to
Jos. Rooney. 1st.
$10.15, 3rd. $4.50 22 50
John Spear, Ist 1 95
Frank Scherr, 2nd 20 00
Louis Smith, 3rd 8 to
Nic. Sweeney. 1st. $4.45, 2nd,
and. $7.45
$7.85: 2nd.
OftioiAl. Notices. 293
• $7•45. .3rd. $2.95 • • 14 85
jOhll Twieg. 3rd 2 70
\\T. Welsh, 1st 6 75
N. Wampach, 2nd 4 75
\V. Wearniouth, 3rd 20 00
Frank llurns. ,3rd 16 10
J. i k-wanger. .3rd 16 00
John Calvert. ist. 3 60
Jos. Calvert, ist 3 6o
Jas. Costello, 3rd
Mike Il annan. i st :947 642000
'ohn Evans. 1st
J. 1 I a mien shi c Id, 1st. to So
J. H uffmire. 1st, $1.20, 1st $1.20 2 40
James Keefe. 1st 14 40
John Linehan, 1st 20 00
Jeff. McGrath. 3rd 21 6o
Ed. Seeley. 1st 39 6o
Jerry Sullivan. 1st. $5.30. 3rd,
$15.90 21 20
A. St ds. 1st 14 40
James Tobin. 3rd 57 6o
Labor grading Villa street during the
first half of November. 1904:
Tom Burke
7 45
Peter Carney 5 40
Mike Farrell 5 40
Dan Fox 6 75
l'et er Gregory 5 40
m Hackney 5 40
M ike M eagher 6 75
1'. IM c M ullen 5 40
Jas. IM cCarron 6 75
\V. ( )'Ilrien 25 co
Walter Bradley 3 ho
D. 0•Mettra 25 20
rat. Shea 10 8o
during the first half
..abor sewe-s
of November, 1904:
Ii. Cosgrove 20 00
P. Casserly 19 20
J. Corcoran 19 20
T. I I agerty 2; 00
J. jellistul 19 20
J. Kiang 19 20
P. Kenneally IO 20
C. Sullivan 19 20
L. Taylor IQ 20
L. Zemanek 19 20
Labor on special sewers during the
first half of November. 1904:
Geo. Gau 2 05
Jos. Grab 1 35
Phil H ense I 35
J. I I ansen II 25
J. Twieg 2 05
Nic. Wampach 4 05
Adam Stoltz 9 00
M. O'Meara. inspector on
Booth street sewer first half of
Nov 20 00
Union Elec. Co.. channing lines
at Bee Branch sewer 20 03
H. B. Herold purchase of prop-
erty straightening 4th st ex-
tension 312 32
Mrs. Mary Herold purchase of
property straightening 4th st,
extension 162 68
C. H. Berg. mayor. settlement
of case of Wm. Sheridan vs.
city of Dubuque 512 75
C. H. Berg. mayor part settle-
ment case of Mrs. Cath. Sher-
idali is city of Dubuque 138() 5o
lowa State Atlas Co.. advertis-
ing ill State Atlas ico co
I hereby certify that the foregoing is
a correct list of all warrants issued
by me during the month of Niivember.
1901. C. F. AREN DT.
City Recorder.
Public notice is nereby given that at
the session of the City Council of the
City of Dubuque. held on the Fah day of
December, 1904, the following SI,eyial
l,ssments were levied oo the real ust:,te
hereinafter described, and that in case
of failure to pay the one-seventh part
within the time prescribed by the Ordi-
nance governing same. all will become
delinquent 0110 subject to collecLon by
distress and sale.
City Treasurer.
For constructing Sanitary Sewer in
Booth, West Third and Nevada Streets:
Name. Descriptions. Lot. Amount.
F. N. Schroeder, Sub. 2 of Mm. Lot
158, S 222 ft. lot 2 8 95 40
F. N. Schroeder, Sub. 2 of Mill. Lot
158 N 250 ft. lot L; Sub. 3 of Min. 107 50
Lot 158, N 250 ft. lot 1
J. S. Stephens, S. M. Langworthy•s
Sub., lot 1 9 S9
J. S. Stephens, S. M. Langworthy's
Sub., lot 2 21
Pat Gordoa, S. M. Langworthy's
Sub.. lot 3 21 50
I. Harris, S. M. Langwotrhy's Sub
lot 4 21
Geo. Aekr, S. M. Langworthy's
Sub., lot 5 21 50
11. G. Torbert, S. M. Langworthy's
Sub.. S 26.6 ft. lot 6 11 ,3)
Geo. Ellis Est., Subs. 7 and 8, S. M.
LangwGrthy's Sub.. lot 1 18 06
Geo. Ellis Est.. Subs. 7 and S. S. M.
Langworthy's Est., lot 2 36 12
S. M. Langworthy Est., F. M. Lang -
worthy's Sub., lot 9 23 30
S. M. Langworthy Est., S. M. Lang -
wit 22 50
tlly's Sub., lot 10
T. E. Andres, S. M. Langworthy's
Sub., lot 12 32 79
Chao. Newman, Nairn's Add., lot 15. 25 80
John Newman, Nairn's Add., lot 16. 21 50
John Newman. Nairn's Add., lot 1721 50
Marg. ROSeCLIMp, Nairn's Add., lot
18 21 50
Guilbert Perry Est., Nairn's Add
lot 19
Perry Est., Nairn's Add.21 50
Gull 1)(1. t
2121 55(0)
In' •_0
lot 21
Guilbert Perry Est., Nairn's Add.1 ro
lot 22
Otto M. Schmid, Nairn's Add., lot 2:1 :US
R. Waller Est., S. M. Langworthy's
Add., N 112.10 ft. lot 5 21 25
Jos. Frost, S. M. Langworthy's
Add.. S 50 ft. lots 5-6 21 50
Edward Tibey, S. M. Langworthy's 21 50
Add.. lot 4
Edward Tibey, S. M. Langworthy's
Add., lot 3 21 50
Robt. and Jno. Lee, S. M. Lang-
wothry's Add., lot 2 21 50
Robt. and Jno. Lee, S. M. Lang -
worthy's Add., lot 1 24 19
Thos. S. Collings, Sub. 8, Min. Lot
159, lot 1 M 80
Thos. S. Collings, Sub. 2 of 8, MM
Lot 159, N 171/2 ft. N 44 lot 1 752
Perry Est., Nairn's Add.,
L Magiegafitt% ,r71'
294 Official Notices
J. F. McCarthy, Sub. 2 of 8, Min.
Lot 159, S 401/¢ ft. N r/( lot 1 17 21
C. H. Eighmey, Sub. 2 of 8, Min
Lot 159, S / lot 1 24 94
W. J. Cantiilon, O'Neill's Sub. No24 94
2, lot 11
J. W. Schwind, O'Neill's Sub. No. 2, 24 94
lot 10
Bridget/ Casey, O'Neill's Sub. No.
2. N 1,9 lot 9 12 47
Jno. Buettell Est., O'Neill's Sub,
No 2, S 1/2 lot 9 12 47
Jno, Voellinger, O'Neill's Sub. No.
2. N 40 ft. lot 8 17 50
Mich. Duggan, O'Neill's Sub. No.
2, S 18 ft. lot S 7 71
Mich. Duggan, O'Neill's Sub., N :2
ft. lot 2 9 46
Geo. F. Acker, O'Neill's Sub,
S 38 It. lot 2.... 16 34
Geo. F. Acker, O'Neill's Sub,
N 2 ft. lot 1 86
Carl Jungwirth, O'Neill's Sub., S 58
ft. lot 1 24 94
Mrs. E. D. White, Sub. Min. Lot
159, lot 6 119 97
M. Kearney, Sub. 3, Min. Lot 158,
N pt. lot 2 79 55
Wm. M. Crabtree, S. M. Lang -
worthy's Add., lot 11 26 23
Chas. E. Bradley, Julia Lang -
worthy's Add., lot 29 25 80
Jno. L. L'uettell Est., Nairn's Add,
lot 1 21 550
Jno. L. Buettell Est., Nairn's Add,
lot 2 21 50
Jno. L. Buettell Eat., Nairn's Add,
lot 3 21 50
Chas. F. Marz, Nairn's Add., lot 421 50
Ida M. Young, Nairn's Add., lot 521 50
J. J. McCarthy, Nairn's Add., lot 6. 61 92
C. H. Gregoire, Nairn's Add., S.
W. 80x100 ft. lot 33 34 40
Emma J. Hein, Nairn's Add., lot 2727 09
Martin Carroll, Nairn's Add., lot 721 50
Martin Carroll, Nairn's Add., lot 821 50
Emil Lindenberg, Nairn's Add., lot 9 21 50
Emil Lindenberg, Nairn's Add., lot
30 21 50
John Euettell Est., Nairn's Add,
lot 11
John Buettell Est., Nairn's Add,
lot 12
John Buettell Est., Nairn's Add,
lot 13
John Buettell Est., Nairn's Add,
lot 14
21 50
21 10
21 50
25 '30
Notice is hereby given to all concerned
that a special assessment will be levied
to pay for the construction of an 8 -inch
Tile Pipe Sanitary Sewer in Booth Street,
from Dodge Street to West Third Street,
in Wcst Third Street to Nevada Street
and in Nevada Street to alley first south
of West Fifth Street, James Hird, con-
tractor. Amount of special assessment,
$1,675.15, against the abutting property up-
on and along said sewer, as provided by
law, at a session of the City Council
to be held December 15th, 1904.
And that there is a plat and schedule
on file in the office of the City Recorder
of said City of Dubuque, showing the
streets, or a part thereof, in which said
sewer has been constructed, and the sep-
arate lots and parcels of ground and
specified portions thereof subject to as-
sessment of such improvement, the names
of the owners as far as practicable, and
the amount to be assessed against each
lot or parcel of ground, which plat and
schedul' is subject to public inspection.
And that any and all persons objecting
to said special assessment of said plat
must file his or their objection in writing
with the City Recorder of said City of
Dubuque on or before said session of the
City Cot neil to be held s sessionr oft5th,
1904, or to appear at
Council to show cause, if any you have,
why said assessment should not be levied.
Dated Dubuque, ICowF DecemberDN5th,
12-6-3t City Recorder.
City Recorder's Office,
Dubuque, Ia., December 1st, 1904.
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun-
cil of Dubuque:
Gentlemen. The following is a com-
plete list of all warrants issued on the
various funds by me during the month
of November, 1904: $3,330.ih
Road—First District 842.80
Second District 702.20
Third District 725.80
Fire 2,970.20
Police 2,296.00
Sewerage 453.91
Printing ... 142.40
Engineer 207.25
Street Lighting 2,061.96
interest 1,317.88
Board of Health 509.93
Grading 194.7'0
Bee Branch 968.30
Special Bonded Paving 96 20
Judgment 1,386.50
Sidewalk Repairing .. 4.35
Grading Bluff Street Extension and
Villa Street 160.20
I hereby certify that the foregoing is
a correct list of all warrants issued by
me on various funds during the month
of November, 1904.
12-1t City Recorder.
End of Book No. 34
December 15, 1904
City of Dubuque
Council Record
Book No. 35
January 5, 1905 - December 21, 1905
, -_411........M111111.111.1111111.111111111.11.
'.. .
, )
- '
. _
/ r 1
- ,
;4 t
..~ .
11,t. ;
' -44
Official Proceedings
of the
City Council
of the
City of Dubuque
for the Year 1905
Mathis-Mets Co., Printer, Dubuque, Iowa
y Mayor—C. II Berg. Auditor—F. B. Hoffman.
Recorder—C F. Arendt. Attorney J. W. Kintzinger.
i Engineer
Treasurer- Fi. W. Brinkman. J. H. Boyce.
i Assessor--C. B. Schcrr.
j M E. LYONS—First Ward I RUDOLPH JONES—Fifth Ward.
MATT CLANCY—First Ward. H. CORRANCE—Fourth Ward.
JOS. NEEDHAM—Second Ward E E. FRITH—Fifth Ward.
' J. A. STUMPF—Third Ward.
Mayor Pro. Terri.—MATT CLANCY. Sidewalk Inspector--G.N.RAYMOND. .
Fire Chief—JOS. REINFRIED. Market Master—F. P.HAYES.
Chief of Police—THOS. REILLY. Harbor Master—C.W.KATZ,
Electrician—W. P. HIPMAN. Supt. Sprinkling JOHN GLAB.
Finance. Police and Light.
Corrance,Jones, Lyons. Needham,Jones,Corrance,
Ordinance. Printing.
Lyons,Jones, Frith.
I. Claims. Jones, Clancy, Corrance.
. Corrance, Needham,Clancy. Delinquent Tax.
Streets. Stumpf, Lyons,Jones.
Frith, Corrance, Stumpf Needham, Sewers.
sprinkling. Lyons, Corrance,Stumpf.
Needham, Clancy, Frith. Electrical Construction.
Harbors. Frith,Jones, Stumpf.
Clancy,Jones, Lyons. Board of Equalization.
Supplies. Jones, Lyons,Corrance,Frith,Clancy,
Lyons, Corrance, Frith. Needham, Stumpf.
• Market. Board of Health
Stumpf, Corrance, Jones. Mayor Berg, Aldermen Lyons and
Public Grounds and Buildings. Jones, Citizens T. W. Ruete, Geo.
Jones, Needham, Clancy. Salot.
Fire. I Health Officer—Dr.Ben Michel.
Clancy,Jones, Corrance, I Sanitary Policeman—Frank Flynn
Regular lleetings of the Council the ist and 3rd Thursday Evenings in
Every Month.
INDEX--Book 35.
) A
Jan. 5—Alley between Jackson and Washington Sts.,from 7th to
8th Sts.; petition of Farley & Loetscher Mfg. Co. in
• relation to vacation of 127 2, 9, 20
" 19—Alley abutting Free Public Library; matter of paving
special assessment for improvement of 7
Feb. 2—Alden, Mrs. i,. F;Taxes 18, 31
" 2—Adams Ave.,from Reed to 5th Ayes;petition of Carl Vin-
cent, et al,in relation to improvement of 18, 38, 50
2—Appropriations of various departments, matter of fixing of 22, 31, 38
Mar. 16—Ahearn, M. T.,claim for damages to property 37, 57
" 16—Albee, E. W, vs.City of Dubuque,court costs in suit of 39
Apr. 6—Alley between Iowa and Clay Sts.,from 14th to 15th Sts.;
petition of E. 1-I Shepley in relation to nuisance in 50
6—Alley, first west of Grandview Ava, rear of lot 14,Grand-
view Place; petition of Mrs. Anna Whelan,et al, in
relation to opening of 55
" 20—Alley between Elm and Queen Sts.,from Sanford to 22nd
Sts.; matter of opening of 61, 126
May 4—Alley between Rhomberg and Lincoln Ayes.,from Fengler
to Middle Ayes.;petition of Joseph Woodrich et al in
relation to improvement of 187,182,175,125,106.104, 100, 75,97
4—Alley between Jackson and Washington Sts.,from 25th to
26th Sts.; matter of extension of through Lot 10 of
Min. Lot 322 261, 243, 217, 216, 207, 81, 177
" 18—Alley between Burden Ave. and Argyle St,from Lowther
• to Goethe Ayes.; petition of L. Buehler in relation to
grading of 83, 97
,June 1—Art Division of Woman's Club; petition of in relation to
beautifying and improving the grounds around the
11th St. Elevator 153, 93,106
14 1—Alley abutting Dodge St. from Malady St.to Grandview
Ave.,petition of C. McEvoy in relation to grade of 103, 124
July 6—Alley between Lots 30,31 and 32,T.S. Nairn's addition
from north line of.west Third St.,northerly to a line
20 ft. south;petiton of John T.Adams in relation to
vacation of 175, 150, 119, 149
6—Ahearn, Pat;ordered dismissed from Fire Department 127
Sept. 7—Alley between Alpine and Nevada Sts.; north of West
Third St;plat of showing vacation and re-location of 175
Oct. 5—Alderson,Jas.,M. D; Bill of 208
Nov. 16—.alley between Allison Place and College Ave.,25 ft. south
of Lot 10 Finley Home Addition; petition of E A.
Englerand Joseph J.Murphy in relation to vacation of 265, 235. 264
16—.Abd. Needham; petition of Taxpayer and Teamster in rela-
tion to charges against 235
INDEX--Boog 35.
• 190.1. SUBJECT. PAGE.
fan. 5—Bills allowed and referred 1, 2
.• 5—Bank and insurance Building Co ; Taxes 2
5—Bippus, Geo.; Claim of for personal damages 2. 42
# 19—Beyers, Wm ;Taxes 7, 22
Feb. 2—Bills allowed and referred 17, 18
2—Becker, F. 0.; Bill of 18, 26
ii " 16—Barmeier, I-I , Deputy State Fish and Game Warden;.com-
munication of in relation to protecting hsh in lake on
Southern Avenue 25
1 ;1
16—Blitsch, Mrs. Cath.; Taxes 25, 30
" 16—Hoard of Health report • 26
" 28—Bills allowed 27
" 28—Bechtel, Mrs. Barbara; Taxes 28, 56
I• ; " 28—Bee-Branch Sewer; petition of H.Kuoernschild et al in rela-
tion to extension of 28
Mar. 16—Becker, Paul,et al;petition of in relation to fixing price of
macadam at $1.00 per cubic yard 37, 57
" 23—Beekman,Jno.J.;Claim of for personal damages 42
" 23—Bee Branch storm water sewer in Washington St.from
present terminus to 22nd St; Resolution ordering con-
struction of 42, 176
Apr. 6—Bills allowed and referred 49
i i
6—Becker,Mrs.Barbara;Claim for personal damages,($2500) 51
6—Becker, Auton; Claim of for personal damages, ($1000) 51
6—Bonds improvement;Called in 54
" 20—Butler, C. L ; Taxes (special assessment) 61
" 20—Board of Health Report for April 66
May 4—Bills allowed and referred 75
4—Berg, G. H.; petition of in relation to being appointed a
member of the Fire Department 76
4—Board of Health Report,T. W. Ruete appointed, Citizen
Member to fill vacancy of Otto M. Ruete 80
" 4—Bauer,J. C. vs. City of Dubuque,settlement of suit of 84, 96
June 1—Bills allowed and referred 93
t 1—Ilhzien, W. F.; Taxes 94, 134
1—Bluff St. from 4th to 8th Sts.;Change of grade of
245,235, 232, 129, 127,99, 104
" 1—Bluff St. Extension;Grading of 102
" 15—Braun, Chr.; petition of in relation to grading sidewalk
abutting his property Corner 7th and Lincoln Ayes 103, 126
" 15—Buetell. A. C.et al; petition of in relation to up-to-date
Street Car service on West Locust St. and vicinity 103
I July 6—Bills allowed and referred 117
6—Berwanger,Jno.; petition of in relation to taking out fil-
ling on Garfield Ave 119
" 20—Bills allowed 133
I 20—Board of Health Report 134
" 20—Bee Branch Sewer in Millville Road; matter of issuing
bonds for construction of 135, 173 •
' i, Aug. 3—Bills allowed and referred 145, 146
" 3—Booth St., West side of between O'Neill and West 3rd Sts ;
sidewalk ordertd on 149
" 3—Broadway St., East side of between Diagonal and Block-
linger Lane; sidewalk ordered on 149
" 3—Bee Branch Sewer, from present terminus South of 16th
' St. as far as appropriation will carry same; Engineer
' instructed to prepare plans and specifications for con-
struction of 150, 175, 183
" 17—Blaise, Edw.;claim of for personal damages ($5,000.00) 153
INDEX--Book 35.
" 17—Bauck, Berniece; Receipt of for settlement of claim for per-
sonal damages 156
Sep. 7—Bills allowed and referred 169, 170
7—Borden&Sellick Co.; bill of 170, 208
7—Beutin, F.; bill of 170
7—Bluff St.,\Vest side of between 6th and 7th Ste.; sidewalk
ordered on 179
" 21—Board of Health Report 185
Oct. 5—Bills allowed and referred 201, 202
5—Board of Health Report 209
Nov. 2—Bills allowed and referred 229, 230
" 16—Board of Health Report 24.5
Dec. 7—Bills allowed and referred 255,256
7—Blake, Miss M.;'faxes, (special assessment) 256
7—Bush, Mrs. Anna;Taxes, (special assessment) 257
" 7—Bijou Theater;petition of in relation to issuing license for257
INDEX--Book 35.
t —
{ —
f 1905. SUBJECT. PAGE.
L j
Ii C
1 1 Jan. • 5—Crandall, Nettie Belle; Claim of for personal damages
($5,000.00) 3, 28
.' 19—C. M. &St. P. R. R. Co.;Taxes 7
19—C. G. W. R. R. Co.;Taxes 7
19—Council Proceedings and Index of for 1904; matter of
binding and printing of, (25 copies) 9, 22
19—Cooper, A. A., Wagon& Buggy Co.; Taxes 9, 18
Feb. 16—Connolly,Jane;Claim of for personal damages,($2,000.00) 25, 65, 77
i. • " 16—City Engineer Boyce, communication of in relation to
statements made by Alderman Needham regarding
; tins-management of the efferent Road Funds 25, 28, 31
" 16—Connolly, M. B. vs. City of Dubuque,court costs in suit of 26, 29
l' 16—Cogan, Mary; Claim of for personal damages, ($5,000.00)
258, 242, 28, 61
Mar. 16—Cogan,Jno.; petition of in relation to erecting a frame
dwelling on Washington St.,between 12th and 13th Sts. 37, 55, 62
23—Cushing McFadden Co.; Taxes 41, [',r,
• " 23—Cunningham Jas.;Taxes 41, 56
" 22—Crabtree, Frances; Claim of for personal damages,
(6,000.00) 41, 94
Aor. 6—Congregation of Kneses Israel Church;Taxes 50, 134
" 6—Cooper, A. A.,Sr ;Taxes 50, 67
" 20—Considine, Thos. vs. City of Dubuque; matter of paying
judgment and court costs in suit of 173, 61, 154
May 4—Ca rpend,r,Mrs.Ma'gt.&H.'I.;Taxes,(special assessment) 76, 176
4--Cascade Road Crossing. County Board of Supervisors in-
structed to paint bridge on 80
June 1—Cushing-McFadden Co.; Taxes 94, 134
1—Camp St.; petition of T.J. Mulgr win relation to filling of 94, 127
" 15—Cleveland Ave., North side of between Pear and AppleSts ;
' sidewalk order d on 107
'•1 July 20—Carkeck, T. T.; Bill of 133
" 20—C. G. W.R. R. Co., Resolution ordering re-construction
• with iron viaduct at Peru Road 135, 158
' Aug. 3—Cain, Isabella;Taxes, (special assessment) 146, 156
3—Cassutt, Geo.; Taaes 146
ik 17—Cunningham, Cleni; Claim of for personal damages
($500.00) 153, 181
17--Citizens `tate Bank, vs. City of Dubuque, Robt. & Mary
Jess; Supreme Court costs in suit of 21.1, 156, 173
Sept. 21—Collier, Ada L.; Taxes(special assessment) 181 204
Oct. 19—Cooper,A. A. jr.; Taxes 213, 261
t 19—City Engineer; instructed to give lines for sidewalks on
r South Locust st.from 1st to Dodge sts 216
19—Cooler Ave. East side of bet. 23rd and 24th sts ; sidewalk
it ordered on 217
19—Cleveland Ave. North side of bet. Pear and Quince sts.;
sidewalk ordered on 217
Nov. 16—Carter,(as.; petition of in relation to salary due him on ac-
N count of sickness 235
" 16—Collins, Mrs. Rich.; 'Faxes 235, 261
16—Cleaver, G. A.; Taxes 235, 261
• Dec. 7—Calaboose; cell in to be boarded up for protection of in-
. ebriates 256
7—Chaney, Rich. 0.: Committee report in relation to coni-
ntunication of asking for the forfeiture of city's rights
in property known as Water Level 260
21—Costello, Mrs. Bridget; petition of in relation to hauling
•1sweepings of brick paved streets 263
21—City Attorney J. W. Kintzinger to attend conference at Des ,
Moines relative to revising special assessment Laws of
0 the State of Iowa 263
. . . ,
, . .
. • ' "'.1 --110'*',,.. . ,
. . ,.%
- I N DEX--Book 35.
. •
1905. SUBJECT.
., . - --------
,„• •
,.: Jan. 5-Deed Warranty; II. B. Herold and wife to city of Dubuque 4
" 19-Dulnique Altar Co.; Taxes 7
" 19-Dubuque Water Works Trustees; quarterly Report eliding
Dec. 31st, 1904 7, 22
19-Dubuque Star Brewing Co.;Taxes 9, 23, 39
1'eh. 2-Dempsey, Marv; Claim of for personal damaes 18,41
' 10-Dubuque Brewing& Malting Co.; Taxes 25
10-Dearborn, Mrs. Elizabeth;Taxes 25, 30
Mar. 10-Drastla, Frank, Taxes (special assessment) 37, 79
" 10-Dubuque& Sioux City Ry. Co.; Taxes., 37, 207
i..y Apr. 6-11e Eorimier, Mary; Taxes 50, 66
ll'.1 6-Davis Avenue; matter of changing grade of 55
ls. " 0-Daugherty,Juts F.; Taxes 57
20-Dubuque Civic Division; Corn, of in relation to ap-
pointing I. Conigisky Sidewalk Inspector 61
" 20-Dubuque and East Dubuque Ferry Co.; asking for a license
.,:.., to operate Fen y between Dubuque and East Dubuque 61
" 20-Dubuque Water WorksTrustees; quarterly report of ending
l'- March 31st, 1905 65, s1
A. l'%,lay 4-Dillon Street; petition of C. U. Trewin et al. in relation to
establishing grade on 124, 75, 105
4-Davis, G. E.; Taxes(special assessment124, 103,70,84.
18-Dubuque Packing Co.; faxes 83, 98
18-Dubuque Enterprise Pub. Co.; Bill of 84
18-Dodge St. near Booth St ; Water way on taking care of re
t'.. ferred to Street Committee 83
::... Jul. 0-Dubuque Cabinet Maker's Assn; petition of in relation to
cinder walk abutting their property con 10th and
Jackson Sts 119
6-Dillon street front Grandview ave. to first alley south of
1.f. Curtis street: profile of grade of 124
" 20-Dubuque High 11:idge Co.; annual report of 129, 149
" 20-Dubuque Water Works Trustees; quarterly report of end.
ing June 30th. 1905 130, 119
Aug. 3-Duhuque Artificial Stone Co.; 11(11 of 146, 175
3-I 611on, T.; Taxes (special assessment) 140, 176
3-Dorgan Place north side of bet. Ellis and Madison sts ;
7. sidewalk ordered on 150
I l 1 7-Dubuque& Wisconsin Bridge Co.; Taxes 153
. .
" 17-Dubuque Trades & Labor Congress; Invitation of for
' Labor Day parade accepted 153
'' 17-Dillon Street from Grandview Ave. to northern terminus of
said Dillon street; Resolution ordering improve.
meta of 933, 183, 177, 159, 173
Sept. 7-Dubuque Boat and Boiler Works; Taxes170
Oct. 5-Dubuque Building&Loan Ass'n vs.Theo. rrielolf and City
of Dubuque; settlement of suit of 208
19-Dubuque Water Works; Investigation of plant of 218
Nov. 2-Dolan, Mrs. Mary A.;Taxes 230, 243
" 2-Dubuque Women's Club; petition of in relation to furnish-
ino-e7 room in City Hall for the detention of Juvenile
1 piisoners 230, 243
2-Dubuque Water Works Trustees;quarterly report of ending
Sept. 30th, 1905 232, 245
2-Dodge street; Sidewalk oidered laid abutting City's lot 232
16-Dubuque Water Works Trustees; statement of Water plant
from June 1st, 1900. to Nov. 1st, 1905 239, 261
" 16-Dubuque Water Works Plant;Committee of the Whole Re- .
. l, port on indebtedness of 214., 243
Dec. 7-Dubuque Water Works Trustees; Statement of Expense tic-
, .
` INDEX--Book 35.
count from June 1st, 1900, to June 1st, 1905 260, 264
" 7—Dubuque \Vater Works Trustees; Expert accountant and
practical Engineer to be appointed to examine Plant
• i and Hooks of 261
! " 21—Dubuque Brewing& Malting Co.;petition of in relation to
re-opening of storm water sewer in intersection of
Eagle Point avenue and Kniest street 263
-,s t
INDEX--Book 35.
Mar. 16—Electric Light at foot of 9th St; petition of Morris-John-
son-Brown Mfg. Co.in relation to placing of 37
" 16—Eagle Point Boat House Co.; petition of in relation to
running Ferry between Eagle Point and Kimhel's
Park 37, 42
" 23—Edith street north side of from Burden to Sheridan Aves.,
thence on Sheridan ave. to Davis ave., thence along
south side of Davis ave. to Windsor ave.; petition of
II.Bischof et al in relation to constructing sidewalk on 41
Apr. 6—Eberl, Anton; Bill of 50 66
6—Exchange St. bet. Curtis and Dodge Sts; petition of P
Scanlon et arl in relation to improvement of 50, 67, 76
" 6—East Street profile of grade of approved 55, 65
" 6—Electric Light ordered placed at intersection of Clifford and
Leibnitz Sts 57
" (3—Electric Light ordered placed at intersection of Francis and
Hart Sts 57, 233
" 20—Electi ic Light in Robinson Ave ; petition of C. E. Wales
et al.in relation to placing of 61
May 18—Ernsdorff Buggy Co.;Taxes K;;
" 18—Eagle Street;matter of improving of 84
June 1—Eberl, Anton; Bill of 94, 185
" 1—Electric Light at Cor.of 12th and Cedar Sts ; petition of A
V. McDonald & Morrison Mfg Co. in relation to
placing of 94
" 1—Elm St. West side of bet. 17th and 18th Sts.; sidewalk or-
dered on 101
July 28—Elm St.from 23rd to Sanford Sts.; Waterway on along
C. G. W. Ry.Co.'s tracks; plans of 136
Aug. 3—Electric Light at intersection of Rosedale and Glen Oak
Ayes.; petition of Jno. Parker et al. in relation to
placing of 14
Sep. 7—Eighth Street; South side of bet. Iowa and Clay sts.;side-
walk ordered on 179
Nov. 2—Electric Light at intersection of\Vest 3rd St. and West 5th
St.; petition of G. W. Meyers et al. in relation to
placing of 230, 233
" 2—Electric Light at intersection of West. 14th and Henion Sts ;
petition of H. Corrance et al.in relation to placing of230, 233
" 16—Electric Light at intersection of Lincoln and 3rd Ayes.;peti-
tion of Nellie Tinkhain et al in relation to placing of235
Dec. 7—Electric Light at intersection of 7th and Iowa Sts.; petition
of Mindorfer Bros.et al.in relation to placing of 256
_. o
1r 4. rt,
INDEX--Boog 35.
- ------ ---------- -—
• F G
ian. 5—Fire Alarm Box; matter of placing of at Ice Ilouse or Barn r
between Charter and Jones Sts ry
" 19—Free Public Library; annual Report of 7
" 19—Fire Steamer R. \V. Stewart; Repairs and overhauling of ac-
cepted 9
Feb. 2—Fire Department; petition of members of in relation to in-
crease of salary of 127, 103, 94, 18, 38, 39
" 2—Free Public Library;Taxes,(special assessment) 22 [t
, 16—Falkenhainer& Kenkel; Taxes 25, 30, 65 (' '`
" 16—First Congregational Church; Taxes(special assessment) 26
' " 16—Fire Dept ; D. Ahearn appointed, ranking Captain and M
Eitel and Jas. Daley Captains of 26
Nlar. 16—Flanagan, Mrs. Margt.; Taxes 37, 134
" 16—Fenton, ;arab J.;claim of for personal damages ($2,000) 38
" 23—Fifth \Ward Engine house No. 6; matter of purchasing ap •
paratus for 42, 56
Apr. 6—Fire Dept ; Fire Alarm System replaced with storage bat-
tery system 55
" 20—Falkenhainer& Kenkel;Taxes(special assessment) 65
" 211—Faust, Mrs. \lary; Claim of 67
May 4—Froelich,Jas.; Taxes(special assessment) 76, 84
" 18—Fire Dept ; matter of purchasing horses for 133, 83, 103
June 1—Fenelon Place; North side of bet. Summit and Burch Sts ;
- sidewalk ordered on 100
" 15—Free Public Library; Com. of J. Rich Pres. in relation to
Ilon. Andrew Carnegie increasing his gift for Library
purposes in a sum not exceeding$11,000 103
15—Free Public Library; Trustees of app't 104
" 15—First Street Extension South side of; matter of filling of 104
" 15—First Ward Scales; matter of purchasing new scales for;185,176,10.5,133
" 15—Foye St. East side of bet. Foye and Ellis Sts ; sidewalk or-
dered on 106
July 6—Fifth Ward Engine House No. 6, accepted 126
6—Fifth Ward Engine House No. 6; matter of purchasing
horses for 126
" 6—Farley& l.oetscher Mfg.Co.granted permission to lay and
maintain switch and sidetrack in Jackson St. bet. 6th
and 7th Sts. to south curb line of 8th street 127, 2, 9, 2(1
" 20—Feyen,Jcs.;petition of in relation to being appointed mem-
ber of Fire Dept 129
" 20—Faust,Mt s.Mary;petition of in relation to City purchasing
'`' lot 44.Union Add 172, 156, 129, 148
" 28—Fraternal Order of Engles; petition of in relation to use of
• various streets for carnival purposes 136, 171
Aug. 3—First Ward Scales ordered sold 148
" 17—First Universalist Society; Taxes 153, 176
',if Sept. 7—Fecker, Jos.; petition of in relation to new crossing in alley
bet. Iowa and Clay and 13th and 14th Sts 170, 187
7—Fire Alarm Box; matter of placing of in Factory districts180
21—Fischer, Mrs. Caroline;Taxes(special assessment) 181, 243
~ 21—Foster, \\'nt.; Bill of 185
" 21—Fogarty, Rev.Jno. R. et al.; Taxes (special assessment) 186
"' Oct. 5—Fire Department; members of app't 209
y; 5—Fire Department; matter of purchasing hose for Engine
House No. 6 209, 217
; 19—Fire and I'ulice Departments; Bids advertised for Hay and
Oats 218. 2:32
"' " 19—Fuel for various Departments; Bids advertised for 243, 218, 232
Nov. 2—Fire Depart ment; matter of purchasing hats for
Dec. 7—Flanagan, Mrs. Margaret; Taxes 256
INDEX--Book 35.
Jan. 5—Grue, Patrick; Claim of for personal damages 2,9
" 5—Grandview Ave. from Delhi St. to Dodge St.; plat and
change of grade of 207, 187, 148, 6, 124, 127
Apr. 20—Grant's Birthday Association; Invitation of accepted for
Gen. U. S. Grant's Birthday Celebration to be held at
Galena, Ill., April 27th,1905 61
" 20—Garbage and Dead animals; Removal of; Contract award-
ed to T. E. Frith 66, 80
" 20—Grace St.; From West line of lot 4, Ann O'Hare's Sub. to
East St. Resolution ordering improvement of
261, 236, 233, 125, 106, 68, 78
May 4—G. A. R. Memorial Day Committee; Warrants ordered
drawn for$200 for Memorial day exercises 75
4—Gamewell Fire Alarm Telegraph Co.; Contract of 77
4—Garbage Dump; matter of furnishing rock for ripraping on 79
June 1—Glen Oak Ave.; matter of repairing of 102
July 6—Gamewell Fire Alarm Telegraph Co.; Bill of 118
Aug. 17—Grace street South side of bet. Ida St. and Grandview Ave.;
Sidewalk ordered on 158, 234
Sep. 21—Governors Greys;Granted lease of Armory Hall 185
Oct. 5—Gantenbein Matt.;Claim of for personal damages ($300) 202
Nov. 2—Grandview Ave. \Vest side of bet. Grace and Bennett Sts ;
Sidewalk ordered on 233
" 16—Germania Stock Co.; Taxes 235
Mb . ..kt _,...... 'A
. . . .
IN DEX--Book 35. .
, 1905. SUBJECT. PAGE.
i ' H
Jan 5—Hagerty, H.J.; Bill of 2, 55
5—Iluekels, Theo. j.;Taxes 2, 9
" 19—Hilger, F.J.; Bill of 8, 21, 25
Feb. 16—Hartig, inn. E.; Taxes 25, 30
Mar. 23-11anson, P.;petition of in relation to erecting frame dwell-
ing on lot 70 East Dubuque Add41
Apr. 6-11odgdon Ave.; petition of Jno. M. Kenety in relation to
"petting of 50 •
20—Huff St. bet. Blocks 29 and 30 in Dub, Harbor Co.'s Add.; •
also alley running through said Block 29; petition of
Ott, Meuser&Co. in relation to vacation of 124, 61, 80, 98
May 4—High Bluff St. to Ann Ave.; matter of opening of 79
June 15—Hill street South; West side of bet West 3rd St. and Lang-
worthy Ave.; sidewalk ordered on 107
July 6-11. Hildebrand list.; Taxes 119
6—house of Good Shepherd; petition of in relation to extend-
ing the sanitary sewer to their new building on Alta
Vista St. bet. West 14th St. and Union Ave 119
" 20-1-leer, Martin;petition of in relation to damage to his prop-
erty on Grace street 129, 176
Aug. 17—hill street; West side of bet West 8th and Caledonia St.;
sidewalk ordered on 158 ,
Sep. 21—Huber, Isadore; Claim of for personal damages ($5,000.00) 181
Oct. 5—I-kin, Emma and W. H.; Taxes (special assessment) 202
19—Ilird,Jas.; Bill of 216, 242
Nov. 2—Holsinger,P.; Wharfmaster and Inspector of Wood;resigna-
tion of 230
" 2-1-lerod,Jos.;Taxes(special assessment) 234
Dec. 7—Hassett, Thos.;Claim of for rock 257
7—Hintrager.Win. vs. City of Dubuque; Original Notice Dis-
trict Court in relation to Tax title of lots 2 and 5
Klingenberg's Sub. No. 3 257
" 7—Hanover,Jos. H.,Taxes (special assessment) 260
1 .
, .
I !,
i 4
, .
! '
! • !
INDEX•-Book 35.
Jan. 5—Insurance policy on Ninth street Engine House 6, 9, 37
" 19—Iowa Home Ins. Co.;petition of in relation to share of In-
surance on City property 7
Feb. 2—Insurance on City property; policies accepted 31, 22, 26
" 28—Iowa Pub. Co.: Warrant for$100.00 drawn in favor of
ordered canceled 30
Mar. I6—International Brotherhood of Teamsters; petition of in
relation to increase of salary of 37,42
June 1—Iowa Telephone Co.; Committee of in relation to approv-
ing plans and specification for underground conduit
system 234, 210, 134, 94, 106
Sep. 7—Iroquis Pearl Button Co ; Taxes 170,209
" 21—I.O. O. F. Harmony and Julien Lodges; Taxes 181,210
. •' Oct. 5—Iowa Telephone Co.: Taxes 202
5-1. C. R. R. Co.;Taxes 37, 207, 256
Dec. 7—Iowa Telephone Co.instructed to remove poles on Grand-
view Ave 261
J4 .
j F
INDEX--Book 35.
1 '
Jan. 19—Jarrett, Nie.; Taxes 7, 22
Mar. 23—Julien Ave., North side of bet. Alta Vista and Center Place; 42
sidewalk ordered on
Apr 20—James Street; petition of F. I. Massey in relation to
grade of 61
Maw 18—Jackson St., West side of bet. Sanford and 22nd sts.; Side-
walk85 ordered on
lune 1—Jackson St., East side of bet. 24th and 25th Sts.; sidewalk 101
ordered on 133
July 20 Jacquinot&Mullen; Bill of
Aug. 17 Jones St., South side of bet. Main & Iowa Sts; side'~alk 157
ordered on
Sep. 7—Jones St.,South side of bet. South Locust& Bluff Sts.; side-
walk ordered on 179
" 7—Jackson , West side of bet Eagle Point Ave. & Sanford
St.;sidewalk ordered on 179
" 7—Jackson St.,East side of bet. 10th& 11th sts.; sidewalk or-
dered on
21—Jones St., South side of bet. Iowa& Main sts.;sidewalk or-
dered on 188
INDEX-Book 35.
10415. SI713JFA: F. I'AGE.
Jan. 10—Keen, A. E.; Taxes , 66
Feb. 16—Kernler, R. W.;inst to remove frame shed in rear of prop-
ertv on Locust st. bet. 1st and 2nd sts 26
Mar. 16—Kane, T. F.; Bill of 30
Apr. 6—Katz, C. W.;Com. of in rel. to back salary due him 50, 67
May 18---Kender, R. W.;inst.to remove pool of stagnant water lo-
cated on lot 1 of Sub. 4 Ann O'Hare's Sub 85
June 15—Kenline&Roedell; Corn, of in lel. to paying judgment in
suit of Citizens State Bank vs. City of Dubuque, Robt
& Mary Jess 103
Aug. 3—Kline,J. A.et al.;pet. of in rel to putting in brick crossing
on East side of 14th & Iowa sts 146, 156
" 17—Kapp,Jim.;pet din rel. to improving Willow street 153
" 17—Key City Building Co.; Taxes 153, 210
Oct. 5—Kenneally, I'. et al.; Taxes, (spec. assmt.) 202, 243
Nov. 2—Keckevoct, inn ; pet. of in rel. to use of Ice Harbor for
skating rink purposes 230, 243
" 2—Katz,C. W.;appt. Inspector of Wood to fill vacancy of un-
expired term 230
Dec. 21—Kness,Jno.; Bill of for macadam 264
INDEX--Book 35.
L •
Feb. 2—Loibl,Mrs. Cath.;Taxes 18, 30 '18,30
2—Lampe, A.J.;Taxes
Mar. 16—Lincoln Ave. from 4th Ave. to West line of lot 35 in Mc-
Craney's Eagle Point Add.;pet. of C. Capretz et al., 37,41,57
in rel.to opening and improving of
May 18—Locust street, East side of bet. 3rd & 4th sts.; sidewalk 85
ordered on
June 1—Lincoln Ave. bet. White & Jackson sts.; sidewalk or. 100, 101
dered on >
id 1—Locust street, West side of het. 2nd & 3rd sts.; sidewalk 100
ordered on
Jul. 6—Lavery,Jno.J.;pet.of in rel.to laying cinder walk abutting 119,133
his property on Grandview Ave
" 6—Langworthy& Lyon;Receipt off or$20.00.amount due for
arching mineral shaft in alley bet.Alpine&Nevada sts. 121
20—Lacy&Brown; Taxes,(spec assm't;
Aug. 17—Locust st.,hast side of bet.Jones& 1st sts., sidewalk or-
dered o^ 157
171, 257
Sep. 7—Ludwig,Mrs. Rosina; Taxes
Oct. 19—Locust st.,South from 1st to Dodge sts.; Engineer inst. to 216
give lines for sidewalk on
l . ,
l '
I° k
t;,,'• I; , ....
INDEX—Book 35. 4i
--- —__ SUBJECT. PAGE.
Jan. 19—Mueller. G. H.; pet.of in rel. to vacation of sidewalk on .I:•.;
k Meet street 7,53
Feb. 2—Miller& Reifsteck; Bill of 18
2—Macadam; matter of breaking of in various districts ..
I): • Mar.16—Meggenburg, Mrs. D.;Taxes 215, 209, 188. 22, 39
38, 57
16—Martin,Jas.; Claim of fur personal damages ($5000.00) 38,208
Apr. 6—Mahoney, Mrs. Sarah; Taxes (spec. assm't) 56 y;
t . May 4—May, Mrs. Helen; Taxes 76, 133 1,
" 4—Meggenburg. Mrs. D.; Taxes (spec. assm't) 76,209
" 4—Market Swale;Cleaning of. cont. aw'd to L. Daily 80
" 18—Miller, Fred; pet. of in rel to grading sidewalk abutting his
property Cur. Rhomherg& First Ayes 83, 98 .
Jun. 1—Mehlhop,Jno.;Taxes 94, 134
" 1—Mueller, Ernst; Claim of for personal damages 97, 104
Jul. 6—Metcalf,David; Taxes(spec.assni't) 119, 129 '
" 6—Muntz, Edw.; pet. of in rel. to building retaining wall
abutting his prop.on Seminary st.; also asking for va-
cation of 10 ft. strip of Seminary street 154, 153, 150, 119, 116
6—Mt. Pleasant Ave.; East side of bet. West 14th st & Julien t..
Ave.;sidewalk ordered on 128
" 20—Meyers, Dr. F. W.; Bill of 133
• Aug. 3—Moore,J. G.; Taxes 146, 209 •
17—Main street; East side of bet.Jones& 1st sts.; sidewalk or-
dered on 157
Oct. 19—Mississippi River Imp Ass'n; assessment of against city 216
19—Market Committee;inst. to inspect&test all scales used by
city weighers 216
Nov.16—Metz Mig. Co.; Taxes 235
Dec 21—M ulgrew, T.J co.;pet.of remonstrating against erection of
frame bui•diug adjacent to S. D. Ryan's packing house 263
" 21—Meats Dressed brought into city for sale, to be weighed by
p market master&all public et eighers 265
I.• •
• ;
le ,
'II •
( ,
1 ;
i .
INDEX--Book 35.
} Feb. 16—McDonald A. V. & Morrison Mfg. Co.; Taxes 25
Apr. 6—McCaffrey,Mrs. M.; Taxes, (spec. assm't) 50, 127
" 20—McCune, Mrs. Cath.; Taxes, (spec. assm't) 65
Jun. 1—McAleese,J.; Bill of 94, 133
Jul. 20—McCarten, 11. B.; pet. of in rel.to loss of excavation permit 129
Aug. 3—McCarten, II. B.; Bill of 232, 146, 156
` Sep. 7—?.McDonald, Clara;Claim of for personal damages ($25.00) 171, 216
Oct. 19—McInerney, P.; pet. of in rel. to filling ditch fronting his
• property in Pierce street 213
INN'.X tiooe, S .
.',.. ''t tilt.. I 1'\C.i:
Nagle, J J Taxes
Needbaum, Jos J investigation of Engineer's Dept
Ney, Albert pattin in City Buildings in Golden Metal Weather Strip
Newman, Mary Taxes li
'4 I
rINDEX--Book 35.
iln ----
J . 5—Officers;Reports of 3
" 19—O'Connell, Bridget; Claim of for personal damages,
($3,000.00) 7
" 19—Officers; Reports of 7
Feb. 2—officers; Reports of 18
" 16—Officers; Reports of 25
" 16—Ordinance vacating alley bet.Jackson & Washington sts
from 7th to 8th sts 26, 29
P " 28—Officers; Reports of 28
° Mar. 16—Officers; Reports of 39
" 16—Officers; Reports of(annual) 39,41
23—Officers; Reports of 41
Apr. 6—Officers; Reports of 51
6—Ordinance establishing grade of East st. from Delhi to Ben-
nett sts 51, 65
" 20—Officers; Reports of 62
20—Officers appointed; bonds of approved and sworn in 68
#1 .. ., May 4—Officers; Reports of 76
" 4—Ordinance relating to public weighing; matter of tevis-
ing of 80
" 18-0'Flalleron, Ellen; Taxes 134., 83, 103
" 18—Officers; Reports of 83
Jun. 1—Officers; Reports of 94
" 1—Ordinance establishing the grade on Queen street extension
to Burden ave 98, 104
" 1—Ordinance establi.hing the grade of alley het. Windsor Ave
&Queen st.from North line of Mettel's Sub to Clinton
. street 98, 105
' ' " 15—Officers; Reports of 103
Jul. 6—Officers; Re)orts of 119
" 20—Officers; Reports of 129
" 20—Ordinance establishing the grade on Dillon st.from Grand-
view Ave. to alley South of Curtis st 130
" 20—Ordinance establishing the grade on l'ierce st. from West
' Locust to Anuella sts 131
" 20—Ordiname establishing the grade of alley first South of
Dodge st.front Grandview Ave.to Malady St 131
" 20—Ordinance repealing t he Provisions of a Resolution adopted
by the council Mar. 2nd,1891,providing for a 10 ft.
sidewalk on Grandview Ave.from Delhi St.south 131
" 20—Ordinance establishing the grade on Pine st. from 23rd to
26th sts 132 .
" 20—Ordinance vacating H uft st from south line of Railroad Ave
to south line of Dubuque Harbor Co.'s Add ; also alley
, •,, bet. Huff& Salina sts. from south line of Railroad
Ave to south line of Dubuque Harbor Co.'s Add 184, 132, 175
Aug. 3—Officers; Reports of. 146
" 3—Ordinance in rel.to traveling physicians license of; amend-
ment of Sec. 13 Chapter XXVI of the Revised Ordi-
nances of 1901 187, 151, 156
17—Officers; Reports of 153
" 17—Ordinance establishing a grade on 17th st.from East line
of Clay st. to alley bet. Pine& Maple sts 155
" 17—Ordinance requiring the C. 14. W. Rv. Co. to re-construct
viaduct on Peru Road over and across the tracks of
said C. G. W. Ry.Co 155
Sep. 7—Officers; Reports of 171
• " 21—Ohmert, 1. E.;pet. of in rel. to M. Kohn maintaining a
smoke house in rear of 12th&Iowa sts 181,245
• 1
: 1
. ,+
INDEX--Book 35.
" 21—Officers; Reports of 181
" 21—Ordinance granting the Dubuque&Sioux City Ry. Co. the
right to lay a switch and sidetrack in Jackson st.from
7th to 8th sts
Oct. 5—Officers; Reports of 183
5—Ordinance establishing a grade on Grandview Ave. from 202
Delhi st. to South Dodge st 207
" 19—Officers; Reports of
" 19—Ordinance approving and adopting the plans and spec.for
the construction of viaduct over and across the tracks
of the C. G. W. Ry. Co. at Peru Road and providing
for the construction and maintenance of same. 219
Nov. 2—Officers; Reports of 230
2—Ordinance vacating the southerly 180 ft of alley bet.Alpine
and Nevada sts.north of West Third street 232, 241 r J
Dec. 7—Officers; Reports of 257
— r
'r, I
' I
r :
11111- 9 ,t ar;w. 1
INDEX--Book 35.
Jan. 5—Patch, S J ; Notice of Claim of for personal damages 3, 42
5—Patrol True; matter of purchasing of 6
" 19—Plotzcr, Ii. & J. H. Rhomberg;Taxes 9
Feb. 16—Plapp, F. W. & \lrs. L. Lorenz; Taxes 25, 30
" 1(3—Police Dept.; members of pet. of in rel. to increase of sal-
ary of 107, 25 38
50, 67
Mar. I6—Purchasing Committee's Report relative to Ald.Needhant's
statement in GlobeJournal
Apr. 6—Pitts-Thompson Fdry. Co.; Taxes
\1 a v 4—Peterson &Slocum; Bill of 75
" 4—Purchasing Committee inst. to purchase paving brick for
Road Del, 80, 105
Jun. 1—Police Dept ; matter of purchasing hats for 98
15—Pierce St.: pet. of N. \lettel Jr.in rel. to grade of 103, 124
" 15—Prairie St., East side of bet. Arlington& West 14th sts.;
sidewalk ordered on 106
Jul_ 6—Parker, John et al.; pet.of in rel. to increasing laborers pay
to 171/2 cents per hour 119
" (3—Pierce St , from West Locust to Angclla sts. profile of
grade of 124
(3—Pine St. from 23rd to 26th Sts ; Res ordering Imp. of
134, 148. 150, 154,159, 175, 260,264. 127, 128, 130
Aug. 3—]lumbers Ordinance Confit.; pet. of in rel. to passing of
Ordinance appointing an Inspector of Plumbing 146
Oct. 5—Pfeffer, Aug.; pet. of in rel.to purchase of horses for Fire
Dept 202,242
" 5—Prager, 1, &Co.; Tams
Nov. 2—Police Dep.; matter of purchasing overcoats for 233
" 16—Pier Bros.; awarded contract to furnish city with Wood.— 243
Dec. 7—Police Dept.; matter of purchasing caps for 260
INDEX--Book 35.
May 18—Queen st. to Burden Ave., also alley bet. Windsor and
Queen sts. from Clinton to Queen sts.; profile of grade
of 101,84, 97
Sep. 7—Queen st. Extension, also alley from Clinton to Queen sts •
Extension;pet. of A. Hoerner in rel. to grading of s 170,260
Dec. 21—Quarrymen employed to take out rock for crusher 264
• .
INDEX--Book 35.
1905. -;I.ItlFCT. • PAGE
Jan. 19—Ryan, Thos.; Taxes 7, 30
Feb. 2—Ragatz, Mrs. Cath.; Taxes 22
" 2—Road l list rids; matter of re-districting of 22
28-16elia rdson, B. F.; Taxes 28
Mar. 16—Rohr, Aug.; Taxes 37, 66
'' 16—Reynolds, C. H.;Taxes (spec. assm't) 38, 52
• " 16—Railroad Companies in City; matter of collecting taxes
from 38, 53
May 4—Rasquin, Beatrice; Claim of for personal damages, settle-
ment of suit of 79, 84
.. " 18—Rooney,Jos,;pet. of asking that he be appointed a mem-
ber of Police Force 83
I 8-1thomberg ave North side of bet. White and Jack. sts.,also
. on White st ; sidewalk ordered on 85
" 18—Rhomberg Ave. North side of bet.Jack. and Wash. sts :
sidewalk ordered on 85
I/ I tin. 15—Rhomberg Ave,West side of bet. Schiller and Middle ayes ;
sidewalk ordered on
15—Rhotitherg Ave., East side of bet. Schiller and Middle ayes.; .
sidewalk ordered on 107
15—Rhoniberg Ave., East side of bet. Windsor and Stafford
L I : ayes.;sidewalk ordered on 107 .....-:
" 15—Rhomherg Ave., West side of bet. Schiller and Humboldt ,fT
:. '•
a-cs; sidewalk ordered on 107
jul. 20—Rhomherg, A. L.;Taxes (spec. assin't)
133, 153
Aug. 3—Rogers. i',. R.; pet.of in tel to abating nuisance on Waller
& Kemler property on North side of Bennett st 146 --t
Sep. 7—Ryder, P. F.; pet. of in rel. to had condition of gutter in
6th st. bet. Main and Locust st q 171, 185
. .. k
Dee. 7—Rokuse , F.et al.; pet. of in rel.to completing Bee Branch ..v.
het. Cedar and Sycamore sts 257 t,.*
" 21—Rhomherg, A. L ; Taxes (spec.assm't Union ave. sewer) 263
" 21—Rider,Jno. V.;Taxes (spec. assm't Imp. 4th st. Ext.) 265 •r.P
• „.,
t't .
} .
r /
. i..
.1. .
' t
i . •
' f I
. ..-
INDEX--Book 35.
Jan. 5-Sidewalks; Repairing of spec. assnt't levied for 4
5-Smith, Rosa; vs.City of Dubuque;settlement of suit of 5, 21, 25
" 5-Schmitt, H.; Bill of 6
" 19-Sullivan, Mrs. Ellen F; Taxes 7, 22 `
" 19-Sewer for draining lots in West 5th st.;spec. assnt't levied '
for const. of 8 4'
" 19-Smice, H. T.; Claim of for personal damages 8
Feb. 2-Spielman, Mrs. Mary C.; Taxes 18
2-Sidewalks;Repairing of spec.assm't leviedfor,(spec.assm'ts
ordered canceled) 20,53
" 16-Schwaegler, Mrs.Cath.; Taxes 25,31 ,
" 28-Siegel, Al; pet. of in rel. to erecting swimming school at
foot of 3rd st 28
Mar. 16-Sixth st. bet. l.th st. Extension and Conlin & Kearns Ice •
Houses; matter of repairing of 37,55
" 16-Sewer Sanitary in Blocklinger Lane; pet. of F. D. Thiry-
inesch in rel to const.of 37
16-Schlegel, M. vs. City of Dubuque; Court costs in suit of 39 1
Apr. 6-Sewer Sanitary in Caldonia Place from Hill to West 8th
st.; pet. of E. J. McLaughlin in rel. to const. of
126, 125, 123, 84,82, 80, 64,50,57, 58
6-Seventh Ave. in Ham's Add.; pet of H. Sears Jr.et al. in
rel. to Imp. of 50
6-Sewer Sanitary from St.Joseph's Insane Asylum to end of
present sewer in West Locust st.;plans and estimated
cost for const. of 52
14 6-Sheridan, Cath.vs.City of Dubuque;settlement of suit of. 173,156,55,62
il (i-Sprinkling Wagons;matter of purchasing hose for 55
" 6-Sewer Sanitary in 11th st. from alley first West of Elm sti
to center of Cedar street; Res. ordering coast. of
125, 123,98,79, 68,56,58, 64 '
II 6-Sewer Sanitary in Couler Ave. front present manhole in t
Sanford st. to manhole in Diagonal st.; matter of
const of 80,56,58,64
" 6-Sewer Storm water in Millville Road from West side of cul-
vert in Lemon st. westerly 350 feet; Res. ordering
const. of 176, 57,67
•' 6-Street Commissioner; matter of creating office of 58,62 •
" 20-Snyder, Hattie A.;Taxes (spec.assm't) 61, 178
" 20-Schneider,H. F. C.; pet. of in rel.to connecting with sani-
sewer abutting his property on Grove Terrace 61
20-Silzer, Mrs. Mary; Taxes 61, 133
" 20-Scott, Mrs.Jennie L.;Taxes 61, 176
" 20-Sidewatks; Cleaning snow and ice from; spec. assm't levied
for 63
" 20-Sidewalks; Repairing of;spec. assm't levied for 64
" 20-Scharle, F. D.; Bill of 67 ".::':'.
" 20-Streets paved;Cleaning and sweeping of. Street committee
to advertise for bids 67,79
" 20-Sewer Storm water in Booth st.from present storm water ,
sewer ir. O'Neill st.; Res. ordering Const. of 68,79, 105
" 20-Sidewalks; Lumber used for repairing of price fixed at 3c
per sq.foot 68
20-Street Sprinkling;amount to be paid for use of water for68 {
May 4-Shepple, E H.;Taxes (spec. assm't) 125, 76,84,94 4
" 4-Sewer, sanitary in alley bet.Jack.&Wash. sts.from San-
ford to 27th sts.; Res. ordering Const.of 81
" 4-Sewer Sanitary in Couler Ave. from Sanford to 22nd sts.;
Res. ordering Const. of 187, 182, 176, 104,81, 84,99
" 18-Sullivan,T. 0;Taxes 83,98 i
Tun. 1-Schwartz,Louisa;Taxes 94, 134
INDEX--Book 35. .
Jun. 1—Sidewalks; Repairing of, spec. assm't levied for 96
1—Scharle, Theo.; Taxes(spec.assm't)
e 1—Street signs; matter of placing of at various Street Corners 99
1—Sewer Sanitary in alley bet.Jack. & Wash. sts. from San-
ford to 25th sts.; Res.ordering const.of
218,213, 209, 125, 119, 106,99,104
II 1—Seventeenth street,South side of bet. Maple & Cedar sts.;
sidewalk ordered on 101
15—Sewer; Storm Water in Third street ordered repaired 104
Jul. 6—Sidewalks; Repairing of,spec. assm't levied for 121
6—Slot machines;matter of licensing of 127 i
20—Scharle, F. D.; Bill of 133
20—Seventeenth street from Clay to R. R. tracks ling. inst. to
prepare a profile of grade of 135, 154 1
Aug. 3—Sewer.Storm water in Fourth street, had condition of 148 i
1' 17—Sidewalk Inspector inst. to fence up all had sidewalks 159
Sep. 7—Sewer, Sanitary in Kniest st ;pet. of C.M. &St.P. Ry. Co
in rel.to extension of 170, 178
II 7—Schmid Mfg. Co ;Taxes 170, 209
" 7—Sidewalks; Repairing of,spec assm't levied for 173
7—South Locust st from 1st to Dodge sts.;profile of proposed
grade of 175
li 7—Storm Water Sewer in 22nd st.from Jack.st.to Bee Branch
sewer in Wash.st.;Eng.inst.to prepare plans&spec.
I' for const.of 177, 243
" 7—Seventeenth st.from Clay to Jackson sts.; Res. ordering
imp. of 177, 182
ii,` , 7—Sewer Sanitary in West Locust st. from manhole at int. of
Union Ave.,thence westerly in Union Ave to Alta Vista
st., thence southerly in Alta Vista st.to center of Edina
st.; Res. ordering cost.of 263,260, 216, 210, 178, 181
" 7—Sewer Sanitary in Kniest st.from manhole opposite alley
bet Rhoni. &Garfield Ayes. to center of Garfield Ave.;
Eng. inst. to prepare plans and spec for const. of
260, 207, 187, 178, 182
I II7—South locust st., West side of bet. Jones and First sts.;
sidewalk ordered on 179
" 21—Sears. Henry;Claim of for damages to property 151, 243
" 21—Schollian, E.; Taxes 181, 216
Oct. 5—Schultz,W.et al ;pet. of in rel.to ordering new sidewalk
cor. Leibnitz&Clifford sts 202
5—Sidewalks; Repairing of,spec.assm't levied for 204
" 5—Sewer Sanitary in Alta Vista st.from center of Edina street
III' to present manhole at intersection of Rose street 210, 213
1 II 5—Sewer Foreman; Con Sullivan app't to fill vacancy 211
5—Sidewalks; Cement smooth not allowed to he laid 211
19—Sewer Sanitary in Windsor Ave. or in alley bet. Queen st
and Windsor Ave.; pet. of J. FIerber et al.,in rd. to
const. of 213
't 19—Sewer, Storm Water in Sanford st. from present bed of
Cooler creek to Bee Branch sewer accepted 216, 239
I. " 19—Sidewalks New; Eng.inst.to advertise for bids for coast.
of;spec. assm't levied for 218, 239
; Nov. 16—Smedley Steam Pump Co.;Taxes 235
" 16—Salot,Geo.;pet.of in rel. to had condition of retaining
!1' wall ahutt'g his property on Madison st 235
• jI: 16—Sidewalks; Repairing of, spec. assnt't levied for. Erroneous
assm'ts ordered canceled 237, 258
III Dee. 7—Sisters of the Holy Ghost; Taxes 256
7—Sidewalks; Repairing of,spec.assm't levied for 259
, 7—Sewer, Storm Water in 22nd st. from Jack. st. to Bee
Branch sewer in Wash. st. Eng. inst. to prepare plans
and spec. for const. of 261, 264
" 21—Street Payed; contract for sweeping etc., of annulled 264.
g , '
INDEX--Book 35.
Jan. 5—Trueb, Mrs. Cath.; Taxes 2, 22
Apr. 20—Thrift, W. II.; Taxes 61
Jun. 1—Telegiaph-llerald; Bill of 94, 126
Aug. 3—Trades&Labor Congress; pet of asking cit.‘ fl,r an appro-
priation for Labor Day Celebration 146, 176
" 17—Tax List for 1905; Referred to Board of Equalization 154
Sep. 21—Town Clock taking care of; Bids advertised for. Cont
aw'd to J. P. Buechele&Co 185, 207
Nov. 2—Theis, Mis Cath.; Taxes 230, 243
" 2—Tax Levy fur 1905 fixed 233
" 2—Trieloff,Theo ;Taxes (spec. assin't) 235, 261
,1 Dec. 21—Telegraph& Telephone Companies;matter of licensing of264
, .
, •p
INDEX"Book 35.
Feb. ;i—Union Electric Co.; matter of sprinkling streets 21,53
Mar. 16—Union Ave. South side of from West Locust to Cox sts.;
matter of const.sidewalk on 37
Apr. 6—Union Electric Co. Com.of in rel. to relaying track on 8th
st.from Main st.to C. G.W. Ry. Depot 54,57
Jul. 6—U. S. Voting Machine Co.; Corn.of proposing to sell to city
nine (9) U. S.Standard Voting machines 119
Aug. 17—Union Ave.,South side of bet. West Locust and Cox sts.;
sidewalk ordered on 158
' f
Y '
INDEX--Book 35.
1903 11jlC f. 1'ACE.
Ian. 5—Voss, Mrs. Amelia; Taxes 2, 22
Jun. 15—Voclker,C. A.; Taxes (spec.assm't) 103, 134
Jul. G—Vernon St.,Smith side of bet. Alta Vista st. and Glen Oak
Ave.; sidewalk ordered on 128
Aug. 17—Voting machines; matter of purchase of 156
Oct. 5—Vogel, Adam;Claim of for damages to property 202, 243
Nov. 16—Voelker, C. A.; selected appraiser to assess damages on
Bluff st 235
I „t
' 'sr
' I
t .
' . . JNDEX"Book 35.
..; 1905. SUBJECT. ' PAGE.
W .
• Jan. 19—Welu, D.; Taxes 7, 30
Feb. 2—Wild, in
F.; faxes (spec.ass 't)
2---\Veeds; Noxious cutting of spec. assin't levied for 18, 30
r 20
" 16—Weland, Mrs. F ;Taxes 25, 30
Apr. 6—Water mains in Grandview Ave.; petition of D. O'Meara et
al. in rel.to extension of . 51
" 6—Water mains in Ries st. thence south in Staffrd Ave. to
Eagle Point Ave ;pet. of M.Zwack et al.in rel. to ex-
tension of 51
Jun. 1—West Fifth st.;pet.of Mary Langdon in rel, to grade of
fronting her property 94
1 " 1—Water Fountain at int. of Alta Vista St. and West 14th;
1 .• pet. of Tudor Jones et al.in rel, to placing of 94
t .
II 1—White St., West side of bet. 9th and 10th sts.; sidewalk or-
dered on 101
1—Washington st., West side of bet. 13th and 14th sts ; side-
walk ordered on 101
ttl. 6—Water Fountain at int of Windsor and Burden Ave .; pet
of Jno.A. Reuter et al.in rel. to placing cf 119
" 6—White, Guy; pet. of in rel. to increase of salary of 119
" 6—West 11th st.; matter of repairing of 126 •
20—West'Fifth and Delhi sts ; conditions of sidewalk on 130
, " 20—Wunderlich,Geo. W.; Bill of 134
Aug. 3—White, G.G.; Bill of 187, 170, 156, 146, 153
3—\Vest Locust st. bet Foye and Pierce sts., North side of;
sidewalk ordered on 149
,. .,
17—Willow St.from East end of present improvement to alley
-, East of lot 29;pet. of Jno. Kapp in rel.to Inip. of 153
-!,,,• , " 17—Welsh,jno.; Bill of 156
••,;;;• ,I,
, •',' ' Sep. 21—West Eleventh St. and Grace St., North side of bet. Walnut
and Race Sts.; sidewalk ordered on 188
•_,1,1 Oct. 5—Weeds; Noxious cutting of; spec. assm't levied for
5—White St., West side of bet. 13th and 14th sts.: sidewalk
ordered on 205
" 5—West Fifth st., North side of bet. Booth st. and Glen Oak
Ave.; sidewalk ordered on 211
" 5—West Seventh st.; matter of repairing stairs on 211
" 19—West Fifth st., North side of bet. Glen Oak Ave. and Delhi
st.; sidewalk ordered on 217
Nov. 2—Welsh,Jno.; pet. of in rd.to measuring his macadam 230
" 2—Weihe, F.H. &Co ;Taxes 230
Dec. 21--Washington Park; Trees in ordered trimmed 264
• li i
•. ,•1
i •!,
, .
i •
; .
.4 .
• it
11111111111110111111111momm......._________ --
. }\
INDEX--Book 35. . \\
. Y }
Feb. 28—Y. M. A. Ass'n; pet.of in rel. to erem swimming s m6
at foot of Third % 28,39 83
. \
\ I
, \
[ :
) (
\ (
. !
. ..
INDEX--Book 35.
Jul. 6—Zemanek,L.;pet.of asking that he be app't. a member of , '
Fire Dep 119
Nov. 16—Zemanek,L.;app't.assistant market master 242
Regular Session Jan. 5, 1905.
Regular Session, January 5th, 1905.
Council met at 8:30 o'clock P. M.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Aids. Clancy, Corrance,
Frith, Jones, Lyons and Needham.
Absent—Ald. Stumpf.
Ald. Corrance moved that the Coun-
cil proceedings for the month of De-
cember be approved as printed. Car-
The following bills were ordered paid:
P. Baumgartner, ass't. Market
. Master for December $ 36 45
Palmer, Berg & Co., blank books
and stationery for various de-
partments 144 25
F. P. Hayes, board of prisoners
for December 4 20
T. E. Frith, removing garbage
and dead animals for De-
cember 125 82
T. H. Clark, drugs and supplies
for expense and Fire Depart-
ments 44 55
C. Pape, repairing fountain at
Rhomberg and Windsor Ave-
nues 3 SO
Key City Gas Co., gas for var-
ious departments 117 60
Kelly's book store, stationery and
supplies for various depart-
ments 13 65
C. T. Bush, photos, 6th and Lo-
cust and 13th and Clay Sts 7 50
H. B. McCarten, plumbing Ar-
mory Hall 1 05
L. Lindenberg, snow shovel
Washington Park 115
G. W. Healey & Son, snow shovel
and pail Washington Park65
T. O'Meara, repairing First
Ward scales 5 65
G. F. Kleih, hardware expense
and Sewer Departments 9 60
Klauer & Kress, hardware ex-
pense department 2 05
Iowa Telephone Co., telephone
service various departments37 52
Dubuque Telephone Co., tele-
phone service various depart-
ments 6 00
Fischer & Co., ice delivered at
City Hall 16 00
Fischer & Co., coal delivered at
City Hall 88 93
J. Beach & Sons, soap City Hall2 95
T. Butt, repairs Road and Sewer
F. Schloz & Son, repairs Road
and Sewer Departments 4 60
J. Duggan, repairs Road and
Mt. Carmel Avenue Depart-
T. Melloy, sawing wood Road
and Police Departments
5 10
8 05
2 75
Klauer & Kress, hardware Road
and Sewer Departments 1 50
G. F. Kleih, hardware Road De-
partment 14 10
P. Heller, horse shoeing Road
Department 4 30
G. Lear, horse shoeing Road De-
partment 3 00
Clancy Transfer Co., coal Road
Department 2 00
W. J. Burns Co., oil for Road
Department 75
Duggan & Cota, hardware, pow-
der and fuse Road Department 11 25
Taylor & Gantenbein, paving
blocks Road Department 1 25
Avenue Top Mining Co., rock
Road Department 1 00
Schroeder -Klein Co., salt Road
Department 5 75
McElrath Teaming c'o., sand
Road Department 2 25
G. Ragatz & Son, repairs on
steam roller 9 70
F. M. Jaeger & Co., dynamite
and caps for Mt. Carmel Ave-
nue Department 5 75
Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse
shoeing Fire Department 5 10
Lagen & Sloan, horse shoeing
Fire Department 11 50
P. Heller, horse shoeing Fire De-
partment 3 00
Collings & Pfiff.ner, horse shoe-
ing patrol team 11 70
N. .1. Hagerty, veterinary ser-
vices fire and patrol teams24 85
Dlcc'lain Bros., salt and bran
Fire Department 1 70
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co,
hose Fire Department 3 60
Mullen & Papin, plumbing Fire
Department 11 35
Key City Gas Co., coal and coke
Fire Department 15 35
Key City Gas Co., rental of gas
arcs Fire Department 1 00
'1'. F. Kane, hay and oats Fire
Department 119 30
H. J. Hagerty, examining horse
Fire Department 5 00
Eichhorn & Bechtel, bran and oil
Fire Department 1 75
,lcDonald & Morrison Mfg. Co,
supplies Fire Department 1 50
G. Ragatz & Son, repairs Fire
Department 7 35
Jno. Butt, repairs Fire Depart-
ment 8 55
Butt I n tett i rs Fire Depart-
ment 9 50
F. G. Becker, coal Fire Depart-
ment 16 80
P. Evens, coal Fire Department23 45
F. Burns, coal Fire Department24 70
T. J. Mulgrew, coal Fire Depart-
ment 13 45
Clancy Transfer Co., coal and
wood, Fire Department 27 80
Conlin & Kearns, coal Fire De-
partment 24 40
Fischer & Co., coal Fire Depart-
ment 18 75
Regular Session Jan. 5, 1905.
Diamond Jo Line steamers, mops
Fire Department
Schreiber & Conchar Mfg. Co,
repairs Fire Department
G. W. Healey & Son, never slip
calks Fire Department
F. M. Jaeger & Co., hardware
Fire Department
Key City Roofing Co., repairing
roof 9th Street Engine House5 00
McDermott & Gow, repairs 9th
Street Engine House 2 00
Farley & Loetscher Mfg Co,
storm sash Engine House No. 5 31 85
W. Marshall, repairing fire
steamers P. Olinger and J. J
C. E. Berry, supplies for Fire
American La France Fire En-
gine Co., rebuilding fire engine
R. W. Stewart 1519 00
Thos. T. Carkeek, estimate on
plane and specifications for
Fifth Ward Engine House 50 00
The Model, half pay on Police
overcoats 120 00
J. Boltz, sawing wood Police
Department 4 00
J. M. Garrison, wood Police De-
partment 2 00
P. Devaney, sawing wood, Police
department .... 4 00
H. Schmitt, sawing wood, Police
department 1 75
G. F. Kleih, hardware, Police de-
partment 1 50
Klauer & Kress, hardware, Po-
lice department 90
Clancy Transfer Co., wood, Po-
lice department 30 00
P. Even, wood, Police depart-
ment .... 6 00
Saunders Meat Co., meat for
Matron department .... 5 80
G. H. Davis, stew pot for Ma-
tron department 20
Eichhorn & Bechtel, groceries
and supplies, Matron depart-
ment 13 90
E. J. Mulgrew, bread for Ma-
tron department 4 35
Mullin & Papin, plumbing at
Matron department 10 80
T. F. Kane, hay for patrol
house 13 05
J. E. Hartig, repairs for Engi-
neer's department 1 85
F. M. Jaeger & Co., twine for
Engineer's department 45
L. J. Schmitt, twine for Sewer
department 45
Key City Roofing Co., sewer pipe
and cement, Sewer department 13 30
T. J. Mulgrew, sewer pipe and
cement, Sewer department .... 75 90
Smith, Morgan Prt'g. Co., weekly
and monthly council proceed-
ings for November and Decem-
ber 29 80
Globe -Journal, official printing
for November and December109 23
The Times, printing Mayor's
proclamation .... .... .... 2 10
4 00
1 50
23 35
1 30.
Telegraph -Herald, official print-
ing for November and Decem-
ber 67 75
National Demokrat, official print-
ing for December 25 00
Union Electric Co., arc lights for
December 2069 15
J. G. Becker & Co., drugs for
Board of Health 50
H. J. Hagerty, hospital fees, feed
and medicine for Fire horse... 16 00
On motion was referred to Committee
on Fire.
Petition of the Bank & Insurance
Building Company, by J. H. Shields,
asking that the taxes on their prop-
erty be placed at the sum of $75,000.00
for the year 1904.
On motion of Aid. Corrance the peti-
tion was granted.
Petition of Patrick Grue asking that
he be allowed 10 days' pay on account
of being injured while being employed
by the City grading Mt. Carmel Ave.
On motion was referred to Committee
on Streets and City Engineer.
Petition of T. J. Mulgrew Co. asking
that a Fire Alarm box be placed at or
near their Ice House or barn between
Charter and Jones streets.
On motion was referred to Committee
on Fire.
Petition of Theo. J. Huekels asking
that the assessed valuation on south
one-third of City Lot 481 be reduced
from $5000.00 to $4000.00.
On motion was referred to Board of
Equalization and City Assessor.
Petition of Mrs. Catherine Trueb ask-
ing for the cancellation of her taxes
on lot 1, Rigi's Sub. and lot 12 of Min.
Lot 172, for the year 1904.
Also petition of Amelia Voss asking
that her taxes for 1904 on north 23 ft.
of City Lot 335 be canceled.
On motion both petitions were re-
ferred to the Delinquent Tax Commit-
Petition of Farley & Loetscher Mfg.
Co. asking for the vacation of alley be-
tween Jackson and Washington Streets
from Seventh to Eighth Streets, also
that they be granted the right to lay
and maintain a switch and side track
in said Jackson Street abutting their
On motion was referred to Commit-
tee of the Whole.
The following petitions and claims
were referred to the Committee on
Claims and City Attorney:
Petition and Claim of Geo. Bippus,
claiming the sum of $59.00 for personal
damages sustained by being run over
Regular Session Jan. 5, 1905.
by the Chief of the Fire department.
Also Petition and Claim of Nettie
Belle Crandall, claiming the sum of
$5000.00 for personal damages sustained
by falling on a slippery sidewalk lo-
cated on the Easterly side of Locust
Street, between Fifth and Sixth Streets.
Also Petition of Sylvester J. Patch
notifying the Council that his wife on
Dec. 15th, 1904, fell on a snowy and
icy sidewalk located on the East side
of Main, between Sixth and Seventh
City Treasurer Brinkman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: Below you will find
statements of amounts advanced by
me during the past month, for which
please order warrants drawn in my
Excavation permits redeemed$ 95.00
Interest on outstanding warrants 750.30
Postage stamps—Expense... 10.00
New York Exchange—Expense.65
Refunded tax—Expense .55
Express charges—Fire 1.50
I also received $10,000.00 money bor-
rowed from different parties. Please
order Loan Warrants drawn in their
Library Orders paid $904.37
H. BRINKMAN, Treasurer.
On motion, the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
the various amounts, and the report re-
ferred back to the committee on Fin-
City Auditor Hoffman reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: Herewith find my report
for the month of December, 1904, show-
ing the receipts and disbursements for
the month:
Cash on hand Dec. 1st, 1904.....$ 8,190.33
Receipts from all sources...... 31,566.50
Warrants redeemed $16,119.66
Coupons redeemed . ..... 1.122.50
Water Works coupons re-
deemed 10,102.50
Cash on hand Jan. 1st, 1905 $12,412.17
The above cash balance includes the
Improvement Bond Fund, Improvement
Bond Interest Fund and Library Fund
Also report that there is due the City
Officers for the month of December,
1904, $2,663.45.
Also the following is a record of all
Interest Coupons and Bonds redeemed
by the City Treasurer during the past
month and credited to him:
Regular Bond Coupons $ 432.50
Improvement Bond Coupons690.00
Water Works Bond Coupons10,102.50
The following list shows the Appro-
priations and the amount of Warrants
drawn on each fund since the beginning
of the fiscal year beginning March let,
1904, to Jan. 1st, 1905:
Appropriation Expended
Expense $40,000 $27,195.64
First District 16,000 15,387.62
Second District 20,000 19,998.48
Third District . 9,000 8,377.14
Fire 38,000 25,307.45
Police 28,000 20,856.61
Sewerage 5,000 3,959.70
Printing 2,500 1,282.65
Engineer 2,500 1,815.79
Street Lighting 25,000 18,430.38
Interest 42,000
Board of Health 4,500 2,806.13
Grading 4,000 909.35
Bee Branch 8,500 8,500.00
Special Bonded Paving2,000 789.51
Judgment 2,000 2,000.00'
Special Bonded Debt
Interest 4,000 2,555.36
Mount Carmel Avenue
Grading 1,000 607.45
Sidewalk Repairing 1,000 861.20
Special Sewer Fund8,000 5,378.49
Grading Bluff Street
Extension and Villa
Street 1,000 988.80
Fifth Ward Engine
House 4,000 1,000.00
Total Appropriation.$268,000
F. B. HOFFMAN, Audtior.
On motion the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
City Officers, and the report referred
back to the committee on Finance.
Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: The following is the pay
roll of the Fire Department for the
month of December, 1904:
Amount due Firemen...... $2,199.00
On motion the report was received,
and warrants ordered drawn to pay the
Firemen, and the report referred back
to the committee on Fire.
Chief of Police Reilly reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit the
Police report for the month of Decem-
ber, 1904:
Total Arrests for the month. 69
Residents arrested for the month 29
Doors found open for the month 32
Defective Lights for the month 142
Lodgers harbored for the month... 123
Regular Session Jan. 5, 1905.
Meals furnished for the month 21
Cost of Food for the month $ 4 20
Sheriff, dieting prisoners. 22 37
Patrol calls for the month
Miles traveled
Also the pay toll for Policemen for
the month of December, 1904:
Amount due the Policemen ....$1936.66
—Thos. Reilly,
• Chief of Police.
On motion the report and pay roll
were received and warrants ordered
drawn to pay Policemen, and the re-
jort referred back to the Committee
on Police.
City Engineer Boyce reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
•pay roll for labor on Streets in the dif-
ferent districts during the last half of
December, 1904:
Amount due Laborers on Streets.$243.40
Respectfully submitted;
—James H. Boyce,
City Engineer.
Approved by Committee on Streets.
Also submit nu- li;iy roll for labor on
Sewers during the last half of Decem-
ber, 1904:
Amount due Laborers on Sewers.$205.80
Respect fully submitted,
—James H. Boyce,
City Engineer.
Approved by Committee on Sewers.
Also submit my pay roll for labor and
Grading out Mt. Carmel Avenue during
the lura half of December, 1904:
Amount due Laborers $320.30
Respectfully submitted,
—James H. Boyce,
City Engineer.
Approved by Committee on Streets.
Also submit nay lay roll for Labor
on Special Sew rs for the last half of
December. 1901:
Amount due Laborers $16.50
Respectfully submitted
—James H. Boyce,
City Engineer.
Approved by Committee on Streets.
On motion the pay rolls on Streets
and Sewers were received and warrants
ordered drawn to pay the various
amounts and the pay rolls referred
back to the proper committees.
City Electrician Hipman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
report of defective lights for the month
of December, 1904. I find from the re-
ports of the Police Department that
the total hours that 142 lamps failed to
burn would equal 21/2 lamps for one
month, or $13.50.
Respectfully submitted,
—William Hipman,
City Electrician.
On motion the report was received
and the City Auditor instructed to de-
duct from the Union Electric Com-
pany's bill for the month of November
the sum of. $13.50.
John W. Lawlor, Committee Clerk,
reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: I herewith present war-
ranty deed for Lots 1 of 15 and 1 of 16,
in Block 30, Dubuque Harbor Improve-
ment Co's. Addition to the City of Du-
buque, together with the Abstract of
Title to said lots and would recommend
that the City Recorder be instructed to
have said deed properly recorded.
—John W. Lawlor,
Committee Clerk.
Ald. Frith moved that the report be
received, and the Recorder instructed
to have the same properly recorded.
The following; Weighmasters' and
Woodmeasurers' receipts were referred
to the Committee on Markets:
Frank P. Hayes, City Hall re-
ceipts .... ....$39 95
T. Faherty, First Ward scale re-
• ceipts .. 7 69
R. Hay, Eighth Street scale re-
ceipts 1 60
Louise Pitschner, West Dubuque
scale receipts 3 10
Mrs. C. Dec•kert, Rhomberg Ave-
nue scale receipts 3 33
C. W. Katz, \Voodmeasurer's re-
ceipts 2 85
H. Haubner, Couler Avenue scale
receipts 1 57
City Engineer Boyce presented sev-
eral bills against the Water Trustees
and the Gas Company, for rolling and
repairing Trenches in various parts of
the City.
Ald. Frith moved that the City En-
gineer be instructed to collect the
above named bills. Carried.
City Recorder Arendt presented and
read the Printed Notice, certified to by
the Publisher, of the Council's inten-
tion to levy a Special Assessment for
repairing Sidewalks during the month
of November, 1904.
No remonstrance being filed, the
Mayor asked if anyone present had any
objection to said Special Assessment.
No one remonstrating against said
• assessment, the Notice, on motion, was
received and filed.
Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the fol-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That to pay for re-
Regular Session Jan. 5, 1905.
pairing Sidewalks during November,
1904, in front of and adjoining the same
a Special Tax be and is hereby levied
on the several lots, and parts of lots,
and parcels of real estate hereinafter
named, situate and owned, and for the
several amounts set opposite each lot
or parcel of real estate, as follows:
Nov. 1—John J. Keane, Trustee,
City, lot 698a
Nov, 2—Farley-Loetscher Mfg
Co., City, lots 356-358
Nov. 3—Geo. Salot, McCraney's
1st Add., lot 51
Nov. 4—C. B. Scherr, Trustee,
Mechanics' Add, lot 155
Nov. 5—C. H. Eighmey, Sub. 2 of
1 of 8 of Min. Lot 159, S. 1-2
lot 1
Nov. 7—Chicago Great Western
Ry. Co., right of way, Sanford
Nov. 9—Thos. O'Brien, Glendale
Add., lot 158
Nov. 9—Wm. Klauer et al„ Davis
Farm Add., lot 213
Nov. 10—Hughes & Blake. Blake's
Add., lot 22..
Nov. 10--H. and Edw. Langwor-
thy Estate, Glendale Add., lot
Nov. 11—Jno. Dowling, Law-
rence's Dubuque, lots 9-11.
Nov. 11—L. G. Hurd, Gray's Sub,
lot 10
Nov. 11—Archibald Ferguson,
Sub. Min. Lot 76, lot 1
Nov. 11—Bridget Eagan, Sub
Min. Lot 79, lot 16
Nov. 11—Harry F. Walker,
Reche's Sub., lot 6
Nov. 12—A. W. and Sidonia Hos-
ford, Harper's Sub., lot 3
Nov. 12—Mrs. Sidney Saul, Saul's
Sub., lot 1
Nov. 12—Peter Eisbach, Bonson
& Stewart's Sub., lot 26
Nov. 12—A. W. Kemler, inion
Add.. lot 182
Nov. 14—E. and H. Callihan, Sub
of 2 of Min. Lot 63 and part of
69, inion Add., lots 1-2
Nov. 14—Chas. H. Bradley, Cox's
Add., E. 1-2, lot 50
Nov. 14—C. B. Scherr. Trustee,
Voelker's Add., lot 33
Nov. 14—Chas. W. Buse, Sub. 2
of 130, L. H. Langworthy's
Add., lot 1
Nov. 15—Rich. Waller Est,
Schroeder's Add., lot 20..
Nov. 15—C. B. Scherr, Trustee,
Schroeder's Add., lot 32..
Nov. 15—Wm. Schaefer, Buse -
man's Sub., lots 18, 19 and 20
Nov. 16—C. A. Alexander, Sub. 3,
Babcock's. lot 2
Nov. 16—Engelhardt Hemmi,
Sub. 3 and 4, Stafford's Add.,
N. 50 feet, lot 1
Nov. 16—Adam Mueller, Sub. 3,
Gieger's Sub., lot 10
Nov. 16—Leonard Buehler, Feng-
ler's Add., lot 31
Nov. 16—Marg. Pals, Cook's Add,
lot 60
Nov. 18—James Rowan, Sub. 6,
7, 8, 9, Quigley's Sub, lots 11,
12, 13, 14
Nov. 18—A. L. Collier and L. H.
Langworthy. Trustees, East
Dubuque Add., lot 372
NOV. 18—L. H. Waples, f'ity, lot
2 30
1 45
1 00
1 65
1 05
6 70
1 35
1 25
2 80
45 50
Nov. 18--J. V. & S. P. Rider, Sis-
ters' Add., lots 8-9 40
Nov. 19—Ellen O'Halleron, Fin-
ley's Add., lots 14-15 45
Nov. 19—Mary E. Dunn, Finley's
Add., lots 16-17 41
Nov. 19—Jas. Mullen Est., Fin-
ley's Add., lot 11 40
Nov. 19—Nie. Glab, Finit'y's Atltl
lot 156 45
Nuv. 19—\\'m. Iteche Est
Etches Sub. No. 2, lot 17 1 25
Nov. 21—K. & L. F. Kolfenba, h,
Glendale Add., lot 57 45
Nov. 21 --.Inc. Kessler, Glendale
Add., lot 37 50
Nov. 21—Jno. Olinger, Boulevard
Add., lots 1 and 46 4 75
Nov. 22 --Hughes & Blake, Blake's
Add., lots 25-26-27 60
Nov.'22—John Flynn. Sub. Alin
Lot 191, lot 2 1 10
Nov. 23—A. J. Lembert;, et :tl
Nloinschmidt's Sub., lot 7 50
Nov. 23—Jos. L. Illrd. Finley-
Waples & Burton's Add., lot 13:, 70
Nov. 2.—Henry 1 :union. I 'inlvv-
\V;iplos & Burton's Add.. lot Ido 1 30
Nov. 25--'1']tus. Alcoh-iti, Subs. 131-
1"2, l'niun Add.. Ito - 50
Nov. 2:—lthutnn,•r:; .\ i;tiuglc,
Rose lull Add., lots 2-7-\ 1 20
Nov. 25—Patrick 'Trainer, t'niun
Add., \\' so ft. lot 197 3i
Nov. 21 --.\. \\'iltlhatber, City N 2-3
lot -197 40
Nov. 2:- -Louisa Schunk, D;tvis
Farm Add., lot '2.87 43
Nov. 2 --J. B. (tliun t-. Davis
Farm Add., S 1-2 lot '81 45
Nov,. 25 -Louis lit-llt•r, Davis
Fart Atiti., Int 28t 95
Nov. 2S—,J,is. Lo i, Davis Farm
Atltl., lot r5
Nov. 2--t'Irit-h Willy, Sults. 21S-
219, Davis l"nrut .\tld., lot 2 55
Nov. 21—I1,•nry Deville, (lloudale
Atlt1., lot 45 50
Nov. 26—Jas. Rowan, Brcakey's
.ATI., lot S 59
Nov. 2---\l:uv Siizer, Cox's Add,
iV 1-2 lot 47 45
Nov. 29—Mt. t. Joseph's Col-
lege, Sub. 1 of Mtn. Lots 186
and 187 lot 2 55
Nov. 29—John Flynn, Sub. Min.
Lot 191, lot 2 35
Nov. 29—Wm. K. Stewart, Guern-
sey & Langworthy's Add., lot 3. 40
Nov. 29—A. J. Van Duzee,
O'Neill's Sub. No. 2, lot 23 45
Nov. 29—Emma White, Finley
Home Add., lot 16 95
Nov. 29—G. B. Wood, Finley
Home Add., lot 18 35
Total $ 56 40
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the reso-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons and Needharc.
Absent—Ald. Stumpf.
Ald. Corrance, chairman of the com-
mittee on Claims, reported a,s follows:
The undersigned committee on Claims
and City Attorney, to whom was re-
ferred the above proposition of Rosa
Regular Session Jan. 5, 1905.
Smith to settle her case for $400.00,
would respectfully recommend that the
same be received and filet:.
Ald. Corrance moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Jones, chairman of the commit-
tee on Public Grounds and Buildings,
presented an insurance policy on the
Ninth Street Engine House, which had
been referred to the above named com-
mittee at the previous meeting, and
moved that a warrant for $25.20 he
drawn in favor of I. C. Chamberlain for
the premium on same.
Ald. Needham moved a substitute,
that the policy be referred back to the
committee on Public Grounds and
Substitute carried by the following
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Lyons and
Needham. Total, 4.
Nays—Aids. Corrance and Jones. To-
tal, 2.
Absent—Ald. Stumpf.
Ald. Jones also reported as follows:
Your committee on Public Grounds
and Buildings, to whom was referred
the bill of H. Schmitt for $2.00 for
cleaning around Jackson Park, would
respectfully recommend that an order
be drawn on the City Treasury in set-
tlement of the claim.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Needham, chairman of the com-
mittee on Police and Light, reported as
Your committee on Police and Light
beg leave to report, that at the request
of Chief Reilly we have ordered Ell-
wanger Bros. to make a complete new
set of Patrol Harness, except collars,
and Mr. Ellwanger take the old harness
by the city paying him $35.00 cash.
Ald. Needham moved to adopt the
report. Carried.
Ald. Clancy, chairman of the com-
mittee of the Whole, reported as fol-
Your committee of the Whole would
respectfully recommend that the City
Engineer be instructed to prepare a
plat of Grandview Avenue, showing the
curb line set at twenty feet out from
the property line. Also that said En-
gineer examine the grade on said ave-
nue and report as to whether or not it
would be advisable to change the same
for the purpose of draining said ave-
Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Jones moved to adjourn until
January 19th, 1905. Carried.
C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder.
` ' ' Recorder
Regular Session Jan. 19, 1905.
Regular Session, January 19th, 19ua.
Council met at 8 o'clock P. M.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Aids. Clancy, Corrance,
Frith, Jones, Lyons, Needham and
Petition of Dubuque Altar Co., ask-
ing that the City Treasurer be
instructed to accept payment of tax
for 1904 in accordance with Ordinance
passed Aug. 16th, 1900.
On motion of Ald. Frith the petition
was granted.
The following' petitions of Union Sol-
diers and widows of Union Soldiers,
asking for exemption of their home-
steads from taxation to the amount of
$800.00 were referred to the Delinquent
Tax Committee.
A. E. Keen.
Wm. Beyers.
Nicholas Jarrett.
Mrs. Ellen Sullivan.
Petition of Dominick Welu, asking
that the assessment on lot 5, Woodlawn
Park Add., be fixed at $150.00.
Also petition of Thomas Ryan, ask-
ing for a reduction of his taxes for
1904 on lots 67 and 68, McCraney's Ad-.
On motion both petitions were refer-
red to the Board of Equalization.
Petitions of the Iowa Home Insur-
ance Co. and Traub & Feigner, asking
that they be given their share of Fire
Insurance on city's property.
On motion both petitions were refer-
red to the Committee of the Whole.
Petition of G. H. Mueller, asking
that the vacation of sidewalk over
which his house extended on Kniest
Street be made in a legal manner.
On motion was referred to the ('ity
Claim of Bridget O'Connell, claiming
the stnn of $3,000.00 for personal dam-
ages sustained by falling on a slippery
sidewalk at southwest corner of Clay
rnd Thirteenth Streets.
On motion referred to Committee on
Claims and City Attorney.
City Engineer Boyce reported as fol-
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council':
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my
pay roll for labor on streets in the
First and Third Districts for the first
half of January, 1905:
Amount due laborers on streets..81 7,. -
Respectfully submits,• I.
('ity Engineer.
Approved by the committee on
Also submit my pay roll for labor
on sewers during the first half of Jan-
uary, 1905:
Amount due laborers on sewers..$192.60
Respectfully submitted,
('ity Engineer.
Approved by the Committee on
On motion the pay rolls on Streets
and Sewers were• re,•, iI d and war-
rants ordered ,Irac(n to pay the v:u•-
ious amounts, n,l the pay rolls refer-
red back to the proper committees.
City Treasurer Brinkman reported as
To the Hon. Mayor and ('ity Council:
Gentlemen:—Jan. 12th, 1903, an as-
sessment was levied for brick paving
alley alongside of Public Library
property, amount $206.80. Will the
City pay this assessment?
On motion the matter was referred
to the Committee of the Whole.
City Treasurer Brinkman also re-
ported as follows:
I have received communication from
the C., M. & St. Paul It. It. co., also
the C. G. W. R. R. c'e.. :ul 1 presume
the other two rnilrcr,i,ls will ask the
sane question.
Will the City accept their taxes for
1904 same as 1903. pending decision of
Supreme Court, relative to the validity
of the action of the City Assessor in
raising the amount returned by State
Board. Respectfully,
City Treasurer.
Ald. Corrance moved that the 'Treas-
urer be instructed to accept the taxes
from the various Railroad con)puci05
for 1904 on the same conditions as last
year. Carried.
The Water Works Trustees present-
ed their quarterly report for the three
months eliding December 31st, 1904.
The Mayor appointed a Special Com-
mittee consisting of Ald. Lyons, Jones
and Frith 11, audit the same.
The annual report of the Carnegie -
Stout Free Public Library was pre-
sented and read and on motion re-
ceived and ordered published in the
proceedings of the Council.
The report follows:
To the \l:,) nr :u01 Council of the City
of Dubuque:
The law relative to the conduct of
public libraries requites that the Board
of Trustees shall. each year, make to
It :.
Regular Session Jan. 19, 1905.
the Council a report for the year end-
ing December 31st, showing the gen-
eral condition of the library,
and amount of money expended for its
maintenance during such year.
In compliance with this requirement,
your Hoard of Library Trustees here-
with submit their annual report, cov-
ering the period from January 1st to
December 31st, 1904.
During the past year 2,137 hooks have
been added to the library, 101,687 vol-
umes have been circulated, 103 books
have not been returned, or have been
lost and a statement of the fines col-
lected and the money expended in the
maintenance of the library during the
past year is found in the appended
summary :ilid report:
Amount of tax of 1903 collected
to Dec. 31, 1904 $7.380.27
Amount of tax collected from
previous years 302.81
Bala ncon hand, Dec. 31, 19031,174.20
l'up:aid checks, $15, $10, $3.85.... 28.85
Total amount for support $8,586.13
Warrants drawn 7,652.96
Balance on hand $1,233.17
Note: -The first item of $7,380.27 in-
cludes the sum of $205.33 collected on
tax of 1904.
Salaries $3 375.30
Books 1,340.55
Binding 649.23
Printing 119.95
Stationery 75.70
Periodicals 227.40
Heat 804.55
Light .......... .... 613.18
Building repairs 261.36
Sundries 185.74
Balance on hand Jan. 1, 1904....$105.65
Received from Auditorium 105.00
Received for tickets for out of
town membership 3.00
Received from lost book .60
Received from fines 204.73
Received from general fund 25.00
Brought forward $ 443.98
Paid for Sundries -
January $31.70
February 50 25
. 26.70
Jan. 1, 1905, Balance
$ 41.08
Respectfully submitted,
-Board of Library Trustees.
City Recorder Arendt presented and
read the printed Notice, certified to by
the publisher, of the Council's inten-
tion to levy a Special Assessment for
constructing a 12 -inch Tile Pipe Sewer
for draining certain lots on West Fifth
Also a communication from R. W.
Kemler remonstrating against said as-
On motion said communication was
received and filed.
Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for con-
structing a 12 -inch Tile Pipe Sewer for
draining certain lots on West Fifth
Street, in front of and adjoining the
same, a Special Tax be and is hereby
levied on the several lots, and parts
of lots, and parcels of real estate here-
inafter named, situate and owned, and
for the several amounts set opposite
each lot or parcel of real estate, as
H. J. Ellis. Sub. 7 of Min. Lot 79,
• lot 3, 61 lin, ft $ 28 35
R. W. Kemler and \Vm. Hin-
trager, Sub. 6 of 7 of Min. lot
79, lot 2, 35 lin. ft 16 3C
R. W. Kemler and Wm. Hin-
trager, Sub. 6 of i of Min. lot
79, lot 1, 132 lin. ft 61 35
'total $106 00
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the reso-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Nays -None.
A bill of Dr. F. J. Hilger was pre-
sented, for attending Mr. Barrett, who
had been wounded by Officer Cody.
Amount of bill $10.00
On motion the bill was referred to
the Committee on Police and Light and
Chief of Police.
Ald. Corrance. chairman of the Com-
mittee on Claims, reported as follows:
Your Committee on Claims would re-
spectfully report that H. T. Smice,
who fell on a slippery sidewalk on
Rush Street and thereby dislocated his
shoulder, appeared before your com-
mittee and asked that he be allowed
compensation for such injuries. After
a thorough investigation of the cir-
cumstances, we deemed it advisable to
effect a settlement, and therefore offer-
ed him $25.00, provided he accept the
same as full compensation for all dam-
ages growing out of said accident. Said
offer being accepted, and a waiver sign-
Regular Session Jan. 19, 1905.
ed, we had the City Treasurer advance
the stipulated amount, and would rec-
ommend that a warrant In the sum of
$25.00 be ordered drawn In favor or!
the City Treasurer to reimburse him
for the amount so advanced.
The aforesaid waiver vve hereto at-
tach and make a part of this report.
Ald. Corrance moved to adopt the
report. Carried.
Ald. Frith, chairman of the Street
Committee, reported as follows:
Your Committee on 'streets. to
whom was referred the petition of
Patrick Grue, asking that he be al-
lowed pay for the time he lost on ac-
count of injuries received through
negligence of a fellow employe vwhilLt
working on Grandview Avenue, would
recommend that a warrant in the sum
of Ten Dollars be ordered drawn on
the City Treasurer in favor of said
Patrick Grue in full settlement of all
claims he may have against the city
growing out of said accident.
E. E. FRITH. Chairman.
Aid.. Frith moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Jones, chairman of the Com-
mittee on Public Grounds and Build-
ings, reported as follows:
Your Committee on Public Grounds
and Buildings, to whom was referred
the policy of the Iowa State Insurance
Co. for $2,000.00 on the Central Engine
House, would recommend that a war-
rant in the sum of $25.20 be ordered
drawn on the City Treasurer in favor
-of I. C. Chamberlain, agent, for pay-
ment of said policy.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the report.
Ald. Clancy. Chairman of the Fire
Committee, reported as follows:
Your Committee on Fire begs to re-
port that we have tested the steamer
"R. W. Stewart," which was recently
overhauled, and finding but minor de-
fects which the American-LaFrance
Fire Engine Co. has agreed to make
good, would recommend that said
steamer he accepted.
Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Jones, Chairman of the Printing
Committee, moved that the City Re-
corder be instructed to advertise for
bids for printing the Index and bind-
ing 25 copies of the Council proceedings
for the year 1904. Carried.
Ald. Jones, Chairman of the Board
of Equalization, reported as follows:
Your Board of Equalization. to whom
was referred the petition of 'Theodore
J. Huekels, stating that the assessment
valuation or South one-third of ('itc
Lot lS1 had erroneously been fixed :it
$5.000.00, and asking therefore that said
valuation he reduced to $1.0(10.00 would
recommend that the prayer of the peti-
tioner be granted and that the Treas-
urer be instructed accordingly.
Also. your hoard nt' I:qu:aliz:shon. to
tv hunt was referred the petition of the
A. A. cooper Wagon ;and Buggy Co..
slcing that the ;assessed valuatioo of
lt.. cooper Wagon Warks Block he re-
duced $5.000.00 would n'comme•nd that
said petition it.• received and tiled.
Also, your Board of i:qu:alization. to
whom was referred the petit nit ,,r 11.
Pfotzer and J. 11. I;hombe•re, stating
that City Lot 245 is :assessd ;it $*,000,00
and asking that said valuation he re-
duced to $4.000.00, tvoatl(1 respell full? re-
port that We find 111)011 investigation
that said lot is :assessed at but $(!."d(ti:t
which we consider a fair valuation,
and would therefore recomniend that
said petition he received and tiled.
Also. your itoard of Equalization, to
whom was referred the petition of the
Dubuque Star !hewing Co.. asking that
the City Treasurer he instructed to ae-
c•elrt payment of taxes on its personal
property on n basis erf $5,000,00 v:alna-
ti0n. Would recn;nouaxl that the prayer
of the petitioner be not granted, but
that the Treasurer be instructed to ac-
cept such taxes 0n a basis of *15,000.00
valuation. provided the same be paid
within thirty drays from the date of the
adopt ion of t his report.
Itt:D tLPlI J()Ni:s,
('h:airi aan.
Aid. Jones moved to adol.t the vari-
ous reports of the Board of E•maliza-
tiott. C:imild.
Chairman of the Com-
mittee of the Whole, reported :as fol-
Your Committee of the \\•hole, t0
whom wos ,refered the petition of the
Farley & [met seller Mfg. Cu.. asking
that the ;alley het WOit Jackson and
Washington Streets from Seventh to
Eighth Street be vacated, would recom-
mend that the prayer of the petitioner
he granted and that the proper pro-
ceedings he taken to vacate said alley.
"M:\'I"1'. ('l.:\ Ncy.
Ald. Clancy nrnve• i to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Whereupon Ald. Clancy offered the
Whereas, the Farley & Loetscher
Manufacturing Company has filed its
petition asking for the vacation of the
10 V
Regular Session Jan. 19, 1905.
alley between Jackson and `Washing-
ton Streets, from Seventh Street to
Eighth Street, and represents that it
is the owner of .all the land abutting
the part ..f said alley so asked to be
vacated: n w therefore
Iie it ItIto IVed by the City Council
of the ('ity of Dubuque, that the City
Engineer be directed to make a survey
of that part of said alley proposed to
he vacated, to he filed in said Engi-
neer's ollice subject to public inspec-
tion, and to give the notices required
by ordinance to all owners of the prop-
erty ;abutting said ground proposed to
1,e so vacated and to publish the notice
required by ordinance of said proposed
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes --Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons. Needham and Stumpf.
Ald. Clancy moved to adjourn until
February 2nd, 1905. Carried.
City Recorder.
. , .! ........ ... Recorder
Approved • 0 190 b
hist of Warrants.
List of City Warrants
City Recorder's Office.
Dubuque, Ia., January 2nd, 1905.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: The following is a com-
plete list of all warrants issued by me
during the month of December, 1904:
C. H. Berg, salary. Mayor $116 65
H. Brinkman, salary. Treasurer133 30
J. A. McKinlay, salary, Deputy
Treasurer . 100 OO
Jno. Krayer. clerk, Treasurer's
office 60 00
Chas. F. Arendt, salary. Re-
corder 116 65
Wm. A. Kaep, salary, Deputy
Recorder 80 00
F. B. Hoffman. salary. Auditor116 65
C. B. Scheer. salry. Assessor125 00
A. Doerr, Jr., salary. Assistant
Assessor 100 00
J. J. Murphy, salary, Assistant
Assessor 100 00
J. W. Kintzinger, salary, Attor-
ney 150 00
J. C. Longueville. salary, Assis-
tant Attorney 75 00
Thos. Reilly, salary, Chief of Po-
lice 100 00
Jno. Reinfried, salary, Fire Chief 100 00
J. W. Lawlor, salary, Committee
Clerk 100 00
Jas. Boyce. salary. City Engi-
neer.. .. .. '166 65
E. Anderson, salary. Assistant
Engineer.... .. .. .. 100 011
G. White, salary. Rodman 50 00
G. N. Raymond, salary. Super-
intendent of Street Sprinkling 60 00
E. Herron, clerk in Auditor's
and engineer's office 75 00
Wm. Hipman, salary, Electric-
ian.... .. .. .. .................. S3 30
F. P. Hayes, salary, Marketanas-
ter.... .. .... 50 00
T. Cahill, salary, Park Custodian 10 00
H. Henge, salary, Park Custo-
dian 40 00
T. Flaherty, salary, Park Custo-
dian .... .. 10 00
Dr. B. F. Michel, salary. Health
Officer.. .. •................ 50 00
F. Flynn, salary, Sanitary Pa-
trolnian fi0 00
C. Baumann, salary, Poundmas-
t e t' 40 00
Mrs. H. Koenig, salary. .Tni-
tress 20 00
Conigisky. salary. Sidewatfc
5n 00
Inspector...... . .
C. W. Katz, salry. \Whar'fnuis-
ter.... 90 00
M. Clancy. salary, Alderman._ 'S 00
H. Co'ranee, salary. Alderman 9 5 00
E. Frith, salary, Alderman.. 00
Mr. .Tones, salary, Alderman25 00
E. Lyons. salary. Alderman 25 00
Jos. Needham, salary, Alder-
man _5 0n
Jno. Stumpf, salary, Alderman 25 00
Miss E. B. ltupprec'ht, steno-
grapher 20 00
M. Eitel, fireman $25 00
J. Essm:ut. fireman
i .. ;: an
A. uc•ciin, fireman.... .... 60 n0
J. Flynn, fireman.... .... 65 00
J. Raskin. fireman.... .. .. f,0 00
A. Neer, fireman.... .. 50 00
J. Tsc•hu.li, fireniun.... 50 nn
J. Sc'honberger, fireman.. 5n nn
J. Daley, fireman 65 nu
J. Barnes, fireman ;5 nn
T. It -der, fireman.... .. .. .. (3715100
G. Beyer, fireman f,.5 0010)\\'. Tlucey. fireman. .. .. 60 00
F. \lurphy. fireman._ .... 50 00
W. \icClain, fireman.. .. .. 50 00
\l. Iv•Ily,
fireman.... .. .. 50 00
D. :\hern. fireman 65 O0
P. Zillig. fireman._ .................10 nn
T. Flynn. fireman ( 1 00
Al. Nwceney, fireman.... 50 00
H. Cain, fireman .. 0 0n
7. Benzo'. fireman.... .... n 00
J. Mc•Gloughlin, fireman.... .. .... 50 00
A. McDonnell. fireman.... .. .... 5i 50
7. 1\1urphy, fireman....
P. Fury, fireman.... .. .. .. . .... .0 00
W. Kannolt. fireman.... ..65
G. Gherke. fireman.. .. .. .. .... 6565
I'. Kennedy. fireman............50 •\n
F. Baumgartner. fireman.. .. .... 50 00
J. Smith. fireman.... .. .. .. .... 50 0n
C. l<annolt, fireman.. .. .. .. .... (.; 00
.T. Allen. fireman.... .. .. .. ... 60 00
M. Fahey, fireman...... .. .. . 50 00
\\ e i'Comnell, fireman.... .. .. 60 00
I;. \\"eston, fireman.... .. .. ...... 65 00
1 Kenneaily, firem:un.... .. ...... 60 00
E. McDermott. firemn.... .... .. 50 00
1'. Ahern, fireman.... .. .. ........ 50 00
J. H. Barry. police 8 25
II. Burke!. police .... .. ............ 51 65
.1. Carter. lelicr•.... .. . ......... 67 20
.1 Clone, police.. .... 1 6:c
In.., Cn.1), i.oIicc.... .... .. e0 00
\C. C.uei<, polis.•.... .. .... 60 00
\\'. ('nrsor:ut, police .... .. .. 51 65
I. I'. Cummins. pulite.... .. .. 51 65
Ii. Dahlin. 1.1111ce.... .. '.n 00
I. Fitzput risk, poliso :.I it5
las. Flynn, pulic,• nn
Jno. Fox.police 5I G5
\yin. Frith. polis .... .. .. 6''.
I.. (:Passel. perllre•.. .. •.. .. .. 4i 75
I'. G;ty• polis,•.. .... .. I nn
BB Nanton, police.... .. ou
l,netsch.•r, police.. .. .. 4'
I'. Me('ulliits. i;;;11••0.. .. .. .. 5u n0
P. 1\le•Tnerii.•y, poli...•.. .. .. .. ..... ii.
1l. (i'('onnor. police• .... .. e;' nn
Jno. \lurphy, police.... .. .. :n 00
Jno. l'010,411, police r,. 1n
51 i
J. Rooney. 111,1)'.1 nb.
.las. Ryan, bolter.. .. .. .......... G; 20
M. .11:‘%10,Polis e .... .. .. ..........
P. Scharff. police n nn
Al. Scher, police....
F. Spellman, police.... .. .. ...... :.1 65
P. Sutton. peillcr•.. .. .. .. ........ :I,••
. 51 6.
M. Stapleton, police ...... .. .. ...
List of Warrants.
J. Stoltz. police.... .. .......... 51 65
P. Sullivan. police.... .. .... .... 50 00
Jno. i.. Sullivan, police.... .. .. .. 47 65
T. tiwccney, police .... .. .. .... 65 00
L. Zeidman, police .... .. .. .. .... 51 65
Miss B. Brennan, police matron 30 00
Mrs. K. Hibhe, police matron.. 30 00
Labor on streets in the different dis-
tricts during the last half of November.
A. Alderson, 3rd 5 40
John Burns. 1st.... .. .. .. 4 05
Jos. Broullette, 1st.. .. ........ 5 85
Paul Becker, 3rd .. .. 12 85
W. H. Bernhard, 3rd.. .... .. 5 40
D. .T. Brightbill, 3rd.... .. 11 50
Jos. Brown, lst.-7 85, 3rd. -4 5012 35
W. Coughlan, 1st 7 10
Jas. Callaghan, 1st.... .. .. .. .... 20 00
J. Connolly. 1st.... .. .. .. 17 55
T. Donahue. 3rd.... .. .. 5 85
John Egan. 1st.... .. .. .. 1 35
H. Fleck, 1st. -26 25, 3rd. -15 0041 25
N. Frith, lst.-17 50, 3rd. -10 00.. 27 50
Barney Glass, 1st.... .. .. 1 35
Pat. Gilloon, 1st.... .... .. 3 30
Frank Gavin, 1st.. .. .. 20 00
C. Gruenzig, 3rd .. .. ...... 7 45
J. Geasland, 3rd .. .. .. .... 1 35
J. Hansen, Special Sewers.... .. 9 00
John Kness, 1st. -5 25, 3rd. -3 50... 8 7b
Mike Lavin, lst.-5 25, 3rd. -3 50.. .. 8 75
Jos. Martinek. 3rd.. .. .. .... 5 40
J. McNulty. 1st .. .. .. .. .. .... 5 40
W. McDermott, 1st.... .. .. ...... 4 05
Pat McPol a n d, 3rd.. .. .. .. 5 10
Jas McCormack, Health.... .. .... 17 55
James Purcell, 1st.. .. 5 40
James Parker. 3rd.... .. 5 40
W. Quinlan, 1st. -5 25, 3rd. -3 50S 75
Phil. Reddin, 1st.... .. .. .. 4 05
Jos. Rooney, lst.-7 85, 3rd. -4 5012 35
John ~lien r. 1st .... .. .. .. .. 6 80
♦ '. Sheridan. 1st.... .. .. .. .. 5 40
Nick tiwceney, 1st. -4 85, 3rd. -3 258 10
John Welsh, 1st 2 70
Duke Ward, 1st 2 70
W. Wea rmouth, 3rd.... .. .. .... 20 00
F. G. Becker, 1st. Teams 8 80
Jos. Calvert. 1st. Teams 23.20
Jas. Costello. 3rd. Teams.... 21 60
M. Hannan, 1st. Teams 2 00
J .Huffinire. lst.-6 85,3rd.-2 SO9 65
J. J. McCollins, 1st .... 8 00
Geo. Reynolds, lst.-22 10, 3rd-14 75 36 85
Ed. Seeley, 1st. Teams 14 40
J. Sullivan, lst.-2 70, 3rd. -8 10 10 80
Jas. Tobin. 3rd .. .. .. .. 6 80
Labor grading streets during the last
half of November, 1904.
J. Brachtenbach.. .. .. .. 10 80
Jos. Brown .... .... .. .. .. 1015
John Corbett .... .. .. .. .... 2 70
Peter Dax .. .. 16 20
T. Donahue
John Ess
Frank Frick
Dan Fox
N. Frith
H. Fleck
Jos. Guenther
C. Gantenbein
Jos. Grab
Phil. Hense..
11 70
9 45
7 45
1 35
22 50
33 75
. 6 75
20 00
5 40
5 40
Aug. Jass .. .. 10 80
John Kinsella.... .. 4 50
Jake Kraus. .. .. .. 9 45
N. Nettenhofen.. .. 7 45
John Kress 8 80
H. Lembke 1015
M. Lavin 8 80
Ernest Mueke 10 80
M. Meagher 1 35
Jas. McCarron.. .. .... 1 35
W. Quinlan...... .. .. .. .. .... 8 80
Jos. Rooney 1015
Frank Scherr.. ...... .. .. 20 00
N. Sweeney 8 10
R. Turner 5 40
N. Wampach 1 35
F. Burns. Teams.... .. .. 12 60
J. Evans .... .. .. .. .. .. 10 80
John Huffmire.... .. .... .. 7 05
Dennis O'Meara 1 Si,
L. Peil 25 20
Geo. Reynolds36 85
A. Stoltz. .. .. .. 7 20
M. Zogg .. 25 20
Labor on Mt. Carmel avenue during
the last half of November, 1904.
Toni Burke 10 80
Peter Carney.. .. .. 10 80
W. Coughlan 2 70
James Doyle.. .. .. 8 10
James Dougherty.... .. 4 05
Thos. Hackney.. .. .. 4 05
John Kelly.... 4 05
W. O'Brien.. .. .. .. 25 00
Mike Sullivan .. .... .. 10 80
J. Linehan.. 10 80
D. O'Meara.. .. 1 80
W. Woods .... .. .. .. 10 SO
Labor on sewers during the last half
of November, 1904.
H. Cosgrove.. .... 20 00
P. Casserly. • • • 20 80
J. Corcoran.... .. 20 80
T. Haggerty 25 00
J. Jellison.. 20 80
J. Kiang., 20 80
P. Kenneally., 20 80
C. Sullivan 20 80
L. Taylor 20 80
L. Zemanek 20 80
P. Baumgartner, Asst. Market -
master .•$ 22 95
G. Gmehle, collections made for
cleaning of alleys 14 45
L. Daily, cleaning around Mar-
ket Square October and No-
vember 28 00
Jno. Heil, repairing First Ward
Scales 4 35
Dr. B. Michel, professional ser-
vices as witness in case of G.
Schnee vs. City of Dubuque25 00
F. P. Hayes, board of prisoners
for November 6 6o
M. O'Meara, inspector on
Booth Street Sewer 20 00
P. Even, coal for First Ward
Scales to 70
T. J. Mulgrew, coal delivered at
City Hall 27 90
Key City Gas Co., gas for var-
ious departments 82 00
C. O. D. Laundry, towels and
racks for August, September,
October and November 16 00
72 rrT
> w
List of Warrants. 807 ,
C. Matz, repairs for Fifth Ward
Scales 1 6o
W. Singrin, pine wood, City
Hall 6 oo
J. Beach & Sons. soap, City
Hall I 40
Jacquinot & Mullen, repairing
fountain. West Dubuque 6 5o
W. Beutin, sand for Road Dept 5 75
C. Matz, repairs for Road Dept 1 5o
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for
Road Department 3 45
Smedley Steam Pump Co., re-
pairs for Steam Roller 15 40
P. Hanson, oil and matches for
Steam Roller 1 45
P. Pier, rattlings for Steam
Roller 3 25
Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse
shoeing for Fire Dept 12 05
Collings & Ptiffner, horse shoe-
ing for Fire Dept 8 8o
Jno. Powers, horse shoeing for
Fire Dept 19 35
G. Lear, horse shoeing for Fire
and Road Depts 7 3o
G. W. Healey & Son, hardware
for Fire Dept 105
T. F. Kane, hay for Fire Dept 95 03
W. H. Torbert, drugs and sup-
plies for Fire Dept. 7 00
Key City Gas Co., coke and
rental of gas arcs for Fire
Dept 17 6o
P. Pier, coal for Fire Dept53 30
P. Even, wood for Fire Dept6 oo
M. Stafford, bran and straw for
Fire Dept 9 90
Dubuque Oil Tank Line, oil for
Fire Dept 6 o8
Ott, Meuser & Co., shavings for
Fire Dept 15o
Clancy Transfer Co., wood and
coal for Fire Dept 36 90
McDonald, Morrison Mfg. Co,
supplies for Fire Dept 8o
R. O. Campbell, 5,igns showing
numbers of Fire Alarm Boxes
for Fire Dept 23 00
Keller & Luchterhand, brick
mason work on Eighteenth
Street Engine House 14 70
P. O'Farrell, sawing wood for
Police Dept 3 75
J. E. Hartig, steel keys for Po-
lice Dept 75
T. J. Mulgrew, wood for Police
Dept 6 oo
Collings & Pfiffner, horse shoe-
ing for Police Dept 5 00
Clancy Transfer Co., wood for
Police Dept 6 00
J. Sinlones & Co., blankets and
comforters 13 85
S. Appel, carpenter work at Pa-
trol House 9 20
Saunders Meat Co., meat for
Matron Dept 2 20
F. Shloz & Son, repairs for
Sewer Dept 70
A. A. Brown, repairs for Sewer
Dept 120
W. Marshall. drop shovels for
Sewer Dept 6 00
T. J. Mulgrew, sewer pipe for
Special Sewer Dept 9 90
Telegraph- H erald, official print-
ing for October i9 15
National Demo]; rat, official
printing for November 25 00
J. F Hartig, repairs for En-
gineer's Dept 35
Union Electric Co., arc lights
for November 206[ 95
Union Printing Co.. blank sta-
tionery for Board of Health
and Expense Depts 20 25
T. F. Frith, removing garbage
and (lead animals for Novem-
ber 363 48
P. J. Seippel Lumber Co., lum-
ber for Special Sidewalk .Dept 52 is
Dubuque \Voodenwarc & Lum-
ber Co., lumber for Special
Sidewalk Dept 45 40
Ott, Meuser & Co„ lumber for
Special Sidewalk Dept 1
8 95
Ott. Meuser & Co., lumber for
Bluff Streets Extension and
Special Sewer Depts 18 20
G. W. Healey & Son, hardware
for Special Sidewalk Dept6 5o
Williams & Linehan, sand for
Special Sidewalk and Special
Sewer Depts 15 00
Jas. Hird, estimate constructing
Sanitary Sewer in Booth
Streets, etc ...1346 70
Excavation permits redeemed $105 00
Interest on warrants outstand-
ing.... .. .. I 1 00
Interest on overdue bonds 113 33
Freight ch,n•ges--load 3 25
Library orders paid.... .. ........ 620 30
Lieo is.... .. .. .. ........$11. 000 00
Labor on streets in the different dis-
tricts for the first ha!)' of December,
A. .AIderson, 3rd 5 40
J. Br•ottlllette, 1st.. .. 6 75
D. J. Brightbill, 3rd.... .. .. 2 71)
Paul Recker, 3r 1 .... .. .. .. 4 75
Jos. Brown. 1st. -11 2,. 3rd. -112522 50
J. Callaghan, 1st .... .. .. 20 00
W. Coughlan, 1st.... .. 2 70
J. Connolly. 1st .. .... .... 2 70
T. Donahue, 2nd. -1 S0,3rd.-90.... .. 2 70
John Egan, 1st 1 80
Barney Glass, 1st.... .. .. 2 10
F. Gavin. 1st 20 00
P. Glue, 1st 2 70
I. Hansen, 3rd .. 3 40
I. Kress, 1st-. '0, 2m1.-1 35, 3rd. -55 2 70
M. Lavin, 1st. -3 20, 2nd. -1 55, 3rd. -55 5 10
\I. Lonegnn, 1st 1 35
P. i1eP 1;und, 3rvl 2 70
J. McNulty, 1st 4 05
J. McCoroun•k, Health 17 55
John Parker, 3rd 7 SO
W. Quinlan, 1st. -1 55. 2nd, -1 35,
3rd. -55 3 45
J. Rooney, 1st, -1125, 3rd. -11 25.. .. 22 50
F. Scher., 2nd .... .. .. .. .. .... 7 70
N. Sweeney, 1st, -4 S 2,-1 .',7, 3rd 55 6 75
W.\Vearnututh, 3rd. 20 00
F. G. Becker, 1st.... .. .. 1 60
Josh. Calvert, 1st 3 60
J. J. McCollins, 1st.... .. .. 5 20
Geo. Reynolds, 1st. -1 70, 2nd,-
2 80, 3rd. -1 15 5 65
'-Bes List of Warrants.
J. Tobin, 3rd.... .. . 16 20
'Labor grading Queen street for the
first half of December, 1904.
J. Ilr,!ehtenbach .... .. .. .. 4 05
A. Rolle') .. .. .. .. 2 70
Pelee Dax.... .. ...... .... 7 45
Jos Guenther.. .. .. 8 80
Geo. Ga u .... .. .. .... 12 15
P. Guenther 10 80
G. Gantenbein 20 00
August Jass.... .. 70
.J. Kraus 8 80
.J. Karper.... .. .. .. 4 05
H. Lembke.... .. .. 4 05
A. Ma n,lerscheid .... .. .. 3 40
C. \anek.... .. :. ................ 12 15
.lake Perrion.. .. 12 15
N!c. Pinseh 1 05
J. Scheuer.... 4 05
.1. 'I'wieg. 12 15
John Wagner 16 70
Augut't \Vitte.... .. .. .. .......... 4 75
.J. Rerw:t nger 18 00
H. 13isehop.... .. .. 12 60
F. I.eutii .. . 9 00
.1. Evans 14 40
L. Pell.. .. 7 20
A. Paley 25 20
Labor grading Mt. Carmel avenue
during the first half of December, 1904.
1'. Rt,rke 21 60
Jar; Iteakey.... 3 60
Jahn Itirl:e 1 35
P. ('.!racy 21 60
I!. Cunningham 15 30
Mike Carney__ 13 50
.[times Doyle 5 40
.1. Dougherty.... .. .. .. 4 05
\` Donahue 3 60
\V. Donahue.. ..
Mike Farrell
l'.)t Gin.... ..
'Phos. 11.! c•lcnev.. . .
9 45
4 05
4 75
.i. Kelly. Cleveland Ave.. .. 4 05
9 90
It. Leavitt.... .. .. .. 4 05
John Mahoney 15 30
his McCarron . .. .. .. 8 10
A. McCann .... .. .. .. 8 10
I'. McMullen.... .. .. 2 70
\V. O'Brien. 25 00
M. Sullivan.. .... .. .. 5 40
\V. Bradley 21 60
J. Linehan 10 80
D. cr\T!nra.... .. .. 10 80
1'n. I;'yHolds 7 20
I., Silty.. .. .. 23 40
\V. Woods .. 10 SO
1.:1Ivos on Sewers for the first half
of December, 1904.
11. Cosgrove 20 00
P. Casserlv.. • • . 20 80
.1. Corcoran.. .. .. .. 20 80
I'. Hagerty 25 00
.J. .1.•t ison... .. 20 80
.1. Kiang__ .. .. .. 20 80
P. K'nn':tlly 20 80
I'. Sullivan... • .. .......... 20 80
L. Taylor._ .... ............ 20 80
L. %emanek.... .. .. 20 80
Labor on special sewers for the first
half of December, 1904.
C. Crowley.... .. 1 35
David Flynn .75
It. G:.iss.... .. .. 3 30
DT. I ener.g,tn.. .... 3 30
John Si:.:tr.... .. .. .. .. 3 30
J. W. l<iniinnzer expense going
to It's Moines. hearing case of
Considine vs. City $18.90
J. C. Longueville Do Do Do 18.90
Thos. Clancy difference paid by
city for trade of horse for lire
department.. .. .. .. .. . ..$25.00
I hereby certify that the foregoing is
a correct list of all warrants issued
by me during the month of Dece.nber,
1904. C. F. A RE N D'1'.
City Recorder.
To All Who Are Named Below: You
are hereby notified that. in accordance
with an ordinance of the City of Du-
buque for the cutting of weeds during
the month of July, 1904, that a special
assessment will be levied for the ex-
pense thereof at the regular meeting
of the City Council, upon all lots and
parcels of land on said improvement
owned by you being subject to such
special assessment. And you are no-
tified to appear at said meeting of the
City Council, to be held on the 2nd
of February, A. D., 1905, and show
cause, if any you have, why said as-
sessment should not be levied.
Owner. Description. Total.
July 21—John Marzan, E. Lang -
worthy's Add., 46 and N. 35 ft
lot 45, 4 hours $ 70
July 21—Susan and Mary Zuin,
E. Langworthy's Add., N. 25 ft.
44 and S. 15 ft. lot 45, 2 hours40
July 21—H. C. Knoernschild, Da-
vis Farm Add., lot 366, 3 hours. 55
July 21—R. and Edw. Langworthy
Est., Glendale Add., lots 163-164-
165, 9 hours 1 45
July 16—Wm. Abitz, Glendale
Add., lot 84, 3 hdtirs
July 16—Mary L. Bunting, Glen-
dale Add., lot 82, 3 hours 55
July 16—Ada L. Collier, Sub. Min
Lot 322, lot 10, 18 hours 2 80
July 20—John Olinger, Boulevard
Add., lots 1 to 23, inc., 27 hours4 15
July 20—Schneider & Kleih, Sub
5 and 7 and W. 7.1 ft. Lot 9,
Wick's Add., lots 1-2, 3 hours55
July 20—Pat Walsh Est., Mc-
Craney's 1st Add., lot 71, 3 hours 55
July 20—Mary A. Walsh, Ham's
Add., lot 447, 2 hours 10
July 21—R. and Edw. Lang-
worthy, Glendale Add., lots 166
to 170, inc., 15 hours 2 35
July 21—Christ. Jacobi Est., Glen-
dale Add., lot 171, 3 hours 55
July 27—Jos. H. Hanover, Marsh's
Add., E. 100 ft. lot 47, 5 hours85
July 27—D. A. Gehrig, West's
Add., lot 13, 6 hours 1 00
July 12—Emma White, Finley
Home Add., lot 16, 5 hours 85
July 12—W. H. Doane, Finley
Home Add., lots 10-11, 9 hours1 45
July 13--Jno. L. Buettell, Nairn's
Add., lots 1-2-3, 10 hours 1. 60
July 14 --Catholic Univ. of Wash-
ington, et al, Mobley's Dubuque,
lots 6-7, 16 hours 2 50
Official Notices
July 15-P. M. Harrington, Sub.
23, Kelly's Sub., lot 6, 4 hours... 71+
July 16-R. Waller Est., Sub. 42,
Kelly's Sub., lots 2-3, 14 hours... 2 20
July 16-C, 1i. Reynolds, Sub. 24,
Dunning and Horr's Sub, lot 3,
S hours
July 21-J. S. Garragan Est., Oar-
I'agan's Sul)., lots 3-4. 5 hours.. 85
July 21 -Minnie and M. A. Kent -
ler, Newberry and Hale's Sub.,
lot 13, 10 hour,. 1 60
July 23-Jno. \lcCabe, Corrill's
Sub., lot 1, 2 hours
July 28-F. \V. and Frank Coates,
S. M. Laurgworthy's Add.. has
39-40-41, 10 hours 1 60
July 29-E. M. Kringle, Sub. 7,
Min. Lot 79. lot 6, 13 hours 2 OS
July 29 -Wm. Hintrager, Quig-
ley's Out Lot 710, \V. 42 ft. lot
15, 6 hours 1 Os
July 29-Jno. A. Koch Est., Cox's
Add., lot 16, 6 hours : 00
July 29 -Frank Hamel, Sub. City
670, lot 2, 4 hours lit
July 29 -Catholic [inv. of Wash-
ington, et a I. A. McDaniels'
Sub., lot 820, 6 hours 1 Os
July 29 -Catholic Univ. of Wash-
ington, et al, A. ➢IcDaniels'
Sub., lot 821, 6 hours 1 00
July 29 -Wm. Hintrager, Farley's
Sub., lot 13, 6 hours 1 00
July 29-M. V. Gill, Oakland Park,
lot 14, 6 hours 1 00
July 29-W. G. Cox, Sub. Min. Lot
90, lot 3, 6 hours 1 00
July 21 -Marg. Barry, City S. 2-3
lot 554, 6 hours 1 00
July 21 -Win. Hintrager, City L.
1-4 of S. I-3 lot 556, 2 hours40
July 21 -Carr, Ryder K Adams,
Lois Add., lot .6, 3 hours
July 21-J. S. Stephens, Julia
Langwworthy's Add., lot 22, 4
hours 70
July 21 -Wm. M. Crabtree, S. M
Langwworthy's Sub., lot 11, 3
1 30
Total $42 40
1-23-3t -------- City Recorder.
• Chief of Police Office,
Dubuque, Iowa, January 10th, 1905.
'1'o All Whom It May Concern:
Notice to Auctioneers, Pawnbrokers,
Junk Dealers, Hacks, Omnibuses, Cal --
Gages, Drays, Teamsters, Expressmeu,
Hotel Keepers, Restaurants, Eating
Houses, Owners of Billiard and Pool
Tables, etc., Bowling Alleys, Peddlers,
Theaters and Shows, 11oiel Runners
and Porters, Transient Merchants,
Street Vendors; Vault i'le:Liters aim
Scavengers, and Owners if Dogs. No-
tice is hereby given to all parties re-
quiring a city license, that the same
is now past due and if not paid imme-
diately, they will be prosecuted in ac-
cordance with the ordinance on that
subject, which was adopted and passed
by the City CouncilTHOSt ImberREIL3rd 1903.
1 -10 -lot Chief of Police.
Notice is hereby given to all con-
cerned that a special assessment will
be levied to pay for the construction
of a 12 -inch Tile Pipe Sewer for drain -
1 )
ing certain lots on \\-est Fifth Street.
Amount of special assessment. $106.00,
against the abutting property upon
and along said sewer. as provided b
law, tit a session of the city council
to be held January 19111, 19,15.
And that there is :t Mat :thin schedule
on the in the office of till. City Re-
corder of said Pity of Dubuque. show-
ing the lots. Lir it part thi•re1,1,
which said s('\\ has been eunstrut•ted,
,111(1 tl)e separate lots and parcels of
trots:ul and specified portions thereof
subject to asse,,slla•itt of such intpt•owe-
meat, the of the owners ars far
as peach(:tide, :ted the itntotutt to be
ssesscd against each lot or parcel of
ground. which plait and schedule is sub-
ject to public insl fiction.
And that tory and all persons object-
ing to said special assessment of said
plat must file his Iii' their objection in
wvritittg with the Pity Recorder of said
City of Dubuque on or before said ses-
session of lilt- City I to be held
January l9t11. 19115, or to appear at
said session of the Council to show
cause, if any you have, why said as-
sessnr-•nt should 111,1 Ile lew•ied.
Dated Dubuque, limit, January 9th,
1905. 1'. F. Aftl:NI)'F.
1 -9 -St City I:ocorder.
To All Who are named (Plow:
You tire hereby notified that in ac-
c•orchtnce uilh an ordin:11a, ii the City
of Dubuque for ropiiring sidetwallcs in
the month of Ni veutbir. 19l 1. that e
special assessment will be levied for
the expense thereof at the regular
meeting of the I'ity Council upon all
lots and parcels of Inin1 iii said im-
provement owned by you being sub-
ject to such special asseasmmnt. And
you are notified to appear at said meet-
ing of the Council to he 111111 on the
5th day of .1:oall ry, A. D., 1907, a nd
show cause, if any you have, why said
assessinetit should not hi' levied:
Nov. 1 -John J. Ken tie, Trustee,
Pity, lot 698'i $
Nov. 2--Farley-Loelschee Mfg.
l'ity, lots 356-S% 5,5
Nov. 3 --Ileo. Saha, \lcl'r:aney's
let .Add., lot 51
Sow. 4-('. li. Scheer, Trustee
Mechanics' Add., lot 155
Nov. 5-C. H. Eighntey. Sub. 2 of
1 of 8 of Min. Lot 159, S. 1-2
lot 1
Not'. 7 -Chicago Great West
t)•. Co., right of way, S:111fnriI
sr ret
Now. 9 -Thos. f)'Urien, Glendale
Add., lot 158 1 43
Now. 9-\Vett. Khmer, ct al, D:tt•is
F'au'ns Add.. lot 213 1.
Nov. 10-Ilughes &
Bloke's Add., lot 2'
Nov. 11'-l:. a11c1 1711W,
worthy Estate, Estate, (llendale Add,
lot 153
Nov. 11-Jno. Dowling• Law-
rence's Dubuque, lots 9-11
Nov. 11-L. G. liurd, (lt•:ty's Sub, 1 6:.
lot 10
Nov. 11-Archih:tld Ferguson,
Sub. Min. hot 76, lot 1
Nov. 11 -Bridget E:ag;tIi, Sul'
2 30
1 00
Ofcial Notices.
Min. Lot 79, lot 16 60
Nov. 11 --]tarry F. Walker,
Ibocli 's Sub., lot 6 35
\V. and Sidonia Hos-
ford, I It! Icer's SOIL, lot 3 65
Nov. I_-- Mrs. Sidney Saul, Saul's
Sub., tut 1 40
Nov. 19- Toter Eisbach, Ronson
& Stewart's Null., lot 26 40
Nov. I_-- \. \V. kemlc•r, Union
Add.. lot 182 40
Nov. id—E, and 11. I'allihan, Sub
of _ of Alin. Lot 63 :nnl laIt of
69, Union Add., lots I-2
Nov. 14—Chas. 11. I :racllc•y, t'os's
Add., E. 1-2 lot 50
Nov. 14—C. 111. Schen. 'trustee,
Voelker's Add., lot 40
Nov. 14—Chas. W. I lase, Sub.
of 130, L. H. L,ungtvorthy's
Add., lot 1 40
Nov. tic—Rich. Waller Est,
Sc•hroeder's Add., lot 20 1 05
Nov. 15—C. B. Scherr, Trustee,
Schroeder's Add., lot 32 85
Nov. Ii - Wm. Schaefer, Buse -
man s Sub.. lots 18, 19 and 206 70
Nov. I6 ---t'. A. Alexander, Sub. 3,
Rata—tick's, lot 2 1 35
Nov. 16—Engelhardt Hemmi,
Sub. 3 and 4, Stafford's Add.,
N. 50 ft. lot 1 45
Nov. 16—Adam Al ueller, Sub. 3,
t lieger's Sub., lot 10 40
Nov. 16—Leonard I;uehler, Feng-
Ier's Add., lot 31 45
Nov. 16—Marg. Pals, C'ook's Add,
lot 60 1 25
Nov. 18—James 1towan, Sub 6,
7, 8, 9, Quigley's Sub., lots 11
12, 13. 11 2 80
Nov. 1 8--:A. L. Collier and L. H
Langworthy, Trustees, East
Dubuque Add., lot 372 40
Nov. 18—L. H. Waples, City, lot
Nov. 13—J. V. & S. P. Rider, Sis-
ters' Add., lots 8-9 40
Nov. 10 –Ellen O'Halleron, Fin-
ley's A.cdd., lots 14-15 45
Nov. 19—Mary E. Dunn, Finley's
Add., lots 16-17 45
Nov. 19—Jas. Mullen Est., Fin-
ley's Add., lot 11 40
Nov. 19—Nit Glab, Finley's Add,
lot 156 45
Nov. 19—Wm. Reche Estate,
Reche's Sub. No. 2, lot 17 1 25
Nov. 21—K. & L. F. Kolfenbach,
Glendale Add., lot 57 45
Nov. 21—Jac. Kessler, Glendale
Add., lot 37 50
Nov. 21—Jno. Olinger, Boulevard
\.id.. lots 1 and 46 4 75
Nov, 22—Hughes & Blake, Blake's
Add.. lots 25-26-27 60
Nov. 22—John Flynn, Sub. Min.
Lot 191. lot 2 1 10
Nov. 23—A. J. Lembeck et al,
Kleinschmidt's Sub., lot 7 50
Nov. 23—Jos. L. Hirci. Finlev-
\\":cples & Burton's Add., lot 135 70
N„c•. 23—Henry Camion. Finley.
\\'nnles & Burton's Acid.. lot 140 1 30
Nov. 'S --Thos. Meehan, Subs. 131-
122. Inion Add., lot 2 50
Nov. 25—Rhomherg & Kringle,
Rose Hill Add., lots 2-7-8 1 20
Nov. 25—Patrick Trainer, ITnion
Add.. W. 50 ft. lot 197 35
Nov. 21—A. Wildhaber, City N
2-3 Int 497 40
Nov. 25—Louisa Schunk, Davis
Pimm Add., lot 287 45
Nov. _:c—J. B. Olinger, Davis
Farm Add., S. 1-2 lot 281
Nov. 25—Louis Doerfler, Davis
Farm Add., lot 280
Nov. 25—Jas. Levi, Davis Farm
Add., lot 238
Nov. 25- - Hi ic•h Willy, Subs. 218-
219. Davis Farm Add., lot 2
Nov. 21- Ilenry Deville,. Glendale
Add., lot 45
Nov. 26 --Jas. Rowan, Breakey's
.\dd., lot 8
Nov. 28—Mary Silzer, Cox's Add,
W. 1-2 lot 47
Nov. 211—Mt. St. Joseph's Col-
lege. Sub. 1 of Min. Lots 186 and
187. lot
Nov. 2'1—John Flynn. Sub. Min
lot 191, lot 2
Nov. 29—Wm. K. Stewart, Guern-
sey & Langworthy's Add., lot 3
Nov. 29—A. J. Van Duzee,
O'Neill's Sub. No. 2, lot 23
Nov. 29—Emma White, Finley
Home Add., lot 16
Nov. 29—G. B. Wood, Finley
Home Acid., lot 18
$56 40
City Recorder.
Notice is hereby given that an appli-
cation has been made to the City
Council of the City of Dubuque for the
vacation of the alley between Jackson
and Washington Streets. from Seventh
Street to Eighth Street, being the alley
lying between Lots 405 to 414. inclusive,
That a pint of said pronerty has been
trade and is now on file in my office.
That said matter will be acted upon by
id Council at its meeting to he held
Thursday, February 2nd, 1905. and all
persons having objections to said pro-
posed vacation must file their said oh-
ipetions in my office on or before said
February 2nd. 1905.
1-23-10t City Engineer.
Regular Session Feb. 2, 1905.
11111110 1
Regular Session February 2nd, 1905.
Council met at S:15 o'clock p. m.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Aid. Clancy. Frith, Jones,
Lyons. Needham and Stumpf.
Absent --Aid. Corrance.
Ald. Clancy moved that the council
proceedings for the month of January
be approved as printed. Carried.
The following bills were ordered paid:
P. Baumgartner, Assistant Mar-
ket Master for January $35 10
F. P. Hayes, Board of Prison-
ers ...... .. .. .. .. ........ 3 RO
C. T. Bush, Photos of Julien
Avenue.... 2 50
F. Hardie, Transcript of Testi-
mony, Case of Maria Kempf vs
City .. .. 6 75
J. J. Dunn, Sheriff's fees in cases
of City of Dubuque vs: Du-
buque Star Brewing Co and
Maria Kempf vs: City of Du-
buque.. u-
buque.... .. ..... 5 30
T. Sulliva), Clerk of District
Court, Court Costs in Case of
Kempf vs: City .. 75 95
C. L. McGovern, Recording plats
and deeds
Union Printing Company, Blank
stationery and health reports
for August, September and
October, 1904.... .. 17 00
Kelly's Book Store, blank
stationery and supplies for
various Departments.... 15 70
G. P. Grosvenor, Do Do.... 9 30
C. A. Noyes, framing group of
Photo. Mayor's office.... .. 8 00
J. Beach & Son, soap at City
Hall.... ...... .. .. ........ 1 40
F. :A. Miller, 1 Doz. brooms.. 2 50
Geo. Holl, repairs at city hall
and Road Department.... 2 85
Midla id Chemical Co., Disinfect-
ine at City Hall 12 50
Muilen Bros. plumbing at City
H. Corrance, matches, oil and
Key City Gas Co., for various
P. Even, coal for 1st Ward
scales.... .. .. ............ 12 60
F. Burns, hard coal. City Hall,
Fire and Police depart-
ments .. .. ........
Jno. Williamswood at City
Clancy Transfer Company 24 00
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for
Road and Sewer Depart-....
Dubuque Turbine & Roller Mill
Co. asphaltum. Road Depart-
4 25
5 30
8 05
10 50
RO 50
18 00
10 00
Jno. Noonan. to use of oak lum-
ber on 51h street sewer.... 2 75
FIllw,nige1' Bros., repairing har-
ness, (toad and Fire Depart-
ment .. 15 75
Logen & Sloan, horse shoeing.
Fire Department .... 7 00
Wunderlich & \\'iederhoil.
horse shoeing. Fire Depart-
ment .. 6 70
(los. Le;m, horse shoeing, Fire
Department 2 00
V ' lenweider t 1-leint, horse
shoeing Fire i)epartnient.. 9 50
J. Williams. Wood for Fire
Department .. 12 00
Clancy Transfer Co., Coal for
Fire Department.. 63 55
Conlin & Kearns, Do Do19 00
Fenurer & Bertin, Do Do11 40
P. Even. Do Do • 26 60
F. (1. !locker. Do Do 36 65
Key City Gas Co., foal and
Coke, Do Do.... .. 21 45
A. Ruh, Bran for Do Do.... 9 90
H. Corrance, stilt and supplies
for Fire Depart meat 5 45
T. F. Kane, Hay and Oils for
Fire Department.... .... 111 10
G. Holl, repairs for Fire Depart-
ment. ... .. .. 1 60
Hussman & Lies, Hardware for
Fire Department.... 1 50
P. Lanrg, hardware for Fire
Depart ment .. 3 !i
G. F. 'Thurman, Paints and Oils
for Fire Department ' 90
(;. Ragalz & Son, Repairs for
Fire Department ...... .. I !',a
Western Electric Cu. ('upper
Wire for Fire Department ;n
McDonald & Morrison. \11'g. Co.
Suiiplies for Fire Depart-
ment .. 60
F. Zehetner, repairs on Steamer
J. J. Linehan 6 05
Wm. Marshal, repairs on Steam-
ers Olinger and LinehanS 55
Otto M. Ruete, glass and putty
for Engine Hoose \o. 2 80
Farley & Loelscher. DII'g. Co.,
storm sash for Engine House
No. 5 .... .. 4 95
Jar. Ryan, putting up storm
sash all I:eogine House No.' 2 00
Ino. Ward. sawing wood for
Re!i e
Department .. 4 00
I'. Ii•vaue•\'. sawing wood for
Police Depa rt ment .. 1 75
Kaep & Bnechele, gloves and
caps for Police Department 7 05
C. Boehert, part pay on -iolic•c•
overcoat for G. Burkel.... 10 00
Eichhorn & Bechtel, groceries
for Matron Department.. .. .SO
F. A. Nesler, exchange of clock
for Matron Department .... 3 00
A. Fluetseh, milk for Matron
Department 1 75
J. Phillips, glazing for Matron
Department .... .. .. i:.
Mullen Bros., plumbing at
Patrol House.. .... 13 25
Ellwanger Bros., new harness
at Patrol House 38 30
Regular Session Feb. 2, 1905.
Dubuque Lubber & belting Co.,
2 pair rubber boots for
hewer Department
Steuck & Linehan, stepping
stones deliverer) to corner of
Couler avenue and Sanford
National Demokrat, official
printing for January. 25 00
Union Electric Co.. are lights
for January.... .. .... 2067 35
T. E. Frith removing dead
animals for December, 1904
January and February, 1905
...... .. .. .. 22 50
8 00
4 00
F. G. Becker, wood for Fire
Department.... .. .. .. .. 12 00
On motion was referred to committee
on Fire.
Miller & Reifsteck, to use of Lot
corner Rhomberg avenue and
Elm Street, for storing gravel.. 10 00
On motion was referred to committee
on streets.
Petition of A. A. Cooper Wagon &
Buggy Co., asking that the assessed
valuation on their wagon works block
for 1903, near the Levee on the south
side of the Ice Harbor he reduced
On motion the petition was granted.
Petition of Mrs. Catherine Loibe
asking for the cancellation of her taxes
for 1903 as levied against lot 206 Ham's
On motion was referred to Dilinquent
Tax Committee.
The following petitions were referred
to the Board of Equalization:
Petition of Mrs. L. F. Alden, asking
that the Treasurer be instructed to re-
ceives taxes on $2000.00 moneys and
credits, and $2,200.00 on real .estate
W. 7l of lot 6 and E. 2 feet of lot 7
in A. L. Brown's Sub.
Also petition of Mary C. Spielman,
asking that the taxes as assessed
against lot 576 "A" City be ordered
cancelled for 1904.
Also petition of Frank Wild, asking
that the assessment on $1,300.00 moneys
and credits be ordered cancelled for the
year 1904.
Also petition of A. J. Lampe asking
for the cancellation of his personal
taxes as levied against his property,
he being a resident of Dubuque Town-
The following petitions were referred
to the Committee of the Whole:
Petition of Karl Vincent et al asking
that Adams avenue from Reed to
Fifth avenues be graded, curbed and
Also petition of Captains of various
Engine Houses asking that their salary
he increased, $10.00 per month.
Also petition of the drivers of the
City Fire Department asking for an
increase of salary, to take effect March
1st, 1905.
Claim of Mary Dempsey claiming the
sum of $10,000.00 as personal damages
sustained by falling on a slippery and
icy sidewalk on North side of Julien
On motion referred to Committee on
Claims and City Attorney.
City Treasurer Brinkman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Below you will find statement of
amounts advanced by me. during the
past month, for which please order
warrants drawn in TO favor:
Excavation permits redeemed....$10 00
Interest on Warrants outstand-
ing.... .. .. ............ 2 531 15
New York Exchange.... .... 2 50
New York Exchange.. .. .. .. 41
Postage Stamps.... .. ...... 10 00
Freight Charges Fire.... .. .. 75
Express Charges Fire.... .. 27 30
Total.... .. .. $2 602 11
I also received 41,350.00 money borrow-
ed from different parties. Please order
Loan Warrants drawn in their favor.
Library Orders Paid.. .. .. 606 33
H. Brinkman,
On notion the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay the
various amounts. and the report refer-
red hack to the Committee on Finance.
City Auditor Hoffman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Herewith find my report for the
month of January 1905, showing the
Receipts and disbursements for the
Cash on hand Jan. 1st, 1905....$12,412.17
Receipts from all sources 73,479.52
Warrants redeemed $17,716.02
Coupons redeemed 4,074.74
W. W. Coupons redeemed 135.00
Bonds redeemed 1,275.15
Cash on hand Feb. 1st, 1905....$62,690.78
The above cash balance includes the
Improvement Bond Fund, Improve-
ment Bond Interest Fund and Library
Fund balances. Also report that there
is due the City Officers for the month
Regular Session Feb. 2, 1905.
of January, 1905, $2,683.20.
Also the following is a record of all
Interest Coupons and Bonds redeemed
by the City Treasurer during the past
month and credited to hits:
Water Works Bond Coupons....$ 135.00
Regular Bond Coupons 1,130.00
Improvement Bond Coupons.... 944.74
Improvement Bonds Redeemed.$1,275.15
The following list shows the Appro-
priations and the amount of Warrants
drawn on each Fund since the begin-
ning of the. fiscal year, beginning
March 1st, 1904, to February 1st, 1905:
Appropriations Expended
Expense $40,000 8211 01 69
Road—First District16,000 15.7.:1.97
Second District20,000 19.99'. IQ
Third District 9.000
Fire 38 000 _'1.
28,000 ,.- 2.6r,
5.000 I. 11)1.80
2,500 1.-154,60
2,500 2.x20,34
25,000 20,77,9.7,3
4,500 4,077.53
4,000 927.05
8,510 8,500.00
2,000 789.51
2,000 2,000.00
Street Lighting
Board of Health
Bee Branch
Special Bonded Paving
Special Bonded Debt
Mount Carmel Ave
Sidewalk Repairing
Special Sewer Fund
Grading Bluff St. Ex-
tension and Villa St
Fifth Ward Engine
4,000 3,996.04
1,000 989.80
4,000 1,000.00
Total Appropriations.$268,000
On motion the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
City Officers and the report referred
back to the Committee on Finance.
Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol-
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council:
Gentlemen:—The following is the pay
roll of the Fire Department for the
month of Januarys 1915:
Amount due Firemen $2,172.50
On motion the report was received,
and warrants ordered drawn to pay the
Firemen, and the report referred back
to the Committee on Fire.
Chief of Police Reilly reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit the
Police Report for the m< nth of Jan-
uary. 19C5:
Total arrests for the month 5\
Residents arrested for the month _211
Doors found open for the month :1:
Defective lights for the month6
Lodgers harbored for the month....111
Meals furnished for the month 10
Cost of food for the month $3.111
Sheriff dieting prisoners $2.08
Patrol calls for the month 40
Miles traveled for the month 6'1
Also the 1'av Roll for Policemen for
the month of January, 1905:
Amount due the Policemen ......$1.9r7.75
THOS, REILLY. Chief of Police.
On lnotic,n the t epot t aad pay roll
were received and wttrrants ordered
drawn to pay Policemen, anal the tc-
port reterted back to the Committee
on Police.
City Engineer Boyce repot ted as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay
roll for labor on Streets in the different
districts during the last bait of Jan-
uary, 1905:
Amount due Labot ers en st reels :$126.55
Respectfully submitted,
JAMES II. 0;1(1E,
City I;u:,ineer.
Approved by Committee on Streets.
Also submit my pay roll for labor on
Sewers during the last half of Jan-
uary, 1905:
Amount due Laborers on Sewers $181.80
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved by Commi*.ee on Sewers.
On motion the pay rolls on Streets
and Sewers were received and warrants
ordered drawn to pay the various
amounts and the pay rolls referred
back to the proper committees.
City Electrician Hipman t eported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
('on nr'il
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
report of defective lights for the month
of January, 1905. I find from the re-
ports of the Police Department that the
total hours that 26 lamps failed to burn
would equal % of a lamp for one
month, or $4.05.
Respectfully submitted,
City Electrician.
On motion the report was received
and the City Auditor instructed to de-
duct from the Union Electric Com-
pany's bill for the month of January
the sum of $4.05.
The following Weighmasters' and
Woodmeasurers' receipts were referred
Regular Session Feb. 2, 1905.
to the Committee on Markets:
Flank I'. IIayes, City Hail re-
ceipts $39 01
T. Faherty. First Ward scale re- .
ceipts 7 69
R. Hay, Eighth Street scale re-
Louise I'itsc hner, West Dubuque
scale 1ec c ipts 2 79
C. W. Katz, \Goochneasurers' re-
H. Haubner, Cooler Avenue scale
receipts 5 64
G. A. Ptiffner, Jackson Street
scale ieceipts 10 83
2 26
5 15
City lEn,ineer Boyce reported as fol-
To the, Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: Herewith attached please
find plat showing proposed vacation of
the alley from Seventh to Eighth
Streets, between Jackson and Wash-
ington Streets. Plat was filed in the
City En_ineer's office Jan. 23rd, 19C5.
Notice was published and served on the
respective property owners.
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
On motion of Ald. Frith the plat was
apps oved and the Ordinance committee
instructed to draft an ordinance vacat-
in€ the same.
City Recorder Arendt presented and
read the Printed Notice, certified to by
the publisher, of the Council's intention
to levy a Special Assessment for re-
pairing sidewalks during the month of
Deceml:er, 1904.
No remonstrance being filed, the
Mayor asked if anyone present had any
objection to said Special Assessment.
No one remonstrating against said
assessment, the notice, on motion, was
received and filed.
Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the fol-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That to pay for re-
pair ing sidewalks during the month of
Pecerr.ber, 1904, in front of and adjoin-
ing the same, a Special Tax be and is
hereby levied on the several lots, an IP
parts of lots. and parcels of real es-
tate hereinafter named, situate and
owned, and for the several amounts set
opposite each lot or parcel of real es-
tate, as follows:
Dec. 1—W. G. Cox, Cox's Add., lot
5 and E. of 6 $ 1 70
Dec. 1—W. G. Cox, Cox's Add,
lot 20
Dec. 1—Ferdinand Fettgether,
Blake's Add, lot 12
Dec. 2—Mrs. .T. P. Buehler, Sub.
Min. Lot 314, lot 3
Dec. 3—John J. Keane, City, lot
Dec. 3—Mercy Hospital, Sub. Min.
Lot 66, lot 2
Dec. 3—P. Hughes, Needham's
Sub., lot 1 40
Dec. 3—Geo. Salot, Sub. 39, Kel-
ly's Sub, lot 1 85
Dec. 3—Ada L. Collier, Sub. Min
lot 322, lot 10 45
Dec. 5—F. N. Schroeder, Sub. 2 of
Min. Lot 158, lot 2 3 00
Dec. 5—J. N. Simplot, Min. Lot 83 1 55
Dec. 5—Geo. Salot, City, lot 42855
Dec. 8—Chicago G. W. Ry. Co,
right of way Kniest Street 65
Dec. 9—R. Ronson Est., S. M
Langworthy's Add., lot 12 1 00
Dec. 9—E. M. Smith, A. McDan-
ials' Sub., lot 782 35
Dec. 9—Geo. Irmscher, Sub. 309,
A. McDaniels' Sub., lot 6.. 45
Dec. 9—E. H. Sheppley, A. Mc -
Daniels' Sub., lot 767 45
Dec. 10—Geo. Salot, Sub. 1 of 1 of
2 of City 678, lot 1 50
Dec. 10—Chas. E. Bradley, Cox's
Add, E. r, lot 50 40
Dec. 10—M. and Anna Brown,
Cox's Add., lot 108 45
Dec. 23—Jas. Lee, Sub. City 692,
S. 100 feet lot 4 45
Dec. 21—John J. Keane, City, lot
732 40
Total $16 20
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the reso-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy. Frith, Jones,
Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Absent—Ald. Corrance.
City Recorder Arendt also presented
and read the Printed Notice, certified
to by the Publisher, of the C'ouncil's
intention to levy a Special Assessment
for cutting weeds during the month of
July, 1904. No remonstrance being
filed, the Mayor asked if anyone pres-
ent had any objection to said Special
No one remonstrating against said
assessment the Notice, on motion, was
received and filed.
Whereupcn Ald. Frith offered the fol-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for cut-
ting weeds during the month of July,
1964, in front of and adjoining the
same. a Special Tax be and is hereby
levied on the several Lots, and Parts
of Lots, and Parcels of Real Estate
hereinafter named, situate and owned,
and for the several amounts set op-
posite each Lot or Parcel of Real Es-
tate, as follows:
Owner. Description.
July 21—John Marzan, E. Lang -
worthy's Add., 46 and N. 35 ft
lot 45, 4 hours $ 70
July 21—Susan and Mary Zuin,
16. Langworthy's Add.. N. 25 ft.
44 and S. 15 ft. lot 45, 2 hours40
July 21—H. C. Knoernschild, Da-
vis Farm Add., lot 366, 3 hours. 55
July 21—R. and Edw. Langworthy
Est., Glendale Add., lots 163-164-
165, 9 hours 1 45
July 16—Wm. Abitz, Glendale
Add., lot 84, 3 hours 5:1
July 16—Mary L. Bunting, Glen-
dale Add., lot 82, 3 hours 55
Regular Session Feb. 2, 1905.
July 16 -Ada L. Collier, Sub. Min
Lot 322, lot 10, 18 hours 2 Si)
July 20 -John Olinger, Boulevard
Add., lots 1 to 23, inc.. 27 hours4 15
July 20 -Schneider & Kleih, Sub
5 and 7 and W. 7.1 ft. Lot 9,
Wick's Add., lots 1-2, 3 hours55
July 20 -Pat Walsh Est., Mc-
Craney's 1st Add., lot 71, 3 hours 55
July 20 -Mary A. Walsh, I -tam's
Add., lot 447, 2 hours 10
July 21-R. and Edw. Lang-
worthy, Glendale Add., lots 166
to 170, inc., 15 hours 2 35
July 21 -Christ. Jacobi Est., Glen-
dale Add., lot 171, 3 hours 55
July 27 -Jos. H. Hanover, Marsh's
Add., E. 100 ft. lot 47, 5 hoursS5
July 27-D. A. Gehrig, \Vest's
Add., lot 13, 6 hours 1 00
July 12 -Emma White, Finley
Home Add., lot 16, 5 hoursK.
July 12-W. H. Doane, Finley
Home Add., lots 10-11, 9 hoursi
July 13 --.Ino. L. Buettell, Nairn's
Add., lots 1-2-3, 10 hours 1 66
July 14 --Catholic Univ. of \Vash-
ington, et al, Mobley's Dubuque,
lots 6-7, 16 hours 2 50
July 15-P. M. Harrington, Sub.
23, Kelly's Sub., lot 6, 4 hours70
July 16-R. Waller Est., Sub. 42,
Kelly's Sub., lots 2-3, 14 hours2 20
July 16-C, H. Reynolds, Sub. 24,
Dunning and Horr's Sub., lot 3,
8 hours 1 30
July 21-J. S. Garragan Est.. G;tr-
ragan's Sub., lots 3-4, 5 hours85
July 21 -Minnie and M. A. Revi-
ler, Newberry and Hale's Sub,
lot 13, 10 hours 1 60
July 23-Jno. McCabe. ('orrill's
Sub., lot 1, 2 hours 40
July 28-F. W. and Frank Coates,
S. M. Langworthy's Add., lots
39,40, 41, 10 hours 1 60
July 28-E. M. Kringle, Sub. 7,
Min. Lot 79. lot 6, 13 hours 2 05
July 29 -Wm. Hintrager, Quig-
ley's Out Lot 710, \V. 42 ft. lot
15, 6 hours 1 00
July 29-Jno. A. Koch Est., Cox's
Add., lot 16, 6 hours 40
July 29 -Frank Hamel, Sub. City
670, lot 2, 4 hours 70
July 29 -Catholic Univ. of Wash-
ington, et al, A. McDaniels'
Sub., lot 820, 6 hours
July 29 -Catholic Univ. of Wash-
ington, et al, A. McDaniels'
Sub., lot 821, 6 hours
July 29 -Wm. Hintrager, Farley's
Sub., lot 13, 6 hours
July 29-M. V. Gill, Oakland Park,
lot 14, 6 hours
July 2:0-W. G. Cox, Sub. Min. Lot
90, lot 3, 6 hours
July _l ---Marg. Barry, City S. 2-3
lot 554, 6 hours
July 21 -Wm. Hintrager, City E.
1-4 of S. 1-3 lot 556, 2 hours
July 21 -Carr, Ryder & Adams,
Lois Add., lot 6, 3 hours
July 21-J. S. Stephens, Julia
Lang \\ orthy's Add., lot 22, 4
July 21 -Wm. M. Crabtree, S. M.
Langworthy's Sub., lot 11, 3
Total $
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the reso-
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
45 40
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Aids. Clancy, Frith. Jones,
Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Absent-Ald. ('orrance.
Ald. Needham of the Committee on
Claims reported :,s C4,11ows:
The undersigned. City Attorney and
Committee on Claims, hereby respect-
fully state that there is now pending
in the District Court of Dubuque Coun-
ty. Iowa, an :u•tion entitled "io,sa.
Smith vs. The City of Dubuque." in
which the plaintiff claims d:unages
against the City of Dubuque in the
sum of Three 'Thousand ($3,C00.00) Dol-
lars for personal injuries received by
her in falling on an icy sidewalk on
Nevada Street during the month of
Pehruurv. 1904.
The undersigned have es:tntined the
facts of the case and find that the in-
juries consist of a broken wrist. where-
by the plaintiff has partially lost the
use of her h;imi. Dooming for the
best inlet eel for the City to settle this
case, they have reached a compromise
thereof with the plaintiff whereby the
same can be settled in full for Four
Hundred ($400.00) Dollars, plaintiff to
pay all costs to date.
The undersigned deeming it to the
best interest of the City that this ease
be settled on those terms, would here-
by respectfully recommend such sett h--
ment and that warrants be drawn for
the sum of Four Hundred ($lf0Lc0) Dol-
lars in favor of the Mayor, with which
to settle the same.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, this 30th
day of January. 1905.
City Attorney.
Committee on Claims.
Ald. Needham moved to adopt the
report. Carried.
Ald. Needham, chairman of the Com-
mittee on Sprinkling, moved that the
matter of sprinkling streets by the Un-
ion Electric ('ototomy along their right
of way be referred to the Committee
of the Whole. Carried.
Ald. Needham, chairman of the Com-
mittee on Police and Light, reported as
Your Committee on Police and Light.
to whom was referred the bill of Dr. F.
J. Hilger for professional services ren-
dered. would respectfully recommend
that said bill be allowed in full in the
sum of Five Dollars and that a war-
rant in the above amount be ordered
itrivin on the City 'Treasurer in settle-
n•nt of the claim.
J(,S. H. NEEDHAM, Chairman.
Ald. Needham moved to adopt the
report. t':,t ried.
Regular Session Feb. 2, 1905.
Ald. Stumpf, chairman of the Com-
mittee on Delinquent Taxes, reported
as follows:
Your Committee on Delinquent Taxes,
to whom was referred the petition of
Catharine Trueb, asking that on ac-
count of her poverty, the taxes on her
homestead, Lot 1, l:igi's Sub. and Lot
12 of Mineral Lot 172, be canceled for
the year 1904, would respectfully rec-
ommend that said taxes be allowed to
remain a lien on the property and that
the Treasurer be instructed not to sell.
Also, your Committee on Delinquent
Taxes, to whom was referred the
petition of Catharine Rag:alv.. .:axing
that on account of her pc, the
taxes on her homestead. I. South
Park hill Add.. be can,•i for the
year 1903, would respectfully recom-
mend that said taxes be allowed to re-
main a lien on the property and that
the Treasurer be instructed not to sell.
Also your Committee on Delinquent
Taxes, to whom was referred the peti-
tion of Amelia Voss, asking that on ac-
count of her poverty, the taxes on her
homestead, North 23 feet of City Lot
335, be canceled for the year 1904, would
respectfully recommend that said taxes
be allowed to remain a lien on the
property and that the Treasurer be in-
structed not to sell.
Also your Committee on Delinquent
Taxes would respectfully recommend
that the City Treasurer be instructed
to allow the $800 exemption from tax-
ation provided by law to the follow-
ing named honorably discharged sol-
diers and widows of honorably dis-
charged soldiers of the War of the
Nicholas Jarrett, Lot 3, Woodlawn
Park Sub.
Wm. Beyer, Lot 20, Corriell's Sub.
Ellen F. Sullivan, East one-half of
Lot 17, Cox's Addition.
Ald. Stumpf moved to adopt the
various reports of the Delinquent Tax
Committee. Carried.
Ald. Clancy, chairman of the Com-
mittee of the Whole, reported as fol-
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the communication
of the City Treasurer in relation to
the special assessment against the
Public Library for the brick -paving of
the alley abutting thereon, would re-
spectfully recommend that said assess-
ment be canceled and that the Treas-
urer be so instructed.
Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Also your Committee of the Whole
would respectfully report that with the
exception of the two policies, all the
insurance on the city's buildings ex-
pired on February 1, 1905. We were
of the opinion that the insurance car-
ried on some of the engine houses was
excessive and therefore reduced the
amount on the 'Central Engine House
from $17,000.00 to $10,000.00; on Engine
1 -louse No. 2, from $2,500.00 to $2,000.00;
on Engine House No. 4, from $1,500.00
to $1,000.00 and on Engine House No.
5 from $1,500.00 to $1,000.00, making the
total amount of insurance on all city
buildings $34,500.00, in which amount
said buildings have been re -insured.
The policy in the Iowa State Insurance
Co., which was renewed on December
10, 1904, we have ordered canceled and
have so instructed the local agent.
We would respectfully recommend
that the foregoing action be approved.
Ald. Clancy moved to refer the re-
port back to the Committee of the
Whole. Carried.
Ald. Lyons, chairman of the Special
Committee appointed to audit the
quarterly report of the Dubuque
Water Works Trustees, reported as
Your Special Committee, to whom
was referred the statement of the Wa-
ter Works Trustees for the quarter
ending December 31, 1904. would re-
spectfully report that we have audited
statement and find that the same cor-
responds with the vouchers on file in
the office of said trustees and we would
recommend that the said statement be
received and filed.
M. E. LYONS, Chairman.
Ald. Lyons moved to adopt the report.
Ald. Clancy moved that the matter
of breaking macadam in the various
districts be referred to the Committee
of the Whole. Carried.
Ald. Clancy moved that the matter
of fixing the appropriations for the var-
ious departments for the ensuing year
be referred to the Committee of the
Whole. Carried.
Bids for printing Index and binding
25 copies of the Council Proceedings
for the year 1904 were ordered opened.
Bids as follows:
Telegraph -Herald:
Printing Index and binding 25 copies
of the Council Proceedings for the year
1904 at $3.50 per book.
On motion the contract was awarded
to the Telegraph -Herald, they being
the lowest and only bidders.
Ald. Needham moved that the mat-
ter of re -districting the Road Districts
be referred to the Committee of the
Regular Session Feb. 2, 1905. ,31.7 %!:1
Whole. Ckl rried.
Aid. Frith Frith moved to :idjourn until
Februn ry 16th, 1905. Oirried.
City Recorder.
Regular Session Feb. 16, 1905.
Regular Session February 16th, 1905.
Council met at 8:20 o'clock P. M.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Aids. Clancy, Corrance,
Frith, Jones, Lyons, Needham and
Petition of Dubuque Brewing & Malt-
ing company asking that the City
Treasurer be instructed to receive the
sum of $2,639.20 as payment in full for
taxes clue for the year 1904.
On motion of Ald. Frith the petition
was ordered granted and Treasurer in-
structed accordingly.
Communication of Dr. F. J. Hilger
asking that he be allowed the balance
due him amounting to $5.00 for ser-
vices rendered to Mr. Barrett. On mo-
tion was received and filed.
Petition of the A. Y. McDonald &
Morrison Mfg. company asking that the
treasurer be instructed to receive the
amount of taxes for 1904 on the assess-
ed valuation of $8,100.00, according to
Resolution passed by the City Council
July 12th, 1895.
On motion the petition was granted
and Treasurer instructed accordingly.
Petition of Deputy State Fish and
Game 'Warden H. Barnteier asking that
the City authorize him to protect the
fish in a small lake on Southern Ave.
On motion of Ald. Corrance the pe-
tition was granted.
Notice of Claim of Jane Connelly
claiming the sum of $2000.00 as personal
damages mages sustained by her from falling
on a defective sidewalk on West Locust
street .Jan. 1S111. 1905.
On motion referred to Committee on
Claims and City Attorney.
Petition of Mrs. Cath. Blitsch asking
for the cancellation of her taxes for
1904 on lot 13, N. 1-2 Tivoli Add.
Also _nctitinn of Mrs. E. \\'eland ask-
ing' that her taxes on lot 1. Sub. 130, L.
H. L:tngt';orthy's Add., he cancelled for
the year 1904.
On motion both petitions were re-
ferred to the Delinquent nix Commit-
The following petitions were referred
to the Board of Equalization:
Petition of Jno. E. Hartig asking that
the ;tssessn'a•nt on $1,100.00 moneys and
credits he ordered cancelled for the
year 1H11.
Also petition of Mrs. Cath. Schvvneg-
ler :asking that the Treasurer lie in-
strneted to accept $45.00 in full payment
of her taxes for 1901 as levied against
lots IT, and 16, L'ook's Add.
Also 'petition of Eliz. Dearborn arborn ask-
ing that her taxes for Iiu11 :as levied
against the \i. 1 City Lot hiS he re-
duced from :_._cin to $l..On,OO,
Also petition of F. W. l'bapp ;and Mrs.
L. Lorenz asking for a reductio,, of
their taxes for 1904 on 5.1-5 City Lot 495,
Also petition of 1''alkenhuiner .\ i:e•a-
kel asking that the :assessment as levied
against W. 20 46-100 A. of \lin. Lot 206
be corrected.
Petition of the Dubuque Star Itreaing
company asking that the Treasurer he
instructed to :weep( payment for taxes
for the year 1904 in accordance With
Ordinance adopted April 7th, 1xix. Also
to accept payment for taxes on :57,•000,00
personal property.
Also petition of the members of the
Police force asking for an increase of
On motion both petitions Wore re-
ferred to the Committee of the Whole.
Communication of .las. it. Itova•e.
City Engineer, objecting against state-
ments made by Ald. Needham and pub-
lished in the newspapers regarding the
management of Road Funds urns on
motion referred to a Special Commit-
tee consisting of Alds. Clancy, Lyons
and Jones,
City Engineer Royce reported :is fol-
To the (Honorable 'Mayor and City
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my
pay roll for labor on streets in the
First and 'Third 'listria'ts for the first
half of February, 1905:
Amount due Laborers on streets..$136.95
Respectfully submitted,
.lAME'S i1. Iraivi'E,
city :na;gineet'.
Approved by ihu• 'wpm iiI''' on
Also submit my oay roll for labor
on sewers during riie first half of Feb-
ruary, 1905:
Amount doe laborers nn ,'vers.. 167.40
Respectfully <nbniitt.•d.
.1:\ \ I I: s II. I u i 1"t ' I.:,
City I•:II llu•er.
the committee on
Approved by'
On motion tlhe pay rolls on Streets
and Nelda rs Were received and war-
rants ordered drawn to pay the var-
mi'' al ootots. and the pay rolls re-
ferred back to the tamper committees.
M:ivot' Iter1;' reported :is l'oII,,a's:
To the Honorable City Council of Itie
City of Dubuque:
C'•litli•mea:--In accordanor• with your
instructions of February 5, 1907,, a wat'-
r:nit in the stun of $100.00 has been
drawn in my favor for the purpose of
settling the case of Rosa Smith vs. City
of Dubuque, which amount was paid by
me to said Rosa Smith upon the sign-
Regular Session Feb. 16,.1905.
ing by her of a document releasing the
City of Dubuque from all claims she
may 'have against said city, and also
dismissing the suit now pending in the
district court.
I attach hereto signed release and
make it a part of this report.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Corrance moved that the action
of the Mayor be approved, and the pa-
pers placed on record in the office of the
City Recorder. Carried.
Ald. Lyons, chairman of the Ordin-
ance committee, presented and read an
ordinance for the vacation of the alley
between Washington and Jackson
Streets, from Seventh to Eighth Street,
in the City of Dubuque, and moved that
the reading just had be considered its
first reading.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Ald. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
On motion the City Recorder was in-
structed to give the regular ten days'
published notice of the Council's inten-
tion to vacate said alley.
Ald. Corrance, chairman of the com-
mittee on Claims, presented a bill for
cost of city witnesses in the case of M.
B. Connolly vs. City of Dubuque, total
amount $49.00.
Also bill of J. J. Dunn, sheriff Du-
buque county, for subpoena fees in
same case, amount $5.50, and moved
that warrants for the above amounts
be drawn in favor of the Mayor in set-
tlement of said claims. Carred.
Ald. Frith stated that a number of
insurance agents were present and
moved that the rules be suspended, in
order that those who wished to address
the Council in regard to the insurance
matter might do so. Carried.
Mr. John Pier and R. W. Kemler ad-
dressed the Council on the matter of
insurance, stating that they could now
give the city a two per cent. rate for
three years, on any of the City Build-
ings, and no matter how much insur-
ance the city intended to carry, it
ought to be equally divided between
all the agents in the city.
Ald. Needham also addressed the
Council on the matter of insurance,
presenting a revised list of the amount
of insurance to be allotted to each
agent, and moved that the same be
referred to the committee of the Whole.
Ald. Clancy, chairman of the com-
mittee on Fire, reported as follows:
Your committee on Fire, to whom
was referred the bill of F. G. Becker
for wood furnished the Fire Depart-
ment, would respectfully recommend
that a warrant in the sum of $12.00 be
ordered drawn on the City Treasurer in
settlement of said bill.
Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Clancy moved that the rules be
suspended in order to hear from Mr.
R. W. Kemler in regard to the three-
story woodshed erected on city lot No.
120. Carried.
Mr. Kemler addressed the Council,
stating that if the Council would allow
said shed to remain that he was willing
to cover the same with any kind of tin
or sheet iron that the Council might
Whereupon, Ald. Clancy moved that
the Chief of Police, with the Chief of
the Fire Department, be instructed to
abate said nuisance. Carried.
Ald. Lyons of the Board of Health
reported as follows:
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council:
Gentlemen: Your Board of Health
would respectfully report that we held
a meeting February 6th, 1905, when the
following bills nnere presented:
Otto M. Ruete, 2 formaldehyde
candles $ .60
John A. Voelker, to fumigating
the residence of W. J. Spencly,
No. 12 Cherry Street 3.00
L. J. Schmitt, heating stove de-
livered to Mrs. J. Willard, No
495 Penn Street 12.25
The bills were properly audited by
the board and referred to the County
Supervisors for payment.
Ald. Lyons moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Clancy, chairman of the Com-
mittee of the Whole, reported as follows:
Your Committee of the Whole would
respectfully recommend that the City
Treasurer be instructed to accept the
sum of $291.78 in full settlement of the
special assessment levied against the
First Congregational church for the
brick -paving of Locust Street.
Also your Committee of the Whole,
realizing the necessity of having a
head officer for the Fire Department
in the absence of the Chief, would re-
spectfully recommend that Captain
Ahearn he appointed the ranking cap-
tain with Captains Eitel and Daley as
second and third in command in the
order named.
Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the re-
ports. Carried.
Ald. Clancy moved to adjourn until
February 28th, 1905. Carried.
C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder.
Adjourned Regular Session Feb. 28, 1905.
Adjourned Regular Session February
28th, 1905.
Council met at 8:15 o'clock P. M.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Aids. Clancy, Corrance,
Frith, Jones, Lyons. Needham and
The following bills were ordered paid:
P. Baumgartner, assistant Market
Master for February $32 40
Larry Daily, cleaning around
Market Square 42 00
Kelly's Book Store, blank sta-
tionery for various departments 8 00
W. B. Baumgartner, supplies for
Sidewalk and Fire departments. 7 35
Harger & Blish, blank stationery
for various departments 37 00
Borden & Selleck Co., repairs for
city scales 1 60
Mullen Bros., plumbing at City
Hall 2 60
G. Hall, repairs at City Hall 1 00
Standard Lumber Co., lumber de-
livered at City Hall for Sidewalk
and Expense departments 56 40
Martin & Strelau Co., coal de-
livered at City Hall 24 50
C. T. Bush, taking photos at
various streets 7 50
Jacquinot & Mullen, plumbing at
Armory Hall 2 40
H. Corrance, supplies City Hall1 05
Smith -Morgan Prt'g Co., blank
stationery City Recorder's office 7 00
Fengler & Beutin, coal delivered
at City Hall 24 90
Union Printing Co., blank sta-
tionery for Assessor's office25 50
Smith -Morgan Printing Co., blank
stationery for various depart-
ments 25 50
Palmer -Berg & Co., blank station-
ery for various departments63 25
C. J. Oswald, setting up stoves at
City Hall and repairing same43 90
Key City Gas Co., gas for various
departments 95 05
C. H. Becker Co., supplies City
Hall and Fire department 32 52
F. Fromm, carpenter repairs at
Engine House No. 5 19 60
Key City Gas Co., coke and coal
for Fire department 29 85
Lagen & Sloan, horse shoeing Fire
G. Lear, horse shoeing Fire de-
Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse
shoeing Fire department 3 50
P. Heller, horse shoeing Fire de-
J. J. Powers, horse shoeing Fire
F. G. Becker, coal for Fire depart -
6 95
1 75
3 00
9 85
Ment 19 40
Martin-Strelau Co., coal for Fire
department 23 35
W. D. Deckert Co.. repairs Fire
department ;,O
Cl. Ragatz & Son, repairs Fire de-
partment 7 57
J. Butt, repairs Fire department16 70
F. Zehetner, repairs Fire depart-
ment 4 85
E. J. Voggenthaler, repairs Fire
department 5 15
C. J. On vald, repairs Fire depart-
ment 6 50
Jno. Mullen, harness soap Fire
department 6 75
P. Even, coal Fire department 26 00
Clancy Transfer Co., coal for Fire
department 66 30
T. J. Mulgrew, coal and wood Fire
department 30 90
Fischer & Co., coal for Fire de-
partment 43 55
Martin & Strelau Co., wood for
Fire department 24 tO
Conlin & Kearns, coal for Fire de-
partment 11 35
Dubuque Oil Tank Line, oil for
Fire department 14 85
McDonald & Morrison Mfg. Co,
supplies for Fire department90
Central Electric Co., supplies for
Fire department 58 50
G. W. Healey & Son, supplies for
Fire department 20
J. F. Ris & Bro., supplfes for Fire
department 50
H. Corrance, supplies for Fire de-
partment 1 75
Standard Lumber Co., shavings
and lumber for Fire department. 14 40
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co.,
supplies for Fire department 90
M. Stafford, bran and straw for
Fire department 8 60
American La France Fire Engine
Co., repairs on steamer Linehan.202 38
F. P. Hayes, hoard of prisoners4 20
M. Morrisey, sawing wood for
Police department 1 75
J. Sassman, sawing wood for Po-
lice department 1 75
P. Devaney, sawing wood for Po-
lice department 4 00
T. J. Mulgrew, wood for Police de-
partment 4 50
Fengler & Beutin, wood for Police
department 49 00
J. E. Hartig, repairs for Police
department 50
W. J. Schneider, bran and oil for
Police department 16 00
Standard Lumber Co., lumber for
Police department 10 10
C. J. Oswald, repairs for Police
department 14 90
Jacquinot & Mullen, plumbing for
Police department 16 00
E. J. Voggenthaler Co., repairs
in calaboose 8 55
Union Electric Co., arc lights for
February 2067 35
Farley & Loetscher Mfg. Co.,
glazing for Engineer's depart-
28 Adjourned Regular Session Feb. 28, 1905.
meat 3 25
Union Printing Co., wrappers for
Board of Health 1 25
J. Butt, repairs for Sewer depart-
ment 1 60
Globe -Journal, official printing for
February 12 95
National Demokrat, official print-
ing for February 25 00
Smith -Morgan Printing Co., week-
ly and monthly proceedings for
.Taiiu:y 14 02
Telegraph -Herald, official print-
ing for January 31 40
Globe -Journal, official printing for
January 31 40
Smith -Morgan Printing Co., pam-
phlets for February 10 00
Martin & Strelau Co., wood for
Sewer department 6 00
'hiim of Mary(' , claiming the
sum of $5,000 for personal damages
sustained by falling on a defective side-
walk on West side of Washington
Street near the corner of Thirteenth
Also Original Notice of District Court,
Nettie B. Crandall vs. City of Dubuque,
claiming the sum of $5,000 for personal
damages sustained by falling on defec-
tive walk on December 13th, 1904.
On motion both the claim and Origi-
nal Notice were referred to Committee
on ('Mims and City Attorney.
Petition of Barbara Bechtel, asking
for the cancellation of her personal
taxes for the year 1904.
Also petition of J. J. Nagle, asking
for a reduction of his taxes to the
amount of $3,000, as assessed against
his real estate.
On motion both petitions were refer-
red to the Board of Equalization.
Communicaion of Ald. Jos. Needham,
asking for an invesigation of the En-
gineer's Department was on motion re-
ferred to the Committee of the Whole.
The matter of exempting B. F. Rich-
ardson from taxation for a period of
years was referred to the Committee
of the Whole and Mr. Richardson be
notified of said meeting.
Pet it ion of Al. Siegel, asking that be
ho aI I ted permission to erect a swim-
ming sehool at the foot of Third street
was on motion referred to the Com-
mittee of the While.
Also petition of Young Men's Chris -
thin Association, asking permission of
running a swimming school at the foot
of Third Street, was also on motion
referred to Committee of the Whole.
Petitions of H. Knoernschild and
fifty-two other signers and Jno. Heim,
asking for the extension of Bee Branch
On motion the rules were suspended
for the purpose of hearing from parties
Messrs. Hohntan and Morrison ad-
dressed the Council in favor of said
On motion both petitions were refer-
red to the Committee of the Whole and
they to view the grounds.
City Treasurer .Brinkman reported as
To the Hon. Mayor and Pity Council:
Gentlemen:—Below you will find
statement of amounts advanced by me
during the past month for which please
order warrants drawn in my favor.
Excavation permits redeemed$ 5 00
Interest paid on outstanding
warrants 1,563 53
Postage stamps expense 10 00
New York exchange expense7 46
Express charges expense 65
Refunded water tax, expense3 30
Express charges, fire 28 60
Special bonded tax receipt, Li-
brary property bond fund
Special bonded tax receipt, bal-
ance of Congregational church
266 SO
40 22
$1:565 56
Library orders paid $(1,-s0 50
Respectfully submitted,
On motion the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay the
various amounts and the report refer-
red back to the Committee on Finance.
City Auditor Hoffman ren orted as
To the Hon. Mayor and city Council:
Gentlemen:—Herewith find the list of
officers' salaries due for the month of
February, 1905:
Amount due City Officers $2,663.55
On motion the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay the
officers and the report referred back
to the Committee on Finance.
Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol-
To the Hon. Mayor and Pity Council:
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my
pay roll for the Fire Department for
the month of February, 1905:
Amount due Firemen $2,172.511
On motion the pay roll ws:is received
and warrants ordered drown to pay
Firemen and the report referred back
to the Committee on Fire.
Chief of Police Reilly reported as
To the Hon. Mayor anti City Council:
Adjourned Regular Session Feb. 26, 1905. 20
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my
report and pay roll for the Police De-
partment for the month of February,
Total arrests for the month 59
Residents :wrested for the mouth
Doors found open for the monthIt;
Defective lights for the month;.s,
Lodgers harbored for the month9
Meals furnished for the month21
('ost of food for the month $4120
Patrol runs for the month 34
Miles traveled for the month 54
A Iso the pay roll for Policemen for
the month of February, 1905:
Amount due Policemen $1,990.00
On motion the report and pay roll
was received and warrants ordered
drawn to pay Policemen and the re-
port referred back to the Committee
on Police.
City Engineer Boyce reported as fol-
To the Honorable' Mayor and City
Centlemen:—I herewith submit my
pity roll for labor on Streets in the
Third district during the last half of
February, 1905:
Amount due Laborers on Streets.$110.10
Respectfully submitted,
J.\:l1ES H. BOYCE,
City Engineer.
Approved by Committee on St i' ets.
Also submit my pay roll for labor on
Sewers during the last half of Febru-
ary, 1905:
Amount due Laborers on Setl'ers.$165,00
Respectfully submitted,
- City Engineer.
Approved by Committee on Sewers.
On motion the pay rolls on Streets
and Sewers were received and warrants
ordered drawn to pay the various
amounts and the nay rolls referred
back to the proper committees.
City Electrician Hinman reportt'II ns
To the Honorable Mayor and ('ity
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my
report of det'ectiv'e lights for the nluntit
of February,.1905. 1 find from the re-
ports of the Police Department that the
total hours that ;x lamps ]'ailed to
burn would equal 1! lamps for one
month, or $5.111.
Respectfully submitted.
WILLIAM lbiI'\I.\ N .
city 1:1e(•1 rick! n.
On motion the report was received
and the ('ity Auditor losti'ucted to de-
duct from the t'nion Electric com-
pany's bill for the month of .lnnu:n'y
the sum of $X.10.
1l1tyur Berg reported t 1:at according
to the netiva taken by 'the Council :it
the preciorI- nu ti Iii. :, lit'it lit to the
uuuu„t nt' $511.0 lint boon drat('ii in his
favor to pay the ]witness fe, s in the
case of Al. C. Connolly vs. (-'ity of Ilu-
lu ine, Ihat he had turned the money
hi the ('ity Attorney, who luui
paid all the witnesses in the else, the
mayor presenting :t receipt for the
same. (nl !lotion the action of the
Jl.1,or :ant (`fty Attorney c(aS :Ipproc-
The follo\l-ing \\'tight! ,sters' and
\\'uotllnc':tsnrer5' receipts were referred
to the Conuniltee on Markets:
Hayes, ('ity Hall rete il'ts..$__. :1
Louise Pitselluer, \\'t•st Dubuque
scale receipts 1.211
T. I'nherty. hits) \\:n'tl scale re-
ceipts 351
1-!. Imola!•]. Couler .\venue scale
receipts .. .. 3.51
C. \\. N.itz, \\'ooiltt I' Isilre's' re-
ceipts :!.S5
REPOi:'I'S OF ST:\\I11Nil Com \IIT-
Aid. I,yolls, ('Iinirin:in of the Ordi-
nance ('unitlliltee. presented and real
an Ordinance for the vacation of the
Alley 1!1thte'en AV':tshington and Jack-
son Streets front Seventh to Eighth
Streets. The (lydin:u]et• hiving hall its
lirst nailing at the previous meeting
of the t'onncil, AW. Lyons moved that
the reading just had he etIl idered its
second readlll .
(marled 1:y the lollowing vote:
Y,.ms \Ids. "11111.Y. ('orr:ulce, Frith,
Jones. I.yut,s. ('e,ihtito :(nil Stumpf'.
Ni:ys- -N11111,
:A Id, I,y11us 111, 1 tlat\'ed Ih:11 the Or-
dtn:Inet he no',t' a,lnplt•d as trend.
Carried by the ]'allowing vole:
Yeats—Altos. Clancy, ('lit itee. Frith,
-tones, Lyutts, Needham and SIunlpf.
Nays ---None.
Ordintlnc•t' follows:
TION I)h` THE .\1.1.1':1- Itl':'I'\t' l' CN
S'I'I:l:l"I'S l'i:lt.\i SI?\ I':\'I'11 '1'O
I\ 'I'I'I' t'l'i'Y
I;(' it orvh]hn•i, by the ('it(' ('onll it 11f
the ('ity of 1)ilhuoue:
S'cthal I. \\'ht rens, he lair! y t\•
Lot 1st her M:t nlf:o•tul ii g ('lull u]y is
the t v. Ile]' t,i :Ill the proper( y t,l] not
: hl, s "I' the :ally hel a.v t l] \\':ishingtnu
tnand .1nrl: o;I Sl reels Iron] Seventh t •nth to
Eighth SIIee( i•t the 1'0\. t:I} I)t;;,atlu'•,
low:t, null
litt'e;is, Il bias heel] ,i,.t•'Ced ,•`:Id•..II-
,-I,I by the I'itl- t'otu]eil lit v'11,'!111• StIt
:Illi'v to said h'nrl,•y K L tetsch'•r .11nuu-
facturiul (',,nlpnuy ns Tong as said
Premises are used for uutnlfaeitlring
'nl rposes.
1'ix re(ore, the ('ity ('tuned hereby
vacates :toil annuls that portion of the
Ilt•y ix4.wet a \\':tshitgt11u :Ind inell-
sol] Sire, -Is. fratn Seventh to I:it;lrth
Street, lit tilt('iiN• of Il(Ib1(11'1]•,Iott:I,;]d
sni11 I':t ley & Lo,•]sehl r .\I 1' (''1]]p;uly,
30 Regular Session Feb. 16, 1905.
their successors or assigns, are hereby
permitted and authorized to use said
alley for the erection. inaitttenance and
operation of factory buildings and stor-
age yards; provided, that if at any
time the said Farley & Loetscher Man-
ufacturing Company, its successor or
assigns, should cease to use the prem-
ises above vacated for manufacturing
purposes. then the said alley so vacated
shall revert back to the City of Du-
buque, and this Ordinance shall be null
and void.
Sec. This Ordinance shall be in
force :ail lake effect from and after
its passage and publication one time in
the Dubuque Daily Globe -Journal, the
official paper of the city.
\pit oci I
.\ Res l:
City Recorder.
Ald. Cart ee lo''c d that the City
Auditor be instructed to cancel the war-
rant for $100.00 drawn in favor of the
Iowa Publishing Co. for the reason that
said company refused to accept said
warrant. Carried.
_\ld. Stumpf, Chairman of the Delin-
quent Tax Committee, reported as fol-
Your Committee on Delinquent Taxes,
to whom was referred the petition of
Katharina Blitsch, asking that on ac-
count of her poverty, the taxes on Lot
13, Tivoli Addition, be canceled or re-
duced, would recommend that the City
Treasurer be instructed to accept taxes
on said lot for the year 1904 on a basis
of $500.00 valuation.
Also, your Committee on Delinquent
Taxes, to whom was referred the peti-
tion of Mrs. F. Weland, asking that on
account of her poverty, the taxes on
Lot 1 of the Sub -division of L. H.
La.ngworthy's Lot 130, be canceled for
the year 1904, would recommend that
the prayer of the petitioner be granted
and that the Treasurer be instructed
Also, your Committee on Delinquent
Taxes, to whom was referred the peti-
tion of Catharine Loibl, asking that on
account of her poverty, the taxes on
her homestead, Lot 206 in Ham's Addi-
tion, be canceled for the year 1904,
would recommend that said taxes be
allowed to remain a lien on the prop-
erty and that the Treasurer be in-
structed not to sell.
Ald. Stumpf moved to adopt the var-
ious reports of the committee. Car-
Ald. Jones, chairman of the Board of
Equalization, reported as follows:
Your Board of Equalization, to whom
was referred the petition of Frank
Wild, stating that he had been erron-
eously assessed on $1,300.00 moneys and
credits for the year 1904, and asking
therefore that the tax on same be or-
dered canceled, would recommend that
the prayer of the petitioner be granted
and that the Treasurer be instructed
Your Board of Equalization, to whom
was referred the petition of F. W.
Philip and Mrs. Louise Lorenz, asking
that the valuation on the S. M. 1-5 of
City Lot 495 be placed at $6,000.00 for
the year 1905, would recommend that
said petition be received and filed.
Also, your Board of Equalization, to
whom was referred the petition of Fal-
kenhainer & Kenkel, asking that the
assessment against their property on
Seminary Hill be reduced, would rec-
ommend that said petition be received
and filed.
Also, your Board of Equalization, to
whom was referred the petition of
Dominique Welu, asking that the as-
sessment on Lot 5, \Voodlatvn Park
Add., be reduced to $150 because the
house that was formerly thereon was
removed to another lot during the early
part of 1904. would recommend that the
prayer of the petitioner be granted and
that the Treasurer be instructed ac-
Also your Board of Equalization, to
whom was referred the petition of
Elizabeth Dearborn, asking that on ac-
count of her poverty, the valuation for
taxation purposes on her homestead,
the middle 1-5 of City Lot 498, be re-
duced, would recommend that the pray-
er of the petitioner be granted and that
the City Treasurer be instructed to ac-
cept taxes on said lot on a valuation
of $1,500.00.
Also, your Board of Equalization, to
whom was referred the petition of
Thomas Ryan, asking that on account
of his age and infirmity, the taxes on
his homestead, Lots 67 and 68, in Mc-
Craney's Add., be canceled for the year
1904, would recommend that the prayer
of the petitioner be granted and that
the Treasurer be instructed accord-
Also, your Board of Equalization, to
whom was referred the petition of A. J.
Lampe, stating that he is assessed by
the City of Dubuque for personal pro-
perty for the year 1904, while he is not
and has not been a resident of said
city for over a year, and asking there-
fore that said tax be canceled, would
recommend that the prayer of the peti-
tioner be granted and that the Treasur-
er be instructed accordingly.
Also, your Board of Equalization, to
whom was referred the petition of John
E. Hartig, stating that he had been
erroneously assessed on $1,100.00 moneys
and creditsfor the year 1904, and ask-
.\djourned Regular Session Feb. 28 1905. 31
ing therefore that the same be can-
celled, would recommend that the pray-
er of the petitioner be granted and that
the Treasurer be instructed according-
Also, your Board of Equalization, to
whom was referred the petition of Mrs.
Catharine Schwaegler, asking that the
City Treasurer be instructed to accept
$45.00 in full for the taxes of 1904 on
Lots 15 and 16 in Cook's Add., would
recommend that said petition be re-
ceived and filed.
Also, your Board of Equalization. to
whom was referred the petition of Mrs.
Lillian F. Alden, asking that her as-
sessment on real estate and personal
property be reduced, would recommend
that the Treasurer be instructed to ac-
cept payment on moneys and credits
on a basis of $2,000.00 and that the val-
uation on the real estate remain as
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the various
reports of the Board of Equalization.
Ald. Clancy, chairman of the Special
Committee, reported as follows:
Your Special Committee, to whom was
referred the matter of investigating the
charges made by Ald. Needham in the
Dubuque Telegraph -Herald of Feb. 12,
1905, against the members of the City
Council and City Engineer Boyce,
would respectfully report that we have
held a meeting and after duly consid-
ering the evidence introduced we find
that the charges were not substan-
tiated. We would further report that
Ald. Needham has signified his willing-
ness to correct the inference that bood-
ling was practiced by the members of
the City Council, which seems to have
been drawn from the words he used.
Ald. Corrance moved that the report
be referred to the Committee of the
Whole. Carried.
Ald. Clancy, Chairman of the Com-
mittee of the Whole, reported as fol-
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the matter of re-
nei ing the insurance on the city's
property, would respectfully report that
we have discontinued the insurance on
Engine Houses No. 1, No. 4 and No. 5,
and also reduced the :amount on Engine
Houses No. 2 aril No. 3. The amount
carried at present is as follows: City
Hall, $13,500.00; Central Engine House,
$9,500.60; Engine House No. 2, $2,000.00;
Town Clock and Tower, $1,500.00, and
Patrol House, $1,000.00. The policy in
the Iowa State Insurance Co., which
was renewed December 10, 1904, we have
ordered canceled and have so instruct-
ed the 141e:1i :Igen(. As ale fol'i• ming
roadjustineni had heen concurred in by
:ill the 11.en;her( of the eonuuittee (cath
the i.xeept ion of :\Iderni,ut Jones Prim
to the .sill i ission of 1he lis' (presented
at ti -p• lust ei'ssinn of the I'il', Co ice.
we (lid not ennsiul, r it a,iciSable Io ro-
open the nail t, n'. \\e \Vonl,l I',Y'i,mliielld
Ih:at the action of the committee he
Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the re-
AI I. (Taney moved that \V:u'rnlits be
ordered 'Ira IVII far the various amounts
o1' the hills presented by the different
Instn;utee .ancnts 1'o1. the Policies ae-
cepteal by the City. Carried.
\Id. Clancy stated that the matter
of Appropriations W:is 110W before the
Committee of the \Vhole, and thought
that the Commiti-i' would be really to
1' i•nrt at tite nest meeting of the
Aid. Clancy then moved that the
Council adjourn until March 16th, 1905.
(':1 'vied.
C, F. .\I;1;\1)T,
Cite II'' ((der.
List of Warrants.
List of City Warrants.
City I rder's Hfifice,
I the lit-Haw:11dt Alayor and City
,Thnicil of Dulanme:
1;entlenien: The following Is eon -1-
;1,1e list of all warrants issued by me
(luting Ila, imalth of January, 1905:
C. H. Herg% salary Mayor $ 116 70
• Brinkman. salary. Treasurer133 35
• N1).Kilday, salair. Deputy
Treasurer 100 00
• I',. 1110(0'. clerk, Treasurer's
(Ants. F. Arendt, salary, Ile-
Wm. A. Kaep. salray. Deputy
It. corder. 80 00
E. P.. Hoffman, salary, Auidtor116 70
C. L. S,..herr, salary, Assessor125 00
A. Imola., Jr., salary Assistant
Assessor 100 00
J. .1. Alurphy, salary, Assistant
Assessor 100 00
J. \V. Kintzinger, salary, Attar -
60 00
116 70
ne,N . 150 00
J. (!. LongtieviIle, salary, Assis-
tant Attorney 75 00
Thos. salary, Chief of
100 00
Jai)). 1:.einfried, salary, Fire Chief 100 00
J. W. Lawlor, salary Coninnt -
I IL look 100 00
• ,Lis. lloyce. salary, City Engi-
neer 166 65
E. Anderson, salary, .Assistant
100 00
sa 1111y. Rodrnan 50 00
H. • N. 1 ill Viiiond. salary, SUper-
int( Hilent of :41 14.4.‘1 Sprinkling. 60 00
E. I1erron, clerk ill Auditor's
and Engineer•s office.— 75 00
\Vin. Iiippinan, salary, Eleetne-
ian. 83 35
P. P. Hayes, salary, Marketnnts-
ter 50 00
T. Cahill. salary. Park
40 00
II. I' lie), salary, Park Custo-
Ohm—. 40 00
T. Pallerty, salary, :irk
•••• ................. •
H... Alichel, 5111110', flealth
(ttlfeer 50 00
F. Flynn, salary, Sanitary Pa -
60 00
Mrs. I 1. Koenig, sa Juni-
I. Conigisky, salary, Sidt.,walk
C. \\'. 1•::11:,.. salary, AVharfnms-
10 00
Al. Clancy. salary Ablernum....
H. ('nit:iin salary, Aldertn:m..
40 00
20 00
50 00
20 on
E. Frith, -111:1 II, 5 1)
• r. Jul ws, 511111 ry. 00
Ly0104, s01;try, A1410110:111.... :27. 00
.10s. N,,,011-0tin, salary. Alderman. 25 00
jII'). r
8:0,1rY. -Aldeman- :5 00
Alis E. IS. 1:upprecht, steno-
grapher. for Legal Itcpartment 20 00
Ai. EiLI. firenum.
II iii, firen,all.
Imeeilini, fireman..
I. Flynn, fireman..
I. lioshin. firenntn....
J. Tshildi. firetnali..
j. firennui..
A. I fireman.
J. Daley, fireinan..
J. Barnes, fireman.
T. Ryder, fireman.
G. Beyer, fireman... ..
AV. Ducey, firenuin....
F. AluiThy,
51. firermm..
AleClaim fireman
• Ai•rn, Ii 10111(10.
P . Zillig% firHnan..
T. Flynn. firenutn..
AL Sweeney. fireman._
ff. fireman
J. Ilelizer. firenum.
J. Alo I lougl-d in. fireman
P. Fury fireman.
A. Alcimimell, fireman.... .
J. AlluThy, firetnalt..
• Kannolt. fireman._
• Ghorki.
• Neluled:‘. fireman..
F. atngartnr, fireman..
J. Smith, firenntn
Wannolt, fi,enmn..
J. Mien, fireman.
AL Fahey. fire:I:ail.
t).ColtilelL fireman..
R. Weston, fireman-.
1<eimeally, fireman.
E. AleDermot t. fireman.. ..
Ahern. fireman..
J. Tric11,
(4. rt)1ice
J. ('art 1'. police
J. Cltule. pf dice
Jno. Cody. police
\V. Cook, 1,,•Jic1.•.
\V. Corcoran, police..
J. P. l'utninings, police
fL Doldon, police
J. Fitzpatrick, lafiice...
Jas. Flynn, pudice
.111)1. Fox, police
VVin. Mith, pollee
T. Galoihl, police
L. Hrassol, police
. clray,
Pat Hanlon. police
1{;thli, polk•e
At hilly, police
Loetscher. police.
I. Afellierliey, /101iCe.
Si. i Womior, m)lice.
J110. Alurphy, police
inn. Itat,sli, police.
II Li Hath, police
PLC ()Ic)', police
ty:111, PolVe•
• 1:yati, police.
Si. :411ipleton,
J. Stoltz, police
05 OD
75 00
till 00
05 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
05 0,
-01 WI
it 00
65 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
67 50
50 00
25 00
65 00
60 00
, is.,
G11 Vi
50 of,
50 0,,
1 50
50 0!,
CO 110
17 00
........ 7.',
List of Warrants. 33
ivan. 42 60
pull 65 00
I..Zt,idnian. 50 00
Miss Brennan, police matron30 00
Mrs. K. Hibbe, police matron30 00
Labor on streets in the First and
Third districts (luring the last half (if
Deceinber, 1904.
A. Alderson, 3rd. 4 40
J. Itrouillette, 1st 5 10
D. J. Brightbill. 31,1 6 10
Paul 16 -(ker. tli•i I S 45
Jos. Brown. lst-7 90. 31.11-4 12 40
D. Cunningham, 1st 1 25
AN''. Coughlan. is,
J. CiilluhNn, lot 20 (10
1). Corctinin. liii 3 05
H. Fleck, ist.-2c 21.0.-15 00_ 41 25
N. Frith, lst.-17 50.3111.-10 00 27 50
Harney Glass, 1st. 4 50
F. Gavih, 1st. 20 00
John Ilafey, 1st 2 70
'P. Hackney. 1st. 2 70
Martin Lonergan, 1st.. 1 15
John McNulty. 1st.. 2 70
Fat AlePolami, 3rd.. 3 40
J. McCormack, health.. .. 15 96
John Parker. 3rd.. ....... 17,
W. Quinlan. 1st. 1
Phil. Reddin, 1st. ''
Jos. Rooney, tst.-7 9(t,3rd.-4 10 12 40
Nick Sweeney. 1st ...... 4 75
Jchn Spear, 1st 1 III
James Tobin. 3rd 1 25
John Welsh. 1st. 1 20
W. Wearmouth. 3rd 20 00
Labor grading Mount Carniel avenue
during the last half of December, 1904:
Tom Burke. 14 40
Jas. Be: t ey 14 40
John Burke. 9 45
Peter Carney 14 40
1). Cunningham. 14 40
Mike Carney 1 50
\Nr. Donahue.. .. 14 40
R. Leavitt. 4 05
Chas. Leo 41 7'.
John Mahoney 2 C0
Mike tiAlear:i 10 ND
-W. 4)1 ',Hen. forcman.... (11
D'Aleara 19 SO
George Reynolds. team.. 25 20
Labor on sewers for the last half of
December, 1904: •
H. Cosgrove.. 20 00
P. l'asserly 20 00
John torcoran. 20 50
T. 11wferty 95 01)
J. Jellison 15 40
Jos Kine. 90 00
P. Kenneally 20 00
C. 20 80
L. Taylor. 20 00
L. Zema nek . 20 00
1,;d:or tin soecial sewers for the 1,ist
hill I 1/eceinher, 1005:
ChAs. ('roe, lcy. 3 140
David Flynn—. GO
llurney Wass.. .. 3 90
Al. Lonergnit• • •• 2 10
John i -•ear. fi 30
J. Linehan, hauling filling on
Mt. carinel avenue 37 90
M. Thiminisch, hauling tilling on
Alt. Carmel ;IVe11110. 27 75
(i'Mt.ara. hauling tilling
Alt. Carmel avenue
hauling filling- oll All. 13 50
Carmel 1 Vi'nii II 7655
W• lIrmlleY. hauling- filling tilt
Alt. t•armel avenue
J. Sullivan hauling filling on Alt.
Carmel avenue..
"2 104
(1•Aleara. hauling tilling on Alt.
Carmel avenue..
1 17,
P. Appel, binding tilling tin Alt.
Cal avnue.. 5 27.
P. Baumgartmr. ass't. Market
$ 36 45
Master for Decenther
Palmer, Berg & blank hooks
and stationery for various de-
partments 144 25
F. P. Hayes, board of prisoners
for December 4 20
T. E. Frith, removing garbage
and dead animals for De-
cember 125 52
T. H. Clark, mugs and supplies
for expense and Fire Depart-
ments 44 55
C. Pape, repairing fountain at
Rhomlierg and Windsor Ave-
nues 3 SO
Key City Gas Co., gas for var-
ious departments 117 60
Kelly's look store, stationery and
supplies for various depart-
ments 13 65
C. 'I'. Bush. photos, 0th and Lo-
cust ;Hid 17111 and Clay Sts 7 50
H. It. Aicc Jrten, plumbing Ar-
mory I InIntl 1 05
L. Liii(leill.erg, snow shovel
Washington Park 1 15
G. W. Healey & Son, snow shovel
and pail Washington Bark65
D'Aleara. repairing First
Ward sea 5 65
G. F. Kleih, hardware expense
and Sewer Departments 9 60
Mauer & Kress, hardy a re ex -
pease department " 05
Iowa Telephone Co., teb•phone
service various departnmts17 52
Dubuque Telephone Co., tele-
phone service vu minus della rt -
meats 0 00
Fischer & Co., ice delivered at
City Ball 16 00
Fischer & coni del;vored at
City Hall S8 93
J. Beach & Sons, soap City Hall. 2 95
J. Butt, repairs II.oad and Sower
Departments 5 10
F. Schlitz ez Son. repairs ltoad
and Sewer Departments 4 60
J. Duggan, repairs Road aild
AIL Carmel Avenue Depart-
ments 8 05
T. Molloy. sawing wood Road
and Police Departments 2 75
Khmer & Kress, hardware Road
and Sewer Departments 1 10
G. F. Kledt, hardware Road De-
part nient 14 10
P. Beller, horse shoeing :Road
Department 4 30
G. Lear, horse shoeing Road De -
3 00
List of Warrants.
Clancy Transfer Co., coal Road
W. J. Burns Co., oil for Road
Duggan & Cota, hardware, pow-
der and fuse Road Department 11 25
Taylor & Gantenhein, paving
blocks Road Department 1 25
Avenue Top Mining Co., rock
Road Department
Schroeder -Klein Co., salt Road
McEl•ath Teaming Co., sand
Road Department 2 25
G. Ragatz & Son, repairs on
steam roller 9 70
F. M. Jaeger & Co., dynamite
and caps for Mt. Carmel Ave-
nue Department 5 75
Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse
shoeing Fire Department 5 10
Lagen & Sloan, horse shoeing
Fire Department 11 50
P. Heller, horse shoeing Fire De-
partment 3 00
Collings & Pfiffner, horse shoe-
ing patrol team 11 70
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary ser-
vices fire and patrol teams24 85
McClain Bros., salt and bran
Fire Department 1 70
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co,
hose Fire Department 3 60
Mullen & Papin, plumbing Fire
Department 11 35
Key City Gas Co., coal and coke
Fire Department 15 35
Key City Gas Co., rental of gas
arcs Fire Department 1 00
T. F. Kane, hay and oats Fire
Department 110 30
H. J. Hagerty, examining horse
Fire Department 5 00
Eichhorn & Bechtel, bran and oil
Fire Department 1 75
McDonald & Morrison Mfg. Co,
supplies Fire Department 1 50
G. Ragatz & Son, repairs Fire
Department 7 35
Jno. Butt, repairs Fire Depart-
ment 8 55
Butt Bros., repairs Fire Depart-
ment 9 50
F. G. Becker, coal Fire Depart-
ment 16 80
P. Evens, coal Fire Department23 45
F. Burns, coal Fire Department24 70
T. J. Mulgrew, coal Fire Depart-
ment 13 45
Clancy Transfer Co., coal and
wood, Fire Department 27 80
Conlin & Kearns, coal Fire De-
partment 24 40
Fischer & Co., coal Fire Depart-
ment 18 75
Diamond Jo Line steamers, mops
Fire Department 4 00
Schreiber & Conchar Mfg. Co,
repairs FIre Department 1 50
G. W. Healey & Son, never slip
calks Fire Department 23 35
F. M. Jaeger & Co., hardware
Fire Department 130
2 00
Key City Roofing Co., repairing
roof 9th Street Engine House5 00
McDermott & Gow, repairs 9th
Street Engine House 2 00
Farley & Loetscher Mfg Co,
storm sash Engine House No. 5 31 85
W. Marshall, repairing fire
steamers P. Olinger and J. J
Linehan 37 25
C. E. Berry, supplies for Fire
Department 12 00
American La France Fire En-
gine Co., rebuilding fire engine
R. W. Stewart 1519 00
Thos. T. Carkeek, estimate on
plane and specifications for
Fifth Ward Engine House 50 00
The Model, half pay on Police
overcoats 120 00
J. Boltz, sawing wood Police
Department 4 00
J. M. Garrison, wood Police De-
partment 2 00
P. Devaney, sawing wood, P.ilice
department 4 00
H. Schmitt, ,awing wood, Police
deuartment 1 75
G. F. Kleih, hardware, Police de-
partment 1 50
Klauer & Kress, hardware, Po-
lice department 90
Clancy Transfer Co., wood, Po-
lice department 30 00
P. Even, wood, Police depart-
ment 6 00
Saunders Meat Co., meat for
Matron department 5 80
G. H. Davis, stew pot for Ma-
tron department 20
Eichhorn & Bechtel, groceries
and supplies, Matron depart-
ment 13 90
E. J. Mulgrew, bread for Ma-
tron department 4 35
Mullin & Papin, plumbing at
Matron department 10 SO
T. F. Kane, hay for patrol
house 13 05
J. E. Hartig, repairs for Engi-
neer's department 1 85
F. M. Jaeger & Co., twine for
Engineer's department 45
L. J. Schmitt, twine for Sewer
department .. 75
Key City Roofing Co., sewer pipe
and cement, Sewer department 13 30
T. J. Mulgrew, sewer pipe and
cement, Sewer department 75 90
Smith, Morgan Prt'g. Co., weekly
and monthly council proceed-
ings for November and Decem-
ber 29 80
Globe -Journal, official printing
for November and December109 23
The Times, printing Mayor's
Telegraph -Herald, official print-
ing for November and Decem-
ber 67 75
National Demokrat, official print-
ing for December 25 00
Union Electric Co., arc lights for
December 2069 15
J. G. Becker & Co., drugs for
2 10
List of Warrants.
11,,• .1 of Health 50
H. Inkman, excavation permits
re,•, wed 95 00
H.1:cilikman, interest on nut -
standing warrants.... ..... 750 30
11. Brinkman, postage stamps—
expense s 10 00
Brinkman, Nev York Ex-
Itrinkman, refunded tax—Ex-
H. Brinkman, express charges—
fire.. 5,
H. Brinkman, loan.... $10,1991.19)
H. Brinkman. library orders
paid.. 37
Jos. itrouillette, 1st....
for the first half of January. 1905:
Ilocker, 3rd.... ..
Labor in the first and Third idstr5.1,ct0:7,,
6 75
D. J. Brightbill, 3rd
Jos. Brown, ist.-7 90,3rd.-4 50.. 12 to
W. Coughlan, 1st II 10
20 00
J. Callahan, 1st.
D. Corcoran, 1st. -70c, 3rd. -2 TO3 40
Barney (111155, 1st. 5 25
F. Gavin, 1st. 20 00
John Ilitfey, 1st 3 40
T. Hackney. 1st.... .......... 2 70
M. Lonergan, 1st.... .. .
J. McNulty, 1st 4 05
J. McCormack, health.. 16 20
O'Brien, 1st. 20 00
John Parker, 3rd. 5 10
W. Quinlan, 1st 4 20
Phil. Reddin, 1st 1 :15
Jos. Rooney, lst.-7 90, 3rd. -4 5012 4',
John Spear, 1st. 75
wearmouth, 3rd 20 00
Labor on sewers during the first half
of January, 1905:
H. 10 SO
P. Ca sserly
20 80
J. Corcoran 19 20
T. Hagerty. 25 00
J. Jellison. 19 20
J. Kiang 20 80
P. Kenneally 20 80
C. Sullivan 20 80
L. Taylnr 17 60
L. Zemanek 17 60
T. Donahue, grading streets 1 80
J. Kress, grading streets.... 1 35
M. Lavin, grading streets 1 35
W. Quinlan, grading streets.. 1 3F,
F. Scherr, grading streets 7 70
N. Sweeney, grading strets.... 1 35
G. Reynolds, grading streets2 80
S. C. Chamberlain insurance on
Central Engine House.. .. 25 20
H. C. Suice, damages for person-
al damages 25 00
P. Grue, damages for personal
injuries. 10 00
f hereby certify that the foregoing
is ;t true and correct list of all war-
rants issued by me during the month
of January, 1905.
—C. F. Arendt, City Recorder.
3 5
MST ;JF \\'\ 1:1
City I ZI`1.111111'Cti I Itijcp.
Dubuque, la., February 1st, 1905.
To the Honorable Mayer and Cit
Cottni'il Ill' Duhuque:
Gentliquen: The following is a com-
plete list of all warrants issued on the
varbgis funds by ne, during: the month
january, 1905:
11 1101—
First District *142.45
Th ill Dist Het,
$ 9.24:
Fir- 4,545.20
Police 2.346.65
Sewer,ig'e 447.10
Engineer 204.55
Street Lighting 9.069.15
Interest 750.30
ittiard If Health 271.40
tilt 'walk I I'll i lag 5.75
Fund 106.00
Grading Bluff street Extension
and Villa Street
Loan 10,000.00
I hereby certify that the foregoing is
a correct list of all warrants issued by
me on various funds during the month
of January, 1905.
2-1t City Recorder.
To Whom It May Concern: Notice is
hereby given of tile Council's intention
to vacate the11
ton and Jackson streets, from Seventh
to Eighth streets. and an ordinance
providing for such vacati(m has been
submitted to the city council if t he
City of Dubuque at its last regular ses-
sion. Said ordinance will be passed at
a regular meeting of the council :Met
ten days' publication of this notice.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, this iith
day of February, 1905.
City Recorder of City of Dubuque.
Regular Session March 16, 1905. 37
:Regular Session, March 16th, lila:.
Council inet at 9:30 o'clock P. M.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Aids. Clancy, Corrance,
Frith, Jones, Lyons, Needham and
A bsent—None.
Ald. Clancy moved that the council
proceedings for the month of February
be approved as printed excepting the
part of canceling the insurance policy
of the.IowaState Insurance Co. on the
Central Engine House. Carried.
Ald. Corrance moved that the action
tl:en by the Council tet its Adjourned
• alar Session, Feb. 2th, 1905, in can-
celling the Insurance policy of the
Iowa State Insurance Co. on the Cen-
tral Engine House be reconsidered.
Ald. Corrance also moved that the
policy remain on said Engine House as
contracted for. Carried.
Petition of Frank Drasda asking that
the City Treasurer be instructed to ac-
cept $2SS.5•I without interest for special
assessment ;es levied against his prop-
erty for improving Lincoln Avenue
from White to Jacksc'n Streets.
On motion referred to Finance com-
Petition of Conlin & Kearns asking
that Sixth Street between Fourth Street
Extension and their Ice Houses be re-
paired and put in passable condition.
On motion referred to Street commit-
Petition of Jno. Cogan asking permis-
sion to improve his frame dwelling by
putting on another story, which is lo-
cated on N. 1-2 of lot 63, East Dubuque
On motion r,•ferrcii to Committee on
Fire and Fire Chief.
Petition of Morris -Johnson -Brown
Mfg. Co.. asking that an arc light be
placed at or near the easterly end of
Ninth Street.
In motion referral to Committee oil
Police and Light ;end they to report to
the Council.
Petition of F. D. Thinoncsch asking
that a sanitary sewer be coast meted in
Blocklinger Lane about 270 feet in
lent tb.
('a motion was referred to Sewer
Petition of Aug. ltoh,' asking that the
taxes for 1904 on lot 2S'1, East Dubuque
Add., be ordered canceled.
( ht motion refcrr'eel to i relinquent Tax
coni nittee,
Petition of Mrs. Margt. Flanagan ask-
ing for ;t reduction of her taxes as lev-
ied against her property. Lot 9, Mon -
dale Add.
cin naction referred tee Beim) of
Petition of Jno. 11. Bradley request-
ing the council to order the laying of at
sidrtc;dk on sunlh side of 1'nion Acc-
rue from \\est Locust tee ('ox Streets.
Un nn,tiuu referred tee ('ntntnittee of
the \\'hold and they to view the
Petition of Chris. (';cpretz et el asking
that Lincoln Avenue he npenod and inl-
proVerl from Fourth Avenue Io west
line of lot 35 in JicCr;ocey's Eagle Point
On motion of Ald. Frith tfte rales
were suspended in order to item from
parties interested.
Chris. C;epretz. Dd. Fengler. \Vnm.
Nc•anu'ister and Capt. R. Kimbel ad-
dressed the council favoring said im-
on motion the petition was referred
to the Committee of the \Vhole and
Hwy to view the grounds,
Petition of Eagle Point Boat House
Co. asking that they be granted the ex-
clusive privilege to operate a Ferry be-
tween Eagle Point and l' incbel's Park
for a term of ten (10) years.
On motion referred to the Committee
of the Whole and parties interested be
notified of said meeting.
Petition of Internation;cl Brotherhood
of Teamsters Union asking council to
fix the wages for all teams working for
the city at $4.25 per clay and ( c' per
hour for all over tittle ;Ind Sunday work,
according to l;csolution passel by said
Teamsters' union March 1st, 1905.
(ht (notion referred to Committee of
the Whole.
I'ctitiai. of Paul Becker et al request-
ing the City Council to fix the price of
all macadam btuken in the city at $1.00
per cubic yard.
(,o motion referred to C'unuuiltee of
the \\'hole.
Pert Mlle nl' \Inm ice 'I'. Ahearn claim-
, tl., i uu ;es 'I;: mages done
Io Iii- I lin s breaking win-
!o ,- , fences, etc.
flit motion inferred lee the Ceiuntnittee
of the \V'hole.
Petition of lluhuque & Sioux City
itailway ('o. asking that the taxes for
1904 :is (e'vic't against their property in
Doh. Harbor ('u's. Add. he nr,l,•tic) r:ilt-
e'eled, also that the City :Aca,..nr lu'
instructed he strike said In ul r!) frniti
38 Regular Session March 16, 1905. is
the local assessment roll for the year
On motion referred to City Attorney
and City Assessor.
Petition of Mrs. D. Meggenhurg ask-
ing that she he paid back the taxes on
lot 10 of Min. Lot 319 from 1895 to date,
as said lot was deeded to the city in
On motion referred to City Engineer
and he to report to the Board of Equal-
Petition of C. H. Reynolds remon-
strating against paying special assess-
ment as levied against lot 3 of Sub. of
Lot 24, in Deming & Horr's Sub.
On motion referred to the City En-
gineer to report to Council.
Communication of C. B. Scherr, City
Assessor, asking council to instruct the
City Attorney to make inquiries as to
the status of the cases of the City of
Davenport against railroad companies
relating to the collection of taxes.
On motion referred to the City At-
Claim of Sarah J. Fenton claiming the
sum of $2000.00 for personal damages
sustained by falling on an icy and de-
fective sidewalk on Locust Street, north
of the intersection of Tenth Street.
Also Claim of Jas. Martin claiming
the sum of $5000.00 for personal dam-
ages sustained by falling on an icy and
slippery sidewalk on the south side of
Dodge Street.
On motion both Claims were referred
to the Committee on Claims and City
Ald. Clancy, chairman of the Com-
mittee of the Whole, reported as fol-
Be it resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That the appro-
priations for the ensuing year for the
different departments of the city be
fixed as follows:
For General Expense and Con-
tingent Fund $40,000.00
For Expense of Fire Depart-
ment 42,000.00
For Expense of Police De-
partment ........ ...... 28,000.00
For Care, Maintenance and Re-
pair of Sewers, Storm and
Sanitary 5,000.00
For Printing 2,500.00
For Expense of Engineer De-
partment 2,500.00
For Expense of Street Lighting 25,200.00
For Interest on Bonded and
Floating Debt 41,500.00
For Expense of Board of
Health 4,500.00
For Grading Fund 2,000.00
For Construction of Bee
Branch Sewer in Millville
For Continuation of Bee
Branch Sewer in Washington
Street 6,000.00
For Construction of Bee
Branch Sewer between 15th
and 16th Streets 1,400.00
For taking up Improvement
Bonds issued for payment of
Special Assessment against
Parks, Fire Engine Houses
and other real estate owned
by thee ity, for paving and
macadamizing of streets and
for interest on same 2,000.00
For payment of Judgments
against the city 3,000.00
For District Road Fund, for
Cleaning, Repairing quid
Sprinkling purposes—
First District 16,000.00
Second District 20,300.00
Third District 8,750.00
For Interest on Special Bond-
ed Debt 4,000.00
For Special Sewer Fund 1,000.00
For Grading Mt. Carmel Ave-
nue 1,000.00
For Repairing and Rebuilding
Sidewalks .... 1,000.00
For Continuation of Wall on
Bluff St. Extension 1,000.00
For Completion of Fifth Ward
Engine House 4,000.00
For Booth St. Storm Water
Sewer 1,000.00
Total Appropriations $266,650.00
Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the res-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith.
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Ald. Clancy also reported as follows:
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of the
police officers, asking for an increase
in salary, would recommend that said
petition be received and filed.
Also your Committee of the Whole.
to whom was referred the petition of
the captains of the several fire com-
panies, asking that their salary be in-
creased Ten Dollars per month, would
recommend that the salary of the cap-
tain of Truck Co. No. 1 and of the
captains of Engine companies No. 1
and No. 2 be increased Five Dollars
per month, taking effect March 1, 1905,
and that the Ordinance Committee be
instructed to amend the ordinance on
that subject in compliance herewith.
Also your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
Karl Viecent, et al., asking that Adams
Avenue be improved from Reed Ave-
nue to Fifth Avenue, would recom-
mend that the prayer of the petition-
ers be granted and that the proper
resolutions be adopted.
Also your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
Regular Session March 16, 1905. 39
the Dubuque Star Brewing Co., ask-
ing that the Treasurer be instructed
to accept payment for taxes for the
year 1904 in accordance with the ordi-
nance adopted April 7, 1898, relating to
the same, would respectfully recom-
mend that said petition he received
and filed.
Also your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
the drivers of the Fire Department,
asking for an increase in wages, would
recommend that said petition be re-
ceived and filed.
Also your Committee of the Whole.
to whom was referred the petition of
the Y. M. C. A., asking that it be al-
lowed to continue the operation of the
swimming school on the river bank ;:t
the foot of Third Street, would recom-
mend that the prayer of the petitioner
be granted.
Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the
various reports of the Committee of
the Whole. Carried.
City Engineer Boyce reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
pay roll for labor on Streets in the dif-
ferent districts during the first half
of March, 1905:
Amount due Laborers on Streets.$709.10
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved by Committee on Streets.
Also submit my pay roll for labor on
Sewers during the first half of March,
Amount due Laborers on Sewers.$1.89.00
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved by Committee on Sewers.
On motion the pay rolls on Streets
and Sewers were received and war-
rants ordered drawn to pay the various
amounts and the pay rolls referred
back to the proper committees.
The Mayor reported as follows:
To the Honorable City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: On November 3rd, 1904,
your Honorable Body ordered two
warrants amounting to $36.65 drawn
on the City Treasurer in favor of the
Mayor to defray the costs in the cases
of M. Schlegel vs. City of Dubuque
and E. W. Albee vs. City of Dubuque.
Said warrants were erroneously
drawn on the Expense Fund, whereaa
they should have been drawn on the
Judgment Fund. Said Judgment Fund
having been exhausted, I have return-
ed said warrants to the City Treasurer
and have taken his receipt therefor
and ;aro h saute to this report.
Very respectfully,
t'. II. Blah(',. Mayor.
On motion the action of the Mayor
was apinoced and the report received
and filed.
The following annual reports of the
City Auditor, City Treasurer, Chief of
Police and City Attorney were pre-
sented. The recommendations of the
City Attorney, as embodied in his re-
port, was ordered read.
Ald. Corrance moved that the same
be referred to the Committee on Claims
and City Attorney for the purpose of
carrying out said recommendations.
Action on the balance of the annual
reports was postponed.
Ald. Frith, chairman of the Commit-
tee on Streets, reported as follows:
Your Committee on Streets would re-
spectfully recommend that the City En-
gineer be instructed to measure the
piles of macadam in the different wards
and report the amount to the City
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report.
Ald. Clancy, chairman of the Commit-
tee on Fire, presented a bill of Thos. F.
Kane for hay and oats delivered to the
Fire Department.
Amount of Bill $421.89
And moved that a warrant be drawn
for the above amount and the bill paid.
Ald. Lyons presented and read the
following report of the Purchasing
Committee, and moved that the same
be adopted and made a part of the of-
ficial record. Carried.
Report follows:
Your Purchasing Committee desires
to correct the impression conveyed by
an article that recently appeared in the
Globe -Journal over the signature of
Ald. Needham, in which it was stated
that a certain wood and coal dealer
had offered to supply the city with
wood for $5.50 per cord, and that the
offer had been rejected, while ;it the
same time the city purchased wood
from another firm at $6.00 per cord.
The idea meant to be conveyed by
said article, was that the first men-
tioned firm was being discriminated
against in favor of the latter, and that
a higher price was being paid for fuel
than what it could be obtained for.
The fact of the matter is that the
firm first above referred to had the con-
tr;iet for supplying the city with fuel
until \ov4•nihw r 1, 1904. The city on Oc-
tober 26, 1904, advertised for bids for
fuel for the term of one year, expiring
November 1, 1905, and neither then nor
40 Regular Session March 16, 1905.
at any subsequent time was a single
bid submitted.
About the time the old contract ex-
pired, the firm first referred to, stocked
up all the down town engine houses to
their full capacity, putting in about
$2211.00 worth of fuel for use after the
expiration of their term of contract.
This they were permitted to do because
they were still charging the old rates
which your committee had knowledge
were soon to he raised: but after Nov-
ember 1, 1904, neither they, nor any
other firm in the city would furnish fuel
for less than the price which has since
been paid for it.
In regard to the other firm mentioned,
we will say that it received the same
price for its coal and wood as did all
the other firms in the city, and not one
cent more: and moreover, that the dis-
tribution of orders in this line is being
made on as equitable a basis as pos-
It will be seen from the foregoing
that the firm first above referred to has
had its full share of the total business
in this line for the ensuing year, and
that his statement in regard to offering
to furnish wood at $5.50 per cord is not
correct. C. H. BERG,
• Chairman.
Ald. Corrance moved to adjourn until
March 23rd, 1905. Carried.
City Recorder.
'`,fes ` / "' Recorder
Approv -S/1'/L/7-1906—
Adjourned Regular Session March 23, 1905. 41
Adjourned Regular Session, March 23c1,
Council met at 8:30 o'clock P. M.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Aids. Clancy, Corrance,
Frith, Jones, Lyons, Needham and
Petition of Herm. Bishof, et al, ask-
ing that sidewalks be ordered con-
structed on North side of Edith Street,
from Burden Avenue to Sheridan Ave-
nue, thence on Sheridan Avenue to
Davis Avenue, thence along the South
side of Davis Avenue to Windsor Ave-
On motion the same was referred to
the Committee on Streets.
Petition of Peter Hanson, asking
permission to erect a frame building
on lot 70, East Dubuque Add.
On motion the petition was granted
after the premises being investigated
by the Fire Chief.
Petition of The Cushing -McFadden
Co., asking that the City Treasurer be
instructed to accept payment in full
on their assessment to the amount of
$5,000, according to resolution adopted
by the City Council Dec. 18th, 1902.
Also petition of Jas. Cunningham,
asking that he be exempt on his home-
stead, lots 2 and 5, Buettell's Sub., to
the amount of $800.00, he being an
honorably discharged Union Soldier.
On motion both petitions were refer-
red to the Board of Equalization and
City Assessor.
Petition of Sara H. Ham remonstrat-
ing against grading Lincoln Avenue
adjoining her property in Ham's Add.
On motion referred to the Committee
of the Whole.
Claims of Frances Crabtree claiming
the sum of $5,000.00 for personal dam-
ages sustained by being injured by the
opening of one of the double doors at
the Central Engine House, which open
on Iowa Street.
The Original Notice of District Court
of Mary Dempsey vs. City of Dubuque,
claiming the sum of $10,000.00 for per-
sonal injuries sustained by falling on
a defective sidewalk on Julien Avenue.
On motion both Claim and Original
Notice were referred to Committee on
Claims and City Attorney.
City Auditor Hoffman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen:—Herewith find niy report
for the month of Fel i uary, 1905. show-
ing the receipts and disbursements for
the month:
Cash on hand Feb. 1st, 1905..$ 62,690.78
Receipts from all sources..... 133,000.94
\Varrants redeemed $ 95.148.53
Coupons redeemed 7,442.38
Water Works coupons re-
deemed 22.50
Cash an hand March 1st, 1905.. 93,078.31
Also the following is a record of all
Interest Coupons and Bonds redeemed
by the City Treasurer during the past
month and credited to him:
Regular Bond coupons .........$7,379.88
Water Works coupons 22.50
Improvement Bond coupons62.50
The following list shows the Appro-
priations and the amount of Warrants
drawn on each fund since the begin-
ning of the fiscal year beginning March
1st, 1904, to March 1st, 1905:
Appropriation. Expended.
Expense $40,000 $35,462.41
First District .. 16,000
Second District 20,000
Third District 9,000
Fire 38,000
Police 28,000
Sewerage 5,000
Printing 2,500
Engineer 2,500
Street Lighting 25,000
Interest . 42,000
Board of Health -4,500
Grading 4,000
Bee Branch 8,500
Special Bonded Paving 2,000
Judgment 2,000
Special Bonded Debt In-
terest 4,000 4,000.00
Mount Carmel Avenue
Grading 1.000 938.00
Sidewalk Repairing 1,000 917.20
Special Sewer Fund 8,000 5,490.09
Grading Bluff Street
Extension and Villa
Street .... 1,000 989.80
Fifth Ward Engine
House 4,000 1,000.00
Total Appropriation..$268,000
F. B. HOFFMAN, Auditor.
On motion the report was received
and the same referred back to the Com-
mittee on Finance.
The annual reports of the City En-
gineer, City Auditor, City Treasurer,
Chief of Police, Chief of the Fire De-
partment .iud City Attorney were pre-
42 Adjourned Regular Session March 23, 1905.
On motion the various reports were
referred to the Finance Committee to
have the same embodied in the Fin-
ance Report for the year 1904. Car-
Ald. Corrance, chairman of the Com-
mittee on Claims, reported as follows:
Your Committee on Claims and City
Attorney, to whom was referred the
communication of Sylvester J. Patch
in relation to injuries alleged to have
been sustained by his wife, by reason of
falling on a slippery walk, would rec-
ommend that said communication be
received and filed.
Also, your Committee on Claims and
City Attorney, to whom was referred
the petition of John I. Beekman, asking
that he be allowed the sum of fifteen
dollars as damages for injuries alleged
to have been sustained by him, would
recommend that said petition be re-
ceived and filed.
Also, your Committee on Claims and
City Attorney, to whom was referred
the petition of George Bippus, asking
that he be allowed compensation for
time lost by him and for expense of
surgical treatment occasioned by his
being run over by the horse and buggy
of the chief of the' Fire Department,
would recommend that said petition be
received and filed.
H. CORRANCE, Chairman.
Ald. Corrance moved to adopt the
reports of the Committee on Claims.
Ald. Clancy, chairman of the Fire
Committee, moved that the matter of
purchasing the apparatus for Engine
House No. 6 he referred to the Com-
mittee on Fire and Fire Chief. Car-
Ald. Clancy, chairman of the Com-
mittee of the Whole reported as fol-
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of the
Eagle Point Boat House Company,
asking that it be granted the exclusive
privilege to operate a passenger ferry
between Eagle Point and Iiimbel's
Park, would recommend that the mat-
ter be referred to the Ordinance Com-
mittee with instructions to draft an
ordinance providing for the licensing
and regulating of ferryboats.
Also your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
the International Brotherhood of
Teamsters, asking that the scale of
wages to be paid for teams hauling for
the city be fixed at $4.25 per day of
ten hours and sixty-five cents per hour
for overtime and Sundays, would rec-
ommend that on and after April 1,
1905, the wages for teams working for
the city be fixed at forty-two and one-
half cents per hour; said rate to apply
to overtime and Sunday work as well
as to the regular working day.
MATT CLANCY, Chairman.
Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the re-
port of the committee of the Whole.
Alderman Frith offered the follow-
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the City
Engineer be instructed to prepare
plans and specifications for the con-
tinuation of the Bee Branch storm
water sewer in Washington Street,
from the present terminus of said
sewer northerly in said street as far as
the appropriation for the same will
permit, and file said plans and specifi-
cations in the office of the City Re-
corder, who will thereupon advertise
for bids for the construction of said
sewer in accordance with said plans
and specifications.
Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Alderman Corrance offered the fol-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a Sidewalk
six feet wide, of good cement, be,
within forty days of this notice, con-
structed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks,
on the north side of Julien Avenue, be-
tween Alta Vista Street and Center
Place, abutting Min. Lot 86, owned by
Academy of Visitation, at the expense
of abutting property. Adopted by the
following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Ald. Clancy moved to adjourn until
April 6th, 1905. Carried.
City Recorder.
• ...Recorder
List of Warrants.
List of City Warrants.
City I: • .tllcr's
Dubuque, I:.., March 1st, 1905.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: The following is a com-
plete list of all warrants issued by me
during the month of February, 1905:
C. H. Berg, salry, Mayor. $116 65
H. Brinkman, salary, Treasurer133 30
J. A. McKinlay, salary, Deputy
Treasurer 100 00
Jno. Krayer, clerk, Treasurer's
office 60 00
Chas. F. Arendt, salary. Re-
corder 116 65
Wm. A. Kaep, salary, Deputy
Recorder 80 00
F. B. Hoffman, salary Auditor116 65
C. B. Scherr, salary Assessor125 00
A. Doerr, Jr., salary, Assistant
Assessor 100 00
J. J. Murphy, :clary, Assistant
Assessor 100 00
J. W. Kintzinger, salary, Attor-
ney 150 00
J. C. Longueville, salary, Assist-
ant Attorney 75 00
Thos. Reilly, salary, Chief of Po-
lice 100 00
Jno. Reinfried, salary, Fire Chief 100 00
J. W. Lawlor, salary, Committee
Clerk 100 00
Jas. Boyce, salary, City Engi-
neer 166 65
E. Anderson, salary, Assistant
Engineer 100 00
G. White, salary, Rodman 50 00
G. N. Raymond, salary, Super-
intendent of Street Sprinkling 60 00
E. Herron, clerk in Auditor's
and Engineer's office 75 00
Wm. Hipman, salary, Electrician 83 30
F. P. Hayes, salary, Marketmas-
ter 50 00
T. Cahill, salary, Park Custodian 40 00
H. Henge, salary Park Custo-
dian 40 00
T. Faherty, salary, Park Cus-
todian 10 00
Dr. B. F. Michel, salary, Health
Officer 50 00
F. Flynn, salary, Sanitary Pa-
trolman 60 00
C. Baumann, salary, Poundmas-
Mrs. H. Koenig, salary, Jani-
tress 20 00
I. Conigisky, salary, Sidewalk
Inspector 50 00
M. Clancy, salary, Alderman 25 00
H. Corrance, salary, Alderman25 00
E. Frith, salary, Alderman' 25 00
Mr. Jones, salary, Alderman 25 00
M. E. Lyons, salary, Alderman 25 00
Jos. Needham, salary, Alderman25 00
Jno, Stumpf, salary, Alderman25 00
Miss E. B. Rupprecht, stenog-
M. Eitel, fireman
J. Essman, fireman
A. Duccini, fireman
40 00
20 00
65 00
75 00
60 00
.1. Flynn, fireman 65 00
.I. Ruskin, fireman 60 00
. Heer, fireman 50 00
.1. Tschudi, fireman 50 00
J. Sehonberger, fireman 50 00
J. Daley. fireman 65 00
J. Barnes, fireman 75 00
T. Ryder, fireman 60 00
G. Myer, fireman 65 00
\V. lmne' v. fireman 60 00
F. Murphy, fireman 50 00
W. \l a'I:ain, fireman 50 00
M. Kelly, fireman .. n0 00
D. Ahern, fireman 65 00
P. Zillig, fireman 50 00
T. Flynn, fireman 65 00
M. Sweeney, fireman 50 00
H. Cain, fireman 50 00
J. Benzor, fireman 50 00
J. McGloughlin, fireman 50 00
A. McDonnell, fireman 67 50
J. Murphy, fireman 50 00
P. Fury, fireman 50 1,0
W. Kannolt, fireman 26 65
G. Gherke, fireman 65 00
T. Kennedy, fireman 60 00
F. Baumgartner, fireman 50 00
J. Smith, fireman 50 00
C. Kannolt, fireman 65 00
J. Allen, fireman 60 00
M. Fahey, fireman 50 00
\\r. O'Connell. fireman 50 00
R. Weston, fireman 65 00
F. Kenneally, fireman 60 00
E. McDermott, fireman 50 00
P. Ahern. fireman 50 00
G. Burkel, police 50 00
J. Carter, police 65 00
J. Chine, police 45 00
Jno. Cody, police 50 00
W. Cook, police 60 00
W. Corcoran, police 50 00
J. P. Cummings, police 50 0(1
J. Fitzpatrick, police 50 00
Jas. Flynn, police 50 00
Jno. Fox, police 50 00
Wm. Frith, police 50 00
T. Ganahl, police 50 00
L. Grasse', police 50 00
B. Gray, police 50 00
Pat Hanlon, police 45 00
M. Kilty, police 50 00
Jno. Lr•ts:eher, police 50 00
P. 1sl a'ollins, police 50 00
P. 1‘1 •lnerney, police 50 00
M. ta'a'onnor, police 60 00
Jno. Murphy, police 50 00
Jno. Raesli, police 65 00
Otto Rath, police 50 00
J. Rooney, police 50 00
Jas. Ryan, police 65 00
M. Ryan, police 55 00
P. Scharff, police 50 00
Al. Scherr, police 55 00
F. Spielman, police 50 00
P. Sutton, police 41 00
M. Stapleton, police 50 00
J. Stoltz, police 50 00
P. Sullivan, police 50 00
J. L. Sullivan, police 41 75
T. Sweeney, police 65 00
L. Zeidman, police 50 00
Miss B. Brennan, matron 30 00
Mrs. K. Hibbe, matron 30 00
List of Warrants.
Labor on streets in ' the First and
Third Districts during the last half of
January, 1905:
Jos. Brouillette, 1st
Paul Becker, 3rd
D. J. Brightbill, 3rd
Jos. Brov.n, 1st, $7.90; 3rd, $4.50..
W. Coughlan, 1st
Mike Cain, 1st
J. Callaghan, 1st
H. Fleck, 1st, $26.25:
N. Frith, 1st, $17.00;
F. Gavin, 1st
T. Hackney, 1st
John Hafey, 1st
M. Lonergan, 1st"
J. McNulty, 1st
J. McCormick, Health
W. O'Brien, 1st
James Purcell, 1st
John Parker, 3rd 4
W. Quinlan, 1st 2
Jos. Rooney, 1st, $7.90; 3rd, $4.50. 12
John Spear, 1st 1
W. Wearmouth, 3rd 20
Labor on Sewers for the last half
January, 1905:
P. Casserly $ 19 20
J. Corcoran 22 40
T. Hagerty, foreman 25 00
J. Jellison 19 20
J. Kiang 19 20
P. Kenneally 19 20
C. Sullivan 19 20
L. Taylor 19 20
L. Zemanek 19 20
P. Baumgartner, Assistant Mar-
ketmaster for January
F. P. Hayes, Board of Prisoners
C. T. Bush, Photos of Julien
F. Hardie, Transcript of Testi-
mony, Case of Maria Kempf vs.
J. J. Dunn, Sheriff's fees in cases
of City of Dubuque vs. Du-
buque Star Brewing Co. and
Marie Kempf vs. City of Du-
T. Sullivan, Clerk of District
Court, costs in case of Kempf
vs. City
C. L. McGovern, Recording plats
and deeds
Union Printing Company, Blank
stationery and health reports
for August, September and
October, 1904
Kelly's Book Store, blank sta-
tionery and supplies for var-
ious departments
G. B. Grosvenor, do do
C. A. Noyes, framing group of
Photo. Mayor's office
J. Beach & Son, soap at City
F. A. Miller, 1 dozen brooms
Geo. Roll, repairs at city hall
and for Road Department
Midland Chemical Co., disinfect-
ine at City Hall
Mullen Bros., plumbing at City
H. Corrance, matches, oil and
3rd. $15.00..
3rd, $10.00..
18 00
4 75
2 05
12 40
4 05
20 00
41 25
27 50
9 25
2 05
3 40
18 90
20 00
35 10
3 80
2 50
6 75
5 30
78 95
4 25
17 00
15 70
9 39
8 00
1 40
2 50
2 85
12 50
5 30
supplies 8 05
Key City Gas Co., gas for var-
ious departments 10 56
P. Even, coal for First Ward
scales 12 60
F. Burns, hard coal, City Hall,
Fire and Police departments80 50
Jno. Williams, wood at City Hall 18 00
Clancy Transfer Company 24 00
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for
Road and Sewer departments. 10 00
Dubuque Turbine & Roller Mill
Co., asphaltum Road depart-
ment 50
Jno. Noonan, to use of oak lum-
ber on Eighth Street sewer2 75
Eliwanger Bros., repairing har-
ness Road and Fire depart-
ment 18 75
Lagen & Sloan, horse shoeing,
Fire Department 7 00
Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse
shoeing, Fire Department 6 70
Gus Lear, horse shoeing, Fire
Department 2 00
Vollenweider & Heim, horse
shoeing, Fire Department 9 50
J. Williams, wood for Fire De-
partment 12 00
Clancy Transfer Co., coal for
Fire Department 63 85
Conlin & Kearns, do do 19 00
Fengler & Beutin, do do 11 40
P. Even, do do 26 60
F. G. Becker, do do 36 65
Key City Gas Co., coal and coke
for Fire Department 21 45
A Ruh, bran for Fire Depart-
ment 9 90
H. Corrance, salt and supplies
for Fire Department 5 45
T. F. Kane, hay and oats for
Fire Department 111 10
G. Holl, repairs for Fire Depart-
Hussman & Lies, hardware for
Fire Department 1 50
P. Lang, hardware for Fire De-
G. F. Thormann, paints and oils
for Fire Department 2 90
G, Ragatz & Son, repairs for
Department 1 85
Western Electric Co., copper
wire for Fire Department 30 25
McDonald & Morrison Mfg. Co,
supplies for Fire Department60
F. Zehetner, repairs on steamer
J. J. Linehan 6 05
Wm. Marshal, repairs on steam-
ers Olinger and Linehan 8 55
Otto M. Ruete, glass and putty
for Engine House No. 5 2 80
Farley & Loetscher Mfg. Co,
storm sash for Engine House
No. 5 4 95
Jas. Ryan, putting up storm
sash at Engine House No. 52 00
Jno. Ward, sawing wood for Po-
lice Department 4 00
P. Devaney, sawing wood for
Police Department 1 75
Kaep & Buechele, gloves and
caps for Police Department
1 60
3 95
7 05
List of Warrants. 45
Bochert, part pay on police
overcoat for G. Burkel 10 00
Eichhorn & Bechtel, groceries
for 'Matron Department SI
F. A. Nester, exchange of clock
for Matron Department
3 00
A. Fluetsch, milk for Matron
Department 1 75
J. Phillips, glazing for Matron
Department 75
Mullen Bros., plumbing at
Patrol House 13 25
Ellwanger Bros.. new harness
at Patrol House 38 30
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co,
two pair rubber boots for
Sewer Department S 00
Steuck & Linehan, stepping
stones delivered to corner of
Coulee Avenue and Sanford
Streets 4 00
National Demokrat, official
printing for January 25 00
Union Electric Co., arc lights
for January 2067 35
T. E. Frith, removing dead an-
imals for December, 1904, Jan-
uary and February, 1905 29 50
Excavation permits redeemed30 00
Interest on Warrants outstand-
ing 2531 15
New York Exchange 2 50
New York Exchange 41
Freight Charges Fire 10
I'ostage Stamps
rary orders paid 62076
Express Charges Fire
10,e 1:k
Labor on Streets in the First and
Third Districts during the first half
of February. 1905:
John Burke. 1st 8 2 05
Jos. Brouillette, 1st 7 15
Paul Becker, 3rd 8 80
D. J. Brightbill, 3rd 6 75
Jos. Brown. 1st, $4.85; 3rd, $4.509 2,5
Jas. Callaghan, 1st 7 15
D. Corcoran, 3rd 7 80
Pat Grue, 1st 1 35
Jos. Geasland, 1st, $4.40: 3rd. $2.70 7 10
Barney Glass. 1st 4 05
John Hafey, 1st 2, 770T. Hackney. 1st
J. McNulty, tel 1 :15
J. McCoimick, Health 17 55
Vi' .01trien. let 7 15
John Parker. till 1(1 15
W. Quinlan, 1st 1
Jos. Rooney. 1st. $4.85: 3rd. $4.50. 9 115
John Spear, 1st ii It)
V. Wearmout h. 3rd Labor on Sewers for the first hal:: o::(1'
February, 1905:
I'. Gisserly
J. Corcoran
'I'. Hagerty. foreman •• • ..•
.1.. Jellison
C. H. Ilerg% sheriff's fees. Cast.
NI. It. Connolly vs. City
1. Becker. wood for Fire 5 50
I'. 1
port wont 12 00
C. H. Iterg. salary, Mayor .. 116 60
H. Brinlinian, salary, Treasurer.. 133 45
.1. A. Mcl<inlay, salary, y
Treasurer 100 00
Krayer, clerk. Treasurer's
office .. . 60 00
Chas, F. Arendt. salary. Re-
corder 116 60
Wm. A. salary. Deputy
Itt.corder 80 00
F. IL Hoffman. salary, Auditor116 60
C. B. Schen.. salary. Assessor 125 00
A. Doerr, Jr.. salary, Assistant
Assessor 100 00
.1. .1. Alurphy, salary, Assistant
J. 1<intzinger, salary, A nor- 1011 00
A ss(-ssor
Longueville. salary. Assist- 1511 "0
Thos. Reilly. salary, Chief of Po- 75 00
:int Attorney
100 on
Jolsi'.'"Iteinfried, salary, Fire Chief 100 00
.1. W. Lawlor, salary, Comtnitt Pe
WI 00
Jas. Iliyce, salary, City Engi:
And,,rsup, salary, Assist:in; 1(1114 '.;5
50 ((0
White. salary. ti iii
G. N. Raymond. salary. Superin-
tendent of Street Sprinkling si 00
E. Herron, clerk in Auditor's
and Engineer's office 75 00
'Wm. Hinman, saltily, Electrician 83 4N
F. P. Hayes, salary, Marketums-
T. Cahill, salary, Polk Custodian
11. Henge, salary. Park Custo-
dian 40 00
T.diFa;iilherty, salary, Park Custo-
.... ........ 10 00
Dr. B. F. Michel, salary, Health
Officer 50 00
F. Flynn, salary, Sanitary Pa -
60 00
C. Iiiiumann. salary. Poundmas-
ter 4210) 1)000
H. -Koenig. salary, Jani-
I. Conigisky. salary. Sidewalk
Inspector 50 00
M. Clancy. salary, Alderman25 00
Corrancc. salay, Alderman25 00
E Frith. salary, Alderman 25 00
Air. Jones s.dary Alderman
50 00
40 00
16. LYolls. stlittrY. \ider111:111
tes. N.a.dliate. salary, Alderman
17 (11, Jut,. St molt, salary,
90 '01 Si.
95 00 .1 l6ssiiri ii, fireman
16 011 A. Iniccini. fir(lrian
17 60 .1. Flynn. fireman
17 110 J. Ittts1:111, fireman
17 60 A. Iii. fireman
17 60 .1. 'Tsclititli, fireman
17 60 .1. S-lionberger,
.1. I)ttil..y. fireman
4.4ii .1. ISa Imes fireman
C. Satin \ in ............ • • • • • •
I.. Taylor
L. %tap:melt
1-1. Ilerg, court costs. case of
NI. I. Connolly vs. I'll y
25 00
95 III
65 00
75 00
60 00
65 00
50 to
50 110
511 00
65 (10
75 00
List of Warrants.
T. Ryder, fireman 60 00
W. Ducey, fireman 60 00
F. Murphy, fireman 50 00
Mcc'lnin, fireman 50 00
M. Kelly. fireman 50 00
D. Ahern, fireman 65 00
P. Zillig, fireman 50 00
65 00
50 00
50 00
Sir 00
n 00
a . 50
Se c0
5n nil
65 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
65 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
65 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
65 00
50 00
50 00
60 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
60 00
50 00
67 20
50 00
45 00
65 00
50 00
50 60
60 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
45 00
65 00
50 00
30 00
30 00
G. Beyer. fireman
T. Flynn, fireman
M. Sweeney, fireman
H. Cain. fireman
G. Benzer, fireman
J. McGlaughlin, fireman
A. McDonnell, fireman
J. Murphy, fireman
P. Fury. firen-i.un
G. Gherke, fireman
T. Kennedy. fireman
F. Baumgartner, fireman
J. Smith, fireman..
C. Kannolt, fireman
J. Allen, fireman
M. Fahey, fireman
W. O'Connell, fireman
R. Weston, fireman
F. Kenneally, fireman
E. McDermott, fireman
P. :k helm, fireman
G. Ilurkel, police
J. carter, police
J. ('lune, police
Jno. Cody, police
W. Cooke, police
W. Corcoran, police
J. P. Cummins, police
J. Fitzpatrick, police
Jas. Flynn, police
Jno. Fox, police
Win. Frith, police
T. Ganahl, police
L. Grasset, police
B. Gray, police
Pat Hanlon, police
\T. Kitty, police
Jno. Loelscher, police
P. McCollins, police
P. McInerney. police
D. Norton, police
M. O'Connor, police
Jno. 1Tnrj hy, police
Jno. 1;aesli. police
Otto Rath, police
J. Rooney, police
Jas. 'Ryon, police
M. Ryan, police
P. Scharff, police
Al Scher., police
F. Spielman, police
M. Stapleton, police
J. Stoltz, police
P. Sullivan, police
J. L. Sullivan, police
P. Sutton, police
T. Sweeney, police
L. Zeidman, police
Miss 13. Brennan. police matron.,
Mrs. K. Hibbe, police matron
P. Baumgartner, assistant Mar-
ket master for February
Larry Daily, cleaning y'rround
Mil rket Square
Kelly's Book Store, blank sta-
tionery for various depart-
32 40
42 00
8 00
W. B. Baumgartner, supplies for
Sidewalk and Fire depart-
ments 7 35
}larger & Blish, blank station-
ery for various departments37 00
Borden & Sellec•k co., r, -pairs
for city scales 1 60
Mullen Bros., plumbing at City
Hall 2 60
G. Hall, repairs at City Hall 1 00
Standard Lumber Co., lumber
delivered at City Hall for Side-
walk and Expense departments 56 40
Martin & Strelau Co., coal de-
livered at City Hall 24 i0
C. T. Bush, taking photos at
various streets 7 i0
Jacduinot & Mullen, plumbing
at Armory Hall 2 40
H. Corrance, supplies City Hall1 05
Smith -Morgan Prt'g Co., blank
stationery City Recorder's of-
fice 7 ii0
Fengler & Dentin, coal delivered
at City Hall 24 90
T'nion Printing Co., blank sta-
tionery for Assessor's office25 50
Smith -Morgan Printing Co.,
blank stationery for various
departments 25 50
Palmer -Berg & Co., blank sta-
tionery for various depart-
ments .. 63 25
C. J. ct: rc,ild, setting up stoves
at ('ity Hall and repairing same 43 90
Key city Gas Co., gas for var-
ious departments 95 05
C. H. Becker Co., supplies City
Hall and Fire department 32 52
F. Fromm, carpenter repairs at
Engine House No. 5 19 60
Key City Gas Co., coke and coal
for Fire department 29 85
Lagen & Sloan, horse shoeing,
Fire department ., 'I',
G. Lear, horse shoeing, Fire di -
partment 1
-Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse
shoe IT:g, Fire department 3 50
P. Heller, horse shoeing, Fire de-
partment 3 00
J. J. Powers, horse shoeing, Fire
department 9 85
F. G. Becker, coal for Fire de-
partment 19 40
Martin-Strelau Co., coal for Fire
department 23 ..05
W. D. Deckert Co., repairs Fire
G. Ragatz & Son, repairs. Fire
department 7 57
.T. Butt, repairs, Fire department 16 70
F. Zehetner, repairs, Fire de-
partment 4 85
E. J. Voggenthaler, repairs, Fire
C. J. Oswald, repairs, Fire de-
Jno. Mullen, harness soap, Fire
department 6 75
P. Even, coal, Fire department26 00
Clancy Transfer Co., coal for
Fire department 66 :0
T. J. Mulgrew, coal and wood
5 15
6 50
List•of Warrants. 47
Fire department 30 90
Fischer & co.. coai for Fire de-
partment 43 55
Martin & 11ielan Co., wood for
Fire d' }1 intent 24 00
Conlin & Kearns, coal for Fire
department 11 ;15
Dubuque Oil Tank Line. oil for
Fire department 14 S5
McDonald & Morrison Alt's. Co,
supplies 1•1,r Fire depau'tme.nt90
('e•nttal Electric e'n., supplies for
Fire lenaruucnt5S 50
"(n. siai plirs for
bite depaHim: nt 20
J. F. Ris & Bro.. saal:plies for
Fire Ih•p:irtment 50
H. Corrance, supplies for Fire de-
partment 1 75
Standard Lumber Co.. shavings
and Rauber for Fire depart-
ment 14 40
Dubuque Rubber & Belting lting Co,
supplies for Fire department90
M. Stafford, bran and straw for
Fire department S 60
American La France Fire Engine
Co., repairs on steamer Linehan 202 38
F. P. Hayes, board of prisoners4 20
M. Morrissey, sawing wood for
Police department 1 75
J. Sussman. sawing wood for Po-
lice department 1 75
P. Devaney. sawing wood for Po-
lice department 4 00
T. J. Mulgrew, wood for Police
department 4 50
Fengler & Beutin. wood for Po-
lce department 49 00
J. E. Hartig, repairs for Police
department 50
FV. J. Schneider, bran and oil for
Polio• ,le•p:irfanent 16 00
Standard Lumber Co., lumber for
Police department 10 10
C. J. Oswald, repairs for Police
department 14 90
Jacquinot & Mullen, plumbing for
Police department 16 00
E. J. Voggenthaler Co., repairs
in calaboose 8' 55
Union Electric Co., arc lights for
February 2067 35
Farley & Loetscher Mfg. Co,
glazing' for Engineer's depart-
ment 3 25
Union Printing Co., wrappers for
Board of Health 1 25
J. Butt, repairs for Setter de-
partment 1 60
Globe -Journal, official printing
for February 12 95
National Demokrat, official print-
ing for February 25 00
Smith -Morgan Printing Co,
weekly and monthly proceed-
ings for January 14 02
Telegraph -Herald official print-
ing for January 31 40
Globe -Journal, official printing
for January 31 40
Smith -Morgan Printing Co., pam-
phlets for February 10 00
Martin & Strelau, t('e od for See1-er
department 6 00
Labor on Streets in the Third District
for the last half of February, 1905:
Paul Becker, labor $ 12 15
I) .1. Brightbill, labor 4 75
Joe Brown. labor .t 50
]lam' Flick, Tabor 15 00
Ne-lsnn Frith, labor 10 00
Ambrose 11it'el, labor 5 40
John Keast, labor 4 75
Jas. McCormack. labor 14 85
John Parker, labor 12 15
Joe Rooney, labor 4 50
Will 'Thin. labor 2 05
\Vm. \\'e;umouth. labor 20 00
i.A111(11 1)N SI:\\"I:I1S,
P. C;tsserly, labor $ 19 20
J. C'oreor;in, labor 17 60
Thos. Hagerty labor 25 00
J. Jellison. labor 10 90
J. Kiang, labor 17 00
1'. Iienne;illy, labor 19 211
C. Sullivan. labor 19 20
L. Taylor, labor 17 (10
L. Zemanek, labor 19 20
7. F. Kane, hay and oats for Fire
and Police departments434 60
H. 1h'inkman, excavation permits
redeemed $ 5 00
H. Brinkman, interest paid 00
outstanding warrants ..........1563 53
H. Brinkman, postage stamps ex-
pense 10 00
H. Brinkman, New York ex -
eh ant.:e expense 7 46
H. Brinkman, express charges
PXpense 65
H. Brinkman. refunded water
tax, exneltse 3 30
H. Brinknuut, express charges,
fire 28 60
H. 1trinkman, special bonded tax
receipt, Library property bond
fund 206 80
11. Brinkman, special bonded tax
receiitt, L;1L•n ee of Congrega-
tional church assessment 40 22
11. Brinkman, Libra Ty orders
paid 980 50
1 hereby ec' 1i1y that the foregoing is
a correct list of :all warrants issued by
me during the uronth of February, 1905.
City Recorder.
Offical Notices.
LiST OF \\'.\ I; I;.A N'fs.
City Recorder's office.
Dubuque, Ia., March 1st, 1905.
To the 1Ionorable \b(yor and City
Count it of Dubuque:
Gentlet:a n: The following is a com-
plete Iisl cr .ill oilta nts issued on the
wnrioas finals by nit• (luring the month
ul I ,'brnary, 190:1:
7;cis( 11' $5,777.72
First I district 269.35
Third District 304.70
Fire 6,423.64
Police 4,459.50
Sewerage 576.85
Printing 149.75
Engineer 443.60
Street Lighting 4,134.70
Interest 4,094.65
Board of Health 310.05
Special I:onded Paving 247.02
Sidewalk Reiairing. 50.25
Special Sewer Fund - 5.60
I hereby certify that the foregoing is
a. corre,1 list of all warrants issued by
me on various funds during the month
of Febru;a y. 19P;..
3 -29 -it City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the office of the City Recorder up to
7:11 o'clock p. In., April 6th, 1905, for
the construction of a Stone Arch Sewer
in Washington Street, known as the
)tee hirntch Sewer.
In accordance with it plat of said
Sewer, and the specifications prepared
by the City Engineer, and now on file
in the office of the City Recorder.
;bidets will state the price per lineal
foot, the contractor to do all the work,
and furnish all the material, except the
city deems it advisable to use lumber
in foundation under the masonry; the
same will he furnished by the city, on
the ;;_round, the contractor to be paid
$1.011 per thousand I:. Al. for putting
said lumber in place.
Each hid must lie accompanied with
a (el tilled check for $1.00.00 on some
Indwelle bank its it guarantee that a
cent tact \will be entered into if awarded.
The city reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
I.ecoi der's ((Bice of the City of Du -
tattoo), March 29th, 1905.
lt-29-.:t City Recorder.
'1' I( (N c tl" 'I' 1 1 V A LLI:Y I3ET\WEEN
STI;1•:l;'1's I'I;( (Ai SEVENTH TO
h:l(;I1'1'11 STREET, IN THE CITY
c,I'' 1(1'I(I'(,l l', IOWA.
Ite it ordained by the city Council of
the city of Dubuque:
Section 1. Whereas, the Earley &
Loetscher :Manufacturing Company is
the owner ni ;all the property on both
sides of the alley between Washington
and Jackson Streets, front Seventh to
Eighth Street, in the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, and,
Whereas. it has been deemed s,,,
ettl by the City Council to ','i,
alley to said Farley &• Loetsch)•: Manu-
facturing Company as long said
premises are used for manufacturing
Therefore, the. City Council hereby
vacates and annuls that portion of the
alley between Washington and Jack-
son Streets. from Seventh to Eighth
Street, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
and said Farley & Loetscher Mfg. Com-
pany, their successors or assigns, are
hereby permitted and authorized to use
said alley for the erection, maintenance
and operation of factory buildings and
storage yards; provided, that if at any
time said Farley & Loetscher Manu-
facturing Company, its successor or as-
signs. should cease to use the premises
above vacated for manufacturing pur-
pose:,, then the said alley so vacated
shall revert back to the city of Du-
buque, and this Ordinance shall be null
and void.
Sec. 2. This Ordinance shall be in
force and take effect irom and after
its passage and publication one time in
the Dubuque Daily (;lobe -Journal. the
official paper of the city.
Adopted February _sth, 1907,
Approved March 4th, 19e:,,
C. H. BERt;, Mayor.
Attest: ('. F. ARENDT,
City Recorder.
Published Officially in the Evening
Globe -Journal March 10th, 1905.
3-10-1t City Recorder.
Regular Session April 6 1905.
Regular Scssittu. April 6th, 1905.
Council met at 5:30 o'clock P. M.
Mayne Berg in the chair.
I'resent—Aids. Clancy. ('orrance,
Frith. Jones, Lyons, Needham and
All. I'orrcncc• moved that the Coun-
cil proceedings e'eedings for the month of March
be approved as printed. Carried.
The following bills were ordered
P. Baumgartner. assistant Mar-
ket Master for 'March $ 36 45
F. Hayes, hoard of prisoners
fol \larch 3 00
Jacquinot & Mullen, repairing
fountain at Delhi Street and
Gi»indvie\ Avenue 4 SO
Key City Gas Co., gas for var-
ious departments 106 _n
'\V. \V. Ballard. repairing R'els-
bac•h lights City Hall 2 25
J. Beach & Son, soap City Hall1 40
Key City Furniture co., repair-
ing desk Mayor's office ' e
Dubuque Woode nware and Lum-
ber Co., lumber delivered at
Deckert's scales 3 60
Linehan & Molo, coal at City
Hall 63 93
Iowa Telephone Co., telegraph
service for various departments 37 62
Iowa Telephone Co., toll lines
service for City Attorney 2 00
Dubuque Telephone Co., tele-
phone service for 'Mayor's res-
idence and Fire Department6 00
C. T. Itush. 2 photos of 12th and
White Streets 2 50
Kelly's book store, stationery
and supplies for various de-
partments 13 70
M. S. Hardie. blank stationery
for Treasurer's office 15 00
Palmer, Berg & Co.. blank sta-
tionery for various depart-
ments 6 --i
G. \V. Healey & Son, grass seed
for parks 1 80
G. F. Kleih, hardware for parks1 95
McDermott & C. -low, plumbing' at
City Hall 1 20
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for
Jackson Park 2 70
Al. Conrad, hauling brush from 3 60
Jackson Park
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co,
hose for City Hall and
Fire Department 22 50
G. F. Kleih, new tools for Road 1 CO
Dubuque R"oodenware and Lum-
ber Co., lumber for Road De-
partment 20 00
1l, Necker Co., lanterns for
Road tJena rt men t
Byrne ct S:(ul, sand for Road I1c•-
p.irtnn•t:t 9 15
1'. ''•hlnz ,t Son, repairs Ionil
and Se.w •r Departments
Standard Oii Co., nil for si ':un
\\'. D. Decl: •rl Cn., snlcplies
steal) roller
C. J. c)sc 'ald, smoke smelt and
hood stein) roller
Snu•dley Steam Pump ('o., re-
pairs Ste itri rola SS 43
R. J. \'oggentit:dh•r, repairs
steam roller 29 GS
Dn. Meuse]. & Co., lumber for
Sidewalk Department 75 65
P..1. Seippel T.ntnher ('n., lumber
for Sidewalk Department 26 95
F. Al. .Target & ('n.. dynamite
and fuse for Alt. c'armel Ave-
nue 6 85
\\"und,'rlic•h t \Vicderholt. horse
shoeing Fire Department S 45
i.::P hI dean. horse shoeing
Fire Delta
nt 10 00
Phil 'Heller. horse shoeing Fire
Department 5 00
(Ins Lear. hors- shoeing Fire and
S ler I)t•partniettts 9 (15
Collings & P111111 -i'. horse shoeing
Fire and Police Patrol 22 60
F. G. !tech -ET. wood for Fire De-
partment 12 00
Linehan R. Moto, coal for Fire
Depa rtment 35 '0
'1'..1. IIulgrew, coal for Fire Dc-
pat•tntent 22 96
F. A. (Turns, coal for Fire De-
partment 22 77
Martin & Strelau Co.. coal for
Fire Department 17 84
('has. E. Berry, harness and col-
lar for Fire Department 22 00
T. F. Kane, hay for Fire De -
127 127 57
Dubuque (tit 'l'anll Tine, oil for
Fire rt meat S 10
H. .1. Hagerty, veterinary ser-
vices Fire :Ind Police Patrol14 50
E. M. Belknap, 1 keg iilc•ansd:tle
for Fire Department 12 75
Pitts -Thompson Fd'ry Co., grates
for Fire Department hunt 1 50
P. J. r,•ippel T.untber Co., lumber
Pit Fire Department 65
Citt, Meuse]. & Co., lumber for
Fire Dep:u tment 3 00
Denikicr Bros., 2 doz,-n b:u•n
brooms for Fire Department 7 00
Mettel liras., straw for Fire De-
partment 4 20
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Fire
Department 14 75
Gee. I;:cgatz & Son, repairs for
Fire Department 2 5
Key lily- (las ('o., coke for Fire
1)eparitnc•lit 11 40
Key City (las Co., rental of gas
are fur Fire Department 1 00
G, F. 'I'horman, glass and putt
for Fire Department 1 40
T. Connolly, repairs on Grand -
5 15
S r10
9 50
50 Regular Session April 6, 1905.
view Avenue Chemical engine7 25
Jac•quinot & Mullen, estimate on
plumbing for Fifth Ward En-
gine House 75 00
A. R. Staul'enheil, repairing clock
at Police Headquarters 75
F. Schloz & Son, repairs at Pa-
trol House 20
G. F. Kleih, sash cord_at Patrol
House 1 30
Conlin & Kearns, coal for Police
delt:u•tnetit 6 27
Conlin & Kearns, wood for Po-
lice department 48 88
Jim. Williams, wood for Police
department ...... ........ 6 00
F. A. Burns, wood for Police de-
partment .. 6 00
Thos. Malloy, sawing wood, Po-
lice department 4 00
Jas. Malloy, sawing wood, Po-
lice department 175
Jno. Boltz, sawing wood, Police
department .......... ...... 3 00
Saunders Meat Co., meat for Ma-
tron department 3 20
E. J. Mulgrew, bread for Matron
department 6 05
Eichhorn & Bechtel, groceries
and supplies for Matron de-
partment 7 40
N. Y. Coupling & Supply Co,
couplings and expansion rings,
Sewer department 14 00
G. F. Kleih, new tools for Sewer
department .... 3 70
Dub. Ilubb. & Blt'g Ca., 4 pr rub-
ber boots, Sewer department20 00
Geo. llagataz & Son, repairs for
Sewer department 2 65
Globe -,Journal, official printing
for March 24 69
Telegraph -Herald, official print-
ing for March 37 63
Nat'l Demokrat, official printing
for March 25 00
Smith -Morgan Prtg. Co., pamph-
lets and list of warrants for
February and March 28 86
Farley & Loetseher Mfg. Co,
lumber for Engineer's depart-
ment 1 25
Union Electric Co., arc lights for
March 2067 35
A. Eberl, stonemason work on
Fifth Ward Engine House 473 00
A. Eberl, extra work on Fifth
Ward Engine House 65 00
$538 00
Ald. Jones moved that a warrant be
drawn subject to certificate of archi-
tect and approval of Fire committee.
Petition of E. J. McLaughlin et al
asking that a sanitary sewer be con-
structed in Caledonia Place was on mo-
tion of Ald. Needham ordered granted.
Petition of E. H. Sheppley calling the
Council's attention to the filthy condi-
tion of alley abutting his property be-
t‘\ e, it loW:t :tat1 Clay, from Fourteenth
to Pin etnth streets. On motion was
referred to t'nnunittee on Streets.
Petition of John M. Kenety asking
that the opening of Hodgdon Avenue
be legally adopted as a public street,
was on motion referred to Street Com-
mittee. City Engineer and City Attor-
Petition of Mary DeLorimier asking
that her homestead, south part of lot
159, city, be exempt from taxation for
the year 1904, was on motion referred
to Delinquent Tax Committee.
Petition of Isaac Manhoff asking
that the property, south 1-2 of lot 307,
East huh. Add., owned by the congre-
gation of Kueses Israel church, be ex-
empt from taxation, the same being
used for church purposes only.
On motion was referred to the L-'oard
of Euualization.
Petition of Henry Sears, Jr., et al,
asking that Seventh (7th) Avenue, in
Ham's Add., be ordered improved, was
on motion referred to the Committee
of the Whole and they to view the
Petition of Phil. Kress et al asking
that Adams Avenue, from Reed to Fifth
Avenues, be improved.
Also petition of Martin Young et al,
remonstrating against improving
Adams Avenue from Reed to Fifth
On motion the petition and remon-
strance were referred to the Committee
of the Whole, and parties interested be
notified to be present at said meeting.
The following petitions were referred
to the Committee of the Whole:
Petition of the Pitts -Thompson Foun-
dry Co., by L. A. Pitts, president, ask-
ing that their plant, situated on Ninth
street between Jackson and Washing-
ton streets, be exempted from taxation
for a period of five (5) years.
Also petition of A. A. Cooper, Sr.,
asking for a reduction of the assess-
ment on Lots 691, 700 and 721, in City
of Dubuque.
Also petition of Mrs. M. McCaffrey,
asking that they be exempt from pay-
ing the special assessment for the im-
provement of Elm street abutting their
property on account of giving right of
way through their lot for the purpose
of constructing Bee Branch sewer
Also petition of Patrick Scanlon et al.,
asking that Exchange street between
Curtis and Dodge streets be ordered im-
Also communication of Chas. W.
Katz, Inspector of Wood and Harbor
Regular Session April 6, 1905. 51
Master, asking that he be allowed the
salary as 1 -harbor Master during the
winter months.
Petition of Dennis O'Meara et al.,
asking that the water mains be extend-
ed in Grandview avenue.
Also petition of M. Zwack, Jr., et al.,
asking that the water mains be ex-
tended front Windsor avenue east in
Ries street, thence south in Stafford
avenue to Eagle Point avenue.
On motion both petitions were re-
ferred to the Dubuque \\':iter Works
Claim of Mrs. Barbara Becker, claim-
ing the sum of $2,500.00 for personal
damages sustained by falling on an icy
sidewalk on the south side of Twelfth
street between White and Jackson
Also claim of Anthony Becker, her
husband, claiming the sum of $1,000.00
as damages for care and nursing, medi-
cal attendance and for loss of time.
On motion both claims were referred
to the Committee on Claims and the
City Attorney.
Bids for the construction of Bee
Branch storm water sewer from end of
present sewer in Washington street to
Twenty-second and Washington streets,
were on motion ordered opened.
Bids as follows:
Street, Steuck & Linehan, per lin-
eal foot $16.50
Tibey Bros., per lineal foot 15.65
On motion the contract was awarded
to Tibey Bros., they being the lowest
bidders and their bond fixed at $1,000.00
for doing said work.
City Treasurer Brinkman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: Below you will find
statement of amounts advanced by me
during the past month, for which please
order Warrants drawn in my favor:
Interest paid on warrants out-
standing $1,673.54
Postage Stamps—Expense 10.00
Express Charges—Sewer 1.60
Freight Charges—Fire 4.20
Library orders paid $ 686.98
On motion the report was received
and Warrants ordered drawn to pay
the various amounts, and the report
referred back to the Committee on Fi-
City Auditor Hoffman reported as fol-
'I'n the Honorable :1:tyor anti ('itv
riottlleinen: Herewith lint my report
fat the month of \larch, Do:, showing
the r,•cci its :111,1 dishurse•nii nts fnr the
Cash on hand \birch 1st, 190:t '...7‘;',1
I l E('El PTS.
Receipts from all sour,,,
111ttttt'liSE .Il?\'.I'S,
\\':u•rants rcvleenn d $ 7,116.64
Coupons redeemed ct60,SI
Icons redeemed 200.00
$ 6,277.48
e'nsh on hand April 1st, 1907..$101,872.22
The :drove cash balance includes the
Improvement Bond Fund, Improvement
Bond Interest Fund, and Library Fund
Also re,pert that there is ,the the city
Officers for the month of \1io.,m, 1907,
Ain, the following' is a record of all
Inl.•re st Coupons ami Bonds redeemed
by the ('ity 'I'r-' surer during the past
month and credited to hint:
Improvement Coupons Iledeein-
ed $660.84
Improvement Bonds Redeemed200.00
The following list shows the Appro-
priations and the amount of Warrants
drawn on each Fund since the begin-
ning of the fiscal year beginning
March 1st, 1905, to April let, 1905:
Appropria t ion. Expended.
Expense ..$40,000
ltoad—First District ... 16,000 $232.95
Road—Second District . 20,300 403.90
Road—Third District ... 8,750 54.70
Fire 42,000
Police 28,000
Sewerage 5,000 189.00
Printing 2,500
Engineer .... .... 2,500
Street Lighting 25,200
interest 41,500
Board of Health 4,500 17.55
Grading ........ 2,000
Bee Branch—Millville
road 3,000
Bee Branch—Washing-
ton Street 6,000
Bee Branch—Fifteenth
to Sixteenth streets 1,400
Special Bonded Paving2,000
Judgment 3,000
Special Bonded Debt
and Interest 4,000
Mt. Carmel Ave Grading 1,000
Sidewalk Repairing 1,000
Special Sewer Fund 1,000
Bluff Street Extension
Wall .... 1,000
Fifth Ward Engine
House . 4.000
Booth Street Sewer .... 1.000
52 Regular Session April 6, 1905.
On motion the report was received
and warrants nt.s ordered drawn to pay
city officers and the report referred
back to the Committee on Finance.
Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol-
9'o the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: The following is the pay
roll of the Fire Department for the
month of March, 1903:
Amount due Firemen $2,370.00
J. R. REI \FRIED, Chief.
on motion the report was received
and warrants ordered ch awn to pay the
Firemen and the report referred back
to the Committee on Fire.
Chief of Police Reilly reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit the
Police Report for the month of March
Total arrests for the month
Residents arrested for the month 30
Doors found open for the month 24
Defective lights for the month 24
Lodgers harbored for the month....146
Meals furnished for the month 17
Cost of food for the month ..$3.00
Poundmaster's receipts for the
month $4.00
Sheriff dieting prisoners, Feb-
ruary $25.49
Sheriff dieting prisoners, March..$14.50
Patrol calls for the month 45
Miles traveled for the month 84
Also the pay roll for Policemen for
the month of March, 1905:
Amount due Policemen $1 971.40
Respectfully submitted,
THC)S. REILLY, Chief of Police.
On motion the report and pay roll
were received and warrants ordered
drawn to pay policemen and the report
referred back to the Committee on Po-
City Engineer Boyce reported as fol-
'1'o the Honorable Mayor and City
a;entlemen: I herewith submit my
prey roll for labor on Streets in the dif-
ferent Road districts during the last
half of March, 1905:
Amount due Laborers on Streets $451.25
RI apectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved by Committee on Streets.
Also submit my pay roll for labor on
Sewers during the first half of March,
Amount due I.;aborers on Sewers $204.20
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved by Committee on Sewers.
On motion the parry rolls on Streets
and Sewers were received and warrants
ordered drawn to pay the various
amounts and the pay rolls referred
back to the proper committees.
City Engineer Boyce also reported as
'1'o the Ilonorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: Replying to the petition
of C. 11. Reynolds, would say the ward
foreman reported work done on prop-
erty of C. H. Reynolds. Mr. Reynolds
is agent for the property of Mrs. Line-
han, and there is no doubt the work
was done on her property. I would
recommend that the assessment be
made as follows:
C. H. Reynolds, sub. 24 Deming &
Ilorr's sub., lot 3 $ .15
Mary Linehan. sub. 24. Deming &
Boris sub.. lots 1 and 2 1.15
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Ald. Corrance moved that said report
be received and the assessment made
in au•cordarnce therewith.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrtnce, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
City Engineer Boyce also reported as
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council:
Gentlemen:— As requested by the
Committee of the Whole, I herewith
submit profile. plan and estimate cost
of proposed sanitary sewer from St.
Joseph's Mercy Insane Asylum to end
of present sewer in \Vest Locust Street.
Estimated cost from asylum to city
1162 lineal ft, 6 inch tile pipe at
40c per lineal ft $464 SO
3 manholes at $20.011 each 60 00
Total cost outside city $524 SO
Estimate cost from city limits to
enol of present sewer in \West Locust
2431 lineal ft, 8 -inch tile pipe, at
50c per lineal ft, plus $750.00 •
for deep cutting $1,965 00
7 manholes at $20.00 each 140 00
3 manholes at $30.00 each 90 00
4650 lineal ft, 12 -inch tile pipe
at 62c per lineal ft 2,883 00
16 manholes at $20.00 each 320 00
Total cost inside city
City Engineer.
$5 398.00
Regular Session April 6, 1905. 53
1. Lyons (no) -1 that said report
H. referred to the committee of the
Whole. Carried.
The city Engineer also reported as
To tin Bon. Mayor and City council:
(lent lemon :-1 leretvith please, find
statement of 1114. amount of macadam
measured ;mrd on hand April 1st, 190i1:
City Engineer.
tln motion the report was referred to
the Committee of the Whole.
Sidity;tllc inspector ('onigisky re-
ported as follows:
To the Honor;ehle Mayor and City
Gentlemen: -1111 account of error in
assessment 1 would ask for the cancel-
lation of the following assessments:
('ath Mittel, ICleinschntidl's Sub.,
Lot 1, date of levy. Nov, Ii, 1902,
amount, :91(,
Johanna Frenzel. John King's 1st add
S. tt,, Lot s, dale of levy, July 7, 1901.
amount, 37c.
Lawrence Smith estate, Sub. Alin.
Lal 79. Lot 9, date of levy, (tet. (i, 1404,
amount, 40c.
l would recommend that the assess-
ment Against Lawrence Strith estate
he changed tic recd: E. M. Kringle,
Sub 7. Mineral Lot 79, Lot li, amount,
Respectfully submitted,
Sidewalk Inspector.
Ald. Corrance moved that the treas-
urer be instructed to cancel said as-
sessment and make the change ;is
recommended. Carried.
The sidewalk inspector also reported
as follows:
'.I'o the Honorable A cc7.or and City
lent lemon: — Herewith attached
please find statement of the removal of
snow and ice from sidewalks during
the month of December. 1904, and Jan-
uary and February. 1907, with the
manes of the parties that diel the work
according to Ita ordinance relating to
cleaning sidewalks.
Respect runty,
I. ('ee\IGISK\',
Sid • Il. 111141)1('till'.
Alel. Frith moved that the report be
received, and the city recorder instruc-
ted to advertise said special assess-
ment three times, according to the or-
din:mce. Carried.
City Attorney Kintzinger reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen:—Reporting to Your Hon-
orable Body on the above communi-
cation relating to the cases of the var-
ious railroad companies against the
City of Cedar Rapids and Davenport
with refercuie to the assessnn'nt of
vaunt:Hi properties ill special r•harte,l•
cities, I would respectfully shite that
he ease sent up to the Supretni Court
1.1o011 Cial u' Rapids and 1laveuport,
we•rr• cunebfned and sttbmtit 1.'.1 lo1c11111'
to the 14upretrle ('11111.1 on the 11111 day
of march, 1904, both Cedar Il ipids cold
Maul have been looking for a de-
cision in this case e\ -e r since. 'I'hev ex-
pected to have the question decided
shortly after it N% as submitted, but the
Sttpt'eme Court seems to ile hiving con-
siderable u'onhle ill reaching a decision
ill the case. which, 114m4.veI', they hope
will be rendered :it the next term of
the court.
.1. \V. ICI \'I Z I NI IJ7I t.
('"v Attorney.
AN. i.yons moved that the report he
;ipin'ovod and lint on tile. Carried.
fhe Pity .Attorite crlw. reported ;Is
ll.Itie Honorable Mciyar and City
cil•ntlen:en:—Reporting on the within
t elision from (1. i-1, Mueller. I would
respectfully state lh;rt if Mr. dueller
gave the consideration he states for the
property ill eluestion. the City would
new he estopl'ed from claiming any in-
terest therein. I would therefore rec-
°annend that his communication he re-
ceived ;111d filed.
J. \\'. KI\'l'ZINt;l';l;.
City :\ttnrney.
all. Lyons nueved that the report he
approved and put on tile. Carried.
The city attorney Aso reported as
i.eporting on your inquiry as to the
right of the Cit}- to compel the Street
Railway Company to water the streets
occupied by its tracks, i would respect-
fully state:
t'nder Par. 27. Sec. 7 of the Charter
of the City of Imiauetue, the City Coun-
cil has power "to make such ordinances
its ti, them shall scan necessary to pro-
vide for the safety, preserve the health,
promote the n,.iritls, order and com-
fort and convenience of said city and
the inhabitants thereof''
And by 51.4% 947 of the ('ode Of Iowa,
cities under special charter -have ivlty-
er to make and publish, from: time to
time, ordinances, not inconsistent with
the Taws of tae State, for carrying into
effect or discharging the powers and
duties conferred by this chapter aIld
the c•hn•ters thereof, and such its are
necessary and proper to provide for the
F711'i ty. preserve the health, promote
the prosperity, :tad improve the morals,
order, comfort and convenience of
such cities and inhabitants thereof,
These laws delegate to the City what
is known as its police power, and under
them the City Council has the power
to make Such ordinances as to them
54 Regular Session April 6, 1905.
seem necessary to preserve the health,
and impreve the comfort anal conveni-
ence of the City and its inhabitants.
By tied ion 20 of the ordinance grant-
ing a fr:)uchise to the Union Electric
(.'ompany, it is especially provided that
the City of Dubuque "reserves the
right to nuke and enforce the usual
and ordinary police regulations." Ily
the general polis i pincer of n slate per-
sons and property are subject to :111
kinds of burdens anal restraints in or-
der to secure the general comfort,
health and prosperity of the people."
The 1'nien Electric Company, like any
other citizen is subject to such rules
unci regulations as may from time to
time be established for the preserva-
tion of the health, morals, comfort and
convenience of the City and its inhab-
'1'he police power granted to the City
of Dubuque by its charter and laws
gives it ample authority to maintain
its health, cleanliness, comfort and
convenience by proper ordinances and
to impose fines and punishment for
1. violation thereof. To require the
Street Car Comany to keep their
tracks watered so as to be free from
dust would, in my opinion, be within
such power. From an examination of
the authorities or. this subject, 1 ani
of the opinion that an ordinance adop-
ted by this Council requiring the Street
Car Company to keep so much of the
streets its is occupied 1,y its tracks
watered and free frm dust. would be
valid and sustained by our Supreme
Court as a legal exercise of its police
City Attorney.
Dubuque, Iowa, April 6th, 1905.
Ald Lyons moved that the report be
referred to the committee of the whole.
City Electrician Hipman repor'.ed as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my
report of defective lights for the month
of March, 1905. I find from the report
of the Police Department, that the to-
tal hours that 24 lamps failed to burp
would equal three-fourths of a lamp
for one month or $4.05.
Respectfully submitted,
City Electrician.
On motion the report was received,
and the city auditor instructed to de-
duct from the Union Electric Com-
pany's bill for the month of March the
sum of $4.05.
Mayor Berg presented and read a com-
munication from the Union Electric Co.
to himself, asking permission to relay
the rails of their single street railway
track on Eighth street from Main to
the Chicago Great Western depot, also
asking permission to remove the switch
now located on Eighth street bettween
Main and Locust street, and to re -lo-
cate the s:nne upon the relative posi-
tion on Eighth street between Hain
and IOW:I sirecti.
The mayor stilted that he had grant-
ed the permission for saki changes
April 1st. 190:.,
Ald. Frith moved that the action of
the mayor be approved. Carried.
The following Weighuiasters and
Woodmeasurer's receipts were referred
to the committee 00 markets
Frank P. Hayes, City Hall re-
ceipts $24.54
T. Faherty, First \\"arta Swale re-
ceipts 4.41
Louis Pitschner, Nest Dubuque
scale receipts 1.60
R. Hay, Eighth street scale re-
ceipts 1.68
H. Haubner, Collier avenue scale
receipts .S0
C. W. Katz. Woodmensurer's re-
ceipts .95
Ald. Corrance, chairman of the Fin-
ance Committee. offered the following:
Be it resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That the City
Treasurer be and is hereby instructed
to call in for redemption the follow-
ing bonds which were issued to defray
the cost of improving certain streets
in the city of Dubuque:
Date of issue. No. of Bond. Amt.
February 1, 1900, 42, 43 and 44...$1500.00
January 1, 1901, 48, 49 and 501500.00
May 1, 1901, 55 to 68 7000.00
November 1, 1901, 77, 78 and 791500.00
November 15, 1901, 83
January 2, 1902, 110 to 118
June 1, 1902, 157 to 166
March 1, 1902, 123
December 4, 1902, 187
January 10, 1903, 196
April 15, 1903, 207 and 208
December 15, 1903; 244
August 15, 1903, 227, 228 and 229... 750.00
January 1, 1904, 247 245.00
August 4, 1904, 270 350.00
August 4, 1904, 258, 259, 260 and
261 1000.00
Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Ald. Lyons, chairman of the Ordin-
ance committee, presented and read
an ordinance establishing the grade of
East street from Delhi to Bennett
streets, and moved that the reading
just had be considered its first reading.
On motion the ordinance was ordered
laid over until next meeting of the
Regular Session April 6, 1905. 55
Corrance, chairman or the com-
mittee on claims. repro: ted as follows:
Dubuque, Iowa, April 6. 1905.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen:—The undersigned Com-
mittee on Claims and City Attorney,
will respectfully state:
That there was a balance of $1110.50
due on the judgment rendered ag.t:n,l
the City in favor of Catherine Sheri-
dan, which amount bears interest :it
six per cent from November 25th, 190,1;
that there is now due on said judg-
ment the sum of $1138.55; this case
was settled during last year but this
amount of the judgment was left
standing on the records against the
We would now recommend that war-
rants he drawn in favor of the Mayor
in the sum of $1135.55 with which to
satisfy and pay said judgment.
We would also recommend that a
warrant in the sum of $279.20, in favor
of the Mayor, be drawn to pay the
balance of the court costs due in said
case, as per the statement of the costs
presented at this meeting of the Coun-
cil from the Clerk of the Court.
Committee on -Claims.
City Attt,rney.
On motion the report was adopted
and warrants ordered drawn as rec-
Ald. Frith, chairman of the Street
Committee, reported as follows:
Your Committee on Streets, to whom
was referred the profile showing a
proposed grade on East street, would
recommend that said grade be approv-
ed and that the Ordinance Committee
be instructed to prepare an ordinance
properly establishing the same.
Also, your Committee on Streets to
whom was referred the petition of Mrs.
Anne Whelan, et al.. asking that the
alley west of Grandview Avenue, in
rear of Lot 14 in Grandview Place and
running north and south from said lot;
be opened, would recommend that the
prayer of the petitioners be granted
and that the Chief of Police be instruc-
ted to cause the obstructions to be re-
moved therefrom.
Also, your Committee on Streets, to
whom was referred the petition of Rev.
A. Boeding, et al., asking that the
grade of Davis Avenue be changed,
would respectfully report that as the
parties in interest have since signified
their desire to have the grade remain
as it is, we would recommend that
said petition be received and filed.
Also, your Committee on Streets, to
whom was referred the petition of Con-
lin & Kearns, asking that Sixth street
from Fourth street Extension to 'I'ow-
er street be placed in such condition
that reasonable loads might be hauled
thereon, would recommend that the
prayer of the petitioners he granted
and that the City Engineer he instruc-
ted to macadamize an eight toot strip
along said street bet ween the above
.t.eat ung rl I°e`I,is at a cost of out to
'Xcccoi `::;tltl.ru.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report
of the Street Committee. Carried.
AId. Needham, chairman of the
Sprinkling Committee. reported as fol-
Four Committee on Sprinkling would
beg leave to report that we have ord-
ered 100 feet of hose for sprinkling
wagons :it 75 cents per fort from the
Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co.
E. E. F1:ITH,
Ald. Needham moved to adopt the
report. Carried.
Aid. Clancy, chairman of the Com-
mittee on Fire, reported as follows:
Yout' Committee on Fire, to whom
was referred the bills of H. J. Hagerty
for $16.00 for hospital service and feed
for horse for fire department, would
recommend that a warrant be drawn
on the City Treasurer in settlement of
the claim.
Also, your Committee on Fire, to
whom was referred the petition of John
Cogan asking that he be granted per-
mission to add another story to his
frame building situated on the north
one-half of Lot 63 in East Dubuque
Addition, would recommend that said
petition be received and filed.
Ald. Clancy moved that the Chief
of the Fire Department be instructed
to make an investigation of the north
one-half of Lot 63 in East Dubuque
Addition and report to the City Council
whether there is a nuisance maintained
on said lot.
Also, your Committee on Fire would
respectfully report that a representa-
tive of the Gamewell Fire Alarm Tele-
graph Co. of New York, called on your
committee and proposed to replace the
Gravity Battery system at present used
for the fire alarm telegraph, with a
storage battery system, accepting pay-
ment therefor in four yearly install-
ments, each one of which is but a trifle
in excess of the cost of maintaining the
present system. As our present system
is affected by changes in the tempera-
ture, and therefore requires constant
vigilance at certain seasons of the year
to keep it in working order, while the
proposed new system is not so affect-
ed, and as the cost of maintaining the
56 Regular Session April 6, 1905.
new system is not to exceed $2.00 per
month as against $20.0(1 per month for
the old one, the City x‘ ill therefore be
getting an entirely new battery sys-
tem for but little more than the cost
of ol:1intaining the present one., your
corttmilt eee ,ii der5 it ;Id Visit ble to ac-
cept this proposition and v1'ould there-
fore recommend that the \l:tyur be au-
thorized 10 eater into :1 contract with
the 11111 oell Eire Alarm Telegraph
(' 1. of New fork. to furnish nne hun-
(lrcel 1111(1 fifty (150) ('ells of Chloride
Accumulator Ilatlery and one (11 Six
Circuit Standard .\utomatic Storage
11:altery Switch ileo: rd v1•ith Repeater
Switches, mounted on Slate Rase and
enclose(l in mile cabinet. to be polo for
in four ye:n•ly installments of Two
Hundred :i111 Seventy -tire ($277,,00)
Dollars each and One ($1.00) Dollar ad-
ditional upon the execution by said
company of a hill of sale for the :thove
described apparatus to the City of Du-
bmna•: said (me Dollen• ($1.00) to he
paid and hill oC sale executed immedi-
ately following the payment of the Inst
installment: provided, however, that
said (.001 1.11(.1 does not prohibit the use
on the fire alarm system. of such :ap-
paratus, other titan that made by the
Gainevvell Company. :Is is now in serv-
Also, your 1'onunittee on Fire would
respectfully recommend that the prop-
osition submitted by the estate of Thos.
Connolly be two-pted :i,i(I that the
Dl:acor be authorized 1u enter into a
contra. 1 with said estate of Thos. Con-
nolly for the construelton of 1 combi-
nation ('hernic:tl Engine and Hose
1l':tr;o11. to he completed not Intel than
August 1, 1905, and to cost Fourteen
Hundred Dollars.
Aid. ('I:incy moved to adopt ilio v11'-
1(1115 reports of the Fire Contmitttee.
Proposition of '1'. Connolly estate, by
Maurice Connolly, executor, for con-
structing :a combination chemical en-
gine and hose (v;igotl :is follows:
The Honorable Mayor and City Conn-
ell of the City of Dubuque, Iowa:
Gentlemen:—We hereby propose and
agree to huild for you the following
Fir. Apparatus. to -writ,
One Combination Chemical Engine
and Hose \Y:igom and deliver same
to the ('ity of Dubuque, on August 1,
1905. Said apparatus to be a dupli-
cate in every way, and to have the
same equipment as the eemical engine
nu.l hose wagon furnished by us to the
City February, 1903, and for the same
price. viz: Fourteen Hundred ($1400.00)
Dollars net cash, upon receipt of said
apt it tus, and upon inspection the
same is found to be as herein proposed.
We will warrant that all material
and 1vo•]cmanship. 'shall be -Of the very
best character. and will furnish with-
out expense to the City, any part that
may fail, if such failure is clue to de-
fective material or vvierl inanship.
llespeelfully sulnnilted,
ESTATE 1eF '1'I11131:\S ('1tNN )L.LV.
Ity 3L\1'Itl('l' ('(INNI(LLY.
The ('ity Council of Dubuque, Iowa,
he•rehy accepts the vvitlrin proposal of
the estate of Thomas Connolly. to fur-
nish ono 1'onthination 1Tref ih' it En-
gine and 1 -lose \\':tgon. to he built :is
herein described, and to flay the Estate
of Thomas Connolly for said apparatus,
the sum of Fourteen 11un(b.tii ($1400.00)
Dollars not cash, upon delivery of same
and linen it is found to be according
10 the foregoing proposition.
Dated this day of April, 1905.
City of Dubuque. state of Towtt.
AId. Lyons. chairman of the tie ver
Committee. reported as follows:
Your Committee 00 Sewers, to whorl
was referred the petition of the Key
City (las ('ompany. asking 11 ..1 the
sanitary sewer be extended in Eleventh
street eastward to Cedar street. would
recommend thin the prayer of the pe-
titioner be granted and that the proper
resolutions be adopted.
Also, your Committee on Sewers. to
whom \\ is referred the petition of
Frank 1). Thiuunesch. asking that the
sanitary sewer in ('outer A venue he
extended about two h ildred and sev-
enty 1(.1.1 north of the present tcrm-
inos 11 said avenue would recommend
that the forayer of the petitioner be
granted alid that the proper resolu-
tions be adopted.
Ald. Lyons moved to adopt the report
of the Sewer Committee. Carried.
Ald..Tones. chairm;in of the Inc rd of
Equalization, reported as follovys:
Your Ikund of Equalization, to whorl
11.15 referral the petition of Mrs. 11:1r-
bar:t blechtel. asking that het' personal
taxes be cancelled for the year 1904,
%could recommend end that said petition be
received and tiled.
Also, your Hoard of Equalization, to
whom vias rely real the petition id. Sar-
ah Mil h0111•\ asking that the v.tlu:t-
tion on Lots .11 and 42 Union Addition,
and on Mineral Lot 193, be reduced,
would recommend that said petition he
received and tiled.
Also, your Ito:u•d of Equalization, to
whom was referred the petition of the
Cushing -McFadden Co.. asking that
the valuation on Lots 135. 137, and 139
in L. H. Langworthy's Add. be reduced
to $5000.00, would recommend that said
petition be rec•ei•red rued filed.
Also, your Board of Equalization, to
whop• was •• referred the petition of
James Cunningham, an honorably dis-
Regular Session April 6, 1905. 57
charged soldier of the War of the Re-
bellion. asking that his homestead.
Lots 2 :aid 5 of liuetlell's Sub. be ex-
empt from taxation for the year 1904,
to the extent of $Sanaa on the valua-
tion thereof :is prewidedl by law, would
recommend that the prayer of the pe-
titioner be granted and that the Treas-
urer r be instructed accordingly.
Also, your Board of Equalization, to
whom tw,ts referred the petition of J.
J. Nagle, asking that the Treasurer
be instructed to accept taxes on Lots
0. 7. and s of Sub. City Lot 170 and
E. 43 feet of 171 and N. 2 ft. of E. 43
ft. of 172 on a basis of $3000.00 valua-
tion, would recommend that the prayer
of the petitioner be granted and that
the Treasurer be so instructed.
Also, your Board of Equalization. to
whom was referred the petition of Mrs.
D. Meggenberg, asking that the amount
paid by her since 1595 for taxes on
Lot 10 of .lineral Lot 319 be refunded
because said lot was at that time ded-
icated to the public for street purposes.
would respectfully report that while
said Lot 10 and Lot 1 of the same sub-
division are listed together, the low
valuation placed thereon shows clearly
that the listing of said lot by the as-
sessor was simply tin error in the de-
scription, and that no assessment has
been collected thereon: we would
therefore recommend that said petition
be received and filed.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the var-
ious reports of the Board of Equaliza-
tion. Carried.
Ald. Clancy. chairman of the Com-
mittee of the Whole. reported as fol-
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of
Chris. Caln•itz et al.. asking that Lin-
coln avenue be improved from Fourth
avenue to the west line of McCrnney's
Eagle Point Addition. would respect-
fully report that we find the cost of
grading said street would amount to
:about $ii722.00, while the total amount
:available for grading purposes is but
$2000.00, :aid moreover that until pro-
vision can be made for the construc-
tion of a storm water sewer in Lin-
coln avenue, it would be impossible
to proceed with the improvement of
the street, we would therefore recom-
mend that said petition be received and
Also, your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the remonstance
of Sara H. Ham against the proposed
improvement of Lincoln Avenue, would
recommend that said remonstrance be
received and filed.
Also, your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
Maurice T. Ahearn, asking that he he
allowed $20.00 for damages alleged to
have been done his property by boys in
the neighborhood, would reconouend
that said petition lie received and tiled.
Also. yutn• Committee of the Whole,
to Who ot was referred the petit ion of
Paul Recker el :al.. asking that the
amount to he paid fur breaking ma-
cadam be fixed at $1.110 per cubic yard,
would recommend that said petition be
received and filed.
Also. your Committee of the \\'hole,
would respectfully recommend that the
City Treasurer be instructed to cancel
the special :isscssinent levied against
Lot 9 tick Grove Addition. for the im-
prov,nient of Wilde street, upon the
receipt by him of Thirty Dollars ($30.-
00) from ,lames F Daugherty.
Also, your Comniitttec of the \\'hole
would respectfully recommend that the
City Attorney be instructed to give an
opinion as to the right of the ('ity to
compel the Union Elect vie Co. to
sprinkle the streets on which their
tracks are laid, or any part of such
Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the var-
ious reports of the Committee of the
Whole. Carried.
Aid. Frith offered the following
which was adopted:
Be it resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That the City
Engineer he instructed to prepare plans
and specifications for a storm water
sewer in Millville Rb,ul from the west
side of the culvert in Lemon street
westerly as far :.c the appropriation
for the grading will permit, including
grading, and file said plans and speci-
fications in the office of the City Re-
corder who will thereupon advertise for
bids for the construction of the sante
in accordance with said plans and
SI cii flint i0115,
Ald. Frith also offered the follow-
Ile it I;esolwed by the City Council
of the City of Balaton,. That the City
Electrician be instructed to notify the
Union Electric Co. to install :an electric
lamp at the intersection of Clifford ,and
Leibnitz Streets, and also it the inter-
section of Francis and Hart Streets.
On motion the Resolution was re-
ferred to the Committee on Police and
Aid. Needham offered the following:
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That it is
deemed necessary and advisable to
construct a sanitary sewer in Caledonia
Place, and it is hereby proposed to
construct a sanitary sewer in said
58 Regular Session April 6, 1905.
Caledonia. Place, as follows, to -wit: An
eight inch tile pipe sewer from Hill
Street to West Eighth Street, and to
assess the cost of said sewer against
the abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas—A his. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpt.
Na ys—None.
Ald. Needham also offered the fol-
Be 11 I:csolyed by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the City
Engineer be and he is hereby instruct-
ed to prepare a lilt :tail specifications
for an eight inch tile pipe sewer in
Caledonia Place from Hill Street to
West Eighth Street. showing the loca-
tion and general nature of such im-
provement. the extent thereof, the size
and kind of material to be used, and to
Prepare an estimate of the cost there-
of and the amount assessable upon each
lot or parcel of land adjacent to or
abut t I ng thereon per front foot or
square foot in area, and to file such
plat, specifications and estimate ill the
office of the City Recorder.
That aster such plat is so filed, the
City ]recorder shall cause to be pub-
lished notice of the intention of the
Council to make such improvement,
which notice shall be published in three
consecutive issues of the official news-
paper of the City of Dubuque, stating
that such plat is on file, and generally
the nature of the sewer. its location,
size and kinds of material to be used,
and the estimate of its cost, and fixing
the time before which objections can
be filed, which time shall not be less
than five days after the last publication
of said notice, and after the completion
of the publication of such notice, he
shall at its next session, notify the
Council thereof in writing, with a
printed copy of such notice accompany-
ing the same.
Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Ald. Needham also offered the follow-
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That an office
of Street Commissioner be created.
Also that the Ordinance committee be
instructed to draft an Ordinance creat-
ing an office of Street Commissioner.
Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas—And. Clancy, Lyons, Needham
and Stumpf.
Nays—Aids, Corrance, Frith and
Ald. Lyons offered the following:
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That it is
deemed necessary and advisable to
construct a sanitary sewer in Couler
Avenue and it is hereby proposed to
construct a sanitary sewer in said
Coiner Avenue :is follows, to -wit: An
eight inch tile pipe sewer from present
manhole :it Sanford Street to present
nlaunhol at Diagonal Street. and to as-
sess the cost of said sewer against the
abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas—Alis. Clancy. Corranne, Ftith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stu,rpf.
Nays --None.
Ald. Lyons offered the following:
Be It Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That the City
Engineer be and he is hereby instruct-
ed to prepare a plat and specifications
for an eight inch tile pipe sewer in
Couler Avenue from present manhole
at Sanford street to present manhole
at Diagonal street, showing the location
and general nature of such improve-
ment, the extent thereof, the size and
kind of material to be used, and to pre-
pare an estimate of the cost thereof
and the amount assessable upon each
lot or parcel of land adjacent to or
abutting thereon per front foot or
square foot in area, and to file such
plat, specifications and estimate in the
office of the City Recorder.
That after such plat is so filed, the
City Recorder shall cause to be pub-
lished notice of the intention of the
Council to make such improvement,
which notice shall be published in three
consecutive issues of the official news-
paper of the City of Dubuque, stating
that such plat is on file and generally
the nature of the sewer, its location,
size and kinds of material to be used,
and the estimate of its cost, and fixing
the time before which objections can
be filed, which time shall not be less
than five days of the publication of
said notice, and after the completion of
the publication of such notice, he shall
at its next session notify the Council
thereof in writing, with a printed copy
of such notice accompanying the same.
Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Nays—N one.
Ald. Lyons offered the following:
Be It Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed
necessary and advisable to construct a
sanitary sewer in Eleventh street and
it is hereby proposed to construct a
sanitary sewer in said Eleventh street,
as follows, to -wit: Ten -inch tile pipe
sewer from alley first west of Elm
street to center of Cedar street, and to
assess the cost of said sewer against
the abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Ald. Lyons offered the following:
Be It Resolved by the City Council of
Regular Session April 6, 1905. 59
the City of Dubuque, That the City
Engineer be and he is hereby instructed
to prepare a plat and specifications for
a ten -inch tile pipe sewer in Eleventh
street from Alley first west of Elm
street to center of Cedar street. show-
ing the location and general nature of
such improvement, the extent thereof,
the size and kind of material to he
used, and to prepare an estimate of the
cost thereof and the amount assessable
upon each lot or parcel of land adja-
cent to or abutting thereon per front
foot or square foot in area, and to file
such plat, specifications and estimate
in the office of the City Recorder.
That after such plat is so filed, the
City Recorder shall cause to be pub-
lished notice of the intention of the
Council to make such improvement,
which notice shall be published in three
consecutive issues of the official news-
paper of the city of Dubuque, stating
that such plat is on file and generally
the nature of the sewer, its location,
size and kinds of material to be used,
and the estimate of its cost, and fixing
the time before which objections can
be filed, which time shall not be less
than five days after the last publica-
tion of said notice, and after the com-
pletion of the publication of such no-
tice, he shall at its next session notify
the Council thereof in writing, with a
printed copy of such notice accompany-
ing the same.
Adopted by the following vote:
Teas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Ald. Clancy moved to adjourn until
April 20th, 1905.
City Recorder.
. ..'.../........ . Recorder
7` * 190-5.—
Regular Session April 20, 1905. (Il
Regular Se, -ion April 20th, 190:,.
Council met at 8:30 o'clock P. M.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Aids. Clancy, Corrance,
Frith, Jones, Lyons, Needham and
Petition of W. EI. Thrift, asking that
he be exempt from taxation on his
homestead to the amount of $S00.00, he
being an honorably discharged Union
On motion of Ald. Corrance the pe-
tition was ordered granted.
Petition of F. I. Massey, asking that
he be given the grade on James Street
for the purpose of constructing new
sidewalk abutting his property, was on
motion ordered granted and the Engi-
neer he instructed to give the proper
Petition of The Civic Division, by
Mrs. H. E. Tredway and others, ask-
ing that Isadore Conigisky be re -ap-
pointed to the position of Sidewalk In-
Ald. Lyons moved that the communi-
cation be approved and received and
Ald. Frith moved a substitute to lay
same on the table.
Substitute carried by the following
Yeas—Aids. Corrance, Frith, Jones
and Needham. Lyons and
Nays—Aids. Clancy,
Petition of Dubuque and East Du-
buque Ferry Co., by G. E. Davis, Sec-
retary, asking that they be granted a
license to operate a ferry between Du-
buque and East Dubuque, was on mo-
tion referred to the Ordinance Com-
Petition of Henry MT. Kruse in rela-
tion to the widening of the alley be-
tween Elm and Queen Streets, from
Sanford to Twenty-second Streets, was
on motion referred to the Committee
on Streets, they to view the grounds
and report to the Council.
Petition of C. E. Wales, et al, asking
that an electric arc light be placed in
Robinson Avenue at or near the front
of lots 8 or 9 In Central Add., was
on motion referred to the Committee
on Police and Light and they report
to the Council.
Petition of C. L. Butler, remonstrat-
ing against paying the special assess-
ment as levied against his property,
lot 3, L:ingu'm thy Avenue Sub., for
the constt•intion of ,t sanitary setter in
Langworthy Avenue.
Also petition of Hattie A. Snyder,
asking that the special assessment as
levied :tg:ainst int :' of l.angtcorthy's
Add., for constrnrting a s;ntititry sewer
in Langworthy Avenue be ordered c;ut-
On motion both petitions were refer-
red to (he Sewer Committee, ('ity En-
gineer and City Attorney.
Petition of H. F. C. Schneider, ask-
ing Council to make snit,ihle provision
whereby he can make proper connec-
tions with the sanitary sew,•r abutting
his property on (trove Terrace.
On motion referral to Sewer Com-
mittee and City Engineer.
Petition of Mrs. Mary Silz,•r• asking
that the taxes for 19''3 as levied against
iot 47, Cox's Add., be ordered canceled
t ns nn motion referred to 1)elimluent
Tax committee.
Petition of Jennie L. Scott, asking
for the cancellation of her taxes on
moneys and credits for the years 1900,
1901, 1902, 1903 and 1904.
On motion referred to the Board of
Equalization and City Assessor.
Communication of McCarthy, Ken -
line & Roedell, asking that warrants be
ordered drawn to pay judgment and
court costs in case of Thomas Consi-
dine v';. city of Dubuque. Also Orig-
inal Notice of District Court of James
Martin to City of Dubuque, claiming
the sum of $5,000.00 for personal dam-
ages sustained by falling on a defec-
tive sidewalk on Dodge Street.
Also Original Notice District Court
of Mary Cogan to City of Dubuque,
claiming the sum of $5,000.00 for per-
sonal damages sustained by falling
on defective sidewalk in City of Du-
On motion the communication in re-
lation to court costs and judgment in
case of Considine vs. City and Origi-
nal Notices District Court were refer-
red to Committee on Claims and City
Petition of Ott, Mouser & Co., ask-
ing that Huff Street, between Blocks
29 and 30, in Dubuque Harbor Co.'s
Add., also alley running through said
Block 29 be vacated.
On motion was referred to the Com-
mittee of the Whole and they to view
the grounds.
Invitation of The Grant Birthday
Association, Galena, Ill., requesting the
Mayor and City Council to attend the
exercises commemorating the 83rd an-
niversary of the birth of General
Ulysses S. Grant. to he held at Galena,
Ill., Thursday, April 27th, 1905.
On motion the invitation was ac-
62 Regular Session April 20, 1905.
cepted and the Mayor and City Coun-
cil attend in a body.
Mayor Berg reported as follows:
To the City Council:
Gentlemen:—Herewith attached I re-
turn the receipt of the Clerk of the Dis-
trict Court for the amounts of $1138.55
and $279.20, being in full payment for
the balance of the judgment and costs
in the case of Catherine Sheridan vs.
the City of Dubuque, Warrants for
which were ordered drawn in my favor
at the last meeting of the Council.
Ald. Corrance moved that the report
Of the Mayor be approved and put on
file. Carried.
Mayor Berg also reported as follows:
Gentlemen of the Council: I here-
with return the resolution adopted Ap-
ril 6th, resolving that an office of
Street Commissioner be created, and
that the Ordinance Committee be in-
structed to draft an ordinance creating
such office, without approving the
same, because the present method of
taking care of the streets has proved
entirely satisfactory to our citizens and
the creation of another office for this
purpose is therefore unnecessary as all
the duties of the office proposed are
provided for in the following ordinance:
Section 2. All powers and duties by
said Revised Ordinances given to, im-
posed upon, and required of the Street
Commissioner, are hereby conferred
upon, and required of the City Engi-
neer, and wherever the words Street
Commissioner are used in any of said
revised ordinances the words City En-
gineer are hereby substituted in place
thereof, with like effect hereafter, as if
in said Revised Ordinances, except the
salary of City Engineer is not increased
by this Ordinance."
Ald. Needham moved that the Reso-
lution be adopted over the Mayor's
Vote as follows:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Lyons,
Needham and Stumpf. Total, 5.
Nays—Aids. Corrance and Jones.
Total, 2.
The Mayor declared the motion not
adopted, ruling that five were not two-
thirds of the whole Council.
City Engineer Boyce reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
pay roll for labor on Streets in the dif-
ferent Road districts during the first
half of April, 1905:
Amount due laborers on streets.$3019.45
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved by Committee on Streets.
Also submit my pay roll for labor on
Sewers during the first half of April,
Amount due laborers on sewers.$191.40
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved by Committee on Sewers.
On motion the pay rolls on Streets
and Sewers were received and warrants
ordered drawn to pay the various
amounts and the pay rolls referred
back to the proper committees.
John W. Lawlor, Committee Clerk,
reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit a
statement of the amounts expended in
the different wards for labor on streets
during the month of March, 1905:
First ward $ 151.05
Second ward 121.35
Third ward 91.45
Fourth ward 91.85
Fifth ward 117.80
Miscellaneous 586.85
Total $1160.35
Respectfully submitted,
Committee Clerk.
On motion the report was received
and filed.
Chief of Fire Department Reinfried
reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen:—The undersigned, Chief
of the Fire Department, to whom was
referred the matter of invest gating the
raising and enlarging of a frame build-
ing by Mr. and Mrs. Coggan within
the fire limits on Washington Street.
between Twelfth and Thirteenth, would
respectfully report:
That I have investigated said build-
ing and find that the frame building
known as No. 1233 Washington Street,
is situated within the fire limits in the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, and was raised
and enlarged contrary to sections 23
and 25 of chapter 27 of the Revised Or-
dinances of 1901; the enlarged part of
this building being constructed of
wood. This building being constructed
in violation of the Ordinance is subject
to be deemed a nuisance and abated
under the direction of your Honorable
Respectfully submitted,
On motion the report was referred
to the Committee of the Whole.
City Recorder Arendt presented and
read the printed notice, certified to by
Regular Session April 20, 1905. 63
the publisher. of the Council's intention
to levy a special assessment for the
removal of Snow and Ice from Side-
walks. during the months of December,
1904, and January and February, 1905.
No remonstrance being filed, the
Mayor asked if anyone present had any
objection to said special assessment.
No objection being stated, the notice
on motion was received and filed.
Whereupon A1d. Frith offered the
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for re-
moval of snow and ice from sidewalks
during December, 1904, and January
and February, 1905, in front of and ad-
joining the same, a Special Tax be and
is hereby levied on the several Lots,
and Parts of Lots, and Parcels of Real
Estate hereinafter named, situate and
owned, and for the several amounts
set opposite each Lot or Parcel of Real
Estate, as follows:
Owner. Description. Total Cost.
Dec. 21.-J. S. Stephens, Julia
Langworthy's Add., lot 53,
50 lin. ft $ 50
Dec. 21-F. L. Poole, Julia Lang -
worthy's Add., lot 51, 50 lin. ft. 50
Dec. 21-B. W. Lacy, City S 1-5,
lot 451, 50 lin. ft 75
Dec. 21 -Mrs. C. G. Kretschmer,
City S M 1-4, lot 443, 50 lin. ft75
Dec. 21 -Thos. Connolly, City S
1-2 of E 1-2, lot 746. 120 lin. ft1 50
Dec. 30-C. A. Voelker, Davis
Farm Add., W 1-2, lots 271-272,
70 lin. ft 80
Dec. 30-M. A. Brown, Krayer's
Sub., lot 2, 45 lin. ft 55
Dec. 30 -Ada L. Collier, Sub. Min.
Lot 322, lot 10, 160 lin. ft 2 00
Dec. 30 -Wm. Klauer, et al, Davis
Farm Add., lot 213, 150 lin. ft1 60
Dec. 30-R. M. Kunz, Glendale
Add., lot 60, 50 lin. ft 50
Dec. 30-R. & Edw. Langworthy
Est., Glendale Add., lot 233,
300 lin. ft 3 75
Dec. 30-K. & L. F. Kolfenbach,
Glendale Add., 57 and N 1-2, lot
53, 75 lin. ft 75
Dec. 30 -Cath. Bowland, City N.
M., 1-5, lot 430, 50 lin. ft 75
Dec. 30-C. A. Voelker, Davis
Farm Add., E 1-2, lots 271-272,
120 lin. ft 1 20
Dec. 30 -Union Electric Co., L. H.
Langworthy's Add., lot 172, 28
lin. ft 35
Dec. 30 -Martha Zinn, Glendale
Add.. lot 81, 50 lin. ft 60
Dec. 30 -Thos. O'Brien Glendale
Add., lot 158, 50 lin. ft 60
Dec. 30 -Maria Eva Bautnhover,
City S 1-5, lot 492, 25 lin. ft.... 30
Dec. 30 -Nora Holland, Davis
Farm Add., lot 253 and N 1-2
252, 90 lin. ft 110
Dec. 30-Nic. Wagner. Glendale
Add., lot 15, 50 lin. ft 50
Dec. 30-Jno. N. Noel, Davis
Farm Add., lot 299, 60 lin. ft75
Dec. 30-Jno. Vyverberg Est., Da-
vis Farm Add., lot 301 and N 1-2
300, 90 lin ft 110
Jan. 2 -Catholic Univ. of Wash-
ington, et al., A. McDaniels'
Sub., lots 820-821, 85 lin. ft 1 05
Jan. 2 -Julia D. Rhomberg,
Guernsey & Langworthy's Sub.,
lot 8, 100 lits. ft 1 00
Jan. 2-F, L. Poole, Julia Lang -
worthy's Add., lot 17, line lin. ft. 1 00
Jan. 2-J. S. Stephens, Julia
Langworthy's Add., lot 53, 50
lin. ft
Jan. 2 -Mary L. Bunting, Julia
Langworthy's Add., lot 20, 50
lin. ft 50
Jan, 2-F. L. Poole, Julia Lang -
worthy's Add., lot 51, 50 lin. ft50
Jan. 2 -Leathers & Trewin, J. P.
Schroeder's Add, lot 27, 50 lin. ft 50
Jan. 3 -Geo. Salot, Sub. 39, Kelly's
Sub., lot 1, 100 lin. ft 1 25
Jan. 4-J. M. Werner, Trustee,
City, E 97 ft. lot 571, 75 lin. ft1 15
Jan. 5-E. B. Piekenbrock & Sons,
City lot 229, 100 lin. ft 1 50
Jan, 5-M. D. Sullivan, Sub. City
688 and pt. 654, lot 2, 25 lin. ft
Jan. 6-B. E. Linehan, City 170
and E 43 ft. lot 171, 55 lin. ft
Jan. 6 -Mrs. F. M. S. Bailey, City
5 M 1-5, lot 464, 50 lin. ft
Jan. 6-S. H. Guilbert, City S 42
ft., N M 1-5 and N 1-2 of N 1-2,
M 1-5, lot 464, 50 lin. ft
Jan. 6-A. J. Van Duzee, City N
1-4, lot 470, 50 lin. ft 50
Jan. 30-F. L. Poole, Julia L.
Langworthy's Add., lot 17, 100
lin, ft 1 00
Jan. 30 -Julia D. Rhomberg,
Guernsey & Langworthy's Add.,
lot 8, 50 lin. ft 50
Jan. 30-F. L. Poole, Julia Lang -
worthy's Add., lot 51, 50 lin. ft.. 50
Jan. 30 --Mary L. Bunting, Julia
Langworthy's Add., lot 20, 50
lin. ft 50
Jan. 30-R. M. Kunz, Glendale
Add., lot 60, 50 lin. ft 50
Jan. 30-K. & L. F. Kolfenbach,
Glendale Add., lot 57, 50 lin. ft50
Jan. 7-K, & L. F. Iolfenbach,
Glendale Add., lot 57, 50 lin. ft50
Jan. 10-K. & L. F. Kolfenbach,
Glendale AdcI., lot 57, 50 lin. ft50
Jan. 10-R. M. Kunz, Glendale
Add., lot 60, 50 lin. ft 50
Jan. 7-R. M. Kunz, Glendale
Add., lot 60, 50 lin. ft 50
Jan. 10 -Wm. Klauer, et al, Davis
Farm Add., lot 213, 65 lin, ft80
Feb. 10 -Watters & Dennis, Sub. 3
of City 720, lot 5 and N 40 ft.
lot 4, 60 lin. ft 75
Feb. 10 --Bertha Delker, City, E 40
ft. lot 218, 20 lin. ft 30
Feb. 10 -Ada L. Collier, Sub. Min.
Lot 322, lot 10, 160 lin. ft 2 00
Feb. 10-Jno. V. White, Glendale
Add., lot 7, 50 lin. ft 60
Feb. 11 -Catholic Univ. of Wash-
ington, et al, A. McDaniels' Sub,
lots 820-821, 120 lin. ft 1 50
Feb. 13 -Martha Zinn, Glendale
Add., lot 81, 50 lin. ft 60
Feb. 13 -Mary Pleins, Glendale
Add., lot 14, 50 lin. ft 50
Feb. 13-Nic. Wagner, Glendale
Add., lot 15, 50 lin. ft 50
Feb. 14-F. L. Poole, Julia Lang -
worthy's Add., lot 17, 150 lin. ft. 1 90
Feb, 14 -Emma Meyer, Sub. 3,
Min. Lot 172, lot 1, 50 lin. ft 60
Feb. 14 -Francisca Wagner, Sub.
87 and 88, L. H. Langworthy'e
Add., tot 3, 25 lin. ft 25
Feb. 14 -Wm. Klauer, et al, Davis
Farm Add., lot 213, 65 lin. ft86
Feb. 14 -Ada L. Collier, Sub. Min.
Lot 322, lot 10, 160 lin. ft 2 00
64 Regular Session April 20, 1905.
Feb. 14—\\-tn. Abitz, Glendale
Add.. lot 84, 50 lin. ft
Feb. I4—Mary L. Bunting, Glen-
dale Add., lot 82, 50 lin. ft
Feb. 14—Barbara Zugenbuehler,
Glendale Add., N 1-2 lot 160, 25
lin. ft
Feb. 14—Henry Lange, Davis
Farm Add., lot 221, :.0 lin. ft
Feb. 14—Fred Schloz, Olinger's
Sub., lot 2, 27, lin. ft
Feb. 14—Jno. V. White. Glendale
ACM., lot 7. 71' lin. ft
Feb. 17—Ennna Meyer, Sub. 2,
Min. Lot 172, lot I, 511 lith. ft
Fels. 17—Paul 1<icnc, John King's
1st Add., N \V 1-4 lot 10, 50 lin ft
F 1,. f -J .ha non Frenzel, John
King's 1st Add., S 1-2 lot 8,
70 lin. ft
Feb. 17—Paul Schlenker, Dunn's
Sub., lot 8, 150 lin. ft
Feb. 17—Eva Gibbons, Levens'
Acid., lot 40, 50 lin. ft
Feb. 17—John Holland, Levens'
Add., lot 33, 50 lin. ft
Feb. 17—Sarah E. Lewis, Levens'
Add., lots 31-32 100 lin. ft
Feb. 17—S. Gilmore, Levens' Add,
lot 30, 175 lin. ft
Feb. 1.7—Julia D. Rhomberg,
Guernsey & Langworthy's Sub.,
lots 7-S, 100 lin, ft
1 50
1 00
1 75
1 00
Total $66 90
Aldl. Frith moved to adopt the reso-
lution. Carried by the following vote:
yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
('ity Recorder Arendt presented and
read the printed notice certified to by
the publisher of the Council's intention
to levy a special assessment for repair-
ing Sidewalks during the months of
January, February and March, 1905.
No remonstrance being filed, the
Mayor asked if anyone present had
any objection to said special assess-
ment. No objection being stated, the
notice on motion was received and
Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for re-
pairing Sidewalks during the months
of January, February and March, 1905.
in front of and adjoining the same, a
Special Tax be and is hereby levied on
the several Lots, and Parts of Lots,
and Parcels of Real Estate hereinafter
named, situate and owned, and for the
several amounts set opposite each Lot
or Parcel of Real Estate, as follows:
Jan. 6—Jas. H. Shields, Dubuque
Harbor Co.'s Add., Blk. 1, lot 8a$ .50
Feb. 26—Jno. J. Keane, City, lot 726 55
March 7—R. M. Kunz, Glendale
Add., lot 60
March 8—Gotf. Blocklinger, King's
2nd Add., lot 21
March 9—Deming & Kiesel, sub
sub. Min. lot 466, lot 2
March 10—John Deery, sub. City
670, lot 3
March 13—Weidemeyer & Ritten-
rnaler, Hooper's Add., lot 29
March 16—P. J. Renier, Sanford's
lot 30 .75
March 17—Rhomberg & Kringle,
Rose Hill Add., lot 6 .45
March 20—Jas. Lee, Central Add,
lots 4-5 .40
March 20—Lucy M. Weigel, Grove
Terrace Sub., lot 6 .35
March 2,1—Ben R. Hervey, Ellen
Corlccry's Sub., lot 2 .50
March 24—First National Bank,
City, lot 309 1.30
Match 21—huol & Loetscher, Loet-
scher & Trueb's Sub, lots 10-12.45
March 24—Buol & Loetscher, Loet-
scher & Trueb's Sub., lot 2 1.35
Starch 25—John Powers et al., City,
S. 44.6 feet, lot 314 .55
March 27—J. H. Rhomberg & Wm
Meuser, Davis Farm Add., lot 225 1.35
March 27—T. Kavanaugh Est.,
Sub. Min. lot 22, lot 4 .95
March 28—Nic Wagner, Glendale
Add., lot 58 .35
March 28—Dubuque B. & Malting
Co., Glendale Add., lot 25 .50
March 28—Henry Doft Est., L. H.
Langworthy's Add., S. 1-4, lot 13 .40
March 29—Harriet C. Kiesel and
Wm. A. Coates, City N. 2-5 lot
436 .55
March 29—A. F. Jaeger Est., Davis
Farm Add., lot 250 .95
Total $16.00
Ald. Frith rr'nved to adopt the Reso-
lution. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
City Recorder Arendt also presented
and read the printed Notice, certified
to by the publisher, of the Council's
intention to construct a Sanitary Sewer
in Couler Avenue, from Sanford Street
to Diagonal Street.
Also a communication from C. F.
Even et al remonstrating against the
construction of said sewer.
On motion the remonstrance and No-
tice were referred to the Committee
of the Whole.
City Recorder Arendt also presented
and read the printed Notice, certified
to by the publisher, of the Council's
intention to construct a Sanitary Sewer
in Eleventh Street, from Alley first
\vest of Elm Street, to center of Cedar
No remonstrance being filed, the
Mayor asked if any one present had
any objection to the construction of
said Sewer. No objection being stated,
the notice on motion was received and
City Recorder Arendt also Presented
and read the printed Notice, certified
to by the publisher, of the Council's
intention to construct a Sanitary Sewer
in Caledonia Place. from Hill Street to
West Eighth Street.
Also a communication from G. Salot
et al, and Mrs. Wm. Guderian, remon-
strating against the construction of
said Sewer.
Regular Session April 20, 1905.
On motion the remonstrances and
Notice were referred to the Committee
of the Whole.
The report of the Water Works Trus-
tees, showing the receipts and disburse-
ments for the three months ending
March 31st, 1905. was presented, and
on motion was referred to a special
committee, consisting of Aids. Jones,
Lyons and Clancy.
Ald. Corrance. Chairman of the Com-
mittee on Finance, reported as follows:
Your Committee or Finance would
respectfully recommend that the City
Treasurer be instructed to accept from
Falkenhainer & Kenkel the suns of
$168.22 in full settlement of the special.
assessment levied against the west
20.46 acres of Mineral Lot 206 for the
improvement of Leibnitz Street.
Ald. Corrance moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Lyons, Chairman of the Ordi-
nance Committee, presented and read
an Ordinance, establishing the grade
on East Sof from Delhi Street to
Bennett Street.
The Ordinance having had its first
reading at the previous meeting of the
Council, Ald. Lyons moved that the
reading just had be considered its sec-
ond reading. Carried.
Ald. Lyons then moved that the Ordi-
nance be now adopted as read.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones. Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
The Ordinance follows:
Be It Ordained by the City Council
of the City Dubuque:
Section 1. That the grade of East
Street from' Delhi Street to Bennett
Street be established and described as
follows: Beginning at the south curb
line of Delhi Street which is station
—12, elevation of east curb 303.2; eleva-
tion of west curb 302.3, thence on a
curved grade to station 1-j-56, elevation
of east curb 292.0, elevation of west
curb, 291.0; thence to station 3-1-42, cen-
ter of Pearl Street, elevation of east
curb 282.0, elevation of west curb 281.0;
thence to station 5-1-50, elevation of east
curb 275.5, elevation of west curb 274.0;
thence on a curved grade to station
6-1-99, north curb of Mineral Street ele-
vation of west curb 272.0: thence to sta-
tion 7-1-14, center of Mineral Street,
elevation of east curb 273.5; thence to
station 8-1-76, center of Grace Street,
elevation of east curb 277.5; thence to
station 12-1-08, center of Bennett Street,
elevation 282.0.
Sec. 2. This Ordinance to he in force
and take effect from and after its
passage by the City Council and its
publication one time in the Dubuque
Globe -Journal newspaper.
Adopted , 1905.
Attest •
City Hecorder.
Ald. Corrance, Chairman of the Com-
mittee on Claims, reported as follows:
Your Committee on Claims would
respectfully recommend that Mrs.
Catharine McCune be allowed the sum
of $50.00 for macadam furnished the
city; said sum to be in full settlement
of all claims she may have against the
city as per attached agreement.
Ald. Corrance moved that the report
be adopted, and that a warrant be or-
dered drawn as recommended. Car-
Ald. Corrance also reported as fol-
Dubuque, Ia., April 19, 1905.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—The undersigned, Com-
mittee on Claims and City Attorney, to
whom was referred the preliminary no-
tice in the case of Jane Connolly vs.
the City of Dubuque, in which Jane
Connolly claims damages against the
City in the sum of $2000.00 by reason
of injuries sustained by her in falling
on an icy sidewalk and on some stone
steps projecting thereon in front of
the premises known as No. 26 West
Locust Street in the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, on or about January 18th, 1905,
would respectfully report:
That they have examined into the
facts of said ease, have seen Jane
Connolly and her attorney and learn
that said Jane Connolly broke her left
arm near the wrist in said fall. This
Committee have had several meetings
with Miss Connolly and her attorney
and have finally affected a compromise
by the terms of which this case can
be settled in full on the payment of
$150.00 to said Jane Connolly.
Being satisfied that it would be to
the best interests of the City that said
settlement be made, we would respect-
fully recommend that this case be set-
tled by paying her that amount.
We would, therefore, recommend that
a warrant be drawn in favor of the
Mayor in the sum of $150.00 with which
to make final settlement.
Respectfully submitted,
Committee on Claims.
City Attorney.
Ald. Corrance moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Stumpf, Chairman of the Com-
66 Regular Session April 20, 1905.
mittee on Delinquent Taxes, reported
as follows:
Your Committee on Delinquent
Taxes, to whom was referred the peti-
tion of August Rohr, asking that the
taxes on his homestead, Lot 283, East
Dubuque Addition, be canceled for the
year 1904, would recommend that the
prayer of the petitioner be granted and
that the City Treasurer be instructed
Also your Committee on Delinquent
Taxes, to whom was referred the peti-
tion of Mary DeLorimier asking that
the taxes on her homestead, the south
part of City Lot 159, be canceled for
the year 1904, would recommend that
on account of her poverty the prayer of
the petitioner he granted and that the
Treasurer be instructed accordingly.
Also your Committee on Delinquent
Taxes, to whom was referred the peti-
tion A. E. Keen, an honorably dis-
charged soldier of the War of the Re-
bellion, asking that his homestead, Lot
1 of I-i:irper's Add., be exempt from
taxation on $500.00 of the assessed valu-
ation thereof as provided by law, would
recommend that the prayer of the pe-
titioner be granted, and that the Treas-
urer he instructed accordingly.
Ald. Stumpf moved to adopt the var-
ious reports of the Committee. Carried.
Ald. Lyons of the Board of Health
reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—Your Board of Health
would respectfully report, that at their
meeting held April 10th, 1905, the fol-
lowing bills were audited by the
Board and referred to the County Su-
pervisors for payment:
L. Belsky, to meat delivered to
Detention Hospital $ 5.30
H. H. Berg, to groceries delivered
to Detention Hospital 17.80
We also recommend that warrants
be ordered drawn to pay the following
The Arno Pharmacy, to 10 vaccine
points $ .90
'Union Printing Co., to health re-
ports for November, December,
and January, also blank health
reports 18.00
Also report that we instructed the
Clerk to ascertain from the State
Board of Health the recommendations
made by their representative last
year, in regard to the sanitary con-
ditions of the St. Joseph's Mercy In-
sane Asylum.
Also report that we instructed the
Clerk to advertise for bids for the re-
moval of garbage and dead animals for
the season 1905.
We would also recommend the ad-
option of the following annual report
of Dr. B. Michel, Health Physician to
the Board:
Dubuque, Iowa, March 1, 1905.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—The Physician to the
Board of Health has the honor to sub-
mit this annual report for the year
ending February 28, 1905.
The number of deaths for the year
is 587, an increase of 2 over the year
1903. The number of births is 699, an
increase of 2 over the year 1903.
The births outnumber the deaths by
112. During the year there were re-
ported 52 cases of Scarlet Fever, as
against 149 for the previous year; 26
cases of Diphtheria, as against 14 for
the previous year, 5 cases of Smallpox,
4 cases of Typhoid Fever.
Of the total number of deaths, 58
were due to consumption, an increase
of 4 over the year 1903.
As this disease can in a measure be
restricted by proper sanitary measures,
I would again recommend the adoption
and enforcement of the proposed ordi-
nance prohibiting spitting on the floors
of street cars and other public vehicles
and buildings and on sidewalks. Also
the disinfection of the premises where
death from consumption has occurred.
During the year there were one hun-
dred and nineteen connections made
with the sanitary sewer. Connections
should be ordered until all premises
using privy vaults are connected, and
all vaults abolished. The sanitary
sewer should be extended as fast as
If all cities situated on the river
would dispose of their garbage and
sewerage by cremation or otherwise
than dumping into the river, they
would have a plentiful source of pure
water; under the present system of
disposal of sewage and garbage the
water is unfit for use. The Federal
Government may at any time prohibit
such use of rivers. In view of this, it
would be wise to make some provision
for the disposal of the city's offal.
Crematories seem to solve the problem
in other cities.
The following is a summary of the
work done in this department under
the supervision of Sanitary Policeman
Flynn: Vaults cleaned, 116; houses
fumigated, 133; complaints attended to,
978; sewer connections made, 119.
Respectfully submitted,
Physician to the Board.
Ald. Lyons moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Jones, chairman of the Commit-
tee on Public Grounds and Buildings,
presented a certificate from Thos. T.
Carkeek, Architect. to pay to Anton
Eberl the sum of $473.00, being amount
in full for his contract to build the
foundation for Engine House No. 6.
Ald. Jones moved that a warrant be
drawn in favor of Anton Eberl for the
above amount. Carried.
Regular Session April 20, 1905. 67
Ald. Jones also presented a certificate
from Thos. T. Carkeek for $1,000.00 in
favor of F. D.. Scharle, as first estimate
on his contract for building Engine
House No. 6.
Ald. Jones moved that a warrant be
ordered drawn in favor of F. D.
Scharle for the above amount. Car-
Ald. Clancy, chairman of the Com-
mittee of the Whole, reported as fol-
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of the
Pitts -Thompson Foundry Company,
asking that in consideration of its
maintaining and operating a foundry
on City Lots 417, one-half of 399, one-
half of 418 and one-quarter of 400, it
be exempt from taxation on said plant
for a period of five years, including
1904, would recommend that the prayer
of the petitioner be granted and that
all personal property owned by said
firm and required in the operation of
said foundry be exempt from taxation
for a period of five years, including the
year 1904 (which taxes the City Treas-
urer is hereby authorized to cancel);
provided said plant be operated con-
tinuously during the period of this ex-
Also your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the communica-
tion of R. F. Keating for Mrs. Faust;
offering either to settle with the city
for the sum of $50.00 for rock already
taken by the city from Lot 33, Union
Add., for the construction of a wall on
Bluff Street Extension. or to sell the
city lot for $200.00, including the rock
already taken therefrom. would recom-
mend that the sum of $150.00 be allow-
ed for said lot, together with such rock
as the city has already taken there-
from; said amount to be paid Mrs.
Mary Faust upon presentation by her
of a properly executed deed to said
property, together with an abstract of
title completed to date.
Also your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of A.
A. Cooper, asking that the assessment
on Lots 691, 700 and 721 be placed on
the same valuation for 1903 as it had
been in 1902, would respectfully recom-
mend that said petition be received and
Also your Committee of the Whole
would respectfully recommend that the
Ordinance Committee be instructed to
prepare an ordinance revising the ordi-
nance pertaining to obstructions in al-
leys so as to provide for the use of
boxes for holding ashes, etc., and for
the issuance of permits for erecting
permanent fixtures therein.
ter, would recommend that warrants
be ordered drawn on the City Treas-
urer in favor of the several parties
mentioned therein on a basis of sixty
cents per cubic yard where the rock is
furnished by the city, and eighty-five
cents per cubic yard where the rock is
furnished by the parties breaking the
Also your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the list of
macadam broken during the past win -
Also your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
C. W. Katz, Inspector of Wood and
Harbor Master, asking that on account
of the decrease in the aggregate
amount of fees received for measuring
wood during the past winter, occasion-
ed by the change in the ordinance re-
lating to the same, his salary as Har-
bor Master be continued for the winter
months, would recommend that said
petition be received and filed.
Also, your Committee of the Whole
would respectfully recommend that the
Committee on Streets be empowered to
call for bids and let the contracts for
sweeping the brick paved streets and
for hauling off the sweepings there-
Also, your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
P. Scanlon et al., asking that Exchange
street be improved from Dodge to Cur-
tis street would recommend that the
prayer of the petitioners be granted and
that the proper resolutions be adopted.
Aid. Clancy moved to adopt the var-
ious reports of the Committee of the
Whole. Carried.
Bids for the construction of Bee
Branch Storm Water Sewer from end
of present culvert in Lemon street
westerly about 350 feet were ordered
Bids as follows:
P. Eisbach—
Stone masonry $9.93 per lin. ft.
Grading 24c per cubic yard
Jas. Noonan --
Stone masonry $9 00 per lin. ft.
Concrete $8.65 per lin. ft.
Grading 25c per cubic yard
O'Farrell & McNamara—
Stone masonry $9.40 per lin. ft.
Concrete $8 35 per lin. ft.
Grading 25c per cubic yard
Street, Steuck & Linehan—
Stone masonry $9.95 per lin. ft.
Concrete $11.00 per lin. it.
Brick $12.50 per lin. ft.
Grading 25c per cubic yard
Tibey Bros.—
Stone masonry $10.50 per lin. ft.
Concrete $11.25 per lin. ft.
Grading 35c per cubic yard
Blake Bros.—
Concrete $9.85 per lin. ft.
On motion the contract was awarded
to O'Farrell & McNamara for concrete,
they being the lowest bidders, and the
bond for doing said work fixed at
68 Regular Session April 20, 1905.
Ald. Lyons offered the following:
Be It Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That a sanitary
sewer of ten -inch tile pipe be construct-
ed in Eleventh street, from the manhole
in alley between Elm and Washington
street to Cedar street, according to the
plans and specifications of said sewer
prepared by the City Engineer and now
on file in the office of the City Recorder,
and be it further resolved that said
sewer shall be completed on or before
the 15th day of July, 1905, and shall be
paid for at the time and in the manner
prescribed by Chapter XXXIV. of the
Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City
of Dubuque for the payment of the cost
of constructing sewers. The proposals
for doing such work will be acted upon
by the Council on the 4th day of May,
1905. and the City Recorder is hereby
ordered to give ten days' notice by pub-
lication, asking for proposals as pro-
vided by ordinance.
Ald. Lyons moved to adopt the reso-
Carried by the following vote:
Seas—Ald. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Ald. Frith offered the following,
which was adopted:
Pe It Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That the City En-
gineer be instructed to prepare plans
and specifications for a storm water
sewer in Booth street from the pres-
ent terminus of the storm water sewer
in O'Neill street, southerly as far as the
appropriation for the same will permit,
and file said plans and specifications in
the office of the City Recorder who will
thereupon advertise for bids for the
construction of said sewer in accord-
ance with said plans and specifications.
Ald. Clancy offered the following,
which was adopted:
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That begin-
ning May 1, 1905, the price to be charged
property owners for lumber used in re-
pairing sidewalks abutting their prop-
erty be fixed at three cents per square
foot, board measure.
Ald. Corrance offered the following,
which was adopted:
Be It Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed
necessary and advisable to improve
Grace street from the west line of lot
4, Ann O'Hare's Sub., to East street,
and that it is hereby proposed to grade,
curb, gutter and macadamize said
street and assess the cost of said curb-
ing, guttering and macadamizing
against the abutting property.
Ald. Clancy moved that the amount
to he paid the Water Works Trustees
for water to be furnished the city for
sprinkling purposes during the present
season be fixed at $2,500.00 and that a
warrant in said amount be ordered
drawn on the City Treasurer in favor
of said Trustees. Carried.
Ald. Corrance also offered the follow-
Be It Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That the City En-
gineer be and he is hereby instructed to
prepare a plat showing generally the
location, nature and extent of the pro-
posed improvement. on Grace street
from the west line of lot 4, Ann
O'Hare's Sub. to East street, and the
kind of material to be used, and an es-
timate of the entire cost thereof, and
the amount and cost of such im-
provement, and the amount assessable
upon any railway or street railway, the
amount and cost thereof to be paid by
the City, if any, and the cost thereof
and amount assessable upon each lot
or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting
upon such improvement per front foot,
and to file such plat and estimate in
the office of the City Recorder; that af-
ter the filing of said plat and estimate
in his office, the City Recorder shall
publish in three consecutive issues of
a newspaper published in this city, a
notice stating that such plat and es-
tima,.a are on file, the location and na-
ture of the improvement, kind of ma-
terial to be used, and an estimate of its
cost and the time before which objec-
tions thercM can be filed, and the time
fixed for hearing, which time shall not
be less than five days after the last
publication of such notice and after
such publication shall have been made.
the City Recorder shall, at the next
regular session of the City Council, no-
tify the Counc'l thereof in writing with
a printed copy of such notice accom-
panying the same.
Ald. Corrance moved to adopt the res-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
On motion of Ald. Frith, the Council
proceeded to elect the following ap-
pointive officers for the ensuing year:
Mayor Berg appointed Aids. Clancy
and Frith as tellers.
Jno. W. Lawlor was, on motion, ap-
pointed Committee Clerk for the ensu-
ing year by acclamation.
Unanimously carried and the Mayor
declared Jno. W. Lawlor duly elected
Committee Clerk.
Wm. Hipman was, on motion, ap-
pointed for the ensuing years City
Electrician by acclamation.
Unanimously carried and the Mayor
declared Wm. Hipman duly elected
City Electrician.
Regular Session April 20, 1905. 69
The following were put in nomina,
F. P. Hayes.
P. Baumgartner.
R. Ogelsby.
F. P. Hayes receiving seven votes on
the first ballot was declared elected
Marketmaster for the ensuing year.
The following were put in nomina-
Jno. Glab.
Jno. Mahoney.
First Ballot—
Jno. Glab received 5 votes
Jno. Mahoney received 2 votes
Jno. Glab receiving the majority of
votes was declared elected for the en-
suing year.
The following were put in nomina-
I. Conigisky.
E. Firzlaff.
A. B. Berg.
J. Drehause.
M. Kilburg.
H. S. Kiely.
Jno. Carney.
G. N. Raymond.
G. N. Raymond received 4 votes.
A. P. Berg received 3 votes.
G. N. Raymond receiving the ma-
jority of votes was declared Sidewalk
Inspector for the ensuing year.
The following were put in nomina-
H. Henge.
P. Kein.
G. J. Hahn.
E. Werner.
D. Sutherland.
A. Alderson.
H. Schoenbeck.
H. Schoenbeck received 6 votes.
P. Kien received 1 vote.
H. Schoenbeck receiving the majority
of votes was declared elected.
The following were put in nomina-
T., Cahill.
P. Ryan.
H. Connell.
T. Cahill received 3 votes.
P. Ryan received 4 votes.
P. Ryan receiving the majority of
votes was declared elected for the en-
suing year.
Chas. Bauman was on motion ap-
pointed by acclamation for the ensuing
The following were put in nomina-
T. Johnson.
P. Holsinger.
T. Johnson received 3 votes.
P. Holsinger received 4 votes.
P. Holsinger receiving the majority
of votes was declared elected for the
ensuing term.
The following were put in nomina-
H. Fleck.
T. Young.
M. H. Buckley.
B. McDonnell.
H. Fleck received 3 votes.
T. Young , cceived 1 vote.
M. H. liuck1( v received 1 vote.
B. McDonnell received 2 votes.
H. Fleck received 4 votes.
T. Young received 1 vote.
B. McDonnell, 2 votes.
H. Fleck receiving the majority of
votes was declared elected.
For stoker of the steam roller N.
Frith was elected by acclamation.
For sewer foreman T. Haggerty was
elected by acclamation.
The following were put in nomina-
Jno. Heil.
Jos. Rooney.
Jno. Heil received 4 votes
Jos. Rooney received 3 votes
Jno. Heil receiving the majority of
votes was declared elected.
Driver for Carpenter Wagon, E. Firz-
laff was elected on the second ballot.
For taking charge of the Garbage
Dump, James McCormick was elected
on the first ballot.
Foreman at the Fourth Street Dump,
Jas. Callaghan was elected on the first
Ald. Frith moved that the following
named constitute the Sewer Gang,
which was carried:
H. Cosgrove, Driver.
Jno. Corcoran.
F. Hohnecker.
P. Sage.
C. Sullivan.
J. Tacke.
L. Taylor.
Ald. Frith moved that the following
named constitute the Street Sweeper
Gang, which was carried:
Jos. Brown.
H. Cobb.
T. Donahue.
P. Fenelon.
J. Kraus.
M. Lonergan.
T. Faherty was elected by acclama-
tion as Welghmaster of First Ward
Scales and to take charge of Phoenix
Park for the ensuing year.
Ald. Frith moved that all the present
weighmasters be re -appointed for the
70 Regular Session April 20, 1905.
ensuing year. Carried.
The Mayor declared all the foregoing
named duly elected by the Council to
their respective offices and they to as-
sume their duties May lst, 1905.
Ald. Jones moved to adjourn until
May 4th, 1905. Carried.
City Recorder.
List of Warrants. 71
List of City Warrants.
it y Recorder's Office.
Dubuque, Ia., April 1st, 1905.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: The following is a com-
plete list of all warrants issued by me
during the month of March, 1905:
Labor on Streets in the different dis-
tricts for the first half of March, 1905:
J. Brouillette, 1st $ 2 70
Paul Becker, 3rd 7 45
D. J. Brightbill, 3rd 8 80
Jos, Brown, 1st, $18.25; 2nd $60.60;
3rd, $4.50 83 95
W. Coughlan, 1st 10 80
Peter Carney, 1st 2 70
J. Callaghan, in 20 00
John Corbett, 2nd 3 40
D. Corcoran, 3rd 1 35
M. Donegan, 1st 1 35
J. Eberhardt, 2nd 8 45
Mike Farrell, 1st 70
F. Frick, 2nd 10 80
H. Fleck, 1st, $26.26; 2nd, $101.25127 50
N. Frith, 1st, $17.50; 2nd, $67.5085 00
Pat Grue, 1st 1 05
Barney Glass, 1st 5 55
Jos. Geasland, 1st 4 05
C. Gantenbein, Jr., 2nd 4 05
Jos. Guenther, 2nd 2 05
C. Gantenbein, foreman, 2nd24 60
Tom Hackney, 1st 4 40
John Hafey, 1st 3 05
N. Kettenhofen, 2nd 10 80
J. Kraus, 2nd 9 80
John Keast, 3rd 4 05
John McNulty, 1st 10 80
James McAleese, 1st 3 45
J. McCormack, Health 17 55
C. Nank, 2nd 3 75
W. O'Brien, 1st 52 85
J. Perrion, 2nd 2 05
John Parker, 3rd 4 05
W. Quinlan, 1st 2 05
Jos. Rooney, 1st, $18.50; 2nd,
$60.60; 3rd, $4.50 83 95
Nic Sweeney, 1st 70
Ed. Seeley, 1st 1 35
John Spear, 1st 21 35
John Schroeder, 2nd 3 40
Al. Scherr, 2nd 2 70
John Sloan, 2nd 2 70
F. Scherr, 2nd 20 00
Lawrence Trost, 2nd 2 70
John Welsh, 1st (Caledonia Place) 60
W. Wearmouth, 3rd 20 00
A. Conrad, 2nd 2 70
J. Linehan, 1st 2 00
March, 1905:
P. Casserly $ 20 80
J. Corcoran 20 80
T. Hagerty, foreman 25 00
J. Jellison 20 80
J. Klang 20 80
P. Kenneally 20 80
C. Sullivan , 20 80
L. Taylor 20 80
L. Zemanek 18 40
I hereby certify that the foregoing is
a correct list of all warrants issued by
me during the month of March, 1905.
City Recorder.
To All Who Are Named Below:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with an ordinance of the City
of Dubuque for repairing sidewalks in
the months of January, February and
March, 1905, that a special assessment
will be levied for the expense thereof
at the regular meeting of the City
Council upon all lots and parcels of
land on said improvement owned by
you, being subject to such special as-
sessment. And you are notified to ap-
pear at said meeting of the Council to
be held on the 20th day of April, A. D.,
1905, and show cause, if any you have,
why said assessment should not be
Jan. 6—Jas. H. Shields, Dubuque
Harbor Co.'s Add., Blk. 1, lot 8a$
Feb. 26—Jno. J. Keane, City, lot 726
March 7—R. M. Kunz, Glendale
Add., lot 60
March 8—Gotf. Blocklinger, King's
2nd Add., lot 21
March 9—Deming & Kiesel, sub
sub. Min. lot 466, lot 2
March 10—John Deery, sub. City
670, lot 3
March 13—Weidemeyer & Ritten-
maier, Hooper's Add., lot 29
March 16—P. J. Renter, Sanford's
lot 30
March 17—Rhomberg & Kringle,
Rose Hill Add., lot 6
March 20—Jas. Lee, Central Add,
lots 4-5
March 20—Lucy M. Weigel, Grove
Terrace Sub., lot 6
March 20—Ben R. Hervey, Ellen
Corkery's Sub., lot 2
March 24—First National Bank,
City, lot 309 1.30
March 24—Buol & Loetscher, Loet-
scher & Trueb's Sub, lots 10-12.45
March 24—Buol & Loetscher, Loet-
scher & Trueb's Sub., lot 2 1.35
March 25—John Powers et al., City,
S. 44.6 feet, lot 314 .55
March 27—J. H. Rhomberg & Wm
Meuser, Davis Farm Add., lot 225 1.35
March 27—T. Kavanaugh Est.,
Sub. Min. lot 22, lot 4 .95
March 28—Nic Wagner, Glendale
Add., lot 58 .35
March 28—Dubuque B. & Malting
Co., Glendale Add., lot 25 .50
March 28—Henry Doft Est., L. H.
Langworthy's Add., S. 1-4, lot 13 .40
March 29—Harriet C. Kiesel and
Wm. A. Coates, City N. 2-5 lot
436 .55
March 29—A. F. Jaeger Est., Davis
Farm Add., lot 250 .95
Total $16.00
4-12-3t City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the office of the City Recorder up to
7:30 o'clock p. m. April 20th, 1905, for
the construction of a storm water
sewer in Millville Road, from the West
end of the present sewer in Lemon
Street, Westerly to a distance of about
350 lineal feet.
In accordance with the plans and
72 Offical Notices.
specifications of said sewer, prepared
by the City Engineer and now on file
in the office of the ('ity Recorder.
Bidders to state the price per lineal
foot for completed sewer, including
all excavation necessary for contem-
plated work on three different kinds
of sewer.
For a Stone Circular Sewer.
For a Brick Circular Sewer.
And for a Reinforced Concrete Sewer.
Bidders also to state the price for
furnishing 1,000 cubic yards of earth
filling to bring said street up to grade.
Each bid must be accompanied with
a certified check for $100.00 on some
Dubuein^ hank as a guarantee that a
coatr:u i will he entered into if
aw,i rdi
The city reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
Recorder's Office of the City of Du-
buque, April 15th, 1905.
4-15-3t City Recorder.
The following Dubuque City Street
Improvement Bonds have been ordered
called in by the City Council:
Bonds Ncs. 42, 43 and 44, Feb. 1st, 1900.
Bonds Nos. 48, 49 and 50, Jan. 1st, 1901.
Bonds Nos. 55 to 68, inclusive, May
1st, 1901.
Bonds Nos. 77, 78 and 79, Nov. 1st.
Bond No. 83, Nov. 15, 1901.
Bonds Nos. 110 to 118, inclusive, Jan.
2nd, 1902.
Bonds Nos. 157 to 166, inclusive, June
1st, 1902.
Bond No. 123, March 1st, 1902.
Bond No. 187, Dec. 4th, 1902.
Bond No. 196, Jan. 10, 1903.
Bond No. 207 and 208, Aril 15th, 1903.
Bond No. 244, Dec. 15th, 1903.
Bonds Nos. 227, 228 and 229, Aug. 15th,
Bond No. 247, Jan. 1st, 1904.
Bond No. 270, Aug. 4th, 1904.
Bonds Nos. 258, 259, 260 and 261, Aug.
4th. 1904.
Interest will cease on above bonds
May lst, 1905.
apr 15 3t gj City Treasurer.
To All Whom it May Concern:
You and each of you are hereby no-
tified that it is the intention of the
City Council of the City of Dubuque
to construct a 10 -inch Tile Pipe Sani-
tary Sewer in Eleventh Street, from
alley first west of Elm Street to cen-
ter of Cedar Street.
That a Plat and Specifications of
said proposed sewer is now on file in
the office of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that it will require 992.5 lineal feet of
10 -inch tile pipe with 4 manholes, and
will cost the abutting property owners
$1,150.00 in total.
Any persons having objection to the
construction of said sanitary sewer
are hereby notified to appear before
the City Council at its regular session
April 20th, 1905, or to file in writing
with the City Recorder their objec-
tions on or before April 20th, 1905.
Dated at Dubuque, April 11th, 1905.
4-11-3t City Recorder.
To All Whom it May Concern:
You and each of you are hereby no-
tified that it is the intention of the
City Council of the City of Dubuque
to construct an 8 -inch Tile Pipe Sani-
tary Sewer in Couler Avenue. from
manhole in Sanford Street to Diagonal
That a Plat and Specifications of
said proposed sewer is now on file in
the office of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that it will require 1,090 lineal feet of
8 -inch tile pipe with 3 manholes, and
will cost the abutting property own-
ers $975.00 in total.
Any persons having objection to the
construction of said sanitary sewer
are hereby notified to appear before
the City Council at its regular session
April 20th, 1905, or to file in writing
with the City Recorder their objec-
tions on or before April 20th, 1905.
Dated at Dubuque, April 11th, 1905.
4-11-3t City Recorder.
To All Whom it May Concern:
You and each of you are hereby no-
tified that it is the intention of the
City Council of the City of Dubuque
to construct an 8 -inch Tile Pipe Sani-
tary Sewer in Caledonia Place, from
manhole in Hill Street to center of
West Eighth Street.
That a Plat and Specifications of
said proposed sewer is now on file in
the office of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that it will require 650 lineal feet of
8 -inch tile pipe with 3 manholes, and
will cost the abutting property own-
ers $550.00 in total.
Any persons having objection to the
construction of said sanitary sewer
are hereby notified to appear before
the City Council at its regular session
April 20th, 1905, or to file in writing
with the City Recorder their objec-
tions on or before April 20th, 1905.
Dated at Dubuque, April 11th, 1905.
4 -i1 -3t City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the office of the City Recorder up to
4 o'clock p. m. May 1st, 1905, for the
cleaning of vaults in the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, for the season of 1905.
Bidders will state the price per cubtc
foot below the Bluffs, and the price per
cubic foot on the Bluffs.
The City reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
4-26-3t City Recorder.
Official Notices.
To All Who Are Named Below:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with an Ordinance of the City
of Dubuque for removal of snow and
ice from sidewalks in the months of
December, 1904, and January and Feb-
ruary, 1905, that a special assessment
will be levied for the expense thereof,
at the regular meeting of the City
Council. upon all lots and parcels of
land on said improvement owned by
you, being subject to such special as-
sessment. And you are notified to
appear at said meeting of the Council.
to be held on the 20th day of April,
A. D., 1905, and show cause, if any you
have, why said assessment should not
be levied:
Owner. Description. Total Cost.
Dec. 21.-J. S. Stephens, Julia
Langworthy's Add., lot 53,
50 lin. ft $ 50
Dec. 21-F. L. Poole, Julia Lang -
worthy's Add., lot 51, 50 lin. ft. 50
Dec. 21-B. W. Lacy, City S 1-5,
lot 451, 50 lin. ft 75
Dec. 21 -Mrs. C. G. Kretschmer,
City S M 1-4, lot 443, 50 lin. ft75
Dec. 21 -Thos. Connolly, City S
1-2 of E 1-2, lot 746, 120 lin. ft1 50
Dec. 30-C. A. Voelker, Davis
Farm Add., W 1-2, lots 271-272,
70 lin. ft 80
Dec. 30-M, A. Brown, Krayer's
Sub., lot 2, 45 lin. ft 55
Dec. 30 -Ada L. Collier, Sub. Min
Lot 322, lot 10. 160 lin. ft 2 00
Dec. 30 -Wm. Klauer, et al, Davis
Farm Add., lot 213, 150 lin. ft1 60
Dec. 30-R. M. Kunz, Glendale
Add., lot 60, 50 lin. ft 50
Dec. 30-R. & Edw. Langworthy
Est., Glendale Add., lot 233,
300 lin. ft 3 75
Dec. 30-K. & L. F. Kolfenbach,
Glendale Add., 57 and N 1-2, lot
53, 75 lin. ft 75
Dec. 30 -Cath. Bowland, City N
M., 1-5, lot 430, 50 lin. ft 75
Dec. 30-C. A. Voelker, Davis
Farm Add., E 1-2, lots 271-272,
120 lin. ft 1 20
Dec. 30 -Union Electric Co., L. H
Langworthy's Add., lot 172, 28
lin. ft 35
Dec. 30 -Martha Zinn, Glendale
Add.. lot 81, 50 lin. ft 60
Dec. 30 -Thos. O'Brien, Glendale
Add., lot 158, 50 lin. ft 60
Dec. 30 -Maria Eva Baumhover,
City S 1-5, lot 492, 25 lin. ft30
Dec. 30 -Nora Holland, Davis
Farm Add., lot 253 and N 1-2
252, 90 lin. ft 1 10
Dec. 30-Nic. Wagner. Glendale
Add., lot 15, 50 lin. ft 50
Dec. 30-Jno. N. Noel, Davis
Farm Add., lot 299, 60 lin. ft75
Dec. 30-Jno. Vyverberg Est., Da-
vis Farm Add., lot 301 and N 1-2
300, 90 lin ft 110
Jan. 2 -Catholic Univ. of Wash-
ington, et al., A. McDaniels'
Sub., lots 820-821, 85 lin. ft 1 05
Jan. 2 -Julia D. Rhomberg,
Guernsey & Langworthy's Sub.,
lot 8, 100 lin. ft 1 00
Jan. 2-F. L. Poole, Julia Lang -
worthy's Add., lot 17, 100 lin. ft. 1 00
Jan. 2-J. S. Stephens, Julia
Langworthy's Add., lot 53, 50
lin. ft 50
Jan. 2 -Mary L. Bunting, Julia
Langworthy's Add., lot 20, 50
lin. ft 50
Jan. 2-F. L. Poole, Julia Lang -
worthy's Add., lot 51, 50 lin. ft50
Jan. 2 -Leathers & Trewin, J. P
Schroeder's Add, lot 27, 50 lin. ft 50
Jan, 3 -Geo. Salot, Sub. 39, Kelly's
Sub., lot 1, 100 lin. ft 1 25
Jan. 4-J. M. Werner, Trustee,
City, E 97 ft. lot 571, 75 lin. ft1 15
Jan. 5-E. B. Piekenbrock & Sons,
City lot 229, 100 lin. ft 1 50
Jan, 5-M. D. Sullivan, Sub. City
688 and pt. 654, lot 2, 25 lin. ft40
Jan. 6-B. E. Linehan, City 170
and E 43 ft. lot 171, 55 lin. ft80
Jan. 6 -Mrs. F. M. S. Bailey, City
S M 1-5, lot 464, 50 lin. ft 50
Jan. 6-S. H. Guilbert, City S 42
ft., N M 1-5 and N 1.-2 of N 1-2.
M 1-5, lot 464, 50 lin. ft 50
Jan. 6-A, J. Van Duzee, City N
1-4, lot 470, 50 lin. ft... - 50
Jan. 30-F. L. Poole, Julia L.
Langworthy's Add., lot 17, 100
lin, ft 1 00
Jan. 30 -Julia D. Rhomberg,
Guernsey & Langworthy's Add.,
lot 8, 50 lin. ft 50
Jan. 30-F. L. Poole, Julia Lang -
worthy's Add., lot 51, 50 lin. ft50
Jan. 30 -Mary L. Bunting, Julia
Langworthy's Add., lot 20, 50
lin. ft 50
Jan. 30-R. M. Kunz, Glendale
Add., lot 60, 50 lin. ft 50
Jan. 30-K. & L. F. Kolfenbach,
Glendale Add., lot 57, 50 lin. ft50
Jan. 7-K. & L. F. Kolfenbach,
Glendale Add., lot 57, 50 lin. ft50
Jan. 10-K. & L. F. Kolfenbach,
Glendale Ado., lot 57, 50 lin. ft50
Jan. 10-R. M. Kunz, Glendale
Add., lot 60, 50 lin. ft 5U
Jan. 7-R. M. Kunz, Glendale
Add., lot 60, 50 lin. ft 50
Jan. 10 -Wm. Klauer, et al, Davis
Farm Add., lot 213, 65 lin, ft... 80
Feb. 10 -Walters & Dennis, Sub. 3
of City 720, lot 5 and N 40 ft.
lot 4, 60 lin. ft 75
Feb. 10 --Bertha Delker, City, E 40
ft. lot 218, 20 lin. ft 30
Feb. 10 -Ada L. Collier, Sub. Min
Lot 322, lot 10, 160 lin. ft 2 00
Feb. 10-Jno. V. White, Glendale
Add., lot 7, 50 lin. ft 60
Feb. 11 -Catholic Univ. of Wash-
ington, et al, A. McDaniels' Sub,
lots 820-821, 120 lin. ft 1 50
Feb. 13 -Martha Zinn. Glendale
Add.lot 81, 50 lin. ft 60
Feb. 1,3 -Mary Pleins, Glendale
Add., lot 14, 50 lin. ft 50
Feb. 13-Nic. Wagner, Glendale
Add., lot 15, 50 lin. ft 50
Feb. 14-F. L. Poole, Julia Lang -
worthy's Add., lot 17, 150 lin. ft. 1 90
Feb. 14 -Emma Meyer, Sub. 3,
Min. Lot 172, lot 1, 50 lin. ft 60
Feb. 14 -Francisca Wagner, Sub.
87 and 88, L. H. Langworthy's
Add., lot 3, 25 lin. ft 25
Feb. 14 -Wm. Klauer, et al, Davis
Farm Add., lot 213, 65 lin. ft8Q
Feb. 14 -Ada L. Collier, Sub. Min.
Lot 322, lot 10, 160 lin. ft 2 00
Feb. 14 -Wm. Abitz, Glendale
Add., lot 84, 50 lin. ft 60
Feb. 14 -Mary L. Bunting, Glen-
dale Add., hit 82, 50 lin. ft 60
Feb. 14 -Barbara Zugenbuehler,
Glendale Add., N 1-2 lot 160, 25 30
lin. ft
74 Official Notices.
Feb. 14—Henry Lange, Davis
Farm Add., lot 221, 50 lin. ft60
Feb. 14—Fred Schloz, Olinger's
Sub., lot 2, 25 lin. ft .30
Feb. 14—Jno. V. White, Glendale
Add., lot 7, 50 lin. ft 60
Feb. 15—Emma Meyer, Sub. 2,
Min. Lot 172, lot 1, 50 lin. ft 60
Feb. 17—Paul Kiene, John King's
1st Add., N W 1-4 lot 10, 50 lin ft 50
Feb. 17—Johanna Frenzel, John
King's 1st Add., S 1-2 lot 8,
50 lin. ft 50
Feb. 17—Paul Schlenker„ Dunn's
Sub., lot 8, 150 lin. ft 1 50
Feb. 17—Eva Gibbons, Levens'
Add., lot 40, 50 lin. ft 50
Feb. 17—John Holland, Levens'
Add., lot 33, 50 lin. ft 50
Feb. 17—Sarah E. Lewis, Levens'
Add., lots 31-32 100 lin. ft 1 00
Feb. 17—S. Gilmore, Levens' Add,
lot 30, 175 lin. ft 1 75
Feb. 17—Julia D. Rhomberg,
Guernsey & Langworthy's Sub.,
lots 7-8, 100 lin. ft 1 00
Total $66 90
4-12-3t City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the office of the City Recorder up to 4
o'clock p. m., May 1st, 1905, for the re-
moval of garbage and dead animals
for the season of 1905, in the districts
herein below designated, all of said
garbage to be hauled and dumped at
the City dump, at the foot of Railroad
First District—All the territory south
of Eighth Street and Julien Avenue.
Second District—All territory lying
between Eighth Street and Julien Ave-
nue and Seventeenth Street and West
Seventeenth Street.
Third District—All territory lying
north of Seventeenth and West Seven-
teenth Streets.
Garbage must be removed once a
day in the down town districts and
twice a week on the Bluffs during the
months of May, June, July and Oc-
tober; and once a day in the down
town districts and three times a week
on the Bluffs during the months of
August and September.
Bidders must state the price per day
for removing in each district, and the
price per day in the entire City.
A certified check of $50.00 on some
Dubuque bank must accompany each
bid as a guarantee that a contract
will be entered into if awarded.
The City reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
4-25-3t City Recorder.
To Whom It May Concern:
You and each of you are hereby na•
tilled that it is the intention of the
City Council of the City of Dubuque
to improve Grace Street from the west
line of Sub. 7, Ann O'Hare's Sub., Lot
7, to East Street.
That a plat and specifications of
said proposed improvement is now on
file in the office of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that said improvement will require
New Curbstone set, 1,877.18 lineal feet.
Guttering, 835.3 square yards.
Macadamizing, 2,352.5 square yards.
Making a total estimated cost to the
abutting property owners of $2,626.64.
Any person having objection to said
improvement is hereby notified to ap-
pear before the City Council at its reg-
ular session to be held May 4th, 1905,
or to file with the City Recorder their
objections in writing on or before May
4th, 1905.
Dated this 25th day of April, 1905.
4-25-3t City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the office of the City Recorder until
7:30 o'clock p. m. Thursday, May 4th.
1905, for the construction of a 10 -inch
Tile Pipe Sanitary Sewer in Eleventh
Street, from the manhole in the alley
between Washington and Elm Street
to the center of Cedar Street, in ac-
cordance with plans and specifications
prepared by the City Engineer and
now on file in the office of the City
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that it will require 992.5 lineal feet of
10 -inch Tile Pipe and 4 manholes.
The work to be paid for when said
work is completed and accepted by the
City Council, the same to be completed
on or before the 15th day of July, 1905.
Bidders must state price per. lineal
foot for Tile Pipe, and each manhole.
All bids must be accompanied by a cer-
tified check for $50.00 on some Du-
buque Bank, as a guarantee that a
contract will be entered into if
The City reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
Dated at Dubuque, April 25th, 1905.
4-25-3t City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the office of the City Recorder up to
7:30 o'clock p. m. May 4th, 1905, for the
ccnstruction of a Tile Pipe Storm
Water Sewer in Booth Street, from end
of present sewer in O'Neil Street to
stone culvert across Booth Street, ac-
cording to the plans and specifications
prepared by the City Engineer and now
on fllg in the office of the City Re-
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that it will require 680 lineal feet of
24 -inch Tile Pipe and 2 manholes.
The work to be paid for when said
work is completed and accepted by the
City Council, the same to be completed
on or before the 15th day of July, 1905.
Bidders must state price per lineal
foot for Tile Pipe, and each manhole.
All bids must be accompanied by a cer-
tified check for $50.00 on some Du-
buque Bank, as a guarantee that a
contract will be entered into if
The City reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
Dated at Dubuque, April 25th, 1905.
4-25-3t City Recorder.
Regular Session May 4, 1905. 75
Regular Session May 4th, 1905.
Council met at 8:15 o'clock p,
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present Aids. Clancy, Corrance,
Frith, Tones, Lyons, Needham and
Stumpf. Absent none.
Aid. Carrance moved that the council
proceedings for the month of April be
approved as printed. Carried.
The following bills were ordered
F. P. Hayes, board of prisoners
for Aprri.. 8 60
Key City Gas Co. gas for var-
ious Dents 93 00
Niagara Falls Stamping Works
team and dog license tags.... 24 10
Pitts-Thompsom Foundry Co.
Castings for city hr 1 2 00
J. W. Wittmer drugs and sup-
plies for various Depts 2 05
Klauer & Kress, chain and cups
and hardware for variou,
Depts 3 25
J. L. McCabe. transcript of
testimony in case of Schnee
Admix. vs. City of Dubuque94 50
P. Even, coal for First ward
scales 1 00
C. A. Moyes, repairing shane6
city hall 1 35
J. W. Fiske Iron Works, one
drinking fountain for First
and Main streets 23 94
Nesler & Hammel, repairing
fountain at 23rd and Jackson
streets 5 85
C. T. Busch. photograph of
Locust street betweent 7th and
8th streets
Klauer & Kress, new tools for
road and sewer Depts
Ellwanger Bros., repairing har-
ness for road Dept
Jno. 'Butt, repairs for road and
sewer Depts.
F. Schloz & Son repairs for road
and sewer Depts.
Kassler & Kohn, steel rails for
road Dept...
Austin -Western Co., Ltd., hick-
ory fibre for sweeper
G. W. Healey & Son. rope for
Standard Oil Co., oil for steam
Ragatz & Son, repairs on steam
P. Hanson, oil for steam roller
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co
hose for steam roller
F. A. Burns, coal for steam
roller . 15 32
Clancy Transfer Co. coal for
steam roller. .. . 5 00
Dubuque Rubber & Belting CO.
1 25
4 05
1 50
5 15
3 75
8 OG
23 64
4 88
10 99
8 50
Lose for street sprinklers....
Ragatz & itnii, repairs on
F. Scholz & Son repairs on
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Ca.
expansion rings for sprinklers
T. F. Kane, hay and oats for
tire and police Depts
Ellwanger Bros. repairing
harness for fire and police
Dept' ........
Clancy Transfer Co. coal for
Fire Dept
Martin & Strelau Co., coal for
fire Dept
Conlin & Kearns, coal for tire
and police Dept
Key City Gas Co., coke for
fire Dept
Wunderlich & Wiederhalt, horse
shoeing for fire
Torbert Drug Co., drugs and
supplies for fire Dept
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for fire
Jno. Butt, repairs for tire
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co.
one fireman's coat..
F. H. Burns, shavings at
patrol house..
A. Fluetsch, milk for matron
Eichhorn & Bechtel. groceries
and supplies for Matron Dept.
J. W. Wittmer, drugs and sup-
plies police Dept..
Smith Morgan Printing
weekly proceedings for April..
Globe -Journal, official printing
for April.
National Demokrat. official
printing for Am it
Union Electric Co. arc lights for
April.... ....
75 00
11 00
2 50
1 75
1:17 77
10 25
32 18
14 47
it 35
21 55
7 50
24 73
1 50
16 75
3 75
6 00
1 50
1 85
2 20
10 46
57 03
25 00
2 067 35
Peterson & Slocum, labor ann
tile pipe furnished on Grand-
view avenue 20 34
On motion the bill was referred to the
sewer committee.
Communication of the Memorial day
committee asking council to ap-
appropriate the sum of 8200.00 to help
defray the expenses for Memorial Day
exercises. •
On motion the communication was
granted and a warant ordered drawn
for said amount..
Petition of C. B. Trewin et al asking
that the grade Ii • established on Dillon
street. also that solid street be ordered
graded, curb.,1 it
On motion referr,I I mAdi h., on
Petition of J. F. Wodrich et al ask-
ing for the improverrent of alley be-
t WPM"! Rhomberg and Linco:n avenues
76 Regular Session May 4, 1905.
from middle of Fengler avenue was on
motion referred to the street commit-
Petition of G. C. Berg, asking that
he be appointed a member of the fire
department was on motion referred
to the fire committee and fire chief.
Petition of Mrs. Helen May asking
that her tuxes for the year 1904 be
remitted. On motion referred to the
delinquent tax committee.
Petition of Mrs. D. Meggenhurg ask-
ing that she be refunded all taxes paid
on lot 10 of Sub. 3 Min. lot 319 as
shown by tax receipts for the years
1893 to 1903 inclusive. On motion was
referred to the board of equalization.
The following petitions were referred
to the committee of the whole:
Petition of G. E. Da NIS remonstrat-
ing against paying the special assess-
ment as levied a • ail et lot 2 Cox's Add.
for the construction of a sanitary
sewer in 'West Locust street.
Also petition of E. H. Shenpley re-
monstrating against paying the
special assessment as le ed against lot
3 in Cox's Add. for constructing a
sanitary sewer in \W, st Locust street.
Also petition of 11. Rhontberg et al
remonstrating against the improvement
of Exchange street from Dodge to
Curtis streets.
Also petition of Jas. Froelich asking
city to accept $24.09 in full settlement
for special assessment levied against S.
of lot 196 East Dub. Add.
Also petition of Mrs. Margaret
Carpender and H. T. Carpender offer-
ing to pay the sum of $15.50 in full for
the special assessment as levied against
lot 180 Union Add. for the improve-
ment of Lush street.
City Treasurer Brinkman reported
as follows:
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council:
Below you will find statement of
amounts advanced by nen during the
past month for which please order
warrants drawn in my favor.
Interest paid on warrants out-
standing $ 749 12
Excavation permits redeemed65 00
New York exchange 5 95
Express charges.. 80
Freight charges.... 1 45
Refunded Peddler license.... 20 00
Refunded regular tax 13 75
Express charges fire.... 2 10
Freight charges road 1 70
$ 859 87
Library orders paid.... 617 85
H. Brinkman,
On motion the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
the various amounts, an:1 the report
referred hack to the committee on
City Auditor Hoffman reported as
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council.
Herewith find my report fol the
month of April 1905, showing the re-
ceipts and disbursements for the
Cash on hand April 1, 1905....$104,572 22
Receipts from all sources 7900 25
$112,772 47
Warrants redeemed $24 173 72
Coupons redeemed.. 3 042 19
Bonds redeemed.... ........ 5 245 00
Water Works coupons redeem-
ed 157 50
732 618 41
Cash on hand May 1, 1905.. 80 154 06
The above cash balance includes the
improvement bond fund, improvement
bond interest fund, and library fund
Also report that there is due the
city officers for the month of
April, 1905.... .. 2 683 45
Also the following is a record of all
interest coupons and bonds re,deemed
by the city treasurer during the past
month and credited to him.
Regular bond coupons 2 862 64
Improvement bond coupons.... 179 55
Water Works bond coupons.. 157 50
3 199 69
Improvement bonds redeemed 5 245 GO
The following list shows the ap-
propriations and the amount of war-
rants drawn on each fund since the
beginning of the fiscal year beginning
March 1st, 1905, to May lst, 1905.
Appropria- Ex -
tion pended
Expense $40000 $2292 10
First District 16000 3272 35
Road --
Second District 20300 4462 60
Third District...... 8750 1555 25
Fire.... .. .. 42000 3051 65
Police.... 28000 2203 00
Sewerage 5000 673 55
Printing.. .... .. ........ 2500 113 20
Engineer.... .. .. 2500 205 65
Street Lighting.. .... 25200 2067 35
Interest.. 4150')
Board of Health 4500 1S5 90
Grading.... 2000
Bee Br.rnch—
Millville Road.... 3000
Bee Branch—
Washington street.. 6000
Bee Branch—
Fifteenth and Sixteenth
Regular Session May 4, 1905. 77
streets .... 1400
Special I:ended Paving2000
Judgment .... .... .. 3000 1417 75
Special Bonded Debt and
Interest.. .. 4000
Mount Carmel Avenue
Grading 1000 6 85
Sidewalk Repairing.. 1000
Special Sewer Fund.. 1000
Bluff Street Extension
Wall.. .... .. .... 1000
Special Sewer Fund 1090
Fifth Ward Engine House 4000 1548 00
Booth Street Sewer.. 1000
102 60
F. B. Hoffman,
On motion the renort was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
city officers and the report referred
back to the Committee on Finance.
Fire Chief Ii flied reported as
To the Hon. 51ayor and City Council:
The following is the pay roll of the
fire department for the month of April,
Amount due firemen
2370 00
J. R. I:einfried,
On motion the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
the firemen. And the report referred
back to the committee on tire.
Chief of Police Reilly reported as
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council:
I herewith .wubmit the police report
for the month of April, 1905.
Total arrests for the month 61
Residents arrested 29
Doors fo::nd open.... '4
Defe, tive lights ...... .. .... 16
Lodgers harbored 13
Mealy .urnished.. 43
Cost of food $9 60
Sheriff Dieting prisoners.. .. .... 25
Patrols calls
Miles traveled for the month 105
Also the pay roll fo" policemen for
the month of April, 1905.
Amount due policemen $1966 15
Respectfully submitted
Thos. Reilly,
Chief of Police.
On motion the report and pay roll
were received, and warrants ordered
drawn to pay the policemen, and the
report referred back to the committee
on police.
City Engineer Boyce reported as fol-
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council:
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
pay roll for labor on streets in the
luring the last
AmountIt$]Slt 70
I Boyce,
Approved by Committ, e on Streets.
Also submit my pay roll for labor on
sewers during the last half of April,
Amount due laborers on Sewers..$169.00
Respectfully submitted,
James H. Royce,
City Engineer.
Approved by eominittee on sewers.
Also submit my pay roll for labor on
the Millville road part of the Bee
Branch Sewer.
Amount due laborers ............3123 00
Respectfully submitted,
James H. Royce,
c'it> Engineer.
Approved by committee it st•i els.
on motion the pay roll on sheets,
sewers and Bee Branch, were received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
the various amounts, and the pay rolls
referred back to the proper commit-
Mayor Berg reported as follows:
The Honorable City Council: Gentle-
men: T herewith return you receipt
and release in full of Jane Conley for
$150.00 for her claim against the city
in failing on a sidewalk on or about
January 1Sth, 1905. Warrants for the
abuv,a amount having been drawn
inaTy favor at the last meeting of
the council.
C. H. Berg,
Ald. Corrance moved that the action
of the mayor be approved, and the re-
port and receipt be received and filed.
Mayor Berg also reported as follows:
Gentlemen of the Council:
I herewith submit a copy of the
contract and lease entered into with
the Gameweil Fire Alarm Telegraph
Co., of New York for a storage battery
system for our fire alarm telegraph.
I have signed the same in accordance
with your instructions of April 6, 1905,
and the Gamewell company promises to
have the apparatus installed by the
1st of June at the latest.
Very Respectfully,
C. H. Berg. Mayor.
Ald. Clancy moved that the actio;
of the mayor be approved, and the
contract published in the proceedings.
Carried. Contract follows:
This agreement made and entered
into this 25th day of April, A. D. 1905,
by and between the Gamewell Fire
Alarm Telegraph Co., a corporation
organized under the laws of the state
78 Regular Session May 4, 1905.
of New York, county and state of
New York, Party of the first part, and
the City of Dubuque. Iowa, a municipal
corporation situated in the County of
Dubuque, Iowa, panty of the second
part, witnesseth:
Party of the first part for and in
consideration of the c•ovenence and
agreements hereafter mentioned, to be
kept and performed by the party of
the second part, has leased and aliow-
ed the use of by the party of the sec-
ond part, the following described pro-
perty ltelongirg to the party of the first
part, viz:—
One Hundred and Fifty (1 50) Cells of
Chlorid Accumulator Storage Battery.
One (1) Six Circuit Standard Auto-
matic Storage Battery controlling
Switch hoard with repealer Switches,
mounted on slate base and enclosed on
1/4 sawed oak Cabinet.
The said party of the first part here-
by guarantees the integrity of the
apparatus above specified if properly
cared for by the party of the second
part, of its duly authorized officers or
employees, and agrees that it will re-
piau•e at its own cost and expense any
piece or part of said apparatus that
shall prove inherently defective :it any
time during the term of four (4) years
from the beginning of this lease.
And the said party of the second
part in consideration of the said party
of the first part leasing and permitting
the use of the said property. a,nd switch
board and batteries covenence and
agrees with said party of the first part,
as follows to-wit:—
First: The said party of the second
part agrees to continue at its own cost
and expense, the said apparatus and
battery, connected with the Fire Alarm
system during the term of four (4)
years, and if the same be in any man-
ner injured or destroyed otherwise
than by the fault of the party of the
first part, the said party of the second
part agrees to replace the same in kind,
or to pay the cash value thereof, and
not to deduct any rental during the
time said apparatus and Fire Alarm
is out of repair.
And the said party of the second
part further agrees, that it will not per-
mit during the time of this lease, the
introduction into the said battery
system any apparatus other than that
manufactured by the said party of the
first part, without first obtaining the
consent of the said party of the first
Second: The party of the second
part agrees to pay as rental to the
party of the first part for the use of
said switch hoard •.aid batteries the
suns of One Thousand One Hundred
Dollars ($1,100.00) to be paid as follows:
Two Hundred and Seventy-five Dollars
($275.00) upon completion of the plant:
Two Hundred and Seventy-five Dollars,
($275.00) one year from the date: Two
Hundred and Severity -five Pollaer
(5_75.00) two years from date, and Two
Hundred and Seventy-five Dollars,
($27:.00) three years from that (lite.
Third: The party of the second part
agrees that in event of failure to pay
the rental, as above specified. the party
of the first part shall have the right
if they see fit, to remove all or any part
of the said switch board and bitter;es,
and they are hereby authorized and re-
quested to enter upon any part or par-
cel of the property of the party of the
second part, at any time during the
period of this lease, for the purpose of
removing and to remove the said
Switch Board and Batteries, in such
manner and at such times as the paint
of the first part shall see tit to exercise
the rights herein given.
And, the said party of the first part
does hereby agree to execute a bill of
sale of the above described property
and apparatus to the said party of the
second part for the stun of One Dollar,
($1.00) immediate::: following the last
mentioned rental payment.
In witness whereof the sand parties
have hereunto set their hands and seal
the day and elate first above tvritter,.
Gamewell Fire Alarm Telegraph Co.
By F. C. Stover,
General Western Agent.
City of Dubuque Iowa.
By C. H. Berg,
City Electrician Hipman reported as
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council:
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
report of defective lights for the month
of April, 1905.
I find from the report of the police
department, that the total hours that
sixteen lamps failed to burn, would
equal % Lamp for one month, or $2.70.
Respectfully Submitted
City Electrician.
On motion the report was received,
and the city auditor instructed to de-
duct from the Union Electric com-
pany's bill for the month of April. the
sum of $2.70.
City Recorded Arendt presented and
read the printed notice certified to by
the publisher, of the council's intention
to improve Grace street, from the west
line of Sub. 7, Ann O'Hares Sub. lot 4
to East street.
No remonstrance being filed the
mayor asked if any one present h:td
any objection to said improven:ent.
Ald. Corrance moved that the rules
be suspended in order to hear from
Mr, John Kapp in relation to said im-
provement. Carried.
1‘.1r•. Kapp addressed the council
remonstrating against the improve-
ment of said Grace street.
Whereupon Ald. Lyons moved that
the notice be referred to the commit-
tee of the whole to view the ground
Regular Session May 4, 1905. 79
and the parties interested notified.
The following weighmasters and
woodmeasurer's receipts were referred
to the Committee on Markets:
Frank P. Hayes, City Hall
receipts $16 11
F. Faherty, First ward Scale
receipts.. .. .... .. ............ 3 64
Mrs. C. Deckert, Rhomberg
avenue Scale receipts.... .. .. 1 71
R. Hay, Eighth street Scale
receipts.... .. 1 86
C. W. Katz, Woodmeasurer
receipts.... .. .... 50
On motion the following bids were
ordered opened:
Storm water tile pipe sewer in
Booth street from end of present sewet
in O'Neill street to culvert in Booth
Bids as follows:
Brown & Brown. 24 inch tile pipe at
$1.50 per lineal foot.
Manholes, each $23.50.
Street, Steuck & Linehan, 24 inch
tile pipe, $1.57 per lineal foot.
Manholes each $20.00.
jas. Bird, 24 inch tile pipe $1.571/2 per
lineal foot.
Manholes each $14.00
O'Farrel & McNamara, 24 inch tile
pipe $1.65 per lineal foot.
Manholes each $25.00.
Jas. Noonan, 24 inch tile pipe $1.67 per
lineal foot.
Manholes each $23.00
Brown & Brown being the lowest
bidders were on motion awarded the
contract and bond fixed at $200.00.
Sanitary sewer in Eleventh street
from alley west of Elm street to center
of Cedar street.
Bids as follows:
Street, Steuck & Linehan, 10 inch tile
pipe 63c per lineal foot.
Manholes each $24.00.
O'Farrell & 1\ cNamara, 10 inch tile
pipe 80c per lineal foot.
Manholes each $25.00.
Brown & Brown, 10 inch tile pipe 79c
per lineal foot.
Manholes each $25.00.
Jas Noonan, 10 inch tile pipe 89c per
lineal foot.
Manholes each $27.00.
Street, Steuck & Linehan being the
lowest bidders were on motion award-
ed the contract and bond fixed at
Bids for furnishing rock for rip rap-
ing on garbage dump as follows:
D. D. McGrath, 70c per cubic yard.
Tibey Bros., $1.15 per cubic yard.
On motion the contract was awarded
to D. D. McGrath he being the lowest
Ald. Corrutce chairman of the com-
mittee on finance reported as follows:
Your committee on Finance, to whom
was referred the petition of Frank
Drasda, asking that the interest on
the special assessment levied against
the S. 28 feet of the W. one-half of
lot 42 and the N. 37 feet of the S. 46
feet of the \V. one half of lot 41 in L. H.
Langw•orthy's addition for the improve-
ment of Lincoln avenue be canceled
from the date of levy until October,
1904, would respectfully recommend
that said petition be received and filed.
Ald Corrance moved to adopt the
report. Carried.
A Id. Corrance chairman of the com-
mittee on claims reported as follows:
The undersigned committee on claims
and city attorney would respectfully
report, that the action now pending
in the district court in which Beatrice
Rasquin seeks to recover the sum of
Two Thousand Dollars ($2000) for per-
sonal injuries sustained by her in fall-
ing on a sidewalk on Almond street
in this city on April 22nd. 1904, cat, be
settld by the payment on the part of
the city of Dubuque of the sum of Sev-
enty-five Dollars ($75.00), this settlement
has been reached by reason of the fact,
that an additional $75.00 is to be paid
her by the contractor whose alleged
negligence concerred in with that of
the city in producing the injury.
As we deem it advisable to settle
this case on that basis we would re-
commend such settlement, and that a
warrant in the sum of $75.00 be drawn
in favor of the mayor with which to
effect said settlement.
H. Corrance.
Matt. Clancy,
Jos. Needham.
Committee on Claims.
J. W. Kintzinger,
City Attorney.
Ald. Corrance moved to adopt the
report. Carried.
Ald. Frith Chairman of the commit-
tee or streets reported as follows:
Your committee on streets, to whom
was referred the plat of. DietrIch's pro-
posed subdivision, would respectfully
report that we deem it essential that
High Bluff street should he carried to
a point where it would intersect with
Ann avenue when the latter street is
extended, and as the petitioner is un-
willing to do this, we would recommend
that said plat be not accepted and that
it be returned to the owner.
Also your committee on streets, to
whom was referred the matter of ad-
vertising for bids for the sweeping of
the brick paved streets anti for the
hauling of the sweeping therefrom,
would respectfully report that the fol-
lowing bids were received:
Regular Session May 4, 1905.
For sweeping:
Ed. Seeley, $16.75 per week.
J. Huffmire, $17.50 per week.
For hauling:
M. Hannan, $18.00 per week.
G. Reynolds, $16.40 per week.
J Huffmire, $15.90 per week.
Ed. Seeley being the lowest bidder
for sweeping and John Huffmire the
lowest for hauling, we would recom-
mend that they be awarded the con-
tracts, the same to he continued at the
pleasure of the council.
Also your committee on streets
would respectfully recommend that
the purchasing committee be instruct-
ed to purchase one car of No. 1 Gales-
burg Repressed brick.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the reports.
Ald. Stumpf chairman of the com-
mittee on markets reported as follows:
Your committee on markets would
respectfully recommend that the
ordinance committee, city attorney and
city treasurer he instructed to revise
the ordinance relating to public weigh-
ing, and report the amended ordinance
to the city council at as early a date as
Also your committee on markets
would respectfully recommend that
the contract heretofore existine be-
tween the city of Dubuclue and L. Daily
for cleaning around the city hall be
continued for another year under the
same terms as last year.
Ald. Stumpf moved to adopt the re-
port of the market committee. Carried.
Ald Lyons of the Board of Health
reported as follows:
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council:
Your Board of Health would
respectfully report. that a meeting
held May 1st, 1905, the mayor appoint-
ed T. W. Ruete a member of this board,
to fill the vacancy created by the ab-
sence of Otto M. Ruete, former member
of this board.
We also recommend that a warrant
for $18.00 be ordered drawn in favor
of Geo. Salot, for acting as member
of the Board of Health from May 1,
1904 to May 1, 1905.
We also report that the board receiv-
ed a letter from Charles Francis, civil
engineer to the State Board of Health,
stating that in June, 1904, he had in-
vestigated the sanitary condition at the
St. Joseph's Mercy Insane Asylum, and
recommends that the Sisters put in a
Septic tank and filter to dispose of
their sewerage.
Also that plans and specifications of
said work would be sent to the board.
Also report that the mayor received
$25.00 from the United States govern-
ment, as part payment for taking care,
at the Detention hospital, of a United
States seaman, who was afflicted with
smallpox. The county having paid all
expenses in said case, the $25.00 were
turned over to the county.
\Ve also report that the contract for
removal of garbage and dead animals
for the season of 1905 was awarded to
Thomas E. Frith at the following rates:
For removing all garbage once a day
below the bluffs and twice a week on the
bluff $13.98 per day: and for removing
all garbage once a day below the bluff
and three times a week on the bluff
$14.9S per day. The removing of dead
animals every day including Sundays,
free of cost.
Ald. Lyons moved to adopt the re-
port and that a warrant be ordered
drawn in favor of the mayor to the
amount of $25.00, and that said amount
be turned over to the board of super-
visors. Carried.
Ald. Clancy. Chairman of the Com-
mittee of the Whole, reported as fol-
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the remonstrance
of C. J. Even et al against the pro-
posed sanitary sewer in Couler Avenue
from Sanford Street to Diagonal Street,
would respectfully recommend that
said remonstrance be received and filed
and that the resolution ordering said
sewer be rescinded and a substitute of-
fered providing for a sanitary sewer in
Couler Avenue from Sanford Street to
the center of Twenty-second Street.
Also your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
George Salot et. al remonstrating
against the proposed sewer in Cale-
donia Place, would recommend that
said remonstrance be received and filed.
Also your Committee of the Whole
would respectfully recommend that the
Board of Supervisors be authorized to
have the bridge on the Cascade Road
within the city limits, painted at the
same rate they are havi,:g the other
bridges in the county painted for, and
present the bill for same to the city
council for payment.
Also your Committee of the Whole
would respectfully recommend that the
City Treasurer be instructed to accept
the sum of $100.00 in settlement of the
balance due on City Lot 633 for the
brick paving of Locust Street, said pay-
ment making a total of $208.72 paid for
the assessment against said lot.
Also your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
Ott, Meuser & Co., arkirg that Huff
Regular Session May 4, 1905. 81
Street, where the same abuts Lots 29
and 30, Dubuque Harbor Company's
Addition, and the alley in 11!och _tt in
said Addition be vacated, would re..om-
mend that the prayer of the petit liners
be granted, and that said street and
alley be vacated so long as the proper-
ty abutting thereon is used for a lum-
ber yard, but not in any case for a
longer period than twenty years, pro-
vided, said f itt. Meuser & Co. fill said
alley and street to the present grade
of Railroad Avenue.
Aid. Clancy moved to adopt the var-
ious reports of the Committee of the
Whole. Carried.
Also your Committee of the Whole
to whom was referred the resolution
providing for the purchase of property
for street and alley purposes through
lot 10 of Mineral Lot 322, would respect-
fully recommend that said resolution
be received and filed.
Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the re-
Ald. Frith moved a substitute that
the proposition of Mr. Collier be ac-
Substitute lost by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Corrance, Frith and
Nays—Aids. Clancy, Lyons, Need-
ham and Stumpf.
Aid. Clancy's motion to adopt the re-
port was carried.
Ald. Jones, Chairman of the Special
Committee appointed to audit the re-
port of the Dubuque Water Works
Trustees, reported as follows:
Your Special Committee, to whom
was referred the statement of the Wa-
ter Works Trustees for the quarter
eliding March 31, 1905, would respect-
fully report that we have compared
the vouchers on file in the office of said
Trustees with the statement as sub-
mitted and finding the same to. corres-
pond, we would recommend that said
statement be received and filed.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Frith offered the following:
Whereas, it is deemed advisable by
the City Council ,of the City of Du-
buque to open and extend the alley be-
tween Jackson and Washington Streets
through Lot 10 of Mineral Lot 322 from
the southerly line of said lot to
Twenty-sixth Street; therefore,
Be it resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the City
Recorder be and he is hereby instruct-
ed to issue a venire to the Chief of
Police commanding him to summon a
jury of twelve frceho1'' rs. , iti :ens of
said city not directly interested. and
having the qua !tHeti tions required by
ordint111ce, for the purpose of assess-
ing ally damages which may he sus-
tained by reason of the opening and
extending of said alley by the owner of
the property proposed to be taken for
said alley.
All the proceedings under this reso-
lution to be taken in accordance witn
the charter .and the provisions of
Chapter 31 of the Ordinances of the
City of Dubuque.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the reso-
Ald. Clancy moved a substitute that
action on the above Resolution be post-
poned. Substitute carried by the fol-
ic wing vote:
Ye•is--Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Lyons
and Stumpf. Total, 4.
Nays—Aids. Frith, Jones and Need-
ham. Total, 3.
Ald. Frith offered a Resolution to
construct a Sanitary Sewer in the alley
between Jackson and Washington
Street from Sanford Street to Twenty-
fifth Street, and moved to adopt the
Ald. Needham moved an amendment
to extend the same to Twenty-seventh
Amendment carried by the following
•'. as --Aids. Clancy, Lyons, Needham
at- '. Stutopf. Total. 4.
Nays—Aids. C.or:•ance, Frith and
Jones. Total, 3.
A1d. Frith then offered a Resolution
to construct a Sanitary Sewer in the
alley between Jackson and Washing-
ton Street from Sanford Street to
Twenty-seventh Street. Ald. Needham
moved to adopt the same. Vote as fol-
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Lyons,
Needham and Stumpf. Total, 5.
Nays—.Aids. Frith and Jones.
The Mayor declared the motion lost.
for the reason that there being no peti-
tion before the Council from the prop-
erty owners along said alley asking for
the construction of said Sewer•, it would
therefore take a three-fourths vote of
the entire Council to adopt said Reso-
Ald. Lyons offered the following:
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That it is
deemed necessary and advisable t• con-
struct a sanitary sewer in Couler Ave-
nue, and it is hereby proposed to con-
struct a sanitary sewer in said Cooler
Avenue as follows, to -wit: An eight
inch tile pipe sewer from Sanford
Street to Twenty-second Street and to
assess the cost of said sewer against
the abutting; prop,rty.
Adopted by th., following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Il,i;u•y, Corrance, Frith,
82 Regular Session May 4, 1905.
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Ald. Lyons offered the following:
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the City
Engineer be and he is hereby instruct-
ed to prepare a plat and specifications
for an eight inch tile pipe sewer in
Couler Avenue from Sanford Street to
Twenty-second Street, showing the lo-
cation and general nature of such im-
provement, •the extent thereof, the size
and kind of material to he used, and
to prepare an estimate of the cost
thereof and the amount assessable up-
on each lot or parcel of land adjacent
to or abutting thereon per front foot
or square Mot in area, and to file such
plat, specifications and estimate in the
office of the City Recorder.
That after such plat is so filed, the
City Recorder shall cause to be publish-
ed notice of the intention of the Coun-
cil to make such improvement, which
notice shall be published in three con-
secutive issues of the official newspa-
per of the City of Dubuque, stating
that such plat is on file, and generally
the nature of the sewer, its location,
size and kinds of material to be used,
and the estimate of its cost, and fixing
the time before which objections can
be filed, • which time shall not be less
than five days after the last publica-
tion of said notice, and after the com-
pletion of the publication of such no-
tice, he shall at its next session, notify
the Council thereof in writing, with a
printed copy of such notice accompany-
ing the same.
Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Ald. Corrance moved to adjourn un-
til May 18th, 1905.
City Recorder.
Ald. Needham offered the following:'
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That a sani-
tary sewer of eight inch tile pipe be
constructed in Caledonia Place from
Hill Street to West Eighth Street ac-
cording to the plans and specifications
of said sewer prepared by the City En-
gineer and now on file in the office of
the City Recorder, and be it further
resolved, that said sewer shall be
completed on or before the 1st day of
August, 1905, and shall be paid for at
the time and in the manner prescribed
by Chapter XXXIV. of the Revised
Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Du-
buque for the payment of the cost of
constructing sewers. The proposals for
doing such work will be acted upon by
the Council on the 18th day of May,
1905, and the City Recorder is hereby
ordered to give ten days' notice by pub-
lication, asking for proposals as pro-
vided by ordinance.
Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
/1 Recorder
Regular Session May 18, 1905. 83
Regular Session, May 1Sth, 1905.
Council met at 8:15 o'clock P. M.
dor Berg in the chair.
•sent—Aids, Clancy, Frith, Jones,
I.•. 1.s and Needham.
Alisent—Aids. ('orrance and Stumpf.
Petition of the hrnsdo•ff Buggy Con-
pany asking for the cancellation of
their personal taxes for the year 1904,
according to action of the City Council
of Nov. 21st, 1901.
On motion of Ald. Clancy- the petition
was granted end Treasurer instructed
Petition of Fred Miller in relation to
grading sidewalk abutting his property
on corner Rhomberg and First Ave-
nues was on motion referred to the
Street Committee with power.
Petition of Leonard Buehler, asking
for the grading of alley between Bur-
den Avenue and Argyle Street from
Lawther to Goethe Avenues. On mo-
tion was referred to Street committee
and City Engineer and they to report
at next council meeting.
Petition of Y. M. ('. A. asking per-
mission to make a change in the loca-
tion of their swimming school at the
foot of Third Street.
On motion was referred to the Har-
bor Committee with power.
Petition of J. R. Reinfried, Chief of
the Fire Department, asking for the
purchase of new horses for the Fire
Depe rt meat was on motion referred to
Fire Cimmittee, with power and they
to purchase the horses required.
Petition of Joseph Rooney, asking
that he be appointed a member of the
police force, was on motion referred
to the Committee on Police and Light.
Petition of Ellen O'Halloran, asking
for a reduction of her taxes for 1904 as
levied against lots 14, 15, 172 and 173
in Finley Add.
On motion referred to Delinquent
Tax Committee.
Petition of the Dubuque Packing
Company, asking for the cancellation
of their taxes for the year 1904, accord-
ing to agreement nnade with the City
Council, cancelling their taxes for a
period of len years.
On motion was referred to the Com-
mittee of the Whole.
Petition of T. O. Sullivan, asking
Council to instruct the City Treasurer
to accept the sum of $52.35 in full set-
tlement for special assessment as levied
against lot 1, Gilliam's Sub. and lot 1,
Quigley's Sub. of out lot 710 for the
construction of a sanitary sewer in
\\'est Locust Street.
On motion referred to the Committee
of the \\-hole.
City Engineer Boyee reported as fol-
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council:
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my
pay roll for labor on streets in the dif-
ferent road districts during the first
half of May, 1905:
Amount due laborers on streets..$1789.00
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved by committee on Streets.
Also submit my pay roll for labor on
sewers during the first half of May,
Amount due laborers on se wers..$169.80
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved by Committee on Sewers.
Also submit my pay roll for labor on
the Millville read, part of the Bee
Branch Sewer, for the first half of
May, 1905:
Amount due laborers $109.50
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved by Committee on Streets.
On motion the pay roll on Streets,
Sewers and Bee Branch, were received
and warrants ordered drawn, to pay
the various amounts, and the pay rolls
referred back to the proper committees.
John W. Lawler, Committee Clerk,
imported as follows:
Dubuque, Iowa, May 18, 1905.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit a
statement of the amount expended for
labor on streets in the different wards
,end for sprinkling in the different
toad districts during the month of
:April, 1905:
First Wand $ 877.25
Second Ward 617.35
Third Ward
Frnt:'tl) AV",u',1 775.95
Fifth \V"•uftl 1,195,20
37 iseel I.. neons 299.65
First District
Second District
'Third District
itesp'.•ctfully submitted.
JOHN \\". L.\\\'1.l' l
Committer i'I,•rk.
84 Regular Session May 18, 1905.
Approved: E. E. FRITH,
Chairman of the Committee on Streets.
On motion the report was received
and filed.
J. W. Kintzinger, City Attorney, re-
ported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: Herewith attached please
find reecipt in full from Beatrice Ras-
quin, releasing the City of Dubuque
from any and all liability in her case
against the city, a warrant for which
was drawn in favor of the Mayor at
the last meeting of the Council in the
sum of $55.00.
City Attorney.
Ald. Lyons moved that the action of
the Mayor be approved and the report
be received and filed. Carried.
City Engineer Boyce reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: Herewith attached please
find profile of Queen Street, produced
to Burden Avenue, also alley between
Windsor Avenue and Queen Street
from Clinton Street to Queen Street.
Pencil line shows grade proposed. I
would ask that the profiles be referred
to the Street committee to view the
Mr. Andrew Hoerner is constructing
a store building on Windsor Avenue
and wishes a grade established on this
alley. Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
On motion of Ald. Frith, the profiles
were referred to the Committee on
Streets to view the grounds.
City Recorder Arendt presented and
read the printed notice certified to by
the publisher, of the Council's inten-
tion to construct a sanitary sewer in
Couler Avenue from Sanford Street to
center of Twenty-second Street.
No remonstrance being filed, the
Mayor asked if anyone present had any
objection to the construction of said
sanitary sewer. No objection being
stated, the notice on motion, was re-
ceived and filed.
Bids for the construction of a sani-
tary sewer in Caledonia Place from Hill
Street to center of West Seventh
Street were ordered opened.
Bids os follows:
Street, Steuck & Linehan—
Tile Pipe, per lineal foot $ .80
Manholes, each 30.00
James Hird—
Tile Pipe, per lineal foot $ .87
Manholes, each 25.00
Street, Steuck & Linehan being the
lowest bidders were, on motion, award-
ed the contract, and the bond placed
at $200.00.
Ald. Clancy of the Committee on
Claims presented a bill from the Du-
buque Enterprise Publishing Co. for
printing six pages of brief in the case
of the Citizens' State Bank vs. Robert
and Mary Jess and City of Dubuque,
amount $6.00, and moved that a war-
rant for the above amount be ordered
drawn and the bill paid. Carried.
Ald. Frith stated that Mr. Carl Nank
was present and wished to address the
Council and moved that the rules be
suspended in order to hear from Mr.
Nank. Carried.
Mr. Nank addressed the Council in
regard to the condition of Eagle Street,
asking that the sante be graded and
repaired so as to protect his property.
Ald. Clancy moved to refer the mat-
ter to the Committee of the Whole to
view the ground. Carried.
Ald. Clancy, chairman of the Com-
mittee of the Whole, reported as fol-
Your Committee of the Whole would
respectfully report that we deem it
advisable for the best interests of the
city to settle the case of Bauer vs.
City of Dubuque, for damages for in-
juries sustained by him by reason of
falling on a defective sidewalk on West
Fifth Street and in which case judg-
ment had been rendered against the
city in a previous trial; we would
therefore recommend that a warrant
in the sum of $550.00 be ordered drawn
on the City Treasury in favor of the
Mayor, to effect such settlement. Said
sum to be in full settlement and re-
lease of all claims said plaintiff may
have against the City of Dubuque and
withdrawal of the case.
Also, your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the petitions of
E. H. Sheppley and G. E. Davis, asking
that the special assessment levied
against their lots for the construction
of the sanitary sewer in West Locust
Street be canceled, would respectfully
report that acting under the precedent
established by a previous council in re-
lation to this particular sewer, we
would recommend that said petitions
be received and filed.
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom were referred the petition of Jos.
Froelich, asking that the treasurer be
instructed to deduct the $9.68 interest
on the special assessment levied
against the South one-half of Lot 196
in East Dubuque Addition for the con-
struction of a sanitary sewer in Thir-
teenth Street, would recommend that
the prayer of the petitioner be granted,
and that the treasurer be instructed to
make said reduction, provided, said pe-
titioner sign a written agreement to
Regular Session May 18, 1905. 85
pay all future installments when due
with interest.
Ald. Chancy moved to adopt the var-
ious reports of the Committee of the
Whole. Carried.
ItESt1LI" l'It)NS.
Ald. Frith offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque. That a Sidewalk
eight (8) feet wide, of good brick or
cement, be, within 20 days of this no-
tice, constructed and laid in conformity
with the ordinance in relation to side-
walks, on the North side of Rhomberg
Avenue, between White Street ;utd
Jackson, also on White Street, abutting
lot 10. south 26 feet, owned by Ellen
Ackerman, at the expense of abutting
property. Adopted by the following
Ayes—Alds. Clancy, Frith, Jones,
Lyons and Needham.
Absent—Aids. Corrance and Stumpf.
Ald. Frith also offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That a Sidewalk
eight t8) feet vide, of good brick or
cement, be, within 20 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks,
on the North side of Rhomberg Avenue,
between Jackson Street and Washing-
ton and on Washington Street, abut-
ting lot 19, Steiner's Addition, owned
by Peter Schiltz, at the expense of
abutting property. Adopted by the fol-
lowing vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Jones,
Lyons and Needham.
Absent—aids. Co•rance and Stumpf.
Ald. Frith also offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That a Sidewalk
six (6) feet wide, of good brick or
cement, be, within 20 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks,
on the West side of Jackson Street, be-
tween Sanford Street and Twenty-sec-
ond Street, abutting lot 181 L. H. Lang -
worthy's Addition, owned by J. H.
Rhomberg, at the expense of abutting
property. Adopted by the following
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Jones,
Lyons and Needham.
Absent—Aids. Corrntce and Stumpf.
Ald. Frith also offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That a Sidewalk
six (6) feet wide, of good brick or
cement, be, within 20 days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks.
on the West side of Jackson Street, be-
tween Sanford Street and Twenty-sec-
ond Street, abutting lot 182, North 1-2
L. H. Langworthy's Addition, owned
by Bernard McPoland, at the expense
of abutting property. Adopted by the
following vote:
Ayes—Alris. Clancy, Frit h, Jones,
Lyons and Needham.
I'e'nt—:\Ids. ('orrauce an,l Stumpf.
edhann offered the following:
by the City Council of the
'ii •i nabudue, That at Sidewalk tell
t I,•, I -wide, of good brick or cement,
within 2n days of this notice, con -
,t acted and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks,
on the East side of Locust Street, be-
twi n 'third Street azul Fourth Street,
abut ling City Lot No. 89;t, owned by
Patrick Clark l:st., at the expense of
ahuthug property. :Adopted by the
following vote:
Ayes—.\lds. Clancy, Frith, Jones,
Lyons and Needham.
Absent—Alds. Corr:tnet and Stumpf.
Mayor Berg reported that he had, for
very good reasons, granted the Sisters
of Visitation more time for Laying the
sidewalk in front of their property.
Ald. Clancy moved that the action of
the Mayor he ;tl !troves. tarried.
Ald. Needham stated that there was
a great deal of complaint in regard to a
pool of stagnant water on Sub. 4. Ann
O'Ha re's Sub., Lot 1, owned by It. \V.
hemler, and moved that the matter he
referred to the Board of Health. Car-
Ald. Clancy moved that the matter
in regard to taking care of as waterway
on Dodge Street, near Booth Street, be
referred to the Committee on Streets
and City Engineer. Carried.
Ald. Clancy moved to adjourn until
Jun' 1st, 1905. Carried.
City Recorder.
. Recorder
List of Warrants.
List of City Warrants.
City Recorder's office,
Dubuque. la., May 1st, 1905.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: The following is a com-
plete list of all warrants issued by me
during the month of April, 1905:
C. H. Berg, salary, Mayor $116 65
H. Brinkman, salary, Treasurer 133 30
J. A. McKinlay, salary, Deputy
Treasurer 100 00
Jno. Krayer, clerk, Treasurer's
office 60 00
('hits. F. Arendt, salary, Re-
corder 116 65
\\'m. A.. Kaep, salary, Deputy
Recorder . 80 00
F. II. Hoffman, salary, Auditor116 65
C. I:. Sc•herr, salary. Assessor125 00
A. Doerr. Jr., salary. Assistant
Assessor 100 00
J. J. Murphy, salary. Assistant
Assnssor 100 00
J. W. Kintzinger, salary, Attor-
ney 150 00
J. C. I.ongueVille, salary. Assis-
tant Attorney 75 00
Gertrude Barker, Attorney's
Stenographer 20 00
Thos. Reilly, salary, Chief of Po-
lice 100 00
Jos. Reinfried, salary, Fire Chief 100 CO
J. W. Lawlor, salary, Committee
Clerk 100 00
Jas. Boyce, salary. City Engineer 166 65
E. Anderson, salaryAssistant
Engineer 100 00
G. White, salary, Rodman 50 00
G. N. Raymond, salary, Super-
intendent of Street Sprinkling 60 00
E. Herron, clerk in Auditor's and
Engineer's office 75 00
Wm. Hipnian salary, Electrician 83 35
F. P. Hayes, salary, Market -
master 50 00
T. Cahill, salary, Park Custodian 40 00
H. Henge, salary, Park Custo-
dian 40 00
T. Faherty, salay, Park Custo-
dian .... 10 00
Dr. B. F. Michel, salay, Health
Officer 50 00
F. Flynn, salary, Sanitary Pa-
trolman 60 00
C. iiaumann, salary, Poundmas-
ter 40 00
Mrs. H. Koenig, salay, Janitress 20 00
I. Conigisky, salary, Sidewalk
Inspector .... 50 00
C. W. Katz, salary, Wharfmas-
ter 20 00
M. Clancy, salary, Alderman25 00
H. Corranee, salary, Alderman25 00
E. E. Frith, salary, Alderman25 00
R. Jones, salary, Alderman 25 00
M. E. Lyons, salary, Alderman25 00
Jos. Needham, Alderman 25 00
M. Eitel. fireman 70 00
J. Essman, fireman 75 00
A. Duccini. fireman 60 00
.1. Flynn. fireman 65 CO
I. Hoshin, fireman 60 00
. Heer, fireman 60 00
.1. Tschudi, fireman 60 00
J. S"honberger, fireman 60 CO
J. Daly, fireman 70 00
J. Barnes. fireman 75 CO
7'. Ryder, fireman 60 CO
G. Beyer, fireman 65 00
\V. Ducey. fireman 60 00
F. Murphy. fireman 60 00
W. McClain, fireman 60 00
M. Kelley, fireman 60 00
D. Ahern, fireman 70 00
P. Zillig. fireman 60 CO
T. Flynn, fireman 65 00
51. Sweeney. fit eman 60 00
H. Cain, fii- ria n 60 CO
J. Benzor, fireman 60 00
J. McGlaughlin. fireman 00 00
A, McDonnell, fireman TT CO
J. Murphy. fireman 'dt 00
P. Fury, fireman r)0
G. Gherki. fireman (5 00
T. Kennedy. fireman 60 00
F. Baumgartner, fireman 60 00
J. Smith, fireman 60 00
C. Karmolt, fireman 65 00
J. Allen. fireman 60 00
M. Fahey. fireman 60 CO
W. O'Connell, fireman 60 00
R. Weston, fireman 65 ee
F. Kenneally, fireman 60 CO
E. McDermott, fireman 60 00
P. Ahern, fireman 60 CO
G. Burkel, boli: a 36 00
3. Carter, police 65 CO
J. ('lune. police 50 00
Jno. Cody, police 50 00
\V. Cook, police 60 00
W. Corcoran, police 50 CO
J. Y. Cummings, police 50 00
J. Fitzpatrick, police 44 25
Jas. Flynn, police 50 00
Jno. Fox, police 47 FO
W'n. Frith, police 50 00
T. Ganahl, police 50 00
L. Grassel, police 50 00
B. Gray, police 50 00
Pat Hanlon, police 50 00
M, Kilty, police 50 00
Jno. Lcetscher, police 50 00
P. Met'ollins, police 50 00
P. McInerney, police 4S 35
O'Conner, police 60 00
Jan. Murphy, police 47 60
Jno. Raesli. police 65 00
Otto Rath, police 50 00
J. Rooney, police 50 OC
Jas. Ryan, police 65 00
M. Ryan, police 50 00
P. Scharff, police 50 00
Al, Schen. police 60 00
F. Spielman, police 50 00
P. Sutton, police 47 SO
Tom Sweeney, police 65 00
M. Stapleton, police 50 00
P. Sullivan, police 50 00
Jno. L. Sullivan, police 50 00
L. Zeidman, police 50 00
30 00
Miss L. Brennan, matron 30 CO
Mrs. Kate Hibbe, matron
List of Warrants. 87
Labor un streets in the different Road
Districts for the last half of March.
Jos. Brouillette, 1st $ ti 35
Paul Becker, 3rd 7 45
D. J. Brightbill, 3rd 70
Jos. Brown, 1st, $7.90: 2nd, $10.10;
3rd, $4.50 22 50
Peter Carney, 1st 6 75
Dave Cunningham, 1st 6 10
W. Coughlin, 1st 2 05
Mike Cain. 1st 6 10
Jnirt'S Callaghan. 1st 25 15
John Corbett, 2nd 2 05
Dennis Corcoran. 2nd 70
M. Donegan, 1st. $1.00; 2nd, 70c1 70
Jos. Eberhardt. 2nd... 3 115
Hairy Fleck. 1st, $26.25: 2nd,
$33.75; 3rd, $11 00 75 CO
Nelson Frith. 1st, $17.50; 2nd,
$22.50: 3rd. $10.00
Pat Grue, 1st
Barney Glass. 1st. 70c.. 2nd, 35c
Tos. Gensland, 1st, $1.35; 2nd, 70c
Jos. Grab, 2nd
C. Gaotenbein. 2nd
Gruenzig, 3rd
Thcs, Hackney. 1st
, John Ha fey, 1st
Jake Kin us, 2nd
John Keast, 3rd
M. Lonergan, 1st
Matt Loes, 2nd
H. Lembke, 2nd
John McNulty. 1st
Jas, AleLeese, 1st, s1.25; 2nd. 70c.
Pat McPoland, 3rd
James McCormack. Health
W. O'Brien, 1st
James Purcell, 1st
Jake Perion, 2nd
John Parker. 3rd.
W. Quinlan, 1st
Jos. Rooney,. 1st. $7.90: 2nd,
$10.00: 3rd.. $4.50
Nick Sweeney, 1st
John Spear, 1st
John Sloan, 2nd
John Schroeder, 2nd
Frank Scherr, 2nd..
Lawrence Trost. 2111
W. Wearmouth, 3rd
F. Beutin. 2nd, team
A. Conrad, 2nd, team
Peter Horch. 2nd, team
John Linehan, 1st
J. Southerlanci, 3rd
Labor on sewers for the last
March. 1905:
P. Casserly $ 22 40
J. Carcoran 22 40
T. Hagerty, foreman 25 00
J. .P,lison 22 40
J. Kiang 22 40
P. Kenneally 22 40
C. Sullivan 22 40
L. Taylor 29 40
L. Zemanek 22 40
P. Baumgartner, asistant Mar-
ket Master for March
F. Hayes, hoard of prisoners
for March
Jacquinet & Mullen, repairing
50 00
1 35
1 05
2 05
10 50
20 CO
2 40
2 05
2 05
7 10
4 40
1 35
2 05
2 05
2 05
18 90
20 00
5 40
3 05
7 45
1 45
22 50
1 35
20 00
4 40
2 05
20 00
1 35
20 00
6 30
1 80
7 26
5 40
5 40
half of
36 45
3 CO
fountain at Delhi Stree'i and
Grandview Avenue / 4 80
Key City Gas Co.. gas for Var-
inLIS (11`1):111.111PlitS 106 20
W. W. Ilallar6. repairing Wels-
h lights lily Ilill 3 25
.T. Beach & Son, snap city Hall1 40
Key city Furniture co.. repair-
ing desk Mayor's cffice 2 no
Dubuque Woodenware and Lum-
ber Co.; lumber delivered at
Deekerl's stales 3 GO
Lineahllan & Molo, coal at City
63 93
Iowa Telephone Co., telegraph
27 52
st.rvice for VariOUS departments
Iowa Telephone Co., toll lines
service for City Attorney 2 00
Dubuque Telephone Co., tele-
phone service for Mayor's res-
idence and Fire Department—. 6 co
C. T. Bush, 2 photos of 12th and
White Streets 2 50
Kelly's book stcre, stationery
and supplies for various de -
13 70
51. S. I -birdie, blank stationery
15 00
for Treasurer's office
Palmer. Berg & bh• •11; sta -
tionery 101' Various ci elm It -
meats 6 25
G. W. Healey & Son, grass seer:
for parks
G. F. Kleih, hardware for -"arks
McDermott & Gow, Plumbing It
City Hall
Scl'Ooz & *Ion. repairs for
Jackson Park .
Al. Conrad, hauling brush from
Jackson Park
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co
hose for City Hall and
Fire Department 22 50
G. F. Kleih, new tools for Road
Depa ml ment 1 60
Dubuque Woodenware and LUM-
ht r Co., lumber for Road De-
partment 20 00
C. H. Becker Co., lanterns for
Road D..partment 60
Byrne & Saul. sand for Road De -
F. Sehloz & Son, repairs Road
and Sewer 1 lepartments 5 45
Standard Oil Co.. oil for Steal;,
ttol1et 8 60
W. D. Deck -rt Co., supplies
Steam Roller 90
C. J. Oswald, smoke stack and
hood, Steam Roller 9 50
Smedley Steam Pump Co., re-
pairs. Steam Roller 88 48
E. Voggenthaler, repairs
Steam Roller 29 68
Ott. Heuser & Co., lumber far
Sidewalk Department 75 65
P. J. Seippel Lumber Co., lumber
for Sidewalk Department 26 95
F. 51. Jaeger & Co., dynamite
;ind fuse for Mt. Carmel A
nueWunderlich & Wiederholt, horse -
shoeing, Fire Department
Lagen & Sloan, horse shoeing,
1 80
1 95
1 20
2 70
3 60
6 85
S 45
List of Warrants.
Fire Department 10 00
Phil Heller, horse shoeing, Fire
Department 5 00
Gus, Lear, hors:- shoeing, Fire
and Sew -,:r Departments 9 85
Collings & Pfiffner, horse shoe-
ing, Fire and Police Patrol22 60
F. G. Becker. auod for Fire De-
partment 12 00
Linehan & Molo, coal for Fire
Department 35 10
T. J. Mulgrew, coal for Fire De-
partment 22 95
F. A. Burns, coal for Fire De-
partment ........ 22 77
Martin & Strelau Co., coal for
Fire Department 17 84
Chas. E. Berry, harness and col-
lar for Fire Department 22 00
T. F. Kane, hay for Fire De-
partment 127 57
Dubuque Oil Tank Line, oil for
Fire Lenartment.. 8 10
H. J. Ha--,serry, veterinary ser-
vices, Firs and Policc Patrol34 50
E. M. Belknap, 1 keg Kleansoale
for Fire Department 12 75
Pitts -Thompson Foundry Co,
grates for Fire Department1 50
P. J. Seippel Lumber Co., lumber
for Fire Department 7 65
Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber for
Fire Department.... 3 00
Demkier Bros., 2 dozen barn
brooms for Fire Department7 00
Mettel Bros., straw for Fire De-
partment .. 4 20
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Fire
Department 14 75
Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs for
Fire Department
Key City Gas Co., coke for Fire
Department .... 11 40
Key City Gas Co., rental of gas
arc for Fire Department 1 00
G. F. Thormann, glass and putty
for Fire Department
T. Connolly, repairs on Grand-
view Avenue Chemical engine7 25
Jacquinot & Mullen, estimate on
plumbing for Fifth Ward En-
gine House
A. R. Staufenbeil, repairing clock
at Police Headquarters
F. Schloz & Son, repairs at Pa-
trol House
G. F. Kleih, sash cord at Patrol
Conlin & Kearns, coal for Po-
lice department
Conlin & Kearns, wood for Po-
lice department
Jno. Williams, wood for Police
F. A. Burns, wood for Police de-
Thos. Malloy, sawing wood, Po-
lice department
Jas. Malloy, sawing wood, Po-
lice department
Jno. Boltz, sawing wood, Police
Saunders Meat Co., meat for Ma -
2 95
1 40
75 00
1 30
6 27
48 88
6 00
6 00
4 00
1 75
3 00
tron department
E. J. Mulgrew, bread for Matron
Eichhorn & Bechtel, groceries
and supplies for Matron de-
N. Y. Coupling & Supply Co,
couplings and expansion rings,
Sewer department
G. F. Kleih, new tools for Sewer
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co,
4 pair rubber boots, Sewer de-
partment 20 00
Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs on
Sewer department 2 65
Globe -Journal, official printing
for March 24 69
Telegraph -Herald, official print-
ing for March 37 63
Nat'l Den,okrat, official printing
for March 25 00
Smith -Morgan Prtg. Co., pamph-
lets and list of warrants for
February and March 28 SE
Farley & Loetscher Mfg. Co,
lumber for Engineer's depart-
ment 1 25.
Union Ele:Wc Co., arc lights for
March 2087 35
C. H. Berg, Mayor, balance due
on judgment in case of Catli.
Sheridan vs. City of Dubuque..113S 55
C. H. Berg, court costs in case
of Cath. Sheridan vs. City of
Dubuque 279 20
H. Brinkman, interest paid on
warrants out taming 1673 54
H. Brinkma n, postage stamps—
expense 10 CO
H. Brinkman, express charges—
Sewer 1 CO
H. Brinkman, freight charges—
Fire 4 20
H. Brinkman, library orders paid 686 98
Pile. Name. Location
44—Sam Allen, 3rd district $ 5 70
7-S—Chas. Burkhart, 2nd district75 45
9—Philip Becker, 2nd district53 30
15—Chas. Bluecher, 2nd district17 85
26—Paul Becker, 3rd district 13 00
57—Mich. Cain, 1st district 81 60
34—John Duggan, 1st district 126 65
47—Mich. Donegan, 1st district6 95
;,4—Mich. Duggan, 1st district35 70
56—Peter Defontain, 1st district16 30
66-67—Peter Eisbach, 3rd district. 33 20
29—Pat Furey, Sr., 1st district59 50
19—Jos. Ginter, 2nd district 35 10
20—Peter Ginter. 2nd district 41 40
4—Jacob Rutter, 2nd district11 90
5—Max Helmer, 2nd district87 95
12-13—Lawrence Horrig, 2nd dis102 00
23—Jos. Haupert, 2nd district55 50
93—Jos. Heck, 3rd district 29 50
18—Peter Jacobs, 2nd district42 50
1-2—Jacob Kasper, 2nd district48 70
58—Tim Kelly, 1st district 14 85
6—Frank Lassance, 2nd district. 63 75
17—Val. Lange, 2nd district 10 70
22—Herman Lembke, 2nd district. 11 30
10—Geo. Mauer, 2nd district 15 15
14—John Menzel, 2nd district21 25
33—John Mullen, 1st district 75 65
36—Mich. Murphy, 1st district17 25
40—Jog. Martineck, 3rd district11 90
3 20
6 05
7 40
14 00
3 70
List of Warrants.
28 -Jas. McAleece, 1st district
38 -Pat McPoland, 3rd district
48 -Wm. McDermott, 1st district
52 -Ross McMahon, 1st district
59 -60 -John McGee, 1st district
62 -John McNulty, 1st district
64 -Wm. 1st district
3-Jno. Neubauer, 2nd listrict
65 -Jos. Ni..kels 1st district 9 95
35 -Jas o'Shea, 1st district 59 50
37 -Pat O'Hearn, 1st district21 65
63 -Thos. O'Shea, 1st district7 65
27 -John Parker, 3rd district93 05
39 -Jim Parker, 3rd district 28 20
53 -55 -James Purcell. 1st district 12 25
61 -Purcell & Defontain, 1st dis-
trict 68 40
11 -Carl Rupetsch, 2nd district23 80
25 -Chas. Riley. 3rd district 26 85
45-46-1-toyce & Trost, 1st district 21 90
49 -51 -Pat Ryan. 1st district 59 00
16 -Wm. Schwaegler & Co., 2nd
district 104 10
21 -Albert Schnee, 2nd district63 45
32 -Mich. Shea, 1st district 47 95
50 -Then. Theis, 1st district 6 45
30 -Wm. Walker. 1st district19 10
31 -John Welsh, 1st district 22 95
24 -Anton Welu, 2nd district 29 40
41 -42 -Adam Zingle, 3rd district80 85
68 -James Bakey, 1st district.- 17 60
69-Nicels Joseph, let district 15 55
Labor c•ri Str,ct, in the different Dis-
tricts for the first half of April. 1905:
30 00
27 00
9 Fill
71" To
17 70
15 S5
6 45
26 45
T. Albrecht, 2nd 5 40
Alex. Alderson, 3rd.
10 80
Sam Allen, 3rd.
11 50
Richard Burns. 1st
11 50
Ernst '. e
..st lessr, 1st. ..... . 11 500
jos. Hrouiliette, 1st. $13.50; 2nd,
$1.35 14 85
John Burns. 1st, $10.15; 2nd, $1.35 11 50
John Boltz, 2nd. 13 50
J. Brachtenbach, 2nd. 13 85
A. Bolein, 2nd. 10 80
C. Budien, 2nd. 9 45
Paul Becker, 3rd,
16 20
D. J. Brightbill, 3rd.
16 20
Albert P•lessel, 3rd.
11 50
Jos. Brown, 1st, $7.90; 2nd, $10.10:
3rd. $4.50 22 50
Linty Cahill, 1st. 7 45
Hugh Connell, 1st. 7 45
Jerry Cahill, 1st. 11 50
Mike (Mill, 1st. 10 80
W. Coughlan, let 16 20
Peter Carney, 1st
15 55
Jas. Connoly, 1st.
15 55
Jas. Callaghan, 1st 20 00
John Corbett, 2nd. 13 50
John Dougherty, 1st 14 20
Peter Defontaine, 1st. 11 50
Mike Duggan, 1st 70
M. Donegan, 1st, 812.55: 2nd, 81.115 14 20
Thos. Donahue, 1st, $10.15; 2111,
$2.70 12 85
Ed. Desmond, let, $7.45; 2nd, $2.00 9 45
Peter Devaney. 2nd. 6 75
Peter Dax, 2nd. 10 50
John Egan, 1st, $11.50: 2nd, $2.35 13 85
John Ess, 2nd.
Matt. Elgin, 3rd. 13 5
12 85
Dan Fox, let
Mike Farrell, 1st. 14 50
Frank Frick, '211d. 14 85
Pat. Farrell. 2nd 15 40
John Farley, 2nd. 16 40
W. Flynn, 2nd. ..... • •..• 70
W. Foley, 2nd 6 75
L. Fenner, 2nd. 41
Frick, 2nd. 4 05
P. Fasselius, 21p1. 5 40
John Flynn, 21,1. 10 50
Pat. Grue, 1st, 11 50
Peter Gregory, 1st. 10 50
Barney Glass, 1st, $12.85; 2nd.
$1.35 14 20
Pat. Gillann, 1st, $11.50; 2nd. 65c 12 11
Galle, 2nd 14 S5
Jos. Grab, 2nd. 15 55
H. (limb-, 2nd. 11 Sit
Gen, I ;au, 2nd. 13 Sit
Jos. Guenther, 2nd. 12 SI
Peter Guenther, 2nd. 12 50
Gantenbein, 2nd. 20 00
C. S. Gruenzig, lid 14 85
.Tohn 11 ti fey• let. 11 50
Thos. Hackeny; 1st. 10 SO
Geo. Hecklinger, 2nd. 13 50
Phil Here. 2iP1. 11 15
Jatres Ilirl. ri, 16 50
Peter Jacobs. 2nd. .•••. • 15 55
John 2ed 10 50
August ;*.ta s 2nd. 13 85
,Tohn Jebritta-. 2nd. 11 S5
Tim Kelly, 10 SO
Thin Kenneally• let. 8 45
John Knees, 2nd 11 50
J. Kinsella, 1st 16 35
J. Kraus, 2nd 15 20
C. Krantz. 2nd 11 15
Jake Kaspar, 2nd 13 85
Fred Kaufman, 2nd 10 50
Paul Krocheski, 2nd 11 15
Kupferschmidt, 2nd 6 75
M. Kass, 2nd 6 75
J. Knutts, 3rd 10 SO
P. Kaiser, 3rd 10 15
Robt. Love 14 65
John Lowry, 1st 14 20
Martin Lonergan, 1st, $12.00; 2nd,
$1.35 1.1111
Mike Lavin, 1st, $10.15; 2nd, $2.00. 12 15
Matt Loes, 2nd 11 Cit
Pat Lynch, 2nd 12 70
Dietrich Lillig, 2nd 12 15
Thos. Lonergan, 2nd 11 50
H. Letobke, 2nd 9 15
F. Lassance, 2nd 13 20
Walter Lynch, 3rd 10 50
John Mahoney, 1st 17 25
Mike Meagher. 1st 11 50
John Mullin, 1st 4 60
Ed. Malloy, 2nd lit 40
John Munsch, 2nd S 35
Thos. Malloy, 2nd 12 15
Frank Moran, 2nd 4 05
E. Muecke, 2nd 10 50
A. Manderscheid, 2nd 10 50
J. C. Mueckle, 2nd 1 35
John Miller, 2nd 10 80
J. Martinek, 3rd 14 85
John McGee, 1st 10 SO
John McNulty, 1st 15 55
James McCarron, 1st 11 50
Pat McMullen, 1st 7 45
W. McDermott, 1st 10 80
Pat McPoland, 3rd 14 85
J. McCormack, Health 17 55
Mike O'Meara, 1st 11 50
W. O'Brien, 1st 20 00
1.e..-.1-4-4,4-41-4441.•,4 24141.
90 List of Warrants.
Chas. O'Neil, 2nd 13 50
Jas. Powers, 1st 11 50
James Purcell, 1st 10 SO
Nic Pensch, 2nd 13 85
.John Parker, 3rd 17 55
W. Quinlan, 1st 14 S5
James Ryan, 1st 11 50
Phil Roblin. 1st 11 50
Matt. Itaishek,2nd 15 40
C. Iteinfrank, 2nd 13 20
Fred Remus, 2nd 10 15
Geo. [Rock, 2nd 7 10
Nic. Rohner, 2nd 8 10
TLeo. Ituprecht, 2nd 6 10
James Iteid. 3rd 14 20
.Jos. Z111•y. 1st 22 50
Nk•1.; Sweeney, 1st 15 55
W. Sheridan, 1st 6 10
\V. Sheridan, 1st 10 35
John Spear, 1st 20 00
John Schroeder, 2nd 16 50
John Sloan, 2nd 14 20
Chris. Scholl, 2nd 10 35
Anton Steuer. 2nd 11 70
Ernest Schmidt, 2nd 12 15
A. W. Schen, 2nd 11 50
Frank Schen., 2nd 20 00
Sam Sommer, 2nd 12 15
Litlxtr on Streets, first halt' of April,
Nic. Schroeder, 2nd.
J. Scheidecker, 2nd.
Louis Smith, 3rd. .........
Som Sterling,
James S!rith, 3rd
Lo wt.( nee Trost. 2nd.
John Twieg. 2nd.
jos. Tarke, 2nd.
R. Turner, 2nd.
.Tohn Tashner. 3rd.
John Welsh, let
I Word. 1st
ti. ist
\\":impach. 2nd
A. Wein, 2nd.
Fled Weber. 3rd.
Jehp \vaish, 3rd.
W. Wearirouth,
H. Ziemath, 2nd.
Geo, Zurnhoff, 2nd.
F. (3. Rect.:el', let
F. Burns, 2nd. 43 13
F. 1:culln, 2nd. 31 77
John Calvert. 1st 15 70
James Cestello, 2rd. 35 23
John Evans. 2nd. 21 03
E. E. Frith, 2nd.
.John Ganteld'ein. 2nd. 11 -
11. Hamm. 1st.
.John Hufftr ire
J. Haudenshield, 2nd.
Peter Porch, 2nd. 13
James Kenn, 3rd, 20 10
John Linehon, 1st
Pat Linehan. Inil. 37 57.
John Long, 2nd. •";
Labor on streets, first half of April,
Jas. Lonergan, 3rd 21 (7.
Martin & Streleau, 1st, $20.70;
2nd, $25.85 46 55
John 1\TcQuillen, 1st 39 75
J. J. McCollins, 1st, $35.75; 2nd,
$11.50; 3rd, $1.20 48 85
ii 15
12 13
3 40
14 S5
15 20
13 53
12 30
6 75
14 85
13 50
11 50
12 00
14 55
5 40
10 81)
12 15
2.. 11r)
I 1 7 7
C. MeEirath. 2nd 19 15
Jeff McGrath, 3rd 25 80
Dennis O'Meara, 1st 15 30
A. Palley. 2nd 19 15
Geo. Reynolds, 1st 39 75
E. Revening, 2nd 26 80
H. Rinck, 2nd 23 SO
A. Rinck, 2nd n 75
Ed. Seeley, 1st 40 15
Jerry Sullivan, 1st (Valley St.)17 20
A. Stoltz. 2nd 38 25
Fred Sieg, 3rd 25 50
J. Sutherland. 3rd 17 20
Jerry Sullivan, 1st. $3.20; 3rd,
840.17 43 35
John Williams, 2nd 12 95
M. Zcgg. 211(1 16 25
Labor on Sewers for the first half of
April, 1905:
P. Casserly $ 20 80
J. Corcoran 20 80
T. Hagerty 25 00
J. Jellison 20 80
J. Kiang 20 80
P. Kenneally 20 SO
C. Sullivan 20 80
L. Taylor 20 80
L. Zemanek 20 80
C. H. Berg. Mayor, settlement of
suit. Jane Connolly VSCity of
Dubuque 150 00
Dubuque Water Works Trustees,
water for sprinkling season
1905 2500 00
Mrs. Cath. McCune. damages to
property 50 00
Union Printing Co., Health re-
ports is 00
Arno Pharmacy, vaccine points 90
I hereby certify that the foregoing is
a correct list of all warrants issued by
me during the month of April. 1905.
City Recorder.
Official Notices. 91
To All Who Are Named Below:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with an ordinance of the City
of Dubuque for repairing sidewalks in
the month of April, 1905, that a special
assessment will be levied for the ex-
pense thereof at the regular meeting of
the City Council upon all lots and par-
cels of land on said improvement owned
by you, being subject to such special
assessment. And you are notified to
appear at said meeting of the Council
to be held on the 1st day of June, A.
D., 1905, and show cause if any you
have, why- said assessment should not
be levied:
April 1—Peter Mihm, Sub. 150, L.
1-i. Langworthy's Add., lot 1 $ 55
April 1—Jos. J. Nagle, Cushing's
Sub., lot 1 40
April 1—Lizzie J. Theil, Sub. 151,
Mechanic's Add., lot 2 45
April 3—Jac. Kessler, Glendale
Add., S. is lot 19 1 15
April 3—Gerhard Tenhattf Est,
Davis Farm Add., lot 357 55
April 3—Aug. Flechsig, Glendale
Add., lot 13 50
April 3—Christina Brede, City S
c4.0 teet. lot 499 75
April 3—Ma ry Mines, Glendale
A,i,i., lot 14 35
April 5—Annie Gilden, City, lot
129 60
April 5—Rich. Waller Est., Mc-
Crauey's 1st Add.. S. E. 125 feet,
lot 100 1 20
April 5—\Viii. Tueting, Sanford's
Sub., lot S 1 40
April 6—James Powers, Windsor
Ave. Sub., lot 3 2 25
April 6—Al. Matthews; Sub. City
738, lot 6 70
April 10—C. Reifsteck et al., Reif-
steck's Sub., lot 1 85
April 11—J. L. Buettell Est., Home
Add., lot 12 45
April 11—D. J. Linehan, Home
Add., lot 11 50
April 11—Marg. A. Riggs, Union
Add., lot 155 45
April 11—Mary A. Dolan, Union
Add., \V. 1/2 lot 62 45
April 11—Ilich. E. Butler, Sub. 2
of 189, Union Add., lot 1 80
April 11—Jas. Beach & Sons, City,
lot 35
.\l,ril 12—Clara Huff, High Street
Sub., lots 4-5 75
April 13—J. K. Deming and Geo.
\V. Kiesel, Sub. 1\lin. lot 466, lot
April 13—Peter Fay, East Du-
buque Add., S. lot 77
April 14—Jou. J. Keane, city lot
April 14—Peter Eisbach, lionson
& Stewart's Sub., lots 1-1
April 15—J. L. Meyer, Subs. 76 and
77, Union Add., lot 2
April 14—John Olinger, Boulevard
Add., lots 29-30-33
April 15—Ino. T. Hancock Est,
Sub. Min. lot 158, lot 6
April 15—Henry Kiene, Sub. 1 of
7 of Min. lot 1
April 15—John Byrne, Sub. Min
lot 62
April 22—Mrs. Sidney Saul, Saul's
Sub., lot 2
1 30
April 22—Mercy Hospital, Sub.
Alin. In, cf;, Int 2
April 21--'I'!1, n. l:.1, it•r1+1:11:, Sr.. A
Stines' .Add.. lot 29
April 25--J. II. Simplot, Minced
lot 83
April 25 1'atholic University of
\\'ashin ton, et al., Kelly's Sub,
lot 1
April 2 —,\I rs. R Keogh, Sub. 32,
\Cilson's Sub., lot 1
April "'!--'I'. Byrne, Ilion Add,
lot 1711
April 26—\V. J. ('ox, ('ox's Add,
lot 73
April 2S—Va: Schiel, Subs. 196 and
197. L. H. Langworthy's Add,
lot 10
April 2S—John Morrison, O. S.
Langwurthy's Add., lot 12
1 15
$26 SO
5-23-3t ('ity Recorder.
Be It Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That the grade of East
Street, from Delhi Street to Bennett
Street, be established and described
as follows: Beginning at the south curb
line of. Delhi Street which is station
-j-12, elevation of east curb 3112.2: eleva-
tion of west curl:;ii".:;. th,•nc,• nti u
curved grade to station I- -50, el, v11 tion
of east curb 292.0, elevation of west
curb, 291.0; thence to station 3-1-42, cen-
ter of Pearl Street, elevation of cast
curb 282.0, elevation of west curb 28E0:
thence to station 5-1-50, elevation of east
curb 275.5, elevation of west curb 274.6;
thence on a curved grade to station
6-1-99, north curb of Mineral Str. i el -
vation of west curb 272.0: thence hi sta-
tion 7-1-14, center of Mineral Street,
elevation of east curb 273.5; thence to
station 8-176, center of Grace Street,
elevation of east curb 277.5; thence to
station 12 -I -0S, center of Bennett Street.
elevation 282.0.
Sec. 2. This Ordinance to be in force
and take effect from and after its
passage by the City Council and it:;
publication cne tlute in the Dubuque
Globe -Journal neu sl ;t per.
Adopted April 20th, 1905.
Approved April 24th, 1905.
C. H. BERG, Mayor.
Attest: C. F. ARENDT,
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Evening
Globe -Journal, May 1st, 1905.
C. F. ARI : N IYI'.
5-1-1t city
y Ib.'ril•1'.
OF THE Cl'I'1" ('(+UN('IL'S INTEN-
TION TO Ci 1 N S'I' l ll'C'I' :1 S.1 N l-
T:\Ill' SE\CEI l IN ('(.l'l.ISl l :1 \"I?-
Nt'l FP.O\I SANFIIIll) S'1'ill:is'I'
To All Whom It May Concern:
You and each of you ane hereby noti-
fied that it is the intention of the City
Council of the City of Dubuque to con-
92 Official Notices.
struct an 8 -inch Tile Pipe Sanitary
Sewer in Couler Avenue from Sanford
Street to center of Twenty-second
That a Plat and Specifications of
said proposed sewer is now on file in
the office of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that it will require 620 lineal feet of
8 -inch tile pipe with 2 manholes and
will cost the abutting property owners
$513.00 in total.
Any persons having objection to the
construction of said sanitary sewer are
hereby notified to appear before the
City Council at its regular session,
May 18th, 1905, or to file in writing
with the City Recorder their objections
on or before May 18th, 1905.
Dated at Dubuque April 11th, 1905.
6-9-3t City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the office of the City Recorder until
7:30 o'clock p. m. Thursday, May 18th,
1905, for the construction of an 8 -inch
Tile Pipe Sanitary Sewer in Caledonia
Place from Hill street to center of
West Eighth streets, in accordance
with the plans and specifications pre-
pared by the City Engineer and now
on file in the office of the City Re-
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that it will require 650 lineal feet of
8 -inch Tile Pipe and 2 manholes.
The work to be paid for when said
work is completed and accepted by the
City Council, the same to be completed
on or before the 1st day of August,
Bidders must state price per lineal
food for Tile Pipe, and each manhole.
All bids must be accompanied by a
certified check for $50.00 on some Du-
buque bank, as a guarantee that a con-
tract will be entered into if awarded.
The City reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
Dated at Dubuque, May 9th, 1905.
5-9-3t City Recorder.
Notice to Printers.
Sealed bids will be received at the
mayor's office, City Hall, up to 4 o'clock
p. m. Thursday, May 11, 1905, for print-
ing and binding 300 copies of the annual
report of the Finance committee. Bid-
ders will state the price per page. Fur-
ther information may be obtained from
the committee clerk at the mayor's of-
fice. City reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
City Recorder's Office,
Dubuque, Ia., May 1st, 1905.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: The following is a coin-
plete list of all warrants issued on the
various funds by me during the month
of April, 1905:
Expense $2,292.10
First District 3,038.40
Second District 4.058.711
Third District 1,500.55
Fire 3,051.65
Police 2,203.00
Sewerage 484.55
Printing 113.20
Engineer 205.65
Street Lighting 2,067.35
Interest 1,673.54
Board of Health 168.35
Library 686.98
Judgment 1,417.75
Mount Carmel Avenue Grading 6.85
Sidewalk Repairing 102.60
Fifth Ward Engine House 1,548.00
I hereby certify that the foregoing
is a correct list of all warrants issued
by me on various funds during the
month of April, 1905.
5-25-1t City Recorder.
Bids will he received at the mayor's
office, city hall, up to 7:30 p. m. Wed-
nesday, May 3, 1905, for sweeping the
brick paved streets according to the .
schedule on file in the city engineer's
office and also for hauling the sweep-
ings therefrom.
Bidders may bid on both contracts,
but must in all cases specify the
amount for each.
4-29-3t —Committee on Streets.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the office of the City Engineer until
7:30 o'clock p. m. Thursday, May 4th,
1905, for 350 cubic yards of rip rap rock
to be delivered at the Garbage Dump,
below Railroad avenue, in accordance
with specifications prepared by the
City Engineer and now on file in the
office of the City Engineer.
Bidders must state the price per cubic
yard. The city reesrves the right to
reject any and all bids.
Dated at Dubuque April 29th, 1905.
5-1-3t City Engineer.
Regular Session June 1, 1905. 93
Regular Sessions June 1st, 1905.
Council met at 8:30 P. M.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Aids. Clancy, Corrance,
Frith. Jones, Lyons, Needham. Stumpf.
Ald. Corrance moved that the Coun••
til proceedings for the month of May
be approved as printed. Carried.
Mayor Berg stated that there were
some ladies of the Art Division of the
Woman's Club of Dubuque present
who wished to address the Council.
Ald. Lyons moved to suspend the
rules for the purpose of hearing from
some of the ladies. Carried.
Mrs. B. B. Richards presented and
rca.d a communication to the council re-
lating to beautifying and improving
the grounds around the Eleventh Street
Elevator, also that the Council co-
operate with them in doing said work
and that the grounds he cleaned and
graded from the retaining wall on the
West clown to Bluff Street, also that
a new sewer be built en the north side
of said elevator.
Mrs. J. E. Fairbanks and Mrs. Gee.
M. Nix also addressed the Council on
the same matter.
On motion the communication was
referred to the Committee of the Whole
to view the grounds with the presence
of the ladies of said club.
The following bills were ordered paid:
L. Daily, cleaning around Market
Square $ 42 00
J. Rooney, repairs around City
Hall 2 10
J. Achen, repairs around City
Hall 18 20
Mrs. H. Koenig. cleaning and
scrubbing offices City Hall18 30
Mrs. L. Fichter, cleaning and
scrubbing offices City Hall 16 35
L. O. Papin Co., plumbing, City
Dub. Cabinet M'krs. Ass'n.. re-
pairing office chair, City•Hall2 C0
C. O. D. Laundry, towels and
racks, at City Hall 24 '0
Midland Chemical Co., disinfec-
tine, City Hall
H. Corrance, supplies City Hall6 45
G. F. Kleih, hardware and sup-
plies for varieo.s departments. 20 35
Key City Gus co.. gas for City
G. Holl, repairing lawn mowers
for parks
'McDermott & Gow,- repairing
water fountain at First and
Main Streets
Purington Paving Brick Co,
25 CO
89 20
brick for Road Dept 138 12
Dub. Wcodeiiwarc and Lumber
Co., lumber for Road Dept38 70
Ott. Mouser & Co., lumber for
Road and Sidewalk Depts 44 40
L. Lindenberg, hardware for
Road and Sewer Depts 2 35
P. Heller, horse shoeing, Road
Dept 2 h0
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Road
Dept 5 30
A. A. Brown, repairs for Road
Dept 5 45
0. Bock, repairs for Road Dept8 40
Clancy Transfer Co., coal for
Steam lir.11er 16 37
F. A. Burns, coal for Steam
Roller 25 05
T. J. Mulgrew, coal for Steam
Roller 19 92
P. Even, coal for Steam Roller25 99
Smedley Steam Pump Co., re-
pairs for Steam Roller 5 25
W. Marshall, repairs for Sleatn
Roller 1 00
W. D. Deckert Co., supplies for
Steam Roller l 38
P. Hanson, oil for Steam Roller. 40
P. Heller, horse shoeing for Fire
Dept 1 00
Oils Lear. horse shoeing for Fire
Dept 4 60
Wunderlich & Wicderholt, horse
shoeing for Fire Dept 6 40
T. H. Clark, drugs and supplies.
Fire Dept 19 70
Key City Iron Works, repairs for
Fire Dept 14 28
H. Cor”n.nce, salt and bran for
Fire Dept 3 25
L. J. Schmitt. hardware for Fire
Dent ,5
W. D. Deckert Co., supplies for
Fire Dept 1 00
T. F. Kane, hay and oats for Fire
Dept 409 42
Fischer & Co.. coal for Fire Dept. 21 85
Key City Gas Co., coal and coke
for Fire Dept 29 e0
Key City Gas. Co., gas arcs for
Fire Dept
F. P. Hayes. board of prisoners
for May
Karp & P.uechele, hats for Police
G. F. Klein• supplies for Pollee
S. A. French, coat and vest but-
tons for Police Dept 7 70
T. F. Thane, hay delivered at
Patrol House 13 95
Key City Roofing Co., cement for
various departments 16 90
F. Schlez & Son, repairs for
Sewer Dept 6 SO
H. Cm•ranc•e. oil and candles
Sewer• Dept
Smith -Morgan Prtg. Co.. blank
stationery, Engineer's Dept.... 2 50
Smith-Mo”gnn Prtg. Co., weekly
and; monthly Conneil proceed-
Cllobc-Jnurn•Il, official pristine
1 CO
3 60
19 25
1 05
1 75
for 1\1:1 y
14 33
43 62
94 Regular Session June 1, 1905.
National Demokrat, official print-
ing for May 25 CO
Telegraph -Herald, official print-
ing for April and May 100 67
Union Electric Co., arc lights for
May 2067
T. E. Frith, removing dead ani-
mals for March and April 27 00
T. E. Frith. removing garbage
and dead animals for May '107 56
Steuck & Linehan, 1st estimate
on sanitary sewer in Eleventh
Street 621 37
J. Hird, final estimate on Booth
Street sewer 185 10
Brown & Brown, 1st estimate
storm water sewer in Booth
Street 790 67
J. Noonan, to use of tools. etc,
for work on Miliville Road
sewer 7 50
Tibey Bros., balance due on Bee
Branch sewer in Sanford and
Washington Streets 77 90
Tibey Bros., 1st estimate on
storm water sewer in Washing-
ton Street 864 67
F. D. Scharle, estimate on Fifth
Ward Engine House 777 CO
D. D. McGrath, rock delivered at
garbage dump 245 00
Ald. Clancy moved to pay the bill
out of the different Road Districts.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons and Stumpf.
Nays—Ald. Needham.
The following bills were ordered re-
J. McAleese, balance due for ma-
cadam $ 13 75
On motion referred to the Street com-
A. Eberl, to extra excavation for
Fifth Ward engine house $ 65 00
On motion referred to committee on
Public Grounds and Buildings.
Telegraph -Herald, official print-
ing, blank stationery, etc.. $129 00
On motion referred to Printing com-
Petition of Mrs. Mary Langdon, ask-
ing that the Engineer be instructed to
give the established grade of West
Fifth Street fronting her property.
Ald. Frith moved to grant the peti-
tion and the Engineer be instructed to
give the proper grade. Carried.
Petition of Tom Ryder and Alex Duc-
cini, stokers of the Fire Department,
asking for an increase of salary.
Ald. Clancy moved to grant the pe-
Ald. Needham moved a substitute to
refer to the Committee of the Whole.
Substitute lost by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Corrance and Needham.
Nays—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Jones,
Lyons and Stumpf.
The original motion to grant the pe-
tition and that the increase of salary be
$5.t0 per month was then carried.
The following petitions were referred
to the Board of Equalization:
Petition of Louisa Schwartz, asking
for the cancellation of her taxes for 1904
as levied against lots 7 and 9, Marsh's
Dubuque. lot 6 Kringle's sub. and lot
6 "A" Quigley's sub. of out lot 711.
Also petition of the Cushing -McFad-
den Co., asking for a reduction of the
assessment on lots 135, 137 and 139, in
L. H. Langworthy's Add.
Also petition of H. H. Mehlhop, ask-
ing that the personal taxes for 1902 lev-
ied against his brother, Jno. Mehlhop,
be ordered canceled.
Also petition of W. F. Bobzien, asking
that his personal taxes for 1904 be can-
Also petition of E. H. Sheppley in re-
lation to paying the special assessment
for constructing a sanitary sewer in
West Locust street.
Original Notice to City of Dubuque of
Frances Crabtree, claiming the sum of
$5,000.00 as personal damages sustained
by falling on a defective walk, was -
on motion referred to the committee on
Claims and City Attorney.
Petition of A. Y. McDonald & Mor-
rison Mfg. Co., asking that an electric
light be placed at or near the corner of
Twelfth and Cedar streets.
On motion was referred to the Police.
and Light committee.
Petition of Tudor Jones et al., asking
that a water fountain be placed at the -
intersection of Alta Vista and West
%Fourteenth streets.
On motion referred to Dubuque Wa-
ter Works Trustees.
Petition of Thos. J. Mulgrew, in rela—
tion to filling that part of Camp street
which abuts the south lot of Block 17,
Dubuque Harbor Co.'s Add.
Also petition of the Iowa Telephone
Co., asking for the approval of the plans
and specifications for an underground
conduit system in Dubuque.
On motion both petitions were re-
ferred to the committee of the Whole.
Invitation of Mount St. Joseph's col-
lege, asking the Mayor and members
of the council to be present at their
commencement exercises June 14th,
On motion the invitation was accepted
with thanks.
City Treasurer Brinkman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and CitY
Gentlemen: Below you will find state-
ment of amounts advanced by me dur
Regular Session June 1, 1905. 95
Mg the part rrmith. for which please or-
der warrants dratcn in my favor.
Excavation permits redeemed$ 95 00
Interest paid on warrants out-
standing 493 74
New York Exchange, expense6 80
Postage expense 10 00
Freight charges. Fire 20 47
Express charges, Police 80
Freight charges, Road 43 88
$670 69
Water Works Orders paid $70940
I also refunded old Loan Warrants
for different parties. Please order new
Loan Warrants drawn in their favor.
Total amount of Loan War-
rants $4,615 00
H. BRININMAN, Treasurer.
On motion, the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay the
various amounts and the report re-
ferred back to the committee on Fin-
City Auditor Hoffman reported as fol-
Herewith find my report for the
month of May, 1905 4howing the receipts
and disbursements for the month:
Cash on hand May 1st, 1905..$ 80,154 06
Receipts from all sources...... 27,269 06
Warrants redeemed $21.102.42
Coupons redeemed"8.51
Ponds redeemed 1l ,6x0.00
Cash on hand June lst, 1901..$t8,9t2.19
The above cash balance includes the
I^ proverrent Bond Fund, Improvement
Bend Interest Fund, and Library Fund
L a'.ances.
Also report that thero is clue the
C'ty Officers for the month of May,
1905. $2,683.20.
Also the following is a record of all
interest Coupons and Bonds redeemed
by the City Treasurer during the past
month and credited to him:
Regular Bond Coupons redeem-
ed $ 20.00
Improvement Bond Coupons re-
deemed 508.00
Ir-nrovement Bonds redeemed. 16,650.00
The following list shows the Appro-
priations and the amount of Warrants
c'rawn on each Fund since the begin-
n'ng of the fiscal year beginning March
1st, 1905. to June 1st. 1905:
Appropriation. Expended.
Expense $40.000 $ 5,346.55
Road—First district 16.000 4,770.15
Road—Second district20,300 6,151.75
Road—Third district 8,750 2,298.75
Fi-e 42,000 5.892.95
Police 28.000 .r, T14. ",0
5.000 1.059.11
Engineer ...... .... .... 2,500 397.55
Street Lighting 25,200 4,134.70
Interest 41,500
Board of Health 4,500 347.95
Grading .... .... 2,000
Bee Branch — Millville
Road ...... ...... 3,000 232.50
I3ee Branch—Washing-
ton Street 6,000
pee Branch—Fifteenth
and Sixteenth Streets 1,400
Special Bonded Paving 2,000
Judgment 3,000 1,417.75
Special Bonded Debt
and Interest 4,000
Mount Carmel Avenue
Grading .... .... 1,000 6.85
Sidewalk Repairing 1,000 102.611
Special Sewer Fund 1.000
Bluff Street Extension
Wall 1,000
Fifth Ward Engine
Hous: .. 4,000 1,548.00.
Rooth Strret Se -,ver.... 1,000
O:i motion the report was received,
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
City Officers and the report referred
hack to the Committee on Finance.
Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol -
lo Wvs:—
'1'o the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen:—The following is the pay
roll of the Fire department for the
inucih of May, 1905:
A:re:.nt due fire:ren $2,420.00,
On motion the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
the firemen. And the report referred
back to the Committee on Fire.
Chief of Police Reilly reported as-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit the
police report for the month of May.
Total arrests for the month 64
Residents arrested 27
Doors found open 31
Defective lights 14
Lodgers harbored 26
Meals furnished 16
Cost of food $1 60
Sheriff dieting prisoners $825
Poundmaster's receipts $1.00
Patrol calls 52
Miles traveled for the month 91
Also the pay roll for policemen for
the month of May, 1905:
Amount due policemen ........$1,998.55
Respectfully submitted.
Chief of Police.
96 Regular Session June 1, 1905.
On motion the report and pay roll
were received, and warrants ordered
drawn to pay the policemen, and the
report referred back to the Committee
on Police.
City Engineer Boyce reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: 1 herewith submit my
pay roll for labor on streets in the
different road districts during the last
half of May, 1905:
Amount due laborers on streets.$1,534. 5
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved by Committee on Streets.
Also submit my pay roll for labor on
•sewers during the last half of May,
Amount.' due laborers on Sewers..$169.80
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved by Committee on Sewers.
Also subunit my pay roll for labor on
the Millville road part of the Bee
Branch Sewer during the last half of
May, 1905:
Amount due laborers 49410
Respectfully submitted.
City Engineer.
Approved by Coa:mittee on St reets.
Also submit my pay roll for labor on
Special Sewers during the last half of
May, 1905.
Amount due Laborers $7.00
Respectfully submitted.
City Engineer.
Approved by Committee on Streets.
On motion the pay roll on Streets.
Sewers and Bee Branch were received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay the
various amounts, and the pay rolls re-
ferred back to the proper committees.
City Attorney Kintzinger reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: Herewith attached please
find receipt of John C. Bauer for $550.00
in full settlement and discharge of his
claim and suit against the city, which
was pending in the district court of
Dubuque county, Iowa, a warrant for
which amount was drawn in favor of
the Mayor at the last meeting of the
City Council.
Respectfully submitted,
City Attorney.
On motion the report was received
and filed.
City Electrician Hiprnan reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council: •
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my re-
port of defective lights for the month of
May, 1905.
I find from the report of the Police
Department that the totals hours that
fourteen lamps failed to burn would
equal a/ lamp for one month, or $2.70.
Respectfully submitted,
City Electrician.
On motion the report was received,
and the City Auditor instructed to de-
duct from the Union Electric Com-
pany's bill for the month of April, the
sum of $2.70.
City Recorder Arendt presented and
read the printed notice certified to by
the publisher of the Council's intention
to levy a special assessment for repair-
ing Sidewalks during the month of
April. 1905.
No remonstrance being filed, the May-
or asked if anyone present had any ob-
jection to said special assessment. No
objection being stated, the notice on
motion was received and filed.
Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the fol-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Duhaque: That to bray for Re-
pairing Sidewalks iler:ng month of Ap-
ril. 1905. in front of and ;rdjoininy the
same. a Special Tax he NMI is hereby
levied on the several Lots. and Parts
of Lots. crn.1 Parcels of Ii'-: I Estate
hereinafter situate aril owned.
;rad for the several a:r.,cnits se: oppo-
site each Lot or Parcel of Tbo:rl Estate,
as follows:
April 1—Jos. J. ',:•gic, Cushing's
Sub., lot 1 4?
April 1—Lizzie J. Thiel. Sub. 151
\ echanic•'s Add., lot 2 45
.. .Inc•. Kessler. Glendale
Add., S. 1-2 lot 19 1 15
April 3—Gerhard Tenhaaf Est,
Davis Farm Add., lot 357 53
Ar ril 3—Aug. Flechsig, Glendale
Add., lot 11 5:1
1pril 3 --Christina llrede, City. S
8.4.5 ft. lot 499 73
April 3—Mary Plines, Glendale
Add., lot 14 35
April S --Annie Gilden, City-, lot
109 60
April 5—Rich. Waller iSst.. Me-
Craney's 1st. Add., S. E. 125 ft
lot 100 1 20
April 5—Win. Tuetia.g, Sanford's
Sub., lot S . 1 90
April 6—Jaures Powers, Windsor
Ave. Sub.. lot :1 2 25
anril 6—A1. Matthews, Sub. City
718, lot 0 70
April 10--C. T:e:fsteck et nl, Reif-
stei-1t s Sub., lot 1 83
April 1l—.T. L. Tluettell Est,
Ho-re-Arld., lot 12 4:
April 11-13. J. Lineha:a, Hone
Add., lot 11 :r:+
Regular Session June 1, 1905. 97
April 11—Mary A. Riggs, Union
Add., lot 155
April 11—Mary A. Dolan, Union
Add., W. 1-2 lot 62
April 11—Rich. E. Butler, Sub. 2
of 189 Union Add., lot 1
April 11—Sas. Beach & Sons, City,
lot 582
April 12—Clara Ruff, High St.
Sub., lots 4-5
April 13—J. K. Deming and Geo.
W. Kiesel, Sub. Min. lot 466,
lot 2 80
April 13—Peter Fay, East Du-
buque Add., S 1-2 lot 77 40
April 14—Jno. J. Keane, City, lot
726 45
April 14—Peter Eisbach, Bonson
& Stewart's Sub.. lots 1-3 1 30
April U—J. L. Meyer, Sub. 76 and
77. Union Add., lot 2 50
April 14—John Olinger. Boulevard
Add., lots 29-30-33 90
April 15—Jno. T. Hancock Est,
Sub. Min. lot 158, lot 6 40
April 15—Henry Kiene, Sub. 1 of
Min. lot 45, lot 1 45
April 15—John Byrne. Sub. Min.
lot 62, lot 4 35
April 22—Mrs. Sidney Saul, Saul's
Sub., lot 2 90
April 22—Mercy Hospital, Sub.
Min. lot 66. lot 2 40
April 24—Theo. Ratterman, Sr,
A. Stine's Add., lot 29 1 15
April 25—J. H. Simplot, Mineral
lot 83 ... 40
April 25—Catholic Univ. of Wash.,
et al. Kelly's Sub., lot 1 50
_April 25—Mrs. B. Keogh, Sub. 32,
Wilson's Sub., lot 1 35
April 22—T. Byrne, Union Add,
lot 170 55
April 26—W. J. Cox, Cox's Add,
lot 73 60
April 28—Val. Schiel, Sub. 196 and
197. L. H. Langworthy's Add,
lot 10 35
April 28—John Morrison, O. S.
Langworthy's Add., lot 12 60
Total $ 26 80
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the reso-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
The following Weighmasters' and
Woodmeasurers' receipts were referred
to the committee on Markets:
F. P. Hayes—City Hall receipts$14.62
T. Faherty—First Ward Scale re-
ceipts 3.81
R. Hay—Eighth Street Scale re-
ceipts '
Louise Pitschner—West Dubuque
Scale receipts 2.52
Peter Holsinger, Woodmeasurer
receipts- .55
• Ald. Corrance, chairman of the com-
mittee on Claims, reported as follows:
Your committee on Claims would re-
spectfully state that Ernest Mueller
fell over an obstruction on a side-
walk on Locust street between Sev-
enth and Eighth on or about April
28th, 1905. severely injuring and dislo-
cating his right arm, that he threatened
to bring suit against the city to re-
cover damages for his injuries unless
an amicable settlement was reached be-
fore doing so; that this committee in
endeavoring to reach a settlement with
Mr. Mueller, met him on the last day
on which notice of suit could be served
on the city, and at said meeting com-
promised and settled his damage by
agreeing to recommend that he be paid
$100.00 in full settlement for all dam-
ages sustained by him in said fall. We
would therefore recommend that said
settlement be approved. and that a
warrant for $100.00 be drawn in favor of
the Mayor to effect said settlement.
Ald. Corrance moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Frith. chairman of the commit-
tee on Streets, reported as follows:
Your committee on Streets, to whom
were referred the profiles showing pro-
posed grade of Queen street extended
to Burden Avenue, and of the alley
between Windsor Avenue and Queen
street from Clinton street to Queen
street. would respectfully recommend
that said grades be adopted, and that
the ordinance committee be instructed
to prepare ordinances properly estab-
lishing said grades.
Also. your committee on Streets. to
whom was referred the petition of
Leonard Buehler. asking that the alley
between Burden Avenue and• Argyle
street from Lawler Avenue to Goethe
Avenue and also Argyle street be grad-
ed, would recommend that the prayer
of the petitioner be granted and that
the City Engineer be instructed to
grade said alley and street, expending
thereon not to exceed $15.00.
Also. your committee on Streets, to
whom was referred the petition of The-
odore Scharle, asking that the special
assessment levied against Lot 4,
Scharle's Sub., for cleaning the alley
in rear thereof lie ordered canceled be-
cause said assessment w' as levied in er-
ror, would recommend that the prayer
of the petitioner he granted and that
the Treasurer lie instructed accordingly.
Also your Committee on Streets,
to whom was referred the petit len of
J. Wodric•h, et al. asking that the all. y
between Rhomberg and Lincoln Ave-
nues, from Middle to Fengler Avenues,
he improved, would recommend that
the•prayer of the petitioners be grant-
98 Regular Session June 1, 1.905.
ed and that the proper resolutions be
Also your Committee on Streets, to
whom was referred with power the pe-
tition of Fred Miller, asking that the
walk abutting Lot 262, Ham's Add., be
graded, would respectfully report that
we have Instructed the City Engineer
to proceed with the work.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the various
reports of the Committee on Streets.
Ald. Lyons chairman of the Ordi-
nance Committee. presented and read
an ordinance establishing the grade of
Queen Street Extension to Burden
Avenue. and moved that the reading
just had be considered its first reading.
Carried unanimously.
Ald. Lyons also presented and read
an ordinance establishing the grade of
the alley between Windsor Avenue and
Queen Street, from north line of Met-
tle's Subdivision to Clinton Street, and
moved that the reading just had be
considered its first reading. Carried
Ald. Needham, chairman of the Com.
mittee on Police and Light, reported as
Your Committee on Police and Light,
to whom was referred the matter of
purchasing hats for the day men on
the police force, would respectfully re-
port that we have purchased from Kaep
& Buechele, eleven hats at a cost
of $1.75 each.
Ald. Needham moved to adopt the
report. Carried.
Ald. Lyons, chairman of the Com-
mittee on Sewers, reported as follows:
Your Committee on Sewers would re-
spectfully report that we have ex-
amined the sanitary sewer in Eleventh
Street from the alley west of Elm
Street to center of Cedar Street, Street.
Steuck & Linehan, contractors, and
would recommend that said sewer be
accepted and that the City Engineer
be instructed to prepare a special as-
sessment against the lots or parcels of
lands subjected to assessment for said
improvement, and file the same in the
office of the City Recorder. who will
thereupon publish notice of said assess-
ment as required by ordinance.
Ald. Lyons moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Clancy, chairman of the Com-
mittee of the Whole, reported as fol-
Your Committee of the Whole would
respectfully recommend that the re-
port of this committee on the petitio:
of Ott, Meuser & Co., relating to the
vacation of a street and alley in Du-
buque Harbor Company's Addition,
adopted May 4, 1905, be rescinded and
annulled, and that the following report
be substituted in lieu thereof:
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of Ott,
Meuser & Co.. asking that Huff Street,
where the same abuts Blocks 29 and
30, Dubuque Harbor Co.'s Add., and
the alley in Block 29 in the same addi-
tion be vacated, would recommend that
the prayer of the petitioners be grant-
ed, and that said street and alley be so
vacated so long as the property abut-
ting thereon is used for a lumber yard
or for manufacturing purposes; pro-
vided said Ott, Meuser & Co. fill said
alley and street to the present grade of
Railroad Avenue.
Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the re-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corranco. Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Also your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
T. O. Sullivan in relation to the special
assessment levied against lot 1 of Gil-
liam's Sub. and lot 1 of Quigley's Sub.
of outlot 710 for the construction of a
sewer in West Locust Street, would re-
spectfully recommend that the Treas-
urer be instructed to accept the sum
of $52.35 in full settlement of said as-
Also your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
the Dubuque Packing Co., asking that
its taxes for the year 1904 be canceled
in accordance with the agreement made
with the City Council in 1900, would
recommend that in accordance with
said agreement, the Treasurer be in-
structed to cancel all taxes against said
firm in excess of $3,000.00 valuation.
Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the
above reports. Carried.
Also your Committee of the Whole
would respectfully recommend that the
following resolution be adopted:
Whereas, Ott, Meuser & Company
have filed their petition asking for the
vacation of Huff Street from Railroad
Avenue to the south end of said Huff
Street, also the alley in Block 29, Du-
buque Harbor Company's Addition, and
represent that they are the owners of
all the land abutting on either side of
said street and alley so asked to be va-
cated; therefore,
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the City
Engineer be directed to make a survey
and plat of that part of said street
and alley proposed to be vacated to be
filed in said Engineer's office, subject
to public inspection and give the no-
tice required by ordinance to all owners
of property abutting said ground pro-
posed to be so vacated and to publish
the notice required by ordinance of said
proposed vacation.
Regular Session June 1, 1905. 99
Ald. Clancy
Carried by
Jones, Lyons,
moved to adopt the res -
the following report:
Clancy, ('ort. ;cc, Frith,
Needham and Stumpf.
Alderman Frith offered the following:
Whereas, It iq deemed expedient by
the City Council of the City of Du-
buque to change the grade of Bluff
Street, between Eighth and Fourth
Streets; therefore,
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the City
Engineer be and he is hereby directed
to prepare from actual survey and re-
port to the Council a profile showing
the grade proposed, and to report
whether or not a grade has been pre-
viously established on said street, and
if there has been a grade previously
established. said profile to also show
said t:<t:!hlishe d grade. And said En-
gineer is further instructed to report
whether or not any person has made
improvc meats on said street according
to said established grade.
Ald. Frith moved to the adopt the
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons and Stumpf.
Alderman Frith also offered the fol-
Whereas, a large number of enameled
Street name signs are now stored away
in the basement of the c'ty hall, and,
Whereas, those signs when placed at
street corners are of great convenience,
not only to strangers. but also to our
own citizens; therefore,
Resolved by the ('ity Council of the
City of Dubuque, That the City Engt-
reer be directed to have said signs
fastened to buildings or other suitable
objects on the different street corners
to which they belong and to procure
signs for such corners as are not al-
ready provided for.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the reso-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Ald. Frith also offered the fu.,owing:
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That it is
deemed necessary and advisable to con-
struct a sanitary sewer in the alley be-
tween Jackson and Washington streets,
and it is hereby proposed to construct
a sanitary sewer in said alley between
Jackson and Washington streets, as
follows, to -wit: A twelve -inch tile pipe
sewer frcm Sanford street to Twenty-
third street. thence a ten -inch tile pipe
sewer north to Twenty-fifth street,
and to assess the cost of said sewer
against the abutting property.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the reso-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Ald. Frith also offered the following:
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the City
Engineer be and he is hereby directed
to prepare a plat and specifications for
a twelve -inch tile pipe sewer in the
alley between Jackson and Washington
streets, from Sanford street to Twenty-
third street, thence a ten -inch tile pipe
sewer north to Twenty-fifth street,
showing the location and general na-
ture of such improvement, the extent
thereof, the size and kind of material
to be used, and to prepare an estimate
of the cost thereof, and the amount as-
sessable upon each lot or parcel of land
adjacent to or abutting thereon per
front foot or square foot in area, and to
file such plat, specifications and esti-
mate in the office of the City Recorder.
That after such plat is so filed, the
City Recorder shall cause to be pub-
lished notice of the intention of the
Council to make such improvement,
which notice shall be published in three
consecutive issues of the officials news-
paper of the City of Dubuque. stating
that such plat is on file and generally
the nature of the sewer, its location,
size and kinds of material to be used,
and an estimate of its cost, and fixing
the time before which objections can
be filed. which time shall not be less
than five days after the last publication
of such notice, and after the completion
of the publication of such notice, he
shall at its next regular session notify
the Council thereof in writing with a
printed copy of such notice accompany-
ing the same.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the reso-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy. Corrance, Frith,
Jones. Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Nays --None.
Ald. Lyons offered the following:
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque. That a sanitary
sewer of eight -inch tile pipe be con-
structed in Couler avenue from San-
ford street to center of Twenty-second
street, according to the plans and spec-
ifications of said sewer prepared by the
City Engineer and now on file in the
office of the City Recorder, and be it
further resolved that said sewer shall
be completed on or before the 1st day
of September, 1905, and shall be paid for
at the time and in the manner pre-
scribed by Chapter XXXIV of the Re-
vised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of
Dubuque for the payment of the cost of
constructing sewers. The proposals for
100 Regular Session June 1, 1905.
doing such work will be acted upon by
the Council on the 15th day of June,
1905, and the City Recorder is hereby
ordered to give ten days' notice by pub-
lication. asking for proposals as pro-
vided by ordinance.
Ald. Lyons moved to adopt the reso-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alda. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Alt/. Jones offered the following:
Ne it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, that it is deem-
ed. necessary and advisable to improve
the alley between Rhomberg and Lin-
coln. Avenues from Middle Avenue to
Fengler Avenue, and it is hereby pro-
posed to grade and macadamize said
alley and to assess the cost of said ma-
cadamizing against the abutting prop-
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the Reso-
lution. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Ald. Jones also offered the following:
Pe it Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That the City En-
gineer be and he is hereby directed to
prepare a plat showing generally the
location, nature, and extent of the pro-
posed improvement on the alley be-
tween Rhomberg and Lincoln Avenues
from Middle Avenue to Fengler Avenue
and the kind of material to be used and
an estimate of the entire cost thereof,
and. the amount and cost of such im-
provement, and the amount assessable
upon any railway or street railway, the
amount and cost thereof to be paid by
the city, if any, and the cost thereof
and' amount assessable upon each lot
or parcel of land adjacent to or abut-
ting upon such improvement per front
foot, and to file such plat and estimate
in the office of the City Recorder; that
after the filing of said plat and esti-
mate in his office, the City Recorder
shall publish in three consecutive issues
of a newspaper published in the city, a
notice stating that such plat and esti-
mate are on file, the location and na-
ture of the improvement, kind of ma-
terial to be used, and an estimate of its
cost,. and the time before which objec-
tions thereto can be filed, and the time
fixed for hearing, which time shall not
be less than five days after the last
publication of such notice, and after
such publication shall have been made,
the City Recorder shall, at the next
regular session of the City Council, no-
tify. the council thereof in writing with
a printed copy of such notice accom-
panying the same.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the Reso-
lution. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Ald. Clancy offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That a Sidewalk six
feet wide, of good brick or cement, oe,
within 20 days of this notice, construct-
ed and laid in conformity with the
ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the West side of Locust street, between
Second street and Third street, abut-
ting S. 1-2 of City Lot 115, owned by
Alphons Matthews, at the expense of
abutting property. Adopted by the fol-
lowing vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Aid. Needham offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque. That a Sidewalk six
feet wide, of good brick or cement, be,
within 20 days of this notice, construct
ed and laid in conformity with the
ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the North side of Fenelon Place, be-
tween Summit street and Burch street,
abutting lot 15. Fortune's Sub., owned
by Henry Wunderlich Est., at the ex-
pense of abutting property. Adopted
by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Ald. Frith offered the following:
Resolved by the C':ty Council of the
City of Dubuque, That a Sidewalk five
feet wide, of good brick or cement, be,
within 20 days of this notice, construct-
ed and laid in conformity with the
ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the North side of Lincoln avenue, be-
tween White street and Jnekson etreet.
abutting N. 37 ft. of S. 46 ft. of W. 1/a of
Lot 41, L. H. Langworthy's Add., owned
by Frank Drasda, at the expense of
abutting property. Adopted by the fol-
lowing vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons. Needham and Stumpf.
Ald. Frith also offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That a Sidewalk five
feet wide, of good brick or cement, be,
within 20 days of this notice, construct-
ed and laid in conformity with the or-
dinance in relation to sidewalks; on
the South side of Lincoln Avenue, be-
tween White street and Jackson street,
abutting N. 28 ft. of W. 1/2 of Lot 42.
L. H. Langworthy's Add., owned by
Elizabeth Drasda, at the expense of
abutting property. Adopted b ythe fol-
lowing vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Alderman Frith also offered the fql-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City. of Dubuque, That a. sidewalk five
feet wide, of good brick or cement, be.
Regular Session June 1, 1905.
w', ithin 20 days of this notice, construct-
ed and laid in conformity with the or-
dinance in relation to sidewalks on the
south side of Lincoln Avenue, between
White Street and Jackson Street, abut-
ting Sub. B z of Lots 42 and 43 of Lot
1, L. H. Langworthy's Add., owned by
Margaret Loui Est., at the expense
of abutting property. Adopted by the
following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Alderman Frith also offered the fol-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque. That a sidewalk six
feet wide, of good cement, be, within
20 days of this notice, constructed and
laid in conformity with the ordinance
in relation to sidewalks, on the east
side of Jackson Street, between Twen-
ty-fourth Street and Twenty-fifth
Street. abutting lot 153, Glendale Add.,
owned by R. and Edw. Langworthy
Est., at the expense of abutting prop-
erty. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy. Corrance, Frith.
Jones, Lyons. Needham and Stumpf.
Alderman Frith also offered the fol-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk six
feet wide. of good content, be within
20 days of this notice. constructed and
laid in conformity with the ordinance
in relation to sidewalks, on the east
side of Jackson Street. between Twen-
ty-fourth Street and Twenty-fifth
Street, abutting lot 154 N .'.. Glendale
Acid., owned by Edward Langworthy
Est., at the expense of abutting prop-
erty. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons. Needham and Stumpf.
Alderman Stumpf offered the fol-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk
seven feet wide, of good brick or
cement, be, within 20 days of this no-
tice, constructed and laid in confor-
mity with the c.rdinanc•e in relation to
sidewalks on the west side of White
Street, between Ninth Street and Tenth
street, abutting lot City, owned by
John Wunderlich. ;it the expense of
abutting property. Adopted by the
following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones. Lyons. Needham and Stumpf.
Alderman Stumpf also offered the fol-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk
seven feet wide. of good two-inch
plank, brick or cement, be, within 20
days of this notice, constructed and laid
in conformity with the ordinance in re-
lation to sidewalks, on the west side of
White Street, between Ninth Street and
Tenth Street, abutting N of City Lot
332, owned by Louis Trexler, at the ex-
pense of abutting property. Adopted
by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons. Needham and Stumpf.
Alderman Stumpf also offered the fol-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk six
feet wide, of good brick or cement, he,
within 20 days of this notice, construct-
ed and laid in conformity with the or-
dinance in relation to sidewalks, on the
west side of Washington Street, be-
tween Thirteenth Street and Four-
teenth Street, abutting lots 67 and 6S,
East Dubuque Add., owned by B. S.
McElheny, at the expense of abutting
property. Adopted by the following
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Tones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Ald. Stumpf also offered the follow-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a Sidewalk
five feet,wide, of good brick or cement,
he, within 10 days of this notice, con-
structed and laid in conformity with
the ordin:uxe in relation to sidewalks,
on the South side of Seventeenth street,
between _Maple street and ('lar street,
abutting Sub. ii I. East Ipile on.. Add.,
Lot 1, owned by Ruben Lewis, at the
expense of abutting property. Adopted
by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons. N,eilh:nn and Stumpf.
Na vs --None.
\ld. Stuntpf also offered the follow-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a Sidewalk
five feet wide, o1' goorl hrieh ut eeutettt,
be, within _a days of this notice, con-
structed and laid in eo:tfnrtrity with
the ordinate e in telatinu to s;dewalks,
on the AWest side of Elm street. between
Seventeenth street and Eighteenth
street. abutting N. 1/2 of Lot 158, East
Dubuque Add., owned by Moses Stein,
at the expense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
.`,yes—Alds. ('I;utcy, Corrcuclee, Frith,
Jones. Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Mil. Jones rt,tvecl that thy• Engineer
he instructed to give Mr. Andrew Hoer-
ner the grade of the Alley back of his
New Store 1:uilding on Windsor Ave-
nue. Carried.
102 Regular Session June 1, 1905.
Ald. Frith reported that there were
some bad places in Glen Oak avenue,
also that some of the curbstone had
sunk down, and moved that the mat-
ter of putting them back to grade be
referred to the Committee on Streets
and City Engineer. Carried.
Ald. Clancy moved that the Engineer
be instructed to proceed with the work
of grading Bluff Street Extension. Car-
Ald. Jones moved to adjourn until
June 15th, 1905. Carried.
City Recorder.
Approved. :...... ' ...' ...
Regular Session June 15, 1905. 103
Regular Session June 15th, 1905.
Council met at 8:30 P. M.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Aids. Clancy, Corrance,
Frith, Jones, Lyons and Needham.
Absent—Ald. Stumpf.
Petition of Chas. McEvoy asking that
a grade be established on the alley
abutting Dodge street from Malady
street to Grandview Avenue.
On motion referred to City Engineer.
Petition of N. Mettel, Jr., asking for
the established grade of Pierce street
abutting his lot.
On motion referred to City Engineer
to see whether or not there was an es-
tablished grade on said street and re-
port to the Council.
Petition of G. E. Davis, adm. of Wm.
M. Davis Estate, protesting against
paying the special assessment for the
construction of a sanitary sewer in
West Locust street.
On motion referred to City Engineer
and report at next Council meeting.
Communication of Kenline & Roedell
asking that a warrant be ordered
drawn amounting to $34.55 to pay the
judgment against the City in case of
Citizens' State Bank vs. Robert and
Mary Jess and the City of Dubuque.
On motion referred to City Attorney
and Committee on Claims.
Petition of Christ Braun asking that
the sidewalk abutting his property,
corner Seventh and Lincoln Avenues,
be ordered graded, was on motion re-
ferred to the Committee on Streets and
City Engineer and they to view the
Petition of Mrs. E. O'Halloran ask-
ing for the cancellation of her taxes
for the year 1904 as levied against lots
14, 15, 172 and 173, Finley's Add., was
on motion referred to the Delinquent
Tax committee.
Petition of Chris. A. Voelker, asking
Council to accept in cash one-half of
the special assessment without interest
for improving Leibnitz street, as levied
against lots 113 to 117 inc., in Me-
chanic's Add.
On motion referred to Board of Equal-
ization, City Assessor and City Attor-
Petition of F. Murphy, P. Zillig and
Jos. Tschudi, lieutenants in the Fire
Department, asking that their salary be
increased $5.00 per month.
On motion referred to the Committee
of the Whole.
Petition of A. C. Buettell and two
hundred and thirty-five (235) other sign-
ers, all property owners and residents
residing on West Locust street and ad-
joining streets, asking that the City
Council take such steps urging the Un-
ion Electric Co., to give them an up-
to-date car service on said West Locust
street and vicinity.
On motion referred to Committee of
the Whole and interested parties noti-
fied of said meeting.
Communication of Jacob Rich, pres-
ident of the Carnegie -Stout Free Public
Library, informing the Council that
Hon. Andrew Carnegie has kindly con-
sented to increase his gifts to the City
of Dubuque for library purposes in a
sum not exceeding Eleven Thousand
Five Hundred Dollars.
On motion the communication was
received and filed and the Recorder
instructed to extend thanks to Hon. A.
Carnegie for his donation.
City Engineer Boyce reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
payroll for labor on streets in the dif-
ferent road districts during the first
half of June, 1905:
Amount due laborers on streets..$410.70
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved by Committee on Streets.
Also submit my pay roll for labor on
sewers during the first half of June,
Amount due laborers on Sewers..$1.73.00
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved by Committee on Sewers.
Also submit my pay roll for labor on
Bluff Street Extension during first half
of June, 1905:
Amount due laborers on Bluff
Street Extension $161.40
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved by Committee on Streets.
Also submit my pay roll for labor on
Special Sewers during the first half of
June, 1905:
Amount due Laborers $59.50
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved by Committee on Streets.
On motion the pay roll on Streets,
Sewers and Bluff Street Extension were
received and warrants ordered drawn
104 Regular Session June 15, 1905.
to pay the various amounts, and the
pay rolls referred back to the proper
Jno. W. Lawlor, Committee Clerk,
reported as follows:
Dubuque, Ia., June 15, 1905.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit a
statement of the amount expended for
labor on streets in the different wards
and for sprinkling in the different road
districts during the month of May, 1905:
First ward $584.70
Second ward 560.10
Third ward 382.85
Fourth ward 382.05
Fifth ward 636.05
Miscellaneous 596.70
First district
Second district
Third district
Total $3,624.10
Respectfully submitted,
Committee Clerk.
Chairman on Streets.
City Engineer Boyce reported as fol-
Gentlemen: According to instructions
from your honorable body I herewith
submit profile of Bluff Street from
Fourth to Eighth Streets, showing the
grade established on the street, also
the proposed grade on the West and
East sides of the street.
Some improvements have been made
on street according to established grade
Respectfully submitted.
City Engineer.
On motion the profile was referred to
the two Aldermen -at -Large and Alder-
men of the First and Second wards and
City Engineer.
Mayor Berg reported as follows:
The Honorable City Council:
Gentlemen: I herewith return you
receipt and release in full of Ernest
Mueller for $100.00 for his claim against
the city in falling on a sidewalk on or
about April 25th, 1905. Warrants for
the above amount having been drawn
in my favor at the last meeting of the
council. C. H. BERG,
Ald. Corrance moved that the action
of the mayor be approved, and the re-
port and receipt be received and flied.
City Recorder Arendt presented and
read the printed notice certified to by
the publisher, of the Council's intention
to construct a sanitary sewer in alley
between Jackson and Washington
Streets from Sanford to center of
Twenty-fifth Street.
No remonstrance being filed, the
Mayor asked if anyone present had any
objection to the construction of said
sanitary sewer. No objection being
stated, the notice on motion, was re-
ceived and filed.
City Recorder Arendt also presented
and read the printed Notice, certified
to by the publisher, of the Council's
intention to improve the Alley between
Rhomberg and Lincoln Avenues from
Middle to Fengler Avenues.
No remonstrance being filed, the
Mayor asked if anyone present had any
objection to the improvement of said
alley. No objection being stated, the
notice, on motion, was received and
The announcement of Mayor Berg re-
appointing for a term of six years
Hon. Jacob Rich, Hon, O. P. Shiras and
Mrs. John S. Lewis as Trustees of the
Carnegie -Stout Free Public Library
was on motion of Ald. Clancy approved
and confirmed.
The Mayor stated that the filling
taken out of the Ice Harbor ought to be
placed on First Street Extension, south
side of Ice Harbor.
On motion the matter was referred to
a special committee consisting of the
Mayor, City Engineer and Aid. Clancy.
The had condition of the Third Street
storm water sewer was on motion re-
ferred to the Sewer Committee and
City Engineer.
The following bid was ordered opened:
Sanitary Sewer in Couler Avenue
from Sanford Street to Twenty-second
Brown & Brown, 8 -inch tile pipe at
60c per lin. ft.; manholes, each, $27.50.
Street, Steuck & Linehan, 8 -inch tile
pipe at 5Sc per lin. ft.; manholes, each,
Street, Steuck & Linehan being the
lowest bidders were awarded the con-
tract and their bond fixed at $100.00.
Ald. Lyons, chairman of the Ordi-
nance Committee, presented and read
an ordinance establishing the grade of
Queen Street Extension to Burden
The Ordinance having had its first
reading at the previous meeting of the
Council, Ald. Lyons moved that the
reading just had be considered its sec-
ond reading. Carried.
Ald. Lyons then moved that the Ordi-
nance be now adopted as read.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons and Needham.
Absent—Aid. Stumpf.
The Ordinance follows:
Regular Session June 16, 1905. 100
Be it Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That the grade of Queen
Street Extension to Burden Avenue be
established and described as follows:
Beginning at the North end of the pres-
ent improvement of Queen Street,
which is Station 0.0, Elevation 103.1,
thence northerly and northeasterly to
Station 1-1-80, center of alley, North
Curb 98.0, South Curb 97.0, thence to
Station 2-1-98, intersection of South
Curb of Burden Avenue, Elevation 99.0.
Section 2. This ordinance to be in
force and take effect from and after its
passage by the City Council and its
publication one time in the Dubuque
Globe -Journal newspaper.
Adopted 1905.
City Recorder.
Ald. Lyons also presented and read
an ordinance establishing the grade of
the alley between Windsor Avenue and
Queen Street, from north line of Met-
tle's Subdivision to Clinton Street.
The Ordinance having had its first
reading at the previous meeting of the
Council, Ald. Lyons moved that the
reading just had be considered its sec-
ond reading. Carried.
Ald. Lyons then moved that the Ordi-
nance be now adopted as read.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons and Needham.
Absent—Ald. Stumpf.
The Ordinance follows:
Be it Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That the grade of the al-
ley between Windsor Avenue and
Queen Street, from the north line of
Mettle's Subdivision to Clinton Street
be established and described as follows:
Beginning at the south line of Queen
Street Extension in the center of the
alley which is Station 0.0, Elevation 97.0,
thence southerly on a curve grade to
Station -1-35, Elevation 95.0, thence to
Station 2-1-66, north curb line of Clin-
ton Street, Elevation 88.5.
Section 2. This Ordinance to be in
force and take effect from and after
its passage by the City Council and its
publication one time in the Dubuque
Globe -Journal newspaper.
Adopted 1905.
. •:'Mayci.
Ald. Frith, chairman oi the Commit-
tee on Streets, reported as follows:
Your Committee on Streets would re-
spectfully report that we have exam-
ined the storm water sewer in Booth
Street, Brown 8c• Brown, contractors,
and would recommend that said sewer
be accepted.
E. E. FRITH, Chairman.
Also your Committee on Streets, to
whom was referred the petition of C.
B. Trewin, et al, asking that a grade
be established on Dillon Street, and al-
so that said street be graded, curbed,
guttered and macadamized, would rec-
ommend that the prayer of the petition-
ers be granted, and that the City En-
gineer he instructed to submit a profile
showing a proposed grade on said
E. E. FRITH, Chairman.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the re-
ports of the Street Committee. Car-
Ald. Frith moved that the Purchasing
Committee be instructed to purchase
a car load of Purington Paving Brick.
Ald. Corrance of the Market Com-
mittee offered the following, which
was adopted:
Be it Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That the matter
of purchasing a new scales for the
First Ward be referred to the Commit-
tee on Markets with power.
Ald. Needham, chairman of the
Sprinkling Committee, stated that the
committee had purchased for the
sprinkling wagons 50 feet of hose at 75c
per foot.
Ald. Clancy, chairman of the Com-
mittee on Fire, reported as follows:
Your committee on Fire, to whom
was referred the communication of the
Chief of the Fire Department relative
to the purchase of horses for his de-
partment, would respectfully report
that the same had been examined by
the City Veterinarian, we purchased
two horses for the sum of $450.00 and
instructed the City Treasurer to ad-
vance said amount to the parties from
whom said horses were purchased and
that a warrant be ordered drawn for
$450.00 in favor of the City Treasurer.
MATT. CLANCY, Chairman.
Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
106 , Regular Session June 15, 1905.
Ald. Clancy, chairman of the Com-
mittee of the Whole, reported as fol-
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of the
Art Division of the Dubuque Woman's
Club, asking that Eleventh Street, from
the retaining wall to Bluff street, be
cleaned, graded and that earth suitable
for the growing of turf, vines, etc., be
hauled thereon, and that a new storm
water sewer be built on the north side
of said street, would recommend that
the prayer of the petitioners be granted
. and that the City Engineer be instruct-
ed to proceed with the improvement.
MATT. CLANCY, Chairman.
Also, your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the maps, plans,
specifications, etc., showing the pro-
posed location and construction of the
underground and aerial lines of the
Iowa Telephone Company, would rec-
ommend that said maps, plans and
specifications be approved; the city re-
serving the right, however, to deter-
mine the exact location for poles and
other obstructions necessarily used in
the construction of said lines.
MATT. CLANCY, Chairman.
Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the re-
ports of the Committee of the Whole.
Ald. Frith offered the following:
Be It Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That a sanitary
sewer of twelve -inch tile pipe be con-
structed in the alley between Jackson
and Washington streets from Sanford
to Twenty-third streets, thence a sewer
of ten -inch tile pipe north to Twenty-
fifth street, according to the plans and
specifications of said sewer prepared by
the City Engineer and now on file in
the office of the City Recorder, and be
it further resolved, that said sewer
shall be completed on or before the
15th day of September, 1905, and shall
be paid for at the time and in the man-
ner prescribed by Chapter XXXIV. of
the Revised Ordinances or 1901 of the
City of Dubuque for the payment of the
cost of constructing sewers. The pro-
posals for doing such work will be acted
upon by the Council on the 6th day of
July, 1905, and the City Recorder is
hereby ordered to give ten days' notice
by publication, asking for proposals as
provided by ordinance.
Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons and Needham.
Absent—Ald. Stumpf.
Ald. Jones offered the following:
Be It Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque: That the alley
between Rhomberg and Lincoln Ave-
nues from Middle to Fengler Avenues,
be improved by grading and macadam-
izing the same in accordance with the
plat and specifications for such im-
provement prepared by the City Engi-
neer and now on file in the office of the
City Recorder, and be it further re-
solved that said improvement shall be
completed on or before the 1st day of
September, 1905. and shall be paid for
in the manner prescribed by Chapter
XXXII. of the Revised Ordinances of
the City of Dubuque for the payment
of the cost of street improvements.
That proposals for doing such work
will be acted upon by the Council on
the 6th day of July, 1905, and the City
Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten
days' notice, asking for proposals as
proposals as provided by ordinance.
Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons and Needham.
Absent—Ald. Stumpf.
Ald. Corrance offered the following:
Be It Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque: That Grace
street from west line of lot 4 of Sub. of
lot 7 of Ann O'Hare's Addition to East
street be improved by grading, curbing,
guttering and macadamizing the same
in accordance with the plat and spec-
ifications for such improvement pre-
pared by the City Engineer and now
on file in the office of the City Recorder,
and be it further resolved that said im-
provement shall be completed on or be -
and shall be paid for in the manner
fore the 15th day of September, 1905,
prescribed by Chapter XXXII. of
the Revised Ordinances or the City of
Dubuque for the payment of the cost of
street improvements.
The proposals for doing such work
will be acted upon by the Council on
the 6th day of July, 1905, and the City
Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten
days' notice by publication asking for
proposals as provided by ordinance.
Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons and Needham.
Absent—Ald. Stumpf.
Ald. Corrance also offered the follow-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a Sidewalk
4 feet wide, of good brick or cement,
be, within 0 days of this notice, con-
structed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalk,
an the East side of Foye street, be-
tween Foye street and Ellis street,
abutting lot 22, East 24 ft., Cox's Add..
ourned by Kate Lundbeck, at the ex-
pense of abutting property. Adopted
by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons and Needham.
Absent—Ald. Stumpf.
Ald. Corrance also offered the follow-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a Sidewalk
Regular Session June 15, 1905. 107
5 feet wide of good brick or cement,
be, within 20 days of this notice, con-
structed and laid in c.cnformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks,
on the East side of Prairie street, be-
tween Arlington street and \Vest Four-
teenth street, abutting lot 798 A. Mc -
Daniel's Sub., owned by Alois Brink-
moeller, at the expense of abutting
property. Adopted by the following vote
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons and Needham.
Absent—Aid. Stumpf.
Ald. Clancy offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of th^
City of Dubuque: That a Sidewalk
4 feet wide, of good cement,
be, within 20 days of this notice, con-
structed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks,
on the West side of So. Hill street, be-
tween West Third street and Langwor-
thy avenue, abutting lot 8, N. 160 ft.,
Mrs. L. H. Langworthy's Sub., owned
by Mary A. Langworthy, at the ex-
pense of abutting property. Adopted
by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons and Needham.
Absent—Ald. Stumpf.
Ald. Clancy also offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a Sidewalk
4 feet wide, of good brick or cement,
be, within 20 days of this notice, con-
structed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks,
on the North side of Cleveland avenue,
between Pear street and Apple street,
abutting lot 62, E. 1-2, Union Add..
owned by Theresa Sullivan, at the ex-
pense of abutting property. Adopted
by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons and Needham.
Absent—Aid. Stumpf.
Ald. Frith offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a Sidewalk
6 feet wide, of good brick or cement,
be, within 20 days of this notice, con-
structed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks,
on the West side of Rhomberg avenue,
between Schiller avenue and Middle
avenue, abutting lot 15, So. 32 ft., Mc-
Craney's 2nd Add., owned by Rose E.
Fengler, at the expense of abutting
property. Adopted by the following vote
Ayes—Alda. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons and Needham.
Absent—Ald. Stumpf.
Ald. Frith also offered the following
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a Sidewalk
6 feet wide, of good brick or cement,
be, within 20 days of this notice; con-
structed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalk: ,
on the East side of Rhomberg avenue,
between Schiller avenue and Middle
avenue, abutting lot 19, Wick's Add.,
owned by Rose E. Fengler, at the ex-
pense of abutting property. Adopted
by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Corrnce, Frith,
Jones, Lyons and Needham.
Absent—Ald. Stumpf.
Ald. Frith also offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a Sidewalk
6 feet wide, of good brick or cement, be,
within 20 days of this notice, construct-
ed and laid in conformity with the or-
dinance in relation to sidewalks, on the
East side of Rhomberg avenue, between
Windsor avenue and Stafford avenue,
abutting lots 18, 19 and So. 2 5-10 ft. of
lot 17, Cooke's Add., owned by Geo.
Funk Est., at the expense of abutting
property. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones. Lyons and Needham.
Absent--Ald. Stumpf.
Ald. Frith also offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a Sidewalk
6 feet wide, of good brick or cement,
be, within 20 days of this notice, con-
structed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks,
on the West side of Rhomberg avenue,
between Schiller avenue and Humboldt
avenue, abutting lot 20, Hooper's Add.,
owned by Geo. Kuntzman Est., at the
expense of abutting property. Adopted
by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith.
Jones, Lyons and Needham.
Absent—Aid. Stumpf.
Ald. Needham offered the following:
Resolved, by the city council of the
city of Dubuque, That in order to im-
prove our police department and give
better protection and services to our
city, and elevate the standard of our
patrolmen who are able and competent
and who under the present condition of
things are entitled to better compensa-
tion for their services, that the salary
of $50 per month now paid our patrol-
men is not a just compensation for the
hardships and dangers that is being per-
formed by said policemen; be it further
Resolved, That on and after March 1,
1906, that all policemen now receiving
$50.00 per month shall receive as a com-
pensation the sum of $60 per month.
Ald. Needham moved to adopt the
Ald. Corrance moved a substitute that
the Resolution he referred to the Corn-
mittee of the Whole. Carried.
Ald. Jones moved to adjourn unti:
July 6th., 1905. Carried.
City Recorder.
2 0174
=; .. Recorder
Approt ;J ... .." ... 190 ✓.J
. Mayo 7
i„, List of Warrants.
List of City Warrants
City Recorder's Office,
Dubuque, Ia., June 1st, 1905.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: The following is a com-
plete list of all warrants issued by me
during the month of May, 1905:
C. H. Berg, salary, Mayor $116 70
H. Brinkman, salary, Treasurer133 35
J. A. McKinlay, salary, Deputy
Treasurer 100 00
Jno. Krayer, clerk, Treasurer's
office 60 00
Chas. F. Arendt, salary, Recorder 116 70
Wm. A. Kaep, salary, Deputy
Recorder 80 00
F. B. Hoffman, salary, Auditor116 70
C. B. Scherr, salary, Assessor 125 00
A. Doerr, Jr., salary, Assistant
Assessor 100 00
J. J. Murphy, salary, Assistant
Assessor 100 00
J. W. Kintzinger, salary, Attor-
ney 150 00
J. C. Longueville, salary, Assis-
tant Attorney 75 00
Miss E. B. Rupprecht, stenogra-
pher, Legal Dept . . 20 00
Thos. Reilly, salary, Chief of Po-
lice 100 00
Jno. Reinfried, salary, Fire Chief 100 00
J. W. Lawlor, salary, Committee
Clerk 100 00
Jas. Boyce, salary, City Engineer 166 65
E. Anderson, salary, Assistant
Engineer 100 00
G. White, salary, Rodman 50 00
G. N. Raymond, salary, Superin-
tendent of Street Sprinkling60 00
E. Herron, clerk in Auditor's and
Engineer's office 75 00
Wm. Hipman, salary, Electrician 83 35
F. P. Hayes, salary, Marketmas-
ter 50 00
T. Cahill, salary, Park Custodian 40 00
H. Henge, salary, Park Custodian 40 00
T. Faherty, salary, Park Custo-
dian 10 00
Dr. B. F. Michel, salary, Health
Officer 50 00
F. Flynn, salary, Sanitary Patrol-
man 60 00
C. Baumann, salary, Poundmas-
ter 40 00
Mrs. H. Koenig, salary, Janitress 20 00
I. Conigisky, salary, Sidewalk In-
spector 50 00
M. Clancy, salary, Alderman 25 00
H. Corrance, salary, Alderman25 00
E. Frith, salary, Alderman 25 00
Mr. Jones, salary, Alderman 25 00
M. E. Lyons, salary, Alderman.....25 00
Jos. Needham, salary, Alderman 25 00
Jno. Stumpf, salary, Alderman25 00
M. Eitel, fireman 70 00
J. Essman, fireman 75 00
A. Duccini, fireman 60 00
J. Flynn, fireman 65 00
J. Roskin, fireman 60 00
A. Heer, fireman 60 00
J. Tschirgi, fireman 60 00
J. Schonberger, fireman 60 00
J. Daley, fireman 70 00
J. Barnes, fireman 75 00
T. Ryder, fireman 60 00
G. Beyer, fireman 65 00
W. Ducey, fireman 60 00
F. Murphy. fireman 60 00
W. McClain, fireman 60 00
M. Kelly, fireman 60 00
D. Ahern, fireman 70 00
P. Zillig, fireman 60 00
T. Flynn, fit eman 65 00
M. Sweeney, fireman 60 00
H. Cain, fireman 60 00
J. Benzor, fireman 60 00
J. McGlcughlin, fireman 60 00
A. McDonald, fireman 75 00
J. Murphy, fireman 50 00
P. Furey, fireman 55 00
G. Gherke, fireman 65 00
T. Kennedy, fireman 60 00
F. Baumgartner, fireman 60 00
J. Smith, fireman 60 00
C. Kannolt, fireman 65 00
J. Allen, fireman 60 00
M. Fahey, fireman 60 00
W. McConnell, fireman 60 00
R. Weston, fireman 65 00
F. Kenneally, fireman 60 00
E. McDermott, fireman 60 00
P. Ahern, fireman 60 00
G. Burkel, police 50 00
J. Carter, police 65 00
J. Clune, police 50 00
Jno. Cody, police 51 65
W. Cook, police 60 00
W. Corcoran, police 50 00
J. P. Cummings, police 50 00
J. Fitzpatrick, police 42 00
Jas. Flynn, police 50 00
Jno. Fox, police 50 00
Wm. Frith, police 50 00
T. Ganahl, police 50 00
L. Grassel, police 48 35
B. Gray, police 50 00
Pat Hanlon, police 50 00
M. Kilty, police 50 00
E. Kahn, police 51 65
Jno. Loetscher, police 40 00
P. McCollins, police 50 00
P. McInerney, police 50 00
M. O'Connor, police 60 00
Jno. Murphy, police 50 00
Jno. Raesli, police 65 00
Otto Rath, police 50 00
J. Rooney, police 50 00
Jas. Ryan, police 67 20
M. Ryan, police 51 65
P, Scharff, police 50 00
Al. Scherr, police 60 00
F. Spielman, police 50 00
P. Sutton, police 45 00
M. Stapleton, police 50 00
J. Stoltz, police 50 00
P. Sullivan, police 51 65
J. L. Sullivan, police 32 00
T. Sweeney, police 65 00
L. Ziedman, police 50 00
Miss B. Brennan, matron 30 00
Mrs. K. Hibbe, matron 30 00
Labor on Streets in the different Road
Districts for the last half of April, 1905:
List of Warrants.
J.Alhrecht, 2nd
Sam Allen, 3rd
Rich. Burns, 1st
Ernest Besser, 1st
Jos. Bropillette, 1st
A. Bolein, 2nd
C. Budien, 2nd
J. Brachtenbach, 2nd
Paul Becker, 3rd
D. J. Brightbill, 3rd
A. Blessel, 3rd
Jos. Brown, 1st, $7.90; 2nd, $10.10;
3rd, $4.50
Peter Carney, 1st
James Connolly, 1st
W. Coughlan, 1st
Mike Cain, 1st
R. Caffrey, 1st
James Callaghan, 1st
John Corbett, 2nd
John Dougherty, 1st
Mike Donegan, 1st
Ed. Desmond, 1st
Peter Dax, 2nd.
John Egan, 1st
John Ess, 2nd
J. Eberhardt, 2nd
Dan Fox, 1st
Mike Farrell, 1st
Frank Frick, 2nd
Louis Fenner, 2nd
John Flynn, 3rd
John Farley
H. Fleck. 1st
Nelscn Frith, 1st
Pat Grue, 1st.
Barney Glass, 1st
Pat Gilloon, 1st
Henry Galle, 2nd
Jos. Grab, 2nd
H. Grode, 2nd
Jos. Guenther, 2nd
Peter Guenther, 2nd
George, Gau, 2nd
C. Gantenbein, 2nd
C. Gruenzig, 3rd
John Hafey, 1st
Phil Hense, 2nd
James Hind, 3rd
Jacob Hanson, cxpense
Peter Jacobs, 2nd
J. Jehring, 2nd
Aug. Jass, 2nd
Adam Jaeger, 3rd
Tim Kelly, let
Nic. Kettenhofen, 2nd
John Knees, 2nd
John Kinsella
Mike Hass, 2nd
P. Krocheski, 2nd
F. Kaufman, 2nd
John Keast, 3rd
John Knutts, 3rd
C. Kupferschmidt, 2nd
John Lowery, 1st
Martin Lonergan,
Mike Lavin, 1st
Thomas Lonergan, 2nd
Matt Loes, 2nd
Pat Lynch, 2nd
F. Lassance, 2nd
H. Lembke, 2nd
Walter Lynch, 3rd
John Mahoney, 1st
9 15 John Mullen, 1st 6 55
8 80 George Moore, 1st 70
1150 Thomas Malloy, 2nd 610
4 05 E. Mueke, 2nd 5 10
9 45 A. Manderscheid, 2nd 4 05
1 35 J. Martinek, 3rd 10 80
8 45 George Martin, 3rd 2 05
7 45 John McNulty, 1st 11 50
13 85 W. McDermott, 1st 5 40
11 55 W. McLean, 1st 1 35
4 75 Pat McMullen, let 6 75
John McGee, 1st 610
22 50 James McCarron, 1st 6 10
13 30 Pat McPoland, 3rd 6 10
13 30 J. McCormack. health 16 20
101a M. O'Meara, 1st 6 10
5 40 W. O'Brien, 1st 20 00
4 75 Chas. O'Neil, 2nd 6 10
20 00 James Pokers, 1st 11 50
6 10 James Purcell, 1st 5 40
11 50 John Parker, 3rd 14 55
6 75 W. Quinlan, 1st 8 10
2 05 Pat Ryan, 1st 10 80
8 80 Phil Reddin, 1st 3 40
7 45 James Ryan, 1st 10 80
8 45 Nic Rohner, 2nd 11 15
5 10 Theodore Ruprecht, 2nd 7 80
11 50 C. Reinfrank, 2nd 7 45
5 4b James Reid, 3rd 8 80
8 45 Jos. Rooney, 1st, $7.90; 2nd,
10 80 $10.10; 3rd, $4.50 22 50
6 10 Nick Sweeney, 1st 10 15
6 00 W. Sheridan, 1st 12 75
75 00 John Spear, 1st 6 15
50 00 John Schroeder, 2nd 7 50
10 15 John Sloan, 2nd 6 10
135 Ernest Schmidt, 2nd 710
4 75 A. W. Scherr, 2nd 7 45
6 10 Frank Scherr, 2nd 20 00
13 20 Sam Sommer, 2nd 7 80
7 80 J. Scheidecker, 2nd 3 40
3 75 Sam Sterling, 3rd 8 80
3 40 James Smith, 3rd 10 80
6 75 Louis Smith, 3rd 9 45
20 00 Jos. Tacke, 2nd 7 80
8 80 R. Turner, 2nd 9 80
11 50 J. Twieg, 2nd 7 45
5 40 John Taschner, 3rd 9 45
13 50 C. Vincent, 2nd 5 40
14 00 John Welsh, 1st (Caledonia)6 75
6 10 Duke, Ward, 1st 4 05
8 45 W. Welsh, 1st 8 10
8 20 Nic. Wampach, 2nd 8 45
4 05 Fred Weber, 3rd 6 75
5 40 John Walsh, 3rd (Rose) 6 10
8 80 W. Wearmouth, 3rd 20 00
4 05 H. Ziemath, 2nd 9 80
8 85 George Zumhoff, 2nd 10 15
9 80 Walter Bradley, 1st .. 3 85
8 80 Becker Bros., 1st, $11.10; 2nd,
3 40 $8.80; 3rd, $14.10 34 00
1 35 Frank Burns, 2nd 1815
7 80 F. Beutin, 2nd 21 05
7 80 John Calvert, 1st 5 95
5 40 josh Calvert, 1st, $19.05; 3rd, $6.05 25 10
3 40 A. Conrad, 2nd 31 75
7 45 James Costello, 3rd 24 85
6 75 T. E. Frith, 2nd 23 40
6 45 J. Gantenbein, 2nd 12 45
1 35 Mike Hannan, 1st 26 80
8 45 John Huffmire, 2nd 16 25
2 70 P. Horch, 2nd 33 45
5 40 J. Kean, 3rd 31 35
12 75 J. Linehan, 1st 28 70
List of Warrants.
Pat Linehan, 2nd 1915
John Long, 2nd 13 40
James Lcnergan, 2nd 27 65
Martin & Strelau, 1st 1 70
J. McQuillen, 1st 5 95
John McCollins, 1st, $44.30; 2nd,
$2.45 46 75
Jeff McGrath, 3rd 18 90
C. McElrath, 1st, $1.35; 2nd,
$21.60 22 95
D. O'Meara, 1st 15 30
George Reynolds, 1st 24 85
E. Revelling, 2nd 24 85
Jerry Sullivan, 1st (Valley) 3 85
Ed. Seeley, 1st 17 00
F. Siege, 3rd 11 70
Jerry Sullivan (Vernon), 2nd,
$7.70; 3rd, $21.40 2910
M. Zogg, 2nd 11 50
Labor on the Millville Road, part of
the Bee Branch Sewer:
Matt. Brandt $ 6 15
Anton Bodein 3 75
J. W. Fuller 1 75
P. Fasselius 13 40
James Noonan 48 00
Frank Parker 19 50
Robert Smith 7 00
George Schuster 11 45
P. Ziegler 3 50
John Heim 8 50
Labor on sewers for the last half of
April, 1905:
P. Casserly 10 40
J. Corcoran 19 20
Tom Hagerty 25 00
J. Jellison 19 20
J. Kiang 19 20
P. Kenneally 19 20
C. Sullivan 19 20
L. Taylor 19 20
L. Zemanek 19 20
J. L. McCabe, transcript of tes-
timony, case of Gus Schnee vs.
City 94 50
C. H. Berg, mayor, appropria-
tion for Memorial Day exer-
cises 200 00
C. H. Berg, mayor, settlement of
suit of Beatrice Rasquin vs.
City 75 00
Geo. Salot, salary as citizen
member of Board of Health18 00
C. H. Berg, mayor, money turn-
ed over to County Supervisors
for taking care of U. S. sea-
man at Detention Hospital 25 00
F. P. Hayes, board of prisoners
for April 8 60
Key City Gas Co., gas for var-
ious Departments 93 00
Niagara Falls Stamping Works,
team and dog license tags 24 10
Pitts -Thompson Foundry Co,
castings for City Hall 2 00
J. W. Wittmer, drugs and sup-
plies for various Departments2 05
Klauer & Kress, chain and cups
and hardware for various De-
partments 3 25
J. L. McCabe, transcript of tes-
timony in case of Schnee,
Admx., vs. City of Dubuque94 50
P. Even, coal for First Ward
Scales 1 00
C. A. Moyes, repairing shades,
City Hall 1 35
J. W. Fiske Iron Works, one
drinking fountain for First and
Main streets 23 94
Nesler & Hammel, repairing foun-
tain at 23rd and Jackson Sts5 85
C. T. Busch, photograph of Lo-
cust street between 7th and 8th
streets 1 25
Klauer & Kress, new tools for
Road and Sewer Depts 4 05
Ellwanger Bros., repairing har-
ness for Road Dept 1 50
Jno. Butt, repairs for Road and
Sewer Depts 5 15
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Road
and Sewer Depts 3 75
Kassler & Kohn, steel rails for
Road Dept 8 00
Austin -Western Co., Ltd., hickory
fibre for Sweeper 23 64
G. W. Healey & Son, rope for
Sweeper 95
Standard Oil Co., oil for Steam
Roller 4 S8
Ragatz & Son, repairs on Steam
Roller 10 P9
P. Hanson, oil for Steam Roller.. 30
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co,
hose for Steam Roller 8 50
F. A. Burns, coal for Steam Rol-
ler 15 32
Clancy Transfer Co., coal for
Steam Roller 5 00
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co,
hose for Street Sprinklers 75 00
Ragatz & Son, repairs on sprink-
lers 75 00
F. Schloz & Son, repairs on
sprinklers 2 SO
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co,
expansion rings for sprinklers 1 75
T. F. Kane, hay and oats for Fire
and Police Depts 137 77
Ellwanger Bros., repairing har-
ness for Fire and Police Depts. 10 25
Clancy Transfer Co., coal for Fire
Dept 32 18
Martin & Strelau Co., coal for
Fire Dept.... 14 47
Conlin & Kearns, coal for Fire
and Police Depts 11 35
Key City Gas Co., coke for Fire
Dept ?4 55
Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse
shoeing for Fire Dept 7 50
Torbert Drug Co., drugs and sup-
plies for Fire Dept 24 73
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Fire
Dept 1 50
Jno. Butt, repairs for Fire Dept16 75
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co,
one fireman's coat 3 75
F. H. Burns, shavings at patrol
house 6 00
A. Fluetsch, milk for Matron
Dept 1 50
Eichhorn & Bechtel, groceries
and supplies for Matron Dept. 1 85
J. W. Wittmer, drugs and sup-
plies, Police Dept 2 20
List of Warrants.
Smith -Morgan Printing Co.,
weekly proceedings for April.. 10 46
Globe -Journal, official printing
for April 57 03
National Demokrat, official print-
ing for April 25 00
Union Electric Co., arc lights for
April 2 067 35
H. Brinkman, interest paid on
warrants outstanding .......... 749 12
H. Brinkman, excavation per-
mits redeemed 65 00
H. Brinkman, New York ex-
change 5 95
H. Brinkman, express charges80
H. Brinkman, freight charges1 45
H. Brinkman, refunded peddler
license 20 00
H. Brinkman, refunded regular
tax 13 75
H. Brinkman, express charges,
fire 2 10
H. Brinkman, freight charges,
road 1 70
$S59 87
Library orders paid 617 85
Labor on Streets in the different Road
Districts for the first half of May, 1905:
nm Allem, 3rd. 9 80
Lich. Burns, 1st 2 05
Thos. Burke. 1st. . 5 45
Jas. Beakey, 1st . 4 75
John Burns, 1st, $2.70; 2nd, 70c3 40
jos. Brouillette, 1st. 14 35
C. l3uddien, 2nd. 5 40
John Brachtenbach, 2nd. , 12 15
Paul Becker, 3rd. 12 85
D. J. Brightbill, 3rd. 3 40
C. Brightbill. 3rd. 5 10
Jos. Brown, 2nd, $11.70; 3rd, $5.85 17 55
Mike Cain, 1st 5 40
W. Coughlan, 1st 13 50
Jerry Cahill, 1st. 2 05
Peter Carney, 1st. 18 90
James Connolly, 1st. 15 75
11. Caffery, 1st. 15 75
Jas. Callaghan, 1st. 20 00
John Corbett, 2nd. 9 45
H. Cobb, 1st, $0.25; 2nd, $8.80;
3rd, $3.50
John Dougherty, 1st.
Mike Donegan, 1st, $4.05; 2nd, 70c
Mie Differding, 2nd.
Thos. Donahue, 1st
Peter Dax, 1st, $2.85; 2nd, $4.70;
. 3rd, $1.90
John Egan, 1st, $12.30; 2nd, $1.00
J. Eberhardt, 2nd.
John Ess, 2nd.
Mike Farrell, 1st.
Dan Fox, 1st.
Frank Frick, 2nd.
Pat. Parch]. 2nd.
E. Firzlaff, 1st, $7.00; 2nd, $9.00;
3rd, $4.00
Pat. true, 1st
Pete Gregory, 1st
Pat. Gillnon, 1st, $11.60; 1.nd, 70c..
Barney Glass, 1st
Jos. Gavin, 1st.
H. Galle. 2nd.
Jos. Grab, 2nd.
Geo. Gau, 2nd.
17 55
5 40
4 75
3 40
17 55
9 45
13 30
6 45
7 10
7 45
3 40
11 15
6 10
20 00
4 75
4 75
12 30
5 40
20 00
6 10
11 15
9 80
C. Gtunteubein, 2nd.
Clots. 0tuot;z11-:, 3rd.
Thus. H:u•kncy, 1st
John ii iiey, 1st
Geo. Neekliager. .nil,
Phil Ilepse, 2nd.
Jake Hansen, tett.
Junes 1 -lied, 3rd.
John Heil, 1st, $7.85; 2nd, $10.15;
3rd $ 1.1t0 22 50
Peter Ji -ohs, 2nd. 2 70
Aug. Joss, 2nd. .. 6 45
John Jehring, 2nd1. 5 10
.Adam Jaeger, hr.i. 2 05
1 i•n kelly. I t. 6 75
4 75
10 15
8 45
7 80
14 20
John Li. st, 311. 9 30
J'. Kraus. 1st, $5.25; 2nd, $8.80;
3rd, $". n 17 55
John Lowery, 1st 5 40
Mike Lavin, 1st, $12.80; 2nd, $1.00 13 30
Matt. Lues. _ud. .................. 7 45
Thos. l.ont•rgan, 2nd. 7 45
Pal Lein h, '2ud. 4 05
Fred Lille. h;ul. 3 45
Labor on streets, first half May, 1905:
H. Lembke, 2nd 7 80
Walter Lynch, 3rd 5 10
M. Lenergan, 1st, $5.25; 2nd, $S.80;
3rd, $3.50 17 55
John, Mahoney, 1st 15 00
John Mullen, 1st, $15.00; 2nd, 70c15 70
George Moore, 1st $2.70; 2nd, 70c3 40
James Malloy, 2nd 6 10
A. Manderseheid, 2nd 6 45
Jos. 2lartiot k, 3rd 12 50
Geo. Al:tstin, 3rd 70
Jelin McNulty, 1st 9 45
W. McClain, 1st 4 75
James McCarron, 1st 8 10
Pit McMullen, 1st 8 40
W. McDermott, 1st 4 05
Pat McPoland, 3rd 8 45
James McCormack, health 17 55
Mike O',Meara, 1st 8 80
M'. O'Brien, 1st, foreman 20 00
Chas. O'Neil, 2nd 2 70
James Purcell, 1st 5 40
James Powers, 1st 2 70
John Parker, 3rd 11 15
W, Quinlan, 1st 12 30
Phil Reddin, 1st, $4.05; 2nd, 70c4 75
James Ryan, 1st $3.40; 2nd, 65c4 05
N. Rohner, 2nd 6 45
Chas. Reinfrank, 2nd 1 35
James Reid, 3rd 11 85
Nick Sweeney, 1st 10 SO
W. Sheridan, 1st, $18.00; 2nd, $1.50 19 50
A. W. SGherr, 2nd 14 85
John Schroeder, 2nd 12 50
John Sloan, 2nd 6 10
Ernest Schmidt, 2nd 4 05
Labor on Streets, first half of May.
August Soyke, 2nd. :i 40
Chris. Sholl, 2nd. 1 40
!'rank Scheer 20 00
John Schemmel, 2nd. 6 45
Stun Sterling, 3rd. 7 80
James Smith, 3rd. 11 15
20 00
12 85
ii 40
2 05
1 05
1 35
6 75
1.8 00
1':;i Donne itl isi
i\_c I'.elll- iii. , :i. .2nd.
John I: i,:
.t'aulis ' oeslci. 2nd.
112 Official Notices.
Louis Smith, 3rd.
R. Turner, 2nd.
John Tashner, 3rd.
Ed. Whelan, lst.
W. Welsh, 1st, $14.35; 2nd, $1.00
John Welsh, 1st, $7.10; 2nd, 70c
John Ward, 2nd.
Nic \Vampac•h. 2nd. ••••
Thhn Walsh, 3rd. (Rose)
W. \Vcnrrnnuth, 3rd.
11. Zieniath, 2nd.
Geo. Zumhof, 2nd.
Walter Bradic•y, 1st.
0'. G. Becker. 1st, $1.20; 2nd, $20.29;
3rd, $9.70
Frank Burns, 2nd. 18 15
Josh Calvert. lst, $8.10; 2nd, $1.70;
3rd, $12.75
A. Conrad, 2nd
J. Costello, 3rd.
T. E. Frith, 2nd.
Mike Hannan, 1st, $39.50; 2nd,
$3.00 •. 42 50
John IIuffmire, 2nd. 39 60
Jake Iiaudenschield, 2nd. 14 90
Peter Horeb, 2nd. 35 40
John Linehan, lst. 31 45
John Long, 2nd. 18 20
Joseph Landolrl, 2nd. 3 85
J. Lonergan, 2nd. 18 70
John McQuillan, lst. 29 15
Labor on streets, first half May, 1905:
J. J. McCcllins, 1st, $92.95; 2nd,
$1.85 ...
C. McElrath, 1st, $1.00; 2nd, $27.50
A. Palley, 2nd
George Reynolds, 1st
Ed. Seeley, 1st
Ed. Seeley, 1st, $5.85; 2nd, $9.75;
3rd, $3.95
J. Williams, 2nd
Jeff McGrath, 3rd
M. Zogg, 2nd
A. Stotz, 2nd
Jerry Sullivan, 2nd, $5.60; 3rd,
$23.10 28 70
Labor on Bee Branch on Millville
road for the first half of May, 1905:
J. W. Fuller 3 15
Peter Fasselius 7 20
John Langan 1 75
James Noonan 44 00
Frank Parker 18 90
Robert Smith 17 15
G. Schuster 17 35
Labor on Sewers for the first half of
May, 1905:
H. Cosgrove $ 20 00
J. Corcoran 20 80
T. Hagerty, Foreman ... 25 00
F. Hohnecker 20 80
Con Sullivan 20 80
Pat Sage 20 80
L. Taylor 20 80
Jos. Tacke 20 80
C. H. Berg, settlement of suit of
Bauer vs. City 550 00
Dubuque Enterprise Co., printing
brief in suit of Citizens' State
Bank vs. City of Dubuque,
Robert and Mary Jess 6 00
I hereby certify that the foregoing is
a correct list of all warrants issued by
me during the month of May, 1905.
C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder.
3 75
5 75
2 40
4 75
15 35
7 80
1 40
8 45
4 40
20 00
9 80
19 50
5 05
37 10
22 55
28 90
42 60
4 25
94 80
28 50
3 85
24 65
13 20
19 55
7 65
13 40
22 10
30 60
To All Who Are Named Below:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with an ordinance of the City
of Dubuque for repairing sidewalks
during the month of May, 1905, that a
special assessment will be levied for
the expense thereof at the regular
meeting of the City Council upon all
lots and parcels of land on said im-
provement owned by you, being sub-
ject to such special assessment. Anrl
you are notified to appear at said
meeting of the Council to be held on
the 6th day of July, A. D., 1905, and
show cause, if any you have, why said
assessment should not be levied:
Owner. Description.
May 1—A. A. Cooper, City W. 74
ft., lot 84, 13 ft. lumber, 40e, 1-2
hour labor, 25c $ 65
May 1—Mary A. Langworthy,
Mrs. L. H. Langworthy's Add.,
N. 160 ft., lot 8, 21 ft. lumber,
65c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 90
May 1—M. D. Goux, Cook's Add,
S. 1-2 lot 61, 8 ft. lumber, 25c;
1-2 hour labor, 25c 50
May 3—Leathers & Trewin, Mor-
gan's Sub., lot 4, 16 ft. lumber,
50c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 75
May 3—Minnie and M. A. Kemler,
A. McDaniels' Sub., N. 86 ft. E.
1-2 lot 783, 23 ft. lumber, 70c;
1-2 hour labor, 25c 95
May 5—Geo. Kampman, Wood -
lawn Park, lot 99, 10 ft. lumber,
30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 55
May 5--C. H. Bradley, Cox's Add,
E. 1-2, lots 50-51, 28 ft. lumber,
85c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 1 10
May 5—Mich. Lentz, Sub. 92,
Cox's Add., lot 1, 69 ft. lumber,
$2.05; 1-2 hours labor, 25c 2 30
May 5—J. J. Lundbeck, Mechan-
ics' Add., S. 100 ft., lot 109, 11
ft. lumber, 35c; 1-2 hour labor,
25c .
May 5—Anna Kelly, Cox's Add.,
lot 99, 18 ft. lumber, 55c; 1-2
hour labor, 25c
May 5—Val Keppler, Cox's Add,
lot 80, 16 ft. lumber, 50c; 1-2
hour labor, 25c
May 6—Eliz. Procter, Procter's
Sub., lot 1, 2 ft. lumber, 5c; 1-2
hour labor, 25c
May 6-0. D. Scott, G. W. Rod-
gers, Sub., 12-13, 29 ft. lumber,
85c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c
May 6—E. M. Kringle, Sub. 7,
Min. Lot 79, lot 6, 8 ft. lumber,
25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c
May 6—Marg. Linehan, Sub. 2,
Min. Lot 78, lot 2, 20 ft. lumber,
60c; 1-2 hours labor, 25c
May 7—Jno. J. McLaughlin, Mob-
ley's Dubuque, lots 2-3, 29 ft.
lumber, 85c; 1-2 hours labor, 25c
May 7—Mrs. B. Keogh, Sub. 32,
Wilson's Sub., lot 2, 12 ft. lum-
ber, 35c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c
May 7—Geo. Salot, Sub. 39,
Kelly's Sub., lot 1, 26 ft. lumber,
80c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c
May 7—John Harris Est., Sub. 9,
Collins Sub., lot 2, 5 ft. lumber,
15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 40
May 7—Wm. Reche Est., Reche's
Sub., lot 17, 40 ft. lumber, $1.20;
1-2 hour labor, 25c 145
May 9—German Trust & Savings
Bank, Sub City 673, lot 5, 114
ft. lumber, $3.40; 1 hour labor,
50c 3 90
1 10
1 10
1 05
Official Notices. 113
May 4 -John Jennings, Dorgan's
Sub., lot 10, 2S ft. lumber, 85c;
1-2 hour labor 1 10
May 12-T. B. Cain, Hethering-
ton's Sub., lot 4, 23 ft. lumber,
70c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 95
May 13-E. A. & G. A. Burden,
Burden -Lowther Add., lots 4-5,
67 ft. lumber, $2.00; 1 1-2 hours'
labor, 75c 2 75
May 13-Lawther & Rider. Bur-
den-Lawthcr Add., lots 7 to 19,
206 ft. lumber, $6.20; 3 hours' la-
bor, $1.50 7 70
May 14 -Key City Gas Co., City
lot 584, 4 ft. lumber, 1Cc; 1-2
hour labor, 21e 35
May 14 -Wm. Jenkins Est., Sub.
22 and 23, Kelley's Sub., lot 1,
11 ft. 35c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c60
May 14-M. F. t'ollins Est., Hed-
ley's Sub., lot 7, s ft. lumber,
25c; 1-2 hour labor. 25e 50
May 14 -Mary and Ellen Ryan,
Hedley's Sub., lot 6, 20 ft. lum-
ber, 6Cc; 1-2 hour labor, 25c85
May 14 -Sarah Thomas, Wilson's
Sub., lot 3. 5 ft. lmber, 15c; 1-2
hour labor, 25c 40
May S -Ellen J. Martin, City lot
349, 8 ft. lumber, 27c: 1-2 hour
labor, 25c 50
May 15 -Julia D. Rhomberg, Sub.
1 and 2 of Min. Lot 62 and pt.
Min. Lot 149, lot la, 2 ft. lum-
ber, 5c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 30
May 15 -John Byrne, Bonson &
Stewart's Sub., lot 24, 5 ft. lum-
ber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 40
May 16 -Peter Eisbach, Bonson &
Stewart's Sub., lot 26, 24 ft. lum-
ber, 75c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 1 00
May 16 -Wm. McClain, Hoskins'
Sub., lot 5, 18 ft. lumber, 55c; 1-2
hour labor, 25c 80
May 16 -Isabella Cain, Hoskins'
Sub., lot 3, 18 ft. lumber, 55c; 1-2
hour labor, 25c 80
May 16-J. C. Fitzpatrick, Union
Add., lot 151, 8 ft. lumber, 25c;
1-2 hour labor, 25c 50
May 16-Emelia Guderian Est,
High St. Sub., lot 11, 13 ft. lum-
ber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 65
May 17 -Jas. Levi, Davis Farm
Add., lot 238, 46 ft. lumber, $1.40;
1 hour labor, 50c 1 90
May 17 -Bernard Glass, Davis
Farm Add. S. 1-2 lot 280, 70 ft.
lumber, $2.10; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 2 35
May 17 -John Olinger, Boulevard
Add., lots 1 to 23, 65 ft. lumber,
$1.95; 3-4 hour labor, 40c 2 35
May 10-Kunnigunda Foerst, City
S. 1-2 N. M. 1-5, lot 469, 24 ft.
lumber, 75c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c1 00
May 18-R. and Edw. Langworthy
Est., Glandale Add., lot 247, 12
ft. lumber, 35c; 1-2 hour labor,
25c 60
May 18 -Rose E. Fengler, Wicks
Add., lot 19, 26 ft. lumber, 80c;
1-2 hour labor, 25c 1 05
May 19-Nic Closs, Sr., East Du-
buque Add, lot 261, 18 ft. lumber,
55c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 80
May 19 -Martha Ginn, L. H. Lang -
worthy's Add., lot 24a, 8 ft. lum-
ber, 25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 50
May 19 -Susan E. Chadwick, Lev -
ens' Add., lot 28, 18 ft. lumber,
55c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 80
May 20-E. L. Clark, L. H. Lang -
worthy's Sub., lots 22-23, 16 ft.
lumber, 50c; 1-2 labor, 25c 75
May 20-A. F. and B. D. Heeb,
Marsh's Add., lots 22-23, 27 ft.
lumber, 80c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c1 05
May 21 -Peter Dawson, Union
Add., lot 79, 10 ft. lumber, 30c;
1-2 hour labor, 25c 55
May 21 -Henry Kiene, Columbia
Add., lots 1 to 33, 154 ft. lumber,
$4.60: 1 hour labor, 50c 5 10
May 23 -Mary A. Parker, Sub. 22
and 23, Kelly's Sub., lot 4, 10 ft.
lumber, 30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c55
May 24-Buol & Loetscher, Loet-
scher & Trieb's Sub., lots 7 to 12,
43 ft. lumber, $1.30; 1-2 hour la-
bor, 25c 1 55
May 25 -It. mul E. Langworthy
Est., Glendale Add., lot 153, 11 ft.
lumber, 35c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c60
May 25 -Jas. Baxter, Sub. 1, Min.
tot 1% :, 1,0 I, .,.t ft. lumber, $1.00;
1-" liner Inter, 2: 1 25
May 27,- 1. F.. Girard, Hodge's
Sub„ I u= 1, 4, 5, 71 ft. lumber,
$1.55; 1-2 hour labor, 25e 50
May 25-\V. H. Thrift, Reche's
Sub„ lot 5, S ft lumber, 25c; 1-2
hour labor, 25c 50
May 25 -Arthur A. Children, Sub.
17, Min. Lot 79, lot 1, 7 ft. lum-
ber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 45
May 25 -Susan Heil, Glendale
Add., S. 1-2, lot 152, 16 ft. lum-
ber, 50c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 75
May 26 -Julia Hooper, Prospect
Hill Add., lot 30, 34 ft. lumber,
$1.00; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 1 25
May 1S -Jac. Ginter, McCraney's
1st Add., lot 75, 101 ft. lumber,
$3.00; 3-4 hour labor, 40c 3 40
May 18 -Catholic University of
Washington et al., A. McDaniels'
Sub., lot 821, 12 ft. lumber, 35c;
1-2 hour labor, 25c 60
May 22 -Minnie and M. A. Kem-
ler, Union Add., lot 98, 13 ft.
lumber, 40c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c65
May 20 -Mary A. Langworthy,
Mrs. L. H. Langworthy's Add.,
N. 160 ft. lot 8, 11 ft. lumber, 35c;
2 hours labor, $1.00 1 35
May 28 -German Trust & Savings
Bank, Sub. 809, A. McDaniels'
Sub., lot 1, 16 ft. lumber, 50c; 1-2
hour labor, 25c.. 75
May 28 -Jas. Levi, Davis Farm
Add., lot 238, 4 ft. lumber, 10c;
1-2 hour labor, 25c 35
May 30 -John Morgan, E. Lang -
worthy's Add., N. 35 ft. lot 45,
7 ft. lumber, 20c; 1-2 hour labor,
25c 45
May 31-R. and Edw. Langworthy
Est., Glandale Add., lot 214, 25
ft. lumber, 75c; 1-2 hour labor,
25c 1 00
May 31 -Mrs. J. P. Buehler, Sub.
1 of Min. Lot 314, lot 3, 52 ft.
lumber, $1.55; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 1 80
May 23 -Thos. Kavanaugh Est.,
Sub. 18, 19 and 20, Kelly's Sub.,
lot 4, 5 ft. lumber, 15c; 1-2 hour
labor 25c 40
Total .... ........................$80 60
6-26-3t City Recorder.
114 Official Notices.
Scaled proposals will be received at
the office of the City Recorder
7:30 o'clock p. m. Thursday,
1905, for the improvement of Grace
Street, from the west line of Lot 4, of
Sub. 7, Ann O'Hare's Sub., to East
Street, in accordance with plans and
spccilications now on file in the office
of the city Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that it will require new curbstone set
1S S77.2 Mien I feel, guttering 835.3 square
rvis, nrccadamizing, 2352.5 square
yards, cutting 3960 cubic yards.
The work to be completed on or be-
fore the 15th day of September, and
shall lie paid for when said work is
completed and accepted by the City
The proposals for doing the work will
be acted upon by the City Council the
6th day of July, 1905.
Bidders must state price per lineal
font for nc wV curbing set, and the price
per semi: re yard for guttering and ma-
cadamizing. Each bid must be accom-
panied by a certified check of $50.00 on
some Dubuque bank as a guarantee
that a contract will he entered into if
The City Council reserves the right
to reject any and all bids.
Dated Dubuque, June 26th, 1905.
6-25-3t City Recorder.
Notice is hereby given to all con-
cerirtvl that a special assessment will be
levied to pay for the construction of a
]0 -inch 'file Pipe Sanitary Sewer in
Eleventh street from alley west of Elm
street to center of Cedar street, Street,
Steuek & Linehan, contractors.
Amount of special assessment, $749.24,
against the abutting property upon and
along said sewer, as provided by law,
;it .c session of the City Council to be
held July 6th, 1905.
And that there is a plat and schedule
on tile in the office of the City Recorder
of said City of Dubuque, showing the
.streets, or a part thereof, in which said
sewer has been constructed, and the
separate lots and parcels of ground and
specified portions thereof subject to as-
sessment of such improvement, the
names of the owners as far as prac-
ticable, and the amount to be assessed
against each lot or parcel of ground,
which plat and schedule is subject to
public inspection.
And that any and all persons object-
ing to said special assessment of said
plat must file his or their objection in
writing with the City Recorder of said
City of Dubuque on or before said ses-
sion of the City Council to be held July
Gth, 1905, or to appear at said session of
the Council to show cause, if any you
have, why said assessment should not
be levied.
Dated Dubuque, Iowa, June 26th, 1905.
6-26-3t City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the office of the City Recorder until
7:30 o'clock p. m. Thursday, July 6th,
1905, for the construction of a 10 and
12 -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in al-
ley between Jackson and Washington
Streets, from Sanford to Twenty Fifth
Streets, in accordance with plans and
specifications prepared by the City En-
gineer and now on file in the office of
the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that it will require 1343 lineal feet of
10 -inch and 1562 lineal feet of 12 -inch
Tile Pipe and 15 manholes.
The work to be paid for when said
work is completed and accepted by the
City Council, the same to be completed
on or before the 15th day of Septem-
ber, 1905.
Bidders must state price per lineal
foot for Tile Pipe, and each manhole.
All bids must be accompanied by a
certified cheek for $50.00 on some Du-
buque Bank, as a guarantee that a
contract will be entered into if
The City reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
Dated at Dubuque, Juue 26th, 1905.
C. F. MtENI)T,
6-26-3t City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will he received at
the office of the City Recorder until
7:30 o'clock P. M. Thursday, July 6th,
1905, for improving the alley between
Rhomberg and Lincoln Avenues from
Middle to Fengler Avenues, in accord-
ance with plans and specifications now
on file in the office of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that it will require 675 square yards of
macadam, grading, 35 cubic yards of
111in .
The work to be completed on or be-
fore the first day of September, 1905,
and shall be Raid for when said work
is completed and accepted by the City
The proposals for doing said work
will be acted upon by the City Council
the 6th day of July, 1905.
Bidders must state the price per
square yard for macadamizing.
Each bid must be accompanied by a
certified check for $50.00 on some Du-
buque bank as a guarantee that a con-
tract will be entered into if awarded.
The City Council reserves the right
to reject any and all bids.
Dated Dubuque, June 26th, 1905.
6-26-3t City Recorder,
Notice is hereby given to all con-
cerned that a special assessment will
be levied to pay for the construction of
an 8 -inch Tile Pipe Sanitary Sewer in
Caledonia Place from center of West
Eighth street to manhole in Hill street.
Street, Steuck & Linehan, contractors.
Amount of assessment $620.00 against
the abutting property upon and along
said sewer, as provided by law, at a
session of the City Council, to be held
July 6th, 1905.
And that there is a plat and schedule
on file in the office of the City Recor-
der of said City of Dubuque, showing
the street, or a part thereof, in which
said sewer has been constructed, and
the separate lots and parcels of ground
and specified portions thereof subject
to assessment of such improvement, the
names of the owners as far as practi-
cable, and the amount to be assessed
against each lot or parcel of ground,
which plat and schedule is subject to
public inspection.
Official Notices. . 115
And that any and all persons object-
ing to said special assessment of said
plat must file his or their objection in
\vriting with the City Recorder of said
City of Dubuque on or before said ses-
sion of the City Council to be held
July 6th, 1905, or to appear at said ses-
sion of the Council to show cause, if
any you have, why said assessment
should not be levied.
Dated Dubuque, Iowa, June 26th, 1905.
6-26 3t City Recorder.
INt1'I'tlN STI -LEETS Fi;t)S1 SAN-
Ft1i;1) S'l'71EE'I' '1t1 CENTER OF
T \Vl.'N'I Y-FIF'1'11 STREET.
To All Whom it May Concern:
You and each of you t:'e hereby no-
tified that it is the intention of the
City Council of the City of Dubuque
to construct a 10 and 12 inch Tile Pipe
Sanitary Sewer in alley let ween Jack-
son and Witshin;ton .U•rcts .Hent
ford to center of 1'wc•nty-fifth street.
That a Plat and Speciticati,ms of said
proposed sewer is now on file in the
office of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that it will require 1,562 lineal feet of
12 -inch and 1,343 lineal feet of 10 -inch
tile pipe with 15 manholes, and will cost
the abutting property owners $2,459.83
'n total.
Any persons having objection to the
construction or. said sanitary sewer are
hereby notified to appear before the
City Council at its regular session June
15th, 1905, or to file in writing with the
City Recorder their objections on or
before June 15th, 1905.
Dated at Dubuque, June 6th, 1905.
6-6-3t. City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the office of the City Recorder until
7:30 o'clock p. m. Thursay. June 15th,
1905, for the construction of an 8 -inch
Tile Pipe Sanitary Sewer in Couler
avenue from Sanford street to the cen-
ter of Twenty-second street, in accord-
ance with plans and specifications pre-
pared by the City Engineer and now on
tile in the office of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that it will require 620 lineal feet of
S -inch Tile Pipe and 2 manholes.
The work to be paid for when said
work is completed and accepted by the
City Council. the same to be completed
or or before the 1st clay of September,
Bidders must state price per lineal
foot for Tile Pipe, and each manhole.
All bids must be accompanied by s: cer-
tified check for $50.00 on some Du-
buque bank, as a guarantee that a con-
tract will be entered into if awarded.
The City reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
Dated at Dubuque, June 6th, 1905.
6-6-3t. ':sty Recorder.
To Whom It May Concern:
You and each of you are hereby no-
tified that it is the intention of the
City Council of the City of Dubuque
to improve the alley between Rhom-
berg and Garfield avenues from Middle
to Fengler avenues.
That a plait and specifications of said
proposed improvement is now on file
in the office of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that said improvement will require
Macadamizing, 675 square yards.
Making a total estimated cost to the
abutting property owners of $350.00.
Any person having objection to said
improvement is hereby notified to ap-
pear before the City Council at its reg-
ular session to be held June 15th, 1905.
or to file with the City Recorder their
objections in writing on or before June
15th, 1905.
Dated this 6th day of June, 1905.
6-6-3t. City Recorder.
Notice is hereby given, that there is
now on file in my office a plat asking
the vacation of a part of Huff street
from Railroad avenue to the south line
of Dubuque Harbor Co's. addition, also
the alley between Huff street and Sa-
lina street from Railroad avenue to
the south line of Dubuque Harbor Co's.
All persons having any objections to
said proposed vacation must file their
claims in my office en or before June
15tH. 1905.
Regular Session July 6, 1905. 117
Regular Session July 6th, 1905.
Council met at 8:30 o'clock P. M.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present— Alds. Clancy, Corrance,
Frith, Jones, Lyons, Needham and
Aid. Jones moved that the council
proceedings for the month of June be
approved as printed. Carried.
The following Bills were ordered
Key City Gas Co., gas for various
departments .. . . ...... $ 71 60
Telegraph -Herald, binding coun-
cil proceedings for year 190491 00
Union Prt'g Co., blank stationery
for Recorder's office 5 50
Palmer, Berg & Co., blank books
and blank stationery for vari-
ous departments 96 00
Kelly's Book Store, stationery
and supplies for various de-
partments .... 42 00
J. J. Dunn, serving notices in case
of Schnee vs. City of Dubuque 3 60
Metz Mfg. Co., window screen,
City Hall 1 80
Klauer & Kress, hardware, City
Hall 2 20
G. W. Healey & Son, lawn mower
for Jackson park and hardware
for Road department 13 35
Homan & Roehl, repairing two
desks in Recorder's office 3 25
Jas. Beach & Son, soap at City
F. Fromm, repairing City Scales
at cor. Rhomberg and Windsor
Iowa Telephone Co., telephone
service for various depart-
Dubuque Telephone Co., tele-
phone service for Mayor's resi-
dence and Engine House No. 5 6 00
P. Breithaupt, repairing water
fountain on Southern avenue 4 85
J. Monteith, repairing water
fountain at Grandview avenue
and Delhi street
Chas. Pape, repairing water foun-
tain at South Dodge and
Grandview avenue
Jacquinot & Mullen, repairing
water fountain at 14th and Elm
Jacquinot & Mullen. plumbing at
City Hall and Jackson Park .. 15 40
Ellwanger I:nos., repairing har-
ness for Road department ....
G. W. Healey & Son, hardware
for Road department
P. Lang, hardware for Road de-
partment ........ .......... ... .
Klauer & Kress, hardware for
1 40
4 00
41 90
10 10
2 75
6 70
Road department 1 40
Hussman & Lies, hardware for
Road department 55
W. Beutin, sand for Road depart-
ment 5 50
Pitts -Thompson Foundry Co.. re-
pairing derrick for Road de-
partment 5 05
Dubuque Turbine & Roller Mill
Co., 11 feet of chain, Road de-
partment 2 SO
F. Sehloz & Son, repairs for Road
and Sewer departments 7 35
Jno. Butt, repairs for Road and
Sewer departments 9 40
C. Hafner, fence posts delivered
on Southern avenue 11 40
Dubuque County, to painting
Cascade Bridge at Cascade
Crossing .. 15 15
Jno. Duggan, repairs for Road
and Mt. Carmel avenue depart-
ments 15 00
Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber for
Road department 20 80
F. A. Burns, coal for steam roller 43 17
P. Even, coal for steam roller 16 83
Smedley Steam Pump Co., re-
pairs for steam roller 6 20
J. P. Williams, sand for Road
department 5 10
Linehan & Molo, white waste for
steam roller 10 25
Linehan & Molo, Manila rope,
Bluff Street Extension 4 15
Pur. Paving Brick Co., brick for
Road department 138 77
Diamond Jo Line steamers, 1 iron
sheave for Road department 45
Key City Gas Co., removing lamp
posts on various streets 3 00
J. Newman & Son, repairs for
Sprinkling department 3 25
Jno. Butt, repairs for Sprinkling
department .... 7 63
Dub. Rubb. & Blt'g Co., hose and
expansion rings for Sprinkling
department 39 65
R. Kuntz. repairs on sprinkling
wagon No. 3 5 00
Dub. Wooden Ware & Lbr. Co,
. lumber for Sidewalk depart-
ment 36 85
C. H. Jordan, lumber for Side-
walk department 36 60
Vollenweider & Hein, horse shoe-
ing, Fire department 8 OC
.Tno. J. Powers, horse shoeing
Fire department 20 50
Lagen & Sloan. horse shoeing,
Fire department 14 80
Wunderlich & Wiederholt. horse
shoeing. Fire department 5 25
Collings & Pfiffner, horse shoeing,
Fire department 10 75
Collings & Ptiffner, horse shoeing,
Police department 6 50
Gus. Lear. horse shoeing, Fire
and Road department ...„ 8 5C
J. Newman & Son, repairs for
Fire department S 45
Jno. Butt, repairs for Fire de-
partment .... .... 4 OF
P. Lang, hardware for Fire de-
partment 2 25
1 18 Regular Session July 6, 1905.
Mettel Bros., straw for Fire de-
partment .. 2 1e
Pitts -Thompson Fdry Co., 1
grate, Fire department .. 1 00
T. F. Kane, hay, Fire department 81 1P
Garnewell Fire Alarm Telegraph
Co., 1 fire alarm gong and mag-
nets for Fire department 81 00
Am. La France Fire Engine Co,
grates and gong for Fire de-
partment 20 00
Ellwangcr Bros., repairing har-
ness, Fire department 12 30
Key City Gas Co., coke, Fire de-
partment .... 13 40
Key City Gas Co., rent of gas
arcs, Fire department 1 00
Dub. Mattress Factory, mat-
tresses, Fire department 7 00
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary ser-
vices for Fire department 31 28
H. J. Hagerty, examining new
horses for Fire department 10 00
Trenk Vire Works, wire netting
for Fire department 15 00
P. J. Seippel Lbr. Co., fence posts
for Fire department 3 20
A. Y. McDonald & Morrison Co,
washers, Fire department 3 00
Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber for
Fire department 9 05
Linehan & Molo, white waste for'
Fire department 11 70
Eichhorn & Bechtel, bran for Fire
department .... 1 03
Klauer & Kress, hardware for
Fire department and Engineers
department 1 20
Jas. Lee, repairing cement walk
at Central Engine house 5 00
Key City Roofing Co., repairing
roof at Fourth street engine
house .... 2 50
T. Connolly, repairing Chemical
Wagons at Nos. 4 and 5 engine
houses 10 55
Farley-Loetscher Mfg. Co., 1 rack
for Storage Battery Cells 21 35
Jacquinot & Mullen, making cess-
pool at Engine House No. 617 00
Jacquinot & Mullen, estimate for
plumbing done at new Engine
House No. 6 200 00
F. P. Hayes, board of prisoners
for June 1 80
Tower & Lyons Co., coat and
vest buttons for Police Dept6 67
Eichhorn & Bechtel, groceries
and supplies for Matron Dept1 75
J. Huffmeier, 1 load of clay at
Patrol House 1 50
T. F. Kane, oats delivered at Pa-
trol House 23 25
Ellwanger Bros., repairing har-
ness for Patrol team
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary ser-
vices for Patrol team
Pitts -Thompson Foundry Co.,
sewer rind' for Sewer Dept
Dubuque Water Works, iron pipe
for Caledonia Place sewer
M. Brown & Son, sewer pipe and
brick for Special Sewer Dept
Key City Roofing Co., cement
4 80
4 14
5 50
4 65
5 35
and sewer pipe for Special Sew-
er Dept 4 85
Smedley Steam Pump Co., iron
grates and frames for Special
Sewer Dept 9 13
Globe -Journal, official printing
for June 49 69
Telegraph -Herald, official print-
ing for June 57 25
National Demokrat, official print-
ing for June 25 00
Smith -Morgan Printing Co,
weekly and monthly pamphlets
for June 16 09
Jno. Hartig, repairs for Engi-
neer's Dept.... 90
Union Electric Co., arc lights for
June 2067 35
T. E. Frith, removing garbage
and dead animals for June 363 48
Union Printing Co., Board of
Health reports for February,
March and April 15 00
Pitts -Thompson Foundry Co,
sewer rings and covers for Bee
Branch sewer 17 00
Key City Roofing Co., cement for
Bee Branch sewer 4 00
J. P. Williams, sand for Bee
Branch sewer 2 55
Tibey Bros., second estimate for
Bee Branch sewer in Washing-
ton street 1795 83
O'Farrell & McNamara, first es-
timate for concrete sewer in
Bee Branch creek 482 63
Brown & Brown, final estimate
for storm water sewer in
Booth street 263 58
Street, Steuck & Linehan, first
estimate for santiary sewer in
Caledonia street from Hill
street to West Eighth street... 519 59
Ald. Frith moved that all bills prop-
erly signed be ordered paid and war-
rants ordered drawn to pay the var-
ious amounts.
Ald. Needham moved a substitute
that all bills be paid excepting the bill
of Palmer, Berg & Co.
Ald. Needham failing to get a second
to the substitute, the original motion
to pay all bills was then carried by
the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons and Stumpf.
Nays—Ald. Needham.
Ald. Corrance asked the City Attor-
ney for an opinion as to the legality of
ordering the payment of said bill.
After the bill had been al-
lowed the City Attorney reported that
if the supplies have been fur-
nished to the City, he could see no way
in which the city could avoid paying
for the supplies already received and
Bill of The Gamwell Fire Alarm Tele-
graph Co., for furnishing and install-
ing storage battery system for Fire
Department, amounting to $1,100.00, was
Regular Session July 6, 1905.
on motion, referred to Committee on
Fire and a warrant for $275.00 ordered
drawn for part payment thereof.
Petition of Fred Schmidt et al., pro-
testing against the construction of a
sanitary sewer in alley between Jack-
son and Washington from Sanford to
Twenty-fifth streets.
On motion was received on filed.
Petition of Chas. Weidrmeyer et al.,
asking Council to abate the nuisance of
whistles on peanut and popcorn wagons
in the city.
On motion was received and filed.
Petition of Jno. J. Lavery, asking per-
mission to lay a cinder sidewalk
fronting his lot 47 on Grandview ave..
On motion was referred to the Street
Petition of Jno. Berwanger, asking
that he be allowed to take the filling
on Garfield avenue from Adams to Fifth
On motion was referred to the Street
Petition of the Dubuque Cabinet
Makers' Association, asking for per-
mission to lay a cinder walk on the
front of their factory, corner Tenth
and Jackson Streets, north.
On motion was referred to the Street
Petition of Louis Zemanek, asking
that he be appointed a member of the
Fire Department and stationed at the
new Fifth Ward Engine House, No. 6.
On motion was referred to the Fire
Petition of L. Hartman, administra-
tor, asking that the taxes for 1905 on
N A of Lot 53 in East Dubuque Add.,
belonging to the minor heirs of H. Hil-
debrand, deceased, he ordered can-
celed, was on motion referred to the
Delinquent Tax Committee.
Petition of David Metcalf, asking
that he be refunded $5.00 paid by him
for cleaning snow and ice from his
sidewalk, as same was erroneously as-
sessed against lots 49, 50 and 51 in S.
M. Langworthy's Add.
On motion was referred to City En-
gineer and report at next meeting of
the Council.
Petition of Edw. Muntz, asking that
the city build a retaining wall abut-
ting his property, south 22 11-12 feet
of lot 4 of Sub. City Out Lot 675 in
order that he may erect a 3 or 4 story
building on said lot and that Seminary
Street be protected by the construction
of said retaining wall to keep the same
from coming down, also that he be per-
mitted to build a bay window on said
proposed building from the see iond
story up to the top of the building
On motion the petition tition was referred
to the Committee of the Whole, t'ily
Attorney and City Engineer.
Petition of Jno. 7'. Adams, asking
that the alley now lying between lots
30, 31 and 32 in T. S. Nairn's Dubuque.
be vacated from the northerly line of
West Third Street, northerly to a line
twenty (20) feet southerly from the
dividing line between lots 4 and 5 of
said addition.
On motion the petition was referred
to the Committee of the Whole and
they to view the grounds.
Petition of Jno. A. Reuter, et al,
asking that a horse drinking fountain
be placed at the intersection of Wind-
sor and Burden Avenues.
On motion was referred to the com-
mittee of the Whole and they to view
the grounds.
The following petitions were referred
to the Committee of the Whole:
Petition of the House of the Good
Shepherd, asking that the sanitary
sewer he extended to their new build -
ilia: on Alta Vista Street, between
\Vest Fourteenth Street and Union
Also petition of Jno. Parker, et al,
asking that laborers employed by the
city he allowed 17i cents per hour in-
stead of 15c per hour.
Also petition of Guy G. White, asking
that his salary be fixed at $100.00 per
month while being employed by the
city as inspector of the construction
of the concrete storm water sewer in
Millville Road.
Also communication from the United
States Voting Machine Company of
Rochester, N. Y., proposing to sell to
the city nine (9) United States Stand-
ard Voting Machines at $650.00 each.
City Treasurer Brinkman reported as
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council:
Gentlemen:—Below you will find
statement of amounts advanced by me
during the past month for which please
order warrants drawn in my favor:
Excavation permits redeemed...8120 00
Interest paid on warrants out-
standing 673 73
New York exchange 90
Express charges 35
Telegram—Police 75
Freight charges—Fire 80
Freight charges—Road 43 23
$839 76
Library Orders paid 430 42
Also took old warrants, for which
120 Regular Session July 6, 1905.
please order new Loan Warrants
Total amount of loan warrants.$9,1C0.00
On motion, the report was received
warrants ordered drawn to pay the
various amounts and the report refer-
red back to the Committee en Finance.
City Auditor Hoffman reported as
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council:
Gentlemen:—Herewith find my report
for the month of June, 1905, showing
the receipts and disbursements for the
Cash on hand June 1, 1905 $68,942.19
Receipts from all sources15,534.12
Warrants redeemed $25,829.99
Coupcns redeemed 1,213.84
Waterworks coupons redeemed 9,832.50
Waterworks bends redeemed19.000.00
Cash on hand July 1, 1905 25,599.98
The above cash balance includes the
Improvement Bend, Improvement
Bond Interest and Library Fund bal-
Also report that there is due the city
officers for the month of June, 1905,
the sum of $2,683.45.
Also the following is a record of all
Interest Coupors and Bonds redeemed
by the City Treasurer during the past
month and credited to him:
Improvement Bonds redeemed.$ 551.34
Regular Bond Coupons re-
deemed 662.50
Waterworks Coupons redeemed 11.046.34
Waterworks Bonds redeemed19.000.00
The following list shows the Appro-
priations and the amount of Warrants
drawn on each Fund since the begin-
ning of the fiscal year, beginning
March 1st, 1905, to July 1st, 1905:
Appropriation. Expended.
Expense $46,000 $ 7,666.80
Road—First District16,000 6,230.19
Second District20.300 8,012.39
Third District8,750 2.985.75
Fire 42.000 9,511.22
Police 28,000 6,486.60
Sewerage 5,000 1,460.15
Printing 2,500 389.80
Engineer 2,500 591.70
Street Lighting 25,200 6,202.05
Interest 41,500 4,961.54
Board of Health 4,500 828.95
Grading 2,000
Bee Branch—Millville
Road 3,000 344.10
Bee Branch—Washing-
ton Street 6,000
Bee Branch—Fifteenth
and Sixteenth Sts1,400 77.90
Special Bonded Paving2,000
Judgment 3,000 1,417.75
Special Bonded Debt
and Interest 4,000 1,251.42
Mount Carmel Avenue
Grading 1.000 6.85
Sidewalk Repairing 1,000 133.80
Special Sewer Fund1,000 931.15
Bluff Street Extension
Wall 1,000 161.40
Fifth Ward Engine
House 4,000 2,325.00
Booth Street Sewer 1,000 790.65
On motion the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
City Officers, and the report referred
back to the Committee on Finance.
Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol-
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council:
Gentlemen:—The following is the pay
roll of the Fire Department for tie
month of June, 1905:
Amount due firemen $2,301.45
On motion the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
the firemen, and the report referred
back to the Committee on Fire.
Chief of Police Reilly reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit the
Police report for the month of June,
Total arrests for the month 74
Residents arrested for the month30
Doors found open for the month25
Defective lights 15
Lodgers harbored 10
Meals furnished 9
Cost of food $1.80
Sheriff dieting prisoners $2.50
Patrol calls 52
Miles traveled 112
Also the pay roll for Policemen for
the month of June, 1905:
Amount due Policemen $2,007.20
Respectfully submitted,
Chief of Police.
On motion the report and pay roll
were received and warrants ordered
drawn to pay the Policemen, and the
report referred back to the Committee
on Police.
City Engineer Boyce reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my
pay roll for labor on streets in the dif-
ferent road districts during the last
half of June. 1905:
Amount due laborers on streets.$1326.45
Respectfully submitted.
City Engineer.
Regular Session July 6, 1905.
Approved by Committee on Streets.
Also submit my pay roll for labor on
sewers during the last half of June,
Amount due laborers on sewers..$169.80
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved by Committee on Sewers.
Also submit my pay roll for labor on
Bluff Street Extension during last half
of June, 1905:
Amount due laborers on Bluff
Street Extension $291.35
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved by. Committee on Streets.
Also submit my pay roll for labor on
Special Sewers during the last half of
June, 1905:
Amount due laborers $188.25
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved by Committee on Streets.
On motion the pay rolls on streets,
sewers and Bluff Street Extension were
received and warrants ordered drawn
to pay the various amounts and the
pay rolls referred back to the proper
City Attorney Kintzinger reported as
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council:
Gentlemen: Herewith attached
please find City Treasurer's receipt for
$20.00 which amount I received from
Langworthy and Lyon, being in full
for one-half of cost for arching
mineral shaft in alley between Alpine
and Nevada Streets. Same being col-
lected at your request.
Respectfully submitted,
City Atttorney.
On motion the report and receipt
were received and filed.
City Electrician Hipman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my
report of defective Lights for the month
of June, 1905. I find from the reports
of the Police Depa rt:;:eut that the total
hours that 1.5 Lamps failed to burn
would equal '% of a Lamp for one
month, or $4.05.
Respectfully submitted,
City Electrician.
On motion the report was received,
and the City Auditor instructed to de-
duct from the Union Electric Company's
bill for the month of Julie the sum
of $4.05.
City Recorder Arendt presented and
read the printed Notice, certified to by
the publisher, of the Council's intention
to levy a special assessment for repair-
ing Sidewalks during the month of
May, 1905:
No remonstrance being filed, the
Mayor asked if anyone present had
any objection to said special assess-
No objection being stated, the notice
on motion was received and filed.
Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That to pay for re-
pairing sidewalks during the month of
May, 1905, in front of and adjoining
the sonic, a Special Tax be and is here-
by levied on the several Lots, and Parts
of Lots, and Parcels of Real Estate
hereinafter named, situate and owned,
and for the several amounts set op-
posite each Lot or Parcel of Real Es-
tate, as follows:
May 1—.9. A. Cooper, City, W. 74
ft. lot 84, 13 ft. lumber, 40c; 1-2
hour labor, 25c 65
May 1—Mary A. Lang.worthy,
Mrs. L. H. Langworthy's Add.,
N. 160 ft. lot 8, 21 ft. lumber,
65c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 90
May 1—M. D. Goux, Cook's Add,
S. 1-2 lot 61, 8 ft. lumber, 25c;
1-2 hour labor, 25c .. . 50
May 3—Leathers & Trewin, Mor-
gan's Sub., lot 4, 16 ft. lumber,
50c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 75
May 3—Minnie and M. A. Kemler,
A. McDaniel's Sub., N. 88 ft.
E. 1-2 lot 783, 23 ft. lumber, 70e;
1-2 hour labor, 25c 95
May 5—Geo. Kampman, Wood -
lawn Park, lot 99, 10 ft. lumber,
30c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 55
May 5—C. H. Bradley, Cox's
Add., E. 1-2 lots 50-51, 28 ft.
lumber, 85c: 1-2 hour labor, 25c 1 10
May 5—Mich. Lentz, Sub. 92,
Cox's Add., lot 1, 69 ft. lumber,
$2.05; 1-2 hour labor, 25c 2 °A
May 5—J. J. Lundbeck, Mechan-
ic's Add.. S. 100 ft. lot 109, 11
ft. lumber, .35c; 1-2 hour labor,
May 5—Anna Kelly, Cox's Add,
lot 99, 18 ft. lumber, 55c; 1-2
hour labor, 25c
May 5—Val Keppler, Cox's Add,
lot 80, 16 ft. lumber, 50e; 1-2
hour labor, 25c
May 6—Eliz. Procter, Procter's
Sub., lot 1, 2 ft. lumber, 5c; 1-2
hour labor, 25e
May 6—C. D. Scott, G. W. Rodg-
er's Sub., lots 12-13, 29 ft. lum-
her, 85e; 1-2 hour labor, 25c
May 6—E. M. Kringle, Sub. 7,
Min. lot 78. lot 2, 20 ft. lumber,
_,;e: 1-2 hour labor. 25c
flay 6 --Marg. Linehan, Sub. 2,
Min. lot 78, lot 2. 2 ft0. lumber,
60c; 1-2 hour labor, 25e
May 7—Jno. J. McLaughlin, Mob-
ley's, Dubuque. lots 2-3, 29 ft.
lumber, 85c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c
1 10
1 10
122 Regular Session July 6, 1905.
May 7 -Mrs. B. Keough, Sub. 32,
Wilson's Sub., lot 2, 12 ft. lum-
ber, 35c; 1-2 hour labor. ?Sc
May 7 -Geo. Salot, Sub. 39, Kel-
ly's Sub., lot 1, 26 ft. lumber.
80c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c
May 7 -John Harris Est., Sub
9, Collin's Sub., lot 2, 5 ft. lum-
ber, 15c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c
May 7 -Vin. Reche Est., Reche's
Sub., lot 17, 40 ft. lumber, $1.20;
1-2 hour labor, 25c
May 9 -German Trust & Savings
Bank, Sub. City 673, lot 5, 114
ft. lumber, $3.40; 1 hour labor,
50c ......
May 4 -John Jennings, Dorgan's
Sub., lot 10, 28 ft. lumber, 85c;
1-2 hour labor, 25c
May 12-T. B. Cain, Hethering-
ton's Sub., lot 4, 23 ft. lumber.
70c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c
May 13-E. A. and G. A. Burden,
Burden-Lawther Add., lots 4-5,
67 ft. lumber, $2.00; 1 1-2 hours
labor, 75c
May 13-Lawther & Rider, Bur-
den-Lawther Add., lots 7 to 19,
206 ft. lumber, $6.20; 3 hours
labor, $1.50
May 14 -Key City Gas Co., City,
lot 584, 4 ft. lumber, 10c; 1-2
hour labor, 25c •
May 14 -Wm. Jenkins Est., Sub
22 and 23, Kelly's Sub., lot 1,
11 ft. lumber, 35c; 1-2 hour la-
bor, 25c
May 14-M. F. Collins Est., Hed-
ley's Sub., lot 7, S ft. lumber,
25c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c
May 14 -Mary and Ellen Ryan,
Hedley's Sub., lot 6, 20 ft. lum-
ber, 6Oc:; 1-2 hour labor, 25c
May 14 -Sarah Thomas, Wilson's
Sub., lot 3, 5 ft. lumber, 15c; 1-2
hour labor, 25c
May 8 -Ellen J. Martin, City, lot
349, 8 ft. lumber, 25e; 1-2 hour
labor, 25c
May 15 -Julia D. Rhomberg, Sub.
1 and 2 of Min. lot 62 and part
Min. lot 149, lot la, 2 ft. lumber,
5c; 1-2 hour labor, 25c
May 15 -John Byrne, Bonson &
Stewart's Sub., lot 24, 5 ft. lum-
ber. 17c: 1-2 hour labor. 25c
May 16 -Peter Eisbach, Bonson
& Stewart's Sub., 24 ft. lumber,
75c; 1/2 hour labor, 25c
May 16 -Wm. McClain, Hoskins
Sub., lot 5, 18 ft. lumber, 55c;
1/2 hour labor, 25c
May 16 -Isabella Cain, Hoskins
Sub., lot 3, 18 ft. lumber, 55c;
1/2 hour labor, 25c
May 16-J. C. Fitzpatrick, Union
Add., lot 151, 8 ft. lumber, 25c;
1/2 hour labor, 25c
May 16-Emelia Guderian Est.,
High St. Sub., lot 11, 13 ft. lum-
ber, 40c; / hour labor, 25c
May 17 -Jas. Levi, Davis Farm
Add., lot 238, 46 ft. lumber, $1.40;
1 hour labor, 50c
1 05
I 45
3 90
1 10
2 75
7 70
1 00
1 90
May 17 -Bernard Glass, Davis
Farm Add., S. 1/2 lot 270, 70 ft.
lumber, $2.10; 1/2 hour labor, 25c
May 17 -John Olinger, Boulevard
Add., lots 1 to 23, 65 ft. lumber,
$1.95; S4 hour labor, 40c
May 10-Kunnigunda Foerst, City
S. / N. M. 1-5 lot 496, 24 ft. lum-
ber, 75c; 1/2 hour labor, 25c
May 18-R. & Edw. Langworthy
Est., Glendale Add., lot 247, 12
ft. lumber, 35c; 1/2 hour labor,
May 18 -Rose E. Fengler, Wick's
Add., lot 19, 26 ft. lumber, 80c;
1/2 hour labor, 25c
May 19-Nic Closs, Sr., East Du-
buque Add., lot 261, 18 ft. lum-
ber, 55c; 1/2 hour labor, 25c
May 19-1lartha Zinn, L. H
Langworthy's Add., lot 24a, 8
ft. lumber, 25c; 1/2 hour labor,
May 19 -Susan E. Chadwick, Lev -
ens' Add., lot 28, 18 ft. lumber.
55c; 1/2 hour labor, 25c
May 20-E. L. Clark, L. H. Lang -
worthy's Sub., lots 22-23, 16 ft.
lumber, 50c; 1/2 hour labor, 25c
May 20-A. F. & B. D. Heeb,
Marsh's Add., lots 22-23, 27 ft.
lumber, 80c; 1/2 hour labor, 25c
May 21 -Peter Dawson, Union
Add., lot 79, 10 ft. lumber, 30c;
1/ hour labor, 25c
May 21 -Henry Kiene, Columbia
Add., lots 1 to 33, 154 ft. lum-
ber, $4.60; 1 hour labor, 50c
May 23 -Mary A. Parker, Sub. 22
and 23, Kelly's Sub., lot 4, 10 ft.
lumber, 30c; 1/2 hour labor, 25c
May 24-Buol & Loetscher, Loet-
scher & Trieb's Sub., lots 7 to
12, 43 ft. lumber, $1.30; 1/2 hour
labor, 25c
May 25-R. & E. Langworthy
Est., Glendale Add., lot 153, 11
ft. lumber, 35c; 1 hour labor,
May 25 -Jas. Baxter, Sub. 1, Min.
Lot 159, lot 1, 33 ft. lumber,
$1.00; 1/2 hour labor, 25c
May 25-A. E. Girard, Hodge's
Sub., lots 3, 4, 5, 51 ft. lumber,
$1.55; 1/2 hour labor, 25c
May 25-W. H. Thrift, Reche's
Sub., lot 5, 8 ft. lumber, 25c; 1/2
hour labor, 25c
May 25 -Arthur A. Children, Sub
17, Min. Lot 79, lot 1, 7 ft. lum-
ber, 20c; 1/2 hour labor, 25c
May 25 -Susan Heil, Glendale
Add., S. 1/2 lot 152, 16 ft. lumber,
50c; 1/2 hour labor, 25c
May 26 -Julia Hooper, Prospect
Hill Add., lot 30, 34 ft. lumber,
$1.00; 1/2 hour labor, 25c
May 26 -Chas. E. Wales, Prospect
Hill Add., lot 29, 24 ft. lumber,
75c; / hour labor, 25c
May 18 -Jac. Ginter, McCraney's
1st Add., lot 75, 101 ft. lumber,
2 35
2 35
1 00
1 05
1 05
5 10
1 55
1 25
1 80
1 25
1 00
Regular Session July 6, 1905.
:13.00; % hour labor, 40c.
M:iy IS—Catholic Univer< • of
Washington et al., A. MeDan-
iels' Sub., lot 821, 12 ft. lumber,
35c; 1/ hour labor, 25c
May 22—Minnie and M. A. Kern -
ler, Union Add., lot 98, 13 ft.
lumber, 40c; 1/2 hour labor, 25c
May 26—Mary A. Langworthy,
Mrs. L. H. Langworthy's Add.,
N. 160 ft., lot 8, 11 ft. lumber,
35c; 2 hours labor, $1.00
May 28—German Trust & Savings
hank, Sub. 809, A. MeDaniels'
Sub., lot 1, 16 ft. lumber, 50c; 1/2
hour labor, 25c ' 75
May 2S—Jas. Levi, Davis Farm
Add., lot 238, 4 ft. lumber, 10c;
?- hour labor, 25c 35
May 30—John Marzen, E. Lang -
worthy's Add., N. 35 ft., lot 45,
7 ft. lumber, 20c; 1/2 hour labor,
25c 45
May 31—R. & Edw. Langworthy
Est., Glendale Add., lot 214, 25
ft. lumber, 75c; 1/2 hour labor,
\I ay 31—Mrs. J. P. Buehler, Sub.
1 of Min. Lot 314, lot 3, 52 ft.
lumber, $1.55; 1/2 hour labor, 25c 1 80
May 23—Thos. Kavanaugh Est.,
Sub. 18, 19, 20, Kelly's Sub., lot
4, 5 ft. lumber, 15c; 1/2 hour la-
bor, 25c
3 40
1 35
1 00
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the reso-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
..8 80 50
City Recorder Arendt also presented
and read the printed notice certified to
by the publisher, of the Council's in-
tention to levy a special assessment for
constructing a 1f -inch Tile Pipe Sani-
tary Sewer in Eleventh Street, from
alley west of Elm Street to center of
Cedar Street.
No remonstrance being filed, the
Mayor asked if any one present had
any objection to said special assess-
ment. No objection being stated, the
notice on motion was received and
Whereupon Ald. Lyons offered the
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for con-
structing a 10 -inch Tile Pipe Sanitary
Sewer in Eleventh Street, from alley
west of Elm Street to center of Cedar
Street, by Steuck & Linehan, Contrac-
tors. in front of and adjoining the
same, a Special Tax be and is hereby
levied on the several lots and parts
of lots and parcels of real estate here-
inafter named, situate and owned,
and for the several amounts setoppo-
site each lot or parcel of real estate,
as follows:
Owner. Description.
Key City Furniture Co., City E.
M. 1-4, lot 5(0, 100 sq. ft. at
.00472c per ft $ 47 30
Chicago, M. & St. P. R'y. Co,
City E. 1-4, lot 500, 100 sq. ft
at .00472 per ft
Chicago, M. & St. P. R'y. Co,
City W. 100 ft., lot 501, 100 sq
ft at .00472c per ft 47 20
Carr, Ryder & Adams Co., City
E. 404 ft., lot 501, 404 sq. ft. at
.00472c per ft 190 68
Key City Gas Co., Sub. 2 City
5(4, lot 1, 204 sq. ft. at .(0472c
per ft 95 34
Key City Gas Co., Sub. City 504,
lot 1, 200 sq. ft. at .00472 per ft. 94 40
Chicago, M. & St. P. R'y. Co.,
Sub. City 504, lot 3, 100 sq. ft. at
.00472 per ft 47 20
Chicago G. W. R'y. Co., Sub
City 505, lot 2, 61.44 sq. ft. at
.00472c per ft 103.82
Marriett Coates Kiesel, Sub. City
5(5, lot 1, 100 sq. ft. at .00472
per ft 47 20
Carr, Ryder & Adams Co., Sub
City 505, lot 3, 220 sq. ft. at
.00472 per ft 29 (0
47 20
Total $749 24
Ald. Lyons moved to adopt the reso-
lution. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons. Needham and Stumpf.
City Recorder Arendt also presented
and read the printed Notice certified
to by the publisher of the Council's
intention to levy a special assessment
for the construction of an 8 -inch Tile
Pipe Sanitary Sewers in Caledonia
Place, from center of West Eighth
Street to manhole in Hill Street. •
No remonstrance being filed the
Mayor asked if anyone present had any
objection to said special assessment.
No objection being stated, the Notice
on motion was received and filed.
Whereupon Ald. Lyons offered the
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for con-
structing an 8 -inch Tile Pipe Sanitary
Sewer in Caledonia Place, from center
of W. Eighth Street to manhole in Hill
Street, by Street, Steuck & Linehan,
Cpntractors, in front of and adjoining
the same, a Special Tax be and is here-
by levied on the several lots, and parts
of lots, and parcels of real estate here-
inafter named, situate and owned, and
for the several amounts set opposite
each lot or parcel of real estate, as
Owner. Description.
Elvina L. Hedley, Hedley's Sub.,
lot 1, 45.40 sq. ft. at .0072c
per ft S 32 70
124 Regular Session July 6, 1905.
Mary E. Hedley, Hedley's Sub.,
lot 8, 50 sq. ft. at .0072c per ft
F. McLaughlin Est., Kelly's Sub,
N. 1-2 lot 33, 43 sq. ft. at .0072c
per ft
J. J. Dunn, Kelly's Sub., S. 1.2
lot 33, 43 sq. ft. at .0072c per ft.
Dan Whelan, Kelly's Sub., N. 2-3
lot 34, 57.30 sq. ft. at .0072c
per ft
Ernstein Buchet, Kelly's Sub., S
1-3 lot 34, 28.70 sq. ft. at .0072c
per ft
Ernstein Buc_het, Kelly's Sub., N
1-2 lot 35, 43 sq. ft. at .0072c
per ft
T. E. Rhotnberg, Kelly's Sub., S.
1-2 lot 35, 43 sq. ft. at .0072c
per ft
Sarah G. Cort, Kelly's Sub., N
1-2, E. 1-2. N. 1-2 lot 36, 21.50
sq.ft. at .0072c per ft
Elvira L. Hedley, Kelly's Sub., S
1-2, E. 1-2, N. 1-2 lot 36, 21.50
sq. ft. at .0072c per ft
Geo. Tourot, Kelly's Sub., S. 1-2
lot 36. 43 sq. ft. at .0072c per ft
Kate Guderian, Kelly's Sub., N.
1-2, E. 1-2 lot 37, 27.50 sq. ft.
at .0072c per ft
Ellen Donegan, Kelly's Sub., S.
1-2, E. 1-2 lot 37, 27.50 sq. ft. at
.0072c per ft
Wm. A. Harkett, Sub. 37, Kelly's
Sub., lot 2, 31 sq. ft. at .0072c
per ft
Geo. Salot, Sub. 39, Kelly's Sub,
lot 1, 54 sq. ft. at .0072c per ft
I. C. Cheetham, Kelly's Sub., lot
40, 80.40 sq. ft. at .0072c per ft
Hanna Cheetham, Kelly's Sub,
lot 41, 80.40 sq. ft. at .0072c
per ft
R. Waller Est., Sub. 42, Kelly's
Sub., lot 3, 50.40 sq. ft. at .0072c
per ft
Martin Byrne, Kelly's Sub., W.
50 ft., lot 43, 40.20 sq. ft. at
.0072c per ft
36 00
30 97
41 27
20 70
30 97
30 97
15 50
15 50
30 97
19 80
19 80
22 33
38 90
57 90
57 90
57 90
28 95
Total $620 CO
Ald. Lyons moved to adopt the reso-
lution. Carried by the following vote
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Engineer Boyce reported as follows:
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council:
Gentlemen: Herewith attached please
find statement of the amount of
macadam measured during June, 1905,
and the amount due for same: •
Total amount due ...$210.10
On motion warrants were ordered
drawn to pay the various amounts.
Engineer Boyce also reported as fol-
Herewith attached please find profile
of the alley first south of Dodge Street,
from Grandview Avenue to Malady
Street. The red line shows the pro-
posed grade which I would recommend
for adoption.
Also herewith attached please find
profile of Pierce Street, from Fest
Locust Street to Angella Street. The
red line shows the proposed grade,
which I would recommend for adop-
Also herewith attached please find
profile of Dillon Street, from Grand-
view Avenue to first alley south of
Curtis Street. The red line shows the
proposed grade, which I would recom-
mend for adoption.
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
On motion the report was received
and the profiles referred to the Ordi-
nance Committee, to draft Ordinances
adopting the same.
City Engineer Boyce also reported as
Herewith attached please find plat
showing the proposed vacation of Huff
Street, from the south line of Railroad
Avenue to the south line of Dubuque
Harbor Company's addition, also the
alley between Huff Street and Salina
Street, from the south line of Railroad
Avenue to the south line of Dubuque
Harbor Company's addition. Notices
were served on the respective abutting
property owners.
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
On motion of Ald. Corrance the plat
was approved and the Ordinance Com-
mittee instructed to draft an Ordi-
nance vacating the same.
City Engineer Boyce also reported as
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council:
Gentlemen: As per instructions I
submit a cross-section of Grandview
Avenue, showing a twenty -foot side-
walk on each side, leaving sixty feet
to be improved as the Council deems
Reporting on the grade of Grandview
Avenue would say the drainage on
parts of the street could be improved
by a change of grade.
Ald. Clancy moved that said rei.ort
and cross section he approved and the
Ordinance Committee instructed to
draft an Ordinance adopting the same.
Ald. Clancy also moved that the En-
gineer be instructed to make a profile
of change of grade on Grandview Ave-
nue, from Delhi to Dodge Street, also
showing all property lines on the same.
Engineer Boyce also reported as fol-
On the within petition of G. E. Da-
vis, Adm., would respectfully report
that the area of Lot (2) Two, Cox's
Regular Session July 6, 1905. 125
addition, was fully covered by the as-
sessment for the construction of
sewer In Ellis Street.
On motion the report of the Engineer
was adopted.
City Engineer Boyce also reported as
On the within petition of E. H. Shep-
ply, I would respectfully report that
Lot (3) Three, Cox's addition, contains
6,338 square feet; 6,000 square feet of
this lot was covered by an assessment
for the construction of a Sanitary
Sewer in Ellis Street, leaving 338
square feet subject to an assessment
en West Locust Street Sewer.
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
On motion the report was adopted
and the Treasurer instructed to accept
amount as recommended by the Engi-
The following Weighmasters' and
Woodmeasurers' receipts were referred
to the Committee on Markets:
F. P. Hayes, City Hall, receipts$19.10
T. Faherty, First Ward scale re-
ceipts 4.19
R. Hay, Eighth Street scale re-
ceipts 2.58
Peter Holsinger, Woodmeasurer's
receipts .15
The following bids were ordered
Bids as follows for the construction
of a sanitary sewer in alley between
Jackson and Washington Streets, from
Sanford to Twenty-fifth Streets:
Street, Steuck & Linehan -
10 -inch tile pipe, per lineal foot 60c
12 -inch tile pipe, per lineal foot 66c
Manholes, each $23.00
Tibey Bros. -
10 -inch tile pipe, per lineal foot 60c
12 -inch tile pipe, per lineal foot62c
Manholes, each $27.00
M. A. Brown -
10 -inch tile pipe, per lineal foot....52e
12 -inch tile pipe, per lineal foot....60e
Manholes, each $28.00
O'Farrell, McNamara & Kenety-
10-inch tile pipe, per lineal foot 49c
12 -inch tile pipe, per lineal foot54c
Manholes, each $23.00
Jas. Hird-
10 and 12 -inch tile pipe, per lineal ft.51c
Manholes, each $23.00
Jas. Hird, being the lowest bidder,
was on motion awarded the contract
and his bond fixed at $200.00.
Bids as follows for improving Grace
Street, from the West line of the sub-
division of lot 7 in Ann O'Hare's Sub.,
to East Street:
O'Farrell, McNamara & KenetY-23c
Grading, per cubic yard
Curbing, per lineal foot 45c
Guttering. per square yard 45c
Macadamizing, per square yard54c
M. A. Brown—
Grading, in total $897.00
Curbing, per lineal foot 48
Guttering, per square yard 47
Macadamizing, per square yard55
O'Farrell, McNamara & Kenety, be-
ing the lowest bidders, were on mo-
tion awarded the contract and their
bond fixed at $500.00.
Bids as follows for improving the al-
ley between Rhomberg and Lincoln
Avenues, from Middle to Fengler Ave-
Frank Beutin—
Grading, in total $10.50
Macadamizing iu r square yard49
O'Farrell, Me Namara & Kenety—
Gradin„ in total $8.75
Macadamizing, per square yard47
O'Farrell, McNamara & Kenety, be-
ing the lowest bidders, were on motion
awarded the contract and their bond
fixed at $50.00.
Ald. Corrance. Chairman of the
Finance Committee, offered the follow-
ing resolutions.
Whereas, The contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Dubuque
for the construction of a Sanitary
Sewer as hereinafter described has
been completed and the City Engineer
has computed that the cost and ex-
pense of said improvement amounts to
Seven Hundred Forty-nine and 24-100
Dollars; therefore,
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That to pro-
vide for the cost of constructing a San-
itary Sewer in Eleventh Street, from
the alley west of Elm Street to the
center of Cedar Street, the Mayor is
required to execute and deliver to the
City Recorder, to be by him registered
and countersigned, Three (3) bonds of
the denomination of Two Hundred Dol-
lars each and one (1) bond of the de-
nomination of One Hundred and Forty-
nine and 24-100 Dollars, numbered
from 299 to 302, both inclusive, dated
August 5th. 1905, payable on or before
seven years after the date thereof and
bearing interest at the rate of five per
cent. per annum payable semi-annu-
Ald. Corrance moved to adopt the
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones. Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Alderman Corrance also offered the
Whereas, The contract heretofore en-
tered into by the City of Dubuque for
the construction of a Sanitary Sewer
as hereinafter described has been com-
pleted and the City Engineer has com-
puted that the cost and expense of said
improvement amounts to Six Hundred
126 Regular Session July 6, 1905.
Twenty-five Dollars; therefore,
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That to pro-
vide for the cost of constructing a
Sanitary Sewer in Caledonia Place,
from Hill Street to West Eighth
Street, the Mayor is required to ex-
ecute and deliver to the City Recorder,
to be by him registered and counter-
signed, two (2) bonds of the denomina-
tion of Two Hundred Dollars each and
one (1) bond of the denomination of
Two Hundred and Twenty Dollars,
numbered from 303 to 305, both inclu-
sive. dated August 5th, 1905, payable
on or before seven years after the date
thereof and bearing interest at the
rate of five per cent. per annum, pay-
able semi-annually.
Ald. Corrance moved to adopt the
Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons. Needham and Stumpf.
Aid. Frith, Chairman of the Com-
mittee on Streets, reported as follows:
Your Committee on Streets, to whom
was referred the petition of Chris.
Braun, asking that Lincoln Avenue,
abutting his lot, and also the sidewalk
on Lincoln and Rhomberg Avenues,
abutting the same lot be graded, would
recommend that the prayer of the pe-
titioner be granted and that the City
Engineer be instructed to proceed with
said grading at a cost not to exceed
One Hundred Dollars.
Also your Committee on Streets, to
whom was referred the petition of
Henry W. Kruse, asking that the alley
between Queen and Elm Streets, from
Sanford to Twenty-second Street, be
widened, would respectfully recommend
that the City Engineer be instructed
to interview the owners of the prop-
erty abutting on said alley with a
view of ascertaining what the cost of
widening said alley would be.
Also your Committee on Streets
would respectfully recommend that the
City Engineer be instructed to put in
brick crossings at the different cross-
ings recently designated by the com-
Also your Committee on Streets
would respectfully report that a por-
tion of West Fourteenth Street, imme-
diately east of North GIen Oak Ave-
nue, has settled and we would recom-
mend that the City Engineer be in-
structed to raise said depression, so
that the storm water will be carried
west and north around the corner of
North Glen Oak Avenue, also that he
ire instructed to raise the curb where
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the var-
ious reports of the Street Committee.
Ald. Jones, Chairman of the Com-
mittee on Public Grounds and Build-
ings, reported as follows:
Your Committee on Public Grounds
and Buildings would respectfully re-
port that we have examined Engine
House No. 6 and that we find the same
to be completed and built in accordance
with the plans and specifications; we
would therefore recommend that said
building be accepted. We would also
recommend that the City Engineer be
instructed to contract a six-foot walk
in front of said building, with ap-
proach, on Rhomberg Avenue. Also
that he set a curb on Reed Avenue as
far as the rear end of said building
and lay a four -foot walk on said
Reed Avenue.
Aid. Jones moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Jones, Chairman of the Com-
mittee on Printing, reported as fol-
Your Committee on Printing, to
whom was referred the bill of the Tel-
egraph -Herald Printing Company, for
printing and binding during the years
1903 anw 1904, amounting to $129.00,
would respectfully report that we
find said bill correct and would there-
fore recommend that a warrant be or-
derers drawn on the City Treasurer in
settlement of the same.
Aid. Jones moved to adopt the report.
Ald. Clancy, Chairman of the Fire
Committee, moved that the matter of
purchasing horses for the new Fifth
Ward Engine House, No. 6, be referred
to the Committee on Fire. Carried.
Ald. Lyon's, Chairman of the Sewer
Committee, reported as follows:
Your Committee on Sewers would re-
spectfully report that we have exam-
ined the Sanitary Sewer in Caledonia
Place, from Hill to West Eighth
Streets, Street, Steuck & Linehan, con-
tractors, and would recommend that
said sewer be accepted and that the
City Engineer be instructed to pre-
pare a special assessment against the
lots or parcels of land subject to such
assement, and file the same in the office
of the City Recorder, who will there-
upon publish notice of said assess-
ment as required by ordinance.
Ald. Lyons moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Clancy, Chairman of the Com-
mittee of the Whole, reported, as fol-
Regular Session July 6, 1905.
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of Mrs.
M. McCaffrey, for the John Theis es-
tate. stating that through an error in
the report of the committee appointed
to secure the right-of-way for the Bee
Branch sewer, the name of said estate
had been omitted from the list of those
whose property was to he exempt from
assessment for the improvement of
that part of Elm Street abutting their
property when said street was ordered
improved, and asking that said error
be corrected, would respectfully report
that we find a difference of opinion ex-
ists among the members of said com-
mittee as to what the understanding
was at the time, and would therefore
recommend as a compomise, that when
said street is improved, no assessment
be levied against lot 1 of 2 of 106, L. H.
Langworthy's Add. The rest of said
lot 106, however, to be assessed its
full proportion of the cost of the im-
Also your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
the Farley & Loetscher Manufacturing
Company, asking that it be granted
permission to lay and maintain a
switch and sidetrack in Jackson Street
from midway between Sixth and
Seventh Streets to the south curb of
Eighth Street, would recommend that
the prayer of the petitioner be graned;
said work to be done under the super-
vision of the City Engineer. We al-
so recommend that the Ordinance
Committee be instructed to prepare an
ordinance covering the above right.
Also your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of the
T. J. Mulgrew Company, asking that
that part of Camp Street abutting the
south side of Block 17, Dubuque Har-
bor Company's Add., be filled, would
recommend that the prayer of the pe-
titioner be granted and that the sum
of $100.00 be appropriated from the
grading fund for the purpose of defray-
ing the cost of such filling.
Also your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
the lieutenants in the Fire Department,
asking that they be granted an in-
crease in salary of $5.00 per month,
would recommend that said petition be
received and filed.
Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the var-
ious reports of the Committee of the
Whole. Carried.
Also your Committee of the Whole
would respectfully report that P.
Ahern was recently dismissed by the
Chief from the Fire Department, and
that the matter was brought before
your committee, where, after an inves-
tigation, the action of the Chief was
ordered sustained.
Ald, Clancy moved that the report he
referred back to the Committee of the
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Jones, Lyons and
Nays—Corrance, Frith and Needham.
Ald. Jones, Chairman of the Special
Committee, reported as follows:
Whereas, it is deemed expedient to
adopt a new grade on Bluff Street.
from Fourth to Eighth Streets; there-
fore, be it
Resolved, That the City Engineer be
and is hereby instructed to prepare
a profile showing a proposed grade or
change of grade on said street and re-
port to the next meeting of the Coun-
cil if there is an established grade on
this street now, and if so report the
names of the property owners, who
have made improvements on this
street with reference thereto.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the report.
Ald. Needham offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That the matter of
fines or licensing slot machines by the
Executive Officer of the City, be re-
ferred to the City Attorney for an
opinion as to the legality of the same.
Ald. Needham moved to adopt said
Lost by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Corrance, Frith and
Needham. Total, 3.
Nays—Aids. Clancy, Jones, Lyons
and Stumpf. Total, 4.
Ald. Clancy offered the following:
Be it Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That the Ordin-
ance Committe and City Attorney be
and they are hereby instructed to pre-
pare an ordinance annulling any pre-
viously established width for sidewalk
on Grandview Avenue and providing
for the setting of the curb at a distance
of twenty (20) feet out from the prop-
erty line between Delhi Street and
Southern Avenue.
Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the res-
olution. Carried unanimously.
Ald. Frith offered the following:
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That it is
deemed necessary and advisable to im-
prove Pine street from the south curb
line of Twenty-third street to the north
curb line of Twenty-sixth street, and it
is hereby proposed to grade, curb, gut-
ter and macadamize said street and to
assess the cost of such curbing, gutter-
ing and macadamizing against the
128 Regular Session July 6, 1905.
abutting property.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the reso-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Ald. Frith offered the following:
Be it Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That the City En-
gineer be and he is hereby directed to
prepare a plat showing generally the
location, nature and extent of the pro-
posed improvement on Pine street from
the south curb line of Twenty-third
street to the north curb line of Twenty-
sixth street and the kind of material
to be used and an estimate of the entire
cost the) eof, and the amount and cost
of such improvement, and the amount
assessable upon any railway or street
railway, the amount and cost thereof
to be paid by the city, if any, and the
, cost thereof and amount assessable up-
on each lot or parcel of land adjacent
to or abutting upon such improvement
per front foot, and to file such plat and
estimate in the office of the City Re-
corder; that after the filing of said plat
and estimate in his office, the City Re-
corder shall publish in three consec-
utive issues of a newspaper published
in this city, a notice stating that such
plat and estimate are on file, the
location and nature of the improve-
ment, kind of material to be used, and
an estimate of its cost, and the time
before which objections thereto can be
filed, and the time for hearing, which
time shall not be less than five days
after the last publication of such no-
tice, and after such publication shall
have been made, the City Recorder
shall, at the next regular session of the
City Council, notify the council thereof
in writing with a printed copy of such
notice accompanying the same.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the reso-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Ald. Corrance. offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk
four (4) feet wide, of good brick or ce-
ment, be, within twenty days of this
notice, constructed and laid in con-
formity with the ordinance in relation
to sidewalks, on the south side of Ver-
non street, between Alta Vista street
and Glen Oak Avenue, abutting lot 33,
Levens Addition, owned by John Hol-
land, at the expense of abutting prop-
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Ald. Corrance also offered the follow-
Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque: That a side-
walk four (4) feet wide, of good
brick or cement, be, within twenty
days of this notice, constructed and
laid in conformity with the ordinance
in relation to sidewalks, on the east
side of Mt. Pleasant Avenue, between
West Fourteenth street and Julien
Avenue, abutting lot 18, Mt. Pleasant
Add., owned by John Schmidt, at the
expense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham nad Stumpf.
Ald. Clancy moved that the rules be
suspended. in order to hear from Mr. J.
Sullivan in relation to a sidewalk on
Vernon street, in front of lot No. 33,
Levens' Addition. Carried.
Mr. Sullivan addressed the Council,
stating that there were great holes
washed out of said sidewalk and that
it would take considerable filling to
bring it up to grade.
Ald. Frith moved that the matter of
filling said sidewalk up to grade be re-
ferred to the Street committee. Car-
Ald. Frith moved to adjourn until
July 20th, 1905. Carried.
City Recorder.
a1 Recorder
Approved - / 190 i
Regular Session July 20, 1905.
Regular Session July 20th, 1905.
Council met at 8:30 o'clock P. M.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Aids. Clancy, Corrance,
Frith, Jones, Lyons, Needham and
Petitions of Lacy & Brown and Glenn
Brown in relation to cancellation of
special assessments for the improve-
ment of various streets were on mo-
tion referred to the Finance Commit-
tee and City Attorney.
Petition of Jos. Feyen, asking that
he be appointed a member of the Fire
Departmept, also that he be stationed
at the new Fifth Ward Engine House,
No. 6.
Aid. Lyons moved that the petition
be referred to the Committee on Fire:
Petition of Mrs. Mary Faust in rela-
tion to City purchasing her lot 44 in
Union Add., was on motion referred to
the City Attorney.
Petition of Martin Heer, claiming
S250.00 as damages to his property on
Grace Street by reason of the change
of grade of Grace Street.
On motion refereed to the Commit-
tee of the Whole.
Communication of H. B. McCa^ten
in relation to excavation permits which
were deposited in Engineer's office for
redemption and being mislaid or lost
was on motion received and filed.
Annual report of the Dubin -me H'gh
Bridge Company, by Jno. Eliwanger.
Secretary, showing the receipts and
expenditures of the Dubuque High
Bridge Company for the fiscal year
ending April 30th, 1905.
On motion was referred to a Special
Committee, consisting of the Mayor,
Auditor and City Assessor.
City Engineer Boyce reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
payroll for labor on streets in the dif-
ferent road districts during the first
half of July, 1905:
Amount due laborers on streets.$11)3.30
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved by Crmmlttee on Streets.
Also submit my pay roll for labor on
sewers during the first half of July,
Amount due laborers on Sewers..$169.S0
Respe( tfully submitted.
City Engineer.
Approved by Committee on Sewers.
Also submit my pay roll for labor on
Bluff Street Extension during first half
of July, 1905:
Amount due laboters on Bluff
Street Extension !k242.55
R .speetfully submitted.
City Engineer.
Approved by Committee on Streets.
On motion the pay rolls on Sireets,
Sewers mid Bluff Street Extension,
were received and warrants ordered
drawn to pay the various amounts and
the Pay rolls referred back to the
proper committees.
City Engineer Boyce reported as fol-
On the within petition of Da-
vid Metcalf, would respectfully report
that the assessment was on the basis
of 120 feet frontage, which is an error,
as the lots have a frontaf*e of only 75
feet, making an assessment of $3.35 less
than levied.
Respectfully submitted.
City Engineer.
Ald. Clancy moved That the repot
received and that the Treasurer be
instructed to refund to Mr. D. Metcalf
the sum of $3.38. Carried.
City Engineer Boyce also reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: Attached please find
profile of proposed grade of Bluff
Street, from Fourth Street to Ei_hth
Street. Red lines and figures show
grade I would recommend for adop-
tion. Black line shows grade for-
mally contemplated, of which there
seems to be no conclusive record of
its adoption.
The following abutting property own-
ers have made improvements some-
what conforming to the black grade
shown on profile: J. S. Morgan,
Ryder Bros., A. W. Kemler Est., J. M.
Sullivan, J. P. Quigley, H. A. Knowl-
ton, Jas. Harragan, Frank Kirk, A. C.
Kleine, J. H. Thedinga Est., D. D.
Myers, Mary A. Coates, Anna Collins,
Catherine Christman and Anna M.
City Engineer.
Ald. Jones moved that the profile of
the proposed grade of Bluff Street,
from Fourth Street to Eighth Street,
be accepted and that further action be
postponed until the proceedings for ap-
130 Regular Session July 20, 1905.
praisment of damages are had as pro-
vided by law.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy. Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
City Engineer Boyce also reported as
Herewith attached please find profile
of grade proposed on Pine Street, from
Twenty-third Street to Twenty-sixth
Black lines and figures show grade
I would recommend.
There was an attempt to establish
a grade on this street in March, 1891.
but no Ordinance was adopted for
same. Red lines and finures show
said :rade.
Respectfully submitted.
City Engineer.
On motion the profile was accepted
and referred to the Ordinance Commit-
tee to draft an Ordinance adopting the
The report of the Water Works
Trustees, showing the receipts •rnd
disbursements for the three months
ending June 30th, 1905, was presented
and on motion was referred to a Special
Committee, consisting of Alds. Need-
ham, Frith and Stumpf.
Ald. Lyons moved that the rules be
suspended in order to hear from Rev.
Orvis in relation to a plank sidewalk
on West Fifth Street. Carried.
Rev. Orvis addressed the Council,
stating that they had repaired about
30 feet of the 150 feet of plank side-
walk on West Fifth Street and Delhi
Street and asked that the Council al-
low said piece of sidewalk to remain.
Ald. Clancy moved that said sidewalk
be allowed to remain for the Present.
John W. Lawler, Committee Clerk,
reported as follows:
Dubuque, Ia., July 20, 1905.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: I herewith submit a
statement of the amount expended for
labor In the different wards during the
month of June, 1905:
First Ward .. . . X263.65
Second Ward .. 310.00
Third Ward 236.35
Fourth Ward 258.25
Fifth Ward 398.10
Miscellaneous 679.95
First District 156.65
Second District 311.60
Third District 133.40
Total .............. .... ..$2,747.90
Respectfully submitted,
Commitee Clerk.
Chairman on Streets.
Cr, motion the report was received
and filed.
Ald. Lyons, Chairman of the Ordi-
nance Committee, presented and read
an Ordinance, Establishing a Grade on
Dillon Street from Grandview Avenue
North to Alley first South of Curtis
Street, and moved that the reading just
had be considered its first reading. Car-
Whereupon Ald. Lyons moved to sus-
pend the rules, in order to read the
Ordinance by its title for the second
time. Carried by the following vote:
Yaes—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
The Ordinance was then read by its
title for the second time.
Aid. Lyons moved that the Ordinance
be now adopted as read. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
The Ordinance follows:
Be it ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa:
Section 1. That a grade on Dillon
Street from Grandview Avenue North
to the Alley first south of Curtis Street
in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, be and
is hereby established and adopted as
shown by the red line on the profile
of said street and grade prepared by
City Engineer Jas. H. Boyce, and filed
in his office, under date of July 6th,
1905, being number 559, and marked
"Profile of Dillon Street from Grand-
view Avenue North. B. M. on Door
Sill Grandview Avenue Engine House,
elevation 268.28." Said grade beginning
at the north lot line of Grandview Ave-
nue, which is Station 0.0, elevation
272.0; thence to Station 1-1-60, elevation
252.0, beginning of curve grade; thence
to Station 2-1-20 on curve grade eleva-
tion 245.4; thence to Station 2-1-80, ele-
vation 242.5, end of curve grade; thence
to Station 6-1-18, south line of Alley,
elevation 233.0.
Sec. 2. This ordinance to be in force
and take effect from and after its pass-
age by the City Council and its publica-
tion one time in the Dubuque Daily
Globe -Journal newspaper.
Adopted 1905.
City Recorder.
Regular Session Jul} 20, 1905. 131
Ald. Lyons also presented and read
an Ordinance Establishing a Grade on
Pierce Street from \Vest Locust Street
to Angella Street, and moved that the
reading just had be considered its first
reading. Carried.
Aid. Lyons moved that the rules be
suspended in order to read the Ordi-
nance by its title for the second time.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
The Ordinance was then read by its
title for the second time.
Ald. Lyons moved that the Ordinance
be now adopted as read.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas --Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
The Mayor declared the Ordinance
The Ordinance follows:
Be it ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa:
Section 1. That a grade on Pierce
Street from West Locust to Angella
Streets in the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
he and is hereby established and adopt-
ed as shown by the red line on the pro-
file of said street and grade prepared
by the City Engineer and filed in his
office, under date of July 6th, 1905, be-
ing number 560 and marked "Profile of
Pierce Street from West Locust Street
to Angella Street. B. M. on Door Sill
of Capt. Yates' home, No. 223 West
Locust Street, Elev. 69.822." Said
grade beginning at the South curb of
W. Locust Street, which is Station -12,
elevation 77.2; thence to Station 0.0,
South lot line, elevation 77.S; thence to
Station 6-1-38, north lot line of Angella
Street, elevation 153.9; thence to Sta-
tion 6-!-50, north curb of Angella
Street, Elevation 153.3.
Sec. 2. This Ordinance to be in force
and take effect from and after its pass-
age by the City Council and its publi-
cation one time in the Dubuque Daily
Globe -Journal newspaper.
Adopted , 1905.
City Recorder.
Ald. Lyons also presented and read
an Ordinance Establishing a Grade on
Alley first South of Dodge Street from
Grandview Avenue to Malady Street,
and moved that the reading just had be
considered its first reading. Carried.
Ald. Lyons moved that the rules be
suspended for the purpose of reading
the Ordinance by its title for the sec-
ond lime. Carried by the following
Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf,
The Ordinance was then read by its
title for the second time.
Ald. Lyons moved that the Ordinance
be now adopted as read.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Cla ncy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
The Mayor declared the Ordinance
The Ordinance follows:
Be it ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa:
Section 1. That a grade on the Alley
first south of Dodge Street from Grand-
view Avenue to Malady Street, in the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, be, and is here-
by established and adopted as shown
by the red line on the profile of said
street and grade prepared by the City
Engineer, J. H. Boyce, and filed in his
office, under date of July 6th, 1905, be-
ing number 561, and marked "Profile
of Alley first south of Dodge Street'
from Grandview Avenue to Malady
Street, July 6th, 1905." Said grade be-
ginning at the east lot line of Grand-
view Avenue, which is Station 0.0, ele-
vation 283.0; thence to Station 1, eleva-
tion 276.8; thence to Station 5, eleva-
tion 242.0; thence to Station 7-1-41 west,
lot line of Malady Street, elevation
219.0; thence to Station 7-1-53 west curb
line of Malady Street, elevation 21S.5.
Section 2. This ordinance to be in
force and take effect from and after
its passage by the City Council and its
publication one time in the Dubuque
Daily Globe Journal Newspaper.
Adopted 1905.
City Recorder.
Aid. Lyons also presented and read
an Ordinance, Repealing the Provisions
of a Resolution adopted March 2d, 1891,
providing for a 10 -foot Sidewalk on
Grandview Avenue from Delhi Street
South, and moved that the reading just
had be considered its first reading.
Ald. Lyons moved that the Rules be
suspended for the purpose of reading
the Ordinance by its title for the sec-
ond time. Carried by the following
Yeas—Ald. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
The Ordinance was then read by its
title for the second time.
Ald. Lyons moved that the Ordinance
132 Regular Session July 20, 1905.
be now adopted as read. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas—Aid. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons. Needham and Stumpf.
The Mayor declared the Ordinance
The Ordinance follows:
Whereas, by resolution passed by the
City Council of the City of Dubuque
on March 2nd, 1891, provision was made
for a 10 -foot Sidewalk on either side of
Grandview Avenue from Delhi Street
South in the City of Dubuque, Iowa;
and, whereas, no curbing and gutter-
ing has as yet been placed in said
Street; and, whereas, said Grandview
Avenue is 100 feet wide, and it is now
deemed expedient that the provisions
of the General Ordinances of the City
of Dubuque with regard to the width
of Sidewalks 'apply to this Street;
Therefore, Be it ordained by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa:
Section 1. That the resolution and
any and all other action taken by the
City Council on March 2nd, 1891, or
thereafter, providing for a 10 -foot Side-
walk on either side of Grandview Ave-
nue south of Delhi street in the City
of Dubuque, be and is hereby repealed,
and that the width of said Avenue be-
tween the curbs when made shall be
as provided for in Section 32 of Chap-
ter 32 of the Revised Ordinances of 1901
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and that
the plan showing a cross section of
Sidewalk and Boulevard of 20 feet as
filed in the office of the City Engineer,
under date of July 6th, 1905, being num-
ber .0667, be and is hereby adopted.
Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in
force and take effect after its passage
and publication one time in the Dubuque
Daily Globe Journal, official newspaper
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa.
City Recorder.
Ald. Lyons also presented and read
an Ordinance Establising the Grade on
Pine Street, from Twenty -Third to
Twenty -Sixth Street, and moved that
the reading just had, be considered its
first reading. Carried.
Ald. Lyons moved that the Rules be
suspended for the purpose of reading'
the Ordinance by its title for the second
time. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aid. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
The Ordinance was then read by its
title for the second time.
Ald. Lyons moved that the Ordinance
be now adopted as read. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones. Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
The Mayor declared the Ordinance
The Ordinance follows:
Be it Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa:
Section 1. That a grade on Pine
Street from Twenty -Third to Twenty -
Sixth Streets in the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, be and is hereby established and
adopted as shown by the black line on
the profile of said street and grade pre-
pared by the City Engineer, J. H.
Boyce, and filed in his office, under date
of July 2nd, 1905, being number 557, and
marked "Profile of Pine Street from
Twenty -Third to Twenty -Sixth Streets.
July 20, 1905." Said grade being estab-
lished from a bench mark on south enc!
door -sill north-east corner Twenty -
Fifth Street and Couler Avenue, eleva-
tion 34.136, and beginning at the north
lot line at Twenty -Third Street, east
curb, elevation 32.7; west curb 32.0,
which is station 0.0: thence to Station
6-1-12, south curb of Twenty -Fourth
Street, elevation, east curb, 35.7, west
curb, 35.0; thence to Station 13, north
curb line of Twenty -Fifth Street, east
curb 30.2, west curb, 29.5; thence to Sta-
tion 19-1-17.8, south curb of Twenty -
Sixth Street, east curb, 39.7, west curb,
Section 2. This Ordinance to be in
force and take effect from and after
its passage by the City Council and its
publication one time in the Dubuque
Daily Globe Journal Newspaper.
Adopted , 1905.
City Recorder.
Ald. Lyons also presented and read
an Ordinance for the vacation of Huff
Street from the South Line of Railroad,
Avenue, to the South Line of the Du-
buque Harbor Company's Addition, al-
so the Alley between Huff Street and
Salina Street, from the South Line of
Railroad Avenue, to the South Line of
the Dubuque Harbor Company's Addi-
tion, and moved that the reading just
had be considered its first reading. Car-
ried unanimously.
The Ordinance was then laid over un-
til the next meeting of the Ganef'.
Regular Session July 20, 1905. 133
Ald. Corrance, Chairman of the Com-
mittee on Claims, reported as follows:
Your Committee on Claims, to whom
was referred the bill of Dr. F. W. Mey-
ers for $30.00 for professional services
rendered Miss Birdie Bauch, who was
injured by falling on a defective side-
walk, would recommend that a war-
rant in the above amount be ordered
drawn on the City Treasurer in favor
of the Mayor, and paid over to
her upon her signing a written release
and agreement that said sum shall be
in full of all claims for damages of
whatsoever nature she may have grow-
ing out of said accident.
Also your Committee on Claims re-
port in favor of paying the following
.J. W. Iiintzinger, City Attorney,
To money advanced for Docket
fees in Farrell & Sheridan cases
in Supreme Court $6.50
Cash paid to Dr. Ayers for exam-
ining injuries to Miss Rasquin2.00
Cash paid for filing fee in case of
Star Brewing Co 1.50
Cash paid for Express charges on
Briefs in case of Citizens' State
Bank vs. Jess et al 25
-Cash paid for Express charges on
Briefs and argument in Farrell
case 30
Ald. Corrance moved to adopt the re-
port of the Committee on Claims. Car-
Ald. Frith, Chairman of the Street
Committee, reported as follows:
Your Committee on Streets, to whom
was referred the petition of John J.
Lavery asking that he be granted per-
mission to put in a cinder sidewalk
abutting Lot 47, Grandview Avenue Ad-
dition, would recommend that the pray-
er of the petitioner be granted.
Also your Committee on Streets, to
whom was referred the petition of A.
L. Rhomberg, for J. A. Rhomberg Es-
tate, asking that the special assess-
ments levied against Lots 41, 43 and
47 Corriell's Sub. and Lot 26B in Wood's
Add. for sidewalk repairs be canceled,
because no repairs were made on the
sidewalks abutting said lots, would
recommend that the prayer of the pe-
titioner be granted and that the Treas-
urer be instructed accordingly.
Also your Committee on Streets, to
whom was referred the bill of James
McAleece. for balance due on macadam
furnished the city. would respectfully
recommend that a warrant in the sum
of $12.50 be ordered drawn on the City
Treasurer in settlement of the claim.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the re-
ports of the Committee on Streets.
Aid. Stumpf, Chairman of the Market
Committee, reported as follows:'
Your Committee on Markets, to whom
was referred with power the matter of
purchasing a scale for the First ward,
would respectfully report that we se-
cured prices from a number of different
scale manufacturers, and after due con-
sideration, awarded the contract to
supply the city with one fifteen ton,
steel frame scale to Borden & Selleck
Co., makers of the Howe scale, for the
sum of Two Hundred and Fifty-seven
50-100 Dollars ($257.50), f. o. b., Du-
Ald. Stumpf moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Clancy, chairman of the Fire
Committee, reported as follows:
Your Committee on Fire would re-
spectfully report that we have pur-
chased one horse for the Fire Depart-
ment and had the Treasurer advance
the sum of $225.00 to pay for the same.
Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Jones, chairman of the Commit-
tee on Public Grounds and Building:.,
reported in favor of paying the fol-
lowing bills:
F. D. Scharle, final estimate for
the construction of the new
Fifth Ward Engine House....$1000 00
Jacquinot & Mullen, final esti-
mate for plumbing contract,
Fifth Ward Engine House.... 90 71
Thos. T. Carkeek, balance due
for superintending work at
new Fifth Ward Engine House 130 75
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the report
and that warrants be ordered drawn
for the above amounts. Carried.
Ald. Stumpf, chairman of the De-
linquent Tax Committee, reported as
Your Committee on Delinquent
Taxes, to whom was referred the pe-
tition of Mrs. M. ' Ilzer, asking that
the taxes for the year 1903 against her
homestead, lot 47 c'cx's Addition, which
had been allowed to remain a lien on
the property, be canceled, and agree-
ing to pay all subsequent taxes, would
recommend that the Treasurer be in-
structed to cancel all taxes against
said lot prior to those of 1904.
Also your Committee on Delinquent
Taxes, to whom was referred the peti-
tion of Mrs. Helen May, asking that on
account of her poverty, the taxes on
her homestead, lot 106 Union Addition,
be canceled for the year 1904, would
134 Regular Session July 20, 1905.
recommend that said taxes be allowed
to remain a lien on the property and
that the Tree surer be instructed not to
Also your Committee on Delinquent
Taxes, to whom was referred the peti-
tion of Mrs. E. O'Halloran, asking that
the taxes for the year 1904 against lots
14, 15, 172 and 173 Finlay's Addition, be
canceled, would recommend that the
said petition be received and filed.
Ald. Stumpf moved to adopt the re-
port of the Delinquent Tax Commit-
tee. Carried.
Ald. Jones, chairman of the Board of
Equalization, reported as follows:
Your Board of Equalization, to
whom was referred the petition of C.
A. Voelker in relation to the special
assessment levied against lots 113, 114,
115, 116 and 117, Mechanic's Add., for
the improvement of Leibnitz Street,
would recommend that the City Treas-
urer be instructed to accept $250.00 in
full settlement of said special assess-
ment and the interest thereon, provid-
ed the matter be settled without de•
Also your Board of Equalization, ti,
whom was referred the petition of the
Cushing -McFadden Vinegar Company,
asking that the valuation placed on
lots 135, 137 and 139, L. H. Lang -
worthy's Add., be reduced to $5,000.00,
would recommend that the prayer cf
the petitioner be granted and that the
Treasurer be instructed accordingly.
Also your Board of Equalization, to
whom was referred the petition of W.
F. Bobzien, asking that the assessment
levied against him fer personal prop-
erty for the year 1904 be canceled be.
cause he did not begin business until
March 1, 1904, would recommend that
the prayer of the petitioner be grant-
ed and that the Treasurer be instruct-
ed accordingly.
Also your Board of Equalization, to
whom was referred the petition of H.
H. Mehlhop, asking that the assess-
ment for personalty against John Mehl -
hop for the year 1902 be canceled, would
recommend that said petition be re-
ceived and filed.
Also your Board of Equalization, to
whom was referred the petition of Mrs.
Louisa Schwartz, asking on account of
her poverty that the taxes for the year
1904 on Lots 7 and 9 in Marsh's Du-
buque, Lot 6 ICtingle's Sub and Lot 6A
of Quigley's Sub. of Outlot 711 be can-
celed, would recommend that the pray-
er of the petitioner be granted and that
the Treasurer be instructed according-
Also your Board of Equalization, to
whom was referred the petition of
Isaac Manhoff, for the Congregation of
Kneses Israel Church, asking that the
taxes for 1904 on the south one-half of
Lot 307, East Dubuque Addition, be
canceled because said property is be-
ing used for church purposes, would
recommend that the prayer of the pe,
titioner be granted and that the Treas-
urer be instructed accordingly.
Also your Board of Equalization, to
whom was referred the petition of Mrs.
Margaret Flanagan, asking that on ac-
count of her poverty, the taxes on hen
homestead, Lot 9 Glendale Add. be re-
duced, would recommend that said
taxes be allowed to remain a lien on
the property and that the Treasurer be
instructed not to sell.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the vari-
ous reports of the Board of Equaliza-
tion. Carried.
Ald. Lyons, of the Board of Health,
reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Your Board of Health would respect-
fully report that at a meeting held July
5th, 1905, a bill was presented from
Geo. W. Wunderlich, dated April 19th,
1902, said bill was referred back to Mr.
Wunderlich to present to the County
Supervisors for payment.
Also report that the Mayor received
from the U. S. Government and turned
into the City Treasury, $5.00, being bal-
ance due for taking care of a U. S.
seaman at the Detention Hospital.
We would recommend that a warrant
be ordereg drawn in favor of the May-
or to the amount of $5.00, and that said
amount be turned over to the Board of
Also report that the complaints, re-
ported from the neighborhood of the
Stock Yards, situated on 18th and Syca-
more Streets, were referred to a com-
mittee to investigate and report at the
next meeting of the Board.
Ald. Lyons moved to adopt the re-
port of the Board of Health. Carried.
Ald. Frith moved that the action taken
by the Council at the previous meeting,
in adopting the resolutions to im-
prove Pine Street, from Twenty-third
to Twenty-sixth Street, be reconsider-
ed. Carried unanimously.
Ald. Frith also moved that *aid res-
olution be referred too' the. Committee
on Streets. s.• Carried.
The Mayor stated that the Iowa Tel-
ephone Company are now ready to put
in their underground conduit system,
and that the Council ought to fix the
bond of said Company for tearing up
the streets and alleys of the city.
Regular Session July 20, 1905. 135
Ald. Corrance moved that said bond
be fixed at $10,000.00. Carried.
Ald. Frith offered the following:
Whereas, The viaduct at present con-
structed on Peru road over and across
the tracks of the Chicago Great West-
ern Railroad Company, has, by reaso,
of natural decay, and the number of
times said structure has been on fire,
become unsafe for public travel; there-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That the Ordinance
Committee and City Attorney be and
they are hereby instructed to forth-
with prepare an Ordinance declaring
the necessity for reconstructing said
viaduct for the reasons above set out,
and ordering said Chicago Great West-
ern Railroad Company to reconstruct
said viaduct with iron in place of
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the reso-
lution. Carried.
Alderman Frith also offered the fol-
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the City
Attorney be and he is hereby directed
to prepare an opinion as to the legal-
ity of issuing bonds to defray the cost
of completing the Bee Branch sewe;
and to submit said opinion to the City
Council at its next regular session.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the reser.
lution. Carried.
Aid. Jones moved that the City En-
gineer be instructed to prepare a pro-
file of grade on Seventeenth Street,
from Clay Street to the railroad tracks,
and report at the next meeting of the
Council. Carried.
Ald. Frith moved that the Engineer
be instructed to measure all macadam
now in the city not already measured,
and report to the Council. Carried.
Ald. Jones moved to adjourn until
August 3rd, 1905. Carried.
City Recorder.
'?/ . Recorder
136 Special Session July 28, 1905.
Special Session. July 28th, 1905.
Council met at 9:35 o'clock P. M.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Aids. Clancy, Corrance
Jones, Lyons and Needham.
Absent—Aids. Frith and Stumpf.
Mayor Berg stated that the object of
this special meeting of the Council was
for the purpose of taking some action
on a communication from the Fraternal
Order of Eagles, asking for the right
to use certain Streets in the city, for
the purpose of holding a Street Carni-
val. Also for taking some action per-
taining to the waterway along the Chi-
cago Great Western R. R. Co's. Track
from 23rd Street to Sanford Street.
The following communication was
presented and read:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: Dubuque Aerie No. 568,
Fraternal Order of Eagles proposes to
hold a Street Carnival in our city and
would respectfully ask your honorable
body to grant them permission to use
the side streets leading off from Iowa
Street between Fifth and Eleventh
.Streets with the exception of Eighth
Street. Two of the streets, namely
Sixth and Eleventh, would have to be
blocked completely while on all the
others, room would be left for teams to
pass, and on Fifth Street, the inter-
section would be required for a merry-
go-round, but sufficient space would be
left for teams to pass.
Trusting that your honorable body
will see fit to grant the prayer of our
petition, we remain,
Secretary Carnival Committee.
Ald. Clancy moved that the prayer of
the Petition be granted. Carried.
Aid. Clancy also moved that the
Mayor and City Attorney be instructed
to draw up a Contract between the City,
and the Local Order of Eagles, holding
said Order responsible to place said
Streets in as good a condition after
the Carnival as they are at present.
City Engineer Boyee presented plans
showing the waterway along the Chi-
cago Great Western R. R. Co's. Tracks
on Elm Street from Twenty-third Street
to Sanford Street, also connections on
Sanford Street from said waterway to
the Bee Branch Sewer,
Ald. Clancy moved that said plans be
referred to the Engineer, Mayor and
City Attorney, to present to the Chi-
cago Great Western R. R. Co. for ap-
proval. Carried.
Ald. Jones moved to adjourn. Car-
City Recorder.
List of Warrants.
List of City Warrants
l y lo•corder's (illi.-
Dubuque, la., July I 1. ,.
'1'o the Honorable Mayor hCity
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: The following is a c•um-
plete list of all Nvarra11ts issued by me
during the month of June, 1905:
C. H. L'crg. salary, Mayor $116 65
11, 1 rinkman, salary, Treasurer 1:33 30
J. A. AlcKinlay, salary, Deputy
Treasurer 100 00
Jno. lirayer, clerk, Treasurer's
office 60 00
Chas. F. Arendt, salary, Re-
corder ...... .... .... I Ili 65
\Vm. A. Kaep, salary, Deputy
Recorder ........ .... ...... !-.0 00
F. 13. Hoffln<l, salary, Auditor110 65
C. 13. Schen:, salary, Assessor 125 00
A. Doerr, Jr., salary, Assistant
Assessor 100 00
J. J. Murphy, salary, Assistant
:\.sscssor 100 00
.1. \V. Iiintzinger, salary. Attor-
nc 150 00
J. C. Longueville, salary, Assist-
ant Attorney 75 00
:hiss E. P.. Rupprecht, stenogra-
pher, Legal Department 20 00
Thos. Reilly. salary, Chief of Po-
lice 100 00
Jos. Roinfrie1, salary, Fire Chief 100 60
J. \\'. Lawlor, salay, Committee
Clerlk .... .......... ........ 100 00
Jas. Royce, salary, City Engineer 166 65
E. Anderson, salary, Assistant
Engineer 100 00
G. White, salary, Madman 50 00
,T110. Grab, sabary', Superintendent
of Street Sprinkling CO 00
E. Herron, clerk in Auditors and
Engineer's office 7', 00
\Vm. Hipman, salary, E1.•ctrician ; 35
F. P. Hayes, salary, Alarket-
master 50 00
P. Ryan, salary. Park Custodian 40 00
H. Sehoenbcck, salary, Park Cus-
1`. Faherty, salary, Park Custo-
Dr. E. F. Michel. . lam Health
Officer ....
F. Flynn, salary. Sanitary Pa-
C. Baumann, salary, Poundnaas-
Airs. H. Koenig. salary, Jitnitress 20 00
G. N. Raymond, salary, Sidewalk
P. Holsinger, salary., AVharflnas-
IVi. Clancy, salary, Alderman ...
H. Curr.ulce, sari y, Alderman..
E. E. Frith, salary. Aldermaul....
R. Jones. salary, Alderman
M. E. Lyons, salary, Alderman
Jos. Needham, salary, Alderman
M. Eitel, fireman
J. Essman, fireman
A. Duccini, fireman
J. Flynn, fireman
40 00
10 00
50 00
GO 00
40 00
20 00
25 00
25 00
25 00
25 00
25 00
25 00
70 00
75 00
60 00
65 00
J. Hoslin, fireman 60 00
A. I -leer, fireman 60 00
J. Tschudi, fireman 60 00
J. Schonberger, fireman 60 00
J. Daley, fireman 70 00
J. failnes, firearm 75 00
T. Ryder, fireman 60 00
G. Beyer, fireman 65 00
W. Ducey. fireman 60 00
I . Alurphy, fireman 60 00
W. McClain, fireman 60 CO
Al. Kelley, fireman 60 00
D. Ahern, firearm 70 00
P. Zillig, fireman 60 00
T. Flynn, firernan 65 00
M. Sweeney, fireman 60 00
H. Cain, fireman 60 00
J. Lenzer, fireman 60 00
J. 111. McGloughlin, fireman 60 00
A. McDonnell, fireman 75 00
J. Murphy, fireman 50 00
P. Fury, fireman 55 00
NV. Kannolt, fireman 50 00
G. Gherki, fireman 65 00
T. Ii ennedy, firernan 60 00
F. Baumgartner, fireman. 60 00
J. Smith, fireman GO 00
C. Kannolt, fireman 65 00
J. Allen, fireman 60 00
M. Fahey, fireman GO 00
\V. McConnell, fireman 60 00
10. Weston, fireman (00 00
F. Kenneally, fireman 60 00
11 McDermott, fireman 60 00
P. Ahern, fireman 60 00
G. 11urkel, police 43 00
J. Carter, police 67 20
J'. Clune, police 51 65
Jno. Cody, police 50 06
W. Cook, police 60 00
W. Corcoran, police 51 65
J. P. Cummings, police 51 65
J. Fitzpatrick, police 51 65
Jas. Flynn, police 50 00
Jno. Fox, police 57 65
Wna. Frith, police
T. Ganahl, police
L. Grasset, police
13. Gray, police
Pat Hanlon, police
E. Kahn, police
M. Kilty, police
51 65
50 00
51 65
50 00
... 41 00
51 65
51 65
33 00
50 00
57 65
G2 00
50 00
65 00
51 65
51 65
65 00
50 00
62 00
51 61
G0 00
67 20
51 65
50 00
51 65
45 10
30 00
30 00
Jno. Loetscher, police
P. McCollins, police
P. Alclnerney, police
Al. O'Conner, police
Jno. Murphy, police
Jno. Raesli, police
Otto Rath, police
J. Rooney, police
Jas. Ityan, police
P. Scharff, police
Al. Scherr, police
F. Spielman. police
P. Sutton, police
Toni Sweeney, police
nt. Staid taxa. fiance
P. Sullicr, police
Jno. L. Sullivan, police
L. Zeidman, police
Airs. Bate Hihhe, matron
Miss L. Brennan, matron
138 List of Warrants.
Labor on streets in the different
Road Districts for the last half of May,
Thos. Burke, 1st 20 50
,las. Beakey, 1st 20 50
Rich. Burns, 1st 9 45
Jos. Brouillette, 1st 70
John Burns, 1st 4 05
C. Buddien, 2nd 11 85
D. J. Brightbill, 3rd 8 45
Paul Becker, 3rd 8 55
Jos. Brown, 2nd, $12.60; 3rd, $6.3018 90
Peter Carney, 1st 20 50
W. Coughlan, 1st 16 20
R. Caffery, 1st 10 15
Jas. Callaghan, 1st 20 00
John Corbett, 1st 10 15
H. Cobb, 1st, $5.70; 2nd, $9.45;
3rd, $3.75 18 90
John Dougherty, 1st 4 05
M. Donegan, 1st 7 SO
John Dubler, 2nd 10 80
Peter Dax, 1st, $5.70; 2nd, $9.45;
3rd, $3.75 18 90
Thos. Donahue, 1st 18 90
John Egan, 1st '6 45
Jos. Eberhardt, 2nd 70
John Ess, 2nd 6 75
Frank Frick, 2nd S 10
Harry Fleck, 1st, $26.35; 2nd,
$33.75; 3rd, $15.00 75 00
Nelson Frith, 1st, $17.50; 2nd,
$22.50; 3rd, $15.00 50 CO
E. Firzlaff, 1st, $7.00; 2nd, $9.00;
3rd, $4.00 20 00
Pat Grue, 1st 2 70
Pat Gilloon, 1st 2 40
Jos. Gavin, 1st 20 00
Henry Galle, 2nd 8 10
Jos. Grab, 2nd 17 55
C. Gantenhein, 2nd 20 00
C. Gruenzig, 3rd 8 45
John Hafey, 1st 9 45
Thos. Hackney, 1st 8 10
Phil Hense, 2nd 9 45
James Hird, 3rd 3 00
John Feil. 1st, $7.90; 2nd, $10.10;
3rd, $4.50 22 '50
August Jass, 2nd 6 75
John Jchring, 2nd 2 40
Pat Kenneally, 1st 20 50
John Kuhec, 1st 21 00
Nic. Kett' hofen, 2nd 8 25
John Kc,; 2nd 8 25
Mike Ii;i: 2nd 13 20
Paul Kro-:!.•slci, 2nd 6 45
John Keast, 3rd 15 20
J. Kinsella 12 90
Jake Kraus, 1st, $5.70; 2nd, $9.45;.
3rd, $3.75 18 90
Mike Lavin. 1st .. 7 10
Matt. Loes, 2nd S 25
F. Lille, 2nd 12 15
H. Leik, 2nd 5 65
H. Lemhke, 2nd 9 15
Frank Lassense, 2nd 5 40
Martin Lonergan, 1st, $5.70; 2nd,
$9.45: rd, $3.75 18 90
John Mahoney, 1st 19 50
John Mullen, 1st 35
George Moore, 1st 2 70
Adam Manderscheid, 2nd 2 70
J. Martinek, 3rd 7 10
John McNulty, 1st 2 70
Pat McMullen, 1st 8 10
James McAleese, 1st 8 SO
Pat McPoland, 3rd 4 40
J. McCormack; Health 18 90
W. O'Brien, 1st 20 00
Cha:. O'Neill, 1st S 80
Labor on streets, last half of May,
James Powers, 1st 10 SO
James Purcell, 1st 6 75
Nic. Pansch, 2nd 70
John Parker, 3rd
W. Quinlan, 1st
Phil Reddin, 1st 6 45
James Ryan, 1st
t`. Reinfrank, 2nd
J;1nu's Reid, 3rd _ 40
s. Rooney. 1st 12 50
Nick Sweeney, 1st 2 70
Sherirtan, let 12 40
A. A. Schorr, 2nd 1 50
John Schroeder, 2nd S 25
August Soyke, 2nd 4 05
F. Scherr, 2nd 20 00
James Smith, 3rd 1 70
Louis Smith, 3rd 1 70
R. Turney, 2nd S 45
Ed. Whelan, 1st 11 0-,
W. Welsh, 1st 741
John Welsh, 1st 2 70
N. Wampach, 2nd 10 50
W. Wearmouth, 3rd 20 00
H. Ziemath, 2nd 13 50
George Zumhof, 2nd 19 50
Walter Bradley, let 9 35
Frank. Burns, 2nd 7 65
F. G. Becker, 1st, $2.55;
$12.55; 3rd, $20.75 36 15
Josh Calvert, 1st, $23.40; 3rd,
$25.50 4S 90
James Costello, 3rd 31 45
A. Conrad, 2nd 31 90
Mike Hannan, 1st 48 05
J. Haudenschield, 2nd 39 95
Pear }Torch, 2nd 34 45
John f l fi'mire, 1st, $11.15; 2nd,
3rd, $7.40 .. 37 10
pain i.ir. han, 1st 51 00
7. LI 'I ergon, 2nd 34 00
.1. Long, 2nd 34 00
John McQuillan, 1st 38 25
J. J. MeCollins. let, $41.30; 2nd,
$3.75 45 05
Jeff McGrath, 3rd 3 85
C. McElrnth, let, $2.00; 2nd, $32.00 34 00
A. Pailey. 2nd 41 25
G. Reynolds, lst 16 60
H. Rinek, 2nd 7 65
A. Stoltz, 2nd 26 15
Jerry Sullivan, 2nd, $13.45; 3rd,
$35.45 .... 48 90
Ed. Seeley, let, $11.70; 2nd, $19.50;
3rd, $7.85
R. Woller, 2nd
Labor on sewers
May, 1905:
H. Cosgrove $ 20 00
J. Corcoran 20 80
T. Hagerty 25 00
F. Hohnecker 20 S0
Con Sullivan 20 80
Pat Sage 20 80
L. Taylor 20 80
Jos. Tacke 20 80
39 05
11 50
for the last half of
List of Warrants. 139
Labor on Bee Branch Sewer on Mi11-
ville Road for the last half of May,
Rolland Brown
James Fuller
Otto Kraft
James Noonan
John Parker
Robert Smith
Peter Ziegler
Jno. Kinsella
J. Rooney
L. Daily, cleaning around Market
Square 42 00
J. Rooney, repairs ;wound City
J. Achen, repairs around City
Mrs. H. Koenig, cleaning and
scrubbing offices City Hall18 30
Mrs. L. Fichter, cleaning and
scrubbing offices City Hall16 35
L. O. Papin Co., plumbing City
Hall 90
Dub. Cabinet Makers Ass'n, re-
pairing office chair, City Hall2 00
C. O. D. Laundry, towels and
racks at City Hall 24 00
Midland Chemical Co., disinfec-
tine, City Hall 25 00
H. Corrance, supplies City Hall6 45
G. F. Kleih, hardware and sup-
plies for various departments. 20 35
Key City Gas Co., gas for City
Hall .. 89 20
G. Holl, repairing lawn mowers
for parks 2 50
McDermott & Gow, repairing
water fountain at First and
Main Streets 24 15
Purington Paving Brick Co,
brick for Road Dept .. 138 12
Dub. Woodenware and Lumber
Co., lumber for Road Dept.... 38 70
Ott. Meuser & Co., lumber for
Road and Sidewalk Depts 44 40
L. Lindenberg, hardware for
Road and Sewer Depts 2 35
P. Heller, horse shoeing, Road
F. Schloz & Sons, repairs for
Road Dept
A. A. Brown, repairs for Road
G. Bock, repairs for Road Dept
Clancy Transfer Co., coal for
Steam Roller
F. A. Burns, coal for Steam
T. J. Mulgrew, coal for Steam
Roller . 19 92
J. Even, coal for Steam Roller25 99
Smedley Steam Pump Co., re-
pairs for Steam Roller.. 5 25
W. Marshall, repairs for Steam
Roller 1 00
W. D. Deckert Co., supplies for
Steam Roller 1 98
P. Hanson, oil for Steam Roller40
P. Heller, horse shoeing for Fire
Dept. 1 00
Gus Lear, horse shoeing for Fire
Dept. 4 60
5 25
4 05
10 50
40 00
20 75
10 50
3 05
3 50
3 50
2 10
18 20
2 00
5 30
5 45
8 40
16 37
25 05
Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse
shoeing for Fire Dept. 6 40
T. H. Clark, chugs and sultplirs,
Fire Dept.
Key Cit}- iron Works, repairs tor
Debt. 14 28
H. Corrance, salt and bran for
Fire Dept. 3 25
L. J. Schmitt, hardware for Fire
W. D. Deckert Co., supplies for
Fire Dept.
T. F. Bane, hay and oats for Fire
Dept. ......
Fischer & Co., ,oal for Fire Dept. 21 85
Key City Gas Co., eoal and cope
for Fite Dept.
Key City vias Co., gas arcs for
Fire Dept. 1 00
F. 1'. Hayes, board of prisoners
for \l;iy 3 60
Keep & i:ucchele, hats for Police
G. F. Kleih, supplies for Police
S. A. French, coat and vest but-
tons for Police Dept.
T. F. Kano, hay (lolivor,1 at
Patrol House
Kt'y Pity Rooting ('o., • . ,,,at for
V'nt ions lepartn'.
F. Sehloz Sots.
S, -.ver .DDe•it
H. Corrynt'e, ,iil .i;. . ,'or
Sewer Dept.
Smith -Morgan Prtg. Ca., 1, 11 tnk
stationery, Engineer's Dept.
Smith -Morgan Prtg. Co., weekly
and monthly Council la'ocecd-
Globe -Journal, official printing
for May
National Demokrat, official print-
ing for May 25 00
Telegraph -Herald, official print-
ing for April and May 100 67
Union Electric Co., arc lights for
May 2067 35
T. E. Frith, removing dead ani-
mals for March and April 27 00
T. E. Frith, removing garbage
and dead animals for May 307 56
Steuck & Linehan, 1st estimate
on sanitary sewer in Eleventh
Street 621 87
J. Hird, final estimate on Booth
Street sewer 185 00.
Brown & Brown, 1st estimate
storm water sewer in Booth
Street .. 790 67
J. Noonan, to use of tools, etc,
for work on Millville Road
sewer 7 50
Tibey Bros., balance due on Bee
Branch sewer in Sanford and
Washington Streets 77 90
Tibey Bros., 1st estimate on
storm water sewer in Washing-
ton Street 864 67
F. D. Scharle, estimate on Fifth
Ward Engine House 777 00
D. D. McGrath, rock delivered at
garbage dump 245 00
C. H. Berg, settlement of suit E
19 70
1 00
409 42
29 60
1 05
7. 70
13 35
16 90
6 80
1 75
2 50
14 85
43 62
140 List of Warrants.
Mueller vs City 100 00
H. Brinkman, excavation permits •
redeemed 95 00
H. Brinkman, interest paid on
warrants outstanding 493 74
H. Brinkman. New York Ex-
change, expense 6 80
H. Brinkman. postage expense10 00
H. Brinkman, freight charges,
Fire 20 47
H. Brinkman, express charges,
Police 80
H. Brinkman, freight charges,
Road 43 88
$670 69
H. Brinkman. Water 'Works Or-
ders paid $709 40
H. Brinkman, loan 4615 00
Dubuque, Ia., June 15, 1905.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my
pay roll for labor en streets in the dif-
ferent Road Districts for the first half
of June. 1905:
A. Alderson. 3rd 1 35
T. Burke, 1st 1 60
Jas. Beakey, 1st 1 60
Rich. Burns, 1st 2 70
Jos. Brouillette, 1st 2 05
John Burns, 1st 4 05
J. Brachtenbach, 2nd 1015
Paul Becker, 3rd 14 20
D. J. Brightbill, 3rd 10 80
Jos. Brown, 2nd, $11.70; 3rd, $5.8517 55
Peter Carney, 1st 1 60
W. Coughlan, 1st 14 20
Jas. Connolly. 1st 10 15
R. Caffery, 1st 1 35
Jas. Callaghan, 1st 20 00
John Corbett, 2nd 4 05
D. Cobb, 1st, $5.225: 211,1. $S.,."e:
$3.50 17 55
John Dougherty, 1st 2 70
M. Donegan, 1st 4 05
John Dubler, 2nd 1 35
T. Donahue, lst 17 55
Peter Dax, 1st, $5.25; 2nd, $8.80;
3rd, $3.50 17 55
John Egan, 1st 9 45
J. Eberhardt, 2nd S 80
John Ess, 2nd 9 80
Mike Farrell. 1st 4 75
Pat Fcnelon,.1st, $6.15; 3rd, $7.0013 15
Ed. Firtzlaff, 1st, $7.00; 2nd, $9.00;
3rd, $4.00 20 00
Pat Grue, 1st 5 40
Pat Gilloon, 1st 7 45
Jos Gavin, 1st 20 00
Jos. Grab, 2nd 15 55
C. Gantenbein. 2nd 20 OU
C. Gruenzig, 3rd. 2 70
Phil Hense, 2nd. 8 10
John Heil. 1st, $7.90; 2nd, $10.00;
3rd, $4.50 22 50
Peter Jacobs, 2nd. 4 05
Aug. Jass, 2nd. 7 45
P. Kenneally, 1st. 1 60
N. Kettenhofen. 2nd. 12 15
John Kness, 2nd. 9 45
Paul Krocheski, 2nd. 10 50
J. Kinsella 15 25
J. Knaus. 1st, $5.25; 2nd, $8.50;
3rd, $3.50
Mike Lavin, 1st
F. Lille, 2nd.
Herman Lembke, 2nd.
M. Lonergan, 1st, $5.25: 2nd, $8.80:
3rd, $4 50 17 55
John Mahoney. 1st 16 50
John Mullen. 1st. 10 15
George Moore, 1st 1 35
Ed. Malloy, 2nd. 9 45
A.. Ma nderscheid. 2nd. 6 75
Jos. Martinek, 3rd. 7 45
Pat McMullen. 1st. S 10
John McNulty, 1st. S SO
.john McGee. 1st. 1 25
Pat McPoland. 3rd. 1 70
J. McCormack, Health 17 55
W. O'Brien, short from Inst half
May, 1907 7, 00
Jn re es Pur, • I. 1 , .. 70
T. Pow , , 1 . . 40
\\". ,•,-,, 1s 1
17 55
10 15
10 80
9 15
W. Sitn,..iil.'n. 1st.
.7, •1, n Schroeder. 2nd
John Sloan, 2nd
August Soyke, 2nd 1 35
Chris, Sholl, 2nd s 10
Frank Scherr. 2nd ,
Louis Smith. 3rd 11 Tc.
Dan Sheehan. l.st 1 _-
Ed. Whelan. 1st 1
John Welsh, 1st 0
W. Welsh, 1st 4 7
Nb' Wamnach, 2nd
tV. \Vearmouth, 3rd
Geo. Zumhof, 2nd
W. Bradley
Frank Burns, 2nd
J. Berwanger. 2nd 12 se
F. G. Becker, 1st, $2.15; •2nd,
$10.60; 3rd, $17.00 29 75
Jos. Calvert, 1st. $13.00: 3rd,
A. Conrad, 2nd
M. Hannan, 1st
Peter Horch, 2nd
J. Huffmjre. 1st. $10.35; 2nd,
$17.20: 3rd. $6.90 34 45
J. Linehan, 1st. $32.80: 2nd, $5.10;
3rd, $2.05
J. Lonergan, 2nd
J. Long. 2nd
John McQuillan, 1st
J. J. McCollins, 1st, $50.20; 2nd,
$3.85; 3rd, 35c
C. McElrath, 1st, $1.75; 2nd, $52.65
Jeff McGrath, 3rd
Geo. Reynolds, 1st
H. Rink, 2nd
E. Revening, 2nd
Ed. Seeley, 1st, $10.90; 2nd, $18.10;
3rd, $7.25 36 25
J. Sullivan, 1st, $3.10; 2nd, $16.20;
3rd. $24.05 43 35
R. Woller, 2nd 1 90
Labor on Bluff Street Extension dur-
ing the first half of June, 1905:
Thos. Burke 13 50
S 10
35 :10
29 75
13 60
18 70
30 60
29 75
11 50
54 40
54 40
43 80
26 80
22 00
34 45
Official Notices.
Jas. Beakey
Peter Carney
John Carter
W. Hall
P. Kenneally-
W. O'Brien
Nick Sweeney
Ed. Whelan
Walter Bradley, team
Labor on sewers for
June, 1905:
H. Cosgrove
J. Corcoran
T. Haggerty, foreman
F. Hohnecker
Con Sullivan
Pat Sage
L. Taylor
J. Tacke
16 20
17 10
12 60
14 40
17 10
25 CO
7 20
16 20
22 10
the first half of
20 00
21 60
25 00
22 40
22 40
19 20
21 60
20 80
Labor on Special Sewers during the
first half of June, 1905:
J. Cahill
Pat Fenelon
J. Ilird
J. Jellison
J. Knaus
J. Kinsella
W. Lillie
J. McLaughlin
Jos. Rooney
J. Sloan
6 20
6 20
7 60
7 20
5 45
6 20
3 80
5 20
6 20
5 45
Herm. Brinkman, money ad-
vanced for new horses for Fire
Department 450 00
I hereby certify that the foregoing is
a correct list of all warrants issued by
me during the month of June. 1905.
City Recorder.
Be it ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa:
Section 1. That a grade on Dillon
Street from Grandview Avenue North
to the Alley first south of Curtis Street
in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, he and
is hereby established and adopted as
shown by the red line on the profile
of said street and grade prepared by
City Engineer Jas. H. Boyce, and filed
in his office, under date of July 6th,
1905, being number 559, and marked
"Profile of Dillon Street from Grand-
view Avenue North, B. M. on Door
Sill Grandview Avenue Engine House,
elevation 268.28." Said grade beginning
at the north lot line of Grandview Ave-
nue, which is Station 0.0, elevation
272.0; thence to Station 1-1-60, elevation
252.0, beginning of curve grade; thence
to Station 2-I-20 on curve grade eleva-
tion 245.1: thence to Station 2-1-80, ele-
vation 212.5. end of curve grade; thence
to Station 6-I-18, south line of Alley,
elevation 213.0.
Sec. 2. This ordinanc' to be in force
and take effect from and after its pass-
age by the City Council and its publica-
tion one time in the Dubuque Daily
Globe -Journal newspaper.
Adopted July .0th. 1905.
Approved July 111th, 1905.
C. H. RRi;c..
J1a yor.
Attest.: C. F. ;\I;ENDT,
(City Recorder.
Published officially in the Evening
Globe• -Journal July 27th. 1907..
C. F. A l I l I N OT,
7-27-1 t. City Recorder.
A NO I•; l .T.:\ ST I f i9E'I'.
no it ordained by the City Council
of the city of Dubuque, Iowa:
Section 1. That a grade on Pierce
Street from West Locust to Angella
Streets in the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
be and is hereby established and adopt-
ed as shown by the red line on the pro-
file of said street and grade prepared
by the City Engineer and filed In his
office, under elate of July 6th, 1905, be-
ing number 560 and marked "Profile of
Pierce Street from West Locust Street
to Angella Street. B. M. on Door Sill
of Capt. Yates' home, No. 223 West
Locust Street, Elev. 69.522." Said
grade beginning at the South curb of
W. Locust Sit et, which is Station -12,
elevation 77.2: thence to Station 0.0,
South lot line, elevation 77.8; thence to
Station 6 -I -IIS, north lot line of Angella
Street, elevation 153.9; thence to Sta-
tion 6-1-50, north curb of Angella
Street, Elevation 153.3.
Sec. 2. This Ordinance to he in force
and take effect from and after its pass-
age by the City Council and its publi-
cation one time in the Dubuque Daily
Globe -Journal newspaper.
Adopted July 20th, 1905.
Approved July 29th, 1905.
Attest: C. F. ARENDT,
City Hecnr,ler.
Published Oficiall • in Ih. Evening
Globe -Journal July 27th,
C. F. ,\ I;EN :.\ I T,
7 -27 -It. i'ii , I.ceorder.
Be it ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa:
Section 1. That a grade on the Alley
first south of Dodge Street from Grand-
view Avenue to Malady Street, in the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, be, and is here-
by established and adopted as shown
by the red line on the profile of said
street and grade prepared by the City
142 Official Notices.
Engineer, J. H. Boyce, and filed in his
office, under date of July 6th, 1905, be-
ing number 561, and marked "Profile
of Alley first south of Dodge Street'
from Grandview Avenue to Malady
Street, July 6th, 1905." Said grade be-
ginning at the east lot line of Grand-
view Avenue, which is Station 0.0, ele-
vation 283.0; thence to Station 1, eleva.
tion 276.8; thence to Station 5, eleva-
tion 242.0; thence to Station 7-1-41 west.
lot line of Malady Street, elevation
219.0; thence to Station 7-1-53 west curb
line of Malady Street, elevation 218.5.
Section 2. This ordinance to be in
force and take effect from and after
its passage by the City Council and its
publication one time in the Dubuque
Daily Globe Journal Newspaper.
Adopted July 20th, 1905,
Approved July 24th, 1905.
Attest: C. F. ARENDT,
City Recorder.
Published Officially in the Evening
Globe -Journal July 27th, 1907,
7-27-1t. City Recorr'.er.
Whereas, by resolution passed by the
City Council of the City of Dubuque
on March 2nd, 1891, provision was made
for a 10 -foot Sidewalk on either side of
Grandview Avenue from Delhi Street
South in the City of Dubuque, Iowa;
and, whereas, no curbing and gutter-
ing has as yet been placed in said
Street; and, whereas, said Grandview
Avenue is 100 feet wide, and it is now
deemed expedient that the provisions
of the General Ordinances of the City
of Dubuque with regard to the width
of Sidewalks apply to this Street;
Therefore, Be it ordained by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa:
Section 1. That the resolution and
any and all other action taken by the
City Council on March 2nd, 1891, or
thereafter, providing for a 10 -foot Side-
walk on either side of Grandview Ave-
nue south of Delhi street in the City
of Dubuque, be and is hereby repealed,
and that the width of said Avenue be-
tween the curbs when made shall be
as provided for in Section 32 of Chap-
ter 32 of the Revised Ordinances of 1901
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and that
the plan showing a cross section of
Sidewalk and Boulevard of 20 feet as
filed in the office of the City Engineer,
under date of July 6th, 1905, being num-
her .0667, be and is hereby adopted.
Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in
force and take effect after its passage
and publication one time in the Dubuque
Daily Globe Journal, official newspaper
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa.
Adopted July 20th, 1905-,
Approved July 24th, 19115.
Attest: C. F. ARENDT.
City Recorder.
Published Officially in the Evening
Globe -Journal July 27111, 1905.
7 -27 -it, City Recorder.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa:
Section 1. That a grade on Pine
Street from Twenty -Third to Twenty -
Sixth Streets in the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, be and is hereby established and
adopted as shown by the black line on
the profile of said street and grade pre-
pared by the City Engineer, J. H.
Boyce, and filed in his office, under date
of July 2nd, 1905, being number 557, and
marked "Profile of Pine Street from
Twenty -Third to Twenty -Sixth Streets,
July 20, 1905." Said grade being estab-
lished from a bench mark on south end
door -sill north-east corner Twenty -
Fifth Street and Couler Avenue, eleva-
tion 34.136, and beginning at the north
lot line at Twenty -Third Street, east
curb, elevation 32.7; west curb 32.0,
which is station 0.0: thence to Station
6-1-12, south curb of Twenty -Fourth
Street, elevation, east curb, 35.7, west
curb, 35.0; thence to Station 13, north
curb line of Twenty -Fifth Street, east
curb 30.2, west curb, 29.5; thence to Sta-
tion 19-1-17.8, south curb of Twenty -
Sixth Street, east curb, 39.7, west curb,
Section 2. This Ordinance to be in
force and take effect from and after
its passage by the City Council and its
publication one time in the Dubuque
Daily Globe Journal Newspaper.
Adopted July 20th, 1905.
Approved July 24th, 1905.
C. H. BERG, Mayor.
Attest: C. F. ARENDT,
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Evening
Globe -Journal, July 27th, 1905.
7-27-1t City Recorder.
City Recorder's Office,
Dubuque, Ia., July 1st, 1905.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: The following is a com-
plete list of all warrants issued on the
Official Notices. 143
various funds by me during the month
of June, 1905:
Expense $9,319 65
First District 1,460 04
Second District 1,860 64
Third District 687 00
Fire 3,618 27
Police .. 2,152 10
Sewerage 401 OE
Printing 184 10
Engineer 194 15
Street Lighting 2,067 35
Interest 493 74
Board of Health 481 00
Library 709 40
1 Bra nch—
iWyllie Road 111 60
nth and 16th Streets 77 90
;, vial Bonded Assessment806 85
Sidewalk Repairing 30 60
Special Sewer Fund 93115
Bluff Street Extension Wall161 40
Fifth Ward Engine House 777 00
Booth Street Sewer 790 65
I heret'y ..citify that the foregoing
is a correct list: of all warrants issued
by me on various funds during the
month of June, 1905.
7-27-1t City Recorder.
Regular Session August 3, 1905. 14
CITY COUNCIL. i.,„„,:in Jiialca. roPe aand sewer
pile fur IToa:l department 161s
Smedley Steam 1'u.ni Co., repairs
25 for steam roller 4:1151}Regular Session August 3rd, 1905. Pitts -Thompson icl'y t 'o., e•tst-
(OfTicial.) logs for load d,•p:ntnaent
Council met at 8:30 o'clock P. M. P. Manson, oil for steam roller 1 00
Mayor Berg in the chair. P. Linehan. pine wood for steam
Present—Alis. Clancy, Corrance, roller 4 70
Frith, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf. T. J. \lulgret , oil fur stoana
Absent—Ald. Jones. roller 13 'l7
-------- G. Ragatz & Sun. repairs for
Ald. Corrance moved that the Coun- steam roller 6 70
c.•il proceedings for the month of July EllwangerBros., repairing haar-
be approved as printed. Carried. ness for Fire department 10 30Dub. 'turbine & holler \1111 Co
BILLS. repairs for Fire (lepartualit 700
Wunderlich & \Viederholt. horse -
The following bills were ordered paid: shoeing for Fire department e re
D. Sheehan, sodding on West 11th P. Heller. i nrseshuelag for Fire 6 00
street $ 54 90 di p•tment ....
G. Ragatz, repairing fountain at G. Lear. hnrseshoeina for Fir,. 2 q0
Linwood cemetery 50 Cepartlr.ent ...... ...... ........
Dubuque Enterprise Co., blank Key city (las Co., coke for Fire
stationery for sanious dep.nt depirta ent 28 15
meats 2 75
1.Icon Elie tile Co_ power for Fire
Kelly's Book Store, blank eta- r\I:u ui 3 40
tionery for various departments 3 00
hey City Gas Co., gas for vari-
ous department 70 00
Iowa Pub. Co., copy of Iowa
State Atlas 100 00
Niagara Falls Metal Stamping
\Vks., dog tags and hooks 21 20
G. Holl, sharpening lawn mowers
for parks 2 25
C. T. Bush, photos in Schnee case 7 50-
M. S. Hardie, blank stationery
for Treasurer and Police de-
partments 32 00
T. Byrne, rock for fountain at
14th and Elm streets 47 00
W. Foster, inspector on Sanitary
Sewer in alley lief. Washington
and Jackson Stri-i,t. from San-
ford to 25th Streets 7 i0
G. Bock, repairs for road depart-
ment 00
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Road 95
Dub. Wooden Ware & Lbr. Co
lumber for Road department 51 40
G. Lear, horseshoeing, Road de-
lc•- 2 00
pa rtment
F. Beutin. sand for Road depart-
J. P. Williams, sand for Road de-
partment . "
Key City Roofing Co., cement
for Road department 6 15
Purington Pay. 1;ric•k Co.. brick 138 77
for Road department •
Ellwanger Bros., repairing hau•- G 4-
ness, Road department
J. Mersch, gravel for Iload de-
partment •
J. Spear. balance due as forernaaII, 1;1 85Second ward
Bey City Gas Co., removing bump 1 75
posts on Julien avenue
F. M. Jaeger & Co.. hardware for `_
Road department
W. B. Baumgartner. hardware 14 40
for Road department
D. J. Haas. vitro! fur Fire depart -
trent 11 50
H. II. Sl C:arten. plumbing for
Fire department 5 95
Linehan A' \lolu, supplies for Fire
clepartaront 1 60
L. Li 11 lenlierq• hard Wit for Firc•
hell 1 00
F. M. Jaeger & Cohardware fur
Fire depau•tn:c nt 10 90
G. 11.agata. & Son. repairs for
Fire department ent 2 15
Eichhorn & Becht: I. bran for Fire
di prtnrent 1 05
Red Cross Drug Co.. drugs for
Fire d,•pau•tment 25 50
T. F. bane. hay anti mats for Fire
department . ... 105 00
Dub. Oil & Tank Line, oil for 6 75
Fire Dept
T. Hagerty, to use of horse and
buggy for the months of May,
June and July 30 00
Pitts -Thompson F'nd'y Co., sup- 30
plies for Fire Dept
Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber for
Fire Dept 45
Van Valkenburg & McEvoy,
hardware supplies for Fire
Dept 2 55
Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies for
Matron Dept 125
F. P. Hayes. hoard of prisoners, 3 40
for July
Iowa 1!,1iry Co., milk tickets for
Slit run Dept 75
Saundet e Meat Co., meat for Ma-
tron Dept 145
Ellwanger Bros.. supplies for Po-
llee Dept f5
Jlet•r. Slnfg. Co., screen doors Pa-
trol House 6 95
F. Sehloz & Son, repairs Sewer
Dept 1 t0
Cl. I::tgata. & Son, repairs Sewer
I Dept 8 08
146 Regular Session August 3, 1905.
Linehan & Molo, supplies Sewer
Dept 27 43
F. M. Jaeger & Co., supplies Sew-
er Dept 60
Water Works Trustees, supplies
Sewer Dept 00
Telegraph -Herald, official pro-
ceedings for the month of July. 43 00
Globe Journal, official proceed-
ings for the month of July41 02
Smith Morgan Printing Co., pro-
ceedings for the month of July. 15 81
National Demokrat, official pro-
ceedings for the month of July. 25 00
Union Elec. Co., arc lights for
July 2067 35
Farley-Loetscher Mfg. Co., sup-
plies Engineer's Office ... 1 05
Dub. Rubber & Bltg Co., supplies
Sprinkling Dept 2 75
A. A. Cooper Mfg. Co., repairs
for Sprinkling Dept 9 50
Beo. Beck, Sprinkling Dept 1 00
F. M. Jaeger & Co., Sprinkling
G. Ragatz & Son, Sprinkling
Dept 21 22
Smith -Morgan Printing Co,
blank stationery for Board of
Health 3 00
T. E. Filth, removing garbage
and dead animals during July398 48
Hussman & Lies, nails for Spec-
ial Sidewalk Dept 9 00
Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber for
Special Sidewalk Dept 39 65
Dub. Woodenware & Lumber Co,
lumber for Special Sidewalk
Dept 28 66
Dub. Rubber & Bltg. Co.,,repairs
hip -boots for Bee Branch Dept12 00
O'Farrell & McNamara, estimate
on Bee Branch Sewer 865 90
Tibey Bros., estimate on Storm
Water Sewer •in Washington
Strett . 2194,91
The following hills were ordered re-
Dubuque Artificial Stone Co,
laying cement sidewalk at
Eleventh Street Elevator 115 00
On motion was referred to Committee
on Streets.
H. B. McCarten, repairing drink-
ing fountain at Washington
Park .. 8 90
On motion was referred to commit-
tee on Public Grounds and Buildings.
G. 0, White. to services as in-
spector of Millville Road con-
crete storm water sewer 80 75
On motion was referred to Commit-
tee of the Whole.
Petition of Edw. Muntz asking for
the vacation of a strip of ground ad-
joining the south 24 feet of Lot 4 of
Sub. of Out Lot 675.
Ald. Frith moved that the petition
be granted after the proper Resolution
\vas adopted vacating said strip of
ground. Carried.
Communication of the Plumbers'
Ordinance Committee in relation to a
plumbing Ordinance was on motion re-
ferred to the Committee of the Whole.
and Plumbers to he notified of the
meeting of said Committee.
Petition of G. R. Rogers et al, ask-
ing Council to abate nuisance located
on the Waller & Kemler property on
the Norih side of Bennett Street. On
motion Kemler is to he notified to
abate the nuisance within thirty days.
Petition of T. Dillon in relation to
cancellation of Special Assessment for
the improvement of Grandview Ave-
nue was on motion referred to the
Board of Equalization.
Petition of J. A. Kline et al asking
for the construction of a brick cross-
ing on the East side of Fourteenth and
Iowa Streets. On motion was referred
to Committee on Streets.
Petition of Jno. Parker et al asking
that an electric light he placed at the
intersection of Rosedale & Glen Oak
Avenues. On motion was referred to
Committee on Police and Light.
Petition of J. G. Moore in relation
to refunding personal taxes was on
motion referred to the Board of Equali-
Petition of the Central Trades and
Labor Congress asking for an appro-
priation for their annual Labor Day
celebration to be held September 4th,
Also petition of Isabella Cain, ask-
ing for the cancellation of her special
assessment for sidewalk repairing.
On motion both petitions were re-
ferred to the Committee of the
Mayor Berg reported that Geo.
Casutt owed the city for taxes on his
stock of goods from 1896 to 1904, both
inclusive, and that the receiver ap-
pointed to settle un said business.
had paid the taxes for the years 1900
to and including 1904. Also that the
Mayor had made arrangements with
said receiver that the city cancel the
back taxes for 1896 to 1899, inclusive.
Ald. Clancy moved that the action
of the Mayor be approved, and the
Treasurer instructed to cancel the
taxes for the above named years. Car-
City Treasuer Brinkman reported as
Regular Session
August 3, 1905. 147
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council:
Gentlemen:—lielo\c pill will fin,'
statement of amounts advanced by
me during the past month for which
please order warrants drawn in my
Excavation permits redeemed$ 105 00
Interest on warrants outstand-
ing 1,765.52
New York exchange
Express charges
Horse for Fire Department
Freight charges—Road
$ 2.155.05
Library orders nail 447.42.
Also refunded old warrants. for
which please order new loan warrants
Total' amount of loan war-
rants $20,625.00
H. T111!NT M:\ Y,
Tri . surer.
On motion the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
the various amounts, and the report
referred hack to the Committee on
City Auditor Hoffman reported as
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council:
Gentlemen:—Herewith find my re-
port for the month of ,Tull:. 195,
showing the receipts and 1i =1nu e-
ments for the month:
Cash on hand July 1st, 1905 <_ S
Receipts from all sources036.3::0.73
\Varrants redeemed during
month !t40,919.79
Coupons redeemed during
month 4,093.62
W. VT. coupons redeemed dur-
ing month 427.50
W. W. bonds redeemed during
month 1.000.00
Cacti on hand Aug. 1st, 19057,487.00
The above balance includes the Im-
provement Bond Fund, Improvement
Bond Interest Fund and Library Fund
Also report that there is due the city
officers for the month of July, 1905,
the sum of $2,683.20.
Also the following is a record of all
Interest Coupons and Bends redeemed
by the City Treasurer during the past
month and credited to him:
Waterworks coupons $ 427.50
Regular bond coupons 3,080.00
Improvement bond coupons 1,013.62
Bond No. 99, Waterworks
The follm.ving list clinic the Apprv—
pri,itons and the amount of 'Warrants
r1r,'tin on each Fund sinee the begin-
ning of the fiscal cern• beginning- \larch
let. 1905, to .August let. 1905:
Apprninialion. Expcnd,•d.
1:x1. use '10,000
Ilea l—First district 10.000
l;nad —Second
ILmd--Third district 0,750
Fire ...... ........ 42.000
9.2 .70
Police .... 28.000 8,692.93
Sewerage ...... .... 5,000 1.058.40
... 2.500 5:17.83
Printing ......
Engineer -,509 792.90
Street Lightning 25.200 0.269.40
Interest 41.500
Board of Health 4.500 1.152.55
Grading ...... 22.000
the i:ruuh—\lillyille
Road .... '1,000 833.28
Ree Branch --Washing-
ton Street 6.000 2.600,48
lice Branch --Fifteenth
and Sixteenth Streets 1,400 77.90
Special Bonded Paving 2,000
Judgment .... .... 3.001 1,417.75
Special Bonded Debt
and Interest ... 4,000
Mount Carmel Avenue
1.c ling .... .... .... 1,000 14.80
Si•le..valk Repairing ... 1.000 207.09
S1^ ,•i:il Sewer Fund.... 1,000 322.96
HluIT Street Extension
1W; i 1 I 1.000 699.43
Fifth Wtu•d Engine
House .... .... 4.000 3,746.50
Booth Street Sewer .. 1.000 1,000.00
On motion the report was received
and Warrants ordered drawn to pay the
City Officers, and the report referred
back to the Committee on Finance.
Fire Chief Reinfried reported its fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen --The following is the pay
roll of the Fire department Inr the
month of July, 1905:
Amount due Firemen •i21.2 1\
Respectfully submitted.
On motion the report cyan received
and warrants ordered liraon to pay the
Firemen, and the report referred back
to the Committee on Fire.
Chief of Police Reilly reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen—I herewith subunit the
Police report for the month of July,
Total arrests for the month 51
Residents arrested 27
Doors found open
Regular Session August 3, 1905.
Lodgers harbored 17
Cost of food $3.40
Patrol calls 52
Miles traveled 92
Also the pay roll for Policemen for
the month of July, 1905:
Amount due Policemen ... $2002.90
Respectfully submitted,
Chief of Police.
On motion the report and pay roll
were received, and warrants ordered
drawn to pay Policemen, and the re-
port referred back to the Committee on
City Engineer Boyce reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen—I herewith submit my
pay roll for labor on streets in the dif-
ferent road districts during the last
half of July, 1905:
Amount due laborers on streets.$1653.10
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved by Committee on Streets.
Also submit my pay roll for labor on
sewers during the last half of July,
Amount due laborers on sewers..$182.60
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved by Committee on Sewers.
Also submit my pay- roll for labor on
Bluff Street Extension during last half
of July, 1905:
Amount due laborers on Bluff
Street Extension ¶251.60
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved by Committee on Streets.
On motion the pay rolls on streets.
sewers and Bluff Street Extension were
received and warrants ordered drawn
to pay the various amounts and the
pay rolls referred back to the proper
City Engineer Boyce reported as
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council:
Gentlemen:—Att ached please find
statement of macadam measured to
date, and the amount due for same:
Total amount due $924.55
On motion warrants were ordered
drawn to pay the various amounts.
Mayor Berg presented and read the
following receipt:
Dubuque, July 28th, 1905.
Received of C'. H. Berg, Mayor of the
City of Dubuque, Thirty Dollars from
the IT. S. Government for taking care
of Marine in case of smallpox at the
Detention Hospital.
County Auditor.
On motion the receipt was ordered
City Engineer Boyce also reported as
Herewith please find attached profile
of Grandview Avenue showing pro-
posed grade from Delhi Street to
Dodge Street.
City Engineer.
On motion said report and profile
were referred to the Committee of the
City Attorney Kintzinger reported
as follows:
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council:
Gentlemen:— Reporting on the mat-
ter of the purchase of Lot No. 33 in
Union Additia.n to the City of Du-
buque. by the City from Mary Faust.
I would respectfully state:
That Mary Faust at the present
time has only a sheriff's certificate of
sale to said property. and will not he
entitled to a deed or the possession
thereof until June 24th. 1906. She will,
therefore. he unable to give the City
a deed to this property at the present
time. Respectfully.
City Attorney.
On motion the report was referred to
the Committee of the Whole.
Ald. Frith, chairman of the Commit-
tee on Streets, reported as follows:
Your Committee on Streets, to whom
were referred the resolutions provid-
ing for the improvement of Pine Street,
from Twenty-second to Twenty-fifth
Streets, would respectfully recommend
that said resolutions be adopted.
E. E. FRITH. Chairman.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Stumpf. chairman of the Com-
mittee on Markets, reported as fol-
Your Committee en Markets would
respectfully recommend that the City
Recorder he instructed to advertise the
old First sward scales for sale.
Ald. Stumpf moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Lyons. chairman of the Com
nlittee on Sewers, reported as follows:
Your Committee on Sewers, to whom
was referred the matter of examining
into the condition of the Fourth Street
storm water sewer, would respectfully
report that we find the said sewer to
Session August 11, 1905. 1.9
be broken and therefore obstructed
where the same runs through the prop-
erty' of the C., B. & Q. R. R., and that
we have instructed the City Engineer
to submit a plan showing whereby the
city may overcome trouble from this
source in the future.
Aid. Lyons moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Clancy. chairman of the Com-
mittee of the Whole, reported as fol-
Your Committee of the Whole. to
whom was referred the petition of
John T. Adams, asking that that por-
ticn of the alley between Alpine and
Nevada. Streets, from the north liral.
of \Vest Third Street to a point twenty
feet south of the south line of Lot 5
in T. S. Nairn's Addition be vacated,
and proposing in consideration of said
vacation to deed to the city for alley
purposes, the north twenty feet of Lot
4 in said addition, and also the suppl.-
mentary petition of C. E. Walter, Chas.
J. Young and Marie L. McCarthy. re-
questing that the above first mentioned
petition be granted, would recommend
that the prayer of the petitioners be
granted and that the proper proceed-
ings be taken to legally vacate said
alley. MATT CLAN 'Y,
Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Needham, chairman of the
Special Committee appointed to audit
the report of the Water Works Trus-
tees, reported as follows:
Your Committee, to whom was re-
ferred the report of the Trustees of
the Dubuque Water Works Company
for the quarter ending June 30th, 1905,
beg leave to report that we. have ex-
amined said report and vouchers and
find them to be correspondingly cor-
Ald. Needham moved to adopt the
report. Carried.
Mayor Berg presented the following
Your Special Committee, designated
by ordinance, to audit the annual re-
port of the Dubuque High Bridge Co.,
would respectfully report that we have
performed that duty and find the re-
port as submitted to correspond with
the books and vouchers in said bridge
company's office. We would further
report that the property of the com-
pany is exempt by ordinance until such
time as the net receipts are equal to
eight per cent on $108,868.16, which
would be $8,709.45, and as the earnings
for the year amounted to but $5,522.01,
we would recommend that the Treas-
urer be instructed to cancel the taxes
against said company for the year 1904.
F. B. iiiFFMAN.
C. B. SCilERR,
Commit tee ,
On motion the report was adopted
and the Treasurer to be instructed as
Alderman Clancy offered the follow-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque. That a Sidewalk 4
feet wide, of good brick or cement,
be, within 20 days of this notice, con-
structed and laid in conformity with
the Ordinance in relation to Sidewalks,
on the West side of Rooth Street, be-
tween O'Neill Street and West Third
Street. abutting lot 1 So. ',s ft. n'Neill's
Sub., owned ity earl Jungwirlh, at the
expense of abutting property. Adopt-
ed by the following vote:
Ayes—Ald. Clancy. Cnrrance, Frith,
Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Absent—Ald. Jones.
Alderman Frith offered the follow-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That a Sidewalk 4 feet
wide, of good brick or cement. be, with-
in 20 days of this notice. ,•ottstructed
and laid in corformity with the Ordi-
nanco in relation to Sidewalks, on the
East side of Broadway Street, between
Diagonal Street and Blocklinger Lane,
abutting Lot 16, Jno. King's 1st Add.,
owned by Jos. Zimmerman, at the ex-
pense of abutting property. Adopted
by the following vote:
A yes ---.A 11. ('Ivu'y. Cnrrance, Frith,
Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Absent—Ald. Jones.
Alderman Corrance offered the fol-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That a Sidewalk 6
feet wide, of good brick or cement, be
withing 20 days of this notice, con-
structed and laid in conformity with
the Ordinance in relation to Sidewalks,
on the North side of West Locust
Street. between Foye Street anti Pierce
Street. abutting Lot 6 and 7, Ellen
Blake's Sub., owned by Jno. Blake Est.,
at the expense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
\yes--Ald. Clancy, Cnrrance, Frith,
Lyons. N''Iliatn and Stumpf.
Absent—Ald. Jones.
Alderman Co•rance also offered the
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That a Sidewalk 4 feet
wide, of good brick or cement, be, with-
in 20 d.tys of this notice. constructed
and laid in conformity with the Ordi-
nance in relation to Sidewalks, on the
150 Regular Session August 3, 1905.
North side of Dorgan Place, between
Ellis Street and Madison Street, abut-
ting Lot 8, Dorgan's Sub., owned by
Nellie Dorgan, at the expense of abut-
ting property. Adopted by the follow-
ing vote:
Ayes—Aad. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Absent—Aad. Jones.
Alderman Corrance also offered the
Resolved by the City..,Cbuncil of the
City of Dubuque, That 'a Sidewalk 4
feet wide, of good brick or cement, be,
within 20 days of this notice, con-.
structed and laid in conformity with
the Ordinance in relation to Sidewalks,
on the North side of Dorgan Place,
between Ellis Street and Madison
Street, abutting Lot 10, Dorgan's Sub.,
owned by Jno. Jennings, at the ex-
pense of abutting property. Adopted
by the following vote:
Ayes—Aad. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Absent—Aad. Jones.
Alderman Corrance also offered the
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That a Sidewalk 4
feet wide, of good brick or cement, be,
within 20 days of this notice con-
structed and laid in conformity with
the Ordinance in relation to Sidewalks,
on the North side of Dorgan Place,
between Ellis Street and Madison
Street, abutting Lot 9, Dorgan's Sub.,
owned by Mary A. Flynn, at the ex-
pense of abutting property. Adopted
by the following vote:
Ayes—Aad. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Absent—Aid. Jones.
Alderman Stumpf offered the follow-
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the City
Engineer be and he is hereby directed
to prepare plans and specifications for
the continuation of the Bee Branch
Sewer from the present terminus south
of Sixteenth Street as far as the ap-
propriation will carry the same, and
file said plans and specifications in the
office of the City Recorder, who will
thereupon advertise for bids for the
construction of said sewer in accord-
ance with said plans and specifications.
Ald. Stumpf moved to adopt the
Resolution. Carried.
Alderman Frith offered the follow-
Whereas, Edward Muntz has filed his
petition asking for the vacation of a
strip of land ten (10) feet wide off the
east side of Seminary Street, abutting
the South twenty-four (24) feet of Lot
4 of the Subdivision of Outlot 675 and
represents himself to be the owner of
all the property abutting on that part
of said Seminary Street so proposed to
be vacated; therefore
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the City
Engineer be and he is hereby directed
to make a survey and plat of that part
of said Seminary Street proposed to be
vacated, to be filed in said Engineer's
office subject to public inspection, and
to give the notices required by Ordi-
nance to all the owners of property
abutting said ground proposed to be
vacated, and to publish the notice re-
quired by Ordinance of the said pro-
posed vacation.
Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy. Corrance, Frith,
Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Absent—Aad. Jones.
Alderman Clancy offered the follow-
Whereas, John T. Adams has filed
his petition asking for the vacation of
that part of the alley between Alpine
and Nevada Streets from the north line
of Vest Third Street to a point twenty
feet south of the south line of Lot 5
T. S. Nairn's Addition, and proposing,
in consideration of said vacation to
deed to the city the north twenty feet
of .Lot 4 in said Addition, and
Whereas, the owners of all the prop-
erty abutting en said alley have filed
a petition requesting that the above
mentioned vacation be made, now,
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the City
Engineer he and he is hereby directed
to make a survey and plat of that
part of said alley proposed to be va-
cated, to be filed in said Engineer's
office subject to public inspection, and
to give the notices required by Ordi-
nance to all the owners of property
abutting said ground proposed to be
vacated, and to publish the notice re-
quired by Ordinance of the said pro-
posed vacation.
I'n>nimously adopted.
Ald. Frith offered the following:
Be it iresolved by the City Council
of the t'ity of Dubuque. That it is
dee-ned 1,I ccssary and advigabie to in' -
prove Pine street from the north curb
line of Twenty-third street to the south
curb line of Twenty-sixth street. and it
is hereby proposed to grade, curb. gut-
ter and macadamize said street and to
assess the cost of such curbing. gutter-
ing and macadamizing against the
abutting property.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the reso-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Abscnt—Aad. Jones.
Aid. Frith offered the following:
Tie it Resolved by the City Council of
Regular Session August 3, 1905. 151
the City of Dubuque, That the City En-
gineer be and he is hereby directed to
prepare a plat showing generally the
location, nature and extent of the pro-
posed improvement on Pine street from
the north curb line of Twenty-third
street to the south curb line of Twenty-
sixth street anti the kind of material
to be used and an estimate of the entire
cost thereof, and the amount ant cost
of such improvement, and the amount
assessable upon any railway or street
railway, the amount and cost thereof
to br paid by the city, if :joy. and the
cost thereof and amount assessable up-
on each tut or parcel of land adjacent
to or abutting upon such improvement
per front foot. :Ind to file such plat and
estimate in the office of the ('ity Re-
corder: that after the filing of said plat
and estimate in his office, the City Re-
croder shall publish in three consec-
utive issues of it newspaper published
in this city, a notice stating that such
plait and estimate are on file, the
location and nature of the improve-
ment, kind of material to be used, and
an estimate of its cost, and the time
before which objections thereto can be
filed, and the time for hearing, which
time shall not be less than five days
after the last publication of such no-
tice, and after such publication shall
have been made, the City Recorder
shall. at the next regular session of the
City Council, notify the council thereof
in writing with a printed copy of such
notice accompanying the same.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the reso-
Carried by the following vote
Yeas—Aids. Clancy. Corranee, Frith,
Lyons. Needham and Stumpf.
Absent—Ald. Jones.
Ald. Corrance moved to adjourn until
Aug. 17th, 1905.
City Recorder.
Attest: -
' Recorder
: l pp ro rem, [it , : %l - 190'. J
.. Mayor
Ald. Needham offered the following.
which was referred to the Committee
of the Whole:
Resolved by the City Council r•f the
City of Dubuque. That Section 13,
Chapter XXVI. of the Revised Ordi-
nances be and is hereby amended by
striking out the words Five Dollars per
clay and Twenty-five Dollars for each
month in lines seven and eight of said
Section 13 and substituting in lieu
thereof the words Twenty-five Dollars
per day and One Hundred and Fifty
Dollars for each month, so• that when
said section is amended it will read as
No transient or itinerant Doctor or
Physician shall ply his vocation in the
city of Dubuque whether hotels, pri-
vate houses or in the streets, whether
advertising or not. or using medicines
prepared by themselves or others, or
professing to cure diseases by any ap-
plication whatever without first pro-
curing a license therefor. The fee for
said license shall be the sum of
Twenty-five Dollars per day or One
Hundred and Fifty Dollars for each
Regular Session August 17, 1905.
Regula 1 Session August 17th, 1905.
Council met at 8:30 P. M.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Alds. Clancy, Corrance,
Frith, Jones, Lyons, Needham and
Petition of A. L. Rhomberg, asking
for the cancellation of taxes as levied
for 1904 against lots 640 and 641, East
Dubuque Add.. and Block 24, Railroad
Add., the same being used for a De-
tention Hospital.
Also petition of the Dubuque & Wis-
consin Bridge Co., by A. L. Rhom-
berg, President, asking for the cancel-
lation of taxes as levied against the
Eagle Point High Bridge for the year
On motion both petitions were or-
dered granted and the Treasurer in-
structed accordingly.
Invitation of The Dubuque Trades
find Labor Congress inviting the May-
er and City Council to participate in
their Labor Day parade at 9:30 o'clock
A. M., Sept. 4th, 1905.
On motion the invitation was accept-
ed and the Recorder instructed to ex-
tend the thanks to the Trades and La-
bor Congress for the same and that
the committee be notified of its ac-
Communication of The Art Division
of the Dubuque Woman's Club ex-
tending their thanks to the Hon. 'May-
or, Aldermen and City Engineer for
their co-operation in the improvement
and beautifying of the grounds ad-
jacent to the Eleventh Street Elevator.
On motion the communication was
received and filed and placed on record.
Communication of Guy G. White,
asking that he be allowed a fair com-
pensation for overtime as Inspector of
Millville Road Storm Writer Sewer• was
on motion received and filed.
Claim of Edw. Blaine, claiming the
sum of $5,000.00 for personal damages
sustained by falling on a defective
apron at Seventeenth and White
Also claim of Clem Cunningham.
claiming the sum of $500.00 apersonal
damages sustained byfalling
lsng on about a
defective sidewalk at a point
ner Oof0
to 10 f theeet intersection Rt
tersect on of First and
Locust Streets.
On motion both claims were refer-
red to the Committee on Claims and
City Attorney.
Petition of the First Universalist So-
ciety of Dubuque, asking that the
taxes on City Lot 638 for the years
1902. 1903 and 1904 be ordered canceled.
On motion was referred to the
Board of Equalization.
Petition of Jno. Kapp asking that
Willow Street, commencing at the East
end of the present improvement of said
street, to alley next East of lot 29,
about 340 feet from place of beginning,
be curbed, guttered and macadamized.
On motion was referred to the Com-
mittee of the Whole.
Petition of The Dubuque Club, ask-
ing that the assessment of the Key
City Building Company be fixed at
$10,000.00 instead of $20,000.00 for the
year 1904.
On notion was referred to the Com-
mittee of thli Whole and parties inter-
ested be notified of the meeting of said
Remonstrances of The German Pres-
byterian Theological School of the
Northwest. and J. H. Trieb, el al., re-
monstrating against granting the pe-
tition of Ed. Muntz, asking forc tthe va-
cation of a l0 -foot strip of y
Street north .of Seventeenth Street.
On motion the rules were suspended
for the purpose of hearing from some
of the parties interested.
Hon. Wm. Graham, representing the
remonstrators, addressed the Council
objecting to said vacation.
Wells Ruppert, representing Mr. E.
Muntz, also addressed the Council in
favor of said vacation.
On motion the remonstrances were
referred to the Committee of the
City Engineer Boyce r'epor'ted as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen—I herewith submit my
pay roll for labor on streets in the dif-
ferent road districts during the first
half of August, 1905:
Amount due laborers on strcets.$1187.30
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved by Committee on Streets.
Also submit my pay rell for labor on
sewers during the first half of August,
Amount due laborers on sewers..$182.60
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved by Committee on Sewers.
On motion the pay rolls on Streets
and Sewers were received, and war-
rants ordered drawn to pay the var-
164 Regular Session August 17, 1905.
sous amounts, and the pay rolls refer-
red back to the proper committees.
City Assessor Scherr reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen—I beg leave to report that
the Assessment Roll of 1905 is com-
pleted and ready for the inspection of
the Board of Equalization.
City Assessor.
On motion the report was received
and filed.
City Recorder Arendt presented and
read the Notice, certified to by the
Publisher, of the Council's intention
to Improve Pine Street, from the north
curb line of Twenty-third Street to
the south curb line of Twenty-sixth
No remonstrance being filed, the
Mayor asked if anyone present had
any objection to said improvement. No
objection being stated, the Notice, on
motion was received and filed.
City Attorney hintzinger reported
as follows:
The undersigned, City Attorney, to
whom was referred the attached state-
ment of judgment and costs against
the City of Dubuque in the case of
Thomas Considine vs. City of Dubuque,
would respectfully report that there
is now due thereon the following
Total amount of judg:hent in-
cluding interest to Aug. 19th,
1905 $879 92
Balance due court costs of Dis-
trict Court 94 55
Balance due on costs in Supreme
Court 23 95
1 would respectfully recommend that
\v:a•rants be ordered drawn in favor of
the Mayor for the payment of these
various amounts. As attorney's Liens
have been filed by Attorney R. F. Jess
for $150.00 and by Attorneys McCarthy,
Kenline & Roedell for $381.00, it will be
necessary that these be first satisfied
before the money is paid into court.
These liens, I understand, will be re-
leased on payment of this money int.,
Respectfully submitted,
City Attorney.
On motion the report was approved,
and warrants ordered drawn in favor
of the Mayor as recommended
Committee Clerk J. \V. Lawlor re-
ported as follows:
Dubuque, Iowa, August 17, 1905.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: I herewith submit a
statement of the amount expended for
labor in the different wards and for
sprinkling in the different road dis-
tricts during the month of July, 1905:
First Ward
Second Ward
Third Ward
Fourth Ward
• Fifth Ward
First District $163 05
Second District 324 SO
Third District 142 50
Total $630 35
Expended for labor and sprinkling,
Respectfully submitted,
Committee Clerk.
$ 271 30
281 75
264 45
283 95
336 55
717 95
$2155 95
Chairman on Streets.
On motion the report was received and
City Engineer Boyce reported as fol-
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council:
Gentlemen: Herewith please find
attached a profile showing a proposed
grade of Seventeenth Street, from the
East line of Clay Street to the Alley
between Pine and Maple Streets. This
grade corresponds to the curbs as set
on Seventeenth Street.
Profiles of grade have been presented
to the City Council years ago and the
street improved in accordance with
those grades. We can find no Ordi-
nance adopted by the City Council es-
tablishing the same.
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Ald. Frith moved that said profile be
approved and the Ordinance Commit-
tee instructed to draft an Ordinance
adopting the same. Carried.
The following Weighmasters' and
Woodmeasurers' receipts were referred
to the Committee an Markets:
F. P. Hayes—City Hall receipts..$12 30
T. Faherty—First Ward Scale Re-
ceipts 2 55
Louisa Pitschner—West Dubuque
Scale Receipts 2 36
R. Hay—Eighth Street Scale Re-
ceipts 2 05
P. Holsinger—Woodmeasurers Re-
City Engineer Boyce also reported as
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council:
Gentlemen: Herewith please find
Plat showing the proposed vacation of
a part of Seminary Street, abutting
the south 24 feet of Lot 4 of Out Lot
675. Notices were served on the re-
Regular Session August 17, 1905. 155
spective property owners.
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
On motion the Plat was reser rea to
the Committee of the Whole.
Ald. I.;
nace c'
an Or,::!
``events ea: Ii
Chairn'aut of the Ordi-
sented and read
• -hing a grade on
em the East line
of Clay • • ; he alley bet .veen
Pine Street and Maple Street: and
moved that the readinsr just hod he
considered its first tending. Carried.
Ald. Lyons ir.ove1 thct the rules he
suspended in order to read the Ordi-
nance by its title for the second time.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aid. Chncy, Corrance. Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
The Ordinance was then read by its
title for the second time.
Ald. Lyons moved that the Ordinance
be now adopted as react. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas—Ald. Chancy, Corrance. Frith,
Jones. Lyons. Needham and Stumpf.
The Mayor declared the Ordinance
The Ordinance follows:
An Ordinance establishing a grade on
Seventeenth Street from the east line
of Clay Street to the alley between
Pine Street and Maple Street. •
Be it Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque Iowa.
Section 1. That a grade on Seven-
teenth Street from the east line of
Clay Street to the alley between Pine
Street and Maple Street, in the City of
Dubuque, Iowa, be, and is hereby es-
tablished and adopted as shown by the
black line on the profile of said street
and grade prepared by the City Engi-
neer, James H. Boyce, and filed in his
office under date of August 17, 1905, be-
ing numbered 562, and marked, "Pro-
file of Seventeenth Street from east
line of Clay Street to the alley between
Pine and Maple Street. R. M. on door-
sill (north end) of church southeast
corner of Seventeenth and Jackson
Streets, elevation 22.715."
Said grade beginning at the east line
of Clay Street, which is station 0.0,
Elevation 33.1; thence to station 1--10,
center of alley, Elevation 228.3: thence
to station 2-'-52, center of White Street,
Elevation 25.9; thence to station 3- -94,
center of alley, Elevation 23.9: thence
to station 5-!-36, center of Jackson
Street, Elevation 21.8; thence to sta-
tion 6-1-78, center of alley, elevation
21.15; thence to station 8-1-20: center
of Washington Street, Elevation 20.5;
thence to station 9-!-62, center of al -
;c'.• Elevation 20.27; theet c lei station
11-1-04, center of Elm Street, Elevation
..0.0: thence to station 13-H88, center of
Pine Street, Elevation 19.5; thence to
station 15-,-30, center sof ;sits • l:;eva-
lIon 19.5.
Section 2. This Ordin;;ac•e to be in
force and take effect from and after
its passage by the City Council and
its publication one time in the Dubuque
Daily Globe -Journal newspaper.
Adopted , 1905.
City Recorder.
Ald. Lyons also presented and read
an Ordinance requiring the Chicago
Great Western Rail•,vay Company to
reconstruct the Viaduct on Peru Road
over and across the tracks of said Chi-
cago Great Western Railway Company,
and moved that the reading just had
be considered its first reading. Car-
Ald. Lyons moved that the rues be
suspended, in order to read the Ordi-
nance by its title for the second time.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Ald. Clancy, Corrance, Frith.
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
The Ordinance was then read by its
title for the second time.
Ald. Lyons moved that the Ordinance
be now adopted as react. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas—Ald. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Ytumpf.
The Mayor declared the Ordinance
The Ordinance follows:
requiring the Chicago Great Western
Railway Company to reconstruct the
Viaduct on Peru Road over anti across
the tracks of said Chicago Great West-
ern Railway Company.
Whereas, the Viaduct at present con-
structed on Peru Road over and
acress the tracks of the Chicago
Great Western Railway Company has
become old, worn out and unsafe for
public travel, and whereas, it is deem-
ed necessary for the safety and pro-
tection of the public that said Viaduct
leading over the Chicago Great West-
ern Hallway tracks on Peru Road be
Therefore be it Ordained by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That the Chicago Great
Western Railway Company be and is
hereby ordered, directed and required
to rebuild and reconstruct the Viaduct
leading over and across the tracks of
said Hallway Company on Peru Road
in the City of Dubuque, Iowa.
Section 2. That said Railway l'uni-
156 Regular Session August 17, 1905.
pany be required to complete the re-
construction of said Viaduct within 30
days from the time this Ordinance and
the Plans and Specifications for said
Viaduct shall have been served upon
said Company.
Section 3. That the City Engineer be
and is hereby directed to prepare Plans
and Specifications for the reconstruc-
tion of said Viaduct, and that as soon
as the same have been prepared and
approved by the City Council, that the
same' be served upon the Chicago Great
Western Railway Company together
with this Ordinance.
Section 4. This Ordinance shall be
in force and take effect after its pass-
age and publication one time in the
Dubuque Daily Globe -Journal, the of-
ficial newspaper of the City of Du-
buque, Iowa.
Adopted 1905.
Approved 1905,
City Recorder.
Ald. Corrance, Chairman of the Com-
mittee on Claims, presented two bills
from the Clerk of the Supreme Court,
one in the case of Catherine Sheridan
vs. City of Dubuque, Appellant. and
one in the case of the Citizens' State
Bank, Appellant, vs. Robert and Mary
Jess, et al: total amount of bills, $37.30.
Ald. Corrance moved that a warrant
for the above amount be drawn in fa-
vor of the Clerk of the Supreme Court
and the bills paid. Carried.
Ald. Corrance also presented a re-
ceipt from Bernice Bauck for $30.00,
whereby she releases the City from any
and all liability for any damages sus-
tained by her, by reason of falling on
a sidewalk on the South side of Heart
Street, February 28th, 1905.
On motion the receipt was received
and filed.
Ald. Frith, chairman of the Commit-
tee on Streets, presented a bill from
John Welsh, for macadam, amount of
bill $19.90, and moved that a warrant
be drawn in favor of John Welsh for
the above amount. Carried.
Ald. Frith also reported as follows:
Your Committee on Streets, to whom
was referred the petition of A. J. Kline,
et al, asking that a brick crossing be
constructed across Fourteenth Street,
on the East side of Iowa Street, would
recommend that the prayer of the pe-
titioners be granted and that the City
Engineer be instructed accordingly.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the report.
Ald. Jones, chairman of the Com-
mittee on Public Grounds and Build-
ings, reported as follows:
Your Committee on Public Grounds
and Buildings to whom was re-
ferred the bill of H. B. Mc-
Carten for $3.90 for repairs in
Washington Park, would respectfully
recommend that a warrant in said
amount be ordered drawn on the City
Treasurer in settlement of the claim.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Lyons, chairman of the Commit-
tee on Sewers, presented a bill from
Wm. Foster, for one-half a month's
pay as Inspector on Sanitary Sewer,
between Jackson and Washington
Streets from Sanford to Twenty-fifth
Streets. Amount due $20.00.
Ald. Lyons moved that a warrant be
drawn in favor of Wm. Foster for the
above amount. Carried.
Ald. Clancy, chairman of the Com-
mittee of the Whole, reported as fol-
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the bill of Guy G.
White for extra salary as inspector on
Bee Branch Sewer. would recommend
that a warrant in the sum of $25.00 be
ordered drawn in favor of said Guy
G. White, in full settlement for all
extra work performed by him. Said
amount to be drawn from the Millville
Road Bee Branch fund.
Also your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the report of the
City Attorney on the matter of pur-
chasing lot 33 in Union Addition, would
respectfully recommend that the
Sheriff's Certificate of Sale be accepted
and that a warrant in the sum of $150.00
be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer
in favor of Mary Faust in payment for
said lot.
Also your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of Mrs.
Isabelle Cain, asking that on account
of her poverty, the special taxes.
amounting to $2.40, levied against Lot
3. Hoskin's Sub., be canceled, would
recommend that the prayer of the pe-
titioner be granted and that the Treas-
urer be instructed accordingly.
Also your Cnmrnitt-e of the Whole
would respectfully recommend that a
species' committee, composed of the
Mayor and two Aldermen -at -Large, be
appointed co hold a conference with
the Board of Supervisors in relation to
the proposed purchase of voting ma-
Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the var-
ious reports of the Committee of the
Whole. Carried.
Aid. Clancy also reported as follows:
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the resolution to
amend the Ordinance relating to li-
censes for itinerant physicians, would
Regular Session August 17, 1905. 157
respectfully recommend that the Ordi-
nance Committee and City Attorney be
instructed to amend said Ordinance by
striking therefrom the words "or twen-
ty-five dollars for each month."
Ald. Clancy moved to refer said re-
port back to the Committee of the
Whole. Carried.
Alderman Clancy offered the follow-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12
feet wide, of good brick or cement, be,
within 20 days of this notice, con-
structed and laid in conformity with
the Ordinance in relation to sidewalks,
on the East side of Locust Street, be-
tween First Street and Jones Street,
abutting lot 564, City, owned by Winona
Land Company, at the expense of abut-
ting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons. Needham and Stumpf.
Alderman Clancy offered the follow-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12
feet wide, of good brick or cement, be,
within 20 days of this notice, construct-
ed and laid in conformity with the Or-
dinance in relation to sidewalks, on the
South side of Jones Street, between
Main Street and Iowa Street, abutting
77b ft. of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of W. 7. of Blk.
10, Dubuque Harbor, owned •by Jas. H.
Shields and W. L. Bradley, at the ex-
pense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy. Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons. Needham and Stumpf.
Alderman Clancy. offered the follow-
ing: •
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12
feet wide, of good brick or cement, be,
within 20 days of this notice, construct-
ed and laid in conformity with the Or-
dinance in relation to sidewalks on the
East side of Main Street, between Jones
Street and First Street, abutting lot 11,
Dubuque Harbor Company's Add., own-
ed by Rich. Waller Est., at the expense
of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Alderman Clancy offered the fellow-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12
feet wide, of good brick or cement, be,
within 20 days of this notice, construct-
ed and laid in conformity with the Or-
dinance in relation to sidewalks on the
East side of Main Street, between Jones
and First Street. abutting lot 5. Du-
buque Harbor Company's Add., owned
by • Anna M. Bush Est., at the expense
of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones. Lyons, NeTlham and Stumpf.
Alderman Clancy offered the follow-
Resolve l by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12
feet wide, of good brick or cement, he,
within 20 days of this notice, construct-
ed and laid in conformity with the Or-
dinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the East side of Main Street, between
Jones Street and First .itreet, abutting
lots 8, 8a and 8h, Dubuque Harbor
Company's Add., owned by Jas. H.
Shields, at the expense of abutting
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Corrance. Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Alderman Clancy offered the follow-
Resolved by the City Counei. of the
City of Dubuque, That a side•:atk 12
feet wide, of good brick or cement, be,
within 20 days of this notice, construct-
ed and laid in conformity with the Or-
dinance in relation to sidewalks on the
East side of Main Street, between
Jones Street and First Street. abutting
lot 6, Dubuque Harbor Company's Add.,
owned by W. A. Blake, at the expense
of abutting Property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones. Lyons. Needham and Stumpf.
Alderman Clancy offered the follow-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That a Sidewalk 12
feet wide, of good hriek or cement, he,
within 20 days of this not ice, eonstruet-
ed and laid in conformity with the (It-
dinance in relation to Sidewalks, on the
East side of blain Street, between
Jones Street and First Street, abutting
Lots 9.9a and 10, Dub. Harbor Co.'s
Add., owned by Anna M. Bush Est.,
at the expense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aid. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Sten -..!f.
Alderman Corrance offered the fol-
Resolved by the City Couneit of the
City of Dubuque, That a Sidewalk 4
f,•••t wide. rf good brick, or cement, he,
within 20 days of this notice, construct-
ed and laid in conformity with the Or-
dinance it relation to Sidewalks, on
158 Regular Session August 17, 1905.
the South side of Grace Street, between
Grandview Avenue and Ida Street,
abutting Lot 11, Hodge's Sub., owned
by Cornelius Ruddy, at the expense of
abutting property. Adopted by the
following vote:
Ayes—Ald. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Nays --None.
Alderman Corrance offered the fol -
In \Wing:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That a Sidewalk 4
feet wide, of good brick, or cement, be,
within 20 days of this notice, construct-
ed .tad laid in conformity with the Or-
din:uu•e in relation to Sidewalks, on
the South side of Union Avenue, he•
tween eWst Locust Street and Cox
Street, abutting Iot 1 of Sub. 8, Ellen
Blake's Sub., owned by Jno. Buetell
Est., at the expense of abutting prop-
erty. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jonas. Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Alderman Corrance offered the fol-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That a Sidewalk 4
feet wide, of good, brick or cement, be,
within 20 days of this notice, construct-
ed and laid in conformity with the Or-
dinance in relation to Sidewalks, on
the South side of Union Avenue, be-
tween West Locust Street and Cox
Street, abutting Lots 1, 2 and 3, Sub.
8, Ellen Blake's Sub., owned by Jno.
H. Bradley, at the expense of abutting
property. Adopted by the following
Ayes—Ald. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones. Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Alderman Corrance offered the fol-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That a Sidewalk 4
feet wide, of good brick or cement, be,
within 20 days of this notice, construct-
ed and laid in conformity with the Or-
dinance in relation to Sidewalks, on the
South side of Inion Avenue, between
West Locust Street and Cox Street,
abutting Lot 2 of Sub. 2 of 8, Ellen
Blake's Sub., owned by Patrick Hughes
Est., at the expense of abutting prop-
erty. Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Ald. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Alderman Needham offered the fol-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That a Sidewalk 6
feet wide, of good brick or cement, be,
within 20 days of this notice, construct-
ed and laid in conformity with the Or-
dinance in relation to Sidewalks, on the
West side of Hill Street, between West
Eighth Street and Caledonia Street,
abutting Lot 1 of 39, Kelly's Sub., own-
ed by Geo. Salot, at the expense of
abbutting property. Adopted by the
following vote:
Ayes—Ald. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Ald. Needham offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That a Sidewalk 6
feet wide, of good brick or cement, be,
within 20 days of this notice, construct-
ed and laid in conformity with the or-
dinance in relation to sidewalks, on the
Vest side of Hill street. between West
Eighth street mind Caledonia street,
abutting lots 12, 11 and 14, G. W. Rodg-
er's Sub., owned by C. D. Scott, at the
expense of abutting property. Adopted
by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clamy. Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lvons, Nee•iIb min and Stumpf.
Ald. Needham offered the following:
Resolved by the city Council of the
City of Dubuque, That a Sidewalk 6
feet wide, of good brick or cement, be,
within 20 days of this notice, construct-
ed and laid in conformity with the or-
dinance in relation to sidewalks, on the
West side of Hill street. between \Vest
Eighth street and Caledonia street,
abutting lots 15 and 16, G. \V. Rodg-
er's Sub., owned by C. & A. McCarthy,
at the expense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Ald. Needham offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That a Sidewalk 6
feet wide, of good brick or cement, be,
within 20 days of this notice, construct-
ed and laid in conformity xt'ith the or-
dinance in relation to sidewalks, on the
West side of Hill street, between \Vest
Eighth street and Caledonia street,
abutting lots 17 and 18, G. W. Rodg-
er's Sub., owned by Bridget Finnegan,
at the expense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Ald. Frith offered the following:
Whereas, the Viaduct at present con-
structed on Peru Road over and across
the tracks of the Chicago Great West-
ern Railway Company, has by reason
of natural decay and old age become
unsafe for public travel;
Therefore, Be It Resolved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
That the City Recorder be and is
hereby directed to at once notify the
State Board of Railroad Commissioners
of the necessity of the reconstruction
Regular Session August 17, 1905.
of the Viaduct on Peru !' ::el leading
over and across the track ,if the Chi-
cago Great \VeQtern Railway Company,
and that said Railroad C vnmissleaers
be and are he:•ely .Iskr to examine
into the condition of said Viaduct to
determine tbc• nec•i•ssity such re;•on-
struc•tion fi on-
venience, at;d 111 •;,u1,11,, p
the Plans of such Viaduct a- ired
by the City Engineer.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the !.- so-
lution. ii d unanimously.
Ald. Fr:l}t
Be it Resolve !
the City of Iciiicpu e. Th a it
necessary and
Dillon street I'•, avenue
to the norther ii id Dil-
lon stir, t. and it is heu • l,y proposed to
gri -iib, _•iii• r .,.ul macad:unlze
said ,u•_, , i the cost of
such cu•Luu,e, _nttcring and macada-
mizing a_%iinst the abutting property.
Aid. Frith rrove;l to r•tept t'ke 1: vo-
lution. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Alderman Frith also offered the fol-
Be it resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the City
Engineer be and he is hereby directed
to prepare a plat showing generally the
location, nature and extent of the pro-
posed improvement on Dillon Street
from Grandview Avenue to the north-
ern terminus of said Dillon Street, and
the kind of material to be used, and
an estimate of tAV entire cost thereof,
and the amount and cost of such im-
provement, and the amount assessable
upon any railway or street railway,
the amount and cost thereof to be paid
by the city, if any, and the cost there-
of and amount assessable upon each
lot or parcel of land adjacent to or
abutting upon such improvement per
front foot, and to file such plat and
estimate in the office of the City Re-
corder; that after the filing of said
plat and estimate in his office, the City
Recorder shall publish in three con-
secutive issue of a newspaper pub-
lished in this city, a notice stating
that such plat and estimate are on
file, the location and nature of the im-
provement, kind of material to be used,
and an estimate of its cost and the
time before which objections thereto
can be filed, and the time fixed for
hearing, which time shall not be less
than five days after the last publica-
tion of such notice, and after such pub-
lication shall have been made, the City
Recorder shall, at the next regular ses-
sion of the City Council, notify the
Council thereof in writing with a print-
ed copy of such notice accompanying
the same.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the reso-
lution. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Clancy. Corrance, Frith,
Jones. Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Alderman Frith offered the follow-
Re it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That Pine
Street from the North curb line of
Twenty -Third Street to the South curb
line of Twenty -Sixth Street, be im-
proved by grading, curbing, guttering
and macadamizing the same in accord-
ance with the plat and specifications
for such improvement prepared by the
City Engineer and now on file in the
office of the City Recorder, and be it
further resolved that said improvement
shall be completed on or before the 1st
day of November, 1905, and shall be
paid for in the manner prescribed by
Chapter XXXII. of the Revised Ordi-
nances of the City of Dubuque for the
payment of the cost of street improve-
That proposals for doing such work
will be acted upon by the Council on
the 7th day of September, 1905, and the
City Recorder is hereby ordered to give
ten days notice by publication, asking
for propositions as provided by Ordi-
nance. Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Aid. Lyons moved that the Sidewalk
Inspector be instructed to fence up any
Sidewalk when in his judgment the
same is in bad condition. Carried.
Ald. Corrance moved to adjourn until
Sept. 7th, 1905. Carried.
City Recorder.
List of Warrants.
List of City Warrants.
CI! i:ecnnl,i { rdice,
Dubuque. Lt., Augua i.st. 1905.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: The following is a com-
plete list of all warrants issued by me
during the month of July. 1905:
C. H. Berg, salary. Mayor $116 70
H. Brinkman, salary, Treasurer 133 35
J. A. McKinlay, salary, Deputy
Treasurer 100 00
John Krayer, clerk. Treasurer's
office 60 00
Chas. F. Arendt, salary, Re-
corder 116 70
Wm. A. Kaen, salary, Deputy
Recorder 80 00
F. B. Hoffman, salary, Auditor116 70
C. B. Scherr, salary. Assessor 125 00
A. Doerr, Jr., salary, Assistant
Assessor 100 00
J. J. Murphy, salary, Assistant
Assessor 100 00
J. W. Kintzine-er, salary, Attor-
torney ...... .... 150 00
J. C. Longueville, salary, Assist-
ant Attorney 75 00
Miss E. B. Rupprecht, stenogra-
pher. Legal Department 20 00
Thos. Reilly. salary. Chief of Po-
lice .... 100 00
Jos. Reinfried, salary, Fire Chief 100 00
J. W. Lawlor, salary, Committee
Clerk .... 100 00
Jas. Boyce, salary. City Engineer 166 65
E. Anderson. salary, Assistant
Engineer 100 00
G. White, salary, Rodman 50 00
Jno. Ghat), salary. Superintendent
of Street Sprinkling 60 00
E. Herron, clerk in Auditor's and
Engineer's office 75 00
Wm. Hipman, salary, Electrician 83 35
F. P. Hayes, salary, Market -
master 50 00
P. Ryan. salary. Park Custodian 40 00
H. Schoenbeck, salary, Park Cus-
todian 40 00
T. Faherty, salary, Park Custo-
dian 10 00
Dr. B. F. Michel, salary, Health
Officer 50 00
F. Flynn. salary, Sanitary Pa-
trolman 60 00
C. Baumann, salary, Poundmas-
ter 40 00
Mrs. H. Koenig. salary, Janitress 20 00
G. N. Raymond, salary, Sidewalk
Inspector 50 00
P. Holsinger, salary, Wharfmas-
ter .. 20 00
M. Clancy, salary, Alderman 25 00
H. Corrance, salary, Alderman25 00
E. E. Frith, salary, Alderman25 00
R. Jones, salary. Alderman 25 00
M. E. Lyons, salary. Alderman25 00
Jos, Needham, salary, Alderman25 00
J. A. Stumpf, salary, Alderman25 00
M. Eitel, fireman 70 00
J Essman, fireman 75 00
A. Duccini, fireman
J. Flynn. fireman
J. Roshin. fireman
A. Heer, fireman
J. Tschudi, fireman
65 00
65 00
GO 00
60 00
60 00
J. Schoenberger, fireman 60 00
J. Daley, fireman 70 00
J. Barnes. fireman 75 00
T. Ryder, fireman 65 00
G. Beyer, fireman 65 00
W. Ducey, fireman 60 00
F. Murphy, fireman 60 00
W. McClain. fireman 60 00
M. Kelly. fireman 60 00
D Ahern, fireman 70 00
P. Zillig, fireman 60 00
T. Flynn, fireman 65 00
M. Sweeney, fireman 60 00
H. Cain, fireman 60 00
J. Benzer, fireman 60 00
J. McGloughlin, fireman 60 00
A. McDonnall, fireman 75 00
J. Murphy, fireman 50 CO
P. Fury, fireman 55 00
W. Ducey, Fireman .. 60 00
G. Gherki, fireman 65 00
F. Kennedy. fireman 60 CO
F. Baumgartner. fireman 60 00
J. Smith, fireman 60 00
C. Kannolt, fireman 65 00
J. Allen, fireman 60 00
M. Fahey, fireman 60 00
W. O'Connell, fireman 60 00
R. Weston, fireman 65 CO
F. Kenneally, fireman 60 00
E. McDermott, fireman 60 00
P. Ahern. fireman 24 75
J. Reynolds, fireman 26 70
W. Kannolt, fireman 50 00
G. Burkel, police 50 00
J. Carter, police 65 CO
J. Clune, police 50 00
Jno. Cody, police 50 00
W. Cook, police 60 00
W. Cordran, police 50 00
J. P. Cummings, police 50 CO
J. Fitzpatrick, police 50 00
Jas. Flynn. police 50 00
Jno. Fox, police 50 00
Wm. Frith. police 50 CO
T. Ganahl, police 51 65
L. Grassel, police 50 00
B. Gray, police 50 00
Pat Hanlon. police 50 CO
E. Kahn, police 50 00
M. Kilty. police 50 00
Jno. Litscher, rolice 50 CO
P. McCollins, Police 50 00
P. McInerney, police 50 00
M. O'Conner, police 62 00
Jno. Murphy, police 50 00
Jno. Raesli, police 67 20
Otto Rath, police 50 00
J. Rooney, police 50 00
Jas. Ryan, police 67 20
M. Ryan, police 51 65
P. Scharff, police 51 65
Al Scherr, police 62 00
F. Spielman, police 50 00
P. Sutton, police 50 00
Tom Sweeney, police 67 20
M. Stapleton, police 50 00
Jos. Stoltz, police 51 65
List of Warrants.
P. Sullivan. police
Jno. L. Sullivan. police
L. Zeidman, police
Mrs. Kate Hibbe, matron
Miss L. Brennan, matron
50 00
50 00
40 00
30 00
50 00
Labor on streets in the different
Road Districts during the last half
of June, 1905:
Alex Alderson, 3rd
Richard Burns, 1st
John Burns, 1st
Jos. Broulllette, 1st ..
J. Brachtenbach, 2nd
J. Brown, 1st, $11.70; 3rd, $5.85
Clarence Boyce
Paul Becker, 3rd
D. J. Brightbill, 3rd
W. Coughlan, 1st
Hugh Connell, 1st
R. Caffery. 1st
James Callaghan, 1st
John Corbett, 2nd
H. Cobb, 1st, $5.25; 2nd, $8.80;
3rd, $3.50
Thos. Donahue, 1st
Peter Dax, 1st, $5.25; 2nd, $8.80
3rd, $3.50
John Egan. 1st
John Ess, 2nd
Mike Farrell, 1st
Frank Frick, 2nd
Ed. Firzlaff, 1st, $7.00; 2nd, $9.00;
3rd, $4.00 ...
Harry Fleck, 1st, $26.65; 2nd,
$33.75; 3rd, $4.00
Nelson Frith, 1st, $17.50; 2nd,
$22.50; 3rd, $10.00
Pat Go•ue, 1st
Pat Gilloon, 1st
Jos. Gavin, 1st
Jos. Grab, 2nd
C. Gantenbein, 2nd
C. Gruenzig, 3rd ,
Barney Glass, 3rd
J. Hanson, 2nd
John Heil, 1st, $7.00;
3rd, $4.50
Peter Jacobs, 2nd.
August Jass, 2nd.
Nic Kettenhofen, 2nd.
Paul Krocheski. 2nd.
John Kinsella, 1st, $3.00: 3rd,
Jake Kraus, 1st. $5.25: 2nd, $3.80:
3rd, $3.50
John Lowery, 1st
Ii. Lembke, 2nd.
R. Love, 1st, $3.50;
3rd, $3.50
Martin Lonergan, 1st,
$8.80; 3rd, $3.50
John Mahoney, 1st.
George Moore, 1st
Ed. Malloy, 2nd. ................. .
A. Manderscheid, 2nd.
J. Martinek, 3rd.
John McNulty, 1st.
Pat McMullen, 1st.
W. McDermott, 1st
J. McCormack, Health
Chas. O'Neill, 1st
James Purcell, 1st. ..
James Powers, 1st.
2nd, $10.10;
End, $3.50;
$5.25: 2nd.
9 45
2 70
8 80
4 05
17 55
13 75
11 50
9 45
18 90
1 35
2 70
20 00
5 40
17 55
17 55
17 55
6 75
4 75
4 05
12 15
20 00
75 00
50 00
5 75
8 10
20 00
7 80
20 00
9 45
1 35
1 15
22 50
4 75
10 15
9 45
9 80
4 15
17 55
2 40
12 15
10 50
17 55
21 00
3 55
2 70
2 05
13 S`
1 35
5 10
17 55
5 40
9 SO
5 40
John Parker, 3rd. 12 50
\V. Quinlan, 1st 3 90
James Ryan, 1st. 3 40
Phil Reddin, 1st 6 10
Chas. Rei nfrank, End. 3 40
Jos. Rooney, 1st, $1.45: End, $1.85:
3rd, $1.60 4 90
Dan Sheehan, 1st 3 00
W. Sheridan, 1st. 9 60
Chris. Sholl, 2nd. 1 35
John Schroeder, 2nd. 8 10
Nic. Singel, End. 2 05
Frank Scherr, 2nd. 20 00
Louis Smith, 3rd. 9 45
R. Turner, 2nd 10 80
W. Welsh, 1st 8 25
Wm. Wearmouth 20 00
George Zumhoff, 2nd 6 00
W. Bradley, 1st 9 35
Frank Burns, 2nd 23 80
J. Berwanger, 2nd 9 80
F. G. Becker, 1st, $2.60; 2nd,
$12.90; 3rd, $20.65 36 15
Jos. Calvert, 1st, $10.30; 3rd, $19.45 29 75
A. Conrad, 2nd 29 75
Ben Cain, 3rd 13 60
Mike Hannan, 1st 26 35
J. Haudenshield, 2nd 7 65
Peter Horch, 2nd 5 95
F. Huffmire, 1st, $10.35; 2nd,
$17.20; 3rd, $6.90 34 45
J. Linehan, 1st, $40.35; 2nd, $4.90;
3rd, $1.95
J. Lonergan, 2nd, $30.20; 3rd, $5.50
John, Long, 2nd
J. J. McCollins, 1st, $46.95 2nd,
C. McElrath, 1st, $1.90; 2nd, $33.80
Jeff McGrath, 3rd
George Reynolds, 1st
E. Revening, 2nd ,
Ed. Seeley, 1st, $10.90; 2nd, $18.10;
3rd. $7.25
Jerry Sullivan, 1st, $3.05; 2nd
$16.85; 3rd, $25.60
James Tobin, 3rd
Labor on Bluff Street Extension
ing the last half of June, 1905:
Thos. Burke 17 40
Jas. BeakeY 23 80
J. Carter 39 90
Peter Carney 23 80
W. Hall 22 00
P. Kenneally 23 30
Frank 5leAlii-ter 23 80
W. O'Brien 25 00
Nick Sweeney 23 80
Ed. Whelan 23 80
W. Bradley 30 20
George Reynolds 14 05
Labor on Sewers for the last half of
June, 1905:
H. Cosgrove
J. Corcoran
T. Hagerty
F. Honecker
Con Sullivan
Pat Sage
L. Taylor
J. Tacke
Labor on Special Sewers during the
last half of June, 1905: 13 20
John Cahill
47 20
35 70
29 35
50 60
35 70
17 45
9 55
36 25
45 50
3 00
20 00
20 80
25 00
20 80
20 80
20 80
20 80
20 80
List of Warrants.
W. Cahill 3 60
John Corcoran 1 40
Pat Fenelon 4 80
James Hird 23 20
J. Jellison 23 00
J. Kinsella 21 SO
J. Knaus 2 45
W. Lillie 16 50
Ed. Malloy 5 60
John McLaughlin 22 40
James McLaughlin 3 60
Jos. Rooney 20 00
Edgar Rodgers 5 80
John Sloan 14 55
C. Sullivan 1 80
Yat Sage 1 40
Chris. Sholl 1 75
Landon Taylor 1 40
Dax Peter, macadam 20 05
Furey, Pat, Sr., macadam 69 20
Furey, Pat, Sr., macadam 69 20
McDermott, Wm., macadam 11 05
McCann, Pat, macadam 18 20
Reilly, Chas., macadam 43 75
Zingle, Adam, macadam 47 85
Kay City i;as ('n.. eras for various
departments....$ 71 60
Telegraph-Her.tld. coun-
cil proceedings for year 190491 00
Union Prt'g Co., blank stationery
for Recorder's of ce 5 50
Palmer, Berg & Co., blank hooks
and blank stationery for vari-
ous departments 96 00
Kelly's Book Store, stationery
and supplies for various de-
partments 42 00
J. J. Dunn, serving notices in case
of Schnee vs. City of Dubuque 3 60
Metz Mfg. Co., window screen,
City Hall 1 80
Klauer & Kress, hardware, City
Hall 2 20
G. W. Healey & Son, lawn mower
for Jackson park and hardware
for Road department 13 35
Homan & Roehl, repairing two
desks in Recorder's office 3 25
Jas. Beach & Son, soap at City
Hall 1 40
F. Fromm, repairing City Scales
at cor. Rhomberg and Windsor
avenues 4 00
Iowa Telephone Co., telephone
service for various depart-
ments 41 90
Dubuque Telephone Co., tele-
phone service for Mayor's resi-
dence and Engine House No. 5 6 00
P. Breithaupt, repairing water
fountain on Southern avenue 4 85
J. Monteith, repairing water
fountain at Grandview avenue
and Delhi street 10 10
Chas. Pape. repairing water foun-
tain at South Dodge and
Grandview avenue 2 75
Jacquinot & Mullen, repairing
water fountain at 14th and Elm
Jacquinot & Mullen, plumbing at
City Hall and Jackson' Park ..
Ellwanger Bros., repairing har-
ness for Road department ....
6 70
15 45
G. W. Healey & Son, hardware
for Road department 45
P. Lang, hardware for Road de-
partment........ .......... 40
Klauer & Kress, hardware for
Road department 1 40
Hussman & Lies, hardware for
Road department 55
W. Beutin, sand for Road depart-
ment 5 50
Pitts -Thompson Foundry Co., re-
pairing derrick for Road de-
partment 5 05
Dubuque Turbine & Roller Mill
Co., 11 feet of chain, Road de-
partment 2 80
F. Schioz & Son, repairs for Road
and Sewer depat tments 7 35
Jno. Butt, repairs for 1to;td and
Sewer departments 9 40
C. Baffler, fence pots delivered
on Southern avenue 11 40
Dubuque County, to painting
Cascade Bridge at Cascade
Crossing 15 15
Jno. Duggan, repairs for Road
and Mt. Carmel avenue depart-
ments 15 00
Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber for
Road department 20 80
F. A. Burns, coal for steam roller 43 17
P. Even. coal for steam roller 16 83
Smedley Steam Pump Co., re-
pairs for steam roller .. 6 20
J. P. Williams, sand for Road
department 5 10
Linehan & Molo, white waste for
steam roller 10 25
Linehan , & Molo, Manila rope,
Bluff Street Extension 415
Pur. Paving Brick Co., brick for
Road department 138 77
Diamond Jo Line steamers, 1 iron
sheave for Road department 45
Key City Gas Co., removing lamp
posts on various streets 3 00
J. Newnan & Son, repairs for
Sprinkling department 3 25
Jno. Butt, repairs for Sprinkling
department .... 7 65
Dub. Rubb. & B1t'g Co., hose and
expansion rings for Sprinkling
department 39 65
R. Kuntz, repairs on sprinkling
wagon No. 3 b 00
Dub. Wooden Ware & Lbr. Co,
lumber for Sidewalk depart-
ment 36 85
C. H. Jordan, lumber for Side-
walk department 36 60
Vollenweider & Hein, horse shoe-
ing, Fire department 8 OC
Jno. J. Powers, horse shoeing,
Fire department 20 50
Lagen & Sloan, horse shoeing,
Fire department 14 80
Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse
shoeing, Fire department 5 25
Collings & Pflffner, horse shoeing,
Fire department 10 75
Collings & Pfiffner, horse shoeing,
Police department 6 50
Gus. Lear. horse shoeing, Fire
and Road department 8 5C
J. Newman & Son, repairs for
List of Warrants.
Fire department .... 8 45
Jno. Butt, repairs for Fire de-
partment .... .... 4 OE
P. Lang, hardware for Fire de-
Mettel Bros., straw for Fire de-
partment .... 2 10
Pitts -Thompson Fdry Co., 1
grate, Fire department 1 00
T. F. Kane, hay, Fire department Si le
Gamewell Fire Alarm Telegraph
Co., 1 fire alarm gong and mag-
nets for Fire department Si 00
Am. La France Fire Engine Co,
grates and gong for Fire de-
partment 20 00
Ellwanger Bros., repairing har-
ness, Fire department .. 12 30
Key City Gas Co., coke, Fire de-
partment 13 40
Key City Gas Co., rent of gas
arcs, Fire department 1 00
Dub. Mattress Factory, mat-
tresses, Fire department 7 00
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary ser-
vices for Fire department 31 28
H. J. Hagerty, examining new
horses for Fire department 10 00
Trenk \Vire Works, wire netting
for Fire department 15 00
P. J. Seippel Lbr. Co., fence posts
for Fire department 3 20
A. Y. McDonald & Morrison Co,
washers, Fire department 3 00
Ott, Meuse'. & Co., lumber for
Fire department 9 05
Linehan & Molo, white waste for
Fire department 11 70
Eichhorn & Bechtel, bran for Fire
department .... 1 05
Klauer & Kress, hardware for
Fire department and Engineer's
department 1 20
Jas. Lee, repairing cement walk
at Central Engine house 5 00
Key City Roofing Co., repairing
roof at Fourth street engine
house .... 2 50
T. Connolly, repairing Chemical
Wagons at Nos. 4 and 5 engine
Farley-Loetscher Mfg. Co., 1 rack
for Storage Battery Cells
Jacquinot & Mullen, making cess-
pool at Engine House No. 6
Jacquinot & Mullen, estimate for
plumbing clone at new Engine
House No. 6
F. P. Hayes, board of prisoners
for June
Tower & Lyons Co., coat and
vest buttons for Police Dept6 67
Eichhorn & Bechtel, groceries
and supplies for Matron Dept
J. Huffmeier, 1 load of clay at
Patrol House
T. F. Kane, oats delivered at Pa-
trol House
Ellwanger Bros., repairing har-
ness for Patrol team
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary ser-
vices for Patrol team
Pitts -Thompson Foundry Co.,
sewer ring for Sewer Dept
2 21
10 55
21 35
17 00
200 00
1 80
1 75
1 50
23 25
4 80
4 14
5 50
Dubuque Water Works, iron pipe
for Caledonia Place sewer 4 65
M. Brown & Son, sewer pipe and
brick for Special Sewer Dept5 35
Key City Roofing Co., cement
and sewer pipe for Special Sew-
er Dept
Smedley Steam Pump Co.,' iron
grates and frames for Special
Sewer Dept 9 13
Globe -Journal, official printing
for June 49 69
Telegraph -Herald, official print-
ing for June .. 57 25
National Demokrat, official print-
ing for June 25 00
Smith -Morgan Printing Co,
weekly and monthly pamphlets
for June 16 09
Jno. Hartig, repairs for Engi-
neer's Dept.... 90
Union Electric Co., arc lights for
June 2067 35
T. E. Frith, removing garbage
and dead animals for June 363 48
Union Printing Co., Board of
Health reports for February,
March and April 15 00
Pitts -Thompson Foundry Co,
sewer rings and covers for Bee
Branch sewer 17 00
Key City Roofing Co., cement for
Bee Branch sewer 4 00
J. P. Williams, sand for Bee
Branch Sewer 2 55
Tibey Bros., second estimate for
Bee Branch sewer in Washing-
ton street 1795 83
O'Farrell & McNamara, first es-
timate for concrete sewer in
Bee Branch creek 482 63
Brown & Brown, final estimate
for storm water sewer in
Booth street .. 263 58
Street, Steuck & Linehan, first
estimate for santiary sewer in
Caledonia street from Hill
street to `Vest Eighth street... 519 59
H. Brinkman, excavation permits
redeemed $120 00
H. Brinkman, interest paid on
warrants outstanding 673 73
H. Brinkman. New York ex-
change 90
H. Brinkman, express charges35
H. Brinknrin, telegram—police75
H. Brinkman, freight charges—
fire 80
H. Brinkman, freight charges—
road 43 23
H. Brinkman, library orders paid 430 42
H. Brinkman. loan 9100 00
Labor on Streets in the different
Road Districts for the first half of
July, 1905:
R. Burns, 1st 9 70
Jos. Brouille tte, 1st 4 05
J. Brac•htenbac•h, 2nd 6 90
D. J. Brightbill, 3rd 15 20
Paul Becker, 3rd 10 50
Clarence Boyce 15 00
Jos. Brown, 2nd, $5.40; 3rd, $2.708 10
List of Warrants.
IV. Coughlin, -1st
Jas. Connolly, 1st
Jerry Cahill, 1st
R. Caffery, 1st
Jas. Callaghan. 1st
John Corbett, 2nd
Gib. Collinson, 3rd
H. Cobb, 1st, $4.85: 2nd. $8.19: 3rd,
M. Donegan, 1st
Thos. Donahue, 1st
Peter Dax, 1st, $22.86: 2nd, $4.75:
3rd, $1.90
John Egan, 1st
John Ess, 2nd
Dan Fox, 1st
Mike Farrell, 1st
Ed. Firzlaff. 1st. $7.00: 2nd, $9.00:
3rd, $4.00
Pat Gate, 1st
P. Gilloon, 1st
Jos. Gavin, 1,t
H. Gallo, 2nd
Jos. Grab. 2nd
Geo. Gnu, 2nd
C, Gantenhein, 2nd
Barney Glass. 3rd
Thos. Hackney. 1st
J. Heil, 1st. $7.90: 2nd, $10.10; 3rd,
$4.50 22 50
August, Jass, 2nd 170
John Kness, 2nd 1115
Paul Krocheski, 2nd 6 13
John Kinsella, 1st, $7.00; 3rd, $3.50 10 50
J. Kraus, 1st, $4.65; 2nd, $8.10;
3rd, $3.25 16 20
W. Lillie, 2nd 10 50
H. Lembke, 1st, $1.60; 2nd, $5.10;
3rd, $1.10; less 30c 7 50
R. Love, 1st, $6.00: 2nd, $6.00; 3rd,
$6.00 18 00
M. Lonergan, 1st, $4.85; 2nd, $8.10;
3rd, $1.25 16 20
Mike Meagher, 1st 1 35
John Mahoney, 1st 18 00
George Moore, 1st 610
Ed. Malloy, 2nd 8 10
A. Manderscheid, 2nd 8 10
W. McDermott, 1st 6 30
J. McNulty, 1st 10 80
W. McClain, 1st 2 70
Pat McPolancl, 3rd 2 70
J. McCormack, health 17 55
Chas. O'Neill, 1st, $1.35; 2nd, $5.40;
.3rd, $2.70 9 45
James Purcell. 1st 2 70
James Powers, 1st 2 05
Chas. Pierce, 2nd '4 05
John Parker, 3rd 10 50
W. Quinlan, 1st 9 45
Phil Reddin, 1st 3 40
Matt Raishek, 2nd 5 40
C. Reinfrank, 2nd 4 75
Jos. Rooney, 1st, $5.25; 3rd, $5.2510 50
Dan, Sheehan, 1st 17 00
Chris. Sholl, 2nd 7 80
John Sloan, 2nd 5 40
F. Scherr, 2nd 20 00
Louis Smith, 3rd 15 20
James Smith, 3rd 2 70
R. Turner. 2nd, ' 2 40
N. Wainpach, 2nd. 10 30
W. \Ver_rmouth, 3rd. 20 00
16 20
11 05
2 70
7 45
20 00
9 45
2 70
16 20
5 40
16 20
9 45
4 75
6 25
7 10
9 70
20 00
1 35
5 40
20 CO
8 10
13 65
2 70
20 00
10 15
4 05
John Welsh, 1st.
Walter Bradley. 1st.
Frank Burns, 2nd.
F'. G. Becker. 1st. $1.35; 2nd, $6.70;
3rd, $10.65
A. Conrad, 2nd.
Josh Calvert, 1st, $4.05: 3rd,
Mike Hannan, 1st.
J. Haudenschield, 2nd.
Peter Horch, 2nd.
John Huffn:ire, 1st, $10.35; 2nd,
$17.20: 3rd, $6.90 34 45
J. Linehan, 1st, $34.65: 2nd, $3.15;
3rd. $1.30 39 10
John Long, 2nd 34 45
J. Lonergan. 2nd. 18 30
J. J. McCollins, 1st, $16.50; 2nd,
$1.80 18 30
C. McElrath, 1st, 90c; 2nd, $14.40 15 30
E. Revering. 2nd. 3 85
Ed. Seeley. 1st, $10.90; 2nd, $18.10;
3rd, 87.25 37 30
Jerry Sullivan, 1st, $2.70: 2nd,
$11.00; 3rd, $14.80 28 50
James Tobin, 3rd 23 90
Labor on Bluff Street Extension for
the first half of July, 1905:
Jas Beakey
Thos. Burke
John Carter
Peter Carney
W. Hall
P. Kenneally
F. McAllister
W. O'Brien, foreman
Nic Sweeney
Ed. Whelan ..
George Reynolds
8 80
5 55
2 15
14 70
17 45
16 15
18 70
37 00
34 85
19 40
19 40
33 95
19 40
19 40
17 60
14 90
25 00
16 70
19 40
37 40
Labor on Sewers during the first half
of July, 1905:
H. Cosgrove ..... 20 00
J. Corcoran 19 20
T. Hagerty, foreman 25 00
F. Hohnecker 19 20
J. Jellison 12 80
Con Sullivan 19 20
Pat Sage 16 00
Landon Taylor 19 20
J. Tacke 19 20
C. H. Berg, professional services
rendered to Birdie Bauch by
Dr. F. W. Meyer for personal
damages sustained by falling on
a defective sidewalk 30 00
J. W. Kintzinger, cash advanced
in cases of Farrell, Sheridan
and Jess vs. City 10 55
J. Me_\leece, macadam 12 50
F. P. Scharle, final estimate on
nth \\'ard Engine House 1000 00'
Jai iuinot & Mullen, final esti-
mate, 5th Ward Engine House 90 75
T. T. Carkeek, balance due, super-
intending 5th Ward Engine
House 130 75
C. H. Berg, balance due, taking
care U. S. seaman at Detention
Hospital 5 00
I hereby certify that the foregoing is
a correct list of all warrants issued by
me during the month of July. 1905.
City Recorder.
Official Notices.
To All Who Are Named Below:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with an ordinance of the City
of Dubuque for repairing sidewalks
during the months of June and July,
1905, that a special assessment will be
levied for the expense thereof at the
regular meeting of the City Council up-
on all lots and parcels of land on said
improvement owned by you, being sub-
ject to such special assessment. And
you are notified to appear at said
meeting of the Council to be held on
the 7th day of September, A. D., 1905,
and show cause, if any you have, why
said assessment should not be levied:
Owner. Description. Total cost
June 1—Jno. Buettell Est., Nairn's
Add., lot 14 $ 35
June 1—Geo. Rieger, Brecht's
Sub., lot 4 60
June 1—Geo. Salot, McCraney's
1st Add., lot 51 35
June 1—Grandview Ave. M. E
church, Sub. 20, Reche's Sub,
lot 1 75
June 1—N. J. Loes, McCraney's
2nd Add., lot 14 80
June 1—Wm. M. Crabtree, S. L.
Langworthy's Sub., lot 11 1 95
June 2—J. H. Simplot, Mineral lot
June 2—Frank M. Ellis, Burden-
Lawther Add., lot 143
June 2—Leathers & Trewin, Bur-
den-Lawther Add., lot 82 65
June 2—Lawther & Rider, Bur-
den-Lawther Add., lot 47 1 05
June 3—R. M. Kunz, Glendale
Add., lot 60 10
June 3—Emily Conrad, Sub. 2 of
145, L. H. Langworthy's Add,
lot 1
June 3—Mary F. McGuire, Glen-
dale Add., lot 40
June 4—Minnie and M. A. Kern -
ler, Sub. 4, Ann O'Hare's Sub.,
lots 1-2
June 4—Flora Strinsky, Hodge's
Sub., lot 17
June 5—Rich. Waller Est., Chas
Klingenberg's 4th Sub., lot 1635
June 6—St. Joseph's Mercy Hos-
pital, Sub. Min. Lot 66, lot 26 60
June 6—Mrs. Sidney Saul, Saul's 45
• Sub., lot 1
June 6—Martin Sullivan Est•,
Saul's Sub., lot 4
June 8—Harriett C. Kiesel and
Wm. A. Coates, City N. 2-5 lot
June 8—C. Reifsteck, Reifsteck's
Sub., lot 1
June 8—Stephen and Cath
O'Rourke, Cox's Add., W. 1-2
lot 46
June 8—W. B. Yates Est., Cox's
Add., lot 9
June 8—H. S. Hetherington Est,
lot 42
June 12—Julia D. Rhomberg, Sub.
1 and 2 of Min. Lot 62 and pt.
Min, Lot 149, lot la
June 12—Ada L. Collier and L.
H. Langworthy, Trustees, Sub.
2 and 3, Mrs. L. H. Lang -
worthy's Add., lot 5
June 12—Henry Deville, Glendale
Add., lot 45
June 12—Mary A. Langworthy,
Langworthy Ave. Add., lots
June 12—P,. and Edw. Lang-
worthy Est., Glendale Add., lot
24 -
Ju 12—Mary A. Langworthy,
Mrs. L. H. Langworthy's Add.,
N. 160 ft. lot 8
June 13—M. D. Goux, Cook's Add,
S. 1-2 lot 61
June 14—J. \V. Schwind, O'Neill's
Sub. No, 3, lot 1)
June 14—Edw. Langworthy Est,
Pauline Langworthy's Sub., lot 6
June 14—Victoria Heil, Junk's
Add., lot 12
June 15—John Hier, Cain's Sub,
lot 5
June 15—P. S. Slocum, Cain's Sub„
lot 6
June 15—Sidonia Hosford, Cain's
Sub., lot 7
June 15—Sarah Gill, Porter's Add,
lot 7
June 15—Ellen O'Halleron, Fin-
ley's Add., lots 14-15
June 17—Salome Bechtel, Hooper's
Add., lots 22-23
June 17—Ellen Yall, South Ave.
Add., lots 5-6
June 17—Frank W. McKinney,
Dreibilbie's Add.. E. 1-2, lot 40
June 17—Thos. Kavanaugh Est.,
Sub. Min. Lot 22, lot 4
June 19—Jno. .T. \leLaughlin, Mob-
ley's Dubuque, lots 2-3
June 19—Core Sweeney, Union
Add., lot 44
June 23—E. A. Engler, Finley
Home Add., lot 11
June 23—G. M. Orvis, Finley Home
Add., lot 11
June 23—P. M. Harrington, Sub.
1 00
1 50
1 45
1 45
22-23, Kelly's Sub., lot 6 50
June 23—Ellen B. Rice, Union
Add., lot 146 50
June 23—Henry Kiene, Columbia
Sub., lots 1-2 65
June 26—W. H. Day, City, lot 40a1 25
July 3—Jackson St. M. E. Church,
Olinger's Sub., lot 1 40
July 3—P. H. Murray, St. Ra-
phael's Add., lots 1-2 60
July 3—Jane Mullen Est., City,
lot 607a 65
July 3—C. H. Eighmey, Trustee,
City, lots 569-570 3 65
July 6—German Presb. College,
Sub. City 675, lot 7 100
July 6—The St. Joseph Mercy Hos-
pital, Sub. Min Lot 66, lots 2.... 50
July 6—Mrs. Sidney Saul, Saul's 60
Sub., lot 1
July 6—Rich. Waller Est., Har -
per's Sub., N. 58 ft., lot 2 45
July 5—T. B. Cain, Hetherington's 1 20
Sub., lot 4
July 5—Ursula Blocklinger, Jno. 75
King's 1st Add., lot 1
July 7—Minnie and M. A. Kern -
ler, A. M(Daniel's Sub., N. 88
ft., E. 1-2. lot 783 60
July 7—catholic Univ. of Wash,
et al, A. McDaniel's Sub., lot 821 60
July 7—St. Paul's Lutheran
Church, Steiner's Add., lot 111 20
July 7—Emma White, Finley 35
Home Add., lot 16
July 8—Minnie & M. A. Kemler,
Sub. 4, Ann O'Hare's Sub., lots 60
Jury 10—Fred W. Wodrich, Bur-
den-Lawther Add.. lot 76 75
July 10—A. L. Collier and L. H
Langworthy, Trustees, East Du-
buque Add., lot 372 105
166 Official Notices.
July 11—Wm. Lawther, Burden-
Lawther Add., lots 38 to 42
July 11—Jos. Herod, Blake's Add,
lot 11
July 11—Thos. and Louisa Paisley,
Blake's Add., lot 1i
July 12—Pat. McCollins, McCol-
lin's Sub., lot 3
July 12—Mrs. B. Keogh, Sub. 32,
Wilson's Sub., lot 1
July 13—John Olinger, Boulevard
Add., lots 1 to 33
July 13—Emma Alden, A. McDan-
iel's Sub., lot 762
July 14—A. F. Heeb. Farley's Sub,
lot 31
July 17—R. and Edw. Langworthy
Est., Glendale Add., lots 247-270
July 17—Mt. St. Joseph's College,
Sub. Min. Lot 187, lot 2
July 17—Jas. Levi, Davis Farm
Add.. lot 238
July 18—Harriette P. Chamberlain,
Woodlawn Park, lot 52.........
July 18—John Trexler, Woodlawn
Park. lot 200
July 18—C. A. Voelker, Woodlawn
Park, lots 54-55 •
July 19—Chas. Heinz, Wick's Add,
lot 25
July 20—Jas. McGrath, Cox's Add,
lots 115-116
July 20—R. and Edw. Langworthy
1 55
3 00
1 35
1 45
2 90
Est., Glendale Add , lots 223 to
228 6 55
July 20 --Jos. Jeffrey Est., Finley,
Waples & Burton's Add., lot 1060
July 21—Frank Fosselman, Tivoli
Add., lot 28 75
July 20—Ellen Blake, Ellen
Blake's Sub., lot 7 55
July 22—Chas. Heinze, L. H
Langworthy's Add., lot 147 85
July 29—E. M. Kringle, Sub. 6 of
7 of Min. Lot 79, lots 1-2 50
July 24—Wm. Beyer, L. H. Lang -
worthy's Add., N. 92 ft. lot 15575
July 24—Mary Dempsey, Sub. Min
Lot 93b, lot 1 55
July 24—Edw. Langworthy Est,
Paulina Langworthy's Sub., lot 6 60
July 25—G. M. Staples Est., A.
McDaniels' Sub., W. 1-2 lot 7664 45
July 25—H. C. Kiesel and Wm. A
Coates, City N. 2-5 lot 436 1 55
July 25—Ellen J. Martin, City N
2-5 lot 349 75
July 26—T, E. and J. E. Fifield,
Union Add., lots 174-175 60
July 26—E. and H. Callahan, Sub
2 of Min. Lot 63 and E. pt. lot
69, Union Add., lots 1-2 40
July 26—J. and E. Tibey, Sub. 3
of Min. Lot 63. lot 1 1 20
July 27—Julia D. Rhomberg,
Guernsey & Langworthy's Add,
lot 8
July 27—John Marzen, E. Lang -
worthy's Add., lot 46 55
July 27—Mary and Ellen Ryan,
Hedley's Sub., lot 6 95
July 28—John Flynn, East Du-
buque Add., W. 15 ft. E. 1-2 lot
July 28—John Olinger, Boulevard
Add., lot 1
July 20—Dominick Nickels, Glen-
dale Add., lot 232
July 26—J. C. Fitzpatrick, Union
Add., lot 151
July 26—Richard Kemler, Sub. 1
of 16, Kelly's Sub., lots 1-2
July 26—Jac. Traut, Tschirgi &
Schwind's Sub., lots 14-15
1 10
1 45
July 17—Leathers & Trewin, Da-
vis Farm Add., S. 36 ft. lot 37350
July 26—Louis Julien, Union Add,
lot 117 45
July 28—Peter Lemmert, Voelker's
Add., lot 27 35
July 2S—R. and Edw. Langworthy
Est., Glendale Add., lot 247 60
July 29—Fred. W. Wodrich, Bur-
den-Lawther Add., lot 76 45
July 29—Key City Gas Co., Sub
City 552, lot 4 60
July 31—A. F. Heeb, Farley's Sub,
lot 31 50
July 31—Chas. Heinze, L. H
Langworthy's Add., lot 147 40
$63 50
City Recorder.
To Whom It May Concern:
You and each of you are hereby noti-
fied that it is the intention of the City
Council of the City of Dubuque to
improve Pine Street, from the North
curb line of Twenty-third Street to
the South curb line of Twenty-sixth
That a plat and specifications of said
proposed improvement is now on file
71 the office of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that said improvement will require
Curbing, 3,765 lineal feet.
Guttering, 1,688 square yards.
Macadamizing, 3,516 square yards.
Making a total estimated cost to the
abutting property owners of $3,590.14.
Any person having objection to said
improvement is hereby notified to ap-
pear before the City Council at its reg-
ular session to be held Aug. 17th, 1905,
or to isle with the City Recorder their
objections in writing on or before Aug.
17th, 1905.
Dated this 8th day of August, 1905.
5-8-3t City Recorder.
Slealed proposals will be received at
the office of the City Recorder until
7:30 o'clock P. M. Thursday, Sept. 7th,
1007,, for the Improvement of Pine
Street, from the north curb line of
Twenty-third Street to the south curb
lino of Twenty-sixth Street, in accord-
ance with plans and specifications now
on file in the office of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that it will require new curbstone set
376: lineal feet, guttering 1688 square
yards, macadamizing 3516 square yards,
cutting 3421 cubic yards, filling 3115
cubic yards.
The work to be completed on or be-
fore the 1st day of November, and shall
be paid for when said work is corn-
Official Notices.
plcted and accepted by the City Coun-
The proposals for doing the work will
be acted upon by the City Council the
7th day of September, 1905.
Fielders must state price per lineal
foot for new curbing set, and the price
per square yard for guttering and ma-
cadamizing, also price per cubic yard
for grading. Each bid must be accom-
panied by a certified check fo $50.00 on
sonic Dubuque bank as a guarantee
that a contract will be entered into if
The City Council reserves the right
to reject any and all bids.
Dated Dubuque, Aug. 25th, 1905.
Aug. 25-3t. City Recorder.
To Whom It May Concern:
You and each of you are hereby noti-
fied that it is the intention of the City
Council of the City of Dubuque. to Im-
prove Dillon Street from Grandview
Avenue to the northern terminus of
said Dillon Street.
That a plat and specifications of said
proposed improvement is now on file
in the office of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that said improvement will require
Curbing, 1283.5 lineal feet.
Guttering. 591.8 square yards.
Macadamizing, 1574.7 square yards.
Making a total estimated cost to the
abutting property owners of $1631.22.
Any person having objection to said
improvement is hereby notified to ap-
pear before the City Council at its reg-
ular session to be held Sept. 7th, 1905,
or to file with the City Recorder their
objections in writing on or before Sept.
7th, 1905.
Dated this 25th day of August, 1905.
City Recorder.
Aug. 25-3t.
To whom it may concern:
You are hereby notified that the City
of Dubuque will sell to the highest bid-
der the old scales, known as the First
Ward Scales, situated oa First Street,
between Main and Locust Streets.
Sealed bids will be recei\ d ,,t the
office of the City Recorder up to 7:30
o'clock p. m., Aug. 17th, 1905.
Dated at Dubuque, Aug. 8th. 1905.
8-8-5t. City Recorder.
Notice is hereby given, that there is
now on file in my office a plat asking
the vacation of the Easterly ten (10)
feet of Seminary Street abutting the
south 24 feet of Lot 4 of the subdivision
of Out Lot 675.
All persons having any objection to
said proposed vacation must file their
claim in my office on or before August
17th, 1905. JAMES H. BOYCE,
8 -4 -G -J -10t City Engineer.
Regular Session September 7, 1905.
Regular Session, Sept. 7, 1905.
Council met at 8:45 P. M.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Jones,
Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Absent—Aid. Corrance.
Ald. Frith moved that the Council
proceedings for the month of August be
approved as printed. Carried.
The following bills were ordered paid:
Clerk of the Diatrict Court, wit-
ness fees $
Clerk of the District Court, in
Catherine Sheridan case
Klauer & Kress, supplies for
Sewer Department
Farley-Loetscher Mfg. Co., shav-
ings Fire Department
H. J. Hagerty. Veterinary ser-
vice for the month of July and
August. Fire I ti'partnn'nt
Farley-Loetsehet \Ifg. ('ct., re-
galizing 1 sash, Fire Depart-
Key city this Co., maintenance
of 2 gas :urs for August, 1905,
Fire Department
Key I'ity this ('o,
Fire Department
Key City 17;15 co.,
Fire Department
Chas. Pape, plumbing at central
Engine llonse
Wunderlich & \\'i,'derholt, horse
shoeing, Fire Department ..,.
'Union Electric ('o., power for
fire alarm during month of
Lagen & Sloan, horse shoeing,
Fire Department
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Fire
Carr, Ryder & Adams Co., 1 cord
edgings Fire
Gus Lear, horse shoeing,
John J. Povv'crs• horse shoeing,
Fire Department
John Butt, repairs, Fire De-
& San, >••,;ip for Fite
7 50
Dep; tnn•IIt ...... ..I' ,., l load
Farley-I,eeisehel• Mtg.
shavings. l'ir'e Department
Jacquinnt & Mullen, plumbing,
Fire Department ................
..i .. for Fire
Chas. E. Berry, , 101 76
Department ...............
Tony Siege. curh stone delivered
to Fifth \\'(u'd Engine House, 12 24
J. J. Rowan, 3 doz. pillow cases, 4 50
Fire Department .....case of
G. B. Grosvenor Co., ]
6 75
toilet paper ...........
G. S. Weaver repairs at Ninth
coke for
gals. tar,
1 35
5 20
2 20
2 25
43 16
1 90
1 Oil
19 55
1 50
5 75
2 00
17 90
7 50
3 50
4 00
11 25
12 60
2 40
Street Engine House 24 3S
John Neuman & Son, repairs for
Fire Department 30 00
T. F. Kane, hay and oats for
Fire Department 125 64
Smith -Morgan Pet g. Co., pamph-
lets for August
National Democrat, official print-
ing month of Au_ust 25 00
Globe -Journal, official printing
month of August 51 56
Telegraph -Herald. official' print-
ing month of August
Jacquinot & Mullen, repairing
fountain in Jackson Park
Gus Lear, hors shoeing, Road
Key City Roofing Co., supplies
for Road Department
T. J. Mulgrew, sewer pipe for
Road Department
O'Farrell. McNamara & Kentey,
final estimate to grading alley
between Lincoln and Rhomberg
Avenues, from Middle Avenue
to Fengler Avenue
Fisher & Co.. coal for Fire and
Road Deilartntcnis
O'Farrell & \IcNitmara, first es-
timate grading on Ilee Branch 100 00
storm sewer
o•Earrell & \icNamala, first es -
(haute grading Grave Street391 00
Wm. McDermott. 12 yards ma -
10 20
T. ,1, \lulgrevc, 10 -inch sewer 6 68
pine. I:ead Department
Dubuque 'Telephone Co., rental 6 00
lir lelephnne'+
Standard (Iii ('o., gasoline for
Beall Doiulrtnn•nl
Pitts -Thompson Fdy• Ce.. 2 sewer
covers, Read DetartmentS 00
John Butt, repairs for Enid De- 5 85
part -lent
Chas. Gie=e, filing saws for Road 1 20
Geo. 1taeatz & Son, repairs for
Road Department 1 00
\{eElrath Teaming Co., sand for l 25
Roall I)op;lrtment •. 'R
Smedley Steam Pump 2 57
for Road Department ...... oad
G. F. Kleih, supplies for R
3 15
Dept ...............
F. Schloz K Son, repairs for 3 00
Road Dept .....................
G. Tlagatz & Son, repairs on 3 70
Sprinkling Wagons ............
.T. Newmann & San. repairs on
Sprinkling Wags
'MG Erns., trop; 13 40
Wagons .... • • •' .. ...S ,,inkling
John IPitt. repairs of I
wagons ...................... .
F. SH-doz & Sot. repairs on 2 50
Sprinkling Wagons ..ro.''''''
Dun. I;ebbet' & Belting 38 50
for sprinkling wagons
for Road
ono. I;nek, rel T
irs 9 00
Khmer & Kress, bread ltox for
Police Dept
16 75
56 88
3 40
2 00
4 70
9 50
20 25
62 61
4 55
170 Regular Session September 7, 1905.
Saunders Meat Co., meat for
Police Dept
J. J. Rowan, supplies for Po-
lice Dept
Dub. Cabinet Makers' Ass'n, re-
pairing Folding Bed 1 75
Iowa Dairy Co., milk for Police
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary service
for Police Dept 2 76
'Union Electric Co., •Arc Lights
for August 2067 35
Key ('ity (las Co., gas for vari-
ous Delia ii tnents 94 40
T. F. Kane, hay and oats for
Police Dept 30 72
E. J. Mulgr•ew, bread for four
months for Police Dept 5 80
Eichhorn & Bechtel, groceries
• for Matron Dept 2 65
G. F. Kleih, supplies for Sewer
Dept 4 95
Thus. Hagerty, horse hire for
month of August 10 00
Wm. Foster, inspector on Sani-
tary Sewer between Jackson
and Washington Streets, from
1 70
1 23
Sanford to 25th Street, for last
half of August 20 00
Klauer & Kress, supplies for
Road Dept 2 56
Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs for
Sewer Dept 1 50
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for
Sewer Dept 1 85
Eugene Dietzgen Co., supplies
for Engineer Dept 2 98
G. F. Kleih, supplies for En-
gineer Dept 1 60
Ott. MBeuser & Co., supplies for
Engineer Dept 1 25
Klauer & Kress, book holders15
Union Printing Co., health re-
ports for May and June 10 00
G. F. Kleih, one pail for Health
Dept 30
G. (lmehle, collecting hack
Taxes 39 20
Larry I raily, cleaning around
City Hall for June, July and
August 42 00
F. A. Miller, one carpet broom2 50
Joss. beach & Son, 2 boxes of
Northwest soap 6 05
Jacquinot & Mullen, plumbing at
City Hall 5 30
G. F. Kleih, supplies delievered
to City Hall 25
Street—Steuck & Linehan, 1st
estimate to constructing an
S -inch tile pipe Sanitary Sewer
in Couler Avenue from man-
hole in Sanford Street to 22nd
Amount due contractor $360 94
T. E. Frith, removing garbage
and dead animals during Aug. 378 46
F. P. Hayes, to Board of Prison-
ers for month of August 4 20
Tibey Bros., final estimate to
constructing part of Bee
Branch Sewer in Washington
Street, 378 lineal feet. Amount
due contractors 1060 29
O'Farrell, McNamara & Kenety,
final estimate to macadamizing
alley between Lincoln Avenue
and Rhomberg Avenue from
Middle Avenue to Fengler Ave-
nue. Amount due contractors 271 53
O'Farrell & McNamara, final
estimate to constructing a
concrete storm water sewer in
Millville Road, from the end
of present culvert in Lemon
Street. Amount due contractors 889 27
The following bills were referred:
Borden & Selleck Co., to one
15 -ton Howe wagon scale 248 16
Referred to committee on markets.
Guy G. White, to expense in-
curred as inspector of Mill-
ville Road sewer, 63 meals at
25c per meal 15 75
Referred to Committee of the Whole.
Frank Bentin, to one team, 4
hours 1 70
On motion, referred to Committee
on Streets.
PE'l'I'i•lt iNS AND ('t t\lM lC.A-
Petition of Joseph Fecke,•, asking
that the crossing on the alley on the
north side of Thirteenth Street, be-
tween Iowa and Clay Streets, be re-
newed, was on notion referred to
COM u-nitte e oft Streets.
Communication of the Chicago, Mil-
waukee & St. Paul H. R. Co. asking
for the extension of the Sanitary Sewer
in Kt.iest Street to their Property line
at the corner of (lartield Avenue and
Kniest Str -t, so that they may con-
nect their :imps with said Sanitary
Serf el'.
On n:,,tion of Ald. Frith the prayer
of said ,room. tion was granted.
Petition of the Mfg. Co. ask-
ing that their Taxes far the year 1904
he canceled, according to the action
taken by the Council at :t former date.
On motion was referred to the Board
Of Equalization.
Petition of Amhew Hoerner. asking
that Queen Street Extension, also the
Alley from (•liuton Street to Queen
Street Extension he graded.
On motion the Petition was referred
to the Committee on Streets.
Petition of the Iroquois Pearl Button
Co. asking that their Taxes on per-
sonal property he canceled for the year
On motion was referred to the Board
of Equalization.
Petition of the Dubuque Boat &
Boiler Works, asking that their Taxes
for the year 1904 be canceled, accord-
Regular Session September 1905.
ing to the Resolution passed by the
City Council ()et. 6th. 1904.
(ln motion of Ald. Clancy, the pray-
er of the Petition was granted, and the
Treasurer instructed to (•antel said
Taxes for the year 1904.
Petition of Mrs. ft sinal Ludwig ask-
ing that the Taxes against her, for
ninnies and credits lie canceled. as she
diel not have any such monies, was on
motion referred to the Board of Egtual-
Conmiunication of the Frate'•na1 or-
der of Eagles. thanking the ('ity Coun-
cil for the privilege of using Ioga awl
intcr,e'cting Streets during the week
of their Street Carnival, was on mo-
tion received and filed.
Claim of ('Lara McDonald. asking the
sum of $:=5•00 uS d,ltrag''s for falling on
the Sidewalk on the Southeast cornet'
of Julien Avenue :Ind Alpine Street. on
the evening of July 11th. 1907.
On motion said claim was referred to
the Committee on ('lahns and City At-
Petition of P. F. Ryder asking that
the Gutter nn Sixth Street, between
Main and Locust Street. be nut in a
passable condition, wa. m\ trntion re-
ferred to the Convmittee on Streets.
Communication from the City Coun-
cil of the City of Burlington, inviting
the Mayor. 'Members of the Connell
and all ('ity t-)ffic•ials of the City of
Dubuque to attend the Eighth Annual
Convention of the League of Iowa mu-
nicipalities. to take place September
13th and 14th. 1907. at i-:urlington.
Ald. Clancy moved that the inv'it,t-
ticl he accepted. and that all officials
who wish, should attend the same.
City Treasurer -Brinkman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen—Below you will find
Statement of amounts advanced by me
during the past month, for which please
order Warrants drawn in my favor.
Excavation Permits Redeemed.$ 65.00
Interest on Warrants out-
standing .... 1,202.S3
New York Exchange—Expense 4.40
Postal Cards—Expense 10.0000
Refunded Tax—Expense
Three Horses for Fire Depart-
Freight Charges—Fire .... ....
Library Orders Paid $ 570'49
I also refunded old Warrants, for
which please order inew Loan Warrants
Total a:roui:t of \\'ainnnts
I also received money borrow( d from
\•:n ions pa{rti's, please order I.t .0 \\'ar-
r"his dr iit their favor:
'fetaI ar_ott!:t ,if \\':u^•anis ..8117.550.00
'I'; eAstirer.
n taoti'':: ih• report \',• r, i ivied.
and W:n•t•ants i t(iso 1 drawn to pay
the w,c•ious auconms, and the report
referred link III I lit I'ommittri on Fi-
City Auditor ilofflr:ut reported as
To the Honorable
lie:•owith ti ,'I my report for the
month of Augt:. 1907, showing the re-
ceipts and ''!'ursen'..ents for the
Cash to,
Mayor and City
I : I :'. ' F: 1 I '' 1' S.
Bree•ipts freta
it?! - -ire ec ,.,,$11.965.45
\\":i rr:niI
('oupons rede•
Cash on hand . ••I't. L i., ,..T 9.842,71
The above cash Lal:::,... ,.,' lodes the
Inmprovement Bund i'• i :!. I,t:prove-
mont Bond Interest F❑ •1. ! Library
Fund balances.
Also report that there is due the
city t tf cors for the month of August,
1907, the sum of $2.6S3.17,
Also the following is ti record of all
Interest Coupons aaol Ponds redeemed
by the City Treasurer during the past
month and credited to him:
Regular Bond ('coupons $7,135.50
Improvement Bond Coupons.... 188.75
The following list shows the Appro-
priations and the amount of Warrants
drawn on each Fund since the begin-
ning of the fiscal year, beginning
March 1st, 1905, to September 1st, 1905:
Appropriation. Expended.
Expenses $40,000 $12,570.33
Road—First District16,000 9,352.47
Second District 20,300 10,969.20
Third District8.750 4,533.49
Fire 42,000 15,915.15
Police 28,000 10,821.23
Sewerage 5,000 2,333.70
Printing 2,500 662.63
Engineer 2,500 996.85
Street Lighting 25,200 10,336.75
Interest 41,500
Board of Health 4,500 1,819.15
Grading 2,000
Bee Branch—Millville 3,000 1,736.18
Bee Branch—Washing-
6.000 4,855.38
ington Street
Bee Branch—Fifteenth
17* Regular Session September 7, 1905.
and Sixteenth Sts1,400
Special Bonded Paving 2,000
Judgment 3,000
Special Bonded Debt
and Interest 4,000
Mount Carmel Avenue
Grading 1,000
Sidewalk Repairing1,000
Special Sewer Fund1,000
Bluff Street Extension
Wall 1,000
Fifth Ward Engine
House 4,000
Booth Street Sewer1,000
On motion the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay the
City Officers, and the report referred
back to the Committee on Finance.
Fire Chief Rcinfried reported as fol-
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council:
Gentlemen: --The following is the pay
roll of the Fire Department for the
month of August, 1905:
Amount du, Firemen $2,420.00
Respectfully submitted,
On motion the report vas received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
the Firemen, and the report referred
back to the Committee on Fire.
Chief of Police Reilly reported as
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council:
Gentlemen: -4 herewith submit the
Police report for the month of August,
Total arrests for the month 70
Residents arrested 25
Doors found open 15
Lodgers harbored 6
Defective lights 91
Meals furnished 21
Cost of food $ 4.20
Sheriff. dieting prisoners, July
and August $11.53
Board of prisoner. held for sheriff
of Kansas $ 2.20
Patrol rails .. 55
Milos frivoled led 96
pay roll for Policemen for the
month of August, 1905:
Amount duo Policemen $2.049.55
Respectfully submitted,
Chief of Police.
nu motion the report and pay roll
were received. and warrants ordered
drawn to pay policemen, and the re-
port r, tarred back to the Committee
or Police.
City Engineer Boyce reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my
pay roll for labor on streets in the dif-
ferent road districts during the last
half of August, 1905:
Amount due laborers on streets.$1718 25
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved by Committee on Streets.
Also submit my pay roll for labor on
sewers during the last half of August,
Amount due laborers on sewers..$198 60
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved by Committee on Sewers.
On motion the pay rolls on Streets
and Sewers were received, and war-
rants ordered drawn to pay the vari-
ous amounts and the pay rolls referred
back to the proper committees.
City Electrician Hipman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my
report of defective lights for the
month of August, 1905. I find from
the reports of the Police Department
that the total hours that 91 lamps
failed to burn would equal 2 1-3 lamps
for one month, or $12.60.
Respectfully submitted.
City Electrician.
On motion the report was received,
and the City Auditor instructed to de-
duct from the Union Electric Com-
pany's bill for the month of August
the sum of $12.60.
City Attorney Kintzinger reported as
To the City Council of the City of
Gentlemen:—I herewith enclose you
assignment of Sheriff's certificate of
the sale of Lot No. 33 in Union Addi-
tion to the City of Dubuque, Dubuque
County, Iowa, from Mary Faust to
the City of Dubuque, for which a war-
rant in the sum of ,$150.00 was drawn
in favor of Mary Faust at the last
meeting of the Council. A Sheriff's
deed to this property can be secured
by the presentation of this certificate
to the Sheriff at any time after the
24th day of June, 1900. I would re-
spectfully recommend that the City
Recorder be instructed to secure a
Sheriff's deed for this property at that
Respectfully submitted,
City Attorney.
On motion the report was received and
filed, and the Recorder instructed to
secure a Sheriff's deed as recom-
Regular Session September 7, 1905. 173
The City Attorney also reported as
To the City Council of the City of
Gentlemen:—I herewith return You
receipts in full of court costs and
judgment rendered against the City of
Dubuque in the case of Thomas Consi
dine vs. the Ci-ty for $879.73 judgment
and $94.55 costs, warrants for which
amounts, less 51 cents, were ordered
drawn at the last meeting of your
body. As the amount of the judg-
ment was 51 cents more than the war-
rant and was advanced by me, I would
respectfully ask that a warrant be
drawn in my favor for 51 cents.
Respectfully submitted.
City Attorney.
On motion the report was received
and filed, and a warrant ordered drawn
for 51 cents in favor of J. W.
The City Attorney also reported as
TO the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen—In compliance with your
request for an opinion as to the City's
authority to issue bonds for the corn-
pletion o1' the 1 ;cc I :ra tn•h Sewer, I
would respectfully- state that, in my
opinion, this Cannot be done as there
is no provisions of law authorizing the
City to do so ;,t thetine.
I would further state that I concur
in the opinion reudere,,l on this suh-
jec•t by the City Attorney- un May 7th.
1903. Council Proceedings 1:I, Page 120.
Respectfully submitted.
City Attorney.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, September
7th, 1905.
On motion the report was received
and placed on record.
The City Attorney o reported as
To the City Council of the City of
Gentlemen—I here\with submit re-
ceipts from the Clerk of the Supreme
Court for the Supreme Court costs ill
the eine of Considine vs. City. $22.9,
tiapretl;e Court costs in the ease of citi-
zens SUIe hank vs. Uolf•rl Noll :Thiry
Jess, C.tl..
awl tiuurente Court costs
else of Siierid;ut vs, City-, 82.75. war -
r rats for which amounts wt.:, drawn
in favor of the Clerk of the Supreme
Court at the last meeting of the Cuaii-
I:.•spec•tfttlly submitted,
J. \\". til\'I/.INl71?I:.
('Cly' Atlmrncy'.
the Publisher, of the Gene it : Inten-
tion to tram
C',r;ii ivi,•w .' . • t., i' „•ri:
'rern:inus „ .11 .,
No n_ai :is;,':.i• , t: _ II the
Mayor asked if ;u 1l,n fit had ally
objection to said ..rt, n„ ob-
jection being stated. tile ,. i. • no-
tion \vas received and tiled.
Dated al Dubu,lue. Iwa, this 7th day
of September. 1905.
((n motion the report was received
and tiled.
City Iteeorder .\1•endt „eAted
and tend the printed le,i1 . „ rutted
to by the i'nblistier, of the Coal, it's
Trtention to levy ;t Sp vial .A: r ua rat
for rcpairile Si !,•.\n!!: during, 1h,•
months of .lune• and July, i:')07,.
No ren'ot!str;,to'' It, mg tiled. 11;••
M yor aski'ii if ancone I i'''',•rat h it ;Iu
ohjerlirn to s;r.d Spce!;il .\ssessno•nt,
No obje(•tion being staled. the Notice
Olt nation wits received and tiled.
City Recorder Arendt presented and
read Ib,• ; riuled Notice. ,i'rt li,•,i to by
Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the
Resolved by the ('ity Council of the
City of Dubuque. That to pay for re-
pairing sidewalks during the months
of June and July, 1905, in front of and
adjoining the same, a special tax be
and is hereby levied on the several lots,
and parts of lots. and parcels
f real
estate hereinafter named, situate
owned, and for the several amounts
set nt,posite each lot or parcel of real
estate. :IS fnllnws:
twuer. iteseriptinn, Total Cost.
lune 1—J1111. Ituetlell Est., Nairn's$ 35
.Add., lot 14
June i—Geo. Rieger }trecht's Sub, 60
lot 4
June 1—Geo. Sabot, Mel'ranty's
1st Add., lot 51 35
June 1—Grandview Ave. M. E.
church, Sub. 20, Iteche's Sub.,
lot 175
June 1—N. J. Lases. Jl '('r;,ney's SO
211(1 Add., lot 11
June 1—Win. 11. ('rabtroe, S. M.
1 95
Langworthy -'s Sub., lot 11
June 2—j. H. Simplot, Mineral
Lot, lot 83 50
June 2—Frank M. Ellis, 13m•den- 40
Lawther Add., lot 143
June 2—Leathers & Trioii , Bur- 65
den-Law'ther Add., lot 52
Surae `2—Lat\vtherw•& Eider, Bur 1 05
den -Lather Add., lot 47
June 3—it. M. liunz, Glendale 40
Add., lot 60
June 3—Emily Conrad. Sub. 2 of
145, L. H. Lantgworthy's Add40
lot 1
June 2---5lltrI. F. \le(htire. Glen -
dale Add., lot 4n
Juno 4—Minnie and M. A. I:ender,
Sul). 4, Ann (Mare's Sub., lots
June I --Flora Strinsky, Hedge's
Sub.. lot 17
June 5 --Eich. Waller Est.. Chas
liling'enb,•re;•s 4th SIM.. lot 1635
J une 5 ---St. .1''selib•s \len•y Hos-
pital. Soh. Min. Lot rt;, lot 2ti 60
J une fi- \Ir Sidney Saul, Saul's
Sub.. lot I 41
June 6—\i;u'tin Sullivan Est,
Saul's Sub., lot 4 65
June 8—lI:u•riett C. Ki,-s,•I aid
A. (altIt-s, City N.
h r. 50
June ,-5—C, Roifsteck,
174 Regular Session September 7, 1905
SIM.. lot 1
June s -Stephen and 'atherine
14 4 ox's W. 1-2
Joii8--\V. IL Vales Est., Cuxs
Add., lot
S. Hetherington Est.,
c)‚Ns Add.. lot 42
June 12 ---Julia D. Rhomberg. Sub.
1 and 2 1 Alin. Lot 62 i1II )t
Alin. Lot 149, lot la
June 12--.1.1,1 1.. Collier and L. H.
Langworthy. Trustees. Sul.. 2
2.1 rs. 1. 11. l.ingwoilhYs
Add.. lot 5
June 12---Ilenry lhvlIIe. C41(ndale
Add.. lot 45
June 12-2.lary Langworthy,
Langworthy Av-. Add., lots
June 12-1l. and Langworthy
Es... Glendale lot 247
Juke 1' -Alary 1.ang‘vorthy,
Mrs. L. II. 1...u2worthy's
N. 160 ft. lot 1 00
J010. 12---M. GOI1X,
Add., S. 1-2 lot 61 95
June 14-1. \V. Schwind, 1)'Neill's
Sub. No. 2, lot 11) 4o
June 14-Edw. Langwort hy Est,
Pauline Langworthy's Sub., lot
June II -Victor Heil, Junk's
Add., lot 12 1 50
June 15 -John Hier, Cain's Sub,
lot 5 55
June 15-P. S. Sloeum, Cain's
Sub.. lot 6 1 45
June 15-Sidonia C0111'S
St11).. lot 7 95
June 17 -Sarah Gill, Porter's Add,
lot. 7 47
June 15 -Ellen 1)'llalleron, Fin-
ley's .Add_ lots 14-15
June 1 T--Salorne 11 chtel, Hooper's
Add.. lots 65
June 17 --Ellen Van, South Ave.
Add.. lots 5-,;
..1011)• 17 --Frank \V. McKinney,
Dreibilbie•s Add., E. 1-2 lot 4045
June 17-Tlo,s. KavamtuRt Est,
Sub, Alin. Lot 22, lot 4 40
J 11110 19--Jno. J. Mc LaughJih.
Alobley's Dubuque, lots 2-1 1 45
June 19-00%1 Sweeney, Cnion
.S.11., lot 44
June 22-E. A. Engler, Finley
11/..../. Add_ j,,1 11
Julie Al. Orvis, Finley
flume Add., lot 14
Juile 23--1 '. 2.1. Harrington, Sub
22 and 2:1. Icelly's Sub., lot 6
June tile4., Union
lot 14(1
June 2:1 -Fleury hiene, (:olurnbia
Sub., ba,.; 1-2
Jut'26--W, II. Day, City lot 40a
July 3--Jaebson St. '2.1. 12. Church,
(ginger's Suh., lot 1
July 3-P. H. Alurray, St. Ra-
phael's Add., lots 1-2
July 3-J114e Mullen Est., City, lot
July 3-C. H. Eighmey, Trustee,
City, lots 569-570
July 6 -German Presb. College,
Sub. City 675, lot 7
July 6 -The St. Joseph Mercy
Hospital, Sub. Min Lot 66, lot 2
July 6 -Mrs. Sidney Saul, Saul's
Sub., lot 1
July 6-Rieb-Waller Est., Har -
per's Sub., N. 85 ft, lot 2
1 25
3 65
1 00
July 7-T. B. (2ain. Hetherington's
Suh.. lot 4 1 20
July 5 -Ursula 111(.1:linger. Jno
Ning's 1st Add., lot 1 75
July 7---Alinuir 1)1111 AI. A. Rem-
MeDaniel's Sub., N. 88
ft.. E. 1-2, lot 782 60
July 7 --Catholic Univ. of \Vasil et
\ Sub.. lot 82160
July 7- -St . Paul's Lut heron
Church. Steil -let's Add.. lot 111 20
July 7- 241004 \\int.,. Finley
A/1/1.. lot 16 35
July Minnie and AT. A. Ket0-
-1, Atm ()'1 -Tares Sub,
lots Aft
10 -Fred \V. \Voodrich.
wther .1.1/1.. lot 76 75
July 10-.\. L. Collior and L. T -T.
Lanewoo liv, Trust OC.S, East Du -
101/11,0 Add.. lot 372 1 05
July 11 --Wm. TItirdPn-
LaWther Add.. lots 29 1” 1 55
July 11 --Jos. Herod. 111o1(e•s Add,
lot 11 50
July 11-Thns. and Louisa PniQloy,
pinkr.'c \dd.. 1.,4 1^ 45
1° -Pat. ?41)C11 -
tins' Suh.. lof 2 75
July WPogh, Sul). 32.
5)11).. lot 1 90
July 1?-.Tolm OlinFr.er, Boulevard
Add.. lots 1 to 23 71 00
July 13 -Emma ,\ Men, A. Alenan-
iPl's Sub.. lo+ 76? 40
Julv 11-A. F. Heel.). Farley's
S'ih. lot 31 6(4
:Tiny 17-11. and T(1(10-. Langwoethv
vsi.. Glendale Add,. lots 247 and
270 1 35
July 17-2.lt. St. Joseph's College,
Sub. Alin. Lot 197, lot 2 65
July 17 ---Jas. Levi, Davis Farm
Add., lot 75
July 1S---11:itri,tte P. Chamber-
lain, Woodlawn Park, lot 52 1 45
July ls-john Trexler, Woodlawn
Park. lot 200 45
July 18-C. A. Voelker, Woodlawn
I'ark, lots 54-55 2 90
July 19-Ch:ts. Heinz, Wiek'S
Add.. lot 25 85 -
July 20 --Jas. Alegrath, Cox's
Add.. lirts 115-1141 60
July 20---1:. 1111d Ed W i..:11114WOrthY
E51.. 1 ii4.11,11 le Add., 101 s 223 to
229 6 55
July :fir -Jos. .b.ffroy Est.. Finley,
Wables and Burton's Add., lot
to 60
July 21 -Frank Fosselman, Tivoli
Add.. lot 98 75
July 21 -Ellen Blake, Ellen
Blake's Sub., lot 7 55
July 22 -(!has, Heinze, L. H.
Lana.worthy's Add., lot 147 85
July 24-E. AT. Kringle, Sub. 6 of
7 of Min. Lot 79, lots 1-2 50
July 24-1Vrn, Beyer, L. H. Lang -
worthy's Add.. N. 92 ft., lot 155 75
July 24 --Mary Dempsey, Sub.
Min. Lot 93b, lot 1 55
July 24-Edw. Langworthy Est,
Paulina Langworthy's Sub.. lot
6 60
Julv 25-(1. M. Stables Est.. A.
AIrDaniel's Sub.. W. 1-2. lot 766 4 45
July 25-1-1. C. Kiesel and Wm. A.
Coates. City. N. 2-5. lot 436.... 1 55
Julv 25 -Ellen J. Martin, City, lot
349 75
July ?6-T. E. and J. E. Fifield,
Union Add.. lots 174-175 60
Regular Session
September 7, 1905.
July _; I:. and. H. Callahan, Sub.
2 of v1in, Lot (11 and E. pt. lot
69, t'nion Add.. lots 1 and 2 40
July 20—J. and E. 'They, Sub, 3
o1' Min. Lot 03, lot 1 1 20
July 27—Julia D. Rhonlherg.
Gu,-rnsey and Langworthy's
Add.. tot
July 27 --John \larzen, E. Lang -
worthy's .Arid., lot 40
July ' T—\l:n'y and Ellen Ryan,
Medley's Sub., lot 6
July John Flynn, East Du-
hu'Ino Add.. TV. 17 ft., E. 1-2.
lot 211 1 4
July 2s- -John Olinger. Boulevard
All.. lot 1 17
July 211 Dominick Nickel=, Glen -
(1:11,• .-A,lcl.. lot 232 40
July 26—J. C. Fitzpatrick, Union
Add.. lot 151 50
July 20-11ichard Kemler, Sub. 1
of 10. Kelly's Sub., lots 1-293
July 20—,Tac. Trout. Tsehirgi and
Schwind's Sub., lots 14-15 70
July 17—i.eathers & Trewin, Da-
vis 'Farm Add.. S. 36 ft.. lot 373
,Tnly 26—Louis Julien, Union Add
lot 117 45
July 29—Peter Senlmert, Voelker's
Add.. lot 35
July 2S--1:. and Edw. Langworthy
1•:...t.. I il..n'1110 Add., lot 247 60
July '9 -Fre.-1 \\". Woodrieb. Fur-
Ln-T.'"ihcr \00.. lot 70 4
July 29--T.ey City (11(5 Co.. Soh.
City 550. lot 4 60
July H—A. F. T-Tec•b, Farley's Sub.. 50
lot 31
July 31 --Chas, TTeinze. L. H. 40
fango: orthy's Add.. lot 147
1 1n
Total $63 50
Aid. Frith troy(i 1n adopt the Reso-
Carried ly th' following vote:
Yeas—. -\1,1s.
('!:;u, y. Frith. Tones,
Lcnl1 . N.•e'lhan- :,nd Stulnhf.
A hsen t—A 1'1. Como nee,
City Engineer l;oyee reported s fol-
T - the P-lonnrable :Mayor :old City
:--Tl-rewith please Lind 1(t-
yac'at ion and
Between .-Alpine
Street, north of
Thir .Notices were se1'\-
on the re=11•, . • P'•opert_; owners.
P.esl•• •!fully.
.1 \ \IES 1-T. DI\'C'1:,
City Engineer.
n'eye,1 that the Pint be
,1 the Ordinance ('nnunit-
-1 , to draft an Ordinance
.1 Alley. Carried.
Till. I'I:I
1 1 _.
The , II IN Engineer also reported as
Herewith attached please find profile
of proposed Grade of South Locust
Street from First Street to Dodge
Street. Rine line and figures T would
recommend for adoption. Red line
shows grade formerly contemplated, of
which there seems no record of its
adoption. The improvement made on
the East side of the Street conforms
to this lin,•.
Ib•speet till y.
,IA\ll•:S H. I:OycE,
Cit y I':nginc•,-1•.
u•,. :i V• I', 1'rc'd to
unuiiilte, 'nl rt!,"
h, following (lids fn: PrIrrOying
Pi!,- Street il•ont 'I'w't ty-tin''''t to
'I',,,-nty-sixth Str' i t w(•r'• or t' '' ''p-
v,n I;rnau, hid in 1e
I f!': -I n•ll. \l,-:" ttrar❑ < K'ru'•t
hhl in t„t:.l 1.117.00
.I e, Noonan. 10.1 in tei ,1 1.4912.. 11
.I... 'tr',•t, hid iii total ,.190tr..
Les Ih,I=.. hi,l in total I.'•.n;.n',
F.n r' -Il. .11' X:nnarn .A E'-n'•ty h,
ii,Y: the Iew':,i hi,l,ler:<, :i,- oil ii -'tion
d the l'ontr.tet. :nl'1 their It.eid
'I ::t $1,0(0.00.
l:'I'S IUB STA NDING I'i1\I\11'I'-
\ I ;. 1.y..as. t'h;. it s -a of the (trlli-
n: l-r'•-'-utod :ind rend
•it Ordinance for the vacation of fluff
Si reel front the Sont11 Tine of Railroad
.AV'..•Ont' to the "ouch Ltne of the Du-
hnrl•te Ii lrl.nr ('o's. .Addition, :tlso the
A'I: c a Hnff : tilt S:tlin:t St r -• Is
f11111 iii •'11)111 TO e'- of IIs lb•oa,I Av'•-
nue to tiW South of the Dubuque
'-T:n•hnr ('o•nit:lny's _Addition.
Ald. I.yous nloyr(l that the t'ertlling
jest had he considereri its first reading.
C':u till.
\til. I.yons also nnwcd ttcll no. lie-
,•or41(,. lr ieslrnet'•d to _tv - 10 ,lays'
mile'- ley hnhlientinn n1' the passage
i i Ibis (+r,lin:ne e :'t the o' xt regular
toeeling of the ('nu' il, cried.
Till, Frith. ('h:1. I Ill• Cm -until -
tee on Streets. I follows:
Ald. Frith ntm'ed nrlsition
submitted by TI r. S it relation
to the change in the • of the 1 -tee
Ttrmtc•h sewer bet \\.•• •• l ilt'''nth and
Siz:tc•entlt Streets h'• • .,..nd that.
tr^ City Ern-in;•er I'•• i , to pre-
nit'e' plans and ,Iiow-- for the.
ennclruction of s`iid. '•r ninny
n••onc.se'l new ennrse :acid file lb'• same
ll the office Or the ('icy Reeorrl,'•. velli
will Ihe,•enpml a(lyc•rtise for bids 1'm'
the "L'r
01111 ut' said Fely-'"• lir ae-
plans and sl,eeilie:t-
Also, y,11- Committee on Streets, to
whorl a- - referred the hill el' tho' Dn-
huclue Ariifi' I- l Slone co. for :715.10
for laying cene-I0 s:r-'v:l'k en West
Eleventh Street, woui l respectfully
recommend th:.t sni'; hill b,- :mllnwe'1
and tint :I warrant he I',',Iia•e,l drown
on the City 'Treasurer in settlement
Also, your ('ltounittee on Streets
would reQpe(•ifi'lly r'-lorl that we have
examined the ,,Ih > ( t ..' i. I:ho"Iherg
and Lincoln Avenue: from `,11,1'11e In
a a
# ^
176 Regular Session September 7, 1905.
Fengler Avenues, ct•Farrell & Slc\a-
morn, contractors, and Would reemn-
tticir,l that said alley he accepted and
t hr. t the City Enginrer he instructed
pnepare :t special assessment agrdt)
the lots or parcels of land subject to
assessment for such unprovement, and
file the same in the office of the City
Recorder, who will thereupon publish
notice of sai•I :,s:•e.stnent us required
by o•din:tnc e.
Also. yo ut• t'nmmittee on Streets
Would res•p-'etfully report that the have
examined the 1:e,• Branch storm Water
sewer In Washington Street from a
pont about 191 feet north of the north
c'rub of S,, 1 i,rd Street to 0 point about
40 feet south of the south curb line of
Twenty-second street, Tihey Bros.. con-
tractors. 111(1 also the Bee Branch
storm water setter in Millville Road
from end of the culvert in Lemon
Street to a paint about 166 feet west
thereof. O'Farrell & McNamara. con-
tractors, and Would recommend that
said setters be accepted and that war-
rants be ordered drawn on the City
Treasurer, in accordance with the esti-
mates of the City Engineer, to pay for
said sewers.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the var-
io,.ts reports of the Committee on
Streets. Carried.
Ald. Stumpf, Chairman of the Com-
mittee on Markets, moved that the
matter of putting in the new Scales
nil First Street be referred to the
1'0mmittee on Markets with power.
Ald. Lyons, Chairman of the Com-
mittee on Sewers, reported as follows:
Your Committee on Sewers would re-
spectfully report that we have exam-
ined the sanitary sewer in Cottle!. Ave-
nue from Sanford Street to Twenty-
second Street. Street. Steuck & Line-
han, c•ol:tracto's, and would recom-
mend that said sewer he accepted and
that th,• Pity Engineer be instructed
to prepare a special assessment against
the lots or parcels of load subject to
assessment for such imirove'nent, and
tile the same in the office of the City
Recorder, tvho will thereupon publish
notice of said assessment as required
by ordinance.
Ala. Lynn n'oved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. ,Totes. Chairman of the Board
of Equalization, reported as follows:
'Vont. Board of Ecittali•e.atton, to whom
was referred the petition of the First
11111 'ers ilist Sneiety cif Dubuque. stat-
ing that it .s the owner of City lot \n.
6:18, and That s:tid 101 tuns purchased
with the intention of erecting a church
th...n on and is not beteg held for the
pu,'pose of deriving revenue there-
frrnr, and n-ldng therefore that t1 e
trues assessed against said lot for the
years 1902. 1901 and 1904 be canceled,
tvotld rc comn:cual that the prayer of
the petitioner be gr:utted and that the
Treasurer i:e instructed accordingly.
Also, your Board of 1':,tualization, to
whoa) wits referred the petition of
Jennie L. Scott, asking that the taxes
assessed against her fop moneys and
credits for the years 1"00 to 1901, both
inclusive, be canceled. would recom-
mend that on account of double assess-
ment. the taxes on moneys and credits
for the years 1902, 190:1 and 1901 he can-
celed and that the City Treasurer be
instructed accordingly.
Also. your Board of Equalization. to
tthont was referred the petition of
Timothy Dillon, asking that the bal-
um 0 of the special rtssess:r.ent levied
against ,iil:er:'l lot 12 and lot 2 of Len-
hein:'s Add. for the improvement of
Grondtic•tt :n•cnue hr canceled. wou'-1
recom .end that said petition be :'ec•e,v-
ed and fled.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the v:m•
ions reports of the board. (':u'ried.
Ald. Clancy. chairman of the Com-
mittee of the Whole, reported as fol-
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of
Martin Heer, owner of lot 27 in Reche's
Sub., asking that he be allowed $250.00
for damages occasioned to said lot by
reason of the change of grade on Grace
Street, would respectfully report that
inasmuch as no change of grade has
been made, there could have been no
damages accrue to said lot from this
source, and we would therefore recom-
mend that said petition be received
and filed.
Also your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
Mrs. Margaret Carpender, in relation
to the special assessment levied against
Lot 180, Union Addition, for the im-
provement of Rush Street, would rec-
ommend that the City Treasurer be
instructed, upon receipt of the sum of
$26.60, to cancel all taxes, both regular
and special. levied against said lot,
provided the sante he pais] without
Also your Committee of the Whole.
to whom was referred the petition of
the Central Trades and Labor Con-
gress, asking that the City Council
make an appropriation to help defray
the expense of the Labor Day cele-
bration, would recommend that an ap-
propriation of $100.00 be made for this
purpose and that a warrant in said
amount he ordered drawn on the City
Treasurer in favor of the committee
of said congress in charge of said cele-
Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the var-
ious reports. Carried.
Regular Session, September 7, 1905
Alderman Frith offered the follow-
Ile it Resolved by the city c0un0i1
of 110• City of Iluhu,pte. That Dillon
Street, from llrnndview A •nuc 10 the
1101'1 iler11 L1'1'111111 11:: (If said Million
Street, be improved by evading, hurh-
ing, glittering, and 111;u adan1izirg the
sa1r.e in accorda11ce with Ili• I,1;iI 1111,1
specifications for such kkapruv'entent
prepared by- the City Engineer and pots
on file in the office of the City ite-
corrler, and he it further r, solved that
said improvement shall be completed
on or before the 1st clay of December,
1905, and shall he paid Io1 in the man-
ner lues; ri1•d by Chapter X .N1T. of
the Re'.ise,l (1r(1itrutces of the City of
Dubuque for the payment of the cost
of street improvements.
That proposals for doing such work
will be acted upon by the Council on
the 21st clay ..f September, 1965, and
the City IRB order is hereby ordered to
give ten days' not lee by publication,
asking for prolp, sit inns its provided by
Alkl. Frith moved to adopt the reso-
lution. Carri, d by the foil wing vote:
Sens—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Jones,
Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Absent—Aid. Corrance.
Alderman Frith offered the follow-
Be it Resolved by the city Council of
the City of Dubuque. That it is deem-
ed necessary and advisable to extend
the alley between .1.tehsoik and Wash-
ington Streets northerly through Lot
10 of Mineral Lot :122 to Twenty-sixth
Street, and be it further resolved that
the City Engineer he and he is hereby
directed to make a survey :111119}1 atinf
such proposed improvement.
the land or lots through or over which
the same is proposed to be made, the
names of the owners thereof, and the
quantity of land proposed to be taken,
and file such plat in his office forpub-
lie inspection: that after such plat
so prepared and filed, said City
neer shall give the owner's of the prop-
erty, through or over which such im-
provement is proposed to be made. no-
tice as prescribed in Section 2 of
Chapter XXXi. of the Ordinances of
the City of Dubuque.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the reso-
lution. Carried.
Alderman Frith offered the follow-
Be it Resolved by the Cit the City
of the City of Dubuque, That
Engineer be and he is hereby instruct-
ed to prepare plans :incl specifications
for a twenty-four inch tile pipe
water sewer in Twenty-second Street,
from Jackson Street to the Bee Branch
Sewer in Washingt n StStrees inld t o filfife
said plat and sp
the 111 the City Iteeonler, w110 will
therention advert is, for bids for the
construction of said sewor. ill accord-
;nlce with said plans and specifications.
Aid. Frith moved to refer the above
resolution to the Committee of the
\\"hole. Cat vied.
Alderman Stunllit off. I •(l the follow-
It' it Its s,,lv.•d Ly Un' City I'outwil
the city of Dulanine. That it is
1111(11 u••cess;u•y and advisable to in; -
prow.. S,•ventcenth Street from the cast
lot line of flay Street to the west
curb line of Street, and it is
hereby proposed to grade, curb wh0r-
ev01• necessary inti] pave s;tid street
with brick on a C0111'ret0 foundation
and to assess the cost of such curbing
ant brick -paving against the abutting
'krone:a y.
Ald. Stumpf moved to adopt the res-
Cal by the following vote:
Ycas Aids. Clancy. frith. Jones,
Lyons, Neccih:nn and Stumpf.
\hs••nl \ld. Corr:Ince.
Alderman Stumpf' also offerer] the
III. it Itesolw, II by the I'i1y ('0u11cii
of i1), City of ihthu,tue, '(hitt the oily
Engineer li and he is Ilerehy ,11(1 11(1
to prepare n plat shotring generally
the locution, nature and eXlenl of the
profused impl'm-oI11,111 nn 1 V,•nt01•uth
Sireel f1'0111 the east Int 1111e or 1111;'
SI reel 111 the 'rest 1111) 11110 of aaelaoll
Street. ,ind the kind of material to he
used ;old an estimate of the entire
cost thereof, and the :inluunl ;inti cost
of such improvement. and the amount
assessable 1111011 any railway or street
railway. the amount of cost thereof
to be laid by the city, if any, and the
cost thereof and 01111)1111 I. assessable
1111011 each lot or parcel of land ad-
jacent to or abutting upon such im-
provr•nletlt per front foot, and to file
such plat ;Ind estimate in the office
of the city Recorder: that after the
filing of such plat and estimate in his
office, the city Recorder shall publish
ill three consecutive issues of a news-
]1apo1' published in the eft:1 a notice
stilling th;1t surli plat and 1 1111111te :ire
1111 tile. the I111;Itdo1 and nalure of the
i1I I I cmr•nt, kind of material to la,
used. ;and :kik estimate of its cost, and
the tine IIfore'wl11th objections there-
to can he tiled. ;Ind the time fixed for
hearing. which time shill nut lie less
than five Il ys after the hist publica-
tion of such notice, and after such
publication shall have been made, the
City Recorder shall, at the next regular
session of the Pity I"Olmcil, notify Ill.
council thereof in writing with a l rins-
ed copy of such notice accompanying
the sante.
Aid. Stumpf moved to adopt the
resolution. ('arried.
17 Regular Session September 7, 1905.
Al 11•rnl:ut Lyons offered the follow-
ing: •
Lr it Resolved by the City Council
of the city of Dubuque, That it is
de 1111il necessary and advisable to
eonst rnct a sanitary sewer in West
Locust SI r, 1 t. Union Avenue and Alta
Vista. St reel, :111,1 it is hereby proposed
to construct a sanitary sewer in said
\Vest Ta,,- 1 si Sin et, inion Avenue
and Alla Vista Street as follows, to -
wit: An eight inch tile pipe sewer
from pi, sent manhole in West Locust
Street at iolcrscction of Union Ave-
nue IV. -i tly in Inion Avenue to Alta
Vista Street, thence southerly in Alta
Vista street to the center of Edina
St•e11. :1IId 111 he cost of said
sewer against the abutting property.
Ald. Lyons moved to adopt the reso-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas Aldi. Clancy. Frith, Jones,
Lyons. Neetlilam and Stumpf.
.Absent --.\iii, Corrance.
Al,l. i.yol,s :tlsc off -real the f1'llc•ve
Ile it r:-'sol\ed by the '-'ity Council o1'
the city of Itlbll,!nc, That the City
Engineer he iie l he is itr•reby in?t•uct-
et! In 1lrelcnr a !,lilt and sot' Ifl,'atinl•
for :In I'iaht-inch til,• pipe sewer in
\West I.ecast Street ,-auu manhole at
fairs'.tum of l'oiou Avenue: thence
westerly in I"liiou AVe lite to Alta Vista
Street: thence south+"..1: in Alta Vista
Street to the 1,•1111'1 ' Edina Street.
showing the Ie, noel: 111 general na-
tme of such iulpt (I•,cc111, the extent
thereof, I1(•• size ::1111 hind of material
to he used. :111;1 to pr,aa ,re an estimate
of the cost thereof a li 1 1 he Amount as-
sessallle upon each lot of parcel of land
adjacent to or abutliais thereon per
front foot or square foot in area, and
to file such plat, specifications :u:d es-
timate in the office of . the City Re-
That after such plt:t is so filed the
City Recorder shall caase to he pub-
lished nolice of the intention of the
Council to 11:11(1 such improvement,
which notice shall he published in three
consecutive issues of the official news-
paper of the City of Dubuque, stating
that such plat is on file and generally
the nature of the sewer, its location,
size and kinds of material to be used,
and the estimate of Us cost, and fixing
the time before which objections can
be filed, which time shall not be less
than five days :after the last publica-
tion of said notice, and after the com-
pletion of the publication of such no-
tice, he shall at its next session, notify
the Council thereof in writing, with a
printed copy of such notice accompany-
ing the same.
Aid. Lyons moved to adopt the Reso-
lution. Carried,
Ald. Lyons also offered the follow-
lie it Resolved by the City Council
of the Pity of Dubuque. That it is
deemed neeessal'y and advisable to
const•uct a sanitary sewer in Icniest
Street. :111(1 it Is hereby proposed to
eollstraet .. sanitary sew, r ill ."Ii11
littlest "t1'eel :Is t1111„ws, In -\Pili ,1 ;1
eight -inch the sewer front present
manhole ol,pnsite nit' y bravveea Ithcm-
herg :uaI 4larli111! :\c1 nnes to the cen-
ter ul' (illI l 1111 :\ci nn, :11111 to assess
t1(•• cost of s:ai11 sewer Against the abut -
Oats tlti(i'' ty.
A111. Lyons moved to adopt the lteso-
llttion• t'ar'ried by the following vote:
Yeas --:\Itis, c'l:rin•y, Frith, Jones,
Lyons, Needham :Hill Stumpf.
.\hs,•:!1—Aid. S'orrarice.
Ald. i.yons :Ilse off•rred t1(• i-,111 it -
Be A resolved by the City Coun;•il
the City of Duloq i . That the City
Engineer be and he is 1r,rei,y instruct-
ed to prep:n'o a plat nil spl,cification
for on :fight -inch tile pipe sewer ill
I: Most Street t•om present man-
hole opposite alley- between ithom-
berg and (lin-field Avenues to
the center of Garfield Avenue,
showing the location and general na-
ture of such improvement. the extent
thereof. the sis.1• kind of material
to he us -d, :In(I to prepare an estimate
nl' t}:,• cost thereof :and the amount as-
sessable upon each lot or parcel of land
adjacent to or abutting thereon per
front foot or square foot in area, and
to tilt such plat, specifications and es-
timate in the office of the City Re -
cot der.
'l'hat after such plat is so filed the
City Recorder s1(>111 cause to be pub-
lished notice of the intention of the
Council to make such improvement,
which notice shall lie published in three
`•onseentiv1• issues of the official news-
paper of the city of Dubuque, stating
that such plat is on file and generally
the nature of the sewer, its location,
size and kinds of material to he used,
and the estimate of its cost, and fixing
the time before which objections can
be filed, which time shall not be less
than five days after the last publica-
tion of Si;id notice. and after the com-
pletion of the publication of such no-
tice. he shall at its next session, notify
the Council thereof in writing, with a
printed copy of such notice accompany-
ing the same.
Ald. Lyons moved to adopt the Reso-
lution. Carried.
Ald. Lyons also offered the follow-
Whereas, the grantor of Hattie A.
Snyder, owner of Lot 2, Langworthy
Avenue Subdivision In the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, heretofore in the year
1899 constructed a private 8 -inch tile
pipe sanitary sewer in Hill Street, from
Lot 2 Langworthy Avenue Subdivision
to the City sewer at the intersection
Regular Session September 7, 1905.
of Langworthy Avenue and Hill
Street. at the expense of the owner of
said Lot 2;
And, whereas, the City of Dubuque
on or about January 22nd, 1903, levied
a special assessment in the sum of
$32,38 against Lot 2 Langworthy Ave-
nue Subdivision to the City of Du-
buque, Iowa. for the construction of a
sanitary sewer in Langworthy Ave-
nue in said City:
:And, 1111-l,•as, said sewer on Lang-
worthy _Avenue ,Hes not abut on or
adjoin Lot 2 Langworthy Avenue Sub-
division to the City of Dubuque, Iowa:
And, whereas. the City of Dubuque
and Mattic A. Snyd,n•, present owner
of Lot 2, L;utgworihy" Avenue Sub-
division to the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
have entered into an agreement by
which the assessment against said Lot
2 is to be canceled in consideration of
the t':infer of the private sewer con-
structed by her grantor in dill Street
from said Lot 2 to the setter at the
intersection of Langworthy Avenue
and 11111 Street:
Now, Therefore. Be is Resolved by the
City Council of the City of Dubuque,
That the special assessment of $32.38
and interest thereon leviedg L nstisiot
2 of Langworthy Avenue
to the City of Dubuque, Iowa, he can-
caled upon the filing of the proper in-
strument with the City Treasurer by
said Hattie A. Snyder, conveying and
transferring to the City of Dubuque
the 8 -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer now
constructed in hill Street and extend-
ing from Lot 2 of Langworthy Ave-
nue Subdivision in Hill Street of said
City to the sanitarysewer
and the
at n
tersection of Hill Street
worthy Avenue:
Be it Further Resolved: That the
City Treasurer be and hereby is au-
thorized to cancel said assessment up-
on the filing in his office of said in-
Ald. Lyons moved to adopt the reso-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Frith,
Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Absent—Ali. Corrance,
Alderman Clancy offered the follow-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12
feet wide, of good brick or cement.
be, within twenty days of this notice,
constructed and laid in conformity
with the ordinance in relation to side-
walks, on the south side of Jonesree
Street, between South Locust
and Bluff Street, abutting lot east 97
feet lot 571, CitY, owned by J.
ner, Trustee, at the expense of abut-
ting property. Adopted by the follow-
ing vote: Frith, Jones,
Ayes—Aids. Clancy,
Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
\bsc•ut—:\I,i• I'orr:utec.
.\ld. I y also 4,rfc.ii
i:esolt,,i lig th," city ,', lu:e.l .4 the
'it N- of Ilt,l,tt ine, 'flint a sidewalb 12
feet wide. „f ;cod i,roek ut' ee went, lie,
tifhin iwcnty days of ihos n' tfe.•, eun-
st•tu•icd and Laid in conforntily" with
the ordinance in relation to sid,'wallc>•,
on the tt •st side of South Locust Street,
l., t\,, , n .hates Stre, I and Firs( Street.
:11,1111imt tote :,1:9 a ntd 7,711, I oN nod
c. Ii, I:i' limey. 'ire.:,—. t Ili, cs-
l•n:'e of alti'iling l:n.l„erly.
by ilo foil,wing vete:
.\y,s \lds, Clancy. t'riih.
Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Absent—Aid, Corrance.
l he rid-
Ald. Frith off, ed the fellowin_',:
by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6
feet wide. of good brick or cement. he,
within twenty days of this notice. co n-
strueted and laid in ,•onf„rntity with
the ;,rdinluice in relation to sidewalks,
on the west side of .L'tckseu Street, be-
twy,, n Eagle Point .-Av, nite and San-
ford Street„ abtaliltg lo,l 25. S. E. } 26
and 27, owned by Peter N. Nicks. at
the expense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Alis. Clancy, Frith, Jones,
Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Absent—Ald. Corrance.
Md. Needham offered the following:
Resolved by the City i'ann -il of the
City of Dubuque. That a sidewalk e
feet wide, of gem] brick or cement, he,
within throaty days of this notice. eon-
stucted and laid in conformity tt'ith
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks.
on the south side of Eighth Street, be-
tween Luca Street and ,'1•1y Street,
Owned lay Byrne Pros.. :,, ' , Xi enoe
of abutting property. .\doptecl by the
follow inP vote:
Ayes --Aids. Clancy, Frith. Jones,
Lyons. Needham and Stumpf.
Absent—:Ald. Corrance,
Ald. Needham also offered the fol -
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 7
feet wide, of good brick or cement, be,
within twenty days of this notice, con-
structed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks,
on the west side of Bluff Street,
venth a t, be-
tween tween Sixth Street and Se owned by Met,
abutting lot 620, City,
Anna Collins, at the Adopted expense
of by the abut-
ting property.
lowing vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy. Frith, Jones,
Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Absent—Ald. Corrance.
Ald. Stumpf offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
180 Regular Session September 7, 1905.
City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6
feet wide, of good brick or cement, be,
within twenty days of this notice, con-
structed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in i Nation to sidewalks,
on the east side of .Jackson Street, be-
tween Tenth Street and Eleventh
St,ccI, abutting lot north 1-2 lot 190,
Cit y, owned by Jos. Gasser, at the ex -
pelts', of abut ting property. Adopted
by thc following vote:
A ya •s --A ids. I'l,t acy. Frith, Jones,
Lyttas, N,, dram :tad Stumpf.
Absent—Ald. Corrance.
Aid. Stumpf also offered the follow-
I:esolved by the City Council of the
city of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6
feelwc'' . of gun,1 hrirlc or cement.
be, within twenty ala.ys of this no-
tice, constructed and Laid in con-
formity with the ordinance in re-
lation to sidewalks, on the east side of
Jackson Street. between Tenth Street
and Eleventh Street, abutting lot south
1-2 lot .^,:u,, City. owned by Aug. W.
Wineke. :u the ,•xoensc• of abutting
property. Adopted by the following
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Jones,
Lyons. Needham and Stumpf.
Absent—Ald. Corrance.
Ald. Clancy moved that the matter
of establishing a fire alarm box in
the factory district be referred to the
Committee on Fire. Carried.
Ald. Frith moved to adjourn until
Sept. 21st, 1905. Carried.
City Recorder.
aWa.. Recorder
Session September 7, 1905.
Itegulnr Session Set t. 21st..
(c Iltieial.t
,''anu'il met at i.1:, 1'. Al.
.\I:1yor Here; in the ('hair.
Presott 111s. Clancy, ('ncrtoa•e.
Frith. I•'n' s, I.vo;ls, Needham and
\bst•I t—\one.
Pl•:'rITil1NS .\NI) t)4 tll'NI('A-
Petition of .\Irs. Caroline Fischer.
asking th. t lb,. Pity .icee pt the suns of
trt0.i10 in full w ttlenn•lit of the balance
tlue oil the special assessment levied
against huts No. 38 and 4:, in \1 -('ruley's
Seton' .\ddition, for the improvement
of Schill •r Avenue. \1.115 on motion re-
ferred to the ('rnm:nitttee of the \\'hole.
Petition of Henry Seats asking that
he be reimbursed by the ('by. to the
amount of $25.00 for Fruit Trees de-
stroyed on Seventh avenue, on :t strip
of ground 111001ted to the Pity for Street
11n (notion said petition was referred
to the ConttnitteP of the Whole. and
\1r. Sears to lie notified of the meeting
of said Committee.
Condn1 1Itliation o' .\(l:l L. Collier re-
nutnstraCtig again: t the speeia! ncsest-
tncnt levied :cgainsl SIlii. Lots : and
of Airs. 1.. 11. L„tll..,„\cot•tll 'c Add.. Lot
5. for reitail•ing Si'1e\calllc •.\,Is nn mo-
tion rt-b-rred to the Stdevvalic Inspector.
to report at the next meeting of the
Petition or E. Si:1tol14ln asking that
Ills '('axes. both Persons; and Real, il, Ire
retlnt ed =!all OO. \\aa on motion referred
to the ',o:u•tl of Equalization.
of Isadore Huber, claiming the
sum ..I' :$,000.0 :Is damages for injuries
sustained by being thrown into a
trench. or ciit eh. nIl Juli'•n ll cram;', an
the ltith :.,y of August. ittcl:l. ,.'as tut
motion referred to !lie Commitee,• on
Claims and ('tty Attorney.
Petit ton front lb., 'fruste'-s of the odd
Fellows' 'I'entple, asking dial ih'• 'l';Ixes
on said Ili lilin.c ate e:uleelc'd rot' tic
years 190-4 and 1905 was on n ullioll re-
te=,•red to the Conlniiltee of the \Plate.
Petition of T. E cihniet•l and oilers
asking that the ('nuneil hike some ac-
tion to secure 1111• abatement of ;I
nuisance in the form of :I Smoke 1-lot1sc
and I;en,leritig Plant maintline11 by \I.
TCohn. the itntehet•, near the cornet
of 'Twelfth and Trv\ca Sheets, cin tin1-
tioIl said I'' titian Was r1 f••tt' I to lb.
Ito -rd of Health.
(trigival Notice, 111ed by D. E. Ma-
guire, attorney tot• I I'unninghttnt,
claiming the sunt of $51/0.1111 as damages
for injuries sustained by fallingon a
defective sidewalk on the east side of
Locust Street. near First St reel. was
nn motion refected to the committee
on Claims and City Attorney.
City Engineer Royce reported as fol-
'I'o the Honorable d111yot• and City
(lentlentc'u-1 herewith submit Ili,'
payroll for labor on streets in the dif-
ferent road districts dinning the first
half of September. 1911::
.\ mount due labla•ers on streels.t15i1.l0
Respectfully submitted.
City Engineer.
Approved by Commillee on Strcets.
Also submit my 11ay roll for labor on
sewers during the first half of Sep-
tember, 1911:1:
Amount duo ltlhorers on sevvors..$179.40
I;espeelfully submitted.
.J.-\JiI':S 11. P.tlYcE,
City Engineer.
Approved by ('otnnlittee on Severs.
Also submit its tin}' roll for lahm',
grading canto S11'ee1, during the first
half of S' I I, nnbc r. 19117,:
:\niolint due I;II overs $15.90
Resp., tinily submitted
J.\ AIES II. Ilov('l:.
City h:neinee'r.
\pio•ovwl by Committee on Streets.
On motion the liar rolls for Streets
and Sewers were recei\•erl and warrants
ortlorod dta\ctt to pay the v;o•ious
amounts :Intl the pay ro11s referred
back to tin• primer radial iteeS.
('ity Itecnrder Arendt presented and
read 1111' printed Nonce eertilied 10 by
the ptthlishe°•, of fhe Council's intention
in eonstruet all s -inch Tile Pipe Stln!-
t.lt•y 51\\er in \\"est Lo,•cist Street, at
the intersect ion of Paean A\venue,
westerly fn ('Ilion .\conn'• to Altai Vista.
St•e;•t to the center of Edina Street.
Also the eonlnnmicatioll of .1. A.
I;honilerg Est. and others, remon-
strating against tin-. construction of
said se\coi•.
All, Lyons (halved to suspend the
toles in order to hear from parties in-
terested in the const ruction of smut
pe\\et. I'Ilm ietl.
\h. \\'. S. Malo and Judge D. J. Len-
eh:Il addressed Ili• Council in favor 1f
constructing said sewer.
\\"he reupon All. Frith moved that
said remonstrance he refei\-ed and
IOrr:lnel• moved a substitite
that said Notice tont remonstrance be
referred to the committee of the
182 Regular Session September 21, 1905.
Substitute lost by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Corrance, Lyons and
Nays—Aids. Clancy, Frith, Jones and
The original motion to receive and
file i-ni,l remousiranee was carried by
the following vote:
Yeas --Aid. Clancy, Frith, Jones and
Stumpf. 'Total -4.
Nays AId. Corrance, Lyons and
Need ha Total -3.
Ald. Frith then moved to reconsider
the action of the Council in receiving
and tiling said remonstrance. Car-
Ald. Frith moved to refer said no-
tice and remonstrance to the Commit-
tee of the AChole. Carried.
City Recorder Arendt also presented
and read the printed Notice, certified
to by the publisher, of the Council's
intention to improve Seventeenth Street
from the East lot line of Clay Street
to the West curb line of Jackson Street.
Also a communication from Chas.
. Thimmesch and others, remonstrating
against the improvement of said
Ald. Frith moved that the rules be
suspended in order to hear from any
of the remonstrators present. Car-
Joseph A. Palen addressed the Coun-
cil, remonstrating against the improve-
ment of said street.
Whereupon Ald. Stumpf moved that
said notice and remonstrance be 're-
ferred to the Committee of the Whole,
and the parties interested notified of
the meeting of said Committe. Car-
City Recorder Arendt also presented
and read the printed Notice, certified
to by the publisher, of the Council's
intention to construct a Sanitary Sesser
in Kniest Street, from present man-
hole opposite alley between Rhomberg
and Garfield Avenues, to the center of
Garfield Avenue.
No remonstrance being filed, the
Mayor asked if any one present had
any objection to the construction of
said Sewer.
No objection being stated, the Notice,
on motion, was received and filed.
City Recorder Arendt also presented
and read the printed Notice, certified
to by the publisher, of the Council's
intention to levy a special assessment
to pay for improving the alley between
Rhomberg and Lincoln Avenues from
Middle Avenue to Fengler Avenue.
No remonstrance being filed, the
Mayor asked if any one present had
any objection to said special assess-
ment. No objection being stated, the
Notice, on motion, was received and
Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the fol-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for im-
proving the alley between Rhomberg
Avenue and Lincoln Avenue, from Mid-
dle Avenue to Fengler Avenue, by
O'Farrell, McNamara & Kenety, con-
tractors, in front of and adjoining the
same, a Special Tax be and is
hereby levied on the several lots
and parts of lots, and parcels of
real estate hereinafter named, sit-
uated and owned, and for the several
amounts set opposite each lot or par-
cel of real estate, as follows:
Owner— Description. Amount.
C. Niedemeyer and G. Retten-
tnaier. Wick's Add., lot 14 $53 02
C. Niedemeyer and G. Retten-
mater, Fengler's Add., lot 3424 37
Geo. Zollicoffer, Fengler's Add,
lot 33 24 37
Mary Reif, Fengler's Add., lot 3224 37
Leonard Buehler, Fengler's Add,
lot 31 25 85
Peter Bensch, Fengler's Add,
lot 30 25 85
Peter Bensch, Fengler's Add., N
18 ft., lot 29 9 40
Geo. Weidner, Fengler's Add., S.
28 2-3 ft., lot 29 14 97
Henry Krueger Est., Fengler's
Add., lot 28 24 37
Chas. Consor Est., Fengler's Add,
lot 27 24 37
Joachim Wodrich, Wick's Add,
lot 18 26 11
Joachim Wodrich, Wick's Add,
lot 17 26 88
Total $303 93
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the Reso-
(':Cried by the following vote:
Yeas—Ald. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones. Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
City Recorder Arendt also presented
and read the printed Notice, certified
to by the publisher, of the Council's
intention to levy a Special Assessment
to pay for the construction of an 8 -inch
Tile Pipe Sanitary Sewer in Couler
Avenue, from Sanford Street to 22nd
No remonstrance being filed, the
Mayor asked if any one present had
any objection to said Special Assess-
ment. No objection being stated, the
Notice, on motion, was received and
Whereupon Ald. Lyons offered the
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for con-
structing an 8 -inch tile pipe sanitary
sewer in Couler Avenue, from Sanford
Street to Twenty-second Street, by
Street, Steuck S. Linehan, contractors,
in front of and adjoining the same,
a Special Tax be and is hereby levied
on the several lots, and parts of lots,
and parcels of real estate hereinafter
named, situate and owned, and for the
Regular Session September 21, 1905. 1 f43
several amount!, set opposite each lot
or parcel of n ;l I nstate, as follows:
Albert, AlolpIi san il tJons.. Jaeggi,
Sub. 11 \Vull\c1I is Sub., lot
1, 8.20 sq. ft $ 4 16
Albert, Adolph and Jos. Jaeggi,
Sub. 11 Wullweber's Sub., lot
2, 33.10 sq. ft 16 81
Albert, Adolph and Jos. Jaeggi,
Wullweber's Sub, lot 10, 40.50
sq. ft 20 57
Wm. Ihde, Wullweber's Sub., lot
9, 40.50 sq. ft 20 57
Lena Herman Est., Wullwelter's
Sub, lot 8, 40.50 sq. ft 20 57
Lena Herman Est., Sub. 6, Jno.
King's 1st Add., S. 5 E. 180 ft.
lot 1, 40.50 sq. ft 20 57
Francis B. Thimmisch, Sub. 6,
Jno. King's 1st Add., N. 5 180
ft. lot 1, 40.50 sq. ft 20 57
Johanna Frenzel, John King's 1st
Add. S. lot 8, 40.50 sq. ft 20 57
Bertha M. Luckritz, John King's
1st Add, N. E. 5 lot 8, 40.50 sq ft 20 57
Fred Bock, John King's 1st Add,
S. E. .1 lot 10, 40.50 sq. ft 20 57
H. M. Andres Est., John King's
1st Add, N. E. 1 lot 10, 40.50
sq. ft 20 57
Fred Doerrer, John King's 1st
Add, E. 5 lot 12, r1 sq. ft 41 14
Frank Fosselman, Fosselman's
Sub, lot 7, 58.50 sq. ft 29 72
Frank Fosselman, Fosselman's
Sub, lot 6, 45 sq. ft 22 86
Frank Fosselnlan, Fosselman's
Sub, lot 5, 45 sq. ft 22 86
Frank Fosselman, Fosselman's
Sub, lot 4, 45 sq. ft 22 86
Frank Fosselman, Fosselman's
Sub, N. 1 lot 3, 22.50 sq. ft 11 43
Rudolph Ihde, Fosselman's Sub,
S. 5 lot 3, 22.50 sq. ft 11 43
Mrs. M. Weber, Fosseiman's Sub,
lot 2, 45 sq. ft 22 86
Susan A. Brown, Sub. 1 Fossel-
man's Sub, lot 2, 23.40 sq. ft11 88
Augustus Brown, Sub. 1 Fossel-
man's Sub, lot 1, 23.40 sq. ft11 88
Union Electric Co., L. H. Lang -
worthy's Add, lot 172, 48 sq. ft. 24 38
Augustus Brown, Sub. 171 L. H.
Langworthy's Add, N. t lot 2,
20 sq. ft 10 16
C. H. Fischer, Sub. 171 L. H.
Langworthy's Add, S. 1 lot 2,
20 sq. ft 10 16
Sophia Knoernschild, Sub. 171, L.
H. Langworthy's Add, lot 1,
20.40 sq. ft... 10 36
Total $470 OS
--\151. Lyons taoceo to adopt the Reso-
lution. 1'arrio,l l,y till, following coal':
Yet,s—.\Iris. Clancy, Corranec, Frith,
Toles, Lyons. Needham and Stumpf.
John \V. Lawler, Committee Clerk,
reported as follows:
Dubuque, la.. Sept. 21, 1905.
To the Honnrahle Mayor and City
Council of the city of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: -1 herewith submit a
statement of the :unout,t expended for
labor on streets in the several wards
for sprinkling ill the different districts
during the month of August, 1901: 1_' fi5
First Ward 2$
Second \\'aril
Third \1'.irii .....................
Fourth \\":n•d
Fifth \\';ir1i
Fits( Disu iet 1167.40
Seeonnl 1 tisk irl 111.30
Third District 140.110
ill ........$022.60
hill .:I,• rifled for labor 11)11
sprinkling $2.111111.60
I i-speetfully submitted,
.MHN \V. I.:AAV*Ll)Iu,
-\pproved: Committee clerk.
E. I•: l' I t l'I' H.
Cha:rut:tn on Streets.
Olt motion tile report t\•as t•eeetveil
and plated on record.
I'h1• 1'01111)\ ing \\'righnntster's and
\\ ood eeasur, is receipts \\'ere referred
to the Committee on 1\l:u•l4ets:
F. P. lin yes. City 1-t;tll receipts....$111.66
It. Hay. Eighth Street scale re -
'I'. Faherty, First \\':1).11 scale
1(10i 111 S .....
Louise f'itsehner. AV'est Dubuque
Bale r.-,•.•iptS
51 rs. C. Deehi-rt. I thomberg A ve-
nt', :-rale receipts
H. lianbner. Collier Avenue scale
I P. Iiolringer. \V ooilmea curers
for the Inlprolenlent of Dillon
Street. from lleannlcie\r Avenue to the
North' -r1) terminus of said Dillon Street,
w, are presented.
A111. ('orranc•e Hwy, d 111:11 said limns
he referred to tlt'• committee of Inn
Whole without i 111 opened.
('arlied 1w the I'ollotcine cote:
Yeas—And. C'orr:Ince, Frith, Jones,
Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Nays—And. Clancy.
Bids for the construction of a Stone
Sewer in Cooler Creek from end of
present. Sewer in alley between Cedar
and Sycamore Streets, 80 ft. South,
were presented :Ind ordered opened.
Bids as follows:
Peter Eisbach—
(trading, per cubic yard 61c
Masonry, per cubic yard $4 83
O'Farrell Contracting Co.—
Grading, per cubic yard 30c
Masonry, per cubic yard $4.00
The O'Farrell Contracting Co., being
the lowest bidder, were, on motion,
awarded the contract and their bond
placed at $500.00.
Aid. Lyons, chairman of the Com-
mittee on Ordinance, presented and
read an Ordinance granting to the Du-
144 Regular Session September 21, 1905.
buque & Sioux City Railroad Company
the right to lay a switch and side-
track on Jackson Street from Seventh
to Eighth Stteets, anti moved that the
reading just had be considered its first
reading. Parried.
Ald. Lyons moved that the rules be
suspended in order to read the Ordi-
nance by its title for the second time.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aid. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, i.yons, Needham and Stumpf.
The Ordinance was then read by its
title for tl.,• second time.
Ald. Lyons moved that the Ordinance
be now adopted as read.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aid. Chancy. Corrance, Frith.
Jones, i.yons, Needham ;rod Stumpf.
Na ye— None.
The \l;tyor declared the l)rdin;ince
The 1:n1in:rnce follows:
An I )rdina we. granting to the Du-
buque S• Sioux City 1taiiroad Com-
pany the tight to lay a switch and
side track on Jackson Street from
Seventh to l'.ighth Streets.
Be it ordained by the City Council of
the Pity of Dubuque:
Section I. That permission be and is
hereby granted to the Dubuque & Sioux
City Iailroad Company, its successors
;incl assigns, to lay and operate a
switch or single railway track on Jack-
son Street in the City of Dubuque, from
and connecting with the present track
in the .•..ttta•r .,t' Jackson Street between
Sixth and Seventh Streets, in a north-
easterly direction across Seventh Street
to the northeast corner of S,•toath ;un',
,Jackson Streets and thence paralit:
with the track noir in the center of
Jackson Street north to the south lin.:
of l'hghtIt Street, the center of side
track. from the north line of Se\'entr.
Street to the south line of Eignt:•
Street, to be about _s, feet east of the
enter of Jackson Street.
Section _. That the Dubuque &
Sioux City Railroad Company, its suc-
seccors and assigns, shall, whenever
rectuir.'d by the City Council of said
City Si' to do, at its own cost and
expense, pave or plank the space be-
tween the rails ;and the ends of the ties
south of t north line of Seventh
Street in such a manner as will :Af-
ford easy passage for wagons or other
vehicles, :and at its own expense place
the grate of said track on the grade
of Jackson Street, in which said track
is laid, amat in ;all things comply with
the Ordinances of said City, so far as
the obstruction of streets and gutters
is concerned and not inconsistent with
the permission hereby given.
S.' 't ion :1. The rights herein granted
may be revoked at any time by the
City Council after a period of five
years front the 1st day of October, 1905.
Section 4. This Ordinance shall be in
force front and after its passage and
publication one time in the Dubuque
Daily Globe Journal, the official news-
paper of the City of Dubuque,
City Recorder.
Ald.Lyons :,ivo intsenleo and teat!
an Ordinance for the vacation of Ilea
Street from the south line of Il:ailroad
Avenue to the south line of the Du-
buque Il:n'bor ('ors. Addition, nl-o the
Alley bet\cctn Huff and Salin;. Sleets
from the sotttli line of Railroad Ave-
nue to the south line of the Dubuque
Harbor Cotnp:uty's A liiilion.
The Ordinance having been rend at
the previous meeting. Ald. Lyons mov-
ed that the reading ,last had lie con=
silt -red its second reading. Carried.
\Irl. Lyons eau\'.-uI that the ( hdin;ane,i
be now adot•ted :ts rv•ad.
Carried by the following' ‘'ole:
Teas --.\Itis. Clancy. Corrance. Frith,
.Jones, Lyons, Needham :and Stumpf.
The :Mayor declared the ordinance
The Ordinance follows:
AN fllWiN.\NCl•: FM; THl': \'A('.\-
'I'It)N till' Ill'FF S'I'ItiE'I' Fitt)\i
'l'HI; St)l"'I'II 1.iNl': lIE i;.-AILRat.Al)
AVENUE 'IV) 'I'll l: S(tl"I'H i,1Ni:,
nF 'I'Hl' t)l'HI'c2l"I? ll:\Itltaoft
\ND SA LI NA S'1'I1i:E'I'S FilliM
i-iE `ctrl"I'1-1 LI NE. till RAILl:a:AI
't'ENl'P:'I'ttTHE SI)l"I'i-I LINt:ani"
THE 1)i'Itl't!l'1': HAIlRUII Ca01-
YANI"S Altl)I'I'iON:
\\"h,•re',s, t ttt-\leaser & Co. of the
City of Dubuque, have petitioned the
Council of said city for the -vacation
of IIufY Street front the south line of
.\ venue to the south line of
th.- Dolomite TJarhor Company's :addi-
tion, and also the Wiley between Fluff
and Salina Strt ors from the south line
of Itaih•oud AN -emu. to the south line
of the i)ubtrin., H;u'hot• Company's Ad-
dition: :Wad
\\: iu•reas, the sail Ott -M• _.
:n',• the i'ce u•\n.•rs nt' all th ! I.nt-
linc'. on bulb sides o'' s ahI
;iu:l arc enga I in
:nn,l o cinu'acttu•ina laps II' -
property. and arc desire ,,f c' nc
Said ter t and Alley na I' n to a .
prosecution of the Itoid, business:
\V'hc•reas, the said ' in -.V- ue"t'
have ;agre:',l to fill s.,H -1 . --I and valla.';
to the present g''i•I.- i. It.iilroac) Aa, -
nue, and have agret,I to cont in u' Mt-
htuse of said property for Iunther or
maufacturing purposes: and.
\t'hert•;as, by a altre,tiu n of the coun-
cil of the City of Dubutptc, the City
Engineer has made a plat sho\\'ing saki
Regular Session September 21, 1905:
portions of said street and alley pro-
posed to be \':,rated, and tiled 111'• swim -
in his otliee subject to nubile inspection.
and doe notice has been given to all
abutting property owners, and in days'
notice of said proposed vacation has
11(•11 1'uidislted in the official paper ul
the ell \' a t' I the proposed tit.tioti Ii;,
been submitted to the city council at
',gill;' ' sessions: add
\VIe•reas, it appears that no Valid ob-
jection hits been made to the vacation
of said ser"el and alley, and said above
described portion of said street is not
recluireti al present for street purposes;
Be it ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque;
Section 1. That Hul'f Street rrom the
south line of it;tilroad Avenue to the
south line of the Dubuque Harbor
Company's Addition. and also the alley
between Huff ;'lid Salina Streets from
the south line of Railroad Avenue to
the south line of the Dubuque Harhor
Company's Addition. be and the same
are hereby vacated, and the use there-
of is Iint'eb\' gen filed in sapid (ill -Meuse:
& Co., tl:eir to ius, ex'iettlors, nllnlinis-
t1:a01's. Stl(a es: -.“l's and assigns, w' Inllp:
as the property nl(nttiag thereon is
used for lumber yard or m nlu!`Ic'.tu ing
purposes, on condition that said (ttt-
Dleuser & Co. fill said slr;'t a1111 :Mo-
to the present ;'rade of I:;tib'ond .A re-
li n e,
See. 2. Should the said (ltt-Altnser vC
thou ii'irs, executors, adnlinista-
lors, sue,•,: -cols r:r assigns, suffer or
permit said premises to retrain unem-
ployed for molter yard or nuuntl'actnr-
illg purpo. - for ill•' period of '1'o:el\•1
(12) nud1111, !Len the city nary 1( resn-
lu1i01; ntlr,I ;It any l'eg'nlat' weetin .
or :In) sl!e; :uf meeting or the eonnit
etIll'? ;'n' Ih: I purpose, muse . 'i,l
str 1 1 :'ll•.\ t" ere"rt 1(1 lin•
ni 1':. •1!:111 (11'ICup011. IVithoul
any I'I;l •'•. el jou. revert In the City of
Dnl(i'(1c'i'!)110111. et( I in the 1•il1
;In\- linter done oll gruel st'eeI lir alley.
See. This ordinance shall be ill
Yore' ! 1 Ike ei'l l I'rom and tit'tel'
itr !,,_.:.,• yore p(lbliealinll one time in
the lnll''''o'' 117th} (11(11(1-Jnll'n;iI, of-
flci;!1 I,;t'''i of the ('it)' of 1111l!tu!!n'.
(-'ii\' ]te'o.'dcr,
Ald. Frith, chairman of the Com-
mittee on Streets, reported as follows'
Your Committee on Streets, to whom
was referred the petition of P. F.
Rider, asking that the gutter in front
of his property on Sixth Street he re-
paired, would reeomntelid that the
prayer of the p;'titiolr•r ii' granted and
that the ('ity Tan gila•('I• b1 instIn•ted
acr•n1'ii ill L i)'.
Ald. Frith moved In ado!!! the re-
port. C'nrried.
Ald. Stumpf, chairman of the com-
mittee (1n Jlarluds, reported as fol-
Your Committee on Markets would
respeetfullc r"Iu.r1 1 11.1 1 after securing
bids for rebuilding the foundation and
putting in the new scales in the First
Ward, we awarded the contract to F.
l'lzig for $131,1111, he bolos~' the lowest
bidder, We wnnld further report that
We have entered into a contract with
Joseph Bi:tst' I'or overhauling the
Market House s(al(•s and replacing the
old limbers throughout for the slim of
! oma.
Aid. Stumpf moved to adept the re-
port. ('arried.
Ald. Juries. chairman of the Commit-
tee on Puhlie (:rounds and Buildings,
reported as follows:
YOU!' Cotnnlitee on Public Grounds
and Buildings, to whom was referred
the bill of A. Eberle for $65.00 for extra
excavating. ;Ind tilling, at the new en-
gine house. would respectfully recom-
mend that said hill be allowed in full
in the sum of $17.06 and that a warrant
in said amount he ordered drawn on
the City Treasurer in settlement of the
Ald. Jones removed to adopt the report,
Ald. Jones also presented a lease to
the (lov-erncn•'s Cfreys for tlii' third and
fourth floors of the ('ctllr;tl Engine
House. for the year 19)4, anti moved
that the Mayor be instructed to enter
into a ',,M'ai'l with said (m'''i'nor's
(;treys aeeording to said lease, Carried.
.\Id. Jones also moved that the ('ity
1,eeordc•r be instructed to advertise
Lids for t;11(ing rare of the toAvn
Hoek for the• ollsaing Year. cnnlmcnc-
lag ( 11'1. 1st. 1905. Carried.
Ald. Lyons, chairman of the Commit-
tee on 5,•wers, ln'esentcd 1vv'o hills to
VA'1)I, Foster, :Is insplet(1t• on sanitary
veveel' b1t\r1( 0 .la0•10,011 a111d \\':Ishing-
inn Streets, filen 5alifra'd to Ta't'nty-
lil'1h Sheets, 101:'1 amount $27.70, and
nn'v'e11 that :I \\ ,brant be drawn in
favor of \\"lit. Foster for the above
amount and the bills paid. Carried.
Ald. Lyons of the Board of Health
reported as follows:
'1'o the i -ton. Vlnyor and ('ily Council:
Gentlemen --}our board of health
\\Dolt resp.cll'iill\' r1po1't that at a
melting held Sept. 11111, 19115, the fol-
iues'ing resolutions were passed, which
we per:_1nt to y'nllr hnnrn'ahle body for
111 it resolved by the Board of TTe;,lth
of th'• city of Dubuque. Tnvv'a, that:
J oseph Huber, City Lot 21s.
Ellen J. -AI:triill, City Lot :1149,
Andrew S''haffh:luser, city Lot 271.
J os. (lehri• Est.. ('it}
Vla'_d:il(•tln L. 'frill:. city N 1-2, If12,
lf<ti Regular Session September 21, 1905.
John Pier, City S 1-2. ,.62.
Andrew Gehrig,'. City, .342.
Jonathan Foust, City. 241.
Albert l[euehlin, City. E 52 ft. 393.
Henry Wise, City. \V 49 ft. 393.
('lime E. ('ox Est.. City. S 6.2.1. 49::.
Mathiidrt II lstattt r, City, N M 1-5, 483.
Ed. Mueller, City. N 40 ft, S \i 1-5, 483.
Henry Recker, City, M 1-5, 493.
Mtirg't Tousaint, City, 26.3 ft., N 1-5,
Christian \\'asser, City N 1-2, N M
1-5, 482
John Guttenka.uf Est., City, S 1-2,
N M 1-5. 482. 482.
Johanna Pauw, City, S
Mary Weinecke Est., City, a497.
Gottleib Schneider Est., City, S 1-3,
497. 2_3, 497.
Anna Wiedhaber, City,
NS M 1-5, 496.
John Strela.u, City, S 1-2, N M
Kundsgunde Fuerst, City,
1-5, 496.
John Algeyer, City, N 1-2, S M 1-5,
S 1-4. M 1-5, 496. 496.
C. A. Walter, City, N 1-2, N 1-5,
Engel Hemmi, City, S 1-5, 494.
Adam Doerr, Sr., City, S M 1-5, 494.
Anna B. Iteatwet•, City, S 1-2, Al 1-5.
Herman \Cilberding, City. S 1-2. N \I
1-5, 494.
Gm. G:urshirt, City. S M 1-5. 492.
M. A. Il;tumhover. City. ti 1-5. 492.
G. J. Hahn. City. N 1-2, N M 1-5, 492.
C. A. Walter, City. M 1-5. 481.
;Joachim Kurtz Est.. City, ti 1-5, 480.
1:trtha 'Zinn. City. S M 1-5. 491.
Minnie Yonn: i -t.. City. \[ 1-5. 480.
Ilelen ito ald. City. S \1 1-5. 490.
1•:nutnu. l Seholli;ot. City. N \[ 1-5. 480.
Ilet:ry Welter Est., Sub. N 1-5, lot 2,
City, 490.
Lori o•r. Hauer, City, N 1-2, M 1-5, 494.
Andrew Stouhi et al, City, M 1-5, 496.
John Tenter. City. 387.
Having i';tiieI to connect said property
with the sanitary sewer situated in the
alley between White and Jackson
street, abutting on said property; and
it being deemed necessary for the pres-
ervation of the public health of said
city that said premises be connected
with sail ' i nitiry sewer, Tt is hereby
ordered by the 11 t:ird of Health of the
City of Dubuque. 'Iowa. by virtue of
the power vested in it by Section 1032
of the ('111.1• of 110011 of 1997. and Chap-
ter Two' ye of the Revised Ordi-
nances of 19x1 of the City of Dubuque,
that all the ahoy, matted property own-
ers shill within thirty days from the
date of -..vice oI' notiee of this order,
connect said premises with said sani-
tary sewer.
Dated this 11th day of September,
Be it Resolved by the Board of
Health of the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
Anton Lorenz, City, S 1-2, N 1-5, 450.
Jno. Appel, City, N 30 1-4 ft., 240.
Mary Maxser, City, N 1-2, less 11
ih 239
11Ces, .
.Tarries O'Farrell, S 1-2 of S M 1-5,
City. 457.
Mich. Buchman, City, S 1-5, 442.
\l:u•y Thompson, City, N M 1-4, 443.
M. Michel, City, S 1-2, S M 1-5, 442.
C. G. Kretschmer, City, S M 1-4, 443.
Margt. Lorenz, City, S 1-2, S M 1-5,
Peter Fay, City. N M 1-5, 432.
A. W. Kende'. Est.. City. 291.
having failed to connect said property
with the sanitary sewer situated in
the alley between Iowa and Clay and
Clay and White streets, abutting on
said property; and it being deemed
necessary for the preservation of the
public health of said city that said
premises be connected with said sani-
tary sewer, It is hereby ordered by
the Board of Health of the City of
Dubuque, Iowa, by virtue of the power
vested in it by Section 1032 of the Code
of Iowa of 1897, and Chapter Twenty-
iive of the IIewised Ordinances of 19111
of the City of Dubuque, that all the
above named property owners shall,
within thirty days from the date of
service of notice of this order, con-
nect said premises with said sanitary
Dated this 11th day of Sept., 1905.
Ald. Lyons moved to adopt the reso-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Ald. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Ald. Clancy, Chairman of the Com-
mittee of the Whole, reported as fol-
Your Committee of the Whole would
respectfully recommend that the plan
of the viaduct over the tracks Of the
t'lreaco (1rc:tt Western Railway Com-
p; ny on Peru Road prepared rani pre-
settted by the said railway company
be approved. provided that the bridge
be built in til- middle of Peru Road
and that tile railway company assume
the payment of :ill dant;tges ih;tt may
accrue to the abutting property owners
by reasoa of the proposed change of
grade before commencing work on said
bridge: that both approaches he ma-
cadamized, that a four -foot sidewalk
be constructed on the northerl\' side
of the west approach ;ittd on the
southerly side of the cast approach,
and that suitable guard rails be con-
strueed on either side of both ap-
proaches. We would further recom-
mend, that upon the acceptance by the
said railway company of the foregoing
provisions, the Ordinance Committee
be instructed to prepared an ordinance
granting the railway company permis-
sion to construct said viaduct.
Also. your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
Rev. J. R. Fogarty et al, asking that
the special atssesment levied against the
Regular Session September 21, 1905. 187
abutting property for the construction
of a sidewalk on Grandview avenue
from South Tlodg.. Street to Southern
Avenue be cam eh•d, would recommend
that said petition he received and tiled
and that the Tr.msurer be instructed
to notify the parties in interest th:il
unless payment ire male promptly the
property will be sold.
Also your Committee of the \\'bole,
to who111 \tris referred the profile sho\V-
ing :1 proposed grade on Grandvi..tt
Avenue, would respectfully recommend
that said profile be received and tiled
and that the City Engineer be in-
gttucted to prepare from ae1001 survey,
and submit to the City council, :1 pro-
file shott'ing a grade o11 said Avenue
conforming as near :Is practicable to
the line on which the sante is now im-
Also. your Committee of the \\'hole,
to ttbolu '1:,s ,referred the hill of Guy
G. White for R1:..;:. for additional ex-
pense entailed on hint by re:Ism' of be-
ing appointed inspector on \lillvil1e
Road storm w,it, r sewer. would re-
spectfully recommend that said bill be
allowed and that .I warrant he ordered
drain on the City Treasurer in settle-
ment of the claim.
Also, your Committee 1.,f the Whole,
to whom was referred the Resolution
to amend the Ordinance refitting to li-
censes for Itinerant Physicians, would
respectfully recommend that the Ordi-
nance Committee ;11 -id City Attorney he
instructed to :nnead said ordinance by
striking therefrom the words "or
Twenty-five Dollars for each month."
Also, your Committee of the \Vhcle,
to whom was referred the petition of
Joseph Fecker. asking that the cross-
ing on the north side of '.Thirteenth
Street, between 1„W;1 :Ind flay Streets,
be renewed, would recommend that the
prayer of the Petition,•i he grunted and
that the City Engineer be instructed
Aid. Clancy moved to adopt the var-
ious reports of the Committee of the
\Vhole. Carried.
Aid. Corrance offered the following:
\Vhereas, the contract heretofore en-
tered into by the City of Dubuque for
the improvement of :111 alley as herein-
after described has been completed and
the City Engineer has computed nputed that
the cost and expense of said improve-
ment amounts to Three Hundred and
Three and 93-100 Dollars; therefore
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That to provide
for the cost of improving the Alley be-
tween Rhonlberg and T.ineoln Avenues
from Middle Avenue 10 Fengler Ate -
nue the Mayor is required to execute
and deliver to the City 111.10).,1,. 10 be
Ir; him registered :,mi countersigned.
uue bond of the denomination of Two
lion ir(1 1>11: rs 1111 one of the de-
nomination of tine Hundred :Ind 'Three
:ul,l .1-10u Ilollars nnntbered 2119 :I111
2111, da1o,1 el,•inhel' 21411. 192.x, payable
on or before seven tears alley the ,Elle
thereof 211,1 1), urillg interest al the
rale of live 1,,•1 cent per anntnn, p:ly-
:tlrle s(1111-:11 11 no1{y.
.\I l. ('ol't'an(o nlovetl to adopt. the
1:et:mution. Carried by 1111. following
Veils --Aids, Clancy. Corrance, Frith,
Jones. Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
,\1d. l'orr:Ince )iso off,•red the 1'0l -
\\'hereas, the contract heretofore en-
tered into by the City ul' 1)uho,tne for
the construction of :1 S:Init:try Sower
as hereinafter des,•ihed Rus been corn-
pl. ted :Ital the City Engineer has c•on1-
1111ted 111:,t the cost and expense of
said inlprov.•nn•It amount to Fou'
Hundred and Seventy :nut 08-100 Dol-
lars: lherei'ore
Ite it l;esolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque. That to pro-
vide for the cost of eonstalcliag :t
Sanitary y Netter in ('old - Avenue from
Sanford Street to 'I'1V,•nly-second Street
the \rayor is required to execute and
deliver to the city lb.corder, to be by
ltim registered and countersigned, two
bonds of the denomination of Two
Hundred Dollars each, and one of the
denomination of Seventy and 05-100
Dollars, numbered 2011 :1( :ind 2115, dated
(let oiler 2001, 1907, payable un or before
seven years after the date thereof and
bearing interest at the rate of live per
cent per annum 1 V IId 'semi-:utnu:Illy.
VId. Corr:met, moved to adopt the
Resolution. Carried by the follott'ing
Yeas ---.\Ids. Finney, Corr:Ince, Frith,
Jane Lyons. Needham :lad Sttitnpf.
.\1,1. Lyons offered the following:
Ile it Resolved by the City t'nlnlcil
of the city of Dubuque. That a said-
t:my se..Ver of 'Ten inch til.. pipe 1
coost,(nt(,1 111 linh•st 1 ('oe1, 11'(1111
prosent 11111I1hok, opposite alley 1..-
1ween1:hoolb..rg and Garfield Avenue,
to th.' (e111e1. of (;arii(ld A''ontn•, ac-
cording to the plans and specifications
of said setter prep: lel by the City En-
gineer and 11x•,1 on tile in the office of
the City I:eeorder, and be it further
Resulted, 'I'11at said x1.0,•1 shall he
,•n1111.1eled on 1 1 11111. 1111• 151 J:Iy (1f
November, 1907, and shall be paid for
at the hale and in the nruua-r pl•e-
scrib(,I ley chapter XXXIV of the Re-
vised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of
1111hn,lu( for the payment of the cost
of constructing sewers. The proposals
for doing such stork will be acted upon
by the cuoue11 on the 5th day Of , 1(-
10100, 1907,, :nal the ('ily I:..curder is
hereby ordered to give ten days' nolle(
1B8Regular Session September 21, 1905.
by publication, :eking for proposals as
provided by ordinance.
Ald. Lyons moved to adopt the 1:eso-
lution. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas --.\Ids. Clancy. ('ota•:utce, Frith,
Jones. Lyons, \ •c- lham and Stumpf.
Nays ---None.
:\ld. Clancy offered the following:
Itesutleed liy the city council of the
('sty of Dubuque: That a Sidewalk
Tei. (10) feet wide, of good brick or
ecnn•nt. Lc, within 1; days of this no-
tice, constructed :aid laid in conformity
with the ordin•incc's in relation to side-
walks, on the South side of Jones
s('cel, bet Wert) Iowa street and Main
street. abutting East 1-2, Block 10. Du-
buctu.• 11:n'bor Co. _Addition, owned by
Illinois Central It. It. Co., at the ex-
pense ii abutting property. Adopted
by the I' dlowing vote:
Ayes—Al1ls. Clancy, Corrance. Frith.
Jori s, Lyons. Needham and Stumpf.
\l 1. C'orranee offered the following:
ftesolc,d by the City Count-tl of the
City of Dubucfue: That a Sidewalk
Four (a) feet wide. of good brick or
cement• he. within 15 days of this no-
tice. constructed ::nil laid in conform-
ity with the ordinance in relation to
sid•.walks, on the North side of \Vest
iElevi iiIi and rraee sheets, between
yV:dnut street and lace street. abutting
lot 1't, Cunning's Sub.. owned by R.
Al. lse:nl,•r, :it the expense of abutting
property. Adopted by the following
:\yt i—.\lds. Clancy, Cort':inc•e, Frith,
Jones, Lyons. Needham and Stumpf.
\Id. Nt•eiiha:n offered the following:
itesolyed by the City council of the
City of Dubuque. Iowa. That the break-
ing and location of all macadam shall
be under the direction of the Street
Cnntniissiotter ;Hid the Street (.'nmmit-
tee, that no \l...•..lani be purchased
unless the macadam breaker shall first
obtain a permit from the City Engineer.
'l'h:tt the prier' to he paid for all Ma-
cro -lam broken shall be $1.00 per cubic
(In motion said 1l 'solution was re-
ferre-1 to the Committee of the Whole.
.All. C'o'r:incc moved to adjourn un-
til (ic•tol.er Gth, 1905. Carried.
t'. F. A l t I' N I)'I'.
Cil y i;ecorder.
List of Warrants.
. I Asinti
1. El'reinan
List of City Warrant .
_ A. Duccinlli*, filrent'aii f7157' (TO)
:1 -'07'1 10)01)
--.1. 1,1viiii. [i 1 losh i II. fireman
i',,:. [:-.•order's office. A. Hccr. tir.•litail
16:i:1i 100000
.1. Tseliudi. fireman
Dubuque, Ia.. Septeinl.er 1st, 191.
To the Honorable Alayor and City •J• S.'fi......1...rger. Menial)
Council 4.1' Dubuque: .1. Dilcv. lir, man 70 of;
during the month of August. 1905: 76:v:, 11'1:1
Oentlem .11: The following- is ii coin- •I• 11,,,","• 1111.11)%111
Iltrii. II -I Id. ;ill \varmints issued by lin. 'I'. 10 der. till' Oil
C. H. :Berg, salary. Mayor 66151 111110
II. Beyer. hr
8110 70 \\' inieev fireman
John lirayer. clerk. Treasurer's 100 00 M. 1<ellv. 111,111.M
I). Micril, H14,111:111 :17:3; 111:11), :1101t,101(:))
F. NItirphy, lir, man
H. -Brinkman. salary, Treasurer. 133 35
\V. :11ciliiiii, fireman
J. A. Mckinlay. salary, Deputy
office 60 04 I'. Zillitt, firennin
66: 11:
'C. Flynn. fireman
('has. F. Arendt, salary, lie -
\\701. A. kaep. salary. Deputy 116 70 II. 14we-ney, r44.4.,,,,,,, 60 00
H. cain, fireman
Recorder to .1. 1:;•41zer fireman 60 00
F. Ti. FlOtTniilli. S;11;10'. Auditor.. 116 711 .). III .1 fireman 60 ii)
C. B. Schen.. salary, Assessor... 125 no A. McDonnall. fireman
7505 O009
. A
A. Doerr, Jr., salary. .\ssistititt .1lurpliy. fireman
Assessor65 00
1044 00 O Blierki fireman
J. J. Murphy. salary. Assistant60 00
F. Kennedy. fireman
Assessor 100 00 F. Baumgartner, fireman 60 00
150 00 i •. 1<;1111101t. lireman 60 00
J. Smith. fireman
J. W. Kintzinger, salary, Attor-
65 00
J. C. Longueville, salary. Assist-
.1. .\11en, fireman 60 00
ant Attorney
75 00 \1. Polley. lirenian 6
, re
Miss E. B. itupprectit, steniig- w. t cconnellto aim 60 00
rapher, Legal Department 'to 00 II. \\ ''sin. fireman 6 05 00
60 00
F. 1:,inically, fireman
Thos. Reilly, salary. Chief of
Police 100 00 E. Mel termott, fireman .... 60 00
Jos. Reinfrieid, salary. Fire Chief 100 CO J. 1tcYliolds. fireman 50 00
Clerk 104) 00 CI. Burke], police 5500 0000
W. Kimnolt, fireman
J. W. La ‘viol, salo 1•N-. Committee
6:0 0
00 0
Jas. Lloyd'. salary, ('It)' Engineer 166 65 J. Carter, police
E. Ansa
derson. lary, Assistant J. Clime. police
Fog -al 14.11.il (-(iiiiii Jno0
.1.:(1dpolicey.police60 00
61 50
H. White, salary. Itodniati
Jno. Illall. salaty, Superintendent W. Corcoran. police 50 00
of Stroct Sprinkling' 60 00 J. P. Cummings, police 50 00
E. Harron, clerk a
k in Auditor's nd J. Fitzpatrick. police 50 0
Engineer's office 75 00 .fas. Flynn. police 50 000
Wm. Hipman. salary. Electrician 83 35 Inn. Fox. pollee 50 00
F. P. Ha yes. salar-M
y, arWm. Frith, police 50 00
ket 59 90
niaster 50 00 T. Oanahl. police
P. PO -an. salary, Park Custodian 40 00 L. Orassel, police
50 000
H. Scheneck. salary. Park Cus-
B. Oil), police 65
todian 40 0police 2.5 000 Pat Hanlon. poli
T. Falierty, salary, Park Custo- E. Kahn, police 50 00
dinn 10 014 M. kilt y. police 3
Dr. B. F. Micliel, salary, Health Jno, Lilscher, III (c' 50 000
Officer 50 ril P. AlcCollins. police 51 65
-McInerney.oli•50 00
F. Flynn, salary, Sanitary Pa-
It.olinan 60 011 NI. I VCI4040-1.. 11ict.. 60 00
.100. 1\1011,11y. ldic,.
[0 750g 0200
C. Baumann, salary. Mauldin:1s-
ter 411 140 .0. 1 t.0v511, police
i 41 l() 11.0th, pulic, 50 00
Mrs. H. 1e
onig, stilary. Janitres 211 00
.1. Itooney. Ill I' 50 00
G. N. Itayinoild. salary, SideNvalk 78 20
110.410'clur ........................ 50 00 .1;15. 1 Zy0 Ii, 10,1irl.
50 00
T'. Holsinger, salary, Wharrmas-
ter .............................. 211 (WI P. S.'111111.. 1.,11[1•.•
Al. Ity:t11, pillit,
'...41.21 (1.17:1)
..\1. l'Lincy, s11;11.y. Aidernlnii.... 25 NI .51 s,ht.i.r. Pill'
11. I ,i.i.:,,,i.e. ,,,1,, 1.y. A vvilmlii .. 25 Oil P. `..4111e1111:111, 10.1ict.
35 00
E. E. Frill!. salary, Al(lT4
cil00 .... 27; 111 1 '. :-' ,01101i, 14011(-. ,
11. .1011's, salary, Alderman ...... 25 I!li '1'.1111 :-..,\\,..•11,.y, poliro
:4.:. puc0
IV1. E. Ly()10:, snlary, A r t 1
•P5 On Al. 1111lllie 50 8 2
J,/s. NI 1,111a111. salary', Alderman. 25 (.0 .1(,s. si„itz, 1,..11,,, 50
_ 114) 0
J. A. S1111111)1% S;11;lry, Aldortil:lil. • 25 III( P ., 74 7,
. Sullivan.SUlliVill. pili
Al. Eitel. f-111.111;111 ................. 711 111 , 1.. Zeiihnim. poliee 5,1)
Al's. Bate Hihhe, matron
Miss 1.. I:rennan, matron
Labor on Stteels in the
l:na01 Districts for the lust
July. 1905:
J, itr'uillett.', 1st
,John Iturus, 1st
List of Warrants.
30 00
30 Oo
half of
.1. Itranchtekh;n•h, 2nd
D. .1. I lriht hill, 2nd
Patel I:. •ck 'r. 3t d
W. I'c,n;;ltl•Ui. 1st
II. I'onnell, 1st
Il. I'offrey, 1st
J. c',,11;0,ghnn, 1st
tui c'orl,cil, 2nd
H. c'obb, 1st. $0.20:
3rd, $3.55
T. Donahue. let
Peter Das. let, $325: 20d. $0.40;
3rd, $2.15
John Egan. 1st
J. l 2nd
Frank Frick, 2nd
John Farley, 2211
Ed. FIrslcclT. 1st. $7.00: 2nd. $9.00:
3rd. $4.00
Harry Fleck. let. $26.20; 2nd,
$33.75: 3rd. $15.00
Nelson Frith. let, $17.00: 2nd,
$22.50: 3rd, $10.00
Pat clilloon, let
Joe. I ft yin, let
Jos. Grub, 21111
G. Gau, 2101
C. Gantenhein. 2nd
Chas. Gruenzig, :3rd
'Phos. Hackney, let
John Hafey, 1st
Phil Hense, 2nd
Amb. Hirci. 311
John Hell, let, $7.`:0: 21.d. $10.10:
3rd, $4.50
.T. Hanson, 3rd
August Jass. 2101
Nh' Eettenhof0•n, 21.1
John Knees. 2101
P. 1i roch.'si. 21c1
J. Kraus. let, $5.25; 2nd, $8.75;
3rd, 52.55 17 55
W. Lillie. 2nd 5 25
M. Lonergtut, 1st, $5.25; 2nd, $8.75;
3rd, $3.55 .. 17 55
H. Lemhke, 1st, $2.45; 2nd, $405;
3rd, $1.60 8 10
Mike Meagher, 1st 2 40
John Mahoney, 1st 19 50
James McCarron, 1st 8 10
J. McNulty, let 135
Pat McPoland, 3rd 11 50
J. McCormack, health 17 55
Chas. O'Neil, 2nd, $11.70; 3rd,
$5.85 ,.
Jas. Powers, 1st
Chas. Pierce, 2nd
John Parker, 3rd
W. Quinlan, 1st
Phil Reddin, 1st
James Ryan. 1st
Matt. Raishek, 2nd
James Reid, 3rd
Jos. Rooney, 2nd, $11.40; 3rd $3.50
John Schroeder, 2nd
John Sloan, 2nd
2nd, $8.75:
f . Sc herr. 2nd 20 00
W. St. ns. '1d S SO
Louis Smith, 3rd 12.50
James Sutilh. 3rd 15 90
Snot Sterling. 3rd 1 35
5 40 Dun Sheehan 3rd 1S 00
6 75 R. Turnor, 2nd 7 45
5 40 John Walsh, 1st 14 85
13 .10 Nie. \\'at,tlw.•h, 2nd 14 85
111 90 W. \\'e:u nucuth• 3r.1 20 00
15 60 Walter Bra.11c>', let 20 85
111 20 F. Burns, 21.1 3 85
S 10 .J. B••rtrtng.'r, 2nd 15 30
17 55 F. (1. I;e. k,r. let, $3.60; 2nd,
211 011 31..111: Sr .I, 525.6:. 50 15
3 40 Il. c'ost0•Ilo, let, $5.55; 2nd, $9.30;
18 55
17 55 A. I'onrad, 2nd 49 75
17 50 .1. Calvert. 1st, $11.50: 3rd $34.4045 90
Mike Hanan. itt . 48 90
10 80 Peter Horch. 2nd 44 20
13 00 J. Huffmire, let, $4.75; 2nd, $7.95;
S 10 3rd, $3.20 15 90
11 50 J. Linehan, 1st, $52.60; 2nd, $6.15;
3 41) 3rd. $2.45 61 20
J. Lonergan. 2nd 46 35
20 00 J. Long, 2nd 47 20
.T. McQuillan. 1st 15 30
70 00 J. J. McCollins, let, $44.00; 2nd,
$4.90 4S 90
50 00 C. McHlrath, 1st, $2.65; 2nd $53.90 56 55
5 40 A, Palley. 2nd 19 15
20 00 Geo. I:.•violas, 1st 5 95
15 50 Ed. Seel. -v. let, $10.80; 2nd, 18.15;
14 85 3rd, $7.25 36 25
20 00 J. Sullivan, 1st, $3.15; 2nd, $23.30;
2 70 3rd, $38.10 64 55
7 -15 James Tobin, 3rd 49 75
12 15 J. Williams, 2nd 28 50
5 40 M. Zobb, 2nd 1 70
2 40 Labor on Bluff Street Extension dur-
ing the last half of July, 1905:
.I:int. s It ukey
'I'i-a •s. Ilurke
John ('tarter
Peter ('nru0 y
Peter (.r••ury
W. Hall
Teter lienneally
Nie. Sweeney
Ed. Whelan
Walter Itt•adley, team
(:en. Iteynolds
Labor on Sewers for the last
July, 1905:
H. Cosgrove 20 00
J. Corcoran 20 80
H. Daley 1 60
T. Hagerty 25 00
F. Hohneeker 20 SO
J. Jellison 1120
17 55 Con Sullivan 20 SO
10 15 Pat Sage 20 80
4 05 L. Taylor 20 80
17 55 J. Tacke 20 80
2 40 D. Sheehan, sodding on West 11th
2 70 street $ 54 90
9 45 G. Ragatz, repairing fountain at
8 10 Linwood cemetery ,. 50
135 Dubuque Enterprise Co., blank
14 90 stationery for various depart -
12 15 menta .,,, 2 75
6 75 Kelly's Book. Store, blank sta-
22 00
26 45
4 05
8 10
8 80
6 75
20 00
18 00
:37 SO
21 60
20 _0
21 6O
_ 00
2n 211
21 60
26 S(c
3 00
half of
List of Warrants. 191
tionery for Various departments 3 00
Key City (las Co., gas for vari-
ous department
TO tiC
Iowa l'ob. Co., ropy tif lawn
Stale Allies
Niagara Falls 1iliiil Stamping
\VI:s.. dug tags ;tint hooks 21 20
G. Holt. sharpening lawn mowers
for p:trks 2 25
C. T. Hush, photiis iii Ski ii;' 7
M. S. 'Hardie, blank stationery
for Treasurer tine! Pollee de-
partments 12 00
T. Ilyrne, rock for fountain at
14th and Elm streets 47 00
W. Flist(.r, inspector oil Sanitary
Sewer Hey het. W:ishington
Jneksm I Streets front San-
ford to 27th Streets 7 70
G. Rock, repairs for road depart-
ment 9 00
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Road
department .. 2 25
Dub. Wooklvil Wure & Lbr. Co.,
lumber for IZoad department .. 54 40
G. Lear, horseshoeing, Road de-
partment 2 00
F. t ilit in, sand for I ZO:11.1. depart -
lint 3 50
J. P. Williams, sand for Road de-
partment 10 20
Key City Rooting Co., content
for 1:oad department 6 15
purin g ion Pi v. !trick Co., brick
for Road department .. 138 77
Ellwanger ms.. repairing har-
ness, Road ,lepartment 5 45
J. Alersch, gravel for Road de-
r. hilt lie due as foreman, 76 00
part meta
Second ward 13 87
-KeY City Gas Co., removing lamp
posts on Julien avenue 1 75
F. M. Jaeger & Co.. hardware for
I iii ii department 2 85
-W. 11. Baumgartner. hardware
for Road department 14 40
Linehan & Moto, rope and sewer
pipe for Itoitil department 16 18
Smedley Steam Pump repairs
for steam roller .. ........ 60
Pitts -Thompson Fd'y Co., cast-
ings for Road department .. 25 35
P. Hanson, oil for steam roller 1 00
P. Linehan, pine wood for steam
T. J. Mulgrew, coal for steam
' roller
G. Ragatz & Son, repairs for
steam roller
Ellwanger Bros., repairing har-
ness for Fire department .....•
Dub. Turbine & Roller Mill Co.,
repairs for Fire department
Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse -
shoeing for Fire department
P. Heller, horseshoeing for Fire
department .... • • .
G. Lear, horseshoeing for Fire
Key City Gas Co., coke for Fire
Union Electric Co., power for Fire
4 70
43 37
6 70
10 20
S 50
6 00
2 00
28 15
3 40
1/.1. vitrol for Pill.
oh II 70
:\1•C,irteit. plumbing for
It lilt
Linehan subtitles for Vire
lenherg, hardware rm. Fire
d„1.1.tnenn no
F. Al..lavgiir Co., hardware rm.
ch•pnrittit itt Iii Int
ttag:itz Son, repairs for
Vire rtment 2 is
Riehlioro S: I ieehtil. Dean for Fire
iii p.irtwent 1 07
Cross limp; Co., drugs rm.
Iii it iii ut 70
Rape, hay and owls for Fire
105 00
Dub. Oil & Tank Line, oil for
Fire Dept 6 75
T. Hagerty, to use of horse and
buggy for the months of May,
June and July 30 00
Pitts -Thompson F'nd'y Co., sup-
plies for Fire Dept 30
Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber for
Fire Dept 45
Van Valkeuluirg & McEvoy,
hardware supplies for Fire
Dept 2 55
Fiehhorn & Reehtol, supplies for
Matron Dept 1 25
F. P. Hayes. hoard of prisoners,
for July 3 40
lora Dairy Co., milk tickets for
Matron Dept 75
Si.11101.•rs lIeu Co., meat for Ma-
tron Dept 1 45
iwanger tiros.. supplies for Po-
lice Dept 65
:Metz Molg. Co., screen doors Pa-
trol House 6 95
F. Schloz & Son, repairs Sewer
Dept 4 60
G. Itagatz & Son, repairs Sewer
Dept 8 08
Linehan & Mole, supplies Sewer
Dept 27 43
F. M. Jaeger & Co., supplies Sew-
er Dept 50
Water Works Trustees, supplies
Sewer Dept 50
Telegraph -Herald, official pro-
ceedings for the month of July. 43 00
Globe Journal, official proceed-
ings for the month of July41 02
Smith Morgan Printing Co., pro-
ceedings for the month of July. 15 81
National Demokrat, official pro-
ceedings for the month of July. 25 00
Union Elec. Co., arc lights for
July 2067 35
Farley-Loetscher Mfg. Co., sup-
plies Engineer's Office 1 05
Dub. Rubber & Bltg Co., supplies
Sprinkling Dept 2 75
A. A. Cooper Mfg. Co., repairs
for Sprinkling Dept 9 50
Geo. Beck, Sprinkling Dept 1 00
F. M. Jaeger & Co., Sprinkling
Dept 40
G. Ragatz & Son. Sprinkling
Dept 21 22
List of Warrants.
Smith -Morgan Printing Co.,
plank stationery for Board of
Health • . 3 00
T. E. I0' 111.• removing garbage
ams ,lead ,rniitn:tis during July39S 4S
Hussman & Lies, nails for Spec-
ial Sidewalk Dept 9 00
Ott. \I,•nser & Co., lumber for
Spee1;t1 Sidewalk Dept 39 65
Dull. \Vooienware & Lumber Co,
1unlh1v• for Special Sidewalk
Dept 28 66
Duh. tubber & Bitg. Co.. repairs
hip -hoots for Bee Branch Dept. 12 00
O'Farrell & McNamara, estimate
1'. Carney. 1st.
1'eter Corney, 1st.
W. Coughlan. 1st.
Jerry Collin. 1st.
II. ('aITer•y, 1st.
J. C'allaghnn• 1st 21t oo
rhoi I. 2nd.
1-1. ('obh, 1st $:.27: 2nd, $N,7:,;
Ird, R t3 17
M. T)uneg:iu, lst
Thos, lion: hue, 1st. $5.25. 211(1, 55,
$•..753rd. $3.55 17 55
1',.1,•1 0:,x. 1st. 15.25. 211;1, $8.75,
:ir 1, 1-:-.;
7 5.
.1,,1111I:::t 1, 1st
on flee Itr;utc•h Sewer 865 90 J0I10 1.7. -ss, 2nd. 1
Tiley Bros.. estimate on Storm Ilan ho x, 1st• ti in
\\';,ter Sewer in Washington 1'. P':tsselius. 211,1. 8 10
Sl reef 2194 91 E. Fir:doff. 1st, $7.00: 21141, $9,00:
11. Brinkman. excavation per- 3rd, $4.00 20 00
mils redeemed$ 105.00 Pat (silicon 1st 7 In
H. Brinkman, interest nn lc:1 r_ Jos. (lo 'tn, 1st. 20 00
rants outstanding 1.785 52 11. (1 ,114'. 211d. 11 10
N. Brinkman, New Fork ex_ (l• (7:!u, 211d. 4 (7
Jos. Groh, 211(1. 10 1:,
H. Rrii kmitn. express charges.
1.511 (Lnitrulehl. 211,1. 20 (to
H. Brinkman telegrams 2.90 (lruenxig. 211(1. ,ut
1-1, 1ir111knu,1.. postage ln.el, 'lib. ('ollinso11. 11(1 1 >C
H. Itrinknian, horse for Fire John Haley, 1st TO
1),-pal•tntent-'.1.10 Thos. Hael:ney, lst 3 40
H. Brinkman, freight charges--
Phil Hens,. 211,1. s 10
Load 43.22 .1. Heil. 1st, $7.90; 2nd, $10.10: 3rd,
H. Iirinktn (11, library orders $4 '0 22 50
paid 447.•42 .1. Hanson. 1st. $15.75: 2m1, $12.95 28 70
H. Brinkman, loan28,635.''0 •\tigu?t Joss. 2nd 5 40
1'• Kenneally. 1st 2 70
Recker, Phillip$104 6:i N. I:ettenhofen, 2nd
6 75
Becker Phillip 18 70 John Kress, 2nd 4 40
rain, Michal45 30 P. Kroc•heski, 2n(1 2 70
Duggan. John 123 25 •1• Kraus. 1st. $5.25: 211d, $8.75:
Furey. Pat, Sr 25 50 3rd. $3.51 17 55
Heck, Christ 20 05 5'1. Lone rgan, lst 17 55
Heel:, Christ 55 9:i 11. Ln\•e, 1st. 81.00: 211d, $1.00;
T.assance, Frank31 21(1. $1.00 3 00
Mauer, (leo 37 4(1 li. Leik, 211(1 9 00
Menzel, John 6 20 ,lohi Mahoney, 1st 7 50
Menzel, John 3 SO Jas. 5IeC'arron, 1st 2 70
Mullen, John 124 9.i .11.,.0151;Nulty, 1st 6 75
Miller. A. W., & Donegan 5 95 \IcPol.uld, 3rd 2 05
Miller, A. W.. & Donegan 7 05 .1. 5I('orntack, health 17 5:i
Martineek, Jos 13 20 Anton Nick, 2nd 3 50
M1(rthieck, Jos 7 15 \V. O'Brien, 1st 20 00
511•51ahon, Boss 23 95 C. O'Neil. 2nd. $11.70; 2nd, $5.85.. 17 55
McNulty, John 16 30 James Purcell, 1st 6 10
McNulty, John 9 70 ,Toho Porker. 1st, $9.-15: 3rd, $1.35 10 80
O'Shea, Jas 58 20 I'hil 1ted(lin, 1st 6 45
I'm ken, John 10 85 James l:yan, lst 3 75
Iioyee & Frost 1 95 1111, I1:tishel:, 2011 6 10
Sell o,o 1ler, \Wut 21 15 ('. Iioinfranl:, 2n(1 9 15
Sehitaegler. Wm 8 25 James 1101(1, 31.11 2 05
Shea, Alith 67 5o .Jos. Ilooney. lst, $11.15; 2nd,
\Valk, r. \V1t1 51 on 84.5'): 3111, $1.80 17 75
\\•elsh, John 21 ::s Niel: Sweeney, 1st 4 0:i
1,:d,,,r on Streets in the different \V. Sheridan, 1st 3 85
Items Districts (1uring the first half .lohu Schroeder, 2n(1 2 70
of August, 1905: John Slo0n, 211,1 2 40
\. .\Id,•rson, :ir,l. 7 05 F. Sell. rr, 2n'1 2410
John limits, lst. 1 .I) Sam Sterling, 3rd 20 00
liieliard Burns Ist 6 75 \V. Stevens, 21111 1 35
Jus. Iirouillete• 1st. 7 James Smith, 3rd 4 05
6 75
.1. Iiiachtenbaeh, 2nd. 1 ::7 Louis Smith, 3rd 2 70
D. .1. Ilrighthill, 2nd. f, B. 'Turnor, 2nd 0 7,",
Paul Recker, 3rd 6 75 ('. Voltz, 21(1 3 50
11 27, N i, \\•,unpach• 2nd 8 10
- 711
2 To
7 15
:, 41;
7 211
ti 4
2 70
List of Warralit;.
.john \\'nlsh, 2rrt It 111 lnocenn•nt ownedh you being subject\1'. \\"cnrnxtuth, 3rd 20 00 to such special assessment. And you
\Walt, r I:ratlle '. 1st ark. nnlili, .I to ;,i,lunr :Il said meeting
F. I;urns, 211.1 .. 4a 40 of the City Council. to he hell on the
J. lterwang,u'. 22nd 22 t,:. :nh ,lay of Itclohcr. A. 1),, 1905, and
F. G, Recker. 1st, $2.25: 2nd, show ,•a use, if ally you have. why said
$11.40; 3rt1. $18.25 31 911 assessment should not Le levied:
Jos. (';Ily'•rt, 1st. $11.1(1: 3rd. ;honer. Description. Total Cost,
$21.1 ?^_ :Tule I4-\\'nt. Lowther, Sults, 91
A. ('unrad. 2nd311 and !2, ('oh's Add.. lot 2 $ 1 30
1t, ('ostelln, 1st, $10.3.: 2nd. $17."20: .Tilly 14---PaulTroutI•st., F:n•ley'c
2rd. $6.111 34 4:. Sub.. iot 1585
J. Evans, 2nd ]1 Ga July 11 CatholicI"niy. of Wash -
Mike Holman. 1st . 21 2:, a len ,•t al. A. \1cTtnni,•I's Sub_
Peter Hiroki, 2:1,:11 50 lots s20-,;211 15
J. -Linehan, 1st, $41.7)): 2nd. $3.65; Tilly ii Minnie :11111 M. A. Kem-
ler. A. M -Daniel's Sub.. N. 88
. 311. $1.40 48 75 it.. 1?. 1-2. lot 7s3 40
J. Lonergan, 1st, $1.30; 211,1, $5.59, r, s0 Tilly 14--Sidonia 1-fnsford, A. Me -
J. Long. 2nd 31 911 Daniel's Sub., W. 1-2, lot 783.... 55
C. McT:troth. 1st. $1.711: 2nd, $22.75 34 45 July 14--11. IV. Kemler. Cain's
J. J. \Ic('oilins, 1st, $28,711: 211,1, Sub., loss 18-111 55
$3.20 31 90 Tilly 16-Clernuln 'frust and Say.
ltanh• ltor ;,n's Sub.. jots 1 -la.. 70
D. O'Meara, 1st
1" July 21- _.Tis. Herod. TlIalte's .Add,.
A. Paley. 211,1 lot 11
Ed. Seeley. 1st .Tidy 21 --'Phos and T.outs;l Paisley.
Ed. Seeley. 1st. $10.90; 2nd. $18.10; Itlalce's Add.. lot 13 R'
3rd, $7.2:. ;6 Tltly 21- T':ntl 'I'r:ntt 1?s)., Tllalco's 35
A. Stoltz. 2nd 2 1 .\.hl.. lots is -1'I-37-43 to 46
.Tilly 21--.T. A. I1hontberg, Wood's
J. Sullivan. 1st. $3.711; 2nd. $16.50; A.I,I., lots 25;1 -est, R5
^rd. $28 80 to :'I, .11tly 211 -\\". It. ('ox, Sub. Min. Lot
Tomes Tobin, 3rd "4 1t-. 90. lot 2 80
To the Honorable \l;tyor and ('ity .Indy 20aos. Herod. W. 100 ft,
Council of the ('ity of Dubuque: Jlin. Lot 184 5
Gentlemen: -T herewith submit my .Tilly 20-P. Hughes, Sub. 2 of S40
Tay rollon Sewers for the first half oEllen lilake's Sub.. lot f July- 20 -Jan. A. Koch list.. (-'ox's
august,, tans: Add.. lot 16 55
H. Cosgro\.e$ 211 nil July 20-Kiene R Altman, Ctak-
J. Corcoran 1t, 211 land Pork Add., lot 20 80
Ed. 'Daley 111 211 July 20--Kiene & Altman, Wood -
T. Hayem; to 111\\11 Pork Add.. lots 1-2-49-50., 1 60
F. 1-Iohnecker "o s,1 July 20 ---Harriette P. Chamber -
Con Sullivan 19 211
lain. \Voodlatwn Park Add., lots 95
Pat Sage la 211 .Tilly "0--C. .- . Voelker. \Voodlawn
L. Traylor •20 s0 Pork. lots 54-55 55
J. 'l'ncke 19 20 July 20 -Win. Lowther, \Voodlawn
Clerk of Supreme Court. in the Pork. lots 152-154 25
case of Catherine Sheridan Vs. .Jul'\20-.john Trexler. Woodlawn
37 30 Palle. lot 200 15
City of Dubuque ,Tal\ "S--•I'••rt ha Wight ma n, Fin -
John \\"elsh, fur ntae;l,lotttt 19 90 55
ley's Artrl lot "34
H. It, \I, ('nrt,•n, repairs in July 25-Emnt;l Schtvttiil. \Vood-
Washing,toa t';o-k 3 90 lawn P:u'k. lot 246 55
one-half month's July "5 -C. A. Voelker. Wllvv
\\"m, Foster, 40
pay as Inspector on Sewer.... 20 00 JulyPl<. lote 155
T. Schwind. Wood -
Guy l White,exlr:t salary as lawn Pork. Int 201 15
Inspector on Roe ih:ntc•h Sewer 25 00 July ,--P:ya Al. Potter. Wood -
Mary Faust. in Payment for Lot lawn T'ark, lots 156-157
No. 33 in Inion Add150 00 July 25 Tien. J. Schwind, Wood-
1 hereby ,edify that the foregoing is
lawn Palot 19 70
A. correct list of all \\">n'ranlc issued by jut "5-lniut1108 ry°xler. Woodlawn 70
me Burin_ the month of August. 1905. Park. July 05 -.john Vallenbeirler. Wood -
C. F. :\I.l?\T)'f, lawn Park. lilt 199 70
City 1.,',•ortler. July "6 -Mary Eulherg, Tsehirgl
__---- & Schwind's Sub., lot 17 40
- July "6 -John Ts, hir i. Tsc•hirgi
SPi•a'IA1. ASSESSMENT \C)TTCE. & Schwind's Cub., lot e6 25
To All Who Ave Nulled11Below: You
July 27-C. II. Trewin• Oakland
are hereby notified that in accordance Park Int 14 50
with an ordinance of the City of Du- July 27-Jun..T. Farrolty. Oakland rn
huque for the cutting of tweeds during
Til jetl?n, t 15 TTinlrago, Union
the months of June and July, Add.. Int 100 1 45
that a special assessment will he levied July 20 --Wilt. Hennessey, Sub. ° 40
for the expense thereof at the regular of 159. T'uiot Add.. lot
meetingM' the ('ill Council, upon all July 1-1:. Ronson Est., T'ninn
lots and l:
noels of la ad on said im Add.. lots 210-211-212 1 45
Official Notices.
,July 1 John Specht, 'Union Add.,
S. 107 It., lots 197-196
.Tilly i - 'Mary A. Langworthy,
\Ir.,. I.. It Ltngworthy's Add.,
N. 1011 ft.. lot 8
July :-Itridget Redmond. 'Union
Aryl., lots 120-127
July ri—l' iolcr & Sxeudson,
tl'Noill's sul., lot ti .
July 0_ 1<otnlo,• & S.vendson,
O'Noill's Sub. No. 2. lots 14-15
July 0 \\'nt. t'rtbtroe. S. M.
Langworthy's Nub.. lot 11
July 0--11. r:. Trill. S. M.
Langworthy's Sub., S. 26 1-2 ft.,
lot 6
July 0—.T. S. St ooh 'ns. S. M.
July 6—E. Hcnuni, tt'Neill's Sub.,
lots 1-4
July 7—F, N. Schroeder, Sub. 2,
\f in . Lot 15S. lot 2
July 7—Jno. T. Hancock Est., Sub.
Min. Lot 178. lots 6-7
July S—Hugh Tatty, Sub. 2 of Min.
Lot 160. lot 1
July 8—W. W. Whelan, Whelan's
Sub., lot 8
July 10—Al. Gasser. Sister's Add,
lot 1
July 10--3no. V. Rider. Sister's 55
Add., lots 7-0-7
Jule 10-1. V. & S. P. Rider. Sis-
tor's Aryl. tatr s -o 40
July jI Caroline Febray. Sub. 4
of 04. Simpson's Add., lot 155
July 11--P. Eisbach, P,onson &
Stewart's Sub., lots 1 and 2640
July 11—Theo. Altman, Mineral
Lot 35 70
July 11—Louis Morris, Rowan's
.do., lot 1 40
July 12 --Hayes & Gehrig, City Lot
596 2 20
July 12—Mrs. Crotty. City, M. 1-3
lot 556 40
July 11—Wm. Hintrager, City, E
1-4, S. 1-3, lot 556 40
July 12—iMa3fr. Barry, City, S. 2-3,
lot 554 1 90
July 13—Dubuque Brewing &
Malting Co., City, S. 21.6 ft., lot
1 40
Jul,: 13—A. L. Rhomberg, Levi's
Auld., lot 8 40
July 2—Jno. L. Buettell Est,
Nairn's Add.. lots 12-13-14 1 90
July 2—C. H. Eighmey, Sub. 2 of
8 of Min. Lot 179, S. 1-2. lot 11 00
July 2—A. J. Van Duzee, O'Neill's
Sub. No. 2, lots 23-24 1 00
July 2—Emma White, Finley
Home Add., lot 16 70
July 2—E. A. Engler, Finley
Home Add.. lots 10-11 1 00
July 2—Minnie and M. A. Kern -
ler. Newbery & Hale's Sub„ lots
9 to 13 2 50
July 2 --Leathers & Trewin, New-
bery & Hale's Sub., lots 14-151 60
July 2—Catholic Univ. of Wash-
ington et al, Kelly's Sub. 1 and
2 and Mobley's Dubuque, lots
July 2—Jno. Harris Est., Sub. 9,
Collins' Sub„ lot 2 40
July 2—Geo. Salot, Sub. 39, Kelly's
Stlb., lot 1
July 2—H. C. Kiesel & Wm
Coates, S. M. Langworthy's
Add.. lots 39 to 421 15
July 6—Wm. Lawther, S, M.
Langworthy's Add„ lot 13 . 55
July 6—Jac. Zangmeister, S. M
Langworthy's Add„ lot 14 55
1 15
1 45
1 30
T.;tngwort hy's Nub.. lots 1-2 . 1 15
1 15
1 90
1 90
2 65
1 15
July 6—Root. & Jno. Lee, S. M.
L ngwortl,y's Add., lots 1-2 55
July 6—A. J. Van Duzee, Wilson's
Sub., S. S9 ft., lot 41 55
June 26—D. A. Gehrig, West's
Add., lot 13 115
,Tune 26—Schneider & Kleih, Sub
5 and 7 and W. 7.1 ft. 9, Wick's
Sub.. N. B. 40 ft., lot 1 70
.Juno 26 \1. M. Hoffman, E. Lang -
worthy's Add., lot 18 85
June :10—Chas. Heinze, L. H.
Langworthy's Add., lot 147 1 60
June In —Ada L. Collier, Sub. Min
Lot :122. lot 10 2 50
June 30—Leathers & Trewin.
MeCraney's 1st Add., lots 77-78. 1 00
July 1-11. M. Kunz. MoCraney's
1st Add.. lot 86 1 00
July 1—R. M. Kunz. MoCraney's
lst Add.. lot 82 70
.Tilly 1—Francisca Wagner. Sub.
87-88. L. H. Langworthy's Add.,
lot 3 55
.Tule 1—Deming & "Mosel, Sub.
\fin. Lot 466, lot 2 1 45
July 1—P,homberg & Mouser. Da-
vis Farm Add., lot 225 70
July 17—W. S. Wright. Stafford's
Farm .Add., N. 1-2, lot 63 70
.Tule 17—.Jos. H. Hanover. Marsh's
Farm :\rr.. B. i00 ft.. lot 471 00
July 17—Mary A. Walsh. Ham's
Fat•n, Add., E. 1nn ft.. lot 471 00
July 17--M. D. (loux. MoCraney's
1st Add.. lot 69 1 00
July 1S—F. M. Robinson Est„
TTam's Add.. lots 435 to 438 1 00
July 1S—Dan Sauer, McCraney's
1st Add.. lot 45 70
July 18 --Dora Altman, Dunn's
Sub.. lot 11 65
July 1S—Kieno & Altman, Dunn's
Sub., lot 12 65
Jnr:e 30—Kiene & Meyer. Elm St.
Sub.. lots 1-2 70
,Tune 10—Helen M. Sauer, Mc-
Craney's 1st Add.. lot 48 70
Aug. 4—The Cushing -McFadden
Co.. Cushing's Sub., lots S to 13. 1 00
Aug. 9—Carr. Ryder & Adams,
Morgan's Sub., lots 1-12 1 75
Acus. 9—Geo. A. Hancock. Sub.
18-19-20. Fairview Sub.. W. 1-2,
lot 1 55
Aug. 9—B. F. Richardson, Mor-
gan's Sub., lot 10 40
Aug. 9—Jno. T. Hancock Est,
Sub. Min. Lot 158, lot 6 1 00
Aug. 9—Julia D. Rhomherg,
Guernsey & Langworthy's Sub.,
lots 7-8 55
Aug. 9—Julia D. Rhomherg,
Lois Add., lot 8 40
Aug. 9—Peter Eishach, Ronson &
Stewart's Sub., lot 26 25
Aug. 9—Marg. Law•han, Sub. City
601. lot 4 55
Aug. 9—Mary A. Langworthy,
Langworthy Ave. Add., lots 4-
:,-6 35
Aug. 9—Julia D, Rhomberg, Sub.
1 and 2 of Min. Lot 62 and Pt.
Min. Lot 149, lot la 40
Total $96 60
9-27-3t. C. F. ARENDT,
City Recorder.
To All Who Are Named Below:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with an ordinance of the City
of Dubuque for repairing sidewalks
Official Noticos.
,;nring tic ninth of August, 1905, that
a i.il NSSI.SSInellt
1114 IX] Si' IhclIt'td. :It the regular
of the city .,11.1111•11 1115111 III
1411 s ;11111 Ii: 'i if 1;11111 1111 Said 1111-
pri,V0111,111 11 \\ 11141 by being sub-
ii•ot to such spool:II assessineut. And
Noll aro Iii It aplicar at 5;1 111
1111.1.101g /if 1 1-i• '1111114.11 10 110 held 4111
110 Slit day of oolobor. A. D., 1905, and
show cause, if :illy YiU 1111v,, why said
,iii-essintint should ma
owner. Dvscrildion. Total Cost
Aug 1—.M. D. Iloux, E. Lang -
worthy's Add., lot 51 S 60
Aug. 1—Math. Riede, Glendale, lot
1 75
Aug. 3—M. A. Brown, Krayer's
Sub.. lot 2 4(1
Aug. and Edw. Langworthy
Est., Illendalii All,, lot 213 40
Aug. 3 ---John Dthlgor, Boulevard
Add.. but 2 15
Aug. 3—Mariam Stokley, Sub. City
738, lot 9 1 35
Aug. 3—Al. Alatthews, Sub. City
738, lot 6 60
Aug. 3—Jas. Levi, Davis Farm
Add., lot '238 65
Aug. 5—Ellen O'Halloran, Finley's
Add., lot 14 25
Aug. 5 --Watters & Dennis, Sub. 3
of 720, City, lot 6 45
Aug. 8—Anton Meyer. Davis Farm
Add., lot 254 50
Aug. S—Wm. McClain, Hoskins'
Sub., lot 5 45
Aug. 8 --Mary McLaughlin, Sub.
810, A. McDaniels' Sub., lot 2SO
Aug. 8—Jos, Pecker, Woodlawn
Park, lot 151 ......
Aug. S—The St. Joseph Mercy
Hospital, Sub. Min. Lot 66, lot 2. 1 15
Aug. 9—M. D. Goux, E. Lang -
worthy's Add., lot 51 60
Aug. 10—Marg. Hoerner, Cook's
Add., lot 22
Aug. 11—Wm. Bray, City S 1-2, lot
Aug. 12-11. and Edw. Langworthy
Est., Glendale Add., lots 246-247. 90
Aug. 14—Henrietta coates
Cummins' Sub., lot S
Aug. 15—Matilda Specht, Marsh's
Add., lot 41
Aug. 15—Phil Pier, East Dubuque
Add.,lot 281
Aug. 16—Mrs. Sidney Saul, Saul's
Sub., lots 1-2
Aug. 16—F. N. Schroeder, Sub
Min. Lot 158, W 1-2 lot 1
Aug. 16—G. M. Orvis, Sub. 1,
Quigley'a Sub., lot 1
Aug. 16—Helen Wright, Mt. Pleas-
ant Add., lot 2
Aug. 16—Winona Land Co., City
lot 564
Aug. 16—Buel & Loetscher, Loet-
scher & Trueb's Sub., lot 13
Aug, 16—F. N. Schroeder, Sub. 2,
Min. Lot 158, lot 2
Aug. 17—J & E. Tibey, Sub. 3, Min
Lot 63, lot 1
Aug. 17—Jas. E. McClain, Subs. 14
and 15, Bush's Sub., lot 2
Aug. 18—D. C. Phillips, Sub. 2 of
1 of City 653, lot 1
Aug. 19—Thos. Watters, Watters'
Sub., lot 6.
Aug. 19—T. J. Levan, Cummins'
Sub., lot 7
Aug. 21—Jas. Levi, Davis Farm
1 00
1 15
1 05
Add.. 1.0 •ii.s
Aug. rui•soli, L. H
1.111g,\ ‘,1111y.,. .Ndd 1,1 23a
Aug. 2- Rhomlierg cv Mouser, Da-
vis Cam; Add, lot 225
Aug. 7 John Trexler, Woodlawn
Pail:. lid. 2111
Aug. 7 Allis. Sidnoy Saul. Saul's
Suit., Iii1
Aug. 7 .1. 1, 7uju vu -r, Sul -s 76 and
77, loin All., lilt "
Aug. 7 --\V. S. Donn's, sub. 3 of
72, I'll y lot s 1-2
Aug. s \V, cox, cox's All,
lot 5
Aug. 16—Jut
Bradsi roe, s'
1,. Ituettell Est.,
Add.. lot 1
Aug. 19 s S. Mi' -
Daniels' suit.. D., 77.6 ft.. lid S12
Aug, 21--W. J. & I. Cot'
ricll's Sub.. lot 44
Aug. 21- Julin Det•ry, Sub. Alin
Lii 21, 1,,t 'Is
Aug. 22 -L. II. La ngwor:hy. Por-
ter's Add., lot 11
Aug. 22- Paul Schlenker, Dunn's
Sub., let 1,
Aug. 2:1 cilohdale
Add., lot 1
Aug. 23- -11. and Edw. Langworthy
Est.. Illondale Add., lots 2.19-270.
Aug. 2-1 i11'1unil l'ru shy, college,
sill, city 175. ha 7
Aug. 2-1 Walos, Prospect
Hill Add.. hit 9;
,-Aug, 24---cirandview VC. M. E.
church, 1-hicho's Sub. 19 and Sub.
C20, lot
Aug. 24 --Eliza It, Hall, Reche's
Sub. Jul 4
Aug. 21--c. Push, Cox's AWL
101.: 7`...-711
Aug. 27,—J:ts. ..‘1,(1r:t11,, cox's
Add., lot 115
Aug. 25—E. L. Clark, L. Ii. Lang -
worthy's Sub., lot •;•;
Aug. 25—Enima Alden, A. Mc -
Daniels' Sub., lot 7112
Aug. 26—A. \V. Kemler Est., Mc-
Coy's Sub., hit 1
Aug. 26—Jos. P. Earley, Prospect
Hill Add., lot 1
Aug. 20 --John H. Luz, Sub. City
724, let 12
Aug.. 26 -It. Bennett, Jr., Sub. City
724, Its 7 and 10
Aug. 11; -John J. Keane, City lot
Aug. 21—Henry Nictie, Columbia
Sub lot 1 75
Aug. 27 Francis Jaeger, Jaeger's
Sub., lot. 4 50
Aug. 27 I f•iiry Riker, Farley's
sublit i4 1 30
Aug. It - -Jos. Herod, W. 100 ft.
of Min Lot 184 45
Aug. s--11cinry Kiene, Columbia
Sub., lots 2-3 1 85
Aug. 28—J. J. Dunn, Kelly's Sub.
1-2 lot 33. 50
Aug. 28-1. Plamondon, Union
Add.. lot 52 75
Aug. 28—Mrs. B. Keogh, Sub. 32,
Wilson's Sub., lot 1 1 40
Aug. 28—Pat Enright, Union Add,
E. 44 ft. lot 8 50
Aug. 28—Thos. Meehan, Sub. 132,
Union Add., lot 2 40
Aug. 28—John J. Keane, City lots
697-726 5 10
Aug. 29—Geo. Salot, Sub. 39,
Kelly's Sub., lot 1 35
Aug. 30 --Marg, Lowborn, Sub. 601
1 45
1 00
1 55
1. 35
1 00
Official Notices.
city Ii 1. 1 20
Aug. 30 Anna M. Bush, City N.
2-:; lot 197; 1 45
Aug. 21 Martin Sullivan Est,
Saul's Soli., lot 4 70
Aug. 27—W, (1. Cox, Sub. Min. Lot
90, lot. 2 35
Total $62 05
Moine bank. :is ;i guarantee Hutt a
;1,1,1 will lii entered into it' awarded.
The City resents the right to reje; •
any ;toil an bids.
Dated .it Dubuque, Sept. 26. 1907,.
9-27-41. Ci t y Recorder.
4.11YFt' tilt's I
isi. 1907i.
Tti 11layor and City
Council of Dubuque:
gentlemen: The following is a com-
Piele list of all oh 'tints issued on the
various funds hy me during the month
of .Ittly,
Ext is 82.255.9
- First I Het 1,250.18
Si olid District 1,281.31
Third District
Fire 079.17
Sewerage Ills. 25
Printing 148.02
Engineer 21,1.20
Street Lighting 2,;7.35
-Interest 673.72
Board of Health
Library 430,;•;
Bee Branch—Millville 41,14.1••
Bee Itranch—\Vashingtim Street 1.7970::;
Special Bonded Assessinent :;19.50
Loan 0 mu.; 0
1\l'ount C'arniel .Avenue Grading. 7.9:;
Slit, lit I \ ' (1
I ti IT Street Extension Wall7,38.0";
Fifth \Varil Engine House 1.421,:u
'tooth Street Sewer
I hereby certify that the foregoing
is a correct list if till issued
by lilt MI \•;100115 1.111111S .1111.111g the
111011th I 1111-.
-30-1t City Recorder.
NI irr I C E 'ft I SENVElt CONTIL\(:'..1.01t.S.
ii iiii;iietIs will be received it
the ;,tii,•.• a the City Recor,ler until
7:30 iel; p. in. l'hursday, tictobe;-
:,th. 1907., for the construction of a 10 -
inch Tile ripe San'tary Sewer in
Si reel opposite
Afty biqweett Ithontherg and gar:tell
avenues to the evnter of Garfield aye -
:tile. accordance with plans
p. it, prepared by the City
1•;tigii.cer aoil now On tile in the office
of the City Reeorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that it will 1•1'11111rt` 180 lineal feet of
10-itt 'Ii 'rile l'iDe and 1 manhole,
The ‘vork to lie fluid for \\Then gild
work is iainitilited :mil accepted by the
City council, the sante to be completed
011 1/1.1.11re the 1st day of November,
-Bidders must state price per lineei
foot for 'rile Pipe. and each manhole.
All lads must he in•corinianied by it eer-
t clii-ek for 57,0,00 ;;;; . ..
City 1ZIVI.rder•s ()Ince.
Dulnique. lit., Sept. 1st, 1905.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
council of Dubuque:
;1•ntlement: The following is ti com-
plete list of all warrants issued on the
various funds by me ;luring the month
iq August, 1905:
Expense 12,7;48.17;
1:o:id—First District I.N71.90
Second District 1 677,511
Third District i•i12.25
Fire 1.121.80
Pollb•i• 2.172853
Sewerage 4
Engineer 2111341S11
Street Lighting 2,1167,35
Interest ,767,52
-Board of Health
lice Branch—Millville Road102.90
'Bee Branch—Washingtcn St 2.194.90
Judgment 1.1100,47
Mount Carnu•I Avenue grading
Sidewalk I:co:tiring
Sue, lid Fa ad 5,21
Puff Stool EX enSifia
Libra rY
hereby ••ertify that the foregiihr_t
is tt iii ........I list of all warrants issued
by me I ii various funds during the
000th of August, 1905.
9-"5-1t C. F. ARENDT,
City Recorder.
Sealed 10'01)0501s will be received t't
the office of the city Recorder up to 7
tel uk p. m., Sept. 21st, 1907,, for the
construction of a stone sewer in Cooler
ereek between I'eilar Street and Syr:I-,
more Street, south from end of present
sewer, also grading for an open ditch,
in accordance with plans and sOecifle;i-
lions proposed by the City Engini:er
and now ill file in the office of the City
It is estimitteil by the City Engineer
that it will require 240 cubic yards of
masonary and 7.00 culiii• yards of grad-
ing Ill open ditch. Itidders will state
the price pi i• ruble yard for masonry
and the Astec per cubic yard for grad-
All bids must be accompanied by a
certified check for $50.00 on some Du-
buque bank, as a guarantee that a
contract will 10. entered into if award-
ed, The y reserves the right to re-
ject any and all bids.
City Recorder.
111ricia1 "oti('''s.
OFFICIAL ll'I.\l, l'1'Ill.Ii'.\'I'le t\.
AN (tltI1\:\\t'i:
requiring the Chieat.to Oreat \\'estern
Itailvvay Company to reconstruct the
- Viaduct on Peru ltoad over and across
the tracks of said Chicago (1reIll AV"est-
ern itail\v:ty Company.
\\"herens, the Viaduct :it present coo-
Sti'ucted on I'ern frond over and
across the tl'ae•lcs of the Chicago
GI eat \\'eslt•rn itaii\vay Company hits
become old, worn out anti unsafe for
public travel. :nil 'whereas, it is deem-
ed necessary for the safely and pro-
tection it' the Itttltl'ie that said \'i:uiuct
leading over the Chicago (1re:11 AV'esl-
ern I1 1\vin• tracks on Peru Itoacl he
Therefore be it nrd:tined by the City
('otncil of the City of 1/n1 -acme:
Section 1. That the Chicago Great
Western It:tiiany Chill uuly lc, and is
hereby ordered, directed and required
to rehuitd :tnel reconstruct the Viaduct
leading over and across the tracks of
said itaiivc:ie Company on Peril Road
in the City of• Dultutlue.
Section 2. That said Railway Com
Pliny be required to complete the re-
construction of s:lid Cinduct vt'ilhin 3n
days frons Iii' time this Orcin:ince and
the flans and Specifications for said
'Viaduct shall have been served upon
Vatic Company.
Section :!. That the City -Engineer lie
and is hereby directed to prepare Plans
and Specifications for the reconstt'uc-
tiotl of s:lief Viaduct. and that ;is soon
as the saute have been prepared and
approved by the ('icy Connell, that thr
same be stowed upon the Chicago Great
Western 11:lilvvay Compaay together
vwith this (trdin:tI tee.
Section -I. This In'dinaitee shall lie
in force and take effect after its pass-
age and publication one time in the
1tnitu ,ue 'laity Iilobe-.Journal. the of-
ficial ne',vsitaper of the City of Du-
buque. lova.
Adopted Aug. 17th, 11105.
Approved Aug. 22nd. 1!213,
C. I I . I :I : t tG,
Attest: \btyor.
C. F. :\IU:\1)T.
City I:ecorde•r.
I'ublishe•d officially in the Evening
C. F. .\ItI:\lt'I'.
S -;(t -1t. (lily [teem -del'.
OFF 1('I.\1, PI'I:L11':\'TIn\.
\\ nitttiN.\`,CI:•
An Ordinance establishing litishiit. a Made 011
Seventeenth Street from the east line
of Clay Street to the alley between
Pine Sireel and \inlde Street.
Be it nrd:dne.Il by the City Council
of the City of 1hlbttelite, Seven
1. T11:11.a grade on
tee-nt11 Street from the east line of
('lay Street to the alley between J'ine
Sheet and :Alaplo Stnt'I. ill the City of
Dubuque. Town, lie, and is hereby by
tablished and adopted le'l :1s
black line on tile profile of said 11 itt
and grade prepared by the Cily Engi-
neer, Janis li. Royce, :Ind tiled in his
office tinder date of .\ugust 17. 1!tlt,, he -
in nnnlb. re,l 7'1 2, ;incl nl:nkt.d, ''Pro-
file of Seventeenth Str eei I'ronl e,ist
line or l'i l SUreel in the• nlle•y bet\tee•tt
rine and Jlaple Street, H, 'Al., on door-
sill (north end) of church southeast
nrne r of Seventeenth and .lacksou
SI 1 .•els,
elevation 2 2.7 1 ,.'
Said grade beginning, at the east lint•
of Clay Street. tchich is station n.0.
Elevation ":;.1: tliein•e In station 1 -lo.
center of alley, 1'aecntion _`.;: Ihence
to station " -21, center of \V'hate Street,
Elevation -'.11: thence to Scallion .e- -94.
center of alley, Tall vation. 23.9: thence
In statim, -::1;, eelllel' of .1:it'list in
Sheet, Elevation 21.5: thence to sta-
tion It -7s, center of ;cloy. Ett'vation
21.1 tutu to station 5- -'n, center
of \\'nsllin tot: Street, Elevation 211.2;
I he'aee to slat -62, i'i'tut et• of
Iea. Iaev'alioll 20,23: thence• to si:ltion
11- -lt, et•ntor of Ella Sti t -i, 1':let h lu ll
20.e: thence to station 12 - r of
Pine Street, l:le•v:ttton 19.7'': thence• to
station 15- -;n, center of alley, Eleva-
tion 19.2,
Section 2. Tills Ordinance to he
force and t;Ike effect front and after
its It:Iss:l t' by the City Council and
its pt1111h-llion one time in the Du-
bugtle 1)11 ly Globi• -Journal neivspaper.
A(lopl^d .‘ug. 17th. 1003.
Approved Aug. _'n.l.
C. Il. I:1: Rt
Attest: \Iayor.
C. F. :\It1:N11'1',
City Itecorder.
Published otticially ill the I':t''nitl_
Globe -Journal. .\ lig. "0111, 1pn3.
C. E. :\ I t I:\ I I'1'•
S -3n-11. ('i15' I:ecord.•r,
()P''1'111:1'I'I'1" 1'111"\CIt,'S I\'1'I:\•
'I'lnV 'I'(l CltAS'I'Itll'I' .SN s -INCH
1'11.11 I'II'1': S.\ \I'1'.\1:\" SI':\\"1:1: IN
\\' KST L( ill "S'1 S'1' I : I':1:'1', :v'1' '1' 1111
I\'I'1':itsl:l'TIU\ (IT' l'\I(IN A\'11 -
\t'1':, \\"I:S'I'EI11,Y i\ 1'\111\ .\\'K -
I"1': 'I'II :\I.'I':\ VISTA S'I'Itt•:1':•I'.
51 11 "1'1 1 1:1:1.1" IN .\ 1 .'I'.\
\' I S'I'.\ S'I' I : I-: I':'I' '1'I i TI I 1,1 1' I': \'1' 1': I :
I ITS l:Irl\.\ S'I•I:l:l:'l'.
55'Itom It \1:1)
1'n11 mid ,:11.11 of It ou :t 'i' hereby no -
',Hied that ti is the intention of tile.
city Connell of the• City of Ilithnllue
o construct all s -inch tile oils- sani-
tary S'\ver in \\'est Locus( Sttcet, at
the int' rser'tiou of Inion .\venot' iv, St-
erly ill I"ilion Avenue to Alio \•i.oa,
Street, Ill -nue southerly ill Alta Vista
Sheet to the center of Edina SI reel.
'1'hnt iI plat and specification of said
proposed setwe r is no\v on file in the
ufflce of the ('ity I:eeot'tler.
It is estimated by the ('icy Engineer
that it will tecluire 2,5141 iilienI feel of
tile pile \with lu manholes :Inti
198 Official Notices.
will cost the abutting property OWIlerS
Any persons having objection to the
constructiot, of said sanitary sewer are
hereby notified to appear before the
City Council at its regular session Sept.
2Ist. or to file in writing with the
City [teem,ler their objections on or
before Sept. 21st, 1905.
Dated at Dulitique. Sept. lith, 1905.
city Recorder.
OF '1'11E, Cri'Y CoENc11;;•1 INTEN-
ElloAl PRESENT IANI-1(11.1.: (0'-
1 1(1SITE ALLEY IIETWEEN 1 1-11 t:\1-
1 1E11(1 AND (1.1,1 1FIEL1) AVENUES
To Whom It May Concern:
You and each of you are hereby noti-
fied that it is the intention of the City
Council to eonstruct an N-iiich tile pipe
sanitary sewer in kitiest Street from
the present manhole opposite alley be-
tween Ithoinlwrg 111(1 Garfield avenues
to the center of Garfield avenue.
That a plot :Ind stii.cilleations of said
proposed sewer is now on tile in the
office of thi City Reorder.
It is estimattil hy the City Engineer
that it will require 1111 foot of
8 -inch 111 ine with one (1) Im1nho1e,
alai will eost the abutting property
owners $1:1,1.00 in total.
Any ocrson having objections to the
eolisiiiietion of said sanitary sewer arc
hereby notified to appear berm., the
city Council at its regular session
Sept. 21st. 19111, or to tile in writing with
the city lIecordor their objections on or
before Sept. 21st, 1901.
Dated at Duhuque. Sept. llth, 1905.
c. F. A RENDT.
9-11-31 City Recorder.
Notice is hereby given to all con-
cerned that a Special .Assessment will
be levied to pay for Improving the
Alley lwtween Rhornberg and Lincoln
Avenues. from Middle Avenue to Feng -
ler Aveitue. O'Farrell, McNamara &
y, contractors.
Amount of special assessment, $303.93,
against the abuttingproperty owners,
upon and along said Alley. as provided
by law. at a session of the City Coun-
cil to be held Sept. 21st. 1905.
And that there is a plat and schedule
on file in the office of the City Recorder
of said City of Dubuque, showing the
alley on which said improvement has
been constructed, and the separate lots
and parcels of ground :Ind specified por-
tions thereof subject to ftssessment of
such improvement, the names of the
owners as far as practicable. and the
amount to be assessed against each
lot or parcel of ground, which plat
and schedule is subject to public in-
.And that any :mil all persons object-
ing: to said special iissessinent if sail
1,1:1t imist 111, his or their ,,,,Joytion itt
writing with the city IPtIt of said
City of Dubuque on 0r before situs sos..
shin of the ('it y Coaticil to lie held
Sl•111. 21st. 1911:, or to tiiiiear :it said
stssion of the Council to show 1•ZI115e.11
y you have. why said assessment
should not he ievied,
'Dated :11 Dubuque. Sept. llth, 1901.
C. F. Al ZEN! 171',
9-11-21. Cit• 1:iicorder.
Notiee is liereli• given to nil con-
cerned that a Special AsQessinent ill
he levied 111 I);iy for the construction
111 s -i11111 tilo pipe s:11,i1:iry sower
111 C01.11(.0Avttue from Sanford Street
to Street. Street. Steuek
& lItlti. Contractors.
Amount of special assessment. $-170.0S,
against the abutting- proporty upon and
along said suWer, as provided by law,
:11 1 session of the City Connell to he
lipid Sept. 21st. 1901.
And that there is a plat and schedule
on file in the office of the City 1Zecorder
of said City of Dubuque. showing 111
streets, 01. parts thereof, 111 which said
sewer has been constructed, and the
separate lots and parcels of ground and
specified portions thereof subject to as-
sessment of such improvement. the
11;1105 of 111. oYHers :15 I:11' :IS
:111(i till. :111100111 to be assessed
against each lot or parcel of ground,
which plai an,: schedule is subject to
public inspection.
.And that Inc::Ind all ilerS4,11S ohjeet-
Mg to said sia Hal assessment sH(1
plat must filo his or their objection in
Writil.g With the City Recorder of said
City of Dubuque or nefore said ses-
siqn of the City C'ouncil to be held
sept 21st, 1901, or to appear :It said
session of the Council to show if
any you 11 1, why said assessment
should not he levied.
11:11«1 al Dulinque. Sept. 11th. 1905.
9-11-3t. City Ileeorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the office of the City Recorder until
7:30 o'clock p. m. Thursday, Sept. 21,
1905, for the improvement of Dillon
Street, from Grandview Avenue to the
northern terminus of said Dillon Street
in accordance with plans and specifi-
cations now on file in the office of the
City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that it will require new curbstone set
1,284 feet.
Guttering, 592 square yards.
Macadamizing, 1,575 square yards.
Filling, 2,180 cubic yards.
Cutting, 1,828 cubic yards.
The work to be completed on or be-
fore the 1st day of December, 1905, and
shall be paid for when said work is
Official Notices.
completed and accepted by the City
The proposals for doing the work
will be acted upon by the City Coun-
cil the 21st day of September, 1905.
Bidders must state price per lineal
foot for new curbing set ;Hui the price
per square yard for guttering and
macadamizing. also price per souare
yard for grading.
Each bid must be accompanied by a
certified check for 550.00 on some Du-
buque batik n; a t_ruarantee that a
contract will be entered into if
awn rded.
The City Council reserves the right to
reject any and all bids.
Dated at Dubuque. Sept. 11th. 1:16
C. F. A1:ENIt•i',
9-11-3t City Re, order.
EAST LOT LiNE op Cf.:\v
To Whom it May Con( (''n:
You and each of you ale hereby no-
tified that it I.: the intention of the
City Council of the City oi' Dubuque
to improve Seventeenth Street, from
the east lot line of flay Street to the
west curb line of Jackson Street.
That the pt 1 and specifications of
said prposed improvement rovement is now on
file in the ot'i ' of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that said improvement will require
2,507 square yards of brick pavement
and concrete foundation, making a to-
tal estimated cost to the abutting
property owners of $4,136.55.
Any person having objection to said
improvement is hereby notified to ap-
pear before the City council at its reg-
ular session to be held Sept. 21, or to
file with the City Recorder their ob-
jections in writing oil or before Sept.
21, 1905. Sept. 11th. 1905.
Dated at Dubuque.
9-11-3t City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at
my office up to 7:30 o'clock .m. and
l,th, 1905, for repairing.cleaning
oiling the Town Clock, also taking care
oPBiidders must state clock
pricefor and said ne
cleaning and oiling and fur-
nishing all material, also the price per
year for taking care of anu furnish-
ing all material that may be required
to orderPforaione year clock ifrom complete'etrunning
1st, 1905,
to Oct. 1st. 1906.
The city reserves the right to reject
any or all bids.
City Recorder.
To Whom It May Concern:
Notice is hereby given of the Coun-
cil's intention to vacate Huff Street
from the South Line of 1 -railroad Ave-
nue to the South Line of the Dubuque
Harbor Co's. Addition. Also the Alley
between Huff and Salina Streets from
the South line of Railroad Avenue to
tho south line of the Dubuque Harbor
Co's. addition, and that an Ordinance
providing for said vacation has been
submitted to the City Council of the
('ity of Dubuque ;tt its last regular ses-
sion. Said Ordinance will be i(assed at
a regular session of the Coun( ii sifter
ten days' publication of this Not iee,
Dated at Dubuque, Sent. I1th. 191t5.
City Recorder of the c'iiV of i(nburiue.
Regular Session October 5, 1905. 201
Regular Session, t n•tot er 5th• Do:,.
Council met at 8:30 o'clock 1'. M.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Aids. CI:1m.y, Corrance,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Absent—Aid. Frith.
Aid. Currance moved that the Council
proceedings for the month of Septent-
her be approved as printed. Carried
The following bills were ordered paid:
Key City Gas Co., gas for various
departments 100X 30
Iowa Telephone Co.. telephone
service for various departments 41 27
W. Singrin, pine wood, City Hall 6 00
G. B. Grosvenor, stationery and
supplies for various depart-
Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies,
City Hall and Fire department 6 15
J. Biaser, repairing City Hall
scales 73 00
Builders' Supply Co., Lumber for
First ward scales 34 03
Key City Iron Works, repairs for
First ward scales 2 75
J. Ernsdorff Iron Co., hardware
for First ward scales 58
Telegraph -Herald. Finance re-
ports 63 20
Telegraph -Herald, abstract, case
of Schnee vs. City 101 00
Telegraph -Herald, blank station-
ery 5 25
J. P. Buechele & Co., taking care
of town clock from June 1st,
1904, to Oct. 1st, 1905 166 60
G. Holl, sharpening lawn mowers
and repairs for Fire department 2 10
Key City Gas Co., removing lamp
G. W. I-Iealey & Son, new tools
for Road department 4 10
Linehan & Molo, cement for Road
department ........... 2 63
P. J. Seippel Lumber Co., lumber
for Road department 3 25
P. Heller, horse shoeing for Road
department 1 50
G. Lear, horse shoeing for load
Kassler & Cahn, iron rails for
Road department
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Road
Jno. Duggan, repairs for Road
Standard Oil Co., oil and grease
for steam roller
Dub. Rubber & Belting Co., hose
and couplings for steam roller.
Fischer & Co., coal for steam
F. Burns, coal for steam
b rollerAustin Western Co.,
e for
street sweetie,' ..... • • ' ....... '
7 95
5 60
2 00
1 50
1 90
9 15
4 08
7 50
44 75
36 45
27 30
Key City tins Co.. coal and coke
fur fire ),'pa 11111(.41i
lic'y t'it>' gas :u'cs fir
Fire Dept
L, J. Scl,nti!I, hardware for Fire
L. Lindenhu•rg, hardware for Fire
and Sidewalk Departments
Wunderlich & \\'iederholl. horse
shooing for Fire Department
G. Lear horse shooing for Fico
1'ullenil'cider & Heim. ho!se-
shnoin' for F!rt! Department .•
callings & PElffncr, horse shoe-
ing Fin. Fire 1)' :1rlmc•ut
I'. Boller. horse shoeing for Vire
T. H, Clark, drugs and supplies
for Fire i)epartnient
Dub. nil 'Tank Line, oil for Fire
De l a rt stent
Star Iaectr•ie ('o.. siPplies for
Fire Department
Cart', Ryder Adams ('o., lumber
for Fire Department
Thus. Fane hay for Fire De-
Dub. Rubber & Belting Co., hose
and couplings for Fire Depart- 11 75
J. Simones Co., blankets for Fire ] 7 00
Ellwanger Bros. 1 set new har-
ness anti repairing harness for 51 10
Fire D,'p.crtmeth
Dub. Bedding Co.. mattresses for 9 00
Fire Department
Jos. J. Row; 1 . comforters for 11 _':c
Fire Departmentfire alarm
Geo. P. Rose, repairing In 00
T. Connolly Est., 1 new combina-
tion chemical engine and hose
wagon for No. 6 Engine House.1400 00
Linehan & Molo, supplies for
Fire Department power for
Union Electric Co.,
fire alarm system
F. P. Hayes, board of Prisoners
for September
Collings & Pfiffner, horse shoeing 12 25
patrol team ......'
Ellwanget• Bros., repairing' ' 2 75
ness patrol team ...........
T. F. Kane, oats delivered at 2" 55
Eic•hhnrn & B r
1 at.rol houses c htel. supplies for
Matron Department .......... ]. 45
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for
Sewer and Sprinkling Itent s....
Fmith-Morgan Prtg, Co., cc'eekl
and monthly pamidllc•ts jar
September •""'......,rioting
C:lobe-Journal, offic iai 1
fur September ..................
Telegraph-I-ierald, official print- .....
ing fur :"..ert er!,her 'official
Natlur;al Pernnkrat, 5 00
printing for Septernher• • • • • • ..
Union Electric Co., arc lights for
2067 35
September ...... • . .....arbage
T. E. Frith, removing g
and dead animals during
40 i5
1 00
10 80
7 00
„ 25
., 75
Ili 25
3 50
14 00
15 80
2 20
5 00
83 35
6 00
2 00
1 40
8 00
16 05
61 60
82 15
2U2 Regular Session October 5, 1905.
month of September ..
G. Bock, repairs for Sprinkling
Dub. Rubber and Belting Co,
expansion rings for Sprinkling
Builders' Supply Co., lumber for
Sidewalk Dept
Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber for
Sidewalk Dept
P. J. Seippel Lumber Co., lumber
for Sidewalk Dept 32 65
O'Farrell & Co., grading Grace
391 00
sum of $50.00 as damages to his prop -
23 30 erty clone by the Iowa Telephone Co.
while placing in their underground
system near his property. On motion
113 was referred to the Committee of the
48 Petition of A. Vogel, claiming the
O'Farrell & Co., grading Pine
O'Farrell & Co., lowering Bee
Branch Sewer
O'Farrell & Co., grading Bee
Branch Sewer
Eichhorn & Bechtel, broom for
Bee Branch Sewer
Street, Steuck & Linehan, final
estimate constructing Sanitary
Sewer in Eleventh Street
Street, Steuck & Linehan, final
estimate constructing Sanitary
Sewer in Caledonia Street
Street, Steuck & Linehan, final
estimate constructing Sanitary
Sewer in Collier Avenue
340 00
25 00
59 00
35 28
29 06
20 60
Petition of Math. Ga ntenbein, claim-
ing the sum of $300.00 as damages sus-
tained by being thrown in an open
ditch from his buggy near Fifth ave-
nue. On motion, referred to the Com-
mittee on Claims and City Attorney.
Petition of Aug. Pfeffer read by Ald.
Needham, :asking for an investigation
relative to the purchase of horses for
the Fire Department, was, on motion,
referred to the Fire Committee, and
they to report at the next meeting of
the Council.
Petition of A. Ney, asking that he
be given an order to put in the Golden
Metal Weather Strip in some of the
city's buildings. was, on motion, re-
ferred to the Committee on Public
Grounds and Buildings.
Petition of Emma J. and Wm. M.
Hein, asking for the cancellation of
the special assessment as levied
against their lot corner West Fifth
and Nevada Streets for the construc-
tion of :a sanitary sewer in Nevada
Street. On motion was referred to
the Committee on Sewers, City Attor-
ney :Hal City Engineer.
Petition of P. Kenneally et al, ask-
ing that the special assessment as
levied for the construction of a new
sidewalk along Grandview Avenue be-
tween South Dodge Street and South-
ern Avenue, be ordered canceled. On
motion was referred to the Committee
of the Whole.
Petition of L. Prager & Co., asking
that their assessment for 1904 on
$9,000.00 merchandise be ordered can-
celed. On motion was referred to the
Committee of the Whole and City At-
Petition of the Iowa Telephone Co.
relative to the taxation of their prop-
erty in the city, was, on motion, re-
ferred to the Board of Equalization,
City Attorney and City Assessor.
Petition of \V. Schultz et al, asking
that a new sidewalk be ordered laid
at the corner of Leibnitz and Clifford
Streets. On motion was referred to
the Sidewalk Inspector to report at
the next meeting of the Council.
City 'Treasurer Brinkman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen : —Belo w you will find
Statement of amounts advanced by me
during the month of September, 1905,
for which please order \Varrants drawn
in my favor:
Excavation Permits Redeemed$ 45 00
Interest paid on Warrants out-
standing .. ... 980
Freight Charges 10
Postage Stamps 10
New York Exchange
Itecording Instrument
Freight Charges
2 18
$1048 90
Library Orders Paid $ 686 12
I also refunded old Warrants, for
which please order new Loan Warrants
Total amount of Warrants $5250 00
I also received money borrbw•ed from
various parties, please order Loan War,
rants drawn in their favor.
Total amount of Warrants ....$12,000 00
On motion the report was received,
and Warrants ordered drawn to pay
the various amounts and the report re-
ferred hack to the Committee on Fi-
City Auditor Hoffman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Herewith find my report for the
month of September, 1905, showing the
Regular Session October 5, 1905. 2O
receipts and disbursements for the
mon! h:
Cash on hand Sept. let. 19el..$ 9,842.71
l 1 l' C 1' I
Receipts ft'otll all sources ....$27.916.99
'rata► $77,799.70
Warrants redeemed $25.173.23
Coupons redeem ,,l 430.62
Water Works Bonds rcdecnled22.50
Total $'5.626.35
Cash on hand t let. 1st. 1905$12.177.71
The above cash balance includes the
Improvement Pond Fund, improve-
ment 13ond Interest Fund, and Library
Fund balances.
Also report that there is due the City
Officers for the month of September,
1905, the sum of $2,683.20.
Also the following is a record of all
interest Coupons and Bonds redeemed
by the city Treasurer during the past
month and credit' 1 to him:
Regular Bond Conten is $144 .^,S
Improvement Bond Coupons 2S6 24
\W41 ter Works Bond Coupons 22 10
$453 12
The fopnvving list shows the -\Ppt'o-
pri;itions tool the :mount of \\'arr:ants
drawn on each Fund since the begin-
ning of the fiscal year beginning March
1st, 1905. to October 1st, 1905:
Appropriation. Expended.
Expense .. .... ....$40.000
Road—First district . 16.000 10, 507.03
Road—Second district 20.300 12.717.6
Road—Third district. s.710
Fire 12.000
Sewerage .... .... -•.a(te
Printing .... .... 2.1710
Engineer .... .. 2.100
Street Lighting .... .. 25.200
Interest .... ..... 41.100
Board of Health 4,500
Grading .... ..... 2.000
Bee Branch —Millville
Road 3,000
Bee Branch—Washing-
ton Street 6,000
Bee Branch—Fifteenth
and Sixteenth Streets 1.400
Special Bonded Paving 2 000
Judgment .... .... 3,000
Special Bonded Debt
and Interest 4,000
Mount Carmel Avenue
Grading .... .... 1,000
Sidewalk Repairing 1,000
Special Sewer Fund1,000
Bluff Street Extension
Wall .... 1,000
Fifth Ward Engine
4,000 3,773.74
Booth Street Sewer.. 1,000 1.000.00
On notion the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
the City Officers, and the report re-
ferred Incl: to the Committee on Fi-
Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol-
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council:
Gentlemen:—The following is the pay
roll of the Fire Department for the
month of August, 1205:
Amount due Firemen $2421 65
Respectfully submitted,
On motion, the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
the Firemen, and the report referred
back to the Committee on Fire.
Chief of Police Reilly reported as
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council:
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit the
Police report for the month of Sep-
tember, 1905:
Total ::•rests for the month 53
Residents arrested 26
Doors found open 18
Lodgers harbored 21
Defective lights 142
Meals furnished 7
Cost of food $ 1 40
Sheriff, dieting prisoners 3 75
Patrol calls 64
Miles traveled 103
Also pay roll for Policemen for the
month of September, 1905:
Amount due Policemen $1942 95
Respectfully submitted,
Chief of Police.
on motion the report and pay roll
were received, and warrants ordered
drawn to pay policemen, and the re-
port referred back to the Committee
on Police.
City Engineer Boyce reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen—I herewith submit. my
pay roll for labor on streets in the dif-
ferent road districts during the last
half of September, 1905:
Amount due laborers on streets.$185e.65
ltespectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved by Committee on Streets.
Also submit my pay roll for labor on
sewers during the last half of Septem-
ber, 1905:
Amount due laborers on sewers..$177.00
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved by Committee on Sewers.
Also submit my pay roll for labor
204 Regular Session. October 5, 1905.
grading Mt. Carmel Avenue during last
half of September, 1905:
Amount due laborers on Alt.
Carmel Avenue 8215.35
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved by Connnittcc on Streets.
On motion the pay rolls on streets,
sewers and Mt. Carmel Avenue were
received and warrant, ordered drawn
to pay the various amounts and the
pay rolls referred back to the proper
City .Engineer Boyce reported as
To the Hon. Mayor and ('ity Council:
Gentlemen:—Attached ph a se find
statement of macadam measured to
date. and the amount due for same:
Total amount due $786.15
On motion warrants were ordered
drawn to pay the various amounts.
City Eleetrician Hipnman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my
report of defective lights for the
month of September, 1905. I find from
the reports of the Police Department
that the total hours that 142 lamps fail-
ed to burn would equal 5 lamps for one
month, or $27.00.
Respectfully submitted,
City Electrician.
On motion the report was received,
and the City Auditor instructed to de-
duct from the Union Electric Com-
pany's bill for the month of September
the sum of $27.00.
Geo. N. Rayniond, Sidewalk Inspec-
tor, reported as follows:
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council:
Gentlemen:—In regard to the en-
closed communication of Mrs. Ada L.
Collier would report that the assess-
ment on Lot 5, should have been Sub-
division of Lots 2 and 3, Lot 11. Mrs.
L. H. Lan_aorthy's Add., South Hill
Street, and assessable to Mrs. Ada L.
Collier and L. H. Langworthy, Trus-
tees. Respectfully submitted,
Sidewalk Inspector.
On motion the report was received
and the Treasurer instructed to cor-
rect said assessment as recommended.
City Recorder Arendt presented and
read the printed Notice certified to by
the publishe: of the Council's intention
to levy a Special Assessment for re-
pairing sidewalks during the month of
August, 1905.
No remonstrance being filed, the
Mayor asked if anyone present had any
objection to said Special Assessment.
No objection being stated, the Notice
on motion was received and filed.
Whereupon A.ld. Corr lice offered the
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That to pay for
repairing sidewalks during August,
1905, in front of and adjoining the same,
a Special Tax be and is hereby levied
on the several Lots and Parts of Lots,
and Parcels of Real Estate hereinaf-
ter named, situate and owned, and for
the several amounts set opposite each
Lot or Parcel of Real Estate, as fol-
Owner. Description. Total Cost.
Aug. 1—M. D. Goux, E. Lang -
worthy's Add., lot 51 $ 60
Aug. 1—Math. Riede, Glendale
Add., lot 1 75
Aug. 3—M. A. Brown, Krayer's
Sub., lot 2 40
Aug. 3—R. & Edw. Langworthy
Est., Glendale Add., lot 213 40
Aug. 3—John Olinger, Boulevard
Add.. lot 2 55
Aug. 3—Mariam Stokley, Sub. City
738, lot 9 1 05
Aug. 3—Al. Matthews, Sub. City
738, lot 6 60
Aug. 3—Jas. Levi, Davis Farm
Add., lot 238 65
Aug. 5—Ellen O'Halloran, Finley's
Add., lot 14 35
Aug. 5—Watters & Dennis, Sub. 3
of 720, City, lot 6 45
Aug. 8—Anton Meyer, Davis Farm
Add., lot 254 50
Aug. 8—Wm. McClain, Hoskins
Sub., lot 5 45
Aug. S—Mary McLaughlin, Sub.
810, A. McDaniel's Sub., lot 280
Aug. 8—Jos. Fecker, Woodlawn
Park, lot 151 50
Aug. 8—The St. Joseph Mercy
Hospital, Sub. Min. Lot 66, lot 2. 1 15
Aug. 9—M. D. Goux, E. Lang -
worthy's Add., lot 51 60
Aug. 10—Marg. Iloerner, Cook's
Add., lot 22 75
Aug. 11—Wm. Bray, City S. >E, lot
164a 45
Aug. 12—R. & Edw. Langworthy
Est., Glendale Add., lots 246-247. 90
Aug. 14—Henrietta Coates Kiesel,
Cummins' Sub., lot 8 45
Aug. 15—Matilda Specht, Marsh's
Add., lot 41 35
Aug. 15—Phil Pier, East Dubuque
Add., lot 281 60
Aug. 16—Mrs. Sidney Saul, Saul's
Sub., lots 1-2-3 1 00
Aug. 16--F. N. Schroeder, Sub.
Min. Lot 158, W. lot 1 75
Aug. 16—G. M. Orvis, Sub. 1, Quig-
ley's Sub., lot 1 55
Aug. 16—Helen Wright, Mt. Pleas-
ant Add., lot 2 1 15
Aug. 16—Winona Land Co., city
lot 564 50
Aug. 16—Buel & Loetscher, Loet-
scher & Trueb's Sub., lot 1335
Aug. 16—F. N. Schroeder, Sub. 2,
Min, Lot 168, lot 2 55
Aug. 17—J. & E. Tibey, Sub. 3,
Min. Lot 63, lot 1 1 05
Aug. 17—Jas. E. McClain, Sub. 14
and 15, Bushe's Sub., lot 2 75
Aug. 18—D. C. Phillips, Sub. 2 of
1 of City 653, lot 1 65
Aug. 19—Thos. Watters, Watters'
Sub., lot 6 40
Aug. 19—T. J. Levan, Cummin's
Sub., lot 7 55
Aug. 21—Jas. Levi, Davis Farm
Regular Session October 5, 1905.
Add., lot 238
Aug. 10—W. U. Buesch, 'L. H
Langworthy's Add., lot 23a .
Aug. 3—Rhomberg & Meuser, Da-
vis Farm Add., lot 225
Aug. 7—John Trexler, Woodlawn
Park, lot 200
Aug. 7—Mrs. Sidney Saul's Sub,
lot 1
Aug. 7-4. L. Meyer, Sub. 76 and
77, Union Add., lot 2
Aug. 7—W. S. Dennis, Sub. 3 or 60
720, City, lots 1-`L
Aug. 8—W. G. Cox, Cox's Add,
lot 555
Aug. 16—Jno. L. Inlet tell Est.,35
Bradstreet's Add., Int 1
Aug. 19—Agnes S. ltlake, A. Mc -
Daniel's Sub., E. 27.6 ft.. `lot 13 30
Aug. 21—W. J. and W. G. 90
Corriell's Sub., lot 44
Aug. 21—John Deery. Sub. Min.
Lot 39, lot 38
Aug. 23—L. H. Lang\yorthy, Por- 1
ter's Add., lot 13 45
Aug. 23—Paul Schlenker, Dunn's 40
Sub.. lot 8
Aug. 23—Math. Hiede, Glendale 1 O0
Add.. lot 1 •••""•"
Aug. 23—R. and Edw. LangworthY
Est., Glendale Add.. lots 249- 1 2n
270 ..........................
Aug. 24—German Presby. College, 1 45
Sub.675. Wales. Prospect
Aug.24—C. EE. 8
Hill Add., lot 26
Aug. 24—Grandview-Ave.
19M and
Church. Reche's1 00
Sub. 20, lot 1
Aug. 24—Eliza R. Hall, Reche's 1 5,
Sub.. lot 4
Aug. 24—C. T. Bush. Cox's Add, 1
lots 75-79 .... ...............
Aug. 25—Jas. McGrath, Cox's
Add., lot 115
Aug. 25—E. L. Clark, L H.
Langworthy's Sub., lot -
Aug. 25—Emma Alden, A. Mc -
Daniel's Sub., lot I76• ............
Aug. 26—A. W.
emler Est.,
McCoy's Sub., lot 1............. 4
Aug. 26—Jos. P. Earley, Prospect 6
Hill Add.. lot 1.. ..............
Atte. 26—John H. Luz. Sub. City 1 00
724, lot 12 ........ ....
Aug. 26-11. Bennett, Jr., Sub. City
724, lots 7-19 ....................
Aug. 26—John J. Keane, City Lot
607 .........
Aug. 21—Henry Kiene, Columbia
Sub.,lot 1. ......................
Aug.2 25—Francis Jaeger,
Sub.. lot 4 ....' ' .... .
Aug. 25—Henry Riker, Farley's
Sub., lot 14 ..• •
Aug. 26—Jas. Herod, W. 100 ft of
Min. Lot 1.84...... h ......
Aug. 28—Henry Kiene, 1
Sub., lots 2-3 • ..
Ana;. 9S—J. J. Dunn, Kelly's Sub.,
S. 1-2. lot 55 .....'.
Aug. 25—T. Plamondon, Union
Add.. lot 52 • • .........Sub. 3..
Aug. 2S—Mrs. B. Keogh. . 1
Wilson's Sub., lot 1 .. • •
Aug. 28—Pat Enright, Union Add.,
E. 44 ft.. lot 5 . •
Ang. 28—Thos. lote 2 an,
Sub. 152.
Union Add.....City lots
Arg. ?8—John J. Keane.
697-726",Ana. 29—Geo. CalotSub. 39, Kel-
ly's Sub., lot 1 ...h.p' Sub. ....
Aug. 30—Marg. L.601,
City Lot 4
Aug. 30—Anna M. Bush, City, N
2-3, lot 1115
Aug. 21—Martin Sullivan Est,
Sub., lot 4
Aug. 27—W. G. Cox, Sub. \Vin. Lot
90, lot 2
Total $62 05
Ald. ('orrux•e moved to adopt the
Resolution. Carried by the following
Yeas --.\1,1. ("limey, Corranee,
Lyons. Needham and Stumpf.
Absent--Ald: Frith.
1 20
1 45
Cily Recorder Arendt also presented
and real the printed Notice, certitied
to by the publisher, of the Coun,•il's
intention to levy a special assessment
for cutting weeds during the months
of ,lune and .1nly. 1905.
Also a communication of Jos. H.
Hanover, remonstrating against the
levying of a special assessment. against
IMt 47, Marsh's Addition, claiming that
he cut the wcods on
sold loi. himself.
im`el .
On notion said
referred to the Committee on Streets.
Whereupon Ald. Cot'rance offered the
following:Council of the
T;ew,IV,id by th, City
City of Dubtulae, That to pay for cut-
ting weeds June and .July,
front of :uu1 adjoining the same, a
Special Tax be and is hereby levied
on the several Lots, and Parts of Lots,
and I':usels ut• Beal Elate herein-
after named. and
ed. v r .ttttt,mouand
. st•trropposite
,- ieh Lot ,u• Parcel of Real Estate, as
inviter. Description. Total Cost,
Juin 92. Itrats sI :Atvthlot Subs. 91:In$ 1 30
July 14-1'.tttl Trrul Est., Farley's S5
Sun_ lot
anlr 14--t'atholi. Univ. of VVash-
in_tnn. ,•t al, A.. McDaniels' 1 15
Sub., lots 520-821
July 11-- Minnie and M. A. Kemler,
A. Iielrnniels' Sub., N. SS ft. E. 40
T. lot
July 11 --Sid min 1--losl'ord, A. Mc -
1 ):Iniels'
c-Daniels' Sub.. W. '.. 101 S:1
July 14--H. \V. l(emlet•, (';tin's
Sb., lots itaut Trust Savings
ormanSb, lts 1-1a70
Bank, org 's
July 21—Jos. IIerod, Blake's Add,
lot 11
July 21—Thos. and Louisa Pais-
ley, Blake's Add., lot 13
July 21—Paul Traut Est., Blake's
Add., lots 18-1.937-43 to ' 2 35
July 21—J. A. Rhomberg, S5
Add., lots 2S;`-281Min. Lot
July 20—W. G. Cox, Sub.2 80
90, lot 3 100 ft.
July 20—Jos. Herod, W. 55
Min. Lot 154
July 20—P. Hughes, Sub. 2 of 8, 40
Ellen Blake's Sub., lot 2 .....
July 20—Jno• A. Koch Est., Cox's
Add., lot 16
July 20—Kierte & Altman, Wood-
lawn80 Park, Add., lot 20
July 20—Kiene & Altman, Wood -
lawn Park, lots 1-2-49-50 1 60
July 20—Harriette P. Chamber -
v 6
2U6 Regular Session October 5, 1905.
lain, Woodlawn Park, lots 51-52.
July 20—C. A. Voelker,
Wood -
lawn Park, lots 54-55
July 20—Wm. Lawthar, Woodlawn
Park, lots 153-154
July 20—John Trexler, Woodlawn
Park, lot 200
July 20—Ben J. Schwind, Wood -
lawn Park, lot 201
July 25—Beriha Wightnlan, Fin-
ley's Add., lot 224
July 25—Emma Schwind, Wood -
lawn Park, lot 246
July 25—C. A. Voelker, Wood -
lawn Park, lot 155
July 25—Eva M. Potter, Wood -
lawn Park, lots 156-157
July 25—Ben J. Schwind, Wood -
lawn Park, lot 197
July 25—John Trexler, Woodlawn
Park, lot 198
July 25—John Vallenweider, Wood -
lawn Park, lot 199 Tschirgi
July 26—Mary Eulberg,
& Schwind's Sub., lot 47
July 25—John Tschirgi, Tschirgi
& Schwind's Sub., lot 46
July 27—C. B. Trewin, Oakland
Park, lot 14
July 27—Jno. J. Farrelly, Oakland
Park, lot 15
June 30—Wm. Hintrager, Union
Add., lot 190
June 30—Wm. Hennessey, Sub. 2
of 180, Union Add., lot 2
July 1—R. Boyson Est., Union
Add., lots 210-211-212
July 1—John Specht, Union Add,
S. 165 ft. lots 195-196
July 1—Mary A. Langworthy,
Mrs. L. H. Langworthy's Add.,
N. 160 ft. lot
July 5—Bridget Redmond, Union
Add., lots 126-127
July 6—Hemler & Svendson,
O'Neill's Sub., No. 2, lots 14-15
July 6—Hemler & Svendson,
O'Neill's Sub., lots 14-15
July 6—Wm. Crabtree, S. M
Langworthy's Sub., lot 11
July 6—H. G. Torbert, S. M. Lang -
worthy's Sub., S. 261, lot 6
July 6—J. S. Stephens, S. M
Langworthy's Sub., lots 1-2
July 6—E. Hemmi, O'Neill's Sub,
lots 3-4
July 7—F. N. Schroeder, Sub. 2,
Min. Lot 158, lot 2
July 7—Jno. T. Hancock Est,
Sub. Min. Lot 158, lots 6-7
July 8—Hugh Talty, Sub. 2 of Lot
160, lot 1
July 8—W. W. Whelan, Whelan's
Sub., lot S.
July 10—Al. Gasser, Sisters' Add,
lot 1
July 10—Jno. V. Rider, Sisters'
Add., lots 5-6-7
July 10—J. V. and S. P. Rider,
Sisters' Add., lots 8-9
July 10—Caroline Febray, Sub. 4
of 64, Simpson's Add., lots 1-6
July 11—P. Eisbach, Ronson &
Stewart's Sub., lots 1 and 26
July 11—Theo. Altman, Mineral
Lot 35
July 11—Louis Morris, Rowan's
Add., lot 1
July 12—Hayes & Gehrig, City, lot
July 12 --Mrs. Crotty, City M. 1-3,
lot 556
July 13—Wm. Hintrager, City E.
1-4 S. 1-3, lot 556
1 45
1 45
1 15
1 45
1 30
1 15
1 15
1 90
1 90
2 20
July 13—Marg. Barry, City S. 2-3,
lot 554 1 90
July 13—Dubuque Brewing &
Malting Co., City S. 21.6 ft. lot 1 40
July 13—A. L. Rhomberg, Levi's
Add., lot 8 40
July 2—Jno. L. Buettell Est,
Nairn's Add., lots 12-13-14 1 90
July 2--C. Eighrney, Sub. 2 of 8 of
Min. Lot 159. S. 1-2 lot 1 1 00
July 2—A. J. Van Duzee, O'Neill's
Sub. No. 2, lots 23-24 1 00
July 2—Emma White, Finley
Home Add., lot 16 70
July 2—E. A. Engler, Finley Home
Add., lots 10-11 1 00
July 2—Minnie and M. A. Kemler,
Newbery & Hale's Sub., lots
9 to 13 250
July 2—Leathers & Trewin, New -
bevy & Hale's Sub., lots 14-151 60
July 2—Catholic Univ. of Wash-
ington et al, Kelly's Sub. 1 and
2 and Mobley's Dubuque, lots
6-7 2 65
July 2—Jno. Harris Est., Sub. 9,
Collin's Sub., lot 2 40
July 2—Geo. Salot, Sub. 39, Kelly's
Sub., lot 1 1 15
July 2—H. C. Kiesel & Wm
Coates, S. M. Langworthy's
1 15
Add., lots 39 to 42
July 6—Wm. Lawther, S. M.
Langworthy's Add., lot 13 65
July 6—Jac. Zangmeister, S. M.
Langworthy's Add., lot 14 55
July 6—Robt. and Jno. Lee. S. M.
Langworthy's Add., lots 1-2 55
July 6—A. J. Van Duzee, Wilson's
Sub.. S. 89 ft.. lot 41 55
June 26—D. A. Gehrig, West's
Add., lot 13 1 15
June 26—Schneider & Kleih, Sub.
5 and 7 and W. 7.1 ft. 9. Wick's
Sub., N. E. 40 ft. lot 1 70
.lune 26—M. M. Hoffman, E. Lang -
worthy's Acid., lot 18 85
June 30—Chas. Heinze. L. H.
Langworthy's Add., lot 147 1 60
June 30—Ada L. Collier. Sub. Min.
Lot 322. lot 10 2 50
June 30—Leathers & Trewin. Mc-
Craney's 1st Add., lots 77-78 1 00
July 1—R. M. Kunz, McCraney's
1st Add., lot 86 1 00
July 1—R M. Kunz, McCraney's
1st Add., lot 82 70
July 1—Francisca Wagner, Sub.
87-88, L. H. Langworthy's Add.,
lot 3 65
July 1—Deming & Kiesel, Sub.
Min. Lot 466, lot 2 1 45
July 1—Rhomberg & Meuser, Da-
vis Farm Add., lot 225 70
July 17—W. S. Wright, Stafford's
Add., N. 1-2, lot 63 70
July 17—Jos. H. Hanover, Marsh's
Add.. E. 100 ft., lot 47 1 00
July 17—Mary A. Walsh, Ham's
Add., let 447 1 00
July 17—M. D. Goux, McCraney's
1st Add.. lot 69 100
July 18—F. M. Robinson Est,
Ham's Add., lots 435 to 4381 00
July 18—Dan Sauer, McCraney's
1st Add.. lot 45 70
July 18—Dora Altman, Dunn's
Sub.. lot 11 65
July 18—Kiene & Altman, Dunn's
Sub.. lot 12 65
June 30—Kiene & Meyer, Elm St
Sub.. lots 1-2 70
Jnne 30—Helen M. Saner, Mc-
Craney's 1st Add., lot 48 .. 70
Regular Session October 5, 1905. 207
Aug. 4—The Cushing -McFadden
Co., C g
Sub., lots
Hancock, Sub. 18
i Sub., W 1 2 lot
gan's Sub., lot 10
Sub. Min. L t 168 lot 6
& L thy's
lots 7-8
ushin 's Sub., lots 8 to 13 1 00
Aug. 9—Carr, Ryder & Adams,
Morgan's o s 1-121 75
Aug. 9—Geo. A. -
19-20, Fairview -
Aug. 9—B. F. Richardson, u o
Aug. 9—Jno. T. Hancock Est.,
0 .
Aug. 9 — Julia D. Rhomberg,
Guernsey angwor Sub.,
Aug. 9—Julia D. Rhomberg, Lois
Add., lot 8
Aug. 9—Peter Eisbach, Bonson &
Stewart's Sub., lot 26
Aug. 9—Marg. Lawhan, Sub. City
601. lot 4
Aug. 9—Mary A. Langworthy,
Langworthy Ave. Add., lots 4-
Aug. 9—Julia D. Rhomberg, Sub.
1 and 2 of Min. Lot 62 and Pt.
Min. Lot 149, lot la
Total $96 60
Ald. Corrance moved to adopt the
Resolution. Carried by the following
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Jones.
Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Absent—Aid. Frith.
Gentlemen: Your committee to whom
was referred the petition of the Illinois
Central Railroad Company relating to
their property would respectfully re-
port in favor of receiving and filing said
55 petition with the exception of Lots 3
and 4 in Block 25 and all of Block 26 in
40 Dubuque Harbor Co's. Add., on which
lots we would recommend that the •City
1 00 Treasurer be instructed to cancel the
Ald. Clancy moved that said report
be adopted, and the Treasurer instruct-
ed to cancel the assessment as recom-
mended. Carried.
City Engineer Boyce reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and CitY
Gentlemen: Attached please find pro-
file of Grandview Avenue, (elevations
correspond with Street as improved) as
per instructions. I present sa mc for
your adoption.
City Engineer.
Ald. Clancy moved that said profile
of Grade be approved, and the Ordi-
nance Committee instructed to draft an
Ordinance adopting the same. Carried.
City Engineer also reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: Herewith please find at-
tached a Plat of the proposed Alley be-
tween Jackson and Washington Streets.
from South line of Twenty-sixth Street
to a point 150 feet south of the above
named Street.
Notices were served on the respective
abutting property owners.
City Engineer.
On motion said plat was referred to
the Committee on Streets.
C. B. Scherr and J. W. Kintzinger, a
Special Committee to whom wits re-
ferred the petition of the Illinois Cen-
tral R. R. Co., reported as follows:
Dubuque, Ia., Oct. 4, 1905.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Bids for constructing a sanitary
sewer in Kniest Street from manhole
in Kniest Street to the Center of Gar-
field Avenue, were on motion ordered
Bids as follows:
Jas. Hird, 10 -inch tile pipe, per
lineal foot 71c
Manholes, each ....$21 00
D. W. Linehan, 10 -inch tile pipe,
per lineal foot 64c
Manholes, each $25 00
O'Farrell Construction Co., 10 -inch
tile pipe, per lineal foot 49e
Manholes, each $22 50
On motion the contract was awarded
to O'Farrell Construction Co., they be-
ing the lowest bidders and their bond
fixed at $2:i.00.
The Contract for taking care of the
Town Clock was on motion awarded to
J. P. Buechele & Co., for the sum of
One Hundred and Twenty-three dollars
and Fifty cents per year, they being the
only bidders.
Ald. Lyons, Chairman of the Ordi-
nance Committee, presented and read
an Ordinance establishing a grade on
Grandview Avenue from Delhi Street
to South Dodge Street, and moved that
the reading just had be considered its
first reading. Carried.
Ald. Lyons moved that the rules be
suspended for the purpose of reading
the Ordinance by its title for the sec-
ond time.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Jones,
Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Absent—Aid. Frith.
The Ordinance was then read by its
title for the second time.
Ald. Lyons moved to adopt the Ordi-
nance as read:
Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas—Alda. Clancy, Corrance, Jones,
Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Absent—Ald. Frith.
The Mayor declared the Ordinance
208 Regular Session October 5, 1905.
The Ordinance follows:
Be it Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1, That a grade on Grand-
view Avenue from Delhi Street to South
Dodge Street in the City of Dubuque,
Iowa. he and is hereby established arta
adopted as shown by read line on the
profile of said street and grade prepared
by the City ngineer. J. H. Boyce, and
filed in his oflice under date of October
5th, 1905, being numbered 563 and mark-
ed Profile showing proposed grade of
Grandview Avenue from Delhi Street
to South Dodge Street, B. M. on door
sill Brick slore N. W. corner Fremont
Avenue anti Dodge Street. Elevation
286.24. Said grade beginning at station
0.0, thence to station - - 10 east curb
Grandview A venue, and south curb of
Delhi Street. Elevation 300.0, west curb
Grandview Avenue and south curb
Grace Street: Elevation 298.0, thence on
a curved grade on west curb of Grand-
view Avenue to station 1-H25, Elevation
299.6, and on a straight grade on east
curb of Grandview Avenue from sta-
tion -!- 10 to station 1 -1- 25 Elevation
299.6, thence to station 3 Elevation
299.0, thence to station 7 Elevation 292.0.
thence to station 10 Eelevation 289.5,
thence to station 15 Elevation 288.0,
thence to station 18 Elevation 284.0,
thence to station 37 Elevation 270.0,
thence to station 45 Elevation 271.0.
thence to station 52 Elevation 270.0.
Sec. 2. This Ordinance shall be in
force and take effect from and after
its passage by the City Council and its
publication one time in the Dubuque
Daily Globe -journal official newspaper.
City Recorder.
Fld. Corrance, Chairman of the Com-
mittee on Claims, reported as follows:
The undersigned. Committee on
Claims and the City Attorney, would
respectfully report:
That there is now pending in the Dis-
trict Court of Iowa, in and for Du-
buque County, case entitled the "Du-
buque Building & Loan Association vs.
Theodore Trieloff and the City of Du-
buque" in which the Building & Loan
association seeks to have the special
assessment levied against the Lots set
forth in plaintiff's petition amounting
in all to One Hundred Seventy-four
and 8s-100 ($174.88) Dollars with inter-
est. The Committee on Claims have
arranged to compromise this suit by
having the City accent in full settle-
ment of said special assessment, the
sum of One Hundred Fifty ($150.00)
Dollars. which said Dubuque Building
& Loan Association agrees to pay,
We would, therefore, recommend to
your Honorable Body that said suit be
compromised on that basis and that the
City accept from the Building & Loan
Association the sum of One Hundred
Fifty ($150.00) Dollars in full settlement
for the special assessment now levied
against the Trieloff property, being lots
1. '. 3. 4. 5, 6, 7, and S of the sub -division
of Lots 39, 40 and 41, of Simpson's Ad-
dition to the City of Dubuque. Iowa,
according to the plat of said sub -divis-
ion recorded in Book of Plats 3 on page
7 of the Record of T-'lats for Dubuque
County, State of Iowa, and that the
City Treasuter be instructed to receive
said sum of One Hundred Fifty ($150.00)
Dollars in full settlement of said special
ass. ssment and cancel the same upon
the payment of thatamount to him.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, this 5th day
of Uctobef, 1905.
M. ('i,A N('Y,
Commitee on Claims.
City Attorney.
Also your Committee on Claims and
City Attorney, to whom was referred
the claim of Jaas. Martin for $5,000.00
as damages for injuries sustained in
falling on an icy sidewalk on Dodge
street during the month of February,
1905, would respectfully report that
they have examined the facts in this
case. Mr. Martin's injury consists of
a broken arm at the wrist and a per-
manent disability of his left hand.
Deeming it to the best interests of
the city they have reached a compro-
mise with .lir. Ua rtin, whereby he has
agreed to take the sum of $650.00 in
full settlement of his claim, he to pay
all court costs and dismiss his case.
We would therefore recommend that
this claim be settled on that basis
and that a warrant in the sum of
$650.00 be ordered drawn in favor of
the Mayor to effect st ttlement thereof.
H. CORRANCE, Chairman,
J. W. KINTZINGER, City Attorney.
Dubuque, Ia., Oct. 5, 1905.
Also your Committee on Claims re-
port in favor of paying the following
Jas. Alderson, M. D., to visit and
examination and reporting the condi-
tion of Mrs. Anton Becker in case of
Mrs. A. Becker vs. City of Dubuque,
Ald. Corrance moved to adopt the
report of the Committee on Claims.
Ald. Stumpf, chairman of the Com-
mittee on Markets, reported as fol-
Your Committee on Markets, to
whom was referred the bill of Borden
Regular Session October 5, 1905.
& Selleck Co.. amounting to $24x.16, for
a fifteen ton wagon scale fot the First
ward, would respectfully report that
said scale had been installed and has
proven satisfactory to your committee,
and we would therefore respect fully
recommend that a warrant be ordered
drawn on the City Treasurer for the
aforesaid amount in settlement of the
Also your Committee on ll trhets
would respectfully reeemmenlI that
warrants be ordered drawn on the City
Treasurer in favor of the Following
named parties and for the amounts
set opposite their names for installing
the scales in the First ward rd ainl for
overhauling the scales at the Pity
F. t'tzln
J. Blasco
$154 lac
7:1 00
J. F. STI'Ml'F,
Ald. Stumpf moved to adopt the re-
port of the Committee on .Markets.
the present existing agreement had
with the City Council, would recom-
mend that the prayer of the petitioner
be granted and that the City Treas-
urer be instructed :u•cordingly.
Also your hoard of Equalization, to
whom was referred the petition of J.
G. Miter,. asking that the Treasurer
he instructed to refund the amount
paid by him for personal taxes for the
year 1904, would recommend that, said
petition be received and filed.
Ald, Clancy. chairman of the Com-
mittee on Fire. reported as follows:
Your Committee on Fire would re-
spectfully report that we hate appoint-
ed J. Bakey. F. Gau, W. 1<annolt, J.
C. Iieppler and R. iCenne;ally as regu-
lar men on the Fire Department and
H. Tropf as substitute, and would rec-
ommend that said atppointments be
approved. MATT ('T,ANCY,
Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald, Clancy also moved that the mat-
ter of purchasing nett' hose for Engine
House No. 6 be referred to the Com-
mittee of the Whole. Ca cried.
Ald. Lyons. chairman of the Com-
mittee on Sewers, reported as follows:
Your Committee on Sewers ,could re-
spectfully report that we hate exam-
ined the sanitary sewer ilnVthe alley
between JackSa' fordand
to Twenty-fifth
Streets, from
Street, James Hird, contractor, and
would recommend that said sewer
accepted and that the City
be instructed to prepare re a special as-
sessment and file the same inthe ttoi 1
fice of the City I:c't'etrdcr, who
thereupon publish notice of said assess-
ment as required by M. ordiE. lance.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the report.
Aid. Jones, chairman of the Board of
Equalization, reported as follows: to
Your Board of Equalization,
whom was referred the petition of the
Iroquois Pearl Button Company, (a
ing that its personal tax be canceled
for the year 1904 in accordance with
Also your Board of Equalization, to
whom was referred the pet inn of Mrs.
D. Meggenberg asking that she he re-
funded the amount paid lty her for
taxes on lot la of Mineral Lot 319
since the year ISM, I•ccause said lot
was :at that time dedicated to the city
for street inn poses, ,could respectfully
recommend that the prayer cif the pe-
titinner he granted and that the City
Treasurer be instructed to refund the
sunt of $6.61 to said petitioner.
Also your lioard of Eowili•r.,ttion, to
whom was refe•rrol the pelitinn of the
Schmid Mfg. Co. asking that its taxes
he canceled for IiI, y e,ar 1904 in ac-
cnrd n ee with the :ellen of the City
Council of J tine 1St h. l:ucl, would rec-
ommend that the prayer of the peti-
tioner be granted and that the City
Treasurer be instruct cd to :allow said
firm a credit of $30.1111 on its taxes in
accoril:thee with said agreement.
Ald. Jones MOVeli1 to adopt the vari-
ous reports of the Itillr•l of Equaliza-
tion. Carried.
Ald. Lyons, of the Board of Health,
reported as fellows:
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council:
Gentlemen:—Your Board of Health,
to whom was referred the petition
II. E. Ohmert et al asking t
ment of a nuisance in the formof main-
smoke house and rendering plant
by M. Kohn in the rear of his
meat market near the corner of Twelfth
and Iowa Stre•,•ts, would respectfully
report that the matter has been re-
ferred to a Special Committee, to
thoroughly investigate sal id charges,
and report .at the next tingling, of the
Ald. Lyons mored to adept the re-
port. Curried.
Aid. Clancy, chairman of the Com-
mittee of the- Whole, reported as fol-
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the resolution of-
fered by Alderman Needham at the
session of the City Council held Sep-
tember 21st, 1905, providing for the
breaking, location and price ofe bought by ae
cadamity,t that ould lsto respeetfu respectfully recommend
210 regular Session
that said resolution, with the price
stricken out, be adopted.
Also your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
the trustees of the I. O. O. F. temple
asking that the taxes assessed against
said temple for the year 1904 he can-
celed, would recommend that the
prayer of the petitioners be granted
and that. the City Treasurer be in-
structed accordingly.
Also your Committee of the Wole,
to whom was referred the petition
the trustees of the Dubuque Club ask-
ing that the assessment of the Key City
Building Company for the year 1904 be
reduced to $10,000.00, would recommend
that the prayer of the petitioners be
granted and that the Treasurer he in-
structed accordingly.
Also your Committee f the Whole,
to whom was referred the remon-
strance of J. Rhomberg Estate
A. L. Rhomberg et al against the pro-
posed sewer in Union Avenue and Alta
Vista Street, would respectfully rec-
ommend that said remonstrance be re-
ceived and filed.
Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the re-
ports of the Committee of the Whole.
October 5, 1905.
Street, and it is hereby proposed to
construct a sanitary sewer in said Alta
Vista Street as follows, to -wit: an
eight -inch tile pipe sewer from center
of Edina Street to present manhole at
intersection of Rose Street, and to
assess the cost of said sewer against
the abutting property.
Ald. Lyons moved to adopt the reso-
lution. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Ald. Clancy, Corrance, Jones,
Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Absent—Ald. Frith.
Ald. Jones offered the following:
Be it resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, that the Iowa
Telephone Company be and is hereby
required and directed to repair the
streets recently excavated by them in
installing their underground system
and place them in the same condition
they were in before they were dug up
by said company and that they be so
repaired within five days after the 6th
day of October, 1905. Be it further re-
solved, that the City Engineer be and
is hereby instructed to at once notify
said Iowa Telephone Company to make
said repairs forthwith and to prevent
said company from making any fur-
ther excavations in the city's streets
until the streets heretofore excavated
be repaired and placed in proper con-
dition. Be it further resolved that
unless said streets are repaired within
five days by the Telephone Company,
that the same be repaired by the City
at the expense of said Iowa Telephone
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the reso-
lution. Carried unanimously.
Alderman Lyons offered the follow-
Be it resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, that it is
deemed necessary and advisable to con-
struct a sanitary sewer in Alta Vista
Alderman Lyons also offered the fol-
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the City
Engineer be and he is hereby instructed
to prepare a plat and specifications for
an eight -inch tile pipe sewer in Alta
Vista Street from the center of Edina
Street to present manhole at the inter-
section of Rose Street, showing the lo-
cation and general nature of such im-
provement, the extent thereof, the size
and kind of material to be used, and
to prepare an estimate of the cost
thereof and the amount assessable upon
each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or
abutting thereon per front foot or
square foot in area, and to file such
plat, specifications and estimate in the
office of. the City Recorder.
That after such plat is so filed, the
City Recorder shall cause to be pub-
lished notice of the intention of the
Council to make such improvement,
which notice shall be published in three
consecutive issues of the official news-
paper of the City of Dubuque, stating
that such plat is on file and generally
the nature of the sewer, its location,
size and kinds of material to be used,
and the estimate of its cost, and fixing
the time before which objections can
be filed, which time shall not be less
than five days after the last publica-
tion of said notice, and after the com-
pletion of the publication of such no-
tice he shall at its next session notify
the Council thereof in writing, with a
printed copy of such notice accom-
panying the same.
Ald. Lyons moved to adopt the reso-
lution. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Ald. Clancy, Corrance, Jones,
Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Absent—Ald. Frith.
Alderman Lyons also offered the fol-
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That a sani-
tary sewer of eight -inch tile pipe be
constructed in West Locust Street,
Union Avenue and Alta Vista Street,
from present manhole in West Locust
Street, at intersection of Union Ave-
nue, westerly in Union Avenue to Al-
ta. Vista Street, thence southerly in
Alta Vista Street to the center of
Edina Street, according to the plans
Regular Session October 5, 1905.
and specifications of said sewer pre-
pared by the City Engineer and now
on file in the office of the City Re-
corder. and be it further resolved,
that said sewer shall he completed on
or before the 1st clay of December,
1905, and shall be paid for at the tine
and in the manner prescribed by Chap-
ter XXXIV. of the Revised ordinances
of 1901 of the City of Dubuque for the
payment of the cost of constructing
sewers. The proposals for doing such
work will be acted upon by the Coun-
cil on the 19th day of October, 1905, and
the City Recorder is hereby ordered to
give ten days' notice by publication,
asking for proposals as provided by
Ald. Lyons moved to adopt the reso-
lution. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Jones,
Lyons, Needham. and Stumpf.
Absent—Aid. Frith.
smooth cement sidewalks to be con-
structed in the city hereafter. Car-
Aid. Corrance moved to adjourn un-
til October 19th, 1905. Carried.
City Recorder.
:?? Recorder
Approved lGIYO - 190 yr
Alderman Stumpf offered the fol-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk six
(6) feet wide, of good brick or cement,
be, within 15 days of this notice, con-
structed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks,
on the west side of`t et White Street,nd etween Thirteenth
teenth Street, abutting north 2-5 of
city Lot No. 431, owned by James J.
Dunn, at the expense of abutting
property. Adopted by the following
Ayes—Aids. Clancy. Corrance, Jones,
Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Absent—Aid. Frith.
Alderman Needham offered the fol-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk
four (4) feet wide, of good brick or
cement, be, within 15 days of this no-
tice, constructed and laid in confor-
mity with the ordinance in relation to
sidewalks, on the North side of West
Fifth Street, between Booth Street and
Glen Oak Avenue, abutting lots 9, 10, 11
and 12, S. M. Langworthy's Add., own-
ed by R. Bonscn Est., atted e bythe
of abutting property
following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Jones,
Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Absent—Aid. Frith.
Ald. Needham moved that the build-
ing or repairing of the stairs on West
Seventh Street be referred to the Com-
mittee on Streets. Carried.
Ald. Needham also moved that Con.
Sullivan be appointed sewer foreman
temporary until Nov. 1st and perma-
nently thereafter. Carried.
Ald. Lyons moved that the City
gineer be instructed not to allow
En -
Regular.' Session October 19, 1905. 213
Itegular Session, October 19th,
Council met at 8:30 o'clock P. M.
Mayor iterg in the chair.
Present — Aids. Clancy. Corranee,
Frith, Lyons and Needham.
Absent—Aids. Jones and Stumpf.
Ald. Stumpf arrived at 9:00 P. M.
Petition of Patrick McInerney. ask -
lug that the ,titch in front of his prop-
erty in Pierce St t eel 1 ' ordered tilled.
on motion, was i, I rig• I to the Com-
mittee on Streets.
Petition of •loo. Herber etal, asking
for the construction of a Sanitary
Sewer in \\'indsor :Avcuue or in the
:,lice* between Queen Street anal VV'ind-
sor ,\ventre. tin minium \t as referred
to the Sewer l'mnnritl 'i• and the> to
report at next meeting of the Connell.
Petition of A. A. Cooper. Jr., asking
that Be. 'Treasurer he instrut•ied tit ac-
eid on a basis of $7,500.00 for the
;tssessrm•nt of 1903 and 1904 on North
433/4 feet of Lot 117, City. On motion,
was referred to Board of Equalization.
i;El'nit'l'S OF OFFICERS.
to pay the various amounts and the
lay rolls referred back to the proper
'nonan tees.
y I recorder Arendt presented and
real the Notice, certified to by the pub-
lisher, of the Council's intention to con-
struct ;in s -inch Tile Pipe Sanitary
Sewer in alta Vista. Street from the
center of I'aliu:4 Street to present man-
hole at the intersection of Rose Street.
Also communication of \V. C. Cox et
remonstrating against the construc-
tion of said Sewer.
on motion, said remonstrance, also
the resolution passed at the previous
meeting instructing the Engineer to
prepare re plans and specifications for
onstructing said Sewer, were referred
Io the Committee of the Whole.
City Recorder Arendt also presented
a nil read the printed Notice, certified
to by the pidilisher, of the Council's
intention to levy a Special Assessment
for the construction of a 10 and 12 -inch
'filo Pipe Sanitary Sewer in the alley
101tteen Jackson and Washington
Streets from Sanford Street to Twen-
t c -+fifth Street.
No remonstrance being filed, the
Mayor asked if any one present had
any objection to said Special Assess-
No objete ion being stated, the Notice,
on motion. was received and filed.
City Engineer I:ovice reperte0l as fol-
To the Honorable \I ayor and t'it
tlentleeien-.-1 herewith submit my
pity roll fey labor on streets in the dif-
ferent road districts during the first
half of October, 1905:
Amount due laborers on streets.$1395 20
Respectfully submitted.
City Engineer.
:Approved by Committee on Streets.
Also submit my pay roll for labor on
sewers during the first half of October,
Amount due laborers on setcers..:kl l 60
Respectfully submitted.
City Engieeer.
Aprccv,',1 by l'ommitee on Setters.
Also submit my pay roll for labor
grading Mt. Carmel :Avetme ,luring
first half of October, 1905: Mt.
Amount clue laborers on.3214 55
Carmel Avenue • • • • ...ulnni ....
City Engineer.
Approved by Committee on Streets.
On motion, the pay rolls on streets,
sewers and Mt. Carmel Avenue were
'received and warrants ordered drawn
Whereupon Ald. Lyons offered the
fellott ing:
Resolved by the City t'o .ucil of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for con-
structing a 12 and 10 -inch tile pipe san-
itary sewer in alley bet ween Washing-
ton and Jackson Streets, from Sanford
to Twenty-fifth Street, by James Hird,
Contractor, in front of and adjoining
the same, a. Special Tax be and is here-
by levied on the several lots, and parts
of lats and parcels of real estate here-
inafter named. situate and owned, and
for tee several amounts set opposite
each let or p^reel of real estate. as fol-
Nnuw. Description. Amount.
John (clinger, Boulevard Add.,$1175
John Olinger, Boulevard Add,
lot 2
John Olinger. Boulevard Add,
lot 3
John Olinger, Boulevard Add,
lot 4
John Olinger, Boulevard Add,
lot 5
John Olinger, Boulevard Add,
lot 6
John Olinger, Boulevard Add.,
lot 7
John Olinger. Boulevard Add,
lot 9
John Olinger,Boulevard Add,
lot 10
John Olinger. Boulevard Add,
lot 11
John Olinger, Boulevard Add, 8 90
lot 12 . •' " , Boulevard Add,
,Toho Olinger,
8 90
8 90
8 90
8 90
8 90
8 90
S 90
8 90
8 90
lot 13
Regular Session October 19, 1905.
John Olinger, Boulevard Add,
lot 14
John Olinger, Boulevard Add,
lot 15
John Olinger, Boulevard Add,
lot 16
John Olinger, Boulevard Add,
lot 17
John Olinger, Boulevard Add,
lot 18
John Olinger, Boulevard Add,
lot 19
John Olinger, Boulevard Add,
lot 20
John Olinger, Boulevard Add,
lot '1
John Olinger, Boulevard Add,
John Olinger, Boulevard Add,
lot 21
John Olinger, Boulevard Add,
lot 24
John Olinger, Boulevard Add,
lot 25
John Olinger,
lot 26
John Olinger, Boulevard Add.,
lot 27
John Olinger, Boulevard Add.,
lot 28
John Olinger, Boulevard Add,
lot 29
John Olinger, Boulevard Add,
lot 30
John Olinger, Boulevard Add
lot 31
John Olinger, Boulevard Add,
lot 32
John Olinger, Boulevard Add,
lot 33
John Olinger, Boulevard Add.,
lot 34
John Olinger, Boulevard Add,
lot 35
John Olinger, Boulevard Add,
lot 36
John Olinger, Boulevard Add,
lot 37
John Olinger, Boulevard Add.,
lot 38
John Olinger, Boulevard Add,
lot 39
John Olinger, Boulevard Add,
lot 40
John Olinger. Boulevard Add,
lot 41
John Olinger, Boulevard Add,
lot 42
John Olinger, Boulevard Add,
lot 43
John Olinger, Boulevard Add,
lot 44
John Olinger, Boulevard Add,
lot 45
John Olinger, Boulevard Add,
lot 46 11 32
P. A. Ziegler, E. Langworthy's
Add.. lot 1 17 80
A. Wangerin, E. Langworthy's
Add.. lot 2 17 80
A. Wangerin, E. Langworthy's
Add., lot 3 17 80
Nic Meier, E. Langworthy's Add,
S. 36 ft., lot 4 12 82
I. Lerscher, E. Langworthy's
Add., N. 14 ft. lot 4. 4 98
I. Lerscher, E. Langworthy's
Add., S. 1-2 lot 5 8 90
John Roehl, E. Langworthy's
Add., N. 1-2 lot 5 8 90
John Roehl, 1. Langworthy's
Add., lot 6 17 80
Sophia Prange E. Langworthy's
8 90
8 90
8 90
8 90
8 90
8 90
8 90
8 90
8 90
8 90
10 68
11 75
8 90
8 90
8 90
8 90
8 90
8 90
8 90
8 90
8 90
8 90
8 90
8 90
8 90
8 90
8 90
8 90
8 90
8 90
8 90
8 90
8 90
Boulevard Add.,
Add., lot 8 17 80
Wilhelmina Abritz, E. Lang-
worthy'a Add , lot 6 17 80
Wilhcmina Abritz, E. Lang-
worthy'a Add. lot 7 17 80
John Lynch, E. Langworthy's,
lot 9 1780
John Lynch, E. Langworthy's,
lot 10 16 38
Josephine Tyler, E. Langworthy's,
lot 11 17 80
Peter H. Duggan,
worthy's, lot 12 17 80
Mary Henni ngs, E. Langworthy's,
lot 13 17 80
John Schuh Est., E. Lang -
worthy's, lot 14 17 80
Jno P. Mettel, Jr., E. Lang -
worthy's, lot 15 17 80
Jno P. Mettel, Jr., E. Lang -
worthy's S. 1-2 lot 16 8 90
Joseph Blaser, E. Langworthy's,
N. 1-2 lot 16 8 90
Dub. Brewing & M. Co., E. Lang -
worthy's, lot 17 19 94
Jos. Zieries, Glendale Add., lot
234 17 80
Jos. Zieries, Glendale Add., lot
233 17 80
D. Nickels, Glendale Add., lot 23217 80
Emma Richter, Glendale Add., S
1-2 lot 231 8 90
A. J. Schenker, Glendale Add.,
N. 1-2 lot 231 8 90
Adam Stoltz, Glendale Add., S. 1-2
lot 230 8 90
Emma Atkinson, Glendale Add,
N. 1-2 lot 230 8 90
Jos. Stoltz, Glendale Add., S. 1-2
lot 229 8 90
Ed. Stoltz, Glendale Add., N. 1-2
lot 229 8 90
11. & E. Langworthy Est., Glen-
dale Add., lot 228 17 80
R. & E. Langworthy Est., Glen-
dale Add., lot 227 17 80
R. & E. Langworthy Est., Glen-
dale Add., lot 226 17 80
R. & E. Langworthy Est., Glen-
dale Add., lot 225 17 80
R. & E. Langworthy Est., Glen-
dale Add., lot 224 17 80
R. & E. Langworthy Est., Glen-
dale Add., lot 223 18 35
Geo. Marshall, Glendale Add., lot
161 17 80
Thos. Dunn, Glendale Add., S. 1-2
lot 160 8 90
B. Zugenbuehler, Glendale Add,
N. 1-2 lot 160 8 90
John Kluck, Glendale Add., lot 159 17 80
Thos. O'Brien, Glendale Add., lot
158 17 80
Henry Hense, Glendale Add., S
1-2 lot 157 8 90
I. & H. Espe, Glendale Add., N
1-2 lot 157 8 90
Sidonia Hosford, Glendale Add,
lot 156 17 80
J. C. Bohzien, Glendale Add., lot
155 17 80
Anna R. Langworthy, Glendale
Add., S. 1-2 lot 154 8 90
E. Langworthy, Glendale Add., N
1-2 lot 154 8 90
R. & E. Langworthy Est., Glen-
dale Add., lot 15317 80
Susan Heil, Glendale Add., S. 1-2
lot 152 8 90
Sophia Bulow, Glendale Add., N
1-2 lot 152 8 90
John Oeth, Glendale Add., S. 1-2
E. Lang-
Regular Session October 19, 1905.
lot 151 8 90
Leo Harpoon, Glendale Add., N
1-2 lot 151 - 8 90
F. J. `toltz. et :Il, Glendale Add,
lot 15a 17 SU
j• (', 1lobzien, Glendale Add., lot
173 17 S0
Christ. Jacobi Est., (llendal, :\d(1„
lot 172
lot 171 17
Christ Jacobi Est.. Glendale Add.,
17 SO
H. & E. I.:t np,wcu•tby l' sL, men -
dale Add.. lot 170 17 SO
R. & I:. I.oup:worthy Est., Glen-
dale Add., lot 169 17 s0
1{, &, 1':. I.:tnworthy Est., Glen-
dale Add., lot 165 17 50
H. & I':. I.:nit worthy Est.,, Glen-
dale Add.. lot 167 17 50
H. & E. I.:Ingworthy Est., Glen-
dale Add., lot 166 17 80
& E. Langworthy Est.. (1len-
dale Add., lot 165 17 SO
H. & E. Langworthy Est., Glen-
dale Add., lot 164 17 so
H. & E. Langworthy Est.. Glen-
dale Add., lot 163 17 S0
H. & E. Langworthy Est., Glen-
dale .Add., lot 162 17 80
H. & E. Langworthy Est., Glen-
dale Add., lot 24618 35
H. & I:. Langworthy Est., Glen-
dale Add., lot 21:. 17 80
11. & !:. Longworth.). Est., Glen-
dale Add., lot 244 17 SO
H. & E. !.:;iii—orthy Est., Glen-
dale Add., lot 24:1 17 80
I:. R i:. I.:utseorthy Est., Glen-
\dd., Int _11 17 SO
E. Lang \\ orihy Est., Glen- 17 80
dale \..Id.. lot 241
H. .5
1l.an;:itortlty Est., Glen-
dale Add., lot 210....... 17 80
H. & E. I.an14wort by Est., Glen-
dale Add., lot 230 17 80
H. & E. lame wort hy Est., 17 80
dale Add., lot 23S
& E. l.rinewortby Est.,
dale Add., lot 237
R & E. Langworthy Est„
Add., lot 30 17 80
A. R. Staufenbeil,' E. Lang -
worthy's Add., lot 31 17 80
\. Kaufman, E. Langworthy'a
.\tltl., lot 32 17 80
Herman Mauer, E. .Langworthy's
Alla., lot 33 17 80
I It rtnan Mauer, E. Langworthy's
Add., lot 34 17 80
Aid. Lyon moved to adopt the heso-
I Itttion. t';irri,•.I by the following vote:
Vete, .\Id. ('Innt•y, ('ot•t:ulec. frith.
Lyons, \ •, lhoon and Stumpf.
Ale-' lit ---.\Irl. Jones.
Mayor It„r;; reported as follows:
To the City Council:
Cl, ntlenten: I herewith attach receipt
of $67,9.90 in Cell settlement of the claim
of James Martin vs. the City of Du -
I haunt..Warrant for which amount was
drawn in my fa cot. :It the last meeting
of th.• Council with which to effect said
Si„t lenu•nt. C. 1-1. BERG,
on motion the action of the Mayor
was ;Ii'provetl.
Glen -
17 80
dale Add., lot 236 17 80
R. & E. Langworthy Est., Glen-
dale Add., lot
M. M. Hoffman, E. I.attg\r'oi•thy's 19 94
Add., lot 18
F. Schmitt, E. Langw'orthy's Add, 17 80
lot 19
F. Schmitt, E. Langworthy's Add, S 90
N. 1-2 lot 20
Chas. Krantz, E. Langworthy'$ 8 90
Add., S. 1-2 lot 20
Chas. Krantz, E. Langw•orthY's S 90
Add.. N. 1-2 lot 21 E. Lang
Johanna Fellbaum,
Lang -
worthy's Add., S. 1-2 lot 21 ang- 8 90
Johanna Fellbaum, E.
Lang -
worthy's Add., N. 1-2 lot 28 90
Herman Hostert, E. g 90
Add., S. 1-2 lot 22 ...
Johanna Heinz, E. Langworthy's 17 80
Add., lot 23
Theo. Grode. 13. Langworthy, 17 80
Add., lot 3 i • •'
Fred Conrad, E. Langworthy's 17 80
Add., lot 25 ' • • ”
Fred Conrad, E. I.angworthy's 17 80
Add., lot 26
Chas. Piepitsch, E. Langworthy's 17 80
Add.. lot 27
Fritz Schargetz, E. LangworthY:s 17 80
Add.,nlot 28J E. LangworthY's
John Rlot 29 . . , 17 S0
Add., lot 1,• . Langworthy',
Wm. Roehl, F.
Committee Clerk Lawlor reported as
Dubuque, la.. Oct. 12, 19(15.
I'n the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
lentletnen: I herewith submit a
statement showing the amount expend-
ed for labor in the different wards turd
for sl'rinlcling iu the different road dis-
trieis durillc the month of September,
First Ward
gerund \\';u•d
Third Ward
F.1111111 \\'roti 0.^,7.00
I iiI h \\":u d ......................
\lisp ellaneous ..628.70
Total for labor on Streets ....$2729.50
S rinkling—
Fi,.st District .$ 184.25
'-',e, nod District ;36.65
Third D'3trict 155.30
Total fur Sprinkling' $ 676.21)
Grand total x3406.00
Respectfully submitted,
JOHN W. 1..\ WL(t t t,
Committee clerk.
Ch1 Milt loll the report wits roeei\el
;utd tiled.
$ 31.8.20
Sidewalk Inspector Raymond report.
ed its follows:
'To the honorable Mayor and ('its
Gentlemen: The obstruction at cor-
ner of Leibnitz and Clifford Street, as
prayed for by the enclosed petition, has
been removed as requested.
Sidewalk Inspector.
On (notion the report was received
and filed.
216 Regular Session
Mayor Berg reported that he had ad-
vanced the sum of $2:50,00, the Antolini
assessed against the I'II. of Dubuque
by the I1pper Mississil,llt Itiver -Im-
provement Association.
Alt, Frith moved that the action of
the Mayor be approved. and that a
Warrant b,. ordered Verden in fn\fir ut
till, Mayor I'er the above n 1,1111 .
'I'hc• follntviii \Vei^hnuIsI, '
\\'fin11ie1':1s111't,l's' I'II 'iiliv fel' Ih,' Ii o11t11
of `rpit'lnber kV, I1, ill,
committee on \IarIo'Is:
i'. I'. Iinyps, Pity Ii: ll r
T. 1,';Iherly, 11'irst
receipts ...au
initis(' Pitschner. \\'psi 1)uhulpu
sc:lio receipts ^I
I:. 11:iy, Eighth street scale i'-
I'. i-iuisificer, \\'on'lineastl,.,....•,
ceil,ic .. ..
Bids were on motion ordered opened
for an 8 -inch tile pipe sanitary rawer
from manhole in West Locust Stroet,
thence westerly in Union .ventre to
.\Ita. Vista. Street, thenl•e southerly to
1bdnia Street.
!lids as follows:
'I'ibey Urns., R -inch tile pipe,
lin. ft
Manholes, e'101 24.00
'vital $1,722.00
$ .1)5
R .57
t )'Fa Troll Const. Co.. S -Inch
pipe, per lin. ft
Manhole. cneh
Total $1,970.00
It. W. Linehan, S -inch tile pipe.
per lin. ft $ .742'
Manholes, each 24.00
Total $2,177.00
Tomes Street. S -inch tile pipe,
per lin. ft .78
Manhole:,, each 25.00
Total $2,278.00
On motion the contract was awarded
to Tibey Bros., they being the lowest
bidders and their bond fixed at $500.00.
Ald. Lyons, chairman of the Com-
mittee on Sewers, presented a bill of
.Tas. Hird for constructing a sanitary
sewer in alley between Jackson and
Washington Streets, from Sanford to
Twenty-fifth Street, amounting to
$1,684.46, and moved that a warrant be
ordered drawn for the above amount
within 30 days after sale of bonds is-
sued to pay for the construction of
said sewer. Carried.
Aid. Corrance, chairman of the Com-
mittee on Claims, reported as follows:
October 19, 1905.
Committee on Plaints, to whom
Seas referred the claim of ('lana Mac-
Il,Illalii for (1anulges for injuries re -
„iced by het•• would respectfully ree-
ennnetal that said claim he not al -
II. I'IlBIt.\N('1':,
\111. c'orrlrl,'r' Inuve,l to 11101)1 th,' I.e.
a'l. Ca riled.
:\l,l. Frith, chairman of the commit-
tee on Street:. reported as follmvs:
Your Committee un Str1 cis \Viotti] re-
spectfully 1','cninnmendl 111:11 the storm
c,at,•r sewer in Sanford St rcpt, from
present hod of I'ouler Creek to the
Ih'e I t -,inch sewer. James \nonan,
eunt'aetor, ho accepted.
:\iso yfiln. I rinnllitlee on Streets
1c;lai4l resl,ectf1)11)' 1.1'e0I111111•ILl that tile•
Pity Engineer he tasted, led iii ive
tilt, 1'rop,rt• o\\nprs ailnttin;_; en Smith
Lfiellcl Stecl, t't•finl Fit'sl lu I/MILte
Slot, lila' • for the construction of
sidewalks in aceordfnce tlith the blue
line on the accompanying profile.
E. H. FIlI'I'U. Chairman.
Md Frith moved to :11101)1 the re-
ports of the I'nanutttel fin Streets.
Also your Committee on Steels. to
whom tens referred the 1,lat showing
the p;olaI-I' I doroden ul' the alley be-
tween .I:IIlssull and 'Washington Streets
throunh Lot 11) of Mineral Lot 122,
would r: commend that said plot he
npprmcll and that the proper proceed-
ings for condemning the land neces-
sary for such proposed extension he
taken. E. E. FRITH.
On motion the report was referred
10 the Committee of the Whole.
AId. Stumpf, Chairman of the Com-
mittee on \l:n'kets, moved that the
Committee on Markets be instructed to
inspect and test all scalp.4 used by City
Weighers, Carried.
:\Id. Lyons. of the Mont ;l fif t;itu:iliza-
tion. rc':,ortcd :Il, follies:
Vour Board of l' i II 11tzatinn, to whom
w,Is rcterrell the petition of Mrs. ftosirla
Ludwig, asking that on neeonnt of er-
roneous :assessment, the tax assessed
against her for ..moneys :and credits''
he canceled, would recommend Ilt:,t the
prayer of the petitioner be granted and
that the City Treasurer be instructed
Your Board of Equlization, to whom
was referred the petition of E. Schol-
lian in relation to the back taxes owed
by him, would respectfully recommend
that the City Treasurer be instructed
to accept the sum of $191.06 in full set-
tlement for said back taxes.
Regular Session October 19, 1905.
Ald. Lyons moved to adopt the re-
ports of the Board of Equalization.
Ald. Clancy, chairman of the Com-
mittee of the Whole, reported as fol-
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the matter of pur-
chasing hose for the fire department,
would respectfully report that we have
purchased 1,000 feet of cotton -jacket
rubber -lined hose from the Dubuque
Rubber and Belting Co. for eighty
cents per foot, said hose being guar-
anteed for a period of five years and
also to stand a pressure of five hun-
dred pounds to the square inch.
Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Alderman Needham offered the fol-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, that a Sidewalk 4
feet wide, of good brick or cement, be,
within 10 days of this notice, con-
structed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks.
on the North side of West Fifth Street
and Glen Oak Avenue, between Glen
Oak Avenue and Delhi Street, abutting
Lot 13, S. M. Langworthy's Add., own-
ed by Wm. Lowther. at the expense of
abutting property. Adopted by the
following vote:
Ayes --Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Lyons. Needham and Stumpf.
Abse tt Ald. .Tones.
. l l rn :in Frith offered the
Resolved by the CouncilCity ofl the
City of Dubuque, that a
feet wide, of good brick or cement, be -
within 15 days of this notice, con-
structed and laid in conformity
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks,
on the East Side of Couler Avenue, be-
tween Twenty-third Street and Twen-
ty-fourth Streets, abutting S. 1-2 Lot
274, Davis Farm Add.. owned by Caro-
line Letzing, at the expense of abut-
ting property. Adopted by the fol-
lowing vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Absent—Aid. Jones.
part of Lot 274, Davis Farm Add.,
owned by Mary Dietrich, at the ex-
pense of abutting property. Adopted
by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith.
Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Absent—Aid. Jones.
Alderman Clancy offered the follow-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4
feet wide, of good brick or cement, be,
within 15 days of this notice, con-
structed and laid in conformity with
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks
on the north side of Cleveland Avenue,
between Pear Street and Quince Street,
abutting lots 55 and 56. Union Add.,
owned by Pat O'Meara Est., at the
expense of abutting property.
Adopted by the following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Corrance. Frith.
Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Absent—Aid. Jones.
Ald. Frith offered the following res -
elution which was adopted:
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque: That the
City Engineer be and he is hereby in-
structed to set stakes on the ap-
proaches to the Peru road viaduct
showing just where the proposed grade
will be if permission is granted by the
Council to change the present grade
according to the plans of the ap-
proaches to the newly proposed via-
Alderman offered the follow-
Whereas. It is deemed advisable f b
follow- the City Council of the City
buque to open and extend the alley be-
tween Jackson and Washington Streets
through Lot l0 lne of said lotLot
to22 frorn
t.he southerly i
ty-sixth Street: therefore,
Be it Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That the City
Recorder be and he is hereby instruct-
ed to issue a venire to the Chief of
Police commanding him to summon a
jury of twelve freeholders, citizens nnd
said city not directly interested,
having the qualifications required
ordinance. for the purposebe sustainedeg
any damages which may
by reason of the opening and extending
of said alley by the owner of the prop.
erty proposed to be taken for said
Alderman Frith also offered the fol- atlley• 5 under this reso
All the proceeding
•cordance with
Resolved by the City Council of tk the6
City of Dubuque, that a
feet wide, of good brick or cement, be -
within 15 days of this notice, with On me--
structed and laid in conformity mince of the Whole•
the ordinance in relation to sidewalks,
on the East side of Couler Avenue, Corrance
between Twenty-third Street and i Alderman
Twenty-fourth Street. abutting North ' lowing:
lotion to be taken
the charter and the provisions of
Chatter 31 of the Ordinances of the
City of Dubuque.
was referred to the Corn -
offered the fol-
Regular Session October 19, 1905.
Whereas, The contract heretofore en-
tered into by the City of Dubuque for
the construction of a sanitary sewer
as hereinafter described has been com-
pleted and the City Engineer has com-
puted that the cost and expense of said
improvement amounts to $1.883.86;
there fore,
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That to pro-
vide for the cost of constructing a
sanitary sewer in the alley. between
Jackson and Washington Streets, from
Sanford to Twenty-fifth Street, the
Mayor is required to execute and de-
liver to the City Recorder, to be by
him registered and countersigned,
Eight Bonds of the denomination of
Two Hundred Dollars each, and one of
the denomination of Two Hundred and
Eighty-three 86-100 Dollars, numbered
311, 312, 313, 314, 315. 316, 317, 318 and 31.9,
dated November 20th, 1905, payable on
or before seven years after the date
thereof and hearing interest at the
rate of five per cent. per annum pay-
able semi-annually.
Ald. Corrance moved to adopt the
Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy. Corrance, Frith,
Lyons. Needham and Stumpf.
Absent—Aid. Jones.
Ald. Needham moved that the City
Engineer be instructed to advertise for
bids for all new sidewalks ordered by
the City Council and which have not
been laid. Carried.
Ald. Needham moved that the City
Recorder be instructed to advertise for
bids furnishing the city with coal and
wood and hay and oats. Carried.
Ald. Frith moved that the Committee
of the Whole hold a special meeting
for the purpose of investigating the
affairs of the Dubuque Water Works
Plant. Carried.
Ald. Corrance moved to adjourn un-
til November 2nd, 1905. Carried.
City Recorder.
. C . ... .. Recorder
Approved ..t.r??. • . c!..l , .' , ....1905T
. Mayor
Special Session, October 23, 1905.
Special Session,. t h tuin•r ':',nl• Iun3.
(()olein 1.1
Council met :it A:1: o'clock p. in.
Mayor Ilerg in the chair.
Present—Aid. ('orr:utce. Frith, Jones.
Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Absent .\ I.i. Clancy.
Mayor Berg stated that. the object
of the meeting was for the purpose of
considering :,n Ordinance in regard to
the building of :i new viaduct over the
Chicago I;reat \Vestero Railroad Com-
pany's track on Peru Road.
Ald. Lyons moved that the roles of
this special meeting he suspended, for
the purpose of reading said Ordinance
for the first time. Carried unanitnotls-
Aid. Lyons. ehairnt:ut of the Ordi-
nance Committee, presented and read
an Ordinance approving and adopting
the plans and specifications for the
construction of the vi:oluet over and
across the tracks of the (`hie:, n Clreat
Western Hallway l('cntp:tny :,t Peru
Road, and for the Construc-
tion and maintenance of same.
Ald. Lyons moved) that the reading
just had he Consul) n d its first read-
ing. Carried.
Ald. Lyons then moved that the rules
be suspended f,n the purpose of read-
ing said Or,linancc by its title for tine
second time. Carried l,y the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas --.\id. Corr:trtCe, Frith, Jones,
Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Absent—Ald. Clancy.
The Ordinance was then read by its
title for the second time.
Ald. Lyons moved that the Ordinance
be now adopted as read.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aid. Corr:nu•e. Frith, Jones,
Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Absent—Aid. Clancy.
The Mayor declared the Ordinance
The Ordinance follows:
Section 1. That the plans and spec-
,iflctationa for the construction of the
viaduct and approaches (hereto, over
and across the tr:u'ks of the Chicago
(treat Western Railway Company at
Peru Roam in the City o` Dubuque, as
prepared anti presented by the said
,'olpi,a iy :mud (ile,l in lite office of the
city 1':n::9neel' are hereby adopted and
:approved. and said Great \Vostern
fl:tilttay I'lent,any is authorized and
directed to construct and complete
said viaduct and approaches in accord-
ance with said plans and specifications.
and when so eunstructed and cotuplet-
, d the s:nc shall he accepted by the
City of Dubuque for and in lieu of all
the requirements of a certain ordi-
nance upon the sante subject hereto-
fore adopted by the City Council tin
the 17th day of .\nand, A. D., 1905,
nod approved on the 22nd day of the
s:nn.• month. S:ri,i vaidnet and ap-
proaehes to lie completed on or before
Nov•'rnh”r 1st. 191'15.
Section 2. Said Railway Company
shall enmstruel s:ifd viaduct and an-
proaches thereto. in Peru road in such
manner that the ('colo line of said
via,lnet and approaches shall he six
feet northerly from the center line of
said street, and shall pay, or arrange
to pay. all legal claims for damages
to properly abutting upon said viaduct
and approaches hes on account of the
change iu the glade of said street, be-
fore the Construction of the work. All
of the work provided far in this see.
tion to h., (lone under the supervision
and to the satisfaction of the Sheet
committee and City Engineer.
Section That both approaches to
-:aid vaidnet shall be ntacadantized
and a fear foot wooden sidewalk shall
he const:•neled on the northerly side
of the west approach. and on the
southerly silo of the east approach to
said vaidnet, and that suitable guard
rails shall he constructed upon both
sides of said approaches.
Section 4. This ordinance shall he in
fere, from and after its adoption and
:,pt0roval. its publication in the Du -
!motto Daily Globe-Jourrntl, and the
acceptance of its provisions by the
I'hieago Great Western Railway Com-
Adopted ----
City Recorder.
terms and conditions of the
ordinance are accepted this
day of October, A. D., 1905.
Aid. Frith movedto
ried.CCity Recorder.
/W' Cl
- fl IX /led --
'2,22( )
List of Warrants.
List of City Warrants.
City Recorder's Office,
Dubuque, la., October 2nd, 1905.
To the Honorable Mayor and Pity
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: '1'lae following is a com-
plete list of all warrants issued by me
during the month of September, 1905:
C. H. Berg, salary. Mayor $116 70
Ff. 13rinkiaat , salary, Treasurer
.1. A. Mt Kinky. salary, Deputy
Treasurer 100 00
John l<r,lyer, clerk. Treasurer's
office .. .... 60 00
('has. F. .\remit, anla r .Ite-
c•order illi 70
‘Yat, A. Knell, Fa l:n•y, Deputy
Recorder SO 00
le. R. Hoffman. a;'taiy Auditor116 70
('. ii. Scherr, salary, :\ssesnsr125 00
t Doerr, Jr., salary, Assistant
Assessor 100 00
.1. J. Murphy, salary, Asisstant
. Assessor ...... ............ 100 00
.1. W. Kintzinger, salary, Attor-
. ney 150 00
J. C. Longueville, salary, Assist-
ant Attorney 75 00
Miss 10. H. Runprccht, stenogra-
pher, Legal Department 20 00
'l'l,os. Reilly, salary, Chief of
Police 100 00
Jos. Reinfried, salary, Fire Chief 100 00
1. W, Lawlor, salary, Committee
Clerk 100 (10
.las. Boyce, salary, City Engineer 166 fi
M. Anderson, salary, Assistant
Engineer 100 00
(1. White, salary, Rodman 50 00
Jno. Grab, salary, Superintendent
of Street Sprinkling 60 00
I•,. Herron, clerk in Auditor's ;and
Engineer's office 70 00
Wm. Hipman, salary, Electrician 83 :ts
F. P. Hayes, salary Market -
master .... 50 00
P. Ryan, salary, Park Custodian 40 00
H. Schoenbeck, salary, Park Cus-
todian ...... ............ 40 00
T. Faherty, salary, Park Custo-
Dr. 11. F. Michel. salary, Health
Officer 50 00
I'. Flynn, salary, Sanitary pa-
trolman .... 60 011
C. Ilaumattn, salary, Poundntas-
Mrs. H. Koenig, salary, Janitress 20 00
(1. N. Raymond, salary, Sidewalk
Inspector SO on
P Holsinger, salary, Wharfmas-
ter .. .... .. 20 00
M. Clancy, salary, Alderman . 25 00
H. Corranco, salary. Alderman . !; 00
E. E. Frith. saL• ry. Aldermaia . 25 00
i:. Jones, salary, Alderman 25 00
M. E. Lyons. salary, Alderman. 25 00
Jos. 1\eedhant, salary, Aid ernaan. 25 00
:I. A. Stumpf, salary, Alderman.. 25 00
M. Eitel, fireman 70 00
J. 'Reisman, fireman 75 00
10 00
40 00
A. Duccini, fireman 65 09
J. Flynn, fireman 65 00
J Rochin, fireman 60 00
J. Tsehudi, fireman 60 00
A. Heer, fireman 60 00
J. Schonberger, fireman 60 00
J. Daley, fireman 70 00
.i. Barna•s. fireman 75 00
J. nyder, fireman 65 00
G. Beyer. fireman 65 00
W. Ducey, fireman 60 00
T. Murphy, fireman 60 00
W. Me('lain, fireman 60 00
A1. Kelley. fireman 60 00
D. Ahern, fireman 70 00
T. Flynn. fireman 65 00
P. Zillig, fireman 60 00
M. Sweeney, fireman 60 00
H. Cain. fireman 60 00
J. Benz -r, fireman 60 00
J. McLaughlin, fireman 60 00
P. Fury, fireman 55 00
J. Murphy, fireman 50 00
A. McDonald, fireman 75 00
W. K:utnelt, fireman 50 00
G. Gherki, fireman 65 00
T. Kennedy. fireman 60 00
F. Baumgartner. fireman 60 00
J. Smith, fireman 60 OA
C, Kannolt, fireman 65 00
J. Allen, fireman 60 00
M. Fahey, fireman 60 00
W. O'Connell, fireman 60 00
R. Weston, fireman 05 00
T. Kenneally, fireman 60 00
E. McDermott, fireman 6O M
D. Reynolds, fireman 50 00
G. Burkel, police 50 00
J. Carter, police 65 00
J. Chine, police 50 00
Jno, Cody, police 61 50
W. Cook, police 60 00
W. Corcoran, police 50 00
J. P. Cummings, police 50 05
J. Fitzpatrick, police 50 00
Jas. Flynn, police 50 00
,Ino. Fox, police 50 00 •
Wm. Frith. police 50 00
T. Ganahl. police 59 90
L. Grassel, police 50 00
B. Gray, police 65 00
Pat Hanlon, police 25 00
10. Kahn, police 50 00
M. Kilty, police 50 00
Jno. Litschcr, police 50 00
P. McCollins, police 51 65
P. McInerney. police 50 00
M. O'Conner, police 60 00
Jno. Murphy, police 50 00
Jno. Ra.esli, police 78 20
Otto Rath. police 50 00
J. Rooney, police 50 00
Jas. Ryan, police 78 20
M. Ryan, police 50 00
P. Scharff, police 54 95
Al. Scherr, police 62 00
F. Spielman, police 50 00
P. Sutton, police 35 00
Torn Sweeney, police 78 20
M. Stapleton, police 50 00
Jos. Stoltz, police 50 00
P. Sullivan, police 54 95
Jno. L. Sullivan, police 50 00
List of Warrants.
L. Zeidman. police ' 50 00
Miss B. Brennan. Matron 30 C0
Mrs. K. Hibbe, Matron .... 30 00
Labor on Streets in the different
Road Districts for the last half of
August. 1905:
John Alexnn lei.
Rich Burns
John Burns
Jos. llrouillette
D. J. 1irightbill
Paul Becker
C. Boyce
.1. Connolly
P. Carney
W. Coughlan
J. Calla gnan
John Corbett
H. Cobb
M. Donegan
Thos. Donahue
Peter Dax
John Egan
J. Eberhardt
John Ess
M. Farrell
Frank Frick
John Farley
P. Fasselius
E. Firtlaff
H. Fleck
Nelson Frith
P. Gilloon
J. Gavin
B. Galle
Geo. Gau
Joe. Grab
C. Gantenbein
C. Gruenzig
John Hafey
Phil Hense
J. Hanson
J. Heil ..
Peter Jacobs
Aug. Jass
Nic Kett enhofen
John Kness
Paul Krocheski
J. Kraus
John Lowry
Mike Lavin 18 90
M. Lonergan .....................
5 65
H. Leik 65
John Mahoney . 5 14 20
P. Molitor 20
John Miller............ • " " • 15 40
John McNulty ...... • • • • . • " • • • 1 35
J. McCarron 1 35
Pat McMullen ................ • • • 5 35
Jas. McLeese 5 75
Pat McPoland ......•••••"•' 1875
J. McCormack
20 00
W. O'Brien .................... 18 90
Chas. O'Neil ......................
10 15
.Tames Powers •••••••• 17 55
John Parker ................... 55
W. Quinlan ...................... 2 5
Phil Reddin ............ " " • 2 70
James Ryan ................... 8 50
Matt Raishek
C. Reinfrank g 45
9 05
James Reid .............•"""
20 15
Jos. Rooney ...............
5 40
2 70
4 75
1 35
12 15
16 20
11 90
8 80
10 15
12 15
20 00
8 10
18 90
14 55
18 90
18 90
10 00
8 80
9 45 J. Linehan
1 35 C. McElrath
14 20 J. J. McCollins
8 10 Louis McCollins
1150 D. O'Meara
20 00 Amos Paley
75 00 Geo. Reynolds
50 00 Adam Stoltz
15 40 Tony Seig
20 00 Ed. Seeley
12 85 Jerry Sullivan
12 85 J. Tobin
M. Zogg
Labor on sewers for the last half of
August, 1905:
H. Cosgrove
J. Corcoran
Ed. Daley
T. Hagerty
F. Hohnecker
C. Sullivan
Pat Sage
Landon Taylor
Nick Sweeney
W. Sheridan
John Schroeder
John Sloan
F. Scherr
Louis Smith
R. Turner
2 70
1 35
10 80
13 50
20 00
13 20
13 85
14 20
9 45
5 40
20 00
8 00
66 75
1 70
35 30
14 45
35 70
37 10
11 05
27 65
28 05
32 30
39 55
48 85
49 30
48 45
14 45
26 80
7 65
7 65
22 95
14 90
39 05
21 25
41 00
13 60
N. \ ampach
Anton \Veilu
John Walsh
W. \Vearmouth
Geo. Zumhoff
F. Burns
F. l3eutin
F. G. 13ecker
John Calvert
A. Conrad
B. Costello
Jos. Calvert
John Evans
Mike Hannan
J. Haudenshield
Peter Horeb
John Long
16 90
20 00
14 20
7 45
9 45
12 40
22 50
5 40
12 15
12 85
16 20
10 80
18 90
2 70
13 35
22 40
22 40
25 00
20 80
22 40
21 60
21 60
22 40
J. Tacke
Clerk of the District Court, wit-
ness fees
Clerk of the District Court, in
Catherine Sheridan case
Klauer & Kress, supplies for
Sewer Department
Farley-Loetscher Mfg. Co., shav-
ings Fire Department
H. J. Hagerty. Veterinary ser-
vice for the month of July and 43 16
August, Fire Department
Farley-Loetscher Mfg. o.,-
galizing 1 sash, 1 90
Key City Gas Co., maintenance
of 2 gas arcs for August, 1905, 1 00
Fire Department coke for
Key City Gas Co., 19 55
Fire Department
Key City Gas Co., 5 gals. tar, 50
Fire Department
Chas. Pape, plumbing at Central 1 50
Engine House
Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse
1 35
5 20
2 20
2 25
List of Warrants.
shoeing, Fire Department 5 75
Union Electric Co., power for
fire alarm during month of
Lagen & Sloan, horse shoeing,
Fire Department 17 90
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Fire
Department 7 50
Carr, Ryder & Adams Co., 1 cord
Gus Lear, horse shoeing, Fire
Department 4 00
John J. Powers horse shoeing,
Fire Department 11 25
John Butt, repairs. Fire De-
partment 12 60
Jas. Beach & Son, soap for Fire
Department 7 50
Farley-Loetscher Mfg. Co., 1 load
shavings, Fire Department 75
Jacquinot & Mullen. plumbing,
Fire Department 2 40
Chas. E. Berry, supplies for Fire
Department 101 76
Tony Siege, curb stone delivered
to Fifth Ward Engine House12 24
J. J. Rohan, 3 doz. pillow cases,
Fire Department 4 50
G. B. Grosvenor Co.. 1. case of
toilet paper 6 75
G. S. Weaver, repairs at Ninth
Street Engine House 28 33
John Neuman & Son, repairs for
Fire Department 30 00
T. F. Kane. hay and oats for
Fire Department 125 64
Smith -Morgan Prtg. Co., pamph-
lets for August 16 75
National Democrat, official print-
ing month of August 25 00
Globe -Journal, official printing
month of August 51 56
Telegraph -Herald, official print-
ing month of August 5f, 88
Jacquinot & Mullen, repairing
fountain in Jackson Park 3 40
Gus Lear. horse shoeing, Road
Department 2 00
Key City Roofing Co., supplies
for Road Department 4 70
T. J, Mulgrew, sewer pipe for
Road Doli rt ment 9 50
O'Farrel, McNamara & Kenety,
final estimate to grading alley
between Lincoln and Rhomberg
Avenues, from Middle Avenue
to Fengler Avenue 20 25
Fisher & Co., coal for Fire and
Road Departments . .. 62 61
O'Farrell & McNamara, first es-
timate grading on Bee Branch
storm sewer 100 00
O'Farrell & McNamara, first es-
timate grading Grace Street39100
Wm. McDermott, 12 yards ma-
cadam 10 20
T. J. Mulgrew, 10 -inch sewer
pipe, Road Department 6 68
Dubuque Telephone Co., rental
for telephones
Standard Oil Co., gasoline for
Road Department
Pitts -Thompson Fdy. Co., 2 sewer
2 00
1 50
6 00
covers, load Department S 00
John Butt, repairs for Road De-
partment 5 85
Chas. Giese, tilling saws for Road
Department 1 20
Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs for
Road Department 100
MeElrath Teaming Co., sand for
toad Department 21 25
Smedley Steam Pump Co., re-
pairs for Road Department 2 57
G. F. Kleih, supplies for Road
Department .. 3 15
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for
Road Department 3 00
G. Ragatz & Son, repairs on
Sprinkling Wagons 3 70
.1. Newman & Son, repairs on
Sprinkling Wagons 4 55
Butt Bros., repairs on Sprinkling
Wagons 13 40
John Butt. repairs on Sprinkling
Wagons 75
F. Schloz & Son, repairs on
Sprinkling Wagons 2 50
Dub. Rubber & Belting Co., hose
for Sprinkling Wagons 38 50
Geo. Bock. repairs for Road
Department 9 00
Klauer & Kress, bread box for
Police Department 85
Saunders Meat Co., meat for
Police Department 1 70
J. J. Rowan. supplies for Po-
lice Department 1 23
Dub. Cabinet Makers' Ass'n, re-
pairing Folding Bed 1 75
Iowa Dairy Co., milk for Police
Department 75
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary service
for Police Department 2 76
Union Electric Co., Are Lights
for August 2067 35
Key City Gas Co., gas for var-
ious Departments 94 40
T. F. Kane, hay and oats for
Police Department 30 72
E. J. Mulgrew, bread for four
months for Police Department5 80
Eichhorn & Bechtel, groceries
for Matron Department 2 fi
G. F, Kleih, supplies for Sewer
Department 4 95
Thos. Hagerty, horse hire for
month of August 10 00
Wm. Foster, inspcetor on Sani-
tary Sewer between Jackson
and Washington Streets, from
Sanford to 25th Street, for last
half of August 20 on
Mauer & Kress, supplies for
Road Dept. 2 50
Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs for
Sewer Dept. 1 so
F. Schloz & Son, repair for
Sewer Dept. 1 85
Eugene Dietzgen Co., supplies
for Engineer Dept. 2 9R
U. F. Kleih, supplies for Engi-
neer Dept. 1 60
Ott, Meuser & Co,, supplies for
Engineer Dept. 1
Klauer & Kress, book holders15
List of Warrant.
Union Printing Co., health re-
ports for May and June
G. F. Klelh, one pail for Health
(t• Grnehlecollecting back
Larry Daily. cleaning around
City Ball for .June. July and
N'. A. Ai MeV. one cgirliet 10-0o111.
Jas. Ilea ih &- Son, 2 boxes of
Northwest so:tp
Jac -twit -tot & Mullen, plumbing at
City Hall
F'. Kiel1-1. sup Its dviivITed
to l'ity hall
Street. -t.'ml(k & Linehan, first
to constructing ;ill
5-1111-11 111e 1111.t. ;411111111y Sewer
in Cooler A venue front man-
hole In Sanford St net to 2211r1
Street. Amount duo contracor. 300
T. E. Frith. removing gutIliac'-'
animals during.
August .75 11
I". B. Fitt -es. to Hoard of Prison-
ers for month of A u gust I 20
Tibey 1.3ros.. final estimate to
C011511.11(•11111.1- 11:11-1 ol itve
Jas. ('ffintolly
10 00 los. ('allahan
J (dm Corbett
H. k WO)
P. De Fontaine
Al. 1 )(mega n
• Dlarthue
Pete! Dax
liiiJohn Egan
jos. Eberhardt
John Ess
Frank Frick
John ParleY
5 30 John Plytm
El. Firzlati
7; PoliT
P. (flhtoon
Barney Obis,:
H. Calle
(leo. (tau
los. Crab
C. tIantentwin
• C. Gruenzig
John Hafey
Phil Hense
J. Hansen
John Heil
Peter Jaeohs
Aug. Jass
Tim 1: Aly
'10 '10
ltraiith S,•\\•,-rii WOShijigt()11
Street. 37S lineal feet. Amount
trFarrell, McNamara & leuety,11"I
due contractors
thud estimate to inacmlutnizing
alley between Lincoln Avenue
and Ith(anlwrg flout
Avenue to Ave-
nue. Amount iii i, ,outraetors. 271 53
(f Farrell & NIeNaloara. rinal
es-tint:Ile to r tic( hogit
concrete storm water sewer in
Milk -die Road, from the end
of present culvert in Lemon
Street. Amount (hie cinitractors ss0 21
It. 1'0111km:in, execiivationper-
H. Brinkman interest 011 war- 65 00
mitt; redeemed
II. Itrinkttinn. New Yuck
ex_I202 s::
nints outstanding.
H. 1:H111m-um, iixiircss charges. 41 'FI)0
11 Faint:train, Wee ra Ins 25
If. Brinkman. horse for 11Ire 10 00
11. Ibinkman, postage
Department ........ 550 00
II. Ibittliman, freight (dr trges--
I load
II. Brinkman. library orders
paid 7I) 411
FL Brinkman, Man 25.050 0(1
H. 1111111:ma IL refunded tax 3 38
Labor on Streets in the different
Road Districts during the first half of
September, 1905:
J. Alexander
A. Alderson
P. Burns
John Burns
J. Brachtenbach
C. Budien
Paul Becker
D. J. Brightbill
Peter Carney
W. Coughlan
6 10
20 00
9 45
17 55
8 10
7 45
17 55
17 55
14 20
11 50
10 15
9 45
9 45
4 75
20 00
2 05
1.0 15
12 15
20 00
2 70
9 45
15 55
20 00
2 70
1 35
8 80
10 15
22 50
10 80
1 35
8 10
N. k et t enhofen 3 05
John Kness 3 40
Paul Krocheski 13 50
J. Knaus 17 55
J. Lowery 5 40
M. Lavin 12 111
H. Lettihke 10 15
51. Lonergait 17 55
John Mahoney 11 80
Thos. Nialloy 8 80
J. Miller 15 55
P. Molitor 7 45
J. Ma rtinek 10 15
Pat McMullen 8 10
Jas McCarron 9 45
W. McDermott 6 10
John McNulty 2 05
Jas. McAleese 5 40
J. McCormack 17 55
W. O'Brien 20 00
Chas. O'Neil 17 55
Jas. Purcell 8 10
John Parker 11 85
Phil Reddin 9 45
James Ryan 7 45
C. Reinfrank 10 15
Nick Sweeney 7 4\V ShulidiltI 5
15 05
John Schroeder 11 15
Herman Schmidt 6 10
Aug. Soyke 6 10
John Sloan 2 05
Frank Schen-
20 00
Louis Smith 4 05
R. Turner 3 75
John Welsh 1 35
M. Wampach 4 75
W. Wearmouth 20 00
Geo. Zumhof 9 00
Frank Burns 60 80
John Berwanger 13 60
F. G. Becker 35 70
15 55
11 50
5 40
1 35
8 80
2 05
15 55
4 05
2 70
10 15
John Calvert
A. Conrad
11. Costello
,Josh. Calvert
John Evans
M. llannan
J. Haudenshield
Peter Hor•c•h
:Who Long
.1. 1Leniban
J. McQuillan
C. Mete:tenth
J. J. McC'ollins
1.. Yell
Antos Paley
Geo. Reynolds
Tony Siege
Frank Siege
Jerry Sullivan
1;. Seeley
:tarries Tobin
M. logg
Labor grading Camp Street
the first half of September, 1905:
P. McMullen 2 70
Walter Bradley 1 70
(leo. Reynolds 11 50
'Labor on Sewers for the first half of
September, 1905:
H. Cosgrove
f. Corcoran
E. Daley
T. Hagerty
P. Hohnedker
Con Sullivan
Pat Sage
Landon Taylor
J. Tacke
C4. 'C. White, inspector Bee
Th' uu•h Sewer at Miliville Road 15 75
A. Aberl, extra excavating at
'Fifth Ward Eng. House No. 6. 15 00
W. Foster, inspector on sanitary
sewer between: Jackson and
Washington Streets, from San-
ford to 25th Street . 27 70
'hereby certify that the foregoing is
a correct list of all Warrants issued
by me during the month of September,
1905. C. F. ARENDT,
City Recorder.
Official Notices.
26 80
31 90
34 45
33 60
28 90
17 45
22 95
26 80
35 70
35 70
19 55
48 90
46 75
34 45
22 95
11 50
3 85
15 30
53 15
36 25
42 50
22 95
$ 20 00
19 20
19 20
25 00
19 20
19 20
19 20
19 20
19 20
AN eli-ll)iNANC'i' FOR THE \'.\C'A-
'l'ION OF 1-1t'le I" STREET FRt,ai
AVENI'D: 'TO 'I'I-lir se WWI LINK:
COM PA 1"S AI,i)l'I'le )N, ALSO
'Whereas, Ott -Merisel• & Co. of the
City of Dubuque, have petitioned the
Council of said city for the vacation
of Huff Street from the south line of
Railroad Avenue to the south line of
the Dubuque Harbor Company's Addi-
tion, and also the alley between fluff
and Salina Streets from the south line
of Railroad Avenue to the south line
of the Dubuque Harbor Company's Ad-
dition: and
Whereas, the said Ott-Meuser & Co.
are the fee owners of all the land abut-
ting on both sides of said street and
alley, and are engaged in the lumber
and manufacturing business on said
property, and are desirous of using
said street and elle} in the further
prosecution of the lumber business;
\\'hercas, the said alt-'tleuser & Co.
have agreed to fill said street •Ind alley
to the present grade of Ii:lilroad Ave -
line, and have agreed to continue the
use of said prouerly for lumber or
manufacturing purposes; and,
Whereas, by as direction of the. ream-
ed of the city of Dubuque. the City
Engineer has made a plat showing said
portions of said street and :alley pro-
posed to be vacated, and filed thee same
in his office suhjecl le public inspection,
;end clue notice has leeen given to all
abutting property concis. :111(1 10 drays'
notice of said proposed vile:etiu11 has
het -n published in the official paper of
the city. :and the proposed aetion has
br,•n submitted Ice the city enunc•il at.
teen re'L`laln l' sessloics: orad
\\'h.-reaas. it appears that no valid ob-
jection has been made 10 the vacation
of said street and alley, and said above
described portion of said street is not
required at present for street purposes:
lie it Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Secion 1. That Huff Street from lie
south line of Railroad Avenue to the
south line of the Dubuque Harbor
Company's Addition, and also the alley
between Huff and Salina Streets front
the south line of Railroad Avenue to
he south line of the Dubuque Harbor
c'oenp:any's Addition. lie and the same
are Ii.•rehy vacated, and the use there-
cf is hereby granted to said 01I-Measer
;; Co., their heirs, executors, adminis-
trators, successors and ;assigns, so long
as the property abutting thereon is
used for lumber yard or manufacturing
purposes on condition that said Ott -
Mouser ce- I'cc, fill said street and alley
lee the pr, sent grade of Railroad Ave -
Sec. 2. Should the said cltt-Meuser &
Co., their heirs, executors, administra-
tors, successors or assigns, suffer or
permit said premises to remain unem-
ployed for lumber yard or manufactur-
ing purposes for the period of Twelve
(12) months then the city may by reso-
lution adopted at lily regular meeting.
or any special meeting of the council
called for that purpose, cause said
street and alley to revert to the city,
and the same shall thereupon. without
any further action, revert to the City of
Dubuque• without cost to the city for
any filling done on said street or alley.
See. 3. This ordinance shall be in
force and take effect from and after
its passage and publication one time in
Official Notices.
the Dubuque Daily Globe-Jeatl'lla I. of-
ficial paper of the City of Dubuque.
Adopted Sept. 21st, 1905.
Approved Sept. 251h, 1905.
C'. Ii. I.IEl(G,
Attest: C. F. AItENOT,
City Recorder.
Published officially ill tile 'I..e ening
(;)circ -.Toon ,il net. 101h. 1905.
I0 -10-1t. City R.s.ord''r.
Published officially in the Evening
Globe Journal Oct. 10th, 1905.
10-10-1t. City Recorder.
,\N t1RDINANCE. You and each of you are hereby no -
An Ordinance, granting to the Du- I titled that it is the 'intention of the
City Council to construct an 8 -inch
Tile Pipe Sanitary Sewer in Alta Vista
Street, from the center of Edina Street
to the present manhole at the inter-
section of Rose Street.
That a plat and specifications of said
proposed sewer is now on file in the
buquc & Sioux City Railroad Com-
pany the right to lay a switch and
side track on Jackson Street from
Seventh to Eighth Streets.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That permission he and
is hereby granted to the Dubuque & office of the City Recorder.
Sioux City Railroad Company, its sue- It is estimated by the City Engineer
eessors and assigns, to lay and operate that it will require 1,317 lineal feet of
a ste itch or single railway track on 8 -inch tile pipe with 4 manholes and
Jackson Street in the City of Dubuque, will cost the abutting property owners
from and connecting with the present $875.00 in total.
track in the center of Jackson Street, Any person having objections to the
in a northeasterly direction across Sev- construction of said sanitary sewer are
enth Street to the northeast corner of hereby notified to appear before the
Seventh and Jackson Streets and City Council at its regular session Oct.
thence parallel with the track now in 19th, 1905, or to file in writing with
the center of Jackson Street north to the City Recorder their ohjections on
the south line of Eighth Street, the or before net. 19th, 1905.
center of side track. from the north Dated at huhuque, Oct. 9, 1905.C. F. ARENDT,
line of Seventh Street to the south line 10 -10 -:It. City Recorder.
Seated proposals tvill be received at
the office of the City Recorder until
7:30 o'clock p. m., Thursday, October
19th, 1905• for the construction of an
8 -inch Tile Pipe Sanitary Sewer in
West Locust Street, from present man-
hole in \Vest Locust Street at inter-
section of Union Avenue, westerly in
I:aiion Avenue to Alta Vista Street,
thence southerly in Alta Vista Street
to the center of Edina Street, in ac-
•ordtunee with plans and specifications
of Eighth Street, to be about 25 fee
east of the center of Jackson Street.
Section 2. That the Dubuque &
Sioux City Railroad Company. its suc-
cessors end assigns, shall, whenever
reeluireil by the City Council of said
City we to do, at its own cost and
expense. pave or plank the space be-
tween the rails and the ends of the
ties south of the north line of Sev-
enth Street in such a manner as will
afford easy passage for wagons or
other vehicles, and at its own expense
place the grade of said track on theeer
grade of Jackson Street, in which said prepared fible y it thetCity
offine inthe Cnd
track is laid. and in all things comply
nowwith the Ordinances of said City, so Recorder.
far as the obstruction of streets and It is estimated by the City Engineer
gutters is concerned and
hereby 8 -inch thatit willile requiteiped 2,7 4 lineal
feet of
with ith the permissionThe work to be paid for when said
ed by the
Section 3. The rights herein granted
he City Council, the same tocbetco pleted
City C
mayybe revoked any time byy
ouncil after a period of five on or before the 1st date of December,
veers from the 1st day of October, 1905. 1905.
Section 4. This Ordinance shall be Bidders must state price per lineal
in force from after its e, and each
and publicationand one time in the passage Du- All bids mu. t bPe accompanied byialcelr-
buque Daily Globe Journal, the official tlfied check bank, f or a $5gu0.00 on that a some cDu-
newapaper of the City of Dubuque• buquet ct will be entered into if awarded.
Adopted Sept. 21st, 1905.
Approved Sept. 25th, 1905. BERG,
City Recorder.
The City reserves the rightto
any and all bids.
Dated at Dubuque,
10-10-3t. City Recorder.
226 Official Notices.
t3'l' 1: I : I•:T.
Be it Ordained by the Cily C'onncil of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That a grade on Grand-
view Avenue from Delhi Street to
South Dodge Street in the City of Du-
burpte, lcavca, he and is hereby estttb-
lish( d and ndupted as shown by red
line on the profile of said street and
grade prepared by the City Engineer,
J. 11. Iloyee, and filed in his office un-
der date of i)clober 5th, 1905,helpg
numbered 102 and mocked Profile,
showing; I'I'I p ;:rade i f (1r:unlvtery
Avenue t'r:.ni Itelhi Street to South
Dodge Street, D. M. on door sill thiel:
store N. \\'. crier F reniunt Avenue
and Iinifl.e Street. Elevation 286.24.
Said _;trade beginning at station 0,0,
thence to station - - in east curb
Grandview Avenue, :u1.1 south sorb of
Delhi Street, Elevation 300.0, west curb
Grandvievt Avenue and south curb
Grace Street: Ehevatiiin 298.0, thence
on a call ved grade on west curb of
Grandview Aviiini to Station 1+25,
Elevation ::':i.r. tool ..0 a straight grade
on east curb of Grandview Ave-
nue from station 10 to station 1
-I- 25, Elevation 299.6, thence to station
3, Elevation 299.0, thence to station 7.
Elev:, t ion 292.0, thence to station lii,
Elevation 2S9,7,thence to station
Elevation 285.0, thence to station 13,
Elevation 284.0, thence to Station 37,
Elevation 270.0. thence to station 45.
Elevation 274.0, thence to station 7',
Elevation 270.0.
Sec. 2. This Ordin:un•ct shall be in
force and take effect from and after
its passage by the City Council and its
publication one time in the Dubuque
Daily Globe -Journal official newspaper.
Adopted Oct. 51h, 1905.
Approved c hit. 9th, 1905.
C. H, BE RO,
Attest: Mayor.
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Evening
Globe -Journal caet. 20th, 1905.
10-20-1t, City Recorder.
Notice is hereby given to all con-
cerned that a Special Assessment will
be levied to pay for the construction
of a 10 and 12 -inch tile pipe Sanitary
Sewer in alley between Washington
and Jackson Streets from Sanford to
Twenty -Fifth Streets, James Hird, con-
Amount of special asssessment,
$1,883.86, against the abutting property
upon and along said sewer, as provided
by law, at a session of the City Council
to be held October 19th, 1905.
And that there is a plat and schedule
on file in the office of the City Re-
corder of said City of Dubuque, show-
ing the streets, or parts thereof, in
which said sewer has been constructed,
anti the separate lots and parcels of
ground and specified portions thereof
subject to assessment of such improve-
ment. the names of the owners as far
as practicable. and the amount to be
nsse,:sed against each lot or parcel of
gruend, which plat :Ind schedule is
snhject to public inspection.
And that an) and all persons object-
ing to said special assessment of said
plat Hurst tile his or their objection in
writing with the City Recorder of said
City of i)ubuque on or before said ses-
sion of the City Council to be held
October 19th, 1905, or to appear at said
session ,•f the Council to show cause.
tiny you have, why said assessment
should nut lie levied.
Dated at Duhu,lnc. Oct_ 12th, 1907.
10-12-3t. ('ii I:ecordci.
I.IS'I' c,P 111'1' \V.\lilt:\NTS.
i'ity Iteeor let's Office.
Dubuque. Ta., Oct. 2nd, 1905.
To the ilonotahle. Mayor and City
Council or Dubuque:
Centlenaen: The following is a com-
plete list of :all vv:u•r:u)ts issued on the
various funds by nae during the month
of S..•pteniber. 1:1(15:
1•a prnS.•
I2o:ui- -
Fitst District 1,160 531
Sci ii i District 1,768 45
Third District 824 2S
I ire 3,622 54
2,225 16
Sewerage( 437 95
Printing 150 19
Engineer 209 19
Stre,•I Lighting 2,067
$ 2,205 44
P“;:11 ,1 pl' Ile:tlth
(.r:a.li ug
llec l;ranch---
IIillville Rigid 1,005 02
\Vashiugton Sirec•t 1,060 29
5;.ecial I;unlet Assessnteut.. , 680 17
Aloud (':anal Avenue (sanding 2 70
Fifth Ward Engine House27 24
Loan ... 25,050 00
Library 570 49
f hereby certify that the foregoing
is a correct list of all warrants issued
by the on various funds during the
month of September, 1905.
10-27-tt. City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at
my office up to 7:30 o'clock p. m.
Thursday, Nov. 2nd, 1905, for furnish-
ing the Fire and Police Departments
of the city of Dubuque, also the City
Official Notices. 227
Hall, with coal, coke and wood for the
term of one year, beginning Novem-
ber 1st, '1905. Bidders will state the
price for No. 1 nal: and maple wood,
also the price for Bard n t tel soft coal
and the kind and name eI' same; also
the price and duality of 001(e.
The. coal ;aid wood to hr delivered in
such quantities nt sub places and time
as the city may direct.
The coal and coke to be wei_hed on
the city scales nt the City Hall and
delivered at the expense of the con-
Ea,•b hill p0ond be :1(•eotultitnietl IVtlh
a certtheft th.'ck for 335.00 on some De-
lmont. 1titn1: ati it guaranies flint.
t•(1utraet will he entered into if
'I'lte city reserves the right to reject
any and :ill bids.
ed (tet. 27th, 11(1)7,
C. F. .\I:I:ND'I..
10-27-5t ('ity Iteoarder.
Street mid 7th Street, abutting Lot 626,
Six feet \e id e, of cement. on the west.
side of White Street, between 13th
Street and I th Street. :limiting North
2-7i City Lot. 431.
Font' fret wide, of cement, on the
nest side of Wrest Fifth Street, be-
tween (tooth Street and (';len Oak Ave-
nue, abutting l,ots9, lo. i1 and 12, S.
\I. L:tt g\corihy's Addition.
An in :it'eerdance with S teeitir:itions
on tile in said office.
.\ certi;ied chi'•ic of ten per cent of
total will he rt'gt iced tit ilii each hid.
The City r, serves Iht• right to re-
ject any sail all bids.
JAMES li. I:OYC19,
10-2.1 G. -.T, 7l. City Engineer.
Ntt'I'li'I? 'l(i SIU(:AV'.ALK I'tIN-
1)nhuilue, 1:1..
Dot. "4. lill!n.
Seated proposals ',t ill tie received. at
the. City I tIVinoei's ( illi. e. city of Dtt-
bugne, loivii, tip to 12 n''o'it (noon)
October 30, 1(1117. for constructing side-
walks :is follows, \Vs, \there not already
Six foot wide, of e,•111,11I, Ott I It,• nest
side of Washington Street, between
111th St reel. :atltl hilt Street, abutlili
Lots 67 anti es, 1.;:ist 1)111tt(ptc-Additi.ni.
Six reef- tiiiie, 01' cement, en the east
side of Ithentiterg Avenue, hlween
Schiller .\venue and ',l tutu' .-\venue.
abutting Lot Ill, Wick's .\ddition.
Siv feet \with', of cement, oft the west
side of Ithnntber-Avennc, 1,elween
Schiller Avenue :ant \liddle .\venue,
abutting snitlt :12 feet Lot- 15. Mer.t.:t-
ney's 21111 .\ti lition.
Siv feet wide, of cement, on the east
side of Ithonilier'g :\venue, between
Windsor .\'mite anti Stafford Avenue,
abuttilig Lotsis_ ' (t,nol:i i Addition.south
2 5-10 feet Lei i ..
Six feet \title, of eenrtutt, on the north
side of \\'est Locust. Street, between
Foye Strtel 'a t i IIodgdon Avenue,
abutting Lots G :tett 7, Ellen Rlake's
Twelve feet wide, of cement, on the
east side of Main Street, between Jones
Street nail First Street, abutting Lot
5 in the West 1-2 of Blocic 1, Dubuque
Harbor Co.'s Addition.
Six feet wide, of cement, on the west
side of ll ill Street between West
Eighth Street and Caledonia. Place.
abutting Lot 1 of 39, Kelly's Subdi-
Six feet wide, of cement. on the west
side of Jackson Street, between Eagle
Point Avenue and Sanford Street,
abutting Lots 26 and 27 and S. E. 1-4
25, L. II. Langworthy's Addition.
Seven feet wide, of cement, on the
west side of Bluff Street, between 6th
NO'1'I('Pl 'rO 1i -AY AND GRAIN
Sealed proposals will be received at
n,y office tip to 7:30 o'clock p. m.,
Nov, 21Iil. 19117, in ftn'nish the Fire,
Police and Sir, el- Departments of thi'
iiy of Unbn1lrii' w'itii nnntber one
is and matter one tinin(hy hay for
the term ul' nor year i.rt11I1 November
1st, 1905.
Such nuts :inti hay to lit delivered in
such quantities and at such takes as
may be ordered by the city from time
to time. All hay and oats to be weigh-
ed Ott the oily scales at the City Hall
and delivered at the expense of the
'ontraotto'. The oats to be figured at
pnunds to the bushel.
Each hitt must. he accompanied with
a ecrtifted ehet•k of $25.00 on surae Du-
bugne (tank as a guarantee that a con-
tract will be entered into if awarded.
The city reserves Ilse right to reject
any and all bids.
Dated Oct. 27th, 19011,
10-27-5t City Recorder.
t r
Regular Session November 2, 1905. 229
Regular Session Notember .hat, 1905.
Council met at 8:30 o'clock P. M.
Ilayor Berg in the chair.
Present —.Ids. Clancy, Corrance,
Fath. Jene', Lyons, Needham and
Md. Corrance moved that the Coun-
cil proceedings for the month of Oc-
tober be approved as printed. Carried.
The following bills were ordered paid:
Key City Gas Co., gas for various
departments .... ..3109 80
H. Corrance. supplies at City Hall 1 85
•C. T. Bush, photos of Julien Ave-
nue 2 00
Jacqumot & Alullen, plumbing at 10 45
City Hall ..
.Palmer, Berg & Co., printing 500
Bonds 35 15
'G. B. Grosvenor, blank stationery
and supplies 5 40
• Stampfer & Jaeggi, matting for 5 85
Assessor's office
J. Brandon, to laying matting for 1 30
Assessor's office
P. Heller, horse shoeing, Road
and Fire department 5 50
F. Schloz & Son, repairs, Road
and Sewer departments
J. Butt, repairs, Road and Sewer
Avenue Top Mining Co., rock for
Road department
-H. B. McCarten, rock for Road
A. Hoerner, rock for Road de-
partment............ ....
F. G. Becker, coal for steam
• G. Ragataz & Son, repairs for
steam roller
P. Hanson, oil and lantern globes
for steam roller
Standard Oil Co., oil for steam
Lagen & Sloan, horse shoeing for
Fire department
Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse
shoeing for Fire department
D. J. Haas, drugs and supplies
for Fire department
G. Ragatz & Son, repairs for Fire
department ...... ....
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Fire
John Butt, repairs for Fire de-
partment ..........
Keller 8: Matz, repairs for Fire
El!wanger Bros.. new blankets
and repairs for Fire department
Dubuque Oil Tank Line, oil for
Fire department ....
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary ser -
2 55
3 40
1 50
5 25
7 20
12 00
3 50
3 90
10 10
5 35
25 00
1 00
3 00
15 25
2 00
30 20
8 10
vices for Fire department 23 90
Seippel Lbr. Co., lumber for Fire
department .... ........ .... 9 G:,
Carr, Ryder & Adams Co., lum-
ber for Fire department 1 95
Dubuque Wooden Ware & Lbr
Co., lumber, Fire and Sidewalk
departments 87 60
L. Lindenberg, hardware for Fire
department 2 35
T. F. Kane, hay and oats for
Fire department 576 70
T. J. Mulgrew, coal for Fire de-
partment 17 30
Mettel Bros., bran for Fire de-
partment 95
F. A. Burns, coal and wood, Fire
and Police departments 27 10
Key City Gas Co., rental of gas
arcs for Fire department 1 00
Union Electric Co., power for Fire
alarm system 2 00
McDermott & Gow, plumbing at
Central engine house 8 55
John Newman & Son, repainting
and repairing Chief's buggy 23 50
Homan & Roehl, beds, springs
and pillows for Engine House
No. 6 28 00
Pits -Thompson Fdry Co., 3 new
stoves cast for Engine House
No. 6 76 20
Engine House No. 6 7 20
Iowa Telephone Co., telephone
service for Engine House No. 6 5 00
Key City Gas Co., Weisbach
lights and brackets for Engine
House No. 6 5 25
F. P. Hayes, board of prisoners
for October 1 40
P. Hanson, hay for city pound 50
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary ser-
vices for Patrol team 2 75
T. Melloy, sawing wood for Po-
lice department 2 00
John Sloan, sawing wood for Ma-
trons' department 2 75
Saunders Meat Co., meat for Ma-
trons' department 1 50
Eichhorn & Bechtel, groceries for
Matrons' department ...... 1 85
Dubuque Cabinet Makers' Asso-
ciation, repairing rocker for
Matrons' department ...... 50
F. Schloz K. Son, repairs in City
calaboose 1 00
H. Corrance, supplies for Sewer
department 1 10
G. Ragatz & Son, repairs for
Se\\er department 50
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co,
1 pair hip Loots for Sewer de-
partment 6 00
Keuffel & Esser Co., supplies for
Engineer's department .... 18 20
Globe -Journal, official printing
for October 56 22
Telegraph -Herald, official print-
ing for October 55 13
National Demokrat, official print-
ing for October 25 00
Smith -Morgan Printing Co,
weekly and monthly pamphlets 14 83
230 Regular Session November 2, 1905.
Union Electric Co., arc lights
for October 1067 35
T. E. Frith, removing garbage
and dead animals 363 48
Linehan & Molo, sewer pipe for
Special Sewer Dept. 19 80
R. McMahon, inspector on Dodge
Street sewer 3 50
Ott, Mouser & Co., lumber for
Sidewalk Dept. 25 60
A. L. Pier, 1 stone for street
L. Lindenberg, nails for Sidewalk
J. Hird, inspector of Union Ave-
nue sanitary sewer 10 80
O'Farrell Construction Co., ce-
ment and sand for Bee Branch
sewer 1 50
O'Farrell Construction Co., grad-
ing Bee Branch sewer 89 25
1 50
2 20
Petition of Jno. Welsh asking that
the Engineer he instructed to meas-
ure his macadam located on Hill Street.
On motion the petition was granted.
Petition of G. W. Meyers et al ask-
ing that an electric light be ordered
placed at the intersection of West
Third and West Fifth Streets on Wi-
nona Avenue.
Also petition of H. Corrance et al
asking that an electric light he placed
on Fourteenth Street at the foot of
Henion Street.
On motion both petitions were re-
ferred to the Committee on Police and
Petition of Mrs. Mary A. Dolan ask-
ing that her taxes be canceled on the
West 1-2 of Lot 62 in Union Add.
On motion was referred to the De-
linquent Tax Committee.
Petition of Mrs. Cath. Theis asking
for an extension of time to pay her
taxes for the year 1904.
On motion was referred to the Board
of Equalization.
Petition of Jno. Keckevoet asking
that he he given the privilege of using
Jacn»innt &11.n. i+1„1-nbine qt
the Ice Harbor for skating rink pur-
poses during the coming winter.
Also petition of the Dubuque Wom-
en's Club asking that a room in the
City Hall, opposite the Matron De-
partment, be furnished for the deten-
tion of juvenile criminals held for ex-
amination under the law.
On motion both petitions were re-
ferred to the Committee of the Whole.
Petition of F. H. Weihe & Co. ask-
ing for the cancellation of their taxes
on moneys and credits for the year 1898.
On motion was referred to the City
Resignation of Woodmeasurer and
Wharf Master P. Holsinger was read'
and 'on motion accepted.
Aid. Corrance moved that Chas. W.
Katz be appointed Inspector of Wood
to fill vacancy for the unexpired term.
Unanimously carried.
City Treasurer Brinkman reported as
To the Hon. Mayor and City Coun-
Gentlemen:—Below you will find
statement of amounts advanced by me,
during the past month, for which
please order warrants drawn in my
Excavation permits redeemed..$ 55.00
Interest on warrants outstand-
Postage stamps—expense
Refund City tax—expense
New York Exchange—expense
Express charges Engineer—ex-
Library orders paid 7S9.23
I also refunded old warrants, for
which please order new loan warrants
Total amount of warrants $7,000.00
I also received money borrowed from
various parties; please order loan war-
rants drawn in their favor.
Total amount of warrants $10,010.00
On motion the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
the various amounts, and the report
referred back to the Committee on -
City Auditor Hoffman reported as
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council:
Gentlemen:—Herewith find my report
for the month of October, 1905, showing
the receipts and disbursements for the
Cash on hand Oct. 1st, 1905....$12,173.35
Receipts from all sources ....$30,635.60
Warrants redeemed $28,463.98
Coupons redeemed 2,743.89
W. W. Warrant redeemed 45.00
Bonds redeemed 769.24
Cash on hand Nov. 1st, 1905.. 10,786.84
The above cash balance includes the
Improvement Bond Fund, Improve-
ment Bond Interest Fund and Library
Fund balances.
Also report that there is due the
city officers for the month of October,
1905, the sum of $2,683.45.
Regulae Session November 2, 1905. 231
Ai, Ow following is a record of all
Interest Coupons and Bonds redeemed
by the City Treasurer during the past
month and credited to him:
Improvement Bond Coupons$ 21.25
Waterworks Bond Coupons 45.00
Regular Bond Coupons 2,722.64
Improvement Bonds Redeemed. 769.24
The following list shows the Appro-
priations and the amount of Warrants
drawn on each Fund since the begin-
ning of the fiscal year beginning March
1st, 1905, to Nov. 1st, 1905:
Appropriation. Expended.
Expense 540,000 $18,638 20
Road -First District10,000 12.229 73
Road -Second District 20.300 14,489 50
Road -Third District0,750 6,230 42
Fire 42.000 23,903 64
Police 20.000 15,168 29
Sewerage 5,000 3,166 00
Printing 2.500 998 22
Engineer 2.500 1.397 88
Street Lighting 25,200 14.471 45
Interest 41,500 24,167 01
Board of Health 4,500 3,00011
Grading 2,000 1,158 15
Bee Branch-Millville
Road 3,000 2,825 60
Bee Branch - Wash-
ington Street 6,000 5,993 57
Bee Branch -Fifteenth
and Sixteenth Sts1,400
Special Bonded Paving 2,000
Judgment 3,000 2,418 22
Special Bonded Debt
and Interest 4,000 2,581 13
Mount Carmel Avenue
Grading .... 1,000 451 20
Sidewalk Repairing 1,000 404 39
Special Sewer Fund1,000 328 26
Bluff Street Extension
Wall 1,000 999 93
Fifth Ward Engine
House 4,000 3,773 74
Booth Street Sewer1,000 1,000 00
On motion the report was received
and Warrants ordered drawn to pay
City Officers, and the report referred
back to the Committee on Finance.
Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol-
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council:
Gentlemen: -The following is the pay
roll of the Fire Department for the
month of October, 1905: • $2668 45
Amount due Firemen
Respectfully submited,
On motion the report was received
and Warrants ordered drawn to pay
the Firemen, and the report referred
back to the Committee on Fire.
Chief of Police Reilly reported as fol-
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council:
Gentlemen: -I herewith submit the
Police report for the month of October,
Total arrests for the month 50
Residents arrested for the month19
Doors found open for the month28
Defective Lights for the month27
Lodgers harbored for the month33
Meals furnished for the month7
Cost of food $1.40
Sheriff, dieting prisoners 7.10
Pound Master's receipts 4.00
Patrol calls 57
Miles traveled 112
Also pay roll for Policemen for the
month October, 1905:
Amount clue Policemen 81907 95
Respectfully submitted,
Chief of Police.
On motion the report and pay roll
were received and Warrants ordered
drawn to pay Policemen, and the re-
port referred back to the Committee on
City Engineer Boyce reported as fol-
To the Honorale Mayor and City Coun-
Gentlemen: -I herewith sumit my
pay roll for labor on streets in the dif-
ferent road districts during the last
half of October, 1905:
Amount due laborers on streets.$1490 40
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved by Committee on Streets.
Also submit my pay roll for labor on
sewers during the last half of October,
Amount clue laborers on sewers$178 00
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved by Committee on Sewers.
Also submit my pay roll for labor
grading Mt. Carmel Avenue during last
half of October, 1905:
Amount due laborers on Mt
$188 50
Carmel Avenue
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved by Committee on Streets.
Al.o submit my pay roll for L:chor
on Special Sewers for the last half of
October, 1905:
Amount due Laborers on Special
$4 20
Respectfully submitted.
City Engineer.
Approved by Committee on Streets.
On motion the nay rolls on Streets,
Sewers and Mt. Carmel Avenue were
received and warrants ordered drawn
to pay the various amounts and the
pay rolls referred back to the proper
Regular Session November 2, 1905.
Chief of Police Reilly reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen—I herewith return you
returns of service on the notices to all
abutting property owners on Bluff
Street on the chance of Grade on that
Respectfully submitted,
Chief of Police.
On motion said returns were referred
to a Special Committee consisting of
Aids. Jones, Lyons, Needham and
The report of the Water Works Trus-
tees showing the receipts and disburse-
ments for the three months ending Sep-
tember 10th, 1905, was presented, and
on motion referred to a Special Com-
mittee, consistinz of Alds. Corrance,
Clancy and Jones.
A Special Committee consisting of
City Recorder Arendt and City Engi-
neer Boyce reported as follows:
Dubuque, Iowa, November 2, 1905.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen—Reporting on the matter
of H. B. McCarten relative to Treas-
urer's receipts which were lost or mis-
laid for money deposited for the ex-
cavation of streets and alleys, would
state that we have examined all month-
ly reports of the Treasurer up to date
and find the receipts dated July 14 and
18, 1904, never were refunded, therefore
would recommend that the Treasurer
be instructed to issue duplicate receipts
in favor of H. B. McCarten, amounting
to Five Dollars ($5.00) each in lieu of
the receipts which were lost or mislaid.
C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder,
JAS. H. BOYCE, City Engineer.
Ald. Frith moved that the report be
approved, and that the Treasurer be
instructed to issue duplicate receipts to
Mr. McCarten as recommended. Car-
City Electrician Hipman reported as
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council:
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my
report of Defective Lights for the
month of October, 1905. I find from
the report of the Police Department
that the total hours that 27 lamps fail-
ed to burn would equal 1 lamp for one
month, or $5.40.
Respectfully submitted,
City' Electrician.
On motion the report was received
and the City Auditor instructed to de-
duct from the Union Electric Com-
pany's bill for the month of October the
sum of $5.40.
The following Weighmaster's and
Woodmeasurer's receipts were referred
to the Committee on Markets:
F. P. Hayes. City Hall receipts$40.95
T. Faherty, First Ward scale re-
ceipts 7.86
Louise Pitschner, West Dubuque
scale receipts 2.36
R. Hay, Eighth Street scale re-
ceipts 2.89
P. Holsinger, Woodmeasurer's re-
ceipts .80
The folowing bids were on motion or-
dered opened for furnishing the city
with hay and oats and coal and wood.
J. J. Nagle, No. 1 oats at 41 c per
bushel and No. 1 timothy hay at $9.75
per ton.
Thos. F. Kane, No. 1 oats at 39c per
bushel and No. 1 timothy hay at $10.00
per ton.
On motion the contract was awarded
to Thos. F. Kane, he being the lowest
There only being one bid for supply-
ing the city with coal, wood and coke.
Ald. Frith moved to open the bid.
Ald. Corrance moved a substitute that
the bid be referred to the Committee
on Supplies, unopened.
Substitute lost by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance and
Nays—Alds. Frith, Jones, Lyons and
On motion the bid was ordered
Bid as follows:
Pier Bros.
Oak wood per cord $4.70
Maple wood, per cord 5.70
Coal at the present market prices.
On motion the bid was referred to
the Committee of the Whole.
Ald. Lyons, chairman of the Ordi-
nance Committee, presented and read
an Ordinance for the vacation of the
Southerly 180 feet of the alley between
Alpine and Nevada Streets, north of
West Third Street, and moved that
the reading just had be considered its
first reading. Carried.
Ald. Lyons moved that the Recorder
be instructed to give the regular ten
days notice by publication of the pass-
age of said Ordinance at its next regu-
lar session of the Council. Carried.
Ald. Frith, chairman of the Commit-
tee on Streets, reported as follows:
Your Committee on Streets would re-
spectfully recommend that the City En-
gineer be instructed to lay a brick side-
walk abutting the city's lot on Dodge
Street, from Booth Street to the West
line of said lot.
Regular Session November 2, 1905. 233
Also your Committee on Streets
would respectfully report that we have
examined the improvement on Grace
Street from the West line of the sub-
division of Lot 7 in Ann O'Hare's Sub.,
to East Street, O'Farrell, McNamara &
Kenety, contractors, and would recom-
mend that said street be accepted and
that the City Engineer be instructed to
prepare a special asssessment against
the lots or parts of lots subject to
assessment for such improvement, and
file the same in the office of the City
Recorder, who will thereupon publish
notice of said assessment as required
by Ordinance. E. E. FRITH,
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the re-
ports of the Committee on Streets.
Ald. Clancy, chairman of the Com-
mittee on Fire, reported as follows:
Your Committee on Fire, to whom
was referred the matter of purchasing
caps for the Fire Department, would
respectfully report that we requested
the several firms in that line of busi-
ness in the city to submit bids, and
that two bids were received, the lowest
of which—that of the Boston One Price
Clothiers—at $16.50 per dozen was ac-
cepted and the contract awarded said
Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Needham, chairman of the Po-
lice and Light Committee, reported as
Your Committee on Police and Light
beg leave to report that new electric
arc lights be placed on the following
streets: One on Fourteenth and Hen -
ion Streets, one on corner of Hart and
Francis Streets, and one on Winona
Avenue between Third and Fifth
Streets, and the City Electrician be
instructed to advise the Union Electric
company accordingly.
Ald. Clancy, chairman of the Com-
mittee of the Whole, reported as fol-
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom were referred the several bids
for the improvement of Dillon Street,
would respectfully report that, owing
to the lack of money in the grading
fund, it will be impossible to proceed
with this improvement this year; we
would, therefore, recommend that said
bids be received and filed. We would
further report that the certified checks
accompanying said bids have all been
returned to the respective bidders.
Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the re-
port of the Commmittee of the Whole.
Also your Committee on Police and
Light, to whom was referred the mat-
ter of purchasing coats for such mem-
bers of the Police Department as re-
quire the same, would respectfully re-
port that we solicited bids on said
coats and received propositions from
four different firms. The bid of Kaep
& Buechele at $21.00 per coat being the
lowest, we have awarded them the con-
tract. The city is to pay $10.00 toward
the cost of each coat, and we would
recommend that the Treasurer be in-
structed to withhold the balance from
the warrants of the different officers
ordering said coats.
Ald. Needham moved to adopt the
reports. Carried.
Also, your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the matter of
fixing the tax levy for the year 1905,
would respectfully recommend that said
levy be fixed in accordance with the fol-
lowing resolution:
Be it resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the taxes
for the year 1905 for the purposes below
specified, be levied as provided by law
iii the respective number of mills on
the dollar of the assessed valuation of
all the taxable property in said city as
General Fund 3
Bond Fund 2
Fire Fund 12-3
Gas and Light Fund 1
Water Fund 1
Library Fund 1-3
Be it Further Resolved, that a regu-
lar water tax levy of one (1) mill on
the dollar of the assessed valuation he
levied upon all the property benefited
by the supply of said water as deter-
mined by the action of the City Coun-
And be it Further Resolved, that
for the purposes of cleaning, sprinkling
and repairing the streets, a tax of two
(2) mills on the dollar on all the tax-
able property therein, be levied in each
of the Road Districts of the city.
Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the Res-
Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons and Stumpf.
Nays—Ald. Needham.
Ald. Corrance offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That a Sidewalk 5
feet wide, of good cement, be, within
15 days of this notice, constructed and
laid in conformity with the ordinance
in relation to sidewalks, on the West
side of Grandview Avenue, between
Grace street and Bennett street, abut-
ting lots 3 and 4, Hedge's Sub.. owned
by A. E. Girard, at the expense of
234 Regular Session November 2, 1905.
abutting property. Adopted by the
following vote:
Ayes—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Ald. Corrance also offered the follow-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That a Sidewalk 4
feet wide, of good cement, be,
within 15 days of this notice, construc-
ted and laid in conformity with the
ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on
the South side of Grace street, abutting
lot 5, Hodge's Sub., owned by A. E.
Girard, at the expense of abutting
property. Adopted by the following
Ayes—Ald. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Nays -None.
The special assessments for cutting
weeds and levied against lots 11,
Blake's Add., and West 100 feet of Min.
Lot 184, owned by Joseph Herod, were
on motion referred to City Engineer
and Ward Foreman and report to the
Ald. Needham moved that the reso-
lution adopted by the City Council Oct.
5th, 1905, instructing the Iowa Tele-
phone Co. that all streets recently ex-
cavated by them be placed in the same
condition they were in before they
were dug up, be strictly enforced. Car-
Ald. Corrance moved to adjourn un-
til November 16th, 1905. Carried.
City Recorder.
LJ.: ' ..a( "' ..Recorder
Approves .,/.,fit
Regular Session November 16, 1905. 235
Regular Session November 16th, 190-u.
Council met at 8:15 o'clock P. M.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Aids. Clancy, Corrance,
Frith, Jones, Lyons, Needham and
The following petitions were ordered
Petition of the Smedley Steam
Pump Co., asking that the Treasurer
be instructed to accent payment on
taxes for the year 1904. both real and
personal. on a valuation of $10,000.00.
Also petition of the Metz Mfg. Co..
asking for the cancellation of their
taxes for 1904 and 1905 on all personal
property and improvements.
Also petition of the Germania Stock
Company, asking that the taxes on City
Lot 209 remain the same as in previous
Petition of Geo. Salot in relation to
bad condition of retaining wall built
by the city and abutting his property
on Madison Street, was on motion re-
ferred to Street Committee and City
Petition of Nellie Tinkham, et al.
asking that an electric arc light be
placed at the intersection of Lincoln
and Third Avenues.
Also petition of Jas. Carter, asking
that he be allowed full time for the
month of October on account of sick-
ness and being under the doctor's care
during said month.
On motion both petitions were re-
ferred to the Police and Light Com-
Petition of Mrs. Richard Collins, ask-
ing for the cancellation of her taxes as
levied against lots 28 and 29 in Mc -
Daniels' Sub.
On motion was referred to the De-
linquent Tax Committee.
Petition of G. A. Cleaver. e'kine that
the City Treasurer be instructed to
cancel the taxes as assessed against
him for the years 1888 to 1902, inclusive.
On motion was referred to the Board
of Eaualization.
Petition of Anna dinga, et al,
stating that they selected and appoint-
ed Mr. C. A. Voelker as one of the ap-
praisers on the Board of Appraisers
assess any damages which may be
curred to their property by reason of a
proposed change of grade of Bluff
Street, from Fourth to Eighth Streets,
was on motion received and filed.
Petition of E. A. Engler and J. J.
Murphy in relation to the vacation of
that part of the alley betwene Allison
Place and College Avenue from a point
about 26 feet south of the south line
of lot 10 in Finley Home Add., was on
motion referred to the Committee of
the Whole and City Engineer.
Petition of Theo. Trieloff, by W. S.
Wright, his attorney, asking that the
Treasurer be instructed to accept the
sum of $18.00 in full settlement for the
special assessment as levied against
lot No. 13. Concord Sub., for the im-
provement of Con tea Avenue.
On motion was referred to the Com-
mittee of the Whole and City Attor-
The following communication was
presented and read and then referred
to the Committee of the Whole:
Dubuque, Nov. 15, 1905.
To the City Council:
Gentlemen:—While the matter of in-
vestigating the conduct of Public Of-
ficials is in vogue, why not turn the
searchlight on the action of Alderman
Needham, who told Frank Burns that
he would see that he was given a job
hauling a sprinkling wagon if Burns
would give him his insurance.
If this is not bribery, what is it?
(Signed): —Taxpayer and Teamster.
City Engineer Boyce reportedas fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
G@ntlemen—I herewith submit mY
pay roll for labor on streets in the dif-
ferent road districts during the first
half of November, 1905:
Amount due laborers on streets.$1326 10
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved by Committee on Streets.
Also submit my pay roll for labor on
sewers during the first half of Novem-
ber, 1905:
Amount due laborers on sewers..$170 60
Respectfully submitted.
City Engineer.
Approved by Committee on Sewers.
Also submit my pay roll for labor
grading Mt. Carmel Avenue during first
half of November, 1905:
Amount due laborers on Mt
Carmel Avenue $156 55
Respectfully submitted.
City Engineer.
Regular Session November 16, 1905.
Approved by Committee on Streets.
On motion, the pay rolls on streets,
sewers and Mt. Carmel Avenue were
received and warrants ordered drawn
to pay the various amounts and the
pay rolls referred back to the proper
City Engineer Boyce also reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Attached please find statement of
macadam measured to Nov. 16th, 1905,
and amount due for same.
City Engineer.
On motion the report was received
and warants ordered drawn to pay the
various amounts.
City Recorder Arendt presented and
read the printed Notice, certified to by
the Publisher, of the Council's inten-
tion, to levy a special assessment for
improving Grace Street from the West
line of sub -division of Lot 7, Ann
O'Hare's Sub., to East Street.
No remonstrance being filed, the
Mayor asked if any one present had any
objection to said Special Assessment.
No objection being stated the Notice
on motion was received and filed.
Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the fol-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for im-
proving Grace Street, from the west
line of the subdivision of lot 7, Ann
O'Hare's Sub., to East Street, by
O'Farrell, McNamara & Kenety, con-
tractors, in front of and adjoining the
same, a special tax be and is hereby
levied on the several lots, and parts of
lots, and parcels of real estate here-
inafter named, situate and owned, and
for the several amounts set opposite
each lot or parcel of real estate, as
Owner— Description Amount
Fred D. Bennett, Reche's Sub.,
lot 28„ 21.4 sq. yds. macadam-
izing at 54c $ 11 56
John Accola, Reche's Sub., lot
29, 50 lin. feet curbstone at
45c, $22.50; 22.2 sq. yds. gutter-
ing at 45c, $9.99; 61.1 sq. yds.
macadamizing at 54c, $32.9965 48
John Frey, Reche's Sub., lot 30,
50 lin. feet curbstone at 45c,
$22.50; 22.2 sq. yds. guttering
at 45c, $9.99; 61.1 sq. yds. ma-
cadamizing at 54c, $32.99 65 48
Chas J. Pitschner, Reche's Sub,
lot 31, 50 lin. feet curbstone at
45c, $22.50; 22.2 sq. yds. gutter-
ing at 45c, $9.99; 61.1 sq. yds.
macadamizing at 54c, $32.9965 48
Chas. J. Pitschner, Rech's Sub,
lot 32, 50 lin. feet curbstone at
45c, $22.50; 22.2 sq. yds. gutter-
ing at 45c, $9.99; 61.1 sq. yds.
macadamizing at 54c, $32.9965 48
John Kapp, Reche's Sub., lot 33,
50 lin. feet curbstone at 45c,
$22.50; 22.2 sq. yds. guttering
at 45c, $9.99; 61.1 sq. yds. ma-
cadamizing at 54c, $32.99 65 48
John Kapp, Reche's Sub., lot 34,
70 lin. feet curbstone at 45c,
$31.50: 32.9 sq. yds. guttering
at 45c, $14.81; 108.8 sq. yds. ma-
cadamizing at 54c, $58.75 105 06
Bertha Bondleon, Reche's Sub,
No. 2. lot 1, 140 lin. feet curb-
stone at 45c, $63; 61.8 sq. yds.
guttering at 45c, $27.81; 193.8
sq. vds. macadamizing at 54c, 195 46
John Babcock, Reche's Sub. No.
2, lot 4, 50 lin. feet curbstone
at 45c, $22.50; 20 sq. yds. gut-
tering at 45c, $9; 60.5 sq. yds.
macadamizing at 54c, $32.6; ... X: t 17
J. T. Kearns, Reche's Sub.
2, lot 5, 40 lin. feet curbstone•
at 45e, $18; 17.8 sq. yds. gut-
tering at 45c, $8.01: 49 sq. yds.
macadamizing at 54c, $26.46....
J. T. Kearns, Reche's Sub. No.
2, lot 6, 40 lin. feet curbstone
' at 45c, $18; 17.8 sq. yds. gut-
tering at 45c, $8.01; 49 sq. yds.
macadamizing at 54c. $26.46.... 52 47
Jas. H. Shields, Reche's Sub.
No. 2, lot 7, 60 lin. feet curb-
stone at 45c, $27; 33.3 sq. yds.
guttering at 45c, $14.99; 91.7 sq.
yds. macadamizing at 54e.
$49.52 f)i .i
L. Lindenberg, Reche's Sub.
No. 2, lot 15, 60 lin. feet curb-
stone at 45c, $27; 33.3 sq. yds.
guttering at 45c, $14.99; 9.17 sq.
yds. macadamizing at 54c, 9151
L. Lindenberg, Reche's Sub.
No. 2, lot 14, 40 lin. feet curb-
stone at 45c, $18; 17.8 sq. yds.
guttering at 45c, $8.01; 49 sq.
yds. macadamizing at 54c,
$26.46 ... 52 47
Frank Eberhardt, Reche's Sub.
No. 2, lot 13, 40 lin. feet curb-
stone at 45c, $18; 17.8 sq. yds.
guttering at 45c, $8.01; 49 sq.
yds. macadamizing at 45c,
$26.46 52 47
Knapp, Stout & Co. Co., Reche's
Sub. No. 2, lot 12, 40 lin. feet
curbstone at 45c, $18; 17.8 sq.
yds. guttering at 45c, $8.01; 49
sq. yds. macadamizing at 45c,
$26.46 52 47
E. A. Engler, Reche's Sub. No.
2, lot 11, 40 lin. feet curbstone
at 45c, $18; 17.8 sq. yds. gut-
tering at 45c, $8.01; 49 sq. yds.
macadamizing at 54c, $26.46... 52 47
Wm. Reche Est., Reche's Sub.
No. 2, lot 10, 56 lin. feet curb-
stone at 45c, $25.20: 26.6 sq.
yds. guttering at 45c, $11.97;
62.1 sq. yds. macadamizing at
54c, $33.53 70 70
H. E. Cosgrove, Ann O'Hares
Sub., W. 45.4 ft., lot 14, 81 lin.
feet curbstone at 45c, $36.45;
37.8 sq. yds. guttering at 45c,
$17.01; 90.8 sq. yds. macadam-
izing at 54c, $49.03 102 49
Thos. M. Cosgrove, Ann &Hare's
Sub., E. 50 ft. N. %, lot 14,
50.1 lin. feet curbstone at 45c,
$22.50; 22.3 sq. yds. guttering
at 45c, $10.04; 61.2 sq. yds. ma-
cadamizing at 54c, $33.05 65 64
Wm. Wiley, Ann O'Hare's Sub,
E. 50 ft. W. 100 ft., lot 13,
Regulae Session November 16, 1905. 237
50.1 tin. feet curbstone at 45c,
$22.5: 22.3 sq. yds. guttering
at 41,•. $10.04; 61.2 sq. yds. ma-
cadin iizing at 54c, $33.05 65 64
Thos. 11. Cosgrove, Ann O'Hare's
Sub., \V. 50 ft., lot 13, 50.1 lin.
feet curbstone at 45c, $22.55;
22.3 sq. yds, guttering at 45c,
$10.04; 61.2 sq. yds. macadam-
izing at 54c, $33.05
Marg. S. Wiley, Ann O'Hare's
Sub., E. 37.94 ft., lot 13, 27.1
lin. feet curbstone at 45c,
$12.20; 19.3 sq. yds. guttering
at $8.69; 46.5 sq. yds. macad-
amizin gat 54c, $25.1146 00
Marg. S. Wiley, Ann O'Hare's
Sub., W. 121/2 ft., lot 12, 12.5
lin. feet curbstone at 45c,
$5.65; 5.5 sq. yds. guttering at
45c, $2.48; 15.3 sq. yds. macad-
aminz at 54c, $8.26 16 39
Leathers & Trewin, Ann
Ohare's Sub., E. 125 ft., lot 12,
125.3 lin. feet curbstone at 45c,
t645c $25.07; 5.7 1 53 1d guttering
sq. yds.ma-
cadamizing at 54c, $82.67 16414
65 64
Leathers & Trewin, Ann
Ohare's Sub., W. 80.18 ft., lot
11, 80.18 lin. feet curbstone at
45c, $36.08; 35.6 sq. yds. gutter-
ing at 45c, $16.43; 98 sq. yds.
macadamizing at 54c, $52.92... 105 43
J. M. Hampton, Ann O'Hare's
Sub., E. 57.82 ft., lot 11, 57.82
lin. feet curbstone at 45c,
$26.02; 25.7 sq. 45c, $11.57; 70 7 sq. yds.
ds. guttering
cadamizin gat 54c, $37.1875 77
G. D. Bennett Est., Ann
O'Hare's Sub., lot 10, 137.9 lin.
feet curbstone at 45c, $62.05;
61.3sq. yds.
$27.58; 168.5
85sq. yds.macadam-
izing at 54c, $90.99
Chas. B. Cain, Hantelman's
Sub., lot 5. 55.2 lin. feet curb-
stone at 45c, $24.84; 24.5 sq.
yds. guttering at 45c, $11.03;
67.5 sq. yds. macadamizing at
45c, $36.45
Ella L. Phillips, Hantelman's
Sub., lot 4, 55.2 lin. feet curb-
stone at 45c, $24.84; 24.5 sq.
yds. 3;
67.5 sq.tydsgmac damingat 45c, 0at
45c, $36.45
Orin Cain, Hantelman's Sub,
lot 3, 55.2 lin. feet curbstone
at 45c, $24.84; 24.5 sq. yds. gut-
tering at 45c, $11.03; 67.5 sq. 72 32
yds. $36.45
Frank E. Winders, Hantelman's
Sub., lot 2, 46 lin. feet curb-
stone at 45c, $20.70; 26.6 sq.
yds. guttering at 45c, $11.97;
67.7 sq. yds. macadamizing at
54c, $36.56
Phil. Iot 1, Link,
55 88 lin. feet curbstontelman's e
at 45c, $25.15; 24.8 sq. yds. gut-
tering at 45c, $11.16; 68.3 sq.
Yds. macadamizing at 45c, 7319
$36.88 ........."
Ald. Frith moved thetofollothe wing the reso-
lution. Carried by
yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
City Recorder Arendt also presented
and read the printed Notice certified
to by the puhfi-M,.,. .,t 111,
intention to it
for repairing Aurin:; the
month of Sept. Hher, 1905.
No ren,onit e bein°• filed the
Mayor asked If :m y one present had
any objection to said saecial assess-
ment. No objection being stated the
Notice on motion was received and
Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the
180 62
72 32
72 32
69 23
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for re-
pairing sidewalks during September,
1905, in front of and adjoining the
same, a Special Tax be and is hereby
levied on the several lots, and parts of
lots, and parcels of real estate herein-
after named, situate and owned, and
for th eseveral amounts set opposite
each lot or parcel of real estate, as fol-
Owner. Description.
Sept. 1—J. J. Lundbeck, Mechan-
ics' Add., S 109 ft, lot 109 $ 60
Sept. 1—Watters & Dennis, Sub. 3 1 70
of 720, City, lots 5-6
Sept. 1—Mrs. J. P. Buehler, Sub. 1 85
of Min. Lot 314, lot 3
Sept. 1—John Flynn, Sub. MM. 1 05
Lot 191, lot 2
Sept. 5—Mary Dietrich, Davis
Farm Add., N. 1-2, lot 274 60
Sept. 6—Wm. McCleain, Hoskins' 45
Sub., lot 5
Sept. 6—J. L. Meyer, Subs. 76 and 50
77, Union Add., lot 1
Sept. 6—Cath. Birmington Est,
Subs. 76 and 77, Union Add., lot 1 50
Sept. 6—Rhomberg & Kringle,
Rose Hill Add., lots 2 to 9 6 30
Sept. 6—Christina Breda, City S50
84 1-2 ft. lot 499
Sept. 7—Martin Sullivan Est, 60
Saul's Sub., lot 4
Sept. 7—Mrs. Sidney Saul, Saul's 80
Sub., lots 1-2-3
Sept. 7--A. Schaeffle, G. W. Rod-
gers' Sub., lot 27
Sept. 7—Augusta Eighmey, Sub. 50
Min. Lot 39, lot 41
Sept. 7—Emma Alden, A. Mc -
Daniels' Sub., lot 762 1 03
Sept. 7—A. W. Kemler Est., Sub. 90
703 City lot 16
Sept. 7—Eliz. Saul, Hoskins' Sub.,
lot 2
Sept. 8—Peter Fay, East Dubuque
Add., S. 1-2 lot 77 50
Sept. 10—James Levi, Davis Farm
Add., lot 238 45
Sept. 11—John Olinger, Boulevard
Add., lots 2 to 20 1 40
Sept. 11—Chas. H. Bradley, Cox's
Add., E. 1-2 lots 50-51 75
Sept. 11—Paul Traut Est., Farley's 85
Sub., lot 35
Sept. 11—Buol & Loetscher, Loet-
scher & Trueb's Sub., lot 12 35
Sept. 11—E. A. Engler, Sub. 12,
Min. Lot 172, lots 1-2-3 1 00
Sept. 11—Maria Schwind, Sub. 1,
Tschirgi & Schwind's Sub., lot 3. 40
Sept. 11—Cath. Stafford, S. M.
Langworthy's Add., lot 44 40
Sept. 12—J. & E. Tibey, Sub. 3 of
Min. Lot 63, lot 1 1 95
Sept. 12—Peter Eisbach, Bonson &
Stewart's Sub., lot 1 45
238 Regular Session November 16, 1905.
Sept. 12—M. M. McCarter, Bon -
son & Stewart's Sub., lot 8 1 30
Sept. 12—E. M. Kringle, Sub. 6 of
7 of Min. Lot 79, lot 1
Sept. 12—T. Kenneally, Union
Add., lot 171
Sept. 12—Mrs. Sidney Saul, Saul's
Sub., lot 1
Sept. 12—M. M. McCarten, Bonson 85
& Stewart's Sub., lot 8
Sept. 13—Al. Matthews, Sub. City
738, lot 6
Sept. 13—Wm. Klauer, et al, Davis
Farm Add., lot 213
Sept. 13—E. A. Engler, Finley
Home Add., lots 10-11
Sept. 16—John Buette11 Est., Sub.
2 of 20, Finley Home Add., lot 1. 40
Sept, 18—W. G. Cox, Sub. Min. Lot
90, lot 2
Sept. 19—H. C. Kiesel and Wm.
Coates, S. M. Langworthy's
Add., lot 39 75
Sept. 19—A. Treub, Hughes' Sub,
lot 3
Sept. 19—Wm. Reche Est., Reclie's
Sub,. lot 17 2 10
Sept. 19—Minnie and M. A. Kern -
ler, College Add., lot 1 40
Sept. 19—Robt. Bartells, Sub. 1,
Waller's Sub., lot 1 40
Sept. 19—F. L. Poole, Julia Lang -
worthy's Add., lot 17 40
Sept. 20—K. & L. F. Kolfenbach,
Glendale Add., lot 57 50
Sept. 20—Bosserman & Ives, City
S 1-2 lot 334 50
Sept. 20—R. M. Kunz, Glendale
Add., lot 60 95
Sept. 20—Wm. Alderman, City lot
322 1 45
Sept. 20—German Trust & Savings
Bank, Sub. 809, A. McDaniels'
Sub., lot 1 1 40
Sept. 20—Charlotte Post, G. Mar-
tin's Sub., lot 4
Sept. 21—Wm. Klauer, et al., Da-
vis Farm Add., lot 213
Sept. 22—Geo. Savary, Union Add,
lot 121
Sept. 22—Sylvester Hickock Est,
Union Add., lot 57
Sept. 22—Ellen B. Rice, Union
Add., lot 146
Sept. 22—Rich. B. Waller, Summit
Add., lot 4
Sept. 25—Nic. Glab, Finley's Add,
lot 225
Sept. 25—Nic. Glab, Finley,
Waples & Burton's .Add., lots
Sept. 25—Minnie and M. A. Kern -
ler, Sub. 4, Ann O'Hare's Sub,
lot 1
Sept. 25—Jas. Mullen Est., Finley,
Waples & Burton's Add., lot 11
Sept. 25—A. E. Girard, Hodge's
Sub., lots 3-4-5
Sept. 25—Kiene & Meyer, Elm St.
Sub., lots 1-2
Sept. 25—A. W. Kemler Est., Sub.
703, City lot 16
Sept, 25—Louis Herbst, Herbst's
Sub., lot 1
Sept. 25—Lee & Norton, Gilliam's
Sub., lot 4
Sept. 25—Hughes & Blake, Blake's
Add., lots 25-26-27
Sept. 26—Hugh Talty, Sub. 2 of
Min. Lot 160, lot 1
Sept. 27—Emily Conrad, Sub. 2 of
145, L. H. Langworthy's Add.,
1 15
1 55
1 70
1 05
lot 1
Sept. 30—John Flynn, East Du-
buaue Add., W. 15 ft. E. 1-2 lot
Sept. 27—Ed. Nank, Sub. 3 of 145,
L. H. Langworthy's Add., lot 1
Sept. 27—Al. Matthews, Sub. City
738, lot 6
Sept. 28—P. H. Murray, St. Raph-
ael's Add., lots 1-2
Sept. 30—Ann Wallis, A. McDan-
iels' Add., lot 795
Sept. 29—Maria Prange, Glendale
Add., lot 39
Sept. 5—German Pres. College,
Sub. City 675, lot 7
Sept. 15—Lawrence Smith Est,
Sub. Min. Lot 79, lots 10-11
Sept. 19—Sarah G. Cort, Kellys
Sub, N. 1-2, E. 1-2 N. 1-2 lot 36
Sept. 20—Thos. Kane, Sub. 809, A.
McDaniels' Sub., lot 7
Sept. 22—John J. Keane, City lot
Sept. 22—Mrs. Sidney Saul, Saul's
Sub., lot 5
Sept. 22—Rich. Waller Est., Sub
City 721, lot 1
Sept. 26—C, A. oVelker, Mechan-
ics' Add., lot 113
Sept. 28—Lawther & Rider, Bur-
den-Lawther Add., lot 19
Sept. 27—Catholic Univ. of Wash,
et al., Kelly's Sub., lots 1-2
Sept. 27—Jno. Harris Est., Sub. 9,
Collins' Sub., lot 2
Sept, 6—J. J. Ott, Randall's Sub,
lot 3
Sept. 8—Ann Wallis, A. McDaniels
Sub., lot 795
Sept. 9—German Trust & Savings
Bank, Sub. City 673, lot 5
Sept. 11—Jno. Beuttell Est., Brad -
street's Add., lot 1
Sept. 12—Cath. Carmody, East
Dubuque Add., E. 1-2, lot 51....
Sept. 12—R. Benson Est., Union
Add., lot 210 30
Sept. 12—John F. Cain, Harper's
Sub., S. 50 ft., lot 2 60
Sept. 13—German Trust & Say
Bank, Sub. 2, City 673, lot 566
Sept. 13—W. G. Cox, Cox's Add,
lot 59 40
Sept. 13—R. Waller Est., Sub. 3,
Min. Lot 113a, lot 1 75
Sept. 25—Jac. Traut, Tschirgi &
Schmind's Sub., lots 14-15 1 85
Sept. 5—Leathers & Trewin, Da-
vis Farm Add., E. 36 ft., lot 373 50
Sept. 5—Mary T. Reilly, Finley's
Add., lot 10 60
Sept. 5—J. Schroeder and Val.
Schlueter, Davis Farm Add.,
lot 368 45
Sept. 9—Ellen Ode, Sub. 2, City
673, lot 6 35
Sept. 9—Geo. Salot, McCraney's
lst Add., lot 51 35
Sept. 16—John Marzen, E. Lang -
worthy's Add., lot 46 45
Sept. 5—John J. Keane, Leven's
Add., lot 3 45
Sept. 1—John Nagle, Martin's Du-
buque, lot 9 35
Sept. 2—Marg. Martin, Sub, City
703, lot 15 75
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the reso-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
1 05
1 15
1 20
1 10
Regular Session November 16, 1905. 239
City Engineer Boyce reported as fol-
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council:
Gentlemen:—Attached please find
statement of cement sidewalks con-
structed under bids received as per in-
structions of your honorable body, Oct.
19th, 1905.
City Engineer.
Ald. Frith moved that the report be
approved and warrants ordered drawn
to Day the various amounts, and that
the special assessment be levied. Car-
Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the fol-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That to pay for
constructing cement sidewalks as per
order of the City Council Oct. 19, 1905,
by E. J. Schilling, James Lee and Jno.
M. Lee, contractors, in front of and
adjoining ..he same, a Special Tax be
and is hereby levied on the several lots,
and parts of lots, and parcels of rea:
estate hereinafter named, situate and
owned, and for the several amounts set
opposite each lot or parcel of real es-
tate, as follows:
Owner. Description.
Geo. Salot, Sub._ 39, Kelly's Sub.,
lot 1, 744 sq. ft. at 124c $ 93 00
Geo. Funk Est., Cook's Add., 18,
19 and S 2 2-10, lot 17, 645.6 su.
ft. at Vic 80 70
B. S. McElhaney, East Dubuque
Add., lot 67, 389.4 sq. ft. at 12ic. 48 68
J. J. Dunn, City N 2-5, lot 431, 89 48
745.68 sq. ft. at 12c
Peter N. Nicks, L. H. Lang -
worthy's Add., 26 and S. E. 1-4
lot 25, 577.50 sq. ft. at 12c 69 30
Anna M. Bush, Dubuque Harbor
Co. Add., W 1-2 block 1, lot 5,
244.95 sq. ft. at 12c, $29.40; two
area ways, material and labor,
Jno. Blake Est., Ellen Blake's
Sub., lots 6-7, 960 sq. ft. at Inc..
38 70
Total $539 86
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the Reso-
lution. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones. Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Mayor Berg reported as follows:
To the Honorable City Council:
Gentlemen:—I herewith present the
receipt of James Noonan for Seven
Hundred and Forty Dollars, which
amount was transmitted to me by the
Chicago Great Western Railway com-
pany for payment to said James Noon -
and upon the Completion by him and
acceptance by your honorable body of
the Storm Water Sewer in Sanford
'Street from the present bed of Couler
Creek to the Bee Branch Sewer, and
which Sewer said Railway company
had agreed to pay for upon its satis-
factory completion.
Ald. Frith moved that the action of
the Mayor be approved and the report
be received and filed. Carried.
John W. Lawlor, Committee Clerk,
reported as follows:
Dubuque, la., Nov. 15th, 1905.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen—I herewith submit a
statement of the amount expended for
labor in the different wards and for
sprinkling in the different road districts
during the month of October, 1905:
First Ward $ 507.45
Second Ward 490.0
Third Ward 267.65
Fourth Ward 353.75
Fifth Ward 2.51.40
Miscellaneous C00.15
First District $ 126.70
Second District ... 206.90
Third District 83.S5
Total, sprinkling $ 417.45
Total, labor .. 2471.30
Grand total for labor on streets
and for sprinkling $2888.75
Respectfully submitted,
Commitee Clerk.
On motion the report was received
and filed.
John Ellwanger and P. F. Ryder,
Trustees of the City Water Plant, re-
ported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and CitY
Council of the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen: In compliance with your
request of recent date the undersigned
members of the Board of Water Works
trustees submit herewith for your ap-
proval a full statement of the condi-
tion of the water plant covering the
period from the date of the transfer of
the property to the city June 1, 1900,
to November 1, 1905.
The trustees have not made the in-
debtedness account a part of their
quarterly statements because counsel
advised them that these statements
should cover only the receipts and dis-
The trustees desire that the fullest
publicity be given the management of
the plant and their acts.
Very respectfully,
Report follows:
Report of Water Works Trustees
from June 1, 1900, to November 1, 1905:
Flat rates $162,024.52
Meter rates 35,347 34
Tapping .... 1,642 50 $199,014 36
Note at Dubuque
Nat. bank 3,000 00
Note at Citizens'
State bank 600 00
Sale of old tank lot
Julien Ave 500 00
Sale of mineral 26 80
--- $203,141 16
Eagle Point wages $22,794 06
Eagle Point oil and
240 Regular Session November 16, 1905.
waste 2,111 80
Eagle Point coal.... 34,238 21 $59,144 07
Eighth street 6,63516
Eighth street oil 524 41
and waste .
Eighth street coal 4,908 41 12,067 98
Level station 7,44316
Level station oil and 7,627 94 184 78
Office salaries $ 15,010 14 8,425 34
Trustees' salaries603 02
Postage .... 398 02
Stationery . • 207 969
Office expense 2,122 96
Rent of office 6,092 43
Street repairs
Inspection ....
Refund on water bills
Insurance on buildings and
machinery • .
General expense
$111,699 87
451 50
581 48
2,921 54
2,779 07
$118,433 46
Level mining $ 2,580 30
Meters 9,055 03
Pipe and specials12,228 31
Lead 659 41
Hydrants and
valves 3,108 91
Pipe line mainten-
ance 252 98
Fixtures and tools 2,004 71
Artesian well 4,366 55
Hydrant repairs 3,523 07
Water supply 7,863 59
Eagle Point main-
tenance 5,874 92
Eighth street main-
tenance .. 2,770 77
Level maintenance. 1,173 69
Meter repairs 16 59
Betterment account 19,219 18 74,698 10
Rhomberg Av. to Eagle Point
pump house $2,289 20
West 16th street 123 60
White and Jackson, bet. 14 -15th 316 66
South Grove Terrace 691 72
Chicago G. W. R. R. 506 95
Lincoln Avenue 70 35
19th and Elm streets 139 97
Peabody Avenue 110 90
White and Jackson bet. 8th and
10th 198 02
White and Jackson bet. 17th
and 20th 231 85
White and Jackson bet. 12th
and 14th
West Locust street
Wilde street
Alta Vista
Jackson street, 22d to 23d street
11th and Elm streets
Grove Terrace
27th street
Langworthy Avenue
12th and Elm streets
12th and Elm streets
Madison street
Clark street
Queen street
C. G. W. R. R.
6th street, Main to Bluff
North Main and Liebnitz street
Rhomberg to Eagle Point Ave.
West 5th street
Eighth street
Sanford street to Eagle Point
138 11
31 60
255 60
318 60
364 04
21 74
72 68
88 55
389 50
23 00
149 48
252 60
91 90
349 92
99 19
154 57
490 40
316 20
70 60
279 25
Avenue .. .. 65 65
Seminary street 113 55
Queen street 16 00
White and Jackson 8 -10th street 5 21
Jackson street, 23d to 27th 720 30
7th street 63 15
$9,621 61
Extension 1st street $ 8 03
Rolling extension $ 8 03
Repairs Hill street extension16 00
Telegram about pipe 1 35
$9,662 74
Discount on note 60 00
On deposit with Citizens' state
bank 7,3
On deposit with city treasurer1"1 11
Cash on hand
Revenue .. $199,014 36
Bills payable 3,600 00
Sale of real estate 500 00
Sale of mineral 26 SO $203,141 16
Operating ex-
penses .. $118,433 46
Improvements 74,698 74
Extensions 9,662 74
Discount on note60 00
Deposit with Citi-
zens' State bank 78 55
Deposit with city
treasurer 131 11
Cash on hand 77 22 $203,141 16
Dubuque, Iowa, Nov. 16, 1905.
I have examined the above state-
ment of the Dubuque Water Works
trustees and compared same with the
ledger accounts of the trustees with
the city and find the statement and
the ledger agree in amounts as stated.
(Signed) C. H. REYNOLDS,
State of Iowa, County of Dubuque, ss:
We, Arthur McArthur, superintend-
ent, and David G. Scott, bookkeeper,
for the Water Works trustees, do sol-
emnly swear that the above statement
is true to the best of our knowledge
and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 16th day of November, 1905.
Notary Public.
Correct -Attest by:
Detailed statement of the indebted-
ness of the plant to Nov. 1, 1905:
Martin-Strelau, to coal $14,400.63
T. J. Mulgrew, to coal 3,606.51
Peter Even, to coal 84.21
National Meter Co. 1,890.21
J. B. Clow & Sons 300.00
Standard Oil Co. 198.33
Dubuque Oil Tank Line 165.19
Garlock Packing Co. 80.42
Smedley Pump Co. 887.14
Pitts -Thompson Foundry Co29.80
Bills payable Dubuque Nation-
al bank 3,000.00
Bills payable Citizens' State
Regular Session November 16, 1905.
Bills payable Martin-Strelau
Co. 9,900.00
Stock on hand $ 5,172 91
Water bills collect-
able .. 2,655 62 $ 7,858 53
Total outstanding indebted-
ness $ 27,254 20
Ald. Jones moved that said report be
Md. Frith moved a substitute that
the report be referred to the Commit-
tee of the Whole, which was carried.
Ald. Lyons, chairman of the Ordi-
nance Committee, presented and read
an Ordinance for the vacation of the
southerly 180 feet of the alley between
Alpine and Nevada Streets, north of
West Third Street, said Ordinance hav-
ing been read for the first time at the
previous meeting of the Council. Ald.
Lyons moved that the reading just had
be considered its second reading. Car-
Ald. Lyons moved that the Ordinance
be adopted as read.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
The Mayor declared the Ordinance
Ordinance follows:
Whereas, John T. Adams of the City
of Dubuque has petitioned the Council
of said City for the vacation of the
southerly 180 feet of the alley between
Alpine Street and Nevada Street north
of West Third Street in said City: and.
Whereas, said John T. Adams is the
fee owner of all the property abutting
said alley on both sides thereof; and
Whe'•eas, said John T. Adams, in ro"-
sideratinn of the vacation of said
southerly 1Sn feet of the alley between
Alpine Street and tye vada has Street
of West Third
transfer to the City of Dubuque, for
alley purposes. a 20 -foot strip of
ground out of the northerly 20 feet of
Lot 4, Nairn's Addition to the City of
Dubuque, Iowa, and extending from
Nevada Street to the alley between
Nevada and Alpine Streets in said
City; and
Whereas, by the direction of the
Council of the City of Dubuque, the
City Engineer has made a plat showing
said portion of said alley proposed to
be vacated, and filed the same in his
office subject to public inspection, and
due notice has been given to all abut-
ting property owners, and ten days'
notice of said proposed vacation has
been published in the official paper of
the City, and the proposed action has
been submitted to the City Council at
two regular sessions; and
Whereas. it appears that no valid ob-
jection has been made to the vacation
of said alley, and said above described
portion of said alley is not required
at present for alley purposes; there-
Be It Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That the southerly 180 feet
of the alley between Alpine Street and
Nevada Street north of West Third
Street in the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
be and the same is hereby vacated to
John T. Adams, his heirs and assigns.
on condition that said John T. Adams
convey to the City of Dubuque, for
street and alley purposes, the north 20
feet of Lot 4 of Nairn's Addition to the
City of Dubuque, Iowa.
Section 2. This ordinance shall be in
force and take effect from and after
Its passage and publication one time
in the Dubuque Daily Globe -Journal,
official newspaper of the City of Du-
, Mayor.
City Recorder.
Ald. Corrance, chairman of the Com-
mittee on Claims, reported as follows:
The undersigned, Committee on
Claims and City Attorney, respectfully
That there is now pending in the
District Court of Dubuque, County,
Iowa, case entitled "Citizens' State
Bank vs. Robt. Jess et al and the City
of Dubuque."
The relief asked in this case is the
cancellation of the special assessment
levied against the east 35 feet of Lot
533 and the north 10 feet of Lot 534
in the City of Dubuque, for street im-
provements during the year 1892, and
again reassessed in 1899. The assess-
ment levied on said lots being for the
improvement of Main Street, which
assessment has already been declared
illegal by our Supreme Court. As
this case was pending when the act
legalizing the Council's action in this
assessment was passed, the assessment
levied on this property was not cured
thereby, as that act specially exempted
all cases then pending in the District
The undersigned have received a
proposition of settlement for this as-
sessment from the Citizens' State
Bank, whereby it agrees to pay the
City in full settlement therefor, the
sum of fifty ($50.00) dollars and the
unpaid costs in said action as they
'242 Regular Session November 16, 1905.
now appear in the records of the Dis-
trict Court of Dubuque County, Iowa.
Deeming it to the best interest of the
City to accept this amount, we would
therefore recommend that settlement
of this case can be made and that the
City accept the sum of fifty ($50.00)
dollars in full settlement of the special
assessment levied against the property
described in plaintiff's petition in said
action, and that upon the payment of
the costs in the District Court by said
Citizens' State Bank, the Treasurer be
and is hereby authorized and instructed
to cancel said special assessment levied
against said property on his books.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, this 16th
day of November, 1905.
H. CORRANCE. Chairman.
Committee on Claims.
City Attorney.
Also your Committee on Claims, to
whom was referred the original notice
and preliminary notice of the claim of
Mary Cogan vs. The City of Dubuque,
would respectfully report:
That an action has been begun and
is now pending in the District Court
thereon entitled "Mary Cogan, plain-
tiff, vs. City of Dubuque, defendant,"
in which the plaintiff claims of the City
of Dubuque the sum of five thousand
($5,000.00) dollars for personal injuries
sustained by falling on an icy sidewalk
on the corner of Thirteenth and Wash-
ingston Streets on or about the 23rd
day of January, 1905.
The undersigned, Committee on
Claim and City Attorney, have investi-
gated the facts and the law in this
case: they found that the plaintiff sus-
tained injuries by breaking her arm
through falling on the sidewalk in
question They have arranged to set-
tle this claim by the payment of one
hundred twenty-five ($125.00) dollars by
the City to the plaintiff therein; as it
would in all probability cost the City
more than that amount to litigate this
ease even if successful, which. of
course, is not certain The undersign-
ed deem it to the best interest of the
City that said case be settled by pay-
ing the plaintiff the sum of one hun-
dred twenty-five ($125.00) dollars in full
for all injuries sustained by her by rea-
son of falling on said sidewalk.
We would, therefore, recommend that
said settlement be made and that a
warrant be ordered drawn in favor of
the Mayor for the sum of one hundred
twenty-five ($125.00) dollars with which
to affect said settlement.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, this 16th
day of November, 1905.
MATT CLANCY, Chairman,
Committee on Claims.
City Attorney.
Aid. Corrance moved to adopt the re-
ports of the Committee on Claims.
Ald. Stumpf, Chairman of the Com-
mittee on Markets, reported as fol-
Your Committee on Markets would re-
spectfully report that we have given
the Marketmaster an assistant for the
winter months, said assistant to be
employed from the 15th of November.
1905, to the 1st of April, 1906. at a salary
of $1.35 per day.
Ald. Stumpf moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Clancy, Chairman of the Com-
mittee on Fire, reported as follows:
Your Committee on Fire, to whom
was referred the communication writ-
ten and presented by Alderman Need-
ham and signed by A. Pfeffer, relative
to the purchase and sale of horses by
this committee, would respectfully
report that we purchased three horses
after the same had been examined and
recommended by the city veterinarian.
The price paid for each of said horses
was $225.00 or a total of $675.00 for
the three.
This price, on account of the scarcity
of horses available for fire purposes and
the high level of the horse market gen-
erally, is as low as any fire horses have
been purchased for during the present
In regard to the sale for $125.00 of the
old team which said Pfeffer stated was
worth $200.00 or more, we would re-
spectfully report that as both of said
horses were over seventeen years old
and one of them had Noor wind, we
were unanimously of the opinion that
under those circumstances the price ob-
tained was all they were worth. What
the horses we purchased cost the party
we bought them from we do not know.
We are satisfied that we paid no more
than the horses were worth and that we
got a good fair price for the old team.
Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Lyons, Chairman of the Commit-
tee on Sewers, reported in favor of pay-
ing the Bill of Jas. Hird, as inspector
of Alta Vista Street and Union Ave-
nue Sanitary Sewer, amounting to
$20.0Q , and moved that a warrant be
ordered drawn in favor of Mr. Hird for
said amount. Cat ried.
Ald. Stumpf, Chairman of the Com-
mittee on Delinquent Taxes, reported
as follows:
Your Committee on Delinquent Taxes,
to whom was referred the petition of
Regular Session November 16, 1905. 243
Mrs. Mary A. Dolan, asking that on
account of her poverty the taxes on her
property, the west half of Lot 62 in
Union Addition, be canceled, would
recommend that said taxes be allowed
to remain a lien on the property and
that the Treasurer he instructed not
to sell. J. A. STUMPF,
Ald. Stumpf moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Your Board of Equalization, to whom
was referred the petition of Mrs. Cath-
arine Theis, asking that she he allowed
until March 1st, 1906, to pay her taxes
for the year 1904 on Sub. Mineral Lot 43,
Lot 1, and Sub. Mineral Lot 44, Lot 2,
would respectfully recommend that the
prayer of the petitioner be granted and
that the Treasurer be instructed ac-
cordingly. RUDOLPH JONES,
Aid. Jones moved to adopt the report.
Ald. Clancy, Chairman of the Com-
mittee of the Whole, reported as fol-
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the plat showing
the proposed extension of the alley be-
tween Jackson and Washington Streets
through Lot 10, of Mineral Lot 322, and
also the resolution of Alderman Frith
providing for the appointment of a jury
to condemn the land necessary for said
alley, would respectfully report that the
owner of said land has agreed to sell
the city the land required for said alley
for the sum of $271.45; we would there-
fore recommend that said plat be ap-
proved, that said resolution be receiv-
ed and filed, and that the land be pur-
chased at the price agreed upon.
Also, Your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
Patrick Kenneally et al in relation to
the special assessment levied against
their property for the construction of
a sidewalk on Grandview Avenue from
South Dodge Street to Southern Ave-
nue, would recommend that the City
Treasurer be instructed to accept one-
half the amount of each assessment
in full settlement thereof, provided the
same be paid without further delay.
Also, your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the resolution
offered by Alderman Frith in relation
to the construction of a storm water
sewer in Twenty-second Street, would
recommend that said resolution be
Also, your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
the Dubuque Women's Club, asking
that one of the rooms opposite the
Police Matrons' quarters in the City
Hall be set apart for the temporary
detention of children held for examin-
ation under the law, would respectfully
recommend that the prayer of the pe-
titioners be granted and that the room
immediately west of the committee
room be reserved for that purpose.
Also, your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
A. Vogel asking that he be allowed the
sum of $50.00 for damage to the paint
on his building on Seventeenth Street
caused by cement dust being blown
against the same and adhering thereto,
would respectfully report that we do
not consider the city to be in any man-
ner liable for said damages and would
therefore recommend that said petition
be received and filed.
Also, your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
John Keckevoet asking that he be al-
lowed to enclose so much of the ice
harbor as he might require during the
winter months for a skating rink, and
offering to pay for said privilege the
same license as he paid last year, would
recommend that the prayer of the peti-
tioner be granted, provided payment of
said license be made in advance as con-
templated by ordinance.
Also, your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
Henry Sears, asking that he be allowed
the sum of $25.00 as compensation for
fruit trees destroyed by the city when
the lines of Seventh Avenue were
changed, would recommend that the
prayer of the petitioner be granted and
that a warrant in said amount be or-
dered drawn on the City Treasurer in
settlement of the claim.
Also, your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
Mrs. Caroline Fischer in relation to the
special assessment levied against Lots
38 and 45 in McCraney's Second Addi-
tion to the city of Dubuque for the im-
provement of Schiller Avenue, would
respectfully recommend that the Treas-
urer be instructed to accept the sum
of $75.00 in full settlement of the balance
due on said assessment.
Also, your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the bid of Pier
Bros. offering to furnish the city with
oak wood at $4.70 per cord, maple wood
at $5.70 per cord and coal at the present
market prices, would recommned that
the contract for furnishing wood be
awarded to said firm and that the coal
be distributed as near equally as pos-
sible among all dealers in the city at
the following prices: Hard coal, $9.50
per ton; lower vein Indiana Block, $5.50
per ton, and Carterville coal, $5.00 per
ton. Said dealers, through a repre-
sentative to sign an agreement with
the city in accordance with the fore-
Also your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the matter of in-
quiring into the debt which has ac -
244 Regular Session November 16, 1905.
cumulated on the water works plant,
would respectfully report that a meet-
ing was held with the water works
trustees, at which the necessity for
making such debt was explained by the
officers of the water works as follows:
When the city took over the plant,
there was of course no money in the
treasury as the receipts for the year
1900 had been collected by the old com-
pany to which said receipts properly
belonged. They found that the supply
of pure water did not amount to more
than 1,700,000 gallons per day and that
in order to make the supply meet the
demand, ithad been necessary to pump
from the river. They found the pumps
and machinery in general had not been
kept in proper condition because the
owners, knowing that the city was
about to purchase the plant, did not
desire to make any more repairs or
expenses than were absolutely neces-
sary to keep the plant going. The first
thing, therefore, to be done, even before
attempting to supply pure water, was
to have the necessary repairs made to
the machinery; this was an expensive
undertaking. After investigating the
methods followed in several other cities
to secure pure water, it was decided
to follow the advice of the experts who
had been here and sink an additional
artesian well, which was done on Fifth
avenue at a contract price of $2.00 per
foot. When this well reached a depth
of twelve hundred and fifty feet. which
was thought to be ample, the supply of
water was so small that they decided
to sink it deeper, which they did, to a
depth of nineteen hundred and ninety-
seven feet, and thereby increased the
flow 450,000 gallons per day. They then
had to purchase nineteen hundred feet
of pipe to connect this well with the
pumping station, which, with the nec-
essary labor, brought the cost of this
improvement up to $7,000.00.
They afterwards found that the only
effect this new well had on the system
was to drain the other wells, and as a
matter of experiment, had a second-
hand compressor put on the Eagle
Point wells and found that this increas-
ed the flow about fifty per cent. They
ran this compressor the greater part of
a year, paying $400.00 rental therefor at
the rate of $10.00 per week. The suc-
cess attained with this small compress-
or was so encouraging that they or-
dered one of greater capacity, the cost
of which, before installation, was
$3,200.00; this again more than doubled
the flow, but was, in their judgment,
too expensive to operate, and they de-
termined to seek cheaper methods for
obtaining a sufficient supply of pure
water, which they feel confident they
have discovered in the drive well sys-
tem that has been the soucre of our
water supply for the past two years
and which, according to the analysis
made monthly, proves to he as pure as
any water in the country. The expense
of installing this system was quite con-
siderable and will be shown, as will
be the cost of all other improvements,
in a statement that will follow. The
reeld, ate on the hill—where the con-
sumption has more than doubled in the
past five years—have heretofore had to
rely on an electric motor at the level,
operated by power furnished from the
Eagle Point station, which power was
liable to be shut off during any severe
storm by reason of the wires breaking
or some part of the electrical machin-
ery burning out, an accident which is
not at all of rare occurrence. In order
to provide against this, a gasoline en-
gine was purchased for the level at a
cost of $2,800.00 before installation,
which is of ample capacity for the pur-
pose for which it is required. When
the trustees took charge there were no
shut-off valves on the system, and in
case of a broken main, the entire ser-
vice would have to be shut off. There
are now a number of those valves on
the system, each one costing a lot of
money, so arranged that the water need
he turned off only in the district in
which the accident occurs.
The large number of meters that
have been put in was another expen-
sive item, but the results obtained,
both in the saving of water and the
increased revenue on account of the
meters, fully justifies this outlay. The
replacing of the old wooden mains with
iron ones and the number and length
of the extensions made, were the cause
of the greatest expense in the improve-
ment line; but as the revenues, which
were only $28,000.00 in 1900, will reach
$42,000.00 by June, 1906. largely on ac-
count of the new mains, the trustees
feel that they have made no mistake
in this matter.
The foregoing refers principally to
improvements. The cost of repairs.
betterments and operation, is by far
the greatest item of expense. The
trustees have received no money from
the city for hydrant, flush tank and
water fountain service, which rentals
amounted, when the works were owned
by private parties, to over $20,000.00 per
year, and the work they have accom-
plished, with their revenues thus crip-
pled, they think should at least bar
them from censure. The outstanding
indebtedness—the matter that started
this discusion—has accrued mainly on
account of striving for a pure water
supply. That question has now been
settled, and an extremely expensive
item thereby eliminated. In regard to
not including the item of outstanding
indebtedness in the quarterly state-
ments made to the city council, the
trustees have the opinion of three emi-
nent attorneys, one of whom was the
then assistant city attorney, the late
T. J. Maguire, than whom no man in
the city had the success of municipal
ownership of the water works more at
heart, that the law did not require it
Regular Session November 16, 1905. 245
of them and that the statements sub-
mitted to the city council were strictly
in accordance with the provisions of
the code. It was their opinion that
that which was most necessary—a suf-
ficient supply of pure water—should be
their first consideration, and in order
to get this and make other necessary
improvements, they were compelled to
allow an indebtedness to accumulate,
which can be entirely wiped out with-
out the slightest interference with or
injury to the plant, within the next
two years.
The law provides that a levy of seven
mills on the dollar may be made for
the purposes of paying the principal
and interest on the bonds and works;
but the trustees, even in their direst
straits, refused to ask the city coun-
cil for an increased levy and thus add
to the burden of the taxpayer, and in
some instances, when sorely pressed,
they borrowed what was needed to tide
them over the difficulty, giving as col-
lateral their individual notes.
The trustees, in order to allay any
apprehension that may exist in the
minds of some of our citizens, will sub-
mit to the city council, a complete and
detailed statement of their entire tran-
saction in the management of the water
works from the time the city took pos-
session thereof up to the present time.
Ald. Clancy moved to adopt the va-
rious reports of the Committee of the
Whole. Carried.
Ald. Lyons, of the Board of Health,
reported as follows:
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council:
Gentlemen:—At a meeting of your
Board of Health, held Nov. 6th, 1905,
beg to report, that the special com-
mittee appointed to investigate the
complaints against M. Kohn, the
butcher, have reported progress in the
matter to the board, and the commit-
tee has been continued.
Also report that we have ordered all
school houses, churches and Sunday
school rooms to he thoroughly fumi-
gated, also that persons having a case
of diphtheria or other contagious dis-
ease at their residence, to strictly ob-
serve the quarantine rules. Notice of
this order was published in the daily
papers Nov. 7th, 1905. We would fur-
ther report that all the public schools
have been fumigated at regular inter-
vals for the past two weeks, and we
considered it best not to close the
schools at present.
Ald. Lyons moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald, Corrance, chairman of the Spec-
ial Committee auditing the quarterly
report of Dubuque Water Works Trus-
tees, reported as follows:
Your Special Committee, to whom
was referred the quarterly statement
of the Water Works Trustees, woulo
report that we have checked up every
item on said statement and found
vouchers for the same in the Water
Works office and the balance on hand
of $254.42 agrees with the balance on
the City Treasurer's books, and w,
would recommend that said statement
be received and filed.
Ald. Corrance moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Jones, chairman of the Special
Committee, on the chage of grade Oh
Bluff Street, reported as follows:
Your Special Committee, to whom
was referred the return of service of
the notices to all abutting property
owners relative to the proposed change
of grade on Bluff Street, from Fourth
to Eighth Street, and the appointment
of appraisers by reason of said change,
would recommend that said return be
received and filed and that appraisers
W. A. Leathers for the City, C. A.
Voelker, for such of the abutting prop-
erty owners as selected him, and T. J.
Paisley, who was selected according
to ordinance by the other two, be in-
structed to qualify and proceed with
the assessment of the damages. We
would further recommend that said
three appraisers be also appointed to
assess the damage, if any, to the
property of the following named prop-
erty owners on said street who failed
to make a sleection within the time
specified: Herman Jungk, Anthony
Guerdet, P. J. Printy, Otto M. Ruete,
Z. Hoffman, P. J. Lee, Anna Collins, D.
D. Myers, A. A. Cooper, J. M. Sullivan,
J. P. Quigley, D. A. Sullivan, Catherine
A. Christman and Mary Waller.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the report.
Ald. Needham offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That an expert ac-
countant from outside the city be ap-
pointed to examine the books of the
Trustees of the Water Company, who
is not familiar with this matter and
whose environments and independence
of character would render the City
Council a fair and complete report of
all details concerning receipts, dis-
bursements and indebtedness of said
Rater Plant from the date said Plant
was purchased by the City of Du-
Ald. Needham moved to adopt the
246 Regular Session November 16, 1905.
Ald. Clancy moved a substitute to
refer the resolution to the Committee
of the Whole.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Clancy, Corrance, Frith,
Jones and Stumpf.
Nays—Aids. Lyons and Needham.
Ald. Frith moved to adjourn until
December 7th, 1905. Carried.
City Recorder.
l . ? . o -47. -(7.4 -elf—.. Recorder
.Approved lli(of: .J/ 190✓r
I..... - Mayor
List of Warrants.
List of City Warrants
City Recorder's Office.
Dubuque, Ia., November 1st, 1905.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: The following is a com-
plete list of all warrants issued by me
during the month of October, 1905:
C. H. Berg, salary, Mayor $116 65
H. Brinkman, salary, Treasurer133 30
J. A. McKinlay, salary, Deputy
Jno. Krayer, clerk, Treasurer's
office 60 00
Chas. F. Arendt, salary, Re-
corder 116 65
Wm. A. Kaep, salary, Deputy
F. B. Hoffman,
100 00
80 00
salary, Auditor116 65
C. B. Scherr, salary, Assessor125 00
A. Doerrr, Jr., salary, Assistant
Assessor 100 00
J. J. Murphy, salary, Assistant
Assessor 100 00
J. W. Kintzinger, salary, Attor-
ney 150 00
J. C. Longueville, salary, Assist-
ant Attorney 75 00
Miss E. B. Rupprecht, stenog-
rapher, Legal Department 20 00
Thos. Reilly, salary, Chief of Po-
lice 100 00
Jos. Reinfried, salary, Fire Chief 100 00
J. W. Lawler, salary, Committee
Clerk 100 00
Jas. Boyce, salary, City Engineer 166 65
E. Anderson, salary, Assistant
Engineer 100 00
G. White, salary, Rodman 50 00
Jno. Glab, salary, Superintendent
of Street Sprinkling 60 00
E. Herron, clerk in Auditor's and 75 00
Engineer's office
Wm. Hipman, salary, Electrician 83 35
F. P. Hayes, salary, Market -
P. Ryan, salary, Park Custodian 40 00
H. Schcenbeck, salary, Park Cus-
todian 40 00
T. Faherty, salary, Park Custo-
Dr. B. F. Michel, salary, Health
F. Flynn, salary, Sanitary Pa-
trolman .
C. Baumann, salary, Poundmas-
Mrs. H. Koenig, salary, Janitress
G. N. Raymond, salary, Sidewalk
P. Holsinger, salary, Wharfmas-
M. Clancy, salary, Alderman
H. Corrance, salary, Alderman
E. E. Frith, salary, Alderman
R. Jones, salary, Alderman
M. E. Lyons, salary, Alderman
Jos. Needham, salary, Alderman.
J. A. Stumpf, salary, Alderman
M. Eitel, fireman
J. Essman, fireman
10 CO
50 00
60 00
40 00
20 00
50 00
20 00
25 00
25 00
25 00
25 00
25 00
25 00
25 00
70 00
75 00
J. Flynn, fireman 65 00
J. Roshin, fireman 60 00
A. Duccini, fireman 65 00
J. Schonberger, fireman 60 00
J. Tschudi, fireman 60 00
A. Heer, fireman 49 00
C. Hanson, fireman 11 00
J. Daley, fireman ............ 70 00
J. Barnes, fireman 75 00
T. Ryder, fireman 75 00
G. Beyer, fireman 65 00
W. Ducey, fireman 60 00
T. Murphy, fireman 60 00
Wm. McClain, fireman 60 00
M. Kelley, fireman 60 00
D. Ahern, fireman 70 00
A. McDonald, fireman 75 00
J. Murphy, fireman 50 00
T. Flynn, Driver 65 00
P. Zillig, fireman 60 00
M. Sweeney, fireman 60 00
H. Cain, fireman 60 00
J. Benzer, fireman 60 00
J. McLaughlin, fireman 60 00
P. Fury, fireman 55 00
G. Gherki fireman 65 00
T. Kennedy, fireman 60 00
F. Baumgartner, fireman 60 00
J. Smith, fireman 60 00
C. Kannalt, fireman 65 00
J. Allen, fireman 60 00
M. Fahey, fireman 60 00
Wm. O'Connell, fireman 60 00
R. Weston fireman 65 00
F. Kenneally, fireman .... 60 00
E. McDermott, fireman 60 00
T. Reynolds, fireman 51 65
W. Kannolt, fireman 50 00
G. Burkel, police 46 70
J. Carter, police 53 00
J. Clune, police 51 65
Jno. Cody, police ........... 50 00
W. Cook, police 60 00
W. Corcoran, police 50 00
J P. Cummings, police 50 00
J. Fitzpatrick, police 28 00
Jas. Flynn, police 50 00
Jno. Fox, police 50 00
Wm. Frith, police 60 00
T. Ganahl, police 50 00
L. Gressel, police 51 65
B. Gray, police 50 00
Pat Hanlon, police 45 10
E. Kahn, police 51 65
M. Kilty, police 61 65
Jno. Loetscher, police 48 35
P. McCollins, police 35 00
P. McInerney, police 51 65
M. O'Connor, police 62 00
Jno. Murphy police 50 00
Jno. Raesli, police 67 20
Otto Rath, police 48 35
Jas. Ryan, police 65 00
M. Ryan, police 51 65
P. Scharff, police 50 00
Al. Scherr, police 56 00
F. Spielman, police 50 00
P. Sutton, police 46 70
Tom Sweeney, police 65 00
M. Stapleton, police 51 65
J. Stoltz, police 51655
P. Sullivan, police 50 00
Jno. L. Sullivan, police 45 00
50 00
L. Zeidman, police
248 List of Warrants.
Mrs. Kate Hibbe, matron 30 00
Miss L. Brennan, matron 30 00
Labor on streets in the different
Road Districts for the last half of
September, 1905:
J. Alexander, 3rd
A. Alderson, 3rd
Rich. Burns, 1st
John Burns, 1st
J. Brachtenbach, 2nd
C. Buddien, 2nd
Paul Becker, 3rd
D. J. Brightbill, 3rd
W. Coughlin, 1st
James Connelley, 1st
Hugh Connell, 1st
James Callaghan, 1st
John Corbett, 2nd
G. •Collinson, 3rd
B. Cobb, 1st, $5.25; 2nd, $8.80;
3rd. $3.50
M. Donegan, 1st
Thos. Donahue, 1st, $5.25; 2nd,
$8.80; 3rd, $3.50 17 55
Peter Dax, 1st, $5.25;
3rd, $3.50 17 55
John Egan, 1st 12 15
J. Eberhardt, 2nd 9 46
'John Ess, 2nd 6 75
Dan Fox, 1st 4 75
Frank Frick. 2nd 13 50
John Farley 10 40
E. Fitzlaff, 1st, $7.00; 2nd, $9.00;
3rd, $4.00
Harry Fleck, 1st, $26.25; 2nd,
$33.75; 3rd, $15.00
Nelson Frith, 1st
$22.50; 3rd, $10.00 50 00
Peter Gregory, 1st 6 75
Barney Glass, 1st 16 90
Jos. Gavin, 1st 4 60
Henry Galle, 2nd 8 10
Geo. Gau, 2nd. 13 50
Jos. Grab, 2nd. 13 50
C. 'Gantenbein, 2nd. 20 00
C. Gruenzig. 3rd. 13 50
John Hafey, 1st 70
Phil. idense, 2nd. ................ 17 55
John Heil, 1st, $7.00; 2nd., $10.10;
3rd, $4.50
Peter .Jacobs, 2nd. ..
Aug. Jags, 2nd.
John Kness, 2nd.
Nic Kettenhofen, 2nd
J. Kraus, 1st, $5.25;
3rd, $3.50
John Lowery, 1st
M. Lavin, 1st.
H. Lembke, .2nd.
M. Lonergan, 1st.
John Mahoney, 1st.
John Mullen, 1st.
T. Malloy, 2nd.
3. Miller., 2nd.
A. Manderscheid, 2nd.
Jos. Martinek, 3rd.
John McNulty, 1st....
W. McDermott, 1st.
J. 1VIcAleese, 1st. ...............
J. McCormack, health
Chas. O'Neill, 2nd, $11.70; 3rd,
$5.85 ........
James Purcell, 1st.
James Powers, 1st.
2 70
2 70
10 15
6 75
13 50
16 90
13 50
14 85
2 70
10 80
20 00
8 10
1 35
17 65
5 40
$17,50; 2nd,
20 00
75 00
2nd, $8.80;
22 50
12 H
1 35
14 85
17 55
4 75
4 05
13 50
17 55
4 75
1 35
10 80
4 05.
3 40
8 10
2 70
16 20
17 55
17 .55
4 05
1 35
John Parker, 3rd. 20 15
W.Quinlan, 1st. 9 46
Seines Ryan, 1st. 12 4b
Phil. Reddin, 1st. 6 75
C. Reth rank, 2nd. 7 45
Jos. Rooney, 1st, $4.20; 2nd, $5.40;
34.d, $2.40 13 75
Nick Sweeney, 1st- 8 10
Dan Sheehan, 1st. 6 25
W. Sheridan, 1st. .. 19 45
John Spear.. 1st. 915
Herman Schmitt, 2nd 1 36
Aug. Soyke, 2nd. 1 35
John Schroeder, 2nd. 8 10
John Sloan, 2nd. ... 9 45
Frank Scherr, 2nd. 20 00
F. H. Slade, 2nd. 1.2 15
R. Turner, 2nd, 12 15
John Tashner, 3rd. 7 45
John Welsh, 1st. 11 50
N. Wampach, 2nd. .. 2 70
W. W ea rmou.th. 3rd. .............. 20 00
Frank Burns, 2nd. ...... .......... 63 75
J. Berwanger, 2nd. 49 76
F. G. Becker, 1st, $2.80; 2nd,
$13.95; 3rd, $22.35 ................,. 39 10
John Calvert. 1st. 45 90
A. Conrad, 2nd. 34 85
Josh Calvert, 1st, $8.95; 3rd, $26.75 35 70
3. Evans, 2nd. 22 95
Mike Hannan, 1st. 49 76
J. Haudenshield, 2nd. 30 60
J. Linehan, 1st, $47.10; 2nd, $6.15;
3rd, $2.45 55 70
J. Long, 2nd. 49 30
John McQuillan, 1st. 49 75
J. McCollins, 1st, $50.86; 2nd, $4.00 54 86
C. McElrath, 2nd. 58 25
Louis Pell, 2nd. 22 95
Geo. Reynolds. 1st. 9 35
Jerry Sullivan, 1st, $16.00; 2nd,
$4:40; 3rd, $36.55 56 95
Frank Siege, 3rd. .................. 19 15
Ed. Seeley. 1st, $10.90; 2nd, $18.10;
3rd, $7.25 36 25
H. Costello, 1st, $10.35;
3rd, $6.90 34 45
James Tobin, 3rd. 44 65
M. lZogg, 2nd. 22 95
Grading on Mt. Carmel Avenue dur-
ing the last •half of September, 1905:.
Peter Carney 23 40
James Connelly 810
Mike Cain 8 10
John Hafey TO 80
P. Kenneally 20 70
Pat. McMullen 810
Jas. McCarron 14 85
W. O'Brien 25 00
Jas. Powers 8 80
Nick Sweeney 2 05
John Linehan, team 3 40
Jas. Maher, team 36 15
D. O'Meara, team 45 90
Labor on Sewers for the last half of
September, 1905:
W. Corcoran 20 80
Ed. Daley . 23 20
T. Hagerty, Foreman 25 00
F. Hohnecker 20 80
Con Sullivan 23 20
Pat Sage 20 80
Landon Taylor 22 40
J. Tacke 20 80
List of Warrants.
Becker, Peter $ 39 00
Duggan, John 35 25
Devaney, Peter 2416
Ess, John 5 85
Fury, P.. Sr 42 35
Heck, Chris 21 86
Knees, John 16 10
Krocheski, Paul 19 95
Lassance, Frank 43 00
Melloy, Tom 7 80
Mauer, Geo 22 95
Menzel, John 12 Si)
Menzel, John 4 25
Martineck, Jos 14 80
Mullin, John 77 60
Melloy, Tom 5 70
McGee, John 6 90
McCann, Pat 1615
McNulty, Silo 14 45
O'Shea, Jas 36 90
Reilly, Chas 37 40
Reilly, Chas 6 80
Ryan, Pat 18 S5
Rownan, Jas 33 00
Schwaegler & Jacobs 14 30
Soyke, Aug 6 90
Siege, Tony 39 10
Shea, Mich 25 50
Schwaegler & Jacobs 21 60
Soyke, Aug 8 65
Schnee, Albert 7 65
Sweeney, Nick 23 80
Zingle, Adam 75 30
Key City Gas Co., gas for various
departments 100 30
Iowa. Telephone Co.. telephone
service for Various departments 41 27
W. Singrin. pine wood. City Hall 6 00
G. B. Grosvenor, stationery and
supplies for various depart-
ments .. 7 95
Etchhorn & Bechtel, supplies,
City Hall and Fire department 6 15
J. Blaser repairing City Hall
scales .... 73 00
Builders' Supply Co., Lumber for
First ward scales 34 03
Key City Iron Works, repairs for
First Ward scales 2 75
S. Errisdorff Iron Co., hardware 6$
for First ward scales .. •
Telegraph -Herald, Finance re- 6
ports 3 20
Telegraph -Herald, abstract, case 101 00
of Schnee vs. City
Telegraph -Herald, blank station-
ery 5 25
J. P. Buechele & Co.. taking care
of town clock from June 1st, 166 60
1904. to Oct. 1st• 1905
G. Holl, sharpening lawn mowers
and repairs for Fire department 2 10
Key City Gas Co., removing lamp 5 60
posts .
G. W. Healey & Son, new tools 4 10
for Road department ... •
Linehan & Molo, cement for Road 2 63
department .
P. J. Seipnel Lumber Co., lumber 3 25
for Road department
P. Heller, horse shoeing for Road 1 50
G. Lear, horse shoeing for Road
Kessler & Cahn, iron rails for
Road department
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Road
Jno. Duggan, repairs for Road
Standard Oil Co., oil and grease
for steam roller
Dub. Rubber & Belting Co., hose
and couplings for steam roller. 7 50
Fischer & Co., coal for steam
F. Burns, coal for steam roller36 45
Austin Western Co., fibre for
street sweeper 27 30
Key City Gas Co., coal and coke
for Fire department 40 85
Key City Gas Co., gas arcs for
Fire department 1 00'
L. J. Schmitt, hardware for Fire
department 60
L. Lindenberg, hardware for Fire
and Sidewalk departments 10 80
Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse
shoeing for Fire department7 00
G. Lear, horse shoeing for Fire
department 2 25
Vollenweider & Heim, horse -
shoeing for Fire department 5 75
Collings & Pfiffner, horse shoe-
ing for Fire department 16 25
P. Heller, horse shoeing for Fire
department 3 50
T. H. Clark, drugs and supplies
for Fire department 14 00
Dubuque Oil Tank Line, oil for
Fire department 15 80
Star Electric Co., supplies for
Fire department 2 20'
Carr, Ryder Adams Co., lumber
for Fire department 5 00
Thos. Kane, hay for Fire de-
partment 83 35
Dub. Rubber & Belting Co., hose
and couplings for Fire depart-
ment 11 75
S. Simones Co.. blankets for Fire
department 17 00'
Ellwanger Bros., 1 set new har-
ness and repairing harness for
Fire department 51 10
Dub. Bedding Co., mattresses for
Fire department 9 00
Sea. J. Rowan, comforters far
Fire department 11 25
Geo. P. Rose, repairing fire alarm
boxes 10 00
T. Connolly Est., 1 new combina-
tion chemical engine and hose
wagon for No. 6 Engine House1400 00
Linehan & Maio, supplies for
Fire Department 6 00
Union Electric Co., power for
fire alarm system 2 00
F. P. Hayes, board of prisoners
for September 140
Collings & Pfiffner, horse shoeing
patrol team 12 25
Ellwanger Bros., repairing har-
ness patrol team . 2 75
T. F. Kane. oats delivered at
patrol house 27 55
2 00+
1 50
1 90
9 15
4 08
44 75
250 List of Warrants.
Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies for 1 45
Matron Department
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for
Sewer and Sprinkling .Deets8 00
Smith -Morgan Prtg. Co., weekly
and monthly pamphlets for
September 16 05
Globe -Journal, official printing 6160
for September
Telegraph -Herald, official print-
ing for September
National Demokrat, official 25 00
printing for September
Union Electric Co., arc lights for
2067 35
T. E. Frith, removing garbage
and dead animals during
month of September 389 48
G. Bock, repairs for Sprinkling 23 00
Dub. Rubber and Belting Co,
expansion rings for Springling 113
Builders' Supply Co., lumber for
Sidewalk department 45 25
Ott. Meuser & Co., lumber for 32 85
Sidewalk department
P. J. Seippel Lumber Co., lumber
for Sidewalk department 32 65
O'Farrell & Co., grading Grace
391 00
O'Farrell & Co., grading Pine
Street 340 00
O'Farrell & Co., lowering Bee 25 00
Branch sewer
O'Farrell & Co., grading Bee 59 00
Branch Sewer
Eichhorn & Bechtel, broom for 40
Bee Branch Sewer
Street, Steuck & Linehan, final
estimate constructing Sanitary
Sewer in Eleventh Street 35 28
Street, Steuck & Linehan, final
estimate constructing Sanitary
Sewer in Caledonia Street29 06
Street, Steuck & Linehan, final
estimate constructing Sanitary
Sewer in Couler Avenue 20 60
H. Brinkman, Excavation Per-
mits redeemed .. 45 00
H. Brinkman. Interest paid on
Warrants outstanding 980 87
H. Brinkman, Freigh Charges10 10
H. Brinkman, Postage Stamps10 00
H. Brinkman, New York Ex-
H. Brinkman, Recording Instru-
ment 50
H. Brinkman, Freight Charges2 18.
$1048 90
H. Brinkman, Library Orders
Paid $ 686 12
H. Brinkman, Loan 17,250 00
Labor on streets in the different
road iistriots during the first half of
October, 1905:
A. Alderson, 3rd.
Rich. Burns, 1st.
John Burns. 1st.
J. Brachtenbach. 2nd
Paul Becker, 3rd.
D. J. Brightbill, 3rd.
13 85
13 85
6 75
3 75
15 20
2 70
W. Coughlan, 1st. 15 20
Jerry Cahill, 1st. 4 05
Mike Cain, 1st. 1 05
R. Caffery. 1st. 5 40
J Callahan, 1st. 20 00
,loh:, Corbett, 2nd. 5 40
H. Cobb, 1st, $4.85; 2nd. $8.10;
16 20
Jchr Drgzan, 1st. 13 85
P. Defontaine, 1st. 5 10
M. Donegan, 1st. 10 80
Thn'. DDnahne, 1st, $4.85; 2nd,
$8,10; 3rd, $3.25 16 20
Peter rax, 1st, $4.S5; 2nd, $8.10;
3rd, $3 25 16 20
John Egan, 1st. 6 10
J. Eberhardt, 2nd. 8 45
John Ess, 2nd. 6 75
John Farley, 2nd. 5 70
E. Fitzlaff, let, $7.00: 2nd, $9.00;
31d, 81.00 20 00
Barney Glass, 1st. 6 75
Pat (Tillman, 1st. 6 10
Henry Galle, 2nd. • 10 80
Jos. Grab, 2nd. 6 75
Jos. Guenther. 2nd. 1 70
Peter Guenther, 2nd. 1 70
C. Gantenbein, 2nd. 20 00
C. Gruenzig, 3rd. 2 70
John Fafey. 1st. 4 05
John Heil, 1st, $7.90; 2nd, $10.10;
3rd, $4.50 22 50
Peter Jacobs, 2nd 7 10
AT, Kettenhofen, 2nd 8 45
John Knees, 2nd 13 85
P. Krocheski, 2nd 6 75
J. Kraus, 1st, $4.85; 2nd, $8.10;
3rd, $3.25 16 20
John Lowery, 1st 7 45
M. Lavin, 1st 8 80
H. Lembke, 2nd 2 70
M. Lonergan, 1st 16 20
John Mahoney, 1st 18 00
J. Miller, 2nd 2 70
A. Manderscheid, 2nd 5 75
J. Martinek, 3rd 11 15
W. McDermott, 1st 2 05
John McGee, 1st 6 10
J. McNulty, 1st 710
J. McAleese, 1st 8 10
J. McCormack, Health 16 20
Chas. O'Neill, 2nd, $10.80; 3rd,
$5.40 16 20
J. Purcell, 1st 11 85
James Powers, 1st 1 35
J. Parker, 3rd 15 20
Phil Reddin, 1st 6 75
James Ryan, 1st 16 20
Dan Sheehan, 1st 190
John Spear, 1st. 2 05
W. Sheridan, 1st 20 00
John Sloan, 2nd 4 40
John Schroeder, 2nd 5 40
F. Scherr, 2nd20 00
Louis Smith, 3rd 15 20
Tony Siege, 3rd 35
John Welsh, 1st 6 75
W. Wearmouth, 3rd 20 00
Frank Burns, 2nd 51 45
Labor on Streets, first half of Oc-
tober, 1905:
J. Berwanger, 2nd. 7 65
F. G. Becker, 1st, $2.75; 2nd,
$13.65; 3rd, $21.85 38 25
Official Notices.
John Calvert, 1st
Josh Calvert, 1st, $25.90; 3rd,
B. Costello, 1st, $9.55; 2nd, $15.90;
3rd, $6.35
A. Conrad 2nd.
M. Hannon. 1st.
J. HauC-_ashield, 2nd, $22.95; 3rd,
Peter porch, 2nd.
J. Linehan, 1st, $41.45; 2nd, $5.30;
3rd, ".15
J. Long, 2nd.
J. McQuillan, 1st.
J. J. McCollins, 1st, $67.20; 2nd,
$8.90; 3rd, $2.10
C. McE1rath, 1st, $1.85; 2nd. $10.00
A. Paley, 2nd.
Frank Siege, 3rd.
Ed. Seeley, 1st. $10.05; 2nd, $16.75;
3rd. $6.70
Jerry Sullivan, 2nd, $14.05; 3rd,
$28.01 42 10
,Torres Tobin. 3rd. 42 50
M. Zogg, 2nd. 3 85
Laber :n: lie,. till. Carryel Avenue
during :be first half of 'rc•tober. 1507:
H. Connell ... ... 2 70
Jerry Cahill 6 75
Mike Cain 8 10
Tames Connolly 14 .0.
Peter Carney 19 80
Prier Gregory 94'
John Hofey 8 10
P. Kenneally 18 90
2T; :. T n,.•, 65 0 10 80
38 25
41 85
31 80
35 70
44 20
35 30
19 15
48 90
29 75
42 50
78 20
tyl 85
11 50
25 10
N,I- : „'.
7,1 ‘I. •r, 1, 4? 10
41 ?5
Labor on sowers for the first half of
October. 1905:
J. Corcoran $ 19 20
Ed. Daley 19 20
T. Hagerty 25 00
F. Hohnecker 19 20
Jos. Rooney 6 40
C. Sullivan 25 00
Pat Sage 19 20
Landon Taylor 19 20
J. Tacke 19 20
C. H. Berg, to money advanced
for Upper Mississippi River
Convention 250 00
Jas. Hird, final estimate con-
structing sanitary sewer in al-
ley between Jackson and Wash-
ington Streets. from Sanford
to Twenty-fifth Streets 1684 45
I hereby certify that the foregoing Is
a correct list of all warrants issued by
me during the month of October, 1905.
City Recorder.
To All Who Aro Named Below:
You are hereby notified that In ac-
cordance with an ordinance of the City
of Dubuoue for repairing sidewalks
during the month of September, 1905,
that a Special Assessment will be levied
for the expense thereof at the regu-
lar meeting of the City Council upon
all lots, and parcels of land on said
improvement owned by you, being sub-
ject to such Special Assessment. And
you are notified to appear at said
meeting of the council to he held on
the 16th day of November, A. D., 1905,
and show cause, if any you have, why
said assessment should net be levied:
Owner. Description. Total Cost
Sept. 1—J. J. Lundheck, Me-
chanics' Add., S. 109 ft., lot 1093 60
Sept. 1-1Vatterc, & Dennis, Sub1 70
3 of 720. City, lots 5-16
Sept 1—Mrs. J. P. Buehler. Sub.
1 of Min. Lot 314, lot Sub Mill.
Sept 1—Jchn Flynn, 1 05
Lot 191, lot 2
Sept 5—Mary Dietrich, Davis
Farm Add., N. 1-2 lot 274
Sept. 6—Wm. McClain, Hoskins'
Sub., lot 5
Sept. 6—J. L. Meyer, Subs. 76 and
77, Union Add.• lot 1
Sept. 6 --Cath. Birmington Est,
Subs. 76 and 77, Union Add, 50
lot l
Sept. 6—Rhomberg & Kringle. 6 30
Rose Hill Add., lots 2 to 9
Sept. 6—Christina Breda, City S. 50
84 1-2 ft., lot 499
Sept. 7—Martin Sullivan Est, 60
Saul's Sub., lot 4
Sept. 7—Mrs. Sidney Saul, Saul's 80
Sub., lots 1-2-3
Sept. 7—A. Schaetfie, G. W. 60
Rodgers' Sub., lot 27 Sub.
Sept. 7—Augusta Eighmey, 50
Min. Lot 39, lot 41
Sept. 7—Emma Alden, A. McDan- 1 05
leis' Sub., lot 762
Sept. 7—A. W. Kemler Est., Sub. 90
703, City. lot 16
Sept. 7—Sliz. Saul, Hoskins' Sub, 55
lot 2
Sept. 8—Peter Fay. East Dubuque
Add., S. 1-2 lot 77 50
Sept. 10—James Levi,
Farm Add.. lot 238 45
Sept. 11 --John Olinger, Boule-
vard Add., lots 2 to 20 1 40
Sept. 11—Chas. H. Bradley, Cox's
Add., E. 1-2 lots 50-51 75
Sept. 11—Paul Trout Est., Far-
ley's Sub., lot 35 85
Sept. 11—Buol & Loetscher, Loet
scher & Trueb's sub., lot 12 35
Sept. 11—E. A. Engler, Sub. 12,
Min. Lot 172, lots 1-2-3 1 00
Sept. 11—Maria Schwind, Sub. 1,
Tschirgi & Schwind's Sub., lot3. 40
Sept. 11—Cath. Stafford, S. M.
Langworthy's Add., lot 44..-40
Sept. 12—J. & E. Tihey, Sub. 3 of
Min. Lot 63, lot 1 1 95
Sept. 12—Peter Eisbach, Bonson
& Stewart's Sub., lot 1
Sept. 12—M. M. McCarten, Bonson
& Stewart's Sub., lot 8 1
Sept. 12—E. M. Kringle, Sub. 6 of
7 of Min. Lot 79, lot 1
Sept. 12—T. Kenneally, Union
Add., lot 171
Sept. 12—Mrs. Sidney Saul, Saul's
Sub., lot 1
Sept. 12—M. M. McCarten, Bonson
& Stewart's Sub., lot 8
Sept. 13—Al. Matthews, Sub. City
738, lot 6
Sept. 13—Wm. Klauer, et al, Davis
Farm Add., lot 213
Sept. 13—E. A. Engler, Finley
Home Add., lots 10-11
Sept. 16—John Buettell Est., Sub.
Official Notices.
2 of 20, Finley Home Add., lot 1. 40
Sept. 18—W. G. Cox, Sub. Min
Lot 90, lot 2
Sept. 19—H. C. Kiesel and Wm
Coates, S. M. Langworthy's
Add., lot 39
Sept. 19—A. Treub, Hughes' Sub,
lot 3
Sept. 19—Wm. Reche Est., Reche's
Sub., lot 17
Sept. 19—Minnie and M. A. Kern -
ler, College Add., lot 1 40
Sept. 19—Robt. Bartells, Sub. 1,
Waller's Sub., lot 1 40
Sept. 19—F. L. Poole, Julia Lang -
Worthy's Add., lot 17 40
Sept. 20—K. & L. F. Kolfenbach,
Glendale Add., lot 57 50
Sept. 20—Bosserman & Ives,
S. 1-2 lot 334 50
Sept. 20—R. M. Kunz, Glendale
Add., lot 60 95
Sept. 20—Wm. Alderman, CitY,
lot 322 1 45
Sept. 20—German Trust & Savings
Bank, Sub. 809, A. McDaniels'
Sub., lot 1 1 40
Sept. 20—Charlotte Post, G. Mar-
tin's Sub., lot 4 55
Sept. 21—Wm. Klauer, et al, Da-
vis Farm Add., lot 213 55
Sept. 22—Geo. Savary, Union Add,
lot 121 1 15
Sept. 22—Sylvester Hickock Est,
Union Add., lot 57 30
Sept. 22—Ellen B. Rice, Union
Add., lot 146 60
Sept. 22—Rich. B. Waller, Summit
Add., lot 4 50
Sept. 25—Nie. Glab, Finley's Add,
lot 225 60
Sept. 25—Nic Glab, Finley, Waples
& Burton's Add., lots 129-1351 55
Sept. 25—Minnie and M. A. Kern -
ler, Sub. 4, Ann O'Hare's Sub,
lot 1
Sept. 25—Jas. Mullen Est., Fin-
ley, Waples & Burton's Add,
lot 11
Sept. 25—A. E. Girard, Hodge's
Sub., lots 3-4-5
Sept. 25—Kiene & Meyer, Elm St
Sub., lots 1-2
Sept. 25—A. W. Kemler Est., Sub
703, City lot 16
Sept. 25—Louis Herbst,
Sub., lot 1
Sept. 25—Lee & Norton, Gilliam's
Sub., lot 4
Sept. 25—Hughes & Blake, Blake's
Add., lots 25-26-27
Sept. 26—Hugn Talty, Sub. 2 of
Min. Lot 160, lot 1
Sept. 27—Emily Conrad, Sub. 2 of
145, L. H. Langworthy's Add,
lot 1
Sept. 30—John Flynn, East Du-
buque Add., W. 15 ft, E. 1-2,
lot 211
Sept. 27—Ed. Nauk, Sub. 3 of 145,
L. H. Langworthy's Add., lot 11 05
Sept. 27—Al Matthews, Sub, City
738, lot 6
Sept. 28—P. H. Murray, St. Ra-
phael's Add., lots 1-2
Sept. 30—Ann Wallis, A. McDan-
iel's Sub., lot 795
Sept. 29—Maria Prange, Glendale
Add., lot 39
Sept. 5—German Pres. College,
Sub. City 675, lot 7
Sept. 15—Lawrence Smith Est,
Sub. Min. Lot 79, lots 10-11 1 15
Sept. 19—Sarah G. Cort, Kelly's
Sub. N. 1-2, E. 1-2, N. 1-2 ,lot 36.
Sept, 20—Thos. Kane, Sub. 809, A.
McDaniel's Sub., lot 7
Sept. 22—John J. Keane, City lot
Sept. 22—Mrs. Sidney Saul, Saul's
Sub., lot 5
Sept. 22—Rich. Waller Est., Sub
City 721, lot 1
Sept. 26—C. A. Voelker, Mechanic's
Add., lot 113
Sent. 28—Lawther & Rider, Bur-
den-Lawther Add., lot 19
Sept. 27—Catholic Univ. of Wash
et al, Kelly's Sub, lots 1-2
Sept. 27—Jno. Harris Est., Sub. 9,
Collin's Sub. lot 2
Sept. 6—J. J. Ott, Randall's Sub,
lot 3
Sept. 8—Ann Wallis, A. McDan-
iel's Sub., lot 795
Sent. 9—German Trust & Say
Bank. Sub. 2, City 673, lot 5
Sept. 11—Jno. Buettell Est., Brad -
streets' Add.. lot 1
Sent. 12—Cath. Carmody. East
Dubunue Add., E. 1-2. lot 51
Sent. 12—R. Ronson Est., Union
Add., lot 210
Sent. 12—John F. Cain, Harper's
Snb., S. 50 ft.. lot 2
Sent. 13—German Trost & Say.
Bank. Suh. 2. City 673. lot 5 .
Sent. 13—W. G. Cox. Cox's Add,
lot 59
Sent. 13—R. Waller Est., Sub. 3,
Min. Lot 113a. lot 1
Sent. 95—.Tao. Traut. Tschirgi &
Sohn'ind's Soh.. lots 14-15
Sent. 5—Leathers R Trewin, Davis
Farm AArt. C. 35 ft.. lot 373
spot. 5—mare T. Reilly, Finley's
A,1r1.. lot 10
Sent. 5—.T. Sohroeder And Val
o^buster, Davis Farm Add., lot
1 20
1 10
1 35
ogR 45
57'i, Int l
cn'.+ n—Geo. Calot. MrCranev's
y^+ A Ari Int g.1
Se -f. 70—Tnl,,, 1•?". -,on E. Lane-
.. A AA 1t"+ 42
C'n..+ 5—Tnhn .T. Tian LeVen's
A AA 1t"+ '1
an.,+ y—Tni,n "Ample. Martin's T1.1-
^no 1..t 1
rTn..+in. Qnh, ('ttv
F A w0''' A '
3^Q 05
rr _P_n+ r+1+,, nennrAer,
Trr1TTr'1 (1F CPF(T 4 T, A SOrPRI ?17!\7T,
r`rotine to hereby pivot" +o all eon-
nerneA that a Cnenial esaegcmnnt .rill
lie levied to nay for imnrnr'ine. (trans
Ctreet frnn, the Wna+ line of _
inn of let 7. Ann (1'TTare'a Soh„ to onset
rtrent, (1'Farrell. MrNainara R- TZenety
Amonnt of special aaaeasmert $2.-
519.33. aeainat the ahnttine• nronerty
owner._ snot" and alone. lair street, as
Provided by law. at a session of the
r'ity Council to he held November 16th,
And that there is a rant apd echednle
on file in the office of the City Record^r
of said City of Dohunue. showing the
street on which said improvement has
Oficial Notices.
been constructed, and the separate lots
and parcels of ground and specified por-
tions thereof subject to assessment of
such improvement, the names of the
owners as far as practicable, and the
amount to be assessed against each
lot or parcel of ground, which plat
and schedule is subject to public in-
And that any and all persons object-
ing to said specialassessment of said
plat must file his or their objection in
writing with the City Recorder of slid
City of Dubuque on or before said ses-
sion of the City Council to be held No-
vember 16th, 1905, or to appear at said
session of the Council to show cause, if
any you have, why said assessment
should not be levied.
Dated at Dubuque, Nov. 6th, 1905.
C. F. ARENDT. City Recorder.
Whereas, John T. Adams of the City
of Dubuque has petitioned the Council
of said City for the vacation of the
southerly 180 feet of the alley between
Alpine Street and Nevada Street north
of Westsaid d Street
Joh John TG AdamsCity;
fee owner of all the nroperty abutting
said alley on both sides thereof: and
Whe•-eas, said ?o''n T. Adams, 'n ro"-
sideratinn of the vacation ofsaid
southerly 180 feet of the alley between
Alpine Street anda has Street
of West ThirdStreet,
transfer to the City of Dubuoue, for
alley purposes. a 20 -foot strip
ground out of the northerly 20 feet of
Lot 4, Nairn'S Addition to the City of
Dubuque, Iowa, and extending
etwe from
Nevada Street to th stalle gbisaid
Nevada and Alpine
City: and
Whereas. by the direction of the
Council of the City of Dubuque, the
City Engineer has made a plat showing
said portion of said alley proposed to
be vacated, and filed the
inspection, andis
office subject to public
due notice has been given to all abut-
ting property owners, and ten days'
notice of said proposed vacationer hasos
been published in the official papn has
the City, and the proposed
been submitted to the City Council at
two regular sessions; that no valid ob-
Whereas, it appeas
jection has been madde to thovee vacation
of said alley, and
portion of said alley is not reouired
at present for alley purposes; there-
Be It Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That the southerly 180 feet
of the alley between Alpine Street and
Nevada Street north of West Third
Street in the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
be and the same is hereby vacated to
John T. Adams, his heirs and assigns,
on condition that said John T. Adams
convey to the City of Dubuque, for
street and alley purposes, the north 20
feet of Lot 4 of Nairn's Addition to the
City of Dubuque, Iowa.
Section 2. This ordinance shall be in
force and take effect from and after
its passage and publication one time
in the Dubuque Daily Globe -Journal,
official newspaper of the City of Du-
Adopted Nov. 16th, 1905.
Approved Nov. 20th, 1905.
Attest: Mayor.
C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder.
Published officially in the Evening
Globe Journal, Nov. 28th, 1905.
C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder.
City Recorder's Office,
Dubuque, Ia., November 1st, 1905.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: The following is a com-
plete list of all warrants issued on the
various funds by me during the month
of October, 1905:
Expense .... $ 3,862.43
Road—First District 1,722.70
Road—Second District 1,771.85
Road—Third District 872.65
Fire 4,305.95
Police 2,121.90
Sew era ge ........ 394.35
Printing 185.40
Engineer .. 191.65
Street Lighting
Interest 980.87
Board of Health 5i4.75
Grading 731.00
Bee Branch—Miliville Road 84.40
Special Bonded Assessment 1,769.40
Loan 17,250.00
Mt. Carmel Avenue Grading 429.90
Sidewalk Repairing 119.55
I hereby certify that the foregoing is
a correct list of all warrants issued by
me on various funds during the month
of October. 1905.
C. F. ARENDT, City Recorder
To Whom it May Concern:
Notice is hereby given of the Coun-
cil's intention to vacate the Southerly
180 feet of the alley between Alpine
Street and Nevada Street, North of
West Third Street, and that an Ordi-
nance providing for said vacation has
been submited to the City Council of
the City of Dubuque at its last regu-
lar session. Said Ordinance will be
passed at a regular session of the Coun-
cil after ten days publication of this
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, this 6th day
of November, 1905.C. F. ARENDT,
City Recorder of the City of Dubuque.
254 List of Warrants.
Public notice is hereby given that at
the session of the City Council of the
CitY of Dubuque, held on the 16th day
of November, 1905, the following Special
Assessments were levied on the real es-
tate herein after described, and that in
case of failure to pay the one-seventh
part within the time prescribed by the
Ordinance governing same, all will be-
come delinquent and subject to collec-
tion by distress and sales.
H. BR1NKMAl\, City Treasurer.
For curbing, guttering and macadam-
izing Grace btieet.
F. D. Bennett, Reche's Sub., lot
L8 $ 11 56
John Accota, Heche's Sub., lot 2965 48
John Frey, Heche's Sub., lot 3065 48
Chas. Pitschner, Reche's Sub,
lot 31 65 48
Chas. Pitschner, Reche's Sub,
lot 32 65 48
John Kapp, Reche's Sub., lot 3365 48
John Kapp, Reche's Sub., lot 34105 06
Bertha Bondleon, Reche's Sub,
No. 2, lot 1 195 46
Jno. Babcock, Reche's Sub., lot 464 17
J. F. Kearns, Reche's Sub. No. 2,
lot 5 52 47
J. F. Kearns, Reche's Sub. No. 2,
lot 6 52 47
James H. Shields, Reche's Sub
No. 2, lot 7 91 51
L. Lindenberg, Reche's Sub. No
2, lot 15 91 51
L. Lindenberg, Reche's Sub. No
2, lot 14 52 47
F. N. Eberhardt, Reche's Sub
No. 2, lot 13
Knape, Stout & Co. Co., Reche's
Sub. No. 2, lot L' 52 47
E. A. Engler, Reche's Sub. No
2, lot 11
Wm. Roche Est., Reche's Sub.
No. 10
H. E. Cosgrove, Ann O'Hare's
Sub., W 45.10 ft. lot 14 102 49
Thos M. Cosgrove, Ann O'Hare's
Sub., E 50 ft., N 1-2 lot 14
Wm. Wiley, Ann O'Hare's Sub,
E 50 ft., W 100 ft. lot 13
Thos. M. Cosgrove, Ann O'Hare's
Sub., W 50 ft. lot 13
Margaret S. Wiley, Ann O'Hare's
Sub., E. 39.94 ft. lot 13
Margaret S. Wiley, Ann O'Hare's
Sub., W 12.6 ft. lot 12
Leathers R Trewin, Ann O'Hare's
Sub.. W 50 ft., E 125.88 ft. lot 12. 65 64
Leathers & Trewin, Ann O'Hare's
Sub., E 75.88 ft. lot 12
Leathers & Trewin, Ann O'Hare's
Sub., W 80.12 ft. lot 11
J. M. Hampton. Ann O'Hare's
Sub., E 57.82 ft. lot 11
G. D. Bennett Est., Ann O'Hare's
Sub., lot 10
Chas. B. Cain, Hantleman's Sub,
lot 5
Ella L. Phillips, Hantelman's
Sub., lot 4
Orin Cain, Hantelman's Sub., lot
F. E. Winders, Hantelman's Sub,
lot 2
Philip Link, Hantelman's Sub,
lot 1
52 47
52 47
70 70
65 64
65 64
65 64
46 00
16 39
98 50
105 43
75 77
180 62
72 32
72 32
72 32
69 23
78 19
Be It Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1.That the plans and specifi-
cations for the construction of the via-
duct and approaches thereto, over and
across the tracks of the Chicago Great
Western Railway Company at Peru
Road, in the City of Dubuque, as pre-
pared and presented by the said Com-
pany and filed in the office of the
City Engineer, are hereby adopted and
approved, and said Great Western Rail-
way Company is authorized and direct-
ed to construct and complete said via-
duct and approaches in accordance
with said plans and specifications, and
when so constructed and completed the
same shall be accepted by the City of
Dubuque for and in lieu of all the re-
quirements of a certain ordinance upon
the same subject heretofore adopted by
the City Council on the 17th day of
August, A. D., 1905, and approved on
the 22nd day of the same month. Said
viaduct and approaches to be completed
on or before November 1st, 1905.
Section 2. Said Railway Company
shall construct said viaduct and ap-
proaches thereto, in Peru Road, in such
manner that the center line of said
viaduct and approaches shall be six
feet northerly from the center line of
said street, and shall pay, or arrange
to ray, all legal claims for damages to
property abutting upon said viaduct
and approaches on account of the
change in the grade of said street, be-
fore the construction of the work. All
of the work provided for in this section
to be done under the supervision and
to the satisfaction of the Street Com-
mittee and City Engineer.
Section 3. That both approaches to
said viaduct shall be macadamized and
a four foot wooden sidewalk shall be
constructed on the northerly side of the
west approach, and •on the southerly
side of the east approach to said via-
duct, and that suitable guard rails
shall be constructed upon both sides
of said approach.
Section 4. This ordinance shall be
in force from and after its adoption
and approval, its publication in the
Dubuque Daily Globe -Journal, and the
acceptance of its provisions by the Chi-
cago Great Western Railway Company.
Adopted October 23rd, 1905.
Approved Oct. 2rd, 1905.
C. H. BERG, Mayor.
Attest: C. F. ARENDT,City Recorder
Regular Session December 7, 1905.
Regular Session, December 7th, 1905.
Council met at 8:30 P. M.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Aids. Corrance, Frith,
Jones, Lyons, Nedham and Stumpf.
Absent—Ald. Clancy.
Ald. Corrance moved that the Coun-
cil proceedings for the month of No-
vember be approved as printed. Car-
The following bills were ordered
J. Hird, Inspector on Union Ave.
sewer$ 20 00
Key City Gas Co., gas for var-
ious departments 123 20
P. Even, coal delivered at CitY
Hall 37 70
Enterprise Printing Co., blank
stationery for various depart-
ments 6 00
G. B. Grosvenor Co., stationery
and supplies for various de-
partments 2 00
Kelly's hook store, stationery
and supplies for various de-
partments 42 35
L. Zamanek. assistant market 18 90
master for November
L. Zamanek, cleaning and repair-
ing at City Hall
L. Daily, cleaning around Market
Square, September, October
and November, 1905
A. E. Bradley, glazing at City
G. Holl, new keys City Hall
Fischer & Co., ice delivered at
City Hall
Eichorn & Bechtel, supplies for
City Hall
F. A. Miler, brooms for City
McCollins' Express Co., hauling
for City Hall
J. Levi & Co., globes and man-
tels for City Hall
C. Pape, repairing fountain at
Rhomberg and Windsor Ayes
Mullen Bros., repairing fountain
at Eighth and Main Streets
T. J. Mulgrew, coal delivered at
City Hall
C. A. Noyes, carbon paper for
Committee Clerk
C. A. Noyes, shades for Engine
House No. 6
Duggan & Cota, hardware Road
F. Schloz & Son, repairs, Road
J. Duggan, repairs, Road Depart-
J. Knes, macadam, Road De-
partment .. ..... .
42 00
8 10
1 30
14 30
2 50
1 00
5 35
12 15
3 00
32 95
3 00
24 60
4 40
1 SO
6 55
6 35
J. McAleere, macadam, Road De-
partment 2 10
M. Hannon, macadam, Road De-
Key City Roofing Co., cement,
Road Department
Pitts -Thompson Foundry Co., 1
grate, Road Department
Conlin & Kearns, wood, Road
P. Linehan, sand, Road Depart-
C. Giese, filing saws
Builders Supply Co., lumber,
Sidewalk Department 3190
Dubuque Woodenware & Lumber
Co., lumber, Sidewalk Dept28 60
Key City Gas Co., removing
lamp post on Henion Place1 25
Pier Bros., coal for steam roller23 15
Fischer & Co., coal for steam
Smedley Steam Pump Co., re-
pairs steam roller 23 35
P. Linehan, pine wood for steam
roller 2 35
Kelly Springfield Road Roller
Co., supplies and repairs for
steam roller 26 25
M. Stewart & Co.. 1 stove and
pipe for steam roller house8 90
P. Hanson, oil for steam roller30
Lagen & Sloan, horse shoeing
for Fire department 10 00
Wunderlich & Wiedeiholt, horse
shoeing for Fire department16 05
P. .1 -Seller, horse shoeing for Fire
department ...... ... .. .... 7 50
Key City Gas Co.. coal and coke
for Fire depart!iu nt 29 95
W. G. Watters, p i:sturing horses
for Fire department 10 60
Boston One Price Clothiers, 3 1-3
dozen caps for Fire department 55 00
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co.,
1.000 feet hose for Fire depart-
ment 800 00
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co,
rubber coats for Fire depart-
nient 22 00
Hussman & Lies, hardware and
sunplies for Fire deiaartma lit 27 45
G. W. Healey & Son, hardware
and supplies for Fire depart -
11 20
F. M. Jaeger & Co.. hardware
and supplies for Fire depart-
ment 90
Duggan & Cota, hardware and 60
supplies for Fire department
J. F. Ris & Bro., hardware and
supplies for Fire department32 70
Smith Elec. Const. Co., supe
and wire for Fire department9 E5
Fischer & Co., soft coal for Fire 103 90
department .
Martin-Strelau Co., soft coal for 12 35
Fire department • •
Conlin & Kearns, soft coal for 10 75
Fire department
Pier Bros., soft coal for Fire de- 13 00
partment "'
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Fire 4 20
13 40
8 50
4 00
4 70
14 25
1 00
8 55
256 Regular Session December 7, 1905.
Game\v 1I Fire 'Alarm Co., keys
for fire alarm boxes
Jas. Levi & Co., blankets and
comforters for Fire department 59 60
J. F. Stampfer & Co., blankets
and comforters for Fire depart-
ment 11 00
T. F. Kane, hay for Fire depart-
ment .... 126 30
Dubuque Oil Tank Line, oil for
Fire department 13 50
Standard Oil Co., oil for Fire de-
partment .... 315
Pitts, Thompson F'dry Co., 1 new
stove for Fire department .... 25 75
F. A. Miller, brooms for Fire de-
partment . .. 7 10
C. Falkenhainer, paints and oils
for Fire department 65
Hedley & Brown, glass and putty
for Fire department 2 05
Mettel Bros., bran for Fire de-
partment ...... .... 95
A. Hasler, matches and soapine
for Fire department 8 45
Eichhorn & Bechtel, bran for
Fire department .... ........ 95
M. Stafford, bran and salt for
Fire denartment .... ...... 8 10
Morrison Bros., repairing steam-
er P. Olinger 1 60
Wm. Marshall, repairing steamer
J. J. Linehan 46 65
Butt Bros., 1 new exercising cart
for Engine House No. 635 00
Smedley Steam Pump Co., sup-
plies and repairs for Engine
No. 6 32 90
R. D. Kirmse, 1 new clock for
Engine House No. 3 4 50
Union Electric Co., power for fire
alarm system 2 00
F. P. Hayes, board of prisoners
for November 2 00
F. Schloz & Son, repairing cells
at City Hall 175
Jas. Levi & Co., pillows for Ma-
tron. department 1 70
Conlin & Kearns, wood for Police
department .... 6 00
Fischer & Co., wood for Police
department .. 15 40
C. McManus, sawing wood for
Police department .... 1 75
T. Melloy, sawing wood for Po-
lIce department 6 00
Pier Bros., wood for Police de-
partment 5 00
Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies for
Matron department 45
J. J. Rowan, toweling for Ma-
tron department 1 00
T. F. Kane, hay delivered at pa-
trol house 11 50
G. Ragatz & Son, repairs for
Sewer department 7 00
F. M. Jaeger & Co., new tools for
Sewer department 3 90
Globe -Journal, official printing
for November 53 25
Globe -Journal, printing delin-
quent tax list 34 00
Telegraph -Herald, official print-
ing for November 51 70
5 40
The Times, public notices 2 25
National Demokrat, official print-
ing for November 25 00
Keuffel & Esser Co., supplies for
Engineer's Dept. 8 85
Union Electric Co., arc lights
for November 2073 65
Smith, Morgan Printing Co,
blank stationery for Board of
Health 10 00
T. E. Frith, removing garbage
and dead animals during No-
vember, 1905 363 48
Ott, Meuser & Co., posts and lum-
ber for Mt. Carmel Avenue36 00
O'Farrell Construction Co., esti-
mate grading Bee Branch
sewer 166 65
O'Farrell Construction Co., grad-
ing Grace Street 273 70
O'Farrell Construction Co., im-
proving Grace Street 2273 16
O'Farrell Construction Co., con-
structing sanitary sewer in
Kniest Street 90 77
Tibey Bros., constructing sani-
tary sewer in Union Avenue
and Alta Vista Street 1597 70
Union Electric Co., labor digging
extra hole for arc lamp pole in
Winona Avenue 3 05
On motion the bill was ordered re-
ceived and filed.
Petition of Thos. Reilly, Chief of Po-
lice. asking that one of the cells in
police station be boarded up for the
protection of inebriates, was, on mo-
tion, ordered granted.
Petition of Mindorfer Bros. et al, ask-
ing that an electric light be placed at
the intersection of Seventh and Iowa
Streets, on motion, was referred to the
Committee on Police and Light.
Petition of Miss M. C. Blake in re-
lation to cancellafion of the special
assessment as levied for the construc-
tion of a sanitary sewer in West Lo-
cust Street. On motion, was referred
to the Committee on Sewers and City
Petition of Mrs. Margt. Flanagan,
asking that her taxes be remitted for
1904, was, on motion, referred to the
Delinquent Tax Committee.
Petition of the Sisters of the Holy
Ghost in relation to cancellation of
their taxes was on motion referred to
the Board of Equalization and City At-
Petition of I. C. Ry. Co., by Wm. L.
Tarbet, Tax Commissioner, in relation
to the cancellation of their taxes in the
city, was, on motion, referred to the
Board of Equalization and City Attor-
Regular Session December 7, 1905. 257
Petition of Mary Newman asking that
the taxes on lots 16 and 17, Nairn's
Add., for 1905, be ordered cancelled, she
being the widow of an honorably dis-
charged Union soldier. On motion,
was referred to the Delinquent Tax
Petition of F. Rokusek et al asking
for the completion of Bee Branch sewer
between Cedar and Sycamore streets
and Seventeenth Street and the rail-
road tracks. On motion, was referred
to the Committee of the Whole.
Petition of Mrs. Anna Bush in re-
lation to cancellation of special assess-
ment as levied against her property for
the construction of a new sidewalk, was
on motion referred to the Committee
of the Whole.
Petition of the Bijou Theatre, by J.
Rosenthal, manager, in relation to is-
suing a license for theatrical purposes
given in the Bijou Theatre, was, on
motion, referred to the Committee of
the Whole.
Petition of Thos. Hassett, asking that
he be compensated for rock taken by
the City from lot 33. Union Add. On
motion. was referred to Committee of
the Whole and City Attorney.
Original Notice District Court, Wm.
Hintrager vs. City of Dubuque in re-
lation to tax title of lots 2 and41 in
Klingenberg's Sub. No. 3, was, omo-
tion, referred to the City Attorney.
City Treasurer Brinkman reported
as follows:
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council:
Gentlemen: -Below you will find
statement of amounts advanced by me
during the past month, for which
Please order warrants drawn in my
Excavation permits redeemed$ 95.00
Interest on warrants outstand-
ing 754.02
Freight charges, Road .73
Express charges -Engineer .30
Library Orders paid $593.47
I also received money borrowed from
various parties: please order Loan
Warrants drawn in their favor.
Total amount of warrants ... .$17,300.00
On motion the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay the
various amounts and the report refer-
red back to the Committee on Finance.
City Auditor Hoffman reported as
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council:
Gentlemen: -Herewith find my re -
port for the month of November. 1905,
showing the receipts and disburse-
ments for the month:
Cash on hand Nov. 1st, 1905$10,7S6.84
Receipts from all sources $21,153.99
Warrants redeemed $20,882.60
Coupons redeemed 253.75
Improvement Bonds redeemed1,657.87
Cash on hand Dec. 1st, 1905....$ 9,146.61
The above cash balance includes the
Improvement Bond Fund, Improve-
ment Bond Interest Fund and Library
Fund balances.
Also report that there is due the
City Officers for the month of No-
vember, 1905, the sum of $2,683.20.
Also the following is a record of all
Interest Coupons and Bonds redeemed
by the City Treasurer during the past
month and credited to him:
Regular Bond Coupons $ 60.00
Improvement Bond Coupons 193.75
Improvement Bonds $1,657.S7
The following list shows the Appropri-
ations and the amount of Warrants
drawn on each Fund since the begin-
ning of the fiscal year beginning March
1st, 1905, to December 1st, 1905:
Appropriation. Expended.
Expense $ 40,000 $21,387 98
Road -First District16,000 13,659 48
Road -Second District 20,300 15,622 05
Road -Third District8,750 6,796 77
Fire 42,000 27,805 24
Police 28,000 17,213 34
Sewerage 5,000 3,562 20
Printing 2,500 1,149 42
Engineer 2,500 1,608 33
Street Lighting 25,200 16,538 80
Interest 41,500
Board of Health 4,500 3,510 06
Grading 2,000 1,362 15
Bee Branch-Millville
Road 3,000 2,82710
Bee Branch -Washing-
ton Street 6,000 5,993 57
Bee Branch -Fifteenth
and Sixteenth Sts1,400 89 25
Special Bonded Paving 2,000
Judgment 3,000 2,418 22
Special Bonded Debt
and Interest 4,000
Mourt Carmel Avenue
Grading 1,000 796 25
Sidewalk Repairing 1,000 458 89
Special Sewer Fund1,000 383 26
Bluff Street Extension
Wall 1,000 999 93
Fifth Ward Engine 4,000 3,773 74
Booth Street Sewer... 1,000 1,000 00
258 Regular Session December 7, 1905.
On motion the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
City Officers, and the report referred
back to the Committee on Finance.
Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol-
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council:
Gentlemen: The following is the pay
roll of the Fire Department for the
month of November, 1905:
Amount due Firemen $2656 15
Respectfully submitted,
On motion, the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
the Firemen, and the report referred
back to the Committee on Fire.
Chief of Police Reilly reported as fol-
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council:
Gentlemen: I herewith submit the
Police report for the month of Novem-
ber, 1905:
Total arrests for the month 49
Residents arrested 25
Doors found open 26
Defective lights 14
Lodgers harbored 66
Meals furnished 10
Cost of food $2.00
Poundmaster's receipts $1.00
Sheriff, dieting prisoners $1.00
Patrol calls 48
Miles traveled 69
Also the pay roll for Policemen for
the month of November, 1905:
Amount due Policemen $1883 55
Respectfully submitted,
Chief of Police.
On motion, the report and pay roll
were received and warrants ordered
drawn to pay Policemen, and the re-
port referred back to the Commitee on
City Engineer Boyce reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my
pay roll for labor on streets in the dif-
ferent road districts during the last
half of November, 1905:
Amount due laborers on streets.$1333.15
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved by Committee on Streets.
Also submit my pay roll for labor on
sewers during the last half of Novem-
ber, 1905:
Amount due laborers on sewers..$170.60
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved by Committee on Sewers.
Also submit my pay roll for labor
grading Mt. Carmel Avenue during last
half of November, 1905:
Amount due. laborers on Mt
Carmel Avenue $151 70
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved by Committee on Streets.
On motion the p:iy rolls on Streets,
Sewers and Al t. Carmel Avenue were
received and warrants ordered drawn
to pay the various amounts and the
pay rolls referred back to the proper
City Attorney J. W. Kintzinger re-
ported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: Herewith attached please
find receipt and release of Mrs. Mary
Cogan of One Hundred and Twenty-
five ($125.00) Dollars in full settlement,
discharge and release of her case
against the City of Dubuque, a xvar-
rant for which was ordered drawn in
favor of the Mayor at the last meet-
ing of your Honorable Body.
Respectfully submitted,
City Attorney.
On motion the report was approved
and received and filed.
Sidewalk Inspector Raymond report-
ed as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: On account of error in
description and location, I ask for the
cancellation of the following assess-
July 10th, 1902—W. Hammel, Sub.
1 of 2 of 670 and 682, City Lot 1..$
Dec. 1st, 1904—St. Peter's Lutheran
church, Sub. 2 of 2 of 3 of 10,
Kniest Sub., Lot 1 1 30
Dec. 21st, 1904—Nic Wagner, Glen-
dale Add., Lot 15 50
April 20th, 1905—Nic Wagner, Glen-
dale Add., Lot 15 50
June 1st, 1905—T. Byrne, Union
Add., Lot 170 55
July 6th, 1905—John Jennings,
Dorgan Sub., Lot 10 110
July 6th, 1905—Jac. Ginter, McCran-
ey's 1st. Add., Lot 75 3 40
July 6th, 1905—Nic Closs, Sr., East
Dubuque Add., Lot 261 80
July 6th, 1905—Peter Dawson,
Union Add., Lot 79 55
Sept. 7th, 1905—St. Paul Lutheran
church, Stine's Add., Lot 11 1 20
Oct. 5th, 1905—Pat. Enright, Union
Add., E. 44 ft. of Lot 8 50
Ont. 5th, 1905—Jas. E. McClain,
Sub. 14 and 15, Bush's Sub., Lot 2 75
Respectfully submitted,
Sidewalk Inspector.
Ald. Corrance moved that the report
be received, and the Treasurer instruct-
ed to cancel said special assessments
as prayed for. Carried.
Regular Session December 7, 1905.
City Electrician Hipman reported as
• To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
report of Defective Lights for the
month of November, 1905. I find from
the report of the Police Department
that the total hours that 14 lamps fail-
ed to burn would equal 1-2 lamp for one
month, or .2.70.
Respectfully submitted,
Cit,' Electrician.
On motion the report was received
and the City Auditor instructed to de-
duct from the Union Electric Com-
pany's bill for the month of November
the sum of $2.70.
City Recorder Arendt presented and
read the printed notice certified to by
the publisher of the Council's intention
to levy a special assessment for re-
pairing Sidewalks during the month of
October, 1905.
No remonstrance being filed, the
Mayor asked if any one present had
any objection to said special assess-
No objecting being stated, the notice
on motion was received and filed.
Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the fol-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for re-
pairing sidewalks during October, 1905,
in front of and adjoining the same, a
special tax be and is hereby levied on
the several lots and parts of lots and
parcels of real estate hereinafter named,
situate and owned, and for the several
amounts set opposite each lot or parcel
of real estate, as follows:
Owner. Description. Amount.
Oct. 2.—Sidonia Hosford, A. Mc-
daniel's Sub., N. 88 ft., W. 1-2,$ 45
lot 783
Oct. 2—Ida M. Cuttler, A. McDan-
iel's Sub., N. 20 ft., N. 40 ft, lot 75
Oct. 2—John J. Keane, City lot 726 1 75
Oct. 2—R. Bonson Est., Union
Add., lot 15
Oct. 3—Minnie and M. A. Kemler,
Sub. 4, Ann O'Hare's Sub., lots
Oct. 3—A. E. Girard, Hodge's Sub,
lot 5
Oct. 3—J. S. Stephens, Julia Lang -
worthy's Add., lot 53
Oct. 3—W. H. Thrift, Reche's Sub,
lot 5 •.
Oct. 3—Rhomberg & Kringle, Rose
Hill Add., lots 2-3
Oct. 3—Key City Gas Co., Sub
City 552, lot 4
Oct. 3—Jno. F. Brede, Julia Lang -
worthy's Add., lot 49 .. • • • • •
Oct. 3—Wm. J. Neumeister, Ham's
Add., lot 453 ...• 'Jaeger'.
Oct. 4—Francis Jaeger,65
Sub., lots 2-3 . • .
Oct. 6—Harriet Coates Kiesel, 60
Cummins' Sub., lot 8 . • • •
Oct. 6—Geo. Eichhorn, Cummins' 105
Sub., lot 22 .......................
Oct. 7—Mary A. Langworthy,
Langworthy Ave. Add., lot 5
Oct. 7—Wm. Klauer et al, Davis
Farm Add., lot 213
Oct. 7—James Levi, Davis Farm
Add., lot 238
Oct. 7—H. P. & N. W. Kimball,
Davis Farm Add., lot 337
Oct. 7—Thos. Dunn, Glendale Add,
S. 1-2, lot 160
Oct. 7—Barbara Zugenbuehler,
Glendale Add., N. 1-2, lot 1601 10
Oct. 7 —Cecelia Grossteck Davis
Farm Add., N. 1-2, lot 270
Oct. 7—M. A. Dolson, Sub. 2, Min.
Lot 78, lot 1
Oct. 10—Jos. H. Trieb, M. A. Reb-
man's Sub., lot 1
Oct. 10—Home for the Friendless,
Gray's Sub., lot 1
Oct. 10—Theo. Weber, Sub. 1 and
2 of 1 of 3 of 10 and 2 of 3 of 11,
Kniest's Sub., lot 2
Oct. 11—Jos. P. Earley, Prospect
Hill Ade, lot 1
Oct. 11—C ara Ruff, High St. Sub,
lot 5
Oct. 11—Amelia Guderian, Sub. ,4
Kniest's Sub., lot 3
Oct. 11—H. C. Kiesel and Wm. A.
Coates. City, N. 2-5, lot 436
Oct. 11—Keane & Meyer, Elm St.
Sub.. lot 1-2
Oct 12—F. D. and J. H. Stout,
City, lot 509
Oct. 12—A. F. Heeb, Farley's Sub,
lot 31
Oct. 12—Aug. Flechsig, Glendale
Add.. lot 13
Oct. 13—Jno. L. Buettell Est,
Nairn's Add.. lot 14
Oct. 13—John Dowling, Lawrence's1
Dubuque, lots 9 to 11
Oct. 13—C. Zimmermann, Summit
Add., lot 6
Oct. 13—Henry Kiene, Columbia
Sub., lot 1
Oct. 13—A. W. Kemler Est..
Union Acid., lot 182
Oct. 12—John Specht, Union Add,
S. 165 ft.. lot 195
Oct. 14—Ellen B. Rice• Union
Add.. lot 146
Oct. 1.4—Susan and Mary Zeien, F
Langworthy'. Add., N. 25 ft., lot
Oct. 10—Helen Wright, Gray's
Sub., lot 4
Oct. W—Ro 4t, 1 al rtels.ot Sub. 1 of
1. Oct. 19-3. J. Ott, Randall's
Sub., lot 3
Oct. 22—Cath.pU McDaniel ashing-
s Sub
ton et al,
lot 821
Oct. 22—Kate Guderian Est,
Gray's Sub., lot 10
Oct. 22—Anna M. Bush, Oakland
Park Add., lot 12
Oct. . E.
Church, Sub v120, Reche'ew Ave. s 4Sub,
lot 1
Oct. 22-0. M. Chatfield, Finley,
Waples & Burton's Add., lot 17
Oct. 26—W. G. Cox, Leven's Add,
lot 14
Total $34 00
Ald. Frith moved to adont the Reso-
lution. .
Carried by the following
Yeas—Aids. Corrance. Frith, Jones,
Lyons, Needham and Stumpf.
Absent—Ald. Clancy.
1 15
1 70
1 35
260 Regular Session December 7, 1905.
The Water Works Trustees presented
a Statement of Expense Account from
June 1st. 1900, to June 1st., 1905, with
Number of Voucher given.
On notion said Statement was re-
ferred to the Committee of the Whole.
The following \\eiphnrnsters' and
Woodmeasurers' rceeil ie \VI r, referred
to Committee on \l irlcets:
F. P. Hayes, City ilall receipts$12 71
T. Faherty, First ward scale re-
Louisa Pitse finer, West Dubuque
scale r(.eci:As 1 91
H. Haui,ner, Cruller avenue scale
receipts 1 10
R. Hay, Eighth Street scale re-
ceipts ••••
C. W. Entx, \Voodmeasurer's re-
ceipts AAAA.. AAAA2 10
P. Holsinger. Woodmeasuret'Ss re-
ceipts, month of f),•tober lu
5 14
2 2S
Aid. Corrance. Chairman of the Com-
mittee on Claims, reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: We. the Committee on
Claims and City Attorney, to whom
was referred the communication of
Richard O. Chaney, dated July 27th,
1904, would respectfully report:
That we have had the same under
consideration and are of the opinion
that it would not he advisable for the
City to attempt any settlement of the
matters therein referred to, and would
recommend that said communication
be received and filed.
Ald. Corrance moved to adopt the
report. Carried.
Ald. Frith, chairman of the Commit-
tee on Streets, reported as follows:
Your Committee on Streets, to
whom was referred the petition of A.
Hoerner, asking that the extension of
Queen Street he made passable for
travel, would respectfully recommend
that the City Engineer be instructed
to put said street in passable condi-
tion at a cost of not to exceed $25.00.
Also your Committee on Streets, to
who was referred the petition of Jos.
H. Hanover, asking that the special
assessment levied against Lot 47 in
Marsh's Add., for -cutting weeds be
canceled on account of erroneous as-
sessment, would respectfully recom-
mend that the prayer of the petitioner
be granted and that the Treasurer be
instructed accordingly.
Also your Committee on Streets
would respectfully report that we have
examined the work on Pine Street,
from Twenty-fourth to Twenty-sixth
Street, the O'Farrell Contracting Com-
pany, contractors, and would recom-
mend that said work be accented and
that the City Engineer be instructed to
prepare a special assessment against
the lots or parcels of land subject to
assessment for such improvement and
file the same in the office of the City
Recorder, who will thereupon publish
the notice required by ordinance.
E. C. FRITH, Chairman,
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the re-
ports of the Street Committee. Car-
Ald. Needham. chairman cf the
Committee on Police and Light, re-
ported as follows:
Your Committee on Police and Light
would resrectfully report that we so-
licited bids for Police caps from sev-
eral of the Men's Furnishing houses
in the city and that Kaep R Dnechele
was the only firm to submit one. As
the price was considered rensonahlo
by your committee, we awarded said
firm the contract to furnish 23 cans
for the patrolmen at $1.77. each. and 2
caps for the captains at $2.50 each.
Ald. Needham moved to adopt the
report. Carried.
Ald. Lyons, chairman of the Com-
mittee on Sewers, reported as follows:
Your Committee on Sewers would
respectfully report that we have ex-
amined the sanitary sewer in 'Union
Avenue and Alta Vista Street from the
manhole at the intersection of Fnirn
Avenue and West Locust Street to
Edina Street, Tihey Bros.. contractors,
and would recommend that said sewer
be accepted and' that the City Engi-
neer be instructed to prepare a special
assessment against the lots or parcels
of land subject to assessment for such
improvement and file the same in the
office of the City Recorder who will
thereupon publish the notice provided
for by ordinance.
Also your Committee on Sewers
would respectfully report that we
have examiner the sanitary sewer in
Kniest Street, from the manhole at
the intersection of the alley between
Garfield and Rhomberg Avenues to
Garfield Avenue, the O'Farrell
Contracting Company, contractors,
and would recommend that said
sewer be accepted and that
the City Engineer be instructed
to prepare a special assessment aga'nst
lots or parcels of land subject to as-
sessment for said improvement and file
the same in the office of the City Re-
corder, who will thereupon publish the
notice provided for by ordinance.
Ald. Lyons moved to adopt the re-
Regular Session December 7, 1905. 261
ports of the Committee on Sewers.
Ald. Stumpf, chairman of the Com-
mittee on Delinquent Taxes, reported
as follows:
Your Committee on Delinquent Taxes,
to whom was referred the petition of
Mrs. Richard Collins, asking that on
account of her poverty the taxes on her
property. Lots 2S-29 in McDaniel's Park
Hill Addition, be cancelled for the year
1904, w ould recommend that the prayer
of the petitioner be granted and that
the Treasurer be instructed according-
ly. J. A. STU MPF,
Ald. Stumpf moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Jones, Chairman of the Board of
Equalization, reported as follcyws:
Your Board of Equalization, to whom
was referred the petition of G. A.
Cleaver, asking that the taxes assessed
against him for the years 1SSS to 1902
be canceled because during said years
he was merely acting as agent for an
estate, would recommend that the
prayer of the petitioner be granted pro-
vided he pay the taxes for the year
1902 and all subsequent taxes, and that
the Treasurer be instructed according-
Also your Board of Equalization, to
whom was referred the petition of A.
A. Cooper, Jr., asking that the valua-
tion on the N. 43 3-4 feet of City Lot
117 be reduced to $7,500.00 for the years
1903 and 1904. would respectfully recom-
mend that the prayer of the petitioner
be granted and that the City Treasurer
be instructed accordingly.
Chairman pro tern.
Ald. Jones moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Ald. Corrance, of the Committee of
the Whole, reported as follows:
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of
Theodore Trieloff, asking that the spec-
ial assessment levied against Lot 13
in Concord Sub. be ordered cancelled
upon the payment by him of the sum
of $18.00. would recommend that said
petition be received and filed.
Also your Committee of the Whole
would respectfully recommend, at the
request of the Water Works Trustees,
that an expert. not only as an account-
ant hut also as a practical man who
would understand the value and cost
of work. be appointed to make a thor-
ough examination of the plant and of
the books of the Trustees and report
his findings to the City Council. This
report not adopted.
Also your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the report of the
Water' Works Trustees covering the
period from June 1, 1900, to November
1, 1905, would respectfully recommend
that said r -:fort he approved, received
and filed.
Also, your C, mmittee. of the Whole,
to whom was referral the resolution of
Ald. Needham providing for the ap-
pointment of an expert accountant to
audit the books and accounts of the
Water Works Trustees, would respect-
fully recommend that said resolution
be received and filed.
Also _'our Committee of the Whole
would respectfully recommend that the
City Electrician be instructed to notify
the Town Telephone Co. to remove its
poles on Grandview avenue, opposite
the property of John Phillips, and
have the sonic set out at the curb line.
Also that he notify said company to dig
out and remove the stumps of the old
poles which are now on the line of the
sidewalk. M.\TT CT.:\NCY.
Chairm; im.
Ald. Corrance moved to adult the
reports of the Committee of the Whole.
Alderman Frith offered the fol-
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubueue. That a Avar-
rant in the sum of 5271.45 be ordered
drawn in favor of the Mayor to be by
him paid over to J. C. Collier upon the
presentation by said Collier of a
properly executed deed to the strip of
land hertofore ne 'otiated for through
Lot 10 of Mineral Lot 322 for alley pur-
On motion the resolution was adopt-
ed, and warrant to be drawn after the
deed has been filed.
Aid. Frith also offered the following
which was adopted:
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the City
Engineer be and he is hereby instruct-
ed to prepare plans and specifications
for a twenty-four inch tile pipe storm
water sewer in Twenty-second Street,
from Jackson Street to the Bee Branch
Sewer in Washington Street, and to
file said plat and specifications in the
office of the City Recorder, who will
thereupon advertise for bids for the
construction of said sewer in accord-
ance with said plans and speciflcat:ons.
Alderman Corrance offered the fol-
Whereas the contract heretofore en-
tered into by the City of Dubuque for
the improving of Grace Street as here-
inafter described has been completed
and the City Engineer has computed
that the cost and expense of said im-
provements amounts to $2,519 33-100,
Be it Resolved by the City Council
262 Regular Session December 7, 1905.
of the City of Dubuque, That to pro-
vide for the cost of improving Grace
Street from the West line of the Sub.
of Lot 7, Ann O'Hare's Sub., to East
Street, the Mayor is required to execute
and deliver to the City Recorder, to be
by him registered and countersigned,
nine Bonds of the denomination of Two
Hundred and Fifty Dollars each, and
one of the denomination of Two Hun-
dred and Sixty -Nine 33-100 Dollars,
numbered 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326,
327, 328 and 329, dated December 16th,
1905, payable on or before seven years
after the date thereof and bearing in-
terest at the rate of five per cent. per
annum, payable semi-annually.
Ald. Corrance moved to adopt the
Resolution. Carried by the following
Yeas—Ald. Corrance, Frith, Jones,
Lyons, Needham and Stumpf,
Absent—Ald. Clancy.
Aid. Jones moved to adjourn until
December 11st, 1905. Carried.
City Recorder.
Approv c/ i
!✓.... ... 190,5-
. . Mayor
Regular Session
December 21, 1905. 268
Regular Session December, "-t. 1905.
Council met at 8:15 o'clock P. M.
Mayor Berg in the chair.
Present—Aids. Corrance, Frith, Jones,
Needham and Stumpf.
Absent—Aids. Ch..ncy and Lyons.
Petition of A. L. Rhomberg for J. A.
Rhomberg Est., remonstrating against
the proposed special assessment to be
levied ag,rinst the property in Woods
and Union Additions, as represented by
him for the construction of a sanitary
sewer in Union Avenue and Alta Vista
On motion was referred to the Sewer
Committee, City Attorney and City
Petition of Dubuque Brewing and
Malting Co., et al, in relation to re-
opening of storm water sewer at in-
tersection of Eagle Point Avenue and
Kniest Street, extending northward to
Sanford Street, was on motion refer-
red to Committee on Streets.
Petition of T. J. Muigrew Co., re-
monstrating against the erection of a
frame building adjacent to packing
'house of S. D. Ryan property, was on
motion referred to the Committee of
the Whole.
Petition of Mrs. Bridget Costello.
relative to hauling the sweepings of
brick paved streets, was on motion re-
ceived and filed.
Communication of W. H. Bremmer,
City Solicitor of Des Moines, Ia., ad-
dressed to City Attorney J. W. Kint-
zinger, asking that he attend a con-
ference to be held in Des Moines, Ia.,
some time in January, 1906, for the
puropse of co-operating and helping to
revise the special assessment laws of
the State of Iowa.
Ald. Frith moved that the City At-
torney attend said conference, provid-
ing he has time, and City to defray
all expenses. Carried.
City Engineer Boyce reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen:—1 herewith submit my
pay roll for labor on streets in the dif-
ferent road districts during the first
half of December, 1905:
Amount due Laborers on streets..$408.45
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved by Committee on Streets.
Also submit my pay roll for labor on
sewers during the first half of De-
cember, 1905:
Amount due laborers on sewers ..$170.60
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved by Committee on Sewers.
Also submit my pay roll for labor
grading Mt. Carmel Avenue during
first half of December, 1905:
Amount due laborers on Mt. Car-
mel Avenue $11.75
Approved by Committee on Streets.
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Also submit my pay roll for grading
Camp Street and Queen Street Exten-
sion for the first half of December,
Amount due Laborers $92.40
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
Approved by Committee on Streets.
On motion the pay rolls on Streets,
Sewers and Mt. Carmel Avenue were
received and 'warrants ordered drawn
to pay the various amounts and the
pay rolls referred back to the proper
City Recorder Arendt presented and
read the printed notice, certified to by
the Publisher, of the Council's inten-
tion to levy a special assessment for
the construction of an 8 -inch Tile Pipe
Sanitary Sewer in Kniest Street, also
for the construction of a Sanitary
Sewer in Union Avenue.
Ald. Clancy and Ald. Lyons being ab-
sent there was not a three-fourths vote
of the Council present to adopt said
special assessment, the same were
therefore laid over until the next meet-
ing of the Council.
John W. La++•lor reported as follows:
Dubuque, Ia., Dec. 21, 1905.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: I herewith submit a
statement of the amount expended for
labor in the different wards and for
sprinkling in the different road dis-
tricts during the month of November,
First ward .
Second ward 478.50
Third ward
Fourth ward
Fifth ward
............$ 367.10
Total for labor $2,551.25
i "
Regular Session December 21, 1905.
First district
Second district
Third district
Total for sprinkling
$ 36.75
Total for labor and sprinkling.$2,659.45
Respectfully submitted,
Committee Clerk.
On motion the report was received
and filed.
The following bids were ordered op-
ened for the construction of a Storm
Water Sewer in Twenty-second street
from Jackson street to Bee Branch
Sewer in Washington Street.
Steuck & Linehan -
24 -inch tile pipe, per lineal foot$ 2.10
18 -inch tile pipe, per lineal foot1.40
12 -inch tile pipe, per lineal foot 1.00
Manholes, each 22.00
M. A. Brown -
24 -inch tile pipe, per lineal foot$ 1.85
18 -inch tile pipe, per lineal foot 1.20
12 -inch tile pipe, per lineal foot.80
Manholes, each 27.00
M. A. Brown being the lowest bidder
was on motion awarded the contract
and bond fixed at $200.00.
Ald. Frith, Chairman of the Street
Committee, reported as follows:
Your Committee on Streets would re-
spectfully report that E. Seeley, who
had the contract for sweeping the
brick paved streets, and B. Costello,
who hauled the sweepings therefrom,
were laid off on the 1st of December,
Also, your Committee on Streets
would respectfully recommend that
special quarrymen be employed in the
Fifth ward, on Hill Street and in any
other convenient locality in the city, to
get out rock for the crusher and for
hand breaking. Also that the matter
of hiring such special quarrymen be
left to the Chairman on Streets and
City Engineer.
Also, your Committee on Streets
would respectfully report that we have
examined the improvement on Pine
Street from Twenty-third Street to
Twenty-fourth Street, O'Farrell Con-
tracting Co., contractors, and would
recommend that said work be accepted
and that the City Engineer be instruct-
ed to prepare a special assessment
against the lots or parcels of land sub-
ject to assessment for said improve-
ment and file the same in the office of
the City Recorder, who will thereupon
publish the notice required by ordi-
Also, your Committee on Streets re-
spectfully reports in favor of paying
the bill of John Kuess for macadam,
amounting to $11.75.
Ald. Frith moved to adopt the var-
ious reports of the Street Committee.
Ald. Needham, of the Public Grounds
and Buildings Committee, moved that
the committee be instructed to have
all trees in Washington Park trimmed
in proper time. Carried.
Ald. Corrance, of the Committee of
the Whole, reported as folio•»•a:
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of E.
A. Engler and, J. J. Murphy, asking
that the alley between Allison Place
and College Avenue from a point about
twenty-six feet south of the south line
of Lot 10 in Finley Home Addition,
south to Allison Place, be vacated for
the purpose of changing the course of
said alley in accordance with accom-
panying plat, would recommend that
the prayer of the petitioners be granted
and that the proper proceedings be
taken to legally make the change
prayed for.
Ald, Corrance moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Also your Committee of the Whole
would respectfully recommend that the
City Attorney be instructed to prepare
and submit an opinion on the validity
of imposing a license tax on the sev-
eral telegraph and telephone companies
doing business in the City of Dubuque.
Ald. Corrance moved to adopt the re-
port. Carried.
Also your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the statement
submitted by the Water Works Trus-
tees to the City Council on December
7, 1905, would respectfully recommend
that a committee be appointed com-
posed of Ald. Corrance and Alds.-at-
large Jones and Lyons, they to have
power to call in such additional help
as they may require, for the purpose of
auditing the books of the Water Works
Ald. Corrance moved to adopt the
Ald. Needham moved a substitute
that an expert accountant be employed
to examine the books of the Water
Works Trustees and report to the
Substitute lost by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Frith and Needham.
Nays—Alds. Corrance, Jones and
Absent—Aids. Clancy and Lyons.
The original motion to adopt the re-
Regular Session December 21, 1906.
port was then carried by the following
Yeas—Aids. Corrance. Jones and
Nays—Aids. Frith and Needham.
Absent—Aids. Clancy and Lyons.
Alderman Frith offered the following,
which was adopted:
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, that In consid-
eration of the signing by John V. Rider
of the dedication to the City of Du-
buque for the extension of Fourth
Street, a part of Lots 13, 14, 17, 18 and
19 in Dubuque Harbor Improvement
Co.'s Addition to the City of Dubuque,
as shown on plot No. 0678, on file in
the office of the City Engineer, that
part of said lots not included in said
street be held exempt from special
assessment for the improvement of all
streets and alleys abutting thereon.
Approved ' ' 2••• .••.1906'
2c Mayor
Alderman Jones offered the follow-
ing, which was adopted:
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, that the Mar-
ketmaster and all other public weigh-
ers be and they are hereby instructed
to cause all dressed beef and veal
brought into the city for sale to be
weighed, and they shall receive as com-
pensation from the person or persons
having the same weighed the following
rates: For three quarters of beef or
less than three, ten cents each; for
loads of more than three, five cents
each; and for each quarter of veal, five
cents each.
Alderman Corrance offered the fol-
lowing, which was adopted:
Whereas E. A. Engler and J. J. Mur-
phy have filed their petition, asking for
the vacation of that part of the alley
between Allison Place and College Ave-
nue from a point about 26 feet south of
the south line of Lot 10 in Finley Home
Addition south to Allison Place, and
proposing in consideration of said va-
cation to deed to the City a strip 2l
feet wide through Lots 10 and 11 in
said Addition, therefore
Be it Resolved by the City Ciuncil
of the City of Dubuque, that the City
Engineer be and he and er bt i ectad
to make a survey a plat
to ofbt
part of said alley proposed
cated, tobe filed in said Engineer's of-
fice, subject to public inspection, ordi-
to give the notices required by d
nance to all the owners of property
abutting said ground proposed to be
vacated, and to publish the notice re-
quired by ordinance of said proposed
Ald. Jones moved to adjourn until
January 4th, 1906. Carried.
City Recorder.
266 List of Warrants.
List of City Warrants.
City Recorder's Office.
Dubuque, Ia., October 2nd, 1905.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: The following is a com-
plete list of warrants issued by me
during the month of September, 1905:
C.. H. Berg, salary, Mayor $116 70
H. Brinkman, salary, Treasurer133 35
J. A. McKinley, salary, Deputy
Treasurer 100
John Krayer, clerk, Treasurer's
office 60 00
Chas. F. Arendt, salary, Re-
corder 116 70
Wm. A. Kaep, salary, Deputy
Recorder SO 00
F. B. Hoffman. salary. Auditor116 70
C. B. Scherr, salary, Assessor125 00
A. Doerr. Jr., salary, Assistant
Assessor 100 CO
J. J. Murphy, salary, Assistant
Assessor 100 CO
J. W. Kintzinger, salary. Attor-
ney 150 00
J. C. Longueville, salary, Assist-
ant Attorney 75 00
Miss E. B. Rupprecht, stenogra-
nher. Leg.al Department 20 00
Thos. Reilly. salary, Chief of
Police 100 00
Jos. RPinfried, salary, Fire Chief 100 00
J. W. Lawler, salary. Committee
Clerk 100 no
Jos. Royce. salary. City Engineer 166 65
E. An,er=on, salary. Assistant
(1. W Ii te. snlnrv. Rodman
jun. (Sisk. salarv. Cnnerintendent
of street Snrinkling
E. uerron. (dery in Auditor's and
F,nv;neer's office
gym. TTinn',an. salary. Ele^trician
F. v Raves, salarv, Market -
N. c hlenheck, salary. Park Cus-
P. n...,n salarv. Park f''nstoalan
T. F"herty. salary. Park Cns-
D r. R. F. Michel, salary, Health
F. Flynn. salary. Sanitary Pa-
C. 'Baumann, salary, Poundmas-
Mrs. N. Koenig. salary. Janitress
G. N. Raymond. salary, Sidewalk
P. Holsinger, salary, Wharfmas-
M. Clancy. salarv. Alderman
H , Corrance, salary, Alderman
E. E. Frith. salary. Alderman
R. Jones, salary. Alderman
M. E. Lyons, salary, Alderman
Jos, Needham. salary. Alderman
J. A. Stumpf, salary, Alderman
100 00
50 00
60 00
75 On
83 85
on 0n
An 00
40 00
10 00
50 00
60 n0
An nn
20 00
50 00
20 0n
25 nn
95 00
25 n0
25 nn
25 00
25 OO
25 00
M. Eitel, fireman 70 00
J. Essn•en, fireman 75 00
. Ducci:ii, fireman 65 00
J. Fly!'n, lire:re n 65 00
G. 11,•vcr, liren'eii 60 15
A. Cc, -r, Ii!, ,mn CO 00
\'. IC;:nn,'lt, Iu r;en e0 00
50 00
J. ! 70 00
75 00
_ , r li •e u 65 00
P'. \1,n141y, f' r n 65 00
W. Ducey, fimnuun 60 00
\V. M.cCiaw H, 60 00
M. Kelly, liicnrui 60 Ou
J. Beekey, fire r.an 50 00
D. Ahern, fireman 70 00
fireri'n .. 60 00
T. Flynn. fire:rnn 65 00
M. Swe.ney, firenrRil 60 00
H. Cain. fireman CO 00
J. Benzer, fireman ... 60 00
J. McGloughiin, fireman CO 00
A. McDonnell, fireman 75 00
J. Murphy. fireman 50 00
H. Trent". fireman 50 00
P. Fury. Jr, fireman 65 00
G. Gherke, fireman 65 00
T. Kennedy, fireman 60 00
J. Smith, fireman 60 00
J. Keppler, fireman 50 00
N. Wagner, fireman 48 35
C. Kannolt, fireman 65 00
J. Allen, fireman 60 00
M. Fahey, fireman 60 00
W. O'Connell, fireman 60 00
R. Weston, fireman 65 00
F, Kenneally, fireman 60 00
F. McDermott, fireman 60 00
R. Kenneally, fireman 50 00
J. Roshin, fireman 65 00
F. Baumgartner, fireman ......,. 60 00
J. Schonberger, fireman 60 00
J. Tschudi, fireman 60 00
G. Burke!, police 40 00
J. Carter, police 33 00
J. Clune, police 50 00
Jno. Cody, police 51 65
W. Cook, police 62 00
W. Corcoran, police 50 00
J. P. Cummings, police 50 00
J. Fitzpatrick, police 60 00
Jas. Flynn, police 50 O(
Jno. Fox, police 50 00
Wm. Frith, police 50 00
T, Ganahl, police 5165
L. Grasse]. police 50 00
B. Gray, police 61 65
Pat Hanlon, police 51 65
E. Kahn, police 60 00
M. Kilty, police 50 00
Jno. Litscher, police 50 00
P, McCollins, police 25 00
P. McInerney, police 50 00
M. O'Connor, police 65 OC
Jno. Murphy, police 5165
Jno. Raesli, police 67 2C
Otto Rath, police .. 50 00
J. Rooney, police 50 00
Jas. Ryan, police 67 20
M. Ryan, police 50 00
P. Scharff, police 67 65
Al, Scherr, police 60 00
List of Warrants. 267
F. Spielman, police . 50 00
P. Sutton, police 35 00
Tom Sweeney, police 65 00
M. Stapleton, police 50 00
Jos. Stoltz, police 50 Of
P. Sullivan, police 51 65
Jno. L. Sullivan, police 50 OC
F. Williams, police 50 00
B. Brennan, matron 30 00
K. Hibbe, matron 30 00
P. Kenneally, special police 2 00
Labor on streets in the different Road
Districts for the last half of October,
A. Alderson, 3rd. 6 75
Rich. Burns, 1st 9 45
John Burns, 1st. 3 40
J. Brachtenbac•h, 2nd. 5 75
Paul Becker, 3rd. 13 50
D. J. Brightbill, 3rd. 13 50
W. Coughlan, 1st. 16 90
M. Cain, 1st. 12 15
J. Callaghan. 1st. ... 20 00
John Corbett. 2nd. 6 45
W. Clark, 3rd. 2 70
G. Collinson, 3rd. i0
H. Cobb. 1st, $5.65; 2nd, $9.45;
3rd, $3.80 18 90
John Duggan, 1st. 12 15
Peter Defantaine, 1st. 10 80
M. Donegan, 1st. 10 80
Thos. Donahue, 1st, $5.65; 2nd, 18 90
$9.45; 3rd, $3.80
Peter Dax, 1st, $5.65; 2nd, $9.45;
3rd, $3.80 .. . .
John Egan, 1st.
Jos. Eberhardt, 2nd.
John Ess, 2nd.
Dan Fox, 1st
Frank Frick, 2nd.
E. Fitzlaff, 1st, $7.00; 2nd, $9.00;
3rd, $4.00
H. Fleck, 1st, $26.25; 2nd, $33.75;
3rd, $15.00
N. Frith. 1st, $17.50;
3rd, $10.10
Pat Gillonn. 1st
Barney Glass. 1st
J. Gavin. 1st.
Jos. Grab. 2nd.
Jos. Guenther, 2nd.
P. Guenther, 2nd.
C. Gantenbein. 2nd.
Geo. Gau, 2nd
C. Gruenzig, 3rd
John Hafey, 1st
John Heil, 1st, $7.90; 2nd, $10.10;
3rd, $4.50
Peter Jacobs, 2nd
Aug. Jass, 2nd
Nic Kettenhofen, 2nd
John Kness, 2nd
J. Kraus, 1st, $5.65; 2nd, $9.45;
3rd, $3.80
John Lowery, 1st
M. Lavin, 1st
H. Lembke, 2nd
M. Lonergan, 1st
John Mahoney, 1st
John Mullen, 1st
A. Manderscheid, 2nd
J. Martinek, 3rd
John McNulty, 1st
2nd, $22.50:
18 90
16 90
7 45
6 75
13 50
6 10
20 00
75 00
50 00
5 20
13 95
9 25
5 75
6 75
6 75
20 00
7 80
12 15
16 90
Jas. McCarron, 1st 1 35
Jas. McAleese, 1st 11 35
J. McCormack, Health 18 90
Chas. O'Neil, 2nd, $12.60; 3rd, $6.30 18 9U
Jas. Purcell, 1st 16 30
John Parker, 3rd 10 80
W. Quinlan, 1st 5 85
Phil Reddin, 1st 2 70
James Ryan. 1st 10 50
C. Reinfrank, 2nd 3 75
Dan Sheehan, 1st 10 15
John Spear, 1st 6 00
W. Sheridan, 1st 12 30
John Sloan, 2nd 8 80
John Schroeder. 2nd 7 45
Frank Scherr, 2nd 20 00
W. Wearmouth, 3rd 20 P0
Nic Zingel. 2nd 9 15
F. G. Pecker. 1st. $1.20; 2nd,
86.05: 'bid. 89.75 17 00
John Calvert. 1st 39 95
Jos. Calvert, 1st 31 45
F. Costello. 1st. $11.15; 2nd,
$18.515: 3rd. $7.40 • 37 10
11 90
4 90
47 20
22 50
7 45
5 75
8 10
3 40
('c.nrad, 2nd
Jnhn Es -nn"', •"P(1
11. Bannon. 1' t
.1. H,i adenshield. 2nd. $28.90: 3rd,
$3.55 32 75
Peter Porch, 2nd. 12 35
M. Kenneally, 1st. 32 30
John Long, 2nd. 35 30
John Linehan. 1st, $16.05: 2nd,
$1.90; 3rd, 75c 18 70
J. J. MeCollins. 1st, $78.50: 2nd,
$6.40: 3rd. $1.80 86 70
J. McQuillan, 1st. 43 80
C. McElrath, tat. 35c; 2nd, $29.00 29 35
Frank Sienc. 3rd. 3 45
Jerry Sullivan. 1st, $2.10; 2nd;
$3.65; 3rd. $35.90 41 65
E. Seeley. 1st, $11.70: 2nd, $19.50;
3rd, 87.55 39 05
Je-rec Tobin. 3rd. 42 10
Labor grading Mt. Carmel Avenue:
11 50
1 35
12 85
12 60
2 05
5 40
17 10
7 45
11 50
25 00
7 45
10 50
Hugh Connell
Jerry Cahill
Jas. Connolly
Peter Carney
Mike Farrell
Peter Gregory
P. Kenneally
W. McDermott
James McCarron
W. O'Brien
James Powers
Nick Sweeney
James Maher, team 30 60
D. O'Meara, team 3315
Labor on Sewers for the last half
of October, 1905:
J. Corcoran
E. Daley
18 90 T. Hagerty
10 50 F. Hohnecker
12 95 Jos. Rooney
710 Con Sullivan
18 90 Pat Sage
21 00 Landon Taylor
16 65 J. Tacke
5 10 Labor on Special Sewers for the last
13 50 half of October, 1905: $ 2 65
14 85 James Cahill
$ 22 40
13 GO
25 00
13 60
22 40
25 00
22 40
20 00
13 60
List of Warrants.
Ed. Daley
F. Hohnecker
Martin Kelly
John McLaughlin
J. Tacke
F. Melloy, macadam
Aug. Sayke, macadam
Key City Gas Co., gas for various
departments .... .... ..$109 80
H. Corrance. supplies at City Hall 1 85
C. T. Bush, photos of Julien Ave-
nue 2 00
Jacciutnot & Mullen, plumbing at
City Hall 10 45
Palmer, Berg & Co., printing 500
Bonds 35 15
G. B. Grosvenor, blank stationery
and supplies 5 40
Stampfer & Jaeggi, matting for
Assessor's office 5 85
J. Prandcn. to laying matting for
As.,e.snr's office 1 30
P. Beller, horse shoeing, Road
and Fire department 5 50
F. Schloz Sr Son, repairs, Road
and Sewer departments 2 55
J. Butt, repairs, Road and Sewer
departments 3 40
Avenue Top Mining Co., rock for
Road department 1 50
H. B. McCarten, rock for Road
department .. 5 25
A. Hoerner, rock for Road de-
partment 7 20
F. G. Becker, coal for steam
roller 12 00
G. Ragatz & Son, repairs for
steam roller 3 50
P. Hanson, oil and lantern globes
for steam roller 30
Standard Oil Co., oil for steam
roller ...... 3 90
Lagen & Sloan, horse shoeing for
Fire department 10 10
Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse
shoeing for Fire department 5 35
D. J. Haas, drugs and supplies
for Fire department 25 00
G. Ragatz & Sob, repairs for Fire
department 1 00
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Fire
department 3 00
John Butt, repairs for Fire de-
partment 15 25
Keller & Matz, repairs for Fire
department 2 00
Ellwanger Bros., new blankets
and repairs for Fire department 30 20
Dubuque Oil Tank Line, oil for
Fire department .... 8 10
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary ser-
vices for Fire department 23 90
Seippel Lbr. Co., lumber for Fire
department .... 9 65
Carr, Ryder & Adams Co.,. lum-
ber for Fire department 1 95
Dubuque Wooden Ware & Lbr
Co., lumber, Fire and Sidewalk
departments ... 87 60
L. Lindenberg, hardware for Fire
department 2 35
T. F. Kane, hay and oats for
Fire department 576 70
8 00
8 80
1 75
4 40
8 80
4 40
12 00
T. J. Mulgrew, coal for Fire de-
partment 17 30-
Mettel Bros., bran for Fire de-
partment 95
F. A. Burns, coal and wood, Fire
and Pollee departments 27 10
Key City Gas Co., rental of gas
arcs for Fire department 1 00
Union Electric Co., power for Fire
alarm system 2 00
McDermott & Gow, plumbing at
Central engine house 8 55
John Newman & Son, repainting
and repairing Chief's buggy 23 50
Homan & Roehl, beds, springs
and pillows for Engine House
No. 6
Pits -Thompson Fdry Co., 3 new
stoves cast for Engine House
No. 6
Engine House No. 6
Iowa Telephone Co., telephone
service for Engine House No. 6 5 00
Key City Gas Co., Weisbach
lights andbrackets for Engine
House No. 6
F. P. Hayes, board of prisoners
for October
28 00
76 20
7 20
5 25
1 40
P. Hanson, hay for city pound 50
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary ser-
vices for Patrol team 2 75
T. Melloy, sawing wood for Po-
lice department 2 00
John Sloan, sawing wood for Ma-
trons' department 2 75
Saunders Meat Co., meat for Ma-
trons' department 1 50
Eichhorn & Bechtel, groceries for
Matrons' department ...... 1 85
Dubuque Cabinet Makers' Asso-
ciation, repairing rocker for
Matrons' department ...... 50
F. Schloz & Son, repairs in City
calaboose 1 00
H. Corrance, supplies for Sewer
department 1 10
G. Ragatz & Son, repairs for
Sewer department 50
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co,
1 pair hip boots for Sewer de-
partment .. 6 00
Keuffel & Esser Co., supplies for
Engineer's department .... .... 18 20
Globe -Journal, official printing
for October 56 22
Telegraph -Herald, official print-
ing for October 55 13
National Demokrat, official print-
ing for October 25 00
Smith -Morgan Printing Co,
weekly and monthly pamphlets 14 83
Union Electric Co., arc lights
for October 1067 35
T. E. Frith, removing garbage
and dead animals 363 48
Linehan & Molo, sewer pipe for
Special Sewer Dept. 19 80
R. McMahon, inspector on Dodge
Street sewer 3 50
Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber for
Sidewalk Dept. 25 60
A. L. Pier, 1 stone for street
crossing 1 50