Y Roll_17 Part 2206 Regular Session, July 1st, 1909 salon was, on motion of Ald. Frith, accepted with thanks. Petition of John A. Reuter et al, asking that the water mains be ex- tended in Burden Avenue from Wind- sor Avenue to the City Limits for fire protection, was, on motion of Ald. Frith, referred to the Water Works Trustees with power. Remonstrance of George Thalham- mer et al, remonstrating against the widening of the alley between Queen and Elm Streets from 24th Street northerly, was, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, referred to Ald. Frith and Ald. Haas. Petition of the Dubuque Investment Company, asking that the City Engi- neer be instructed to give them lines for a sidewalk on Milwaukee Avenue, so that they can lay a cement side- walk at once: also that the Street Commissioner be instructed to open up the curbs on all streets and al- leys that are now closed with said curbing, was, on motion of Ald. Saul. granted. Communicaton from the Telegraph - Herald, asking that the City purchase the necessary number of copies of the new ('ity Directory for use in the various departments of the City, was, on -motion of Ald Saul, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Wm. Heitzman, asking that he be granted permission to ad- dress the Council in relation to the establishing of grade line on Daven- port Street, was, on motion of Ald. Frith, granted. Mr. Heitzman then addressed the Council. On motion of Ala. Frith the City Engineer was instructed to prepare a grade on Davenport Street and sub- mit same to the Committee of the Whole. The petitions of the following re- tail liquor dealers, asking that the Council adopt resolution granting them consent to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors in the City of Du- buque, Iowa, were presented and read and were, on motion, granted. Following is the list of saloonkeep- ers filing applications for consent of the Council to conduct saloons: Chas. Hos, lot 29, Cook's Addition. Adolph Jaeggi. Harvey & Kennedy, City Lot 177. C. J. Kruse, corner Sanford and Prince St. David Lorenz. Andrew Ortscheid. Caspar and Peter Specht. John P. Schilling, northeast corner Fourth and White. 1'. M. Turpin, northeast corner Sec- ond and Main. Frank Page, City Lots 304 and 304a. Oscar E. Tschirgi, 605 Rhomberg Ave. Sic and John Willmes. S. T. Waterman, City Lot 295 or 294. A. A. Cullen, 245 and 255 Main St. Hughes & Boesen, 399 20th St. Hughes & Boesen. City Lot 177. Hughes & Boesen. Lot 5 of Busch's Subdivision of Lots 11 and 15. Hughes & I3oercn. S. _ of City Lot 300. Hughes & Boesen, 347 Eighth St. A. Leiser, City Lot 209, southeast corner Ninth and Iowa Sts. John Ryder, 323 Main St. .Anton Schmitt, 164 Sixth St. Leiser Bros., 1362 Clay St. James S. Martin. John Flynn, 209 Julien A ve. C. E. -Wales. The following resolutions were then offered: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That con- sent is hereby given Chas. Hos to sell and keep for sale intoxicating lquors, and deal therein, in the city of Du- buque, Iowa, according to law-. Adopted unanimously. Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That con- sent is hereby given Adolph Jaeggi to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. as provided by law. Adopted unanimously. Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That con- sent is hereby given Harvey and Ken- nedy, a co -partnership consisting of John Kennedy and Mort Harvey, to operate a retail liquor store within the said City of Dubuque, Dubuque Coun- ty, Iowa, in accordance with the laws of Iowa and the Ordinances of the CIty of Dubuque. Adopted unanimously. Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That con- sent is hereby given C. J. Kruse to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by law. Adopted unanimously. Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That con- sent is hereby given to David Lorenz to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by law. Adopted unanimously. Regular Session, July 1st, 1909 207 Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That con- sent is hereby given Andrew Ort- scheid to operate a retail liquor busi- ness within the said City of Dubuque, Iowa, in accordance with the laws of Iowa and the ordinances of the City of Dubuque. Adopted unanimously. Pe It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That con- sent is hereby given Caspar Specht and Peter Specht to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by law. Adopted un;cnimously. ite 11 isolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That con- sent is hereby given John P. Schilling to sell and kf elc Tor sale intoxicating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. as provided by law. Adopted unanimously. Be It Resolved by the city Council of the City of Dubuque, That con- sent is hereby given F. M. Turpin to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by law. Adopted unanimously. Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That con- sent is hereby given Frank Page to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, according to law. Adopted unanimously. Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That con- sent Is hereby given Oscar F. Tschirgi to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by law. Adopted unanimously. Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That con- sent is hereby given Willmes Bros., a co -partnership consisting of John Willmes and Nick Willmes, to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by law. Adopted unanimously. Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That con- sent is hereby given S. T. Waterman to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque Iowa, according to law. Adopted unanimously. Be It Resolved by the Members of the City Council of the City of Du- buque, That consent is hereby given A. A. Cullen to operate a wholesale and retail liquor store within the said City of Dulmeue, Iowa, in accordance with the laws of Iowa' and the ordi- nances of the city of Dubuque. ..-ldopted Ona nimously. lie Tt Resolved by the Members of the City Council of the City of Du- huiiue, That consent is hereby given to Hughes & Boesen. a co -partner- ship consisting of Frank Hughes and Nathan Boesen to operate a retail iigttor business within the City of Du- buffilii, Iowa, in accordance with the laws of Iowa and the ordinances of the City of Dubuque. Adopted unanimously. Pe It Resolved by the Members of the City ('ouneil of the City of Du- buque, That consent is hereby given to Hughes & Boesen, a co -partner- ship consisting of Frank Hughes and Nathan Boesen, to operate a retail liquor business within the said City of Dubuque, Iowa, in accordance with the laws of Iowa and the ordinances of the City of Dubuque. Adopted unanimously. De It Resolved by the Members of the city Council of the City of Du- buque, That consent is hereby given to Hughes & Roesen, a co -partner- ship consisting of. Frank Hughes and Nathan Boesen, to operate a retail and wholesale liquor business within the said City of Dubuque, Iowa, in ac- cordance with the laws of Iowa and the ordinances of the City of Du- buque. Adopted unanimously. Be It Resolved by the Members of the City Council of the City of Du- buque, That consent is hereby given to Hughes & Boesen, a co -partner- ship consisting of Frank Hughes and Nathan Boesen, to operate a retail liquor business within the said City of Dubuque, Iowa, in accordance with the laws of Iowa and the ordinances of the City of Dubuque. Adopted unanimously. Be It Resolved by the Members of the City Council of the City of Du- buque, That consent is hereby given to Hughes & Boesen, a co -partner- ship consisting of Frank Hughes and Nathan Boesen, to operate a retail liquor store within the said City of Dubuque, Iowa, in accordance with the laws of Iowa and the ordinances of the City of Dubuque. Adopted unanimously. Be It Resolved by the Members of the City Council of the City of Du- buque, That consent is hereby given to A. Leiser to operate a retail liquor business within the said City of Du- 208 Regular Session, July 1st, 1909 buque, Iowa, in accordance with the laws of Iowa and the ordinances of the City of Dubuque. Adopted unanimously. 13e It Resolved by the Members of the City Council of the City of Du- buque, That consent is hereby given to John Ryder to operate a retail and wholesale liquor business within the said City of Dubuque, Iowa, in ac- cordance \c•ith the laws of Iowa and the ordinances of the City of Du- buque. Adopted unanimously. Be It Resolved by the Members of the City Council of the City of Du- buque, That consent is hereby given Anton Schmitt to operate a whole- sale and retail liquor store within the said City of Dubuque, Iowa, in accord- ance with the laws of Iowa and the ordinances of the City of Dubuque. Adopted unanimously. Pe It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That con- sent is hereby given Leiser Bros. to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors, and deal therein in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by law. Adopted unanimously. Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That con- sent is hereby given James S. Mar- tin to sell and keep for sale intoxi- cating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as pro- vided by law. Adopted unanimously. Pe It R^solved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That consent is hereby given John Flynn to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors, and deal therein, in the city of Du- buque, Iowa, as provided by law. Adopted unanimously. 13e It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That consent is hereby given C. E. Wales to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors, and deal therein, in the city of Du- buque, Iowa, as provided by law. Adopted unanimously. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Mayor Schunk presented the sure- ty bond of the Columbia Camp, Woodmen of the World, No. 78, for $5,000.00, guaranteeing streets to be used for Street Carnival will be put back in shape; also guaranteeing the City against any damages by rea- son of accidents resulting from the Carnival. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke bond was referred to the Committee of the Whole. Mayor Schunk also presented re- ceipt of A. L. Rhomberg for $2,916.66, being for payment of first installment and interest on Eagle Point Park. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke same was received and filed. Mayor :chunk also presented con- troc t of Ne slc r & Hammel for con- structing pipe line in Park Hill Ave- nue properly signed, with opinion of City itooe,y Lyon attached. On mo- tion Frith, action of the cor was approved. City Treasurer Brinkman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: I herewith hand you statements of amounts advanced by me during the month of June, 1909, for which please order warrants drawn in my favor: Interest paid on warrants outstanding $7752.75 New York exchange .80 Redeeming city property er- roneously sold 8.33 Total $261.88 Library orders paid $458.35 Respectfully, H. BRI\KMA\, Treasurer. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke the re- port vas received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay the various amounts, and the report referred to the Committee on Finance. City Auditor Lyons reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen! Herewith find my re- port for tie month of June, 1909, showing the receipts and disburse- ments for the month: Cash on hand June 1, 1909 $162,106.37 Receipts from all sources 24,158.50 Total $1S6,264.87 DISBL'RSEMESTS. Warrants redeemed $27,072.06' Regular bond coupons re- deemed 10,331.42 Improvement bonds re- deemed 42,042.40 Water Works bonds re- deemed 25,000.00 Sidewalk certificates re- deemed 143.53 Sidewalk certificate interest redeemed 8.50 Total $104,597.91 Balance July 1st, 1909..$ 81,666.96 The above cash balance includes the improvement bond fund, im- Regular Session, July 1st, 1909 209 provement bond interest fund and li- brary fund balance. Water Works balance June 1, 1909 $ 4,782.37 Deposited with City Treas- urer, mitring \Iar 6,661.67 Total $11.444.04 Orders drawn on ('ity Treasurer during May6,291.36 Balance July 1st, 1909..$ 5,152.68 Excavation permit account: Balance June 1st, 1909 $230.00 Receipts during June 20.00 '.Total $250.00 Permits redt.i.med during June 205.00 Balance July 1st, 1909 $ 45.00 Also the following is a record of .all interest coupons and bonds and sidewalk certificates and coupons re- deemed by the City Treasurer during the past month and credited to him: Improvement bonds $42,042.40 \\ iter Works bond coupons 8,212.50 P,,;,rovement bond coupons 1,436.42 Regular bond coupons 682.50 Water Works bonds 25,000.00 Sidewalk certificates 143.50 Sidewalk certificate coupons 8.50 Total $77,525.85 Also report that there is due the city officers for the month of June, 1909. $2,814.80. Also the following list shows the appropriations and the amount of warrants drawn on each fund since the beginning of the fiscal year be- ginning March 1st, 1909, to July lst, 1909: Appropriation Expended Expense .... ...$40,000.00 $9,156.94 Road— First District .... 6,225.82 Second District .. 15,011.04 Third District ... 8,859.42 Fourth District .. 10,750.58 Fifth District ... 8,275.14 Fire .... 49,000.00 Police .... ..... 35,000.00 Sewerage .. .... 6,000.00 Printing .... ... 2,800.00 Street Lighting .. 27,000.00 Interest .... .... 40,000.00 Board of Health. 7,000.00 Grading .. ..... 4,000.00 Special Bonded Paving .. .... Special Bonded Debt and interest Mt. Carmel Ave- r.ue Grading Sidewalk Repair- ing .. . Bluff Street Ex- tension .. .... 4,000.00 4,500.00 2,500.00 1,000.00 500.00 3,591.23 6,635.88 4,131.86 3,762.93 6,167.80 11,340.11 8,900.41 1,896.97 573.65 6,212.25 3,385.95 2,315.86 825.01 240.18 ,Improvement of Windsor Ave. . 1,000.00 Bee Branch Sew- er, Third Ward 2,500.00 Bee Branch Sew- er in Washing- ton Street .. 6,000.00 3,586.85 Improvement of Grandview Ave. 3,000.00 Eagle Point Park 3,000.00 2,916.66 Judgment .. .... 2,200.00 2,133.90 Opening of Louisa Street .. ..... 1,100.00 1,100.00 Clay Street Im- provement .... 2.000.00 West Locust St. Storm Sewer .. 2,000.00 1,56 7.55 I{auffman Avenue Improvement .. 1.000.00 Thirty-second St. Storm Sewer .. 1,000.00 Heeb Street Grad- ing .... ...... 300.00 1,591.84 $297.522.00 Respectfully, M. E. LYONS, Auditor. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke the re- port ua, received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay the city officers and the report referred to the Com- mittee on Finance. Fire Chief Reinfried reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: The following is the pay roll of the Fire Department for the month of June, 1909: Amount due firemen $3,042.83 Respectfully submitted, J. 11. I.1:1 \FRIED, Chief. Approved by Committee on Fire. On motion of .\ Id. Frith the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the firemen, and the report referred back to the Committee on Fire. Chief of Police Pickley reported as fo11ows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen:. I herewith submit the police report for month of June, 1909: 27 2 Intoxication Assault Assault and Battery 2 Disorderly Conduct 3 Disturbing the Peace 3 Robbery 4 False Pretense 1 Malicious Mischief 1 Petit Larceny 4 Vagrancy 31 Total 78 Residents Arrested 19 Doors Found Open 28 Lodgers Harbored 19 210 Regular Session, July 1st, 1909 Aleuts Furnished Defective Lights Cost of Fuod Sheriff, dieting May Police Cost Collected Transfer of Prisoners 10 29 2 00 prisoners for $8.50 $14.70 1 53 4 1 Patrol Runs for Prisoners Ambulance Calls Committee Calls Miles Traveled I also beg to submit the pay roll for policemen for the month of June, 1909: Amount due policemen $2,646.80 JAMES PICIiLEY, Chief of Police. On motion of Ald. Martin the re- port and pay roll were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the policemen and the report referred to the Committee on Police. 67 City Electrician Hipman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: I herewith submit my report of defective lights for the month of June, 1909: I find from the reports of the Po- lice Department that the total hours that 29 lamps failed to burn would equal 1 lamp burning for one month, or $5.00. Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM HIPMAN, City Electrician. On motion of Ald. Martin the re- port was received and the City Auditor to be instructed to deduct from the 1Jnion Electric company's bill for the month of June, 1909, the sum of $ 5.00. City Engineer Ilg presented profiles showing proposed grades on Bennett Street, also on Louisa Street from Grace to Bennett Streets, and on mo- tion of Ald. Rand, profiles were ac- cepted and referred to the Ordinance Committee to prepare proper Ordi- nance adopting said grades. Street Commissioner Dorgan re- ported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: I herewith submit the pay roll for labor on streets in the different road districts during the last half of June, 1909: Amt. due laborers on streets.$3,341.90 Approved by Committee on Streets. Also submit the pay roll for labor on sewers during the last half of June, 1909: Amt. due laborers on sewers..$197.75 Approved by Committee on Sewers. Respectfully submitted, JOHN DORGAN, Street Commissioner. On motion of Aids. Saul and Sin - grin the pay rolls on streets and sow- ers were received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay the various amounts and the pay rolls referred back to the proper committees. Street Commissioner Dorgan also reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: I herewith submit list of macadam measured and purchased in the different Road Districts during the month, amounting to $37.97, for which please order warrants drawn. :\lso find list of macadam transferred from the First to the Second Road District, amounting to $1.54.00. Yours respectfully, JOHN DORGAN, Street Commissioner. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke the re- port of the Street Commissioner was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay for the macadam purchased, and the Auditor to be instructed to transfer cost of macadam from the First to the Second Road fund. City Recorder Linehan presented waivers of property owners on Fran- cis Street, agreeing to pay special as- sessment for constructing sanitary sewer in said street and, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, waiver was ordered received and made matter of record. Sanitary Officer Flynn presented certified copy of notice served on Mr. John Kapp, owner of Lots 209, 210 and 211 in Woodlawn Park Add., ordering him to fill up said lots and, on motion of Ald. Frith, notice was referred to the Committee of the Whole. Sidewalk Inspector Lynch presented a certified copy of notice served on Henry Schneider, ordering a cement sidewalk laid on the north side of Mertz Street, abutting on Lot 1 of 5, Geiger's Sub., and on the west side of Stafford Avenue, abutting on Lot 1 of 4, Geiger's Sub. Petition of Henry Schneider, asking that he be granted an additional sixty days to lay the sidewalk was then read and, on motion of Ald. Frith, petition was granted, provided sidewalk is com- pleted within sixty days, and notice was ordered received and filed. Sidewalk Inspector Lynch also pre- sented certified copies of notices served on S. E. Watters, Wm. Hin- trager Estate and Martin Heer, order- ing sidewalks laid on the east side of Hall Street, abutting on Lots 7 and 27, Reche's Sub No remonstrance be- ing filed and no one in the room ob- jecting to the laying of the sidewalks the notice was, on motion of Ald. Rand received and filed. Regular Session, July 1st, 1909 211 Sidewalk Inspector Lynch also pre- sented certified copy of notice served on J. J. Griggs,. Jr., agent for J. J. Griggs, ordering a sidewalk laid on south side of Grace Street, abutting on Lots 5, 6. 7 and 8. Griggs' Sub. No remonstrance being filed and no one in the room objecting to the laying of the sidewalks, the notice was or- dered received and filed. Sidewalk Tnspee•ier Lynch also pre- sented certified u 'i les of notices served on H. M. Leech, pastor of St. Mark's Lutheran Church, ordering sidewalks laid on north side of Twelfth Street, abutting on the south 51 feet of City Lot 662a. No remon- strance being flied and no one in the room objecting to the laying of said sidewalks. the notices were, on mo- tion of Ald. Rand, received and filed. Following AVeighrnasters' and Wood - measurers' reports of receipts were presented and read, and, on motion, were received and filed: Jos. Straney, First Ward scale.$ 3.60 Louisa Fitschner, West Du- buque scales 2.34 J. H. Carroll, wood measured.10 C. W. Katz, marketmaster 19.50 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. .Alderman Saul, chairman of the Committee on Streets, moved that all laborers on streets and sewers be paid on Saturday, July 3rd, instead of Tuesday, July fith. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke, chairman of the Committee of the Whole, reported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Katharine Blitsch, owner of the N. r of Lot 13 in Tivoli Add., asking that on account of her poverty, the bal- ance due on the special assessment levied against her said lot for the im- provement of Francis Street be ac- cepted without interest in full settle- ment thereof, would respectfully rec- ommend that the prayer of the peti- tioner be granted and that the City Treasurer he instructed to accept the sum of $26.67 in full settlement of said assessment. Also, your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the bill of F. D. Scharle Contractor Co. for $52.00, would respectfully recommend that said bill be received and filed. Also, your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the bill of the McCollins Express and Transfer Line for $2.00 for two loads of cinders, would respectfully recommend that said bill be received and filed. Also, your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the bill of the City Water Works for $103.45 for in- stalling one hydrant in Rhomberg Avenue at C. G. W. R. R. crossing, would respectfully recommend that said bill be paid and that a warrant in said sum be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer in settlement of the clai m. Also, your committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the hill of the O'Farrell Contracting Co. for $441.22 for final estimate on West Locust Street storm water sewer, would re- spectfully recommend that said bill be paid and that a warrant in said sum he ordered drawn on the City Treas- urer in settlement thereof. Also, your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the bill of the O'Farrell Contracting Co. for $15.00 for extra work on the West Locust Street storm water sewer, would re- spectfully recommend that said bill be paid and that a warrant in settlement thereof be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer. Also, your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the report of the session of the Board of Health of March 4th, 1909, would respectfully recommend that said report be ap- proved. Also, your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred that portion of the report of the session of the Board of Health held on June 3rd, 1909, rel- ative to the fee charged for inspection of dairy herds, would respectfully rec- ommend that the Ordinance Commit- tee and City Attorney be instructed to amend the ordinance providing for the inspection of dairy herds and subse- quent amendment thereto by striking therefrom the provision for charging a fee of twenty-five cents per head for such inspection. Also, your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the contractors be instructed to com- plete the alley between Iowa and Clay Streets from Twelfth Street north to the City Hall lot, according to the plans and specifications prepared therefor. Also, your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the contractors be instructed to com- plete the alley between Jackson and Washington Streets from Eighth to Ninth Streets according to the plans and specifications prepared therefor. Also, your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the Street Commissioner be instructed 212 Regular Session, July 1st, 1909 to take out the heavy ruck covering the gutter at the northeast corner of Dodge and South Bluff Streets and replace the same with iron plates, so as to permit a greater flow of water through said sewer. Also, your ('ommittee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that tie City Engineer be instructed to prepare plans. specifications and an es=timate of the cost thereof for re -in - forced culverts across the Outlet. Creek 1,eto k ri Jackson Street and Confer Avenue and also between Couler Avenue and Lenton Street and to submit the same to the ('ity ('nan- d] at its next session. Also. your Committee of the Whole. to whom were referred the o04(101 hon.is of ls,lward \V. Herron and Mar- tin H. Seheidecker, employes of the Water Depai tnv nt, would respectfully recommend that said bonds be ap- proved and tiled. Aiso. your Committee of the Whole N,respectfully recommend that tie. !, ,n l f Allen H. \Viedner, Deputy city --or, be approved and filed in the olio • of the City Recorder. Also, your Committee of the Whole, to whore was referred the hid of James Lee & Son for constructing re- inforced cement steps at the east en- trance 0) the city hall and making other alterations thereat according to plans and specifications prepared therefor, would respectfully recom- mend that said firm be awarded the contract at the price specified in the bid; that is, $225.00. Also, your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the profile showing a proposed grade on Stoltz Avenue from Lemon Street to the west litres of Lots 52 and 12 in Fair- mount Park, would respectfully rec- ommend that said grade be accepted and that the Ordinance Committee be instructed to prepare an ordinance properly establishing the same. Also, your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Chas. Stevenson et al, asking that Ronson Avenue he so graded as to prevent the overflow of water from ruining their property, would respect- fully recommend that the City Engi- neer be instructed to prepare a pro- file showing a grade on said avenue and also on the unnamed street abut- ting the east side of Watter's Sub. and Wooten's Add. and to submit the same to the City Council at its next regular session. Also, your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare plans for the repairing of Althauser Avenue and also to re- measure said avenue with a view of correcting any erroneous assessment, if any there be, levied for the im- provement of the same. Also that the Committee Clerk be instructed to no- tify the abutters who are protesting against said assessment of the hour the City Engineer will be on • the ground. Also, your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the resolution for the improvement of West Fourth Street from the east curb line of Al- pine Street to the west curb line of Pauline Street, would respectfully recommend that said resolution be adopted and that the date set out in said resolution for the completion of the work be changed from the 1st day of September. 1909, to the 1st day of October, 1909. Also, your Committee of the Whole. to whom was ref,-rred the petition of Rev. Harvey M. Leech, Pastor of St. Mark's Evangt tical Lutheran Church, asking that on account of it being the intention of his congregation to con•• struct a church building this fall on the corner of Locust and Twelfth Streets, the time set for the comple- tion of the laying of a sidewalk on the north side of Twelfth Street be deferred until after the huildine; is erected and that then, instead of a 12 -foot walk, as proposed in the reso- lution, he be given permission to lay a 6 -foot walk, would respectfully recommend that said petition be re- ferred to the Street Commissioner to see that said walk is put in good con- dition for the present and that the question of the width of the walk be deferred until Later. Also, your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the ordinance entitled "An ordinance granting to the Illinois Central Railroad Company, its successors and assigns, the right to lay a sidetrack commencing on its side- track now located on Cedar Street and Wall Street, across Wall Street, Cedar Street and Pine Street, and along the alley between Wall and Pine Streets, to a point connecting with the Chi- cago Great Western Railway Com- pany's track in Block Seventeen (17). and regulating the construction, use and maintenance thereof," would re- spectfully recommend that said ordi- nance be passed to its final reading and adopted. Also, your Committee of the Whole. to whom was referred the petition of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Co., asking for permission to lay a sidetrack for the use of the McFadden Coffee & Spice Co., through Regular Session, July 1st, 1909 213 the alley first east of Main Street and across First Street to City Lot 530, would respectfully recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be grant- ed and that the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney be instructed to draft an ordinance to property safe- guard the city in the laying, opera- tion and maintenance of such pro- posed sidetrack. \leo, your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Co., asking that the City Council adopt as proper ordinance granting it the right to forever main- tain, use and operate the railroad storage track is now has on the north- . erly side of ils main track across Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth :\\macs, and in the alley between Garfield Avenue and Peosta Street from S^coed to Fourth Ave- nues, and in the alley situated next southerly of Garfield Avenue from Sixth to Seventh Avenues, all in Ham's \ ldition to the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and also granting it the right to construct. and forever maintain, use and operate an addi- tional railroad track in Nineteenth Street from the westerly line of Syca- more Street to the easterly line of Ash Street in Railroad .\ddition to the City of Dubuque, Iowa, the falter trick to be one of the snap tracks of the said company, would respectfully recom- mend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the Ordinance Committee and City .Atterney be in- structed to draft an ordinance to pro- tect the City in the construction, use and operation of said storage and shop tracks along and across the streets and avenues above named. Also, your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, asking that Twentieth Street from the westerly line of Marsh Street to the westerly line of Hickory Street, Marsh Street from the northerly line of Nineteenth Street to Twentieth Street and the alley from Nineteenth Street to Twentieth Street through Block Twnty-one (21) in Railroad Addition, be vacated and annulled and the permanent use thereof granted to the petitioner, and stating that it is the owner of all the property abutting on said parts of streets and alley ask- ed to be so vacated and further that the said parts of streets and alley are not necessary for public streets, and also submitting an ordinance for the vacation of said parts of streets and alley, would respectfully recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that said ordinance be adopted. JOHN O'ROURKE, Chairman. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the various reports of the Commit- tee of the Whole. Ald. Frith moved that all the re- ports of the Committee of the Whole and ordinances of the C., M. & St. P. R. R. Co. be referred to the City At- torney to safeguard the ('its and to report to the Council at its next ses- sion. Ald. O'Rourke moved as an amend- ment that all the reports of the Com- mittee of the. Whole be adopted ex- cept the one in reference to the va- cation of certain streets ;,n,l alleys in Railroad Addition to the ('., M. & St. P. R. R. Co. and that that report and ordinance be referred to the City attorney to prepare an Ordinance to safeguard the City and to report to the Council at its next session. Ain endment carried. Ald. O'Rourke, chairman of the Committee of the Whole, also reported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole, to whom were referred the petitions of Geo. Schurnaker and E. Yunkers, ask- ing that they be granted consent to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors at the southwest corner of Washington and Nineteenth Streets, at the southwest corner of Seventeenth and Elm Streets, at 1689 Elm Street, at 605 Rhomberg Avenue and at 797 Lincoln Avenue in the City of Du- buque, Towa, and to cause the neces- sary resolutions to be adopted, would respectfully report that on account of the locations named being the same in both petitions, we refer the matter to the City Attorney for his opinion as to the legality of granting consent; his written opinion, which is hereto attached and made a part of this re- port, being in favor of the petitioners, we would respectfully recommend that the prayer of their petitions be grant- ed. JOHN O'ROURKE, Chairman. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the report of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. The following resolutions were then offered: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That con- sent is hereby given Edward Yunker to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, according to law. Adopted unanimously. Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That con- sent is hereby given George Schu- macher to sell and keep for sale in- toxicating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, accord- ing to law. Adopted unanimously. 214 Regular Session, July 1st, 1909 Ald. Martin, chairman of the Com- mittee nn Ordinances, presented and read an Ordinance establishing a grade on Stoltz Avenue from Lemon Street to the west lot line of Lots 12 and 52 in Fairmount Park Add., and moved that the reading Just had be considered its first reading. Carried. Ald. Martin moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of read- ing the Ordinance by its title for the second reading. Carried by the following vote: leas—.\lds. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke. Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Aid. Martin then moved that the Ordinance he now adopted as read. Carried by the following vote: leas—.lid. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. The Ordinance follows: OFFICIAL PTmLICATION. 1N ORDIN.INCE. AN ORDINANCE establishing a grade on Stoltz .Avenue from Lemon Street to the west lot line of Lots 12 and 52 in Fairmont Park in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That a grade on Stoltz Avenue from Lemon Street to the west lines of Lots 52 and 12 in Fairmount Park. in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, be and the same is hereby established and adopted as shown by the profile of said street and grade prepared by the City Engineer and accepted by the City Council on the 1st day of July, 1909, being Profile No. 670 and mark- ed "Grade and Profile of Stoltz Ave- nue from Lemon Street to west lot line of Lots 52 and 12 in Fairmount Park, bench mark, Heim's door sill, elevation 49.19." Said grade be- ginning at the west curb line of Lemon Street, which is station 0, elevation 50.62; thence to station 0+50, eleva- tion 53.70; thence to station 1, eleva- tion 56.77; thence to station 1+50, elevation 59.85; thence to station 2, elevation 62.92; thence to station 2-1.25, elevation 64.46; thence to sta- tion 2+40, elevation 65.38; thence to station 2+50, elevation 66.00; thence to station 3, elevation 70.50; thence to station 3+30, elevation 73.20; thence to station 3+50, elevation 75.00. Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuue Telegraph -Herald and Times- Jcurnal newspapers. Adopted , 1909. Approved , 1909. Attest: Mayor. City Recorder. lel. Martin, chairman of the Com- mittee on Ordinances, presented and read an Ordinance granting to the Illinois Central Railroad Company, its successors and assigns, the right to lay a sidetrack connecting at a point on its sidetrack now located on Cedar Street, and along the alley between Rall and Pine Streets, to a point con- necting with the Chicago Great West- ern Railway Company's tracks in Block Seventeen (1 7 ), :uid regulating the construction, use and maintenance thereof, and moved that the Ordinance be now adopted as read, Ordinance having been read for the first time at session of City Council held April 26th, 1909. Carrir , li , following vote: Ye:is .\MFrith, Haas, Martin, O'Rn ,rl: Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nei,; None. Thi e finance follows: AN ORDINANCE. 1:\ ORDINANCE granting to the I11i- nois Central Railroad Company, its successors and assigns, the right to lay a sidetrack commencing at a point on its sidetrack now located cn Cedar Street and Wall Street, across Wall Street. Cedar Street and Pine Street and along the alley be- tween Wall and Pine Streets, to a point connecting with the Chicago Great Western Railway Company's tracks in Block Seventeen (17), and regulating the construction, use and maintenance thereof. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. that permission be and the same is hereby granted to the I1- linois Central Railroad Company, its successors and assigns, to lay down, operate and maintain a sidetrack, commencing at a point on its side- track now located on the west side of Cedar Street and on the south side of Wall Street, and west of its main line track,thence northeasterly across Wall Street, Cedar Street and Pine Street, and over, along and across the alley running east and west between Wall Street and Pine Street, to a point con- necting said track with the Chicago Great Western Railway Company's track in Block Seventeen (17) in said City of Dubuque, as indicated by the colored route shown on plat on file in the office of the City Recorder of said City, a copy of which plat is here- to attached, marked Exhibit 'A'," and made a part of this Ordinance. Sec. 2. That the laying down of said sidewalk shall be done under the supervision of the City Engineer and the Committee on Streets of said City. Sec. 3. That in the laying down and operation of said sidetrack, the same shall be so constructed and maintained as to create the least pos- sible obstruction to the ordinary travel Regular Session, July 1st, 1909 21.5 and use of the streets and alleys crossed or occupied by said sidetrack. That cars shall not be allowed to stand at intersections of streets or alleys, and said sidetrack shall at all times be used in accordance with all lawful regulations now or hereafter enacted by said City. Sec. 4. That said sidetrack shall be laid to th.. established grade of the streets and alleys on which it runs, and should the grade be changed at any time. the said sidetrack shall be so changed as to conform to such change of grade, at the expense of the said railroad company. without claim for damage against said City because of such change. Sec. 5. That said railroad company shall keep the space between the rails of said sidetrack, and the space to the end of the ties, so graded that car- riages may easily pass over the same, and at all intersections of streets, al- leys, or at other places, it shall keep such spaces properly planked, macad- amized, or paved, as the City Council of said City may deem necessary and direct, and it shall keep all approaches to said sidetrack, at traveled intersec- tions with streets and alleys, in suit- able condition to enable vehicles easily to cross the same. Sec. 6. Said sidetrack shall be so constructed and maintained as not to dam up or obstruct the flow and drainage of water in the gutters of streets and on the surface of streets and alleys intersecting or occupied by said sidetrack; that said railroad com- pany shall be subject to and strictly comply with all reasonable police regulations which said City may es- tablish in relation to the running of trains on said track. Sec. 7. That the said Illinois Cen- tral Railroad Company shall switch the cars of all other railroad compa- nies owning and operating railway lines in the City of Dubuque over said sidetrack, at a charge not to exceed fifty (50) cents for each empty car, and not to exceed two (2) dollars per loaded car. Sec. 8. That the City of Dubuque reserves the right to revoke the privi- lege hereby granted at any time after five (5) years from the date hereof. Sec. 9. That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph -Her- ald and in the Dubuque Times -Jour- nal, official newspapers of said City, and after written acceptance thereof on the part of said Illinois Central Railroad Company, duly indorsed hereon. Adopted , 1909. Approved , 1909. Attest: Mayor. City Recorder. The provisions and terms of the foregoing Ordinance• are hereby ac- cepted, this --day of , 1909 Ald. Land, chairman Of the Com- mittee on Claims, reported as follows: To the Ilonerable Mayor and City Council or the City of Dubuque. Gentlemen: Al the October Term, 1907, ,f the :District Ceurt of' Dubuque County, Iowa, Jeremiah Hallahan in- stituted an action against the City of Dubuque, claiming_ the sum of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00) as dam- ages for personal injuries sustained by him in being thrown from a wagon on which he was riding and which wagon broke through the surface of a defective street in the City, to -wit: Windsor Avenue, which occurred on the 19th of April, 1907. The plaintiff in said action, through his attorneys have made a proposi- tion of settlement in the sum of Sev- enty-five Dollars ($75.00) and, believ- ing said settlement to be advantageous and in the interests of said City, your Committee on Claims would therefore recommend that said offer be accepted and the City Attorney authorized to enter into a stipulation of settlement for that sum with costs, amounting to $13.60. January 7th, 1907. D. Ati. RAND. JAMES SAUL. D. J. HAAS. Ald. Rand moved that report be adopted and the recommendation of the Committee on Claims be approved and warrants ordered drawn in favor of the Mayor to effect settlement of claim and costs. Carried. Mayor Schunk, chairman of Special Committee to audit report of the Du- buque Bridge Co., reported as follows: Your Special Committee, designated by Ordinance to audit the annual re- port of the Dubuque Bridge Co. for the fiscal year ending April 30, 1909, would respectfully report that we per- formed that duty and find the same to be correct. As the City Attorney has given an opinion stating that it was illegal to exempt property from taxation except in such cases as are specifically men- tioned in the Code of Iowa, we would respectfully report back the petition for exemption accompanying the an- nual report without recommendation. H. A. SCHUNK, Mayor. M. E. LYONS, Auditor. J. T. KELLY, Assessor. On motion the report of the Special Committee was referred to the Com- mittee of the Whole. City Engineer Ilg reported on the total estimates on bids for sewers and street improvements, as follows: 216 Regular Session, July lst, 1909 Server in Francis and Hart Streets: 50 McNear & Pickley O'Farrell Contracting Co 603.30 603.30 Street & Steuck 579.60 Thomas L. Jess On motion of Ald. Frith the con- tract for constructing sewer in Hart and Francis Streets was awarded to Thomas L. Jess and his bond placed at $150.00. For the improvement of Stoltz Ave- nue: Eagle Point Lime Works $1,861.75 O'Farrell Contracting Co.... 1,763.50 Eisbach & Andre 1,664.90 Wilmer Cook 1 448.50 On motion of Ald. O'Rourke con- tract for improving Stoltz Avenue was awarded to Wilmer Cook and his bond placed at $500.00. For the improvement of West Lo- cust Street: Eagle Point Lime Works $7,410.00 O'Farrell Contracting Co5.745.00 James Lee & Son 5 653.00 On notion of Ald. O'Rourke the contract for the improvement of West Locust Street was awarded to James Lee & Son. subject to the Mayor and Ald. Rand procuring the proper waivers, and the bond placed at $1,500.0(1. For the improvement of Julien Ave- nue: O'Farrell Contracting Co., brick gut- tering, per square yard, $1.65; new curbing, per lineal foot set, 60c; re- setting old curb, per lineal foot, 20c. Eagle Point Lime Works, brick gut- tering, per lineal foot, $1.54. Ald. O'Rourke moved that all bids for the improvement of Julien Avenue be rejected and Recorder to readver- tise for bids for improvement of Julien Avenue. Carried. Ald. Saul was excused at 11.10 p. m. RESOLUTIONS AND MOTIONS. Alderman O'Rourke offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That West Fourth Street from the east curb line of Alpine Street to the west curb line of Paulina Street be improved by grading, curbing, guttering and ma- cadamizing the same in accordance with the plans and specifications for such improvement prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and be it further Resolved, That said improvement shall be completed on or before the 1st day of October, 1909, and shall be paid for in the manner prescribed by Chapter XXXII of the Revised Ordi- nances of the City of Dubuque for the payment of the cost of street im- provements. The proposals for doing said work shall be acted upon by the Council. on the 3rd day of Tune, 1909, and the City Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication asking for proposals as provided by ordinance. Ald. O'itourke moved the adoption of the reselutien. Carried by the following vote: yeas—.\Ids. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'it'urke, 1La1U1 and Singrin. Nays-- None. .-\hscul---_\l i. Saul. Alderman O'Rourke also offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Julien Avenue from the west side of Illuff Street to the east curb lines of Alta Vista Street be improved by curbing and resetting curb wherever neces- sary and constructing a brick gutter on both sides of said street, in accord- ance with the plans and specifications for such improvement prepared by the City Engineer and now on rile in the office of the City Recorder, and be it further Resolved, That said improvement shall be completed on or before the 1st day of October, 1909, and shall be paid for in the manner prescribed by Chapter XXXII of the Revised Ordi- nance of the City of Dubuque for the payment of the cost of street improve- ments. The proposals for doing said work shall be acted upon by the Council en the 15th of July, 1909, and the City Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication asking for proposals as provided by ordi- nance. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Ald. Saul. Ald. Frith presented resolutions for the improvement of Windsor Avenue and on motion resolutions were re- ferred to the Committee of the Whole. Ald. Haas moved that the Aldermen of the Second and Fifth Wards be authorized to make arrangements with the Union Electric Company for the improvement of Alpine Street and Eagle Point Avenue. Carried. Ald. Frith moved that the matter of stone on Alpine Street be left to the Alderman of the Second Ward and Street Commissioner with power. Carried. Adjourned Regular Session, July 6th, 1909 21' .AId. Baas stated that the City En- gineer needed an assistant in his of- fice and moved that Joseph Straub be placed on the pay roll as assistant to City Engineer at a salary of $60.00 per month. Ald. O'Rourke moved as an amend- ment that the salary of Joseph Straub he referred to the Committee ,of the Whole. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke stated that residents of West Seventh Street and Needham Place were anxious to have sewer con- structed at once and moved that the City Engineer be instructed to report to the Council at their next session on matter of the proposed sewer in said Streets. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke moved that the mat- ter of sewer in the alley between Rhomberg and Garfield Avenues and Fengler and Middle Avenues be re- ferred to the City Attorney to look up, as the City's rights and report to the Committee of the Whole. Ald. O'Rourke moved that the mat- ter of catching and disposing of un- licensed clogs be referred to the Com- mittee on Police and Light to formu- late some plan and to report same to the Committee of the Whole. Ald. Martin moved that the City En- gineer be instructed to give the prop- erty owners on both sides of Grand- view Avenue south of South Dodge Street for a distance of about 1.000 feet the grade and curb line, so that they can lay permanent sidewalks on said street. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke moved that when the Council adjourn they adjourn to meet Tuesday evening, July 6th, 1909. Car- ried. Ald. O'Rourke moved to adjourn to Tuesday evening, July 6, 1909. Car- ried. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. Approved .G ' 1-4-1•1 141" 1909 Attest: Lillayor .. Recorder CITY COUNCIL Adpourned Regular Session, July 6th, 1909. Council met at 9:10 p. m. Mayor Schunk in the chair. Present --rids. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'R.ourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Absent—None. Mayor Schunk stated that the meeting was an adjourned. meeting of the regular session of July 1st 1909, and was called to take up and consid- er all matters which may properly come before a regular session of the City Council. I'ETITIOXS AND COMMUNICA- TIONS. O.M l NICA- TIONS. Petition of John W. Crisford et al asking that sanitary sewer be con- structed in Glen Oak Avenue abutting their property so that they can con- nect their property with same was on motion of Ald. O'Rourke granted and the proper resolutions ordered drawn. Petition of A. Siegel asking that he he granted the use of river front at the foot of 3rd Street, beginning at the north point of the harbor and ex - ten -ling about one hundred and fifty feet north to he used for bath house purposes and to give instructions in the art of swimming was on motion of AId. Rand referred to the commit- tee of the whole to view the grounds and Mr. Siegel to be notified to be on the grounds. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Martin, chairman of the Com- mittee on Ordinance, presented and read an Ordinance granting to the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company permission to con- struct, maintain, use and operate a side track in the alley first east of South Main Street and across First Street in the City of Dubuque and reg- ulating the construction, use and maintenance thereof, and moved that the reading just had be considered its first reading. Carried. Ald. Martin moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of read- ing the Ordinance by its title for the second time. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Ald. Martin moved that the Ordi- nance be now adopted as read. Carried by the following vote: 218 Adjourned Regular Session, July 6th, 1909 Yeas --Aids. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays ---N one. The Ordinance follows: AN oltL1NANCE. AN OltDIN.\NC1; granting to the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail- way Company permission to construct, maintain, use and operate a sidetrack in the alley first east of South Main Street and across First street in he City of Dubuque, and regulating the construction use a nd maintenance thereof. lie it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That permission be and the same is hereby granted to the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail- way Company, its successors and as- signs. to lay down, operate and main- tain a sidetrack in the City of Du- buque, commencing at a point in the alley first easterly of South Main Street One Hundred and Thirty-seven (187) feet southerly from the south line of First Street and extending from said point northerly along said alley to First Street thence across First Street to Lot Five Hundred and Thirty (530). Section 2. That the laying down of said sidetrack shall be done under the supervision of the City Engineer and the Committee on Streets of said City. Section 3. That in the laying down and operation of said sidetrack, the same shall be so constructed and maintained as to create the least pos- sible obstruction to the ordinary travel and use of the streets and al- leys crossed or occupied by said side- track. That cars shall not be allow- ed to stand at intersections of streets or alleys and said sidetrack shall at alltimes be used in accordance with all lawful regulations now or here- after enacted by said City. Section 4. That said sidetrack shall be laid to the established grade of the streets and alleys on which it runs, and should the grade be changed at any time, the said sidetrack shall be so changed as to conform to such change of grade at the expense of said railroad company, without claim for damage against said City because of such change. Section 5. That said railroad com- pany shall keep the space between the rails of said sidetrack and the space to the end of the ties so graded that carriages may easily pass over the same, and at all intersections of streets, alleys or at other places it shall keep such spaces properly planked, macadamized or paved, as the City Council of said City may deem necessarry and direct, and it shall keep all approaches to said side- track at traveled intersections with streets and alleys in suitable condition to enable vehicles easily to cross the saITIS ece tion 6. Said sidetrack shall be so constructed and maintained as not to clam up or obstruct the flow and drainage of water in the gutters of streets and on the surface of streets and alleys intersecting or occupied by said sidetrack; that said railway company :;hall be subject to and strictly comply with all reasonable police regulations which said City may establish in relation to the running of trains on said sidetrack. Section 7. That the said railway company shall switch the cars of all ether railroad companies owning and operating railway lines in the ('ity of Dubuque over said sidetrack at a charge not to exceed fifty cents for each empty car and not to exceed two dollars per loaded ear. - Section 8. That the City of Dubuque reserves the right to revoke the priv- ilege hereby granted at any time after five years from the date thereof. Section 9. That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph - 'Herald and the Dubuque Times -Jour- nal, official newspapers of said City, and after written acceptance thereof on the part of said Chicago. Mil- waukee & St. Paul Railway Company, duly endorsed hereon. Adopted , 1909. Approved , 1909. Attest: Mayor. City Recorder. The provisions and terms of the foregoing ordinance are hereby ac- cepted this day of 1909. By Ald. Martin, chairman of the Com- mittee on Ordinances, also presented arid read an Ordinance establishing a grade on Louisa Street from the south lot line of Grace Street to the North lot line of Bennett Street and moved that the reading just had be consider- ed its first reading. Carried. Ald. Martin then moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose. of reading the Ordinance by its title for the second reading. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Ald. Martin moved that the Ordi- nance be now adopted as read. Adjourned Regular Session, July 6th, 1909 219 Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith, I-Iaas, Martin; O'Rourke. Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. The Ordinance follows: AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE establishing' a. grade on Louisa Street from the south lot line of Grace Stre.•t to the north lot line of Bennett street, in the City of Dubuque, Io\ca. Pc it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That a grade on Louisa Street from the south lot line of Grace Street to the north lot line of Bennett Street in the city of Dubuque. Iowa, be and he sante is lu•reby established and adopted as shutvn by the profile of said street and grade prepared by the City- Engineer and accepted by the City Council on the 1st day of July, 1909, being profile No. 671 ana marked Grade and Profile of Louisa Street, bench marks, lower step Mes- serschmidt's porch, elevation 298.35 and n. w. curb Louisa and Grace Sts., elevation 301.36." Said grade be- ginning at the south lot line of Grace Street which is station 0, elevation 301.27; thence to station 0+8, eleva- tion 301.27, thence to station 1+85, elevation 299.00; thence to station 2+76.5, elevation 295.00. Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Du- buque Telegraph -Herald and Times - Journal newspapers. Adopted 1909. Approved , 1909. Attest: City Recorder. Ald O'Rourke, chairman of the Committee of the Whole, reported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the preliminary resolutions for the brick -paving of Windsor avenue from end of the pres- ent improvement northerly for a dis- tance of one hundred and forty feet, would respectfully recommend that said resolutions be amended so as to provide that said improvement be carried three hundred and twenty feet from the end of the present improve- ment and that the resolutions so amended be adopted. JOHN O'ROURKE, Chairman. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the report of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. RESOLUTIONS AND MOTIONS. Alderman Frills off.rcd the follow- ing: it Resolved by the City Council of Dubuque, That it is de rm d neces- sary and advisable to improve Wind - :or Avenue from the end of the pres- ent improvement, northerly for a dis- tance of about three hundred and twenty feet and it is hereby proposed to grade to sub -grade, curb wherever necessary and brick pave said portion of said street on a macadam founda- tion and to assess the cost of said grading, curbing, brick -paving and macadam foundation against the abutting property. Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith, Haas, Martin, O Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays --None. Ali. Frith also offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directect to prepare a plat showing generally the location, nature and extent of the proposed improvement on Windsor Avenue from the end of the present improvement northerly to a point at about three hundred and twenty feet therefrom and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such improvement, and the amount assessable upon any rail- way or street railway company, the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost there- of and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City Re- corder; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office the City Recorder shall publish in three consecutive issues of a newspaper published in this city, a notice stat- ing that such plat and estimates are on file, the location and nature of the improvement, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fix- ed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of such notice, and after such publication shall have been made the City Recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Coun- cil, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: 220 Adjourned Regular Session, July 6th, 1909 yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Alderman O'Rourke offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to construct a sanitary sewer in Glen Oak .\venue and it is hereby propos- ed to (' nstruct such sewer as follows, to -wit: ) n eight inch tile pipe sewer from Julien Avenue to West Third Street and to assess the cost of said sewer against the abutting property. Ald O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the folowing vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin. O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays --None. Alderman O'Rourke also offered the following: Pe it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat and specifications for an eight inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Glen Oak Avenue from Jul- ien Avenue to West Third Street showing the locations and general na- ture of such improvement, the extent thereof the size and kind of material to he used, and to prepare an estimate cf the cost thereof and the amount as- sessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting thereon per front feet or square feet in area, and to file such plat, specifications and estimate in the office of City Re- corder. That after such plat is so filed, the City Recorder shall cause to be pub- lished notice of the intention of the Council to make such improvement, which notice shall be published in three consecutive issues of the official paper of the City of Dubuque, stating that such plat is on file, and general- ly the nature of the sewer, its loca- tion size and kinds of material to be used, and the estimate of its cost, and fixing the time before which objec- tions can be filed, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of said notice, and af- ter the completion of the publication of such notice, he shall at its next session, notify the Council thereof in writing with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Ald. Saul offered the following: Whereas it is deemed necessary and expedient to improve the South side of Rush Street between South Dodge Strcet and Holly Street in front of and abutting the premises hereinafter de- scribed by laying down a permanent sidewalk thereon: Composed of ce- ment material four feet wide. Therefore be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque; That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, na- ture and extent of the proposed im- provement on the South side of Rush Street between South Dodge and Hol- ly Streets and in front of and abutt- ing lots 154-155-156 Union Add. and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereot and the amount and cost of such im- provement, and the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount as- sessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City Recorder; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the City Recorder shall notify said abutting and adjacent property owners, as provided by Ordinance, that such plat and estimate are on file, the location and nature of the improvement, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time- before which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fix- ed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five (5) days after the service of such notice, and after such service shall have been made the City Recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council in writing, with a copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Ald. Saul also offered the following: Whereas it is deemed necessary and expedient to improve the West side of Southern Avenue between Dodge Street and Rail Road Avenue in front of and abutting the premises hereinafter described by laying down a permanent sidewalk thereon: Com- posed of cement material five feet wide Therefore be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque; That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, na- ture and extent of the proposed im- provement on the West side of South- ern Avenue between Dodge Street and Railroad Avenue and in front of and Adjourned Regular Session, July 6th, 1909 221 abutting lot 2 of 229 Union Add. and Lots 3 and 4 Stout's Add. and the 1:ind of material to be used, and an esti- mate of the entire cost thereof and the amount and cost of such improve- ment, and the amount and cost there- of, to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assessa- ble upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such im- provement per front foot and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City Recorder; that after the riling of said plat and estimate in his office, the City Recorder shall notify said abutting and adjacent property owners, as provided by Ordinance, that such plat and estimate are on file, the location and nature of the improvement, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can be filed. :ind the time fix- ed for hearing, which time shall not be less than live (5) days after the service of such notice, and after such service shall ha'•e been made, the City Recorder shall. At the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, I-Iaas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Ald. Saul also offered the following: Whereas it is deemed necessary and expedient to improve the South side of Cleveland Avenue between Moun- tain Lane and Union Streets in front Of and abutting the premises herein- after described by laying down a permanent sidewalk thereon: Com- posed of Cement material four feet wide, Therefore be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, na- ture and extent of the proposed im- provement on the South side of Cleve- land Avenue between Mountain Lane and Union Streets and in front of and abutting lot West 1-2 of Lot 106 Un- ion Add., and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof and the amount and cost of such improvement, and the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the City, if any, and the . cost thereof and amount assessable upon each lot of parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City Recorder; that after the filing of said plat and esti- mate in his office, the City Recorder shall notify said abutting and adjacent property owners, as provided by Or- dinance, that such plat and estimate are on file, the location and nature of the improvement, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can he filed, and the time. fix- ed for Bearing, which time shall not be I^ss than live (5) days after the service of such notice, and after such service shall have been made, the City Recorder shall, :it the next regular session of the city Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a copy of such notice accompanying the same. All. Saul moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alda Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke. Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Vlel. :::cul also offere't the following: \V"herea:; it is deemed necessary and expedi,•nt to improve the West side of Locust Street between First Street and Sequel Street in front Of and abutting the premises hereinaf- ter described by laying down a per- manent sidewalk thereon: Composed of cement material 12 feet wide. Therefore be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque; That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, nature and extent of the proposed improve- ment on the West side of Locust Street between First and Second Streets and in front of and abutting lot South 1-2 of City Lot 118 and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof and the amount and cost of such im- provement, and the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the City, if any, and the cost thereof and amount as- sessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City Recorder; that ofter the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the City Recorder shall no- tify said abutting and adjacent prop- erty owners, as provided by Ordinance that such plat and estimate are on file, the location and nature of the im- provement, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can he filed and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five (5) days after the service of such notice, and after such service shall have been made. the City Recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council, 222 Adjourned Regular Session, July 6th, 1909 notify the Council thereof in writing, with a copy of such notice accom- panying the same. Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith, Haas, Martln, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Ald. O'Rourke offered the follow- ing: Whereas it is deemed necessary and expedient to improve the South side of West Fifth Street between John Street and Gilmore Place in front of and abutting the premises hereinafter described by laying down a permanent sidewalk thereon: Com- posed of cement material 4 feet wide. Therefore be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque; That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, na- ture and extent of the proposed im- provement on the South side of West Fifth Street between John Street and Gilmore Place and in front of and abutting lot 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21 of Sub iv. of City Lots 691, 700 and 721, and the kind of material to be used, and an esti- mate of the entire cost thereof and the amount and cost of such improve- ment and the amount and cost there- of, to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assessa- ble upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such im- provement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City Recorder; that after the fil- ing of said plat and estimate in his office. the City Recorder shall notify said abutting and adjacent property owners, as provided by Ordinance, that such plat and estimate are on file, the location and nature of the im- provement kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fix- ed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five (5) days after the service of such notice, and after such service shall have been made, the City Recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing with a copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Ald. Rand offered the following: Whereas it is deemed necessary and expedient to improve the North side of Grace Street between Grand- view Avenue and Louisa Street in front of and abutting the premises hereinafter described by laying down a permanent sidewalk thereon: Com- posed of cement material four feet wide, Therefore be It Resolved by th, City Council of the City of Dubuque; That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat. showing generally the location, na- ture and extent of the proposed im- provement on the North side of Grace Street between Grandview Avenue and Louisa Streets, and in front of and abutting lots 1 of 21 2 of 21, 1 of 22 and Lots 23, 24, 25, 2;. 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 and 31 Reche's Sub., and the kind of mater- ial to be used and an estimate of the entire cost thereof and the amount and cost of such improvement, and the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the City, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to of abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City Recorder; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the City Recorder shall notify said abutting and adjacent property own- ers, as provided by Ordinance, thio_ such plat and estimate are on file, the location and nature of the improve- ment, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto car. be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five (5) days after the service of such notice, and after such service shall have been made, the City Re- corder shall, at the next regular ses- sion of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing ,with a copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. Rand moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Ald. Rand also offered the follow- ing: Whereas it is deemed necessary and expedient to improve the South side of Grace Street between Grand- view Avenue and Louisa Street in front of and abutting the premises hereinafter described by laying down a permanent sidewalk thereon: Com- posed of cement material four feet wide, Therefore be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque; 1 1 Adjourned Regular Session, July 6th, 1909 223 That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, na- ture and extent of the proposed im- provement on the South side of Grace Street between Grandview Avenue and Louisa Street, and in front of and abutting lot 5 of Hodges Sub., and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof and the amount and cost of such im- provement and the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the City, if any, and the cost thereof and amount as- sessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City Recorder; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in the office, the City Recorder shall no- tify said abutting and adjacent prop- erty owners, as provided by Ordinance, that such plat and estimate are on file, the location and nature of the improvement kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fix- ed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five (5) days after the service of such notice, and after such service shall have been made, the City Recorder shall, at the next regu- lar session of the City Council, noti- fy the Council thereof in writing with a copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. Rand moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Ald. Rand also offered the follow- ing: Whereas it is deemed necessary and expedient to improve the East side of Walnut Street between West Eleventh Street and Chestnut Street in front of and abutting the premises hereinafer described by laying down a permanent sidewalk thereon: Com- posed of cement material four feet wide, Therefore he it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque; That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, na- ture and extent of the proposed im- provement on the East side of Wal - nue Street between West Eleventh and Chestnut Streets and in front of and abutting lots 4 and 5 Hethering- ton's Sub. and Lots 778 and 779 A. McDaniel's Sub., and the kind of ma- terial to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof and the amount and cost of such improvement, and the amount and cost therof, to be paid by the City, if any, and the cost there- of and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to tile such plat and estimate in the office of the City Re- corder; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the City Recorder shall notify said abut- ting and adjacent property owners, as provided by Ordinance, that such plat and estimate are on file, the lo- cation and nature of the improvement, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time be- fore which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which tine shall not be less than five (5) days after the service of such no- tice, and after such service shall have been made, the City Recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. Rand moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Ald. Rand also offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque Iowa: That a permanent sidewalk of the width of four feet he and the same is hereby ordered to be laid on the South side of Grace Street between Grandview Avenue and Louisa Streets and in front of the following describ- ed premises: Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8 Griggs Sub. Such sidewalk to be constructed of materials and in the manner as fol- lows, to -wit: Eight inches of cinders, three inches of concrete and one inch of cement wearing surface. Said sidewalk to be completed on or be- fore the 1st day of September, 1909, and the cost of the same to be taxed against said premises and collected in the manner prescribed by law. Be it Further Resolved, That said property owner be and is authorized to construct said sidewalk at his own expense, provided he begins work thereon within ten days after bring notified by the City Recorder of the passage of this resolution by the City Council, and completes the same with- in thirty days thereafter. Be it Further Resolved, That if said work is not commenced within the time named in said notice that the City Recorder be and is hereby or- dered to give ten days notice by two publications asking for proposals for the doing of said work under contract with the City. The proposals for the doing of said work shall be acted up- on by the City Council on the 5th day 224 Adjourned Regular Session, July 6th, 1909 of August, 1909. Ald. Rand moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. All. Rand also offered tit._ follow InL: !.,• it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: That a permanent sidewalk of the width of four feet be and the same is h,•rehy ordered to be laid on the East side of Hall Street, bet\veen Del- hi and (trace Streets, and in front of the tollo\cing described premises: Lots 7 and ,7 Reche's Sub. Such sidewalk to be constructed of materials and in the manner as follows, to -wit: Eight inches of cinders. three inch, , of concrete and one inch „1 , i,,• ut wearing SUI'laee. .Said si. ,,, completed on or betore ti ,;ay oI September, 1909, and tip, , f the salve to b.' tax, ,1 against .,,u premis- es and coilecte l in th.• .,::utner pre- scribed by law. • it Further Resolved, That said l;i,,,,•1 y o,cner be and is authorized to , onstruet said sidewalk at his own ex! , ovided he begins work tl„ t o n „ i t Sin ten days att, r being in.tiL,•,1 by the City Recorder of the of this resolution by the City Cu tncil, nni1 completes the same within thirty days thereafter. Be it further Resolved, That if said work is not commenced within the time named in said notice that the City Recorder be and is hereby order- ed to give ten days notice by two pub- lications asking for proposals for the doing of said work under contract with the City. The proposals for the doing of said work shall be acted up- on by the City Council on the 5th day of August, 1909. Ald. Rand moved the adoption of the resolution.• Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Alderman Martin offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque; That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to give the grade lines on both sides of Grandview Avenue from South Dodge Street to Southern Ave- nue and also the lot lines along said avenue between the above mentioned points. Ald. Martin moved the adoption of the resolution. Ald. Frith moved as an amendment that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare a profile showing a suit- able grade on Grandview Avenue from South Dodge Street to Southern Ave- nue and to present same to Commit- tee of the Whole at its next session. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke moved to adjourn to Thursday evening, July 15th, 1909. Carried. Edmund A. Linehan. City Recorder. Approved I .1It. -17/..19ut ........L. Mayor a -s -k. Recorder Regular Session, July 15th, 1909 225 CITY COUNCIL Regular Session, July 15th, 1909. (Official.) Council met at 9:10 p. m. Mayor Schunk in the chair. Present — Aids. Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand and Saul. Absent—Aids. Frith and Singrin. Ald Martin moved that the Council Proceedings for the month of June, 1909, be approved as printed. Car- ried. BILLS. The following bills, having been properly approved by the various committees, were read and on mo- tion of Ald. Haas ordered paid: Mike Lavin, inspector West Fourth Street sewer $ 21 20 Frank Martin, collecting 3% of the gross receipts of the sales of Riley Clothing Co., 19 days, at $2.00 38 00 Jos. B. Workman, collecting back taxes 109 26 Phil. Breithaupt, plumbing re- pairs at City Hall 50 M. O'Donnell, plumbing re- pairs at Washington Park4 21 Mullen Bros., plumbing re- pairs at Jackson Park 2 80 Mike Mullen, plumbing re- pairs at fountain at 5th and Main Streets 3 55 J. P. Foley, towel service, City Hall, June 4 25 Western 'Union Telegraph Co, clock service, Treasurer's office, June 1 00 Larry- Dailey, cleaning and hauling around Market Square, April, May and June 29 70 John E. Hartig, mending En- gineer's tape and sharpen- ing -lawn mowers 2 i5 M. S. Hardie, tax book and assessment rolls 61 00 Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies for use at City Hall 90 Eichhorn & Bechtel, flags for City Hall 9 00 Standard Lumber Co., lum- her for City Hall 2 10 Dubuque Telephone Co., tele- phone service April 1st to July 1st 31 25 Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairing chairs at City Hall E. J. Vogenthaler Co., stip- plies for Engineer's office16 64 C. E. Fitzpatrick Co., supplies for various ofi'iges Hat kett'.s Floral Nursery, Mowers for 'Washington Park, as per ofttract 40 00 1 00 3 15 • 4 Dubuque Chemical Co., decor- ations for City Hall 6 75 W. B. Baumgartner, supplies for various departments17 80 Geo. W. Healey & Son, sup- plies for Street Commission- er 85 Geo. F. Kleih Estate, hard- ware, City Hall 4 05 Collings & Pfiffner, horseshoe- ing for Fire Department5 00 Phil Heller, horseshoeing for Fire Department 12 00 Lagen, Peed & Berwanger, horseshoeing for Fire Dept. 5 75 Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horseshoeing for Fire Dept. 6 10 Babcock Fire Extinguisher Co., supplies for Fire Dept. 10 00 Ellwanger Bros., repairs for Fire Department 2 30 • H. J. Hagerty, veterinary service for Fire horses May and June 18 40 J. Haudenshield, hay for Fire Department 97 43 Key City Gas Co., coal for Fire Department 4 80 Peter Lang, hardware for Fire Department 2 40' McClain Bros., salt for Fire Department 1 25 Mettel Bros., corn and bran for Fire Department 9 90 John Newman & Son, repairs for Fire Department 3 15 C. A. Noyes, repairs for Fire Department 25 National Refining Co., oil for No. 5 Engine House, fur- nished Dec. 5th, 1908 6 75 Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs for Fire Department 5 37 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Fire Department and fur- nishing new exercising cart 40 50 M.. Stafford, bran for Fire Department 6 10 Standard Lumber Co., lumber for Fire Department 8 75 union Electric Co., power for fire alarm system 2 00 Union Electric Co., street lighting for June 2070 75 C. W. Katz, meals furnished prisoners for June 2 00 Fischer & Co., wood furnish- ed City Hall 6 00 Eichhorn & Bechtel, Groceries for Police Matron 1 70 Standard Lumber Co., lumber for Patrol House 4 40 Collings & Plitfner, horseshoe- ing Patrol horses .6 50 H. J. Hagerty. veterinary service Patr l horst s May and June 2 40 Bradford Bros., p,iioting and Papering Patrol 11ouse 175 00 James Lally, repairing roof at Patrol House 8 10 Key City Gas Co., gas fur- nished various departments 7Z 15 226 Regular Session, July 15th, 1909 Geo. W. Healey & on, rope furnished Sower Dept Pitts -Thompson Foundry Co, manhole ring for Sewer Department F. Sehloz & Som. repairs for Sewer Deno omen' Geo. Raga tz .G S. repairs for Road Department Key City Iron Works, repairs for steam roller Standard Oil Co., oil and grease for Road Dept Standard Lumber Co., lumber for Sidewalk Department Dubuque Woodenware & Lum- ber Co., lumber for Side- walk Department Spahn, Rose Lumber Co, lumber for Road Depart Key City Gas Co., coke for Road Department Peter haven, coal for Road Department F. A. Burns, coal for Road Department Felix G. Becker, coal for Road Department Fischer & Co., coal for Road Department Klauer Mfg. Co., culvert pipe and repairs for sprinkling wagons Eichhorn & Bechtel, grease for Road Department W. D. Deckert Co., pipe and fittings for Road Dept Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., repairs for Road and Health Departments Ellwanger Bros., repairs for Road Department Geo. W. Healey & Son, sup- plies for Road Department H J. Hagerty, veterinary ser- vices Sewer and Carpenter horses May and June 1 35 4 50 1 00 1 61 27 43 3 71 40 90 25 56 5 50 24 00 18 32 6 85 15 83 16 10 44 69 65 32 00 11 50 5 60 1 40 1 60 Key City Roofing Co., cement and sewer pipe for Road Department 5 36 G. F. Kleih Estate, hardware for various departments 1 80 L. Lindenberg, hardware for Road Department 4 20 T. J. Mulgrew Co., cement and sewer pipe for Road Dept. 52 25 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Road Department 19 70 Mrs. J. Spear, quarry tools for Road Department 15 00 Tibey Bros., 3rd estimate Bee Branch sower 1062 00 Henry Wagner, rent of rock wagon relegraph - Herald, printing for June 75 00 Times -Journal, official print- ing for June 71 18 Smith -Morgan Printing Co, printing pamphlets for June 19 55 National Demokrat, official priiting fpr Jude 12 50 official 4 90 Labor Leader, official printing for June 12 50 'rhe following hills were not ap- proved and were, on motion, referred to the Committee of the Whole: Iowa Telephone Co., tele- phone service July, August and September $ 47 25 Mullen 11ros., plumbing at Fourth Street Engine House 40 25 Key City (=as Co., coke for Fire Department 24 10 Phil Heller, horseshoeing Carpenter horse 4 00 E. J. Vogenthaler, repairs on steam roller 18 40 F. Schloz & Son, repairs on sprinkling wagons 1 00 John Newman & Son, repairs on sprinkling wagons 3 00 Gen. Ragatz & Son, repairs on sprinkling wagons 5 28 T. J. Mulgrew Co., cement for Road Department 1 00 Ellwanger Eros., repairs for Sewer Department 20 Ellwanger Bros., supplies for Police Department 5 45 G. F. Kleih Estate, supplies for Police Department 2 30 Trexler Bros.' Livery, rent of horse for Police Depart- ment and team and 3 seat 13 75 John Linehan, hauling garb- age and dead animals for month of June 375 70 Humane Society, hauling dogs from Humane Shelter 4 00 O'Farrell Contracting Co, grading Davis Avenue 420 00 M. Tschirgi :`; Son, balance due on contract for paving Ninth Street 25 00 Bill of Thomas Comn lly Estate for repainting and repairing Patrol wagons, amounting to $124.50, was, on motion, referred to the Committee on Police and Light. Bids for the improvement of Julien Avenue; also for the improvement of West Fourth Street, were presented and, on motion of Aids. Saul and Haas, were ordered opened and react and referred to the City Engineer to estimate. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICA- TIONS. Petition of Brapdel-Waller Co., ask- ing that the taxes on their plant be reduced one-half of what the taxes are now for a period of three year* beginning January, 1909, and ending January, 1912, was, on motion of A1(i. Saul, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Regular Session, .July 15th, 1909 227 Petition of the Frank McGuinness Estate, asking that the assessment for taxes on Subdivision of Mineral Lots 45 and 47: also Lot 153, l'nion Add.. be reduced from $1,4t10.I0 to $800.00 for the year 1908 and that the Treas- urer be instructed to accept taxes for the year 1908 on said basis, Was, on motion of Md. Haas, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Barbara Isborn. asking that she be granted additional time until next spring to lay a cement side- walk on the north side of her prop- erty, situated on the southeast corner 'Of Ninth and Clay Streets, was, on rrrotion of Ald. Rand, referred to the Cpmmittee of the Whole. Petition of John T. Hancock Co., asking that they be authorized by Ordinance to lay a six-inch water main in and along Second Street, from the alley between Main and Locust Streets in an easterly direction along the south side of Second Street to the alley between Main and Iowa Streets, thence south through said alley into their building for fire protection pur- poses, was, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, granted and the Ordinance Committee to have proper Ordinance prepared, and bond in the sum of $500.00 for one year to he filed by said company. Petition of the Illinois Central Rail- road Co., asking that they be granted permission to lay a four -inch water pipe to their fruit sheds now being erected, for fire protection, from a point south of Charter Street north- erly across that portion of Charter Street vacated to the Illinois Central Railroad Co., thence northerly to Dodge Street and across Dodge Street to the northerly line thereof, and to construct and erect a hydrant running from the northerly end of said fire line or pipe to the surface of the street, and to make such excavations in said street as may be necessary for the laying of said pipe. was, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, referred to the Chairman on Streets and Street Commissioner with power. Petition of Illinois Central Railroad Co., asking that they be granted per- mission and authority to construct a ten -inch suction pipe from the Mis- sissippi River to the engine room of the fruit sheds, now being erected, an.) to lay all such materials as shall be necessary for the construction and maintenance across Water Street, Charter Street and the land of said City abutting on the Mississippi River juekt east and south of said Charter Street and to maintain the sante be. Reath the surface of said streets, waF. on motion' of Ald. Q'Rourke, referred to the ('hairman on Streets and Street Commissioner with power. ' Petition of John Reuter et al, stat- ing that the alloy on the west side of Burden Avenue. between Lowther and Sheridan Avenues. is in very poor condition, and asking that Council have said alley graded, was, on mo- tion of Ald. Haas, referred to the Committee of the Whole to view the grounds. Petition of the H. B. Glover Co., asking that the t'ouncil rescind the privilege granted them in April of connecting with the water service in Eighth Street and running through al- ley east of Iowa Street, and that per- mission he granted them to connect with the high pressure main in the alley at the rear of Jas. Levi & Co.'s store, thence to Fifth Street and on Fifth Street to Lot 230, for purpose of installing sprinkler system, was, on motion of Ald. Saul, granted and the Ordinance Committee to prepare proper Ordinance and that said com- pany furnish bond for one year in the sum of $500.00. Invitation from League of American Municipalities to the Mayor and City Council to attend the Thirteenth An- nual Convention of the League, to be held, in Montreal August 25th, 26th and 27th, was, on motion, referred to the Mayor with power. The following communication from the Trustees of the Carnegie -Stout Li- brary was read and on motion of Ald. Rand was referred to the Board of Equalization: To the Honorable Mayor and Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—I herewith send you a copy of the resolution passed by the Trustees of the Carnegie -Stout Pub- lic Library, designating the tax rate for library purposes to be levied, col- lected and appropriated for the year 1909, as required by the statutes: Resolved, That the Board of Trus- tees of the Carnegie -Stout Free Pub- lic Library of Dubuque, in pursuance of the requirements of the statutes of the State of Iowa, hereby determine and fix one-third of a mill on the dol- lar of the taxable valuation of prop- erty in the City of Dubuque for the year 1909 as the amount or rate to be levied, collected and appropriated for the ensuing year for the main- tenance aimtenance of the Library; and that due notice of this action by the Board of Trustees be certified to the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Du- buaue- \very respectfully, JACOB RICH, Pres. VpArd et Library Truvtees. 228 Regular Session, July 15th, 1909 Communication from Michael Mul- len in reference to repairing of water pipe on Thirteenth and Clay was, on motion of Aid. Haas, referred to the Committee of the Whole. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Mayor ~chunk presented the fol- lowing communication from the Chi- cago Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad Company: Honorable H. A. ~chunk, Dubuque, lova. Dear Sir: --Herewith return Of Ordinance- unsigned, covering pro- posed track across First Street. We do not feel that the Council is justi- fied in specifying the terms upon which switching will be done on said track and are not agreeable to put- ting in sidetracks with the under- standing that the privilege granted will be revoked at the expiration of five years, unless there is some good and sufficient reason for its being dope. Hope the members of the Council can see their way clear to pass all Ordinance that will be satis- factory to all interests. Yours truly, .1. W. STAPLETON, Supt. (2., M. & St. P. R. R. Co. Ald. Haas moved that the Com- munication of the Chicago, Milwau- kee & St. Paul 11. R. Co. and the Ordi- nance be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald O'Rourke moved that Section 8 of the Ordinance in relation to the revocation of the Ordinance at any time after 5 years be amended by in- serting 20 years instead of 5 years. Carried. Ald. O'.Rourke moved that Section 7 of the Ordinance in relation to the charges for switching cars of other railroad companies over said track be eliminated from the Ordinance. Car- ried. Street • Commissioner Dorgan re- ported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlenum:—I herewith submit the pay roll for labor on streets in the different road districts during the first half of July, 1909: Amt. due laborers on streets.$ 2.1eo.; Approved by Committee on Streets. Also submit the pay roll for labor on sewers during the first half of July; 1909: Amt. due laborers on sewers..$188.40 Approved by Committee on Sewers. Respectfuly submitted, JOHN DORGAN, Street Commissioner. On motion of Ald Saul the pay rolls on street and sewers were re- ceived and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts and the pay rolls referred back to the proper com- mittees. City Recorder Linehan presented deed from McFadden Coffee and Spice Co. to the City of Dubuque of Lot 2 of the Subdivision of Lots 529 and 530 arid. on motion of Aid, O'Rourke, same was referred to the City Attor- ney and if properly executed to have same recorded and report back to th• Council. City Recorder Linehan also pre- sented certified copy filed by the James Levi Co. of the bill paid by said company f, e. installing high pressure water main for sprinkling system, amounting to $630,00. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke said bill was ordered received and made matter of record. City Recorder Linehan also present- ed surety bonds of Edward T. Cleaver, Philip Breithaupt, Dow & Curtis, Key City Gas Co., Linehan & Moto, Michael Mullen. Mullen Bros, Geo. Masters. Nester & Hammel, H. B. McCarten, M. O'Donnell, Chas. Pape & Son, L. O. Papin Co. and Rellihan & Mullen for $500.00 for excavating on streets of the City and, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, same was referred to the Committee of the Whole. City Recorder Linehan also pre- sented surety bond of B. F. Stedman as superintendent and cashier of the Water Work Department, and, on mo- tion of Ald. D'Rourke, bond was re- ferred to the Committee of the Whole. City Engineer Ilg presented waivers of property owners on O'Neill Avenue, agreeing to pay for improving said street and waiving all objections, ir- regularities• or illegalities of the as- sessment or levy for said improve- ment and, on motion, same was or- dered received and made a matter of record. City Engineer Ilg also reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen:According to your in- structions of July 6th, I have exam- ined the concrete sidewalk construct- ed by James Lee & Son on Windsor Avenue and on Rhomberg Avenue abutting on Lot No. 22 in Cook's Ad - clition and found said sidewalk satis- factory; the amount is 1,192.20 square feet at 131/2c, $160.95. Respectfuly submitted, PAUL ILG, • City Engineer. On motion of Ald. Haas the report of the City Engineer was approved and the City Engineer to be instruct- ed to - prepare proper assessments for said improvements: Regular Session, July 15th, 1909 229 City Engineer IIg reported on bids for street improvements as follows: For improving Julien Avenue: O'Farrel Contracting Co ....$4.279.00 Eagle Point Line Works....$3,950.40 On motion of Aid. Haas contract for improving Julien Avenue was awarded to Eagle Point Lime Works and their bonds placed at $1,000.00. For improving West Fourth Street: Street & Steuck $2,859.50 O'Farrell contracting Co$3,057.00 On nu,tien of .\ld. O'Rourke the contract ter inpruving West Fourth Street was awarded to Street & Steuck and their bond placed at $700.00. Sidewalk Inspector Lynch presented cc•rtiti, d copies of notices served on Hintrager Estate and Martin He•,•r. ordering sidewalks laid on the east side of Hall Street, abutting on Lot 27. Iteche's Sub. No remonstrance being filed and no one in the room ob- jecting to the laying of the sidewalks the notice was, on motion of Ald. Rancl, received and tiled. Sidewalk Inspector Lynch also pre- sented certified copy of notice served on J. J. Griggs, Jr.. agent for J. J. Griggs. ordering a sidewalk laid on , south side of Grace Street, abutting on Lots 5, 0, 7 and 8, Griggs' Sub. No remonstrance being filed and no one in the room objecting to the laying of the sidewalks, the notice was or- dered received and filed. City Attorney Lyon reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: --I wish to again call your attention to the suit of Martin Strelau vs. The City of Dubuque, and ask that your honorable body come to some determination as to what the future course of my depart- ment shall be in this matter. The time for filing an abstract of the pro- ceedings in this case in the supreme court upon an appeal will expire on or about the 211th of August and it will therefore be necessary should you desire that this case be taken to that court to determine the question either at this meeting or at a meeting held at an early date. Respectfully. OEO. T. LYON. City Attorney. On motion of Ald. Haas the report of City Attorney Lyon was referred to the Committee of the Whole. City Attorney Lyon also reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. . • Gentlemen;—ln the cases of Mar- garet Sear vs. The City of Dubuque and Henry Sear vs. The City of- Du- buque. which cases were settled by your honorable body in October last, the costs remain unpaid. There was a warrant ordered drawn to pay the costs. but through a clerical error the amount of the warrant was $21.2E short and only covered a portion of the costs in the case of Margaret Sear and none of the costs in the case of Henry Near. I would therefore respectfully ask that you order a warrant drawn in my favor in the sum of $21.25 to make up this deficiency. Respectfully submitted, GEO. T. LYON, City Attorney. On notion of Ald. Rand the report of the City Attorney was approved and warrant ordered drawn in sum of $21.25 to pay said court costs. REPORT OF COM \IITTMES. Aid. Haas, chairman of the Commit- tee on Delinquent Taxes, reported as follows: Your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the pe- tition of Mrs. Maria Fay, asking that on account of her age and poverty that the taxes on her property, the north middle 1-5 of City Lot 432, be cancelled for the year 1908, would -re- spectfuly recommend that said taxes be allowed to remain a lien on the property and that the City Treasurer be instructed not to sell. D. J. HAAS, Chairman. Ald. Haas moved the adoption of the report of the Committee on Delin- quent Faxes. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke, chairman of the Committee of the Whole, reported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole, to whom were referred the resolutions for sewers in Jackson Street and the alley between Diamond and Milwau- kee Avenues and also in the alley be- tty een Jackson Street and Couler Ave- nue from the south line of Lot 308 in Davis Farm Add. to the south end of the present sewer constructed by the Chicago :real Western 1tailroad Com- pany. would respectfully recommend that said resolutions he not adopted anal that the Committee Clerk be in- rUrncted to prepare resolutions pro - 1.1o• ;t public s,•e,•i• through the streets ;.tnd nll,•ys ;Wove mentioned. JOHN O'ROURKE, Chairman. .\id. O'Rourke moved the adoption „ f the report of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke moved that the tele- phone of the Iowa Telephone Co. be taken out of Phoenix Park and the Dubuque Telephone Co. to be in- 230 Adjourned Regular Session, July 20th, 1909 structed to place a police patrol box 9h. Phoenix Park. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke moved that when the 'Council adjourn they adjourrn to meetth, Tuesday evening. July 09. Carried. Ald. Haas moved to adjourn to Tuesday evening. July 20th. 1909. 'Carried.. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. Approved 4 Atte: f: .•=! .19(19 Mayor ay . Recorder CITY COUNCIL Adjourned Regular r.•ssion, July 20th, 19011. (Official.) 'Connell met at 9:55 D. m Mayor Sehunk in the chair. Present — Alds. Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand. Saul and Singrin. Absent—Ald. Frith. Mayur Schunk stated that the meeting was an adjourned meeting of the regular session of July 15th, 1909, and was called to take up and con- sider all matters [which may properly come before a regular session of the City Council. BILLS. The Committee of the Whole, to whom were referred the following bills, reported, recommending the pay- ment of same, as follows: Mullen Bros., plumping at Fourth tit. Engine House..$ 40 25 And said amount to be deducted from hill of Lorenz Eberhardt for re- pairs on said building. Key City (as Co., coke for Fire Department $ 24 10 Phil 'Heller. horseshoeing Carpenter horse 4 00 F. Schloz & on, repairs on sprinkling wagons 1 00 John Newman & Son, repairs on sprinkling wagons 3 00 Geo. Hagatz & Son, repairs on sprinkling wagons 5 28 Ellwanger Bros., repairs for Sewer Department 20 Ellwanger Bros.. supplies for Police Department 5 45 G. F. Kleih Estate, supplies for Police Department Trexler Pros.' Livery, rent of horse for Police Depart- ment S 75 J. Haudenshield. hay for ''Fire Department 25 69 2 30 Pill of Humane ,Society for hauling dogs from Humane Shelter, amount- ing to $4.00. was allowed and said amount to he deducted from amount due Garbage Contractor for month of June. Bill of John Linehan for hauling garbage and dead animals for month of June, 1909, which was also referred to the Committee of the Whole'at the last session, was referred back to the Council with the recommendation of said Committee for payment. On mo- tion of 'Aid. O'Rourke bill was again referred back to the Committee of the 'Whole and the Mayor set out to find •ho'w much neglect there was in col- lection of garbage durirtg4Jtine. Adjourned Regular Session, July 20th, 1909 • 231 PETITIONS ANI) ccaM31l1NiCA- TIONS. Petition Of Nelson. Duffy & Deni- son, attorneys for the 1'itizens' Whole- sale Supply Co., asking that the City refund them the sum of $20.Mct paid under protest by the agents of said company last 1'••bruary :is license for selling in the city. was. on motion of Ald. O'Rourke. referred to the City Attorney. Petition of the Dubuque Veteran .Firemen's Association. asking that they be given the use of a room at the Fourth Street Engine House for they storage of the Washington No. 1 fire et\gine, was. on motion of Ald. Rand, referred to the Committee on Fire. Petition of B. W. Lacy, stating that there is no necessity for sidewalk on the north side of Pleasant Street abutting on Lot 7, O. Taylor's Sub., and Lot 25 in Taylor & ('ooley's Sub., and asking that 00 requirement be made by the City for said sidewalk, vias, (Ti motion of Ald. O'Rourke, granted. Petition of the Executive Board of the Dubuque Building Trades Council, asking that the various committees of 'the Council and the Street Commis- sioner, when giving out City work, .give same to competent mechanics and taxpayers, was, on motion of Ald. Rand. referred to the Committee of the Whole. Claim of Lizzie Elmore for $5.000.00 damages, claimed to have been sus- tained by falling on a defective side- walk on Thirteenth street, was. on motion of Ald. Rand, referred to the City Attorney and Committee on Claims. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Martin, chairman of the Com- mittee on Ordinances, presented and .read an Ordinance establishing a grade on Bennett Street from the east line of Hantelman's Sub. to a point .53.3 feet west of said line, and moved that the reading just, had be consid- ered its first reading. Carried. Ald. Martin then moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of reading the Ordinance by its title for the second reading. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Alds. Haas, Martin, 'O'Rourke. Rand, Saul .and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent--Ald. Frith 'Aid. Martin moved that the Ordi- nance' be now adopted as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Aids. Haas, .Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. .Absent—Ali. Frith. The Ordinance follows: AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE establishing a grade on Rennet( Street from the east line of Hantc•lmann's Stib. to a point 58. feet west of said line. 1'e It Ordained By the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That a grade on Ben- nett Street from the east line of Han- telmzutn's Sub. to a point five hundred and eighty-five (585) feet west of said line in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, be and the same is hereby established and adopted as shown by the pro- file of said street and grade pre- pared by the City Engineer and accepted by the City Council on the 1st day of July, 1909. be- ing Profile No. 672 and m:u•ked "Grade and Profile of Bennett Street from the east line of Hantelnr.um's Sub. to a point 585 feet west of said line. bench nark, L. I'eyer's door sill. No. 277,, elevation 276.97,- Said grad beginning at the ast line of Hantel- nlann's Sub., which is station n, ele- cutIoe 278.69: the nee 1., station 1+50, elevation 290.87: thence to station .elevation 295.00; thence to sta- tion 3. elevatioit 295.00: thrnee to sta- tion 4. elet:aiton 2s7.: thence to sta- tion 4+65, elevation y,u.uo: thence to station 5+3 ,elevation 274.00. Section 2. This ordinance shall in force and take effect from and after its passage by the city Council and its publication one time in the Du- buque Telegraph -Herald and Times - Journal newspapers. Adopted , 1909. Approved , 1909. Mayor. Attest: City Recorder. Ald. Singrin, chairman of the Com- mittee on Sewers, reported as follows: Your Committee on Sewers would respectfully report that we have ex- amined the sanitary sewer in the al- ley between Washington and Elm Streets from the south line of lot 30 in Glendale Add. northerly to Thirty- second Street, Street & Steuck, con- tractors, and would recommend that said sewer be accepted and that the City Engineer he instructed to prepare a special assessment against the lots or parcels of land benefited by said improvement and file the scone in the office of the City Recorder, who will thereupon publish the notice of said assessment.as required by ordinance. W. SINGRIN, Chairman. 'Alt]. Singrin moves] the adoption of the report of the .Committee on Sew- ers. : Clarried. 232 Adjourned Regular Session, July 20th, 1909 Aid. O'Rourke, Chairman of the (',nnmittee of the Whole, reported as follows: 'Your Committee of the \\'hole, to w•h,rm was referred the Ordinance en- titled "An Ordinance granting to the 1'hieage. Milwaukee & tit. Paul Rail- \t;ty I'nnrpauy permission to eenstruot, maintain. use and operate sidetrack in the alley first east of uthMain Str et and across First Street in the City y of Dubuque, and regulating the eon:a•uction, caste and maintenance thereof," would resp, ctfuly recom- mend that said Ordinance as amend- ed by the City Council at its session of July loth, 1909, be adopted. JOHN O'ROURKE, Chairman. :\Irl. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the report of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. .\Iai tit,. chairman of the Com- mittee on Ortlieanc, . presented and read the th•dinau•e as antrnded grant- ing to the ('hicage. Milwaukee K. St. Paul Railway company permission to construct. maintain. use and operate a sidetrack in the alley first east of South Main Street and across First Street in the City of Dubuque and regulating the construction, use and maintenance thereof, and moved that the rd ailing just had be considered its first reading. Carried. Ald. Martin moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of reading the Ordinance by its title for the sec- ond time. Lost by the following vote: Yeas — aids. Haas. Martin, O'Rourke. Land and Saul. Nays—Ald. Singrin. Absent—All. Frith. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke action en the adoption of the Ordinance was deferred until the next session of the I'otuu;il. Ald. Saul, chairman of the Special Committee to whom was referred the communications of the Illinois Central Railroad Company, asking that they be granted permission to run a pipe line from their new fruit sheds to the Mississippi River, se as to get water supply for their boilers: also that they be granted permission to run a four - inch pipe line across Dodge Street and Charter Street to their fruit sheds and also to erect a hydrant for fire protection, reported that the commit- tee respectfully recommends that the petitions be granted and that the Illi- noi, rental Railroad Company be granted permission to run their pipe line and hydrant as asked for in their petition. Ald. Martin moved that the report of the Special Committee be approved and the petitions granted..; Carried. IIESoLUTIONS AND MOTIONS. Alderman 1)'Rourke offered the fol- lowing: fie It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed neer =sort' and advisable to improve fifth Street from Main to Intra Streets, and it is hereby pro- eesed to curb and reset curb wher- ever necessary and construct a brick gutter therein four and one-half feet tt ide on a macadam foundation and to assess the cost of said curbing, gut- tering and foundation against the abutting property. Aid. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Aids. Haas, Martin, O'Rourke. hand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Ald. Frith. Alderman O'Rourke also offered the following: Pe It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That the City Engineer be and ht. is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location. nature tool extent of the proposed improvement on Fifth Street from -Main to Iowa Streets, and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such im- provement. and the amount assessable upon any railway or street railway company, the amount and cost there- of,- to be paid by the city, if any. and the cost thereof and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land ad- jacent to or abutting upon such im- provement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City Recorder: that after the fil- ing of said plat and estimate in his office, the City 11 51(1(t' shall publish in three conseeutivt• issues of a news- paper published in this city. a notice stating that such plat and estimates are 01-1 file. the location and nature of the improvement. kind of material to be used. and an estimate of its cost, and the time before whit'h objections thereto can be tiled, and the time fixed for hearing. which time shall not be less than five days atter the. last publication of such notice, and after such publication shall have been made, the City Recorder shall. at the next regular session of the City Coun- cil. notify the Council thereof in writ- ing, with a printed copy of such no- tice accompanying the scne. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the follo\ving vote: Yeas —••.•Aids. Baas, Martin. O'Rourke. itattd, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. • Absent—Aid. Frith. Adjourned Regular Session, July 20th, 1909 233 Ald. O'Rourke also presented and read resolution for the revocation of the resolution . of consent granted Henry Clemens to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors in the Hotel Julien building. On mo- tion of Aid. Saul same was referred to the Committee of the Whole. Alderman O'Rourke also offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to construct a sanitary sewer in College Avenue, and it is hereby proposed to construct such sewer ac follows, to - wit: An eight -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer from the present manhole at the intersection of Allison Place, northerly to the center of West Fifth Street and to assess the cost of said sewer against the abutting property. Ald. ( )' Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Aids. Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—N one. Absent—Ald. Frith. Alderman O'Rourke also offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby di- rected to prepare a plat and specifi- cations for an eight -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in College Avenue from the present manhole at the intersec- tion of Allison Place to the Center of West Fifth Street, showing the loca- tions and general nature of such im- provement, the extent thereof, the size and kind of material to be used, and to prepare an estimate of the cost thereof and the amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adja- cent to or abutting thereon per front feet or square feet in area, and to fie such plat, specifications and estimate in the office of City Recorder. That after such plat is so tiled, the City Recorder -shall cause to be pub- lished notice of the intention of the Council to make such improvement. which notice shall be published in three consecutive issues of the official 1 aper of the City of Dubuque. stating that such plat is on file, and general- ly the nature of the sewer, its loca- tion, size and kinds of material to be used, and the estimate of its cost. and fixing the time before which objec- tions can be filed. which time shall not be less than fire days after the last publication of said notice, and after the completion of the publica- tion of such notice, he shall at its next session, notify the Counctk thereof in writing with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. O'Rourke mtved the adoption of the resolution. • Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Alds. Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, hand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Ald. Frith. ----- A Merman Haas offered the follow- ing: Bt It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the Board of Supervisors of Dubuque County be instructed to make such 1Pcessou•y- repairs on \Iillville Road as may be determined by the City Engi- neer and Street Commissioner paying the cost thereof from the County Road Fund Aid. Haas moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Alds. Haas, Martin, ('Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nit vs—None. .absent--Ald. Frith. Alderman Haas also offeed the fol- lowing: Pe It 1 -resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it Is deemed riec'•ssary and advisable to construct a sanitary sewer in the al- ley between Jackson Street and Couler AV,•nue, in Peru Road, in Jackson Street and in the alley be- tween Milwaukee and Diamond Ave- nues, and it is hereby proposed to con- struct said serer as follows, to -wit: All eight -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in the alley between Jackson Street and Couler Avenue from the end of the present sewer northerly to Peru Road. thence easterly in Peru Road. to .Jac•ksen Street. thence northerly in Jackson Street lie the alley between Milwaukee and Diamond Avenues, thence westerly in said alley to a point about twenty feet east of th e curb line of Couler Avenue, and to as- sess the cost of said sewer against the abutting property. Ald. Haas moved the adoption :-')f the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas Alds. Haas, Martin, 1'Ruur•ke, Rand. Saul and Singrin. Na y s—\one. _\b-, nt—Ald. Frith. Alderman Haas a iso offered the fol- lowing: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City eef Dubuque. That the City Engineer be and he is hereby di- rected to prepare :1 plat and specifi cations for an eight -inch tile pipe sanitary- sewer in the alley between Jackson Street and Couler Avenue from the end of the present sewer northerly to Peru Road, thence east-. erly in Peru Road, to Jackson Street, 'thence northerly in Jackson Street to the alley between.' Milwaukee .and 234 Adjourned Regular Session, July .20th,.1909 Diamond AVeTlnes, thence westerly in said alley to a point about twenty feet east of the curb line of Couler Ave- nue, showing the locations and gen- eral nature of such improvement, the extent thereof, the size and kind of material to be used, and to prepare an estimate of the cost thereof and the amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting thereon per front feet or square C et in area. and to file such plat,specifi- cations Pe cations and estimate in the office of City Recorder. That after such plat is so filed, the ('ity Recorder shall cause to be pub- lished not is of the intention of the Council to make such improvement, which notice shall be published in three consecutive issues of the official paper of the City of Dubuque, stating that such plat is on file, and generally the nature of the sewer, its location, size and kinds of material to be used, and the estimate of its cost, and fix- ing the time before which objections can be filed, which time shall not be less than five days after the last pub- lication of said notice, and after the completion of the publication of such notice, he shall at its next session, no- tify the council thereof in writing with a printed copy of such notice ac- companying the same. Ald Haas moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Alds. Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—Non e. Absent—Ald. Frith. Ald. Haas also offered the follow- ing: Whereas, It is deemed necessary and expedient to improve the east side of Windsor Avenue between main en- trance to Linwood Cemetery and Davis Avenue in front of and abutting the premises hereinafter described by lay- ing down a permanent sidewalk there- on composed of cement material 4 foot wide; Therefore, Pe It Resolved 'by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, nature and extent of the proposed improve- ment on the east side of Windsor Ave- nue between main entrance to Lin- wood Cemetery and Davis Avenue and in front of and abutting Sub. D of Lot 1 of 5 of 11, 12 and 13 of N. E. '/4, Sec. 13, R. 89-2 E, Lot 9 and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the en- tire cost thereof and the amount and cost of such improvement, and the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the city, if any. and the cost there- of and the amount assessable upon WW1 lot er paTeel Of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City Recorder; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his oflice,the City Recordr shall notify said abutting and adjacent property owners, as pro- vided by ordinance, that such plat and estimate are on file, the location and nature of the improvement, kind of material to he used, and an estimate of its cost. and the time before which objections thereton can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not he less than five (5) days after the service of such notice, and after such service shall have been made, the City Recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Coun- cil, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. Haas moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Alds. Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Na ys—N o n e. Absent—Ald. Frith. Md. Rand offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing the most feasible manner of constructing a sewer in Mt. Pleasant Avenue to connect with the general sewerage system of the city. Ald. Rand moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -- Alds. Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand. Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Ald. Frith. Ald. O'Rourke moved that matter of the discontinuance of fire plug on Sixth Street between Jackson and White Streets be referred to the Fire Committee. • Ald. O'Rourke moved that the city pay Miss Cook the difference between the amount allowed by the County and amount agreed on by the Mayor for services to Davis children. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke moved that the Ordi- nance Committee and the City Attor- ney prepare an Ordinance regulating the speed of automobiles and present same to the Council at their session to be held Saturday, July 24th, for adoption. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke brought up the mat- ter of payment of coal bills of Mar- tin-Srelau Co. Ald. Saul moved that the matter of payment of coal bills of Martin-SStre- Adjourned Regular Session, July 24th, 190;1 235 lau Co. be taken up at the Council session Saturday evening. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke moved that the City Attorney'be instructed to look up the recent decision in regard to the ones mill levy of County Road Fund. Car- ried. Ald. O'Rourke asked that the Mayor notify the City Engineer that he has exceeded his authority in appointing an Assistant and that the City Coun- cil will not pay any bill for services rendered by said Assistant. Ald. O'Rourke moved that when the Council adjourn they adjourn to meet Saturday evening, July 24th. 1909. Carried. Ald. Martin moved to adjourn to Saturday evening, July 24th, 1909. Carried. E1DMI'ND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. Approved Attest: . 1;09 .r-'wllrMa•yor 7 Recorder CITY COUNCIL Adjourned Regular Session, July 24th, 1909. Council met at 8:50 p. m. Mayer Schunk in the chair. Present—Aids. Frith. Haas, Martin, O'Rourke. hand, Saul and Singrin. Absent—None. Mayor Schunk stated that the meeting was an adjourned meeting of the adjourned session of July 20th, 1909, of the regular session of July 15th, 1909. and was called to take up and consider all matters which may properly come before a regular ses- sion of the City Council. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICA- TIONS. Petition of Adam Wieland, stating that he had purchased the retail liquor business of Mrs. William Reinecae, located at northeast corner of 10th and Clay Sin ets, and that the Council had granted Mrs. Reinecke consent to sell intoxicating liquors previous ,to July 1st and asking that the Council adopt resolution granting him consent to sell intoxicating liquors, was. on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, referred to the Committee of the Whole and City Attorney. Petition of Dorothea I3ucttell, ask- ing that the Codncil make a compro- mise on the assessments levied for the -Improvement of certain streets abutting lots owned by her, was, on motion of Ald. Singrin, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Alice O'Herrin, claiming damages, stating that she was injured on Emmett Street on August 23rd, 1908. and asking that the Council make investigation of her claim with a view of compromise and settlement of the same, was, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, referred to the Committee on Claims and City Attorney. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Martin, chairman of the Com- mittee on Ordinance, presented and read an Ordinance granting to the Chicago, Milwaukee Sp St. Paul Rail- way Company permission to construct, maintain, use and operate a sidetrack in the alley first east of South Main Street and across first Street in the City of Dubuque and regulating the construction, use and maintenance thereof, and moved that the Ordi- nance be now adopted as read, Ordi- nance having been read for the first reading at the adjourned session 9f tliV 9Nw4il Jµly "l4tlr, 1941). 236 Adjourned Regular Session, July 24th, 1909 carried by the following vote: 1-. as—Alcis. Frith, Haas, Martin, D'!;).urke, land. Saul and Singrin. Xn vs—None. The Ordinance follows: AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE granting to the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail- way Company permission to construct, maintain, use and operate a sidetrack in the alley first east of South Main Street and across First Street in the City of Dubuque, and regulating the construction, use and maintenance thereof. l e it i_irdained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: S..cti.oa 1. That permission be and the same is hereby granted to the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail- way Company, its successors and as- signs. to lay down, operate and main- tain a sidetrack in the City of Du- buque. commencing at a point in the alley first easterly of South Main Street One Hundred and Thirty-seven (137) feet southerly from the south line of First Street and extending from said point northerly along said alley to First Street thence across First Street to Lot Five Hundred and' Thirty (530). Section 2. That the laying down of said sidetrack shall be clone under the supervision of the City Engineer and the Committee on Streets of said City. Section 3. That in the laying down and operation of said sidetrack, the same shall be so constructed and maintained as to create the least pos- sible obstruction to the ordinary travel and use of the streets and al- leys crossed or occupied by said side- track. That cars shall not be allow- ed to stand at intersections of streets or alleys and said sidetrack shall at all times be used in accordance with all lawful regulations now or here- af'c r enacted by said City. Section 4. That said sidetrack shall be laid to the established grade of the streets and alleys on which it runs, and should the grade be changed at at:y time, the said sidetrack shall be so changed as to conform to such change of grade at the expense of said railroad company, without claim or damage against said City because of such change. Section 5. That said railroad com- pany shall keep the space between the rails of said sidetrack and the space to the end of the ties so graded that carriages may easily pass over the same, and at all intersections of streets, alleys or at other places it shall keep such spaces properly planked, macadamized or paved, as the City Council of said City may deem necessary and direct, and it. shall keep all approaches to said side- track at traveled intersections with streets and alleys in suitable condition to enable vehicles easily to cross the same. Section 6. Said sidetrack shall be so constructed and maintained as not to dam up or obstruct the flow and drainage of water in the gutters of streets and on the surface of streets and alleys intersecting or occupied by said sidetrack; that said railway company shall be subject to and strictly comply with all reasonable police regulations which said City may establish in relation to the running of trains on said sidetrack. Section 7. The City of Dubuque reserves the right to revoke the priv- ilege hereby granted at any time after i20i twenty years from the date here - Section S. That this Ordinance.. shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph - Herald and the Dubuque Times -Jour- nal, official newspapers of said City, and after written acceptance thereof on th party of said C4jcago, Mil- wauke 4 St. Paul },:ail i• Company, duly .endorsed thereon,. Adopted , 1909. Approved , 1909. Attest: Mayor. City Recorder. The provisions and terms of the foregoing ordinance are hereby ae- rie pted this — day of 1909. By AId. 1Tartin, chairman of the Com- mittee on Ordinances. also presented and read an Ordinance Regulating the T'.se and Operation of Motor Vehicles in the City of Dubuque and Providing a Penalty for the Violation Thereof, and moved that the reading just had he considered its first reading. Alcl. O'Rourke moved as an ment Ordinance be referred to Committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. O'J-:nurke reported, in the natter of collection of garbage with bili for same. which had been referred to the Mayor to investigate as to how much neglect there was in the col- lection of garbage during June and which the Mayor had referred to Ald. Saul and himself for further investi- gation, that upon investigation he had found that there was considerable complaint. After much discussion by the various Aldermen the matter was, 00 motion of Ald. O'Rourke, referred to the Board of Health. Ald. O'Rourke stated that he under- stood: that there was a contract be- 'Adjourned Regular Session, July 24th, 1909 237 tween Mr..Edward Muntz and the City of Dubuque relative to his property on Alta Vista Street and moved that the matter be referred to the City Attorney to investigate and to de- termine the City's rights in the mat- ter acid the City Engineer to de- termine the lines of the property and, if found encroaching on City proper- ty, the Mayor to instruct the Chief of Police to stop the work. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke also stated that the grading for a sidewalk along the Geiseman property on Alta Vista Street was not completed and moved that the matter be referred to the City Engineer and Street Commis- sioner to investigate, and if the con- tractor is at fault the contractor to be notified to complete the work. If not, the work to be done by the City and expense for same to be taken out of the Second Ward Road Fund. Car- ried. . Ald. }:.and reported as follows: Your sp••<•ial Committee. consisting of the :\}.'yor and myself, to whom was referred- the matter of procuring waivers for the improvement of West Locust Street. respectfully report as follows: That in the signing of waivers we have secured the signatures of some of the property owners and that the owners of some of the larger pieces of property are desirous of the im- provement providing the City would share part of the expense, for the rea- son that the City has done the same in other parts of the city where there is a water street, and suggested that the City pay 211c per lineal foot for :,aid improvement, same to be pro- vided and paid for out of next year's appropriation. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke the re- port of Ala. Rand was approved and the contractor ordered to proceed with the work. Carried. ried. Ald. Martin moved that the Council reconsider their action in the matter of receiving and filing bill of th • League of Iowa Municipalities for membership in said League. Motion lost. Ald. O'Rourke brought up the mat- ter of the Martin & Strelau coal bills, for which the meeting was called for final action. The Mayor then asked that the Council come to some agree- ment, as the 'time for appeal to the Supreme Court, if an appeal is to be taken. was short. A general dis- cussion of the matter was then taken by the various members of the Coun- cil, after which Ald. Singrin moved that the suit of the Martin & Strelau coatbills be appealed to the Supreme Court. Motion not seconded., On motion of Ald. O'Rourke recess of five minutes was taken by the Council. When Council reconvened matter of appeal of coal bills was again dis- cussed and no definite action taken. Ald. Frith moved that the Council p:-tponie action in the matter until Thursday evening, July 29th, to give the t'ouneil more time to consider the matter and that when the Council ad- journ they adjourn to meet Thursday evening, .July 29th. Carried. Ald. Marlin moved to adjourn to Thursday evening. July 29th, 1909. Carried. EDMUND .\. LINEHAN, City Recorder. Approvedl 1909 t ® Mayor Attest: ilei order 288 Adjourned hegular Session, July 211th, .11,( t,i CITY COUNCIL Adjourned Regular Session. July 29th. 1909. Council meet at 5:411 1,. rn. Mayor Schunk in the chair. Present — Aids. Haas, Martin, O'Rourke. Rand, Saul and Singrin. Absent --A1(1. Frith. Ald. Frith arrived at S:45 p. m. Mayor Schunk stated that the meeting was an adjourned meeting of the adjourned session of July 24th, 1909. of the adjourned session of July 20th, 1909, eef the regular session of July l5th. 1909. and y.es called to take up and consider all natters which nay properly come before a regular session of the City Council. PEl'ITION$ \ND COMMGT\ICA- I'fONS. Petition of Peter Kiene & Son, agents, asking that the taxes for the years 1891, 1892 and 1904 on Lots 165 and 166. Union Add., be canceled. sante being used by St. Columbkill's school for playground, was, on mo - lion of Ald. Saul, referred to the ('oto . mittee of the Whole.. ' Petition id \Vm. Lawther et al, ask- ing that the coal bills of Martin-Stre- lau Co. he paid without further liti- gation, was presented and, on motion of Ald. 0'11ou1'kt,, reading of and action on petition was deferred until later in the session. Alit. 1)' l:ourke stated that repre- sentative id the Rubber & Asphalt Co. hied interviewed him and other members of the Council in regard to using some of their product in cover- ing the streets of the City, stating that their company would give the City a five years' guarantee; also that two miler of street in Chicago was now in process of reconstruction and being covered with this kind of street preparation. Aid. O'Rourke then moved that the City Council instruct Street Commis- sioner Dorgan to go to Chicago at the City's expense at as early a date as possible to investigate the work being done on Michigan Avenue in Chicago with product of Rubber & Asphalt Co. Ald. Martin moved as an amend- ment that the Street Commissioner defer time of going to Chicago for a month. Amendment lost. Original motion carried. Ald. O'Rourke asked if the City En- gineer had prepared plans for sewer in West Seventh and Needham Place. City Engineer reported original plan for sewer was not practical and stated sewer in West Seventh Street from the knoll would be better. Ald. O'Rourke moved that the City Engineer prepare plans for sewer in West Seventh and Needham Place, commencing at the knoll according to his own ideas and present same to the Council at their next session. Carried. Ald. Saul asked the City Engineer if he had prepared plans and specifi- cations for the improvement of Grandview Avenue. City Engineer Flg then stated that he had not prepared same, as he had no assistance to do the work. Ald. Saul stated that plans and speciticatious for other streets had been prepared by the Engineer that were ordered after the Grandview Avenue 'cert: was ordered and moved that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare' Flans and speritications for the improvement of Grandview Ave- nue and present same to the Council at their next session. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke moved that the mat- ter of sewer in the alley between Fthotnberg and Garfield Avenues and Fengler and Middle Avenues be re- ferred to the City Attorney and the city Engineer to look up Os to the City's rights and report to the Coun- cil at its session to he held Thursday, August 5th. Cau•ried. Ald, Rand moved that the Street ('ommissioaer he instructed to hove the rock crusher to the West Seven- teenth Street ep11rry by the end of next week and to select and recom- mend to the Council at their next session a Competent man to art as engineer of the rack crusher. Car- ried. Ald. Martin, chairman of the Com- ni11,,' on Ordinances. presented and read an Ordinance granting to the H. 1'. Glover Co., their successors and as- signs, the right to construct and op- erate a high pressure water main in the alley at rear of James Levi & Co.'s store, thence to Fifth Street and on Fifth Street to Lot 230, City of Du- buque, and regulating the same. and moved that the reading just had he considered its first reading. Carried• Ald. Martin moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of read- ing the Ordinance by its title for the see4in(1 reading. t'arried by the following vote: Yeas--Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin. O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Ald. Martin then moved that the Ordinance be now adopted as read' Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin• Nays—N one. The Ordinance follON(8: Adjourned Regular Session, July 29, 1909 239 AN O1tDINANE. AN ORDINANCE granting to H. R. Glover Co.. their successors and as- signs, the right to construct and op- erate a high pressure water main in alley at rear of Jas. Levi & Co.'s store, thence to Fifth Street and on Fifth Street to Lot 230, city of Dubuque. and regulating the same. Pe Tt Ordained by the City council of the City of Dubuque: Section J. That H. R. Glover Co., their successors and assigns, are hereby authorized to construct. main- tain and operate a high pressure water main. six inches in diameter, to be laid in the alley between Main and Iowa Streets from a connection with the main now located in the rear of the .Tas. Levi & Co. store, in said al- ley. in the City of Dubuque, thence running to Fifth Street in said alley. and on Fifth Street to Lot 230, to connect there with building of said H. 13. Glover Co., for the purpose of providing sufficient and adequate water pressure for fire protection only. Said line of water pipe shall be constructed, maintained and operated at the expense of said H. R. Glover Co.. and shall he constructed under the direction and supervision of the City Engineer and the Superintendent of the Water Works Department of the City of Dubuque. Section 2. Tn tine construction of said water pipe line, the street and alley used. shall not be unnecessarily .obstructed. All obstructions and ex- cavations made in the street and al- ley shall be properly barricaded and Lighted. and in any action for dam- a.g!es caused by such obstruction or excavation, the said H. I3. Glover Co., in consideration hereof, shall appear and defend the same, and shall pay any judgment rendered against the City of Dubuque. Section 3. The City of Dubualue may at any time grant the right to any other person or company to con- nect with said high pressure water Main. for fire protection purposes only, upon paying to the said H. H. Glover Co. a share of the cost of construction and maintenance of said line, to he estimated as follows: Pay- ment is to be made the said H. R. Glover Co. in the proportion which the distance of the point of connec- tion (measuring from connection made by the Glover Co. at Levi building,) bears to the total distance of the line. Any person or company connecting at a point beyond the con- nection then farthest removed from the connection at the Levi building (on the line now authorized to be built,) shall pay the said H. B. Glover Co. only in the proportion which the distance of the proposed connection to be 'made by such person or com- pany bear tp.the total distance lying between the point of prior connection and the connection at the Glover building. measuring from such prior connection. Connections made at a point intermediate two other points shall be paid fur in the proportion which the distance of connecting point bears to the total distance be- tween the two points. measuring south (00 east, as the ease may be.) from the pint nearest the Levi build- ing, payment to be made to the per- son or company having the other point of connection (the one nearest the (:lover building.) The intention hereof is that no person or company constructing. or connecting with, said pine line, shall be reimbursed in an amount in excess of the actual ex- pense advanced. The curt of main- taining said pipe line herein ,author- ized is to be borne equally by all per- sons using same. Section 4. The said H. B. clover Co. shall. at or before the time of accepting the provisions of this ordi- nance :and its pulalication, the with the R,00t•d'•r o1' the City of Dubuque 0 proper bond, in the sum of $1110.00, tc: be approved by the \la\or of said City, obligating the said 11. R. Glover Co. to keep the street and alley in which excavations are made in ,good condition and repair wherever such excavations are so (made, for a, period of one year after the completion of the work, and that it will restore said alley and street to the condition in which they were found before exca- vating in sante. all to the satisfaction of the Street Commissioner and the Committee on Streets of said city. Section 5. On completion of tho laying of the main as herein provided for. the sant IT. 11. (.lover Co. shall file with the City Recorder of said City :a sworn statement, showing the exact cost of said main and of its in- stallation. said statement to be item- ized. Failure to tile said statement shall preclude the said H. 13. Glover Co. from the right of collecting from any person or company making con- nections with said amain the propor- tionate amount due the said H. R. (;lover Co. under the terms of sec- tion 3 hereof. Section 6. This ordinance shall be in force and eft'ect from and rafter its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Du- buque Times -Journal and the Tele- graph -Herald newspapers, and its ac- ceptance in writing by the said H. B. Glover Co. and the filing of the bond required. Adopted ------, 1909. Approved --- 1909. Mayor. Attest: City Recorder. We hereby accept the provisions of the foregoing Ordinance and consent 240 Adjourned Regular Session, July 290, 1909 to the terms thereof. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, this -- day of 1909. A Id. Martin, chairman of the Com - ion (lydininces. also presented incl read in ordinance granting to .John T. Hancock Co., Branch West- ern Grocery Co., its successors and as- signs. the right to construct and op- erate a high pressure water main in and along second Street commencing at alley between Main and Locust streets, thence along south side of Second Street to alley between Main and Iowa Streets, thence south in said alley to its building, and regulating the same, and moved that the read- ing Inst had be considered its first reading. Carried. Ald. Martin moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of read- ing the Ordinance by its title for the second reading. c':i cried by the following vote: l"e:ds---Aids. Frith. Haas, Martin. O'I;ourke. Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Aid. Martin then moved that the Ordinance be now adopted as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. The Ordinance follows: AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE granting to John T. Hancock Co., Branch Western Grocer ('o., its successors and as- signs, the right to construct and operate a high pressure neater main in and along Second Street. com- mencing at alley between Main and Locust Streets. thence along south of Second Street to alley be- tween Main and Iowa Streets, thence south in said alley to its • building, and regulating the same. Pe Tt Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That John T. Hancock Cq., Branch Western Grocer Co.. its successors and assigns. are hereby authorized to construct. main- tain and operate high pressure water main. six inches in diameter, to be laid in and along Second Street, com- mencing at the alley between Main and Locust Streets. running thence in an easterly direction along the south side of Second Street to the alley be- tween Main and Iowa Streets, thence south through said alley to building of said Company. in the City of Du- buque, for the purpose of providing sufficient and adequate water pressure for fire protection only. Said line of water pipe shall be constructed, maintained and operated at the expense of said Company, and shall be constructed under the direc- tion and supervision of the City Engi- neer and the Superintendent of the Nater Works Department of the City of Dubuque. section 2. In the ccrostructiou of said water pipe line, the street and alley used shall not be unnecessarily obstructed. All obstructions and ex- cavations made in the street and al- ley shall be properly barricaded and lighted. and in any action for dam- ages caused by such obstruction and excavation the said Company. in con- sideration hereof, shall appear and defend the same. and shall pay any judgment rendered against the City of Dubuque. Section 3. The City of Dubuque may at any time grant the right to any other person or company to con- nect with said high pressure water main. for fire protection purposes only, upon paying to the said John T. Hancock Co., Branch Western Grocer Co.. a share of the cost of construc- tion and maintenance of said line, to. be estimated as follows: Payment is to be made the said Company in the proportion which the distance of the point of proposed connection (meas- uring from the connection at alley be- tween Main and Locust Streets,) bears to the total distance of the line. Any person or company connecting at a point beyond the connection then farthest removed from connection at said alley last named (on the line now being authorized,) shall pay said Company only in the proportion which the distance of the proposed connection bears to the total distance lying between the point of prior con- nection and the connection at the Hancock building. measuring from such prior connection. Connections made at a point intermediate two other points shall be paid for in the proportion which the distance of con- necting paint bears to the total dis- tance between the two points, meas- uring easterly from the westerly point, payment to be made to the per- son or company having the easterly point of connection. The intention hereof is that no person or company constructing, or connecting with. said pipe line. shall he reimbursed in an amount in excess of the actual ex- pense advanced. The cost of main- taining said pipe line herein author- ized is to be borne equally by all per- sons using the same. Section 4. The said John T. Han- cock Co., Branch Western Grocer Co., shall, at or before the time of ac- cepting the provisions of this Ordi- nance and its publication, file with the City Recorder of the City of Dubuque a proper bond, in the sum of $500.00, to be approved by the Mayor of said City, obligating the said Company to keep the street and alley in which excavations are made in good condi- tion and repair wherever such exea- Adjourned Regular. Session, July 29th, 1909 241 vations are made, for a period of one year after the completion of the work, and that it will restore said street and alley to the condition In which they were found before said excavating, all to the satisfaction of the Street Com- missioner and the Committee on Streets of said City. Section 5. On completion of the laying of the main as herein provided for, the said Company shall file with the City Recorder of said City a sworn statement, showing the exact cost of said main and of its installa- tion. said statement to be itemized. Failure to file said statement shall preculde the said Company from the right of collecting from any person or company the proportionate amount due the said Company under the terms of Section 5 hereof. Section 6. This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Times -Journal and the Telegraph - Herald newspapers, and its accept- ance in writing by the said John T. Hancock Co., Branch Western Grocer Co.. and the filing of the bond herein provided for. Adopted , 1909. Approved . 1909. Mayor. Attest: City Recorder. We hereby accept the provisions of the foregoing Ordinance and consent to the terms thereof. Dated at Dubuque. Iowa, this -- day of , 1909. Following communication from City Engineer Ilg was read as follows: To the Honorable Mayor. and City Council. Gentlemen: -1 hereby recommend Mr. Joseph Straub as an assistant in my office at a monthly salary of $70.00. Respectfully yours, PAUL ILG. Ald. .Frith moved that the recom- mendation of the City Engineer be approved. Ald. O'Rourke moved as an amend- ment that the recommendation of the City Engineer that Mr. Straub be ap- pointed assistant in the Engineer's office be appreved, and that his sal- ary be placed :it $60.00 beginning from August 1st, 1909 and he to hold -office at the pleasure of the Council. Ca tried. Ald. Singrin moved that matter of salary of Mr. Straub for services al- ready done be referred to the Com- mittee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. Frith presented plans and specifications for repairing of Alt - hauler Avenue and moved that plans and specifications for repairing Alt- hauser Avenue be approved and the Recorder instructed to advertise for bids for said improvement and to present same to the Council at their next session. Carried. Ald. Rand moved that on account of the delay incurred' in procuring waivers for improving West Locust Street that James Lee & Non be granted an extension of time of 30 days from October 1st to November 1.st. to complete the contract. Car- ried. Aid. Martin moved that the Coun- cil tate up matter of the \lartin-S(re- iau coal hills. Carried. Following communication of Wm. Lawther et al, signed by thirty-one citizens and taxpayers of the City, was then read: \\'.•. the undersigned citizens and tax payers -. f Dubuque, :,respectfully recommend •to the Ctty" Council that the claim of the Martin-Strelau Co., for which they furnished coal to the City, he paid without further litiga- tion. \Irl. Singrin moved that petition of \Vni. Lawther et al be received and filed. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Maas. ;Atli n, Rand and Singrin. Nays—Alds. Frith, 0'1iourkc and Saul. Aid. Singrin moved that the decision of the District Court in the case of the Alantin-Strelau Cu. vs City of Dubuque be appealed to the Supreme Court. Carried by the following vote: yeas--Alds. Haas. .Martin, Rand and Singrin. Nay's—Aids. Frith, O'Rourke and Saul. Ald. O'itnurke moved that the City Alterney lie instructed to confer with the ,ctterno•y's for the Martin-Strelau Co. to have the appeal decided by the Supreme court at as early a date as posrihle, carried. City Attorney Lyon said that much has been said about his having prejudged this ease. and acs the time for preparing an app..111 is very short he would ask that the Aldermen de- cide tonight al the netting the ques- tion of employing special counsel to aid him in pretcaring the appeal. that, as far as his office was concerned, his assistant. Mr. \\'illging, and himself would be glad to tact with one or more, but that he wanted it understood that if the Council diel see tit to employ anyone, that they re to be a9 asso- clate counsel to assist him. Aid. Rand moved that the matter 24o List of Warrants of.preparing appeal in the <,i: e.• left in the hands of City Attorre > I• and Assistant City Attorney Winging. Carried. Ald. Rand moved that the salary of the engineer of the rock crusher be fixed at $2.50 per clay. Carried. Ald, Frith stated that the Bee :Branch sewer was now finished and moved that the Street Commissioner be authorized to confer with Mr. Tibey with power to have grading done at mouth of Bee Branch sewer. Carried. Ald. Martin moved to adjourn to Thursday evening, August 5th, 1909. Carried. EDMUND A. LIN I:HAN, City 1 i corder. Appror, ,1 . 1909 Attest: Mayor .Recorder List of City Warrants Dubuque, Iowa, July 1st, 1909. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of Dubuque: Centlernen:--The following is a complete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of June, 1909: H. A. Schunk. salary, Mayor $116 H. Brinkman, salary, Treas- urer 133 35 J. A. McKinley, salary, Deputy Treasurer 100 00 Jno. Krayer, clerk Treasurer's office 60 00 E. A. Linehan, salary, Recor- der 116 70 Jos. Freidrich, salary, Deputy Recorder 85 00 70 M. E. Lyons, salary, Auditor116 70 Joseph T. Kelly, salary, As- sessor 125 00 Allan Wiedner, salary, Assist- ant Assessor 83 35 Frank Kenneally, salary, As- sistant Assessor 83 35 Geo. T. Lyon, salary, Attorney 150 00 Edgar Willging, salary, Assist- ant Attorney 75 00 Jas. Pickley, salary, Chief of Police 100 00 Joseph Reinfried, salary, Fire Chief 100 00 J. W. Lawlor, salary, Commit- tee Clerk 100 00 Paul Ilg, salary, City Engi- neer 166 65 Henry Scharle, Assistant City Engineer 30 00 Jahn Dorgan, Street Commis- sioner 100 00 John Mahoney, Assistant Street Commissioner 50 00 G. Vogel, clerk in Auditor's and Engineer's offices 75 00 Wm. Hippman, salary, Elec- trician 83 35 C. W. Katz, salary, Market - master 55 00 T. Hackney, salary, Pound - master 40 00 Mrs. H. Koenig, salary, Jani- tress 25 00 James Lynch, salary, Side- walk Inspector 60 00 Wm. Coleman, Rodman 50 00 J. H. Carroll, Harbor Master30 00 John A. Cunningham, Clerk to Police and Fire Commis- sioners 15 00 Geo. Miller, Superintendent of Sprinkling 60 00 Tom Cahill, Custodian Wash- ington Park 40 00 Philip Reddin, Custodian Jackson Park 40 00 Joseph Straney, Custodian Phoenix Park 15 00 Dr. Chas. Palen, Health Phy- sician 50 OC List of Warrants Frank Flynn, Sanitary Officer 65 00 Dr. F. J. Kennedy, Meat and Milk Inspector 75 00 E. E. Frith, salary, Alderman 25 00 Dan J. Haas, salary, Alderman 25 00 Peter R. Martin, salary, Alder- man 25 00 John O'Rourke, salary, Alder- man 25 00 D. W. Rand, salary, Alderman 25 00 James Saul, salary, Alderman 25 00 Wm. Singrin, salary, Alder- man M. Eitel, fireman J. Essman, fireman J. Flynn, fireman A. Duccini, fireman A. Heer, fireman W. Kannolt, fireman B. Kirsch, fireman G. Beyer, fireman J. Dailey, fireman J. Barnes, flreman T. Ryder, fireman W. Ducey, fireman F. Murphy, fireman M. Kelly, fireman J. Beakey, fireman D. Ahearn, fireman P. Zillig, fireman M. Sweeney, fireman H. Cain, fireman J. Benzor, fireman J. McLoughlin, fireman A. McDonald, fireman J. Murphy, fireman G. Gherki, fireman T. Kennedy, fireman J. Smith, fireman J. Keppler, fireman C. Kannolt, fireman J. Allen, fireman M. Fahey, fireman F. Kennealiy, fireman R. Weston, fireman E. McDermott, fireman R. Kenneally, fireman J. Roshin, fireman F. Baumgartner, fireman J. Schoenberger, fireman J. Tschudi, fireman J. Connolly, fireman Wm. Smith, fireman W. Connolly, fireman J. Peed, fireman W. Kennedy, fireman P. Kirch, flreman W. Tannersett, fireman Chas. Beakey, fireman A .Russell, fireman R. Degman, fireman H. Rossen, fireman L. Blocklinger, police M. Connolly, police John Cody, police James Corcoran, police Wm. Donahue, police Phil J. Dunphy, police Thomas Duggan, police P. F. Fury, police John Fox, police James Flynn, police M. Fogarty; police " 25 00 77 00 82 60 71 50 71 50 66 00 66 00 66 00 71 50 77 00 82 50 71 50 71 50 71 50 66 00 66 00 83 33 66 00 66 00 66 00 71 50 66 00 82 50 50 00 77 00 71 50 66 00 66 00 77 00 71 50 66 00 71 50 77 00 66 00 66 00 77 00 71 50 66 00 66 00 66 00 60 50 18 05 66 00 55 00 33 65 55 00 10 65 1. 00 1 00 1 00 52 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 65 00 60 00 60 00 70 00 60 00 60 00 243 Pon Gray, police 60 00 Pat Hanlon. police 60 00 Geo. Jones, police 60 00 Pat Kenneally, police 60 00 Emil Kahn. police 60 00 M. Kilty, police 60 00 John Kane, police 60 00 James Keefe, police 60 00 B. Ludescher, police 56 00 Chas. Liest, police 65 00 Pat McCollins, police 64 00 M. McCormack, police 60 00 Pat McInerney, police 60 00 Henry Mueller, police 58 00 John Murphy, police 60 00 Hugh Markey, police 62 00 T. O'Meara, police 58 00 John J. O'13rien, police 60 00 M. O'Connor, police 60 00 M. Ryan, police 60 00 John Raesle, police 70 00 G. Raterman, police 60 00 John Spielman, police 36 01) Patrick Sutton, police 55 00 M. Stapleton, police 60 00 Joseph Stoltz, police 58 00 Pat Sullivan, police 60 00 Frank Williams, police 50 00 Dennis Sheehan, police 8 00 Miss 13. Brennan, police ma- tron 60 00 Mrs. K. Hibbe, police matron 60 00 LABOR ON S1REF7S in the several Road Districts during the last half of May, 1909: M. Acker, 3rd $ 1 60 R. Burns, lst 15 60 J. Brouillette, 2nd 11 20 J. Burns, 2nd 8 00 T. Burke, 2nd, $12.80; Health, $3.60 16 40 W. Burke, Health and 2nd20 85 P. Becker, 9th 16 80 J. Brachtenbach, 5th 10 80 P. Carney, 1st 17 60 M. Cain, 1st 17 60 H. Connell, 1st 14 00 W. Coughlan, 1st 17 60 L. Cahill. lst 3 20 Jerry Cahill, 1st 14 00 W. Corbett, 2nd 17 05 J. Callaghan, 2nd 29 50 James C,,nnnlly, 1st, $1.85; 2nd, $6.25; 3rd, $7.05; 4th, $5.00; 5th, 65c 20 80 M. Carney, 2nd, $5.20; 3rd, $5.211; 4th, $10.40 20 80 J. Crawford, 1-5 in each75 00 J. Duggan, 1st 16 80 M. Donegan, 2nd S 00 J. Dobler, 5th 4 80 .J Dixon, 5th 8 80 G. Duerst, 5th 1 60 T. Donahue, 1st, $1.85; 2nd, $6.25; 3rd, $7.05; 4th, $5.00; 5th, 65c 20 80 John Egan, 2nd 17 20 John Ess, 5th 15 60 J. Eberhardt, 5th 16 80 A. V. Floyd, 1st 15 60 M. Farrell, lst 12 40 George Frost, 2nd 22 50 244 List of Warrants P. Farrell, 3rd F. Frick, 3rd W. Flynn. 3rd F. Geitz, 1st G. Glass, 2nd 1. C:ednalski, 2nd JI. Galle, 2nd, $12.80; Health, $6.40; 3r1. $2.40 C. Geinler. 4th G. Collinson, 4th Jos. (Grab, 5th Geo. Gait, 5th H. Grade. 71h C G antes ficin, 7th John Heil. 1-7 in each John Hill, 1st Jaynes Hird, 4th N. Herman. 5th Phil Hense. 5th J. Hanson. 2nrl John John. 3rd Peter Jacobs, 3rd T. Jess. 4th M. Kass. :th P. Iirocheslci. 7th C. K111 fcrsclnidt, 5th J. Kraus. ist, $1.87; 2n(1, $6.25: 31'11, $7.o5: 4th, $5.00; 5th. 67c J. Kress, 1st, 81.85; 2nd, $6.27; 3rd, $7.117: 4th, $5.00; 5tll, 65c P. Kenneally, Health H. Kunkel, 2nd Ed. Lee, lst P. Leonard, 1st John I..,•wery, lst 14I. Lavin. "101 F. Lillie. fine St., 5th F. Lillie, \Vin,lsor Ave., 5th F. Lassa.nce, 5th T. Lonergan, 1st, $1.85; 2nd, $6.25; 3rd, $7.07; 4th, $5.00; 5th, 65e H. Leicht, 2nd, $6.25; 4th, $4.511 J. Levens, 4th, $3.50; 5th. $1.75 J. Mullen, 2nd A. Miller, 2nd L. Maher, 2nd, $1.60; Erxp, $2.15 Al. Moyer, 2nd, $14.00; Health, $7.00 Tom 'Malloy, 3rd J. \lariinek, 4th c eo. Mc ukle, 4th J. McNulty, 1st II. McCaffrey, 4th and 2nd J. SleAleese, 2nd D. McGuinness, 2nd, $14.00; Health, $7.1111 James McLaughlin, 3rd W. McLaughlin, 3rd P. McPoland, 4th B. McDonnell, 1-5 in each W. O'Brien, lst C. O'Neill, 2nd W. O'Meara, 2nd, $12.80; Health, $3.60 F. O'Connor, 1-5 in each W. Powers, 2nd C. Pierce, 3rd 11 75 16 55 1 80 9 20 17 20 1 60 21 60 16 80 1- '0 17 20 l:. SO 4 SO 50 00 1:: '0 50 1> 1111 4 80 2 00 6 40 14 95 20 75 14 00 18 SO 6 20 20 80 20 80 22 50 10 05 15 60 14 00 12 40 8 00 10 40 18 15 14 00 20 80 10 75 5 25 17 20 18 80 3 75 21 00 17 20 17 20 19 00 13 20 17 95 4 40 21 00 8 00 22 50 11 40 75 00 22 50 9 60 16 40 50 00 17 05 6 40 C. Pierce, 1-5 in each J. Parker, 4th Jules Roussel', 1st R. Rosemeier, 2nd J. Ryan, 2nd P. Ryan, 2nd and Health J. Reid. 3rd, $10.40; 4th, $10.40 Jos. Richter, 1-5 in each F. SI rnhmeyer, 1st E. Smith. 3rd A. Schaller, 3rd 6\'. Shields, 4th P. Smith, 4th S. Sterling, 4th J. Schroeder, 4th D. `myth, 4th J. Schafetel, 5th J. .ch,idecker, 5th J. Shies, 5th J. Steffen, 3rd. $10.40; 4th, $In.40 C. Stevenson, 4th C. Specht, 1-5 in each John Twieg. 5th J. Tobin, 4th J. Walsh, 2nd Larry Walsh, 2nd D. W. Ward, 2nd L. Walkenheim, 3rd, $13.60; Exp., 80c N. Wampaeh. 5th 1 20 17 17 19 22 20 50 12 3 2 5 8 4 16 16 9 9 20 27 24 20 1 10 8 75 75 60 20 20 50 80 00 40 20 40 60 00 80 80 80 20 20 50 80 60 25 80 75 60 80 00 14 40 14 00 TEAMS. Peter Apel. lst, $71.75; 2nd, $29.10; 3rd, $3.90; 4th, $2 80; 5th, 45c $108 00 M. Ackels, 4th 90 45 F. Burns, 2nd, $40.50; Health, $16.20 56 70 J. Berwanger, 5th 43 65 John Calvert. 2nd 43 65 ,Josh. Calvert, 2nd 43 65 B. Costello, 4th 42 75 W. Cook, 5th 8 10 A. Conrad, lst, $1.55; 2nd, $4.00; 3rd, $2222.75; 4th, $3.S0; 5th, $35.40 67 '50 Phil, Doerr, 2nd, $23.40: 3rd, $9.45; 4th, $1.35; exp., $1.80 36 00 Mrs. Dietl, 5th 31 50 E. T. Frith, 5th 4 05 J. Graham. 2nd, $26.60; 4th, $23.60; 1st, $2.10 52 20 1T. Hannan, 2nd 43 65 J. llaudenshield, 2nd 10 35 M. Kenneally, lst 40 50 John Long, 5th 35 55 P. Linehan Co., 3rd 52 20 J. McCollins, 2nd. $62.55; Health, $16.20 78 75 J. McQuillan, 3rd 42 75 J. McGrath. 4th 43 75 R. Obermier, 5th 12 15 D, O'Meara, 1st, $4.50; 2nd, $14.95; 3rd, $16.90; 4th. $11.95: 5th, $1.55 51 65 W. Ruesch, 5th 4'{ 70 J. Sullivan, 2nd 4 05 J. Stumpf, 3rd` 20 25 A. Stoltz, 5th 4 05 Union Electric Co., 1st, $15.80; 2nd, $43.40; 3rd, $75.09; UM 'Of 4th, $3.95; 5th, $256.65 394 80 C. Van Wie, 1st, $3.45; 2nd, $11.55; 3rd, $13.0,5; 4th, $9.25; 5th, $1.15 38 45 L.tI3OR ON SEWERS during the last half of May, 1909: F. Cahill $ 9 65 F. Donahue 21 00 J. Doyle 21 00 F. Luehterhand 21 00 J. McLaughlin 21 00 M. O'Meara 21 00 .1. Rooney 21 00 C. Sullivan 30 00 L. Taylor 21 00 J. Tacke 21 00 BILLS. Geo. T. Lyoli, court costs, Em- ma Wilkinson damage case$ 15 90 Geo. T. Lyon, filing and re- cording papers, Louisa St. Extension 5 75 John P. Cooney. inspector \Vest Locust Street storm sewer 44 25 John Pohn. inspector Bee Branch sewer 42 35 Taylor & 11o},inson, sodding Grandview Avenue Park, second estimate 132 10 H. 11rinkman. interest on warrants outstanding 345 75 H. Brinkman, expense 10 85 H. Brinkman, library orders paid 309 64 LABOR ON STUI'FITS in the different Road Districts during the first half of June. 19119: M. Acker 2nd $ 1 R. Burns, 1st 12 J. Brouillette, 2nd 8 T. Burke, 2nd P. Becker, 4th 16 J. Brachtenba.ch, 5th 9 W. Burke. 2nd 15 W. Brunett, 2nd P. Carney, 1st 16 M. Cain, 1st 15 H. Connell, 1st 13 Jerry Cahill, 1st 14 W. Coughlin, 1.st 16 Jas. Callaghan. 2nd 22 G. Collinson, 4th 16 Jas. Connolly, 1st, $1.85; 2nd. $6.25; 3rd, $7.05; 4th, $5.00: 5th, 65c M. Carney, 2nd, $5.211; 3rd, $.20; 4th, $10.40 J. Duggan, 1st M. Donegan, 2nd John Dixon, 5th Tim Duggan, 2nd ......... Owen Donahue- •T: onahue-,'T: Donahue, • 1st, $1.85: 2ud, $6.25; 3rd, $7.115; 4th, $5.00; • 5th, 65c. J. Egan, 2nd J.' Eberhardt, 5th John Ess, 5th A: V. Floyd, 1st M. Farrell, 1st 21. 00 00 so 40 60 75 80 80 20 60 40 80 511 00 20 80 20 80 14 40 4 00 7 60 80 20 00 20 12 13 16 15 12 80 80 35 00 20 09 Vi►arralitA 2i• `fi W. Fitzgerald, 1st 7 20 Gro. Frost, 2nd 22 50 F. Frick, 3rd• 14 40 F.. Fiddler, 8rd 9 60 P. Farrell, 3rd 00 W. Flynn, 3rd 80 F. Geitz, 1st 00 13. Glass, 2nd 00 H. Gallo, 2nd and 55th :58828 20 Conrad Reimer, 4th 16 00 Geo. Gau, 5th 13 60 Jus- ;rah. 5111. 12 80 A. (;'lllt nh'in, 5th 2 30 1'. I;,u, nhein, 5th 32 50 John Heil, 1-5 in each 25 00 John Hill. 1st 15 20 Tom Harker, 4th 8 00 J. Hird• 4th 22 50 N. Herman, 5th 11 20 J. Haupert. 5th 1 60 J. Hanson. Clay Street App9 75 Peter Jacobs, 3rd 14 80 ,Kohn John, 3rd 4 80 T. Jess, 4th 17 50 M, Kieffer. 4th 3 20 \F. Kass. 5th 16 00 P. Krncheski, 5th 9 80 C. Kupferschmidt, 5th 13 35 H. Kunkel, 2nd 1 i 50 J. Kraus, 1st, $1.s:;; 2nd, $6._25: 3rd, $7.115; 4th. $5.00; 5th, 65c 20 80 J. Kness, 1st. $1.85; 2nd, 56.25; 3r11, $7.05; 4th, $5.00; 5th, 65c 20 80 P. Kenneally, Health 22 50 Ed. Lee, 1st 15 20 J. Lowery, 1st 15 20 P. Leonard, 1st 15 20 M. Lavin, 2nd 4 00 F. Lillie, 5th 12 80 F. Lassance, 5th 1 60 H. Leicht, 5th 2 00 W. Lillie, Clay St. App 11 40 M. Lonergan, 2nd 65 T. Lonergan, 1.st, $1.85; 2nd, $6 25; 3rd, $7.05; 4th, $5.00; 5th, 65c 20 80 John Mullen, 2nd 13 60 L. Maher, 2nd 12 80 A. Miller, 2nd 11 75 Al. Moyer, 2nd 19 60 75 4 15 Tom Malloy. 3rd 16 00 Jos. Mlu•tinck. 4th 20 25 0 Geo. Aluekel. 11h 15 20 John McNulty 1st D. Ale(iuinness, 1st and 2nd. 1 60 Phil McCabe. 1st J. Mc.Meese. Ind114 40 R. \1c('affrcy, 2nd 22 50 V. McLaughlin, 3rd 9 80 P. 'ilcPoland, 4th 22 50 W. O'Brien. 1st 8 00 C. O'Neill, 2nd 80 \V. O'Meara. 2nd .. 59 W. Powers, 2nd 16 `29 J. Parker, 4th 16 09 J. Roussell, 1st 41. Rosemeier, 2nd 15 59 F. Rowe, 2nd J. Reid, 33rd. $10.40; 4th, 20 89. $10.40 27 54 P. Ryan, • 3m4 246 List of Warrants J. Ryan, 2nd F. Strohmeyer, lst J. Schroeder, 4th D. Smyth, 4th W. Shields, 4th J. Schafetel, 5th J. Scheidecker, 5th C. Stevenson, 9th P. Smith, 4th J. Steffens, 3rd, $10.40; 4th, $10.40 C. Specht, 1-5 in each Art Turner, 2nd, $1.60; 3rd, $12.25 J. Tobin, 4th J. Varhoof, 5th John Walsh, 2nd Larry Walsh, 2nd L. Walkenheim, 3rd J. Ward, 3rd A. Welu, 5th 20 80 15 20 16 00 16 00 7 20 13 00 16 00 10 50 10 40 20 80 22 50 13 85 12 25 11 20 9 60 4 80 12 80 4 40 80 TEAMS. Peter Apel, lst, 363.50; 2nd, 324.95; 3rd, $3.30; 4th, 32.35; 5th, 40c $ 94 50 M. Acke]s, ' 3rd. 312.00; 4th, 362.70 74 70 F. Burns, 2nd, 32.25; $22.50 24 75 J. Berwanger, 5th 16 20 John Calvert, 2nd 38 25 Josh Calvert, 2nd 36 45 B. Costello, 4th 41 40 A. Conrad, 1st, 31.35; 2nd, $3.50; 3rd, 34.75; 4th, 33.40; 5th. 336.50 49 50 Mrs. Dietl, 5th 4 05 Phil. Doerr, 5th 23 60 E. T. Frith. 5th 4 05 James Graham, 1st, $1.29; 2nd, $31.10; 4th, $13.1545 45 M. Hannan, 2nd 36 45 J. Haudenschield, 2nd 2 25 M. Kenneally, 1st 38 25 P. Linehan Co., 3rd 52 20 John Long. 5th 12 15 W. Leik. 5th 45 00 Martin & & tr« lan, 2nd 3 15 J. MeCollins, 2nd 42 75 J. McQuillen, 3rd 40 50 Jeff. McGrath, 4th 40 50 P. McGregor, 2nd, 310.50; 3rd, $21.00 R. Obermeier, 5th 31 95 D' O'Meara, 1st, 34.50; 2nd, $14.95; 3rd, 316.95; 4th, 311.90; 5th, 31.50 49 80 W. Rueseh. 5th 8 10 A. Stoltz, 5th 24 30 C. Van Wie, lst. 33.45; 2nd, $11.55; 3rd, 313.05; 4th, 39.25; 5th, 31.15 44 30 LABOR ON SEWERS for the first half of June, 1909: F. Donahue $ 22 75 James Doyle, 21 00 F. Lucterhand 22 75 J. McLaughlin 22 75 M. O'Meara 22 75 C. O'Rourke 22 75 J. Rooney 22 75 C. Sullivan 30 00 3rd, 31 50 Jos. Tacke 22 75 L .Taylor 14 00 BILLS. . Governor B. F. Carroll, no- tarial fees, Recorder $ 5 00 M. S. Hardie, supplies for various offices 28 25 H. A. Schunk, refund of money paid by. Alderman of Clinton for Ordinance book 1 50 Wm. Marshall, repairs on steam roller 2 38 Eugene Anderson, surveying Eagle Point Park 35 00 Collings & Pflffner, horse - shoeing for Fire Dept Lagen, Peed & Berwanger, horseshoeing for Fire Dept. 2 00 John J. Powers, horseshoeing for Fire Dept 17 00 Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horseshoeing for Fire De- •partment 3 95 Becker, Hazelton Co., man- tles for Fire Department and City Hall 5 14 John Butt, repairs for Fire Department 26 45 Dubuque Cabinet Makers' As- sociation, supplies for Fire Department 15 Eichhorn & Bechtel, bran for Fire Department 1 40 Farley & Loetscher Co., shav- ings for Fire Department1 00 Key City Gas Co., coal and coke for Fire Department34 25 Wm. Marshall, repairs for Fire Department 1 78 T. J. Mulgrew, re -coating roof and roofing cupola on 18th Street engine house 40 00 National Refining Co., oil for Fire Department 8 10 Palace Clothiers, 46 firemen's hats 57 50 J. F. Ris & Jiro., repairs for Fire Department 2 35 Geo. Rettenmaier, bran for Fire Department 2 80 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Fire Department 3 00 Union Electric Co., power for fire alarm system 2 00 J. W. Witt mer, paint for Fire Department 3 70 Eagle Point Lime Works, ma- cadam for 5th Road District 210 00 John Butt, repairs for 2nd Road District 1 05 County Recorder, recording plat of West Fourth Street. 1 75 John Duggan, repairs for Road Department 6 00 Dubuque Woodenware & Lum- ber Co., lumber for Road Department 24 50 Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies for Road Department 90 Geo. W. Healey, tools for Road Department 1 50 Peter Horsch, stone for rip- 5 75 List of Warrants 247. rap Pee Branch sewer Peter Hanson, supplies for steam roller 5 65 Key City Gas Co., coke for steam roller 24 00 Klauer Mfg. Co.. corrugated culvert for Road Dept 154 12 T. J. Mulgrew Co., cement and sewer pipe for 4th Road District 60 25 Pitts -Thompson Foundry Co, sewer rings and covers for Road Department 37 14 Standard Oil Co.. oil for Road Department 4 97 Standard Oil Co., 7,226 gals. Standard petroleum roadbed oil for Second Road District 242 07 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Road Department 6 30 Spahn, Rose Lumber Co., ce- ment and lumber for Side- walk and Road Depts 59 83 Peter J. Seipples Lumber Co., Lumber for Sidewalk De- partment 34 90 Tibey Bros., 2nd 'stimate Bee Branch sewer. 130 lineal ft. 2301 00 Taylor & Robinson, balance due on contract for sodding Grandview Avenue Park85 00 Henry Wagner, `rent of rock wagon on Alpine Street 7 00 Matt Acker, inspector paving on Clay Street 7 70 O'Farrell Contracting Co, brick paving Clay Street from Ilth to 12th Streets -1562 99 American Everready Co., bat- teries for Police Dept 4 00 Collings & Pfiffner, shoeing Patrol horses 4 30 James Gregory, contract for repairing doors at Patrol house 139 00 McEvoy Co., repairing chim- neys at Patrol house 23 65 - C. W. Katz, 19 meals furnish- ed prisoners during May3 80 Eichhorn & Bechtel. supplies for Police Matron Dept3 95 Mettel Bros., bran and corn for Patrol and Fire horses7 00 Union Electric Co., street lighting for month of May2070 75 Key City Gas Co., rental and maintenance gas arcs for Police and Fire Dept 2 00 Key City Gas Co., light for various departments for May 73 35 Lagen, Peed & Berwanger, shoeing Sewer horse 2 50 John Butt, repairs for Sewer Department 2 10 M. Mullen, plumbing repairs at Sixth Street fountain and fountain at First and Main 9 45 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Sewer Department 1 25 Union Printing Co., daily re- ports for Sewer Department 4 00 .Birg '& Briggs .Co., supplies 4 50 for Treasurer's office 23 00 J. J. Dunn, serving sub- poenas, various cases Edward Esslinger. repairing chairs for various offices5 40 Foley's Hand Laundry, towel service City Hall Geo. W. Healey & Son. seed for Washington Park Illinois Surety Co.. bonds for Police and Fire Commis- sioners Mrs. M. Katz, sewing up decorations for City Hall, Elks' convention F. C. Keesecker, supplies for City Hall Geo. Masters, gas globes, various offices, City Hall Geo. Masters, plumbing at Jackson Park Rider Wallis Co., decorations for City Hall J. F. Ris & T3ro., cups for drinking fountains 2 50 A. R: Staufenbeil, repairing clocks at City Hall 1 50 Western Union Telegraph Co, clock service, Treasurer's office 1 00 J. W. Wittmer, supplies for Road Department and City Hall 6 75 John Schaefer, 22.16 cubic yards macadam, Hill Street quarry 16 62 Mike Lavin, 4.8 cubic yards WARRANTS—FIVE macadam Hill Street quarry 3 60 Peter J. Seipples Lumber Co., lumber for garbage dump7 45 John Linehan, hauling garb- age and dead animals for month of May, 1909375 70 Smith -Morgan Printing Co, printing List of Warrants and Pamphlets for month of May 22 70 Times -Journal, official print- ing for May 87 75 Telegraph - Herald, official pv inting for May 89 19 National Demokrat, official printing for May 12 50 Labor Leader, official printing for May 12 50 I hereby cerlify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of all war- rants issued by me during the month of June, 1909. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. 27 40 4 1 37 2 1 99 00 50 50 50 50 75 70 73 Official Publication. AN ORDINANCE. An Ordinance providing for the widening and improvement of a part of Iowa Street and First Street and for the exemption of certain property of McFadden Coffee and Spice Com- pany, Whereas, - McFadden Coffee aria Spice ,Company has conveyed to the 218 Official Notice city' of Dubuque,"Lot Number Two t ) of the subdivision of City Lots. 529 and 530, according to the record- ed plat of said subdivision. for the purpose of increasing the tvidth of First and 11:wa Streets in front of said lots, 5-!9 and 530: now, there- fore. in consideration of said convey- ance and other good and sufficient considerations. Pe it ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That said lot two (2) of said subdivision shall form and constitute part of said First and Iowa Streets and. together with the entire Width of said streets in front of and abutting upon the remaining -portion Of said lots. 529 and 530, shall be graded. paged. gultere,l and curbed in good and substantial manner. aeeord- ing to such plans ani specilication as May be a lupted by the City for that purpose, tin.l that good and sttbstant- iial cement walks shall b,• 'Lti 1 along and in front of the entire width of lot One (1) of said-sub:livision of City Lots. 529 and 550, being all of the remaining part of said City Lots. All of said gra ling. paving, guttering curbing and sidewalks to be con- structed and laid at the expense of the City of Dubuque, without charge to said 14IcFa Iden ('olfee anti spice Company. \Vh-n sail improvements shall be completed in accordance with this Ordinance, then and there- up,;it McFadden Coffee and Spice Company shall assume and occupy the relation of owners abutting upon said :'freets and improvements. Section 2. That lot One (1) of the said subdivision of City Lots, 529 anis 530. being the portion thereof owned by McFadden Cffee• and Spice Com- pany. together with all the improve- ments which may be hereafter erect- ed or placed thereon during the per- iod of exemption, shall be exempt from taxation for all City purposes for the period of ten (10) years from and after the completion and oc- cupancy of any building thereon by said company. its successors or as- signs. or from the time any building er, cte i thereon shall be sufficiently coml,let,• l for occupancy. Section 3. This ordinance to be iu force and take effect from and af- ter its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Telegraph -Herald and Times -Journal. the official newspapers of the City of Dubuque, Adopted June 18th, 1909. Approved June 29,' 1909. • H. A. SCHt'N I:. Mayor. Attest: El)51d'NI) A. LINEIH.\N. ('itv Iteeorder. Published offieially in the Daily Threes -Journal June :,nth, 1909. • EDMUND. A. 'LINEHAN; . • • CRt'Y' ecdrder, • Notice to ('ontrac•tore:: Sealed proposals will be received at the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the City Recorder, until 5:00 p. Thursday, July 15th. 1909. for the im- prov, nu ret of West Fourth Street from Alpine Street to Paulina Street, in accordance with plans and specie cations prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvem, nt will require 1.210 lineal feet of combination concrete curb and gutter. 1.900 square yards of macadamiz- ing. 1.5a0 cubic yards earth tilling. 1.x53 cubic yards cutting. The work to be paid for ,vhen said wet k is completed an 1 as prescribed by Chapter XXXI1 of the Revised Or- dinances of 1901 of the City of Du- buque, work to be completed on or btfore (Jctober lst. 1900. Bidders must state the price per lineal foot for combined ,concrete. curb 'trd gutter. the price per cubic yard for grading and also the price per square yard for macadamizing. Each bid must be•aec,nnpanie,l by a certified check for $50.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will he entered into if awarda;d. The city Council reserves the right to r, jeet any and 1411 bids. Dated at Dubuque, July 2nd. 1909. 1':1)5ll'ND A. LINEHAN. 7-2-2t City Recorder. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the City Recorder, until S:110 p. m., Thursday, July 15th. 1900, fur the im- provement of Julien Avenue friar the west side of I-lluff Street to the easter- ly curb lines of Alta Vista Street by reguttering the same with brick on a macadam foundation and to curb and reset curb where nc cessary, in ac- cordance with plans and speeitic;tti.ons' prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is , stimated by the City Engineer that said improyen-a nt will require 2,20' square yards of bride gutter- ing 00 a macadam foundation. . 1,100 lineal feet of curbstone reset. 560 lineal feet of new curbstone set. The work to he paid fur when said work is completed and as prescribed by Chapter XXXII of the Revised (t'- iina ces of 1901 of the City of ..Du- buque, work to be completed, on or before October 1st, 1909. Bidders must state the : pries ...pen square yard for brick.guttering,. ,, he price per linear foot-fursIurbstl9neov'eti AN. Official Notice's . • set and price for • 11neal- foot •for new curbstone set. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for :$50,00 on ,some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a, contract will be entered into if awarded. The city Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque July 2nd, 19119. 01D41t'ND A. LINEHAN, 7-2-2t City Recorder, OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. .4N ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE establishing a grade on Stoltz Avenue from Lemon Street to the west lot line of Lots 12 and 52 in Fairmont Park in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Be ,It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That a grade on Stoltz Avenue from Lemon Street to the west lines of Lots 52 and 12 in Fairmount Park. in the City of Dubuque. Iowa, be and the same is hereby established and adopted as shown by the profile of said street and grade prepared by the City Engineer and accepted by the City Council %'n the 1st day of July, 1909, being Profile No. 670 and mark- ed "Grade and Profile of Stoltz Ave- nue from Lennon Street to west lot line of Lots 52 and 12 in Fairmount Park, bench mark, Heim's door sill, elevation 49.19." Said grade be- ginning at the west curb line of Lemon Street, which is station 0, elevation 50.62; thence to station 0+50, eleva- tion 53.70; thence to station 1, eleva- tion 56.77: thence to station 1+50, elevation 59.85: thence to station 2, elevation 62.92; thence to station 2-1-25, elevation 64.46; thence to .sta- tion 2+40, elevation 65.38; thence to station 2+50, elevation 66.00; thence to station 3, elevation 70.50; thence to station 3+30, elevation 73.20; thence to station 3+50, elevation 75.00. Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in: force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuue Telegraph -Herald and Times- Jcurnal newspapers. Adopted July 1st, 1909. Approved July 6th, 1909. H. A. SCH['NK, \layer. Attest: EiD)\II'Ni) A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. Published officially in the Daily. Times -Journal July 9th. 1909. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. AN ORDINANCE. • AN ORDINANCE • establishing a grade on Louisa Street from the south lot line of •Grace Street to the north lot line of Bennett street, in the City dE Dubu jue..Iowa. . Be it Ordained by the•Clty Council of, the city, of Dubuque; • Section 1. That a grade on Louisa Street from the south lot line of Grace Street to the north lot line of Bennett Street in the .City of Dubuque, Iowa, be and he same is hereby established and adopted as shown by the profile of said 'street and grate prepared by the City Engineer and accepted by the City Council on the 1st day of July, 1909, being profile No. 671 ane marked Grade and Profile of Louisa Street, bench marks. Lower step iMes- serschmidt's porch. elevation 298.35 and n. w. curb Louisa and ,race Sts., elevation 301.36." Said grade be- ginning at the south lot line of (race• Street which is station O. elevation 301.27; thence to station 0+8, eleva- tion 301.27, thence to station 1+85, elevation 299.00; thence to station 2+76.5, elevation 295.110. Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and, its publication one time in the Da- buque Telegraph -Herald and Times - Journal newspapers. Adopted July 6th, 1909. • Apiu'oved July 7th. 1909. H. A. S('Ht'NK, Mayor. Attest: EDMUND D A. LTNEHAN, City Recorder. Published officially in the Daily Times -Journal July 9th. 1909. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, Notice of Special Assessment. •Notice is hereby given to all con- cerned that a special assessment as provided by law will be levied at a regular session of the City Council to he hell August 5th, 1909. to pay for the improvement of St. Ambrose Street from Asbury Street to Willow Street, by Tibey Bros., contractors. Amount of special assessment. $1.328.63, same to be assessed against the abutting property upon and along said street. . And that there is a plat and sched- ule on Tile in the office of the City Re- corder of said ('ity of Dubuque, show- ing the street on which said improve- ment was made, and the separate lots and parcels of ground or speci- fied portions thereof subject to as- sessment of such improvement. the name of the owner thereof. as far a,s praetieoble• and the amount to he as- sessed against each lot or parcel of ground, which pl:,[ and schedule aro subject to public inspection. And that any and all persons oh- jecting to 'said special assessment or to said plat must file his or their ob- jection in writing with the city Re- corder of said City of Deleeuw on or before said session of the City Coun- ell to be held .August 5th, 1909, or to 250 Official Notices appear at said session of the Council to show cause, if any you have, Why Maid assessment should not 17th, 9e9 be levied. Dated at Dubuque, July EDMUND A. LINEHAN, 7-17-3t City Recorder. NOTICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTEN- TION TO IMPROVE BENNETT STREET FROM THE END OF THE PRESENT IMPROVEMENT TO THE WEST LINE OF LOT 4, IN BENNETT STREET SUBDIV- ISION. To Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby notified that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque to improve Bennett Street from the end of the present improvement to the west line of lot 4 in Bennett Street Subdivision. That the plat and specifications of said proposed improvement are now on file in the office of the City Re- corder. It is estimated by the City Engi- neer that said improvement will re- quire: Combined concrete curb and gut- ter, 1,004 lineal feet. Macadamizing,- 1,116 square yards. Grading cutting, 1,064 cubic yards. Making a total estimated cost to the abutting property owners of $1,500. Any person having objection to said improvement is hereby notified to ap- pear before the City Council at its regular session to be held August 5th, 1909, or to file with the City Recorder their objections in writing on or be- fore August 5th, 1909. Dated at Dubuque July 17th, 1909. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, 7-17-3t City Recorder. NOTICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTEN- TION TO IMPROVE WINDSOR AVENUE FROM THE END OF THE PRESENT IMPROVEMENT TO A POINT ABOUT (320) • THREE HUNDRED AND 'TWEN- TY FEET NORTHERLY THERE- FROM. To Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby notified that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque. to improve Windsor Avenue from the end of the present improvement to a point about (320) three hundred and twenty feet northerly therefrom. That the plat, estimate and specifi- cations of said proposed improvement are now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engi- neer that said improvement will re- quire: 1,400 square yards of brick paving on the present foundation. 60 lineal feet of old curbing reset. 40 lineal feet of new curbing set. Making a total estimated cost to the abutting property owners of $1,100; City of Dubuque, $1,000; Un- ion Electric Co., $400; total cost, $2 500. Any person having objection to said improvement is hereby notified to ap- pear before the City Council at its regular session to be held August 5th, 1909, or to file with the City Recor- der their objections in writing on or before August 5th, 1909. Dated at Dubuque, July 17th, 1909. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, 7-17-31 City Recorder. NOTICE. OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTEN TION TO CONSTRUCT A SANI- TARY SEWER IN GLEN OAK AVENUE FROM WEST THIRD ST11EET TO FOREST LANE. To 'Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby notified that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque to construct an 8 -inch tile pipe sani- tary sewer in Glen Oak Avenue from the present sewer in West Third Street northerly in Glen Oak Avenue to Forest Lane. That a plat and specification of said proposed sewer is now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that it will require 1,160 lineal feet of S -inch tile pipe with 5 manholes, and will cost the abutting property owners $700.00 in total. • Any persons having objection to the construction of said sanitary sewer are hereby notified to appear before the City Council at its regular ses- sion, August 5th, 1909, or to file in writing with the City Recorder their objections on or before August 5th, 1909. Dated at Dubuque July 17th, 1909. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, 3-17-3t City Recorder. To Henry Barden, You are hereby notified that it is the intention of City Council to im- prove the west side of Southern Ave- nue between Dodge Street and Rail- road Avenue and in front of and abutting on the following described premises: Among others your Lot 2 of 229, Union Add., by laying down a permanent sidewalk thereon com- posed of cement material five feet wide. The plat and specifications of said proposed improvements are now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that it will require 60 lineal feet of Official Notices 251 cement sidewalk and will cost 75c per .lineal foot. . -Should you have any ,Thjectlons to the laying down of said sidewalk, you are hereby notified to appear before the City Council at its regular session to• he held on August 5th, 1909, or to file, your objections with the City Re- corder on or before August 5th, 1909. Dated at Dubuque. July 20th, 1909. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, 7-20-3t. City Recorder. To• Micheal i'urke. You are hereby notified that it is the intention of City Council to im- prove the west side of Southern Ave- nue between Dodge Street and Rail- road Avenue and in front of and abutting on the, following described premises:- Among others your Lots 2- and 4. Stout's Add., by laying down a permanent sidewalk thereon com- posed of cement material five feet wide. The plat and specifications of said proposed improvements are now' on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated. by the City Engineer that it will require 100 lineal feet of cement sidewalk and will cost 75c per lineal foot. • Should you have any objections to the laying down of said sidewalk, you are hereby notified to appear before the City Council at its regular session to be held on August 5th, 1909, or to file your objections with the City Re- corder on or before August 5th, 1909. Dated at Dubuque July 20th. 1909. EDMT7ND A. LINEHAN, 7-20-3t. City Recorder. Official Publication. AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE granting to the Illi- nois Central Railroad Company, its successors and assigns. the right to lay a sidetrack commencing at a point on its sidetrack now located c.n Cedar Street and Wall Street, across Wall Street. Cedar Street and Pine Street and along the alley be- tween Wall and Pine Streets, to a point connecting with the Chicago Great Western Railway Company's tracks In Block Seventeen (17), and regulating the construction. use and maintenance thereof. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That permission be and the same is hereby granted to the Il- linois Central Railroad Company, its successors and assigns, to lay down, operate and maintain a sidetrack, commencing at a point on its side- track now located on the west side of Ceuar Street and on the south side of Wall Street, and west of its main line track,thence northeasterly across Wall Street, Cedar Street and Pine Street, and -over; 'along and 'across the alley running east and west between Wall Street and Pine Street. to a point con- necting said track with the Chicago Great Western Railway Company's track in Block Seventeen (1 7) in said City of Dubuque, as indicated by the colored route shown on plat on file in the office of the City Recorder of said City, a copy of which plat is here- to attached, marked Exhibit 'A'," and made a part of this Ordinance. Sec. 2. That the laying down of said sidetrack shall be done under the supervision of the City Engineer and the Committee on Streets of said City. Sec. 3. That in the laying down and operation of said sidetrack, the same shall be so constructed and maintained as to create the least pos- sible obstruction to the ordinary travel and use of the streets and alleys crossed or occupied by said sidetrack. That cars shall not be allowed to stand at intersections of streets or alleys, and said sidetrack shall at all times be used in accordance with all lawful regulations now or hereafter enacted by said City. Sec. 4. That said sidetrack shall be ]aid to the established grade of the streets and alleys on which it runs, and should the grade be changed at any time, the said sidetrack shah be so changed as to coliform to such change of grade, at the expense of the said railroad company, without claim for damage against said City because of such change. Sec. 5. That said railroad company shall keep the space between the rails of said sidetrack, and the space to the enol of the ties, so graded that car- riages may easily pass over the sante, and at all intersections of streets. al- leys, or at other places, it shall keep such spaces properly planked, macad- amized, or paved, as the City Council of said City may deem necessary and direct, and it shall keep all approaches to said sidetrack, at traveled intersec- tions with streets and alleys, in suit- able condition to enable vehicles easily to cross the same. Sec. 6. Said sidetrack shall be so constructed and maintained as not to dans up or obstruct the flow and drainage of water in the gutters of streets and en the surface of streets and alleys int, rsecting or occupied by said sidetrack; that said railroad com- pany shall be subject to and strictly comply with all reasonable police regulations which said City may es- tablish in relation to the running of trains on said track. Sec. 7. That the said Illinois Cen- tral Railroad Company shall switch the cars of all other railroad compa- nies owning and operating railway lines in the City of Dubuque over said sidetrack, at a charge not to exceed fifty (50) 'cents for each empty car, and not to exceed two (2) dollars per 252 Official Notices loaded car. Sec. 8. That the City of Dubuque reserves the right to revoke the privi- lege hereby granted at any time after five (+.) years from the date hereof. Sec. That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph -Her- ald and in the Dubuque Times -Jour- nal. official newspapers of said City, and after written acceptance thereof on the part of said Illinois Central Railroad Company, duly indorsed hereon. Adopted July 1st, 1909. Approved July 14th, 1909. • H. A. SCHUNIi. Mayor. Attest: EI)61UNl.) • A. LINEHAN. City Recorder. • Thr• provisions and terms of the foregoing Ordinance are hereby ac- cepted. this 14th day of July. 1909. F. J. BECHELY. Supt. I. C. R. H. Co. Published officially in the Daily Times -Journal July 20th. 1909. EDMUND A. LIN EHAN. 7-20-1t. City Recorder. Notice in Contractor:, Sealed proposals will be received at the Council Chamber. City Hall, by the ('ity Recorder until 8:00 p. m. Thursday, August 5th, 1909. for the improvement of the following streets by laying cement sidewalks on a foundation of eight inches of cinders, in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer incl now on file in the of- fice of the City Recorder. A four -foot sidewalk 210 5-6 feet in length. on the south side of Grace Street bec.vo n Grandview Avenue and Louisa Sheet in front of and abutting nn Lots 5, G. 7 and 8, Grigg's Sub.; also for a four -foot sidewalk 150 feet in length on the east side of Hall Strec t between Delhi and Grace Sirr,:ts in front of and abutting on Lot 21. Reche's Sub. '('h • work to be paid for when said work is completed and i as prescribed by the ordinance relating to the con- struction of sidewalks in the City of Dubuque„ work to be completed on or before the first day of September, 1909. I1idders must state price per square foot for sidewalks laid. • Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for $50.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract .will. .be entered • into if awarded. The ('ity reserves the right to re- ject any and all bids. • Dated at Dubuque, July 2Oth,.19Q9. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, . 7 -2Q -2t. Crit t.,coi't}er• Official Publication. AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE granting to the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail-. way Company permission to construct, maintain. use and operate a sidetrack in the alley first east of South Mair Street and. across First Street in the City of Dubuque, and regulating the construction, use and maintenance thereof. 1 e it Ordained py the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That permission be and the same is hereby granted to the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail-. way company. its successors and as-. signs, to lay down, operate a,nd main- tain a sidetrack in the City of Du- buquc, commencing at a point in the alley first easterly of South Main Street One Hundred and Thirty-seven, (137) feet southerly from the south; line of First Street and extending from said point northerly- along said alley to First Street thence across First,Street to Lot Five Hundred and Thirty (530). Section 2. That the laying down of said sidetrack shall be done under the supervision of the City Engineer and the Committee on Streets of said City. Section 3. That in the laying down and operation of said sidetrack, the same shall be so constructed and maintained as to create the least pos- sihle obstruction to the ordinary. travel, and use of the streets and al- leys crossed or occupied by said side- track. That ears shall not be allow- ed to stand at intersections of streets or alleys and said sidetrack shall at all times be used in accordance with al: lawful regulations now or here- after enacted by said City. Section 4. That said sidetrack shall be laid to the established grade of the streets and alleys on which it runs, and should the grade be changed at any time, the said sidetrack shall be so changed as to conform to such change of grade .at the expense of said railroad company, without claim or damage against said City because of such change. Section 5. That said railroad com- pany shall keep the space between the rails' of saki sidetrack and the space to the end of the ties so graded that carriages may easily pass over the same, and at all intersections of streets, alleys or at other places it shall keep such spaces properly planked, macadamized or paved, as the City Council of said City may deem necessary and direct, and it shall keep all. approaches to said side- track at traveled intersections with streets and alleys in suitable conditlet to enable vehicles easily to cross. the same. Sectign Q. Said S[detraek shall , Official Notices 288 so constructed and maintained as not to dam up or obstruct the flow and • drainage of water in the gutters of streets and on the surface of streets and a.Ileys intersecting or occupied by said sidetrack; that said railway company shall be subject to and strictly comply with all reasonable police regulations which said City may establish in relation to the running. of trains on said sidetrack. Section 7. The City of Dubuque reserves the right to revoke the priv- ilege hereby granted at any time after. (20) twenty years front the date here- of. Section S. That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph - Herald and the Dubuque Times -Jour- nal, official newspapers of said City. and after written acceptance thereof on the part of said Chicago, Mil- waukee & St. Paul Railway Company. duly endorsed thereon. Adopted July 24th. 1909. Approved July 26th, 1909. H. A. SCHUNK, Mayor. Attest: EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. The provisions and terms of the foregoing ordinance are hereby ac- cepted this 26th day of July. 1909. C., M. & ST. P. RY. CO. liy J. W. STAPLETON. Published officially in the Daily Times -Journal July 2sth, 1909. EDMUND A. LINEHAN. City Recorder. NOTICE Or THE CITY COUNCIL'S IN'TEX- TION TO CONSTRUCT A SANI- TARY til'.\WER I\ THE ALLEY BETWEEN JACKSON STREET AND COULI;R AVENUE. IN PERU TtOAT). IN JACKSON STREET AND iX '1'11E ALLEY BETWEEN \11L\W±.l"Ni:l: ANI) DIAMOND AVENUES. To Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby notified that it is the intention Of the City- Council of the City of Dubuque to construct an 8 -inch tile pipe sani- tary sewer in the alley- between Jack- son Street and Couier Avenue from the end of the present sewer north- erly to Peru Road, thence easterly- in Peru Road to Jackson Street. thence northerly in Jackson Street to the al- ley between Milwaukee and Diamond Avenues, thence westerly in said al- ley to a point about twenty feet east of the curb line of Cooler Avenue. That a plat and specification of said proposed sewer Is now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engi- neer that it will require 1.800 lineal feet of 8 -inch tile pipe with. 8 man- holes, and will cost the abutting prop- erty owners $1,100.00 in total. Any persons having objection to the construction of said sanitary" sewer are hereby waffled to appear before the ('ity Council at its regular ses- sion. August 51h. 1909, or to file in writing with the ('ity- Recorder their objections 00 or before August 5th, 1909. Dated at Dubuque, July 23rd, 1909. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, 7-23-3t. City Recorder. Notice of Special Assessment. Notice is hereby given to all torr cerned that a special assesstnent as provided by law will be levied at a session of the ('ity Council to be held August 5th, 1909. to pay for the con- struction of cement sidewalks on the east side of hhomberg Avenue be- tween. Windsor ;and Johnson Avenues; also on south side of Windsor Avenue between Itbomberg avenue and (lar - field AVeil ut•. by James Lee &• Soli, contractors, as follows: Owner. I>escriptiet1. Amount. Margaret Hoerner, Lot 22, Cook's Addition $166.95 And that there is a plat and sched- ule on file in the office of the City Rei corder of said ('ity of -Dubuque, show- ing -the streets en which said-, im- provements wore made and the sep- arate lots and parcels of ground and specified portions thereof subject to assessment for such improvements,. the names of the owners as far as practicable, and the amount to be as- sessed against each lot or parcel of ground. which plat and schedule are subject to public inspection. .\nc1 that any and all persons ob- je,•ting• to said special assessments or to said plat must file his or their ob- jection in writing with the City Re- corder of said city of Dubuque on or before said session of the Council to be held August 5th. 1909, or to ap- pear at said session of the Council, to show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, July 23rd, 1909. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, 7-23-3t. ('ity Recorder. (>lficia1 Publication. .\N ttltl>INAN('E. AN 0 [tDINA NCI.: establishing a grade on Bennett Street from the east line of Hantelnuuun's Sub. tea putut 585 feet west of said line. Be It Ordained I'y the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That a grade on Ben- nett Street front the east line of Han- telmann's Sub. to a point live hundred and eighty -live (585) feet west of said line in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, bo and the :-ante Is hereby established and adopted as shown by the pro - filo of said. street and grade pre- •254 . Official Notices pared by the City Engineer and accepted by the City Council on the 1st day of July, 1909. be- ing Profile No. 672 and marked "Grade and Profile of Bennett Street from the east line of Hantelmann's Sub. to a point 585 feet west of said line. bench nark, L. Beyer's door sill. No. 275, elevation 276.95." Said grade beginning at the east line of Hantel- mann's Sub., which is station 0, ele- vation 278.69; thence to station 1+50, elevation 290.87; thence to station 2+50, elevation 295.00; thence to sta- tion 3, elevation 295.00: thence to sta- tion 4, elevation 2S7.8k; thence to sta- tion -4+68, elevation 280.00; thence to station 5+85, elevation 274.00. 'Section 2. This Ordinance shall b.. in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Du- buque Telegraph -Herald and Times - Journal newspapers. Adopted July 20th, 1909. Approved July 21st, 1909. H. A. SCHUNK, Mayor. .Attest: EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. Published officially in the Daily Times -Journal July 23rd, 1909. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, 7-23-1t. City Recorder. ANim.-. Regular Session, August 5th, 1909 255 CITY COUNCIL Regular Session, August 5th, 1909. (Official.) Council met at 8:30 p. m. Mayor Schunk in the chair. Present—Aids. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Absent—None. Ald. Rand moved that the Council Proceedings for the month of July, 1909, be approved as printed. Car- ried. BILLS. The following bills, having been properly approved by the various committees, were read and on motion ordered paid. John Bohn, inspector Bee Branch sewer for month of July $50 00 John Teal, building steps on Pickett and Cornell Streets and furnishing material and labor for same 28 00 Following bills were not approved and were, . on motion, referred to the. Committee of the Whole: Joseph Straub, assistant in City Engineer's office from June 7th to August 1st, 1 month and 25 days $110 00 Henry Weber, inspector 32nd Street storm sewer 44 25 Robert Young, inspector Fran- cis and Hart Street sewer. 30 00 Street & Steuck, constructing sanitary sewer in alley be- tween Jackson and Elm Streets south of 32nd Street 171 93 Street & Steuck, constructing sanitary sewer in West Fourth Street 430 52 Street & Steuck, grading West Fourth Street .. 560 00 Tibey Bros., final estimate for constructing Bee Branch sewer 1014 87 Rids for repairing Althauser Ave- nue were presented and, on motion of Ald. Frith, were ordered opened, as follows: O'Farrell Contracting Co., concrete gutter, per lineal foot. 70c. New curbing set, per lineal foot, 70c. Ma- cadamizing, ' p'er' square• • yh d, 7.0c. Resetting old curb, per lineal foot, 20e. On motion of Ald. Frith contract for repairing Althauser• Avenue was awarded • to O'Farrell Contracting Co. with understanding that same is to be paid out of next years appropria- tion. • PETITIONS AND COMMUNICA- CATIONS. Petition of W. F. Milligan et al, remonstrating against the placing of the rock crusher on West Seventeenth Street, claiming same is a nuisance, was, on motion of Ald. Frith, referred to the Committee of the Whole to view the grounds. Communication from the Hammond Packing Co., stating that their com- pany retired from business in Du- buque and disposed of all its prop- erty in Dubuque December 29th, 1905, and asking that the City Treasurer be instructed to cancel the taxes as- sessed against said company for the years 1906, 1907 and 1908, was, on motion of Ald. Rand, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of the Armour Packing Co., asking that the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad Company be granted permission to construct a sidetrack across Third Street and ex- tending into their property, in order to enable them to have better switch- ing facilities to the new building they are to erect on the south side of Third Street, was, on motion of Ald. Frith. referred to the Committee of the Whole to view the grounds. Communication from Columbia Camp, Woodmen of the World, ex- tending to the members of the City Council their thanks and cordial ap- preciation for aid given them during their recent carnival, was, on motion of Ald. Saul, received and filed. Communication from the Linwood Cemetery Association, stating that they had awarded the contract for the laying of cement sidewalks on the east side of Windsor Avenue and on both sides of Burden Avenue abutting on their property to J. M. Lee and asking that the Council approve their action, was, on motion of did. Frith, granted and said association to be given 60 'clays to complete the laying of the sidewalks. Petition of the Dubuque Boat & Boiler Works, asking that their taxes for the year 1908 be canceled in ac- cordance with the resolution passed by the City Council October 6th, 1904, was, on motion of Ald. Saul, referred to the Committee of. the 'Whole. Petition of Leathers & Trewin, ask- ing that the City Treasurer be in- structed to accept $32.00, without in- terest, in full settlement pi special as- sessments levied against Lot 57 and N. IA of. Lot • 53, Glendale Addition, for the improvement of Elm Street, was, on'motion of Aid. Frith, referred to the' Committee. of the Whole. 266 Regular Session, August 5th, 1909 Petition of Mrs. Florence M. Hay- den, asking that the taxes for the year 1903, assessed against Lot 2 of Lot 1 of City Lot 609, be canceled, she be- ing unable to pay same, was, on mo- tion of Ald. O'Rourke, granted, pro- vided Mrs. Hayden consents to the laying of sanitary sewer through her property in Hayden's Lane. Ald. Frith moved that the City En- gineer be instructed to prepare plans and specifications for sanitary sewer in Hayden's Lane from Bluff Street and present same to the Committee of the Whole. Ald. Frith moved that matter of the location of the sewer in Hayden's Lane be left to the Alderman of the Second Ward, the City Engineer and Sanitary Officer. Carried. Petition of J. W. Hampton, asking that he be allowed to pay the amount of the assessment levied against his property without interest in full set- tlement of the special assessment for constructing sewer in Grace Street, was, on motion of Ald. Rand, referred to the Committee. of the Whole. Petition of the Dubuque & Wiscon- sin Bridge Co., asking that the taxes assessed against said company for the year 1908 be canceled in accordance with the resolution passed by a former Council, was, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, referred to the Com- mittee of the Whole. Petition of Hugh R. Markey, ask- ing that a warrant be ordered drawn in his favor in the sum of $338.33 for salary claimed to be due him, was, on motion of Md. Singrin, referred to the Committee of the Whole and City Attorney. Petition of A. B. Brown, asking that the Council take some action toward having the Key City Gas Co. lay their mains in Louisa Street from Delhi Street to his property, was read and, on motion of Ald. Rand, rules were suspended to grant Mr. Brown per- mission to address the Council in the matter. On motion of Ald. Frith, pe- tition was referred to the City Attor- ney to report to the Committee of the Whole at its next session. Petition of the Illinois Central Railroad Company, asking that they be granted permission to use a por- tion of Dodge street commencing at a point 2% feet north of the north- east corner of the Fruit Shed, thence northerly 18 feet, into Dodge Street, thence 'westerly about 30 feet paral- lel with the north end of the Fruit Shed, thence southerly 18 feet, thence easterly 30 'feet, to the point of be- ginning, as per plat attached, was read, and, ,on motion of Ald. Saul, the Illinote tOentral Railroad Company ho be granted the use of space 16 feet in width instead of 18 feet, as asked for, and the City Engineer to be in- structed to verify figures and report to the Council. Petition of the Dubuque Aerie, Fra- ternal Order of Eagles, asking that assessment for taxes on their proper- ty, west 94 feet of the north 100 feet of City Lot 100, be placed at a valu- ation of $2,500.00 for the year 1908, was, on motion of Ald. Singrin, re- ferred to the Committee of the Whole. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Treasurer Brinkman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith hand you statements of amounts advanced by me during the month of July, 1909, for which please order warrants drawn in my favor: Interest paid on warrants outstanding $1,832.15 New York exchange 2.60 Postage and expense 10.25 Express charges, Fire .75 Express charges, Police .60 Freight charges, asphalt, Road 212.96 Telegram, Road .50 Total $2,059.81 Library orders paid $934.57 Respectfully, H. BRINKMAN, Treasurer. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke the re- port was received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay the various amounts, and the report referred to the Committee on Finance. City Auditor Lyons reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: port for the showing the ments for the Cash on hand Receipts from Herewith find my re - month of July, 1909, receipts and disburse - month: July 1, 1909. $81,666.96 all sources.. 6,141.94 Total $87,808.90 DIST:IIRSEMENTS Warrants redeemed $22,355.30 Regular bond coupons re- deemed 3,100 00 Improvement bonds re- deemed1,250.00 Water Works bond coupons redeemed Improvement bond coupons redeemed 1,025.00 Total $27,797.80 Balance August lst, 1909.$60,011.10 67.50 Regular Session, August 5th, 1909 257 The above ca. h balance includes the improvement bond fund, im- provement bond interest fund and li- brary fund balance. Water Werks account: Water Works balance July 1, 1909 $ 5,152.68 Deposited with City Treas- urer during July 5,645.42 Total $10,798.10 Orders drawn on City Treasurer during July4,148.80 Balance August 1st, 1909.$ 6,649.30 Excavation permit account: Balance July 1st, 1909 $45.00 Receipts during July 00.00 Total $45.00 Permits redeemed during July5.00 Palance August 1st, 1909....$40.00 Also the following is a record of all interest coupons and bonds and sidewalk certificates and coupons re- deemed by the City Treasurer during the past month and credited to him: Improvement bonds $1,250.00 Water Works bond coupons67.50 Improvement bond coupons1,025.00 Regular bond coupons 3,100.00 Total $5,442.50 Also report that there is due the city officers for the month of July, 1909, $2,814.80. Also the following list shows the appropriations and the amount of warrants drawn on each fund since the beginning of the fiscal year be- ginning March 1st, 1909, to August 1st, 1909: Appropriation Expended Expense .. ...:$40,000.00 $11.990.53 Road— First District .. 6,225.82 4,281.82 Second District . 15,011.04 8,375.05 Third District .. 8,859.42 5,330.75 Fourth District . 10,750.58 5,025.39 Fifth District .. 8,275.14 7,478.69 Fire 49,000.00 14,958.28 Police 35,000.00 11,961.96 Sewerage .. 6,000.00 2,286.45 Printing .. 2,800.00 764.38 Street Lighting 27,000.00 8,283.00 Interest 40,000.00 7,421.20 Board of Health 7,000.00 2,659.36 Grading .. 4,000.00 948.73 Special Bonded Paving ... 4,000.00 4,000.00 Special Bonded Debt and In- terest .. .. Mt. Carmel Ave- nue Grading Sidewalk Repair - 4,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 45.15 1,0.00,00 306:64 ,Bluff Street ex- tension .. .. Improvement of Windsor Ave - 500.00 19.30 nue 1,000.00 Bee Branch Sew- er, Third Ward 2,500.00 Bee Branch Sew- er in Wash- ington Street . 6,000.00 Improvement of Grandview Avenue .. ... 3,000.00 Eagle Point Park .. ..... 3,000.00 Judgment .. , . 2,200.00 Opening of Louisa Street 1,100.00 Clay Street Im- provement. .. 2,000.00 West Locust St. Storm Sewer 2,000.00 Kauffman Avenue Improvement .. 1.000.00 Thirty-second St. Storm Sewer .. 1,000.00 Heeb Street Grad- ing .... ...... 300.00 4,702.10 2,916.66 2,133 90 1,100.00 1,591.84 1,997.55 $297.522.00 Respectfully, M. E. LYONS, Auditor. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke the re- port was received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay the city officers and the report referred to the Com- mittee on Finance Fire Chief Reinfried reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: The following is the pay roll of the Fire Department for the month of July, 1909: Amount due firemen $3,073.08 Less 1% retained for Pension Fund 29.25 Balance due firemen $3,043.83 Respectfully submitted, J. R. REINFRIED, Chief. Approved by Committee on Fire. On motion of Ald. Frith the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the firemen, and the report referred back to the Committee on Fire. Chief Reinfried also presented the following: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Gentlemen: Tuesday, July 27th, 1909, the undersigned, who axe ex - officio members of and constitute the Board of Trustees of the Firemen's Pension Fund, as provided for in Chapter 61 of the acts of the 33rd General Assembly .of .the State of Iowa, met and .atter .Cluis,Qonsideration 258 Regular Session August 5th, 1909 decided that a levy of one -sixteenth (1-16) of a mill would raise a suf- ficient sum during the first year for the enforcement of said law. We also decided to fix the member- ship fee at $2.50 and we submit our actions to your honorable body for your approval and request when you make your annual levy of taxes for City purposes that you include in such levy the one -sixteenth (1-16) of a mill for the establishment of the pension fund for disabled and retired firemen. Very respectfully submitted, J. R. REINFRIED, H. BRINKMAN, GEO. T. LYON, Board of Trustees. On motion of Ald. Singrin report was referred to the Committee of the Whole. Ald. Frith moved that the Indian Oil Refining Company be notified by wire to send man and wagon to Du- buque within five days to apply the liquid covering on the streets, and if they are not here at that time the City to do the work and charge the cost for same to that company. Car- ried. Ald. Martin moved that the Ordi- nance Committee and the City Attor- ney be instructed to draft an Ordi- nance canceling all tax sales where no action has been taken for eight years. Ald. O'Rourke moved that matter be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. Martin was excused at 9:45 p. m. Chief of Police Pickley presented the following: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: At the last session of the Iowa Legislature a bill was passed authorizing City Councils in the State of Iowa to make a levy on all taxable property of not to exceed % mill on the dollar for creating a fund to pension disabled and retired policemen and their widows and minor children and also the dependent fathers and mothers of deceased po- licemen. Under said law, the police- men are to donate 1% of their an- nual salary toiVard said fund. We would therefore ask your hon- orable body to kindly aid us by adopt- ing an Ordinance providing for a fund to pension such disabled or retired po- licemen and theirdependents and creating such fund by levying a rate of •one-half mill or less on all the tax- able property in the City subject to assessment for such purpose. Very respectfully, JAMES PICKLEY, • • PHILIP 'J. • DUNPHY, MICHAEL McCORMICK. On motion of Ald. Frith report was referred to the Committee of the Whole. Chief of Police Pickley reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: I herewith subr;rit the police report for month of July, 1909: The report is as follows: Intoxication Assault Assault and Battery 1 Disorderly Conduct 9 Disturbing the Peace 15 Abortion 1 Highway Robbery 1 Breaking and Entering 1 Interfering with Officer 1 Grand Larceny 1 Petit Larceny 6 Profane Language 1 Robbery 1 Vagrancy 20 Total 124 Lodgers Harbored 22 Residents Arrested 47 Doors Found Open 20 Defective Lights 94 Meals Furnished 31 Cost of Meal- $6.20 For Sheriff Dieting Prisoners for June $3.06 Police Court Costs Collected ...$22.50 Transfer of Prisoners 2 Patrol Runs for Prisoners 64 Ambulance Calls 3 Committee Calls 2 Miles Traveled 144 I also beg to submit the pay roll for policemen for the month of July, 1909: Amount due policemen $2,683.20 JAMES PICKLEY, Chief of Police. On motion of Ald. Singrin the re- port and pay roll were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the policemen and the report referred to the Committee on Police. 64 City Electrician Hipman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: 1 herewith submit my report of defective lights for the month of July, 1909: I find from the reports of the Po- lice Department that the total hours that 94 lamps failed to burn would equal 2 lamps burning for one month, or $1.0.00. Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM HIPMAN, City Electrician. On motion of Ald. Singrin the re- port• was received and the City Audi- tor to be instructed to deduct from the. Union Electric company's bill for the month of July, 1909, the sum of Regular Session, August 5th, 1909 259 $10.00. Street Commissioner Dorgan re- ported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: I herewith submit the pay roll for labor on streets in the different road districts during the last half of July, 1909: Amt. due laborers on streets.$3,812.80 Approved by Committee on Streets Also submit the pay roll for labor on sewers during the last half of July, 1909: Amt. due laborers on se vers..$208.25 Approved by Committee on Sewers. Respectfully submitted, JOHN DORGAN, Street Commissioner. On motion of Alds. Saul and Sin - grin the pay rolls on streets and sew- ers were received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay the various amounts and the pay rolls referred back to the proper committees. Street Commissioner Dorgan also reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: As per your instruc- tions I visited Chicago, leaving here last Sunday morning and returning Tuesday evening. I saw the applica- tion of the Standard Asphalt & Rub- ber Company's method of preparing the street and applying the covering. I spoke to some of the business men along the street where the work is in progress and they speak very highly of it. It makes a very handsome street. The company claims it will last for ordinary traffic in a city sim- ilar to Dubuque for a period of ten years without any cost for mainten- ance; they will give us a guarantee for five years. They also agree to send all appliances and expert for first contract on short notice. Yours respectfully, JOHN DORGAN, Street Commissioner. On motion of Md. Rand the report of the Street Commissioner was re- ceived and a warrant ordered drawn in favor of Street Commissioner Dor- gan in the sum of $1.5.00 for expenses paid by him on trip to Chicago. Street Commissioner Dorgan also pre- sented list of macadam broken in the Second, Third and Fifth Road Dis- tricts, amounting to $48.15. On mo- tion same was referred to the Com- mittee of the Whole. Street Commissioner Dorgan also reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: At your last regular meeting you advised me to recom- mend an engineer for the rock crusher. I 4een{d recommend Mr. Joseph Lehmann. Yours respectfully, JOHN DORGAN, Street Commissioner. On motion of Ald. Rand the recom- mendation of Street Commissioner Dorgan was approved. Ald. O'Rourke moved that time for Mr. Lehmann to begin work as en- gineer of rock crusher be left to the chairman of the Committee on Streets and the Street Committee. Carried. City Engineer Ilg reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: According to your in- structions of July 21st relating to the construction of a sanitary sewer in Mount Pleasant Avenue, I have viewed the territory along said Ave- nue and found after due examination a leasable route for same, as follows Beginning at the north lot line of Julien Avenue th $nce running along said Mount Pleasant Avenue to the south lot line of Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 178, being the grounds of the Home of the Friendless, thence westerly along the south line of the subdivi- sion of 3 of Mineral Lot 178 to Wood Street, thence northwesterly along said Wood Street to the intersection of Wood Street and Rosedale Avenue, thence along said Rosedale Avenue to West Locust Street, thence along West Locust Street to the present manhole at the intersection of Wcst Locust Street, and Union Avenue. The entire distance of the above named route is 6,625 lineal feet as shown on accompanied plat. Respectfully submitted, PAUL ILG, City Engineer. Ald Frith moved that the report of the City Engineer and plat of pro- posed sewer be referred to the Com- mittee of the Whole to view the grounds. Carried. City Recorder Linehan presented and read the printed notice, certified to by the publisher, of the Council's intention to improee 1t, nnwtt Street from the end of the pr, sent improve- ment to the west line of 1 t 4 in Ben- nett Street Subdivision. No remon- strance being filed and no one in the room objecting to improvement of said street, the notice was, on motion of Aid. Rand, received and filed. City Recorder Linehan also pre- sented and read the certified copy of the notice of the Council's intention to improve Windsor Avenue from the end of the present improvement to a point about 320 feet northerly 260 Regular Session, August 5th, 1909 therefrom. No remonstrance being flied and no one in the room objecting to the improvement of said street, the notice was, on motion of Ala. Frith, received and filed. City Recorder Linehan also pre- sented and read certified copies of the notices of the Council's intention to construct a sanitary sewer in the alley between Jackson Street and Couler Avenue, Peru Road, Jackson Street and the alley between Dia- mond and Milwaukee Avenues. No remonstrance being flied and no one in the room objecting to the construc- tion of said sewers, the notices were, on motion of Ald. Frith, received and filed. City Recorder Linehan also pre- sented and read certified copy of no- tice of the Council's intention to con- struct a sanitary sewer in Glen Oak Avenue from West Third Street to Forest Lane. No remonstranee being filed and no one in the room objecting to the construction of said sewer, the notice was, on motion, received and filed. City Recorder Linehan also pre- sented and read certified copy of the notice of the Council's intention to levy a special assessment for the con- struction of cement sidewalks on east side of Rhomberg Avenue between Windsor and Johnson Avenues, also on the south side of Windsor Avenue between Rhomberg and Garfield Ave- nues in front of Lot 22, Cook's Addi- tion. No remonstrance being flied and no one in the room objecting to the levying of the special assess- ment the notice was, on motion, re- ceived and flied. Whereupon Ald. Frith offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for constructing a cement walk on south side of Windsor Avenue between Rhomberg Avenue and Garfield Ave- nue, also on the east side of Rhom- berg Avenue between Johnson and Windsor Avenues, by Jas. Lee & Son, contractors, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real es- tate hereinafter named, situated and set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Special assessment submitted Aug- ust 5th, 1909. Owner. Description. Cost. Elizabeth Buehler, Lot 22, Cook's Add., 1191.2 sq. ft. at 131c; cost, $160.94; adv. costs, ete., $6.00; total cost $166.94 All of which assessment is in pro- portion to the special benefits con- ferred. Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the revolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Alds. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Aid. Martin. City Recorder Linehan also pre- sented and read the certified copy of the notice of the Council's intention to levy a special assessment for the improvement of St. Ambrose Street. No remonstrance being filed and no one in the room objecting to the levying of the special assessment for improvement of said street, the no- tice was, on motion, received and filed. City Recorder also presented and read certified copies of the notices published in the official papers of the city of the Council's in- tention to lay cement sidewalks on the west side of Southern Avenue, between Dodge Street and Railroad Avenue in front of and abutting on Lot 2 of 229 Union Add, owned by Henry Barden. Also on Lots 3 and 4, Stout's Add., owned by Michael Burke. No remonstrance be- ing filed and no one in the room ob- jecting to the laying of said side- walks, the notices were, on motion of Ald. Saul, received and filed. Sidewalk Inspector Lynch pre- sented a certified copy of the notice served on Ellen May, owner of West % of Lot 106 Union Add., ordering ce- ment sidewalks laid on south side of Cleveland Avenue between Mountain Lane and Union Streets abutting said property. No remonstrance being fil- ed and no one in the room objecting to the laying of the sidewalk, the no- tice was ordered received and flied. Sidewalk Inspector Lynch also pre- sented certified copy of notice served on Margaret A. Riggs, owner of Lots 154, 155 and 156 Union Add., ordering a cement sidewalk laid on south side of Rush Street between South Dodge and Holly Streets in front of and abutting on said lots. No remon- strance being filed and no one in the room objecting to the laying of the sidewalks the notice was, on motion of Ald. Saul, received and flied. Sidewalk Inspector Lynch also pre- sented a certified copy of the notice served on A. EL Girard, owner of Lot 5 Hodges' Sub., ordering a cement sidewalk laid on south side of Grace Street between Grandview Avenue and Louisa Street abutting said prop- erty. No remonstrance being filed Regular Session, August 5th, 1909 261 and no one in the room objecting to the laying of the sidewalk, the notice was, on motion of Ald. Rand, receiv- ed and filed. Sidewalk Inspector Lynch also pre- sented and read certifies copies of the notices served on J. C. Roberts, owner of Lots 1 of 21, 2 of 21 and 1 of 22 Reche's Sub., Anna Heer, owner of Lots 23 and 25 Reche's Sub., T. 13. Cain, owner of Lot 24 Reche's Sub., Frank Tummond, owner of Lot 26 Reche's Sub., Martin Heer, owner of Lot 27 Reche's Sub., Frank D. Ben- nett, owner of Lot 28 Reche's Sub., John Accola, owner of Lot 29 Reche's Sub., John Frey, owner of Lot 30 Reche's Sub., Chas. J. Pitschner. owner of Lots 31 and 32 Reche's Sub., also on John Kapp, owner of Lots 33 and 34 Reche's Sub., ordering ce- ment sidewalks laid on the north side of Grace Street between Grandview Avenue and Louisa Street abutting on said property. Remonstrance of Frank Tummond remonstrating against the laying of cement sidewalk in front of Lot 26 Reche's .Sub. was then read and on motion of Ald Rand remonstrance and notice of Frank Tummond were referred to the Committee of the Whole and the other notices ordered received and filed. Sidewalk Inspector Lynch also pre- sented certified copies of notice served on A. A. Cooper ordering cement sidewalk laid on the south side of West Fifth Street between John Street and Gilmore Place in front of and abutting on Lots 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21 of Sub- division of City Lots 691, 700 and 721, also on A. A. Cooper ordering cement sidewalk on west side of Locust Street between First and Second Streets in front of and abutting on south 1 of City Lot 118. No remonstrance be- ing filed and no one in the room ob- jecting to the laying of the sidewalks. the notices were ordered received and filed. Ald. O'Rourke moved that the mat- ter of sidewalks abutting property of A. A. Cooper on West Fifth Street be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke moved that A. A. Cooper be granted 30 days time in which to lay cement sidewalk on west side of Locust Street between First and Second Streets. Carried. Sidewalk Inspector Lynch also pre- sented and read certified copy of no- tice served on T. B. Cain, owner of. Lot 4 Hetherington's Sub., and on P. W. Crawford, owner of Lots 5 Heth- erington's Sub and Lots 778 and 779 A. M. McDaniel's Sub., ordering a cement sidewalk laid on east side of Walnut Street between West Eleventh and Chestnut Streets abutting on said property. Remonstrance of P. W. Crawford against laying of side- walk in front of his prperty and ask- ing for more time to lay said side- walk was then read and on motion of Ald. Frith remonstrance and no- tice were referred to the Committee of the Whole. Following Weighmasters' and Wood measurers' reports of receipts were presented and read, and, on mo- tion, were received and filed: Jos. Straney, First Ward scale.$ 3.00 Louisa Pitschner, West Du- buque scales .70 J. H. Carroll, Wood measured14.50 C. W. Katz, sale of market stands 1.00 R. Hay, 8th Street scales 5.75 Market Master Katz also reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I would respectfully call the attention of your honorable body to the condition of the market house scales. It requires new sills and new covering. As the present is the lightest season of the year for weigh- ing, it would be advisable to attend to this matter now rather than later on as the inconvenience will not be so great. Respectfully submitted, C. W. KATZ, Market Master. On motion of Ald. Frith the report of Marketmaster Katz in relation to repairs of scales at City Hall was re- ferred to the Committee on Markets. Ald. Martin arrived at 10:30 p. m. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. O'Rourke, chairman of the Committee on Finance, reported as follows: Your Committee on Finance, to whom were referred the bonds of Jos. Kelly, City Assessor, and Frank Kenneally, Deputy Assessor, would respectfully recommend that said bonds be approved, received and filed, JOHN O'ROURKE, Chairman, Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the report of the Committee on Finance. Carried. Ald. Singrin, chairman of the Com- mittee on Sewers, reported as fol- lows: Your Committee on Sewers would respectfully report that we have ex- amined the sewer in West Fourth and Pauling Streets from Alpine to West 262 Regular Session August 5th, 1909 Fifth Street, Street & Steuck. con- tractors, and would recommend that said sewer be accepted and the City Engineer be instructed to prepare a special assessment against the lots or parcels of real estate benefited by such improvement and file the same in the office of the City Recorder, who will thereupon publish the notice re- quired by ordinance. W. SINGRIN, Chairman. Ald. Singrin moved the adoption of the report of the Committee on Sewers. Carried. Ald. Haas, of the Board of Health, reported as follows: Dubuque, Iowa, July 30th, 1909. To the Honorable Members of the City Council: Gentlemen: Your Board of . Health, to whom was re - ferrel the bill of John Linehan of $371.70 for collecting garbage and dead animals for the month of June, 1909, beg to report that we have in- vestigated the matter of complaints in collection of garbage in said month and would respectfully recommend that a deduction of $25.00 be made from said hill and that $346.70 be al- lowe:l in full settlement of said bill. D. J. HAAS, Ald. Haas moved the adoption of the report of the Board of Health Carried by the following vote: :"eas—Al dermen Haas, :Martin, O'Rourke, Rand. Saul and Singrin. Nays—Ald. Frith. Ald. O'Rourke, chairman of the Committee of the Whole, reported as follows: Your Committee op the Whole. to whom were referred the bills of E Voggenthaler Co., for $15.40 for re- pairs on steam roller, Thos. J. Mul- grew Co., for $1.00 for cement for the Road Department and the Estate of Thos. Connolly for $124.50 for repairs and painting on both patrol wagons, would respectfully recommend that said bills be allowed and that war- rants in settlement thereof be order- ed drawn on the City Treasurer. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the communica- tion of the Executive Board of the Dubuque Trades Council in relation to the employment of non-union labor, would respectfully recommend that said communication be received and filed. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the bill of Tibey Bros. for the improvement of St. Ambrose Street, amounting to $1,- 194.30, exclusive of the 5 per cent re- tained for one year, would respectful- ly recommend that said bill be allow- ed and that a warrant in settlement thereof be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer, payable out of the funds received from the sale of bonds to be issued to defray the cost of improv- ing said street. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the bill of the O'Farrell Contracting Co. for $420.00 for grading Davis Avenue, would re- spectfully recommend that said bill be referred to the City Engineer for his estimate of the amount of said grad- ing, he to report on same at the next meeting of the Committee of the Whole. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the report of the special committee designated by Or- dinance to audit the report of the Du- buque Bridge Company for its fiscal year ending May lst. 1909, would re- spectfully recommend that the report of said committee on the books and accounts of said eompany be adopted and that the petition of said bridge company asking that its taxes he can- celed in accordance with the Ordi- nance adopted August 2, 1SS6, be not granted. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of John Reuter et al, asking that the alley west of Burden Avenue and be- tween Lowther and Sheridan Avenues be graded, would respectfully recom- mend that said alley be graded at a cost of not to exceed $20.00. saki amount to be paid from the grading fund. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom were referred the petitions of J. Margadant et al and John C. Alt- hauser in relation to the improve- ment of Althauser .Avenue, would re- spectfully recommend that said peti- tions be re ceiveci and filoa. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of the estate of Frank McGuinness stat- ing that it is the owner of Mineral Lots 45 and 47 and also Lot 135 in Union Addition and that the assess- ment thereon for the year 1908 was returned at $1,400.00 and that this property has deteriorated at least 50 per cent in value during the last few years, asking therefore that said as- sessment be reduced to $800.00, would respectfully recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the City Treasurer be in- structed to accept the taxes for the year 1908 on said lots on the afore- ' said basis. Regular Session August 5th, 1909 263 Also your Committee Of the Whole, wouldi respectfully recommend that the ¢ity Treasurer be instructed to acct the taxes for the year 1908 on s4.i'd lots on the aforesaid basis. Also your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare • plans and specifications for culverts both concrete and stone in the alleys east and west of Couler Avenue in the Couler Creek and to submit the same to the City Council at its next session. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the continua- tion certificate of the bond of B. F. Stedman, superintendent of the hater works department, would respectfully recommend that said certificate be approved and accepted subject to the decision of the City Attorney. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition ot Lacy. Frown & Lacy, asking that the City accept one-fourth of the face of the amount assessed against certain lots owned by the heirs of Wm. Hin- trager in settlement of the special assessment levied against said lots for the improvement of the streets abutting thereon, would respectfully recommend that said petition he re- ferred to the City Attorney to endeav- or to affect a better settlement. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of W. Holtzman, asking that a grade be established on Davenport Street and also that the said street be- so graded that petitioner can rebuild his home. would re speetfully recommend that the City Engineer he instructed to prepare a profile showing a proposed grader on said street and to submit the same to the City Council at its next session. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the estimate of M. Mullen for connecting up and repairing drinking fountain on the southwest corner of Thirteenth and Clay Streets, would respectfully rec- ommend that raid estimate be receiv- ed and filed and that the City Recor- der be instructed to advertise for bids for doing said work. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the communi- cation of the Telegraph -Herald rela- tive to the number of new city direc- tories that will be required by the various departments, would respect- fully recommend that said communi- cation be referred to Alderman Haas, chairman of the Committee on Sup- plies, to report back to the Commit- tee of the Whole. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom were referred the bonds of various plumbing firms in the city, namely, E. T. Cleaver, Phil Breit- haupt, Gow & Curtis, Key City Gas Co., Michael Mullen, Mullen Bros., Linehan & Mole, George Masters, Nesler & Hammel, H. B. McCarten, M. O'Donnell, Chas. Pape & Son, L O. Pepin Co., Rellihan & Mullen, conditioned on the proper replacing of the streets and alleys opened by them for the purpose of making re- pairs or connections to or with the gas, water or sewer mains, would re- spectfully recommend that said bonds be approved and that the same be filed in the office of the City Recorder. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the bond of the Great Parker Shows of Abelene, Kansas. given to the City of Du- buque through the local lodge of the Woodmen of the World, conditioned on the proper replacing of the streets after the carnival and as a guarantee against any damages resulting from accidents due to the noise and ex- citement due to the same, would re- spectfully recommend that said bond be received and placed on file. JOHN O'ROURKE, Chairman. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the various reports of the Commit- tee of the \Vhole. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke, chairman of the Committee of the Whole, also re- ported as follows: Your Committee of the \\'hole, to whom was referred the petition ot Adam Weiland, stating that he had purchased the business of Mrs. Wm. H. Reinecke, who was engaged in the sale of intoxicating liquors in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and that she had been granted permission by the City Council to conduct such business in said city prior to the 4th day of July, 1909, and asking therefore that said consent be transferred te hint, would respectfully recommend that the prayer of the petitioner he granted and that the attached resolution bo a looted. JOHN O'ItOCItKE, Chairman. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the report of the Committee of the \Vhole. Carried. The following resolution was then offered: Pe it resolved by the Pity Council. of the City of Dubuque, that Adam Weiland, being the purchaser of the business of Mrs. William H. Reinecke, who was heretofore engaged in the 264 Regular Session, August 5th, 1909 sale of intoxicating liquors and a person to whom consent to sell intoxicating liquors in the City of Dubuque, was granted prior to the fourth day of July. 1909, is hereby given permission and the City Council of Dubuque hereby consents that Adam Weiland sell and keep for cale intoxicating liquors and deal therein in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by law. Carried—Unanimously. The following report of the Com- mittee of the Whole was also present- ed and read: Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the question of the salary to be paid Joseph Straub for services rendered to the City En- gineer prior to August 1st, 1909, would respectfully recommend that salary be fixed at the rate of $60.00 per month for the time he was act- ually employed. JOHN O'ROURKE, Chairman. The undersigned desires to submit a minority report on the question of salary to be paid Joseph Straub for services rendered in the City En- gineer's office. The young man was appointed without the knowledge of the City Council and without the written request of the Engineer as provided by the City Ordinance. The appointment being illegal, the City is under no obligation to pay the bill for Mr. Straub's salary, and the City Engineer, having without authority, made the appointment should be com- pelled to pay the salary and I would therefore recommend that the ma- jority report be referred back to the Committee of the Whole for further investigation. JOHN O'ROURKE, Chairman. Ald. O'Rourke moved that the minority report be adopted. Ald. Frith moved as an amendment that the majority report of the Com- mittee of the Whole be adopted. Amendment carried. RESOLUTIONS AND MOTIONS Ald. Rand presented resolution for the levying of special assessment for the improvement of St. Ambrose Street. Ald. O'Rourke moved that the resolution be referred to the Com- mittee of the Whole and the City At- torney. Carried. Ald. Saul was excused at 11:05 p. m. Alderman O'Rourke offered the following: Bt it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to improve Bluff Street from the south line of lot 6 in D. N. Cooley's Subdivision to the north curb line of Third Street and it is hereby proposed to curb and re- set curb wherever necessary and pave said portion of said street with Sarco compost, and to assess the cost of said curbing and resetting curb and paving against the abutting property. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Ald. Saul. Alderman O'Rourke also offered the following: 13e it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the lo- cation, nature and extent of the pro- posed improvement on Bluff Street from the south line of lot 6 in D. N. Cooley's Subdivision to the north curb line of Third Street and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such improve- ment, and the amount assessable up- on any railway or street railway company, the amount and cost there- of, to be paid by the City, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assess- able upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such im- provement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City Recorder; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office,. the City Recorder shall publish in three consecutive issues of a news- paper published in this city, a notice stating that such plat and estimate are on file, the location and nature of the improvement, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fix- ed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of such notice, and after such publication shall have been made, the City Recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Coun- cil, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Ald. Saul. Regular Session, August 5th, 1909 265. Alderman O'Rourke also offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sani- tary sewer of an eight inch tile pipe be constructed in Glen Oak Avenue from present sewer in West 3rd Street to Forest Lane according to the plans and specifications of said sewer pre- pared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recor- der, and be it further Resolved, that said sewer shall be completed on or before the 1st clay .rf October, 1909, and shall be paid for at the time and in the manner pre- scribed by Chapter XXXIV of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque for the payment of the cost of constructing sewers. The proposals for doing such work will be acted upon by the Council on the 19th day of August, 1909, and the City Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days notice by publication, asking for proposals as provided by Ordinance. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith, Haas. Martin. O'Rourke, Rand and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Aid. Saul. Alderman Rand offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, that Ben- nett Street from the end of the pres- ent improvement to the west line of I.ot 4 in Bennett Street Subdivision be improved by grading, curbing, gut- tering and macadamizing the same in accordance with the plans and speci- fications for such improvement pre- pared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recor- der, and be it further Resolved, that said improvement shall be completed on or before the 15th day of October, 1909, and shall be paid for in the manner prescribed by Chapter XXXII of the Revised Ordinance of the City of Dubuque for the payment of the cost of street improvements. The proposals for doing said work shall be acted upon by the Council on the 19th day of August, 1909, and the City Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publica- tion asking for proposals as provided by Ordinance. Ald. Rand moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith. Haas, Martin. O'Rourke, Rand and Sing_ rin. Nays—N on.- Absent—Ald. Saul. A lderman Rand also offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the f'it of Dubuque, that Louisa Street trim the south side of Grace Street to the north side of Bennett Street be improved by grading, curb- ing, guttering and macadamizing, the same in accordance with the plans and specifications for such improve- ment prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and be it further Resolved, that said improvement shall be completed qn or before the 15th day of October, 1909, and shall be paid for in the manner prescribed by Chapter XXXII of the Revised Ordinance of the City of Dubuque for the payment of the cost of street improvements. The proposals for doing said work shall be acted upon by the Council on the 19th day of August, 1909, and the City Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication, asking for proposals as provided by Ordinance. Ald. Rand moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Ald. Saul. Ald. Haas offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sani- tary sewer of an eight inch tile pipe be constructed in the alley between Jackson Street and Couler Avenue from the end of the present sewer northerly to Peru Road, thence east- erly in Peru Road to Jackson Street, thence northerly in Jackson Street to the alley between Milwaukee and Dia- mond Avenues, thence westerly in said alley to a point about twenty feet east of the curb line of Couler Avenue according to the plans and specifications of said sewer prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and be it further Resolved, that said sewer shall be completed on or before the 1st day of November, 1909, and shall be paid for at the time and in the manner prescribed by Chapter XXXIV of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque for the payment of the cost of constructing sewers. The proposals for doing such work will be acted upon by the Council on the 19th day of August, 1909, and the City Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication, asking for proposals as provided by Ordinance. Ald. Haas moved the adoption of the resolution. 266 Regular Session August 5th, 1909 Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Ald. Saul. Ald. Frith offered the following: Whereas it is deemed necessary and expedient to improve the south s'de of Twenty-seventh Street between Jackson :.cruet and White Street 10 front of and abutting the premises hereinafter described by laying down a permanent sidewalk thereon com- posed of cement material five feet wide Therefore be it resolved by the Ce ty Council of the City of Dubuque: That the City Engineer be an 1 he' 0-- hereby directed to prepare a pia: showing generally the lecation, na- ture and extent of the proposed.im- prevenumt on the south side of Twrn- ty- eventh Street between Jackson and %Vbite .Streets and in front of and abutting lot 213 Davis Farm Adeit on and the kind of material to be used, and en estimate of the entire cost thereof and the amount and cost 01 such improvement, and the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by= tb City, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per from foot, and to file suet' plat and esti- mate in the office of the City Recor- der; that after the filing of said pat and estimate in his office, the City Recorder shall notify said abutting and adjacent property owners, as pro- vided by Ordinance, that such plat and estimate are on file, the location and nature of the improvement, kind of material to be used, and an esti- mate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing which time shall not be less than five (5) clays after the service of such no- tice, and after such service shall have been made, the City Recorder shall. at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council then .,f in writing, with a copy of such notice accompanying the same. All. Frith moved the adoption o1 the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas. Martin, O'Rourke, Rand and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Ald. Saul. Aid. Frith also offered the follow- ing: Pe it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that Windsor Avenue from the end of the present improvement to a point about three hundred and twenty feet northerly therefrom be improved by grading the same to sub -grade, curbing and resetting curb where necessary and brick paving said portion of said avenue on a macadam foundation In accordance with the plans and speci- fications for such improvement pre- pared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recor- der, and be it further Resolved, that said improvement shall be completed on or before the 1st day of November, 1909, and shall be paid for in the manner prescribed by Chapter XXXII of the Revised Or- dinance of the City of Dubuque for the payment of the cost of street Im- provements. The proposals for doing said work shail be acted upon by the Council on the 19th (lay of August, 1909. and the City Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication asking for proposals as provided by Ordinance. Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the fallowing vote: Yeas—A1ds. Frith. Haas. Martin, O'Rourke. Rand and Singrin. Nays—\one. Absent—Ald. Saul. Aid. ('Rourke asked the City En- gineer if he had prepared the plans and specifications for sower in Col- lege Avenue. City Engineer stated he would have same ready in a f,•v days. Ald. Saul asked the City Engineer if he had prepared the plans and specifications for improvement of Grandview Avenue. City- Engineer said he was busy with other work and had not prepared the specifications. Ald. Martin stated people on Grandview Avenue were anxious to lay sidewalks and asked the City En- gineer if he had given the prnpertY owners on that street the grade as per instructions given hitn some time ago. City Engineer stated that he had not. Ald. Frith moved that the sewer committee leave the sewer men clean out the Two nty-seventh Street storm sewer. Carried. Ald. Martin mover] that the Cit Electrician be instructed to have the guy wire on the Electric light pole at the Corner of Schiller Avenue and Rhomberg Avenue moved at once. Carried. Ald. Singrin moved that the Street Commissioner be instructed to have the manholes and grates on Thirty- second Street storm water sewer strengthened. Carried. 4- • Regular Session, August 19th, 1909 267 Ald. Martin moved to adjourn to Thursday evening, August 19th, 1909. Carried. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. Approved V Attest: ...1909 tillayor f. Recorder CITY COUNCIL Regular Session, August 19th, 1909. Council met at 8:55 p. m. Mayor Pro Tem O'Rourke in the chair. Present --Aids. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Absent—Mayor Schunk. BILLS. Following bills were read and ap- proved and, on motion of Ald. Saul, ordered paid: Joseph W. Straub, services in Engineer's office prior to Aug. 1st $ 90 00 Dubuque Wooden Ware '& Lumber Co., stakes for En- gineer 9 67 J. F. Ris & Bros., drinking cups for fountains 1 20 Phil Breithaupt, plumbing re- pairs at City Hall 2 00 H. B. McCarten, plumbing re- pairs at Delhi Street foun- tain 3 35 Key City Rubber Stamping Works, supplies for Audi- tor's office 1 10 C. E. Fitzpatrick Co., station- ery various offices 7 75 Berg & Briggs, stationery and printing, various offices 21 50 Hoermann Press, stationery and printing, various offices 7 25 Mathis - Metz Co., printing warrant hooks 79 25 Foley's Hand Laundry, towel service for July 4 00 Western Union Telegraph Co, electric time service Treas- urer's office during July1 00 A. L. Glaser, planting flower beds in Jackson Park 50 00 G. A. Heine, planting flower beds in Phoenix Park 25 00 F. Mertz, repairing locks at . City Hall 2 50 J. L. Kies, supplies, various departments 4 05 C. W. Katz, meals furnished prisoners during July 6 20 J. Haudenshield, hay furnish- ed Patrol horses 17 50 Mettel Firos., bran furnished Patrol horses 11 80 Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies for Police Matron's quarters 2 40 G. F. Kleih, hardware supplies for Patrol House 2 85 Jas. Gregory, repairs for Pa- trol Howie 7 00 A. Siegel, repairing Police helmet 35 American Ever Ready Co., batteries for Police Dept... 4 00 E. L. Lernhke, harness sup- plies fir Patrol House.... 20 F. Schloz & Son. repairs for Patrol House 50 268 Regular Session, August 19th, 1909 D. O'Meara, hauling manure from Patrol House during May, June, July and August Key City Gas Co., coke for Fire Department Key City Gas Co., rental of 4 gas arcs Union Electric Co., power for fire alarm system J. Haudenshield, hay for Fire Dept. M. Stafford, bran and salt for Fire Department H. Corrance, supplies for Fire Department Geo. W. Healey & Son, hard- ware supplies for Fire Dept. J. F. Ris & Bro., repairs for Fire Dept. Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., fireman's rubber coat Wm. Marshall, repairs for Fire Dept. John Butt, repairs for Fire Dept. F. Schloz .t Sori, repairs for Fire Dept. Geo. Ragatz & Son repairs for Fire Dept. Whelan & Crahan, feed for Fire Dept. Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies for Fire Dept. Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horseshoeing for Fire Dept. Lagen, Peed & Berwanger, horseshoeing for Fire Dept. Farley & Loetscher Mfg. Co, sash for house at garbage dump Peter J. Seippel Lumber Co, lumber for house at garb - ago dump G. F. Kleih, hardware supplies fore Sidewalk Dept Spahn-Rose Lumber Co., lum- ber for repairs to sidewalks Dubuque Wooden Ware & Lumber Co., lumber for re- pairs to sidewalks Chas. Giese, sharpening saws for Sidewalk Dept. G. F. Kleih, hardware supplies for Sewer Department Lagen, Peed & Berwanger, shoeing sewer horse Rellihan & Mullan, plumbing repairs to drinking fountain Geo. W. Healey & Son, rope for Sewer Dept. H. Corrance, oil for Sewer Dept. Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., supplies for Sewer Dept Pitts -Thompson Foundry Co, manhole cover for Sewer Dept. F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Sewer Department John Butt, repairs for Sewer Department Tibey Bros., grading at mouth 6 00 18 95 2 00 2 00 91 00 4 60 2 60 4 75 50 4 50 2 00 5 30 1 65 51 1 35 2 90 13 55 5 50 1 10 31 10 30 28 06 6 10 2 00 05 2 00 25 70 2 31 60 1 75 4 00 2 00 5 15 of Bee Branch John Parker, rock furnished Road Dept. Geo. Muekel, filing Road Dept. Jas. Lee & Son, brick Dept. O'Farrell Contracting Co., rock and sand furnished Road Dept. O'Farrell Contracting Co, constructing curb and gut- ter, Davis Avenue A. Gasser, brick for Dept. Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., 150 feet hose and noz- zle for Grandview Ave. Park Pitts -Thompson Foundry Co., manhole ring and cover for Road Dept. F. Schloz & Son, rock crusher F. M. Jaeger & Co., supplies for various departments... T. J. Mulgrew Co., cement for Road Department H. Corrance, oil for Road Dept. P. J. Seippel Lumber Co, lumber for Road Dept Standard Oil Co., cup grease for steam roller F. Beutin, sand Dept. Spahn-Rose Lumber Co., lum- ber for Road Dept. Geo. Bock. repairs for Road Dept. John Butt, repairs for Road Dept. Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs for Road Dept. F. Schloz & Son, Road Dept. Pitts -Thom pson manhole ring Road Dept. Key City Iron Works, to steam roller Key City Roofing Co., cement and sewer pipe for Road Dept. Key City Gas Co., coke for steam roller Fuhrmann Bros., pair boots for Road Dept. roller Peter Even, roller Hussmann & Lies, hardware for Fire and Road Depts... G. F. Kleih, hardware for Road Dept. Telegraph - Herald, printing Council .Proceedings, July Times -Journal, printing Coun- cil Proceedings, July Smith -Morgan Printing Co, printing pamphlets, July National Demokrat, printing Council Proceedings, July Labor Leader, printing Coun- saw for for Road Road repairs for for Road repairs for Foundry Co., and cover for repairs coal for steam 15 00 50 20 5 00 75 305 30 28 10 26 00 8 00 3 00 5 20 4 00 60 71 00 71 1 50 39 13 80 5 25 6 15 5 15 6 40 22 09 13 30 28 80 3 00 12 33 15 07 9 75 3 15 84 66 82 57 21 30 12 50 Regular Session, August 19th, 1909 269 cil Proceedings, July 12 50 Union Electric Co., arc lights for July 2070 75 Key City Gas Co., light for various departments 68 15 Bill of O'Farrell Contracting Co. for $1,373.06 for macadamizing Davis Avenue was approved and, on motion, was referred to Board of Supervisors for payment. Following bills were not approved and were on motion referred to the Committee on Sprinkling: F. Schloz, repairs on sprinkling wagons $3.75 Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs on sprinkling wagons .79 Following bills were not approved and were on motion referred to the Committee on Streets: M. Tschirgi & Son, construct- ing storm sewer in Thirty- second Street $840.59 Tibey Bros., extra work on Bee Branch sewer 96.80 O'Farrell Contracting Co., 5% retained for one year on con- tract for improving Asbury Street 210.17 Following bills were not approved and were on motion referred to the Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings. County Recorder, recording fees for right of way deed, Schmidt to City of Dubuque, for Eagle Point Park $ .50 G. F. Kleih, 1 Yale night latch for Auditor's office 2.00 T. H. Schilling & Co., repair- ing windows at City Hall1.00 L. Eberhardt, work on Fourth Street and Eighteenth Street Engine Houses as per con- tract 244.25 James Gregory, work on No. 4, No. 5 and No. 6 Engine Houses as per contract 178.50 Bill of John Linehan for hauling garbage and dead animals during the month of July, 1909, amounting to $390.15, was, on motion, referred to Board of Health. BIDS. Bids for improving Windsor Ave- nue, Louisa Street and Bennett Street and for constructing sanitary sewers ii. Glen Oak Avenue, also in alley between Couler Avenue and Jackson Street, Peru Road, Jackson Street and in the alley between Mil- waukee and Diamond Avenues, were presented and, on motion of Ald. Frith, were ordered opened, as fol- lows: For improving Windsor Avenue: Frank Buetin, new curbing set, per lineal foot, 50c; old curbing reset, 20c per lineal foot; brick paving, per square yard $1.65. O'Farrell Contracting Co., new curbing set, per lineal foot, 68c; old curbing reset, per lineal foot, 18c; brick paving, per square yard, $1.69. Eisbach & Andre, new curbing set, 80c per lineal'foot; old curb reset, 20e per lineal foot; brick paving, per square yard, $1.85. On motion of Ald. Saul contract for improving Windsor Avenue was awarded to Frank Buetin and his bond placed at $600.00. For improving Bennett Street: Eisbach &. Andre, grading, per cu- bic yard, 36c; combined curbing and guttering, per lineal foot, 80c; ma- cadamizing, 83c per square yard. O'Farrell Contracting Co., grading, per cubic yard, 30c; combined curb and gutter, 80c per lineal foot; ma- cadamizing, per square yard, 75c. On motion of Ald. Frith the con- tract for improving Bennett Street was awarded to O'Farrell Contracting Co. and their bond placed at $400.00. For improving Louisa Street: Eisbach & Andre, grading, per cu- bic yard, 34c; combined curb and gut- ter, 74c per lineal foot; macadamiz- ing, per square yard, 79c. O'Farrell Contracting Co., grading, per cubic yard, 30c; cement curbing and gutter, per lineal foot, 60c; ma- cadamizing, 68c per square yard. On motion of Ald. Saul contract for improving Louisa Street was awarded to O'Farrell Contracting Co. and their bond placed at $300.00. Sewer in Glen Oak Avenue: J. F. Brown, 8 -inch sewer, per lineal foot, 45c; manholes, each, $25.00. Street & Steuck, 8 -inch sewer 46c per lineal foot; manholes each. $25.00. Tibey Bros., 8 -inch sewer, per lineal foot, 51c; manholes, each, $25.00. Eisbach & Andre, 8 -inch sewer, 56c per lineal foot: manholes, each, $30.00. O'Farrell Contracting Co. 8 -inch sewer, 59c per lineal foot; manholes, each, $25.00. On motion of Ald. Saul, contract for constructing sewer in Glen Oak Ave- nue was awarded to J. F. Brown and his bond placed at $150.00. Sewer in alley between Jackson Street and Couler Avenue, Peru Road, Jackson Street and alley between Mil- waukee and Diamond Avenues: Eisbach & Andre, 8 -inch sewer, per lineal foot, 57c; manholes, each, $29.00. J. F. Brown, 8 -inch sewer, 55c per lineal foot: manholes, each, $29.00. O'Farrell Contracting Co., 8 -incl sewer, 54c; iron pipe $1.75 per lineal 270 Regular Session, August 19th, 1909 foot; manholes, each, $23.00. On motion of Ald. Frith contract for sewer was awarded to O'Farrell Contracting Co., and their bonds placed at $300.00 Bids for connecting up drinking fountain at southwest corner of 13th and Clay Street were also presented, as follows: M. Mullen, $66.60. On motion of Ald. Singrin contract was awarded to M. Mullen, he being the only bidder. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICA- TIONS. Petition of James R. Kean et al, protesting against the erecting and operating of the rock crusher on West Seventeenth Street adjacent to their property, was read and on motion of Ald. Rand rules were suspended to grant permission to remonstrators to address the Council. Mr. John I. Mullany and James R. Kean then addressed the Council, re- monstrating against the operation of the rock crusher at the present loca- tion. On motion of Ald. Haas remon- strance was reierred to the Commit- tec of the Whole. Matter of proposed vacation of Dodge Street to the Illinois Central Railroad Company was brought up and, on motion of Ald. Saul, rules were suspended to grant interested parties permission to address the Council. Mr. L. G. Hurd then ad- dressed the Council, remonstrating against the Council vacating a portion of Dodge Street to the Illinois Cen- tral Railroad Company in perpetuity and asking that the City grant use of the street at the pleasure of the Coun- cil with the title to the street to re- main in the City at all time. Communication from Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress extending an invitation to the Mayor and City Council to participate in their Twen- ty-ninth annual Labor Day parade and picnic at the Shooting Park Mon- day, September 6th 1909, was read and, on motion of Ald. Rand, invita- tion was accepted. Petition of Carrie Fulmer and Bert Richmann, owners and part owners of N. 3'z of Lot 22 and Lot 23, Levens" Add., asking that the special assess- ments amounting to $101.08 for the improvement of West 14th Street, abutting said property, be canceled, was, on motion of Ald. Rand, referred to the Delinquent Tax Committee and City Attorney. Petition of John G. Helbing et al, asking that an electric light be placed on Fremont Avenue at the turn of said street, about a block west of Grandview Avenue, was, on motion of Ald. Rand, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Michael Kearney et al, asking that an electric light be placed on the corner of Booth and Solan Streets, was. on motion of Ald. Rand, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of John J. Sullivan et al, owner of Lot 18, in Oak Grove Addi- tion, stating that said property was sold for taxes contrary to law, at tax sale for the taxes of 1901 and asking that the Treasurer be instructed to re- deem said property from such sale and cancel the taxes on all interven- ing years, he being an honorably dis- charged union soldier and entitled to exemption on his homestead to the amount of $800.00, was, on motion of Aid. Saul, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Kate F. McNamara, ask- ing that the interest on the taxes on her homestead, 430 White Street, be remitted, stating that she is unable to pay the interest and taxes, was, on motion of Ald. Frith, referred to the Delinquent Tax Committee. Petition of Mrs. Aiphons Mat- thews, executrix of Alphons Mat- thews Estate, asking that the City Treasurer be instructed to accept their taxes on a valuation of $3,650 less than that returned by the City As- sessor and on a valuation of that much less than now shown by his books, was, on motion of Ald. Singrin, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of A. A. Cooper, asking that he be granted additional time until October 15th to lay sidewalks on south side of West Fifth Street from John Street to Gilmore Place, was, on motion of Ald. Saul, referred to the Committee of the Whole to view the grounds. Petition of the H. B. Glover Co., asking that they be granted permis- sion to drive a well in the alley just back of the lot line of Lot 231 and stating that said well when completed to he covered and to be no obstruc- tion in the alley, was, on motion of Ald. Saul, referred to the Committee of the Whole. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. The following veto of Mayor Schunk on proposed vacation of a por- tion of Dodge Street to the Illinois Central Railroad Company for erec- Regular Session, August 19th, 1909 271 tion of an office was presented and read. as follows: Dubuque, Ia., Aug. 13, '09. To the Elonorable Council, City of Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen—I have, since your re- cent meeting, had under careful con- sideration the petition of the Illinois Central Railroad Company, asking for the use of a portion of Dodge Street at the north end of the new fruit sheds for office purposes. Your honorable body, at its last regular session, voted to grant the prayer of the petitioner to the extent of granting a space of sixteen feet wide, thence tapering down to a point on the line of said sheds not on Dodge Street. One of the paragraphs in said pe- tition reads as follows: "The under- signed would respectfully ask permis- sion for the use of that portion of Dodge Street designated herein for the erection and maintenance of said of- fice during the time that said fruit sheds are used and occupied and in connection with the fruit company's sheds." In other words you are asked to grant the use of a portion of Dodge Street practically indefinitely. You are asked to surrender the City's rights to a portion of the street while the fruit sheds are used and occupied, which, because of Dubuque's availa- bility as a shipping and distributing center, means for all time to come. This is radically wrong, and I sincere- ly hope that you will agree with me and stop this second attempt by the Illinois Central Railroad Company to get a foothold on this street. When the first attempt was made to secure nearly a thousand feet of Dodge Street for their own permanent use, we were told that unless we ac- ceded to their demands that the Fruit sheds would be located in Freeport. You gentlemen of the Council laugh- ed at the transparent bluff, and re- fused to be coerced by it. It was known then to the Council that Du- buque was the natural and logical dis- tributing center for fruits received from the south by the I. C. R. R. Company, and this knowledge made certain the location of the sheds here, You then voted to preserve Dodge street intact for the use of future generations, and why reverse that de- cision now? Of course you are now asked to give them comparatively a small portion of the strr et to what was asked for then, but if you insist on granting their petition, you are detracting from the future uniform- ity and utility of the street. I claim that Dodge street should he preserved and kept intact for the use of some future generation. In view of these facts I return to you the petition of the I. C. R. R. Company asking for space of eighteen feet on Dodge street for office pur- poses, and hereby veto the motion passed by your honorable body on August 6. 1909, granting said com- pany a space of sixteen feet at the widest point nn said street, thence tapering to a point no feet wide on thc lot line of the property of said company abutting nn the northerly end of their fruit sheds. Very respectfully, H. A. SCHENK, Mayor. Ald. Rand moved that the prayer of the petitioners be granted over the veto of the Mayor, subject to amend- ed measurements of the City Engineer and certain restrictions to he em- bodied in an Ordinance covering the vacation. Carried by the following vote: Yeas --Aids. Frith, Haas, Martin, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Ald. Frith moved that the Council reconsider their former motion in granting the Illinois Central 16 feet of Dodge Street for office purposes. Carried. Ald. Saul moved that the Illinois Central Railroad company be granted the use of a portion of Dodge Street not exceeding 14 feet from the south line of Dodge Street for a period of 20 years, and the Ordinance Committee to prepare an Ordinance granting said permission. Carried. Street Commissioner Dorgan re- ported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit the pay roll for labor on streets in the different road districts during the first half of August, 1909: Amt. due laborers on streets.$ 1,933.70 Approved by committee un Streets. Also submit the pay roll for labor on sewers during the first half of August, 1909: Amt. due laborers on sewers.. $202.00 Approved by Committee on Sewers. Respectfully submitted, JOHN In \N, Street Commissioner. On motion of Alds. Saul and Sin - grin the lrty rolls on streets and sew- ers were received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay the various amounts and the pay- rolls referred back to the proper committees. Street Commissioner Dorgan also reported as folie s: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:—As per yuur instruc- 272 Regular Session, August 29th, 1909 tions I returned curb at street and alley corners in Linehan Park Add., where necessary at a cost of $52.00. Also finished riprapping on Couler Creek for $164.80. The above items are about the cost I estimated to your Honorable Body when you auth- orized me to proceed with the work. The abutters on Couler Creek are very thankful for the necessary pro- tection you have given their proper- ty. Respectfully, JOHN DORGAN, Street Commissioner. On motion of Ald. Frith the report of the Street Commissioner was ap- proved and filed. City Attorney Lyon reported as follows: To the Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: Gentlemen:—The undersigned, to whom was referred the communica- tion of Hugh R. Markey, in reference to the payment of the amount he claims due him as salary as police captain, would respectfully report that there are two actions pending in the District Court of Dubuque County, one being a mandamus proceeding to compel the Chief of Police to rein- state Markey to his position as a Captain of Police, in which action said court found in favor of Markey and ordered his reinstatement, and the other being an action against the City of Dubuque to recover the amount claimed due as salary as said Captain of Police, in which action the court rendered judgment against the City for the amount claimed due, and it is now for your Honorable Body to determine whether or not it is your desire to have my department prose- cute these actions further. We stand ready to take both cases to the Su- preme Court, not having changed our opinion as to the merits of said ac- tion. Respectfully, GEO. T. LYON, City Attorney. On motion of Ald. Rand the report of City Attorney Lyon was referred to the Committee of the Whole. City Attorney Lyon also reported as follom s: Dubuque, Ia., Aug. 12, 1909. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:—The undersigned who was instructed to investigate as to what agreement, if any, existed be- tween Edward Muntz and the City of Dubuque, in relation to his property on Alta Vista Street, would respect- fully report that he finds that on Sep- tember 16th, 1907, Edward Muntz and others agreed in writing to dedi- cate to the public for street purposes a strip of land through their proper- ty as shown on a plat attached there- to, with the proviso that the City open a street and with further under- standing that the building on the northeast corner of Lot One of One of Mineral Lot 81, as shown on the plat as encroaching on the proposed street so dedicated, shoula not be moved without the consent of the owner, and said proposed dedication was accepted by the City Council on November 26th, 1907. We further find that thereafter the owners of the property abutting along the line of the proposed improvement presented a plat to said Council, which was duly accepted, approved, adopted and attested on February 10, 1908, showing she line of the proposed street. While the plat so filed and accept- ed is equivalent to the execution of a deed in fee simple to the City of the proposed street, under the circum- stances above described we assume that the plat was executed with ref- erence to the agreement of Septem- ber 16th, 1907, above referred to, and we doubt whether the City would now under these circumstances have the right to compel the removal of said building without the owner's consent. Respectfully, GEO. T. LYON, City Attorney. On motion of Ald. Rand the report of the City Attorney Lyon was referr- ed to the Committee of the Whole. City Attorney Lyon also reported as follows: Dubuque, Ia., Aug. 12, 1909. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:—The undersigned, to whom was referred the petition of Alice O'Herrin, guardian of Gertrude O'Herrin, with reference to a claim for damages arising from an alleged defective condition of a sidewalk on Emmett Street, would respectfully re- port that the statement contained in said petition that she was led to be- lieve from conversation held with me that her claim was just and fair, is an entirely unwarranted conclusion, drawn by her from any conversation which I may have had with her. Mrs. O'Herrin did call at my office on sev- eral occasions with reference to this claim, but she was informed by me that I would make an investigation of the matter and then take it up with the Committee on Claims, and that it was for them to determine whether or not they would consider an offer of compromise. I did not intention- ally hold out any inducements to her Regular Session, August 19th, 1909 273 which would justify her in refraining from taking such steps as were nec- essary to protect her interests. I did investigate the matter and called the attention of the chairman of the Com- mittee on Claims to it, but no further steps were taken by any one concern- ed until after the time as provided by law for filing claims had expired. A notice of claim was filed and present- ed to this Council. I advised the Council that the claim was barred because not filed within the proper time, and the claim was received and filed. Respectfully, GEO. T. LYON, City Attorney. On motion of Aid. Frith the report of City Attorney Lyon was referred to the Committee of the Whole. City Attorney Lyon also reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:—The undersigned, to whom was referred the petition of A. B. Brown, asking that the Key City Gas Company be required to extend its mains from its present line on Delhi Street to his residence on Louisa Street, a distance of some two hundred feet, would respectfully re- port that under Section four (4) of Chapter four (4) of the Revised Or- dinances of 1901 of the City of Du- buque, being an ordinance pro- viding for the extension of the right of the Key City Gas Com- pany to lay mains, etc., it is provided that the said company shall agree to furnish gas for illuminating, cooking and heating purposes in all cases where buildings to be supplied are situated on or contiguous to the line of the streets or alleys in which the gas pipes of said company may be laid. Under the construction placed upon similar provisions by courts of last re- sortin different states, "contiguous" means "abutting" or "adjacent' 'or "adjoining," and I therefore do not believe that the Key City Gas Com- pany could be compelled to lay its mains along another thoroughfare for the accommodation of any indivi- dual under circumstances like those in the instant case. Respectfully, GEO. T. LYON, City Attorney. On motion of Ald. Frith the report of City Attorney Lyon was referred to the Committee of the Whole. City Attorney Lyon also reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:—In reference to the matter of the petition of Lacy, Brown & Lacy, attorneys for the estate of Wm. Hintrager, deceased, asking that the treasurer be instructed to accept $545.93 in full settlement of certain assessments, and alleging that said as- sessments are no longer collectible because of the bar of the statute of limitations and because of sale for general taxes of some of the property involved, and in reference to the mat- ter of the petition of Julia Kunz, of a like nature, tendering $50 in full settlement of special assessments, which petitions were referred to me for an opinion relative to the possibil- ity of collecting on these assessements I would respectfully report: The assessments referred to in the Hintrager petitions were all levied be- tween the years 1894 and 1897, and the assessments in the Kunz petition were levied in the year 1895. All but seven of the lots referred to in the Hintrager petition were sold Decem- ber 4, 1907, for the taxes of the year 1898. In my opinion all of the assess- ments referred to in both petitions are not collectible because action on the part of the City to enforce payment is barred by the statute of limitations There are numerous cases decided by the supreme court of this state hold- ing to that effect. F'or all assess- ments delinquent for more than five years before the bringing of the ac- tion no recovery may be had. They are barred by the statute (Code, sec. 3447). See City of Burlington vs. B. & M. R. R. Co., 41 Iowa, 134; Fitz- gerald vs. Sioux City, 125 Iowa, 403; Brown vs. Sully & Painter, 44 Iowa, 369. With reference to the lots against which special assessments were levied described in the Hintrager petition, and which were sold for the taxes of the year 1898. No recovery may be had on such special assessments un- der the holding of our supreme court. The sale of land for taxes divests the land of the lieu of all prior unpaid taxes, and the rule operates as well in favor of the owner who redeems from a sale as the purchaser at fax sale. Haugh vs. Eeasley, 47 Iowa, 330. A 'ale of land for taxes frees it in the hands of the purchaser from any and all lieus thereon for delinquent taxes for prior years. Preston vs. Van Gor- der, 31 Iowa, 250; Fitzgerald vs. Sioux City, 125 Iowa. 403. Under the authorities as found in the decisions in this state, therefore, the assess- ments referred to are not enfcrcible. Respectfully submitted, GEO. T. LYON, City Attorney. On motion of Ald. Rand the report of the City Attorney was approved 274 Regular Session, August 19th, 1909 and City Treasurer to be instructed to accept $545.93 in full settlement of special assessments of Wm. Hintra- ger est., and $50.00 in full settlement of special assessments of Julia Kunz. City Attorney Lyon also reported as follows: Dubuque, Ia., Aug. 19, 1909. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:—I desire to call your attention to the necessity of making arrangements for the furnishing of a supersedeas bond in the matter of the appeal to the supreme court of the case of the Martin Strelau Company vs. City of Dubuque, said appeal be- ing erdered taken by your Honorable Body. Respectfully, GEO. T. LYON, City Attorney. On motion of Ald. Rand the mat- ter of procuring bond was referred to the Finance Committee with instruc- tions to negotiate for the bond and to report back to the Committee of the Whole. City Recorder Linehan presented and read certified copy of the notice of the Council's intention to levy a special assessment for the construc- tion of a sanitary sewer in the alley between Washington and Elm streets from Lot 30, Glendale Add., to 32nd St. by Street and Steuck, contractors. No remonstrance being filed and no one in the room objecting to the levying of the special assessment for the con- struction of said sewer the notice was, on motion, received and filed. City Recorder Linehan also pre- sented and read certified copy of no- tice of the Council's intention to levy a special assessment for the construc- tion of a sanitary sewer in West Fourth Street and Paulina Street from Alpine Street to West Fifth Street by Street and Steuck, contrac- tors. No remonstrance being filed rind no one in the room objecting to the levying of the special assessment for the construction of said sewer, the notice was, on motion, received and filed. City Recorder Linehan also pre- sented and read the copy of notice served on the Union Electric Company of Council's intention to improve Windsor Avenue from the end of the present improvement to a point about 320 feet northerly. No remonstrance being filed and no one in the room ob- jecting to the improvement, the no- tice was, on motion, received and fil- ed. City Recorder Linehan also pre- sented Surety Bonds of James Alder- son and G, F. Thormann as Water Works Trustees and on motion of Ald. Saul same were referred to the Com- mittee of the Whole. Sidewalk Inspector Lynch present- ed a certified copy of the notice serv- ed on Wm. Klauer, 213 Davis Farm Add., ordering a cement sidewalk laid on the south side of Twenty - Seventh Street between Jackson and White Streets abutting on said prop- erty. No remonstrance being filed and no one in the room objecting to the laying of the sidewalk, the notice was, on motion of Ald. Frith, receiv- ed and filed. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Martin, of the Committee on Finance, reported that the committee hoped to have a plan for a sinking fund to present to the Council at their next session. Ald. Saul, chairman of the Com- mittee on Streets, reported as fol. - lo ws: ol-.lows: Your Committee on Streets would respectfully report that we have ex- amined the improvement on Davis Avenue from Windsor Avenue to a point about six hundred and fifty feet east thereof, the O'Farrell Contract- ing Co., contractors. and would re- spectfully recommend that said work be accepted and that the City Engin- eer be instructed to prepare a special assessment against the property bene- fited by the curbing and guttering constructed under contract with said company and file the same in the of- fice of the City Recorder who will thereupon publish the notice of said assessment as required by Ordinance. Also that a certified statement of the cost of the balance of said improve- ment be sent to the Board of Super- visors for payment. Also your Committee on Streets would respectfully report that we have examined the Bee Branch ex- tension in Washington Street, con- structed by Tibey Bros., and would recommend that said work be ac- cepted. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the various reports of the Committee on Streets. Carried. Ald. Martin, chairman of the Com- mittee on Police and Light, moved that the City Electrician be instructed to have the Union Electric Company and Telephone Companies repair all sidewalks where poles have been re- moved. Carried. Regular Session, August 19th, 1909 275 Report of the Committee on Sewers accepting the sanitary sewer con- struced in Francis and Hart Streets was presented and on motion of Ald. Singrin was referred back to the Com- mittee on Sewers. The following reports of the Com- mittee of the Whole were presented and read: Your Committee of the Whole, :o whom was referred the communica- tion of Leathers and Trewin rela- tive to special assessments levied against certain lots in Glendale Addi- tion for the improvement of Elm Street, would respectfully recommend that said communication be referred to the City Attorney. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the motion of Alderman Martin recommending that the Ordinance Committee be instruct- ed to draft an Ordinance providing that all tax sales be annulled, where no action has been taken to perfect such sale after the lapse of eight years, would respectfully recommend that the matter be referred to the City Attorney. Also your Committee of the Whole. to whom was referred the matter of regulating the charges for rolling trenches, would respectfully recom- mend that the price be fixed at $2.00 per hour and that the rolling be done, under the direction and to the satis- faction of the Street Commissioner. Also your Committee of the Whole, would respectfully recommend that the matter of raising the gutter on Davis Avenue at the east end of the new improvement be referred to Ald- erman Haas to confer with the Board of Supervisors and determine what had best he done with the existing condition of the drainage an said street. Also your Committee of the Whole. would respectfully recommend that the question of directing the Boar(' of Supervisors to repair Southern Avenue, Cascade Road and Millville Road and pay the cost thereof out of the County Road Fund, be referred to the City Attorney for his opinion as to whether the City Council has taken all the necessary steps in the pro- ceedings directing that said work be done. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whore was referred the bill of Street & Steuck for grading West Fourth Street, would respectfully recommend that said hill be referred to the Street Commissioner to ascer- tain if the grading is finished accord- ing to specifications. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom were referred the following bills, would respectfully recommend that the same be allowed and that warrants in payment thereof be drawn on the City Treasurer: Eagle Point Lime Works, grading approach to Eagle Point Ferry $300.00 M. Tschirgi & Son, balance 00 paving of Ninth Street . , 25.00 Street & Steuck, sanitary sew- er in West 4th St. 430.52 Street & Steuck. sewer in alley between Jackson and Elm. 171.93 Tibey Bros., Fee Branch sewer in Washington Street 1,031.02 R. Ycung, inspector of Francis Street sewer 30.80 H. Weber. i:r pector of 32nd Street s4•wer 44.25 JOHN O'ROURhE, Chairman. Ald. Rand moved the adoption of the various reports of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. Rand asked City Engineer Ilg if he had prepared estimate of grad- ing Davis Avenue. City Engineer Ilg reported that the bill of O'Farrell Contracting Co., for $420.00 for grad- ing Davis Avenue was correct. Ald. Rand moved that the bill of the O'Farrell Contracting Company for grading Davis Avenue he with- drawn from the ('omrnittee of the Whole. C'ru•ried. Ald. hand moved that the hill he approved and certified to the County for payment of $420.00 in favor of the O'Farrell Contracting Co. for grading Travis .Avenue. Carried. RESOLUTIONS AND MOTIONS. Ald. Saul offered the following: Pe it Resolved by the City Souneil of Dubuque, 1owa. That a permanent sidewalk of the wi•Ith ..f four feet be and the same is hereby ordered to be h,id en the south side of c'levelaad Ave. between \leuntaln Lure and Union Street, and in front of the following (le- sc rihed premises: West r,'_ oi' Lot 106, Union Add. Such sidewalk to be con- structed of materials ,ur1 in the man- ner as follows, to wit: Eight inches of cinders, three inches of concrete and ono inch of cement wearing surface. Said sidewalk to be completed on or before the 1st day of October, 1909, and the cost of the same to he taxed against said premises and collected In the manner prescribed by law. Be it Further Resolved, That said property owner he and is authorized to construct said sidewalk at his own 276 Regular Session, August 19th, 1909 expense, provided he begins work thereon within ten days after being notified by the City Recorder of the passage of this resolution by the City Council, and completes the some within thirty days thereafter. Be it Further Resolved, That if said work is not commenced within the time named in said notice that the City Recorder be and is hereby or- dered to give ten days notice by two publications asking for proposals for the doing of said work under contract with the City. The proposals for the doing of said work shall be acted up- on by the City Council on the 2nd day of September, 1909. Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote. Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Ald. Saul also offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of Dubuque, Iowa: That a permanent sidewalk of the width of five feet be and the same is hereby ordered to be laid on the west side of Southern Ave- nue between Dodge Street and Rail- road Avenue and in front of the fol- lowing described premises: Lots 2 of 229 Union Add., and Lots 3 and 4 of Stout's Add. Such sidewalk t0 be constructed of materials and in the manner as follows, to -wit: Eight inches of cinders, three inches of con- crete and one inch of cement wearing surface. Said sidewalk to be complet- ed on or before the 1st day of Octo- ber, 1909, and the cost of the same to be taxed against said premises and collected in the manner prescribed by law. Be it Further Resolved, That said property owner be and is authorized to construct said sidewalk at his own expense, provided he begins work thereon within ten days after being notified by the City Recorder of the passage of this resolution by the City Council, and completes the same within thirty days thereafter. Be It Further Resolved, That if said work is not commenced within the time named in said notice that the City Recorder be and is hereby or- dered to give ten days notice by two publications asking for proposals for the doing of said work under contract with the City. The proposals for the doing of said work shall be acted up- on by the City Council on the 2nd day of September, 1909. Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Ald. Saul also Offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: That a permanent sidewalk of the width of 12 feet be and the same is hereby or- dered to be laid on the West side of Loeust Street between First and Sec- ond Streets, and in front of the fol- lowing described premises: South 1-2 of City Lot 118. Such sidewalk to be constructed of materials and in the manner as follows, to -wit: Eight inches o" cinders, three inches of concrete and one inch of cement wearing surface. Said sidewalk to be completed on or before the lst day of October, 1909, and the cost of the same be taxed against said premises and collected in the manner prescribed by law. Be it Further Resolved, That said property owner be and is authorized to construct said sidewalk at his Own expense, provided he begins work thereon within ten clays after being notified by the City Recorder of the passage of this resolution by the City Council, and completes the same with- in thirty days thereafter. Be it Further Resolved, That if said work is not commenced within the time named in said notice that the City Recorder be and is hereby ordered to give ten days notice by two publications asking for proposals for the doing of said work under con- tract with the City. The proposals for the doing of said work shall be acted upon by the City Council on the 2nd day of September, 1909. Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith, Haas, Martin, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Ald. Saul also offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for constructing a sanitary sewer in West Fourth Street and Paulina street from Alpine Street to West Fifth Street by Street & St.euck, contractors, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the sev- eral lots, and parts of lots, and par- cels of real estate hereinafter named, situated and owned, and for the sev- eral amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Special assessment submitted August 19th, 1909. Total Owner. Description. Assessment. Edw. Langworthy's Est., Paul- ine Langworthy's Sub., Lot 12, 68 lin. feet at .4972....$ 33 81 Edw. Langworthy's Est., Paul- ine Lang -worthy's Sub., Lot 13, 50 lin. feet at .4972.... 24 87 Edw. Langworthy's Est., Paul- ine Langworthy's Sub., Lot 14, 50 lin, feet at .4972.... 24,87 Regular Session, August 19th, 1909 277 Edw. Langworthy's Est., Paul- ine Langworthy's Sub., Lot 15, 50 lin. feet at .4972.... 24.87 Edw. Langworthy's Est., Paul- ine Langworthy's Sub., Lot 16; 80 lin. feet at .497239 78 Edw. Langworthy's Est., Paul- ine Langworthy's Sub., E. 100 feet S. 'k Lot 6, 100 lin feet at .4972 49 73 H. B. Spensley, Pauline Lang - worthy's Sub., W. 50 feet S. 14 Lot 6, 50 lin. feet at .4972 24 87 Edw. Langworthy's Est., Paul- ine Langworthy's Sub., E. 170 feet Lot 4, 170 lin. feet at .4972 84 53 Edw. Langworthy's Est., Paul- ine Langworthy's Sub., Lot 3, 110 lin. feet at 4497254 70 Edw. Langworthy's Est., Paul- ine Langworthy's Sub., Lot 2, 120 lin. feet at .497259 67 Edw. Langworthy's Est., Paul- ine Langworthy's Sub., Lot 1, 114 lin. feet at .497256 69 Total Assessment $478 839.5 lineal feet of 8 -inch san- itary sewer at 4114c $348 5 manholes at $24.00 each120 39 39 00 $468 39 Miscellaneous expenses 10 00 $478 39 All of which is assessed in propor- tion to benefits conferred. Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Ald. Rand offered the following: 13e it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to improve East Street from Delhi Street to the north line of Center Street and it is hereby proposed to grade, curb, gutter and macadamize said portion of eaid street and to assess the cost of said curbing, guttering and maca- damizing against the abutting prop- erty. Ald. Rand moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith, Haas, Martin, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Ald. Rand also offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby direct- ed to prepare a plat showing general- ly the location, nature and extent of the proposed improvement on East Street from Delhi Street to the north side of Center Street and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such improve- ment, and the amount assessable upon. any railway or street railway com- pany, the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assesssable upon each lot or parcel of land ad- jacent to or abutting upon such im- provement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City Recorder; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the City Recorder shall publish in three consecutive issues of a news- paper published in this city, a notice stating that such plat and estimates are on file, the location and nature of the improvement, kind of material to used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fix- ed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of such notice, and after such publication shall have been made, the City Recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Coun- cil, notify the Council thereof in writ- ing, with a printed copy of such no- tice accompanying the same. Ald. Rand moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith, Haas, Martin, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Ald. Rand also offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by he City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a per- manent sidewalk of the width of four feet be and the same Is hereby ordered to be laid on the north side of Grace Street, between Grandview Ave. and Louisa Street, and in front of the following described premises: Lots 1 of 21, 2 of 21, 1 of 22, and Lots 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 and 34, Reche's Sub. Such sidewalk to be constructed of materials and In the manner as follows, to-.vit: Eight inches of cinders, three inches of concrete and one inch of cement wearing surface. Such sidewalk to be completed on or before the 1st day .of October, 1909, and the cost of the same be taxed against said premises and collected in the manner prescribed by law. Be it Further Resolved, That said property owner be and is authorized to construct said sidewalk at his own expense, provided he begins work thereon within ten clays after being notified by the City Recorder of the passage of this resolution by the City 278 Regular Session, August 19th, 1909 Council, and completes the same with- in thirty days thereafter. Be it Further Resolved, That if sail work is not commenced within the time named in said notice that the City Recorder be and is hereby order- ed to give ten days notice by two pub- lications asking for proposals for the doing of said work under contract with the City. The proposals for do- ing of said work shall be acted upon by the City Council on the 2nd day of September, 1909. Ald. Rand moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Fi a —Aids. Frith, Haas, Martin, Rand. Sau] and Singrin. Nays—None. Ald. Rand also offered the follow- ing: Le it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a per- manent sidewalk of the width of four feet be and the same is hereby or- dered to be laid on the south side of Grace Street, between Grandview Avenue and Louisa Street, and in front of the following described pre- mises: Lot 5 Hodges' Sub. Such side- walk to be constructed of materials and in the manner as follows, to -wit: Eight inches of cinders, three inches of concrete and one inch of cement wearing surface. Said sidewalk to be completed on or before the 1st day of October, 1909, and the cost of the same be taxed against said premises and collected in the manner prescrib- ed by law. Pe it Further Resolved, That said property owner be and is authorized to construct said sidewalk at his own expense, provided he begins work thereon within ten days after being notified by the City Recorder of the passage of this resolution by the City Council, and completes the same within thirty clays thereafter. Pe it Further Resolved, That if said work is not commenced within the time named in said notice that the City Recorder be and is hereby ordered to give ten days notice by two publications asking for proposals for the doing of said work uncler contract with the City. The proposals for the doing of said work shall be acted up- on by the City Council on the 2nd day of September, 1909. Ald. Rand moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Ales. Frith, Haas, Martin, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays --None. Aid, Rand also offered the follow- ing: Whereas it is deemed necessary and expedient to improve the south side of Grace Street between Grandview Avenue and East Street in front of and abutting the premises hereinaf- ter described by laying down a per- manent sidewalk thereon: Composed of cement 'material four feet wide, Therefore be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque; That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, nature and extent of the proposed improve- ment on the south side of Grace Street between Grandview Avenue and East Street. and in front of and abutting lot 1 of 4 and 2 of 4, Ann O'Hare's Sub., and the kind of ma- terial to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof and the amount and cost of such improve- ment, and the amount and cost there- of to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assess- able upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the of- fice of the City Recorder; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the City Recorder shall no- tify said abutting and adjaeer,t prop- erty owners, as provided by Ordi- nance, that such plat and estimate are on file, the location and nature of the improvement, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five (5) days after the service of such notice, and after such notice shall have been male, the City Recorder shall, at the next regu- lar session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. Rand mover) the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Ales. Frith, Haas, Martin, Rand, Caul and Singrin. Nays—None. Alderman Frith offered the follow- ing: Pe It Resolved by the. City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the Street Commissioner he and he is 1-erehy directed to notify Peter Kien tc remove all lumber, debris or other material now obstructing Seventeenth street between Sycamore and Lynn Streets within five days from the pass- age of this resolution. In case of the failure of said Peter Kien to remove said obstructions from said street within the time specified the Street Commissioner is hereby authorized and instructed to commence proceed- ings against him as provided by Chapter XXIII of the Revised Ordi- Regular Session, August 19th, 1909 279 nances of the City of Dubuque. Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith, Haas, Martin, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays --None. Ald. Frith also offered the follow- ing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for constructing a sanitary sewer in the alley between Washington and Elm Streets from Lot 30, Glendale Add., north to Thirty-second Street, by Street & Steuek, contractors, in front of and abutting the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter tamed, situated and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Special assessment submitted August 19th, 1909. Total Owner. Description. Cost. Dub. Supply Co., Glendale Add., Lot 26, 50 lin. feet at .386 $ 19 30 Wm. Dalbkenmeyer, Glendale Add., Lot 27, 50 lin. feet at .386 19 30 Rev. Aug. Sauter, Glendale Add., Lot 28, 50 lin. feet at .386 19 30 Rev. Atig. Sauter, Glendale Add., Lot 29, 50 lin. feet at .386 19 30 Aug. Becker, Glendale Add, Lot 30, 50 lin. feet at .38619 30 John Stieber Est., Glendale Add., Lot 47, 50 lin. feet at .386 19 30 Lena Bertsch, Glendale Add, Lot 46, 50 lin. feet at .38619 30 Hy. Deveille, Glendale Add., Lot 45, 50 lin. feet at .386 Nic. Treuviller, Glendale Add., Lot 44, 50 lin. feet at .35619 30 Nic. Theisen, Glendale Add., Lot 43, 50 lin feet at .38619 30 19 30 Total Assessment $193 00 316.6 lineal feet 8 -inch sani- tary sewer at 42c $132 97 2 rnanholes at $24.00 48 00 Miscellaneous expenses $180 97 12 03 $193 00 All of which is assessed in propor- tion to benefits conferred. Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Ald. Frith also offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: That a permanent sidewalk of the width of five feet be and the same is hereby ordered to be laid on the south side of Twenty-seventh Street, between Jackson and White Streets, and in front of the following described premises: Lot 213, Davis Farm Add. Such sidewalk to be constructed of materials and in the manner as fol - lo -,vs, to -wit: Eight inches of cinders, three inches of concrete and one inch of cement wearing surface. Said sidewalk to be completed on or be- fore the lst day of October, 1909, and the cost of the same be taxed against said premises and collected in the manner prescribed by law. Be it Further Resolved, That said property owner be and is authorized to construct said sidewalk at his own expense, provided he begins work thereon within ten days after being notified by the City Recorder of the passage of this resolution by the City Council, and completes the same with- in thirty days thereafter. Be it Further Resolved, That if said work is not commenced within the time named in said notice that the City Recorder he and is hereby order- ed to give ten days notice by two publications asking for proposals for the doing of said work under contract with the City. The proposals for the doing of said work shall be acted up- on by the City Council on the 2nd day cf September, 1909. Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith, Haas, Martin. Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays --None. Aid. Frith also offered the follow- ing: Pe it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That it is deemed necessary and advisable to improve the north side of Twenty- seventh Street between Jackson and Pine Streets and it is hereby proposed to curb, and gutter said portion of sail street and to assess the cost of said curbing and guttering against the abutting property. All. Frith moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yrus—:11L1s. Frith. Haas. Martin, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Ald. Frith also offerorl the follow- ing': Pc it Resnlvod by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That the City Engineer he and he is hereby dirceterl to prepare a plat showing generally the location. nature and extent of the 280 Regular Session, August 19th, 1909 proposed curbing and guttering on north side of Twenty-seventh Street from Jackson Street to Pine Street and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such improvement, and the amount 'assessable upon any railway or street railway company. the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount nssssable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City Recorder; that af- ter the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the City Recorder shall publish in three consecutive issues of a newspaper published in this city, a notice stating that such plat and es- timates are on file, the location and nature of the improvement, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which •objections thereto can be filed, and th3 time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five days latter the last publication of such no- tice, and after such publication shall have been made, the City Recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the :same. Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. • Ald. Saul was excused at 11:05 P. m. Ald. Frith moved that the City At- torney be instructed to prepare an agreement to be signed by Mrs. Barry for filling done on Althauser Avenue amounting to $40.00, and that a war- rant in the sum of $40.00 be ordered drawn in favor of the Mayor to be paid to Mrs. Barry in settlement of claim. Carried. Ald. Rand moved that the Street Commissioner be instructed to grade Wood Street between Julien Avenue and West 14th Street at an expense not to exceed $100.00, said expense to .be paid out of the grading fund. Carried. Ald. Frith moved that the Sewer Committee instruct the sewer men to lower the storm water sewer in 27th Street. Carried. Ald. Frith presented plans for re- inforced concrete arch culvert across the Bee Branch Creek in the alley be- tween Couler Avenue and Jackson Street from Thirty-second Street to Peru Road and moved that same be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. Rand moved that when Coun- .cii adjourns they adjourn to meet on Thursday evening, August 26th, 1909. Carried. Ald. Martin moved to adjourn to Thursday evening, August 26th. 1909. Carried. EDMUND A. LIN EHAN, City Recorder. Attest: .Mayor .. Recorder Adjourned Regular Session, August 26th, 1909 281 CITY COUNCIL Adjourned Regular Session, August 26th, 1909. Council met at 9:20 p. m. Mayor Schunk in the chair. Present—Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand and Saul. Absent--Ald. Singrin. Mayor Schunk stated that the meeting was an adjourned meeting of the regular session of August 19th, 1909, and was called to take up and consider all matters which may prop- erly come before a regular session of the City Council. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICA- TIONS. Petition of Alfred Herron, askhig that the City Treasurer be instructed to make is as ssment on Lots 6 and 7, Linhe m s d., for the year 1908 the same as for the year 1907, north 110 feet of Lot 7 having been sold by him, but is still assessed to him, was, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, referred to the Delinquent Tax Committee. Petition of Mrs. B. McCoy, asking that the taxes for the year 1908 on west 22 feet of Lot 14, Union Add., be canceled, she being a widow with several minor children to support and unable to pay same, was, on motion of Ald. Rand, referred to the Delin- quent Tax Committee. Petition of Thos. J. Meehan et al, asking that the City Engineer be in- structed to give the grade and curb lines of McLennan Street, Disney Street and Theresa Street, was read and, on motion of Ald. Saul, granted and the City Engineer to be instruct- ed accordingly. Petition of John Hackett, asking that McLennan Street and Disney Street be improved by curbing, gut- tering and macadamizing the same, was read and, on motion of Ald. Saul, rules were suspended to grant Mr. Hackett permission to address the Council. Mr. Hackett then addressed the Council, stating conditions of the streets and necessity of having same improved as soon as possible. On motion of Ald. Saul petition of Jchn Hackett was then referred to the Committee of the Whole to view the grounds. Petition of S. W. Figge et al, remon- strating against being compelled to lay sidewalks on Angella Street unless City puts down a sidewalk on Cathe- rine Street from Angella Street to West Seventeenth Street and compels all property owners on the improved portion of Angella Street to lay side - v alks, was, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, received and filed. Ald. O'Rourke moved that the Side- walk Inspector be instructed to look up the conditions of the sidewalks on Catherine Street from West Seven- teenth Street to Angella Street and, if sidewalks are needed, to serve notices or. property owners. Carried. Petition of Joseph Margadant, ask- ing that the special assessment and tax levied against Lots 1, 6 and 10, t1argadant's Sub., for the improve- ment of Althauser Avenue be can- celed, was, on motion of Ald. Frith, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Original notice of suit of the claim for damages of Lizzie Elmore against the City of Dubuque in the sum of $5,000.00, was read and, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, referred to the City Attorney. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Mayor Schunk presented and read the following: To the Honorable Council, City of Du- buque: Gentlemen: I have the honor to report to your honorable body that I have appointed Hon. Charles Sass a member of the Poard of Water Works Trustees to succeed Hon. Geo. F. Thormann, resigned, term ending April 20th, 1911. Very Respectfully, H. A. SCHUN K, Mayor. On motion of Ald. Martin the ap- rointment of Mr. Charles Sass as Water Works Trustee by the Mayor was approved. City Attorney r.yons reported as fol- lows: Dubuque, Iowa, August 26th, 1909. To the Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The undersigned, to whom was referred the petition of Leathers & Trewin, owners of Lot 57 and north 1/ Lot 53, Glendale Addi- tion, on which special assessments were levied January 6, 1898, for im- provement of street, in the respective amounts of $32 and $16, and said owners in said petition, tendering pay- ment of the principal amount due on said assessments, would respectfully recommend that the petition be grant- ed and that the Treasurer be instruct- ed to receive said principal sums in full of said assessments, as I believe the statute of limitations has run in both cases, barring collection. Respectfully, GEO. T. LYON, City Attorney. 282 Adjourned Regular Session, August 26th, 1909 On motion of Md. Rand the report of the City Attorney was approved and the City Treasurer to be instruct- ed to accept assessments on basis as recommended by City Attorney. Street Commissioner Dorgan report- ed as' follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: The undersigned, to whom was referred the bill of Street & Steuck for grading West Fourth Street, amounting to $560.00, would respectfully report that upon examin- ation I find the grading is not com- pleted. Respectfully, JOHN DORGAN, Street Commissioner. On motion of Md. O'Rourke the re- port of the Street Commissioner was referred to the Committee of the Whole and City Recorder to notify Street & Steuck to finish the grad- ing on West Fourth Street. Aid. Frith moved that the City En- gineer figure over the grading on West Fourth Street and report to the Coun- cil at the next session. Carried. The report of the Water Works Trustees for the quarter ending June 80th, 1909, was presented and, on mo- tion of Ald. Martin, was referred to the Special Water Works Auditing Committee. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Saul, chairman of the Commit- tee on Streets, reported as follows: Your Committee on Streets, to whom was referred the bill of Tibey Bros. for extra work on the Bee Branch sewer, amounting to $96.80, would respectfully recommend that said hill be allowed and that a war- rant in settlement thereof be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer. Also, your Committee on Streets would respectfully report that we have examined the improvement on the alley between Washington and Jackson Streets from Eighth to Ninth Streets, O'Farrell Contracting Co., contractors, and would recommend that said work he accepted and that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare a special assessment against the lots or parcels of land subject to assessment for such improvement and file the carne in the office of the City Recorder, who \vill thereupon publish the notice of said assessment as re- quired by ordinance. Also, your Committee on Streets, to 'n horn was referred the bill of the O'Farrell Contracting Co. for $210.17, the 5 per cent retained for one year on the improvement of Asbury street, would respectfully recommend that said bill be allowed and that a war- rant be ordered drawn on the City Z reasurer in settlement of the same. JAS. SAUL, Chairman. the adoption of the the Committee on Ald. Saul moved larious reports of Streets. Carried. Ald. Martin, chairman of the Com- mittee on Police and Light, reported that Chief of Police reported that Po- lice Department were in need of one- half dozen nippers and moved that Committee on Police and Light be empowered to purchase on:e-half dozen nippers. Carried. Ald. Rand, chairman of the Com- mittee on claims, reported as follows: Your Committee on Claims would respectfully recommend that the claim of C. J. Barrett for personal in- jury sustained by him by reason of tailing on a defective sidewalk on Sanford Avenue, be referred to the Committee of the Whole; also that the claim of Thomas Henney be re- ferred to the same committee, both without any recommendation. D. RAND, Chairman. Ald. Rand moved the adoption of the report of the Committee on Claims. Carried. Ald. Rand, chairman of the Com- mittee on Public Grounds and Build- ings, reported that repairs on all the buildings were not completed but would be in a day or so and commit- tee would be able to report on same at the next Council meeting. Ald. O'Rourke, chairman of the Committee on Sprinkling, reported as fellows: Your Committee on Sprinkling to whom were referred the bills of Geo. Ragatz & Son for 79c and F. Scholtz & Son for $3.75 for repairs on sprinkling wagons, would respectfully recommend that said bills be paid and that warrants in settlement there- of be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer in settlement of the claims. JOHN O'ROURKE, Chairman. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the report of the Committee on Sprinkling. Carried. Ald. Haas, chairman of the Com- mittee on Supplies, to whom was re- ferred the communication of the Tele- graph -Herald in reference to the pur- chase of copies of New City Directory now being published, reported that publishers were anxious to know how many Directories the City wished to purchase. Ald. Frith moved that the Commit- tee on Supplies be empowered to pur- chase six copies of the new City Di- rectory. Carried. Adjourned. Regular Session, August 26th, 1909 283 Ald. Martin, chairman of the Board ot Health, reported as follows: Dubuque, Iowa, August 26th, 1909. To the Honorable Members of the City Council: Gentlemen: Your Board of Health, to whom was referred the bill of John Linehan of $390.15 for collecting garbage and dead animals for the month of July, 1909, beg to report that we have investigated the mat- ter of complaints in collection of garbage in said month and would re- spectfully recommend that a deduc- tion of $50.00 be made from said bill and that $340.15 he allowed in full settlement of said bill. P. R. MARTIN, Chairman. Ald. Martin moved the adoption of the report of the Board of Health. Ald. Saul moved as an amendment that a deduction of $25.00 be made in the garbage bill for the month of Jt,ly. Amendment lost by following tiote: Yeas --A lds. Saul and Rand. Nays—Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin and O'Rourke. Absent-Ald. Singrin. Original motion adopting report of Board of Health was then put and carried. Ald. O'Rourke, chairman of the Committee of the Whole, reported as follows: Your Committee of •the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of the H. B. Glover Co., asking that it be granted permission to drive a well in the alley between Iowa and Clay Streets about opposite the middle of City Lot 231, the said well to be so covered as to offer no obstruction, would respectfully recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be grant- ed. Also, your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of C. 0. Meyer, asking that he be grant- ed an additional sixty days' time in which to lay a cement sidewalk on White Street abutting City Lot 315, would respectfully report that the six- ty days' extension asked for has now expired and we would therefore rec- ommend that the Sidewalk Inspector be instructed to order said sidewalk laid without further delay. Also, your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of A. A. Cooper, asking that he be grant- ed further time to lay the sidewalk on the south side of West Fifth Street from John Street to Gilmore Place, would respectfully recommend that said petition he received and filed. Also, your Committee of the Whole. to whom was referred the petition of Armour & Co., asking that the Chi- cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad Company be permitted to lay a side- track across Third Street, so as to en- able them to switch into the yards of their proposed new storage plant, t.ould respectfully recommend that the prayer of the petitioners be grant- ed and that the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance safeguarding the rights of the City in the crossing of said street. Also, your Committee of the Whole, to whom were referred the remon- strances of W. F. Milligan et al and James R. Kean against the placing of the rock crusher in West Seventeenth Street, would respectfully recommend Mat said remonstrances be received and filed and that the Street Commis- sioner be instructed to move the en- gine as close to the crusher as he pos- sibly can do so, consistent with good and economical work. Also, your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the resolution ordering a sidewalk laid on the south side of West Fifth Street from John Street to Gilmore Place, would re- spectfully reccommend that said reso- lution be adopted. Also, your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the Street Commissioner be instructed to notify the contractors on the Bee Branch sewer to level off all surplus material from the north side of Twenty-seventh Street without delay. Also, your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the special as- sessment for the improvement of St. Ambrose Street from Asbury to Wil- low Street, would respectfully recom- mend that said assessment, together with the plat of said street, he re- fs rreci to the City Attorney for his (Tinfoil as to the correctness thereof. Also, your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the statement of the Street Commissioner showing the amount of macadam broken in the several districts and the amount due therefor, would respectfully recom- mend that all macadam broken in the Second District be paid and that war- rants be ordered drawn in favor of the several parties whose names ap- pear on said report as having broken reek in said district. We would also recommend that action la 1Iaf, rrad en the claims of those who hill: rock in the Third and Fifth Distii,•is. Jcrl1 O 'ROURKE, Chairman. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the various reports of the Com- mittee of the Whole. Carried. 284 Adjourned Regular Session, August 26th, 1909 Ald. O'Rourke, chairman of the Committee of the Whole, • also re- ported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of I.c uisa Lange, with reference to the improvement of Wilbur Avenue and Olive Street, respectfully reports: That they have examined said prop- erty; that that part of Olive Street lying between the southerly line of Jefferson Street and the northerly line of Wilbur Avenue as same is shown in the plat, is not practicable to be improved or used as a street, it be- ing on a steep side -hill; that W. H. Day, Jr., owns the ground on both sloes thereof and is in possession of said part of Olive Street and claims to own same; that the petitioner, Louisa Lange, who owns the proper- ty on the southerly side of Wilbur Avenue opposite the property in ques- tion, now requests that Wilbur Ave- nue be widened to a width of forty feet westerly from the easterly line of Clive Street, a distance of fifty-six feet, ten inches, and that said Wil- bur Avenue be improved by being graded, guttered, curbed and macad- amized, from the westerly end of the present improvement, which is the easterly line of Olive Street, westerly a distance of fifty-six feet, ten inches. To accomplish this it will be required to use the southerly twenty -feet of Olive Street as now platted and to use the easterly twenty-four and one- half feet of the southerly twenty feet of lot twenty-nine (29) in Farley's Subdivision in the City of Dubuque, which lot belongs to W. H. Day, Jr. the said W. H. Day, Jr., is willing to relinquish to the city any claim that he may have to the southerly twenty feet of Olive Street as shown by the pian and to deed to the City the east- erly twenty-four feet six inches, of the southerly twenty feet of Lot 20, in Farley's Subdivision, all of said prop- er ty so relinquished and deeded to be- come part of Wilbur Avenue, he to assume the burden of erecting such r taining wall as he may require along this property so relinquished and con- veyed to the City and relieve the City Prem any obligation to construct a re- th'ning wall there, providing the City will vacate the remainder of Olive Street as shown by the plat Lying sc utherly of the southerly line of Jef- ferson Street. Such retaining wall as he may build to be on line with the existing retaining wall easterly of said property, the foundation of which ap- parently encroaches a few inches on the street. Said Louisa Lange con- senrs to the vacation of said Olive Street as proposed by said Day, pro- vided said Wilbur Avenue is widened 01:0 improved as above stated without unnecessary delay. Your committee recommends the acceptance of these proposals and with aview of carrying them out recommends the adoption of the following resolution: Resolved, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to make 011(1 report to the Council at its next meeting an estimate of the cost of making the necessary excavation and grading to improve Wilbur Avenue from the westerly end of the present improvement to a point fifty-six feet and ten inches westerly thereof and also that he ascertain whether or not the filling to be taken out to make such improvement can be disposed of and what can be realized therefor. We also recommend the adoption of the following resolution: Whereas, A proposition is now pending before the Council to vacate to W. H. Day, Jr., that part of Olive Street between the southerly line of Jefferson Street and the northerly line of Wilbur Avenue, being the ground lying between Lot 29 in Farley's Sub- division and Lot 3 of the subdivision of Outlot 687, in the City of Dubuque, both of which Lots belong to said W. H. Day, Jr.; now, therefore, Resolved, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to make a survey and plat of that part of Clive Street proposed to be vacated to be filed in said Engineer's office, subject to public inspection, and to give the notices required by ordinance to all owners of property abutting said ground proposed to be vacated and to publish the notice required by ordi- nance of the said proposed vacation. Your committee also recommends that Wilbur Avenue as widened be improved from the westerly end of the present improvement to a point 56 feet, 10 inches, westerly thereof by grading, curbing, guttering and ma- cadamizing it, and that the necessary resolution for making this improve- ment be adopted at the next regular meeting of the Council. JOHN O'ROURKE, Chairman. Ald. O'Rourke moved that the re- port of the Committee of the Whole on petition of Louisa Lange be adopt- ed, subject to a favorable report of the City Attorney, and that said re- port be referred to him. Carried. RESOLUTIONS AND MOTIONS. Ald. O'Rourke offered the follow- ing: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: That a. permanent sidewalk of the width of four feet he and the same is hereby ordered to be laid on the south side of West Fifth Street, between John Street and Gilmore Place, and in front of the following described premises: Lots 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21 of Subdivision of City Lots 691, 700 and 721. Such Adjourned Regular Session, August 26th, 1909 286 sidewalk to be constructed of ma- terials and in the manner as follows, to -wit: Eight inches of cinders, three inches of concrete and one inch of cement wearing surface. Said side - alk to be completed on or before the 1st clay of October, 1909, and the cost of the same be taxed against said pre- mises and collected in the manner pre- scribed by law. Be It Further Resolved, That said property owner be and is authorized to construct said sidewalk at his own expense, provided he begins work thereon within ten days after being notified by the City Recorder of the passage of this resolution by the City Council, and completes the same within thirty days thereafter. Be It Further Resolved, That if said work is not commenced within the time named in said notice that the City Recorder be and is hereby or- dered to give ten days notice by two publications asking for proposals for the doing of said work under contract with the City. The proposals for the doing of said work shall be acted lupon by the City Council on the 16th day of September, 1909. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke. Rand and Saul. Nays—None. Absent—Ald. Singrin. Alderman O'Rourke also offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That it Li deemed necessary and advisable to construct a sanitary sewer in Need- ham Place as follows, to -wit: An eight -inch sanitary sewer in said Needham Place from a point about two hundred feet north of West Fifth Street to West Seventh Street and to assess the cost of said sewer against the abutting property. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, hand and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Ald. Singrin. Alderman O'Rourke also offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat and specifi- cations for an eight -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Needham Place from a point about two hundred feet north of West Fifth Street to West Seventh Street, showing the locations and gen- eral nature of such improvement, the extent thereof, the size and kind of material to be used, and to prepare an estimate of the cost thereof and the amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abut- ting thereon per front feet or square feet in area, and to file such plat, specifications and estimate in the of- fice of the City Recorder, That after such plat is so filed, the City Recorder shall cause to be pub- lished notice of the intention of the Council to make such improvement, which notice shall be published in three consecutive• issues of the official Paper of the City of Dubuque, stating that such plat is on file, and generally the nature of the sewer, its location, size and kinds of material to be used, and the estimate of its cost, and fix- ing the time before which objections can be filed, which time shall not he less than five days after the last pub- lication of said notice, and after the completion of the publication of such nctice he shall at its next session, noti- fy the Council thereof in writing with a printed copy of such notice accom- panying the same. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand and Saul. Nays—None. Absent—Ald. Singrin. Alderman O'Rourke also offered the following: Re It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That it is deemed necessary and a it iinahle to construct a sanitary sewer in We9t Seventh Street as follows, From a point opposite the center of Int 20 in Corriell's Dubuque to the present manhole in Hill Street and to assess the cost of said sewer against the abutting property. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas --Aids. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand and Saul. Nays—None. Absent—Ald. Singrin. Alderman O'Rourke also offered the following: Pe It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat and specifications for an eight -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in West Seventh Street from a point opposite the center of Lot 20 in Corriell's Dubuque to the present manhole in Hill Street showing the location and general nature of such improvement, the extent thereof, the size and kind of material to be used, ar,d to prepare an estimate of the cost thereof and the amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land ad- jacent to or abutting thereon per 286 Adjourned Regular Session, August 26th, 1909 front feet or square feet in area, and to file such plat, specifications and es- timate in the office of City Recorder. That after such plat is so filed, the City Recorder shall cause to be pub- lished notice of the intention of the Council to make such improvement, which notice shall be published in three consecutive issues of the official paper of the City of Dubuque, stating that such plat is on file, and general - 11 the nature of the sewer, its loca- tion, size and kinds of material to be used, and the estimate of its cost, and fixing the time before which objec- tions can be filed, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of said notice, and after the completion of the publication of such notice, he shall at its next ses- sion, notify the Council thereof in writing with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote. Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand and Saul. Nays --None. Absent—Ald. Singrin. Ald. Rand offeree: the following: Pe It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the Street Commissioner be instructed to I:roperly grade the south side of Grace Street so as to be in legal shape to have permanent sidewalks laid upon same, and the expense of said grading he charged to the grading fund. Ald. Ra.nd moved the adoption of the resolution. Ald. O'Rourke moved that resolu- tion be adopted provided cost of grading does not exceed $25.00. Car- ried. Alderman Martin offered the fol- lawing. Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That In or- der to simplify the keeping of the funds belonging to the Firemen's Pension Fund, that all members of the Fire Department, including the Chief and the City Electrician, be car- ried on the regular Fire Department pay roll. Ald. Martin moved the adoption of the resolution. Ald. Frith moved as an amendment the resolution be referred to the Com- mittee of the Whole. Amendment carried. Ald. O'Rourke moved that the pe- tition of A. Siegel, asking for a space of 100 feet at foot of Third Street for swimming school, be withdrawn from the Committee of the Whole. Car- ried. Ald. Rand moved that proposition of Mr. Siegbl be adopted and the Ordi- Hance Committee and City Attorney be instructed to prepare an Ordinance granting Mr. Siegel use of space of 100 feet at foot of Third Street for a period of five years. Aid. Saul moved as an amendment that matter be referred back to the Committee of the Whole for further consideration. Amendment lost. The original motion carried. Ald. Rand moved that the Ordi- nance regulating automobiles be taken from the Committee of the Whole. .:\1 otion lost. Ald. Frith moved that the Street Commissioner be authorized to use the carpenter men and sewer men, if needed, in the work of putting liquid ccvering on Couler Avenue. Carried.. Ald. Haas moved that the Street Commissioner be empowered to ap- point an inspector to inspect the con- crete curb and gutter to be construct- ed 'on Stoltz Avenue. Carried. Ald. Martin stated that Mr. F. Uteck, the owner of Lot 49, E. Langworthy's Add., wanted additional time in which to lay sidewalk in front of said prop- erty. On motion of Ald. Frith, re- quest of Mr. Uteck was not granted. Ald. Rand moved to adjourn to Thursday evening, September 2nd, 1909. Carried. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. Approved. .1. .1909 L.Mayor Recorder List of Warrants List of City Warrants Dubuque, Iowa, August 1st, 1909. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of Dubuque: Gentlemen: --The following is a complete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of July, 1909: H. A. Schunk, salary, Mayor$116 65 H. Brinkman, salary, Treas- urer 133 30 J. A. McKinley, salary, Deputy Treasurer 100 00 Jno. Krayer, clerk Treasurer's office 60 00 E. A. Linehan, salary, Recor- der 116 65 Jos. Freidrich, salary, Deputy Recorder 85 00 M. E. Lyons, salary, Auditor116 65 Joseph T. Kelly, salary, As- sessor Allan Wiedner, salary, Assist- ant Assessor 83 Frank Kenneally, salary, As- sistant Assessor 83 Geo. T. Lyon, salary, Attorney 150 Edgar Willging, salary, Assist- ant Attorney 75 Jas. Pickley, salary, Chief of Police 100 Joseph Reinfried, salary, Fire Chief 100 J. W. Lawlor, salary, Commit- tee Clerk Paul Ilg, salary, City Engi- neer John Dorgan, Street Commis- sioner John Mahoney, Assistant Street Commissioner G. Vogel, clerk in Auditor's and Engineer's offices Wm. Hippman, salary, Elec- trician C. W. Katz, salary, Market - master T. Hackney, salary, Pound - master 40 Mrs. H. Koenig, salary, Jani- tress 25 James Lynch, salary, Side- walk Inspector 60 Wm. Coleman, Rodman 50 J. H. Carroll, Harbor Master30 John A. Cunningham, Clerk to Police and Fire Commis- sioners 15 Geo. Miller, Superintendent of Sprinkling Tom Cahill, Custodian Wash- ington Park Philip Reddin, Custodian Jackson Park 40 Joseph Straney, Custodian Phoenix Park Dr. Chas. Palen, Health Phy- sician Frank Flynn, Sanitary Officer Dr. F. J. Kennedy, Meat and 125 00 30 30 00 00 00 00 100 00 166 65 100 00 50 00 75 00 83 35 55 00 60 40 15 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 OP 65 00 287 Milk Inspector 75 00 E. E. Frith, salary, Alderman 25 00 Dan J. Haas, salary, Alderman 25 00 Peter R. Martin, salary, Alder- man 25 00 John O'Rourke, salary, Alder- man 25 00 D. W. Rand, salary, Alderman 25 00 James Saul, salary, Alderman 25 00 Wm. Singrin, salary, Alder- man 25 00 M. Eitel, fireman 77 00 J. Essman, fireman 82 50 J. Flynn, fireman 71 50 A. Duccini, fireman 71 50 A. Heer, fireman 66 00 W. Kannolt, fireman 66 00 B. Kirsch, fireman 66 00 G. Beyer, fireman 71 50 J. Dailey, fireman 77 00 J. Barnes, fireman 82 50 T. Ryder, fireman 71 60 W. Ducey, fireman 71 50 F. Murphy, fireman 71 50 M. Kelly, fireman 66 00 J. Beakey, fireman 66 00 D. Ahearn, fireman 83 33 P. Zillig, fireman 66 00 M. Sweeney, fireman 66 00 H. Cain, fireman 66 00 J. Benzor, fireman 71 50 J. McLoughlin, fireman 66 00 A. McDonald, flreman 82 50 J. Murphy, fireman 50 00 G. Gherki, fireman 77 00 T. Kennedy, fireman 71 50 J. Smith, fireman 66 00 J. Keppler, fireman 66 00 C. Kannolt, fireman 77 00 J. Allen, fireman 71 50 M. Fahey, fireman 66 00 F. Kenneally, fireman 71 50 R. Weston, fireman 77 00 E. McDermott, fireman 66 00 11. Kenneally, fireman 66 00 J. Roshin, fireman 77 00 F. Baumgartner, fireman 71 50 J. Schoenberger, fireman 66 00 J. Tschudi, fireman 66 00 J. Connolly, flreman 66 00 Wm. Smith, fireman 60 50 W. Connolly, fireman 18 05 J. Peed, fireman 66 00 W. Kennedy, fireman 55 00 P. Kirch, fireman 55 00 W. Tannersett, flreman 55 00 L. Blocklinger, police 64 00 11. Connolly, police 64 00 John Cody, police 60 00 James Corcoran, police 64 00 Wm. Donahue, police 62 00 Phil J. Dunphy. police 71 50 Thomas Duggan, police 64 00 P. F. Fury, police 62 00 John Fox, police 74 60 James Flynn, police 60 00 M. Fogarty, police 64 00 Pen Gray, police 64 00 Pat Hanlon, police 62 00 Geo. Jones, police 64 00 Pat Kenneally, police 60 00 Emil Kahn, police 64 00 M. Kilty, police 64 00 288 List of Warrants John Kane, police James Keefe, police B. Ludescher, police Chas. Liest, police Pat McCollins, police M. McCormack, police Pat McInerney, police Henry Mueller, police John Murphy, police Hugh Markey, police T. O'Meara, police John J. O'Brien, police M. O'Connor, police M. Ryan, police John Raesle, police G. Raterman, police John Spielman, police Patrick Sutton, police M. Stapleton, police Joseph Stoltz, police Pat Sullivan, police Frank Williams, police Dennis Sheehan, police Miss B. Brennan, police ma- tron Mrs. K. Hibbe, police matron 64 00 62 00 64 00 69 35 62 00 62 00 64 00 64 50 62 60 64 62 62 79 64 58 58 62 62 62 60 60 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 35 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 60 00 'LABOR ON STREETS in the several Road Districts during the last half of June, 1909: M. Acker, 2nd, $6.00; 3rd, $6.80 $ 12 80 R. Burns, 1st 13 60 J. Brouillette, 2nd 12 25 John Burns, 2nd 8 00 Paul Becker, 2nd, 80c; 4th, $17.85 18 65 J. Brachtenbach, 5th 11 40 L. Bauch, 5th 1 60 W. Burke, 2nd 20 40 W. Bennett, 2nd 1 85 P. Carney, 1st, $17.60; Mt Carmel, $1.05 18 65 M. Cain, lst, $6.40; Mt. Car- mel, $1.05 7 45 H. Connell, lst, $12.80; Mt Carmel, $1.05 13 85 J. Cahill, 1st 6 40 W. Coughlan, 1st, $14.40; Bluff St., $3.20; Mt. Carmel, $1.05 18 65 J. Callaghan, 2nd 22 50 J. Connolly, lst, $1.85; 2nd, $6.25; 3rd, $7.05; 4th, $5.00; 5th, 65c 20 80 G. Collinson, 4th 18 40 M. Carney, 2nd, $5.20; 3rd, $5.20; 9th, $10.40 20 80 J. Crawford, 1-5 in each 75 00 J. Duggan, 1st, $14.40; Bluff St., $3.20; Mt. Carmel, $1.05 18 6.5 J. Dixon, 5th 15 45 T. Duggan, 2nd 1 70 T. Donahue, lst, $1.85; 2nd, $6.25; 3rd, $7.05; 4th, $5.00; 5th, 65c 20 80 O. Donahue, 2nd, $6.90; 4th, $6.90: exp., $7.00 20 80 J. Egan, 2nd 13 60 John Ess, 5th 14 60 J. Eberhardt, 5th 6 60 A. V. Floyd, 1st 6 40 M. Farrell, 1st 6 40 W. Fitzgerald, 1st 6 40 Geo. Frost, 2nd 22 50 F. Frick, 3rd 15 45 P. Farrell, 2nd, $3.40; 3rd, $8.20 11 60 J. Fiddler, 3rd 16 20 W. Flynn, 3rd 8 55 B. Glass, 2nd 9 80 C. Geimer, 4th 18 65 Geo. Gau, 5th 11 40 H. Galle, 5th 17 05 Jos. Grab, 5th 16 80 A. Gantenbein, 5th 15 60 H. Grode, 5th 4 40 G. Gantenbein, 5th 22 50 I. Graham, 2nd, $6.15; 4th, $3.20 9 35 J. Hill, lst, $9.60; Bluff St, $1.60 11 20 T. Harker, 4th 6 00 James Hird, 4th 22 60 N. Herman, 5th 16 55 J. Hanson, 3rd 14 00 J. Heil, 1-5 in each 25 00 Peter Jacobs, 3rd 15 20 John John, 3rd 12 25 Tom Jess, 4th 11 65 M. Kieffer, 2nd, 80c; 4th, $17.85 18 65 M. Kass, 5th 18 40 P. Krocheski, 5th 17 40 C. Kupferschmidt, 5th 1 60 H. Kunkel, 2nd 18 65 J. Kraus, 1st, $1.85; 2nd, $6.25; 3rd, $7.05; 4th, 85.00; 5th, 65c 20 80 J. Kness, 1st, $1.85; 2nd, $6.25; 3rd, $7.05; 4th, 85.00; 5th, 65c 20 P. Kenneally, Health 22 F. Kupferschmidt, 4th 3 Ed. Lee, 1st 6 J. Lowery, lst 6 P. Leonard, lst, $11.20; Mt Carmel, $1.05 12 M. Lavin, 2nd 7 F. Lassance, 5th 16 F. Lillie, 5th 8 M. Lonergan, 2nd 1 W. Lillie, 3rd 14 H. Leicht, 4th 20 R. J. Love, 4th, $7.65; exp, $2.65 13 50 T. Lonergan, 1st, $1.85; 2nd, $6.25: 3rd. $7.05; 4th, $5.00; 5th, 65c 20 80 A. Miller, 2nd John Mullen ,2nd Larry Maher, 2nd Tom Malloy, 3rd J. Martinek, 4th Geo. Muekel, 4th F. Maroney, 2nd J. McNulty, lst Phil McCabe, .1st J. McAleese, 2nd R. McCaffrey, 2nd W. McLaughlin, 3rd J. McLaughlin, 3rd P. McPoland, 4th B. McDonnell, 1-5 in each W. O'Brien, 1st C. O'Neill, 2nd F. O'Connor, 1-5 in each W. Powers, 2nd 80 50 40 40 40 25 20 20 55 60 00 00 20 15 16 80 13 60 17 80 25 3540 45 1218 6 40 6 40 20 30 2216 5080 2 40 55 00 2275 50 10 65 50 00 12 00 1 List of Warrants 289 J. Parker, 4th J. Roussell, 1st, $17.60; Mt. Carmel, $1.05 R. Rosemeier, 2nd J. Ryan, 2nd J. Reid , 2rd, $10.40; 4th, $10.40 P. Ryan, 2nd J. Richter, 1-5 in each F. Strohmeyer, 1st W. Shields, 4th John Schroeder, 2nd, 80c; 4th 117.85 D. Smyth, 2nd, 80c; 4th, $17.85 Sam Sterling, 4th J. Schafetel, 5th J. Scheidecker, 5th P. Smith, 4th J. Steffens, 3rd, $10.40; 4th, 810.40 C. Specht, 1-5 in each Ott Turner, 1st, $2.40; 2nd, $8.00; 3rd, $5.05; 4th, $2.40; 5th, $2.40 James Tobin, 4th J. Varhoof, 5th Larry Walsh, 2nd John Walsh, 2nd L. Walkenheim, 2nd, $8.00; 3rd, $7.60 John Ward, 3rd TEAMS. P. Apel, 1st, $53.10; 2nd, $26.50; 3rd, $4.00; 4th, $2.75: 5th, 50c; Mt. Carmel, $18.90 $ M. Ackels, 3rd, $15.30; 4th, $77.85 F. A. Burns, 2nd, $15.75; 3rd, $13.05 J. Berwanger, 5th F. G. Becker, 2nd John Calvert, 2nd Josh Calvert, 2nd 13. Costello, 2nd, $2.00; 4th, $44.80 W. Cook, 5th A. Conrad, 1st, $1.30; 2nd, $3.40; 3rd, $4.55; 4th, $4.55; 5th, 44.20 Phil Doerr, 2nd, $4.05; 5th, $29.70 N. Everet, lst, $8.10; Bluff St., $8.10 E. T. Frith, 5th J. Graham, lst, $1.65; $12.15; 3rd, $20.25 M. Hanan, 2nd J. Haudenshield, 2nd, $12.15; 3rd, $20.25 M. Kenneally, lst, $28.35; Mt Carmel, $18.90 John Long, 5th W. Leik, 5th P. Linehan Co., 3rd M. Markham, 2nd Martin & Strelau, 2nd J. J. McCollins, 2nd J. McQuillan, 3rd J. McGrath, 2nd, $2.00; 4th, . $45.25 2nd, 15 15 18 20 20 20 21 50 11 20 65 10 so 80 00 00 20 00 18 65 18 1 3 12 18 65 60 20 60 65 20 80 22 50 20 25 22 15 3 20 20 00 8 80 15 60 4 00 P. McGregor, 2nd, $13.95; 3rd, $27.90 P. S. Norton, 2nd D. O.'Meara, lst, $4.50; 2nd, $14.95; 3rd, $16.95; 4th, $11.95; 5th, $1.50 48 95 Adam Stoltz, 5th 37 35 Union Electric Co., 1st, $14.85: 2nd, $40.80; 3rd, $70.50; 4th, $3.70; 5th, $241.15 371 00 Clark Van Wie, 1st, $3.45; 2nd, $11.55; 3rd, $13.05; 4th. $9.25; 5th, $1.15 38 45 TABOR ON SEWERS during the last half of June, 1909: J. Clune $ 5 25 Jas. Doyle 21 60 F. Donahue 22 55 F. Luchterhand 22 75 John McLaughlin 12 25 M. O'Meara 22 75 C. O'Rourke 6 80 J. Rooney 22 55 C. Sullivan 30 00 J. Tacke 10 50 L. Taylor 15 75 41 85 90 BILLS. H. B. McCarter, plumbing re- pairs engine house and vari- ous water fountains $ •24 60 Tibey Bros., final estimate grading St. Ambrose St123 72 Frank Hardie. transcript of testimony and record of 105 75 proceedings of Mary Demp- sey case 85 00 93 15 John 13 ohn, inspector Bee Branch sewer for June50 00 28 80 Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs 43 20 for sprinkling wagons.... 92 45 Geo. Bock, repairs for Road 47 70 Department 8 75 47 25 Wank A. Frommelt, repairs for sprinkling wagons 10 00 46 80 Key City Iron Works, repairs 27 00 for sprinkling wagons 4 50 Dubuque Water Company, in- stalling water hydrant for 56 70 sprinkling purposes on Rhomherg Avenue 103 45 33 75 O'Farrl1 Contracting Co., bal- ance on contract for con - 16 20 structing storm sewer in West Locust Street 123 72 O'Farrell Contracting Com- pany, repairing culvert West Locust Steet 26 22 Macadam Second Road District - Mullen & Miller, Fourth Street, near elevator, 27 cubic yards 15 52 M. Lavin, Hill Street Quarry, 9.6 cubic yards 6 85 John Schaefer, Hill Street Quarry, 8.9 cubic yards6 65 Barney Glass, Hill Street Quarry 11.85 cubic yards8 95 H. A. Schunk, settlement dam- age claim of J. Hallahan75 00 47 25 H. A. Schunk, settlement 6 30 50 47 32 47 16 3 42 18 11 47 45 40 70 40 25 20 15 30 00 80 25 00 290 List of Warrants court costs in Hallahan case 9 30 H. Brinkman, interest on warrants outstanding 252 75 H. Brinkman, various ex- penses 9 30 H. Brinkman, library orders paid 458 35 LABOI t ON STREETS in the different Road Districts dur- ing the first half of July, 1909: R. Burns, 1st $15 20 J. Brouillette, 2nd • 14 20 J. Burns, 2nd 7 20 Paul Becker, 4th 16 20 J. Brachtenbach, 5th 7 60 W. Burke, 2nd 17 50 P. Carney, 1st 15 60 W. Coughlan, 1st 16 40 Jerry Cahill, 1st 8 00 J. Callaghan, 2nd 22 50 G. Collinson, 4th 16 00 M. Cleary, 3rd, $9.65; 4th, $1.75 11 40 M. Corbett, exp 2 00 Jas. Connolly, 1st, $1.85; 2nd, $6.25; 3rd, $7.05; 4th, $5.00; 5th, 65c M. Carney, 2nd, $5.20; 3rd, $5.20; 4th. $10.40 John Cahill, 8-3-4 J. Duggan, lst J. Drkon, 5th T. Donahue, •lst, $1.85; 2nd, $6.25; 3rd, $7.05; 4th, $5.00; 5th, 65c O. Donahue, 2nd, $6.90; 4th, $6.95; exp., $7.00 John Egan, 2nd J. Eberhardt, 5th John Ess, 5th M. Farrell, 1st Geo. Frost, 2nd Jos. Fiddler, 3rd F. Frick, 3rd W. Flynn, 3rd P. Farrell, 3rd B. Glass, 2nd C. Geimer, 4th H. Calle, 5th Geo. Gau, 5th Jos. Grab, 5th C. Gantenbein, 5th John Hill, 1st J. Hirci, 4th N. Herman, 5th Phil Hense, 5th J. Hanson, 3rd John Heil, 1-5 in each Peter Jacobs, 3rd John John, 3rd N. Iietteuhofen, 3rd M. Kieffer, 4th M. Kas, 5th P. Krocheski, 5th C. Kupferschmidt, 5th F. Kupterschmidt, 1-5 in each H. Kunkle, 2nc1 J. Kraus, 1st, $1.85; 2nd $6.25; 3rd, $7.05; 4th, $5.00; 5th, 65c J. Kness, lst, $1.85; 2nd, $6.25; 3rd, $7.05; 4th, $5.00; 5th, 65c 20 80 20 80 3 60 16 40 11 20 20 80 20 80 12 25 14 80 11 40 11 20 22 50 11 60 12 80 11 20 6 80 15 45 16 20 13 60 12 00 12 801 22 60 16 40 22 50 14 80 8 00 4 40 25 00 14 60 8 20 11 40 16 80 14 00 15 20 11 20 80 3 50 P. Kenneally, Health R. Love, 1st J. Lowery, 1st Ed. Lee, 1st F. Lillie, 5th F. Lassance, 5th H. Leicht, 4th W. Lillie, 3rd, $15.55; 4th, $1.75 T. Lonergan, lst, $1.85; 2nd, $6.25; 3rd, $7.05; 4th, $5.00; 5th, 65c 20 80 J. Mullen, 2nd A. Miller, 2nd, $13.40; exp, $6.00 19 40 F. Maroney, 3rd, $11.40; 4th, $4.S0 Tom Malloy, 3rd J. Martinek, 4th G. Muekel, 4th C.. Muekel, exp. J. McAleese, 2nd R. McCaffrey, 2-3-4 Jas. McLaughlin, 3rd W. McLaughlin, 3rd P. McPoland, 4th W. O'Brien. 1st C. O'Neill, 2nd W. Powers, 2nd J. Parker, 2-3-4 J. Roussell, 1st R. Rosemeier, 2nd J. Rooney. 1-:, in each P. Ryan. 2nd P. Royce, 2-3-4 J. Ryan, 2nd J. Reid. 3rd, $10.40, 4th, $10.40 20 80 F. Strohmeyer, 1st 14 40 D. Smyth, 2nd, $16.20; 4th, $5.00 W. Shields, 4th J. Schroeder, 4th P. Smith, 4th J. Scheidecker, 5th C. Specht, 1-5 in each J. Steffens, 3rd, $10.40; 4th, $10.40 20 80 Ott Turner, 1-5 in each 15' 20 J. Tobin, 2-3-4 18 05 Larry Walsh, 2nd 13 35 John Walsh, 2nd 3 20 L. Walkenheim, 3rd 14 60 Con Welsh, 5th 2 40 C. Wheeler, 2-3-4 11 60 22 50 12 95 11 20 8 00 15 20 10 40 11 65 17 30 11 75 16 12 16 14 6 8 18 16 22 10 22 13 4 18 16 18 9 20 6 19 20 00 20 00 75 00 05 20 50 00 50 20 80 05 40 05 65 75 00 20 16 16 16 1 13 25 20 20 20 60 60 15 TEAMS. Peter Apel, 1st, $66.10; $26.55; 3rd, $3.90; $2.85; 50c M. Ackels, 3rd, $15.70; $39.15; 5th, $31.55 F. Burns, 3rd, $45.90; exp., $13.95 J. Berwanger, 5th John Calvert, 2nd Josh Calvert, 2nd B Costello, 4th W. Cook. 5th A. Conrad, 1st. $1.50; 2nd, 20 80 $3.85; 3rd, $5 20; 4th, $3.70; 5th, $45.60 Phil Doerr, 5th 20 80 Mrs. Dietl, 5th 2nd, 4th, $ 4th, 99 90 86 40 59 3 10 43 24 8 85 15 35 20 30 55 59 85 10 35 20 25 List of Warrants N. Everett, .1st J. Graham, 1st, $1.80; 2nd, $27.90; 4th, $20.25 M. Hannan, 2nd, $39.15; 5th, $2.70 J. Haudenshield, 3rd M. Kenneally, 1st W. Leik, 5th John Long, 5th P. Linehan Co., 3rd M. Markham, 2nd, $15.00; 3rd, $30.00 J. McCollins, 2nd J. McQuillan, 3rd J. McGrath, 4th P. S. Norton, 2nd D. O'Meara, lst, $4.50; 2nd, $14.95: 3rd, $16.95; 4th, $11.95; 5th, $1.50 W. Ruesch, 5th A. Stoltz, 5th C. Van Wie, 1st, $3.45, 2nd, $11.55; 3rd, $13.05; 4th, 59.75; 5th, $1.15 41 40 Standard Lumber Co., lum- ber for City Hall 2 10 49 95 Dubuque Telephone Co., tele- phone service April 1st to 41 85 July •lst 31 25 33 95 Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairing 41 40 chairs at City Hall 1 00 13 05 E. J. Vogenthaler Co., sup - 36 00 plies for Engineer's office16 64 45 00 C. E. Fitzpatrick Co., supplies for various offices 3 15 45 00 Harkett's Floral Nursery, 13 05 flowers for Washington 42 75 Park, as per contract 40 00 40 95 Dubuque Chemical Co., decor - 2 25 ations for City Hall 6 75 W. B. Baumgartner, supplies for various departments17 80 Geo. W. Healey & Son, sup- plies for Street Commission- er 85 Geo. F. Kleih Estate, hard- ware, City Hall 4 05 40 25 Collings & Pfiffner, horseshoe- ing for Fire Department5 00 Phil Heller, horseshoeing for Fire Department 12 00 La.gen, Peed & Berwanger, horseshoeing for Fire Dept. 5 75 `Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horseshoeing for Fire Dept. 6 10 Babcock Fire Extinguisher Co., supplies for Fire Dept. 10 00 Ellwanger Bros., repairs for Fire Department 2 30 H. J. Hagerty, veterinary service for Fire horses May and June 18 40 J. Haudenshield, hay for 21 20 Fire Department 97 43 Key City Gas Co., coal for Fire Department 4 80 Peter Lang, hardware for Fire Department 2 40 McClain Bros., salt for Fire Department 1 25 Mette] Bros., corn and bran for Fire Department 9 90 John Newman & Son, repairs 4 21 for Fire Department 3 15 C. A. Noyes, repairs for Fire 2 80 Department 25 National Refining Co., oil for No. 5 Engine House, fur - 3 55 nished Dec. 5th, 1908 6 75 Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs 4 25 for Fire Department 5 37 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Fire Department and fur - 1 00 nishing new exercising cart 40 50 M. Stafford, bran for Fire Department 6 10 Standard Lumber Co., lumber 29 70 for Fire Department 8 75 Union Electric Co., power for fire alarm system 2 CO 2 75 Inion Electric Co., street lighting for June 2070 75 61 00 C. W. Katz, meals furnished prisoners for June 2 00 90 Fischer & Co., wood furnish- ed City Hall 6 00 9 00 Eichhorn & Bechtel, Groceries 48 95 24 30 28 80 LAI3OR ON SEWERS during the first half of July, 1909: J. Clune $ 21 00 J. Doyle 21 00 F. Donahue 21 00 J. Jellison 9 65 F. Luchterhand 21 00 John McLaughlin 1 75 M. O'Meara 21 00 J. Rooney 21 00 C. Sullivan 30 00 L. Taylor 21 00 BILLS. Mike Lavin, inspector West Fourth Street sewer $ Frank Martin, collecting 3% of the gross receipts of the sales of Riley Clothing Co., 19 days, at $2.00 38 00 Jos. B. Workman, collecting back taxes 109 26 Phil. Breithaupt, plumbing re- pairs at City Hall 50 M. O'Donnell, plumbing re- pairs at Washington Park Mullen Bros., plumbing re- pairs at Jackson Park Mike Mullen, plumbing pairs at fountain at 5th Main Streets J. P. Foley, towel service, City Hall, June Western Union Telegraph Co clock service, Treasurer's office, June Larry Dailey, cleaning and hauling around Market Square, April, May and .lune John E. Hartig, mending En- gineer's tape and sharpen- ing lawn mowers M. S. Hardie, tax book and assessment rolls Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies for use at City Hall Eichhorn & Bechtel, flags for City Hall re - and 1' 292 List of Warrants for Police Matron 1 70 Standard Lumber Co., lumber for Patrol House 4 40 Collings & Pfiffner, horseshoe- ing Patrol horses 6 50 H. J. Hagerty, veterinary service Patrol horses May and June 2 40 Bradford Bros., painting and papering Patrol House 175 00 James Lally, repairing roof at Patrol House 8 10 Key City Gas Co., gas fur- nished various departments 77 15 Geo. W. Healey & Son, rope furnished Sewer Dept 1 33 Pitts -Thompson Foundry Co, manhole ring for Sewer Department 4 50 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Sewer Department 1 00 Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs for Road Department 1 61 Key City Iron Works, repairs for steam roller 27 43 Standard Oil Co., 011 and grease for Road Dept 3 71 Standard Lumber Co., lumber for Sidewalk Department40 90 Dubuque Woodenware & Lum- ber Co., lumber for Side- walk Department 25 56 Spahn, Rose Lumber Co, lumber for Road Depart5 50 Key City Gas Co., coke for Road Department 24 00 Peter Even, coal for Road Department 18 32 F. A. Burns, coal for Road Department 6 85 Felix G. Becker, coal for Road Department 15 83 Fischer & Co., coal for Road Department 16 10 Klauer Mfg. Co., culvert pipe and repairs for sprinkling wagons 44 69 Eichhorn & Bechtel, grease for Road Department 65 W. D. Deckert Co., pipe and fittings for Road Dept 32 00 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., repairs for Road and Health Departments 11 50 Ellwanger Bros., repairs for Road Department 5 60 Geo. W. Healey & Son, sup- plies for Road Department 1 40 H J. Hagerty, veterinary ser- vices Sewer and Carpenter horses May and June 1 60 Key City Roofing Co., cement and sewer pipe for Road Department 5 36 G. F. Kleih Estate, hardware for various departments 1 80 L. Lindenberg, hardware for Road Department 4 20 T. J. Mulgrew Co., cement and sewer pipe for Road Dept. 52 25 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Road Department 19 70 Mrs. J. Spear, quarry tools for Road Department 15 00 Tibey Bros., 3rd estimate Bee Branch sewer 1062 00 3enry Wagner, rent of rock wagon 4 90 Telegraph - Herald, official printing for June 75 00 rimes -Journal, official print- ing for June 71 18 Smith -Morgan Printing Co, printing pamphlets for June 19 55 National Demokrat, official printing for June 12 50 Labor Leader, official printing for June 12 50 Mullen Bros., plumbing at Fourth Street Engine House 40 25 Key City Gas Co., coke for Fire Department 24 10 Phil Heller, horseshoeing Carpenter horse 4 00 F. Schloz & Son, repairs on sprinkling wagons 1 00 John Newman & Son, repairs on sprinkling wagons 3 00 Gen. Raga.tz & Son, repairs on sprinkling wagons 5 28 Ellwanger Bros., repairs for Sewer Department 20 Ellwanger Bros., supplies for Police Department 5 45 G. F. Kleih Estate, supplies for Police Department 2 30 Trexler Pros.' Livery, rent of horse for Police Depart- ment 8 75 Humane Society, hauling dogs from Humane Shelter 4 00 H. A. Schunk, court costs, damage claim of Henry and Margaret Sears vs. City of Dubuque 21 25 J. Haudenshield, hay for Fire Department 25 69 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of all war- rants issued by me during the month of July, 1909. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will oe received at the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the City Recorder, until 8:00 p. m. Thursday, August 5th, 1909 for the im- provement of Althauser Avenue from Stafford Avenue to south side of Edi- son Street, in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by the city Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require 60 lineal feet of new curbing set. 100 lineal feet of old curbstone reset. 100 square yards of macadamizing. 650 lineal feet of cement gutter. Said work to be completed on or before September 15th, 1909. Bidders must state price per lineal foot for new curbing set, the price per lineal foot for old curbing reset, the Official Notices 293 price per lineal feet for concrete gut- tering, also the price per square yard for macadamizing. Each bid must be accompanied, by a certified check for $50.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into i awarded. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque August 1st, 1909. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, 8-1-3t. City Recorder. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at. the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the City IRecorder, until 8:00 p. m. Thursday, August 19th, 1909, for the Improvement of Bennett Street from the end of the present improvement to the west line of Lot 4, in Bennett Street Subdivision, in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require: 1,004 lineal feet of combined con- crete curb and gutttr. 1,116 square yards of macadamiz- ing. 1,064 cubic yards of grading cut- ting. The work to be paid for when said work is completed and as prescribed by Chapter XXXII. of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of tht City of Du- buque, work to be accompanied on or before October 1.5th, 1909. Bidders must state price pen lineal foot for combined concrete curb and gutter, the price per cubic yard for grading, also the price per square yard for macadamizing. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check of $50.00 on some Dubuque hank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. The City reserves the right to re- ject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, August 6th, 1909. 8-6-2t EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the City Recorder, until 8:00 p. m. Thursday, August 19th, 1909, for the paving with brick of Windsor Avenue from the end of the present improve- ment to a point about three hundred and twenty feet northerly therefrom, in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require: 1,400 square yards of brick paving on the present foundation. 60 lineal feet of old curbing reset. 40 lineal feet of new curbing set. The work to be paid for when said work is completed and as prescribed by Chapter XXXII. of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Du- buque, work to be completed on or before the 1st clay of November, 1909. Bidders must state the price per lineal foot for new curbing set, price per lineal foot for resetting old curb- ing, also the price per square yard for paving with brick, the contractor to furnish all new material and to do all the work. Each bid must be accompanied with a certified check for $100.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. The City reserves the right to re- ject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, August 6th, 1909. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, 8-6-2t City Recorder. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the City Recorder, until 8:00 p. m. Thursday, August 19th, 1909, for the improvement of Louisa Street from the south side of Grace Street to the north side of Bennett Street, in ac- cordance with plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require: 600 lineal feet of combined con- crete curbing and guttering. 700 square yards of macadamizing. 1,200 cubic yards of grading cut- ting. The work to be paid for when said work is completed and as prescribe° by Chapter XXXII. of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of tht City of Du- buque, work to be completed on or before October 15th, 1909. Bidder must state price per lineal foot for combined concrete curbing and guttering, the price per square yard for macadamizing, also price per cubic yard for grading. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check of $50.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into it awarded. The City reserves the right to re- ject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, August 6th, 1909. 8-6-2t EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. 294 Official Notices Notice to Sewer Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the City Recorder, until 8:00 p. m. Thursday, August 19th, 1909, for the construction of an 8 -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in the alley between Jackson Street and Couler Avenue, from the end of the present sewer northerly- to Peru Road, thence east- erly in Peru Road to Jackson Street. thence northerly in Jackson Street to the alley between Milwaukee and Diamond Avenues, thence westerly in said alley to a point about twenty feet east of the curb line of Couler Ave- nue. in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the otfie, of the City Recorder. It is.estiinated by the City Engineer that it will require 1,800 feet of 8 -inch tile pipe. 8 manholes. The work to be paid for when saiit work is completed and as prescribed by Chapter XXXIV. of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Du- buque, work to be completed on or before November lst, 1909. Fielders must state price per lineal foot for tile pipe, and each manhole. All bids must he accompanied by a certified check for $50.00 on some Dubuque hank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, August 6th, 1909. EDMUND A.' LINEHAN. 8-6-2t City Recorder. Noliee to Sewer Contractors. 5 tiled proposals will be received at the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the City Recorder, until 8:00 p. m. Thursday, August 19th, 1909, for the construction of an 8 -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Glen Oak Avenue. from the present sewer in West Thira Street northerly in Glen Oak Avenue to Forest Lane, in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that it will require 1,160 lineal feet of 8 -inch tile pipe, 5 manholes. The work to be paid for when said work is completed and as presented by Chapter XXXIV. of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Du- buque, work to be completed on or before October 1st, 1909. Bidders must state price per lineal foot for tile pipe, and each manhole. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check for $50.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, August Gth, 1909. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, 8-6-2t City Itecurder, Notice Of Special Assessment. Notice is hereby given to all con- cerned that a special assessment as prodded by la,v will be levied at a session of the City Council to be held August 19th, 1909, to pay for the con- struction of a Sanitary Sewer in West Fourth Street and Paulina Street from Alpine Street to West Fifth Street, by Street & Steuck, contrac- tors. Amount of special assessment. $478.39, same to be assessed against the abutting property owners upon and along said street. And that there is a plat and sched- ule on file in the office of the City Re- corder of said City of Dubuque, show- ing the street in which said sanitary sewer was constructed, and the sepa- rate lots and parcels of ground, or specified portions thereof subject to assessment Of such improvement. the name of the owner thereof a:, far as practicable, and the amount to be as- sessed against each lot or parcel of ground, which plat and schedule are subject to public inspection. And that any and all persons oh- jecting to said special assessment or to said plat must rile his or their ob- jection in writing with the City Re- corder of said City of Dubuque on or before said session of the City Coun- cil to be held August 19th, 1909, or to appear at said session of the Coun- cil to show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. Dated at Dubuque, August 6th, 1909. 8-6-3t EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. Notice of Special Assessment. Notice is hereby given to all con- cerned that a specral assessment as provided by law will be levied at a session of the City Council to be held August 19th, 1909, to pay for the con- struction of a sanitary sewer in the alley between Washington and Elm Streets. from the south line of Lot 30 in Glendale Add. northerly to Thirty- second Street, Street & Steuck, con- tractors. Amount of special assess- ment, $193.00, same to be assessed against the abutting property upon and along said street. And that there is a plat and sched- ule on file in the office of the City Recorder of said City of Dubuque, showing the alley in which said sew- er was constructed, and the separate Official Notices 295 lots and parcels of ground, or speci- fied portion thereof, subject to assess- ment of such improvement, the name of the owner thereof, as far as prac- ticable, and the amount to be as- sessed against each lot or parcel of ground, which plat and schedule are subject to public inspection. And that any and all persons ob- jecting to said special assessment or to said plat must file his or their ob- jection in writing with the City Re- corder of said City of Dubuque on or before said session of the City Coun- cil to be held August 19th, 1909, or to appear at said session of the Coun- cil to show cause, if any you have why said assessment should not be levied. Dated at Dubuque, August 6th, 1909. EDMUND A. LINEHAN. 8-6-3t City Recorder. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. AN ORDINANCE. AN ORi)1Y \CE granting to H. B. Glover Co., their successors and as- signs, the right to construct and op- erate a high pressure water main in alley at rear of Jas. Levi & Co.'s store, thence to Fifth Street and on Fifth Street to Lot 230, City of Dubuque, and regulating the same. Be It Ordained by the ('ity Council of the ('ity of Dubuque: Section 1. That H. B. (,lover Co., their successors and assigns, are hereby authorized to construct, main- tain and operate a high pressure water main. six inches in diameter, to be laid in the alley between Main and Iowa Streets from a connection with the main now located in the rear of the Jas. Levi & Co. store, in said al- ley, in the City of Dubuque, thence running to Fifth Street in said alley, and on Fifth Street to Lot 230, to connect there with building of said H. B. Glover Co., for the purpose of providing :;utiicient and adequate water pressure for fire protection only. Said line of water pipe shall be constructed, maintained and operated at the expense of said H. B. Glover Co., and shall be constructed under the direction and supervision of the City Engineer and the Superintendent of the Water r Works Department of the City of Dubuque. Section 2. In the construction of said water pipe line, the street and alley used shall not be unnecessarily obstructed. All obstructions and ex- cavations made in the street and al- ley shall he properly harricade4 and lighted. and in any action for dam- ages caused by such obstruction or excavation, the said H. B. Glover Co., In consideration hereof, shall appear and defend the same, and shall pay any judgment rendered against the City of Dubuque. Section 3. The City of Dubuque may at any time grant the right to any tither person or company to con- nect with said high pressure water main, fur fire protection purposes only, upon paying to the said H. B. Glover Co. a shard of the cost of construction and maintenance of said line, to be estimated as follows: Pay- ment is to be made the said II. B. Glover Co, in the proportion which the distance of the point of connec- tion (measuring from connection made by the Glover Co. at Levi building,) bears to the total distance of the line. Any person or company connecting at a point beyond the con- nection then farthest removed from the connection at the Levi building (on the line now authorized to be built.) shall pay the said H. B. Glover Co. only in the proportion which the distance of the proposed connection to he made by such person or com- pany bears to the total distance lying between the point of prior connection and the connection at the Glover building, measuring from such prior connection. Connections made at a point intermediate to other points shall be paid for in the proportion which the distance of connecting point bears to the total distance be- tween the two points, measuring south (or east. as the case may be,) from the point nearest the Levi lnttld- ing, payment to he made to the per- son or company having the other point of connection (the unix nearest the Giover building.) The intention hereof is that no person or company constructing, or connecting with, said pipe line, shall be reimbursed in an amount in excess of the actual ex- pense advanced. The cost of main- taining said pipe lien herein author- ized is to be borne equally by all per- sons using same. Section 4. The said H. 11. (;lover Co. 81111 11, at or before the lime of accepting the provisions of this ordi- nance and its pitldie:tlion. file with the Recorder of the City el I)ulruque a proper bond, iii the sum el S:dt11.0 4, to be approved by the .Mayor of said ('ity. obligating the .said 11. 11. O lover Co. to keep the street and alley in \chid excavations tire made in good eemiitioe and repair wherever such e)ea t; i4 ions are so made. for 0 period of one ' 1. after the completion of the wd°1.k. ;ind that it will restore said alley and street to the condition in whu'lt hey were found before exca- vtttin,g in r;+me, all to the satisfaction of the Street Commissioner and the ('ollin:ith e on Streets of said city. Neer ion E. On completion of the laving of the main its herein provided for, the said H. B. Glover Co. shall file wit h the ('ity Recorder of said 296 Official Notices City a sworn statement, showing the exact cost of said main and of its in- stallation, said statement to be item- ized. Failure to file said statement shall preclude the said H. B. Glover Co. from the right of collecting from any person or company making con- nections with said main the propor- tionate amount due the said H. B. Glover Co. under the terms of see - tion 3 hereof. Section 6. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Du- buque Times -Journal and the Tele- graph -Herald newspapers, and its ac- ceptance in writing by the said H. B. Glover Co. and the filing of the bond required. Adopted July 29th, 1909. Approved July 30th, 1909. H. A. SCHUNK, Mayor. Attest: EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. We hereby accept the provisions of the foregoing Ordinance and consent to the terms thereof. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, this 30th day of July, 1909. H. 13. GLOVER COMPANY. By L. C. BISSELL, Treasurer. Published officially in the Daily Times -Journal August 7th, 1909. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, 8-7-1t City Recorder. NOTICE TO PLUMBERS. Sealed proposals will be received at the City Recorder's office up to 8:00 p. m., Thursday, August 19th, 1909, for repairing and connecting up drink- ing fountain at the southwest corner of Thirteenth and Clay streets. The City reserves the right to re- ject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque August 16th, 1909. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, 8-16-3t. City Recorder. Official Publication. AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE granting to John T. Hancock Co., Branch Western Grocer Co.. its successors and as- signs, the right to construct and operate a high pressure water main in and along Second Street, com- mencing at alley between Main and Locust Streets, thence along south side of Second Street to alley between Main and Iowa Streets, thence south in said alley to its building, and regulating the, same. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Seetien 1. That John T. Hancock Co., ('ranch Western Grocer Co., its successors and assigns, are hereby authorized to construct, maintain and operate a high pressure water main. six inches in diameter, to be laid in and along Second Street, com- mencing at the alley .between Main and Locust Streets, running thence in an easterly direction along the south side of Second Street to the alley be- tween Main and Iowa Streets, thence south through said alley to building of said Company, in the City of Du- buque, for the purpose of providing sufficient and adequate water pressure for fire protection only. Said line of water pipe shall be constructed, maintained and operated at the expense of said Company, and shall be constructed under the direc- tion and supervision of the City Engi- neer and the Superintendent of the Water Works Department of the City of Dubuque. Section 2. In the construction of said water pipe line, the street and alley used shall not be unnecessarily obstructed. All obstructions and ex- cavations made in the street and al- ley shall he properly barricaded and lighted, and in any action for dam- ages caused by such obstruction and excavation the said Company. in con- sideration hereof, shall appear and defend the same, and shall pay any judgment rendered against the City of Dubuque. Section 3. The City of Dubuque may at any time grant the right to any other person or company to con- nect with said high pressure water main, for fire protection purposes only, upon paying to the said John T. Hancock Co., Branch Western Grocer Co., a share of the cost of construc- tion and maintenance of said line, to be estimated as follows: Payment is to be made the said Company in the proportion which the distance of the Point of proposed connection (meas- uring from the connection at alley be- tween Main and Locust Streets,) bears to the total distance of the line. Any person or company connecting at a point beyond the connection then farthest removed from connection at said alley last named (on the line now being authorized,) shall pay said Company only in the proportion which the distance of the proposed connection bears to the total distance lying between the point of prior con- nection and the connection at the Hancock building, measuring from such prior connection. Connections made at a point intermediate to other points shall be paid for in the proportion which the distance of con- necting point bears to the total dis- tance between the two points, meas- uring easterly from the westerly point, payment to be made to the per- son or company having the easterly point of. connection. The intention hereof is that no person or company constructing, or connecting with, said pipe line, shall be reimbursed in an amount in excess of the actual ex- pense advanced. The cost of main- Official Notices 297 twining said pipe line herein author- ized is to be borne equally by all per- sons using the same. Section 4. The said John T. Han- cock Co., Branch Western Grocer Co., shall, at or before the time of ac- cepting the provisions of this Ordi- nance and its publication, file with the City Recorder of the City of Dubuque a proper bond, in the sum of $500.00, to be approved by the Mayor of said City, obliga.ting the said Company to keep the street and alley in which excavations are made in good condi- tion and repair wherever such exca- vations are made, for a period of one year after the completion of the work, and that it will restore said street and alley to the condition in which they were found before said excavating, all to the satisfaction of the Street Com- missioner and the Committee on Streets of said City. Section 5. On completion of the laying of the main as herein provided for, the said Company shall file with the City Recorder of said City a sworn statement, showing the exact cost of said main and of its installa- tion, said statement to be itemized. Failure to file said statement shall preclude the said Company from the right of collecting from any person or company the proportionate amount due the said Company under the terms of Section 5 hereof. Section 6. This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Times -Journal and the Telegraph - Herald newspapers, and its accept- ance in writing by the said John T. Hancock Co., Branch Western Grocer Co., and the filing of the bond herein provided for. Adopted July 29th, 1909. Approved July 30th, 1909. H. A. SCHUNK, Mayor. Attest: EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. We hereby accept the provisions of the foregoing Ordinance and consent to the terms thereof. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, this llth day of August, 1909. WESTERN GROCERY CO., By F. C. LETTS, President. Published officially in the Daily Times -Journal .august 16th, 1909. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, 8-16-1t. City Recorder. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the Council chamber, City Hall, by the City Recorder until 8:00 p. m. Thurs- day. September 2nd, 1909, for the im- provement of the following streets by laying cement sidewalks on a foun- dation of eight inches of cinders, in accordance with the plans and speci- fications prepared by the City Engi- neer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder: Four -foot sidewalk 108 feet in length on the south side of Grace Street between Grandview Avenue and Louisa Street in front of and abutting on Lot 5, Hodges' Sub. Four -foot sidewalk 811 feet in length on the north side of Grace Street between Grandview Avenue Louisa Street in front of and abutting on Lots 1 of 21, 2 of 21, 1 of 22, Lots 23. 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 and 34, Reche's Sub. Four -foot sidewalk 60.33 feet in length on the south side of Cleveland Avenue between Mountain Lane and Union Street in front of and abutting on west 1k of Lot 106, Union Add. Twelve -foot sidewalk 64% feet in length on the west side of Locust Street between First and Second Streets in front of and abutting on south 1,‘ of City Lot 118. Five-foot sidewalk 145.6 feet in length on the west side of Southern Avenue between Dodge Street and Railroad Avenue in front of and abut- ting on Lot 2 of 229, Union Add., and Lots 3 and 4, Stout's Addition. Five-foot sidewalk 180 feet in length on the south side of Twenty- seventh Street between Jackson and White Streets in front of and abutting on Lot 213, Davis Farm Add. The work is to be paid for when said work is completed and as pre- scribed by the Ordinance relating to the construction of sidewalks in the City of Dubuque, work to be com- pleted on or before the first day of October, 1909. Bidders must state price per square foot for sidewalks laid. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for $50.00 on some Du- buque Bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if award- ed. The City reserves the right to re- ject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, August 20th, 1909. EDMUND A. LTNEHAN, 8-20-2t. City Recorder. NOTICE OF TTTE CITY COUNCIL'S INTEN- TION TO T11F'1{()V l FTFTT-I STREET 1'l (1'I \i:AIN '1'O IOWA STREETS. To Whom It May Concern: You and each of you ;we hereby notified that it is the intention of the City Council of the Pity of Dubuque to improve Fifth SI roet from Main to Iowa Streets by reenttering the same with brick on a macadam foundation and to set new curb. That the pint. es(imate and specifi- vations of said pr,.posed improvement are now on file in the office of tho City Recorder. Official Notices It is estimated by the City Engineer that. said improvement will require 256 square yards brick gutter on a macadam foundation, 479 lineal feet of new curbing set, making a total estimated cost to the abutting prop- erty owners of $720.00. Any person or persons having ob- jection to said improvement are here- by notified to appear before the City Council at its regular session to be held September 2nd, 1909, or to file with the City Recorder their objec- tions in writing on or before Septem- ber 2nd, 1909. .Dated at Dubuque August 20th, 1909. 1 H) \l t7N D A. LINEHAN, Citi Recorder. NOTICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTEN- TION TO CONSTRUCT A SANI- TARY SEWER IN COLLEGE AVENUE FROM ALLISON PLACE TO WEST FIFTH STREET. To Wheat It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby no- tified that it is the intention of the City Council of the city of Dubuque to construct an 8 -inch tile pipe sani- tary sewer in College Avenue from the present manhole at the intersec- tion of Allison Place to the center of West Fifth Street. That a plat and specifications of said proposed sewer are now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that it will reeuire 368 lineal feet of 8 -inch tile pipe with 2 manholes and will cost the abutting property own- ers $250.00 in total. Any person or persons having ob- jection to the construction of said sanitary sewer are hereby notified to appear before the City Council at its regular session, September 2nd, 1909, or to tile in writing with the City Re- corder their objections on or before September 211d, 1909. Dated at Dubuque, August 20th, 1909. E1)Y1t1ND A. LINEHAN, 9-20-3t. ('ity Itecorder. __— To Michael 1 urke Yeu are hereby notified that the City Council of Dubuque, Iowa, did in the 19th day of August, 1909, adopt the follieving resolution: "I -N. It Resolved by the City Council of the ('ity or Dubuque, Iowa: That a permanent sidewalk of the width of Live feet be and the same is hereby ordered to be laid on the west side (if Southern Avenue between Dodge feet and Railroad Avenue and in ant of and abutting the following ,(•scribed premises, to -wit: Among others your lots 3 and 4, Stout's Adel. Such sidewalk to be constructed of materials and in the manner as fol- lows, to -wit: Eight inches of cinders, three inches of concrete and one inch of cement wearing surface. Said sidewalk to be completed on or before the first day of October, 1909, and the cost of the same to be taxed against said premises and collected in the manner prescribed by law. "Be It Further Resolved, That said property owner be and is authorized to contruct said sidewalk at his own expense, provided he begins work thereon within ten days after being notified by the City Recorder of the passage of this resolution by the City Council, and compietes the same within thirty days thereafter. "Ye It Further Resolved, That if said work is not commenced within the time named in said notice that the City Recorder be and is hereby or- dered to give ten clays notice by two publications ;,string for proposals for doing of said work under contract with the city. The proposals for the doing of said work shall be acted upon by the ('ity Council on the 2nd day of September, 1909." Yon are further notified that. you will be permitted to lay this sidewalk yourself providing the work thereon is begun within ten days and com- pleted within thirty days after service of this notice upon you, and unless said sidewalk is cemnteneed and com- pleted within s;ti,l time in front of the lots and pare, is or ground owned and controlled h} you and abutting on such contemplated sidewalk, same shall be done by the ('ity and the cost thereof assessed against said property and the owners thereof and collected in the manner preseriitd by law. Should this work have to be done by the City, the cost of estimates, no- tices, inspection and preparing the as- sessment and plat must be added to the contractor's price. thus putting you to an additional expense of from Fifteen to Twenty Dollars. You will therefore see the advisability of com- plying with the foregoing notice within the time specified. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, S -23-3t. City Recorder. To Henry 1'.uden: You are hereby notified that the City Council of Dubuque, Iowa, did in the 19th day of :August, 1909, adopt the following resolution: "Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: That a permanent sidewalk of the width of five feet be and the same is hereby ordered to he laid on the west side of Southern Avenue between Dodge Street and Railroad Avenue and in front of and abutting the following described premises, to -wit: Among others your Lot 2 of 229, Union Add. Such sidewalk to be constructed of materials and in the manner as fol- lows, to -wit: Eight inches of cinders, three inches of concrete and one inch Official Notice' ei ec; ant wearing surface. : aid r.i •ewalk to be completed on or before the fl.=t day of October, 1909, and the Best of the same to be taxed aanin=t: said premises and collected in the monner prescribed by law. 'l e It Further Resolved, That said property owner be and is authorized to contruct said sidewalk at his own expense, provided he begins work thereon within ten days after being notified by the City Recorder of the passage of this resolution by the City Council, and completes the same within thirty days thereafter. "Pe It Further Resolved, That if said work is not commenced within the time named in said notice that the City Recorder be and is hereby or- dered to give ten days notice by two publications asking for proposals for doing of said work under contract with the City. The proposals for the doing of said work shall be acted upon by the City Council on the 2nd day of September, 1909." You are further notified that you will be permitted to lay this sidewalk yourself providing the work thereon is begun within ten days and com- pleted within thirty days after service of this notice upon you, and unless 'aid sidewalk is commenced and com- pletecl within said time in front of the lots and parcels of ground owned and controlled by you and abutting on such contemplated sidewalk, same shall be done by the City and the cost thereof assessed against said property and the owners thereof and collected in the manner prescribed by law. Should this work have to be done by the City, the cost of estimates, no- tices, inspection and preparing the as- sessment and plat must be added to the contractor's price, thus putting you to an additional expense of from Fifteen to Twenty Dollars. You will therefore see the advisability of com- plying with the foregoing notice within the titne specified. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, S -23-3t. City Recorder. Regular Session, September 2, 1909 CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session, September 2nd, 1909. (Official.) Council met at 8:45 p. m. Mayor Schunk in the chair. Present--Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Absent—None. Ald. Haas moved that action on the approval of the Council Proceedings for the month of August, 1909, be de- ferred until the next session of the City Council. Carried. HILLS. The following bills, having been properly approved by the various committees, were read and, on mo- tion of Ald O'Rourke, were ordered paid: O'Farrell Contracting Co., 5% retained for one year on contract for brick paving of Sixth Street $114 09 James Lee & Son, constructing cement steps at east en- trance to City Hall as per contract 225 00 Avenue Top Mining Co., tail- ings for Second Road Dis- trict 50 00 H. Weber, inspector on 32nd Street storm sewer 7 70 Pat Ryan, inspector curb and gutter on West 4th St 32 70 Robt. Young, inspector Fran- cis and Hart Street sewer9 60 Tom Jess, Inspector on Glen Oak Avenue sewer 13 50 PETITIONS AND COMMUNICA- TIONS. Petition of John W. Schwind, ask- ing that the City Engineer be instruct- ed to establish the grades on Audu- bon Avenue, Atlantic Avenue, Au- burn Avenue and Custer Streets, in Tschirgi and Schwind's Subdivision, was, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, re- ferred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of the M. M. Johannsen Candy Co., asking that they be grant- ed an exemption from taxation on their personal property used in con- ducting their candy factory for a period of years beginning with the year 1908, was, on motion of Ald. Sin - grin, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of M. Tschirgi & Sons, pre- senting hills for extra work done on 32nd Street storm water sewer, was read and, on motion of Ald. Haas, pe- titions and bills for extra work were referrrd to the Committee of the Whole. 301 Petition of Wilmer Cook, asking that he be granted additional time until October 1st for the completion of the contracts for improving Stoltz Avenue and O'Neill Avenue, was, on motion of Ald. Frith, granted. Petition of the Standard Oil Co., asking that they be granted the use of a portion of South Main Street not exceeding eight feet wide, for the pur- pose of erecting a temporary office during the time their warehouse is being rebuilt, was, on motion of Ald. Saul. granted. Original notice in the District Court of petition of Martin-Strelau Co. to have writ of mandamus issued to com- pel City to levy assessment on all tax- able property to pay judgment ren- dered against City for $42.715.36 with interest at G% from the 10th day of July. 1908, was. on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, referred to the City Attor- ney. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Mayor Schuck stated that, accord- ing to the Ordinance, it became in- cumbent on the Council at the present session to appoint a Committee on Assessments to act as a Board of Equalization, consisting of one Ald- erman from each ward, and he submitted the following list which, on motion of Ald. IIaas, was approved: Alds. O'Rourke, Saul. Rand, Singrin and Frith. City Treasurer Brinkman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlernen: I herewith hand you statements of amounts advanced by me during the month of August, 1909, for which please order warrants drawn in my favor: Interest paid on warrants outstanding $1,762.50 New York exchange 7.30 Postage and expense 12.75 Telegram, Police .32 Express charges, Road 7.85 Freight charges, Road 67.44 Total 81,85x.16 Library orders paid Respectfully, H. BRINK\IAN, Treasurer. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke the re- port was received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay the various amounts, and the report referred to the Committee on Finance. $643.51 City Auditor Lyons reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: 302 Regular Session, September 2, 1909 Gentlemen: Herewith find my re- port for the month of August, 1909, showing the receipts and disburse- ments for the month: Cash on hand Aug. 1, 1909.$60,011.10 Receipts from all sources.. 14,451.31 Total $74,462.41 DISBURSEMENTS. Warrants redeemed $23,560.44 Regular bond coupons re- deemed 6,839.88 Water Works bond coupons redeemed 45.00 Improvement bond coupons redeemed 226.25 Total $30,671.57 Balance Sept. lst, 1909..$43,790.84 The above cash balance includes the improvement bond fund, im- provement bond interest fund and li- brary fund balance. Water Works account: Water Works, balance August 1. 1909 $ 6,649.30 Deposited with City Treas- urer during August 5,745.14 Total $12,394.44 Orders drawn on City Treasurer during August. 3,716.47 Balance Sept. lst, 1909....$ 8,677.97 Excavation permit account: Balance August lst, 1909 $40.00 Receipts during August 10.00 Total $50.00 Permits redeemed during Aug15.00 Balance September lst, 1909. $35.00 Also the following is a record of all interest coupons redeemed by the City Treasurer during the past month and credited to him: Water Works bond coupons.$ 45.00 Improvement bond coupons. 226.25 Regular bond coupons 6,839.88 Total $7,111.13 Also report that there is due the city officers for the month of August, 1909, $2,874.80. Also the following list shows the appropriations and the amount of warrants drawn on each fund since the beginning of the fiscal year be- ginning March lst, 1909, to Septem- ber lst, 1909: Appropriation Expended Expense .. ....$40,000.00 $14,964.47 Roads— First District .. 6,225.82 6,110.67 Second District . 15,011.04 9,827.85 Third District .. 8,859.42 6,443.96 Fourth District . 10,750.58 6,803.00 Fifth District .. 8,275.14 8,270.74 Fire .... 49,000.00 18,390.82 Police .... 35,000.00 14,901.11 Sewerage .. 6,000.00 2,723.96 Printing .. 2,800.00 977.91 Street Lighting 27,000.00 10,353.75 Interest .. .. 40,000.00 16,093.23 Board of Health 7,000.00 3,513.41 Grading .. 4,000.00 948.73 Speeial Bonded Paving ... 4,000.00 4,000.00 Special Bonded Debt and In- terest 4,500.00 2,500.00 Mt. Carmel Ave- nue Grading . 2.500.00 45.15 Sidewalk Repair- ing .... 1,000.00 371.75 Bluff Street ex- tention .. 500.00 19.30 Improvement of Windsor Ave - 1,000.00 Bee Branch Sew- er, Third Ward 2,500.00 Bee Branch Sew- er in Wash- ington Street . 6,000.00 5,894.92 Improvement of Grandview Avenue .. ... 3,000.00 Eagle Point Park 3,000.00 2,916.66 Judgment .. .. 2,200.00 2,133.90 Opening of Louisa Street.. 1,100.00 1,100.00 Clay Street Im- provement ... 2,001.00 1,641.99 West Locust St. Storm Sewer . 2,000.00 1,997.55 Kauffman Avenue Improvement . 1,000.00 Thirty-second St. Storm Sewer . 1,000.00 44.25 Heeb Street Grad- ing .... ..... 300.00 $297,522.00 Respectfully, M. E. Lyons, Auditor. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke the re- port was received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay the city officers and the report referred to the Com- mittee on Finance. Fire Chief Reinfried reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The following is the pay roll of the Fire Department for the month of August, 1909: Amount due firemen $3,053.83 Less 1% retained for Pension Fund 29.40 Balance due firemen $3,024.43 Respectfully submitted, J. R. REINFRIED, Chief. Approved by Committee on Fire. On motion of Ald. Frith the report was received and warrants ordered Regular Session September 2, 1909 303 drawn to pay the firemen, and the report referred. back to the Committee on Fire. Chief Reinfried also presented the following: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The undersigned would respectfully ask your honorable body, in order to comply with the Firemen's Pension Law. that the names of all the members of the department ap- pear on the same pay roll. so as to facilitate the crediting of the amount due said fund and show at the same time the balance clue each individual member of the department. We would, therefore, recommend that the name of the Chief and also that of the City Electrician be stricken from the pay roll of officers and placed upon the fire pay roll. Respectfully, J. R. REINFRIED, Pres. H. BRINKMAN. GEO. T. LYONS, Trustee. On motion of Ald. Frith the report of Chief Reinfried was refererd to the Committee of the Whole. Chief of Police Pickley reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the police report for the month of August: Intoxication 32 Disorderly Conduct 11 Disturbing the Peace 12 Assault 1 Assault and Battery 2 Assault with Deadly Weapon 1 Petit Larceny 2 Threat to Kill 1 Murder 1 Vagrancy 14 Total 77 Residents Arrested Doors Found Open Lodgers Harbored 17 Defective Lights 451 Meals Furnished 23 Cost of Food $4.60 Police Court Costs $26.95 Sheriff, Dieting Prisoners for July and August $14.00 Patrol Runs for Prisoners 55 Transfer of Prisoners 1 Ambulance Calls 4 Committee Calls 1 Miles Traveled 81 roll of 26 I also beg to submit the pay forpolicemen for the month August, 1909: Amount due policemen $2,483.35 JAMES PICKLEY, Chief of Police. On motion of Alda Martin the re- port and pay roll were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the policemen and the report referred to the Committee on Police and Light. City Electrician Hipman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my report of defective lights for the month of August, 1909: I find from the reports of the Po- lice Department that the total hours that 451 lamps failed to burn would equal 2 lamps burning for one month, or $10.00. Respectfully submitted, \VILLIAJ1 HIP\]AN. City Electrician. On motion of Ald. Martin the re- port was received and the City Audi- tor to he instructed to deduct from the Union Electric company's bill for the month of August, 1909, the sum of $10.00. Street Commissioner Dorgan re- ported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the pay roll for labor on streets in the different road districts during the last half of August, 1909: Amt. due laborers on streets. $2,800.55 .Approved by Committee on Streets. Also submit the pay roll for labor on sewers during the last half of August, 1909: Amt. due laborers on sewers..$231.25 Approved ,by Committee on Sewers. Also submit the pay roll for labor grading the alley between Strauss and Burden Avenues: Amt. due laborers on grading..$19.80 Approved by Committee on Streets. Respectfully submitted, JOHN DORGAN, Street Commissioner. On motion of Alds. Saul and Sin - grin the pay rolls on streets, alleys and sewers were received and war- rants ordered drawn to pay the vari- ous amounts and the pay rolls re- ferred back to the proper commit- tees. Following Weighmasters' and Woodmeasurers' reports of receipts were presented and read, and, on mo- tion. were received and filed: Jos. Straney, First Ward scale.$ 3.05 Louisa Pitscnner, West Du- buque scales C. W. Katz, scales receipts 15.85 C. W. Katz,. sale of market stands 1.80 1.00 City Recorder Linehan presented. and read certified copy of the notice of the Council's intention to construct a sanitary sewer in College Avenue . 304 Regular Session, September 2, 1909 from Allison Place to West Fifth Street.. No remonstrance being tiled and no one In the room objecting to the construction of said sewer, the notice was, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, received and filed. City Recorder Linehan also pre- sented and read the certified copy of the notice of the Council's intention to improve Fifth Street from Main to Iowa Streets. No remon- strance being filed and no one in the room objecting to the improvement of said street. the notice was, on mo- tion. received and filed. City 1 ecorder Linehan also pre- sented and read certified copies of the notices published in the official pa- pers of the city of the Council's in- tention to lay cement sidewalks on the west side of Southern Avenue, between Dodge Street and Railroad Avenue in front of and abutting on Lot 2 of 229, Union Add.. owned by Henry Barden. Also on Lots 3 and 4, Stout's Add., owned by Michael Burke. No remon- strance being filed and no one in the room objecting to the laying of said sidewalks, the notices were, on mo- tion of Ald. Saul, received and filed. On motion of Ald. Martin action of City Attorney was approved and the certificate ordered placed on file. City Recorder Linehan also pre- sented and read the surety bond for $5,000.00 of Charles Sass as Water Works Trustee. On motion of Ald. Martin bond of Hon. Charles Sass, as Water Works Trustee, was approved and placed on file. City Attorney Lyon reported that the Renewal Certificate of the bond of B. F. Stedman, as bookkeeper and superintendent of the Water Works Department, which had been referred to him, was properly drawn up and that he had approved the same. City Attorney Lyon reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The undersigned, to whom was referred the report of your Committee of the Whole relative to the petition of Louisa Lange with ref- erence to the improvement of Wilbur Avenue and the vacation of Olive Street, would respectfully recommend that proper waivers be procured from all persons interested In the improve- ment contemplated, as the same in- volves a matter of special assessments against the abutting property, I find no legal objection to the adoption of said report. Respectfully submitted, GEO. T. LYON, City Attorney. 13y E. H. WILLGING, Assistant. On motion of Ald. Rand the report of the City Attorney vas approved and proper waivers to be secured. The following petition and waiver of 'William H. Day, Jr., and Louisa Lange was then read: To the Honorable Mayor and City • Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: e;entlemen: The undersigned, an owner of property abutting on that Pert of Wilbur Avenue from the end of the present improvement at the easterly line of Olive Street westerly for a. dista.nce of fifty-six feet, ten inches. hereby agrees to pay his share of the special assessment to be levied by the City Council for macadamiz- ing. curbing' and guttering that part of said street. He also hereby waives any and all objections to any illegalities and in- formalities, if any there are, to the special assessment to be levied by the City Council for the improvement of said part of said street and hereby consents to and asks to have such im- provement made. The foregoing agreement, waiver and consent is. however, subject to the condition that that part of Olive Street laying between the southerly line of Jefferson Street and the north- ly line of Wilbur Avenue. after same is widened to a width of forty feet, be vacated and the use thereof granted to the undersigned, William H. Day, Jr., as proposed in the proposition now pending before the Council. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, this 2nd day of September, 1909. WILLIAM H. DAY, JR. By GLENN BROWN, His Attorney. LOUISA LANGE, By J. W. KINTZINGER, Her Attorney. Ald. Rand moved that petition be granted and waiver be made matter of record. Carried. Sidewalk Inspector Lynch present- ed and read certified copies of the notices served on J. C. Roberts, owner of I.ots 1 of 21, 2 of 21 and 1 of 22. Reche's Sub., Anna Heer, owner of Lots 23 and 25, Reche's Sub., T. B. Cain, owner of Lot 24, Reche's Sub., Martin Heer, owner of Lot 27, Reche's Sub., Frank D. Bennett, owner of Lot 28, Reche's Sub., John Accola, owner of Lot 29, Reche's Sub., John Frey, owner of Lot 30, Reche's Sub., Chas. J. Pitschner, owner of Lots 31 and 32, Reche's Sub., also on John Kapp, owner of Lots 33 and 34, Regular Session, September 2, 1909 305 Reche's Sub., ordering cement side- walks laid on the north side of Grace Street between Grandview Avenue and Louisa Street, abutting on said prop- erty. No remonstrance being flled and no one in the room objecting to the laying of said sidewalks, the notices were, on motion of Ald. Rand, re- ceived and filed. Sidewalk Inspector Lynch also pre- sented certified copy of notice served on A. A. Cooper, ordering cement sidewalk laid on the nest side of Lo- cust Street between First and Second 'Streets in front of and abutting on south ?'z of City Lot 118. No remon- strance being tiled and no one in the room objecting to the laying of the sidewalk the notice was ordered re- eek',•c1 and filed. Sidewalk Inspector Lynch also pre- sented a certified copy of the notice served on Ellen flay, owner of West lit of Lot Dol. Union Add., ordering cement sidewalks laid on south side of Cleveland _\ venue between Moun- tain Lane and Union Streets abutting said property. No remonstrance be- ing filed and no one in the room ob- jecting to the laying of the sidewalk, the notice was ordered received and filed. Sidewalk Inspector Lynch also pre- sented certified copies of the notices served on A. E. Girard, owner of Lot 5, Hodes' Sub., and Minnie and M. A. Kemler, owners of Lots 1 of 4 and 2 of 4, .Ani; t i'Ilare's Sub., ordering cement sidewalks laid on south side of Grace Street between Grandview Avenue and East Street, abutting said property. \ o remonstrance being filed and no one in the room object- ing to the laying of the sidewalks, the notices were, on motion of Ald. Rand, received and filed. Sidewalk Inspector Lynch also pre- sented certified copy of notice served on 'William Klauer et al, owner of Lot 213, Davis Farm Add., ordering a ce- ment sidewalk laid on the south side of Twenty-seventh Street between Jackson and White Streets.. Petition of \Vm. Mauer et al, asking that the City do not open bids for the laying of the sidewalk. as they have awarded the contract to I1, l 1ph & Iirashei', was then read and. el) motion of Ald. Frith, petition was granted and bid to be withheld and notice ordered re- ceived and filed. BIDS. Bids for laying cetnettt sidewalks on various streets of the City were pre- sented. Ald. Frith moved that bids for laying cement sidewalk on south ' side• of Twenty-seVonth Street, abut - ting on Lot 213, Davis Farm Add., be not opened. Carried. On motion of Ald. Saul bids for laying cement sidewalks on all other streets were opened. Carried. Bids are as follows: Four -foot sidewalk on west side of Southern Avenue, between Dodge Street and Railroad Avenue, abutting Lots 2 of 229. Union Add., and Lots 3 and 4, Union .Add.: Nick ,1. Staner, 10%c per square foot. E. J. Evans, Jr., 10%c per square foot. Both bids being the same, on mo- tion of Ald. Saul, ballot was taken resulting in Staner receiving 4 votes. and E. J. Evans, Jr., 3 votes. • Con- tract was, on motion of Ald. Saul, awarded to Nick J. Stoner for 10%c per square foot. Four -foot sidewalk on south side of Cleveland Avenue, between Mountain Lane and Union Street, abutting Lot 100, Union Add.: Nick .1. Staner, 13c per square foot. On motion of .Add. Saul, contract was awarded to Nick J. Stoner for 13c per square foot. Four -foot sidewalk west side of Lo- cust Street, between First and Second Streets, abutting S. I/2 of City Lot 18: Ed. J. Evans, Jr., 10%c per square foot. Nick J. Staner, 12e per square foot. On motion of Ald. Frith, contract for sidewalk on west side of Locust Street was awarded to Ed. J. Evans, Jr. Four -foot sidewalk on north side of Grace S'Lreet, abutting on Lots 1 of 21, 2 of 21, 1 of 22, Lots 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 and 34, Reche's Sub., and also on south side of Grace Street, abutting on Lot 5, Hodges' Sub. Bids are as follows: Ed. J. Evans, 121,_c per square foot. Nick .T. Staner, 12%0 per square foot. On 'notion of Ald. O'Rourke, con- tract for sidewalks on Grace Street were awarded to Ed. J. Evans, Jr. Ald. Saul moved that all laborers on streets and sewers he paid Satur- day afternoon. September 4th, instead of Tuesday, September 7th. Carried. 'REPORTS OF CO.\1MITT ES. .\ Id. .\lartin, chairman of the Com- mittee un ttrdinmtces. presented and read: .\n Ordinance granting to the Illi- nois Central Railroad Company the use of a portion of Dodge Street, be- tween South .'lain and Water Streets, in he City of Ihilunlu,, fnl' a- terns of 306 Regular Session, September 2, 1909 years, and regulating and controlling such grant. and moved that the read- ing just had be considered its first reading. Carried. Ald. Martin moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of read- ing the Ordinance by its title for the second reading. Carried by the following vote: Yeas --Aids. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Ald. Martin then moved that the Ordinance be now adopted as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith. Haas. Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. The Ordinance follows: • AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE granting to the Illi- nois Central Railroad Company the use of a portion of Dodge Street, between South Main and Water Streets. in the City of Dubuque, for a term of years, and regulating and controlling such grant. Be It Ordained By the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That permission be and the same is hereby granted the Illinois Central Railroad Company to erect, or cause to be erected, in Dodge Street, between South Main and Water Streets. in the City of Dubuque, a removable building, beginning at a point in the south line of Dodge Street. on a line with the easterly line of a building already erected by said Illinois Central Railroad Company, and known as a fruit shed, and ex- tending northerly into Dodge Street from said southerly line thereof, and parallel with South Main Street, not to exceed a distance of fourteen (14) feet from said southerly line of Dodge Street; thence westerly, parallel with the northerly line of said fruit shed, to the southerly line of Dodge Street. See. 2. That the privilege hereby granted is subject to the continuation of the use and occupation of said fruit shed, for the fruit of the United Fruit Company, and in no event is this grant to endure for a longer term than twenty (20) years from the time this Ordinance becomes effective. It is expressly understood and agreed that no vested rights of any kind in or to any portion of Dodge Street, or to the use thereof, are hereby con- ferred, or will at any time be claimed, either by said Illinois Central Rail- road Company or said United Fruit Company by reason of the grant here- in made, and the permission and the enjoyment of the privilege hereby granted are subject at all times to any future action of the City Council of Dubuque relative to the removal or regulation of the building now author- ized to be erected. Sec. 3. That said Illinois Central Railroad Company and said United Fruit. Company shall agree, by accept- ing the terms hereof, to protect and hold harmless the said City of Du- buque from any claims or actions for damages, or otherwise, arising from the use and obstruction of said por- tion of Dodge Street herein referred to, and shall agree to defend any suit arising by reason thereof, and to pay any judgment that may be rendered against said City. or any other ex- pense to which said City may be put, by reason of said use and obstruc- tion. Sec. 4. That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph -Her- ald and the Dubuque Times -Journal, official newspapers of said City, and after a ritten acceptance thereof on the part of said Illinois Central Rail- road Company and the United Fruit Company, duly endorsed hereon. Adopted September , 1909. Approved September , 1909. Mayor. Attest: City Recorder. The provisions and terms of the foregoing Ordinance are hereby ac- cepted and agreed to thic day of— , 1909. Ald. Martin, chairman of the Com- mittee on Ordinances, also presented and read an Ordinance granting to the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company permission to con- struct, maintain and operate a side- track southerly across Third Street from a point on the main line of said company opposite the north curb line of said street, in the City of Dubuque, and regulating the construction, use and maintenance thereof, and moved that the reading just had be consid- ered its first reading. Carried. Md. Martin moved that the rules be suepended for the purpose of read- ing the Ordinance by its title for the second reading. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays --None, Ald. Martin then moved that the Ordinance be now adopted as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas ---Aids. Frith. Haas. Martin. O'Rourke, Rand. Saul and Singrin. Nays ---None . The Ordinance follows: AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE granting to the Chi- cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul. Rail- way Company permission to con- struct, maintain and operate a. side- Regular Session, September 2, 1909 • track southerly across Third Street from a point on the main line of said Company opposite the north curb line of said street, in the City of Dubuque, and regulating the con- struction, use and maintenance thereof. Be It Ordained Py the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That permission be and the same is hereby granted to the Chi- cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company. its successors and assigns, to lay down, operate and maintain a sidetrack in the City of Dubuque, commencing at a point on the main track of said Company opposite the north curb line of Third Street, thence running southerly and across said Third Street, at a slight curve west- rl>. for the purpose of extending said truck to connect with the property now owned by Armour & Company south of said Third Street, on Out Lot 475. Sec. 2. That the laying down of said sidetrack shall be clone under the supervision of the City Engineer and the Committee on Streets of said City Sec. 3. That in the laying down and operation of said sidetrack, the same shall be ,so constructed and maintained as to create the least pos- sible obstruction , to ordinary travel and the use of the street crossed. That cars shall not be allowed to stand on said street, and said track shall at all times be used in accordance with all lawful regulations now or here- after enacted by said City. Sec. 4. That said sidetrack shall be laid to the established grade of the street on which it runs, and should the grade be changed at any time, said track shall be changed* to con- form to such change at the expense of said company, without any claim against said City. Sec. 5. That said Company shall keep the space between the rails of said sidetrack and the space to the end of the ties so graded that carriages may easily pass over the same, and shall keep such spaces properly planked, paved or macadamized, or otherwise improved, as the City Coun- cil may direct, and shall keep any sidewalk crossing said tracks proper- ly planked. or lay such new walks, as the City Council may direct. Sec. E. That said sidetrack shall be so constructed and maintained as not to dam up or obstruct the flow and drainage of water in the gutters or on the surface of said street and said Railway Company shall be subject to and strictly comply with all reason- able police regulations bearing on the use and operation of said track. Sec. 7. The City of Dubuque here- by reserves the right to revoke the privilege hereby granted at any time after twenty (201 years from the time this Ordinance becomes operative. or sooner. in case the said Armour & Company fail to continue the opera- tion of the plant with which said side- track continued is to connect. Sec. 3. That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication one time In the Dubuque Telegraph -Her- ald and the Dubuque Times -journal, official newspapers of said City, and wriiten acceptance thereof 00 the part of said Chicago, Milwauko , & St. Paul Railway Company, duly .'ndorsed hereon. Adopted September —, 1909. Approved September --, 1909. Mayor. Attest: City Recorder. The provisions and terms of the foregoing Ordinance are hereby ac- cepted this:.— clay of AId. Martin, chairman of the Com- mittee on Ordinances, also presen.ted. and read an Ordinance for the vaca- tion of that part of Olive Street lay- ing between the southerly line of Jefferson Street and the northerly line of Wilbur Avenue in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and moved that the reading just had be considered its first reading. Carried. Ald. Martin moved that the Ordi- nance be now referred to the Com- mittee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. Martin moved that the matter of Stines Street be referred to the Committee of the Whole to view the grounds. Carried. Ald. Martin, chairman of the Com- mittee on Police and Light, stated that the Police Department needed 25 feet of 1 inch hose for Patrol House. Ald. Frith moved that the Committee Clerk be authorized to purchase of 25 feet of 1 -inch hose for the Patrol House. Carried. Ald. Haas, chairman of the Com- mittee on Delinquent Taxes, reported as follows: Your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the pe- tition of Dorothea Buettell, asking that twenty-five per cent of the val- uation of the following named lots be accepted in settlement of the special assessment levied thereon for street and sewer purposes. 1 of 1 of 8 Ellen Blake's Sub. 15, 1H. 17, in Buseman's Sub. 22 and 23 in the same Sub. 1 of 20 Finley Home. 12 Home Add. 308 Regular Session, September 2, 1909 South half of lot 9, O'Neill's Add. 11 of Buseman's Sub. 31 of Buseman's Sub. 32 of Buseman's Sub. 34 of Buseman's Sub. Would respectfully recommend that clic said petition be received and filed and that an offer be made to compromise on the basis of fifty per cent of the original assessment with- out interest, provided the sarne be paid within thirty days from the pas- sage hereof, and we would also rec- ommend that, complying with this resolution, the City Treasurer be in- structed to accept said amount in full settlement of said assessments. D. J. HAAS, Chairman. <\id. Haas moved the adoption of the report of the Committee on De- linquecrt Taxes. Carried. Ald. Singrin. chairman of the Com- mittee on Sewers. reported as fol- lewe: Your Committee on Sewers, to whom was referred the report of the Committee on Sewers accepting the sanitary sewer in Francis Street and Hart Street. would respectfully rec- ommend that said report be adopted. WM. SINGRIN, Chairman. Ald. Siugrin moved the adoption of the report of the Committee on Sewers. Carried. Ald. Rand, chairman of the Com- nrittt•c on Public Grounds and Build- ings, reported as follows: Your Committee en Public Grounds and Buildings, to whom was referred the bill of T. H. Schilling amounting to $1.0o for repairing windows at the City Hall and also that of G. F. Klieh for $2.00 for a new lock for the Auditor's eflice, would respectfully recommend that said bills be allowed and that warrants in settlement there- of be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer. D. W. RAND, Chairman. Ald. Rand moved the adoption of the report of the Committee on Pub- lic Grounds and Buildings. Carried. Ald. pral, chairman of the Com- mittee on Claims. reported as fol- lows: Dubuque, Iowa, Sept. 2, 1909. To Clic Honorable Mayor and City Council: t7ertlem, n: The undersigned Com- mitn. • on Claims, to whom was re- f, r rcd the matter of the claim of cite W. Gieger for personal injuries rece ivecl through a fall on defective sidewalk, state that we have duly in- vewie;atr 1 the facts in the case and recommend that adjustment of the claim be trade on the basis of $100.00 to which amount the plaintiff in said claim has agreed; that the amount asked in the claim is $500.00, and we deem the settlement effected reason- able and props -r, and we ask the ap- proval of said settlement and that warrant be ordered drawn in the amount named. • JAMES SAUL, D. J. HAAS, D. W. RAND, Committee on Claims. GEO. T. LYON, City Attorney. Ald. hand moved that the report of the Committee on Claims be adopted and a warrant be ordered drawn in favor of the Mayor to af- fect said settlement. Carried. AId. U'ltourk,. chairman of the Committee of the Whole, reported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole, to whom were referred the bills of Jas. Gregory for $17S.50 and Lorenz Eberhardt for $241.25 for labor on and material furnished Engine Houses 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6, would re- spectfully recommend that said bills be allowed and that w'arr'ants in settlement thereof be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer. Also your Committee of the \Vhole, would respectfully recommend that the City Engineer be instructed to pr•'pare estimates showing the cost required to place Southern Avenue, North Cascade Road and illillville Road in good condition and report to the Committee of the Whole at its next meeting. Also your Committee of the Whole, would respectfully recommend that the drainage at the east end of the recent improvement on Davis Ave- nue be provided, for and that the Street Commissioner be instructed to dire et said work and certify the cost thereof to the hoard of Supervisors. .-\Iso your Committee of the Whole wouhl re..Tcetfully recommend that the storm water sewer constructed in Thirty-sc•c•ond Street by M. Tschirgi Xr Sori be accepted. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom were referred the bills of the Iowa Telephone Company- for services rendered the various city of- fices, would respectfully recommend that said bills be referred to the Committee on Electrical Construction to report back to this committee. Regular Session, September 2, 1909 309 Also your Committee of the Whole, reporting on the balance of the amounts for breaking macadam in the 3rd and 5th Wards, would re- spectfully recommend that the maca- datn broken in the 3rd Ward, amount- ing to $8.10, be paid and that a war- rant in settlement thereof be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer, and that action on the rock broken in the Fifth District as shown by said list be de- ferred. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the bill of M. Tschirgi & Son amounting to $840.59 for the construction of a storm water sewer in Thirty-second Street from Cooler Avenue to Jackson Street, would respectfully recommend that said bill be allowed and that a war- rant in settlement thereof be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the bill of the Dubuque County Auditor for Plat No. 8237 amounting to fifty cents, would respectfully recommend that said bill be paid and that a warrant in settle- ment thereof be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the report of the Committee on Claims on the pe- titions of C. J. Barrett and Thomas Henney, would respectfully recom- mend that the City Attorney be per- mitted to settle the claim of C. J. Barrett for $200.00 and that he be allowed also to settle the claim of Thomas Henney for $150.00, and also for the costs in the cases amount- ing to $27.55 and that warrants in said amounts be ordered drawn in favor of the Mayor to effect settlements. JOHN O'ROURKE, Chairman. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the various reports of the Com- mittee of the Whole. Carried. Following report of the Commit- tee of the Whole was also presented and read: • Your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the west side of Couler Avenue from 22nd to 34th Streets be improved and that the cost thereof be taken from the grading fund. Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the report of the Committee of the Whole. Carried by the following' vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin and Bland. Nays—A1ds. O'Rourke. Saul and Singrin. Ald. O'Rourke, chairman of the Committee of the Whole, also re- ported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of the Dubuque Packing Co., asking the Bee Branch sewer in the alley in the rear of their plant be covered, would respectfully recommend that the prayer of the petitioners be granted and that the remonstrances against the said improvement be received and filed. JOHN O'ROUItKE, Chairman. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the report of the Committee of the Whole. Ald. Frith moved as an amendment that action on the Bee Branch sewer in the Third Ward be deferred until next session of the Council. .\nnend nient carried by the follow-, lug vote: Yc-as--Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin and Singrin. Nays--Alds. O'Rourke, Rand and Saul. RESOLUTIONS AND MOTIONS. Ald. O'Rourke offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council, of the City of Dubuque, That a sani- tary sewer of eight inch tile pipe be constructed in College Avenue from Allison Place to West Fifth Street, according to the plans and specifica- tions of said sewer prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and be it further Resolved, that said sewer shall be completed on or before the lst day of November, 1909, and shall be paid for at the time and in the manner prescribed by Chapter XXXIV of the Revised- Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque for the payment of the cost of constructing sewers. The proposals for doing such work will be acted upon by the Council on the 16th day of September, 1909, and the City Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten ;lays notice by publication, ask- ing for proposals as provided by Or- dinance. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—A.lds. Frith, Haas. Martin, O'Rourke, Rand. Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Ald. O'Rourke also offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that Fifth Street from the east lot line of Main Street to the west Lot line of Iowa Street he improved by curbing and 310 Regular Session, September 2, 1909 resetting curb where necessary and constructing a brick gutter on said portion of said street on a macadam foundation in accordance with the plana and specifications for such im- provement prepared by the City En- gineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and be it further Resolved, that said improvement shall be completed on or before the ist day of November, 1909, and shall be paid for in the manner prescribed by Chapter XXXII of the Revised Ordinance of the City of Dubuque for payment of the cost of street im- provements. The proposals for doing said work shall be acted upon by the Council on the 16th day of September, 1909, and the City Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication asking for proposals as provided by Ordinance. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, 'Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Ald. O'Rourke also offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Council, of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to improve Bluff Street from the north lot line of Third Street to the south lot line of Eighth Street and it is hereby proposed to curb and reset curb wherever necessary and pave said portion of said street with Sarco compost and to assess the cost of said curbing and resetting curb and paving against the abutting prop- erty. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Alderman O'Rourke also offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council, of the City of Dubuque, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, nature and ex- tent of the proposed improvement on Bluff Street from the north lot line of Third Street to the south lot line of Eighth Street and the kind of ma- terial to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such improve- ment, and the amount assessable up- on any railway or street railway com- pany. the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the city. if any, and the cost thereof and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land ad- jacent to or abutting upon such im- provement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City Recorder; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the City Recorder shall publish in three consecutive issues of a news- paper published in this city, a notice stating that such plat and estimates are on file, the location and nature of the improvement, kind of material to be tired, and an estimate of its cost, and th,, time before which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of such notice, and after such publication shall have been made, the City Recorder, shall at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. .\l'.l. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. i' t i'ied by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith. Haas, Martin, O'll urke. Rand, Saul and Singrin. N;tys—None. Ald. O'Rourke also offered the fol- lowing: Whereas, it is deemed necessary and expedient to improve west side of White Street between Sixth Street and Seventh Street in front of and abut- ting the premises hereinafter de- scribed by laying down a permanent sidewalk thereon: Composed of ce- ment material 6 feet wide. Therefore be is Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque; That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, na- ture and extent of the proposed im- provement on the west side of White Street between Sixth and Seventh Streets, and in front of and abutting lot North 6, 9 feet of City Lot 314. City Lot 315; South 9, 3 feet of City 316, and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof and the amount and cost of such improvement, and the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and esti- mate in the office of the City Recor- der; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the City Recorder shall notify said abutting and adjacent property owners, as pro- vided by Ordinance, that such plat and estimate are on file, the location and nature of the improvement, kind of material to be used. and an esti- mate of its cost, and the time before Regular Session, September 2, 1909 311 which objections thereto can be filed. and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five (5) days after the service of such notice, and after such service sha 11 have been made , the City Recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Coun- cil, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yea:, --.\ids. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Ald. Rand offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council, of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: That a permanent sidewalk of the width of four feet be and the same is hereby ordered to be laid on the south side of Grace Street, between Grandview Avenue and East Street. and in front of the following described premises: Lots 1 of 4 and 2 of 4, Ann O'Hare's Sub. Such sidewalk to be construct- ed of materials and in the manner as follows. to -wit: Eight inches of cin- ders, three inches of concrete and one inch of cement wearing surface. Said sidewalk to be completed on or be- fore the 1st day of October, 1909, and the cost of the same be taxed against sal I premises and collected in the manner prescribed by law. Be it Further Resolved. That said properly owner be and is authorized to construct said sidewalk at his own expense, provided he begins work thereon within ten clays after being notified by the City Recorder of the passage of this resolution by the City Council, and completes the same within thirty days thereafter. Be it Further Resolved, That if said work is not commenced within the time named in said notice that the City Recorder be and is hereby order- ed to give ten days notice by two pub- lications asking for proposals for the doing of said work under contract with the City. The proposals for the doing of said work shall be acted up- on by the City Council on the 16th day of September, 1909. Aid. Rand moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith. Haas, Martin. O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Al.]. Rand also offered the follow- ing: Whereas a proposition is now pending before the Council to vacate to W. H. Day, Jr., that part of Olive Street between the southerly line of Jefferson Street and the northerly line of Wilbur Avenue, being the ground lying betwe, n lot 29 In Far- ley's Subdivision and lot 3 of the sub- division of outlot 687 in the City of Duhu,lue, both of which lots belong to said \V. H. Day, Jr., now there- fore, Resolved that the City Engineer be ;uul he is hereby directed to make 0 survey and plat of that part of Oliv„ Street proposed to he vacated, to he tiled in said Engineer's office snt,•i,•c•t to public inspection. and to the notices ral1 ired hy ttrdi- nanee to all owners or property abutting said ground proposed to be vac,-tted and to publish the notice required by Ordinance of the said proposed vacation. Ald. Nand moved the adoption of the 'resolution. Carried by the following vote: Fea'—Aids. Frith, Haas. Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Alderman Rand Also offered the following. 1'e Tt Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to improve Wilbur Avenue from the westerly end of the present improve- ment on said street and from a point thereon at the intersection of the easterly line of Olive Street westerly to a point 56 feet 10 inches westerly of the easterly line of Olive Street at the intersection of such line with Wilbur Avenue, and it is hereby pro- posed to grade, curb, gutter and ma- cadamize said portion of said street and to assess the cost of said curbing and guttering and macadamizing against the abutting property. Aid. Rand moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Alderman Rand also offered the following': Be it Resolved by the City Council, of the City of Dubuque, that the City Engineer be and he is hereby direct- ed to prepare a plat showing gener- ally the location, nature and extent of the proposed improvement on Wil- bur Avenue from the west,•rly end of the present Improvement on said street and from a point on said street et the intersection of the east- erly line of Olive Street west,•rly to a point 56 feet 10 inches westerly of the point on Wilbur Avenue, where the easterly line of Olive Street in- tersects said Wilbur Avenue and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such im- 312 Regular Session September 2, 1909 provement, and the amount assess- able upon any railway or street rail- way company, the amount and cost thereof to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount as- sessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City Recorder; that af- ter the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the City Recorder shall Publish in three consecutive issues of a newspaper published in this city, a notice stating that such plat and es- timates are on file, the location and nature of the improvement, kind of material to be used and an estimate of its cost„ and the time before which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing. which time shall not he less than five days after the last publication of such no- de and after such publication shall have been made, the City Recorder, shill. ,1t the next regular session of th•• City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with 0 printed coley of such notice accompanying the same. Aid. Rand moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith. Haas, Martin, O'Rourke. Rand. Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Ald. Frith offered the following: kVhcrcas it is ,teemed necessary and expedient to improve the north side of High Bluff Street, between Stafford Avenue and Middle Avenue in front of and abutting the premises herein- after described by laying clown a per- manent sidewalk tkereon: Composed of cement material 4 feet wide. Therefore be it Resolved by the City Council, of the City of Dubuque; That the city Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, na- ture and extent c.f the proposed im- provement on the north side of High Bluff street. between Stafford Avenue and Ali/bile Avenue and in front of and abutting the north 37.6 feet of lot iii McCraney's Add., and lots 42 and 43, Hooper Add., and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof and the amount and cost of such im- provement, and the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount as- sessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjocent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City Recorder; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the City Recorder shall notify said abutting• and adjacent property owners, as provided by Ordi- nance, that such plat and estimate are on file, the location and nature of the improvement, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which ab- jections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing which time shall not be less than five (5) days after the service of such no- tice, and after such service shall have been made, the City Recorder shall, at the next regular session Of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a copy of such notice accomoanying the same. Aid. Frith moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand. Saul and Singrin. Nays ---N one. Ald. Frith also offered the follow- ing: Whereas it is deemed necessary and expedient to improv the east side of Washington Street between Twenty- fifth Street and Twenty-seventh Street in front of and abutting the premises hereinafter described by laying down a permanent sidewalk thereon: Com- posed of cement material four feet wide. Therefore be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque; That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, na- ture and extent of the proposed im- provement on the east side of Wash- ington Street between Twenty-fifth Street and Twenty-seventh Street and in front of and abutting lots. North 25 feet of lot 44 and lots 45, 46, 47 and 48, E. Langworthy's Add., and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof and the amount and cost of such im- provement, and the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the city, if any. and the cost thereof and amount as- sessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the off -12e of the City Recorder: that after the filing of said plat and .estimate in his office, the City Recorder shall no- tify said abutting and adjacent prop- erty owners, as provided. by Ordi- nance, that such plat and estimate. are cin. file, • the location and nature of the improvement, kind of material to be used. and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which ob- jections thereto' can 'be filed, and thG time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five (5) days after the service of such notice, and Regular Session, September 2, 1909 313 after such service shall have been made, the City Recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Coun- cil, notify- the Council thereof in writing, with a copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Ald. Frith also offered the follow- ing: Whereas it is deemed necessary and expedient to improve east side of Kleine Street between Kaufman Avenue and Klingenberg Terrace in front of and abutting the premises hereinafter deecr!Hf,, r,,. laying down a permanent sidewalk thereon: Com- posed of cement material 4 feet wide, Therefore be it Resolved by the City Council, of the City of Dubuque; That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, na- ture and extent of the proposed im- provement on the east side of Kleine Street between Kaufman Avenue and Klingenberg Terrace and in front of and abutting lot 1, Chas. Klingen- berg's 4th Sub., and the kind of ma- terial to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof and the amount and cost of such improve- ment, and the amount and cost there- of, to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assess- able upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the of- fice of the City Recorder; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the City Recorder shall no- tify said abutting and adjacent prop- erty owners, as provided by Ordi- nance, that such plat and estimate are on file, the location and nature of the improvement, kind of material to be used. and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fix- ed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five (5) clays after the service of such notice, and after such service shall have been made, the City Recorder shall, at the next regu- lar session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof . in writing, with a copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the resolution. • Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul. and Sing}ln. Nays—None. Aid. O'Rourke moved that the mat- ter of the sewer in the alley between Garfield Avenue and Rhomberg Ave- nue from Middle Avenue to Reed Avenue and also of the improvement of said alley be withdrawn from the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald, Martin then offered the fol- lowing: i3e it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is • deemed necessary and advisable to con- struct a sanitary sewer in Lincoln Ave- nue, Reed Avenue and in the alley be- tween Rhomberg and Garfield Avenues as follows, to -wit: An eight -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Lincoln Avenue from present manhole at Middle Ave. nue., thence northeasterly to Reed Avenue, thence in Reed Avenue southeasterly to the alley between Rhomberg and Garfield Avenues, thence ,outhwesterly in said alley to Middle .\ venue and to assess the cost of said seer against the abutting property. Ald. Martin moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke. Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Ald. Martin also offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council, of the City of Dubuque, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby direct- ed to prepare a plat and specifications for an eight inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Lincoln Avenue from the present manhole at Middle Avenue northeasterly to Reed Avenue, thence in Reed Avenue southeasterly to the alley between Rhomberg and Garfield Avenues, thence in said alley south- westerly to Middle Avenue showing the locations and general nature of such inmprovement, the extent there- of, the size and kind of material to be used, and to prepare an estimate of th( cost thereof and the amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting thereon .per front feet or square feet in area, and to file such plat. specifications and estimate in the efliee ..r the CIty Recorder. That after such plat is so filed, the City Recorder shall cause to be pub- lishee netice of the intention of the Council to 'wake such improvement, which net sha II be published in three consecutive issues of the offi- cial paper of the City of Dubuque. stating that such plat is on file, and generally the nature of the sewer, its location, siz. and kinds of material to h tired. anal the estimate of its cost. and 11\inc tin! time hefore %which 814 Regular Session, September 2, 1909 objections can be filed, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of said notice, and after the completion of the pub- licption of such notice, he shall at its next session, notify the Council there- of in writing with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. Martin moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas ---Alda Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Hand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—Nn. e. Ald. Martin also offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Council, of the City of Dubuque. That it is deemed necessary and advisable to improve the alley between Garfield and Rhomberg Avenues from Middle Avenue to Reed Avenue and it is hereby proposed to grade and maca- damize said portion of said alley and to assess the cost of said macadamiz- ing against the abutting property. Ald. Martin moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Aid.- Martin also offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Council, of the City of Dubuque, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby direct- ed to ' prepare a plat showing gener- ally the location, nature and extent of the proposed improvement in the alley between Garfield and Rhomberg Avenues from Middle to Reed Ave- nues and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such improvement, and the amount assessable upon any railway or street railway company, the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assessable upon each lot o> parcel of land adjacent to or abutt- ing upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City Re- corder; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the City Recorder shall publish in three consecutive issues of a newspaper published in this city, a notice stat- ing that such plat and estimates are on file, the location and nature of the improvement, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fix- ed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of such notice, and after such publication shall have been made, the City Recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Coun- cil, notify the Council thereof in writ- ing, with a printed copy of such no- tice accompanying the same. Ald. Martin moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: 'Yeas—Aids. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Aid. Martin also offered the follow- ing: When as it is deemed necessary and advisable to take every possible pre- caution to safeguard the city from a disastrous conflagration, and Whereas it is the duty of the City Council to safeguard the lives and property of its citizens and to reduce the chances of a fire obtaining head- way to the minimum, therefore 13e it Resolved by the City Council, of the City of Dubuque, that all tanks holding gasoline, kerosene or other highly inflammable oils be covered with an asbestos covering of not less than one inch in thickness, and be it further Resolved, that the City Attorney and Ordinance Committee be instruct- ed to prepare an Ordinance provid- ing for the enforcement of the afore- said regulation. Ald. Martin moved the adoption of the resolution. Ald. O'Rourke moved as an amend- ment that the resolution be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Amendment carried. Ald. Singrin moved that rules be suspended to grant Mr. Siegel per- mission to address the Council in re- lation to being granted permission to use space at the foot of Third Street for a swimming school. Carried. Mr. Siegel then addressed the Council. Ald. Frith then offered the follow- ing: Re it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That permission is hereby granted to A. Siegel to con- duct a swimming school at the foot of Third Street in the City of Du- buque. for a period of five years from the passage hereof, with the privilege of an extension of said grant for an- other five years from the expiration of said period. Section 2. That said swimming school is to be not larger than 100 feet, it to be movable, and subject to the control and regulation of the Harbor Master, who shall cause the same to be so located on either side Regular Session, September 2, 1909 315 of Third Street, as conditions may re- quire, without undue interference with the landing Of wood barges or other boats. Section 3. That the Harbor Mas- ter shall cause all wood on the Levee Front to be so piled as to leave a clear passage down Third Street to the wa- ter front and to the approach of said swimming school of 25 feet. Section 4. That said swimming school shall at all times be conducted in a lawful manner and be subject to all proper laws and regulations of said City. Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Y cas—Alds. Frith, Haas. Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Ald. Frith moved that the City At- torney and Ordinance Committee be instructed to prepare an Ordinance granting A. Siegel permission to con- duct a swimming school in accor- dance with the resolution just adopt- ed. Carried. Ald. Frith moved that the City En- gineer be instructed to draw plans for the improvement of Heeb Street. Car- ried Ald. Frith moved that the City En- gineer be instructed to give the Street Commissioner stakes for the im- provement of Heeb Street. Carried. Ald. Saul was excused at 11:05 p. m. Ald. O'Rourke moved that the Or- dinance regulating the use and oper- ation of motor vehicles in the City of Dubuque be withdrawn from the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. Martin, chairman of the Com- mittee on Ordinances, then read an Ordinance regulating the use and operation of motor vehicles in the City of Dubuque and providing a pen- alty for the violation thereof, and moved that the reading just had he considered its second reading. Car- ried. Ald. Martin then moved that the Ordinance bc• now adopted as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas. — Aids. Haas, Martin, O'Rourke. Rand and Singrin. Nays—Aid. Frith. Absent—Aid. Saul. The Ordinance follows: AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE REGIJLATING THE USE AND OPERATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES IN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLA- TION THEREOF. Be it ordained by the City Council, of the City of Dubuque: section 1. That no person shall operate a motor vehicle on any street or other public highway within the City of Dubuque at a rate of speed greater than is reasonable and proper, having regard to the traffic and use of the highway, or so as to endanger the life or limb of any person, or in any event in the closely built up por- tions of said rite ;1t a greater rate than one (1 ) m11,• in six (6) min - Ute:;, 111' rI.•vl ere in said City at a greater rate than one (1) mile in four (4) minutes; subject, however, to the other provisions of this section. Upon approaching a crossing of inter- sectiug public highways, or a bridge, or a sharp curve, or a steep descent, and also in traversing such crossing, bridge• curve or descent, a person operating a motor vehicle shall have it under control and operate it at a rate of speed less than hereinbefore specified, and in no event greater than is reasonable and proper, having re- gard to the traffic then on such high- way and the safety of the public. section 2. That any person oper- ating a motor vehicle within said City shall, at request or on signal by putt- ing up the hand, from a person rid- ing or driving a restive horse or oth- er draft or domestic animal, bring such motor vehicle immediately to a stop, and, if traveling in the opposite direction, remain stationary so long as rnly be reasonable to allow such horse or other animals to pass, and, If traveling in the same direction, use reasonable caution in passing such horse or other animal, and the oper- ator 9,,nd occupants of any motor ve- hicle shall render necessary assistance to the party having in charge said horse or.' other draft animal in so pas - sin;. Section. 3. That every motor ve- hicle while in use on a public high- way within said City shall be provid- ed with good and efficient brakes, and also with a suitable bell, horn, or other signal, and be so constructed as to exhibit, during the period from one 41) hour after sunset to one (1) hour before sunrise, one or more lamps sho•,ving white light visible within a reasonable distance in the direction toward which such vehicle is proceeding, and also a red light vis- ible in the reverse direction. Section 4. That every motor vehicle within said City shall also at all times have the number assigned to it by the secretary of the state displayed on the back of such motor vehicle in such a manner as to be plainly visible, the number to be in Arabic numerals, each not less than three (3) inches in 316 Regular Session September 2, 1909 height, and each stroke to be of a width not less than one-half (1/2) inch, and also as a part of such num- ber the initial and terminal letters of the state's name, such letters to be not less than two (2) inches in height. Section 5. That the words and phrases used in this Ordinance shall. for the purposes of the Ordinance, be construed as follows: 1, "Motor Vehicle" shall include all vehicles propelled by any power other than muscular power, excepting such mo- tor vehicles as run only upon rails or tracks, provided that nothing herein contaiiv d shall apply to traction en- gines or road rollers; 2, "Closely built up portions," shall mean the terri- tory ,vilhin said City contiguous to a public highway devoted to business or where for not less than one-fourth (14) of a mile the dwelling houses on such highway average not more than one hundred (100) feet apart. Section 6. Any person violating any of the provisions of this Ordi- nance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor+ and shall be punishable by a fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars ($25) for the first offense and punishable by a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars ($25) nor more than fifty dollars ($50), or imprison- ment not exceeding thirty (30) days, for a second or subsequent offense. Section 7. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and af- ter its passage and its publication in the Times -Journal and Telegraph - Herald, official newspapers of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Adopted , 1909 Approved , 1909. Attest: Mayor. City Recorder. Aid. Rand moved to adjourn to Thursday evening, September 16th, 1909. Carried. EDMUND A. LINEHHAN, City Recorder. Aj,proied.dheto; t 1 , j 7909 iL Mayor 4--4-"Recorder Attest: 1 Regular Session, September 1h, 1909 CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session, September 16th, 1909. (Official.) Council met at S: .II p. tn. Mayor Schenk in the chair. Present — Alds. Frith. Haas, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. .Absent--Ald. Martin. Mayor Schunk stated that action on the approval of the minutes of the Council Proceedings for the month of August, 1909, was deferred at the last session of the Council to this session. _Aid. Haas moved that the Council Proceedings for the month of August, 1909. be approved as printed. Car- ried. PETIT1O\S AND COMMUNICA- TIONS. OMMUNICA- TIONS. Petition of Dubuque Commercial Club et al, asking that the Bee Branch sewer in the alley between 16th and 17th Streets be arched in order that the Dubuque Packing Co. may erect a large packing plant, was presented and read. Petiton of David McDonald et al. asking that money appropriated for Bee Branch sewer in the Third Ward be used toward the extension oi' said sewer by connecting the two open ends between 18th and 19th Streets and protesting against the use of the money so appropriated for the pur- pose of arching the sewer south of lith Street, was read and, on motion of Ald. Singrin, rules were suspended to grant interested parties permission to address the Council. Mr. C. A. Noyes, president of Du- buque Commercial Club, and James Beach then addressed the Council fa- voring arching of Bee Branch sewer. Mr. J. W. Kintzinger. Dave McDon- ald, Frank Rokusek and Sam Werb addressed the Council favoring exten- sion of the server 1'etween 18th and 19th Streets. Aids. Rani., Saul, O'Rourke and Haas spoke in favor of having sewer arched. Alds. Frith and Singrin spoke, urg- ing the extension of server, showing the necessity of having sewer at 18th Street built so that 18th Street can be opened up for use. Ald. Rand then moved that the fol- lowing report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted: Your Committee of the \Vhole, to whom was referred the petition of the Dubuque Packing Co., askeg that the Bee Branch sewer in the ,tl1ey in the rear of their ]Ttt be covered, would respectfully recommend that the .311 prayer of the petitioners be granted and that the remonstrances against the said improvement be received and tiled. Ald. Singrin moved as an amend- ment that the report of the Committee of the Whole be referred hack to the Committee of the Whole. Amendment lost by following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith and Singrin. Nays—Aids. Haas, O'Rourke, Rand and Saitl. Absent—Ald. Martin. Original motion adopting the report of the Committee of the Whole was then put and carried by following vote: Yeas—Aids, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand and Saul. =gays—Alds. Frith and Singrin. Aid. O'Rourke moved that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare con- tract and bond with Dubuque Packing Co. that they will complete the erec- tion of the proposed packing plant next year and that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare plans and specifications for the arching of the Bee Branch sewer in alley between 1 7th and 1 Sth Streets. Carried. Ald. Frith moved that the City At- torney give the Council a written opin- ion at their next meeting as to the right of the City to favor private in- terests by spending money appropri- ated for Third Ward Bee Branch sewer, in arching sewer for Dubuque Packing Company. Carried. On motion of Ald. Saul, matter of improvement of tlrandviery Avenue was brought up. City Recorder Linehan presented and read certified copy of notice of the Counci'l's intention to improve Grandview Avenue from Dodge Street to South Dodge Street. Remonstrances of Mr. T. Dillon, T. J. Donahue et al., Mrs. John J. Lavery and E. E. McClain were then read against proposed improvement until sewers and gas mains are laid and stre:t is improved according to Knowl- ton grade. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke rules were suspended to grant interested parties to address the Council. .\4r. f:eorge Collis, Dr. C. J. Peter- son and 17 r. 7'. J. Donahue then spoke against improvement according to present plan. and until such time as .:ew-r, water and gas mains are laid Ald. .szaul then moved that remon- strance he referred to the Committee of the Whole and notice be received and riled. Carried. Petition of Ma! his - Metz Co., asking that the City 'l'reasttrer be instructed to ace, tit the face of the personal 31e1 Regular Session, September 16, 1909 taxes against said company for past five years and upon payment thereof instruct the Treasurer to cancel the taxes for prior years, was, on motion of Ald. Haas, referred to the Commit- tee of the Whole. Petition of A. A. Cooper Wagon & Buggy Co., asking that the Council place their assessment on Lots 691, 700 and 721, also their merchandise at the figure put in by the City As- sessor for the year 1908, was, on mo- tion of Ald. O'Rourke, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of .Frances L. Gibbs et al, asking that the alley between West Fourth and West Fifth Streets in Paulina Langworthy's Subdivision of Lot 5 of Mineral Lot 73 be vacated, was, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, re- ferred to the Committee of the Whole to view the grounds. Petition of Mary C. Blake, asking that the City refund her $120.00 paid to the City for the laying of sidewalk in front of her property, claiming said walk is defective, was, on motion of Aid. Rand, referred to the Committee of the Whole. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Mayor Schunk presented the follow- ing veto: Dubuque, Iowa, Sept. 10th, 1909. To the Honorable Council City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I have had under con- sideration the report of your Commit- tee of the Whole recommending that the west side of Couler Avenue from 22nd Street to 24th Street be im- proved, and that the cost thereof be taken from the Grading Fund, adopted by your honorable body in regular ses- sion September 2nd, 1909. I am not at all disposed to hinder or in any way delay this important work, but the absolute fact that the Grading Fund has been by actual ex- penditure, contracts made, and work ordered, practically exhausted, bars the taking out of any portion of the proposed expense out of said Fund, even if the proposition were legal, which it is not, it would be out of the question to carry out your action. I, therefore, return to you the Com- mittee of the Whole report adopted by your honorable body on September 2nd, 1909, and hereby veto the mo- tion that carried adopting same. Very Respectfully, H. A. SCHENK, Mayor. Ald. Frith moved that the report of the Committee of the Whole be again adopted over the veto of the Mayor. Ald. O'Rourke moved as an amend- ment that the Finance Committee se- cure sufficient funds to complete the work of improving the west side of C'ouler Avenue in as economical a manner as possible and the City Coun- cil go on record that they will guar- antee to make an appropriation suf- ficient to cover amount secured with interest. Amendment carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Schunk, Alds. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Sin - grin. Nays --\cine. Absent—Aid. Martin. City Recorder Linehan presented and read certified copy of the notice of the Council's intention to levy a special assessment for the improve- ment of Davis Avenue from Windsor Avenue to St. John's Cemetery by O'Farrell Contracting Co., contractors. No remonstrance being filed and no one in the room objecting to the levy- ing of the special assessment for the improvement of said Davis Avenue, the notice was, on motion, received and filed. City Recorder Linehan also . pre- sented and read certified copy of the notice of the Council's intention to va- cate Olive Street between Jefferson Street and Wilbur Avenue. No remon- strance being filed and no one in the room objecting to said vacation, notice was ordered received and filed and further action in the matter to be de- ferred until the next session of the Council. City Recorder Linehan also pre- sented and read waivers and agree- ments of property owners on West Lo- cust Street between Alta Vista Street and Hodgdon Avenue, agreeing to pay for improvement of said street, and, on motion of Ald. Rand, same were ordered received and made matter of record. City Recorder Linehan also pre- sented and read certified copy of the notice of the Council's intention to im- prove the north side of 27th Street be- tween Jackson and Pine Streets. No remonstrance being flied and no one in the room objecting to the said im- provement the notice was, on motion of Ald. Frith, received and filed. City Recorder Linehan also pre- sented and read certified copies of the notices published in the official pa- pers of the City of the Council's in- tention to lay cement sidewalks on the east side of Washington Street be- tween 25th and 27th Streets in front of and abutting on North 25 feet of Lot 44 and South 15 feet of Lot 45, E. Langworthy's Add., owned by Susan and Mary Zelen, and North 35 feet Regular Session, September 16, 1909 of Lot 45 and Lot 46, E. Langworthy's Add., owned by John Marzen. No re- monstrance being flied and no one in the room objecting to the laying of said sidewalks, the notices were, on motion of Ald. Frith, received and flied. City Recorder Linehan also pre- sented and read certified copy of the notice of the Council's intention to construct a sanitary sewer in Need- ham Place from a point about 200 feet north of West Fifth Street to West Seventh Street. No remonstrance being filed and no one in the room objecting to the construction of said sewer, the notice was, cm motion of Ald. O'Rourke, received and filed. City Recorder Linehan also pre- sented and read the certified copy of the notice of the Council's intention to construct a sanitary sewer in West Seventh Street from a point opposite the center of Lot 20 in CorrieIl's Du- buque to the present manhole in Hill Street. No remonstrance being filed and no one in the room objecting to the construction .of said sewer the notice was, on motion, received and filed. City Recorder Linehan also pre- sented and read certified copies of the notices of the Council's intention to improve Bluff Street from Third Street to Eighth Street. Remonstrance of James Wood et al against improve- ment of Bluff Street from Third to Fourth Street and J. D. Dush against improvement of Bluff Street were then read ancl, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, rules were suspended to grant inter- ested parties permission to address the Council. Mr. James Wood then aclressed the Council, remonstrating against the im- provement from Third to Fourth Streets. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke remonstrance and notice were ordered received and filed. Carried. Sidewalk Inspector Lynch presented a certified copy of the notice served on Fred Grobe Est., the Northeast 37.6 feet of Lot 30, McCraney's Add., and Jacob Schwaegler, owner of Lots 42 and 43, Hooper's Add., ordering ce- ment sidewalk laid on north side of High Bluff Street between Stafford Avenue and Middle Avenue abutting said property. No remonstrance be- ing filed and no one in the room ob- jecting to the laying of the sidewalk the notice was ordered received and filed. Sidewalk Inspector Lynch also pre- sented certified copies of the notice served on Minnie ar.d M. A. Kemler, owners of Lots 1 of 4 and 2 of 4, Ann 319 O'Hare's :;u b., ordering cement side- walks laid on south side of Grace Street between Grandview Avenue and East street. abutting said property. Petition of 11. AV. I{ender, agents for Minnie and M. A. Komler, asking that they be given additional time to com- plete the laying of said sidewalk and that the council defer action on the opening of bids for laying of said side- walk, was read and, on motion, notice an;t petition were received and filed and Council to defer action on the opening of bids for laying side- walk to next session of the Council. Carried. Sidewalk Inspector Lynch also pre- sented certified copy of notice served on A. A. Cooper ordering cement sidewalk laid on the south side of West Fifth Street between John Street and Gilmore Place in front of and abutting of Lots 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21 of Sub- division of City Lots 691, 700 and 721. No remonstrance being filed and no one in the room objecting to the lay- ing of the sidewalks, the notices were ordered received and filed. Sidewalk Inspector Lynch also pre- sented and read certified copy of the notice served on Fritz Uteck, owner of Lots 47 and 48, E. Langworthy's Add., ordering cement sidewalk laid on the east side of Washington Street between 25th and 27th Streets, abut- ting on said property. No remon- strance being filed and no one in the room objecting to the laying of said sidewalks, the notice was, on motion of Ald. Frith, received and flied. Following communication from For- mer City Attorney Kintzinger was pre- sented and read: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Attached please find bankable voucher in the sum of $55.53 in favor of the City of Dubuque. exe- cuted by A. R. Moore, special master in chancery of the Chicago Great Western Railway Company, in pay- ment of the cost of constructing tile pipe storm water sewer under the right of way of the Chicago Great \\",stern Railway Company on 17th Street. This claim was prosecuted by me while City Attorney for the City of Dubuque in 1908, and payment has just been made by the voucher at- tached, dated September 10th, 1909. Respectfully submitted, J. W. KINTZINGER. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke com- munication was approved and ordered received and filed. 320 Regular Session, September 16, 1909 Street Commissioner Dorgan re- ported as folio ivs: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coutici 1: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit the pay roll for labor on streets In the different road districts during the first half of September, 1909: Amt. due laborers on streets.$1,858.15 Approved by Committee on Streets. Also submit, the pay roll for labor on sewers during the first half of Sep- tember. 19o9: Amt. due laborers on sewers..$193.65 Cpl r, rr I by l'o nnnitt ee on Sewers. Also submit the pay roll for labor on Bluff Street Extension during the first half of September, 1909: Amount clue laborers on street ..$89.10 Approved by Committee on Streets. Respectfully submitted. JOHN .DORGAN, Street Commissioner. (tn motion of Aids. Saul and Sin - grin the pay rolls on streets and sew- . er•s were received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay the various amounts and the pay rolls referred back to the proper committees. Street Commissioner Dorgan also reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the pay roll for labor on Cooler Avenue during the first half of September, 1909: Amount due laborers on Cooler .'.venue $124.60 Respectfully submitted, JOHN DORGAN, Street Commissioner. Street Commissioner Dorgan also reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Please Lind Treasurer's receipt for $55.53 for voucher received from C. G. W. R. R. Co., through Former City Attorney Kintzinger for construction of tile pipe sewer under their right-of-way during year 1907. Also, as per your instructions, I have expended $15.00 grading sidewalks on Grace Street and Grandview Avenue. Also, expended $99.90 grading Wood Street. Also, expended $19.60 grading alley between Sheridan and Burden Avenue. Respectfully submitted, JOHN DORGAN, Street Commissioner. On motion of Ald. Saul report of Street Commissioner Dorgan was ap- proved and ordered received and filed. BIDS. Pity Recorder lAnehan presented bids for laying cement sidewalks on West Fifth Street and also on Grace Street; also bids for Improvement of Fifth Street from Main to Iowa Streets; also for constructing sanitary sewer In College Avenue, on motion of Ald. Band action on opening of bill for sidewalk on (;race Street was deferred. Ald. Singrin moved all Uther bids he opened. Carried. Rids for sidewalk un south side of West Fifth Street frim .John Street to Gilmore Place abutting on Lots 1t to 21, both mein:sive. of Subdivision of City Lots 691. 700 and 721. are as fol lows: A. A. Cooper, per square foot. 8c. Nick J. Staner, per square foot, 1234 c. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke con- tract inr cement sidewalk on West Fifth Street was awarded to A. A. Cooper. Bids for sewer in College Avenue are as follows: .T. 1'. Hrotvn, 5 -inch sewer, per lineal foot, 614e: manholes, each, $27,00. Street & Steuck. 8 -inch sewer, per lineal foot. 50c: manholes, each, $25.00. On motion of Ald. O'itourke con- tract for sewer in College Avenue was awarded to Street & Steuck. Rids for constructing curb and gut- ter on both sides of Fifth Street be- tween Main and Iowa Streets are as follows: J. F. .Brown, curbing. per lineal foot, Roc; guttering, per square yard, $1.80. Ald. Saul moved bid be referred to Committee of the whole. .old. O'Rourke moved that contract be awarded to J. F. Brown subject to the approval of the Mayor. Carried. Ald. Frith stated that the Wm. Klauer et al had not started work of laying the sidewalk on the south side of 27th Street and moved that their petition, asking for further time which had been granted at the last session of the Council, be received anct filed. Carried. Ald. Frith moved that bids for lay- ing cement sidewalks on the south side of 27th Street, abutting on Lot 213, Davis Farm Add., be opened Carried. \irk J. Starer, constructing cement sidewalk on the south side of 27th St1'eo, per square foot, 11%c. Regular Session, September tri, 190 On motion of Ali. Frith, contract for laying cement sidewalk was awarded to Nick J. Staner. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Saul, chairman of the commit- tee on Streets, reported as follows: Your Committee on Streets would respectfully report that we have ex- amined the brick gutter on Julien Avenue from Bluff Street to Alta Vis- ta Street and also whatever curbing it was necessary to put in and find the same satisfactory. \We would therefore recommend that the work he accepted and that the City En- gineer be instructed to prepare a special assessment against the lots or parcels of land subject to assessment for such improvement and file the same in the office of the City Recor- der, who ‘will thereupon publish the notice of said assessment as required by Ordinance. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Ald. Saul mowed the adoption of the report of the Committee on Streets. Carried. Ald. Saul moved that the city la- borers be granted a half holiday Fri- day, :September 17th. Carried. Ald. Saul moved that the City En- gineer be instructed to set a grade stake at the southeast corner of Fifth and Bluff Street showing grade. Carried. Ald. O'itourke, chairman of the Committee of thn W1.,.1e reported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the report of the City Attorney George T. Lyon on the claim of Alice O'Herrin guardian for Gertrude O'Herrin, with reference to a claim for damages alleged to have been sustained by the latter by rea- son of falling on a defective walk, would respectfully recommend that said claim be settled directly with the said Alice O'I-lerrin, provided she ac- cepts the sum of $50.00 in fu11 settle- ment of her claim and that a war- rant in said sum be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer in favor of the Mayor with which to affect such set- tlement. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the p,'tition of the M. M. Johannsen Candy Co., ask- ing that it be exempt from taxation for a period of years, would respect- fully recommend that said petition be received and filed. Also your Committee of the Whole, 321 to whom was referred the petition of the Dubuque aerie No. 5115 Fraternal Order of Eagles, asking that the as- sessment on its bni!ding be placed at $2,500.011, would respectfully recom- mend that said assessment be placed at $3, i'uo and that the City Treas- urer be instructed to aeeelit the taxes for the year 1177\ un the above basis and to cancel the balance. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referral the hill of Street and Steuck for grading West Fourth Street amounting to $560.00, would respectfully recommend that said bill be allowed and that a war- rant in settlement thereof be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer. JOHN O'ROURKE, Chairman. :Ahl. O'Itourke moved the adoption of the various reports of the Commit- tee of the Whole. Carried. 1.3ESOLUTIONS AND MOTIONS Altl. O'Rourke offered the follow- ing: \Whereas. The contract heretofore entered into by the City of Dubuque for the constructing of ;1 sanitary sewer as hereinafter described has been completed, and the City Engi- neer has computed that the cost and expense of said improvement amount to $193.00. Therefore, Pc it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that to provide for the cost of con- structing a sanitary sewer in the alley between Washington and Elm Streets from Lot 30 in Glendale Addition north to Thirty-second Street, the Mayor be and he is hereby required to execute .ind deliver to the City Re- corder, to be by him registered and countersigned, one bond of the de- nomination of One Hundred and Ninety-three dollars ($93.00) num- bered S67. dated September 20. 1909, payable o.. ..r before seven years af- ter the date thereof and hearing in- terest at the rate of five per cent, per ,.ovum. payable semi-annu:llly. Ald. (1' Itourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--.\lds. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays ---None. absent—Aid. Martin. Ald. O'Rourke also offered the fol - 10 wing: \Whereas. The contract heretofore entered into by the ('ity of Dubuque for the construction of a sanitary sewer as hereinafter described has been completed. and the City Engi- ne,' has contput .1 that the cost and expense of said improvement amount to $473.39. 322 Regular Session, September 16, 1909 Therefore. Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that to provide for the cost of con- structing a sanitary sewer in West Fourth and Paulina Streets from Al- pine .Street to West Fifth Street, the Mayor be and he is hereby required to execute and deliver to the City Re- corder, to be by him registered and countersigned, one bond for Two Hundred and fifty dollars and one bond for Two Hundred Twenty- eight 39-100 Dollars, numbered 868 and 869, dated September 20th, 1909, payable on or before seven years after the date thereof, and bearing interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum, payable semi-an- nually. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. C'ar'ried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Aid. Martin. Ald. O'Rourke also offered the fol- lo‘ving: Whereas, The contract heretofore entered into by the City of Dubuque for the construction of a cement side- walk as hereinafter described has been completed, and the City En- gineer has computed that the cost and expense of said improvement amount to. 8166.94, Therefore, Pe it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that to provide for the cost of con- structing a cement sidewalk on the east side of Rhomberg Avenue be- tween Windsor and Johnson Avenues. and also on the south side of Wind- sor Avenue between Rhomberg and Garfield Avenues abutting Lot 22 in Cook's Addition to the City of Du- buque, the Mayor be and he is here- by required to execute and deliver to the City Recorder, to be by him reg- istered and countersigned, one side- walk certificate of the denomination of One Hundred Sixty-six and Ninety- four hundredths dollars ($166.94). numbered 12, dated September 6th, 1909, payable on or before seven years after the date thereof, and bearing interest at the rate of six per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Ald. Martin. Ald. O'Rourke also offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that Bluff Street from Third Street to Eighth Street be improved by grading and curbing where necessary and pav- ing said portion of said street with sarco compost in accordance with the plans and specifications for such Im- provement prepared by the City En- gineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and be it further Resolved, that said improvement shall be completed on or before the 1st day of July 1910, and shall be paid for in the manner prescribed by Chapter XXXII of the Revised Or- dinance of the City of Dubuque for the payment of the cost of streets im- provements. The proposals for doing said work shall be acted upon by the Council on the 7th clay of October, 1909, and the ('ity Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication asking for proposals as provided by Ordinance. Aid. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution, provided the Ma- yor withheld~ his signature to the same until tiueh time as the commit- tee visits Bo grounds and approves of the improvements. Carried by the following vote: YET s--AIds. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand. -ai.tl and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Aid. Martin. :'P1. O'Rourke also offered the fol- 1oming: Pe It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that a sani- tary sewer of eight inch tile pipe be constructed in `Vest Seventh Street from a point opposite the center of Lot 20 in Corriell's Dubuque Addition to the present manhole in Hill Street according to the plans and specifica- tions of said sewer prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and be it further Resolved, that said sewer shall be completed on or before the 1st clay of December, 1909, and shall be paid for at the time and in the manner prescribed by Chapter XXXIV of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque for the payment of the cost of constructing sewers. The proposals for doing such work will be acted upon by the Council on the 7th clay of October, 1909, and the City Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication, asking for proposals as provided by Ordi- nance. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Aid. Martin. Regular Session, September 16, 1909 823 . Ald. O'Rourke also offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Thai; a sani- tary sewer of eight inch tile pipe be constructed in Neeidham Place from a point about two hundred feet north of West Fifth Street to West Seventh Street according to the plans and specifications of said sewer prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and be it further Resolved, that said sewer shall be completed on or before the 1st clay •of December, 1909, and shall be paid for at the time and in the manner prescribed by Chapter XXXIV of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque for the payment of the cost of constructing sewers. The proposals for doing such work will be acted upon by the Council on the 7th day of October, 1909, and the City Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication, ask- ing for pn,posals as provided by Or- dinance. Aid. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the esolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas— Alds. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—. --Id, Martin, Ald. Saul presented Resolution for the improvement of Grandview' Ave- nue and moved that it be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. Frith offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that the City Engineer he and he is hereby in- structed to prepare a plan showing the most feasible way of carrying the water from Diagonal Street to the Ree Flranch sewer and to submit the same to the Committee of the Whole at its next meeting. Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand. Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Ald. Martin. Ald. Frith also offered the follow- ing.: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that the north side of Twenty-seventh Street. between Jackson Street and Pine Street, be improved by curbing, gut- tering and macadamizing said portion of said street in accordance with the plans and specifications for such im- provement prepared by the City En- gineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and be it further Resolved, that said improvement shall be completed on or before the 1st day of December, 1909, and shall be paid for in the manner prescribed by Chapter XXX11 of the Revised Or- dinance of the City of Dubuque for the p.ivment of the cost of street im- pror cnents. The proposals for doing said work shall he e.eted upon by the Council on the 7th (lay of October, 1909, and the ('its- I:i•corder is hereby ordered to give ten Mays' notice by publication, asking '.'nr proposals as provided by Or linaHP Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yens—Alds. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand. Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Aid. Martin. Aid. Haas offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for improving Davis Avenue from Wind- sor Avenue easterly 628.4 feet, by the O'Farrell Contracting Co., contractors, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate herein;efter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Special assessment submitted Sep- tember 16th. 1909. Owner. Description. Total. Sisters of St. Francis. X. W. Sec. 14-83-2_E, Lot 2 of 4. 198.7 lin. feet combina- tion curbstone and gutter- ing at 50c, cost, $99.35; extra costs, $3.00 $ 102 35 Fred Mussehl, N. W. 14 Sec 14-89-2-E, Lot 1 of 4, 429.7 lin. feet combination curb- stone and guttering at 50c, eost, $214.85; extra costs, $7.00 221 85 Dubuque County, 2,288.44 sq yds. macadamiizng at 60c, $1.373.06: 1.400 sq. yds. grading at 30e, $420.00.., 1793 06 Total $2117 26 628.4 lineal feet of combined concrete curb and gutter at 50c $ 314 20 2288.44 square yards of ma- cadam at 60c 1400 cubic yards grading 30c Extra expenses 1373 at Total 420 10 06 00 00 $2117 26 All of which is assesed in propor- tion to benefits conferred. Ald. Haas moved the adoption of the resolution. 824 Adjourned Regular Session, September ''2, 190i1 Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Alds. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays --None. Absent--Ald. Martin. Aid. Haas stated that the property owners on Davis Avenue wished to lay sidewalks and that the poles of the Union Electric Co. were on the sidewalk line and moved that the City Electrician be instructed to have the poles on Davis Avenue moved at once, su that sidewalks can be laid. Carried. Al.l. O'Rourke moved that when the Council adjourns they adjourn to meet Wednesday evening, September 22nd. 1909. Carried. .V.1. O'Rourke moved to adjourn to \\ i•anesday evening, September, 22nd. 1909. Carried. EDM CND A. LINEHA\, City Recorder. Approveda 1909 CITY COUNCIL. Adjourned Regular Session, Septem- ber 22nd, 1909. Council met at 8:40 p. ni. Mayor Pru Tens O'Rourke In the chair. Present — Aids. Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, hand, Saul and Stngrtn. Absent—Mayor Schunk and Aid. Frith. Mayor Pro Tern O'Rourke stated that the meeting was an adjourned meet- ing of the regular session of Septem- ber 16th, 1909, and was called to take up and consider all matters which may properly came before a regular session of the ('1ty Council. BILLS. Following bills were read and ap- proved and i were, on notion, ordered laid: Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co, supplies for Fire Dept $ 21 20 T. J. \lulgrew Co., coal and coke for Fire Dept 28 41 National Relining ('o., oil for Fire Dept. 6 75 J. Haudenshield, hay and oats for Fire Rept. 185 9S H. J. Hagerty. veterinary service for fire horses Mutt Bros., repairs for Fire Dept. F. Schlo:! ,e_ Son, repairs for Fire Department J. F. Yis Bros., repairs for Fire Dept. Peter L. n;;, vise for Fire Dept. Lagen, Peed & Berwanger, hurseshoeing for Fire Dept. Wunderlich & \Viederholt, horseshoeing for Fire Dept. Collings & Pfiffner, horse - shoeing for Fire Dept Key City Gas Co., coal and coke for Fire Dept \\'m. Marshall, repairs for Fire Dept. The Adams Co., wire brush for Fire Dept A. Y. McDonald & Morrison Co., supplies for Fire Dept. Cleo. 1-tagatz & `on, repairs for Fire Dept. 7 77 Babcock Fire Extinguisher Co., supplies for Fire Dept. 10 00 Union Electric Co., power for fire alarm system Bradford Bros., painting Dodge Street Engine House, as per contract Garnewell Fire Alarm Tele- graph Co., supplies for fire alarm storage battery Geo. Masters, supplies for Fire Dept Union Printing Co., printing for Fire Dept. 18 40 16 25 20 00 45 6 50 8 00 7 70 10 00 35 SO 3 50 75 1 95 2 00 48 00 145 00 1 10 4 30 Acthiurned Regular Session, September 22, MOO Mullen Bros., plumbing re- pairs for Patrol House • Collings & Pflffner, shoeing Patrol horses American Ever -Ready batteries for Police lights C. W. Katz, meals furnished prisoners during August H. .T. Hagerty. veterinary service for Patrol horses G. F. Kleih Est.. hardware for Police Dept. 8f,ettel Bros., feed for Patrol horses Key City as Co.. gas arcs for Police and Fire Dept2 00 Union Electric Co., arc lights for August 2070 75 Klauer & Kress. supplies for Police itept. 1 00 Key City Has Co.. lights for various department. August 66 85 Tho'. Jess. constructing sewer in Francis and Hart Streets less 5% retained 500 55 M. Mullen. repairing fountain at 1 Jth and Clay Streets78 55 F. Schloz .& Son, repairs for Sewer Dept. Lint•han & sewer ilipe and cement for Sewer Dept. 19 00 Pitts -Thompson Foundry Co., catch basin for Sewer Dept. 27 25 Limbutine 'lubber & Co., gaskets for Sewer Dern1 00 Key city Roofing Co., cement and sewer pipe for Sewer Dt•Irt Lag. • ti . Peed & Berwanger, shoeing Sewer Dept. horse. 1 00 G. F. Kleih Est., hardware for Sewer Dept. Telegraph - Herald. printing Health reports for March, April, May and Juno and blank reports Telegraph - Herald. printing 25 00 Council Proceedings, .August 101 08 Times -Journal, printing Coun- cil Proceedings, August98 75 Smith -Morgan Printing Co., printing 1tamph1ets, August National Demokrat. printing Council Proceedings, August 12 50 Labor Leader, printing Coun- cil proe,dings, August Mullen lb•os., plumbing re- pairs. Sixth Street fountain Phil ftreithaupt, plumbing repairs, City 1-lall Phil 1. ines, repairing Mar- ket littose scales Folcy's Hand Laundry, towel servicii. August Larry 1 14 h'. cleaning around 1\4:11•144.1 Square during July and August Klauer & Kress, supplies for various departments 11/1. S. Hardie, stationery and printing 14 T H. Schilling, lumber for 25 flag poles. City Hall 1 •50 Co., flash - 10 00 11 00 4 00 4 60 2 40 65 4 25 1 70 16 53 1 05 22 56 12 50 5 25 7 50 61 42 4 00 19 80 4 85 41. F. Kieft' Est., hardware for various offices Jas. Beach & 4on, soap for Fire Dept. Telegraph -Hera Id, stationery and printing for various of- fices Standard Paper co., toilet pa- per r, .z. Oily Hail James Lee& sett. constructing cement walk ithutting Lot 22. Cook's Addition 16.0 95 3 63 4 00 70 541) 6 50 O'Farrell Contracting ('o., im- proving alley hetween Nth and 9th Streets ;Ind \Vash- inglon iIId Jackson Streets. 272 62 O'Farrell Contracting Co.. 5% retained. tmving Street from 111 to 6th Sts285 27 Geo. I.. 14'ormati. 5'; retained, improving Louisa Street 86 30 'Key Oily (las Oii., coal and coke for1 ti 1 1/iiht 32 75 AV-.. D. 1 ''kr 1, supplies and repairs po• Itoad Dept 27 15 Alartin-Strelatt flo., use of holler wagon 1 00 .Adam Stoltz. use of tools for moving rock crusher 4 8.0 C. E. Altttn. repairing saw for Ilotol Dept, 75 Ed. Norton, tist• of wagon for Road Departt»ent 7 00 Peter 11, Hoffmann, supplies for Road Dept 1 00 P. A. !turns, coal for Road Dept. 9 11 Pier Bros.. supplies for Road Dept. 15 65 Frank Buetin, coal for rock crusher 37 33 Pitts-Th,ntpson Foundry Co, castings for Road Dept 14 36 Key City Iron Works, repair- ing railing leading to City Jail 2 95 Key City iron Works, repairs 11. Halt crusher and steam roller 5 16 E. J. Voggenthaler, repairs to rock crusher and steam roller 44 45 Geo. Ragatz & Son. repairing sprinkling wagons 97 13u11,ltt•tt‹.. repairs for Road 1,,ii. 12 30 11. .1. Hagerty, veterinary sur- ive to 1:iiai1 horse repairs Alarshall. repairs steam ri Khmer 11 1t4. Co.. repairs to k crusher :IIlt! sprinkling wat,ottis Lint•han tA7 1Ido, cement and sewer pipe for Road Dept. John Duggan, repairs on sprinkling wagons and street 5(1 ''l' _Duggan & Cob'. nails for re- pairs to sidewalks 12 10 Duggan & t'otti, hardware for for 1 60 7 10 1 20 9 1,0 7 25 10 50 326 Adjourned Regular Session, September 22, 1909 Road Dept. 6 40 F. M. Jaeger & Co., powder and fuse for use in 17th Street quarry 8 30 Klauer & Kress, hardware for Road Department 7 05 L. Lindenberg, hardware for Road Dept. 7 50 G. F. Kleih Est., hardware for Road Dept. 2 50 W. K. Brown, supplies for Road Dept. 1 90 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., hose for sprinkling wagons 50 90 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., supplies for Road Dept 27 45 T. J. Mulgrew Co., sewer pipe for Road Dept. 5 63 Peter Even, supplies for equip- ping oil sprinkler 10 02 Dubuque Wooden Ware & Lumber Co., lumber for re- pairs to sidewalks 44 24 Fuhrmann Bros., supplies for Road Dept. 75 Duggan & Cota, hardware for Health Dept. 30 John Linehan, hauling garb- age and dead animals dur- ing August 375 70 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., pair rubber boots for Health Dept. 6 00 Klauer & Kress, hardware for Health Dept. 1 75 Key City Gas Co., removing bracket light entrance to City Hall 30 Geo. Masters, mantles for City Hall 2 25 The following bills were read and upon motion of Ald. Rand referred to the Committee of the Whole: Street & Steuck, grading West Fourth Street, 2nd estimate 175 00 Street & Steuck, 5% retained for one year, constructing Bee Branch sewer 334 58 PETITIONS AND COMMUNICA- TIONS. Petition of Henry Schroeder et al, asking that an electric light be placed on North Iowa Street, was, on motion of Ald. Haas, referred to the Com- mittee of the Whole. Petition of William Zumhof et al, asking that Car Street be graded and put in good condition to prevent any accidents, was, on motion of Ald. Sin - grin, referred to the Committee of the Whole to view the grounds. Petition of Mrs. Mary Maroney, ask- ing that the taxes for the year 1908 on the North 1,2 of Lot 347, East Du- buque Add., be canceled, she being old and in poor circumstances and unable to pay same, was, on motion of Ald. Rand, referred to the Delinquent Tax Committee. Petition of Matilda Donaldson, ask- ing that the taxes for the year 1908 on the North 23.2 feet of M. 1-5 of City Lot 451, be canceled, she being unable to pay same. was, on motion of Ald. Rand, referred to the Delinquent Tax Committee. Petition of Emil Feigner, asking that the sewer men be instructed to flush the private sewer leading to his property every time the main sewer in Fairview- Place is flushed, was, on motion of Aid. Saul, referred to the Sewer Committee. Petition of Mrs. Anna Dietl, stating that she is the widow of Andreas Dietl, with eight minor children to support and asking that the taxes as- sessed against the estate of Andreas Dietl, deceased. for the year 1908, amounting to $57.20, be remitted and cancelled, she being unable to pay same, was, on motion of Ald. Rand, referred to the Delinquent Tax Com- mittee. Petition of Frances L. Gibbs et al, claiming that an error had been made in the amount for the construction of a sanitary sewer in West Fourth Street from Alpine to Paulina Streets, by not assessing all the abutting prop- erty, and asking that the Council rec- tify said error, was, on motion of Ald Martin, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Mary L. Farley Est, by R. B. Moffat, trustee, asking that the City Treasurer be instructed to can- cel the interest on the taxes of 1908 of the Mary L. Farley Est., was, on motion of Ald. Singrin, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Original notice in the District Court of the notice of petition of the Citi- zens' Wholesale Supply Co., asking for the recovery of $20.00 paid under protest for four street vending licenses, was, on motion of Ald. Rand, referred to the City Attorney. Communication from County Audi- tor Scharle, showing the assessed val- uation of telegraph lines, telephone lines, railroads and express companies operating within the City as fixed by the State Executive Council for the year 1909, was read and, upon mo- tion, referred to the City Assessor. Petiton of Frank Welty, asking the transfer df the consent granted to Nicholas Hebler to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors on the corner of Julien Avenue and Delhi Streets, Adjourned Regular Session, September 22, 1909 327 was read and, upon motion of Ald. Haas, granted. The following resolution was then presented and read, as follows: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That consent is hereby given to Frank Welty to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors in the present lo- cation of Nicholas Hebler, No. 1105 Julien Avenue, in the City of Dubuque, from and after October 1st, 1909, and from and after October 1st, 1909, the permit heretofore granted to Nicho- las Hebler is cancelled and revoked and this consent is hereby given in lieu thereof to the successor and as- signee of said Nicholas Hebler. Adopted unanimously. Petition of Frank Carney, asking the transfer of the consent granted to Treanor & Carney to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors at No. 46 Eighth Street, was read and, upon motion of _\id. Singrin, granted. The following resolution was then presented and read, as follows: Be It Resolved By the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: •That consent is hereby given to Frank R. Carney to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors and deal therein in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, according to law, said Frank R. Car- ney being the assignee and grantee of Treanor & Carney, to whom a like resolution of consent still in full force was heretofore granted by this Coun- cil and this being a renewal of such resolution of consent to said assignee. Adopted una ni mously. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Street Commissioner Dorgan pre- sented list of macadam broken in the Second District as follows: John Schaeffer. 7.14 cubic yards at 75c $5.35 Jos. Brouillette, 13.00 cubic yards at 75c 9.75 Mike Lavin, 7.25 cubic yards at 75c 5.45 On motion of Ald. Saul the report was approved and warrants ordered drawn to pay the macadam. Sidewalk Inspector Lynch presented certified copy of notice served on An- ton Zwack, owner of Lots: North 6.9 feet of City Lot 314, City Lot 315 and South 9.3 feet of City Lot 316, order- ing cement sidewalks laid on the west side of White Street between Sixth and Seventh Streets, abutting said property. Petition of Anton Zwack, asking that he be granted additional time to lay sidewalk, was 'then read and, on motion of Ald. Saul, referred to the Street Commissioner for inves- tigation and report back to the Coun- cil at its next meeting and the notice received and filed. Sidewalk Inspector Lynch also pre- sented certified copy of notice served on Edward and Winifred Carney, or- dering cement sidewalk laid on the east side of Kleine Street between Kaufman Avenue and Klingenberg Terrace. abutting Lot 1, Chas. Kling- enberg's 4th Sub. Remonstrance of Edward Carney. asking for additional time to lay said sidewalk, was then react and, on motion of Ald. Rand, the notice and remonstrance were received and filed. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. AId. Martin, chairman of the Com- Mittee on Ordinance, presented and read an Ordinance granting to A. Siegel the privilege of conducting a swimming school at the foot of Third Street in the City of Dubuque for a period of five years, with the privi- lege of renewal for an additional five years, and regulating and controlling such grant, and moved that the read- ing just had be considered its first reading. Carried. AId. Martin moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of read- ing the Ordinance by its title for the second time. Carried by the following vote: Yeas' — Aids. Haas, Martin, O'Rourke. P.11,(1, Saul and Singrin. Nags—:one. _Absent--A1c1. Frith. AId. Martin moved that the Ordi- nance be now adopted as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -- Aids. Haas, Martin; O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays ---None. Absent--AId. Frith. The Ordinance follows: AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE granting to A. Siegel the privilege of conducting a swimming school at the foot of Third Street, in the City of Du- buque, for a period of five (5) years, with the privilege of renewal for an additional five (5) years, and regu- lating and controlling such grant. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That, Whereas, it is deemed of public interest and im- portance to have established in the City of Dubuque a school for the teaching of swimming, permission is hereby granted to A. Siegel to conduct a swimming school at the foot of Third Street, in the City of Dubuque, for a period of five years from the time this ordinance takes effect, with the privilege of an extension of said time for another five years on the ex- piration of said first period. Sec. 2. That said swimming school L. 32Pi Adjourned Regular SPssion, September 22, 19031 is to be not longer than one hundred (1 nn 1 feet, is to be movable, and sub- ject to the control and regulation of the harbor master, who shall rause the same to be so located, and properly cabled and fastened, on either side of Third Street. as conditions may re- quire, without undue interference With the landing of wood barges or other boats. Sec. 3. That the Harbormaster shall cause all wood on the levee front to be so piled as to leave a clear passage dons Third Street to the water front and to the approach of said swimming school of twenty-five (25) feet. S. 4. That said swimming school shall at all times he conducted in a lawful manner, and be subject to all proper laws, and to the ordinances and regulations of said City. at any time enacted. Sec. 5. That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph -Her- ald and in the Dubuque Times -Jour- nal. official newspapers of said City. Adopted September , 1909. Approved September ---, 19(19. Attest: Mayor. City Recorder. Ald. Saul, chairman of the Commit- tee on Streets, reported as follows: Your 11ommittee nn Streets would respectfully report that we have ex- amined the improvement on .Stoltz Avenue from Lesion Street to the west line of lois 12 and 52 in Fair- mount Addition, Wilmer Cook, con- tractor, and would respectfully recom- mend that said work be accepted and that the ('ity Engineer be instructed to p'•epore .1 special assessment against the lots or parcels rc is of land subject to assettsnte1)1 for such improvement and file the .sone in the office of the City Recorcler. who will thereupon publish the notice of said assessment as re- tired by ordinance. Also, your Committee on Streets would respectfully recommend that the Street Commissioner be instructed to form a gutter on Stoltz Avenue at the west end of the improved portion of said avenue with a view of carry- ing the water down the regular gut- ters and preventing its flowing on the adjacent lots. JAMES S.A1'L. Chairman, Aid. Saul moved the adoption or the various reports of the Committee on Streets. Carried. Ald. Singrin, chairman of the Com- mittee on Sewers, reported as follows: 'Your Committee on Sewers would respectfully report that we have exam- ined the solitary sewer in Glen Oak Avenue from Forrest Lane to West Third Street, J. F. Brown, contractor, and would respectfully recommend that said sewer be accepted and that the City Engineer be instructed to pre- pare a. special assessment against the lots or parcels of real estate, subject to assessment for such improvement and file the same in the office of the City .14oc•orrler, who will thereupon publish the notice of said assessment a5 required by urdina rler`, \\'. SIN( RIX, Chairman, Ald. Singrin moved the adoption of the report of the Committee on Sew- ers. Carried. Ald. Rand. chairman of the Com- mittee on l'ublic (:rounds and Build- ings, reported ;is I'ollow-s: Yonr c'ontc!rttee on Public (;rotui•ds and I;uildings. to whom was referred lin the earlier part of the season) the matter of repairs on public buildings. would respectfully report that we have performed our duty ns re1411•5 to the mast of OH' public buildings, its fol - low's: 1 lith Street Engine House. re -roofed and all w'indotcs repaired and six hung on patent halluu•os: other light repairs on woodwork and the entire woodwork' on the outside painted. 4111 Street Engine House, re -roofed, light rep:-4irs cm woodwork and chim- nc•ys re-toplscd: new hath tub and sink and entire outside woodwork and met- al work painted. 114)d4'e Street Engine House, light repairs on woodwork and entire out- side woo/hyoid-4- and metal work paint- ed. Delhi Street Engine House. retuiirs on windows and entire outside w44,t i and metal work painted and dour r. paired. Ilhomberg Avenue Engine House, new front doors and repairs on back door .end outside IVnod and metal work painted. Patrol 1 -louse, new double steel beam in front, woodwork somewhat renewed and repaired. chimneys re - topped, tin roof repaired and new gutter: entire outsdde woodwork and metal work painted and inside painted and papered throughout. ('ity Hall, new flight of ce1nent steps at cast end and entrance to basement widened. The entire improvements mentioned have cost $1,092.65, and the commit- tee congratulates your honorable body upon having been able to get so large an amount of good work done for the very moderate price it has cost, and also that the buildings named are now in much beth r condition to withslanl decay of wr,nd and metal \vnrk than for many ? ,us. Ninth street Engine House, light re- 111)11)11111.5141111 ''- pairs h;ice been made bors and planihiug of this building,tothe buto111 Adjourned Regular Sess'on, September 22, 19911 329 general repairs to the outside, and your committee have so far not come to an understanding as to what should be done with the roof, which certain- ly needs some effective improvements. The 18th Street Engine House very much needs some interior painting and decorating and the 4th Street En- gine House is nearly in the same con- dition as the 18th Street house in this respect. D. W. RAND, Chairman. Ald. Rand moved the adoption of the report of the Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings. Carried. --- Ald. Saul, of the Committee of the Whole, reported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of J. W. Hampton, asking that he be re- leased from the payment of interest on the special assessment levied to de- fray, the cost of constructing the sani- tary sewer in Grace Street, would re- spectfully recommend that said peti- tion be received and filed. Also, your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the report of City Attorney George T. Lyon in re- lation to the Edward 11untz house on the corner of Alta Vista Street and Julien Avenue, would respectfully recommend that said report be re- ceived and filed. Also, your Committee of the Whole, to whom were referred the bonds of G. F. Thormann and Jas. Alderson, Water Works Trustees, would respect- fully recommend that said bonds be referred to the City Attorney for in- spection. Also, your Committee of the Whole. to whom was referred the petition of the P. J. Seippel Lumber Co., asking for a space on the levee for lumber pulling purposes, would respectfully recommend that said matter be re- ferred to a committee composed of Aids. Saul, Singrin and Haas with power to act. Also, your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of John J. Sullivan, an honorably dis- charged soldier of the War of the Re- bellion, stating that his homestead hacl been sold at tax sale for the tax of the year 1901, although the ex- emption to which he was entitled un- der the law would more than oft's,i the taxes and asking that said prop- erty be redeemed, would respectfully recommend that said petition be re- ferred to the Committee on Delinquent Taxes. Also, your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Peter Kiene & Son, agents, stating that Lots 165 and 166 in Union Addition had been erroneously assessed for the years 1891, 1892 and 1904, would re- spectfully recommend that said peti- tion be referred to the Committee on Delinquent Taxes. Also, your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of the Dubuque Boat & Boiler Works, asking for the remission of taxes for the year 1908, as per resolution pass- ed by the City Council on October 6, 1904, would respectfully recommend that the petition be granted and the Treasurer be instructed accordingly. Also, your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of the Dubuque & Wisconsin Bridge Co., asking that its taxes for the year 1908 be cancelled in accordance with the resolution passed by the City Council in 1901, would respectfully recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the Treasurer be in- structed accordingly. JOHN O'ROURKE, Chairman. Aid. Saul moved the adoption of the various reports of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. Haas stated that Mr. Fred Mus- sehl. whose property abutts on the south side of Davis Ave., had informed him he had received notice from the Treasurer to pay the full amount of his share of the assessment for the improvement of Davis Avenue and, claiming this was not in accordance with the agreement entered into by him, Ald. Haas moved that this mat- ter be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. Saul moved to adjourn to Thursday evening, October 7th 1909. Carried. El/ I1 -ND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. Approred(JF 4"(1- "A 1909 4, Mayor Attest' or -AC Recorder ;V{( List of Warrants List of City Warrants Dubuque, Iowa, September 1st, 1909. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—The following is a complete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of August, 1909: H. A. Schunk, salary, Mayor$116 65 H. Brinkman, salary, Treas- urer 133 30 J. A. McKinley, salary, Deputy Treasurer 100 00 Jno. Krayer, clerk Treasurer's office 60 00 E. A. Linehan, salary, Recor- der 116 65 Jos. Freidrich, salary, Deputy Recorder 85 00 M. E. Lyons, salary, Auditor116 65 Joseph T. Kelly, salary, As- sessor 125 00 Allan Wiedner, salary, Assist- ant Assessor 83 30 Frank Kenneally, salary, As- sistant Assessor 83 30 Geo. T. Lyon, salary, Attorney 150 00 Edgar Willging, salary, Assist- ant Attorney 75 00 Jas. Pickley, salary, Chief of Police 100 00 Joseph Reinfried, salary, Fire Chief 100 00 J. W. Lawlor, salary, Commit- tee Clerk 100 00 Paul Ilg, salary, City Engi- neer 166 65 John Dorgan, Street Commis- sioner 100 00 John Mahoney, Assistant Street Commissioner 50 00 G. Vogel, clerk in Auditor's and Engineer's offices 76 00 'Wm. Hippman, salary, Elec- trician 83 30 C. W. Katz, salary, Market - master 55 00 T. Hackney, salary, Pound - master 40 00 Mrs. H. Koenig, salary, Jani- tress 25 00 James Lynch, salary, Side- walk Inspector 60 00 Wm. Coleman, Rodman 50 00 J. H. Carroll, Harbor Master30 00 John A. Cunningham, Clerk to Police and Fire Commis- sioners 15 00 Geo. Miller, Superintendent of Sprinkling 60 00 Tom Cahill, Custodian Wash- ington Park 40 00 Philip Reddin, Custodian Jackson Park 40 00 Joseph Straney, Custodian Phoenix Park 15 00 Dr. Chas. Palen, Health Phy- sician 50 00 Frank Flynn, Sanitary Officer 65 00 Dr. F. J. Kennedy, Meat and \silk Inspector E. E. Frith, salary, Alderman Dan J. Haas, salary, Alderman Peter R. Martin, salary, Alder- man John O'Rourke, salary, Alder- man D. W. Rand, salary, Alderman James Saul, salary, Alderman Wm. Singrin, salary, Alder- man M. Eitel, fireman J. P:ssman, fireman J. Flynn, fireman A. Duecini, fireman A. Hoer. fireman W. Kannolt, fireman R. P:irsch, fireman G. Beyer, fireman J. Dailey, fireman J. Barnes, fireman T. Ryder, fireman W. Ducey, fireman F. Murphy, fireman M. Kelly, fireman J. Beakey, fireman D. Ahearn, fireman P. Zillig, fireman M. Sweeney, fireman H. Cain. fireman J. Re nzor. fireman J. McLoughlin, fireman A. McDonald, fireman J. Murphy, fireman C,. Gherki, fireman T. Kennedy, fireman J. Smith, fireman J. Keppler, fireman C. Kannolt, fireman .T. Alien, fireman M. Fahey, fireman F. Kenneally, fireman R. Weston, fireman E. McDermott, fireman R. Kenneally, fireman J. Roshin, fireman F. Baumgartner, fireman J. Schoenberger, fireman .T. Tschudi, fireman J. Connolly, fireman Wm. Smith, fireman J. Peed, fireman W. Kennedy, fireman P. Kirch, fireman W. Tannersett, fireman Fred Sloan, fireman Firemen's Pension Fund L. Blocklinger, police M. Connolly, police John Cody, police James Corcoran, police Wm. Donahue, police Phil J. Dunphy, police Thomas Duggan, police P. F. Fury, police John Fox, police James Flynn, police M. Fogarty, police Ben Gray, police M. Heiderscheit, police Pat Hanlon, police Geo. Jones, police Pat Kennealy, police 75 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 26 00 25 00 26 00 76 23 81 68 70 79 70 79 65 34 65 34 65 34 70 79 76 23 81 68 70 79 70 79 70 79 65 34 65 82 5034 65 34 65 34 65 34 70 79 65 34 81 68 49 50 76 23 70 79 65 34 65 34 76 23 70 79 65 34 70 79 76 23 65 3• 4 65 34 76 23 70 79 65 34 65 34 65 3• 4 59 90 65 34 54 45 55 00 55 00 1 0• 0 29 25 64 00 62 00 0 6366 66 000 71 5000 6062 000• 0 720305 62 0035 60 00 20 0• 0 55 00 6626666042609.2 2 00 6460 00 List of Warrants 331 Emil Kahn, police M. Kilty, police John Kane, police James Keefe police B. Ludescher, police Chas. Liest, police Pat McCollins, police M. McCormack, pollee Pat McInerney, police Henry Mueller, police Hugh Markey, police T. O'Meara, police John J. O'Brien, police M. O'Connor, police M. Ryan, police John Raesle, police G. Raterman, police John Spielman, police Patrick. Sutton, police M. Stapleton, police Joseph Stoltz, police Pat Sullivan, police Frank Williams, police Dennis Sheehan, police Miss B. Brennan, police ma- tron Mrs. K. Hibbe, police matron 60 62 00 62 00 58 00 66 00 62 00 69 35 60 00 64 00 62 00 62 00 60 00 60 00 62 00 64 00 62 00 84 00 62 00 62 00 49 00 62 00 60 00 62 00 62 00 56 00 60 00 00 LABOR ON STREETS in the different Road Districts dur- ing the last half of July, 1909: R. Burns, 1st $ 9 J. Burns, 2nd 9 J. Brouillette, 2nd 1 21 Paul Becker, 4th 22 J. Beler, 5th 6 J. Brachtenbach, 5th W. Burke, 2nd P. Carney, 1st W. Coughlan, lst Jerry Cahill, 1st H. Connell, 1st J. Callaghan, 2nd M. Cleary, 3rd, $3.50; Clay St.. $17.50 G. Collinson, 4th John Cahill, 2-3-4 J. Connolly, 1st, $2.00; 2nd, $6.75; 3rd, $7.60; 4th, $5.35; 5th, 70c M. Carney, 2nd, $11.20; 3rd, $5.60; 4th; $5.60 J. Crawford, 1-5 in each J. Duggan, 1st M. Donegan, 2nd 13. Donnelly, 4th J. Dixon, 5th T. Donahue, lst, $2.00; 2nd, $6.75; 3rd, $7.60; 4th, $5.35; 5th, 70c O. Donahue, 2nd, $7.45; 4th, $7.45; expense, $7.50 J. Egan, 2nd .1. Eberhardt, 5th T. Ess, 5th . Eggenberger, 5th M. Farrell, 1st Geo. Frost, 2nd F. Frick, 3rd P. Farrel], 3rd J. Fiddler, 3rd W. Flynn, 4th B. Glass, 2nd 4 10 22 22 9 8 22 60 05 85 40 00 00 15 40 40 60 80 50 21 00 21 60 16 40 22 40 22 40 75 00 20 80 15 45 7 20 21 85 22 40 22 40 21 35 18 40 21 60 4 00 20 00 22 50 8 00 7 60 80 18 85 17 05 C. Geimer, 4th H. Galle, 5th G. Gail, 5th Jos. Grab, 5th C. Gantenhein, 5th J. Hill, 1st J. Hird, 4th N. Herman, 5th Phil Hense, 5th A. Henderson, 5th P. Jacobs, 3rd John John, 3rd N. Kettenhofen, Al. Kieffer, 4th M. Kass, 5th F'. Krocheski, 5th C. Kupferschmidt, 5th J. Kraus, lst, $2.00; $6.75; 3r(1, $7.60; $5.35; 5th, 70c J. Kness, 1st, $2.00; $6.75; 3rd, $7.60; $5.35; 5th. 70c P. Kenneally, Health John Heil, 1-5 in each J. Lowery, 1st Ed. Lee, 1st M. Lavin. 2nd W. Lillie, 3rd, St., $17.50 F. Lillie. 5th F. Lassance, 5th H. Leicht, expense T. Lonergan, 1st $2.00; 2nd, $6.75; 3rd, $7.60; 4th, $5.35; 5th, 70c J. Mullen, 2nd Toni Malley. 3rd J. Martinek, 4th G. \1u4 ke1, 4th A. Miller. expense F. Maroney. 4th J. McAleese, 2nd Jas. McLaughlin, 3rd W. McLaughlin. 3rd P. McPoland, 4th R. McCaffrey. 9-3-4 B. McDonnell, 1-5 in each W. O'Brien, 1st C. O'Neill, 2nd F. O'Connor, 1-5 in each W. Powers, 2nd J. Parker, 2-3-4 J. Roussel], 1st J. Ryan, 2nd R. Rosemeler, 2-3-4 P. Ryan, expense J. Reid, 3rd, $11.20; 4th $11.20 J. Richter, 1-5 in each H. Rowland, 5th P. Royce, 2-3-4 F. Strohmeyer, lst D. Smyth, 2nd J. Schroeder, 4th W. Shields, 4th P. Smith, 4th S. Sterling, 4th J. Scheidecker, 5th A. Schneider, 5th F. Skemp, 4th J. Steffens, 3rd, $11.20; 4th, $11.20 3rd 2nd, 4th, 2nd, 4th, $3.50; Clay 22 22 22 20 22 20 22 22 20 10 9 5 4 25 21 16 21 40 80 60 80 50 80 50 40 00 40 05 60 80 65 60 80 60 22 40 22 22 26 23 11 9 21 20 21 20 40 50 00 20 20 60 00 80 60 25 22 40 15 60 7 20 22 95 26 75 28 00 19 25 21 00 640 22 50 12 80 25 00 75 00 22 50 22 50 18 25 22 22 25 31 22 50 31 30 9 22 22 20 21 8 20 12 16 40 00 40 00 40 40 00 50 40 00 70 00 60 80 40 00 60 80 40 00 20 22 40 332 List of Warrants C. Specht, 1-5 in each 1 C. Specht, 5th J. Schwartzfi 5th J. Tobin, 4th Ott Turner, 1-5 in each C. Voltz, 5th John Walsh, 2nd Larry Walsh, 2nd L, Walkenheim, 3rd Con Welsh, 5th C. Wheeler, 2-3-4 21 TEAMS. P. Apel, lst. $88.40; 2nd. *32.20; 3rd, $3.95; 4th. $2.80; 5th, 45c M. Ackels, 3rd, $19.05; $94.80 F. Burns, 3rd. $2.25; 4th. 34.50; expense *20.70 J. Berwanger, 5th Josh Calvert. 2nd B. Costello, 4th A. Conrad, lst. $1.30; 2nd, $3.40; 3rd, $4.55; 4th. $3.25; 5th, *56.80 Phil Doerr, 5th Mrs. Dietl, 5th N. Everett, 1st J. Graham, 2nd, $26.10; 4th, $39.15 M. Hannan, 2nd J. Haudenshield, 2nd, $3.15; 3rd, *20.70; 4th, $9.00; 5th, $8.30: expense, $6.30 M. Kennea.11y, 1st John Long, 5th P. Linehan Co., 2nd, $5.95; 3rd, $53.45 M. Markham. 2nd, $19.50; 3rd, *39.00 58 50 J. McQuillan, 3rd 48 60 J. McGrath, 4th 56 70 D. O'Meara, lst, $5.00; 2nd. *16.60; 3rd, $181.85; 4th, $1.3.30; 5th. $1.65 55 W. Ruesch, 5th 34 A. Stoltz, 5th 49 Union Electric Co.. 1st, $15.08; 2nd, $43.40; 3rd, *75.00; 4th, *3.95 138 15 V. Van Wie, 1st, $3.75; 2nd, $12.40; 3rd, $14.10; 4th. $9.95; 5th, *1.25 41 45 'LABOR ON SEWERS during the last half of July, 1909: D. Cunningham $ 20 J. Clune 24 J. Doyle 24 F. Donahue 24 J. Jellison 19 F. Luchterhand 24 John McLaughlin 5 J. Rooney 24 C. Sullivan 30 L. Taylor 11 BILLS. John Dorgan, expenses on to Chicago, ordered Council John Bohn, inspector Branch storm sewer John Teal, constructing steps on Pickett and Cornell 37 4 26 22 12 8 21 10 4th, 127 113 27 42 58 50 69 36 21 54 65 45 47 52 30 75 50 30 10 50 00 00 20 15 80 60 85 85 45 30 05 40 30 90 15 45 25 45 45 65 60 59 40 40 20 95 15 50 50 50 25 50 25 50 00 10 trip by $ 15 00 Bee 50 00 Streets 28 0 John Iinehan, hauling garb- age and dead animals dur- ing month of June 346 70 T. J. Mulgrew Co., cement for Road Dept. 1 00 Thomas Connolly Est., repair- ing patrol wagons 124 50 E. J. Vogenthaler, repairing steam roller 18 40 Tibey Bros., improvement of St. Ambrose St. 1194 30 H. Brinkman, interest on warrants outstanding 1832 15 H. Brinkman, freight charges on asphalt for Road Dept. 212 96 H. Brinkman, expense. Fire and Police Dept's 14 70 H. Brinkman, library orders paid 934 57 LABOR ON STREETS In the different Road Districts during the first half of August, 1909: J. Brouillette, 2nd, $12.80; 4th, $2.80 $ 15 60 J. Burns, 2nd 7 60 Tony Becker, 2-3-4 80 Paul Becker, 4th 18 15 P. Carney. 1st 19 20 W. Coughlan, 1st 17 60 H. Connell. 1st 16 00 J. Callaghan, 2nd 22 50 M. Cleary, 2-3-4 19 70 J. Cahill, %2-3-4 21 60 G. Collinson. 4th 13 60 J. Connolly. 1st. $1.75; '2nd, $5.75; 3rd, $6,50; 4th, $4.70 M. Carney, 2nd, $6.40; 3rd, $6.40: 4th, *6.40 19 20 J. Duggan. 1st 8 80 B. Donnelly. 4th 17 80 T. Donahue, 1st, $1.70; 2nd, $5.75: 3rd, $6.50; 4th, $4.70 18 65 O. Donahue, 2nd, 36.40; 4th, $6.40; expense, $6.40 John Egan, 2nd M. Farrell, 1st F. Frick, 2nd, $2.15; 3rd, $5.65 (leo. Frost. 2nd W. Flynn, 4th P. Farrell, 3rd B. Glass, 2nd, $14.40; 4th, $4.40 W. Gaylor, 2-3-4 C. Geimer, 4th J. Gibbons, 4th J. Hird, 4th J. Heil, 1/4 in each Peter Jacobs, 2nd, 55c; 3rd, $7.20 John John, 3rd Kett, nhofen, 3rd M. Kieffer, 4th J. Kraus, lst, $1.70; 2nd, $5.75: 3rd. $6.50; 4th, $4.70 18 65 J. Kness, 1st, $1.75; 2nd, $5.75; 3rd, *6.50; 4th, $4.70 18 65 P. Kenneally, Health 22 50 J. Lowery, 1st 16 00 M. Lavin, 2nd 11 20 R. Love, 2nd, $7.00; 4th, 0 18 66 19 7 14 8 22 4 9 18 15 18 18 22 20 7 2 4 18 20 60 40 20 50 50 05 80 60 15 90 50 00 80 00 40 60 List .of Warrants $1.75 W. Lillie, 3rd, $3.50; Clay St App., •$15.15 J. (Lehman. 2-3-4 T. Lonergan. .1st. $1.70, 2n0 $5.75; 3rd, $6.50; t4h, $4.70 J. Mullen, 2nd Tom Malloy, 3r0 W. McLaughlin. 3rd J. Martinek, 4th Geo. Muekel A. Miller, 4th F. Maroney, 2-3-4 J. McAlees.e 2nd J. McLaughlin, 3rd R. McCaffrey, 2-3-4 P .McPoland, 4th W. O'Brien, lst C. O'Neil, and W. Powers, 2nd J. Parker, 2-3-4 J. Roussel]. 1st J. Ryan, 2nd R. Rosemeier, 2-3-4 P. Royce, 2-3-4 P. Ryan, 4th J. Reid, 3rd, $9:60; 4th, $9.60 D. Smyth, 2nd, $12.00; 4th, $3.60 John Schroeder, 4th W. Shields. 4th P. Smith, 4th C. 'Specht, 1/4 in each J. Steffens, 3rd J. Tobin. 2-3-4 Ott. Turner, %/Z in each Larry Walsh, 2nd, $1.1.20; 4th, $4.25 L. Walkenheirn, 2nd, 40c; 3rd, $10.40 C. Wheeler, 2-3-4 TEAMS. 1st. $64.80] 3rd, $4.80; 8 75 18 65 12 50 18 65 14 40 4 00 22 50 19 00 20 40 18 15 18 65 13 35 14 40 20 80 12 40 22 50 12 80 12 80 21 60 4 80 19 20 21 60 24 00 18 25 19 20 15 60 19 00 14 80 13 85 14 00 9 60 7 40 15 85 15 45 10 80 10 00 P. Apel, 2ncl, $30.50; 4th, $3.40 $103 50 M. Ackels, 3rd, $15.00; .4th. $79.65 97 65 F. Burns, 3rd 1 SO Josh Calvert. 2nd. 128.35; 4th, 511.25 39 60 John Calvert. :'nd 24 30 B. Costello, 4th 30 60 A. 'Conrad, 1st, $1.30; 2nd, $3.40; 3rd, $4.55; 4th, $3.25 12 50 N. Everett, 1st 8 10 J. Graham, 1st, $2.15; 2nd, $27.55; 4th, $24.30 54 00 M. Hannan, 2nd, $28.35; 4th $13.05 41 40 J. Haudenshield, 3rd M. Kenneally, 1st, $16.20; 2nd, 95c; 3rd, 95c; t4h, $1.00 J. Landholdt, 2nd, 11.35; 3rd, $1.35; 4th, $42.30 J. Long, 2nd, 30c; 3rd, 30c; 4th, 30c P. Linehan Co.; 3rd M. Markham, 2nd, $18.00; 3rd, $36.00 J. McCollins, 2nd, $12.15; 3rd, $4.05; 4th, $4.05 J. McQuillan, 3rd Jeff McGrath, 2nd, $3.45; 3rd, 10 35 19 10 45 00 90 50 40 54 00 20 25 40 05 338 13.45; 4th, $39.90 1'. S. Norton. expense. $1.35; 2nd, .11.15: 3rd, $2.15: 4th, $9.40 D. O'Meara, 1st, $4.1:,; _nd, 113.80; 3rd, 115.6]]; 4th, $11.05 A. Stoltz, 2nd, 45e; 3rd, 4e; 4th, 45c C. Van Wie, 1st, 13.20; 2nd, $10.65: 3rd, $12.1.0; 4th, $8.50 46 80 19 05 44 60 1 35 34 45 LAROit ON SEWERS during the first half of August, 1909: D. Cunningham $ 21 00 J. Clune 21 00 J. Doyle 6 15 F. Donahue 21 00 J. Jellison 7 90 A. .Kasbauer 12 00 F. Luchterhand 21 0.0 J. McLaughlin 12 25 J. Rooney 21 00 C. Sullivan 30 00 L. Taylor 14 90 J. Tobin 13 80 'BILINS. Joseph W. Straub, services in Engineer's office prior to Aug. 1st $ 90 00 Dubuque Wooden Ware & Lumber Co., stakes for En- gineer 9 67 J. F. Ris & Bros., drinking cups for fountains 1 20 Phil Breithaupt, plumbing re- pairs at City Hall 2 00 .H. B. McCarten, plumbing re- pairs at Delhi Street foun- tain 3 35 Key City Rubber Stamping Works, supplies for Audi- tor's office 1 10 C. E. Fitzpatrick Co., station- ery various offices 7 75 .Berg & Briggs, stationery and printing, various offices 21 50 Hoermann Press, stationery and printing, various offices 7 25 Mathis - Metz Co., printing warrant hooks 79 25 Foley's Hand Laundry, towel service for July 4 00 Western Union Telegraph Co, electric time service Treas- urer's office during July1 00 A. L. Glaser, planting flower beds in Jackson Park 50 00 G. A. Heine, planting flower beds in Phoenix Park 25 00 F. Mertz, repairing locks at City Hall 2 50 J. L. Rtes, supplies, various departments 4 05 C. W. Katz, meals furnished prisoners during July 6 20 J. Haudenshield, hay furnish- ed Patrol hors 17 50 Mettel 'Bros., bra furnished Patrol horses 11 80 Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies for Police Matron's quarters 2 40 G. F. Kleih. h,u•dware supplies 334 List of Warrants for Patrol House Jas. Gregory, repairs for Pa- trol Howe A. Siegel, repairing Police helmet American Ever Ready Co, batteries for Police Dept E. L. Lernhke, harness sup- plies for Patrol House F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Patrol House D. O'Meara, hauling manure from Patrol House during May, June, July and August Key City Gas Co., coke for Fire Department Key City Gas Co., rental of 4 gas arcs Union Electric Co., power for . fire alarm system J. Haudenshield, hay for Fire Dept. M. Stafford, bran and salt for Fire Department H. Corrance, supplies for Fire Department Geo. W. Healey & Son, hard- ware supplies for Fire Dept. J. F. Ris & Bro., repairs for Fire Dept. Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., fireman's rubber coat Wm. Marshall, repairs for Fire Dept. John Butt, repairs for Fire Dept. F. Schloz R Suri, repairs for Fire Dept. Geo. Ragatz & Sun repairs for Fire Dept. Whelan & Crahan, feed for Fire Dept. Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies for Fire Dept. Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horseshoeing for Fire Dept. Lagen, Peed. & Berwanger, horseshoeing for Fire Dept. Farley & Loetscher Mfg. Co, sash for house at garbage dump Peter J. Seippel Lumber Co, lumber for house at garb- age clump G. F. Kleih, hardware supplies for Sidewalk Dept Spahn-Rose Lumber Co., lum- ber for repairs to sidewalks Dubuque Wooden Ware & Lumber Co., lumber for re- pairs to sidewalks Chas. Giese, sharpening saws for Sidewalk Dept. G. F. Kleih, hardware supplies for Sewer Department Lagen, Peed & Berwanger, shoeing sewer horse Rellihaii & Mullan, plumbing repairs to drinking fountain Geo. W. Healey & Son, rope for Sewer Dept. H. Corrance, oil for Sewer 2 85 7 00 35 4 00 20 50 6 00 18 95 2 00 2 00 91 00 4 60 2 60 4 75 50 4 50 2 00 5 30 1 65 51 1 35 2 90 13 55 5 50 1 10 31 10 30 28 06 6 10 2 00 05 2 00 25 70 2 31 Dept. 60 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., supplies for Sewer Dept. 1 75 Pitts -Thompson Foundry Co, manhole cover for Sewer Dept. 4 00 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Sewer Department 2 00 John Butt, repairs for Sewer Department 5 15 Tibey Bros., grading at mouth of Bee Branch sewer 15 00 John Parker, rock furnished Road Dept. 50 Geo. Muekel, filing saw for Road Dept. 20 Jas. Lee & Son, brick for Road Dept. 5 00 O'Farrell Contracting Co, rock and sand furnished Road Dept. 75 O'Farrell Contracting Co, constructing curb and gut- ter, Davis Avenue 298 49 A. Gasser, brick for Road Dept. 28 10 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., 150 feet hose and noz- zle for Grandview Ave. Park 26 00 Pitts -Thompson Foundry Co., manhole ring and cover for Road Dept. 8 00 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for rock crusher 3 00 F. M. Jaeger & Co., supplies for various departments5 20 T. J. Mulgrew Co., cement for Road Department 4 00 H. Corrance, oil for Road Dept. 60 P. J. Seippel Lumber Co, lumber for Road Dept 71 00 Standard Oil Co., cup grease for steam roller 71 F. Beutin, sand for Road Dept. 1 50 Spahn-Rose Lumber Co., lum- ber for Road Dept. 39 Geo. Bock. repairs for Road Dept. 13 80 John Butt, repairs for Road .Dept. 5 25 Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs for Road Dept. 6 15 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Road Dept. 5 15 Pitts -Thompson Foundry Co manhole ring and cover for Road Dept. 6 40 Key City iron Works, repairs to steam roller 22 09 Key City Roofing Co., cement and sewer pipe for Road Dept. 13 30 Key City Gas Co., coke for steam roller 28 80 Fuhrmann Bros., pair boots for Road Dept. 3 00 F. G. Becker, coal for steam roller 12 33 Peter Even, coal for steam roller 15 07 Official Notices Hussmann & Lies, hardware for Fire and Road Depts G. F. Kleih, hardware for Road Dept. Telegraph - Herald, printing Council .Proceedings, July Times -Journal, printing Coun- c]I Proceedings, July Smith -Morgan Printing Co, printing pamphlets, July 21 30 National Demokrat, printing Council Proceedings, July Labor Leader, printing.Coun- cil Proceedings, July 12 50 Union Electric Co., arc lights for July 2070 75 Key City Gas Co., light for various departments 68 15 O'Farrell Contracting Co., 5% retained for one year on contract for improving As- bury Street 210 17 Tibey Bros, extra work on Bee Branch sewer 96 80 Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs on sprinkling wagons 79 F. Schloz & Son, repairs on sprinkling wagons 3 75 John Linehan, hauling garb- age and dead animals for month of July 340 15 Barney Glass, macadam for Second Road District 3 45 John Schaefer, macadam for Second Road District 9 75 J. Brou]lette, macadam for Second Road District 3 85 R. Young, inspector Francis Street sewer 30 80 H. Weber. inspector 32nd St storm sewer 44 25 M. Tschirgi & Son, 5% re- tained one year. 9th Street brink paving 25 00 Eagle Point Lime Works, re- pairing levee at Eagle Point 300 00 Street & Steuck, constructing sanitary sewer in West Fourth Street 430 52 Street & Steuck, constructing sanitary sewer in alley be- tween Washington and Elm 171 93 Tibey Bros., constructing Bee Branch sewer in Washing- ton Street 1031 02 H. A. Schunk, settlement of claim of Mrs. Barry 40 00 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of all war- rants issued by me during the month of August, 1909. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. 9 75 3 15 84 82 66 57 12 50 335 ion Notice. Notice i= hereby given that a prop- osition is now pending before the City Council of the City of Dubuque for the vacation of that part of Olive Street between the southerly line of Jefferson Street and the north,.rly line cf Wilbur Avenue in the City of Dubuque, being ground laying be- tween lot 29 in Farley's Subdivision and lot 3 of the Subdivision of out lot 10,7 in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. That a plat of said property has been 1.1i:1 and is now on file in my office: tltni ,aid matter will be acted upon by said council at its meeting to be held Thursday, September 10, 1909, and all persons having objection to said proposed vacation must file their said objections in my office on or be- fore said September 16, 1909. Dated at Dubuque this 3rd day of September, 1909. 9-1 1at City Engineer. PAUL ILC, N OTTCE OF THI; CITY COU'NCiVS INTEN- 'i'iLN TO CONSTRUCT A SANI- T_ARY SEWER IN WEST SEV- ENTH STREET. To Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby notified that it is the int,ntion of the Cite Connell of the City of Dubuque to construct an 8 -inch tile pipe sani- tary sewer in West Seventh Street from a point opposite the center of Lot 20 in Corriell's Dubwlue to the Present manhole in Hill Street. That a plat and specifications of said proposed sewer are now on flle in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that it \Sill require 600 lineal feet of S -inch tile pipe with 4 manholes, and will cost the abutting property own- ers $s0o.00 in total. Any p, rsons having objection to the construction of said sanitary sewer are hereby notified to appear before the City Council at its regular ses- sion, September 16th, 1909, or to file in Writing with the City Recorder their objections on or before September 16th, 1909. Dated at Dubuque, September 3rd, 1909. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, 9-3-3t. City =Recorder. Notice OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S LN'l'I N - TION TO C'ONSTItUcT A SANI- TARY SEWEII IN NEEDHAM PLACE FIIOM .A POINT ABOUT 200 FEET NOI:'1'H OF' WEST FIFTH STII I: ET TO WEST SEV- ENTH STREET. To Whom it May Concern: You and each of you are hereby notified that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque to construct an S -inch tile pipe sant- 886 Official Notices. tory sewww, r in Needham Place from a. Point about .200 feet north ,.t West Fifth Street 'to West Seventh Street. That a plat and specification of said propo8ed sewer is 1111W on tilt In the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City :Engineer that :it will require 239 lineal .feet of s -inch tile pipe. with 1 manhole and (till cost the abutting property owners $1.230.011 in total. Any persons having objections to the construction 4)1 said sanitary sew- er are hereby notified .to appear be- fore the City Council at its regular session, September 16th. 1909, .or .to 111 • in writing with the •City Recorder their objections on or before Septem- ber 16th, 1909. :Dated at Dubuque, September 3rd. 191.9. EDMUND A. LIX EHAX, 9-3-39 City Recorder. Nol:.•e OF THE CITY COU'X('IL'S INTEN- TION To IMPROVE GitAND• 1'II:\\' :\\'1:XI-'1' FR(01 DODGE s i' I; E I;"1' 'I'() SOUTH DODGE To \\'hunt It May Concern: You and each of you aro hereby no- tified that it is the intention of the ('it\ Council of the City of Dubuque to improve,Grandview Avenue by parking same through the center of said proposed improvement are now the driveway on either side of said earl:int; twenty-five feet wide, from Dodge to South Dodge Street. That the plat and specifications of said proposed improveemnt are now on file- in the office of the City Ite- corder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require: Combiner) concrete curb and gutter, 6,900 lineal feet. Macadamizing with binding of top course of macadam with Tarvia or its equal. 19,300 square yards. (Grading, cutting, 7,620 cubic yards. Earth tilling, 5,500 cubic yards. Malting a total estimated cost to the abutting property owners of $17.222.70. Any 'Arson having objection to said improvement is hereby notified to ap- pear before the City Council at its regular session to be held September 16th, 1909, or to file with the City Recorder their objections in writing on or before September 16th, 1909. Dated at Dubuque, September 3rd, 1909. .EDMUND A. LINEHAN, 9-3-3t City Recorder, Notice to Collimators. Sealed proposals will be received at the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the City Recorder until 8:00 p. ,m. Thursday, September 16th, 1909, for the improvement of Fifth Street from Main to .Iowa Streets. by regutteriitg :the same with brick on a macadam foundion :11111 to set new bin accordaatnce IV1t11 plans and specificu- cur, lions prepared by the ('ity Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Let order. It is estimated by the City Engineer that ' (id improvement will require 25f squar yards of brick guttering on a macadam foundation. 179 lineal feet of new curbstone set. The work to be paid for when said work is completed and :is preseribecl by Chapter XXXII of the IP Visel or, (finances of 101)1 of the ('ity of Du- buque. work to be c'om'b teal X11 or before November 1st. l'iddels must state the price per square yard for brick guttering and the price per lineal foot for new curb_ stun• set. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified 1 check for $50,011 on some t)ubnllu, hank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if o yarded. The ('ity Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at i)ubuque, September 3r41. 1909. EDMI'ND A. .LIXEHAX, 9-3-2t t'ity Recorder. Notice to ('onU•ac•tors. Sealed prnpo-a1s \•ill h,. received at the i'ounci1 ('h:unber, City .Hall, by the City Recorder until 8:00 p. m. Thursday, September 16th, 1909, for th.: 11 provenlent of the following streets l,y laying cement sidewalks on a foundation of eight inches of cind- ers, in accordance with tin pians and speeilicalions prepared by the ('it: Engineer and now on file in the of- fice of the 1'11v Recorder: V our -font sidewalk 137.1 1 feet in lemtth on the south side of Grace street between Grandview :\Venue and East Street, in front of and abut- ting on Lots 1 of 4 and 2 of 4, Ann 1)' IT:.t: e's Si' b. Four -foot sidewalk _,tis feet in length on the south side 01 West. Fifth Street. between John Street and Calmore 1'L'u•e, in front of and abut- ting on the following described premises: Lots 1 1 , 12. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, It, 19. 20 anal 21 of Subdivision of ('ity Lot- IP 1, 7110 and 721. The work to be paid for when said. week is completed and as pre- scribed by the Ordinance relating to the construction of sidewalks in the City of Dubuque, work to be com- pleted on or before the first day of October, 1909. Bidders must state price per square foot for sidewalks laid. Each bid must be accompanied b> a certified .check for $50,00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that .1 Official Notices 337 contract will be entered into if award- ed. The City reserves the right to re- ject any and all bids. .Dated at Dubuque, September 3rd. 1909. EDMUND A. LINEHAN. 9-3-3t City Recorder. Notice to Sewer Contractors. Sealed proposals will he received at the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the City .Recorder, until 8:00 p. m. Thursday, September 16th, 1909, for the construction of an 8 -inch tIle pipe sanitary sewer in College Avenue from the present manhole at the intersec- tion of Allison Place and College Ave- nue to the center of West Fifth Street, in accordance with the plans and si•ecifica.tions prepared by the City En- gineer and now 011 file in the office of the ('ity Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that it will require: 368 lineal feet of 8 -inch pipe. 2 ma.nholes. The work t.. he Laid for when said work is completed and as prescribed by Chapter XXX1V. of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Du- buque, work in be completed on or before November 1st, 1909. I3idders must state price per lineal foot for tile pile, and each manhole. All bids must be accompanied by a certifies] check for $50.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if award- ed. The City reserves the right to re- ject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, September 3rd, 1909. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, 9-3-3t. City ltecorder. 'Notice of Special Assessment. Notice is hereby given to all con- cerned that a special assessment as provided by law will be levied at a regular session of the City Council to be held September 16th, 1909, to pay for the improvement of Davis .Ave- nue from east line of \\'indser Ave- nue to the east line of St. John's Lu- theran C. m trey. by O'Farrell Con- tractin', ( 'e., contractors. .A110,11111 of special assessment, And that any and all persons ob- jecting to said spe(Io1 assessment or to said plat must rile his or their ob- jeti.,it in writing with the City Re- corder of said City of Dubuque on or before said session of the City Coun- $2,13".26, same to be assessed against the abutting property upon and along said street. And that there is a plat and sched- ule on file in the office of the City Re- corder of said City of Dubuque, show- ing the street on which said improve- ment was made, and the separate lots and parcels of ground or specified portions thereof subject to assessment of such improvement. the name of the owner thereof, as far as practic- able, and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, which plat and schedule are subject to public inspection. 9-3-3t. City Recorder. cil to be held September 16th, 1909, or to appear at said session of the Council to show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. Dated at Dubuque, September 3rd, 1909. EDMUND A. LINEHAN', 9-3-3t. City Recorder. NOTICE OF THE COUNCIL'S INTENTION TO. IMPROVE. BLUFF. STREET FROM THIRD STREET TO EIGHTH STREET. T9 \Vhum it May Concern: You and each of you are hereby notified that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque to improve Bluff Street with Sarco Compost or its equal from the north lot line of Third Street to the south lot line of Eighth Street. That the plat and specifications of said proposed improvement are now on file in the office of the City Re- corder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require: New curbstone set, 1,400 lineal feet. Old curbstone reset, 85 lineal feet. Sarco Compost, 6,900 square yards. Making a total estimated cost to the abutting property owners of $5,584.41. Any person having objection to said imprevei n•nt is hereby notified to ap- pear before the City Council at its regular Bessie)) to be held September 16th, 1900, or to file with the. City _Recorder their objections in writing on or before September 16th, 1909. Dated at Dubuque, September 3rd, 1909. EDMUND A. LIXt:il:\\, 9-3-3t. City Recorder. Nottee OF '1'1-11: CITY ('ul'N('IL'S INTI N- 'I'iON TO IAll'I.(,V'I? '1'111': N(1I1'I'I{ SIDE OF '1'\\'1:X'1'1'-:-il »» l:X'l'I-I t'I'Itl':I;'I' I • l'I'\\'l l' " .1.\('I' SUX STREET .\\I, PINE STREET. 'I'.. \\-nom It .\I;iy ('Doreen: yeti amt each e1' you are hereby n..tibed that it is the int, ration of the City Council D1' the CON of Dubuque to improve the north side of Twenty- seventh Street. 111) • 1 Jackson Str, 1 111,1 fine Street. That the plat and specifications of said proposed imin•ovement are now on file in the office of the ('ity Re- corder. it i; estimated 1.y the City Engineer that staid improvement will require: ('nri.ing. 61G lin.:.l feet. 1'riel•: gutter. 7::6 lineal feet. \Inen.lnntl7.iu 9I square yards. 838 Oficial Notices Making a total estimates] cost to the abutting property owners of $1,411.00. Any person having objection to said improvement is hereby notified to ap- pear before the City Council at its reg- ular session to be held September 1.6th, 1909, or to file with the City Recorder their objections in writing on or before September 16th, 1909. Dated at Onbag nu.. September 7th, 1909. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, 9-7 3t City Recorder. NOTICE TO SUSAN AND MARY ZETEN OF THE CO1'NI'I!.•F I\TEN- TTc)N TO LAY A CEM ENT SIDE - \\'.\I.1' CIN THE EAST SI11E OF 'WASH 1N(3TON STREET PET\\'l' EN '1'\\'I:NTY-FI ir'l'H AND T\VI:N'I'Y- SEVENTH STREETS. You are hereby notified that it is the intention of City Council to im- prove the east side of Washington Street between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-seventh Streets and in front of and abutting on the following de- scribed premises: Among others your lots, north 45 feet of Lot 44 and south 15 feet of Lot 45, E. Langworthy's Add.. by laying down a. permanent sidewalk thereon composed of cement material four feet wide. The plat and specifications of said proposed improvements are now on file is the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that it will require 40 lineal feet of cement sidewalk and will cost 60c per lineal foot. Should you hate any objections to the laying down of said sidewalk, you are hereby notified to appear before the City Council at its regular ses- sion to be held on September 16th, 1909, or to file your objections with the City Recorder on or before Sep- tember 16th, 1909. Dated at Dubuque, September 8th, 1909. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, 9-8-3t City Recorder. NOTICE TO JOHN MARZEN OF THE COUNCIL'S INTENTION TO LAY A CEMENT SIDEWALK ON THE EAST SIDE OF WASHINGTON STREET I ET\VEEN TWENTY- FIFTH AND TWENTY-SEVENTH STREETS. You are hereby notified that it is the intention of City Council to im- prove the east side of Washington strtiets between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-seventh Streets and in front of and abutting on the following de- scribed premises: Among others your lots, north 35 feet of Lot 45 and Lot 46, E. Langworthy s Add., by laying down a permanent sidewalk thereon composed of cement material four 1' 1 twirl . Tho lout :end specifications of said proposed improvements are now on Ole in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that it will require 85 lineal feet of cement sidewalk and will cost 60c per lineal foot. Should you have any objections to the laying down of said sidewalk, you are hereby notified to appear before the city Council at its regular ses- sion to be held on September 16th, I:1,9, or to file your objections with 110• Pity Reeor(ler on or before Sep- tember Kith, 1909. Doted at 1)uhuoue, September 8th, 1909. Rl)\lt NU A. LINEHAN. 9-8-3t City Recorder. OFFII'1A1. PUBLICATION. AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE REGUL:\TIN ; THE USE ANI) OPERATICIN t11' MOTOR VEHICLES IN 'fill; ci'i'v' OF DUBUQUE, AND YaO\'ll1IN.; _A PENALTY FOR THE VI. 11..\- '1'1tlN THEREOF. Be it ordained by the City Council, of the city u1• Dubuque: Se,•tion 1. 'I'ilat no person shall opera), :t. motor vehicle on any street or other public highway within the City ..f Dubuque at a rate of speed greater than is reasonable and proper, having 1egard to the traffic and use of the highway, or so as to endanger the life or limb of any person, or in any event in the closely built up por- tions of said City at a greater rate than one (1 1 toile in six (6) min- ute:;. or else chore ill said CIty at a greater true than one (1) mile in four ll I minutes; subject, hotvever, to the other provisions of this section. Com) approaching a crossing of inter- seetia.,; Lnblic highways, or a bridge, or .t sharp curve, or a steep descent, and also in traversing such crossing, bridge, curve or (l seg nt, a person oper,lting a motor vehicle shall have it under control and operate it at a rare t.1' speed less than hereinbefore speeiiied. and in nil, event greater than is reasonable and proper, having re- gard to the traffic then on such high- way and the safety of the public. Section 2. That any person oper- ating. a I1iotor vehicle within said City shall, at request or on signal by putt- ing up the hand, from a person rid- ing or driving a restive horse or oth- er draft or domestic animal, bring such motor vehicle immediately to a step, and, if traveling in the opposite direction, remain stationary so long as ma.y be reasonable to allow such horse or other animals to pass, anis, if traveling in the same direction, use reasonable caution in passing such horse or other animal, and the oper- ator and occupants of any motor ve- hicle shall render necessary assistance to the party having in charge said Official Notices 339 horse or other draft animal in so pas- sing. Section. 3. That every motor ve- hicle while in use on a public high- way within said City shall be provid- ed with good and efficient brakes, and also with a suitable bell, horn, or ether signal, and be so constructed as to exhibit, during the period from one (1) hour after sunset to one (1 ) hour before sunrise, one or more lamps showing white light visible within a reasonable distance in the direction toward which such vehicle is proceeding, and also a red light vis- ible in the reverse direction. Section 4. That every muter vehicle within said City stall alwr :It all times have the number :Issigu„1 to it by the secretary of the state di„phlye,1 on the back of such motor vehicle in such a manner as to be plainly visible, the number to be in Arabic numerals, each not less than three (3) inches in height, and each stroke to be of a width not less than one-half (1/2) inch, and also as a part of such num- ber the initial and terminal letters of the state's name, such letters to be not less than two (2) inch's ha height. Section 5. That the words and phrases used in this Ordinance shall. for the purposes of the Ordinance, be construed as follows: 1, "Motor Vehicle- shall include all vehicles propelled by any power other than muscllldr power, excepting such mo- tor vehicles as run only upon rails or tracks, provided that nothing herein contained shall apply to traction en- gines or road rollers; 2, "('lo"ely built up portions," shall int an the terrl- tory ,within said City contiguous to a public highway devoted to business or where for not less than one-fourth (1A.) of a mile the dwelling houses on such highway average not more than one hundred (100) feet apart. Section 6. Any person violating any of the provisions of this Ordi- nance, shall be dccwed .guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punishable by a tine not exceeding twenty-five dollars (325) for the first offense and Punishable by a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars ($25) nor more than fifty dollars ($50), or imprison- ment not exceeding thirty (301 days, for a second or subsequent offense. Section 7. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect front and af- ter its passage and its publication in the Times -Journal and Telegraph - Herald, official newspapers of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Adopted September 2nd, 1909. Approved September 4th, 1909. H. A. S('liENK:, Mayor. Attest' EDMUND A. LIN1:11.\N. City Its corder. Published oiliei illy in the Daily Times -.foul oa l .'eid, :n;), r :111 1909. ED.%11'Ni) .\. I.INEIL.\N, 9-9-1 t city Recorder. Official Publication. AN ORDINANCE. \N ORDIN:\NCE granting to the Chi- cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail- way Company permission to con- struct, maintain and operate a side- track southerly across Third Street from a point on the main line of said Company opposite the north curb line of said street, in the City of Dubuque, and regulating the con- struction, use and maintenance thereof. Be It Ordained Py the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That permission be and the same is hereby granted to the Chi- cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company, its successors and assigns, to la.y down, operate and maintain a sidetrack in the City of Dubuque, commencing at a point on the main track of said Company opposite the north curb line of Third Street, thence running southerly and across said Third Street, at a slight curve west- erly, for the purpose of extending said track to connect with the property now owned by Armour & Company south of said Third Street, on Out Lot 475. Sec. 2. That the laying down of said sidetrack shall be done under the supervision of the City Engineer and the Committee on Streets of said City Sec. 3. That in the laying; down and operation of said sidetrack, the same shall be so constructed and maintained as to create the Least pos- sible obstruction to ordinary travel and the use of the street crossed. That cars shall not be allowed to stand on said street, and said track shall at all times be used in accordance with all lawful regulations now or here- after enacted by said City. Sec. 4. That said sidetrack shall be laid to the established grade of the street on which it runs, and should the grade be changed at any time, said track shall be changed to con- form to such change at the expense of said company, without any claim against said City. Sec. 5. That said Company shall keep the space between the rails of said sidetrack and the space to the end of the ties so graded that carriages may easily pass over the same, and shall keep such spaces properly planked, paved or macadamized, or otherwise improved, as the City Coun- cil may direct, and shall keep any sidewalk crossing said tracks proper- ly planked, or lay such new walks, as the City Council may direct. Sec. 6. That said sidetrack shall be so constructed and maintained as not 340' Official Notices to dam up or obstruct the flow and drainage of water in the gutters or on the surface of said street and said Railway Company shall be subject to and strictly comply with all reason- able police regulations bearing on the use and operation of said track. Sec. 7. The City of Dubuque here- by reserves the right to revoke the privilege hereby granted at any time after twenty (20) years from the time this Ordinance becomes operative. or sooner, in case the said Armour & Company fail to continue the opera- tion of the plant with which said side- track continued is to connect. Sec. S. That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph -Her- ald and the Dubuque Times -Journal. official newspapers of said City, and wri,tc•n acceptance thereof on the part of eitid Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company, duly endorsed hereon. \•lo'itc a S.'pteinher 2n0, 1909. .\l'prove,l September 4th. 1909. H. A. SCHI'NK. \1'iynf. .\tt'•:;_. EDMUND A. LINI':H.\N. City Recorder. he provisions and terms of the foregoing Ordinance are hereby ac- cepted this 4th day of September, 1909. J. \V. STAPLETON, Superintendent Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. Published officially in the Daily Times -Journal September 9th. 1909. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, 3-9-1t City Recorder. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the City Recorder until 8:00 p. m. Thursday. October 7th, 1909, for the improvement of Bluff Street from Third Street to Eighth Street, in ac- cordance with plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require 6,900 square yards of sarco com- post paving. 1,400 lineal feet of new curbstone set. 85 lineal feet of old curbstone reset. The work to be paid for when said work is completed and as prescribed by Chapter XXXII. of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Du- buque, work to be completed on or before July 1st, 1910. Bidders must state the price per square yard for sarco compost pav- ing, the price per lineal foot for new curbing set and price per lineal foot for old curbing reset. Each hid must be accompanied by a certified check for $100.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. The ('ity Council reserves the right to refect any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, September 23rd, 1909. EDM -ND A. LINEI-HAN, 9-23-2t City Recorder. Notice to Sewer Contractors. Sealed proposals trill he received at the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the ('ity Recorder, until 8:00 p. m. Thursday. (ictober 7th, 1909, for the construc•ti.m of an 8 -inch tile pipe sanitary .'•'.tv•r in Needham Place from a point about _nn 1•,•c•t north of West Fifth Street to West Seventh Street, in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that it will require 239 lineal feet of 8 -inch tile pipe 1 manhole. The work to be paid for tvhen said work is completed and as prescribed by Ch;.l,tef XXXiV. of the Revised Ordireinc•c•s of 1901 of the City of Du- buque, work to be completed on or before 1)' '' 'nLef lst. 1909. i'idd-•rs must state price per lineal fent for tile pipe sewer completed. also pH( c for each manhole. All bids must he accompanied by a certiiied check for $50.00 no some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract trill be entered into h. a` -a :elect. The city reserves the right to re- ject ;Inv and all bids. l batted at Dubuque, September 23rd, 1909. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, 9-^:;-2t City Recorder. Novice to Sewer Contractors. •aal it i ioposals will be received at the ('eon •il Chamber, City 1-iall. by the ('ity l corder, until 8:00 p. 01. ( ietiiiier 7th, 1909, for the ec e,u netinn of an 8 -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in S\rest Seventh Street from a point opposite the center of Lot 20, in ('nrr]ell's Dubuque Addi- tion, to the manhole in Hill Street, in aeeordauce with the plans anti specifications prepared by the City Engineer end now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that it will require 600 lineal feat of 8 -inch tile pipe. 4 manholes. I'he work to he paid for when said work is completed and as prescribed by Chapter XXXIV. of the Revised Orclivances of 1901 of the City of Du- Official Notices bugue, work to be completed on or before December 1st, 1909. Bidders must state price per lineal foot for the tile pipe sewer com- pleted, also price for each manhole. All bids roust be accompanied by a certified check for $50.00 on some Du- buque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. The City reserves the right to re- ject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque. September 23rd, 1909. EDMUND \. LINEHAN, 9-2:1-'2t City Ltecorder. Notice of Special Assessment. Notice is hereby given to all con- cerned that a special assessment as provided by law will be levied at a session of the City Council to be held October 7th, 1909. to pay for the con- struction of a sanitary sewer in Francis and Hart Streets, from Kauf- man Avenue to Valeria Street, by Thomas L. Jess & Co., contractors. Amount of special assessment, $625.90. same to be assessed against the abutting property upon and along said street. And that there is a plat and sched- ule on file in the office of the City Re- corder of said City of Dubuque, show- ing the street in which said sewer was constructed, and the separate lots and parcels of ground, or specified por- tions thereof, subject to assesme 1)t for such improvement, the name of the owner thereof as far as practicable,. and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel of ground. which plat and schedule are subject to public inspection. And that any and all persons ob- jecting. to said special assessment or to said plat must file his or their ob- jection in writing with the City Re- corder of said City of Dubuque on or before said session of the City Coun- cil to be held October 7th, 1909, or to appear at said session of the Council to show cause, if any you have. why said assessment should not be levied. Dated at Dubuque, September 23rd. 1909. EDMUND ND A. LINEHAN. 9-23-3t 9-23-3t C'ity Recorder. Notice of Special Assessment. Notice is hereby given 'o all con-, corned that a special assessment as provided by law will be levied at a session of the City Council, to be held October 7th, 1909, to pay for the im- provement of alley between Eighth and Ninth Streets and Jackson and Washington Streets, by O'Farrell Con- tracting Co., contractors. Amount of special assessment, $341.15, same to be assessed against the abutting property upon and along said street. 3.1 And that there is a plat anti sched- ule on Hie in the office of the City Re- corder of said City of Dubuque, show- ing the alley in which said improve- ment was made. and the separate lots and parcels of ground, or specified portions thereof, subject to assess- ment for such improvement. the name of the owner thereof as far as prac- ticahie, and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, which plat and schedule are subject to public inspection. And that any and all persons ob- jecting to said special ass,'ssment or to said plat must filo his or their ob- jection in writing with the city- Re- corder of said City of Dubuque on or before slid session of the City Coun- cil to he held October 7th, 1909. or to appear ..t said session of the council to shote cause, if any you have. whY said assessment should not h. levied. Dated at Dubuque. September 23rd, 1909. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, 9-23-3t City Recorder. Notice. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, held on Septem- ber 1Gth, 19119, the following special assessments were levied on the real estate hereinafter described, and that in cis, cf failure to pay the one- sev, nth 1s,rt within the time pre- sernbed by the ordinance governing sam••.ill! will become delinquent and subject 11. ,•ollcction by distress and sale. H. HRINK 4AN, City Treasurer. Special bonded assessment for im- proving Llavis .avenue from Wind- sor Avenue easterly 62S feet. Name. Description. Amount. Sisters of St. Francis, Sub. 4, N. W. 14 sec. 14-89-2 E, lot 2 .....$ 11)2 35 Fred Mussehl, Sub. 4, N. W. yc Sec. 14-S9-2 E. Int I ... 221 R5 Dubuque County. maeadanliz- Ing Da'.•is .\,•ane ........ 1793 06 Total :2117 26 Notice to ('onlraelors. Sealed proposals will he rec.•ived ;It the Connell ('hamher, city Hall, by the ('ity !teem -der. until S:cu) p. m. Thursday, October 7th. 191)9. for the improvement of the north side of Twenty-seevnth Street, between Jack- son Street and Pine Street, in accor- dance with plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the (ace of the City 1 to 'order. it is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require 616 lineal feet of new curUing set. 342 Official Notices 736 lineal feet of brick guttering. 915 square yards of macadamizing. 114 cubic yards earth filling. 314 cubic yards cutting. The work to be paid for when said work is completed and as prescribed by Chapter XXXII. of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Du- buque, work to be completed on or before December 1st, 1909. Bidders must state price per lineal foot for new curbstone set, the price per lineal foot for brick gutter and the price per square yard for macad- amizing. Also price per cubic foot for grad- ing. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check for $50.00 on some Dubuque 1?ank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. The City reserves the right to re- ject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque September 23rd, 1909. EDMUND A. LINEHAN. 9-23-2t City Recorder. Notice of Special _Assessment. Notice is hereby given to all con- cerned that a special assessment as provided by law will be levied at a session of the City Council to be held October 7th, 1909, to pay for the im- provement of Julien Avenue by regut- tering, curbing and resetting curb from the west side of Bluff Street to the easterly curb lines of Alta Vista Street, Eagle Point Lime Works, con- tractors. Amount of special assess- ment, $4,008.05, same to be assessed against the abutting property owners upon and along said street. And that there is a plat and sched- ule on file in the office of the City Re- corder of said City of Dubuque, show- ing the street in which said improve- ment was made and the separate lots and parcels of ground, or specified portions thereof subject to assessment for such improvement, the name of the owner thereof as far as practicable, and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, which plat and schedule are subject to pub- lic inspection. And that any and all persons oh- jecting to said special assessment or to said plat must file his or their ob- jection in writing with the City Re- corder of said City of Dubuque en or before said session of the Cite Council to be held October 7th, 1909. or to appear at said session of the Council to show cause, if any you have, why said assesment should not be levied. Dated at Dubuque, September 24th, 1909. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, 9-24-3t. City Recorder. • ntiicial Publication. AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE granting to A. Siegel the privilege of conducting a swimming school at the foot of Third Street, in the City of Du- buque, for a period of five (5) years, with the privilege of renewal for an additional five (5) years, and regu- lating and controlling such grant. Pe It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That, Whereas, it is deemed of public interest and im- portance to have established in the City of Dubuque a school for the teaching of swimming, permission is hereby granted to A. Siegel to conduct a swimming school at the foot of Third Street, in the City of Dubuque, for a period of five years from the time this ordinance takes effect, with the privilege of an extension of said time for another flve years on the ex- piration of said first period. Sec. 2. That said swimming school is to be not longer than one hundred. (100) feet, is to be movable, and sub- ject to the control and regulation of the harbor master, who shall Cause the same to be so located, and properly cabled and fastened, on either side of Third Street, as conditions may re- quire, without undue interference with the landing of wood barges or other boats. Sec. 3. That the Harbormaster shall cause all wood on the levee front to be so piled as to leave a clear passage down Third Street to the water front and to the approach of said swimming school of twenty-five (25) feet. Sec. 4. That said swimming school shall at all times be conducted in a lawful manner, and be subject to all proper laws, and to the ordinances and regulations of said City, at any time enacted. Sec. 5. That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph -Her- ald and in the Dubuque Tinies-Jour- nal. official newspapers of said City. Adopted September 22nd, 1909. Approved September 25th. 1909. H. A. SCHI;NIi, Mayor. Attest: EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. Published officially in the Daily Vmes-Journal September 2Sth, 1909. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. Regular Session, October, 7 1909 345 CITY COUNCIL. (Official.) Regular Session, October 7th, 1909. Council met at 8:55 p. m. Mayor Schunk in the chair. Present—Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Absent—None. Ald. Martin moved that the Council Proceedings for the month of Septem- mer be approved as printed. Carried. BILLS. The following bills, having been properly approved by the various committees, were read and, on mo- tion, were ordered paid: Pat Ryan, salary as inspector on West Fourth Street and West Locust Street im- provements during Septem- ber $ 36 Tom Jess, salary as inspector on Glen Oak Avenue sewer 15 60 40 Bill of Street & Steuck, extra work grading West Fourth Street, $320.00, was, on motion of Ald. Saul, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Bids for improving Twenty-seventh Street, Bluff Street and for construct- ing sewers in West Seventh Street and Needham Place were presented. Ald. Frith moved that contract for improving Twenty-seventh Street be awarded from Jackson Street to C. G. W. R. R. track instead of to Pine Street. Carried. Ald. Frith moved that bids for all work be opened. Carried. Bids for improving Twenty-seventh Street are as follows: Eagle Point Lime Works, grading, per yard, 20c; curbing per lineal foot, 70c; brick guttering, per lineal foot, 60c; macadamizing, per square yard, 65c. Wilmer Cook, grading, per cubic Yard, 30e: curbing, per lineal foot, 52c; brick guttering, per lineal foot, 70c; macadamizing. per square yard, 60c. Ald. Frith moved that contract for improving Twenty-seventh Street be awarded to Wilmer Cook and his bond placed at $500.00. Carried. Improving Bluff Street: M. Tschirgi & Sons, sarco pavement, per square yard. 7311 c; new curb- stone set, per lineal foot, 70c; old curb reset, per lineal foot, 20c. For Sewer in Needham Place: J. F. Brown, 8 -Inch sewer, per lineal foot, $1.75; manholes, each, $25.00. Sewer in West Seventh Street. J. F. Brown, 8 -Inch sewer, per lineal foot, $1.29; Manholes, each, $25.00. Ald. Rand moved that when Coun- cil adjourn they adjourn to meet Mon- day evening, October llth, 1909. Car- ried. Ald. Rand moved that action on bids for improving Bluff Street and for constructing sanitary sewer in West Seventh Street and Needham Place be deferred to the adjourned meeting of the Council to be held Monday evening. Carried. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICA- TIONS. Petitions of Dubuque Shippers Asso- ciation and W. H. Torbert et al, ask- ing that the City Council pay from the City's funds the annual assessment of $250.00 as dues to the Upper Missis- sippi River Improvement Association, was, on motion of Ald. Haas, referred to the Committee of the Whole and the City Attorney to be instructed to look up the matter and to give an opinion to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Louisa Reifsteek, widow of Christian Reifsteck, asking that the City refund her $7,20, which she claims was collected erroneously, was, on motion of Ald. Rand, referred to the Delinquent Tax Committee. Petition of Jos. McCaffery et al, asking that Oak Street be extended from present eastern end to Bluff Street Extension, was, on motion, of Ald. Saul, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Jos. McCaffery et al ask- ing that Lots 25. 36 and the East 40 feet of Lot 37 in Union Add. for street elevator and park purposes, was, on motion of Ald. Saul. referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Catherine C. Mueller, Andrew Weiser and W. H. Rauch, stating that water from Stoltz Avenue has been turned onto their property by reason of improvement of said street and asking that City take some action toward protecting their prop- erty from the overflow of water, was, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, granted and Street Commissioner to investi- gate. Petition of Timothy Dillon, stating that he paid $561.12 on the special assessment levied Dec. 12th, 1895. for improvement of Grandview Avenue abutting Mineral Lot 12 and Lot 2, Linheim Add.. and asking that the 346 Regular Session, October 7, 1909 City Treasurer be instructed to accept $25.00 without interest in full, was, on motion of Ald. Saul, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Communication from Barber As- phalt Paving Co., asking that the City of Dubuque use their paving brick, was, on motion of Ald. Rand, ordered placed on file for future reference. Petition of Mrs. Mary Wolff, owner of Lot 3, on Althauser Avenue, asking that the Council pay for the ground taken for the improvement of said street and for the damage done, was, on motion of Ald. Frith, granted and a warrant in the sum of $40.00 or- dered drawn in favor of the Mayor to settle claim in full. Petition of Samuel D. Seeley et al, asking that an arc lamp be placed on Southern Avenue at the bend of the street near the old Gleed Brewery, was, on motion of Ald. Haas, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Mrs. Annie Matthews et al, asking that an electric light be placed at an intermediate point be- tween Walnut Street and Grant Ave- nue, was, on motion of Ald. Martin, referred to the Committee of the Whole. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Treasurer Brinkman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith hand you statements of amounts advanced by me during the month of September, 1909, for which please order warrants drawn in my favor: Interest paid on warrants outstanding $1,452.40 New York exchange .60 Postage 10.00 Express charges, Police .60 Freight charges, Road 134.40 Freight charges, Fire 2.30 Telegrams, Road .75 Clock service, Treasurer's office 1.00 M. J. McCullough, agent appeal bond, expense 427.50 Total Library order paid Respectfully, H. BRINKMAN, Treasurer. . O'Rourke the re - and warrants or - pay the various report referred to Finance. $2,029.55 $757.38 In motion of Ald port was received dered drawn to amounts, and the the Committee on City Auditor Lyons reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Herewith find my re- , port for the month of September, 1909, showing the receipts and dis- bursements for the month: Cash on hand September 1, 1909 $43,790.84 Receipts from all sources9,257.98 Total $53,048.82 DISBURSEMENTS. Warrants redeemed $25,104.46 Improvement bonds re- deemed 450.00 Improvement bond coupons redeemed 222.37 Regular bond coupons re- deemed 460.00 Total $26,236.83 Balance Oct. lst, 1909...$26,811.99 The above cash balance includes the improvement bond fund, im- provement bond interest fund and li- brary fund balance. Water Works account: Water Works, balance September 1, 1909 $ 8,677.97 Deposited with City Treas urer during September4,864.38 Total $13,542.35 Orders drawn on City Treasurer during Septem- ber 3,092.13 Balance Oct. 1st, 1909 $10,450.22 Excavation permit account: Balance September 1st, 1909...$35.00 Permits redeemed during Sep- tember 5.00 Balance October 1st, 1909...$30.00 Also the following is a record of all interest coupons and bonds redeemed by the City Treasurer during the past month and credited to him: Improvement bonds $ 450.00 Improvement bond coupons222.37 Regular bond coupons 460.00 Total 1 132.37 Also report that there is due the city officers for the month of Septem- ber, 1909, $2,875.15. Also the following list shows the appropriations and the amount of warrants drawn on each fund since the beginning of the fiscal year be- ginning March 1st, 1909, to October 1st, 1909: Appropriation Expended Expense .. ....$40,000.00 $18,153.27 Road— First District .. 6,225.82 5,687.50 Second District . 15,011.04 12,143.17 Regular Session, October 7, 1909 347 Third District 8,859.42 7,308.24 Fourth District 10.750.58 8,229.30 Fifth District 8,275.14 8,270.74 Fire .... 49,000.00 22,688.66 Police .... 35,000.00 17,587.08 Sewerage .. 6,000.00 3,213.71 Printing 2,800.00 1,225.30 Street Lighting 27,000.00 12,424.50 Interest .. 40,000.00 18.315.7 3 Board of Health 7,000.00 4,176.61 Grading .. 4,000.00 1,631.73 Special Bonded Paving ... 4,000.00 4,000.00 Special Bonded Debt and In- terest 4,500.00 2,500.00 Mt. Carmel Ave- nue Grading . 2,600.00 45.15 Sidewalk Repair- ing .... 1,000.00 431.24 Bluff Street ex- tension 500.00 108.40 Improvement of Windsor Ave - 1,000.00 Bee Branch Sew- er, Third Ward 2,500.00 Bee Branch Sew- er in Wash- ington Street . 6,000.00 5,894.92 Improvement 9f Grandview Avenue .. .. , 3,000.00 Eagle Point Park 3,000.00 2,916.66 Judgment .. .. 2,200.0( 2,133.90 Opening of Louisa Street.. 1,100.00 1,100.00 Clay Street Im- provement ... 2,000.00 1,659.49 West Locust St. Storm Sewer . 2,000.00 1,997.55 Kauffman Avenue Improvement . 1,000.00 Thirty-second St. Storm Sewer . 1,000.00 896.54 Heeb Street Grad- ing .... ..... 300.00 $297,522.00 Respectfully, M. E. LYONS, Auditor. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke the re- port was received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay the city officers and the report referred to the Com- mittee on Finance. Fire Chief Reinfried reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The following is the pay roll of the Fire Department for the month of September, 1909: Amount due firemen $2,952.82 Less 1% retained for Pension Fund 29.15 Balance due firemen $2,923.67 Respectfuly submitted, J. R. REINFRIED, Chief. Aprroved by Committee on Fire. On motion of Ald. Frith the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the firemen, and the report referred back to the Committee on Fire. Chief of Police Pickley reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the police report for the month of Sep- tember: Intoxication Disorderly conduct Disturbing the peace Fast driving 47 15 1 1 Maintaining nuisance 1 Petit larceny 1 Threat to kill 1 Vagrancy 5 Total 72 Residents arrested ..... 30 Doors found open 25 Lodgers harbored 27 Defective lights 78 Meals furnished 6 Cost of food $1.20 Police court costs collected....$39.20 Patrol runs for prisoners 54 Transfer of prisoners 1 Ambulance calls 4 Committee calls 1 Miles traveled 69 I also beg to submit the pay roll for policemen for the month of September, 1909: Amount due policemen $2,459.20 JAMES PICKLEY, Chief of Police. On motion of Ald. Martin the re- port and pay roll were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the policemen and the report referred to the Committee on Police and Light. City Electrician Hipman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my report of defective lights for the month of September, 1909: I find from the reports of the Po- lice Department that the total hours that 78 lamps failed to burn would equal 2 lamps burning for one month, or $10.00. Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM HIPMAN, City Electrician. On motion of Ald. Martin the re- port was received and the City Audi- tor to be instructed to deduct from the Union Electric company's bill for the month of September, 1909, the surn of $10.00. Street Commissioner Dorgan re- ported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: 848 Regular Session, October 7, 1909 Gentlemen: I herewith submit the pay roll for labor on streets in the different road districts during the last half of September, 1909. Amt. due laborers on streets.$2,190.10 Approved by Committee on Streets. Also submit the pay roll for labor on sewers during the last half of Sep- tember, 1909. Amt. due laborers on sewers..$209.40 Approved by Committee on Sewers. Also submit the pay roll for the ex- tra work on Stoltz Avenue: Amt. clue laborers on Stoltz Avenue $34.35 Approved by Committee on Streets. Also submit the pay roll for labor on Bluff Street Extension -luring the Iast half of September, 1909: Amt. clue laborers on street...$117.45 Approved by Committee on Streets. Respectfully submitted, JOHN DORGAN, Street Commissioner. On motion of Aids. Saul and Sin - grin the pay rolls on streets and sew- ers were received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay the various amounts and the pay rolls referred back to the proper committees. Street Commissioner Dorgan reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit also City the pay roll for labor on Couler Avenue during the last half of September, 1909: Amount due laborers on Couler Avenue $188.45 Respectfully submitted, JOHN DORGAN, Street Commissioner. On motion the report of Street Commissioner Dorgan on improve- ment of Couler Avenue was referred to the Finance Committee to arrange for payment. Street Commissioner Dorgan also reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The undersigned, to whom was referred the attached pe- tition of Anton Zwack, in regard to sidewalk on White Street, would re- spectfully state the petitioner agrees to put down a good passable, cinder walk, and will keep same in good con- dition till such time next year when he expects to erect a concrete build- ing. • Respectfully submitted, JOHN DORGAN, Street Commissioner. On motion of Ald. Frith report of the Street Commissioner was approv- ed and petition of Anton Zwack was granted. Street Commissioner Dorgan reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Also beg to report that I have as per your instruction ex- pended on Stoltz Avenue the sum of $34.35, also on Davis Avenue the sum of $48.70. Respectfully submitted, JOHN DORGAN, Street Commissioner. On motion of Ald. Saul report was approved and bill for work on Davis Avenue to be referred to County for payment. also City Attorney Lyon reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: buque: Gentlemen: The undersigned, to whom was referred the plat and the schedule of assessment of St. Ambrose Street, for my opinion as to the le- gality of the assessment, would re- spectfully report that as far as ap- pears upon the face of the schedule the same seems to be in accordance with the provisions of the statute re- garding special assessments. Section 792A of the Supplement to the ('ode of 1597, provides among other things. that special assessments shall he in proportion to the special benefits conferred upon the property thereby and not in excess of such benefits, and further provides that such assessments shall not exceed 25% of the actual value of the lot or tract at the time of the levy. Assessment by the front foot rule under this provision of the statute is thereby illegal unless everything re- specting the property to be assessed is equal then the front foot rule in apportioning the cost among the sev- eral lot owners could be applied. There is no fixed rule laid down by the law for arriving at the proper es- timate, and what shall he taken into consideration in determining to what extent the property has been enhanc- ed in value by the improvement must depend upon the circumstances of each particular case. The Council may consider the size, shape and lo- cation of the lot, also take into ac- count not only the present conditions but also the future benefits. In other words it is for the Council to act up- on its own judgment regarding the value of the property and the amount of benefit conferred and in the ab- sence of any fraud its judgment is conclusive unless an appeal is taken therefrom, and in the present in- stance, if in the opinion of the Coun- Regular Session, October, 7 1909 349 cil the proportionate share of the im- provement as shown upon the sched- ule is in accordance with the special benefit conferred upon the respective property the assessment as made would be legal. Respectfully submitted, GEO. T. LYON, City Attorney. Ald. O'Rourke moved that the re- port of the City Attorney and special assessment be referrel to the Commit- tee of the Whole to view the grounds. Carried. City Engineer Ilg reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith present to you the grade and profile of Daven- port Street from the north side of Park Hill Avenue to the east line of Fairmount Park, as shown by red line. Also the grade of the alley be- tween Rhomberg Avenue and Gar- field Avenue from Middle Avenue to Reed Avenue as shown by red line and I would recommend the same to be adopted. Respectfully yours, PAUL ILG, City Engineer. On motion of Ald. Haas report of the City Engineer was referred to the Committee of the Whole. City Recorder Linehan presented and read certified copy of the notice of the Council's intention to levy a special assessment for construction of a sanitary sewer in Francis and Hart Streets by Thomas L. Jess & Co., con- tractors. No remonstrance being filed and no one in the room objecting to the levying of the special assessment for the construction of said sewer, the notice was, on motion of Ald. Haas, received and filed. City Recorder Linehan also pre- sented and read the certified copy of the notice of the Council's intention to levy a special assessment for the improvement of the alley between Eighth and Ninth and Jackson and Washington Streets, O'Farrell Con- tracting Co., contractors. No remon- strance being filed and no one in the room objecting to the levying of the special assessment for the improve- ment of said alley, the notice was, on motion of Ald. Singrin, received and filed. City Recorder Linehan also pre- sented and read the certified copy of the notice of the Council's intention to levy a special assessment for the improvement of Julien Avenue from Bluff to Alta Vista Streets, Eagle Point Lime Works, contractors. Re- monstrance of Catherine Rhomberg et al, against the assessment being levied against their property was then read and on motion of Ald. O'Rourke remonstrances and notice were or- dered received and filed. Sidewalk Inspector Lynch reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: A resolution passed the City Council ordering walks on Lot 691, 700, 721 abutting property of A. A. Cooper on West Fifth Street. He has only complied with part of the resolution, and left Lots 11, 12, 13 and 14 not done and seems to have no in- tention of laying said walks. Yours respectfully, JAMES LYNCH, Sidewalk Inspector. On motion of Ald. Saul, Recorder was instructed to notify A. A. Cooper to finish the work within 10 days or the City Commissioner will have the work done and cost of the same to be assessed against said property. Following Weighmasters' and Woodmeasurers' reports of receipts were presented and read, and, on mo- tion, were received and filed: Jos. Straney, First Ward scale.$ 3.60 Louisa Pitschner, West Du- buque scales 1.17 C. W. Katz, scales receipts 16.40 J. H. Carroll, wood measured during July, August and Sep- tember .45 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. O'Rourke, chairman of the the Committee on Finance, moved that the Finance Committee be em- powered to have the Finance Report for the years 1907, 1908 printed. Car- ried. Ald. Saul, chairman of the Commit- tee on Streets, moved that the Chief of the Fire Department, Chief of Po- lice, Street Commissioner and Side- walk Inspector investigate the condi- tions of the building, sidewalk and street on the south side of Third Street between Main and Iowa and to have the wall taken down if found necessary and have street and walk cleared and to report to the Council. Carried. Ali. Saul moved that the City En- gineer be instructed to give the street lines on McClain Street. Carried. Ald. Saul stated the matter of re- pairing the steam roller had been re- ferred to the Street Commissioner and himself for investigation and that Regular Session, October 7, 1909 they would respectfully recommend that the roller be repaired at once and moved that the Street Commis- sioner be empowered to have steam roller repaired and the engineer of the roller to help the machinists in said repairs. Carried. Ald. Saul. chairman of the special committee. consisting of Aids. Saul, Singrin and Haas, reported the com- mittee had investigated the matter of the Peter J. Seippel petition, asking for a certain strip of land along the river front, and would respectfully recommend that the City Council grant P. J. Seippel Lumber Co., use of a space of ground on the levee front 250 feet wide north of Dodge Street sewer for a period of ten years and the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney prepare an Ordinance granting said permission. Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the reports of the Special Committee. Carried. Ald. Saul, chairman of the Com- mittee on Streets, reported as fol- lows: Your Committee on Streets, would respectfully report that we have ex- amined the improvement on O'Neill Avenue from Burden Avenue to Sheridan Street, Wilmer Cook, con- tractor, and would respectfully rec- ommend that said street be accepted and that the City Engineer be in- structed to prepare a special assess- ment against all lots or parcels of real estate subject to assessment for such improvement and file the same in the office of the City Recorder who will thereupon publish the notice of said assessment as required by Ordi- nance. Also your Committee on Streets would respectfully report that we have examined the work on West Fourth Street from Alpine to Paulina Streets, Street & Steuck, contractors, and would respectfully recommend that said street be accepted and that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare an assessment against each lot or parcel of land subject to assess- ment for such itnprovement and file the same in the office of the City Re- corder, who will thereupon publish the notice of said assessment as re. quired by Ordinance. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the various reports of the Committee on Streets. Carried. Ald. Haas, chairman of the Com- mittee on Delinquent Taxes, reported as •follows: Your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the pe- tition of Mrs. Anna Dieti asking that on account of her poverty the taxes against her homestead known as the "Schlegel Dairy Farm," be canceled for the year 1903, would respectfully recommend that the prayer of the pc- titiuner be granted and that the Treasurer be instructed accordingly. Also your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the pe- tition of Dora Boettscher, a widow whose husband was killed several years ago, leaving her with four small children to support. stating that she could not pay the taxes on her homestead, she north 1-2 of lot 54 and south 1-2 of lot 95 in McCraney's ist Addition, and asking therefore that her taxes be canceled for the year 1908, would respectfully recom- mend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the City Treasur- er be instructed accordingly. Also your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the pe- tition of Bate F. McNatnara stating that the taxes on her homestead with the interest thereon had accumulated to such all extent that she could not pay the same, w,.uld respectfully rec- ommend that the City Treasurer be instructed to accept the taxes against here property without interest in full settlement of her taxes. Also your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the pe- tition of Mrs. Mary AIaroney asking that on account of her poverty the taxes assessed against her homestead, the south one-half of Lot 347 in East Dubuque Addition, be canceled, would respectfully recommend that said taxes be allowed to remain a lien on the property and that the City Treas- urer be instructed not to sell the same. D. J. HAAS, Chairman. Ald. Haas moved the adoption of the various reports of the Committee on Delinquent Taxes. Carried. City Attorney Lyon and the Com- mittee on Delinquent Taxes also re- ported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and Council: Gentlemen: The undersigned, whom was referred the petition Carrie Fulmer and Bert Richmanu, asking for cancellation of assessments for street improvement levied Octo- ber 1, 1894, on Lot 23, and the east 1-2 of Lot 22, in Leven's Addition, would respectfully report that we find the amount of said assessments to be in all the sum of $101.08; that of Regular Session, October 7, 1909 351 the assessments were levied for the improvement of West Fourteenth Street; that the tax in question is un- collectible, but that an offer of settle- ment is made to the committee by the owner, in the amount of 50 per cent of the assessment as levied, and we recommend, therefore, that the of- fer be accepted as made, in full of the assessment levied. Respectfully submitted, D. J. HAAS, JAMES SAIL, E. E. FRITH, Committee on Delinquent Taxes. GEO. T. LYON, City Attorney. _V1d. .Haas moved the adoption of the report of the Committee on De- linquent Taxes and City Attorney. Carried. Ald. Frith, chairman of the Com- mittee on Fire, reported as follows: Your Committee on Fire would re- spectfully recommend that the City Electrician be allowed to purchase such glass as he requires for shelves for the storage battery. Also your Committee on Fire, to whom was referred the petition of the Veteran Firemen's Association, asking for a location for the Wash- ington No. 1, hand engine, would re- spectfully recommend that said asso- ciation be grantedthe use of that part of the Central Engine House fronting on Ninth Street, subject to the pleas- ure of the City Council. Also your Committee on Fire re- spectfully reports that we advertised for. three horses to be purchased for the Fire Department, but did not have any suitable horses brought to us for examination and have readver- tised for horses to be brought to the Central Engine House for examina- tion and purchase on Saturday, Octo- ber 9th E. E. FRITH, Chairman. Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the various reports of the Committee on Fire. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke stated that consid- erable complaint had been made to hien by reason ,of the delay in the proposed repairs on Althauser. Ave- nue. Street Commissioner Dorgan stated that contractors claimed that the hole on the sidewalk would have to be filled by the city before they coula proceed with the repairs and that they would do the filling for $75.00. Ald. Frith moved that the Counci. empower the contractor to fill the hole on the sidewalk on Althausei A.venue at an expense not to ex- ceed $75.00, and the Recorder notify the contractor to proceed with the work of repairing said street at once. Carried. All. Martin, chairman of the Com - mitt,— on police and Light, moved that the committee on Police and Light be ,•1npowered to advertise for bids for purchase of new overcoats for the policemen. Carried. AId. Martin, chairman of the Board of Health reported that the Board or Health had visited the Detention Hos- pital and found same to be in good condition and that the Board had con- tracted with the Union Electric com- pany to wire the building for 17 lights cost of wiring to be $55.00 and also that said company agree to furnish current for 17 lights for $3.00 per month. Also that the Board of Health rec- ommends that an eight -inch sanitary, sewer be constructed in 'Washington Street from Twentieth to Twenty-sec- ond Street. Ald. Martin moved the adoption of the reports of the Board of Health. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke, chairman of the Committee of the Whole, reported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole, to whom \\ referred the petition of Frances I.. Gibbs et. al., stating that while Lost 2 id -2 of 5 in Pauline Lang - worthy's Add., was not assessed for the construction of the sanitary sewer in Nest Fourth Street, the lot imme- diately opposite, on the same street, with the exception of 100 feet had been assessed for said sewer and ask- ing that said error be corrected and the proper assessment made, would respectfully recommend that the prayer of the petitioners be granted and that the City Engineer be in- structed to prepare a new assessment charging said Lot 2 of 2 of 5 in Paul- ine Langworthy's Add., with its pro- portion of the cost of the construction of said sewer. Also your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the City Engineer and the Sidewalk Inspector be instructed to inspect the sidewalk constructed by Mr. Spahn at the old Dee Basket factory and re- port its condition to the Committee of the Whole at its next meeting. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of the Mathis, Metz Mfg Co., asking that 352 Regular Session, October 7, 1909 the City Treasurer be instructed to accept its personal taxes for the past five years at the face amount of the same and to cancel all previous taxes, would respectfully recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be grart- ed and that the Treasurer be instruct- ed accordingly. Also your Committee of theWhole, to whom was referred the petition of Ralph Crews, attorney for the Ham- mond Packing Company, asking that the taxes against said company for the years 1906-7 and 1908 be canceled because said corporation was not in business here during said years, would respectfully recommend that said pe- tition be referred to the Mayor and Chief of Police to report back to this committee. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the bill of M. Tschirgi & Son for extra work on the Thirty-second Street storm water sewer, amounting to $172.92, would respectfully recommend that said bill be allowed in full in the amount of $157.20, and that a warrant in said amount be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer in settlement of the bill. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of R. B. Moffat, trustee for the Mary L. Farley estate, asking that the interest on the delinquent taxes of said estate be canceled, would respectfully rec- ommend that said petition be received and filed. Also your Committee of the Whole, would respectfully recommend that. the Street Commissioner be instructed to proceed with the grading of Heeb Street to the extent of the appropria- tion made therefor. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the bill of Street & Steuck for extra grading on West Fourth Street amounting to $175.00, would respectfully recom- mend that said bill be allowed and that a warrant in said amount be or- dered drawn on the City Treasurer in settlement of the claim. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Mrs. Catherine Boesch asking that the plat of Broadway Add., be vacat- ed for the purpose of relocating the streets and alleys in said addition, would respectfully recommend that said petition he received and filed. Also your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the City Engineer and the Sidewalk Inspector be instructed to investigate the condition of the sidewalk be- tween the Wolff and the Hosford properties on Grandview Avenue and report to the next meeting of the Committee of the Whole as to the most feasible way of joining said walks. Also your Committee of the Whole reporting on the within petition of George Grundy et. al., asking that in the present improvement of Bennett Street the roadway be made 30 feet wide between curbs, would respect- fully recommend that said street be made in accordance with the prayer of the petitioners as far west as Louisa Street and that from that point on to the end of said street that the same be improved as provided by Ordinance. We would further recom- mend that the City Engineer be in- structed to procure waivers from all abutters on that portion of said street affected by the change herein pro- posed. Also your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare a plat showing a forty foot street along the north end of Broad- way Addition and turning at an acute angle at the west end of said addition so that said proposed street be in the same line with Grove Street. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom w as referred the petition of John Schwind asking that a grade be established on Atlantic Avenue, Audu- bon Avenue, Auburn and •Custer Streets and stating that the plat show- ing that said streets were legally laid out was on file in the office of the City Engineer and of record in the proceedings of the City Council • of February 2, 1891, would respectfully recommend that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare profiles showing grades on said avenues and streets and present the same to the City Council at its next session. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Mary E. Blake, asking that she be refunded the amount paid by her fo the construction of a sidewalk abutt- ing her property on account of the same having proven defective, would respectfully recommend that said pe- tition be received and filed. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the bills of the Iowa Telephone Company for services during the quarter ending on October 1st, 1909, would respectfully recommend that said bills be paid and that a warrant in settlement Regular Session, October 7, 1909 363 thereof be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer. Also Your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that both telephone companies be in- structed to present their bill for telephone service monthly instead of quarterly. JOHN O'ROURKE, Chairman. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the various reports of the Com- mittee of the Whole. Carried. RESOLUTIONS AND MOTIONS: Ald. O'Rourke offered the follow- ing: Resolved That the City Council hereby approve and confirms the agreement made by the Dubuque Park Committee on behalf of the City of Dubuque and The Eagle Point Lime Works establishing the bound- ary line between portions of the prop- erty on the Eagle Point bluff deeded to the City for park purposes, and that owned by said Eagle Point Lime Works, as such boundary line has been surveyed and platted by Eugene Anderson, County Surveyor, and further Resolved, That the Mayor and Recorder are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver on behalf of the City of Dubuque the duplicate agree- ments and conveyance submitted herewith, the execution of which is needed to confirm to the parties there- to their rights under such mutual agreement and the said Mayor and Recorder are further authorized to sign on behalf of the City of Du- buque the plat defining Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 305a, as in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as platted by Eugene Anderson, County Surveyor, under date of September 25th, 1909. Ald. O'Rourka moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas. Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul ancl Singrin. Nays --None. The following agreement was then read : This agreement made and entered into this --clay of October, 1909, by and between the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and The Eagle Point Lime Works, of Dubuque, Iowa, a corpora- tion duly incorporated under the laws of the State of Iowa; Witnesseth, That whereas certain realty abutting on the property owned by The Eagle Point Lime Works, has been purchased for park purposes, the title thereto being taken in the name of the City of Dubuque, and Whereas, it appears that by mutual interests of the parties here- to required the establishment of an ascertained boundary line separating the properties of the parties hereto and whereas such boundary line has been mutually agreed upon and has been surveyed and platted by Eugene Anderson, County Surveyor of the County of Dubuque, Iowa, and where- as in order to place on record and perfect the right and title of the par- ties to the boundary line agreed upon, it is deemed advisable for the parties hereto to execute a mutual convey- ance, confirming the right and title of each party to the several premises abutting on the boundary line agreed upon and shown on the plats drawn by Eugene Anderson. Now, therefore, in consideration of the premises and of the conveyance to the City of Dubuque, Iowa, Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 305a in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, the said City of Dubuque, lova, does hereby sell and convey unto the Eagle Point Lime Works, a corporation under the laws of the Stote of Iowa, Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 305a in the City of Dubuque. Iowa. as the same is shown and les,'tihed on the plat thereof md, h;r I,ngene Anderson, County Surveyor, under date of Sep- tember 21, 1909, which said plat is mado part of this agreement and conveys :nee: and in consideration of the premises and of the conveyance by the City of Dubuque to The Eagle Point Lime Works of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 305a in the City of Dubuque 1 said Eagle Point Lime Works. of. 1 itbuque, Imva, a corpora- tion duly incorporated under the laws of the State of Iowa, does hereby sell and convey unto the City of Du- buque. Iowa, for park purposes Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 305a In the City of Dubuque, as the same is shown and described on the plat thereof made by Eugene Anderson, County Surveyor, under elate of June 16, 1909. which said plat is made part of this agreement and convey- ance. Signed and acknowledged in dupli- cate and delivered on behalf of the City of Dubuque, io\Va. by 104. Mayor and Recorder of said City with the City veal attached in pursuance of the resolution of the City Council of said City of Dulai tua approving said agreement 'and conveyance adopted the -- day of October, 1909, and signed and acknowledged in duplicate and dclivei e 1 on behalf of The Eagle Point Lime Works by President and Secretary of said corporation in ac- cordance with the resolution approv- ing said agreement and conveyance adopted by the ,directors of said cor- Regular Session, October 7, 1909 poration on the -- day of October, 1909. Ald. Singrin offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for improving alley between Eighth ano Ninth Streets between Jackson and Washington Streets by O'Farrell Contracting Co., contractors, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter nam- ed, situated and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows: Special assessment submitted Octo- ber 7th, 1909. Owner. Description. Total Cost. Spahn-Rose Lumber Co., City Lot 415, 51.2 lineal feet at .666 $ 34 15 Spahn-Rose Lumber Co., City Lot 416, 51.2 lineal feet at .666 34 10 Morrison & Kretchmer, City Lot 417, 51.2 lineal feet at .666 34 10 Morrison & Kretchmer, City Lot 418, 51.2 lineal feet at .666 34 15 Morrison & Kretchmer, City Lot 419, 51.2 lineal feet at .666 34 10 Key City Iron Works, City Lot 399, 51.2 lineal feet at .666 34 15 Key City Iron Works, City Lot N. 1-2, 400, 25.6 lineal feet at .666 17 05 D. D. Meyers, S 1-2 of City Lot 400, 25.6 lineal feet at .666. 17 05 Spahn-Rose Lumber Co., City Lot 402, 51.2 lineal feet at .666 34 10 D. D. Meyers, City Lot 401, 51.2 lineal feet at .666 34 15 Farley-Loetscher Co., City Lot 403, 51.2 lineal feet at .666. 34 05 Total cost $341.15 554.66 square yards, macadam at 57c $316 15 Extra expenses 25 00 Total cost $341 15 All of which is assessed in propor- tion to benefits conferred. Ald. Singrin moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Ald. Frith offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for sanitary sewer in .Francis Streets from Kaufman Avenue to intersection of Kaufman Avenue and Hart Street along Hart Street to Valeria Street by Thomas Jess, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter nam- ed, situated and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Special assessment submitted Octo- ber 7th, 1909. Owner. Description. , Total Cost. Fred Kulow, Tivoli Add., Lot 22, 50 lineal feet at 66c....$ 33 00 John Stuber, Jr., Tivoli Add., Lot 23, 50 lineal feet at 66c 33 00 Geo. •Wimmer, Tivoli Add., Lot 24, 50 lineal feet at 66c... 33 00 J. B. Rhomberg Est., Tivoli Add., Lot 25, 50 lineal feet at 66c 33 00 J. B. Rhomberg Est., Tivoli Add., Lot 26, 50 lineal feet at 66c 33 00 Chas. P. Mettel. Tivoli Add, Lot 27, 50 lineal feet at 66c 33 00 Chas. P. Quade, Tivoli Add., S. 1-2 of Lot 28, 25 lineal feet at 66c 16 50 Frank P. Fosselman, Tivoli Add., N. 1-2 of Lot 28, 25 lineal feet at 66c 16 50 Frank P. Fosselman, Tivoli Add., Lot 29, 50 lineal feet at 66c 33 00 H. Brune, Tivoli Add., E. 65 feet of Lot 30, 50 lineal feet at 66c 33 00 Wm. D. Kirmse, Tivoli Add, W. 1-2 of Lot 11, 50 lineal feet at 66c 33 00 Gustave Candler, Tivoli Add, W. 50 feet of Lot 30, 50 lineal feee, at .282 14 10 Dominic Hoffman, Tivoli Add, Lot 31, 40 lineal feet at. 282 11 29 Dominic Hoffman, Tivoli Add., Lot 32, 40 lineal feet at .282 11 28 Dominic Hoffman, Tivoli Add.. Lot 1 of Lot 33, 22 lineal feet at .282 6 20 John Buse, Tivoli, Add., Lot 1 of 2 of Lot 33, 29.5 lineal feet at .282 John Buse, L. H. Langworthy's Add., Lot 2 of 2 of Lot 130, 6.6 lineal feet at .282 Chas. Buse, L. H. Lang - worthy's Add., Lot 1 of 2 of Lot 130, 39.9 lineal feet at .282 Susan Wieland, L. H. Lang - Lot 130, 87.5 lineal feet at .282 John Ess, Krayer's Sub., Lot 5, 50 lineal feet at .282 Jos. Keller, Krayer's Sub., Lot 6, 50 lineal feet at .282 ... Frank D. Scharle, Schaffner's Sub., Lot 1 of 8, 128 lineal feet at .282 Hy. C. Winders, Schaffner's Sub., Lot 2 of 8, 153 lineal 8 40 1 90 11 25 24 68 14 10 14 10 36 35 Regular Session, October 7, 1909 355 feet at .282 Frank D. Scharle, Schaffner's Sub., Lot 1 of 9, 50 lineal feet at .282 .... Peter Even, Schaffner's Sub., Lot 10, 50 lineal feet at .282 Anna Mep r. Schaffner's Sub., Lot 11, 30 lineal feet at .282 Wm. Wieland, Schaffner's Sub., Lot 12, 50 lineal feet at .282 Elizabeth Witter, 'Schaffner's Sub., Lot 13, 50 lineal feet at .282 Elizabeth Witter, Schaffner's Sub., Lot 14, 50 lineal feet at .282 Joe Scl ,: p, I, Wieland's Sub, Lot 8, 31 lineal feet at .282 Joe Schlagel, Wieland's Sub., Lot 9.31 lineal feet at .282 43 15 vided by Ordinance, that such plat and estimate are on file, the location and nature of the improvement, kind 14 .10 of material to be used. and an esti- mate of its cost, and the time before 14 10 which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which 14 10 time shall not be less than five (5) days after the service of such notice, and after such service shall have been 14 10 made, the City Recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Coun- cil, notify the Council thereof in writ - 14 10 ing, with a copy of such notice ac- companying the same. Ald. Frith moved the adoption of 14 10 the resolution. Carried by the following vote: 8 75 Yeas--Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. 8 75 Total cost $628 988.4 lineal feet tile pipe, sani- tary sewer at 44c $434 6 manholes at $24.00 144 Extra expenses 50 90 90 00 00 Total cost $628 90 All of which is assessed in propor- tion to benefits conferred. Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin. O'Rourke, Rancl, Saul and Singrin. Nays --None. Ald. Frith offered the following: Whereas it is deemed necessary and expedient to improve the north side of Twenty-fourth Street between Wash- ington and Elm Streets in front of and abutting the premises hereinafter de- scribed by .layingdown a permanent sidewalk thereon: Composed of ce- ment material four feet wide, Therefore be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque; That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, nature and extent of the proposed improve- ment on the north side of Twenty- fourth Street between Washington and Elm Streets, and in front of and abutting lot 1 of O. S. Langworthy's Sub., and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof and the amount and cost of such improvement, and the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the City, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and esti- mate in the office of the City Recor- der; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the City Recorder shall notify said abutting and adjacent property owners, as pro- Ald. Haas offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to construct a sanitary sewer in Wash- ington Street and it is hereby propos- ed to construct such sewer as follows, to -wit: An eight inch tile pipe sewer in Washington Street from 20th to 22nd Street and to assess the cost of said sewer against the abutting prop- erty. Ald. Haas moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas --Aids. Frith, Haas, Martin. O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Aid. Haas also offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat and specifications for an eight inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Washington Street from Twentieth Street to Twenty-second Street, showing the locations and gen- eral nature of such improvement, the extent thereof, the size and kind of material to be used, and to prepare an estimate of the cost thereof and the amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutt- ing thereon per front feet or square feet in area, and to file such plat, specifications and estimate in the of- fice of the City Recorder. That after such plat is so filed, the City Recorder shall cause to be pub- lished notice of the intention of the Council to make such improvement, which notice shall be published in three consecutive issues of the official paper of the City of Dubuque, stating that such plat is on file, and general- ly the nature of the sewer, its loca- tion, size and kinds of material to be used, and the estimate of its cost, and 353 Adjourned Regular Session, October 11, 1909 fixing the time before which objec- tions can be filed, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of said notice, and after the completion of the publica- ' tion of such notice, he shall at its next session, notify the Council thereof in writing with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. Haas moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Alt!. Frith moved that the alley be- tween Twelfth and Thirteenth and Iowa and Clay Streets be accepted. Ald. Haas moved as an amendment that the chairman of the Committee on Streets and Street Commissioner notify the contractor to finish the con- tract. Carried. Ald. Frith moved that the rules be suspended to grant Mr. W. F. Wod- rich permission to address the Coun- cil in reference to the proposed sewer in the alley between Rhomberg and Garfield Avenues from Middle to Reed Avenues. Carried. Mr. Wodrich stated that he wished to notify the Council that property through which the sewer is proposed to be laid is private property and not a public alley and he would not per- mit the sewer being laid through said .property without some remunera- tion. Ald. Frith moved that the matter of compensation for running the sewer through the property of Mr. Wodrich be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. Saul moved that the City En- gineer presentplans and specifications for arching Bee Branch sewer south of Seventeenth Street to the Council at the meeting to be held Monday, October llth, 1909. Carried. Ald. Frith moved that the City Re- corder be instructed to advertise for bids for constructing culverts across the Ree Branch Sewer. On motion action in the matter was deferred. Ald. Martin moved to adjourn to Monday evening. October llth, 1909. Carried. Approrei Attes EDMV'ND• A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. .424. . 1909 L Mayor . Recorder CITY COUNCIL. Adjourned Regular Session, October llth, 1909. Council met at 8:35 p. m. Mayor Schunk in the chair. Present—Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Absent --None, ti Mayor Schunk stated that the meeting was an adjourned meeting of •the regular session of October 7th, 1909, and was called to take up and consider all matters which may prop- erly come before a regular session of the City Council. BIDS. Mayer Schunk stated that action on Ilids for improving Bluff Street and for constructing sanitary sewer in West Seventh Street' and Needham Place was deferred to this session of the Council. Aid. O'Rourke moved that contract for improving Bluff Street from Third to Eighth Streets be awarded to M. 'fschirgi & Son and their bond placed at $1,500.00. Carried. Ald. Singrin moved that contract for constructing sever in West Sev- enth Street be awarded to J. F. Brown and his bond fixed at $250.00. Car- ried. Ald. O'Rourke moved that rules be suspended to grant Mr. 1). Whelan permission to address the Council in reference to sanitary sewer in Need- ham Place. Carried. Mr. Whelan then addressed the Council, objecting to paying assess- ment for full frontage of his proper- ty for constructing sewer, agreeing to pay for part of frontage only. Ald. O'Rourke moved that contract for constructing sewer in Needham Place be awarded to J. F. Brown and his bond placed at $100.00. Carried. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICA- TIONS. Petition of Joseph Welu et al, ask- ing that an arc light be placed 'at the head of Pleasant Street, stating that they formerly had two lights on said street and same were moved, was, on motion of Md. Frith, referred to the Committee of the Whole and the City Electrician look up when lights were removed. Petition of Sarah Blumenthal for $15.000.00 damages for injuries claim- ed to have been sustained on Eigh- teenth Street near Washington Street Adjourned Regular Session, October 11, 1909 357 by horse becoming frightened by the steam roller, was, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, referred to City Attorney and Committee on Claims. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Mayor Schunk presented and read the following veto: To the Honorable City. Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I have had under con- sideration the report of your Com- mittee of the Whole recommending that the bill of M. Tschirgi & Son for extra work on the Thirty-second Street storm water sewer, amounting to $157.20, be paid, adopted by your honorable body in regular session Oc- tober 7th. 1909.. I find from the City Auditor's books that the amount left in the Thirty- second Street storm water sewer ap- propriation is only $103.46 and of this amount the 5O10 retained from amount due contractor, $45.66, must be de- ducted, leaving available in the fund only $57.50, making it impossible to comply with your instructions. T, therefore, return to you the re- port of the Committee of the Whole, adopted by your honorable body Oc- tober 7th, 1909, and hereby veto the motion that carried adopting the same. Respectfully, H. A. SCHUNK, Mayor. Market Master Katz reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I wish to call your at- tention to the Market House scales, which were repaired recently and are again out of commission by reason of planks binding on the side; also the approaches are filled with gravel, which is continually lodging between the frame and the scale platform. Please have this matter attended to as soon as possible. Respectfuly. C. W. KATZ, Market Master. On motion of Ald. Haas matter was referred to Committee on Markets with power. City Attorney Lyon reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: In the matter of the pettiion of Fred Mussehl, stating that he is willing to pay half the cost of the special assessment levied against his property for curbing and gutter- ing the south side of Davis Avenue in the City of Dubuque, which peti- tion was granted April 26th, 1909, subject to a later opinion of the City Attorney, I would respectfully report as follows: Special assessments must be levied in accordance with the special bene- fits conferred; if, therefore, in the opinion of the Council, the assessment in the instant case should be reduced in the amount allowed by the Coun- cil in order to make the assessment comply with this provision of the statute, the action of the Council would, in my estimation, be legal. Respectfully submitted, GEO. T. LYON, City Attorney. Ald. Frith moved that report of City Attorney Lyon be approved and the City Treasurer be instructed to ac- cept one-half the special assessment levied against Fred Mussehl in full settlement of special assessment for improvement of Davis Avenue abut- ting his property. Carried. City Attorney Lyon also reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Replying to your writ- ten inquiry relative to the right of the City to favor private interests by spending money appropriated for the Third Ward Bee Branch sewer, in arching said sewer for the Dubuque Packing Co., I would report as fol- lows: It is, of course, illegal to expend public funds for private interests; however, the sewer in question is a public, municipal enterprise, and if, as I understand the fact to be, the sewer at the place where it is pro- posed to arch the same, runs along a public alley, the arching of the sewer would enable its use by the general public as well as by the Dubuque Packing Company, and the work would be of a public nature, even though incidentally beneficial to the Dubuque Packing Co. As the appropriation made for work on the ewer in the Third Ward does not seem to have been made for any particular kind of work, such as the extension of the sewer, the money could be devoted to any work inci- dent to the imprnvement in question. Respectfully submitted. (71?n. T. LYON. ('ity .Attorney. Aldi Rand mored that report e rtd anf City Attorney Lyon he ai p'o d made matter of record. Carried. The anual report of City Attorney Lyon for year ending February 29th, 1909, was presented and, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, was referred to the Committee of the Whole. Ald. Martin moved hat resolution for the covering of all be ankwithsl ith an asbestos covering 858+ Adjourned Regular Session, October 11, 1909 • from the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. Martin then offered the follow- ing: Whereas it is deemed necessary and advisable to take every possible pre- caution to safeguard the city from a disastrous conflagration, and Whereas it is the duty of the City Council to safeguard the lives and property of its citizens and to reduce the chances of a fire obtaining head- way to the minimum; therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That all tanks holding gasoline, kerosene or other highly inflamable oils be cov- ered with an asbestos covering of not less than one inch in thickness, and be it further Resolved, That the City Attorney and Ordinance Committee be instruct- ed to prepare an Ordinance providing for the enforcement of the aforesaid regulation. Ald. O'Rourke moved that rules be suspended to grant Mr. Robinson, manager of the Standard Oil Co., per- mission to address the City Council in the matter. Carried. Mr. Robinson then spoke, giving reasons why asbestos covering would not be of any protection in case of tire and not at all practical. Ald. Martin then moved the adop- tion of the resolution. Not seconded. Ald. O'Rourke moved that matter of Ordinance requiring covering of all oil tanks with asbestos covering be re- ferred to the Chief of the Fire De- partment to investigate the conditions of tanks of different oil companies and to report back to the City Coun- cil with recommendations. Carried. Mayor Schunk, chairman of special committee appointed to check up con- dition of County Road Fund, report- ed as follows: To the Honorable Council, City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: Your committee, to whom was referred the checking up of the amounts collected by Dubuque County, of the Julien Township one - mill road levy, respectfully report as follows: Total 1 Mill Tax Cons. Road Tax Collected. Levy. Proportion Tax of 1906— $91,051.28 Tax of 1907- 93,460.81 Tax of 1908- 78,880.57 14.8 *To Sept. 1, 1909. This shows the average an- nual collection of the Ju- lien Township road levy for 1906-1907 to have been $7,015.42 13.1 $6,950.48 13.2 7.080.36 *5,327.70 Deducting amount collected to Sept. 1 5,327.70 Indicates that there is still uncollected $1,687.72 We have received for Davis Av,nw. improvement $1,793.06 Deputy Auditor Weimer re- ports per diem and mile- age charged 335.80 Total charged $2,128.86 There is. therefore, still due us on amount collected to Sept. 1, 1909, the difference between amount collected .$5,327.70 And amount received and charged 2,128.86 Due the City Sept. 1, 1909. $3,198.84 Add to this the amount yet to be collected as shown by the experience of 1906 and 1907 1,687.72 Showing the City still en- titled to a total of about..$4.886.56 when the entire year collections are in. Respectfuly submitted. H. A. SCH1'N1(. M. E. LYf\*. H. BRINKM.\N. \ld. Frith moved that report or the Special Committee he adopted. Car- ried. Ald. Frith moved that Council ac- cept $3,000.00 in addition to money already paid by County for improve- ment of Davis Avenue in full settle- ment of money collected by County for road fund for year 1909. Ald. O'Itourke moved as an amend- ment that City accept $3,500.00 in full settlement. Ald. Frith moved as an amend- ment that the Council meet with the I3oard of Supervisors Tuesday morn- ing at 10 o'clock and that no amount be stated as a basis for settlement. Amendment to amendment lost. Amendment carried. Ald. O'Rourke moved that when Council adjourn they adjourn to meet Tuesday evening, October 12th, 1909. Carried, Ald. Frith moved that Council meet with the Board of Supervisors Tues- day morning at 10 o'clock. Carried. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Frith, chairman of the Com- mittee on Fire, reported as follows: Your Committee on Fire, acting under the instruction of your honor- able body, would respectfully report that we advertised for horses for the Fire Department to be brought to the Central Fire Engine House on Wed- nesday, October 6th, 1909; and that Adjourned Regular Session, October 11, 1909 359 the horses presented at that time Were not satisfactory to your commit tee. We therefore re -advertised for horses, setting the date for purchas- ing the same on Saturday, October 9th, 1909, on which date we purchas- ed three horses for said department, and that we now have three horses to dispose of which we respectfully rec- ommend that we be authorized to do at public saleon Saturday, October 16th, 1909. E. E. FRITH. Chairman. Ald, Frith moved the adoption of the report of the Committee on Fire. Carried. RESOLUTIONS AND MOTIONS. Ald. O'Rourke offered the follow- ing: Whereas, The contract heretofore entered into by the ('ity of Dubuque for the improyenu•nt of a certain street as hereinafter described has been completed, and the Pity En- gineer has computed that the cost and expense of said improvement amount to $2.117.26. Therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That to provide for the cost of curb- ing, guttering and macadamizing Da- vis Avenue from Windsor Avenue to a point :tbout 628 feet easterly there- of, the itlayor be and he is hereby re- quiree! to execute and deliver to the City Recorder, to be by him register- ed and countersigned, one bond for $1.,79.06, one bond for $200.00 and one bond for $124.20 numbered 870, S71 and 872, dated October 16th, 1909, payable on or before seven years af- ter the date thereof, and hearing in- terest at the rate of five per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays -None. Ald. O'Rourke also offered the fol- lowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for re - guttering Julien Avenue from Bluff Street to Alta Vista Street by Eagle Point Lime Works, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter nam- ed. situated and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Total Amount Owner. Description. Tax Wales Hotel Co., Sub. 5, City Lot 654, Lot 1 of 1, 60.85 sq. yds, brick guttering at *1.54, $93.70; extra ex- pense, $1.21 $ 94 91 Dubuque Omnibus Co., Sub. 5, City Lot 654, Lot 8, 1.2.- 10 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54, $18.63; extra ex- pense, 24c Dubuque Omnibus Co., Sub. 5, City Logit ';54, Lot 7, 5.35 sq. yds. brig k guttering at $1.54, $8.24; extra expense, 11c. Dubuque Omnibus Co., Sub. City Lot 654, L,it 6, 8.25 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.51. $12.71; extra ex- pense, 17c ...... .... 12 88 \V -m. .1. Jaeggi, Sub. City Pt. ,88 and 654, Lot 1, 12.25 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54, $18.86; extra ex- pense, -5e J. J. Nage. Sub. City Pt. 688 and 65 t, Lot 2, 12.85 sq. yds. bhiek guttering at $1.- 54, $ 1 a.7:t ; extra expense 26c 20 05 M. Ludescher Est., Sub. City Pt. 688 and 654, Lot 3, 12- .50 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54, $19.25; extra ex- pense 25e 19 50 Frank Ludescher, Sub. City Pt. 688 and 654, Lot 4, 12.- 50 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54, $19.25; extra ex- pense, 25c T. E. Rhomberg, Sub. City Pt. 688 and 654, Lot 5, 13.70 sq. yds. brick gutter- ing at $1.54, $.21.10; extra expense, 27c Adam Albert, Sub. City Pt. 688 and 654, Lot 6, 10 sq. yd. brick guttering at $1.54, $15.40; extra expense, 20c. M. L. Grings, Sub. City Pt. 68S and 654, Lot 7, 19.50 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54, $30.03; extra. ex- pense, 39c Bridget Brennan, Sub City, Pt. 688 and 654, Lot 8, 20 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54, $30.80; extra ex- pense, 40c E. H. Sheppele, Sub. City Pt. 688 and 654, E. 33 feet Lot 9, 55 lineal feet curbstone at 60c, $3.30; 16.50 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54, $25.41; extra expense, 33c A. Lorenz Est., Sub. City Pt. 688 and 654, \V. 27 feet Lot 9, 13.50 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54. $20.- 79; extra expense, 27c Isabelle E. Galliart, Sub. City Pt. 6SS and 654, E 18 feet 18 87 8 35 19 11 19 50 21 37 15 60 30 42 31 20 29 04 21 06 360 Adjourned Regular Session, October 11, 1909 Lot 10, 9.00 sq: yds brick guttering at $1.54, $13.86; extra expense, 18c .... C. G. Galliart, Sub. City Pt. 688 and 654, E. 18 feet of W. 47 feet Lot 10, 9.00 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.- 54, $13.86; extra expense, 18c Andrew Galliart, Sub. City Pt. 688 and 654, W. 29 feet Lot 10, 14.50 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54, $22.33; extra expense, 30c. Mary MeAloon, Sub. City Pt. 688 and 654, E. 1-2 Lot 11, 12.75 sq. yds. brick gutter- ing at $1.54, $19.63; extra expense, 25c .... Thomas O'Connor, Sub. City Pt. 688 and 654, W. 1-2 Lot 11, 12.75 sq. yds. brick gut- tering at $1.54, $19.63; ex- tra expense, 26c Dub. Br'g. & Mal't. Co., Sub City Pt. 688 and 654, Lot 12, 54.50 sq. yds. brick gut- tering at $1.54, $83 93; ex- tra expense, $1.10 Pat Rooney, City Lot 703, Lot 2 of 10, 31.68 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54, $48.78; extra expense, 64c Henry Rooney Est., City Lot 703, Lot 2 of 9, 17.17 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.- 54, $26.44; extra expense, 34c .... ...• ...... .•. City of Dubuque, Rock Street, 15.00 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54, $23.10; extra expense, 35c Ben Bassler Est., Farley's Sub., Lot 46, 43.5 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54, 67.00; extra expense, 85c. Anna Sauer wein Est., Far- ley's Sub., Lot 45, 28.5 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.- 54, $43.90; extra expense, 57c.... .... .... Mary L udescher, Farley's Sub., Lot 44, 33.15 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54, $58.75; extra expense, 75c. E. J. Delaney, Farley's Sub., Lot 43, 40.35 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54, $62.14; extra expense, 80e J. Nagle Est., Farley's Sub, Lot 37, 27.2 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54, $41,89; extra expense, 55c J. Nagle Est., Farley's Sub, Lot 38, 27.2 sq. yds, brick guttering at $1.54, $41.88; extra expense, 55c J. Nagle Est., Farley's Sub, Lot 39, 27.2 eq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54, $41.89; 4 lineal feet reset curb at 14 04 14 04 22 63 19 88 19 89 85 03 49 42 26 78 23 45 67 85 44 47 59 50 62 94 42 44 42 43 17c, 68c; extra expense, 55c 43 1_ J. Nagle Est., Farley's Sub., Lot 40, 27.2 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54, $41.88; extra expense, 55c 42 43 J. Nagle Est., Farley's Sub, Lot 41, 27.2 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54. $41.89; extra expense, 55c 42 44 J. Nagle Est., Farley's Sub, Lot 42, 24 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54, $36.96; extra expense, 48c 37 44 J. Nagle Est., City Out Lot 738, Lot 4, 5.62 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54, $8.65; extra expense, 13c. 8 78 J. Nagle Est., City Out Lot 738. Lot 5, 40 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54, $61.60; extra expense, 80c. 62 40 Al. Matthews Est., City Out Lot 738, Lot 6, 40 sq. yds. brick guttering at 15c, $61.60; extra expense, 80c 62 40 S. J. & M. N. Thomas, City Out Lot 733, Lot 7, 11.4 'sq. yds. at $1.54, $17.55; expense, 30c .... 17 85 Frank Jaeger, City Out Lot 738, Lot 8, 10 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54, $15.40; extra expense, 20c 15 60 Miriam Stokley, City Out Lot 738, Lot 9, 26.85 sq. yds. at $1.54, $41.34; extra expense, 54c .... 41 88 Carrie 13. Anderson, City Out Lot 73S, Lot 10. 25 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.64, $38.50; extra expense, 50c 39 00 Mrs. Jennie West, City Out Lot 738, Lot 11, 27.80 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54, $42.82; extra ex- pense 56c 43 38 Wm. Headford Cain's Sub, Lot 1, 52.05 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54, $80.15; extra expense, 1.04 81 19 G. H. Schumacher, Cain's Sub., Lot 8, 53.67 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54, $82.65; extra expense, $1.07 83 72 James McFadden, H. T. Mc- Nulty's Sub., Lot 1, 69.67 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54, $107.29; extra ex- pense, $1.39 108 68 J. J. Murray, H. T. McNulty's Sub., Lot 2, 105.5 lineal feet curbstone at 60c, $63.30; 69.80 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54, $107.49; extra expense, $1.40 .... .... 172 19 Academy Visitation, W. Pt M. Lot 85, Lot 1, 185 lin- eal feet curbstone at 60c, Adjourned Regular Session, October 11, 1909 361 '. $158.45; : extra expense. $2.05 .... .... 271 50 F. W. Wieland, City Lot 653, Lot 7, 22.15 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54, $34.13; extra expense, 44c F. W. Wieland, City Lot 653, Lot 7a, '7.37 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54, $11.35; extra expense, 15c .... H. C. Young, City Lot 653, Lot 8, 15 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54, $23.10; extra expense, 30c John McKinley, McKinley's Sub., Lot 2, 27 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54, $41.58; extra expense, 55c. Dubuque Women's club. McKinley's Sub., Lot 1, 27.- 75 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54. $42.74; extra ex- pense, 55c .... .... Dubuque Women's club, Correll's Dub., Lot 44, 80.65 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1..54, $124.20; extra ex- pense, $1.61 .... .. 125 81 T. E. Rhomberg, Correll's Dub., Lot 43, 25 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54, $38.50; extra expense, 50c 39 00 T. E. Rhomberg, Correll's Dub., Lot 42, 35 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54, $53.90; extra expense, 70c Cath. Rhomberg, Correll's Dub., Lot 47, 35 sq. yds. 'brick guttering at $1.54, $53.90; extra expense, 70c Cath. Rhomberg, Correll's Dub., Lot 48, 25 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54, $38.50; extra expense, 50c Margaret P. Sheppele, Cor- rell's Dub., Lot 49, 25 sq. yds. thick guttering at $1.- 54, $38.50; extra expense, 50c City of Dubuque. Surplus, 3.5 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54, $5.40; extra ex- pense, 7c .... .... Dubuque Br'g. & Malt. Co, City Out Lot 703, Lot 13, 10.5 sq. yds. brick gutter- ing at $1.54, $16.17; extra. expense, 21c .... .. Dubuque Br'g. & Malt. Co, City Out Lot 703, Lot 1 of 14, 15 sq. yds. brick gut- tering at $1.54, $23.10; 36 lineal feet reset curb at 17c, 61c; extra expense, 300 .... .... .... Michael Kenna, City Out Lot 703, Lot 2 of 14, 10.25 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54, Si 5.79; 14.05 lineal feet reset curb at 17, $2.39; extra expense, 21e .... 34 57 11 50 23 40 42 13 43 29 54 60 54 60 39 00 39 00 5 47 16 3S 24 01 '18 39 Michael Kenna, City Out Lot 703, Lot 3 of 14, 10.25 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.- 54, $15.78; 72.5 lineal feet . at 17c, $1.23; extra ex- pense. 20c .... Margaret Martin, City Out Lot 703, Lot 15, 15.42 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.- 54, $23.75; 30 lineal feet reset curb at 17c, $5.10; extra expense. 30c Margaret Martin, City Out Lot 703, Lot 22, 9.2 lin- eal feet curbstone at 60c, $5.52; 15.43 sq. yds brick guttering at $1.54, $23.76; 9 feet curb reset at 17c, 15e; extra expense, 31c Ellen Fitzgerald, City Out Lot 703. Lot 21, 22.75 sq. yds. brick gutering at 1.5c, $35.03; extra expense, 46c. A. R. Staufenbeil. City Out Lot 703, Lot 20, 28.50 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54, 43.90; 37.5 lineal feet re- set curb at 17c, $6.38; ex- tra expense. 57c A. W. Kemler Est., City Out Lot 703, Lot 2 of 19, 25.50 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54, $39.27; 25.9 lineal feet reset curb at 17c, $4.41; extra expense, 51c . Emma Bornhauser, T. Kelly's Sub., Lot 2 of 16, 6.5 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.- 54, $10.01; 4 lineal feet re- set curb at 17c, 68c; extra expense, 13c A. W. Kemler E'st., T. Kelly's Sub., Lot 15, 6.9 lineal feet curbstone at 60c, $4.14; 25.35 sq. yds. brick gutter- ing at $1.54, $39.03; extra expense, 50c . .. Mary Rooney, T. Kelly's Sub, Lot 14, 7.9 lineal feet re- set curbstone at 60c, $4.74; 25 sq. yds. brick guttering at $38.50; extra expense, 50c ... .... .... Michael Doyle• T. Kelly's Sub.. Lot 13. 25 sq. yds. brick guttering at $ 1.54. $38.50; extra expense, 5((c Marg. Martin, T. Kelly's Sub., E. 1-2 Lot 12, 12.50 sq. y'ts: brick guttering at $1.54. $19.25; extra ex- pense. 2225e D. Barry Est.. T. Kelly's Sub., W. 1-2 Lot 12, 13.25 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54, $20.40; extra ex- pense, 26c John Nagle Est.. T. Kelly's Sub., Lot 11. 21.50 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54. $33.11; extra expense, 43c John \agb' Est.. T. Kelly's 17 21 29 15 29 74 35 49 50 85 44 19 10 82 43 67 43 74 39 00 19 50 • 20 66 33 54 362 Adjourned Regular Session, October 11, 1909 Sub., Lot 10, 28.42 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54, $43.77; extra expense, 57c Thos. Whitby, T. Kelly's Sub., E 1-2 Lot 9, 14.75 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.- 54, $22.72; extra expense, 30c.... .... .... ...... Frank Muggenberg, T. Kel- ly's Sub., W. 1-2 Lot 9, 9.75 sq. yds. brick gutter- ing at $1.54, $15.01; extra expense, 20c ...• .• ••••. Cath. McCollins, T. Kelly's Sub., Lot 8, 25.10 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54, $38.65; extra expense, 50c John Nagle Est., T. Kelly's Sub., Lot 7, 25.10 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54, $38.65; extra expense, 50c Adolph Heins, T. Kelly's Sub., Lot 6, 25.10 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54, $38.65; 21 lineal feet reset curb at 17c, $3.57; extra expense, 50c.... .... ...... .... Adolph Heins. T. Kelly's Sub., Lot 5, 25.10 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54, $38.65; extra expense, 50c Emelte Guthrie, T. Kelly's Sub., Lot 4, 25.10 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54, $38.65; 32.8 lineal feet re- set curb at 17c, $5.56; ex- tra expense, 50c .... .... F. D. Collette, T. Kelly's Sub., Lot 3, 25.10 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54, $38.65; 10 lineal feet reset curb at 17c, $1.70; extra expense, 50c.... ...... .... .... John J. Keane, T. Kelly's Sub., Lot 2, 25.10 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54, $38.65; extra expense, 50c John J. Keane, T. Kelly's Sub., Lot 1, 25.10 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54, $38.65; extra expense, 50c John J. Keane, Mobley's Du- buque, Lot 7, 17.25 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54, $26.57; extra expense, 35c John J. Keane, Mobley's Du- buque, Lot 6, 20 sq. yds. bdick guttering at $1.54, $30.80; extra expense, 40c Jessie Bruns, Mobley's Du- buque, Lot 5, 30 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54, $46.20; extra expense, 60c John J. McLaughlin, Mobley's Dubuque, Lot 3, 30 sq. yds, brick guttering at $1.54, $,46.20; extra expense, 60c John J. McLaughlin, Mobley's Dubuque, Lot 2, 17.25 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.- 54, $26.57; extra expense, 35c 26 92 James Alderson, Oxford 44 34 Heights, Lot 1, 19.55 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.- 54, $30.11; extra expense, 40c 30 51 James Alderson, Oxford 23 02 Heights, Lot 2, 28.35 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.- 54, $43.66; extra expense, 57c.... ...... .... James Alderson, Oxford 15 21 Heights, Lot 3, 13.30 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.- 54, $20.48; extra expense, 27c .... ...... .... 20 75 39 15 Henry Bechtel, Oxford Heights, Lot 4, 25 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54, $38.50; extra expense, 50c 39 00 39 15 George Bechtel, Oxford Heights, Lot 5, 25 sq. yds. brick guttering, at $1.54, $3S.50; extra expense, 50c 39 00 H. A. Schunk, Oxford Heights, Lot 6, 25 sq. yds. 42 72 brick guttering at $1.54, $35.50; extra expense, 50c 39 00 James Alderson, Oxford Heights, Lot 7, 25 sq. yds. 39 15 brick guttering at $1.54, $38.50; extra expense, 50c 39 00 James Alderson, Oxford Heights, Lot 8, 25 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54, $38.50; extra expense, 50c 39 00 44 71 Ida Simplot, Min. Lot 82, Lot 1, 40 sq. yds. brick gutter- ing at $1.54, $61.60; extra expense, 80c .. .... .... 44 23 40 85 39 15 39 15 26 92 31 20 46 80 46 80 62 40 Total Assessment $4,057.49 2,457 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.54 per sq yd $3,783.78 320 lineal feet new curb at 60c .... .... ...... .... 192.00 191 lineal feet reset curb at 17c.... ...... .... .... Extra expenses .... .... .. 4 9.2 4 32.47 Total Assessment $4.057.49 All of which is assessed in propor- tion to benefits conferred. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Ald. Rand offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the contractor now engaged in laying a cement side- walk on Grandview Avenue, just south of Grace Street, be notified to proceed no further with said walk un- til the Street Commissioner has visit- ed the place and established a proper line for said walk. Ald Rand moved the adoption of Adjourned Regular Session, October 11, 1909 863 the resolution. Ald. O'Rourke moved as an amendment that the matter be referred to Alderman of the Fourth Ward, City Engineer and Street Com- missioner with power. Ald. Rand also offered the follow- ing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the Union Elec- tric Cotnpany be and they are hereby instructed to place electric lights in the following places: Corner of West 16th and Cornell Streets. Angella Street, about 300 feet from West Locust Street. West Locust Street near Foye Street. Corner of West 14th Street and Auburn Avenue. Ald. Rand moved that the resolu- tion be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke moved that the plat showing dividing lines of Eagle Point Park and the property of the Eagle Point Lime Works be accepted and adopted. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke stated that payment for the sodding of Grandview Avenue was taken one-half out of the expense fund and one-half out of the Second Ward fund, and objected to such a division of the money expended on said work, because there was a spec- ial appropriation made for the im- provement of Grandview Avenue from which said amount should be paid and moved therefore that the City Auditor be instructed to deduct the amount charged for such sodding from the Second Road District and the expense fund and charge the same to the Grandview Avenue Improve- ment Fund. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke also moved that the cost of the labor incurred in spread- ing the liquid asphalt, as well as the cost of the material itself, used in repairing Grandview Avenue be charged to the special fund for the improvement of Grandview Avenue, and the City Auditor be instructed that upon receipt of the report of the labor cost of such work from the Street Commissioner, to make the cor- rection herein mentioned on his books. Carried. Ald. Haas moved that the City En- gineer be instructed to give grade and set stakes on Klingenberg Terrace. Carried. Ald. Frith moved that the City Re- corder advertise for bids for construct- ing culverts across the Bee Branch Sewer between Couler Avenue and Jackson Street and Couler Avenue and Lemon Street. Ald. O'Rourke moved as an amend- ment that the Street Commissioner inspect the bridges across the Bee Branch Sewer and prepare estimate of cost of putting same in shape tem- porarily and to report back to the Council at its next session. Carried. Ald Frith moved that the Mayor have all persons on the pay roll where funds are exhausted laid off and that no one be allowed to draw any money from the funds that are exhausted. Alderman O'Rourke moved that the Recorder advertise for bids for cov- ering the Bee Branch Sewer, south o1 lith Street and present the same to the Council at meeting of Council to be held October 21st, 1909. Carried. Ald. Martin moved to adjourn to Tuesday evening, October 12th, 1909. Carried. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. Approved Attest: '21,'")Qr 1909 Mayor Recorder 364 Adjourned Regular Session, October 12, 1909:' CITY COUNCIL. Adjourned Regular Session, October 12th, 1909. Council met at 8:35 p. m. Mayor Schunk in the chair. Present—Aids. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Absent—None. Mayor Schunk stated that the meeting was an adjourned meeting of the adjourned session of October llth, 1909, of the regular session of Octo- ber 7th, 1909, and was called to take up and consider all matters which may properly come before a regular session of the City Council. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICA- TIONS. Petition of Chris. Ellerman, owner of Lot 6, in Kleine and Klingenberg's Sub., asking that the City Treasurer be instructed to accept the amount of the special assessment levied against said lot for improvement of Hennepin Street without interest was, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, granted and Treasurer to be instructed ac- cordingly. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Mayor Schunk presented and read the following; To the Honorable Members of the City Council: Gentlemen: A conference was held today, Tuesday, October 12th, 1909, at 11:00 a. m. in the Supervisors' room, between members of the City Council, Saul, O'Rourke, Singrin, Rand, Frith, Haas and Schunk, and members of the Board of Supervisors, Cooney, Daly, Ferring, Kingsley, 1VicQuillen, Reinecke and Vorwald. The Councilmen asked $3,500.00 as settlement in full of the Julien Town- ship one -mill road levy controversy for the year 1908 and prior year, and the Board of Supervisors offered ;3.000.00. Finally the Bbard made an offer of $3,250.00 as a basis of compromise, which the Council by a unanimous vote accepted. The expenditure of the $3,250.00 to be made as follows: The City Council is to direct the Street Commissioner, under whose su- pervision all the work will be done, where to expend the money, he to make up and report to the Council monthly in detail his pay roll, which, when regularly examined and ap- proved, shall be certified to the Board of Supervisors, said Board to have warrants issued for the payment of such properly certified pay rolls, until such time that the amount agreed upon in this compromise ($3,250.001 shall have been wholly ex- pended as directed by the City Coun- cil. Respectfully, H. A. SCHUNK, Mayor. Ald. Frith moved that the action of the inembers of the Council with the Board of Supervisors in matter be ap-• proved and report of the Mayor on the meeting be adopted. Carried. Ald. Saul moved that sum not to exceed $1.250.00 be expended on re- pairing North Cascade Road and a sum not to exceed $750.00 be ex- pended on repairing Southern Avenue and Whiskey Hill, said work to be done under the supervision of the Committee on Streets and Street Com- missioner and money to be paid from County Road Fund. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke moved that a sum not to exceed $450.00 be expended from the money to be received from the County on the repairing of Asbury Road and Arch Street. Carried. Ald. Frith moved that a sum not to exceed $800.00 be expended from the County Road Fund on the repair- ing of Millville Road. Carried. Street Commissioner Dorgan re- ported as follows: To the llonorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The undersigned, who was instructed by your honorable body to examine the condition of the two bridges north of Thirty-second Street and east and west of Couler Avenue and report hack to the Coun- cil the probable minimum cost for temporary repairs. would state that it could be done for a sum not to ex- ceed $110.00. Respectfully submitted, JOHN DORGAN, Street Commissionerb Ald. Frith moved that recommenda- tion of Street Commissioner be car- ried out. Not seconded. Ald. Frith moved that Recorder be instructed to advertise for bids for arching two bridges in alleys across Bee Branch sewer, conditioned on payment to be made from next year's appropriation. Motion lost by follow- ing vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith and Haas. Nays — Alds. Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Following report of Special Com- mittee was then read, as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and Council of the City of Duhudn, Gentlemen: The undersigned; ap- Adjourned Regular Session, October 12, 1909 366 pointed by your honorable body to in- vestigate the condition of the walls on the property of F. Burns, situated on the southwest corner of Third and Iowa Streets, would respectfully re- port that we have performed that duty and find that both the walls and the sidewalk are in dangerous condi- tion, and that we notified said F. Burns to have said walls thrown down and the sidewalks repaired and all de- bris removed therefrom within three days from date, and that in case of his failure or neglect to do the same within the time specified, that the City would do the work and assess the cost of the same against his said property. .T. R. REIN FRIED. JAMES R. PICKLEY. JOHN DORGAN. JAMES LYNCH. Ald. O'Rourke moved that action be approved and report be adopted. Carried. RESOLUTIONS A N 11 MOTIONS. Alderman Saul offered the follow- ing: Whereas. Lot 3 of the Sub. of Lots 14 and 15 in Bush's Sub. is a small, triangular piece situated at the inter- section of Dodge and Vine Streets, and Whereas, This piece of real estate, on account of its shape. is of com- paratively no value. the assessed value thereon being but $20.00, and therefore the owner has refused to pay the regular taxes for years back, as well as the special assessments levied for the improvement of Dodge Street and for the construction of a. sanitary sewer therein, and Whereas, The City Treasurer has been unable to sell said property at tax sale for the taxes levied against the same, thus leaving said lot prac- tically unclaimed, and Whereas, The sidewalk abutting said lot is in a dangerous condition and a menace to pedestrians; there- fore Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That the City Recorder be instructed to adver- tise for bids for the construction of a cement sidewalk abutting said lot, the expense of the same to be charged to the Sidewalk Fund. Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith. Haas. Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Ald. Rand offered resolution order- ing a temporary plank sidewalk laid on north side of Seminary Street be- tween Harold and Keppler Streets in front of Lots 3, 4, 5 and the easterly 27 feet of Lot 6 in Littleton and Sa*- yer's Add. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke matter was referred to City Attorney to see if some action can be taken to com- pel Mr. Kemler to lay a permanent cement sidewalk. Ald. O'Rourke moved that City En- gineer and Sidewalk Inspector exam- ine sidewalk on Hill Street abutting on Lot 25, Deming and Horr's Sub., owned by Mr. Kemler, and see if said walk is full width of lot; if not, to notify Mr. Kemler to complete same at once. Ald. O'Rourke moved that Sidewalk Inspector be instructed to investigate why sidewalks were not laid on West Third Street, near College Avenue, and on Cleveland Avenue, abutting on Lot 45, Union Add., owned by Mr. Kemler, and to prepare proper reso- lutions for said sidewalks and present same to the Council at the next ses- sion. Ald. Frith moved to adjourn to Thursday evening, October 21st, 1909. Carried. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. Approve ,Stai-44.44/.44.1909 (Mayor ...... Recorder Attest: 366 Regular Session, October 21, 1909 CITY COUNCIL Regula r —ion, October 21st, 1909. (Official.) Council net at 8:55 p. m. Mayor Schunk in the chair. Present—Alda. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Absent—None. BILLS. Following bills were read and ap- proved and were, on motion, ordered paid: Mike Lavin, inspector of sewer in College Ave. $ 13 50 Pat Ryan, inspector of im- provement in West Locust St. 7 70 Peter Jacobs, 18.7 cubic yards macadam 14 10 John Linehan, hauling garb- age and dead animals dur- ing September 375 70 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., hose for garbage dump 8 00 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., supplies for Sewer Dept. 75 Jos. J. Bertsch Co., pair rub- ber boots for Sewer Dept6 50 F. M. Jaeger & Co., twine for Sewer Dept. 1 50 Lagen, Peed & Berwanger, horseshoeing sewer horse1 50 John Butt, repairs for Sewer Dept. 3 00 Spahn-Rose Lumber Co., lum- ber for Fire Dept. 1 30 E. T. Frith, four days' use of horse for Fire Dept. 5 00 Lagen, Peed & Berwanger, horseshoeing for Fire Dept. 5 50 John J. Powers, horseshoeing for Fire Dept. 18 75 Phil Heller, horseshoeing for Fire Dept. 9 50 Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horseshoeing for Fire Dept. 12 25 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., supplies for Fire Dept. 6 25 C. Falkenhainer, supplies for Fire Dept L. Lindenberg, 6 shovels for Fire Dept. H E. Marshall, repairs on fire engine Key City Gas Co., coke and coal for Fire Dept. Key City Gas Co., rent and maintenance of 4 gas arcs for Fire and Police Depts2 00 Frank Beutin, coal for Fire Dept. F. A. Burns, coal for Fire Dept. Clancy Transfer Co., coal for Fire Dept...... ..... J. Haudenshield, oats for Fire Dept. 777 55 7 6 6 26 50 00 80 90 14 17 16 03 50 09 Matt. Stafford, bran for Fire Dept. 2 85 Mettel Bros., bran for Police and Fire Depts 14 05 Union Electric Co., power for fire alarm system 2 00 H. B. McCarten, repairs for Fire Dept. 25 10 Telegraph - Herald, official printing, September 91 66 Times -Journal, official print- ing, September 92 93 National Demokrat, official printing, September 12 50 Labor Leader, official print- ing, September 12 50 Smith -Morgan Printing Co, printing pamphlets, Sep- tember 22 10 Union Electric Co., arc lights, September 2070 75 Key City Gas Co., light for various departments 80 85 American Ever -Ready Co, batteries for Police Dept. 4 00 Peter Even, coal for Patrol House 17 88 G. F. KIeIh, supplies for Pa- trol House 5 50 Eichhorn & Bechtel, groceries for Police Matron 1 90 J. Haudenschield, oats for Pa- trol horses 43 88 Cincinnati Regalia Co., 6 chain twisters for Police Dept. 6 00 C. W. Katz, meals furnished prisoners during September 1 20 Phil. Breithaupt. plumbing re- pairs at calaboose 7 35 McCollins Transfer Line, wood for City Hall 13 00 W. Lillie, carrying wood to cellar and cleaning cellar2 40 N. J. Enert, sawing 2 cords wood 1 20 W. R. Fawkes, 1 wood tub for use at City Hall 15 Foley's Hand Laundry, towel service, September 4 00 Nesler & Hammel, construct- ing pipe line for fire pro- tection to Park Hill 267 00 J F. Ris & Bro., hardware for Health Dept. 3 45 G. F. Kleih, hardware fo City Hall ! 65 F. A. Burns, kindling for City Hall 6 50 Labor Leader, stationery for Treasurer's office 2 75 Harger & Blish, stationery for Recorder's office 1 75 F. G. Becker, coal for City Hall 33 841/4 Dubuque Telephone Co., tele- phone service, various de- partments, July 1st to Oct lst 50 75 Western Union Telegraph Co, electric clock and time service, September, Treas- urer's office Icwa Telephone Co., telephone 1 00 Regular Ses sion, October 21, 1909 367 service various departments, for October 12 75 H 13. McCarten, repairing fountain on Asbury St 20 45 Dubuque Wooden Ware & Lumber Co., lumber for stakes for Engineer 4 00 C. E. Fitzpatrick, stationery, various departments 18 20 G. L. Korman, 5% retained on North Street improve- ment 116 80 Dave O'Neill. 5% retained on Yale Street sewer 6 02 Street & Steuck, 5% retained on Bee Branch sewer, Third Ward 95 75 O'Farrell Contracting Co., first estimate, grading Louisa St. 300 00 O'Farrell Contracting Co., first estimate, grading Bennett St. 300 00 Wilmer Cook. constructing storm sewer in Oneill Ave. 129 20 Wilmer Cook. grading Stoltz Ave. 369 00 Wilmer Cook, grading O'Neill Ave. 220 92 T. J. Mulgrew Co., cement for Bluff Street Extension 38 20 W. D. Deckert Co., railing for Bluff Street Extension 148 07 Peter J. Seippel Lumber Co, lumber for Bluff Street Ex- tension G. F. Kleih, hardware supplies for Road Dept. G. F. Kleih, hardware supplies for Sidewalk Dept. Spahn-Rose Lumber Co., lum- her for repairs to sidewalks Tibey Bros., 3 manhole rings and covers for Bee Branch. Ed. Norton, to use of oil wagon for spreading road oil Pier Bros., coal for rock crusher F. Beutin, coal for rock crusher T. J. Mulgrew, sewer pipe for Road Dept. G. W. Healey, 3 macadam forks for Road Dept. F. M. Jaeger & Co., blasting material for Road Dept. F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Road Dept. John Butt, repairs for Road Dept Pitts -Thompson Foundry Co, catch basin grate for Road Dept. E. J. Voggenthaler, repairs to stone crusher Standard Oil Co., asphalt road oil F. J. Lewis Mfg. Co., taroid for surfacing streets Henry Wagner, to use of stone tongs Spahn-Rose Lumber Co., lum- ber for Road Dept. F• Schloz & Son, repairs for 4 70 4 05 60 14 93 24 00 11 50 16 40 15 98 1 65 4 50 14 00 2 65 20 05 2 28 4 70 133 17 665 18 25 1 44 Road Dept, E. J. Voggenthaler, repairs on steam roller Iowa Oil Co., oil for steam roller W. D. Deckert, supplies for Road Dept. F G. Becker, coal and wood for steam roller Clancy Transfer Co., coal for steam roller Phil Heller, shoeing carpenter horse L. Lindenberg, hardware for Road Dept. Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., hose for steam roller Key City Gas Co., coal and coke for steam roller Kiauer Mfg. Co., repairs for Road Dept. Spahn-Rose Lumber Co., lum- ber for repairing steam Roller House Key City Iron Works, repairs for rock crusher J F. Ris & Bro., hardware supplies for Road Dept. P. Linehan Sons, sand and wood for Road Dept. 13 00 2 01 1 65 3 00 4 20 12 93 2 40 6 60 7 00 35 00 3 60 6 00 2 23 5 80 14 65 The following bills were read and ordered paid from the sale of bonds: Wilmer Cook, Improving O'Neill Ave. $484-4--54-/ Wilmer Cook improving Stoltz Ave. . 1028 79 J F. Brown, constructing sewer in Glen Oak Ave503 24 Eagle Point Lime Works, re - guttering Julien Ave. 3807 85 N. J. Staner, constructing ce- ment sidewalk abutting Lot 3. Stout's Sub., 232.5 sq. ft. at 10%c 24 99 N. .l. Staner, constructing ce- ment sidewalk abutting Lot 4, Stout's Sub., 232.5 sq feet at 10%c 24 99 N. J. Staner, constructing ce- ment sidewalk abutting Lot 2 of 229, Union Add., 248 sq. ft. at 102'4c 26 66 N. J. Staner, constructing ce- ment sidewalk abutting W. l,4 of Lot 106, Union Add., 301.65 sq. ft. at 13c Following bills were not approved and were, on motion, referred to Street Commissioner to report to next meeting of the City Council: Estate of James Mullen (dec'd), repairing stop box broken by steam roller$ M. Tschirgi & Son, 5% re- tained one year for paving 281 36 Locust Street Following bills were not approved and were, on motion, referred to the Committee of the Whole: NI. Tschirgi & Son, extra work on 32nd Street storm sewer.$ 5 07 8 20 368 Regular Session, October 21, 1909 Street & Steuck, 5% .retained one year on Bee Branch sewer 334 58 Bill of A. E. Bradley, window glass for City Hall, amounting to $6.00, was not approved and was, on motion of Ald. Saul, referred to chairman of Committee on Markets. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICA- TIONS. OMMUNICA- 'I•IONS. Petition of Farley & Lootscher Mnfg. Co., asking that the Illinois Cen- tral Railroad Company be granted the right and privilege to lay an addition- al sidetrack on Jackson Street from the north line of Seventh Street to the south line of Eighth Street, ad- jacent to the west line of their build- ing and submitting plat showing pro- posed track, was, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, granted, and Ordinance Committee and City Attorney to pre- pare Ordinance granting said right. Petition of Jaynes Lee & Son, ask- ing that they he granted an extension of 60 days' time to complete the con- tract of improving Nest Locust Street, was, on motion of Ald. Saul, granted. and contractor to be instructed to keep st•.et in safe, passabe condition. Petition of the Dubuque Park Com- mittee, asking that the Council forth- with, before the winter sets in, cause the necessary survey to be made to establish the line, width and grade of Seventh Ave. from Rhomberg Ave. to the Valley Road leading into the Park, and when the yearly appropriations are made for the coming season that a sufficient sum be appropriated to se- cure the speedy improvement of Sev- enth Avenue, so that it may be ren- dcred possible to provide for the ex- tension of the street car line into the Park, was, on motion of Ald. Haas, referred to the Committee of the Whole to view the grounds. Ald. O'Rourke moved that the City Engineer he instructed to prepare plans for improvement of Seventh Avenue and present same to Commit- tee of the Whole. Carried. Petition of James A. Hayes, stating that he had paid taxes assessed against him for years 1907 and 1908 for Lot 3 of the Sub. of City Lot 600 and on Lot 2 of 2 of the same Subdi- vision with interest, amounting to $22.18, and asking that warrant in said amount be drawn on the City Treasurer in his favor to refund the taxes and interest paid by him, claim- ing taxes were erroneously assessed, was, on motion of Ald. Rand, referred to the Delinquent Tax Committee. Petition of B. Hoffman et al, ask- ing that the special assessment for im- proving Althausci• Avenue, now due, be not collected or advertised until the street is finished and put in pass- able condition, was, on motion of Ald. Frith referred to the Committee of the Whole and the Treasurer to be in- structed not to advertise the property until after the next regular meeting of the Council. Petition of Lois and Louisa Smith, asking that the taxes for the years 1905, 1906, . 1907 and 1903, assessed against their homestead, Lot 101, Fin- ley Add.. be remitted, they being in poor health and unable to pay same, was. on motion of Ald. Singrin, re- ferred to the Delinquent Tax Commit- tee. City Recorder Linehan presented bids for constructing reinforced con- crete cover for Bee Branch sewer, ac- cording to plan for flat cover prepared by City Engineer: also according to p'an for arch cover prepared by Ald. Rand. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke bids were ordered opened and referred to City Engineer to estimate. Bids are as follows: -Eagle Poine Lime Works. fiat slab plan $3195 00 C. W. Noble Co., flat slab plan 3274 20 James Lee & Son, either plan 4034 96 Frank Scharle, arch plan2000 00 Flat slab plan 4416 45 Aid. Rand moved that bids be re- fcrred to the Committee of the Whole to meet at 12 o'clock noon, Fri- day, October 22nd, with City Engineer and Street Commissioner. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke moved that when Council Adjourn they adjourn to meet Wednesday, October 27th, 1909. Car- ried. Bids for constructing cement side- walk on north side of Dodge Street, abutting on Lot 3 of Sub. of Lots 14 and 15, Bush's Sub., was, on .motion of. Ald. Saul, ordered opened, as fol- lows: N. J. Staner, per square foot, 15c. On motion of Ald. Saul contract for constructing cement sidewalk was awarded to N. J. Staner. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. The report of the Water Works Trustees for the quarter ending Sep- tember 30th, 1909, was presented and, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, was re- ferred to the Special Water Works Auditing Committee. Street Commissioner Dorgan re- ported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: . Regular Ses•kion, October 21, 1909 369• Gentlemen: S herewith submit the pay roll for labor on streets in the different road districts during the first half of October,.. 1909: Amt. due laborers on streets$1,434.20 Approved by Committee on Streets. Also submit the pay roll for labor on sewers during the first half of Oc- tober, 1909: .Amt. due laborers on sewer..$199.80 Approved by Committee on Sewers. Also submit the pay roll for labor on Bluff Street I' xtimsion during the hist half of October, 1909: Amount due laborers on street.$41.25 Approved by Committee on Streets. Also submit the pay roll for labor grading Heeb Street during the first half of October, 19111: Amount due laborers on street.$l41.25 Approved by Committee on Streets. Respectfully submitted, JOHN DORGAN. Street Commissioner. On motion of :\ids. Saul and Sin - grin the pay rolls on streets and sew- ers were received and warranis or- dered drawn 111 pay the various amounts and the piny rolls referred back to the proper committees. Street Commissioner Dorgan also reported as follows: To the Fiore table Mayor -and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the pay roll for extra work on Davis Ave- nue during the month of September, 19119. the cost of same to be paid for from the County 1teed Fund: Amount due laborers on Davis Avenue 848.71 Approved by Committee on Streets. Respectfully submitted, JOHN DORGAN, Street Commissioner. On motion of Ald. Saul'the pay roll for extra work on Davis Avenue was approved and pay roll referred to County for payment. City Engineer lig• repotted as fol- lows: To the Honorable 1\layor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith present to yt.0 a reassessment for the sanitary sewer in Francis and Hart Streets and also for the saeitftry sewer in West Fourth Street. The reasssessment is rendered necessary by reason of clerical errors in original assessment. Please order cancellation of previous assessment and the adoption of the ones herewith presented. Respectfully. PAUL ILG, City Engineer. On motion of Ald. Haas the request was granted and the assessments or- dered cancelled and new assessments to be levied. Carried. ,Sidewalk Inspector Lynch presented. the certified copy of notice served. nn Joseph Palen, "administrator of Franciska \Vaguer, owner of Lot 1, of O. S. Langworthy's Sub., ordering a sidewalk laid on the north side of 24th Street between Washington and Elm Streets. No rentenstrnnce being filed find no one 111 the room object- ing to the laying of the sidewalk, the notice was ordered received and filed. Sidewalk Inspector Lynch also re- ported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: C',entlemen: i have investigated the conditions litions of the sidewalk abutting the property of Barbara lslnrn en the ,euth side of Ninth Street between Clay and White Sirs ets and have found sante to be in a poor condition,. and I do not think that by laying said walk it will interfere in any tray with her building. Respectfully yours. JAM l:S I. Y N('Ii. Sidewalk Inspector. tin motion of Ald. Singrin report of the Sidewalk inspector was received and proper resolutions ordering said sidewalk laid to be prepared. City Recorder Linehan presented and rend certified copy of the notice of the Council's intention to levy a special assessmeut for the improve- - n,ent et' Stoltz Avenue from Lemon Street to the West lot line of Lots 12 ftt:,l 52 of Fairmount Park Add., by Wilmer Cook. contractor. Ne remen- stranc•e being filed and no in the room objecting to the levying of the special assessment for the improvement of said Stoltz Avenue, the notice was, on motion received and filed. City Recorder Linehan also pre- sented and read certified copy of the rotine of the Council's intention to lcyy a special assessment fel: the con- struction ttf a s,witary sewer in Glen oak Avenue from Forest 1.ani• to \West Third Street. ltemonstr:nice of Jacob Lenuner against being assessed for said sewer tion of Ald. was then read and, on moemonstra nce t)'Itnnrl< ., notice and r were received and filed. City Recorder Linehan also pre- sented and read certified copy of the notice of the Council's intention to im- prove Fast Street from Delhi to Center Street. No remonstrance being filed and no one in the room ob- jecting to the said improvement, the notice was, on motion of Ald. Rand, received and riled. City Recorder Linehan also Ypre- sented r - netted and read certified copy intention to e notice of the Council levy a special assessment for the re- 870 Regular Session, October 21, 1909 pairing of sidewalks during months of April, June, July, August, September and October, 1909. No remonstrance being filed and no one in the room ob- jecting to the special assessment, the notice was, on motion of Ald. Haas, received and filed. City Recorder Linehan also pre- sented and read the certified copy of the notice of the Council's intention to levy a special assessment for the cut- ting of weeds during the months of July and August, 1909. No remon- strance being filed and no one in the room objecting to the levying of said special assessment, the notice was, on motion of Ald. Haas, received and filed. City Recorder Linehan also pre- sented the surety bond for $5,000.00 of Geo. Ragatz, Sr., as Police and Fire Commissioner. On motion of Ald. Frith same was referred to the Com- mittee of the Whole. City Electrician Hipman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I have made an inves- tigation of the lights taken from P:easant Street and find that two gas- oline lamps were taken from Pleasant Street September 30th, 1900. Respectfully submitted, WM. HIPMAN, City Electrician. On motion of Ald Frith the report of City Electrician Hipman was ap- proved and ordered received and filed. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. O'Rourke, of the Committee on Ordinances, presented and read an Ordinance providing for the election of Park Commissioners and defining their duties and powers and moved that reading be considered its first reading. Ald. Frith moved as an amendment that Ordinance be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. Saul, chairman of the Com- mittee on Streets, reported as fol- lows: Your Committee on Streets would respectfully report that we have ex- amined the improvement on Fifth Street between Main and Iowa Streets, J. F. Brown, contractor, and would recommend that said work be accept- ed and that the City Engineer be in- structed to prepare a special assess- ment against the lots or parcels of real estate benefited by such improve- ment and file the same in the office of the City Recorder, who will there- upon publish the notice of said assess- ment as required by ordinance. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Ald Saul moved the adoption of the report of the Committee on Streets. Carried. Ald. Frith, chairman of the Com- mittee on Fire, reported as follows: Your Committee on Fire would re- spectfully report that acting under the instructions of your honorable body, we purchased three horses for the department, paying therefor the sum of $750.00 and that we sold at public auction the horses which these three were to replace and received at said sale the amount of $294.00 for the same. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the report of the Committee on Fire. Carried. Ald. Rand, chairman of the Com- mittee on Public Grounds and Build- ings, moved that the City Recorder he instructed to advertise for bids for taking care of the town clock for the ensuing year, beginning Nov. 1st, and submit same to the Council at their next regular session carried. Carried. Ald. Haas, chairman of the Com- mittee on Delinquent Taxes, reported as follows: Your .Committee on Delinquent Taxes. to whom was referred the peti- tion of Edith Iawson, stating that she was the owner of Lot 1 of Lots 30 and 31 of Morhiser's Addition, which lot is assessed at $800.00, and that she had paid only $450.00 for the same, and asking therefore that the taxes for the year 1908 be assessed on said basis, would respectfully recommend that the valuation for the assessment purposes for the year 1908 be placed at $600.00 and that the City Treas- urer he instructed to accept the taxes on said basis and to cancel the bal- ance. D. J. HAAS, Chairman. Ald. Haas moved the adoption of the report of the Committee on De- linquent Taxes. Carried. The following report of the Com- mittee of the Whole was read: Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the plat and schedule showing the assessment against the abutting property for the improvement of St. Ambrose Street from Asbury to Willow Streets, to- gether with the report of the City At- torney that said assessment, if levied in accordance with the special benefits conferred on the several lots, was leg- al, would respectfully recommend that the said plat and schedule as present- ed by the City Engineer be approved and that the City Council proceed to levy said assessment. Regular Session, October 21, 1909 371 Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the report of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. RESOLUTIONS AND MOTIONS. Ald. Rand presented and read res- olution levying special assessment for improving St. Ambrose Street and moved adoption of the resolution. Lost by the following vote: Yeas—.Ads. Frith, Haas and Rand. Nays—Alds. Martin, O'Rourke, Saul and Singrin. Ald. O'Rourke moved that the mat- ter of special assessment for improv- ing St. Ambrose Street be referred back to the Committee of the Whole to view the grounds. Carried. Ald. Haas offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque; That to pay for the cutting of weeds under the supervision of the Street Commis- sioner during the months of July and August, 1909, in front of and adjoin- ing the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots and parcels of real es- tate hereinafter named, situated and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Special assessment submitted Octo- ber 21st, 1909 Total Owner. Description. Cost. J. P. Schroeder, Sub. M. L. 158, W. ley of Lot 2 and 3; 4 hours at 50c $ 2 00 J. S. Stephens, S. M. Lang - worthy's Sub., Lots 1 and 2; 2 hours at 50c 1 50 H. G. Torbert, S. M. Lang - worthy's Sub., S. 266 feet of Lot 6; 2 hours at 50c 1 50 S. M. Langworthy Est., S. M. Langworthy Sub., Lots 9 and 10; 1 hour at 50c 50 John T. Hancock Est., Sub. M. L. 158, Lot 6; 2 hours at 50c 1 00 Wm. Hintrager Est., Newberry & Hale's Sub., Lot 17; 21/2 hours at 50c 1 25 R. W. Kemler, Sub. M. L. 79, Lots 6 and 7; 2% hours at 50c 1 25 W. M. Lawther, S. M. Lang - worthy's Add., Lot 13; 3 1 50 hours at 50c W. M. Lawther, Cox's Add, Lots 2 of 91 and 2 of 92; 5 2 50 hours at 50c J. S. Stephens, Julia Lang - worthy's Add., Lots 22 and 2 00 23; 4 hours at 50c E. A. Engler, Subdivision of 10 and 11, Finley Home Add, Lot 2; 3 hours at 50c 1 50 C. H. Meyers, L. H. Lang - worthy's Add.. M. 1-3 of Lot 2 50 99; 5 hours at 50c J. W. Williams, Finley, Waples & Burden Add., Lot 27; 7 hours at 50c Ed. and Winifred Carney, Chas Klingenberg's 4th Sub., Lot 1; 5 hours at 50c A. J. Lembeck et al, Marsh's Add., E. 100 feet of Lot 45; 5 hours at 50c Jas. McCabe, Corriels' Sub., Lot 1; 2 hours at 50c R. W. Kemler, Kelly's Sub. 1, Lot 39; 5 hours at 50c 2 50 Rev. A. Kuhn, Reche's Sub. No. 2, Lot 1; 1 hour at 50c 50 W. W. Whelan Est., Whelan's Sub., Lot 8; 2 hours at 50c 1 00 Julia Langworthy, Julia Lang - worthy's Add., Lot 3; 3 hours at 50c Mary L Bunting, Julia Lang - worthy's Add., Lot 9; 1 hour at 50c 50 V. L. Pool, Julia Langworthy's Add., Lot 10; 2 hours at 50c 1 00 Julia Langworthy, Julia Lang - worthy's Add., Lot 11; 1 hour B.at ail.50c Lacy, Reche's Sub., Lots 35, 36 and 37; 4 hours at 50c 2 00 John Kapp, Reche's Sub., Lot 34; 2/ hours at 50c 1 25 Jno. J. Bradley, Farley's Sub, Lot 13; 6 hours at 50c 3 00 Buol & Loetscher, Loetscher & Treub's Sub., Lots 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14; 9 hours at 50c4 50 R. W. Kemler, Hodge's Sub, Lots 1 of 4 and 2 of 4; 14 hours at 50c 7 00 R. W. Kemler, Cain's Sub, Lots 18 and 19; 9 hours at 50c 4 50 Esther Kenneker, Sub. City 452, N. 1-5; 2 hours at 50c1 00 J. J. Keane, Leven's Add., Lots 1, la, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8; 6 00 12 hours at 50c B. F. Richardson, Morgan's Sub., Lot 10; 6 hours at 50c 3 00 Carr, Ryder & Adams Co., Mor- gans' Sub., Lots 11 and 12; 16 hours at 50c Julia. Rhomberg, Yates & Pickett's Sub., Lot 6; 4 hours at 50c Otto Frenzel, Jno. King's Add, Lot 2 of 6; 4 hours at 50c2 00 R. W. Kemler, 17nd. 1/a, Und. V2 of 23, S. M. Langworthy's Add.,; 4 hours at 50c Cath. Krapfl, Finley's Add., Lot 221; 8 hours at 50c Frank Bell, A. McDaniel's Sub, S. E. 14 of Lot 822; 4 hours at 50c A. A. Loetscher, Fairview Sub, Lot 11; 3 hours at 50c 1 50 A. Schenker and M. RiGlend e ter, N. 50 feet of 223, Add., Lot 223; 2 hours at 500 ..................... 1 00 Max Boemecke, Glendale Add.. S. 1 of Lot 223; 2 hours at 1 00 50c...... ... ....... Chas. Detrick, Ham's Add., Lot 3 50 2 50 2 60 1 00 1 50 50 8 2 00 00 2 4 00 00 2 00 372 Regular Session, October 21, 1909• 3 of .Lot 573; 5 hours at 50c 2 50 A. Huber, Marsh's Add., Lot 29; 41/$ hours at 50c Total Ald. Haas moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas,—Alda Frith. Haas. Martin, O'Rourke, Rand. Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. 2 25 $96 50 .Aid Haas also offered the follow- ing.: Resolved by the City Council of the (.11 y of Dubuque, That to pay for repairing sidewalks .in April, June, ,Tule, August, September and October, 1909. by city carpenters. in front Of and atl_joining the same, a special tax he awl 1 is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots, and parcels of real e1.tah. hereinafter named, situated and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each Int or par- cel of real estate as follows: 1petial assessment submitted • Octo- ber 21st. 1909: Owner. Description. Total. ,April 10---4;ottfried Rlockling- er, King's 2nd Add.. Lot 21 27 feet lumber, 80c; t, hour labor. 25c $ 1 05 June 21—A. J. Lembeck, Marsh's Add., Lot 45. 30 feet lumber( 90c; 1 hour labor, 50e 1 40 June '29 ---Minnie Kemler, South % of City Lot 3a, brick, 70c; 1 hour labor. 50e 1 20 July 3-11. Waller Est., ?lattox Sub.. Add., Lot 1, 22 feet lumber, 65e; 1/2 hour labor, ::5c 90 Aug. 4--W. (3. Cox, Cox's Add, Lots 25-31t, 36 feet lumber, $1.15; 1 hour labor, 50c1 Aug. 4 ----Rich. Waller Est, Klingenberg's 4th Sub., Lot 19, 21 feet lumber, 65c; 2 hours' labor, $1.00 1 65 Aug. 5—(;erman Trust & Sav- ings fiink, McDaniel's Add., Lot 1 u1 8.01. 19 feet lum- ber, 57c: 1 hour labor. 50e. , Aug. 1.9--?. W. Kentlt•r, Lit- tleton & Sawyer's Add., Lot 57: 1 hour Labor. "tate Aug. 20 ---Minnie and A. W. Kemler, McDaniel's Sub., Lot 783, 30 feet lumber, 90c; 1 hour labor, 50c 1 40 Aug. 20 — Sidonia Hosford, MeDaniel's Sub., W. 1/2 Lot Lot 783, 25 feet lumber, 75c; % hour labor, 25c 1 00 Sept. 13—Jno. C. Hilkin, M. L. 76, Lot 5, 5 feet lumber, 15c; 1/2 hour labor, 25c Sept. 17—P. Hughes Est, Neeclham's Sub., Lot 1, 8 feet lumber, 25c; 1/2 hour la- bor, 25c. Sept. 17--R, W. Kemler, Out 65 1 07 50 40 50 Lot 720, Lots 6 and 7, 9. feet •lumber, 30c; % hour labor, 25c Sept. 18,-1lernard (;lass, L. H Langworthy's Add., Lots 10 unci 11, 23 feet lumber, 70c: '1 hour labor, 50c Sept. 18--A. ,T. Lembeck, Marsh's .Add., Lot 45, 5 feet lumber, 15e; 13, hour labor, 214e Oct. 2—R. Waller Est., Summit .Add., Lot 4. 9 feet lumber, 30e: 1 hour labor, 50c Oct. -i- C., 11. & St. 1'. R. 11. Co., Nast Ihtbuoue :\ilcl., Lots feet lumber, •.t".e; 1 hour labor, Soo 55 1 20 40 80 , 1 45 Total $17.12 Ald. Haas moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and 5 ttgrin. Nays --None. Ald. Frith offered the following: Resolved by the C.ty t' '11 'il of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for im- proving Stoltz .-Avenue from Lemon Street to AVrest Ittt line of Lots 12 and 52 of Pail -mount ]'auric Add., by \\'il- mer Cook, contractor, iu front of and adjoining the same, ;t special t:tx b, and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of It t and parcels of real estate her. inttt•1..• aamed, situated and owned. alma r the several amounts t opposite • :tell lot or par- cel of real estat,•, as follows: . Special assessment submitted Octo- ber 2Ist, I9tt't. ]'oral Amount .'riplioll, Tax.Cath. .Altieller, Fairmount Park Add.. Lot 52, 68 lineal feet combination curbstone and guttering :it 75e. $51.00; 5 slutuv• yards nuu•;u1a iug' at rte. $.53.50 est r:t ex- pense. $2.T5 $106 25 Andr. Weisser. 1";irmount Park Add.. Lot ", 46 lin- eal feel 5, o,nbinatiun curb- stone and guttering at 75c, $34.511: 48.33 square yards *macadamizing a t 70c, $33.8 extra expense, $1.85 70 18 Andr. Weisser, G. R. West's Dubuque, W. 60 •ft. Lot 49, n0 lineal feet combination curbstone and guttering It 75c, $45.00; 66.66 square yards macadamizing at 70c. $46.6t;; extra expense, $2.42 94 OS John Stiebor Est., G. R. West's Dubuque, E. 180 ft. Lot 49, 196.65 lineal feet combina- tion curbstone and gutter- ing at 75c, $147.48; 213.33 square Yards macadamizing at 70c, $149.33: extra. ex- pense, $7.9.2 104 73 Regular Session, October 21, 1909 373 Andr. Weisser, Fairmount Park Add., Lot 12, 50 lineal feet combination curbstone and guttering at 76c, $37,50 55.55 square yards macad- amizing at 70c, $38.89; ex- tra expense, $2.02 78 41 James Levi, Fairmount Park Add., Lot 11, 50 lineal feet combination curbstone and guttering at 75c, $37.50; 55.55 square yards macad- amizing at 70c. $38.88; ex- tra expense, $2.01 78 39 Amanda Truog, Fairmount Park Add., Lot 10, 50 lineal feet combination curbstone and guttering at 75c, $37.50; 55.55 square yards macad- amizing at 70c, $38.89; ex- tra expense, $2.02 78 41 James Levi, Fairmount Park Add., Iot 9, 68.5 lineal feet combination curbstone and guttering at 75c, $51.37; 75 square yards macadamizing at 70c, $52.50; extra ex- pense, $2.76 106 63 James Levi, Fairmount Park Add.. Lot 6, 154.7 lineal feet combination curbstone and guttering at 75c, $116.02; 166.10 square yards macadamizing at 70c, $116.27; extra expense, 6.25 238 54 Total $1155 62 743.86 lineal feet concrete combination curb and gut- ter at 75c $ 557 87 811.07 square yards macadam at 70c 567 75 Extra expenses 30 00 Total $1155 62 All of which is assessed in propor- tion to benefits conferred. Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Ald. Frith also offered the follow- ing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for a sanitary sewer in Francis Street from Kaufman Avenue to intersection of Francis Street and Hart Street, along Hart to intersection of Hart Street and Valeria Street, by Tom Jess, contrac- tor, in front of and adjoining the s ,no. a special tax be and is hereby 1,.(1 on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate here- inafter named, situated and owned, and for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real es- tate, as follows: Special assessment submitted Octo- ber 21st, 1909. Owner. Description. Total Cost. Fred Kulow, Tivoli Add.. Lot 22, 50 lineal feet at 66c$ John Stuber, Jr., Tivoli Add., Lot 23, 50 lineal feet at 66c Geo. Wimmer, Tivoli Add., Lot 24, 50 lineal feet at 66c J. B. Rhomberg Est., Tivoli Add., Lot 25, 50 lineal feet at 66c J. B. Rhomberg Est., Tivoli Add., Lot 26, 50 lineal feet at 66c Chas. P. Mettel, Tivoli Add, Lot 27, 50 lineal feet at 66c Chas. P. Quade, Tivoli Add., S. 1/2 Lot 28, 25 lineal feet at 66c Frank Fosselman, Tivoli Add, N. lh Lot 28, 25 lineal feet at 66c Frank Fosselman, Tivoli Add, Lot 29, 50 lineal feet at 66c Hy. Brune, Tivoli Add., E. 65 ft. Lot 30, 50 lineal feet at 660 Wm. D. Kirmse, Tivoli Add, W. 1k Lot 11, 50 lineal feet at 66c Gustave Candler, Tivoli Add, W. 50 ft. Lot 30, 50 lineal feet at .3196 Dom. Hoffman, Tivoli Add, Lot 31. 40 lineal feet at .3196 Dom. Hoffman, Tivoli Add, Lot 32, 40 lineal feet at .3196 Dom. Hoffman, Tivoli Add, Sub. 33, Lot 1, 22 lineal feet at .3196 John Buse, Tivoli Add., Sub. 33, 1 of 2, 29.5 lineal feet at .3196 John Buse, L. H. Langworthy's Add., Sub. 130, Lot 2 of 2, 66 lineal feet at .3196 Chas. Buse, L. H. Lang - worthy's Add., Sub. 130, Lot 1 of 2, 39.9 lineal feet at .3196 Susan Wieland. L. H. Lang - worthy's Add., Sub. 130, Lot 1, 87.5 lineal feet at .3196 John Ess, Krayer's Sub., Lot 5, 50 lineal feet at .3196 Jos. Keller, Krayer's Sub, Lot C, 50 lineal feet at .3196 Frank I). Scharlc, Sci iffner's Sub., Sub 8, Lot 1, Its lineal feet at .3196 Chas. P. Melte]. Schaffner's Sub., Sub. 8, Lot 3, 20 lineal feet at .3196 Anna Meyer, Schaffner's Sub, Sub. 9, Lot 1, 50 lineal feet at .3196 .............tiub., Peter Even, Sehaffner's Lot 10, 50 lineal feet at .319(1 Anna Meyer. :4chaf ine' 'sfeu , Lot 11. at . .3196 . Schaffner's Wm. Wieland, 33 00 33 00 33 00 33 00 33 00 33 00 16 50 16 60 33 00 33 00 33 00 15 98 12 78 12 78 7 03 9 41 2 10 12 75 27 94 15 98 15 98 40 90 9 59 15 98 15 98 15 98 374 Regular Session, October 21, 1909 Sub., Lot 12, 50 lineal feet at .31.96 Eliz. Witter, Schaffner's Sub, Lot 13, 50 lineal feet at .3196 Eliz. Witter, Schaffner's Sub, Lot 14, 50 lineal feet at .3196 Joe Schlagel, Wieland's Sub, Lot 8, 31 lineal feet at .3196 Joe Schlagel, Wieland's Sub., Lot 9, 31 lineal feet at .3196 15 98 15 98 15 98 9 90 9 90 Total $628.90 988.4 lineal feet sanitary sewer, 8 -inch tile pipe, at 44c $434 90 6 manholes at $24.00 each144 00 Extra expense50 00 Total $628.90 All of which is assessed in propor- tion to benefits conferred. Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays -None. Ald. O'Rourke offered the follow- ing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for a sanitary sewer in Glen Qak Avenue from Forest Lane to West Third Street, by J. F. Brown, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situated and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as fol- lows: Special assessment submitted Octo- ber 21st, 1909. Total Owner. Description. Cost. C. M. Wheat Est., Cleminson Sub., Lot 2, 25 lineal feet at 397 $ Geo. Mollart, S. M. Lang - worthy's Add., Lot 26, 50 lineal feet at .397 John W. Cresford, S. M. Lang - worthy's Add., Lot 25, 50 lineal feet at .397 John W. Cresford, S. M. Lang - worthy's Add., Lot 24, 50 lineal feet at .397 Wm. Lawther, Sr., S. M. Lang - worthy's Add., Lot 13, 135 lineal feet at .397 M. & M A. Kemler, Newber- ry & Hale's Sub., Lot 13, 129 lineal feet at .397 M. & M. A. Kemler, Newber- ry & Hale's Sub., Lot 12, 50 lineal feet at .397 M. & ar. A. Kemler, Newber- ry & Hale's Sub., Lot 11, 60 lineal feet at .397 M. & M. A. Kemler, Newber- ry & Hale's Sub., Lot 10, 45 9 95 19 85 19 85 19 85 53 55 51 25 19 85 23 90 lineal feet at .397 M. & M. A. Kemler, Newber- ry & Hale's Sub., Lot 9, 45 lineal feet at .397 C. Gregory, Newberry & & Hale's Sub., Lot 8, 50 lin- eal feet at .397 Peter McKenna, Min. Lot 159, Lot 1 of 2 of 2 of 1 of 7, 93 lineal feet at .397 Fred Keck, Min. Lot 159, Lot 2 of 1 of 1 of 7, 18 lineal feet at .397 C. H. Eighmey, Min. Lot 159, Lot 2 of 2 of 8, 39 lineal feet at .397 A. Trueh Est., Min. Lot 159, Lot 3 of 2 of 1 of 7, 35 lineal feet at .397 Lula Glab, Newberry & Hale's Sub., Lot 7, 64 lineal feet at .397 Lula Glab. Newberry & Hale's Sub., Lot 6, 50 lineal feet at .397 Barbara Glab, Newberry & Hale's Sub., Lot 5, 50 lineal feet at .397 Barbara Glab, Newberry & Hale's Sub.. Lot 4, 50 lineal feet at .397 Louisa Glab, Newberry & Hale's Sub., Lot 3, 50 lineal feet at .397 Louisa Glab, Newberry & Hale's Sub., Lot 2, 129 lin- eal feet at .397 Harriet Bonson, S. M. Lang - worthy's Add., Lot 12, 135 lineal feet at .397 C. M. Wheat Est., S. M. Lang - worthy's Add., Lot 30, 50 lineal feet at .397 Cath. Collings. S. M. Lang - worthy's Add., Lot 29. 5' lineal feet at .397 John Hauser, S. M. Lang - worthy's Add., Lot 28, 50 lineal feet at .397 John Hauser, S. M. Lang - worthy's Add., Lot 27, 42 lineal feet at .397 17 95 17 95 19 85 36 95 7 20 15 55 13 91 25 45 19 85 19 85 19 85 19 85 51 21 53 59 19 85 19 85 19 85 16 72 Total . $633 33 1018.5 lineal feet vitrified fl- inch pipe sanitary sewer at 45c $458 33 5 Manholes at $25.00 125 00 Extra expenses 50 00 Total $633 33 All of which is assessed in propor- tion to benefits conferred. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays -None. Ald. O'Rourke also offered the fol- lowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for a Regular Session, October 21, 1909 375 sanitary sewer in West Fourth Street by Street & Steuck, contractors, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situated and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as fol- lows: Special assessment submitted Octo- ber 21st, 1909. Owner. Description Total Cost. H. B. Spensley, Paulina Lang - worthy's Sub. 5, Lot 2 of 2, 30 lineal feet at .4822 ....$ 14 47 H. B. Spensley, Paulina Lang - worthy's Sub. 5, W. 50 ft. Let 5. 50 lineal feet at .4822 24 12 Edw. Langworthy's Estate, Paulina Langworthy's Sub. 5, E. 100 ft. Lot 6, 100 lineal feet at .1822 48 22 Edw. Langworthy s Estate, Paulina Langworthy's Sub. 5, Lot 16, 80 lineal feet at .4822 3S 57 Edw. Langworthy's Estate, Paulina Langworthy's Sub. 5. Lot 15, 50 lineal feet at .4822 24 12 Edw. Langworthy's Estate, Paulina Langworthy's Sub. 5, Lot 14. 5G lineal feet at .4s22 24 12 Edw. Langworthy's Estate, Paulina Langworthy's Sub. 5, Lot 13, 50 lineal feet at .4522 24 12 Edw. Langworthy's Estate, Paulina Langworthy's Sub. 5, Lot 12, 68 lineal feet at .4822 32 79 Edw. Laagworthy's Estate. Paulina Lang \\.q•thy's Sub. 5, Min. Lot 73, E. 170 ft Lot 4, 170 lineal feet at .4822 Si 98 Edw. Langworthy's Estate, Paulina Langworthy's Sub. 5, Mineral Lot 73, E. 170 ft. Lot 3, 110 lineal feet at .4522 . 53 04 Edw. L„ngworthy's Estate, Paulina Langworthy's Sub. 5, Mineral Lot 73, E. 170 ft. Lot 2, 120 feet at .4822 57 86 Edw. Langworthy's Estate, Paulina Langworthy's Sub. 5, Mineral Lot 73, E. 170 ft. Lot 1, 114 lineal feet at .4822 54 98 Total $478 39 839.5 lin gal feet 8 -inch pipe sanitary sewer at 414x• • •$348 39 5 manholes at $24.'10 120 00 $468 39 10 00 Miscellaneous expense Total $418 39 All of which is assessed in propor- tion to benefits conferred. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution, Carried by the following vote. Yeas—Aids. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Alderman O'Rourke also offered the fol lowing: Whereas, The contract heretofore entered into by the City of Dubuque for the improving of an alley as here- inafter described has been completed, and the City i ngineer has computed that the cost and expense of said im- provement an ount to $341 15; Therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to provide for the cost of im- proving the alley between Jackson and Washington Streets from Eighth Street to Ninth Street, the Mayor be and he is hereby required to execute and deliver to the City Recorder, to he by him registered and counter- signed. two bonds, one for two hun- dred dollars and one for one hundred forty-one and 15-100 dollars, num- bered 87% and 874, dated November 8, 1909, payable on or before seven years after the date thereof, and bearing in- terest at the rate of five per cent. per annum. payable semi-annually. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas. Martin, O'Rourke. Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—N one. Ald. O'Rourke also offered the fol- lowing: Whereas, It is deemed necessary and expedient to improve the East side of Summit Street between West Fifth Street and Fenelon Place in front of and abutting the premises hereinafter described by laying down a permanent sidewalk thereon com- posed of cement material four feet wide: Therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing .generally the location, na- ture and extent of the proposed im- provement on the East side of Sum- mit St. between Nest Fifth St. and Fenelon Place, and in front of and abutting Lot 1, Mattox Sub., Part of City Lot 721, and the kind of ma- terial to be used and an estimate of the entire cost thereof and the amount and cost of such improve- ment, and the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the City, if any, and the cost upon lot damount or parcel as- sessableof ladaup upon land adjacent to or abutting such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City Recorder; that alter 376 Regular Session, October 21, 1909 the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the City Recorder shall notify said abutting and adjacent property owners, as pro /ided by ordi- nance, that such plat and estimate are on file, the location and nature of the improvement, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fix•.fd for hearing, which time shall not be Less than five (5) days after the service of such notice, and after such service shall have been made, the City Recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing. with a copy of such notice accom- panying the same. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith, Haas. Martin. O'Rourke. Rand. Saul and Singrin. Nays —None. Ald. O'Rourke also offered the fol- lowing: Whereas, It is deemed necessary and expedient to improve the South side 01 \Vest Third Street between Walsh Street and College Avenue in front ,,f and abutting the premises hereinafter described by laying down a permanent sidewalk thereon com- posed of cement material four feet wide; Therefore, 13e it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, na- ture and extant of the proposed im- provement on the South side of West Third Street between Walsh Street and College Avenue and in front of and abutting Lots 1, 2 and 3, Col- lege Add., and the kind of ma- terial to he used and an estimate of the entire cost thereof and the amount and cost of such improve- ment, and the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the City, if any, and the cost thereof and amount as- sessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per fent foot, and to fll, such plat and estimate in the office of the City Recorder; that afta' the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the City Recorder shall notify said abutting and adjacent property owners, as provided by ordi- nance. that such plat and estimate are on file, the location and nature of the improvement, kind of material to he used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not he less than five (5) days after the service of such notice, and after such service shall have been made, the City Recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a copy of such notice accom- panying the same. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Ald. O'Rourke also offered the fol- lowing: Whereas, It is deemed necessary and expedient to improve the East side of Booth Street between West Third Street and Solon Street in front of and abutting the premises herein- after described by laying down a per- manent sidewalk thereon composed of cement material four feet wide; Therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, na- ture and extent of the proposed im- provement on the East side of Booth Street between West Third and Solon Streets, and in front of and abutting Lots 9, 10, 1, 2 and 4 and South 26.6 feet of Lot 6, S. M. Lang - worthy's Sub.. and the kind of ma- terial to be used and an estimate of the entire cost thereof and the amount and cost of such improve- ment, and the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the City, if any, and the cost thereof and amount as- sessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City Recorder; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the City Recorder shall notify said abutting and adjacent property owners, as provided by ordi- nance, that such plat and estimate are on file, the location and nature of the improvement, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost. and the time before which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing. which time shall not be less than five (5) days after the service of such notice, and after such service shall have been made. the City Recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a copy of such notice accom- panying the same. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Ald. O'Rourke also offered the fol- lowing: Whereas. It is deemed necessary and expedient to improve the South Regular Session, October 21, 1909 377 side of West Fifth Street between Gilmore Place and Summit Street in front of and abutting the premises hereinafter described by laying down a permanent sidewalk thereon com- posed of cement material four feet wide; Therefore. Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, na- ture and extent of the proposed im- provement on the South side of West Fifth Street between Gilmore Place and Summit Street and in front of and abutting Let 1. Mattox Sub., part of City Lot 72 1, and the kind of material to be tied and an estimate of the entire cost thereof and the amount and cost of such improve- ment, and the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the City, if any, and the cost thereof and amount as- sessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot. and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City Recorder; that after the filing of said plat anti estimate in hip office. the City Recorder shall notify :'aid abutting' and adjacent property owners, tt^ provided by ordi- nance. that such plat and estimate are on tile. the location and nature of the improvement. kind of material to he used, and an estimate of its cost. and the time before which objections thereto can be filed. anti the time fixed for hearing. which time shall not he less than five (5) clays after the service of such notice. and after such service shall have been made. the City Recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council. notify the Couiicil thereof in writing, with a. cony of such notice accom- panying the same. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. tarried by the following vote: Yeas ---:Ah's. Frith. Haas. Martin. O'Iteurlte, rand. Saul and Singrin. Nays— -NI me. :kid. Saul offered the following: Whereas. it is deemed n• eessa0 ,111d expedient to improve 1Ii, North side of Cleveland Avenue het ween 1'nion Street and South Piuff Street in front of and abutting the premises hereinafter described by laying down tt pernttutent sidewalk thereon c•orn- 1,osed of cement material four feet wide: 'Fled of ore, Be it Resolved by the '11?' :'ttuneil of the City of Dubuque: That tete city Engineer be and he is h, rete' enrecte,1 to prepare a Platt h :ging generally the location, na- ture and extent .of the proposed itn- I,rovement oe HO' North side of y lid :\vont' e, bet ween iTntcm :-41re,'t ;tn;t South !'toff Street. acid in front of and abutting Lot 45, Union Add., and the kind of ma- terial to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof and the amount and cost of such improve- ment, and the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the City, if any, and the cost thereof and amount as- sessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City Recorder; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the City Recorder shall notify said abutting and adjacent property owners, as provided by ordi- nance that such plat and estimate are on fife, the location and nature of the improvement. ktncl of material to be used, and an estimtte of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can he filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not he less than five (5) days after the service of such notice. and after such service shall have been made, the City Recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof In writing, with a copy of such notice accom- panying the same. Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke. Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Ald. Singi•in offered the (olletring: \Choreas, It is deemed IP eess'y and expedient to improve the South side of Ninth Street het ween Clay Street and ‘Chico Street. in front of and abutting the premises hereinafter described by laying down a permanent stctetvalk thereon composed of cement mttterinl feet wide; Therefore, He it Resolved by the ('ity Council of the City of Dubuque: That the City Engineer he and he is hereby directed to prepare of flat showing,' generally the location. na- ture and extent ofthe proposed ed i h pruyentent on the South Street. between Clay anti AV'Itite Streets, and in front of and ,limiting City lett 79. and the hind of na-. serial to be tiled, and an estimate or the entire• cost thereof and the an -moot and cont e( such intlry•- men!. and the annelid and cost thereof. to he paid by the City. tnuouiltlany, and the cost thereof and rts- se:;nahle 111)011 each tlo1nh 1 t ( ttcel of land adjacent to fermi fool. and g upon suet tmpt•t,t•eti,ei t 1,. to Tile such idol atrl :=tintali• in the „thee of the city 1teeorder: that after the tiling of 5-.1 id I11ue 1 :11111 ,tim;:te 111 his etPon•, the Vitecordet hail notify saidabuttin: and ailiaccut pet pc•i'ly 110(1 ltt''tttdotl by erdi- mince. Ih;,, i it rim and estimate 878 Regular Session, October 21, 1909 are on file, the location and nature of the improvement, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five (5) days after the service of such notice, and after such service shall have been made, the City Recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a copy of such notice accom- panying the same. Ald. Singrin moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith, Haas. Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Alderman Rand offered the follow- ing: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That East Street from Delhi Street to Center Street be improved by grading, curb- ing, guttering and macadamizing the same in accordance with the plans and specifications for such improve- ment prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder; and be it further Resolved, That said improvement shall be completed on or before the 15th day of December, 1909, and shall be paid for in the manner prescribed by Chapter XXXII of the Revised Ordinance of the City of Dubuque for the payment of the cost of street im- provements. The proposals for doing said work shall be acted upon by the Council on the 4th clay of November, 1909, and the City Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication asking for proposals as provided by ordinance. Ald. Rand moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saur and Singrin. Nays—None. Ald. Frith offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, That a permanent sidewalk of the width of four feet be and the same is hereby ordered to be laid on the East side of Washington Street, between Twen- ty-fifth and Twenty-seventh Streets, and in front of the following described premises: North 25 feet of Lot 44, Lots 45 and 46, E. Langworthy's Add. Such sidewalk to be constructed of materials and in the manner as fol- lows, to -wit: Eight inches of cinders, three inches of concrete and one -inch of cement wearing surface. Said side- walk to be completed on or before the 15th day of November, 1909, and the cost of the same be taxed against said premises and collected in the manner prescribed by law. Be It Further Resolved, That said property owner be and is authorized to construct said sidewalk at his own expense, provided he begins work thereon within ten days after being notified by the City Recorder of the passage of this resolution by the City Council, and completes the same within thirty Jas thereafter. Be It Further Resolved, That if said work is not commenced within the time named in said notice that the City Recorder be • and is hereby or- dered to give ten days notice by two publications asking for proposals for the doing of said work under contract vith the City. The proposals for the doing of said work shall be acted upon by the City Council on the '4th day of November, 1909. A ld. Frith moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alda. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Ald. Frith also offered the follow- ing: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: That a permanent sidewalk of the width of four feet be and the same is hereby ordered to ba laid on the North side of High Blufr Street, between Stafford Avenue and D•Iiddle Avenue and in front of the, following described pre- mises: Northeast 37.6 feet of Lot 30, McCraney's Add. Such sidewalk to be constructed of materials and in the manner as follows, to-witq Eight inches of cind_rs, three inches of con- crete and one inch of cement wearing surface. Said sidewalk to be com- pleted on or before the 15th day of November, 19u9, and the cost of the same be taxed against said premises and collected hh the manner prescribed. by law. Be It Furtht_r Resolved, That said property owr,zr be and is authorized to construct said sidewalk at his own expense, prov'.ded he begins work thereon within ten days after being notified by the City Recorder of the passage of this resolution by the City Council, and completes the same with- in thirty days thereafter. Be It Further Resolved, That if said work is not commenced within the time named in said notice that the City Recorder be and is hereby or- dered to give ten days notice by two publications asking for proposalo for the doing of said work under contract with the City. The proposals for the doing of said work shall be acted upon by the City Council on the 4th day of November, 1909. • Ald. Frith tnoved the adoption of the resolution: Regular Session, October 21, 1909 379 Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Si.igrin. Nays—None. Ald. Frith also in g: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: That a permanent sidewalk of the width of four feet be and the same is here- by ordered to be laid on the North side of Twenty-fourth Street. between Washington and Elm Streets, and in front of the following described pre- mises: Lot 1 of O. S. Langworthy's Sub. Such sidewalk to be constructed of materials and in the manner as follows. to -wit: Eight inches of cinders, three inches of concrete and one inch of cement wearing surface. Said sidewalk to be completed on or before the 15th day of November, 1909, and the cost of the same be taxed against said premises and col- lected in the manner prescribed by law. Be It Further Resolved, That said property owner be and is authoriezd to construct said sidewalk at his own expense, provided ht, begins work thereon within ten days after being notified by the City Recorder of the passage of this resolution by the City Council, and completes the same with- in thirty days thereafter. Be It Further Resolved, That if said work is not commenced within the time named ht said notice that the City Recorder be and is hereby or- dered to give ten days notice by two publications asking for proposals for the doing of saki N%ork under contract with the City. The proposals for the doing of said w,rk &hall be acted upon by the City Council on the 4th clay of November. 1909. Md. Frith tinovcd the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the Yollowing vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke. Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. offered the follow- Ald. Frith also offered the follow- ing: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the different railroad companies entering the City be instructed to provide gates at all crossings where the same may be deemed necessary by the City Coun- cil and that they be notified to sub- mit plans for same at the next regu- lar meeting of the City Council. Md. Frith moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Ald. O'Rourke stated that the Union Electric Co. had agreed to pay $528.04 of the bill of Lewis Mfg. Co. for taros furnished for improvement of Alpine Street, same to be In full settlement of all work done by the City in re- pairing between tracks of said com- pany on said street. And moved that $528.04 be accepted from the Union Electric Co. in full settlement for all labor performed and material furnish- ed in improving Alpine Street between tracks of said company. Carried. Ald. Haas stated that the two bridges across the alleys north of Thirty-second Street and East and West of Couler Avenue were in bad shape and it would be necessary to do something toward improving their condition and that he had taken the matter up with the Mayor to see if the expense of replacing said bridges with stone or concrete culverts could be taken out of the Expense Fund, and that the Mayor had investigated the matter and found the fund in such condition that same would warrant the expense of paying for the culverts . from the Expense Fund. Mayor Schunk then made the fol- lowing statement: "When recently I expressed the opinion that the expense fund would not stand the expense for two culverts in the Fifth Ward, it was an expression of fear rather than of knowledge of the facts. I have since the fund and I find that in my pre- carefully investigated the condition of vious assertion I was mistaken, and can now state that the fund will stand the expense and I will gladly sign a contract for such expenditure, pro- vided it does not exceed $700.00." Ald. Haas then moved that City Re- corder be instructed to advertise for bids for constructing culverts in al- leys between Jackson Street and Couler Avenue; also between Couler Avenue and Lemon Street and Thirty- second Street and Peru Road, accord- ing to plan for concrete culvert; also for stone culvert, and to submit bids to the Council at the meeting to be held October 27th, 1909. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke moved that matter of catch basins . at Fifth and White Streets be referred to the Sewer Com- mittee. Carried. Ald. Singrin moved to adjourn to Wednesday evening, October 27th, 1909. Carried. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. Approve .1909 ...Recorder 4() Adjourned Regular Session, October 27, 1909 CITY COUNCIL Adjourned Regular Session, October 27th, 1909. Council met at 8:30 p. m. Mayor Schunk in the chair. Present—Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Absent—None. IVlayor Schunk stated that the meeting was an adjourned meeting of the regular session of October 21st, 1909, and was called to take up and consider all matters which may prop- erly cone before a regular session of the City Council. BILLS. Pili of James Lee & Son, first es- timate for grading West Locust Street, amounting to $493.00, was not approved and. on motion, was re- ferred to City Engineer to report back to the City Council. PPI of 'l'ibey Bros., 5% retained one year for improving Grandview Avenue, amounting to $459.85, was not approved and was referred to the Street Commissioner to report back to the City Council. BIDS. Bids for constructing culverts in alley between Couler Avenue and Jackson Street; also in the alley be- tween Colder Avenue and Lemon Street and Thirty-second Street and Peru R. rad: also for caring for the town ,:lock for the ensuing year were presented and, on motion of Aid. Martin, rA ^l 0 ordered opened, as fol- lows: For constructing concrete culvert across alley between Couler Avenue and Jack -on Street and Thirty-second Street and Peru Road: Nick J. Stank. per lineal foot, $21.00. Frank D. Scharle. per lineal foot, $25.00. For constructing concrete culvert across alley between Couler Avenue and Lemon Street and Thirty-second Street and Peru Road: Nick J. Staner. per lineal foot. $.'0.45. Franc r:. Scharle, per lineal foot, $25.00. Ald. O'Rourke moved that bids for constructing culverts across alleys be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Ald. Martin moved as an amend- ment that contracts for constructing culverts be awarded to the lowest bidder, Mr. 'Nick J. Staner... An1VUGlr merit carried. Bids for taking care of the town clock for the ensuing year are as fol - lo ws• J. P. Buechele, cleaning, oiling, winding and furnishing such small materials as are necessary to keep city clock in repair for one year, $144.00. On motion of Ald. Frith, contract for caring for town clock for ensuing year was awarded to Mr. J. P. •Buechele PETITIONS ANI) COMMUNICA- TIONS. Petition of Peter J. Seippel Lum- ber Company, asking that they be authorin,1 to fill that portion of Har- rison Street to the east of their lots and that the Council secure to them reimbursement therefor whenever said street is improved, was. on mo- tion of Ald. Rand, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of John Schueller. asking that the Council have the grade on Groveland Place in Burden -La wther Addition established as soon as pos- sible, •zo that he may build on said street this fall, was, on motion of Ald. Frith, referred to the Committee• of the Whole. Petition of Elizabeth Buehler. own- er of Lot 22. Cook's Add., asking that the City Treasurer be instructed not to sell her property to pay the special assesamerts levied fur side\valk and sewer improvements. was, on motion of Aid. Singrin, referred to the Com- mittee of the Whole. REPORTS OF COMMI'V1'El' S. Ald. Martin, chairman of the ( 'i,itt mittee on Ordinances. presented and read an Ordinance granting to the Illinois Central Railroad Company. its successors and assigns, the right to lay a sidetrack on Jackson Street, commencing at the south line of Sev- enth Street and running north along the west side of Jackson Street to the south line of Eighth Street and adjacent to the west line of Farley & Loetscher Mfg. Co.'s building, in the City of Dubuque, and regulating the construction, use and maintenance thereof, and moved that the reading just had be considered its first read- ing. Carried. API. Haas moved that time limit of 20 years be granted the Illinois Central Railroad Company for the side track. Carried. Ald. Martin moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of read- ing the Ordinance by its title for the second reading. Carried by the following vote: Yeas --:.ids. Frith, Haas, Martin. Adjourned Regular Session,• October 27, 1909 381' O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Ald. Martin then rnovcd that tht Ordinance be now adopted as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alda. Frith, Haas, Martin. O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None.• • The Ordinance follows: AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE granting to the Il- linois Central Railroad Company, its successors and assigns, the right to lay a. sidetrack on Jackson Street, commencing at the south line of Seventh Street and running north along the west side of Jackson Street to the south line of Eighth Street and adjacent to the.west line of the Farley & Loetscher Manufac- turing Co. building, in the City of Dubuque, and regulating the con- struction. use and maintenance thereof. Be It Ordained by the Pity Council of the ('ity of Dubuque: Section 1. That permission be and the sane is hereby granted to the Il- linois Central Railroad Company. its successors and assigns, to, lay. use and maintain a sidetrack on Jackson Street. commencing at the south line of Seventh Street and running north along the west side of Jackson Street to the south line of Eighth Street. and adjacent to the west line of the Farley & Loetscher :Manufacturing Co. building. in the ('ity of Dubuque, as shown by plat showing said pro- posed side track. on file in the office of the city Recorder of said City. marked Exhibit "A," and hereby re- ferred to and made part of the pro- visions of this ordinanee. Section 2. That the laying down of said sidetrack shall he clone under the supervision of the ('ity Engineer and the Committee on Streets of said City. section :t. 'Thatin the laying down and operation of said sidetrack. the same sha 11 be So cons.e rueteet n 1 1 main- tained as to create th, obstruction to "riltartrc Ira\ :1101 the use of the street in That cars shall not he allow,•, t -land oft streets intersecting said si,l, hack. nor for an unreasonable length of time on said track, and said sidetrack shall at all times be used in accordance with all lawful regulations now or here- after enacted by said city. Section 4. That said sidetrack shall be laid to the established grade of the streets o11 which it is Situated, and should the grade be changed at ally time said track shall he changed 10 conform to such eh;ingt. at the ex - pens(' of said Illinois Cent rel Railroad Company, and without claim for darn - ages against said l'1ty. Section 5. That said Railroad ('ompany shall keep the space he - the rails of said sidetrack and the space to the ends of the ties so graded that carriages may easily- pass over the same, and shall keep such spaces properly planked, paved, ma- cadamized, or otherwise improved, as may he required by said City, and shall keep any sidewalk crossing said track properly planked or otherwise improved as the City Council may di- rect. Seid Railroad Company shall plank the space between the rails and over the ends of the ties of the mid- dle track now constructed on said Jackson Street between Seventh and Eighth Streets, and also keep said track clear and free of cars, so as not to interfere with the passage of vehicles across and over the same. Section 6. That said sidetrack shall be so constructed and main- tained as not to dam up or obstruct the flow and drainage of water in the gutters or on the surface of the streets, and said Railroad Company shall be subject to and strictly com- ply with all reasonable police regula- tions hearing on the use and opera- tion of said sidetrack. Section 7. The City of Dubuque hereby reserves the right to revoke the privilege hereby granted at any time after 90 years from the time this ordinance becomes operative. Section 1 . That said Illinois Cen- tral Railroad Company shall allow all other railroad companies owning and operating lines in the ('ity of Du- bu,nte to switch and "place" cars upon said track, at a charge not to exceed fifty cents for each car. Section 9. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and its publica- tion one time in the Dubuque Tel - graph -Herald and in the Dubuque Times -Journal. official newspapers of said City. and written acceptance thereof on the part of said Illinois Central Railroad Company. duly in- dorsed hereon. 1909. Adopted -- -- — ---, 1909. Approved - Attest: 11;tyor. City lteeorcl,r. provisions and term.- ..I' (he foregoing ordinance ore her. b.\ ill- cepted this — day of - 1909. Ald. Al;u•tin, chairman X11 the (om- ,rued mittee oil (nrdiaances, al" p "e to and read ;10 tlr lin uer O'runting the Peter .1. 1 .Il( (',1111- p;tuy, its successors and assi'f Irou ntle ens, the xclusive use pf rt ofSltee the Leve. in the comprising a part City of Dubuque, Iowa. the Motherly hou1dnry of ecliich shall be the stot•01 seiv,.t•, as it is now constructed across said T.,.e„ at its intcre,•'.ti'ett with 382 Adjourned Regular Session, October 27, 1909 Dodge Street, the westerly boundary of which shall be a line which is twenty (20) feet easterly from the westerly boundary of said Levee, the northerly boundary of which shall be parallel with said storm sewer and two hundred and fifty (250) feet northerly there- from, and the easterly boundary of which shall he the Mississippi river, for a period of ten years, and regu- lating and controlling such grant, and moved that the reading just had be considered its first reading. Carried. Ald. Martin then moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of reading the Ordinance by its title for the second reading. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Ald. Martin moved that the Ordin- ance be now adopted as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Aids. Haas, Martin. O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—Ald. Frith. The Ordinance follows: AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE granting to the Peter J. Seippel Lumber Company, its successors and assigns, the ex- clusive use of a space of ground, comprising a part of the Levee in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, the southerly boundary of which shall be the storm sewer, as it is now' constructed across said Levee at its intersection with Dodge Street, the westerly boundary of which shall be a line which is twenty (20) feet easterly from the westerly bound- ary of said levee, the northerly boundary of which shall be parallel with said storm sewer and two hun- dred and fifty (250) feet northerly therefrom and the eastely boun- ary of which shall be the Mississ- ippi River, for a period of ten (10) years, and regulating and controll- ing such grant. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That there be and here- by is granted to the Peter J. Seippel Lumber Co., its successors and as- signs, for a period of ten (10) years from the date this ordinance takes effect, the exclusive use of a parcel of ground, comprising a part of the Levee in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, the southerly boundary of which shall be the storm sewer, as it is now con- structed across said Levee at its in- tersection with Dodge Street, the westerly boundary of which shall be a line which is twenty (20) feet east- erly from the westerly boundary of said Levee, the northerly boundary of which shall be parallel with said storm sewer and two hundred and fif- ty (250) feet northerly therefrom, and the easterly boundary of which shall be the Mississippi river. Section 2. That said grant is for the purpose of enabling the benefic- iary therein to use the space afore- said for purposes incident to the re- ceiving of logs and rafts from th(s river and the receiving and shipment of lumber and other materials and products connected with the business purposes of said company; and, as in- cident thereto, the beneficiaries here- of are hereby authorized and empow.. ered to erect on the said space such temporary structures, machinery and improvements as they may see fit provided the same are constructed and operated otherwise in compliance with all lawful ordinances and regu- lations now or hereafter in force, and provided said structures, machinery and improvements are adapted to and are used for the purpose aforesaid; and provided, further, that the privi- leges hereby granted shall terminate whenever said beenficiary shall, for an unreasonable time, cease to use the said space for the purpose aforesaid. Section 3. That whenever the rights and privileges hereby granted have terminated, the beneficiaries hereafter shall, at their own expense, remove from said space all structures and machinery then thereon belong- ing to them, and shall restore the sur- face of said space to the condition the same now is, so far as any changes) therein, made by them are concerned. Section 4. That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph - Herald and in the Dubuqu: Times - Journal, official newspapers of said City. Adopted 1909. Approved , 1909. Attest: Mayor. City Recorder. Ald. Martin moved that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare plat and set stakes showing east and west lines of River Street, also lines of space granted to Peter J. Seippel Lumber Company. Carried. Ald. Saul, chairman of the Com- mittee on Streets, reported as follows: Your Committee on Streets would respectfully report that we have ex- amined the improvement on Louisa Street from Grace to Bennett Streets, The O'Farrell Contracting Co., con- tractor, and would recommend that said improvement be accepted and that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare a special assessment against the lots or parcels of real es- Adjourned Regular Session, October 27, 1909 383 tate subject to assessment for said improvement and file the same in the office of the City Recorder who will thereupon publish the notice of said assessment as required by ordinance. Also, your Committee on Streets would respectfully report that we have examined the brick paving on Windsor Avenue from the end of the previous improvement to a point three hundred and twenty feet north- erly thereof, F. Beutin, contractor, and would recommend that said im- provement be accepted and that the City Engineer be instructed to pre- pare a special assessment against the several lots and parcels of real estate subject to assessment for said im- provement and file the same in the office of the City Recorder who will thereupon publish the notice of said assessment as required by ordinance. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the various reports of the Committee on Streets. Carried. Ald. Singrin, chairman of the Com- mittee on Sewers, reported as fol- lows: Your Committee on Sewers would respectfully report that we haxe ex- amined the sanitary sewer in College Avenue from Allison Place to West Fifth Street. Street & Steuck, con- tractors, and would respectfully rec- ommend that said sewer be accepted and that the City Engineer be in- structed to prepare a special assess- ment against the several lots or par- cels of real estate subject to assess- ment for said improvement and the the same in the oMoe of the City Re- corder, who will thereupon publish the notice of said assessment as re- quired by ordinance. W. SINGRIN, Chairman. Ald. Singrin moved the adoption of the report of the Committee on Sew- ers. Carried. Aid. O'Rourke, chairman of the Committee of the Whole, reported as follows: 'Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the profile show-. ing a proposed grade on Belmond Street from Rose Street to West Four- teenth Street, would respectfully rec- ommend that said grade be approved and that the Committee on Ordin- ances be instructed to prepare an or- dinance legally establishing said grade. Also, your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of J. R. Reinfried et al., asking that the name of the Chief of the Fire Depart- ment and also that of the City Elec- trician be stricken from the pay roll for officers and carried on the regular fire pay roll, would respectfully reo- ommend that the prayer of the peti- tioners he granted and that the City Auditor be instructed accordingly. Also, your Committee of the Whole, to whom was refered the petition of Eva W. Faherty et al, asking that a sanitary sewer be constructed in Needham Place and West Seventh Street, would respectfully recommend that the prayer of the petitioners be granted. Also, your Committee of the Whole would respectfully report that we have authorized the Committee on Fire to install a new water heater in the No. 1 Engine House. Also, your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of John Olinger, alleging that his prop- erty, called Boulevard Addition, is over -assessed in proportion with other adjacent vacant property, and asking therefore that the valuation on said addition be reduced, would respectful- ly recommend that said petition be re- ceived and filed. Also, your Committee of the Whole, reporting on the matter of the as- sessment for the improvement of St. Ambrose Street from Asbury to Wil- low Street, would respectfully state that we have viewed the grounds and that we find said assessment is levied in accordance to the benefits conferred upon the several lots assessed for said improvement: we would therefore recommnd that said assessment be approved and that the resolution levying the same be adopt- ed. Also. your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Timothy Dillon, stating that on De- cember 12. 1895, the City Council lev- ied a Special Assessment against Mineral Lot 12 and also against Lot 2 in Linheim's Addition, for the im- provement of Grandview Avenue, of which assessment said petitioner 1' as Paid to the City an amount equal to 52 1-2 per cent. of the original as-' sessmeat and asking that the Cite ac- cent $25.00 in full settlement of the balance. would respectfully re( )m - mend that said petition be received and filed. Also. your Committ'e of the Whole, to whom was referred the communi• cation of C. W. Katz in relation to the condition of the Market Housed tha would respectfully e said communication be received and filed. 384 Adjourned Regular Session, October 27, 1909 Also, your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of F. G. Pierce, secretary of the Iowa League of Municipalities, asking that the City of Dubuque pay its dues in said League and resume its member- ship therein, would respectfully rec- ommend that the prayer of the .peti- tionr be granted and that a tvarrant in the sum of $50.0(1 be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer to pay the same. Also, your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referrec ,.he bill of Street & Steuck, amounting to $320.00 for extra work fillt tg sidewalk on West Fourth Street, would respectful- ly recommend that said bill be re- ferred to the City Engine.•r to report to the City Council at its next regu- lar session. Also, your Committee >i the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of C. H. Meyer, asking for the vacation of Ruth Street in King's Grove Addi- tion. would respectfully recommend that said petition he received and filed. JOHN O'F..OURKE. Chairman. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the various reports of the Commit- tee of the Whole. Carried. i:ESOLUTIONS AND MOTIONS. Ald. Rand offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for St. Ambrose Street from Asbury Street to Willow Street. by Tibey Bros.. con- tractors, in front of and adjoining the Mille, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots a.nd parts of lots, and parcels o; real estate here- inafter narm'(l, situate and owned. and for the several amount:- set op-, pssite each lot er parcel of real estate. as folln•xs: Special ass: ssment sutmitted Aug. 5th. 1909. Total Owner. Descripticrh. Assessm't Albert Kuhn, Finley's Add.. Sub. 128, Lot 4, $164.50; Lot 3, $110.00; Lot $•110.00; Lot 1. $127.22.... 511.72 .Arthur McCann, 7 lein- schmidt's Sub., Lot 8, $33.00 Sisters of the Holy Ghost, Finley's Add., L t 27, $3:3.05 St. Anthony's Church, Fin- ley's Add., Lot 20, $164.60; Lot 19, $144.88; Lot 18, $144.88 Mary C. Dunn, Finley's Add, Lot 16, $129.62: Int 17, 8144.88 O erne) n Orphan Asylum, Finley's Add.. Lot 130, 33.00 33.05 454.26 274.50 $22.11122.10 $1,328.63 All of which is assessed in propor- tions to benefits conferred. Ald. Rand moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the. following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Ald. Rand ofe.red the following; Wheeras. it is deemed necessary and expedient to improve the north side of West Foc.rteenth Street, be- tween Alta Vista Street and North Glen Oak Avenue, in front of and abutting the premises hereinafter de- scribed by laying down a permanent sidewalk thereon, composed of cement material four feet wide. Therefore, be it resolved by the City Council of the Cit, of Dubuque: That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepay a plat showing generally the Location, nature and extent of the proposed improve- ment on the norti, side of West Four- teenth Street. 1 1v'en Alta Vista Street and Nora Olen Oak Avenue, and in front of and abutting lot 1 of 16, Mt. Pleasant Add., and the kind of material to be used, and an estim- ate of the entire cost thereof and the amount and cost of such improte- ment. and the amount and cost there- of, to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assess- able upon each lot or parcel 01' land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, aril to file such plat 44041 estimate in theof- lice of the City Recorder; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the City Itccorrlet' shall no- tify said abutting and adjacent prop- erty owners, as provided by ordinance. that such plat anal estimate are en tile, the location and nature of the improvement, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which objoct.ons thereto can be tiled, and the time fixed for hearing. which tiure shall lint be les.' than live (5 days lifter the service of such notice, and after such service shall have been made. the City Recorder shall. at the next regu- lar session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. Rand moved the adoption of the re- '(lotion. . red by the following vote: Yeas. Aids. I" rith, Haas. Martin, +)'Rourke. 1::ind, Saul and Singrin. Nays --None. Ald. Frith offered the following: Wheeras, The City of Dubuque, for Adjourned Regular Session, October 27, 1909 385 the better protection from fire of the Property of the residents of Park Hill, caused to be laid a water pipe in Park Hill Avenue, extending from Couler Avenue to Davenport Street, and Whereas, In order to supply said pipe with water it is necessary to con- nect a steam engine with the nearest hydrant, and Whereas, The nearest hydrant to said pipe is now located on the east side of Couler Avenue and some dis- tance from Park Hill Avenue, which causes considerable delay in making connections therewith, besides inter- fering with the street car service, therefore Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that the May- or be and he is hereby instructed do request the Wttter Works Trustees to change said hydrant to the west side of the street and locate the same at the corner of Park Hill and Couler Avenues. Ald. Frith moved the adoption or the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke. Rand. Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Ald. Rand brought up the matter of the laying of sidewalks on Seminary Street, abutting property of Mr. Kem- ler. Ald. O'Rourke moved that the Street Commissioner and Sidewalk In- spector be instructed to measure off the portion of the sidewalk on they north side of Seminary Street between Harold and Keppler Streets, abutting on Lots 3, 4 and 5 and east 27 feet of Lot 6, Littleton & Sawyer's Add., where a permanent sidewalk can he laid, and also measure portion where temporary sidewalk will be necessary to be laid and report to the Council at the next session. Ald. Rand brought up the matter of the covering of the Bee Branch Sewer south of Seventeenth Street. After much discussion, Ald. Martin moved • that the City employ Mr. James Boyce as an associate to the City Engineer for the purpose of preparing another plan for covering Bee Branch Sewer and the Mayor to go over the grounds with the two engineers and to arrange with Mr. Boyce as to the cost of pre- paring plans. Motion lost. Ald. Singrin moved to a.diourn to: Thursday evening, November 4th. November 4th, 1909. Carried. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. Approve A4.4 ..1909 Mayor ...Recorder Attest: ;; •r, List of Warrants List of City Warrants Dubuque, Iowa, October 1st, 1909. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—The following is a complete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of Septem- ber. 1909: H. A. Schunk, salary, Mayor$116 65 H. Brinkman, salary, Treas- urer 133 30 J. A. McKinley, salary, Deputy Treasurer 100 00 Jno. Krayer, clerk Treasurer's office 60 00 E. A. Linehan, salary, Recor- der Jos. Friedrich, salary, Deputy Recorder M. E. Lyons, salary, Auditor Joseph T. Kelly, salary, As- sessor Allan V'1edner, salary, Assist- ant Assessor Frank Kenneally, salary, As sistant Assessor Geo. T. Lyon, salary, Attorney Edgar Willging, salary, Assist- ant Attorney Jas. Pickley, salary, Chief of Police Joseph R Chief J. W. Lawlor, salary, Commit- tee Clerk 100 00 Paul Ilg, salary, City Engi- neer 166 65 Joseph Straub, Assistant City Engineer 60 00 John Dorgan, Street Commis- sioner 80 00 John Mahoney, Assistant Street Commissioner 40 00 G. Vogel, clerk in Auditor's and Engineer's offices 75 00 Wm. Hippman, salary, Elec- trician 83 30 C. W. Katz, salary, Market - master 55 00 T. Hackney, salary, Pound - master 40 00 Mrs. H Koenig, salary, Jani- tress 25 00 James Lynch, salary, Side- walk Inspector 60 00 Wm. Coleman, .Rodman 50 00 J. H. Carroll, Harbor Master30 00 John A. Cunningham, Clerk to Police and Fire Commis- sioners 15 00 Geo. Miller, Superintendent of Sprinkling 48 00 Tom Cahill, Custodian Wash- ington Park 40 00 Philip Reddin, Custodian Jackson Park 40 00 Joseph Straney, Custodian Phoenix Park 15 00 Dr. Chas. Palen, Health Phy- sician Frank Flynn, Sanitary Officer 116 65 85 00 116 65 125 00 83 30 83 30 150 00 75 00 100 00 einfried, salary, Fire 100 00 50 00 65 00 Dr. F. J. Kennedy, Meat and Milk Inspector E. E. Frith, salary, Alderman Dan J. Haas, salary, Alderman Peter R. Martin, salary, Alder- man John O'Rourke, salary, Alder- man D. W. Rand, salary, Alderman James Saul. salary, Alderman Wm. Singrin, salary, Alder- man M. Eitel, fireman J. Essman, fireman J. Flynn, fireman A. Duccini, fireman A. Heer, fireman W. Kannolt, fireman B. Kirsch, fireman 75 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 76 23 81 68 70 78 70 78 65 34 65 34 65 34 G. Beyer, fireman 70 78 J. Dailey, fireman 76 23 J. Barnes, fireman 81 67 T. Ryder, fireman 70 78 W. Ducey, fireman 70 78 F. Murphy, fireman 70 78 M. Kelly, fireman 65 34 J. Beakey, fireman 65 34 D. Ahearn, fireman 82 50 P. Zillig, fireman 65 34 M. Sweeney, fireman 65 34 H. Cain, fireman 65 34 J. Penzor, fireman 70 78 J. McLoughlin, fireman 65 34 A. McDonald, fireman 81 67 J. Murphy, fireman 49 50 G. Gherki, fireman 76 23 T. Kennedy, fireman 70 78 J. Smith, fireman 65 34 J. Keppler, fireman 65 34 C. Kannolt, fireman 76 23 J. Allen, fireman 70 78 M. Fahey, fireman 65 34 F. Kenneally. fireman 70 78 R. Weston, fireman 76 23 E. McDermott, fireman 65 34 R. Kenneally, fireman 65 34 J. Roshin, fireman 76 23 F. Baumgartner, fireman 70 78 J. Schoenberger, fireman 65 34 J. Tschudi, fireman 65 34 J. Connolly, fireman 65 34 Wm. Smith, fireman 59 89 J. Peed, fireman 65 34 W. Kennedy, fireman 54 45 P. Kirch, fireman 55 00 W. Tannersett, fireman 55 00 Leo Sullivan ,extra fireman2 00 Louis Carroll, extra fireman2 00 J. Burns, extra fireman2 00 W. Kleis, extra fireman 2 00 A. Grobstick, extra fireman. 3 00 Firemen's Pension Fund 29 40 L. Blocklinger, police 62 00 M. Connolly, police 62 00 John Cody, police 64 00 James Corcoran, police 60 00 Wm. Donahue. police 62 00 Phil J. Dunphy, police 67 35 Thomas Duggan, police 60 00 P. F. Fury, police 60 00 John Fox, police 74 65 James Flynn, police 60 00 M. Fogarty, police 60 00 List of Warrants i87 Ben Gray, police 62 00 M. Heiderscheit, police 60 00 Fat Hanlon, police 30 00 Geo. Jones, police 62 00 Emil Kahn, police 62 00 M. Kilty, police 60 00 John Kane, police 60 00 John Kop. police 14 00 James Keefe. police 62 00 B. Ludescher, police 62 00 Chas. Liest, police 65 00 Pat McCollins, police 62 00 M. McCormack, police 60 00 pat McInerney, police 60 00 Henry Mueller, police 58 00 Hugh Markey, police 60 00 T. O'Meara, police 60 00 John J. O'Brien, police 48 00 M O'Connor, police 62 00 M. Ryan, police 62 00 John Raesle, police 72 35 G. Raterman, police 60 00 John Spielman, police 60 00 Patrick Sutton, police 30 00 M. Stapleton. police 62 00 Joseph Stoltz, police 62 00 Pat Sullivan, police 62 00 Frank Williams, police 62 00 Dennis Sheehan. police 60 00 Miss It. Brennan, police ma- tron 60 00 Mrs. K. Hihhe. police matron60 00 l..\!t(11; (1N STREETS in the s, veral Road Districts during the last half of August. 1909: John Burns, 2nd $ 19 75 Jos. Rrouillette. 2nd, $16.00; 4th, $4.40 20 40 Paul Becker. grading 21 20 Tony Becker, 2nd and 4th24 40 Ben Bird, 2nd and 4th 17 20 S. Pastien, 2nd and 4th 26 25 P. Carney, 1st 20 00 W. Coughlan, 1st 21 60 Jerry Cahill. 1st 4 00 J. Callaghan, 2nd 22 50 G. Collinson, grading 15 45 R. Caffrey. 2nd and 4th 24 40 John Cahill, 2nd and 4th 24 40 M. Cleary, 2nd and 4th 40 T. Cahill, 2nd and 4th 24 30 J. Crawford. 1-4 in each62 90 J. Connoly, 1st, $2.00; 2nd, 86.75: 2rd. $7.60: 4th, $5.40 21 75 51. Carney, 2nd, $7.4.5: 3rd, $7.50; 4th, $7.50 22 40 .T. Duggan. 1st 10 40 B. Donnelly, 1-4 in each21 20 O. Donahue, 1st, 50c: 2nd, $8.00; 4th, 88.00: expense. $7.50 24 00 T. Donahue, lst, $2.00: 2nd, $6.75 3rd, $7.60; 4th. $5.4021 John Egan, 2nd W. Flynn, 2nd, 84.00: 3rd, $2.00; 4th, $3 20 9 F. Frick, 2nd, $1.60; 3rd, $5.20 6 Geo. Frost, 2nd P. Farre,ll, 2nd and 4th 11. Glass, 2nd, $1S.40; 4th, 82.80 H. Galle, 2nd C. Geimer, grading 75 21 22 18 21 4 21 35 20 80 50 55 20 00 35 W. (Taylor. 2n0 and 4th James c;rov. 2nd and 4th J. Hird, 4th N. Herman, Hoard of Health John Heil, 1-4 in each John John, 3rd P. Jacobs, 3rd N. Kettenhofen, 2nd M. Kieffer, 4th M. Kas, Hoard of Health, $2.65; expense, 80c J. Kraus, 1st, $2.00; 2nd, $6.75; 3rd, $7.60; 4th, $5.40 21 75 J. Kness. 1st, $2.00; 2nd, $6.75;:1rd, $7.60; 4th, $5.40 21 P. Kenneally. Health 22 J. Lowery, 1st. 2 R. Love. 1st, 35c; 2nd, $12.60; 3rd, $3.35; 4th, $8.25 21 W. !Alias. 3rd, $6.80; Clay St, $.75 J. Lehman, 2nd and 4th 41 40 T. Lonergan, 1st, $11.45; 2nd, $11.50 J. Mullen, and Tom. Malloy, 3rd. $5.60; Clay st.. 40c James Malloy, 2nd and 4th J. Martinek, grading Al Miller. 4th F. Maroney, 200 and 4th (Teo. Menke], 1st, $.0*0; 2nd, $S.60: 3rd. $1.95; 4th, $15.15 J. Mcg\lease, 2nd ,Tames McLaughlin, 3rd W. McLaughlin, 3rd, 1/z Mo P. McPoland, 4th P. McDonnell, 1-4 in each.. W. 1 '1rien, 1st 21. 24 22 2 20 6 4 2 22 2 80 40 50 80 00 80 40 40 20 95 75 50 40 55 15 55 C. ('Neill, 2110, $12.00; 4th, $4.'0 F. O'('onnor, 1-4 in each W. Pokers. 2nd J. Parker. 20c1 and 4th .Tames Ryan, 2n0 R. Rosemeier, 2nd and 4th P. Royce. 2nd and 4th James Reid, 3rd, $1.1.20; 4th, $11.211 J. Richter, 1-4 in each F. Stroh meyer, 1st D. Smyth, 2n0. $20.00: 81.60 \\_ Nhi l l grading J. Schroeder. 4th P. Smith. 4th Casper Specht, 2nd Casper Specht, 1-4 in each... J. Stettin, 3rd, $16.00; $16.00 James Tobin, 4th Ott. Turner. 1-4 in each . Larry Walsh. 2n1 L. Walkenheim. 3rd Peter Apel, 1st, $82.65: 2nd, $20.45: ltd. $5.85: 4th. 1 3 10 $4.15 ...... ........4th, \l. Ackels. 3rd, $16.95; $SS.90 105 75 F. -Burns. lst. $9.35: 2nd, 825.75: 3rd. $5.15: 4th, $11.40 54 90 4th, 22 95 15 20 6 20 21 24 24 00 40 60 15 20 31 70 5 20 9 80 22 50 10 40 60 00 22 50 12 40 21 24 22 5 28 22 40 12 21 20 18 9 18 80 00 60 40 40 40 00 40 00 80 60 00 00 60 35 00 32 00 24 20 9 60 20 00 6 80 I€ 388 List of Warrants J. Bradley, 2nd, $20.90 ;4th, $15.30 Jos. Calvert, 2nd, $44.05; 4th, $7.70 John Calvert, 2nd, $42,75; 4th, $7.20 B. Costello, 2nd, $29.25; 4th, $18.45 A. Conrad, 1st, $1.30; 2nd, $28.80; 3rd, $4.55; 4th, $3.30 J. Graham, 2nd, $10.20; 4th, $40.65 M. Hannan, 2nd, $42.75; 4th, $11.25 J. Haudenschield, 2nd, $34.90; 4th. $12.35 M. Kenneally, 1st J. Landholdt, and, $21.50; 4th, $27.25 J. Long. 2nd, $3.15; 4th, $13.05; Health, $8.10 24 30 P. Linehan Co.. 3rd 46 35 M. Markham, 2nd, $16.95; 3rd. $33.90 50 85 J. McQuillan, Clay St., 90c; 3rd. $4.05 4 95 Jeff McGrath, 2nd, $38.45; 4111. $1rt._7 56 70 P. S. Norton, 1st, $6.00; 2nd, $19.115: lth. $14.55 39 60 D. O'Meara, 1st, $4.80; 2nd, $16.10; 3rd, $18.25; 4th, $12.85; 5th, $1.60 53 60 J. McQuillan, 3rd 24 75 Union Electric Co., 1st, $16.00; 2nd, $43.40; 3rd, $75.00; 4th, $3.95 138 35 Clark Van Wie, 1st, $3.75, 2nd. $12.40; 3rd, $14.10; 4t11, $9.75 40 20 LABOR, ON SEWERS during the last half of August, 1909: D. Cunningham $ 24 50 J. Clune 24 50 J. Doyle 13 15 J. Doyle, Jr. 8 75 F. Donahue, 24 50 J. Jellison 14 45 A. Kassbauer 6 50 F. Luchterhand 24 50 John McLaughlin 11 40 J. Rooney 24 50 C. Sullivan 30 00 L. Taylor 24 50 LABOR for grading the alley between Strauss and Burden Avenues: M. Kas $ 2 40 J. Scheidecker 1 20 J. Long 16 20 36 20 51 75 49 95 47 70 37 95 50 85 54 00 47 25 22 50 49 05 BILLS. O'Farrell Contracting Co., 5% retained for one year on contract for brick paving of Sixth Street $114 09 James Lee & Son, constructing cement steps at east en- trance to City Hall as per contract 225 00 Aveniie Top Mining Co., tail- ings for Second Road Dis- trict H. Weber, inspector on 32nd Street storm sewer Pat Ryan, inspector curb and gutter on West 4th St Robt. Young, inspector Fran- cis and Hart Street sewer Tom Jess, inspector on Glen Oak Avenue sewer H. A. Schunk, settlement damage claim of 0. W. Gie- ger 100 00 H. A. Schunk, settlement damage claim of C. J. .Bar- rett and court costs 212 35 H. A. Schunk, settlement damage claim of Thomas Heaney and court costs... 165 20 Pat Farrell, macadam, Third Road District 8 10 O'Farrell Contracting Co., im- proving Davis Avenue 1627 49 T. H. Schilling, hardware, City Hall 1 00 G. F. Kleih, hardware. City Hall 2 00 James Gregory, repairing en- gine houses 178 50 Lorenz Eberhardt, repairing• engine houses 244 25 County Auditor, recording deeds, Eagle Point Park50 M. Tschirgi & Son, construct- ing 32nd Street storm sew- er 840 59 H. Brinkman, interest on warrants outstanding 1762 50 H. Brinkman; express and freight charges 75 29 H. Brinkman. expense 20 37 H. Brinkman, library orders issued 643 51 50 00 7 70 32 70 9 60 13 50 LABOR ON STRIA: rS in the several Road Districts during the first half of September, 1909: J. Brouillette, 2nd $ 13 Paul Becker, 4th 18 Tony Becker, 2nd and 4th6 18 26 8 8 Ben Bird, 211,1 and 4th S. Bastion. 2nd and 4th P. Carney, 1st W. Coughlan, 1st Jerry Cahill, 1st J. Callaghan, 2nd 22 G. Colinson, grading 1 John Cahill. 2nd and 4th 19 M. Cleary, 2nd and 4th 20 J. Crawford, 2nd 2 J. Connolly, 1st, $1.85; 2nd, $6.25; 3rd, $7.05; 4th, $5.00 20 M. Carney, 2nd, $6.95; 3rd, $6.95; 4th $6.90 J. Duggan, 1st J. Doyle, 2nd B. Donnelly, 2nd T. Donahue, lst, $1.85; 2nd, $6.25; 3rd, $7.05; 4th, $5.00 20 15 0. Donahue, 2nd, $6.95; 4th, $6.95; expense, $6.90 J. Egan, 2nd 14 80 F. Frick, 2nd, $2.40; 3rd. $S.40 10 20 5 14 16 35 40 60 45 25 00 00 80 50 60 50 25 90 15 8o 20 70 55 20 80 SO List of Warrants 389• George Frost, 2nd 22 50 W. Flynn, 3rd 4 00 1'. Farrell, 2nd and 4th • • ' ' 13 05 18 00 B. Glass, 2nd3 60 H. Gallo, 2nd C. Gein(er, 4th 18 40 W. Gaylor, 2nd and 4th 15 60 James Gray, 2nd and 4th 20 25 James Hird, 4th 22 50 John Heil, 1-4 in each 20 00 0 40 John John, 3rd 4 40 J. Jellison, 2nd 1\T. Kettenhofen, 2nd, $2.40; 7 20 3rd, $4.80 H. Kunkel, 2n.1 and 4th • • • . 7 60 17 80 M. Kieffer, 4th J. Kraus, 1st, $1.85: 2nd, $6.25: 3rd, $7.05: 4th. $5.00 20 15 J. Kness• 1st, $1.85: 2nd, $6.25: 3rd. $7.05; 4th, $5.00 P. Kenneally. Health R. Love, 2nd W. Lillig. 3rd, $8.30; Clay St.. 35.70 15 75 J. Lehman, 2nd and 4th 35 25 T. Lonergan, 1st, $10.40: 2nd, $10.40 J. Mullen, 2nd J. Martinek, 4th ...... James :Malloy, 2nd and 4th.. Al. Miller. 2nd, $6.45; 4th, $12.65 19 10 F. Maroney. 2nd and 4th ... 15 60 George \teuekel, 4th 32 45 J. Mc:\leese. 2nd 9 60 James \ieL,iughlin, 3rd 14 60 W. McLaughlin, 3rd 22 50 P. Mel'oland. 4th 6 80 R. 1I 'Caffrey, 2nd and 4th 20 25 W. O•Prien, 1st 11 25 C. O'Neill. 2nd 14 50 W. Powers. 2nd 17 60 J. Parker. 211(1 and 4th 20 25 P. Ryan, 2nd 9 45 P. Royce, 20d and 4th 24 00 James Itvcnr, 2n1 20 80 James Itehl. 3rd. $10.40: 4th, $10.4(, 20 80 F. Strohtneyer, 1st 2 00 D. Smith. 2nd 19 20 P. Smith, 2nd 80 J. Schroeder, 4th 21 60 W. Shields, 4th 4 25 C. Speeht 12 25 C. Specht, 1-4 in each 18 00 P. Smith, 4th 9 05 J. Steffens. 3rd, 310.40; 4th, 310.40 J. Tobin, 2n1 and 4th L. \\'nlsh, 211(1 L. \\';cllceirheim, 3rd 20 15 22 50 19 50 20 80 18 00 10 65 18 45 '1'E.\Mf S. P. Apel, lst. $14.35: 2nd, $12.40: 3rd, $4.55; 4th. 33.25 20 80 20 25 15 60 10 15 34 55 M. Ackels, 3rd, $5.25; 4th. $56.8540 0 J. Bradley, 2nd 5 F. A. Burns, 2nd. $1.10; 3rd, 62 45c 1 55 John Calvert, 200 36 90 Josh c',rlvert. 2nd 40 05 B. t'„<t •1lo. 2n,1 27 90 A, Conrad, 1st, $10.85; 3rd,- $2.80 rd,.$2.80 J. Graham, 2110, $12.60 M. Hannan, 2nd J. Haudenschield, 2110, $55.55; 3rd, $4.95 M. Kenneally, 1st John Long, 2nd, $25.45; 3rd, 65c; Health, 65e J. Landholdt, 2n0 P. Linehan Co., 3rd M. Markham, 2nd, $5.25; 2n1, $10.50 J. McQuillan, 3rd J. McGrath, 2nd P. S. Norton, (2nd, ($34.65; 3rd, $6.30 D. O'Meara, 1st. $4.50, 2nd. 314.95; 3rd, $16.95; 4th, $11.95 Tony Siege, 2nd Clark Van Wie, lst, $3.45; 2n1. $11.55; 3rd, $13.05; 4th. $9._. $1.10; 2nd, $3.95; 4th, $17.10; 4th, 18 70 29 70 44 10 60 50 17 55 '26 75 38 25 13 50 15 75 28 80 46 35 40 95 48 35 17 65 37 30 LABOR on Bluff Street Extension during the first half of September. 1909: . P. Carney $ W. Coughlan J. Duggan J. Enright P. Leonard W. O'Brien Peter Apel M. Kenneally LABOR ON SEWERS during the first half of September, 1909: D. Cunningham 21 00 J. Clune 21 00 J. Doyle 7 00 F. Donahue 21 00 J. Jellison 21 95 F. Luchterhand 21 00 John McLaughlin 9 65 J Rooney 21 00 C. Sullivan 30 00 L. Taylor 21 00 10 10 12 8 5 11 15 13 80 80 40 80 60 25 50 95 BILLS. II. A. Schunk, settlement of damage claim of Alice ('Hearn $ 50 00 Street & Stenek. grading \Vest Fourth Street 560 00 Dubuque !tubber & Belting ('o, supplies for Fire Dept $ 21 20 T. J. Alulgrecc told coke for Din. I a•I t National !:elinin Co., oil for Fare tr,•l,t. J. Hauilerrshiel;i. Iyly and oats 185 98 for. Fire l)el, . iI. .1. Hagerty. veterinary ser'V'iee rot- lire horses Butt I;r ,• . r, o.tir:: for Fire Dept. 16 25 F. Schlo:; Son, repairs for 20 00 Fire Department J. P. His & Bros., repairs for 28 41. 6 75 18 40 390 List of Warrants Fire Dept. Peter Lang, vise for Fire Dept. Lagen, Peed & Berwanger, horseshoeing for Fire Dept. 8 Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horseshoeing for Fire Dept. 7 Collings & Pfiffner, horse - shoeing for Fire Dept 10 Key City Gas Co., coal and coke for Fire Dept 35 Wm. Marshall, repairs for Fire Dept. The Adams Co., wire brush for Fire Dept. A. Y. McDonald & Morrison Co., supplies for Fire Dept. 1 Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs for Fire Dept 7 Babcock Fire Extinguisher Co., supplies for Fire Dept. 10 Union Electric Co., power for fire alarm system 2 Bradford Bros., painting Dodge Street Engine House, as per contract 48 Gamewell Fire Alarm . Tele- graph Co., supplies for fire alarm storage battery 145 Geo. Masters, supplies for Fire Dept. Union Printing Co., printing for Fire Dept. Mullen Bros., plumbing re- pairs for Patrol House Collings & Pfiffner, shoeing Patrol horses American Ever -Ready Co, batteries for Police flash- lights C. W. Katz, meals furnished prisoners during August H. J. Hagerty, veterinary service for Patrol horses G. F. Kleih Est., hardware for Police Dept. Mettel Bros., feed for Patrol horses Key City Gas Co., gas arcs for Police and Fire Dept2 Union Electric Co., arc lights for August 2070 Klauer & Kress, supplies for Police Dept. 1 Key City Gas Co., lights for various department, August Thos. Jess, constructing sewer in Francis and Hart Streets less 5% retained M. Mullen, repairing fountain at 13th and Clay Streets F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Sewer Dept. Linehan & Molo, sewer pipe and cement for Sewer Dept. 19 Pitts -Thompson Foundry Co., catch basin for Sewer Dept. 27 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., gaskets for Sewer Dept1 Key City Roofing Co., cement and sewer pipe for Sewer Dept. • Lagen, Peed & Berwanger, shoeing Sewer Dept. horse. 1 45 G. F. Kleih Est., hardware for Sewer Dept. 6 50 Telegraph - Herald, printing Health reports for March, 00 April, May and June and blank reports 25 00 70 Telegraph - Herald, printing Council Proceedings, August 101 08 00 Times -Journal, printing Coun- cil Proceedings, August 80 Smith -Morgan Printing Co, printing pamphlets, August 22 56 3 50 National Demokrat, printing Council Proceedings, August 12 50 75 Labor Leader, printing Coun- cil Proceedings, August 12 50 95 Mullen Bros., plumbing re- pairs, Sixth Street fountain 5 25 77 Phil Breithaupt, plumbing repairs, City Hall 7 50 00 Phil O. Jones, repairing Mar- ket House scales 61 42 00 Foley's Hand Laundry, towel service, August 4 00 Larry Dailey, cleaning around 00 Market Square during July and August 19 80 Klauer & Kress, supplies for 00various departments 4 85 M. S. Hardie, stationery and 1 10 printing 14 25 T H. Schilling, lumber for 4 60 flag poles, City Hall 1 50 G. F. Kleih Est., hardware for 10 00 various offices 3 63 Jas. Beach & Son, soap for 11 00 Fire Dept. 4 00 Telegraph -Herald, stationery and printing for various of - 4 00 !Ices 70 50 Standard Paper Co., toilet pa - 4 60 per for City Hall 6 50 James Lee & Son, constructing 2 40 cement walk abutting Lot 22, Cook's Addition 160 95 65 O'Farrell Contracting Co., im- proving alley between Sth 4 25 and 9th Streets and Wash- ington and Jackson Streets. 272 62 00 O'Farrell Contracting Co., 5% retained, paving White 75 Street from 4th to 6th Sts.. 285 27 Geo. L. Korman, 5% retained, 00 improving Louisa Street ... 86 30 Key City Gas Co., coal and 66 85 coke for Road Dept 32 75 W. D. Deckert, supplies and repairs for Road Dept 27 16 500 55 Martin-Strelau Co., use of boiler wagon 1 00 78 55 Adam Stoltz, use of tools for moving rock crusher 1 70 C. H. Mason, repairing saw for Road Dept. 75 00 Ed. Norton, use of wagon for Road Department 7 00 25 Peter B. Hoffmann, supplies for Road Dept 1 00 00 F. A. Burns, coal for Road Dept. 9 11 16 53 Pier Bros., supplies for Road Dept. 15 65 Frank Buetin, coal for rock 00 crusher 37 33 1 05 98 75 4 80 Official Notices 391 Pitts -Thompson Foundry Co, castings for Road Dept Key City Iron Works, repair- ing railing leading to City Jail Key City Iron Works, repairs to rock crusher and steam roller E. J. Voggenthaler, repairs to rock crusher and steam roller Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairing sprinkling wagons Butt Bros., repairs for Road Dept. H. J. Hagerty, veterinary vice to Road horse F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Road Dept. Wm. Marshall, repairs to steam roller 1 20 Klauer Mfg. Co., repairs to rock crusher and sprinkling wagons 9 10 Linehan & Molo, cement and sewer pipe for Road Dept7 25 John Duggan, repairs on sprinkling wagons and street sweeper 10 50 Duggan & Cota, nails for re- pairs to sidewalks 12 10 Duggan & Cota, hardware for Road Dept 6 40 F. M. Jaeger & Co., powder and fuse for use in 17th Street quarry 8 30 Klauer & Kress, hardware for Road Department 7 05 L. Lindenberg, hardware for Road Dept. 7 50 G. F. Kleih Est., hardware for Road Dept. 2 50 W. K. Brown, supplies for Road Dept. 1 90 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., hose for sprinkling wagons 50 90 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., supplies for Road Dept 27 45 T. J. Mulgrew Co., sewer pipe for Road Dept. 5 63 Peter Even, supplies for equip- ping oil sprinkler 10 02 Dubuque Wooden Ware & Lumber Co., lumber for re- pairs to sidewalks 44 24 Fuhrmann Bros., supplies for Road Dept 75 Duggan & Cota, hardware for Health Dept. 30 John Linehan, hauling garb- age and dead animals dur- ing August 375 70 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., pair rubber boots for Health Dept. 6 00 Klauer & Kress, hardware for Health Dept. 1 75 Key City Gas Co., removing bracket light entrance to City Hall 30 Geo. Masters, mantels for City Hall 2 25 sur - John Schaefer, macadam, 14 35 Second Road District Jos. Brouillette, macadam, Second Road District 2 95 M. Lavin, macadam, Second Road District 5 45 I hereby certify that the foregoing 5 16 is a true and correct list of all war- rants issued by me during the month of September, 1909. 44 EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. 5 35 9 75 45 97 12 30 1 60 7 10 lire Horses Wanted. City of Dubuque desires to pur- chase several horses for the fire de- partment. They must be in good con- dition, sound of eye, wind and limb. Weight about 1,450 lbs. and about five years old. Parties having such horses and willing to sell at a reasonable figure will bring them to the Central engine house, corner 9th and Iowa, Wednesday, Oct. 6th, at 9 a. m. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. 10-3-3t. Fire Horses Wanted. City of Dubuque desires to pur- chase several horses for the fire de- partment. They must be in good con- dition. sound of eye, wind and limb. -Weight about 1.450 lbs. and about five years nld. Parties having such horses and \\-filling to sell at a reasonable figure Nvill bring them to the Central engin, house, corner 9th and Iowa, Saturday, Oct. 9th, at 9 a. m. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. 10-6-3t. Notice of Special Assessment. Notice is hereby given to all con- cerned that a special assessment as provided by law will be levied at a session of the City Council to be held October 21st, 1909, to pay for the im- provement of Stoltz Avenue from Lemon Street to West line of Lots 12 and 52, Fairmount Park Add., by Wilmer Cook, contractor. Amount of special assessment, $1,155.62. same to he assessed against the abutting property upon and along said street. And that there is a plat and sched- ule on file in the office of the City Re- corder of said City of Dubuque, show- ing the street in which said improve- ment was made, and the separate lots and parcels of ground, or specified portions thereof, subject to assessment for such improvement, the name of the owner thereof as far as practic- able, and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, which plat and schedule are subject to public inspection. And that any and all persons ob- jecting to said special asssessment or to said plat must file his or their ob- jection in writing with the City Re- corder of said City of Dubuque on or 392 Official Notices before said session: of the City Council to be held October 21st, 1909, or to appear at said session of the Council to show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. Dated at Dubuque, October 8th. 1909. EDMITND A. LINEHAN, 10 -S -3t. City Recorder. Notice of Special Assessment. Notice is hereby given to all con- cerned that at a special assessment as 1 rovided •by law will be levied at a session of the City Council to be held October 71st, 1909, to pay for the con- struction of a sanitary sewer in Glen Gak Avenue from Forest Lane to West Third Street, by J. F. Brown, cc•ntractor. Amount of special assessment, $633.33, same to be assessed against the abutting property upon and along said street. And that there is a plat and sched- ule on tile in the office of the City Re- corder of said City of Dubuque, show- ing the street in which said • sewer was constructed, and the separate lots and parcels of ground, or specified portions thereof, subject to assessment for such improvement, the name of the owner thereof as far as practic- able, and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, which plat and schedule are subject to public inspection. And that any and all persons ob- jecting to said special assessment or to said plat must file his or their ob- jection in writing with the 1'ity Re- corder of said City of Dubuctu‘• on or b9fore said session of the city Coun- cil to be held October 21st, 1909, or to appear at said session of the Coun- cil ' •, show cause, if any you have, wli said assessment should not be levied. Dated at Dubuque, October 8th, 1909. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, 111-8-3t. City Recorder. Special Assessment Notice. To All Who Are Named Below: You are hereby notified that in accordance with an ordinance of the City of Du- buque for cutting weeds in the months of July and August, 1909, that a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the regular meeting of the City Council to be held October 21st, 1909, upon all lots and parcels of land on said improvement owned by you, being subject to such sp,'cial assessment. And you are hereby notified to appear at said meeting of the Council to be held on October 71st, 1909, and show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not he levied. J. F. Sehrnellc r, sub. M. L. 15S, •.v. 12 of 1,0 7 and 3; 4 hours at die $ 2.00 J. S. Stephens, S. M. Langwor- thy's sub., lots 1 and 2; 3 hours at 50c H. G. Torbert, S. M. Langwor- thy's sub., S. 26 feet of lot 6; 3 hours at 50c S. M. Langworthy Est., S Langworthy sub., lots 9 and 10: 1 hour at 50c John T. Hancock Est., sub. M. L. 158, lot 6: 2 hours at 5.11c. 1.00 Wm. Hintrager Est., Newberry & Hale's Sub., lot 17, 2% hours at 50c 1.25 R. W. Kemler, sub. M. L. 79, Intl 6 and 7, 21, hours at 50c 1.25 W. M. Lowther, S. M. Lang- orthy's add., lot 133 hours :it 511c 1.50 W. M. Lowther, Cox's add., lots 2 of 91 and 2 of 92, 5 hours fit Sitc ..... 2.50 J. S. Stephens. Julia Lang - worthy's add., Tots 22 and 23, 4 hours at 50c 3.10 E. A. Engler, subdivision of 10 and 11, Finley Home add, lot 2. 3 hull's at 50 1.50 C. H. Meyers. L. H. Langwor- thy's add., M. 1-3 of lot 99, 5 hours at 5nc _.".1 J. W. Williams. Finley, Naples & Burden add., lot 27, 7 horn's at 50c 3.50 Ed. and Winifred Carney, Chas. Klingenberg's 4th sub., lot 1, 5 hours at 50c 2.50 M. and 1.50 1.50 .50 A. J. Llmbeck et al., Marsh's add., E. 100 feet of lot 45 5 hours at 50c 2.511 Jas. 2k'('abe. ('or•rell's sub, lot 1, 2 hour's at 50c 1.111 R. W. ]fender, N Ily's sub. 1 lot 39. 5 hours at 50c 2.50 Rev. A. Kuhn, Roehe's sub No. lot 1, 1 hour's at 50c 5 1 W. \V. Whelan Est., \Whelan'14 sub., lot 8, 2 hours at 51c1.10 Julia Langworthy, Julia Lang - worthy's add., lot 3, 3 hours at 50c 1.50 Mary L. Bunting, Julia Lang - worthy's add., lot 9, 1 hour at 50c .50 V. L. Pool. .1 olid Langworthy's add., lot 1 11, _ hours at 50c1.00 Julia Langworthy, Julia Lang - worthy's add., lot 11. 1 hour at 50e B. W. Lacy, Roche's sub., lots 35, 36, 37, 4 hours at 50c John Kapp, Reche's sub., lot 34, 21/z hours at 50c Jno. J. Bradley, Farley's sub, lot 13, 6 hours at 50c Buol & Loetscher, Loetscher & Treub's sub., lots 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14: 9 hours at 50c4.50 12. W. K•emler Hodge's sub, lots 1 of 4 and 2 of 4; 14 hours at 50c 7.00 5u 2.00 1.25 3.00 Oftici41 Notices • 394 1\'• Kernler, Cain's sub., lots 18 and 19; 9 hours at 50c Esther 1<enn(ker, sub. City 454, 1-5. 2 hours at 50e 1.00 J. J. Ke:uu, Leyens' s4da., lots 1, la. 2,4, 5, 6, 7, 8; 12 hours at X500 B. F. Iticliardson Morgan's SO- lot 10, 0 hours at 50c Harr, Hyder. Adams Co., Mpr- gan's sup, lots 11 and 12; 16 hours at 50e 8.00 Julia kthomberg, Yates & #'ickett's sub., lot 6; 4 hours at 50e 2.00 Otto Frenzel, Jno. King's add, 2 of lot 6; 4 hours at 50c2.00 11. W. Kemler, und. ?/Q. und. I4• of 2$, S. M. La.ngworthy's Acid., 4 hours at 5Oc 2.00 Cath. Krapfi, Finley's adcl.. lot 221; 8 hours at 50c. 4.00 Frank Bell, A. McDaniel's sub, S. E. 1/2 of 822. lot 822; 4 hours at 50c 2.00 A. A. Loetscher, Fairview sub, lot 11; 3 hours at 50c 1.50 A. Schenker and M. Richter, N. 50 feet of 223, Glendale add.. lot 223; 2 hours at 50c 1.00 Max Boemecke. Glendale alta., S. 1 of lot 223: 2 hours at 50c 1.00 Chas. Detrick. Name's add., 3 of lot 573; 5 hours at 50e2.50 4. Huher. Marsh's kilt., lot 29: ' h. hours at 50e 2.25 4.50 8.00 3.00 Total 10 3t $96.50 ED14flINp A. I..1NF4 Ai\. City Recorder. S114141; #til='ic1l tit *Ptlfir'• 1'0 :UI Who Are Hamed "Wow: You are hereby notified that in aepora- ance With an Qrdtnafce of the City of Dubuque for repairing sidewalks by the city carpenters during the months of April. June, July, August. Septem- ber and October, 1909. that a special asS,eRSillent will• be levied for the ex- pense thereof at the regular meeting of tite pity Council to he held October 21st. 1909, upon all lots and parcels of land on said improvement, owned by you. being subject to such special assessment. And you are hereby no- tified to appear at said meeting of the council to be held October 21st. 1909. and show cause, if any you have, why .said assessment should not be levied. April 10—Gottfried Blockling- er, K1ng's 2nd add., lot 21. 27 ft. Dumber, 80c; ?2 hour la bor. 25e .... .... .....• $ June 21—A. J. Lernbecl{. Marsh's add., lot 45, 30 feet lunlber, 90c; 1 hour labor. 50e June 29—Minnie Kemler, south of City lot 3a, prick, 70e: 1 haul• labor, 50c 1.20 1.05 1.40 July 3—P.. Waller Est., Mattox $ubb., add., lot 1. 22 feet ' lumber, 65e; 1 hour labor, 25c Aug. 4—W. G. Cox, Cox's add, lots 25-38, 36 feet lumber, $1.15; 1 hour labor, 50e, Aug. 4-5lich. Waller Est., 1lingenberg's 4th sub., lot 19, 21 feet lumber, 65c; 2 hours' labor, $1.00 Aug. 5 --German Trust & Sav- ings bank, McDaniels' add, lot 1 of 809, 19 feet lumber, 57e: 1 hour labor, 50c Aug. l a.—A. \V. K» rnler. Little- tlei•n1 4, S;1\\\. is n,1 1., lot 57. I hour lalwu, :,n • Aug. 27 \linnie and A. W. 1111 r. .AIC1);i Is' sub., lot feel liilnh,•r. 9oc; 1 hour labgl', :,lc Aug. 20—Sidgnia l-osford, NC- •I$tlb., \c. '_ of lot 753, 25 feet lumber. 75c; r/z hour label., .... ... Sept. 17- Jno. C. Hilkin, M. L 76, lot 5. feet lumber, 15c; 1 hour labor, 25e Sept. 17—P. Hughes Est, Needllunl's sub., lot 1, 8 fe.et ;molter. 25c; 1/2 hour labor, 25c Sept. 17--R. W. Kemler, out lot 720, jilts 0-7, 9 feet lumber, 311c; 1/2 hour labor, 25c Sept. 18—Bernard Glass, L. 1i LangwQrthy's acid.,., lots 10- 11, 23 feet lumber, 70c; 1 hour labor, 50c.... •••••••. Sept. 18—A. J. Lembeck, Marsh's add., lot 45, 5 feet lumber, 15c; 'h hour labor, 25c Oct. 2—R. Waller Est., Summit add., lot 4, 9 feet lumber, 30c; 1 hour labor, 50c Oct. 4—C., M. & St. P. R. R. Co., .East Dubuque add., lots 246-247, 12 feet lumber. 95e; 1 hour labor, 50c .90 1.65 1.65 1.07 .50 1.40 1.00 .40 .50 .55 1.20 .40 .80 1.45 Total $17.12 Dated at Dubuque, October 9th, 1909. EDMi'ND A. LINEH.tN, 10-9-3t City Recorder. Ilorses 1n1. Sale. On Saturday. Oct. 16, 1909. at 10 ,'cluck a. m., th,•re o.i1J be $01(1 at the market house, to the highest bidder for cash. three horses that hove been in s 'rric,r is the lire department. E. 1•;. FRITH, Chairman. 111-122-41. ;)dttcc OJ T11E CITY CO1;NCII: S IN'I'EN- TIQN TO IMPROVE EAST STREET FRO Vi DELHI STREET TO (' N'I'EI: STREET. To \\'hoot I t 11;,', Coexern: 394 • Official `Notices You and each of you are hereby no- tified that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque to impr•,ve East Street from Delhi Street to Center Street. That the plat and specifications of said proposed improvement are now on file in the office of the City Recor- der. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require: Combined concrete curb and gutter, 2,020 lineal feet. Macadamizing, 2,690 square yards. Grading -cutting, 1,800 cubic yards. Making a total estimated cost to the abutting property owners of $3,078.00. Any person having objection to said improvement is hereby notified to ap- pear before the City Council at its regular session to be held October 21st, 1909, or to file with the City Re- corder their objections in writing on or before October 21st, 1909. Dated at Dubuque, October 13th, 1909. EDMUND A. LINEHAN. 10-13-3t City Recorder. Notice to iontractors. Sealed proposals will be recived at the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the City Recorder until 8:00 p. m. Thursday, October 21st. 1909, for the improvement of the North side of Dodge Street by laying cement side- walk on a foundation of eight inches of cinders. in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. Four -foot sidewalk 80 feet in length on the North side of Dodge Street at the intersection of Dodge and Vine Streets, in front o`f and abutting on Lot 3 of the subdivision of Lots 14 and 15 in Bush's Sub. The work to be paid for when said work is completed and accepted by the City Council of the City of Du- buque, work to be completed .on or before the first day of November. 1909. Bidders must state price per square foot for sidewalks laid. Each bid 'must he accompanied by a certified eheck for $25.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if award- ed. The City reserves the right to re- ject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, October 16th, 1909. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, 10-16-3t. City Recorder. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the City Recorder until 8:00 p. m. Thursday, October 21st, 1909, for the construction of a reinforced concrete cover for the present Bee Branch sewer in Couler Creek between Cedar and Sycamore Streets, ,22 feet wide, commencing at the north side of Six- teenth Street and extending a distance of about 160 feet northerly therefrom, and for reinforced concrete wall on the east and west sides of said sewer, containing approximately 195.00 cubic yards; also for cutting the present east wall of said sewer 6" by 7' 8". In accordance with plans of said sewer, and the specifications prepared by the City Engineer, and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engi- neer that it will require 195 cubic yards of reinforced concrete wall and about 160 lineal feet of reinforced concrete cover 22 feet wide. Bidders will state the price per lineal foot for completed concrete cover and price per cubic yard for completed concrete wall. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for $100.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if award- ed. The city reserv('s the right to re- ject any and all bids. EDMUND A. LINEHAN. 10-16-3t. City Recorder. Notice. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the City Council of the City of Dubuque. held on October 7th. 1909, the following Special As- sessments were levied on the real estate hereinafter described, and that in case of failure to pay the one- seventh part within the time prescrib- ed by the Ordinance governing same, all will become delinquent and sub- ject to collection by distress and sale. H. BRINKMAN, City Treasurer. For improving alley between Jack- son and Washington Streets from Eighth to Ninth Streets: Name. Description. Spahn-Rose Lumber Co., lot 415 Spahn-Rose Lumber Co., lot 416 Morrison & Kretschmer, city lot 41' 34 Morrison & Kretschmer, city lot 418 Morrison & Kretschmer, city lot 419 Key City Iron Works, city lot lot 399 Key City Iron Works, N. 1-2 city lot 400 D. D. Myers, S. 1-2 city lot 400 Spahn-Rose Lumber Co., city lot 402 34 D. D. Myers, City lot 40134 Farley-Loetscher Co., city lot 403 34 Amount. city $34 15 city 34 34 • 34 34 10 10 15 10 15 17 05 17 05 10 15 05 Total $341 15 Official Notices 395 For sanitary sewer in Francis Street from Kaufmann Avenue to intersec- tion of Kaufmann Avenue and Hart Street, along Hart Street to Valeria Street: Fred Kulow, Tivoli Add.. lot 22$33 00 John Stuher, Jr., Tivoli Add, lot 23 33 00 George Wimmer, Tivoli Add, lot 24 33 00 j, B. Rhomberg Est., Tivoli Add., lot "5 J. B. Rhomberg Est., Tivoli Add., lot "6 Chas. P. Mettel, Tivoli Add., lot 33 00 27 Chas. P. Quade, Tivoli Add., S. 16 50 1-2, lot 25 Frank P. Fnsselman, Tivoli Add., N. 1-2 lot 28 16 50 Frank Fosselman. Tivoli Add.. 33 00 lot 99 Henry Brune. Tivoli Add.• E. 65 feet lot 3,1 \Vm. D. Kirms?, Tivoli Add., W. 1-2 lot 11 33 00 Gustave Candler, Tivoli Add, W. 50 feet lot 30 Dom. Hoffman, Tivoli Add., lot 31 11 29 Dom. Hoffman, Tivoli Add., lot 32 11 28 Dom. Hoffman, Sub. 33, Tivoli Add., lot 1 6 20 John Buse, Sub. 2 of 33, Tivoli 8 40 Add., lot 1 John Buse, Sub. 2 of 130, L. H. Langworthy's Add., lot 21 90 Chas. Buse, Sub. 2 of 130. L. H. Langworthy's Add., lot 111 25 Susan Wieland, Sub. 130, L. H. Langworthy's Add., lot 124 68 John Ess, Krayer's Sub.. lot 5. 14 10 Jos. Kellar, Krayer's Sub., lot 6 14 10 Frank I). Scharle. Sub. S. Schaffner's Sub., lot 1 36 35 Henry C. Winders, Sub. S. Schaffner's Sub., lot 9 43 15 Frank D. Scharle, Sub. 9, Schaffner's Sub., lot 1 14 10 Peter Even, Schaffner's Sub, lot 10 14 Anna Meyer, Schaffner's Sub, lot 11 14 Wm. Wieland, Schaffner's Sub, lot 12 14 Eliz. Witter, Schaffner's Sub, lot 13 14 Eliz. Witter, Schaffner's Sub., lot 14 14 Joe Schlagel, Wieland's Sub.. lot S 8 Joe Schlagel, Wieland's Sub, lot 9 8 33 33 00 00 33 00 14 10 10 10 10 10 10 75 75 Total $62S 90 Notice. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, held on Octo- ber 11th, 1909, the following Special Assessments were levied on the real estate hereinafter described, and that in case of failure to pay the one-sev- enth part within the time prescribed by the Ordinance governing same, all will become delinquent and subject to collection by distress and sale. H. BRRINK\IAN, City Treasurer. For reguttering Julien Avenue from Buff Street to Alta Vista Street: Name. Description. Amount. Wales Hotel Co.. Sub. 1 of City 654, lot 1 $94 91 Dubuque Omnibus Co.. Sub. City 654, lot 8 Dubuque Omnibus Co., Sub. City 654. lot 7 Dubuque Omnibus Co., Sub. City 654, lot 6 Wm. J. Jaeggi, Sub. City 688, etc., lot 1 J. J. Nagle. Sub. City 688, etc., lot 2 M. Ludescher Est.. Sub. City 688, etc., lot 3 19 Frank Ludescher, Sub. City 6S8. etc., lot 4 19 T. E. Rhomberg, Sub. City 688, etc., lot 5 Adam Albert, Sub. City 688, etc., lot 6 15 60 \l. L. firings. Sub. City 688, etc., lot 7 30 Bridget Brennan, Sub. City 688, etc., lot 8 31 20 E. H. Shepiwle, Sub. City 688, etc., E. 33 ft. lot 9 29 04 A. Lorenz Est., Sub. City 688, etc.. W. 27 ft. lot 9 21 06 Isabelle & E. Galliart, Sub. City 688, etc.. E. 18 ft. lot 10.... 14 04 C. G. Galliart, Sub. City 688, etc.. E. 18 ft. W. 47 ft. lot 10 14 04 Andrew Galliart, Sub. City 688 etc., W. 29 ft., lot 10 22 63 Bary- Mc \loon• Sub. City 6S8, etc., E. 1-2 lot 11 19 88 Thomas O'Connor, Sub. City 688. etc., W. 1-2 lot 11 19 89 Dubuque Brewing & Malting Co.. Sub. City 703, lots 11 and 12 Pat Rooney. Sub. 10. City 703, lot 2 Henry Romney Est., Sub. 9, City 7113 lot 2 ................. 26 78 City of Dubuque, intersection 3 45 at Rock St. • • • . . ' Ren Bassler Est., Farley's 67 85 Sub., S. 2-3 lot 46 ..... . Anna Sauerwein Est., Farley's Sub.. lot 45 . •. •... Sub Mary Ludescher, Farley's , lot 44 ..'••. E. J. Delaney, Eub. 43, Farley's 62 94 Sub., lot 1 ...... John Nagle Est., Farley's Sub., 42 44 lot 37 John Nagle Est., Farley's Sub., 42 43 lot 38 . • ' ' ' ...Farley's Sub., John Nagle Est., ...... 43 12 lot 39 ••••••"' 18 8 12 19 20 21 87 35 88 11 05 50 50 37 42 85 03 49 42 44 47 59 50 P00 Offiei.81 liptices John Xagle Est.,Farley's Sub., lot 40 John Nagle Est., Farley's lot 41 John Nagle Est., Farley's Sub, lot 42 John Nagle Est., Sub. City 738, lot 4 John Nagle Est., Sub. City 738, lot 5 Al. Matthews Est., Sub. city 738. lot 6 S. J. and M. N. Thoma. Sub City 738, lot 7 17 85 Francis Jaeger, Sub. City 738, E. 20 ft. lot x 16 60 Meriam Stokely. Sub. City 738, lqt 9 Carrie IAnderson, Sub. City 738, int 10 39 00 Jennie West, Sub. City 73S, lot 11 43 38 Wm. Headford, Cain's Sub, lot 1 81 19 G. H. Schumacher, Cain's Sub, lot 8 83 72 Jas. McFadden, McNulty's Sub lot 1 108 68 J. J. 94urray, MoWuity's Sub, lot 2 172 19 Academy of Visitation, Sub Min. Lpt S5, lot 2 271 50 F. W. Wieland, Sub. City 653, lot 7 34 57 F. W. Wieland, Sub. City 653, lot 7a 11 H. C. Young, Sub. City 653, lot 8 23 John Mel:iolay. McKinley's Sub., lot 2 42 Dubuque Women's Club., 4Ic- Kinlay's Sub., lot 1 Dubuque Women's Club. Cor- riell's Sub., Kot 44 125 T. E. Hhgpiberg, Corriell's Sub., lot 43 T. E. Rhomberg, Corriell's Sub., lot 42 54 Oath. Rhomberg. Corriell's Sub., lot 47 Cath. 4thorpber15, Ceyriell's Sub., lot 48 39 Margt. Y. Sheppele, Corriell's Sub.. lot 49 39 City of Dubuque, surplus 5 Dubuque Brewing & Malting Co.. Sub. City 703, lot 1316 Dubuque Ilr,•Wiug Xc Malting Co., Sub. 14, City 703, lot 1 Michael Itam ut, Sub. 14. ('ith 703, ]pt 2 Michael Jenna, Sub. 14, City 703. ]pt 3 Margt. Martin, Sub. City 703, lot 16 29 Margt. Martin, Sub. City 703, lot 22 29 74 Ellen Fitzgerald, Sub. City 703, lot 21 A. R. Staufenbell, Sub. City, 703. lot _'O A. W. Semler Est., Sub. 10, Sub. City 703. lot 2 Emma I'ornhauser. Sub. 16, 42 42 37 8 02 62 43 44 44 78 40 40 41 88 43 50 40 13 29 81 3P 00 60 54 00 24 18 17 00 00 47 38 01 39 21 15 35 50 49 85 44 ,9 .Kelly's Sub., lot 2 4. \V. Ni mlcr Est., Sub. 15, Kelly's Sub. l,tt'y 11m wry. Kelley's Sub, lot 14 Michael Doyle, Kelley's lot 13 Margt. Martin, Kelley's E. 1-2 lot 12 H. Barry Est.. Kelley's W. 1-2 lot 12 Jphn Nagle Est., Kelley's lot 11 John Nagle Est., lot 10 Thos. Whitby, Kelley's E. 1-2 lot 9 Frank Muggenburg, Kelley's Sub., W. 1-2 1},t 9 path. McCollins. Kelley's Sub, lot S Jghn Nagle Est., Kelley's Sub, lot 7 .t,dglph Hein, Kelley's Sub., lot 6 Adolph Hein, Kelle3's Sub., lot 5 Emilie Guthrie, Kelley's Sub, lot 4 F. p. Collette, Kelley's Sub, lot 3 Johp J. Keane, Kelley's Sub, lot 2 John J. Keane, Kelley's Sub, lot 1 Johp J. Keane, buque, lqt 7 Jphp J. Keane buque, lot 5 Jessie Bruns, buque, lot 5 John J. McLaughlin, Mobley's Dubuque, lot 3 John J. McLaughlin, Mpbley's Dubuque, lot 2 Jas. Alderson, Oxford lot 1 .Jas. Alderson, Oxford Heights, lot 2 44 23 Jas. Alderson, Oxford Heights, lot 3 20 75 IJpnl•y Bechtel, Oxford Heights, lot 4 39 00 qeo. Bechtel, Oxford Heights, lot 5 39 00 H. 4. Schunk, Oxford Heights, lot 6 39 00 Jas. Alderson, Oxford Heights, let 7 Jas. Alderson, Oxford Heights, lot 8 39 00 I{la Simplot, Sub. Min. Lot 82, lot 1 Sub., Sub., Sub., Kelley's Sub., Sub., 43 S2 67 43 74 39 00 19 50 20 33 44 66 54 34 23 02 15 21 39 15 39 15 42 72 39 15 44 71 40 Mobley's Du - 4 obley's Du- Mobley''s Du - Heights, 85 39 15 39 15 26 92 31 20 80 46 46 80 26 92 30 61 39 00 62 40 Total $4,05 49 Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the City Recorder. until 8:00 p. m. Thursday. November 4th, 1909, for the improvement ut of East Street from ! 1:U'l to venter Streets. in accordance Official Notices with plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the is estimated the theyRecorder. It City Engineer that said improvement will require 2,020 lineal feet o`- combined con- crete curb and gutter. 2,690 square yards of macadamiz- ing. 1,$00 cubic yards cutting. The work is to be paid for when said work is completed and as pre- scribed by Chapter XXXII. of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque, work to be com- pleted on or before December 15th, 1909. Bidders must state price per lineal foot for combined concrete curb and gutter and the price per square yard for macadamizing. Also price per cubic foot for grad- ing. A11 bids must he accompanied by a certified check fur ;50.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a. contract will be entered into if awarded. The City reserves the right to re- ject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, October 22nd. 1909. EDMI-ND A. LiNEHAN. City Recorder. E D. Lenaye, Sub. 43, Farley's NOTICE TO SUSAN ZEiEN. .\iARI ZEiEN ANi) JOHN \IARZI•.N OF THE CITY t'Ot'N)'ll.'.s INTEN- TION TO LAY A CEMENT SIDE- WALK ON THE EAST SIDE OF \\'ASH1Na;'I'ON STi.I:i:T BE- TWEEN 'TWENTY-FIFTH AND T\VENT 17-Sl:VENTH STREETS, OWNED CY Y01'. You are hereby notified that the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. did un the 21st day of October, 1909, adopt the following resolution: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: That .t permanent sidewalk of the width of four feet be and the same is hereby ordered to be laid on the east side of Washington Street, between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-seventh Streets. and in front of and abutting the following described premises, to - wit: North 25 feet of Lot 44. Lot 41 and Lot 46, E. Langworthy's Sub Said sidewalk to be constructed of materials and in the manner as fol- lows. to -wit: Fight inches of cinders. three inches of concrete and one inch of e,•on'nt wearing surface. Said sidewalk to be completed on or before the 15th day of November, 1909, and the cost of the same be taxed against said premises and col- lected in the manner prescribed by lace. It Further Resolved. That said Property owner be and is authorized :397 to construct said sidewalk at his own expense, provided he begins work thereon within ten days after being notified by the City Recorder of the passage of this resolution by the City Council, and completes the same within thirty days thereafter. Be it Further Resolved. That if said work is not commenced within the time named in said notice that the City Recorder he and is hereby or- d,red to give ten days' notice by two publications asking for proposals for the ding of said work under con- tract with the city. The proposals for the doing of said work shall he acted upon by the City Council on the 4th ,lay of November, 1909. You are further notified that you :will he permitted to lay this walk yours If providing the work thereon is begun within ten days and com- pleted within thirty days after ser- vice of this notice upon you, and un- less said sidewalk is commenced and completed within said time in front of the lots and parcels of ground owned and controlled by you and ;.hutting on such contemplated side- walk. saint. shall he done by the city and the cost thereof assessed against said property and the owners thereof and collected in the manner prescrib- ed by law. Should this work have to be done by the City. the cost of estimates, no- tices, inspection and preparing the nss•sment and plat must be added to the contractor's price, thus putting von to an additional expense of from Fifteen to Twenty Dollars. You will therefore see the advisability of com- plying with the foregoing notice with- in the time specified. Dated at Dubuque. Ia.. October 22, 1909. EDMITND A. LINEHAN. 10-22-3t City Recorder. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the City Recorder until 8:00 p. m. Thursday. November 4th. 1909, for the improvement of the following streets by laying cement sidewalks on :i foundation of eight inches of cind- ers. in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City i.:nginecr and now 00 file in the of- fice of the 1'ity la corder: Foto' -foot sidewalk 125 feet in length on the east side of and Washing- ton Sti et between 25th 7th Streets, ii, (vont „t and abutting on north 27, feet of Lot 44 Lots 4F 011 46. E. .Langcworthy'•s Four-foot sidewalk 37.6 feet in length nn the North side of High Bluff Street between Stafford Avenue and Middle Avenue.in front of and abutting on the NorthLot 20. 11 i'taricc's Add. 398 Official Notices Also for a four -foot sidewalk 100 feet in length on the north side of Twenty-fourth Street, between Wash- ington and Elm Streets, in front of and abutting on Lot 1 of O. S. Lang - worthy's Sub. The work is to be paid for when said work is completed and as pre- scribed by the Ordinance relating to the construction of sidewalks in the City of Dubuque, work to be com- pleted on or before the 15th day of November, 1909. Bidders must state price per square foot for sidewalks laid. Each hid must be accompanied by a certified check for $25.00 on some Dubuque hank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. The City reserves the right to re- ject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, October 22nd, 1909. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, 1.0-22-2t. City Recorder. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the City Recorder until 8:00 p. m. Wednesday, October 27th, 1909, for the construction of reinforced con- crete sewers, or for stone arch sewer located in the alley between Jackson and Cooler Avenue; also in the alley between Couler Avenue and Lemon Street and Thirty-second Str':et to Peru Road. In accordance with plans of said sewer, and the specifications prepared by the City Engineer, and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engi- neer that it will require about 68 cubic yards of reinforced concrete arch or 68 cubic yards of masonry for each sewer. Bidders will state the price per lineal foot for completed sewer, ac- cording to either plan. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for $100.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if award- ed. The city reserves the right to re- ject any and all bids. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, 10-22-3t. City Recorder. Notice OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTEN- TION TO CONSTRUCT A SANI- TARY SEWER IN WASHINGTON STREET FROM 20TH TO 22ND STREET. To Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby notified that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque to construct an 8 -inch tile pipe sani- tary sewer in Washington Street from Twentieth Street to Twenty-second Street. That a plat and specifications of said proposed sewer are now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that it will require 830 lineal feet of S -inch tile pipe with 4 manholes and will cost the abutting property own- ers $618.00 in total. Any persons having objection to the construction of said sanitary sewer are hereby notified to appear before the City Council at its regular session, November 4th, 1909, or to file in writ- ing with the City Recorder their ob- jections on or before November 4th, 1909. Dated at Dubuque, October 22nd, 1909. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, 10-22-3t City Recorder. Notice of Special Assessment. Notice is hereby given to all con- cerned that a special assessment as provided by law will be levied at a session of the City Council to be held November 4th, 1909, to pay for the improvement of Fifth Street, between Main and Iowa Street, J. F. Brown, contractor. Amount of special assessment, $767.57, same to be assessed against the abutting property upon and along said street. And that there is a plat and sched- ule en file in the office of the City Re- cord, r of said City of Dubuque, show- ing the street in which said improve- ment was made, and the separate lots and parcels of ground, or specified portions thereof, subject to assess- ment for such improvement, the name of the owner thereof as far as practicable, and the amount to be as- sessed against each lot or parcel of ground, which plat and schedule are subject to public inspection. And that any and all persons ob- jecting to said special assessment or to said plat must file his or their ob- jection in writing with the City Re- corder of said City of Dubuque on or before said session of the City Coun- cil, to be held November 4th, 1909, or to appear at said session of the Coun- cil to show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. Dated at Dubuque, October 22nd, 1909. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, 10.22-3t City Recorder. Notice of Special Assessment. Notice is hereby given to all con- cerned that a special assessment as provided by law will be levied at a session of the City Council to be held November 9th, 1909, to pay for the improvement of O'Neill Avenue from Burden Avenue to Sheridan Street by Wilmer Cook, contractor. Amount of special assessment, $2,018.32, same to be assessed against the abutting prop- Official Notices 399 erty owners upon and along said street. And that there is a plat and sched- ule on file in the office of the City Re- corder of said City of Dubuque, show- ing the streets in which said improve- ment was made and the separate lots and parcels Of ground, or specified portions thereof subject to assessment for such improvement, the name of the owner thereof as far as practic- able, and the amount to he assessed against each lot or parcel of ground. which plat and schedule are subject to public inspection. And that any and all persons ob- jecting to said special assessment or to said plat must file his or their ob- jection in writing with the City Re- corder of said City of Dubuque on or before said session of the City Coun- cil to be held November 4th, 1909, or to appear at said session of the Council to show cause, if any you have. why said assessment should not be levied. Dated at Dubuque, October 222nd, 1909. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, 10-22-3t. City Recorder. Notice of Special Assessment. Notice is hereby given to all con- cerned that a special a ial assessment as provided by law nvllI be levied at a session of the Pity Council to be held November 4th, 1909, to pay for tit; improvement of West Fourth Street from Alpine to Paulina st1' et, oy Street & Stench, contractors. .} Amount of special assessnn r,t. $22.'252.94. sane to be assessed against the abutting property upon and along said street. And that there is a plat and scheJ- ule on file in the office of the City RP - corder of said City of Dubuque, show- ing the street in which said improve- ment was made, and the separate lots and parcels of ground, or specifi., d portions thereof, • subject to assess- ment for such improvement, the name of the owner thereof as far as prac- ticable, and the amount to be assessed against each lot or par2.el of ground. which plat and schedule are subject to public inspection. And that any and all persons ob- jecting to said special assessment or to said plat must file his or their ob- jection in writing with the City Re- corder of said City of Dubuque on or before said session of the City Coun- cil to be held November 4th, 1909, or to appear at said session of the Coun- cil to show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. Dated at Dubuque, October 23rd, 1909. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, 10-23-3t City Recorder. Notice to Jewelers. Sealed proposals wil be received at the City Recorder's office up to 8:00 o'clock p. m. Wednesday, October 2711i, 1909, for repairing, cleaning and oiling the Town Clock, also taking care of and winding said clock for one year. _Bidders must state the price for re• pairing, cleaning, oiling, winding and furnishing all material or parts re - 'Owed to keep said clock in complete running order for one year from No- vember 1st, 1909, to November 1st,. 1910. The city reserves the right to re- ject any or all bids. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, 10-2:',-4t City Recorder. Notice. To \\"hone It May Concern: fids will be received at the office of the City Recorder up to 8:00 P. M. Friday. lrctober 29th, 1909, for taking care of the Detention Hospital and sueh patients as may be confined thurin and to furnish the necessary :Hid needful assistance, and nurses to properly treat such patients. All bids submitted must be for the performance of such duties as are set out in the specifications on file in the office of said City Recorder. The duties of this position require the service f a man and woman, pre- ferably re- ferably a man and his wife, and each bit must be for 'the services of both. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, 1 a23 -4t Clerk to Board of Health. NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the City Council of the City of Dubuque. held on October 11st and October 27th. 1909, the fol- lowing Special Assessments were levied on the real estate hereinafter described. and that in case of failure to pay the one-seventh part within the time prescribed by the Ordinance governing same, all will become de- linquent and subject to collection by distress and sale. H. BRINKMAN, City Treasurer. Construction of sanitary sewer in West Fourth Street: Name. Description. Amount. H. B. Spensley. Sub. 2 of 5, Pauline Langworthy's Sub, Lot 2 $14 47 H. B. Spensley, Pauline Lang - worthy's Sub., W. 50 ft. S. Y2 24 12 Lot 6 Edw. Langworthy Est., Pauline I angworthys Sub., E. 100 ft. 48 22 ti 1' Lot F Edw. Langworthy Est., Pauline Langworthy's Sub.. Lot 1638 57 Edw. Langworthy Est., Pauline Langworthy's Sub., Lot 1524 12 Edw. Langworthy Est., Pauline Langworthy's Sub., Lot 1424 12 Edw, Laugworth)' Est., Pauline 400 Official Notices Langworthy's Sub., Lot 1324 12 Edw. Langworthy Est., Pauline Langworthy's Sub., Lot 1232 79 Edw. Langworthy Est., Pauline Langworthy's Sub., Lot 481 98 Edw. Langworthy Est., Pauline Langworthy's Sub., Lot 353 04 Edw. Langworthy Est., Pauline Langworthy's Sub., N. % Lot 2 57 86 Edw. Langworthy Est.. Pauline Langworthys' Sub., N. 147 ft. \V. 1 Lot 1 Edw. Langworthy Est., Pauline Langworthy's Sub., N. 148 ft. E. 1/2 Lot 1 54 98 Total $478 39 For the improvement of Stoltz Ave- nue from Lemon Street to West lot line of 12 and 52 of Fairmount Park Add.: Name. Description. Amount Cath. Mueller, Fairmount Park Park Add., Lot 52 $106 25 Andrew Weisser, Fairmount Park Add., Lot 53 70 18 Andrew Weisser, West's Add, W. 60 ft. E. 210 ft. Lot 4994 08 John Stieber Est.. West's Add, E. 180 ft. E. 240 ft. Lot 49304 73 Andrew Weisser, Fairmount Park Add., Lot 12 78 41 James Levi, Fairmount Park Add., Lot 11 78 39 Amanda Truog, Fairmount Park Add., Lot 10 78 41 James Levi, Fairmount Park Acid., Lot 9 106 63 James Levi, Fairmount Park Add., Lot 6 238 54 Total $1,155 62 Construction of sanitary sewer in Francis Street and Hart Street from Kaufman Avenue to extension of Hart and Valeria Streets: Name. Description. Amount. Fred Kulow, Tivoli Add., Lot 22 $33 00 John Stuber, Jr., Tivoli Add, Lot 23 33 00 Geo. Wimmer, Tivoli Add., Lot 24 33 00 J. 13. Rhomberg Est., Tivoli Add., Lot 25 33 00 J. 13. Rhomberg Est., Tivoli Add., Lot 26 33 00 Chas. P. Mettel, Tivoli Add, Lot 27 33 00 Chas. P. Quade, Tivoli Add, S. IA Lot 28 16 50 Frank Fosselman, Tivoli Add, N. 1,4 Lot 28 16 50 Fronk Fosselman, Tivoli Add, Lot 29 33 00 Henry Brune, Tivoli Add., E. 65 ft. Lot 30 Wru. 1). Kirmse, Tivoli Add., W. 1.4 Lot 11 33 00 Gustave Candler, Tivoli Add, W. 7,0 ft. Lot 30 3 00 15 98 Dorn. Hoffman, Tivoli Add, Lot 31 12 78 Dom. Hoffman, Tivoli Add, Lot 32 12 78 Dom, Hoffman, Sub. 33, Tivoli Add.. Lot 1 John Buse. Sub. 2 of 33, Tivoli Add., Lot 1 John Buse, Sub. 2 of 130, L. H. Langworthy's Add., Lot 2 ('has. Buse, Sub. 2 of 130, L. H. Langworthy's Add., Lot 1 12 75 Susan Wieland, Sub. 130, L. H. Langworthy's Add., Lot 1 27 94 John Ess. Krayer's Sub., Lot 5 15 98 Jos. Kellar, Krayer's Sub., Lot 6 15 98 Frank D. Scharle, Sub. 8, Schaffner's Sub., Lot 1 40 90 Chas. P. Mettel, Sub. 8, Schaff- ner's Sub., Lot 2 9 59 Anna Meyer, Sub. 9, Schaff- ner's Sub., Lot 1 15 98 Peter Even, Schaffner's Sub, Lot 111 15 98 Anna Meyer, Schaffner's Sub, Lot 11 15 98 Wm. \Veland, Schaffner's Sub, Tot 1: 15 98 Eliz. Witter, Schaffner's Sub, Lot 13 15 98 Eliz. Witter, Schaffner's Sub, Lot 14 15 98 Jos. Schlagel, Weland's Sub, Lot 8 9 90 Jos. Schlagel. Weland's Sub, Lot 9 9 90 7 03 9 41 .2 10 Total $628 90 Construction of a sanitary sewer in Glen Oak Avenue from Forrest Lane to West Third Street: Name. Description. Amount. C. M. Wheat Est., Cleminson Sub., Lot 2 $ 9 95 Geo. Mollart, S. M. Lang - worthy's Add., Lot 26 19 85 John W. crisford, S. M. Lang - worthy's Add., Lot 25 19 85 John W. Crisford, S. M. Lang - worthy's Add., Lot 24 19 85 Wm. Lowther, Sr., S. M. Langw:,rthy's Add., Lot 1153 55 M. and M. A. Kemler, New- berry & Hale's Sub., Lot 13. 51 25 M. and M. A. liemler, New- bery & Hale's Sub., Lot 12. 19 85 M. and M. A. Kemler, New- berry & Hale's Sub., Lot 11. 23 90 M. and M. A. Kemler, New- berry & Hale's Sub., Lot 10. 17 95 M. and M. A. Kemler, New- berry & Hale's Sub., Lot 917 95 C. Gregory, Newberry & Hale's Sub., Lot 8 19 85 Peter McKenna, Sub. 2 of 2 of 1 of 7 of Min. Lot 159, Lot 1 36 95 Fred Keck. Sub. 1 of 1 of 7 of Min. Lot 159, Lot 2 C. H. Eighmey. Sub. 2 of 8 of Mtn. Lot 159, Lot 2 15 55 7 20 Official Notices A. Trueb Est., Sub. 2 of 2 of 1 of 7 of Min. Lot 159, Lot 213 91 Lula Glab. Newberry •& Hale's Sub.. Lot 7 25 45 Lula Glab, Newberry & Hale's Sub., Lot 6 19 85 l?arbara Glab, Newberry & Ilale's Sub., Lot 5 19 85 !Tatham Glab, Newberry & Hale's Sub., Lot 4 19 85 Louisa Glab, Newberry & Hale's Sub., Lot 3 19 85 Louiea Glab, Newberry & Hale's Sub., Lot 2 51 21 Harriet Ponson, S. M. Lang - worthy's Add., Lot 12 53 59 C. M. Wheat Est., S. M. Lang - worthy's Add., Lot 30 19 85 Cath. Collings, S. M. Lang - worthy's Add., Lot 29 19 85 John Hauser, S. M. Lang - worthy's Add.. Lot '28 19 85 John Hauser, S. M. Lang- worthys' Add., Lot 27 16 72 Total $6,33 33 For the improvement of St. Am- brose Street from Asbury Street to Willow Street: Name. Description. Amount. Albert Kuhn, Sub. 1 _ s. Fin- ley Add., Lot 4 $164 50 Albert Kuhn, Sub. 1•2 Fin- ley Add.. Lot 3 110 00 Albert Kuhn. Sub. 11!s. Fin- ley Add., Lot 2 110 00 Albert Kuhn, Sub. 1:2s. Fin- ley Add., Lot 1 127 22 Arthur McCann, Kleinschmidt's Sub., Lot 8 33 00 Sisters of the Holy Ghost, Fin- ley Add Lot 21 33 05 St. Anthony's Church, Finley Add., Lot 20 164 50 St Anthony's Church, Finley Add., Lot 19 144 88 St. Anthony's Church, Finley Add., Lot 18 144 Mary C. Dunn, Finley Add, Lot 16 129 Mary C. Dunn, Finley Add, Lot 17 144 German Orphan Asylum. Fin- ley Add., Lot 130 22 88 62 88 10 Total $1,325 63 10-29-1t. 401 Regular Session, November 4, 1909 403 CITY COUNCIL Regular Session, November 4th, 1909. (Otllelal.) Council met at l:45 p. m. Mayor Schunk in the chair. Present — Aids. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, stand and Saul. Absent—Alds. Martin and Singrin. Ald. Singrin arrived at 9:15 p. m. Ald. O'Rourke moved that action on the approval of the Council Pro- ceedings for the month of October, 1909, be deferred until the next ses- sion of the City Council. Carried. BILLS. The following bills, having been properly approved by the various committees. were read and, on mo- tion were ordered paid: O'Farrell Contracting Co balance due grading Louisa Street $110 31 O'Farrell Contracting Co, balance due on grading Bennett Street 199 50 H. J. Weber. inspector of sewer in alley between Jackson Street and Couler Avenue. Peru Road, Jack - sun Street and alley between Milwaukee and Diamond Avenue 46 20 Ott Turner. 1 cubic yard ma- cadam broken at City Pound 75 Following bills were approved and were, on motion. ordered paid from the sale of bonds: J. F. Brown. improving Fifth Street from Main to Iowa Street $719 70 Street & Steuck, improving West Fourth Street from Paulina Street to Alpine Street 1992 50 BIDS. Bids for improving East Street from Delhi Street to Center Street were presented and. on motion of Ald. Rand, were ordered opened: Bids are as follows: J. F. Brown, combination curb and gutter. per lineal foot, $1.10. Grad- ing. per cubic yard, 25c: macadamiz- ing, per square yard, 85c. O'Farrell Contracting Co.. combina- tion curb and gutter, per lineal foot, 85c. Grading, per cubic yard, 35c. Macadamizing, per square yard, S0c. On motion of Ald. Rand contract for improving East Street 1u s award- ed to the O'Farrell Contracting Co.. subject to grading fund being suf- ficient to allow grading to be done and the bond placed at $1.000.00. PETITIONS AND ('O\1 \IU\ICA- Petition of R. P. Marshall et al, ask- ing that an electric arc Tight be placed at the intersection of South Alpine Street and Reeder Street, was, on mo- tion of Ald. Saul, referred to the Com- mittee of the Whole. Petition of Mrs. ('. M. Wheat, owner of Lot 2, t'leminson's Acld., stating that an error had been made in as- sessing'her property for sewer in Glen Oak _\venae. claiming she has already paid for sewer in Julien Ave- nue, was, on motion o1' Ald. Rand, re- ferred to the City Engineer and Sewer Committee. Communication from C. E. Mutsch- ler, chief clerk for Mr. J. W. Staple- ton, superintendent of the C., AT. & St. P. R. R. Co., stating that Mir. Stapleton is out of the city and ask- ing that the Council delay action on plans for gates at railroad crossings until Mir. Stapleton returns to the city, was. on motion of Ald. Saul. referred to the Committee et the Whole and Mr. Stapleton to he notified to ap- pear before said committee. Petition of J. M. McKenzie et al, representatives of the Trades and La- bor Congress, stating that they are advised and reliably informed that beams owned by Alderman Frith are employed by the City and asking that an investigation of the matter be made. stating that under the statutes said Alderman is not entitled to have any teams in the employ of the City, was read and, on motion of Ald. Rand, rules were suspended to allow interested parties permission to ad- dress Council. Mr. Simon Miller, J. M. McKenzie and Asa -Wright then addressed the Council. Aid, Frith stated team was owned by his son. E. T. Frith and moved that petition he received and filed. Not seconded. Ald. O'Rourke moved that petition be referred to the Committee of the -'hole and City Attorney. Carried. Petition of .T. P. Foley. stating that his horse was injured by stepping into a hole in the server at Fourteenth and White Streets and asking that he be paid $2:,,aa in settlement of dam- age sustained by him by reason of said accidh•nt, was, on motion of Ald. Frith. refert,',l to the Committee of the Whole. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Mayor Schunk presented and read a. communication fromUnion tit Electric Co., asking for permission an iron grate or catch basin between 404 Regular Session, November 4, 1909 the guage line of their single track street railway, said grate or basin to be located at a point about 15 feet west of the westerly end of the Dia- mond House switch on Hill Street, grate or basin to connect through an underground pipe to the storm sewer adjacent to the track. On motion of Ald. Frith communi- cation was referred to the Street Committee. City Treasurer Brinkman reported as follows: To the Honoranie Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Mr. Bassler, owner of City Lots 308, 309, 310 and N. 31.7 feet' of Lot 307, made application to pay for the improvement of White Street in accordance with the decree of the District Court. I have received no notice in reference to this case, therefore ask for instructions. Respectfully, H. BRINKMAN, Treasurer. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke City Treasurer to he instructed to accept payment of assessment of \Ir. Bassler in accordance with decision of the District Court. City Treasurer Brinkman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith hand you statements of amounts advanced by me during the month of October, 1909, for which please order war- rants drawn in my favor. Interest paid on warrants outstanding $2,079.53 New York exchange 3.00 Postage 20.00 Freight charges, Road 11.42 Telephone expense, Road 1.00 Telegrams, Road .29 Telegrams, Police .34 Express charges. Police .60 Three horses purchased, Fire 456.00 Total $2,572.18 Library orders paid $257.68 Respectfuly, H. BRINK\IAN, Treasurer. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke the report was received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay the various amounts, and the report referred to the Committee on Finance. City Auditor Lyons reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Herewith find my re- port for the month of October, 1909, showing the receipts and disburse- ments for the month: Cash on hand October 1, 1909 $26,811.99 Receipts from all sources18,208.96 Total $45,020.95 DISI l' NTS. -Warrants redeemed $22.171.44 Improvement bonds re- deemed 2,117,26 Improvement bond coupons redeemed 287.50 Regular bond coupons re- deemed 2,742.64 Water Works bonds re- deemed • • 2,000.00 Water Works bond coupons redeemed 315.00 Total $29,633.84 Balance Nov. lst, 1909$15,387,11 The above cash balance includes the improvement bond fund, Im- provement bond interest fund and li- brary fund balance. Water Works account: W a t e•r Works, balance October 1, 1909 Deposited with City Treas- urer during October 5,312.28 Total $15,762.50 Orders drawn on City Treasurer during October 4,420.95 Balance Nov. 1st, 1909 .... $11,341.55 Excavation permit' account: Balance October lst, 1909 $30.00 Balance November 1st, 190930.00 Also the following is a record of all interest coupons and bonds redeemed by the City Treasurer during the past month and credited to him: Improvement bonds $2,117.26 Improvement bond coupons287.50 Regular bond coupons 2,742.64 Water Works bonds 2,000.00 1Vater Works bond coupons315.00 Total $7,462.40 Also report that there is due the city officers for the month of October, 1909,. $2,691.50. Also the following list shows the appropriations and the amount of warrants drawn on each fund since the beginning of the fiscal year be- ginning March 1st, 1909, to Novem- ber 1st, 1909: Appropriation Expended Expense .. ....$40,000.00 $21,270.43 Road— First District .. 6,225.82 6,006.92 Second District . 15,011.04 13,593.38 Third District 8,859.42 8,067.68 Fourth District . 10,750.68 9,887.01 Fifth District .. 8,275.14 8,270.74 Fire ... , 49,000.00 26,878.76 Police .. , , , , , , 35,000.00 20,398.07 Sewerage .. 6,000.00 3,766.01 Regular Session, Novernber4, 1909 405 Printing .... 2,800.00 1,456.99 Street Lighting . 27,000.00 14,495.25 Interest .. .... 40,000.00 22,510.77 Board of Health 7,000.00 4,797.26 Grading .. .... 4,000.00 2,996.65 Special Bonded Paving ... .. 4,000.00 4,000.00 Special Bonded Debt and In- terest .. 4,500.00 2,500.00 Mt. Carmel Ave- nue Grading . 2,500.00 45.15 Sidewalk Repair- ing .... 1,000.00 446.77 Bluff Street ex- tension .. 500.00 458.67 Improvement of Windsor Ave- nue.... .... Bee Branch Sew- er. Third Ward 2,500.00 95.75 Bee Branch Sew- er in Wash- ington Street . 6,000.00 5,918.92 Improvement of Grandview Avenue .. ... 3,000.00 250.06 Eagle Point Park 3,000.00 2,916.66 Judgment .. .. 2,200.00 2,133 90 Opening of Louisa Street.. 1,100.00 1,100.00 Clay Street Im- provement ... 2,000.00 1,659.49 West Locust St. Storm Sewer . 2,000.00 1,997.55 Kauffman Avenue Improvement . 1,000.00 Thirty-second St. Storm Sewer . 1,000.00 896.54 Heeb Street Grad- ing .... ..... 300.00 141.25 1,000.00 $297.522.00 Hespeetfuly, Al. E. LYONS. Auditor. On notion of Ald. O'Rourke the re- port was received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay the city officers and the report referred to the Com- mittee on Finance. Fire Chief Reinfried reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The following is the pay roll of the Fire Department for the month of October, 1909: Amount clue firemen $3,055.66 Less 1%% retained for Pension Fund 31.17 Balance clue firemen $3,024.49 Respectfully submitted, J. R. REINFRIED, Chief. Approved by Committee on Fire. On motion of Md. Frith the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the firemen, and the re- port referred back to the Committee on Fire. Chief of Police Pickley reported as rid lows. To the 1Iennrable .Mayor and City C'ouneil: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the police report for the month of Octo- ber, 1909: Intoxication Assault Assault and battery Disorderly conduct Disturbing the peace Fast driving Interfering with Petit larceny Vagrancy 57 1 2 6 3 1 officer 1 1 8 Total Residents arrested Doors found a pen Lodgers bar. wed Defective lights Meals furnished Cost of food 80 35 24 96 61 21 $4.20 Police court costs collected ....$29.40 Sheriff, dieting prisoners Sep- tember and October $22.00 Patrol runs for prisoners 63 Transfer of prisoners 1 Ambulance calls 2 Committee calls 2 Miles traveled 74 • I also beg to submit the pay roll for policemen for the month of October, 1909: Amount due policemen $2.376.00 JAMES PICKLEY, Chief of Police. On motion of Ald. Singrin the re- port and pay roll were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the policemen and the report referred to the Committee on Police and Light. City Electrician Hipman reported as follows To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my report of defective lights for the month of October, 1909: I find from the reports of the Po- lice Department that the total hours that 61 lamps failed to burn would equal 11/2 lamps burning for one month. or $7.50. Respectfully submitted. WILLIAM HIPMAN, City Electrician. On motion of Ald. Singrin the re- port was received and the City Audi- tor to be instructed to deduct from the Union Electric company's bill for the month of October, 1909, the sum of $7.50. Street Commissioner Dorgan re- ported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the pay roll for labor on streets in the different road districts during the last half of October, 1909. 403 Regular Session, November 4, 1909 Anit. due lbaorers on streets. $ 1. 65.15 Approved by Committee on Streets. Also submit the pay roll for labor onsewers during the last half of Oc- tober. 1909: Amt. clue laborers on sewers.. $211.40 Approved by Committee on Sewers. Also submit the pay roll for labor grading Heeb Street during the last half of October, 1909: Amt. due laborers 011 street...$103.85 Also submit the pay roll for labor on Kaufman Avenue during the last half of October. 19119: Amt. due laborers en street ..$250.10 Approved by ('emmittee on Streets. Respectfully- suionitted. JOHN DORGAN, Street Commissioner. On motion of Alds. Saul and Sin - grin the pay rolls on streets and sew- ers were received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay the various amounts and the pay rolls referred back to the proper committees. Street Commissioner Dorgan also rel:ortetl as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the pay roll for labor en North Cas- cade and Rockdale Roads during the last half of October. 1909. the cost of same to be paid for from the County Road Fluid: Amount clue laborers on North Cascade and Rockdale Roads $490.40 Approved by Committee on Streets Respectfully submitted, JOHN DORGAN, Street Commissioner. On motiop of Ald. Saul the pay roll for North Cascade and Rockdale Roads was approved and pay roll re- ferred to County for payment. Street Commissioner Dorgan also reported as follows: To the FTonorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The undersigned, to whom your honorable body referred the hill of M. Tschirgi & Sons, 5% retained on improvement of Locust Street from Sixth to Eighth Streets, would state that the street is in good order and would recommend payment of the amount of $231.36. Respectfully submitted. JOHN DORGAN, Street On motion of Ald. S ulnthe o report of Street Commissioner Dorgan was approved and warrant ordered drawn in favor of M. Tschirgi & Sots. Street Commissioner Dorgan reported as follows: also To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The undersigned to whom won!' honorable body referred the bill of Janies Mullin Estate, claim. ing stop cock was broken in the rear of their premises by the steam roller. in June. 1903, investigated and found same to be true, and would. therefore, recommend that said estale Ile reim- bursed in the anluunt of $3.20. Respectfully submitted. JOHN DORGAN, Street (' 'ITIIlissionel'. Ald. Frith nloced that the report of Street Commissioner Dorgan be re- ferred to the Committee of the AWhole. Carried. Street Commissioner Dorgan also reported as follows: To the Ilonorahle Mayor and City Gentlemen: The undersigned. to whom your honorable holy referred the bill ef 'I'ihey tires., ;,r;,. retained on (,randyit•\c Avenue improvement, nt, would state stunt street is in good con- dition and would recommend payment of the bill. $459.35. Restlectfully sul,i tied. JOHN DOItt;AN, street Commissioner. On meti•)n of Ald. Saul the report of Street Commissioner Morgan was approved and warrants ordered drawn in favor of Tilley tiros. City Attorney Lyon reported as fol- lows: 1'o the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: In the matter of the warranty deed from the McFadden (" ffee & Spice Company to the City .1 1)111)tl(lue, with reference to Lot Two 12) of the Subdiwisien of Lots Fiyo Hundred Twenty-nine (5 29 and Five Flundred 'Thirty (530), in the City of Dubuque, signed the 29th day of June, 1909. and which was referred to me July 15th, 1909, I would re- spectfully report that on consultation with the City Engineer the description contained in said deed is found to be cor'r'ect and the deed in question is properly signed and acknowledged and I would most respectfully recom- mend that said deed be approved and be properly recorded. Respectfully. GEO. T. LYON. City Attorney. On motion of Ald. Saul report of the City Attorney was approved and Rorded. ecorder to have deed properly re - City Recorder Linehan presented and read the certified copy of the notice of the Council's intention to levy a special assessment for the im- provement of O'Neill Avenue from Burden Avenue to Sheridan Street by Wilmer Cook, contractor. No remon- strance being filed and no one In the Regular Session, November 4, 1909 407 room objecting to the levying of the special assessment for the improve- ment of said street, the notice was, on motion of Ald. Frith, received and filed. City Recorder Linehan also pre- sented and read the certified copy of the notice of the Council's intention to levy a special assessment for the improvement of West Fourth Street from Alpine Street to Paulina Street by Street & Steuck, contractors. No remonstrance being filed and no one in the room objecting to the levying of the special assessment for the im- provement of said street the notice was, of motion of Ald. O'Rourke, re- ceived and filed. City Recorder Linehan also pre- sented and read certified copy of the notice of the Council's intention to levy a special assessment for the im- provement t'nt of Fifth Street from Main Street to Iowa. Street by J. F. Brown, contractor. No retnonstr:i!tee being filed and 00 one in the room object- ing to the levying of the special as- sessment for the improvement of said street. the notice was, on motion, re- ceived and filed. City Recorder Linelt,tn also pre- sented and read certified copies of the notices published in the official papers of the City of t he Council's in- tention to lay cement sidewalks on the east side of Washington Street be- tween 25th and 27th Streets in front of and abutting on North 25 feet of Lot 94 and South 15 feet of Lot 45, E. Langworthy's Add., owned by Su- san and Mary Zelen, and North 35 feet of Lot 45 and Lot 46, E. Lang- worthy's Add., owned by John Marzen. No remonstrance being filed and no one in the room objecting to the lay- ing of said sidewalks, the notices were. on motion of Ald. Frith, received and filed. City Recorder Linehan also pre- sented and read certified copy of the notice of the Council's intention to construct a sanitary sewer in Wash- ington Street from Twentieth to Twenty-second Streets. No remon- strance being filed and no one in the room objecting to the construction of said sewer. the notice was. on motion of Ald. Frith, received and filed and further action postponed until next session of the City Council. Sidewalk Inspector Lynch present- ed the certified copies of the no- tices served on J. S. Stephens. owner of Lots 1 and 2. S. M. Langwnrthy's Sub.: T. Efferding, owner of Lot 4, S. M. Langworthy's Sub.: Horace G. Torbert, owner of South 26.6 feet of Lot 6. S. M. Langwo•thys Sub., and S. M. Langworthy's Estate, owner of Lots 9 and 10, 5. M. Langworthy's Sub.. ordering cement sidewalks laid on the East side of Booth Street be- tween West Third and Solon Streets, abuttine said property. No remon- strance being filed and no one in the room objecting to the laying of the .1(le calks the notices were ordered re- ceivcd and filed. Sidewalk Inspector Lynch also pre- sented certified copies of the notices served on A. W. liemler, owner of Lots 1. 2 :uul college Add.. order- ing cement sidewalk laid on the South side of \V, st Third Street between Walsh Street and College Avenue; also for cement sidewalk on North side of Cleveland Avenue between Inion and South Bluff Streets abutting Lot 4 5. t'nirot Add. No remonstrance being filed and no one in the room objecting to the laying of the sidewalk the notice was ordered received and filed. Sidewalk inspector Lynch also pre- sented a certified copy of the notice served on 1:. Waller Estate, owner of Lot 1. ,\iattos Soh. of City Lot 721, ordering cement sidewalk laid on the South side of West Fifth Street be- tween Gilmore Place and Summit Street: also on the East side of Sum- mit Street between Fenelon Place and West Fifth Street, abutting said prop- erty. No remonstrance being filed and no one in the room objecting to the laying of the s=idewalk, the notice was ordered received and filed. Sidewalk Inspector Lynch also pre- sented certified copy of the notice served on Barbara Isborn, owner of City Lot 2 7 9, ordering a cement side- walk laid on the South side of Ninth Street between Clay and White Streets, abutting said property. Pe- tition of Barbara Isborn, asking that she be given additional time till next siring to lay said sidewalk was then read and. on motion of Ald. Singrin. notice and petition were ordered re. c•eived and filed. Sidettalk Inspector Lynch also prl•- sented a certified copy of the notie4• served on Fred Grobe Est., owner of ih,_• Northeast :17.6 feet of Lot 3a. M(('rar.ey's Add., ordering cement. sidewalk laid on North side of High Bluff Street between Stafford Avenue and Middle Avenue abutting said property . No remonstrance being filed and no one in the room object- ing to the laying of the sidewalk, the notice was ordered received and filed. Sideiv(lk Inspector Lynch also pre- sented certified copy of the notice served 00 Joseph Palen, agent of Franciska Wagner, owner of Lot 1 of 408 Regular Session, November 4, 1909 O. 5..Langworth's Sub., ordering a ce- ment sidewalk laid on the North side of Twenty-fourth Street between Washington and Elm Streets, abutting said property. No remonstrance be- ing filed, and no one in the room ob- jecting to the laying of the sidewalk, the notice was, on motion of Ald. Frith, received and filed. Sidewalk Inspector Lynch also pre- sented certified copy of notice served on Jos. Jungw irth, owner of Lot 1 of 16. Mt. Pleasant Add., ordering a ce- ment sidewalk ]aid on North side of West Fourteenth Street between Alta Vista Street and Glen Oak Avenue, abutting said property. No remon- strance being filed and no one in the room objecting to the laying of said sidewalks, the notice was, on motion of Aid. Rand, received And filed and further action to be postponed until next session of the City Council. Sidewalk Inspector Lynch and Street Commissioner Dorgan reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The undersigned, whom your honorable body instructed to in- vestigate the width of sidewalks abut- ting Lots 3, 4, 5 and the East 27 feet of Lot 6 in Littleton and Sawyer's Add., to ascertain how much of said walk is filled to the required width to insure the laying of a permanent walk, would state that about 15 feet of the East end of said walk is about the required width and balance of walk would average about 8 feet 6 inches wide. The full width ofside- walk is 12 feet. Respectfully submitted, JAMES LYNCH, Sidewalk Inspector. JOHN DORGAN, Street Commissioner. On motion of. Ald. Rand report was approved and proper resolutions to be offered. Harbormaster Carroll reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I beg to call your at- tention to the fact that I have col- lected wharfage of launch owners on November 21st of each year; also during the month of May each year. It appears to me that the month of April is the best time to make the annual collection of wharfage for the reason that a freeze-up may occur be- fore the 21st of November. Then re- moval for non-payment of wharfage would be impossible until the open- ing of navigation. Further, the change suggested would systematize the work. Hoping that this petition will receive your approval, Respectfully. yours, J. H. CARROLL, Harbor Master. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke mat- ter was refererd to th.e Harbor Com- mittee. Following \Veighmasters' and Woodmeasurers' reports of receipts were presented and read, and, on mo- tion, were received and filed: Jos. Straney, First Ward scale.$ 6.30 Louisa Pitschner, West Du- buque scales 2.16 C. W. Katz, scales reecipts 38.20 REPORTS OF COMMITTES. Ald. O'Rourke stated that the United Fruit Co. had informed him that they were leasing the fruit sheds from the Illinois Central Railroad Company and that they did not want to be made a party to the Ordinance granting to the Illinois Central Railroad Company the use of a portion of Dodge Street between South Main and Water Street for the erection of a building to be used for office purposes in connection with the fruit sheds, and moved that Ordinance granting said permission and Ordi- nance amending the Ordinance be re- ferred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Aid. Singrin, of the Committee on Streets, moved that the improvement of the alley between Iowa and Clay and Twelfth and South line of South 2-5 of City Lot 457, by O'Farrell Con- tracting Co., he accepted and the City Engineer be instructed to prepare an assessment against all lots or parcels of ground benefited by said improve- ment ant] to file same in the office of the City Recorder. Carried. Ald. Singrin, chairman of the Com- mittee on Markets, reported as fol- lows: The undersigned, to whom was re- ferred the bill of A. E. Bradley amounting to $6.00 for glazing at the City Hall, would respectfully report that he finds the same to be correct and would therefore recommend that a warrant be ordered drawn on th•' City 'Treasurer in settlement of the claim. W. SINGRIN, Chairman on Markets. Ald. Singrin moved the adoption of the report. Carried. Ald. Rand stated that some repairs were necessary to be made on the roof of the Central Engine House building. Ald. Saul moved that the commit- tee on Public Grounds and Buildings be empowered to have repairs made on roof of the Central Engine Hour^ Regular Session, November4, 1909 • 409 building and the cost of said repairs not to exceed $75.00. Carried. Ald. Haas, of the Board of Health, moven that the City Engineer be in- structed to prepare plans and specifi- cations and estimate of the cost of connecting the premises of John All- geyer. owner- of N. 1_ of S. M. 1-5 and S. 1-4 of M. 1-5 ei' City Lot 496, with the Sanitary Sewer in the alley between White and .Iaelcwm Streets and to submit the same to the Council at the next session. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke, chairman of the Committee of the Whole, reported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole, re- porting on the petition of Ralph Crews. attorney for the Hammond Packing Company. asking that the taxes against said company for the year 1906-7 and 1908 be canceled be- cause said company was not in opera- tion in this city during said Years, would respectfully state the said pe- tition was referred to,the Chief of Po- lice for investigation. He having re- ported to this committee that the facts are as stated, and we would re- spectfully recommend that the prayer of the petitioner he granted and that the City Treasurer be instructed ac- cordingly. Also your Committee of the Whole. to whom was referred the petition of B. Hoffman et al.. asking that the as- sessment for the improvement of Alt- hanser Avenue now clue be not col- lected or advertised until said avenue is finished. would respectfully recom- mend that the prayer of the peti- tioners be granted and that the City Treasurer be instructed accordingly. Also your Committee of the Whole. to whom was referred the communi- cation of the Memorial Day Commit- - tee relative to the appropriation of $200.00 for its use in defraying the cost of the expense incidental to the usual observance of the day, would respectfully recommend that said communication be referred to the City Attorney for an opinion as to the legality of such an appropriation• Also your Committee of the Whole. to whom was referred the petition of Mrs. Elizabeth Buehler, owner of Lot 22 in Cook's Add.. asking that her property he not advertised or sold for the special assessments levied against the same for sidewalk and sewer im- provements, would respectfully rec- ommend that said petition he receiv- ed and flied. Also your Committee of the Whole to whom was referred the petition of Mrs. Alphons Matthews. adminis- tratrix for the estate of Alphons Ma thews, asking that the assessed valua- tion be reduced on the east 111 feet of the south middle 1-5 of Cite Lo; 663 and also on the north '-5 feet of the north 1-5 of City Lot 451. and asking further that the assessment of $150.00 levied against said estate for a horse and buggy be canceled be- cause said latter assessment is erron- eous, said estate not having owned a horse and buggy for several years. would respectfully recommend that that portion of the petition referring to the real estat , be not granted but that the City Treasurer be instructed to cancel the tax levied on said horse and buggy. .also your Committee of the Whole, would respectfully recommend that twenty-eight arc lamps be installed as hereinafter directed, provided that the locations herein named meet with the approval of the Alderman of the Ward in which the same are to be lo- cated and the two Aldermen -at -Large. East end of Cleveland Avenue. Cleveland Avenue near South Dodge. Booth Street between Dodge Street and West Third. Southern Avenue near Gleed Brew- ery. Fremont Avenue about 500 feet we.t of Grandview. Langworthy avenue and South Hill. West Fourth Street. Yal and Harvard Streets. .\it t Vista Street near West Fifth. West Eighth Street at steps. Sixth and Bluff Streets. Seventeenth and Pine Streets. Tenth and Clay Streets. Eighteenth and Sycamore Streets. Fourteenth and Cedar Streets. Sixteenth and Jackson Streets. . Ninth and Locust Streets. West Sixteenth and Cornell Streets Angella Street. \Vest Locust and Foy Streets. West Fourteenth and Auburn Streets. West Seventeenth and Catherine Streets. Burden Avenue. Thomas Place. Adams and First Avenues. Millville Road. Stoltz Avenue. Davenport Street. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of John Scheuller asking that a grade be established on Groveland Avenue, would respectfullyecom e grannd t- edprayer of the petit and that the City Engineer be in- structed accordingly. Also your Committee the the Whole. nd o of e. to whom was 410 Regular Session, November 4, 1909 George Ragatz. Sr.. of the Board of Police and FIre Commission. Would respectfully recommend that said bond be approved. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the bill of M. Tschirgi & Sons for 3 feet extra of 30 - inch reinforced concrete sewer pipe ordered by the City Engineer for Thirty-second Street storm water sewer, amounting to $5.07, would re- spectfully recommend that said b111 be allowed and that a warrant in set- tlement thereof be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer. Also your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the City Attorney be instructed to in- vestigate the manner in which the several meat concern selling their meats from their cars are doing busi- ness in this city and report to the City Council as to whether they do not come under the head of transient merchants. JOHN O'ROURKE. Chairman. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the various reports of the Com- mittee of the Whole. Carried. Alrl. O'Rourke, chairman of the Committee of the Whole. also report- ed as follows: Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Hugh R. Markey. stating that he had obtained a judgment in the District Court. of Dubuque County. against the City of Dubuque for $338.33, for sal- ary and wages due him as Captain of Police. from October 29. 1908, up to March 22. 1909, and asking therefore that a warrant in said amount he or- dered drawn on the City Treasurer in his favor. would respectfully recom- mend that said petition be received and filed and that the City Attorney be instructed to appeal the case to the Supreme Court. JOHN O'ROU RKE, Chairman, Aid. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the report of the Committee of the Whole. All. Frith moved as an amendment that petition of Hugh R. Markey be granted and warrant ordered drawn to pay Mr. Markey, Amendment lost. Original motion adopting the report of the Committee of the Whole was then put and was carried by follow- ing vote: Yeas—Aids, Haas, O'Rourke. Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays----Ald. Frith, Absent—Aid. Martin. Ald. O'Rourke, chairman of the Committee of the Whole, also report- ed as follows: Your Committee of the Whole Would respectfully recommend that Tschirgi & Sons he allowed to use the rock crusher in its present loca- tion for a period of about ten days, provided said nrm makes all the re- pairs necessary to ,put the same in good running order and leave it in first-class rel.air when through, the repairs on said crusher to be made to the satisfaction of the Committee on Streets. JOHN O'RO1'lJ. i:. Chit Irma n. Aid. O'Rourke moped the adopt u of the report of the Committee of the Whole. Ald. Frith moved as an amendment that M. Tschirgi & Son be not granted the use of the rock crusher. Amend- ment lost. Original motion Was then put and \\ as carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Haas, O'Rourke. Hand, Saul ani Singrin. Nays—Aid. Frith. Absent ---.Aid. Martin. RESOLUTIONS AND MOTIONS. Ald. O'Rourke offered the fnllo •- ing: \Whereas. The contract heretofore entered into by the City of Dubuque for the improvement of a street as hereinafter described has been com- pleted, and the City Engineer has computed that the cost and expense of said improvement amount to $4,- 057.49, Therefore, Pe it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That to provide for the cost of re - guttering Julien Avenue from Bluff Street to Alta Vista Street the Mayor be and he is hereby required to ••xe• cute and deliver to the City Recorder. to be by him registered and counter- signed, fifteen bonds for two hundred and fifty dollars each and one bond for three hundred seven and forty- nine one -hundredths dollars, numbered from 875 to 890 inclusive, dated No- vember llth, 1909, payable on or be- fore seven years after the date there- of, and bearing interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually. Ali. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—A1ds. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke. Rand. Saul and Singrin, Nays—None, Absent—Ali. Martin. Ald. O'Rourke also offered the fol- lowing: Whereas, The contract heretofore entered into by the City of Dubuque for the improvement of a street as: hereinafter described has been cnm- Regular Session, November 4, 1909 411 pleted, and the City Engineer has computed that the cost and expense of said improvement amount to $1,155.62. Therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to provide for the cost of im- proving Stoltz Avenue from Lemon Street to the west line of Lot 12 in Fairmont Park :addition. the Mayor be and he is heri•bv required to exe- cute and deliver to the City Recorder. to be by him regisb red and counter- signed, four bonds of the denomina- tion of two hundred and fifty dollars each and one for one hundred fifty- five and sixty-two one -hundredths dollars. numbered 891 to 895 inclu- sively, dated November 22. 1909, pay- able on or before seven years after date thereof. and bearing interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum. payable semi-annually. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried b;; the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith, Haas. O'Rourke. hand. Saul and Singrin. Nays— None. Absent—Ald. Martin. Aid. O'Rourke also offered the fol- lowing: Whereas. The contract heretofore entered into by the City of Dubuque for the construction of a sewer as hereinafter described has been com- pleted, and the City Engineer has computed that the cost and expense of said improvement amount to $625.- 90. Therefor. Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That to provide for the cost of con- structing a sanitary sewer in Francis Street from Kaufman Avenue to Hart Street and in Hart Street from Fran- cis to Valeria Street, the Mayor be1 and he is hereby required to execute and deliver to the City Recorder. to be, by him registered and counter- signed, two bonds of the denomination of two hundred and fifty dollars each and one for one hundred twenty-eight and ninety one -hundredths dollars, numbered 896 to 898 inclusive. dated November 22, 1909. payable on or be- fore seven years after the date there- of, and bearing interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum, payable semi-annua lly. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith. Haas. O'Rourke, Rand. Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Ald. Martin. Ald. O'Rourke also offered the fol- lowing: `whereas, The contract heretofore entered into by the City of Dubuque for the construction of a -sewer as hereinafter described has been com- pleted. and the City Engineer has computed that the cost and expense of said improvement amount to $633.- 33, Therefore, Be it tteselved he the City Council of the City of hubuclue, That to provide for the cost of con- structing a sanitary sewer in Olen Oak Avenue from Forest Lane to West Third Street. the Mayer be and he is hereby required to execute and deliver to the City Recorder, to he by him registered and countersigned, two bonis for two hundred and fifty dollars each and one bend for one hundred thirty-three and thirty-three one -hundredths dollars, numbered S99 le 901 inclusive, dated November 22, l:ui0. payable on or before seven years after the date thereof, and hear- ing interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum, payable semi-an- nually. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas. O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—none. Absent—Ald. Martin. Ald. O'Rourke also offered the fol- lowing: Whereas, The contract heretofore entered into by the City of Dubuque for the improvement of a street as hereinafter described has been com- pleted. and the City Engineer has computed that the cost and expense of said improvement amount to $1,32228.63. Therefore, Pe it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to provide for the cast of im- proving St. Ambrose Street from As- bury Street to Willow Street. the Mayor be and he is hereby required to execute and deliver to the City Re- corder, to be by him regist a• d and countersigned. four bonds for two hundred and fifty dollars g•,ich and one for three hundred tiye t) -eight and sixty-three m t h 9 61''dt datii. dol- lars. numbered tln No- vember 27. 10e9, payable on or be- fore Seven years after the date there- of, and hearing interest at the rate of five per cent. pr annum, payable semi- annually. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith. Haas, O'Rourke, Rand. Saul and Singrin. Nays--None- Absent—Aid. Ma in. 412 Regular Session, November 4, 1909 Ald. O'Rourke also offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the Pity Council of the City of Dubuque, Iona: That a permanent sidewalk of the width of four feet be and the same is hereby ordered to be laid on the south Side of West Third Street, between Walsh Street and College Avenue, and in front of the following described premises, Lots 1, 2 and 3, College Add. Such sidewalk to be constructed of materials and in the manner as follows, to -wit: Eight inches of cin- ders. three inches of concrete and one inch of cement wearing surface. Said sidewalk to be completed on or before the 1st clay of December, 1909, and the cost of the same be taxed against said premises and collected in the manner prescribed by law. Be it Further Resolved, That said property owner be and is authorized to construct said sidewalk at his own expense, provided he begins work thereon within ten clays after being notified by the City Recorder of the passage of this resolution by the City Council, and completes the same within thirty clays thereafter. Be it Further Resolved,. That if said work is not commenced within the time named in said notice that the City Recorder be and is hereby ordered to give ten days notice by two publications asking for proposals for the doing of said we rk under contract with the City. The proposals for the doing of said work shall be acted upon by the City Council on the 18th day of November, 1909. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Ald. Martin. Ald. O'Rourke also offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: That a permanent sidewalk of the width of four feet be and the same is hereby ordered to be Laid on the south side of West Fifth Street, between Gilmore Place and Summit Street, and in front of the following described premises: Lot 1, Mattox Sub., part of City Lot 721. Such sidewalk to be constructed of materials and in the manner as follow, to -wit: Eight inches of cinders, three inches of concrete and one inch of cement wearing surface. Said sidewalk to be completed on or before the 1st day of December 1909, and the cost of the same be taxed against said premises and collected in the manner prescrib- ed by law. Be it Further Resolved, That said property owner be and is authorized to construct said sidewalk at his own expense, provided he begins work thereon within ten clays after being notified by the City Recorder of the passage of this resolution by the City Council. and completes the same within thirty days thereafter. 1±e it Further Resolved, That if said work is not commenced within the time named in said notice that the City Recorder be and is hereby or- dered to give ten clays notice by two publications asking for proposals for the doing of said work under contract with the City. The proposals for the doing of said work shall be acted upon by the City Council on the 14th day of November, 1909. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand. Saul and Singrin. y.s—None. .-Abs,• it—Ald. Martin. Aid. O'Rourke also offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. Iowa.: That a permanent sidewalk of the width of four feet be and the same is hereby ordered to be laid on the east side of Summit Street, between West Fifth Street and Fenlon Place, and in front of the following. described prom- ises: Lot 1. Mattox sub., part of City Lot 721. Such sidewalk to be con- structed of materi;ils and in the man- ner as follows. 11.-Wit Eight inches of cinders, three inches of concrete and one inch of cement wearing sur- face. Said sidewalk to be completed on or before the 1st clay of December, 1909, and the cost of the same be taxed against said premises and col- lected in the manner prescribed bty law. Be it Further Resolved, That said property owner be and is authorized to construct said sidewalk at his own expense, provided he begins work thereon within ten days after being notified by the City Recorder of the passage of this resolution by the City Council, and completes the same with- in thirty days thereafter. Be it Further Resolved, That if said work is not commenced within the time named in said notice that the City Recorder be and is hereby ordered to give ten days notice by two Publications asking for proposals for the doing of said work under contract with the City. The proposals for the doing of said work shall be acted up- on by the City Council on the 18th day of November, 1909. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Regular Session, November 4, 1909 418 Yeas—=Ids. Frith. Haas, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays --None. Absent—Ald. Martin. Ald. Saul offered the following: Be it Resolved by the city Council of the City of i>ubuclue, Iowa: That a permanent sidewalk of the width of four feet be and the same is hereby ordered to be laid on the north side of Cleveland Avenue, between Union Street and South Bluff Street. and in front of the follo'w'ing describ- ed premises: Lot 45, Union Add. Such sidewalk to be constructed of mater- ials and in the manner as follows. to - wit: Eight inches of cinders, three inches of concrete and one inch of cement wearing surface. Said side- walk to be completed on or before the 1st clay of December, 1909, and the cost of the same be taxed against said premises and collects -'d in the manner prescribed by law, lie it Further Resolved. That said property owner he and is authorized to construct sail sidewalk at his orwn expense, provided he begins work thereon within ten days after being notified by the City Recorder of the passage of this resolution by the City Council, and completes the sane with- in thirty days thereafter. Be it Further Resolved, That if said work is not commenced ‘vithin the time named in said notice that the City Recorder be and is hereby order- ed to give ten day's notic.• by two publications asking for proposals for the doing of said work under contract with the City. The proposals for the doing of said work shall be acted up- on by the City Council on the 1Sth day of November. 1909. Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Ald. Martin. Ald. Saul also offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: That a permanent sidewalk of the width of four feet be and the same is hereby ordered to be laid on the east side of Booth Street, between West Third and Solan Streets, and in front of the following described premises' Lots 1, 2, 4, south 26.6 feet of Lot 6; Lots 9 and 10, S. M. Langworthy's Sub. Such sidewalk to be constructed of materials and in the manner as fol- lows, to -wit: Eight inches of cinders, three inches of concrete and one inch of cement wearing surface. Said side- walk to be completed on or before the lst day of December, 1909, and the cost of thy• same. he taxed against said Premises and collected in the manner prescribed by late. Fle it Further Resolved. That said property owner be and is authorized to construct said sidewalk at his OW!' expense, provided he begins work thereon within ten days after being notified by the City Recorder of the passage of this resolution by the City Council, and comliletes tho same with- in thirty days thereafter. Pe it Further Resolved, That iT said work is not commenced within the time named in said notice that the city Recorder be and is hereby ordered to give ten days notice by two publications asking for proposals for the doing of said work under con- tract -,with the City. The proposals for the doing of said work shall be iieted up in by the City Council In the 1.'th d iy of November, 1909. Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the resolution. carried by the following vote: 1'eas—Aids. Frith. 1-laas, O'Rourke. Rand.. Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Ald. Martin. Ald. Singrin offered the following: Pe it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. Iowa: That a permanent sidewalk of the width of eight feet be and the same is hereby ordered to be laid oh the south side of Ninth Street. between Clay acid White 'tree t3, a.... - "-.^t of the fol- lowing described premises: City Lot 279. Such sidewalk to be constructed of materials and in the manner as follows, to -wit: Eight inches of cin- ders, three inches of concrete and one inch of cement wearing surface. Said sidewalk to he completed on or be- fore the lst day of December, 1909, and the cost of the same be taxed against said premises and collected in the manner prescribed by law. Be it Further Resolved. 'That said property owner be and is authorized to construct said sidewalk at his own expense, provided he begins work thereon within ten days after being' notified by the City Recorder of the passage of this resolution by the City Council• and completes the same within thirty days thereafter. Be it Further Resolved, That if said work is not commenced within the time named in said notice that the City Recorder be and is hereby or- dered to give ten clays notice by two publications asking for proposals for the doing of said work under contract with the City. The proposals for the doing of said work shall be acted up- on by the City Council on the 18th day of November, 1909. Ald. Singrin moved the adoption of the resolution. 414 Regular Session, November 4, 1909 Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Aids. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays --None. Absent-Ald, Martin. Ald. Rand offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of Dubutte, Iowa. That the owner of the bots or pieces of ground fronting on the north side of Seminary Street. between 11;u•cld and Keppler Streets. be orlore.l to construct a temporary sidewalk in front of or along Lots 3, 4, 5, and the easterly 27 feet of Lot 6 in Littleton and Sawyer's Addition within ten day's from the adoption of this resolution: said walk to be the width of four feet, constructed of plank not less than two inches thick. laid on sleepers four by four inches and to be well secured by spikes. Be it Further Resolved. That in case of the failure or neglect of the owner or owners of said property comply with the terns of this resolu- tion within the time specified, that the City of Dubuque do said work an.• assess the cost and expense thereof against the abutting property and the owners thereof. Ald. Rand moved the adoption of the resolution. Lost by the following vote: Yeas -Alas. Haas. O'Rourke, Rand. Saul and Singrin. Nays-Ald. Frith. Absent-Ald. Martin. - Ald. Haas offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, That the owners of the lots or pieces of ground fronting on the westerly side of Stafford Avenue. between Merz anti Edison Streets, be ordered to construct 0 temporary sidewalk '-n front of or along the subdivision of Stafford's Addition Lot 1 within ten days from the adoption of this reso- lution; said walk to be of the width of four feet, constructed of plank not less than two inches thick. laid on sleepers four by four inches, and to be well secured by spikes. Re it further Resolved. That in case of the failure or neglect of the owner or owners of said property to comply with the terms of this resolution with- in the time specified, that the City of Dubuque do the said work and assess the cost and expense thereof against the abutting property and the owners thereof. Ald. Haas moved the adoption of the resolution. Lost by the following vote: Yeas --Aids. Haas, O'Rourke. Rand. Saul and Singrin. Kays-Ald. Frith. Ahsent-Ald. Martin. Ald. O'Rourke offered the follow- ing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of 1 ntbuque: That to pay for improving \\'est Fourth Street from Pauling ) treet to Alpine Street by Street & Steue.k, contractors, in front of and adjoining the same. a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots. ;ind 1,001ts nt' lots. and parcels of real estate hereinafter named. situated and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate. as follows: Special assessment submitted No- vember 4th. 19119. Total Amount owner. I tt seription, Tax. H. P. Stu•115t.1t•y. Sub. :' of Sub. 5. 1':uilina Lang - worthy's Sub.. Lot 2, 1396 lin. feet eonthht0(1 curb and gutter at 700'. $97.72: 211.>'1 sq. pls. tna^ad;tm- izing :it 76c. $141.;.26: .•xtra exte.nse, .11.145 per lin. ft $6.5 8 35° 23 II. P. Spenseley, Paulina I,:iiigworthy's Sub., \V. ail ft. S. t . Lot 6, 50 lin. feet combined curb and gutter at 711c, $35.1111' 77.77 sol. yds. macadamizing at 70c. $54.44: extra t•xpense..0448 per lin. ft.. $_._4 91 68 Langworthy Est., Paul- ing L;tngworthy's Sub.. E. 100 ft. Lot 6, lull lin. feet combined curb and gutter at 70c, $70.00; 174.44 sq. vds. macadamizing at Inc, $ 1 _ '.1 11: extra expense, .11.14S per lin. ft., $4.4x196 5S 1' dw. I..tngt\ orthy Est., Paul- ina Lnngworthy's Sub.. Lot 16. 30 lin. feet .combined curb and gutter at 70c, 856.110: 143.33 sq, yds, ma- c•adamizing at 70c. $100,33: extra expense. .0443 per lin. ft.. $3.58 159 91 Edty. Langworthy Est., Paul- ina Langworthv's Sub., Lot 15. 50 lin. feet combined curl. and gutter at 70c. $35.110: 77.78 sq, yds. ma- cadamizing at 70e. $54.45: extra expense, .1144.s per lin. ft.. $°.94 91 69 Edw. Langworthy Est., Paul- ina Langworthv's Sub., Lot 14, so 1111. feet combined curb and gutter at 70c. $35.00; 77.77 sq. yds, ma- cadamizing at 70c. $54.44: extra expense, .0448 per '.in. ft., $2 24 ..... 91 68 Edw. Langworthy Est.. Paul - Ina Langworthy's Sub.. Lot 13, 50 lin. feet combined curb and gutter at 70c. $35.00; 77.78 sq. yds, ma- cadamizing at 70c. $54.45: extra expense, .0448 per lin, ft.. $3.^4 91 Ci Regular Session, November 4, 19u9 EdW. Langworthy Est., Paul- ing Langworthy's Sub., Lot 12, 80.4 lin. feet combined curb and gutter at 70c, $56.23; 1.14.87 sq. yds. ma- cadamizing at 70c, $80.43; extra expense, .0448 per lin. ft., $3.61 Edw. Langworthy Est., Paul- ing Langworthy's Sub., N. 148 ft. E. 1.1 Lot 1, 65.3 lin. feet combined curb and gutter at 70c, $45.70; 73.36 sq. yds. ma- cadamizing at 70c, $51.35; extra expense, .0445 per lin ft., $2.93 99 98 Edw. Langworthy Est.. Paul- ing Langworlhy's Sub., N. 1471,?... ft. \V. 1/ Lot 1, 57 lin. feet combined curb and gutter at 70c. $39.90; 88.66 se. yds. macadamiz- ing at Tae. $62.03; extra expense. .044S per lin. ft., $2.56 104 49 Edw. Langworthy Est.. Paul- ine Langworthy's Sub., N. % Lot 2. 120 lin. feet combined curb and gutter at 70c, $84.00; 186.66 sq. yds. macadamizing at 70c, $130.66; extra expense, .0448 per lin. ft., $5.38220 04 Edw. Langworthy Est.. Paul- ing T.angvv0rthy's Sub., Lot 3. 110 lin. feet combined curb and gutter at 70c, $77.00: 171.11 sq. yds. ma- cadami'ing at 70c. $119.78 extra expense, .0445 per lin. ft.. $4.03 201 71 Edw. Langworthy Est.. Paul- ing T.nngworthy's Sub., Lot 4, 2'82.7 lin. feet combined curb and gutter at 70c. $197.911 429.10 sq. yds. macadamizing at 70c, $300.37: extra expense, .04,D, per lin. ft., $12.66 415 improving Fifth Street from Main t.) Iowa Street, by J. F. Brown, con- tractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied for the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate here• inafter named, situated and owned, 140 33 and for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real es- tate as follows: Special assessment 4, 1909. 510 93 Total assessment $2252 94 1,235 lin. feet combined curb and gutter at 70c $ 864 50 1,904.41 sq. yds. macadam 1333 10 at 70e 33 10 Extra expenses Tntai cost $2252 All of which is assessed in propor- tion to benefits conferred. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas.-Alds. Frith, Haas, O'Reurkc. Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays -None. Absent-Ald. Martin. Ald. O'Rourke also offered the fol lowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for submitted Nov. Total Amount Owner. Description. Tax. John Ha rtig, City Lot 185, 119.1 lin. ft. curbstone at 80c, $95.28; 63.8 sq. yds. brick guttering at $1.80, $114.84; extra expense, $2.48 $ 212 60 Harriet \V:IIsh, 1•nd. 1-3 of City 1.11 Ill. 21 2-3 sq. yds. brick guttering al 81.80. $39.110: extra 4.x1,011so, 84e. 39 84 (. Al. Staples Est.. I'nd. 2-3 of city Lot 10. 43 1-3 sq. yds. bride guttering at $1.811. $75.110: extra ex- pense. $1.0s, 79 68 \Irs. II. Bowers. S. 21 feet ' f the 1" id. 1-2 of City Lot 17. 62.6 lin. ft. curbstone :It sue, $50,ns: 32.16 sat. ydS. brick guttering at $1.80, $57.59; extra expense, 81.25 109 22 G. Ryan and 11. Wilson, S. 21 ft, of th' l'nll. 1-2 of ('ity Lot 17, 62.6 lin. ft. curb- stone at 011'. $50.08; 32.16 sq. yds. brick guttering at. $1.00, $57.09: extra ex- pense. $1.25 A. 1'. McDonald Mfg. Co., City Lot 1 04. 12.34 lin. ft. curbstone, at 80e, $9S.72: 64.33 sq. ylls. brick gutter- ing at $1.80, $115.79; lxtra expense, $2.511 ....... . 109 22 217 01 Total ...... $767.57 307.7 lin. ft. curbstone at SOc$294 16 257.45 se. yds. brick gutter- ing at 1.80 10 00 Extra expend' Total $767 57 All of which is :assessed in propor- tion to benefits c•m:re:Ted. Aid. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carrie,' by the following vote: Yeas -:Aids. Frith. Haas. O'Rourke, 11001, Saul and Singrin. Nays -Nome. Absent -.A111. Alantin. .\h1. Frith offered the following: on lcovving: Resolved by the . foe l of the (City of Dubuque: That to p:1, improving O'Neill A vetilie from Itur- rlon .Ac •nul, to Fh•rid;lll SIre.•1 by contractor. in front of 418 Regular Session, November 4, 1909 and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the sev- eral lots, and parts of lots, and par- cels of real estate hereinafter named. situated and owned, and for the sev- eral amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows: Special assessment submitted Nov. 4, 1909. Total Amount Owner. Description Tax. Louis Ritter. Jr.. O'Neill's River Viee, Let 16, 50 lin ft. curbstone at 5Sc, 329.00 16 1-.1 std. yds. brick gut- tering :tt $1.30, $21.66; 73.73 sq. yds. macadamiz- ing at fisc, $44.24; extra expense, .022 per lin. ft.. 31.10 $ 96 00 Henry Moritz. tr'Netll's ]liver View, Lot 15. 5o lin. ft. curbstone :It 5Sc, 329.00: 16 2-3 sq. yds. guttering at 31.30, 321.67: 66 2-3 sq. yds. macadamizing at 60c, $40.00; extra expense at .022 per lin. ft.. 31.10 91 77 Anna Al. Gross, O'Neill's River View, Lot 14, 50 lin. ft. curbstone at 58c, $29.00: 16 2-3 sq. yds. guttering at 31.30, $21.66; 66 2-3 sq. yds. macadamizing at 60c, $40.00; extra expense at .022 per lin. ft., $1.10 91 76 T. O'Sullivan (Trustee), O'- Neill's River View. Int 13. 50 lin. ft. curbstone at 53c. 329.00; 16 2-3 sq: yds. guttering at $1.30, 321.67: 66 2-3 sq. yds. macadamiz- ing at 60c, $40.00: extra expense, .022 per lin. ft., 31.10 91 77 Frank F. Otto, O'Neill's Riv- er View, Lot 12, 50 lin. ft. curbstone at 58c, 329.00; 16 2-3 sq. yds. guttering at 31.30, $21.67: 66 2-3 sq. yds. macadamizing at 60c. $40.00; extra expense, .022 per lin. ft., 31.10 91 77 Geo. F. Tigges, O'Neill's Riv- er View, Lot 11, 50 lin. ft. curbstone at 59c, 329.00; 16 2-3 sq. yds guttering at 31.30, $21.66; 66 2-3 sq. yds. macadamizing at 60c, $40.00; extra ex- pense, .022 per lin. ft. 31.10 Geo. F. Tigges, O'Neill's Riv- er View, Lot 10, 50 lin, ft. curbstone at 58c, 329.00; `'a6t $-330 sq yds, guttering $21.67; 66 2-3 sq. yds macadamizing at 60c, $40,00; extra expense, .022 per lin. ft., $1.10.... 91 77 Edw, Budden, O'Neill's Riv- er View, Lot 9, 50 lin. ft. 91 76 curbstone at 58c, $29.00; 16 2-3 sq. yds. guttering at 31.30, 321.66: 66 2-3 sq. yds. macadamizing at 60c. 310,00; extra expense, .022 per lin. ft.. $ 1.10.. , Wm. Lawther, Sr., O'Neill's ]-liver View, Let 8. 50 lin• ft. at 5Sc, $2't.nn' 16 2-3 sq. yds. guttering nt 321.66; 66 2-3 stl. yils. macadamizing :It 6Uc 340.00; extra expense. .022 per• lin. ft.. 31.10.... Wm. Latvther, Sr.. O'Neill's River View, Lot 7. 41.7 lin. ft. curbstone :it ,Se, 324.19: 1:11.9 sq. yds. ut- tering at 31.30. $ 1 8.07; 55.6 sq. yds. rna, n latuiz- ing at trot. z ;:I:;,;; extra expense. .ii22 1„ r. lin. ft., 91c .... 76 53 Wm. Lawther, Sr.. t t'Neill's Miner View. Let 6, r;2.3 lin. ft. curbstone at 58e. 336.13; 17.34 sq. yds. guttering at 31.30, 322.55: 63.93 se. yds. macadamizing at 60e, 311.36: extra expense, .022 per lin. ft.. $1.37 101 41 Ge.il' Nptelhauer, o'Neill's I:tt t r \"ii•tt'. Lot 39. 54 lin. ft. curbstone at 58e, 331.32: 16 2-3 sq. yds. guttering at 31.30, 321.66; 73.73 sq. yds. macadamiz- ing :it 60e. 344.24: extra expense, .022 per lin. ft., 31.19 98 41 Peter Reurskens, O'Neill's River View, Lot 40. 50 lin. ft. curbstone at 53. 329.00; 16 2-3 sq. yds. guttering at $1.30, 321.66; 66 2-3 sq. yds. macadamizing at 60c, 340.00; extra expense. .022 per lin. ft., 31.10 91 76 Peter Peurskens, O'Neill's River View, Lot 41, 50 lin. ft. curbstone at 53. 329.00; 16 2-3 sq. yds. guttering at 31.30, 321.67; 66 2-3 sq. yds. macadamizing at 60c, 340.00: extra expense, .022 per lin. ft., 31.10 91 77 John D. Walsh, O'Neill's River View, Lot 42, 50 lin, ft. curbstone at 58, 329.00: 16 2-3 sq. yds. guttering at 31.30, $21.66; 66 2-3 sq. Yds. macadamizing at 60c, 340.00; extra expense, .022 per lin. ft., 31.10 John D. Walsh, O'Neill's River View, Lot 43, 50 lin. ft. curbstone at 58c, $29.00: 16 2-3 sq. yds. guttering at 31.30, 321.66; 66 2-3 sq. yds. macadamizing at 60c, 340.00; extra expense, .022 per lin. ft., $1.10 91 76 91 7i; 91 7c 91 7, Regular Session, November 4, 1909 M. Gantcnbein, O'Neill's River View, Lot 44, 50 lin. ft. curbstone at 5se, 829.00; 16 2-3 sit• yds. guttering at $1.30, $21.67; GG 2-3 sq. yds. macadamizing at 60c, $40.00; extra expense. .022 ped lin. ft., $1.111 Emil Nigg, O'Neill's Ricer View, Lot 45, 50 lin. ft. curbstone at 58e, $29.00: 16 2 sq. yds. guttering at $1.30. 21.67: 66 2-3 sq. yds. macadamizing at Enc, $411.0o: extra expense, .022 per lin. ft.. $1.10 F. Zahina. O'Neill's River View, Lot 14, 511 lin. feet curbstone at 5Sc, $29.00; 16 2-3 sq. yds. guttering at $1.30, $21.66: 66 2-3 sq. yds. macadamizing: at 60e, $40.0(1: extra expense. .022 per lin. ft., 51.10 Wm. Latvther, Sr., O'N, River View. Lot 47, 50 lin. ft. guttering at 5.Se. $29.00: 16 2-3 sq. yds. ;'uttering at $1.30. $21.67: 66 2-3 sq. yds. macadamizing at 60e. 840.01: extra expense, .022 per lin. ft.. $1.10 Leo. Marihart, O'Neill's River View. Lot 4S, 21.7 lin. ft. curbstone at 58e, $24.19; 13.9 sq. yds. guttering at $1.30, $15.07: 35.r, sq• yds. macadamizing at 60c, $33.36; extra exopnse, .022 per lin. ft.. 90c Leo. Marihart, O'Neill's River View, Lot 49, 61.9 lin. ft. curbstone at 58e. $35.90; 17.34 sq yds. guttering at $1.30, $22.56: 68.93 sq. yds. macadamizing at 60c, $41.36: extra expense, .022 per lin. ft., $1.3S 91 77 91 77 91 76 91 77 76 52 101 21 Total cost $2018 32 1111.6 lin. ft. curbstone at 58c $644 73 362.48 sq. yds. guttering at $1.30 471 22 1463.21 sq. yds. macadamiz- ing at 60c 877 92 Extra expense 24 45 Total cost $2018 32 All of which is assessed in propor- tion to benefits conferred. Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Ald. Martin. vote: O'Rourke, Ald. Frith moved that the profile showing grade of Irving Avenue be accepted and the Ordinance Commit - 417 tee be instructed to prepare Ordinance establishing said grade. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke moved that the City Council of the city of Dubuque ex- tend an invitation to the National Waterways commission to visit Du- buque on their way clown the Mis- sissippi !fiver. Carried. O' honrke moped that the Sweet Commissioner he instructed to yieav the railroad crossings at Sixth anti Seventh Streets and tracks be- tween seventh and Eighth and Jack- son and Washington Streets and also railroad crossings at l4arfield Avenue and to report to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke moved that contract for Hot top covering for ltee Branch sewer south oi• Seventeenth Street be awarded to Eagle Point Lime Works to complete the work as far as the appropriation avill allot and the \iayor to withhold his .signature to the contract until the Dubuque Pack- ing ('o. has tiled :a bond to guarantee the payment of said covering, if the packing plant is not built, as prom- ised. Ald. Singrin moved as an amend- ment that the matter he ret'erred to the Committee of the Whole. Amendment lost by following vote: Yeas---Alds. Frith, Rand -and Sita - grin. Nays- -Alds. Haas, O'Rourke and Saul. There being a tie, :Mayor Schunk voted nay. Original notion was then put and, being a tie, Mayor Schunk voted yea. Vote is as follows: Yeas--Alds. Haas, O'Rourke. Saul and Mayor Schunk. Nays --Aids. Frith, Rand and Sin - grin. • Ald. Frith moved that sewer in- spector be instructed to put in a catch basin at Thirty -Second Street and Cooler Avenue. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke brought up matter of the payment of bill of Street & Steuck. 5% retained for one year for work done on Bee Branch sewer in 1908. Ald. Frith m_oved to adjourn to Thursday evening, November 18th, 1909. Carried. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. Approve 19116 oyer i Recorder 418 Special Session, November 15, 1909 CITY COUNCIL Special Session, November 1511x, 1909. Council islet at 5:45 p. nt. Mayor Schunk in the chair. 1'rc;Sent -- Alds. Frith, Haas, (r'Itourke. Hand. Saul and Singriu. .\b.icnt—And. Martin. .Mayor ~chunk stated that the spec- ial session was called for the purpose o1' talking up and considering the re- port of the I:oard of Equalization on the t:1x,•.4 for the year 1:10,1, To tali,• up and consider the crea- tion of •1 sinking fund to apply on the bonded indebtedness of the City. To take up and consider the report of the Committee on I'elic, ;111,1 Light on purchase of overcoats for the Po- ne,. ney1(1(1u•nt. To take 111, and consider the report of the Committee on Fire in the mat- ter of exchange of horses for the Fire Delia itm,•nt. '1'11 hlko (111 and consider the veto of \liyor ~chunk on report of the Committee of the \\'hole in reference to til, -s of John Olinger for the year 1911s. on 1noolel;n'd Addition. I'o take notion on the annual report of the 1' aItd t,f \V'iter \V'ot'ks Trus- tees t'or th- year ending \luy 31st. 19119. '1'" take action 1111 Indemnity Bund of the Dubuque Packing Company to the City of Dubuque. '1'o take up 01111 consider the matter of lilting sidewalk on Stafford Avenue. lietlleen \Toru Street and Ellison Street. •t. To take up anti consider the tax levy for the year 1909. 'Co take up and reconsider the ac- tion of the Pity Council in the matter of laying ;t temporary sidelv:tlk on Seminary Street, abutting lots 3, 4, 5 and the easterly 27 feet of Lot 6, Littleton and Sa\Vyor's _\ddition. A111_ 1)'ltourke, chairnutn of the I;u;un of Equalization, reported as follows: Your 'Board of Equalization, regu- larly ;11,pointe(1 by 911th 11111011'1(010 holly ;1t the first ole, ting of `el,t, m- ber 11,1 to equaltr,• 1111 ;Isses=nl, lit of all taxpayers in accordance (('1 11';111 Sec- tion „1' ('h:lpter i.\'I (If the P.evise:l Or,lin;I((, of the Pity of Dubuque, of 19(11, would respectfully report that we have performed all duties re- (1u1r1,1 by x;11,1 l'hapter and that we hell a lin;11 sleeting on the 9th day of Noven11,er. 1909, for the purpose of hearing from those who felt aggriev- (•\V t v til, ;lotion of this bond. 'Tat th.>se who desired addresse(1 this llo:lyd and after giving careful con- sideration to the proposed changes in the assessments, we respectfully rec- ommend that the following changes be made: Iir1y. Elizabeth, S. 411 feet of Pity Let 202. from $5,000.11(1 to $6,000,00. ('. ll. D, I.aundry, personalty from $1;',0,.10 to $1,000.00. ('oll1ns, Anna. Corricll's Sub., 12, 13.:old 14 front $;,000.00 to `6,000.00. Pooley, 1). \„ est„ monies and credits, tl•nm $41(11.1111 to $5,111111,110. ('('Ilhtre, . .I, (1. \1:lrtin's Dubuque 4. front $1,..1(1.110 to $_, 500.00, 1,11$1.1.11';1 111'x.. Al 11141._ from $4,- 1(nn.no lo .,nn11.41n 1"'ss lnunn. Frank, Fosselman's soli. 4. . 6, front $ 1.51111..141 to $2,- 1(11.11(1, I.-"sseilolt11, Frank. Fosselnuln'14 sub. 1 1 . 12, 13, 1 1, from $ 1 . '1111.011 to $1, inn 011, t ileseln;ul. \lilulie. \I:u•tln's Du- buque. N. 111(1 ft. Lot 1. from to $1,5 Immo. (;ilnuln, Frank P.. Julia Lang - 4.1 lhy's A,I4I.. Lot 43. front 91,.,00..1 11 to '2.5410,041, Hampton. J. \V.. A(((1 1 /.1 1-1111)., Sub., I;. ..-7.,•_ of Lot 11, from $450.011 to x1400.1111• Mdse., from 1" 91.1-,1,.141, 11,r'.tIg, .A. .1., Aldsc., from $1,5mo.u0 to 92,111111.1111 1-htrgus. Kate. Sub. 1 of ('its- 6(17, Toot 1. frons T.,1n11111 to $4,000,4111, (lull, \\'nl.. Pity Lot 591, from $2.51,(1.4111 ter _.10011,1111, 111!b Clothier,. \I,ise.. from $12.- 01111,1111 til $11I,111010_I1I, l- soman, Mary• 11. S. Langworthy', Add., T.ot 11, from $_011.00 to $000.00. Jewell Ten Co.. Mose.. from $75.110 to $24111.1141, K0tss.ler, \loses, Pity \. 31.7 of 307 ::P11 all of 3419. from $5.0110•0 0 to $6.- lilauer, (leo. \.. Mdse., frons $1.- )0,041 to $1.900.00, Richard Kolck, City S. 1-5 of 499, fro m $5,0041.01) to $.,51141,11a, Klaner & Meeker. Lot 213. 1);tvis Tcat'm. from $1.000.110 to $1.3110.110. l.agonnirein., (;r111ie Co., lfnso., 111 $3.01141.11 to ti7.,7511.1111. Larson. Julia C'.. S. 2r. Lang- \•orlhy's .11111., Lot 43, from $2.000.00 t1, 92,:00,00, Levi. James & Cn„ 17-1011i. and eredits, from 00000(1 to $1 2,0011,01(. Lindsay S. S.. money and credits, fron, $500.00 to $1,150.00. Loetseher, A. A., horse and vehicle ('mitten, $200.011. McFadden Coffee & Spice Co. "ncey 011(1 credits, from $1.050.00 to $1-141,11111:00. Special Session, November 15, 1909 Alanson, Walter Est., .City Lot S. 13.2 of 75 and all of 76, from $20,- 000.00 to $21,000.00. Mauer, 11., E. Langworthy's Add., Lot 34, from $400.00 to $900.00. Off, Robert, Reche's Sub., Lot 15, from $1,000.110 to $1,200.00. Olinger, John, Boulevard Add., Lots 1 to 46 inclusive. from $13.750.00 to $15.000.00. Roth, John, \linerui Lot 345, Lot 2, from $1,500.00 to $1,300.00. }thon,berg. J. 11.. \\'. 1-2 of Lot 151, I,. H. Langwortby's .\d11., from $40.1- 00 400- (11) to $500 00. Rhomberg, J. H. Davis Farm .\d,'.. Lot 225, from $1,000.00 to $1.7,110.111. S,•hnetzle & li ossnlnian, .\l,ls . , Il'o111 $81111.(111 til $1.nuo.ou :chmid 'mfg. C,,.. Mdse., from $300.00 to $1.000.00. Simplot Ida, Sub. Alin. Lot 82, from ,$_.01.0,00 to $2,500.00. Stein. Evelyn 1).. S. 7: feet of S. 1-4 01 City Lot 661. from $25.000.00 to $.10.000.00. I ilivan. J. \I.. Mdse.. from $3,000.(10 to $5.0(10.1111. Upton. S. \V... personalty, from $es1•.00 to $1.000.00. Union Tea Co.. Mdse., from $1550.01, to $2511.00. Wunderlich. H. & Son. Mdse., from $6,000.110 to $6,000,00. Fosselman. Kate AI. & Frank, Lots 1£6 :id 187. L. H. 1 n igworthy's Add.. front $2.000.00 to $3.200.00. Atduscr, Paul. Lot 11. .Tulin Lang - worthy's Add., from $1.100.00 to $2.- ;.00.0'1. Bechtel, H. ('.. \ldsr.• from $3.500.- (0 to $4,000.00. 1:, nhardt \mWinery Co., \ldso . y:•'00.011 to $3011.00. Retitin. Frank, p1'rsonalty, from $300.011 to $600.00. P01,11 10., inc. Alike., from $1.200 - (la I n :j l 60(1 (1(1. JOHN 0'I;OCR1C1'.. Chairman. .',L•I (!'Rourke moved to, ad011tio't of the rel.ort of the 110ird of Equal'- 2arh,L t,utried. Ald. (1')tot rl:0• chs ii^r.;l11 of Cho (`. ,mnlillee r n Finance. „ri enteQ and re:1-1 the foll,'\cing report: To the Honorable Mayor and City Connell: Gentlemen: Your committee on Iinanee deem it necessary and advisable to estal'lisit a sinking fund for the amelioration of the public debt. Sec. 9, page 67. of the ordinance book 1.f 1901. gunt- ing the laws of TOwa, states the fol- lowing.. A tax for the purpose, of creating a bond or sinking fund sufficient to Pay the interest to accrue before the nett anneal levy on funding or r0- 419 funding bonds outstanding, and to pay the principal of such funding or re- funding bonds. The council has been carrying out th,lt part of the law which applies to the interest but not to the bond or sinking fund. \Ve, therefore. as your Connnittee on l inane(, would reconunc nd the es- tablishment of a sinking fund of one- half mill each year. Ave would, therefare, n!oye to in- struct Committee clerk John Lawlor to prepare a rl'selution for the same and also to ('ity Attorney Lyon to prepare an ordinance. .101 -IN l)'Itlll:I:KR JAMES SAUL, Committee on Finance. Aid 1) Itourlce moved the adoption Of the report of the c'otilntittee on Fi- nance and the Committee Clerk to prepare res•1lulion selling aside 1-2 mill •,I' the tax levy to be tn:cilc for c'realie0 of :c sinking fund. t0 apply on the 1 0,101 11111110 'ss of the ('il\• and the Attorney and Ordinance Committee to prepare Ordinance. ('arri ' l by the following vote: }-eas—Ahls. Frith, Haas. O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Alo•'nt—.-\1-1. Martin. A1.1. 5ingrin, chairman Pro Tem of the committee r'11 Police and Light, report ' 1 .1s follows: Your committee on Police and Tight would respectfully report that we advertised for bids for police tv ''c00ts and received proposals from three firms. .After duly consid- erin th,• proposals submitted, we de- cided to 1l ward the cmitract 1'u1' thirty- five regulation overcoats to Ilea li:luf- mon & ren at .1 Price of 1525.311 each. Ten dollars of which amount. {1s is customary• to he paid by the City and the balance by the officers purchas- ing the overcoats. \\'. C'itairnt:al Pr.. Tem. \Id. Siuorin »!iced the a,lopti11 of the report 1.l the Connnitle,• Po- Iicc and Light. \hl. 11 L'oin•lo• moved is an ;uncurl - mint that the repel•t 1 1' '1'1) 1 •d and the limn. r he la ferre,l to the Atayor with po\\e!•• -""""d"."1 carried. Aldo Frith, ch;iiralail of the Com- otitte,• on Fin•. rep,u•te l that one of Ole horses recently purchased for the Fire 1e•partirie1t was luillcy and that Ih,• .-.11imittee had token up the mat- ter with th.• party from whenn the horse hod been pureh;IS 1, an'1 that 11' hvl exehr11112'11 the horse 1.1. other one. .\d. Frith own nioye11 that action of the Fire Committee in os- cluin 11g Ilse hr.rses 1. :11'1i1'e(11. Car- ried. 420 Special Session, November 15, 1909 REPORTS OF OFFICERS. 'Mayor Schunk presented and read the following veto: Dubuque. io\ya. Nov. 10, 1909. To the honorable Council, Pity of Dubuque: Dear Sirs: T have had under care- ful consideration the report of your committee of the vvhole. adopted Oc- tober 27, 1909. recommending that the petition of Air. John Olinger for re- duction of the 1905 tax on Boulevard Addition from the hoard of equaliza- tion's valuation to that returned by the assessor for that year. be received and filed. i)uriii all the time this natter huts born under consideration. there has been a Made in my mind of the legal- ity of the board's action in raisin:; this' assessmca\t without making cor- respu0ding raises in yaeant properties in the inimedi;ito vicii ity of \Ir. Olin- ger's property. The idea of equaliza- tion in law as interpreted by the To\wa sepri me court, is not to arbi- trarily raise ono man's taxes. unless the same course is pursued with all adjacent property where values are low and inequaliti,s exist. The ()lin- ger property is easily worth the as- sessment put on it by the beard of equalization of 190S, and the action of the latter was fully justified in fixing the value it did, because it was on the merits of the property involved. a fair valuation. Yet the absence of art equalization of assessed values with that of other property in the vicinity. raises the question of regularity. and creates a well defined doubt as to the legality of the proceedings. In view of this fact, 1 would recom- mend to your honorable body that the petition of Mr, John Olinger be re- ferred to City Attorney Lyon with a request for an early opinion as to the legality of the board of equalization's procedure in the matter of the in- crease in his assessment, and asking from the attorney a report of recom- mendation as to what course the city should pursue to safeguard its right. and best interests in the premises legally and fairly to all concerned. To again bring this matter before your honorable body for reference to the city attorney, and to enable us to get a report and recommendation from him, T herewith return to you the committee of the whole report recommending that the petition of Mr. John Olinger be received and fil- ed, adopted by the City Council Octo- ber 27, 1909, and hereby veto the mo- tion that carried adopting the same. Respectfully, H. A. SCHtJNK, Mayor. On motion veto of Mayor Schenk was referred to the City Attorney for. a report. ma yin* ,chunk also presented the annual report of the Tloarit of \Vater Works 'Trustees for the year ending may :Ilst, 1909. Same teas read and on motion \vas referred to tite Finance committee to bo embodied in the nu;tl report of the City of 1)ubuue. \layer Schenk also presented and read Bond of indemnity of the Du- teeoe• Packing ('ontpany as principal and James 1;, ai h as surety ht the City of Dubuque in the sunt of Two Thousand five Hundred Dollars as a guarantee that said company will p:'y. to the Pity an amount equal to the sten paid by the Pity in ;urhing lite Hee liranch Sevver contiguous to the in •rt', of said company in case the Ouhugne racking Company fail to ,erect an addition to their plant (hoe ine. the ye;ir 1010, at a cost in the 11t ighlerlt„od 1.1 .$40,000.110, and stat- ed that upon the tiling of the bond Ali.. Teti• l with him, that he hurl signed the contract for the arcli- ing of the 11ee lliinch Sevc,•r in the Third \\' it 1. (rn motion tIi( bond of the ihil)irtte I'aeking l'nmp:utc Was a pia.ew,•.1 :ind ordered placed en file. 11d. H:n,s stated 111a1 Mr. J. Sch\y!et,•riug \wished to address the council in relation to tilling the side- walk in front of his prop, rty and moved that rules be suspended to g eet \Ir' Seh\yietering permission to address the 4'nuncil. carried. \Ir. Sett wietering then adds s' ' l the ('ouncil, staling that !1' the Coun- cil would 1111 the side\vallt in front of his property on Stat -ford _Avenue, he- twoon \tor tz and Edison Stri•ets, he would imnu•di;ttely lay a four foot e— tre nt sidewalk. Aid, Frith moved that the Street Commissioner be 1nstfeted to have sidewalk on Stafford .\ . nue. bet\\'een Mertz and Edison rt; t,. abutting property of \lr. Schvyietet'in.g', tilled to grade and riprapped at an expense not to exceed $25.00 and cost to be taken from the expense fund. Car- ried_ \ld. 0'!O tirke moved that the Council take up the matter of fixing the tax levy for the year 1909. Car- ried. Ald. P,and moved that the matter of fixing the levy for the taxes of the year 1909 be referred to the Commit- tee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke moved that the Council reconsider their action in the matter of compelling the owner of Lots 3, 4, 5, and the easterly 27 feet Regular Session, November 18, 1909 of Lot 6, in Littleton and Sawyer's Addition, to lay temporary sidewalk in front of said property. Carried. Ald. Itand than offered the follow- ing: Be it 114 solved by the Pity Council of Dubuque. Iowa, That the owner of the lots or pieces of ground fronting on the north side of Seminary Street, between Harold :ind Doppler Sheets, be ordered to construct a temporary side\\•allc in front ol• or along Lots 3, 4, 5, ;,nd the easterly 27 fuel of Lot 6 in Littleton and 1a\cy,•r's .\ddition within ten days from the adoption of this r^sedation: said walk to he the \\• ttu) of four feet. c onstrnc h d l' plank not less than tae inches thiels, laid nil sleepers four by four inches and to be well secare'd by spikes. Be it Furth, r Itesolvcd, That in ('1'- • of the failure of neglect of the owner et* owners 01' said prop 1 ty 1,1 e0111)19' With the ternls 111' this resolu- tion within the time specified. that the city of Dubuque dig said vwell::nlil ns ss the (..Mit and esp.•nsc thereof against the abutting property and the n\Wma's there'd.. Ald. panel moved the adoption n1' the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—:\lds.Hans, O'Rourke. Hand, Saul and iingrin. Nays—Ald. Frith. Absent—.Ald. Martin. Ald. O'Rourke moved to ad,inurn. Carried. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City P,ecorder. 4:4 CITY COUNCIL Regular Session 9' ventber 131 h. I:ena• t lllici:cl. ) ('u1111')l met at 9:13 p. m. \layer N01011k in the chair. Present--Alds. 1'11'11 h, O'Rourke, 11:011, Saul and Singri 1. \hsenl--. Id. Alantin :aul Haas. \Iaynr sch11111( soled til;tt Action on til : 110,,val ul' 11, minute. u1' the Council I'roo'ilings for the month of Oetebel•, 19119, ANils deferred at. till' Ills) session of the ('ouncil to this ses- sion. .\ Id, Ilnnd moved that action e11 the a111r0V:t1 of the minutes of the Coun- cil Proceedings for the mon)h of Oc- tober h, deferred to the nest roguha• session 01. the ('il) council. Carried. PI 1,1,S. The following hills, having been Io•u1" 'lc :1 1)1've 1 by the various COm- nt: 1 , s, Were rend and, On motion of .\I.I 1)' Rourke. were ordered paid: 11 .1. AV eher. inspector of •vwer franc 12nd Street to 1)iam Ind .\ venue •F 11) \V. Lillie. cleaning and put- ting up storm sash at City Ifall :, 20 1, Dailey, cleaning around linrket Square September and October 19 30 Mike 1\lullen, plumbing pairs, City Hall 1 80 Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies for cleaning at City Hall1 45 Foley's Hand Laundry, towel service during October 4 00 Peter Even, coal for First Ward scale house 9 50 Conlin & Kearns, coal for city Hall 1 S 41 Pus Holl, repairing lucks and keys. CII\ hall 90 1'. McManus. inus. sn\wing and car- rying in two cords oak wood, City 1Lill SInihu-IG„e Lumber Co., lum- her c. I:. Fitzpatrick 1'0.. station- ery. Warion, departments }'ileo. Leh:n Ice entering deed of McFadden coffee e' Spice Co. to the City ..f Dubuque. 25 Dubuque 1 111111 Recorder, en- tering deeds of \IePadden Coffee \ Spice !'r,. and (ieo. Schmitt io city of Dubuque. 1 00 \\'esters 1'iiion Telegraph Cu., electric time• service, Treas- urer's odic,•. eletreher .J. P. l:uec•hele, taking care of city clock (luring 1 911 144 00 A. E. Bradley. three lights r glass. City all 1 50 Pitts -Thompson Foundry Co, 6 00 catch basin, :!G 2 50 24 2 35 42° Regular Session, November 1, 1909 Ellxvanger Bros.. 2 snaps for 'Wer horse Lagen. Peed 111(1 llerwatiger, S110.4 g 1101.8e F. Sehl,../. rep0irs, Sewer field. Wm. 11011.1:erm.•yer. sharpen- ing tools for Se \vet' Dent- • • C. \V. 1.1tv.. 21 meals furnish- ed p1180ner8 daring October hauling manure from Patrol 1-1ou8e Septem- ber and october 1). one load clay t0r Patrol 1-11,11SI. EI1\:111g1r 11:11188 SLIP - plies and repairs for 1)ept. 1'itt8-T110rops.m Foundry grate f..r stove in cainimus, Eich & Pechtel, groceries rm. eon,. Ahill.mcs Dept N. P. Schneider. groceries for House E. J. Alulgrew. bread and ililik 10r Alatrim's 1->ept.. Alorch 10 November. Alettel Pr0s.. feed for Patrol horse • Collings & Pliffner. shoeing Patrol 1101.S..' 1-1. Ilagert y. veterinary service. Pntrol horses, Sep- tember :11111 ((('1 ler J. 11. lleinfried. expense in- curred inspecting new style lire ('IlplI 1 11..el(ford. 111. Ti. J. Hagerty. veterinary ser- vice. Fire lmrs.s. Septenther and Oct0ber H. Hagerty. inspecting three new Fire 11 i5 T. J. Alulgrew Co.. coal for Fire Dept. t'a fr. 1Zyder & Adams CO, glass for Fire 1)..pt. storage battery. Charles E. lte,ry. supplies for Fire Dept. 1)01111:jet. 1rs,, 2 dozen barn Fire 1)ept. Jos. J. Po.wiln, 4 blankets for Fire 1). pt. E. P. 'Perv.m. paint for Fire Dept. '1'. 1-1. Clark, drug supplies for Fire 11opt. '1`. \V. 1tuete, drug supplies for Fire 11ept. l'nion Electric Co., current fm. fire 11101.111 system. Oct. 1(0\0 oil Co.. 30 gals. oil fur Fire Dept. Nntional Ilefining Co., 60 gals 011 for Fire 1)ept. Handenshieldhay for Fire liert. 3latt Stafford. bran for Fire 1)ept Eichliorn lleehtel, bran for Fire l) 1. Fischer & Co., coal for Fire 1101.t. 20 2 50 2 75 65 4 20 3 00 2 00 5 23 75 7 12 7 90 9 06 3 90 11 115 2 40 6 00 18 40 13 00 10 05 13 00 28 00 11 70 20 00 2 00 8 00 9 85 2 00 6 00 8 10 78 58 2 50 2 60 11 65 F. A. I ;tiros, coal for Fire Dept. Conlin & 1:earns, emit for Fire Dept. pi -in Doerr. e101 1 for Piro 1/pt. !Key l'ity (las Co.. coke for Fire Dept. 1<ey City Oas Cn.. 4 gas arcs, Police and Depts ,;:IS gns burners for Fire 1)ept. Collings & PiiiIner. horseshoe- ing fo). Fire Dept login, 1 '.•1`1 & I 1,•I'IV:Illger, 114,rst•sh. wing Fir.' 111111 VVil'114•111/1t. fni. Fire Ile1,1 J1)11 11 Nt.\( 1111111 & for Fire D(pt. Eit\v,ing,.t• 1!ro8.. harness re- pnirs rm. ph. 1)v3t. (1,0. P.agatz & Son. repairs Fire 1)ept. Smedley 34( 01 l'urrip castings for Fire Dept \\in. 3!: 18111)11. repairs for pi". Dept. 1101 'TI 111os.. 1 new heater and repairing 1 (1eater. Fire 1)ept. 101 00 r'itts-'Ilionips0n Foundry castings fur Fire 1)ep1 4 50 Sp:Om-Hose Lumber Co., lum- ber for repairs to side‘valks 29 60 1minnine sand & 1;ravet gravel for murr tensim: 8 25 Dugga n Cola. lm rel ware f01. Hluff Street Extetisi.m11 00 Pitts-Thonlpson Foundry Co catch basin for r0n.1 Dept12 00 C. 1-1. 8 C..., repairing curb 011 Crove Terrace10 00 \ ri g;is mantles 1)11 kelt 1.y falling of \Vest 17t11 1'l '1 quarry 1 63 Cleo. \V. 01.•y Son, m: • P111111 111 forks f0r Road 1/ept. 3 00 F. Schh.z Son, repairs for Piro Dept. 1 50 1101)1. .1111121:. plumbing repairs f, 0 Fin, 1)00. S 110 Jas. 1.ec33 :41'11, 10 lineal feet 2" ;111g11. VI'sl :1011 8 00 J. F. Hrowit. 1.000 hiving bricl: for 110:1.1 15 00 foundry (.01(11 11(1005 fc,i• ItoNd :-111(1 87.4.‘ver 11,108. 14 30 F. Al. Jaeger & Co., blasting supplits f0r 17111 St. quarry 4 67' F. 31e11108 &' In 1301118 for 11.0a1 Dept. 4 83 1-1. .1. -Hagerty. veterinary ser - \lee, ltoad horsc•s. Septem- ber and ()clolwr 1 30 'k-ey City Oas 10., coke for steam roller 16 95 F. A. Darns, coal for steam roller 10 70 16 01 37 07 17 13 15 90 2 00 60 10 00 7 00 12 15 35 9 65 13 50 50 ' 30 Regular Session, November 18, 1909 Pier Bros., coal for steam roller 9 92 Fischer & Co., coal for steam roller 18 77 N. J. Staner, constructing ce- ment walk, Dodge and Vine Streets 66 90 O'Farrell Contracting Co. 5% retained, college Ave. sewer 37 50 Union Electric ai'c lights for Oetoher 2070 75 Key City Gas Co., light for various departments 87 25 Telegraph - I ler:LI/1. official printing, oetoluir 100 28 Times -Journal. official print- ing, October 117 87 Smith -Morgan Printing co printing pamphlets. Oct29 21 National 11ennikrat. ilflcial printing, 44001101. 12 50 Labor Leader, printing. October 12 50 Following hills were approved and were o1'der,i41 paid from the sale of bonds: O'Farrell Cord rdothig Co improvement Louisa Street from litenn,•tt to Grace Street' $730 58 O'Farrell Contracting Co, improvement of alley he- tween Iowa itml Clay and 12th and 13th Streets 271 20 Street & Stenek. otinstrtieting sewer in CA)11,2•0 Avemn• from \Vest lili Street to Al- lison Place •'417 52 I'rank Peutin. improvement — of Windsor Avenue 446 42 Following bills were not approved and were, on rt-mtien, i.,•r,11.,441 to the Committee of the \Vhole: Street & Stenek. grading \Vest Fourth Street $320 00 James Lee & son, grading West Locust Street 394 40 Wilmer Cook. 15eir retained one yVill' for improving ,J;iel(son Street froni Eighth to Ninth Streets 40 43 Wilmer Coi.k, 5c; on, y..111, 1.„1. impraviog l' lit'( north of hies Street from \Vindsor Avenue to `,41:4fford .‘ venue 17 31 111 4' 4 ',oil:. grading North side of 27111 Street Wilmer cook, 5':; retained one ft w1. 11141111410 1142' 11 ii\V/111- 1c,. .\ V011111• 52 49 Wilrin'r Cook, 5' reht Hod one year for improving' \Vitsitington Sli•oet front 8th to 9th Streets 75 53 N. J, Staner, changing side- walks on Grandview Avenue to conform to grade O'Farrell Contrtoting Co.. ex- tra work Avideoing Hennett Street O'Farrell Contracting Co.. 5Y, retained one year on im- 144 20 25 50 25 00 423 provernent of Asbury Street 24 25 Frank 11101111, extra work on Windsor .‘yenue 11 75 Av. I). 1)4(42ert co., supplies for Fourth 11,44,1 District12 43 W. 1). 444)111 (('44 for IffulT Stiaail Extension 9 24 W. D. co., st11,1111es for Sower 14ept. 40 Key City 11'011 repair - 0145 now 44te;101 1.01140' 126 (15 Key City iron \Viirl:s, repair - (41(1 steam i.tdier 43 55 Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairing sprinkling wagon 3 53 Geo. Itagatz. repairs for Road 1),41.1 3 73 Ellxvaliger Pr,s.. repairs for Road lh-pt. 9 35 John Neuman & Son, repairs „II ,10.ink1ing1.1.0421411 50 C. E. Fitzpatrick- Co., repair - 'rig; fountain pens for As- sessoFs office Dubuque Telephoto. co., tele- phone 44 ....44(4''. 44,1,414(1'. v14_ ri.ais departments lloWa Telephone Co.. telephone service (4et4.14.ir l'aumgartner. hard - \\rare, arious departmentS Key City Utittling Cti,, cement for Road 1 141.1. }Inst.:in:in X.: [jos, hardwaro for 4ti,tl Hold_ Peter 1.7,ven. 4..,1(1 for Contra] Engine Honse 3 05 17 42 12 75 18 15 5 32 9 95 22 10 11111s ((01 al)PrOVe(1 1111(1 \Veto. WI 111.0 N. -401'1'4' i' to the lioard 01 2i 1111(11 14' '44.. pairing \\NO.]. 111 4,0 ('1441424' dump ....$ 3 35 Lint 111111. hauling t_tarh- age and tiond dur- ing' «ninth of ()Holier 175 70 .14(1111 Linehan. ha 111ing garb- age ond doad animals on Novornbor 1(4111, 1 1 111 and 1 2th. 1209 43 35 c'll.ourhie moved (1101 rules be suspended m grant Air. U. \\'. lem pernM,sion ;oldress 1144' Connell in relation to construction 111. 1,111,.nt ;114441 1,4 141.0114.111.' 011.110144 011 I4i-11(101111, It0 141 111111 Ai 11h110 Avonnos and abutting on tin. alley het \veen lZhonMcrg Ned 4:arredd .\ venue from 1)1 ,,,(14411.4(•1i',11 'f 1/1•111111S1.11 Sanitary 40'144,`I' 141 4':tid i11111 111 gr;1441 1,,'11111,-,0110 reipre- s,,ntatives varions railroad compa- nies to address the council relation autonhitie gales 1,, 11142 141;101),1 at various railroad ,•rossings. Carried. Certified eopi, s of tho notices son, - aft Illsia•emr 1,Na-wit nit A. '<ender. oN\ nor of Lots 1. 2 and 2,, ('‘,11,..go \d,1„ ordoring et.itiont: side - ‘v1111: 1:11,1 the South slit, of West Stroot 1to10o4n \\":14,1t Street and Collog, ;i1 -;t• for oornent 414 Regular Session, November 18, 1909 sidewalk on North side of Cleveland Avenue 1)e1w'cen 17nion and South l'iluff Streets ,hutting Lot 45, 1Tnion \dd.: and 01 11. \\'tiller Estate. ii wner of Lot 1. Alalt„s Sub, of City Lot 721, ordering eement sidewalk laid on the South side 01' \\'est Fifth Street be- tween Gilmore !`late anr1 Summit Street: also, on the East side of Sum- mit Steen beta,•,•n Fenelon Place and Nest Fifth Street. ;tbutting said prop- erty. were then read. Sir. 11. \V. 1G m - ler then addressed the Council, ask- ing that he he granted additional time to complete ilhe laying of said walks until spring. 'tating that walks re- ferred to \ver.' all in a passable con- aliti on. City di •corder Linehan pre,onled and ream certified copy of the notie• of the C'ouncil's intention to construct a sanitary scorer in Lincoln .\ venue. Reed _Avenue and in the alley lt,t1ceen Ithomberg and (Ln•li,'Id .A\ -mots from 150ed to Middle .\ Venues. 11 r. Healy Mr. Clttonther and \Ir. Al"oalrieh then addresser) the Council, remonstrating against construction of said server. and remonstrance. signed by forty- nine property owners abutting on streets :and alley along lino of pro- posed sewer was read told, on motion of Ald. Frith, remonstrance was re- ferred to the Committee of the \\'hal,' to vier' the grounds at an early date and Committee Clerk be instruct, d 1' notify all the property owners to meet committee on the grounds. Mr. J. W. r Stapleton. snnerinlen,lot,t of the C., M. & St. P. R. R. Co.; Mr. F. J, Becheley, superintendent L 1'. R. R. Co.: Mr. W..13. Causey, super- intendent C. G. W. R. R. Co. and Mr. Cunningham, superintendent C., i1. & Q. R. R. Co., addressed the Council in relation to automatic gates at rail- road crossings, recommending that Council appoint committee to meet with the representatives of the various roads and to go over the grounds where gates are to be placed. Ald. (Y11, u'ke moved that matter be refer,,,! 10 the Committee of the Whole 1,, ; , over the grounds with the representatives of the railroad comlun'b,•° before next session of the Council. c'arr'ied. BIDS. Rids for constructing various side- walks were presented and, on motion, were ordered opened, as follows: South side of \Vest Fifth Street be- tween Gilmore Place anti Summit Street abutting Lot 1, City Lot 721: James Lee and Son, per square foot, 15c. N. J. Stanor, per square foot. 14l, c. Sidewalk on east side of Summit Street between Nest Fifth Street and Fenelon Place abutting 00 Lot 1 of 721: James Lee and Son, per square foot, 15c. N. J. Stane', per square font, 141,2e. Sidewalk on south side of Ninth Street between Iowa and Clay Streets abutting ('ity 1.ot 2;!t: Jas. Lee (nil Son, 1 4e per square foot. N. J. Stoner. 1 3e per square foot. • I:;a.,t side o1' \\':ashington Street be- tween 'Twenty-fifth and Twenty-s,v- ents Streets abutting north 2:i feet of Lot 41. Lots 1.1 and 4K, 1;. Lang- woihy's Addition: N. J. Stutter. 1 4e per square foot. . otltlt site of \\'est Third Brea -t be- tt ten Walsh Street and college Ave., mi, :1t,uttin=; Lots 1. 2 and 3. college \'' 11tiou: .1:t ones Lee and Son, per square foot, 1 Se. N..1. Stoner, per Sulu:u'e foot, 11c. SC side of Ho II Street b nevem \\'••st '!'laird and Solon Streets, abutt- ing Leat: 1 anal _, S. \1. Langtt'orth's Sub.: Junes Lee anti Son, per square foot, 1 ;ie. N. J. Stoner. per square foot. 1 1'•.c. North side of Cleveland .\ venue be- tween Inion Street and South ItlutI Street: N. .1. Sumer, per square foot. Ile. \ld. i ('Rourke mowed that the con- tracts for laying the various cement sidewalks be awarded to Mr. N. J. Slane'. fund Street Commissioner and Stdevwalk Inspector to inspect side- ((-allis turd report to the 51 1)01' the ne- cessity of sidewalks. .\ld. Frith moved the (lily Itecoriler re -advertise for bids for haying c, - ment sidetwaiks on the north sib• of Twenty-fourth Street between \\'ash- ington and Elm Streets in front of and abutting' Lot 1 of (1. S. 1.;uig- tv'orthy's Sub. Carried. P1:Tf'PICaN4 AND ('1)5151I'Ni('A— '.1'iO \ S. Petition of Anton Zwac'k, ;asking that a grade be established on Colum- bia Street so that he can improve his lots was on motion of A1(1. Frith granted turd the City Engineer to be instructed to -prepare a profile show- ing grade and set stake ac:.ordingly. Petition of Leathers and Trewin asking that the City Treasurer be in- structed to accept $34.75 in full set- tlement of special assessment levied against Lot 14, Oakland Park Add., Regular Session, November 18, 1909 for tine improvement of \Vood Street. •.‘;ts. on ltllltio11 oi' .\ld. Ititnrl, rt•tl rr- .1 to the Committee of the AWhole. :incl the lily _\ttlrnt•y. titian ,.f th, (-lentil-min stock co. et :11. nsl:ing th;it tilt' taxes 1111 i1).• (:71'111;l11i11 1 111 property he re11uee1l to c(III'' I kith those• paid in fornl.•r years, is:1 s. (n motion of .\Icl. Ningrin. referred t.• the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Alnttilsky tiros., lli kiilg that their ;Issessnl,t,t for taxes be re- duced. claiming assessment is to.. high. was, 1111 nlot71111 (1 .\1,I. (1'1t(7url;••. re- ferred to the ('10110litlt'e of the \\'Ir.l• 1', talion of the Eagle Point I.in1. Works, asking that they he granted nn ,'xteesion of thin. until December 30. 1909. to cnml,lete the contrite( of cohering the I'ee 1;1.:tneh . enc r 1011:1,. Fig:te,11t11 st(e)t 1101'1 11 01)11111 1 w:1s•. 1111 111otion of .\h). (1'I:n1n'lce. g0:ulto.l. l'etilion ..1' Chris. .\. \'oelkcr, stat- ing that he is vriding t•• 1'.1 tiln neces- sary grading (n Irving Street to make the proper grade in'ohi•l,•il he he p. r- nlittcd to use the tilling in lib Otho lots abutting on said street. was. on motion oi' :Mil. 111111. grunted sub,leet to the ('ity Engineer investigating to see that tilling is not needed on other streets. Petition it' John Stca:1111:111, asking that the ('ounc•il allow the ir,tynlent made by hint Augip-it 20111, 141E of $101.11) for the innpr..e, hent of Grandview .\ venue to :11.1.17 •111 the assessnl, nt made 11!4:1111,,i 1112 1(1 for improverncnt of 1711) str,et in 1906 was. on motion (1' .\111. sand. r,rerrt',1 to the ('omnlittec 1',i' til, \\'11o10. Petition of Albert 1':;11.1 Jager. minor, and Enema Jaeg. r, his mother and guardian. by J. P. Frantzen. their attorney, asking that the City Treas- urer be instructed to receive the amount of their taxes without inter- est was, on motion of Aid. Frith. re- ferred to the Delinquent Tax Com- mittee. Petition of Dubuque Club, asking that the Council abate one-half of their taxes for the year 1908 assessed against the Key City Building Club at Ninth and Locust Street, was, on mo- tion of Ald. Singrin, referrers to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of C. Devi et al, asking that an electric light be placed on the corner of West Eleventh Street and East Grove Terrace, was, on motion of 425 Al.l. I,rith. ref7rr•'11 to the Committee of the AWhole, 1'etiti11n O' the llnhu.ln.' 'Trades and Labor ('ingress. 11117.tng th;it the City ( (nncil baro all printing and binding and other work done by Cnion Labor, was on motion of .\Id. Rand referred t( the ('oniin (hp of the \Vhole. Petition of Al. 'l'w•hirgi and tion. ,skins that they le. paid the sunt of "11t' per square yard for farnishityg and 1.(11ing 11 111yer of inch, 111' nn1- cn11;n11 1( form an umlerl.as.• for int - !roving Fluff Street wherever in the Inclement of the City b:ngine•.r the old macadam bast is 1nsutiicient was read and on nloti(n of .\111. (('1 (1 rky rules 701(1' sttsl.••ncle•1I 111 grant Alt'. Tsc'hirgt permission to ;ulelr.•ss the oilneil. \Ir. 'l'scitir i then a.l.lr, ssc.1 the Connell urging that the council talte ;nt e:n'ly action (n his prtition. stn motion of .-\1.1. c'IZourke petition ,has 101 rie,1 to 111.• Coffinille.' (11) i-treets. to me. t I'ri,lay, A(7ennbel' 19, I 9119, !it 1:1111 t . in en Ih • street. tett.- !led. 1111 1111,1 11,11 .\l,l. sing'rin rules x 1''•r• rnsl.,•n.l....l t. Liia nt Ali.. John \flgecer l . !ria ni t.. 1 l.lr, ss the nt 11 in r ,'. r, 11' t0 eonnocting his .re anis, s with the sanitary sewer. .11 1'. John .\llgeyc'r then addressed ale c'otmeil remonstrating against Ire- ing eonll.elie.l to make sewer conn. c - (ns. i1I'i!h)it'I`S OF OFFICERS. _mayor ~chunk reported that he had taken up with the Board Of Water Works Trustees the hatter of install- in_r :1 lire hydrant at Park Hill and Cool,: :\amus and that they hail taken the matter under advisement. 'ity Attorney Lyon reported as fol- lows: Dubrium., Iowa. Nov. 18, 1909. 'I'( the Honorable Aiayor and City council of alt.• City of Dubuque: 1;entlemtn: ('lt.r un.lersignc.l. t). W;(:: rele0rc 1 the 701(7 (f the I:•c(r, 7f the I.,Dort of t1.• 1'ontnnit- te"• (f the A\'hole nu(1.L'.1 10-7(b(7 27. 1909. lbs( illme'ndine that t11e petition of \Ir. Jelin (slinger for re.lnclion of til• 15115 tax on Botllcyar.l Addition, he re,•, i'. ed incl 141711, would I' fully (('pest that if as stated in the veto of the .Mayor the Board of Equal- ization arbitrarily raised his assess- ment upon this property. and that the value placed thereon by them was proportionately greater than the val- ue placed upon other property in the same locality. then I believe this ac- tion would he unwarranted in law and contrary to the purposes for which the Board was established. .l -,t Regular Session, November 18, 1909 Howe: e1'. the Code of Iowa pro- vides to Section 1:1:1. a means where- by one 1(ggr, ivccl at the action of the 1:01t1(1 may have redress, :111(1 the means there provided is by an appeal to the District Court of the County in which such Board holds its session, within t(venly days after the ad- journment of the Board. This reme- dy. under the construction placed up- on this section of the statute by the Supreme Court. is an exclusive one and therefore. notwithstanding that the Board's notion may not have been warranted in the first instance, (Ir. ()linger has forfeited or lost any rights he Wright have had to have the action of the Board righted. by fail- ing to tnl:c advantage of his rights of appeal within the time 8p, (.111,1 in tli+• statute. therefore think that the assess- m..nt 011 mule be till' hoard will 1101(1. I:esp..etfully. (1 T. LYON. Pity Attorney. on motion of .\ Id. Frith the report of the City Attorney was referred to the Committee of the Whole, Pity Attorney Lynn also reported as follows: Dubuque. Iowa. Nov. 15, 11404. To the Hunorahle Ala yor anti City Council of the city of Dubuque: ilcntlenn•n: The undersign, d. to whom W.O. refl'lTed till' c..nnmuticn- tt(n of 1111' \lenlorial Daly Cunrintttee. relative to the appropriation of Two Hundred Dollars ($2141(1 n, for its use in do fraying the cost of the expenses incident to the usual observance of the (103', for my opinion :is to the le- golity of such an appropri,ition, would respectfully report that I have been unable to find any statute in the Slat. authorizing a municipality to exp. n.l public funds for the (observance of holidays. Neither have 1 been able to find any authorities in this State in which a similar question 1118 rai81`11. I have found. however. authorities in other jurisdictions which hold that expenditures by a nlunic•ipallity of its public funds for the celebration of patriotic holidays is illegal unless the municipality is authorized by statute so to do. 'I'Inis T believe to be the general rule of law governing this situation. It is therefor,. my opinion that an expenditure for this purpose would be illegal. Respectfully. (;RO. T. LYON, City Attorney. On motion of Ald. Rand the report of the City Attorney was referred to the Cominittee of the Whole. Street Commissioner Dorgan re- ported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: 1 hl'rewith submit the pay roll for labor 011 streets in the ditTer(•nt road districts during the 1h'et half of November, 1904: Amt. due laborers on strcets..$:'S1.70 ,\pi.reved by Coln Unlace on Streets. \1so submit the pay toll for labor on sewers during the first half of No- vember. 14114: \rot. ;fur labor,a's on sewers. •$-14.50 Approved by Committee on Sewers, \Is( submit the pay roll for labor ,raiding 1-Iee1• Ntree1 (ltn•ing the first haltof November. 14(49: .\alt. due laborers (n street....$21.50 \ho submit the pay roll for labor o11 k:ininmil Avenue during the first half of \oc,1111e7, 140!x: Anil. 1lla' laibnr.1's on street...$_:;1;.;5 pproved by ('(111nittt4'e on Stn•cts. liespe('tfuly 511l,111itte.l. JOHN 1o1R1;.\N, Street Commissioner. (111 motion of Allis. iaIll gond Sin - grin the pity rolls on streets an( sew- ers were received and warrants or- dered 1r14\an to pay the various atmunnts ;inti the pay rolls referred ba,•k to the propel' Conunittee8. Street Colnlnissioner Dorgan also relo,l'ted a4' follows. To the Honorable \lay(oI' and Pity Council: 1=entlemell: 1 herewith suhnlit the 1, 1, 1'1111 fol' I:1bn1' 1111 \n1111 ('05- 1:•41e .11111 Rockdale 11():1115 and 1(18,1 on 1'.•111 and .\rch Streets (luring the first 11111f of \ov1•nlher. 1404. the cost (f sinne to ht• paid for from the Coun- ty 111(41 fund: .\nlotnit 11ue laborers on North (:ascade and Rock- dale Roads and Penn and .\rch Streets $1o111.15 pl.t•m'(41 by ('nlnmilt.•e on Streets. Respectfully submitted. JOII\ DOIRGAN. Street ('111111111 K0i41(e1'. (fn motion of .\ Id. Saul the pay roll for North Cascade and ltockdale Bunds 1111( Penn :111.1 .-Arch Streets (vas :lpprove.l :111( p,1y roll referred to ('minty for iotynlent. City Recorder I,tnehan presented ttn11 read the certified copy 114' the notice of the Council's intention to levv 0 special :1ssessnn•nt for the im- provement of \V'iudsor .Avenue from the end ..f the previous improv.•1in•ut 111 :1 point 1111'4'42 11111111red and twenty feet northerly thereof by F. Ituetin. contractor. No remonstrance being fila( and no one in the room ob,jeCt- ing to the levying of the special as- sessment for the improvement of said street, the notice \vtis. on motion of Ald. Frith, received and filed. Regular Session, November 18, 1909 .127 City Recorder .Linehan also pre- I Sidewalk inspector Lynch present• rented and read certified COPY of the .91 and read certified copies of the nn - notice of the Council's intention to ti,•,•s served on .1. S. S1..101..118, (MAIN' levy a special assessment for the im- of Lots 1 and _ S. .U. 1.angworihy's provement of Louisa Street from soh.: Frank 1'11 e...•r, owner of Lot 4. Grace to Bennett Streets by O'Farrell S. Al. Langworthy':, Sub.: lloraee Contracting Co., contractors. No re- 'Torbert. owner or South 26.1; f,•et of monstrance being filed and no one in Lot 11. S. M. I,ttnewurlhy's Sub.. and the room objecting to the levying of S. .\1. L ng\vortby's I;st,Mt. , owner of the special assessment for the int- 1...l.S and 1•.. S. M. L: mgvvurthy's prevenient of said street, the notice Suh., 1: the east side of Itoalh Street was, on motion of :.l(i. hand. receiv- 1.. t Mve•.n \\'• st Third and Solon Streets, ed and tiled. abutting said properly. N , remon- stu:u\ce Lein'' filed and let one in the City Recorder Linehan also room olrjccling to the laying of the pre- sented and read the certilied copy of sidewalks the notices \verc nrdercd re - the notice of the Council's intention (•• ive.l and lil.•.l. to levy a special assessment for the construction of a sanitary sever in College Avenue from .Milson Place to Wrest Fifth Street by Street & Stcuck, contractors. No remonstrance being filed and no one in the room oh,jec•tin8 to the levying of the special assess- ment for the improvement of said street, the notice was. on motion 1,1 Ald. O'Rourke. received and tiled. City Engineer ilg reported :as fol- lows: Dubuque. Iowa. Noven110 1', 1 e, 1909. To the Honorable .\layer and City Council of the City of 1)111,11,0w: Gentlemen: i hereby certify that have examined the cement si,iewall: abutting Lots and 4 Stout's Du- buque N. J 't•uter, eontraetot. un.l Side\val]t Tnsrectoi• Lynch also pre - rented certiliod copy of the notice r\'e4 m\ 1,:u bora Ishnrn, (2 11 •1' of City Lot 279. ordering :t cenn'ut side- \vnrl: laid on the south side of ninth Street. 1,2\1een clay anti \\'bite. Streets. ;Omitting s1d21 Ia•op.a'ty. \a in,nst.inc'.• being filed and no one in the room objecting to th.• laying .I' th,• sidevvau:, the not!e•2 was order- ed received and filed. I ; 1? Pet 11.1'S oh' F 1'l ).\1 \1 ITT 11 ES. AId. Saul, chairnlan nl' 111.• Com- mittee 211 St'Nets, repnrb,l as flilmvs: 1'om Conunittee on Su eels \could respectfully report that we have es- unined the iinpr22otn.•nt nn Itennett would respectfully l',8,(1111111:1111 that Street from the end of th.• !nr\-r nus said workl ncceptc.l. iml.nM\ern, ttr t.. the 2v0,1 HI' 4,fLot I also examined the cement side- 4 in l'ennelt Street Subdivision. the walk abutting Lot :1 of the Suh of T,ots O'Farrell Contracting 111 Co., contractors. 14 and 15, Bush's Stift, N. J. Stoner. :111,1 would resl.ectt'nlly recom811•nd contractor, and would recommend that said work he accepted and that that said work be also acceded. the city Elatineer he instructed to I also examined the cement side- m11 !.:(re a s!.. ctai uss.•ssntet.t ap::.inst walk abutting Lot 2 of 229. union the lots or !.:meals ..I' real es1,11c sub - Add,. also cement si.lew:tlk abutting feet to asw•ssulent for S11,11ini! improve - Add,. 4, Sub, loft, 1'ninn Add.. A. J. nucut and file the wile in the office of ilo City I;ecorder tvho \\ill t 11,1'. '111( 81 Stamen cont•artnr• and would recnm- l,uhlish the notice of ,i11,1assessnn•ut mend that Auric he accepted. s re,fuired by ttr.linance. \ ere Respectl'ttlly, 11>11.Streets Pity 1:nginee r. Also your Committee on On motion HI.' report of 1'ily En \'oaf;! 1es!iertf111!) 1,•1•11111111,11:1 that gineol• lig vv':.s approved and s1J. walks the hills of the Indian 11• lining Co.. tin -0.11111 It, >Z1.`.>Z1.`.l.:,s far I.i(!ui.l .\s- aCCepted and the City Engin. er to hein !,lt:all. le .•ni,l 211et• deducting. 1,2(g >;'r.ni) instructed to prepare 11 sl•ee1:11 :(s• >'.s_ .n,, n ren I'r• i l.t nu t'or , lapilli' 1':24' meat 111,12, Intl A11cre intln ovem0itt will: ((Igen :tn'13 ,.2.1 21!21.>. l4.• nn \\as n1a(I ('• 1281111. 1111(1 1 lint 11 \1\nrr:1 nt 111 fti11 se1- ------L•(uent of the .. (cell til be nld e1'rd City Iteoorder I.tnch:aII :118•' 1(r•'- 1 1 h:.\v': in 1'11\ r of sal 1Il: I:(itl as seated and real c 1111''(1 copy of the notice of the Council's intention t,. follo\v'<: (111 the alr:;n.lvi.\\ impro\rmenl construct a snub:11') 2.•vver in 1l:ty1len'a fond. di,' r!i. Lane between City Lots COO :Ind 01.0:1 U Iron istict, F I Lin th.• Thirdl !i -t to a point about ' from present manhole in I;loft St•ect fist is to 1,, No \c2 st th.•rrof Th,,0111:tnre of No remonstrance h.'itl4 liled :2nd no !old hytln. Fi11(1 r;l(r('`(l0Iel• (1'ully r•e o. one in the room objecting to lilt. con- struction of s;(i(1 se-wer. the milee vvas, omme•nl fluvt ttt1( (o.1111111•1i hill 1' 1>'a1id on motion of .ALI. (t'I;uurkc, received amount instructed said .•(1l(I01iy and and fllcd. 4$ Regular Session, November 1$, •1909 present the saint.: to it for payment. J. A U i.. Chairman. Ald. Saul moved the n h,ptioti of the various reports of the Connnittee on Streets. Carried. Ald. Singrin, chairman of the Con1- mittee on ~('\vers, reported as fol- lows: Your Committee on Sewers would respectfully report that we have ex- annined the sanitary sewers in Need- ham 1'lae,• and also in West Seventh 51ree1, con0ur0ete'1 by J. F. tlrown. contractor. :uul (could respectfully to('onlnv n(l Ihut said servers be accept- ed and that the City Engineer be in- su•u1•t' i 10 prepare special assessments against the lots or parcels of real es- tate sttbjorl to assessment for such itnproveulent and tile the same in the otliee of the City Iteeorder r.10' kill 111 ere01,011 publish the nutir•e of S;,i.l nsressnlc11 ns ((qui cd by (lydi- nance. \V. SINliRIN. 1'hairnlnn. .\ Id. :-int;rin «loved the adoption o!' the - Ie1 1 t tie i'(1(111111t• „11 5(0, y rs. C:n ri,•d. RES1)11"1'111.NS .ANI) \l,rll1lNs. \b , 1(t .0'I :f,red the• It, L'e it I; ol•. ! to the City „'11 ul the City of ItuLu,lu.•. That f on r.. limits of said city in number of mills on tit• as•aes:e(1 valuation of all tit: erty in said city as set out bei, tIeneral Ftuld .... .......fi 1 Fire Fund 3 mill Water Works :,inking Fund ...... .... 1 'Water \Vot•ks interest Fund ...... .... 1 mill Library .... .... 1-3 mill Be it further Resolved, That for the purpose of cleaning, sprinklini' and repairing the streets, a tax of two (2) mills on the dollar on all the tax- able property therein be levied iii each of the 'toad Districts of the ('1 of Dubuque. Ald O'Rourke moved the ad.,p'.1/2-1 of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alrls. Frith, O'Rourke, Rana, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Aids. Haas and Martin. u1I.. mill Aid. Frith moved that the City En- gineer be Instructed to report to the Committee of the Whole at their next session on all grading bills. Carried. .\111. Frith moved that the Street C onlmissioner be instructed to notify the cwitractors on Pleasant Street iM- pr„y,•nn•nt to finish the work of grad - 110. sid,. ('1111(0 on Said street. Car- - ar- 1, \l 1. Frith moved that the Street Cunnntssioner be instructed to notify the Eagle Point Lim,• \Vor'ks to repair \\'indsor :\venue 11 ,1 cn the street e,u• tracks and 3 feet on either side of 1h, 're, t c1(1 tracks. Carried. \ISI. Itatnd moved that the Street Ceaninissioner have the gutters on ,lr. u••• Street cleaned out and lh.• enet 01' the work to be charged to the walk contractors contractors \vllo failed to (1 01 h :ostlers after laying shl '\\;111cs. C;i Fried. ilnn11 Stated that the cost of :1uin', emit storm sewer on \Vest 1 71h 51 cert. arnmmting to $ 1 00.00, ,rat. • rnncously charged to the Fourth \Card Road Fund and should have 1teen changed .to the S4 wer Fun l alio moved that the matter be referred r.. the• committee of the 1V -hole. \id. Rand moved that James 1., :10,1 Suns he allowed $200,0(( a• ti! st • =timate on bill for .. . .. . cost Street. ('arri• \1;1. Frith moved to al 13(')0.0 h, That sda\ ,•venin. December 1:fOT1'N1) A. LiNE1i:\N. 4.4 1;. Special Session, November 20,• 1909 CITY COUNCIL (Official.) Special Sessi,,n Nov. 20, 1909. Council met lit 8:8 , 1t. 111. \1a}or Nchtmk in tilt• chair. 1'! a•nt—:\lds. IT/1/1S. r✓Itonrke. Rand. Saul and ,in.grin. Ahs,'nt—Ald:; W rith and .\I:u•tiit. It t\ its regularly moved anti ond- ed that .John \V'. 1.:1-whn• I,. 11,poi1114 Recorder ln•o ten) fo 1111,, se.si,m. C'nrri^;l. \labor Schunk stat.'d that the oh - 1. et of the meeting vvas to talo• fur - fin r action cm the matter 4i1' til 111'0- 1,41sed ncaV sidetrack in Jackson t-'tr-•.t h •t\re n ,\,•nth and Eighth t-ttre.•t:. \ld. (1•Itmorlto moved that thy• \Lnyor Ir antiiuiz,•d to Atop tho 1-111- nois t',•ntral Itailroa.1 Company from la\ink til lir lulu •,1 n •Ir .id.•tr-ck nn 1:1;d:son Stt,o1 to t ac •n ct•nth and h:i 11th -tI•e is as ; ttthoriz4,I lay- th' Clydinanco adnl.tt,d ,m Hi 2.7In d:,p ..f Oet1,1421'• 19119. t'tirri-1. \l t sn11! mo': e 1 to ail i ,orn. (:n•- ric i. .TOITN \V. T.:\\VLl)It. IZeo.0•.lor Pro Tim. 429 43() Special Session, November 27, 1909 CITY COUNCIL (Official.) Special Session, November 27th, 1909. t'onncil met at S:30 p. m. Mayor Schunk in the chair. Present — Aids. Haas. O'Ruurki•. Rand. Saul and Singrin. Ahs nt--:111s, Frith and Martin. Mayor Schenk stated the nteeting Was called in take u1t and consider communication of Treasurer Brink- man in reference to collection of special assessment leried against N. 01' City Lat Also to take action in the matter of improvement of Itlutf Street from Third to Eighth t. -4l (('4144. Communication of City Treasurer Rrinlcnl ut, sl;tttng that owner of N. of ('ity I.ot ::',l is vwilling to pay asses=nl,'!!t levied against said lot De- cenlh, r ilii.1 ' rl,. for the imprnwc'- tnent of \\'est Alain Street, amounting to 1. provided ('ity accepts in•in- cipnl without interest. was road and. ot! motion of .\ld. ()'Rourke, payer of p titione1 was granted and the City Treasurer to be tnsti'uc•ted to accept .S!.]1 without interest in full settle- tm•nt of said special assessment. Following communication from 'I'schirgi & Sons was then read and. 011 motion of .\l,1. O'Rourke, was re- ferred to the (_'ity .\ttorney: Honorable AIaynr and City Council, City of Dubuque•: (ientlrrten: On account of the failure of the city u1' Dubuque to ful- fill its part of the contract with us to pave Bluff' titI'cct with Sarco road compound. you ;u'e hereby notified 1hot vwe consider the above contract forfeited and that suit to cover cost of work done and damages sustained Will accordingly follow. Yours respectfully. M. 'I'S('1-If 11GI & SON. Per ('H:\S. '1'S('H 1 i1111. Secy. and Treas. AId. O'BitorIce stated that it is an absolute necessity to have the 1111- provement of Bluff Street between Third i nd Eighth Streets finished as soon as possihle and dated that if City readw.•rtise for lids for the com- pletion of the contract it will lie three weeks !(fore \wnl'k could he com- menced and further :stated that the property owners are all anxious to 11(14'! work finished as sums ;!z possi ble ;nal that he 14(11'w•d the nlajoWit N. of the property owners on said street would sign Waivers agreeing 10 pay the assessment for the improvement if the ('ity Would complete the worst of improving the street. _Aid. O'llourIce moved that the City .Attorney prepare proper waivers to be signed by property owners off Blurt Street agreeing to waive all irregu- larities and illegalities in the assess_ m.'nt and agreeing to pay the special assessment for the improvement of the street if the City completes the (4((114 ;111(1 the Street Commissioner to interview the property owners \ton - day to secure their signatures to the 4(111 t'.•rs. Carried. \11. (('Rnurko moved that the City Recorder re:(d\'erlise for bids for the completion (i' the conlritet cur the im- provement 111' Bluff street from 'l'itit'd to Eighth Streets. said intprowenumt to be completed .1tintt,u'y I:.111. 191n, and recorder to suhmit bills to the Council at a meeting to he hold Fri- day evening. l teec•mher 1 0th, 1910. ('arri '1 :Aid. Rand moved that the Street colon-isshiner he instructed to exam - i110 Bluff \with view of having p;u t of said street that is in shape rolled as soon as passible • before ground hecomes frozen. (';u•rie,l. .\11. Saul moved that contract of M. 'I'schirgi & Son and their bond and all papers pertaining to imprn\-ement of I,lutl' Street from Third to Eighth streets be turned over to the ('ity torney. carried. A11. SingrirI mowed to adjourn. rn. Car- ried. EI)\Ii'\'I( A. LI\EH.-\N. ('ity Recorder. List of Warrants List of City Warrants 1t0hu(lue, Iol 'a. \ lcenther 1st, 1904. To the Honoralll,• Uaynr and Cily Council of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—The following is a complete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of October, 1909: H. A. Schunk, salary, Mayor$116 70 H. Brinkman, salary, Treas- urer 133 35 J. A. McKinley. salary, Deputy Treasurer 100 00 Jac). 1i rayer, clerk 'T'reasurer's office 60 00 E. A. 'Linehan, salary, Recor- der .. 116 70 Jos. Friedrich. salary. 1 )epitty 1:ecot•der 85 no \1. E. Lyons, salary. Auditor,116 711 Joseph T. Felly. salary, As- sessor 125 00 Allan \\'iedner, salary. .Assist- ant Assessor 83 :15 Frank Kenne;llly, salary. As sistant .\sse.`Ir 83 35 Geo. '1'. T.yon,s; i,lr>. .\ttln•ney 150 00 Edgar \\'illging. salary. Assist- ant Attorney 75 00 Jas. Pickle)... salary, Chief of Pollee 100 00 Joseph Reluft•ie11, salary. Fire Chief 100 00 .7. W. Lawlor. 1o1. salary. Commit - 11111 t'lerk 11111 00 I'aul ilg. salary. City Engi- neer 166 65 Joseph Straub. Assistant ('ity Engineer 60 On Jahn Dorgan. Street Commis- sioner SO 00 John Mahoney, Assistant Street Commissioner 40 00 G. Vogel, clerk in Auditor's and Engineer's offices VTrn. }lippmo-nt, salary. Elec- trician lec-trivian s:I 3 C. W. Katz, salary, :Market - master 55 On T. Hackney. salary. Pound - master 40 011 Mfrs. 7-1 Koenig. salary. Jani- 2 1111 tress James Lynch, salary, Side- walk Inspector 611 nn 50 00 Wm. ('olentan. Rodman J. H. Carroll. 'Harbor Master30 00 John A. Cunningham, Cleric to Police and hire Commis- 15 ommis all stoners Geo. Miller.:ynperintentlent of 48 00 Sprinkling Torn Cahill, Custodian Wash - 40 01 • ington Park Philip Ttedilin. Custodian 40 00 Jackson Park .. • • • • • • • • " .Toseph Straney• Custodian 15 00 Phoenix Park • • • ' Dr. Chas. Palen, Health Phy- sician .... ...... "'( 0 Frank Flynn. Sanitary ()Weer 65 431 lir. E. ,T. Kelttledy, .11eat and Alin; Inspector 75 00 E. E. Rrilh. salary. Alderman 25 00 Dan n J. Haw,. salary. .1 I,lerman _' 5 00 I', tin R. Martin. s;llar •, Aldc-r- ntan 00 .Iohn O'Rourke, salary, Alder - 25 00 11. \\'. Rand. salary, Alderman 2.) 00 .l;lnics Saul. salary, Alderman "_3 00 \\'m. Singrin. salary, Alder- man `_' 110 \I. Eitel. fireman 76 33 .1. tasusan. fireman81 68 .1. Flynn. liven -mu 714 79 .\. lineeini. 1114..1110n7 79 A. Heel', fireman 65 34 \\'. Naimoli. fireman 611 34 R. :.1l ('h. fireman 67 34 l• 1leyer. tirl Hall 79 .1. 1 nliley• fireman 77'6' 23 .1. rain's. fireman sl 68 T. Ryder. fireman 74 \V', 1hn•cy. rtieman 76 23 P. Jlurphy. lirent;ln '1 7374 f1 31. Kelly. lIr mall ; 11 ; 9 .1. I,eakey. 'fireman 34 It. .\learn. lire Hill s i 49 I' 'Zillig. fireman 65 34 31. Savoenoy, fireman 65 34 11. t'ain, fireman 65 34 .1. Itenun•, fireman 7(1 79 G 34 :1. 31cLougltlin, fireman 6I 68 A. 31e1 tonalll, fireman 19 50 .1. 3lnrphy, tirentan 76 23 l;. (;herki, fireman 79 T. Kennedy. lire_n m'Itl ii 5 ii•1 .I. Smith. fireman 65 :1 .7. l'eppler, fireman u _ 1 .1. .\11,11. fireman 65 3,1VI I ;Ihey, fireman i0 7:1 1.' I • 1)nl ;illy. fireman 7l33 l; \\' stun. fireman 6576 34 IC `leliermoi1. fireman .... 1:. Kenncally, fireman .... 65 343 .1. i;nshili• fireman 76 223 1'. I 111(11garttier. Ih•ennsn (7;: 34 .1. Seln,ettherl.;,.r, fireman .. . 05 34 .1. Tsehinli. firentan ... •'. 65 34 .1. Connolly, firentan ; , 31 \\'In. Smith. lirenusn t•- 34 J. 1'• e1l liretnan 4 45 W. Kl ul , dy, firetnun ..... • 1 45 20 I'. Kirch. Iin.ntatl ........ • 1 I , - 'funns, elIt. 111'..11-11411 3I T. 1 I i ll•ie11. IU'en;;ln 1'11,•tnetl•s 1•ensi,,l1 Funll.... • I.. Ilil,eklingei• pelire ...... • .\I. t'unnnlly. pen,' .... .Mho (.1111y, Ileli„ ....... . •Inns,.: l'orc•,ll:1II, 1,,11ie,. \VIII. l i1,110111t1,.• 1.1,li,•e Phil .1. 1)1111PltY, pe1i, l'o Thotn;l5 11tlgg;ul. P"c 1'. F. Fury. ponce ........ John Fir:, Pelic,• ......... .1:,ales lilylsn. police Al. Fogarty. p,dier ......, 31. Ileill,.rsl ll it polies. 1'n0 11an1'01. p lies ...... • 11ee. .14.1W: wHi ,. 1?ntil Kahn. I !i'"' 60 nu 60 1111 Gil 00 00 (111 6"; 20 fin 00 611 00 0 an 60 00 60 00 60 1411 14 tui 31) 00 611 na 60 nu 43_2 List of Warrants M. Rilty. helico 60 00 $1.75: 4th, $3.55 16 75 John Kane. polio.60 00 N. Kettenhofen, 3rd. $4.80; John Koh. police60 00 4th, $3.60 S 40 James Keefe. polite. 60 00 Al. Kieffer, 4th 11. Ludesch,•r, police 60 00 J. Kraus. 1st. $1.85; 2nd, Chas. I.ie t. polite 65 00 $6.25: ltd. $7.05; 4th. $5.00 20 15 Pat 51,1'ollins. helico 60 00 .T. Kness. 1st. $1.85; 2nd. M. \le,'ornrack, police 62 00 $6.25; 3rd. $7.05: 4th, $5.00 211 15 Pal \14410+•rney, Pulite 60 00 1'. Kenneally. Health 2 50 Henry .Dueller, police 60 00 51. Lavin, 2nd 3 20 Hugh Markey. police 60 00 W. Lillie, 4th 3 50 T. (t'\Lara,, police60 00 K. Love, 4th 12 77 Jolu, .1. O'Deice, police 30 00 J. 1'. Lehman. 2nd and 4th.. 34 27 JI. 1)'('onnor, police60 00 T. Lonergan, 1st, $10.40: 2nd, \I. Itcun, pnliee 60 00 $10.40 20 x0 oho Kaesle. pollee 70 00 ,Tolle .\1011¢0. 2nd 16 s1) a1. Katerman, petic•e 60 00 'font Malloy, 3r,1 6 011 John Spielman, police 60 00 .1. 51;,rtinek. 4th 20 00 Patrick Sutton, police 45 00 A. \liller. 2n41. $11.80: 4th, M. Stapleton. police 60 00 $12 00 _ 1 \,I Joseph Stoltz. pollee 60 00 .lames Malloy. 21141 :, 60 Pat Sullivan, police 60 011 F. SIan'onoy, 2110, $7.211: 4th. Frank Williams. police 60 00 $M._''1 15 40 Dennis She, pane police 60 00 ,;, 5144110.1. 401 23 7: L. Z.manek. police 28 00 J. me:Alees., 2110 20 tin Miss 11. Brennan, police ma- J. \).Laughlin. 3rd 1 60 iron 60 00 W. Alcl,au«hlin. 3rd -- 50 11r4. K. 11100e. polite matron. 60 0(1 1'. 5IePoland. 4th 15 211 11. McCaffrey. 211d. $17.20; 1,.113011 0\ STREETS 4th. $5.411 _' r,n in the several 1{oad Districts during !' n A]cl,oell, 1-4 each 611 011 the last half of September. 1909: W. ('Drin. 1st 11 25 Jos, Brouillette, 2110 $ 4 80 t'• (> \gill, 2nd 3 20 J. Burns, 2n0 8 00 F ,,.Connor. 1-4 each 411 00 Paul Pecker, 4th 20 00 •l. Parker. 22nd. $17.20; 440, R. Butler, exp 9(1 4( 22 60 S. Dasti,•n. 2n,1 and 4th 26 25 1::4,11. 2nd 20 60 P. Carney, 11 5 60 R. i.osem, ler. 21141. $9.00; 4)11. Coughlan, 1st 5 60 810,61) 111 N0 Jerry Cahill, 1st 4 80 P. Royce, 211,1 and 4th 26 00 .1. Callaghan, 2nd 22 50 P. Ryan. 4th :1 50 (.. ('ollinsnn, 4t0 4 80 J. Richter, 1-4 each 411 nu John t'ahill. _end 4 60 1. Reid st'd. $10.40: 4111, M. (lenity, 211d, $11.80: 4th, $10.40 20 80 $10.80 22 60 F. Strohmey,r. 1st 12 00 J. Crawford, 1-4 each 60 00 D. Smyth, 2nd 17 60 J. Connolly. 1st. $1.85; 2nd. J. Schroeder, 440 20 tin $6.25; 3rd, $7.05: 4th, $5.00 20 15 \\' Shields, 4th 8 30 M. Carney. 2nd, $6.95; 3rd, P. Smith. 4th 14 00 $6.95: 4th. $6.90 20 80 J. Steffen, 3rd. $10.40: 4th. J. Duggan, 1st 5 60 $10.40 20 `01 11, Donnelly, 2n1, $111.90; exp., C. Specht, 1-4 each 18 nn $1.7,,: . w.. 90c 13 55 Art. Turner, 3rd 11 411 J. Doyle. 211d 6 15 James Tobin. 2'110, T. Donahue, 1st. $1.85: 2nd. $R. 0; 411x. ;10.80 11, 011 $6.25: 3rd. $7.115; 41.11, $5.00 20 15 L. Walsh, 2nd 4 00 0. Donahue. 2nd, $6.95; 4th. J. Walsh, 2nd 3 20 $6.95: exp.. $6.90 20 80 L. Walkenheim. 3rd - 511 J. Egan, 2n0 13 60 H. Wagner. 2nd 1 50 r Geo. Frost, ' 11d 22 50 Bert Zummer, 2nd. $7.20; 4th. F. Frick, 3r41 3 20 $3.611 10 80 W. Flynn, 3r41, $1.60; 4th, $1.60 3 20 TEAMS. P. Farrell. 21)0, $71.80; 4th, M. Atacols, 3rd, 5; $7.20 $17.L t 4th. 11. (Sloss. 2nd 19 00 885.36 . $102 fio 17 60 P. Apel. 1st, $29.80, 2nd, • C. (;eimer•, 4th 20 00 $31.55; 3rd, $4.55; 4th, ,Tames (;ray, 2nd 6 40 $3.25 69 13 H. Gall¢, 4th 3 60 F. Burns, 3rd 2 " J. Hird, 4th 22 50 J. Bradley, 4th 34 85 J. Heil, 1-4 each 20 00 John Calvert, 2 Peter Jacobs, 3rd 10 ' '5 4 ' H. Kunkel, 2nd• $11.45; 3rd, 10 40 Jos. Calvert, 2nd, $36.45; 4th, $4.05 40 511 l.lst Ht Warrants 11. ('OsteII,:i. 4th :16 nu 11. A. Schunk. settlement A. ('onrad, 1st. $1.10: _'n,l. damage claim. Airs. Mary $21.45: 3rd, $3.95. 4th. l\'„Iff 40 00 $2,811 33 30 Street k Steuck. grading \Vest N. Everett. 1st 16 .it Fourth Street 17; 00 J. Graham. int. $1".05; 4th. lo;ca. Tel,•},honr l',, tele - $4_,_0 ;6 : phone sert'}ce. various otlic,-s 38 ":. Al. Hannan. 211,1 41 40 14. Brinkman. interest paid 1. H.uulenshi,-•Id. 211.1. $20.20; on warrants outstanding ..145' 40 3rd. $10.35: 4th. $'1..0 ... , 40 0 . 14. Brinkman. postage 10 00 M. Kenn•ally. 1st .........11 35 1-1. Brinkman. express charges. P. Linehan Co., 3r,1 _'0 5 Police 6n AL111a•kh:tn. _n,1. $16.20: FI. l-rinlcnum, freight charges. ard. $3.'.40 }s 60Fir,• .111,1 load 136 70 J. McQuillan. 2nd. :11.1.: 3rd. FT. 1'rinlcnrut, telegrams. $4..90: 4111, $1.3-, 4 r,e koad ; Jeff. Alrc;tath, 4th 4r; . , F1. Brinkman• ,.•lock sercic,•. P. S. Norton. _n,l. $..s.: 3r,}. Treasurer's otliee sold exp. 1 6n $2.0.: Ith. $10.10 1.; on H. 1'rinkntan. Al. J.\I(•('ul- lt. (Y\1,:1tn, 1st. `1..0: 211,1.lough. a,,,nt appeal bond. 311.9 1t 1. siK.9;: 4th. expense 427 .n $11.!,:, 45 :15 11. Prink -man. orders 1'nion Electric 1'. . 1st. 1':11,1 ; 314 $13.20: _n,1• $:1.211: ^rids $6.011: 4th. $3.4. 1.1 .3 I. \B(if: (1\ STRI•:I:Tti Clay); Van \\-i,•. Ist. X3.4 ,: in ,h•. differ, h',it.,ad Districts for the lirst hall' of ,i,•toL..r. 1909: 41h. $ . ":-. .7 I'' -,•t, 4 ur,l. 110.1 .1. I'rouill• t.•. 3n,4 6 4 1..\11(11: (T\ BLUFFBLUFFSTI:1'.h.'r 1'. Pecker• 4th -" 1"r, F1XTFXSTON 1'. ,'ti-... -n,1 and 41h _!; 25n0 during the last half of September. 19119: 5I. ,';1111. 1st 3 -,t 1,; nu 41 \V". c.,11,2.111;11c.,11,2.111;11 1>, 1'. t'arncy l,l - Jerry ,'.,1 il'. 1.1 4 00 \V. Coughlan I 6 - , ;n 1 (':,'W;L1,nt,. _uo'. .T. Duggan 1 r, _ 1 2 W. Fitzgerald 1" t;1, J:ohn (';fl•rt, '211.1 josh c aIve t 'n.1 40 \V. O'Brien 1 i - ' r, nn Peter Apel 4. 1.. t•ollinsun. lth .} Sit\. Everett 4 u:, James looney. 4th AL 0 n, Kenneaily 4,, 14. Caffey.23 nn . 2011 and 4th 23 nn M. ('I,-ary.21111 and 4th IIAR(TI1 ON i141't'KI4S .T. ,'„nn•,1IV. 1st. 41.53: 2111. G :;rd. . .',;; 4th. $5.00 90 1. Burin the last hold' ofSci,u•mh, - 7909:) ¢n J. Doyle 36. .: 1,h. D. Cunningham -- 1<\ nn .T. 1 r,t ::;, n. J. Clone 1st. 141.• ; 1n,l. ;,n T. lt, m(h,: 17 $6.!5: 3rd. $7.05: 4th, $5.00''n 13 F. Donahue , 1. Tn,nahue, lir;volt ie(c 20 g0 J. Jellison 10 10 6 40 F. 1.uchterhand 2_I J. Egan. 2nd S SO John \1CLnnghlitt 16 65 , AI. Farrell. ls1 S 00.1. hono';: 434 List of Warrants :rum Malloy. Aril 6 00 F. \laruney. 3r11 80 N. ll:rrtin, :1r(1 1 50 J. \Iartinek, 4th 20 80 A. 8111(,•1, 21141, $:1.70; 4th. $11.50 23 45 G. \lenkl'l. 2nd, $15.75: 4th, 40 $9.115 25 J. 514•:\ le 'se. 2nd !1 60 W. \14,.•I.41ughlin. 3rd -" 50 1'. \IePolan d. tth 9 811 \v. 1 1• I:rien, 1st 1-, 00 J. Parker, 2n41 and 4th -:t 1111 :Ind \0 4, Ryan, 1:. Itus,•n•ie1, 211d and 401_., 00 2nd and 4th ;'ll 00 1'. Iiyaa. 4th 20 - J. 14(1(1. 3rd. $10.40; 41.11. $10.411 '20 80 .1. $(hrued,•I'. 2m1 and 4th20 80 4. Nlel'i'ea. :3rd. $111,40; 4th, $j0.40 211 80 C. Sneeht, 1-4 each 18 00 D. 'Turner. 3rd _ 80 J. Tobin. 21111 and 4th 21 "0 L. \ ,Ilic„nheinl. :lr,l 1 "n '1'1;.1 \ l((, .\I. .-\(feels, :',rd, $9.75: 4th, $71.70 $ 81 45 P. .-\l,el. 1st, $22.50; 211(1. $24.15: 3rd. $3.80; 4th. $2.711 5 3 15 C'. I h'a d ley. 4th 51 3a John Calvert, 2nd in 35 Josh C'alverL 2nd - 70 I;. Costello, 4111 51 50 :\ Conrad, 1st. $1.10: 2nd. $ 1 1.1 5: 3rd, $3.95; 4th. $"80 2" uu 1 13 Fa ham. 1st. $1.80; 2nd. $ 2'.!,11: 4th. $ x,1.25 45 1111 .1. H;,iiInshield, 2nd. $14.15: 3rd. $14.85: 4111 $19.80 .,. 48 80 \i. henneally, 1st 40 50 1'. Linehan Nuns. 3rd 27 00 M. Markham. 2nd. $12.00; :lard. $24.00 36 00 Ioa'. \Ie(lrath, 4th 51 95 1). O'Meara, 1st, 84.50: 2nd, $14.95: 3rd, $16.95: 4th. $11 .95 .1\ C. Van \\'ie, 1st. $3.15: 2nd. $11.55; 3rd. $13.05; 4th, 37 30 1,:\ F10I1 ON 111.1'10E 4TRl? I:T EXTENSION during the lirsl half 0f Detuh r, Peter Carney s ('unghlan .I. I)nagan 1\'. Fitzgerald 58'. O'Brien \I l<enneally LABOR (:1:.\1)iX(. 111•:1;14 (('1'141•:F.T duriu:2; rile first half of 4)etel0•r, 1!1119: .81. I r ._<, ,• $ 4 80 .l"Iln fell•'' 3 60 J. Din 3 20 .1. ElLerh:irdt 11 75 )3. Golfe 12 60 C. 11nnlellhein 17 30 N. Herman M. Kass 14 Fupi•ersehmidl .1. Nch, felel E. T. frith .11,lin Long .8 Stoltz I,.\IIO1t ()N & I' .V1?Ii' during the first half of (44') (''1, D. Cunningham J. (lune .1. Doyle I'. Donahue I'. 1.nehterhand .1. 5111 .: 11 41111(1 .1. 1:,1ui1e\ 1'. Sulli,:nl I,. 'I'aylni' 10 15 11 75 6 411 13 35 C lo I 1909• 22 75 14 90 18 1,, :i0 00 75 1111,1,14. Mike Latin, inspector of se\\•et' 111 ('allege Av'. $ 13 50 Fat Ryan. inspector of im- i,ro\,'nn•nt in \\'ext Locust St 7 70 Pt ler Jacobs, 1S.7 cubic yards macadam 14 10 .Toho Linehan. hauling garb- age and 11(11(1 animal$ (ur- ing Neldentller 371 70 Dubuque 110bber & itelling ('u.. hose for garbage dump 8 11,, Dubuque I.nhber , I1elting ('u., supplies for sewer Delft, 75 Jos. J. 13ertsc'11 Co.. pair rub - her hoots for Sewer Dept6 50 i'. \I. Jaeger & Co., twine for Sewer Dept. 1 50 Dagen. Peed 8. I terw anger, hnrieshoeing sewer horse1 50 Jchn Butt. repairs for 'c\ver Dept. 3 00 N1,ahn-hose Lumber C'o., lum- ber for Fire Dept. 1 30 1 'I'. Frith. four days' use of horse for Fire 1)ept. 5 00 .T.agen, feed & 13er\vanger, horseshueing fur Fire Dept. 5 50 John J. Powors. horseshoeing for fire Delft. 18 75 Phil ilell,•r, horseshoeing for Fire Debt. 9 a" \Vunrlereh \V, rh, hnrseslih " iilgC 1'or fireiedDeoltpt, 1)nhmate 1lubhei C I;1•lting ('o., supplies for Fire Delft. ('. Falkenhaliner. supplies for Fire 1)'t 1, Lindenberg. 6 shovels for Fire Dept. 11 E. Marshall, repairs un fire engine hey City (las Co., coke and coal for Fire Dept. 'Rey city (las Co., rent and maintenance of 4 gas arcs for Fire and Police Depts. Frank Boutin, coal for Fire Dept. F. A. Burns, coal for Fire Dept. Clancy Transf'r Co., coal for 12 25 6 25 7 01 6 00 6 SO 26 90 2 00 14 03 17 50 i List of Warrants 435 Fire Dept...... ..... 16 01 service, September, Treas- J. Haudenshield, oats for Fire urer's office 1 00 Dept. 777 65 Ic wa Telephone Co., telephone Matt. Stafford, bran for Fire service v n•ions depnrtnlents, Dept. 2 85 for Octoher 12 75 Mettel Eros., bran for Police H. P. Alc•c'arten. repairing and Fire Depts. 14 05 fountain 011 .Asbury St 20 45 Union Electric Co., power for Dubuque Wooden \V;u•, & fire alarm system 2 00 Lumber Co., lumber for 11. I;, ATeCarten, repairs for stakes for Engineer 4 00 Fire Dept. 25 10 C. E. Fitzpatrick. stationery, Telegraph - Herald, official various departments 18 20 printing, September 91 66 G. L. Korman. 5' retained Times -Journal, official print- on North Street improve- ing. S. ptenthel• 92 93 rnent 116 80 National Dentokr;lt, official Date ()Neill, 5 o retained on Printing, September 50 Tale Street sewer 6 02 Labor Leador, official print- Street d_ Steta'k, 5% retained ing, S4•pt,•ntber 12 50 on Pee I:ranch setter, Third Smith -Al org:tn Printing Co, \\'aril 95 75 printing ln,mphlots, Sep-O'FarrellContracting Co., first tentber ... 22 10 estimate, grading Louisa St. 300 00 Union Pae( lr?c +'u., are lights, O'Farrell contracting Co., first September 2070 75 estimate, grading Bennett Key city (las Co., light for St. 300 00 various departments 80 85 Wilmer cook. constructing :\meriealt Ever -Ready Co, sterni setter in ()Neill .\vv. 129 20 batteries for i'olice Dept. 4 00 \\'iltner cook. grading Stoltz 1'( ter 1':v, n, coalfor Patrol •\v,• 369 00 House 17 88 Wilmer cook, grading O'Neill (;. F. 1<leilt, supplies for Pa- Ave. 220 92 trot. House 5 50 T. J. Alulgrew Co., cement for E (•photo & itechte1. groceries Muff Street Extension .... 38 20 for Police AlatJ•on 1 90 W. D. Dcckert Co.. railing for J. Haudenschic1d, oats for Pa- Bluff Street Extension .... 148 07 trot horses 43 88 Peter .1. Seippel Lumber Co., Cincinnati 1( ,-alh, Co., 6 lumber for Bluff Street Ex - chain twisters for Police tension 4 70 Dept. 6 00 G. F. Kleih, hardware supplies C. \V. Katz. Peals furnished for itoa,l Dept. 4 05 prisoners during September 1 20 G. F. I<leih. hardware supplies Phil. Dreithrtupt. plumbing re- for Sidetvnik Dept.60 pairs at calaboose 7 35 Sr:thn-Rose T.nmher co.. lum- AIc('ollin.s 'I'r:tnsl•r Line. wood her 1'„r repairs to sidewalks 14 93 for City 'Hall 13 00 7'ibey Fres.. 3 manhole rims \V. Lillie, carrying wood to and covers for Bee Brinell. 24 00 cellar and cleaning cellar2 40 1:d. Norton. to use of oil N. J. Enert, sawing 2 cords wagon fit. spr, :,ding road wood 1 20oil 11 50 Pier pros., Boal for tock for use at City Hall 15 crusher 16 40 \\ 11. Fawkes, 1 wood tub Foley'.s Tland Laundry, towel F. 11ontin, coal for rock service, September crasher 4 00 15 98 Nester & Hammel, construct- T. .T. Alulgree. setter pipe for Road Dept. 1 65 ing pipe line for tire pro- tection to Park Bill 267 Ou C. \\'. TTrnl,'>', macn,lam 4 50 finks for 1-1(.:1,1 Dept. J F. Itis & Pro., hardware 1, A!, an, ger ,K co., blasting for H,•;tllh In pl. 3 45 G. F. Kleih, hardware for material for (''la! Dept, 11 00 City Tlall 5:. 0'. 5ch1;'' & ;-.,on. repairs for 2 65 F A. Pr uns, kindling for City Road Itrpt. Hall 6 50 John Pott. repairs for Road 20 05 Labor Loader, stationery for 1 rept. '1'reasur is oi;ice 2 75 Pitts-Thoml,son Foundry Cll.. basin asin grate for Road 2 28 I-largcr .A I:Iish, stationery for Wept. 'Recorder's office 1 75 R. .1. \'nc'Centhal,•r. repairs to 4 70 F (1. Decker, coal for City 33 S ton, ,•rnshel Hall `:L,n l:ird „il ,' ,.. nst halt road Dubuque Telephone Co., tele- nil 133 17 phone service. various do- E .1. i.. , is t1l,. ,'„ , larotd p:u•1tuenls, July 1st to Oct. 137 14 50 75 i„r 1st 1 Tit [try \Capri, r. io i;.,. , 1 aonP \Western Union 'rcicgruph co, 25 tone-- electric clod: and '44)14' 13.6 Official Notices Spahn-Rose Lumber Co., IUM - lel' for Road Dept. F. Sohloz & Son, repairs for Itoad Dept. E. J. Voggenthaler, repairs on steam roller 2 Iowa Oil Co., oil for steam roller W. D. Decliert, supplies for Itund Dept. 1.` H. Hecker, coal and wood for steam roller 4 Clancy Transfer Co.. coal for steam roller 12 Phil Heller, shoring carpenter horse L. Lindenberg. hardware for Road Dept. 6 Dubuque Rid.lier & Belting Co,, hose b,r steohl roller7 Key city Cas Co„ coal and coke for steam roller 35 Kiatter Mfg. u., repairs for 'Road Dept 3 Spahn-Rose Lumber Co., lum- ber for repairing steam Roller House Key City Iron Works, repairs for rock crusher J F. itis & tro., hardware supplies for Road Dept. 5 P. Linehan Sons, sand and wood for Ro.ol Dept. Wilmer C..ok. improving O'Neil Ave. 1S21 1 13 NOTICE 44 OF 1'H I' cITY 1NTEN- TTON (()NSTEll't"I` .\ 00 T.\ IZY SE\VI.::: IN 1.1NC(H,N AvE_ NUE. 111..I.;1) ANI) IN 01 T111.1 .\1,1,EY 1111()31- itEttLt .\NI) (l.\REIELD AvE_ 1 65 N1•16S AVENUES. 3 00 To \VIntm It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby 20 notified that it is the iritention of the 'ity 1- the City of Dubuque 93 to constrict ili s-hich tile pipe sani- t;lry sewer in I.incoln Avenue frOM 2 40 Hie present manhole at Ave- nue, thence northeasterly to Reed 60 \ venue. thence in lieed Avenue south- IIto the ;ditty 1)..1(1..,.11 I:horn- 00 ht.g. and Garfield Avenues. thence southwesterly in said alle.\- 1 Aljddlit .\ ventte. That 1 plat anti specifications of 60 ‹ai(I proposed sew. t are now on tile in the office of the ('Ity Itucto•der. It is estimated ity the ('ity Engineer 6 00 that it \ill r,quire 3.605 lineal feet ..1' 5-ineh 1 11with 17 nianholes nail will cost the hutting property 11, 1 s :1;2,1;57.50 in total. \iiv persons having objection to the .itstruction of said sattitar.y- sewer art- ltt•nity notilled to appear before the city Council at its regular session, ,vernher 154h, 1000. or to file in 02 v,Fiting, with the ('ity Recorder their objection, oh or before November 1 5111, 1 9O9. I );ttod al I 41101qUo, 1St. !OOl. F1)311:N1) ..\. 11-1-24. cit.\ (oil r. 00 0 00, 80 14 65 witmer cook., improving Stoltz Ave 1o2s 70 J. P. Brown, constructing sewer in (lien Oak Ave502 24 Eagle Point Lime Works, re - guttering Julien Ave :1s117 s5 N. .1. Stoner. constructing ment si.1.•\\ all; abutting- Lot 3. Stours Sub.. 232.5 sq. ft. at lu'ic 24 99 N. .1. Slant.r. constructing ce- nom sitlet\ all: abutting Lot <1,0i1's Sub., 232.5 sq. ncr. constructing ee- l., walk abutting Lot cnion Add., 216 sq. .• : ' • N. .1. constructing ce- iiicti 1 sidew.ill: abutting W. Let 11.6. Union Add., 11. at 13c 39 21 League or Iowa Alunipali- ties. tlitt,s or city of Du- huotie 50 00 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of all war- rants issued by me during the month of October, 1909. EDMUND LINEHAN, City Recorder. 24 99 26 66 NorricE, ()1, cri'v COUNCIL: -4 INTEN- TIoN coNSTRCI"f .\ SANI- TARY s16\VER IN HAYDEN'S 1. \NC Fitt).\I pitEsENT HOLE IN DI,CEF ST111616'1"I'D A Al'l''' 200 E1616T WEST TH161116t (P. To Whom It 1\1(ty concern: You aiol each of you are hereby notified that it i. the intention of the city Connell of the City of Dubuque to construct an 6 -inch tile pipe sani- , mry sower in Hayden., Lane between City (Jets 009 and 6119:1 from present manhole 111 Bluff Street to a Point about 260 feet west thereof. 1(111(pitro1,T,‘I.,T,,tt s:et.InivtIs rlicif );eilicut‘I‘t.i()(1,111s 110i)1:, saf in the .•'11••. of the City Recorder. It 1•_ • ••,11.111.1 by the City Engi- neer that .1 will require 260 lineal feet 6 -inch til. p"pe with 1 manhole. and will eost He. abutting property own- ers $171/.11.1 in total. • Any persons having ohjeotion to the construction of said so,nitary sewer are hereby notified to appeqr before the City Council at its regular session, November 18th, 1909, or to file in writing with the City Recorder their ( 11•ticial \otic'('s ohj,•clions oil or hcfurr• \ovcnthel. 1iih. 11109. Ihn, r1 al Ihthu(luc, \n(en11)cr 1st, 19.19. ICI)\I1'\I) _\. I.INl Nil AN. 11-1-:11. ('it) 1:eeot•rler. Notice. ticalcd hitt~ :todr•ss011 1(. the uiil r- sign.d committee will hr received at he .\i:l>'or'.1 oltire, ('ilk 111111, 1111 to d o'clock•111., 'I'tirwl:ty, November 11, 19011. I'nr Ilnhistling, :is overeoais Ih1 Dnlie.. Jr•;;u'ttlu nt. 1'11 1 emus to be mime in 11 11 rda 1111 with Doliee 111411- latlons, \o bids kill 1 tree rte(' ...dying of 14,g.1 and rafts from titre 1•i\•er. and thy• receiving and shipment of 'iii trr•1 and other materials ;Old pocid 11 et, (.Iln,',•tell with the hnsin,ss Duel,,,',' r: of sail con,lulny: and. as in - .id, nl 110.r. to, the Mateliciaries hero - „I :11•r 11et', ir\' ;1 ltthn i•i•L(•11 ;I nrl 9111iu.W• .•r, ,l 10 meet nn the sail shave such 1 11111 1' l\ ,1111..1 lire,. m;l11i 11 r\- ;uu1 in1111'4e, •1111•1ts :Is they n1;ty it. tit, provid •.1 the same ;Ire constructed 11111 oto- oaten ntti IVIS in compliance with all lawful ordinances ;tnd regu- lations not\ or hereafter 111 force. tuff Drovi,led said strunlnres. machinery Ins, acco11111:lnied 44 itt s;uul,les. The and 1111proi •nu nts ;Ire adapt. 1 111 and ...milliliter.resort.', the right to reject .' ;Ire used for the purpose aforesaid: all,or all (rids. 111,) provided. further. that the privi- (vr51\11'1"1'1?I; u\ 1'(11.1('1: _\\1) 1r• .s hereby ,granted shall terminate I,lll'I' Irl?1'.\It'I'\I I•:\'I'. 4lhen.ver said beneficiary shall. for an nnronsnn;lhle tittle, cense to use the 411''FlI'I:\1. 1'1'11.11'.\'1'1(1\. 991,1 :<1nace for 1ht. WHAMS,. aforesaid. :\\ Olilt'\.\\,'IL:. lion That hen •c..r the AN 411:1 (1A.AN('t r:inlillcc 1., the ri_hts ;1911 lrrivileg - h(•1(10 ;;ranted I'el, r .1. •r-i;rlr,•l I.lunlr,-t. (•1 11.:111}. hive I, rminate,l, 111• hrmeticiaries its stn•c( ssors and ns -inns. til. 1•y- , 00,,,,,Wcr ',11:;11, nt 1!) 1' oo:n e Dense c•lttsi\9 ase of o =1,;11.0 ,,f eimmd. Dim,. fr,nn 111111 ',inlet. all siructllres o111111'is1ng ;1 leer t oi. 1'11 1,91 • e iu :,11,1 marl ins r5 Hien theiron belong - the City of 11nt,n,Ino. lo,c;,. the ii:. I,• (hom. :1111 shall re=1111,- the sur- soulh,•rly honn,l;. of vvhiel, sl, -11 11 =1+1100 to the eonrI1!i(1 the h•• the storm .,•v,el% :1 it i= 11.M! lc n 1 n)' ne1: ;Is nchangos const mac(' across sai I 1.- c, 9 :1t its •In n i;,nisie by 1119 1,1 :n•e e m••erned. int, r.section with 1 ).,.M. Ste 1, 1110 .,•,ion 1. 'i'11:1r 11,1-= nrd'.nance •wcstet•ly boun;lar - of ..1d..•1, 11111: SI :1' 1 X14 -!! (t :1,111 1 i- i,1 r.11.01. from be a line which is ttrentc 1 _ n 1 1,,,1 nf1, r it, pa --ace al, 1 publication easterly from the westerly 1,.991 „n,tint. in the 191h11,i 1. 'I'e1,..traplt- ary of said 1.w,-. the north, ,1 11, r:,1,1 ,,11 ,1 ',t 111- 1 i.,1,1. Times_ boundaryof which shall in pa '1 1.1,1+11.11. elliei,.1 ,t. ••- •1'9 of sill(' With said storm sever null two him t'it r. decd and fifty ('_'Su I fr t t litiot her15 i'! ,!1 therefrom and the 011',(01; h90414 -I 4,1,1 ,n 1. :,:11':'.. 1 fl9, at•v of 44 It jell shall he 1il,• \Ilssiss- I. .1. " 111 ` t: ippi River, for a period of ten ( l nl , year's, and regulating :,n.l controll- \II .,r. 11511 •\'11 .1. 1,1\I:II \`:. in, such grant. 1'il • It, nor,l,•r. 130 it Ordained try the ,'it "01111,'11 "f 1'111,11<11,1 oflihi 111y in the T1Iity the, City of Duhil(1t1c: 'I•in1, s-.1, wird 4 1111 1• :rel, 1(.109. tinction 1. That there be and her - 1;11511'\I1 .\ 1.1\T:R:\\. by is grantee' to the Peter .1. `e'iIIt,, 1 11 -"-II. City. I::.eord,•r. Ltubber Co., its successors and n>- _ _ - -- signs, for :t period of ten 4101 years Notice of Special .\ss'ssmenl. from the date this ordtn;tnI „ tot:, s -,,tire is 11,.1...1,- given to ;1(1 (.4/1- effect, the exclusive use of :t Parer 1 of cc rn0,1 that ;1 six (•f>,1 ;,sse,s int. nt as ground, comprising a fart of the Levee in the City of i)I1ho(lue. 1o(v;t, 1't"1";,tent b1 h 1v gill h0 levied at session of the City Council to he• held the southerly hou1(1114 of which sha11 session inh,•r i th. 1,111!1. to 1v1' for the he the storm sewer, as it is 11041' con- ii tr11e11(111 of =aliitnl'y sewer 111 structed across said Levee at its in- en(`oil •,.t, .\\•, nor ,'1 111 .\Ilis•,n 1'L•1re to tctscction with Dodge ~tree(, the westerly boundary of which ! ,:1i•, -:),...,,1 R rteucic, shall h0 \• ''s't Fifthoat I II t,1r . fl feet sn(r11 a-,1•ssmt.nf. , east- Amount „f a line Which is twenty ( ) eel front the vesfcrl) boundary of C_"r¢.''; . ',:inn' to h • a1 (lt( :1 agtlinst y I the abutting' prop rte upon and along said Lev( 0• the northerly boundary of which shall he parallel with sant till strethatet. storn, sew,1:::,r ;,n,! tvt'n hundred and fll'- Attd there' is a 1at and seh0d- ty (';1,1 1 t northet•ly therefrom. rile nn 111.. in the ()(lice of the City Re - and the r i -t, rly boundary of which corder of sail t'ity of Dubuque, .ce((('1 shall be th, Altssissippi riot r, big' the stet., t in which >ithe s(,1,,uate :crtio11 That said tyrant is for big' cnnstrl '11. or specified the Purpose of en;tbling the henefic- lots 1111(1 1;11111', of subject 1 assessment. iary the n to use the space afore- portions the, oo. subj(, the nam„ of Yai(1 for purposes 171(1(', at to there- for such inlet' Oficial Notice's the 'tetter thereof as far as practic- ahle. ,Inti the amount to he assessed against 1'0411 1111 'r ptu•cel of ground. which 111,1 mid schedule are subject to public inspection. And that any and all persons oh- jecting to said special asaes$nlent or 1' sail] III:It mast 1114 his or their ob- jection in writing with the Pity .Re- corder of said City of 1)tthuclue on or before said session of 1114 City Coun- cil I' he held \oventhl'r 1silt, 1909, or to appear at said session of the t'ututtil to shote cause. if any you htlt''. \thy said .assessment should not he levied. Ual,d tit IMIot ni, Notenlher :I1 h. 1:1,14, !. 1)\1l'NII .\. 1.1NI?{i.\N, 11 -5 -at. Pity Recorder. Notice o1' Special .\sw'ssnl(nt. Notice is hereby given t' all cnn- cern4 d that 11 sp,ri.11 assessnu'11t .ss 11r'tid, 1 111. law \ti11 he 1 'vi411 01 .1 sessi ni '1' the 1.11t l''urlciI 111 he 11,111 N'tl•nlhly' lnth, 1!411!4, 1' pay for the inlpr'),nleut of Windsor .\venue frons tho 1'041 of the previous improvement 10 11 point three hundred t sltd 1\t4ltty- I',1 1 northerly thereof, F. I'uttin, con- tractor, . rnoti tt of special assessment. $'2.41i'4.:'.7. saint. to he assessed ttg.sinst the .hutting property upon and along said street .And that thyro is a plat and sched- ule 'n lilt. in the "Mee of the ('its Ite- corder of said City of Dubuque. show- ing the street in which said i111prov,- nlent was made. and the separate 1'ts and parcels of ground, 'r sp' etlied p41rti'IIS thereof. subject t0 assess- ment for such improvements the name of the owner thereof as far as praclic.ihle. and the amount to 1)(' as- s1•sse.1 against each lot or parcel of ground. which plat and schedule are subject to public inspection. :And that any and all persons ob- jecting 10 said special asst.ssnlent 'r O. said plat most the ]tis 1(1' their ob- jection in writing' with the (City 11e - corder of said City of Dubuque 'a mr Before said session of the City Coun- cil. to 11e hold \(t(•1ntl,r 11t11• 1:109, or i' appear tit .said session Of the• Council 1,1 show (•'use. If any you hove, telly stud asst•ssnttnt sh0111,1 1101 h, levied. 11a1c41 :It 1)uho, tt,' November. Ill• 1;111;1. PI 411 A. LTNRIi_A\, 11 -_-:it, City Recorder. Nntiee (4) ('ontraetor. Sealed pl•'posnls will he ree1'ived at the Council Chamber, ('it} 10111, by the (oily Itecordc•r until ,:1111 P. m. I'httrsd'r. yotlnlhir lsth. 1:4.19, for the in111I•'t,n1,•n1 of the folio\ving streets by ing cement si(1e\rall.1s on a l''lnldtlli,, of eight inches of eind- ('rs, to tlt.em1•11m1'1' 111111 Ilse 11111 11S and .peeilittttiuns prepared Ly the city l:Ii;:ineer told nem' or. 1.1l• in the or - lice of 1h'• City I:1•enr(ler; pony -fool sidewalk 119.4 feel in length 'n 1111 east side o1' summit sLry1.1 het u, en \\'est Fifth Street and 4"4'41'11 Place in front of and 01111t - ting 1111 1.411 1, \1a1S1111„ Part mf 1'ity 14111 72 1. Four -foot sidewalk of 129 feet in length on the s'ttth side of \\'est fifth Street Ieltteen lltlnl're l'lac•o and titunmit Street in front 111' and abutting on Lot I, .\I;Itt'X Soh.. Kat t 'f City l .ot 7222 1 . Four -foot sic'e\talk Yeo feel in Iellgi11 oo the north side 'f Cleveland .Menu' between 1'tlion Street ;mil South i:hiff Street in front of and :Ihulting '11 Lot 1:., 1'11(011 .\4111. I 'tn•-I''''1 side\\ 1(1 I: is feet ilk 1111gth on south side of \\'est 'Third .SI ''et between \\'alsh Stret t and Col- lege .\('4 nue in front of and abutting 'u Lots 1. .1 and .\4141. I'0ur-foo1 sidetc:Ill: 2311.2 feet in length '11 east side of 11"111 Street he_ tween \\'est Thin) Street and Solon Streets 111 11,1111 of and abutting on Lots 1. 2, 1, 9 and 111, S. M. Lang- 'rthy's Sub. Fight -foot sidot\•alk inn feet in length '11 the smith side 'f Ntatll S11,41 1,41sv4 •n ('hi ' and \\'bite Streets in front of and .Ihutting '11 City Lots 279. The ,v. i'0 is l0 114• Pttid for \o tt said \tort: is e'nlpl4l,d and as pre- s'rih,d by the '1r,linane,• reletting to the construction of sidewalks in the city of I nt1(0'411•. \yo1'k to he (''nl- 1,11 ted 'n 'r 1'•f'r1• the 11'1 day of e4•nl I1d114•rs must state privy Per square f"t for 441,1,0alks laid. Each hill must he accompanied by eerli(ied check for :S2...1411 ' It some 1Mhimile hank :is a guarantee that tt 4'11traet ((111 he y11t''re11 into if t4wartled. The City reserves the right to re- ject ;thy and all bids, 41.114,1 :It 1)t iitt u1', November 5111, 1911:4. I•:! I.\11'NI) A. LINI•:I1.\N• 11- -_'t. (211.1' Itecorder. Notice to ('onlruc'lors. led pl'p'stlls will lee ry4elted at th1 l Council 4'h:unher, City Hall. by the lilt Itecorder until 5:4114 p. In. Thursday. November 'silt. 1:!'114• for the improvement of the f'll'\ving streets by laying cement s'tdevtalics on 1 foundation of eight inches of 4]n- dt.rs. in ttecordance 111th the plans and sp•c•ilicttti'ns prepared by the ('its Elighw1•t• and now on tilt' in the (llh•e of the ('119' Itecorder: Four -foot sidewalk, 12 5 feet in length. on the 4•.1st side of \Vnshing- ton Street between ''5th and 27th Streets. in front of ;Ind ah0lting o0 0'41'1 11 2 7 feet of 1.1.1 .1.1 011(1 Tots -I and 411, E. Langw'rthy's Add. Foto' -foot sid,\\•allc. 37.11 feet in 1(•ngth, nn the north side of TTigh Official No1 icor L'luff Street, between Stafford Avenue ;tnll Middle Avenue, in front of and :Ibntting on the north 37.6 feet of Lot ,;n, \Ic('r•arl'•y's Add. Also I'or a four -foot sidewalk, 100 feet in length, on the north side of Twenty-fourth Street, between w\';Ish- ington and Elm Streets, in front of and shutting on 1.et 1 of O. S. Lang - worthy's Sub. The work is to 10e 1 /ni,1 for when ::till wore is complete'' :Ind ;Is pre- serihetl 11V the 1tt•'lin;tlo•'• relating to the conslruclion "f sinew:Illy in the ('ity of 1)0 11 (0' . \c"rk to be complet- ed 00 or to 'ore the 1st Ilan of Decem- ber, 1909. Iadders 1111151 state Price per 5t1111u•e foot fur sidewalks laid. Each 11111 must be aecem it!lied by a certified check for $2:'.nn 011 some 1/u1(00t1c Lank as a guar into • that n contract will be entered into 11' awau•d.••1. Tho city reserves the right ti r•e. .feet any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque. No\enth,•r 5th. 1909. EI)U1"NI) .\. LiNE11.\N. 11-1: 2t Pity I.ecerdol•. 4311 p. m., \lonclly, November lath, 1909, for printing the Tax receipts, for year 1909, and rebinding the tax receipts for the year 1908. Full particulars wilt be given by the City Treasurer. —Committee 00 Supplies. N01 i(.1' 10 1'rinlcrs. 1111letl bids addressed 10 the under- signed clllnnlith, 0111 be 10eoived, at the 1l ayor's Otlice. ('ity Hall, up until e•efee:.c p. rat.. Monday. November 15. 1;41'1, f"1• priming :001 binding the re- ports of the finance eemmittee. for the ve:Ir- 1!1117 and loos. Further in- fornl:Itiun may he obtained from the committee Clerk. ---1'11tltlnittee "Il [Finance. Notice t0 dialers. :"algid hide luldr'.ssed to the undcr- 5iene11 committee \vill be received at the 'tlsyers office, ('ity Hall, up to :u" o'clec•k 1'. rat., Thursday, Nov. 18, 190,, for furnishing 45 New York r'•gulatiou lire ca p5. Samples must ace, llr;n1y bids. t e V1 V11'n'1:1: ON F.1IIF1. Nolice to (111li•actors. Notice of Special . 51.5-,In('lll. Sealed proposills twill 1(c received at \otic" is hereby given 1" all con- the Council Chamber, ('ity (Tall. by corned that a special nssscssmetll es the Pity Recorder until 3:00 p. m. provided by laty will be levied at ;I 'I'hurs.I;Iy• IWeenthur 2110, 19119. for sessi'In of th'• ('115 1'''(111411 111 Le iield the inlprevem,•nt of the following N»venll0 1' 1 •sail. 1 :'1111, to p:1y for lite •urea:: Hy hying cement sidewalks 011 intprov'•nu•nt of Louisa Street from I'oun'la1i"n of eight inches of ciud- lirae'• to Pennell Streets. the (l'F.n'- '•rs. in accordance tvith tin' plans and roll ('ontrecting ('o., ceniracters. sl' •cilic;Itl'nts prepared 1. the City .\ntnnnt of special 1l Sessnn•at. NI) ..1:1111,.r anti )1",1' 111 file in the 1111110 $324.11. 5:110, 1" be :1,-,,,,,,,...(1 ; Igainst. 'I f' the City l:ec"r'l 'r. the abetting preeerty nl'"n nna along' Poor -root rulet\'nik. 11(0 feet in said street. ' loomg-th on the north side of Twenty - And tint they, is 0 plat and seh'•'I- 111I11•th Street. 1),(11'1200 \\'ashington 1114' un File in the "!lice of the 1'it1 it -0- 111'1 Elm Str. o ts. in front of and corder of ,;(id ('its' of I)ubu,lne. sh"t1'- ;Ihuttin;t nn Lot 1 o1 U. S• Lang- ing the street in \\Mich said ((1>1 1t•' - worthy,' self. »runt ryas made. and the s,p111111 lots 7'11'• work is to b, p1(111 for when 0(11 part'els of ground. or specified said wort: is c"nlpiet'•,i and as pre- llnt'iio(Is (hereof. 501(1,0( to 1 5''=s- Se1111et1 11' the ordinance rf.letifig to trent for 50011 i1nl11'oylment. the 11011' the t ti tnticti,,11 "f sidctc:tlks lit ih(' o1 III, owner thoy,uf as far as ionic- ('ity of 1)111111 11 '. work to b, com- tie:Ill+, :Hid the amotlltt to 112' as- plete'1 on "r 1' fore the 151(1 dad' of "'1 ;Igninsl ''ich lei or pa1•( 1 "1 1)'•12•' nih' r. I:ne.1. ".2.1',11 ill, ((11(0! 1'1,11 ;Intl ccbedtlb' :u•e Itillets 001st stilt, Inie'• per "intoe >i1 jeel to public inspection. on. foot for sidewalks laid. _\ old lh:It any and all Pers"1's "II- Each 111 11111st 1'. ;44'1•11/11 10101,1 by "n (.1,,,,.h re,. k::,e; "11 some ,teed It to said special ;1>ses.nlent n Cel•tilli 'I to said plot trust file his "r their "lI- ledelt1ne ince ;is ;1 eic,tetitee that a ,(''coon in writing with the lily I:''- „omn.( trill 1,, ,ot'•n,. 1 into if Corder of Slid ('ily ()t 1)tlbtl'It°' '111 11. ;I\\':t1•(le'l. lwfore w(id session of the City (''11111('11 Tile COY1' s' l\ es I lie right to ro- to b , e Field Novntbel' 1Silt, 1,1419, or to i;.,.14012 anal ;111 111 utlt. 111'1"'111' rat 5a i'1 :',.SSI" "f the Council rat Ilnhn ill . \"c'•labr to se,,‘‘. cause'. if :Ind' y"11 hay,. , , 11y 1'1ua'. ;11.\II'Nll .\. I.INI:i1.\N. said a551s5nn•nt should not be levied. 1 1 -2 u -';t City i:eeord r. 1)0ted 0t Dubuque, N"yelnher .111. _ Nolic,. ol• Special .\ sc5s0u•nl. 19111). P:1) \1 [TN 17 A. Ly 11:.0 .\N. r' llYec :i\' . t" :111 eon - ('1171 Ree"rdrl' \"lie'' islli 11- 31• t 111 a55e551uent :at O P t•elaled ilei o Special Notice to sed t ts. It•ovide,l 1v 1111111„, \ 11111 1it' ('uunci1>t to session of 111(1,111y Soalyd 11id5 addressed to t114' underon!1, in pay signed committee will be received at be 11,•1'1 15. 1111"'!' 2n I. 1 " I t .' the 11ayer's Office. ('ity hall, tip until4 Official Notices for the e ,nstruetion of a Sanitary Sewer in Ne, ,i ha in Place from Nest Seventh Str, et to a point about 200 feet north of \Vest Fifth Street, by J. F. lirowll, contractor. Amount of special assessment. $401.7'. s:11ue to be assessed against the :.ihutling property upon and along sail :greet. .\nd that there is a plat and sched- ule on tile in the ollICe of the City Ile- curdel of said City of 1)uhu,lu,•. sinm- ing ,the street in which said SC\wet' ' tS constucted. and the separate lots :inti pureel. ul' ground, or specified portion., subject to assessment for such Improv,mient, the 11:11110 of til,. owner thereof. as far as practicable. and the amount to he assessed against each lot or parcel of ground. which plat and schedule arc subject to pub - lie tnspectim). .\n,i that :In\' and all persons ob- jecting to said special assessment or to said I,lat must. lilt. his or their el- jection in writing \with the City I. - corder of said city of 1)ttinalue on or before said session of the Pity Coun- cil, to he h,•lt1 l)ec•ember 'nd. 19,1:1. or to appcor at said .,scion of th,• Connell In show eats,•. if any you have. \,'hw said ;tss,•sani, nt should nut he levied. Doted :at Dubuque. Now,•u)her °0lli. 1909. i1I).\11-ND .\. 1.IN1111.\\• 11-20-I,t city I:eeor,l, • Notice of Special Assessment. Notice is hereby given to all con- Cernetl tli;tt a special assessment as provided by law will be levied at a se.iion of the city Council to bo held December _nil. 1909, to pay for the construction of a Sanitary Sewer in Nest Seventh Street from Hill Street to Needham Place, by J. N. Itrown, contractor. Amount of special :assessment, $73.94, same to be assessed against the abutting ;., Itrty upon and along sad': street. \nil that there is a plat and sched- ule on file in the office of the City Re- corder of said city of Dubuque, show- ing the street in which said sower Wats construeted. :util the s,.1,;nate hit's; and parel'Is of ground, or specified portions tht_reof, subject to assessment for such improvement, the name of the owner thereof, as far as practicable, and the amount to be assessed against e; h lot or parcel of ground, which plot ;Ind schedule are subject to pub - lie 1115 ' tion. And that any and all persons ob- jecting to said special assessment or to said plat must file his or their ob- jection in writing with the City Re- corder of said City of Dubuque on or before said session of the City Coun- cil, to be held December 2nd, 1909, or to appear at said session of the Council to show cause, if any you have, \VII\ said 71sse84tnent should not he levied. Dated at Dubuque. No\'cmhc'r 20th, oo!!, El).\II'N1) A. E1NEHAN. I 1 - 11-3t ('Ity Recorder. Notice of SI)eeia1 \sessntelii. Notice is herely giv,11 to all enn- c, rnr,1 that a s '4 'I:I I assessment as 1,rowided by 1:1\\' will be levied at n se -sign of the City council to be held December 'nil. 1909, to pay for the construction of eemeilt side - v, anis ,,n the south side of Cleveland l 't veen \fountain lane and 1.40,;1 sire. t. i,\• N. ,J. Staffer. eon_ unet f, I1,.tts: ,1„ n, r. I,, eriptio11 Amount. Il i, r .\l:i)i o., st of Lot 1111i, 11 11 .\,I,I .$36.37 \,t,1 that there Is ;1 plat and stilled - al.. „n file in the epic, of the city Re- ,n•(1er of said city of 1)111(11 11 ' :mow- II,. mow- II . the streets on 40111,11 said iniptowe- 1 qts were made and the separate lel. ud 1,:11 cels of ground, and snecilied 1,.n'tinns thereof. subject to asse=stmt for 511411 such improv. nn•nts, the Homes of the owners, ns far as lna9- 111•:1h1e. and the amount to l,• :1s•sessed a:•1inst each lot t.1• parcel ,.I' ground. \•.1,1,.•0 1,1(1 a110 schedule :ire subject 1„ 1:utili,.• it1=pe'l1011 .And 11191 :toy ;1111 111 1„ rsens ob- i. le sail special assessnl, nt m' d Hai 0111,1 life his or their ob- , ti,11! 111 \\; itinc \with the ('ity R,•- rde: of s;ti,l Pity nl' Duho,lue 011 e, ere !.1/11 .1 ., ssi„n of the City ('nnll- 1 11. to I•t' ,111 December 2n.l. 1909. ur t. ;11.1..ar ;It said s. scion of the ,',otch to shifty cause, if any you 119w, . \why said asessn:,•nt should not Le levied. Dated at 111lhn,lue, Novemhel• 20th. 1'1' 11. 1?D\l1'NI) :A. LINE11.AN. 11-_ 1-:,I ('ft\' Recorder. \oifcc 111' Special Ne111•, 1 h, ! lw . i,, n 1„ ail 1,111- (114.11, n11- c•et'ti .l 111:11 :1 sl., ,•1;11 assessment 9s Prov”" by 1110 \\ 111 be levied at a regular session of the City Council to he held December 2nd. 1909, to pay for the cnnsit'uction of cement side- wr,lks on the west silt of Southern Avenue bet\ve,'n Dodge Street and Railroad Avenue, by N. .1. Staner• contractor, as follows: Owner, Description. \mount. Henry Earleri, Lot 2 of 229, Union Add.... ............ $31 . 6f, Dominic Rhoinberg, Lot 3 and 4. Stout's Add 5.t 9F And that there is a plat and sched- ule on file in the office of the City Re- corder of said City of Dubuque, show- ing the streets en which said improve- ments were made an:l the separate lots and parcels of ground, and specified Portions thereof, subject to assessment 011ic•ial Notic('. for such such inlprow(•nlents, the name, 1(i' the owners. as l'ar as ticabl , ;11(11 the amount to he assessed against each lot or parcel of ground. which plat anti schedule tire =nhje,t to public inspection. And that any ;Intl ;111 persons (1)- jecting to said special assesstll' lit or to said plat must 1111• his or Ih,•ir ob- jet Ihnl 111 Writing with the City Re- cord, r of said Cii\ of 1;01)11g1e nn or iretor, sni41 session ((1' tit, City Conu- e•tl, to he held 11ec1•al1er 'r(d, 11111(1. or to app.111 at said session of the Commit to show cause, il' any v,14 )1ac.•, why said assessment shol'Id not he levied. 11;11. 1i :1l i1llhUtlUe, Nu\•1111111 _lith. 19(19. 1:11\I1'NI) .\. T.INEl1.\N. 11-20-3t City R1•r1n'd,•1 Notice of I~Ilecial T\otiee is hereby givl•n to all con- cerned that ;1 special ass. sslu 'nt its pr•ovidc•(1 h\- haw will be levied at a session of the Pity ('nitnci1 11( 1, held 1)11 1111:-'r '211(1. 1911!1, 11( pay for the improvenu'nt of Penn. 41 Street i1'111-1 the East tot Hee of 11•miler1 lis su1. to the \\"est line of Lot 4'4, licnnett Street soh., by O'Farrell Contracting co.. contractors. \nmounl of sl.„•1:11 asie ne.nt. $1 '11.5 same usscsso11 against Itle abutting property upon and along said street. And that there is ;4 p111 and so'hedl- ule on Oh( in the ,.11.1(.(• of the ('ity R,• - corder of said ('ity of 1lubuque, show- ing the street in which <:,Id improve- ment was made, and the s„parate lots anti parcels of ground, or specified portions thel•e11 f. suhjeet to a'sess- nient for such improvenn'nt, the name of the owner thecrot as far as prac- tical -de, and the amount to he as- sessed against each lot or parcel of ground. vchick plat and schedlde 1144' subject to public inspection. And that any and all persons ob- jecting to said special assessment or to said plat must tile his or their oh - lection in writing \with the City- H'' - corder of s•di 1 city of I)nbullue on or before said s, ssinn of the City 1'ouu- ci1 to be held i n ,ember 14411, 194419 or to appear at said sl•PsiIn1 111' 1111' Conn - nil to A1111\w cause, if any you haw's. why said nssessrrlellt should not h,' levied. Dated nt Dnl)u11no. Noveuiher 19111. 1909. I.:l):\Ir"N1( :\. LIN1:H:\N, 11-1 9 :11. Pity Itecnrder. Nolte, of Special Assessment. Notice is hereby given to ;ill con- cerned that a s 4,ci;11 assessment as provided by law \vill be levied at a session of the City Council to be held December 2nd, 191111. to pay for improvement of the alley between Iowa and Clay Streets from Twelfth Street to the South line of the North 441 1.1 city 1,1 15; I ((Carroll Con- lriteting co., 1 ulltractors, .\mien[[ of special assessnniItt, .,:11(4.(11:, sane, 11( h1• ;assessed against the ;ihutung property upon 1144(1 along said s1 ''''4. \4411 that ;lyre• is a IdaI and sched- tile un tale in 111, oliicc of the City He - corder of said ('ity of Ihthugne. sho\w- ;ng the alley in (which said Improwe- men1 4w•1s 11111,. and t1, s1.11an'ate lots ;111(1 1110'1(1s o1' ground. or slmcified 1nn'tiutls t(1er,nf, slth,ie(1 to assess- meat for stu•h in11n'ovenomt, the name of 1111 owner thoroof ;1s fne as lnucticahle. ;114(1 the anlounl to be 11, - against 1111 Int or parcel or ground, which 111411 ;11(11 schedule are srlh ect to 1(1111it• inspection. .1nd 111111 any anti all persu((11 oh- iecting• to said sl(eci;l1 ;Iss,ssnlent nr to said 111x1 111ust Iilo Ills or (heir oh- jeetion in Awrtling ((111 the ('ily Re- corder of sai(1 t'11y of 1tu11111i(4 on nr before =(11,1 session of the City coun- cil. 1:: be 11' 1(1 1leconlher 1411. 1!109 or 111 ;((] '.tr at said session el. the ('ouneil to slotv (1(s,. if ;thy you 1(11ce. \\-119 said 41st ss'n11•11t should not be levied. 1))11'-11 ;11 I(u]u'(u'', November 19111, ' 11111'1. t:llA11"NI1 .A. I.INI•:11.-AN, 11 -111 -Jt Noliec. 1'(1111) notice is hereby given that et the s.FS0,11 of the City Council of 111[• City of I1uhn11ue, held on Nowenl- 111 ,' -4th, 1:11111. the fullotviUg ti1.lecial .1ssessinents were levied on the real stab, hereinafter described, and that in cc.0>,• o1' failure to pay the one - I seventh part 4Nit11111 the tint, pre- vc!'Med M, the 1)1,1inanc.. governing sable. al: twill h, conu' delinquent. ;11(11 ' suhje't t.1,•n11, [11(11 11Y 111str,sv and sale. 11. 1,1:INK\I:\N. City Treasurer. her the Inwrovenkat of \Vest Fourth Sir, et from Cantina. to Alpine Street: 1/1-scrilrti' ll. .\0441(1.44:1. 11. 10. 1I ,•11:11,y. rule. nl' I'rulin,• 1,4(1(4)4)4(4)404 11. P. <14,.1=11 1':',04.40,' 1,1114'.'.- 1(y \c. 1.,t 11 9l.iiti anl- ane 1,1111 vw, rthy's .Soh.. I,:. 191i.5S too rt,, r, 1_ Lot Edw. Langtworthy's Est.. ine Ling -worthy's Sub.. Lot 159 .91 16 .......... .... 1.;[441\,orihc'1' I:st., Paul- ine Lanew,uthc's Nab., Lot 91.69 15 ............ Edw. Lang'µ'orthv's Est.. Paul- ine T.angwortlty's 4)411., Lot 91.64 14 ...... ...... ....... Edtw. Lang\vorttiy's Est.. Paul- 442 Official Notices tn(' Langworthy's Sub., Lot • 13 ...... ... •••••••• P:d\v. t.angvyorthy's Est., Paul- ine 1.:utgwortby's `u1)., Lot 12 140.33 Edw. L:tngworthy's Est.. Paul- ine Langworthy's Sub., N. I414 ft.. E. >_. Lot 1 118.9' Edw. 1.:rngwot'thy's Est.. Paul- ine Langworthy's Sub.. N. 147.6 ft.. AV. 1'_ Lot 1 11(4.49 Edw. Ltg\yorthy's Est., Paul- ine 1." ng\yorthy's Sub., N.1/ Lot 2 Edw. 1.:ingwo11 1y'' Est.. l'aul- ine Langworthy's 101)., Lot 3 301.71 Edw. Langworthy's 1'1s1.. Paul- ine 1.11 ragwort h>'s sub.. 1.01 ;Inn; 91.69 'I'41t:11 $" ' .9 1 For the frnproyetn'nt of I ('Neill Avenue from Burden Avenue to Sher- idan Street: Louis \Vitt..(. .)r.. 0'N 'III's Riverview .A(1(1.. Lot 16$ 96.1111 Henry \loritz, 1 'Xrill's L'iv0r- t•ir,\' .\dd.. Lot 13 91.77 Anna "Al. Gross. O'Neill's Riv- . erview Add.. Lot 14 91.76 T. O'Sullivan. trustor. ('\rill's Iliveryiew Add., Lot 1391.77 Frank. F. Ott. O'Neill's River- view Add., Lot 1 _ 91.77 1,44,. 0'. Tigges, O'Neill's Riv- et view .\1111., Lot 1 1 91.76 (leo. 0'. '1'igg(14, O'\rill's ot•yi( \V :\,1(1.. Lit 10 91.77 Edw. 1'011,•0, O'Neill's River-. 91.7(; Add., Lot 9 91.76 A\'n1. 1,a\yther, O'Neill's Riverview :\11.. Lnl 8 91.76 A\'m. 1.0011i'r, Sr., 14'\eill's 'Riverview .\11., Lot 7 711. \\'m. 10 11101', Nr.. n'\lip's 111\ 4.1'\'14'W .A11., Lot (i1.01.41 (1011. `111. lbau. r. ,4ryiew .\dd.. 1.4,1 19 98.41 P. ter L'ul'rsken, O'\rill's r\'ie\r .\11.. Lot 411 91.76 Toter I'4, •rsl:l n. (1'\rill's Itiv- r1•yie\y Add.. Lot -11 John U. \\':c!sh. (1'\rill's Itiv- eryiew .\1111., Lot 42 .1(41(11 1). AV:(Ish,11iv'- ryievy .Acid., Lot 4:; Al. (i:Lntunbein. (('\rill's 1 .\11.. 1.01 44 Fn'.il \igg, O'\rip's Itiyer\'iew _9,111., 1_01 45 F. V(hina. O'Neill's Riverview Add.. Lot 46 91.76 Wm. 1.:1\clhr1'. 14r., O'N('Ill'S 1b\...ryie\y .\dd., Lot 47 91.77 Lee \lorih:u't, O'Neill's River- yievy Add.. Lot 48 76.52 L, I1 .\I:lrihnrt. O'Neill's .River - \few .\d,l.. TMt 49 ,,,101.21 91.77 91.743 91.76 91.77 91.77 1',11111 . .... .. . ........ $2,019.3° • For the Improvement of \\'est Fifth Strect. from \lain Street to Iowa, Street: lohrl IlOrtig, city Lot 1S1 $212.60 Ilal'ri' It \\olsh. city, und. 1-3 1.0( 16 39.84 1; \1 't'lples Est., ('ity, und. -:; Lot 16 79.68 Airs. I1. (towers, City, und. 1-2 S. 21 ft. Lot 17 16:1,33 :(0(1 11. 99'ilson, ('ity, 111(1. 1-' S. 21 It. Lot 17.... 1119.22 9. 1'. .\111("11x111 \ll'g co„ city, 1101. L'll 1'l 217.01 'I' ((111 $767.07 Nonce to contractors. ealyd (‚1441., s:' »1 will b1. received at the council Ch:1nlb.•r. City 11:111, by the city l ''''''1.•t' until .x:414, 1,. 111. I'rulay. I (, ee0lher 111th. 19o!I, for the eonlpleti''(1 of the contra(•( for tl1P improvement of 111ul'f Street from Third etre' 1 to Eighth lire, t. in ac- cold:Ince 441t11 11111ns :Ind s10•ci1 (:ttions prepari•.1 by the CO. Engineer :1011 now on rile in the (111(1 of t11, city :,.4•111•11t. 11 is 1,41 . (I by t1(.. Pity 1':11gin'et' that ::li,l 1((11 ''(v1•utrnt will require 1;.4.11111 x(11:11'1• \':11'(144 (If 44111.44, eo1(1- 1„1.( Paving. 71011 1104:(1 telt of 4104\' curbstone a1 - r• .4 ly cut and now on the stre(t to he set. _n lineal feet 4,Y ul,l c'urbston" res, t. 0;:, 11114:(1 Poet of new curbstone to b1• furnished by the city to be cut and set. The work t0 he pail for When said 44, rk is completed and us prlscrihld by chapter XXXII. of the It1'yised (('141 :traces of 1901 of the city of Ih1- 0,1140114 work to he (41)1111111(1 on or 1,44f4,re .11Unl1(ry 1:4114. 1 9 1 (4. 1:i4141,rs must state the price per square \:11.11 for s:n'(') c4,1111o,st 114v'in4. l 1(1' 10'1('1• (rel' II IIrRI 1'' of 1'or 1111\' curbing' set. price per lineal foot for cutting and setting curb and price per 110(4111 fe,ot for 1111 curbing reset. Each hid must be Occonll'a(iecl by 11 certified check for $100,00 on some 1)uhn11n1• hank :1- :( gur:u1tee that a contract \will he entered into if a.warl_ ed. The City council reserves the right to reject any an11 1111 i(1(Is. Dated at InIbn(1ne, November °Rllt. 19119. 1:11\I I'\ f1 .1. TAN -EEL -1N. 11-28-3t city Recorder. Regular Session, December 2, 1909 CITY COUNCIL 443 Itegular Session, December 2nd, 1909. (Official.) Council met at 8:30 p. m. Mayor Schunk in the chair. Present — Alds. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Absent—Ald. Martin. Mayor Schunk stated that action on the approval of the minutes of the Council Proceedings for the month of October, 1909, was deferred at the last session of the Council to this session Ald. hand moved that Council Pro- ceedings for the month of October, 1909, be approved as printed. Car- ried. Ald. Haas moved that action on the approval of the Council Pro- cettdings for the month of November, 1909, be deferred until the next ses- sion of the City Council. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke moved that rules be suspended to grant Mr. R. Mullin permission to address the Council in relation to Dorgan Place. Carried. Mr. Mullen then addressed Coun- cil, asking that Mr. Bottler be or- dered to have buildings moved off the street line on Dorgan Place. Ald. Saul moved that Street Com- missioner be instructed to have ma- cadam picked up to ascertain how far on street line Mr. Rottler has erected his buildings and to notify the Council at next session. Carried. BILLS. Bill of State of Iowa, amounting to $5.00, for certified copy of plat of Sees. 24, 25 and 36 of Township 89 N, Range 2, east of 5th P. M., was approved and, on motion, was ordered paid. PETITIONS AND COAIMUNICA- TIO\ S. Petition of Geo. A. Carpender et al, asking that a few loads of cinders be strewn along South Louisa Street where said street wits recently filled, so as to make a temporary sidewalk for pedestrians, was, on motion of Ald Saul, granted anti the Street Commissioner to put cinders on street as asked for and the cost of same to be taken from Sidewalk fund. Petition of Mary L. Casey, asking that the City cancel the taxes as- sessed against Lot 2, Finley Add., amounting to $7.60, for the year 1908, stating that she is a widow in poor health with three minor children to support and is unable to pay salad taxes, was , on motion of Ald. Rand, referred to the Delinquent Tax Com- mittee and the Treasurer to be in- structed not to sell. Petition of Louis Trexler, asking that a reduction be made on the taxes for the year 1907 en the N. 2-3 of City Lot 193, claiming building on said property was burned down dur- ing said year, was, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Geo. G. Luke, asking that the special assessment amount- ing to $69.48, levied against Lot 5, Finley kdd., December 4th, 1908, for the improvement of Asbury Street, be cancelled or at least referred to a committee for investigation and that the Treasurer be instructed not to sell said property for this special as- sessment. was, on motion of Ald. Rand, referred to the Committee of the Whole and the Treasurer to be instructed not to sell until after com- mitteerepnrts. Petition of Mrs. J. W. Hampton, asking that the City have the dirt that was taken from sidewalk in front of her property on Bennett Street when street was being im- proved returned and sidewalk filled to grade, so that sidewalks can be laid, was, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, re- ferred to the Street Commissioner. Petition of Timothy Dillon, asking that the Council again consider the matter and accept the proposition made some time ago by him offering to pay $25.00 without interest in full settlement of special assessment lev- ied against Mineral Lot 12 and Lot 2 of Linheim Addition for improvement of Grandview Avenue December 12th, 1895, was, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of John Phillips, asking that the City Council take action on his petition presented to the City Council in January, 1909, and that the special assessment levied against his property be canceled or that th e Treasurer be instructed tont l postpone e an the sale of said property ef- fort can be made to adjust the mat- ter satisfactorilyn, mtion of Alto all d concerned, read and, Mr. rules were suspended to grant Phillips permission to address the Council in regard to the matter. Mr. Phillips then addressed the Council, stating curbing was faultily construct- ed and asked that Council examine same. Petition was then, on motion of Ald. Rand, referred to the Committee 444 Regular Session, December 2, 1909 of the Whole and Treasurer to be in- structed not to sell the property un- til Committee of the Whole has acted on the petition. Petition of John H. Hall, asking th'tt the City accept $70.00 in full set- tlement of special assessment levied against Lot 3 of Sub. 38-39, Quig- ley's Sub., for improvement of Grand- view Avenue, was, on motion of Ald. Rand, referred to the Committee of the Whole and the Treasurer to be instructed not to sell the property un- til after the Committee of the Whole has acted on the petition. Petition of Thomas Hill, asking that the City Treasurer be instructed not to sell Lot 29, O'Hare's Add., for the special assessment levied against said lot for the improvement of Grandview Avenue until after he has had an opportunity to confer with proper officers with a view of settling said assessment, was read and, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, rules were suspended to grant Mr. Hill permis- sion to address the Council. Mr. Hill then addressed the Council and, on motion of Ald. Rand, petition was re- ferred to the Committee of the Whole and the City Treasurer to be instructed not to sell property until after committee has acted on the pe- tition. Petition of Charles H. Yates, ask- ing that the City accept $300.00 in full settlement of special assessment levied against Lot 1 of Sub. 38 and 39, Quigley's Sub., for improvement of Grandview Avenue and also that property be not sold for the special assessment, was read and, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, referred to the Committee of the Whole and the Treasurer be instructed not to sell property until after committee has acted on the petition. Ald. Saul moved that the City Treasurer be instructed not to sell property of John Steadman or any other property on Grandview Avenue until after Committee of the Whole has acted on his petition. Carried. Petition of Emilie Hintrager, ad- ministratrix of the estate of Wm. Hintrager, deceased, asking that the City Treasurer be instructed to ac- cept $150.00 in full settlement of special assessment levied November 5th, 1908, against Lots 2 of the Sub- division of Lots 1 and 2 of Lot 6 of Lot 7 of Mineral Lot 79, for the im- provement of Alta Vista Street, was, on motion of Ald. Saul, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Sarah Quinn, asking that the taxes on her homestead, Lots 1, 2 and 3 in Block 3, Railroad Add., be canceled for the year 1908, was, on motion of Aht. Singrin, granted. Petition of Jacob Hansen, stating that an error has been made In the amount paid him for work done for the city, claiming $8.65 still due him, was, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, re- ferred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Rev. Arnold Boeding, asking that the City accept $250.00 in full settlement of special assess- ment levied against Lots 427 to 432 inclusive, and Lots 461 to 468 inclu- sive, in Ham's Addition, for improve- ment of Lincoln, Second and Third Avenues, was, on motion of Ald. Haas, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of the O'Farrell Contract- ing Company, asking that they be granted an extension of time until the spring of 1910 to complete the con- tract for the improvement of East Street, was, on motion of Ald. Frith, granted. Petition of Frank Rokusek et al, asking that steps be taken to pre- vent the closing up of part of Rose- dale Avenue claimed to be on pri- vate property, was, on motion of Ald. Rand, referred to the Committee of the Whole. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Mayor Schunk presented and read copy of notice served by Chief of Po- lice on the agents and attorney in fact of the Fidelity & Deposit Company of Maryland. On motion, same was ap- proved and made matter of record. Notice is as follows: To the Fidelity & Deposit Company of Maryland and to H. C. Kenline, Its Attorney in Fact, and to Dan L. Lenehan, Its Agent: You and each of you are hereby no- tified that on the 22nd day of Novem- ber, 1909, M. Tschirgi & Sons, con- tractors, notified the City of Dubuque that they had abandoned the work of improving Bluff Street from Third Street to Eighth Street, in the City of Dubuque, under their contract en- tered into between them and the said City under date of October llth, 1909, in connection with which contract the said M. Tschirgi & Sons executed and entered into a bond, dated the 18th day of October, 1909, for the faithful performance of the terms of said con- tract, and upon which bond the said Fidelity & Deposit Company of Mary- land signed as surety, through its at- torney in fact, H. C. Kenline, and its agent, Dan L. Lenehan, and you are further notified that the City of Du- buque will proceed with the comple- Regular Session, December 2, 1909 445 pletion of said work according to the plans and specifications un- der said contract, and will hold the Fidelity & Deposit Company of Maryland responsible for any dam- ages said City may sustain by reason of the failure of the said contractors to fulfill the said contract according to the terms thereof. CITY OF DUBUQUE. By H. A. SCHUNK, Its Mayor. Above notice served on H. C. Ken - line, attorney in fact, and on Dan L. Lenehan, agent of the Fidelity & De- posit Company of Maryland, at 3 o'clock afternoon of November 29th, 1909. Both parties waived reading of this notice and accepted service. JAMES R. PICKLEY, Chief of Police. City Treasurer Brinkman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith hand you statements of amounts advanced by me during the month of November, 1909, for which please order •ar- rants drawn in my favor: Interest paid on warrants outstanding $1,404.67 Postage 10.00 Express charges, Police 1.35 Express charges, Fire 3.10 Total $1,419.12 Library orders paid $869.58 Respectfully, H. BRINKMAN, Treasurer. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke the report was received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay the various amounts, and the report referred to the Committee on Finance. City Auditor Lyons reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Herewith find my re- port for the month of November, 1909, showing the receipts and dis- bursements for the month: Cash on hand November 1, 1909 $15,387.11 Receipts from all sources29,790.00 $45,177.11 DISBURSEMENTS. 4DISBURSEMENTS. 843.34 Warrants redeeemd . • Improvement bonds redeemed Improvement bond coupons redeemed Total Total Balance Dec. 1st, The above cash the improvement 3,037.90 206.25 $33,087.49 1909...$12.089.C2 balance includes bond fund, im- provement bond interest fund and li- brary fund balance. Water Works account: Water Works, balance November 1, 1909.......$11,341.55 Deposited with City Treas- urer during November .. 4,164.17 Total $15,505.72 Orders drawn on City Treasurer during Nov, 4,416.18 Balance Dec. 1st, 1909.. 111,089.54 Excavation permit account: Balance November 1st, 1909...$30.00 Deposited ‘vith City Treasurer. 15.00 Balance December 1st, 1909. $45.00 Also the following is a record of all interest coupons and bonds redeemed by the City Treasurer during the past month and credited to him: Improvement bonds $3,037.90 Improvement bond coupons206.25 Total $3,244.15 Also report that there is clue the city officers for the month of Novem- ber, 1909, $2,691.50. Also the following list shows the appropriations and the amount of warrants drawn on each fund since the beginning of the fiscal year be- ginning March lst, 1909, to Decem- ber lst, 1909: Appropriation Expended Expense .. ....$40,000.00 $23,702.32 Road— First District .. 6,225.82 6,225.24 Second District . 15,011.04 14,510.93 Third District . • 8,859.42 8,805.17 Fourth District . 10,750.58 10,746.64 Fifth District . • 8,275.14 8,270.74 Fire 49,000.00 30,579.31 Police .... 35,000.00 23,026.44 Sewerage .. 6,000.00 4,204.01 Printing 2,800.00 1,729.35 Street Lighting 27,000.00 16,566.00 Interest .. 40,000.00 24,590.30 Board of Health 7,000.00 5,032.26 Grading .. .. 4,000.00 3,506.46 Special Bonded Paving 4,000.00 4,000.00 Special Bonded Debt and In- terest • • Mt. Carmel Ave- nue Grading . Sidewalk Repair- ing .. p. Bluff Street ex- tension •• Improvement of Windsor Ave- nue •••• Bee Branch Sew- er, Third Ward Bee Branch Sew - 4,500.00 2,500.00 2,600.00 45.15 1,000.00 541.82 500.00 476.52 1,000.00 2,500.00 95.76 446 Regular Session December 2, 1909 er in Wash- ington Street . Improvement of Grandview Avenue ... Eagle Point Park Judgment .. .. Opening of Louisa Street.. Clay Street Im- provement West Locust St. Storm Sewer . Kauffman Avenue Improvement.. Thirty-second St. Storm Sewer . Heeb Street Grad- ing.... ..... 6,000.00 5,918.92 3,000.00 3,000.00 2,200.00 1,100.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 300.00 1,089.74 2,916.66 2,133.90 1,100.00 1,659.49 1,997.55 486.65 901.61 271.90 $297,522.00 Respectfully, M. E. LYONS, Auditor. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke the re- port was received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay the city officers and the report referred to the Com- mittee on Finance. Fire Chief Reinfried reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The following is the pay roll of the Fire Department for the month of November, 1909: Amount clue firemen $3,141.86 Less 1% retained for Pension Fund 30.09 Balance due firemen $3,111.77 Respectfully submitted, J. R. REINFRIED, Chief. Approved by Committee on Fire. On motion of Ald. Frith the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the firemen, and the report referred back to the Committee on Fire. Chief of Police Pickley reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the police report for the month of No- vember: Intoxicat'•>n Disorderly conduct Disturbing peace Hopping trains Interfering with officer Menacing threats Vagrancy Total arrests Residents arrested Doors found open Lodgers harbored Defective lights Meals furnished 47 9 1 2 2 1 6 68 24 22 113 29 24 Cost of food $4.s0 Pound receipts $1.00 Police court costs collected ....$36.75 Sheriff, dieting prisoners during month of November Patrol runs for prisoners Ambulance calls Miles traveled I also beg to submit the pay roll for policemen for the month of November, 1909: Amount due policemen $2,416.00 JAMES PICIiLGY, Chief of Police. On motion of Ald. Singrin the re- port and pay roll were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the policemen and the report referred to the Committee on Police and Light. $16.25 52 1 64 City Electrician Hipman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my report of defective lights fur the month of November, 1909: I find from the reports of the Po- lice Department tha t the total hours that 29 lamps failed to burn would equal 1 lamp burning fur one month or $5.00. Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM HIPMAN, City Electrician. In motion of Ald. Singrin the re- port was received and the City Audi- tor to he instructed to deduct from the Union Electric company's bill for the month of November, 1909. the sum of $5.00. Street Commissioner Dorgan re- ported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen I herewith submit the pay roll for labor on streets in the different road districts during the last half of November, 1909: Amt. due laborers on streets. $309.55 Approved by Committee on Streets. Also submit the pay roll for labor on sewers during the last half of No- vember, 1909: Amt. clue laborers on sewers..$197.15 Approved by Committee on Sewers. Also submit the pay roll for labor on Kaufman Avenue during the last half of November, 1909: Amt. due laborers on streets..$101.00 Approved by Committee on Streets. Respectfully submitted, JOHN DORGAN, Street Commissioner. On motion of Alds. Saul and Sin - grin the pay rolls on streets and sew- ers were received and warrants or dered drawn to pay the variou9 amounts and the pay rolls referred back to the proper committees. Regular Session, December 2, 1909 447 Ald. Haas moved that matter of procuring funds to pay laborers In various road districts, where funds are now depleted, be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke moved that the Committee Clerk be instructed to prepare statement shocviug amount City owes in each of the road funds and submit same to Committee of the Whole at their next session. Car- ried. Street Commissioner reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the pay roll for labor on North Cas- cade and Rockdale Roads, Millville Road and Arch Street during the last half of November, 1909, the cost of same to be paid for from the County Road Fund: Amount due laborers on North Cascade and Rock- dale Roads, Millville Road and Arch Street $636.20 Approved by Committee on Streets. Respectfully submitted, JOHN DORGAN, Street commissioner. On motion of Ald. Saul the pay roll for North Cascade and Rockdale Roads, Millville Road andArch Street v, as approved and pa.vroll re- ferred to County for payment. Ald. Frith moved that the Street Commissioner be instructed to pre- pare separate pay roll for each of the roads where payment is to be made. from County Road Fund. Carried. City Recorder Linehan ofpresen aand read the certified copy no- tice of the Council's intention to levy a special assessment for the improve- ment of Bennett Street from the East lot line of Hantleman's Sub. to the West line of Lot 48, Bennett Street Sub., by O'Farrell Contracting Co., contractors. No remonstrance being filed, and no one in the room object- ing to the levying of the special as- sessment for said improvement, the notice was, on motion of Ald. Rand, received and filed. City Recorder tan also pTe- sented and read the certified copy of the notice sof the Council's ecial assessmentilforntion the to levy a p between improvement of the alley Twelfth Iowa and Clay Streets from Street to the soutt57lin Oe of tllhNort a 2-6 of City Lot No ll Con- tracting Co., contractors. the strance being filed and one inf th room objecting to the levying improve- ment special assessment as, e ment of said alley, the notice on w Dorgan also motion of Ald. Singrin, received and filed. City Recorder Linehan also pre- sented and read the certified copy of the notice of the Council's intention to levy a special assessment for the construction of cement sidewalks on the West side of Southern Avenue be- tween Dodge Street and Railroad Avenue, abutting on Lot 2 of 229, Union Add., and Lots 3 and 4, Stout's Add., by N. J. Staner, contractor. No remonstrance being filed and no one in the room objecting to the levying of the special assessment for the con- struction of cement sidewalks, the no- tice was, on motion of Ald. Saul, re- ceived and filed. City Recorder Linehan also pre- sented and read the certified copy of the notice of the Council's intention to levy a special assessment for the construction of cement sidewalks on the South side of Cleveland Avenue between Mountain Lane and Union Street in front of the West 112, of Lot 106, Union Add., by N. J. Staner, con- tractor. No remonstrance being filed and no one in the room objecting to the levying of special assessment for the construction of the sidewalk, the notice was ordered received and flied. City Recorder Linehan also pre- sented and read certified copy of the notice of the Council's intention to levy a special assessment for construc- tion of a sanitary sewer in Needham Place from West Seventh Street to a point about 200 feet west of est F. FFifth Street. by J. tractor. Remonstrance of John Whe- lan against asessment being levied until Council views the ground was then read and, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, rules were suspended to grant Mr. Whelan permission to ad- dress the Council. Remonstrance was, on motion of Ald. Saul, referred to the Committee of the Whole and the Sewer Committee to view grounds, and notice ordered received and filed. City Record(r Linehan also pre- sented and real certified copy of the notice of the t'onneils intention to levy a special assessment for construc- tien of a sanitary sewer iii West Sev- enth Street from hill Street to Need - lin m Place, by J. F. l;rou•u, centrac- ter. Rene inst•ance of A. \V. and R. F. 1li1ler was then read against being as- sessed for said sewer. On motion re- monstrance was referred to the Com- mittee of the Whole and the Sewer Committee to view the grounds, and 1110 notice ordereWileigh received and flled a d Following Woodmeasurers' reports of receipts were presented and read, and, on mo- tion, were received and filed: 448 Regular Session, December 2, 1909 Jos. Straney, First Ward scale. $ 3.70 C. W. Katz, scales receipts.... 23.90 Mrs. C. Deckert, Rhomberg Avenue scale, receipts for months of June, July, August, September, October and No- vember J. H. Carroll, wood measured during October and Novem- ber 4.70 .55 City Engineer Ilg presented plans and specifications and an estimate of the costs for connecting the premises of John Allgeyer with the sanitary sewer in the alley between White and Jackson Streets. On motion of Aid. Haas the plans and specifications and the estimate of costs were adopt- ed and the City Attorney instructed to have proper notice served on John Allgeyer. Ald. Singrin moved that the Board of Health serve notice on all the property owners between 12th and 13th and White and Jackson, order- ing them to have their premises con- nected with the sanitary sewer with- in ten days. Carried. Ald. Singrin moved that the Chief of Police notify Byrne Bros. to have the alley in the rear of their Ninth Street barn cleared up at once and to keep alley cleared. Carried. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. O'Rourke, chairman of the committee on Finance, reported that committee had borrowed $15,000.00 for defraying the expenses of the city and moved that action of the com- mittee be approved. Carried. Aid. Singrin, of the Committee on Ordinances, presented and read an Ordinance establishing a grade on Belmound Street from Rose Street to West Fourteenth Street, and moved that the reading just had be con- sidered its first reading. Carried. Ald. Singrin moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of read- ing the Ordinance by its title for the second reading. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays --None. Absent—Ald. Martin. Aid. Singrin then moved that the Ordinance be now adopted as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Ald. Martin. The Ordinance follows: AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE establishing a grade ')n Belmound Street from Rose Street to West Fourteenth Street in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Be it ordained by the City Council, of the City of Dubuque: Sec. 1. That a grade on Belmound Street from Rose Street to West Fourteenth Street, in the City of Du- buque, Iowa, be and the same is hereby established and adopted as shown by the profile of said street and grade prepared by the City En- gineer and accepted by the City Council on the twenty-seventh day of October, 1909, being Profile No. 674, and marked "Profile and Grade of Belmound Street from Rose Street to West Fourteenth Street, b. in.'s east curb, corner of Rose and Belmound —266.24; doorsill from house station 2+50 on east -255.45." Said grade begins at the north lot line of Rose Street which is station 0, elevation east curb 266.24, west curb 268.50; thence to station +50, elevation east curb 253.55. west curb 265.00; thence to station 1, elevation east curb 261.- 55, west curb 262.66; thence to sta- tion 1+50, elevation east curb 260.- 22, w.st curb 261.22; thence to sta- tion 2+86, elevation east side 257,50, west side 258.50; thence to station 4+84, which is the south curb of West Fourteenth Street, elevation east side 252.43. west side 253.96. Sec. 2. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Du- buque Telegraph -Herald and Times - Journal newspapers. Adopted 1909. Approved 1909. Attest: Mayor. City Recorder. Ald. Singrin, of the Committee on Ordinances, also presented and read: An Ordinance establishing a grade on Irving Avenue from Delhi Street to Decorah Avenue in the City of Dubuque, .Iowa, and moved that the reading just had be considered its first reading. Carried. Ald. Singrin moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of read- ing the Ordinance by its title for the second reading. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Ald. Martin. Ald. Singrin then moved that the Ordinance be now adopted as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Regular Session, December 2, 1909 449 Nays—none. Absent- .\Id. Martin. I'he 1 11'11111a11(.1. 1.o11ows: AN e II11iINANI'E establishing a gra le on Irving .\ venue frons Delhi Street to l)ecor:lh Avenue in the City of Dubuque, 1owa. Lit. it Ordained by the City Council of the ('ity of Dubuque: Section 1. That a grade on Irving Avenue from Delhi Street to Decorah Avenue in the Pity 01 Dubuque, Iowa, be and the same is hereby establish- ed and adopted as shown by the pro- file of snid street and grade prepared by the City Engineer and accepted by the Pity Connell on the 4th day of Nov, miter. 1909, being PI•olile No. 673 and marlceel "Profile and Grade of Irving Avenue from Delhi Street to Decorah Avenue, bench marks: W. corner of top comer' te step at Irving School tate on Delhi Strt et. eleva- tion 2:1s.22.“ Said .grade he )inning at the curl) line on I), Ihi 91u e, t. which Is slats n --12. e1c'1:Itiom ,,:1-t curb '90.110, west curb _9l.6n: th, 11) to st1ltio11 1, elev:ltiorl (.urh '!I7.110, y". st (.111-1) 291i.nn; the•nr, to :1;1)0111 2. elevation 2841.:00; thence to :dation 3, elevation 280.00; thence to station 4- 1)-. e•le; ation east curb 268.00, west curl) 207.00. Section 2. 'Phis Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Tele•graph-Herald and Times -Journal newspapers. Adopted 1909. Appre,ve•e1 1909. Attest : - -- Mayo'. ('ity Recorder. \1d. Rand, chairman of the Com- mittee on Claims, reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, of the City ill' Dubuque: Gentlemen: Your Committee on Claims would respectfully report that in October, 1909. Anne McDonald sustained an injury by falling upon a defective sidewalk on Grandview Avenue, that she has offered to ac- cept $25.00 in full settlement for all damages sustained by her by reason of said injury; that we believe it to be to the interest of the City to pay said amounts and therefore we would rec- ommend that a w'ar'rant be drawnin favor of the Mayor for $25.00 set- tlement of her claim. D. W. RAND, DAN' J. HAAS, JAMES SAUL. Commitee on Claims. GEO, T. LYON, City. Attorney. Ald. Rand moved the adoption of the report of the Committee on Claim, and that a warrant be ordered drawn in favor of the Mayor to set- tle said claim. Carried. Ald. Frith. chairman of the Com- mittee on Fire, reported that the committee had advertised for bids for furnishing caps for the Fire De- partment. Ald. Singrin moved that the com- mittee be empowered to open bids and 71,card the contrlct for furnish- ing cups for the Fire Department. Carried. AN. Haas, chairman of the Com- mittee on Delinquent :faxes, reported as follows: Your Committee on Delinquent 'faxes )could respectfully recommend that on account of her poverty, the special tux ievied against the home- stead of Ait•s. Rosa Keck, Lot 2 of 26, in O'Neill's 2nd addition. for the im- provement of West Third Street from Alpine Street to College Avenue be accepted in full in the suns of $30.00, which amount represents the balance due on said assessment without inter- est, and the City Treasurer be in- structed accordingly. ,Also your Committee on Delinquent Taxes would respectfully recommend that on account of her poverty, she being a widow with several minor children to support, that the taxes against the property of Mrs. Susie 1Vo-land, Lot 1, of L. H. Langworthy's Sub. ,be canceled for the year 1908, and that the City Treasurer be in- structed accordingly. Also your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the pe- tition of John J. Sullivan stating that his property, Lot 18 in Oak Grove Add., valued at $500.00, had been er- roneously sold for the taxes in 1901. he being an honorably discharged soldier of the War of the Rebellion and therefore entitled to the exemp- tion of $800.00 on his property, and asks that his said property be re- deemed from tax sale, would respect- fully recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the City Treasurer he instructed ac- cordingly. Also your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the pe- tition of Alfred Herron stating that he was erroneously assessed for the Aof lots aend 7 1908 sn and ]that he Add., for the Y year had sold the north110 feet 01r ofLot 7, for which the present ownid part of said lot Is assessed andrefays taxes thereon and asking 450 Regular Session December 2, 1909 that the City Treasurer be instructed to accept his taxes for the year. 1908 on the same valuation as returned for 1907, would respectfully recom- mend that the prayer of the peti- tioner be granted and that the City Treasurer be instructed accordingly. Also your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whore was referred the pe- tition of Mrs. B. McCoy, a widow with several small children to support by her daily labor, stating that she is the owner of the west 22 feet of Lot 14, in Union Add.,' and that on account of her poverty she is unable to pay the taxes on said lot for the year 1908 and asking therefore that said taxes be canceled, would respectfully rec- ommend that the prayer of the peti- tioner be granted and that the City Treasurer be instructed accordingly. Also your Cornmittee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the pe- tition of Helen May, a widow in poor circumstances, stating that she is the owner of Lot 106, in Union Add.. and unable to pay the taxes thereon for the year 1908, and asking therefore that said taxes be canceled, would respectfully recommend the taxes be allowed to remain a lien on the prop- erty and that the City Treasurer be instructed not to sell. Also your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the pe- tition of Miss Mathilda Donaldson. stating that she has purchased the north 23.2 feet of City Lot 451, giving a mortgage for the payment thereof and that she has depending on her the four minor children of her de- ceased sister and that her only source of revenue is derived from the small restaurant she conducts and asking therefore that the taxes on said lot be canceled for the year 1908, would re- spectfully recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the City Treasurer be in- structed accordingly. D. J. HAAS, Chairman. Ald. Haas moved the adoption of the various reports of the Delinquent Tax Committee. Carried. Ald. Haas, of the Board of Health, reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and Mem- bers of the City Council: Gentlemen:—Your Board of Health would respectfully report that we have awarded the contract to M. E. King for caring for the patients at the Detention Hospital and for occu- pying said Hospital when no patients are there. He to receive the follow- ing compensation: When there are no patients at the Hospital, $5.00 per month. When there are less than 5 patients at the Hospital, $3.50 per day. When there are 5 to 10 patients at the I-lospital, $4.50 per day. When there are more than 10 pa- tients at the Hospital, $5.50 per day. Which we submit to your Honor- able Body for approval. Also your Board of Health, to whom was referred the bills of John Linehan for collecting garbage and dead animals during the month of October, 1909, amounting to $375.70, and fur collecting garbage and dead animals on November loth. 11th and 12th, amounting to $43.35, also bill of Mullin Bros. for repairs at garb- age clump, amounting to $3.35, would most respectfully report that we have examined said bills and have found them all to be correct and would most respectfully recommend that warrants be ordered drawn in the various amounts to pay said bills. D. J. HAAS, Chairman Pro Tern. Ald. Haas moved the adoption of the various reports of the Board of Health Carried. RESOLUTIONS ANJ) MOTIONS. Ald. O'Rourke offered the follow- ing: Whereas, The contract heretofore entered into by the City of Dubuque for the improvement of a street as hereinafter described has been com- pleted, and the City Engineer has computed that the cost and expense of said improvement amount to $2,- 252.94, Therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to provide for the cost of curb- ing, guttering and macadamizing West Fourth Street from Alpine Street to Pauling Street, the Mayor be and he is hereby required to exe- cute and deliver to the City Recorder, to be by him registered and counter- signed, eight bonds for two hundred and fifty dollars each and one for two hundred and fifty-two and 94-100 dol- lars, numbered 907 to 915, inclusive, dated December 4th, 1909, payable on or before seven years after the date thereof, and bearing interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Ald. Martin. Regular Session, December 2, 1909 451 Ald. O'Rourke also offered the fol- lowing: Whereas, The contract heretofore entered into by the City of Dubuque for the improvement of a street as hereinafter described has been com- pleted, and the City Engineer has computed that the cost and expense of said improvement amount to $2,- 018.32, Therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to provide for the cost of curb- ing, guttering and macadamizing O'Neill Avenue from Burden Avenue to Sheridan Street, the Mayor be and. he is hereby required to execute and ' deliver to the City Recorder, to be by him registered and countersigned, seven bonds for two hundred and fif- ty dollars each and one for two hun- dred and sixty-eight and 32-100 dollars, numbered 912 to 923 in- clusive, dated December 4th, 1909, payable on or before seven years af- ter the date thereof, and bearing in- terest at the rate of five per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays --None. Absent—Ald. :Martin. Ald. O'Rourke also offered the fol- lowing: Whereas, The contract heretofore entered into by the City of Dubuque for the improvement of a street as hereinafter described has been com- pleted, and the City Engineer has computed that the cost and expense of said improvement amount to $767.- 57, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to provide for the cost of brick guttering Fifth Street from Main to Iowa Streets, the Mayor be and he is hereby required to execute and de- liver to the City Recorder, to be by him registered and countersigned, two bonds of the denomination of two hun1red and fifty dollars each and one of two hundred sixty-seven and 57-100 dollars, numbered 924 to 926 inclusive, dated December 4th, 1909, payable on or before seven years after the date thereof, and bearing interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum, payable semi- annually. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Ald. Martin. Ald. O'Rourke also offered the fol- lowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: ' That to pay for sanitary sewer In College Avenue by Street & Steuck, contractors, from West Fifth Street to Allison Place, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situated and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as fol- lows: Special assessment submitted De- cember 2nd, 1909, Owner. Description. Cost. Mary Martin, Newberry & Hale's Sub., Lot 20, 50 lin. feet at .3979 $ 19 90 Mary Martin, Newberry & Hale's Sub., Lot 19, 97 lin. feet at .3979 38 60 Andrew 'and Amelia Adams, Newberry & Hale's Sub., Sub. 18, Lot 1; 50 lin. feet at .3979 19 90 James Clarkson, Sub. 1 of Sub. 2, Waller's Sub., Lot 2, 34 lin. feet at .3979 13 63 Robt. Bartells, Sub. 6 of 1, Waller's Sub., Lot 2, 40 lin. feet at .3979 15 92 G. M. Orvis, Finley Home Add., E. part Lot 6, 48 lin. feet at .3979 19 10 Edw. W. Norton, Finley Horne Add., Lot 7, 50 lin. feet at .3979 Mary 1. Turner, Finley Home Add., Lot 8, 50 lin. feet at .3979 L. L. Lightcap, Finley Home Add., Lot 9, 57 lin. feet at .3979 Mrs. F. Minhard, Sub. 10 and 11, Finley Home Add., Lot 1, 100 lin. feet at .397939 70 E. A. Engler, Sub. 10 and 11, Finley Home Add., Lot 2, 73 lin. feet at .3979 Total $258 25 376.5 lin, feet 8 -inch sanitary $188 25 sewer at 58c 5 00 50 00 2 manholes at $2• • 20 00 Extra expenses Total $258 25 A11 of which is assessed in propor- tion to benefits conferred. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Ald. Martin. Ald. Saul offered the following: of Resolved by the City Councilthe City of Dubuque: That to pay 19 89 19 90 22 68 29 04 452 Regular Session, December 2, 1909 for a cement sidewalk on the west side of Southern Avenue, between Dodge Street and Railroad Avenue, abutting Lot 2 of Sub. 229, Union Add., by N. J. Staner, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situated and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Special assessment submitted De- cember 2nd, 1909. Total Owner. Description. Costs. Hy. Bardin, Union Add. Sub, 229, Lot 2, 248 sq. ft. at 10% c, $26.66; extra expense, $5.00 $31 66 All of which is assessed in propor- tion to the special benefits conferred. Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Aid. Martin. Ald. Saul also offered the follow- ing: Resolved by the City Council, of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for a cement sidewalk on the west side of Southern Avenue, between Dodge Street and Railroad Avenue, abutting Lots 3 and 4, Stout's Add., by N. J. Staner, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situated and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as fol- lows: Special assessment submitted De- cember 2nd, 1909. Total Owner. Description. Costs. Dominic Rhomberg, Stout's Add., Lot 3, 232.5 sq. ft. at 10 3-4c, $24.99; extra ex- pense, $2.61 $27 50 Dominic Rhomberg, Stout's Add., Lot 4, 232.5 sq. ft. at 10 3-4c, $24.99; extra ex- pense, $2.49 27 48 Total cost $54 98 All of which is assessed in propor- tion to the special benefits conferred. Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Aid. Martin. Ald. Saul also offered the follow- ing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for a cement sidewalk on the south side of Cleveland Avenue,. between Mountain Lane and Union Street, abutting W. 1-2 of Lot 106, Union Add., by N. J. Staner, contractor, in front of and ad- joining the same, a special tax be and is hereby ordered levied on the sev- eral lots, and parts of lots, and par- cels of real estate hereinafter named, situated and owned, and for the sev- eral amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Special assessment submitted De- cember 2nd, 1909. Total Owner. Description. Costs. Helen May, Union Add., W. 1-2 Lot 106, 241.32 sq. ft. at 13c, $31.37; extra expense, $5.00.$36.37 All of which is assessed in propor- tion to the special benefits conferred. Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Aid. Martin. Ald. Singrin offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for improving the alley between Iowa and Clay Streets from N. L. of 12th Street to the S. L. of N. 2-5 of City Lot 457, by O'Farrell Contracting Co., contrac- tors, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and own- ed, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Special assessment submitted De- cember 2nd, 1909. Total Owner. Description. Costs. C. Rath, S. 1-5 of City Lot 448 $ 51 00 H. Trenkle, S. M. 1-5 of City Lot 448 51 00 E. Hemmi, M. 1-5 of City Lot 448 51 00 Mary A. Coates, Und. 1-4, M. 1-5 of City Lot 457 12 75 Dorothy A. Watters, Und. 1-4, M. 1-5 of City Lot 457 Rich. Hinde, Und. 1-2, M. 1-5 of City Lot 457 25 50 Peter Iilauer, N. 1-2 of S. M. 1-5 of City Lot 4.57 25 50 James O'Farrel, S 1-2 of S. M. 1-5 of City Lot 457 25 50 J. V. Rider, S. 1-5 of City Lot 457 51 00 12 75 Total cost $306 00 370 sq. yds. concrete at 80c$296 00 Extra expenses 10 00 Total cost $306 00