Y Roll_17 Part 3Regular Session, December 2, 1909 453 ' All „t %% iiicii is assessed in propor- lineal feet combined gut - tion to benefits conferred. ter and curbstone at 80c, Aid. Singrin moved the adoption of $40.40; 92.89 sq. yds. ma the resolution. cadamizing at 75c, $69.66; Carried by the following vote: extra expense at .025, Yeas -Alda. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, $1.30 ...... ...... ..... 111 36 Rand, Saul and Singrin. Grundy & Hird, Davis' Sub., Nays --None. Lot 6, 37.2 lineal feet Absent-Ald. Martin. combined gutter and curb- Ald. Rand offered the following: stone at 80c, $29.76; 53.73 sq. yds. macadamizing at Resolved by the City Council of the 75c, $90.30; extra expense City of Dubuque: That to pay for im- at .025, 95c ............ 71 Ol proving Bennett Street from east lot Grundy & Hird, Davis' Sub., line of Hantleman's Sub. to west lot Lot 5, 43.2 lineal feet line of Loi 4, Bennett Street Sub., by combined gutter and curb - (.)'Farrell Contracting CO., contractors, stone at 80c, $34.56; 62.40 in front of and adjoining the same, a �I yds. macadamizing at special tax be and is hereby levied on 75c, $46.80; extra expense the several lots, and parcels of lots, at $1.12............ 82 48 and parcels of teal estate hereinafter .025, Grundy & Hird, Davis' Sub., named, situated and owned, and for Lot 4, 43.2 lineal feet the several amounts set opposite each combined gutter and curb - lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: store at 80c, $34.56; 62.40 Special assessment submitted De- sq. yds. macadamizing at cember 2nd, 1909. Total AmountTax. 75c, $46.80; extra expense Owner. Description. at .025, $1.12 ...... ..... 82 48 R. W. Kemler, Hantleman's Grundy & Hird, Davis' Sub., Sub., Lot 1.0. 56 lineal Lot 3, 43.2 lineal feet feet combined gutter and combined gutter and curb - curbstone at 80c, $44.80; stone at 80c, $34.56; 62.40 80,89 sq. yds. macadamiz- 3q. yds, macadamizing at Ing at 75c, $60.67; extra 106 87 75c, $46.80; extra expense 82 48 expense at .025. $1.40 ....$ at .025, $1.12 .... ...... Frank Winders, Hantleman's Grundy & Hird, Davis' Sub,. Sub., Lot P 56 lineal Lot 2, 43.2 lineal feet feet combined gutter and combined gutter and curb - curbstone at 80c, $44.80; stone at 80c, $34.56; 62.40 79.44 sq. yds. macadamiz- sq, yds, macadamizing at Ing at 75c, $59.58; extra 104 98 75c, $46.80; extra expense 82 48 .xpettse at .025, $1.40 .... at .025, $1.12 ...... .... Frank Winders, Hantleman's Grundy & Hird, Davis' Sub., Sub., E. 15 feet of Lot 8, Lot 1, 30.3 lineal feet 15 lin. ft. combined gut- combined gutter and curb - ter and curbstone at 90c, stone at 80c, $31.44; 92.93 $12.00; 21.67 sq. yds• ma- sq. yds. macadamizing at cadamizing at 75c• $16.25; 28 65 75c, $69.70; extra expense 102 15 extra expense at .025. 40c. at .025, $1.01 ...... .... Joe Griggs, Jr., Hantleman's Emma Graham, Bennett St. Sub., W. 40 feet of Lot 8, Sub., Lot 1, 69.5 lineal 40 lin. ft. combined gut- feet combined gutter and ter and curbstone at 80c, curbstone at 80c, $55.60; $32.00; 57.78 sq. yds. ma- 104.91 sq. yds. macadam- eadamizing at 75c, $43.34; izing at 75c, $78.68; extra 136 08 extra expense at .025, 76 34 expense at .025, $1.80 .... Bennett St. $1.00 . Jr., Hantleman's Ben. Gardner, Sub., Lot 2, 57 lineal Joe Griggs, Sub., E. 10 feet of Lot 7, feet combined gutter and 10 lin. ft. combined gut- curbstone at 80c, $45.60; ter and curbstone at 80a, 63.49 sq. yds. macadamiz- $47.61; extra $8.00; 14.44 sq. Yds. maca- $10.83; Ing at 75c, expense at .025, $1.50 .... 94 71 damizing at 75c, expense at .025, 30c 19 13 Mary J. Corbett, Bennett St. extra Eliz. Messersmith, Hantle- Sub., Lot 3, 50.5 lineal man's Sub., W. 45 feet of feet combined gutter and $40.40; Lot 7, 45 lin. feet com- curbstone at 80c, macadamiz- bined gutter a.nd curbstone 65 sq• yds' 66.25 aq. yds• 5tt. at 76c, $42.19; extra at Hada ; at 75c' expense at .025, $1.30 83 88 $iron macadamizing expense at Alice and J. O�golleran, $48.75; extra 85 90 Lot 4, 60 ' ' ' ' ' Bennett St. Sub., .025, $1.15 . • • • • • • . F.liz. Messersmith, Hantle- lineal feet combined gut - man's Sub., Lot 6, 50.7 454 Regular Session, December 2, 1909 ter and curbstone at 80c, $40.00; 56.25 sq. yds. ma- cadamizing at 75c, $42.19; extra expense at .025, $1.30 ...... ............ 83 49 Henry Brown, Ann O'Hares' Sub., W. 80.18 feet of Lot 11, 31.36 lineal feet com- bined gutter and curbstone at 80c, $25.09; 34.93 sq. yds. macadamizing at 75c, $26.20; extra expense at .025. 80c .... .... ...... 52 09 J. W. Hampton, Ann O' - Hares' Sub., E. 57.82 feet of Lot 11, 58 lineal feet combined guter and curb- stone at 80c, $46.40; 64.61 sq. yds. macadamizing at 75c, $48.46; extra expense at .025, $1.55 .... ...... 96 41 Albert Kuhn, Ann O'Hares' Sub., S. 1-2 of Lot 10, 128.94 lineal feet combined gutter wnd curbstone at 80c, $103.15; 162.75 sq. yds. macadamizing at 75c, $122.06; extra expense at .025, $3.36 .... ...... 228 57 Total cost ...... .......$1811 55 966.1 lin. ft. combined gut- ter and curbstone at 80c..$ 772 88 1351.56 sq. yds. macadamiz- ing at 75c ...... ...... 1013 67 Extra expenses ...... ....25 00 Total cost ...... .......$1811 55 All of which is assessed in propor- tion to benefits conferred. ..Aid. Rand moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Ald. Martin. Ald. Rand also offered the follow- ing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for improving Louisa Street from Grace Street to Bennett Street by O'Farrell Contracting Co., contractors, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situated and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Special assessment submitted No- vember 18th, 1909. Total Owner. Description. Costs. Louisa A. Potterveld, Ann O'Hare's Sub., W. 62.94 ft. of N. 1-2 of Lot 10 ..........$152 60 Albert Kuhn, Ann O'Hare's Sub., Sub. of 1 of E. 75.6 ft. of N. 1-2 of Lot 2 .......... 48 45 Albert Kuhn, Sub. 10 Ann O'Hare's Sub., E. 75.6 ft. of N. 1-2 of Lot 2 ........... 214 30 Albert Kuhn, Ann O'Hare's Sub., Sub. 2 of S. 1-2 of Lot 10 of Lot 2 .............. 99 66 Albert Kuhn, Ann O'Hare's Sub., Sub. S. 1-2 of 10 of Lot 1 ...... .... ...... ..... 223 00 Eliz. llessersmith, Hantleman's Sub., Sub. 6 of Lot 1 ...... 86 40 Total cost ...... .... ....$824 41 666.4 sq. yds. macadam at 68c ...... ...... ........$453 15 577.1 lin. ft. combined curb and gutter at 66c......... 346 26 Extra expenses ... .... .... 25 00 Total cost .... .... ......$824 41 All of which is assessed in propor- tion to benefits conferred. Aid. Rand moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. \ a ys—None. Absent—Ald. 'Martin. Aid. Frith offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for improving Windsor Avenue from end of old improvem�•nt northerly 317 feet by Frank Beutin, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situated and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Special assessment submitted, De- cember 2nd, 1909. Total Amount Owner. Description. Tax. A. W. kVieneke, Klingen- berg's Sub., Lot 3. 19.05 sq. yds. brick paving at .8176, $15.60; extra ex- pense, 35c ...... .... ..$ 15 95 J. P. P,uechele, F. W. Kruse's Sub., N. 1-2 of Lot 1, 9.8 lin, ft. curbstone at 50c, $4.90; 5.5 lin, ft. reset curb at 20c, $1.10; 37.19 sq. yds. brick paving at .8176, $30.42; extra expense, 70c 37 12 A. Baumhover, F. W. Kruse's Sub., S. 1-2 of Lot 1, 9.25 lin. ft. curbstone at 50c, $4.63; 37.19 sq. yds. brick paving at .8176, $30.42; extra expense, 70c ...... 35 75 Mary Casey, F. W. Kruse's Sub., N. 30 feet of Lot 2, 2.90 lin. ft. curbstone at 50c, $1.45; 4.20 lin. ft. re- set curb at 20c, 85c; 54.43 sq. yds. brick paving at .8176, $44.51; extra ex- pense, $1.05 .... .... .. 47 86 Regular Session, December 2, 1909 455 Alice Caw ) I'. W. Kruse's Sub., S. I I feet of Lot 2, 37 96 4.05 lin. ft. reset curb at 20c, 80c; 19.97 sq. yds. brick paving at .8176, $16.33; extra expense, 39c 17 53 Alice Casey, F. W. Kruse's 61 76 Sub., Lot 3, 13.75 lin. ft. curbstone. at 50c, $6.87; 74.38 sq. yds. brick pav- ing at .8176, $60.82; ex- tra expense, $1.44 .... .. 69 13 Anton Ilooll, Hamburg Add., Sub. 1 of 1 of Lot 2, 16.34 sq. yds. brick paving at .8176. $13.37; extra ex- 25 33 pense, 32u .... .... .... 13 69 Anton Hoell, Hamburg Add., Sub. 1 of 1 of Lot 1, 25.3 lin. ft. reset curbstone at 410 63 5Uc. $12.65: 6.4 lin. ft. re- set curb at 20c. $1.28; 985 46 56.06 sq. yds. Frick paving at .8176, $45.53: extra ex- pense, $1.08 ...... ...... 60 84 John \l. Lesch, Hamburg Add., Sub. 1 of Lot 2. 28.6 lin. ft. curbstone at 50c, $14.30. 2.1, lin. ft. reset curb at .n,•, .Gc: 62.60 sq. yds. brick paving nt .8176, $51.18: extra expense, $1.19 .... .... ......... 67 23 Adam Doerr, Jr., Hamburg Add., I.ot 2. 1',.7 lin. ft. curbstone at .0c. $9.35; 10.65 lin. ft. r� ct curb at 20c, $2.I3, 9u. 7 - sq. gals. brick luring at .8176, $74.18: extra expense. $1.75 87 41 Mary Voclko r. Hamburg Add., Lot 1, 92.10 sq. yds. brick paving at .8176, $75.31: extra expense, $1.75 .... ...... ....... 77 06 City of Dubuque, at the junc- tion of old and neq• im- provement. 8.81 sit. yds. at $1.65, $14.54 .... ....... 14 54 Marg. Ball. Sanford Sub., Lot 21, 81.65 sq. yds, brick paving at .81711. $66.76; extra expense, $1.58 ..... 68 34 H. Brinkman Est., Sanford Sub., Lot 22. 5.5 lin. ft. curbstone nt 511 c. $2.75: 158.54 sq. yds. brick pav- ing at $129.62; ex- tra expense, $1.75 .... ... 134 12 Dub. Brew'g & Malt. Co., Windsor Ave. Sub., Sub. 18 (2 of '_' ) Lot 1. 116.33 sq. yds. brick paving at .8176, $95.11; extra expense, 87c 95 98 Dub. Brew'g. & Malt. Co., Windsor Ave. Sub., Sub. 2 of Lot 1, 45.36 sq. yds. brick paving at .8176, $37.08; extra expense, 88c 37 96 J. powers, Windsor Ave. Sub., Lot 3. 4516 sq. yds. brick paving at .8176, $37.08; extra expense, 87c 37 96 J. Powers, Windsor Ave. Sub., S. 40.7 feet of Lot 4, 73.84 sq. yds. brick pav- ing at .8176, $60.37; extra expense, $1.40 .... ...... 61 76 Phil. Schwinn, Windsor Ave. Sub., Lot 5, 72.57 sq. yds. brick paving at .8176, $59.33; extra expense, $1.40 .... .... .... ... 60 72 J. P. Buechele, Windsor Ave. Sub., Lot 6, 30.3 sq. yds. brick paving at .8176, $24.77; extra expense, 56c 25 33 Union Electric Co., paving tracks, 246.44 sq. yds. at $1.65, $406.63; extra ex- pense, $4.00 .. .... ...... 410 63 City of Dubuque, Pt. of ap- propriation .... .... .... 985 46 Total cost .... .... ....$2462 37 113.8 lin. ft. new curb at 50c per lin. ft. .... ....$ 56 90 33.6 lin. ft. reset curb at 20c per. lin. ft . .... ........ 6 72 1439.23 sq. yds. brick paving at $1.65 .... .... ...... 2374 72 Extra expenses .... .... .. 24 03 Total ........... .......$2,462.37 All of which is assessed in propor- tion to benefits conferred. Aid. Frith moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the followingvote: Yeas-Alds. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rani], Saul and Singrin. Nays --None. Absent-Ald. Martin. Aid. O'Rourke stated that Street Conunissioner had not succeeded in procuring waivers from all the prop- erty owners on Bluff Street and stat- ed that it was an absolute necessity that steps be taken to have the street put in passable condition to prevent accidents. Aid. O'Rourke moved that the foreman of the Second Ward put n force of men at work at once to set curb and put the street in shape at tut expense not to exceed $300.00, $200.00 to be paid from the Expense Fund and $100.00 from Second Ward Fund. Carried. Aid. O'Rourke moved that the City Attorney .serve notice on M. Tschirgi & Sons to remove all surplus material from Bluff Street and intersecting street at once. Carried. Aid. O'Rourke moved that when the Council adjourns they adjourn to meet Tuesday evening, December 7th. Carried. 456 Adjourned Regular Session, December 7, 1909 Aid. Frith stated that the contrac- tor has nearly finished the work of repairing Althauser Avenue and that it would be necessary to put a cov- ering of Liquid Asphalt on the street to prevent any future washing out of said street and moved that the Com- mittee Clerk be instructed to order Liquid Asphalt to cover the portion of Althauser Avenue that is neces- sary to be covered with asphalt. Car- ried. Aid. O'Rourke moved that Council adjourn to Tuesday evening, Decem- ber 7th. Carried. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. Approved -4-c ti ....19AP ...... T .`Mayor Attest: CITY COUNCIL Adjourned Regular Session, Decem- ber 7th, 1909. Council met at 8:10 p. m. Mayor Schunk in the chair. Present—None. Absent—Aids. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Mayor Schunk stated that the meeting was an adjourned meeting of the regular session of December 2nd, 1909, and was called to take up and consider all matters which may prop- erly come before a regular session of the City Council. In the absence of a quorum the Mayor declared the meeting ad- journed to Friday evening, Decem- ber 10th, 1909. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. ApprovedW ............ Mayor Attest: '� . Recorder Adjourned Regular Session, December 10, 1909 157 CITY COUNCIL, Adjourned Regular Sessiuu, Decem- ber 10th, 1909. C Mneil met at 8:35 p. m. Mayor tichnnk in the chair. Present — Aids. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke. Rand. Saul and Singrin. Absent---Ald. Martin. Mayor Schenk stated that the meeting was an adjourned meeting of the adjourned session of December ith, 1909, of the regular session of December ami, 1909, and was called to take up and consider all matters which may properly come before a regular session of the City Council. Alderman Frith moved that Ordi- nance granting to Chicago, Milwau- kee & St. Paul Railroad Company and Illinois Central Railroad Com- pany permission to change the loca- tion of and extend the sidetrack of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company on the west sid,• of Jackson Street between Sixth and Eighth Streets and across Seventh Street to connect with the Illinois Central sidetrack in Jackson Street be brought up for consideration. Car- ried. Aid, Singrin, of the Committee on Ordinances, then presented and read an Ordinance granting to the Chica- go. Milwaukee & tit. Paul Railway Company and th,• Illinois Central Railroad Company respectively and their successors and assigns, permis- sion to change the location of and extend the sidetrack of the Chicago, llilwaukee & St. Paul Railway Com- pany on the west side of Jackson Street between Sixth and Eighth Streets and across Seventh Street in the City of Dubuque to connect same with the sidetrack of the Illinois Cen- tral Railroad Company in Jackson Street, and moved• that the reading just had be considered its first read - Ing. Carried. Aid. Singrin moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of read- ing the Ordinance by its title for the second reading. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Ald. Martin. Aid. Singrin then moved that the Ordinance be now adopted as read. Aid. O'Rourke stated that no pro- vision as to time limit was made in the Ordinance and that the final adoption of the Ordinance should be deferred until next regular session of the Council to enable the City Attor- ney to examine the Ordinance more thoroughly. On motion rules were suspended to grant ]nterested parties permission to address the Council. Mr. J. W. Sta- pleton then addressed the Council, stating that the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Pan] Railway Company, had been granted perpetual right to lay a sidetrack by the City and the Ordi- nance that was now to be adopted was for changing location of said sidetrack and should be perpetual. Mr. Loetscher and Mr. E. \M. Harroun then addressed the Council. Aid. O'Rourke then moved that the Ordinance be adopted, subject to City Attorney examining Ordinance before Mayor signs same. Carried by follo\villg vote: Yens--Alds. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Ran,l. caul and Singrin. ��• \ ;i ��—\one. \b= •nt—:Vd. Alai -tin. 7'he Ordinance follows: \N ORDINANCE. AN ORIJINANUE granting to the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. .Paul Railway C'umpany and the Illinois Central Railroad Company, respec- tively and their successors and as- signs, permission to change the lo- cation of and extend the sidetrack of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company on the \Fest side of Jackson Street be- tween Sixth and Eighth Streets and across Seventh Street in the City of Dubuque; to connect same with the sidetrack of the Illinois Central Railroad Company in Jackson Street; to own and operate jointly a part thereof as relocated; extend- ing and modifiying the provisions of the Ordinance of the City of Du- buque passed February 5th, 1883, to said track as relocated and ex- tended; and regulating the con- struction, use and maintenance of said sidetrack: Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That the sidetrack of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company extending along the West side of Jackson Street be- tween Sixth and Eighth Streets in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, which said track as now located was laid about the year 1883 and has since been maintained by said railway company pursuant to and In accordance with the terms and provisions of a certain Ordinance of the City of Dubuque adopted by the City Council, February 5th, 1883, and recorded in Book No. 16 at page 324, of the records of the proceedings of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, may be changed, relocated and extended as hereinafter set forth. Section 2. The said track when changed shall be so laid and extended that from the southerly line of Eighth 458 Adjourned Regular Session, December 10, 1909 Street to the northerly line of Sev- enth Street it shall extend along Jackson Street with its wostcrly rail approximately eleven feet from the lot line on the westerly side of said Jackson Street, and said part of said track shall be laid, used and main- tained jointly by the Chicago, Mil- waukee & St. Paul Railway Company and by the Illinois Central Railroad Company. From said point in Jack- son Street, where said track reaches the northerly line of Seventh Street, said track shall extend across Sev- enth Street and southerly on Jackson Street in such direction as to meet the present sidetrack of said Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Com- pany at a point about fifty feet south- erly from the southerly line of Sev- enth Stroet and said part of said track is to b, lairl, used and maintained by the Chicago. ,vihvaukee & St. Paul Railway l'ornl n ny. At or about the aforesaid point where the track crosses the northerly line of Seventh Street a connection shall be made with the present spur or cross-over track recently laid by the Illinois Central Railroad Company, so as to connect said track with the sidetrack of the Illinois Central Railroad Com- pany extending along the center of said Jackson Streit, and said cross- over track to be used and maintained jointly by said Illinois Central rail- road Company and said Chicago. Mil- *,vmikee & St. Paul Railway Company. Scutum 3. That permission be and the same is hereby granted to said Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail- way Company and to said Illinois Central Railroad Company respective- ly and to their respective successors and assigns to relocate, change, ex- tend, connect, lay, use and maintain said side and cross-over tracks at the location and with the respective own- erships as hereinbefore set out. Section 4. That the relocating and laying clown of said track shall be done under the supervision of the City Engineer and Committee on Streets of said city and it shall be laid, maintained and operated in the manner provided by said Ordinance hereinbefore referred to of February 5th, 1883, and all the provisions of said ordinance except as they are herein modified as to ownership by and tights and responsibilities of, said respective railway companies shall apply and be extended to the said track as relocated and extended. Section 5. The said railway com- panies shall allow all other railway companies owning and operating lines In the City of Dubuque to switch and "place" on said track cars coming thereto over said Illinois Central cross-over track at a charge of fifty cents for each car. Section 6. That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage• and Its publica- tion one time in the Dubuque Tele- graph -Herald and in the Dubuque Times -Journal, official newspapers of said city, and written acceptance thereof on the part of said Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Com- pany and the said Illinois Central Railroad Company. Adopted 1909. Approved -- 1909. Mayor. Attest: ---- City Recorder. The provisions and terms of the foregoing Ordinance are hereby ac- cepted this — --- day of CHICAGO. .\IIL\\':\l i<I:1: & ST. PAI?L RAIf,WAY CO.NIPANY. l i y -- ---- The - –The Provisions and tct•ms of t foregoing Ordinance are hcrehy cepled this day ---, 1909. ILLI\OIS CENTRAL RAILROAD COM PAN Y. By — PETITIONS AND CO\1JIC\ICA- TIO\ S. he tc- of Petition of the Dubuque Memorial Association, asking that the City en- act an tlydinanee granting to them and their associates the right to erect a Mcmnrial Hall in either Washington or Jackson Park and perpetually ded- icate the same to park purposes, was, on motion of Ald. Frith, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Fischer & Co., asking that the City notify the owners of houseboats, etc., to remove same at once, so that they can erect an ice chip conveyor, was, on motion of Aid. Saul, referred to the Committee of the Whole to view the grounds. Petition of Nick J. Thill et at, ask- ing that the City have the water mains extended on Queen Street for a distance of two blocks from Edward to Pfotser Street, was, on motion of Aid. Frith, referred to the `Vater Works Trustees. Petition of Dick J. Thill et al, ask- ing that the City have a private sewer put in Henry Street from Windsor Avenue to the first alley u est of Windsor Avenue and in said alley about eighty feet north or that they be given permission to do so under the supervision of the Street Commis- sioner, was, on motion of Aid. Frith, granted, and the city Engineer to be Instructed to prepare pians and speci- fications for sewer. Adjournec Regular Session, December 10, 1909 459 Petition of Mary C. Blake, asking that the Treasurer be instructed not to sell her property for the taxes, she being sick and unable to make ar- rangement for paying same, was, on motion of Aid. Rand, referred to the Delinquent Tax Committee and Treas- urer not to sell until committee re- ports on same. REPORTS OF OFFICERS City Engineer Ilg reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Please find attached grade of Columbia Street, as shown by red line and figures, which I would recommend for your adoption. Respectfully submitted, PAUL ILG, Cite Engineer. On motion of Ald. Frith profile and grade were referred to the Committee of the Whole. Street Comissioner Dorgan re- ported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Attached please find bills for money due the City of Du- buque for rock and filling furnished various parti,•s: also for rolling done by steam roll, -r. as follows: M. Tsc•hirgi .- Smns, rolling Bluff Street ............. $ 14 00 E. T. Cleaver, rolling between 7th and Sth Streets ...... 6 00 Iowa Telephone Co., rolling on Third Street between Lo- cust and \lain Streets ..... 1 00 Key City Gas Co.. rolling va- rious streets ............. 156 00 Street & Steuck, rolling vari- ous streets .............. 56 00 Street & Steuck, rock fur- nished ........ .......... 76 30 Union Electric Co., rolling various streets ........... 26 00 H. G. Young, rock furnished 6 00 Martin Heer, filling lot on Grace and Hall Streets.... 50 00 Mrs. J. O'Halloran, filling lot on Grace Street .......... 3 10 Ted Bauer, filling lot on Grace Street .......... ........ 1 25 Mr. Weslaby, filling lot on Rigi Street .............. 1 2b W. A. Brown, filling lot on Louisa Street 3 10 August Meyer, stone furnish- ed ............ ......... 103 50 Yours respectfully, JOHN DORGAN, Street Commissioner. On motion of Aid. O'Rourke, re- port of Street Commissioner Dorgan was approved and bills referred to the Treasurer for collection with copy of same to the City Auditor, with in- structions to the Treasurer that all steam roller men Tie paid money now due them from money collected for rolling. Street Commissioner Dorgan also reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Attached please find Treasurer's receipt for stone sold to Mr. Barrett from Alpine Street, $18.00, which amount with the $103.50 for rock furnished to Mr. Meyer when collected is to be trans- ferred to Second Road District Fund. Yours respectfully, JOHN DORGAN, Street Commissioner. Aid. O'Rourke moved that report of Street Commissioner be approved and the Treasurer be instructed to transfer money collected for rock sold from Alpine Street to Second Road District Fund. Aid. Rand moved as an amendment that money be credited to Second Road District, subject to an opinion from City Attorney in the matter. Carried. Street Commissioner Dorgan also reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: As per your instruc- tions, I set the desired stakes at the Rottler property on Dorgan Place De- cember 3rd, 1909. Yours respectfully, JOHN DORGAN, Street Commissioner. On motion of Ald• Haas report was referred to the Committee of the Whole to view the grounds. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Aid. Singrin, chairman of the Com- mittee on Sewers, reported as fol- lows: Your Committee on Sewers would respectfully report that we have ex- amined the sewer in the alley be- tiveen Jackson Street and Couler Ave- nue from the end of the previous saver northerly to Peru Road, thence e,ist rl� to Jackson Street, thence n'n•tlncrly to the alley between Mil- �N:mk� r and Diamond Avenues, the ()'F:u•rell Contracting Co., contractors, and would recommend that said sew- er be accepted and that the City En- gineer be instructed to prepare a special assessment against the lots or parcels of real estate subject to as- sessment for said improvement and file the same in the office of the City nocorder, who will thereupon pub- lish the notice of said assessment, as required by Ordinance•W. SI\TGRIN, Chairman. AM. Singrin moved the adoption of 460 Adjourned Regular Session, December 10, 1909 the report of the Committee on Sew- ers. Carried. Aid. O'Rourke, chairman of the Committee of the Whole, reported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole, to whom Nvere referred the following bills, would respectfully recommend that the same be paid and that war- rants in settlement thereof be or- dered drawn on the City Treasurer: Iowa Telephone Co., for vari- ous departments .........$ 12 75 Peter Even, coal for 9th Street Engine House ............ 22 10 Street & Steuck, grading West Fourth Street ............ 320 00 James Lee & Son, grading West Locust Street ....... 394 40 Wilmer Cook, grading North side of 27th Street........ 94 20 F. Beutin, relaying brick on Windsor Avenue at Sanford Street ........ .......... 11 75 O'Farrell Contracting Co., 5% retained on Asbury Street. 24 25 O'Farrell Contracting Co., ex- tra work on Bennett Street 25 00 N. J. Starter, changing side- walks abutting Wolff and Cain property ............ 25 50 Wilmer Cook, 5% retained on Milwaukee Avenue ....... 52 49 Wilmer Cook, 5% retained on Alley between Windsor and Stafford Avenues ..... 17 31 Wilmer Cook, 5% retained on Jackson Street between 8th to 9th Streets ............ 40 43 W. D. Deckert, railing on Madison Street .......... 12 43 W. D. Deckert, railing on South Bluff Street ........ 9 24 W. D. Deckert, material for Sewer Dept . ............. 40 Key City Iron Works, repairs on steam roller .......... 43 55 Key City Iron Works, repairs on steam roller .......... 126 05 Ellwanger Bros., harness re- pairs for Road Dept. ...... 50 Ellwanger Bros., harness re- pairs for Road Dept. ...... 8 85 Dubuque Telephone Co., tele- phones for various depart- ments .......... ........ 17 43 W. B. Baumgartner, supplies for various departments... 14 15 Trexler Bros., livery hire ... 5 00 JOHN O'ROURKE, Chairman. Aid. Rand moved the adoption of the report of the Committee of the Whole and that bills of Key City Iron Works for repairing steam rollers, amounting to $169.60, be paid from' money to be collected by City Treas- urer for rolling done on various streets. Carried. Aid. Rand stated that grading bills could not be paid in full and moved that warrants be drawn in favor of the contractors to pay 75% of each of the grading bills., Carried. Aid. Rand moved that balance due for grading be paid in part from money to be collected by Treasurer for grading done on Bennett, Grace, Louisa and Rigi Streets, subject to an opinion from the City Attorney as to the legality of same. Carried. Aid. O'Rourke, chairman of the Committee of the Whole, also re- ported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was refered the Ordinance en- titled "An Ordinance for the .-acation of that part of Olive Street laying be- tween the southerly line of Jefferson Street and the northerly line of Wil- bur Avenue in the City of Dubuque, Iowa," mould respectfully recommend that said Ordinance be adopted. JOHN O'ROURKE, Chairman. Aid. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the report of the Committee of the Whole. Carried, Aid. Singrin, of the Committee on Ordinances, then presented and read an Ordinance for the vacation of that part of Olive Street laying between the snutherly line of Jefferson Street and the northerly line of Wilbur Ave- nue in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and moved that the Ordinance be now adopted as read, Ordinance having been read for the first reading at the session of the Council held September ,and, 1909: Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Ald. Martin. The Ordinance follows: AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE for the vacation of that part of Olive Street laying be- tween .he southerly line of Jeffer- son Street and the northerly line of Wilbur Avenue in the City of Du- buque, Iowa. Whereas, a proposition has been made to the City Council of the City of Dubuque, for the vacation and an- nulment of that part of Olive Street laying between the southerly line of Jefferson Street and the northerly line of Wilbur Avenue, being the ground laying between Lot 29 in Farley's Subdivision and Lot 3 of the Subdivision of Outlot 687, in the City A&. Dubuque, Iowa, and, Whereas, W. H. Day, Jr., is the owner in fee simple of all the real estate, being the said two lots above described, abutting said portion of said Olive Street and claims to be the owner of and entitled to said portion of said Olive Street, and, 'Whereas, the said portion of said Adjourned Regular Session, December 10, 1909 461 Olive Street is on a side hill and is not practicable to be improved or used as a pohlte street, and, Whereas, it is desired to widen Wil- bur Av,-mw to th,, Nvidih of forty feet from lh" easi-•rl'' ling of said Olive Street to a point fifty-six feet, ten Inches, westerly thereof, and to im- prove said portion of. Olive Street, to do which r -quires the use of the southerly twenty fey t. of Olive Street as now platted, and the easterly twenty-four f, ­I, six inches, of the southerly tw-•nly feet of Lot 29 in Farley's Sohdivision in the City of Dubuque, and rho- sant \V. H. Day, Jr., has agreed that if the said por- tion of Olive Street is vacated and annulled and the use thereof perma- nently granted to him he will, in con- sideration thereof, convey to the City of Dubuque, the said easterly twenty- four feet, six inches, of said Lot 29 in Farley's Subdivision and will re- linquish all claim to the southerly twenty feet of (>live Street Ls now platted, said property so conveyed and relinquished to be used and be- come a part of Wilbur Avenue and, and that he will relieve the City from any obligation to construct a retain- ing wall along said property, and his deed for said property so to be con- veyed by him in form satisfactory to the City Council has been executed and is ready for delivery on the ap- proval and publication of this Ordi- nance, and, Whereas, by direction of the City Council of the City of Dubuque the City Engineer has made a plat of and showing said portion of said street proposed to be vacated, and filed the same in his office subject to public inspection, and due notice has been given to all abutting property owners and ten clays' notice of said proposed vacation has been published in the of- fletal paper of the city, and the pro- posed action has been submitted to the City Council at two regular ses- sions. and, Whereas, it appears that no valid objections have been made to the va- cation of said Dortion of said street, and said above described portion of said street is not required for street purposes; Therefore, Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That that part of Olive Street laying between the southerly line of Jefferson Street and the north- erly line of Wilbur Avenue, as said line will be after said Wilbur Avenue has been widened to a width of for- ty feet, being the ground laying be- tween Lot 29 in Farley's Subdivision and Lot 3 of the Subdivision of Out - lot 687 in the City of Dubuque, be and the same is hereby vacated and annulled and the permanent use thereof is hereby granted to W. H. Day, Jr., and his assigns. Section. 2. This Ordinance shall be In force and take effect from and after its passage and publication one time in the Daily Times -Journal and Telegraph -Herald, official papers of the City of Dubuque. Adopted December , 1909. Approved December , 1909. Mayor. Attest: -- City Recorder. Aid. O'Rourke, chairman of the Committee of the Whole, reported as follo%vs: Your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that all city employees drawing wages or salary out of such Road Districts as are now exhausted, except the Ward foremen, and the man in charge of Fourth Street dump, be and they are hereby suspended. Aid. Rand moved the adoption of the report of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Aid. Saul moved that the Assistant Street Commissioner4 be appointed to' act as Street Commissioner at a sal- ary of ;50.00 a month. Carried. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Haas, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—Ald. Frith. Absent—Ald. Martin. Alderman O'Rourke moved that the Finance Committee be instructed to make provision for the payment of all street labor, including teams used on sprinkling wagons, foremen, car- penter and driver, engineer and stoker on steam roller, Superintendent of Sprinkling and Street Commissioner and his assistant up to Dec. 15th, 1909, and that the Aldermen go on record as agreeing to have amount now due taken from their respective Road Funds when next year's appro- priations are. made. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul, Singrin and Mayor Schunk. Nays—None. Absent—Ald. Martin. Aid. O'Rourke stated that the Coun- ty Auditor had informed him that the City had a balance in Julien Township Bridge Fund of 94c and moved that Aid. Saul be empowered to expend said sum in repairing of bridges on North Cascade Road. Carried. Aid. Rand moved that the City En- gineer be instructed to make a plat of Dorgan Place, so as to show a 30 - foot street the entire length and on a line with the present improvement, 462 Regular Session, December 16, 1909 allowing a6 -foot sidewalk on the north side of the street as at present situ- ated. Carried. Ald. Saul moved to adjourn. Car- ried. EDMUND A.LIEHA City Recorder. Approve Mayor Attest: l�1Cc .... Recorder CITY COUNCIL Regular Session, December, 16th, 1909 (Official.) Council met at 9:15 P. M. Mayor Pro Tem O'Rourke in the chair. Present. — Aids. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand and Stngrin. Absent --Mayor Schunk, Aids. Mar- tin and Saul. Mayor Schunk arrived at 9:50 p, m. Mayor Pro Tem O'Rourke stated that action on the approval of the minutes of the Council Proceedings for the month of November, 1909, was deferred at the last session of the Council to this session. Aid. Rand moved that action on the approval of the Council Proceed- ings for the month of November, 1909, be deferred until the next ses- sion of the City Council. Carried. BILLS Following bills were read and ap- proved and were. on motion of Aid. Haas, ordered paid: Lichhorn & Rechtel, case Soapine f,,r Fire Dept .....$ 4 75 Matt staffurd, corn for Fire Dept . ........ ........... 3 50 F. C. Keesecker, supplies for Fire Dept . ............... 12 50 J. W. wittmer, supplies for Fire Dept . ............... 23 52 Geo. R". Healey & tion, sup- plies for Fire Dept. ....... 21 05 J. F. Ills Bros., repairs for Fire Dept . ............... 35 Fischer & Co., coal for Fire Dept . .......... ......... 17 45 T. J. Mulgrew Co., coal for Fire Dept . ............... 12 18 Frank Boutin, coal for Fire Dept . .......... ........ 14 80 Conlin & Hearns, coal for Fire Dept . ............... 18 30 Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horseshoeing for Fire Dept. 19 00 Phil Heller, horseshoeing for Fire Dept . ............... 10 50 Lagen, Peed & Berwanger, horseshoeing for Fire Dept. 12 60 Collings & Pfiffner, horseshoe- ing for Fire Dept. ........ 15 30 J. Haudenshield, oats for Fire Dept . ............ ....... 904 80 Union Electric Co., power for city firm alarm system for November ........ ...... 2 00 John Newman & Son, repairs for Fire Dept. ........... 5 75 Fllwanger Bros., harness sup- plies for Fire Dept. ....... 1 00 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Fire Dept . ............... 1 00 Regular Session, December 16, 1909 1 463 Hopkins & Witty, repairing 4 15 clock at Central Engine House............ ...... 1 00 F. A. Miller, brooms for Fire Dept. ........ ........... 7 95 Key City Gas Co., coke and coal for Fire Dept. ....... 44 55 Key City Gas Co., 4 gas arcs for Fire and Police Dept.. 2 00 Key City Gas Co., gas for various departments ...... 94 25 Anton Z\vack, 6 loads stone.. 2 10 J. J. Dunn, serving subpoenas 6 50 Geo. Becket vs. City of Du- buque ........ .......... 3 50 M. O'Donnell, 2 inverted gas lights, Assessor's office .... 3 70 Geo. \V. Healey & Son, `' snow shovels for 111a.shington 65 Park ........ ........... 1 35 G. F. Klcih, hardware sup- 3 30 plies, various departments. 1 45 Geo. M. Kimball, (listless brush cleaning at City Hall 2 50 C. 1ic.Nlanus, sawing and car- rying In 2 cords wood, City 98 73 Hall ........ ............ 2 50 Louis Fay, cleaning windows, 79 25 stoves and pipes at City Hall ............ ........ 3 60 Chas. Hanson, cleaning win- dows, stoves and pipes at 22 10 City Hall ................ 2 00 Jas. Beach & Son, box soap, 12 50 Cite Hall ................ 3 20 Miko \lnlh.n. r,-I-Aring foun- 12 50 tain at 1 r,•liti and Grand paid from the sale of bonds: �•ie fie' :\,.,•ones ............ 4 05 Western I'pion Telegraph Co., sewer in West 7th Street..$791 time service November for J F. Brown. constructing Treasurer's office ......... 1 00 Iowa Telephone Co., tele- O'Farrell Contracting Co., phone service for various constructing se,,ver in the departments ...... ...... 12 75 Fischer & Co., ice furnished nue and Jackson Street, various depal'tm,.nts during Peru Road, Jackson Street, 1904 .......... ......... 18 00 Foley's .Hand Laundry, towel Milwaukee and Diamond service for November ..... 4 75 Telegraph -Herald, 6 City Di- Alcl. Rand moved that bill of H. F. rectories .......... ...... 30 00 Union Electric Co., arc lights Street, during Nnvernber ........2077 20 G. IT. Davis & Co., supplies for Police Dept. .......... 1 20 P. Linchnn & Sons, wood for Aid. City Hall ................ 26 00 Phil Doerr, coal for City Hall 13 00 C. Al'. Katz, meals furnished spector santiar�- sewer in prisoners daring November 4 80 F. G. Becker, coal for Police Street and Couler Avenue.$ Dept . ......... ......... is 90 Pier Bros., coal for Police one year improving Henne- Dept. .... 14 40 Conlin & Kearns, coal for Pa- Peter Elsbach, 5% retained trol House ....... I....... 16 30 Ellwanger Bros., harness re- ant Street •••••••• •• pairs for Patrol horses.... 2 35 G. F. Kleth, hardware sup- retained one year improv- plies for Police Dept. ..... 1 20 J. \W. Wittmer, supplies for Police Dept. • • • • • • • 15 Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies for Police Matrons ....... 4 15 Mettel Bros., bran and corn for Patrol horses ......... 11 05 Collings & Pflffner, shoeing Patrol horses ............ 15 00 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Police Dept . ............. 2 00 J. Haudenshield, oats for Pa- trol House ............... 74 31 Pitts -Thompson Foundry Co., castings for Sever Dept. .. 15 25 Jos. J. Bertsch, pair rubber boots for Sewer Dept. .... 6 50 F. A. Burns, 1 yard sand for SewerDept . ............. 50 Eichhorn & Bechtel, 5 gallons oil for Sewer Dept. ....... 85 G. F. Kleih, hardware for Sewer Dept . ............. 65 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Sewer Dept . .............. 3 30 John Linehan, hauling dogs and other dead animals during November ........ 16 00 Telegraph - Herald, official printing for November.. 98 73 Telegraph - Herald, printing bonds and other printing.. 79 25 Times -Journal, official print- ing. November ........... 85 82 Titnes-Journal, printing pam- phlets for November ...... 22 10 National Demokrat, official printing for November ... 12 50 Labor Leader, official print- ing for -November ........ 12 50 The following bills were ordered paid from the sale of bonds: J. F. Brown, constructing sewer in West 7th Street..$791 13 J F. Brown. constructing sewer in Needham Place .. 366 24 O'Farrell Contracting Co., constructing se,,ver in the alley between Couler Ave- nue and Jackson Street, Peru Road, Jackson Street, through the alley between Milwaukee and Diamond Avenues to Couler Avenue.1035 14 Alcl. Rand moved that bill of H. F. Fitzgerald for work done on repair- ing house on Seventeenth Street, amounting to $42.00, be paid. Car- ried. Following' hills were not approved and were, on motion of Aid. O'Rourke. referred to the Committee of the Whole: H. J. Weber, solar as in- spector santiar�- sewer in alley between Jackson Street and Couler Avenue.$ 5 78 Peter Eisbach, 5% retained one year improving Henne- pin Street .. ... ........ Peter Elsbach, 5% retained one year improving Pleas- ant Street •••••••• •• Eagle Point Lime Works, 5% retained one year improv- 464 Regular Session, December 16, 1909 Ing Windsor Avenue........ 174 12 O'Farrell Contracting Co., 5% retained one year improving Alta Vista Street ......... 165 65 M. Tsehirgi & Son, improving Bluff Street ..............3006 03 Ellwanger Bros., repairs for Sewer Dept . ............. 2 25 W. D. Deckert Co., pipe for Road Dept . .............. 1 04 w. B. Faumgartner, hard- ware for Fire and Sidewalk Depts. ............ ...... 4 55 County Recorder, recording fees, property purchased for Eagle Point Park ........ 4 00 PETITIONS A\f) COM1\1U'NICA- 1'IOAS. Petition of the Mutual Relief As- sociation of the C., M. & St. P. shops by Charles Doerr, secretary, asking that they be granted the use of the Armory Hall for the purpose of giv- ing a dunce during the early spring months of the year 1910, and agree- ing to conform with any reasonable terms that may be exacted by the Governor's Greys, was, on motion of Aid. Frith, granted. Communication of Anna M. Hollen- felz, stating that she would hold the city liable for injuries claimed to have been sustained by falling on an icy pavement on Jackson Street, be- tween 17th and 13th Street, was on motion of Aid. Rand referred to the Committee on Claims and the City Attorney. Petition of J. C. Crabtree, asking that the assessment for taxes for the year 1909 on Lot 4, Martin's Dubuque, be reduced to $2,000.00, was on mo- tion of Aid. O'Rourke referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Michael Mettel et al, asking that the City Council take some action toward passing an ordi- nance requiring inspection of all hay and grain shipped into the city in carload lots or less than car load lots. also providing for the appointment of an inspector and regulating the fees for inspection, was on motion of Aid. Rand referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of B. Hoffman, M. Schlagle and John Althauser, asking that the City Treasurer be instructed to ac- cept the special assessment levied against their property for the im- provement of Althauser Avenue without interest, was on motion of Aid. O'Rourke granted, provided pay- ment is made before January 15, 1910, and the Treasurer to be in-' structed accordingly. Petition of Emil Tschohl, asking that the resolution of consent grant- ed to J. P. Ludowisy to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors at 414 Clay Street, be renewed to him, he having purchased the business of J. P. Ludowisy, was on motion of Aid. Rand granted. The following resolution was then offered: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That consent Is hereby given to Emil Tschohl to sell and keep for sale intoxicating li- quors and deal therein in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, according to law, said Emil Tschohl being the assignee and grantee of J. P. Ludo%visy, to whom a like resolution of consent, still in force, was heretofore granted by this Council and this being a re- necval of such resolution of consent to said assignee, beginning midnight, December 31st, 1909. Adopted unanimously. Original 'Notice of the District Court of the petition of Sarah Blu- menthal, claiming $1,500.00 damages against the city for injuries claimed to have been sustained, was on motion of Aid. Rand referred to the City At- torney. 11EPORTS OF OFFICERS. Acting Street Commissioner Ma- honey reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the pay roll for labor on streets in the different road districts during the first half of December, 1909: Amt. due laborers on streets. .$232.00 Approved by Committee on Streets. Also submit the pay roll for labor on sewers during the first half of De- cember, 1909: Amt. due laborers on sewers. .$212.00 Approyed by Committee on Sewers. Also submit the pay roll for labor cleaning sidewalks and street cross- ings during the first half of Decem- ber, 1909: Amt. due laborers on side- walks and crossings ....... $121.30 Approved by Committee on Streets. Also submit the pay roll for labor grading Mt. Carmel Avenue during the first half of December, 1909: Amt. due laborers on Mt. Car- mel Avenue ....... $48.60 Approved by Committee on Streets. Respectfully submitted, JOHN MAHONEY, Acting Street Commissioner. On motion of Aids. O'Rourke and Singrin the pay rolls on streets and sewers were received and warrants Regular Session, December 16, 1909 465 ordered drawn to p;iy tlur various amounts and the pad rolls r-ferrod back to the proper conunittecs. Report showing ❑mount due the City Laborers ori stre, is up to and in- cluding the lath (l;iy of December, 1909, amounting to $1,614.20, was approce,i and on motion of Aid. O'Ro'n'ke was reforred to the City Treasurer to he paid from money borr„wcd to pay same. Acting Street conrIII issioner Ma- li,,i y :ilso report -•d ;is follows: To- the Honorable .\I;iyor and City council: o •ntl: m n: i herewith submit the pity r,01 for labor on North Cas- cade i,nd Rockdale Roads, and DIill- ville Road during the first half of De- cember, 1909, the cost of same to be paid for from the County Road Fund: Amount due laborers on North Cascade Road ......$200.25 Amount clue laborers on Rock- dale Road .... ........... 11.2.25 Amount due laborers on Mill- ville Road ...... ........ 106.95 Total amount due laborers. .$419.45 Approved by Committee on Streets. Respoctfully submitted. JOHN MAHONEY, Acting Street Commissioner. on motion of Aid. O'Rourke the pay r -11s for North Cascade, Rockdale and \Tillville Roads were approved and pal rolls referred to County for pay- ment. Acting Street Commissioner Ma- hon,•y also reported as follows: T,. the Honorable Mayor and City council: i,cntlemen: I herewith submit my pay roil for labor on Rockdale Road during the first half of December, 1909, the expense whereof is to be deducted from the amount already received from the County Road Fund for macadam furnished by the First Road District: Amount due laborers ........ $49.65 Approved I)y Committee on Streets. Respectfully submitted, JOHN M:\HONEY, Acting Street Commissioner. On motion of Aid. O'Rourke the pay roll was received and laborers to be paid from fund in hands of Treas- urer. City Attorney Lyon presented an Ordinance in lieu of the Ordinance adopted at the last session of the City Council, granting the Chicago, Mil- waukee and St. Paul Railway com. pany and the Illinois Central Rail- road company permission to change the location of and to extend the sidetrack of the Chicago, Mil- ivaukee and St. Paul Railway Com - puny on the west side of Jackson Street, between Sixth and Eighth Streets and across Seventh Street, to c•onneet Baine with the side track of the Illiunis Ccntral i,;,ilroad com- penN' in .Jacicsoti Street, Assistant Cite Attorney that gsaed said ordinance had been revised and conL.ined several amendments to the ordin.nu',, as adopted. :\Id. Singrin, of the Commits •c on Ordillnnc•es, then read the Ordinance as amended and revised. Ald. O'Rourke stated no provision had been made in the Ordinance for planking between rails. Assistant City Attorney Willging stated that the officials of the. Illinois Central Railroad company stated that they would not accept.any Ordinance with provisions for planking between rails. Aid. Rand moved that the Ordi- nance be referred to the Committee of the Whole and City Attorney. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke moved that when the Council adjourns they adjourn to meet Tuesday evening, December 21, 1909. Carried. Aid. Rand stated that petition of Mrs. J. W. Hampton, in reference to filling sidewalk on Bennett Streer abutting her property to grade, was referred to the Street Commissioner and that the Street Commissioner had the work done to the satisfaction of the petitioner and moved that the action be approved and petition be received and filed. Carried. REPORTS OF COMIIITT'EES. Ali]. O'Rourke, chairman of the Committee of the Whole, reported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of the Germania Stock Co., asking that the City Treasurer be instructed to ac- cept its taxes on the same valuation as in former years, would respectful- ly recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the City Treasurer be instructed accorcA- ingly. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Mary Blake, asking that she be grant- ed further time to pay her taxes, would respectfully recommend that on account of her illness the City Treas- urer be instructed to withhold her property from sale for the present. Also your Committee of the Whole. reporting on the petition of Leathers & Trewin in relation to the special assessment levied against Lot 14, in Oakland Park Addition, for the im- provement of Wood Street, would re- r,.. 466 Regular Session, December 16, 1909 spectfully recommend that the City Treasurer be instructed to accept the sum of $34.95 in full settlement of said special assessment. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of W. Zumhoff et al., asking that Car Street be graded and filled out to the present retaining wall constructed by the Union Electric Co., would respect- fully recommend that said pe tion be referred to the alderman of the Fifth Ward. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom were referred the following bill, would respectfully recommend that the same be paid and that war- rants in settlement thereof be or- dered drawn on the City Treasurer: John \ewutan & Sons, repairs 50 in Sprinkling wagon ........ $ George Ragatz & tion, repairs for Sprinklers and Steam Roller ....... 3.50 Key City hoofing Co., cement, etc . ...... ...... ......... 5.33 W. Cook. ,, per cent retained on Washington Street .... .... 75.53 C. E. Fitzpatrick Co., supplies for Assessor's office ........ 3.05 Hussman & Lies, supplies for various departments ......... 3.30 JOHN O'ROURKE, Chairman. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the various reports of the Com- mittee of the Whole. except recom- mendation to pay the bill of C. E. Fitzpatrick Co. Carried. Aid. Haas stated that the bill of C. E. Fitzpatrick Co., amounting to $3.05 was correct, supplies having been or- dered by the Committee on Supplies, and moved that a warrant be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer to pay same. Carried. RESOLUTIONS A\D MOTIONS. Aid. O'Rourke offered the follow- ing: Whereas, The contract heretofore entered into by the City of Dubuque for the improvement of a street as hereinafter described has been com- pleted, and the City Engineer has computed that the cost and expense of said improvement amount to $1,811.55. Therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to provide for the cost of im- proving Bennett Street from the east lot line of Ha.ntleman's Sub. to the west line of Lot 4 Bennett Street Sub., the Mayor be and he is hereby re- quired to execute and deliver to the City Recorder, to be by him register- ed and countersigned, six bonds for two hundred and fifty dollars each and one for three hundred eleven and 55-100 dollars, numbered 927 to 933 inclusive, dated January 3rd, 1910, payable on or before seven years af- ter date thereof, and bearing interest at the rate of five per cent. per an- num, payable semi-annually. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand and Singrin. \ays—\one. Absent—Alds. Martin and Saul. Aid. O'Rourke also offered the fol - ]owing: Whereas. The contract heretofore entered into by the City of Dubuque for the improvement of a street as hereinafter described has been com- 1i eted, and the City Engineer has computed that the cost and expense of said improvement amount to $2,462.37. Therefore. lie it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, "Pkat to provide for the cost of brick - paving Windsor Avenue frotn the north lint, of Lot 4. 1-i:unhurg Sub., to a point lir 1-2 feet north of the south line of Lot 3, Klingonhurg's Sub., the Mayor be and he is hereby required to execute and d •liver to the City Re- corder, to be by him registered and countersigned, eight bonds of the de- nomination of two hundred and fifty dollars each and one for four hun- dred sixty-two and 37-100 dollars, numbered 934 to 942 inclusive, dated January 3rd. 1 91 n, payable on or be- fore seven years after date thereof, and bearing interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually. Aid. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Alds. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand and Singrin. \ays—None. Absent—Alds. Martin and Saul. Aid. O'Rourke also%offered the fol- lowing: Whereas, The contract heretofore entered into by the City of Dubuque for the construction of a sewer as hereinafter described has been com- pleted, and the City Engineer has computed that the cost and expense of said improvement amount to $258.25, Therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to provide for the cost of con- structing a sanitary sewer in College Avenue from West Fifth Street to Allison Place, the Mayor be and he is hereby required to execute and deliver to the City Recorder, to be by him registered and countersigned, one bond for one hundred dollars and one Regular Session, December 16, 1909 467 for one hundred fifty-eight and 25-100 dollars, numbered 943 to 944, dated January 3rd, 1910, payable on or be- fore seven years after date thereof, and bearing interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually. Aid. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution: Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand and Singrin. mays—' one. Absent—.olds. :Martin and Saul. Ald. O'Rourke also offered the fol- lowing: X'her­;is. The contract heretofore entcr-1 into by the Cfty of Dubuque for thy• inrprov,•mcnt of ;in alley as herehmi'ler described has been com- pleh•,i. :in(] the city Engineer has compntcd that th, cost and expense of said iIII pr, coo nt amount to $306. 1111. Tlwr fore. Ile it Resolved by the City t'ouncil of the city of Dubuque, That ta, provide f,r the cost of im- proving the ;illey h t a •,•n Towa and Clay Streets, from tb, north curb line of 'I'tcclfth Stre -t to thr• south line of t1w North _ ,f City Lot 457, the b,• ;rtnl he is hereby re- quired to execnte ;md deliver to the City Recorder, to be by him register- ed :end countersigned, two bonds for one hundred dollars v;cch and one for one lmndred and six doll;irs. nnntber- ed 94;. t„ 947 inclusive. data 1 .I,inuary 3rd, 1910, payable on or before seven years after the date thereof. and bearing interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum, payable semi-an- nua Ply. At(]. O'llourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith, Mias, O'Rourke, Rand and Singrin. Nays—None. Abscnt—Alds. Martin and Saul. Ald. O'Rourke also offered the fol- lowing: Whereas, The contract herotoforo, entered into by the City of Dubuque for the fmproving of a street as hereinafter doscribed bas been com- pleted, and the City Engineer has computed that lh.• cost and ,°xpense of said impr„vetncnt amount to $824.41, Therefore, Re is Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to provide for the cost of im- proving Louisa Stroct from Grace Street to T3ennott Street, the Mayor be and he ish •r L' required to exe- cute and deliver to th,• City Recorder, to be by him rcgistcrc l ;Ind counter- signed, three bonds for tccr, hundred and fifty dollars each ,end one for seventy four and 41-100 dollnrs, num- bored 948 to 951 inclusive, dated Jan- uary 3rd, 1910, payable on or before seven years after date thereof, and bearing interest at the rate of five per cent, per annum, payable semi- annually, Aid. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Alcds. Martin and Saul. Aid. O'Rourke also offered the fol- lowing: Whereas, The contract heretofore entered into by the City of Dubuque for the construction of a cement side- d:ilk as hereinafter described has ln•en completed, and the City Engi- n-•r Pais c,nnput,A that the cost and exp -ns•• of said iniprovement amount to $54.93, Therefore, be it Resolved by the Cite Council of the City of Dubuque, 'fiat io provide for the cost of con- structing a cement sidewalk on the west side of Southern Avenue, be- twe,v; Dodge Street and RaIIroad Avenue. abutting Lots 3 and 4, Stout's Addition, the Mayor be and he is her,•h,v required to execute and de- livet r o the City Recorder, to be by him registered and countersigned, one sidewalk certificate for fifty-four and 95-109 dollars, numbered 13, dated Janwu•y :3rd. 1910, payablo on or be- fore seven y •>us after the date there- of. ;uul lit acing interest at the rate of six per c•cnt. per annum, payable semi-annually. Aid. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the rc"olution. Carried by the follo\ving vote: Yoas—Alds. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Ran(] and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Alds. 1\1artin and Saul. Aid. O'Rourke also offered the fol- lowing: Whereas, The contract heretofore entered into by the City of Dubuque for th,- construction of a sidewalk as hercinct'tc r described has been com- pleted. and the City Engineer has compuh�d that tho exist and expense of said iocprovmcnt ;nnount to $36.37, Thetofore. lic it Itesdved by the City Council of the City ,-f Dubuque, That to provide for th c .-t of con- structing n (• nient sfdb-Nv;ilk on the south side of c'l,•vcltind .Aye nue, be- tween Mougtoin ],;in,, and Union Street. abutting the- West 1-2 of Lot 106. Union Add., the Vayor be and he is hereby required h. execute and de- liver to the City Reconler, to be by him register -1 and countersigned, one sidewalk c •rtifcate for thirty-six and 37-100 dollars, numbered 14, dat- ed January 3rd. 1910, payable on or 466 Regular Session, December 16, 1909 before seven years after the date thereof, and bearing interest at the rate of six per cent. per annum, pay- able semi-annually. Aid. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith ,Haas, O'Rourke, Rand and Singrin. ays—\ one. Absent—Aids. Martin and Saul. Aid. O'Rourke also offered the fol- lowing: Whereas, The contract heretofore entered into by the City of. Dubuque for the construction of a cement side- walk as hereinafter described as been completed, and the City Engi- neer has computed that the cost and expense of said improvement amount to $31.66, Therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to provide for the cost of con- structing a cement sidewalk on the west side of Southern Avenue be- tween Dodge Street and Railroad Avenue, abutting lot 229, Union Addi- tion, the Mayor be and he is hereby required to execute and deliver to the City Recorder, to be by him reg- istered and countersigned, one side- walk certificate for thirty-one and 66- 100 dollars, numbered 15, dated Jan- uary 3rd, 1910, payable on or before seven years after the date thereof. and bearing interest at the rate of six per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually. Aid. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas Aids. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Aids. Martin and Saul. Aid. Frith moved that the Mayor notify all City Officials and employees that all supplies must be ordered through the committee having charge of same and the Committee Clerk and that no bill will be allowed unless supplies are so ordered. Carried. Aid. Frith moved that the Mayor also have notice published in the papers of the city to the effect that the City will not pay any bills except where same has been ordered through the proper committee and Committee Clerk. Carried. Aid. Frith moved that the sewer men be instructed to clear snow off sidewalks and street crossings when- ever Sewer Inspector can spare them from sewer work. Carried. Aid. Rand moved that the City En- gineer be instructed to Inspect the sidewalk on Grace Street and Grand- view Avenue, recently laid by Mr. Evans, and report to the Council on same at the next session. Carried. Ala. Frithmoved that the City Re- corder be instructed to advertise for bids for furnishing various depart- ments of the City of Dubuque with hay and oats and coal and wood, also for furnishing veterinary services to horses of the various departments of the City, and submit same to the City Council at the meeting Tuesday, De- cember 21st. Carried. Aid. Frith moved that the City Re- corder be instructed to advertise for bids for the privilege of conducting a skating rink in the Ice Harbor for the season of 1909-10, and present same to the Council at the meeting of Tuesday, December 21st, 1909. Car- ried. Aid. O'Rourke moved that the City Council reconsider their action In or- dering warrants drawn to pay bill of J. Haudenschield for oats furnished the Fire Department and Patrol House during the month of Decem- ber, 1909, amounting to $979.11. Car- ried. Aid. O'Rourke moved that the bill of J. Haudenschield be referred to the I Committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. Frith moved to adjourn to Tuesday evening, December 21st, 1909. Carried. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. Approved ... L ^.. • 19/W L. Mayor Attest: --rA% ee Recorder �. diourned Regular Session, December 21, 1909 469 CITY COUNCIL Adjourned Regular Session, Decem- ber 31st, 1909. Cnuncil met at 5:30 p. m. Mayor Schunk in the chair. Present — Aids. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand. Saul and Singrin. Absent—Ald. Martin. Mayor Schunk stated that the meeting was an adjourned meeting of the regular session * December 16th, 1909, and was called to take up and consider all matters which may prop- erly come before a regular session of the City Council. Mayor Schunk stated that action on the approval of the minutes of the Council Proceedings for the month of November, 1909, was deferred at the last session of. the. Council to this session. Aid. Frith moved that action on the approval of the Council Proceed- ings for the month of November, 1909, be deferred until the next ses- sion of the City Council. Carried. BIDS. Bids for furnishing necessary med- lcine and doing the veterinary work on the various horses of the different departments of the City for the en- suing year were presented and on motion of Aid. Frith were ordered opened as follows: Dr. W. R. Fullarton, per horse, per month, 45c. Dr. H. J. Haggerty, per horse, per month, 40c. On motion of Aid. Saul contract for veterinary services for the ensuing year was awarded to Dr. H. J. Hag- gerty. Bids for furnishing the Fire, Po- lice, Sewer and Road Departments of the City with Hay and Oats were presented and on motion of Aid. Frith were ordered opened as fol- lows: J. Haudenshield—Choice Upland Hay Baled, $12.00 per ton; Choice Timothy Hay Baled, $14.00 per ton; Choice Timothy Hay Loose, $14.00 per ton; No. 1 White Oats, 35 lbs. to bushel, per bushel, 70c. T. F. Kane, No. 1 White Oats, 52 1-2c per bushel, 35 lbs. to bushel; No. 1 Timothy Hay Loose at $14.00 per ton, as per advertisement. J. J. Nagle, for 10 to 15 carloads of No. 1 Wild Hay. $11.75 per ton; for No. 1 White Oats, 54c per bushel, of 32 pounds. Aid. Saul moved that the contract for furnishing hay and oats be awarded to Thomas F. Bane. Aid. Frith moved as an amend- ment that contract for furnishing hay be awarded to J. J. Nagle and con- tract for furnishing oats be awarded to Thomas F. Kane. Amendment carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas Aids. Frith, Haas, Rand and Singrin. Nays—Alds. O'Rourke and Saul. Absent—Ald. Martin. Rules were on motion suspended to grant Mr. Kane permission to address the Council. Mr. Kane then stated he would not accept contract for fur- nishing oats unless the contract for hay was also awarded to him. .kid. Frith moved that the Council reconsider their action in awarding contract for hay to Mr. Nagle and oats to Mr. Bane. Carried. Aid Frith moved that the City Recorder be instructed to readvertise for bids for furnishing hay and oats and advertisement to specify: Choice Timothy Hay Baled, Choice Timothy Hay Loose, Choice Upland Hay Loose, Choice Upland Hay Baled and No. 1 White Oats, and to present bids to- Council oCouncil at the next regular session. Carried. City 'Recorder Linehan stated that no bids for furnishing coal and wood. or for the privilege of conducting skating rink in the harbor were sub- mitted. Aid. Frith stated that Mr. Keeke- voet had already staked out a portion of the harbor with a view of fencing same in for skating rink purposes and moved that the Chief of Police notify l r. Keelcevoet not to put up a fence in the harbor unless he can make suit- able arrangements with the Mayor for the privilege of conducting a rink in the Ice Harbor. Carried. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Attorney Lyon presented Deed of William H. Day, Jr., and wife, conveying to the City of Dubuque for street purposes the easterly 24 feet, 6 Inches of the southerly twenty feet of Lot 29, in Farley's Subdivision, and all their interest in the southerly twenty feet of Olive Street, as here- tofore platted, and releasing the City from all obligation to build a retain- ing wall along the northerly line of the property hereby conveyed, and reported that he had examined the deed and found same to be allright, subject to the description being found correct by the City Engineer. On motion of Aid. O'Rourke the deet] was referred to the City Engi- neer to examine the correctness of the description of property deeded 470 Adjourned Regular Seasion, December 21, 1909 and to report to the Council at the next session. City Engineer Ilg reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—I would respectfully report that I have examined the work on the following sidewalks and have found the same to be in conformity with th,• plans and specifications prepared therefor and would there- fore recommend that the said side- walks be accepted: ,North side of Cleveland Avenue between Union and South Bluff Streets. Wau;hin.gton Street, between 25th and _ th Street ,Ninth Street, between Clay and White Streets. Grace Stt•ee•t, between Hall Street and (Urandview Avenue. Very respectfully, PAUL ILG, City Engineer. On motion of Ald. Rand, report of City Engineer lig \\'as alaproved and City Engineer to be instructed to prepare special assessment against all property abutting on said im- provements. City Engineer Ilg presented the bill of the F.agle Point Lime Works for $ .i' a . aa. as first estimate on contract for covrring the Bee Branch Sewer bets eco 16th and lith Streets. AN. O'Rourke moved that the Eagle Point Lime Works be allowed $1,500.00 as first estimate for the Bee Branch Sewer contract and war- rants be ordered drawn in said amount. Carried. Street Commissioner Mahoney re- port -1 as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:—I have examined Alta Vista Street, as per your instructions, and would report to your Honorable Body that I find that the street is not flnished according to the plans and specifications. Very respectfully. JOHN MAHONEY. Street Commissioner. Aid. Haas moved that the City Re- corder be instructed to notify the contractor to complete the work of Improving Alta Vista Street accord- ing to contract. Carried. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Aid. Singrin, chairman of the Special Committee, to whom was re- ferred the matter of having the space betwe,?n the rails of the joint side- track of the Illinois Central and Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad companies in Jackson Street planked, reported that the Council can order the entire street brick -paved at any- time so it will not be necessary to have clause inserted in the Ordi- nance requiring the planking between the rails. Aid. Singrin, of the Committee on Ordinances, then presented and read ,in Ordinance granting to the Chica- go, Milwaukee & tit. Paul Railway Company and to the Illinois Central Railroad Company respectively and to their successors an(] assigns, permis- sion to change the location of ana extend the sidetrack of the Chicago, .Milwaukee & St. .Paul Railway Com- pany on the west side of Jackson Street, between Sixth and Eighth Streets, and across Seventh Street, in the City of Dubmitw to couneet same with the sidetrack of the Illinois Cen- tral' Railroad Company in Jackson Street, to own and operate jointly a part thereof as relm-ah d, and reg-u- lating the construction, use and maintenance of said tracks, and moved that the reading Jost had be considered its first reading. Carried. Aid. Singrin moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of read- ing the (ardina nce by its title for the second reading. Carried by the following vote. Yeas--Alds. Frith. Haas, O'Rourke, Rand, Samil :and Singrin. NaN's---\one. Abs •nt--Ald. 'Martin. A141. Singrin than moved that the Ordiu;mieo, he now :adopted ns read. Carried by the f, lhrving rote: )'e:is -: Ids. Frith, Haas. O'Rourke, 11and. Saul and Singrin. Nays None. Absent—Ald. Martin. The Ordinance follows: AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE granting to the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail- way Company and to the lllinoiv Cen- tral Railroad Company, respectively, and to their successors and assigns. peranission to change the location of mw - xto nd the side track of the Chi- Cos­. Milwaukee and St. Paul Rail- way Company on the west side of Jackson Street between Sixth and Eighth Streets, and across Seventh Street, in the City of Dubuque; to connect same with the side track of the Illinois Central Railroad Com- pany in Jackson Street; to own and operate jointly a part thereof as re- located, and regulating the construc- tion, use and maintenance of said tracks. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That the side track of Adjourned Regular Session, December 21, 1909 471 the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company extending along the west side of Jackson Street be- tween Sixth and Eighth Streets, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, which said track as now located was laid about the year 1883, may be changed, relocated and extended as hereinafter set forth. Section 2. The said track when changed shall be so laid and extend- ed th•it from the southerly line of Eighth Street to the northerly line of Seventh Street it shall extend along Jackson Street with its westerly rail approximately eleven feet from the lot line on the westerly side of said Jackson Street, and said part of said track shall be laid, used and main- tained jointly by the Chicago, Mil- waukee and tit. Paul Railway com- pany and by the Illinois Central Rail- road Company. .From said point in Jackson Street, where said track reaches the northerly line of Sev- enth Street, said track shall ex- tend across Seventh Street and south- erly on Jackson Street in such direc- tion its to meet the pres-•nt side track Of said ('hicag 1lilwaul:eo and St. Paul 1{aikvzo' Company ,it a point about fifty fe, t southerly from the soutlreriy line of Seventh Street, and said p:u•t of said track is to be laid, used and maintained by the Chicago. Milwaukee and St. Paul Itail\\ay Company. At ur about the ,aforesaid point where the track crosses tilt. northerly line of Serentil Street, a connection shall be made with the pr_sent spur or Cross over track rec- ently laid by the Illinois Central Rail- road Company so as to connect said traek with the side track of the Illi- nois Central Railroad Company ex- tending along the center of said Jack- son Street. and said cross over track is to he used and maintained jointly by said Illinois CcoU•al Railroad Com- pany and said Chicago, Milwaukee R St. Paul Railway Company. Section 3. That permission be and the same is hereby granted to said Chicago, AIilwaukt.e and St. Paul Railway Company and to said Illinois Central Itailroad COMJIan\', respec- tively, and to their respective succes- sors ;ind assigns to relocate, change, extend, connect, laid', use ;uul maintain said side and cross .N� r trucks at the location ;ural with the respective ownerships as hereinh I'nre set out. Section 4. 1'h,at the laying down of said tracks shall lie clone under the supervision of the City Engineer and the Committee on Streets of said City. .Section 5. That in the laying down and operation of said tracks the same shall be so constructed and maintained as to create the least possible obstruction to oromary travel on, and to the use of., the streets used. That cars shall not be allowed to stand on streets intersect- ing said side tracks, and said tracks shall at all times be used in accord- ance with all lawful police regula- tions now or hereafter enacted by said City. Section 6. That said tracks shall be laid to the established grade of the streets on which the sitme are situated, and should the grade be changed at any time, said tracks shall be changed to conform thereto, at the expense of the respective com- panies, and without claim for dam- ages against the said City. Section 7. That said companies shall keep the space between the rails of the respective tracks in which they are interested and the space to the ends of the ties, where said tracks cross Seventh Street, so grad- ed that carriages may easily pass over the same, and shall keep said spaces properly planked, paved, macadamized, or otherwise improved, as may be re- quired by said City, and shall keep any sidewalk crossing said tracks properly planked, or otherwise im- proved, as said City may direct. Section 8. That said tracks shall be so constructed and maintained as not to dam up or obstruct the flow and drainage of water in the gutters or on the surface of the streets. Section 9. The City of Dubuque hereby reserves the right to revoke the privilege hor, by granted at any time ;ifter tNvent} (20) years from the time this (w(linance becomes opera - ;M -11 a failure to comply with the u isi ms and restrictions of this Or - Jin nc,,. -n• im-v part thereof, on the lost of said companies, or either of them, their respective successors or assigns• shall be ground for immedi- ate forfeiture of the privileges herein granted, and said tracks shall be then removed and taken up on the order of the City Council of said City. Section 10. The said companies shall allow all other railway com- panies owning and operating lines in the City of Dubuque to switch and "place" on said tracks cars coming thereto over said joint cross over track. at a charge of fifty cents for each Car. Section 11. That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and its publica- tion one time in the Dubuque -Tele- graph -Herald and in the Dubuque Times -.Journal, official newspapers of said City, and written acceptance thereof on the part of said compan- ies herein named, duly endorsed here - 011. Adopted 1909. Approved 1909. Mayor. Attest: — City Recorder. 472 adjourned Regular Session, December 21, 1909 The provisions and terms, of the foregoing ordinance are hereby ac- c,•oted and agreed to, this day 1909. l'hie;ige, .Milwaukee and tit. Paul I.ailwu} Company, By Illinois Central Railroad Company, By — Ald, O'Rourke, chairman of the Committee of the Whole, reported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that at the usual time for making appropria- tions, that an appropriation be made for repairing the roof of the Central Engine House or if found necessary a sufficient appropriation to remodel the same. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of the Dubuque Club, asking that the taxes now assessed against the Key City Building Club for the year 1908, be reduced one-half, would respect- fully recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the City Treasurer be instructed ac- cordingly. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Rev. Arnold Boeding, asking that the City Treasurer be instructed to ac- cept the sum of $250.00 in full settle- ment for the balance due for the im- provement of Lincoln, Second and Third Avenues, abutting Lots 427 to 432 inclusive and Lots 461 to 468 in- clusive, all in Ham's Addition, would respectfully recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the City Treasurer be in- structed accordingly. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of the Smedley Steam Pump Company, asking that its taxes for the years 1906 and 1907 be accepted on a basis of $10,000.00 valuation, would re- spectfully recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the City Treasurer be instructed ac- cordingly. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Timothy Dillon, asking that the City accept the sum of $25.00 in full sev- tlement of the balance due on the special assessment levied against Mineral Lot 12 and Lot 2, in Lin- heim's Addition for the improvement of Grandview Avenue, would respect- ful1V recommend that said proposi- tion be not accepted but that the City Treasurer be instructed to ac- cept $100.00 in full for the balance due on said assessment, provided the same be paid within thirty days from date. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of J, Steadman, owner of Lot 2 of 1 of Quigley's Sub., of the north part or Mineral Lot 157, stating that he had paid $101.10 for the previous im- provement on Grandview Avenue and that he had protested against the new improvement as now laid out and asking that the amount he had paid for the first improvement be deduct- ed from the present assessment, would respectfully recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be grant- ed and that the City Treasurer be in- structed to deduct the sum of $101.10 from the assessment levied against said lot for the improvement of Grandview Avenue and to accept the balance either in installments or in full settlement of the assessment against said property, provided pay. ment is made within thirty days from date. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Chas. H. Yates, .stating that he is the owner of Lot 1 of 38 and 39, Quig- ley's Sub., and that his said lot, the assessed valuation of which is but $1,000.0(1, has been assessed $507.15 for the improvement of Grandview Avenue and for North Street, which amount is greatly in excess of the benefits conferred by such improve- ments and offering to pay the sum of $300.00 if the same be accepted in full settlement for said improve- ments, would respectfully recommend that the City Treasurer be instructed to accept said sum in full settlement for said assessments provided ar- rangements be made for their pay- ment either in installments or in full within thirty days from date. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of John H. Hail, stating that he is the owner of Lot 3, of the sub. of lots 38 and 39, Quigley's Sub., and asking that on account of the change in the original plan for the improvement of Grandview Avenue, to which change he had. not consented, that the assess- ment levied against his ' said lot for said improvement be accepted in full In the sum of $70.00, would respect- fully recommend that said offer be not accepted, but that the City Treasurer be instructed to accept $100.00 in full settlement of said as- sessment, provided that provision be made for its payment either in in- stallments or in full within thirty days from date. Adjourned Regular Session, December 21, 1909 173 Also your Connnitt-, of the Whole, to whom w:ms referred the petition of Louis Tl' xfer, asking that on aeeount of the building situnte;l on th • X. 2-3 of Wily Lot No. I:13, having been de- stroyed by lire March, 19117', a reduc- tion be made in the vnlncmlion of said lot for said year, would r speetfully report th;it ill,, valuation pi:lced on said property was determined, as provided by law, from its condition on the 1st day of January, lima;: we would therui•oro recommend th,mt the said petition b,• rcc,•ived and filed. Also your Committee of the Whole, to Nvh„nm \v;ms referred the petition of J. ('. CrabtYee. ;tusking that the valua- tion for assesstnernt purposes Oa his property he pieced at $2,000.00, would respectfully recommend that said petition be rcceiv,• I :mud filed. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Jiotulsky pros. ;tusking that their as- sessment on merchandise be reduced, would respectfully recommend that said petition be received and flied. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of of \l. \lettel et al, asking for the adoption of an Ordinance providing for the appointment of a grain in- spoetor and fixing fees for such office, would respectfully recommend that said petition be received and filed. .also your Committee of the Whole. to whom was referred the petition of the Dubuque vlemorial _association, asking that it be granted the privil- ege to erect a \Memorial Hall in either Washington or Jackson Park, would respectfully recommend that the City Recorder be instructed to request said association to submit plans for such proposed hall. Also your Committee of the Whole. to whom was referred the petition of Fischer &c Co., asking that all house boats, eta, that would interefer with the conducting of their proposed Ice Chip Convoyei be removed from the river front, would respectfully rec- ommend that the prayer of the peti- tioners be granted and that the Chief of Police be instructed to remove the two boat houses now in the way of such new improvement. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of R. P. 11larshall et al, asking that an electric lamp be placed at the inter- section of South Alpine and Reeder Streets, would respectfully recom- mend that the prayer of the petition- ers be granted and that the City Elec- trician be instructed to notify the Union Electric Company to install said lamp. Also your Committee of the Whole. to whom was referred the petition of C. 1), -vi et al, asking that an electric lams, he installed at the corner of Wast Eleventh and East Grove Ter- race Streets, woul,l respectfully ree- omnu•nd that said petition be referr- ed to Alderman Rand. .Also your Comnmittee of the Whole, to whom was referred the bill of Peter Eisboch for the five per cent, retained on the improvement of Pleas;mt Street, would respectfully recommend that action be deferred on said bill and that said Peter Eis- bach be instructed to put said street in repair at as early a elate as pos- sible. Also your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend in fa- vor of paying the bill of the County Recorder amounting to $6.00 for fees for recording the plat of the land dedicated to the City of Du- buque by the State of Iowa. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the bill or H. J. Weber for $5.78 for services as inspector on sanitary sewers con- structed in the alley between Couler and Jackson Streets, would respect- fully recommend that said bill be al- lowed and that a warrant in settle- ment thereof be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer. Also your Convnittee of the Whole, to whom were referred the following bills, would respectfully recommend that the same be ;,flowed and that warrants in settlement thereof be or- dered drawn on the City Treasurer: County Recorder, recording deeds and plats of Eagle Point Park .... ...........$ 4.00 W. B. Baumgartner, hardware for Fire and Sidewalks De- partments .... .... ....... 4.55 W. D. Deckert, iron pipe for Sidewalk Department .. ... 1.04 Ellxvanger Bros., harness re- pairs, Sewer Department ... 2.25 Peter Eisbach, five per cent. re- tained on improvement of Hennepin Street .... ...... 68.82 Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the claim of Jacob Hanson for back wages alleged to be due him, would respectfully recommend that said claim be receiv- ed and file(:]. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the claim of the estate of Jas. Mullen for $8.20 for 474 Adjourned Regular Session, December 21, 1909 damage occasioned by the steam roller breaking stop cock in the alley in rear of NO. 551 Iowa Street, would respectfully report that inasmuch as said stop cock was above the grade of the alley, the city was not re- sponsible for the breakage and we would therefore recommend that the claim be not allowed. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of W. H. Torbert et al, asking that the City Council make an appropriation of $250.00 to helpdefray the expense of maintaining the Upper Mississippi Ttiver Improvement Association, would respectfully recommend that said petition be received and filed. Also your Committee of the Whole, to %\ hom was referred the petition of Emilie Hintrager. ndministratrix for the estate of Wm. Ilintrager, stating that snit (State is the owner of Lot 2. of \linernl I,ot i9, which lot is aS- sesve,l $533.76 for the improvement of .\lta \'ista Street and asking that on account of tllo low valuation of said lot that said aSSUSsment bo re- duced to $150.00, would respectfully recommend that said petition be re- ceived and filed. Also ,your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of J. M. McKenzie et al, representatives of the Trades and Labor Congress, stating the teams o -,a ned by Alderman Frith were employed in the service of the city contrzu'y to law and asking fOr an investigation, would respect- fully report that we have investigated the matter and find that the teams so employed are owned by the son of the Alderman and therefore do not come under the provisions of the law cited in said petition; we would ac- cordingly recommend that said pe- tition be received and filed. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the written opinion of the City Attorney on the petition of John Olinger, asking for a reduction of the assessed valuation of Boulevsu•d Addition for the year 1903, would respectfully recommend that said report h,.• received and filed and that the City Treasurer be in- structed to collect the taxes on said lots on a basis of $1S,000.00 valuation, provided payment Is made within thirty clays from date. JOH\ O'ROURKE, Chairman. Aid. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the various reports of the Com- mittee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. Singrin, of the Committee on Police and Light, reported that the floor in the rear of the stalls at tete. Patrol House was in need of being replaced with a new floor. Aid. Haas moved that the matter of having floor replaced in that por- tion of the Patrol House be referred to the Committee on Police and Light with power. Carried. Aid. Hand, of the Conlmittoe on Public Grounds and Buildings, re- ported that a portion of the floor in the Grandview Avenue Engine House was in need of repair and moved that the Committee be empowered to have the repairs made. Carried. Aid. Rand offered the following: Whereas. the proper season for trimming trt.cs is at hand, and WhereaS, there are numerous places in the city where untrimmed trees in- t, dere seriousl>. with th,• lighting of Uo• StrootS With Our present lighting scst,•m; therefore. I:, solved, that the Street Commis- sioner. assisted by t;eorge Miller, be instructed to proceed to trine such trees as interfere with the roilec•tion of str.et lights ;nue such other trees as are in a d;mg, roes condition and also such trees nS have branches pro- jecting too lo\c as provided by Ordi- nance, and to employ such help as may he necessary under the direction of the Street Committee, and to col- lect such reasonable fees for said work a.S shall be arranged by the Street Committee. Aid. Rand moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried. Ald. Haas moved that the rules be suspended to grant Mr. George Luke permission to address the Coun- cil in relation to a special assessment levied against his property for the improvement of Asbury Street. Car- ried. Mr. Luke then addressed the Coun- cil, and on motion of Aid. O'Rourke matter was referred to the Commit- tee of the Whole to view the grounds. Aid. Singrin moved that Mr. C. Specht be employed to haul sand to fill the various sand boxes in the City and to haul owav the brush and tree trimmings. Carried. Aid. Singrin moved that Mr. A. Turner be employed to dry sand at the City Pound for sanding sidewalks Carried. Mayor Schunk stated that before the Council adjourned the last ses- sion of the year, he wished all the members a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Special Session, December 28, 1909 475 Aid. Saul moved to adjourn to Thursday evening, January 6th, 1910. Carried. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder Approvef!uti ... 419�iG ... . .. L. Mayor Attest: �• 411.. . Recorder CITY COUNCIL Special Session December 2'Sth, 1909. Council met at 5:20 p. m. Mayor 5chunk in the chair. Present — Aids. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin and City Assessor Kelly. Absent--Ald. Alartin. Mayor Schunlc stated that the special session was called for the pur- pose of taking up and considering the conditions in the City Assessor's of- fice, stating that the tax books for the year 1909 should be finished and In the hands of the City Treasurer January 1st, so that he can collect the taxes, and that the books are not now finished and that from the pres- ent indications it will be at least two weeks before the books will be com- pleted. Mayor Schunk then stated that under these conditions he called the special session to see if some action could not be taken in the way of getting an earlier completion of the tax books. City Assessor Kelly then addressed the Council, stating he wasdoing everything in his power and that he was working overtime trying to get the tax books finished, but that the deputies were not giving him the as- sistance that they should. Aid. O'Rourke moved that the Mayor have the two Assistant Assess- ors to appear before him tomorrow to give reasons why they are not help- ing the. Assessor to finish the tax book and the Mayor to notify the deputies that they must get the tax book out on time, and he to report to the Council at the next session in the matter. Carried. Aid. Singrtn moved to adjourn. Carried. EDMU' D A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. Approved Mayor Attest: I an z.... Reorder 476 Special Session, December 30, 1909 CITY COUNCIL Special Session, December 30th, 1909. (Official.) Council met in Mayor's office at 8:30 p. m. Mayor Schunk in the chair. Present — Alds. Frith, Haas. O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Absent—Ald. Martin. Mayor Schunk stated the meeting was called to take up and consider the affairs In the Assessor's Office, the renewal of consent to liquor deal- ers, Bill of the Boston One Price Clothiers,. furnishing Police Overcoats, Bill of O'Farrell Contracting Co., im- proving Bennett Street and the con- struction of sanitary sewers in Need- ham Place and West Seventh Street, J. H. Brown, Contractor. On motion the bill of the Boston One Price Clothiers for furnishing 34 Police Overcoats, City's share of the bill amounting to $340.00 was ordered paid. On motion the bill of the O'Farrell Contracting Company, less 5 per cent retained for improving Bennett Street, amounting to $1,629.65, was ordered paid. On motion the matter of sewer in Needham Place and West 7th Street, J. F. Brown, contractor, was referred to Committee on Sewers, and report back to the Council at its next session. Mayor Schunk presented and read the following report: Dubuque, Ia., December 30, 1909. To the Honorable Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: Your instructions in the special session of Tuesday even- ing last to investigate conditions in the City Assessor's Office have been complied with and I submit the fol - ]owing report covering the scope of the Investigation and its results. To begin with, I furnished Deputy Assessors Wiedner and Kenneally with the following typewritten signed notice: "Pursuant to instructions from the City Council in special session Tues- day evening, December 28, I hereby ask ,you to give me your reasons why you are not helping the City Assessor finish the tax books for the year 1909." "I was also instructed to notify you that the tax books must be completed on time." "The motion also included Instruc- tions to me to report resblts of these requests to the City Council at the next session: hence you will kindly make answer soon." Both Deputies responded promptly and frankly stated their grievance, which was in substance that they had been subjected to an unfair divi- sion of the work in the office the en- tire year. That because of the Assessor's absence from the city and other causes, the bulk of the work in the office had been imposed on them. They declared that they had repeat- edly called his attention to the fact that he was not attending to his duties but without result. They also stated that by working hard they had brought up to (late work during the summer on incomplete assessment re- turns. Deputies Wiedner and Ken- neally assert that they were obliged to make up the entire assessment books, two in number, from which the tax lists are made out. During the present month Deputy Kenneally said he worked at the Court House checking up real estate transfers for the current year and making a new lot book indicating the changes in property holdings. This book he reports as finally completed on Tuesday, December 28. Both Deputies allege that they have done all the work properly within their line of duty, and more too. They both declare that they will now. dur- ing the regular office hours, work on any book or books, or on anything within their line of duties, but will not work after hours to complete tax list No. 1, A to L inclusive, because it is not a part of their duty and claim - Ing to be in no way to blame for the delay in completing it. Deputy Wiedner on Wednesday af- ternoon completed Volume 2 of the Tax List of 1909, M to Z inclusive, and the same is in the hands of the City Treasurer. Both Deputies have asked to per- sonally appear before your Honorable Body and make a statement of the reasons for their positions In the. controversy,—a request that I know You will gladly grant. Respectfully, H. A. SCHUNK, Mayor. On motion of Ald. Haas the rules were suspended to allow the Assessor and his Deputies to address the Council. Deputies Wiedner and Kenneally then addressed the Council, claiming they had worked hard all the time and finished what they deemed their part of the work, and more too, and are willing to work more to help out the situation, but did not deem it just or fair to ask them to work overtime unless allowed additional pay. Assessor Kelly also claimed to have worked hard to complete the other Tax Book, claiming whatever time he Special Session, December 30, 1909 lost he had made up on overtime, that with tite assistance• of his two De- puttes he would tr•y to complete the book on time. providing they all %%• rked overtime. _Aid. Rand moved that Deputies \\'iedn--r and K,-nnealiy be allowed g25,uu oadditiena.l pay each to help \I r. 1<elly' complete the book on time, and the report of the Mayor be re— eek ed and filed. Carried. The petition of the following, retail liquor dealers, asking that the Coun- cil adopt renewal re -•solutions for con- sent to sell and keep for sale intox- icating liquors in the City of Dubuque, were pr, s ,rated and read and were, on motion, granted: Following is the list of saloonkeep- ers tiling applications for consent of the Council to conduct saloons: Pistram Brs., ,506 Main St. Ed. Reiter, 1904 Couler Ave. \V. J. Bilderbach, 158 Eighth St. Peter Braden, 694 Julien Ave. Chris. Capritz, Lime St. Barrett and Sanner, 341 Sth St. Frank Carney, Eigth St. Calvert Bros., 253 Sixth St. C. R. Dibble, 6311 Main St. Gottfri-I Duenser. 1900 Washing- ton St. Dubuque Star Jobbing Co., Levee. Dubuque Star Brewing Co., Levee. Dubuque Supply Co., Cor. 32nd and Washington St. M. A. Doran, 345 Thirteenth St. Edw. Erie, 130 First St. Fahji and Gabriel, 399 Twentieth St. August Fink. 3365 Couler Ave. Anton Fischer•, Tenth Ave., Cor. Rhomberg Ave. John Ford, 229 Julien Ave. R. A. Fries, 2:386 Couler Ave. I,\'m. Graham Fuller, 703 Julien Ave. Anton Fortman, 139 Locust St. A. C. Fuhrman. 788 12th St. Henry Gehrig. 7th and White St.s. Ger,gler Pros., 154 ninth St. Alois Glab. 3185 Couler Ave. August Golinvaux. 12,29 Clay St. Edw. (mote, 363 7th. Wit. Frank Goehlen, 1801) Couler Ave. Harvev and Kennedy, 7th St., Bet. Main and 1,mo. John Heim, 341):3 couler Ave. John Hillard. Ilol Washington St. Jos. L. Hird, 691 Delhi St. Hughes & Boesen, 323 13th. St. Hughes & Boesen, 279 Main St. Hughes & Boes,-n, Lot 5, Bush's Sub. Hughes & O'Meara, 531 Main St. Handley & Cain, 188 First St. Hanley & Connolly, 103 First St. Hos Bros., 502 Rhomberg Ave. Charles Hos, 189:5 Washington St. Ja.cvbs & :.Vieehan. 89 South Locust t Chas Hoefflin, 10144 Clay St. A. S. Jones, Eighth and Iowa tits. C"has. Hoefylin, 1956 Cooler Ave. Frank Jaeger. 75 22nd. St. Christ Jacobi. John Klein, 996 Clay St. Fred d<nockle, 646 Clav St. J. J. 1<oester, 1,S5 South Locust St. Adolph Kochendorfer, Merchants Hotel. E. H. Kirkpatrick, 767 Lincoln Ave. C. J. Kruse, Prince St. Frank Brayer, 1420 Clav St. John Kelsen, 6th and Oo v St.s. J. H. Kretz. 16th and 5laple Sts. \. J. Lois, 696 Cla}. St. Jai- Locke'. 3o1 7th. ,tet. Edw. Link, 1505 Elm St. Joseph Link, 678 Clad- st. Anton Leiser, 9th and Iowa Sts. Leiser Bros., 1362 Clay St. Thos. Loftus, 390 Main St. Henry Lemper, 2938 Jackson St. Chas. Meyer, Third and Main Sts. August Meyer, 2327 Couler Ave. Patrick McAloon, 299 7th. St. Wm. Muennig, 321 Sth St. Ed. Montgomery, 2776 Couler Ave. Chas. B. Moore, 144 West Locust St. Herman Mehl, 743 Clay St. Frank P. Weitz, assignee of Nicks & Weitz. 2186 Couler Ave. T. J. O'Donnell, 233-241 Main St. A. Pfohl, 455 7th. St. John Petry, 4th and Clay Sts. John Page, Jr., 4th and White Sts. R. W. Quinlan, 1091 White St. Raab Bros.. 2389 Couler Ave. Ed. Rider. 14th. and Jackson St. Fred Roesner, 85 37th St. Edw. Robinson, 1689 Elm St. Herman Roesch, 262 Sth. St. John Roth, 899 Clay St. John Sand, 313 Eagle Voint Ave. F. P. Riddell, 340 Jones St. Osmond C. Specht, 497 Rhomberg Ave. Chas. H. Snyder, 129 Julien Ave. Thos. W. Savage, Bet. 4th. and 5th. on Clay St. 'Vielchoir Schmitt. 164 Sixth St. Herman Stumpf, 1405 Elm St. John A. Stumpf. 800 9th. St. Joseph Slog. 401 Windsor Ave. Mike Schnee. 1305 Rhomberg Ave. Frank F. Spahn, 2131 Couler Ave. Jacob Spielman, 416 Rhomberg Ave. Emil Tschohl, 414 Clay St. G. J. Tschirgi. 605 Rhomberg Ave. Frank \4. Turpin. 212 Main St. John P. Wagner. 398 Iowa St. Frank Welty, 1105 Julien Ave. C. F. Weidlich, 1575 Clay St. Westercamp Bros., SO4 Iowa St. Nick Willmes, 659 Clay St. Wm. Yunker, 7,97, Lincoln Ave. Ed. Yunker, 797 Lincoln Ave. Ed. Yunkrr, 1895 Washington St. Adam Wieland, 1006 Clay St. The following resolutions were then offered. 478 Special Session, December 30, 1909 Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That consent is hereby given NV. J. Bilder- back to sell and keep for saki intoxi- cating liquors, and d,nl therein, in the City of Dubuque. Io\V;', as provided by law. Renewal of f(winer consent. Adopted unanimously. 13c it Itesolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuqut•, That consent is hereby given Ed. Beiler to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Io\va, as provided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That consent is hereby given Bistram Bros. to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by laNv. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That consent is hereby given Peter Braden to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque. Iowa• as provided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Pe it Resolved by the members of the City Council of the City of Du- buque. That consent previously grant- ed Parrett and Sanner, a copartner- ship consisting of Thos. Barrett and Louis Sanner to operate a retail liquor store within the said City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa, in accordance with the laws of Iowa and the Ordin- ances of the City of Dubuque, is here- by renewed. Carried unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That consent Is hereby given Frank Carney to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors and deal therein, In the City of Du- buque. Iowa, as provided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That consent is hereby given Chris. Capritz to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors, and deal therein, In the City of Dubuque. Iowa, as provided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be' it Resolved by the members of the City Council of the City of Du- buque. That consent previously granted to Calvert Bros., a co -partner- ship consisting of Sam Calvert and R. Calvert, and Sam Calvert and R. Calvert Individually to operate a re - tail liquor store within the said Citi of Dubuque, County of Dubuque, Iowa, in accordance with the laws of Iowa and the Ordinances of the Cite of Dubuque, is hereby renewed. Carried unannuousii•. lie it I:, solve(l by the City Council of the Pity of Dubuque, That con- sent is her,:by given Gottfried Duon- ser t" sell and keep for sal,, inl,,xieoting liquor:-, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. as pro- vided by law. Iteuewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque-, That consent is hereby given C. R. Dibble to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That consent is hereby given M. A. Doran to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by law, Rene\val of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That consent is h,•reby given Dubuque Supply Company to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That consent is hereby given Dubuque Star Jobbing Company to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors. and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the members of the City Council of the City of Du- buque. That consent previously granted to Edward Erie to operate a retail liquor store within the said City of Dubuque, County of Dubuque, Iowa, in accordance with the laws of Iowa and the Ordinances of the City Dubuque, is hereby renewed, Carried unanimously. Be it Resolved by the members of the Council of the City of Dubuque, That consent previously granted to Fahje & Gabriel, a co -partnership consisting of John Fahje and Theo- dore Gabriel to operate a .retail liquor store within the said City of Dubuque, Special Session, December 30, 1909 479 Cuuuty ut Duliu-11j,. Iowa, in accord- ance with the Li of Iowa and the Ordinances of thu City of Dubuque, is hereby renewed. Carried unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That consent is hereby given August Fink to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That consent is hereby given R. A. Fries to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors• and deal therein• in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Rest lved by the City Coun- cil of the Cits• of Dubuque, That consent is h r by given Anton Fischer to sell and kc,•p for sale intoxicating liquors. and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That consent is hereby given John Ford to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of. Dubuque, That consent is hereby given Anton Port- man to sell and keep for sale Intoxi- cating liquors. and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque• Iowa, as provided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That consent is hereby given Graham Fuller to sell and keep for sale in- toxicating liquors, and deal therein• in the City of Dubuque. Iowa, as provid- ed by law. Renewal of former con- sent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- ciy of the City of Dubuque, That consent is hereby given A. C. Fuhr- man to sell and keep for sale intoxi- cating liquors. and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque. Iowa. as pro- vided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. BP it Resolved By the City Coun- cil of the City. of Dubuque, That consent is hereby given Frank Goeh- len to sell and keep for sale intoxi- cating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as pro- vided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That consent is hereby given Henry Gehrig to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolves by the City Coun- ciy of the City of Dubuque, That consent is hereby given Gengler Bros. to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- ciy of the City of Dubuque, That consent is hereby given Alois Glab to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That consent is hereby given August Got- invaux to sell and keep for sale in- toxicating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as pro- vided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That consent is hereby given Edward Grote to sell and keep for sale intoxi- cating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as pro- vided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimousiv. Be it Resolved by the members of the City Council of the City of Du- buque, That consent previously granted to Harvey & Kenneoy, a co- partnership, and Martin Harvey in- dividually to operate a retail liquor store within the said city of Dubuque, County of Dubuque. Iowa, in accord- ance with the laws of Iowa. and the Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Is hereby renewed. Carried unanimously. Be it Resolved by the members of the Council of the City of Dubuque, That consent previously granted to Handley and Cain, a co -partnership, consisting of T. F. Handley and J. P. 41~0 Speci<11 Session, December 30, 1909 Cain and T. r. Handley and J F. Cain individually to operate a retail liquor storo within the said City of Dubuque, County of Dubuque, Iowa, In accordance with the lawN of Iowa, and the Ordinance of the City of Du- buque, is hereby renewed. Carried unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- ciy of the City of Dubuque, That consent is hereby given John Heim to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors, and deal therm, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by law. Renewal of former consent. ldopted unanimously. 0 Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That consent is hereby given John Hillard to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- ciy of the City of Dubuque, That consent is hereby given Joseph L. Hird to sell and keep for sale intoxi- cating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- ely of the City of Dubuque, That consent is hereby given Charles Hoefflin to sell and keep for sale in- toxicating liquors, and dont therein, In the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as provid- ed by law. Renewal of former con- sent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That consent is hereby given Charles Hoefflin to sell and keep for sale in- toxicating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dt3buque, Iowa, as pro- vided by law. Renewal of former consent. adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the members of the City Council of the City of Du- buque. That consent previously grant- ed to Hanley and Connolly, a co- partnership, consisting of T. Hanley and J. B. Connolly and T. Hanley J. B. Connolly Individually, to operate a retail liquor store within the said City of Dubuque, County of Dubuque, ION'a, in accordance with the law of Iowa and the Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, is hereby renewed. Carried unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That consent is hereby given Hos Bros, to sell and keep for s<cle intoxicating liquors, and deal therein. In the City of Dubuque, low;i, as provided oy law. Rene\\ul of former consent. Adopted unanimously. lie it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That consent is her by giv m to Charles Hos to sell and hoop for sale intoxicating liquors, and deal Ow1.,ein. in the City of Du- buqu, . I n. according to law. said Ch;irl,w 11''s hcing th.• pr.•scnl o\V11- er and of a lila• resolution of consent still in full forec heretofore granted by this Council and this be- ing a renewal and continuation of such resolution of consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the nienibers of the City Council of the Citi- of Du- buque, That consent previously grant- ed to Hughes & u' \Icar;k, a co- partnership consistin,_ of Win. M. Hughes and J. J. O' lerlra, and \Vm. M. Hughes and J. J. ()'.\henra individ- ually to operate a ret,iil liquor store within the said C'itY of Dubuque. County of Dubuque, lawn, in accord- ance with Ili,- laws of Toga, and the Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, is hereby ren --w-1. Oat• ied unaninnously. Be it llesolved by the nn tnhet's of the City Council of the ('it• of Du- buque, That consent previously grante-1 to Hughes & hoes,•n, a co- partnership consisting of Frank Hugh,,,- and 'Nathan Boesen is hereby roncwed and consent is hereby given to them as aVsIgnees of the business formerly conducted and curried on by McKeown & McClain in said plaee to op, -rate a retail liquor store within the said City of Dubuque, County of Dubuque, Iowa, in accordance with the laws of Iowa and the Ordinance of the City of. Dubuque. Carried unanimousic•. Be it Resolved by the members of the City Council of the Cit- of Du- buque, That consent previously granted to Hughes & Boesen.a co- partnership consisting of Frank Hughes and 'Nathan Boesen to operate a retail liquor store within the said City of Dubuque. Towa, in accordance with the laws of Iowa and the Ordin- anec of the City of Dubuque, is here- by renewer]. Carried unanimously. Be it Resolved by the Members of the City Council of the City of Du- buque, That consent previously granted to Hughes & Boesen, a co- partnership consisting of Frank Hughes and 'Nathan Boesen to operate a wholesale and retail liquor store within the said City of Dubuque, :A(. ;peci;d Session, December 20, 1909 4SI County of Duhu,juc. Iowa, in i:ccor:l- ance with the !ettvs .,i lewd and the ordinances of the city of Dnhu,lu. is hereby renewed. Carried unanimously. P'. it Rosplvod by the City Cpun- oil of the city pf Ihtbuqu,'. That consent is herchy given J:tc„bs & M.'eh:ul to s,11 ;Ili.! k, cl, for s;tlr in- toxic;ttin- li.lnors. and deal th,•rcin, In ill, city of lhilunlu,•. Iowa. a, pr vi.1, .1 !n. law. I,, a,:.;;1 of f,mnn•t' censnt. P. it Res dy l lry th, c'it% C,.tnl- eil •.t ill Cir, I, tb;t,l,t, . 'Phut ,—n., r, is lt.•r, l.\ :[it, n .\. S. J, tt,•, to SI -11 :Hid keel, i. ^1, intoxicating liquors, and deal therein, in tht City of Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by law. Renewal of former consent. .\dopted tmanimously. lie it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That consent is hereby given Frank Jaeger to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liqu•,rs, and deal therein, in the City of Dahu.lu• , Iowa.:ts provided by law. P.enea al of former consent. Adopted un:rnimottsly. l'e it P,'s„Ived by the City Coun- cil of the City- of Dubuque, That consent is her,•by given Christ Jacobi to s,•11 and keep for sal.• intoxicating liquors. incl deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, as provided by lavv. Renowal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it It, solved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque. That eolrsent is lh,•reby given to C. J. Erase to s,.11 :utd keel, for s:tle intox- icating liquors, and deal thereirt, in the City of Dubuqu, . lowa, according It, lata said C. J. I:ruse being the pr• s,nt „caner and holder of a like ,nsent still in full force I;Y i lli.s Council and tha 1,_ ;; rcnetv:il and continuation of s, 1. it soluti.,n of consent. 1,-' 1 unanimously. Be it 1'.esnlyc1 by the City Coun- cil of the ('its of Dubuque. That consent ishereby given John Kelsen to sell and keep for sale Intoxicatinis liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque. To\va, as provided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That consent is hereby given E. H. Kirk- patrick to sell and keep for sale in- toxicrtting liquors. and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque. Iowa, as provided by late. its newal of former consent. Adopt,,l unanimously. Be it Rcsolycd by the City Coun- cil of the i'it, I' Dubuque, That cons, -nit is In ' :riven Frank Krayer to sell till,] 1 t„r sale intoxicating liquors ;in l ,l nl ther.,in, in the City of Dtti,n,l;; . 1- .:,. ;;s provided by law. Ronety"l ru,. r cnttsont. Adopted unanimously. He it 1, -1v.. I by the city coun- cil pf th, Cite ' Ihrbuque, That consent k h-!,,1, Liy, n Fr^d Iinockle to s. -Il nn,i '<,., it , sab• intoxicating lilac.- :md !, . ih, r. i',. in the City of Duhn.lue. ; is presided by law. Renewal of 1'ornwr consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubu.tu,'. That consent is hereby given John I:!ein to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as provided bylaw. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubu,iae, That consent is hereby given J. J. Koester to sell and keep for sale intoxicating lt,luors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. as provided by law. to newal of former consent. -adopted unanimously. Be it P.rsolycd b} the Cit} Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That consent is h.•rcby given Adolph Koch- endorfer to sell and keep for sale in- toxicating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Intra, as provi,l- ed by law. Renewal of f,:rnwr con- sent. Adopted unanimously. Ito it Resnly•d by the City Coan- oil of the City „f Dubu,lu, . 'That consent is hereby given J. H. Bretz to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. as provided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it P.csntvon i,.- +t,,, city Coun- cil of th'• City of Duhnque. That consent is lit r,•hy given N. J. Loes to sell and kcci, for sal„ intoxicating liquors, and deal therein, in the Citv of Dubuque. Towa, as provided by law. R. neural of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the Members of the City Council of the City of Du- buque, That consent previously granted to Anton Leiser to operate a retail liquor store within the said City 482 Special Session, December 30, 1909 of Dubuque, County of Dubuque, Iowa, in accordance with the laws of. Iowa. o-uld the Urdinattce of the City of Ihtbuque, is hereby renewed. Carried unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That consent is hereby given Leiser Bros. to sell and keeii for sale inh,xicating liquors. and deal therein, ill the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Itesolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That consent is hereby given Joseph Link to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuue, That consent is hereby given Edward Link to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors, and deal therein. in the City of Dubuque. Iowa, as provided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That consent is hereby given Jay Luckey to sell anti keep for sale intoxicating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That consent is hereby given Thomas Loftus to sell and keep for sale intox- icating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as pro- vided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That consent is hereby given Henry P. Lemper to sell and keep for sale in- toxicating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That consent is hereby given Patrick Me- Aloon to sell and keep for sale intox- icating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as pro- vided by laws. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- -il or the Cite of Dubuque, That 2onsent is herob\ giveu Wirt. Jduen- nig to sell and keel. for sale intoxie,tt_ ng litluors. juin deal therein, in the Uity of Dubmitie. Iowa, as provided by late. Renewal of I'ornlet• consent. Adopted umulinrously. Be it Resolved by the Citi Cmti- cil of the Pity of Dubuque, That consent is heti l,y given Charles illi•yer to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors, and ileal therein, in the City of Dubuque, lower• as provided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the Pity of 1 libuque. That consent is hereby :riven Charles B. Moore to sell and keep for sale in- toxicating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as pro- vided by ]acv. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- ciy of the City of Dubuque. That consent is hereby given Herman Mehl to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquor:a, and deal therein. In the City- of ityof Dubuque. Iowa. as provided by late. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque. That consent is hereby given August Meyer to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque. Iowa. as provided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque. That consent is hereby given F. Montgom- ery to sell and keep for sale intoxi- cating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as provid- ed by law. Renewal of former con- sent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That consent ]s hereby given Frank P. Weitz. assignee of -Nicks & Weitz to Sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the Members of the City Council of the City of Du- buque, That consent previously given to T. J. O'Donnell to operate a wholesale and retail liquor store with- in the said City of Dubuque. County of Dubuque, Iowa, in accordance with the laws of Iowa and the Ordinances Sliecial Session, December 30, 1909 483 of the Citi „t 1)ubuque, is hereby re- newed. Carried unanimously. Be it Resoh-d by the \lembers of the City Council of the• Pit,N, of Du- buque. That consont previously granted to John P. Page, Jr., to oper- ate a retail liquor store within the said City of Dubuque. Dubuque County. Iowa. in accordauuce with the law's of Iotya and the eardinances of the City of Duhuelue. is hereby renewed. Parried unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque. That consent is hereby given John Petry to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors. and deal therein, in the Cita' of Dubuque. Iowa. as to -m ided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. He it Resolved by the City Coun- cil or the City of Dubuque, That consent is hereby given A. Pfohl to sell ;end keep for sale intoxicating liquors, anti deal therein, in the City of Ihubuque. low•a, as provided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it I:esolyed by the City Coun- cil of the Cit> of Dubuque. That consent is hereby granted i:. W. Quin- lan to sell ;incl keep for sale intoxi- cating liquors, :ind deal therein, in the City of Dubuelue. Iowa. as provided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Itesolyed by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque. That consent is given Raab Bros. to sell ane] key i- for sale intoxicating liquors. :enol deal therein, in the City of Dubuque. Iowa. as provided by law. Rene yal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- ,.i► of the Pity of Dubuque. That . e ,nsent ]s hereby given Fred Roesner to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors. anei Boal therein. in the City of Dubuque. iova, as provided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Beit Resolved by the (`Ity Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque. That consent Is hereby given Edward Rider to sell and keel, for sale intoxicating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. ;Is provided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City og Dubuque, That consent Is here by given H. J. Roesch to sell and keep for sal(• intoxicating liquors, and deal there]". in the City of Dubuque. Iowa. as provided by law. Iteneeeal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- il of the City of Dubuque. That consent is hereby given to Edward Robinson to sell an(] keep for wile in- toxicating liquors and deal therein in the City of Dubuque. Iowa, according to law. su]d Edward Robinson being the presont owner and holder of a like resolution of consent still in force heretofore granted by this council, and this being a rene\yal and con- tinuation of such resolution of con- sent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque. That consent is hereby giver John Roth to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque. Iowa, as provided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the (']ty of Dubuque. That consent is hereby given F. P. Riddell to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors. and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the Oty Coun- ell of the City of Dubuque. That consent is hereby given Jake Spiel- man to sell and keep for sale intoxi- cating liquors. and deal therein, in the C]ty of Dubuque, Iowa, as pro- vided I y Iaw•. Renew;el of former consent. Adopted unanimously-. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque. That consent is hereby given Co. C. .Specht to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors, and deal therein. In. the City of Dubuque. Iowa, as provided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque. That consent is hereby given Frank F. Spahn to sell ;incl keep for sale In- toxicating li lours. and deal therein, in the t'ity of Dubuque, Iotva, as pro - yided by law•. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Cnun- ell of the City of Dubuque. That consent is hereby given M. 4chnee to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors. anei deal therein, in the City of Dubuque. Ttm•a, as provided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adoptrd unanimously. 1484 Special Session, December 30, 1909 Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That consent is hereby given Melchoir Schmitt to sell and keep for sale in- toxicating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as pro- vided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That consent is hereby given Charles Snyder to sell and keep for sale in- toxicating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as pro- vided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That consent is hereby given Joe Siege to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors, and deal therein in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That con- sent is hereby given John A. Stumpf to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That consent is hereby given Herman Stumpf to sell and keep for sale in- toxicating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as pro- vided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be I1 Resolved by the City Cnun- eil of the City of Dubuue. That consent is hereby given John Sand to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liuors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the Members of the City Council of the City of Du- buque, That consent previously granted to Cahill and Savage, a co- partnership consisting of John J. Cahill and Thomas Savage is hereby renewed and consent is hereby given to Thomas Savage, assignee of the business formerly conducted and carried on by Cahill & Savage in said place to operate a retail liquor store within the said City of Dubuque, Du- buque County, Iowa, In accordance with the laws of Iowa and the Ordin- ances of the City of Dubuque. Carried unanimously. Be it R.•solved by the City Coun- cil of the Pity of Dubuque. Iowa, That consent is hereby given Du- buque Star Brewing Co., to manu- facture within the limits of the City of Dubuque. spirituous malt and various liquors and to sell the same at wholesale as provided by law. Re- newal of former consent. Unanimously adopted. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That consent is hereby given Emil Tschohl to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that con- sent is hereby given to G. J. Tschirgi to sell and keep for sale in toxicating liquors and deal therein the City of Dubuque, Iowa, according to ia%, said G. J. Tschirgi being the present own- er and holder of a like resolution of consent still in full force heretofore granted by this council, and this be- ing a renewal and continuation of such resolution of consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That consent is hereby given Frank M. Turpin to sell and keep for sale in- toxieating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as pro- vided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque. That consent is hereby given John P. Wag- ner to sell and keep for sale intoxi- cating liquors, and deal therein, In the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as pro- vided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That consent is hereby given Nicholas Willmes to sell and keep for sale in- toxicating liquors, and deal therein. in the City of Dubuque. Iowa. as provid- ed by law. Renewal of former con- sent. adopted unanimously, Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That consent is hereby given Frank Welty to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors, and deal therein, In the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That List of Warrants consent is hereby given C. 1-. to sell and keep for s ilr int.oxie,ithig liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iow:i, as by I:1vv'. Renewal of f(:rmcr consent. Adopted unanimoilsl . Re it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of I)ttbuque, That consent is hcn-by given \Vestereamp Bros. to sell and keep for sale intoxi- cating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, its pro- vided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That con- sent is hereby given to Wm. Yunker to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors, and deal therein in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, according to law, said Win. Yunker being the present owner and holder of a like resolution of consent still in full force hereto- fore granted by this council, and this being a renewal and continuation of such resolution of consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That consent is hereby given Adam Wie- land to sell and keep for sale Intoxi- cating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That consent is hereby given Ed. Yunker to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, as provided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That consent is hereby given Ed. Yunker to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors, and deal therein, in the City of Dnbugue, Town, as provided by law. Renewal of former consent. Adopted unanimously. Ald, caul moved to adjourn. Car- ried. F.D31t'\DLI\EHAAT, City Recorder. Per JOS. FRIEDRICH. Deputy. Approved ApproYqF h A!to,1 Vii,jU( ecorder 0i • ist of Cite Warrants Dubuque. I1 \:I. I atlwl' 1st, 1909. To the Ilonorahl \iayor and City Council of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—The following is a complete list of all warrants issued by me during t1w month of November, 1909: H. A. Schnnk, salary, \•layor..$116 65 H. Brinkman, salary, Treas- urer ...... ....... ...... 133 30 J. A. McKinley, salary, Deputy Treasurer ........ ...... l00 00 Jno. Krayer, clerk Treasurer's office ........ ......... 60 00 E. A. Linehan, 'salary, Recor- der...... ...... ........ 116 65 Jos. Friedrich, salary, Deputy Recorder ........ .... 85 00 M. E. Lyons, salary, Auditor.. 1.16 65 Joseph T. Kelly, salary, As- sessor 125 00 Allan Wiedner, salary, Assist- ant Assessor ...... ...... 83 30 Frank Kenneally, salary, As sistant Assessor .... ...... 83 30 Geo. T. Lyon, salary, Attorney 150 00 Edgar Willging, salary, Assist- ant Attorney ..... 75 00 Jas. Pickley, salary, Chief of Police ......... .......... 100 00 J. W. Lawlor, salary, Commit- tee Clerk ... 100 00 Paul Ilg, salary, City Engi- neer .......... ......... 166 65 Joseph Straub, Assistant City Engineer ........ .... 60 00 John Dorgan, Street Commis- sioner. .......... ........ 80 00 John Mahoney, Assistant Street Commissioner .. 40 00 G. Fogel, clerk in Auditor's and Engineer's offices...... 75 00 C. W. Katz, salary, Market - master ........ .. 55 00 T. Hackney, salary, Pound - master ........ .......... 40 00 Mrs. H Koenig, salary, Jani- tress ... ........ .. 25 00 James Lynch, salary, Side- walk Inspector ........... 60 00 Wm. Coleman, Rodman...... 50 00 J. H. Carroll, Harbor Master.. 30 00 John A. Cunningham, Clerk to Police and Fire Commis- sioners .......... ... 15 00 Geo. Miller, Superintendent of Sprinkling ...... ........ 48 00 Tom Cahill, Custodian Wash- ington Park ............. 40 00 Philip Reddin, Custodian Jackson Park ... .. .. 40 00 Joseph Straney, Custodian Phoenix Park • • • 16 00 Dr. Chas. Palen, Health Phy- sician Frank Flynn, sanitary officer 65 00 Dr. F. J. Kennedy, Meat and Milk Inspector . 76 00 E. E. Frith, salary, Alderman 25 00 Dan J. Haas, salary, Alderman 25 00 486 List of Warrants Peter R. Martin, salary, Alder- John Kop, police ........... man............ ....... 25'00 James Keefe, police ........ John O'Rourke, salary, Alder- B. Ludescher, police ........ man .......... ......... 25 00 Chas. Liest, police ......... D. W. Rand, salary, Alderman 25 00 Pat 11cC(illins, police ....... James Saul, salary, Alderman 25 00 11. 11c r'.n nrncl:, police ...... Wm. Singrin, salary, Alder- Pat 1lcfnerney, police ...... man .......... ......... 25 00 Henry Mueller, police ...... Jc.scph neint'ried• salary, Fire Hugh Markey, police ....... Chief . .... ...... ...... 99 00 T. O'\le:rra. police .......... Win. Hipmaii, salary, Elec- John .l. O'Brien, police....... tr•ician ...... ..... ...... 82 50 M. O'Connor, police ........ M. Eitel, fireman ........... 76 23 M. Ryan. police ............ J. Essrnan, fireman ......... sl 67 John Raesle, police ........ J. Flynn, fireman ........... 70 78 G. Raterman, police ........ A. Duccini, fireman ......... 70 78 John Spielman, police ...... A. Heer, fireman ........... 65 34 Patrick Sutton, police ...... W. Kannolt, fireman ........ 65 34 M. Stapleton, police ........ B. Kirsch, fireman ......... 65 34 Joseph Stoltz, police ........ B. Beyer, llreman .......... 70 78 Pat Sullivan, police ......... J. Dailey, fireman ........... 76 23 Frank Williams, police ...... J. Barnes, fireman .......... 81 67 Dennis Sheehan, police ..... T., Ryder, fireman .......... 70 78 L Zemanek., police ......... W. Ducey, fireman .......... 76 23 Miss B. Brennan, police ma - F. Murphy. fireman .... I..... 70 78 tron ........... ........ M. Kelly, fireman .......... 70 78 Mrs. K. Hibbe, police matron. J. Beakey, fireman .......... 65 34 D. Ahearn, fireman ......... 82 50 1,,%B0I1 ON STREETS P. Zillig, fireman ........... 65 34 In the several Road Districts M. Sweeney, fireman ....... 65 34 the last half of October, 1909: H. Cain, fireman ........... 65 34 M. Acher. 3rd, $5.20; exp., J. Penzor, fireman .......... 70 78 $5.60. • • • ... .... ........ $ J. McLoughlin, fireman ..... 65 34 J. Brouillette, 2nd ......... A. McDonald, fireman ........ 81 67 Paul Becker. 4th ........... J. Murphy, fireman ......... 49 50 S. liastlen. 2nd, $;5.50; 4th, G. Gherki, fireman ......... 76 23 $14.00 ...... ...... ..... T. Kennedy, fireman ........ 70 78 J. Callaghan, 2m1 .......... J. Smith, fireman .......... ' 65 34 G. Collinson, 4th .......... J. Keppler, fireman ......... 65 34 11 Caffrey, 2nd and 4th ..... J. Allen, fireman ............ 70 78 M. Cleary. 2nd, $9.10; 4th M. Fahey, fireman .......... 65 34 $10.90 ...... ..... ...... F. Kenneally, -fireman ...... 70 78 J. Crawford. 1-4 each ...... R. Weston, fireman ........ 76 23 J Connolly, 1st. $1.85; 2nd, E. McDermott, fireman ...... 65' 34 $6.25; 3rd, $7.05; 4th, $5.00 R. Kenneally, fireman ...... 65 34 M. Carney. 2nd, $6.95; 3rd, J. Roshin, fireman ......... 76 23 $6.95: 4th, $6.90 ...... , .. . F. Baumgartner, fireman .... 70 78 J Doyle. 2nd .............. J. Schoenberger, fireman .... 65 34 T. Donahue. 1st, $1.85; 2nd, J. Tschudl, fireman ......... 65 34 O. Donahue, (;rand View Ave J. Connolly, fireman ........ 65 34 $6.25; 3rd, $7.05; 4th, $5.00 Wm. Smith, fireman ........ 65 34 J. Egan. 2nd .............. J. Peed, fireman .......... 65 34 Geo. Frost, 2nd ............ W. Kennedy, fireman ....... 54 45 F. Frick, 3rd .............. W. Tannersett, fireman ...... 54 45 P. Farrell, 2nd, $5.80; 4th, T. O'Brien, fireman ........ 35 00 $5.80 .... ... , ... . Firemen's Pension Fund .... 31 17 B. Glass. 2nd ............... L. Blocklinger, police ...... 54 00 James (.ray. 2nd and 4th .. M. Connolly, police ......... 60 00 James mrd, 4th ............ John Cody, police ........... 60 00 J. Heil, 1-4 each ........... James Corcoran, police ..... 60 00 N. Kettenhofen, 3rd ........ Wm. Donahoe, police ....... 62 00 P. Kenneally, Health ........ Phil. J. Dunphy, police ...... 65 00 M. Kiefer, 4th ............. Thomas Duggan, police .... 60 00 J. Kraus, 1st, $ 1.85; 2nd, P. F. Fury, police .......... 60 00 $6.25; 3rd, $7.05; 4th, $5.00 John Fox, police ........... 70 00 J. Kness, 1st, $1.85; 2nd, James Flynn, police ......... 60 00 $6.25; 3rd. $7.05; 4th, $5.00 M. Fogarty, 'police .......... 56 00 R. Love, 4th ............... Ben Gray, police ........... 48 00 W. Lillie, exp . .............. Pat. Hanlon, pollee ......... 14 00 J P. Lehman, 2nd, $3.70; 3rd, Geo. Jones, police .......... 60 00 $1.20; 4th, $24.10 ........ Emil Kahn, police .......... 60 00 T. Lonergan, lst, $10.40; 2nd. M. Kilty. police ............ 60 00 $10.40 ...... ...... ..... John Kane, police .......... 54 00 J. Mullen, 2nd ...... ...... 60 00 60 00 60 00 65 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 28 00 30 00 60 00 60 00 70 00 60 00 60 00 20 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 during 10 s0 8 so 20 00 19 20 22 50 4 80 11 60 20 00 60 00 20 15 20 80 3 50 20 80 20 15 15 20 22 50 8 00 14 80 8 80 11 80 22 50 20 00 6 40 22 50 20 80 20 15 20 15 4 55 30 29 00 20 80 18 40 List of Warrants J. Martinek, 4th .... ...... during the last half Alex Miller, 2nd, $8.70; 4th, $12.311 ...... .... ....... .. Geo. M--nliol, 4th ........... 40 J. Me:\I exe. 2nd ........... 16 80 Jas. MrLau hlin, :3rd ...... 20 W. .\i( l.: ughlin. ar(l ........ ...... P. '.\I( -Poland, 4th .......... 24 30 .N T. McDonough, exp. ........ 20 25 13. \IeDmmell, 1-4 each .... C. O'Neill. 2nd ............. 22 75 F. O'Connor, 1-4 each ...... 80 80 W. Po\\ers. :.'nil ............ ...... JI Parker, _nil and 4th ...... 46 James Ryan, 2nd .......... ......... R. Rmo-cniei,-r. 2nd, $4.90; 4th, $6.71, ........ .... ...... ......... P. Royc•o. 2nd and 4th ...... 00 P. Ryan, 4eth .............. 6 J Richter, 1-4 each ........ 20 H. Rowland, 1-4 each ...... J. Reid, 3rd, $10.40; 4th, $10.40 ...... ...... .... H. Schoenbeck, 2nd ........ J. Schroeder. 4th .......... C. Specht, 1-4 each ......... 281 J. Steffen, 3rd, $10.40; 4th, $10.40 ...... .... ....... Art. 'lln•n'•r. :3rd ............ J. Tohin. 2nd and 4th ..:... Larry NValsh, 2nd ...... ... John 'Walsh, 2nd .......... TK%311S. 1\I. \ck.els. 4th .............$ P. :\pel, lst, $14.45; 2nd, $ 2'2.15; 3rd. $8.05; 4th, $17.90 ...... ..... ...... C. Bradley, 4th ............ John Calvert, 2nd .......... B. Costello, 4th ............ J Graham. 1st. $1.55; 2nd. $21 40: 4th. $15.30 ....... M. Hannan, 22nd. $31.95; 4th, $1.35 ..... .... ......... J. Haudenschiold. 2nd, $53.10; 3rd, $25.20: 4th, $7.20; exp., $15.30 .... ....... ...... J. Long, 2nd ............... M. Markham. 3rd .......... Jeff. McGrath. 4th ......... D. O'Meara, 1st, $4.50; 2nd, $14.951; 3rd. $16.95: 4th, $11.95 .... ...... ....... Tony Seige, 2nd ........... U. F.. Co., 1st, $15.05: 2nd, $41.45: 3rd, $71.65; 4th, $3.75 C. Van Wie, 1st, $3.45; 2nd, $11.55; 3rd, $13.05; 4th, $9.25 ...... ...... ...... 16 80 21 00 .22 00 9 60 1 05 22 50 12 80 4 80 55 40 8 80 27 75 18 40 19 35 20 80 11 60 26 00 23 40 40 00 4 60 20 80 15 20 18 15 18 00 20 80 20 15 20 60 9 60 4 80 50 40 62 55 24 05 46 35 38 25 38 25 33 30 100 80 8 10 27 00 50 85 48 35 4 05 131 95 37 30 1, \1;011 OX A:\i'!`J[AN AVENUE during the last half of October, 19050 M. Brosser ............ .. 5 40 J. Beier ...... .......... 16 80 3 20 A. Bevensdor•f ....... ...... E. T. Frith ........ ........ 24 30 J. Dixon ........ ......... 20 25 11 20 John bass ...... ........... 22 75 8 12 80 80 J. Eberhardt ..•••••. ...... mond Avenues ...... .... 46 H. Galle .... ......... cadam broken at City 80 C. Gantenbein .... ......... 15 00 \. Herman ................ 6 15 20 489 C. Kupferschmidt .... ..... 12 80 M. Kass ...... ............ 11 20 F. Lassance ...... ......... 6 40 F. .l1adloff ................. 3 20 J. Scha.fetel ........ ....... 16 80 F. Sills ...... ............. 12 80 E. Cook ...... ............ 26 55 E. T. Frith ........ ........ 24 30 John Long ...... .......... 20 25 A. Stoltz ........ .......... 30 60 LABOR GRADING HEEB STREET during the last half of October, 1909: J. Beier ........ ..........$ 17 10 M. Brosser ........ ........ 3 20 A. Bevensdo•f ...... ...... 1 60 J. Dixon ........ .......... 8 80 J. Eberhardt ...... ........ 5 60 H. G alle ........ .......... 7 20 C. Ga.ntenbein ......... .... 7 50 N. Herman ........ ........ 3 20 M. Kass ........ .......... 8 80 C. Kupferschmidt ...... .... 4 80 F. Radloff ...... .......... 1 60 Jos. Schafetel ..... ........ 3 20 F. Silli ....... ............ 1 60 E. T. Frith ...... .......... 14 40 J. Long ........ .......... 12 15 A Stoltz ...... 8 10 1j:\BOR ON SE, AVERS during the last half of October, 1909: D. Cunningham ...... ...... $ 22 75 J. Clune ...... ............ 22 75 J. Doyle ........ .......... 22 75 F. Donahue ...... ......... 22 75 F. Luehterhand ...... ...... 22 75 John McLaughlin ...... .... 20 15 J. Rooney ...... .......... 22 75 C. Sullivan ...... ..........30 00 L. Taylor .......... ....... 22 75 H. Wagner ........ ........ 2 00 BILLS. O'Farrell Contracting Co., balance due grading Louisa Street ...... ...... .....$110 O'Farrell Contracting Co., balance due on grading Bennett Street .... ...... 199 H. J. Weber, inspector of sewer in alley between Jackson Street and Couler Avenue, Peru Road, Jack- son Street and alley be- tween Milwaukee and Dia- mond Avenues ...... .... 46 Ott Turner, 1 cubic yard ma- cadam broken at City Pound ...... ...... ..... A. E. Bradley, glazing at City Hall ...... ......... 6 Tibey Bros., 5% retained for one year for improving Grandview Avenue .... ... 459 M. Tschirgi and Son. 5% re- t. ined for one year on im- provement of Locust Street, from 6th to 8th Streets .... 281 M. Tschirgi and Son, extra work on 32rd Street Storm Sewer ..... .I F. 13ro%vn, improving Fifth 31 50 20 75 00 85 36 07 Pages 487 and 488 missing 490 %List of Warrants Street from Alain to Iowa D. O'Meara, 1st, Streets ...... ...... .... 719 70 Street and Struck, improving 8 00 West Fourth Street, from 3 20 Alpine Street to Paulina 1 60 Street .... ...... ........1992 50 H. Brinkman. interest on wa- $11.55; 3rd, rants .outstanding ........2079 53 H. Brinkman, 3 horss pur- ........... chased for Fire Depart- 20 80 ment .... ...... ........ 456 00 H. Brinkman, expense, Road 20 15 and Police .... .......... 36 65 H. Brinkman, Library orders 20 80 issued .... ...... ....... 257 68 LABOR ON STREETS D. O'Meara, 1st, in the several Road Districts during the first half of November, 1909: J. Brouillete, 2nd .... ......$ 8 00 J. Burns, 2nd .... .......... 3 20 W. Cosley, 2nd .... ........ 1 60 J. Callaghan, 2nd .... ...... 22 50 J Connolly, 1st, $1.85; 2nd, $11.55; 3rd, $6.25; 3rd, $7.05; 4th, $5.00 20 15 M. Carney, 2nd, $6.95; 3rd, ........... $6.95; 4th, $6.90 ......... 20 80 T. Donahue, 1st, $1.85; 2nd, $6.25; 3rd, $7.05; 4th, $5.00 20 15 O. Donahue, Grandview Ave. ,Imp . .... ........ ........ 20 80 John Egan, 2nd .... ....... 10 80 Geo. Frost, 2nd ........ .... 22 50 P. Farrell, 3rd ............ 1 20 F. Frick, 3rd .... .......... 4 00 W. Flynn, Bluff Street, $1.60; exp., $2.15 .... ...... ... 3 75 B. Glass, 2nd ...... ........ 55 J. Heil, 1-4 each ...... .... 20 00 H. Kunkel, 4th ........ .... 1 75 J. Kraus, 1st, $1.85; 2nd, $6.25; 3rd, $7.05; 4th, $5.00 20 15 J. Kness, 1st, $1.85; 2nd, $6.25; 3rd, $7.05; 4th, $5.00 20 15 N. Kettenhofer, 3rd .... .... 1 60 P. Kenneally, Health ...... 22 50 T. Lonergan, 1st, $10.40; 2nd, $10.40 ..... ... ........ 20 80 Geo. Meukel, 2nd, $1.75; 4th, $3.50; exp., $8.00 ...... .. 13 25 A. Miller, 4th .... .......... 1 80 J. McAleese, 2nd ...... .... 8 00 Jas. McLaughlin, 3rd ....... 2 40 W. McLaughlin, 3rd ........ 22 50 W. Powers, 2nd .... ....... 3 60 J. Ryan, 2nd .... .......... 20 80 J. Reid, 3rd, $10.40; 4th, $10.40 ...... .... ....... 20 80 H. Schoenbeck, 2nd ...... .. 9 20 D. Smyth, 2nd ........ .... 1 60 P. Smith, exp. ...... ..... 1 60 J. Steffen, 3rd. $10.40; 4th, $10.40 ..... ..... ....... 20 80 C. Specht, 1-4 each ..... ... 18 00 H. Wagner, 4th .... ........ 1 75 TEAJIS. P. Apel, 1st, $5.90; 2nd, $10.20; 3rd, $6.45; 4th, $8.75 ... ...... ........$ 31 20 John Calvert, 2nd .... ...... 34 65 J. Graham, 1st, 35c; 2nd, $4.60; 4th, $4.05 ...... ... 9 00 J. Iiaudenschield, 3rd .... .. D. O'Meara, 1st, $4.50; 2nd, $14 95; 3rd, $16.95; 4th, $11.95 ....... .......... C. Van Wie, 1st, $3.45; 2nd, $11.55; 3rd, $13.05; 4th, $9.25 ........ ........... 9 65 4S 35 37 30 LABOR GRADING ON HFJMi STREET during the first half of November, 1909: J. Beier ...... ....... ....$ 9 00 A. Bevensdorf ...... .... .. 4 80 J. Dixon ...... ...... ..... 4 80 M. Kars .... ........ ...... 1 60 J. Eberhardt ...... ..... .. 1 60 LABOR ON KAUFMAN AVENUE during the first half of November, 1909: J. Beier .... ........ ...... $ 1 80 A. Bevensdorf ...... ...... 1 60 J. Dixon ...... ..... ...... 4 80 J. Eberhardt ....... ....... 17 20 John Ess ...... ...... .... 17 40 H. Galle .... ....... ...... 17 40 C. Gantenbein ....... ...... 22 50 N. Herman .... ........... 17 40 C Kupferschmidt .... ...... 17 40 M. Kass ....... .... ...... 8 80 F'. Radloff ....... .... .... 17 40 F. S1111 ... ...... .... 17 40 J. Schafetei ...... ..... ... 7 80 J. Twieg ..... ...... ...... 7 80 E. T. Frith ...... .... .... 59 8.5 LABOR. ON SEWERS during the first half of November, 1909: D. Cunningham ....... ....$ 22 75 J. Clune ....... ...... ..... 22 76 J. Doyle ....... ........... 22 75 F. Donahue ..... .......... 22 75 F. Luchterhand ..... ...... 22 75 J.McLaughlin ...... ...... 22 75 J. Rooney ...... .......... 22 75 C Sullivan ....... ......... 30 00 L. Taylor .................. 22 75 H. Wagner ...... ...... ... 2 50 BILLS. H. J. Weber, inspector of sewer from 32nd Street to Diamond Avenue ......... $ 19 25 W. Lillie, cleaning and put- ting up storm sash at City Hall .......... 5 20 L. Dailey, cleaning around Market Square September and October 19 80 Mike Mullen, plumbing re- pairs, City Hall .......... 1 80 Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies for cleaning at City Hall... 1 45 Foley's Hand Laundry, towel service during October 4 00 Peter Even, coal for First Ward scale house ........ 9 50 Conlin & Kearns, coal for City Hall .......... 18 45 Gus Holl, repairing locks and keys, City Hall ........... 90- C. McManus, sawing and car- List of Warrants rying in two cords oak wood, Pity Mall ................ Spahn-Rose Lumber Co., lum- ber........ ............. C. E. Fitzpatrick Co„ station- ary, various departments... Then. Scbarle, entering deed of \1 -Fadden Coffe • & Spice Co. to the City of Dubuque. Dubuque Comity l:ecorder, en- tering deeds of '.McFadden Coffee & Spica Co. and Geo. Schmid to "ity of Dubuque. Western l'nion 'C-•legraph Co., electric time service, Tress- ury is office, October..... . J. I'. Nuechele, taking care of city clock during 1909..... A. E. Bradley, three lights glass, City :-Tall ........... Fitts -Thompson Foundry Co., catch basin, Sswer Dept.... Ellwanger Bros., 2 snaps for Sewer horse .............. Lagen, Peed and Berwanger, Shoeing Sewer horse . F. Schloz & Son, repairs, Sewer Dept . .............. Wm. Dalbkermeyer, sharpen- ing tools for Sewer Dept... C. W. Katz, 21 meals furnish- ed prisoners during October D. O'Meara, hauling manure from Patrol House Septem- ber and October .......... D. O'Meara, one load clay for Patrol House ......... Ellwanger Bros., harness sup- plies and repairs for Police Dept. . ......,•• Pitts -Thompson Foundry Co., grate for stove in calaboose Eichhorn & Bechtel, groceries for Police Matron's Dept.. N. B. Schneider, groceries for Patrol House ••••• E. J. Mulgrew, bread and milk for Police Matron's Dept.. March to November. Mettel Bros., feed for Patrol horses ­*­ Collings .*.Collings & Pliffner, shoeing Patrol horses ............. H. J. Hagerty, veterinary service. Patrol horses, Sep- tember and October ....... J. R. Reinfried, expense in- curred inspecting new style fire engine at Rockford, Ill. Ff, J. Hagerty, veterinary ser- vice, Fire horses, September and October • • • ' inspecting * , * g, J. Hagerty, three new Fire horses...... T. J. Mulgrew Co., coal fol Fire Dept. -- Carr, • • ' ' ' Carr, Ryder & Adams Co. glass Por Fire Dept. storag< battery * • •lies Pot Charles E. Berry, supe Fire Dept. • • • ' • " " Demkier Bros., 2 dozen bars brooms. Fire Dept. ...... • Jos. J. Rowan, 4 blankets fo: 2 50 24 2 35 25 1 00 1 00 144 00 1 50 6 00 20 2 50 2 75 65 4 20 3 00 2 00 5 25 75 7 12 7 90 9 06 3 90 11 05 2 40 6 00 18 40 15 00 10 05 13 00 28 00 11 70 Fire Dcpt. ............... E. P. P Bryon, paint for Fire Dept. .......... ......... T. H. Clark, drug supplies for Eire Dept . .............. 0. T. W. Ruete, drug supplies for Fire Dept . ............... Union Electric Co., current for fire alarm system, Oct. Iowa Oil Co., 50 gals. oil for Fire Dept . ............... :National Refining Co., 60 gals oil for Fire Dept. ........ J. Haudcnshield, hay for Fire Dept. ...... ............. Blatt Stafford, bran for Fire Dept.... ............... Eichhorn & Bechtel, bran for Fire Dept . ............... Fischer & Co., coal for Fire Dept. ........ ........... F. A. Burns, coal for Fire Dept. ....... .. Conlin & Kearns, coal for Fire Dept . ........ .. .... . Phil Doerr, coal for Fire Dept. Key City Gas Co., coke for Fire Dept. ............... Key City Gas Co., 4 gas arcs, Police and Fire Depts...... Key City Gas Co., gas burners for Fire Dept. ........... Collings & Pfiffner, horseshoe- ing for Fire Dept.......... Lagen, Peed & Berwanger, horseshoeing for Fire Dept. Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horseshoeing for Fire Dept. JohnNewman & Son, repairs for Fire Dept. Ell-,vanger Bros., harness re- pairs for Fire Dept. ...... Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs Fire Dept. .. Smedley Steam Pump Co., castings for Fire Dept..... Wm. Marshall, repairs for Fire Dept. Morrison Bros., 1 new heater and repairing 1 heater, Fire Dept. Pitts -Thompson Foundry Co., castings for Fire Dept..... Spahn-Rose Lumber Co., lum- ber for repairs to sidewalks Dubuque Sand & Gravel Co., gravel for Bluff Street Ex- tension Duggan. &. Cota, hardware for Bluff Street Extension.. Pitts -Thompson Foundry Co., catch basin for road Dept.. C. H. Dell & Co., repairing curb on Grove Terrace.... Wm. Wright, gas mantles broken by falling of West 17th Street quarry ..... Geo. W. Healey & Son, ma- cadam forks for Road Dept. F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Fire Dept. • • • Robt. Jungk, plumbing repairs for Fire Dept. .........•. 491 20 00 2 00 8 00 9 85 2 00 6 00 8 10 78 58 2 50 2 60 11 65 16 01 37 07 17 13 15 90 2 00 60 10 00 7 00 12 15 2 35 9 65 15 50 50 2 50 101 00 4 50 29 60 8 25 11 00 12 00 10 00 1 65 3 00 1 50 8 10 492 Official Notices Jas. Lee Sn tion, 40 lineal feet 2" angle ircn for protection of gutter, Wcst Locust and Blake Streets ............ 8 00 J. F. Brown, 1,000 paving brick for Road Deot. ..... 15 00 Pitts -Thompson Foundry Co., catch basins for Road and Sewer Depts. ............. 14 30 F. M. Jaeger & Co., blasting supplies for 17th tit. quarry 4 85 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Road Dept . .............. 4 85 H. J. Hagerty, veterinary ser- vice, Road horses, Septem- ber and October .......... 1 30 Key City Gas Co., coke for steam roller .............. 18 95 F. A. Burns, coal for steam roller .......... ......... 10 70 Pier Bros., coal for steam roller.... ............. 9 92 Fischer & Co,, coal for steam roller ........ ........... 18 77 N. J. Staner, constructing ce- ment walk, Dodge and Vine Streets ............ ... 66 90 O'Farrell Contracting Co. 5% retained, College Ave, sewer 37 50 Union Electric Co., arc lights for October ..............2070 75 Key City Gas Co., light for various departments ...... 37 25 Telegraph - Herald, official printing, October ......... 106 28 Times -Journal, official print- ing, October .............. 117 87 Smith -Morgan Printing Co., printing pamphlets, Oct.... 29 21 National Demokrat, official printing, October ......... 12 50 Labor Leader, official printing, October .......... ....... 12 50 O'Farrell Contracting Co., improvement Louisa Street from Bennett to Grace StrevG4 ........ ......... 730 58 O'Farrell Contracting Co., Improvement of alley be- tNveen Iowa and Clay and 12th and 13th Streets..... 271. 20 Street & Steuck, constructing sewer in College Avenue from West 5th Street to Al- lison Place ............... 207 52 Frank Beutin, improvement of Windsor Avenue .......2296 42 James Lee. first estimate, grading West Locust St. .. 200 00 Indian Refining Co., road oil for GraMivleNv Avenue .... 307 69 Indian Refining Co., road oil for 3rd Road District ......189 74 I hereby certify that the foregoing Is a true and correct list of all war- rantes issued by MA during the month of November, 1909. EDM[TND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. OFFICIAL P1'I3LICATION. AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE' establishing grade on Irving Avenue from Delhi Street to Decorah Avenue in Elie City of Dubuque, Iowa. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That a( grade on IrvLig Avenue from Delhi Street to Decorah Avenue in the City ot• Dubuque, Iowa, be and the same is hereby establish- ed and adopted as shown by the pro- file of said street and grade prepared by the City Engineer and accepted by the City Council on the 4th (lay of November, 1909, being Profile No. 673 and marked "Profile and Grade of Irving Avenue from Delhi Street to Decorah Avenue, bench marks: W. corner of top concrete step at Irving School gate on Delhi Street, el(•va_ tion 298.22." Said grade beginning at the curb line on Delhi Street, which is station —12, elevation east curb 296.00, west curb 294.60; thence to station 1, elevation east curb 29 7.00, west curb 296.00; thence to station 2. elevation 289.50; thence to station 3, elevation 280.00; thence to station 4+]S. el(.vatiou east curb 268.00, west curb 267.00. Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph -Herald and Times -Journal newspapers. Adopted December 2nd, 1909. Approved December 4th, 1909. H. A. ~CHUNK. Attest: I DM I -N D A. LINEHAN, City- Recorder. Published officially in the Daily Times -Journal December 8th. 1909. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, ''- -].t City Recorder. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. AN INA AN ORDINANCEestablishing a grade )n Belmound Street from Rose Street to West Fourteenth Street in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Be it ordained by the City Council, of the City of Dubuque: Sec. 1. That a grade on Belmound Street from Rose Street to West Fourteenth Street, in the City of Du- buque, Iowa, be and the same is hereby- established and adopted as shown by the profile of said street and grade prepared by the City En- gineer and accepted by the City Council on the twenty-seventh day of October, 1909, being Profile No. 674, and marked "Profile and Grade of 1 elmound Street from Rose Street to West Fourteenth' Street, b. m.'s east ^urb. corner of Rose and Belmound Streets. elevation --266.24,: doorsill Official Notices fraw— house, station 2+50, on east Said grade begins at the lot line of Rose Strcct which is station 0, elevation cast curb 266.24, west curb 268.50; thence to station x-50, elevation east curb 2..3..x west curb 265.00; thence to st;ition 1, elevation east curb 261.- 5.., curb 262.66: thence to sta- ti--n 1 :.11, elctati,m cast curb 260.- -2. \\ t curb 261.22; thence to sta- tion -, : s6. elevation east side 257,50, west side 'GS.uo: thence to station 4+,N4, which is the south curb of \Vest Vmirtcenth Street, elevation ;,st side 252.43, west side 253.96. S -c. 2. This Ordinance shall be in fere, and take effect from and after its passage by the t'ity council and its publiccltion ouc tints in the Du- bu,lue 'I'.•legraph-lh raid and Times- joliri;1l nc\Vspapers. \dolt I I tec,-mhcr 22nd, 1909. Appi-ved Uecentber 401, 19119. II. A. SCIIUNK, mayor. Attest: I:I r,\1 l"\ U A. LIN EHA\T, City Recorder. Published officially in the Daily Times-Jourwil D,(c tuber 8th, 1909. I:It.\Il'Nlt A. LINEHAN. 12 -ti -1t City Recorder. 011icial 1'ublie;ttion. AN ORDINANCE. AN M IJIN.\N"I,: for the vacation of th;it part of ()Iite Street laying be -;i(. southerly line of Jeffer- son Ntrert and the northerly line of \Vilbur Av,mw in the City of Du- buquc, lowtt. Whereas, a proposition has been made to the City Council of the City of Dubuque, for the vacation and an- nulment of that part of Olive Street laying bet \,eon the southerly line of Jefferson str,•et and the northerly line of \\"ilbur Avenue, being the ground laying between Lot 29 in Farley's Subdivision and Lot 3 of the Subdivision of Outlot 687, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and, Jr., is the Whereas, W. H. Day, owner in fee simple of all the real estate, being the said two lots above described, abutting said portion of said Olive Street and claims to be the owner of and entitled to said portion Of said Olive Streeitt. and.ion of said Whereas, the Olive Street is on a side hill and is not practicable to be improved or used as a public street, and, Whereas, it is desired to widen Wil- bur Avenue to the width of forty feet from the easterly line of said Olive Street to a point fifty-six feet, ten Inches, westerly thereof, and to im- prove said portion of Olive Street, to dowhich es the use of the southerly t so southerly twenty feet of OliveStreet as now platted, and the easterly twenty-four feet, six inches, of the southerly twenty feet .of Lot 29 in 493 Farley's Subdivision in the City of Dubuque, and the said W. H. Day, Ir., has agreed that if the said por- ion of Olive Street is vacated and t,nnulled and the use thereof perma- nently granted to him he will, in con- sideration thereof, convey to the City tf Dubuque, the said easterly ,twenty - 'our feet, six inches, of said Lot 29 n Farley's Subdivision and will re- inquish all claim to the southerly twenty feet of Olive Street ws novV Matted, said property so conveyed and relinquished to be used and be- ;ome a part of NVIlbur Avenue and, ind that he will relieve the City from any obligation to construct a retain - ng wall along said property, and his geed for said property so to be con- veyed by him in form satisfactory to the City Council has been executed and is ready for delivery on the ap- proval and publication of this Ordi- nance, and, Whereas, by direction of the City Council of the City of Dubuque the City Engineer has made a plat of and ' showing said portion of said street proposed to be vacated, and filed the same in his office subject to public inspection, and due notice has been given to all abutting property owners and ten days' notice of said proposed vacation has been published in the of- ficial paper of the city, and the pro- posed action has been submitted to the City Council at two regular ses- sions. and. Whereas, it appears that no valid objections have been made to the va- cation of said portion of said street, and said above described portion of said street is no: required for street purposes: Therefore, Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That that part of Olive Street laying between the southerly line of Jefferson Street and the north- erly line of Wilbur Avenue, as said line will be after said Wilbur Avenue has been widened to a width of for- ty feet, being the ground laying be- tween Lot 29 in Farley's Subdivision and Lot 3 of the Subdivision of Out - lot 687 in the City of Dubuque, be and the same is hereby vacated and annulled and the permanent use thereof is hereby granted to W. H. Day, Jr., and his assigns. Section. 2. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage and publication one time in the Daily Times -Journal and Telegraph -Herald, official papers of the City of Dubuque. Adopted December 10th, 1909. Approved December 14th, 1909. H. A. SCHCNK. M;iyor. Attest: EDMUND A. LTNI ti.\N. City Rocord er. Publisllr,d officially it, the Daily 494 Official Notices Times-Junrnal December 1501, 1909 A. LINEHAN, 17.-15-\V d. 1t. City Recorder. NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the City Council of the City of Dubnque, held on Decem- ber _incl. 1909, the following Special Assessments w—re levied on the real estate hereinafter described, and that In cap.• of lliihiro to pay the one-sev- enth 1,m( within the time prescribed by the Ordiwinre governing same, all will become d.•linquent and subject to collection by distress and sale. H. BRINKMAN, City Treasurer. Tmprovement of ZVindsor Avenue from Lot 21, Sanford's Sub., to Lot 6, Windsor Avenue Sub.: Name. Description. Amount. A. AV. Wieneke, Klingenbe rg's Sub., Lot 3 ..............$ 15 95 J. Ruechele, F. W. Kruse Sub., N. 1/ Lot I ............... 37 12 A. Banmhover, F. W. Kruse 8ub., S, ?/ Lot 1.......... 35 75 Mary Casey, F. W. Kruse Sub., N. 30 ft. Lot 2...... 47 86 Alice Casey, F. W. Kruse Sub., S. 11 ft. Lot 2........ 17 53 Alice Casey, F. W. Kruse Sub., Lot 3 ............... 69 13 Anton Hoell, Sub. 1 of 1, Hamburg Add., Lot 2..... 13 69 Anton Hoell, Sub. 1 of 1, Hamburg Add., Lot 1..... 60 84 John M. Lesch, Sub. 1 of Hamburg Add., Lot 2..... 67 23 .Adam Doerr, Jr., Hamburg Add., Lot 2 .............. 87 41 Mary Voelker, Hamburg Add., I.ot .. ................... 77 06 City of Dubuque, at the junc- tion of old and new im- provement ...... ........ 14 54 Marg. Ball, Sanford's Sub., I.ot 21 .................. 68 34 H. Brinkman Est., Sanford's Sub., Lot 22 ............. 134 12 .Dubuque Brewing & Malting Co.. Sub. 1 of 2 of 2 of Windsor Avenue Sub., Lot 1 95 98 Dubuque Bre%ving & Malting Co., Sub. 2 of Windsor Avenue Sub., Lot 1........ 37 96 J. Powers, Windsor Avenue Sub., Lot 3 .............. 37 96 J. Powers, Windsor Avenue Sub.. S. 40 ft. Lot 4....... 61 76 Phil Schwinn, Windsor Ave- nue Sub., Lot 5........... 60 72 . P. Buechele, Windsor Ave- nue Sub., Lot 6 .......... 25 33 Union Electric Co., paving along track .............. 410 63 City of Dubuque, City's share Of improvement .......... 985 46 Total ........ ..........$2462 37 Improving of Bennett Street from east line. of ITantelman's Sub. to west line of Lot 4 of Bennett Street Sub.: Name. Description. Amount. R. W. Kemlor, Hantelman's City Lot 457: Sub., T.ot 10 .............$106 87 Frank Winders, Hantelman's 51 Sub., Lot 9 .............. 104 98 Frank Winders, Hantelman's 51 Sub., E. 15 ft. Lot 8....... 28 65 Jos. Griggs. Jr., Hantelman's 51 Sub., W. 40 ft. Lot 8 ..... 76 34 Jos. (lriggs, Jr., Hantelman's; 12 Sub., Ti;, 10 ft. Lot 7 ..... 19 13 hlliz \lessersmith. Hantel- 12 man's Suh.. \V. 45 ft. Lot 7 85 90 Eliz. \Iesr.ersmith, Hantel- 25 man's Sub_ Lot 6 ........ Ill 36 Grundy & Hird, Davis Sub., 25 Lot 6 .......... ........ 71 01 Grundy & Hird, Davis Sub., 25 Lot 5 ................... 82 48 Grundy & Hird, Davis Sub., Lot 4 ................... 82 48 Grundy & Hird, Davis Sub., Lot 3 ................... 82 48 Grundy & Hird, Davis Sub., Lot 2 ................... 82 48 Grundy & Hird, Davis Sub., Lot 1 ................... 102 15 Emma Graham, Berinett Street Sub., Lot 1 ........ 136 08 Ben Gardner, Bennett Street Sub., Lot 2 .............. 94 71 :Mary J. Corbett, Bennett Street Sub., Lot 3 ........ 83 89 Alice and J. O'Holleran, Ben- nett Street Sub., Lot 4.... 83 49 Henry Brown, Ann O'Hare's Sub., W. 80.18 ft. Lot 11.. 52 09 J. W. Hampton, Ann O'Hare's Sub., E. 57.82 ft, Lot 11... 96 41 Albert Kuhn, Ann O'Hare's Sub., S. 1/ Lot 10......... 228 57 Total ...... ..............$1811 55 Improving of alley between I and Clay Streets from north Twelfth Street to south line of N. City Lot 457: Name. Description. Amo G. Rath. S. 1-5 City Lot 448.$ 51 H. Trenkle, S. M. 1-5 City Lot 448 ................. 51 E. Hemmi, d4. 1-5 City Lot 448 ............ ........ 51 Mary A. Coates, Und. 1/4 M. 1-5 City Lot 457 ........ 12 Dorothy A. Watters, Unci. 1/4 M. 1-5 City Lot 457 ...... 12 Rich Hinde, Und. 1/-, M. 1-5 City Lot 457 ............ 25 Peter Klauer, N. 1/2 S. M. 1-5 City Lot 457 ............. 25 Jas. O'Farrell, S. % S. M. 1-5 City Lot 457 .............. 25 ,T. V. Rider, S. 1-5 City Lot 457 51 owa line 2-5 unt. 00 00 00 75 75 50 50 50 00 Total .......... .........$306.00 Improvement of Louisa Street from Grace Street to Bennett Street: Dame. Description. Amount. Official Notices Louisa A. Poltcrveld, Ann (1'11:lre's Sub., W. 62.94 ft. N. )_ Lot In ............$1"2 fin All , rt Kuhn, tth. I oil' 7 5.)i It. N. ) of Io. Ann 4)'Hat•e's Sill,.. Lot _ ..... 48 •15 AIh, rt Kahn, rub. In. .\nn ()*11;tn•'s Suh., N. 7-6 fl, N. _ Lot 2 ................ _ 1 4 :ill llb, rt Kuhn. Sllh. _ of :.. '_ of ln, An!) )i'llare': Suh., Lot _ ................... t)!) 1(K .\Ib.•it Kuhn, Sni,. ;. ). of to Ann t_YHat•i.'s Sill).. Lel I.. 223 uu P:lIZ. MessercnlIth. Suh. G. flantelman's Snb., Lot 1 .. 86 40 T,-t:tl ........ ...........$824 41 ;structio , ,f s:miun•y sewer in Colli-ge Av(,nu)• from West Fifth St r,v•t to Allison Place: Name. Description. Amount. Mary Martin, Newhcrry & Hal, •'s Sub.. Lot 20 ......$ 19 90 Diary Martin, -Newberry & Ha1o's Sub., Lot 19 ...... 38 60 Andr,r\c and Amelia Adams, Sul). 1.s. Newberry & Hale's Suh., Lot 1 .............. 19 90 Jas. )'larksen. Sub. 1 of 2, \\ alley's rub.. Lot 2 ..... 13 53 Itnbt. I t tells. Sub. 1 of 1, \\'tiller's Sub., Lot 2 ...... 15 92 G. D[. orvis. Finley Home Add., T:, part Lot 6 ....... 19 10 1?,lw. \i'. Norton, Finley fiom,• Add., Lot 7 ........ 19 89 Marc i. Turn, r. Finley Home Add- I.ol c .............. 19 90 L. L. ! ighteap, Finley Home Add.. 1,,,1 `.+ .............. 22 68 Mrs. F. .\Iin:nvl, Sub. 10 and 11. Fill]--\ Ilome Add., Lot 1 39 79 E. A. Engl, r. sub. 10 and 11, Finley Hoine .add., Lot 2. 29 04 Total ............ .......$258 25 12-17-1t. SINK PINVILEGE FOR SALE. S ealed proposals will be received at the City Recorder's office up lsto 19.00 09 p, m..-ruesday, December, for th<• use if the Ice Harbor for skating rink purposes for the season ,of The rink to be managed under the control ,f the Police Department. A ,•ertitied check in the sum of $, ,,nu on some Dubuque bank must accompany each bid as a guarantee that n contract will be entered into If awarded. The city reserves the right to re- ject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque,December 17th, 1909. EDMUND AC NRecorder• 12-17-4t. Notice to Veterinarians. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Recorder up to 495 ::n0 o'clock Tuosday evoning, Decem- i r 21st, I!M9. for doing the veterin- Iry worlt and furnishing the medi- •ines for th,, hors,s of the Fire, Po - ice >u -Id Sir, et dtpa.rtmonts, and for ill horses owned by the city, for the crm of on,. ,Near, cnmmoncing Jan- tary 1st. 1!11o. 1 idders must state I`10 prico per horse po r month for do - ng such work an I furnishing all med- cine. I'h (It ,r, :-,•rc s the right to 'eject any turf ail bids. Dahvl at 14ihn,lne, L,)ca. December 17th, 19, o. A. LIN EHAN, 12-17 4t City Recorder. `OTI,'i: T:) ('()AL AND WOOD I) :.\ LERS. Sealad proposals will be received at the City Recorder's office up to 8:00 o'clock p. m., Tuesday, December 21st, 1909, for furnishing the various de- partments of the City of Dubuque with coal, coke and wood for the term of one year, beginning January 1st, 1910. Bidders must state the price per cord of No. 1 oak and maple wood, also the price per ton for hard and soft coal and the kind and name of same; also the price per ton for coke. The coal and wood to be delivered In such quantities at such places and time as the city may direct. The coal and coke to be weighed on th,, city scales and delivered at the expense of the contractor. Each bid must be accompanied with a certified check for $25.00 on some Dubuque bank as a. guarantee that a contract will be entered into if award- ed. The city reserves the right to re- ject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque December 17th, 1909. EDDIT'ND A. LINEHAN, 12-17-4t. City Recorder. NOTICE TO HAI AND GRAIN DEALERS. Sealed proposals will be received at the City Recorder's office up to 8:00 o'clock p• in.. Tuesday, December 21st, 1909, to furnish the Fire, Police and Street departments of the City of Du- buque with good number one white oats and about 10 or 15 carloads of choice upland or timothy baled hay and number• oue loose timothy hay for the term of one year from De- cember 1st, 1909. Such oats and hay to be delivered in such quantities and at such places as may be ordered by the city from time to time. All hay and oats to be weighed on the city scales and deliv- ered at the expense of the contractor. The oats to be figured at 35 pounds to the bushel. Each bid must be accompanied with a certified check for $25.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee 496 Official Notices that a contract will be entered into if awarded. The city res( rve!< the right to re- ject any and all bids. Dated at 1>ul,n,,u, December 17th, 1909. EDJI l'N l t A. LINEHAN, 1P -17-4t. City Recorder. Notice of special Assessment. Notic,• is herein given to all con- Cet'lled that a sl ,•eL:ll assessment as provi-led by law %vill be levied at a. reguiar session of the City Council to be held January 6th, 1910, to pay for the construction of cement sidewalks on the south side of Ninth Street, be- ttA,e,•n Clay and White streets, by N. J. 1<taner, contractor, as f0110\\'s: owner. Description Amount. Barbara Isborn, City Lot 279.$115.20 And that there is a plat and sched- ule on file in the office of the City Re- corder of said City of Dubuque, show- ing the streets on which said improve- ments were made and the separate lots and parcels of ground, and specified portions thereof, subject to assessment for such improvements, the names of the owners as far as practicable, and the amount to be assessed against each b,i or parcel of ground, which plat awl schedule are subject to pub- lic inspection. And that any and all persons ob- jecting to s.tid special assessment or to s_tirl pint must file his or their ob- jection in suiting with the City Re- cord,•r of said City of Dubuque on or bel'or,. said s. ssion of the City Coun- cil• to be held January 6th, 1910, or to ;,ppear at said session )f the Coun- cil to show cause, it any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. Dated at Dubuque, December 22nd, 1909. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, 12-22 3t City Recorder. Notice of Special Assessment. Notice is hereby given to all con - corned that a special assessment as provided by law will be levied at a regular session of the City Council to be held January 6th, 1910, to pay for the construction of cement sidewalks on the south side of Grace Street, be- tween East Street and Grandview Avenue, by Ed. Evans, Jr., contrac- tor, as follows: Owner. Description. Amount. A. E. Girard,, Lot 5, Hodge's Sub ...... ...... ..........$56.50 And that there is a plat and sched- ule on file in the office of the City Re- corder of said City of Dubuque, show- ing the streets on which said improve- ments were made and the separate lots and parcels of ground, and specified portions thereof, subject to assessment for such improvements, the names of the owners as far as practicable, and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, which plat ,1111 schedule are subject to pub- lic inspection. .\nd tlutt any and all persons ob- jecting to said special assessment or to said plat must lile his or their ob- jection in writing with the City Re - (of said city of. Dubuque oil or hefoI., said ses:;ion of the City Coun- cil, to b,• hefd Janu.u•y 6th, 1910, or to appu 11• at said :-scion of the t'oun- cil to shuts calls(.. if any you hate. why sail ,tssessnn nt should not be levied. Dated at Dubuque, December S2nd, 1909. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, 12-22 3t City Recorder. Notice of Special Assessment. Notice is hereby given to all con- cerned that a special assessment as provided by law will be levied at a regular session of the City Council to be held January 6th, 1910, to pay for the construction of cement sidew;tlks on the east side of Washington Street. between 25th and 27th Streets, by N. J. Staner, contractor, as follows: Owner. Description. Amount. Susan and Marie Zeien, north 36.5 ft. of Lot 44 and south 15 ft. of Lot 45, E. Lang - worthy's Add . .............$26 28 John \4arran, north 35 ft. of Lot 45 and Lot 46, E. Lang- worthys' Add . ............. 50 60 Anti that there is a plat and sched- ule on file in the office of the City Re- corder of said City of Dubuque. show- ing the streets on which said improve- ments Nvere made and theseparat,• lots and parcels of ground, and specitied portions thereof, subject to assessment for such improvements, the names of the owners as far as practicable, and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, which plat and schedule are subject to pub- lic inspection. And that any and all persons ob- jecting to said special assessment or to said plat must file his or their ob- jection in writing -,with the City Re- corder of said City of Dubuque on or before said session of the City Coun- cil, to be held January 6th, 1910, or to appear at said session of the Coun- cil to show cause, if any you have. why said assessment should not be levied. Dated at Dubuque, December 22nd, 1909. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, I2-22 3t City Recorder. Notice of Special Assessment. Notice is hereby given to all con- cerned that a special assessment as provided by law will be levied at a regular session of the City Council to be held January 6th, 1910, to pay for the construction of cement sidewalk on the north side of Grace Street, be- tween Hall Street and Grandview x Official Notices 497 Avenue, I,%- Ed. J. Evans, Jr., con- Dated at Dubuque, December 22nd, tractor. 1909. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, ()winer. Description. I Amount. 12-22 3t City Recorder. Alantin 11, ,•r, Lot 27, Reche's Sttli ...... ........ ........ $33.00 .\ni1 that there is a plat and sched- ul, oa file in the office of the City Re- curder of said City of Dubuque, show- ing th,. ,t•,•cts on which sald iml,r0Vc- 111rnts ti •r,• .Banc and theseparatc lots and { :o i ,•Is of ground, and specified portions thereof, subject to assessment for such improvements, the names o'_ the owners as far as practicable, and the amount to be assessed against each 1•.t or parcel of ground, which plat mid schedule are subject to pub- lic in.+lwetion. Arid that any and all persons ob- jecting to said special assessment or to said plat must file his or their ob- jection in writing kith the City Re- cor,ict• of said (,ity of Dlliniq a on or hcforr said Session of th,• ('ity Coun- cil, t'' be held January 6th, 1910, or to ,,i,l..•:n• at :(id session of the Coun- cil t„ shots cause, if ally- you have, tcln said asscssnn.nt should not be D: t, (I It Dubuque, December 22nd, l,t).\WND A. LINEHAN, 12-22 3t (_,ity Recorder. Notice of Sp('cial A\ Scsauetlt. Notice is hereby to all con -that a spcci;tl nss, ssment as provid--d by law Evill In• levied at a regul;,r session of the City Council to be held January 6th, 1910, to pay for sewer the construction t of y' in the alley between Couler Avenue and Jackson Street, in Jackson Street, I , ru Itund aril the alley between \Iilminl: c and Diamond Avenues, by Ct'Fz r,•11 Contacting co., contractors. Amount ,f special assessment, ainst th(2 o . Its ng pl to assessed and along the abutting' I sail stt•cct. Anil that there is a plat and sched- ule oil file in the office of the City Re- corder of said City of Dubuque, show- ing the St•oets and alleys in which sewer was constructed, and the separ- ate lotsand parcels of ground, or specified portions thereof. subject to assessment for such improvements, of the owner thereof as far the mute as practicable, and the amoutt7Tvel of assessed against cath lot or pt ground, which plat and schedule are subject to public inspection1erson5 ob- And that any and all 1 jetting- to said special assessment or to said plat mast file his the City i Re- jection in -,writing Re- corder of said City of Dubuque on or before said session of the City COu10, or til, to be hold January 6th, to appear at said session of theCoun- cil o - cil to show• cause, if any y why said assessment should not be levied. Notice of special Assessinent. Notice is hereby given to all con- cerned that it special assessment as provided by law will be levied at a regular session of the City Council to be held January 6th, 1910, to pay for the construction of cement sidewalks on the north side of Cleveland Ave nue, between Bluff Street Extension and 'Union Street, by N. J. Starter, contractor, as follows: Owner. Description. Amount. :Minnie and M. A. Kemler, Lot 45, Union Add..............$36.60 And that there is a plat and sched- ule on file in the office of the City Re- corder of said City of Dubuque, show- ing the streets on which said improve- ments were made and the separate lots and parcels of ground, and specified portions thereof, subject to assessment for such improvements, the names of theownccs as far as practicable, and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, which plat and schedule are subject to pub- lic inspection. And that any and all persons ob- jecting to said special assessment or to said plat must file his or their ob- jection in writing with the City Re- corder of said City of Dubuque on or before said session of the City Coun- cil, to be held January 6th, 1910, or, o to appear at said session of the Coun- cil to show cause, if an- you have, why said assessment should not be levied. Dated at Dubuque, y)( -comber 22nd. 1909. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, 12-22 3t City Recorder. AN ORDINANCE. Official Publication. AN ORDINANCE granting to the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail- way Company and to the Illinois Cen- tral Railroad Company, respectively, and to their successors and assigns. permission to change. the location of and extend the side track of the Chi- cago, lliltvaukec and St. Paul Rail- way, Company on the west side of Jackson Str,•ct between Sixth and Eighth Ftrccts. and across Seventh Street, in th,• ('ity of Dubuque; to connect same with the side track of the Illinois c', nt•al Railroad COm- pany in Jackson Street; thto owneof area operate jointly a p located, and regulating the construc- tion, use and maintenance of said tracks. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That the side track of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company extending along the west side of Jackson Street be- tween Sixth and Eighth Streets, in 498 Official Notices the City of Dubuque, Iowa, which said track as now located was laid about the year 1583, may be changed, relocated and extended as hereinafter set forth. Section 2. The said track when chango l shall be so laid and extend- ed th it from the southerly line of. Eighth Street to the northerly line of Sev( nth Str­-t it shall extend along Jackson Str(­t with its westerly rail approxim;itely eleven feet from the lot lino on the westerly side of said Jackson Street, and said part of said track shall be laid, used and main- tained jointly by the Chicago, Mil- waukee and St. Paul Railway Com- pany and by the Illinois Central Rail- road Company. From said point in Jackson Street, where said track reaches the northerly line of Sev- enth Street, said track shall ex- tend across Seventh Street and south- erly on Jackson Street in such direc- tion as to meet the present side track of said Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company at a point about fifty feet southerly from the southerly line of Seventh Street, and said part of said track is to be laid, used and maintained by the Chicago. Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company. At or about the aforesaid point where the track crosses the northerly line of Seventh Street, a connection shall be made with the present spur or crossover track rec- ently laid by the Illinois Central Rail- road Company so as to connect said track with the side track of the Illi- nois Central Railroad Company ex- tending along the center of said Jack- son Street, and said cross over track is to be used and maintained jointly by said Illinois Central Railroad Com- pany and said Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company. Section 3. That permission be and the same is hereby granted to said Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company and to said Illinois Central Railroad Company, respec- tively, and to their respective succes- sors and assigns to relocate, change, extend, connect, lay, use and maintain said side and cross over tracks at the location and with the respective ownerships as hereinbefore set out. Section 4. That the laying down of said tracks shall be done under the supervision of the City Engineer and the Committee on Streets of said City. Section 5. That in the laying down and operation of said tracks the same shall be so constructed and maintained as to create the least possible obstruction to orelnary travel on, and to the use of, the streets used. That cars shall not be allowed to stand on streets intersect- ing said side tracks, and said tracks shall at all times be used in accord- ance with all lawful police regula- tions now or hereafter enacted by said City. Section 6. That said tracks shall be laid to the established grade of the streets on which the same are situated, and should the grade be changed at any time, said tracks shall be changed to conform thereto, at the expense of the respective com- panies, and without claim for dam- ages against the said City. Section 7. That said companies shall keep the space between the rails of the respective tracks in which they are interested and the sp;w, to the ends of the tics, whore said tracks cross Seventh Street, so grad- ed that carriages may easily pass over the same, and shall keep said spaces properly planked, paved, macadamized, or otherwise improved, as may be re- quired by said City, and shall keep any sidewalk crossing said tracks properly planked, or otherwise im- proved, as said City may direct. Section 8. That said tracks shall be so constructed and maintained as not to dam up or obstruct the flow and drainage of water in the gutters or on the surface of the streets. Section 9. The City of Dubuque hereby reserves the right to revoke the privilege hereby granted at any time after twenty (20) years from the time this Ordinance becomes opera- tive, and a failure to comply with the provisions and restrictions of this Or- dinance, or any part thereof, on the part of said companies, or either of them, their respective successors or assigns, shall be ground for immedi- ate forfeiture of the privileges herein granted, and said tracks shall be then removed and taken up on the order of the City Council of said City. Section 10. The said companies shall allow all other railway com- panies owning and operating lines in the City of Dubuque to switch and "place" on said tracks cars coming thereto over said joint cross over track, at a charge of fifty cents for each car. Section 11. That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and its publica- tion one time in the Dubuque -Tele- graph -Herald and in the Dubuque Times -Journal, official newspapers of said City, and written acceptance thereof on the part of said compan- ies herein named, duly endorsed here- on. Adopted December 21st, 1909. Approved December 22nd, 1909. H. A. SCHtNK, Mayor. Attest: EDMUND A. IANEHAN, City Recorder. The provisions and terms of the foregoing Ordinance are hereby ac- cepted and agreed to, this 23rd day of December, 1909. Official Notices 499 Chicago, lliltc;iuk e and St. Paul Railway t'-,mlI;iny, By J. W. STAPLETON, Superintendent, Illinois Central Railroad Company, 13y F. J. BECHELY, Superintendent. Published officially in the Daily Times -Journal 27th, 1909. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. N otiee to Ilatters. ,il d bids will 1w r -'-(-iced at the \Ind, is OMC,,, Cit, (Lill• up to 4 WcI,wk P. m., Alondn , .Ian. 3, 1910, I -w furnishing Me Firs• Department kith forty -fig- • ap the same to be of style list, -(l in eatnlog of Al. C. Liily & Co.. on P -64 - Committee on Fire. End of Book No. 39 December 30, 1909 City of Dubuque Council Record Book No. 40 January 6, 1910 - December 27, 1910 4J ` i i y • i I I. 1 J1 { F A • i A 1 1 `*_'tri:. OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE FOR THE THE YEAR, 1910 n1ATHIS-NETS CO.,PRINTERS,COBOOI%E,.OWA CITY OFFICERS FOR YEAR 1910, ELECTIVE OFFICERS ' Mayor—D. J. Haas Auditor—M. E. Lyons Recorder—Otto P. Gieger Attorney—Geo. T. Lyon Treasurer—Geo. D. Wybrant Engineer—C. H. Baumgartner Assessor—Wm. Schafihauser ALDERMEN-AT-LARGE E. J. SAUER—Fifth Ward I PETER APEL—First Ward ALDERMEN JAMES SAUL—First Ward E. E. McEVOY—Fourth Ward iiim„. JOHN O'ROURKE—Second Ward R. SPECHT—Fifth Ward W. SINGRIN—Third Ward APPOINTIVE OFFICERS Mayor Pro Tem JAMES SAUL Sidewalk Inspector—P.J. ROYCE Fire Chief—JOS. REINFRIED Market Master—ED. NORTON Chief of Police—THOS. REILLY Harbor Master JOHN H. CARROLL Committee Clerk—J. W. LAWLER Supt. Sprinkling—GEO. MILLER Electrician—W. P. HIPMAN STANDING COMMITTEES Finance Police and Light O'Rourke, Sauer,Saul Sauer,Specht, McEvoy Ordinance Printing McEvoy,Singrin,O'Rourke O'Rourke, McEvoy, Apel Claims Saul, Apel, McEvoy Delinquent Tax Streets McEvoy,O'Rourke, Saul Saul,Singrin,Specht,O'Rourke, Sewers McEvoy Singrin,Saul,Sauer Sprinkling O'Rourke,Saul,Specht Electrical Construction Harbors Apel,Singrin,Specht Specht, Apel, Saul Board of Equalization Supplies Saul, O'Rourke, Singrin, McEvoy, Apel,O'Rourke,Saul Specht, Market Board of Health Mayor Haas; Aldermen: O'Rourke, Specht,Singrin,Sauer Singrin; Citizens: A. J. Ilartig, Public Grounds and Buildings Sauer,Singrin,Specht John P. Roth; Clerk—Otto P. Geiger. Fire Health Officer—Dr. Chas. Linehan Singrin, Apel,Sauer Sanitary Policeman—Paul Bewer Regular fleetings of the Council the ist and 3rd Thursday Evenings in Every flonth. /mg INDEX-Book 40 1910 SUBJECT Page A Jan. 6-Alta,Vista St., notice of. to complete improvement 4,9,36 " 20-Avenue Top Mining Co.; petition of. by L. D. Mathes and B. P. Blocklinger, regarding taxes 13,37,253,258 " 20-Ancient Order of Hibernians, petition of, asking for the use of Armory Hall for a dance 14 Feb. 3-Ambulance for public maintenance, by Dr. M. D. Linehan33.65.66 3-Ahern. David. petition of, asking for back salary 33.34,66 " 10-Anna Place, changing name of, by Henry Luz. et al 42,53 " 10-Alderson, James. petition of. asking that Yale St. lying east of Harvard St. be vacated 42 10-Alley between Rhomberg and Lincoln Ayes., from 3rd Ave. So. to north line of lots 433 and 463, vacating of____42,52,54.78,79,91 I9-Appropriations for the fiscal year 1910____ 59,60,114 • Mar. 3-Agaunico Mines Development Co., petition of, asking the right to lay a pipe line in back of their property___. 81,158 " 3-Auditors of State, bill for auditing books of city 82 " 18-Alley between Rhomberg Ave. and Lincoln Ave, and 2nd and 3rd Ayes., vacating of 90.108.115,124 1S-Althauser Ave. improvement, approving of 91 24-Alley between Alta Vista and Belmont St. and Rose and West 14th St., grading of 96,226 " 24-Alleys, notice of cleaning 108 Apr. 7-Applications for various positions _ 113 " 14-Alderson James, et al, petition of, asking that Harvard St. be graded 123,187 " 21-Alley between Clark and Angella St., opening of 135 May 5-Auditing Committee, appointing of 155 " 5-Alley between Adair and Audubon, and Decorah and Dela- ware St., grading of 150 19-Appeal of the Iowa Trust and Savings Bank from action of City Treasurer Brinkman 158 • " 19-Annual Report of Chief of Police 159 • " 19-Assessment and tax books, furnishing of 160 " 23-Armory Hall roof, repairing of 166,184.187,198,216,409 June 22-Automobile owners, notice to, register names and numbers with City Recorder 1915 " 28-Alley on College Ave., vacating of, by Francis A. and Wal- ter C. Minard 198,226 " 28-Auction of Patrol Horse 198 July 7-Alley between West 17th and Angella St.. opening of 215 " 21-Alley in Stines Add., grading of, by J. J. Welty 222 " 21-Ambulance, for public maintenance, by Dub. Trades and Labor Congress 222 " 21-Alpine St., repairing of 224 " 27-Assessment paid by J. McNamara for connecting to Hayden • Lane sewer, be charged against Arthur McCann Est 226 " 27-Appointment of Thos. Sweeney, as plain clothes man 227,228 • " 29-Ald. O'Rourke, given power to experiment with tar covering 242 1 Aug. 10-Althauser Ave. Wall. repairing of 265,298,301,305,306.330 Sept. 1-Alley between Rose and West 14th St.. and Belmont Ave. • and Alta Vista St.. giving grade stake 305,398 Oct. 6-Armory Hall. repairing of ceiling 336,339,369.376,390 7-Appointing of Committee to confer with C. G. W. Ry. in regard to moving terminal 339 " 7-Assessments unpaid, list of 339,428 " 7-Alley first west of Lemon $t., from Stoltz to Saunders Ave. 341 grading of 4 :1 J INDEX—Book 40 1910 SUBJECT Page A " 26—Ancient Order of United Workmen, petition of, asking for use of Armory Hall 350 Nov. 17—Austin. A. W., et al, petition of, asking that Pennsylvania St. be reduced to 50 feet wide 371 " 28—Assessor Kelly, reasons why tax books were late 383 Dec. 1—Alley in Stewart's Sub. on Cora St.. in rear of Grandview Ave.. opening of 395 • Amos ii n II it INDEX-Book 40 1ut0 SUBJECT Page B Jan. 6-Belsky, I. and L. A., petition of. relative to bills of two policemen 13 " 6-Bills allowed 1 " 6-Brachtenbach, Mrs. Mina, petition of, taxes 1 " 20-Bills allowed and referred 11,12,13,18 " 20-Barnes, Job, petition of, asking for back salary 13,36,38,45.81,92 20-Bluff St.. completing of improvement, by M. Tschirgi & Son 14. 59. 83.84,95,115 Feb. 3-Bee Branch sewer, covering of. bet. 16th and 17th St., Du- buque Packing plant, asking for fund to complete said job 32 " 3-Benzer. J., et al, drivers of Fire Dept. asking increase wages 33 " 3-Benda & Rokusek, bill for macadam, allowing of 36,37 " 3-Board of Health, report of 39 " 10-Bills allowed 42 10-Brinkmoeller, Katherine. petition of, taxes 42,97 " 10-Boeding, Rev. Arnold, settlement of special assessment42 " 17-Barta Alois. et al. petition of, asking that water mains be extended on W. 14th St. from Delhi to Audubon Ave49 " 28-Bills allowed 60,61,62,63,66 " 28-Board of Health, report of 65 Mar. 3-Bills allowed 84 " 18-Bills allowed and referred 85,86,87 " 18-Brown, Maurice, et al, petition of, extending sewer in Seminary St. .- 88 " 18-Bee Branch sewer north of 32d St., approval of 92 " 18-Bee Branch sewer, removing debris, notice to Eagle Point Lime Works 93,193,216 " 18-Bee Branch sewer, liability of. north of 16th St 93,165 " 18-Bluff St., between 3rd and 4th Sts., replacing new curb95,190 " 24-Bills allowed 96,97 " 24-Burke, John, damage case 96 Apr. 7-Bills allowed 111,112 7-Barnes, G. A., assignee of Pitts-Thompson Fdry. petition of, assessment 112 " 14-Brandel-Waller Co., petition of assessment 123,216 " 14-Business Men's Association of Prairie du Chien, petition of, asking city to donate toward a monument 123,154 " 14-Brick pavings, cleaning of and hauling sweepings 125,127 " 21-Board of Health, appointment of officers 127,132 " 21-Bills allowed 127,128,129,131 " 21-Bills not allowed 129 " 21-Bonds of City Officials, approving of 131,137,160,163 " 21-Board of Health, report of 132 " 29-Bijou Theatre party wall, condemning of 137,156,157 " 29-Board of Health, report of 138 May 5-Booth St. and Spring St., altering of 154.215 " 5-Bee Branch sewer from Couler ave. west to connect with culvert on Lemon St. and culvert, in alley bet. Couler Ave. and Jackson St. 155,187,198,210,242,345 " 19-Bisanz, Mrs. Mary, petition of, taxes 158,378 " 19-Bricklayers and masons, petition of, asking for a Building Inspector 158 " 19-Billboards on Sanford and Jackson Sts., removing of 159.226 " 19-Bills allowed 160,161,162 " 23-Bills allowed 165,166 " 23-Bee Branch sewer bet. 16th & 17th__166,184,194,195,196,210,211,226,348,351 " 23-Brick, purchasing of 166 June 2-Bills allowed 182,183 " 10-Board of Health, report of 185,186 I :. s, • INDEX-Book 40 ,i; ]910 -- SUBJECT Page j ' B ! i " 10--Bills presented and sent to county for payment 186 . " 10-Bill of J. Linehan allowed 188 10-Bills allowed ____ 188 �1 16--Bills allowed and referred 191,192 22-Bills allowed 195,196 " 22-Becker. Dr. W. L., bill for professional service, referring of 196 i " ::2-Bluff St. from brick paving, bet. 15th and 16th St. to south ! lot line of 8th st. improving of_197,,296,301,302,308,316 28--Board of Health, report of 199 " 28-bills allowed 199 • " 28-Building contractors, notice to 210 July 7-Baunthover, A., et al, petition of, regarding sprinkling in I Fifth Ward 211 '• 7-Bluff St. west side, bet. 10th and 11.th, improving of 217,218 • I• I " 21-Bills allowed and referred 219.220,221 li " 21-Bee Branch sewer, removing of debris 221,250,307,323 11 " 21-Bee Branch sewer, 16th St. north 221,225,250,313,351 11 I• " 21-Bannon, Catherine, petition of taxes 222 1 ' 26-Bleakly, John L., request, rel. to city paying State Auditor 225 26-Bills allowed 225,227 " 26-Blocking of streets by railroad companies 226 " 29-Bills allowed 228 " 29-Bee Branch, 18th St. north 239,232,298,306,312,400 " 29-Bluff St. from 3rd to 8th St., approving of, and assessment 239, 266. 271, 275, 276, 278, 279, 280, 292,298,299 \ug.10-Board of Health, report of 257 " 10-Bills allowed 258 -, " 19-Bills allowed and referred 268,269 " 19-Bennett St.. surveying of 271 Sept. 1-Board of Health, report of 304,305 " 1-Board of Equalization. a q appoint. of 305 " 9-Bieler, Elizabeth, petition of, assessment 306,312 " 15-Bills allowed and referred 309,310,311,312.313 a " 15-Ballard, Mr. Wm., petition of, taxes 311 " 15-Bond, furnished by city •with Supreme Court, in the Martin- Strelau case, expiring of. and renewing of 312 " 15-Bluff St. from Eighth to 14th, allowing for good curb 312 x 20--Brown, Mrs. A. J., notice of damages 314 "j Oct. 6-Burns, John, petition of, asking for employment 335 " 6-Blitsch, Catherine. petition of taxes 336 345 ;' " 7-Board of Health, report of ' " 7-Bills allowed 340 340.341 • .. 7-Bewer, Paul, Sanitary Police, report, regard to sewer con- : ' nections on Eagle Point Ave 341 " 20--Bills allowed and referred 343.344,345 20-Beutin, Frank, petition of, asks to build scale on Garfield ave 345 " 20-Bluff St.. rolling of last course and City Atty. report 345,347 " 27-Bills allowed . 353 Nov. 4-Bills allowed 367 " 4-Barmeier, H., petition of, asking for use of Armory Hall367 " 4-Board of Health, report of 368 pp 17-Bills allowed and referred 369.370,371 17-Bird, John E.. petition of taxes 371,379 ' " 17--Bonds. Funding, Martin-Strelau, selling of 375.377,381,382 Yf 22-Boetschler, Mrs. Dora, petition of taxes 376 22-Bills allowed 379 " 22-Bee Branch sewer, 16th to 18th St., grading of 380 ,. :, I INDEX—Book 40 1910 SUBJECT Page B " 22—Bee Branch sewer, 27th St., grading of 380 " 23—Bills allowed 381 Nov.23—Board of Equalization, report of 381 Dec. 1—Bills allowed 398 " 1—Board of Health, report of 400 " 15—Bills allowed and referred 403,404,405 " 15—Bonds of Wm. Schaffhauser, Assessor elect and deputies___ 405 " 27—Bills allowed 419 4. i6 tY KSI AY' t A 7 ,i I :' I • INDEX-Book 40 1910 SUBJECT Pag Jan. 6-Cleveland Ave. north side of, bet. Bluff St. Extension and Union St. sidewalk, special assessment 5.7 1 " 20-Carnegie-Stout Free Public Library, annual report of Board of Trustees 14,15,16 ` 20-Casey, Mary L., petition of taxes 17,328 Feb. 3-Corcoran, Tames, petition of taxes 33,46 3-Cnitunbia Camp No. 78, petition of, asking for the use of :Armory Hall for a Fair 33 " 3-C. M. & St. P. Ry.. asking the right to lay a spur on Lot 243 in E. Dub. Add. to Dubuque Packing Co. plant 34,52.150,157 " 3-City Recorder, instructed to notify Democratic and Citi- zens Central Committees to furnish list of Judges &Clerks 41 " 10-Cleveland, D. W., petition of. taxes 42,92 " 10-Cedar St. from 12th to 13th Sts., opening of 47,48, 77,90,91 " 17-C. M. & St. P. Ry., assessing of property by J.W. Stapleton 52 17-Closets in City Hall, repairing of 59 " 17-City Hall, iron plates on steps. removal of 59 " 17-City Meat Inspector. instructed to enforce ordinance 59 i " 28-Carr, Ryder & Adams, petition of, asking the right to carry pipes from their power house across street 63,93,348,362 Mar. 2-Canvassing vote cast at Primary election 80 " 2-Calaboose, repairing of 83,116,185 " 18-Carney, Edw., et al, petition of. asking that the sanitary sewer he extended in Couler Ave. front of lots 14, 16, 18, in J. King's 1st Addition 88 " 18-Culvert in alley between Jackson St. and Couler Ave., ap • - proval of 92 ` 18-Culvert in alley between Couler Ave. and Lemon St., ap- proval of 92 18-C. M. & St. P. Ry. Co. assessment, collecting of 92 18-Coleman, Wm., asst. engineer, increase of salary 95 " 24-Cleveland Ave., petition of Jos. McCaffrey, et al, improv- ing of 96 " 24-Corrance, W. S., et al, petition of, asking for grade on alley bet. Alta vista and Belmont St., from Rose to W. 14th St_ 96 Apr. 7-Cutler, Ida M., petition of assessment 45.50,112,258,274,345 7-Canvassing ballot cast at election of April 4. 1910 120 ` 14-Culbertson, J. M., et al, petition of, asking that the unsani- tary conditions on W. 5th St. be inspected 122 ` 14-Cooper St. as a dump, abating of 122 " 21-Columbia Camp No. 78. petition of. asking for the use of Clay St. for a carnival 129,130.193 " 21-Contest of Election, H. Brinkman, and Geo. D. Wybrant " 21-City Hall, insurance policies, renewal of 131, 136, 137 138 139,149,138 May 19-Cahill. Thom. & Chas. McManus, asking that their salaries 132,137,138 be increased 159,187 23-City Hall, repairing of 166 ` 23-City asking waterworks trustees to convert lot on which standpipe is into a park 166 June 2-Cheetham, I. J., petition of, settlement of taxes 179,196 ` 2-Clark, Mrs. Thos. H., remonstrance against water drains179 " 19-Columbia St. from Pleasant St. to Linwood Cemetery, im- proving of ]85.189,190 " 10-City Hall. painting and papering offices 186 " 16-Chicago Great W. Ry. notice to repair crossings on Rhom- • berg Ave. 194 " 28-Committee appointment of, confer with Water Wks Trustees 199 " 28-Chimneys at City Hall, cleaning of 199,253 I I • I, r,: I+, INDEX—Book 40 1910 SUB J ECT Page C July 7—Cooper St.. grading of 211 '' 21—Carnegie-Stout Free Library Board of Trustees, resolution fixing one-third of a mill taxes 222 21—Carnegie-Stout Free Library Board of Trustees, appointing Miss Helen Sauer. as a member of said Board 223 " 26—County Road fund, collecting of 2°7,228,257,348,398 Aug. 4—Connolly, John, et al, petition of, asking that Grandview Ave. be improved 253 " 4—County treasurer, instruction to, regarding county road fund 256 " 19—Culvert on 17th St., notice of cleaning 272 " 29—Chowers, Mrs. A., petition of. asking grade on Pearl St281 " 29—Condon, Mrs., permission granted to remove dirt in alley 'a bet. W. 14th and Dubuque avenue 282 a! Sept. 1—Communication from a Dubuque merchant, asking council %A' + compelan employee to o payhis account 301 P Yee to 9—Carmody. Kate. petition of assessment 306.312 " 9—Clay St., from 10th to 11th St., repaving 308,309,331,377,388 " 15—Casey, Mary L., petition of taxes 311 " 15—County 'Road fund, how expended 312,348 " 26—City's assessment improving Bluff St 316 " .26—Chicago Great Western Ry. notice to fill up Elm St. from 25th to 27th St 316 Oct. 6—Court of Honor Industrial Club. petition of, asking for use of Armory Hall 335 " 6—Chicago, Gt. W. Ry. intention to move terminal 316,339 ' Nov. 4—Coates-Kiene, H. and Frances Coates, Sr., petition of as- sessment 367,379 " 4—Carnegie-Stout Free Library, trustees, appointing Judge M. C. Matthews as member of said Board 368 ` 4—Cooper, A. A. Wagon & Buggy Co., reducing of assessment 368 " 17—Crenion, Mrs. Eliza, petition of taxes 371 " 17—Clark, F. M., petition of assessment 371,379 " 17—Civic Division by Marion M. C. Tredway, petition of taxes 372,376 Dec. 1—Collis, Geo.. petition of, that alley in Cora St. he opened395 " 1—Crossings at 10th. 11th and 12th Sts., and Bluff St., plac • - ing same in passable condition 400 " 7—Coasting. providing of certain streets 401,406 " 27—Citizen's State Bank, accepting of taxes 410,419 " 27—Citizen's State Bank, petition of, erroneously taxed 419 i iti 11111 7 I ;i INDEX-Book 40 1910 . SUBJECT Page D Jan. 6-Dorgan Lane, from Ellis to alley first east thereof, plat of_ 5,37,95,135 " 6-Dubuque Base Ball Club, petition of. asking the right to use Armory Hall for a fair 1 Dillon, Timothy, petition of, assessment 2,36 " 6-Davis Ave.. north half, referring of 9 " 20-Dubuque Woodenware & Lumber Co., asking that the Ninth Ave. sewer be extended to the river____._ 14,227 Feb. 3-Dubuque Packing Plant,asking for fund to cover Bee Branch sewer between 16th and 17th Streets 32 " 3-Dubuque Boat & Boiler Works, petition of, asking for space at foot of Third Street 33 " 3-Day. Wm. H. and wife, deed to city of Dubuque for a strip of ground on Wilbur Ave., reporting of 35,36 " 10-Dupont. Rev. Jos. A., petition of, asking that alley between 3rd Ave. and north line of Lots 433-462, South side, so as to build the Holy Trinity Church 42,52,54,78,79,81 " 17-Dennis, W. S., et al, asking to have water mains extended in West 17th from Hill St. to Needham Place 49 ` 28-Dougherty, Kate, petition of, damage case 63,130 " 28-Dubuque National Bank, borrowing of money by city64,82 Mar.18-Dubuque Lumber Co., et al, petition of, asking that Lincoln Ave. from 4th Ave. to 9th Ave. be graded 88 " 18-Dohmeyer, Mary, damage claim 89 " 24-Dunning Ave., grading of 98,99 Apr. 7-Dubuque Biscuit Co., petition of, taxes 112,182 " 7-Davis, G. E., petition of, harbor assessment 112 " 7-Dubuque Altar Mfg. Co., petition of, taxes 112,182 " 14-De Lorimier, Mary, petition of, taxes 122,378 14-Dubuque National Bank, petition of, assessment 122,403 " 21-Dubuque Packing Co., petition of, asking the City to exam- ine the walls of the Bee Branch sewer 129 " 29-Dubuque Opera Co. and W. J. Burns, serving of no- tice, regarding party wall 137,156,157 May 5-Dubuque Shippers' Association, address by Senator Frudden 150 " 5-Davis, Mr., asking for space in harbor 154 " 19-Davis. G. E., and Dubuque Motor Boat Club, petition of, asking for a space in harbor 157,194 " 19-Dubuque Motor Boat Club, petition of 157,194 " 19-Dubuque Base Ball and Amusement Association, objection to assessment of 27th St. 158 " 19-Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, petition of, asking city to employ only skilled union labor 159 " 23-Dodge St. and Grandview Ave. grade stake, given for a \ distance of 600 feet 166 June 2-Dorgan Place, curb line 184 ` 16-Domes-Busch Land Co., et al, petition of, asking that I Grandview Ave. be improved from Dodge to So. Dodge St. 193 1 " 22-Dubuque Aerie No. 568. F. O. E., petition of, asking the use of 24th and 25th St., Washington and Jackson,for carnival 195 i July 21-Donaldson, Matilda, Petition of taxes 222,378 " 26-Dubuque Bridge Co., annual report of 926,258,270 29-Dennis Bros., petition of, asks that 1st St. be raised 12 inches 228,341 Aug. 4-Dubuque Park Commission, petition of, asking that Grand- view Ave. be parked in the center 283 " 10-Delhi St. from Asbury St. to city limits, improving of 257, 272, 316, 317. 332.333.335,343.350,351 Sept. 1-Dubuque Park Commissioners, petition of, asking that im- mediate action be taken in Seventh Ave. improvement___ 301 I INDEX—Book 40 1910 SUBj ECT Page D " 15—Dubuque Park Commissioners, report of 312 " 20—Democratic Central Committee instructed to file list of reg- ister clerks 315 Oct. 6—Dietl. Anna, petition of taxes 336 " 6—Dubuque Brewing & Malting Co., petition of, asking per- mission to construct an overhead bridge on 27th St 336,351,389 " 20--Dubuque & Wisconsin High Bridge Co. petition of taxes345 Nov.17—Dolan, Mary A., petition of taxes 371 " 17—Dubuque Club, petition of taxes 372 " 22—Drehouse, John, bill of, cleaning stoves City I-Iall 379 • " 22—Detention Hospital. taking care of 392 Dec. t—Dubuque Harbor Co. Add., reducing of assessment • 395 " 1—Domenig. Peter, bill for cleaning sewer 395,420 15—Dubuque Benevolent and Humane Society, petition of, asking City to put sand on streets coated with oil 405,419,420 " 15—Dubuque Lumber Co., petition of, asking to be appointed Y` city weighers 405 4 r. x5h`` Y9r:r. } INDEX—Book 40 1910 SUBJECT Pag E;; j Jan. 20—Electric light at East Grove Terrace, placing of 18 " 20—Electric light at West 11th St., placing of 18 Feb. 3--Electric light at the junction of Iowa and 5th St., placing of 33 " 3—Electric light at Mt. Carmel ave., placing of 36 " 10—Electric light at foot of Third St. extension, petition of, by Fischer & Co., et al 43,44 " 10—Electric light at Adams Ave. and Third Ave., placing of 44 " 10—Electric light at 5th and Iowa St., placing of 44 " 10—Electric light at N. Iowa St., 1C0 ft. n. of Seminary. placing 44 " 17—Electric light midway bet. So. Dodge and Grandview 54,94,97 Mar. 3—Engler, E. A., petition of assessment 81,216 " 3—Electric light at Jansen and 5th Ave., by J. Gantenbein, et al 81 " 4—Elm St., between 26th and 27th St., blocking of by C. G. W. 82 illimmilmillimmilliMMIIIIII . "--"------..n: " 3—Electric light at Kaufman Ave. and Frances St., placing of_ 83,97 " 18—Electric light on Picket St. on top of W. 14th St. steps, by I, J. H. Spencer, et al, petitioners 88,96,116,166,179 18—Electric light, on corner of Harold & Leibnitz St.. by V. Lobstein, et al 88,97 " 18—Eagle Point Lime Works, notification of removing debris from Bee Branch sewer, in alley west of Dub. Packing Co. 93,216 Apr.21—Engineer annual report of 131 21—Elmore. Lizzie, damage suit 131,132 " 21—Eagle Point Park, part payment of 135 May 5—Electric light on Avon St., placing of 150,258 " 19—Electric light on Pleasant St 158 " 23—Electric light on Fourth St., placing of 166,188 " 23—Electric light on Sixth St., placing of 166 June 2—Electric light on 28th St., near Washington and Elm St179 July 29—East St.. from Delhi to Center St., approving of,and as- sessment 240, 270, 271, 289, 307,308,317,331,332 Sept. 1—Electric light at approach of Eagle Pt. park, placing of 301 " 9—Eissenegger, John, et al, petition of, asking to have water plug placed at 27th and 30th St 307 " 15—Electric light, corner of Klingenberg Terrace and Klein St311 " 15—Electric light between Dodge St. and W. 3rd St 311 a , " 20—Electric light on Washington St.. between 31st and 32d St314 Nov. 4—Electric light at W. end of Chestnut St., placing of 367 " 17—Eagles' Building Association, petition of taxes 371 " 17—Eberhardt, L., petition of. asking for sewer in between Washington and Elm, from 20th St. to Lincoln Ave 371 ' 17—Eagles' Building Association, petition of, asking for use of Armory Hall 372 " 17—Elm St., between Eagle Pt. Ave. and Sanford. improving of 376 " 17—Electric light at corner of 18th and White Sts 376 ' 23—Equalization Board, report of 381 ,I Dec. 1—Ellerman, J., complaint of water running on his property398,406 " 27—Eagle Pt. Lime Works, bill of macadam to city, allowing of 419 I l I, I1 III IN INDEX-Book 40 it)to SUBJECT Page F , Jan. 6-Feed furnishing of, for Fire, Police. Sewer and Road Dept. 1. 26, 45. 63, 64, 94. 132, 255, 353, 362, 367, 369, 390 " 20-Farrell, Mrs. Bridget, petition of, taxes 13 " 20-Foley, J. P., damage claim, settlement of 17 " 20-Firemen's caps, furnishing of 17 ' 2P-Fire Department, renting of sleigh 17 " 20-Fire Dept., Dodge St. engine house, repairing of floor 17.83 Feb. 3-Fire Dept., drivers asking for increase of wages 33,52 " 3-Fire Chief recommendations for increasing protection34,52 " 10-Fire Dept., purchasing of hose 44,76.116 " 10-Fireman Pension Fund. Board of Trustees, asking the city that a fund be created 45 " 17-Fire house, on Delhi St., enlarging of, by C. E. Mullin, et al 50 " 17-Fireman's helmets and life-saving net, purchasing of 52,92 " 17-Fire Dept., building of a hose tower at No. 2 Engine house 52,92,99 " 28-Fire hose dealers, notice to 76 Mar. 3-Fitzgerald, Ellen, petition of, taxes 81 " 18-Fisher. C. H., petition of, assessment 88,182 " 18-First St., from Main to Iowa St., and Iowa from 1st to 2nd St., improvement, approving of 93 " 18-Firemen paid twice a month 95,99 " 24-Fire, Central Engine House, repairing roof and doors 98,313,316 Apr. 7-Fifth Ward Non-Partisan League, petition of, asking to improve Kaufman Ave 113 " 7-Farewell remarks of retiring Council members 120,121,122 " 14-Fifth St. West, sanitary sewer system, inspecting of 122 " 14-Fire plug at 3rd St. extension, placing of 125 May 5-Fahey. Martin, petition of, asking for grade in alley between Adair and Audubon and Decorah and Delaware Sts 150 - 5-Fengler. E., address in regard to Bee Branch sewer 153 June 10-Fire Engine Olinger, repairing of 185,240 " 10-Fumigating of homes, in case of contagious diseases 186,199 " 10-Frith, E. T., notice to, relative to reporting dead animals removed ._ 186 " 16-Flick, A R., petition of, taxes 193,226 16-Fire Dept., purchasing of bell for No. 6 House 194 " 22-Fire Dept. cart from House No. 5 out of order 195 " 22-Fire Dept. House No. 6, repairing of roof 195 July 7-Fenelon Place, improving of 212 7-Fifth St. from east curb line of Locust to west curb line of Main, improv'g__216,217,251,254,263,297,301,345,346,372.374,375,390,392,398 " 29-First St. from west side of alley to southeast corner of Mc- ` Fadden Co., lot raising of 12 in.'s 228 if 29-Fifth St., between Main and Iowa, gutter, approving of242 Aug.19-First and Iowa St., brick paving of 272 %P29-Figge. S. W., et al, protesting against laying sidewalk on Angella Street 281 Sept.20-First National Bank, petition of, taxes 314,403 26-Fire horse, purchase of 316 Oct. 6-Farley-Loetscher Sashmakers, petition of, asking for use of Armory Hall 335 " 7-Fire horse. purchasing of 340,347,361 " 7-Fire House 9th St.. settlement with Insurance Co. 340 " 7-Fuel, furnishing of, to City 353,362 Nov. 4-Funds exhausted, laying off of men 369 " 17-Francis, Rev. Bro. S. M., petition of, asking for use of Armory Hall 372 " 17-Funding Bonds. Martin-Strelau, selling of__375,377,381.,382,401,402,429 " 22-Fitzpatrick, Mrs. Elen, petition of taxes 378 INDEX-Book 40 - 1910 SUBJECT Page G Jan. 6-Graham, Emma D., petition of. assessment 1,18 " 6-Gruenzig, Henrietta. petition of, taxes 1,2,52 " 6-Grace St., between East St. and Grandview Ave., sidewalk and assessment 5,8 " 6-Grace St., between Hall St. and Grandview Ave., sidewalk and assessment 8 " 20-Glover, H. B., presenting statement, regarding high pressure water main for sprinkling .. 16,17 Feb.17-Greene. Dr. J. H.. assessment error 50 Mar.18-Garbage, hauling of 95,132,144 " 24-Graham, Mrs., damage case 96 " 24-Glover. H. B. Co., by A. J. Parker, petition of, asking per- mission to construct a tunnel on 5th and Iowa Sts 97,349,428 Apr. 7-Conner, Lawrence, petition of, asking that Martha Street to the west line of alley of Alta Vista St., be graded 112,187 " 21-German National Demokrat, petition asking to be appointed one of the official papers of the City 129 1 May 5-Garfield Ave. residents complaining of Windsor and Schiller Ave. being used as a dump .. 150 I " 19-G. A. R. granted use of Jackson Park for Memorial Day157 June 2-German Presbyterian Theological School petition of, asking permission to use east side of East St. to curb for campus 179, 274, 340,346,362 " 16-Grandview Ave. from Dodge to South Dodge, improving of 193, 253, 264, 266, 267, 271, 275, 277, 282, 297,306,307,400 " 28-Garbage dump in First Ward, repairing of 200,214 July 7-Grandview Ave. residents, petition of, rel. to cutting weeds_ 211 " 21-Gniffke. H. B., et al, petition, asking council to reconsider changing name of Pickett Street 221,222,258 Aug. 4-Grandview Ave., parking in center 253.266,271 iiiimo Sept. 20-German Trust & Savings Bank, petition of taxes 314,403 " 20-German Savings Bank, petition of taxes 314,403 Oct. 6-Grandview Ave., changing of grade 335,340 " 20-Gillis, John, petition asking City to reimburse him for fill- ing in Bee Branch sewer 345 I 1 1 it III INDEX—Book 40 1910 SUBJECT Page H Jan. 6—Hackney, Thos., petition of, asking extra salary as assistant Market Master 1 18 " 6—Hail, John H.. petition of, assessment 1,37 Feb. 3—Heacock, Elizabeth, petition of, assessment 33,378 3—Hobbs, Margaret, notice of damages .. 34,132 3—Haudenshield, J., bill of furnishing oats for Fire dept___37,46,47,53,82,125 17—Hill, Thos., petition of, assessment 50,116 " 17—H intrager, Wm., vs. City of Dubuque 51 " 17—Hollenfelz, Anna, damage case, settlement of 51 Mar. 18—Hayes, James A., refunding of taxes 92,93 " 24—Hepp, Katrina, petition of taxes 96 Apr. 7-1-lintrager, Emile, petition of assessment 112,187,227 " 7—Hcitzman, Wm., petition of taxes 112 7—Hillard, Mrs. Lena, petition of taxes 112,378 • ,' 14—H avard St., grading of, and improving 1.23.187,188,190.209,215 May 5—Heinz, P. M., et al, petition of, asking that Pear St. from Cleveland Ave. to Rush St. be surveyed and graded 150 " 5-1-Ierod, J. petition of assessment 150 " 5—Harbor Master, instructions to 154,259,377,380 June 2—Hayden, Mrs. C. W.. petition of taxes 179 2—Hose, sold to Eleventh St. Elevator Co. 182 " 19—Hyde, Frances M., petition of taxes 185 " 10—Harrison St., filling up by Peter J. Seippel Lumber Co.__188,189,216,292 10—Harrison St., from Yale to Alta Vista St., improving of189 " 28—Horse buyers, notice to 209 July 7—Hodges, Thom. L., et al, petition of, asking that old building • on Alderson property be removed 211,227 " 7—Hill, Anna, donating portion of land to City 212 " 21—Hussman, H., et al, petition of, sewer between Lincoln and Eagle Point Ave 222,228 Aug. 4—Hall, T. J., recommended as engineer 254 " 10—I-leer, Fred & Son, petition asking for grading stakes on Wilbur Lane 257 ]B—House boats, moving of, from harbor, injunctiondissolving of. City Attorney 2 ,.. 66 27 9, 380 19—Harbor Master, injunction, serving on, restraining him from 270,377,380 moving house boats M° 29—Hayden, Mrs. Clement D., petition of, assessment 281,378 Sept. 9—Heeb Street, giving grade 308 ' ,, t 20—Higgins, E. A., petition of, asking to run skating rink 314 4: Oct. 6—Hygiene Committee of Woman's Club, petition of, asking - City to purchase Olinger property on Jackson Street335 " 6—Higbee, Capt. H. G., of Governor Greys, petition of, asking that Armory ceiling be repaired 335 • " 20—Hassett, Mr., asking if filling in sewer in Grandview Ave. should be tamped or slushed 345 =Y " 20—Ham, Sarah, petition of, asking City to arrange grade on Seventh Ave so as to leave her drive to her premises 345 ' 26—Heeb, A. F., report of private sewer in Farley's Sub 351 Nov.26—Horse buyers, notice to 391 Dec. 1—Haggerty, Dr. J., contract, expiring of 398 " 15—Hurd, L. G., executor of will of S. K. W. Scott, petition of z• assessment 403 " 15—Higbee, Capt., petition of, asking Council to extend privilege of using Armory Hall _ 405 i, INDEX—Book 40 1910 SUBJECT Pag I Jan. 20—International Assn. of Machinists. Julien Lodge No. 379, ask for the use of Armory Hall for a dance 14 " 20—Isborn, Barbara, petition of assessment 18 Feb. 3—Irving Ave. and Delhi St., Council purchasing small tract of land, by Chris. A. Voelker 33,94 Mar.18—I. C. Ry., assessment, collection of 93 Apr.14—Invitation to City Council from Galena, Ill., to attend Grant's Birthday celebration 122 " 14—Indebtedness of Telephone Co. to the City of Dubuque125,153 May 5—Invitation to City Council from Dubuque Base Ball Club to attend opening game 150.151 " 5—Invitation to City council from B.P.O.Elks to attend banquet 154 " 19—Irving Ave. opening of, to Delhi St 158,239 " 19—Invitation, from Memorial Day Committee, to partake in parade 159 June 10—Invitation from Des Moines Commercial Club to attend ex- position 185 " 10—Invitation from Mt. St. Joseph's College, to attend exercises 185 " 16—Invitation from Daughters of American Revolution to at- tend exercises 194 July 21—Iowa Telephone Co.. petition of, asking City to lay out curb line on east side of Rowan St. from Southern Ave. to Grandview Ave. 222 " 21—Invitation from Dubuque Automobile Club to City Council to take a tour through city 222 " 21—Invitation from League of American Municipalities to at- tend session 223 " 21—Invitation from C. M. & St. P. Relief Assn. to attend picnic_ 223 " 29—IrvingAve. from Delhi to Decorah Ave., grade and improv- ing 239, 272, 316, 317,332,335,336 Aug. 4—I. O. O. P. Harmony Lodge No. 2. petition of. assessment_ 253 4—Invitation from Dubuque Motor Boat Club, to attend picnic 254 " 19—Iowa Telephone Co. p , petition of, asking to extend wires on Wilson Ave. and Julien Ave. 269,281,341 Sept. 1—Iowa League of Municipalities, communication and bill301,308 It 9—Iowa League of Municipalities mneeting, appointing delegates 308.312 1 Nov. 4--Invitation from Mr. Rosenthal to Council to attend opening of New Majestic 368 ii 3 T' 1:4 4 INDEX—Kook 40 1910 SUBJECT Page I J 15' Feb.17—Judges and Clerks of Election, appointing of 53,54 Mar.18—Jaeger, A. E., minor, and Emma Jaeger, mother, remitting of taxes -. 92 Apr. 7—Jones Bros., petition, of taxes 112,258 " 21—Jordan, Anna M., petition of, assessment 129,187 July 26—Jury, to assess damages, on opening of Spring and Booth Sts., report of 226 " 29—Julien Ave., brick gutter, approving of 242 Sept. 15—Jaeger, Mrs. Mary K., petition of, taxes 311 Nov.11—Jewelers, notice to 392 • ,ti 4 7 INDEX—Book 40 1910 SUBJECT Page K Jan. 20—Keenan, Anna, damage case, settlement of 17,257 Feb.17—Kimball, Geo. M.. petition of, taxes 49,379 " 17—Kane, T. F.. furnishing feed for Fire Dept. 1,45,63,64,94 " 24—Kenneally,'Frank, petition of, error in assessment of Geo. Luke 96,195 Apr. 7—Kaufman Ave., improving of 112 " 7—Kean, James R., petition of, damages 112 " 14—Kretschmer, W. M., et al, petition of, regard to Cooper St., using as a dump 122 " 2t—Kingsley, Joseph F., et al, petition of, assessment on West Locust St. 129,154 May 5—Keckevoet, John., petition of, asking for space in harbor 150,165,259,373,377 " 19—Krayer, John, petition of. asking to be appointed timekeeper 158 June 2—Katz. C. W., petition of, asking for back salary 179 2—Klingenberg Terrace, grade line 184 " 2—Keyes, Miss Jessie M., granting of permission to work in hand with Board of Health 185,186 " 10—Kokusek, F., et al. petition of, keeping open of Rosedale Ave. 188 July 7—Kien, Peter, petition of, asking that obstruction in alley from 17th to 18th, bet. Sycamore and Linn St., be removed 211 " 7—Kearney, Michael, petition of, assessment for sewer 212 " 26—Kenkel, Ernst., et al, petition of. asking that Klingenberg Terrace be improved 225 " 26—Kassler, M., vs. City of Dubuque, settlement of 225,271 Aug. 4—Karsch, Chas., grade line given 256 4 " 29—Kenneally, Frank, et al, petition of, asking that Grandview bioAve. be improved__.. 275 " 29—King, Homer S., communication of, asking City to endorse San Francisco for holding of exposition in 1915 275 Sept.15—Kuehnel E., petition of, asking for grade stakes 313 20—Kenneally, Frank, et al. petition of, asking that water mains be extended in Grandview Ave 314 28—Kenety, J. M., petition of, asking to use rock crusher on 17th St. 323 Oct. 6—Klunschoedt, Philip, et al, petition of. regarding C. G. W. Ry. laying additional tracks on Elm St. bet. 25th and 27th St. 336 ? " 20—Kenety, J. M., petition of, asking City's intention regarding the rolling on Bluff St. 345,347 Nov. 4—Kampmann, Geo. H., petition of, assessment 367 " 22—Kenety, J. M., petition of, asking for extension of time on I Bluff St. 376 " 22—Kemps, Mrs. A., et al, petition of. asking to have Elm St. I bet. Eagle Pt. Ave. and Sanford Ave. improved 376 " 22—Kelley's Lane, grading of, funds to come from grading fund380 1 Dec. 7—Kelly,J., assessor,petition of, asking for extra allowance for overtime 401. " 27—Keller,W. J.,petition of, asking for use of Armory Hall 418 " 27—Kolfenbach, ouis, petition of, asking for increase of wages418 I .q.li .y ;,".1 Y, I 4'' •• INDEX—Book 40 '• 1910 SUBJECT Page ,. ,, L . Tan. 20—Luchterhand, F. L. M.. remonstrance in regard to sewer in Henry St. from Windsor Ave__-. 16,94 " 20—Land, plat of, part conveyed by the State of Iowa to City • of Dubuque 16 Feb. 3—Liquor. intoxicating, consent to sell____33,30,63,81,82,87,88,96,113,130 197,200,201, 270, 306. 311. 336, 348, 372,376.395,403,407,408.410 to 418,421 3—Linehan. Dr. M. D., asking Council to purcha e a public am- balance 33,65.66 " 3—Luke. Geo. G.,remonstrance against Asbury St. improvement 36 " 10—Luz. Henry. et al. relative to changing name of Anna Place_ 42,52 10—Laude, E. P., petition of, taxes 43,116 " 17—Laborers' wages. employed by City, increasing of 59 'y'+ " 28—License, notice for collection 76,144 {,. `,lar. 18—Longueville, Elizabeth, petition of, assessment 88.116 " 18—Lincoln Ave., from 4th Ave. to 9th Ave.. grading of 88 E,, 18—Luckey, Ralph, damage claim 89,130 " 2_4—Lanser. Frank, petition of, assessment 96 „ 24—Luke. Geo. W., assessment error 96,195 Apr. 7—League of American Municipalities, petition of, asking City 112 Ak to become members - May 14—Labor Leader, petition of. asking to be named one of the of- ficial papers of the City 150 C*' 19—Lawson. Mrs. Edith, petition of, assessment 159,186 July 7—Lawlor, John W.. clerk of P. & F. Corn., appointment of214 " 21—Loetscher, A. A., et al, petition of, asking that Picket St. be 222 ;° '' improved so as not to wash out Aug.10—Luke, James M., et al. petition of, asking Delhi St. be im- proved 257 Sept. 1—Lee, James, petition of,asking to have ground viewed on Lot , :v 4 of 692 301 " 15—Leahey, Josephine. petition of, assessment 311,341 " 26—Lawlor Ave., grading of 316 Oct. 6—Lynch, James, petition of. assessment 336 26—Lemper, Henry P., petition of, asking to move scales across street 351,380,400 '-0'i Nov. 1.7—Langworthy Ave. from Hill to James St., extension of, sub- 1 , '. mitting of plat 372.373,379,380 " 22—Legislative representative, appointing of____ 376 ,,� Dec.27-Lee, James & Son, bill of 5% retained on W. Locust St. im- ;'?;y'». 420 � provement, referring of # " 27—Lady Chaperon, for skating rink, appointing of 420 is .1 1 S(F. d� �Y • `I` F` .} I J • ___—, ! INDEX—Book 40 , 19W SUBJ ECT Pag Al M Jan. 6—Margadant. Jos.. petition of, taxes 1,18 " 6—Meyer, August, buying of rock from Alta Vista St. 9 " 20—Mathes. L. D., and B. F. Blocklinger, petition of, taxes inAf regard to the Avenue Top Mining Co. 13.37 " 27—Mathis-Metz Co., bill for scale books and funding bonds, allowing of 420 20—May. Mrs. Helen, notice of damage suit 14.89 " 20—Moore, Herbert, notice of damage suit 14 Feb. 3—Myers, D. D., et al, petition of, asking to vote a tax levy at next election for park purposes 32 l0—Motulsky Bros., petition of, taxes 42,52 17—Mullin, C. E., et al, petition of, asking the City to enlarge the Fire Station on Delhi St. 50 ' 17—\lelchoir, M., petition of, assessment 50.92 ` 28--Markey, H., petition of, asking for back salary 63 82 Mar.18—Mehl, Jacob, petition of, assessment '88 " 18—Moore, Myrtle, damage case 89 " 18—Metier, Jacob, canceling of assessment 91 •• 21—Martha St. from Alta Vista to alley west thereof, grading of 112.187 " •?-1—Mining shafts, fencing of 99 Apr. 14—Mauer, Herman, Sr., petition of, assessment 123 " 14—Market Square, cleaning of 125. 127,145 14—Miller, George, back salary paid 125,126 14—Motor drivers, notice to 144,145 May 5--Massey, Charles, damage claim 153 •• 19—M emorial Day Committee, petition of, asking for an ap- propriation -. 158 19—Morrison Bros.,petition of. having sewer run into their place 158.226 "• 23—Martha St., from Alta Vista St. to alley first west thereof, improving of__163, 187, 209. 215, 221, 225, 250, 265,377,393,405,407,409 Tune 2—May, Mrs. Helen, petition of, taxes 179 " 19—Mindorfer, H., et al, petition of, asking to extend sewer on Seminary St. 185 ` 16—Martin-Strelau Co. vs. City of Dubuque, attorney expense193,375 ` 16—Morrison Bros., letter to Mayor 194 " 22—Markey, H., petition of, asking for back salary 195 • ` 28—Markey, H., petition of, asking City to furnish supercedeas bond 1.98, 215, 232,293,294 ` 2S—Minard, Frances A. and Walter C., petition of, vacating al- ley on College Ave. 198 July 7—Moore, H. S., et al, petition of, asking that Picket St. be • changed to Montrose Terrace 211 " 21—Marihart, Leo, et al, petition of, asking that O'Neill Ave. be improved by laying sidewalk 222 " 21—Markey, H., asking City to pay damages caused by steam roller " 27—Morrison Bros. granted permission to construct driveway 222'269,351 across ditch " 29—Michelte , B., et al, petition of, askingfor 227 curb and gutter on both sides f 10thgSt. from Main eto • Iowa St. " 29—Mulligan, Patrick, appointing as plain clothes man 228 240 j Sept.15—Madi, Mrs. Joe, petition of taxes 20—Mehl, Jacob, petition of, taxes 311 " 26—Myers, D. D., et al, petition of asking Council to take ac- 314,341 tion in regard to the C. G. W. Ry. moving terminal Oct. 20—Maple Leaf Lodge No. 581, petition of, asking for use of 316,339 Armory Hall Nov. 4—Meehan, Mrs. Mary, petition of, taxes 345,348 r " 4—Market Master, assistant, appointing of 367 .;; 369 5r' I Yr!' • Yf.s INDEX—Book 40 1910 SUBJECT Page " 17—Morrison-Kretschmer Mfg. Co.. petition of, taxes 371,379 " 17—Martin, W. B.. Sec. Dubuque Club, petition of, taxes 372 17—Martin-Strelau vs. City of Dubuque, settlement of 375.377,381,382.401,402,429 Dec. 1—Machinists' Union. Julien Lodge No. 379. resolution. adopt- ing of by City Council _ 395,405 • r: 1 : i , . INDEX—Book 40 t , 1910 SUBJECT Page Mc Feb. 3—McCarten, bill for plumbing at Central Engine House 36,38 Mar. 24—McCaffery, Jos., et al, petition of, asking that Cleveland • Ave. be improved 96 May 5—McNulty, John L., petition of, assessment 150 19—McCeney, Mrs., petition of, asking for a reduction on West Locust St. improvement 158,187 19—McGrath, 'Mrs. Alice, petition of, asking that she be re- funded sum for West Locust St. improvement 158 June 16—McDonnell, B., petition of, increase of salary 193,196 July 7—McParland, J. F., et al, petition of, asking that Cooper St. ' be graded 211 " 7—McParland,J. F., et al,petition of, asking that Fenelon Place be improved , " 21—McDermott, Matt, petition of, taxes 222,226 Aug. 4—McFadden Coffee & Spice Co., petition of. asking Council ' to open street and locate intakes for storm sewer 253 Oct. 20—McGovern, C. L., petition of, assessment 345 379 j Nov.17—McCoy, Mrs. Mary, petition of, taxes 371, Dec. 7—McConnell, Wm., asking for increase of wages, as fireman401 II � I, 1 11 I Ili ii 11 I!,I, I Ii ji I 1 • INDEX—Book 40 1910 SUBJECT Page N Jan. G—Ninth St. bet. Clay and White, sidewalk. special assessment 5 Mar.18—Newburg, J. W.. et al, petition of, asking that a sidewalk be laid on east side of Fremont Ave. 88 July 7—Nagle. Jos. J., refund of taxes 213 29—North Booth St., from Julien Ave. to W: 14th St., improv- ing of 238 Dec.27—Nicol. Thomas, notice to City and Treasurer restraining them from selling his property 418 • • Pill', 11, INDEX-Book 40 i� 1910 SUBJECT Pag 0 Jan. 6-Ohmert, I. E., petition of, remitting of license I166-Officers, report of 1 20-Officers, report of 2,3,4 Feb. 3-Ordinance. Election of Park Commissioners and Duties31.32,76,77 3-Officers. report of 34,35,36 " 3-O'Farrell Cont. Co., bill for improving Alta Vista St., allow- ing of 3-Ordinance, amending an Ordinance, granting the I. C. Ry, 36 the right to use portion of Dodge St. bet. S. Main and Dodge St. 37.38.77,78 " 10-Officers. report of " 17-Officers, report of 43,44,45 28-Olinger. John. 50,51,52,53 g petition of, taxes 63,98 " 2S-Officers, report of ' I Mar. 3-Officers, report of 63,64.65,866 3 j " 18-Officers, report of 82,83 " 24-Officers, report of 89,90,91 Apr. 7-Officers, report of 97,98,99 7-Ordinance changing name of Anna Place to West 15th St__113, 114,115.116 " 7-Ordinance changing name of Thomas St. and Franklin St. 116 to West 16th St. and Yates St. to So. Catherine St. i ' 14-O'Connor, F.. petition of, asking to be appointed stoker on 116 steam roller " 14-Officers, report of 122 14-Ordinance vacating alley bet. Rhomber 123, 124,125,126 from 2nd to 3rd Ave g and Lincoln Aves. 14-Officers, appointing of, and deputies 124.145 " 21-Officers, report of 125,130.153,162 21-Ordinance, changing name of Anna Place to West 15th St130 131,132 May 5-Officers, report of 5-Officers, report of 151. 13:2• 153, 154.155 " 23-Ordinance granting the C. M. & St. P. Ry. Co. to operate 159.160 161 a spur across alley from 17th to 18th St.. bet. Pine and Maple Street June 2-Officers, report of 164,165,176,177 " 16-Officers, report of 179, 180. 181,182. 183 " 22-Officers, report of 193,194 July 7-Officers, report of 195,196,197 ii 21-Officers, report of t 012,213,214.215 I 29-Obermayer. R., resignation a street-sweeper 223'224 " 29-O'Meara, Dennis, street sweeper, appointing of 228 228 29-Ordinance granting Peter J. Seippel Lumber Co.. s sion to fill up Harrison St., bringing same to gradee__229,230,292,293 ` 29-Ordinance establishing a grade on Havard St " 29-Ordinance granting German Presbyterian Theological 230,294 School, permit to use part of East St. for campus___230.231,274,346,362 ' 29-Ordinance granting Union Electric Co permission to lay stub switch at Eagle Point ` 29-Ordinance granting Union Electric Co. 231.232,295,296 loop around Phoenix Park______------------------- " permission to build 29-Ordinance changing location of aIle2:32.233,294.295 Av 232,293,294 " 29-Ordinance creating a Policeman PensionsF from_C 1112} 35.290,291.292 " 2`1-Ordinance establishing a grade on i end of Olive St. to east line of SpruceV Wilbur Ave. from west Aug. 4-Officers, report of__________ St 236,237,292 10-Officers. report of__________ ___ 254,255.256 " 16-Officers, report of--------- -------- 257,258,259 " 29-Officers, report of_____ 266,267 ------ -- 282 I 1I fl ii 1x INDEX—Book 40 1910 SU 11J EC T Page 0 " 29—Ordinance changing name of Spring St. to N. Booth St___ 294 Sept. 1—Officers, report of 302.303,304,305 9—Orioles, Fraternal Order No. 11. asking for use of Armory Hall for a fair 306 " 9—O'Ilare, O. A., petition of, asking that sidewalk he laid on Railroad Ave. and Valley Street 306 " 15—Officers. report of 312.313,314 " 15—Olinger ground on 22nd St., securing an option of and ap- pointment of committee 313.314,315,380,420 " 26—Ordinance establishing a grade on 7th Ave 317,318 Oct. 6—Officers. report of 346,347 " 7—Ordinance amending an ordinance in regard to German Presbyterian School to use portion of East St. for campus 340, 341, 346, 362 " 20—O'Hare. Ann, special assessment, deducting of 346 " 20—Officers, report of 346,347 " 21—Ordinance, granting Carr, Ryder & Adams Co., permission to carry pipes across Jackson St. bet. 9th and 10th____348,349,362.363 " 21—Ordinance granting H. B. Glover Co. permission to build tunnel on Fifth Street 349.350,428 " 26—Ordinance granting Dubuque Brewing & Malting Co. per- mission to build bridge across 32d St 351,352,389 " 26—Ordinance establishing grade on 7th Ave 360 Nov. 3—Officers, report of 365,366 " 4—Officers, report of 367,368,369 " 17—Officers. report of 373 " 22—Officers, report of 376,377.378.379,380 Dec. 1—Officers, report of .-__395.396,397,398 " 15—Officers, report of 406,407,408 ti INDEX—Book 40 Page 1910 SUBJECT _ P putting street in proper condition__ 6,17 Jan. G--Pleasant St., notice of, p g _ _____________ " 6—Patrol House, repairing of floor_-___-_---_ 33,188 Feb. 3-Park Commissioners, election of officers and duties----_31,32,45,48,123 " 3—Philips, John. petition of, assessment--------------------- " 3—Police Dept., asking increase of wages, by P. Sullivan. et al_ 34,66 " 10—Papin. O. E., et al, asking permisssion to build wagon bridge across Lake Peosta from foot of 17th St 43,49,227 3, 9, 27 " 10—Printing Council proceedings for r 1909 improvemnt 49.77 " to—Park Commissioners, levying / 64,345 " 2S—Police Pension Fund, creating of 79,166,307 " 28—Proclamation of mayor 89 Mar. 18—Pleasant St. approving of improvement 93 18—Purchasing of 1 car load of tarvia 93 " 18—Purchasing supplies, dividing among firms 95,99 18—Police paid twice a month ointed Apr.14—Pitschner, Louise, petition of, asking to be app 122,187 �� weighmistress 187 I " 21—Patrol wagon men; instructions to 135 " 29—Police Chief, appointing of licants137 " 29—Police and Fire Commissioners, examining of app May 5—Pear St. from Cleveland Ave. to Rush St. grading of 145 153.150 5—Packwood. Pauline, damage claim 1 " 19—Pickley, James R., ex-chief of police, petition of, asking for 158,19G,418 back salary 196.418 " 19—Park Custodians, asking for increase in wages 187 19—Police. annual report of 166,192,159 i " 23—Police helmets, furnishing of 59 purchasing flowers 184,193 Ij June 2—Parks, beautifying of, and p g 5, 8 I 282 19 " 22—Patrol horse, purchasing of 106,12997292 22—Plumbers, excavating bonds" 22—Purchasing Road Oil for 4th ward 1996 " 28—Poundmaster, assigned to duties of dog enumerator 201 " 30—Park benches, purchasing of 1 " 30—Purchasing of Road Oil for 3rd ward 22001 July 7—Park Commissioners, petition of, that 7th Ave. be improved 211,220,211 " 7—Pickett St.. changing of name 2221 " 21—Pickett St. from W. 14th St., washing out, preventing of___ 238.222 " 29—Pickett St., from W. 14th St., improving of 9 " 29—Patrol House. repairing of 22340 Aug. 4—Pier. H. L., petition of, asking that Valley St. be improved_ 20—Peaslee, C. M.. et al, petition of, asking that city adopt bet- 275 ter method for traffic 285 " 29—Pearl St., giving of grade 282 " 29—Poundmaster, report of 312,416 I Sept.15—Phillabaum. Edna, notice of damages 312 " 15—Poundmaster. discontinuing of services as dog enumerator_ 341 Oct. 7—Park Commissioners, report of Nov. 4—Pilmeyer. Mr.. canceling of interest on assessment for im- 367 provement of East St 371 i " 17—Pennsylvania St., reducing of width " 17—Pierce, F. G.. communication of, asking council to appoint 372,37G legislative representative 403,419 i Dec .10—Popcorn wagon on Eighth St., moving of I II I' 1 ii yl INDEX—Book 40 1910 SUBJECT Page Nov.22—Quinn, Mrs. Sarah, petition of assessment__.. 376 INDEX—Book 40 1910 SUBJECT Pag • R Jan. 20—Reifsteck, Louisa, petition of taxes 17 Feb. 3—Riker, Henry, petition of taxes 33,93 " 10—Reinfried. Joseph, petition of, asking for back salary 45 " 10—Road sweeper, purchasing of ' 17—Ryder. Mrs. James, petition of, assessment 50 • 28—Ryder. Toni, allowing extra salary as Asst. F,ngineer 66 Mar. 3—Rumple, John & D. Cottingliam, petition of assessment10881 • 20—Registration, notice of Apr.14—Report of city atty, report on patent dated Nov. 8. 1909 123,124 May 19—Rock crusher, using of by Tschirgi & Son__.. 157 19—Railing on Seminary.bet. Foye and Gold Sts.. changing of_ 158 • 19—Rhomberg, A. L., petition of taxes 158,186 • June 10—Rosedale Ave.. keep opening of. by F. Kokusek. et al 188 " 22—Riker, Henry, petition of, asking that railing on 11th and Walnut be removed 195 { July 7—Right of way notice, served on S. B. Lattner. Edw. and Albert Hannig 215 " 26—Right of way notice served on Mrs. T. and W. C. Minard226 Aug.10—Roberts. J. C., petition of taxes 057,274,275 " 19=Ruhland. Henry, petition of, asking that curb in Gray Add. be set back 269 " 23—Reilly,T., Chief of Police,petition of, asks increase of salary 275 Sept.20—Republican Central Committee. instructed to file list of register clerks 315 1 " 28—Register clerks, approving of 323 Oct. 21—Ring, Andrew, petition of settlement, of assessment 348,350 • 21—Registration notice 361 Nov.17—Rath. Lois M., et al, petition of. asking use of Armory hall_ 371 " 17—Ruete, T. W., Drug Co., petition of assessment 372 A " 1.7—Radford. Geo., et al,petition of, asking for hand rail on west side of Spruce St. bet. Jefferson St. and Julien ave 372 " 17—Right of way notice; opening of alley; Lots 7. 8. 9. 10, 11, 12. Gilliam's Sub. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 4a. 5, 6. 7, 8, Sub. Out Lot 682 390 Dec. 1—Roedell, F. G.. et al, petition of, asking use of Armory Hall_ 395 11—Rush, Katherine, petition of assessment 395 1—Railing on steps at City Hall, repairing of 398 ft 1—Rosenthal. Manager, vote of thanks extended to, by council 400 " 15—Rowland, C. H., petition of, asking for use of Armory Hall_ 405 i " 27—Recorder, petition of, asking for increase for deputy 418 I 1 I � I II � I I 1 , illi ' 1 i i as:. • INDEX-Book 40 ,': 1910 SUBJECT Page ti S Jan. 6-Smedley Steam Pump Co. accepting taxes as reported by 2 mayor " 6-Seventh Ave. grade, from 'Rhomberg Ave. to Station 25____ 5 " 6-Sidewalk inspector, report of 5 " 6-Sanitary sewer in Jackson St.. Peru Road, in alley between Jackson and Couler, and alley bet. Milwaukee and SDia- mond Ave. assessment " 6-Sidewalk and north side of Cleveland Ave., between Bluff 5,7,19 St. extension and Union St. assessment " 6-Sidewalk on south side of Ninth St., between Clay and White St. assessment 5,21,90,132,133 " 6-Sidewalk on east side of Washington St. between 25th and 27th, assessment 5,8.19.20 " 6-Sidewalk on Grace St., between East St. and Grandview Ave. assessment 5,8,19 " 6-Scales at Eagle Point and other places reported out of order 6,17 " 6-Sanitary sewer on Needham Place, remonstrance against 6,18,20 assessment 0-Sidewalk on Grace St., bet. Hall St. and Grandview Ave. assessment 8,19 6-Sewer. sanitary, in Henry Place, and in alley first west of Windsor avenue 8,9.16,26.94 " 15-Snow and ice, notice of removal and assessment___10, 11, 16. 17. 28, 29, 30. 36, 39, 40, 41, 50. 51, 54, 55. 56, 57. 58, 71, 72, 73, 74. 75, 76, 145, 146, 147, 153 " 20-Smith, Louis, petition of. asking for a warrant in his favor 13,36,38 for a sidewalk built on W. 3rd St 36,38 " 20-South, Frank M.. petition of taxes " 20-Storm sewer in Ninth Ave.. extending to river. petition of, 14 by Dubuque Woodenware and Lumber Co. " 20-Sewer. sanitary, in W. 5th, notice of special assessment18,20.21 20-Special assessment, constructing sidewalks 27 20-Sidewalks repaired during Aug., Oct., Nov., and Dec., and assessment 28,36,39 Feb. 3-Sullivan, Patrick, et al, petition of, asking for increase of 34,66 wages for Polite department 38 3-Sprinkling wagons, repairing of 44 " 10-Storm water sewer at 14th St., cleaning of " 10-Sanitary sewer in W. 7th St.. from Hill St. to Needham 48 Place, construction of " 17-Standard Lumber Co., and Morris Johnson Brown Mfg. Co. remonstrance against building bridge across Lake Peosta • 49 " 17-Stapleton, J. W.. of C. M. & St. P. Ry.. assessing of property 52 Mar. 3-Smith. Anna, petition of, taxes 81,188 " 3-Sidewalk on north side of Seminary St., between Harold and Keppler St., constructing of 83,94.259,342,343 " 18-Sumpman, Maria, petition of. assessment 87.258 " 18-Sewer, sanitary, in Seminary St. from Madison St. to about 550 ft. west and assessment__8S. 98, 147, 155, 160, 163. 27] 12 6,75,239, 7, " 18-Sidewalk on 12th St.,between Locust and Bluff, construction of. by St. Mark's Lutheran Church and extending sill 88,91 course " 18-Sewer, sanitary, from present manhole in 25th St. to north88,94,95,147 line of lots in J. King 1st Add 88 " 18-Sidewalk on east side'of Fremont Ave., laying of " 18-Steps on south side of Lot 15, Fairview Sub., removal of88,158 28 " 24-Stieber, Ida Belle, et al, petition of, assessment imi'l 1 INDEX-Book 40 1910 SUBJECT Page a -- S II24-Scales at Grandview Ave. and So. Dodge St.. repairing of__ 97 24-Sewer, sanitary, in Hayden Lane. from present manhole in Bluff St.. about 250 feet west and assessment 98. 109, 111. 182, 209, 215, 226. 236, 263, 298 1 24-Sewer, sanitary, in alley between Rhomberg and Lincoln Ayes. and Second and Third Ayes 99 i Apr. 7-Smith-Morgan Printing Co.. petition of, assessment 112,419 I " 7-Streets changing of name 116 4 " 14-Seward, C.F., petition of, asks to be appointed dump foreman 122 14-Schlegel, M., petition of assessment 123.154 " 14-Salaries of officers 124.125 j 21-Sidewalk on N side of Rush St.. bet. So. Dodge and Holly 133 j 21-Sidewalk on E side of So. Dodge St. bet. Cleveland Ave. and Rush St 133 21-Sidewalk on E side of Alpine St.. bet. Reeder and Solan St134.241 i 14-Sidewalk on S side of Cleveland Ave. bet. Union and Quince 134,240,321 14-Sidewalk on N side of Cleveland Ave. bet. So. Dodge and Burns St. 134, 135.241 " 29-Sanitary Officer, appointing of 138,139 May 5-Spellerberg, R. L., petition of, asking to abate nuisance of cottonwood trees at 385 W. 11th St 150,187,188 " 5-Salaries increases, objections to 154 " 19-Sidewalk on Pleasant St 158 • " 19-Sidewalk on Seminary, bet. Foye and Gold St. 158 " 19-Spencer, James and Anna, remonstrance against removing steps on Fairview Place 158 " 19-Schwartz. Mrs. Louisa, petition of taxes 158 " 23-St. Mark's Lutheran Church, petition of, asking for lot line on Twelfth and Locust Sts. 163 " 23-Second Ward Alderman authorized to buy road oil 166 " 23-Sewer, sanitary, in Harvard St.. from Vale to Alta Vista166, 182,190 •' 23-Seventh Ave., improvement of____166, 211, 265, 276. 277. 301. 3n-;, 314, 316. 317, 331, . 335, 347 " 23-Sewer. Ninth Ave., improvement 166.251, :21 I,:!58,351 " 23-Sewer, storm, Twenty-Seventh St 166,34'3,347,360 " 23-Sidewalk on College Ave. and West Third St 166,193,210 " 23-Sidewalk on, between Bluff and Picket St 166 June 2-Schublin, Mrs. Katherine. remonstrance against water drain 179 2-Siegel, A., regarding swimming school space 182.183 2-Summit St. and Fifth, grade line 184 " 19-Sewer, sanitary, in Seminary, extending of 185,196 " 19-Sewer, sanitary, in Grandview Av. from Dodge to So. Dodge 185, 219, 225, 252, 263, 264, 282, 297. 302, 305, 309, 311, 323, 331, 406 " 10-Sewer, sanitary, revising of ordinance 186 6 " 10-Scales at Jackson St. reported out of order 186 10-Seippel, Peter J., Lumber Co., offering to fill up Harrison St. 188 22-Sidewalk on Grandview Av,John Philip owner, settlement of 195 " 22-Schwartz, J., engineer of steam roller, appointment of 196 " 28-Steam roller, raising of 198 " 28-Stedman, B. F., Supt. Water Works, petition of. asking right to lay pipe in alley bet. 9th and 10th Sts 198 " 28-Sidewalk inspector, notice to 200 July 7-St. Matthew's Lutheran Church et al, petition of. asking to prohibit the licensing of carnivals, etc 211 . 7-Spring and Booth Sts.. altering of 215 7-Stop boxes, on sidewalks, removing of 216 " 7-Seventh St., from east lot line of Main to w st lot line of Clay St.; improving of__217, 251, 254, 263, 290'308378, 392, 405, 406.409 , i • II E • INDEX—Book 40 1830 — SUBJECT Page . S " 7—Sprinkling around Post Office and I. C. R. R. freight house_ 218 " 21—Sidewalk on O'Neill Ave 222 ' 21—Sewer, sanitary, in alley bet. Washington and Elm, from Lincoln and Eagle Pt. Ave. by H. Hussmann. et al-222,228,335,336 2 " 26—Sanitary sewer, cleaning of, near Beach soap factory 227 25 " 26—Sweeney. Thos.. plain clothes man, appointment of ' 29—Street sweeper, resignation of 228 " 29—Sewer. sanitary, in 25th St., from manhole at intersection of alley bet. Jackson and Washington, east to alley bet. Washington and Elm Sts. 237,265,298,301 " 29—Sidewalk on south side of 3d St. between \Iain and Iowa___ 240 " 29—Sidewalk on north side of Rush, bet. Uni,•n and Quince__- 241 ' 29—Sidewalk on 11 side of Seminary, bet. N. Dain and Paul St. 242 " 29—Sanitary sewer in Bennett St„ investigation of 242 " 29—Sanitary sewer in Mt.Pleasant Av. from Home of Friendless 242,304 Aug. 4—Sidewalk on Rhomberg Ave. from end of car line to park 253 entrance - 10—Sidewalk on west side Bluff, front of Lot 1 of Sub. East TA 257 of Lot 655 " 10—Sidewalk on north side O'Neill Ave.. bet. Sheridan St. and 259 Burden Avenue 10—Sidewalk on south side of O'Neill Ave. bet. Sheridan St. and 260 Burden Avenue " 10—Sidewalk on west side of Rhomberg, bet. Shiller and Middle 260.318,319 " 10—Sidewalk on east side of Lincoln, bet. Reed and Dock St260,261 " 10—Sidewalk on north side Kaufman, bet. Valeria and Cushing_ 261,323 " 10—Sidewalk on south side Middle Av., bet. Rhomb. and Garfield 261,319 " 10—Sidewalk on east side of Hill St., bet. W. 7th and W. 5th st_ 262 " 10—Sidewalk on west side of Bluff St., bet. 10th and 11th Sts262,263 62,301 " 10—Storm sewer in 27th St 2269 270,275 " 19—Smith, Anna, petition of, assessment ,320,321 " 19—Sidewalk on west side Locust, bet. 2nd and 3rd Sts273, " 19—Sidewalk on east side Booth St., bet. Solon and Langworthy 273 " 19—Sidewalk on north side 2nd St., between Locust and Bluff273,274,320 19—Sweeping of brick streets 74 ' 29—Stedman. John, petition asking city to fill lot 17, O'Neill Sub. 281 Sept. 9—Sidewalk on Railroad ave. and Valley St 306 15—Sheppley, E. H., petition of, regarding curb on Bluff St311,341 • " 26—Seemon, Peter, et al, petition of, asking that Lawlor Ave. be 316 graded " 26—Sidewalk on east side of Klein St. bet. Kaufman Ave. and 317,342 Klingenberg Terrace " 26—Sidewalk on east side of Garfield, bet Windsor and Humbolt 319,335 " 26—Sidewalk on east side Rhomberg, bet. Shiller and Middle319,3200 " 26—Sidewalk on west side Locust, bet. 1st and Jones Sts " 26—Sidewalk on north side Southern Ave., between Samuel St. 321 and English Lane " 26—Sidewalk on west side Southern Ave, bet. Dodge and Valley 322 " 28—Storm sewer, passing through St. Joseph's College grounds, cleaning of 324 Oct. 7—Sidewalk on Peru Road 340 " 7—Sewer connection with Bee Branch at Eagle Pt. and Sanford 341 " 7—Sewer, sanitary, in alley bet. Garfield and Rhomberg ave342,372 343,353,361 " 20—Sidewalk, letting of contract 20—Stevenson, Chas., asking city to allow compensation for put 345,380 ting sewer in Dodge Street " 20—Sewer, sanitary, in Grandview Ave., slushing or tamping of 345 filling 4: }j. ,,'l I I II INDEX—Book 40 l 1910 SUBJECT Page S " 26—Strong, H. G.. returning of bid 350 1 " 26—St. Joseph Convent. petition of, asking to extend water mains on Grandview Ave. 351 Nov. 4—Stoves, in Fire and Police Depts., investigating of 369 " 17—Sewer, sanitary, bet. Washington St. and Elm St. from 20th 1St.St. to Lincoln Ave. I 371 17—Spruce St., west side of, putting tip hand railing 372 " 22—Second National Bank, petition of, assessment 376 " 22—Scales at 30th St., moving of 380,400 Iiii " 22—Special assessment, notice of 392 Dec. 1—Schnee, Wm., petition of taxess 395 " 7—Skating rink in harbor 401 " 15—Schaffhauser, Wm.. assessor elect, appointing of deputies405 " 15—Schaffhauser, Wm., assessor elect for increase of salary for deputies 405 " 15—Sewer. sanitary,bet. Washington and Elm Sts 406,407 III " 27—Stahele. Ernst, communication of, offering to take care of II town clock 419 " 27—Skating rink in Lake Peosta 420 Ili 1 ill i! (i 11 11 11 1 il C 1 I II I I • INDEX—Book 40 1910 SUBJECT Page -%4;t Jan. 20—Tschirgi, M. & Son, offering to complete improvement of • Bluff Street 14,115 " 20—Tschirgi. Fred. notice of damage suit 14,63 Feb. 17—Team Drivers" Union, communication stating their wages per hour, beginning March 1, 1910 50 " 17—Thomas St.. changing name of 53 Mar.18—Twenty-seventh St.. from Jackson St. to railroad tracks, improvement. approval of and assessment_91.109.115,119,120,158,182,184 Apr.21—Telegraph-Herald, petition of. asking city to appoint them the official paper of the city 129 " 21—Teamsters. notice to 144 May 19—Theis, Mrs., petition of, asking for a reduction on West Locust St. improvement 158,187 June 16—Traub & Feigner, petition of. assessment 193 July 7—Thering, F. W., petition of, damages to cellar 211 21—Trades and Labor Congress, petition of, asking city to maintain a public ambulance 222,259 21—Trades and Labor Congress. remonstrating against the city granting park for Memorial building 222 26—Towels furnishing of, to City 227,242 29—Tenth St., from alley east of Main to west line of Iowa. cement gutter and curbing of 228,270 Aug. 4—Trades and Labor Congress, petition of, asking council to 254 withdraw order with Galesburg Brick Co " 10—Tibey Bros.. petition of, regarding sewer in So. Dodge 258 " 20—Tobin, F. C., communication of, asking city to endorse New Orleans for exposition in 1915 275 " 233—Twenty-seventh St. from present improvement to end of said street, improving of 276,345,348,360 " 29—Treasurer, instructions to, regarding County Road fund___ 281 Sept. 1—Taxes, unpaid, list of 305,339 Nov. 4—Torbett, Mary K, directress Home of Friendless, petition of, asking overflow sewer in Mt. Pleasant Ave. be changed367 " 22—Town clock, taking care of 380,419 " 23—Tax levy, of, for year 1910 381,383 " 23—Truesdale, J. E., appointing of, as tax commissioner for 2 yrs 383 Dec. 1—Trenkle, H., petition of, asking city to pay for manhole in • • alley bet. Iowa and Clay St. and 12th St. and City Hall395,4200 " 1—Truesdale. J. E. contract, filing of, by City Attorney " 27—Tatelman, Morris, petition of, asking for refund of license418 zf; 1 n`�F• y�r r•',sV/��SY • • INDEX—Book 40 I 1910 SUBJECT Page U Mar. 3—Union Electric Co., building a retaining wall on Car St 88 " 24—Uttley, H. W., petition of, sprinkling around C. B. & Q. Ry. depot 97 Apr. 7—Union Electric Co., petition of, asking permission to build a loop at south end of Main Street 112,189 " 7—Union Electric Co., petition of. asking permission to build a stub switch at Eagle Point 112. 189,199 1 " 21—Union Electric Co. petition of, asking the right to install I grates 129,186,187 l,j May 23—Union Electric Co., mayor instructed to find out the inten- tions in regard to extending their lines on Asbury St. and West Locust St. 166.179 June 10—Upper Mississippi River Improvement Association. assess- ment levied by 187 I " 10—Union Electric Co., offering city flowers for parks 190 iIr ' " 28—Union Electric Co., notice to replace Alpine St. to its proper condition 200 L 28—Undertakers, notice to 210 Aug.10—Union Electric Co., line extending to Mt. Calvary cemetery 265,266 Sept.15—Urbach, Abe, petition of, asking for grade stakes on Grand- view Ave. 311 Nov.22—Union Electric Co., bill to city for repaving Clay St 380,395,420 I I I ' I I , I 11 INDEX—Book 40 1910 SUBJECT Page V Feb. 3—Voelker, Chris. A., asking council to buy small tract of land 33,45 at intersection of Irving St. and Delhi St 42,51 " 10—Vogt, Josephine, petition of taxes Mar.18—Van Vors. J. F.. petition of, asking the removal of steps on 88 south side of lot 15, Fairview Sub Apr.21—Vote of thanks to City Recorder E. Linehan and Deputy135 21—Vault cleaners, notice to 1444.99 May 19—Voelker, C. A., petition of, asking that Irving Ave. be opened 158 " 23—Vernon St., from Alta Vista, establishing grade line 166,194,196,218 June 2—Valeria St.. from Kaufman Ave. to Cushing Place, im- provement of 183,184,191,224,226,227 July 9—Valeria St., from Kaufman Ave. to Hart, St., improving of__ 238. 252, 253, 266, 270, 275, 277,278,296 Aug. 4—Valley St., improving of 253 Dec. 1—Veterinary services for city 398,403,429 I INDEX--Book 40 1910 Page -- SUBJECT --- , . w ___ 1,14,83 2,11,14,83 Jan. G-Wisgislke, Mrs., notice of damages------""--"'"----- 5 •• 6-Wasser, Christina, petition of, assessment----------------" , 2 ', -Washington St.,and wood and 27th Sts., sidewalk, special asst 5.8 6-Washington ort of---------------- against assessment for sewer 6 • 6-Waterworks Auditing Committee, re „ -------er 17 6-Whelan, John. remonstrance,- - -----__ in Neeedham Place ----------------------------------- ---- of----------------- ------------- 17 bonds, approval �� 23,24,25, in Trustees,urDeceinher__-------- 26 t• ' -Warzants issued during Feb. 3-Waltz, Philip, petition of taxes--------------------------- petition of, assessment------------------- 33,45,99 - 33,45 • 3-Watters, Thos.. 34,45 ;1-Witmer, Geo.. petitionees, e assessment t eof--_______________________ 42,51 63 • 3-Waterworks Trustees, rep _______________ , •� 10-Wurst, Ida, petition of, taxes-------------- 1 7-Water mains, in W. 14th St. from Delhi to Audubon Ave., 19,199 II extending in W. St. from ll . to Needham ----, 49,199 17-Water mains 17th St. from Hill St. to Needham Place, extending of ----------------"- g 87 January. 1910______-- __________G7,68,69,70, 71 • 17-Warrants issued petition of, assessment 91 Mar.18-Wunderlich,mainsaA•, p ueen St.. extending of " 18-Water on Q '` 18-West Locust St.. from Hodgen Ave. to Alta Vista St., im- provement 1]G,717,118, II provement of, accepting of and assessment___91,109, 119,154,163,164 93 ' 18-Watts. Philip, remitting of taxes_ 1 24--Warrants issued during Feb., 1910 100.101,102,103,104,105,106,107 Apr. 7-White & Co., and Key City Gas Co., vs. City of Dubuque, 1 l return of court costs 111 I 20 „ 7-West 15th St., grading of rosinof „ 14-Windsor Ave., improvement, approving 0 - _ 120 12126 1 „ 21-Waterworks Trustee, appointing of 135 " 21-West Locust St. gutter, part payment by city 139,140,]41,142,135 " 21-Warrants issued during March . 1910 147 " `21-Waterworks, notice to holders of bonds May 5-Watering fountain at Dodge St. between IIill and Alpine 150 St., placing of 150 " 5-Waterworks quarterly report 155 " 5-Windows in matron's quarters. repairing of 155.201 li II , 5-Watering fountain at 1st and Main, repairing of " 19-Watering fountain at Seminary. bet. Harold and Wood- , 166, worth Ave. 187 " 1g-Wharfage bills, presenting of 166,159 " 23-Willow St., improvement of175 ` " 23-Warrants issued during April 1910__167,168,169,170,171,172,173,174,179 I June 2-Water plug at Kane St., placing of 179 " 2-Water plug at Kniest St., placing of " 2-Windsor Ave., improvement, a point 320 feet north 1 I 183, 225, 236, 250, 267, 289, 313, 346. 372, 373, 374, 389,390,392,398 " 19-Wilmot, Chas.. et al, petition of. asking that sewer he ex- 185 tended along Grandview Ave. from Dodge to So. Dodge_ 185 if 22-West Eleventh St. removing of iron railing, and reset curb_ 199" 22-Water plug at 3rd St. extension " 28-Wiley Bros., petition of, asking for space on Fourth St. to 199 253 place material " 28-Warrants issued during May, 1910 202.203.204,205,206,207,208,209 July 7-Watters, Thos., petition of, asking for sidewalk grade on 211 Wooten Ave 215 7-West 17th St. and Angella St., opening of alley 1 n1l INDEX-Book 40 1910 SU BJ ECT Page • .1 " 21-Workman, J. B., petition of, asking to he paid the 5% commission 222 ' " 21-White, Emily D., petition of, having sidewalk insp. orders suspended 222 " 21-Wiley Bros., petition of. obstructing one-half of 17th St222 " 21-Welty, J. J., petition of ,asking that he be given permission to grade alley in Stines' Addition 222 " 26-Witnesses who appeared in behalf of city in case of Liz- zie J. Post 225 " 26-Waterworks, quarterly report of 226 i, " 26-Wilbur Ave. to Spruce St.. grading of and improving I 226, 236, 267, 289. 301, 377,393.405,407,409.428 " 26-Warrants issued during June. 1910 243,244,245,246,247,248,249 Aug. 4-Wolff. Mrs. Matt. petition of, asking council to ascertain damage done by steam roller 253,258 " 10-Wilbur Lane, giving of grade stakes to A. Heeb 257 " 10-Water Works, annual report of 257 " 10-Wall on Althauser Ave.. repairing of 265 ' 29-Waller, Mary E., petition of taxes 282 " 29-Water main in Grandview Ave., extending of 282,314 " 29-Warrants issued during July, 1910 283,284,285,286,287,288 Sept. 1-Wharfage, collection of 305 9-Water plugs at corner of 27th and 30th Sts '307 " 15-Woman's Relief Corps. petition of, asking for use of Armory 311 Hall 15-Warrants issued during August, 1910 324,325,326,327,328,329,330 Oct. 9-Warrants issued during Sept. 1910 354,355,356,357,358,359 Nov. 17-Weland, Susie, petition of taxes 371 " 17-Woodrich, W. F., protest against sewer, bet. Rhomberg and 372 Garfield Ave. 380 " 22-Wagon, purchasing of. for sewer gang " 22-Warrants issued during October, 1910 384,385,386,387,388,389 " 22-Weeds, cutting of, July. Aug., Sept., 1910, special�a0ssessment en7,398,399,400 Dec. 1-Waller, John R., petition of assessment on blocks in Du- buque Harbor Co. Addition " 15-Wood, H. P., Secretary of Hawaii Promotion Committee. 405 communication of, asking for a city directory . 418 " 27-Wright, W. S., petition of assessment " 27-Warrants issued during November, 1910 422,423,424,425,426,427 I y 1 t rir INDEX—Book 40 1910 SUBJECT Page Y Feb.10—Yale St., east of Havard St, vacating of by Jas. P. Alderson_42,52,53,188 Nov.22—Young. Charles J., petition of assessment 376 i 8 li 1 i e I I 1l I I ' I I I� it • I ; 1 1 ' , l ,q INDEX—Book 40 1910 SUBJECT Page z Tune 19—Zwack, Anton, petition asks that Columbia St. be improved_ ]ss 1I 1 Regular Session, January 6, 1910 1 CITY COUNCIL Regular Session, January 6th, 1910. (Official.) Council met at 8:45 p. m. Mayor Schunk in the chair. Present — Aids. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Absent—Ald. Martin. Mayor Schunk stated that action on the approval of the minutes of the Council Proceedings for the month of November, 1909, was deferred at the last session of the Council to this session. Aid. Rand moved that Council Pro- ceedings for the month of Novem- ber, 1909, be approved as printed with the correction on page 430, 2nd column, 2nd paragraph, to read 1909 instead of 1910. Carried. On motion of Ald. Frith the ap- proval of the minutes for December was deferred until the next session of the Council. BILLS. Bill' of John Teal, repairing floor in No. 5 Engine House, amounting to $14.60, was read and ordered paid. PIDS. Bids for furnishing the Fire, Po- lice, Sewer and Road Departments of the City with hay and oats were pre- sented and, on motion of Aid. Rand, were ordered opened, as follows: J. A. McMahon, good wild hay, $12.75 per ton. No. 1 white oats, 57c per, bushel of 32 lbs. Thos. F. Kane, choice timothy hay, baled or loose, $14.00 per ton. Choice upland hay in hales, $14.00 per ton. No. 1 white oats, 521!c per bushel of 35 lbs. On motion of Ald. Saul the con- tract for furnishing hay and oats for the various departments was awarded to Thos. F. Kane. Ald. Haas moved that the captains of the various Engine Houses and the City 'Veterinarian be appointed to be the inspectors of the feed deliv- ered to the City. Carried. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICA- TIONS. Petition of Emma D. Graham, stat- ing that some error has been made in the assessment levied against her property for the improvement of Bent - nett street and asking that the Conn- ell investigate the matter, was, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Mrs. Mina Brachten- bach, stating that she is a widow in poor circumstances and unable to pay the taxes for the year 1908.on her homestead, S. 48 ft. of Lot 75 in L. H. Langworthy's Add., and asking that taxes be canceled, was, on mo- tion of Aid. Rand, referred to the De- linquent Tax Committee. Petition of \irs. \Visgiskle. stating that she would hold the City liable for damages claimed to have been sustained by her by failing on an icy sidewalk on Julien Avenue between Booth and Nevada Streets, on Decem- ber 15th. 1909, was, on motion of Ald. Rand, referred to the Commit- tee on Claims and City Attorney. Petition of I. E. Ohmert, stating that, owing to sickness and great ex- pense for medical attendance, he has been subjected to during several years and asking, therefore, that the Coun- cil remit his lieense fee for the year 1910. was, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, granted on condition that no other nuctieneer work under him. Petition of the Dubuque Base Ball Club, asking that the Council ratify the consent obtained from the Gov- ernor's Greys to hold a fair in the Armory during the last week in Jan- uary and beginning of February, was, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, granted. Petition of Thos. Hackney, City Pound Master. asking that the Coun- cil allow him an additional $10.00 per month as compensation for additional work imposed on him as Assistant Market Master, was, on motion of Ald. Haas, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Joseph Margadant, ask- ing that the Council exempt him fom the interest One on the special assessment levied against Lots 1 and 6 in Margadant's Sub. for the im- rerment pf Al the user Avenue, was, on motion of Ald. Haas, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of John H. Hail, asking the Council to deduct a former as- sessment which he paid for the im- provement of Grandview Avenue from the present assessrn,aet levied against Lot 3 of Sul,. 3t end 39, Quig'oy's Sub. for the recent improvement of (Grandview Avenue and agreeing to pad the balance at once if granted. was, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, re- ferred to the Committee of the \Vlu le. Petition of Henrietta Gruenzig, stating that she is in poor circum- stances financially and wholly un- able to pay the taxes of 1909, assess- 2 Regular Session, January 6, 1910 ed against her property, Lot 32, B. Wood's Add., on West Locust Street, was, on motion of Ald. Rand, referred to the Delinquent Tax Com- mittee. Petition of Timothy Dillon, asking the Council to accept 55 per cent in full settlement of the special assess' ment levied December 12, 1895. against Min. Lot 12 and Lot 2, Lin- heim's Add., for the improvement of Grandview Avenue, was, on motion of Ald. Rand, referred to the Commit- tee of the Whole. Petition of Christina Nasser, ask- ing that the special assessment levied against Sub. r of Brecht's Sub. of Lot 1 and Sub. 5 of Brecht's Sub. Lot 5 for the improvement of Hennepin Street he reduced, claiming the as- sessment is far in excess of the bene- fits derived. was, on motion of Aid. }lzuis. referred to the Committee of the Whole. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. mayor Schunk presented and read the following veto on the report of the Committee of the Whole, grant- ing the prayer of the Smedley Steam Pump Co., accepting taxes on t he same valuation for the years 1906 and 1907.as in former years: Dubuque, la., Dec. 24th, 1909. To the Honorable Council, City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I have had under con - sir er;uion your adoption of the Com - mime. of the Whole report, granting the prayer of the petitioner„ the Smedley Steam Pump Co., asking that its taxes for the years 1906 and 19117 be accepted on a basis of $10,000 valuation instead of on the basis of the Assessor's return, $21,280.00, for those years. I call your attention to the fact that the Smedley Steam Pump Co. by an agreement with former Councils has already, prior to the years for which reduction is now asked, en- joyed the privilege of paying only on a valuation of $10,000.00 for five years. and this agreement expired with the tax of 1905. It is a well known fact that these whole or partial cancella- tions of taxes are illegal, but, even if it were not true, the company in the over 50 per cent of canceled tax valuation it has enjoyed for a period of five years, has been very fairly treat. (1. and should not be granted further favors along that line. 1, therefore, return you the report et the Committee of the Whole grant- ing the prayer of said petitioner, adopted by your honorable body on December 21, 1909, and hereby veto the 'motion that passed, adopting same Respectfully, H. A. SCHUNK, Mayor. On motion of Ald. Frith the report of the Committee of the Whole was again passed over the veto of the Mayor by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singriu. Nays- None. Absent--Ald. Martin. City Treasurer Brinkman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith hand you statements of amounts advanced by me during the month of December, 1909. for which please order warrants drawn in my favor: Interest paid on warrants outstanding $ 257.80 New fork exchange 1.66 Redemption certificate 8.91 Total $ 268.37 Library orders paid $1,038.47 Also received money borrow to the amount' of :t20,o00.tttt. Refunded loan, $500.00. Respectfully. H. IIIIINKMAN. Treasurer. ' On motion of Ald. O'Rourke the report was received and warrants or- deri•d drawn, to pay the various amounts, and the report referred to the t'ommittee on Finance. City Auditor Lyons reported as fol - To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Herewith find my re- port for the month of December, 1909, showing the receipts and dis- bursements for the month: Receipts: Cash on hand December 1, 1909 $12,089.62 Receipts from all sources35,471.84 Total 47,561.46 Disbursements: Warrants redeemed $25,146.18 Improvement bonds re- deemed • 1,349.14 Improvement bond coupons redeemed 775.00 Regular bond coupons redeemed 377.50 Water Works bond cou- pons redeemed 7,605.00 Water Works Bonds re- deemed 3,000.00 Sidewalk certificates re- deemed .. 166.94 Total . . .$38,419.76 Balance Jan. 1st, 1910... $9,141.70 The above cash balance includes improvement bond fund, the improve- ment bond interest fund and library fund balance. Regular Session, January 6, 1910 8 Water Works account: Water Wnrks, balance December 1, 1909.,.....$11,089.54 Deposited with City Treas- urer during December.... 6,082.64 Total .... ........$17,172.18 Orders drawn on City Treasurer during Dec. ....4,130.32 Balance January 1, 1910..$13,041.86 Excavation permit account: Balance December 1st, 1909.. $45.00 Permits redeemed during Dec. 1909 10.00 Balance January 1st, 1910 $35.00 Also the following is a record of all interest coupons, bonds and sidewalk certificates redeemed by the City Treasurer during the past month and credited to him: Regular bond coupons $ 377.50 Improved bond coupons 775.00 Water Works bond coupons7,605.00 Water Works bond 3,000.00 Improvement bonds 1,349.14 Sidewalk certificates 166.94 Total .... .... $13,273.58 Also report that there is due the city officers for the month of Decem- ber, 1909, $2.7,06.50. Also the following list shows the appropriations and the amount of warrants drawn on each fund since the beginning of the fiscal year be- ginning March 1st, 1909, to January 1, 1910. Appropriation Expended Expense .. ....$10,000.00 $26,325.56 Road— First District .. 6,225.82 6,225.24 Second District . 15,011.04 14,892.34 Third District .. 8,859.42 8,805.17 Fourth District , 10,750.58 10,746.64 Fifth District .. 8,275.14 8,270.74 Fire .... 49.000.00 34,518.17 Police .... :15,000.00 26,084.21 Sewerage .. 6,000.00 4,651.36 Printing .. 2,800.00 1,961.00 Street Lighting 27,000.00 18,643.20 Interest .. . , , 40,000.00 27,777.14 Board of Health 7,000.00 5,705.66 Grading .. . , 4,000.00 3,987.91 Special Bonded Paving ... Special Bonded Debt and In- terest . 'Mt. Carmel Ave- nue Grading 'Sidewalk Repair- ing Bluff Street ex- tension .. Improvement of Windsor Ave - 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,500.00 2,600.00 2,500.00 93.75 1,000.00 710.06 500.00 485.76 1,000.00 Bee Branch Sew- er, Third Ward :.500.00 1.595.75 Bee Branch Sew- er in Wash- ington Street . 6,000.00 5,918.92 Improvement of Grandview Avenue .. ... 3,000.00 1,131.34 Eagle Point Park 3,0110.00 2,9.0.66 Judgment .. , 2,200.00 2,133 90 Opening of Louisa Street.. 1,100.00 1,100.00 Clay Street Im- provement 2,000.00 1,659.49 West Locust St. Storm Sewer . 2,000.00 1,997.55 Kauffman Avenue improvement.. 1.000,00 587.65 Thirty-second St. Storm Sewer . 1,000.00 901.61 Heeb Street Grad- ing .... ..... 300.00 277.65 $297,522.00 Respectfully, M. E. LYONS, Auditor. on motion of AId. O'Rourke the re- port was received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay the city officers and the report referred to the Com- mittee on Finance. Fire Chief Reinfried reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen. The following is the pay roll of the Fire Department for the month of December, 1909: Amount due firemen $2,977.01 Less 1% retained for Pension F1und 29.97 Balance due firemen $2,947.04 Respectfully submitted, J. R. RII\FRIED, Chief. Approved by Committee on Fire. On motion of Ald. Frith the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the firemen, and the report referred hack to the Commit- tee on Fire. Chief of Police Pickley reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the police report for the month of Decem- ber, 1909: Intoxication 41 Assault and Battery 1 Concealed Weapons 4 Deserter from T.T. S. A. 1 Disorderly Conduct 1 Disturbing the Peace 6 Forgery .2 Hopping Trains 1 Petit Larceny 1 Profane Language 1 4 Regular Session January 6, 1910 Vagrancy Total Residents Arrested Doors Found Open Lodgers Harbored Defective lights Meals Furnished Cost of food Police Court Costs Collected ..$22.05 Sheriff Dieting Prisoners .... $ 1 2.75 Patrol Runs for Prisoners 48 Transfer of Prisoners 3 Ambulance Calls 5 NI Iles Traveled 43 I also beg to submit the pay roll for policemen for the month of December, 19119: Amount doe policemen $2,364.00 JAMES PICKLEY. thief of Police. On notion of :\I I. Singrin the re- port and pay roll were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the policemen and the report referred to the Committee on Police and Light. 14 70 18 23 183 78 32 $640 City Electrician Hipman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herce,vith submit my repot of defective lights for the month of December, 1909: find from the reports of the Police Department that the total hours that 78 lamps failed to burn would equal 11/2 lamps burning for one month or $7.50. Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM HIPMA\, City Electrician. On motion of All. Singrin the re- port was received and the City Audi- • tor to be instructed to deduct from the Union Electric company's bill for the month of December, 1909, the sum of $7.50. Acting Street Commissioner Ma- honey reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the pay roll for labor on streets and cleaning sidewalks during the last half of December, 1909: Amt. due laborers on streets and sidewalks $369.15 Approved by Committee on streets. Also submit the pay roll for labor on sewers during the last half of December, 1909: Amt. due laborers on sewers..$206.75 Approved by Committee on Sewers. Also submit the pay roll for labor on Mt. Carmel Avenue during the last half of December, 1909: Amt. due laborers on Mt. Car- mel.. ...... .......$347.25 Approved by Committee on Streets. Respectively submitted, JOHN MAHO\EY, Acting Street Commissioner. On motion of Alds. Saul and Stu - grin the pay rolls on streets and sew- ers were received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay the various amounts and the pay rolls referred back to the proper committees. Acting Street Commissioner Ala honey also submitted the pay roll for labor in the First Ward during the last half of December, 1909, the expense whereof is to be deducted from the amount already received from the County iload Fund for macadam furnished by the First Ward. On motion of Ald. Saul the pay roll was received and referred to the City Treasurer for payment. Street Commissioner Mahoney also submitted statement of the amount of macadam used on (lie \tilltllle Road amounting to $124.00. On motion of Ald. Saul the report was received and referred to the county for payment. Acting Street Commissioner Mahoney also reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Please find Treasurer's rt,ceiI is for the following hills refer- red to me for collection: Martin Heer, tilling lot on Grace and Hall Street $45.00 W. A. Brown filling lot on Louisa Street 3.10 Theo. Bauer filling lot on Grace Street 1.25 Street & Steuck, rolling water trenches 56.00 Street & Steuck, rock furnished on West Fourth Street 76.30 Henry G. Young rock furnished on West Fourth Street 6.110 Respectfully .TOIIN tMAHO\ f:Y. Acting Streit Commissioner. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke the report was received and tiled. Acting Street commissioner Mahoney also. reported as follows: Gentlemen: As per your instruc- tions I have notified Peter Eisbach to put Pleasant Street in proper shape. Also notified II'Farrell Cont,racting Co., to complete the work of improv- ing Alta Vista Street according to contract. Respectfully, JOHN MAHONEY, Acting Street Commissioner. On motion of Aid. O'Rourke report was received and filed. Regular. Session,: January d, 1910 5 Following Weighmastern' and Woodmeasurers' reports of receipts were presented and read, and, on mo- tion, were received and filed: Jos. Straney, First Ward scale..$4.90 Louisa Pitschner, West Dubuque scales 4.05 C. W. Katz, scales receipts'.25.45 Robt. Hay, 8th Street scales, Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec17.50 City Engineer Ilg reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Please find attached grade of 7th Avenue from Rhonberg Avenue to Station 25, being a point about 100 feet north of the entrance to Eagle Point Park. Said grade is shown by red line and red figures and I would recommend the same for your adoption. Respectfully submitted, PAUL ILG, City Engineer. On motion of Alit. Haas the report of City Engineer Ilg was referred to the Committee of the Whole to view the grounds. City Engineer Ilg also presented plat of Dorgan Alley from Ellis Street to the Alley first east thereof on motion of Ald. Rand same was referred to the Committee of the Whole. Sidewalk Inspector Jas. Lynch re- ported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my report of work performed by my de- partment from April 8, 1909 to December 31, 1909: New walks laid 614, or 147,860 square feet. • Old sidewalks repaired 161 Aprons and steps repaired 472 Bridges repaired ....... 21 Respectfully, . JAMES LYNCH. Sidewalk Inspector. On motion, of Ald. Haas the report was ordered received and filed. City Recorder Linehan presented and read the certified copy of the notice of the C'ouncil's intention to levy a special assessment for the con- struction of a Sanitary Sewer in Jack- son Street., Peru Road, in the alley between Jackson Street and Couler Avenue and Alley between Milwau- kee and Diamond Avenue by O'Far- rell Contracting Co.: contractors. No remonstrance being filed and no one in the room objecting to the levy- ing of the special assessment for the construction of said sanitary sewer, the notice was, on motion of Ald. Frith. received and filed. City Recorder Linehan also pre- sented and read the certified copy of the notice of the Council's intention to levy a special assessment for the construction of a cement sidewalk on the north side of Cleveland Avenue between Bluff Street Extension and Union Street abutting Lot 45, Union Add by N. J. Staner, Contractor. No remonstrance being tiled and no one in the room objecting to the levying of the special assessment for the con- struction of said sidewalk the notice was, on motion of Ald. Saul, received and filed. City Recorder Linehan also pre- sented and read certified copy of the notice of the Council's intention to levy a special assessment for the con- struction of a cement sidewalk on the south side of Ninth Street betweertt Clay and White Street abutting City Lot 279 by N. J. Staner, Contractor. Remonstrance of Barbara Isborn against being assessed according to contract price was read and on motion of Aid. Singrin the notice was re- ceived and filed and the remonstrance referred to the Committee of the Whole. City Recorder Linehan also present- ed and read certified copies of the notices' of the Council's intention to levy special assessments for the con- struction of cement sidewalks on the east side of Washington Street be- tween 25th and 17th Streets in front of and abutting on North 26.5 feet of toil 44 and South 15 feet of 1,ot -15, E. Langwo•thy's Acid., owned by Su- san suul .\lacy %eien, and North 35 feet of Lot 47, and Lot 46. E. I.an_- worthy's Add., owned by John Alarzen. No remonstrance being tiled and no one in the room'nbje,•ting to tlu' levy- ing of special assessments for con- struction of said sidew:clks, ti nntie. s were, on motion of Ald. Frith, re- ceived and filed. City Recorder Linehan also pre- sented and read certified, copies of the notices of the C'ouncil's intention to lexv a special assessment for the con- structieu el' eetuent sidewalks on Chace Street 1e(keen East Street and Grandview Avenue in front of and Abutting nn T.ot 17, Iteches' Sub., and Lot 5 Hodges' Sub. No remon- strance being filed and no one in the room objecting to the levying of special assessments for construction of said sidewalks, the notices were on motion of Ald. Frith, received and filed. :REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Rand. chairman of the special Water Works .\milling Committee, reported. as follows: VII Regular ties*ion, January 6, 1910 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: Your committee, ap- pointed to audit the reports and ac- counts of the City Water Works, would report that we have performed that duty, beginning at April 1st, 1908 (the date to which said accounts had been audited by the state auditors) and continuing to October 1st, 1909, (which includes the last report sub- mitted) and find the reports are cor- rect as submitted, with the exception of one or two slight clerical errors in- volving a few cents. We find the ac- counts are kept in good form and excellent condition, so that our exam- ination would reveal any inaccuracy which might exist in them. We find a most perfect system of vouchering for all expenditures, and a careful auditing by the Superintend- ent and the entire Board of Trustees. We also find that the Board of Water Works Trustees carefully check every detail of the water works office as represented in the reports pre- sented to this Council and certify to the fact. Respectfully. D. W. RAND, Chairman. H. A. SCHUNK. WM. SINGRIN. On motion of Ald. Rand report was approved and ordered received and flied. Ald. Singrin of the Police and Light Committee, reported having let the contract for repairing the floor of the Patrol House with Galesburg Brick on a sand foundation for $45.00 to J. F.. Brown. On motion of Ald. Rand action of the Police and Light Committee was approved. Ald. Singrin of the Committee on Markets reported the Scales of Mrs. Deckert at Eagle Point was out of order. On motion of Ala. Rand the Com- mittee on Markets was empowered to have same repaired. Ald. Singrin of the Committee on Sewers reported as follows: Your Committee on Sewers, to whom was referred the remonstrance of John Whelan against the payment of the full amount assessed against his let for the construction of a sani- tary sewer in Needham Place because said amount is in excess of the bene- fits conferred, and asking therefore that said assessment be reduced, would respectfully recommend that the City Treasurer be instructed to accept said assessment when levied on a basis of twenty feet front and to cancel the balance W. SINGRIN, Chairman. Ald. Singrin moved the adoption of the report of the, Committee on Sew- ers. Carried. RESOLUTIONS AND MOTIONS. Ald. Haas offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for con- structing a sanitary sewer in the alley between Milwaukee Avenue and Dia- mond Aveneu to Jackson Street; along Jackson Street to alley between Jack- son Street and Cooler Avenue; thence along said alley connecting with old manhole 3 feet south of North Lot line of Lot 310 Davis Farm Add., by O'Farrell Contracting Co.. contractors, in front of and adjoining the s: me, a, special tax be and is hereby levied on the several Lots. and Parr of Lots, and Parcels of hail Estate herein- after named. situated and owned, and for the several amounts set Opposite each Lot or Parcel of Real Estate, as follows: Special assessment submitted Jan- uary 6th, 1910. Total Owner. Description. Cost. Dubuque Invest. Co., Linehan Park Add., Lot 26, 46 lin. feet at .5068 $ 23 32 Dubuque Invest. Co., Linehan Park Add., Lot 27, 46 lin. feet at 5068 23 31 Dubuque Invest. Co., Linehan Park Add.. Lot 28, 46 lin. feet at .5068 23 32 Dubuque Invest. Co., Linehan Park Add., Lot 29, 46 lin. feet at .51)68 23 31 Dubuque Invest. Co.. Linehan Park Add., Lot 30, 46 lin. feet at .5068 23 32 Dubuque Invest. Co., Linehan Park Add., Lot 31, 46 lin. feet at .5068 23 31 Dubuque Invest. Co., Linehan Park Add., Lot 32, 46 lin. feet at .5068 23 32 Dubuque Invest. Co., Linehan Park Add.. Lot 33, 46 lin feet at 5068 23 31 Amy Shortell, Linehan Park Add., Lot 24, 46 11n. feet at .5068 03 32 Dubuque Invest. Co., Linehan Park Add., Lot 25, 46 lin. feet at .5068 23 31 John Tully, Linehan Park Add., Lot 23, 46 lin. feet at .5068.... 23 32 D. J. Lyons, Linehan Park Add., Lot 22, 46 lin. feet at .5068 23 31 Dubuque Invest. Co., Linehan Park Add., Lot 21, 46 lin. feet at .5068 23 32 Dubuque Invest. Co., Linehan Park Add., Lot 20, 46 kin. feet at .5068 23 31 Dubuque Invest. Co., Linehsn Regular Session, January 6, 1910 7 Park Add., Lot 19, 46 lin. feet at .5068 Dabuque Invest. Co., Linehan Ptak Add., Lot 18, 46 lin feet at 5068 23 31 Dubuque Invest. Co., Linehan Park Add., Lot 10, 46 lin. feet at 5068 23 32 Agatha Heim, Linehan Park Acid., Lot 1, 46 lin. feet at .5068 23 31 Dubuque Invest. Co., Linehan Park Add., Lot 2, 46 lin. feet at .5068 23 32 Dubuque Invest. Co., Linehan Park Add., Lot 3, 46 lin. feet at .5068 23 31 Dubuque Invest. Co.. Linehan Park Add., Lot 4, 46 lin. feet at .5068 23 32 Dubuque Invest. Co., Linehan Park Add., Lot 5, 46 lin. feet at .5068 23 31 Agatha Heim, Davis Farm Add., Lot 322. 60 lin. feet at .5068 30 41 Agatha Heim, Davis Farm Add., Lot 323, 60 lin. feet at .5068 30 41 Agatha Heim. Davis Farm Add.. Lot 324, 60 lin. feet at .5068 30 41 John Papel Davis Farm Add., Int 325, 60 lin. feet at .5068 30 41 Sarah Reilley, Davis Farm Add., N. 1-2 of Lot 326, 30 lin. feet at .5068 15 21 Barbara Graf, Davis Farm Add., N. 1-2 of Lot 326, 30 lin. feet at .5068 15 20 S. D. Botsford, Davis Farm Add., Lot 327, 60 lin. feet at .5068 C. Timmesch, Davis Farm Add., Lot 328. 60 lin. feet at .5068 J. Steiber, Davis Farm Add.. Lot 329, 60 lin. feet at .5068 Alois Glab Davis Farm Add.. Lot 330, 60 lin. feet at .5068 Nicholas Glab. Davis Farm Add., Lot 331. 60 lin. feet at .5068 A. Becker, Davis Farm Add., Lot 332, 60 lin. feet at .5068 Nic. Gab, Davis Farm Add, Lot 333, 60 lin. feet at .5068 Agatha Heim. Davis Farm Add.. Lot 310. 60 lin. feet at .5068.... J. Ungs, Davis Farm Add., Lot 311, 60 lin. feet at .5068 Nic Glab, Davis Farm Add, Lot 312, 60 lin. feet at .5068 Nic Glab, Davis Farm Add 23 32 30 41 30 42 30 42 30 42 30 42 30 42 30 42 30 41 30 42 30 41 Lot 313, 60 lin. feet at .5068 John A. La Brune, Davis Farm Add., Lot 314, 60 lin. feet at .5068 John A. La Brune, Davis Add.. Lot 315, 60 lin. feet at .5068 Agatha Heim, Davis Farm Add., Lot 316, 60 lin. feet at .5068 Agatha Heim, Davis Farm Add., Lot 317, 60 lin. feet at .5068 J. Palmer, Davis Farm Add, Lot 318, 60 lin. feet at .5068 (1. Schmitt. Davis Farm add, Lot 319, 60 lin. feet at .5068 J. Stieher, Davis Farm Add, i.iit 320, 60 lin. feet at .5008 J. Stieber, Davis Farm Add, Lot 121, (30 lin. feet at .5068 30 42 30 41 30 42 30 41 30 42 30 41 30 42 30 41 311 41 Total Cost $1242 88 1772 lineal feet 8 -in. sanitary sewer pipes at 54c $ 956 88 8 manholes at $23.00 184.00 2 iron pipes 2 4feet at $1.75 42 00 Total $1182 88 Extra. expenses 60 00 Total Sum $1242 88 All of which is assessed in propor- tion to benefits conferred. Ald. Haas moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Ald. Martin. Ald. Saul offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for a cement sidewalk on the north side of Cleveland Avenue between Union Street and Bluff Street Extension by N. J. Starter, Contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a Special Tax be and is hereby levied on the several Lots, and Parts of Lots, and Parcels of Heal Estate hereinafter named, sit- uated and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each Lot or Parcel of Real Estate, as follows: Special Assessment submitted Jan- uary 6ib,: 1910, Total Owner. . Description. Cost Minnie and :tI. A. Kemler, Union Add., Lot 45, 240 sq. feet at 14c, $33.60; ex- pense $3.00 36 60 Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeaa--Alds. Frith. Haas. O'Rourke, 8 Regular Session, January 6, 1910 Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—And. Martin. Ald. Rand offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for a cement sidewalk on Grace Street between Hall Street and Grandview Avenue by Ed. Evans, Jr., Contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a Special Tax be and is hereby levied on the several Lots, and Parts of Lots, and Parcels of Real Estate herein- after named, situated and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each Lot or Parcel of Real Estate, as follows: Special Assessment submitted Jan- uary. 6th, 19111. Owner. Description. Cost. Martin Heer, Reche's Sub Lot 17. 140 sq, feet at 12 1-2c. $30.00: extra ex- pense $2.010 33 00 Ald. Rand moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—A Ids. Frith. Haas. O'Rourke, Rand. Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Ald. Martin. All. Rand also offerer) the follow- ing: Resolved by the City Council of the City. of Dubuque: That to pay for a cement sidewalk on the south side of Grace Street between East Street and Grandview Avenue by Ed. Evans, Jr., Contractor, in front of and ad- joining the same. a Speeia] Tax be and is hereby levied on the several Lots, and Parts of Lots, and Parcels of Real Estate hereinafter named, situated and owned.•anti for the sev- eral amounts set 'posit, each Lot or Parcel of eRal Estate, as folows: Sie•cial Assessment submitted Jan- uary 6th. 1910. Total Owner. Description. Cost. A. E. Girard. Hodge's Sub Lot, 5. 428 sq. feet at 12 1-2c, $53.50: extra ex- pense $3.00 56 50 And. Rand moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand. Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Abl. 'Martin. Anel. Frith offered the following: Resolved by the. (City Council of the City of Dubuque:. That to pay for a cement sidewalk on Washington Street between 25th Street and 27th Street, by N. J. Shiner, Contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a Special Tax he and is hereby levied on the several Lots and Parts of Lots, and Parcels of Real Estate hereinafter named, situated and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each Lot or Parcel of Real Estate, as follows: Special Assessment submitted Jan- uary 6th, 1910. • Total Owner. Description. Cost. John Matzen. E. Lang - worthy's Add., N. 35 feet, Lot 47. 1411 sq. feet at 14c, $19.60; extra expense $1.50 John Ma rr.• •n. E. Lang - worthy's Add., Lot 46, 200 sq. feet at 14c, $2S.00; ex- tra expense $1.50 21. 10 29 50 Total .... .. ...........$ 50 Aid. Frith moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: leas --Alis. Frith. Haas, (1'Rourke, Rand. Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Alii. Martin. Ald. Frith also offered the follow- ing: Resolved by the City C'ounc'il of the City or unbn,lue: That to pay for a cement sidewalk on Washing -ton Street between 17th and 27th Street. by N. J. Siter. I'ontraetor, in front of and adjoining the acme. a Sloeial Tax be and is hereby levied on the .s,•v,'ral Lots. and Parts of Lots, and Parcels of Real Estate hereinafter named. sit- uated and owned. and for the sev''ral amounts set opposite each Lot or Pare,' of Real I•atute, ;,s follows: Special Assessment submitted .I:In- uary lith. 19111. Total Owner. I neseription. ('est. Susan and Mary Zeien. E. La n_wort toys• Add.. N. 26.5 feet. Lot 44. 106 sq. feet. $14.94: extra expense $ 2.110 16 S4 Susan :aid Mary Zei''n. is Langworthy'.s Add., S. 17 feet. Lot 45, 60 s,l. feet. $8.40; extra expense $1.04. 60 9 44 Total Assessment .. ...... $ 26 Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—And. Frith. Haas, O'Rourke, Rand. Saul and Singrin. Nays --N one. Absent—A hl. Martin. 2S Alderman Frith also offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City 'of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to construct a sanitary sewer in Henry Street and in the alley first west of Windsor Avenue as follows, to -wit: An eight inch tile pipe sewer in Henry Street from Windsor Avenue to the alley first west thereof, thence northerly. in •said alley. for a distance Regular Session, January 6, 1910 9 of about eighty feet, and to assess the cost of said sewer against the abutting property. Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Ald Martin. Alderman Frith also offered the folio wing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat and specifications for an eight inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Henry street from Windsor Avenue to the alley first west thereof thence northerly in said alley for a distance of about eighty feet, showing the locations and general nature of such improvements, the extent there- of, the size and kind of material to be used, and to prepare an estimate of the cost thereof and the amount as- sessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting thereon per front feet or square feet in area, and to file such plat, specifications and estimate in the office of City Recorder. That after such plat is so filed, the City Recorder shall cause to be pub- lished notice of the intention of the Council to make such improvement, which notice shall be published in three consecutive issues of the official paper of the City of Dubuque, stating that such plat is on file, and general- ly the nature of the sewer, its location, size and kinds of material to be used, and the estimate of its cost, and fixing the time before which ob- jections thereto can be filed, which time shall not be less than five clays after the last publication of said no- tice, and after the completion of the publication of such notice, he shall at its next sesion, notify the Council thereof in writing with a printed copy of such notice acompanying the same. Ald Frith moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith. Haas, O'Rourke, Rand. Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Ald. Martin. Ald. O'Rourke moved that Street Commissioner Mahony confer with former Street Commissioner Dorgan in reference to rock sold to Mr. August Moyer and other parties from Alta Vista Street and report back to the Council at its next session. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke moved that the matter of including the north half of Davis Avenue within the City Limits be referred to the City Attor- ney to report back to the Council at its next meeting as to what proceed- ure to take to acquire said north side. Carried. Ald. Frith moved that the matter of finishing Alta Vista Street be left to Ald. O'Rourke and Street Com- missioner. Carried. Ald. Saul moved to adjourn to January 20th, 1910. Carried. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. BY JOS. FRIEDRICH, Deputy. (( Approved...J. .✓"1..1310 I. Mayor a N ...Recorder • ,(,ssion, January 15, 1910 CITY COUNCIL Special Session, January 15th, 1910. c'euuicil met at 8:35 p. m. .Utiyor Schunk in the chair. l n• ni. — Alds. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Absent—Ald, Martin. .\I;iyor Schunk stated that the special session wns called for the pur- pose of taking up and considering the serious snow conditions in the various portions of the city and to take some action toward putting streets in pass- able condition. Matter of providing funds to defray necessary expenses which would be incurred in hauling snow off the streets of the city, and the manner of getting as much work done on the streets with the least delay possible was discussed. Ald. Frith then moved that the Street Commissioner, acting through the various Ward foremen, be in- structed to have the snow and ice cleared away wherever it is most needed and the expense for the work to be charged to the expense fund. Carried. Ald. Saul moved that the Chief of Police. with the City Electrician, be instructed to serve notice on all oc- cupants or owners of buildings to re- move all dangerous icicles or over- hanging snow from their buildings within twelve hours, and if they neg- lect to do so the city will have it done and the cost assessed to the property owner. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke moved that the Chief of Police notify all property owners personally and the City Recorder to notify then by official publication in the papers that all those who throw snow or ice from the roofs of build- ings onto streets or alleys must have same removed at once or the city will have snow and ice hauled away and costs charged to the property own- er. Carried. Ald. Rand moved that the Chief of the Fire Department be instructed to have his department render as much assistance as possible, by having snow around different engine houses re- moved and in keeping catch basins of storm sewers in the vicinity of en- gine houses open. Carried, Aid. Frith moved to adjourn. Car- ried. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. Approved .J -?'c[ .191 d Mayor °L"t Recorder Attest: rrt 1.Y!•Y Special Session, January 1&,, 1910 CITY COUNCIL special .session, January I Stir, 1910. Council met at 2:an p. nt. Mayor Schunk in the chair. Present — \ids. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke. haunt, Saul and Singrin. Absent-- .1h1. :\Ian•tiu. Mayor Schunk stated that the special session was called on request of Alderman Frith and Singrin for the purpose of Inking up and considering the snow conditions in the various parts of the city. Ald. Frith stated that in his opin- ion the snow was not; being removed in as economical a manner as it should be. Ihat if the teamsters were not supplied with sufficient help to fa- cilitate the unloading of the snow, the work should be discontinued. \Iattet• was ..nen discussed by the various members of the council and upon investigation it was found that all teams being employed in hauling snow- were not employed by the City and that all the City men and teams were doing very .dlicient work and were using the strictest of economy. lot motion Street Commissioner was instructed to report to the Coun- cil on Thursday evening an estimate of the cost of removing the snow from the streets up to that time. Ald. O'Rourke then moved that a committee consisting of. Aids. Saul and Haas be appointed to confer with the Union Electric Co. to see what can be done with snow- along the car tracks, and if committee and Electric company cannot reach a satisfactory agreement, Union Electric Company to appear be- fore the City Council at the session to be held Thursday evening, January 20th, 1910. Carried. Ald. Rand moved to adjourn. Car- ried. EDMUND A. LIN EHAN, City Recorder. CITY COUNCIL Regular Session. .1aWIN ry 2n111. 1910. (Odicta1.1 Council sort at 8:45 Mayor Schunk in the chair. Present - - Alds. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand. Saul and Singrin Absent—Ald. Martin. \layer Sehunk stated that action on the ;approvaI of Ili, minutes of the Council Proceedings for the month of Decenther, 1901, was deferred at the last s,scion of the Council to this session. Ald. Rand nil that Council Pro- ceedings for the month of December, 11119, h.• approved as Jointed. Car- ried. Ald. Saul moved that the council Proceedings of .January 6th. 1110, be corrected so as to show the motion of Alderman 1 -lags in relation to the inspection of hay and oats to be fur- nished to the Fire Department, left the it15111 el int; of hay and 11115 to the Chief of the Fire Department and the several captains. and in cIIse it ;t dis- agreement on the einality of same, the City Veterinarian Io be called in. Carried. Following bills were approved and were. on motion, ordered paid by the following- vote: Yeas-- \lds. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand. Sant and Singrin. Nays—None, Absent ---Aid. Martin. Joseph It. Workman, 10% commission collecting back taxes $ 78 00 James Lally, repairs at City Hall 4 20 Mullen Bros., plumbing re- pairs at City Hall 11 10 Geo. Masters. plumbing re- pairs at supplies at City•Hall 9 85 M. O'Donnell, plumbing re- pairs at City Hall 3 91, H. R. McCarten, plumbing re- pairs water fountain South Dodge and Grandview Ave. 16 60 C. E. Fitzpatrick Co., station- ery supplies for various of- fices 9 12 F. A. Miller, 1 dozen brooms 4 10 Telegraph - Herald, printing improvement bonds 50 50 Mathis Metz Co., printing tax receipts 59 00 Eichhorn & Bechtel, wash powder for cleaning at City Hall Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co_, stamp pad ink, Recor- corder's office Key City Roofing Co., cement repairing fountain West Lo - 50 25 Regular Session, January 20, 1910 cust Street Midland chemical Co., 10 gal- lons Dritoleum, City Hall Peter Ev'•n, coal First Ward seal' house Klan •r ,t• Kress, hardware for City Hall S. I: Ittintz, planting flower beds in Grant Park Chas. T. hush, 3 photos of sidewalks for Legal Dept. J. 1'. Foley. towel service for 1tccenlher Dennis .AIcclrath, thawing- frozen hawingfr zen w;Uer pipes, City Hall Western ('nioo Telegraph Co., time service. Treasurer's Of- fice. December Larry !Palley. iley. cleaning around Markel Square. November and December Clancy Transfer Co., coal for First Ward scale house and Patrol 1 -louse T. J. :\lulgrew Co., coal, City Hall Phil Doerr & Co., coal, City (lull Linehan & Iloin, coal, City Hall Pier I'ros., oak wood, City Halt i\Ict'ollins Transfer Co., oak wood. ('ity 1 -fall C. McManus, sewing and car- rying in ' cords wood ..., H. Hail,. .awing and carrying in " cords wood W. H. Hood, sawing and car- rying in _ cords wood Iowa To:. phone CO.. telephone w•rcic • for various depart- ments. Januar Dubuque 'Telephone Co., tele- phone service for various departments, November C. \V. Katz. meals furnished prisoners December American Ever -Ready Co, ba tortes for patrolmen's flashlights Waterbury Button Co., but- tons for Police Dept. John L. Kies. supplies for Pa- trol House Klauer ,' hr..so, hardware supplies for Police Dept. . • Geo. W. Healey & Son, hard- ware sal plies for Police Kept, Eichhorn R Bechtel, groceries for Poliee matron's quar- ters E. .1. .\Itilgrew, supplies for Police Matron's quarters Ellwanger Bros., supplies for Patrol House Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs for Patrol House H. J. Hagerty, veterinary ser- vice, Patrol horses, Novem- ber and December J. F. Brown, repairing floor 1 50 20 00 11 61 2 20 20 00 4 50 4 00 2 00 1 00 19 80 41 S6 20 34 24 30 3470 12 00 18 20 2 50 2 50 6 25 12 75 17 42 6 40 4 00 23 25 3 85 70 2 38 3 40 5 52 .50 8 48 2 40 in Patrol House 33 75 Metter Itros., feed for Firu and Police Delts. 23 80 aiey city Has Co., 4 gas arcs for hire and Police Depts2 00 Key City (las Co., light for various departments 115 85 Dagen. Peed & Berwanger, horscshuing for Fire Dept. 1 00 1'ollenweider & Hein, horse - shoeing for Fire Dept 17 50 John I'owers. Pu rs'sto tel ii g for .Fire Rept. 22 05 H, J. Hagerty, veterinary ser - Vice I'.,r Fire horses, No- yenttr a nd December 1.5 40 Geo. l:agatz \ Son, repairs for Fire 1 tett. 6 17 Wm. \I;irshall, repair's for Fire Dept. 2 50 John intt, repairs for Fire Dept. 1 70 Dubuque (lubber & Belting ('o., supplies for hire Dept. 70 75 .Ellwanger Bros., supl,lit•s and retail's for hire Dept 3 65 W. It. I;;Intogartnt•r, supplies 1'ot• hire Dept, 3 SO Geo, W. Healey & Son. sup- plies for hire Dept. 2 10 haft. Stafford, feed for Fire Dept. 10 75 National 12efiniug Co., oil for Fire IU, pt. 6 75 Linehan & holo, supplies for Fire I tett. 6 50 R. lierrnuutn & Sons, 4 oitice chairs for Fire Dept. 10 00 La Nicca i'harntacy, toilet pa - pet' for Fire Dept. 5 00 Jos. Simones & Co., comfort- ers for Fire Dept. 8 00 Jos. J. Itw;ul, comforters for Fire Rept. 7 75 Frank Boutin, coal for Fire Dept. 12 SS T. J. \lulgrew Co., coal for Fire ]tett, 14 35 Peter Even, coal for Fire Dept. 16 85 F. A. (,urns, coal for Fire Delft. 50 96 Conlin & Kearns Co., coal for Fire I/ett. 12 93 Martin R• Str l.•tu Co., coal for fire Dept. 15 90 Phil Doerr & Co., coal for Fire 1 rept. 19 SO Felix Becker, coal for Fire Dept. 1s 55 Pier 1 l os., coal for Fire Dept13 80 Key City Has Co., coke for Fire Dept. 31 70 Union Electric Co., power for tire alarm system 2 00 Union Electric Co., arc lights, December 2088 25 Key City Roofing Co., cement for Sidewalk and Sewer Depts, 11 50 Farley & Loetscher Co., sash for Road Dept. 1 15 SPahn-Rose Lumber Co, Regular Session, January 20, 1910 lumber for Sidewalk and Police Depts. John J. Sheridan, salt for Sidewalk Dept. Wafter & Kress, hardware for Sidewalk Dept. 1'. Sehloz & Son, repairs for Sewer !tent. Mr. Schwartzburg, repairs for Sewer 11,'p1. Dubuque Itubber & Belting Co., supplies for Sewer Dept. Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs for Sewer Dept. John Butt• repairs for Sewer Dept. Lagen, Peed & Berwanger, shoeing Sewer Dept. horse. Klauer & Kress, supplies for Sewer and I -toad Depts \V. D. Decker( ('o,, supplies for Road Dept. F. Schloz & Sou. repairs for Roaul Dept. . T. .1. .\tulgrew Co., sewer pipe for Sewer Dept. O'Farrell contracting Co.. 5% retained on improvement of Yale Street 39 33 John Linehan, collecting dead animals. December 23 50 Smith -Morgan Printing Co, printing pamphlets. Decem- ber 20 95 Times -Journal, printing Coun- cil Proceedings. December. 86 65 Telegraph - Herald. printing Council Proceedings. De- cember 85 28 Dubuque National Demokrat, printing Council Proceed- ings, December 12 50 Labor Leader, printing Coun- cil Proceedings. December. 12 50 1 55 1 35 1 20 55 40 75 25 2 40 2 50 1 75 1 50 75 8 40 Bills of . N.J. Stoner for construct- ing concrete culvert over flee Branch Creek 1 etwecn Couler Avenue and Lemon Street. amounting to $429.00; also for constructing concrete culvert over Bee Branch Creek between Jack- son Street and Couler Avenue, amounting to $440.00, were presented and read. Ald. Saul stated culverts had not been accepted and that same could not be accepted at the present time, owing to weather conditions. City Engito•er Ilg stated work had been constructed according to the plans and specifications and was com- pleted to his entire satisfaction. Ald. Frith moved that Mr. Staner be allowed 75% of his bills and war- rants he ordered drawn in favor of N. J. Starer in the sum of $651.75 to pay 75% of bills. Carried. Following bilis were not approved and were, on motion, referred to Com- mittee of the Whole: O'Farrell Contracting Co., re - 13 pairing Althaus.•r Ave. , , .$1320 90 H. Ii. .\Ic('arten. plumbing, Central Engine House . . ilendat & Rokus, k, stone de- livered to City Pound .... 15 40 6 65 PETITIONS .\Nit l'(t\I\Il'\ICA- TI(tNs. Petition of L. D. Mathes and 13. F. i3locklinger, trustees for the creditors of the Avenue Top .Alining Company, asking that the City Treasurer be in- structed to accept $100.00 in full set- tlement of city taxes of the Avenue Top .\lining Company I. years 11007, Ito.,S and 19.14, w;Is read and on motion of .-Alit. Frith rules a r,• strs- I•ended to Oro Air. .Alathes permis- sion to .oldness (he Council. \I r. Milt 10'S thin addressed the council, giving reasons why petition should be granted. On motion. of Aid. Frith petition was then referred to the Committee of the Whole, Communisation from I, Belsky and Louis A. Belsky asking that some ac- tfon he taken to compel two police olfeers to pay then. for treat furnish - '.1 Ihem, was on motion of Ald. Frith referred to the Hoard of Police and Fire Commission with instructions to have the police officers discharged if they do not pay the bills. Petition of Louis Smith asking that the city council order a warrant drawn in his favor in the stun of $27. to pay for the constructing of a ce- ment sidewalk, four feat wide. on the north side of \Vest 'I'hirrl Street, abut- ting ..n the property of M. Fannon, was. 'al ntntiun of AId. Frith, referred to the Committee of the Whole and Sidewalk Inspector. Petition of Mfrs. Bridget Farrell asking that the taxes on Lot 110 an,l half of 111 East Dubuque .\.id., h.• cane. 11.1 i'ur the year 1009. she being in poor health and poor eireutnstances and uru.bl• to pay sante was on mo- tion of Ald. Frith referred to the Delinquent Tax Committee, Petition of Frank 114. South stating that he being an honorably discharged soldier of the civil war and ;Irking that the taxes for year 1904 on his homestead, 1.1 17 and 18. C. \\'. Ro- gers' Sub., be exempted to the amount of eight hundred dollars was fat mo- tion of Ald, Frith referred to the Delinquent Tax Committee. Petition of Job Barnes asking that the city pay him salary for time he was laid up with injuries received on 10th and Main Streets, April 28, 1908, was on motion Of Ald. Frith referred to the Committee of the Whole. 14 Regular Session, January 20, 1910 Petition of Ancient Order of Hi- bernians asking that they be granted the use of Armory hall for the pur- pose of giving a dance on the evening of March 17, 1910, stating that they had obtained the consent of the Governor Greys for the use of the Armory for .that date, was on motion of Ald. Land granted on condition that they assume all risk of the build- ing. Petition of the Dubuque Wooden - ware and Lumber Company, asking that the storm sewer in Ninth Ave- nue be extended to the river or to carry the water coming from this seocer by some other practical way to the river, claiming that water from sewer is now being emptied onto their lots, was, on motion of Ald. Frith. referred to the Committee of the Whole to view the grounds. Petition of International Association of Machinists, Julien Lodge No. 379 asking that they be granted the use of the Armory March 29, 1910, for their annual hall, they having ,ob- tained consent of the Governor Greys for same, was, on motion of Ald. Haas, granted on condition that they assume all risks of building. Communication from .\l.. Tschirgi and Son offering to resume the work arid complete .the contract of im- proving Bluff Street to the satisfaction of the Council and City Engineer on or before June 15th, providing the City to furnish the macadam base which is necessary and they receive an allowance for work already done was on motion of Ald. Frith referred to the committee of the whole. Notice of Mrs. Helen May claiming $3,500 damages for personal injuries claimed to have been sustained by falling on a sidewalk was on motion of Ald. Haas referred to the commit- tee on claims and City Attorney. Notice of Mrs. Wisgiskle claiming $3500.00 damages for personal in- juries claimed to have been sustained by falling on a sidewalk on Julien Avenue was on motion of Md. Haas referred to the committee on claims and City Attorney. Notice of Fred Tschirgi claiming $20.000.00 damages for personal in- juries claimed to have been sustained by falling on a sidewalk at Fifth and Main street was on motion of Ald. Haas referred to the Committee on Claims and City Attorney. Notice of Mr. Herbert Moore for $2.000.00 damages and of Mrs. Myrtle Moore for $5,000.00 damages for per - sepal injuries claimed to have been sustained by falling on a sidewalk were, un- motion of Ald. Haas, re- ferred to the Committee on Claims and City Attorney. REPORT OF OFFICERS. The annual report of the Trustees of Carnegie -Stout Free Library was presented and read, as follows: Report of Trustees: Dubuque, la., Dec. 31st., 1909. To the Mayor and Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: In obedience to the re- quiren•nts of the statutes of the State. the Board of Trustees of the Carni gie-?tout Free Public Library herewith submit to your honorable body their annual report for the year 1909. They enclose therewith the annual report for 1909 of the Librarian of the Library, which you will find very full and able, and giving you a most intelligible and comprehensive pre- sentation of the operations of the library. There still continues to be gratifying evidence of interest on the part of the people of the city in the attractions and benefits which the library offers, so that a very large fraction of the people of the city, youth and adult, are enrolled as library members, and are partaking of its intellectual stimulus. The enrollment of members is now 12,474, an addition for the year of 881. The total circulation for the year amounted to 10 2,710. Of these 8388 volumes were circulated through the branch libraries established in nine public and parochial schools at the desire and under the care of teachers interested in the uplifting work. The net number of volumes added to the library in 1909 was 4,000, in- cluding general works in the Allison Memorial collection, making a total of 2£,045. not including 12,000 govern- ment publications. In our report of last year mention was made of Mrs. Jennie A. Bray - ton's most generous gift of the library of the late Senator Allison, but noting the fact that the bods had not yet been transferred to the public library, and had, therefore, not been counted in the last report. Early this year, however, the complete Allison Library was transferred by Mrs. Brayton, and duly arranged and labeled, adding 2200 volumes of mis- cellaneous literature and 1600 volumes of government publication to our collection. Most of the miscellaneous publica- tions were in handsome bindings and Regular Session, January 20, 1910 sets, and much of the material was rare and valuable, while the govern- ment publications were bound in a rich uniform style with the Senator's name embossed thereon. For the "Allison ,Memorial" thus established. the Board feels a deep sense of grati- tude to Mrs. Brayton. Among the other notable gifts that came to the library during the year were those from Mrs. H. P. Ward, of Washington, D. C., who, with her late lamented husband, was for many years among our early and respected citizens. In memory of her husband, ,firs. Ward presented to the library a set of a special edition of Curtis' "North American Indians," one of the most beautiful and v,iluable specimens of typography ever issued by the press of the country. This special edition is being issued under the patronage of J. Pierpont Morgan, and has been dedicated by Theodore Roosevelt over his written signature. The edition, when completed, will consist of 20 royal quarto volumes, profusely em- bellished. and 20 portfolios of photogravures of Indians and Indian life which Mr. Curtis spent many years in personally securing. This will give to our Dubuque library an artistic edition of this most valuable work that but few libraries of the world will be able to secure. Supplementing this very valuable gift, Mrs. Ward also presented to the library a rich and artistic case for housing and preserving it, and facilat- ing its use by those who wish to in- spect or study it. In addition, Mrs. Ward has enriched the Art Room of the library by three costly and beautiful etchings by not- able artists and of historical subjects, each very handsomely framed. The good and generous friends of the library who last year made a cash gift of $100 in order to enlarge the list of magazines and periodicals, re- peated her gift the present year, se that this branch of our circulation has continued very full and attractive. The board also acknowledges with gratitude other gifts from Judge Shiras for the embellishment of the library, toward which he has done so much at his personal cost. His later gifts have been 18 water color sketches of California flora for the Art Room, and a set of 24 portraits of presidents of the United States for the Historical Room. The Educational Division of the Woman's Club of Dubuque has again laid us under a great sense of obliga- tion for its annual gift to the chil- dren's room, this year presenting a handsome clock. The walls and ceilings of the his- tnricals and museum rooms, and the ceilings of the Art Room have been 15 handsomely and substantially paint- ed in nil. c'onsiderabie repair has been needed and made to the floor of the auditorium. The following will show the finan- cial statement for the current year: FINANCIAL STATEMENT. Dec. 31, 1908, bal- ance as recorded by City Treasurer.$1,7955.61 Tax collections .... 8,201.93 Total support fund for 1909 \Aartonts drawn in 1909 ...... ....$8,103.01 We11nnts drawn in 19id paid in 1909 30.00 Outsion liiig w a r- ranl 1909 1.00 Current December bills unpaid 526.37 $9,997.54 Total expenditures $8,660.38 Balance $1,337.16 Dec. 31, 1909, bal- ance as reported by City Treasurer.$1,864.53 Outstanding w a r - rant .... ....... 1.00 $1,863.53 Current. December bills unpaid 526.37 Falance available $1,337.16 ITEMS OF EXPENDITURE. Salaries ...... ....$4,020.20 Books .... ....... 1,414.16 Binding ...... ... 605.50 Printing and sta- tionery .... .... Periodicals .... . Fuel Light Supplies and mis- cellaneous .. 487.35 Additions and re- pairs to building. 479.70 70.28 311.69 713.75 527.75 Total $8,630.38 Warrant drawn in 1908 paid by City Treasurer in 1909 30.00 Total expenditures $8,660.38 LIBRARIAN'S CONTINGENT FUND RECEIPTS 1909. Balance January 1, 1909 $ 45.37 Fines 244.99 Rent of auditorium92.00 Lost books and miscel- lanies 7.45 General fund 15.00 Total $404.81 EXPENDITURES. Freight and express...$ 80.55 Postage 37.24 Cleaning 167.45 Telephone ...... .. , 22.85 Incidentals .... 73.41 Regular Session, January 30, 1910 Total $381.50 Balance on hand Jan. 1, 1910 $ 23.31 Very respectfully. BOARD OF LIBRARY Titt"STEES OF DUBUQUE By JACOB RICH. President. On motion of Ald. Land the annual roper' of the 'Trustees of the Carne- gie -Stout Library were received and filed. Streit commissioner \Jahony re- pealed as I-Ilot c: '1'1) thy. Ilenerable \layer and City ('511(11: gentlemen:—T herewith submit the pay roll for shoveling snow from side- walks and crns.ings during the first half of .laniary 1910: Amt. due Li ho^ers un str'eets.,$573.35 Approved by ('ommittcu, on Streets. Also submit the pay roll for labor on sewers during the first half of January. 1910: Amt. due laborers on s'wers..$198.00 Approved by Committee on Sewers. Also submit the pay roll for labor on Mt. Carmel Avenue (luring the first half of January. 1910: Amount duelaborers on Mt. Carmel ? venue $302.00 Approved by Committee on Streets. Respectfully submitted, JOHN :MHO\ Y. Street Commissioner. On modem of Aids. Saul and Sin - grin the pay roll on streets and sew- ers were received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay the various amounts and the pay rolls referred back to the Proper committees. Street Commissioner Mahony also reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay roll for labor shoveling snow In the First Ward during the first half of January, 1910, the expense of which is to be deducted from the balance of the County Road Fund: Amount due laborers $27.20 Approved by Committee on Streets. Respectfully submitted. JOHN MAHO. EY, Street Commissioner. On motion of Aid. Saul the pay roll was received and laborers to be paid from the fund in hands of Treasurer. Street Commissioner Mahoney also reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: As per your instruc- tions I herewith submit an itemized statrnrcnt of the expense incurred in cleaning snow from the various streets from .January 17th, to January 20th, inclusive: First Ward d Second \\',arc] Third Ward Fourth Ward Fifth Ward $116.45 114.25 107.3. 104.6; Total Resp .ctfully submitted. .11)1-1\ MAIIUNY. ?'!reel commissioner. On motion el Al:l. i::Ind the report of the Street Commissioner was re- ceived and tiled. =\ld. Raoul moved that the work of hauling away snow from the streets by City men :Ind tennis he suspended ;Ind the Street Commissioner he em- powered to de any necessary work in the line of renrevin, surpins snow and ice from streets. Carried. \ld. O'1:ourke moved that the Street Commissioner be instructed to have the gutters kept clear of snow and ice :Ind to make nee. ss;iry ar- rangements with the ward foreman to do all necessary ward work. Car- ried. City Recorder Linehan presented and read the certified copy of the notice of the C'ouncil's intention to construct aI sanitary sewer in Henry street from \Vind,aor Avenue to the alley first west thereof, thence north- erly in said alloy for a distance of about eighty feet. Remonstrance of F. L. M. Luchter- hand et al against being atssessed for the construction of said sewer claim- ing that they have already paid for sewer in Windsor Avenue was then read and on motion of AId. Frith re- monstrance and notice were referred to the Committee of the Whole. City Recorder Linehan also pre- sented patent and plat of land convey ed by the State of Iowa to the City of Dubuque a portion c f abandoned river bed lying within the city limits in sections 25 and 36. township 89 north range 2 of the 5th P. Al.. same having been properly recorded in Records of Dubuque ('aunty, Iowa, on motion of .\lel. It;and same were referred to the City .Attorney for examination and report. City Recorder Linehan also pre- sented certified statement of expense filed by the H. B. Glover Co. by L. C. Bissell, secretary and treasurer, of the bill paid by said company for install- ing high pressure water main for sprinkling system to their building on 5th and Iowa Streets, amounting to $1004.89.. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke Regular Session, January 20, 1910 said statement was ordered received and made matter of record. City Attorney Lyon to whom was referred the Surety Bonds of G. F. Thorman and James Alderson as Water Works Trustees reported that he had examined and found same to be properly executed and recommend- ed that bonds be approved. On mo- tion of Ald. Rand the bonds were ap- proved and made matter of record. City Attorney Lyon stated that a verdict of $1000.00 was rendered against the city in the carnage case of Anna Keenan. whi 2h case has just been tried in the I rise i let Court. The City Attorney a so recommend- ed to- the Council that the sidewalk inspector he instructed to put a force of men to work removing the snow and ice from the side valks in the various portions of the city and the cost of same to be taxe3 up against the property owners. Ald. Rand moved that the recom- mendation of the City Attorney be carried out and that the Chief of Police again instruct the Po'icemen to report to the Sidewalk Inspector all bad sidewalks so that prompt action may be taken on removal of snow and ice. Carried. REPORT OF COMMITTEES. Aid Haas of the Committee on Claims reported as follows Your Committee on Claims to whom was referred by the Committee of the Whole the claim of J. P. Foley for $25.00 damages for injuries claimed to have been sustained by his horse stepping into hole in Storm Sewer on 14th Street, would respectfully re- port that we have investigated said claim and would respectfully recom- mend that same be allowed and that a warrant in the sum of $25.00 be ordered drawn in favor of the Mayor with which to effect a settlement of the claim. Ald. Haas moved the adoption of the report of the Committee on Claims and that a warrant he ordered drawn. Carried. Ald. Frith. Chairman of the Com- mittee on Fire, reported as follows: Your Committee on Fire would re- spectfully report that we advertised for bids for 45 firemen's caps and that we awarded the contract for furnish- ing said caps to the Dubuque Rubber & Pelting Co. they being the only bidder, the price to be $1.95 per cap. Also your Committee on Fire re- spectfully reports that owing to snow conditions it was impossible to use the Hook and Ladder Truck and that the Committee had empowered the Chief to rent a sleigh for the Fire De - 17 partment at a cost of $2.00 per week and would respectfully recommend that action of Committee be approved, E. E. FRITH, Chairman. Ald Frith moved the adoption of the various reports of the committee on Fire. Carried. Ald. Rand, Chairman of the Com- mittee on Public Grounds and Build- ings. reported that according to the instructions from the Council the Committee had the floor in the Dodge Street Engine House repaired and a new brick floor laid back of the stalls at the Patrol House. Ald. Frith moved that the Commit- tee on Markets lie instructed to have the City Scales in the various portions. of the city tested. Carried. Ald. Haas, Chairman of the Delin- quent Tax Committee, reported as follows: l"o''r Committee in Delinqm nt Taxes, to whom was referred the petition of Mary L. Casey, stating that she is a widow with three small children and asking therefore, and for the addition- al reason that she is in delicate health, that the taxes on her small homestead, Int 2 in Finley's Add. be cancelled for the year 1909, would respectfully recommend that the prayer of the petitioner he granted and that the Treasurer he instructed accordingly. Also your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the peti- tion of Louisa Reifsteck stating that she had been assessed for lot 1 of 3 of 2 of Mineral Lot 113 A for the years, 1!IHI, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907. 1909 and 1909. That the total amount so assessed is $9.45, which assessment is erroneous because said lot was con- veyed to the City for alley purposes on January 22. 1903. and asking therefore that the amount of $7.20 he refunded and the tax on said lot for the year 1909 he cancelled. would respectfully recommend that a war- rant in the sum of $7.20 he ordered drawn in favor of said Louisa Reifsteck in settlement of said refund and that the City Treasurer he in- structed to cancel the tax on said lot for the year 1909. We would further recommend that the City Assessor he instructed to strike said lot from his lot honk. D. .T. HAAS. Chairman. Ald. Haas moved the adoption of the various reports of the Delinquent Tax Committee. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke. Chairman of the Committee of the Whole, reported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the bill of George 18 Regular Session, January 20, 1910 Ragatz & Son for $3.93 for repairs for Road and Police Departments, would respectfully recommend that said bill be allowed and that a warrant in settlement thereof be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer. Also your committee of the Whole to whom was referred the petition of Christian Wasser in regard to the special assessment levied against her property for the improvement of Hennepin street, would respectfully recommend that said petition be re- ferrred to the City Attorney for an opinion. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Mrs. Emma 0. ,lraham stating that it error had been made in the assess- ment levied against her property for the improvement of Ilennett Street, and asking that the same be correct- ed, would respectfully report that upon investigation we find that the assessment as levied is correct and would therefore recommend that said petition be received and filed. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Joseph Margadant asking that the City Treasurer be instructed to exempt him from interest on the special assessment levied against lots t and 6 in Margadant's Sub., for the improvement of Althauser Avenue, would respectfully recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be grant- ed provided payment he male within thirty days. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Barbara Isborn, stating that she is the owner of City Lot 279, and that tilt City had recently ordered a cement walk laid along the south side of said lot at the price of 13 cents per foot and that prior to adver- tising for bids she had let said con- tract to another contractor for 11 cents per foot and asking therefore that the assessment for said im- provement be fixed at 11 cents per foot, would respectfully recommend that said petition be received and filed. Also your Committee of the Whole. to whom were referred the certified copies of the notice of the intention of the city Council to levy special assessments for the construction of sanitary sewers in Needham Place and in West Fifth street, would respect- fully recommend that said notices be received and filed and that the assess- ments be levied. JOHN O'ROURKE, Chairman.' Aid O'Rourke moved the adoption of the various reports of the Com- mittee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke, chairman of the Committee of the Whole, also re- ported as follows: Your Committee Of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Poundmaster Hackney asking that he be allowed $10.00 extra per month during the winter months because of his having been given the duties heretofore perforated by an Assistant Marketmaster, would respectfully re- commend that he be allowed the sum of $3.00 per month from November 1, 1909 to April 1, 1910, in payment for such extra services. JOHN O'RtOU'RKE, Chairman. Ald. Rand moved that the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted. .\L1. Frith moved that the report he received and file 1. Motion not seconded. Motion of Al•l. Rand aloptlug the report of the Committee of the Whole was then lint ,and was carried by the following vole. Yeas-- Allis. Haas, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—Ald. Frith. Absent—. -A1,1. Martin. Ald. Rand. chairman of Special Committee, reported ;,s follows: To the Honorable City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—Your committee to whom was referred the petition for an extra light at East Grove Terrace and West Eleventh Street, would report that we have examined the situation and recommend that the small light under the arch he abolished and a light of double its strength be placed at a point six feet east of said arch and direetly opposite same. Also that similar light he placed at the foot of the upper flight of steps and just south of the elevator depot and that the Union T:leetric Company be in- structed to install said lights at once under the direction of the City Electrician. D. W. RAND. Chairman. Ald. Rand moved the adoption of the report of the Special Committee. Carried. RESOLUTIONS AND MOTIONS. Alderman O'Rourke offered the following: Whereas. The contract heretofore entered into by the City of Dubuque for the construction of a Sanitary Sewer as hereinafter described has been completed, and the City Engi- neer has computed that the cost and expense of said improvement amount to $1242.88. Therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to provide for the cost of con- structing a Sanitary Sewer in the alley between Milwaukee and Diamond' Regular Session, January 20, 1910 19 • Avenues from c'euler Avenue to Jack- son Street, thence in Jackson Street south to the Peru Road, thence in Peru Road v, est to the alley between Jackson Street and t'nuler Avenue, thence south in said alley to the north lot line of lot Ne. :; I u `n Davis Farm Add. the Mayor he and he is hereby required Ie exp cut,' and deliver to the City Recorder. to be by hint registered and countersigned. fon. bonds Of the denomination of two hundred and fifty dollars each and One for two hundred and forty-two and 86-100 dollars, numbered 952 to 956 in- clusive, dated February 7th, 1910, payable on or before seven years af- ter the date thereof. and bearing in- terest at the rate of fire per cent. per annum, p y;ible semi -;annually. \1:1. O' lin n'Ice moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith. Hats. O'Rourke. Rand. Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Add. Martin. Alderman O'Rourke also offered the following: Whereas, The contract heretofore entered into by the City of Dubuque for the construction o` a cement side- walk as hereinafter described has been completed. and the City Engineer has computed that the cost and ex- pense of said improvement amount to $36.60. Therefore, Be it 1 tc solved by the City Council of the city of Dubuque, That to provide for the cost of con- structing a cement sidewalk on the north side of Cleveland Avenue be- tween Union Street and Bluff Street Extension in front of and adjoining Lot 45 in Union Addition the Mayor be and he is hereby required to execute and deliver to the City Rec- order, to be by him registered and countersigned, One Sidewalk Certifi- cate for thirty-six and 60-100 dollars numbered 16, dated February, 7th, 1910, payable on or before seven years after the date thereof, and bearing interest at the rate of six per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith, Haas O'Rourke, Rand. Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Add. Martin. Alderman O'Rourke also offered the following: Whereas, The contract heretofore entered into by the City of Dubuque for the construction of a cement side- walk as hereinafter described has been completed, and the City Engineer has computed that the cost and ex- pense of said improvement amount to $33.00. Therefore, lie it Resolved by the city t_'euncil of the City of Dubuque, Tlt;it to provide for the cost of con- structing a cement a.1.,, ;ilk on (.race Street between Hall Street :incl Grand- view .\ venue in front of and adjoining Lot 27 in lteches Sub., the Mayor be and he is hereby required to execute and deliver to the Pity Recorder, to he by hint registered and counter- signed, one Sidewalk Certificate for thirty-tlnee dollars numbered 17, dated February 7th, 1 10, payable on or before sena year's after tine dale thereof. and bearing Interest at the rate of six per c'e'nt. pfr annum, pay - '1(0 -0l a :111y. \l.l. lt'I:ourke moved the adoption of flys reselnlion. t'arrie:l by the fallowing vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith. i I,tas. O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays— \one. Absent—Add. .Martin. Alderman O'Rourke also offered the following: Whereas, The contract heretofore entered into by the City ',I' Dubuque for the construction of a cement side- walk as hereinafter iLr.cribc'd has been completed, and the City Engineer has computed that the cost and ex- pense of said improvement amount to $56.50. Therefore, Re it l;esnl\ ed by the City Council of the city of Dubuque, That to provide for the cost of con- structing a cement sidewn'k on the south side of (;rale Street between East Street and Grandview Avenue in front of and adjoining' Hedge's Sub. Lot the \l:iyor be and he is hereby required to execute and de- liver to the City Recorder, to he by him registered and countersigned, One Sidewalk Certificate for fifty-six and 50-100 dollars numbered 18, dated February 7th, 1910, payable on or before seven years after the date thereof, and bearing interest at the rate of six per cent. per annum, pay- able semi-annually, Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution.. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand. Saul and Singrin. Nays --None. Absent—Add. Martin. Alderman O'Rourke also offered the following: Whereas, The contract heretofore entered into by the City of Dubuque for the construction of a cement side- walk as hereinafter described has been combleted, and the City Engi- neer has computed that the cost and expense of said improvement amounts to $26.28. Therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, 20 Regular Session January 20, 1910 That to provide for the cost of con- structing a cement sidewalk on Washington Street between Twenty- fifth and Twenty-seventh Street in front of and adjoining the north 265 feet of Lot 44 in E. Langworthy's addition, and the south 15 feet of Lot 45 in same addition, the Mayor be and he is hereby required to execute and deliver to the City Recorder. to lie by him registered and countersigned, One Sidewalk Certificate for twenty- six and 2.8-100 dollars numbere.l 19 dated February 7th. 1910 payable on or before seven year's after the date thereof, and hearing interest at the rate of six per cent. per annum, pay- able semi-annually. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith. Haas. O'Rourke. Rand. Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent— Id. Martin. Alderman O'Rourke also offered the following: Whereas. The contract heretofore entered into by the city of Dubuque for the constructing of a cement side- walk as hereinafter described has been completed. and the City Engineer has computed that the cost and ex- pense of said improvement amount to $50.60. Therefore. Pe it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That to provide for the cost of con- structing a cement sidewalk on Washington Street, between 25th and 27th Streets, in front of and adjoining the North 35 feet of Lot 45 in E. Langworthy's addition, and all of Lot 46 - in same addition, the Mayor he and he is required to execute and deliver to the City Recorder, to be by him registered and counter- signed, One Sidewalk Certificate for fifty and 60-100 dollars, numbered 20, dated February 7th. 1910, payable on or before seven years after the date thereof, and bearing interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, pay- able semi-annually. Ald, O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. carried by the following vote: Yeas---.\lds. Frith. Hans, O'Rourke, Rand. Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Aid. Martin. Ald. O'Rourke also offered the fol- lowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for a sanitary sewer in West Seventh Street from Hill Street to Needham Place by J. F. Brown, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the sev- eral lots, and parts of lots, and par - eels of real estate hereinafter named, situated and owned, and for the sev- eral amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Special assessment submitted De- cember, 1909, Total Owner. Description. Cost. Chas. and Emma A. Hess, Garragan's Sub., Lot 1, 43 lin. ft. at $1,724 $ 74 12 J. S. Garragan Est., Garra- gan's Sub., hot 2, 44 lin. ft. at $1.724 75 34 J. S. Garragan Est., Garra- gan's Sub., Lot 3, 44 lin. ft. at $1.724 75 84 J. S. Garragan Est., Garra- gan's Sub., Lot 4, 44 lin. ft at $1.7'_'4 75 84 R. \V Fernier, City Out Lot 720 sub. 2. Lot 6, 36 lin. ft. 62 05 I:. W. Nemier. city Out Lot 7- Sub. 2, Lot 7, 36 lin. ft. at $i.7_:4 62 05 Walters .l'• Dennis, City Out Lot 720. Sub. 3, Lot 6, 50 lin. I't. at $1.724 86 20 P. Hughes Est., J. R. Need - ham's Sub., Lot 1, 50 lin. ft. at $1.721 86 20 Caron ue Fischer, Corriell's Sub., Lot 21, 50 lin. ft. at $1,724 36 20 A. W. and R. T. Miller, Cor - Hell's Sub.. Lot 20, 40 lin. ft. at $1.724 68 95 J. F. 'Kunz, Corriell's Sub, Lot 27. 40 lin. ft. at $1.724 68 95 Cath. Ilhonberg, Hill Street Add., Lot 16, 30 lin. ft. at $1.724 51 70 Total assessment $873.94 592.2 lineal feet sanitary sew- er, 3 -inch tile pipe at $1.29.$763 94 4 manholes at $25.00 100 00 Extra expenses 10 00 $873.94 All of which is assessed in propor- tion to benefits conferred, Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand. Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Aid. Martin. Ald, O'Rourke also offered the fol- lowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for a sanitary sewer In Needham Place from West Seventh Street to a point 200 feet north of North Lot Line of West Fifth Street by J. F. Brown, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is here- by levied on the several lots and parts of lots. and parcels of real estate here- inafter named, situated and owned. ' Regular Session, January 20, 1910 • and for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real es- tate, as follows: Special assessment submitted De- cember 2nd, 1909. Owner. Description. Watters & Dennis, City Out Lot 720, Sub. 3, Lot 5, 50 ' lin. ft. at $1.358 $ 67 90 Watters & Dennis, City Out Lot 720, Sub, 3, Lot 4, 40 lin. ft :it $1.358 Daniel Whelan, City Out Lot 72, S111.1. 2. Lot 3, 40 lin. ft. at $l.:: James Mecabe, corriell's Du- buque, N. GI ft, Lot 1, 25 lin. ft. at $1.353 34 00 Mary B. Needham, J. B Needham's Sub., Lot 4, 70 lin. ft. at $1.358. 95 05 Math. Florey, I3. Sub.. -I,' 3, 31 47 55 Phillip Patey. J. B. Sub., Lot 2, 38 $1.3rS Total Cost. 54 54 30 30 Needham's lin. ft. at Needham's lin. ft. at 51 60 --- Total assessment $1.04 70 212.4 lineal itt sanitary ,sw- er at $1.71 $371 70 1 manhole at 821.1111 25 00 Extra. l'N1,11s,,, 8 00 Total asssessinent $404 70 propor- All of which is assessed tion to benefits conferred. Ald, O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the follow;ng vote: Yeas—A his. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand. Saul and Singrir. Nitys--None. Absent—A lel. Martin. in Singrin offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for a cement sidewalk on south side of Ninth Street between Clay Street and White Streets by N. J. Staner, con- tractor, in front of and 'adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate here- inafter named, situated and owned, and for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real es- tate, as follows: Special assessment submitted, Jan- uary Gth. 1910. Total Owner, Description. Cost. Barbara Isborn, City Lot 279, 863.13 squtre feet at 1.3c, $112.20; extra expense, $3.00 $115 20 Ald, O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Yeas—Aids. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Ald. Martin. 21 Ald, Frith moved to adjourn to Thursday evening, February 3rd, 1910. Carried. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. Approved.f /9. 0 List of Warrants List of City Warrants Dubuque. Iowa. January 1st, 1910. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—The following is a complete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of December, 1909. the same having been author- ized by the proper committees and a majority tote of the Council, as in- dicated by the minutes of the meet- ings held during said month. H. A. 'chunk. salary, Mayor$116 65 H. Brinkman, salary, Treas- urer 133 30 J. A. McKinley, salary, Deputy Treasurer 100 00 Jno. Krayer, clerk Treasurer's office 60 00 E. A. Linehan, salary, Recor- der 116 65 Jos. Friedrich, salary, Deputy Recorder 85 00 M. E. Lyons, salary, Auditor116 65 Joseph T. Kelly, salary, As- sessor 125 00 Allan Wiedner, salary, Assist- ant Assessor 83 30 Frank Kenneally, salary, As sistant Assessor .... 83 30 Geo. T. Lyon, salary, Attorney 150 00 Edgar Wiliging, salary, Assist- ant Attorney 75 00 Jas. Pickley, salary, Chief of Police 100 00 J. W. Lawlor, salary, Commit- tee Clerk 100 00 Paul Ilg, salary, City Engi- neer 166 65 Joseph Straub, Assistant City Engineer 60 00 John Dorgan, Street Commis - •loner John Mahoney, Assistant Street Commissioner G. Vogel, clerk in Auditor's and Engineer's offices C. W. Katz, salary, Market - master T. Hackney, salary, Pound - master Mrs. H Koenig, salary, Jani- tress James Lynch, salary, Side- walk Inspector Wm. Coleman, Rodman J. H. Carroll, Harbor Master John A. Cunningham, Clerk to Police and Fire Commis- sioners Geo. Miller, Superintendent of Sprinkling Tom Cahill, Custodian Wash- ington Park Philip Reddin, Custodian Jackson Park Joseph Straney, Custodian Phoenix Park Dr. Chas. Palen, Health Phy- sician Frank Flynn, Sanitary Officer 20 00 10 00 75 00 55 00 40 00 25 00 60 00 50 00 30 00 15 00 .12 00 40 00 40 00 16 00 50 00 65 00 Dr. F. J. Kennedy, Meat and Milk Inspector ............ 75 00 E. E. Frith, salary, Alderman 25 00 Dan J. Haas, salary, Alderman 25 00 Peter R. Martin, salary, Alder- man 25 00 John O'Rourke, salary, Alder- man 25 00 D. W. Rand, salary, Alderman 25 041 James Saul, salary, Alderman 25 00 Wm. Singrin, salary, Alder- man 25 00 Jc.seph Reint'ried. salary, Fire Chief 99 00 Wm. Hinman. salary, Elec- trician 82 50 M. Eitel, fireman 76 23 J. • Essman. lire .ma n 81 68 J. Flynn. fireman 70 79 A. Dueeini, tir'•ntan 70 79 A. Heer, fireman 65 34 W. Kannolt, fireman 65 34 13. Kirsch, fireman 65 34 G Peyer. fireman lit 79 J. Dailey, fireman 76 23 '1' itcdi•r, fireman 74 45 W. Ducey, fireman 76 23 F. Murphy. fireman 70 79 M. Kelly, fireman 70 79 J. Beakey, fireman 65 34 D. Ahearn. fireman 82 50 P. Zillig, fireman 65 34 M. Sweeney, fireman 65 34 H. Cain, fireman 65 34 J. Benzor, fireman 70 79 J. McLoughlin, fireman 65 34 A, McDonald, fireman 81 68 J. Murphy, fireman 49 50 G. Gherki, fireman 76 23 T. Kennedy. fireman 70 79 J. Smith, fireman 65 34 J. Keppler, fireman 65 34 J. Allen, fireman 70 79 M. Fahey, fireman 65 34 F. Kenneally. fireman 70 79 R. Weston, fireman 76 23 E. McDermott, fireman 65 34 It. Kenneally, fireman 65 34 J. Roshin, fireman76 23 F. Baumgartner, fireman 70 79 J. Schoenberger, fireman 65 34 J. Tschudi, fireman 65 34 J. Connolly, fireman 65 34 Wm, Smith, fireman 65 34 J. Peed, fireman 65 34 W. Kennedy, fireman 54 45 W. Tannersett, fireman15 15 T. O'Brien, fireman 55 00 D. Brunskill, fireman 55 00 P. Kirsch, fireman 39 46 Firemen's Pension Fund 30 09 L. Blocklinger, police 30 00 M. Connolly, police 60 00 John Cody, police 60 00 James Corcoran, police 60 00 Wm, Donahue, police 60 00 Phil. J. Dunphy, police 65 00 Thomas Duggan, police 58 00 P. F. Fury, police 60 00 John Fox, police 70 00 James Flynn, police 60 00 M. Fogarty, police 60 00 Ben Gray, police 60 00 List of Warrants Pat. Hanlon, police 52 00 Geo. Jones, police 60 00 Emil Kahn, police 60 00 M. Kilty, police 60 00 John Kane, police 60 00 John Kop, police 60 00 James Keefe, police 60 00 B. Ludescher, police 60 00 Chas. Liest. police 65 00 Pat Me('ollins, police 60 00 M. .\Ir('ornu(ck• police 60 00 Pat McInerney, police 60 00 Henry Muller, police 60 00 Hugh Markey, police 60 00 John J. O'Brien. police 60 00 M. O'Connor. police 60 00 M. Ryan, police 60 00 John Raesle, police 70 00 G. Raterman, police 60 00 John Spielman, police 60 00 Patrick Sutton, police 22 00 M. Stapleton, police 60 00 Jo'eph Stoltz, police 62 00 Pat Sullivan, police 60 00 Frank Williams, police 60 00 Dennis Sheehan, police 60 00 L Zemanek, police 60 00 R Mc(;ivern, police 2 00 Miss B. Brennan, police ma- tron 60 00 Mrs. K. Hibbe, police matron60 00 LABOR ON STREETS in the several Road Districts during the last half of November, 1909: J. Brouillettc. 1120 $ 6 60 J. P.eirer, ileeh Si. Grading1 60 J. Callaghan, 2nd 22 50 J. Connolly. 2nd 2 45 M Carney, 211(1 2 60 J. Crawford, 2nd 15 00 J. Dixon, Heeb tit. Grading1 60 T. Donahue, 2nd 2 45 O. Donahue, Grandview Ave improvement 20 80 John Egan, 2nd 4 60 G. Frost, 2nd 22 50 B Glaser, 2nd 6 95 John Heil, 2nd 5 00 J. Kness, 2nd 2 45 J. Kraus, 2nd 2 45 P. Kenneally, Health 22 50 T. Lonergan, 2nd, $8.80; exp, $3.45 12 25 G. Menke]. exp, 13 45 J. McAleese, 2n(1 1 20 B. McDonnell, 2nd 13 85 C. O'Neill, 2n0 3 60 F. O'Connor, n2d 5 80 James Ryan, n2d 19 20 P. Royce. exp 16 05 J. Richter, 2nd 8 50 11. Rowland, 2nd 1 15 D. Smyth, 2nd 4 00 H. Schoenbeck, 2nd 80 C. Specht, 2nd 4 50 Ott Turner, 2nd 6 40 Larry Walsh, 2nd 4 00 TEAMS. Peter Apel, 2nd John Calvert, 2nd Josh Calvert, 2nd $ 4 35 13 05 4 05 .1, Gr:lhan1. 1i2,1 IT rAlenr 1. 211,1 1'. S. Norton. exp•, l l.s, street work. 81.80 ('. \'an \\'ie. 2nd 22 1 5e 5 70 16 65 4 45 1..\130IL ()N ICAl'1'\ ' .VVENl'1,: d11ring the lust half of Noveinber, 1909: .1 I'ci,r.; J. !fixer' Airs. Anna Dietl. 61_ yards 111ae%lilalll .T. I;berhordt .1. h: I1. (tulle ('. (lontenb,.in N. Herman Knpferschmidt ?.I.Iz. a yards macadam... Ra(11,,a• F. Selli 7. Sch,' fetel John '!'v •ieg E. T Frith 2 40 i 3 22 4 6 9 6 6 16 80 50 20 40 20 50 60 00 40 00 60 40 40 40 20 l,.tI'i(It ON 51' WEI1S During the last halt' of November, 1900; 1). Cunningham 21 00 .7. ('lime 21 00 J. Doyle 21 00 F. Donahue 21 00 J. .7ellison 9 65 F. 1.ilelifcrhan(1 21 00 J. 2Iel„lughlin 10 50 J. Been y 21 00 C. Sullivan 30 00 L. Taylor 21 00 BILLS. J. Linehan, hauling garbage and dead animals during the month of October and No- vember ....... .... $419 05 Mullin Bros.. plumbing repairs at Garbage Dump 3 35 1\'. C. llalyvvar1, certified copy e1' plot of property (lona ted to City of Dubuoue by Shite of Iowa 5 00 H. .\. Schunk, Settlement of Damage Claim of Ann Mc- Donald ....... .... .. H ltrinkman, interest on War- rants outstanding 1404 67 H. Brinkman, Sundry Expense 14 45 H. Brinkman. Library Orders issued .......... .... 869 58 Iowa 'Telephone Co., tele- phone services for various departments 12 75 Peter Even, coal for 9th street Engine House 22 10 Street & Steuck, grading West Fourth Street 240 00 James Lee & Son, grading West Locust Street 145 80 Wilmer Cook, grading North side of 27th Street 70 65 O'Farrell Contracting Co., 5% retained on Asbury Street. 24 25 25 00 24 List of Warrants O'Farrell Contracting Co., ex- tra work on Bennett Street 25 00 N. .1. Stouter, changing side- walks abutting Wolff and Cain property 25 50 Wilmer: Cook, 5% retained on Miltriukee Avenue 52 49 Wilmer Cook, 5% retained on alley between Windsor and Stafford :Avenues 17 31 Wilmer Cook, retained on Jaeksoi, sire, t IP•tvte en "Ih to 9th Sheets W. D. Deckert. railing on South Bluff Street W. 1). Deckert. material for Sewer Dept. Eliwanger Bros., harness re- pairs for Road Dept. Dubuque Telephone Co., tele- phones for various depart- ments W. H. Baumgartner, supplies for various departments14 15 Trexler Bros.. livery hire 5 00 40 43 9 .24 40 8 85 17 4' CLEANING, SNOW AND ICE Front Sidewalks during tip first half of 1/..pember, 1909. Pen turd 1 60 \V. Pulite 3 90 J. i'eier 1 60 Jerry Cahill 1 60 J.ut:, s Connolly 5 60 \V. Coughlan 3 20 P. Carney 6 20 J. Dugan 1. 60 J. Dixon 2 40 J. 1:14an SO J. l:berhat ilt 4 60 W. Fitzgerald' 1 60 F. Frick 3 20 P. Farrell 5 60 \V. 1 It nu 1 60 B. Glass 3 20 C (leinter 7 20 Al. t:antenbein 3 20 A. ih•tntenhein 3 20 J. Hill 1 60 F. Keck 3 20 N. Kett'•nhofen 3 20 Al. Kass SO John Leo, tinders 4 50 A. Miller 1 60 J. \I:n•ti u k 1 20 J. \le('arren 1 60 51. IL'Known 2 40 P. Me Poland 1 60 C. (1'Neill 80 F. Striluneyer 1 60 H. seboenbeck 1 60 J. Scherman. 1 60 F. S Ill 4 60 J. Seleif.'tel 3 20 Art. 'Turner 3 20 J. 'Tobin 4 00 IV. Walker 1 60 TEAMS. Peter Apel John Calvert M. K.•nneally J. Linehan S. \'0ndermill.•r 4 05 2 25 8 10 1 80 2 00 I,AIl(II ON JIT. louring Flo• first httit' ..I' lrecentb. r lloi9, It. I turns 7 IV. Burke, Jr. 5 40 P. ('arney 7 40 J. Donahue 5 40 (leorge Ileynolds 9 00 IV. Sheehan 9 00 .1. \\'ickhanr 5 40 Peter A pcl 1 SO I,.\1301: ON SEWERS 1)uring the best half of I n', ,•nlher, 1909. D. Cunningham J. C'Inne J. t)ovle F. Donahue J. J^Ilison P'. Luchterhand J. McLaughlin .1. Monnet C Sullivan I. Tarter LAIII)It ON ST131:KTs During the first halt' of II . ntl. r 1909. I rouiletoe. 20.1 54.20 ext,, x100 J. I'all:igh,nt G. Donohue. tlrantivi,'o .Ave. improvement 2ti n G Ir;;Fri -- ',n I•:. l'itzlatf. 2101 1-:l: exp. _-,.. 2.5 I'. t;Liss. 'n:l s;. 1 1: exp. $3.00 In on \3. II:u :tn. 2nd 1-3; exp. 2-3 o F. K..el: :1 00 P. Kenne,tlly• _- ".ti H. Leilt. 2nd 1-:i: exp. 2-33 _ Loi,ergan. 21111 $2.sa: exp. $7,511 lU 411 57.20 14 00 .1. Mullen. 2nd $3.20; exp. $3 6 20 A. Miller. 2nd $fi.Ku: •xl,. George \leukel. 2nd, 1 exp - :l tin t;. ore .Aleukel. exp. 4 !le t'. Al 01 110tinnd. 211d, 1-3: exp- 2-:: 1 ee It. AIc('afferty. 'and 6 411 II. Al,l<eotvn. 2nd 1 411 C. O'Neill. 2nd. $4.60: exp $2.90 7 5;i 1'. .J. iloyee. 2nd, 1-3; exp, --3 4 40 P. :1. Hoven, expo. 3 511 J. Hymn, 2nd 20 50 D. Smyth'. 2nd, $2.00; exp, $1i3O 3 60 H. Si ti i il.e.•k. 2nd SO P. Smith, exp 3 20 L. Walsh. 2nd, 1-3; exp., 2-3 3 29 TEAMS. John Calvert, 2nd, $9.05; exp., $10.05 $ 19 10 James Graham. 2nd, 1-3; exp, 2-3 ... 9 00 Jeff McGrath, expense 90 P. S. Newton, expense 90 List of Warrants BILLS. Eichhorn & Bechtel, case Soapine for Fire Dept $ Matt Stafford, corn for Fire Dept. F. C. Keesecker, supplies for Fire Dept. J. W. Wittmer, supplies for Fire Dept. Geo, W. Healey & Son, sup- plies for Fire Dept. J. F. itis Bros., repairs for Fire Dept Fischer & Co., coal for Fire Dept. T. J. Mulgrew Co., coal for Fire Dept. Frank I'entin, coal for Fire Debit. Conlin & Kearns, coal for Fire Dept. Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horseshoeing for Fire Dept. Phil Heller, horseshoeing for Fire Dept. Lagen. Peed & Berwanger, horseshoeing for Fire Dept. Collings & Pfiffner, horseshoe- ing for Fire Dept. Union Electric Co., power for eity lire alarm system for Ndrv ri iir.r. John Newman & Son, repairs for Fire Dept. Ellwanger Bros., harness sup- plies for Fire Dept. F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Fire Dept. Hopkins & Witty. repairing clock at Central Engine House F. A. Miller, broonfs for Fire Dept. Key City (las Co., coke and coal for Fire Dept. Key City Gas Co., 4 gas arcs for Fire and Police Dept Key City Gas Co., gas for various departments Anton 'Zack, 6 loads stone J. J. Dunn, serving subpoenas Geo. Becket vs. City of Du- buque M. O'Donnell, 2 inverted gas lights, Assessor's office Geo. W. Healey & Son, 2 snow shovels for Washington Park G. F. Kleih, hardware sup- plies, various departments. Geo. M. Kimball, dustless brush cleaning at City Hall C. McManus, sawing and car- rying in 2 cords wood, City Hall Louis Fay, cleaning windows, stoves and pipes at City Hall Chas. Hanson, cleaning win- dows, stoves and pipes at City Hall Jas. Beach & Son, box soap, City Hall 4 75 3 50 12 50 23 52 21 05 35 17 45 12 18 14 80 18 30 19 00 10 50 12 60 15 30 2 00 5 75 1 00 1 00 1 00 7 95 44 55 2 00 94 25 2 10 3 50 3 70 1 35 1 45 2 50 2 50 3 60 2 00 3 20 '_'5 Mike Mullen, repairing foun- tain at Delhi and Grand view Avenues 4 05 Western Union Telegraph Co, time service November for Treasurer's office 1 00 Iowa Telephone Co.. tele- phone service for various departments 12 75 Fischer & Co., ice furnished various departments during 1909 18 00 Foley's FTand Laundry, towel service for November 4 75 Telegraph-Hera id, 6 City Di- rectories 30 00 Union ilectric Co., arc lights during November 2077 20 G. H. Days & Co., supplies for Police Dept. 1 20 P. Linehan & Sons, wood for City Hall 26 00 Phil Doerr, coal for City Hall 13 00 C. W. .Katz, meals furnished prisoners during November 4 80 F. C1. Becker, coal for Police Dept. 18 90 Pier Bros., coal for Police Dept. 14 40 Conlin & Kearns, coal for Pa- trol House 16 30 Ellwanger Pros., harness re- pairs for Patrol horses2 35 G. F. Kleih, hardware sup- plies for Police Dept. 1 20 J. W. Wittmer, supplies for Police Dept. 15 Eichhorn & I'oehtel, supplies for Pone,. .11tttrons 4 15 Mettel Pros.. bran and corn for Patrol horses 11 05 Collings & Pfiffner, shoeing Patrol horses 15 00 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Police Dept. 2 00 Pitts -Thompson Foundry Co, castings for Sewer Dept. 15 25 Jos. J. Bertsch. pair rubber hoots for Sewer Dept. 6 50 F. A. fauns. 1 yard sand for Sewer Dept. 50 Eichhorn & Bechtel. 5 gallons oil for Sewer Dept. 85 G. F. Kleih, hardware for Sewer Dept. 65 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Sewer Dept. 3 30 John Linehan, hauling dogs and other dead animals during November 16 00 Telegraph - 'Herald, official printing for November98 73 Telegraph - Herald, printing bonds and other printing79 25 Times -Journal. official print- ing, \o enil,er 85 82 Times-.lonrnai. printing pam- phlets for November 22 10 National Demokrat, official printing for November 12 50 Labor Leader, official print- ing for November 12 50 H. I,. Fitzgerald. damage 96 done to house by rock falling from quarry in West 17th 5U', el J. F. Ilrown, constructing sewer iii West 7th Street791 13 J F. Brown, constructing sewer in Needham Place 366 24 O'Farrell Contracting Co, constructing sewer in the alley between Couler Ave- nue and Jackson Street, Peru Road. Jackson Street, through the alley between Milwaukee and Diamond Avenues to Cooler Avenue.1035 14 W. c'oek. per cent retained on Washington Street con- tract C. E. Fitzpatrick Co., sup- plies for Assessor's office3 05 Hussman & Li.'s, supplies for various department 3 30 H. J. \Veber, salary as in- spector sanitary sewer in alley between Jackson Street and Couler Avenue5 78 County Recorder, recording fees on property deeded to City by State 6 00 County Recorder, . recording deeds and plats of Eagle Point Park 4 00 W. I). Baumgartner, hardware for Fire and Sidewalk De- partments 4 55 W. D. Deckert, iron pipe for Sidewalk Department 1 04 Ellwanger Iris., harness re- pairs. Sewer Department2 25 Peter Fisbach. five per cent retained on improvement of Hennepin Street 68 82 Eagle Point Lime Works, first estimate Bee Branch sewer in Third Ward 1500 00 Allen Wiedner, extra salary to complete Tax Books25 00 Frank Kenneally, extra salary to complete Tax Books25 60 Ben Kaufman & Co., City shire 34 new overcoats for Police Department 340 00 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of all war- rants issued by me during the month of December, 1909. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. Official Notices 42 00 • 75 53 Approrcei 19 Mayor • Recorder NO'll('l' Tu HAY AND i7I;_\ U E.\ LE 12S, Settled proposals will he r-• •it'.'.I at the City Recorder's ()Wit) up t , 8:00 o' 'li It p. in. Tuesday, Janna i.e 6th. 19111, to furnish the Fire, 1'olii'• and Street Departments of the i'Iti of I)tt- buitue with a good num It, nn" ttlute outs and nlmout 10 or 15 carloads of choice upland haled hay, choi land loose hay. choice timothy haled hay and choice timothy loose hay. i• ,i• the tern) of one year from .1:1 ou;:, w 1st. 1 91 0. Such oats and hay to be dc'iivoted in such quantities and at such Iiaoes as may be ordered by the city from time to time. All hay and oats to 1)e weighed on the city scales and deliv- ered at the expense of the contra.... - tor. The oats to be figured at 35 pounds to the bushel. Bidders must state price per ton for choice upland loose hay, choice upland baled hay, choice timothy loose hay and choice timothy baled hay, also price per bushel of :15 pounds for number one white alts. Each hill must be accompanied with a certified check for $25.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated ;it Dubmftii', January 2nd, 1910, Ei)\It'ND A. LINEHAN, 1-2 4t City Recorder. NOTIi'E OF THE CITY 001.'NCIL'S INTEN- TION TO CONSTItt'CT A SANI- TARY SEWER IN HENRY STREET FROM WINDSOR AVE- NUE TO THE ALLEY FIRST WEST THEREOF, THENCE NORTHERLY IN SAID ALLEY FOR A DISTANCE OF ' ABOUT EIGHTY FEET. To Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby notified that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque to construct an 8 -inch tile pipe sani- tary sewer in Henry Street from Windsor Avenue to the alley first west thereof, thence northerly in said alley for a distance of about eighty fei-'t. That a plat and specifications of said proposed sewer are now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that it will require 236 lineal feet of 8 -inch tile pipe with 2 manholes and will cost the abutting property own- ers $225.00. Any person having dbjection to the construction of said sanitary sewer are hereby notified to appear before the City Council at its regular session. January 20th, 1910, or to file in writ- ing with the City Recorder their ob Official Notic't' j' -.lions on or before January 201h, lylo. Dated at I)ubuque. January 11th, 1910. ED\I['ND A. LINEIL\N, 1-11-31. City t 'e„rd,'r. NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the session ,'I' the ('ity Council of the City of Dubuque. 1iie. held on the 0th day of January. 191o, the t'ollowing Special Assessments were levied on the real estate hereinafter described, and that in case of failure to pay the one-seventh part within the time pre- scribed by the Ordinance governing same, all will become delinquent and subject to collection by distress and sale. H. It RI N 1\.\I. -\N. City Treasurer. Special Assessment for constructing cement walk: Name. Description. Amount. Martin Neer, Riche's Lot 27 $33 00 Jno. Marion. E. Lang Add., N 35 ft. Lot 45 21 10 Jno. Marren, E. Lang Add, Lot 46 29 50 A. E. Girard. Hodge's Sub, Lot a 56 50 Minnie and M. A. Kemler, Union Add.. Lot 15 36 60 Susan and Mary Zion E Lang Add., N. 20.5 ft. Lot 44 16 84 Susan and Murry %eien, E. Lang Add., S. 15 ft. Lot 45. 9 44 Construction of a sanitary sewer in alley between Milwaukee Avenue, Diamond Avenue to Jackson Streets, along Jackson Sirs t to alley between Cooler Avenue tad Jackson Street, thence in alley connecting with old manhole 31 ft. south of N. Lot Line of Lot 310, Davis Farm Add: Name. Description. Amount. Dubuque Investment Co., Line- han Park Add., Lot 26 $23 32 Dubuque Investment Co., Line- han Park Add., Lot 27 23 31 Dubuque Investment Co., Line- han Park Acid., Lot 24 23 32 Dubuque Investment Co., Line- han Park Add., Lot 29 23 31 Dubuque Investment Co., Line- han Park Add., Lot 30 23 32 Dubuque Investment Co., Line- han Park Add., Lot 31 23 31 Dubuque Investment Co., Line- han Park Add., Lot 32 23 32 Dubuque Investment Co., Line- han Park Add., Lot 33 23 31 Amy Shortell, Linehan Park Add., Lot 24 23 32 Dubuque Investment Co., Line- han Park Add., Lot 25 23 31 Jno. Tully, Linehan Park Add, Lot 23 D. J. Lyon, Linehan Park Add., Lot 22 Dubuque Investment Co., Line - 23 32 23 31 ban Park :Add., Lot •,1 Dubuque Investment Co., Line- han Parl: .\ I I., Lo( "0 Dubu.lue Investment Co., hunt Pari: .\dd., Lot 19 I)uluolue• Investment Co., Line- han i'un•k Add., Lot IS Dubuque Invest nt,.nt hart Park .Add., Lot 10 Agatha Heim. i.inehan Park Add., Lot 1 Line- Line - Dubuque Investment ('o., Ilan Park Add.. Lei •' Dubuque im•esiown) t'o., blot l'arl; .\dd.. Lot 3 23 31 Line- Line - 27 23 .i•a 23 31 2:i 32 . 23 31 23 32 23 31 23 32 t)uhogii W. Ini•,•sunc•nt ('n hail I'ark Add., Lot 4 Dubuque Investment ('n., Line- han lark Add., Lot 5 Agatha i-Ieim, Davis Farm Lei 3.'•, Agatha Heim, Davis Farm Add., Lot 323 Agatha Heim, Davis Farm Lot 324 Jon. Popel, Davis Farm Add., Lot 325 30 41 Sarah Reilly, Davis Farm Add N. 1,4 Lot 320 15 21 Barbara Grnf, Davis Farm Add., S. Lot 326 15 20 S. D. Botsford, Davis Farm Add.. Lot 327 30 41 Line - 23 32 23 Add., 30 4'. Add., 31 30 4i 30 41 E. Thimmeseh, Davis Farm Add., Lot '32S 30 42 J. Stieber Est.. Davis Farm Add., Lot 329 30 42 Alois (flab,. Davis Farm Add, Lot 330 311 42 Nic•c'dab, Davis Farm Add., Lot 331 30 42 Aug. Recker, Davis Farm Add, Lot 332 30 42 Nic Glab, Davis Farm Add, Lot 333 30 42 Agatha Heim, Davis Farm Add.. Lot 310 30 44 J. [Jugs, Davis Farm Add., Lot 311 30 42 Nic (Slab, Davis Farm Add., Lot 312 30 41 Nic Glab, Davis Farm Add., Lot 313 30 42 Jno. P. La Brune, Davis Farm Add., Lot 314 30 41 Jno. P. La Brune, Davis Farm Add., Lot 315 30 42 Agatha Heim, Davis Farm Add., Lot 316 30 41 Agatha Heim, Davis Farm Add., Lot 317 30 42 J. Palmer. Davis Farm Add, Lot 318 30 41 G. Schmitt, Davis Farm Add, Lot 319 30 42 J. Stieber Est., Davis Farm Add., Lot 320 30 41 T. Stieber Est., Davis Farm Add., Lot 121 3Q 41 Total $1,242 88 1 -17 -It. t)t,iciitl Notices N(('I'It'1: TO PRc1I'1.:11'TS O\VNEIis. Yon tire hereby notified to have all snow and ice thrown onto streets and alleys from the roofs of your build - removed immediately or same will be removed by the city and the costs taxed against your property. Dated at Dubuque, January 17th, .1910. EDMUND A. LIN EHAN. 1-17-4t. City Recorder. Special .\sscssment Notice. To .111 \V In( .\rc Named Below: You are Iter( Ity notified that in ac- cordance with an (ordinance of the City of 'Dubuque for repairing side- walks by the city carpenters during the months of August. October. No- wemher and December, 1909, that a special assessment will be levied for the expeus( th(-reef at the regular meeting of the Pity Council to he hehl February :,rd. 111(1. upon all 1(ots anti parcels ,•f 10n(I on said imin•ovemeitt. owned Iy you, being subject to such special assessment. .\nd you 1(r' hereby notified to appear n1 said meet- ing of the ('ounoil to he h. -id Febru- ary .led. 11(1 11, 01(11 show if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. Owner. 10.scription. Total. Aug. 1919-1i. Dotson Est., Inion Add.. Lots 210 and 211. men and team $ 5 10 Oct. 8—Anna Mihm, N. 1/ of City Lot _41, cost of brick. Enc: ct'i hour: cost.-ioc1 00 Oct. :(--Patti. 1%Irnnuly. East 1)uiuque .\dd.. E. 1 Lot 51. 15 ft. lumber: cost, 50c; 1 hour: cost. 10c 1 00 Oct. 22—Rosa and Frank Flickner, Davis Farm Add., Lot 30n, cost of brick, 40c; 1 hour: cost. 5nc, Oct.25---Citizen's Stat.. Bank, Fairview Sub., Lot _3, cost of brick, 51.2 - hours; cost $ 1 .1(11 2 25 Nov. 1—J0e Early. .\It'Nulty's Sub. 14, Lot ,2, 15 ft. lum- ber; cost, 55e: 1 hour;' cost, 10c Nov. 16---1\like Aheran Est, Newman -cooper -smith Sub, Lot 9(11. 40 ft. lumber; cost, $1.211; 1:2 hour; cost, 25c ,. 1 45 Dec. 10--.U. D. 1icAlahon, Glendale Add., Lot 21, 15 ft. lumlo-r: cost, 45c; 1/2 hour; cost 5/t 90 1 05 70 Total assessnu.•nts 513 45 Dated at Dubuque, January 20th, 1910. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, 1-20-3t. City Recorder. Special Assessment Notice. Td All Who Are Named Below: You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance with an ordinance of the City of Dubuque for removing snow and ice front sidewalks by the city during the month of December, 1909. that a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the regular meeting of the City Council to be hell; February 3rd, 1910, upon all lots :Intl parcels of land on said improvement, owned by you, being subject to such special assessment. And you are hereby notified to ap- pear at said meetnig of the Council be held Peu1(•3rd, 1910, and stoho\y cause, ifln•a:y ny you have, why said :assessment should not be levied. t iwru'l', 1 tescription. Total. Dec. 11.--F. Weigel Est.. City Loi 55, length. Ino lin. ft.; width, 12 lin. ft.; cost, 2c, , . $ 2 00 Dec. 12 --Mary A. Biggs, L'nion \dd., Lots 154, 155 toad 116, length. 1 811 lin. 1't.; width, 4 lin, ft.: cost. lc 1 SO Dec. 14—AC. L. Bradley Est, City Lett 33, length, 1o0 101. ft.: width, 12 lin. ft.; cost, 2c 2 00 Dec. 14--J. J. Ogilby ilst., N. 1,i, of City Lot 22, length, 25 lin. ft.: width, 12 lin. ft; cast, 2e 50 Dec. 14---l-inley Hospital. N. 1t of City lot 25. length 100 lin. ft.; width. 12 lin. ft.: cost, 2c 2 00 Dec. 15—\l. t1rtote. Union Add.. Lots 185 and 166, length, 1211 lin. ft.: width, 4 lit. ft.; cost, lc 1 20 Itee. 15---11„11. 'I'wates, Colum- bia .Add.. Lot 31, length, 30 lin. ft.; width, 4 lin. ft.; cost, lc 30 Dec. 11-1'. G. Meyer, t'ol((nt- bia Add., Lot 1. length, 100 lin. ft.; width, 4 lit(. ft.; cost, le 1 00 Dec. 15--t', 1;. .Aleyer, t'nlum- bia Add.. Lots 1, 2 and 3, length, 156 lin. ft.; width. 4 lin. ft.; cost. lc 1 55 Dec. 17 --,las. H. Shields, Du- buque Harbor Co. :Add.. i of s. length. 84 lin. ft.; width. 12 lin, ft.; cost, 2c 1 30 Dee, 111—Ida M. Cutler, A. .11cDaniel's sub., Lot SOS. length. 60 lin. ft.; width, 4 lin. ft.; cost. lc 60 Dec. 18—It. W, K 'mler, Lot 3 of Alin. Lot 172, length, 45 lin ft.: width, 4 lin. ft.; cost. lc 45 10ec. -- Wm. Bradley Est, city Lot 745, length. 20 lin. ft.; width, 12 lin. ft.; cost, 2c 40 Dec. 27 --Dubuque Harness & Saddlery Co., City Lot 194, length, 40 lin. ft.; width, 12 lin. ft.: cost, 2c 80 Dec. 27—Frank A. Burns, 2-3 of City Lot 193, length, 60 lin. ft.: width, 12 lin, ft; cost, 2c 1 20 Dec. 27—J. H. Shields and W List of Warrants `39 Bradley Est., Lot 1 of 10, Dubuque Harbor Co. Sub. 10, Lot 1, length, 50 lin. ft.; width, 12 lin. ft.; cost, 2c Dec. 27-J. H. Shields, Du- buque Harbor Co. Add., Lot 8; length, 65 lin. ft.; width, 12 lin ft.; cost. 2c Dec. 27 -Geo. Marshall, Du- buque Harbor Co. Add., Lot 7, length, 30 lin, ft; width, 12 lin. ft; cost, 2c Dec. 27-H. F. Mulligan, S. M. 1-5 of City Lot 472, length, 50 lin. ft.; width, 12 lin. ft.; cost, 2c Dec. 27 -Mrs. M. Wilson, N 5.2 ft. 1-5 and 1/2 N. M. 1-5 City Lot 472, length, 50 lin. ft.; width, 12 lin. ft., cost, 2c Dec. 27 -Jas. Herod, N. 1k N. M. 1-5 N. 1-5 City Lot 472, length. 50 lin. ft.; width, 12 lin. ft.; cost, 2c Dec. 27-W. L. Bradley Est, City Lot 150. length, 100 lin. ft.; width, 12 lin. ft.; cost, 2c Dec. 27 -Anna and Mary Will - ging, City Lot 155, length, 140 lin. ft.; width, 12 lin. ft; cost, 2c Dec. 27 -Ida M. Cutler, Mc - Daniel's Sub., Lot 808, length, 40 lin. ft.; width, 4 lin. ft.; cost. lc Dec. 27-.T. H. Shields, City Lot 456, length, 25 lin. ft.; width, 12 lin. ft; cost, 2c Dec. 27-H. B. Glover, City Lot 467, length, 25 lin. ft; width. 12 lin. ft.; cost, 2c Dec. 2 - - - Mrs. Waples, City Lot 45, length, 40 lin. ft.; width. 10 lin. ft.; cost, 1%c. Dec. 27 -Cox & Loftus, S. 1/2 of City Lot 48. length, 25 lin. ft.; width, 12 lin. ft.; cost, 2c Dec. 27 ---Anna Ottley, S. M. City Lot 471; length, 50 lin. ft.; width, 12 lin. ft.; cost, 2c Dec. 27-R. W. Kemler, Cain's Add., Lots 1S and 19, length, 85 lin. ft.; width, 6 lin. ft; cost, 1 14 c Dec. 27--J. A. Van. Duzee, N. 1/4 of City Lot 470, length, 50 lin. ft.; width, 12 lin. ft; cost, 2c Dec. 28 -Martha J. Palmer. Sub. Lot 1 and 2, Lot 2 of 5 of 1, City Lot 654, length, 25 lin. ft.; width, 10 lin. ft; cost, 1%c Dec. 28 -Dubuque Biscuit Co, City Lots 312 and 313, length, 210 lin, ft.; width, 10 lin. ft, cost, 1%c Dec. 28 -Wm, Lawther, City Lot 8, length, 50 lin. ft.; width, 10 lin. ft.; cost, 1%c Dec. 28 -Frank Jaeger, S. 2-5 of City La 437, length, 60 lin. ft.; width, 12 lin. ft.; 1 00 1 30 60 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 2 80 40 50 50 70 50 1 00 1 10 1 00 45 3 65 85 cost, 2c Dec. 28 --Anna Ryan, S. 40.10 M. 1-5 of City Lot 663, length, 80 lin. ft.; width, 12 lin. ft.; cost, 2c Dec. 28 -Wm, Lawther, City Lot 745, length, 190 lin. ft.; width, 12 lin. ft.; cost, 2c Dec. 28 -Anna Ryan, N. 1-3 of City Lot 192, length, 20 lin. ft.; width, 12 lin. ft; cost, 2c Dec. 28 -Aug. Klein, City Lot 293, length, 60 lin. ft.; width, 12 lin. ft.; cost, 2c Dec. 28-A. A. Cooper, City Lot 191, length, 60 lin. ft.; width, 12 lin. ft.; cost, 2c.,. Dec. 28-J. J. Nagle. ('ity Lot 661, length, 166 lin. ft; width, 12 lin. ft.; cost, 2c Dec. 28 -Solon Stephens and M. Bunting, Julia Lang- worthy Add., Lots 1, 2 and 3, length, 350 lin. ft.; width, 4 lin. ft.; cost, lc 3 50 Dec. 28-,I. F. Kunz. t;urnsey & Langworthy Sub., Lot 7, length, 50 lin. ft.; width, 4 lin. ft.; cost, lc 50 Dec. 28 -Mike Grace, Union Add., Lots 165 and 156, length, 120 lin. ft.; width, 4 lin. ft.; cost, lc 1 20 Dec. 28 --Mary A. Riggs, Union Add., Lots 155, 156 and 157, length, 180 lin. ft.; width, 4 lin. ft.; cost, is 1 80 Dec. 28 ----Wm. Lowther, Cox's Add., Lot 2 of 91 and Lot 2 of :12, length, 100 lin. ft.; width, 6 lin. ft; cost 114c 1 25 Dec. 28 --Wm. L. Bradley Est, City Lot 104, length, 40 lin. ft.; width, 12 lin. ft.; cost, 2c 80 Dec, 28-F. Weigel Est., City Lot 21, length. 40 lin. ft; width, 12 lin. ft.; cost, 2c80 Dec. 28-J. H. Green, S. 40.8 ft. N. 24.6 ft. of City Lot 106, length, 30 lin, ft.; width, 12 lin. ft.; cost, 2c 60 Dec. 28-11. Waller Est., City Lot 234, length 711 lin. ft.; width, 12 lin. ft.; cost, 2c1 40 Dec. 29 --Jas. A. Hayes, Lot 1 of 1 of 2 of City Lot 600, length, 35 lin, ft.; width, 12 lin. ft.: cost, 2c 70 Dec. 29-t . N. Schroeder, Lot 2 of 2 of min. Lot 158, length, silo lin, ft.; width, 4 lin. ft; cost. lc 6 00 Dec. 29 -Mary L. Bunting, Ju- lia Langworthy Add., Lot 42, length, 50 lin. ft.; width, 4 lin, ft.; cost. is 50 Dec. 29 -Geo. Acker, S. M. Langworthy's Sul,.. Lot 5, length. 50 lin. ft.; width, 4 lin. ft.: cost. lc 50 Dec. 29-- II, G. 'Torbert, S. M Langt . rtII ,. ;..;(1h.,Is t G. 1 20 1 60 3 80 40 1 20 1 20 3 35 30 Official Notices length. 21; lin. ft.: width, 4 lin. P.: eest I25 Dec. 29 .1. A. St, 'diens. S. M. I lye Sub.. Lot I, length. To lin. ft.: width, 4 lin. ft.; cost, 1c 50 Dec. 99-- Abtry L. tuft tog, Ju- lia Langworthy Sub., Lot 9, length. :111 lin. ft.; width, 4 lin. ft.: cost. le 30 Dec. 2:1- -J. S. Stephens. Julia Langwort by Sub., Lot 22. length, 50 Ito. ft.; width, 4 test. Ic 50 Dec. 2;1— Julia. Langworthy. Lois Add.. Lot S. length 55 lin. ft.: width, 4 lin. ft.: rest. le 55 Dee. 29-- Alit. Florey, Lois Add.. I,oi .1. length. 50 lin. ft.; width, 4 lin. ft.; cost, lc 55 Dec. 29—F. L. Pool, Julia Langworthy Add., Lot 7, length. 50 lin. ft; width 4 lin, ft.: eost, lc 50 Dec. 29- kine & Altman, City Lot 2s3. length. 100 lin. ft.: \vidth. 10 lin. ft.: rest, 1%c 1 75 Dec. 29 --Harry K,.epers. City Lot 339, length, 45 lin. ft.; width, 6 lin. ft.; cost, 11/4c. 55 Dee. 29—Harry Keepers, City Lot 339. length, 60 lin. ft.; width, 12 lin. ft.; cost, 2c1 20 Dec. 30--.Anteny Gurdet, City Let 65S, length. 25 lin. ft.; width. 12 lin. ft; cost, `,c50 Dec. 30—Emile Levi, City Lot 69, length, 116 lin, ft.; width. 12 lin. ft.; cost, 2c. 2 30 Dec. 30—A. A. Cooper Wagon & Buggy Co., N. 64.3 ft. City Lot 73, length, 75 lin. ft.: width, 12 lin. ft.: rest, 2e. . 1 50 Total assessment $83.45 Dated at Dubuque, January 21st, 1910. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, 1-21-3t. City Recorder. Regular Session, February 3, 1910 CITY COUNCIL Regular Session, February 3rd, 1910. (Official.) Council met at 8:30 p, m. Mayor Pro Tern O'Rourke in the chair. Present — Alds. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin, Absent—Mayor Schunk and Ald. Martin. Ald. Singrin moved that the Coun- cil Proceedings for the month of Jan- uary, 1910, be approved as printed. Carried. Aid. Frith moved that the regular order of business be suspended, to take up the matter of the Ordinance providing for the election of Park Commissioners and defining their du- ties and powers. Carried. Ald. Frith then presented the fol- lowing report of the Committee of the Whole: Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the Ordinance en- titled, "An Ordinance Providing for the Election of Park Commissioners and Defining Their Duties and Pow- ers," would respectfully recommend that said Ordinance be adopted. JOHN O'ROURKE, Chairman. Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the report of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. Singrin, of the Committee on Ordinances, presented and read an Ordinance providing for the election of Park Commissioners and defining their duties :ted powers, and moved that the reading just had be consid- ered its firs reading. Carried. Ald. Singrin moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of read- ing the Ordinance by its title for the second reading. Carried by the following vote: Yens—Aids. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand. caul and Singrin. Nays- •None. Absent—Ald. Martin. Ali!. Singrin then moved that the Ordinance he now adopted as read. ('arri,•'1 by the following vote: Yeas-- -Aids. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand. Saul and Singrin. Nays ----None. Alan nt—Ald. Martin. The' Ordinance follows: AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ELECTION OF PARK COM- MISSIONERS AND ' DEFINING THEIR DITTIES AND POWERS. BE IT ORDAINED by the City 31 Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Sec. 1. PARI: COMMISSIONERS: When elected That there shall be elected, at the regular City Election to be held in April, 1910, three Park Commissioners whose terms of office shall be three, four and five• years, respectively, all of whom shall be resi- dents of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and who, when elected and qualified as hereinafter provided, shall be known as Park Commissioners of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and such Park Commissioners and their successors in office, elected as hereinafter provided shall have all the powers conferred upon them, and perform all the du- ties required of them by law. Sec. 2. SAME. That at each reg- ular City Election after the year 1910 next prior tee the exteiration eel the term of office of any I'nrl< Commis- sioner, there shall be elected a Park Commissioner for the full term of five years, who shall be a resident of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. and who, when elected and qualified as herein pro- vided. shall be known as Park Com- missioner of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Sec. 3. TERM OF OFFICE: The term of office of the three Commis- sioners, whose election is provided for in Section One (1) hereof, shall begin on the first Monday after their elec- tion, and they shall hold office for the term of three, four and five years re- spective•Iy: the term of office of the Commissioners, whose election is pro- vided for in Section 2 hereof, shall be- gin at the expiration of the term of office of the Commissioners whom they are chosen to succeed, and they shall hold office for the term of five years. Said Commissioners shall or- ganize as soon as they take the oath of office. by determining by lot the term each one is tee serve, and by electing one ul' (he'll' members as chairman, and one as secretary. All var•:un i• s in the office of Park Com- missioner shall be tilled by the ap- pointment of a successor by the City Council, who shall hold office until the next annual City Election after the appointment, at which time, it' the term of office created by the vacancy has not exliimei, a successor shall be eb Med to Ill! the unexpired term. see., 1, IttlAI) ttC Ctl.11.1115510\- h:I.S: Scud Commissioners shall each give ,t :atisl':ictery bond for the use of the City of Inibuelue, Iowa, in the penal sum of five Thousand Dollars ($5,0110.80) before they shall enter upon their duties, or have any power as Commiasiuners, which Fond shall he taken out in a bonding company to he ante'ove'd by thy' City I'eiutei!, the cost thereof to leepaid for out of the Park Fund. Sec. 5. CONTROL OF ['.\]IK AND DIRIVEWAYS: Said Park Commis- Regular Session, February 3, 1910 Si,.e•rs =hall have full and exclusive c.,,,itrei of till parks belonging to the city of Dubuque, shall manage, im- prove and supervise the same. They shall have power and authority over all driveways, and approaches leading to the parks or any of them, and may beautify, grade and otherwise improve such driveways and approaches. Said Park Commissioners may adopt. publish and enforce rules and regulations for the government and for the protection of theproperty therein, for maintaining good order Ile rein, and for securing the safety and comfort of the public in the use thereof tinct any one violating or re- fusieg obedience to such rules and regut>cLiens or any one thereof shall he liable to a line not exceeding One Hundred Illoo.nni Dollars, or to im- prisonment in the City Jail for a per- iod not exceeding thirty days, or to both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 6. The Ordinances, Laws and Authority of the City of Dubuque are hereby extended over all the territory included within the Parks and Drive- ways connected therewith, which are now or may herea fter pass under the control of the city of Dubuque, or of the Park Commissioners of said City. ' ee. 7. IMPROVEMENTS: Use of Funds: said Commissioners may use the fund of said City, known as the Park Fund, whenever such a fund has been provided, for improving such parks, or for purchasing additional ground therefore, or laying out or im- proving the driveways, or approaches thereto, and do all things necessary to preserve such parks. They may appoint one or more Park Policemen, and pay said officers out of said fund. Said Commissioners shall keep a full account of all their disbursements and shall make full and complete re- ports of the same to the City Council at its regular meeting in September, and March of each year, and at said meeting in March shall make a full and complete report of all their pro- ceedings as Commissioners, in relation to such parks and of all work done and improvements made in the same, also of all disbursements made, dur- ing the preceding year of said Park Fund. All orders drawn upon said fund shall he drawn by the Commis- sioners through the City Treasurer, and must be signed by at least two of said Commissioners, and the City Treasurer it hereby required to honor all orders drawn as aforesaid, and pay over to Q:iid commissioners the money thereby required to the extent of the mons y in his hands belonging to said Park Fund. Li MITATIO\ OF INDEBT- EDNl'iSS: Said Commissioners shall not cause any work to be done, or any contracts to be made in relation to the parks of said City, or the pur- chase of additional grounds therefor which shall involve in the aggregate any expense greater than the amount of the Park Fund actually authorized by the vote of the electors of the City to be levied by the City Council. Sec. 9. CA RE OF TREES: Said Commissioners are hereby further authorized and empowered to formu- late rules and regulations for the care, growth and trimming of all trees on all public streets and driveways in the ('it;: and it shall be the duty of all persons to comply with such rules and regulations. Sec. 10. COMPENSATION: There shall be no compensation attached to the office of a Park Commissioner, and all services performed for the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by said Park Commissioners, as such, shall be free and without ally expense to the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Sec. 11. This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and publication in the Daily Times -Journal and Telegraph -Herald. the official newspapers of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Approved this day of 1910. Mayor. Attest: City Recorder. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICA- TIONS. Petition of D. D, Myers, F. J. Piekenbrock, Herbert Adams and Glenn Brown, members of the Park Committee, stating that it will be necessary for the Council to adopt a resolution submitting to the electors at the coming City Election the ques- tion of voting a tax for park purposes and submitting resolution to that ef- fect and asking that the Council adopt same, was read and, on motion of Ald. Frith, petition was granted and reso- lution referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Philip Waltz, stating that he is an honorably discharged union soldier of the Civil War and asking that he be granted an exemp- tion from taxation to the amount of $800.00 on his homestead, South 11 4-5 ft. of Lot 85 and Lot 1 of Sub- division of Lot 86, L. H. Langwor- thy's Add., for year 1910, was, on mo- tion of Ald. Rand, referred to the De- linquent Tax Committee. Petition of Dubuque Packing Co., James Beach, president, asking that the Council appropriate a sufficient sum of money to complete the cover- ing of the Bee Branch sewer between 16th and 17th Streets was, on motion of Ald. Frith. referred to the Com- mittee of the Whole. Regular Session, February 3, 1910 88 Petition of the H. B. Glover Co. et al, asking,that an electric light be or- dered placed at the Junction of Iowa and Fifth Streets, was. on motion of Ald. Frith, referred to the Commit- tee of the Whole. Petition of Thomas Waiters, asking that the City Treasurer be instructed to cancel the interest on special as- sessment levied against Lots 1 to 14 in Wager's Subdivision for construc- tion of sanitary sewer in Hill Street between Dodge Street and Wooton Avenue abutting said Lots, was, on motion of Ald. Rand, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Elizabeth Heacock, ask- ing that the valuation on her prop- erty, Lot 196, union Add., be reduced to $500.00 and that said valuation be made permanent for the rest of her life, was, on motion of Ald. Rand, re- ferred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of James Corcoran, asking that the special assessment levied against his property, Sub. 1, Mineral Lots 6 and 7. for the construction of a sanitary sewer in Dodge Street, be canceled, as his property cannot be connected with said sewer on account of the Dodge Street storm water sewer, was, on motion of Ald. Haas, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Dubuque Boat and Boil- er Works, asking that they be grant- ed the temporary use of a space of ground at the foot of Third street for the construction of a dredge boat and barges for the C., B. & Q. R. R. Co.. said ground to be used for about 90 days, was on motion of Ald. Frith granted. Petition of George T. Knockle, stat- ing that he is the successor and as- signee of Fred Knockle, to whom con- sent has already been granted to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors and asking that the council adopt a resolution granting him consent to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, was on motion of Ald. Singrin granted. The following resolution was then offered: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That consent is hereby given George T. Knockle, as the successor and assignee of the business of Fred Knockle, to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors and deal therein in the City of Dubuque. as provided by law, this resolution to be effective on and after the 4th day of February, 1910: Adopted unani- mously. Petition of ('hris. :\ \'ovtker, asking that the Council, when making their appropriations for the ensuing year, appropriate ,i sun) suttiei •nt to pur- chase the small triangular piece of ground at the intersection of Irving avenue with Delhi street. was on mo- tion of Aid. Frith referred to the Committee of the Whole on appro- priations. Petition of ,1. lienzer, et al, stating that they are drivers of the three - horse teams on the Fire Department and as such are required to cover every lire that occurs in the city and asking that their wages be increased $5.00 pet month, was on motion of Ald. Hand referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Cleo. \\Timmer, stating that he was erroneonsty assessed for the year 1909 fora piano and asking that the Council instruct the Pity Tt•easurer to refund him the taxes er- roneously paid amounting to $1.25. was on motion of Ald. Haas referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Dr. M. D. Linehan. ask- ing that the Council investigate the necessity for the city purchasing and maintaining a public ambulance, and when appropriations are being made for the ensuing year a sufficient sum be appropriated for same, was on motion of Ald. Frith referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of John Phillips, asking that the Treasurer be instructed to accept $123.35 in full settlement for special assessment levied against Lot 2 and Lot 1 of Lot 1 of the subdivis- ions of Lot 8 of the subdvision of Mineral Lot 158 for the improvement of Grandview avenue, was on motion of Ald. Rand referred to the Commit- tee of the Whole. Petition of c•olumbia Camp, No. 78, of the W. c f. \C.. asking that they be granted the use of Armory hall for the purpose of conducting a fair from April 2nd to April 16th, they having obtained the consent of the Governor Greys for the use of the hall, was on motion of Ald. Haas granted, subject to their assuming all risks of the building. Petition of Henry Riker, asking that the assessment for taxes for the year 1909 on the south r/ of City Lot 99 be reduced to $1,500.00, was on motion of Ald. Frith referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of David Ahern, assistant chief of the Fire Department, asking that the Council order a warrant 34 Regular Session, February 3, 1910 . drawn in his favor in the sum of $350.00 on account of back salary claimed to be due him for twenty-one months from May 1908, to Feb. 1, 1910, was on motion of Ald. Rand re- ferred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Patrick Sullivan, et al, asking that the salaries of the various members of the Police Iaepartment be Increased, was on motion of Ald. Haas referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway company, asking that :he Council adopt an ordinance granting them the right to lay. oper- ate and maintain a spur from a point on Lot 243 in East Dubuque Add. to the Packing Company's plant, was on motion of Ald. Singrin referred to the Committee of the W h Ic to view the grounds. Claim of Margaret Hobbs for $1,000 damages for injuries claimed to have been sustained by falling on a side- walk in front of No. 1611 28th street on the evening of January 8th. 1910. wac to motion of Ala. Frith referred to the Committee on Claims and City Attorney. REPttIYI'S OF OFFICERS. The report of the \V'iter Works Trustees for the quarter ending De- cember 11, 1909• was pn.sented, and, on motion of Ald. H;ists. was referred to the Committee of the Whole. City Treasurer Brinkman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: - Gentlenmen: I herewith hand yon statements of amounts advanced by mo during the month of January. 1910. for which please order warrants drawn in my favor: Interest paid on out,ta ding New York exchange Postage stamps expense .... Telegrams expense .... .. Express charges, fire Expre-s charges. police ... . Receipts for improvement of Windsor Avenue appro- priation warrants $ 755.14 2.85 10.00 .65 .30 .60 1000.00 Tohl $1769.54 Library orders paid $796.37 Also refunded loan warrant in the amount of $500.00. Respectfully, H. BRINKMAN, Treasurer. On motion of Ald. Haas the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts, and the report referred to the Com- mittee on Finance. City Auditor Lyons reported as fol- lows: To 'the Honorable Council: Gentlemen: Herewith find my re- port of salaries due the City Officers for the month of January, 1910, amounting to $2546.50. Respectfully, M. E. LYONS, Auditor. On motion of Ald. Frith the re- port was received :Ind warrants or- dered drawn to p;I y the city officers and the report referred to the Com- mittee on Finance. Mayor and City Fire Chief Reinfried reported as follows: To the Honorable. Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The following is the pay roll of the Fire Department for the month of January, lulu: Amount due firemen $3.090.31 Less 1'% retained for Pension Fund 29.88 Balance due firemen ....$3,060.43 Respectfully submitted, J. R. REINFRIEIt. Chief. Approved by Committee on Fire. On motion of Ald. Frith the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the firemen. and the report referred back to the Commit- tee on Fire. Fire Chief Reinfried also reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Dubuque. Iowa: Gentlemen: i herewith make a. few' teeomtnen,httit,ns looking toward an improvement in our tire fighting facilities to inerottse.' the protection to the public. hath downtown and in the hill districts. and beg of your honor- able body fair consideration of the following needs: An immediate need of 2.ttoo feet of good cotton rubber lined 4 ply hose. One first class automobile' tiro engine to be placed at the central engine house. to cover the downtown as well as the hill districts. 'I'lte company in charge of same to peal ct ic;i lly an`wot' till calls because the time spent in reaching a tire would he greatly lessened eseeeially in :tnswet•ing hill calls. Necessarily our progress to hill fires is not as good as it would be with a first class automobile fire en- gine. Distances then would not lessen the speed. A small hook and ladder truck in place of the old truck now in use. The old truck is very dangerous and Regular Session, February 3, 1910 unsafe for the firemen to ride on or to handle. The purpose of the new and light truck to be to respond to hill calls and those in outlying districts. One hose tower to be erected at the Engine House No. 2, enabling the men there to properly dry the fire hose after it fire. A life saving net, the need of which becomes more apparent daily. Leather helmets for the firemen to protect them from falling glass and other debris at a lire. Believing that the above mentioned equipment will add to the efficiency of this department and prove to be a good investment considering the ad- ditional protection to life and proper- ty, I respectfully submit- this report. J. R. REI FRIED, Chief. Ald. Frith moved that the portion of the report of the Chief of the Fire Department recommending that 2,000 feet of hose be purchased be.referred to the Eire Committee with power to purchase hose, and the balance of the report be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. . • Chief of Police Pickley reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: (lentletnen: I herewith submit the police report for the month of January, 1910: Intoxication Assault Disorderly Disturbing Forgery Petit Larceny Assault and Battery Vagrancy Conduct the Peace 4 9 31 I 9 Total Residents Arrested Doors Found Open Lodgers Harbored Defective Lights Meals Furnished Cost of Food Police Court Costs Collected....$7.35 Sheriff Dieting Prisoners $21.50 27 1 3 (t 9 1 9 45 24 24 172 17 15 $3.00 Patrol Runs for Prisoners Transfer of Prisoners Miles Traveled I also beg to submit the pay roll for policemen for the month of Deoc n,l er, 1909: Amount due policemen ....$2,397.00 JAMES P(CKLEY, Chief of Police. On notion of Ald. Singrin the re- port and pay roll were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the policemen and the report referred to the Committee on Police and Light. City Electrician Hipman reported as follows: 35 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: T herewith submit my report of defective lights for the month of January, 1910: I find from the reports of the Pollee Department that the total hours that 17 lamps failed to burn would equal one half of one lamp burning for one month or $2.50. Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM HIPMAN, City Electrician. On motion of Aid. Singrin the re- port- was received and the City Audi- tor to be instructed to deduct from the inion Eleetrie eouttatny's bill for the month of January, 1 91 a, the sum of $2.50. Acting Street Commissioner Mahony reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: 1 herewith submit the pay roll for shoveling snow from side- walks and crossings and for hauling away the same during the last half of January, 1910: Amt. due laborers on streets and sidewalks ...... ....$1149.50 Approved by Committee on Streets. Also submit the pay roll for labor on sewers during the last half of January, 1910: Amt. doe btborers on sewers. •$10S•00 Approved ti - Committee on Servers. Also submit the pay roll for labor on \9t. Carmel Avenue during the last half of January, 1910: Amt. due laborers on Mt. Cm•mel avenue.... ....... $424.00 Approved by Committee on Streets. Respectfully submitted. J(til\ \lAHONV, Acting Street commissioner. On motion of :\Ids. Sail ,oul Sin - grin the pay rolls on streets and sew- ers were received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay the various amounts and the air rolls referred back to the proper committees. Alcl. Frith moved that warrants be ordered drawn in favor of the Street Foreman of the y;irious wards and the Street t'omntissioner for StIhare due them. said in un•y to be paid out of the Heneral Expense Fund. carried - Acting Street Connnission r llabony al>u S10)1 -flitted the l;u' roll for labor in the First \\"ar,t during the Iasi Ball' of January. 1910. amounting In ?' 1 1, 11. the expens • \\ hereof is to h.• deducted from the amount a received from the County Ito,id Fund for nutc;rlarn furnished by the First Ward. On motion of Ald. Saul the f.,r,y roll 36 wa5 received and referred ered to the City Treasurer for payment. City Engineer Ilg reported as fol- lows: To the honorable Mayor and City Con ad I your in- struction According to y I have examined the deed front \Vm. Ii. Day. Jr., and wife, to the City of Dubuque. ia.. for a strip of ground along Wilbur Avenue and found the description to be correct. Respectfully submitted, PAUL ILG, City Engineer. On motion of Ald. Haas the report of City Engineer Ilg was received and filed. City Recorder Linehan presented and read the certified copy of the notice of the Council's intention to levy a special assessment for the re- pairing of sidewalks by the city Car- penter during the months of August. October, November and December. 1909. r. monstrance being filed and no ene in the room objecting to the levying of the special assessment for the repairing of said sidewalks the notice was, on motion of Ald. Haas. received and filed. Regular Session, February 3, 1910 ,,,;,y be determined by the City Electrician and the Alderman of the First \\':ird. City Recorder Linehan also pre- sented and read certified copy of the notice of the Council's intention to levy a special assessment for the re- moval of snow and ice from sidewalks by the city. Remonstrance of Mrs. I. McL. Cutler. stating that an error had been made in assessment levied against her property for cleaning snow and ice. On motion of Ald. Haas remonstrance was referred to the Committee of the Whole and notice ordered received and filed, Following Weighmasters' and Wood measurers' reports of receipts tion, were received and filed: Jos. Straney, First Ward scale..$3.60 Louisa Pitschner, West Dubuque were presented and read, and, on mo - scales 1.28 C. W. Katz, scales receipts 33.70 Mrs. C. Heckert, Fifth Ward scales 1.05 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Frith of the Committee of the Whole reported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of E. Nolte, et al, asking that additional lights he placed on Mt. Carmel Ave- nue, would respectfully recommend that the prayer of the petitioners be granted and that the Union Electric Co. be instructed to install one arc lamp on said avenue in such place as Also your C:ommii.tee of the Whole, to whom was referred the hill of H. B. McCarten for $6.65 for plumbing at the Central Engine house. would respectfully recommend that said bill be referred to the Chairman on Pub- lic Grounds and Buildings and the Chief of the Fire department. Also your Committee of the \\'hole. to whom was referred the remon- 1. Luke against levied against his ini'ovetnent of As - respectfully recom- monstrance be r'e- strance ei t ieuri;e the assessment Property for the i bury street, would men that said re cei\ed and tiled. Also your Committee of the Whole. to whom was referred the petition of Louis Smith stating that he had been instructed by the Sidewalk Inspector and the City Auditor to lay a cement sidew,i lk on the north side of \Vest 'I'hit'd street abutting the property of M. Fannon :ma asking that he be pail the sum of $2 7.i,o therefor, would respectfully report that said pc tition was referred by this committee to the Committee on Claims. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Engineer Job Barnes asking that he be allowed his salary during the time he was rendered unable to be on duty on account of an accident which oc- curred to him while on his way to a fire, would respectfully recommend that said petition be referred to the Committee on Claims and City Attor- ney. Also your Committee of the Whole. to whom was referred the bill of the O'Farrell Contracting co., amounting to $165.65 for the balance of 5% re- tained by the city for the improve- ment of Alta Vista Street, would respectfully recommend that said bill be paid and that a warrant in settle- ment thereof be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer. Also your Committee of the Whole. to whom was referred the petition of Timothy Dillon offering to settle the special assessment levied against Mineral Lot 12 and Lot 2 of Linheim's Add, for the improvement of Grand- view avenue east of Southern avenue by paying the sum of $25.00 in full settlement of the balance due on said assessment, would respectfully recom- mend that said offer be accepted and that the City Treasurer be instructed to accept said amount in full settle- ment of said assessment and to can- cel the balance. Regular Session, February 3, 1910 Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred thebill of Benda and Rokusek for $16.40 for rock furnished the Third \V':u d, would respectfully recommend that said bill be paid and that a warrant in settle- ment thereof be ordered drawn on the city Treasurer. Also your Committee oi' the ‘Whole, to whom was referred an ordinance entitled "An Ordinance amending an ordinance entitled An Ordinance granting to the Illinois Central Rail- road Company the use of a portion of Dodge Street. between `Huth Main ant Water Street, in the City of Du- buque. for a term of years. and re- gulating and controlling such grant," would respectfully recommend that said ordinance he adopted. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of John Hail. owner of Lot 3 of the sub- division of Lots 38 and 39 of Quigley's Sub, situated on Grandview Avenue, asking that the amount paid by him for the pr. \ions improvement on said street be deducted from the amount of his present assessment. would respectfully recommen.1 that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the City Treasurer be in- structed to accept the sum of $76.29 in full settlement for the special assessment levied against his said lot. JOHN O'ROURKE, Chairman. Aid. Frith moved the adoption of the various reports of Committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. Frith of the Committee of the Whole also reported as follows: Your committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of L. D. Mathis and B. F. Blocklinger, trustees for the creditors of the Avenue Top Mining Company, asking 'that the City Treasurer be instructed to accept the sum of $100.00 in full settlement for the taxes of 1907. 1908 and 1909. would respectfully recom- mend that the prayer of the petition- ers be granted and that the City Treasurer be so instructed. JOHN O'ROURKE, Chairman. Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the report of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Following veto of Mayor Schunk on the report of the Committee of the Whole was then read as follows: Dubuque, Ia., February 2, 1910. To the Honorable Council: City of Dubuque: Dear Sirs: The action of your Committee of the Whole, ratified by your Honorable Body, cancelling a portion of the taxes of 1907, 1908 and 37 1909. of the .Avenue Top dining Com- pany needs no ,•sten41e4l consideration bec:ulsw 1ahully ill nI and void. True We have nr:ole sintilinr c;uu ellations in the past and t have beeu party to the procedure. but ;is it is eontrar•y to the :statute of Iowa. the custom must entirely cease because wholly in_ 1 -fensil,le and unlawful. I th••refore veto the motion that carried adopting- the report of the Committee of the Whole ordering said partial cancellation. Respectfully, II. A. SCIIl'NK, Mayor. Ald. Frith moved that the report of the Committee of the Whole granting petition of trustees for the creditors 4,1' the Avenue Top Alining Company I..• again a.lepted over the veto of the ,\layer. carried by the following vote: Yeas- -:\lds. Frith, Haas, tt'R.ourke, Kam'. Saul and Singrin. Nays -.._None. Absent--Ald. Martin. Ald. 1''r•itir of the Committee of the Whole also reported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole. to whom were referred the bills of J Hauii 'nschield for oats furnished the Fire and Police Departments, amount- ing to $979.11, would respectfully recommend that said hills be paid and that warrants in settlement thereof be ordered drawn on the City Treas- urer. JOHN O'ROURKPI, Chairman. Ald. Frith moved the adoption Of the report of the Committee of the Whole. Ald. Rand moved that the report be referred hack to the Committee of the Whole with instructions to report to the Council at the next session to be held Thursday evening, February 10. 1910, and the City Attorney be in- structed to give an opinion to the Council at the next session on the city's liability in the case, Carried. Ald. Rand of the Committee of the Whole reported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the plat of Dorgan Lane as submitted to this committee and hereto attached be accepted by the City of Dubuque as the proper course of said lane. JOHN O'ROURKE, Chairman. Ald. Singrin moved that rules be suspended to grant Mr. R. Mullin per- mission to address the Council in the matter. Carried. Mr. Mullin then addressed the Council urging that prompt action he taken in the matter of adopting the plat of Dorgan Lane. 38 Ald. Rand moved the adoption of the report of the Committee of the Whole. Ald. Haas moved as an amendment that the report be referred back to the Committee of the Whole and the Committee Clerk notify the 3 interest- ed mulles to appear before the Com- mittee of the Whole. Amendment carried. Mayor Pro Tern O'Rourke. Chair- man on Sprinkling. stated that the Sprinkling Wagons were badly in need of being repaired and repainted. Ald. Frith a )ved that the Commit- tee on Sprinkling be authorized to advertise for bids for painting and repairing the Sprinkling Wagons. Car- ried. Regular Session February 3, 1910 An Ordinance amending an Ordi- nance granting to the Illinois Central Railroad Company the use of a por- tion of Dodge Street, between South Main and Water Streets, in the City of Dubuque, for a term of years and regulating and controlling such grant and moved that the reading just had be considered its first reading. Car- ried. Ald. Singrin moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of read- ing the ordinance by its title for the second reading. Carried by the following vote: Yeas ---:ids. Frith, i-laas, O'Rourke, Rad. Saul and Singrin. Nays- -None. _\hs.•at- -.\hl. Martin. Ald. Singrin then moved that the Ordinance be now adopted as read. ('arrii•d by the following vote: Yeas ---Aids. frith. Haas, O'Rourke. Rand. Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Ald. Martin. Tl -p• Ordinance follows: .Ald. Rand, chairman of the Com- mittee on Claims. reported as follows' Your Committee on Claims. to whom was rel'u'r,•ed by the Committee of the Whole. the petition of Engineer Joh. harm's in a Lotion to salary with- held from him dnrin;: illuo ss occasion- ed by being struck with the suction hose while on his way to It tire. wound rt•s; i'ctfuily reel mnlend that said petition be referred to the City Attor- ney, he to report back to this com- mittee. Also your Committee on Claims, to whom was rcferrcd by the Committee of the Whole. the claim of Louis Smith for $"i.on for constructing a cement sidewalk abutting the proper- ty of M. Fannon on the North 'side of West Third street, would respectfully recommend that, said petition be re- ceived and filed. D. W. RAND. Chairman. Ald. Rand moved the adoption of the various reports of the Committee on Claims. Carried. Alco. Rand. Chairman of the Com- mittee on Public Grounds and Build- ings. reported as follows: Your Committee on Public Grounds and 1'uiiiiines, to whom was referred by the Committee sof the Whole, the bill of H. I'. Met'arten for $6.66 for plumbing at the ('i'nt 'at Engine House, would respectfully report that we have investigated said work and find that the hill for same is correct and would therefore recommend that said bill he paid and that a warrant in settlement thereof be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer. D. W. RAND, Chairman. Ald. Rand moved the adoption of the report of the Committee on Pub- lic Grounds and Buildings. Carried. Ald. Singrin, of the Committeee on Ordinances, presented and read AN ORDI\A\CE. AN OI.i1INANCl' ttm'•mling an Ordi- nance entitled ":An Ordinance granting to the Illinois Central Railroad Company. the use of a portion of I street, between South Melia au.l Water Streets, in the City of Dubuque. for a term of years. and regulating and controll- ing such grant." Be it Ordained by the City Coun- cil of the City of I luImmo. : Section I. That the Ordinance en- .title,l ".An ordinance granting to the Illinois cent ritI Railroad Company the use of :I portion of Dodge Street, between South Main and Nater Streets, in the city of Dubuque, for a term of y'ars and regulating and con- trolling such rant." ho amended by striking from Si eti„n 3 thereof the worts "United Fruit Company," as found in said section. ;;.ection -. That this Ordinance sh:,ll take effect and be in fore, from and aft••r its passage. and publication one time in the Dubuque T,,h•-raph- licrald and the Dubuque Times -Jour- nal, official newspapers of said city. and after written acceptance thereof on the p:u't of said Illinois Central Ii:Iilroad ompany duly ,n torsed hereon. Adopted-- , 191((. \\.----, \lay"r. nd City Recorder. The provisions aterms of the foregoing Ordinance are hereby ac- ceptcd and agreed to this — clay of , 1910. Regular Session, February 3, 1910 Ald Haas, of the Board of Health, reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen—Your .Board of Health begs to report that at a meeting held January 28th, 1910. the Sanitary Officer was instructed to investigate the conditions existing on West Fifth Street between Winona Avenue and Hill Street and if necessary to incur expense to ascertain what property has sewerage connections with Storm Sewer, instead of Sanitary Sewer in said street, which action we submit to your Honorable Body for approval. Also your board of Health begs to report that a resolution ordering Mar - that Zinn, to have her property, the S. M. 1-5 of City Lot 41, connected with Sanitary Sewer in the alley between White and Jackson trt ,•I>- ;,s unani- mously adopted, \video we .submit to your Honorable Body for apio val. D. J HAAS, Acting Chairman. Ald. Haas moved the adoption of the various reports of the Hoard of Health. Carried. RESOLUTIONS AND MOTIONS. Ald. Haas offered the following: Revolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That to pay for re- pairing sidewalks in August. Octoer, Nuvernbet• anti December, 1909, by city carpenters. in front of and ad- joining the same, a special tax he and is herely leo'it ,l on the 5 O'eral lots and part:- of lots. ting! parcels of real estate h,•rt•ivafter named, situated and owned. and for the several amounts set opposite etch lot or parcel of real estate ;is F .I]iiws: SpcciiI :tssessmeqv( submitted Feb- ruary i. 1 9 I t. Owner. Description. Total Aug. a. 19,19--R. 1'onson Est., ' Union .-A,l,l.. Lots 210 and 211, men and team $ 5 10 Oct. c—Ann:' Ilihut. N 1-2 of ('it.. i.ot 245. cost of brick. Gu: 't-1 hour: cost. 40c Oct. "ath.. Carmody. East 1)nt,note .-Add.. E. 1-2 Lot al, 15 it lumbi''•1 eo't. 60c; 1 hoot ..o -a. -ne .... Oct. 7 :!. It i tad Frank 'arm Add., Lot I brie!:. 40; 1 hour: cost. ,0c Oct. .----i.'itiien'' stat, lank. E•tirt•i 'w Sob.. Lot cost of brick. $1.25: 2 hours; cost, $1.00 Nov. 1- .Hoe Early. :\tcNulty's Sub. 14. Lot _, 1 s ft. lum- ber; cost, 55c; 1 hour; cost, 50c Nov. 16--MIke Aheran Est., Newman -Cooper -Smith Sub., 1 00 1 00 90 2 25 1 05 39 Lot 809, 40 ft. lumber; cost. $1.20: 1-2 hour; cost. 2;,e. , 1 45 Dec. 10—M. D. McMahon, Glendale Add.. Lot 21. 15 ft. lumber; cost, 45c; 1-2 hour; cost, 25c .,.. ...... 70 Total assessments $13 45 Ald, Haas moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Albs. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Pand, Saul and Singrin. . Nays—None. Absent—Ald. Martin. Ald. Haas also offered the follow- ing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for re- rneving snow and ice from sidewalks during the month of December. 1909, by the city, in front of :tild adjoining the sante. ;, special lox lt,• and is here- by levied on the seven! lots and parts of lots. and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situated and own- ed, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real ,Slit'• ;Is f„II„ero: special ass, s. ni,•nt submitted Feb- ruary :trd, 1 :, 1 a, Owner. r. Dt st•rit tion. Total. Dec. i I- -F. vv,•igt-1 tat , City Lot 55. length. 100 lin. ft.; width. 17 lin. ft.: rust. 2c..$ 2 00 Dec. 12--.AI:try A. Riggs. Union Add., lots 121, lair and 126, length, 1 Nil lin. ft.; width. 4 lin. ft.: cost, 1c 1 80 Dec. 14--W. I .. I t ra d l,'y Est, City Lot 33. length. 100 lin. ft.: width, 12 lin. ft.: cost, 2c 2 00 Dec. I I .T. .T. (tgilhy Est., N. 1-2 of ('ity Lot 22. length, 25 lin ft.: width, 12 lin. ft.; cost. 2c 50 Dec. 14 --Finley i Hospital. N 1-2 ,tf city L,,t 25. length, 100 lin. ft.: width. 12 lin, ft.; cost• 2e 2 00 Dec. 12- --\I. (.race, Union Add., Lots 165 and 166, length. 120 lin. ft.; width. 4 lin. ft.: cost, 10 1 20 Dec_ 15-- Rob. 'I'w;ttc:s. ('olnm- bia Add.. Ltd 21. length. 80 lin. ft.: width. 4 lin. ft.: cost, 1 c. Dec. 15--C. it. Meyer, cotton - bin .Adtl.. Lot I. length, 100 lin. ft.: width. 4 lin. ft.: cost, lc Dec. 1 a- - it. G. Meyer. Colum- bia A 1.1.. Lots 1. 2 and length. 1 .r, lin. ft.: width. 4 lin. ft.: cost. le 1 55 Dec. 17 --.las. II. Shields, Du- buque IIarbor Co. Add.. Lot 9, length. 64 lin. ft.: width. 12 lin. ft.; cost. 20 1 30 Dee. 1 R—Tia M. Coil'r, A. 11eDaniel's Sob., Lot Snit, it 1 00 iiiiiartharaddat • 40 Regular Session, February 3, 1910 Dec. 28—Dubuque Biscuit Co., 60 ('ity Lots 312 and 313, length, 010 lin. ft.: width, 10 lin. ft.; cost, 1 3-4c 3 65 Dec. 28—Wm. Lowther, City Lot 8, length. 50 lin. ft.; width, 10 lin. ft.: cost, 1 3-4c 85 Dec. 28—Fran1c Jaeger. S. 2-5 of City Lot 437. length, 60 • lin. ft.; width, 12 lin. ft; cost, 2c 1 20 80 Dec. 28—Anna Ryan, S. 40.10 M. 1-5 of City Lot 663. length. 80 lin. ft.; width, 12 lin. ft.: cost. 2c 1 60 Dec. 28 - Wm. Lowther. City Lot 7.15. length. 190 lin. ft.: width. 12 lin. ft.; cost, 2c.. 3 80 Dec. 28-----Anno Ryan, N. 1-3 of City Lot 192, length, 20 lin. ft.: width. 12 lin. ft.; cost. 2c 40 Dec. 28 --Aug. Klein, City Lot 293. length. 60 dn. ft. width. 12 lin. ft.: cost. 2c1 20 Dec. 28—A. A. Cooper, ('ity Lot 191. length. 60 lin. ft.: width, 12 lin. ft.: cost. 2c1 20 Dec. 28—J. J. Nogel. City Lot 661. length. 166 lin. ft.; width. 12 lin. ft.: cost. 2c3 35 Dec. 28-5olon Stephens and M. Bunting, Julia Lang- worthy Add., Lots 1, 2 and 3 length, 350 lin. ft.; width, 4 lin. ft.; cost. lc 3 50 00 Dec. 2S—.I. F. Kunz, Gurney & Langworthy Sub., Lot 7. length. 50 lin. ft.; width, 4 00 lin. ft.; cost, lc Dec. 28—Mike Grace, Union Add., Lots 165 and 166. length. 120 lin. ft.; width. 4 40 lin. ft.: cost. lc Dec. 28—Mary A. Riggs„ Union Add.. Lots 155, 156 and 157. 50 length. 1 SO lin. ft.: width. 4 lin. ft.: cost, le Deh. 28—Wm. Lowther, Cox's 50 Add., Lot 2 of 91 and Lot 2 of 92, length, 100 lin. ft.; width, 6 lin. ft.; cost. 1 1-4c 1 25 Dec. 28—Win. L. Bradley Est., 70 City Lot 104, length. 40 lin. ft.; width, 12 lin. ft.; cost, 2c 80 Dec. 28—F. Weigel Est.. City 50 Lot 21, length, 40 lin. ft.; width, 12 lin. ft.; cost, 2c... 80 Dec. 28—J. H. Green, S. 40.8 00 ft. N. 24.6 ft. of City Lot 106, length. 30 lin. ft.: width, 12 lin. ft.; cost, 2c Dec. 28—R. Waller Est., City 10 Lot 1, length, 74 lin. ft.; width, 12 lin. ft.; cost, 2c Dec. 29—Jas. A. Hayes, Lot 1 of 1 of 2 of City Lot 600 1 00 length, 35 lin. ft.; width, 12 lin. ft.; cost, 2c Dec. 29—F. N. Schroeder, Lot 2 of 2 of Min. Lot 158, length, 600 lin. ft.: width, 4 45 lin. ft.; cost.lc length, 60 lin. ft.; \lath, 4 lin. ft.; cost, lc • • ..... Dec. 18—R. W. Kemler, Lot 3 of Min. T.ot 172, length, 45 lin. ft.; width, 4 lin. ft.; 45 Cost. 1c ...... . • ....... Dec,. 20 ---Wm. HimlleY Fist., City Lot 745, length. 20 lin. ft.: width. 12 lin ft.: tiost. 2c 40 Dec. 27-1mbuque Harness & Saddlery Co., City Lot 194, length. 1(1 lin. ft.; width. 12 lin. ft.: cost, 2c Dec. '7—Frank A. Burns, 2-3 of City Lot 193. length, 60 lin. ft.: width. 12 lin. ft.: 1 20 cost. 2c Dec. '7—..T. H. Shields and W Brailley Est., Lot 1 and 10, Dubuque Harbor CO. Sub. 10, Lot 1, length, 50 lin. ft.; width. 12 lin. ft.: cost, 2c1 00 Dec. 27—J. H. Shields. Du- buque Harbor Co. Add., Lot 8; length. 05 lin. ft.; width, 12 lin. ft.: cost 2c 1 310 Dec. 27—tiiio, Marshall, Du- buque Hart 'o. Add., Lot 7, length. 31) lin. ft.; width, 12 lin. ft.: cost. 60 Dec. 27—M. F. Mulligan, S. M. 1-5 of ('ity Lot 472, length, 50 lin. ft.; width, 12 lin. ft; cost, 2c 1 00 Dec. 27—Jas. Herod, N. 1-2 N. M. 1-5 N. 1-5 City Lot 472, length, 50 lin. ft.: width, 12 lin. ft.; cost. 2c 1 Dec. 27--W. L. Bradley Est, ('ity Lot 150, length, 100 lin. ft.; width. 12 lin. ft.; cost. 2c 2 Dec. 27—Ida M. Cutler, Mc - Daniel's Sub., Lot 808, length. 40 lin. ft.; width, 4 lin. ft.; cost, lc Dec. 27--J. H. Shields, City Lot 456, length, 25 lin. ft.; width, 12 lin. ft.; cost, 2c Dec. 27—H. B. Glover, City Lot 467. length. 25 lin. ft.; width. 12 lin. ft.; cost, 2c Dec. 27- –Mrs. Waples, City Lot 45, length, 40 lin. ft.; with, 10 lin. ft.; cost, 1 3-4c Dec. 27—Cox & Loftus, S. 1-2 of City Lot 48, length, 25 lin. ft.; width, 12 lin. ft.; cost, 2c Dec. 27—Anna Ottley, S. M. City Lot 471, length, 50 lin. 1 ft.; width, 12 lin. ft.; cost, 2c Dec. 27—R. \V. Kemler, Cain's Add., Lots 18 and 19, length, 85 lin. ft.; width, 6 lin. ft.; cost, 1 1-4c Dec. 27—J. A. Van Duzee, N. 1-4 of City Lot 470, length, 50 lin. ft.; width, 12 lin. ft.; cost. 2c Dec. 28—Martha J. Palmer, Sub. Lot 1 and 2. Lot 2 of 5 of 1, City Lot 654, length 25. lin. ft.: width, 10 lin. ft.'; :fist 1 3-4c 50 1 20 1 80 • 60 1 40 70 6 00 Regular Session, February 8, 1910 41 Dec. 29—Mary L. Bunting, Ju- lia Langworthy Add., Lot 42, length. 50 lin. ft.: width, 4 lin. ft.: cost, is Dec. 29—Geo. Acker, S. M. Langworthy's Sub.. Lot 5, length, 50 lin. ft.; width, 4 lin. ft.: cost, lc Dec. 29—H. G. Torbert, S. M. Langworthy's Soh., Lot 6, length, 26 lin. ft.: width, 4 lin. ft.; cost. lc Dec. 29—J. A. Stephens, S. M. Langworthy's Sub., Lot 9. length. 50 lin. ft.; width, 4 lin. I't.: cost. 1c Dec. 29-- II;nry L. bunting, Ju- lia Lingvzorthy Sub.. Lot 9. t•n.th. lin. ft.: width. 4 lin. Ft. ; •ost. lc Dec. 29 .1. Si"Iphons. Julia. Lingwortby Suh.. Lot 22, length. So lin. ft.: width. 4 lin. ft.: cost, lc Dec. 29—Julia Langworthy, Est.. Lois Add., Lot 8, length, 55 lin. ft.,; width, 4 lin. ft.; cost, lc 55 Dec. 29—Matt. Florey, Lois Add., Lot 4, length. 50 lin .it.: width, 4 lin. ft.: cost. is 55 Dec. 29--F. L. Pool, Julia Langworthy Add., Lot 7, length, 50 lin. ft.; width. 4 lin. ft.: cost, le 50 Dec. 29—Kiene & Altman, City Lot 283, length, 100 lin ft.; width, 10 lin. ft.; cost, 1 3-4c 1 75 Dec. 29—Harry Keepers, City Lot 339, length, 45 lin. ft.; width, 6 lin. ft.: cost, 1 1-4c 55 Dec. 29—Harry Keepers, City Lot 339, length, 60 lin. ft.; width, 12 lin. ft.; cost, 2c 1 20 Dec. 30—Anthony Gurdet, City Lot 658, length, 25 lin. ft.; width, 12 lin. ft.; cost. 2c50 Dec. 30—Emile Levi, City Lot 67, length, 116 lin. ft.; width, 12 lin. ft.; cost, 2c2 30 Dec. 30—A. A. Cooper Wagon & Buggy Co., N. 64.3 ft. City Lot 73, length. 75 lin. ft.; width, 12 lin. ft. ;cost, 2c1 50 Total assessment $77 90 Ald. Haas moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith. Haas, O'Rourke; Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Aid. Martin. 50 50 25 50 30 50 Ald. Singrin moved that the City Recorder be instructed to notify the chairman of the Democratic and Citi- zens City Central Committees to fur- nish lists from which the Judges and Clerks may be selected at the regular meeting of the Council to be held Thursday evening, February 17, 1910. Carried. Aid. Frith moved that the matter of appropriations for the ensuing year be refered to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. Haas moved that when the Council adjourn. they adjourn to meet Thursd;iy evening, February 10th. 1910. tarried. Ald. Haas moved to adjourn to Thursday evening, February 10th, 1910. Carried. EDMUND A. LINEHAN. City Recorder. Approved, Gv_l l . 1910 Mayor Recorder \djourned Session, February 10, 1910 tion of Aid, Frith, referred to the Delinquent Tax Committee. CITY COUNCIL Adjourned Regular Session, Febru- ary 10th, 1910. Council met at 9:00 p. m. Mayor 51hunk in the chair. I'reset t - Aids. Frith, Haas, U'l:ourke, Rand, Saul and iingrin. Absent—A Id. AIartin. ' \layor Schenk stated that the meeting was all adjourned meeting of the r1 gular session of v ebruary 3rd, I 9 10. and wars (1(11(11 to take up and e nsider all matters which may prop- erly i'o!n ' before a regular session of the City Council. PILLS. Bill of AI. Tsehirgi & Sola for ex- it -it work on 32nd Street storm sewer with interest to March 1st, 1:11!!. a1 total of $11l1.92, was read and, ol; motion 1.1f .\Id. Frith, war- rant ill sum of $0.x.((0 was ordered drawn in favor 111' M. 'I'scltirgi & Son 0110 balance to be taken care of out oi' nest ye;!r's arppropriation. I'I:'TI'1'IUNS ANI) CUM :AIuNICA- TIUN. Petdtimi of Katharine 11rinkmoeller, asking that the taxes on her home- stead. Lot 79s, Aleft -inlet's Sub., be canceled f..l' the year 1909, stating that she is a widow with four minor children to support and unable to pay said taxes, was, on motion of Alii. 1t:nid. referred to the Delinquent Tax Committee. Petition of Ida Wurst, asking that the taxes on her homestead in Staf- ford :Addition, be remitted for the year 1009. slating that she is a Widov' with seven minor children and un - a1110 Io pas said taxes. was, on mo- tion of .\1!l. frith, referred to the Delinettellt Tax Committee. Petition of Josephine Vogt, asking that the taxes on her property, Lot 1 of 2 of 2 of 1 59 in Langworthy's Add.. be canceled for the year 1909, she bei ,gig o widow with several chil- dh'en to support and is unable to pay sauce. was, en motion of Ald. Rand, referred to tthe Delinquent Tax t'ont- Petition of D. \A'. Cleveland, stat- ing that he is an honorably discharg- ed union soldier and asking that the taxes on h's homestead. Lot 1 of the subdivision of Lot 3 of Mineral Lot 91, and the North 10 feet of Lot 1 in John's Subdivision, be exempted from taxation for the year 1909 to the amount of $500.00, was, on mo - Petition of \lotulsky pros.. asking that the valuation for taxes on their clothing stock be placed at $7,500.00 for the year 1908 and at $6,000.00 for year 1909 and the City :treasurer be instructed to accept taxes on said valuation, was, on motion Of Aid. Frith. referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Henry Luz et al, ask - int that the Haim. of Anna Place be changed to \\* est fifteenth Street, was, on mottnn of .1 Id. frith, re- ferred to the Committee of the \Vih11c. Petition of 1;1•v. ,los. :A. ILupnnt. pastor of Holy 'Trinity church. ask- ing tint the portion of the atlleN• ly- ing between 'Third .\ venue on the north and the northerly lines of Lots 43:1 and 4r2 on the south he vacated and also to cause tin• telephone \vire•s to be removed front said alley, so that the Holy Trinity Church can be erel•t(' I. was, on motion of Alda Frith. r.l''•rre11 to the ('omntitteo of the AWhole. Petition of .IIlseph I:. Iteinil ied. (_'hiof of Fire Department, staling that his salary had 1111.11 reduced from $1 2 5.1111 to $100.0(( per month beginning a'ilh month of April, and presenting his ('lana' for $27,.110 per month from .\pril 1st. 1901, and asking that the council give the mat- ter favorable censidet•alton, was, on tuition of Aid. Frith. referred to the Committee of the Whole. Communication from l'nion I•:lec- t'ic Co.. stating that III the arc lamps ordered installed by the City ('ouneil from November lith, 1909, to the '!resent time have all been in- stalled. \Fars, on motion of Ald. Haas, received and tiled. Connnunical(ion Haul 1:• v. Arnold I'oediug. I res mint; eh1 ck for two hurudred and lii!v Bolla s do full '°'1- tl. no•nt !.- I. I'_ i:,n 1::1. I:._.. 1r1, 01-, I 1S;1. I I11 ;11.11 411s in Ian's .\dditiee, • 1'1 oat motion of .\ld.m- 11(1(1`11.a!tinii 11;15 t''•('e•IVIII iii,i cot'der to present cheek. and Tr, asurl r to send receipt I:ev. I'1e•ditlg in hill payment .1 si,eeial ass1•ss111(•ut. Petition of James Alderson, asking 111a1 such part of Vale Street lying east of Hau'vard Street be vacated and revert to him, was, on motion of Ald. I:and, referred to the Committee Of thy• Whole. Adjourned Regular Session, February 10, 1910 43 Petition of O. C. Papin et al, ask- ing that they be granted permission to construct a permanent wagon bridge from the foot of Seventh Ave- nue across Lake Peosta onto Mineral Lot 302, was, on motion of Ald. Frith, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition , of E. P. Laude, stating that an error had been made in the assessment for taxes of Laude Bros., H. W. Laude and Laude & Miller for years 1908 and 1909 and asking that said taxes be canceled, was, on mo- tion of Ald. Frith, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Fischer & Co. let al, ask- ing that an electric arc light be placed at the foot of Third Street Ex- tension, was, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, granted, REPORTS (IIS OFFICERS. City Auditor Lyons reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Herewith find my re- port for the month of January, 1910, showing the receipts and dis- bursements for the month: Receipts— Cash on hand January 1, 1910 .... ... $ 9.141.70 Receipts from all sources81,219.89 Total $90 361.59 i tisliI t -cments— Wirt- its redeemed Impr,iv'•uaent bonds dei Ailed Improvement bond coupons redeemed Regular bond coupons re- deem Water Works bond cou- pons redeemed re - Total $21,647.03 3,130.90 1,272.50 3,080.00 360.00 $29,490.43 • 1 -Balance Feb. 1st, 1910...$60,871.16 The above cash balance includes imnrov:'ment bond fund, improve- ment bond interest fund and library fund balances. Water Works Account— Water Works. balance Jan - nary 1st. 1-910 $1.3,041.86 Deposited -with City Treas- urer during January 7,269.98 Total Ordi•rs Drawn on City Treasurer during Janu- ary $20,311.84 2,707.76 Balance Feb. 1, 1910... $17,604.08 Excavation Permit Account— Balance January let, 1910....$35.00 Balance February 1st, 1910....$35.00 Also the following is a record of all interest coupons, bonds and sidewalk certificates redeemed by the City Treasurer during the past month and credited to him: Regular bond coupons $3.080.00 Improvement bond coupons1,272.50 Improvement bonds 3,130.90 Water Works bond coupons360.00 Total $ 7,843.40 Also the following list shows the appropriations and the amount of warrants drawn on each fund since the beginning of the fiscal year be- ginning March 1st, 1909, to February, 1, 1910.. Appropriation Expended Expense .. ....$40,000.00 $29,767.81 Road— First District. .. 6,225.24 Second District . 14,998.69 Third District .. 8,805.17 Fourth District . 10,746.64, Fifth District .. 8,270.74 Fire .... 38,103.47 Police .... .... 28.827.71 Sewerage .. ... 5,071.26 Printing .. .... 2,178.88 Stri-rt Lighting . 20,733.45 Interest .. 29,710.27 Hoard of Health 5,964.16 (trading .. . • • • 3,987.91 Special Bonded Paving ... .. Special Bonded Debt and In- terest .. Mt. Carmel Ave- nue (trading . Sidewalk Repair- ing.... ..... Bluff Street ex- tension .. Improvement of Windsor Ave - Bee Branch Sew- er, Third Ward Bee Branch Sew- er in Wash- ington Street • Improvement of Grandview 6,725.82 15,011.04 8,859.42 10,750.58 8,275.14 49,000.00 35,000.00 6,000.00 2,800.00 27,000.00 40,000.00 7,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 748.75 1,000.00 986.61 500.00 485.76 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,500.00 1,595.75 6,000.00 5,918.92 3,000.00 1,427.24 Eagle Point Park 3.000.00 2.920.66 2,200.00 2,133 90 Judgment .. .. Opening of Louisa Street.. Clay Street Im- provement West Locust St. Storm Sewer Kauffman Avenue 'Improvement.. Thirty-second St. Storm Sewer . Herb Street (trail- ing.... ..... 1,100.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 1,000,00 300.00 $297,522.00 1,100.00 1,659.49 1,997.55 57.65 901.61 44 Adjourned Regular Session, February 10, 1910 Respectfully, M. E. LYONS,Auditor. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke ferthe he re- port was approved and to the Committee on Finance. City .Attorney Lyon reported as fol- lows: and City To the Honorable Mayor andf City Council of the City low:u G,•ntlemen: The undersigned, edof whom was referred the petition f Christu;i \Nasser, herewith submits his reports on the same: The petitioner requests that the special assesstn, nt levied on the 5th day „t• Yov oiler, 1908, by the City t'num•il• on Subdivision 6 of Brecht's Subdivision of Let One (1) and Sub- ,livikien 5 of Brecht's Subdivision 9fof of Lot in the amount of $= an improvement made on Hennepin Street, he reduced to the sum of $75.00, claiming that said assessment is exhorbitant and beyond the bene- fits conferred by such Improvement, and illegal because in excess of 25% of the actual value of said lots. I am of the opinion that the peti- tioner has waived any rights which she may have had, conceding the facts set out in her petition to be true—a matter about which I have no per- sonal knowledge. Section 971 of the Code of Iowa provides for the filing of any objec- tions one may have to the proposed levy of a special assessment. In this case there were no remonstrances filed against the levy as proposed. Sec. 324 of the Code provides that all objections to errors, irregulari- ties or inequalities in the making of special assessments, etc.. not made be- fore the Council at the time and in the manner provided, shall be waived, except where fraud is shown. There having been no objections filed in this case, all errors, irregularities or in- equalities I believed to be waived. Sec. 839 of the Code provides for an appeal giving any party aggrieved by any assessment levied for street improvement, right to have the as- sessment reviewed by the District Court. And further provides that only such objections as are made be- fore the Council, as provided for in the section last above referred to, shall be raised upon the appeal. There having been no objections filed before the Council, and no ap- peal taken from the assessment as made by the Council, I believe the as- sessment becomes a finality and is binding upon the party. February 10, 1910. Respectfully submitted, GEO. T. LYON, City Attorney. Ald. Haas moved that report of City Attorney Lyon be approved and referred to Committee of the Whole. Carried. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Rand, of the Committee on Police and Light, reported as follows: Your Committee on Police and Light would respectfully recommend that the Union Electric Company be instructed to install four electric arc lamps under the supervision of the City Electrician at the following places: Adams Avenue and Third Avenue. Fi1'tlt and Iowa Streets. North Iowa Street, about 100 feet north of Seminary Street. Third Street Extension and Levee. Ald. Rand moved the adoption of the report of the Committee on Po- lice and Light. Carried. Ald. Singrin. chairman of the Com- mittee on Sewers, reported that the storm water sewer in 14th Street is badly in need of being cleaned out. Aid Saul moved that matter of having sewer in 14th Street cleaned be referred to the chairman of the Committee on Sewers with power. Carried. Ald. Frith. chairman of the Com- mittee on Fire. reported as follows: Your Committee on Fire, to whom was referred with power the matter of purchasing 2,000 feet of hose for the Fire Department, would respect- fully report that we advertised for bids for same and that in answer to the same we received proposals from five different firms. All bids and sam- ples submitted received our best con- sideration and. after due deliberation, we decided to award the contract as follows: Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., 1,000 feet "Rescue" brand at 85 cents per foot. C. C. C. Fire Hose Co., 500 feet Knit brand double -jacket at 85 cents per foot. Kretschmer Mfg. Co.. 250 feet of cotton -jacket rubber -lined hose, same as sample submitted, at 85 cents per foot. McDonald Mfg. Co., 250 feet "Par- amount" brand, 4 ply rubber -lined cotton -jacket at 80 cents per foot. All the foregoing hose are to be coupled and to be guaranteed to with- stand a pressure of 400 pounds per square inch. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the report of the Committee on Fire and the Mayor be empowered to sign contracts for purchase of said hose. Carried. Ald. Frith moved that the City Re- Adjourned Regular Session, February 10, 1910 45 corder he instructed to turn the $25.00 which T. F. Kane enclosed with his bid for hay and oats over to the City Treasurer, said money to be forfeited by Mr. Kane to the City of Dubuque for failure to enter into con- tract for furnishing hay and oats. Mayor Schunk stated that no official notice had been given Mr. Kane to sign the contract, After much discussion. Ald. Frith moved that Mr. T. F. Kane be given 48 hours notice to sign contract for furnishing City with hay and oats for the ensuing year and matter of con- tract to be referred to the Commit- tee of the Whole for final action. Car- ried. Ald. Haas, chairman of the Com- mittee on Supplies, moved that the City Recorder be instructed to adver- tise for bids for printing the index and binding 2copies of the Council Proceedings for the year 1909. Car- ried. Ald. O'Rourke, chairman of the Committee of the Whole, reported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of I. McL. Cutl,'1'. stating that an error had been made in the assessment levied against her property for the removal of snow from the sidewalk abutting Lot 808 in McDaniel's Sub. and ask- ing that the same be corrected, would respectfully recommend that said petition be referred to the Side- walk Inspector for investigation. Also, your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of the Board of Trustees for the Fire- men's Pension Fund, asking that a pension fund be created as provided by law for the benefit of retired and disabled firemen, would respectfully recommend that the prayer of the petitioners be granted and that the Committee of the Whole, at the time of making the annual appropriations, set aside an amount equal to one - thirty -second of one mill for such purpose. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Jeb. Barnes stating that he had been injured while in the line of duty and had been therefore off duty and under the care of a physician for a period of two months without pay, and ask- ing that he be paid his salary for the time so lost, would respectfully re- commend that the prayer of the peti- tioner be granted and that a war- rant in his favor be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer for two months' salary. Also your Committee of the Whole. to whom was referred the petition of the Dubuque Park Committee asking that an accompanying resolution pro- viding for the submission to the elect- ors of the City of Dubuque at the election to be held April 4, 1910, of the question of whether or not there shall be levied each year for five years a tax of one-half of one mill on the dollar for park purposes, would respectfully recommend that the prayer of the petitioners he granted and that the sail resolution he adopt- ed. Also vin• committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the report of the Water Works Trustees for the quarter ending December 31. 1909, would respectfully recommend that said report be r,,f,v ed to the Special Auditing Committee. Also your Committee of the Whole, would respectfully report that we have purchased from the Indiana Road Machine Co., one No, I A [toad Sweeper with two brooms at ,i price of $280.00 F. 0. B. Dubuque. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Geo. Wimmer, stating that he had been erroneously assessed for a piano for the year 1909 and that he was not the owner of said piano at the time when returns are required to be made, and asking therefore that he be refunded the tax paid by him on said piano, would respectfully recom- mend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that a warrant in the sum of $1.15 be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer in settlement of said refund. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of C. A. Voelker stating that there is a small triangular piece of land lying between Iring avenue ani Delhi street which will have to be secured by the City before Irving aveu'tr can be opened and asking that steps be taken to purchase the same. would respectfully recommend that said petition be referred to the alderman of the Fourth Ward to ascertain the lowest figure at which said strip can be purchased. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Thos. Watters asking that the inter- est on the special assessment levied on Lots 1 to 14 in Watter's Sub., for the construction of a sanitary sewer in South Hill $t,•Pat ho cancelled be- cause no water mains have been laid in said street. would respectfully rec- ommend that said petition be receiv- ed and filed. JOHN O'ROURKE, Chairman. 46 Adjourned Regular Session, February 10, 1910 Aid. O'Rourke moved the 'adoption of the various reports of the Commit- tee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. Witourke, chairman of also Committee of the Whole, ported as follows: Your Conmdttee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of .lames Corcoran stating that on ac- count of the Dodge Street storm water sewer intervening between his lot and the s:tnilar> sewer it is impossible for him to make connection with the lat- ter which is therefore no benefit to hint. and aslcMg on this account that the special assessment levied against his property for the construction of said wutit:uy sewer be cancelled, would r. speetfnlly recommend that said petition be referred to the City Engineer to ascertain as towhether er it would be feasible for petitioner make connection with said sanitary sewer. the re- O'ROURKE. e- O'ROURKE. Chairman. Ald. Frith moved that the report be referred back to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. Frith of the Committee of the Whole reported as folio WS: Your Committee of the whole. to whom were referred the hills of J. Haudenschield for oats furnished the Fire and Police Departments amount- ing to $979.11, would respectfully recommend that said bills be pabl and that warrants in settlement there- of be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer. JOHN O'ROURKE. Chairman. Following report -of City Attorney Lyon on bill of Jacob Haudenschield was then read as follows: To the Honorable \iayur and City Council of the City of Dubuque, lotva: Gentlemen: The undersigned, to whom was referred the bill of Jacob Haudenschield for oats furnished the various departments of the City, here- with submit his report. i find that on January 16th, 1909. the City through its Mayor entered into ,n contract with Jacob Hauden- sehield, by the terms of which the said Jacob Haudenschield, was to furnish certain specified qualities of hay and oats to various departments of the City, at certain specified prices for a period of one year, beginning .December 1st, 1908. - That in the proposal of said Jacob Haudenschield, which is attached to said contract, and which is referred to in the contract, he agrees to furn- ish the amounts required upon fifteen days notice In advance; that during the term of the contract hay and oats were ordered from said Jacob Haud- enschield by the Chief of the Fire Department under direction of the Chairman of the Committee on Fire. in car -load lots; that this action has been ratified and approved by the Council and all former bills of said Jacob Haudenschield have been allow- ed and paid; that the Chief of the Fire Department ordered the oats for which the present bill is presented, on November 20th, 1909, being several Clays before the expiration of the con- tract; that the Chief was instructed as heretofore to place such order; that the oats were needed by the different departments; and that the price and quality were in accordance with the terms of the contract; that the oats were delivered a few days :tfttr the expiration of the contract, but within a reasonable time after the order was placed. From the foregoing facts it appears that the order for the oats was given in the usual and custont:rry manner and such as had been ratified :tad approved by the Council on former occasions, and that it had been placed before the expiration of the ioutr:n't. I ata therefore of the opinion that 1-i:t.uden- sehield could have been compelled to deliver the oats of the kind. in the quantity and at the price provided for in the contract, and it mut neces- sarily f(llnty that, having complied with the ohlis:ttions imposed upon hint by the terms of the contract he is entitled to have the contract carried out by the city in accordance with the terms then -of. 1 am of the opinion that the bill is a valid and legal obligation upon the City. Respect fully submitted. GEO. T. 1.1-0N• City Attorney. Ald. i::tnd moved the adoption of the report of the Committee of the Whole or'der'ing w':u•r.utits drawn to pay bills of Jacob Haudenschield. Carried by the following vote: Yeas --Aids. Frith. Haas. Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays --Aid. 0' Rourke. Absent—Aid. 'Martin. Mayor Schunk then presented and art read the following veto on the rel of the Committee of the Whole or- dering hill of Jacob Haudenschield Maid : 1)uhuqui. Iowa. Feb• 1 nth. 1 91 n. To the llonornhie Council. City of Dubuque: Dear Sirs: The action of your Committee of the Whole, ratified by your honorable body, ordering the Haudenschield oats bills ($979.111 paid, is a rank injustice to the tax payers of the City of Dubuque. dcn The contract with Mr. IISltt Adjourned Regular Session, February 10, 1910 47 schield expired by limitation on December 1st, 1909, and the oats were delivered to the City on December 9th, 1909. This statement would perhaps not be so startling were it not for the fact that the con- tract price for oats to December 1st, 1909, was sixty cents per bushel, whereas the market price on Dec- ember 9th, 1909, was but forty-five cents per bushel, a difference of fifteen cents or twenty-five cents per cent less, quite a nice extra profit that. It has been asserted that the oats were ordered November 20, 1909, but there is no evidence of it on the bills, and the fact remains that delivery was made nine clays after expiration of contract, hence voiding contract prices. The remarkable part of this pe- culiar transaction is that this huge order for oats, even if made before expiration of contract, was about as brazen a bit of imposition on the City that I ever experienced. To fully appreciate the extent of this piece of business, it it only necessary to call attention to the fact that the quantity of oats furnished under these hills constitutes a supply for the entire Fire Department and also the Patrol House of the Police Department un- til late in the month of August, 1910. a nearly seven months' supply in ad- vance of actual needs at sixty cents a bushel when the market price was but forty-five cents per bushel, an unwarranted extra cost to (the City of $245.00 on a bill which totals $979.11. Last year when the contract was about to expire, and when it had ex- pired, and before another one was entered into, orders for oats, orders were limited to actual needs, in small quantities, in fact the then contrac- tor, Kane, informs me that oats were ordered in quantities as small as five bushels, and in no quantity exceeding a wagon load. That was eminently proper and right then, but the course pursued in the case of the bills under consideration was radically wrong. A resolution adopted by your honor- able body on May 22, 1908, provides as follows: "Ist. That all supplies for use of the several departments be purchased through the Committee Clerk, who is hereby constituted the purchasing agent for the City of Dubuque." "2nd. That all requisitions for supplies be first submitted to the Mayor for his approval. "3rd. That the heads of all depart- ments,. all regularly elected officers, when requiring supplies, shall file with the Committee Clerk a reasonable time before such supplies are actually needed, a requisition stating, in the case of heads of departments, the particular object for which such sup- plies are needed and where the same are to be used, which requisition the Committee Clerk shall forthwith sub- mit to the Mayor for his approval, then to the chairman of the particular committee in charge of the depart- ment for which such supplies are re- quired," etc. These requirements were absolute- ly ignored in this case, and the Com- mittee Clerk or rather Purchasing Agent, the designation in the fore- going council resolution given him nor myself, knew anything of thi§ order for a seven months' supply of oafs in advance of actual needs, at a cost i f fifteen cents abushel over the market price, until the bills in controversy were presented for payment. Had this large quantity of oats been order- ed close to or after expiration of con- tract at the market price of oats ;it date of delivery, the action would still have been wrong, but I would interpose no objection boeeuse it would not Involve the City in actual loss. But this matter involves the City in an acutal loss of $245.00 on the proposition, and I refuse to be a party to such an unfair transaction. Let Mr. Haudenschield accept what is fairly and reasonably due to him on the bill at the market price of oats, when he delivered same ($754.33) and there will be no further objection to the proposition even if the quantity furnished was a seven months' supply in advance of actual needs. I therefore hereby veto the motion that carried adopting the report of the Committee of the Whole recom- mending the payment of the bills. Respectfully. H. A. SCHUNii, Mayor. Ald. Frith moved that the veto of the Mayor and the matter of Hauden- schield's hills he referred back to the Committe of the Whole. Mayor Schunk stated that he would waive all rights for immediate action on the veto, vote to be taken on same at the next session of the Council to he held February 17th, 1910. Motion of Aid. Frith was then put and was 'carried. RESOLUTIONS AND MOTIONS. Alderman Singrin offered the fol- lowing' Whereas it is deemed necessary and advisable by the City Council of the City of Dubuque to open Cedar Street sixty-four feet wide. from Twelfth street to Thirteenth street. in the City of Dubuque. Iowa, through the property of the A. Y. McDonald & Morrison Manufacturing Co., there- fore he it i Adjourned Regular Session, February 10, 1910 Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that the City En- gineer be and he is hereby directed to make a survey and plat of such proposed improvement, showing the land or lots through or over which the sa me is prnposed to he made, the names of the owners thereof, and the quantity of land proposed to be taken and tile 't t: that aftplat in er such plat ce for public inspect is so tiled, said Engineer shall give the et.o rs of the property through or over which .such improvement is pro- posed t„ I„• made. notice as prescribed by Seeti' a of Chapter XXXI, of Revised Ordinances of the City of Du- buque of 1901. Aid. Singrin moved the adoption of the resolution. vote: Carried by the following Yeas—Alds. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Ald. Martin. Alderman O'Rourke also offered the follow ing: Whereas, The contract heretofore entered into by the City of Dubuque for the construction of a Sanitary Sewer as hereinafter describedhas been completed, and the City Engineer has computed that he costand ex- pense of said improvement to $873.95. Therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to provide for the cTsti of Westconstructing a Sanitary Sewer Seventh Street from Hill Street to Needham Place the Mayor be and he • is hereby required to execute and de- liver to the City Recorder, to be by him registered and countersigned, three bonds for two hundred and fifty dollars each and one for one hundred and twenty-three and 95-100 dollars numbered 959 to 962 inclusive, dated February 21st, 1910, payable on or before seven years after the date thereof, and bearing interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum, pay- able semi-annually. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas ---Aids. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke. Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Ald. Martin. Therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to provide for the cost of con- structing a sanitary sewer in Need- ham Place from Nest Seventh street to a point two hundred feet north of the north Lot line of West Fifth street, the Mayor be ana he is hereby re- quired to execute and deliver to the City Recorder, to be by him registered and countersigned, one bond for two hundred and fifty dollars and one for one hundred and fifty-four and 70-100 dollars numbered 957 and 958, dated February 21st. 19111. payable on or before sev,'n years after the date thereof, and nearing interest at thr rate of five per cent. per annum payable semi-annually. Aid. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Ald. Frith. Haas, O'Rourke, Rand. Saul and Singrin. Nays --None. Absent—Ald. Martin. Alderman O'Rourke offered the following: Whereas, The contract heretofore entered into by the City of Dubuque for the construction of a Sanitary Sewer hereinafter described has been completed and the City Engineer has computed that the cost and expense of said improvement amount to $404 70. Ald. O'Rourke offered the follow- ing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. that at the regular City Election in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, toGub held d Apoil the 1910, there be electors of said City the following question: "Shall there be levied each year for five years a tax of one- half of Otte mill on the dollar upon the assessible property of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, for the purpose of purchasing real estate for parks and the improvement of parks.” Resolved further that in submitting said question the ballot be printed on yellow paper and the form thereof be substantially as follows: Shall the following public measure be. adopted? Shall there be levied each year for five years a tax of one half of one mill on the dollar upon the assessible property of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, for the purpose of purchasing real estate for parks and the im- provement of parks. YES NO Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried . by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Ald. Martin. Regular Session, February 17, 1910 Ald. Saul moved to adjourn to Thursday evening, February 17th, 1910. Carried. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. Approve( • , ftf'(1 ,1910 Attest: 1: .. ?"7.1-.•‘-:•:-'1 ! • Recorder Mayor CITY COUNCIL 49 Regul:u• Ses:-.i„n I"el roor ' 17th. 1910. I t )tticiiil. ) Council not :it S:30 li, m. mayor -'chunk in the chair. I'resent -.\Ids. Frith. Haas, Martin, o' I tour•ke. Rand, Saul and Singrin. .\bsent—None. 1; IDS. Itids for printing the index and binding 45 copies of the Council Pro- ceedings for the year 1909 were pre- sented and on motion' ordered opened, :is follows: 11. S. Hardie, per book $2.05 Telegraph -Herald, per book 2.00 Mathis -Mets Co., per book 2.08 On motion of Aid. O'Rourke con- tract for printing the index and bind- ing the Council Proceedings was awarded to the Telegraph -Herald at $2.00 per book. PETITIONS AND COM \II NTCATION Petition of Alois Barta et al asking that the Council make an appropria- tion for the extension of Water Mains for fire protection east on West 14th Street from Delhi Street to Audubon Avenue was read and on motion of Ald. Rand rules were suspended to grant interested parties permission to address the Council on the subject. Prof. Alois Porta, M. Fahey and Water Works Trustee Alderson ad- dressed the Council. On motion of Ald. Rand the petition was referred to the Committee of the Whole to confer with the Water Works Trustees on the matter. Petition of Geo. M. Kimball stating that he is an honorably discharged Union Soldier and asking that he be exempted from taxation for the year 1909 on his homestead Lot B. in Bell's subdivision to the amount of $800.00 was on motion of Ald. Frith referred to the Delinquent Tax Committee. Petition of W. S. Dennis et al ask- ing that the Council take some action toward having Water Mains extended in West Seventh Street from Hill Street to Needham Place and in Need- ham Place from West Seventh Street to the Alley bet wi 'n West Fifth and West Seventh Street was on motion of Ald. Haas referred to the Commit- tee of the Whole.. Remonstrance of Standard Lumber Co., and Morris Johnson Brown Mfg. Co., protesting against the Council granting the petition of O. C. Papin and L. O. Papin for permission to 50 Regular Session, February 17, 1910 erect a bridge across Lake Peosta from the foot of Seventh Avenue to the Island was on motion of Ald. to Frith port E toed the Committeethe City , of rney the Whole. Pe'ition of Thos. Hill asking that the City Treasurer be instructed to accept $174.52 in full settlement of special assessment levied against Lot 29 in O'Hare's addition for the im- proo•ment of Grandview Avenue was on Oration of Ald. Singrin r,•fcred to the committee of the Whole. Communication from Team Drivers' Union stating that wages for teams will be 50c per hour on and after March 1st, 1910, was read and after considerable discusion on motion of Ald. Saul the petition was granted. Petition of M. J. Kiebel stating that he had purchased the business of the Dubuque Supply Company and asking that the Council grant him consent to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors as a renewal of the consent heretofore granted the Dubuque Sup- ply Company was on motion of Ald. Frith granted. The following resolution was then offered: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That consent is hereby given M. J. Kiebel to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors and deal therein, in the City of Du- buque, County of Dubuque, and State of Iowa, as provided by law. That the consent hereby granted is a renewal of the consent to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors and deal therein in the City of Dubuque heretofore given the Dubuque Supply Company, a corporation, and is here- by renewed, granted and given to M. J. Iiiebel as the purchaser and as- signee of the business of said Dubuque Supply Company as carried on in the City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa. Adopted unanimously. Petition of C. E. Mullin et al ask- ing that the Council take the neces- sary action to enlarge the Fire Station on Delhi Street and place therein a Fire Engine,, Hook and Ladder Truck and Hose Wagon and employ enough men to man the same so that the Hill districts will have the fire protection that is absolutely necessary was on motion of Ald. Rand referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Mrs. James Ryder, ask- ing that the valuation for assessment purposes on West 40 feet of Lot 38 and the East 10 feet of Lot 39, in Union Addition, be reduced to $650.00 and the Treasurer to be instructed to accept her taxes for year 1909 on said valuation, was, on motion of Ald. Saul, referred to the Delinquent Tax Committee. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Street Commissioner Mahony re- ports as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the pay roll for shoveling snow during the first half of February, 1910: Amt. due laborers on streets..$712.70 Approved by Committee on Streets. Petition of M. Melchoir, asking that the valuation for assessment pur- poses on Lots 1 and 2 in Kingman's Sub. be reduced from $1,500.00 to $1,000.00, was, on motion of Ald. Rand, referred to the Delinquent Tax Committee. Also submit the pay roll for labor on sewers during the first half of February, 1910: Amt. due laborers on sewers..$260.75 Approved by Committee on Sewers. Also submit the pay roll for labor on Mt. Carmel Avenue during the first halt of February, 1910: Amount due laborers on Mt. Carmel Avenue $583.75 Approved by Committee on Streets. Respectfully submitted. JOHN MAHONY, Street Commissioner. On motion of Aids. Saul and Sin - grin the pay roll on streets and sew- ers were received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay the various amounts and the pay rolls referred back to the proper committees. Sidewalk Inspector Lynch also re- ported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The petition of 1. McL Cutler stating that an error had been made in the assesment of cleaning snow, I find that on December 18th. I have a charge of 60 feet and Decem- ber 27th. 40 feet, those charges ought to be 20 feet each, I kindly ask your honorable body to correct the same. Yours Respectfully, JAMES LYNCH. Sidewalk Inspector. On motion of Ald. Rand the report was approved and Treasurer to be in- structed to correct the assessment. Sidewalk Inspector Lynch reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: On December 28th. I have a charge for cleaning snow on City Lot 160 to Dr. J. H. Greene, I find that same belongs to Anna Shea, would ask your honorable body to Regular Session, February 17, 1910 51. have City Treasurer correct the same. Yours Respectfully, JAMES LYNCH, Sidewalk Inspector. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke the report was approved and the City Treasurer to be instructed to correct the assessment. City Recorder Linehan presented and read certified copy of the notice of the Council's intention to levy a special assessment for the removal of snow and ice from sidewalks by the city during the month of Decem- ber, 1909, and January, 1910. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke rules were suspended to grant Mr. Wm. Glasson permission to address the Council in relation to removal of snow and ice in front of Lot 4, Cleminson Sub.. owned by Helen M. Laren et al. Matter of special assessment against Lot 4, Cleminson Sub., was then, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, referred to the Sidewalk Inspector. . Remonstrance of Mrs. Kate Roon- ey, owner of Lot 39, L. H. Lang- worthy Add., and Rev. H. M. Leech, pastor of St. Mark's Lutheran church, owner of Lot 662a, remonstrating against assessment for removal of snow and ice, were read and, on mo- tion of Ald. O'Rourke, were referred to the Sidewalk Inspector. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Rand, chairman of the Com- mittee on Claims, reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: There is now pending in the District Court of this county an action entitled Wm. Hintrager vs. City of Dubuque. being No. 14562 Equity, brought to quiet title in and to Lots 2 and 5 in Charles Klingen- berg's Subdivision in the City of Du- buque, constituting what is now known as Cushing Place. These two lots were assessed for the years 1895 and 1896 by the Coun- ty acid the taxes not being paid, were sold December 9, 1897, for the taxes of 1895 and 1896, and in 1905 Mr. Hintrager obtained tax deed. Some time in the year 1895 the City pro- cured deeds to these lots and the deeds were filed December 13, 1895. Lot •2 being conveyed by ('has. Kling- enberg and Lot 5 by Bertha Bevens- dorf. The heirs of said William Hin- trager are willing to adjust the suit now pending, and make the proposi- tion of accepting $19.31 in full set- tlement, this amount including the taxes paid by Mr. Hintrager, service of notices, recording of tax deed, and court costs of this action. They will also give to the City quit claim deeds, and, of course, dismiss the suit pending. • In view of the small amount in- folved, we deem it advisable to make adjustment on the basis indicated, and recommend that said amount be ordered paid, and the quit claims deeds accepted, in settlement of the said action. Respectfully, D. W. RAND, JA.\ll.;s S:\CI, DAN J. HAAS, Committee (Hi Claims. GEO. T. LYON, City Attorney. Ald. Rand moved the adoption of the report of the Committee on Claims and warrant be ordered drawn in fa- vor of the Mayer to effect settlement. Carried. Ald. Rand, chairman of the Com- mittee on Claims, also reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:. The undersigned. Com- mittee on Claims and City Attorney, would respectfully recommend that the sum of $50.00 he allowed to An- na Hollenfelz in full of all claims for injuries sustained by her on account of a fall on the sidewalk on Jack- son SI " ,•t to lween 17th and 18th Streets, I)ecemb,•r 8th, last. We would further recommend that the sum of $75.00 he allowed to Charles Rehfeldt in full of all claims for injuries sustained by him because of a fall on the sidewalk on West side of Burden Avenue on or about Janu- ary 28th, 19111 Respectfully, D. W. 1t,\ N I)_. D. J. HA AS, JAMES SA CL, Committee on Claims. GEO. T. L1'((N. City ,Attorney. Ald. Rand moved the adoption of the report of rte Committee on Claims and that warrants he ordered drawn in favor of the Mayor to ef- fect settlement of the cases_ Carried. Your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the pe- tition or Josephine Yogi. asking that on account of her poverty that the taxes on her homestead, Lot I of 2 of 159 in L. H. Langworthy's :A.11.. be canceled for the year 1909, would respectfully recommend that the City Treasurer be instructed to ;,llow said taxes to remain a lien on the prop- erty and not to sell the same. Also, your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the pe- tition of Mrs. lila t\'ur•st, stating that she is a c\ idow with seven children to support mainly by her daily labor and is unable to pay the taxes levied against her property in Stafford's Ad- 52 Regular Session, February 17, 1910 dition and asking therefore that said taxes he canceled, would respectful- ly recomm('nd that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the City Treasurer he instructed accord- ingly. Also, your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the pe- tition of Henrietta Gruenzig, asking that the taxes against her property, Lot 32b. in Wood's Add., be allowed to remain a lien against the same for the year 1909. would respectfully recommend that the prayer of the pe- titioner be granted and that the City Treasurer he so instructed. DAN J. HAAS, Chairman. Ald. Haas moved the adoption of the various reports of the Committee on Delinquent Taxes. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke, chairman of the Committee of the Whole, reported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the report of the City Attorney on the petition of Christina Wasser, who asked that her assessment for the improvement of Hennepin Street be reduced from $206.96 to $75.00, on account of said assessment being in excess of the 25 per cent valuation of her property, would respectfully report that, as he stated in his report, the City Attor- ney is of the opinion that objection should have been made at the time specified in the notice of the City Re- corder, and that, as the said peti- tioner failed to file a remonstrance or objection to said levy, the assessment is therefore a finalty; we would there- fore recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be not granted, but that, on account of the peculiar shape of the lots owned by her, the City accept $150.00 in full settlement of said special assessments, provided the regular waiver he signed within thirty days from date. Also, your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Motulsky Bros., stating that the val- uation placed on their stock is ex- cessive and asking that the same be reduced to $7,500.00 for the year, 1908 and to $6,000.00 for the year 1909, would respectfully recommend that the City Treasurer be instructed to accept the taxes of said firm on a basis of $7,500.00 with interest for both the year 1908 and the year 1909. Also, your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Henry Luz et al, asking that the name of Anna Place be changed to West Fifteenth Street, would respectfully recommend that the prayer of the petitioners be granted and that an ordinance be adopted properly chang- ing said name. Also, your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Rev. Jos. A. Dupont, pastor of the Holy Trinity parish, asking for the vacation of that part of the alley be- tween Rhomberg and Lincoln Ave- nue from Third Avenue southerly to the northerly lines of Lots 433 and 462 in Ham's Addition, would re- spectfully recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the proper resolutions be adopted. Also, your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of J. W. Stapleton, asking that Lots 240, 249, 250. 251 and 301 in East Du- buque Addition be assessed to the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail- way Company by the State Board in- stead of by local authorities, would respectfully recommend that said pe- tition be received and filed. Also, your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of the drivers of the three -horse teams on the Fire Department, asking that they be granted an increase of $5.00 per month in their salaries, would re- spectfully recommend that the prayer of the petitioners be granted. Also, your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the ordinance proposing to grant to the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Com- pany permission to construct, main- tain and operate a spur track across the alley extending from 17th Street to 18th Street between Pine and Ma- ple Streets, across 18th Street and the intersection of 18th and Maple Street; across the alley between Lots 305 and 366 in East Dubuque Addi- tion; across 18th Street and the in- tersection of 18th and Cedar Streets and across 17th Street at the loca- tion shown by plat on file in the of- fice of the City Recorder, and regu- lating the construction, use and main- tenance thereof, would respectfully recommend that the above ordinance and the plat referring to the same be not adopted as at present described and laid out. Also, your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the recom- mendations of the Chief of the Fire Department regarding the needs of the department, . would respectfully report in favor of the Fire Commit- tee being instructed to advertise for bids for leather helmets and also for a life saving net. We would also recommend that the Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings be in- structed to prepare a plan for a hose tower for No. 2 Engine House, both Regular Session, February 17, 1910 53 said committees to report back to the Committee of the Whole. JOHN O'ROURKE, Chairman. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the various reports of the Commit- tee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. Frith, of the Committee of the Whole, reported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole, to whom were referred the following matters: The bills of J. Hauden- schield for oats furnished the Police and Fire Departments, the former re- port of this committee recommending the payment of said bills, the opinion of the City Attorney stating that the bills were a valid and legal obligation upon the City and the veto of Mayor Schunk on the payment of said bills. would again respectfully recommend that said bills be paid and that war- rants in the sum of $979.11 be or- dered drawn on the City Treasurer in settlement of the claim. .JOHN O'ROURKE, Chairman. Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the report of the Committee of the Whole ordering warrants drawn to pay bills of Jacob Haudenschield. Carried by following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith, Haas, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—Aids. Martin and O'Rourke. Mayor Schunk then stated that his veto on the report of the Committee of the Whole adopted February 10th, 1909, would stand unless Council took some action on same at this session. Ald. Frith moved that report of the Committee of the Whole ordering warrants drawn to pay the bills of Jacob Haudenschield be again adopt- ed over the veto of the Mayor. Yeas—Aids. Frith, Haas, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—Alas, Martin and O'Rourke. Mayor Schunk then declared the veto sustained. Ald. Martin, chairman of the Com- mittee on Ordinances, presented and read an Ordinance changing the names of Anna Place to West Fif- teenth' Street, Thomas Street and Franklin Street to West Sixteenth Street, Yates Street to South Catha- rine Street, and moved that the read- ing just had be considered the first reading of the Ordinance. Carried. Ald. Haas moved that Ordinance be now referred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Matter of appointing Judges and Clerks for the Primary and City Elec- tion was taken up, and lists of the Democratic City Central Committee and the Republican City Central Committee were presented to the Council from which to select said judges and clerks. Ald. O'Rourke moved that a recess of five minutes be taken to look over said lists. Car- ried. Recess then taken. Mayor Schunk called meeting to order. The following list of names of Judges and Clerks for the coming Primary and Regular Election was submitted. FIRST WARD. First Precinct — Judges: James Saul, d.. Edward McEvoy, d., and F. Iiammue ller, d. Clerks: Ed. Schatle, r.. and H. L. Lundbeck, r. Second Precinct — Judges: Matt Clancy, d.. Henry Lucas, d.. and Oliver Longueville, r. Clerks: Robt. Halpin, d., and A. C. Glaser, r. SECOND WARD. First Precinct — Judges: Henry Gehrig, d., Frank Ferring, d., and John Strobel, r. Clerks: John La- Barge, d., and Fred Bade, r. Second Precinct—Judges: W. R. Lenehan, d., William Vogt, d., and J. O'Rourke, F. Clerks: M. Hogan, d.,. and W. M. Kretschmer, r. THIRD WARD. First Precinct — Judges: John. Stumpf, d., Otto Neuman, d., and F. L. Egelhof, r. Clerks: Robt. Quin- lan, d., and Louis Zanner, r. Second Precinct—Peter Martin, d., Joseph Hummel, d., and Oscar Stech- er, r. Clerks: Nick Schneider, d.,. and Lawrence Hauer, r. Third Precinct—Judges: Wm. Sin - grin, d., Peter Schuler, d., and S. A. Crawford, r. Clerks: John Trexler,. d., and Matt De Muth, r, FOURTH WARD. First Precinct — Judges: Matt McCullough, d., Mont. Rickey, d., and E. I'. Laude, r. Clerks: Ray Thomp- son, d., and Henry Girard, r. Second Precinct — Judges: Pat Royce, d.. Ernest Stahele, d., and O. Bennett, r. Clerks: Louis Herbst, d., and Charles Falkenhainer, r. Third Precinct—Judges: Ed. J. Ryan, d., John M. Kenety, d., and D. W. Rand., r. Clerks: James Lee, Jr., d., and Hugh Corrance, r. FIFTH WARD. • First Precinct—Judges: Chas. T. Thomas, d., Geo. Schlagel, ci., and Alex. Reed, r. Clerks: C. P. Mettel, d., and C. K. Mathes, r. Second Precinct — Judges Martin Klump, d., John Klarman, d., and Herman Zernecke, r. Clerks: Otto Meissner, d., and Gregory Vath, r. Third Precinct — Judges: John Grimm, d., George Vollrath, d., and C. Nead, r. Clerks: Jos. Welu, d., and Robert Beckler, r. Fourth Precinct—Judges: Edward Stoltz, d., Peter Raab, d., and Eugene Frith, r. Clerks: John Heim, d., and Dan Haas, r. 54 Regular Session, February 17, 1910 Ald. Frith moved that the forego- ing be appointed Judges and Clerks for the Primary Election to be held February 28th, 1910, and the election to be held April 4th, 1910. Carried. RESOLUTIONS AND MOTIONS. Alderman Martin offered the fol- lowing: re It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: That the Inion Electric Company be and it is hc•ie•by instructed to install an elec- tric ;are lamp midway between the in- tersection of South Dodge and Grand- view Avenue and the intersection of Morgan and Grandview Avenues. Ald. Martin moved the adoption of the resolution. Ald. O'Rourke moved as an amend- ment, resolution be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Amend- ment carried. Ald. Haas offered the following: Whereas, the Rev. Jos. A. Dupont, for the Holy Trinity parish, has filed his petition asking for the vacation of that part of the alley between Rhomberg and Lincoln Avenues from Third Avenue southerly to the north- erly lines of Lots 433 and 462 in Ham's Addition and represents that said parish is the owner of all the lands abutting on both sides of said 1n i ion of said alley so asked to be v,,,•;,1,1: therefore I'-• ii Resolved by the City Council ,. City of Dubuque, That the i :ngineer be and he is hereby ted to make a survey and plat of that part of said alley proposed to be vacated, to be filed in said Engi- neer's office, subject to public inspec- tion, and give the notice required by ordinance to all owners of property abutting said ground proposed to be so vacated and to publish the notice required by ordinances of said pro- posed vacation. Ald. Haas moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Ald. Haas also offered the follow- ing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for re- moving snow and ice from sidewalks during the months of December, 1909, and January. 1910, by the City, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situated and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows: Special assessment submitted Feb- ruary/ 17th, 1910. Owner. Description. Total Dec. 15.—C. G. Meyer, Co-' lumbia Add., Lots 16 and 17: length, 1.00 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc • $ 1 00 Dec. 29--J. W. Powers, City Lot 314; length, 60 ft.; width, 6 ft. ; cost, 11/4c , . Jan. 3—Leathers & Trewin, McCraney's 1st Add., Lot 77: length, 50 ft.; width, 4 feet; cost, lc Jan. 3—Wm, Meuser, McCra- ney's 1st Add., Lots 96 and 97: length, 100 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost. lc Jan. 3—H. M. Kunz, McCra- ney's 1st Add., Lots 82. 85 and 86: length, 285 ft.; width. 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 5—Mary A. Welsh, Mc- Craney's 1st Add., Lot 71; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft: cost, lc Jan. 5—Mary A. Welsh, Ham's Add., Lot 447: length. 50 ft.; width, 4 ft.. cost, 1 c Jan. 5—John W. Norton, Gilliam's Sub., Lots 11, 12 and 13: length. 180 ft.; width, 4 ft.: cost, 1 c Jan. 5—Mary Doft, S. 1/4 L. H. Langworthy Add., Lot 13: length, 25 ft.: width, 12 ft.: cost, 2c Jan. 5—E. P. Ternes Est., S. 1-5 of City Lot 450; length, 30 ft.; width, 12 ft.; cost, 2c Jan. 5—Emily E. Cram, City Lot 1 of 612a; length, 120 ft.; width, 6 ft.: cost, 11/4 c. Jan, 5--.T. At. and Frank Holz, Und. 1/2, N. 34 ft. E. 1/2; Und. 1/2. S. 24 ft. E. 1/2, City Lot 439; length, 60 ft.; width, 12 ft.; cost, 2c. Jan. 5—Minnie E. Kramer, Junk's Add., Lot 8; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 5—Aug. Kiefs, Kiene's Add., Lot 5; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 5—Leathers & Trewin, McCraney's 1st Add., Lot 77; length. 50 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan 6—C. M. Steffen. McCoy's Sub., W. 15 ft. E. 35 ft. of Lot 3; length, 170 ft.; width. 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 6—R. W. Kemler, Cain's Add., Lots 18 and 19; length. 85 ft.; width, 6 ft.; cost, 11/4c Jan. 6—J. M. Sullivan, City Lot 46; length, 20 ft.; width, 12 ft.; cost, 2c Jan. 6—Universalist Church, City Lot 638; length, 140 ft.; width, 12 ft.; cost, 2c. Jan. 6—Fred Weigel Est., S. 75 50 1 00 2 8s 50 1 80 50 60 1 50 1 20 50 50 50 1 70 1 10 40 2 SO Regular Session February 17, 1910 55 21 ft. of City Lot 467; length. 20 ft.: width, 12 ft.; cost, 2c Jan. 6—St. Mark's Evangel- ical Lutheran Church, City 62a; length, 250 ft.; width. 12 ft.; cost. 2c Jan. 6—Fred Weigel Est., City Lot 55; length. 75 ft.; width, 12 ft.; cost, 2c Jan. 6—J. H. Shields, Du- buque Harbor Co. Add., Lot 8; length. 60 ft.; width, 12 ft.: cost, 2c Jan. 6—W. A. Palmer, N. 1/2 of City Lot 235; length, 26 ft.; width, 12 ft.:; cost, 2c. Jan, 6—R. Waller Est.. City Lot 234; length, 50 ft.; width, 12 ft.; cost, 2c Jan. 6—Jno. Powers Est.. City Lot 314; length. 100 ft.; width, 12 ft.; cost. 2c Jan. 6—Thos. Hill, N. 1/ of City Lot 311; length. 25 ft.; width. 6 ft.: cost. 11/4c .. . Jan. 6—Dubuque Biscuit Co., City Lots 312 and 313; length. 100 ft.: width, 6 ft.; cost. 11/4 c Jan. 6 --Anna Shea, S. 20 feet City Lot 106; length, 20 ft. width, 1 ft.; cost, 2c Jan. 6—D. Rhomberg, Stout's Add.. Lots 3 and 4; length, 100 ft.; width, 4 ft.: cost, lc Jan. 6—Nick. Gasper, N. 1/ Bonson's Sub.. Lot 1; length, 25 ft.; width, 6 ft; cost, 11/4 c Jan. 6 --Cath. C. Ryan, S. 40.10 ft. M. 1-5 of City Lot 663: length, 50 ft.; width. 12 ft.; cost. 2c Jan. 6—Amelia B. Matthews, S. 11.2 ft. E. 111 ft. S. 11. 1-5 City Lot 663; length. 20 ft.: width. 12 ft.: cost, Ic. J. J. Naglc. S. 7S ft. S. 1v. N. 50 ft. S. 1/2 of City Lot 661; length. 260 ft. width. 12 ft; cost, 2c Jan. 6—Mary A. Riggs. Union Add.. Lots 154, 155 and 156; length, 150 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 6—Henry L-'ardin, Union Add., Sub. 229 of Lot 2; length. 50 ft. width, 4 ft; cost, lc Jan. 7—A. W. Kemler Est., Union Add., Lot 152; length, 60 ft.; width, 4 ft.: cost. lc Jan. 7—Wm. Lawth,•r. Sr., S. 197 ft. City Lot 745: length, 205 ft.; width, 12 ft.; cost, 2c Jan. 7—R. W. Kemler, Und. Und. ?!iS. 11. Lang- worthy Add., Lot 23: length, 50 ft.; width. 4 ft.: cost. lc. Jan. 7—Felix Becker and Wm. Klauer, Davis Farm Add., 40 5 60 1 50 1 20 50 1 00 2 00 30 1 25 40 1 00 30 1 60 40 5 20 1 80 50 60 4 10 50 Lot 213; length, 230 ft.: width, 4 ft.; cost, I .. Jan. 7—P.. Langworthy Est Glendale Add., Und ?% Lot 237; length. 30 ft.; width, 4 ft.: cost, lc Jan. 7— Langworthy Est, Glendale Add., Und. 1,X2 of Lots 219. 2'0 and 221; length, 150 ft.; width, 4 ft: cost, lc C. Mitchel, Glendale Add, Lot 143; length, 50 ft; width, 4 ft.: rust. lc Jan. 7—Peter Kaiser, Glen- dale Add.. Lot 144; length, 50 ft.; width. 4 ft.; cost, lc. R. Langworthy Est., Glen- dale Add., Lot 213; E. A. Langworthy Est., Glendale Add., Lot 214, Und.; length, 100 ft.: width. 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 7—\\'m. \leuser, Glen- dale Add. Lots 139, 140 and 141; length. 150 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 7—C. A. Voelker, Glen- dale Add., Lots 134 and 135; length, 100 ft.; width, 4 ft.: cost, lc Jan. 7—Helen M. Laren, Cleminson's Sub., Lot 4; length, 150 ft.; width, 4 ft; cost, lc Jan, 7—Wm. Lawther, S. M. Langworthy Add., Lot 13; length. 225 ft.; width, 6 ft; cost, 1 1/1 c Jan. 7—John W. Lee. S. \l. Langworthy Add., Lots 1 and 2: length. 100 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 7—J. H. Rhomberg, Davis Farm Add., Lot 225; length. 100 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 7--J. H. Rhomberg, Da- vis Farm Add., Lot 225: length, 60 ft.; width, 6 ft.; cost, I c Jan.. 7—Jackson Street M. E. Church, Olinger's Sub., Lot 1; length. 80 ft.: width, 6 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 7—,Jack=ou Street .51. Ii. t'hurch, Olinger's Sub., Lot 1: length. 60 ft.; width, 4 ft.: cost le Jan. 7-- C. A. A'oelker. Davis Farm Add., Lot 135: length, 150 I't.: width, 4 ft.; cost, Ir Jan. 7 --Dorothea Klein, L. U. La lig wort h> \ l l.• Lot. 2 of 6b: length. ::r, ti.: width. 6 cost. 1 Jan. 7--l:li%,i I'ueliler. (cols Add., Do II: length. 50 ft.: width. C ft.: rust, 1•1ie .... Jan. 7 - 1:li•r..I I'i0•i let•, Add., Lot 21: length 100 fl.: width, 4 ft.: cost, 1,7 2 30 30 1 50 50 50 1 00 1 50 1 00 1 50 2 81. 1 00 1 00 75 1 00 60 1 50 45 60 1 00 56 Regular Session, February 17, 1910 Jan. 8—Harry Keepers, City Lot 339; length, 60 ft.; width. 12 ft.; cost 2c Jan. S—C. A. Voelker, Quig- 2 40 ley's Outlot 710, Lots 4 and 5; length, 100 ft.; width 4 ft.; cost lc Jan. 8—C. V. Callehan Est, Quigley's Outlot 710; Lot 1 85 14; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 8 --Wm. Hintrager Est, Quigley's Outlot 710, Lot 1 50 15; length, 40 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Mary L. Connell, Garrigan's Sub., Lot 1; length, 40 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 8—R. W. Kemler, Sub. of City Lot 720, Lots 8 and 9: length, 80 ft.; width, 4 ft.: cost, lc Jan. 8—J. S. Garrigan Est, Sub. of City Lot 720, Lots 2, 3 and 4; length, 120 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 8—Mary O'Connors, City Lot 27; length, 60 ft.; width, 12 ft.: cost, 2c .... Jan. 8—C. M. Alliels, City Lot 81; length, 65 ft.; width, 12 ft.; cost, 2c .... Jan. 8—Jas. A. Hayes, Sub. 1 of 1 of 2, City Lot 600; 1 20 length. 30 ft.; width, 12 ft.; cost, 2c Jan. 8—German Trust & Sav- ings Bank, E. 97 ft. of City 80 Lot 57; length, 40 ft.; width, 12 ft.; cost, 2c Jan. S—E. A. Maier, M. L. 303, Sub. 4 of Lot 2; length, 32 ft.; width, 6 ft.; 1 50 cost, 11/4 c Jan. 8—C.. M. & St. P. R. R. M. L. 466, Sub. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12; length, 175 ft.; width, 6 ft.; c.,st, 11/4c. 2 35 Jan. 8—J. K. Deming, Geo. W. Kiesel, M. L. 466, Und. 1/2 of Lot 2; length, 730 ft.; width, 6 ft.; cost, 11/4c 9 10 1 25 Jan. 8—J. C. and Wm. Alt- hauser, A. Stine's Sub., Lots 44 and 45; length, 40 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc . 40 50 Jan. 8—Jacob Meuer, Mc- Craney's Add., S. W. 1/2 of Lot 87; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, le 50 Jan. 8—Cath. Schuler, Staf- ford's Add., S. 50 ft. Lot 4; 50 length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc 50 Jan. 8—Peter Bench, A 50 Stine's Add., Lots 39, 40 and 41; length, 100 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. S—Rosa Fengler, Wick's 50 Add., Lot 19; length, 130 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 8—Emma Heinz, Wick's 60 Add., Lot 25; length, 130 Jan 7— Louis Reinecke, L. H. Langworthy Add., W. 1/4, Lots 182, 183, 184 and 185; length, 240 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 8—A. Schenker -and Em- ma Richter. Glendale Add., N. 50 ft., S. 15 ft. Lot 223; length, 150 ft.; width, 6 ft.; cost, 114c Jan. 8—J. J. Nagle, Cushing's Add., Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7; length, 150 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. B --Warren Cushing Est, L. H. Langworthy Add., E. % of Lot 148: length, 100 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc1 00 Jan. 8—C. A. Voelker, Me- chanic's Sub., Lot 1 of 150; length, 50 ft.; width, 50 4 ft.: cost, lc Jan. 8—Jno. Flynn, E. 40 ft. of City Lot 84; length, 40 ft.; width, 12 ft.; cost, 2c80 Jan. 8—Margt. McFadden, City Lot 85; length, 65 ft.; width, 12 ft.; cost, 2c 1 30 Jan. 8—Margt. Lawhan, Lot 4 of City Lot 601; length 60 ft.; width, 6 ft.; cost, 11/4c 75 Jan. 8—.T. Kenneally, Union Add., Lots 171 and 172; length. 120 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 8—Dubuque. Harness & Saddlery Co., N. 1-3 City Lot 194; length, 40 ft.; width, 12 ft.; cost, 2c Jan. 8—Coates, Metcalf & Spensley. S. M. Lang- worthy Add., Und., Lots 50 and 51; length, 100 ft.; width, 8 ft.; cost, 11/2c Jan. 8—Henrietta Coates and Kiesel. S. M. Langworthy Add., Und. 1/4 of Lot 39; length, 235 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 8—Finley Hospital, Fin- ley Home Add., Lot 1; length, 125 ft.; width, 4 ft; cost, lc Jan. 8—Wm. Hintrager Est, Newberry & Hale's Add, Lot 17; length, 50 ft; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 8—Jas. C. Patey, Finley Home Add., Und. 1-3; An- na C. Patey, Finley Home Add., Und. 2-3 of Lot 19; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 8 --Wm. Roehl, Finley Home Add., Lot 21; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 8—Francis Minard, Fin- ley Home Sub., Lots 10 and 11 of Lot 1; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 8—Harry Keepers, City Lot 339; length, 50 ft.; width, 6 ft.; cost, 11/4c 1 20 1 00 50 40 40 80 1 20 1 20 1 30 60 80 40 2 20 1 00 1 30 Regular Session, February 17, 1910 ft.: width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 8—Mary Auredan, Ham- burg's Add., Lot 13; length, 150 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost. lc Jan. 11—Henry Schnider, Geiger's Sub., Lot 1 of 5; length, 150 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 11—J. W. Althauser, Sr, Althauser's Sub., Lot 9; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 11—Jno. Althauser, Sr, Althauser's Sub., Lot 25; length, 100 ft.; width, 4 ft, cost, lc Jan. 11—Jacob Schwietering, Stafford's Sub., Sub. 1 of Lot 4; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost. lc Jan. 11—Henry Dreaza, Bur- den & Lawthe. 's Sub., Lot 122; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 11—Leathers & Trewin, Burden & Lawther's Sub., Lot '3; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 11—H. Dement and L Duncan, Burden & Law- ther's Sub., Und. 1/2 of Lots 74 and 75; length, 100 ft.; width, 4 ft.: cost, lc Jan. 11—J. W. Pickup Est, Union Add., Lot 43; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 11—R. Bonson Est, Union Add., Lots 211 and 212; length, 100 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 11—Cora Sweeney, Union Add., N. 160 ft. of Lot 2 of Lot 105 and 187; length, 160 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 11—R. Bonson Est, Union Add., Lot 15; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 11—Jno. Chettham Est., Kelly's Sub.. Lot 40; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 11—Hanna Chettham, Kelly's Sub.. Lot 41; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 11—C. R. Abell, Kelly's Sub., Lot 2 of 39; length, 50 ft.: width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 11—H, G. Torbert, S. M. Langworthy's Sub., Lot 6; length, 26 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 11—Geo. Acker, S. M Langworthy's Sub., Lot 5; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 11-5, M. Langworthy Est., S. M. Langworthy's Sub., Lots 9 and 10; length, 100 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, is Jan. 11—Wm. Crabtree, S. M. Langworthy's Sub., Lot 11; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 1 30 1 50 1 50 50 1 00 50 50 50 1 00 50 1 00 1 60 50 50 50 50 25 50 1 00 ft.; cost, lc Jan, 11—F. N. Schroeder, M. L. 158, Lot 2 of 2; length, 600 ft.; width, 4 ft.. cost, lc Jan. 11 --Julia Langworthy Est., Lois Add., Lot 8; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 11—M. Florey, Lois Add., Lot 4; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan, 11--Solma Stephens, Ju- lia Langworthy Add.; M. L. Bunting, S. M. Lang- worthy Add., Lot 1; length, 250 ft.; width. 4 ft.: cost, lc Jan. 11—Julia Langworthy, Julia Langworthy Add., Lots 2 and 3; length, 130 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 11—M. L. Bunting, Ju- lia Langworthy Add., Lot 9; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 11—F. L. Pool, Julia Langworthy Add., Lot 10; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 11—J. A. Stephens, Ju- lia Langworthy Add., Lot 22; length, 210 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 11—Mary L. Bunting, Julia Langworthy Add., Lot 42; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 11—Mary L. Bunting, Julia Langworthy Add., Lot 28: length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 11—F, L. Poole, Julia Langworthy Add., Lot 35; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 15—Otto Frenzel, King's Add., S. Lot 8; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 15—A. Huber, Marsh's Add., Lot 29; length, 100 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 15—Wm. Hintrager, Marsh's Add., Lot 49; length 50 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 15—A. J. Lembeck et al, E. 100 ft. Marsh's Add., Lot 45; length, 150 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 15—Lena Duncan, L. H Langworthy Sub., Lot 2 of 3; length, 100 ft.; width, 4 ft., cost, lc Jan. 15—Jno. Keenan Est, Kiene & Blocklinger Sub, Lot 23 of 1; length, 23 ft; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 15—Leathers & Trewin, Prospect Hill Add., E. 40 ft Lot 15; length, 40 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 15—Felix Becker and Wm. Klauer, Davis Farm Add., 57 50 6 00 50 50 2 50 1 30 50 50• 2 10 50 50 50 50. 1 00 50. 1 50 1 00 25 40 58 Regular Session, February 17, 1910 Lot 213; length, 60 ft.; width, 6 ft.; cost, 11/4c • • • Jan. I5—Felix Becker and Wm. Klau,•r, Davis Farm Add., Lot 213; length, 100 ft.: width. 4 ft.; cost, is Jan. I5 --A. Schenker and E. Richter, Glendale Add., N. 50 ft, Lot 223; length, 100 ft.; width, 4 ft.: cost, lc Jan. 1 5.—Joe Morro, Olinger's rub.. Lot 5; length. 50 ft.; v. idth, 4 H.; cost, lc Jan. 1 5—Kiene & Altman, part of Dunn's Sub., Lot 1 of 239; length, 250 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, is Jan. 15—Eliz Buehler, Cook's Lot 22: length, 175 ft.; width, 4 ft.: cost, is . Jan. 15—Rosa A. Fengler, Cook's Add., Lot 36; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft; cost, 1 c Jan. 15 — Solmi Bechtel', Hooper's Add., Lot 22; • length. 220 ft.; width. 4 ft; cost, lc Jan. 15—Martin F. Witter, Wick's Sub., N. E. 40 ft. of Lot 1; length, 40 ft.; width; 4 ft.: cost, lc Jan. 1---:Alnry A. Welsh, Nic(rmu•}'s. Add., Lot 71: length. 50 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, le Jan. 15 --Mary A. Welsh, Ham's Add., Lot 447; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft: cost, lc Jan. 15—Wm. ,Heuser, McCra- ney's Add., Lots 96 and 97; length, 1011 ft.; width, 4 ft.; coot. lc Jan. 15—R. Waller Est, i\IcCraney's Add., Lot 100; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft; cost, lc Jan. 15 — Myra Kramer, Jungk's Add., Lot 8; length, 50 ft• width, 4 ft.; cost• lc. Jan. 15—R. W. Kemler, Cain's Add., Lots 18 and 19; length, S5 ft.; width, 6 ft.; cost, 11/4c Jan. 15—Harriet Coates and Kiesel, l'nd. N. 2-5 City Lot 436; length, 100 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 15—Katie K. Rooney, L. H, Langworthy Add., Lot 39; length. 50 ft.: width, 12 ft.; cost. 'c• Jan. 15—Philip Jungk, East Dubuque Add., Lot '6; length, -0 ft.; width, 6 ft; cost, 11/a c Jan. 15—C. C. Meyers, Co- lumbia Add., Lots 1, 2 and 3; length, 130 ft.; width, 4 ft.: cost, lc Jan. 15—R, W. Bonson Est, Union Add., Lots 210, 211 76 1 00 1 00 50 2 50 1 75 50 2 20 40 50 50 1 00 50 50 1 10 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 30 nod 212; length, 160 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc 1 60 Jan. 15—Mary A. Riggs, Union Add., Lots 154, 155 and 156; length, 180 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc 1 80 Jan. 15—Mike Grace, Union Add., Lots 165 and 166; length, 120 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc 1 20 Jan. 18—Chas. F. Hoeflin, Und. 1/2 N. 145 ft. Lot 4 of 1, City Lot 444; length, 22 ft.; width, 12 ft; cost, 2c45 Jan. 18—Rev. Jno. Keane, City Lot 59: length, 40 ft.; width, 12 ft.; cost, 2c Jan. 21—T, O. Sullivan Est, S. 12, of City Lot 4a; length, 20 ft.; width, 12 ft.; cost, 2c 40 Jan. 21—Wm. Hintrager Est, Levi Add., Lot 14; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost. lc 50 Jan. 21—A. Levi Est., Levi Add., Lots 15 and 16: length, 100 ft.; width, 5 ft: cost, 1 1/4 c Jan, 24—C. H. Eighmey, S. I,❑ of 2 of 8, M. L. 159: length, 240 ft.: width, 4 ft.; cost, lc 49 Jan. 24—Harvey L. Tobcy, Cain's Sub.. Lot 12: length, 40 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc. 50 Jan. 24 --Jas. C. Patey, Und. 1-3; Amanda Patey, Und. 2-3, Finley Home Add., Lot 19; length. 50 ft.; width, 4 ft.: cost, lc 50 Jan. 24--W. G. Cox, Cox's Add., Lots 73 and lll: length, 100 ft.; width, 4 ft cost, lc 1 Jan. 24—Wm. T. Roehl, ley Home Add.. Lot 2I length, 150 ft.; width, 4 ft.. cost, lc 1 .01 Jan, 26—Wm. Hintrager Est, Newberry & Hale's Add, Lot 17: length, 50 lin. ft; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc 50 Jan. 26--C. W. Wheat, Clem- on's Sub.. Lot 2; length, 150 ft.: width, 4 ft.; cost, lc 1 5l,• Jan. 26 — Francis Millard, Finley Home Add., Lot 10; length, 70 ft.; width, 4 ft; cost, lc Jan, 26—Wm. Lowther, S. M. Langworthy Sub.. Lot 13; length. 1511 ft.; width, 6 ft; cost, 11itc 1 90 80 70 Total assessment $190 85 Ald. Haas moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke. Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Special Session, February 19, 1910 59 Ald. O'Rourke offered the follow- ing: Be It Resolved: That the City of Dubuque hereby grant to M. Tschirgi. & Sons an extension of time to March 10th, 1910, in which to commence any suit or action against the City of Dubuque for the collection of the amount due them, if any, for work done on their Bluff Street contract of 1909, or any damages growing out of said contract, if any. And said City of Dubuque hereby consents and agrees that in consideration of M. Tschirgi & Sons not filing suit on or before February 20th, 1910, to waive any right it has, in law or in equity, to object to the payment of said claim or damages, if any they have, on account of the failure of M. Tschirgi & Sons to commence any suit or action they may have, before March 10, 1910. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Teas—Aids. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—N one. Ald. Martin moved that matter of having closets in City Hall repaired be referred to the Committee on Pub- lic Grounds and Buildings. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke moved that the wages of all laborers employed by the City and now receiving less than 20c per hour be increased to 20c per hour commencing March 1st, 1910. Car- ried. Ald. Frith moved that the Commit- tee on Public Grounds and Buildings be empowered to have the iron, plates on the steps leading to the second floor of the City Hall 'removed. Car- ried. Ald. Frith moved that the City Meat Inspector be instructed to en- force the ordinance in relation to sale of dressed meats. Ald. Haas moved as an amendment that matter be referred to the Board of Health to report to the Committee of the Whole. Amendment carried. Ald. Rand moved to adjourn to Thursday evening. March 3rd, 1910. Carried. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. A7.,41--- 1910 Ap(prlec Attest: (, ..Mayor .... Recorder CITY COUNCIL Special Session, February 19th, 1910. Council met at 11:4:, p. m. Mayor Schunk in the chair, Present — Aids. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Absent—Ald. Martin. Mayor Schunk stated that the spec- ial sesion was called for the purpose of making the appropriations for the fiscal year, beginning March 1st, 1910. RESOLUTIONS AND MOTIONS. Alderman O'Rourke, chairman of the Committee of the Whole, offered the following: Lie It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the ap- propriations for the ensuing year for the different departments and pur- poses of the city he fixed as follows: For General Expense and Contingent Fund $ 40,000.00 For District Road Fund, for Cleaning, Repairing and Sprinkling of: First District 6,536.52 Second District 15,923.22 Third District 9,544.60 Fourth District 10,843.04 Fifth District 8,333.88 For Expense of Fire De- partment .. 48,0.00.00 For Expense of Police De- partment .... 36,500.00 For Care, Maintenance and Repair of Sewers, both Storm and Sanitary6,000.00 For Printing .... 2,500.00 For Expense of Street Lighting 27.000.00 For Interest on Bonded and Floating Debt 40,000.00 For Expense of Board of Health For Grading Fund For taking up Improve- ment Bonds issued for payment of Special As- sessments against Parks, Fire Engine Houses and other Real Estate owned by the City and for tak- ing up bonds issued to pay Street and Sewer im- provements where the assessment levied to pay the same have been ca n- celed by the City commit For Interest on Special Bonded Debt . For Grading Mt. Carmel Avenue For Repairing and Re- building Sidewalks For Special Work on Bluff Street Extension For the Improvement of 7,000.00 6,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 2,500.00 1,000.00 500.00 60 Special Session, February 28, 1910 Windsor Avenue ...... For Construction of Bee Branch Sewer in Third Ward, 18th St. For Construction of Bee Branch Sewer in Fifth Ward For the Improvement of Grandview Avenue For Second Installment with Interest on Eagle Point Park For Improvement of Val- ley Street For Improvement of Wil- low Street For Improvement of Clay Street For opening of Booth and Spring Streets For 27th Street Storm Wa- ter Sewer For Grading Heeb Street For Improvement of Alt- hauser Avenue For Improvement of Sev- enth Avenue .... For Firemen's Pension Fund...... .... ..... For Policemen's Pension Fund For Bee Branch Sewer, 3rd Ward, at Dubuque Packing Co.'s Plant For opening and grading of Alley between Clarke and Angella Streets For the opening of Cedar Street For part cost of Car Street Wall For New Street Sweeper For Ninth Avenue Sewer 1,000.00 2,500.00 5,000.00 2,500.00 3,000.00 200.00 1,500.00 1,200.00 500.00 1,300.00 300.00 1,500.00 2,500.00 750.00 750.00 2,500.00 500.00 500.00 317.00 280.00 800.00 $305,578.26 Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith, Haas, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Ald. Martin. Ald. Haas moved to adjourn. tied. Car - EMI 'ND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. Approved !. ..1910 %. Mayor G6e : .. Recorder Attest: CITY COUNCIL ,yi,tcial r ss►on, February 28th, 1910 Coup( it met at 9:10 p. m. Mayor Schunk in the chair. Present—Aldermen Frith, Haas, Martin, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Absent—Alderman O'Rourke. Mayor Schunk stated that the spec- ial session was called for the purpose of auditing and approving the pay rolls and bills of the various depart- ments. To take up and consider the peti- tion of Ida Wurst. To take up and consider the peti- tion of the Carr, Ryder & Adams Co. The petition of John Olinger. The petition and resolution of J. H. Rhomberg. The claim for damages of Kate Dougherty. The Original Notice in the District Court of damage claim of Fred Tschirgi. The petition of Hugh Markey in re- laton to back salary claimed to be due him. To take up and consider reports of officers. To take up and consider matter of contract of T. F. Kane. To take up matter of payment of notes for money borrowed by Fin- ance Committee. To take up the matter of reinstate- ment of appointive officers. To take up and consider the re- port of the Board of Health. To take up and consider the reports of the Committee of the Whole. To take up and consider petition of Tom Ryder, engineer of No. 2 Fire Engine Company. The following bills were approved and were, on motion, ordered paid by the following vote: Yeas --Aldermen Frith, Haas, Mar- tin, Rand, Saul and' Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Alderman O'Rourke. W. B. Baumgartner, supplies for Fire Dept $ 3.80 F. Beutin, coal for Fire Dept17.31 W. K. Brown, supplies for Fire Dept .35 John Butt, repair for Fire Dept 1.55 F. A. Burns, coal for Fire Dept 27.83 F. G. Becker, coal for Fire Dept 38.67 H. Corrance, supplies for Fire Dept .. 13.60 Conlin & Kearns Co., coal for Fire Dept 14.20 Collings & Pfiffner, horseshoe- ing for Fire Dept 14.60 Special Session, February 28, 1910 61 Phil Doerr & Co., coal for Fire Dept .... 1.2.13 Dubuque Mattress Co., sup- plies for mire Dept 7.2u Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co., hose for Fire Dept1062.50 Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co., 43 Firemen's caps 83.85 W. D. Deckert Co., flue clean- er for 1 ire Dept 1.88 Peter Even, coal for Fire Dept35.62 Ellwanger Bros., repairs for Fire Dept 4.80 Eichhorn & Bechtel, bran for Fire Dept 1.40 Fischer & Co., coal for Fire Dept 124.12 A. R. Flick Box Co., sawdust for Engine House 2.25 Gow & Curtis, plumbing for Fire Dept 3.60 Geo. W. Healey & Son, hard- ware for Fire Dept 3.01 Phil Heller, horseshoeing for Fire Dept 4.65 J. H. Haudenschield, hay for Fire Dept 19.20 H. J. Hagerty, ,veterinary ser- vices, Fire horses, January and February 23.40 Key City Gas Co, gas for var- ious departments, January and February 215.50 Key City Gas Co., rental and maintenance 4 gas arcs, January and February 4.00 Key City Gas Co., coke for Fire Dept 58.15 Lagen, Peed & Berwanger, horseshoeing Fire Dept16.70 Linehan & Molo, coal for Fire Dept .... 32.35 L. Lindenberg, hardware for Fire Dept 6.00 E. L. Lembke, supplies for Fire Dept 2.70 H. B. McCarten, plumbing, Fourth St. Engine House14.65 Mettel Bros., bran and straw for Police and Fire Depts16.95 T. J. Mulgrew Co., coal for Fire Dept 16.30 John Newman & Son, repairs for Fire Dept 2.50 National Refining Co., oil for Fire Dept 6.75 Pier Bros., coal for Fire Dept. 33.30 John J. Powers, horseshoeing for Fire Dept 3.80 D. O'Meara, rent of sleigh for Fire Dept ...... ..... 10.00 Chas. J. Oswald, supplies for Fire Dept 6.25 Geo. P. Rose, Jr., repairing clock for Fire Dept 1.75 Geo. Rettenmeier, Jr., supplies for Fire Dept . Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs for Fire Dept 2.66 M. Stafford, feed for Police and Fire Depts 165.23 F S'chloz & Son, repairs for 3.95 Fire Dept Torbert Drug Co., supplies for Fire Dept Wunderlich & R'iederholt, horseshoeing for Fire Dept. 10.55 Nick Jacquinot, plumbing for Fire Dept Union Electric Co., power for Fire Alarm System, January and February Unon Electric Co., arc lights, January, 1910 .... 2130.55 Union Electric Co., arc lights, February, 1910 ...... American Ever Ready Co., batteries for Fire Dept Clancy Transfer Co., coal for Police and Second Road19.70 Collings & Pfiffner, horseshoe- ing, Fire Dept. • • 10.35 Ellwanger Pros., Repairs for Police Department 6.65 Peter Even, coal for Patrol House 23.85 Joseph A. Enzler, repairs for Police Department .... .35 Eichhorn and Bechtel, supplies for Police Department 6.05 James Gregory, repairs at Patrol House 2.10 H. J. Hagerty, veterinary services, Patrol Horses, Jan and Feb. 2.40 C. W. Katz, food for Jan. and Feb 6.40 Klauer and Kress, hardware for Police Department 5.75 G. F. Kleih, hardware for Police Department 2.43 Key City Furniture Co., sup- plies for Police Department 2.10 E. J. Mulgrew, bread and milk for Police Department 1.93 Chas. Oswald, repairs and sup- plies for Police Dept 23.50 Pitts -Thompson Foundry Co, grate for Police Department 1.30 N. B. Schneider, supplies for Police Department .... 4.95 C. J. Shannon, meat for Police Department .... .... 7.10 Jos. J. Bertsch, rubber boots for Sewer Department 17.50 John Butt, repairs for Sewer Department 12.05 Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co., supplies for Sewer Department 16.00 W. D. Deckert, supplies for Sewer Department .... Ellwanger Bros., repairs for Sewer Department .... 2.85 Geo. W. Healey and Son, sup- plies for Sewer Department .80 G. F. Kleih and Son, hardware for Sewer Department 4.60 Lagen, Peed and Berwanger, horseshoeing for Sewer De- partment .... .... Linehan and Melo, rope for Sewer Department .... 26.04 La Nicca Pharmacy, supplies .50 7.00 3.80 4.00 4.00 prisoners, 1.05 1.00 62 Special Session, February 28, 1910 Berg and Briggs Co., printing 2.00 for Assessor's Office F. G. Becker, toal for City 6.60 Hall 22.05 Herman Bernidt, repairing 1.25 chairs for City Hall H. Corrance, supplies for City 1.80 Hall .... .... Tom Colinolly, sawing and 56.80 carrying 4 cords of wood Conlin and Kearns, coal for 2.40 City Hall 12.20 Phil. Doerr and Co., coal and 27.30 wood for City Hall Larry Daily, hauling from 1.25 around City Hall ... Duggan and Cota, supplies for city Hall .60 Eagle Chemical Co., supplies for City Hall J. P. Foley, towel service, City Hall, Jan. and Feb. Fischer and Co., coal and ice for City Hall C. E. Fitzpatrick, supplies for various offices C. E. Fitzpatrick, supplies for Primary Election (low and Curtis. plumbing at City Hall .... 10.80 Gow and Curtis. repairing tnuntain at City Hall 4.35 A. E. Gmehle, collecting Delin- quent Taxes Geo. W. Healy and Son, pail for City Hall John E. Hartig, repairing Tapes for City Engineer 1.00 P. O. Jones, repairing First ward Scales G. F. Kleih, hardware for City Hall Klauer and Kress, supplies for City Hall Martin, Strelau Co., salt for Sidewalks .. .... 10.00 T. J. Mulgrew Co., coal for City Hall Mathis Mets Co., printing Finance Report, 1907-1908. 179.55 Geo. Masters, plumbing at City Hall M. O'Donnell, changing gas fixtures at City Hall 3.30 Pier Bros., wood for City Hall Chas. J. Oswald, repairs for City Hall 1.05 F. H. Schilling, repairs for City Hall 4.00 Spahn, Rose Lumber Co., lum- ber for City Hall 14.88 John Linehan, hauling garbage and dead animals, January. 22.50 for sewer and Expense De- parim, nt ...... .. 'water M. Mull in, repairing Fountain . .... E. L. Oiler, repairs for Sewer Department . •.. ...... F. Schlez, repairs for Sewer Department .. ...... John Duggan, repairs for Mt Carmel Avenue .. . Duggan and Cota, hardware for lt. Carmel avenue ... • F. Al. Jaeger and Co., hardware for Mt. Carmel Avenue F. rehloz and Son, repairs for Mt. Carmel Avenue Van \"alkenberg and Lyons, ref„firs for Mt. Carmel A venue Telegraph -. Herald, printing Proceedings for January79.81 Telegraph - Herald Printing Proceedings for February106.41 Telegraph - Herald, printing ilends and Printing for 16.75 Treasurer's office Telegraph - Herald, printing index and binding 25 copies of Council Proceedings for 1909 50.00 Telegraph - Herald. printing Health Reports, July, Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov.. Dec., 1909 and Jan. and Feb., 1910 40.00 Times -Journal, printing Coun- cil Proceedings, Jan. 75.44 Times -Journal, printing Coun- cil Proceedings, Feb. 107.53 Labor Leader. printing Coun- cil Proceedings. January and February .... 225.00 National Democrat, printing Council Proceedings. January and February 25.00 Smith -Morgan Printing Co., printing Pamphlets, January and February and printing for Engineer's Office 43.78 Labor Leader, printing for Assessor's Office 24.50 Smith -Morgan Printing Co, printing Transcript, Martin, Strelau Case, Legal Dept7.20 Chas, T. Bush, photographs for Legal Department 4.50 Frank Hardie, transcript testimony in Post and Keenan Cases.... ...... 18.00 Dubuque Advertising Co., copy of testimony in Dempsey Case.... .... .... Joseph B. Workman, 10% Commision Back Taxes Col- leted Western Union Telegraph Co, clock service in Treasurer's Office for January Dubuque Telephone Co., Tele- phone service for December and January Iowa Telephone Co., Tele- phone services for February 1.75 6.15 6.55 5.00 10.47 72.95 1.00 34.84 12.75 33.90 19.80 .50 10.00 8.00 29.18 14.00 10.55 67.78 .2b 33.20 1.00 .50 23.85 1.15 3.50 Following hills were approved and were on motion ordered paid sale of Bonds. Ed. Evans, constructing cement sidewalk on Grace Street, abutting Lot 27 Reehes Sub.. .... ....... 30 00 from Special Session, February 28, 1910 Ed. Evans, constructing cement sidewalk on Grace street, abutting Lot 5, Hodges Sub.... .. ........ 53.50 N. J. Stauer, constructing cement sidewalk on Wash- ington street, abutting N. 35 ft. of Lot 45 and Lot 46, E. Langworthy's Add ...... .. 47.60 N. J. Stauer, constructing cement sidewalk on Wash- ington Street abutting N. 26.5 ft. of Lot 44 and S. 15 ft. of Lot 45, E. Langworthy's Add.. .. .... .... ....... 23.24 N. J. Stauer, constructing cement sidewalk on Cleve- land Avenue abutting Lot 45, Union Add.. .... ........ 33.60 Ald. Frith moved that warants be ordered drawn in favor of C. C. C. Fire Hose Company in the sum of $425.00, and in favor of A. Y. Mc- Donald Mfg. Co., in the sum of $200.00 for hose purchased and the Mayor •to withhold his signature to warrants until after said hose is tested. Carried. PETITIONS AND COMMUNI- CATIONS. Petition of Ida Wurst stating that the City Council had canceled the taxes for the year, 1905 on her home- stead, the north 24 feet of Lot 40 in Stafford's Add., and that the said property was inadvertendly sold at tax sale for said taxes and asking that the City Treasurer be instructed to redeem said property on account of erroneous sale and also to cancel the taxes thereon for the year 1909 was on motion of Ald. Frith granted • and the Treasurer to be instructed accordingly. Petition of Carr, Ryder & Adams Co., asking that they be granted per- mission to carry certain steam and cyclone pipes from their new power house on Jackson street over the street to their main engine and also that they be granted permission to lay certain return pipes under the street between the same two buildings was on motion of Ald. Saul referred to the Committee of the Whole and City Engineer to view the grounds. Petition of John Olinger asking that the city accept the taxes for the year 1908 on property known as Boulevard Add., on the basis of the assessment made in 1907 on said property and agreeing to pay taxes for the year 1909 on the basis of assessment as raised by Board of Equalization was on motion of Ald. Singrin referred to the Committee of the Whole. 63 Petition of J. H. Rhomberg stating' that he had purchased the business of the Dubuque Star Jobbing Cu. to which company has heretofore been granted a resolution of consent to en- gage in the sale of intoxicating liquors in the City of Dubuque, and asking that he be granted such con- sent as a renewal of the consent heretofore granted the Dubuque star Jobbing Company, was on motion of Ald. Singrin granted. The following resolution was then offered: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That consent is hereby given J. H. Rhomberg to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, County of Dubuque, and State of Iowa, as provided by law. That the consent hereby granted is a renewal of the consent to sell anti keep for sale intoxicating liquors and deal therein in the City of Dubuque heretofore given the Dubuque Star Jobbing Company, a corporation and is hereby given to J. H. Rhomberg as the purchaser and assignee of said Dubuque Star Jobbing Company as carried on in the City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa. Adopted uuanimously. Claim of Kate Dougherty for $2000.00 damages for personal in- juries claimed to have been sustained by falling on sidewalk at the corner of Second and Locust street on the 17th. day of February, 1910, was on motion of Ald. Haas referred to the Committee on Claims and City At- torney. Original notice in the District Court of the claim of Fred Tschirgi against the City for $20,000.00 damages for personal injuries claimed to have been sustained by falling upon a sidewalk at the corner of 5th. and Main streets was on motion of Ald. Haas referred to the Committee on Claims and City Attorney. Petition of Hugh Markey asking that a warrant be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer in his favor to pay him the back salary claimed to be due him was on motion referred to the City Attorney to report to the Council at its next session. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Mayor Schunk stated that in ac- cordance with the instructions of the City Council Mr. T. F . Kane had been notified to sign contract for furnishing City with hay and oats and that Mr. Kane had signed and presented to him another contract. differing from the contract drawn up 64 Special Session, February 28, 1910 by the City Attorney in that the' clause "all hay and oats to be de- livered subject to the approval of the Fire Chief a d the respectivePatrolHouse, or of each Engineor other respective division head and in to s bee ofcall ed callute ed was itVeterinarian omitted from the coniract presented, signed by Mr. Kane. On motion of Ald. Saul the matter of hay and oats contract of Mr. Kane. was referred to the Committee of the Whcle. Mayor Schunk stated that the Finance Committee had borrowed 0 o fromborers ongue streets,ion and ba t bank to pay a notes would be due March 1st. Ald. Frith moved that the matter of notes due Dubuque National bank be referred to the Mayor for settle- ment for same and warrants be or- dered drawn in favor of the Mayor to pay the notes. Carried. City Treasurer Brinkman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith hand you statements of amounts advanced by me during the month of February, 1910, for which please order warrants drawn in my favor. Interest paid on warrants $309.31 , outstanding . • • • ..... 7.31 New York exchange ..•••• 17.50 Postage stamps expense Total ...... .... $326.81 Library orders paid $834.98 Also took up old warrants in the sum of $2,550 for which please order loan warrants drawn. Respectfully, H. BRINKMAN, Treasurer. On motion of Ald. Haas the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts, and the report referred to the Com- mittee on Finance. Fire Chief Reinfried follows: To the Honorable Council: Gentlemen:—The following is pay roll of the Fire Department the month of February, 1910: Amount due firemen $3,078.56 Less 1 per cent retained for Pension Fund .... 30.58 City Auditor Lyons reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit the pay roll for the city officers for the month of February, 1910: Amount due city officers ...$2,537.90 Respectfully submitted, M. E. LYONS, Auditor. On motion of Ald. Saul the re- port was received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay the city officers, and the report referred to the Com- mittee on Finance. reported as Mayor and City the for Balance due Firemen 3,047.98 Respectfully submitted, J. R. REINFRIED, Chief. Approved by Committee on Fire. On motion of Ald. Frith the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the firemen, and the re- port referred back to the Committee on Fire. Chief of Police Pickley reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:—The following is the pay roll of Police Department for the month of February, 1910: Amount due policemen ....$2,575.90 Respectfully submitted, JAMES R. PICKLEY, Chief. On motion of Ald. Martin the re- port was received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay the policemen and the report referred to the Com- mittee on Police and Light. City Electrician Hipman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my report of defective lights for the month of February, 1910: I find from the reports of the Police Department that the total hours that 29 lamps failed to burn would equal 2 lamps burning for one month, or $10.00. Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM HIPMAN, City Electrician. On motion of Ald. Martin the re- port was received and the City Rec- order instructed to deduct from the Union Electric company's bill for the month of February, 1910, the sum of $10.00. Street Commissioner Dorgan re- ported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit the pay roll for labor shoveling snow in the different road districts during the last half of February, 1910: Amt. clue laborers on streets..$580.80 Approved by Committee on Streets. Also submit the pay roll for labor Special Session, February 28, 1910 65 on sewers during the last half of Feb- ruary, 1910: Amt. due laborers on sewers..$212,00 Approved by Committee on Sewers. Also submit the pay roll for labor on Mt. Carmel Avenue during the last half of February, 1910: Amount due laborers on Mt. Carmel Avenue ...... Approved by Committee on Streets. Respectfully submitted, JOHN DORGAN, Street Commissioner. On motion of Alds. Saul and Sin - grin the pay rolls on streets and sew_ ers were received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay the various amounts and the pay rolls referred back to the proper committees. Sidewalk Inspector Lynch reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:—Owing to an error of the Ward Foreman in return of cleaning snow, I find that the follow- ing walks were not cleaned. January 5, August Kiefs, Kiene's Add., Lot 5. January 7, Helen M'Laren, Clem- on's Sub. Lot 4. And kindly ask that your honor- able body have same cancelled. Yours respectfully, JAMES LYNCH, Sidewalk Inspector. On motion of Ald. Rand the report of the sidewalk inspector was ap- proved and Treasurer to be instruct- ed to cancel said assessments. Ald. Martin, chairman of the Board of Health, reported as follows: To the Honorable Members of the City Council: Your Board of Health to whom was referred the matter of inspection of meat in the city respectfully reports that at a meeting held February 25, 1910, the following motions were unanimously carried. That the Board of Health recom- mend to the Committee of the Whole of the City Council that all slaughter- ing of meat for sale in the City of Dubuque be done under the inspection of the U. S. Government Inspector or the City Meat Inspector and that proper arrangements be made by the Union Slaughter house with the City Meat Inspector to have all slaughter- ing done during certain hours each day, so that Inspector can devote other hours of the day to the in- spection of butcher shops. Also ypur Board of Health recom- mends that proper notice be given that all meat for sale or offered for sale in the City of Dubuque on and after March 15th., 1910, must bear the stamp of either the U. S. Govern- ment Inspector or the City Meat In- spector. Also the matter of having the meat ordinance more carefully exam- ined was referred to the City Attor- ney to report to your honorable body. Your Board of Health further rec- ommends that the foregoing recom- mendation be referred to the Commit- tee of the Whole. Also your Board of Health would respectfully recommend that war- rants be drawn in the sum of $30.00 in favor of E. P. Peryon and E l.vaard McEvoy respectively for acting as members of the Board of Ilei Ith from May 1, 1909, to March 1, 1910. Also your Board of Health begs to report that at a session of said Board the following motion was carried, which we submit to your honorable body for approval: Regularly moved and seconded that, without entering into any contract or agreement whatever, the Board of Health of Dubuque City, Iowa, does hereby designate Dr. Mathias D. Linehan. of Dubuque, Iowa, as the duly constituted physician to act in the care of all cases of infectious or contagious diseases arising In said City of Dubuque (except cases of small pox), as contemplated in Code Section 2570-A, as contained in the Supplement of 1907, Code of Iowa, without obligation or liability as to compensation or otherwise on the part of said city, its Board of Health,. or on the part of the County of Du- buque. The said Dr. Mathias D. Linehan is to agree, by reason of being desig- nated as the physician to take care of such cases as above referred to, that he will not charge the County of Dubuque to exceed Four Hundr?d Dollars ($400.00) per year for the services rendered as aforesaid, nor to incur any liability or obligation in any form in so far as said City of Dubuque is concerned. Yours respectfully, P. R. Martin. Ald. Martin moved that recom- mendation of the Board of Health in reference to Meat Inspection he re- ferred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. Martin moved that reports of Board of Health be approved and warrants ordered drawn to pay citi- zen members o fthe Board. Carried. Ald. Singrin of the Committee of the Whole reported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Dr. M. D. Linehan et al asking that the City make some arrangements for the carrying to the hospitals or to Special Session, February 28, 1910 66 ed according to law for disabled and superannuated policemen, would re- spectfully recommend that the prayer of the petitioners be granted and that the Ordinance Committee be instruct- ed to prepare an ordinance making the State law on said subject ap- plicable to the City of Dubuque. JOHN O'ROURKE, Chairman. Ald. Singrin moved the adoption of the report of the Committee of the Whole. Ald. Frith moved as an amend- ment that report of the Committee of the Whole in reference to Police Pension Fund be received and filed. Amendment lost by following vote: Yeas --Aids. Frith and Rand. Nays—Aids. Haas, Martin, Saul and Singrin. Absent—Add. O'Rourke. Motion of Aid. Singrin adopting the report of the Committee of the Whole was then put and was carried by the ollowing vote: Yeas—Aids. Haas, Martin, Saul and Singrin. Nays—Aids. Filth and Rand. Absent—Add. O'Rourke. their homes of sick or disabled per- sons, would respectfully report that this matter was referred to the Mayor by your committee and that he re- ports hack that the City could engage the ambulance wagon at a cost of $2 per trip for one man service, but that in case It required two men to handle the patient the price would b t owne - erstrip, and that the re are ready of the ambulance wagonaccord- ance to enter into a contract in`oulddance ,With the foregoing, re- spectfully recommend that the repordt t of thedo mayor be and City the ordinance Committee Attorney be instructed to prepare a foi in of agreement between said City and the Nutwood Livery for the use of sail ambulance. Also •Your Committee of the ered Whole to whom was r Assistant C peti- tion of David Ahern, that of the Fire Department, asking d ttheat he be paid his salary with the ordinance adopted March all 8, 1908, and requesting salary due him from the time fixed in said ordinance be allowed him would respectfully recommend that said petition be received and filed. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the e ill off Street and Steuck for 5% on the construction of Bee Branch sewer in Washington street for work done thereon by said firm during the year of 1908, would respectfully rec- ommend that said bill be allowed and that a warrant in the sum of $334.58 be ordered drawn on the City Treas- urer in settlement thereof. Also your Committee of .the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Patrick Sullivan et al asking that the salaries of the members of the Police Department be increased $10.00 per month, would respectfully recommend that the following schedule of wages for said department be adopted: Detective, per ........$75.0075.00 Captains per month.... ...... 75.00 Desk Sergeants, per month.... 70.00 All Patrolmen having served two years, $65.00 per month and that the Police Matrons be included and class- ed as patrolmen and given the same salary. JOHN O'ROURKE, Chairman. Ald. Singrin moved the adoption of the various reports of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. Singrin of the Committee of the Whole also reported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of James R. Pickley et al., a committee asking that a pension fund be creat- Ald. Haas moved that the matter of the reinstatement of appointive officers be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. Martin moved that the peti- tion of Tom Ryder asking that he be paid extra salary as Assistant Engi- neer and Stoker of extra Fire Engine be taken from the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. Frith moved that the salary of Tom Ryder as Assistant Engineer and Stoker of Fire Engine be in- creased to $82.50 per month from March 1. 1910. Carried. Ald. Saul moved to adjourn to Thursday evening March 3rd, 1910. Carried. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. List of Warrants 67 List of City Warrants Dubuque, Iowa, February 1st, 1910. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—The following is a complete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of January, 1910, the same having been author- ized by the proper committees and a majority vote of the Council, as in- dicated by the minutes of the meet- ings held during said month. O'Farrell Contracting Co. im- proving Bennett St $1629 65 H. A. Schunk, salary, Mayor ..$116 65 H. Brinkman, salary, Treas- urer 133 30 J. A. McKinley, salary, Deputy Treasurer 100 00 Jno. Krayer, clerk Treasurer's office 60 00 E. A. Linehan, salary, Recor- der 116 65 Jos. Friedrich, salary, Deputy Recorder 85 00 M. E. Lyons, salary, Auditor116 65 Joseph T. Kelly, salary, As- sessor 125 00 Allan Wiedner, salary, Assist- ant Assessor 83 30 Frank Kenneally, salary, As sistant Assessor .... 83 30 Geo. T. Lyon, salary, Attorney 150 00 Edgar Willging, salary, Assist- ant Attorney 75 00 Jas. Pickley, salary, Chief of Police 100 00 J. W. Lawlor, salary, Commit- tee Clerk 100 00 Paul Ilg, salary, City Engi- neer 166 65 Joseph Straub, Assistant City Engineer 60 00 G. Vogel, clerk in Auditor's and Engineer's offices 75 00 C. W. Katz, salary, Market - master 65 00 T. Hackney, salary, Pound - master Mrs. H Koenig, salary, Jani- tress James Lynch, salary, Side- walk Inspector Wm. Coleman, Rodman , J. H. Carroll, Harbor Master John A. Cunningham, Clerk -to Police and Fire Commis- sioners Tom Cahill, Custodian Wash- ington Park Philip Reddin, Custodian Jackson Park Joseph Straney, Custodian Phoenix Park Dr. Chas. Palen, Health Phy- sician Frank Flynn, Sanitary Officer Dr. F. J. Kennedy, Meat and Milk Inspector E. E. Frith, salary, Alderman Dan J. Haas, salary, Alderman 40 00 25 00 60 00 50 00 30 00 15 00 40 00 40 00 16 00 60 00 66 00 76 00 25 00 25 00 Peter R. Martin, salary, Alder- man 25 00 John O'Rourke, salary, Alder- man 25 00 D. W. Rand, salary, Alderman 25 00 James Saul, salary, Alderman 25 00 Wm. Singrin, salary, Alder- man 25 00 Joseph Reinfried, salary, Fire Chief 99 00 Wm. Hipman, salary, Elec- trician 82 50 M. Eitel, fireman 76 28 J. Plssman, fireman 81 67 J. Flynn. fireman 7e 7S A Duccini, fireman 71' 7s A. Heer, fireman 66 34 W. Kannolt, fireman 65 34 B. Kirsch, fireman 65 34 G. Beyer, fireman 70 78 J. Dailey, fireman 76 28 T. Ryder, fireman 81 67 W. Ducey, fireman 76 23 F. Murphy, fireman 7 0 78 M. Kelly, fireman 70 78 J. Beakey, fireman 65 34 D. Ahearn, fireman 82 49 P. Zillig, fireman 65 34 M. Sweeney, fireman 56 63 H. Cain, fireman 65 84 J. Benzor, fireman 70 78 J. McLoughlin, fireman 65 34 A. McDonald, fireman 81 67 J. Murphy, fireman 49 60 G. Gherki, fireman 76 23 T. Kennedy, fireman 70 78 J. Smith, fireman 65 34 J. Keppler, fireman 65 34 J. Allen, fireman 70 78 M. Fahey, fireman 65 34 F. Kenneally, fireman 70 78 R. Weston, fireman 76 23 65 23 E. McDermott, fireman 78 R. Kenneally, fireman 78 23 J. Roshin, fireman F. Baumgartner, fireman 65 34 J. Schoenberger, fireman 65 84 J. Connolly, fireman 65 34 Wm. Smith, fireman J. Dougherty, fireman 36 63 Wm. Dockstader, fireman 9 40 T. O'Brien, fireman 54 -45 D. Brunskill, fireman 56 00 P. Kirsch, fireman 54 45 J. Peed, fireman 22 25 Fireman's Pension Fund 29 97 L. Blocklinger, police 60 00 M. Connolly, police 60 00 John Cody, police 62 00 James Corcoran, police 60 00 Wm. Donahue, police 62 00 Phil. J. Dunphy, police 65 00 Thomas Duggan, police 60 00 P. F. Fury, police 60 00 John Fox, police 70 00 James Flynn, police 60 00 M. Fogarty, police 54 00 Ben Gray, police 56 00 Geo. Jones, police 60 00 Emil Kahn, police 60 00 60 00 M. Balm police John Kane, police 60 00 John Kop, police 58 00 List of Warrants 68 police ........60 00 James Keefe, olice ...... 60 00 B. Ludescher, P g5 00 Chas. Liest, police ... • • . ' 65 00 Pat McCollins, police • ... • 60 00 M. McCormack, police . • • • .. 60 00 Pat McInerney, police .. • ... 60 00 Henry Mueller, police . • • . 60 00 Hugh Markey, police .. • .. 60 00 John J. O'Brien, police • ..... 60 00 M. O'Connor, p .60 00 M. Ryan, police ........... , 60 00 John Raesle, police • • • • .. ' 70 00 G. Raterman, police . • • • .... 60 00 John Spielman, police .. • • .: 0 00 Patrick Sutton, police • • • .. g0 00 M. Stapleton, police .. • • .... 60 00 Joseph Stoltz, police • • • • .... 60 00 Pat Sullivan, police .. • • ..... 60 00 Frank Williams, police • • • • .. 60 00 Dennis Sheehan,f police • • • 6 00 L Zemanek, P ma- tron B. Brennan, police- 60 00 Mrs. K. Hibbe, police matron. 60 00 LABOR NS AND SIDEWALKS during the last half of December, 1909: $ 8 Ben Burd 4 J. Brouillette .............. 8 J. Burns .. ..... . ...... J. Beier .. ................. 6 W. Coughlan •• ............ 4 J. Connolly 4 Jerry Cahill .. .. .......... J. Callaghan, Road, 2nd... • • . 222 M. Cleary .... ............ M. Corbett .... ............ 4 4 J. Duggan ................. .......... J. Dixon .... .............. 5 O. Donahue, Grandview Ave. Improvement S. Eberhardt W. Fitzgerald Geo. Frost, Road, 2nd P. Farrell B. Grant B. Glass C. Geimer A. Gantenbein W. H. Hood J. Jellison, expense.. J. Kiang F. Keck S. Kness .... P. Kenneally, health F. Maroney G. Miller, expense J. McCarron P. McPoland Ed. Pressley J. Richter J. Reid J. Ryan. Road, 2nd F. Strohmeyer D. Smyth .. L. Sherman F. Sella J. Schafetel P. Smith, Expense C. Snecht .. .... Art Turner .... .... 0 80 0 55 40 00 40 50 20 00 60 00 20 80 James Tobin John Calvert, 2nd., Expense.. M. Markham Jeff McGrath LABOR ON MT. CARMEL AVENUE during the last half of December, 1909: R. Burns W. Burke, Jr Ben Burd W. Bradley W. Burke, Sr P. Carney J. Donahue B. Grant J. Klang J. McCarron D. O'Meara W. O'Brien Geo. Reynolds W. Sheehan J. Wickham Peter Apel M. Kenneally J. Linehan D. O'Meara J. Siegworth LABOR ON SEWERS during the last half of December, 1909: D. Cunningham J. Clune 3. Doyle F. Donahue J Jellison F. Luchterhand E. Magner J. McLaughlin J Rooney C. Sullivan L Taylor 19 20 4 05 1 80 4 50 7 45 2 40 22 50 3 20 3 20 8 00 15 20 1 40 7 20 17 50 3 20 7 60 7 45 22 50 7 45 30 00 3 20 3 20 6 40 3 20 40 20 80 2 40 6 40 2 40 2 40 2 40 2 40 $ 22 80 22 80 17 40 17 40 15 60 23 40 22 80 1 80 5 40 90 22 80 22 50 22 80 22 80 22 80 27 90 27 00 12 15 4 05 12 15 $ 22 75 22 75 1 75 22 75 10 v0 22 75 15 75 12 25 22 75 30 00 22 75 BILLS. J Teal, repairing floor at No $ 14 60 5 Engine House H Brinkman, Interest on 257 80 warrants outstanding 10 57 H. Brinkman, Expense H. Brinkman, Library orders 1038 47 issued Dubuque National Bank, 10000 00 money borrowed German Savings Bank, money 5000 00 borrowed Citizens State Bank, money 5000 00 borrowed John Stemm, refund loan 500 00 warrant LABOR SHOVELING SNOW from sidewalks and crossings during the first half of January, 1910: L. D. Ardne, S. W., $1.20;$ 2 00 Exp., 80c Ben Furd, S. W., $1.60; Exp, 6 40 $4.80 3 20 C. Bemis, Expense J. Connolly, S. W., $3.20; 8 80 Exp., $5.60 Jerry Cahill, S. W.. $1.60; ...... 22 50 Exp.. $4.00 5 6025 50 ...... 18 40 , J. Callaghan, 2nd .. • • • • List of Warrants 69 M. Clery, S. W., $1.60; Exp., $3.75 J. Donovan, S. W., $1.60; Exp., $4.00 J. Duggan, S. W., $1.60; Exp., $1.60 J. Dunn, 2nd B. Donnelly, Expense J. Dixon, S. W., $5.60; Exp., $8.40 M. Donegan, Expense.. ..... O. Donahue, Grandview Ave. Park J. Eberhardt, S. W., $1.60; Exp., $9.60 W. Fitzgerald, S Exp., $5.60 Ray Furey, 2nd George Frost, 2nd F. Frick, Expense P. Farrell, Expense.... W. Flynn, Expense B. Grant, S. W. B. Glass, S. W. , $4.40; 2nd, $5.60 ...... .... J. Gednalski, 2nd ...... W. Gaylor, Expense C. Geimer, S. W., $1.60; Exp, $7.20 ...... .... A. Gantenbein, S. W., '$1.60; Exp., $10.00 A. Helbing, S. W., $2.40; 2nd $4.80 L. Hansel, 2nd Joon John, Exp .. ...... ... . J. Jellison, Exp F. Keck, S. W., $4.80; 2nd $12.80 J. Kness, S. W., $1.60; exp, $3.75 A. Kaesbauer, Ehcp... P. Kenneally, Health T. Lonergan, 2nd Chas. Leik, Exp H. Marshall, S. W., $1.75; exp, $10.00 F. Maroney Ehcp George Miller, Exp R. McCaffrey, S. W., $3.20; 2nd., 11.20.... ...... P. McPoland, S. W., $3.20; Exp., $4.80 J. McGrath, Exp.. George Reynolds, S. W. J. Ryan, 2nd F. Rowe, 2nd J. Richter, S. W., $3.35; Exp., $10.00 F. Strohmeyer, Exp ...... D. Smyth, S. W., $3.45; 2nd, $8.55 P. Smith, Expense J. Schafetel, S. W., $1.60; Exp., $3.20 F. Selli, S. W., $1.60; Exp, $4.80 W. Steffens, Exp C. Specht, Expense John Teo, 2nd Jas. Tobin, S. W., $3.20; Exp., $ 7.20 Ott Turner, S. W., $1.60; Exp., $4.80 W., $1.60; 5 35 5 60 3 20 2 80 2 40 14 00 80 8 00 11 20 7 20 2 40 22 50 5 60 5 60 80 1 60 10 00 1 60 3 75 8 80 11 60 7 20 2 65 80 30 00 17 60 5 35 3 20 22 50 3 20 3 20 11 75 3 20 30 00 14 40 8 00 1 30 1 60 19 20 1 60 13 35 1 60 12 40 4 00 4 80 6 40 1 60 22 50 3 20 10 40 6 40 W. Walker, Expense J. Ward, 2nd, $2.40; Exp, 40 L. Walkenheim, Exp ...... F. Becker, 2nd Jeff. McGrath, 2nd.... J. J. McCollins, 2nd P. S. Norton, Exp ...... P. Vogel, 2nd 1 60 2 80 80 6 30 4 05 25 65 1 80 5 85 LABOR ON MT. CARRMEL AVENUE during the first half of January. 1910: W. Burke, Sr, $ 17 55 W. Burke, Jr 17 55 H. Burns 13 20 H. Carney 15 35 H. Connolly 17 55 H. Connell 2 80 P. Carney 21 60 John Hill 4 60 D. McGuinness 6 60 J. McCarron 16 60 W. O'Brien..., .... 22 50 D. O'Meara 17 55 M. Rody 3 60 George Reynolds 13 00 W. Sheehan .. .... 11 40 W. Woods 3 60 J. Wickham 17 55 J. Linehan .. .... 22 50 Jerry Sullivan 17 10 J. Siegworth 22 50 LABOR ON SEWERS during the first half of January, 1910: D. Cunningham $ 21 00 J. Clune 21 00 F. Donahue. 21 00 F. Luchterhand 21 00 E. Magner 21 00 J. McLaughlin 21 00 J. Rooney 21 00 C. Sullivan .... . 30 00 L. Taylor 21 00 BILLS. Joseph B. Workman, 10% commission collecting back taxes $ 7S 010 James Lally, repairs at City Hall 4 20 Mullen Bros., plumbing re- pairs at City Hall 11 10 Geo. Masters, plumbing re- pairs at supplies at City Hall 9 85 M. O'Donnell, plumbing re- pairs at City Hall 3 91 H. B. McCarten, plumbing re- pairs water fountain South Dodge and Grandview Ave. 16 60 C. E. FItzpatrick Co., station- ery supplies for various of- fices F. A. Miller, 1 dozen brooms Telegraph - Herald, printing improvement bonds 50 50 Mathis Metz Co., printing tax receipts Eichhorn & Bechtel, wash powder for cleaning at City Hall Dubuque Rubber ' & Belting Co., stamp pad ink, Recor- corder's office 9 12 4 10 69 00 50 25 70 List of Warrants Key City hooting Co., cement repairing fountain West Lo- cust Street Midland Chemical Co., 10 gal- lons Dripoleum, City Hall20 0 Peter Even, coal First Ward scale house Klauer & Kress, hardware for City Hall S. E. Muntz, planting flower beds in Grant Park Chas. T. Bush, 3 photos of 4 5 sidewalks for Legal Dept. J. P. Foley, towel service for December Dennis McGrath, thawing frozen water pipes, City Hall 2 „i Union 'telegraph Co., time service, Treasurer's Of- fice. December Larry Dailey, cleaning around Market Square, November 19 and December Clancy Transfer Co., coal for First Ward scale house and 30 Patrol House T. J. Mulgrew Co., coal, City 20 Hall Phil Doerr & Co., coal, City Hall Linehan & Molo, coal, City 34 Hall Pier Bros., oak wood, City 12 Hall McCollins Transfer Co., oak 18 wood, City Hall C. McManus, sawing and car- rying in 2 cords wood H. Galla, sawing and carrying 2 in 2 cords wood W. H. Hood, sawing and car- rying in 5 cords wood 6 luONd Telephone Co., telephone service for various depart- ments, January 12 Dubuque Telephone Co., tele- phone service for various departments, November 17 C. N. Katz, meals furnished prisoners December American Ever -Ready Co, batteries for patrolmen's flashlights Waterbury Button Co., but- tons for Police Dept. 23 John L. Kies, supplies' for Pa- trol House Klauer & Kress, hardware supplies for Police Dept. Geo. W. Healey & Son, hard- ware supplies for Police Dept, 1 ber and December J. F. Brown, repairing floor 60 in Patrol House 33 76 Mettel Bros., feed for Fire and 0 Police Depts. 23 80 Key City Gas Co., 4 gas arcs 61 for Fire and Police Depts2 00 Key City Gas Co., light for 20 various departments 115 85 Lagen, Peed & Berwanger, 00 horseshoing for Fire Dept. 1 00 Vollenweider & Hein, horse - 0 shoeing for Fire Dept 17 50 John Powers, horseshoeing 0 for Fire Dept. 22 05 H. J. Hagerty, veterinary ser - 00 vice for Fire horses, No- vember and December Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs 00 for Fire Dept. Wm. Marshall, repairs for Fire Dept 80 John Butt, repairs for Fire Dept. 1 70 Dubuque Rubber & Belting 25 Co., supplies for Fire Dept. 70 75 Ellwanger Bros., supplies and 34 repairs for Fire Dept W. B. Baumgartner, supplies 30 for Fire Dept. Geo. W. Healey & Son, sup - 70 plies for Fire Dept. 2 10 Matt. Stafford, feed for Fire 00 Dept. 10 75 National Refining Co., oil for 20 Fire Dept. Linehan &. Moto, supplies for 50 Fire Dept. 6 50 R. Herrmann & Sons, 4 office 50 chairs for Fire Dept. 10 00 La Nicca Pharmacy, toilet pa - 25 per for Fire Dept. 5 00 Jos. Simones & Co., comfort- ers for Fire Dept. 8 00 75 Jos. J. Rowan, comforters for Fire Dept. 7 75 Frank Beutin, coal for Fire 42 Dept. 12 88 T. J. Mulgrew Co., coal for 6 40 Fire Dept. 14 35 Peter Even, coal for Fire Dept. 16 85 4 00 F. A. Burns, coal for Fire Dept. 50 96 25 Conlin & Kearns Co., coal for Fire Dept. 12 93 3 85 Martin & Strelau Co., coal for Fire Dept. 15 90 70 Phil Doerr & Co., coal for Fire Dept. 19 80 Felix Becker, coal for Fire 2 38 Dept. 18 55 Pier Bros., coal for Fire Dept. 13 80 Key City Gas Co., coke for 3 40 Fire Dept. 31 70 Union Electric Co., power for 5 52 fire alarm system 2 00 Union Electric Co., arc lights, 50 December 2088 25 Key City Roofing Co., cement 8 48 for Sidewalk and Sewer Depts. 11 50 Farley & Loetscher Co., sash 2 40 11 2 20 4 0 24 18 40 6 17 2 50 3 65 3 80 6 75 Eichhorn & Bechtel, groceries for Police Matron's quar- ters E. J. Mulgrew, supplies for Police Matron's quarters Ellwanger Bros., supplies for Patrol House Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs for Patrol House H. J. Hagerty, veterinary ser- vice, Patrol horses, Novem- Official Notices 71 for Road Dept. Spahn-Rose Lumber Co, lumber for Sidewalk and Police Depts. 1 55 John J. Sheridan, salt for Sidewalk Dept. 1 35 Klauer & Kress, hardware for Sidewalk Dept. 1 20 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Sewer Dept. 55 Mr. Schwartzburg, repairs for Sewer Dept. 40 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., supplies for Sewer Dept. 75 Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs for Sewer Dept. 25 John Butt, repairs for Sewer Dept. 2 40 Lagen, Peed & Berwanger, shoeing Sewer Dept. horse. 2 50 Klauer & Kress, supplies for Sewer and Road Depts1 75 W. D. Deckert Co., supplies for Road Dept. 1 50 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Road Dept. 75 T. J. Mulgrew Co., sewer pipe for Sewer Dept 8 40 O'Farrell Contracting Co., 5% retained on improvement of Yale Street 39 33 John Linehan, collecting dead animals, December 23 50 Smith -Morgan Printing Co, printing pamphlets, Decem- ber 20 95 Times -Journal, printing Coun- cil Proceedings, December. 86 65 Telegraph - Herald, printing Council Proceedings, De- cember 85 28 Dubuque National Demokrat, printing Council Proceed- ings, December 12 50 Labor Leader, printing Coun- cil Proceedings, December. 12 50 H. A. Schunk, settlement dam- age claim of J. P. Foley25 00 N. J. Staner, constructing cul- verts across Bee Branch sewer 651 75 Lousa Reifsteck, refund of tax 7 20 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of all war- rants issued by me during the month of January, 1910. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. 1 15 Approved 1910 Recorder Special Assessment Notice. To All Who Are Named Below: • You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance with an ordinance of the City of Dubuque for removing snow and ice from sidewalks by the city during the month of January, 1910, that a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the regular meeting of the City Council to be held February 17th, 1910, upon all lots and parcels of land on said improvement, owned by you; being subject to such special assessment. And you are hereby notified to ap- pear at said meeting of the Council to be held February 17th, 1910, and show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. Owner. Description. Total Dec. 15.—C. G. Meyer, Co- lumbia. Add., Lots 16 ann1 17: length, 100 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc $ 1 00 Dec. 29--J. W. Powers, City Lot 314; length, 60 ft.; width, 6 ft.; cost, 1%c 75 Jan. 3—Leathers & Trewin, McCraney's 1st Add., Lot 77: length, 50 ft.; width, 4 feet; cost, lc 50 .Ian. 3—Wm. Meuser, McCra- ney's 1st Add., Lots 96 and 97: length, 1 0o ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc 1 00 Jan. 3—R. M. Kunz, McCra- ney's 1st Add., Lots 82. 85 and 86; length, 285 ft.; width. 4 ft.; cost, lc 2 85 Jan. 1—Mary A. Welsh, Mc- Craney's 1st Add., Lot 71; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft; cost, lc 50 Jan. 5—Mary A. Welsh, Ham's Add., Lot 447; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft; cost, 1 c 50 Jan. 5—John W. Norton, Gilliam's Sub., Lots 11, 12 and 13; length, 180 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc 1 80 Jan. 5—Mary Doft, S. 1/4 L. H, Langworthy Add., Lot 13; length, 25 ft.; width, 12 ft.; cost, 2c 50 Jan. 5—E. P. Ternes Est., S. 1-5 of City Lot 450; length, 30 ft.; width, 12 ft.; cost, 2c Jan. 5—Emily E. Cram, City Lot 1 of 672a; length, 120 ft.; width, 6 ft.; cost, 11/4c. 1 50 Jan, 5--J. M. and Frank Holz, Und. 1/z, N. 34 ft. E. 1/2; Und. S. 24 ft. E. 1/2 City Lot 439; length, 60 ft.; width, 12 ft.; cost, 2c. 1 20 Jan. 5—Minnie E. Kramer, Junk's Add., Lot 8; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 5—Aug. Kriefs, Kiene's Add., Lot 5; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc 60 50 50 72 n. 5—Leathers & Trewin, McCraney's 1st Add., Lot 77; length. 50 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan 6--C. M. Steffen. McCoy's Sub., W. 15 ft. E. 35 350ft.ft of Lot 3; length, width. 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 6—R. W. Kemler, Cain's Add., Lots 18 and 19; length. 85 ft.; width, 6 ft; cost, 11A c Jdn. 6—J. M. Sullivan, City Lot 46; length, 20 ft.; width, 12 ft.; cost, 2c Jan. 6—Universalist Church, City Lot 638; length, 140 ft.; width, 12 ft.; cost, 2c. 2 80 Jan. 6—Fred Weigel Est., S. 21 ft. of City Lot 467; length, 20 ft.; width, 12 ft; cost, 2c Jan. 6—St. Mark's Evangel- ical Lutheran Church, City 662a; length, 280 ft.; width, 12 ft.; cost, 2c 5 60 Jan. 6—Fred Weigel Est., City Lot 55; length, 75 ft.; 1 50 width, 12 ft.; cost, 2c .... Jan. 6—J. H. Shields, Du- buque Harbor Co. Add., Lot 8; length, 60 ft.; width, 12 ft.: cost, 2c 1 20 Jan. 6—W. A. Palmer, N. 1/ of City Lot 235; length, 26 ft.; width, 12 ft.;; cost, 2c. 60 Jan. 6—R. Waller Est., City Lot 234; length, 50 ft.; width, 12 ft.; cost, 2c 1 00 Jan. 6—Jno. Powers Est., City Lot 314; length, 100 ft.; width, 12 ft.; cost, 2c 2 00 Jan. 6—Thos. Hill, N. 1/2 of City Lot 311; length, 25 ft.; width, 6 ft.; cost, 11/4 c 30 Jan. 6—Dubuque Biscuit Co, City Lots 312 and 313; length, 100 ft.; width, 6 ft; cost, 11/4c 1 25 Jan. 6 --Anna Shea, S. 20 feet City Lot 106; length, 20 ft. width, 1 ft.; cost, 2c 40 Jan. 6—D. Rhomberg, Stout's Add., Lots 3 and 4; length, 100 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc 1 00 Jan, 6—Nick. Gasper, N. 1/2 Bonson's Sub., Lot 1; length, 25 ft.; width, 6 ft.; cost, 1?4c Jan. 6 --Cath. C. Ryan, S. 40.10 ft. M. 1-5 of City Lot 663; length, 80 ft.; width, 12 ft.; cost, 2c Jan, 6—Amelia B. Matthews, S. 11.2 ft. E. 111 ft. S. M. 1-5 City Lot 663; length, 20 ft.; width, 1.2 ft.; cost, 2c. J. J. Naglc, S. 78 ft. S. 1/2, N. 50 ft. S. 1/2 of City Lot 661; length, 260 ft. width, 12 ft.; cost, 2c Jan. 6—Mary A. Riggs, Union Add., Lots 154, 155 and Official Notices 50 1 70 1 10 40 40 30 1 60 40 5 20 156; length, ISO ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 6—Henry Bardin, Union Add., Sub. 229 of Lot 2; length, 50 ft. width, 4 ft.; cost. lc Jan. 7—A. W. Kemler Est, Union Add., Lot 182; length, 60 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 7—Wm. Lawther, Sr., S. 197 ft. City Lot 745; length, 205 ft.; width, 12 ft.; cost, 2c 4 10 Jan. 7—R. W. Kemler, Und. 1/2, Uncl. ?4, S. M. Lang- worthy Add., Lot 23; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc. Jan. 7—Felix Becker and Wm. Klauer, Davis Farm Add., Lot 213; length, 230 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc .... Jan. 7—R. Langworthy Est., Glendale Add., Und 1/z Lot 237; length, 30 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc 30 Jan. 7--R. Langworthy Est, Glendale Add., Und. ?/a of Lots 219, 220 and 221; length, 150 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc 1 50 C. Mitchel, Glendale Add, Lot 143; length, 50 ft; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc 50 Jan. 7—Peter Kaiser. Glen- dale Add., Lot 144; length, 50 ft.; width. 4 ft.; cost, ic. 50 R. Langworthy Est., Glen- dale Add., Lot 213; E. A. Langworthy Est., Glendale Add., Lot 214, Und.; length, 100 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc 1 00 Jan. 7—Wm. Meuser, Glen- dale Add. Lots 139, 140 and 141; length, 150 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc 1 50 Jan. 7—C. A. Voelker, Glen- dale Add., Lots 134 and 135; length, 100 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc 1 00 Jan. 7—Helen M. Laren, Cleminson's Sub., Lot 4; length, 150 ft.; width, 4 ft; cost, lc 1 50 Jan, 7—Wm. Lawther, S. M. Langworthy Add., Lot 13; length, 225 ft.; width, 6 ft; cost, 11/, c Jan. 7—John W. Lee, S. M. Langworthy Add., Lots 1 and 2; length, 100 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 7—J. H. Rhomberg, Davis Farm Add., Lot 225; length. 100 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 7--J. H. Rhomberg, Da- vis Farm Add., Lot 225; length, 60 ft.; width, 6 ft.; cost, 11/i c Jan. 7—Jackson Street M. E Church, Olinger's Sub., Lot 1; length, 80 ft.; width, 6 1 80 50 6U 2 30 2 8i' 1 00 1 00 75 Official Notices 73 ft.; cost, 11/4c Jan. 7—Jackson Street M. E Church, Olinger's Sub., Lot 1; length, 60 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost lc Jan. 7—C. A. Voelker, Davis Farm Add., Lot 138; length, 150 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 7—Dorothea Klein, L. H Langworthy Add., Lot 2 of 6b; length, 36 ft.: width, 6 ft.: cost, 1 1/4 c Jan. 7—Eliza Buehler, Cook's Add., Lot 22; length, 50 ft.; width, 6 ft.: cost, 11/4c Jan. 7—Eliza Buehler, Cook's Add., Lot 22; length 100 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan 7—Louis Reinecke, L. H. Langworthy Add., W. 1/z, Lots 182, 183, 184 and 185; length, 240 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 8—A. Schenker and Em- ma Richter. Glendale Add., N. 50 ft., S. 15 ft: Lot 223; length, 150 ft.; width, 6 ft.; cost, 11/4c Jan, 8—J. J. Nagle, Cushing's Add., Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7: length, 150 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 8—Warren Cushing Est, L. H. Langworthy Add., E. 1/ of Lot 148; length, 100 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 8—C. A. Voelker, Me- chanic's Sub., Lot 1 of 150; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 8—Jno. Flynn, E. 40 ft. of City Lot 84; length, 40 ft.; width, 12 ft.; cost, 2c Jan. 8—Margt. McFadden, City Lot 85; length, 65 ft.; width, 12 ft.; cost, 2c Jan. S—Margt. Lawhan, Lot 4 of City Lot 601; length 60 ft.; width, 6 ft.; cost, 11Ac Jan. 3—J. Kenneally, Union Add., Lots 171 and 172; length, 120 ft.; width, 4 ft; cost, lc Jan. 8—Dubuque Harness & Saddlery Co., N. 1-3 City Lot 194; length, 40 ft.; width, 12 ft.: cost, 2c Jan. 8—Coates, Metcalf & Spensley. S. M, Lang- worthy Add., Und., Lots 50 and 51; length, 100 ft.; width, 8 ft.; cost, 11/zc . Jan. 8—Henrietta Coates and Kiesel, S. M. Langworthy Add., Und. 1/z of Lot 39; length, 235 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 8—Finley Hospital, Fin- ley Home Add., Lot 1; length, 125 ft.; width, 4 ft; cost, lc Jan. 8—Wm. Hintrager Est, 1 00 60 1 50 45 60 1 00 2 40 1 85 1 50 1 00 50 80 1 30 75 1 20 80 1 50 2 35 1 25 Newberry & Hale's Add., Lot 17; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 8—Jas. C. Patey, Finley Home Add.. Und. 1-3; An- na C. Patey, Finley Home Add., Und. 2-3 of Lot 19: length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. S --Wm Roehl. Finley Home Add.. Lot 21; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 8—Francis Millard, Fin- ley Home Sub., Lots 10 and 11 of Lot 1; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, is Jan. 8—Harry Keepers, City Lot 339; length, 50 ft.; width, 6 ft.; cost, 11/4c Jan. 8—Harry Keepers, City Lot 339; length, 60 ft.; width, 12 ft.; cost 2c 1 20 Jan. 8—C. A. Voelker, Quig- ley's Outlot 710, Lots 4 and 5; length, 100 ft.; width 4 ft.; cost lc 1 00 Jan. 8—C. V. Callehan Est, Quigley's Outlot 710; Lot 14; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc 50 Jan. S—Wm. Hintrager Est, Quigley's Outlot 710, Lot 15; length, 40 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, in 40 Mary L. Connell, Garrigan's Sob., Lot 1; length, 40 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc 40 Jan. 8—R. W. Kemler, Sub. of City Lot 720, Lots 8 and 9; length, 80 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc 80 Jan. 8—J. S. Garrigan Est, Sub. of City Lot 720, Lots 2, 3 and 4; length, 120 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc 1 20 Jan. 8—Mary O'Connors, City Lot 27; length, 60 ft.; width, 12 ft.; cost, 2c 1 20 Jan. 8—C. M. Alliels, City Lot 81; length, 65 ft.; width, 12 ft.; cost, 2c 1 30 Jan. 8—Jas. A. Hayes, Sub. 1 of 1 of 2, City Lot 600; length, 30 ft.; width, 12 ft.; cost, 2c 60 Jan. 8—German Trust & Sav- ings Bank, E. 97 ft, of City Lot 57; length, 40 ft.; width, 12 ft.; cost, 2c 80 Jan. 8—E. A. Maier, M. L. 303, Sub. 4 of Lot 2; length, 32 ft.; width, 6 ft; cost, 11/4c Jan. 8—C.. M. & St. P. R. R. M. L. 466, Sub. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12; length, 175 ft.; width, 6 ft.; c.,st, 11/40. 2 20 Jan. 8—J. K. Deming, Geo. W. Kiesel, M. L. 466, Und. 1, of Lot 2; length, 730 ft.; width, 6 ft.; cost, 11/40 9 10 Jan. 8—J. C. and Wm. Alt- hauser, A. Stine's Sub., 50 50 50 50 60 40 74 Official Notices 50 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc 40 Jan. 11—C. R. Abell, Kelly's Sub., Lot 2 of 39; length, 60 ft.: width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 11—H, G. Torbert, S. M. 60 Langworthy's Sub., Lot 6; length, 26 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, 1c 25 Jan. 11—Geo. Acker, S. Al. 50 Langworthy's Sub., Lot 5: length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft.; 50 cost, lc Jan. 11—S, M. Langworthy 00 Est., S. M. Langworthy's Sub., Lots 9 and 10; length, 100 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc 0 Jan. 11—Wm. Crabtree, S. M. Langworthy's Sub., Lot 11; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 0 ft.; cost, lc Jan, 11—F. N. Schroeder, M. L. 158, Lot 2 of 2; length, 1 50 600 ft.; width. 4 ft., cost, lc 6 00 Jan. 11 --Julia Langworthy Est., Lois Add., Lot 8; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft; 50 50 cost, lc Jan. 11—M. Florey, Lois Add., Lot 4; length, 50 ft.; width. 4 ft.; cost, lc 50 Jan, 11--Solma Stephens, Ju- lia Langworthy Add.; M. L. Bunting. S. NI. Lang- worthy Add., Lot 1; 1 00 length, 250 ft.; width. 4 ft.; cost, lc 2 50 Jan. 11.—Julia Langworthy, Julia Langworthy Add., 50 Lots 2 and 3; length, 130 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc1 30 Jan. 11—M. L. 13unting, Ju- lia Langworthy Add., Lot 50 9; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 50 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 11—F. L. Pool, Julia Langworthy Add., Lot 10; 50 length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft; 50 cost, lc Jan. 11•—J. A. Stephens, Ju- lia Langworthy Add., Lot 22; length, 210 ft.; width, 2 10 1 00 4 ft.; cost, 1c Jan. 11—Mary L. Bunting, Julia Langworthy Add., Lot 42; length, 50 ft.; 50 50 width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 11—Mary L. Bunting, Julia Langworthy Add., Lot 28: length, 60 ft.; 50 1 00 width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 11—F, L. Poole, Julia Langworthy Add., Lot 35; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft; 50 cost, lc 1 60 Jan. 15—Otto Frenzel, King's Add., S. liz Lot 8; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc 50 50 Jan. 15—A. Huber, Marsh's Add., Lot 29; length, 100 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, ic.. 1 00 50 Jan. 16—Wm. Hintrager, Marsh's Add., Lot 49; length 60 ft.; width, 4 ft.; Lots 44 and 45; length, 40 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 8—Jacob Meuer, Mc- Craney's Add., S. .% ft f Lot 87; length, width, 4 ft.; cost, lc .••.• Jan. 8—Cath. Schuler, Staf- ford's Add., S. 50df . Lot 4; length, 50 ft.; cost, lc ........... • " Jan. 8—Peter Bench, A Stine's Add., Lots 39, 40 and 41; length, 100 ft.; width, 4 1 ft.: cost, lc ...... •Wick's Jan. S—Rosa Fengler, Add., Lot 19; length. 130 1 3 ft.; width, 4 ft.: cot. Ic .• Jan. 8—Emma Heinz, Wick's Add.,, Lot 25; length, 130 1 3 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 8—Mary Auredan, Ham- burg's Add., Lot 13; length, 150 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost. lc Jan. 11—Henry Schnider, Geiger's Sub., Lot 1 of 5; length, 150 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc 1 Jan. 11—J, W. Althauser, Sr, Althauser's Sub., Lot 9; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft; cost, is Jan. 11-3no. Althauser, Sr, Althauser's Sub., Lot 25; length, 100 ft.: width, 4 ft, cost, is Jan. 11.—Jacob Schwietering. Stafford's Sub., Sub. 1 of Lot 4; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost. lc Jan. 11 --Henry DreaZa, Bur- den & Lawthe. 's Sub., Lot 132; length, . 50 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, le Jan. 11—Leathers & Trewin, Burden & Lawther's Sub., Lot '3; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft.: cost, lc Jan. 11—H. Dement and L. Duncan, Burden & Law- ther's Sub., Und. 1/2 of Lots 74 and 75; length, 100 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 11—J. W. Pickup Est, Union Add., Lot 43; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft; cost, lc Jan. 11—R. Bonson Est, Union Add., Lots 211 and 212; length, 100 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 11—Cora Sweeney, Union Add., N. 160 ft. of Lot 2 of Lot 105 and 187; length, 160 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 11—R. Bonson Est., Union Add., Lot 15; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 11—Jno. Chettham Est., Kelly's Sub.. Lot 40; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 11—Hanna Chettham, Kelly's Sub.. Lot 41; length, 5 11 50 1 00 50 50 Official Notices cost, lc Jan. 15—A. J. Lembeck et al, E. 100 ft. Marsh's Add., Lot 45; length, 150 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc , . , . Jan. 15—Lena Duncan, L. H. Langworthy Sub., Lot 2 of 3; length, 100 ft.; width, 4 ft., cost, lc Jan. 15—Jno. Keenan Est, Kiene & Blocklinger Sub, Lot 23 of 1; length, 23 ft; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 15 --Leathers & Trewin, Prospect Hill Add., E. 40 ft Lot 15; length, 40 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 15—Felix Becker and Wm. Klauer, Davis Farm Add., Lot 213; length, 60 ft.; width, 6 ft.; cost, 11/4c Jan. 15—Felix Becker and Wm. Klauer, Davis Farm Add., Lot 213; length, 100 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, 1c Jan. 15—.A. Schenker and E. Richter, Glendale Add., N. 50 ft. Lot 223; length, 100 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 15 --Joe Morro, Olinger's Sub., Lot 5; length, 50 ft.; width. 4 `.t.; cost, is Jan. 15—Kiene & Altman, part of Dunn's Sub., Lot 1 of 239; length, 250 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 15—Eliz Buehler, Cook's 'Add., Lot 22; length, 175 ft.; width, 4 ft.: cost, lc . Jan. 15—Rosa A. Fengler, Cook's Add., Lot 36; length, 50 ft.: width, 4 ft; cost, 1 c Jan. 15 — Solmi Bechter, Hooper's Add., Lot 22; length, 220 ft.; width, 4 ft; cost, lc Jan. 15—Martin F. Witter, Wick's Sub., N. E. 40 ft. of Lot 1; length, 40 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 15—Mary A. Welsh, McCraney's Add., Lot 71; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft; cost, l c Jan. 15 --Mary A. Welsh, Ham's Add., Lot 447; length. 50 ft.; width, 4 ft; cost, lc Jan. 15—Wm. Meuser, McCra- ney's Add., Lots 96 and 97; length, 100 ft.; width, 4 ft; cost, lc Jan. 15—R. Waller Est, McCraney's Add., Lot 100; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft; cost, lc •Jan. 15 — Myra Kramer, Jungk's Add., Lot 8; length, 50 ft. width, 4 ft.; cost, lc. Jan. 15—R. W. Kemler, Cain's Add., Lots 18 and 19; 50 1 50 1 00 25 40 75 1 00 1 00 50 2 50 1 75 50 2 20 40 50 50 1 00 50 50 length, 85 ft.; width, 6 ft.; cost, 114 c Jan. 15—Harriet Coates and Kiesel, Und. N. 2-5 City Lot 436; length, 100 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 15—Katie K. Rooney, L. H, Langworthy Add., Lot 39; length, 50 ft.; width, 12 ' ft.; cost, 2c Jan. 15—Philip Jungk, East Dubuque Add., Lot 1'6; length, "'0 ft.; width, 6 ft; cost, 11/4c Jan. 15—C. G. Meyers, Co- lumbia Add., Lots 1, 2 and 3; length, 130 ft.; width, 4 ft.: cost, is Jan. 15—R, W. Bonson Est, Union Add., Lots 210, 2:'1 and 212; length, 160 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc 1 60 Jan. 15—Mary A. Riggs, Union Add., Lots 154, 155 and 156; length, 180 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc 1 80 Jan. 15—Mike Grace, Union Add., Lots 165 and 166; length, 120 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc 1 20 Jan. 18—Chas, F. Hoeflin, Unci. 11/ N. 145 ft. Lot 4 of 1, City Lot 444; length, 22 ft.; width, 12 ft; cost, 2c45 Jan. 18—Rev. Jno. Keane, City Lot 59: length, 40 ft.; width, 12 ft.; cost, 2c 80 Jan. 21—T. O. Sullivan Est., S, 14 of City Lot 4a; length, 20 ft.; width, 12 ft; cost, 2c 40 Jan. 21—Wm. Hintrager Est, Levi Add., Lot 14; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc 50 Jan. 21—A. Levi Est., Levi Add., Lots 15 and 16; length, 100 ft.; width, 5 ft; cost, 11/4,c 1 25 Jan, 24—C. H. Eighmey, S. 1/2 of 2 of 8, 14. L. 159; length, 240 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc Jan. 24 --Harvey L. Tobey, Cain's Sub., Lot 12; length, 40 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc. 50 Jan. 24 ---Jas. C. Patey, Und. 1-3; Amanda Patey, Und. 2-3, Finley Home Add., Lot 19; length, 50 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc 50 Jan. 24--W. G. Cox, Cox's Add., Lots 73 and 111: length, 100 ft.; width, 4 ft; cost, is Jan. 24—Wm. T. Roehl, Fin- ley Home Add., Lot 21; length,. 150 ft.; width, 4 ft; cost, lc Jan, 26—Wm. Hintrager Est, Newberry & Hale's Add, Lot 17; length, 50 lin. ft; width, 4 ft.; cost, lc 75 1 10 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 30 2 40 1 00 1 50 50 76 Official Notices Jan. 26--C. W. Wheat, Clem- on's Sub., Lot 2; length, 150 ft.; width, 4 ft.; cost, is Jan. 26 — Francis Minard, Finley Home Add., Lot 10; length, 70 ft.; width, 4 Wit.; cost, is Jan, 26—Wm. Lawther, S. M Langworthy Sub., Lot 13; length, 150 ft.; width, 6 ft.; cost, 11/4c Total assessment $190 85 Dated at Dubuque, February 2nd, 1910. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, 2-2-3t. City Recorder. 1 5t. 70 1 90 Notice to Dealers in hire I -Lose. Sealed bids addressed to the com- mittee on fire will be received at the mayor's office, city hall, up to 3 o'clock p. m., Wednesday, Feb. 9, 1910, for furnishing the city of Dubuque with 2,000 feet of two and one-half inch, cotton jacket, rubber lined fire hose. Said hose to be guaranteed for a per- iod of five years and to stand a pres- sure of 400 pounds. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. 2-5-4t. t otic-. Office of Chief of Police, Dubuque, Iowa, February 7, 1910. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: All ruetioneers, pawnbrokers, junk dealers, hotel, restaurant and eating house keepers, owners of bowling al- leys and of billiard and pool tables; etc., owners of theatres and shows, peddlers, porters, transient mer- chants, street venders, vault cleaners, scavengers, teamsters expressmen and owners of hacks, omnibuses, car- riages, drays and owners or harborers of dogs, and all other parties requir- a city license. You and each of you are hereby notified that said licenses are now past due and if not paid immediately you will be prosecuted in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Du- buque. JAS. R. PICKLEY, 2-7-10t. Chief of Police. AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ELECTION OF PARK COM- MISSIONERS AND DEFINING THEIR DUTIES AND POWERS. BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Sec. 1. PARK COMMISSIONERS: When elected That there shall be elected, at the regular City Election to be held in April, 1910, three Park Commissioners whose terms of office shall be three, four and five years, respectively, all of whom shall be resi- dents of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and who, when elected and qualified as hereinafter provided, shall be known as Park Commissioners of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and such Park Commissioners and their successors in office, elected as hereinafter provided shall have all the powers conferred upon them, and perform all the du- ties required of them by law. Sec. 2. SAME. That at each reg- ular City Election after the year 1910 next prior to the expiration of the term of office of any Park Commis- sioner, there shall he elected a Park Commissioner for the full term of five years, who shall be a resident of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and who, when elected and qualified as herein pro- vided. shall be known as Park Com- missioner of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Sec. 3. TERM OF OFFICE: The term of office of the three Commis- sioners, whose election is provided for in Section One (1) hereof, shall begin on the first Monday after their elec- tion, and they shall hold office for the term of three, four and five years re- spectively; the term of office of the Commissioners, whose election is pro- vided for in Section 2 hereof, shall be- gin at the expiration of the term of office of the Commissioners whom they are chosen to succeed, and they shall hold office for the term of five years. Said Commissioners shall or- ganize as soon as they take the oath of office, by determining by lot the term each one is to serve, and by electing one of their members as chairman, and one as secretary. All vacancies in the office of Park Com- missioner shall be filled by the ap- pointment of a successor by the City Council, who shall hold office until the next annual City Election after the appointment, at which time, if the term of office created by the vacancy has not expired, a successor shall be elected to fill the unexpired term. Sec. 4. BOND OF COMMISSION- ERS: Said Commissioners shall each give a satisfactory bond for the use of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, in the penal sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) before they shall enter upon their duties, or have any power as Commissioners, which bond shall he taken out in a bonding company to be approved by the City Council, the cost thereof to be paid for out of the Park Fund. Sec. 5. CONTROL OF PARK AND DRIVEWAYS: Said Park Commis- sioners shall have full and exclusive control of all parks belonging. to the City of Dubuque, shall manage, im- prove and supervise the same. They shall have power and authority over all driveways, and approaches leading to the parks or any of them, and may beautify, grade and otherwise improve such driveways and approaches. Said Park Commissioners may Official Notices 77 adopt, publish and enforce rules and regulations for the • government and control of the Parks and Driveways, for the protection of the property therein, for maintaining good order therein, and for securing the safety and comfort of the public in the use thereof and any one violating or re- fusing obedience to such rules and regulations or any one thereof shall be liable to a fine not exceeding One Hundred ($1.00.00) Dollars, or to im- prisonment in the City Jail for a per- iod not exceeding thirty days, or to both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 6. The Ordinances. Laws and Authority of the City of Dubuque are hereby extended over all the territory included within the Parks and Drive- ways connected therewith, which are now or may hereafter pass under the control of the City of Dubuque, or of the Park Commissioners of said City. Sec. 7. IMPROVEMENTS: Use of Funds: Said Commissioners may use the fund of said City, known as the Park Fund, whenever such a fund has been provided, for improving such parks. or for purchasing additional ground therefore, or laying out or im- proving the driveways, or approaches thereto, and do all things necessary to preserve such parks. They may apPoint one or more Park Policemen, and pay said officers out of said fund. Said Commissioners shall keep a full account ofall their disbursements and shall make full and complete re- ports of the same to the City Council at its regular meeting in September, and March of each year, and at said meeting in March shall make a full and complete report of all their pro- ceedings as Commissioners, in relation to such parks and of all work done and improvements made in the same, also of all disbursements made, dur- ing the preceding year of said Park Fund. All orders drawn upon said fund shall be drawn by the Commis- sioners through the City Treasurer, and must be signed by at least two of said Commissioners, and the City Treasurer is hereby required to honor all orders drawn as aforesaid, and pay over to said Commissioners the money thereby required to the extent of the money in his hands belonging to said Park Fund. Sec. S. LIMITATION OF INDEBT- EDNESS: Said Commissioners shall not cause any work to be done, or any contracts to be made in relation to the parks of said City, or the pur- chase of additional grounds therefor which shall involve in the aggregate any expense greater than the amount of the Park Fund actually authorized by the vote of the electors of the City to be levied by the City Council. Sec. 9. CARE OF TREES: Said Commissioners are hereby further authorized and empowered to formu- late' rules and regulations for the care, growth and trimming of all trees on all public streets aha driveways in the City and it shall be the duty of all persons to comply with such rules and regulations. Sec. 10. COMPENSATION: There shall be no compensation attached to the office of a Park Commissioner, and all services performed for the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by said Park Commissioners, as such, shall be free and without any expense to the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Sec. 11. This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and publication in the Daily Times -Journal and Telegraph -Herald, the official newspapers of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Approved this 9th day of February, 1910. H. A. SCHIINK, Mayor. Attest: EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. Published officially in the Daily Times -Journal February 10th, 1910. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. NOTICE TO PRINTERS. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Recorder up to 8: p. m. Thursday, February 17th, 1910, for printing the index and binding in books of 25 copies of the council proceedings for the year 1909. Sample and description of the work can be seen in the office of the City Recorder. Eidders will state the price per book. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, February 13th, 1910. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, 2-13-3t. City Recorder. Bight of Way Notice. Notice is hereby given, that a prep- osition is now pending before the City Council of the City of Dubuque, fo • the opening of a Street, 64 feet wile, across land in which you claim an in- terest, as follows: Cedar Street from Twelfth Street to Thirteenth Street, a plat of which proposed opening has been filed in the office of the City En gineer of said City; and you are noti- fied that at a session of the Cite Council to be holden at the City Hall of said City, on the 17th day of March, 1910, it will be determined whether said proposed opening will be made, and you are hereby notified to appear before said Council at said session, and show cause, if any you have, why proposed opening should not be made. PAUL ILG, City Engineer. Dubuque, Feb. 19th, 1910. 2-21-10t OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE granting to the Illi- nois Central Railroad Company the Tri Official Notices t,s,. ,;f a portion of Dodge Street, l,,,tween South Main and Water : t n et.s, in the City of Dubuque, for a term of years, and regulating and controLing such grant. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That permission be and the same is hereby granted the Illinois Central Railroad Company to erect, or cause to he erected, in Dodge Street, between bouth Main and Water Street:4, in the City of Dubuque, a re- movable building, beginning at a Feint in the south line of Dodge Street, on a line with the easterly line of e building already erected by said Illinnir. Central Railrctarl Company, and known as a fruit shed, and 'ex - terrine northerly into Dodge Street from said southerly line thereof, and parallel with South Main Street, not to exceed a distance of fourteen (141 feet from said southerly line of Dodge Street: thence westerly, parallel with the northerly line of said fruit shed, to the southerly line of Dodge Street. Sec. 2. That the privilege hereby granted is subject to the continuation of the use and occupation of said fruit shed, for the fruit of the United Fruit Company, and in no event is this grant to endure for a longer term than twenty (20) years from the time this Ordinance becomes effective. It is expressly understood and agreed that no vested rights of any kind in or to any portion of Dodge Street, or t9 the use thereof, are hereby con - fie red, or will at any time be claimed eil.h. r by sail Illinois Central Rail- roed Company or said United Fruit Company by reason of the grant here- in made, and the permission and the enjoyment of the privilege hereby granted are subject at all times to any future action of the City Council of Dubuque relative to the removal o" regulation of the building now au- thorized to be erected. Sec. 3. That said Illinois Central Railroad Company and said United Fruit Company shall agree, by accept- ing the terms hereof, to protect and hold harmless the said City of Du- buque from any claims or actions for damages, or otherwise, arising from the use and obstruction of said portion of Dodge Street herein referred to, and shall agree to defend any suit arising by reason thereof, and to pay any judgment that may be rendered against said City, or any other ex- pense to which said City may be put, by reason of said use and obstruction. Sec. 4. That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph -Her - aid and the Dubuoue Times -Journal, official newspapers of said City, and after written acceptance thereof on the part of said Illinois Central Rail- road Company and the United Fruit Company, duly endorsed hereon. Adopted September 2nd, 1909. Approved September 14th, 1909. H. A. SCHUNK, Mayor. Attest: EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. The provisions and terms of the foregoing Ordinance are hereby ac- cepted and agreed to this 2Sth day of September, 1909. F. J. BECHELY, Supt. I. C. R. R Co. Published officially in the Dail\ Times -Journal February 21st, 1910. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE amending an Ordi- nance entitled "An Ordinance granting to the Illinois Central Railroad Company, the use of a portion of Dodge Street, between South Main and Water Streets, in the City of Dubuque, for a term of years, and regulating and controll- ing such grant." Be it Ordained by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Section 1.—That the Ordinance en- titled "An Ordinance granting to the Illinois Central Railroad Company the use of a portion of Dodge Street, between South Main and Water Streets, in the City of Dubuque, for a term of years and regulating and con- trolling such grant." be amended by striking from Section 3 thereof the words "United Fruit Company," as found in said section. Section 2. That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. and publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph - Herald and the Dubuque Times -Jour- nal, official newspapers of said City, and after written acceptance thereof on the part of said Illinois Central Railroad Company duly endorsed hereon. Adopted February 3rd, 1910. Approved February 9th, 1910 H. A. SCHUNK, Mayor. Attest: EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. The provisions and terms of then foregoing Ordinance are hereby ac- cepted and agreed to this 17th clay of February, 1910. T. H. SULLIVAN, Supt. I. C. R. R. Co Published officially in the Daily Times -Journal February 21st. 1910. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. Right of Way Notice. Notice is herby given, that a prop- osition is now pending before the City Council of the City of Dubuque, for the vacation of an alley across land In which you claim an interest, a.4 follows: Alley between Rhomberg Official Notices 79 Avenue and Lincoln Avenue from Third Avenue southerly to the north- erly lines of Lots 433 and 462 in Ham's Addition, a plat of which pro- posed vacation has been filed in the office of the City Engineer of said City, and you are notified that at a session of the City Council to be holden at the City Hall of said City, on the 17th day of March, 1910, it will be determined whether said proposed vacation will be made, and you are hereby notified to appear before said Council at said session, and show cause, if any you have, why proposed vacation shouH not be made. PAUL ILG, City Engineer. Dubuque, Feb. 19th, 1910. 2-21-10t Notice To Whom It May Concern: Monday. February 28th, 1910, be- ing the close of the present fiscal year for the City of Dubuque, you are hereby notified that all claims against said City must be filed with the City Recorder on or before noon of Sat- urday, February 26th, 1910. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, 2-21-3t. City Recorder. MAYOR'S PROCLAMATION. Primary Election. In pursuance of the laws of Iowa, 1, H. A. Schunk, Mayor of the City of Dubuque, State of Iowa, do hereby proclaim that a primary election will be held in said city on Monday, Feb- ruary 28th, 1910, for the purpose of nominating a Mayor of the City, City Treasurer, City Attorney, City Recorder, City Auditor, City Assessor, City Engineer, Two Aldermen -at -Large, Precinct Committeemen, Delegates to City Convention, Also one alderman from each ward in said city. That on said day the polls will be opened at 7 o'clock A. M. and close at 8 o'clock P. M. of said day, to re- ceive the votes cast at such election in the following places, to -wit: FIRST WARD. First Precinct—Mrs. Dempsey's place, 305 South Locust. Second Precinct—Central House, Mrs. P. Reagan. SECOND WARD. First Precinct—County Court House. Second Precinct—Fourth Street Engine House, up stairs. THIRD WARD. First Precinct—Ninth Street Engine House. Second Precinct—City Hall. Third Precinct—Westercamp build- ing, 17th and Clay streets. FOURTH WARD. First Precinct—Wales Hotel. Second Precinct—Palmetto Hall. Third Precinct—Ed. Ryan 's place, 160 West Locust Street. FIFTH WARD. First Precinct—Schmidt's Brewery, Couler Avenue. Second Precinct—Henry G. Miller's Place, corner Elm and Eagle Point Avenue. Third Precinct—Miss Rose Feng- ler's Place, corner Schiller and Rhom- berg Avenues. Fourth Precinct—Fred Roesner's Place, corner Twenty-seventh and Jackson Street. Dated February 28th, 1910. H. A. SCHUNK, Mayor. M. E. LYONS, City Auditor. 2-24-4t Council met at 8:40 p. m. Mayor Schunk in the chair. Present—Aids. Frit h. Haas, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Absent—A Id. tt'Ren rke, Mayor ~chunk stated that the special session was called for purpose of canvassing the vote of the Primary Election held Monday, February 28th, 1910. Ald. Frith moved a committee of three aldermen be appointed bythe mayor to canvass the vote of the election and rep)rt to the Council. Carried. Mayor Schunk then appointed Aids. Frith. Singrin and Rand committee to canvass vote. The vote was then canvassed from the Poll Books and found to be as follows: Mayor Democratic Ernest J Buchet Phil Doerr E E Frith Fred O'Donnell Louis Murphy Fred Reavell Joseph J Ott C A Voelker Henry A Schunk Recorder George Pohl Otto Baumhover Louis Herbst Edmund A Linehan Treasurer T Buckingham Joseph Friedrich Herman Brinkman Auditor Emil R Nolte W Bilderback M E Lyons Assessor D S Cameron Fred Pitzen Jos T Kelly Engineer Gregor R Brandt T Tschirgi E Anderson Paul Ilg Attorney Stanley Feris F Waller Peter Even H Stuart P C Murray A P Gibbs D Linehan D E Maguire John Denison H Duffy George T Lyon John R Waller E Willging E E Bowen John Kintzinger Aldermen Asa L Wright Louis J Reich John Cunningham D J Haas Julius Presley Patrick Smith Edmund J Sauer Peter R Martin James Coyle James Saul H G Collins G N Raymond J La Barge T J Mulgrew John O'Rourke M O'Donnell Alex McAleese Wm Singrin L C Stewart Louis Herbst John Lagen Alex Gratz G B Hueckels E E McEvoy Fred Mussehl Robt Specht John Leicht Special Session March 2nd, 1910. (official.) DELEGATES TO CON VENTION FIRST WARD. 'Democratic II NAME. 1st 12nd) To -III iIPet Pot I tal 1 P. H. Halpin 24 32 561 Thomas Ward 24 32 561 J. J. Sheridan 24 32 50 Bart Cain 24 32 56 Edward McEvoy 24 32 56 Matt Clancy 24 56 R. F. Benoett 24 66 Ed. Schaelle 24 56 Jas. Hannon 24 12 66 Maurice Burns 24 32 56 R. Lynn J. Mathis A, Miller Jos. Coyle Stanley Ferris W. Milligan Arthur 13eatty SECOND WARD. 1 Democratic NAME. 11st 2nd To- IPct.'Pet. tal P. J. Quigley 25 35 60 H. Gehrig 28 34 62 T. H. Duffy John Page John Wagner John Cahill ('has. Murphy .John Stamm Ii. .i. uigrew .les Link 1?d Connolly W. P. Collis P. Nelson Socialist 'I'111RD WARD. 1 Democrat c II Soc'alist Ilst 2nd1 3rd To- 1st 2nd)I 3rd) To- IPct.IPct. Pet.' tal Pct lPct.1Pct.I tal Ed. lieiler I 16 36 6 108 Frank Moats 16 38 5 109 J. \\'estercamp 17 37 6 110 Jsse Jellison 17 37 1.5 109 Geo. W. Schrup , . 17 35 1.5 107 G, Duenser 17 35 56 108 J. A. Palen 16 38 51 110 Ed. Reuter 17 35 5t -A08 J. C. Voelker 19 39 57 Ji15 Matt Doran 17 31 55 1103 Wm. Gloden Jas. Pickley 18 16 32 40 55 56 114 Jos. N. Jacobi 17 35 55 107103 H. Buckley 16 40 55 117 P. B. Hoffman18 35 54 107 Emil Kress • 15 35 54 104 L, Shebler Walter Keck FOURTH WARD. NAME. I Democratic cratic I11st 2nd1 3rd) To - Pet IPct.IPct 1 tal JohnFrantzen I48I 27I 33I 108 Arthur Maher 49 27 31 1071 T. J. Loftus 49 27 31 107 John Lagen A. F. Heeb P. J. Royce Peter Bradley .. Barney Savage Wm. Whelan Jacob Becker Jas. Lonergan C. A. Voelker ... Felix Hamel O. L. Collis H. O. Dietrich FIFTH WARD. I Democratic II Socialist Jacob Kessler. 33 66 44 20 1631 I Wm. Fosselman 34 67 43 19 163 Peter Eisbach. G_ J. Hayes Chas. Doerr DocH.Carmody Thos. Malloy Michael Schnee) Peter Weitz1 Chas. O'Connor Edw. Firtzlaff. John Sand Micheal Adam Fred Roevell Theo. Scharle N. P. Nicks Robt. Kaufman George Hille John Gilles John Gloden Jos. Kaufman Frank Mihm W. Abitz P. Brandt Cal Smith Al Ziltrichts Frank Bauer Albert Bensch Henry Rensch.l First Prec., First Ward Second Prec., First Ward First Prec., Second Ward , . Second Prec., Second Ward First Prec., Third Ward Democratic. PRECINCT COMMITTEMEN. Socialist. Ed. Schaefle Thos. Ward Jos. Link Thos. Mulgrew Second Prec., Third Ward Third Prec., Third Ward First Free., Fourth Ward Second Free., Fourth Ward Third Prec., Fourth Ward First Prec., Fifth Ward Second Prec., Fifth Ward Third Free., Fifth Ward Fourth Prec., Fifth Ward J R. Pickley Jos. Hummel F. J. Sauer T D. Dempsey. Louis Herbst G. 13. Huekels.. P. Even F. Raevell ... J. Kruse G. J. Hayes Geo. Miller .... Peter Schmitt . E. E. McEvoy. E. Staehli ... S. Ferris S. Ferris M. McAllister . B. Vogel A. McAlleese F. Splam H. E. Fischer .. A. Miller W. Brandt B. Woodworth F. H. May L. A. Miller . 1 O. H. Lynn... Ald. Haas moved that a 1 candidates receiving the highest number of vot's, ccrtiti,'d to the City Auditor with Instructions to issue nomination certificates to Ald. Frith moved to adjourn. Carried. Including the two Aldermen -at -Large, be declared elected and said candidates. Carried. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. q ye Appri ed.. L[.rI /...' • ..1910 CMayor . Recorder Attee : Treasurer. Democrat c 4, D. S. Cameron Soc. W C/ W ° Fred Pitzen E m c E p Jos. T. Kelly Engineer. Democratic. Attorney. Democratic. Alderman -at -Large * Democratic. Ald. I 1st Ward, Alderman Second Ward Democratic. Ald. 3rd \\•:n•d. Alderman • Fourth Ward, Democratic. 5th \\': nl. \I Ernest J. Buchet '.Phil Doerr E. E. Frith 'Fred O'Donnell Louis Murphy Fred Reavell Joseph J. Ott C. A. Voelker Henry A. Schunk George Pohl. Soc. Otto Baumhover Louis Herbst Edmund A. Linehan Herman Brinkman T. Buckingham Soc. Joseph Friedrich Emil R. Nolte Soc. \V. Bilderback M. E. Lyons (Paul Ilg Gregor R. Brandt, Soc. T. Tschirgi E. Anderson First Prec., First Ward 65 Second Prec., First Ward I53 First Prec., Second Ward 1 33 SecondPrec., Second Ward 150 First Prec., Third Ward 124 Second Prec., Third Ward I 51 Third Prec., Third Ward 162 First Prec., Fourth Ward i 52 Second Prec., Fourth Ward I 28 Third Prec., Fourth Ward i 38 First Prec., Fifth Ward. 46 Second Prec., Fifth Ward 1114 Third Prec., Fifth Ward 181 Fourth Prec., Fifth Ward 145 Total 742 DELEGATES TO CON VENTION FIRST WARD. 'Democratic II NAME. 1st 12nd) To -III iIPet Pot I tal 1 P. H. Halpin 24 32 561 Thomas Ward 24 32 561 J. J. Sheridan 24 32 50 Bart Cain 24 32 56 Edward McEvoy 24 32 56 Matt Clancy 24 56 R. F. Benoett 24 66 Ed. Schaelle 24 56 Jas. Hannon 24 12 66 Maurice Burns 24 32 56 R. Lynn J. Mathis A, Miller Jos. Coyle Stanley Ferris W. Milligan Arthur 13eatty Socia 1st 1st 1 2nd) To- Pct.IPct I tal SECOND WARD. 1 Democratic NAME. 11st 2nd To- IPct.'Pet. tal P. J. Quigley 25 35 60 H. Gehrig 28 34 62 T. H. Duffy John Page John Wagner John Cahill Chas. Murphy .John Stamm Ii. .i. uigrew .les Link 1?d Connolly W. P. Collis P. Nelson Socialist 1st 2nd) To - 1 Democrat c II Soc'alist Ilst 2nd1 3rd To- 1st 2nd)I 3rd) To- IPct.IPct. Pet.' tal Pct lPct.1Pct.I tal Ed. lieiler I 16 36 6 108 Frank Moats 16 38 5 109 J. \\'estercamp 17 37 6 110 Jsse Jellison 17 37 1.5 109 Geo. W. Schrup , . 17 35 1.5 107 G, Duenser 17 35 56 108 J. A. Palen 16 38 51 110 Ed. Reuter 17 35 5t -A08 J. C. Voelker 19 39 57 Ji15 Matt Doran 17 31 55 1103 Wm. Gloden Jas. Pickley 18 16 32 40 55 56 114 Jos. N. Jacobi 17 35 55 107103 H. Buckley 16 40 55 117 P. B. Hoffman18 35 54 107 Emil Kress • 15 35 54 104 L, Shebler Walter Keck FOURTH WARD. NAME. I Democratic cratic I11st 2nd1 3rd) To - Pet IPct.IPct 1 tal JohnFrantzen I48I 27I 33I 108 Arthur Maher 49 27 31 1071 T. J. Loftus 49 27 31 107 John Lagen A. F. Heeb P. J. Royce Peter Bradley .. Barney Savage Wm. Whelan Jacob Becker Jas. Lonergan C. A. Voelker ... Felix Hamel O. L. Collis H. O. Dietrich FIFTH WARD. I Democratic II Socialist NAME. list) 2ndl 3rd) 4th I To -II 1st 12nd) 3rd1 4th1 To- IPet IPct.IPct IPct.I tal I Pct.IPct. Pct.Pet 1 tal Jacob Kessler. 33 66 44 20 1631 I Wm. Fosselman 34 67 43 19 163 Peter Eisbach. G_ J. Hayes Chas. Doerr DocH.Carmody Thos. Malloy Michael Schnee) Peter Weitz1 Chas. O'Connor Edw. Firtzlaff. John Sand Micheal Adam Fred Roevell Theo. Scharle N. P. Nicks Robt. Kaufman George Hille John Gilles John Gloden Jos. Kaufman Frank Mihm W. Abitz P. Brandt Cal Smith Al Ziltrichts Frank Bauer Albert Bensch Henry Rensch.l First Prec., First Ward Second Prec., First Ward First Prec., Second Ward , . Second Prec., Second Ward First Prec., Third Ward Democratic. PRECINCT COMMITTEMEN. Socialist. Ed. Schaefle Thos. Ward Jos. Link Thos. Mulgrew Second Prec., Third Ward Third Prec., Third Ward First Free., Fourth Ward Second Free., Fourth Ward Third Prec., Fourth Ward First Prec., Fifth Ward Second Prec., Fifth Ward Third Free., Fifth Ward Fourth Prec., Fifth Ward J R. Pickley Jos. Hummel F. J. Sauer T D. Dempsey. Louis Herbst G. 13. Huekels.. P. Even F. Raevell ... J. Kruse G. J. Hayes Geo. Miller .... Peter Schmitt . E. E. McEvoy. E. Staehli ... S. Ferris S. Ferris M. McAllister . B. Vogel A. McAlleese F. Splam H. E. Fischer .. A. Miller W. Brandt B. Woodworth F. H. May L. A. Miller . 1 O. H. Lynn... Ald. Haas moved that a 1 candidates receiving the highest number of vot's, ccrtiti,'d to the City Auditor with Instructions to issue nomination certificates to Ald. Frith moved to adjourn. Carried. Including the two Aldermen -at -Large, be declared elected and said candidates. Carried. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. q ye Appri ed.. L[.rI /...' • ..1910 CMayor . Recorder Attee : b.. Regular Session, March 3, 1910 CITY COUNCIL Regular Session, March 3rd, 1910. (f)Iiicial.) Council met at 8:40 D. m, Mayor Schenk in the chair. Present --Aids. Frith, Haas, Martin, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Absent—Ald. O'Rourke. PETITIONS AND ('O,\I,\II'\ ICA - 'MONS Petition of Ellen Fitzgerald. asking that the trues nn her homestead. Lot 21, of the Subdivision of city Lot 703, be canceled 1'nr the year 191:r. she be- ing ol,l, without any means of sup- port and unnhlc to pay sane. \\;I.,. Jr, motion of Ald. Haas, referred to the Delinquent Tax Committee. Petition of E. A. 'Engler, .stating that an error had been made in special assessemnt for repairing side- walk in front of Lots 10 and 11, ''in - ley Home Add.. was, on motion of Ald. Haas, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Job Barnes, asking that he be paid the amount claimed to be due him for services rendered during January and 14 days of February, was, on motion, of Ald. Haas, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Anna Smith, asking that the assessment for taxation for year 1909 on Lot 1 in Collin's Sub., Lots 6 and 7 in Mobley's Dubuque No. 1 and Lots 1 and 2 of Sub. of Out Lots 735a, 736, 737, 719a and 718, known as Francis Kelly's Sub. of Out Lots, be reduced from $3,600 to $2,500. was. on motion of Ald. Rand, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of John Rumple and D. Cottingham, owners of Lots 4 and 5 of Lots 38 and 39, Quigley's Sub., asking that the special assesment levied against said property Decem- ber 1st, 1891, for the improvement of Grandview Avenue, be canceled, they being willing to pay assessment levied against said property for the improve- ment of Grandview Avenue in 1911s, was, on motion of Ald. hand, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Jacob J. Gantenbein et al, asking that an electric arc lamp be placed at the corner of Jansen and Fifth Avenues, was, on motion of Ald. Frith, granted and the City Electrician to be instructed to have same placed at once. Petition of Agaunico Mines Devel- opment Co., asking that they be S1 grunted I., 'mission Io run ;1 pile' line from the hack of their lo„per'ty o❑ Julien .Avenue helve, n Itooth ;II id Ne- vada Streets. ts. 10llot1ing Forest lane, six humh'ed feet west to I..t- fac- ing on Forest Lame, said pipeline to be used for the purpose of carrying compressed air for use in their min- ing operations, was, on motion of AId. Haas, rof, rred to the ('onunittee of the Whole to view the grounds. 1'etitian of Rev. Jos. A. Dupont, rector of Holy 'I'rfntity l'ens', ask- ing that the former petition press nt- e.1 by him be amended so as to in- c'lude the vacation of all of the alley 1”.1)),•,•n Ithoniber'g ion] Lincoln and Second and 'Third avenues was on motion of .\id. Haas, granted. \\'hereupon Ald. linos then offered the following; \\'hereas the Rev. Joseph A. Du- pont has petitioned the (rite council asking that that pant of the alit, v be- tween Lincoln and lihon,laa.g arc,'noes from 'third avenue to Secorlit avenue he vacated ;nal Ills in said pe- tition that he is au•tine for the Holy Trinity parish, which is the owner of all the lots and parcels,' of ground abutting on said portion of said, allay su prnpose,l to he Vaulted, therefore he it resolved by the (rite (' who'il of the (_'ity of Dubuque. That the city Engineer be and he is hereby in- structed to nuike a1 survey of such lu'opnse,I v'aeatien and tile the Saone in his office. subject to public in- spcetion and give the notice re- quired by ordinance to all owners of property abutting said ground Iwo - ( 1) I,,' vacatcrl :11111 to puhlisit tile nobs, r,•,I110(11 by ordinance of said proposed vacation. AId. Hans moved the adoption of the resolution. ('ar1'ted by the following vote: Yeas --Aids. Frith, Haas. Martin. Mand. Soul and Singrin. Nays—None. Abr eat—Ald. O'Rourke. Petition of Holsinger and Ktes, starting that they ere the purchasers of the lirtnor business of Frank l<1•ay.1', to whom consent was given to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors and asking that they be granted consent to sell and keel-, for sal,. and deal in intoxicating liquors in the ('its' of Dubuque at retail es the successor= n!DI assignees to the business of said Frank Krayer and that resolution gretiting Ihem said consent he adopted was on motion of .Ali. Singrin. granted, Following resolution was then grNted: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That consent is hereby given Ilolsinger and Kies t 82 Regular Session, March 3, 1910 as the successors and assignees to the retail liquor business of Frank Krayer, of No. 1420 Clay Street, Dubuque, Iowa, to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors and deal therein in the City of Dubuque, as provided by law. This resolution to become effective on April 1st, 1910. Adopted unanimously. Communication from the Auditor of State John L. Bleakly, presenting itemized bills of expense of auditing accounts of City of Dubuque by State Auditors F. M. Abbott and M. F. Cox, amounting to $567.29. Also presenting reports of the Auditors Mr Cox and Mr. Abbott of their exam- ination. On motion of Ald Singrin, bills and reports of State Auditors were referred to the Committee of the Whole. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Mayor Schunk presented and read the following veto on the report of the Committee of the Whole, recom- mending bill of J. Haudenschield be paid. Dubuque, Iowa, Feb. 22nd, 1910. To the Honorable Council, City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—For the reason given in my veto of the J. Haudenschield oats bill, dated February 10th, 1910, on file, and of record in the City Re- corder's office, I hereby veto the ac- tion of your honorable body adopting the Committee of the Whole report on February 17th, 1910, for a second time ordering payment of said bills. Respectfully, H. A. SCHUNK, Mayor. Ald. Frith moved that the report of the Committee of the Whole order- ing the payment of bill of Jacob Haudenschield be again adopted over the veto of the Mayor. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith, Haas, Martin, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Absient—Alel. O'Rourkei. Mayor Schunk presented receipts from Dubuque National bank for $1,953.88 paid to them for money borrowed by Committee on Finance to pay for the cost of resurfacing Couler Avenue and to pay balance due laborers on streets. On motion of AId. Haas, action of the Mayor was approved. Mayor Schunk stated that consider- able complaint was filed by the resi- dents of Elm street between 26th. and 27th streets that the C. G. W. Railroad company had blocked the entrance to their residences by plac- ing cars on tracks and using said tracks for storage purposes, on motion of Ald. Frith, the Acting Chief of Police was instructed to order the company to remove the cars. Chief of Police Pickley reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the police report for the month of February, 1910: Intoxication 27 Assault with deadly weapon 1 Assault and battery 1 Disorderly conduct 2 Disturbing the peace 2 Forgery 1 Petit larceny 2 Vagrancy 11 47 Residents arrested 10 Doors found open 17 Lodgers harbored 236 Meals furnished 17 Cost of food $3.40 Sheriff, dieting prisoners $1.68 Police court costs collected ....$12.25 Patrol runs for prisoners 31 Miles traveled .... 41 Defective lights .... 29 Respectfully submitted, JAMES R. PICKLEY, Chief of Police. On motion of AId. Martin the re- port was approved and referred to the Committee on Police and Light. City Attorney Lyon reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The undersigned to whom was referred the petition of Hugh R. Markey relative to the pay- ment of the judgment obtained by him against the City for back salary and wherein he states that no action had been taken by the legal depart- ment looking toward the perfecting of the appeal and that by reason thereof the time for perfecting the appeals in the cases had elapsed, would respectfully report that Mr. Markey has evidently been mis- informed as to the law and rules of practice in the Supreme Court. The rights of the City have been properly protected by my department and the cases will he presented to the supreme court within the time pre- scribed by the rules of said court. Respectfully submitted. GEO. T. LYON. City Attorney. On motion of Ald Rand, the report of the City Attorney was approved. Following Weighmasters' and Woodmeasurers' reports of receipts Regular Session, March 3, 1910 were presented and read, and, on mo.. tion, were received and filed: Jos. Straney, First Ward sca.le.,$3.40 C. W. Katz, scales receipts 32.50 Robt. Hay, Eighth Street scales .... ... 4.20 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Rand, chairman of the Com- mittee on Claims, reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The undersigned Com- mittee on Claims and City Attorney, to whom was referred the claim of Mrs. Anna Wisgisckle for personal in- juries sustained by a fall on Julien Avenue on the 15th. day of Decem- ber, 1909, and claiming damages in the sum of $3,500.00, would respect- fully recommend that said claim be allowed in the sum of $175.00 in full of all demands, and that a warrant be ordered drawn in said sum, in favor of the Mayor. D. W. RAND. DAN J. HAAS. JAMES SAUL, Committee on Claims. GEO. T. LYON, City Attorney. Ald. Rand moved the adoption of the report of the Committee on claims and that warrant be ordered drawn in favor of the Mayor to effect settlement of claim. Carried. Ald. Rand, chairman of the Com- mittee on Public Grounds and Build- ings, reported that the Committee had part of the floor of the Fourth Street Engine House relaid. Ald. Frith moved that action of the Com- mittee on Public Grounds and Build- ings be approved. Carried. Ald. Martin, chairman of the Com- mittee on Police and Light, stated that calaboose was in need of being repaired and moved that the Com- mittee on Public Grounds and Build- ings be instructed to have the plaster- ing in the Calaboose repaired and to have the Calaboose whitewashed and put in good condition. Carried. Ald. Frith, of the Committee of the Whole, reported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of the Union Electric Co., stating that it was necessary for it to construct a retaining wall at the west end of its car barns and abutting on Car Street at a cost of $1,247.95 and asking the City to decide what part of the cost of the construction of said wall It would bear, would respectfully recom- mend that the City pay one-fourth of the cost of said wall and that a warrant In the sum of $311.99 he 83 ordered drawn on the City Treasurer in favor of the Union Electric Co. in settlement of the claim. JOHN O'ROURKE, ChairmaAld. Frith moved the adoptionn of the report of the Committee of the Whole and that warrant be drawn as recommended. Carried. RESOLUTIONS AND MOTIONS. Alderman Frith offered the fol- lowing: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that an electric arc lamp be placed at the intersection of Kaufmann Avenue and Francis Street. The said lamp to be installed under instructions from the Alderman of the ward and the City Electrician. Ald. Frith moved that resolution be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Alderman Rand offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That the owners of the lots and pieces of ground fronting on the north side of Seminary Street between Harold and Keppler Streets be ordered to con- struct a temporary sidewalk in front of and along said premises within twenty days from the adoption of this resolution, the said walk to be of the width of four feet, constructed of plank not less than two inches thick, laid on sleepers four by four inches, to be well secured by spikes and that the cost and expense thereof be assessed to the abutting property and to the owners thereof. Ald. Rand moved the adoption of the reso1ntion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith, Haas, Martin, Rand. Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Ald. O'Rourke. Ald. Saul offered the following: Be it Resolved, That the City of Dubuque her,•hy grant to H. 'I',,•hirgi and Sons an extension of time to March 20, 1910, in whh•h to com- mence any suit or action against the City of Dubuque, for the collection of the amount due, if any. for work done on their fluff Street contract of 1909, or any damages: if any, grow- ing out of said contract. And said City of Dubuque hereby consents and agrees that in consideration of M. Tschirgi and Sons not filing suit on or before February '20th.. 1910, to waive any right it has, In law or in equity, to object to the payment of said claim or damages, if there be any, on account of the failure of M. Tschirgi and Cons to commence any d;, 84 Regular Session, March 3, 1910 suit or action they may have, before March 20th., 1910. Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith, Haas, Martin, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Absent—Ald. O'Rourke. Ald. Saul moved that the O'Farrell Contracting company be allowed 2-3 of the amount of their bill for im- proving Althauser Avenue, and war- rant be ordered drawn in favor of the &Farrell Contracting company in said amount. Carried. Ald. Martin moved to adjourn to Thursday evening, March 17th., 1910. Carried. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. Adjourned Regular Session, March 18, 1910 CITY COUNCIL Regular Session, March 17th, 1910. (Official.) Mayor Schunk in the chair. Council met at 8:00 p. m. Present -None. Absent -Aids. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. In the absence of a quorum the Mayor declared the meeting adjourn- ed to Friday evening, March 18th, 1910. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. 85 CITY COUNCIL Adjourned Regular Session, March 18th, 1910. Council met at 9:05 p. m. Mayor ~chunk in the chair. Present -Aldo. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Absent -None. Mayor Schunk stated that the meeting was an adjourned meeting of the regular s,;ssion of March 17th, 1910, and was called to take up and consider all matters which may prop- erly come before a regular session of the city Council. Ald. Frith then moved that the Council proceedings or the month of February, 1910, be approved as print- ed. Carried. Mayor Schunk stated that action on the approval of the Council pro- ceedings for the month of February, 1910, was deferred to this session of the Council. BILLS. The following bills were approved and were, on motion, ordered paid by the following vote: Yeas -Aids. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke. land. Saul and Singrin. Nays -None. Toni l:nrk,. 7.96 cu. yds. ma- cadam. Southern Ave $ 7.96 Mike Cain, 10::.06 cu. yds. ma- cadam, Southern Ave 101.06 John Coyne, 11.110 cu. yds macadam, Southern Ave11.00 James Campbell, 13.60 cu. yds macadam, Southern Ave13.60 Al. Doty, 156.17 cu. yds. ma- cadam, Dodge Street... 156.17 F. De Fountain, 9.54 on. yds macadam, Southern Ave9.54 Jas. T. Duggan, 15.,x5 cu. yds macadam. Southern Ave.... 15.65 F. De Fountains, 17.''' eu. yds. macadam. \';111,,y Stre t 17.00 N,,rt. Zengel. .1 a sit. yds. macadam St \lary's Streit 53.10 John Dugg:ut. ; a u. yds. nmetol>nn. St. M;u'y', Street 33.34 Tom Dillon. 1, sit. yds, nut- cadam, Southern .Acs Tom Fennedy. 5.61 en. yds macadam. Soul !tern Ave5.61 Mike Nichols. 4741. cu. yds macadam. Quince Street47.00 Pat Ryan. 59.75 sn. yds. ma- cadam. Dodge Street 59.72 Wm. Woods, 46.95 cu. yds macadam, Southern Ace46.95 Wm. Walker, 39.30 eu. yds macadam, Valley Street39.30 Jos. Brouilette. 36.72 cu. yds macadam, Hill Street 27.54 4.80 86 Adjourned Regular Session, March 18, 1910 Mike Donnegan, 22.34 cu. yds. macadam, Hill Street B. Glass, 10.00 cu. yds cadam, Hill Street Mike Lavin, 5.5 cu. yds. ma- cadam, Hill Street Thos. Malloy, 3.38 cu. yds macadam, City Pound Jas. Malloy, 8.92 cu. yds. ma- cadam, City Pound Edw. Malloy, 9.68 cu. yds. ma- cadam, City Pound Pat. O'Farrell, 18.08 cu. yds macadam, City Pound F. H. Slade, 6.26 cu. yds. ma- cadam, City Pound Gus Schultz, 10.51 cu. yds macadam, City Pound L. Wackenheim, 13.44 cu. yds macadam, City Pound Mrs. Heck, 1.5 cu. yds. ma- cadam, Robinson Ave Matt. Kiefer, 58.44 cu. yds macadam, W. Locust St Jas. Martinique, 21.01 cu. yds macadam, Rosedale Ave Chas. O'Neil, 47.30 cu. yds macadam, Robinson Ave John Becker, 144.43 cu. yds madacadm, Becker's quarry.1 Thos. Barry, 47.70 cu. yds. ma- cadam, Thomas Place John Ess, 42.49 cu. yds. maca- dam, Valeria Street Andrew Dietl, 3.64 cu. yds macadam, Kaufman Ave Dave Frommelt, 43.90 cu. yds macadam, Thomas Place Max Helmer, 41.68 cu. yds macadam, 30th and 31st St Jos. Haupert, 90.67 cu. yds macadam, Valeria Street Peter Jacobs, 67.56 cu. yds macadam, Thomas Place John Koehler, 15.07 cu. yds macadam, Kane Street Wm. Rusch, 24.91 cu. yds. macadam, Kane St F. Lassance, 52.06 cu. yds macadam, 28th St Herman Nicks, 36.93 cuyds. macadam, Valeria Street... Andrew Luck, 6.00 cu. yds, macadam, Kaufman Ave... Peter Mihm, 3.70 cu. yds. ma- cadam, Kaufman Ave Andrew Mertz, 8.78 cu. yds macadam, Emsley's Lane Albert Schnee, 51.08 cu. yds macadam, Kaufman Ave Anton We}u, 44.41 cu. yds macaadm, Valeria Street Mr. Ginter, 59.88 cu. yds. ma- cadam, Emsley's Lane Herman J. Weber, 43.10 cu yds. macadam, 28th Street Henry Young, 7.67 cu, yds macadam, Adams Ave Union Printing Co., printing, Auditor's Office Key City Rubber Stamping Works, 'dog tags and team ma - licenses 35.50 16.76 Spahn-Rose Lumber Co., lum- ber for repairs, City Hall 7.50 Geo. Masters, supplies for var- ious departments 4.13 J. J. Dunn, serving subpoenas in city cases 4.50 2.54 Judges and Clerks serving at Primary Election 714.00 6.69 Rent of Buildings for use at Primary Election 100.00 7.26 Western Union Telegraph Co, rent of clock, Treasurer's 13.56 Office 1.00 C. E. Fitzpatrick Co., station - 4.70 ery for Assessor's and Audi- tor's Offices 1.85 7.88 Iowa Telephone Co., telephone service .... 12.75 10.08 Mullen Bros., plumbing re- pairs, various departments26.75 1.50 Mrs. H. Koenig, cleaning and filling lamps for use at Pri- 58.44 mary Election 1.00 Mrs. Henge, cleaning and fill - 21.01 ing lamps for use at Pri- mary Election 1.00 47.30 Nutwood Livery Co., use of ambulance ... 2.00 44.43 J. W. Wittmer, supplies for Police Department 2.20 47.70 Peter Even, coal for Fire De- partment 33.46 42.49 Phil Doerr & Co., coal for Po- lice Department 36.33 3.64 P. Linehan & Sons, wood for various departments 13.00 43.90 Tom Connell, sawing and car- rying in two cords wood, 41.68 City Hall 2.50 Jas. Haggerty, repairing stove 90.67 at Patrol House 3.00 Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies 67.56 for Police Departrnent. .50 Peter Lang, hardware supplies 15 07 for various departments10.30 Frank Beutin, coal for Fire 24.91 Department .... 16.13 Clancy Transfer Co., coal for 52.06 Fire Department 19.70 Conlin & Kearns Co., coal for 36.93 Fire Department .... 29.10 Dubuque Lumber Co., lumber 6.00 for Fire Department 14.95 Matt. Stafford, feed for Fire 3.70 Department .... 110.75 Geo. Ragatz & Sons, repairs 8.78 for Fire Department 2.23 Smedley Steam Pump Co., re - 51.08 pairs for Fire Department.50 John F. Teal, repairing floor 44.41 for Fire Department 60.83 J. W. Wittmer, supplies for 59.88 Fire Department .... 3.50 Key City Gas Co., coke for 43.10 Steam Roller 33.90 John Becker, coal for Steam 7.67 Roller 2.00 Clancy Transfer Co., coal for 6.50 Steam Roller 5.73 F. A. Burns, coal for Steam Roller . 15.98 1.6E .95 Adjourned Regular Session, March 18, 1910 H. J. Hagerty, Veterinary ser- vice Road horses Phil Heller, horseshoeing Road horses City Water Works, water used through W. O. Wright's meter for use of stone crusher, 17th Street.... P. Hanson, oil for Steam Rol- ler Klauer & Kress, supplies for Roa,i Department ......... G. F. Kleih, supplies for Road Department N. J. Staner, cinders for Road Department .. ..... Linehan & Molo, cement and sewer pipe for Road De- partment 26.20 Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs, Steam Roller L. J. Schmitt. supplies for Road Department Paul Schlenker, supplies for Road Department .... Geo. Bock, repairs for Road Department .... 6.70 John Butt, repairs for Road Department 2.25 Key City Iron Works, supplies for Road Department .. .40 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Road Department 2.95 .1. W. Wittmer, supplies for Road Department ... 6.40 F. C. Keesecker. supplies for Road Department ... 2.25 Eichhorn & Bechtel, oil for Road Department .85 W. D. Deckert Co., supplies for Road Department 14.54 Street and Steuck, balance due grading West 4th St. 80.00 H. Corrance, oil for Road De- partment .... .... 1.20 F. Schloz and Son, repairs for Road Department . John Butt, repairs for Road Department ... H. J. Haggerty, veterinary ser- vice for Road Department horses ..... Standard Oil Co., oil for fire and Road Department W. K. Brown, supplies for Road Department ... 2.05 John Heim, brick for Road Department .... 12.00 Duggan & Cota, rails for Road Department .... .... ... . Ellwanger Bros., supplies and repairs for Road Depart- ment ..... G. F. Kleih, supplies and re- pairs for Road Department. 3.45 Wunderlich & Wiederholt, shoeing carpenter horse 1.00 F. M. Jaeger & Co., supplies for Mt. Carmel 20.35 Martin & Strelau, salt for sprinkling sidewalks .. 10.00 Spahn-Rose Lbr. Co., lumber 1.60 3.00 5.08 .65 7.45 .40 1.80 1.86 .50 .65 1.15 1.10 1.60 6.98 for repairing sidewalks Eichhorn & Bechtel, oil for Sewer Department John Linehan, collecting dead animals during February 18.00 87 9.44 .85 Pill of N. J. Staner, amounting $112.20, for eonstt'ucthig cement si Walk on south side of Ninth street tween Clay and Whit. streets, ah ting City Lot 279. was on motion Ald. Singrin ordered paid from sale bonds for said improvement. to de- he- nt- of of Following bills were not approved and were on motimi referred to the Committee on Streets: Indiana Ron(' Milehine Co., street stteeper ... $280.00 Eagle Point Lime Works. :; per cont. retained on Windsor ave- nue contract 174.12 Following bills were referred Committee on Fire: Phil Doerr & Co., coal for Fire Dept. ... Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co. $17.!15 life net for Fire Dept 95 01 to Following bills were referred to Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings: Mullin Bros., contract putting in stop $6.01 :1lullin Bros.. repairing stop and waste 2 SO Bill of Eagle Point Line Works, amounting to $759.00, balance due on covering Bee Branch sewer, north of Sixteenth street, was on motion re- ferred to the City Attorney to report to the Committee of the Whole. PETITIONS AND CC1MMUNI_ TIONS. Petition of Maria Sunpnlan, asking that the assessment on her property, south 1-2 of City Lot 166, for year 1901, he reduced from $4,500.00 to $4,000.00, stating that said assessment is exces- sive, was on motion of Ald. Frith re- fered to the Committee of the Aehol,,. Petition of A. Wunderlich, asking that the City Treasurer he instructed to refund him $5.00 paid by him nn ac - 4.70 count of erroneous assessment, was on motion of Ald. Haas, referred to the Committee of the Whole and the City Assessor. .60 Petition of Dave Petry, stating that he has purchased the retail liquor bus- iness of John Petry, to whom has been granted consent to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors, and asking that the resolution of consent heretofore granted be renewed to him, was on motion of Ald. Singrin granted. 88 Adjourned Regular Session, March 18, 1910 Following resolution was then of- fered: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, That the consent formerly granted to John Petry to sell and keep for sale intoxi- cating liquors and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by law, the said business having been sold and transferred to Dave Petry, consent is hereby given to said Dave Petry to sell and keep for sale intox- icating liquors and deal therein in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by law. Adopted unanimously. Petition of Fred Knockle, stating that he has purchased the liquor bus- iness of Roy Fries at the N. E. corner of Twenty-fourth street and Couler avenue to become effective April 1st, 1910, and asking that the Council grant him consent to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors in the City of Du- buque, as the successor and assignee to the business of said Roy Fries, that resolution granting said consent be adopted, was on motion of Aid. Haas granted. Following resolution was then of- fered: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That consent is hereby given Fred Knockle, as the u cessor and assignee to the retail liquor business of Roy Fries on Twen- ty-fourth street and Couler avenue Pubic ie, 1,,0 a. la sell and keep for L tea ntiu lienors and deal therein. in the City of Dubuque, as iirovidcd by law. This resolution to become effective on April 1, 1910. Ad opted unanimously. Petition of Elizabeth Longueville, asking that the City Treasurer be in- structed to accept 25 per cent of the special assessfnent levied against Lots 93 and 44, in Althauser's subdivision of Lott of 1 and part 1 of 1 of Mineral Lot 474. in 1597, for the improvement of Middle and Eagle streets, was on motion of Ald. Frith refered to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of J. H. Spencer, et al, ask- ing that an are lamp he placed on Pickett street at the top of the steps leading from West Fourteenth street to Pickett street, was on motion of Ald. Rand referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Jacob Mehl, asking that the City Treasurer be instructed to ac- cept $250.00 in full settlement of special assessment levied against his property for the improvement of Grandview avenue, was on motion of Ald. Saul referred to the Committee of the Whole to view the grounds. Petition of C. H. Fischer, asking that the City Treasurer be instructed to accept $5.00 in full settlement of special assessment levied against Ja- cob Rheinfranck, in 1593, for improve- ment of Broadway extension, was o:t motion of Ald. Haas referred to the ('ity Attorney and City Engineer t-, report to the Committee of the \\'hole. Petition of Ma .rice Brown, et al asking that the sanitary sewer hi Seminary street he extended from Madison street to a point about 550 feet hest thereof, was on motion i,f Ald. Singrin granted and proper reso- lutions be adopted. Petition of St. Mark's Luther,iii church. for permission to lay a six- foot sidewalk on Twelfth street. h.. tween Locust and Bluff streets: alto that they be granted permission of extending the sill course of their pro- posed building three inches on the Twelfth street side of their lot iiia was on motion of Ald. ('Rourke granted. Petition of Val J. Lobstein. et 11 that an electric arc Is.mp he placed the corner of Harot,' and Leibuq. street, was on motion of Ald. Rand re- ferred to the Committee of the Whole Petition of Edward Carney, et al asking that the sanitary sewer be ex- tended in Cooler avenue in front of their property, Lots 14, 16 and 1f, John King's first addition, was on mo- tion of Aid. Frith granted and City Engineer to prepare proper plans an I specifications for same. Petition of J. W. Newburg. et al asking that cement sidewalk four feet wide be ordered laid on the east side of Fremont avenue, from a point opposite the north line of Coates ave- nue to Grandview avenue, said walk to be laid six feet between the outside line of sidewalk and the outside edge of the curb line was on motion of Ali Martin granted. Petition of J. F. Van Vors, asking that the stairway on the south side of Lot 15, Fairview subdivision, be moved to the south line of said lot, so that he can lay a sidewalk, was on motio.i of Ald. Rand referred to the Commit• tee of the Whole to view the grounds 'Petition of Dubuque Lumber Co., et al, asking that Lincoln avenue from Fourth avenue to Ninth avenue, be graded, was on motion of Ald. Frith granted, and the City Engineer to be instructed to prepare plans and specifications for improving said streets. Adjourned Regular Session, March 18, 1910 89 Claim of Ralph B. Luckey for $3,000.00 damages for personal in- juries, claimed to have been sustained by falling on an icy sidewalk, was on motion of Aid. Haas referred to the Committee on Claims and City Attor- ney. Original Notice in the District Court of the suit of Helen M. May for $3,500.00 damages for injuries claimed to have been sustained, was on motion of Aid. Haas referred to the City At- torney. Original Notice in the District Court of the suit of Myrtle Moore against the city for $5,000.00 damages for in- juries claimed to have been sustained, was on motion of Ald. Haas referred to the City Attorney. Claim of Mary Dobmeyer, for $7,500.00 damages for personal injuries claimed to have hen sustained by fall- ing on the street crossing at Thir- teenth and Clay street, was on motion of Ald. Singrin referred to the Com- mittee on Claims and City Attorney. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Auditor Lyons reported as fol • lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Herewith find my re port for the month of February, 1910 showing the receipts and disburse- ments for the month: Receipts— Cash on hand February 1, 1910 $60,871.16 Receipts from all sources ,,.. 83,434.84 Total $144,306.00 Disbursements— Warrants redeemed $55 666.11 Improvement bonds re- deemed 1,021.52 Improvement bond coupons redeemed 127.50 Regular bond coupons re- deemed 7.529 88 Total $64,345.10 Balance March 1st, 1910 $79,960.91 The above cash balance includes im- provement bond fund, improvement bond interest fund and library fund balances. Water Works Account— Water Works, balance Febru- ary 1st, 1910 $17,604.08 Deposited with City Treasurer during February 4,676.37 Total $22,280.40 Orders Drawn on City Treas- urer during February Balance March 1, 1910 3,120.16 $19,ltin._9 Excavation Permit Account— Balance February 1st, 1910 ..............2() Balance March 1st, 1910 Also the following is a record of ,11 interest coupons, bonds and sidewnl certificates redeemed by the Cif y Treasurer daring the hast month and credited to him: Regular bond coupons 87,529.8.3 Improvement bond coupons127.10 improvement bonds 1,021.52 Total $8,678.0 Also the following list shows the appropriations and the amount of warrants drawn on each flied since the beginning of the fiscal year, be- ginning March 1st, 1909, to March 1, 1910: A.ppropriation Expended Expense .. .... $40,000.00 $39,692.71 Road— First District .. 6,225.82 Second District . 15,011.04 Third District .. 8,859.42 Fourth District . 10,750.58 Fifth District .. Fire .... ..... Police .... .... Sewerage .. .. . Printing .. . .. . Street Lighting . Interest .. .... Board of Health Grading .. .... Special Bonded Paving .. 4,000.00 Special Bonded Debt and In- terest .. . . Mt. Carmel Ave- nue Grading . 2,500.00 Sidewalk Repair- ing.... ..... Bluff Street ex- tension Improvement of Windsor Ave - 8,275.14 49,00().1111 35.000.00 2,61111,1111 7,1111111111 I0,11011.0o 7,000.00 4,000.00 4,500.00 1,000.00 500.00 1.000.00 6,225.24 14,998.69 8,820.57 10,746.64 8,270.74 47,107.08 34,411.03 5.774.95 2.64L85 21, 071.25 35,304.60 6,512.91 3,987.91 4,090.00 4,500.00 2,417.75 986.61 492.66 1,000.00 Bee Branch Sew- er. Third Ward 2.500.00 1,921.33 Bee Branch Sew- er in Wash- ington Street Improvement of Grandview Avenue Eagle Point Parte Judgment .. Opening of Louisa Street.. 1,100.00 1,100.00 Clay Street Im- provement ... 2,000.00 1,619.49 West Locust St. Storm Sewer . 2,000.00 1,99 7.55 Kauffman Avenue Improvement.. 1.000.00 587.65 6,000.00 3,918.92 3,000.00 1.427.24 3,000.00 2,920.66 2,200.00 2,133 90 90 Adjourned Regular Session, March 18, 1910 Thirty-second St. Storm Sewer Heeb Street .... 1,000.00 999.61 300.00 277.65 Total .. ...$29 7,522.00 Respectfully, M. E. LYONS, Auditor. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke the re- port was approved and referred to the Committee on Finace. Street Commissioner Mahoney re- ported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the pay roll for labor on Streets in the several Road districts during the first half of March, 1910: Amt. due laborers on streets..$1,091.45 Approved by Committee on Streets. Also submit the pay ^oll for labor on sewers during the first half of March, 1910: Amt. due laborers on sewers....$294.60 Approved by Committee on Sewers. Respectfully submitted, JOHN MAHONY, Street Commissioner. On motion of Alds. Saul and Singrin the pay rolls on streets and sewers were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts and the pay rolls referred back to the proper committees. Street Commissioner Mahony also reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The undersigned, to whom was referred the matter of in- vestigating the condition of Pleasant Street. with a view to determining whether or not the grading of said street is in accordance with the plans and specifications, would respectfully report that I find said grading has been completed and that the sidewalks have been graded clown their full width. Yours respectfully, JOHN MAHONY, Street Commissioner. On motion of Ald. Frith, report of the Street Commissioner was approved and warrant ordered drawn in favor of P. Eisbach to pay the balance due' said contractor. Street Commissioner Mahoney also reported as follows: Dubuque. Iowa. March 18, 1910. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: Attached hereto please find the receipts of the City Treasurer for money collected by me and paid into the City Treasury: February 3 $10.50 February 17 February 28 March 14 11.00 5.00 7.u0 Total $33.50 The foregoing was received from the trimming of trees. I also received and turned into the City Treasury the following sums, i'or which please find receipts attached: For Rock furnished Mr. Barrett .$18.00 For Rock furnished L. Smith29.95 For filling on Bennett Street 3.50 Total $10.75 Grand Total $84.25 Respectfully snlunittcd, JOHN MAHONEY, Acting Street Commissioner. On motion of Ald. Saul. report of Street Commissioner Mahoney was ap- proved and ordered received and filed. City Engineer Ilg presented certified copies of notices served on Al. Rhom- berg and Norma Jungels, owners of property abutting on alley between Rhomberg and Lincoln Avenues and Second and Third Avenues, notifyiog said property owners of the Council':3 intention to vacate said allay. No re- monstrance being filed and no one in the room objecting to same, on mo- tion of Ald. Frith, the notice was re- ceived and filed. City Engineer Iig also presented certified copy of notice served on A. Y. McDonald, Morrison Mfg. Co., no- tifying them of the proposed opening of Cedar Street between Twelfth and Thirteenth Streets. On motion of Ald. Frith, the notice was referred to the Committee of thy Whole to view the grounds. City Engineer Ilg also reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I would respectfully re- port that I have examined the side- walk constructed by N. J. Stoner, contractor, on the south side of Ninth Street between Clay and White Streets, abutting City Lot 279, owned by Barbara Isborn. and would recom- mend that said sidewalk be accepted. PAUL ILG, City Engineer. On motion of Ald. Singrin, report was approved and the City Engineer to be instructed to prepare special as- sessments against said property. Sidewalk Inspector Lynch reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The petition of Mrs. Kate Rooney, owner of Lot 39. L. H. Langworthy's Add.. which was re- Adjourned Regular Session, March 18, 1910 ferred to me for investigation. would respectfully report that I have inves- tigated same and find that snow was removed from property of said peti- tioner in accordance with the City Or- dinance. Yours respectfully, JAMES LYNCH, Sidewalk Inspector. On motion of Ald. Frith, report was approved and petition received and filed. Sidewalk Inspector Lynch also re- ported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The petition of St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Church, which was referred to ole, would say that said work was dont in accord- anve to the City Ordinance. but that T have them charged for more thenr '.n. instead of 280 feet of City it should have been 1:10 feet at a•, $3.00, and I would most respectfully recommend that the Treasurer be in- Htructed to correct said assessment. Yours respectfully, JAMES LYNCH. Sidewalk Inspector. On motion of Ald. Haas, report of Sidewalk Inspector was approved and Treasurer to be instructed to correct the special assessment. Sidewalk inspector Lynch also re- ported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor Council: Gentlemen: I would ask that you order the assessment for cleaning snow from S. W. 1-2 of Lot 87, Mc- Craney's Add., levied against Jacob Meuer, be canceled. as the same was erroneous; also special assessment levied against Lots 6, 7, 8 and 9. Railroad Add., amounting to $1.20, be canceled, as same belong to the City of Dubuque and not to the C., M. & St. P. R. R. Co. Yours respectfully, JAMES LYNCH, Sidewalk Inspector. On motion of Aid. Haas, the report was approved and the Treasurer to be instructed to cancel assessments. and City City Recorder Linehan presented and read the certified copy of the notice of the Council's intention to vacate the alley between •Rhomberg and Lincoln avenues, from Third avenue southerly to the northerly lines of Lots 433 and 462 in Ham's Add. No remonstrance being filed and no one in the room objecting to the vacation of said alley, the notice was, on motion of Ald. Haas, received and flied. 91 City Recorder Linehan also pre- sented and readhe notice of the Council's certified ten of the Council's intention to open up Cedar street, from Twelfth to Thirteenth streets, on motion of Ald. Frith, the notice was received and filed, and matter ut opening said street was referred to the Committee of the Whole to view the grounds. Following communication from 13oard of Water Works Trustees was read and on motion of Ald. Frith was l'''iei'rA to the Committee of the Whole: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:—I desire herewith to inform you that the board has voted not to grant the prayer of the petition of residents on Queen street, asking for the extension of the water main in said street, from Edward street to Pfotzer street, the amount of revenue guaranteed by signers being insuf- ficient under the rules of the depart- ment. Respectfully yours, CHAS. SASS, Secreta ry. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Saul, of the Committee on Streets, reported as follows: Your Committee on Streets would respectfully report that we have ex- aminer' the improvement on :AIthauis- er Avenue. from Stafford Avenue to Edison Street. the O'Farrell con- tracting ('o., contractors. and would respectfully recommend that said work be accepted. Also your Committee on Streets would respectfully report that we have examined the improvement on West Locust. Street, from Hodgdon Avenue to Alta Vista Street, James Lee & Son, contractors, and would recommend that said work he ac- cepted and that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare a special as- sessment against the lots or parcels of real estate subject to assessment for said improvement and filo the same in the office of the City Re- corder, who will thereupon publish the notice required by ordinance, Also your Committee on Streets would respectfully report that we have examined the improvement on Twenty-seventh Street, from Jack- son Street to the railroad tracks. Wilmer Cook, contractor, and would recommend that said work be accept- ed and that the City Engineer be in- structed to prepare a special assess- ment against the lots or parcels of real estate subject to assessment for said improvement and file the same in the office of the City Recorder, 92 Adjourned Regular Session, March 18, 1910 who will thereupon publish the no- tice of said assessment as required by ordinance. Also your Committee on Streets would respectfully report that we have examined the concrete culvert in the alley between Jackson Street and Couler Avenue, and a'so the concrete culvert in the alley between Couler Avenue and Lemon street, both culverts be- ing in Bee Branch creek, north of Thirty-second Street, constructed by N. J. Staner. and would recommend • that the same be accepted. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. All. Saul moved the adoption of the various reports of the Committee on Streets and that warrants be or- dered drawn to pay balance due con- tractors for improving Althauser Avenue: also for grading Twenty- seventh Street and West Locust Street: also for constructing culverts across alleys between Jackson Street and Couler Avenue and Couler Ave- nue and Lemon Street. Carried. Ald. Frith. chairman of the Com- mittee on Fire. reported as follows: Your Committee on Fire, to whom was referred the matter of purchas- ing leather hats and a life saving net for the Fire Department, would re- spectfully report that we purchased forty-three hats at $4.10 each, net, and one ten -foot life saying net for $100.00, less 5 per cent discount, from the Dubuque Rubber and Belting Company. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. Ald. Frith moved the adoption of - the report of the Committee on Fire. Carried. Ald. Rand, chairman of the Com- mittee on Public Grounds and Build- ings, presented plans for hose drying tower to be erected at Fourth Street Engine House. On motion of Ald. Saul plans were referred to the Committee of the Whole. Ald. Haas, chairman of the Commit- tee on Delinquent Taxes, reported as follows: Your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the pe- tition of James A. Hayes, asking that the taxes on Lot 3 of the Sub. of City Lot 600, and also Lot 2 of 2 of the same Sub., with interest paid thereon for the years 1907 and 1908, be refunded him because said lots were transferred to the Independent School District during the year 1907, and therefore not assessable, would respectfully report that we find that said transfer was made on December 31st, 1907, as shown by the records in the office of the County Recorder. We do not, there- fore, deem petitioner entitled to a re• fund for the year 1907, but would re- spectfully recommend that the taxes and interest paid on said lots for the year 1908, amounting to $10.81. be re- funded him, and that a warrant in said sum be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer in settlement of the claim. Also, your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the peti- tion of D. W. Cleaveland, an honorably discharged soldier of the War of the Rebellion, stating that he is the own- er. of Lot 1 or 3 of the Sub. of Mineral Lot 91 and and the north 10 feet of Lot 1 in Jones' Sub., and that the actu:d value of the above described property does not exceed $5,000.00, and asking. therefore that he he allowed the ex- emption of $800.00 for the year 19090,1 the assessed valuation of said proper- tv as provided by law, would respect- fully recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the Treasurer be instructed accordingly. Also, your Cammi e in Delinquent Taxes, to whom as r l'erred the pe. tition of Albert -Earl Leger. a minor. and Emma Jaeger. is mother ;uid guardian, by J. P. 'rantzen, their at- torney, stating at Albert Earl Jaeg- er is the sole 1 it to the real estate of A. F. Jaeger and Sarah Jaeger, de- ceased, and asking on account of the revenue from said real estate (en which is a mortgage for $4,000.00) beim:; their only means of support, that the interest on the taxes for the year 1911; be canceled, would respectfully recom- mend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the Treasurer be instructed to cancel the interest on the taxes assessed against the south 22 10-12 feet of the north 1-2 of the east 110 feet of City Lot 608, Lots 5. 8, 7 and 8 of the Sub. of Lots 138, 140 ,Ind 142. L. H. Langworthy's Add., and Lot 1 of Sub. 10, of Lots 138, 140 and 142. I.. H. Langworthy's Add., for the year 1908. Also, your Committe on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the peti- tion of Michael Melchoir, stating th:rt his assessment on Lots 1 and 2. i Kingman's Sub., had been raised le: the Assessor from $1,000.00 to $1,100.000. which latter valuation he considers excessive, and asking that the same he reduced, would respectfully state that the Deputy Assessor for the district in which said lots are located repos'' that the valuation as fixed by bin' in proportion with all other proper! • in that vicinity. We would, therefor'. recommend that said petition he r- ceived and filed. Adjourned Regular Session, March 18, 1910 93 Also, your •Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the peti- tion of Philip Waits, an honorably dis• charged soldier of the War of the Re- bellion, stating that he is the owner of the south 11 and 4-5 feet of Lot 85 and Lot 1 of the Sub. of Lot 86 in L. H. Langworthy's Add., the actual value of which does not exceed $5,000.- 000, and asking. therefore that he be allowed exemption from taxation t the extent of $800.00 on said propere,• as provided by law. would respectful - iv recommend that the prayer of the titioner be granted and that the city Assessor he instructed to allow said exemption on his books for the year 1910. Also, your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was refererd the peti- tion of Henry Riker, stating that he is assessed $2,000.00 on City Lot 09, and that he is offering said lot for sale for $1,500.00, and asking, therefore, that said assessment be reduced to thi? latter figure, would respectfully rec- ommend that the prayer of the peti- tioner be granted and that the City Treasurer be instructed to accept the taxes for the year 1909 on said lot on a basis of $1,500.00. Also, your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the peti- tion of Frank M. South. an honorably discharged soldier of the War of the Rebellion, stating that he is the owner of Lots 17 and 16, in G. W. Rogers' Sub., the actual value of which does not exceed $5.000.00, and asking, there- fore, that he be allowed exemptio,i from taxation to the extent of $800.00 on his said property as provided by law, would respectfnlly recommend that the prayer of the petitioner he granted and that the City Treasurer be instructed accordingly. DAN J. HAAS, Chairman. Ald. Haas moved the adoption of the reports of the Committee on De- linquent Taxes. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke, chairman of the Committee of the Whole, reported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Job. Barnes. Engineer on the Fire Department, asking that he be al- lowed his salary for all the month of January and the first half of Feb- ruary. 1910, would respectfully rec- ommend that on account of the ill- ness which caused him to lose this time having been caused by an In- jury received by him in the line of duty, the prayer of the petitioner he granted and that a warrant in the sum of $123.75 be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer in settlement of the claim. Also your Committee of the \\'hole would respectfully recommend that special assessment for the brick pav- ing of First Street, from Main to Iowat Streets and Iowa Street, from First to Second Streets, as re -arrang- ed by the city :Attorney, be approved and that the City Treasurer be in- structed to collect said special as- sessment. without interest, from the t'.. •\l• ,t St. P. R. R. Co., the I. C. I:. R. Co and from the owners of city Lot 528. Also your Committee of the Whole would respectfully report that we have ordered one carload of tarvia for delivery April 1st, at a cost of $4.5n per bbl., fob. Dubuque, for use on Althauser Avenue and such other places in the Third and Fifth wards as their respective aldermen may de- termine. Also your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the City Engineer In instructed to notify the Eagle Point Lime Works, contractors for rooting the Bee Branch sewer in alley west of the Dubuque Packing (n.'.s plant, to forthwith remove, preparatory to proceeding with the re-covering of the some, all debris in said sewer caused by the recent collapse of its roof. Also your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the city Attorney he instruete I to prepare an opinion and submit same to the Committee of the Whole at its next meeting as to the liability of the contractor on the Bee Branch server, north o1' Sixteenth Street. as to the liability of said contractor for re- covering that portion of the work which recently callal'se1. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of ('arr. Rider Adams Co., asking far t,ermissien to curry stet'm and cyc tom' Pipes from its n"w power house between Ninth and Tenth Streets on Jackson Street. neer the street to the main engine and also to carry return pip's underground be- tween the sane two buildings, would respectfully reeonnneud that the prayer of the Petitioner be granted, the said work to be done under the supervision of the Chairman on Streets. We further recommend that the Ordinance Committee and City At- torney be instructed to Prepare an ordinanee confirming the rights here- in granted and safeguarding the in- terests of the City in the matter. 94 Adjourned Regular Session, March 18, 1910 Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the communi- cation of T. F. Kane, the lowest bid- der on hay and oats to be furnished the City during the year 1910, in - closing a signed form of contract dif- ferent from that prepared by the City Attorney and asking that the Mayor be authorized to sign the same in be- half of the City, would respectfully recommend that said communication be received and filed. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the remon- strance of F. L. M. Luchterhand, et al, against the proposed sanitary sewer in Henry Street, would re- spectfully recommend that said re- monstrance be received and filed. JOHN O'ROURKE, Chairman. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adopt:on of the various reports of the Com- mitee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke, chairman of the Committee of the Whole, also re- ported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the $25.00 guarantee deposited by T. F. Kane with the City Recorder, be returned to him. JOHN O'ROURKE, Chairman. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the report of the Committee of the Whole. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Haas, Martin, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—Ald. Frith Aid. Rand reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:—Your Special Commit- tee, Aid. Rand, to whom was refer- red the petition of C. H. Voelker, in regard to right of way over the lot of Mrs. Starr for widening Irving Ave- nue, would report that the owner asks two hundred dollars for said right of way. Respectfully submitted, D. W. RAND. Ald. Rand moved that the report be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. RESOLUTIONS AND MOTIONS. Alderman Martin offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That an electric lamp be placed on Grand- view Avenue, about midway between the lamp now located at the inter- section of South Dodge Street and the lamp first southerly thereof, and that the City Recorder be instructed to notify the Union Electric Company to comply with this resolution with- out delay. Ald. Martin moved that the reso- lution be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Aid. Rand offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of Dubuque, Iowa, That the owner or the lots or pieces of ground fronting on the north side of Seminary Street, between Harold and Keppler Streets, be orderod to construct a temporary sidewalk in front of or along Lots 3, 4, 5, and the easterly 27 feet of Lot 6 in Littleton and Sawyer's Addition within 20 days from the adoption of this resolution; said walk to be the width of four feet, constructed r.f plank not less than two inches thick. laid on sleepers four by four inches and to be well secured by spikes. Be it Further Resolved. That in case of the failure or neglect of the owner or owners of said property to comply with the terms of this resolu- tion within the time specified, that the City of Dubuque do said work and assess the cost and expense thereof against the abutting property and the owners thereof. Ald. Rand moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith, Haas, Alai -tin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays --None. Alderman Frith offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to construct a sanitary sewer in Cottle] Avenue, as follows, to wit: An cight- inch tile pipe sanitary sewer, from the present manhole at the intersec- tion of Twenty-fifth Street to the north line of Lot 1 of 1 of 2 of 1 of Lot 18 in John King's First Addition, and to assess the cost of said sewer against the abutting property. Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Ald. Frith also offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat and spec- ifications for an eight -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Couler Avenue, from the present manhole at Twenty- fifth Street to the north line of Lot 1 of 1 of 2 of 1 of Lot 18 in John King's First Addition, showing the locations and general nature of such Adjourned Regular Session, March 1S, 1910 improvement, the extent there of. the size and kind of material to be used, and to prepare an estimate of the cost thereof and the amount asses> - able upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting thereon per front feet or square feet in area. ;end to file such plat, specifications and estimate in the office of City Re- corder. That after such plat is so filed, the City Recorder shall cause to be pub- lished notice of the intention of the Council to make such improvement, which notice shall be CIII.! Is tell in three consecutive issues of the of- ficial paper of the City of Dubuque. stating that such plat is on tile, and generally the nature of the sewer its location, sire and kinds of material to be used, and the e stimiete of it. - cost, and fixing the time before which objections thereto can be filed, which time shall not be less than five clays after the last publication of said no- tice, and after the completion of the publication of such notice, he shall at its next session, notify the Council thereof in writing with a printed . copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. Frith moved *he adoption of the resolution: Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith. Haas, Martin. O'Rourke, Rand. Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Ald. O'Rourke stated that some curb on Bluff Street, between Third and Fourth Streets, had been re- placed with new curb and moved that the cost of curb between Third and Fourth Streets other than that indicated in the plans and specifica- tions for said improvement be paid for out of the expense funds. Car- ried. Ald. O'Rourke stated that the mat- ter of the improvement of Bluff Street was in a peculiar condition and unless some definite action was taken at once the street would not be im- proved for some time to come, and moved that the Street Commissioner be instructed to prepare the bed for foundation of the street, the cost of same to be paid for one-half from the expense fund and the balance from the Second Ward Road Fund, and the contractor then to proceed to complete the improvement of Bluff Street on the basis of 73%c per square yard as per contract, and that the Street Commissioner be in- structed to see to it that none but proper size macadam is used for top course of the street. Carried. Aid. Haas moved that the Mayor appoint a committee of three aldermen 95 to secure waivers from Mayor f'the property owners on Bluff Street. Carried.Y Schunk then apl1eointed Alds. Haas, Singrin and u'11'ut ke com- mittee to act with the City Engineer in securing waivers from property owners on Muff Street. Alet. Frith moved that all work to be done for the city and supplies to be purchased, be divided up among different firms. Carried. Ald. Haas moved that Firemen and Policemen be paid twice each month instead of once t itch month. Ald. Frith moved that the matter be referred tee the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke moved that Win. Coleman, assistant in the City Engi- neer's Office, he increased from $50.00 to ;60.00 a month, commencing March 1, 11110. Carried. Ald. Saul was excused at 11:20 p. M. Aid. Martin moved that the Re- corder be instructed to advertise for bids for hauling garbage and dead animals and to present sante to Board of Health at next meeting. Ald. Singrin moved that action be deferred until new council is elected. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke moved that when Council adjourn they adjourn tee meet Thursday evening, March 24th, 1910. Carried. Ald. Haas moved that Mr. Henry Rose be allowed $ r..feo for the strip of ground on Dorgan Lane, provided same belongs to him. Carried. Ald. Rand moved the plat of Dor- gan Lane as submitted by the City Engineer be approved. Carried. Ald. Haas moved to adjourn to Thursday evening, March 24th, 1910. Carried. EDMUND A. LI\EHAN, City Recorder. Approve ... Recorder Adjourned Regular Sesc.ion, March 24, 1910 CITY COUNCIL Adjourned Regular S =-iccn, March 24th, 1910. Council met at 9:30 p. m. Mayor Schunk in the chair. Present—Aids. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Absent—None. Mayor Schunk stated that the meeting %vas an adjourned meeting of the adjourned meeting of March 18th, of the regular session of March 17th, 191(1. and was called to take up and consider all matters which may prop- erly come before a regular session of the City Council. BILLS. The following bills were approved and were, on motion, ordered paid by the fedIowing vote: Y, as --Aids. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Gotlieb Tashner, 9 cubic yards macielam, \Vest Locust St... $ 9.110 John McGrath, 9.75 cubic yds. macadam, West Locust St... 9.75 PETITIONS AND COMMUNICA- TIONS. Petition of J. H. Spencer et al for arc lamp on Pickett Street at the top of the steps leading from West 14th Street to Pickett Street, was, on mo- tion of Ald. Saul, referred to the Alderman of the Fourth Ward with power. Petition of Jos. McCaffery et al, asking that the eastern end of Cleve- land Avenue be improved, same to be extended sixty feet east from the end of the curbing on the north side of the street, and also that a retaining wall be built, was, on motion of Ald. Saul, referred to the Committee of the Whole to view the grounds. Petition of Mrs. Graham, asking that the City pay her $50.00 and doc- tor bill in settlement for personal in- juries claimed to have been sustained by falling on a sidewalk between 4th and 5th on Main Street, was, on mo- tion of Ald. Haas, referred to the Committee on Claims and City Attor- ney. Petition of John Burke, asking that the City pay his doctor bill and hos- pital bill in settlement for personal injuries claimed to have been sus- tained by him in falling on side- walk on South Locust Street, was, on motion of Ald. Saul, referred to the Committee on Claims and City Attor- ney. Petition of Ida Belle Stieber ct al, asking that the City Treasurer be in- structed to accept $304.73 without in- terest in full settlement of special assessment levied against East 180 feet of Lot 49 in West's Add., for the improvement of Stoltz Avenue, was, on motion of Ald. Haas, granted and the Treasurer instructed accordingly. Petition of Frank Lanser, asking that. the City Treasurer be instructed to accept $57.01 without interest in full settlement of special assessment levied against Lot 12, R. Langworthy's Add., tot• improving South Alpine Street in 1895. was, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, granted, provided payuii.ut is made within 30 days. Petition of Frank Kenneally, stating that an error had been made in the assessment of the property of C;eorae W. Luke, South 04) feet of Lot 5, Fin- ley's Add., for the year 1909 and ask- ing that the City 'Treasurer be in- structed to accept taxes on said lot for the year 1909 on a valuation of $300.00 and to cancel the balance, was, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, granted and the Treasurer to be in- structed accordingly. Petition of Katrina Hepp, executrix of estate of Henrietta Hertzog, ask- ing that the taxes assessed against Lot 5, O. S. Langworthy Add., for the year 1895 to 1899 be canceled. was, on motion of Ald. Rand, refet•recl to the Delinquent Tax Committee and City Attorney. Petition of W. S. Corrance et al, asking that the City Engineer be in- structed to prepare profile showing grade of the alley between Alta Vista Street and Belmont Street from Rose to West 14th Street, was, on motion of Ald. Rand. granted and the City Engineer to be instructed to prepare profile showing grade. Petition of J. C. Er•pelding, stating that he is the successor and assignee to the business of Joseph Link at 675 Clay Street, to whom consent has pre- viously been given to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors, having put chased said business, to become ef- fective April 1st. 1910, and asking that as such successor and assignee he be granted consent to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors, was, on mo- tion of Ald. Singrin, granted. Following resolution was then offered: Be It Resolved by the. City Council of the City of Dubuque, That con- sent is hereby given John Erpelding as the successor and assignee to the retail liquor business of Joseph Link on 678 Clay Street, Dubuque. Iowa, to sell and keep for sale Intoxicating Adjourned Regular Session, March 24, 1910 liquors and deal therein, in the City of Dubuque, as provided by law. This resolution to become effective on April 1, 1910. Adopted unanimously, Petition of H. W. 1 ttley, agent for the C., It & Q. R. H. Co., asking that the superintendent of sprinkling he instructed to have the streets around their depot sprinkled, was, on motion of Ald. Saul, referred to the chairman of the Sprinkling Committee. Petition of H. 13. Glover Co., by A. J. Parker, president, asking that they be granted permission to make a tun- nel S feet wide and t; fcei, r, inches high with reinforced concrete from their building now on the southeast corner of Fifth and Iowa Streets to the building intended to be erected on the northeast corner of Iowa ;and Fifth Street, near to the line of the alley between Iowa and Clay Streets, was, on motion of Ald. Saul, granted, and the Glover Co. to furnish bond for $100.00 as a guarantee that Fifth Street be kept in repair for one year after the completion of the work. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Market Master Katz reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Acting under instruc- tions from your Committee on Mar- kets, I would respectfully report that I have examined the scales at Grand- view Avenue and South Dodge Street and find the same in a satisfactory condition for ordinary weighing. Respectfully submitted, C. W. KATZ. Market Master. On motion of Ald. Singriu, report of Market Master Katz was received and filed. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Frith, chairman of the Com- mittee on Fire, reported as follows: Your Committee on Fire, to whom was referred the bill of the Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co. for $95.o0 for one life-saving net, would respectfully recommend that said bill be allowed and that a warrant in settlement thereof be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer. Also, your Committee on Fire, to whom was referred the bill of Phil. Doerr & Co. for $17.95 for coal fur- nished the No. 3 Engine House, would respectfully recommend that said bill be allowed and that a warrant in set- tlement thereof be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer. 97. E. E. FRITH, Aid. Frith moved the adoptio,11 of the various reports of the Committee on Fire. Carried. A Id. Mand, chairman of ih. com- mittee on Public Grounds an., l iiil_ reported as follows: your Committee on Pu Ii ie Grounds and IinIliltaCs. t„ cvh,rut \\, re referred the bills of Mullen Pros. fon plumbing for the city hall and for the Fire Delia rtmeat, amounting to $8.80, would respectfully recommend that said hills he allowed and a. warrant be ordered drawn in settlement there- of ill the city treasurer. D. \r. RAND, Chairman. Aid. Rand moved the adoption of the report of the Committee on Pub- lic (;rounds and Buildings. Carried. Ald. Haas, chairman of the Com- mit, e on Di•Iiiiquent Taxes, reported as follows: Your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the pe- tition of Katharine 13rinkmoeller, a widow with tofu' small children, stat- ing that she is the owner of Lot 79g in .\IeDaniel's Subdivision and that on account of her poverty she is unable to pay the taxes on same zuid asking, therefore, that said taxes he caueeled, would respectfully recommend that the prayer of the petitioner he grant- ed and that the Treasurer be instruct- ed to cancel said taxes for the year 1909. DAN J. HAAS. Chairman. Ald. Haas moved the adoption of the report of the Delinquent Tax Committee. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke, chairman f th,• (',,mntittee of the Whole, reported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that electric our lamps he installed in th,e follow- ing named places and that the sane be done linter the supervision of the City 1:lectrician and the Alderman of the Ward in which the sane are lo- cates: e;ruul\ieIV Avenue mlit WNY litWeen South Ilodge and Morgan S!•ects. intersection of Kaufman and Fran- cis Streets. Intersection of Harold a nil Leibnitz Streets. JOHN I)'Rot' IIKE. Chairman. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the report of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke, chairman of the committee of the Whole, also reported as follows: 98 Adjourned Regular Session, March 24, 1910 Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of John Olinger, asking that the taxes on Boulevard Addition for 1908 be placed on the same basis of valuation as for 1907 and agreeing, if said prop- osition is accepted by the City Coun- cil, to pay the taxes on said addition, without remonstrance, for the year 1909 on the valuation as returned to the City Treasurer, would respectfully recommend that the prayer of the pe- titioner be not granted, but that the City Treasurer be instructed to accept the taxes on said Addition for 1908 on the same basis of valuation as re- turned for 1909. JOHN O'ROURKE, Chairman. Aid. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the report of the Committee of the Whole. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand. Saul and Singrin. Nays--Ald. Frith. RESOLUTIONS AND MOTIONS. Alderman Rand offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to construct a sanitary sewer in Seminary Street and it is hereby proposed to construct such sewer as follows, to-. wit• An eight -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in said Seminary Street from the present manhole at the intersec- tion of Madison Street to a point about 550 feet westerly thereof and to assess the cost of said sewer against the abutting property. Ald Rand moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Alderman Rand also offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat and speci- fications for an eight -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Seminary St. from present manhole at the intersection of Madison Street to a point about 550 feet westerly thereof, showing the lo- cations and general nature of such im- provement, the extent thereof, the size and kind of material to be used, and to prepare an estimate of the cost thereof and the amount assess- able upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting thereon per front foot or square feet in area, and to file such plat, specifications and estimate in the office of City Recor- der. That after such plat is so filed, the City Recorder shall cause to be pub- lished notice of the intention cf the Council to make such improvement, which notice shall be published in three consecutive issues of the official paper of the City of Dubuque, stating that such plat is on file, and generally the nature of the sewer, its location, size and kinds Of material to be used, and the estimate of its cost, and fix- ing the time before which objections can be tiled. which time shall not be less than five days after the last pub- lication of said notice, and after the completion of the publication of such notice. he shall at its next session, no- tify the Council thereof in writing with a printed copy of such notice ac- companying the same. Ald. Rand moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith, Haas. Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Alderman O'1-Iourke offered the fol- lowing: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sani- tary sewer of six-inch tile pipe be constructed in Hayden's Lane from present manhole in Bluff Street to a point about 250 feet west thereof, ac- cording to the plans and specifications of said sewer prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and be it further Resolved. That said sewer shall be completed on or before the 1st day of May, 1910, and shall be paid for at the time and in the manner pre- scribed by Chapter XXXIV of the Re- vised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque for the payment of the cost of constructing sewers. The pro- posals for doing such work will be acted upon by the Council on the 7th day of April, 1910, and the City Re- corder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication, asking for proposals as provided by ordinance. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith, Haas. Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Ald. Rand stated that roof of the Central Engine House was in need of repair Ald. Singrin moved that Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings be empowered to have repairs made on Central Engine House roof at a cost not to exceed $25.00. Carried. Ald. Saul moved that $50.00 be taken from the grading fund for the purpose of grading Dunning Aveni Adjourned Regular Session, March 24, 1910 99 running south from Grandview Ave- nue, work to be done under the super- vision of Alderman of First Ward. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke moved that the City Engineer be instructed to investigate the feasability of constructing a sani- tary sewer in the alley between Rhomberg and Lincoln Avenues and Second and Third Avenues and report to the Council. Carried. Ald O'Rourke moved that the mat- ter of payment of Policemen and Fire- men twice a month be taken from the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. Singrin moved that all Police- men and Firemen be paid twice a month beginning with month of April, 1910. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke stated there are sev- eral old, abandoned mining shafts in various parts of the city that are open with no protection in way of fencing to prevent accidents, and moved that the Street Commissioner be instructed to ascertain where the different abandoned mining shafts are and to make arrangements to have these shafts fenced in or covered to pre- vent accidents. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke moved that the Council reconsider their action in re- ceiving and filing petition of Thomas Watters, in which he offers to pay amount of special assessment levied against Lots 1 to 14 in Watters' Sub- division for constructing sewer in Hill Street. provided interest is canceled. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke then moved that the petition of Thomas Watters, asking that the Treasurer be instructed to cancel the interest on the special as- sessment levied against Lots 1 to 14 in Watters' Subdivision for construc- tion of sewer in Hill Street be granted and the Treasurer be instructed ac- cordingly. Carried. Ald. Rand moved that the plans for Hose Drying Tower at Fourth Street Engine House be taken from the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. Rand moved that the plans for Hose Drying Tower for the Fourth Street Engine House, as modified, be adopted. Carried. Ald. Rand moved that the Commit- tee on Public Grounds and Buildings be empowered to advertise for bids for building Hose Drying Tower at the Fourth Street Engine House and submit same to the Council at their next session. Carried. Ald. Martin moved to adjourn to Thursday evening, April 7th, 1910. Carried. EDMUND A. LI\ EHAN, City Recorder. Approved Attest: •4.••1910 .. ,,, 4k Mir Mayor t `!.. Recorder 100 List of Warrants List of City Warrants Dubuque, Iowa. .e.n ch 1st, 1910. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—The following is a complete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of February, 1910, the same having been author- ized by the proper committees and a majority vote of the Council, as in- dicated by the minutes of the meet- ings held during said month. H. A. Schenk, salary, Mayor$116 65 H. Brinkman, salary, Treas- urer 133 30 J. A. McKinley, salary, Deputy Treasurer 100 00 Jno. Krayer, clerk Treasurer's office 60 00 E. A. Linehan, salary, Recor- der 116 65 Jos. Friedrich, salary, Deputy Recorder 85 00 M. E. Lyons, salary, Auditor116 65 Joseph T. Kelly, salary, As- sessor 125 00 Allan `.Vledner, salary, Assist- ant Assessor 83 30 Frank Kenneally, salary, As sistant .assessor .... 83 30 Geo. T. Lyon, salary, Attorney 150 00 Edgar Willging, salary, Assist- ant Attorney 75 00 Jas. Pickley, salary, Chief of Police 100 00 J. W. Lawlor, salary, Commit- tee Clerk 100 00 Paul lig, salary, City Engi- neer 166 65 Joseph Straub, Assistant City Engineer 60 00 G. Vogel, clerk in Auditor's and Engineer's offices 75 00 C. W. Katz, salary, Market - master 55 00 T, Hackney. salary, Pound - master 55 00 Mrs. H Koenig, salary, Jani- tress James Lynch, salary, Side- walk Inspector Wm. Coleman, Rodman J. H. Carroll, Harbor Master John A. Cunningham, Clerk to Police and Fire Commis- sioners Tom Cahill, Custodian Wash- ington Park Philip Reddin, Custodian Jackson Park Joseph Straney, Custodian Phoenix Park Dr. Chas. Palen, Health Phy- sician Frank Flynn, Sanitary Officer Dr. F. J. Kennedy, Meat and Milk Inspector E. E. Frith, salary, Alderman Dan J. Haas, salary, Alderman Peter R. Martin, salary, Alder- man 25 00 60 00 50 00 30 00 15 00 40 00 40 00 15 00 50 00 65 00 75 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 John O'Rourke, salary, Alder- man D. W. Rand, salary, Alderman James Saul, salary, Alderman Wm. Singrin, salary, Alder- man Joseph Reinfried, salary, Fire Chief Vm. iiipman, salary, l"aec- triei;tn M. Eitel, fireman J. Lassman, fireman J. Flynn, fireman A. DueCinni, ti retnan A. fleer, fireman W. Kannolt, fireman B. Kirsch, fireman G. i ey er. fireman J. Dailey, fireman T. Itvder, fireman W. Ducey, firearm E. \lurph}, M. Kelly, h J. Peakey, tin !ic,n U. :Ahearn. tie, ,. P.lillig, fireman , ... ... . . SI. Swe,mey, ail Ff. Cain, firem J. 1'enznr, tires, J. Mcloughlin. , r •undo A. McDonald, :Ir -man J. Murphy, fireman G. Gherki, fireman '1'. Kennedy. fireman J. Smith, fireman J. i:eppler. fireman J. Allen, fireman M. Fahey, fireman F. Kenneally. fireman Ft. Weston, fireman E. McDermott, fireman It. Kenneally, fireman J. Roshin, fireman F. Paumgariner, fireman J. Schoenberger, fireman J. Connolly, fireman Wm. Smith, fireman J. Dougherty, fireman Wm. Decksta'ler, fireman T. O'Izrien, fireman D. Prunskill, fireman P. Kirsch, fireman Wm. Kennedy, fireman J. Lavin, fireman Fireman's Pension Fund L. Plocklinger, police M. Conolly, police John Cody, police James Corcoran, police Wm. Donahue, police Phil. J. Dunphy, police Thomas Duggan, police P. F. Fury, police John Fox, police James Flynn, police M Fogarty, police Ben Gray, police Geo. Jones, police Emil Kahn, police M. Kilty, police John Kane, police John Kop, police James Keefe, police 25 25 25 00 00. 00 25 00 99 00 .S2 49 76 28 81 68 70 79 70 79 65 34 65 34 65 34 70 79 76 23 Si 6S 76 23 70 79 70 79 65 34 «2 50 5 34 34 70 79 55 S9 til 58 49 50 76 23 70 79 65 34 65 34 70 7!i 65 34 7'1 79 76 23 65 34 65 34 76 23 70 79 65 34 65 34 65 34 54 45 10 65 54 45 55 00 54 45 23 18 S 45 .'9 88 54 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 65 00 45 00 60 00 70 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 5S 00 58 00 60 00 List of Warrants B. Ludescher, police Chas. Liest, police Pat McCollins, police M. McCormack, police Pat McInerney, police Henry Mueller, police Hugh Markey, police John J. O'Brien, police M. O'Connor, police M. Ryan, police John Raesle, police G. Raterman, police John Spielman, police Patrick Sutton, police M. Stapleton, police Joseph Stoltz, police Pat Sullivan, police Frank Williams, police Dennis Sheehan, police L Zemanek, police Wm. Fox, police Miss B. Brennan, police ma- tron 60 00 Mrs. K. Hibbe, police matron60 00 L.\13OIt SHOVELING SNOW from sidewalks and crossings and for hauling away the snow during the last half of January, 1910: J. Arthofer $ 3 20 T. Addyman 13 00 Ben Burd, Bluff Street Exten- sion, $1.60 10 40 J. Burns 2 65 M. Boyle ... 5 00 W. Bughman S 00 J. Beier 6 on C. Bemis 1 6e J. Connolly 11 1 Jerry Cahill .. .... S 0 1W. Connell 8 00 J. Callaghan 22 50 M. Cleary 9 40 J. Duggan 6 40 T. Donahue 7 20 J. Dunn 8 80 B. Donnelly 17 40 J. Dixon 6 40 E. Dahle ........ 5 60 J. Egan 2 4O J. Eberhardt 8 80 W. Fitzgerald, Bluff Street EXtension, 80c.... 11 20 R. Furey 7 20 Geo. Frost 22 50 F. Frick g 80 P. Farrell g0 W. Foley 2 R0 R. Glass 16 80 J. Gednalski 8 80 W. Gaylor 11 00 C. Gcimer 17 05 A. rantenbein 4 00 A. Giesler 1 20 C. Gantenbein 67 50 L. Hansel 14 40 T• Hird 67 50 S. Hell 13 50 J. ,Jensen 1 60 .T. Jellison 32 50 F. Reek 12 25 Gus Kroung 3 20 .T. Knesc 10 40 60 00 85 00 60 00 58 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 70 00 60 00 60 00 40 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 14 00 H. Kampt .... A. Kaesbauer P. Kenneally F. Lillie .... J. Mullen F. Maroney E. Malloy H. Marshall Geo. Miller .Jas. McCarron R. \Ic('affrey T.. AleCollins M. McDonough W. McLaughlin D. McGrath Anton Nick F. O'Rourke E. Pressley J. Parker F. Rowe J. Richter J. Ryan J. Reid D. Smyth H. Schoenbeck P. Smith W. Shields J. Schafetel F. r.elli W. Steffen C Specht J. Ten Ott Turner J. Tohin .T. 'I'ashner W. Walker J. Ward T,. Walsh P. Ziegler TEAMS. P. Apel F. Becker F. A. Burns J. Bradley Josh Calvert W. Cook Mrs. Dietl .. .... C. H. Dell N. Ewen' J. Ferrell .T. Haudenschield ...... ... J. Linehan P. Linehan Sons Co .T. Landholt... .... J. McCollins .T. \lef'ollins \lec,rath P. S. Norton W. Ruesrh A. Rink J. Seigworth ....... .... J. Stumpf A. Stoltz 101 1 60 10 40 22 50 12 80 16 00 1 20 5 60 1 60 :30 00 80 IS 40 2 40 7 45 67 50 55 12 00 11 40 12 40 15 St) 11 75 13 60 20 80 80 14 AO 80 7 20 4 40 4 00 S SO 10 40 22 50 9 05 17 40 17 40 6 20 11.. 20 so 4 00 3 20 $ 16 20 23 60 58 05 12 15 15 75 49 50 44 10 S 10 13 95 16 20 1 n I: 12 Co l:: 10 n; Ir _0 12 1r, 11 27 1:: In I n; LABOR ON MT. C.11Hl:.I. Avl:XI"1T during the last half of January. 1`410: W. Burke, Sr W. Burke, Tr J. Campbell H. Carney H. Connolly P. Carney $ 23 40 22 40 11 60 23 40 23 40 23 40 102 List of Warrants J. Donahue G. Kuntz J. Maher D. McGuinness J. McCarron W. t t' Brien U. (i' \I, ara \I. I:.dilc (leo. IU•ynolds L. Schnllard M. Sullivan W. Woods J. Wickham P. Apel J. Forrett Jerry Sullivan Clark Van Wie.. ...... ... LABOR ON SEWERS. during the last half of January, D. Cunningham J. Clune F. Donahue F. Luchterhand E. Magner J. McLaughlin J. Rooney C. Sullivan .. . L. Taylor 9 12 19 10 5 22 23 10 23 10 18 1 23 20 20 32 32 00 60 80 80 40 50 40 80 40 00 00 00 40 25 25 40 40 1910: 22 75 22 75 22 75 22 75 92 75 8 75 22 75 30 00 22 75 BILLS. John Mahoney, Acting Street Commissioner .... $ 75 00 O'Farrell Contracting Com- pany, 5% retained on Alta Vista St. Contract 165 65 H. B. McCarten, Plumbing for Fire Dept 6 65 Benda and Rokusek, Stone for Road Dept.... 15 40 H. Brinkman, Interest on Warrants Outstanding 755 14 H. Brinkman, Expense 14 40 H. Brinkman, City's Share, Windsor Avenue Improve- ment 1000 00 H. Brinkman, Library Orders Paid 796 37 H. Brinkman, Refund Loan, Ellen Hancock .... 500 00 Job Barnes, salary, fireman165 00 Geo. Wimmer, Refund Taxes 1 15 M. Tschirgi, Extra Work, 32nd. St., Storm Sewer 98 00 LABOR SHOVELING SNOW during the first half of February, 1910: 'P. Addyman F. Arthofer .... Ben Burd . , . ... C. Brandenberg Jas. Connolly Jerry Cahill .... H. Connell J. Callaghan M. Cleary T. Donahue .... .. ........ 8 B. Donnelly..... F Eberhardt J. Eberhardt W. Fitzgerald Q. Frost W. Foley 22 12 18 13 7 8 10 22 13 14 8 10 10 22 4 00 00 40 60 45 80 40 50 35 00 00 55 40 40 50 00 P. Farrell F. Frick B. Glass W. Gaylor C. Gelmer A. Giesler C. Gantenbein J. Hill .... .. L. Hansel John Heil... James Hird Oliver Jones J. Jellison F. Keck Gus Kroung J. Kness H. Kruger P. Kenneally, Health... . . F. Lillie George Meukel J. Mullen Ed. Malloy M. Morrissey George Miller R. McCaffrey M. McKeown M. McDonough James McLaughlin P. McPoland Anton Nick.. .... ......... J. Parker J. Richter J. Ryan F. Strohmeyer D. Smyth L. Sherman W. Shields F. Selli W. Steffens Charles Stick C. Specht Ott Turner W. Tobin James Tobin J. T'aschner L. Walsh W. Cook Mrs. Dietl J. Linehan W. Ruesch 8 80 4 60 11 00 7 80 15 80 8 80 22 50 7 20 1 60 228 6550 4 80 27 50 19 20 15 45 9 25 80 22 50 9 60 8 80 5 60 6 20 9 60 30 00 9 25 4 80 So 8 55 6 80 4 80 12 00 11 20 20 80 5 60 2 40 13 85 3 00 10 00 10 40 3 20 22 50 22 50 13 20 12 40 is 00 1 60 5 85 5 85 4 05 4 05 LABOR ON MT. CARMEL AVEN CE during the first half of February, 1910: R. Burns $ 9 E. Burns 10 W. Burke, Sr 23 W. Burke, Jr... ...... 23 M. Chevalier 7 P. Carney, Jr 18 W. Carter 21 James Campbell 23 H. Carney H. Connolly, P Carney, Sr • F. Defontaine ..... J. Donahue George Kuntz ..,.. H. Milligan ... .. D. McGuinness W. O'Brien. J. O'Meara 23 18 23 3 23 23 23 14 22 9 00 80 40 40 20 00 60 40 40 00 40 60 40 40 40 40 50 00 List of Warrants D. O'Meara George Reynolds W. Sheehan L. Schollard M. Sullivan L. Ward J. Wickham P. Apel J. Forett M. Kenneally J. Linehan J. Siegworth 23 40 14 40 14 40 23 40 23 40 1 00 21 1 2. :1); 45 30 60 31 05 LABOR ON SEWERS. during the first half of February, 1910: John Boyle D. Cunningham $ 350 22 75 22 75 F. Donahue .... _, 75 F. Luchterhand 19 27, E. Magner , 75 John McLaughlin 1' _- W. O'Brien 1 75 J. Rooney C. Sullivan .. l„ Int L. Taylor o - James Tobin ...... 3 50 J. Clune BILLS. H. A. Schunk, settlement to quiet title to Cushing property $ 19 31 H. A. Schunk, settlement of damage claim, Anna Hol- lenfez .... 50 00 H. A. Schunk, settlement dam- age claim, Chas. Rehfeldt 75 00 H. A. Schunk, salary, Mayor$116 75 H. Brinkman, salary, Treas- urer 133 60 J. A. McKinley, salary, Deputy Treasurer 100 00 Jno. Krayer, clerk, Treasurer's office 60 00 E. A. Linehan, salary, Recor- der ................ 116 75 Jos. Friedrich, salary, Deputy Recorder 85 n0 M. E. Lyons, salary, Auditor116 75 Joseph T. Kelly, salary, As- sessor 125 00 Allan Wiedner, salary, Ass,,t- ant Assessor 83 60 Frank Kenneally, salary, As- sistant Assessor ...... ... 83 60 Geo. T. Lyon, salary, Attorney 150 00 Edgar Winging, salary, Assist- ant Attorney 75 00 Jas. Pickley, salary, Chief of Police .... 100 00 J. W. Lawlor, salary. Commit- tee Clerk 100 00 Paul Ilg, salary, City Engi- neer 166 85 Joseph Straub, Assistant City Engineer ...... .... John Mahoney. Assistant Street Commissioner G. Vogel. clerk in Auditor's and Engineer's offices 75 00 C. W. Katz, salary, Market - master .... 60 00 50 00 55 00 103 1•. Hackney, salary, pound - master Mrs. H. Koenig,. salary,45 00 Jani- tress , ; nn James Lynch, .salary. Side- walk Inspector Wm. Coleman, Rodman 3600 00 J. H. Carroll, Harbor Master.00 John A. 30 00 Cunningham, Clerk to Police and Fire Commis- sioners Tom Cahill. Custodian 1.. 00 Wash- ington Park 40 00 Philip Reddin, Custodian Jackson P.u'k .... 40 at Joseph Straney• Custodian Phoenix Park ...... 15 00 Dr. Chas. Pa len, Health Phy- sician ...... ........ 50 an Frank Flynn, Sanitary cancer t115 an Dr. F. .1. Kennedy, Meat and Milk inspect,o' ...... .... 75 nn E. E. frith, salary. Alderman '5 00 Dan J. Ilaas. s,tl;u•y. Alderman '5 00 Peter R. Martin. salary, Alder- man ..... _5 na John O'Rourke. salary, Alder- man ...... .... .... .... 25 nr, D. W. Rand, salary. :\iderman 25 00 James Saul, salary, :Ald,'rman 25 00 \1'm. Sirtgrin, salary, Alder- man 25 00 Joseph Reinfried, salary, Fire Chief ... ... ... !I!I On Wm. }tipman. t;alatry, Elec- trician .......... M. Eitel, fireman .... 7r, 23 J. Essman. fireman .... \ 1 07 J. Flynn, fireman .... 70 711 A. Duccini, fireman 70 78 A. Hoer, fireman 65 34 W. Kannolt fireman 05 34 B. Kirsch, fireman r,:,;1 G. Royer, fireman 70-.e J. Dailey, fireman 711 _„ T. Ryder, fireman 76 23 W. Ducey. fireman 711 7t F. Murphy, fireman 7tt 711 M. Kelly, fireman 70 743 J. Pakey. fireman .... r:. :14 D. Ahearn. fireman .. \2 50 P. %illig, fireman t15 •14 M. Sweeney, fireman 1;5 34 H. Cain, fireman .... . 65 34 J. Benzor, fireman .... 70 7.11 J. McLoughlin. fireman 115 :14 A. McDonald, fireman .... 111 67 J. Murphy, fireman 49 50 G. Gherki, fireman 76 23 T. Kennedy, fireman 70 78 J. Smith. fireman 65 34 7. Keppler, fireman .... 65 34 .7. Allyn. fireman 70 78 M. Fahey. fireman .... 65 34 F. Kenneally, fireman .. 70 711 R. Weston, fireman 76 23 E. McDermott, fireman 65 34 R. Kenneally, fireman 65 34 .T. Roshin, fireman 76 23 F. Baumgartner. fireman ..., 70 78 .T. Schoenberger. fireman 65 :14 J. Connolly. fireman .... Cr, 34 Wm. Smith. fireman .. 65 34 104 List of Warrants W Kennedy, fireman in. fireman . . . ll. Brunskill. fireman P. Kirsch, fireman • • • • J. Dougherty, fireman Job Barnes, fireman Firemen's Pension Fund ...• L. Blocklinger, police M. Connolly, police John Cody, police ...... James i.reoritn, Police ... • Wm. Donahue, police Phil. J. 1)unphy, police Thomas Duggii n. police P. F. Fury, police John Fox. police 1\111i:tin Fox. police .htincs Flynn. AI. Fogarty, police lien ilmy, police Geo. jones. Emil Kahn. police Kilty. police ... • • John Kane, police P. lienneolly. police John Kop. Police Janus Keefe, police R. seller. police rhos. ljest, police Pot Alcilollins. police 71 :‘,1('rinitelc. police Pat McInerney. police Henry Altieller, police H ugh Markey. police John J. O'Brien. polic 51 O'Connor. police Al. Ryon. police J ohn Itnesle. police G. 11.111000. police John Spielman. police Patrick Sutton. police M. Stapleton, police Joseph Stoltz. police Pri iiIlivan. police.. Frank Williams, police Dennis Sheehan. police L. Zemanek. police .... • • • Mics B. Brennan, police ma- tron .... Mrs. K. Hihhe. police matron .... . • • • • • • • • ...... 54 45 34 45 25 65 54 45 54 45 40 84 30 58 62 00 62 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 65 00 62 .10 60 00 72 35 42 00 62 00 62 62 10: 57 62 62 00 00 11, 62 nn 62 1 661'1)1111) 66661 711111 5s oo 62 00 60 00 62 00 60 00 62 00 72 35 62 00 62 00 60 00 6822 (5,00 62 00 60 00 62 00 62 00 60 00 60 00 LA11011 SHOVELING SNOW during, the last half of February 1910: F. Arthofer $ 3 20 T. Addyman 20 00 13. Burd 14 C. Brandenberg 4 J. Beier .... 1 Jas. Connolly ...... • • .• 12 J. Cahill J. Callaghan M. Cleary M. Carney T. Donahue M. Donegan 13. Donnelly John Egan J. Eberhardt W. Fitzgerald G. Frost F. Frick P. Farrell ... • ..... 22 8 1 a 3 4 7 6 6 22 2 3 40 80 60 80 60 50 20 60 20 00 40 20 40 40 50 40 20 13. Glass 11 20 W. Gaylor .... • • • • 1 C. (Telmer 13 8430 C. Gantenbein 22 50 J. Hill 1 60 L. Hansel 10 40 T. Harker 1 20 J. Hird 22 50 L. Hug 1 60 John Heil 19 25 J. Jellison 25 00 F. Keck 1 60 G. Kroung 1 60 P. Kenneally 22 50 J. Kness 6 95 C. Kuferschmidt 3 00 F. Lillie 7 80 .T. Mullen 1 60 M. Morrissey 4 80 Ed. Malloy 7 110 F. Morency 7 20 0, Miller 30 00 R. McCaffrey 11 40 James McLaughlin .. 211 P. mcpoland 1 60 C. O'Neill J. Parker 13 5 J. Ryan 16 0)) J. Richter 6 40 D. Smyth 6 95 F. Slade 1 40 W. Shields 1 20 G. Schultz 3 20 F. Selli 6 20 W. Steffens. 3 00 Casper Specht 22 50 Casper Specht 1 75 Patrick Smith Ott Turner. Jas. Taschner W. Tobin L. Walsh 11 J. Bergwanger 6 31, J. Heim, 11 loads of filling11 00 Lenihan Co 5 85 W. Reusch 1 80 LA130111 ON WI'. CARMEL AVENUE during the last half of Febrii.try. 1910: T. Burke R. Burns Ed. Burns ....... W. Burke, Sr W. Burke, Jr. T. Carroll M. Chevalier P. Carney, Jr. W. Carter J. Campbell H. Carney 9 H. Connelly 9 P. Carney, Sr. 18 F. Defontaine 16 J. Donahue 19 G. Kuntz J. Murray 1 H. Milligan 1, D. McGuinness 1- W. O'Brien J. O'Meara 1 7 D. O'Meara 1 • G. Reynolds1 111 1' 10 10 10 1 7 18 10 21) 1)1) Of) 1)1 on on on List of Warrants 105 W. Sheehan L. Schollard M. Sullivan J. Wickham P. Ape! M. Kenneally J. Linehan J. Sullivan J. Siegworth C. Van Wit, 18 00 18 00 18 00 18 00 20 25 36 45 16 20 36 45 4 05 36 45 LAI;Ori; ON SEWERS during the last half of February, 1910: J. Boyle .... .. .......... $ 17 50 C. Beusch 10 50 D. Cunningham 17 50 J. Clune 17 511 F. Donahue 17 50 B. Donnelly ...... .... 12 25 C. Duccini 10 50 E. Magner 17 50 John McLaughlin ..... _ W. O'Brien 21; J. Rooney 17 50 C. Sullivan 30 00 L. Taylor 17 50 J. Tobin 15 75 BILLS. W. B. Baumgartner, supplies for Fire Dept $ 3.80 F. Beutin, coal for Fire Dept17.31 W. K. Brown, supplies for Fire Dept .35 John Butt, repair for Fire Dept 1.55 F. A. Burns, coal for Fire Dept 27.83 F. G. Becker, coal for Fire Dept 38.67 H. Corrance, supplies for Fire Dept .. 13.60 Conlin & Kearns Co., coal for Fire Dept 14.20 Collings & Pflffner, horseshoe- ing for Fire Dept 14.60 Phil Doerr & Co., coal for Fire Dept .... 12.13 Dubuque Mattress Co., sup- plies for Fire Dept Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co., hose for Fire Dept1062.50 Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co., 43 Firemen's caps 83.85 W. D. Deckert Co., flue clean- er for Fire Dept 1.88 Peter Even, coal for Fire Dept35.62 Ellwanger Bros., repairs for Fire Dept 4.80 Eiehhorn & Bechtel, bran for Fire Dept Fischer & Co., coal for Fire Dept A. R. Flick Box Co., sawdust for Engine House Gow & Curtis, plumbing for Fire Dept Geo. W. Healey & Son, hard- ware for Fire Dept Phil Heller, horseshoeing for Fire Dept I. H. Haudenschield, hay for 7.2u 1.40 124.12 2.25 3.60 3.01 4.65 Fire Dept H. J. Hagerty, veterinary ser- vices, Fire horses, January and February Key City Gas Co, gas for var- ious departments, January and February Key City Gas Co., rental and maintenance 4 gas arcs, January and February Key City Gas Co., coke for Fire Dept Lagen, Peed & Berwanger, horseshoeing Fire Dept16.70 Linehan & Molo, coal for Fire Dept .. 32.35 L. Lindenberg, hardware for Fire Dept E. L. Lembke, supplies for Fire Dept H. B. McCarten, plumbing, Fourth St. Engine House14.65 Mettel Bros., bran and straw for Police and Fire Depts16.95 T. J. Mulgrew Co., coal for Fire Dept 16.30 John Newman & Son, repairs for Fire Dept 2.50 National Refining Co., oil for Fire Dept 6.75 Pier Bros., coal for Fire Dept33.30 John J. Powers, horseshoeing for Fire Dept 3.80 D. O'Meara, rent of sleigh for Fire Dept 10.00 Chas. J. Oswald, supplies for Fire Dept 6.25 Geo. P. Rose, Jr., repairing clock for Fire Dept 1.76 Geo. Rettenmeier, Jr., supplies for Fire Dept..... 3.95 Geo, Ragatz & Son, repairs for Fire Dept 2.66 M. Stafford, feed for Police and Fire Depts 165.23 F Schloz & Son, repairs for Fire Dept .50 Torbert Drug Co., supplies for Fire Dept 7.00 Wunderlich & Wierlerholt, horseshoeing for Fire Dept. 10.55 Nick Jacquinot, plumbing for Fire Dept 3.80 Union Electric Co., power for Fire Alarm System, January and February 4.00 1?non Eleetric Co., arc lights, January. 1910 .... 2130.55 Union Electric Co., arc lights, February. 1910 ...... 2207.25 American Ever Ready Co, batteries for Fire Dept4.00 Clancy Transfer Co., coal for Police and Second Road19.70 Collings & Pfiffner, horseshoe- ing. Fire Dept. 10.35 Ellwanrer Pros., Repairs for Police Department 6.65 Peter Even, coal for Patrol House 23.85 Joseph A. Enzler, repairs for Police Department .... .35 19.20 23.40 215.50 4.00 58.15 6.00 2.70 106 List of Warrants Eichhorn and Bechtel, supplies for Police Department James Gregory, repairs at Patrol House H. J. Hagerty, veterinary services, Patrol Horses, Jan and Feb. C. W. Katz, food for prisoners, Jan. and Feb Klauer and Kress, hardware for Police Department G. F. Kieih, hardware for Police Department Key City Furniture Co., sup- plies for Police Department E. J. Mulgrew, bread and milk for Police Department Chas. Oswald, repairs and sup- plies for Police Dept Pitts -Thompson Foundry Co, grate for Police Department N. B. Schneider, supplies for Police Department .... C. J. Shannon, meat for Police Department .... .... Jos. J. Bertsch, rubber boots for Sewer Department John Butt, repairs for Sewer Department Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co., supplies for Sewer Department 6.05 2.10 2.40 6.40 5.75 2.43 2.10 1.93 23.50 1.30 4.95 7.10 17.50 12.05 16.00 W. D. Deckert, supplies for Sewer Department .... 1.05 Ellwanger Bros., repairs for Sewer Department .... 2.85 Geo. W. Healey and Son, sup- plies for Sewer Department .80 G. F. Kleih and Son, hardware for Sewer Department 4.60 Lagen, Peed and Berwanger, horseshoeing for Sewer De- partment .... .... 1.00 Linehan and Melo, rope for Sewer Department .... 26.04 La licca Pharmacy, supplies for Sewer and Expense De- partment ...... .. 2.00 M. Mullin, repairing water Fountain .... 6.60 E. L. Oiler, repairs for Sewer Department .... ...... 1.25 F. Schloz, repairs for Sewer Department .. ..... John Duggan, repairs for Mt. Carmel Avenue .... Duggan and Cota, hardware for Mt. Carmel Avenue 2.40 F. M. Jaeger and Co., hardware for Mt. Carmel Avenue F. Schloz and Son, repairs for Mt. Carmel Avenue Van Valkenberg and Lyons, repairs for Mt. Carmel Avenue Telegraph - Herald, printing Proceedings for January Telegraph - Herald Printing Proceedings for February Telegraph - Herald, printing Bonds and Printing for Treasurer's office 16.75 1.80 56.80 27.30 1.25 .60 79.81 106.41 Telegraph - Herald, printing index and binding 25 copies of Council Proceedings for 1909 50.00 Telegraph - Herald, printing Health Reports, July, Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec., 1909 and Jan. and Feb., 1910 40.00 Times -Journal, printing Coun- cil Proceedings, Jan. 75.44 Times -Journal, printing Coun- cil Proceedings, Feb. 107.53 Labor Leader, printing Coun- cil Proceedings, January and February .... 25.00 National Democrat, printing Council Proceedings, January and February 25.00 Smith -Morgan Printing Co, printing Pamphlets, January and February and printing for Engineer's Office 43.78 Labor Leader, printing for Assessor's Office 24.50 Smith -Morgan Printing Co, printing Transcript, Martin, Strelau Case, Legal Dept7.20 Chas, T. Bush, photographs for Legal Department 4.50 Frank Hardie, transcript testimony in Post and Keenan Cases.... ...... 18.00 Dubuque Advertising Co., copy of testimony in Dempsey Case .... .... .... .... 10.47 Joseph B. Workman, 10% Commision Back Taxes Col- leted 72.95 Western Union Telegraph Co., clock service in Treasurer's Office for January 1.00 Dubuque Telephone Co., Tele- phone service for December and January Iowa Telephone Co., Tele- phone services for February Berg and Briggs Co., printing for Assessor's Office F. G. Becker, coal for City Hall Herman Berndt, repairing chairs for City Hall H. Corrance, supplies for City Hall.... .... Tom Connolly, sawing and carrying 4 cords of wood Conlin and Kearns, coal for City Hall Phil. Doerr and Co., coal and wood for City Hall Larry Daily, hauling from around City Hall .... ... Duggan and Cota, supplies for city Hall Eagle Chemical Co., supplies for City Hall J. P. Foley, towel service, City Hall, Jan. and Feb. Fischer and Co., coal and ice for City Hall C. E. Fitzpatrick, supplies for various offices 34.84 12.75 1.75 22.05 6.15 6.55 5.00 12.20 33.90 19.80 .50 10.00 8.00 29.18 14.00 List of Warrants C. E. Fitzpatrick, supplies for Primary Election Gow and Curtis, plumbing at City Hall Gow and Curtis, repairing fountain at City Hall A. E. Gmehle, collecting Delin- quent Taxes Geo. W. Healy and Son, pail for City Hall John E. Hartig, repairing 'tapes for City Engineer P. O. Jones, repairing First ward Scales G. F. Kleih, hardware for City Hall Klauer and Kress, supplies for City Hall Martin, Strelau Co., salt for Sidewalks .. .. T. J. Mulgrew Co., coal for City Hall Mathis Mets Co., printing .Finance Report, 1907-1908. 179.55 Geo. Masters, plumbing at City Hall M. O'Donnell, changing gas fixtures at City Hall Pier Bros., wood for City Hall Chas. J. Oswald, repairs for City Hall F. H. Schilling, repairs for City Hall Spahn, Rose Lumber Co., lum- ber for City Hall John Linehan, hauling garbage and dead animals, January. Ed. Evans, constructing cement sidewalk on Grace Street, abutting Lot 27 Reche's Sub. Ed. Evans. constructing ce- ment sidewalk on Grace street, abutting Lot 5, Hodge's Sub. N. J. Staner, constructing ce- ment sidewalk on Washing- ton street, abutting N. 35 ft. of Lot 45 and Lot 46, E. Langworthy's Add. N. J. Staner, constructing ce- ment sidewalk on Washing- ton street, abutting N. 26.5 ft of Lot 44 and S. 15 ft. of Lot 45, E. Langworthy's Add. N. J. Staner, constructing ce- ment sidewalk on Cleveland avenue, abutting Lot 45, Union Add. C. C. C. Fire Hose Company 500 feet Fire Hose 425 00 A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co., 250 feet Fire Hose 200 00 E. P. Peryon, Citizen Member Board of Health 30 00 Edward McEvoy, Citizen Member, Board of Health30 00 Street and Steuck, 5% retain- ed, Bee Branch Sewer 334 58 Dubuque National Bank, 10.55 10.80 4.35 67.78 .25 1.00 33.20 1.00 .50 10.00 23.85 1.15 3.30 3.50 1.05 4.00 14.88 22.50 30.00 53.50 47.60 23.24 33.60 107 Money Borrowed by Com- mittee.on Finance to Pay Laborers on Streets and La- bor on Couler Avenue 1953 88 H. Brinkman, Interest on Warrants Outstanding 309 31 H. Brinkman, Expense H. Brinkman,Orders • • 17 50 Library Ordd ers Paid . 834 98 P. M.Sehlosser, Refunding Loan Warrants 350 00 Mrs. T. Shea, Refund Loan Warrant . .. 300 00 T. H. Finke, Refund Loan Warrant 1900 00 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of all war- rants issued by me during the month of February, 1910. EDMUND A. LINEHAN. City Recorder. Approved 1910 I Mayor Recorder 108 Official Notices Vacatkon Notice. Notice is hereby given that a prop- osition is now pending before the City Council of the City of Dubuque, for the vacation of the alley between Hhomberg avenue and Lincoln avenue from Second avenue to Third avenue, a plat of which proposed vacation has been filed in the office or the City En- gineer of said City, and you are noti- fied that at a session of the said City Council to be holden at the City Hall of said City, on the 7th day of April. 1910, it will be determined whether said proposed vacation will be made, and you are hereby notified to appear before said Council at said seesion, and show cause, if any you have, why proposed vacation should not be made. PAUL ILG, City Engineer. Dubuque, Iowa, March 4th, 1910. 3-4 lot. Ilegistrat con Notice. Mayor's (Mice, March 20th, 1910. Notice is h‘•reby given that the reg- isters of cleetien• duly appointed to register voters in the City of Du- buque, Iowa, will be in attendance at the places herein below mentioned. for the purpose of correcting the reg- istry list of names of such electors as may be entitled to vote at the city election to he held on Monday, April 4th, 1910. Said registers will meet at their rcspeetive places on Thursday and Friday. Mauch 24th and 25th, 1910, and Saturday, April 2nd, 1910. :tt .s o'clock a. ni. and be in session until a o'clock p. in. of said days. Said registers will thereafter meet on Monday (Election Day), April 4th, 1911,, :old he in session from the time the polls open until they close, and register Dory such voters as were ab- sent from the city during the preced- ing days that the board was in ses- sion, also such voters as did not be- come citizens until Monday, April 4th, 1910. The places of registration in the several wards and precincts of said city are as follows: FIRST WARD. First Precinct—Mrs. Dempsey's Place, 305 South Locust street. Second Precinct—Matt Quirk's Montana House Barber Shop, 145 First street SECOND WARD. First Precinct—County House. Second Precinct—Fourth Street Engine House, up stairs. THIRD WARD. First Precinct—Ninth Street gine House. Second Precinct—City Hall. Third Precinct—B. Westercamp's building, 17th and Clay streets. FOURTH WARD. First Precinct—Wales Hotel. Court En - Eighth and Bluff streets. • Second Precinct—Palmetto Hall, 695 Deet. Third elhi Precinct—strEd. Ryan's Place, 160 West Locust street. FIFTH WARD. First Precinct—Meyer Bros., Cou . ice Avenue. Second Precinct—Henry G. \luel- Ier's Place, corner of Elm street and Eagle Point avenue. Third Precinct—Miss Rose Feng- ler's Plat . corner :''hiller and ltho:h,. rg avenues. I• onrth Precinct—Fre'l Roesner's Place, corner 27th and Jackson stri-ct:. 111 rlualined voters of said city are hereby notified that unless they voted at the last fall election they must present themselves at the places and time herein above stated for registration, or they will be de- barred of the privilege of voting at said election. Witness my hind and the seal of said city this 20th day of March, 1910. H. A. ~CHUNK, Mayor. Attest: EDMUND A. LINEHAN. 3-20-3t. City Recorder. • N ()TICE In Relation to Cleaning. Alleys. Section :34 of the Ordinance in re- lation to Offenses and Penalties reads as follows• No person shall cast or leave ex- posed is ally street, alley, lot, com- mon, or w:ali•r course within the city, the carcas- of any animal, or any pu- trid or unsound meat, fish, or other substance. or make use, keep, or per- mit, in his, her or their dwelling house, shop, store, factory, outhouse, cellar yard. lot or any other place within the city, any noisome or of- fensive liquid, or substance injurious to the health of the citizens, or an an- noyance to the neighborhood, or throw any filth, manure, offal, or other offensive matter in any street. alley, lot, or water course in the city, and any person who shall refuse or neg- lect to remove on being notified by the city any such offensive substance made, used or kept by such person. shall be subject TO A FINE OF NOT LESS THAN ONE DOLLAR NOR MOHE THAN TWENTY DOLLARS, AND BE IMPRISONED IUNTIL SUCH FINE AND COSTS ARE PAID, NOT EXCEEDING THIRTY DAYS. In accordance with the foregoing section, you are hereby notified to re- move all filth, ashes, rubbish. etc., from the alley in the rear of your premises within ten (10) days from the date of this notice or you will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of th • law. Dated at Dubuque, March 24th, 19 H. A. SCHUNK, 3-24-5t Mayor. Official Notices 10.0 Dated at Dubuque, March 1910. EDMUND A. LINEHAN 25th, 3-25-3t City Recorder. Noliee of Special Assesstnent. Notice is hereby given to all con- cerned that a special assessment as provided by law will be levied at a regular session of the City Council to be held April 7th, lUlo, to ;.:le f„r the Improvement of Twenty-s,•venth Street from Jackson Street t the railroad tracks by Wilmer Cook, con- tractor. Amount of special assessment, $1.285.68• same to be assessed against the abutting property upon and along said street. And that there is a plat and sched- ule on file in the office of the City Re- corder of said city of Dubuque, show- ing the street in which said improve- ment was made, and the si•ito•ate and parcels oflids ground. ur sloe, died portions thereof, subject to a.,s,.s- ment for such improvement. the name of the owner thereof as fir as practicable, and the amount to be as- sessed against each lot or parcel of ground, which plot and s,•heiltile are subject to public inspection. And that any and alt persons ob- ject log to said special assessment or to said plat must lice his or their ob- jection in writing with the City Re- corder of said City of Dubuque on or before said session of the Ciiy coun- cil, to be held April 7th, I :I t u ,ar to appear at said session of the council to show cause, if any you have why said assessment should not be levied. Dated at Dubuque, March 25th, 1910. EDM[?ND A. LIN El N, 3-25-3t. City Recorder. PlioCI.J MATION. Notice to McIver Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the City Recorder, until 8:00 p. tn. Thursday, April 7th, 1910, for the construction of a 6 -inch tile pipe sani- tary sewer in Hayden's Lane from the present manhole in Bluff street to a point about 250 feet west thereof, in accordance with the plans and speci- fications prepared by the City Engi- neer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that it will require: 250 lineal feet of 6 -inch pipe. 1 manhole. The work to be paid for when said work is completed and as prescribe 1 by Chapter XXXIV. of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Du- buque, work to be completed on or before May 1st, 1910. Bidders must state price per line;] foot for tile pipe, and each manhole. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check for $10.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will he entered into if award- ed. The City reserves the right to re- ject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, March 25th, 1910. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, 3-25-2t. City Recorder. Notice of Special Assessment. Notice is hereby given to all con- cerned that a special assessment as provided by law will be levied at a regular session of the City Council to be held April 7th, 1910, to pay for the improvement of West Locust Street from Hodgdon Avenue to Alta Vista Street by James Lee & Son, con- tractors. Amount of special assessment, $5,258.52, same to be assessed against the abutting property upon and along said street. And that there is a plat and sched- ule on file in the office of the City Recorder of said City of Dubuque. showing the street in which said im- provement was made, and the sepa- rate lots and parcels of ground, or specified portions thereof, subject to assessment for such improvement, the name of the owner thereof as far as practicable, and the amount to Ir assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, which plat and schedule ars, subject to public inspection. And that any and all persons ob- jecting to said special assessment or to said plat must file his or their ob- jection in writing with the City Re- corder of said City of Dubuque on or before said session of the City Coun- cil to be held April 7th, 1910, or to appear at said session of the Council to show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. .lani('ilaaI Election. In pursu;un-e of the lace's of Iowa, and the I of this city, I, H. A. Schenk, ABayo(' of (he city of Du- buque. Stale of Iowa, do hereby pro- claim that an election will be holden in said city on Monday, April 4th, 1910, for the purpose of electing a Mayor of the City, City Treasurer, City Attorney, City Recorder, City Auditor, City Engineer, Two Aider•nu•n-at-Large. Also one alderman from each ward in said city. That on said day the polls will he opened at 7 o'clock A, M. and ('lose at 7 o'clock P. M. of said ('lay, to receive the votes cast at such election in the following places, to -wit: FIRST WARD. First Precinct—Thomas Donahue's place, 321 South Locust. Second Precinct—Central House, 26 South Locust street. 110 Official Notices SECOND WARD. First Precinct—County Court House. Second Precinct—Fourth Street En- gine House, up stairs. THIRD WARD. First Precinct—Ninth Street Engine House. ,Second Precinct—City Hall. Third Precinct—Westercamp build- ing, 17th and Clay streets. FOURTH WARD. First Precinct—Wales Hotel, Eighth and Bluff streets. Second Precinct—Palmetto Hall, 695 Delhi street. Third Precinct—Ed. Ryan's place, 160 West Locust street. FIFTH WARD. First Precinct—Meyers Bros.' place, 2327 Couler avenue. Second Precinct—Henry G. Miller's place, corner Elm and Eagle Point ave- nue. Third Precinct—Miss Rose Fengler's place, corner Schiller and Rhomberg avenues. Fourth Precinct—Fred Roesner's place, corner Twenty-seventh and Jackson streets. Dated March 26th, 1910. H. A. SCHUNK, Mayor. Attest: 3-26-4t. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. Regular Session, April 7, 1910 CITY COUNCIL Regular Session, April 7th, 1910. (Official.) Council met at 8:40 p. m, Mayor Schunk in the chair. Present—Aids. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Absent—None. Ald. Martin moved that Council Proceedings for month of March be approved as printed. Carried. BIDS. Bids for constructing sanitary sewer in Hayden's Lane were pre- sented and, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, were ordered opened, as follows: Street & Steuck, 6 -inch pipe, per lineal foot, 35c; manholes, each, $24.00. O'Farrell Contracting Co., 6 -inch pipe, per lineal foot, 49c; rock to be blasted, $5.00 per square yard; rock to be picked, $2.00 per square yard; manholes, each, $25.00. H. G. Strong, 6 -inch pipe, per lin- eal foot, 48c; manholes, each, $24.00. J. F. Brown, 6 -inch pipe, per lin- eal foot, 80c; manholes, each, $30.00. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke, con- tract for constructing sewer in Hay - den's Lane was awarded to Street & Steuck. BILLS. Following bills were approved and. on motion of Md. Singrin, were dered paid: W. B. Baumgartner, hard- ware for Road Dept. $ 4 00 Butt Bros., repairs for Road Department 3 05 F. A. Burns, coal for steam roller 9 25 Frank Bnetin, coal for steam roller 9 30 Geo. Bock, repairs for Road Department John Butt, repairs for Road Department F. G. Becker, coal for Road Department ....... Clancy Transfer Co., coal for Road Department W. D. Deckert, supplies for Road Department Duggan & Cota, hardware for Road Department Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., supplies for Road Dept21 25 Peter Even, coal for Road Department Fuhrman Bros., supplies for Road Department Fischer & Co., coal for Road Department ... or - 3 45 1 30 4 10 3 20 5 05 1 60 6 20 75 12 40 H. T. Hagerty, veterinarr services for Road Dept Phil Heller, horseshoeing for Road Department Hussman & Lies, hardware for Road Dept Iowa Oil Co., oil for Road Department .. F. M. Jaeger & Co., hard- ware for Road Dept. G. F. Kleih. hardware for Road Department Key City Gas Co., coke for Road Department Key City Roofing Co., cement for Road Department ... Key City Iron Works, re- pairs for Road Department Mauer Mfg. Co., supplies for Road Department Mauer & Kress. hardware for Road Department P. Linehan's Sons Co., coal for Road Department L. Lindenberg, hardware for Road Department Wm. Marshall, repairs for Road Department Pier Bros., coal for steam roller E. J. Vogenthaler. repairs for Road Department Pitts - Thompson Fdy. Co., supplies for Road Dept J. F. Ris & Bro., supplies for Road Department Geo. F. Ragatz & Son, repairs for Road Department Spahn-Rose Lumber Co., lum- ber for Road Dept. Adam Stoltz, supplies for Road Department F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Road I artment Wm. Hoye,. 8.88 cubic yards macadam. southern Ave. . Tom Cain. 70.33 cubic yards macadam, Southern Ave. . George Coble. 19.44 cubic yards macadam, Southern Avenue 19 44 J. V. Casey, 30.15 cubic yards macadam, Southern Avenue 30 15 Joe Donahue. 3.24 cubic yards macadam, Southern Avenue 3 24 John Donahue. 36.84 cubic yards macadamSouthern Avenue Katharine Hall. 7.38 cubic yards macadam. Southern Avenue Ellis Joyce, 41.06 cubic yards macadam, Rising Avenue. . 41 06 Chas. Lee, 54.57 cubic yards macadam, Southern Avenue 54 57 Harold 01 -learn. 4.54 cubic yards macadam, Southern Avenue ... George Schumacher, 5.54 cubic yards macadam, Southern A venue . 111 30 60 8 30 40 1 20 1 25 28 80 4 00 7 25 3 10 90 2 35 3 55 30 6 60 11 50 4 56 1 45 1 75 1 50 1 20 7 45 8 88 70 33 36 84 7 33 4 54 5 54 112 Regular Session, April 7, 1910 Cahill & Burke, 6.22 cubic yds. macadam, City Pound Ernest Smith, 7.34 cubic yds. macadam, City Pound W. R. Pearce, painting foun- tain, Washington Park Thos. Connell, cleaning cala- boose C. W. Katz, 22 meals fur- nished prisoners March Geo. T. Lyon, expenses for various cases Rent of buildings for City Election Judges and Clerks of City Election Registration Cle ing Registratio City Election Union Electric Co., sprinkling in Fifth Road Districts during August, September and October, 1909 727 10 4 67 5 51 9 50 2 00 4 40 14 78 290 00 714 00 rks, prepar- n Books for 840 00 PETITIONS AND COMMUNICA- TIONS. Petition of Fifth Ward Non -Parti- san League, asking that certain im- provements be made in Kaufman Avenue, was, on motion of Ald. Frith, referred to the Committee of the Whole to view the grounds. Petition of James R. Kean, asking that he be allowed $66.00 as damages claimed to have been sustained by reason of rock crusher having been placed on Clark Street abutting his property, was, on motion of Ald. Frith, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Emilie Hintrager, ask- ing that the special assessment levied against Lot 2 of the Subdivision of Lots 1 and 2 of Lot 6 of Lot 7 of Mineral Lot 79 be reduced, was, on motion of Ald. Saul, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Smith -Morgan Printing Co., asking that the assessment of 140,000.000 on corporation stock, as- sessed against them for the year 1909 be canceled, was, on motion of AId. O'Rourke, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Dubuque Biscuit Co., asking that their taxes for the year 1909 be remitted in accordance with action of the City Council of April 26th, 1909, was, on motion of Aid. Singrin, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Pctltion of Wrn. Heitzmann, asking that the taxes on his property at 321 Davenport Street, be canceled for year 1909 and also Davenport Street be graded so that he can rebuild his house, was, on motion of AId. Haas, referred to the Committee of the whole to view the grounds. Petition of G. E. Davis, asking that the 140.00 paid by him for space in Harbor be applied on the basis of $5.00 a year for eight years beginning with the year 1907, was, on motion of AId. Saul, referred to the Commit- tee of the Whole to view the grounds. Petition of the Dubuque Altar Mfg. Co., asking that their taxes for the year 1909 be made in accordance with the action of the City Council of April 2, 1908, was, on motion of Ald. Frith, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of the League of Ameri- can Municipalities, asking that the City of Dubuque become members of said league, was, on motion of Ald. Frith, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Union Electric Co., ask- ing that they be granted permission to construct a loop at the south end of Main Street; also that they be granted permission to install a stub switch at the end of the Eagle Point line, was, on motion of Ald. Singrin, referred to the Committee of the 'Whole: to view the grounds. Petition of Lawrence Gonner, ask- ing that Martha Street from Alta Vista Street to the west line of the alley west of Alta Vista Street, be graded, was, on motion of Ald. Rand, referred to the Committee of the Whole to view the grounds. Petition of .Zones Bros. Co., asking that the valuation for taxation of their property, South 2-3 of Lot 11, for year 1909 be reduced to $12,- 000.00 and the Treasurer be instruct- ed accordingly, was, on motion of Ald. Singrin, referred to the Commit- tee of the Whole. Petition of G. A. names, assignee of Pitts -Thompson Foundry Co., ask- ing that the City allow the claim of $32.55 against said company at the next session, was, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Ida M. Cutler, asking that the assessment of $10.00 for merchandise for the year 1909 be cancelled, same being erroneous, was, on motion of Ald. Haas, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Mrs. Lena Hillard, ask- ing that the taxes on the South 1k of Lot 498, owned by the late Mrs. E. T. Dearborn, for the year 1909 be canceled, was, on motion of Ald. Regular Session, April 7, 1910 Baas. referred to the Delinquent Tax Committee. Petition of J. P. Ludowisy, stating that he had purchased the retail liquor business of Hughes & Boesen at 279 Main Street and asking that the Council adopt a resolution grant- ing him consent to operate a retail liquor business as renewal of resolu- tion of consent previously granted to Hughes & Boesen, was, on motion of Ald. Singrin, granted. Following resolution was then of- fered: Be It Resolved by the Members of the City Council of the City of Du- buque: That consent previously granted to Hughes & Boesen, a co- partnership consisting of Nathan Boesen and Frank Hughes, is here- by renewed and consent is hereby given to J. P. Ludowisy as assignee of the business formerly conducted and carried on by Hughes & Boesen in said place, to operate a retail liquor store within the said City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa, in accordance with the laws of Iowa and the Ordinances of the City of Dubuque. Carried unanimously. Following petitions of persons ask- ing that they be appointed to posi- tions by the Council were, on motion of Ald. Frith, referred to the new ''ouncil: C. W. Katz, for reappointment of Market Master. Gardeners, asking that Mr. Katz be re -appointed Market Master. J. H. Carroll, asking that he be re- appointed Harbor Master. H. A. Moyes and Edward Kumpf, position of Harbor Master. Ed. Fritzlaif, position of City Car-. penter. Thomas Hackney and Frank Mc- Coy, position of Pound Master. Thos. H. Rowland, position of en- gineer of steam roller. REPORTS OF OFFtICERS. City Treasurer Brinkman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith hand you statements of amounts advanced by me during the month of March, 1910, for which please order warrants drawn in my favor: Interest paid on warrants outstanding .... $159.05 New York exchange .80 Postage stamps expense 10.00 Redemption from tax sale6.55 Express charges, fire 5.04 Freight charges, fire 2.30 Freight charges, road 23.85 113 Express charges, police .. Total Library orders $2 paid .....$7"_20.0.0088 Respectfully, H. BRINK\lAN. On motion of AId. u'lloorTreasurer, ke report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts, and the report referred to the Com- mittee on Finance. City Auditor Lyons reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City council: Ilent lemen: Herewith find my re- port for the month of March, 1910, showing the receipts and disburse- ments for the month: Receipts— ('ash on hand March 1, 1910 Receipts from all sources 67,499.74 Total Disbursements — \\'arrants redeeemd Improvement bond cou- pons redeemed Special sidewalk certificate coupons redeemed Si trial sidewalk certifi- ates redeemed $147.460.69 $ 10,966.56 203.62 8.05 83.60 , otal $ 11,261.83 Balance April 1st, 1910$136,198.86 The above rash balance includes improvement bond fund, improve- ment bond interest fund and library fund balances. Water Works Account— Water Works balance March 1st, 1910 $19,160.29 Deposited with City Treas- urer during March 3,942.94 Total $23,103.23 Orders drawn on City Treasurer during March . 3,829.74 Balance April 1, 1910...$19,273.49 Excavation Permit Account— Balance March 1st, 1910 $35.00 Receipts during month 5.00 Balance April 1st, 1910 $40.00 Also the following is a record of all interest coupons, bonds and side- walk certificates redeemed by the City Treasurer during the past month and credited to him: Improvement bond coupons.. $203.62 Special sidewalk certificate coupons 8.05 Special sidewalk certificates 83.60 Total $295.27 114 Regular Session, April 7, 1910 Also the following list shows the appropriations and the amount of warrants drawn on each fund since the beginning of the fiscal year be- ginning March 1st, 1910, to April 1st, 1910: Appropriation Expended Expense .. $40,000.00 $ 1,403.34 Road— First District 6,536.52 861.56 Second District 15,923.22 404.24 Third District 9,544.60 351.87 Fourth District10,843.04 472.09 Fifth District 8,333.88 1,056.60 Fire .... 48,000.00 1,433.52 Police .... 36,500.00 127.29 Sewerage ... 6,000.00 300.25 Printing .... 2,500.00 Street Lighting 27,000.00 Interest ... 40,000.00 Board of Health 7,000.00 41.40 Grading .. 6,000.00 152.15 Special Bonded Paving .. Special Bonded Debt and In- terest .. Mt. Carmel Ave. nue Grading . Sidewalk Repair- ing.... Bluff Street Ex- tension .. Bee Branch Sew- er, Third Ward, Dubuque Pack- ing Plant Improvement of Windsor Ave Bee Branch Sew- er, Third Ward, 18th Street Bee Branch Sew- er. in Fifth Ward ... Improvement of Grandview Avenue .. Eagle Point Park Clay Street Im- provement Heeb Street Grading .. Improvement of Valley Street . Improvement of Willow Street. Opening of Booth and Spring Streets. Twenty - Seventh Street Storm Sewer .... .. Improvement of Althauser Ave. Improvement of Seventh Ave. . Firemen's Pen- sion Fund ... Policemen's Pen- sion Fund ... 4,000.00 4,000.00 2,500.00 1,000.00 500.00 2,500.00 1,000.00 2,500.00 5,000.00 2,500.00 3,000.00 1,200.00 300.00 200.00 1,500.00 500.00 1,300.00 1,500.00 2,500.00 750.00 750.00 20.35 56.09 1.00 1,320.93 Opening and Grading 'Alley Between Clark a n d Angella Streets .. .... Opening of Ce- dar Street ... Part Cost of Car Street Wall .. New Street Sweeper .. Ninth Avenue Sewer .. .... 500.00 500.00 317.00 280.00 800.00 311.99 $305,578.26 Respectfully, M. E. LYONS, Auditor. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke the re- port was approved and warrants or- dered drawn to pay city officers and report be referred to the Committee on Finance. Fire Chief Reinfried reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The following is the pay roll of the Fire Department for the month of March, 1910: Amount due Firemen.......$3,136.91 Less 1% retained for Pension Fund.. .. ...... .. .... 31.03 Balance due firemen ....3105.88 Respectfully submitted, J. R. REINFRIED, Chief. Approved by Committee on Fire. On motion of Ald Frith the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the firemen, and the report referred back to the Commit- tee on Fire: Chief of Police Pickley reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the police report for the month of March, 1910: Intoxication 63 Disorderly Conduct 1 Disturbing the Peace 6 Petit Larceny 2 Assault and Battery 2 Vagrancy 14 Total .. Residents Arrested Doors Found Open Lodgers Harbored Defective Lights Meals Furnished Cost of Food Police Court Costs Collected... $19.60 Sheriff Dieting Prisoners, March. 850 Patrol Runs for Prisoners 60 Ambulance Calls Miles Traveled 70 88 32 24 254 100 22 4 40 1 Regular Session, April 7, 1910 I also beg to submit the pay roll for Policemen for the month of March, 1910: Amount due Policemen ..... $2408.05 JAMES PICKLEY, Chief of Police. Aid. Martin, the were received and drawn to pay the report referred to Police and Light. On motion of report and pay roll warrants ordered policemen and the the Committee on City Electrician Hipman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my report for defective lights for the month of March. 1910: I find from the report of the Police Department that the total hours that 100 lamps failed to burn would equal 2 lamps burning for one month or $10.00. Respectfully submitted. WILLIAM HIPMAN. City Electrician. On motion of Ald. Singrin the re- port was received and the City Audi- tor to be instructed to deduct from the Union Electric company's bill for the month of March. 1910, the sum of $10.00. Acting Street .Commissioner Ma- hony reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the pay roll for labor on streets during the last half of March. 1910: Amt. due laborers on streets $2.397.90 Approved by Committee on Streets. Also submit the pay roll for labor on sewers during the last half of March, 1910: Amt. clue laborers on sewers..$236.80 Approved by Committee on Sewers. Also submit the pay roll for labor grading Dunning Avenue during the last half of March, 1910: Amount due laborers grading Dunning Avenue $24.20 Approved by Committee on Streets. Respectfully submitted. JOHN MAHONY. Street Commissioner. On motion of Aids. Saul and Sin - grin the pay rolls on streets and sew- ers were received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay the various amounts and the payrolls referred back to the proper committees. City Recorder Linehan presented and read the certified copy of the notice of the Council's intention to vacate the alley between Rhomberg and Lincoln avenues, from Second avenue to Third avenue. _ 115 No remonstrance being filed and no one in the room objecting to the vacation of said alley, the notice was, on motion of Al. Haas, received and tiled. Pity Recorder Linehan also pre- sented and read certified copy of the no,iee of the Council's intention to levy ,t special assesstn,•nt for the im- prevettieut of 'Twenty seventh street from Jackson Street to the Railroad tracks by AWilmer Cook, contractor. \o remonstrant'c• being filed and no one in the roost objecting to the levying of said special assessment the notice was on motion of Ail. Frith received and tiled. City Recorder Linehan also pre- sented and real certified copy of the notice of the Council's intention to levy a special assessment for the im- provement of \Vest Locust street from Hodgden Avenue to Alta Vista street by James Lee anti Son. eon- trators. No remonstrance being tiled and no one in the roost objecting to the levying of said special si,ssessna•nt the notice was on motion of Rand received and filed. City ,Attorney Lyon pres,•ntetl agreement entered into bettve9•0 city of Dubuque and M. Tschirtd and Sons for completing contract for improv- ing Bluff street. and on motion of Aird. Frith the action of the tile At- torney was approved and agreement made matter of record. City Attorney Lyon also reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor anti City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: Herewith please find the City Treasurer's receipt for $9.90 being the amount of the cost deposit- ed in the ease 01 White R- Company and Rey Pity Gas Co. vs. City of Du- buque. which was returned to me by the Clerk of the United Stat, s Circuit Court and which I paid the Treasurer this date. (.I•atl.(.E T. LYON. City Attorney. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke the report of City Attorney was received and filed. Following \\reighmasters' and Wood - measurers' reports of receipts were presented and read and on motion were received and filed: Jos Straney, First Ward scade..$3.30 C. W. Katz. scales receipts 95.20 Mrs. C. Heckert. Rhii when.; Avenue scales $'i 87 REPORTS (IF' ('(tAt\11TTEES. Aid. O'Rourke, Chairman of the committee of the Whole, reported as follows: 116 Regular Session, April 7, 1910 Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of E. P. Laude asking that on account of erroneous assessment the following taxes he cancelled: Laude & Miller for 1908 Laude Bros., for 1909 H. W Laude, for 1909 $ 6.50 10.00 1.26 Would respectfully recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the City Treasurer be instructed accordingly. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Elizabeth Longueville in relation to the special assessment levied against lots 43 and 44 in Althauser's sub- division of lot 2 of 1 of 1 of Mineral lot 474 for the improvement of Eagle and Middle streets, would respectfully recommend that the City Treasurer be instructed to accept the sum of Thirty-five Dollars in settlement of said assessment, provided the same he paid within thirty days from the day of the adoption of this report. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the ordinance changing the name of certain streets in the city of Dubuque, would respectfully. recommend that said ordinance be adopted. Also your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Thos. Hill offering to pay the suin of $174.52, in full settlement of the special assessment levied against lot 29 in Ann O'Hare's addition for the improvement of Grandview avenue, would respectfully recom- mend that said offer be accepted and that the City Treasurer be instructed to accept the same in full settlement of said assessment, provided same be paid within thirty clays from the date of the adoption of this report. JOHN O'ROURKE, Chairman. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the various reports of the Commit- tee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. Martin, chairman of the Com- mittee on Ordinances, presented and read ordinances changing names of certain streets in the City of Du- buque, Iowa, and moved that Ordinance be now adopted as read, Ordinance being read for the first reading February 17th, 1910:. Carried by the following vote: Yeas --Aids. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. The Ordinance follows: AN ORDINANCE. An Ordinance changing the name of certain streets in the City of Du- buque, Iowa. Be it Ordained by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That the name of the street now known as Anna Place and situated on the hill nearly opposite Fifteenth street be changed and that said street be hereafter known as West Fifteeenth street. Section 2. That the name of Thomas Street and Franklin Street, both' of which streets being now an , extension of West Sixteenth street be changed and that said street be here- after known as West Sixteenth street its entire length. Section 3. That the name of the street now known as Yates street, the same being a short street directly in line with Catharine street be changed and that the same be hereafter known as South Catharine street. Section 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and af- ter its passage by the City Council and is publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph -Herald and Times Journal newspapers . Adopted 1910. Approved .... ...... 1910. Attest: Mayor. City Recorder. Ald. Rand to whom was referred with power the matter of having a light installed at Pickett street re- ported that he had ordered the Union Electric Co. to install a lamp of less candle power than regular street arc lamp and that same will be installed within the next week. Ald. Frith, chairman of the Com- mittee on Fire, reported that Com- mittee had tested the fire hose pur- chased from C. C. C. Fire Hose Co. and A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. and found same to be all right and com- mittee recommends that the Mayor be empowered to sign warrants for same and moved that action of the Committee be approved. Carried. Ald. Rand, chairman of the Com- mittee on Public Grounds and Build- ings, reported that committee had the. plaster in the calaboose repaired and that the calaboose was in need of being calcimined, expense of which would be about $26.00 and moved that action of committee in having repairs made be approved and matter of calcimining calaboose be referred to new council. Carried. RESOLUTIONS AND MOTIONS. Ald. Rand offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That to pay for Regular Session, April 7, 1910 improving West Locust street from Hodgdon avenue to Alta Vista street, James Lee and Son, contractors, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situated and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each parcel of real estate as follows: Special assessment submitted April 7th, 1910. John Martens, Blake's Add., Lot 23, 97.7 lin. ft. combin- ation curbstone and gutter- ing at 95c, $92.81; 162.83 sq: yds. macadamizing at 52c, $84.67; extra cost, $3.36 ...$180 84 Hughes and Blake, Blake's Add., Lot 22, 100.00 lin. ft. combination curbstone and guttering at 95c, 166.67 sq. yds. macadamizing at 52c, $86.67; extra cost, $3.44... 185 11 Hughes and Blake, Blake's Add., Lot 21, 90 lin. ft. combination curbstone and guttering at 95c, $85.50; 150.01 sq. yds. macadam- izing at 52c, $78.01; extra cost, $3.09 166 60 Hughes and Blake, Blake's Add., Lot 20, 70 lin. ft. combination curbstone and guttering at 95c, $66.50; 116.67 sq. yds. macadam- izing at 52c, $60.67; extra cost, $2.40 129 57 Paul Traut, Est., Blake's Add., Lot 19, 50 lin. ft. combination curbstone and guttering at 95c, $47.50; 831-3 sq. yds. macadam- izing at 52c, $43.33; extra cost, $1.72 92 55 Paul Traut, Est., Blake's Add., Lot 18, 50 lin. ft. combination curbstone and guttering at 95c, $47.50; 831-3 sq. yds. macadam- izing at 52c, $43.33; extra cost, $1.72 92 55 Jos. F. Kingsley, Blake's Add., Lot 17, 50 lin. ft. com- bination curbstone and guttering at 95c, $47.50; 831-3 sq. yds. macadam- izing at 52c, $43.33; extra cost, $1.72 92 55 Jos. F. Kingsley, Blake's Add., Lot 16, 50 lin. ft. combination curbstone and glittering at 95c, $47.50; 831-3 sq. yds. macadam- izing at 52c, $43.33; extra cost, $1.72 92 55 John Kingsley, Blake's Add, Lot 15, 50 lin. ft. combin- ation curbstone and gutter- ing at 95c, $47.50: 831-3 sq. yds. ynacadamizing at 95c. $43.34; extra cost, $1.72.... .. T. and L. Paisley, Blake's Add., Lot 14, 50 lin. ft. combination curbstone and guttering at 95e, $47.50; 831-3 sq. yds. macadam- izing at :2c, $4:1.:;4; extra cost, $1.72 ...... 92 56 T. and L. Paisley. Blake's Add., Lot 13, is lin. ft. combination curbstone and guttering at 95c, $47.50; 831-3 sl. yds. macadam- izing at 52e, $43.33; extra cost, $1.72.... .... 92 55 F. Fettgather, Blake's Add, Lot 12. 50 lin. ft. combin- ation curbston,, and gutter- ing at 95e, $47.50; 83 1-3 sq. yds. macadamizing at 52c, $43.33; extra cost, $1.72 Tos. Herod. Blake's Add, Lot 11. 50 lin. ft. combin- ation curbstone and gutter- ing at 95c, $47, ;n; 53 1.3 sq. yds. c:,domizing at 52c, $43.34; extra cost, $1.72 92 56 Alice Loncrgan, Blake's Add, Lot 10, 50 lin. ft. combina- tion curnstone and gutter- ing at 95c, $47.50; 83 1-3 sq. yds. macadamizing at 52e, $43.33; extra cost, $1.72.. 92 55 Mary Powers, Blake's Add., Lot 9, 50 lin. ft. combina- tion curbstone and gutter- ing at 95e. $47.50; 83 1-3. sq. yds. macadamizing at 52c $43.33; extra cost, $1.72 117 92 56 92 55 F. T. Wirth, Est., Blake's Add., Lot 8, 50 lin. ft. com- bination curbstone and gut- tering at 95e, $47.50; 83 1-3 sq. yds. macadamizing at 52c, $43.34; extra cost, $1.72 A. Michel, Blake's Add., Lot 7, 50 lin. ft. combination curbstone and guttering at 95c, $47.50; 531-3 sq. yds. macadamizing at 52c, $43.33; extra cost, $1.72 Mary Michel, Blake's Add., Lot 8, 50 lin. ft. combina- tion curbstone and gutter- ing at 95c, $47.50; 83 1-3 so. yds. macadamizing at 52e, $43.33; extra cost, $1.72 Nic. Theis, Est., Blake's Add., Lot 831-3 sq. yds. maca- damizing at 52c, $43.33; extr.i cost, $1.72 Nie. Theis, Est., Blake's Add, Lot 4, 83 1-3 sq. yds. maca- damizing at 52c, $43.34; extra cost, $1.72.... 92 55 92 56 92 55 92 55 45 05 45 06 118. Regular Session, April 7, 1910 L. Zannuck, Blake's Add., E. 65.5 ft. of Lot 1, 65.5 lin. ft. combination curbstone and guttering at 95c. $62.23; 109.16 sq. yds. macadam izing at 52c. $56.76: extra cost. $2.25 121 24 McCr,•,•wir and Timis. I flake's Add., Lot 3, 83 1-3 sq. yds. macadatnizing at 52c. $43.33: extra cost. $1.72 45 05 Ellen Kane. Ulla ke•s Add.. [.,it 51).7 lin. ft. cm!) I 'I ci tion rhstt me and guttering at 95c, $48.16: 84.5 sq. yds. macadamizing at 52c. $43.94 Extra cost. $1.72.... 93 83 Ellen Kane. Illake's Add., W. 14 ft. of Lot 1, 14 lin. ft. com- bination curbstone and gut- tering at 95c. $13.30: 23.33 sq. yds. macadamizing at 52c. $12.13; extra cost, 48c 25 91 Joseph Herod, 'Min. Lot, W. 110.5 ft. of Lot 184, 110.5 lin. ft. combination curb- stone and guttering at 95c, $104.98; 184.16 sq. yds. macadamizing at 52c, $95.76 extra cost. $3.77 204 51 Alice McGrath. McGrath's Sub., Lot 3, 41 lin. ft. combination curbstone and guttering at 95c. $38.95; 68 1-3 sq. yds. macadamizing at 52e. $35.53: extra cost. $1.40. 75 88 Alice McGrath. McGrath's Sub.. Lot 2. Si) lin. ft. com- bination curbstone and gut- tering at 95e. $47.50: 83 1-3 sq. yds. ma ca damizing at 52c. $43.34: extra cost. $1.72 92 56 Alice McGrath, McGrath's Sub., Lot 1, 50 lin. ft. com- bination curbstone and gut- tering at 95c, $47.50; 83 1-3 at. yds. macadamizing at 52c, $43.33; extra cost, $1.72.. .......... „ Anton Siege, A. P. Woods Add.. Lot 1, 50 lin. ft. com- bination curbstone and gut- tering at 95c, $47.50; 83 1-3 sq. yds. macadamizing at 52c, $43.33; extra cost $1.72 A. Doerr, A. P. Woods' Add., Lot 2, 50 lin. ft. combina- tion curbstone and gutter- ing at 95c, $47.50; 83 1-3 sq. yds. macadamizing at 52c. $43.33; extra cost, $1.72 A. Doerr, A. P. Woods Add, Lot 3, 50 lin. ft. combina- tion curbstone and gutter- ing at 95c, $47.50; 83 1-3 sq. yds. macadamizing at 52c, $43.84; extra cost, 92 55 92 55 92 55 $1.72 92 56 J. Huber, A. P. Woods Add, Lot 4, 50 lin. ft. combina- tion curbstone and gutter- ing at 95c, $47.50; 83 1-3 sq. yds. macadamizing at 52c. $43.34; extra cost, $1.72 92 56 A. Siege and H. Siege, A. P Woods Add., Lot 5, 50 Ha ft. combination curbstone and guttering at 95c, $47.50; 83 1-3 sq. yds. macadam- izing at 52c. $43.33; extra cost, $1.7' 92 55 A. Doerr, A. P. Woods Add, Lot 6, 50 lin. ft. combina tion curbstone guttering at 95c, $47.50; 83 1-3 sq. yds. macadamizing at 52c. $43.33; extra cost. $1.7292 55 A. Doerr. A. P. Woods Add., Lot 7. 5o lin ft. combina tion curbstone and gutter- ing at 95c. $47.50; 83 1-3 sq. yds. macadamizing at 52c. $43.33; extra cost. $1.7292 55 A. Doerr, A. P. Woods Add Lot 8, 50 lin. feet. combin- ation curbstone and gutter- ing at 95c, $47.50: 83 1-3 sq. yds. macadamizing at 52c. $43.34; extra cost. $1.72 92 56 A. Doerr, A. P. Woods Add Lot 9. 50 lin. ft. combina- tion curbstone and gutter- ing at 95c, $47.50; 83 1-3 sq. yds. macadamizing at 52c, $43.33; extra cost, $1.72 .... ........... 92 55 A. Doerr, A. P. Woods Add., Lot 10, 113.1 lin. ft. com- bination curbstone and gut- tering at 95c. $107.44; 88.5 sq. yds. macadamizing at 52c, $98.02; extra cost, $3.88 209 34 J. A. Rhomberg, Est., A. P. Woods Sub., 98a, Lot 36b 83.7 lin. ft combination curb and guttering at 95c $79.52; 139.5 sq. yds. maca- damizing at 52c, $72.54; extra cost, $2.88 154 94 J. A. Rhomberg, Est., A. P. Woods Add., Sub.. 98a, Lot 35b, 52 lin, ft. combination curbing and guttering at 95c $49.40; 86 2-3 sq. yds. maca- damizing at 52c. $45.06; extra cost, $1.7q 96 25 J. A. Rhomberg, Est., A. P. Woods Add., Sub., 98a. Lot 34b, 52 lin, ft. combination curbstone and guttering at 95c, $49.40; 86 2-3 sq. yds. macadamizing at 52c, $45.06; extra cost, $1.79... J. A. Rhomberg Est., A. P. Woods Sub., 98a, Lot 33b, 52 lin. ft. combination curb- stone and gtittering at 95c, 96 25 Regular Session, April 7, 1910 119 $49.40; 86 2-3 sq. yds. ma- cadamizing at 5.2c, $45.07; extra cost, $1.79 96 25 Henrietta Grinzig, A. P. Woods Sub., 98a, Lot 32b, 52 lin. ft. combination curbstone and guttering at 95c, $49.40; 86 2-3 sq. yds. macadam- izing at 52c, $45.07; extra cost $1.74 96 26 A. Rhomberg, Est., A. P Woods Sub., 98a, Lot 31b, 52 lin. ft. combination curb- stone and guttering at 95c, $49.40; 86 2-3 sq. yds. macadamizing at 52c, $45.07; extra cost, $1.7996 26 T. Rhomberg, A. P. Woods Sub., 98a, Lot 30b, 52 lin. ft. at 95c. $49.40; 86 2-3 sq. yds. macadamizing at 52c, $45.07; extra cost. $1.7996 26 J. A. Rhomberg, Est., A. P Woods Sub.. 98a, Lot 29b, 52 lin. ft. combination curb- stone and guttering at 95c, $49.40; 86 2-3 sq. yds. maca- damizing at 522c. $45.07; extra cost, $1.79 96 26 J. A. Rhomberg, Est., A. P Woods Sub.. 98a. Lot 28b. 52 lin. ft. combination curb- stone and guttering at 95c, $49.40; 86 2-3 sq. yds. maca- damizing at 52c, $45.07; extra cost, $1.79 96 26 D. Sutherland. A. P. Woods Sub., 98a. Lot 27b, 52 lin. ft. combination curbstone and guttering at 95c, $49.40; 86 2-3 sq. yds. macadam- izing at 52c, $45.07; extra cost, $1.79 96 26 J. A. Rhomberg, Est., A. P Woods, Sub.. 98a, Lot 26h 51.8 lin. ft. combination curbstone and guttering at 95c, $49.21; 86 1-3 sq. yds. macadamizing at 52c, $44.89: extra cost. $1.7995 89 J. A. Rhomberg Est., A. P Woods Sub., 98a, Lot 25b, 54 lin. ft. combination curb- stone and guttering at 95c, $51.30: 90 sq. yds. maca- damizing at 52e. $46.80; extra cost, $1.86 99.96 J. A. Rhomberg, Est., A. P Woods. Sub., 98a, Lot 24b, 48.6 lin. ft. combination curbstone and guttering at 95c. $46.17: 201 sq. yds. macadamizing at 52c, $104.52: extra cost, $1.67.. 152 36 Independent School District No. 2, W. 50, Mineral Lot 95. 87.5 sq. yds. macadam- izing at 95c, $45.51: extra expense, $1.73 J. 47.24 Total assessment $5258 52 4971.83 sq. yds. macadam at 52c $2585 35 2708.6 lin. ft. combination concrete curb and gutter- ing at 95c 2573 17 Extra expense 100 00 Total Cost.. .............$5258 52 All el' which is i-scssed in propor- tion to benefits (''iih•rred. Ald. Rand moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -ads. Frith. Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays -None. Ald. Frith offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for improving 27th street from Jackson street to the railroad tracks by Wil- mer Cook, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a Special Tax be and is hereby levied on the several Lots, and Parts of Lots. and Parcels of Real Estate hereinafter named, situated and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each Lot or Parcel of Real Estate as follows• Total Amount Owner. Description. Tax. Jas. Zieries. Glendale Add., Lot 234. 1116.8 lin. ft. curb- stone at 52c. $55.54: 116.7 lin. ft. brick guttering at 70c. $81.69; 161.02 sq. yds. macadamizing at 60c, $96.61; extra cost. $4.50.,$ 238 34 John McNulty, Glendale Add., ITnd. 1, of lot 2:12. 125.1 lin. ft. curbstone at 52c. $65.05; 162.7 lin. ft. brick guttering at Tile. $11:1.89: 213.67 sq. yds. macadamizing' at 611c, $12.S•.2": extra cost. $4.50. 311 64 R. and Ed. Langworthy Est.. Glendale. Add., Cnd. Lot 258. 105.5 lineal feet curbstone at 5?c, $54.86; 106.9 lin. ft. brick guttering at 70c, $74.83; 223.69 sq. yds. macadam- izing at 60c. 134.21: extra cost. $4.50.... .... .... R. and Ed. Langworthy Est., Glendale Add., ITnd. 15 Lot _ 59. 129.1 lineal feet curbstone at 52e, $67.13: 135.5 lin. ft. brick guttering at 70c. $94.85: sq. yds. macadam- izing at floe, $1:13.17: extra cost $4.50 H. and Ed. Langworthy Est., Glendale Add., Fad. *_. Lot 282. 66.8 lineal feet curbstnn• at 52c, $3.1.74: 71.8 lin. ft. brick guttering at 70c. $50.26; 139.41 sal. yds, macadam- izing at floc• $83.65: extra cost. $2.00 268 40 299.65 170 55 $1488 68 Tolas I :,w•ssnn•nt 120 Regular Session, April 7, 1910 633.3 lin ft. new curbstone at 52c 693.6 lin. ft. brick gutter at 70c.. 959.73 sq. yds. macadam at 60c Extra expenses ... $ 277 32 415 52 575 84 20 00 Total Cost $1288 68 All of which is assessed in propor- tion to benefits conferred. Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Frith, Haas, Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin. Nays—None. Aid. Rand offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of Dubuque, Iowa, That the Street Com- missioner be instructed to bring to a possible grade, the west 50 feet of Anna Place, now called West Fifteenth street. so as to avoid in- jury to the adjacent house owned by Mr. Deggendorf, the estimated cost of which is about $50.00 and the material excavated from said West Fifteenth street be used to grade West Sixteenth street. • Ald. Rand moved that resolution be referred to the committee of the whole of the new Council to view the grounds. Carried. • Ald. Frith moved that all matters now in the hands of the various com- mittees be referred to the same com- mittees of the new Council. Carried. Mayor Schunk announced the next business in order would be the can- vassing of the votes of the City Elec- tion held Monday, April 4th, 1910. Ald. Singrin moved that the Mayor appoint a committee of three to can- vass vote of City Election. Carried. Mayor Schunk then appointed Alds. Singrin, Martin and Frith a commit- tee to canvass the vote. The vote was then canvassed from the Poll books and found to be as follows: (See Insert) Ald. Singrin moved that all candi- dates receiving a majority or a plurality of the votes cast be declar- ed elected. Carried. Mayor Schunk then called upon the members of the retiring Council for farewell remarks Ald. Rand read the following: Mr. Mayor and Gentlemen of the Council: In leaving this office, I feel that it is appropriate for me to say a few words as to what my aims and objects have been, and as to what has been accomplished. My aim has al- ways been to make as many improve- ments and repairs as possible, consist- ent with the revenues of the city, and without increasing the burdens of the taxpayers: and this is so as applies to the whole city as well as to my own ward, and while I may have made some mistakes, as all men do, I feel that as a whole I should be proud of the record made in the last two years. I do not think all has been done that was needed, but it was im- possible to perform any more with the revenue at hand, and I feel that I should be pardoned if I mention some of the improvements in my own ward. A long section of West Locust street has been improved, which the people have sought for years, both for the street improvement and the storm sewer. Louisa street has been extended which opens up a large tract of val- uable property. Bennett street, Asbury street and St. Ambrose street have been im- proved. A large pond of water was abated on Fourteenth street, at large ex- pense. A good sized 'stagnant pool in the central part of Woodlawn park has been abated, at very small ex- pense. A large and troublesome pool on Grace street was abolished by fill- ing, at no expense, in fact at a real profit to the city, besides grading an alley. Many other small improvements in the line of street repairs have been made and many other needed ones were not made for the lack of funds. but preparation has been made for doing this kind of work on a large scale this year, with the view that my successor to this term of office, whether it be myself or another, would he better fitted for this work than any before have been. It also affords me much satisfac- tion to know that many of the pub- lic buildings have received needed re- pairs and some improvements. But there are still others in serious need: the Ninth street engine house roof. also the town clock tower and the li- brary roof, etc., will need painting Official Canvass of Votes of Election of April 4th, 1910 NI ( sere. No. Yes. Public Measure Park Commissioners. P. J. Royce D. Smith O. Pohl L. Millar C. J. Mathies J. J. Hennessey T. Cahill H. Mehl S. Miller E. E. Frith H. Adams, I F. J. Piekenbrock. I 0. P. Shiras. I Alerman Fifth Ward F. 1Tussehl. E. E. Frith. C. N. P R. Specht, D Alderman 4th Ward L. C. Stewart, S D. W. Rand. C. N. P E E McEvoy D Alderman 3rd Ward A. McAlleece, S W. Singrin. D Alderman 2nd Ward H . G. Collis, S J. J. O'Rourke. C. N. P.... V7. O'Donnell, D Alderman 1st Ward Ed. Erie J. Coyle, S J. Saul, D Aldermen -at -Large. I,. J. Reick. S A. L. -Wright, S R. Jones, C. N. P P. Apel, C. N. P. E. J. Sauer, D P. R. Martin, D Engineer (,. R. Brandt, S c. H. Baumgartner, C. N. P. P. Ilg, D Assessor I). S. Cameron, S W. A. Schaffhauser, C. N. P. .T. 'P. Kelly, D Attorney S. Ferris, S C. T. Lyons, C. N. P J. R. Waller, D Auditor E. R. Nolte, S G. N. Raymond, C. N. P.... M. E. Lyons, D Treasurer Buckingham, S G. D. Wybrant, C. N. P.... H. Brinkman. D Recorder. G. Pohl, S O. P. Geiger, C. N. P E. A. Linehan, D Mayor E. J. Ruchet, S D. J. Haas, C. N. P H. A. Schunk, D First Ward Second Ward third Ward Fourth Ward Fifth Ward First Precinct Second Precinct Third Precinct Fourth Precinct Grand Totals Pluralities Regular Session, April 7, 1910 12] soon. And now with this somewhat abbreviated statement, I am ready to retire and turn the burdens of this station over to my successor and wish for him and the other members of the new council a prosperous admin- istration. dmin- istration. I have also given serious thought to the question of additional fire protection in the hill district, and L have no doubt that the new council will seek to remedy the present con - clition. Mr. Mayor, I thank the mem- bers of the old council for the cordial relations which i have enjoyed with them and wish for the new council as pleasant relations as we have en- joyed. Aids. Frith, Martin, O'Rourke and Haas then made a few remarks in reference to the work done by the Council in the past two years and expressing their good wishes to the newly elected aldermen for a pros- perous and successful administration of the city's affairs for the ensuing two years. Mayor Schunk then said that it had been a pleasure to him to be connected personally with the mem- bers of the Council and he then de- livered his valedictory which is as follows: Gentlemen of the Council: Before turning over the affairs of the city to my successor, I hope you will par- don me if I take up a few more moments of your time. A few thoughts suggest themselves to me that I am persuaded will not be in- appropriate on this occasion. Many people's judgment of a city government is influenced by their idealistic conception of what a city government should be, while those in active control know but the real city government with its good points as well as its imperfections. In all things in city affairs, of course, there is much that is imperfect. However, what may seem imperfect, may real- ly be as nearly perfect as human im- perfection can make it. You can only follow the past which is certain- tainly extremely valuable to us in every walk of life --its chief value is in interpreting for us the present and giving greater intelligence for the fu- ture. it teaches us partisan clamor and criticism to the contrary, not- withstanding that honest, sincere and thorough effort on our part is not only a great pleasure and satisfaction to ourselves, but will also prove a wholesome example to posterity. Much has been said in the cam- paign recently closed derogatory to myself, but I submit with emphasis the assertion, that for the petty sat- isfaction of self vindication, or per- sonal or political success, I have never planted tares in the field of another's reputation. I have no apologies to offer for any act in my official career of the past four years, and have no regrets whatever. I feel that I have been very kindly treated, and certainly apprec- iate the opportunity afforded me by our people to occupy a niche in the history of my native city. I have been signally honored by my fellow citizens, and fully appre- ciate the courtesies receive,l at their hands. L have had and have thor- oughly enjoyed my yesterday, and tender my heartfelt thanks to the citizens of Dubuque for the favor of the privilege of serving them two terms as mayor. Mayor ~chunk stepped down to where Ald. Haas sat and escorted him to the mayor's rostrum, from where he introduced him as Du- buque's next mayor. He then admin- istered the oath of office. Mayor Haan then read his inaug- ural address which is as follows: I feel greatly honored this evening to take my place as mayor of our city. Having been eleeted as the result of a non-partisan movement. I feel that I owe my el etion to no one party. but to the po•olde. Dur- ing my term as Alderman-at-h•ge it was always my aim to give all mat- ters careful consideration and to do what I thought was for the best in- terest of the whole_ city and not to be influenced by political or personal feeling. As mayor, i will try to act as I have in the past and will always have but one object in view, and that will be to do what I think best for the city. I wish to thank Mr. Schunk and the members of the retiring ,ouncil for the many kind things they have done for me and to assure them that I will always cherish the friendships I have made while I worked with them as a member of the council. To the now council, I extend hearty greetings and best wishes for the fu- ture. I hope that during the term we may all work together in harmony with but one object in view, and that will be a greater and a better Du- buque. Mayor Haas then called all the newly elected aldermen before the desk of the City Recorder and admin- istered to them the oath of office. The members are as follows: Alderman -at -Large Apel, of the First ward. Alderman -at -Large Sauer, of the Fifth ward. Ald Saul, of the First ward. Ald. O'Rourke, of the Second ward. Ald. Singrin, of the Third ward. 122 Adjourned Regular Session, April 14, 1910 Ald. McEvoy, of the Fourth ward. Ald. Specht, of the Fifth ward. Aid. Saul moved that when the Council adjourns they adjourn to meet Thursday evening, April 14th, 1910. Carried. Ald. Saul moved to adjourn to Thursday evening, April 14th, 1910. Carried. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. Approved :..t .. .. ....1910 Attest: .4.-:a✓Mayor .. Recorder CITY COUNCIL Adjourned Regular Session, April 14th, 1910. Council met at 9:05 p. m. Mayor Haas in the chair. Present — Alds. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Specht. Mayor Haas stated that the meet- ing was an adjourned meeting of the regular session of April 7th, 1910, and was called to take up and consider all matters which may properly come before a regular session of the City Council. PE:CITIONS AND COMMUNICA- TIONS. Petition of Frank O'Connor, asking that he be appointed stoker of the steam roller, was, on motion of Ald. Saul, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Charles F. Seward, ask- ing that he be appointed foreman of the Fourth Street clump, was. on mo- tion of Ald. Saul, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Louisa Pitschner, ask- ing that she be appointed Weighmis- tress at West Dubuque scales, was, on motion of Ald. McEvoy, referred to the Committee • f the Whole. Invitation to the City Council to at- tend the Grant Birthday Celebratikn in Galena. Illlinois, April 27th, 1910, was, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, ac- cepted with thanks. Petition of Mary De Lorimer, ask- ing that she be exempt from taxation on her homestead for the year 1909, was, on motion of Ald. Saul, referred to the Delinquent Tax Committee. Petition of J. M. Culbertson et al, asking that the unsanitary conditions of premises fronting on West Fifth Street and Summit Street be investi- gated and nuisance abated, was, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, referrtd to the Health Officer to report to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Dubuque National Bank, asking that their assessment for year 1909 be reduced to $100,000.00, the same as for the year 1908, was, on motion of Ald. Singrin, referre:1 to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of W. M. Kretschmer et a:, stating that Cooper Street is being used as a public dump and asking that the nuisance be abated by t11' Adjourned Regular Session, April 14, 1910 removal of the debris dumped there and that steps be taken to prevent Cooper Street being made a public dumping ground for the whole hill region, was, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, referred to the Sanitary Officer to report to Committee of the Whole. Petition of Herman Mauer, Sr., asking that the valuation fur assess- ment purposes on Lot 34, E. Lang - worthy's Add., be reduced to $500.00 and that the City Treasurer be in- structed to accept taxes on said basis for year 1909, was, on motion of Ald. Singrin, referred to the Committee on Delinquent Tax. Petition of M. Schlegel, owner of Lot 19, Althauser's Sub., stating he is willing to pay assessment levied against said lot for the improvement of Eagle Street, provided payment is accepted as follows: Interest now due be canceled, will then pay the balance of said assessment, amount- ing to $103.28, in the following man- ner: Within 30 days he will pay two installments, thereafter he will pay one installment per year with interest on deferred payments until the bal- ance of said assessment is paid, was, on motion of Ald Saul, referred : the Committee of the Whole. Petition of James Alderson et al, asking that Harvard Street be graded and improved and a sanitary sewer laid therein, was, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, referred to City Engineer, Street Commissioner and City Attor- ney to report to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Brandel-Waller Co., asking that the assessment of $6,- 000.00 levied against said company on merchandise and other personal prop- erty be canceled and that the Treas- urer be instructed to accept $170.00 in full settlement of their taxes for year 1909, was, on motion of Ald. Singrin, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Business men's Associa- tion of Prairie du Chien, Wis., ask- ing that the Council appropriate a sum of money to assist them in the erection of a monument in the said city to the memory of Father Mar- quette, was, on motion of Aid. Saul, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Aid. Saul stated that the newly - elected Park Commissioners were present in the Council chamber and moved that the rules be suspended to grant them permission to address the council. Permission being granted, 123 Mr. O. P. Shiras then addressed the Council, stating that the -members of the Park Commission had tiled their bonds with the Mayor, as was re- quired by the Ordinance, and had taken the oath of odlice, and that the Park Commissioners respectfully rec- ommence that the Council appoint the Custodians of the different parks and provide funds to pay them for the en- suing year, its the Park Commission- ers are without funds and no pro- vision for procuring funds can be made until the appropriations are made next year. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke, the request of the Park Commissioners was granted. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Mayor Haas announced the follow- ing as the standing committees for the ensuing year: Finance—O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul. Ordinance — McEvoy, Singrin. O'Rourke. Streets — Saul, Singrin, Specht, O'Rourke, McEvoy. Police and Light—Sauer, McEvoy, Specht. Sewer—Singrin, Saul, Sauer. Printing—O'Rourke, McEvoy, Apel. Claims—Saul, Apel, McEvoy. Fire—Singrin, Apel, Sauer. Markets—Specht, Singrin, Sauer. Public Grounds and Buildings— Sauer. Singrin, Specht. Delinquent Tax—McEvoy, O'Rourke, Saul. Sprinkling—O'Rourke. Saul, Specht. Harbors—Specht, Apel, Saul. Supplies—Apel, O'Rourke, Saul. Electrical Construction—Apel, Sin - grin, Specht. Mayor Haas also presented the surety bonds of Mr. O. P. Shiras, Frank Piekenbrock and Herbert Adams as Park Commissioners, same having been approved by the City At- torney. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke, bonds were approved and me de mat- ter of record. City Attorney Lyon reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The undersigned, to whom was referred the patent of date November 8th, 1909, running from the State of lewa to the City of Du- buque, and the official government plat certified by the Surveyor Gen- eral, under dnte of December 25th, 1838, and May 1st, 1848, of Sections 24, 25 and 36 in Township Eighty - Nine (89), North, Range Two (2), East of the Fifth P. M., Iowa, being a portion of the abandoned river bed of the Mississippi River within the limits of ib,• city of Dubuque, and 124 Adjourned Regular Session, April 14, 1910 which patent was authorized by act of the Thirty -Third General Assem- bly, becoming effective July 4th, 1909, would respectfully report that I have examined said patent and plat and hereby approve the same, subject to the descriptions being found correct by the City Engineer April 11, 1910. Respectfully submitted, GEO. T. LYON, City Attorney. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke the report of the City Attorney was ap- proved and report received and filed. Harbor Master Carroll reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I hereby report wharf- age collected this month of April, 1 91 0, amounting to $86.70. I have not completed my collections, owing to matters now pending in Council. Respectfully submitted, J. H. CARROLL, Harbor Master. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke, the report of the Harbor Master was ap- proved and ordered received and filed. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. McEvoy, chairman of the Com- mittee on Ordinances, presented and read an Ordinance vacating the alley between Rhomberg and Lincoln Ave- nues from Second to Third Avenues, and moved that the reading just had be considered its first reading. Car- ried. Ald McEvoy moved that rules be suspended for the purpose of reading the Ordinance by its title for the sec- ond reading. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Alds. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Specht. Nays—None. Ald. McEvoy moved that the Ordi- nance be now adopted as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Alds. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Specht. Nays—None. The Ordinance follows: AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE for the vacation of that part of the alley between Rhomberg and Lincoln Avenues ex- tending from Second to Third Ave- nues in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Whereas, The Rev. Joseph A. Du- pont has petitioned the City Council for the vacation of that part of the alley between Rhomberg and Lincoln Avenues extending from Second to Third Avenues for use of the Holy Trinity Parish, and Whereas, The said parish is the owner of all the real estate abutting that part of said alley above desig- nated, and Whereas, Notice of the application for said vacation has been published for ten days in the official newspapers of the City, and Whereas, It appears that no valid objections have been made to said application for said vacation and that said above described alley is not re- quired for alley purposes; therefore: Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That that part of the alley between Rhomberg and Lincoln Avenues extending from Second to Third Avenues be and the same is hereby vacated and the use thereof granted to the Holy Trinity parish for church and school purposes, provided, that if at any time the said Holy Trinity parish should cease to use the premises so vacated for the purposes herein contemplated, then the said portion of said alley so vacated shall revert back to the City of Dubuque, and this Ordinance shall be null and void. Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Telegraph -Herald and Times -Journal newspapers. Adopted , 1910. Approved , 1910. Attest: Mayor. City Recorder. Following reports of the Committee of the Whole were read: Your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the following named officers and em- ployees be appointed for the ensuing term or at the pleasure of the City Council and that their salaries be fixed as set out below: Per Mo. Committee Clerk—Jno. Lawler... $125.00 Street Commissioner—John Ma- honey 100.00 Supt. of Sprinkling—Geo. Miller60.00 Carpenter—John Kinsella.... 50.00 Carpenter's Driver—Ed. Firzlaff50.00 Harbormaster—John H. Carroll35.00 Engineer Steam Roller, Regular Bart McDonnell 75.00 Engineer Steam Roller Extra T. H. Rowland 75.00 Stoker Steam Roller, Regular Arthur Turner 50.00 Stoker Steam Roller, Extra Patrick Carney 50.00 Per Day. Foreman Garbage Dump—P. Kenneally .... 1.80 Foreman Fourth Street Dump— J. Callaghan 1.80 Adjourned Regular Session, April 41, 1910 125 Per Mo. City Electrician—W. P. Hip - man Marketmaster—E. Norton Poundmaster—Al. Moyer.... Sidewalk Inspector—P. J. Royce Janitress—Mrs. Koenig 100.00 55 00 40 00 bo 00 30.00 We would further recommend that from and after the first day of May, 1910, the salary of the Chief of the Fire Department be fixed at $125.00 per month, that of the Assistant Chief at $100.00 per month and that of the Chief of Police at $100.00 per month. Also, your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the following named men be appoint- ed on the Sewer Gang, and at the wages set opposite their names, they to be appointed subject to the pleas- ure of the City Council: Per Mo. Casper Specht, inspector $60.00 C. Sullivan, assistant inspector55.00 Per Day D. Cunningham, driver.... $1.80 Ed. Hennessy, laborer 1.80 .Amb. Hird, laborer 1.80 Jake Scheir, laborer 1.80 Jos. Rooney, laborer 1.80 F. Luchterhand, laborer 1.80 Jas. Clune 1.80 We also recommend the appointment of the following named men for sweep- ers on the brick paved streets, all at the rate of $1.80 per day: James Connolly. W. Walker. M. Carney. John Kress. John Steffens. John Knaus. T. Lonergan. We would further recommend that the following named be appointed foremen in the various wards at the salary fixed in the previous report of the committee, i. e.. $50 per month: First Ward—W. O'Brien. Second Ward—George Frost. Third Ward—W. McLaughlin. Fourth Ward—Frank Sieg. Fifth Ward—P. Weirich. Also your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that Alderman James Saul be appointed Mayor Pro Tempore. We would also recommend that Thos. Cahill be appointed custodian of Washington Park, Charles McMan- us custodian of Jackson Park, J. Straney, Sr., custodian of Phoenix Park, and Weighmaster First Ward Scales, Patrick Healey, custodian of Grandview Avenue Parking. We would further recommend that the chairman on Public Grounds and Buildings he instructed to have the calaboose kalsomined, provided the cost of the same does not exceed the sum of $25.00. D. J. HAAS, Chairman Pro Tern. Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the various reports of the Committee of the Whole. Ald. O'Rourke stated that he was opposed to increases in salaries as recommended by the Committee of the Whole and that he questioned the ad- visability of making these increases in salary at this time and wanted to know where the money was e.oming from to pay for them, as the appropriations for the year had already been made. Ald. Saul stated that the most of the increases were in. the fire department and he thought the work of the fire de- partment the past week would justify them and result in no criticism from the citizens. Ald. Singrin said he was only sorry they couldn't raise the salaries of more of them, and Aid. Apel voiced Singritrs sentiments. Ald. O'Rourke rejoined that that was the reason he objected to raising only a few, and they were the "top-notchers" who got the increase. Motion adopting the various reports of the Committee of the Whole was then put and was carried, Ald. O'Rourke voting no. RESOLUTIONS AND MOTIONS. Ald. O'Rourke moved that the City Recorder be instructed to advertise for bids for sweeping Kriel: paved streets: also fur hauling away of street sweepings and to submit the bids to Council at their next session. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke moved that the Re- corder he instructed to advertise for bids for cleaning around Market Square. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke stated that there was great need of a fire plug being in- stalled on Third Street Extension near Fischer's ice house and recommended that the Mayor take up the matter of installing said fire plug with the Water Works Trustees. Ald. O'Rourke moved that the Com- mittee Clerk he instructed to look up the indebtedness of the Telephone company to the City of Dubuque and report same to the Mayor and City Attorney and they to report to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. Saul moved that the warrants drawn in favor of J. Haudenshield to pay for oats furnished City be can- celed and new warrants be ordered drawn in favor of J. Haudcnschield and the Mayor be authorized to sign same. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke moved that war- rant be ordered drawn in favor of 126 Adjourned Regular Session, April 14, 1910 George Miller to pay balance due him for salary month of March. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke moved that Mayor and City Engineer look up condition of the portion of Windsor Avenue, improved by Eagle Point Lime Works, and report to the Committee of the Whole. Ald. Singrin moved to adjourn to Thursday evening, April 21st, 1910. Carried. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. Regular Session, April 21, 1910 1°; CITY COUNCIL Special Session April 18th, 1910. Council met at 8:05 p. m, Mayor Haas in the chair. Present — Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Specht. Mayor Haas stated that the meet- ing was a special session called for the purpose of taking action on the appointment of members of the Board of Health. To determine the term of office and salaries of appointments to be made by the Board of Health. Mayor Haas then announced the following as the members of Board of Health: Ald. O'Rourke. Aid. Singrin. Mr. A. J. Hartig. Mr. John P. Roth. Mayor Haas. Ald. McEvoy moved that appoint- ments of the Mayor be approved. Car- ried. Ald. Singrin moved that the term of appointments to be made by Board of Health be for the ensuing year. Ald. McEvoy moved as an amend- ment that appointments be made for term of two years. Amendment lost by following vote: Yeas—Apel, McEvoy and O'Rourke. Nays—Aids. Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Specht. Original motion fixing term of ap- pointments as one year was then pui and was carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Specht. Nays—None. Ald. O'Rourke moved that salaries of Health Physician and Sanitary Officer be the same as heretofore. namely, Health Physician $50.00 per month and Sanitary Officer 65.00 per month. Carried. Ald. Saul moved to adjourn. Carried. EDMUND A LINEHAN. City Recorder. i? Recorder CITY COUNCIL Regular Session, April 21st, 1910. (Official.) Mayor Haas in the chair. Council met at 9:20 p. Present — Alds. Ape!, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Specht. Absent—None. BIDS. Bids for sweeping brick paved streets, also for hauling sweepings from paved streets and also for haul- ing from around market square, were presented, and on motion of ,VAI. grin were ordered Opened as follows: Inds for sweI•pine brick paved streets: Rudolph Obernutvcr....$18.50 per week John Peed, Jr 19.00 per week H. C. Van Wie 20.00 per week On motion of Ald. CrItourke, contract for sweeping brick paved streets was awarded to Rudolph nhermitvor. Bids for hauling sweepings front brick paved streets are ;IS follows: John Linehan 120.e0 per week James Ward .. 22.10 per week Dennis O'Meara .... 21.110 per week On motion of Ald. Singrin, tents •t for hauling sweepings w,ts aw;u•ded to John Linehan. Bids for hauling from around Market Square are as follows: Lawrence Daily $16.00 per month Otto Dehing .... 21.00 per month On motion of Ald, enol 1,110r/111 for hauling from around .I,uket Square was awarded to Lawrence I BILLS. Following hills weer' approved and were on metien of .Aid. O'Rourke or- dered paid and in future all purchase, for• various departments be made through the proper committees: American La France Fire En- gine Company, repairs for Fire Dept 5 90 Geo. Bock, repairs for Fire Dept..78 00 John Butt, repairs for Fire Dept. 3 25 Becker Hazcltee Co., sul pli •s for Fire Dept W. D. Deckert Co,, supplies for Fire Dept. Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., 43 firemen's helmets 193 50 Dubuque 'tubber & Belting 1 Fireman's Coat Dubuque Lumber Co., lumber for Fire Dept.... .... 10 55 Eichhorn & Bechtel, bran for Fire Dept A, R. Flick Box Co., sawdust for 1 10 1 50 1 50 1 40 128 Regular Session, April 21, 1910 Fire Dept.... Fischer & Co., coal for Fire Falkenhainer Co., sponges for Fire Dept..... Geo. W. Healey & Son, supplies for Fire Dept Iowa Oil Co., oil for Fire Dept... Key City Gas Co., coke for Fire Dept.. Key City Roofing Co., repairing gutter on 9th St. Engine House 21 80 Mullin Bros., plumbing repairs at 9th St. Engine House 8 Lagen, Peed and Berwanger, horseshoeing for Fire Dept.... 8 Wm. Marshall, repairs for Fire Dept McClain Bros., bran for Fire Dept • • • A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co., sup- plies for Fire Dept. .... 20 Spahn, Rose Lumber Co., lum- ber for Fire Dept 2 00 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Fire Dept M. Stafford, feed for Fire Dept. 63 23 John Schaetzle, supplies for Fire Dept.. .... Union Electric Co., power for Fire Alarm System 2 00 E. J. Vogenthaler Co., repairs for Fire Dept.... .. . 1 28 Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse - shoeing for Fire Dept.. 12 85 American Ever Ready Co, batteries for Police Dept 4 Ot S. C. Dike, repairs for Police Dept .... 50 Eichhorn & Bechtel, bran and supplies for Police Dept.... .. 4 10 Frank Hamel, repairing plaster in Calaboose 18 75 Key City Gas Co., light for various Depts.. .. 94 45 Key City Gas Co., rental and maintenance 4 gas arcs for Fire and Police • 2 00 Mullin Bros., plumbing repairs, City Hall .... .... Martin Strelau Co., coal for Police Dept Mattel Bros., bran for Police Dept C. A. Noyes, shade and roller for Police Dept.... ., D. O'Meara, hauling for Patrol House .. - Union Electric Co., arc lights, month of March, 1910 2237 25 John Butt, repairs for 2nd, 3rd and 4th Road Districts 15 85 Barrett Mfg. Co., Tarvia for 3rd and 5th Road Districts 286 57 Dubuque Lumber Co., lumber for 7th Ave. bridge 5 76 Farley & Loetscher Mfg. Co, supplies for Road Dept. 11.0 Frank A. Frommelt, repairing sprinkling wagon 20 20 Peter Hanson, supplies for Road Dept. Joseph Haupert, 9.07 eu. yds. 2 25 25 00 24 00 65c 7 38 10 90 26 1 15 30 72 35 75c 9 36 24 12 6 2 40 75 55 80 25 35 macadam, Valeria St. •. 9 07 F. M. Jaeger & Co., hardware for Road Dept. 19 20 G. F. Kleih, hardware for Road Dept. ,,.. 5 30 John M. Lee, cinders, for 4th Street Extension .., ,.. . 77 50 McCollins Transfer Line, pine wood for Road Dept. 3 75 T. J. Mulgrew Co., coal for steam roller 19 80 Pier Bros., wood for stone crusher 3 50 Pitts -Thompson Fdry Co., catch basin frame and cover 12 00 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Road Dept. 19 55 Spahn-Rose Lumber Co., lumber for Sidewalk and Road Depts. 3 90 Standard Oil Co., oil for Road Dept. .. 1 75 Dan Sheehan, planting trees at Callaghan Park .... 12 00 E. J. Vogenthaler Co., repairs for Road Dept. 23 Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse - shoeing, Road Dept. 1 00 Anton Welu, 9.83 cu. yds. ma- cadam, Valeria street .. 9 83 John Butt, repairs for Sewer Dept. • • . . 14 45 F. M. Jaeger & Co., rope for Sewer Dept. .. • • 1 65 Key City Roofing Co., cement and sewer pipe for Sewer Dept. .•.. 410 Lagen, Peed & Berwanger, horseshoeing, Sewer Dept. ... 1 00 M. Mullen. repairing fountain, Cleveland Ave. ... • .. 18 20 H. B. McCarten, repairing Eighth street fountaen 7 75 M. O'Donnell, repairing water pipes. city hall 6 00 Pitts -Thompson Fdry. Co., 2 sewer rings and covers 16 00 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Sewer Dept. 3 10 Berg & Briggs, printing for Fire Dent. and Engineer's office ... 56 75 A. E. Bradley, repayring wall paper, council chamber 75 County Recorder, recording deed of W. H. Day, Jr., to City of Dubuque 75 Dubuque Telephone Co., tele- phone service, February and March 34 84 Iowa Telephone Co., telephone service. April 12 75 Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies for City Hall ... .. C. E. Fitzpatrick Co., supplies for Committee Clerk Foley's' Hand Laundry, towel service for March ... 4 00 Hnermann Press, envelopes for Mayor's office 2 75 M. S. Hardie, printing for Engi- neer's office „ 22 00 Geo. W. Healey & Son, grass seed, Washington Park 3 25 R. Hermann & Sonrepairing chair, Treasurer's office 75 Regular Session, April 21, 1910 129 Key City Rubber Stamp Works, rubber stamp for mayor G. F. Kleih, hardware for City Hall Kaep & Buechele, box for Aud- itor McCollins Transfer Line, deliv- ering ballot boxes for Primary and City Election Nutwood Livery Co., ambulance service ..., 4 00 Pier Bros., wood for City Hall.. 3 50 W. R. Pearce, painting 3 street signs .. 1 00 Spahn-Rose Lumber Co., stakes for Engineer's office Western Union Telegraph Co., clock service, Treasurer's of- fice, March 100 National Demokrat, official printing, March 12 50 Labor Leader, official printing, March .... 12 50 Telegraph -Herald, printing pro- ceedings, March 71 38 Times -Journal, printing proceed- ings, March 7118 G. F. Kleih, hardware for Health Dept. , , , , 25 1 .5 3 25 25 8 00 3 70 Bill of Wilhner Cook for improving 27th street, from Jackson street to C. G. W. track, $1,157.27. was approved and on motion of AId. Saul was or- dered paid from sale of bonds. Following bills were not approved and were on motion of Ald. O'Rourke referred to the committee of the whole: James Lee & Son, improving West Locust street $4652 O6 The Collis Co., stakes for Engi- neer's office 2 50 M. Tschirgi & Son, extra work on Bluff street 893 88 M. Tschirgi & Son, balance due on 32nd street contract 64 08 O'Farrell Contracting Co., grad- ing East street 525 00 O'Farrell Contracting Co., inter- est on Althauser Ave. bill 20 00 Times -Journal, printing election ballot 14 93 Telegraph -Herald, printing elec- tion ballot 15 62 Labor Leader, printing election ballot and registration notice120 85 Telegraph -Herald, contract book and printing cards for Re- codrer's office Telegraph -Herald, printing for various offices and printing ballots and supplies for Prim- ary and City Elections 447 00 Smith -Morgan Printing Co, printing for Auditor and City Attorney ..,, M. S. Hardie. printing registra- tion and poll books M. S. Hardie, printing bond file for Auditor's office Harger & Blish, supplies for registration C. E. Fitzpatrick, supplies for 46 00 143 70 132 50 27 50 15 25 Election and Recorder's office Homan & Roehl, rent of tables and chairs for election H. Wunderlich, rent of tables and chairs for election John Linehan, hauling dead ani- mals during March ,,, 48 07 4 75 4 50 30 50 PETITIONS AND COMMUNICA- TIONS. Petition of Joseph F. Kingsley et al, stating that on the recent im- provement of West Locust Street they have been assessed for 50 feet of curbing and claiming that they have but 41 lineal feet of curbing, was, on motion of Ald. Saul, referred to the Committee of the Miele and City Engineer to be instructed to go over the ground and investigate the matter and report to the ('i nnit- tee of the Whole. Petition of the Union Electric Co., asking that they be granted per- mission to install grates within the gauge line of the street railway track at various places fur the purpose of carrying off overflow of water from their tracks, was, on molten of .AId. Singrin, referred to the committee of the Whole to view the grounds. Petition of German National Demo- crat, asking that said paper be ap- pointed one of the official papers for the ensuing term, was, on motion of AId. O'Rourke, referred to the Com- mittee of the Whole. Petition of Anna. Al. Jordan, asking that the assessment for taxes for year 1909 on Lots 8. 9, 10, 11 and 12, Col- lege Sub., Lot 2, and Lots 1 and 3 be corrected, was, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Dubuque Packing Co., by James Beach, president, asking that the Council investigate the con- dition of the walls and cover of Bee Branch sewer adjoining their proper- ty and asking that it be repaired or rebuilt at once, so that they can start erection of their packing plant, was, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, referred to the committee consisting of City Attorney, City Engineer and Street Commissioner to report to Committee of the Whole as soon as possible. Petition of Telegraph -Herald, ask- ing that they be appointed the official paper of the City for the ensuing year, was, on motion of Ald. O'Rouke, re- ferred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Columbia Camp, No. 78, Woodmen of the World, asking that they be granted permission to use 13Q Regular Session, April 21, 1910 Clay Street from Fourth to Twelfth Streets for the purpose of holding a Street Carnival during a part of the month of June this year; also pre- senting petition signed by the mer- chants and residents of Clay Street granting consent to the use of Clay Street and asking that the Council grant the Woodmen the use of said street. was read and, on motion of Ald. Soul. rules were suspended to grant inter, stud parties permission to address the Council. .1. W. bittait 'a r and Alex Gratz then addressed the Council, urging the Council to grant consent to the use of said sweet for (arrival and stating that Woodmen will furnish necessary bund protecting the City. A Id. O'Rourke stated Chief of Fire Department should be consulted in the matter. On motion of \Id. Singrin, petition was granted and Chief of Fire De- partment to he consulted before shows are i'(untd and Woodmen to furnish prop. r bond protecting the City from all liabilities arising by rea- son of accidents and 'providing that streets he Pitt in proper shape when Carnival is neer. Original Notice in the District Court of suit of Ralph B. Luckey against the City of Dubuque for $3,000.00 dam- ages claimed to have been sustained was, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, re- ferred to the .City Attorney. Original Notice in the District Court . of suit of \iiu•y Dobmeyer against the City of Dubuque for $7,500.00 dam- ages claimed to have been sustained was, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, re- ferred to the City Attorney. Original Notice in the District Court of suit of Nate Daugherty against the City of Indoniac for $2,000.00 dam- ages claimed to have been sustained was, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, re- ferred to the City Attorney. Petition of Sheehan & Gregory, stating that they are the purchasers of the liquor business of C. R. Dib- ble at 630 Main Street, to whom con- sent was given to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors, and asking that they be granted consent to sell and k. ep for sale and deal in intoxi- cating liquors in the City of Dubuque at retail as the successors and as- signees to the business of said C. R. Dibble and that resolution granting them said consent be adopted, was, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, granted. Following resolution was then granted: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That con- sent is hereby given Sheehan & Greg- ory. a co -partnership consisting of Jetty Sheehan and Frank Gregory, as the successors and assignees to the business of C. H. Dibble, to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors and deal therein in the City of Dubuque,. as provided by law. This resolution to become effective on and from the 1st day of May, A. D., 1910. Adopted unanimously. Petition of Frank K. Loftus, stating that he is the successor and assignee to the liquor business of Thomas J. Loftus at 390 Main Street, and ask- ing that the Council grant him con- sent to sell and keep for sale intoxi- cating liquors in the City of Dubuque, as the successor and assignee to the business of said Thomas J. Loftus, that resolution granting said consent be adopted, was, on motion of Alii. O'Rourke, granted. Following resolution was then of- fered: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That con- sent is hereby given Frank K. Loftus, as the successor and assignee of the business of Thomas J. Loftus, to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors and deal therein, in the City of Du- buque, as provided by law. Adopted unanimously. Communication from City Attorney Lyon, asking that the Council confirm his appointment of E. H. Willging as Assistant City Attorney and Miss Net- tie Bentley as stenographer and that her salary i.e fixed at twenty dollars per month. was, on motion of Ald. Sauer, referred to the Committee of the Whole, Petition cf Recorder -elect Geiger, asking that the Council confirm his appointment of George H. Ellwanger as deputy in Recorder's office and asking that the salary be fixed at $55.00 per month, was, on motion of Ald. Singrin, referred to the Commit- tee of the Whole. Petition of Engineer -elect Baum- gartner, asking that Council confirm his appointments of Joseph Friedrich as Clerk and Draftsman and W. Cul - lin as Rodman in Engineer's office. was, on motion of Aid. Saul, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of M. E. Lyon, Auditor - elect, asking that Council confirm his appointment of Geo. J. Vogel as depu- ty in his office and salary be fixed at $1011.00 per month, was, on motion of Ald. Saul, referred to Committee of the Whole. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Mayor Haas reported as follows: To the Honorable City Council: Gentlemen: I. take pleasure in an, Regular Session, April 21, 1910 nouncing to your honorable body that I have appointed Mr. Joseph P. Scan- lan to succeed himself as a member of the Board of Water Works Trus- tees, said appointment to take effect April 20th, 1910. Very Respectfully, D. J. HAAS, Mayor. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke the ap- pointment of Mr. Scanlon as Water Works Trustee by the Mayor was ap- proved. Mayor Haas stated that Notice of Contest of Electi m of George D. Wy- brant to the ofti,:e of City Treasurer of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, had been filed with the City Recorder and that the Mayo had fixed the time of the trial of above contest for Friday, April 29th, 197.1, at 9 o'clock a. m. at the Council Chember of City Hall of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, but that the attorneys for Mr. Wybrant and Mr. Brinkman had agreed to have trial held at an earlier date, pro- vided City Council could arrange for same at an earlier date. AId. Saul moved that Election Con- test of Geo. Wybrant for City Treas- urer be held Tuesday, April 26th, 1910, at 9:00 a. m. Carried. Chief of Police Pickley reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The following is the pay roll of Police Department for the first half of April, 1910: Amount due policemen ..$1537.70 Respectfully submitted, JAMES R. PICKLEY, Chief. On motion of Ald. Sauer the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the policemen and the report referred to the Committee on Police and Light. Street Commissioner Mahoney re- ported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: T herewith submit the pay roll for labor on streets in the several Road districts during the first half of April, 1910: Amt. due laborers on streets.$3,284.55 Approved by Committee on Streets. Also submit the pay roll for labor on sewers during the first half of April, 1910: Amt. due laborers on sewers..$196.60 Approved by Committee on Sewers. Also submit the pay roll for labor grading Dunning Avenue during first half of April, 1910: Amount clue laborers grading ' Dunning Avenue $19.30 131 Approved by Committee on Streets. Respectfully submitted, JOHN MAHONY, Street Commissioner. On motion of Alds. Saul and Singrin the pay rolls on streets and sewers were received and (t•arrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts and the pay rolls referred back to the proper committee. City Engineer Jig presented an- nual report for year ending February 28th. 1910, and. cn motion of Ald. Saul, report was t eferred to the Com- mittee of the \Vlu,le. City Itecorder Linehan presented surety bonds of Otto P. Geiger, Re- corcler_eleet• for $5,000.00, ('h;n•les H. Baumgartner, Engineer - eie•t, $5.- 000.00, and Joseph P. Scanlon, \Vater Works Trustee, for $5,000.00, and, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, bonds were referred to the Committee of the Whole and City Attorney. REPOR'T'S OF COMMITTEES. Altl. Sant. chairman of the com- mittee on Streets, reported as follows: Your Committee on Streets. to whom was referred the bill of the Indiana Road Machine Co. for $280.00 for one No. 1 A steel street sweeper with two hickory fibre brooms, all to be deliverer) I. 0. b. Dubuque, ttould respectfully recommend that said bill, less the freight, amounting to $33.85, be allowed, and that a warrant in the sum of $256.15 be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer in full settlement of the claim. JA \I ES S.\ 1'L, Chairman. Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the report of the ('onnnitiee on Streets. Carried. Ald. Saul, chairman of the com- mittee on Claims, reported as folli.ws: To the Honorable Mayor and ('i,y Council: Gentlemen: At the Oct fiber term. 1909. of the District Court of Du- buque County, Iowa, Lizzie Elmore began an action against the City claiming damages in the sum of $5.000:00 alleged to he tine her ity reason of an injury sustained by her upon •i sidewalk, being the northerly side of the North Itne-liflh of City Lot 415. of I hi• city of Dubuque, Iowa. otherwise described as sidewalk situ- ated on the southerly side of 'Thir- teenth Street extending tt•est,•rly to Clay Street from t he alley bet u eoa Clay and \\'hit,• Streets, she ;illi ging said sidewalk \(;is ;wllow d to I,. t Inc and remain in a dangerous ;art.', de - fictive condition in that the eurid,e set alongside of and forming a I• tri of said sidewalk was tdefeetic • ulti, worn. cracked and pieces 132 Regular Session, April 21, 1910 were broken out of said curbing. forming a dangerous hole in laid side- walk and curbing.. That the plaintiff, through her at- torneys, has made a proposition of settlement in the sum of $450.00 in said case, together with the costa in- curred and your Committee on Claims and the City Attorney, deeming it to be for the best interest of the City to accept said proposition, would there- fore recommend that the City Council authorize the City Attorney to adjust said action upon that basis, ani to that end that a warrant be ordered drawn for the gum of $450.00 and one fur $11.35 to eiv r the costs. J:\ .\ I ES SAUL, ED\VAIRD E. McEVOY, PET! ft APEL, Committee on Claims. Cl Et). T. LYON, city :Attorney. Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the report of the Committee on Claims. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -- Alds. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Specht. Nays—None. Aid. Saul, chairman of the Commit- tee on Claims, also reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City .Council: Gentlemen: On January 27th, 1910, Mrs. Margaret Hobbs, a resident of this City, filed a claim for damages in the sum of one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars, alleged to have been caused by the fracture of her left arm be- tween the wrist and elbow on the evening of January 8th, 1910. The injury, she alleges, was caused by the negligence of the city in al- lowing the walk near 168 Twenty- eighth Street to remain in a danger- ous condition by allowing snow and ice to accumulate thereon, which no- tice was referred to this committee and the City Attorney on the 31st day of February, 1910. Mrs. Hobbs, through her attorneys, have made a proposition of settlement in the sum of one hundred dollars ($100.00), and your Committee on Claims and the City Attorney, deem- ing it to be for the best interests of the ('ity to accept this proposition, would therefore recommend that the sum of one hundred dollars be paid Mrs. Hobbs in full settlement of her claim, and that -a warrant be drawn for such amount. Respectfully submitted, JAMES SAUL, EDWARD E. McEVOY, PETER APEL, Committee on Claims. GEO. T. LYON, City Attorney. Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the report of the Committee on Claims. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -- Alds. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Spech t. Nays—None. Ald. Singrin, chairman of the Com- mittee on Fire, reported that Fire De- partment were in need of a carload of oats and a carload of hay. Ald. Saul moved that the Fire Com- mittee be empowered to purchase a carload of oats niol a car load of hay at lowest prices. Carried. Ald. Sauer, chairman of the Com- mittee on Public Grounds and build- ings, stated that one of the insurance policies on the City Hall building would expire the early part of next month. Ald. O'Rourke moved that matter of having City Hall reinsured be re- ferred to the Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings with power. Ald. O'Rourke, chairman of the Board of Heath, reported as follows: Your Board of Health begs to re- port that at the meeting of the Board of Health held April 18th, 1910. the contract for hauling garbage and dead animals for the season of 1910 was awarded to E. T. Frith at $14.40 per clay and 50e for each animal collected during period when garbage is not be- ing collected. Also your Poard of Health begs to report that the contract for vault cleaning for the season of 1910 was awarded to James Robinson at 8c per cubic foot below the bluffs and 9c per cubic foot on the bluffs. Also, your Board of Health begs to report that we have appointed Mr. Win. Larkins, Sr., Sanitary Officer and Dr. Charles M. Linehan Health Offi- cer for the ensuing year, which ap- pointments we submit to your honor- able body for approval. Also, your Board of Health begs to report that the premises of Mr. Kem- ler and occupied by New Candy Shop on Delhi Street was ordered connected with the sanitary sewer in Delhi Street. JOHN O'ROURKE, Chairman. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the various reports of the Board of Health. Carried. RESOLUTIONS AND MOTIONS. Alderman O'Rourke offered the fol- lowing: Whereas, The contract heretofore entered into by the City of Dubuque Regular Session April 21, 1910 133 'for the construction of a cement side- walk on the south side of Ninth Street between Clay and White Streets, abutting City Lot 279. owned by Barbara Isborn, has been com- pleted and the City Engineer has re- ported that the cost and expense of said sidewalk amount to $115.9o, and Whereas, The assessment levit d to pay for said sidewalk has been paid into the City Treasury, but, in order to preserve the system of accounting adopted by the City in all such cases, it becomes necessary to issue a side- walk certificate for said amount; therefore Pe It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That the Mayor be and he is hereby instructed to execute and deliver to the ('itv Re- corder, to be by him countersigned and registered, one sidewalk certifi- cate for $115.20, numbered 21. dated April 16, 1910. Said certificate to have no value other than as set out above. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Aids. Ape). McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Specht. Nays --None. Ald, Saul offered the following: Whereas it is deemed tne! seal y and expedient to improve the north side of Rush Street between South lodge Street and Holly Street in front of and abutting the premises hereinafter de- scribed by laying down a permanent sidewalk thereon composed of cement material four feet wide; Therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, nature and extent of the proposed improve- ment on the north side of Rush Street between South Dodge and Hol- ly Streets and in front of and abut- ting Lots 145 and 146, Union Add., and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof and the amount and cost of such improvement, and the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the City, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and esti- mate in the office of the City Recor- der; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the City Re- corder shall notify said abutting and adjacent property owners, as provided by ordinance, that such plat and esti- mate are on file, the location and na- ture of the improvement, kind of ma- terial to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can be filed, and the' time fixed for hearing, which time shill not be less than five (7) days after the service of such notice, and after such service shall have been made. the ('ity L'ecurder shall, at the oevt regular session of the City ('oun- eil. notify the Council thereof in writ- ing, with a eopy of such notice ac- companying the same. Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the rue d111ion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas --- Aids. Apel, O']tourku•. Saner. Saul, Singrin :utd Specht. Nays-- None. Aid. Simi Also erfere,l the following: \1'hereas it is deemed neeess,Iry and expedient to improve the east side of South linage Suri el between ('leve - land A\,•nui- and flush Street in front ti' and abiding the pr, noses herein- afl,' de=cube l by laying down a per- rttan'•nl siae\v,tlk. thereon ,,m1,4ase:l u( ('client nt:derii] 1,1111- f I \rule: 'I'ht-rudor,•. It,. it I;, solved by the City Council of the City of Itubullne: That the City Engineer be and hi• is hereby directed to prelim, a plat showing generally the location. nature and extent of the propose,) intprove- me ul on the 0,1st stile of Veath Uedge Sire, I belwecn ('levelan,l ,Ayeine ;nn. hits!' Streets, and in front ut• and ;abutting Lots 1.45 and 14e, t'nion Add., and the kind of material to he used, and an estimate of the entire coat thercuf and lite ;tmuunt and cost. of such improvement. ;lid 1h • ;antutntt ;and cost Iheree , to be ),;aid by the City, if any. and the cost ihereof and amount assessable ttl;un each Int ut' Parcel of load adjacent to or ;(butting upon such improvement p! I front foot, and lu file such plat ;Ind esti- mate in the office of the City It, cor- der: that after the tiling ut said plat and estimate in his utile,', toe City Recorder shall notify said abutting and adjacent property owners, as pro- vided by ordinance, that suet! p'at and estimate are un file, the lueaii !n and nature of Ute improvement, kind of material to be used, arid an estimate of its cost, and the time ti -fore which objections thereto call be tiled, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five (5i days after the service of such notice, ;old after such ser\ic.• shall have been made, the City Iteeorder shall. ;tt the next regular ss -scion of the City Coun- cil, notify the Council thereof in writ- ing, with a copy of such notice accom- panying the same. Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Alda. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Specht. Nays—None. 134 Regular Session, April 21, 1910 Ald. Saul also offered the following: Whereas it is deemed necessary and expedient to improve the east side of Alpine Street between Reeder Street and Solan Street in front of and abut- ting the premises hereinafter de- scribed by laying down a permanent sidewalk thereon composed of cement material four feet wide: Therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, nature and extent of the proposed improve- ment en the east side of Alpine Street between Reeder Street and Solan Streets, and in front of and abutting Lot S. Lois Add., and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof and the amount and cost of such improve- ment. and the amount and cost there- of, to be p•cid by the City, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assess- able upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such im- provement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City llecerder; that after the fil- ing of said plat and estimate in his otllee. the City Recorder shall notify said adjacent property owners, as pro- vided by ordinance, that such plat and estimate are on file, the location and nature of the improvement, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than (5) days after the service of such notice, and after such service shall have been made, the City Recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council. notify the Council thereof in writing, with a copy of such notice accom- panyin:; the same. Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Specht. lays—None. Ald. Saul also offered the following: Whereas it is deemed necessary and expedient to improve the south side of Cleveland Avenue between Union Street and Quince Street in front of and abutting the premises hereinafter described by laying down a perma- nent sidewalk thereon composed of cement material four feet wide; Therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, nature and extent of the proposed improve- ment on the south side of Cleveland Avenue between Union and Quince Streets, and in front of and abutting Lot 1 of 2 of Lot 105 and Lot 187, Union Add., and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof and the amount and cost of such improvement, and the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the City, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to rile such plat and esti- mate in the office of the City Recor- der; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the City Re- corder shall notify said abutting and adjacent property owners, as provided by ordinance, that such plat and esti- mate are on file, the location and na- ture of the improvement, kind of ma- terial to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five (5) days after the service of such notice, and after such service shall have been made, the City Recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Coun- cil, notify the Council thereof in writ- ing. with a copy of such notice accom- panying the same. Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Satter, Saul, Singrin and Specht. Nays—None. Ald. Saul also Offered the following: Whereas it is deemed necessary and expedient to improve the north side of Cleveland Avenue between South Dodge Street and Burns Street in front of and abutting the premises hereinafter described by laying down a permanent sidewalk thereon com- posed of cement material four feet wide. Therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the (lily Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, nature and extent of the proposed improve- ment on the north side of Cleveland Avenue between South Dodge and Burns Streets, and in front of and abutting Lot 69, Bush's Sub., includ- ing East 120 feet Subdivision with Mineral Lot 63, and the kind of ma- terial to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof and the amount and cost of such improve- ment, and the amount and cost there- of, to be paid by the City, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assess- able upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the of - flee of the City Recorder; that after Regular Session, April 21, 1910 135 the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the City Recorder shall no- tify said abutting and adjacent prop- erty owners, as provided by ordinance, that such plat and estimate are on file, the location and nature of the improvement, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five (5) days after the service of such notice, and after such service shall have been made, the City Recorder shall, at the next regu- lar session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -- Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Siugrin and Specht Nays—None. Aid. O'Rourke moved that warrants be ordered drawn in favor of the Mayor to make the second payment with interest on the City's share of the purchase price of Eagle Point Park. Carried. Aid. O'Rourke moved that the Chief of Police instruct the men in charge of the Patrol wagon to have rope put in Patrol wagon whenever same is called to fires for the purpose of rop- ing off space around fire to prevent accidents. Carried. Ald. \leEvoy stated that, owing to the extreme width of the gutter con- structed on West Locust Street, he had been informed that provision had been made by the City to pay part of the cost of constructing said gutter and moved that the matter be looked up: also the agreement made with Mr. Rhomberg and other party by the City making some allowance from contract price for improving street abutting their property and a report be made to the Committee of the Whole in the matter. l 'arried. Ald. McEvoy moved that th.• Mayor appoint a committee to procure waiv- ers from property owners .'it' Illi'lg on the alley proposed to be e.,._'.nee be- tween Clark and Angelln Sweets. Carried. Mayor Haas appointed Ald. if •Evoy. Street Commissioner, City E.igineer and City Attorney as committee to procure necessary waivers and said committee to report to the Committee of the Whole. Ald, Apel moved that the engineer and stoker of the sham roller be paid twice a month, the same ,as other employes in the Road Department of the City. Carried. Ald. \lel•;voy moved that Council de- fer action in the matter of Dorgan Plaee until next session of the Coun- cil. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke stated that this would probably be the last session of the Council to be held during the month of April and would, therefore, be the last opportunity the Council would have of extending a vote of thanks to lily Recorder Linehan and Dr putt' IIr. Friedrich, for their faith- ful attendance to the duties of their office and for the courteous treatment the members of the Council had al- '.vays received from them. and moved that the lily Council extend to re- tiring Recorder Linehan and Deputy .lir. Friedrich, a vote of thanks ror the faithful attendance to the duties of their office and for the very courteous treatment the mem- bers of the Council had always re- ceived from them. Carried unani- mously. Ald. Saul moved to adjourn to Thursday evening, May 5th, 1910. Carrir ,I. .\lI'ND A. LINEHA\, City Recorder. .ppro•r'd r ., .%y. .. . Mayor Elttr..1: • . 1 4.17 e. &conicr 1910 'i 1716 Special Session, April 26, 1910 city COUNCIL Special Session, April 26th, 1910. Council met at 9:45 a. m. Mayor Haas in the chair. Present — Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin andd Specht, City Attorney Lyon, Treasurer Brinkman, Treasurer -elect Wybrant, Attorney Nelson, represent- ing Mr. Brinkman, and Attorneys Hurd and Longueville, representing Mr. Wybrant. Absent—None. Mayor Haas stated that the meet- ing was called for the purpose of tak- ing up the matter of Election Con- test instituted by Herman Brinkman, contestant against George Wybrant, incumbent for the office of Treasurer of the City of Dubuque, date for same having been fixed by the Mayor for April 29th, 1910, at 9:00 a. m., but that the parties to the contest having stipulated and agreed that the contest be held at an earlier date, and that the City Council, acting on said agreement, arranged to have matter come before them on this date, April 26th, 1910,.at 9:00 a. m. Statement of contest of Herman Brinkman as contestant was then read. Also Answer of George Wy- brant, incumbent, to statement of contestant, and bond of Herman Brinkman for $1,000.00 was read. At- torney Nelson made opening argu- ments and Attorney Hurd followed, stating points of laws governing election contests. City Recorder Linehan was put on witness stand and testified as to re- ceipt of ballot boxes and care' given ballot -boxes and keys to same since Election Day. Ald. Singrin was next witness ex- amined and testified to opening of ballot boxes on night of April 7th for purpose of getting poll books to canvass vote of Election, he being one of board appointed by Mayor to can- vass the Election returns. Ald. Saul moved that Council ad- journ to 1:30 p. m. and that when they meet at 1:30 they remain in ses- sion until 6:00 p. m. and then adjourn to 7:30 p. m., and when they meet again at 7:30 continue in session un- til they have completed work. Car- ried. Council met at 1:45 p. m. Mayor Haas in the chair. Present — Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Specht. Absent—None. Night Desk Sergeant Liest was put on stand and testified to having re- ceived ballot boxes of four precincts of the City on Election night and to having turned same over to City Re- corder. Recess of 10 minutes was then taken to confer with City Attorney Lyon. Council then re -convened at 3:30 p. m. Ald. Singrin moved that Council proceed to count the vote of the Election for the office of City Treas- urer. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Specht. Nays--Ald. O'Rourke. Ald. O'Rourke stated that he voted no, not on the grounds that he thought the ballots were not properly taken care of; on the contrary, he be- lieved they were properly taken care of, but on the grounds that there was not sufficient evidence offered to war- rant a recount of the ballots. Ald. Saul moved that Mayor ap- point a committee to assist the Re- corder in bringing ballot boxes to the Council Chamber. Carried. Mayor Haas then appointed Ald. Sauer, Ald. O'Rourke and Ald. Sin - grin to assist the Recorder. Ballot boxes of First and Second Precincts of First and Second Ward and First Precinct of Third Ward were brought to the Council Cham- ber and were opened and ballots counted, as follows: Brinkman Wybrant First Ward— First Precinct 222 154 Second Precinct 171 165 Second Ward— First Precinct 153 125 Second Precinct 222 337 Third Ward— First Precinct 127 171 895 952 Ald. Apel moved that Council ad- journ to 7:30 p. m. Carried. Council met at 7:30 p. m. Mayor Haas in 'the chair. Present—Aids. Apel, O'Rourk Sauer, Saul, Specht and Singrin. Absent—Ald. McEvoy. Ald. McEvoy arrived at 7:40 p. m. Ballots of Second and Third Pre- cinct of Third Ward and First, Sec- ond and Third Precincts of Fourth Ward were canvassed, resulting as follows: Brinkman Wybrant Third Ward— Second Precinct 195 166 Third Precinct 251 179 Special Session, April 29, 1910 137 Fourth Ward— First Precinct 161 238 Second Precinct 120 217 Third Precinct 197 273 924 1073 On motion of Aid. Saul, recess of 10 minutes was taken. Council reconvened at 9:45 p. m. Ballots of First, Second, Third and Fourth Precincts of Fifth Ward were then counted, resulting as follows: Brinkman Wybrant Fifth Ward— First Precinct 231 196 Second Precinct 299 223 Third Precinct 320 262 Fourth Precinct .... 245 208 1095 889 At close of count, on motion of Ald. Saul, meeting adjourned. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. CITY COUNCIL Special Session, April 29th, 1910. Council met at 8:35 p. m. Mayor Haas in the chair. Present — Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Specht. Mayor Haas stated that the meet- ing was a special session called for the purpose of taking action on the bonds of J. H. Carroll as Harbor Master. \\'m. Hipman as City Elec- trician and Edmond J. Norton as Market Master. Also to take action on matter of party wall on Bijou theatre property. Also to take action on report of Committee on Public Grounds and buildings in matter of renewal of in- surance on City Hall building. Also to take action on report of Hoard of Health. Also to take action on report of Mayor Maas in matter of appoint- ment of thief of Palin e. Also for the purpose of determin- ing the Election Contest of H. Brink- man and George Wybrant for office of Treasurer of the ('ity of Dubuque. ...Recorder REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Mayor Maas reported as follows: To the Honorable City Council, Du- buque, Iowa: Gentlemen: I have the honor to report that I have this day appointed Thomas Reilley to the office of Chief of Police, said appointment to take effect on the 1st day of May, 1910. Very respectfully, D. J. HAAS, Mayor. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke, ap- pointment of Mr. Reilley as Chief of Police by the Mayor was approved. Mayor Haas presented certified copy of notice served on Dubuque Opera House Company and W. J. Burns, ordering the wall standing on the dividing line between Lots 67 and 68, in the City of Dubuque, removed at once, same being in a dangerous condition. Notice was read and, on motion of Ald. Saul, was referred to the Com- mittee of the Whole. City Recorder Linehan presented surety bond of J. H. Carroll as Har- bor Master in sum of $500.00; also of Edmond J. Norton as Market Master in sum of $500.00; also of Wm. Hipman as City Electrician in sum of $1,000.00, and, on motion of Aid. McEvoy, bonds were referred to the City Attorney for approval. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Sauer, chairman of the Com- mittee on Public Grounds and Build- 133 Special Session, April 29, 1910 ings, to which committee had been re- ferred with power the matter of hav- ing the insurance on City Hall build- ing renewed, reported that committee had placed ;t policy for $1,000.00 in- surance with the I. C. Chamberlain agency and moved that action of the committee be approved. Carried. Mayor I -Inas, chairman of the Boo rd of Health, reported as follows: To the Ilonorablo Members of the City Council: I;eat lemen: Your Board of Health respectfully reports that at a meeting held April isth, 1:11o, resignation of \Vttt. Larkins, Sr., as Sanitary Officer - elect. was aceepte,t and Paul Hewer appointed as Sanitary Officer, which alrpointmeot we present to your hon- orable bully for approval. Also, your Board of Health re- spectfully recommends that E. T. Frith be paid $1.00 for each dead ani- mal hauled on Sundays during the period from May 1, 1910, to Novem- ber 1 st, 1910. and that the contract Inc'hauling garbage and dead ani- mals be amended to include this ex- tra compensation. D. J. HAAS, Chairman. Ald. Specht moved the adoption of the report if the Board Health. Ald. O'Rourke, of the Board of Health. presented the following mi- nority report: The undersigned, a minority of the Board of Health, feel constrained to dissent from the report offered by the majority of this Board in recommend- ing Paul Hewer for the office of Sani- tary Policeman and would recom- mend that the name of Frank Flynn be substituted. WM. SINGRIN. JOHN O'ROURKE. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the minority report of the Boaru of Health. Mayor Haas asked City Attorney Lyon for an opinion as to which re- port of the Board of Health took preference. City Attorney Lyon stated that the . Ordin;utoe provides that the Board of Health shall appoint a Sanitary Offi- cer. subject to the approval of the City Council and that the only mat- ter before the Council was the ap- proval or rejection of appointment of Mr. l'c-ty r as Sanitary Officer. Motion of Ald. Specht to adopt re- pot.; of Hoard of Health was then put and was lost by following vote: Yeas—Aids. Specht and Sauer. Nays — Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Saul and Singrin. Matter of approval of part of the report in reference to garbage con- tract was, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, approved. Mayor Haas announced next matter to be taken up by the Council would be the Election Contest matter. Mr. Hurd, counsel for Mr. Wy- brant, asked that Herman Knoern- schild be sworn as witness. Mr. Nelson, attorney for Mr. Brinkman, objected to examination of any further witnesses by defendant in the case unless plaintiff could also be permitted to introduce further evi- dence before case is finally settled. After considerable discussion it was finally agreed that both sides would be permitted to introduce evidence be- fore closing of case. Mr. Knoernschild was then sworn as a witness and testified that he was Clerk of Election in the Fourth Pre- cinct of the Fifth Ward and that he marked on the back of three ballots with blue pencil figures showing straight tickets voted. Mr. Hurd then asked that the bal- lot box of the Fourth Precinct of the Fifth Ward be brought into the Coun- cil Chamber and opened to introduce the three ballots in question for iden- tification. Attorney Nelson objected. Mayor Haas then asked City Attor- ney Lyon for an opinion as to the right to introduce the ballots as evi- dence. City _Attorney Lyon stated the Council had the right to introduce the ballots as evidence. Aldi. (t'Rourke then moved that the ballot box of the Fourth Precinct of the Fifth Ward be brought into the Council Chamber and opened and ballots he produced for identification. Ald. Singrin moved as is substitute that all the ballot boxes of ;ill the Precincts of all the Wards of the City be brought into the Council Chamber and produced as evidence. After considerable discussion Mayor Haas then appointed Alds. O'Rourke and Sauer to assist the Recorder in bringing the ballot box in question to the Council Chamber. Ballot box of Fourth Precinct of the Fifth Ward was then opened by the Recorder in presence of the City Council and the three ballots in ques- tion introduced by Mr. Hurd for iden- tification by Mr. Knoernschilcl. On examination of the ballots in question it was found that ballots were marked with blue pencil on the face „of the ballot, instead of on the back. as testified to by Mr. Knoern- schild. Aid. Sauer moved that all ballots of all the Precincts of all the Wards of the City be recounted, commencing Tuesday, May 3rd, 1910. Carried by the following vote: Yeas --.Aids. McEvoy, Sauer Saul, Singrin and Specht. Nays—Aids. Apel and O'Rourke. Attorney Hurd stated that, in his opinion, Mr. Nelson and himself could shorten the work of the Council by List of Warrants taking the larger portion of the work on themselves, and by introducing to the Council only those ballots upon which the Attorneys could not agree. Ald. Sauer moved that counting of ballots be done as suggested by Mr. Hurd. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Specht. Nays—None. Ald. Apel rnoved to reconsider the action of the Council on the report of the Board of Health in matter of appointment of Sanitary officer. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Apel, McEvoy, Sauer and Specht. Nays—Alds. O'Rourke, Saul and Singrin. Ald. Specht moved the adoption of the report of the Board of Health, appointing Mr. Paul Bewer Sanitary Officer. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Alds. Apel, McEvoy, Sauer and Specht. Nays—Alds. O'Rourke, Saul and Singrin. Ald. Saul moved to adjourn. Car- ried. EDMUND A. 'LINEHAN, City Recorder. Approved Attest: CX6e-e-te, Recorder List of City Warrants Dtrbugue, 111\\ it. .\1,111 I>t. 1:41,4. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of Dubuque: (l'ntlemen: The following is a comidcte list of all warrants issued by me during the month of March, 191o. the same having been author- ized by the proper committees and a majority vote of the Council, as in- dicated by the minutes of the meet- ing held during said month. Union Electric Co., City's share of cost of construct- ing Car Street wall. $ 311 99 J. Flaudensrhiel1. feed for Police and Fire Depart- ments 979 11 • H. \. :,chunk, settlement damage claim of Anna Wisgiskle 1 7 5 00 O'Farrell Contracting Co., im- proving Althauser Ave880 62 L.\BUR ()N ti'I'itl':1.'rs in the several I;oadl Districts (luring the first ha 11 of March, 1910: J. W. :\mmm. 2n.1 $ 1 80 F. Arendt, 3rd 4 40 Ed. Andresen, 3rd 3 60 T. Addvnr:ur, 4th 13 60 F. Arthofer, 5th 7 40 Len Burd, 1st 13 00 F. Budde, 3rd ... 5 40 C. Bordten, 3rd 2 60 John I?eier. 5th 6 20 J. Coono iv. ist 4 60 P. 1'a rn,' , l st 4 40 .1 ry Cahill, 1st 5 40 J. Callaghan. 2nd 23 40 M. Cleary, 3rd and F. (',hill, 3rd \\' l'h,,llupka. 3rd Jos. Childh, 3rd Ai. (':u'ney, 4th J. ('oon••y, 4th .john Cahill, 4th T. L. Cain, 4th T. Donahue, 1st John Duggan, 1st C. Dneein1, 3rd Jin Egan. 2nd Jos. 11rh:t• lt. 5th \V'. Fitzgerald. 1st (.en. Frost, 2nd P. l'a reel 1. 3rd F. Frick, 3rd \\ Flynn, 3rd w. Fel ey, 3rd C. 1''a t 1<n . 3r0 J. (lo,i:ilskI, 1st P. 11 lass. _nil (', 1 ir,,,,. 1(1 A. (:isler, 1111 C. (;ante) in, 5th John 11i11, 1st L. Hansel, 2nd M. Hannan, 2nd J. Hofhurger•, 3rd T. Marker. 4th 4th 18 01) 2 80 3 60 1 80 23 211 23 40 9 80 16 00 6 20 2 60 3 60 17 00 10 00 5 20 23 40 8 40 14 80 3 60 3 20 3 60 3 60 14 60 16 20 4 60 23 40 3 60 5 80 80 3 60 1 80 140 List of Warrants Jos. Hamel, 4th J. Hird. 4th L. Hug, 5th.. ..... John Heil, Expense J. Jellison, Expense G. Kroung, 2nd Jos. Kyne, 2nd J. Kalmes, 2nd J. Kness, 3rd M. Kieffer, 4th P. Kearney, 4th C. Kupferschmidt, 5th A. Kaeshauer, 5th P. Kenneally, Health M. Lehman, 3rd F. Lillie, 5th M. Morrisey, 2nd A. Miller, 2nd F. Maroney, 3rd ... Ed. Malloy, 3rd Geo. Muekel, 3rd J. Malloy, 3rd R. Mundt, 3rd Geo. Miller, Expense J. Mec';u•ron, 1st R. Me<affrey, 2nd Tom leCaffrey, 2nd Jas. McLaughlin, 3rd W. \l,•imnough, 3rd W, 1leLaughlin, 3rd P. MePoland, 4th G. Noonan, 2nd W. O'Brien, 1st C. O'Neill, 2nd J. O'Donnell, 3rd W. Powers, 2nd A .Pettibone, 2nd John Parker, 3rd and 4th M. Quinlan, Expense Geo. Reynolds, 1st P. Ryan, 1st F. Rowe, 2nd R. Rosemeier, 2nd James Ryan, 2nd E. Rodgers, 3rd Chas. Rooney, 3rd J. Richter, 5th F. Strohmeyer, 1st D. Smyth, 2nd J. Schoenbeck, 2nd W. Shields, 2nd F. Slade, 3rd Gus Schultz, 3rd C. Smith, 3rd S. Smith, 3rd P. Smith, 4th J. Sloan, 4th J. Steffens, 5th F. Selli, 5th J. Schafetel, 5th C. Specht, S. W Art. Turner, 3rd F. Tippey, 3rd J. Taschner, 4th W. Tobin, Exp. $2.80; 4th, $7.20 S. Vandermullen, 2nd ....... L. Walsh, 2nd B. Williams, 2nd J Williams, 2nd John Ward, 3rd Peter Apel, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 10 80 23 40 1 80 25 00 12 50 9 00 7 20 9 00 13 00 14 20 30 10 80 1 80 23 40 1 80 11 60 11 40 8 00 6 60 7 20 7 20 5 40 2 60 11 55 6 20 18 60 7 20 6 80 3 60 19 80 6 60 3 60 23 40 14 80 2 60 10 20 80 23 40 3 60 1 80 2 60 9 00 3 60 23 40 3 60 3 60 17 60 7 80 12 20 1 60 6 00 6 40 8 20 3 60 1 80 4 20 6 20 11 60 6 40 6 20 23 40 13 40 3 60 12 40 10 00 4 20 14 40 20 40 3 60 11 40 5th Jos. Calvert, 2nd W. Cook, 3rd Jas. Graham, 2nd J. Linehan, 1st M. Markham, 3rd F. Mathis, 5th .... J. McCollins, 2nd J. Stumpf, 3rd W. Ruesch, 5th LABOR ON SEWERS half of March, 1910. 80 during the first J. Boyle $ 10 D. Cunningham 23 40 J. Clune 23 40 F. Donahue 23 40 B. Donnelly 14 40 C. Duccini 12 60 J. Jellison 14 40 F. Luchterhand 23 40 H. Leik 12 60 E. Magner 23 40 J. McLaughlin 9 00 J. Rooney 23 40 C. Ruesch 12 60 C. Sullivan 30 00 L. Taylor 23 40 James Tobin 14 40 Tom Burke, 7.96 cu. yds. ma- cadam, Southern Ave $ 7.96 Mike Cain, 102.06 cu. yds. ma- cadam, Southern Ave 102.06 John Coyne, 11.00 cu. yds macadam, Southern Ave11.00 James Campbell, 13.60 cu. yds macadam, Southern Ave13.60 Al. Doty, 156.17 cu. yds. ma- cadam, Dodge Street156.17 F. De Fountain, 9.54 cu. yds macadam, Southern Ave9.54 Jas. T. Duggan, 15.85 cu. yds macadam, Southern Ave15.85 F. De Fountaine, 17.00 cu yds. macadam, Valley Street 17.00 Nort Zengel, 83.10 cu. yds. macadam, St. Mary's Street 83.10 John Duggan, 33.34 cu. yds. macadam, St. Mary's Street 33.34 Tom Dillon, 4.80 cu. yds. ma- cadam, Southern Ave 4.80 Tom Kennedy, 5.61 cu. yds. macadam, Southern Ave Mike Nichels, 47.00 cu. yds. macadam, Quince Street47.00 Pat Ryan, 59.72 cu. yds. ma- cadam, Dodge Street 59.72 Wm. Woods, 46.95 cu. yds. macadam, Southern Ave46.95 Wm. Walker, 39.30 cu. yds. macadam, Valley Street39.30 Jos. Brouilette, 36.72 cu. yds. macadam, Hill Street 27.54 Mike Donnegan. 22.34 cu. macadam. Hill Street 16.76 B. Glass, 10.00 cu. yds. ma- cadam, Hill Street Mike Lavin, 5.5 cu. yds. ma- cadam. Hill Street Thos. Malloy, 3.38 cu. yds. macadam, City Pound .. Jas. Malloy, 8.92 cu. yds. ma - 6 6 3 9 10 2 1 10 15 50 00 00 50 00 00 00 50 50 50 5.61 yds. 7.50 4.13 2.54 List of Warrants 141 cadam, City Pound 6.69 Edw. Malloy, 9.68 cu. yds. ma- cadam, City Pound Pat. O'Farrell, 18.08 cu. yds macadam, City Pound 13.56 F. H. Slade, 6.26 cu. yds. ma- cadam, City Pound 4.70 Gus Schultz, 10.51 cu. yds macadam, City Pound 7.88 L. Wackenheim, 13.44 cu. yds macadam, City Pound 10.08 Mrs. Heck, 1.5 cu. yds. ma- cadam, Robinson Ave 1.50 Matt. Kiefer, 58.44 cu. yds macadam, W. Locust St58.44 Jas. Martinique, 21.01 cu. yds macadam, Rosedale Ave21.01 Chas. O'Neil, 47.30 cu. yds macadam, Robinson Ave47.30 John Becker, 144.43 cu. yds madacadtn, Becker's quarry.144.43 Thos. Barry, 47.70 cu. yds. ma- cadam, Thomas Place 47.70 John Ess, 42.49 cu. yds. maca- dam, Valeria Street 42.49 Andrew Dietl, 3.64 cu. yds macadam, Kaufman Ave3.64 Dave Frommelt, 43.90 cu. yds macadam, Thomas Place43.90 Max Helmer, 41.68 cu. yds macadam, 30th and 31st St41.68 Jos. Haupert, 90.67 cu. yds macadam, Valeria Street90.67 Peter Jacobs, 67.56 cu. yds macadam, Thomas Place67.56 John Koehler, 15.07 cu. yds macadam, Kane Street 15 07 Wm. Rusch, 24.91 cu. yds macadam, Kane St 24.91 F. Lassance, 52.06 cu. yds macadam, 28th St52.06 Herman Nicks, 36.93 cu. yds macadam, Valeria Street36.93 Andrew Luck, 6.00 cu. yds macadam, Kaufman Ave6.00 Peter Mihm, 3.70 cu. yds. ma- cadam, Kaufman Ave 3.70 Andrew Mertz, 8.78 cu. yds macadam, Emsley's Lane8.78 Albert Schnee, 51.08 cu. yds macadam, Kaufman Ave51.08 Anton Welu, 44.41 cu. yds macaadm, Valeria Street 44.41 Mr. Ginter, 59.88 cu. yds. ma- cadam, Emsley's Lane59.88 Herman J. Weber, 43.10 cu yds. macadam, 28th Street43.10 Henry Young, 7.67 cu. yds macadam, Adams Ave 7.67 Union Printing Co., printing, Auditor's Office Key City Rubber Stamping Works, dog tags and team licenses 35.50 Spahn-Rose Lumber Co., lum- ber for repairs, City Hall1.68 Geo. Masters, supplies for var- ious departments .95 J. J. Dunn, serving subpoenas in city cases 4.50 Charles McEvoy, Judge Pri- mary Election 10 00 7.26 6.50 Hugh Milligan, Judge Pri- mary Election Edward Lee, Judge Primary Election H. L. Lundbeck, Clerk Pri- mary Election ... Schaefle, Clerk Primary Election Wm. P. O'Brien, Judge Pri- mary Election .... J. H. Lucas, Judge Primary Election ... Oliver Longueville, Primary Election J. J. Savage, ('lerk Election A. C. Gasser, Clerk Primary Election Judge Primary 11 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 11 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 John E Stroh. 1. Judge Pri- mary lilcction .... 11 00 Henry Gehrig, Judge Primary Election Henry P. Bier, Judge Primary Election Fred Bade, Clerk Primary Election John '1'. La Barge, Clerk Pri- mary Election .... 10 00 M. Hogan, Judge Primary Election Fred C. Ris, Judge Primary Election 10 00 John E. Hedley, Judge Pri- mary Election .... 11 00 Gee. J. Vogt, ('lerk Primary Election 10 00 W. R. Lenehan, Clerk Pri- mary Election 10 00 Otto C. Neuman, Judge Pri- mary Election .... 11 00 F. L. Egelhof, Judge Primary Election 10 00 J. A. Stumpf, Judge Primary Election ...... ..... 10 00 R. W. Quinlan, Clerk Pri- mary Election .... 10 00 Louis A. Sanner, Clerk Pri- mary Election ...... 10 00 John P. Merkes, Judge Pri- mary Election 10 00 Joseph Hummel, Judge Pri- mary Election 11 00 Oscar Steelier, Judge Pri- mitry Election 10 00 Nic Schneider, Clerk Primary Election 10 00 Lorenz Hauer, Clerk Primary Election 10 00 S. A. Crawford, Judge Primary mary Election 11 00 P. J. Schuler, Judge Primary Election 10 00 Jas. T. Butler, Judge Primary Election .... 10 00 John Trexler, Clerk Primary Election 10 00 Matt De Muth, Clerk Primary Election 10 00 Mont Rickey, Judge Primary mary Election 11 00 E. P. Laude, Judge Primary Election 10 00 10 10 00 00 10 00 10 00 142 List of Warrants P. J. Mc•Aloon, Judge Primary Election E. J. Delaney, Clerk Primary Election 10 00 H. F. Girard, Clerk Primary Election Ormal Bennett. Judge Primary Election Ernest Stahcli, Judge Primary Elect ion P. J. Royce. Judge Primary Election Charles Falkc•nhainer, Clerk Primary Election ... 10 00 Louis Herbst, Clerk Primary Election J. M. Kencty, Judge Primary Election E. J. Ryan, Judge Primary Election D. W. Rand, Judge Primary Election 10 00 .Tas. F. Lee. Jr., Clerk Primary Election 10 00 H. Corranen, Jr., Clerk Primary Election 10 00 Charles 'I'. Thomas, Judge Pri- mary Election 10 00 A. G. Reed, Judge Primary Election 10 00 (leo. Schlegel. Judge Primary Election 10 00 C. K. Mathis, Clerk Primary Election 10 00 (' .P. Mcttel, Clerk Primary Election 11 00 Hern::nr Zen -lecke. Judge Pri- m,nry Election 10 00 John I<larman. Judge Primary mare Election 11 00 Martie Klnmpir. Judge Pri- mary Election 10 00 O. Meissner. Clerk Primary Election 10 00 Gregory Vath, Clerk Primary Elec•tien 10 00 John t;rimm, Judge Primary El.•:•lion 10 00 ;-e. Irath, Judge Primary Elegy tion 10 00 I: Vead. Judge Primary Election 10 00 It l t. I'eekler. Clerk Primary Election 10 00 Tos. Well, Clerk Primary mary Election 11 00 Peter Raab. Judge Primary Election 10 00 Wm. Tno<reI. Jr., Judge Pri- mary Election 10 00 Ell, aril Stoltz. Judge Primary Election ...... 10 00 TT. Knnernsehield. Clerk Pri- mary Election 11 00 ,Torn 'Heim, Clerk Primary Election 10 00 Mrs. Dempsey, rent of Build- ing for Primary Election10 00 Mrs. P. Renin. rent of Build- ing for Primary Election10 00 B. Westercamp. rent of Build- ing for Primary Election10 00 10 00 10 10 11 10 00 00 00 00 10 10 11 00 00 00 C. E. Wales, rent of Build- ing for Primary Election10 00 Palmetto Club, rent of Build- ing for Primary Election10 00 Ed. Ryan, rent of Build- ing for Primary Election10 00 Meyer Bros., rent of Build- ing for Primary Election10 00 Henry Mueller, rent of Build- ing for Primary Election10 00 Miss Bose Rengler, rent of Building for Primary Elec- tion 10 00 Fred Roesner, rent of Building for Primary Election 10 00 H. J. Hagerty, veterinary ser- vice Road horses 1.60 Phil Heller, horscshoeing Road horses 3.00 City Water Works, water used through W. O. Wright's meter for use of stone crusher, 17th Street5.08 Western Union Telegraph Co, rent of clock, Treasurer's Office 1.00 C. E. Fitzpatrick Co., station- ery for Assessor's and Audi- tor's Offices 1.85 Iowa Telephone Co., telephone service- .... ..... 12.75 Mullen Bros., plumbing re- pairs, various departments26.75 Mrs. H. Koenig, cleaning and filling lamps for use at Pri- mary Election 1.00 Mrs. Henge, cleaning and fill- ing lamps for use at Pri- mary Election 1.00 Nutwood Livery Co., use of ambulance 2.00 J. W. Wittmer, supplies for Police Department 2.20 Peter Even, coal for Fire De- partment 33.46 Phil Doerr & Co., coal for Po- lice Department ... 36.33 P. Linehan & Sons, wood for various departments 13.00 Tom Connell, sawing and car- rying in two cords wood, City Hall 2.50 Jas. Haggerty, repairing stove at Patrol House 3.00 Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies for Police Department. .50 Peter Lang, hardware supplies for various departments10.30 Frank Beutin, coal for Fire Department 16.13 Clancy Transfer Co., coal for Fire Department 19.70 Conlin & Kearns Co., coal for Fire Department .... 29.10 Dubuque Lumber Co., lumber for Fire Department 14.95 Matt. Stafford, feed for Fire Department 110.75 Geo. Ragatz & Sons, repairs for Fire Department 2.23 Smedley Steam Pump Co., re- pairs for Fire Department.50 • Offi6k1.Ndtices John - F. Teal,t repairing floor for Fire 'Department ..... J. W. Witter, Supplies for Fire Department Key City Gas Co'., coke for Steam Roller John Becker, coal for Steam • Roller Clancy Transfer Co., coal for Steam Roller F. A. Burns, coal for Steam Roller P. Hanson, oil for Steam Rol- ler Mauer & Kress, supplies for Road Department ......... G. F. Kleih, supplies for Road Department .40 N. J. Staner, cinders for Road Department 1.80 Linehan & Molo, cement and sewer pipe for Road De- partment 26.20 Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs, Steam Roller 1.86 L. J. Schmitt, supplies for • Road Department .50 Paul Schlenker, supplies for Road Department .... .65 Geo. Bock, repairs for Road Department .... 6.70 John Butt, repairs for Road Department 2.25 Key City Iron Works, supplies for Road Department .. . .40 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Road Department 2.95 .1. W. Wittmer, supplies for Road Department 6.40 F. C. Keesecker, supplies for Road Department 2.25 Eichhorn & Bechtel, oil for Road Department .85 W. D. Deckert Co., supplies for Road Department 14.54 Street and Steuck, balance due grading West 4th St. 80.00 H. Co.rrance, oil for Road De- partment .... 1.20 F. Schloz and Son, repairs for • Road Department ..... 1.15 John Butt, repairs for Road .Department ...: .... '1.10 H. J. Haggerty, veterinary ser- vice fot• Road Department horses 1.60 Standard Oil Co., oil for fire and Road Department 6.98 W. K. Brown, supplies for Road Department ... 2.05 John Heim, brick for Road • Department .... , 12.00 Duggan & Cota, rails for Road Department .... .... 4.70 Ellwanger Bros.. supplies and ,repairs for Road Depart- ment. G. F. Klein, supplies and re- pairs for Road Department. 3.45 Wunderlich • & Wiederholt, shoeing. carpenter horse 1.00 F. M. Jaeger & Co., supplies. for Mt. Carmel 20.35 60.83 3.50 33.90 2.00 5.73 15.98 .65 7.45 .60 148 Martin.'& Strelau, salt for sprinkling sidewalks 10. bo Siiahit-Rose Lbr. Co., lumber • for repairing sidewalks Eichhorn & Bechtel, oil for Sewer Department John Linehan, collecting dead animals during February 18.00 Peter Eisbach, 5 per cent. re- tained improving Pleasant Street Wilmer Cook. grading 27th Street. Jas. Lee & Non, grading West Locust ,Street N. .1. Starer, eonstructiug Ree Itranch culverts 217 25 Jas. II. Hayes. refund of taxes t t' Farrell Constructing Co. re- pairing Altharuser Avenue140 :31 N. J. Stanor, c•onstruelin cement walk 9th and Clay112 20 Job Parries. si lorry Firenni n12:1 7+i F. A. Burns. coal for Road De- partment ..... .. • 5 63 Key City Iron Works. repairs for •Road Department 2 45 Fengler Retain. coal for 1,nad Department 16 30 Milner ('oak. extra work, O'Neill Avenue 4 00. Pit ts-Thompson Foundry Co., grates for 4th Road Dist15 00 Key City iron \\'orks, repairs for Road Department 169 f0 Ellwa tiger Rrns.. repairs for Road Department 50 Frank Dentin. 'coal for Road Department 11 75 W. D. Deelcert Co., railing for 4th Road District 12 43 Geo. Ragatz & Son. repairing steam roller 7 26 Key ('its; Roofing Co.. cement and sewer pipe for Road De- partment John Nev. man & Son, repairs for Iloa l Department 50 Peter Tia 'Isom supplies for Rn;ic1 and Police Departments John M'Cirath Got'tlich 'rashner Drihnclue RnL!hor and Belting; Co., life saving net, Fire De- partment Phil Doerr Co., coal for Fire Dena rtment \lollen Ilros., pinmhing repairs Fire Department 2 80 i hereby certify that the foregoing. is a true and eorree3 list of an war- rantu issued by me during the month of March, 1910. ED11l'Ntt A. LINEHAN. City Recorder. 191e. 9.44 .85 63 74 1s GI) 22 1.C' 5 32 3 40 9 75 9 00 95 00 17 95 Approved /% Attest • ..i 5 , 4iRerorder 144 Official Notices Notice to Garbage Contractor. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Recorder up to 4 o'clock p. m. April 18th, 1910, for the removal of garbage and dead an- imals for the season of 1910, in the districts herein below designated, all of said garbage to be hauled and dumped at the city dump, at the foot of Railroad avenue. First District—All the territory south of Eighth street and Julien avenue extended. Second District—All territory lying between Eighth street and Julien avenue extended and Seventeenth street and West Seventeenth street xtend ed. grounds? Third District—All territory lying north of Seventeenth and West Sev- enteenth streets extended. Garbage must be removed once a day in the clown town districts and twice a week on the bluffs during the months of May, June, July and Oc- tober, and once a day in the down town districts, and three times a week on the bluffs during the months of August and September. Bidders must state the price per (lay for removing in each district, and the price per day in the entire city. A certified check of $50.00 on some Dubuuqe bank must accompany each bid as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. The City reserves the right to re- ject any and all bids. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, 4-13-3t City Recorder. Notice to Vault Cleaners. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Recorder up to 4:00 o'clock p. m. April 18th, 1910. for cleaning of vaults in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, for the season of 1910. Bidders must state the price per cubic foot below the bluffs and the price per cubic foot on the bluffs. The city reserves the right to re- ject any and all bids. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, 4-13 3t City Recorder. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. AN ORDINANCE. An Ordinance changing the name of certain streets in the City of Du- buque, Iowa. Re it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That the name of the street now known as Anna Place and situated on the hill nearly opposite Fifteenth street be changed and that said street be hereafter known as West Fifteenth street. Section . 2. That the name of Thomas Street and Franklin Street, both of which streets being now an extension of West Sixteenth street, be changed and that said street be here- after known as \Vest Sixteenth street its entire length. Section 3. That the name of the street now known as Yates street, the same being a short street directly in line with Catharine street be changed and that the same be hereafter known as South Catharine street. Section 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and af- ter its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph -Herald and Times -Journal newspapers. Adopted April 7th, 1910. Approved April 1 1 th, 1910. D. J. HAAS, Mayor. Attest: EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. Published officially in the Daily Times -Journal April 13th, 1910. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, It City Recorder. Last Notice to Those From Whom a City License is Required. Office of Chief of Police, Dubuque, Iowa, February 7, 1910. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: All auctioneers, pawnbrokers, junk dealers, hotel, restaurant and eating house keepers, owners of bowling al- leys and of billiard and pool tables, etc., owners of theatres and shows, peddlers, porters, transient mer- chants, street venders, vault cleaners. scavengers, teamsters, expressmen and owners of hacks, omnibuses, car- riages, drays and owners or harbor- ers of dogs,, and all other parties re- quiring a city license. You and each of you are hereby notified that said licenses are now past due and if not paid immediately you will be prosecuted in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Dubuque. JAS. R. PICKLEY, 4-17 Chief of Police. Notice to Owncrs and Drivers of Motor Vehicles. Numerous complaints having reached this office in regard to the careless and reckless manner in which motor ve- ricles are being driven through the streets of this city to the extreme danger of pedestrians and others, you are hereby notified that the provis- ions of the ordinance entitled, "An Or- dinance regulating the use and opera- tion of motor vehicles in the City of Dubuque and providing a penalty for the violation thereof," will be strictly enforced. Said ordinance provides, among other things, that no motor vehicle shall be driven at a greater rate of speed than one mile in six minutes in the closely built up portion of the city, nor elsewhere at a. greater speed than one mile in four minutes, and Official Notices that upon approaching a crossing, bridge, curve or ,steep descent, such motor vehicle shall be under perfect control, but in no event shall the speed be greater than is reasonable and prop- er having regard for the traffic then on the street and the safety of the public. That at request or signal by putting up the band of any person riding or driving a horse or other domestic ani- mal, bring such motor vehicle imme- diately to a stop, and remain so, if su:•.1 horse or other domestic animal be traveling in the opposite direction, s„ long as may be reasonable to allow. such horse or other animal to pass, and if traveling in the same direction, use reasonable caution in passing such horse or other animal. Every motor vehicle must be fitted with an efficient brake and also with bell, horn or other signal, and must exhibit from one hour after sunset to one „our before sunrise, one or more lamps showing white light visible with- in a reasonable direction toward which such vehicle is proceeding and a red light in the reverse direction. The penalty for violating any „f the provisions of the aforesaid o.di- nan, a shall be for th,• first offense, a fine of twenty-five dollars, and for the second or subsequent offense a fine of not less than twenty-five nor more than fifty dollars or imprisonment not exceeding thirty days. The Chief of Police has been instruct ed to arrest any or all persons violat- ing said ordinance and under no cir- cumstances will favor he shown to of fenders. D. J. HAAS. :Mayor. Thurs-Fri-Sun Notice to Teamsters. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Recorder up to 8:00 p. m., Thursday, April 21st, 1910, for sweeping brick paved streets in accordance with schedule on file. Sealed proposals will also be re- ceived at the same time and place for hauling off the sweepings from said brick paved streets. Bidders will state the price of do ing such work by the week. Dated at Dubuque, April 16th, 1910. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, 4-16-3t City Recorder. Notice. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Recorder up to 8:00 p. m., Thursday, April 21st, 1911, for cleaning around the Market House and hauling the offal therefrom. Bidders will state the price for doing such work by the month. The city rc• serves the right to reject any and all bids. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, 4 -16 -It City Recorder. 145 Official Publication. AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE for the vacation of that part of the alley between Rhomberg and Lincoln Avenues ex- tending from Second to Third Ave- nues in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Whereas, The Rev, Joseph A. Du- pont has petitioned the City Council for the vacation of that part of the alley between Rhomberg and Lincoln Avenues extending from Second to Third Avenues for use of the Holy Trinity Parish, and Whereas, The said parish is the owner of all the real estate abutting that part of said alley above desig- nated, and Whereas, Notice of the application for said vacation has been published for ten days in the official newspapers of the City, and Whereas, It appears that no valid objections have been made to said application for said vacation and that said above described alley is not re- quired for alley purposes; therefore: Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That that part of the alley between Rhomberg and Lincoln Avenues extending from Second to Third Avenues be and the same is hereby vacated and the use thereof granted to the Holy Trinity parish for church and school purposes, provided, that if at any time the said Holy Trinity parish should cease to use the premises so vacated for the purposes herein contemplated, then the said portion of said alley so vacated shall revert back to the City of Dubuque, and this Ordinance shall be null and void. Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Telegraph -Herald and Times -Journal newspapers. Adopted April 14th, 1910. Approved April 16th, 1910. D. J. HAAS, Mayor. Attest: EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. Published officially in the Daily Times -journal April 19th, 1110. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City IU•corder. Adjourned meeting of the Police and Fire Commission to examine applicants for positions on the police :end tire force of this city will be held at the City Hall Monday evening, April 25, rpt 8p. m. POLICE AND FIP..E COMMISSION. Special Assessment Notice. To All Who Are Named Below: You are hereby notified that In ac- cordance with an ordinance of the 1,46 Official NQtices, City of Dubuque for removing snow ac,l ice from sidewalks by. the city during; the months of February and .\lir h. Hilo, o, that a special assess- ment will be levied for the expense thereof at the n gular meeting of the City Connell to he held Slay 7th, 1910. upon ::11 lots and jetreel-: or Land on said improvement.own, .l In _ ou, be- ing subject to such sl„-. i-il assess- ment. And you are he r••by notified to appear at said iii 1 iii. of tllE Council to I held SI;ty 3thi, 1:11 0. ;end show cause, if any you have. why said ass, rwnent should not b: levied. tlwner. Description. Total. Felt. 1.--.11atilda llirtz, East Dubuque Add., lot 326, length 50 1't.. width 4 ft., at lc• $ .50 Feb. 2-- 1:. I'. '(braes Est., I'ity, 1--3 lot 130, length 50 ft., width 12 ft., at 2e 1.00 Pelt. 2 --Anna Klaur, City, S. 2-3 lot 447. length Ia ft width lit ft.. at 1:74'• .70 1'1•,t 11,T h, irs, • City, X. 1-3, lot 4133. length (et ft., width 1n ft., at 1%c1.05 Felt. 4 ---Jas. Levi, Pity. lot 468a, length 113 ft._, wi'tth 10 ft, at 1%e 2.00 Feb. 1 ---Jas. Levi. City, lot 468a. len;th 110 ft., width 8 ft.. It 11ize 1.65 Feb. 4-5. P. and ( ten. \V. I;ur- dc•n, ('ity. S. 35 ft. lot 458, length 60 ft., width 12 ft., at 2 ' 1.20 Feb. 5 -Win. L. Bradley ht•irs, City, S. 20 ft. lot 33, length 113 ft.. width 10 ft., at 13/4c.. 2.00 Feb. 3—Siike Iturke, Stout's Add., lots 3-4. length 100 ft., width 5 ft.. at 1e 1.00 7--Slitry Itleehsiz, Glen - dab:. Add., lot 13, length 611 ft., width 4 ft., at lc - .60 Feb. 7– C. A. Voella'r, Davis Farm Add., lot 235. length '30 ft., width 5 ft. at le Feb. 7—t'. A. Voelker Davis Farm .Add., lot 231, length 80 ft., width 4 ft. at lc .80 Feb. 1 ---Dubuque Opera House co, Pity, lot 68, length 113 ft.. width 12 ft., at 2c 2,25 ..1—Archie Frater, City, N. 41; ft., lot 622, length 46 ft., width 8 ft. at 112e s—Geo. Healey. City, S. 23 ft., N. 52.6 fL, lot 62 1, length fL. width s 1't nt 11/2c., , Feb. sZ,,. Hoffman. City lot 021. length 23 ft., width 8 ft, at 11/2c Feb. 8.—Carl F. Mehlhop Est, City, N. 6.6 ft.. N. 52.6 ft.; S. 39.6 ft., lot 622, length 50 ft., width 8 ft., at 11/2c .75 Feb. 8—Franciscan Sisters, City lot 620, length 76 ft., width 8 ft., at 112c 1.15 Feb. 8—J. R. WallerEst., City .30 .70 .35 .35 lot 140, length 146 ft. width at 11/2c felt. —A. L. Collier and L. H Langworthy, trust., East Du- buque Add., lot 372, length 100 ft., width 5 ft., at lc Feb. 9—Rich. Waller Est.. City lot 119, length 40 ft., width 8 ft., at 1 1/2c Feb. 9—Peter McLaughlin, City, N.2 -;.l of lot 124, length 60 ft.. width 8 ft., at 11.,e Feb. 9—Dubuque Ilrelwing & Malting Co., City lot 176, length 60 ft.. width 8 ft., at Feb. 9—Finley Hospital, City lot 25. length 20 ft., width 8 ft., at 1 1-e Feb. 9---\\'m. F. Cooper, City, N. 43.9 ft. of lot 117, length 114 ft., width 8 ft., at 11/2c Feb. 9—John Hickey, City, S 21 ft., lot 117; N. ?6 of lot 1 1 s• length 30 ft., width 8 ft., at 11/1c Feb. 10—G. Tenhaaf Est., City, S. 1/2, N. M. 1-5, lot 451, length 30 ft., width 10 ft., at 1" c .50 Feb. 10—Joe Rowan, City. N. 2-5, lot 458, length 80 ft., width 12 ft., at 2c 1.60 Ft -h. 10--ttermania Stock c`o., City Lot 209, length 100 ft., width 12 ft., at 2c 2.00 Feb. 1 t ---Alice E. Woodward and .glary Spenseley, City, lot 1, t1wwtlt 113 ft., width 12 ;'t.. at 2t• 2.25 Feb. 1 3--- A1"ni. Lawther, City, and. i_. N. 311.1 ft.; N. J. Si h itp. City, und. 1/2, N. 30.1 ft., lot 77. length 70 ft., width 6 ft., at 11/1c .90 yet). 15 –Cooper Wagon & Bug- gy ('n., Pity, N. 64.3 ft., lot 71, length 60 ft., width 12 ft, at 2c 1.20 Feb 15—John Flynn, City, E. 40 ft., lot 14, length 40 ft., width 8 ft., at 11/2c .60 Feb. 15—C. - A. Voelker, Davis Farm Add., lot- 272, length 60 ft., width 6 ft., at 11/4c .75 Feb. 13—C, A. Voel' er, Quig- ic'w's out lot 710, lot 485, length 50 ft., width 4 ft., at le 30 March 4—W. Brunskill, City lot 627, length 100 ft., width 12 ft., at `)14(.3 2.00 March 4--W. Brunskill. City lot 027, length 50 ft. width 8 ft., at 1/c 1.00 March 4—German Trust and Savings Bank, City lot 571. length 100 ft., width 8 ft., at 114c 1.50 March 4—Wm, Bradley; Jr, City, S. 20 ft., N. 75 ft., lot 477, length 22 ft., width 8 ft., • 2.20 1.00. .60 .90 .90 40 1.71 .45 Official Notices at 11/4c March 4—Elizabeth Lewis, City, S. e6 ft., lot 477, length 64 ft., width 8 ft., at 11/2c March 4—Bosserman & Ives, City lot 65, length 55 ft., width 12 ft., at 2c March 5—Anna Kelly, Cox Add., lot 99, length 55 ft., width 5 ft., at lc March 5—J. J. Nagle, A. Mc - Daniels' Sub. 706, lot 789, length 50 ft., width 4 ft., at lc March. 5—Mrs. H. b. Noyes, A McDaniels' Sub., lot 788, length 22 ft., width 4 ft., at lc March 5—Wm. Lawther, Jr, City, N. 36 ft. of N. 56 ft of lot 477, length 110 ft., width 8 ft., at 11/4c .35 .95 1.10 55 .50 25 1.65 Total assessment $46.65 Dated at Dubuque April 22nd, 1910. EDMUND A. L INEHAN, 4-22-3t City Recorder, NOTICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTEN- TION TO CONSTRUCT A SANI- ARY SEWER IN COULER AVE- NUE FROM 25TH STREET TO NORTH LINE OF LOT 1 OF 1 OF 2 OF 1 OF LOT 18, JOHN KING'S FIRST ADD. To 'Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby notified that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Du- buque to construct an 8 -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Couler Avenue from present manhole at the intersection of Twenty-fifth Street to the north line of Lot 1 of 1 of 2 of 1 of Lot 18, John King's First Add. That a plat and specifications of said proposed sewer are now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that it will require 228 lineal feet of 8 -inch tile pipe with 1 manhole, and will cost the abutting property own- ers $170.00 in total. Any persons having objection to the construction of said sanitary sew- er are hereby notified to appear be- fore the City Council at its regular session May 5th, 1910, or to file in writing with the City Recorder their objections on or before May 5th, 1910. Dated at Dubuque, April 26th, 1910. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, 4-26 3t City Recorder. NOTICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTEN- TION TO CONSTRUCT A SANI- TARY SEWER IN SEMINARY STREET FROM MADISON STREET TO A POINT ABOUT 550 FEET WESTERLY THEREOF. To Whom It May Concern: I 147 You and each of you are hereby notified that it is the intention of the City Council of tate City of Dubuque to construct an 8 -inch the pipe san- itary sewer in Seminary Street from the present manhole at the intersec- tion of Madison Street to a point about 550 feet westerly the roof. That a plat and .speeili.•nti.';t of said proposed sewer is now on tile in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that it will rt. quire 565 lineal f, et of t -inch tile pipe, including ext:a drop Pipe to manhole at Madison Street. with 3 manholes and will cost the abutting property owners $695.011 in total. Any persons having objections to the construction of said sanitary sew- er are hereby notified to appear be- fore the City Council at its regular session May 5th, 1910. or to Ole in writing with the City Recorder their objections on or before May 5th, 1910. Dated at Dubuque April 26th. 191 a - EDMUND A. LIN E11.\N. 4-26 3t City [1 'eor ler. Notice. Adjourned meeting of Police and Fire Commission Monday, April 1 1 th. 1910, 8 p. m., at City Hall, to exam- ine applicants for Police and Fire Departments. To the Holders of Dubuque Water Works Bonds Numbered One Hun- dred and Ninety -One to Two Hun- dred and Twenty. P0th Inclusive. The Board of aWter Works 'I'rn-- tees has directed that Dubuque \\'.iter Works bonds, numbered fr,on one Hundred and Ninety -One (1911 to Two Hundred and Twenty ( 220 ). both inclusive, dated ,lune 1st. I!on9, be redeemed in accordance with the ordinance and contract entered into by the City of Dubuque and the holders of said bonds. The above bonds should be pre- sented at the City 'Treasurer's office, Dubuque, Iowa, on the first day of June, 1910, for payment. All interest ceases on above bonds June 1st, I !, 1 a. H. IlI!INKII.\N, 4-11 to 6-1. city Treasurer. Id ti. Special Session, May 3, 1910 CITY COUNCIL 149 Special Ses-ion, .AI.iy 3, 1910. (Official.) Council met at 8:05 p. m. Mayor Haas in the chair. Present — Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Specht, City Attorney Lyon, City Treasurer Brinkman, Treasurer -elect Wybrant, Attorney Nelson. represent- ing Mr. Brinkman, and Attorneys Hurd and Longueville, representing Mr. Wybrant. Absent --None. Mayor Haas stated that this meet- ing was an adjourned session of April 29, 1910, for the purpose of taking further action in the Brink- man-Wybrant contest. Attorney Nelson, representing Mr. Brinkman, asked to have the ballots from the Third Precinct of the Fourth Ward and the First Precinct of the Fifth Ward produced for the purpose of finding a certain ballot which had been voted by the voter for Brinkman and which had been rejcgted by the Council as a court of contest at its recount on Tuesday evening of last week. The Mayor appointed Aids. Sauer and O'Rourke a committee to assist the Recorder in bringing ballot boxes to the Council Chamber. Ballot boxes from the Third Precinct of Fourth Ward and the First Precinct of Fifth Ward were brought to the Council Chamber and opened, and Mr. Nelson offered a ballet from the First Precinct of Fifth Ward as evi- dence. Moved. by Aids. Sauer and seconded by Aid. Singrin that the three ballots identified by Mr. Knoernschild and the one offered by Mr. Nelson, being two for Wybrant and two for Brink- man, be counted for the respective candidates for whom they were cast. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —• Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sailer, Saul. Singrin and Specht. Nays --None. Moved by Ald. Sauer and seconded by Ald. Singrin that the vote as re- turned be declared a tie. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-- Aids. \IeEvoy. Sailer, Saul, Singrin and Specht. Nays-- .ibis. Apel and O'Rourke. Mr. Nelson then had the Recorder write the following: On the 3rd day of May, 1910, we, the members of the City Council of the City of Dubuque. sitting as a court of contest in the matter of Herman Brinkman, contestant to the office of City Treasurer of the City of Dubuque, against George Wybrant, incumbent of said office at the elec- tion held on the 4th day of April, 1910, we hereby find and determine and adjudge that no person was elected and the election of George Wybrant to said office shall be and is hereby set aside. \dupted by following vote: Ayes --1 Ed wit rd I:. McEvoy, Ed- mund J. Sauer. .lames Saul, William Singrin and I Sp 'e ht. Nays — Peter A i i and John O'Rourke. D. J. Haas. \I,i - 'r, presiding. Dubuque, Iowa, May 3, 1910. • Moved by Ald. Saul and seconded by Ald. Singrin to adjourn. Carried. OTTO P. GEIGER, City Recorder. Approved.1910 Attest: 'Mayor ecorder 150 Regular Session, May 5, 1910 CITY COUNCIL Regular Session, May 5th, 1910. (Official.) Council met at 8:45 p. m. Mayor Haas in the chair. Present — Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Specht. City Attorney Lyon. API. O'Rourke moved that action on the approval of the Council Pro- ceedings for the month of April, 1910, be deferred until the next meeting of the Council. Carried. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICA- TIONS. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke, seconded by Ald. Singrin, that the rules be sus- pended to allow any one to address the Council in behalf of the Dubuque Shippers' Association. Carried. Senator Frudden addressed the Council in behalf of the business men of the city in reference to the Coun- cil appropriating $250 as its dues for membership in the Upper Mississippi River Improvement Association, and presented the petition to that effect offered last year. Mr. Frudden stated that through the efforts of that organization quite a change has been effected in the appropriations available for the improvement of the upper river, ;.nd Dubuque, being the largest and richest city between St. Paul and St. Louis should not be behind the other cities in supporting this associa- tion. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke, pe- tition referred to Committee of the Whole. Petition of the C., M. & St. P. R. R. Co., by .T. W. Stapleton, superintend- ent, presented, asking the Council to adopt an ordinance granting the right to lay spur track from a point on Lot 243, East Dubuque, an addition to the City of Dubuque, to the Dubuque Packing Company plant. On motion of Ald. Saul the rules were suspended to allow anyone to address the Council in reference to petition. Mr. James Beach, president of the Dubuque Packing Co., which desires the track laid in order to get it along- side of the proposed new plant of the 0,1111.0 n)% .addressed the Council and stated that it was necessary to secure the Council's consent to•the laying of the track before the company can take the necessary steps toward sub- mitting its plans to contractors for bids on the new plant. Moved by Ald. Singrin, seconded by Ald. O'Rourke, matter be referred to the Committee of the Whole to view the ground and the committee be called to meet at 5 p. m., May 6, 1910. Carried. Petition of John Iieckevoet for the space of twenty-four feet by sixty feet in the corner of Harbor for ferry landing. On motion of Ald. Singrin referred to Committee of the Whole. Petition of residents of Garfield Avenue, calling the Council's attention to Windsor and Schiller Avenues be- ing used for dumping garbage, pre- sented and referred to Health Officer and Alderman of Fifth Ward. Petition to have a watering foun- tain placed on Dodge Street between Hill and Alpine Streets presented. On motion of Ald. Singrin referred to Committee of the Whole. Petition of P. M. Heinz, Geo. Sav- ary and C. H. Savay that Pear Street, from Cleveland Avenue to Rush Street. be surveyed and graded pre- sented. Moved by Ald. Saul, seconded by Aid. McEvoy. that the prayer be granted and the Engineer prepare plat and estimate and report to Com- mittee of the Whole. Carried. Petition of R. L. Spellerberg, ask- ing Council to abate the nuisance of two cottonwood trees at 385 'AVest Eleventh street. On motion of Ald. Specht, referred to Committee of the Whole. Petition of Jno. L. McNulty to re- duce special assessment levied against Lot 235, Glendale Addition, presented. On motion of Ald. Saul, referred to Committee of the Whole. Petition of Martin Fahey to instruct the Engineer to give him grade of al- ley between Adair and Audubon and Decorah and Delaware Streets pre- sented. Moved by Ald. McEvoy, sec- onded by Ald. Singrin, the request be granted. Carried. The petition of property owners on Avon Street to establish and maintain a light on Avon street presented. Moved by Ald. McEvoy, seconded by Ald. Singrin, be referred to Commit- tee of the Whole. Petition of The Labor Leader, per J. M. Conley, asking that they be ap- pointed official paper of the city for the ensuing term. Upon motion of Ald. Apel, referred to Committee of the Whole. Petition of J. Herod, asking the City to accept 50c in full of speeial assessment for removing snow fr• walk in front of City N. 1/a, N. 1l. ' Lot No. 472. On motion of .\ McEvoy, referred to Committee of I Whole. Invitation from Dubuque Base Ball & Amusement Association to take part f 1 1.Legnlar Session, May, in the parade to he held on Saturday, May 7. 1910, to celebrate the opening of the base ball season in Dubuque presented. On motion of Aid. McEvoy, It was accepted with thanks. REPORTS OF OFFICER`. City Treasurer Brinkman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith hand you statements of amounts advanced by me during the month of April, 1910, for which please order warrants drawn in my favor: Interest paid on warrants out- standing $246.04 New York exchange 2.95 Postage stamps expense 10.00 Freich charges, C. G. W. R. R31.20 Tax receipts, paving Locust St. 392.97 Total $683.16 Library orders paid $734.05 Respectfully submitted, HERMAN BRINRMAN, Treasurer. On motion of Ald. Saul report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts, and the report referred to the Committee on Finance. City Auditor Lyons reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Herewith find my re- port for the month of April, 1910, showing the rete' its and disburse- ments for the month: Cash on hand April 1, 1910 $136,198.86 Receipts from all sources35,236.43 Total $171,435.29 DISBURSEMENTS. Warrants redeemed $ 28,865.18 Regular bond coupons re- • deemed Improvement bonds re- deemed Special sidewalk certifi- cates redeemed 141.48 Special sidewalk certifi- cate coupons redeemed. .36 2,415.00 293.75 Total $ 31,715.77 Balance May 1st, 1910.$139,719.52 The above cash balance includes the improvement bond fund, im- provement bond interest fund and li- rary fund balance. Water Works balance April 1, 1910 $19,273.49 Deposited With City Treas- urer during April 5,109.22 Total Orders drawn on City .-- $24,382.71 1910 151 Treasurer during month. 3,244.26 Valance May 1, 191)) ...$21,1:18.45 Excavation permit account: Balance April 1, 1910 840.00 i'nl;(I( ,• 9!av I. 1911) $40,011 Iso the fl]]]owing is a ree,11'd of all inti rest coupons and bonds and sidewalk certificates and coupons re- deemed by the City 'Treasurer ,luring; tin: past ninth nail credited) to hint: Improvement bond coupons.$ 293.75 Regular bond coupons 2, 11:1.00 Special sidewalk i''•rtitieat,•.s Special sid''\valk cert ilie;lte coupons .tiff 'total Also ep rI i ha I t here is due the cite ollieers for the month 'Ii' April, 1911, j 2.I1 1.:111. tin motion ,1l' Ald. O'Rourke the re- port w;15 it pl ir1 I v1.11 :Ind warrants or- dered drawn t„ pay city officers and report he referred to the Committee on Finance. Also the following list shows the appropriations and the amount of warrants drawn on each fund since the beginning of the fiscal year be- ginning Match 1st. 19111. to May 1st, 19111: Appropriation Expense .. Road -- First District .. 6.5:111.52 Second District . 15,923.22 2.1,11.7, Third District .. 9,544.60 1•s21;.011 Fourth District . 10,54:7.04 1 •l ;7.3 Fifth District .. 8,333..,, fire .. 48,000.011 r1,1I..1,rn f ilet. Sewerage .. 1i3Onll.n Printing .... 2.51)1,10 1117.:1,t St1•cet Lighting 27,000.00 2,237.23 lnl,aesI 40,1100.00 81,9.1(:, Board of Health 7,010.00 2sn.25 l lrallih g .. r olln,1111 I116.1'1 Special Bonded Paving .. . Special Bonded Debt and In- terest .. 4,000.00 1\lt. Carmel Ave nue Grading 2,500.00 20.35 Sidewalk Repair- ing .... 1,0110.011 58.99 500.00 1.00 Expended $ 6,225.24 4,000.00 Bluff' Street Ex- tensiol. , . .. . lies• itronch Sew- er,'Tllir'l \V';uvl, Duhnmne ing I'lint .... Ern prov'•ment of Windsor Ace.. Bee Branch Sew- er, Thir,l Ward, 18th Streit Bee Bra itch ".ow - 1v. In Fifth Ward . .. ... Improvement of Grandview Avenue .. ... 2,500.00 1,000.00 2,500.00 5,000.1)0 2,500.00 152 Regular Session, May 5, 1910 Eagle Point Park (:lac Street Im- prevernent .. Heeh Street (trading .. ... Imprey ement of Valley Street . Improvement of Willow Street. O p o n i n g o f Rooth and Spring Streets. Twenty - Seventh Street Storm Sewer .... .. Improvement of Althauser Ave. Improvement of Seventh Ave. . Firemen's Pen- sion Fund ... Policemen's Pen- sion Fund ... Opening and Grading Alley Between Clark a n d Angella Streets .. .... °paining of Ce- dar Street ... Part Cost of Car Street Nall .. New Street sweeper .. .. Ninth Avenue Se WC r .. .... 3,000.00 1,200.00 300.00 200.00 1,900.00 500.00 1,300.00 1,500.00 2,500.00 750.00 750.00 500.00 500.00 317.00 280.00 800.00 2.870.85 1,320.93 311.99 256.15 $305,578.26 Respectfully submitted, M. E. LYONS, Auditor, Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The following is the pay roll of the Fire Department for the month of March, 1910: Amount due Firemen $3166.90 Less I% retained for Pension Fund .... 30.99 Balance due firemen $3135.91 Due to extra help for fires $333.25 Respectfully submitted, J. R. REINFRIED, Chief. A rproved by Committee on Fire. On ma ton of Ah . the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the firemen, and the re- port referred back to the Committee on Fire. Chief of Police Pickley reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the police report for the month of April, 1910: Trttoxica tion 43 Assault and battery Breaking and entering Disorderly conduct Disturbing the peace Petit larceny Violating city ordinance Vagrancy Total Residents arrested Doors found open Lodgers harbored Defective lights Meals furnished Cost of food Pound receipts 1 3 4 4 6 3S 102 32 21 170 72 46 $ 9.20 $ 4.00 Peliee court costs $22.0: Sheriff, dieting prisoners $ 3 25 Patrol runs for prisoners 82 Transfer of prisoners 1 Ambulance calls .... 6 Miles traveled 99 A also beg to submit the pay roll for Policemen for the last half of April, 1910: Amount due Policemen $1313.25 JAMES PICKLEY, Chief of Police. On motion of Aid. Sauer, the report and pay roll were received and war- rants ordered drawn to pay the police- men and the report referred to the Committee on Police and Light. City Electrician Hipman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my report for defective lights for the month of April, 1910: I find from the report of the Police Department that the total hours that 72 lamps failed to burn would equal 3 1-2 lamps burning for one month or $17.50. Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM HIPMA.N, City Electrician. On motion of AId. Singrin the re- port was received and the City Audi- tor to be instructed to deduct from the Union Electric company's bill for the month of April, 1910, the sum of $17.50. Street Commissioner Mahony report- ed as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: i herewith submit the pay roll for labor on streets during the last half. of April 1910: Amount due laborers on streets.$3185.6S Approved by Committee on Streets. Also submit the pay roll for labor oft sewers during the last half of April, 1910: Amount due laborers on sewers.$11S.80 Approved by Committee on Sewers. Respectfully submitted. JOHN MAHONY. Street Commission On motion of Aids. Saul and Sinrri, .4 IN Special Session, May 5, 1910 158 the pay tolls on streets and sewers were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts and the pay rolls referred back to the proper committees. Following Weighmasters' and Wood - measurers' reports of receipts were presented and read and on motion w ere received and filed: Jos. Straney Robt. Hay Mrs. C'. Deekert Louisa Pitchner H. P. Lemper Mrs. Geo. Pfiffner $4.05 6.69 .54 .92 14.06 5.53 On motion of Ald. Singrin reports be received and filed. Harbor Master Carroll reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I hereby submit my re- port for months of January, February, March and April: Total $20.34 Wood measured $1.00 Treasurer's receipt for $1.00 hereto attached. Total wharfage collected $25.00 Respectfully submitted, J. H. CARROLL. On: motion of Aid. Sauer report re- ceived and filed. the City Council: Your committee to whom was re- ferred to ascertain the indebtedness of telephone companies, beg leave to re- port as follows: Iowa Telephone Co. $1578.96 Dubuque Telephone Co. .... 1300.24 Western Union Telegraph Co. 1229.80 North American Telegraph Co292.04 Postal Telegraph Co. 519.66 Respectfully, D. J. HAAS, Mayor. J. W. Lawlor, Clerk. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke, seconded by Ald. Saul, that it be referred to City Attorney for collection. Carried. City Recorder Geiger presented and read the notice, certified to by the publishers, of the notice of special as- sessment for removing snow and ice in the months of February and March, 1 91 0. Moved by Md. McEvoy. seconded by Ald. Singrin, that the notice be received and filed. Carried. Report of City Attorney and ex -City Engineer Ilg presented. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke. seconded by Ald. Specht. the rules he suspend- ed and allow Mr. E. Fengler to ad- dress the council in reference to Bee Branch sewer. Carried. Mr. Fengler addressed the council. stating the manner in which the sewer was constructed. Moved by Ald. Saul, seconded by Ald. Apel, the reports be referred to corri- mittee of the whole. Carried. Notice of Charles Massey, claiming $3000.00 damages for personal injuries claimed to have been sustained by falling on a sidewalk on the 16th day of March, 1910, presented. On motion of Aid Singrin referred to committee on claims and city attor- ney. Notice of Pauline Packwood, by C. W. Packwood, claiming $5000.00 dam- ages for personal injuries claimed to have been sustained by the falling of a sign on the corner of Eighth and Locust street, on the 3rd day of March, 191 0. presented. On motion of Aid, AIcl•:voy, rcfin•red to committee on claims and City .11.- torney. Ald. Saul, chairman of 110• commit- tee of the whole, reported as follows: Your committee of the whole, it whom was referred the communication of Otto P. Geiger asking the cite coun- cil to confirm the ;ippointaawt of George H. I.:thy:mem' as his deputy and fix his salary at $57,.00 per nmnih, would respectfully recommend that the prayer of petitioner he granted. Your Committee of the \\'hole. to whom was referred the coninnuiicatfon of City- Engineer C. II. I;nuuigarUu r notifying the City Council of his ;rp- pointnient of Joseph hriedericli :I.s clo•rh and draftsnuni anti \\". Cullen as rod - man. and ti siting that said appoint- ment she eonfirnied and ilcit their sal- aries he fixed at $ca.ae ;gad $60.00 p,•r• (il.•nts he confir•ntod told iliat their sat - 1.0. nmmcnd that the appointments he approved and the sal;tiv fat• clerk and draftsman lie fixed at $75.00 per month and that of the rodman at $50.00. Yom' C..111111110, of the AV'hole. to tvhoni w:os referred the potation of City Attorney (h.orge 'I'. Lynn. stating that lie hail reappointed E. II. \\'illging i t Assistant City :\itortie - tit to s:ilnry of $R-.t(t per month and Miss Nettie Itent- ley as stenographer at n salary of $20.00 per month and asking that said ap- pointments lir l onfirno•d and at ahove stated sol:sites. wnnld respect- fully recommend that the prayer of the petitioner he granted and that appoint- ments he approved. Your Committee of the Whole. to wham was referred the petition of Andttor M. E. Lyons. asking that the City Council confirm the appointment of George Vogel as his deputy and fix his salary at $100.00 per month. would respectfully recommend that sold all- 164 Regular Session, May 5, 1910 pointment be confirmed and that the salary of said deputy be fixed at $80.00 per month. Your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the agree- ment entered into between the past City Council and the property owners along the improvement on West Lo- cust Street from Hodgdon Avenue to Alta Vista Street be carried out and that in accordance therewith the City Treasurer be instructed to deduct, the sum of twenty cents per lineal foot from the cost of the guttering and to fix the assessment on the lots owned by the Rhomberg estate at a maximum rate of Fifty Dollars per lot. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the communication of the Business Men's Association of Prairie du Chien, asking for a donation to help defray the cost of erecting a Marquette statue in said city, would respectfully recommend that said peti- tion he received and filed. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of M. Schlegel, stating that he is the owner of Lot 19 in Althauser's Sub. and *pi there has been a special assessment. of which one-seventh is paid, levied against said lot for the improvement of Eagle Street and that he is willing to pay the balance if the interest now due thereon be canceled, would re- spectfully recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the City Treasurer be instructed to rv.mcel said interest provided two- sct'cnths of said assessment be paid ,t thin thirty days from date, and the i,,,lnnee in equal annual .installments kitI) interest on deferred payments un- til paid. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Jo- seph F. Kingsley, et al. in relation to curbing being left out in several places along the improvement on Nest Locu,t Street from Hodgdon Avenue to Alta Vista Street for the purpose of enabling property owners to more readily drive onto their premises, would respectfully report that all the property owners af- fected have since the filing of the above petition signified in writing their entire satisfaction with the work as it stands at present and their intention to pay their assessment when due without protest; we would therefore recommend that said petition be received and filed JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the various reports of the Committee of the Whole Ald. O'Rourke objected to the adop- tion of the petition of Geo. T. Lyon and the communication of City Engineer C. H. Baumgartner on the grounds that the extra position and excessive in- crease of salary was not contemplate] in the appropriations, nor provision made for them. The various reports of the Committee of the Whole were carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Apel, McEvoy, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nuys—O'Rourke. Harbor Master Carroll asked for instructions from the Council in re- gard .to the Harbor License. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke, seconded by Ald. Sauer to suspend the rules to allow Mr. Davis to address the Coun- cil. Carried by the folowing vote: Yeas — Alds. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Mr. Davis then addressed the Coun- cil as to the amount of space he de- sired for a ferry lannding and what he thought would be a reasonable li- cense. Moved by Ald. McEvoy and second- ed by Ald. Apel, that the Harbor Master be instructed to collect Har - bar license in accordance with the City Ordinances. Carried. The Mayor stated he had received an invitation from the B. P. O. Elks for the Council to attend the banquet tonight after adjournment. Moved by Ald. McEvoy and second- ed by Ald. Singrin that the Council accept the invitation with thanks. Carried. RESOLUTIONS AND MOTIONS. Ald. McEvoy offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Counci i of the City of Dubuque. That it is deemed necessary and advisable to alter Booth and Spring streets so that said streets will make a contin- uous thoroughfare from Julien Ave- nue to West Fourteenth Street, and be it further resolved that the City Eingineer be and is hereby instructed to make a survey and plat of such proposed improvement showing the land or lots through or over which the same is propsed to be made, the the same is proposed to be made, the quantity of land proposed to be taken and file such plat in the office for public inspection. That after such plat is prepared and filed, said City Engineer shall give the owners of the property through or over which such improvement is proposed to be made notice as prescribed in Section 2 of t