Y Roll_17 Part 4Regular Session, May 5, 1910 Chapter 31 of the Ordinances of the City of Dubuque. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. City Recorder Geiger presented and read the notice of the Council's intention to construct a sanitary sew- er in Seminary Street from Madison to a point about 500 feet westerly thereof. Certified to by the publish- ers. No remonstrance being tiled, and no one in the room objecting, the no- tice was on motion received and filed. Ald. McEvy offered the -following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a San- itary Sewer of eight -inch tile pipe be constructed in Seminary Street from the interesection of Madison Street to a point about five hundred and fifty (550) feet westerly thereof, accord- ing to the plans and specifications of said sewer prepared by the City En- gineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and be it further Resolved, That said sewer shall be completed on or before the 1st day of July, 1910, and shall be paid for at the time and in the manner pre- scribed by Chapter XXXIV of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque for the payment of the cost of constructing sewers. The proposals for doing such work will be acted upon by the Council on the 19th day of May, 1910, and the City Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication, asking for proposals as provided by ordin- ance. Moved by Ald. McEvoy and sec- onded by Ald. Singrin that the ordin- ance be adopted. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aldermen Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin. Specht. Nays—None. Aid. Specht offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby di- rected to prepare plans and specifica- tions for the extension of the Bee Branch sewer from Couler Avenue west to connect with the concrete culvert between said avenue and Lemon Street and also from the con- crete culvert in the alley between Couler Avenue and Jackson Street southeasterly as far as the appropria- tion made therefor will permit and file such plans and specifications in the office of the City Recorder, who will thereupon advertise for bids for the construction of said sewer in ac - 155 cordance with such plans and specifi- cation and submit the same to the City Council at as early a date as possible. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aldermen Apel, .ic1.:voy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None, Quarterly report Dubuque. City Wa- ter Works presented and referred to Special Auditing Committee., consist- ing of Aids. Sauer, Saul and MvEvoy. Police Matron Bibb, reported that the windows in the \Iatron's Quarters were not in a safe condition. Moved by All. tr'Rourke and sec- onded by Ald. Saul that it be referred to Committee on Puhlic Grounds and Buildings.. Carried. Reported that the watering foun- tain on First and Main was in need of repairs. moved by All. Sail and seconded b AId. McEvoy that it he referred to the Committee of the Whole. Car- ried. Moved by Ale]. Saul and seconded by Ald. McEvoy to adjourn. Carried. OTTO P. GEIGER, City Recorder. Approved .2 .-1910 Attest: Mayor eccrrder affit..(3a6e o r 15i; Special Session, May 14, -1910 CITY COUNCIL Special Session May 14, 1910. (Official.) Mayor Haas in the chair. Council met at 8:05 p. m. Present - Aids. Apel, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Specht. Absent --Aid. McEvoy. Mayor Haas stated that this meet- ing was called for the purpose of con- sidering the report of the .Bijou party wall being in a dangerous condition and owned by the Dubuque Opera Company and W. J. Burns and J. J. Nagle; also the request of the G. A. R. for the use of Jackson park on Decoration day; also the matter of operating the stone crusher on Seven teeuth street, and such other business as may come before a regular session of the council. Aid. Saul, chairman of the commit- ce of the whole, reported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the certified re- turn of service of the notice to the Dubuque Opera House Company and J. F. Burns requiring them, on ac- count of the dangerous condition of the same, to take down the party wall now standing on the north 63 feet 7 inches of City Lot 68, would respect- fully state that we referred said no- tice to City Engineer C. H. Baumgart- ner with instructions to make a thor- ough examination into the condition of said wall and report his findings bacx to this committee. Said report we hereto attach and make a part of this report, and acting on the information therein contained would respectfully recommend that said wall be declared unsafe and that the City Attorney be insructed to draw up the proper reso- lutions for the condemnation and tak- ing down of the same. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Ald. Saul, chairman committee of the whole, moved the adoption of the re- port. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Ald. O'Rourke offered the following resolution: Whereas. It appears from a notice directed to the Dubuque Opera House company and W. J. Burns by J. P. Reinfried, Chief of the Fire Depart- ment, and Paul Ilg, City Engineer, and which was returned to this Council aQ haying been served upon said parties, that the wall which forms the south side of the building now occupying the southerly portion of lot sixty-seven (67) and the north eleven (11) Inches of lot sixty-eight (68), and which did form the north wall of the building former- ly occupying the south sixty-three (63) feet seven (7) inches of lot sixty-eight (68) ill this city, is insecure and in an unsafe and dangerous condition: and it further appears from a report of Cit; Engineer Baumgartner. nutde to this Council, that the wall is in such a de- fective and dilapidated condition as to he dangerous to life and property, and this Council. throngh its Committee of the Whole. having• verified the reports by a personal examination of the said wall: therefore. Be it resolved. That the wall which forms the south side of the building none occupying the southercly portion of lot 67 and the north eleven (11) inches of lot sixty-eight (68). it which slid form the north wall of the building formerly occupying the south sixty-three feet. seven (7) inches of lot sixty-eight (68) in the City of Dubugte' he, and the same is. hereby declared he a nuisance, and Pe it further ressolved. That the Du! buque Opera. House Company. W. J. Pm•ns and J. J. Nagle. the owners of said described wall. he. and hereby are. notified to : bat, said nuisance within twenty (301 Mays from the adop- tion of this resolution. by removing thv- said wall. Alderman O'Rourke then moved that the Council declare its intention to ad- opt the resolution as read, at its next regular meeting, to be held on Thurs- day, May 19th, 1910, and that a written notice of the contemplated action of the City Council. together with a copy of the resolution, he personally served be the Chief of Police upon the owners of the property. cemnianeling them to ap- pear before the City Council on that date and show cause. ii' any they have. why the wall should not he declared a nuisance and removed. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Apel, O'Rourke, Saner, Snit!. Singrin. Specht. Absent—McEvoy. NOTICE. To Dubuque Opera House Company W. J. Burns and J. J. Nagle: You and each of you are hereby notified that at a Special Session oI the City Council of the City of Du- buque. held May 14th, 1910, the said Council declared its intention of adopting at its next regular meeting. to be held Thursday, May 19th, 1910. at the Council Chamber in the City Hall, the attached resolution declar- ing the wall therein described a nuis- ance, and you and each of you are hereby commanded to appear before said Council on that date and show cause if any you have, why the wall f 1 Special Session, May 19, 1910 should not lie declared a nuisance and removed. OTTO P. GEIGER, City Recorder. Stated that Tschirgi & Son desired the use of the Rock Crusher for crushing rock on Bluff Street con- tract. Moved by Aid. O'Rourke and sec- onded by Ald. Saul that the Council grant Tschirgi & Son the use of Rock Crusher, and they to get through in the shortest possible time with the least posible dust, all in accordance to an agreement entered into a year ago. Carried. The request of G. A. R. to be grant- ed the use of Jackson Park on Decor- ation day stated. Moved by Ald. Saul the prayer of the p'rtitioners be granted. Carried. Ald. Saul moved to adjourn. Carried. OTTO P. GEIGER, City Recorder. Approved..244Vf_1J,' ....Z- .1910 ayor Attest: .... "` P ! i./.2:;Recorder CITY COUNCIL I:e al;ir a. inn , AIan 19, 1910. (Official.) .Mayor Haas in the chair. Council met at 9:00 p. m. Present — Aids. :\p •I .UcP:voY, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul. Singrin and Specht. Absent—None. Ald. O'Rourke moved that Council Proceedings for month of April be approved as printed. Carried. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke, seconded by Ald. Saul, that the order of busi- ness be suspended and proceed to consider petitions. Carried. PETITIONS AND C(u.ALMt'NICA- I'I( /NS. Petition of t'.., M. & St. P. R. R. ('.. and an ordinance granting the said C., \I, & St. 1'. R. R. Co. right to lad spur track from a point on L ost No. '2.13, :East Dubuque, Addition to the (lily of Dubuque• to the Du- bnoue I'aeking ('o. plant, presented. \ leiaeil Iiy Ald. Singrin, seconded by Alii. S;un•r, that the rules be sus- pended to allow anyone to address the Council in reference to the peti- tion. Carried. .Air. James Beach addressed the Council on behalf of Dubuque Pack - Ing Co. Attorney P. J. Nelson addressed the Council on behalf of Frith's Union Slaughter House. asking to have some minor changes made in the Ord ipanee. neve l by Ald. McEvoy, seconded li Ald. O'Rourke, that the City Re- cord -r call a meeting of Ordinance l'oniinit'ee and ('its- .Attorney for 8:30 ;1. 10.. 91:iv _o, I draft an Ordinance grnitiiig ('., B. & Si. P. 11. R. Co. the right to lay a slur track and they to report to Committee of the Whole. Carried. Petition of G. E. Davis, J. R. Tay- lor and Dubuque Motor Boat Club, asking for a suitable location of boat house and landing clock for launches, presented. Moved by AIA. O'Itourke, seconded by Aid. Singrin, the rules be sus- pended to allow anyone to address the Council in reference to the peti- titions. Carried by the following vote: Yeas – - Alils. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer. Saul, Singrin and Specht. Nays --None. Br. J. It. 'Taylor, Br. G. E. Davis and St. C. Elle. representing the Du- buque Motor Boat Club, addressed the Council in reference to the loca- tion desired. Moved by Aid. Singrin, seconded by Ald. O'Rourke, to refer the three pe- 158 Regular Session, May 19, 1910 titions to Committee of the Whole and Harbor Master to view the ground. Carried. The petition in the appeal of the Iowa Trust & Savings Bank from action of H. Brinkman, City Treas- urer, presented. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke, seconded by Ald. Saul, to suspend the rules to allow Mr. J. E. Truesdale to address the Council in reference to petition. Carried. Mr. J. E. Truesdale read the con- tract between City of Dubuque and J. B. Workman and asked the Coun- cil for permission to proceed in the case. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke, re- ferred to City Attorney and the Com- mittee of the Whole. Petition of residents on Pleasant Street, asking to have light placed there and the sidewalk laid presented. On motion of Ald. Singrin, referred to Committee on Light and Sidewalk Inspector, they to report to Commit- tee of Whole. Petition of residents on Seminary Street, between Foye and Gold Streets, asking to have cement or brick walk laid and the rail changed, presented. On motion of Ald. McEvoy, re- ferred to Sidewalk Inspector, he to report to Committee of the Whole. Petition of Agaunico Mines Devel- opment Co., asking permission to lay a pipe line across Julien Avenue un- der the surface, presented. On motion of Aid. Singrin, referred to committee consisting of Mayor Haas, Ald. McEvoy and Street Com- missioner, they report to Committee of the Whole. Petition of John J. Krayer, asking to be appointed timekeeper for Street Commissioner, presented. On motion of Aid. Saul, referred to Committee of the Whole. Petition of Mrs. Mary Bisanz, ask- ing to have taxes on N. ih of Lot No. 2 in Myrtle Addition canceled. On motion of Aid. Singrin, referred to Committee on Delinquent Taxes. Petition of Ex -Chief of Police James R. Pickley, asking the City to refund him the sum of $600.00, bal- ance for services, presented. On mo- tion of Ald. Saul, referred to Com- mittee of Whole. Petition of Mrs. Theis and McCeney, asking the City for a re- duction of 20e per lineal foot on the improvement of West Locust street, presented. . On motion of Ald. McEvoy, referred to Committee of the Whole. Petition of C. A. Voelker, asking that Irving Street be opened to Del- hi Street, presented. On motion of Ald. McEvoy, referred to Committee of the Whole. Petition of Dubuque Base Bali and Amusement Association et al, object- ing to assessment levied for the im- provement of Twenty-seventh Street, presented. On motion of Ald. Specht, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of A. L. Rhomberg, ask- ing that the taxes for the year 1909 on Lots No. 640 and 641, East Du- buque, and Block No. 24, Railroad Addition, be canceled. On motion of Ald. Apel, referred to Committee of the Whole. Petition of Mrs, Alice McGrath, asking that she be refunded the sum of $91.79, being 20c per lineal foot, for improvement on West Locust Street. On motion of Ald. McEvoy, referred to Committee of the Whole. Petition of Memorial Day Commit- tee, asking the City to appropriate the sum of one hundred dollars for the proper patriotic observance of Me- morial Day, ,presented. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke, seconded by Ald. McEvoy, that the prayer be granted and a warrant he drawn in favor of said committee. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Aldermen Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Specht. Nays—None. Petition of Bricklayers' and Ma- son's Union No. 17, asking to estab- lish an office for Building Inspector, presented. On motion of Ald. Saul, referred to Committee of the Whole. Remonstrance of James and Anna Spencer against any change in steps leading from Montrose Terrace to Fairview Place, presented. Moved by Ald. Saul, seconded by Ald. McEvoy, action be deferred un- til the report of Engineer is filed re- garding same. Carried. Petition of residents in the vicinity of the water fountain on Seminary Street, between Harold and Wood- worth, asking to have the same re- placed by a new one, presented. On motion of AId. McEvoy, re- ferred to Committee of the Whole. Petition of Morrison Bros., asking that the sewer be extended to their factory presented. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke, referred to Committee of the Whole. Regular Session, May 19, 1910 169 Petition of Mrs. Louisa Schwartz, asking that she be exempt from paying taxes on Lots 7-9 in Marsh's Addition, preesnted. On motion of Ald. Saul, referred to Committee on Delinquent Taxes. Petition of Thomas Cahill and Chas. McManus, asking that the sal- ary of Park Custodian be increased. presented. On motion of Aid. Saul, referred to Committee of the Whole. Petition of Mrs. Edith Lawson, ask- ing to have the valuation on Lot 1 of Lets 30 and 31. in Morheiser's Sub., placed at $600.00, presented. On motion of Ald. Singrin, referred to Committee of the Whole. Petition of residents in the vicinity and adjacent to Sanford and Jackson Streets, asking to condemn and re- move billboards- standing thereon, pre- sented. On motion of Ald. Saul, referred to Committee of Whole to view ground. Invitation from Alemorial Day committee inviting the City Council to participate in the parade on Mem- orial Clay presented. Moved by Ald. McEvoy and sec- onded by Ald. Saul, that the invita- tion be accepted with thanks, and the Council attend in a body. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aldermen Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Specht. Nays --None. Petition of Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress asking that the City employ skilled union labor wherever it is possible and have the union label appear on all city printing, presented. Moved by Ald. McEvoy and sec- onded by Ald. Apel, That the City Recorder and other City officers, City Attorney excluded, demand the union label placed on all printing when pos- sible. Carried. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Fire Chief Reinfried reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:—The following is the pay roll of the Fire department for the first half of May, 1910: Amount due Firemen $1,628.00 Amount due Extra Firemen. 11.50 Total .... $1,639.50 Respectfully submitted, J. R. REINFRIED, Chief. Approved by Committee on Fire. On motion of Ald. Singrin, the re- port was received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay the Firemen, and the report referred back to the Com- mittee on Fite. Chief of Police Reilly reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor anti City Council: tloatlemen: The following is the pay roll of Police Department for the first half of May. 1:110: Amount due Policemen $1,329.50 Amount clue Extra Police. . 62.50 Total due $1.392.00 Respect fully sown itied. '1't11tM.\S IIi:ILLY, Chief. On motion of Ald. Sauer the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the policemen and the report referral hack to the Commit- tee on Police and Light. Street commissions -'r .\I:thony re- ported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: c;enticmen: I herewith submit the pity roll for labor on streets during the first half of May, 1910: Amt. due laborers on streets $2,807.40 Approved by Committee on Streets. :Also submit the pay roll for labor on sewers during the first half of May, 1910: Amt. due laborers on sewers..$208.71) Approved by Committee on Sewers. Respectfully submitted, JOHN \1AlittNY, Street Commissioner. On motion of Ald. Saul, seconded by Ald. Singrin, the pay rolls on Streets and Sewers were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts and the pay rolls re- ferred back to the proper committees, The annual report of the Chief of Police for the fiscal year beginning March 1, 1909, and ending February 28, 1910, preesnted. On motion of Ald. Saul, the same was received and referred to the Committee of the Whole. The following \Vcighmasters' and Marketmaster's reports of receipts were presented and read: C. W. Kat' $22.70 R. Hay 2.20 On motion of Ald. Singrin reports were received and filed. Harbormaster Carroll reported as to presenting bills for wharfage. On motion of Ald. Saul, referred to Committee of the Whole. 160 Regular Session, May 19, 1910 11105. Bids for printing and furnishing As- sessment Books and Tax Roll were presented, and on motion ordered op- ened as follows: Berg & Briggs '1'he Telegraph -Herald MaIhis-\lets Co. M. S. Hardie $ 68.00 112.00 74.90 65.00 On motion of Aid. Saul contract for furnishing and printing Assessment Books and Tax Roll was awarded to M. S. Hardie. being the lowest bidder. Cit y Recorder Geiger presented bids far the construction of an S -inch tile ip.• Sanitary Sewer in Seminary street. On motion bids were ordered opened. Frank D. Scharle, 8 -inch tile pipe, per lineal foot, 71c; manholes, each, 524.!10. Street & Shaul:. 8 -inch tile pipe, per lineal foul, 62c: manholes, each, $27.00. ['Farrell Contracting Co., 8 -inch tile pile•. per lineal foot, 57c; manholes, eat it. $28.00. .1. I. Brown. S -inch tile pipe. per !meal lout, 57c; manholes, each, $27.50. Scharle, S -inch tile pipe, per lineal foot. 56e; manholes, each. $23.00. H. U. Strong', S -inch tile pipe, per lineal foot, 39c; manholes, each, $27.00. W. Cook, 8 -inch tile pipe, per lineal foot, $1.35; manholes, each, $25.00. On motion of Ald. Singrin bids were referred to City Engineer to investi- gate and report to the council. Moved by Aid. McEvoy, seconded by Aid. Saul, that the judgment of the District Court of Dubuque County in the case of Brinkman. contestant, vs. George Wybrant, incumbent. for office of City Treasurer, he made a matter of record. Judgment of District Court as fol- lows: May 14, 1910. Hearing to Court as per admission of the attorney P. J. Nelson, for contestant Herman Brink- man. George Wybrant is decreed to be elected to the office of City Treas- urer of the City of Dubuque. Judg- ment against Herman Brinkman and his bondsman for cost of court decree in conformity with judgment and stip- ulation and admission made of record by shorthand reporter, which appears in the Equity calendar for the May term, 1910, of the District Court of Dubuque County. City Recorder Geiger presented the bonds of Street Commissioner John Mahoney, City Auditor M. E. Lyons, Geo.• D. Wybrant and continuation certificate of bond of Edw. W. Her- ron, B. F. Stedman, Martin Schei- decker. On motion of Ald. Saul re- ferred to City Attorney. Moved by Ald. Saul, seconded by Ald, Singrin, that warrants be drawn and all 1)1115 properly audited by vari- ous committee be paid, Carried. BILLS. The following bills were approved by the various committees: Albert Gasser, 1000 brick for W. 14th and Adair streets $ 10.00 Standard Oil Co., axle grease for Road Dept. Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co, supplies for Road Dept. 1.00 Peter Jacobs, 1606 cubic yards macadam , ... Geo. W. Healey & Son, supplies for Road Dept. F. A. Burns, coal for steam roller Dr. H. J.. Hagerty, veterinary services for March and April, 4.25 Road Dept. John Coyne, 847 cubic yards macadam Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horseshoeiug for Road Dept... Ed. Gi'ue, 4444 cubic yards ma- cadam Ellwanger urns., supplies for Road Dept. Kelly -Springfield Road Roller Co., supplies for new steam roller Gen. Raga & Son, repairs and su,adies. Road Dept. .... F. Si •h & Son. repairs and supplies, Road Dept. F. Schloz & Son, repairs and supplies, Road Dept. Pitts -Thompson Foundry Co, supplies, Road Dept. Thomas J. \iulgrew Co., cement, Road Dept. Geo. AI asters. repairing hy- drant at 27th and White and 11th St. park, and supplies .. Key City Rubner S. & P. Works. supplies A. E. Gmehle, commission col- lecting delinquent taxes J. B. Workman, commission collecting omitted taxes Clancy Transfer Co., wood for Police Dept. Frank Hardie, to transcript of testimony in case of Mrs. Liz- zie Post vs. City of Dubuque.. Pier Bros., wood, City Hall .... Frank Beutin, wood. City Hall John L. Kies, drug supprres for Police Dept. Dubuque Telephone Co., tele- phone rental for April, 1910.. 17.42 Key City Gas Co., removing t:intp post at Bluff Street.. I. C. Chamberlain, balance on Policy No. 161 .8 7 6, Iowa State Ins. Co. J. F. Ris & Bro, supplies for Fir- Dept A. J. Hartig, toilet paper, City Hall ...... ...... . . . G. H. Davis & Co., supplies, City Hall Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., 5 'cuspidor mats for Mayor's office 12.04 1.45 14.74 1.60 S.47 2.50 44.44 1.90 10.00 18.43 62.50 2.20 20.00 3.60 7.55 2.25 54.6S 67.60 12.00 4.50 6.75 6.75 7.80 1.00 02.50 2.4 7.7 5.57 2.75 Special Session, May 19, 1910 161 R. Herrmann & Sons, sup- plies for Mayor's office J. P. Foley, towel service for April . C. E. Fitzpatrick, supplies for City Hall Eagle Chemical Co., disinfec- tant for City Hall Western Union Telegraph Co., electric clock and time service for April, 1910 Isaac Ma.nhaf, 25 rags Philip lireithaupt, repairs on plumbing in City Hall Otto P. Geiger, notarial fee and premium on notary public bone} Mike Mullen, cleaning water pipe, City Hall L. J. Srhmit. supplies Ed. Millins, sharpening lawn mower Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., supplies for Sewer de- partment .... ... Lagen, Peed & Berwttnger, horseshoeing for Sewer de- partment Ellwanger Bros., supplies for Sewer I )ept Key (:'ity hooting Co.. ce- ment fur Sewer Dept Union Electric Co., power for street light for April. 1910 Union Electric Co., power for City Fire Alarm for April, 1910 .... John Spencer. preparing drawing for hose tower for Fourth St. Engine House.. Key City Gas Co., supplies for Fire Dept.... National Refining Co., oil for Fire Dept Babcock Fire Entinguisher, supplies for Fire Dept Gamewell Fire Alarm Tele- graph Co., supplies for Fire Dept.. ............. . H. Schenk, oats for Fire Dept.... .... .......... F. A. Burns, hauling oats to Fire Depts Wm. Marshall. repairs Fire Dept ... John J. Powers, horseshoe- ing for Fire Dept Central Electric Co.. electri- cal supplies, Fire Dept Clancy Transfer Co.. taking clown wall at Bijou ruins Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs and supplies for Fire Dept. Geo. W. Healey & Son. rope for guard around Bijou theater, and other supplies Geo. Ra.gatz & Son. supplies and repairs. Fire Dept Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., 1 fireman's helmet Demkier Bros.. barn brooms for Fire Dept .75 4.00 1.00 20.00 1.00 .75 .75 7.00 3.20 1.10 1.25 1.50 2.00 1.45 2251.25 2.00 20.00 4.65 13.50 3.00 56.25 409.70 8.00 13.50 12.80 36.12 115.00 5.46 1.84 9.29 4.50 11.50 A. R. Flick Ilox Co., 1 load shavings, Fire Dept. .. Wunderlich & \Vicderhoklt, horseshoeing for Fire Dept . Herrmann & Sons, bed cas- ters for Fire Dept Collings & 1'tifiln t'. horse- shucing foi• Dire Dept Ellwanger Gros., repairs ;ind supplies for Fire Dept ('lark Roller Awning ('u, coc,•rs for springs and Painting same fur Fire Dept. Dennis Eros., hay for Fire Dept Clancy Transfer Co., coal for Fire Dept Key City (las Co., coal for Fire i )opt..... ..... Dr. .1. Hagerty. veterinary service for April and March for Fire Dept Standard Oil Co., oil for Fire Dept Utn• VV";tllace, hauling oats to Dire Dept .lame s .McLaughlin, hauling oats to Fire Depts Ed. tiller. 1 pair rubber boots. health Dept Jos. .J. Bertsch Co., 1 pair leather sole boots, Health Dept Inion Electric Co., light for Detention Hospital . Clancy 'Transfer Co., 11/2 cords wood I'or Alt. Carmel Dubuque Lumber Co., lumber for sidewalks Robert It,(l1vern, inspector cement curb and gutter on East Street National Demokrat, advertis- ing for April, 1910. Labor Leader, advertising for April, 1910 .... Geo. Masters, repairing light in Assessor's office and supplies Dr. J. Hagerty. veterinary service. Murch and Aioil, for Police Uept.... Philip Grid thaopt, repairing and plumbing at City Hall i ichhorn & Ili chtel supplies for N1;1 ti Ann rie;in i•;c,r-Ready h;:(tc•rics for I'olic • Dept. . F. (1. i:eeker, coal for T'olic Dept...... ......... tipnhn-IHs,. Lumber ('o, lumber for I'c'lie' Dent.. Ellwanger Eros., repairs and supplies for Police Dept Mettei Gros.. supplies for Po- lice and Dire Dept Trenk Wire Works, window guards for II;ittons Key City Gas Co.. light for Police and Fire Depts. for April. 1910 1.50 12.00 1.40 16.00 7.90 .85 43.78 52.20 28.75 18.40 4.50 3.20 3.20 1.25 6.50 3.00 10.00 48.82 9.60 12.7;0 12.50 .50 2.40 10.15 1.05 4.00 22.8S 10.20 7.25 6.35 17.00 2.00 162 Adjourned Regular Session, May 20, 1910 Collings & Pfiffner, horse - shoeing for Police Dept11.30 C. W. Katz, meals furnished to prisoners during April, 1910 Key City Gas Co., light for 80 30 various departments The following bills were referred to the Committee of the Whole: 21.50 J. Linehan, Health $ Nesler & Hammel, repairs3.00 Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs for Road Phil Reddin, supplies Jack- son.75 Park Petition of Geo. D. Wybrant, ask- ing the city to confirm the appoint- ment of Frank M. Blake, deputy, and Louis F. Kolfenback, clerk, and fix- ing the salary of the deputy at $100.00 per month and the clerk at $60.00 per month. Moved by Ald. Saul and seconded by Ald. O'Rourke that the same be approved. Carried. Aid. Saul stated there would be a meeting of the Committee of the Whole May 20, at 7:30 p. m. Ald. Saul moved to adjourn to Fri- day, May 20, at 8 p. m. Carried. 9.20 2.34 Approve( Attest: 47/Cx^ " 1Mayor CITY COUNCIL (Official.) Adjourned Regular Session, May 20, 1910. Mayor Haas in the chair. Council met at 10:15 p. m. Present—Aids. McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Specht. Absent—Apel. Mayor Haas stated that the meet- ing was an adjourned meeting of the regular session of May 19, 1910, and was called to take up and consider all matters which may properly come before a regular session of the City Council. Moved by Ald. Saul to adjourn to May 23, 1910, at 8 p. m. OTTO P. GEIGER, City Recorder. Approved Attest: dPZ — 1916 1luyor .Recorder • Adjourned Regular Session, May 28, 1910 163 CITY COUNCIL (Official.) Adjourned Regular Session, May 23, 1910. Council met at 9:45 p. m. Mayor Haas in the chair. Present—Aldermen Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Specht, Mayor Haas stated that the meeting was an adjourned meeting of the reg- ular session of May 19, 1910, and was called to take up and consider all mat- ters which may properly come before a regular session of the City Council. Petition of St. dark's Lutheran church asking that the City Engineer' be instructed to give them street and lot lines, corner Twelfth and Locust streets, Lot No. 622a, presented. On motion of Ald. McEvoy the prayer was granted. City Engineer reported the bids on Sanitary Sewer in Seminary street as follows: Wilmer Cook $817.50 Frank D. Scharle 497.00 Street & Steuck 427.50 O'Farrell Contracting Co. 397.50 J. G. Brown 396.00 H. M, Scharle 377.00 H. G. Strong 295.50 Moved by Aid. O'Rourke, seconded by AId. Saul, that the contract be awarded to H. G. Strong, he being the lowest bidder. Carried. Moved by Aid. McEvoy, seconded by Ald. Singrin, that Mr. James Hird be appointed inspector of Seminary street sewer. Carried. City Attorney Lyon reported he had examined the bonds of Geo. D. Wy- brant, John Mahoney, M. E. Lyons, E F. Norton, W. Hipman, J. H. Carroll, Otto P. Geiger, Charles H. Baumgart- ner, Joseph P. Scanlon, B. F. Stedman, and found them properly executed and that the renewal certificate of E. • W. Herron runs to the Trustees of City Water Works, instead of running to Aid. Specht, the report be approved and E. W. Herron's certificate be re- turned for correction. Carried. RESOLI:.'TIONS AND MOTIONS. Alderman McEvoy offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deem- ed necessary and advisable to improve Martha Street from Alta Vista Street to the alley first westerly thereof, and it is hereby proposed to grade, curb, gutter and macadamize said street and to assess the cost of said curbing, guttering and macadamizing against the abutting property. Ald. McEvoy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds, Apel, \icEvoy, O'Rourke. Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Noys—None. Alderman McEvoy offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the City c'nnnell of the City of Dubuque, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, nature and extent of the proposed improvement on \iartha. etreet from Altai Vista street to the alley first westerly thereo:', ;tint the kind of material to he used. and an estimate of the entire cost thereel, :nnl the amount and cost ul' such tnlprove- ment, and the anlmnl as;<ess111.1e upon any railway nr strett r,ii? y:iv com- pany, the amount ;inr1 Inst therein, to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof :11111 amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adja- cent to or abutting upon such im- provement per front font, and to tile such plat and estimate in the office of the City P,ecorder; that alter the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the City I;et•order shall rublish in three consecutive issues of a news- paper publisher) in this city, a notice stating that such plat and estimates are on file. the location and n:?ture of the improvement, hind of material to be vsed, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which objection.: thereto can be riled. and the time fixed for hearing, which time snail not be less than five days after the last publication ,if such notice. and after such t,ul,lieal inn shall have been made, the City I,eenrder shall. :it the next regul:u , .. itul Of the City Council, notify the c 'tacit thereof in writing, with a printed copy of such notice aleconnpall; ine the same. \ld. Mcl voy moved the adoption of b r1 'solution. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. A pel. McEvoy. O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul. Singrin, Specht. Nays—None, AId. McEvoy offered an Ordinance amending Chapter VI., of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Dubuque of Dubuque. of 1901, entitled "An Ordi- ance to Determine Contested Elections and Tie Vote." Moved by Ald. O'Rourke. seconded by AId. Apel, be referred to Commit- tee of the Whole. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Specht. Nays --Aids. McEvoy, Singrin, Aid. O'Rourke offered the following: Whereas, the contract heretofore en- tered into by the City of Dubuque for the improvement of a street as herein- after described has been completed, and the City Engineer has computed that the cost and expense of said im- 16.1 Adjourned Regular Session, May 23, 1910 provement amount to $5,258.52. Therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to provide for the cost of curbing, guttering and macadamizing West Lo- cust street from Hodgdon avenue to Alta Vista street, the Mayor be and he is hereby required to execute and deliver to the City Recorder, to be by him registered and countersigned, twenty bonds for two hundred and fifty dollars each and one for two hundred !My -eight and 52-100 dollars. numbered 963 to 983 inclusive, dated May 7, 1910, payable on or before seven years after the date thereof, and bear- ing interest at the rate of five pet per cent. per annum, payable semi- annually. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Corned by the following vote: Yeas -- Aids. Apel. \h'Evoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Specht. Nays—None. Ald. McEvoy, chairman of the Coin mittee on Ordinance, presented and read the following resolution: AN ORDINANCE. An ordinance granting to the Chi- cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railii Company permission to tonstrII t. maintain and operate a sen tr across the alley extending fSec: teenth Street to Eighteenth :-t., t - tween Pine and Maple St, Eighteenth Streit and the t of Eighteenth Street and across the alley between ,I 365 hi East Dubuque Additie Eighteenth Street and the h:, iii Eighteenth and Cedar Stc. t= e 1 across Seventeenth Street at the• loca- tion shown by plat en file with the City Ilec•erdor, and regulating the construc- tion. use and maintenance thereat. lie it ordained by the City Coueu•il of the City of Dubuque, luwa: Section 1. That to enable the Chi- cago, id ilw'aukee & St. Paul Railway Company to reach the plant of the Du- buque Packing Company, and other in- dustries. with a slur track which pro- posed tiick is to ( ommence at a point on the most easterly present track of said company on lot 943 in East Du- buque. an addition to the City of Du- buque, and extend to the plant of the Dubuque Packing Company, situated on lot :Iii and other lots in said East Du- buque Addition, permission be and the some is hereby granted to the said Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company. its successors and assigns, t) lay down, operate and maintain a spur track in the City of Dubuque across the following streets and alleys, vii: Across the alley extending from Seven- teenth Street to Eighteenth Street, be- tween Pine and Maple Streets: across Eighteenth Street and the intersectio of Eighteenth and Maple Streets; across the alley between Lots 3o5 as 1 366 in said East Dubuque .\dditior across Eighteenth Street and the tersectiun of Eighteenth nail i'. Streets: :Hid across Sevente ui,, Street: said tuck to be laid across said street and alleys at the location ;e: shown by the red line on the blue trrii-1 submitted by said railway cnntli:o, and marked "1'rnposeil Spur to Ser, the Dubuque Packing Co., Duhngc• Iowa," which plat is hereby referred I.• and. made it part of this ordin:utce. Sec. 2. That the southerly end of sail spur track shall at all times he h,•l•I open sn as to make possible an e>. tension of said track :it :nn• time i', the claim., should ,•stensiun be ilirii•t- ed or authorized by the.City council • the City of irilnique. Sec. 3. 71 -hat the said Chicago. Waukee & St. Paul Ih:tilway Company shall, as a condition of the grant nwv- mado to it. extend said track now :ni- thorired to he laid, or lay adilition.it slurs therefrom. ut rtny time in the ru- t -ire. when urde'•er to do so by the ('ity C' tnii it of said i'it, of Ititlnt,lue, i tt the i• flit} :,nd onyoutencc of other desiring to mike use pr said nn•icled. that said railway coin - :mole safe as to the cost of Ii tension by the party desirit'e• same made. Sec. 4. That the laying down o1' s•, i spur track shall lie done under the sn- nervisinn of the C'ty Engineer and the Committ•-e on Streets of said City. Sec. 5. That in the laying down and operation of said track the same shall he so c Instructed and maintained as to create the least possible obstruction h, ordinary travel nn and the use of the streets and alleys ero=scd. That car_ shall not he alloiicd to stood on sail streets and alleys so crossed. a nd used by said track in such manner as to un- necessarily interfere with the use there- of, and said track shall at all times ii" used in accordance with all lawful re•t- ulations, now or hereafter enacted by said city. enc, f,. That said spur trach shall h^ i:i''1 to the established grad: of the streets and alleys crossed by it. or ores which it runs. and should the :tirade c:f any street he changed at any time. said track shall be changed to conform to such grade, at the expense of the said railway company. without claim any kind against said city. See. 7. That said Railway Compan shall keep the space between the rails of said spur track, and the space to the end of the ties at all places where said track crosses any street or alley. s•' graded that carriages may easily pass over the same,' and shall keep sit -it spaces .properly planked . pared. !'t Adjourned Regular Session, May 23, 1910 165 cadainized, or otherwise improved, as r):ct, and shall keep any sidewalk cross- ing said track properly planked, or otherwise improved, as said city may ' direct. Sec. S. That said spur track shall be so constructed turd maintained as not to dam up or obstruct the tlutt' and drainage of water in the gutters u+' on tate surface of said streets and alleys, \and said Railway Company shall be the Illy Council of said city may di - subject to. and strictly comply with, •i'1 reasonable police regulations bearin,; on the use and ulceration of said track. Sec. 9. The City of Dubuque reserves the right to revoke the privilege hereby granted at any tittle after twenty (20) years from the time this ordinance be- comes operative, or sooner in case the said tl:utt of the Dubuque Packing Compo ly. with which it is to count- t, shall cease to be operative. .-\ failure to .•ontply with the provisions and con- ditions of this ordinance, or any part thereof, on the part of the company. shall also be grounds for innnediatt• forfeiture of the privileges herein granted, and said track may in snco event be ordered removed and tako''t up l,y the City Council of said city. Sec. 10. That the said ('hi, ago. Mi1- wankee & St. Paul Itailr:tty Company shall, as a condition hereof. switch incl "place" to any industry now or here- after located on said spur track the cads of any other railway or railroad company. owning and operating lines in the City of Dubuque, when re- quested so to ,;o, at a charge of riot to exceed Two ($2.1mI dollars for each car as switched or "placed... Sec. 11. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from ;toil after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Times -Journal and the Telegraph -Her- ald, official newspapers of the city and its written aceepttux e duly endorsed herein by the said Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company. Adopted Approved Atte ?t' 1910. 1910. Mayor. City Recorder. The provisions and terms of the fore- going ordinance are hereby -accepted this clay of 1910. Superintendent of the Chicago. Mil- waukee & St. Paul Railway Company. Ald. McEvoy moved that the read- ing just hast be considered its first reading. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Apel. O'Rourke, Saul, Sauer, Singrin. McEtvoy, Specht. Nays --None. Aid. Saul, seconded by Ald. Sin - grin, moved that the rules be sus-, periled fo- the purpose of reading the ordinance by its title for the sec- ond reading. ling. Carried by the following vote: Yens—.\pel, 11cEvey, ii']tourko, Sauer. Saul, Singrin. Specht. Nay's—None. A Id. Singrin. seconded by Ald. Specht, moved that the ordinance be now adopted as read. (';.rrit•cl by the following vote: Yeas --Apel, ()Rourke. McEvoy, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. \1c1. Saul, chairman of the Com- mittee of the Whole, reported as foI- rIOW's : VInr Committee of the \\'hol•.'to whom was referred the report. of ex - City Engineer Paul Ilg and street Commissioner John Mahone as to the Cause of the collapse ui' that part of the Ree branch sower immediately north of Si:,teenth Stn'cet, and also the opinion of City .AHorne,. c;enrge Lyon as the liability of the con- tracfor fur the rei'i,veriuc of said sewer, wnn,d rnspn,1 tally recommend that the City Attorney he instructed to notify the I:ncle Point Lime Works to proceed with the comple- tion of the work in accordance with its contract. .l.A liES SAUL, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom were referred the following hills. would respectfully recommend that the same he paid and that t^ar- rants in settlement the reef he or- dered drown on the City Trensureras follows: Eagle Point Lime Works. 5% retained nn winker Ave. Improvement $ 174.12 The Collis Co.. stakes for City Engineer 2.Si Jas. Lee & Sin, improvement of West Locust St 40 5_.1111 O'Farrell Contracting Co.. 1st estimate grading East St525.00 O'Farrell Contracting Co.. in- terest as per agreement with Committee 20.00 Homan & Roehl, tables for election purposes .... 4.75 H. Wunderlich & son, Lcbles for election purposes 4.50 M. 'i'schirgi & St. extra work ;It 'Thirty-second St. Se \‘',1'. less interest 59.20 1.\11i sAl'L, ('hutirnutn. Your Committee of the \\'hole. to whom woe referred the petition of John Keckevoet. asking that he he authorized to use a space 24 feet by 60 feet in the corner of the Ice Har- bor now occupied by the house haat in which he lives for the purpose of erecting a house on piling in uch space. would respectfully recommend that the said petition be received and filed. JAMES SA'['T.. Chairman. 166 Adjourned Regular Session, May 23, 1910 Your Committee of the Whole, to • whom was refered the bill of the Labor Leader for publishing the fac- simile of the official ballot and also the Mayor's proclamation and regis- tration notices, would respectfully recommend that $30.00 be allowed for publishing the official ballot and that the other notices be paid for in accordance with the rate fixed by the Code of Iowa. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that Ald. O'Rourke be authorized to pur- chase such quantity of Standard road oil as he may need for use in the Second Road district. JAMES SAUL. Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the City Engineer be instructed to make an examination into the condi- tion of the Armory hall roof and pre- pare a plan nad submit the same to the City Council, showing in his judg- ment the most practical manner of repairing or altering said roof so as to prevent its leaking and giving an estimate of the probable cost of such repairs or alterations. .TAME SAUL. Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the owners of the property abutting on Harvard Street be permitted to construct an eight -inch tile pine san- itary sewer in said street from Yale Street to Alta Vista Street. provided the work be done under the supervis- sion of the City Engineer and Com- mittee on Sewers. JAMES SAUL. Chairman. Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the various reports of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Moved by Ald. McEvoy. secoaded by Ald. Specht, that the Engineer be in- structed to draw plans and specifica- tions for Bee Branch Storm Sewer of rock, same location as the cement plans offered, and submit both plans to the Committee of the Whole. Car- ried. Moved by Ald. Singrin, seconded by Ald. McEvoy, that the Engineer be in- structed to submit plans and specifi- ations of Bee Branch Sewer from Seventeenth street south, and estimat- ed cost thereof. Carried. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke, seconded by Ald. Specht, that the Engineer be instructed to prepare plans and speci- fications and estimate for tl,e improve- ment of Seventh avenue. Carried. Moved by Ald. Specht, second by Ald. O'Rourke, that the lzngineer be instructed to prepare plans and speci- fications for the improvement of Ninth avenue sewer, and the Engineer to consult with Mr. L. Brede before drawing plans. Carried. Moved by Aid. 'Specht, seconded by Ald. Sauer, that the Engineer be in- structed to prepare plans and speci- fications of Twenty-seventh street storm sewer. Carried. Moved by Aid. McEvoy, seconded by Aid. Saul, that the Enginerr be in- structed to give grade and plans of proposed impro-cement of Willow street. Carried. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke, seconded by Ald. Apel, that the City Engineer prepare specifications of sidewalk to be laid on College avenue and West Third street and deliver to City ' Re- corder, who shall advertise for bids. Carried. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke. seconded by Ald. Saul, that the committee on Public Grounds and Buildings be given power to do such repairing in city hall as they deem necessary. Ca Moved by Aid. Saul. seconded by Aid. Specht, that the City Recorder advertise for bids to furnish helmets for the Police. Carried. Moved by :old. ,McEvoy, seconded by Aid. Apel. that the street commission- er be instructed to lav walk between Bvlff and Pickett streets, he to use the material that he thinks best suited. Carried. Moved by Ald. McEvoy, seconded by Aid. Sauer, that the Committee Clerk be instructed to purchase a carload of brick and to charge the same to the various roads in which they are used. Carried. The Mayor stated that the G. A. R. extended through him an invitation to the police to attend Memorial Day parade. Moved by Ald. McEvoy, seconded by Ald. O'Rourke, that the invitation be accepted and Chief of Police be in- formed of same. Carried. Moved by Aid. McEvoy, seconded by Ald. Apel, that the Engineer establish grade line on Vernon street from Alta Vista street. Carried. Moved by Ald. McEvoy, seconded by Ald. Singrin, that the Water Works Trustees be asked to grant the City permision to convert the lot on which the standpipe is located into a park. Carried. Moved by Ald. Saul, seconded by Aid. Apel. that the Engineer be in- structed• to place grade stakes from the end of Dodg Street and Grand- view Avenue for a distance of 600 feet south, and report to Committee of the Whole. Carried. Moved by Ald. McEvoy that the Mayor and City Recorder investigate why the light has not been placed on Pickett Street. Carried. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke, seconded by Ald. McEvoy, that the placing of a light on Fourth Street and Sixth Street Extension be referred to the Commit- tee of the Whole. Carried. List of Warrants Ald McEvoy moved that the Mayor be instructed to find out the intention of the Union Electric Co. regarding the two promised extensions, one on .Asbury Street and one on West Lo- cust Street, before action is taken on the Union Electric Co.'s matter now in Committee of the Whole. Carried. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke to adjourn. Carried. OTTO P. GEIGER, City Recorder. ..0A-131ei Recorder ft List of City Warrants Dubuque, Iowa. May 1, 191 To the Honorable Mayor and I Council of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The following i, a. complete list of all warrants issued by Edmund Linehan during the month of April, 1910, the same hav- ing been authorized by the proper committees and a majority vote of the Council. as indicated by the min- utes of the meeting held during said month. H. A. ~chunk, salary. 1I e n'..$116 65 H. Brinkman, salary, Treas- urer 133 30 J. A. McKinley, salary, Deputy Treasurer 100 00 Jno. Krayer, clerk, Treasurer's office 60 00 E.,.. Linehan, salary, Recor- l`'t 116 65 Jos. Friedrich, salary, Deputy Recorder 85 00 Al. N. Lyons, salary, Auditor116 65 Joseph '1'. Kelly, salary, As- sessor .... .... 125 00 Allan Wiedner, salary, Assist- ant Assessor 83 30 Frank Kenneally, salary, As- sistant Assessor 83 30 Geo• T. Lyon, salary, Attorney 150 00 Edgar Willging, salary, Assist- ant Attorney 75 00 Jas. Pickley, salary, Chief of Police .... .. 100 00 J. W. Lawlor, salary, Commit- tee Clerk 100 00 Paul Iig, salary, City Engi- neer 166 65 Joseph Straub, Assistant City Engineer ...... .... 60 00 John Mahoney, Assistant Street Commissioner 50 00 G. Vogel, clerk in Auditor's and Engineer's offices 75 00 C. W. Katz, salary. Market - master 55 00 T. Hackney, salary, Pound - master ... 45 00 Mrs. H. Koenig, salary, Jani- tress 25 00 James Lynch, salary, Side- walk Inspector 60 00 Wm. Coleman, Rodman60 00 J. H. Carroll, Harbor Master30 00 John A. Cunningham, Clerk to Police and Fire Commis- sioners 15 00 Tom Cahill, Custodian Wash- ington Park 40 00 Philip Reddin, Custodian Jackson Park .... 40 00 Joseph Straney, Custodian Phoenix Park .... 15 00 Dr. Chas. Palen, Health Phy- sician Frank Flynn, Sanitary Officer 65 00 Dr. F. J. Kennedy, Meat and Milk Inspector ...... 75 00 50 00 168 List of Warrants E. E. Frith, salary, Alderman Dan J. Haas, salary, Alderman Peter R. Martin, salary, Alder- man...... ... John Mahoney John O'Rourke, salary, Alder- man...... .... .... D. W. Rand, salary, Alderman James Saul, salary, Alderman Wm. Singrin, salary, Alder- man Joseph Reinfried, salary, Fire Chief ... ... ... Wm, Hlpman, {salpry, Elec- tricia n M. Eitel, fireman .... J. Essnuan, fireman J. Flynn. fireman A. Duccini, fireman A. Heer, fireman W. Kannolt, fireman B. Kirsch, fireman Wm. Gennedy, fireman G. 1'ey' r, fireman J. Dailey, fireman T. I ydor. fireman \\' I aucpy, fireman F. Murphy. fireman 51. Kelly, fireman J. Bakey, fireman .... D. Ahearn. fireman .. P. Zillig, fireman M. Sweeney, fireman H. Cain, fireman .:.. ..... J. Henzor, fireman J. McLoughlin, fireman A. McDonald, fireman J. Murphy, fireman G. Gherki, fireman T. Kennedy. fireman J. carnes, fireman ..... J. Smith, fireman J. Keppler, fireman J. Allen, fireman M. Fahey, fireman .... F. Kenneally. fireman R. Weston. fireman E. McDermott, fireman R. Kenneally, fireman J. Roshin, fireman F. Baumgartner, fireman J. Schoenberger, fireman J. Connolly, fireman .... Wm. Smith, fireman .. W. Kennedy, fireman Wm. Dockstader, fireman '1'. O'Brien, fireman P. Kirsch, fireman J. Dougherty, fireman Firemen's Pension Fund L. Blocklinger, police M. Connolly, police John Cody, police James Corcoran police....... 65 00 Wm. Donahue, police 65 00 Phil J. Dunphy, police. 72 35 Thomas Duggan, police 65 00 P. F. Fury, police 65 00 John Fox, police.... 75 00 William Fox, police .. 42 00 James Flynn, police . , 65 00 25 00 M. Fogarty, police 65 00 25 00 Ben Gray, police 65 00 Geo. Jones, police 65 00 25 00 Emil Kahn, police 65 00 50 00 M. Nilty, police 65 00 Jonn Kane police 61 75 25 00 John Eop, police 58 00 25 00 James Keefe, police 65 00 25 00 P. Kenneally, police 65 00 B. Ludescher, police 65 00 25 00 Chas. Liest, police 70 00 Pat McCollins, police 65 00 99 00 M. McCormack, police 65 00 Pat McInerney, police 65 00 82 50 Henry Mueller, police 65 00 76 23 Hugh Markey, police 65 00 81 68 John J. OBrien, police 65 00 75 74 M. O'Connor, police 65 00 70 79 M. Ryan, police 65 00 65 34 John 11aa51e. pollee ... 77 50 65 34 G. llaterman,pol ice 61) 00 65 34 John Spielman. police 65 00 57 18 Patrick Sutton, police 27 15 70 79 Al. SI:apleton, police .. .. 65 00 76 23 Jo , l la Stltz, police 65 On 81 68 Pal Sullivan. police .... 65 00 76 23 Frank Williams, police 67 20 70 79 Dennis .Sheeh:an, police 60 00 75 74 L. Zemnnek. police.. ... ,60 00 65 34 Wm. Fox. police ... 60 (10 82 50 Miss B. Brennan, police ma - 65 34 tron 65 34 Mrs. K. Hibbe, police matron 65 34 75 74 1..111OR ON STREETS. 65 34 W. Flynn. 3rd 'F .11, 81 68 49 50 G. Gadnelski,1st-2nal • 1 F. Gritz, 1st H. Glass. 2nd C. Geimer. 4th 14 P. Guenther. 5th 16 C. Gantenbein, 5th 27 J. Hill. 1st - M. Hannan. 2nd 21 D. Hoag. 2nd J. Hamel, 4th 1'' T. Harker. 4th •{ ' " A. Hird. 4th 1'' 2,, J. Hird. 4th 2" J. Haulert. 5th :a 4'' N. Herman. 5th 1 to John Heil. exp John John. 3rd ' 40 Geo. Fvua•, 2nd 17 20 P. Kreamer. 2nd 14 10 J. Kalmes, 2nd 1 Si J. Kress. 3rd 12 a M. Kieffer. 4th 1` • F. Krettle. 4th 1 • i,s00 K. Frommelt, :.th 76 23 70 79 81 68 65 34 65 34 70 79 65 34 70 79 76 23 65 34 65 34 76 23 70 79 65 34 65 34 65 34 57 18 19 50 54 45 54 45 54 45 31 03 54 15 65 00 65 00 C. Kupferschmidt, 5,th P. Kenneally. Health P. Leonard, 1st Ed. Lee, 1st J. Lowery, 1st C. Lonergan, 2nd R. Love, 2nd D. Lilly. 3rd Tom Lonergan, 3rd F. Lillie. 5th F. Lassance, 5th 1 o r,0 14 40 7 20 6 80 28 'a0 18 00 72.) List of Warrants M. Morrissey. 2nd 11 60 .A. Miller, 2nd 21 60 B. Maguire,. 2nd 16 „0 J. Mullen, 2nd 14 40 Ed. Mallpy, , 3rd 16 20 Jas. Malloy, 3rd 7 20 Toni Malloy, 3rd 10 SO F. Maroney, 3rd 6 20 John Murtsch. 3rd 0 10 •J. Martineck. 4th 10 20 A. Mandersclleid, 5th 5 40 J. McCarron. slt 3 60 D. McGuinness. 1st 2 60 J. McAleese. Owl f, 20 R. McCaffrey. 2nd 20 40 T. McCaft'rey. owl 1 80 John M,l. ighlin. 3rd 2 60 \I. McDonough. Ord 10 80 .Ins. McLaughlin. 3rd 11 60 W. 71cLaughlin. 3rd 25 20 D. McGrath. 4th 12 I'M P. JI••Pol to l• 4th 4 40 John 71 )hath. 4th 7 20 B. 0,1l) ,i ncll, 1-5 each 37 50 G. Noonan, 2nd 7 20 J. Noonan. 4th R SO Anton Nock. 5th 1 s0 W. O'Hrien. 1st 25 20 G. O'Neill, 2nd 6 20 P. O'Farrell. 3rd 23 00 L .Pettigne, 2nd 10 eO E. Pearson, 2nd 15 21 C. Pierce, 3rd 14 20 J. Pullens, 3rd S S.1 M. Prosser, 5th 10 0.1 1l, Quinlan. exp 5 40 P. Ryan. 1st .. 19 3) .1. Ronssell, 1st 6 2:1 R. liosemeier. 2nd 21 64 F. Rowe, 211d P. Royce. 2nd J. Reid. 4th 7 70 Geo. Rink, 5th 18 :I F. Rudloff, 5th 6 20 J. 1lyna. Ond 0 `-J Jas. Richter. 1-5 in each 21 Ili F. Strohineyer, 1st 7 "r' D. Smyth. 2nd 22 40 H. Schoenbeck. 2nd 4 60 L. Stoller. 2nd 7 p0 O. Schultz. 3rd 3 40 A. Stauer. 3rd 9 SO E. Smith3 ,rd 7 20 P. Schetsin, 3rd -' 26 J. Sloan, 4th 07, 20 W. Sheehan. 3rd 10 c0 J., Schroeder, 4th 12 0') S .Sterling, 3rd 9 40 P.. Smith. 4th 7 ' W. Shields, 4th 10 1v .W. Steffens. 5th 18 1 F. Aeali. 0th 18 00 J. • Sehafetel. 5th 21 Si) .T. Scheidecker. 5th 18 .00 Casper Specht. 1-5 in each 25 20 Otto..Tnrner,.3rd. 3.70. exp 1.805 55 'John Taschner. 4th R 40 J. Tobin, 4-10.80: exp 0.40 16 20 J. Twirg, 5th 10 00 S. Vandermuller, 2nd 5 so \V. Waller, 1st. 5 20 \V. Woods. lot B. \\illi:ns. 2ne1 J. \\'illi:un.a. 2nd J. Word. 0r l L. \\'alentn•in,. oil H. \\"cher. .7111 A. Welt', 0th 169 3 ii 1 23 411 4 00 7 20 10 20 13 4) 1 SO TR.%31S. P. Apel, Ist-2nd 41 00 \i. Ackles. 3rd -4th V0 O,) F. Burns, 3rd 17 50 J. liervv'angel'. 5th 45 Od J. Hrcithack. 0th 4 50 John Calvert, Ond 53 00 .Josh. t'alv(rt. 2nd 41 50 W. Cook. 0 d 00 0 H. Costello, 0t•cl-4th 0)) -,n A. Conrod. Ond-0th 02 nn Phil Doerr. "nth 9 nn A. Dietl. :nth 4 ;,e 71. I° v ..reit. 1st 4 00 .1. c;r.1hain. 1st-Ond-4th 46 50 J. llnn1lcuschield. Ord F. liuneekei'. 5th -- -,,; J. Linehan. 1st r. i P. Linehan K Sens. 2nd -3rd John Lune, Martin-Strc-l:1n l ('o., 2nd 1:: 3n 11f. .Earl h: a i. ::rel .1 .00 7. i1it('ollins. 2nd 51 nn Jeff McGrath. 4th :1) 0 P. S. Norton. 4th -0th 3e 71, H. I )'7lc:n':1. 1st 1 0i) W. I:uescli. 0th •t n0 .A. Rink, 0th 10 7,0 Terry Snlliaaui. 1st I0 71 T"nion Electric ('n., sprinkling car 02 27 13t1w. \l':(td, 2, 1 22 OU LAIlOIl ON S'I'I{IOI TS. DI .:Acker. 13 1'4 W. Rorke. lot 'L 6d .1. lit•onill,•ttl-, 2nd 23 10 S. 1Rordc,in, 211(1 1 SO J. Rnt'ns. Owl 20 60 .1. Ierehcn. 2nd 13 Si) D1. Boyle, 2rd 24 '!`r E. lirunsicill, 3rd 3 60 lien Burd. 4th 19 so S. Bastion. 4th R Al P. Carney. 1st 20 SO J. Connolly, 1st 5 40 .Jerry Cahill. 1st 7 20 \V. Coughlin. 1st 11 'SO M. Cane. 1st 3 60 .1. ('ocne. 1st 1 4') I'on) Carroll. 3rd 7 20 71. Chevalier. 3rd 11 6n 11 .Carney, 4th 95 ^_(1 J .Cooney. 4th 2.; 20 John Cahill. 1st 25 20 M. Cleary, 4th 25 2) T. B. Cain. 4th 28 00 (;. Collinson. 4th 9 SO .1. Callaghan. 2nd 25 =0 T. TDngg:in. 1st 10 00 T. Donahue. 1st 3 60 A. \ Floyd. 1st 1 RO \f. DI!1PCaO. 2nd 7 2') B. Donnelly. 3rd .1 5) 170 J. Duccini List of Warrants J. Dobler, 5th J. Egan, 2nd J. Eberhardt, 5th John Ess, 5th a 2u 15 2i) 19 80 18 00 18 00 5 40 7 20 5 20 6 20 7 20 25 20 12 60 12 40 C. Ellerman, 5th W. Fitzgerald. 1st M. Farrell, 1st T. Flanagan, 2nd J. Fannon, 2nd G. Frost, 2nd F. Frick, 3rd W. Foley. 3rd LABOR ON SEWERS. D. Cunningham J. Chine F. Donahue F. Luchterhand E. Manger John McLaughlin J. Rooney C. Sullivan L. Taylor J. Jellison 23 40 23 •10 25 20 25 20 25 20 16 :.0 25 20 30 00 25 20 8 00 9 80 H. exp i railing Dunning avenue last half of 111:1 eh, 1910: P. Varney W. Coughlin P. Ryan Jerry Sullivan D. J. Haas, Mayor (Magrt Holbs) .... $100 00 D. J. Haas, Mayor (Lizzie El- more) 450 00 D. J. Haas, Mayor (court costs, Lizzie Elmore) 11 35 American La France Fire En- gine Company, repairs for Fire Dept 5 10 Geo. Bock, repairs for Fire Dept..78 Ou John Butt, repairs for Fire Dept. 3 25 Becker Hazelton Co., supplies for Fire Dept 1 10 W. D. Deckert Co., supplies for Fire Dept. 1 50 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co, 43 firemen's helmets 199 00 Dubuque Lumber Co., lumber for Fire Dept.... .... ..... 10 55 Eichhorn & Bechtel, bran for Fire Dept .... 1 40 A, R. Flick Box Co., sawdust for Fire Dept.... 2 25 Fischer & Co., coal for Fire $ 4 40 4 +0 4 40 11 00 Falkenhainer Co., sponges for Fire Dept Geo. W. Healey & Son, supplies for Fire Dept Iowa Oil Co., oil for Fire Dept.... Key City Gas Co., coke for Fire Dept Key City Roofing Co., repairing gutter on 9th St. Engine House 'Mullin Bros.. plumbing repairs at 9th St. Engine House La gen, Peed and Berwanger, bormeshoeing for Fire Dept.... Wm. `4vlarshall, repairs for Fire 25 00 24 00 65c 7 10 38 90 21 80 8 15 8 30 Dept •• •• 26 72 McClain Bros., bran for Fire ' Dept .. 1 35 A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co., sup- plies for Fire Dept. .. 20 Spahn, Rose Lumber Co., lum- ber for Fire Dept 2 00 F. Schloz &• Son, repairs for Fire Dept 75c M. Stafford, feed for Fire Dept. 63 23 John Schaetzle, supplies for Fire Dept.. . 9 36 Union Electric Co., power for Fire Alarm System 2 00 E. J. Vogenthaler Co., repairs for Fire Dept.... ... 1 28 Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse - shoeing for Fire Dept.. 12 85 American Ever Ready Co, batteries for Police Dept 4 00 S. C. Dike, repairs for Police Dept 50 Eichhorn & Bechtel, bran and supplies for Police Dept.... .. 4 10 Frank Hamel, repairing plaster in Calaboose 18 75 Key City Gas Co., light for vari,ms Depts. 94 9.; Key City Gas Co., rental and maintenance 4 gas arcs for Fire and Police 2 00 Mullin Bros., plumbing repairs, City Hall 24 40 Martin Strelau Co., coal for Police Dept 12 75 M'•ttel Bros., bran for Police Dept 6 55 C. A. Noyes, shade and roller for Police Dept.... 80 D. O'Meara, hauling for Patrol House 2 25 Union Electric Co., arc lights, month of March. 1910, 5 war- rant.. 4 of $500.00, l of $237.252237 25 John Butt. repairs for 2nd, 3rd and 4th Road Districts 15 85 Barrett Mfg. Co.. Tarvia for 3rd and 5th Road Districts 286 57 Dubuque Lumber Co., lumber for 7th Ave. bridge 5 76 Farley & Loetschcr Mfg. Co, sunplies for Road Dept. 1 10 Frank A. Frommelt, repairing sprinkling wagon 20 20 Peter Hanson, supplies for Road Dept. 35 Joseph Haupert. 9.07 cu. yds. macadam. Valeria St. •, 9 07 F. M. Jaeger & Co., hardware for Road Dept. 19 20 G. F. Kleih, hardware for Road Dept. 5 30 John M. Lee. cinders. for 4th Street Extension .... .... 77 50 McCollins Transfer Line, pine wood for Road Dept. 3 75 T. J. M'ulerew Co.. coal for steam roller 19 80 Pier Bros.. wood for stone crusher 3 50 Pitts -Thomason Fdry Co., catch basin frame and cover 12 00 F. Schlitz & Son, repairs for List of Warrants 171 Road Dept. .,.... .... 1945 Spahn-Rose Lumber Co., lumber for Sidewalk and Road Depts. 8)0 Standard Oil Co., oil for Road Dept. 1 )/5 Dan Sheehan, planting trees at Callaghan Park . .. . 12 00 E. J. Vogenthaler Co., repairs for Road Dept. 23 Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse - shoeing, Road Dept, 100 Anton Welu, 9.83 cu. yds. ma- cadam, Valeria street .. 9 83 John Butt, repairs for Sewer Dept. . 14 45 F. M. Jaeger & Co., rope for Sewer Dept. .... 1 65 Key City Roofing Co., cement and sewer pipe for Sewer Dept. ... 4 10 La gen. Peed & Berwanger, horseshoeing, Sewer Dept. ... 1 00 M. Mullen. repairing fountain, Cleveland Ave. • . • • . 18 20 H. B. McCarten. repairing Eighth street founta!n 7 75 M. O'Donnell, repairing water pipes, city hall 6 00 Pitts -Thompson Fdry. Cn., 2 sewer rings and covers 16 00 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Sewer Dept. 8 10 Berg & Briggs. printing for Fire Dent. and Engineer's office ... 56 75 A. E. Bradley, repairing wall paper, council chamber 75 County Recorder, recording deed of W. H. Day, Jr., to City of Dubuque 75 Dubuque Telephone Co., tele- phone service, February and March 34 84 Iowa Telephone Co., telephone service. April 12 75 Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies for City Hall .... 75 C. E. Fitzpatrick Co., supplies for Committee Clerk 85 Foley's Hand Laundry, towel service for March 4 00 Hoermann Press, envelopes for Mayor's office 2 7r, M. S. Hardie, printing for Engi- neer's office 22 00 Geo. W. Healey & Son, grass seed, Washington Park 3 25 R. Hermann & Son, repairing chair, Treasurer's office 75 Key City Rubber Stamp Works, rubber stamp for mayor 1 25 G. F. Kleih, hardware for City Hall 3 25 Kaep & Buechele, box for Aud- itor 25 McCollins Transfer Line, deliv- ering ballot boxes for Primary and City Election .. 8 00 Nutwood Livery Co., ambulance service 4 00 Pier Bros., wood for City Hall.. 3 5Q W. R. Pearce, painting 3 street signs . 100 Spahn-Rose Lumber Co., stakes for Engineer's office .... 3 70 „Western Union Telegraph' Co., clock service, Treasurer's ' of- fice, March ,National Demokrat, printing, March 12 50 Labor Leader, official printing, March Telegraph -Herald, printing pro- ceedings, March Times -Journal, printing proceed- ings, March G. F. Kleih, hardware for Health Dept. Wiilnter Cook, improving 27th Street. from Jackson Street to C. G. \V track. 3 warrants 1157 27 Indiana Road and Machine Co., ne\r Street Sweeper... 256 00 A. L. Rhomberg, Eagle I'ark, 2 instalment with inter.... 5011 00 A. L. Hhomberg. Eagle I'ark, 2 instalment with inter.... 500 00 A. L. Rhomberg. Engle Park, 2 instalment with inter.... .00 00 A. L. Rhomberg, Eagle Park, 2 instalment with inter.... 500 00 A. L. Rhomberg. Eagle Park, 2 instalment with inter.... 500 00 A. L. Rhomberg, Eagle Park, 2 instalment with inter.... 370 85 1? 1w. McKeown, registration elerk $ 30 00 I orrk Bradt. registration clerk 30 00 Frank Kenneally. registration clerk 30 00 Moses Lipmann, registration clerk 30 00 Jos. Gehrig, registration clerk 30 00 Gen. Sella ffhauser, registra- tion clerk ... .... 30 0o Jules (Gregoire, registration clerk 30 un Wm. Kretschmer, registration clerk 30 00 James J. Hoar, registration clerk 30 On A. F. Voelker, registration clerk 30 00 John O'Connell, registration clerk :30 00 Otto Geiger, registration clerk 30 00 Edward Beller, registration clerk 30 00 Wm. Haisch, registration clerk 30 00 W. H. Blake, registration clerk 30 00 Harry Schneider, registration clerk 30 00 Louis Herbst, registration clerk F. J. Hilger, registration clerk 30 00 G. B. Huckel, registration clerk 30 00 Jpe Trieb, registration clerk 30 00 Joe Miller. registration clerk 30 00 Chas. Steuck, Jr.. registration clerk Thomas, Federspeil, registrii- official 1 00 12 50 71 38 71 18 25 30 00 30 00 172 List QI 5p,rtants Bon clerk 30 00 Jot' Keeper, registration clerk 30 00 John Meyer, registration clerk 30 00 ('has. Arendt registration clerk Frank Brandt. regi,t'ntion clerk Fred Gantert, registration • clerk Iil'.N'I' OF BUILDINGS FOR ELECTION. ('TION. John Gillinet, rent of build- ing Torn Donahue. rent of build- ing Mat. Quirk, rent of building20 00 13. Westerc;nit, rent of build- ing C. E. Wales, rent of building. Edw. Ryan. rent of building.. F. A. Stint's, rent of building Palmetto Club. rent of build- ing .. Meyer Bros., rent of building Frank H''rhei', rent if build - Henry (;. Milli•r, rent of building Mrs. Mamie Mel tonough, rent of building John Sand. rent of building lli's Rose Fengler; rent' of building 25 00 Geo. Weigel, rent of building Fred Roesner. rent of build- ino ... 25 00 Frank Atkinson, rent of building P. liegan, rent of building. , POLITE. .. , ... .. . L. lilocklinger $ 34 i070 James Coreoran 34 Mike Connolly• 34 7U John Cody 36 85 Phil Dunphy 39 65 W. Donahue 36 85 Tom Duggan 34 70 Mike Fogarty 34 70 Pat Fury 32 50 John Fox 40 00 James Flynn 34 70 Wm. Fox 32 00 Pen Gray 34 70 Geo. Jones 34 70 Emil Kahn 34 70 Mike kitty 34 00 James Keefe ... .... . .... . 32 50 John Cain 32 50 John Kopp 30 00 Pat. Kenneally 34 70 Barney Ludescher .,. 34 70 Chas. Leist 37 35 Pat McInerney 34 70 "Pat McCollins ... 34 70 Mike McCormick 36 85 Henry Miller • 34 70 Hugh Markey 34 70 John J. OBrien 34 70 Mike O'Connor 32 50 .john Raesle 42 50 'Mike Ryan 34 70 30 00 30 I(0 30 00 2 0 00 10 On 25 25 25 25 25 no lin 0n nn 00 00 5 00 25 00 5 00 5 no 5 00 5 00 10 Cl)) Gus Rattermann Pat Sutton Joe Stoltz Slike tvapleton Pat Sullivan John Spielma nn Dennis Sheehan .... Frank Williams Louis Zeutanek Miss B. Brennan .icnte WW1(' H. Brinkman. interest paid on warrants outstanding 159 05 H. Brinkman 49 14 H. Brinkman, library orders 500 00 H. Brinkman 220 08 .J. Hauilenschield. feed ,00 00 J. iiaudeschiell. feed 479 11 issued in Lieut of warrants Nos. 2 and 3. which were canceled by Coun- cil April 14, 1910, Geo. Miller, Supt, of Sprink- ling 48 45 32 21 32 34 34 34 32 33 32 32 00 65 50 70 70 70 00 50 00 50 50 Illl,l.S. W. l;. Baumgartner, hard- ware for Road Dept. $ Butt Bros., repairs for Road Department F. A. Burns, coal for steam roller Frank 13uetin, coal for steam roller Geo. Bock, repairs for Road Department John Butt, repairs for Road Department F. G. Becker, coal for Road Department ....... Clancy Transfer Co., coal for Road Department W. D. Deckert, supplies for Road Department Duggan & Cota, hardware for Road Department Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., supplies for Road Dept. Peter Even, coal for Road Department Fuhrman Bros., supplies for Road Department Fischer & Co., coal for Road Department ....... H. J. Hagerty, veterinary services for Road Dept Phil Heller, horseshoeing for Road Department Hussman & Lies, hardware for Road Dept. Iowa Oil • Co., oil for Road Department ...... . F. M. Jaeger & Co., hard- ware for Road Dept. G. F. Kleih, hardware for Road Department Key City Gas Co., coke for Road Department Key City Roofing Co., cement for Road Department , . • , Key City •Iron Works, re- pairs • for Road Department Klauer Mfg. Co., supplies for Road Department 4 00 3 05 9 25 9 30 3 45 1 30 4 10 3 20 5 05 1 60 21 25 6 20 75 12 40 30 60 8 30 40 1 20 1 25 28 80 4 00 7 25 3 10 List of Pco,rrants, 173 Klauer & Kress, hardware for Road Department 90 'P. Linehan's Sons C'd., coal for Road Departmetit .. , . 2 35 L. Lindenberg, 'li`at'd'i are for ' Road Department 3 55 'Wm. Marshall, repairs for Road Department 30 Pier Bros., coal for steam roller 6 60 .E. J. Vogenthaler, repairs for Road Department 11 50 Pitts - Thompson Fdy. Co, supplies 'for Road Dept4 55 J. F. Ris & Bro., supplies for Road Department 1 45 Geo. F. Ragatz & Son, repairs for Road Department 1 75 Spahn-Rose Lumber Co., lum- ber for Road Dept. 1 50 Adam Stoltz, supplies for Road Department 1 20 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Road Department 7 45 Wm. Royce, 8.88 cubic yards macadam. Southern Ave. . 8 88 Tom Cain, 70.13 cubic yards macadam, Southern Ave. . 70 33 George Coble, 19.44 cubic yards macadam, Southern Avenue 19 44 J. V. Casey, 30.15 cubic yards macadam, Southern Avenue 30 15 Joe Donahue, 3.24 cubic yards macadam, Southern Avenue 3 24 John Donahue. 36.84 cubic yards macadam, Southern Avenue 36 84 Katharine Hall, 7.38 cubic yards macadam, Southern Avenue ... 7 38 Ellis Joyce, 41.06 cubic yards macadam, Rising Avenue.. 41 06 Chas. Lee, 54.57 cubic yards macadam, Southern Avenue 54 57 Harold O'Hearn, 4.54 cubic yards macadam, Southern Avenue .. 4 54 George Schumacher, 5.54 cubic yards macadam, Southern Avenue ... 5 54 Cahill & Burke, 6.22 cubic yds. macadam, City Pound 4 67 Ernest Smith, 7.34 cubic yds. macadam, City Pound ... 5 51 W. R. Pearce, painting foun- tain, Washington Park ... 9 50 Thos. Connell, cleaning cala- boose 2 00 C. W. Katz, 22 meals fur- nished prisoners March .. 4 40 Geo. T. Lyon, expenses for various cases 14 76 Union Electric Co., sprink- ling with car 500 06Union Electric Co., sprink- lin 227 10 LABOR ON STREETS. Ni. Acker, 3rd $ 19 80 W. I lot ke. 1st 21 6i) Ben Surd. 1st -2nd In su F. Sesser. 1st ,( 00 J. Srowillettoe• 2nd 19 80 J. Tlerchen. 211d 21 110 I. horns. 2nd Iii .14 C. I1r.itt. :lr l 4 40 Al. Hoyle. .lril ' S. L'astian. 4th 11 60 J. Connolly. 1st 21 an Jerry Cahill. 1st 11 0 Al. Cain. 1st 1r, James Coyne. 1st 16 2( P. Carney. 1st is (y, W. Coughlin. 1st }l. Connell. 1st 9 ;,,, Al. l'heyalier, 3131 1 60 J L Carney. 4th 13 60 1)1. Cle:n•y, 4th 1 60 .1. P. Cooney, 4th 1 ,SO T. It lain. 4th 4 00 r. l'nllinson, 4th 14 43 J. l'ah1egha n. 2nd a• J ohn Dngpan. 1st 21 00 T. Donahoe, Ist .1 8 AI. Donegan. 2nd 19 u) J. 1) Wachter. 4th 1 so J. Dobler 5111 19 :n J. Iran. 2nd 21 .n C. T:Ilerriunn. 5th 19 Sn .1. Eberhardt. 5th 18 80 7. Ess. 7th 1!) s0 W. Fitzgerald. 1st 16 '0• Al. Farrell. 1st 14 10 A. V. Floyd. 1st 16 20 J. Fannon, 2nd 1 so C. Frost. 2nd F. Frick. 3rd 12 20 \\'. Foley. 3rd 10 ,SO AN' . Flynn. 3rd 120 K. Fr•ommelt, 5th 10 20 R. Frick, 5th 14 40 7 .f adncilsl;i. lst 16 'sa P. Heitz. 1st 12 00 11. (11,iss, 211i1 21 60 C. (leinicr, 4th 19 Oil C'. Gantenbein. 7th 23 40 .John Hill. 1st 13 10 D. Hoag. 21111 3 00 \I. Hannon. 2nd 21 60 T, .I-Tn:u•ig. 3r•d 12 60 T. Harker. 4th 10 "9 4. Hird. 4th 12 ') 1. Hird. 4th 23 40 J. I-Taulu•rt. 7th 18 SO N. Hermon. 7th 19 80 A. Henderson. 7th 10 80 J. Heil. exp 25 00 P. Jacob. 3rd 17 00 John John. 3rd 14 AO F. Keck. 2nil 12 60 P. Kre;nner. 2nd 15 e0 7. Kress. 3rd 18.00 N. Kettenhofen• 3rd 14 tO M. Kieffer. 4th 20 56 F. Kr'ttle. 4th 1 80 C. Kupfw•sehn)idt, 5th 19 "9 Mrs. M. Kass. 24 yds. rock S 10 P. Kcnneally (Health) 23 40 Ed. Lee. 1st 5 4.3 P. Leonard, 1st 16 26 J. Lowery, let 3 Ell 174- - List of 'Warrants R.. -Love, 2nd •T.`1,onergrri, 2nd M: -Lavin, 2nd D. L311ie, 3rd 7': J. Lonergan, 3rd W. Lynch, 4th. F. Lillie, 5th F. Lassance, 5th A. Miller, 2nd -exp J. Mullen, 2nd B .Maguire, 2nd M. Morrissey, 2nd L. Maher, 2nd T. Malloy, 3rd F. Maroney, 3rd Ed. Malloy, 3rd James Malloy, 3rd J. Martinek, 4th A. Maudenschild, 5th B. McDonnell, 1-5 in each D. McGuinness, 1st T. McNulty. 1st R. McCaffrey, 2nd -exp J. McAleese, 2nd M. McDonough. 3rd James McLaughlin, 3rd W. McLaughlin, 3rd D. McGrath, 4th John McGrath. 4th P. McPoland, 4th W. O'Brien, 1st C. O'Neil, 2nd P. O'Farrell, 3rd Ed. Pearce, 2nd C. Pearce, 3rd M. Prosser, 5th Jas. Richter, 1-5 in each Jules Roussel], 1st P. Ryan, 1st F. Rowe, 2nd P. J. Royce, 2nd R. Roesemier, 2nd -exp J. Ryan, 2nd J. Reddin, 3rd J. Reid, 4th Geo. Rink, 5th F. Radloff, 5th F. Strohmeyer, 1st D. Sheehan, 1st D. Smyth, 2nd L. Stoller, 2nd J. Schaeffer, 2nd . , .. 2 60 A. Stauer, 3rd 2 80 E. Smith, 3rd 16 20 F. Slade, 3rd 1 80 P'. Schetsen, 3rd 3 60 J. Sloan, 4th 3 60 W. Shields, 4th 14 60 J. Schroeder, 4th 14 60 P. Smith, 4th 11 20 W. Steffens, 5th 19 80 F. Selli, 5th 19 80 J. Schafetel, 5th 19 80 J. Scheidecker, 5th 18 80 J. Scheuer, 5th 9 00 W. Sheehan, 3rd -5th 1 80 C. Specht, 1-5 in each 23 40 A. Turner, 3rd ` 7 20 J. Tobin, th-exp 12 00 a J. Taschner, 4th 14 60 13 '40 21 60, 21 60 1220' 13 140 4 00 9 40 5 40 19 80 16 20 14 80 5 40 3 90 9 80 17 20 8 20 14 80 13 10 15 40 19 49 37 511 16 20 14 40 19 80 21 60 9 00 18 so 23 •10 2 30 1 40 4 60 23 40 17 00 13 60 12 60 18 50 18 40 25 00 16 20 18 00 6 40 4 60 10 80 23 40 14 40 10 00 19 80 3 60 14 20 7 20 20 60 15 20 J. Twieg, 5th Geo. Van \Vie, 1st Rr Walker, 1st W Woods, 1st 13. Williams. 2nd -exp.._ J .Walsh, 2nd L Wal kenheim 3rd A. W'elu. 5th H. Weber, 5th .... ......... TEAMS. Peter Apel, lst-2nd M. Acker, 3rd -4th..... Frank Burns, 3rd J. Breithach, 5th J. Berwanger. 5th John Calvert. 2nd Josh Calvert, 2nd W. ('nuk, 3rd 13. Costello, 4th A. Conrad, 3rd -5th A. Dietl, 5th .... Phil Doerr, 5th N. Everett. 1st J. Graham, lst-2nd-4th J. Haudenschield, 3rd F. Hohnecker, 5th M. Kenneally, 1st .T. T.inehan. 1st J. Long. 5th P. Linehan & Som. 3rd -5th J. Mulligan. 1st M,,rtin-Strelau i'o., 2nd -3rd - 5th ... J. 7. McCollins. 2nd Jeff McGrath, 4th P. S. Norton, 4th J. Oswald, lst-2nd James Powers. 4th IV. Rnesch, 5th Aug. Rink. 5th ...... .Jerry Sullivan. 1st Clark Van Wie, 1st Ed. «ram. 3rd LABOR ON SER ERS. D. Cunningham .... J. Chine F. Donahue F. Lnchterhand .... E. Magner John McLaughlin J. Rooney C. Sullivan L. Taylor GRAM NG DUNNING P. Carney W. Coughlan P. Ryan Jerry Sullivan 1 So 16 20 21 60 19 20 14 40 12 40 is so 19 80 20 50 45 00 84 00 27 , 10 49r :,o 4U Sh J1 u0 18 To) 1; n0 n0 .1 ::n 1 ; 50 17 n0 11 50 1_ 50 4 50 36 00 38 5n 14 nn 54 25 5S 50 39 00 38 nn 37 50 1 n0 2n 00 36 00 20 00 42 50 42 50 23 40 23 40 3 6n 33 90 6n 12 6a 23 40 30 00 23 40 AVE. 3 60 3 60 3 60 9 00 .JUDGES ANI) CLERKS OF ELEC- TION . Edw. McEvoy, judge of elec- tion $ 10 00 Hugh Milligan, judge of elec- tion 11,00 Edw. Lee, judge of election10 00 H. L. Lundbeck, clerk of elec- tion30 00 Ed. Schaefie, clerk of electton 10 00 Matt. Clancy, judge of elec- tion ... , 11 00 J. H. Lucas, judge of elec- tist of Warrants tion. - 1 o 00 Oliver Longueville, judge of election 10 00 Robert Halpin, clerk of elec- tion 10 00 A. C. Gasser, clerk of eelction 10 00 Henry Gehrig, judge of elec- tion 10 00 Frank Ferring, judge of elec- tion 10 00 John Strobel, judge of elec- tion 11 00 John La Barge, clerk of elec- tion 10 00 Fred Bade, clerk of election10 00 W. R. Lenihan, judge of elec- tion 10 00 Geo. Vogt, judge of election10 00 John E. Hedley, judge of election 11 00 M. Hogan, clerk of election10 00 Fred Ris, clerk of election10 00 Otto C. Neumann, judge of election 11 00 F. L. Egelhof, judge of elec- tion 10 00 J. A. Stumpf, judge of elec- tion 10 00 Robert Quinlan, clerk of elec- tion 10 00 Louis Sanner, clerk of elec- tion 10 0n J. P. Merkes, judge of elec- tion 10 00 Joy. Hummel, judge of elec- tion 11 00 Oscar Stecher, judge of elec- tion Nick Schneider, clerk of elec- tion Lorenz Hauer, clerk of elec- tion S. A. Crawford, judge of elec- tion 10 00 J. T. Butler, judge of election 11 00 Peter Schuler, judge of elec- tion 10 00 Jno. Trexler, clerk of elec- tion Matt. DeMuth, clerk of elec- tion Matt. McCullough, judge of election Mont. Rickey, judge of city election 11 00 i. P. Laude, judge of election 10 00 Ray Thompson, clerk of elec- tion 10 00 Henry Girard, clerk of elec- tion 10 00 Pat Royce. judge of election11 00 Ernest Staheli, judge of elec- tion 10 00 O. Bennett, judge of elec- tion Louis Herbst, clerk of elec- tion Chas. Falkenhainer, clerk of election 10 00 FJ. J. Ryan, judge of election 11 .00 J. M. Kennedy, judge of oleo-, tion .. 10 00 10 10 10 00 on 00 10 10 10 00 00 00 10 10 00 00 176 D. W.R and, judge of election 10 00 J.- F. Lee, clerk of election10 00 H. Corrance, (ler kof election 10 00 C. T. Thomas, judge of elec- tion 11 00 Alex Reed, judge of election10 00 (leo. Schlagele, judge of elec- tion . , .•• 10 00 C. K. Mathis, clerk of election 10 00 C. P. Mettel, clerk of election 10 00 Martin Klump, judge of elec- tion ... ... 10 00 John Klarmann judge of elec- tion ...... .... 11 00 Herman Zernecke, judge of election ...... ..... 10 00 Otto Meissner, clerk of elec- tion.... 10 00 Gregory Vath, clerk of elec- tion ... ... .... 10 00 John Grimm, judge of elec- tion ..... ... ...... 11 00 Geo .Volirath, judge of elec- tion ... .... 10 00 Chas. Nead, judge of election 10 00 Rob. Heckler, clerk of election 10 00 Toe Welu, clerk of election10 00 Peter Raah, judge of election 10 00 Wm. Tuegel, .Tr., judge of election 10 00 Edw. Stoltz, judge of election 10 00 H. 1: noernschield, clerk of election 11 00 Joh nHeim, clerk of election, i0 00 Approved Attest: L'"Y 191 0 :uv. Mayor sl<?.. Recorder NOTICE TO SEWER CONTRAC- TORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the City Recorder until S p. m. Thursday, May 19, 1910, for the con- struction of an 8 -inch tile pipe Sani- tary Sewer in Seminary Street, from present manhole to a point about 550 feet westerly, in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer a i i now on tile in the office of the City Recorder, It is estimated by the City Engineer that it will require 565 lineal feet of S -inch tile pipe, including extra drop pipe to manhole at Madison Street. 3 Manholes. The work is to be paid for when said work is completed, and as pre- scribed by Chapter XXXIV of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque, work to be com- pleted on or before 1st of July, 1910. i 470 (ficial Npl;i,txni • Bidders must stat..price per lineal foot for tile pipe. and: ,each manhole. All bids must +e; ,wuompanied by a certified check foy,; $511.,UA cm some Dubuque bank as at guarantte that a contract will be entered . into if awarded. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque. May 9, 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER, 5-9 3t City Recorder. AN ORDI\ANCE. (Official Publication.) At Ordinance granting to the Chi- cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Comp;uty permission to construct, maintain and operate a spur track across the alley extending from Seven- teenth Street to Eighteenth Street. hi- tween Pine and Maple Streets: ac•ro;s Eighteenth Street and the intersection of Eighteenth Street and Maple Street: across the alley between Iots :105 and 366 in East Duhn te. Addition; across Eighteenth Street and the interseetieu 01' Eighteenth and Cedar Streets. and at•ros•s Seventeenth Street at the loca- tion shown by plat on file with the City line/ rder. and regulating the construc- tion. use and maintenance thereof. 1'e it ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. Town: Section 1. That to enable. the ('hi ,ago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railtrat , company to reach the plant of the Da- bntlne Packing Company. and other in- dustries. with a spin' track which pro- posed track is to commence at a point on the most easterly present track of said company on lot 943 in East Du- buque. an addition to the ('ity of Du- buque. and extend to the plant of the Dubuque Packing Company. situated on lot 377 and other lots in said East Du- buque Addition. permission be and the saint is hereby granted to the said Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company, its successors and assigns, t3 lay down.'operate and maintain a spur track in the City of Dubuque across the following streets and alleys, vii:. Across the alley extending from Seven- teenth Street to Eighteenth Street, be- tween Pine and Maple Streets; across Eighteenth Street and the intersection of Eighteenth. and Maple Streets: across the alley between Lots 305 and 3611 in said East Dubuque Addition: across Eighteenth Street and the in- tersection of Eighteenth and Cedar Streets; and across Seventeenth Street: said track to be laid across said street and alleys at the location as shown by the red line on the blue print submitted by said railway company and marked "Proposed Spur to Servs • the Dubuque Packing.. Co., Dubuque: • Iowa," which plat is hereby referred t., -t and made .a part ;of. :this Ordinance. •Sec;. _ That the southerly end gf•s;ci•I spin' trunk .:hall at all times I,1 elder open so its to make possible :u,, es. teusi,ut yl: ,aid track at any tin.i,• the• future. should extension he dirvet- ed or authorized by tin' Cit „iiil, it ,tf the City of Dubuque. Sec. 3. That the sa id Chicago, Mil- waukee & St. Paul I:ailway Company- shall. as a condition of the grant now made to it. extend said track now tu• thorized to be laid, or lay additional spurs therefrom, at any time in the fu- ture. when orlerec to do so by the City C,'uncil of said City- of Dubuque. fat the facility and convenIenee of other Interests desiring to make use of said track. provided. that said t•,, lw-ny cotn- pany be made sale as to the cost such extension by the party desirin: same made. Sec. 4. That the laying down ni said t spur track shall he done tinder the su- pervision of the C'ty Engin/IT and the Committee on Streets ot• sand City. Sec. 7. That in tie laying down and operation of said track the wore shall be so c onstructed and maintained as to create the least possible obstruction ta ordinary travel on and the Ilse n1' the streets and alleys crossed. That car; shall not Pte atlloaed to stand on said streets and alleys so crossed. and used by said track in such manner as to un- necessarily interfere with the use there- of. and said track shall at all times b', used in accordance with all lawful re.n- nlaltions. now or hereafter enacted by said city. Sec. 6. That sail spar track shall h laid to the established grad;, of the streets aunt alleys crossed by it. or over .which it runs, anti should the grade of any street lie changed at any tune. said track shall lie changed to conform to such grade. at the expense of the said railway company, without claim of any kind against said city. See. 7. That said Railway Company shall keep the space between the rails of said spur track, and the space to the end' of the ties at all places where soil track crosses any street or alley. se graded that carriages may easily pas, over the same, and shall keep sit,•lt spaces properly planked. pave.'.. ,'I •- cadamized, or otherwise improved. 'I rect, and shall keep any sidewalk ct•e- Ing said track properly planked. otherwise improved, as said city nee. direct. • .Sec. S. That said spur track shall I,• so constructed and maintained as not to dam up or obstruct the flow and the surface of said streets and alleys. and said Railway Company shall he the City Council of said city may di - subject to, and strictly comply. with. `t'1 reasonable police regulations beariit'; • on the use and operation of said {r:tc' Official Notices Sec. 9. The City of Dubuque reserves the right to revoke the privilege hereby granted at any time after twenty (20) years from the time this ordinance be - conies operative, or sooner in case the said plant of the Dubuque Packing Company, with which it is to connect, shall cease to be operative. A. failure to comply with the provisions and con- ditions of this ordinance, or any part thereof, on the part of the company, shall also be grounds for immediate forfeiture of the privileges herein granted, and said track may in such event be ordered removed and taken up by the City Council of said city. Sec. 10. That the said Chicago, Mil- waukee & St. Paul Railway Company shall, as a condition hereof, switch and "place" to any industry now or here- after located on said spur track the cads of any other railway or railroad company, owning and operating lines in the City of Dubuque, when re- quested so to do, at a charge of not to exceed Two ($2.00) dollars for each car as switched or "placed." Sec. 11. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after ite passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Times -Journal and the Telegraph -Her- ald, official newspapers of the city and its written acceptance duly endorsed herein by the said Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company. Adopted May 23, 1910. Approved May 27, 1910. D. J. HAAS, Mayor. Attest: OTTO P. GEIGER, City Recorder. The provisions and terms of the foregoing ordinance are hereby ac- cepted this 27th day of May, 1910. J. W. STAPLETON, Superintendent of the Chicago, Mil- waukee & St. Paul Railway Com- pany. 5-28-1t 4a'(% .LQPN4 Regular Session, June 2, 1910 179 CITY COUNCIL Regular Session, June 2, 1910. (Official). Council met at 8:45 p. m. Mayor Haas in the chair. Present — Alds. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht and City Attorney Lyon. Ald. O'Rourke moved that action on the approval of the Council Proceed- ings for the month of May, 1910, be deferred until the next meeting of the Council. Carried. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICA- TIONS. Petition of Mrs. C. D. Hayden, ask- ing that her regular taxes for the year of 1909 be cancelled, was presented. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of German Presbyterian Theological school, per C. M. Steffens, that they be granted permission to use the east side of East street to the curb line for college camrus presented. Moved by Aid. Saul be referred to Committee of Whole. Ald. McEvoy offered to amend that the prayer be granted and the Ordi- nance Committee be instructed to draft no Ordinance granting the same. Amendment carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—Sauer. Petition of Theodore Kemp, et al.. asking that a water plug be placed at least 1,500 feet north of Kane Street. presented. On motion Ald. O'Rourke referred to alderman of Fifth ward, he to confer with the Water Trustees. Petition of F. N. Russo, et al., asking that a water plug be placed on either corner of Kneist Street, presented. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke referred to alderman of Fifth ward, he to con- fer with Water Works Trustees. Petition of I. J. Cheetham, by John Ha we, his attorney, asking the city accept $18.63 in full for personal taxes for the years 1880 to 1892, inclusive, pre- sented. On motion of Ald. Sauer referred to Committee of Whole. Petition of James Crawford, et al.. asking that a light be established at or near the alley on Twenty-eighth Street. between Washington and Elm streets, presented. On motion of Ald. Singrin referred to Committee of Whole to view ground. Petition of Mrs. Helen May, asking that the taxes on Lot No. 106 Union addition for the year 1909 be cancelled. On motion of Ald. Saul the prayer granted and Treasurer to be instruct- ed accordingly. Petition of C. W. Katz, Wharfmaster, from May 1, 1904, to June 1, 1906, ask- ing the Council to pay him the sum of $80.00 back salary. On motion of Aid. Singrin referred to City Attorney, he to report to Committee of Whole. Remonstrance of Mrs. Katherine Schublin and Mrs. Thos. H. Clark against the water drains from the res- idence of Mrs. Julia C. Paine and By- ron L. Platt, presented. On motion of Ald. McEvoy referred to Committee of Whole. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Dubuque, Iowa, May 31, 1910. To the Honorable City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: A.t the session of your honorable body held on Monday, May 23rd, you refer- red to nie the matter of ascertaining the intention of the Union Electric Copmany in regard to the proposed ex- tension of its lines on Asbury and West Locust Streets and also the reason why the light had not been placed on Pickett Street as authorized by tha previous Council. Reporting thereon, I would respectfully state that Man- ager Mathis has informed me that the company is now trying to raise the money necessary to make the proposed extensions and that business in their line is so backward this spring they are now borrowing money to meet their ordinary operating expenses. They will, if at all possible, make one of the proposed extensions this year but should this prove impossible, they will be almost sure to make them both next year. In regard to the lamp for Pickett Street, Mr. Gore, who is in charge of the light department, informed me that the delay was caused by the com- pany's inability to get all the parts for the lamp any sooner. This lamp, however, is now in ser- vice. Very D. On motion of Ald pertaining to the be referred to Com that pertaining to Street be received respectfully, J. HAAS, Mayor. . McEvoy, that part proposed extension mittee of Whole and lamp on Pickett and filed. City Treasurer as follows: To the Honorable Council: Brinkman reported Mayor and City 180 Regular SestAon, June 2, 1910 t;t•ntlemen: 1 herewith hand you statements of amounts advanced by me from May 1 to May 21, 1910, inclu- sive, for which please order warrants drawn in favor of City Treasurer: Interest paid on warrants 5 out- standing .. $247.5 77 New York exchange .... • • • • 65 5 Express charges police • • 1.38 Express charges, road 11.38 Freight charges, fire Tax receipts, paving Locust St392.92 Total $265.66 Library orders paid ...$1,327.75 Respectfully submitted, HERMAN BRINKMAN, City Treasurer. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke the re- port was received and warrants order- ed drawn to pay the various amounts, and the report referred to the Commit- tee on Finance. City Treasurer Wybrant reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith hand you statements of amounts advanced by me from May 23 to May 31, 1910, for which please order warrants drawn in my favor: Interest paid on warrants out- standing $150 00 Postage .... 10.00 Freight charges, fire •51'. Library order paid 15.00 Total $115.50 Respectfully submitted, GEO. D. WYBRANT, City Treasurer. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke the re- port was received and warrants order- ed drawn to pay the variouds amounts. and the report referred to the Commit- tee on Finance. report for defective lights for the month of May, 1910: I find from the report of the Police Department that the total hours that. 47S lamps failed to burn would equal 7 lamps burning for one month, am $35.00. Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM HIPMAN, City Electrician. On motion of Ald. Apel, the report was received and the City Auditor to be instructed to deduct from the Union Electric company's bill for the month of April, 1910, the sum of $35.00. Street Commissioner Mahony re- ported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and CitN Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the payroll for labor on streets during the last half of May, 1910: Amount due laborers on streets $2770.95 Approved by Committee on Streets. Also submit the pay roll for labor on sewers during the last half of May, 1910: Amt. due laborers on sewers. $220.50 Approved by Committee on Sewers. Also attached find Treasurer's re- ceipt for $17.75 for money collected by me for cleaning alleys. Respectfully submitted, JOHN MAHONY, Street Commissioner. On motion of Alds. Saul the pay rolls on streets and sewers were re- ceived and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts and the payrolls and report referred back to the proper committees. Fire Chief Reinfried reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The following is the pay roll of the Fire Department for the last half of May, 1910: Amount due Firemen $1662.54 Less 1% retained for Pension Fund 31.55 Respectfully submitted, J. R. REINFRIED, Chief. Approved by Committee on Fire. On motto not Ald. Singrin the re- port was received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay the firemen and the report referred back to the Com- mittee on Fire. City Electrician Hipman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my City Auditor Lyons reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Council: Gentlemen: Herewith find my re- port for the month of May, 1910, showing the receipts and disburse- ments for the month: Receipts -- Cash on hand 1.910 .•• Receipts from all Mayor and City May 1. $139,719.52 sources. 34,927.53 Total ... $174.647.05 Disbursements— Warrants redeemed $ 25.414.51 Improvement bond cou- pons redeemed Special sidewalk certifi- cate coupons redeemed 130.85 Special sidewalk certifi- cates redeemed 103.92 Improvement Bonds .. 2,839.04 Regular Bonds 402.64 Total $ 29,156.06 Balance June 1st, 1910$145.400.99 265 10 Regular Session, June 2, 1910 181 The above cash balance includes improvement bond fund, improve- ment bond interest fund and library fund balances. Water Works Account— Water Works balance May 1st, 1910 Deposited with City urer by Water Trustees $23,068.72 Treas- Works .. 1,289.74 Total .$24,358.46 Orders drawn on City Treasurer by Water Works Trustees 1,514.28 Balance June 1, 1910...$22,844.18 Excavation Permit Account— Balance June 1, 1910 $40.00 Receipts during month . 5.00 Balance June 1st, 1910 $45.00 Also the following is a record of all interest coupon, bond and side- walk certificates redeemed by the City Treasurer during the past month and credited to him. Improvement bonds 2 839.04 Special sidewalk certificates. 103.92 Total bonds and certificates redeemed 2,942.96 Regular bond coupons $402.64 Improvement bond coupons265.10 Total coupons redeemed ....$798.59 Also the following list shows the appropriations and the amount of warrants drawn on each fund since the beginning of the fiscal year be- ginning March 1st, 1910, to June 1st, 1910: Appropriation Expense .. ....$40,000.00 Road- -- First District .. 6,536.52 3,351.58 Second District . 15,923.22 3,270.93 Third District .. 9,544.60 3,115.09 Fourth. District . 10,843.04 2,672.90 Fifth District .. 8,333.88 4,933.89 Fire .... 48,000.00 12,210.10 Police .... 36,500.00 7,605.29 Sewerage ... 6,000.00 1,107.80 Printing .. 2,500.00 192.56 Street Lighting 27,000.00 4,488.50 Interest .. 40,000.00 3,222.73 Board of Health 7,000.00 526.00 Grading .. .. 6,000.00 721.15 Special Bonded Paving .. Special Bonded Debt and In- terest .. Mt. Carmel Ave nue Grading 2,500.00 Sidewalk Repair- ing .... 1,000.00 500.00 Expended $ 8,954.12 4,000.00 4,000.00 Bluff Street Ex- tension . ... Bee Branch Sew- er, Third Ward, 392 97 30.85 111.46 2.00 Dubuque Pack- ing Plant .... 2,600.00 Improvement of Windsor Ave.. 1,000.00 Bee Branch Sew- er, Third Ward, 18th Street .. 2,500.00 Bee Branch Sew- er, in Fifth Ward ... ... 5,000.00 Improvement of Grandview Avenue .. 2,500.00 Eagle Point Park 3,000.00 =.870.85 Clay Street Im- provement . , . 1,200.00 Heeb Street Grading .. ... 300.00 Improvement of Valley Street . 200.00 Improvement of Willow Street. 1,b00.00 Opening of Booth and Spring Streets. 500.00 Twenty - Seventh Street Storm Sewer .... .. 1,300.00 Improvement of Althauser Ave. 1,500.00 1,320.93 Improvement of Seventh Ave. . 2,500.00 Firemen's Pen- sion Fund ... 750.00 Policemen's Pen- sion Fund .. 750.00 Opening and Grading Alley Between Clark a n d Angella Streets .. .. Opening of Ce- dar Street ... Part Cost of Car Street Wall .. New Street Sweeper .. .. Ninth Avenue Sewer.. .... 500.00 500.00 317.00 280.00 800.00 311.99 256.15 Respectfuly, M. E. LYONS, Auditor. On motion of Ald. O'Roure the re- port was approved and warrants or- dered drawn to pay city officers and report he refered to the Committee on Finance. Chief of Police Reilly reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith sumit the police report for the month of May, 1910: Intoxication Assault and battery Arson Disorderly conduct Disturbing the peace Petit larceny 77 1 1 10 3 2 182 Regular Session, June 2, 1910 Vagrancy 214 Larceny 1 Fugitive from justice 1 Concealed weapons Total Residents arrested ..... Doors found open Lodgers harbored Defective lights Meals furnished $7.60 Cost of food $3.00 Pound receipts $3.00 Police court costs $1 82 Patrol runs for prisoners.3 Transfer of prisoners1 Ambulance calls 92 Miles traveled 1 Committee calls roll I also beg to submit the pay for Policemen for the last half of May, 1910: Amount due Policemen $1374.30 THOS. REILLY, Chief of Police. On motion of Ald. Sauer the report and pay roll were received and war- rants ordered drawn to pay the po- licemen and the report referred to the Committee on Police and Light. 121 37 20 103 478 38 Your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the own- ers of the property abutting on Hai, yard Street be permitted to lay a six- inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in said street from Yale Street to Alta Vista Street, instead of the eight -inch sewer they were authorized to construct by the City Council at its last session. We would also recommend that plans for said sewer be submitted to the City Council for its approval and that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare a profile showing a proposed grade on said Harvard Street. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of C. H. Fischer stating that in 1893 there was a special assessment amounting to about $7.50 levied against lot 3, Rein - frank's Sub., for the improvement of Broadway, which assessment is now barred by the statute of limitations, but in order to remove the cloud from the title, he is willing to pay the sum of $5.00 if the same be accepted in full settlement of said assessment, would respectfully recommend that the City Treasurer be instructed to accept the sum of $7.47, the amount of the origi- nal assessment without interest, pro- vided the same be paid without delay. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the bill of Philip Reddin for seventy-five cents for one garden hose reel for Washington Park, would respectfully recommend that said bill be allowed and that a warrant in settlement thereof be ordered drawn o the City Treasurer. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole woui,i respectfully recommend that the Chair- man of the Committee on Finance br instructed to sell the bonds issued to defray the cost of improving the nortn side of Twenty-seventh Street. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of the Dubuque Altar Mfg. Co., asking that its assessment for 1909 be fixed in ac- cordance with the action of the Cit Council of April 2, 1908, would respect- fully recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the City Treasurer be instructed to cancel all taxes on machinery, personal property and improvements levied against said company for the year 1909. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of the Dubuque Biscuit Company, asking that in accordance with the action of the City Council of April 26, 1909, its taxes for said year be canceled, would respectfully recommend that the pray- er of the petitioner be granted and that the Treasurer be instructed accord- ingly. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Ald. Saul moved the adoption of ail the various reports of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. Singrin offered the following: Your Committee on Sewers would re- spectfully report that we have exam- ined the sanitary sewer in Hayden's Lane, constructed from Bluff street to a point about 260 feet west thereof by Street & Steuck, contractors, and would recommend that said sewer be accepted and that the City Engineer be instruct- ed to prepare a special assessment against the lots or parcels of real es- tate subject to assessment for such im- provement and file the same in the of- fice of the City Recorder, who will thereupon publish the notice of saic1 assessment as required by ordinance. WM. SINGRIN, Chairman. Dubuque, Iowa, May 24, 1910. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—Please find attached the receipt of the City Treasurer for Three and 60-100 Dollars, the amount receivers from the Eleventh Street Elevator Co. for 240 lbs. of old hose at one and one- half cents per pound. Very respectfully, JOHN W. LAWLOR, Committee Clerk. On motion of Aid. Apel received and filed. City Attorney Lyon made a verbal report as to Mr. A. Siegel's complaint of not being able to locate his swim- Regular Session, ,Tune 2, 1910 183 ming school. Moved by Ald. Singrin. sec and by Ald. McEvoy that the rules be suspended to allow Mr. Siegel to ad- dress the Council. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas — Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke Enuer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Mr. Siegel addressed the Council stating that he was unable to wire the school or could he complete the school until the obstructions were re moved and asked the Council to order the same removed. On motion of Ald. Saul referred to Committee of Whole to view ground. BILLS. Chas. Hanson, labor at City Hall.$ 5 40 firs. Schuler, labor at City Hall.. 16 cu Mrs. Koenig, labor on City Hall. 7 60 Louis b'ay, labor at City Hall... 8 .10 On motion of Ald. Singrin warrants ordered drawn on Treasurer and bill paid. • RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Specht offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to improve Windsor Avenue from end of present improvement to a point about three hundred and twenty feet northerly thereof, and it is hereby proposed to grade to sub grade, curb wherever necessary and brick pave said portion of said street on a ma- cadam foundation, and to assess the cost of said grading, curbing, brick - paving and macadam foundation against the abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Ald. Specht offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, nature and extent of the proposed Windsor Ave- nue from the end of the present improvement northerly to a point about three hundred and twenty feet northerly thereof, and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost theerof, and the amount and cost of such improve- ment, and the amount asses.able up- on any railway or street railway corn • pang, the amount and cost thereof, to he paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land ad- jacent to or abutting upon such im- provement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the city recorder shall publish in said plat and estimate in his office, the city recorder shal publish in three consecutive issues of a news- paper published in this city, a notice stating that such plat and estimates are on file, the location and nature of the Improvement, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost• and the time before which ob- jections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not he less than five days after the last publication of said notice. and after such publication shall have been made, the city recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. Specht offered the following: Pe It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubunue. That it is deemed necessary and advisable to improve Valeria Street from Kauf- man Avenue westerly to Cushing Place. and it is hereby proposed to grade, curb with cement curbing and macadamize said portion of said street, binding the macadam with taroid, and to assess the cost of said curbing, macadamizing and binding against the abutting property. On motion of Ald. Specht, adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Aid. Specht offered the following: Pe it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, nature and extent of the proposed improvement on Valeria Street from Kaufman Avenue west- erly to Cushing Place, and the kind of material to be used, and an esti- mate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such im- provement, and the amount assess - ale upon any railway or street rail- way company, the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the city, if any and the cost thereof and amount as- sessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the city recorder; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in hi- office, the city recorder shall publish in three consecutive issues of a newspaper published in th's city, e notice stating that such plat and es- timates are on file, the location and erou-e of the improvement, kind of material to he rived, and an estimate of its cost, end the time before which objections thereto earl he filed, and 184 Regular Session, June 2, 1910 the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of such no- tice, and after such publication shall have been made, the city recorder shall, at the next regular sesion of the city council, notify the council theerof in writing, with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. On motion adopted by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Apel, O'Rourke, McEvoy, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Ald. O'Rourke offered the follow- ing: Whereas, The contract heretofore entered into by the City of Dubuque for the improvement of a street as hereinafter described has been com- pleted, and the City Engineer has computed that the cost and expense of said improvement amount to $1,288.68. Therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to provide for the cost of curb- ing, guttering and macadamizing the north side of Twenty-seventh street, from Jackson street to Elm street. the Mayor be and he is hereby re- quired to execute and deliver to the City Recorder, to be by him register- ed and countersigned, four bonds for two hundred and fifty dollars each, and one for two hundred eighty-eight and 60-100 dollars, numbered 984 to 988, inclusive, dated May 7, 1910, payable on ar before seven years af- ter the date thereof, and bearing in- terest at the rate of five per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually. City Engineer presented plans and specifications for Bee Branch sewer. Also plans and specifications for al- teration of Armory Roof, corner 9th and Iowa streets. On motion Ald. Singrin referred to Committee of Whole. On motion of Ald. Singrin the Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings empoweerd to beautify the parks with flowers for any sum not to exceed one hundred and fifty dol- lars. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that the Engineer be instructed to give the grade line at Fifth and Summit streets in front of Kemler property. Carried. Moved by Ald. Apel that the Engi- neer be instructed to investigate and ascertain tf the city has adopted a grade line on Klingenberg Terrace, if not he to prepare a profile. Carried. Moved by Ald. McEvoy that the Engineer give the proper curb line on Dorgan Place. Carried. Moved by Ald. Saul to adjourn to Friday, June 10, at 8 p. m. OTTO P. GEIGER, City Recorder. Adjourned Regular Session, June 10, 1910 185 CITY COUNCIL (Official). Adjourned Regular Session, June 10, 1910. Mayor Haas in the chair. Council met at 8:20 p. m. Present—Aids. McEvoy, O'Rourke Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht and Apel. Mayor Haas stated that the meeting was an adjourned meeting of the reg- ular session of June 2, 1910, and was called to take up and consider all mat- ters which may properly come before a regular session of the City Council. Ald. Saul moved. to defer action on Council proceedings until next meet- ing. Carried. City Recorder Geiger presented tilt - bid of John Drehouse. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke the bid was ordered opened. Mr. Drehouse o!• fered to whitewash the calaboose, two coats and cleaning of wood work for the sum of $24.50. On motion of Ald. Saul the contract was awarded to Mr. John Drehouse. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICA- TIONS. Petition of Francis M. Hyde, asking the city to accept the sum of $15.08 in full payment of special assessment. levied Dec. 1, 1892, against lot 2 of lot 8 of lot 667 in the City of Dubuque pre- sented. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke the prayer granted and City Treasurer in- structed to accept $15.08 in full pay- ment of said assessment. Petition of Henry Mindorfer, et al asking city to extend the sanitary sewer on Seminary Street from the pro- posed point of termination for a dis- tance of one hundred and fifty feet westerly thereof and waive the publish• ing of all notice required by Ordinancc on the adoption of any resolution or- dering said sewer constructed, pre- sented. Moved by Ald. Saul, second by Ald. Apel, that the petitioners be notified that they deal direct with the contrac- tor and the sewer may be construc•tefi under the supervision of the City Er- gineer and they furnish a bond to the city. Carried. Petition of Anton Zwack, asking that Columbia Street, from Pleasant Street to Linwood cemetery be improved, pre- sented. On motion of Ald. Said. City Engineer instructed to prep:ire plans and specifications and submit the same to Committee of Whole. Petition of Chas. H. Wilmot, et al asking that the sanitary sewer be ex- tended along Grandview Avenue, from Dodge Street to South Dodge Street On motion of Ald. Saul the prayer of petitioner granted and the City Engineer instructed to prepare plant* and specifications. Invitation from the City of Des Moines and the Des Moines Commer- cial clubs to attend an exposition o: municipal administration presented. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke accept- ed with thanks and as many as pos • siblc attend at their own expense. Invitation from Mount St. Joseph's college to attend commencement exer- cises Tuesday, June 14, 1910, at half past two o'clock. On motion of Aid O'Rourke accepted with thanks and as many as possible attend. REPORT OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Sauer presented a list of repair required on the steamer Olinger and also stated that the boiler needed re- pairs. On motion of Ald. Singrin the repairing of the steamer Olinger be referred to Committee on Fire and Firt Chief with power. Alderman O'Rourke presented the following: Dubuque, Iowa, June 16, 1910. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—Your Board of Health at a meeting held May 27th, granted to Miss Jessie M. Keyes, visiting nurse, the power to inspect any or all prem- ises, dwellings, institutions and any or all places which she may deem na•es- sary or expedient for the benefit of the public health. Also that a contract for taking care of patients suffering with smallpox was entered into with Dr. C. M. Linehan, as follows: Know All Men by These Presents: That whereas there is prevailing in the City of Dubuque, a certain viru- lent, infectious and contagious disease dangerous to the public health, known and designated as smallpox; and, Whereas, persons affected therewith require constant and skillful medical atteuti,w; and, Whereas, the power to direct and sup- ply such medical attendance is intrust ed and delegated by Chapter III., Laws of the 31st General Assembly of the State of Iowa to each local Board of Health for and within its jurisdiction— now therefore Under and by virtue of the authority conferred by Chapter III, Laws of the 31st General Assembly of the Statf of Iowa, the local Board of health it and for the City of Dubuque, Iowa. does hereby engage and employ Dr. Chas. M. Linehan, of Dubuque, Iowa for the period of one year, to rendes 186 Adjourned Regular Session,. June 10, 1910 the necessary medical attention, treat- ment and services contemplated to be furnished and performed by said Chap- ter III, Laws of the 31st General As- sembly of the State of Iowa, to pa- tients suffering from smallpox, and agrees that a reasonable amount not to exceed the sum of $2.00 (Two Dol- lars) for every professional call or visit made by said Dr. Chas. M. Linehan its supplying and furnishing the necessary and proper treatment for each patient affected with or suffering from the pox, shall be paid to said Dr. Charles M. Linehan in accordance with said Chapter III, Laws of the 31st General Assembly of the State of Iowa, and The said Dr. Charles M. Linehan agrees to give careful, conscientious and skillful treatment to each persor affected with or suffering from the said said disease—smallpox—and to rendes to the said Board of Health at each regular meeting thereof an itemize' statement of the number of visits made in each case and the amount due thereon, and to report to the said Board the progress of each case, and t make any necessary recommendation. to enable the co-operation of said Board to prevent the spread of said disease. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said parties have hereunto set their hand and seals this 28th day of May, 1910. BORAD OF HEALTH, Dubuque, Ia Per D. J. HAAS, President. JOHN O'ROURKE. A. J. HARTIG. W. SINGRIN. CHARLES M. LINEHAN. Attest: OTTO P. GEIGER, Clerk. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke, the clerk of' the Board was instructed to adver- tise for bids for the fumigating of homes in cases of smallpox and othe contagious diseases. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke it was re solved to notify E. T. Frith to report weekly to the Chairman of the Board all dead animals removed by him or blanks furnished by the Board. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke the Board recommends to. the City Attor- ney and Ordinance Committee to re vise and simplify to ordinance govern- ing sanitary sewer connections. The following bills were presented and ordered sent to Dubuque County for payment: Whelan Bros., $3.20; Union Printing Co., $1.10; A. J. Hartig, $22.00; J. C, Voelker, $7.00; Union Electric Co., $3.00, E. W. Taschner, $11.00. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the report of the Board of Health Carried. Your Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings would respectfully re- port that we advertised for bids for painting and papering the offices of the Mayor, Committee Clerk, Asses- sor, Chief of Police and Police Head- quarters, and have awarded the con- tract for doing said work to A. E. Bradley, he being the lowest bidder, for $80.00. E. J. SAUER, Chairman. On motion of Ald. Singrin, action of committee was approved. Chairman Specht of the Committee on Markets reported that the City Scales at H. P. Lemper's was out of order. The same referred to City Carpenter. Ald. Saul, chairman of the Com- mittee of the Whole, reported as fol- lows: Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Mrs. Edith Lawson, asking that the valuation for assessment purpose.; on Lot 1 of 30 and 31, in Morheiser's Sub., be reduced from $800.00 to $600.00 for the year 1909, and that the City Treasurer be instructed to accept the taxes of said year on the latter basis and also that the City As- sessor be instructed to fix the valua- tion on said lot for the year 1910 at $600.00, would respectfully recom- mend that the prayer of the petition- er be granted and that the Treasurer and Assessor be instructed according- ly. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of A. L. Rhomberg, stating that under the terms of lease given the City on the ground on which is located the Detention Hospital. the same was to be exempt from taxation, and asking therefore that the tax be cancelled. would respectfully recommend thai the prayer of the petitioner be grant- ers and that the City Treasurer be in- structed to cancel the taxes on Lots 640 and 641, in East Dubuque Add.. and also on Flock 24, in Railroad Addition. for the year 1909. Your Committee of the Whole, tr, whom was referred the petition of the Union Electric Co., asking for permission to install grates and catch basins within the gauge lines of the street railway track for the purpose of arresting the flow of water after heavy rains and conducting it into the storm water sewers at the fol- lowing named points: Eighth Street between Washington and the C. r W. depot: Will Street between Burch and West. Third: Aiming Street be- tween "tween West Fifth a"d Julien Avenue' Pnnth Street an., Julien AVen'"' .Taeksrn Street at Twenty-fifth TwVen- tv-sixth and Twenty-seventh Streets' Eagle 'Point and Colmer Avenues' Fift^enth and Clay Streets; Thir- Adjourned Regular Session, June 10, 1910 187 teenth and Clay Streets; Jones Street near I. C. depot; Fourth and Clay Streets and Second and Iowa Streets, would respectfully recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be grant- ed, the work to be done under the direction of the City Engineer. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Mrs. Theis and Mrs. McCeney, owners of Lots 3, 4 and 5 in Blake's Addi- tion, asking that they be allowed the reduction of twenty cents per lineal foot for the improvement of West Lo- cust Street granted to all other prop- erty owners along said improvement, would respectfully recommend that the prayer of the petitioners be granted, and that the City Treasurer be instructed accordingly. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Emilie Hintrager, asking that the special asessment against Lot 2 of the sub. of Lots 1 and 2 of 6 and 7 of Mineral Lot 79, for the improvement of Alta Vista Street, be reduced, would respectfully recommend that said petition be received and filed. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of L. C. Kolfenbach et al., asking that the present wooden watering trough on Seminary Street be replaced by a modern one, would respectfully rec- ommend that the prayer of the peti- tioner be granted. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of James Alderson, asking that Harvard Street be improved, would respectful- ly recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the proper resolutions be adopted. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Anna M. Jordan, asking that the as- sessment on Lots 1 and 3 of 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 in College Sub., be chang- ed on account of error, would re- spectfully recommend that the City Asessor makes the statement that the assessment is correct; we would therefore recommend that said peti- tion be received and filed. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the plans pre- pared by the City Engineer for the work of constructing the Bee Branch sewer both in concrete and in ma- sonry from the end of the sewer now in place under Couler Avenue west- ward a distance of 168 feet, and from the concrete culvert now in the alley between Jackson Street and Couler Avenue eastward as far as the a.ppro- priation will permit, would respect- fully recommend that said plans be approved and that the City Recorder be instructed to advertise for bids for the construction of said work in either cncrete or masonry in accord- ance with said plans. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Park Custodians Thomas Cahill and Charles McManus, asking for an in- crease in wages, would respectfully recommend that said petition be re- ceived and filed. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of W. H. Torbert et al., asking that the assessment levied by the Upper Miss- issippi River Improveemnt Association for 1909 and 1910 to help defray the cost of maintaining that organization, would respectfully recommend that on account of the extra drain on the City Treasury caused by the hold- ing of two elections during the past spring, that the assessment for 1909 only be paid at the present time and that a warrant in the sum of $250.00 be ordered drawn in favor of the Mayor on the City Treasurer in set- tlement thereof. We would further recommend that the assessment for the above purpose for 1910 be paid with that of 1911. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the plans pre- pared by the City Engineer for the alteration of the Armory roof, would respectfully recommend that the same be approved and that the City Re- corder be instructed to adverti<e for bids for doing said work in aeci rd - once with said plans and specifica- tions. The cost of such alterations to be divided equally between the Ex- pense and Fire Funds. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Louise Pitschner, asking that she be re -appointed weigher at the West Dubuque scales, would respectfully recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that she be re -appointed for the ensuing year. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Lawrenee (loaner, a"kine that Mar- tha Street be graded from Alta Vita Street to the alley first west thereof. would resneetnlly recommend that on account of said street having been regularly improved, that the said pe- tition he received and filed. Your Committee of the Whet,. t whom was referred the nilil i of It L. Spellerberg relative to cottonwood 188 Adjourned Regular Session, June 10, 1910 trees growing in a lot adjoining his property on West Eleventh Street, would respectfully recommend that said petition be received and filed. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the bills of John Linehan for hauling 104 dead animals during the months of March and April, 1910, amounting to $52.00, would respectfully recommend that he be allowed $38.50 on said bills and that a warrant in said amount be or- dered drawn on the City Treasurer and that the bills be refered back to said J. Linehan for proof of hauling of the other 27 animals. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of James Alderson, asking for the vaca- tion of that part of Yale Street lying east of Harvard Street, would re- spectfully recommend that said peti- tion he received and fficd. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition 91 John Phillips, asking that that part of the assessment levied against lot 2 of 1 of 1 of 8 Mineral Lot 158, for the construction of a concrete curb and gutter be canceled, would respectfully recommend that said petition be receiv- ed and flied. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Anna Smith, asking that the assess• ment of lots 1 in Collins' sub., 6 and 7 in Mobley's Dubuque No. 1 and 1 and of the sub. of outlots 735a, 736, 737, 719a and 718 be reduced from $3,600.00 to $2,500.00, would respectfully recom- mend that said petition be received and filed. Your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the elec• tric lamp located at the foot of Fourth Street be raised and that the City Elec- trician be instructed to notify the Union Electric Company to that ef- fect. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the profile showing a proposed grade on Harvard Street from Yale to Alta Vista Street, would respectfully recommend that said grade be approved and that the Ordi- nance Committee be instructed to pre- pare an ordinance properly establishing the same. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of F. Kokusek, et al, in relation to the keep• ing open of Rosedale Avenue, would respectfully recommend that said pet!• tion be referred to the City Attorne for an opinion thereon. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Moved by Ald. Saul the various re ports of Committee of Whole be ad- opted. Carried. Your Committee of the Whole, two whom were referred the following bills would respectfully recommend that the same be paid and that warrants in set tlement thereof be ordered drawn of the City Treasurer: Labor Leader, printing $ 48.2: Smith -Morgan Prtg. Co., supplies and printing 143.70 Times -Journal, printing 11.93 Telegraph -Herald, printing bal- lots, etc 447.0.) Telegraph -Herald, printing 61.02 M. S. Hardie, Bond Files 27.50 C. E. Fitzpatrick Co., supplies48.70 JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Moved by Ald. Saul to adopt the re- port of Committee of Whole. Carried by following vote: Yeas—Apel, McEvoy, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—O'Rourke. Your Committee of the Whole, too whom was referred the petition of the Peter J. Seippel Lumber Co., offering to fill Harrison Street to grade in rear of the north 50 feet and south 84 feet of lot 052a, and lots 1, 2 and 3 of the sub. of lot 551 City, provided the City will agree to reimburse them for such fill- ing whenever such street shall be or- dered improved south of Dodge street. would respectfully recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be ganted sub- ject to terms to be later agreed upon and that the City Engineer be instruct- ed to make a survey of said portion of said street and report to the City Coun- cil the number of cubic yards of filling that will be required to bring the same to grade. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Moved by Ald. Saul, second by All. Apel, that the prayer of Peter J. Seip- pel Lumber Co. be granted and the price of filling be placed at twenty-five cents per cubic yard to be paid by the city in case the said streete are im- proved for public purposes and at the end of twenty years or in case th' said Peter J. Seippel Lumber Co. cease to use the said streets for lumber yard previous to twenty years they shall re- vert to the city without cost. Amended by Ald. Sauer, second by Ald. McEvoy, that action be deferred until next meeting. Amendment lost by following vote: Yeas—McEvoy, Sauer, Specht. Nays—Apel, O'Rourke, Saul, Singrin. Motion carried by the following vote: Yeas—Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Saul. Singrin, Specht. Nays—Sauer. Moved by Ald. Saul that the Ordi- nance Committee be instructed to dra Adjourned Regular Session, June 10, 1910 189 an Ordinance granting the Peter J. Seippel Lumber Co. use of said streets. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of the Union Electric Co., asking that it bq granted permission to construct a loop beginning at a point on its main track north of Phoenix park and running southerly on West Main Street to Jones Street, thence east on a curved line on Jones and Main Streets, back to the main track, and also asking that it be granted authority to install one-half of a diamond turn -out at the end of the Eagle Point line, would respectfully recommend that the prayer of the pe- titioner be granted provided the work be done under the direction of the City Engineer. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Moved by Aid. Saul, second by Ald. Singrin, that the Union Electric Co. be granted permission to construct a loon as recommended by Com. of Whole. Carried by following vote: Yeas—Apel, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul Singrin, Specht. Nays—McEvoy. Moved by Ald. Apel that action be deferred until next meeting on the re• port of Committee of Whole, recom- mending to grant permission to Union Electric Co. to install one-half of a diamond turn -out at the end of Eagle Point line. Amended by Ald. Saul, that a vote be taken on granting the Union Electric Co. permission . Amendment carried by the following vote: Yens—Apel, O'Rourke, Saul, Singrin Specht. Nays—McEvoy. Sauer. Moved by Ald. Singrin that the Union Electric Co. be instructed to submit plan of proposed one-half diamond turnout track, and the Ordinance Com- mittee be instructed to draft an Ordi- nance granting the same. Carried. Moved by Ald. Saul that the Ordi- nance Committee be instructed to draft an Ordinance granting permission to the Union Electric Co. to lay loop around Phoenix Park. Carried. RESOLUTIONS. Alderman O'Rourke offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to improve Harrison Street from Yale Street to Alta Vista Street, and it is hen -by pro- posed to grade, curb, gutter and ma- cadamize said strr of and to assess tbc' cost of said curbing, guttering and ma- cadamizing against the abutting prop- erty. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Alderman O'Rourke offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, nature and extent of the proposed improvement on Harvard Street, from Yale Street to Alta Vista Street, and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such improvement, and the amount as- sessable upon any railway or street railway company, the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the City, if any and the cost thereof and amount as- sessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such im- provement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City Recorder: that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office the City Recorder shall publish in threc consecutive issues of a newspaper pub- lished in this city, a notice stating that such plat and estimates are on file, the location and nature of the improve- ment, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing. which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of such notice, and after such publication shall have been made, the City Recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council there- of in writing, with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Aid. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Alderman Specht offered the follow- ing: Pe it lie:solved by the City Council of the ('ity of Dubuque, That it I - deemed ma ecsary and advisable to inn• nrove I'olembia Street from Pleasant Street to the north end of said Colum- bia Street. and it is hereby proposed to grade. curb, gutter and ma :rd:nire said street, and to assess the cost of said curbing, guttering and m acadam- iaing against the abutting property. AId. Speeht moved the adoption of the rosolntion: Carried by the following vote: 190 Adjourned Regular Session, June 10, 1910 Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Alderman Specht offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, nature and extent of the proposed improvement on Columbia Street, from Pleasant Street to the north end of said Columbia Street, and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such im- provement, and the amount assessable upon any railway or street railway company, the amount and cost thereof. to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land ad- jacent to or abutting upon such im- provement per front foot, and to lilt such plat and estimate in the office of the City Recorder; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office. the City Recorder shall publish in three consecutive issues of a newspaper pub. lished in this city, a notice stating that such plat and estimates are on file, the location and nature of the improve- ment, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of such notice, and after such publication shaL have been made, the city recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. Specht moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke. Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nyas—None. Ald. O'Rourke stated that James Lynch had been appointed inspector of Bluff Street improvement; also that Tim Taylor had been appointed inspec• tor of Harvard Street. Moved by Ald. Singrin that the ap- pointments be approved. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke stated that the Union Electric Co. had offered the city plants for Grandview Avenue, providing they send some one to get the same from their nursery free of charge. Same ac- cepted with thanks. Plans and specifications for a 6 -inch sanitary tile pipe sewer in Harvard Street, from Yale Street to Alta Vista Street, presented. On motion of All Singrin same approved. Ald. Saul moved to adjourn. Car- ried. OTTO P. GEIGER, City Recorder. Regular Session, June 16, 1910 CITY COUNCIL Regular Session, June 16, 1910. (Official.) Council met at 8:55 p. m. Mayor Haas in the chair. Present - Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Specht, City Attorney Lyon. Ald. Saul moved that action on the approval of the Council Proceedings for the month of May, 1910, be de- ferred until the next meeting of the Council. Carried. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that the proposed improvement of Valeria Street be made first order of busi- ness. Carried. The remonstrance of John Buse et al., against the improving of Valeria Street presented. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that the rules be suspended in order that any- one present may address the Council in regard to Valeria Street. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays -None. Mr. George Kleigh and Leo Popp addresed the Council in favor of hav- ing Valeria Street improved. Moved by Ald. Specht that the re- monstrance be referred to the Com- mittee of the Whole. Carried. BILLS ALLOWED JUNE 16, '10. C. E. Fitzpatrick, supplies for various offices $ 14.30 J. Wittmer, supplies for Po- lice Dept. T. W. Ruete Drug Co., supplies for various offices Berg & Briggs, stationery32.00 Kenna Printing Co., station- ery for various offices Martin-Strelau Co., 1 load of wood for City Hall Spahn & Rose Lumber Co, lumber for park G. W. Healey & Son, 1 grass hook F. Sehloz, supplies for City Hail ... J. P. Foley, towel service for May, 1910 Louis Fay, cleaning house at City Hall ...... .... G. F. Kleih, supplies for Mar- ketmasters' and City En- gineer's offices .... Standard Floor Dressing and Oiler for City Hall Dubuque Rubber & Belting 3.85 3.30 25.75 4.00 .87 35 .95 4.00 14.70 1.05 4.25 Co., 75 feet hose for Jack- son Park Larry Dailey, cleaning and hauling from Market Square for March, April and May, and hauling sawdust to City Hall Geo. Masters, 3 inverted gas mantels for Mayor's ollice. R. Herrmann & Sons, repair- ing office chairs Geo. P. Rose, Jr., tape for En- gineer's office F. Schloz & Son, supplies and repairs, Sewer 1)i•pt Street & Steuck, balance due on Sanitary sewer in Hay - den's Lane 96.25 G. F. Kleih, supplies for Sew- er Dept ... 1.20 Geo. Bock, repairs for Sewer Dept ........... .... 1..50 W. D. Deckert, white waste for Police Dept.... 1.20 Philip Briethaupt, repairing plumbing, City Hall3.10 Ellwanger Bros., supplies for Police Dept 1.65 Key City Gas Co., gas arcs for Police and Fire Depts. for May, 1910 2.00 Frank Behr, feed for Police Deiit ... 39.55 La Nicca Pharmacy, supplies for Police Dept .... 1.25 American Ever Ready, bat- teries for flash lights for Police Dept 4.00 Ed. Norton, 38 meals furnished to prisoners for May, 19107.60 Eichborn & Bechtel, supplies for matrons 5.95 G. F. Kleih, supplies for Po- lice Dept...... ,.., 3.45 Mettel Bros. feed for Police Dept .... 5.10 Geo. Masters, cleaning sewer in calaboose 2.00 Collings & Pflffner, horse - shoeing for Police Dept4.50 James O'Shea, 19.5 cu. yds macadam, Road, 1st 19.50 James Maloy, 5.17 cu. yds. ma - macadam, Road, 3rd 3.8R Jas. Lonergan, 2.72 cu. yds macadam, Road, 4th2.72 Ed. Maloy, 25.89 cu. yds. ma - macadam, Road, 3rd 19.42 Peter Jacobs, 29.68 cu. yds macadam, Road, 3rd 22.26 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for sprinkling wagon .... 26.70 Louis Walkenheimer, 27.18 cu yds. macadam, Road, 3rd20.38 Mike Donnigan, 14.02 cu. yds macadam. Road, 2nd 10.51 Michael Kass, 18.99 cu. yd macadam, Road, 5th 18.99 G. F. Kleih, supplies for Road Dept ... .60 191 15.00 36.30 .60 3.80 1.00 2.55 192 Regular Session, June 16, 1910 Hussman & Lies, supplies _ Ho id and Sewer Depth 6.50 Standard Oil Co., road oil for Road, 2nd 337.0 Joseph Brouilette, 4.41 cu. • yds. macadam, Road, 2nd3.31 Eliwanger Bros., repairs, Road Dept John McAlleese, 4.22 cu. yds. macadam, Road, 2nd 3.17 Eagle Point Lime Works, 72 yard crushed stone, Road, 2nd 108.00 Fred Keck, 5.97 cu. yds. ma- cadam, Road, 2nd 4.47 Standard Oil Co., oil for Road Dept 3.40 Pitts-Th„„,Y,0„ Foundry Co., 2 sewer grates for Road, 3rd and 5th $ 12.00 Key City Iron Works, repairs to Steam Roller 18.49 Key City Roofing Co., cement for Road Dept. 12.33 John Knees, 3.27 cu. yds. ma- cadam, Road, 3rd .. 2.45 Louis Schulty, 5.89 cu. yds. ma- cadam, Road, 3rd 4.42 John Mullen, 13.94 cu. yds. ma- cadam, Road, 2nd .. 13.94 Barney Glass, 8.34 cu. yds. ma- cadam, Road, 2nd .. 6.25 Geo. Bock, repairs on sprinkling wagon .. 3.00 Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs for Road Dept. 4.31 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., 11 ft. engine suction hose ana 2 rubber coats for Fire Dept.. 55.00 Iowa Oil Co., oil for Fire Dept.. 12.20 Standard Oil Co., oil for Fire Dept. 5.00 John Neuman & Son, repairs and supplies, Fire Dept. 12.35 Union Electric Co., power for City Fire Alarm, May 2.00 Key City Gas Co., fuel for Fire Dept. ... 25.65 Lagen, Peed & Berwanger, horseshoeing for Fire Dept. 9.00 E. C. Keating, toilet paper for Fire Dept. 4.75 Estate of Thos. Connolly, re- pairs for Fire Dept. ... 2.00 Vollenweider & Hein, horseshoe- ing for Fire Dept. .... 10.20 T. H. Clark, drug supplies for Fire Dept. . 32.39 John Kriebs, repairs for Wire Dept. and supplies . 14.15 Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse - shoeing for Fire Dept, ... .. 11.90 Fisher & Co., coal for Fire Dept. 12.90 Collings & Pfiffner, horseshoeing for Fire Dept. 12.50 Matt. Stafford, feed for Fire Dept. 30.00 A. Y. McDonald, brass casting for Fire Dept. 1.65 F. Schloz & Son supplies for Fire Dept. .75 Kenna Printing Co., printing sidewalk notices .... .. 5.50 .10 Smith -Morgan Printing Co., 90 pamphlets for May and 31,800 comp., list of warrants National Demokrat, advertising for May Labor Leader, advertising for May Times -Journal, printing city council proceedings and no- tices, May G. F. Kleih, tacks for Health de- partment Key City Gas Co., light for var- ious offices and depth., May .. Union Electric Co., street light- ing for May Union Electric Co., street light- ing for May Union Electric Co., street light- ing for May Union Electric Co., street light- ing for May Union Electric Co., street light- ing for May Western Union Telegraph Co, electric clock and time service for May Iowa Telephone Co., telephone rental for various offices and Depts. for April Iowa Telephone Co., telephone rental for various offices and Depts. for May Spahn & Rose Lumber Co., lum- ber for sidewalks Peter Lange, nails for sidewalk Robert McGivern, inspector on East street Robert McGivern, inspector on East street O'Farrell Contracting Co., 5 per cent retained for one year, repaving Clay street from 11th to 12th street south O'Farrell Contracting Co., 5 per cent retained for one year, constructing storm water sewer in West Locust street 102.38 The following bills were not approved and were, on motion, referred to the Committee of the Whole: A. E. Bradley, setting glass, city hal', $1.00; E. T. Frith, removing dead ani- mals and garbage, month of Ma7,, $'96.40; Wm. Marshall, repairs on steam roller, $23.78; Dr. W. L. Becker, to pro- fessional services for Mrs. Blumenthal, $285.00. 26.13 12.50 12.50 44.62 .25 76.85 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 251.75 1.00 11.50 10.50 47.40 9.80 25.00 50.00 82.26 BIDS. Bids for furnishing the Police De- partment with helmets; also_ bids for laying sidewalk at West Fifth and Co! - lege Avenue and bids for furnishing and care of flowers at the various parks presented. On motion of Ald. Saul all bids ordered opened. Boston Clothiers propose to furnish police helmets same as sample sub- mitted ($2.50) two dollars and fifty cents each. On motion of Ald. Sauer contract awarded to Boston Clothiers. Regular Session, June 16, 1910 193 Laying four foot sidewalk on College Avenue and West Fifth street: James Lee & Sou, 12 cents per square foot; Fra.nk D. Scharle, 14 8-10 cents. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke contract awarded to James Lee, he being the lowest bidder. Bids for furnishing plants for various parks as follows: W. A. Harkett. Phoenix Park, $15.00; Washington Park, $40.00: Grant Park. $18.00; Jackson Park, $50.00. S. E. Muntz, Phoenix Park, $18.00. Grant Park, $20.00; Washington Park, $35.00; Jackson Park, $48.00. A. L. Glaser', Phoenix Park, $22.00; Grant Park, $18.00; Washington Park, $38.00; Jackson Park, $48.00. G. A. Heyne, Phoenix Park, $22.00; Grant Park, $12.00; Washington Park. $32.00; Jackson Park, $42.00. On motion of Ald. Saul the contract was awarded to W. A. Hackett to fur- nish Phoenix Park and to G. A. Heyne to furnish Washington. Jackson and Grant Parks, they being the lowest bid- ders. PETITIONS. Petition of Traub and Feigner, ask- ing that the City Treasurer he instruct ed to accept $200.00 in full payment of special assessment levied about Nov. 5,, 1908, against lot 2 of lots 1 and 2, lot of lot 7 of Mineral lot 70 in the City of Dubuque, Ia., presented. On mo- tion of Ald. McEvoy referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of B. McDonnell, asking to have his salary increased to $100.00 per month, presented. On motion of Ald Sauer referred to Committee of the Whole. Petition of Dornes-Busch Land Co.. et al, asking that Grandview Avenue be improved from Dodge Street to South Dodge Street, presented. On mo- tion of Ald. Saul refered to the Com- mittee of the Whole. The bond of the Woodmen of the World presented and upon motion of Ald. Saul referred to the Mayor and City Attorney with full power to act. Petition of A. R. Flick, asking that the taxes for the year 1909 on his man- ufacturing plant be accepted at the valuation of $3,000.00 as per agreement of April 2, 1907, presented. On motion of Ald. Saul referred to Committee of the Whole. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Attorney Lyon reported that in compliance with instructions he had notified the Eagle Point Lime Works to promptly remove ally debris, ob- structions or other matter interfering with the carrying out of the contract of said Lime Works, for the construe - tion of the covering for the Bee Branch sewer, and also notified them to proceed at once with the work an - der the terms of the contract, and in the event of their failure or refusal to carry out the contract that the city would undertake a completion and ex- ecution of the same and charge th, expense and cost thereof to the said lime works. Also requested said company to ad- vise us of their intentions in the nutt- ier, but up to this time we have receiv- ed no answer to our communication. Moved by Ald. ORourke that in case the city Attorney does not receive a favorable reply from the Eagle Point Lime Works or their attorneys by Mon,la_y. Jun 'n. the City Recorder adc-crtise for bids to complete the covering. Amended by Ald. Saul that the City Attorney consult with the attorneys of the Eagle Point Lime Works and re- port to the Mayor and the report of the City Attorney just read be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Amendment carried. Motion lost. City Attorney Lyon reported that on June 9-10-11 he was in Des Moines, be- fore the Supreme Court of the State of Iowa, for the purpose of submitting under oral argument the case of the Martin-Strelau Company vs. City of Dubuque, and that he was at an ex- pense of $20.20 during the time. Moved by Aid. ORourke that a war- rant be drawn on the Treasurer for the amount in favor of the City Attorney and report be filed. Carried. Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The following is the pay roll of the Fire Department for the first half of June, 1910: Amount due Firemen $1,631.00 Respectfully submitted, J. R. REINFRIED, Chief. Approved by Committee on Fire. On motion of Ald. Singrin the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the firemen and the re- port referred back to the Committee on Fire. Chief of Police Reilly reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The following is the pay roll of the Police Department lot the first half of June, 1910: Amount due Policemen $1,399.35 Respectfully submitted, THOMAS REILLY, Chief. On motion of Ald. auer the report was received and warrants ordered 194 Regular Session, June 16, 1910 drawn to pay the policemen and the report referred back to the Committee on Police and Light. Street Commissioner Mahoney re- ported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the pay roll for labor on streets during the first half of June, 1910: Amt. due laborers on streets...$2,216.25 Approved by Committee on Streets. Also submit the pay roll for labor on sewers during the first half of June, 1910: Amt. due laborers on sewers....$216.10 Approved by Committee on Sewers. Respectfully submitted, JOHN MAHONEY, Street Commissioner. On motion of Ald. Saul, seconded by Ald. Singrin, the pay rolls on Streets and Sewers were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts and the pay rolls re- ferred back to the proper committees. Weighmaster R. Hay reported re • ceipts of $2.69 for month of May. On motion of Ald. Saul received and filed. A letter addressed to Mayor Haas from Morrison Bros. read. On motion of Ald. Singrin referred to Committee of the Whole. An invitation from the Daughters of the American Revolution to be present at Eagle Point Park Friday, June 17, at 2:30 p. m., at which time the Daughters will present a flag and flagstaff to the park. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke, ac- cepted with thanks and as many as possible attend. Ald. Specht offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a bell of suitable size be installed in the No. 6 Engine House in order to promptly advise the driver while out exercising his team of any alarm that may come in. Moved by Ald. Saul it be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. Specht offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the Street Commissioner be instructed to notify the Chicago Great Western Railway Company to properly repair, within fifteen days from such notice its crossing on Rhomberg Avenue and place the same in such shape that vehicles may easily pass over the same. Moved by Ald. Specht, the resolu- tion be adopted. Carried. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that the petition of the Dubuque Motor Boat Club be taken from the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Moved by Aid. Saul that the Du- buque Motor Boat Club be granted the use of river front, 35 feet east of piling to the point on north side of harbor, for a period of 5 years, and the City Engineer give them the lines. Carried. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that when we adjourn, we adjourn to Wednes- day, June 22. Carried. City Engineer submitted plans and specifications for reinforced concrete storm sewer between 16th and 17th streets, Cedar and Sycamore streets; also profile and grade of Vernon Street. Referred to Committee of the Whole. Moved by Ald. Saul to adjourn. 'Carried. Adjourned Regular Session, June 22, 1910 195 CITY COUNCIL Adjourned Regular Session June 22, 1910. Council met at 8:45 p. m. Mayor Haas in the chair, Present—Aids. McEvoy, O'Rourke, Saul, Singrn and City Attorney Lyon. Mayor Haas stated that the meet- ing was an adjourned meeting of the regular session of Tune 16, 1910, and was called to take up and consider all matters which may properly come before a regular session of the City Council. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that the Council proceedings for the month of May be approved as printed. Car- ried. PETITIONS. Petition of Henry Riker, asking that the City remove railing on Elev- enth and Walnut Streets and replace same with an iron one, also reset curb stones on Eleventh Street, pre- sented. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke, referred to Ald. McEvoy and Street Commissioner. Petition of Dubuque Aerie, No. 568, F. O. E., asking the City to grant them control of 24th Street, 25th Street and Washington and Jackson Streets between 24th and 25th Streets, for the week of July 11, 1910. On motion of Ald. Saul, the prayed granted. Petition of Frank Kenneally, dep- uty assessor, asking that a warrant be drawn in favor of Geo. Luke for $11.25 as refund on account of an er- roneous valuation placed on Lot 5, in Finley'.; Add, for year of 1909. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke, the prayer of petitioner granted. Petition of H. Markey, asking the City to pay him back salary to the amount of $338.33, on the ground that the supreme court of the state of Iowa had dismissed the appeal in case of Markey vs. Schunk & Pick - ley. City Attorney Lyon made a state- ment in regard to the case. Moved by Ald. Saul, the petition be received and filed. Carried. Aids. Apel, Sauer and Specht en- tered at 9:05 p. m. The following bills read. Mrs. Koenig to 47 hours extra labor clean- ing house City Hall $9.40, Mrs. E. Schuller 751/2 hours house cleaning $15.10, Wm. Berry to 13.95 yards ma- cadam $13.95, •Martin Young to 9.14 yards macadam $9.14, Albert Schnee to 30.06 yards of macadam $30.06, Tom Malloy to 19.73 yards of ma- cadam $14.80, Louis Walkenheim to 14,1.7 yds. macadam $10.63, Tom Malloy to 5.398 yds. macadam $4.05, Ed. Malloy to 13.396 yds, macadam $10.05, Joe Martine]: to 8.593 yds. macaCain $8.59, Tibey Bros. 5% re- tained on bill of June 14, 1909, im- proving St. Auburn Street $65.93, Tim Taylor to inspection on Harvard Street sewer $11.55, moved by Ald. O'Rourke that warrants be drawn on treasurer and all hills properly O. K. be paid. carried. Bill of John Drehouse for cleaning calaboose $24.50 and cleaning 8 chimneys $12.00 read. Moved by Ald. Apel that the bill for cleaning calaboose be paid and for cleaning chimneys be referred to the mayor. Carried. Moved by Ald. Saul the rules be suspended to allow anyone to address the council who desired. Carried by following vote: Yeas—Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—Non e. Mr. John Phillip addressed the Council in regard to sidewalk in front of his h rme on Grandview Ave., ask- ing the city to make some kind of settlement with him for the laying of sidewalk after the improvement of Grandview Ave. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke referred to committee of Whole. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Ald. Sauer, chairman of Commit- tee on P. G. & B, reported that the committee had order crescents and numbers on police helmets. On mo- tion of Ald. O'Rourke the action of committee approved. Ald. Singrin, chairman Committee on Fire, reported that the exercising cart of Engine House No. 5 was in need of repairs. On motion of Aid. Saul committee empowered to make repairs. AId. Specht reported that the roof of Engine House No. 6 needed re- pairs. On motion of Ald. Saul, Com- mittee on P. G. & B. empowered to make repairs. AId. Sauer moved that the purchas- ing of a horse for patrol wagon he deferred until next meeting. Carried, Your Committee of the Whole, to whom were referred the plans and specifications for the top and side NI 196 Adjourned Regular Session, June 22, 1910 walls for the Bee Branch sewer from end of top now in place northerly to 17th street, would respectfully recom- mend that said plans and specifica- tions be accepted and that the City Recorder be instructed to advertise for bids for the construction of the same. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of James R. Pickley, asking that he be refunded the sum of $600.00 which he alleges to have been illegally with- held from his salary as Chief of Po- lice from May 1st, 1908, to May 1st, 1910, would respectfully recommend that said petition be referred to the City Attorney. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the bill of Dr. W. L. Becker for $285.00 for professional services rendered Mrs. Blumenthal, would respectfully recommend that said bill be referred to the City Attor- ney. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of I. J. Cheetham stating that there are assessed against him for the years 1880 to 1892, inclusive, personal taxes amounting to $18.63 in the aggregate, and offering to pay said assessments in full provided the same be accepted without interest, woufa respectfully recommend that the prayer of the pe- titioner be granted and that the City Treasurer be instructed accordingly. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the profile show- ing a proposed grade on Vernon Street, would respectfully recommend that said profile be returned to the City Engineer for alteration. Your Committee of the Whole to whom were referred the following bills would respectfully recommend that the same be allowed and that war- rants in settlement thereof be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer: W. Marshall, repairs on Steam Roller ....$ 23.78 M. S. Hardie, Printing for City Election ... 132.50 G. Ragatz & Son, Repairs on Sprinkling Wagon 2.34 Nesler & Hammel Repairs on 6th Street Fountain .... . 3.00 Harger & Blish, Supplies for City Election .. 15.25 Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the bill of E. T. Frith for hauling garbage and dead animals during the months of April and May, 1910, would respectfully recommend that said bill be referred to the Board of Health and that the Mayor and Health Officer be instruct- ed to investigate the same. Your Committe of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of J. R. Reinfried, Chief of the Fire De- partment, asking that he be paid the sum of $225.00, balance he alleges due him on account of back salary from May, 1908, to February, 1909, would respectfully recommend that said pe- tition be referred to the City Attorney. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of B. McDonnell engineer of the steam rol- ler, asking that his salary be raised to $100.00 per month and tendering his resignation in case of unfavorable ac- tion being taken thereon, would re- spectfully recommend that said peti- tion be received and filed and that his resignation be accepted. Your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that J. Schwartz be appointed engineer of the steam roller. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Moved by Aid. Saul that the various reports of the Committee of the Whole be adopted. Carried. City Attorney Lyon reported that he had examined the excavation bonds, with the renewals thereof, of Uow & Curtis, Mullen Bros., L. O. Papin. Frank Rellihan & John J. Mullen, Linehan & Molo and Philip Breithaupt and found the same to have been exe- cuted in due form. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke report approved and ordered filed. Ald. McEvoy made a verbal request on behalf of Fred Weidlich et al to be permitted to extend the Sanitary Sewer on Seminary street from the proposed point of termination for a distance of seventy-five feet. Moved by Ald. McEvoy that the petitioners be allowed to deal direct with the con- tratcor and the sewer may be con- structed under the ,upervision of the City Engineer, and they furnish a bond to City. Carried. On motion of Ald. McEvoy Mr. J. Bird to be retained as inspector of S'initary Sewer on Seminary street un- til completed. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that the Ordinance Committee be instructed to draft an ordinance compelling all own- ers of automobiles to register their name and number of their machines, in the office of the City Recorder without cost. Carried. Ald. McEvoy stated that he desired to purchase some Syandard road oil. On motion of Ald. Saul Ald. McEvoy Adjourned Regular Session, June 22, 1910 197 was authorized to purchase any quan- tity of road oil as he may need in the Fourth road district. Alderman McEvoy offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it be deemed necessary and advisable to im- prove Bluff Street, from the end of the present brick paving between Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets. southerly to the north lot line of Eighth Street and i• is hereby proposed to grade to sub• grade, curb and pave said portion if said street with Sarco compost and to assess the cost of said grading, curb- ing and paving against the abutting property. Moved by Ald. McEvoy to adopt the resolution. Carried by the following. mite: Yeas—Aids. Apel. McEvoy. u'llourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Alderman McEvoy offered the follow• ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, nature and extent of the proposed improvement on Bluff Street, from the end of the brick paving be- tween Fifteenth and Sixteenth Streets, southerly to the north lot line of Eighth Street, and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such improvement, and the amount assessable upon any railway or street railway company, the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount as- sessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such im- provement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the city recorder; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the city recorder shall publish in three consecutive issues of a newspaper pub- lished in this city, a notice stating that such plat and estimates are on file, the location and nature of the improve- ment, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of such notice, and after such publication shall have been made, the city recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Moved by Ald. McEvoy that the res- olution be adopted. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. To the Honorable Mayor and the Mem- bers of the City Council of the City of Dubuque: The undersigned having purchased the business and good will of the saloon formerly owned and operated by J. P Ludowisy, the former bolder of a res- olution of consent to operate said bus- iness at _7l4 Main street, and having be- come the assignee of said J. P. Lud- owisy, hereby petitions your honorable body to renew the consent formerly held by him in the name of this appli- cant and to express the renewal of that consent by the adoption of the follow- ing resolution: Moved by Ald. Singrin that the re- quest be granted. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Be it Resolved by the Members if the City Council of the City of Du- buque, That consent previously grant- ed to J. P. Ludowisy is hereby renewed, and consent is given to Anton Hilken as assignee of the business formerly conducted and carried on by said J. P. Ludowisy in said place, to operate a retail liquor store within the said city of Dubuque, Dubuque, County, Iowa, in accordance with the laws of the state of Iowa and the ordinances of the city of Dubuque. Ald. O'Rourke moved that the resolu- tion be adopted. Carried by the following vote: Yeas •-- Alds. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Specht. Moved by Ald. Saul to adjourn. Car- ried. I 19- Special Session, June 28, 1910 CITY COUNCIL Special Session, June 28, 1910. (Official). Council met at 8:30 p. m. Mayor Haas in the chair. Present—Alda. Apel, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht and City Attor- ney Lyon. Mayor Haas stated that this meeting was called to consider any petition or communication on file with the City Recorder and bills for the raising of the steam roller, remodeling of Armory roof, Bee Branch sewer, the purchas- ing of horse for patrol wagon and any resolution the aldermen may have to present. City Recorder Geiger presented bids for Armory roof, Bee Branch sewer, and raising steam roller, and stated that a contractor left a bid in his of- fice after the time set to receive bids. Moved by Ald. Saul that the bid be not opened and be returned to bidder. Carried. On motion of Ald. Saul bids for Bee Branch sewer ordered opened. N. J. Staner, $15.85, per lineal foot, re- inforced concrete. 0' Farrell Contract- ing Co., $17.00 per lineal foot stone work and $15.25 per lineal foot for reinforced concrete. On motion of Ald. Saul con- tract awarded to O'Farrell Contracting Co., the sewer to be built of reinforced concrete and bond to be 25 per cent of contract. On motion of Ald. Saul bids for Ar- mory roof ordered opened. James Gregory, $1,497.00; Chr. Brown & Son. $1,529.00; Joseph Grigg, $1,700.00, and one bid not having certified check was not considered or read. At 8:45 Ald. McEvoy entered and took his seat. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that bids for remodeling Armory roof be referred to Committee of the Whole. Carried. On motion of Ald. Singrin bids for raising steam roller ordered opened. Adam Stoltz, $164.00; Wm. Gere, $175.00. On motion of Ald. Sauel contract awarded to Adam Stoltz. Petition of H. R. Markey, asking the city to give a cash bond three to five hundred dollars, also a supersedes bond in the case now pending a rehearing in supreme court of Iowa. Moved by Aid. Saul that part of petition referring to cash bond be received and filed. Car- ried. Moved by Ald. Saul that part of Markey petition, asking for a super- sedes bond be referred to City Attor- ney. Carried. Moved by Ald. Sauer have recess for five minutes. Carried. Petition of Frances A. Minard and Walter C. Minard, asking the city to vacate the alley between Lot 1 of Lot 10 and 11 and Lot 2 of 10 and 11 and immediately reopen it with south line of alley running from southeast cor- ner of lot 15, Finley Home addition to a point on College Avenue, presented. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that the rules be suspended to allow Mr. Min- ard to address the Council. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Sin - grin, Specht. Nays—None. Mr. Minard addressed the Council in reference to his petition. Moved by Ald. Saul that it be refer- red to the City Engineer and he make a plat of alley in accordance to the petition and report to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Petition of B. F. Stedman, Superin- tendent waterworks, asking the city to give them proper space in the alley between Ninth and Tenth Street and .Iain and Locust Streets, was pre- sented. Moved by Ald. Sauer that the rules be suspended to permit Mr. B. F. Sted- man to address the Council. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Apel, Mc- Evoy, ORourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays, none. Mr. Stedman addressed the Council, explaining the obstruction in alley. Moved by Ald. ORourke it be referred to the Committee and City Attorney. Amended by Ald. Saul that it be refer- red to the City Attorney and City En- gineer, they to report to the Commit- tee of the Whole. Amendment carried. Motion lost. Ald. Sauer made a verbal report re- garding a horse the Committee on Police and Light had under considera- tion for purchase for use on the patrol wagon. After discussing the same it was moved by Ald. Specht that the City Attorney give his opinion as to the city's legal right to purchase a horse in this manner. Carried. The opinion of the City Attorney was that the Council could ratify the action of committee and approve of their re- port and authorize the purchasing of horse. Moved by Ald. McEvoy that the Council approve of the action of Com- mittee on Police and Light and that the committee purchase the horse and a warrant be drawn on the Treasurer in favor of seller ($250.00). Carried. Moved by Ald. Specht that the City Recorder advertise the sale of the horse at auction, Saturday, July 2. Carried. Special Session, June 28, 1910 Board of Health reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and the City Council: Gentlemen:—At the regular meeting of the Board of Health, held June 24th, 1910, bids for fumigating homes in case of contagious diseases were opened and the contract awarded to Mr. Joseph Loes, he being the lowest bidder, 24c per 1,000 cubic feet. Bill of the Union Printing Co., of $1.50 far pasters, pay- ment recommended. The following bills certified to, were ordered sent to the Board of Supervisors for payment: A. J. Harting, to drug supplies, etc., for jail $ 7 20 McManus & Reddin, to groceries for Nick Gasper John Trexier, to groceries for Ben Ernst 8 75 A. J. Hartig, to drug supplies for Nick Gasper 28 40 Martin-Strelau Co., to 1 load kindling for Detention Hospital. 3 00 John C. Voelker, to disinfecting residence of Mrs. C. Smith 3 50 Isaac Manhoff, to conveying Mr Nathan to Finley Hospital 1 00 Union Electric Co., to light for Detention Hospital for May, 1910 3 00 John C. Voelker, to disinfecting residence of Mr. Nick Gasper 4 00 Three bills of Mr. Ben Ernst read, and after discussing the same they were referred back to Mr. Ben Ernst for payment. The clerk was instructed to notify the vault cleaner, to notify the sanitary officer of his intention to clean a vault at least 24 hours before starting. Also that he procure a city license to carry on the business of vault cleaning. The contract between the Dubuque Board of Health and Joseph Loes for disinfecting buildings in case of con- tagious diceases was read. Moved by 'Aid. O'Rourke that the report be re- ceived and filed and contract and re- port be approved Carried. 7 00 Dubuque, Iowa, June 28, 1910. To the Honorable City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The rollowing matters relative to water main extensions were referred to me by your honorable body: Petition of Alois Barter et al, for extension in West Fourteenth street, from Delhi street to Aud- ubon avenue, petition of W. S. Dennis et al, for extension in West Seventh street and Needham Place and also the matter of installing a hydrant on Third street extension, near Fischer's ice house would re- spectfully report that I took the sev- eral matters up with the Board of Water Works Trustees and have been informed that it cannot afford to lay the mains in West Fourteenth Street at present. Also, that if the abutter on West Seventh street and Needham 199 Place will sign the usual guarantee of 75 per cent of the cost of the con- struction, that the extension will be made. In regard to the installation of a hydrant on Third Street Extension, near Fischer's Ice house, the Trustees state that there is one now in place within six hundred feet thereof, which, with the river on the other side, fur- nishes ample fire protection. It is the intention of the Board, however, to ex- tend the mains in this latter street for a distance of four or five hundred feet as soon as possible. Very respectfully, . D. J. HAAS, Mayor.Moved by Aid. Saul the report be ere- ceived and Led. Carried. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that a com- mittee of three be appointed to con- fer with Water Works Trustees in re- gard to extension of water mains. Carried. Alds. McEvoy, Sauer and Specht appointed committee. Alderman Saul offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the city of Dubuque. That the Poundmaster be and he is hereby as- signed the duties of dog enumerator, and that he be allowed extra. compen- sation at the rate of $10.00 per month while engaged in such work. Moved by Ald. Saul the adoption of resolution and be in force at the pleas- ure of the Council. Carried. Plan of Inion Electric Co. proposed half diamond turnout at end of Eag•tc Point line presented. Moved by Ald. McEvoy be referred to Ordinance com- mit tee. Carried. Petition of Wiley Bros. ;csing the Council to grant them the use of one- half of Fourth street to place mater- ial thereon. Moved by Ald. McEvoy the prayer of petitioners he granted, they not to go further west than the alley nor east further than Main street. Carried. Bill of E. F. Frith for removing gar- bage and dead animals, month of May, $374.40, presented. Moved by AId. O'Rourke that a warrant be drawn on Treasurer and bill be paid. Carried. Bill of John Drehouse for extra work in calaboose, $4.00, presented. Moved by Ald. Specht that a warrant for $2.00 be drawn on Treasurer in full I:ayment of hill. Carried. The undersigned, to whom was re- ferred that part of the bill of John Drehouse which was for eI,•aning chimneys at the City Hall, amounting to $12.00, would respectfully report that I have examined the claim and find the same to be correct. I would 200 Special Session, June 28, 1910 therefore recommend that the bill be paid and that a warrant in settlement thereof be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer. D. J. HAAS, Mayor. Moved by Aid. McEvoy the report be filed and warrant drawn on Treas- urer for the amount. Carried. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque. Gentlemen: The undersigned hav- ing purchased the stock and good will of the business of Fagji & Gabriel, for- mer holders of a resolution of consent to conduct and carry on a place for the sale of intoxicating liquors in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, hereby peti- tion your Honorable Body to renew the consent previously granted to them and to regrant said consent to these petitioners to operate a retail liquor store at the northeast corner of Fif- teenth and Maple streets in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, and to express the renewal of that consent by the adop- tion of the following resolution. (Signed) KOESTER & REDDEN. Moved by Ald. Singrin the prayer be granted. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Specht. Nays—None. Be It Resolved by the members of the City Council of the City of Du- buque, That consent previously grant - of the business of Fahji & Gabriel, for - ship consisting of John Fahji and Theo- dore Gabriel, to operate a retail liquor store within the said City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa, in accordance with the laws of Iowa and the ordi- nances of the City of Dubuque is here- by regranted to co -partnership of Koes- ter & Reddin, Peter Koester and John Reddin, as assignees of said Fahji & Gabriel. Moved by Ald. Singrin the resolution be adopted. Carried by following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—The undersigned having purchased the stock and good will of the business of Kennedy & Harvey, formerly holders of a resolution of con- sent to conduct and carry on a place for the retail sale of intoxicating liquors in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, hereby petition your honorable body to renew the consent previously grant- ed to them and to regrant said consent to these petitioners to operate a retail liquor store in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and to express the renewal of that consent by the adoption of the following resolution. McGOVERN & PATTED. Moved by Ald. Saul that prayer be granted. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That consent previously granted to Kennedy & Harvey, a co -partnership consisting of John Kennedy and M. J. Harvey, to operate a retail liquor store within the City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa, in accordance with the laws of Iowa and the ordinances of the City of Dubuque is hereby re -granted to the co -partnership of McGovern & Patted, John J. McGovern and Emmett Patted as assignees of said Kennedy & Harvey. Adopted unanimously. Moved by Ald. Apel resolution be adopted. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Moved by Ald. Saul that the side- walk inspector be instructed to report at each regular meeting and attend the same. Carried. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that the City Attorney give to Ald. Specht an opinion as to the County Road fund in his district. Carried. Reported that the garbage dump in the First ward was in a very bad con- dition. Moved by Ald. Saul that the Board of Health be empowered to make make necessary repairs and order city carpenters to do the work. Carried. Reported that the Union Electric Co. have not replaced Alpine Street in proper condition. Moved by Ald. Saul that the Second ward alderman and Street Commissioner notify the Union Electric Co. to replace the street in proper condition at once. Carried. Moved by Ald. Singrin to adjourn. Carried. Approv Attest: 1910 Mayor Ox -1)4,,e, . Recorder Special Session, June 30, 1910 201 CITY COUNCIL Special session June 311, 1910. (Official.) Council met at 3:115 p. m. Mayor Pro Tern Saul in the chair. Present—Aids. Apel, O'Rourke, Singrin, Specht and City Attorney Lyon. Absent—Aids. Sauer and McEvoy. The Mayor stated that this meeting was called for the purpose of consid- ering petitions of consent and benches for the parks and the purchasing of road oil. The petition of consent as follows was presented: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The undersigned re- spectfully states that he is the put-. chaser, successor and assignee of the saloon business of Jay Luckey in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. which said J. Luckey has heretofore held and been granted a resolution of consent by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. Iowa, authorizing him to engage in the sale of intoxicating liquors in said city. and your petitioner, as said suc- cessor, purchaser and assignee of the business of said Jay Luckey, respect- fully asks your Honorable Body to grant him a new resolution of con- sent to sell and keep for sale intox- icating liquors in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and to cause the following res- olution to be adopted, the same to be effctive and in force from the 1st day of July, A. D. 1910. NED CURTIS. Moved by Ald. Singrin the prayer be granted. Carried. Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That consent is hereby given to Ned Curtis as suc- cessor, purchaser and assignee of the business of Jay Luckey, to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors, and deal therein, in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by law. This res- olution is to be in full force and ef- fect on and from the first day of July, A. D. 1910. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke the adop- tion of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, O'Rourke, Saul, Singrin and Specht. Nays—None. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that the Committee Clerk be instructed to purchase one dozen benches for the parks. Carried. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that Ald. Singrin be authorized to purchased such quantity of Syandar Road Oil as he may need in the Third Road dis- trict. Carried. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that the Street Commissioner be instructed to see that the water fountain at First and Main is put in place at once. ('a rried. Moved by Aid. Singrin to adjourn. Carried. 1 202 List of Warrants List of City Warrants Dubuvue, Iowa, June 1st, 1910. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The following is a complete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of May, 1910: D. J. Haas, salary, Mayor....$116 65 H. Brinkman, salary, Treas- urer 133 30 J. A. McKinley, salary, Deputy Treasurer 100 Ou Jno. Krayer, clerk, Treasurer's office 60 00 M. E. Lyons, salary, Auditor116 65 Geo. J. Vogel, Deputy Auditor 75 00 E. A. Linehan, salary, Recor- der 116 65 Jos. Friedrich, salary, Deputy Recorder 85 00 Joseph T. Kelly, salary, As- sessor .... .... 125 00 Allan Wiedner, salary, Asszdt- ant Assessor 83 30 Frank Kenneally, salary, As- sistant Assessor 83 30 Geo. T. Lyon, salary, Attorney 150 00 Edgar Willging, salary, Assist- ant Attorney 75 00 Paul 11g, salary, Engineer166 65 Joseph Straub, salary, Assist- ant Engineer 60 00 Wm. Coleman, salary, Rod- man 60 00 Jas. Pickley, salary, Chief of Police .... 100 00 J. W. Lawlor, salary, Commit- tee Clerk 100 00 John Mahoney, salary, Street Commissioner 100 00 James Lynch, salary, Side- walk Inspector 60 00 Geo. Miller, salary, Superin- tendent of Sprinkling C. W. Katz, salary, Market - master 55 00 T. Hackney, salary, Pound - master 40 00 Mrs. H. Koenig, salary, Jani- tress 25 00 Thos. Cahill, salary, Park Cus- todian 4 Phil. Reddin, salary, Park Custodian Jos. Straney, salary, Park Custodian Dr. Chas. Palen, salary Health Physician Frank Flynn, Sanitary Officer 65 00 Dr. F. J. Kennedy, Meat and Milk Inspector ...... 75 00 John A. Cunningham, Clerk to Police and Fire Commis- sioners Joseph Reinfried, salary, Fire Chief ... ... ... 99 00 J. H. Carroll, Harbor Master. 30 00 Peter Apel, salary, Alderman - 60 00 40 40 15 00 00 00 50 00 15 00 at Large Edw. McEvoy, salary, Alder- man Fourth Ward John O'Rourke, salary, Alder- man Second Ward Edw. Sauer, salary, Alderman - at Large James Saul, salary, Alderman First Ward Wm. Singrin, salary, Alder- man Third Ward Robert Specht, salary, Alder- man Fifth Ward Wmw H9pman, 'salary, Elec- trician 82 50 M. Eitel, fireman Capt. `2 J. Essman, fireman Eng 8176 673 A. Ducci, fireman Stoker 70 78 J. Flynn, fireman Driver 75 73 G. Byer, fireman Driver 70 78 Al. Hear, fireman Lieut 65 34 \-Vm. Kannolt, fireman Uipe- man 65 34 B. Kirsch, fireman Pipeman65 34 R. Howe, fireman Sub 3 65 D. Brunskill, fireman Sub1 85 J. Daley, fireman Capt 76 23 J. Barnes, fireman Eng 81.67 T. Ryder, fireman Eng 81.67 M. Kelly, fireman Driver 75 73 F. Murphy, fireman Driver70 78 H. Cain, fireman Lieut 65 34 J. Bakey, fireman Pipeman65 34 Wm. Smith, fireman Pipeman 65 34 D. Brunskill, fireman Sub12 80 G. Gehrke, fireman Capt 76 23 F. Kennedy, fireman Driver70 78 J. Smith, fireman Lieut 65 34 J. Keppler, fireman Pipeman.. 65 34 D. Ahern, fireman Asst. Chief 82 50 A. McDonnell, fireman Eng81 67 J. Benzer, fireman Driver75 73 M. Sweeney, fireman Ladder - man .... .... 65 34 P. Zillig, fireman Lieut 65 34 J McGloughlin, fireman Lad- derman .... 39 21 J. Connelly, fireman Ladder- ma.n 65 34 Wm. Kennedy, fireman Lad- derman .... .... 59 90 J. Daughtery, fireman Ladder - man 54 45 J. Murphy fireman Watchman 49 50 Wm. Tannsett, fireman Sub20 15 R. Weston. fireman Capt76 23 J. Allen, fireman Driver 70 78 M. Fahey, fireman Lieut 65 34 R. Kenneally, fireman Pipe - man .... .... 65 34 Wm. Ducey, fleman Captain76 23 F. Kenneally, fireman Driver70 78 E. McDermott, fireman Lieut65 34 T. O'Brien, fireman Pipeman54 45 J. Roshin, fireman Cppt76 23 J. Schonberger, fireman Lieut65 34 F. Baumgartner, fireman Driver P. Kirsch, fireman Pipeman B. Howe, fireman Sub D. Brunskill ,fireman Sub 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 70 78 54 45 1 85 1 85 List of Warrants POLICE. Louis Blocklinger .... , James Corcoran ..... , , Michael Connelly John Cody Philip J. Dunphy Wm. Donahue .... ...... Thomas Duggan . , .. , , , Michael Fogarty Patrick Fury John Fox James Flynn Wm. Fox Ben Gray Geo. Jones Emil Kahn Michael Kilty James Keefe John Kane ... . , . John Kop Patrick Kenneally Barney Ludescher Charles Liest Patrick McInerney . Patrick McCollins Michael McCormick ... .... Henry Mueller .... Hugh Markey John .T. O'Brien Michael O'Connor JohnRaesle . ... .......... Michael Ryan Firemen's Pension Fund Gus. Raterman Joseph Stoltz Michael Stapleton Patri^k Sullivan ....... John Spielman Dennis Sheehan Frank Williams Louis Zemanek Miss B. Brennan Mrs. K. Hibbe Extra help at various fires— G Eckert C. Mass J. Pert T. Huber W. Tammsett F. Empky C. Beck L. Curell A. Barnes C. Eastman D. Brunskili F. Jellison C. H. Darington D. Whalen P. H. Halpin C. Halpin D. W. Muir G. Deitrich W. Muntz J. Kelley W. Dockstader J. Schiels D. Walace J. Spensley C. Wiehle L. Schuster M. Higgens W. Connelly E. McCloud 30 35 32 50 32 50 32 50 35 00 32 50 32 50 30 35 32 50 37 51) 1_ 50 11; I)0 50 50 33 20 32 50 32 50 30 00 30 35 32 50 35 00 32 50 32 50 32 50 32 50 32 50 32 50 32 50 37 5(1 32 50 30 90 30 00 32 50 32 50 32 50 32 50 28 00 22 50 30 od 32 50 32 50 2 50 1 50 2 50 1 50 9 00 2 50 2 50 14 00 4 75 9 50 4 00 4 00 2 00 5 00 7 00 4 50 3 00 6 00 7 50 3 50 300 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 50 2 00 0 50 13 00 4 00 J. Bieger ..., Wm. Kleis A. Davis T. Broderick T. Carroll E. Eberhard D. Brewbeker G. J. Parr J. Dillon J. Haggerty F. Flynn A. Weitz A. Offermann C. McCollins C. Nuts Al R. Sullivan B. McDonnell J. Degman W. Maus P. Kutch J. Wisebaum M. Byer B. Zugenbieler G. Greenwood 1I. Glab J. Litcher Wm. McCannel .T. Roshin H. F. Olsen J. Dendinges R. Feycn A. Wexler Leo Dolan B. Young F. Blicker W. \\'fIlinlns R. \l,trquard A. 1;r' h.ti,k C. Han n Al. Putruann \I. Tris \C. Hennessey 1'. Alalony 203 4 00 4 50 3 00 4 00 3 00 3 00 2 50 2 50 4 00 4 00 7 00 4 00 4 00 3 03 3 00 3 51) 7 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 7 00 5 50 5 50 5 50 5 50 6 50 2 50 5 50 7 00 4 00 4 00 450 4 00 7 01) 4 00 8 50 400 4 50 4 00 2 50 2 50 H. Brinkman, outstanding war- rants .. 246 04 H. Brinkman postage 12 9E H. Brinkman, freight charges 31 21 H. Brinkman, paving Locust street along Washington park 392 97 H. Brinkman, library orders 500.110 H. Brinkman, library orders 234.05 Labor on streets in the several road districts: Mat Acker, 3rd $ 21 60 W. P.urke, 1st 18 20 E. Lesser, 1st 4 40 G. Berchen, 2nd. $16.60; exp. $1.40 18 00 J. Brouillette, 2nd 17 40 J. Burns, 2nd 14 80 G. Benjamin, 3rd 14 80 S. Bastion. 4th 17 40 E. ltrnushill, 4th 13 60 C. Boutin, 5th 18 20 A. Bevensdrf, 5th 5 40 Jas. Connolly, 1st 20 80 Jerry Cahill, 1st 13 80 P. ('arney, 1st 19 40 W. Coughlin, 1st 18 20 M. Cain, 1st 8 40 J. Coyne. 1st 13 80 H .Connell, 1st 12 00 J. Callaghan, 2nd G. Collinson, 4th 17 20 204 List of Warrants M. Carney, 4th 17 40 J. Duggan, 1st 17 40 T. Donahue, 1st 15 60 M. Donegan, 2nd 17 40 J. De Wachter, 4th 17 40 17 60 J. Dobler, 5th J. Egan, 2nd J. Eberhardt, 5th John Ess, 5th C. Ellerman, 5th W. Fitzgerald, 1st H. Farrell, 1st A. V. Floyd, 1st George Frost, 2nd 23 40 F. Frick, 3rd 16 40 W. Foley, 3rd 11 80 W. Flynn, 3rd 7 20 B. Frick, 5th 6 80 E. F. Lassance, 5th 15 80 K. Frommelt, 5th 14 60 J. Frick, 5th 1 80 J. Gednalski, 1st 16 40 13. Glass, 2nd, $16.70; exp, $1.3018 00 C. Geimer, 4th 17 40 A. Gantenbein, 5th 7 20 C. Gantenbein, 5th 23 40 John Hill, 1st 10 20 M. Hannan, 2nd 17 20 L. Hoarig, 3rd 16 00 A. Hird, 4th 7 20 J. Hird, 4th 23 40 N. Herman, 5th 18 00 J. Haupert, 5th 15 80 A. Henderson, 5th 15 00 J. Healey, expense 23 40 J. Heil, exp. , road, 25 00 Peter Jacobs, 3rd 15 20 John John, 3rd 10 00 James McLaughlin, 3rd 17 20 F. Keck, 2nr, $16.10; exp, $1.3017 40 P. Kreamer, 2nd 19 20 J. Kness, 3rd 12 20 N. Kettenhofen, 3rd 14 20 M.M. Kieffer, 4th 17 40 C. Kupferschmidt, 5th 18 60 P. Kenneally, Health 23 40 P. Leonard, 1st 9 20 R. Love, 2nd 4 20 T. Lonergan, 2nd 20 10 M. Lavin, 2nd 14 e0 D. Lillig, 3rd 13 20 W. Lynch, 4th 6 60 L. Maher, 2nd 15 80 A. Miller, 2nd, $2.20; exp. $2.204 40 T. Malloy, 3rd 00 E. Malloy, 3rd 16 20 F. Motsch, 3rd 17 20 Jas. Malloy, 3rd 13 0 J. Martinek, 4th """' 5 2 60 A. Manderseheid, 5th 14 60 D. McGuinness, 1st 14 80 T. McNulty, 1st """ 17 20 J. McAleese, 2nd, $13.80; ex 16 40 R. McCaffrey, 2nd,17 40 $1.80 $15.40; , eexpxp, M. McDonough, 3rd 17 20 W. McLaughlin, 3rd ............. 5 80 P. McPoland, 4th 28 40 B. McDonnell, 1-5 in each 8 80 W. O'Brien, 1st 37 50 C. O'Neill, 2nd, $11.90; e8 4. " 263 40 A• $4.7016 60 13 80 18 20 17 60 15 60 8 40 16 40 16 40 P. O'Farrell, 3rd C. Pierce, 3rd John Parker, 4th M. Presser, 5th P. Ryan, 1st J. Roussel], 1st J. Ryan, 2nd R. Rosemeier, 2nd, $1.80; exp $1.80 Jos. Reddin, 3rd Jas. Reid, 4th George Rink, 5th F. Radloff, 5th P. J. Royce, 4th J. Richter, 1-5 in each F. Strohmeyer, 1st D. Smyth, 2nd A. Stoller, 2nd, $5.60; Ernest Smith, 3rd F. Slade, 3rd W. Shields, 4th J. Schroeder, 5th P. Smith, 4th S. Sterling, 4th F. Siege, 4th J. Scheidecker J. Schafetel, 5th F. SeHi, 5th W. Steffens, 5th 17 40 J. Scheuer, 5th it 80 C. Stevenson, 4th 22 40 C. Specht, 1-5 each 23 40 J. Taschner, 4th 18 Od J. Tobin, 4th, exp., $1.00; 4, $10.00 20 80 J. Twieg, 5th 14 80 Otto. Turner, 3rd, 40c, exp. $1.40 1 8u Ott. Turner, 1-5 each 5 80 J. Ungs, 5th 4 20 G. Van Wie, 1st S0 W. Walker, 1st 14 20 W. Woods, 1st. 17 40 B. Williams, 2nd. C0 J. Walsh, 2nd. 7 20 L. Walenheim, 3rd. 16 00 John Ward, 3rd. 3 60 H. Weber, 5th 10 80 A. Welu, 5th. 15 80 P. Weirich, 5th. 23 40 exp., $1.80.. 13 40 80 15 60 17 20 18 20 15 60 23 4) 3 60 7 20 17 40 19 00 1 80 13 00 19 25 12 40 17 40 9 40 16 40 3 60 18 20 17 40 17 80 10 80 19 80 18 40 19 20 18 40 TEAMS. M. Ackels, 3rd, $7.50; 4th, $15.00. J. Berwanger, 5th. F. Beutin, 5th F. Burns, 3rd. John Calvert, 2nd Jos. Calvert, 2nd, $39.00; exp., $4.50 43 50 B. Costello, 4th. 39 50 A. Conrad, 3rd., $4.00; 5th., $16.00 20 00 A. Dietl, 5th. 44 50 P. Doerr, 5th. 32 50 N. Everett, 1st. 43 50 J. Graham, 1st., $1.00; 2nd., $12.75; 4th., $11.25 25 00 J. Haudenschield, 3rd. 29 50 J. Long, 5th. 35 50 P. Linehan's Sons, 3rd. 50 00 J. Mulligan, 1st. 41 00 Martin-Strelau Co., 2nd. 1 50 J. McCollins, 2nd. 33 50 Jeff McGrath, 4th. 43 50 P. S. Norton, 4th. 39 00 J. Oswald, 1st., $11.25; 2nd, $11.25 22 50 22.50 41 00 13 50 67 50 43 00 List of Warrants J. Powers, 4th. Chas. Pier, 3rd. Aug. Rink, 5th. W. Ruesch, 5th. A. Stoltz, 5th. Union Electric Co., 1st., $10.50; 2nd., $28.95; 3rd., $50.00; 4th., $2.65: 5th, $171.10, sprinkling C. Van Wie, 1st. James Ward, 3rd. Labor on Sewers: D. Cunningham J. Clune F. Luchterhand J. McLaughlin J. Rooney C. Sullivan L. Taylor 34 00 9 00 39 00 18 00 20 00 263 20 45 50 18 00 23 40 23 10 23 40 1 80 23 40 30 00 23 40 FIRE. J. Reinfried, Chief $ 62 00 Wm. Hipman, Electrician50 00 M. Eitel, Captain No. 1. Eng Co J. Essman, Engineer No. 1 Eng. Co A. Duccini, stoker No. 1 Eng Co J. Flynn, Driver No. 1 Eng Co G. Beyer. Driver No. 1 Eng Co A. Heer, Lieut. No. 1. Eng. Co33 00 Wm. Kannolt, Pipeman No. 1 Eng. Co 33 00 B. Kirsch, PIpeman No. 1 Eng. Co 33 00 Wm. Tamsett, Substitute No. 1 Eng. Co J. Daley, Captain No. 2 Eng Co J. Barnes, Engineer No. 2 Eng. Co T. Ryder, Engineer No. 2 Eng M. Kelley, Driver No. 2 Eng Co F. Murphy H. Cain, Lieut. No. 2 Eng. Co. J. Bakey, Pipeman No. 2 Eng. CO Wm. Smith, Pipeman No. 2 Eng. Co G. Gehrke, Captain Chemical Co., No. 1 T. Kennedy, Driver Chemical Co. No. 1 J. Smith, Lieut. Chemical Co No. 1 .... .... J. Keppler, Pipeman Chemi- cal Co. No. 1 D. Ahern, Asst. Chief Truck Co J. Benzer, Driver Truck Co A. McDonnell, Engineer Truck Co 38 00 41 00 35 00 38 00 35 00 P. Zlllig, Lieut. Truck Co.... M. Sweeney, Ladderman Truck Co J. McGloughlin, Truck Co J. Connelly, Ladderman Truck Co Ladderman Wm. Kennedy, Ladderman Truck Co.... . J. Daugherty, Ladderman Truck Co J. Murphy, Watchman Truck Co..... .. Wni. l Ic Conncil .. Substitute Truck Co......, 27 00 R. Weston, Captain No. 4 Hose Co J. Allen, Driver No. 4 Hose Co..hey.... 35 00 M, Fa, Licut. No. 4 Hose Co.... ...... 33 00 R. Kenneally, Pipeman No. 4 Hose c, ... . Wm. Ducey, Captain No. 5 Hos'. co F. Fenno ally, Driver No. 5 Co.... 35 00 E. McDermott, Lieut. No. 5 Hose Co.... ....... ... 33 00 T. O'Brien, Pipeman No. 5 Hose Co... 00 J. Roshin, Captain No. 6 Hose Co 38 00 J. Schonberger, Lieut. No. 6 Hose Co.... ..... F. Baumgartner, Driver No. 6 Hose Co ...... .... ...... 35 00 P. Kirsch. Pipeman No. 6 HoseCo..... .... ....... 27 00 EXTRA FIREMEN. J. Robinson 3 50 Ed. Weitz .. 4 00 M. Apel 4 00 205 30 00 27 00 25 00 38 00 33 38 00 00 27 33 00 27 00 POLICE. Louis Blocklinger $ 32 50 38 00 James Corcoran 32 50 Michael Connolly 32 50 41 00 John Cody 32 50 Philip J. Dunphy 35 00 Wm. Donahue 26 00 38 00 Thomas Duggan 32 50 35 00 Michael Fogarty 32 50 33 00 Patrick Fury 32 50 John Fox 37 50 33 00 James Flynn 32 50 William Fox 30 00 30 00 Ben Gray 32 50 Patrick Hanlon 15 15 38 00 George Jones 32 50 Emil Kahn 32 50 35 00 Michael Kilty 32 50 James Keefe 32 50 33 00 John Kane 32 50 John Kop 30 00 33 00 Patrick Kenneally 30 30 Barney Ludescher 32 50 50 00 Charles Liest 35 00 38 00 Patrick McInerney 32 50 Patrick McCollin 32 50 41 00 Michael McCormick 32 50 33 00 Henry Mueller 32 50 Hugh Markey 32 50 33 00 John O'Brien 32 a0 Michael O'Connor 32 50 33 00 John Raesle 37 50 Michael Ryan 32 50 33 00 Gus Hagerman .... 30 00 206 List of Warrants Joseph Stoltz Michael Stapleton Patrick Sullivan John Spielman Dennis Sheehan Frank Williams Louis Zemanek Miss B. Brennan, matron Mrs. K. Hibbe, matron EXPIIA POLICE. Thomas Reilly J. R. Roth Fred Spielman James Ryan Labor on streets districts: M. Acker, 3rd W. Burke. 1st Ernest Besser, 1st J. Brouillette, 2nd J. Berchen, 2nd, $10.70; G. Beujamin, 3rd C. Beutin, 5th Steve Bastian, 4th C. Buelow, 5th A. Bavensdorf, 5th Jerry Cahill. 1st P. Carney, let W. Coughlin, 1st M. Cain, 1st J. Coyne, 1st H. Connell. 1st in the several 32 50 32 50 32 50 22 75 30 00 30 00 30 00 32 50 32 50 12 50 7 50 5 00 37 50 road $ 19 80 18 00 18 00 1s 00 exp. $5.30. 16 00 18 00 19 80 18 00 12 60 3 00 5 80 18 00 18 00 1s no 18 00 10 80 M. Cunningham, 3rd 3 60 G. Collinson. 4th 17 00 J. Callaghan, 2nd 21 60 J. Connolly, sweeping paved streets 20 20 M. Carney. 2nd, $6.60: 3rd. $6.60: 4th, $6.60 19 80 J. Duggan, 1st 18 00 J. De Wachter, 4th 18 00 J. Dobler, 5th 19 80 Toni Donahue, $9.05; $2.95: $3.25: $2.55. .30 18 00 John Egan, 2nd 16 20 J. Eberhardt, 5th 19 80 John Ess, .85, $2.95, $335, $2.35, $10.30 19 80 M. Farrell, 1st 18 00 A. V. Floyd, 1st 18 00 George Frost, 2nd 25 00 F. Fick, 3rd 15 40 W. Foley, 3rd 18 00 J. Frick, 5th 13 60 B. Frick, 5th 8 20 E. Fitzlaff, 1-5 in each 25 00 J. Gednalski, 1st 18 00 W. Graham, 1st 7 20 B. Glass, 2nd 7 20 C. Geimer, 4th 18 00 R. Graham, 4th 3 B0 A. Gantenbein, 5th 19 80 C. Gantenbein, 5th 6 20 .T. Hill, 1st 7 20 T. Hackney, 1st 9 80 L. Hoarig, 3rd 15 40 James Hird, 4th 7 80 Torn Harker, 4th 14 40 N. Herman, 5th 19 00 J. Healey, expense 21 60 P. Jacobs, 3rd 3 60 John John, 3rd 13 60 P. Kreamer, 2nd 18 00 H. Kunkle, 2nd, $4.90; exp. $1.306 20 N. Kettenhofen, 3rd 12 60 M. Kelly, 3rd 9 00 M. Kieffer, 4th 13 00 C. Kupferschmidt, 5th 9 00 P. Kenneally, Health 21 00 J. Kinsella, 1-5 in each 25 00 J. Kness, sweeping paved streets 19 SO J. Kraus, sweeping paved streets 4 60 P. Leonard, 1st 17 00 John Lowery, 1st ... 1 00 R. J. Love. 2nd, $3.10; exp, $3.30; S. W., $3.60 10 00 D. Lilly, 3rd 14 60 F. Lassance, 5th 18 SO T. Lonergan, sweeping paved streets 19 Si) Tom Lonergan, 3rd 10 I0 A. Miller, 2nd, $15.60; exp. $2.401S 00 Tom Malloy, 3rd 1S 00 Ed. Malloy, 3rd 13 60 F. Motsch, 2rd 9 00 J. Martinek, 4th 18 !Ai A. Manderscheid, 5th 10 80 T, McNulty, 1st 18 'h) D. McGuinness, 1st 18 (5) J. MCAT 'ese, 2nd, $11.70; exp. $8.10 19 SO Jas. McLaughlin, 3rd 14 40 W. McLaughlin, 3rd 25 00 P. McPoland, 4th 12'20 Part McDonnell, 1-5 in each 37 50 W. O'Brien. 1st 25 09 Chas. O'Neill, 2nd 14 40) P. O'Farrell. 3rd 15 4i) John Parker, 4th 1s (10 M. Prosser, 5th 19 80 P. Ryan. 1st 18 00 P. Roussell, 1st 18 00 Phil Reddin, 2nd 10 SO D. Roserneier, 2nd, $11.70; exp $8.10 19 89 J. Ryan, 2nd 21 60 James Reid, 4th 18 00 Geo. Rink, 5th 13 f0 F. Strohmeyer, 1st 14 40 D. Smyth, exp. .50; 2nd, $5.90 6 4+) Ernest Smith, 3rd 14 40 F. Slade, 3rd 8 60 J. Singrin, 3rd 1 80 John Schroeder, 4th .. 18 00 P. Smith, 4th 10 40 F. G. Siege, 4th 25 00 J. Schafetel, 5th 19 S1 F. Selli, 5th 17 40 J. Scheldecker, 5th 7 20 J. Steffens, sweeping streets 19 80 James Tobin, 4th .... J. Taschner, 4th .... A. Turner, 1-5 in each W. Woods, 1st L. Walkenheim, 3rd John Ward 3rd Dave Wallace, 3rd John Walsh, 4th A. Welu, 5th H. Weber, 5th Peter Weirich, 5tth ...... W. Walker, sweeping streets. 18 00 18 00 25 00 18 5 3 8 15 19 6 25 19 00 40 60 20 20 80 20 00 80 List of Warrants TEAMS. M. Ackels, 2nd -3rd -4th F. Burns, 3rd F. Beutin, 5th J. Berwanger, 5th Josh Calvert, 2nd -exp John Calvert, 2nd -exp B. Costello, 4th A. Conrad Jas. Graham, 1st -2nd -3rd J. Haudenschield, 3rd F. Hohnecker P. Linehan's Sons, 3rd -5th John Long, 5th J. Linehan Jas. Mulligan, 1st.... J. McQuillan, 3rd .... Jeff. McGrath, 4th N. Everett, 1st D. O'Meara, 1st.. .... R. Obermeyer, sweeping with sweeper J. Oswald, 1st -2nd J. Powers, 4th W. Ruesch, 5th Anton Siege, 4th A. Stoltz, 5th .... C. Van Wie James Ward, 3rd.... TABOR ON SEWERS D. Cunningham .... J. Clune ... ... .... A. Hird W. Hennessy F. Luchterhand .... ,...... J. Rooney ... .... J. Schueur C. Sullivan Casper Specht 47 50 43 00 22 50 27 00 45 00 40 50 40 50 2 50 60 00 49 00 45 00 65 00 45 00 36 65 45 00 4 50 38 00 45 00 11 00 30 45 31 29 18 22 62 47 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 27 30 25 00 50 50 00 50 00 50 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 50 00 BILLS. The following bills were approved by the various committees: Albert Gasser, 1000 brick for W. 14th and Adair streets $ 10.00 Standard Oil Co., axle grease for Road Dept. 4.25 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co, supplies for Road Dept. 1.00 Peter Jacobs, 1606 cubic yards macadam .... 12.04 Geo. W. Healey & Son, supplies for Road Dept. 1.45 F. A. Burns, coal for steam roller .... 14.74 Dr. H. J. Hagerty, veterinary services for March and April, Road Dept. John Coyne, 847 cubic yards macadam Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horseshoeing for Road Dept... Ed. Gnue, 4444 cubic yards ma- cadam Ellwanger Bros., supplies for Road Dept. Kelly -Springfield Road Roller Co., supplies for new steam roller .. 10.00 Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs and supplies, Road Dept. .. 18.43 F. Schloz & Son, repairs and supplies, Road Dept. 62.50 1.60 8.47 2.50 44.44 1.90 F. Schloz & Son, repairs and supplies, Road Dept Pitts -Thompson Foundry Co., supplies, Road Dept. Thomas J. Mulgrew Co., cement, Road Dept. Geo. Masters, repairing hy- drant at 27th and White and 11th St. park, and supplies .. 7.55 Key City Rubber S. & P. Works, supplies 2.25 A. E. Gmehle, commission col- lecting delinquent taxes 54.68 J. B. Workman, commission collecting omitted taxes 67.60 Clancy Transfer Co., wood for Police Dept. 12.00 Frank Hardie, to transcript of testimony in case of Mrs. Liz- zie Post vs. City of Dubuque.. 4.50 Pier Bros., wood, City Hall .. 6.75 Frank Beutin, wood, City Hall 6.75 John L. Kies, drug supprres for Police Dept. 7.80 Dubuque Telephone Co., tele- phone rental for April, 1910.. 17.42 Key City Gas Co., removing lamp post at Bluff Street.. 1.00 I. C. Chamberlain, balance on Policy No. 161,876, Iowa State Ins. Co. 22.50 J. F. Ris & Bro, supplies for Fire Dept 2.45 A. J. Hartig, toilet paper, City Hall ...... 7.75 G. H. Davis & Co., supplies, City Hall 5.55 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., 5 cuspidor mats for Mayor's office 3.75 R. Herrmann & Sons, sup- plies for Mayor's office.75 J. P. Foley, towel service for April 4.00 C. E. Fitzpatrick, supplies for City Hall 1.00 Eagle Chemical Co., disinfec- tant for City Hall 20.00 Western Union Telegraph Co., electric clock and time service for April, 19101.00 Isaac Manhoff, 25 rags .75 Philip Breithaupt, repairs on plumbing in City Hall.... .75 Otto P. Geiger, notarial fee and premium on notary public bond 7.00 Mike Mullen, cleaning water pipe, City Hall 3.20 L. J. Schmit, supplies 1.10 Ed. Millins, sharpening lawn mower Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., supplies for Sewer de- partment.... ..... Lager, Peed & Berwanger, horseshoeing for Sewer de- partment .... Ellwanger Bros., supplies for Sewer Dept. Key City Roofing Co.. ce- ment for Sewer Dept 1.45 street light for April. 1910.... 500.00 207 2.25 20.00 3.60 1.25 1.50 2.00 .20 208 List of Warrants Union Electric Co., power for street light for April, 1910.... 500.00 Union Electric Co., power for street light for April, 1910.... 500.00 Union Electric Co., power for street light for April, 1910.... 500.00 Union Electric Co., power for street light for April, 1910 ... 251.25 Union Electric Co., power for City Fire Alarm for April, 1910 John Spencer, preparing drawing for hose tower for Fourth St. Engine House.. 20.00 Key City Gas Co., supplies for Fire Dept.... ....... 4.65 National Refining Co., oil for Fire Dept Babcock Fire Entinguisher, supplies for Fire Dept3.00 Gamewell Fire Alarm Tele- graph Co., supplies for Fire Dept .. 56.25 H. Schenk, oats for Fire Dept.... .... 409.70 F. A. Burns, hauling oats to Fire Depts 8.00 Wm. Marshall, repairs Fire Dept 13.50 John J. Powers, horseshoe- ing for Fire Dept 12.80 Central Electric Co., electri- cal supplies, Fire Dept36.12 Clancy Transfer Co., taking down wall at Bijou ruins115.00 Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs and supplies for Fire Dept. 5.46 Geo. W. Healey & Son, rope for guard around Bijou theater, and other supplies 1.84 Geo. Ragatz & Son, supplies and repairs, Fire Dept9.29 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., 1 fireman's helmet4.50 Demkier Bros., barn brooms for Fire Dept 11.50 A. R. Flick Box Co.. 1 load shavings, Fire Dept1.50 Wunderlich & Wiederholdt, horseshoeing for Fire Dept 12.00 . Herrmann & Sons, bed cas- ters for Fire Dept 1.40 Collings & Pfiffner, horse - shoeing for Fire Dept 16.00 Ellwanger Bros.. repairs and supplies for Fire Dept7.90 Clark Roller Awning Co, covers for springs and Painting same for Fire Dept. .85 Dennis Bros, hay for Fire Dept Clancy Transfer Co., coal for Fire Dept Lagen. Peed & Berwanger, horseshoeing, Fire Key City Gas Co.. coal for Fire Dent..... ..... Dr. ,T. Hagerty, veterinary service for April and March for Fire Dept 18.40 Standard Oil Co., oil for Fire Dept 4.50 2.00 13.50 43.78 52.20 3.00 28.75 Dave Wallace, hauling oats to Fire Dept James McLaughlin, hauling oats to Fire Depts Ed. Oiler, 1 pair rubber boots, Health Dept Jos. J. Bertsch Co., 1 pair leather sole boots, Health Dept Union Electric Co., light for Detention Hospital ....... Clancy Transfer Co., 11, ords wood for Mt. Carmel. Dubuque Lumber Co., lumber for sidewalks Robert McGivern, inspector cement curb and gutter on East Street 9.60 National Demokrat, advertis- ing for April, 1910. 12.50 Labor Leader, advertising for April, 1910 .... 12.50 Geo. Masters, repairing light in Assessor's office and supplies .50 Dr. J. Hagerty, veterinary service, March and April, for Police Dept.... 2.40 Philip Breithaupt, repairing and plumbing at City Hall 10.15 Eichhorn & Bechtel supplies for Matrons 1.05 American Ever -Ready Co, batteries for Police Dept4.00 F. G. Becker, coal for Polio Dept 22.88 Spahn-Rose Lumber Co., lumber for Police Dept... 10.20 Ellwanger Bros., repairs and supplies for Police Dept... 7.25 Mettel Bros., supplies for Po- lice and Fire Dept ... 6.35 Trenk Wire Works, window guards for Matrons 17.00 Key City Gas Co., light for Police and Fire Depts. for April, 1910 2.00 Collings & Pfiffner, horse - shoeing for Police Dept11.30 3.20 3.20 1.25 6.50 3.00 10.50 48.42 C. W. Katz, meals furnished to prisoners during April, 1910 9.20 Key City Gas Co., light for various departments 85.35 Collis Co., stakes for engineer.. 2 50 James Lee & Son, West Locust street improvement .... .... .. 500 00 James Lee & Son, West Locust street improvement .... .... .. 500 00 James Lee & Son, West Locust street improvement .... .... .. 500 00 James Lee & Son, West Locust street improvement .... .... .. 500 00 James Lee & Son, West Locust street improvement .... .... .. 500 00 James Lee & Son, West Locust street improvement .... .... .. 500 00 James Lee & Son, West Locust street improvement .... .... .. 500 09 James Lee & Son, West Locust street improvement .... .... .. 500 00 James Lee & Son, West Locust Official Notices 209 street improvement .... .... 500 00 Janes Lee & Son, West Locust street improvement ... , 152 00 O'Farrell Contracting Co., grad- ing East street 500 00 O'Farrell Contracting Co., grad- ing East street 25 00 O'Farrell Contracting Co., inter- est on back money 20 00 H. Wunderlich, rent of tables for election 4 50 Homan & Roehl, rent of tables for election .... 4 75 M. Tschirgi & Son, extra work on sewer 59 20 Eagle Point Lime Works, 5 per cent retained one year, im- provement of Windsor avenue 174 12 W. Blades, donation to G. A. R. for Memorial Day 100 00 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of warrants issued by me during the month of May, 1910. Notice to llor&e Buyers. On Saturday morning, July 2nd, 1910, there will be sold at the City Hall by auction, to the highest bidder, one horse that has been used on the Patrol Wagon. Sale begins at 10 o'clock sharp. OTTO P. GEIGER, 6-29-3t City Recorder. Notice of Special Assessment. Notice is hereby given to all con• cerned that a special assessment as provided by law will be levied at a session of the City Council to be held July 7, 1910, to pay for the construction of a sanitary sewer in Hayden's Lane, from Bluff Street 260 feet westward. Street & Steuck, contractors. Amount of special assessment, $122.24 sane to be assessed against the abut- ting property upon and along said Lane. And that there is a plat and sched- ule on file in the office of the City Re- corder of said City of Dubuque, show- ing the Lane t'n which said sewer was constructed, and the separate lots and parcels of ground, or specified portions thereof, subject to assessment for such improvement, the name of the owner thereof as far as practicable, and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, which plat and schedule are subject to public inspec- tion. And that any and all persons ob- jecting to said special assessment or to said plat must file his or their ob- jection in writing with the City Re- corder of said City of Dubuque on or before said session of the City Coun- cil to be held July 7. 1910, or to appear at said session of the Council to show cause, if any you have, why said as sessment should not he levied. Dated at Dubuque, June 20, 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER, city Recorder. NOTIcI? OF THE CITY COryc'IUS INTEN- TION TO IMPRuV E HARVARD STREET FROM YALE STREET TO ALTA VISTA STREET, To Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby notified that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque to improve Harvard Street from Yale Street to Alta Vista Street. That the plat and estimate of said proposed improvement is now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engi- neer that it will require 843.4 lineal feet of combination curb and gutter, 9( 1.6 square yards of Telford macad- am. cutting 350 cubic yards, making a Metal estimated cost to the abutting property owners of $1,566.00. Any lwr=en , having objection to said improvement is hereby notified to appear before the City Council at its regular session to be held July 7, 1910 or to file with the City Re- corder their objections on or before July 7, 1910. Dated at Dubuque, June 22, 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER, 6-22-3t. City Recorder. Notice. OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTEN- TION TO IMPROVE MARTHA STREET FROM THE WEST CURB LINE OF ALTA VISTA STREET TO THE EAST LOT LINE OF THE ALLEY FIRST WEST THEREOF. To Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby no- tified that it is the intention of the City Council of the City 01 Dubuque to improve Martha Street from the west curb line of Alta Vista Street to the east lot line of the alley first west thereof. That the plat and specifications of said proposed improvement are now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require: Comb curb and guttering, 350 lin. feet; Telford macadam, 583 sq. yards; cut- ting, 538 cu. yards. Will cost the abutting property owners $765.00 in to- tal. Any person having objection to said improvement is hereby notified to ap- pear before the City Council at its regular session to be held July 7, 1910, or to file with the City Recorder their 6-20-3t 210 Official Notices objections in writing on or before July 7, 1910. Dated at Dubuque, June 20, 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER, City Recorder. 6-20-3t Notice to Building Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the City Recorder until Tuesday, June 28, 1910, at 4:00 p. m. for the alterations of Armory roof, corner Ninth and Iowa Streets, in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and no'. on file in the office of the City Recorder. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for $10.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque June 22. 1910. OTTO p. GEIGER, 6-22-3t City Recorder. Notice to Licensed Undertakers. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Recorder up to four o'clock p. m., Friday, June 24. 1910. for fumigating homes in case of small- pox and all other contagious diseases. De Pree's Formaldehyde Solified to be used. Bidders will state the price for 1,000 cubic feet of space. The Board of Health reserves the right to reject any and all bids. OTTO P. GEIGER, 6-16-3t Cleark of Board of Health. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the City Recorder until 4:00 p. m. Tuesday, June 28, 1910, for the con- struction of a stone arch storm water sewer (known as the Bee Branch Sewer) from the west end of the present circular storm sewer under Couler Avenue "westward," a distance of 168 feet to concrete arch culvert in alley between Couler avenue and Lem- on Street. Also from the present con- crete arch culvert between Jackson Street and Couler Avenue eastward as far as the appropriation will per- mit, in accordance with the plans of said sewer, and the specifications pre- pared by the City Engineer, and now on file in the office of the City Re- corder. Bids will also be received as per above description reinforced concrete to be used in place of stone. Bidders will state the price per lineal foot for completed stone sewer. Also price per lineal foot for completed rein- forced concrete, the contractor to do all the work and furnish all the ma- terial Each bid must be accompanied with a certified check for $500.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. The City reserves the -right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, June 22, 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER, 6 -'s3 -3t City Recorder. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the council chamber, city hall, by the city recorder until 8:00 p. m. Thurs- day, June 16, 1910, for the improve- ment of the following street by lay- ing cement sidewalk on a foundation of eight inches of cinders, in accord- ance with the plans and specifications prepared by the city engineer and now on file in the office of the city re- corder. Four -foot sidewalk 79 feet in length on West Fifth street, and 74 feet. . inches on College avenue, on the northwest corner of West Fifth and College avenue. The work is to he paid for when said work is completed and as pre- scribed by the ordinance relating to the construction of sidewalks in the city of Dubuque, work to be complet- ed on or before the 1st day of Septem- ber, 1910. Bidders must state price per square foot for sidewalk laid. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for $5.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to re- ject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque. June 6th, 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER. 6-8-3t City Recorder. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be 'received at the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the City Recorder until 8 p. m. Thurs- day. July 7, 1910, for the construction of a re-inforced concrete storm water sewer (known as the Bee Branch Sewer). top and walls, between 16th and 17th Streets and Cedar and Syca- more Streets, in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. The bidder will state the price per lineal foot for completed reinforced concrete work, the contractor to ,do a:1 the work and furnish all the ma- terial Each bid must be accompanied with a certified check for $500 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. The City reserves the right to re- ject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, June 23, 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER. 6-'23-3t City Recorder. Regular Session, July 7, 1910 CITY COUNCIL Regular Session, July 7, 1910 (Official.) Council met at 8:45 p. m. Mayor Haas in the chair. Present — Alds. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer. Saul, Singrin, Specht and Assistant City Attorney Willging. Ald. Singrin moved that action on the approval of the Council Proceed- ings for the month of June, 1910, he deferred until the next meeting of the Council. Carried. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that the petition of St. Matthew's Lutheran Church et al be made first order of business. Carried. Petition of St. Matthew's Lutheran Church et al, asking to prohibit the licensing of carnivals, etc., presented and read. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that the rules be suspended to allow anyone to address the Council in reference to the petition. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Alds. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Specht. Nays—None. Mrs. Wilson and Miss Cook ad- dressed the Council, explaining their reasons for asking the Council to pro- hibit the licensing of carnivals and shows of doubtful character, Moved by Aid, O'Rourke matter be referred to Committee of the Whole. Carried. Bids for the construction of storm water (Bee Branch) sewer between 16th and 17th Streets presented and on motion of Aid. McEvoy were opened, as follows: N. J. Staner, $21.35 per lineal foot. C. W. Noble Co., $21.00 per lineal foot. James Lee & Son, $71.75 per lineal foot. Eagle Point Lime Works, $36.00 per lineal foot. O'Farrell Contracting Co., $73.00 per lineal foot. Moved by Ald. Singrin that all bids be referred to Committee of Whole. Carried. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICA- TIONS. Petition of A. Baumhover et al, asking the Council to investigate the sprinkling of Eagle Point Avenue and Windsor Avenue, presented. Moved by Ald. McEvoy the petition be re- ferred to Committee of Whole and that the Union Electric Co. and pe - 211 titioners be requested to attend meet- ing of the committee when the peti- tion is to be considered. Carried. Petition of .1. F. ,McParland et al, asking that Coope, Street be graded, presented. Moved by Aid. O'Rourke be referred to Committee of Whole. Carried. Petition of Dubuque Park Com- missioners, asking that 7th Avenue be improved and profile accompany - leg s;un presented. Moved by Ald. t1'itonrke be referred to Committee of Whole. Carried. Petition of Peter Kien, asking that obstruction to alley running in northerly direction from 17th Street to 18th Street between Syca- more and Linn Street be removed. Moved by Ald. Singrin be referred to Committee of Whole to view the grounds. Carried. Petition of Thos. Watters, asking that the City Engineer give him side- walk grade on south side of Wootin Avenue abutting Lots 1 and 8 in Wootin's Add., presented. Moved by Ald. Saul prayer of petitioner be granted and Engineer instructed in accordance to same. Carried. Petition of F. W. Thesing, asking the sum of $80 damages to his fur- nace and cellar at No. 70 Hill Street, on account of stoppage of sanitary sewer on June 18, 1910, presented. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke referred to Committee of Whole. Petition of Thomas T. Hodges et al, asking that an old rock building on lot south of the Anderson property in Newman, Cooper and Smyth's Ad- dition be removed, presented. On motion of Ald. Saul, referred to Com- mittee of the Whole. Petition of residents and taxpayers on Grandview Avenue and vicinity, asking that the weeds growing on va- cant lots and along the sidewalks abutting the same be ordered cut, presented. On motion of Aid. Saul, referred to Street Commissioner. Petition of H 5 Moore et al, ask- ing that the mune of Pickett Street from Montrose Terrace to Cornell Street be changed to Montrose Ter- race, presented. Moved by Ald. McEvoy the prayer be granted and City Engineer instructed to make change. tarried. Notice of Pauline Packwood, by C. W. Packwoo,i, claiming $5,000.00 damages for personal injuries claim- ed to have been sustained by the falling of a sign on the corner rf 212 Regular Session, July 7, 1910 Eighth and Locust Streets, on the 31st day of March, 1910, presented. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke, re- ferred to City Attorney. Petition of J. F. McParland et al, asking that Fenlon Place be improv- ed; also remonstrance of David G. Scott et al against the improvement of Fenlon Place, presented. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke, be referred to Committee of Whole to view grounds. Carried. Proposition of Anna Hill, adminis- tratrix of estate of Thomas Hill, de- ceased, to donate that portion of Lot No. 161 to Dubuque, Iowa, which has already been occupied for a short time by the City, in consideration of the City erecting and maintaining a cement sidewalk on the north side of said lot. On motion of Ald. McEvoy, referred to Committee of Whole to view grounds. Petition of Michael Kearney, stat- ing he had been assessed seventy-nine dollars for a sanitary sewer construct- ed in Booth Street, which was of no benefit to him, and that the City sold his property for this assessment, which he considers entirely unjust, but in order to save further trouble and expenses he offers to pay the said assessment in full, provided his prop- erty be redeemed from tax sale by the City and all interest canceled. Moved by Ald. Saul the prayer of pe- titioner be granted and City instruct- ed accordingly. Carried. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Auditor Lyons reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Herewith find my re- port for the month of June, 1910, showing the receipts and disburse- ments for the month: Receipts— Cash on hand June 1, 1910 $145,490.99 Receipts from all sources. 18,762.77 Total Disbursements— Warrants redeemed Improvement bond pons redeemed Water `Vnrks bond pons redeemed Regular bonds cou- cou- Water Works bonds deemed Total Balance July 1st, The above cash improvement bond ment bond interest re- $164,253.76 $ 23,880.29 482.60 7,830.00 501.25 270.00 $59,694.04 1910. $104,559.72 balance includes fund, improve - fund and library fund balances. Water Works Account— Water Works balance June 1st, 1910 $22,844.18 Deposited with City Treas- urer by Water Works Trustees 6,731.23 Total $29,575.41 Orders drawn on City Treasurer by Water Works Trustees 3,010.02 Balance July 1, 1910....$26,565.39 Excavation Account— Balance June 1, 1910 $45.00 Balance July 1st, 1910. $45.00 Also the following is a record of all interest coupons and bonds re- deemed by the City Treasurer dur- ing the past month and credited to him: Water Works coupons $7,830.00 Regular bond coupons 501.25 Improvement bond coupons482.50 Total interest $8,813.75 Water Works bonds $27,000.00 Total bonds $27,000.00 Also there is due the City officers for month of June, 1910, salaries amounting to $2,711.50. Also the following list shows the appropriations and the amount of warrants drawn on each fund since the beginning of the fiscal year be- ginning March 1st, 1910, to June 1st, 1910: Appropriation Expended Expense .. .... $40,000.00 $12,782.55 Road— First District .. 6,536.52 4,180.91 Second District . 15,923.22 4,982.77 Third District .. 9,544.60 4,379.76 Fourth District . 10,843.04 3,662.18 Fifth District .. 8,333.88 6,099.95 Fire .... ..... 48,000.00 15,816.54 Police .... .... 36,500.00 10,645.74 Sewerage ... .. 6,000.00 1,551.75 Printing .... .. 2,500.00 319.51 Street Lighting . 27,000.00 6,740.25 Interest .. .... 40,000.00 3,971.73 Board of Health 7,000.00 1,717.25 Grading..6,000.00 721.15 Special onded Paving 4,000.00 392.97 Special Bonded Debt and In- terest .. .... 4,000.00 Mt. Carmel Ave. nue Grading . 2,500.00 Sidewalk Repair- ing Bluff Street Ex- tension ... 500.00 Bee Branch Sew- er, Third Ward, Dubuque Pack- ing Plant .... 2.500.00 improvement of Windsor Ave.. 1,000.00 Bee Branch Sew - 1,000.00 30.85 168.66 2.00 Regular Session, July 7, 1910 213 er, Third Ward, 18th Street .. 2,500.00 Bee Branch Sew- er, in Fifth Ward ... ... 5,000.00 Improvement of Grandview Avenue .. ... 2,500.00 E9.gle Point Park 3,000.00 Clay Street Im- provement ... 1,200.00 Heeb Street Grading .. ... 300.00 Improvement of Valley Street . 200.00 Improvement of Willow Street. 1,li00.00 Opening of Booth and Spring Streets. 500.00 Twenty - Seventh Street Storm Sewer .... .. 1,300.00 Improvement of Althauser Ave. 1,500.00 Improvement of Seventh Ave, . 2,500.00 Firemen's Pen- sion Fund ... 750.00 Policemen's Pen- sion Fund .. 750.00 Opening and Grading Alley Between Clark a n d Angella Streets .. .... 500.00 Opening of Ce- dar Street ... 500.00 Part Cost of Car Street Wall .. 317.00 New Street Sweeper .. .. 280.00 Ninth Avenue Sewer .. .... 800.00 2,870.85 82.20 1,320.93 311.99 256.15 $305,578.26 Respectfully, M. E. LYONS, Auditor. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke the report was approved and warrants or- dered drawn to pay City officers and report be referred to the Committee on Finance. City Treasurer Wybrant reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and CIty Council: Gentlemen: Below you will find statement of amounts advanced by me from June 1 to June 30, inclu- sive, for which please order warrants drawn in my favor: Interest paid on warrants oustanding .... $ 287.43 Freight charges, express, ex- change, etc. 15.39 Library orders paid $1,954.94 I would respectfully recommend that a waa rant amounting to $43.75 be drawn in favor of Jos. J. Nagle as a refund for taxes paid twice on City N. 40 ft, Lot 82 and S. 24.9 ft. Lot 83, taxes of 1909. I would also recommend that a loan warrant amounting to $100.00, drawing interest from June 2. 1910, at 5 per cent per annum be drawn in favor of Peter L. Schlosser to replace loan warrant No. 4725, dated July 1, 1897, amounting to $100.00, in favor of Peter L. Schlosser, the latter to be canceled on the issuance of new one, there being no place on the old warrant whereon to endorse interest payments. Attached find receipt for $250.00 for money advanced for payment o horse for patrol wagon and I woul l report that I have also received $70.00 as payment for patrol wagon horse sold by Committee on Police and Light. Please have warrant drawn in my favor to cover the dif- ference, $180.00. Yours respectfully, GEO. D. WYBRANT, Treasurer. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke the report be received and warrants be ordered drawn to pay various amounts and report referred to Committee on Fi- nance with the exception of that part pertaining to uurchasing and sale of patrol wagon horse, which be referred back to City Treasurer ,he to report the receipt of $70.00 for sale of patrol wagon horse and ask for a warrant drawn in his favor for $250.00 for money advanced for pur- chasing horse for patrol wagon. Car- ried. Fire Chief Reinfried reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The following is the pay roll of the Fire Depatment for the last half of June, 1910: Amount due Firemen 81,663.05 Less 1% retained for Pension Fund 31.86 Respectfully submitted, J. R. REINFRIED, Chief. Approved by Committee on Fire. On motion of Ald. Singrin, the re- port was received and ware ants or- dered drawn to pay the Firemen and the report referred back to the Com- mittee on Fire. Chief of Police Reilly reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the police report for the month of June, 1910: Intoxication 52 Assault and battery 2 Cruelty to animals 1 Concealed weapons 1 Disorderly conduct 9 214 Regular Session, July 7, 1910 Disturbing the peace 7 Receiving money by false pretenses 1 Petit larceny 2 Profane language 2 Vagrancy 19 Total 96 Residents arrested Doors found open Lodgers harbored Defective Lights Meals furnished Cost of food Pound receipts Police court costs collected Sheriff, dieting prisoners month of June Patrol runs for prisoners Transfer of prisoners 36 12 52 60 29 $ 5.80 $ 2.00 $22.05 for $10.09 82 2 Ambulance calls 3 Committee calls 1 Miles traveled ... I also beg to submit the pay roll for Policemen for the last half of June. 1910: Amount clue Policemen ....$1,487.05 THOS. REILLY, Chief of Police. Ou motion of Ald. Sauer, the report and pay roll were received and war- rants ordered drawn to pay the Po- licemen and the report referred to the Committee' on Police and Light, with the exception of salary of Offi- cers Sweeney and Mulligan that no •arrant be drawn in their favor until further investigation. Total due the police after deducting for Sweeney $62.50 and Mulligan $6.2.50, $1.362.05. Carried. 96 City Electrician Hipman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my report for defective lights for the month of June, 1910: I find from the report of the Police Department that the total hours that 60 lamps failed to burn would equal 1 lamp burning for one month, or $5. Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM HIPMAN, City Electrician. ' On motion of Ald. Sauer, the report was received and the City Auditor to be instructed to deduct from the Un- ion Electric company's bill for the month of June, 1910, the sum of $ 5.00. Street Commissioner Mahony re- ported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the pay roll for labor on streets during the last half of June, 1910: Amount due laborers on streets $2445.15 J. F. Lynch, inspector on Bluff street 28.80 Total $2,473.95 Approved by Committee on Streets. Also submit the pay roll for labor on sewers during the last half of .Tune, 1910: Amount due laborers on sew- ers $ 226.30 Respectfully submitted, JOHN MAHONY, Street Commissioner. On motion of Ald. Saul, the pay rolls on streets and sewers was re- ceived and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts, and the pay rolls and report referred back to the proper committees. Following \-Veighmasters' reports of receipts were presented and read and, on motion, were received and filed: Jos. Straney, First Ward scales. $ 3.75 Louisa Pitschner, West Dubuque 1.26 Dan Norton, Third Ward 18.85 Market Stands sold 6.25 Sidewalk Inspector Royce's report for the month of June presented. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke, re- ferred to Committee of the Whole. Dubuque, Ia., July 7, 1910. To the Honorable City Council: Gentlemen: At the session of your honorable body, held June 28th, you empowered me to order the City Car- penter to place the garbage dump in good condition. I find after investi- gating and consulting with the man in charge that the trouble lies principal- ly with the shallowness of the river at that point caused by continual dumping of refuse that will not float. Consequently the remedy lies in hav- ing some dredging done rather than in lengthening the chutes, and I would recommend that an estimate of the cost of dredging out a space to a sufficient depth be obtained before doing anything further in the matter. Very respectfully, D. J. HAAS. Mayor. Moved by Ald. Saul, report be filed and the City Carpenter be instructed to place a chute at First Ward dump under the supervision of the City En- gineer. Carried. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The Board of Police and Fire Commissioners begs leave to notify your honorably body that we have appointed John W. Lawler as clerk of this board to take the place of John A. Cunningham, who resigned the position on the first day of June. 1910. M. STAFFORD, Chairman. On motion of Ald. McDvoy, report approved. Regular Session, July 7, 1910 215 City Recorder Geiger presented and read the printed notice, certified to by the publisher of the Council's inten- tion to improve Martha Street from the west curb line of Alta Vista Street to the east lot line of the alley first west thereof. No remonstrance being filed and no one in the room object- ing to the improvement of said street, the notice was, on motion of Ald. Mc- Evoy, received and filed. City Recorder Geiger also presented and read the printed notice, certified to by the publisher, of the Council's intention to improve Harvard Street from Yale Street to Alta. Vista Street. No remonstrance being flied and no one present in the room objecting to the improvement of said street, the notice was, on motion of Aid. McEvoy. received and filed. City Recorder Geiger presented and read the copy of the right of way no- tice served on S. B. Lattner, Edward Hannig. Albert Hannig. On motion of Ald. McEvoy, received and filed. Alderman McEvoy offered the fol- lowing: Whereas, it is deemed advisable by the City Council of the City of Du- buque to alter Spring and Booth Streets so that the same will form one continuous thoroughfare from Julien Avenue to West Fourteenth Street ac- cording to the plan of said alteration prepared by the City Engineer and filed in his office, therefore Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that the City Recorder be and he is hereby instruct- ed to issue a venire to the chief of Police commanding him to summon a jury of twelve freeholders, citizens of said city not directly interested, and having the qualifications required b* ordinance, for the purpose of assessing any damages which may be sustained by reason of the altering of said streets by any owner of the property proposed to be taken for such improve- ment. All the proceedings under this reso- luction to be taken in accordance with the charter and the provisions of Chapter 31 of the Ordinances of the City of Dubuque. Moved by Aid, McEvoy the adoption of resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Alderman McEvoy offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that it is deemed necessary and advisable to Open and extend the alley between West Seventeenth Street and Angella Street through Gilliam's Sub, and the Sub. of Outlot 682 to connect with present alley abutting the easterly side of lot 12 in said Gilliam's Sub, and But it further Resolved that the City Engineer be and he is hereby instruct- ed to make a survey and plat of such proposed improvement showing the land or lots through or over which the same is proposed to be made and the quantity of land proposed to be taken and to file such plat in his office for public inspection. That after such plat is prepared and filed, said City Engi- neer shall give the owners of the prop- erty through or over which such im- provement is proposed to be made, no- tice as prescribed by Section 2 of Chapter XXXI. of the Ordinances of the City of Dubuque. Moved by Ald. McEvoy the adoption of resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Alderman McEvoy offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that Martha Street from Alta Vista Street to the alley first westerly thereof be improv- ed by grading, curbing, guttering and macadamizing the same in accordance with the plans and specifications for such improvement prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and be it further Resolved, that said improvement shall be completed on or before the 1st day of October, 1910, and shall be paid for in the manner prescribed by Chapter XXXII. of the Revised Ordi- nance of the City of Dubuque for the payment of the cost of street improve- ments. The proposals for doing said work shall be acted upon by the Council on the 21st day of July, 1910, and the City Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication asking for proposals as 'provided by ordinance. Moved by Ald. McEvoy the adoption of resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. City Recorder Geiger presented the printed notice of the Council's inten- tion to levy a special assessment for the construction of a sanitary sewer in Hayden's Lane, certified to by the publisher. Mr. John McKinley remonstrated to have the assessment levied. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke the no- tice was received and filed. itesolution to levy special tax for construction of sewer in H,aydea's 216 Regular Session, July 7, 1910 Lane presented. On motion of Ald. Saul referred to Committee of the Whole. Aid. Saul, chairman of the Commit- tee of the Whole, reported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of E. A. Engler asking that the special as- sessment levied against lots 10 and 11 in Finley Home Addition be cancelled on account of error, would respectfully report that the Sidewalk Inspector states that the work was done by city carpenters on the walk abutting the above mentioned lots; we would there- fore recommend that said petition be received and filed. Your Committee of the Whole here- with submits the report of the City Engineer stating that it will require 6,580 cubic yards of filling to bring Harrison Street in rear of lots 1-2 of 3 of the Sub. of City Lot 551 and the north 50 feet of City Lot 552 to the level of South Locust Street, and would recommend that the same be referred to the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney to incorporate in the propose ordinance granting permission to the P. J. Seippel Lumber Company to fill said portion of said street along with the provisions that the filling shall be of such material as is satisfactory to the city, and that the price to be paid by the city for such filling, whenever said street shall be required for pub- lic use, shall not exceed the sum of twenty-five cents per cubic yard with- out interest. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the report of the City Attorney stating that he had no- tified the Eagle Point Lime Works to clean out all debris that would inter- fere with the work of constructing the Bee Branch sewer from Sixteenth Street north and also to proceed with the completion of said sewer in ac- cordance with the plans and specifica- tions prepared therefor, would respect- fully recommend that said report be re- ceived and filed and that the City Re- corder be instructed to advertise for bids for the construction of said sewer in accordance with the original plans and specifications. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom were referred the bids for re- modelling the roof of the Central En- gine House, would respectfully recom- mend that the contract be awarded to James Gregory, the lowest bidder, for Fourteenth Hundred and Ninety -Seven Dollars. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of the Bragdel-Waller Co., asking that on account of error the assessment of $6000.00 for merchandise and other per- sonal property be canceled and'that the City Treasurer be instructed to accept the sum of $170.00 in full for its taxes for the year 1909, would recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the City Treasurer be instructed accordingly. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Moved by Ald. Saul that the various reports of the Committee of the Whole be adopted. Carried. Alderman Specht offered the follow- ing: Whereas, numerous obstructions ex- ist throughout the City in the shape of stop boxes, etc., projecting above the sidewalks, and Whereas, Such obstructions are dang- erous to pedestrians and are liable to cause suits for personal injury to be brought against the City, therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that the Sidewalk Inspector be and he is hereby instruct- ed to notify all parties owing or having control of such stop -boxes or other sim- ilar obstructions, to cause the same to be removed without delay. Moved by Aid. Specht the adoption •of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer. Saul, Specht, Singrin. Nays—None. Alderman O'Rourke offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to im- p? eve Fifth Street, from the west lot line of Main Street to the east curb line of Locust Street and it is hereby proposed to grade, to subgrade, curb, wherever necessary and brick -pave said portion of said street on a concrete foundation and to assess the cost of said grading, curbing, brick -paving and concrete foundation against the abut- ting property. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke the adoption of resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Alderman O'Rourke offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, nature and extent of the pro- posed improvement of Fifth Street from the west lot line of Main Street. to the east curb line of Locust Street, and thekind of material to be used, Regular Session, July 7, 1910 217 and an estimate of . the entire cost of such improvement, and the amount assessable upon any railway or street railway company, the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the city, and the cost thereof and amount assessable up- on each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City Re- corder shall publish in three consecu- tive issues of a newspaper published in this city, a notice stating that such plat and estimates are on file, the lo- cation and nature of the improvement, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time be- fore which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not he less than five days after the last publication of such notice, and after such publication shall have been made, the City Recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Moved by A.ld. O'Rourke the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke. Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Alderman O'Rourke offered the fol- lowing: Pe it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to improve Seventh Street from the east lot line of Main Street to the west lot line of Clay Street and it is hereby proposed to grade to sub -grade, curb wherever necessary and brick pave said portion of said street on concrete foundation and to assess the cost of said grade, curbing, brick -paving and concrete foundation against the abutting prop- erty. Moved by AId. O'Rourke the adop- tion of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Alderman O'Rourke offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, nature and extent of the proposed improvement on Seventh Street from the east lot line of Main Street to the west lot line of Clay Street and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such improvement, and the amount assessable upon any railway or street railway company, the amount and cost thereof to he paid by the city, if any and the const thereof and amount as- sessable upon each lot 'or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon suet: improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the city Recorder; that after the filing; of said plat and estimate in his offict,, the city Recorder shall publish in three cons,, citivc issues of a newspaper pub- lished in this city, a notice stating that such plat and estimates are on tile, the location and nature of the improve - meet, kind of material to be used, and an e:itimate of its cost, and the tient. fibefore which objections thereto can La led, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of such notice, and after such pnhlication shall have been made, the City Recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the council thereof in writing, with a printed copy u1' such notice accompanying the sante. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke the attention of the resolution. Carried by the following Yate: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Slo cht. Nays—None. Aid. McEvoy offered tine following; Whereas, it is deemened necessary and expedient to improve the west side of Bluff Street, between Tenth Street and Eleventh Street, in front of and abutting the premises herein- after described, by laying down a permanent sidewalk thereon, to be composed of cement, 6 feet wide. Therefore, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City Engineer be and he is here- by directed to prepare a plat show- ing generally the location, nature and extent of the proposed improvement on the west side of Bluff Street be- tween Tenth and Eleventh Streets, and in front of and abutting lot 1 of Sub. E. % of Out Lot 655, and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof and the amount and cost of such im- provement, and the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount as- esssable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City Recorder; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the City Recorder shall no- tify sail abutting and adjacent prop- erty owners, as provided by ordin- ance, that such plat and estimate are on file, the location and nature of the improvement, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can be filed, and the time flx- 218 Regular Session, July 7, 1910 ed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five (5) days after the service of such notice, and after such service shall have been made, the City Recorder shall, at the next reg- ular session of the City Council, no- tify the Council thereof in writing, with a copy of such notice accom- panying the same. Moved by Ald. McEvoy the adop- tion of resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer. Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. City Engineer presented a plat of proposed change of alley between lots 2 and 1 of 11, 1 of 10 and 11, in Fin- ley Home Addition. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that the plat be approved and referred to Or- dinance Committee to draft the prop- er ordinance. Carried. City Engineer presented profile and grade of Vernon Street. Moved by Ald. McEvoy the grade be adopted. Carried. Wharfmaster Carroll instructed to collect the wharfage from boat own- ers in accordance with the City Or- dinances. Ald. O'Rourke brought before the Council the matter of sprinkling around the postofiice and in front of the I. C. freight house. On motion of Ald. Saul. the same referred to Committee of Whole. Moved by Aid. Saul to adjourn. Carried. Attest: Regular Session, July 21, 1910 CITY COUNCIL Regular Session, July 21, 1910, (Official.) Council met at 9:00 p. m. Mayor Haas in the chair, Present — Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht, City Attorney Lyon and As- sistant City Attorney Willging. Moved by Ald. Saul the Council Proceedings for month of June be approved as Printed. Carried. Moved by Ald. Saul to suspend the rules to allow Mr. Donahue to ad- dress the Council regarding sanitary sewer in Grandview Avenue and South Dodge Street. Carried by following vote: Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Sin - grin, Specht. Mr. Donahue addressed the Coun- cil and presented a plat of the street and explained as to what he thought would be the proper place for the sewer. On motion of Ald. Saul the plat of Mr. Donahue and the Engineer's plat were referred to the Committee of the Whole. BILLS. A. E. Bradley, painting and papering Police headquar- ters, Mayor's and Assessor's office and putting in win- dow lights City Hall as per contract $ 82 00 Metz Mfg. Co., new screens and repair of screens 9 10 Philip Breithaupt, repairing fountain at 27th and White Streets and repairing gas lamps at City Hall Mullen Bros., repairing foun- tain on Grandview Avenue and plumbing at City Hall. 8 50 G. F. Kleih, supplies for City Hall M. S. Hardie, letter heads for Mayor, Engineer and Chief of Police Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies for City Hall Clark Roller Awning Co.. one awning for Mayor's once4 70 Foley Hand Laundry, towel service for June J. E. Hartig, repairing steel tape and lawn mower Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., hose for Phoenix Park 10 50 Klauer & Kress, supplies Side- walk Department H, S. Moore, transcript of tes- timony in case of Lizzie Post vs. City of Dubuque12 00 Hoermann Press, printing for s 80 4 25 26 1 00 45 4 1 00 70 6 30 219 Treasurer's office 2 50 (leu. Master,,,lu'ee inverted gas mantels 60 Carr, 1.yil er & Adams, one light glass, Engineer's office 40 Union Printing Co., pasters and scratch labs Edmund Linehan, one case toilet paper W. R. Pearce, lettering on fluor in Mayor's oflice Ed. l ill ins, sharpening mow- er C. A. Noyes, shades for Coun- cil Chamber and Recorder's office M. O'Donnell, repairing foun- tain on Julien and Grant Avenues and supplies 7 98 Pier tiros., one cord oakwood for City Hall and Police6 75 Babcock Fl re Extinguisher Co.. supplies for Fire Dept. 16 00 Key City Gas Co., fuel and light, Lire and Police Depts. 26 75 Geo. Ragatz & Son. supplies and repairs for Fire Dept54 39 Spahn & I:ose Lumber Co, lumber for Fire Dept. 5 39 Union Electric Co., power for City fire alarm system2 00 John Kriebs, supplies for Fire Dept. 95 J. F. Ris & Pro., repairing acid reservoir, Fire Dept1 75 National Refining Co., oil for Fire Dept. 6 75 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., three firemen's coats16 50 John C. Wells• tower bell No. 6 3 00 Byrne Bros., rent of buggy from Feb. 7th to March 7, 1910. by Chief of Fire Dept. 6 00 W. B. Baumgartner. supplies for Fire Department 2 05 M. Stafford, feed fur Fire Dept. 13 7 1 30 50 75 25 3 25 142 41 J. J. Strayer, pillow cases for Fire Dept. 4 50 Dubuque Eagle Chemical Co, gal Flynet for Fire Dept10 00 Duggan & Cola. supplies for Police and Fire Dept. 3 45 F. Al. Jaeger Co., supplies for Fire and Sewer Depts. 3 55 Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horseshoeing, Fire Dept. 3 60 Collings & Ptiffner, horse - shoeing for Fire Dept. 14 75 Dr. J. ll n gerty, veterinary service May and June for Fire Debt. 38 40 Phil 1 -Teller. horseshoeing for Fire Dept. L. Lindenberg, ax handles for Fire Dept. Lagen, Peed & Berwanger, horseshoeing for Fite Dept. Model Wall Paper Co., frames for Fire Dept. 13 00 1 20 6 50 10 00 IBM 220 Regular Session, July 21, 1910 J. C. Voelker, gloves for Po- lice Dept. Collings & Pfiffner, horseshoe- ing for Police Dept. G. F. Kleih, supplies for Po- lice Dept. S. C. Dike, shears and clip- pers for Police Dept. John Linehan, removing ma- nure from Patrol House . Ecl. Norton, meals furnished prisoners for June Klauer & Kress, supplies for Police Dept. The Boston Clothiers, police helmets as per contract C. J. Shannon, s»pplies for Police Matron Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies for Police Matron A. E. Bradley, setting glass in Police Dept. La Nicca Pharmacy, supplies Police and Health Depts Mettel Bros., feed for Police and Fire Depts. Dr. J. Hagerty, veterinary service for May and June, Police Dept. Mullen Bros., connecting foun- tain on Seminary Street and supplies and repairs for Road Dept. W. D. Deckert Co., supplies for Road Dept. James B. Clow & Sons, foun- tain for Road Dept. Standard Oil Co., road oil for Road Dept. Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., supplies for Road Dept Jos. Brouillette, 7.72 cu. yds. macadam O'Farrell Contracting Co, concrete aprons at East and Grace Streets G. W. Healey & Son, supplies for Road Dept. Pier Bros., coal for Road Dept. F. G. Becker, coal for steam roller Mike Donnigan, 8.93 cu. yds. macadam Pitts -Thompson Foundry Co, supplies for Road Dept. Mat Kieffer, 65.87 cu. yds macadam F. Beutin, wood for steam roller Rey City Roofing Co., cement for Road Dept. and lime for Board of Health Linehan & Molo, sewer pipe and cement for Road Dept. The Austin -Western Co., sup- plies for Road Dept. 18 00 F. Beutin, wood for steam roller Phil Heller, horseshoeing for Road Dept. Pat Farrell, 18.88 cu, yds. ma- cadam 14 16 3 00 Key City Gas Co., coke for steam roller 6 40 4 00 Smedley Steam Pump Co., re- pairs on stearn roller 1 00 A. Siege, 16 ft. curbing F. Schloz & Son, repairs for 65 Road Dept. 4 80 J. F. Ris & Bro., supplies for 5 00 Road Dept. 3 00 Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairing 5 80 sweeper 4 88 John Mullen, 11.34 cu. yds 2 60 macadam 8 50 Klauer & Kress, supplies for 97 25 Road Dept. 5 85 Spahn & Rose Lumber Co, 2 95 lumber for Road Dept. 14 19 F. Schloz & Son, supplies for 65 Sewer Dept. 1 85 Jas. Hird, 24?4. days inspector 1 00 Seminary Street sewer 47 16 Klauer & Kress, supplies for 1 50 Sewer Dept. 25 E. L. Lembke, one flynet for 5 05 Sewer Dept. 3 60 Lagen, Peed & Berwanger, horseshoeing, Sewer Dept1 50 7 40 Spahn & Rose Lumber Co., cement for Sewer Dept. 20 Dubuque Lumber Co., lumber for Sidewalk Dept. 75 00 20 36 Dr. J. Hagerty, veterinary ser- vice for carpenter horse 1 60 3 14 Klauer & Kress, 1 shovel for Sidewalk Dept. 95 97 20 Spahn & Rose Lumber Co, lumber for Sidewalk Dept3 73 245 79 C. Giese, sharpening saws and repairing lawn mower ... 2 00 62 F. Schloz & Son, repairing carpenter wagon 4 60 5 79 Adam Stoltz, raising steam roller as per contract 164 00 Eagle Point Lime Works, crushed stone 22 20 Jas. Lee & Son, constructing cement sidewalk on West 5th and College Ave. 67 79 Tibey Bros., 5% retained for one year on Bee Branch sewer 296 48 II. G. Strong, constructing sewer in Seminary Street 256 87 G. A. Heyne, Rowers for pub- lic park, as per contract 86 00 Harkett's Floral Nursery, flowers for park, as per con- tract 15 00 7 50 The Adams Co., 4 settees for Jackson Park 14 00 Dubuque Telephone Co., serv- 9 55 ice for May and June, 1910 34 84 James Lynch, inspector on 6 85 Bluff Street, 7 days 13 50 The Adams Co.. 8 settees for Washington Park 28 00 Key City Gas Co., light for 4 50 various offices 72 75 Iowa Telephone Co., service 2 00 for various offices 12 50 Western Union Telegraph Co, 1 96 4 00 8 00 73 7 60 16 71 6 70 12 00 65 87 Regular Session, July 21, 1910 electric clock and time serv- ice for June, 1910 Hoermann Press, printing for Board of Health 3 00 Jury. assessing damage by opening and straightening of Staring and Booth Streets: C. A. Voelker, juror $ 2 00 Geo. N. Raymond, juror 2 00 Fred G. Doerrer, juror 2 00 D. W. Rand, juror 2 00 Jacob Kessler, juror 2 00 John McCabe, juror 2 00 Joseph Schrup, juror 2 00 John McKinley, juror 2 00 John Heim, juror 2 00 Karl Fatka, juror 2 00 Henry Naglemaker. juror 2 00 C. B. Trewin, juror 2 00 Union Electric Co., street lighting for June, 1910 500 00 Union Electric Co., street lighting for June, 1910 . 500 00 Union Electric Co„ street lighting for June, 1910 500 00 Union Electric Co., street lighting for June, 1910 500 00 Union Electric Co., street lighting for June, 1910 253 65 Smith -Morgan Printing Co., printing pamphlets and list of warrants for April and June 44 48 Times -Journal. printing Coun- cil Prooceedings for June47 00 Labor Leader, printing Coun- cil Proceedings for June12 50 National Demokrat, printing Council Proceedings for June 12 50 Moved by Ald. O'Rourke, all bills properly O. K.'d and read be paid. Carried. The following bills, not being prop- erly O. K.'d, on motion of Ald. Saul, were referred to Committee of Whole. Dubuque Telegraph - Herald, printing Council Proceed- ings for April, May and June $192 76 Times -Journal, printing elec- tion supplies, Council Pro- ceedings, Notices, etc., April 104 70 Dubuque Telegraph - Herald, publishing delinquent tax list, November, 1909 44 40 O'Farrell Contracting Co., 300 cu. yds. grading on East St105 00 Street & Steuck, to 5c per lineal foot for rolling trench on sewer in Hayden's Lane, which was deducted from bill and should have been paid Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., three firemen's coats. 16 50 Street & Steuck, 5% retained construcing sewer in alley between Elm and Wash- ington Street M. S. Hardie, one ream of warrants for Auditor 1 00 13 00 9 04 221 Illihois Surety Co., premium on Police and Fire Com- missioner's hand W. IC. Brown, supplies Fire 3 i 50 and Sidewalk Depts, 2 Foley Hand aumlry, 2 tee 40 i els lost 50 BIDS Bids for improvement of Martha. Street and Bee Branch sewer from Sixteenth Street north and for the removal of debris from Bee Branch sewer from Sixteenth Street north were presented and, on motion of Ald. Singrin, all bids were ordered opened, as follows: Improvement of Martha Street: Eagle Point Lime Works, cutting, per cubic yard, 35c; combined curb and gutter, per lineal foot, $1.20; brick crossing, per square yard, $1.75. N. J. Starer, grading in total, 32c per cubic yard; curbing, per lineal foot, 55c; macadamizing, $1.78 per square yard. O'Farrell contracting Co., macad- am, 70c per square yard; combined curb and gutter, 70c per lineal foot; grading, 35c per cubic yard. Yienety & Scharle, per cubic yard, 32c; curbing and guttering, per lin- eal foot, 69c; macadamizing, per square yard, 69c. Wilmer Cook, grading, 25c per cu- bic yard; combined curb and gutter, 65c per lineal foot; macadamizing, 55c. Moved by Ald Saul bids be referred to City Engineer, he to report to Council tonight. Carried. Bids for removing debris from Bee Branch sewer, Sixteenth Street north: Eagle Point Lime Works, $500.00. Peter Eisbach, $650.00. ('. \\'. Noble, $545.00. O'Farrell Contracting Co.. $400.00. N. J. Starer, $565.00. Moved by Aid. O'Rourke, the con- tract be awarded to the O'Farrell Contracting Co., they being the low- est bidder. Carried. Bids for reinforced sewer (Bee Branch), Sixteenth Street north: ('bodes W. Noble, $20.60 per lineal foot of wall and .slab. O'Farrell Contracting Co., $22.50 per lineal foot of wall and slab. Eagle Point Lime Works, side walls, per cubic yard, $10.50; top, per lineal foot, $10.50. James Lee & Son, $9.40 per lineal foot of cover; $9.25 per cubic yarn side wall. N. J. Stance', $9.65 per lineal foot of top: $6.45 per cubic yard of wall. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke, bids be referred to City Engineer, he to re- port tonight. Carried. Petition of Henry B. Gniffke et al, 25 00 asking the City to reconsider their 222 Regular Session, July 21, 1910 action in changing the name of Pick- ett Street to Montrose Terrace, pre- sented. On motion of Ald. McEvoy referred to Committee of the Whole. Petition of J. B. Workman, asking to hr paid the 5% commissions and cancel the contract now in force be- tween l'iiy of Dubuque and J. B. Workman pry s,nted. On motion of Ald. O'Ito rke, referred to the Com- mittee of the Whole and City Attor- ney. Petition of Leo Marihaet et al, ask- ing that O'Neill Avenue be improved by having brick or cement sidewalks ordered laid thereon, presented. On motion of Ald. Saul, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Matilda Donaldson, asking that the taxes on North 23 1-5 feet of Middle 1-5 of Out Lot No. 451 for the year 1909 be cancelled. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke, referred to Delinquent Tax Committee. Petition of H. Hussmann et al, asking that a sanitary sewer be laid between Lincoln Avenue and Eagle Point Avenue, presented. On motion of Aid. Specht, referred to Commit- tee of Whole to view grounds. Petition of Matt McDermott, asking that the City accept $25.00 in full for special assessment against Lot No. 245 in Woodlawn Park Add., present- ed. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke, re- ferred to Committee of the Whole. Petition of Emily D. White, asking the City to suspend the order of Side- walk Inspector until such time as the street is brought to grade. On mo- tion of Ald. Sauer, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Wiley Bros., asking to be granted permission to obstruct one- half of Seventeenth Street from Madi- son Street to alley first west thereof and also one-half of alley first west of Madison Street, presented. On motion of Ald. Apel, permission granted to use Seventeenth Street, but are not to obstruct the alley. Petition of Iowa Telephone Co., per. Geo. R. Bell, asking that the City En- gineer lay out and indicate upon the ground, the curb line upon east side of Rowan Street from its intersection with the south curb line of Southern Avenue to the north curb line of Grandview Avenue, presented. On motion of Ald. Saul, prayer granted and the Engineer to be instructed. Petition of Catherine Bannon, ask- ing that the taxes on 1-5 of City Lot 556 be cancelled. on motion of Aid. Saul. the prayer be granted and the Treasurer he instructed to cancel Taxes, the same to remain a lien on the property. Petition of A. A. LoeLscher et al., .o king that Pickett sereet, beginning at West Fourteenth Street, and con- tinuing east of the first curve in the street as far as may be deemed nec- essary to prevent washing out. Moved by Aid. McEvoy prayer be granted and the ordinance committee draft Proper ordinan, C. Carried. Petition of Joseph J. Welty, asking to he granted permission to grade al- ley in rear of Lots 9, 10, 11, 12, Guehle's Sub., and Lot 13, 14, 15, 16, `tines' Sub., at his own expense. On motion of Ald. Specht, prayer granted and grading to be done under super- vision of City Engineer. Petition of Hugh R. Markey, ask- ing the city to pay him the sum of $82.ae damages done to his property by the steam roller on Althauser Avenue presented. On motion of Ald. Singrin referred to the Commit- tee of the Whole. A resolution by the Board of Trus- tee:: of The Carnegie -Stout Free Pub- lic Library fixing one-third of a mill on the dollar of the taxable valuation GI property in the City of Dubuque for year 1910 presented. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke, received and re- ferred to Committee of Whole for ac- tion at the time of fixing of tax levies for all city purposes. Petition of the Trades and Labor Congress, asking that the city pro- vide for a public ambulance and to be maintained by the city, presented. On motion of Ald. Saul, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Remonstrance of the Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress against the city granting any of the parks for he purpose of building a Memorial hall thereon, and asking the city to retain the parks for the comfort of the people, presented. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke, praper of petitioner granted. An invitation from the Dubuque Automobile club to the council to take an automobile tour trip through the City of Dubuque, presented. Moved by Ald. Sauer to refer to the Committee of the Whole. Amended by Ald. Saul that the invitation be accepted with thanks. Amendment carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas: Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Saul, Singrin. Nays: Sauer, Specht. Motion lost. Regular Session, July 21, 1910 Invitation from the League of American Municipalities to attend the sessions of the Fourteenth annual convention of the League in St. Paul, Aug. 23-24-25 and 26, 1910, present- ed. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke, ac- cepted with thanks. Invitation from the Mutual Relief Association of the C. M. & St. P. Work Shops to the Council to attend the Annual Excursion and Picnic to be held at Bellevue, Iowa, July 28, 1910. On motion of Ald. Sauer, ac- cepted with thanks. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Dubuque, Iowa, July 9, 1910. To the Honorable City Council, Du- buque, Iowa. Gentlemen: On June 6, 1907, there was adopted by the City Council an ordinance granting the Eastern Iowa Traction Association the use of cer- tain streets in the City of Dubuque to operate an interurban railway there- on. tinder the provisions of said: ordi- nance. the said Association entered into a bond with the City of Dubuque conditioned that upon its failure to have its railway completed and in operation within three years from the date of the adoption of the aforesaid ordinance, it should pay to the city two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00) to cover the expense in- curred for printing and publishing the ordinance the number of times re- quired by law. I' would respectfully recommend that this matter be referred to the Committee of the Whole for consid- eration. Very respectfully, D. J. HAAS. Mayor. On motion of Aid. McEvoy referred to the Committee of the Whole. Dubuque. Iowa, July 15, 1910. To the Honorable City Council, Du- buque, Iowa. Genelemen: I desire to call the attention of your honorable body to the blocking of street crossings by railroad] trains. This matter has be- come a source of considerable annoy- ance to our citizens and may, by pre- venting the fire department from crossing. be the cause of a disastrous fire. I am informed that the chief of- fender is the Chicago Great Western Co., which has lately increased the length of its trains about 40% and now haul about seventy cars where it formerly hauled but fifty. This means that a train waiting for a signal from the semaphore to proceed across the bridge, would have every crossing blocked as far north as 18th Street and probably further. It can easily 223 be seen that the breaking of such a train at each crossing is practically as impossibility and it would be manifestly unjust to arrest and pun- ish the train crews for what is clear- ly the fault of the company. The railroad company can avoid creating this inconvenience by either cutting down the length of its trains or by holding the train in the upper yards until the track is clear to pro- ceed across the bridge, and I would respectfully recommend that some action be taken by your honorable body to compel said railroad com- pany to either adopt one of the plans suggested above or take some other measure to abate the •nuisance complained of. Very respectfully, D. J. HAAS, Mayor. On motion of Ald. Saul, referred to Committee of Whole. Dubuque, Iowa, July 12, 1910. To the Honorable City Council, Du- buque, Iowa. Gentlemen: I beg to inform your honorable body that I have appointed Miss Helen Sauer as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Carnegie - Stout Free Public Library to fill the unexpired term of Mrs. H. B. Lewis, whose resignation went into effect on the 1st instant. Very respectfully, D. J. HAAS, Mayor. On motion of Ald. McEvoy, report was approved. Fire Chief Reinfried reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The following is the pay roll of the Fire Department for the first half of July, 1910: Amount clue Firemen $1.733.00 Respectfully submitted. J. R. REINFRIED. Chief. Approved by d'nmmittee on Fire. On motion of .\ld. Singrin, the re- port was received and warrants or- dered drawn to lay the firemen, and the report referred back to the Com- mittee on Fire. Street Commissioner Mahoney re- ported as follows: To the honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: 1 herewith submit the payroll for Labor on streets during the first half of July, 1910: Amt. due laborers 00 streets.$1,881.25 .\ptt'u' d i' Committee on Streets. Also sub,ui, the pay roll for labor on sewers. during the last half of \lty, "OP,: 224 Regular Session, July 21, 1910 Amt. due laborers on sewers.$142.60 Approved by Committee on Sewers. Respectfully submitted, JOHN MAHONY, Street Commissioner. On motion of Aids. Saul the pap rolls on streets and sewers were re- ceived and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts and the payrolls and report referred back to the proper committees. Chief of Police Reilly reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The following is the pay roll -of Police Department for the first half of July, 1910: Amount due Policemen ....$1,408.25 Respectfully submitted, THOMAS REILLY, Chief. On motion of Ald. Sauer, the report and pay roll were received and war- rants ordered drawn to pay the Po- licemen and the report referred to the Committee on Police and Light, with the exception of salary of Offi- cers Sweeney and Mulligan; that no warrant be drawn in their favor un- til further investigation. Total due the police after deducting for Sweeney $37.50 and Mulligan $37.50, $1,333.25. Carried. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen As per your instruc- tions, I have examined East Street and would respectfully report that said work has been done according to instructions. Respectfully submitted, JOHN MAHONY. Moved by Ald. Saul report be adopted and street accepted and spec- ial assessment levied. Carried. Weighmaster R. Hay reported re- ceipts of $4.70 for the months of May and June. On motion of Ald. Specht received and filed. City Recorder Geiger presented and read the certified copy of the notice of the Council's intention to improve Valeria Street from Kaufman Avenue to Cushing Place; also read the re- monstrance of Albert Deckert to im- prove Valeria Street. On motion of Aid. Specht both received and filed. Moved by Ald. Specht the rules be suspended to allow anyone to address the Council regarding Valeria Street. Carried by the following vote: Ayes — Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Specht. Mr. C. Witter, Geo. Schlegel, Louis Ruddin and Geo. Kleih addressed the Council in reference to Valeria Street. Moved by Ald. Sauer, that the mat- ter of improving Valeria Street be referred to Committee of the Whole. Carried. Nays—None. The matter of repairing Alpine Street brought before the Council. Moved by Ald. Saul that the repair- ing of Alpine Street be left to the Alderman of Second Ward with pow- er. Carried. Moved by to Tuesday, Ald. McEvoy to adjourn July 26, 1910. Carried. OTTO P. GEIGER, City Recorder. 1910 Adjourned Regular Session, July 26, 1910 CITY COUNCIL (Official.) Adjourned Regular Session, July 26, 1910. Mayor Haas in the chair. Council met at 10 p. m. Present—Aids. McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht, Apel and City Attorney Lyon. Mayor Haas stated that the meeting was an adjourned meeting of the reg- ular session of July 21, 1910, and was called to take up and consider all mat- ters which may properly come before a regular session of the City Council. City Engineer reported as follows: Mr. N. J. Staner's bid on Bee Branch sewer from 16th street north, at $16.10 per lineal foot. Total for 170 feet, $2,737.00, and Mr. Wilmer Cook lowest bidder on Martha street, total price $663.75. On motion of Ald. Singrin the con- tract for Bee Branch sewer from 16th street north awarded to N. J. Staner, lowest bidder. On motion of Ald. McEvoy contract for Martha street awarded to Wilmer Cook, lowest bidder. Petition of Ernest Kenkel, et ing that Klingenberg Terrace proved, presented. On motion Singrin referred to Committe Whole. al, ask - be im- of Ald. of the Remonstrance of Tibey Bros. as td the sanitary sewer in Grandview ave- nue, presented. On motion of Ald. Singrin referred to Committee of the the Whole. Request from John L. Bleakly asking to be advised as to the time payment would be made for examination of ac- counts by State Auditor. On motion of Ald. Sauer referred to Committee Clerk, he to ask for an extension of time. Carried. Invitation from League of American Municipalities to send delegates to the fourteenth annual convention to be held at St. Paul, Aug. 23, 24, 25 and 26, 1910. On motion of Ald. McEvoy ac- cepted and the mayor instructed to appoint delegates City Attorney Lyon reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I hand you herewith the names of witnesses who appeared in behalf of the city in the case of Lizzie J. Post vs. City of Dubuque, also the amounts due each, and I recommend that a warrant be drawn 225 in my favor covering the total amount, or $16.00. Respectfully submitted, GEO. T. LYON, City Attorney. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke report received and tiled and warrant ordered drawn in favor of (leo. T. Lyon for the amount. City Attorney Lyon also reported as follows: In the case of M. Kassler vs. City of Dubuque, No. 16,190, Equity, being an appeal taken by Kassler from a special assessment levied against his property for the improvement of White street between Fourth and Sixth street, the costs were taxed to the city. There is a balance due on this account og $155.30, and I would therefore recommend that you order a warrant drawn to cover this amount. Respectfully submitted. GEO. T. LYON, Cit. Attorney. On motion of Ald. Saul referred to Committee of the Whole. Bill of Peter Jacobs, to 13.16 cubic yards macadam, $13.16, read. On mo- tion of Ald. Singrin warrant ordered drawn in payment of bill, the same to be taken from Third district road fund. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Attached please find Treasurer's receipt for $221.98, money received by me from Mr. Jas. Beach for cleaning sanitary sewer, which was stopped by overflow of soap tank of James Beach & Son. Also receipt for $8.00 for cleaning alleys in Second ward. Respectfully, JOHN MAHONEY, Street Commissioner. On motion of Ald. Singrin received and filed and that the City Treasurer be instructed to pay from the money received from James Beach, without warrant, all expenses connected with the cleaning of sanitary sewer. City Recorder Geiger presented and read the notice, certified to by the publishers, of the City Council's inten- tion to construct a sanitary sewer in Grandview avenue. On motion of Ald. Saul referred to Committee of the Whole. City Recorder also presented and read the notice, certified to by the publishers, of the City Council's inten- tion to improve Windsor avenue from present improvement to a point about 320 feet northerly therefrom. No remonstrance being filed, and no one in the room objecting to the improvement, the notice was, on mo- tion of Ald. Specht, received and filed. 226 Adjourned Regular Session, July 26, 1910 City Recorder Geiger also pre- sented and read the notice of the City Council's intention to improve Valeria Street from Kaufman Avenue to Cushing Place. On motion of Ald. Saul, received and filed. Copy of Right of Way Notice serv- ed on Mrs. T. Minard and W. C. Min- ard presented and read. On motion of Aid. O'Rourke, received and filed. The jury appointed to assess the damages to property for the altering of Spring and Booth Streets reported as follows: Edward Hanig, Lot 1 or Lot 1 of Lot 25, Mt. Pleasant Add., $100.00. Albert Hanig, Lot 2 of 25, Mt. Pleasant Add., $10.00. Lot 2 of 1 of 25, $90.00. S. B. Lattner, Lot 16, Levin's Add., $10.00. Moved by Ald. McEvoy that the award of the jury be approved and warrants be drawn for the various amounts and the Treasurer to pay the same upon the delivery of deeds conveying the property to the city. Carried. Annual report of Dubuque Bridge Co. presented. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke, referred to Committee of Whole. The quarterly statement of Receipts and Disbursements of City Water Works presented. On motion of Ald. Saul, referred to Committee of the Whole. City Engineer presented profile showing grade of alley from the north line of Rose Street to the south line of West Fourteenth Street and be- tween Belmond and Alta Vista Streets. On motion of Ald. Saul, re- ferred to Committee of Whole. City Engineer also presented pro- file showing a grade from the west end of the improved portion of Wil- bur Avenue to the east line of Spruce Street. On motion of Ald. Saul, re- ferred to the Committee of Whole. Dictation of Lots 1 of 10 and 11, and 2 of 10, 11, 17 and 17a, Finley Home Add., by Mrs. Francis A. Min- ard and Walter C. Minard, for the purpose of changing alley in rear of said lots, presented. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke it be received and filed and the City Recorder see that the same is recorded with the County Recor- der. Carded. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the special as- sessment prepared by the City Engi- neer for the construction of a sanir tary sewer in Hayden's Lane, would respectfully recommend that said as- sessment be approved and that the resolution levying the same be adopt- ed. . We would further recommend that the City Treasurer be instructed to apply the amount paid by John Mc- Namara for connecting with said sewer on the assessment levied against the Arthur McCann estate. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of the A. R. Flick Box Co., asking that its taxes for the year 1909 be ac- cepted on a valuation of $3,000.00, in accordance with the agreement en- tered into with the City Council on April 2, 1907, would respectfully rec- ommend that the prayer of the peti- tioner be. granted and that the City Treasurer be instructed accordingly. Your Committee of the Whole, act- ing on the petition of Matt. McDer- mott, would respectfully recommend that the City Treasurer be instructed to accept the sum of $25.00 in full settlement of the special assessment levied against Lot 245 in Woodlawn Park Add. for the street improve- ment. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom were referred the several bids for the construction of reinforced con- crete sidewalls and top for the Bee Branch sewer in the alley between Cedar and Sycamore Street from the end of the condemned work now in place northerly a distance of 118 8-10 feet, would respectfully recommend that said contract be awarded Charles W. Noble, he being the lowest bid- der, for $2,495.00, said work to be completed by September 20th, 1910. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of N. Luckritz et al, asking that the bill- board erected on the vacant lots at Sanford and Jackson Streets be or- dered removed on account of the un- lawful uses to which it is put, would respectfully report that we believe the City Council is without jurisdiction in this matter, but we would recommend that the Police Department be in- structed to exercise special vigilance and use every effort to put a stop to the nuisance complained of. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Morrison Bros., asking that the sew- erage system be extended so that they can connect their factory therewith, would respectfully recommend that the prayer of the petitioners be granted and that the proper resolu- tions be adopted. Adjourned Regular Session, July 26, 1910 Your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that Morrison Bros. be granted permis-inn to construct a driveway across the ditch in rear of their factory, pro- vided thesame be built in such man- ner as not to obstruct the flow of water in said ditch. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of O. C. and I. O. Papin, asking that they be granted permission to construct a permanent wagon bridge across Lake •e.Posta at the foot of Seventh Avenue, would respectfully report that it is the opinion of Assistant U. S. Engi- neer S. Edwards that the granting of such a permission comes under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of War. We would, therefore, recommend that said petition be received and filed and that the petitioners be instructed to take the matter up with him through Major Charles Keller, Corps of Engi- neers, U. S. A., Rock Island, Ill. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Thos. J. Hodges et al, asking that the building situated on the lot south of the Anderson property on Dodge Street be removed. would respectfully report that City Council is without authority to comply with the wishes of the petitioners. 1\'c would, how- ever, recommend that the Health Of- ficer be instructed to notify the own- ei to clean out the premises and then nail up all doors and windows and in case of his failure to comply, that the work be done by the City and the expense thereof charged against the property. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the communica- tion of the Mayor relative to the blocking of street crossings by the railroad companies, would respectful- ly recommend that the Mayor in- struct the Chief of Police to enforce the provisions of the ordinance regu- lating the length of time such cross- ings may be blocked to the letter. Your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the City Attorney be instructed to col- lect from the county the unexpended balance of $593.05 of the County Road Fund collected prior to Janu- ary, 1910, and under a campremke with the City Council, to be expended by the latter body. Your Committee of the Awhile. to whom was referred the petition of John Luse et al, asking that farther action en the lo'npased improvement o' Valeria Street be indefinitely past- poned, would respectfully recommend 227 that said petition be received and filed, that the previous resolutions Providing for the improvement of said street from Kaufmann Avenue to Cushing Place be adopted in lieu thereof, providing for said improve- ment as far north as Bart Street only. Your ('unnnittee of the Whole, to v'horn were referred the fallowing bills, WmIl;l respectfully recommend that the sante he paid and that war - renis in settlement thereof he ordered drawn on the City Treasurer: Foley Hand Laundry, two tow- els destroyed .W. K. Prewn. paint and glass for Road and Fire 1)epts. , . Illinois Surety Co., bends for Police and Fire Commission- ers 37.50 Street :- Steuck, retained on seater in :ill, y het ween \V'aehingten and Elm, south of :12nd Street 9.114 Dubuque huller fi Ilelting supplies fur Fire Dept. 16.50 .50 2.40 Your Committee of the Whole, to whom alas referr••d the petition of the Dubuque AV'oodenw:tre & Lumber Co., asking that tine City either ex- tend the Ninth Avenue storm sower to the river or ounce some other prac- tical arrangement to carry the storm water to the river, would respectfully recommend that the prayer "f the petitioners. be granted and that the Pity Iteeorder be instructed to adver- tise fee I tt'a separate hits en the work. ane fur grading an "pen ditch Hon] present setter to the ricer, the othe r for pawing the bottom of such ditch in aeeal'elatice tcitIi the plans and specifications pre'lnu',•d therefor by the City Engineer, Your t ouonitte of the AWhole, to whom was relerrcei the petition of Trani, N. Feigner, agents ler the liin- t: _a•r estate, asking that the sum of : „ p1,1 by the. City in full ttl,•un ut el' the special assessment ,•icd against Let - "I' Lets 1 and 2 of sof Mineral Lot SII, for the im- ,.i, e•ot of Alta Vista Street, would <; cettitlly recommend that said pe- on he received Nutt lileel int tlt;it pi,- - notified that the city will nothing than the full anneunt of the ass( ssnieut. l'nat ('unnnittee ul' the whole tt'onit resl,e,tfully reennunend that the pres- nt contract for i'urnishing towels for Ile, City (Hall he terminated July 31, 114111, noel tied (.11 1. 'Tray l.:aunelry he in- stau•t,l t,, tlo'iiiSlt the towols for the halince• of the year or at the pleasure (lily Council. Year c mieittee of the AWhole it'auld e sl„ , nuneuel that the ap- 228 Adjourned Regular Session, July 29, 1910 point/bent of Thomas Sweeny by the Mayor to the position of plain clothes man on the police force be approved. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of H. Hussman et al, asking that a sanitary sewer be constructed in the proposed alley between Washington and Elm Streets from Lincoln to Eagle Point Avenue, would respectfully recommend that the prayer of the petitioners be granted and that the proper resolu- tions be adopted. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Moved by Ald. Saul the various re - Forts of Committee of the Whole be approved. Carried. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that when we adjourn we adjourn to Friday, July 29. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke asked the city attor- ney for an opinion in regard to the County Round Fund. City Attorney Lyon gave a verbal opinion regarding the same. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke we adjourn. Carried. OTTO P. GEIGER, City Recorder. App rnred . Attest: /].1910 ✓/ Mayor Recorder CITY COUNCIL (Official.) .-Adjourned Regular Session, July 29, 1910. Mayor Haas in the chair. Council met at 9:00 p. m. Present—Aids. McEvoy, O'Rourke, Saul, Singrin, Apel and City Attorney Lyon. Absent—Aids. Specht and Sauer. Mayor Haas stated that the meet- ing was an adjourned meeting of the adjourned meeting of July 26 of the regular session of July 21, 1910, and was called to take up and consider all matters which may properly come before a regular session of the City Council. Bill of E. T. Frith for removing garbage month of June, $374.40, pre- sented. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke. warrant order drawn on Treasurer and bill paid. Petition of Dennis Bros., asking that First Street be raised twelve inches from the west side of the al- ley, grading gradually to the south- east corner of the McFadden Co. lot, presented. On motion of Ald. Saul, referred to Committee of the Whole and City Engineer. Petition of B. Michel et al, asking that the City Engineer be instructed to give them the proper grade for combined gutter and curb on both sides of Tenth Street from alley east of Main to west line of Iowa Street, presented. On motion of AId. Sin - grin prayer granted and City Engineer to be instructed. Ald. Sauer entered and took his seat at 9:25. Dubuque, Iowa, July 27, 1910. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I, the undersigned, do hereby request of your honorable body to annul the contract now in force between the City of Dubuque and R. Obermayer. Respectfully, R. OBERMAYER. Moved by Ala. Singrin the prayer be granted at once. Carried. Moved by Ald. Saul that the Street Commissioner be instructed to em- ploy Dennis O'Meara or some one equally as good to sweep the brick paved streets temporarily. Carried. Your Committee on Ordinances herewith present the Ordinances granting the Union Electric Co. the right to lay down and operate a loop Adjourned Regular Session, July 29, 1910 229 around Phoenix Park and the Ordi- nance granting it a right to construct a stub switch at the Eagle Point end of its line; also the Ordinance alter- ing and re -locating the alley first north bf Allison Place, the Ordinance granting the German Theological School of the Northwest the use of a part of East Street and the Ordinance providing for the pensioning of dis- abled and retired policemen and would respectfully recommend the adoption of said Ordinances. E. E. McEVOY, Chairman. AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING THE PETER J. SEIPPEL LUMBER COMPANY PERMISSION TO FILL TTP HARRISON STREET, IN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, AND BRING SAME TO GRADE, AND REGU- LATING SUCH GRANT. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section I. That the Peter J. Seip- pel Lumber Comp:+ny- he, and the same is, hereby granted permission to fill and bring up to grade Harrison Street, in the City of Dubuque, or such portions of same as may be by said Company deemed necessary to be filled and brought to grade, the grant herein given being subject to the con- ditions hereinafter set out. Sec. 2. That the permission here- in given is for the purpose of en- abling the said Peter J. Seippel Lum- ber Company to make use of certain lots and pieces of property by it own- ed and abutting on and adjacent to said Harrison Street for the conduct of a lumber business. At the end of twenty (20) years from the time this Ordinance becomes effective, all of said filling placed in said street is to become the property of the City of Dubuque, without cost to it, and, should the said Peter J. Seippel Lum- ber Company cease to use the prop- erty and ground abutting on and ad- jacent to said street, for purposes in- cident to its lumber business, at any time before the expiration of twenty years, then said filling is to become the property of said City. without cost to it, from the time said Company fails to use said property in manner as aforesaid. In any event, however, said filling shall be the property of said City on the expiration of twenty years from the time this Ordinance becomes effective, as above specified. Sec. 3 Should the City of Du- buque desire to improve said Harrison Street at any time during the twenty years above referred to, or require said street for public purposes in general, or any part thereof, filled and occu- pied by said Company under the pro- visions of this Ordinance, possession thereof shall he given by said Com- pany, its representatives or assigns, at the expiration of one year from the ;ime of giving notice to said Company, its representatives er as- signs, to remove therefrom, and upon payment by the City of the actual cost of filling said street, (which cost is now fixed at twenty-five cents per cubic yard in full,) or the part of said street desired by said City. The price herein fixed is in full of all de- mands which said Company may make, and there shall be paid no in- terest. Sec 4. That, to enable the said Company to require of the City the payment of the price fixed as the value of said filling, as set out in Section 3 hereof, the said filling shall be of a kind and quality acceptable and satisfactory to said City when placer) in said street, and shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer of said City. Sec. 5. That the said Company shall file in the office of the City Re- corder of said City a verified state- ment of the actual amount of filling by said Company placed in said street, and the kind or kinds, giving the number of cubic yards of each kind, said statement to have indorsed on it a certificate of the City Engineer veri- fying the correctness thereof. Said Company may file statements as aforesaid from time to time as the work of filling progresses, if it so de- sires, properly verified and certified to as herein provided; the final state- ment shall, however, be filed in any event within thirty days from the time of completion of said filling by said Company. The conditions of this section shall be deemed conditions precedent to the right of said Com- pany to demand payment from said City under the terms of Section 3 of this Ordinance, and each condi- tion is of the essence hereof. Sec. 6. The right of said Peter J. Seippel Lumber Company to use said Harrison Street, so filled and brought to grade by it, shall be exclusive dur- ing the term of this grant, subject always to ;he conditions of this Ordi- nance. Sec 7. This Ordinance shall he in effect from and after publication therof in the Dubuque Times -Journal and the Dubuque Telegraph -Herald, official newspapers, and written ac- ceptance hereof on the part of said Peter J. Seippel Lumber _gompany, duly indorse hereon Adopted yip 1910. Approved 1910. Mayor. Attest: City Recorder. The terms and provisions of the 230 Adjourned Regular Session, July 29, 1910 above Ordinance are hereby accepted this -- day of , 1910. By Its President. Moved by Ald. McEvoy that the reading just had be considered its first reading. Carried. Aid. McEvoy moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of read- ing the Ordinance by its title for the second time. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -- Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Eau], Singrin. Absent—Aid. Specht. Ald. McEvoy then moved that the Ordinance be new adopted as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas Alds. Apel. McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer. Sani, Singrin. Absent—Ald Specht. AN ORDIN ONCE. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON HARVARD STREET FROM YALE STREET TO ALTA. VISTA STREET IN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That a grade on Harvard Street from Yal' Street to Alta Vista Street in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, be and the same is hereby established and adopted as shown by the profile of said street and grade prepared by the City Engineer and accepted by the City Council on the 16th day of June, 1910, being Profile No. 677 and marked "Grade and Profile of Harvard Street from Yale Street to Alta Vista Street, B. M. on top of foundation of house No. 540 West 5th St., Ely. 251.17." Said grade beginning at the south lot line of Yale street, which is Station 0, elevation 290.50; thence to the north lot line of Alta Vista street, station 4-1-21, elevation 250.90. Sec. 2. This Ordinance to be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph -Herald and Times -Journal newspapers. Adopted Approved Attest: Mayor. City Recorder. Moved by Ald. McEvoy that the reading just had be considered its first reading. Carried. Ald. 1IcEvoy moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of read- ing the Ordinance by its title for the second time. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin. Absent—Aid. Specht. Ald. McEvoy then moved that the Ordinance be now adopted as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke. Sauer, Saul, Singrin. Absent—Aid. Specht. AN ORDINA.NCF. AN ORDINANCE CHANE IND THE N:\\Il'. OF A STI:i:I':T NOW KNOWN AS SPRING STREET IN '1'HE CI'T'Y OF I)I'l 1'(.;1'E, IOWA, TO N(11:TII BO( TIl STREET. Be it ' (rd:;ined bthe City Council of the City oi' Dubuque: Section 1. That the name of the street now known as Spring Street in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, be and the same is hereby changed to and shall hereafter be known as North Booth Street. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Du- buque Telegraph -Herald and Times - journal newspapers. Adopted Approved Attest: 1910. , 1910. Mayor. City Recorder. Moved by Ald. McEvoy that the reading just had be considered its first r,.•ol,in. Carried. Aid. McEvoy moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of read- ing the Ordinance by its title, for the second time. Carried by the following vote: Yens—ids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Saner. Saul. Singrin. Absent—Aid. Specht, Ald. McEvoy then moved that the ordinance he now adopted as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin. Absent—Ald. Specht. AN ORDIN ANCi:. AN ORDINANCE GRA N'I'IN(, THE GERMAN 1'I;l:SRY'I'EI:IAN THE- OLOGICAL SCHOOL ( th' THE NORTHWEST PERMISSION TO USE THAT PORTION OF EAST S'T'REET, IN THE CITY t iF DU- BUQUE, 'lHA'1' \\-( '1.1) OTHER- wisE BE TAKEN UP WITH '17T -IE SIDE\V_\LK. ON '1'111: EAST t)P SAID STI:i:i:'1', FOR l'.\I:K pr POSES, .\ND REGULATING 'I'Hi. SAID GRANT., Section 1. That permission be and the same is hereby granted the Ger- man ,Presbyterian Theological School of the Northwest to use that portion of East Street in said City which would be used for a sidewalk on the east side of said street, for park pur- poses in connection with the campus of said school, it appearing that said School is the owner of all the prop- erty abutting on the east side of said street. Adjourned Regular Session, July 29, 1910 Sec. 2. That said School may fill and terrace said space to the curl) line of said Street, provided such filling and terracing is done in an attactive man- ner. Sec. 3. That the permission herein granted is conditioned on the written guarantee on the part of said School being duly indorsed hereon that said School will, upon the termination in any manner of the privilege hereby granted, restore said sidewalk space to the proper grade as then establish- ed on said East Street, without cost or damage to said City, and that said work will be done promptly and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer of said City. Sec. 4. That the permission hereby granted is limited to a period of seven (7) years, unless sooner terminated by action of the City l'cuncil, and ii ill sooner terminate in any event, should said property owned by said School and abutting on said Street and used as a campus, he no longer used for ouch campus. Should said School, its success a•s or assigns, fail to restore said Street to its proper grade in manner as above provided, said City may do so. charg- ing the expense thereof to the said School, its successor or assigns. Sec. 6. This ordinance shall lie in force and effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Times -Journal and Telegraph -Herald. official newspapers of said City. and the written acceptance and guaranty of said School duly indorsed hereon, as hereinbefore provided. Adopted , 1910. Approved , 1910. Mayer. Attest: City Recorder. The undersigned hereby accepts the provisions and terms of the shove or- dinance, and guarantees to restore the street in question to the proper grade in so far as the said street has been used by us, at the termination of the privilege herein granted, and that we will do so promptly acid under the su- pervision of the City Engineer. and without cost or damage to the City of Dubuque. Moved by Ald. McEvoy that the reading just had be considered its first reading. Carried. Aid. McEvoy moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of read- ing the Ordinance by its title, for the second time. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel. McEvoy, O'Rourke. Sauer, Saul, Singrin. Absent—Aid. Specht. Aid. McEvoy then moved that the Ordinance he now adopted as read. 231 Carried bythe 1ollotying vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel,\lul':y p, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin. Absent—Aid. Specht. AN nllDiNAXc•I?. AN ORDINANCE (ilt:\\TI\Cl TIil: l' l0\ EL1:CI'Itl(' (' cMi':\\y I'IE:It- 'llSSInV 'I'n I'IcX.i'I'IRl'("I' A S'1't'It S\\'I'T('H Al';'I'III: ENO nF ITS EMIL E i'cal\'I' L1\I? Iiy 1tHnrg- HElt(I A\'I':\l'1?, IN 'I'HI: I'I'I'Y nF AND I:I;(II'I.:\'I'IX(I THE ('n.NsTIll'c"I'IccX .\NH UAIX- T1?X.\\('I•: ole Sl'('Il S'I'l'fc S\VI'l'('11. Le it ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. 'I'lhaf permission be and the same is hereby granted khe l'nic,n Electric Company to construct a stun switch at the enol of its Eagle Point Line on Ithoniberg Avenne, in the ('it: of Dubuclnc, for the purpose of facili- tating the transportation of passengers on its said line. Sec. 2. That the laying down of saki switch shall be done ender the super- vision of the City Engineer nail the Committee on Streets of said City. Sec. 3. 'I'luit in the laying down and operation of said se -Itch the same shall be so constructed and maintained as to create the least possible obstruction to ordinary travel on, and to Ilio use el. the street occupied. and said track used for such switch shall at all times be used in ,icrcrdance with all hiwful l o- lic regulations now or hereafter enact- ed by said City. Sec. 4. That said switch shall be laid to the established grade of the street occupied, and should the grade he changed at any time, said track shall be changed to conform thereto. at the expense of said Company and without claim of damages against said City. Sec. 5. That said Company shall at all times keep the space between the tracks of said switch and between the britnehes of said switch. and for a foot on either side of said switch, properly paved, macadamized. nr ntlteriyis+• im- proved, as the City Council may direct. and said tracks shall he so constrnetecl and maintained as not to dam up er obstruct the flow and drainage of water. Sec. 0. The City of Dubuque hereby reserves the right to revoke the privi- lege• hereby granted at any time .ifter fifteen (11) years from the time till, ordinance takes effect, and a failure to comply with the provisions nod 'c- stricticns hereof, nr ally part of this nr- din;uico, nn the pau•t of said I'ompany its successors, or a assigns. shell lie ground for immediate forfeiter,• of the privileges herein granted, a nd said tracks and switch shall be then re- moved immediately and taken up on 232 Adjourned Regular Session, July 20, 1910 the order of said City. Sec. 7. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph -Herald and the Dubuque Times -Journal, official newspapers of said City, and written acceptance here- of on the part of said Company, duly indorsed herein. Adopted , 1910. Approved , 1910. Attest: Mayor. City Recorder. The provisions and terms of the above ordinance are hereby accepted, this -- day of , 1910. By Moved by Ald. McEvoy that the read- ing just had be considered its first reading. Carried. Ald. McEvoy moved the rules he suspended for the purpose of reading the Ordinance by its title, for the sec- ond reading. Carried by the following vote: • Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke. Sauer, Singrin. Absent—Aid. Specht. Ald. McEvoy then moved that the Or dinance be now adopted as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin. Absent—Aid. Specht. AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE LOCATION OF THE ALLEY RUN- NING WESTERLY FROM COL- LEGE AVENUE, AND BEING THE ALLEY IMMEDIATELY NORTH OF ALLISON PLACE, IN FINLEY AD- DITION TO THE CITY OF DU- BUQUE. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That it is deemed exped- ient and necessary by the City Council of the City of Dubuque to change and alter the location of tha alley, as heretofore platted, in Finley Addition, City of Du- buque. being the alley running from College Avenue westerly and ending in private property, said alley being locat- ed Immediately north of Allison Place. Sec. 2. That the said alteration and relocation of the alley above referred to be in accordince with the plat (No 0712,) filed in the office of the City Engineer and approved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque on the 7th day of July, 1910, the altera- tion and relocation of said alley being as shown by the red color appearing on said plat. Sec. 3. That part of said alley as heretofore platted and shown by the black lines on the plat above referred to, is hereby annulled and vacated to the adjoining land owners. Sec. 4. That said alley, as now platt • ed and shown by the red color, is here- by established as a public highway in the City of Dubuque for public uses as shown by said plat, which plat is made a part of this ordinance and is hereby referred to. Sec. 5. That the City Recorder be di- rected to cause a record of said plat +th proper descriptions thereof to be made, and that the plat as now adopt- ed shall have indorsed on same the dedication of the owners of the pieces of ground included in said alley as re- located, and that the plat be then filed for record in the office of the county recorder. Sec. 6. That this ordinance go into ef- fect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication in th r Dubuque Telegraph -Herald and Times - Journal, official newspapers. Adopted , 1910. Approved . 1910. Attest: Mayor. City Recorder. Moved by Ald. McEvoy that the read- ing just had be considered its first reading. Carried. Ald. McEvoy moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of reading the Ordinance by its title, for the sec - on time. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke. Sauer, Singrin. Absent—Aid. Specht. Ald. McEvoy then moved that the Or dinance be now adopted as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke Sauer, Saul, Singrin. Absent—Aid. Specht. AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING THE UNION ELECTRIC COMPANY PERMISSION TO CONSTRUCT A LOOP AROUND PHOENIX PARK, IN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, SAID LOOP BEGINNING AT THE IN- TERJUNCTION OF MAIN AND WEST MAIN STREETS. EXTEND- ING THENCE ALONG WEST MAIN SOUTHERLY TO JONES STREET, EASTERLY OVER JONES STREET ONTO MAIN STREET, AND NORTHERLY ON MAIN STREET TO PLACE OF BEGNNING, AND REGULATING THE CONSTRUC- TION AND MAINTENACE OF SAID LOOP. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That for the purpose of facilitating the rapid transportation of passengers over its lines. permission he and the same is hereby granted the Adjourned Regular Session, July 29, 1910 Union Electric Company to construct a loop on its line of street railway, be- ginning at the interjunction of Main Street with West Main Street, extend- ing along West Main Street southerly to Jones Street, thence easterly on Jones Street to Main Street, and thence northerly on Main Street to point of beginning. Sec. 2. That the laying down of said look track shall be done under the supervision of the city Engineer and the Committee on Streets of said City. Section 3. That in the laying down and operation of said tracks, the same shall be so constructed and miantained as to create the least possible obstruction to ordinary travel on, and to the use of. the streets occu- pied, and said tracks shall at all times be used in accordance with all lawful police reguations now or here- after enacted by said City. Section 4. That said Company shall at all times keep the space between said tracks and for a foot on either side of same properly paved or other- wise therwise improved, as the City Council may direct, and said tracks shall be so constructed and maintained as not to dam up or obstruct the flow ansa drainage of water. Section 5. That said tracks shall be ]fad to the established grade of the streets occupied, and should the grade be changed at any time, said tracks shall be changed to conform thereto, at the expense of said Union Electric Company and without claim for dam- ages against said City. Section 6. If at any time during the life of this grant it should be shown that Phoenix Park is in any way damaged because of the existence of said loop around said Park, or the operation of said Union Electric Com- pany's line around said Park, or the use made by the traveling public of said loop, then the said Union Electric Company shall, as a condition hereof, protect and save harmless the said Park from any damage which may be done said Park, because of the pres- ence of said loop, in such manner as may be reasonably directed by the proper authority having control over said Park. Section 7. The City of Dubuque hereby reserves the right to revoke the privilege hereby granted at any time after 15 years from the time this ordinance tikes effect, and a failure to comply with the provisions and re- strictions hereof, or any part of this ordinance, on the part of said com- pany, its successors or assigns, shall be ground for immediate forfeiture of the privileges herein granted, and said tracks shall be then removed and taken up on the order of said City. Section 8. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and its publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph - 233 erald and the Dubuque Times -Journal, official newspapers, and written ac- ceptance thereof duly indorsed hereon, signed by said Company. Adopted --___— 1910. Approved ---- , 1910. Mayor. City Recorder. The provisions and terms of the above ordinance are hereby accepted this — clay of — , 1910. Attest: By Moved by Ald. McEvoy that the reading just had be considered its first reading. Carried. AId. JleEcwp- moved the rules be suspended for the purpose of reading the ordinance by its title, for the second reading. Carried, by the fol- lowing vote, Yeas: Aids. Apel, Mc- Evoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Singrin. Ab- sent Ald. Specht. Ald. McEvoy then moved that the Ordin iiep he now adopted as read. Carried by the following vote. Yeas: Ads. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin. Absent 11d. Specht. AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE CREATING A PO. LICEMEN'S PENSION FUND AND REGULATING THE CONTROL AND DISPOSITION OF SAID FUND AND THE PENSIONS PAY- ABLE FROM SAME, AND AUTH- ORIZING THE LEVY OF AN AN- NUAL TAX IN AID OF SUCH FUND. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That there is hereby cre- ated. in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 62 of the Acts of the Thir- ty-third General Assembly of the State of Iowa, a fund, to be known and des- ignated as a policemen's pension fund and the same shall a.e regulated controled as hereinafter provided. Section 2. There may be annually levied by the council, at the time of the levy of other taxes for city pur- poses. a tax not exceeding one-half if a mill nn the dollar upon taxable prop erty within the limits of the City nt Duhucine. for the purpose of aiding the creation and maintenance of the fund aforesaid. All ponies derived from the taxes so levied. and all nannies re- ceived as membership fees and dues, as hereinafter provided, and all mon- ies received 11 oat grats, donations, and devises. for the benefit of such fund, shall Iu. included in such fund, and the sane shall he under the con- trol of a hoard of trustees and shall be exclusively devoted to and for the purposes hereinafter enumerated. Section 3. The Chief of Police, the City Treasurer, and the City Attorney 234 Adjourned Regular Session, July 29, 1910 shall be ex -officio members of and shall constitute the board of trustees of the policemen's pension fund. The Chief of Police shall be the President and the City Treasurer shall be the treasurer of such board of trustees. and the faithful performance of the duties of the treasurer shall be secur- ed by his official bond as City Treas- urer. Such trustees shall not receive any compensation for their services as members of said board. Section 4. The policemen's pension fund shall be kept and preserved as a separate fund. The board of trustees shall have power to invest any surplus left in such fund at the end of the fiscal year, but no part of the fund realized from any tax levy shall be used for any purpose other than the payment of pensions. Investments shall be limited to interest bearing bonds of the United States, of the State of Iowa, of any county, town- ship, or municipal corporation of the State of Iowa. All such securities shall be deposited with the Treasurer of the board of trustees for safe keep- ing. Section 5. The board of trustees may take by gift, grant, devise, or be- quest, any money or property, real or personal, or other thing of value for the benefit of the policemen's pension fund. All rewards in money, fees, gifts or emoluments of every kind or nature that may be paid or given the police department of the City of Dubuque or to any member thereof, except when allowed to be retained or given to en- dow a medal or other permanent or competitive reward on account of ex- traordinary services -rendered by said pollee department or any member thereof, and all fines and penalties im- posed upon members of said depart- ment, shall be paid into the said pen- sion fund and become a part thereof. Section 6. Every member of the po- lice department of the City of Du- buque shall be required to pay to the 'treasurer of said fund a membership fee, to he fixed by the board of trus- tees, not exceeding Five Dollars ($5.00) and shall also be assessed and requir- ed to pay annually an amount equal to one per cent per annum upon the amount of the annual salary paid to him, which said assessment shall be deducted and retained in equal semi- annual installments out of such sal- ary. Section 7. Every member of the po- lice department of the City of Du- buque who shall, while a member of such department and while engaged in the performance of his duties as such policeman, be injured or disabled, and upon an examination by a physician appointed by the board of trustees, be found to be physically or mentally permanently disabled so as to render him unfit for the performance of his duties as policemen, shall be entitled to be retired and the board of trus- tees shall thereupon order his retire- ment, and, upon his being retired, he shall be paid out of the policemen's pension fund, monthly, a sum equal to one-half of the amount of the monthly compensation allowed such member as salary at the date of his injury" or dis- ability. Section S. If a member of the police department, retired, as in the last preceding section provided, because of permanent disability, shall die as a re- sult of such injury, or if a member of such department, while in the perfor- mance of his duties. shall be killed or die as a result of injuries received, or if a member die 1.t cause of any disease contracted by rcos of of his occupa- tion as a poiicenian, and shall lea ye a widow or minor :•Iiildren or dependent father or mother -orviving him, there shall be paid to the surviving widow. so long as she remains unmarried ante of good moral character. a pension of twenty dollars ($20.00) per month, out Of the policemen's pension haul, and there shall also Le paid to the guar- dian of the minor ,•hiidren of such member, out of said fund. a pension of six dollars t$6.60) per month for each of said children anti it or they reach the age of sixteen years, provided. however. that there shall not he paid to the surviving widow and minor children an aggregate sum ill excess of a sum equal to one-half of the amount of the salary of such member at the time of his death or disability: and if such dec,as,•,l policeman leave no wid- ow or minor children. then there shall Le paid to his dept ndent father or mother, or either, it' one :,Ione sur- vives, a pension of twenty dollars ($2('.00) per month. Section 9. Any member of the po- lice department who may be entitled to benefits under the provision of this ordinance, and who has served twenty- two years or more in said department. of which the last five years' service shall have been continuous may snake application to the board of trustees to be retired from such police depart- ment, and thereupon it shall be the duty of the board of trustees to order the retirement of such number, it it be found that he is unable. to perforin the duties, to which he is or may be assigned, or has reached the age of fifty-five years (55), anal upon ictirc- meat, he shall be paid a monthly pen- sion equal to one-half the amount of salary received by hint as monthly compensation at the date of his retire- ment. Section 10. Any member of the po- lice department entitled to he retired under the provisions of this act, but who shall continue in service and wino shall be thereafter discharged for cause other than the violation of any law of the United States, or of the State of Iowa, amounting to a felony, Adjourned Regular Session, July 29, 1910 235 shall, upon being discharged, be en- titled, to, and there shall be paid to him, a monthly pension equal to one- half of the amount of salary received by him at the date of his discharge; provided however, that the Chief of Police shall have the power to assign any member of the police department retired, or drawing pensions under this ordinance to the performance of light duties in such department in cases of extraordinary emergencies, and, pro- vided further, that after the decease of a retired or discharged member re- ceiving a pension under the provision of this ordinance, his widow and minor child, or children under sixteen years of age, or, in case he leaves no widow or minor chidren, his dependent par- ent or parents if any shall be en- titled to a pension in the amount and under the conditions heretofore pro- vided to be paid to the surviving widow and minor children and depend- ent parents of a member killed or dis- abled in the performance of his dut- ies. And provided ft:ether, if, at any time, there shall be insufficient funds in the policemen's pension fund to meet and pay all pensions due and ow- ing from said fund, the board of trus- tees shall apportion the amount on hand in said fund among the persons entitled to such pension, in proportion to the amount to which each is en- titled, and the payment of such pro- portionate amount shall be considered a full payment of the amount then due and no liability shall thereafter exist for the unpaid portions of such pen- sions. Section 11. If any member o:' the police department shall have been re- tired by reason of •physical or mental disability, the hoard of trustees shall have the right and power, at any time, to cause such retired member to be brought before it and again examined by competent physicians for the pur- pose of discovering whether such dis- ability yet continues and whether such retired. member shall be contin- ued on the pension roll, and said board shall also have power to examine wit- nesses for the same purpose. Such re- tired member shall he entitled to rea- sonable notice that such exauminath will be made and to he present at the time of the taking o1' any testimony. shall be permitted to examine the witnesses brought before the hoard. and shall also have the right to in- troduce evidence in his own behalf. All witnesses produced shall lie exam- ined under oath, anti any member of such board of trustees is hereby au- thorized and empowered to administer such oath to such witnesses. The de- cision of such board upon such mat- ters shall be final and conclusive, in the absence of fraud, and no appeal •shall be allowed therefrom. Such dis- abled member shall remain upon the lien roll unless and until rein- stated in such police department by i eason of such examination. Section 12. llie provisions of this ordival;ce shall be, at all tunes, sub- ject. to alterations or change to con- form with the alterations and changes which may Is made by legislative enactment iiith reference to said Chapter (b •tf the laws of the Thirty- chird (general Assembly of the State of Iowa, and all persons cl:tintiug benefits under the provisions hereof shall be entitled to roc, ice only such benefits as provided Ly Inv at the time such benefits shrill accrue. Section 12. All pensions paid :Lind all monies drawn from the pension fund, under the provisions of this ordinance, shall be upon warrants signed by the board of trustees, which saki warrants shall designate the name of the person and the purpose for which payment is made. The Treasurer nr tha hoard or trustees shall prepare annually, imme- diately after the first day of January, a report of the receipts and expendi- tures for the year ending December 31 of the previous year. showing the money on hand, how invested, all mon- ies received and ,twirl out. which said report shall he filed with the City lie- / corder. Section 14 This ordinance shall he fine and effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its l,ul lie:ition ane time lie the Dubuque Times -Journal and the Dubuque Tele- graph -Hi raid, official newspapers of the city of Dubuque. Adopted , 19111. pprnt'cd / 91e Mayor. A ttest: City ileeorder. l\loved by All. 1\iel•:coy that the reading just had bi• eousi(i•deal its first reading. .lir!. AleEvoy moved the rules he susl,enni, d for the purpose of reading 1he iy its title, for the scc- um; .\ Id. I)'Itonrke that it le 1, , ,,! Committee of the iii : Veds.1pcl, I;unrke, Sauer. t11.1:tr Nii1!, ugrin, Alayor declaring mo - t1••11 • I. t 236 Adjourned Regular Session, July 29, 1910 AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON WILBUR AVENUE FROM THE WEST END OF THE IMPROVED PORTION OF AT THE EASTERLY LINE OF OLIVE STREET TO THE EAST LINE OF SPRUCE STREET IN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That a grade on Wilbur Avenue from the easterly line of Olive street to the east line of Spruce Street be and the same is hereby adopted and established as shown by the profile of said street and grade prepared by the City Engineer being Profile No. 678 and marked profile showing grade of Wilbur avenue be- tween west end of improved portion and east line of Spruce street, b. m. house No. 329 Julien avenue, elevation 162.289". Said grade beginning at Station 0, which is the end of curb in place east line of Olive street, eeva- tion 201.0; thence to station 3-1-74.7, which is the east line of Spruce street, elevation 176.91. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph -Herald and Times -Journal newspapers. Adopted Approved Attest: City Recorder. Moved by Ald. McEvoy, that the reading just had be considered its first reading. Carried. Aid. McEvoy moved the rules be suspended for the purpose of reading the Ordinance by its title, for the sec- ond reading. Carried by the following vote: Yeas, Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Singrin. Absent, Ald. Specht. Ald. McEvoy then moved that the Ordinance be now adopted as react. Carried by the following vote: Yeas, Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin. Absent, Ald. Specht. Alderman McEvoy offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that Wilbur Ave., from the westerly end of the present improvement thereon and from a point on said street at the intersec- tion of the easterly line of Olive Street, with said Wilbur Ave. to a point fifty-six (56) feet ten (10) inches westerly of a point on Wilbur Ave., where the easterly line of Olive Street intersects with Wilbur Ave., be im- proved by grading, curbing, guttering and macadamizing the same for a dis- tance of 56 ft. 10 inches westerly of the west end of the present improvement thereon in accordance with the plans Mayor. and specifications for such improve- ment prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the Ulty Recorder, and be it further Resolved, that said improvement shall be completed on or before the 1st Day of November, 1910, and shall be paid for in the manner prescribed by Chapter XXXII of the Revised Ordi- nance of the City of Dubuque for the payment of the cost of street improve- ments. The proposals for doing said work shall be acted upon by the Council on the 18th Day of August, 1910, and the City Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication, asking for proposals as provided by ordinance. Moved by Ald. McEvoy that the res- olution be adopted as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas, Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Sin - grin. Absent, Ald. Specht. Ald. O'Rourke offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for constructing a Sanitary Sewer in Hay - den's Lane from Bluff street 260 feet westward by Street and Steuck, con- tractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a Special Tax be and is hereby levied on the several Lots, and Parts of Lots, and Parcels of Real Estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set op- posite each Lot or Parcel of Real Es- tate, as follows: Owner. Description. Total. C. D. Hayden, East Lot 2 of 1 of City 609, 114 lin. feet at .5361$61.12 Arthur McCann Est., City Lot 609a, 114 lin. feet at .5361 61.12 Moved by` Aid. O'Rourke the resolu- tion be adopted. Carried. Alderman Sauer offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that Windsor avenue from the end of the present improvement to a point about 320 feet northerly therefrom be improved by grading to sub-gdade, curbing where - ever necessary and brick paving the same on a macadam foundation in ac- cordance with the plans and specifica- tions for such improvement prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder and he it further Resolved, that said improvement shall be completed on or before the 1st day of October, 1910, and shall be paid for in the manner prescribed by Chap- ter XXXII of the Revised Ordinance of the City of Dubuque for the pay- ment of the cost of street improve- ments. The proposals for doing said work shall be acted upon by the Council on, the 18th day of August, 1910, and the City Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication, Adjourned Regular Session, July 29, 1910 237 asking for proposals as provided by ordinance. Moved by Ald. Sauer that the reso- lution be adopted as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas, Alds. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Sin - grin. Absent, Ald. Specht. Alderman Sauer offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that it is deemed necessary and advisable to construct a sanitary sewer in Twenty- -fifth street and in the alley between Washington and Elm streets as fol- lows, to -wit: an eight inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Twenty-fifth street from the present manhole at intersec- tion of the alley between Jackson and Washington streets easterly to the al- ley between Washington and Elm streets, thence southerly in said alley to the south line of lot 7 in O. S. Lang - worthy's Sub., and tr. assess the cost of said sewer against the abutting property. Moved by Ald. Sauer that the reso- lution be adopted as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas, Alds. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Sin - grin. Absent, Aid. Specht. Alderman Sauer offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat and specifications for an eight inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Twenty-fifth street from the present manhole at intersection of the alley between Jackson and Washing- ton streets easterly to the alley be- tween Washington and Elm streets, thence southerly in said alley to the south lot line of lot 7 in O. S. Lang - worthy's Sub., showing the locations and general nature of such improve- ment, the extent thereof, the size and kind of material to be used, and to prepare an estimate of the cost thereof and the amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting thereon per front feet or square feet in area and to file such plat, specifications and estimate in the office of City Recorder, That after such plat is so filed, the City Recorder shall cause to be pub- lished notice of the intention of the Council to make such improvement, which notice shall Ire published in three consecutive issues of the official paper of the city of Dubuque, stating that such plat is on file, and generally the nature of the sewer, its location, size and kinds of material to be used, and the estimate of its cost, and fix- ing the time before which objections can be filed, which time shall not be less than five (lays after the last pub- lication of such notice, and after the completion of the publication of such notice, he shall at its next session, no- tify the Council thereof in writing with ap rioted copy of such notice accom- panying the same. Moved by Ald. Sauer that the reso- lution be adopted as read, tarried by the following vote: Yeas, Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin. Absent, Ald. Specht. Alderman Sauer offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to construct a sanitary sewer in the pro- posed alley between Washington and Elm Streets, as follows, to -wit: An eight -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in said alley from Lincoln to Eagle Point Avenues, and to assess the cost of said sewer against the abutting property. Moved by Ald. Sauer, resolution be adopted. Carried. Alderman Sauer offered the follow- ing Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby di- rected to prepare a plat and specifica- tions for an eight -inch tile pipe sani- tary sewer in the proposed alley be- tween Washington and Elm Streets, from Lincoln to Eagle Point Avenues, showing the locations and general na- ture of such improvement, the extent thereof. the size and kind of material to be used, and to prepare an esti- mate of the cost therof and the amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting thereon per front feet or square feet in area, and to file such plat, specifi- cations and estimate in the office of City Recorder. That after such plat is so filed, the City Recorder shall cause to be pub- lished notice of the intention of the Council to make such improvement, which notice shall be published in three consecutive issues of the official paper of the City of Dubuque, stating that such plat is on tile, and generally the nature of the sewer, its location, size and kinds of material to be used, and the estimate of its cost, and fix- ing the time before which objections can he filed, which time shall not be less then five clays after the last pub- licelion of said notice, and after the completion of the publication of such notice, he shall at its next session, no- tify the Council Ihereof in writing with a printed copy of such notice ac- companying the same. \1ov41 by Ald. Sauer that the reso- lution be adoliieil as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -- .lids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Saner, Saul, Singrin, Absent—Aid. Specht. 238 Adjourned Regular Session, July 29, 1910 Alderman Singrin offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to improve Valeria street from Kaufman avenue to Hart street and it is here- by proposed to grade, curb, gutter and macadamize said portion of said street and to assess the cost of said •curbing. guttering and macadamizing against the abutting property. Moved by Ald. Singrin that the res- •olution be adopted as read. Carried by the following vote: ' Yeas, Alds, Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin. Absent, Ald. Specht. Alderman Singrin offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Council Of the City of Dubuque, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed toprepare a plat showing generally the location, nature and extent of the proposed improvement on Valeria street from Kaufman avenue to Hart street and the kind of material to be used. and an estimate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such improvement, and the amount assessable upon any railway or street railway company, the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the city recorder; that after the filing of said plat and esti- mate in his office, the city recorder shall public in three consecutive is- sues of a newspaper publihed in this city, a notice stating that such plat and e' timates are on file, the location and nature of the improvement, kind of material to be used, and an esti- mate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of such no- tice, and after such publication shall have been made, the city recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Moved by Ald, Singrin that the res- olution he adopted as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas, Aids, Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin. Absent, Ald. Specht. Alderman McEvoy offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City'Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to improve North Booth street from Julien avenue to `Vest Fourteenth street and it is hereby proposed to grade, curb, gutter and macadamize said street and to as- sess the cost of said curbing, guttering and macadamizing against the abutting property. Moved by Ald. McEvoy that the rest• lution be adopted as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas, Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Sin - grin. Absent, Ald. Epecht. Alderman McEvoy offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the. City Council o; the City of Dubuque, That the city en- gineer be and he is hereby directed' to prepare a plat showing generally the location, nature and extent of the pro- posed improvement on North Booth street from Julien avenue to West Fourteenth street and the kind of ma- terial to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such improvement, and the amount assessable upon any railway or street railway company. the amount and cost thereof, to be p:, id by the city. if any, and the cost thereof. and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel if land adjacentcto or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to fila such plat and estimate in the office of the city recorder; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his offic the city recorder shall publish in thre consecutive issues of a newspaper puh- lished in this city, a notice stating that such plat and estimates are on file, th•' location and nature of the improvement. kind of material to be used, and an es- timate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can be filed. and the time for hearing, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of such notice, and after such publication shall have been made, the city recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City comi- c'', notify the council thereof in writing, with a printed copy of such notice ac- companying the same. Moved by Ald. McEvoy that the reso- lution be adopted as read. Carried h; the following vote: Yeas, Aids. Apel. McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Sin - grin. Absent, Ald. Suecht. Alderman McEvoy offered the follovv- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That it is deemed necessary and advisable to improve Pickett street from West Fourteenth street to the angle first northerly thereof and it is hereby proposed to grade to sub -grade and brich-p,ive said portion of said street on a concrete foundation and to aseess the cost of said grading, brick -paving and con • trete foundation against the abutting property. Moved by Ald. McEvoy that the reso- lotion he adopted as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas, Aids. Ape!, McEvoy, O'Rourke. Saner, Saul, Sin- Adjourned Regular Session, July 29, 1910 Alderman McEvoy offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city en- gineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the. location, nature and extent of the pro- posed improvement on Pickett street from West Fourteenth street to the angle first northerly thereof, and the kind of material to be used and an es- timate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such improve- ment, and the amount assesable upon any railway or street railway com- pany, the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot. and to file such plat and es- timate in the office of the city recorder• that after the filing of said plat and es- timate in his office, the city recorde, shall publish in three consecutive issues of a newspaper published in this city, q notice stating that such plat and esti- mates are on file, the location and na- ture of the improvement, kind of ma- terial to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which objec- tions thereto can be filed, and the tin• fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of such notice, and after such publication shall have been made, the city recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council. no- tify the Council thereof in writing, with a printed copy of such notice accom- panying the same. Moved by Ald. JicEvoy that the reso- tion be adopted ;is road. Carried by the following vote: Yeas, Alds. Apel. McEvoy, O'Rourke. Sauer, Saul, Sin - grin. Absent, Ald. Specht. Alderman McEvoy offered the follow- ing: Whereas Irving Avenue in the City of Dubuque is now laid out fifty feet wide and the westerly end of said street is obstructed by a triangular piece of land for which the owner asks $250.00, and Whereas, no good reason exists why said street should be of the width of fifty feet and a street forty feet ,cid, will serve all purposes required by the public and it is hereby proposed to re- duce the width of the street to fort' feet, therefore Be it Resolved by the City I'an i-il .r the City of Dubuque. That the City En- gineer be directed to make a serve and plat of that part of said amnn- proposed to be vacated to he filed in hi.; office subject to public inspection and give the entice required by nrdinnnec to all owners of property abnttin:•; said ground proposed to be vacated ;and t • 239 publish the notice required by ordi- nance of such proposed vacation. Moved by Ald. McEvoy that the reso- lution be adopted as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas, Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Sin - grin. Absent, Ald. Specht. Alderman McEvoy offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City En gineer be and he is hereby instructed to prepare a profile showing a new grade on Irving Avenue from Deihl street to Decorah avenue. Moved by Aid. McEvoy that the reso- lution be adopted as read. Carried. Alderman Singrin offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. that the City En- gineer be and he is hereby instructed to prepare plans and spceitic•ations for the continuation of tile work on the Bee Branch sewer from the end of the present improvement between Seven- teenth and Eighteenth streets norther- ly as far as the appropriation made therefor Will permit and providing for the covering of said sewer where the same crosses Eighteenth street. Moved by Ald. Singrin that the report be adopted as read. Carried. Your Committee on Sewers would re- spectfully report that we have examin- ed the sanitary sewer in Seminary street from manhole at the intersection of Madison street to a point about five hundred and fifty feet westerly there- of. H. C. Strong, cull tractor, and would recommend that sail saver he accepted and that the City Engineer be instruct- ed to prepare a special assessment against the lots or parcels of real es- tate subject to assessment for said sewer and file the sante in the office of the City Recorder who will tllerenp,y publish the notice of said assessment as required by ordinance. W. SINIlIlIN, Chairma n. Moved by Ald. Singrin report be a dopted. (';n•ried. Your Committee on Streets would r? spectfully report that we have ex>unin- ed the improvement on Bluff street from Third street to Eighth street. M. Tsc hirgi tr sous, contractors, and would recommend tint sail work be necepte,i an,l that the City 7Surr,ineer hrcinstriirtcd to l rep re especial as- u',u-nn ct n.,:dna'1 the lots or iinreels of ri :.. e=i-'I h•ii itl•ii by sn,.h improve - n). -iii reel il), same in the ofii,•e -1 the I';, I:., "ISI' who I'. ill Iinare11pnn I,el.;'.1. II,.- ,,oLl ass,.s nn•nt a•; n lir, l,iihnn e. chairman. ren et I!, tilopt- 240 Adjourned Regular Session, July 29, 1910 Your Committee on Streets, acting on the report of the Street Commissioner, would respectfully recommend that the, improvement on East street from Delhi to Center strets, The O'Farrell Con- tracting Co., contractors, be accepted and that the City Engineer be in- structed to prepare a special assess- ment against the lots or parcels of real estate subject to assessment for said improvement and file the same in the office of the City Recorder who will thereupon publish the notice of said as- sessment as required by ordinance. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Moved by Aid .Saul report be adopt- ed. Carried. Your Committee on Fire herewith submits the bids of the Dubuque Boat and Boiler Works and of Morrison Bros., for repairs toSteamer "Peter Ol- inger." These bids are for repairs to the boiler only and do not include a number of other repairs which will probably amount to about $75.00 or $80.00 extra. We would respectfully recommend that the contract for the work on the boiler be awarded to Mor- rison Bros., they being the lowest bid- ders, for $305.00, and that the Commit- tee on Fire be empowered to have such other repairs made to said engine as will place it in first-class condition. W.SINGRIN, Chairman. Moved by Ald. McEvoy the report be approved and the Committee on Fire to have steamer repaired in first-class manner. Carried. Moved by Ald. Singrin that the Chief of Police be instructed to have the pat- rol house whitewashed. Carried. Moved by Ald. Saul that the ap- pointment of Patrick Mulligan as plain clothes man be ,approved. Carried. Ald. Saul offered the following: Whereas it is deemed necessary and expedient to improve the south side of Cleveland Ave.. between Union street and Quince streei:, in front of and abut- ting the premises hereinafter described by laying down ,n permanent sidewalk thereon: Therefore be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque; That the City Engineer be and he ie hereby directed to prepare a plat show- ing generally the location, nature and extent of the proposed improvement on the south side of Cleveland Ave, be tween Union and Quince streets and in front of and abutting lot 1 of 2 of Lot 105 and Lot 187 Ilnion Add., and the kind of material to be used, and an es- timate of the entire cost thereof and the amount and cost of such improvement, and the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and es- timate in the office of the City Re- corder; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the City Re- corder shall notify said abutting and adjacent property owners, as provided by ordinance, that such plat and esti- mate are on file, the location and nature of the improvement, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost. and the time before which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five (5) days after the service of such notice and after such service shall have been made, the City Record- er shall, at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a copy of such notice accompanying the same. Moved by Ald. Saul the resolution be adopted. Carried by the following vote. Yeas—Ads. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke. Sauer, Saul, Singrin. Absent Ald. Specht. Ald. Saul also offered the following? Whereas it is deemed necessary and expedient to improve the south side of Third street between Main street and Iowa street in front of an abutting the premises hereinafter described by lay- ing a permanent sidewalk thereon: T6 be composed of brick or cement 10 feet wide. Therefore be it resolvea by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat show- ing generally the location, nature and extent of the proposed improvement on the south side of Third street and be- tween Main and Iowa streets and in front of an abutting the N. 2-3 of ("its Lot 193 and the kind of material to be used and an estimate of the entire cost thereof and the amount and cost of such improvement, and the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assessable upon each lot or par- cel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot. and to file such plat and estimat•• in the office of the City Recorder: tha t after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the City Recorder shall notify said abutting and adjacent prop- erty owners, as provided by ordinance, that such plat and estimate are on file, the location and nature of the improve- ment, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can be filed and the time fixed for hearing,. which time shall not be less than five (5) days after the service of such no - tee, and after such service shall have been made, the City Recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in Adjourned Regular Session, July 29, 1910 writing with a copy of such notice ac- companying the same. Moved by Ald. Saul the resolution be adopted. Carried by the following vote. Yeas: Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Singrin, Saul. Absent—Ald. Specht. Ald. Saul also offered the following: Whereas it is deeemd necessary and expedient to improve the east side of Alpine street between Reeder street and Solon street, in front of and abut- ting the premises hereina fter described by laying down a permanent sidewalk thereon, to be composed of cement ma- terial, four feet wide. Therefore be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, nature and extent of the proposed improve- ment on the east side of Alpine street between Reeder and Solon streets, and in front of and abutting lot 8, Lois Add., and the kind of material to lie used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof and the amount and cost of such improvement. and the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City Recorder; that after the filing of said plat and esti- mate in his office, tine City Recorder shall notify said abutting and adja- cent property owners, as provided by ordinance, that such plat and estimate are on file, the location and nature of the improvement. kind of material to lie 'used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can be filed. and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five (5) days after the ser- vice of such notice, and after such ser- vice shall have been made. the City Recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a copy of such notice accompa I ying the same. Moved by Alt]. Saul the resolution he adopted. Carried by the following' vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke. Sauer, Singrin and Saul. Absent—Aid. Specht. Ald. Saul also offered the following: Whereas it is deeemd necessary and expedient to improve the north side o1' Cleveland street between South Dodge street and Burns street, in front of and abutting the premises herein- after described by laying down a per- manent sidewalk thereon, to be com- posed of cement four feet wide. Therefore be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the City Engineer be and he is 241 hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, nature and extent of the proposed improve- ment on the north side of Cleveland Ave. between South Dodge and Burns streets, and in front of and abutting lot 69, Bush's Sub., including last 120 feet, Subd. Min. 63, and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof and the amount and cost of such improvement, and the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City Recorder; that after the filing of said plat and esti- mate in his office. the City Recorder shall notify said abutting and adja- cent property owners, as provided by ordinance, that such plat and estimate are on file, the location and nature of the improvement, kind of material to lie 'used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time beton, which objections thereto can lie filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which tone shall not be less than five Co days after the ser- vice of such notice, and after such ser- vice shall have been made, the City Recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council. notify the council thereof in writing, with a copy of such notice .accompanying the same. Jloved by Aid. Saul the resolution he adopted. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Singrin and Saul. Absent—Aid. Specht. Ald. Saul also offered the following: Whereas it is deeenul necessary and expedient to improve the north side of Rush street betrrron Union Ave. and Quince street, in front of and abutting the premises hereinafter de- scribed by laying down a permanent sidewalk thereon, to be composed of cement four feet wide. Therefore be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the city Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a pkat showing generally the location, nature and extent of the proposed improve- ment on the north side of Rush sweet between Union Air. and Quince streets. and in front of and abutting lot 1 of 2 of Lot 1S9, inion Add., and the kind of material I., ba used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof and the amount and cost of such improvement, and the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City Recorder; that 242 Adjourned Regular Session, July 29, 1910 after the filing of said plat and esti- mate in his office, the City Recorder shall notify said abutting and adja- cent property owners, as provided by ordinance, that such plat and estimate are on file, the location and nature of the improvement, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five (5) days after the ser- vice of such notice, and after such ser- vice shall have been made, the City Recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council. notify the.Council thereof in writing, with a copy of such notice accompanying the same. Moved by Ald. Saul the resolution be adopted. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, ;Sauer, Singrin and Saul. Absent—Ald. Specht. Ald. McEvoy offered the following: Whereas it is deemed necessary and expedient to improve the north side of Seminary street between North Main street and Paul street in front of and abutting the premises hereinafter de- scribed by laying down a permanent sidewalk thereon, to be composed of cement 6 feet wide. Therefore be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat show- ing generally the location, nature and extent of the proposed improvement on the north side of Seminary street be • tween North Main and Paul streets. and in front of and abutting lot 94 of Cox's Add., and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the en- tire cost thereof and the amount and cost of such improvement, and the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abut- ting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City Recorder; that after the filing of said plat and esti- mate in his office, the City Recorder; shall notify said abutting and adjacent property owners, as provided by ordi- nance, that such plat and estimate are on file, the location and nature of the improvement, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which objections there- to can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five (5) days after service of such notice, and after such service shall have been made, the City Recorder shall, at the next regular session of th ' City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a copy of such notice accompanying the same. Moved by Aid. McEvoy the resolution ' be adopted. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul and Singrin. Absent—Aid. Specht. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that th(! City Engineer and Street Commissioner be instructed to inspect the brick gut- ter on Julien avenue and Fifth street between Main and Iowa streets and report to Committee of the Whole. Carried. Moved by Ald. Singrin that Ald. O'Rourke be given power to experiment with tar covering on a short street in his ward. Carried. Moved by Ald. Singrin that the vote taken regarding the towel service at city hall at last meeting be reconsider - cd. Carried. Moved by Ald Singrin that the Foley Hand Laundry furnish towels for city hall. Amended by Old. McEvoy that the matter be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Moved by Ald. McEvoy that the Board of Health be instructed to take up the matter of sanitary sewerage in Bennett street. Carried. Moved by Ald. McEvoy that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare plan of sanitary sewer in Mt. Pleasant ave- nue from the Home of Friendless. Car- ried. Moved by Ald. Singrin that Mr. James Lynch be appointed inspector of Bee Branch sewer in Fifth ward. Carried. Moved by Ald. Sauer to adjourn. Carried. OTTO P. GEIGER, Cityrder. Approved . Attest: ti .1910 lbtoor Recorder List of Warrants List of City Warrants Dubuque, Iowa, July 1, 1910. To he Honorable Mayor and City Council of Dubuque Gentlemen: The following is a complete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of ,Tune, 1910' SALARIES FOR OFFICERS. D. J. Haas, Mayor $116 65 H. Brinkman, Treasurer, 23 days 98 95 G. D. Wybrant, Treasurer, 8 days 34 40 John A. McKinlay, Deputy Treasurer, 23 days 74 15 F. M. Blake, Deputy Treas- urer, 8 days 25 85 John A. Krayer, Clerk, Treas- urer, 23 days 44 45 Louis F. Kolfenbach, Clerk, Treasurer, 8 days 15 55 M. E. Lyons, Auditor 116 65 Geo. J. Vogel, Deputy Auditor 80 00 Otto P. Geiger, Recorder116 65 Geo. H. Ellwanger, Deputy Recorder ... 85 00 Jos. T. Kelly, Assessor 125 00 Al H. Wiedner, Deputy Asses- sor 83 35 Frank Kenneally, Deputy As- sessor 83 35 (leo. T. Lyon, Attorney 150 00 :Edgard II. Willging, Asst. At- torney .... .... 85 00 Nettie Bentley, stenographer20 00 Chas. Baumgartner, Engineer 166 65 Jos. Friedrick, Office Asst75 00 Wm. Cullen, Rodman 50 00 Thos. Reilly, Chief of Police100 00 John Lawlor, Committee Clerk 125 00 John Mahoney, Street Com- missioner 100 00 P.J. Royce, Sidewalk Inspec- tor 60 00 Geo. hiller, Superintendent of Sprinkling .... ...... 60 00 EId.Norton, Marketmaster55 00 Al. Moyer, Poundmaster 40 00 Mrs.H. Koenig, Janitress 30 00 Thos. Cahill, Park Custodian40 00 Chas. McManus, Park Cus- todian ... .... 40 00 Jos. Straney, Sr., Park Custo- dian ... .... 15 00 Dr. Chas. M. Linehan, Health Physician .... .... 50 00 Paul I:ewer. Sanitary Police65 00 Dr. F. J. Kennedy, Milk and Meat 'Inspector ,.., 75 00 John A. Cunningham, Clerk Pollee and Fire Board 15 00 John H. Carroll, Harbor and Wharfmaster .. .... 35 00 Peter Apel, Aldermen 25 00 Edw. McEvoy, Alderman 2:i 00 John O'Rourke. Alderman 25 00 Edw. Sauer, Alderman 2a 00 Jas. Saul, Alderman 25 00 243 Wm. Singrin Alderman , 25 00 Robert Specht, Alderman 25 00 FIRE. J. Reinfried, Chief $ 61 75 Wm. Hipman, Electrician49 00 M. Eitel, Captain No. 1 En- gine Co. , .... ..... A. Duccini, Stoker, No. 1 En- gine Co.... .... 35 79 J. Essman, Engineer, No. 1 Engine Co J. Flynn, Driver, No. 1 Engine Co........ .... ..... G. Beyer, Driver, No. 1. En- gine Co .... .. A. Heer, Lieut., No. 1 Engine Co.... ...... ...... 32 34 Wm. Kannolt, Pipeman, No. 1 Engine Co 32 34 B. Kirsch ,Pipeman, No. 1 Engine Co J. Dala;y, Captain, No. 2 En- gine ('u J. Harnr:s, Engineer, No. '„ En- gine ('o 40 68 T. Ryder. Engineer, No. 2 En- gine Co 40 68 M. Kelley, Driver, No, 2 En- gine Co.... .... 37 74 F. Murphy, Driver, No. 2 En- gine Co 35 79 H. Cain, Lieut., No. 2 Engine Co .......... .... ... 32 34 J. Bake'. Pipeman, No. 2 En- gine Co 32 34 Wm. Smith, Pipeman, No. 2 Engine Co 35 34 D. Ahern, Asst. Chief, Truck Co. No. 1.... ....... 49 00 J. Heuser, Driver, Truck Co. No. I.... .... 37 74 A. McDonnell, Engineer, Truck Co. No. I 40 68 P. Zillig, Lieut., Truck Co., No 1 32 34 AI. Sweeney, Lad(1erman, Truck Co. No. 1 32 34 J. McLoughlin, Ladderman, Truck Co. No. 1 32 34 J. Connelly. Ladderman, Truck Co. No. 1 32 34 \1'm. Kennedy, Ladderman, Truck Cc., No. 1 29 90 i. i)an :hert>. Ladderman, Truck ('o. N. 1 27 15 J. Murphy. \\ itc•lima n, Truck I 24 50 Wm. 'T:nnr,ett, Substitute, Truck co. No. 1.... 28 00 win. Il l' .nui ll. Soli t (ulc, Truck ('a. NO. 1 28 00 (1. Cahrhe, Captain, Chemical Co T. Kennel 11'...r.... ...... .T. Nrr'ilh. I.i nt I. Kepp1,r, Pipeman it. U'i•st•m. /se Co. No. 1 Driver, dose. Co., No. \i. nrh,v, i.i •uL, Iinsc Co., 38 23 40 37 35 68 74 79 32 38 34 23 38 35 32 32 83 79 31 34 38 23 35 79 244 List of Warrants No. 4 R. Kenneally, Pipeman, Hose Co. No. 4 Wm. Ducey, Captain, Hose Co. No. 5 F. Kenneally, Driver, Hose Co. No. 5 E. McDermott, Lieut. Hose Co. No. 5 T. O'Brien, Pipeman, Hose Co. No. 5 J. Roshin, Captain, Hose Co No. 6 F. Baumgartner, Driver, Hose Co. No. 6 J. Schonberger, Lieut., Hose Co. No. 6 P. Kirch, Pipeman, Hose Co No. 6.... .... J. Jellison, Substitute Wm. Pelan, Substitute Pension Fund for Firemen 17 20 32 34 38 23 35 79 32 34 27 45 38 23 35 79 32 34 27 45 4 00 13 32 31 55 POLICE. Louis Blocklinger salary, Po- lice $ 28 15 James Corcoran, salary, Police 32 50 Michael Connolly, salary, Po- lice ... .... 34 70 John Cody, salary, Police 32 50 Philip J. Dunphy, salary, Po- lice ... .... 35 00 'William Donahue, salary, Po- lice 16 25 Thomas Duffan, salary, Police 34 70 Michael Fogarty, salary, Po- lice ...... .... .... 34 70 Patrick Fury, salary, Police32 50 John Fox, salary, Police - 40 00 James Flynn, salary, Police32 50 Wm. Fox, salary, Police .. 32 00 Ben Gray, salary, Police34 70 Patrick Hanlon, salary, Police 32 50 Geo. Jones, salary, Police36 85 Emil Kahn, salary, Police36 85 Michael Kilty, salary, Police34 70 James Keefe, salary, Police32 50 John Kane, salary, Police34 70 .Tohn Kop, salary, Police 32 00 Patrick Kenneally, salary, Po- lice 34 70 Barney Ludescher, salary, Po- lice ... .... 34 70 Charles Liest, salary, Police37 35 Patrick McInerney, salary, Po- lice .... .. . 34 70 Patrick McCollins, salary, Po- lice, 32 50 Michael McCormick, salary, Police ...... .... 32 50 Henry Mueller, salary, Police 30 35 Hugh Markey, salary, Police. 34 70 John J. O'Brien, salary, Police 36 85 Michael O'Connor, salary, Po- lice ...... .... 32 50 John Raesle, salary, Police37 50 Michael Ryan, salary, Police34 70 Gus Ratterman, salary, Po- lice 30 00 Joseph Stoltz. salary, Police26 00 Michael Stapleton, salary, Po- lice 32 50 Patrick Sullivan, salary, Po- lice 34 70 John Spielman, salary, Police 16 25 Dennis Sheehan, salary, Police 32 00 Frank Williams, salary, Po- lice ..... .... 32 50 Louis Zemanek, salary, Police 32 00 Miss B. Brennan, salary, Ma- tron 32 60 Mrs. K. Hibbe, salary, Matron 32 50 LABOR ON STR•FJL7TS. M. Acker, 3rd $ 14 40 W. Burke, 1st 17 60 E. Besser, 1st 2 20 J. Brouillette, 2nd 18 60 G. Benjamin, 3rd 1 20 S. Bastien, 4th 16 80 C. Beutinn, 5th 11 60 E. Brunskill, 4th .... 1 80 P. Carney, 1st 19 60 W. Coughlan, 1st 19 40 M. Cain, 1st 2 20 .T. Coyne, 1st 2 20 H. Connell, 1st .... ... .. 2 20 J. Callaghan, 2nd ...... .... 23 40 M. Cunningham, 3rd 7 00 G. Collinson, 4th .... 18 60 J. Connolly. 1st, 2nd 25 20 M. arney, 2nd, 3rd, 4th25 J. Cahill 3rd 1 John Duggan, 1st .... 17 M. Donegan, 2nd 4 J. De Wachter, 4th 18 J. Dobler, 5th 15 T. Donahue 85 .Tohn Egan. 2nd .... 18 J. Eberhardt, 5th 17 J. Ess 25 M. Farrell, 1st 2 A. V. Floyd, 1st 2 20 80 60 00 6n 70 20 60 70 20 20 20 G. Frost, 2nd 25 00 F. Frick 7 80 W. Foley, 3rd 7 00 B. Frick, 5th 4 60 C. Frommelt ,5th 8 00 E. Fitzlat'f, 1-5 in each.... 25 00 J. Gednalski, 1st 2 20 B. Glass, 2nd, exp 17 6• 0 C. Geimer, 4th 18 60 H. Galle, 5th 1 80 T. Hackney, 1st .. 5 80 M. Hannan, 2nd, exp 18 20 T Harker, 4th 6 6• 0 J. Haupert, 5th 17 50 N. Herman, 5th 15 70 J. Healey, exp.... 23 40 P. Jacobs, 3rd 20 00 John John, 3rd 7 6• 0 J. Jellison, 3rd 3 60 P. Kreamer, 2nd 18 60 N. Kettenhofen, 3rd .. 19 40 M. Kelly, 3rd 798 80 M. Kieffer, 4th 8 00 C. Kupperschmidt 6 20 S. Kness 25 20 P. Kenneally, Health 25 20 J. Kinsella, 1-5 in each 25 00 P. Leonard, 1st 2 20 R. Love, 2nd 12 2• 0 D. Lilly, 3rd 8 80 List of Warrants F. Lassance, 5th 'I'. Lonergan .1 Mullen, 2nd A. \filler, 2nd, exp T. Malloy, 3rd Eid.Melloy, 3rd J. Martinek, 4th .... A. Manderscheid, 5th T. McNulty, 1st D. McGuinness, 1st .... ... J. McAleese, 2nd, exp... John McLaughlin, 3rd James McLaughlin, 3rd W. McLaughlin, 3rd J. McPoland, 4th B. McDonnell, 1-5 in each W. O'Brien, 1st C. O'Neill, 2nd P. O'Farrell, 3rd .... John Parker, 4th .... M. Prosser, 5th J. Ryan, 1st J. Roussell, 1st P. Reddin, 2nd R. Rosemeier, 2nd, exp J. Ryan. 2nd James Reid, 4th Geo. Rink, 5th D. Smyth, 2nd F. Slade, 3rd J. Schroeder, 4th P. Smith, 4th .... F Siege, 4th W. Stevens, 5th J. Shafetel, 5th J. Scheidecker, 5th F. Sella, 5th J. Steffens, 3rd, 4th James Tobin. 4th .... John Twieg, 5th A. Turner 1-5 in each W. Woods, 1st L. Walkenheim, 3rd J. Ward. 3rd J. Walsh, 4th A. Welu, 5th H. Weber, 5th P. Weirich, 5th W. Walker, 3rd, 4th TEAMS. M. Acker, 3rd, 4th.... ...... F. Burns, 3rd J. Berwanger, 5th F. Beutin, 5th John Calvert. 2nd, exp Josh Calvert, 2nd, exp N. Everett 1st.... ... James Graham J. Haudenschield 3rd F. Honecker P. Linehan's Sons, 3rd.... J. Long, 5th .........4 J. Linehan J. Mulligan, 1st .. ..... • ... J. McQuillan, 3rd .Teff McGrath P. S. Norton, 4th D. O'Meara, 1st R. Obermayer T. OLCwald .... J. Powers, 4th 10 60 25 20 18 60 7 80 16 80 19 00 18 00 8 00 9 40 4 80 19 40 15 20 12 60 25 00 9 00 37 50 25 00 18 60 7 80 18 60 8 20 19 40 2 20 17 60 17 60 23 40 14.20 7 60 1 20 7 00 18 60 4 80 25 00 15 70 6 60 6 40 7 20 25 20 18 60 15 70 25 00 2 80 13 20 6 20 9 80 15 70 17 20 25 00 25 20 46 00 38 50 32 75 40 5'0 48 50 48 50 33 00 52 13 55 61 28 46 48 50 46 46 48 38 58 43 00 00 50 50 25 65 50 50 50 50 50 50 00 50 W. Ruesch, 5th Anton Siege, 4th A. Stoltz, 5th Union Electric Co C. Van \Vie James Ward, 3rd .... 34 3 34 287 53 19 246 75 00 75 90 00 50 LABOR ON SEVERS. D. Cunningham $ 23 40 J. Ciune 23 40 A. Hard 23 40 W. Hennessy 23 40 F. Luchterhand 22 60 J. Rooney ...... 23 40 J. S'cheuer 23 40 C. Sullivan ...... .... 27 50 Casper Specht 30 00 Chas. Hanson, labor at City Hall $ 5 40 Mrs. Schuler, labor at City Hall 15 00 Mrs. Koenig, labor at City Hall 7 60 Louis Fay, labor at City Hall 8 40 Geo. D. \V'yhran1. Treasurer, interest on outstanding - warrants 247 75 (neo. D. AV'yhrant, Treasurer. . N. Exchange, etc. 17 91 t:e I \\'yhrant, Treasurer, l.ihrat•y orders 500 00 Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer, Library orders 500 00 Geo. D. Wybrant. Treasurer, Library orders '127 75 Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer, interest, outstanding war- rants ar- ranis 150 00 Geo. D. \\'ybrant. 'Treasurer, postage 10 00 Geo. D. AV'yhrant, 'Treasurer, it eight charges 50 Geo. D. \\'yhrant, Treasurer, Library orders 15 00 Phil l.oddin• one hose reel75 Labor Leader, printing 48 25 Smith -Morgan Prtg. Co., sup- plies and printing 143 70 Times -Journal, printing 14 93 Telegraph - Herald, printing ballots, etc. 447 00 Telegraph -Herald, printing 61 62 M. S. 'Hardie, Bond Files 27 50 C. E. Fitzpatrick Co., sup - 48 07 John Lenihan, hauling dead animals 38 50 Dan. J. Haas, assessment 1909 Upper \Iississipip River ltnprovenienl .Association . 22511 101 1'11:1?M.\N'S PAY ROLL. June 16. 1910 J. Reinfried, salary, Fire ..$ 62 00 Wm. Hipman, salary, Fire.. -50 -68 M. Eitel, salary, Fire 38 00 J. Essman, salary, Fire 41 00 A. Duccini, salary, Fire 35 00 J. Flynn, salary, Fire 38 00 G. Beyer, salary, Fire 35 00 A. Hoer, salary, Fire 33 00 W. Kannolt, salary, Fire 33 00 246 List of Warrants B. Kirch, salary, Fire J. Daley, salary, Fire J. Barnes, salary, Fire T. Ryder, salary, Fire M. Kelley, salary, Fire F. Murphy, salary, Fire H. Cain, salary, Fire J. Bakey, salary, Fire W. Smith, salary, Fire D. Ahern, salary, Fire J. P enter, salary, Fire A. M Donnell, salary, Fire 1'. Zillig, salary, Fire M. Sweeney, salary, Fire J. McGloughlin, salary, Fire J. Connelly, salary, Fire Wm. Kennedy, salary, Fire J. Daugherty, salary, Fire J. Murphy, salary, Fire Wm. Tannsett. salary, Fire Wm. McConnell, salary, Fire G. Gehrke, salary, Fire T. Kennedy, salary, Fire J. Smith, salary, Fire J. Keppler, salary, Fire R. Weston, salary, Fire J. Allen. salary. Fire M. Fahey, salary. Fire R. Kenneally, salary, Fire 'Wm. Ducey, salary, Fire F. Kenneally, salary, Fire E. McDermott, salary, Fire T. O'Brien, salary, Fire J. Roshin, salary, Fire F. Baumgartner, salary, Fire J. Schoenberger, salary, Fire P. Kirch, salary, Fire 33 00 38 00 41 00 41 00 38 00 36 00 33 00 33 00 33 00 50 00 38 00 41 00 33 00 33 00 33 00 33 00 30 00 27 00 25 00 27 00 27 00 38 00 35 00 33 00 33 00 33 00 35 00 33 00 33 00 38 00 35 00 33.00 27 00 38 00 35 00 33 00 27 00 POLICE PAY ]LOLL. Louis Blocklinger, salary, Po- lice ,, $ 32 50 James Corcoran, salary, Po- lice 34 70 Michael Connolly, salary, Po- lice 31 70 John Cody, salary, Police .. 34 70 Philip J. Dunphy, salary, Po- lice ' Wm. Donahue, salary, Police Thomas Duggan, salary, Po- lice 34 70 Michael Fogarty, salary, Po- lice Patrick Fury, salary, Police John Fox, salary, Police James Flynn, salary, Police Wm. Fox, salary, Police Ben Gray, salary, Police Patrick Iianlon, salary, Police Geo. Jones, salary, Police Emil Kahn, salary, Police Michael Kilty, salary, Police. James Keefe, salary, Police. John Kane, salary, Police John Kop, salary, Police Patrick Kenneally, salary, Po- lice 30 35 Barney Ludescher, salary, Po- lice 32 56 Charles Liest, salary, Police37 30 Patrick McInerney, salary, 30 40 34 70 34 70 32 50 36 30 32 50 32 50 34 70 32 50 34 70 34 70 34 70 32 50 34 70 30 00 Police Patrick McCollins, salary, Po- lice Micheal McCormick, salary, Police Henry Mueller, salary, Police Hugh Markey, salary, Police. John J. O'Brien, salary, Po- lice Michael O'Connor, salary, Po- lice John Raesle, salary, Police Micheal Ryan, salary, Police Gus Ratterman, salary, Police Joseph Stoltz, salary, Police. Michael Stapleton, salary, Po- lice Patrick Sullivan, salary, Po- lice John Spielman, salary, Police Dennis Scheen, salary, Police Frank Williams, salary, Po- lice Louis Zemanek, salary, Po- lice Miss R. Brennan, salary, Po- lice Matron Mrs. K. Hibbe, salary, Police Matron 34 70 32 50 34 70 30 30 34 70 34 70 40 85 37 50 34 70 32 00 32 50 34 70 34 70 16 25 32 00 32 50 32 00 32 50 32 50 BILLS. C. E. Fitzpatrick, supplies for various offices $ 14.30 J. Wittmer, supplies for Po- lice Dept.... 3.85 T. W. Ruete Drug Co., supplies for various offices 3.30 Berg & Briggs, stationery32.00 Kenna, Printing Co., station- ery for various offices 25.75 Martin-Strelau Co., 1 load of wood for City Hall 4.00 Spahn & Rose Lumber Co, lumber for park .87 G. W. Healey & Son, 1 grass hook .35 F. Schloz, supplies for City Hall .95 J. P. Foley, towel service for May, 1910 4.00 Louis Fay. cleaning house at City I-Iall ...... ..... 14.70 G. F. Kleih, supplies for Mar- ketmasters' and City En- gineer's offices .... 1.05 Standard Oil Co. 4.2 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., 75 feet hose for Jack- son Park 15.00 Larry Dailey, cleaning and hauling from Market Square for March, April and May, and hauling sawdust to City Hall Geo. Masters, 3 inverted gas mantels for Mayor's office R. Herrmann & Sons, repair- ing office chairs Ceo. P. Rose, Jr., tape for En- gineer's office ..... 36.30 .60 3.80 1.00 fl List of Warrants F. Schloz & Son, supplies and repairs, Sewer Dept Street & Steuck, balance due on Sanitary sewer in Hay - den's Lane 96.25 G. F. Kleih, supplies for Sew- er Dept...... • .. Geo. Bock, repairs for Sewer Dept • 1.50 W. D. Deckert, white waste for Police Dept.... 1.20 Philip Briethaupt, repairing plumbing, City Hall Ellwanger Bros., supplies for Police Dept 1.65 Key City Gas Co., gas arcs for Police and Fire Depts. for May, 1910 2.00 Frank Behr, feed for Police Dept ... 39.55 La Nicca Pharmacy, supplies for Police Dept .. • .. 1.25 American Ever Ready, bat- teries for flash lights for Police Dept 4.00 Ed. Norton, 38 meals furnished to prisoners for May, 19107.60 Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies for matrons 5.95 G. F. Kleih, supplies for Po- lice Dept...... .... 3.45 Mettel Bros. feed for Police Dept .... 5.10 Geo. Masters, cleaning sewer in calaboose 2.00 Collings & Pfiffner, horse - shoeing for Police Dept, 4.50 James O'Shea, 19.5 cu. yds macadam, Road, 1st 19.50 James Maloy, 5.17 cu. yds. ma - macadam, Road, 3rd 3.80 Jas. Lonergan, 2.72 cu. yds macadam, Road, 4th2.72 Ed. Maloy, 25.89 cu. yds. ma - macadam, Road, 3rd 19.42 Peter Jacobs, 29.65 cu. yds macadam, Road, 3rd F. Schloz & Son, repairs for sprinkling wagon Louis Walkenheimer, 27.18 cu. yds. macadam, Road, 3rd20.38 Mike 'Donnigan, 14.02 cu. yds macadam, Road, 2nd Michael Kass, 18.99 cu. yd macadam, Road, 5th 18.99 G. F. Kleih, supplies for Road Dept Hussman & Lies, supplies Road and Sewer Depts 6.50 Standard Oil Co.. road oil for Road, 2nd Joseph Brouilette, 1.11 cu. yds. macadam, load. 2nd3.31 Ellwanger Bros.. repairs, Road Dept John Me\lleese, 4.22 cit. yds. m;teadam, Road, 2n 1 3.17 Eagle Point Lime Works. 72 yard crushers stone, Road, 2nd 100.00 2.5G 1.20 3.10 22.26 26.70 10.51 .60 337.0; .10 Fred Keck, 5.97 cu. yds ma- cadam, Road, •2nd Standard Oil Co., oil for Road Dept 247 4.47 Pitts -Th,,,,,,,,,,,,, Foundry Co., 2 3.40 sewer grates for Road, 3rd and 5th $12.00 Key City Iron Works, repairs to Steam Roller 18.49 Key City Roofing Co., cement for Road Dept. 12.33 John Kness, 3.27 cu. yds. cadam, Road, 3rd 2.45 Louis Schulty, 5.89 cu. yds. ma- cadam, Road, 3rd 4.42 John Mullen, 13.94 cu. yds. ma- cadam, Road, 2nd . 13.94 Barney Glass, 8.34 cu. yds. ma- cadam, Road, 2nd 6.25 Geo. Bock, repairs on sprinkling wagon 3.00 Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs for Road Dept. 4.31. Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., 11 ft. engine suction hose ana 2 rubber coats for Fire Dept.. 55.00 Iowa Oil Co., oil for Fire Dept.. 12.20 Standard Oil Co., oil for Fire Dept. 5.00 John Neuman & Son, repairs and supplies, Fire Dept. 12.35 Union Electric Co., power for City Fire Alarm, May 2.00 Key City Gas Co., fuel for Fire • Dept. 25.65 Lagen, Peed & Berwanger, horseshoeing for Fire Dept. 9.00 E. C. Keating, toilet paper for Fir(' Dept, 4.75 Estate of Thns. Connolly, re- pair.. for Fire Dept. 2.00 Vallenweider & Rein, horseshoe- ing for Fire Dept. 10.20 T. H. Clark, drug supplies for Fire Dept. 32.39 John Kriebs, repairs for Fire Dept. and supplies 14.15 Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse - shoeing for Fire Dept. .... .. 11.90 Fisher & Co.. coal for Fire Dept. 12.90 Collings & Pflffner, horseshocing for Fire Dept. 12.50 Matt. Stafford, feed for Fire Dept. 30.00 A. Y. McDonald, brass casting for Fire Dept. 1.65 F. Schloz R Son supplies for Fire Dept. .75 Kenna Printing Co., printing sidewalk notions .... .. 5.50 Smith -Morgan Printing Co., 90 pamphlets for Alay ;ind 31.800 comp., list of wit rants \ntiniial T't.iuokral, advertising for May Tabor Lender, advertising for Tinir:=-,Tnnrnnl, printinc city „.ii,,, I prnei' Iinc's and no - ti, es. \r,,. (1. 1'. lil •il:, tn l:s for Health de - p: i al l ro'n l 1\-,`V c'it 3a c' ,., 1i,l1t fur V l- ion:; ,,tli, rr ;Hid debts., \Toy .. 76.85 ma - 26.13 12.50 12.50 44.62 n5 24 8 List of Warrants Union Electric Co., street light- ing for May 500.00 Union Electric Co., street light- ing for May 500.00 Union Electric Co., street light- ing for May 500.00 Union Electric Co., street light- ing for May 500.00 Union Electric Co., street light- ing for May 251.75 Western Union Telegraph Co, electric clock and time service for May 1.00 Iowa Telephone Co., telephone rental for various offices and Depts. for April 11.50 Iowa Telephone Co., telephone rental for various offices and Depts. for May 10.50 Spahn & Rose Lumber Co., lum- ber for sidewalks 47.40 Peter Lange, nails for sidewalk 9.80 Robert McGivern, inspector on East street 25.00 Robert McGivern, inspector on East street 50.00 O'Farrell Contracting Co., 5 per cent retained for one year, repaving Clay street from 11th to 12th street south 82 20 O'Farrell Contracting Co., 5 per cent retained for one year, constructing storm water sewer in West Locust street 102.38 LABOR ON STREETS M. Acker, 3rd $ 15 80 J. Brouillette, 2nd 21 20 J. Berchen, 2nd 19 50 G. Bengemann, 3rd 5 40 S. Bastien, 4th 5 00 J. Burns, 4th 9 00 C. Beutin, 5th 7 20 P. Carney. 1st 22 40 W. Coughlin, 1st 22 40 H. Connell, 1st 5 40 J. Callaghan, 2nd 25 20 G. Collinson, 4th 8 00 Jas. Connolly, 1st, $11.70; 2nd, $11.70 M. Carney. 2nd, $7.80 ;3rd, $7.80; 4th, $7.50 23 40 J. De Wachter, 4th 3 60 T. Donahue, 1st, $2.10; 2nd, $7.00; 3rd. $7.95; 4th, $5.60; 5th, 75c 23 40 J. Egan, 2nd 21 20 J. Eberhardt, 5th 12 80 J. Ess, 1st, $2.10: 2nd, $7.00; 3rd, $7.95; 4th, $5.60; 5th, 75c George Frost, 2nd F. Frick, 3rd B. Frick, 5th C. Frommelt, 5th B. Glass, 2nd C. Geimer, 4th H. Galle. 5th C. Gantenbein, 5th T. Hackney, 1st M. Hannan, 2nd J. Haupert, 5th 23 40 23 25 1 16 11 21 13 5 1 18 20 6 40 00 80 40 00 30 40 00 80 00 60 40 N. Herman, 5th J. Healey, expense Peter Jacob, 3rd John John, 3rd N. Ketenhofen, 3rd M. Kelly, 3rd J. Kness, 1st, $2.10, 2nd, $7.00; 3rd, $7.95; 4th, $5.60; 5th, 75c P. Kenneally, Health J. Kinsella, 1-5 in each E. Fitzlaff, 1-5 in each , .. R. Love, 1st, 70c; 2nd, $5.75; 34, 75c; 4th, 70c; 5th, 70c. F. Lassance, 5th T. Lonergan, 1st, $2.10; 2nd, $7.00; 3rd, $7.95; 4th, $5.60; 5th, 75c J. Mullen, 2nd A. Miller, 2nd Ed. Malloy, 3rd Tom Malloy, 3rd J. Martinek, 4th A. Manderscheid, 5th T. McNulty, 1st J. McAleese, 2nd Jas, McLaughlin, 3rd W. McLaughlin, 3rd John McLaughlin. 3rd P. McPoland, 4th B. McDonnell, 1-5 in each W. O'Brien, 1st C. O'Neill, 2nd J. Parker, 4th , M. Prosser, 5th P. Ryan, 1st R. Rosemeier, 2nd Phil Reddin, 2nd James Ryan, 2nd H. Rolwand, 1-5 in each W. Shields, 3rd J. Schroeder, 4th P. Smith, 9th S. Sterling, 4th F. Siege, 4th F. Selli, 5th J. Schafetel, 5th J. Singrin, 5th J. Steffens, 3rd, $11.70; 4th, $11.70 J. Tobin, 4th J. Twieg, 5th A. Turner, 1-5 in each L. Walkenheim, 3rd A. Welu, 5th H. Weber, 5th P. Weirich, 5th W. Walker, 3rd, $11.70; 4th, $11.70 N. Zingel, 4th TEAMS. M. Ackels, 3rd, $20.85; 4th, $41.65 F. Burns, 3rd Felix Becker, 3rd F. Boutin, 5th John Calvert, 2nd Josh Calvert, 2nd B. Costello, 4th A. Conrad, 5th Mrs. A. Dietl, 5th 14 60 16 20 20 40 8 00 20 40 9 00 23 40 23 40 17 30 17 30 8 60 5 40 23 40 21 20 5 20 9 20 5 20 5 40 1 00 17 00 14 20 1 80 25 00 20 40 6 00 28 80 25 00 14 40 19 00 1 80 2 40 20 50 15 40 23 40 8 65 1 40 16 60 8 20 1 40 25 00 5 60 6 40 11 00 23 40 17 60 14 60 25 00 80 10 00 21 20 25 00 23 40 80 62 50 2 00 15 50 14 00 53 50 53 25 2 00 13 50 4 50 List of Warrants J. Graham. 1st, $12.40; 2nd, $30.0; 4th, $27.00 F. Hohnecker, 1st, 80c; 2nd, $2.10; 3rd, $2.80; 4th, $2.00; 5th, $57.80 P. Lenihan Sons, 3rd J. Landholdt, 4th John Long, 5th J. Linehan, 1st, $3.90; 2nd, $13.00; 3rd, $14.75; 4th, $10.40 ;5th, $1.30 James Mulligan, 1st J. McCollins, 2nd J. McQuillan, 3rd Jeff McGrath, 4th J. S. Norton, 4th D. O'Meara, 1st J. Oswald, 1st, $29.35; 2nd, $30.30; 3rd, $2.10; 4th, $1.50; 5th, 25c R. Obermayer, 2nd R. Obermayer, 1st, $3.20; 2nd, $10.75; 3rd, $12.15; 4th, $2.60; 5th, $1.05 J. Powers. 4th J. Siegworth, 1st C. Van Q1rie, 1st, $7.20; 2nd, $21.10; 3rd, $40.20; 4th, $3.00; 5th, 50c 72 00 James Ward, 3rd 16 00 Sam Young, 5th 27 25 LABOR ON SEWERS 60 00 65 64 31 44 43 42 24 30 6 35 56 50 00 50 00 35 50 50 00 50 00 00 63 50 9 50 35 75 12 50 56 00 D. Cunningham $ J. Clune A. Hird W. Hennessy F. Luchterhand J. Rooney J. Scheuer C. Sullivan ............... C. Specht Geo. T. Lyon, City Attorney, expense incurred at Des Moines, Martin & Strelau vs. City J. Martinek, macadam, 4th L. Walkheim, macadam, 3rd Wm. Berry, macadam, 5th Martin Young, macadam, 5th Albert Schnee, macadam, 5th Ed. Malloy, macadam, 3rd Tom Maloy, macadam, 3rd Mrs. Koenig, house cleaning, City Hall Mrs. E. Schuler, house clean- ir g, City Hall Tibey Bros., 5% retained one year on improvement of Ambrose Street Tim Taylor, inspector Har- riet Street sanitary sewer John Drehouse, calsomining calaboose W. Marshall, repairs to steam roller M. S. Hardie, printing for City Election G. Ragatz & Son, repairs on sprinkling awgon Nesles & Hammel, repairs on 23 80 22 00 22 00 22 00 23 40 22 00 23 40 27 50 30 00 20 S 10 13 9 30 10 18 20 59 63 95 14 06 05 85 9 40 15 10 65 95 11 55 24 50 23 78 132 50 2 34 249 6th street fountain 3 00 Harger & Blish, supplies for City Election 15 25 Geo. Luke, excessive tax paid 11 25 E. T. Frith, removing garbage 374 40 John Drehouse, cleaning chimney, City Hall 14 00 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of all awr- rants issued by me during the month of June, 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER, City Recorder. 0,34 Approved ........ / 1 1910. Attest: ..bfayor e--(14 ecorder Y Official Notices Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the Connell Chamber, City Hall, by the City Recorder until 8:00 p. m. Thursday, July 21, 1910, for the • con- struction of a reinforced concrete cover for the present Bee Branch sewer in Cooler Creek between Cedar and Syca- more Streets, 22 feet wide, commenc- ing at the north side of Sixteenth Street and extending a distance of about 160 feet northerly therefrom, and for reinforced concrete wall on the east and west sides of said sewer, con- taining' approximately 195.00 cubic yards; also for cutting the present east wall of said sewer 6" by 7' 8". In accordance with plans of said sewer, and the specifications prepared by the City Engineer, and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that it will require 195 cubic yards o," reinforced concrete wall and about 161 lineal feet of reinforced concrete cover 22 feet wide. The contractor will do :all work and furnish all material. Bidders will state the price per lin- eal foot for completed concrete cover and price per cubic yard for completed concrete wall. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for $100.00 on some Du- buque bank as a guarantee that ,t contract will be entered into if award- ed. Check and bid in separate envel- opes. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, July 9, 1910. 7-9-tt' OTTO P. GEIGER, City Recorder. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the City Recorder, until 8:00 p. m. Thursday, July 21, 1910, for the im- provement of Martha Street, from the west curb line of Alta Vista Street tai the east lot line of the alley first west thereof, in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer, and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. • It is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require: 370 lineal feet combined cement, con- crete, curb and guttering, 525 cu. yds. Telford macadam. 53S cru, yds. cutting. The work to be paid for when said work is completed and as prescribed by Chapter XXXII. of the Revised Ordinances of 1901, of the City of Du- buque, work to be completed on or be- fore the 1st day of September, 1910. Bidders must tate price per lineal foot for combined cement concrete curb and Buttering. The price per square yard for Telford macadam, also price per square yard for cutting. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for $50.00 on some Du- buque bank, as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if award- ed. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, July 9, 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER, 7-9-3t. City Recorder. Notice to contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the Council Chainher, City Hall, by the City Recorder, until 8:00 p. m. Thurs- day, July 21, 1910, for the removal of the reinforced concrete top and walls of the Bee Branch Server in the alley between Cdar and Sycamore, and Six- teenth and Seventeenth streets. The contractor will do a all work necessary to complete work in accordance to the specifications now on file in the office of the City Recorder. Bidders will state the price fur en- tire work. Each bid must be accom- panied by a certified check for $10.00 on some Dubuque hank as a guarantee that a contract will he entered into if awarded. Check and bid in separate envelopes. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, July 16. 1910, OTTO P. GE1c:Ell, 7-16-3t. City Reee.rdor. NOTICE OF THE a'I'I'Y a'atl'\OIL'S INT i•l - Tlu\ Tai I.AlI'ItitVE WINU:Sctll AVIt:Ae'1t: Pl:ct\l THE] l'Nl ttP THE P1' : it:NT I\II'jIOVE.\TENT TO A POINT ABOI'T 320 FEET NORTHEi:I.Y THEIu';FRoM. ON A \l.AcA1t.A.11 Fol'NI \TIctN. To Whom It \lav Concern: You and each of you are hereby no- tified that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque to improve Windsor Avenue from the end of the present improvement to a point about 320 feet northerly there- from. That the plat and specifications of said proposed improvement are now on file in the office of the City Re- corder. It is' estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require: New curb, 8 feet: old curb re=et. 200 feet; 1,383.9 square yards of paw- ing, making an estimated cost to the abutting property owners. $1,9.a-..65: to the Union Electric Co., $4,1.00: to the City, $1,000.00; a total estimated cost of $2,648.65. Any person having objection to said improvement is hereby notified to ap- pear before the City Council at its regular session to be held July 2 1. 1910, or to file with the City 'levity- Official Notices der thein objections in writing on or before July 21, 1910. Dated at. Dubuque, July 8, 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER, 7-8-3t. City Recorder, Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the City Recorder, until, 8:00 p. m. Thursday, August 4, 1910, for the im- provement of Ninth Avenue sewer in accordance to the plans and specifica- tions now on file in the office of the City Recorder. Bidders to submit two separate bids, one stating price per cubic yard for grading (this price to include build- ing embankment, as only material cut will be paid for), and the other to state price per square yard for pav- ing as per typical section Tach bid must be accompanied by a certified check for $10.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into it awarded. The City reserves the right to re- ject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, July 27, 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER, 7-28-3t. City Recorder. NOTICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTEN- TION TO IMPROVE FIFTH STREET FROM THE WEST LOT LINE OF MAIN STREET TO EAST CURB LINE OF LOCUST STREET. To Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby notified that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque to improve Fifth Street from the west lot line of Main Street to the east curb line of Locust Street on a con- crete foundation. That the plat and specifications of said proposed improvement are now on file in the office of the City Re- corder. It is estimated by the City Engi- neer that said improvement will re- quire: Concrete, sand and paving with brick, 1,280 square yards; new curb- ing, 237.7 lineal feet; old curbing taken up and reset, 1,140 lineal feet, making a total estimated cost to the abutting property owners of $2,975.00. Any person having objection to said improvement is hereby notified to appear before the City Council at its regular session to be held August 4th, 1910, or to file with the City Re- corder their objections in writing on or before August 4th, 1910. Dated at Dubuque, July 25. 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER. 7-26-3t. City Recorder. 251 NOTICE OF THE CITY COCNt'IL'S INTEN- TION TO IMPROVE SEVENTH STREET FROM THE WEST LOT LINE OF CLAY STREET TO THE EAST .I.OT . LINE .OF .MAIN STREET. To Whom It May Concern You and each of you are hereby notified that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque to improve Seventh Street from the west lot line of Clay Street to the east the east lot line of Main Street on a concrete foundation. That the plat and specifications of said improvement are now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require: Concrete, sand and paving with brick, 2,249 square yard ;new curb- ing, 75.4 lineal feet ;old curbing taken up and reset, 106.7 lineal feet. Making a total estimated cost to the abutting property owners of $5,210.00. Any person having objections to said improvement is hereby notified to appear before the City Council at its regular session to be held August 4th, 1910, or to file with the City Re- corder their objections in writing on or before August 4th, 1910. Dated at Dubuque, July 25th, 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER, 7-26-3t. City Recorder. NOTICE OF TIIE CITY COUNCIL'S INTEN- TION TO IMPROVE BLUFF STREET FROM THE END OF THE BRICK PAVING BETWEEN FIFTEENTH AND SIXTEENTH STREETS SOUTHERLY TO THE NORTH LOT LINE OF EIGHTH STREET. To Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby notiefid that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, to improve Bluff Street from the end of the brick paving between Fifteenth and Sixteenth Streets southerly to the north lot line of Eighth Street. That the plat, estimate and specifi- cations of said proposed improvement are now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engi- neer that said improvement will re- quire: Combined cement curb and gutter, 3,62,5 lineal feet. Sarco compost, 3.5 57 square yards. Old curb reset, I.5 feet, making a total estimated cost to the abutting property owners of $ 15,356.50. \or person having objection to said improvement is hereby notified ti. appear Irei n the City council at itt regular s - i, r, he bell August 4th, Official Notices Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received At the Conricil Chamber. City Hall, by the City Recorder until 8:00 p. m. Thursday, July 21, 1910, for the • con- struction of a reinforced concrete cover for the present Bee Branch sewer in Cooler Creek between Cedar and Syca- more Streets, 22 feet wide, commenc- ing at the north side of Sixteenth Street and extending a distance of about 160 feet northerly therefrom, and for reinforced concrete wall on the east and west sides of said sewer, con- taining approximately 195.00 cubic yards; also for cutting the present east wall of said sewer 6" by 7' 8". In accordance with plans of said sewer, and the specifications prepared by the City Engineer, and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that it will require 195 cubic yards oi reinforced concrete wall and about 160 lineal feet of reinforced concrete cover 22 feet wide. The contractor will do all work and furnish all material. Bidders will state the price per lin- eal foot for completed concrete cover and price per cubic yard for completed concrete wall. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for $100.00 on some Du- buque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if award- ed. Check and bid in separate envel- opes. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, July 9, 1910. 7-9-tt' OTTO P. GEIGER, City Recorder. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the City Recorder, until 8:00 p. m. Thursday, July 21, 1910, for the im- provement of Martha Street, from the west curb line of Alta Vista Street to the east lot line of the alley first \vest thereof, in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer, and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. • It is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require: 370 lineal feet combined cement, con- crete, curb and guttering. 525 cu. yds. Telford macadam. 538 cu. yds. cutting. The work to be paid for when said work is completed and as prescribed by Chapter XXXII. of the Revised Ordinances of 1901, of the City of Du - longue, work to be completed on or be- fore the 1st day of September, 1910. Bidders must tate price per lineal foot for combined cement concrete curb and puttering. The price per square yard for Telford macadam, also price per square yard for cutting. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for $50.00 on some Du- buque bank, as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if award- ed. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, July 9, 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER, 7-9-3t. City Recorder. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the City Recorder, until 8:00 p. m. Thurs- day, July 21, 1910. for the removal of the reinforced concrete top and walls of the Bee Branch `ewer in the alley between Cdar and ri eamore, and Six- teenth and `,•v iitei nth streets. The contractor will do an work necessary to complete work in accordance to the specifications now on file in the office of the City Recorder. Bidders will state the price for en- tire work. Each bid must be accom- panied by a certified check for :110.00 on some Dubuque hank as a guarantee that a contract will the entered lulu if awarded. Check and bid in separate envelopes. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, July 16. 19l i. OTTO P. GEIGER. 7-16-3t. City Ileemii•r. NOTICE OF THE I'l'I'Y ('Ial'NI'll.''i INTI•:N- TION TO I \II'KOVh: AVINDsolt AVENUE Fltu\I THE ENI) OF THE PHI' EN'l' IMP.tO\'E\TENT TO A POINT ABOUT ;l20 FEET NORTHERLY 'rHER.EF1l(JAl, ON A MACADAM FOUNDATION. To Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby no- tified that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque to improve Windsor Avenue from the end of the present improvement to a point about 320 feet northerly there- from. That the plat and specifications of said proposed improvement are now on tile in the office of the City Re- corder. It iti estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require: New curb, 8 feet; old curb reset. 200 feet; 1,383.9 square yards of pay ing, making an estimated cost to th• abutting property owners, $1,99 5.6 5: to the Union Electric Co., $45::.0a; 10 the City, $1,000.00; a total estimaii'l cost of $2,648.65. Any person having objection to sal l improvement is hereby notified to ae • pear before the. City Council at it regular session to be held July 1910, or to file with the City itecor- p Official Notices 251 der their objections in writing on or before July 21, 1910. Dated at Dubuque, July 8, 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER, 7-8-3t. City Recorder. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the City Recorder, until. 8:00 p. in. Thursday. August 4, 1910, for the im- provement of Ninth Avenue sewer in accordance to the plans and specifica- tions now on file in the office of the City Recorder. Bidders to submit two separate bids, one stating price per cubic yard for grading (this price to include build- ing embankment, as only material cut will be paid for), and the other to state price per square yard for pav- ing as per typical section Tach bid must be accompanied by a certified check for $10.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. The City reserves the right to re- ject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, July 27, 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER, 7-28-3t. City Recorder. NOTICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTEN- TION TO IMPROVE FIFTH STREET FROM THE WEST LOT LINE OF MAIN STREET TO EAST CURB LINE OF LOCUST STREET. To Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby notified that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque to improve Fifth Street from the west lot line of Main Street to the east curb line of Locust Street on a con- crete foundation. That the plat and specifications of said proposed improvement are now on file in the office of the City Re- corder. It is estimated by the City Engi- neer that said improvement will re- quire: Concrete, sand and paving with brick, 1,280 square yards; new curb- ing, 23 7. 7 lineal feet; old curbing taken up and reset, 1,140 lineal feet, making a total estimated cost to the abutting property owners of $2,975.00. Any person having objection to said improvement is hereby notified to appear before the City Council at its regular session to be held August 4th, 1910, or to file with the City Re- corder their objections in writing on or before August 4th, 1910. Dated at Dubuque. July 25. 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER, 7 -26 -It. City Recorder. NOTICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTEN- TION TO IMPROVE SEVENTH STREET FROM THE. WEST LOT LINE OF CLAY STREET TO THE EAST .LOT . LINE .OF .MAIN STREET. To Whom It May Concern You and each of you are hereby notified that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque to improve Seventh Street from the west lot line of Clay Street to the east the east lot line of Main Street on a concrete foundation. That the plat and specifications of said improvement are now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require: Concrete, sand and paving with brick, 2,249 square yard ;new curb- ing, 75.4 lineal feet ;old curbing taken up and reset, 106.7 lineal feet. Making a total estimated cost to the abutting property owners of $5,210.00. Any person having objections to said improvement is hereby notified to appear before the City Council at its regular session to be held August 4th, 1910, or to file with the City Re- corder their objections in writing on or before August 4th, 1910. Dated at Dubuque, July 25th, 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER, 7-26-3t. City Recorder. NOTICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTEN- TION TO IMPROVE BLUFF STREET FROM THE END OF THE BRICK PAVING BETWEEN FIFTEENTH AND SIXTEENTH STREETS SOUTHERLY TO THE NORTH LOT LINE OF EIGHTH STREET. To Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby notiefid that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, to improve Bluff Street from the end of the brick paving between Fifteenth and Sixteenth Streets southerly to the north lot line of Eighth Street. That the plat, estimate and specifi- cations of said proposed improvement are now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engi- neer that said improvement will re- quire: Combined cement curb and gutter, 3,62s lineal feet. Sarco compos!, 8.7,57 square yards. Old curb resp 1, 18 feet, making a total estimated cost to the abutting property owners of $15,556.50. Ally person having objection to said improvement is hereby notified to appear before the City Council at itt regular session to be held August 4th, • 252 Official Notices 1910, or to tile with the City Recor- der their objections in writing on or 'before August 4th, 1910. Dated at DubucUe, July 26th, 1910. QTTO P. GEIGER, '7-26-3t City Recorder. NOTICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTEN- TION TO CONSTRUCT A SANI- TARY SEWER IN GRANDVIEW AVENUE AND SOUTH DODGE STREET, COMMENCING AT THE MANHOLE AT THE INTERSEC- TION OF GRANDVIEW AND DODGE STREET, RUNNING SOUTHEASTERLY TO .SOUTH DODGE STREET, THENCE NORTHERLY IN SOUTH DODGE STREET TO DODGE STREET. To Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby no- tified that it Is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque to construct an 8 -inch tile pipe sani- tary sewer in Grandview Avenue and South Dodge Street, running south- easterly to South Dodge Street, thence northerly in South Dodge Street to Dodge Street. That a plat and specifications of said proposed sewer are now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engi- neer that it will require 4,540 lineal feet of 8 -inch tile pipe, 960 lineal feet of 19 -inch tile pipe, 12 manholes, and will cost the abutting properay own- ers $5,055.25. in total. Any person having objection to the construction of said sanitary sewer are hereby notified to appear before the City Council at its regular session July 21, 1910, or to file in writing with the City Recorder their objections on or before July 21, 1910. Dated at Dubuque July 9, 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER, 7-9-3t. City Recorder. NOTICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTEN- TION TO IMPROVE VALERIA. STREET FROM KAUFMAN AVE- NUE TO CUSHING PLACE. To Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby no- tified that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque to improve Valeria Street from Kauf- man Avenue to Cushing Place. That the plat and estimate of said proposed improvement is now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require 1,825.0 lineal feet of combination ce- ment curb and gutter, 2,940.0 Telford macadam. 2.168.4 cubic yards earth excavating. 1,651.5 cubic yards of rock excavating, making a total es- timated cost to the abutting property owners of $3.423.75. Any person having objection to said Improvement is hereby notiflea to ap- pear before the City Count iii at its regular session to be held.tity 21, 1910, or to file in writing with the City Recorder their objections On or before July 21, 1910. Dated at Dubuque, July 8, 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER, 7 -8 -St. City Recorder. Regular Session, August 4, 1910 253 CITY COUNCIL Regular Session, Aug. 4, 1910. (Official). Council met at 9:00 p. m. Mayor Haas in the chair. Present — Alds. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht and City Attorney Lyon. Ald. O'Rourke moved that action on the approval of the Council proceed- ings for the month of July, 1910, be deferred until the next meeting of the Council. Carried. Moved by Ald. Saul," to suspend the rules to allow any one present to ad- dress the Council in reference to Valeria Street improvement. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Mr. Chas. Thomas addressed the Council, stating in part that if Valeria Street was improved to Cushing Place he and others would have no objections, but if improved as far as Hart Street only they would not be in favor of the improvement. Mr. Geo. Kleih addressed the Council in favor of improving Valeria Street as far as Hart Street. After discussing the matter it was moved by Ald. Specht to reconsider the action taken in regard to Valeria Street. Amended by Ald. Singrin to leave it before the Council for consider• ation, as it now is. Amendment car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Saul, Singrin. Nays—Sauer, Specht. Motion lost. Bids for the improvement of Ninth Avenue sewer presented, on motion of Ald. Singrin were ordered opened at follows: Wilmer Cook, grading, per cubic yard, 42c; paving per square yard, $1.65. N. J. Staner, grading, 29c per cubic yard; macadamizing, per square yard 90c. Peter Eisback, grading, 38c per cubic yard; paving, 85c. On motion of Ald. Saul bids referred to City Engineer. Bid from Mr. John Drehouse pre- sented. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke bid ordered opened as follows: Bid to clean four chimneys, $1.50 each, $6.00, at city Patrol House. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke Mr. Drehouse be awarded the contract, provided that Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings deem it neces- sary to clean the chimneys. Carried. PETITIONS. Petition of Dubuque Park Commis- sion, asking that Grandview Avenue be improved from Dodge Street south by parking the street in the center pre- sented. On motion of Ald. Saul refer- red to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Park Commission asking that a four -foot cement sidewalk be laid from the present ending of the Eagle Point street car line on Rhom- berg Avenue to the entrance of the Eagle Point high bridge presented. On motion of Ald. Specht referred to Committee of the Whole. Petition of Trustees for the creditors of the Avenue Top Mining Co., asking that the Treasurer send receipt for taxes as per resolution passed at meet- ing of Feb. 3, 1910. presented. On mo- tion of Ald. Sauer referred to the Com- mittee of the Whole. Petition of Mrs. Matt Wolff, asking the Council to view their property on Althauser Avenue and ascertain the amount of damage done thereto by the steam roller, presented. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke referred to the Commit- tee of the Whole. Petition of Harmony Lodge, No. 2, Julien Lodge, No. 12, I. O. O. F., ask- ing that the City Treasurer be instruct- ed to accept tax for the year 1909 on the valuation of $10,000.000, presented. On motion of Aid. McEvoy prayer granted and Treasurer be instructed. Petition of McFadden Coffee & Spice Co., asking that the city open new street and establish grade and locate intakes for storm water; also lay curb and sidewalk as per ordinance adopted June 18, 1909, presented. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke referred to the Committee of the Whole to view the ground. Petition of John Connelly, et al, ask- ing that Grandview Avenue be im- proved from South Dodge Street south- erly for a distance of one thousand feet, presented. On motion of Ald. McEvoy referred to the Committee of the 'Whole. Petition of H. L. Pier, asking that Valley Street be improved, presented. On motion of Ald. Saul referred to Committee of the Whole to view the ground. Petition of Wiley Bros., asking that the time granted them for the obstruc- tion of Main Street at the northwest corner of Fourth be extended for one week or until Saturday, Aug. 13, 1910, presented. On motion of Ald. Apel prayer granted. S 254 Regular Session, August 4, 1910 Invitation from the Dubuque Motor Boat club extending an invitation to City Council to attend their stag picnic to be held Sunday, Aug. 14, presented. On motion of Ald. McEvoy accepted with thanks and as many as possible attend. Petition of Trades and Labor Con- gress, aking the city to withdraw ah orders they may have with the Ill., ur ington Brick Co., of Galesburg, presented. On motion of Ald. McEvoy referred to Committee of the Whole. Recommendations of Mr. T. J. Hall as engineer, presented. On motion of. Ald. O'Rourke the same to be returned to Mr. Hall and he informed there was no vacancy. City Engineer reported that Mr. N. J. Staner was lowest bidder for grad- ing and Mr. Peter Eisbach the lowest bidder for the paving of Ninth avenue sewer. On motion of Ald. Saul re- ferred to Committee of the Whole. City Recorder Geiger presented anti read the printed notice, certified to by the publishers, of the City Council's intention to improve Fifth street from west lot line of Main street to east curb line of Locust street. No remon- strance being filed and no one in the room objecting to improvement of said street, the notice was on motion of Ald. O'Rourke received and filed. City Recorder Geiger also presented and read the printed notice, certified to by the publishers, of the Council's intention to improve Seventh street from west lot line of Clay street to the east lot line of Main street. Also the remonstrance signed by Henry Pfotzer, S. J. Goldthorp, John Pier estate and Glab and Fosselmann against the im- provement of said street. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke the remonstrance and notice were received and Bled. City Recorder Geiger also presented and read the printed notice, certified to by the publishers, of the Council's intention to improve Bluff street from the end of the brick paving between Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets south- erly to the north lot line of Eighth street, Also the remonstrance signed by Chas. Christman et al. On motion of Ald. McEvoy referred to the Com- mittee of the Whole. City Treasurer Wybrant reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Below you will find statement of amounts advanced by me from July 1 to July 30, 1910, for which please order warrants drawn in my favor: Interest paid on warrants out- standing $1,839.73 Freight charges, express, ex- change, etc. 45.03 Library orders paid 706,83 Attached you will find receipt for $70.00 for money received by me for sale of patrol wagon horse, also bill for $250.00, which amount was ad- vanced by me for purchase of patrol wagon horse and for which amount please have warrant drawn in my favor. Yours very truly, GEO. D. WYBRANT, Treasurer. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke the report be received and warrants be ordered drawn to pay various amounts and report referred to Committee on Fi- nance. City Auditor Lyons reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Herewith find my re- port for the month of July, 1910, show- ing the receipts and disbursements for the month: Receipts— Cash on hand July 1, 1910....$104.559.7: Receipts from all sources ... 6,712.97 Total $111,272.69 Disbursements -- Warrants redeemed ..$ 22,035.93 Improvement bond coupons redeemed .... ... ... 1,137.50 Water works bond coupons redeemed .... 90.00 Regular bond coupons re- deemed .... 3,687.50 Improvement bonds redeemed 300.00 Total .. $ 27,250.91 Balance August 1, 1910 $ 84,021.76 The above cash balance includes im- provement bond fund, improvement bond interest fund and library fund balances. Water Works Account— Water Works balance, July 1st, 1910 $26,565.39 Deposited with City Treasurer by Water Works Trustees during July 7,240.5` Total .... ....$33,S05.97 Orders drawn on City Treas- urer by Water Works Trus- tees during July $ 5 410 65 Balance August 1, 1910 .....$28,397.12 Excavation Account— Balance July 1, 1910 $45.1; Deposit with City Treasurer10.00 Permits redeemed by City Treas- urer 10.00 Balance August 1, 1910. ..$45.00 Also the following is a record of all interest coupons and bonds redeemed by the City Treasurer during the past month and credited to him: Regular bond coupons $4 712.60 Improvement bond coupons ... 1,11" Improvement bond .. :11' Regular Session, August 4, 1910 255 Water Works bond coupons.... 90.00 Total ...$5,215.00 Also there is due the City officers for month of July, 1910, salaries amounting to $2,721.80. Appropriation Expended Expense .. ....$40,000.00 $15,349.69 Road— First District .. 6,536.52 4,760.00 Second District . 15,923.22 6,076.94 Third District .. 9,544.60 5,440.18 Fourth District . 10,843.04 5,088.55 Fifth District .. 8,333.88 6,956.45 Fire .... 48,000,00 19,558.38 Police .... 36,500.00 13,690.39 Sewerage. ... 6,000.00 1,930.35 Printing .... 2,500.00 435.99 Street Lighting 27,000.00 8,993.90 Interest .... 40,000.00 7,946.66 Board of Health 7,000.00 1,837:35 Grading .. 6,000.00 722.75 Special Bonded Paving .. . 4,000.00 Special Bonded Debt and In- terest .. ▪ 4,000.00 Mt. Carmel Ave nue Grading • 2,500.00 Sidewalk Repair - 1,000.00 Bluff Street Ex- tension .. ... 500.00 Bee Branch Sew- er, Third Ward, Dubuque Pack- ing Plant .... 2,500.00 Improvement of Windsor Ave.. 1,000.00 Bee Branch Sew- er, Third Ward, 18th Street .. 2,500.00 Bee Branch Sew- er, in Fifth Ward ... ... 5,000.00 Improvement of Grandview Avenue .. .. 2,500.00 Eagle Point Park 3,000.00 Clay Street Im- provement ... 1,200.00 Heeb Street Grading .. ... 300.00 Improvement of Valley Street . 200.00 Improvement of Willow Street. 1,b00.00 Opening of Booth and Spring Streets. 500.00 Twenty - Seventh Street Storm Sewer .... . , 1.300.00 Improvement of Althauser Ave. 1,500.00 Improvement of Seventh Ave. . 2,500.00 Firemen's Pen- sion Fund ... 750.00 Policemen's Pen- sion Fund ... 750.00 Opening and 392.97 30.85 326.83 2.00 296.48 2,995.85 82.20 234.00 1,500.00 Grading Alley Between Clark a n d Angella Streets .. .... Opening of Ce- dar Street ... Part Cost of Car Street Wall .. New Street Sweeper .. .. Ninth Avenue Sewer .. ... . 500.00 500.00 317.00 280.00 800.00 311.99 256.60 $305,578.26 Respectfully, M. E. LYONS, Auditor. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke the re- port was approved and warrants or- dered drawn to pay City officers and report be referred to the Committee on Finance. Fire Chief Reinfried reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The following is the pay roll of the Fire Department for the last half of July, 1910: Amount due Firemen.......$1,657.50 Less 1% retained for Pension Fund ...... .... ....... 31.71 Respectfully submitted, J. R. REINFRIED, Chief. Approved by Committee on Fire. On motion of Ald. Singrin, the re- ports were received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay the Firemen and the report referred back to the Com- mittee on Fire. Reported that the Chief of the Fire Department had purchased a car of oats and one of hay without the ap- proval of the Committee on Fire. After discussing the same it was moved by Ald. O'Rourke, being that there is no contract with anyone and the City of Dubuque to furnish the City with hay and oats, that we do not recognize the purchase made by the Chief of the Fire Department, and the matter of purchasing be referred to the Committee on Fire. Carried. Chief of Police Reilly reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the ptilice report for the month of June, 1910: Intoxication .... .... ...........43 Assault with intent to commit murder 1 Disorderly conduct . 7 Disturbing the peace 19 Incorrigible 1 Petit lnie n} 1 7 79 Vagram•y Total 256 Regular Session, August 4, 1910 Residents arrested 39 Doors found open 29 Lodgers harbored Defective lights 29 Meals furnished .... 29 Cost of food $5.00 Police court costs collected.... $22.05 Sheriff, dieting prisoners for month of July $1.75 Patrol runs for prisoners 50 Transfer of prisoners 2 Committee calls 1 Miles traveled .60 I also beg to submit the pay roll for Policemen for the last half of July, 1910:. Amount due Policemen $1,422.95 THOS. REILLY, Chief of Police. On motion of Ald. Sauer, the re- port and pay roll were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the Policemen and the report referred to the Committee on Police and Light. Carried. 9 City Electrician Hipman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewit hsubmit my report for defective lights for the month of July, 1910: I find from the report of the Police Department that the total hours that 29 lamps failed to burn would equal 1 lamp burning for one month, or $5. Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM HIPMA\, City Electrician. On motion of Ald. Sauer the report was received and the City Auditor to be instructed to deduct from the Un- ion Electric company's bill for the month of July 1910, the sum of $5.00. Street Commissioner Mahoney re- ported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the pay roll for labor on streets during the last half of July, 1910: Amount due laborers on streets $2,498.20 Approved by Committee on Streets. Also submit the pay roll for labor on sewers during the last half of July, 1910: Amount due laborers on sew- ers $ 206.55 Respectfully submitted, JOHN MAHONEY, Street Commissioner. On motion of Ald. Saul, the pay rolls on streets and sewers were re- ceived and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts, and the pay rolls and report referred back to the proper committees. Also submit pay roll for labor on various roads, the cost of which is to be paid from the County Road Fund. Total due $144.30 On motion of Ald. Saul, referred to the Board of Supervisors for pay- ments. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that the City Treasurer be instructed to re- quest the County Treasurer to pay the unexpended balance of the County Road Fund, the same to be held by the City Treasurer and be expended by the City Council. Carried. Moved by Ald. Specht, that City Engineer give grade line to Chas. Karsch, abutting lots 32, 33 34, Stines' Sub. Carried. the Mr. and Moved by Ald. Saul we adjourn to Wednesday, August 10, 1910. Carried. OTTO P. GEIGER, City Recorder. Adopted . 1910. Approved ' r . 1910. Attest: Mayor. ty Recorder. Adjourned Regular Session, August 10, 1910 257 GITY 000NCIL Regular Adjourned Session, Aug. 10, 1916. (Official.) Council met at 9:00 p. rn. Mayor Haas in the chair. Present — Alds. Apel, McEvoy. O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Specht, City Attorney Lyon. Ald. Saul moved that action on the approval of the Council Proceedings for the month of July, 1910, be de- ferred until the next meeting of the Council. Carried. Petition of James M. Luke, et al, asking that Delhi Street from its in- tersection with Asbury Street to the end of City limits be improved pre- sented. Moved by Ald. McEvoy that the prayer be granted. Carried. Petition of Fred Heer & Son, for A. F. Heeb, asking that the engineer be instructed to give grade stakes abut- ting A. F. Heeb's property on Wilbur Lane. On motion of Ald. McEvoy prayer granted and engineer to be in- structed. Petition of J. C. Roberts asking that the City Treasurer be instructed to accept taxes for year 1909 on Lot 21-22, 111 Reche's Sub., on the valuation of $900.00. Moved by Ald. McEvoy the prayer be granted and Treasurer be instructed. Carried. Annual report Board of Water Works Trustees, June 1, 1909, to May 31, 1910, presented. On motion of Ald. Singrin referred to Finance Commit- tee for their approval and publication In their printed report. City Attorney Lyon reported as fol- lows: In the case of Anna Keenan vg,. City of Dubuque, the plaintiff on January 19th, 1910, recovered a judg- ment for $1,000.00. I have taken steps to perfect an appeal to the Supreme Court. However, the attorneys for the plaintiff have made a proposition to' settle the claim for the sung of $750.00 and cost of suit, with interest from date of settlement to date of payment. Believing it to be the best interests of the city to accept their proposition, I ' therefore recommend that I be authorized to enter into a stipulation of settlement upon that basis, money to be paid after the next appropriation. G. T. LYON, City Attorney. Moved by Ald. McEvoy that the re- port be received and filed and the City Attorney be authorized to make settle- ment. Carried, City Attorney also reported that he interviewed the Board of Supervisors of Dubuque county in relation to the unexpended balance in the county road fund, as instructed. I was assured by them that any balance due the city under the compromise effected with the Council would be paid in accordance with the agreement entered into be- tween them and the City Council. GEO. T. LYON, City Attorney. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke report received and filed and amount be col- lected and placed to the credit of var- ious funds. City Attorney Lyon also reported: I herewith return the bonds of E. E. Frith and a renewal of the bonds of Chas. Pape & Son, Geo. Masters, Edw. Herron and the Key City Gas com- pany, all of which I have examined and find to he executed in due form. . GEO. T. LYON, City Attorney. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke received and filed. Ald. O'Rourke offered the following: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: Your Board of Health respectfully reports that at a meeting held Aug. 1, 1910, the following bills were read and certified to, and for- warded to Dubuque county for pay- ment: W. E. Howes, $10.00; M. E. King, $35.00; Dr. M. D. Linehan, $100.00; Union Electric Co., $6.00; John Kies, $33.45. Also, that the Sanitary Officer served notice on 13 residents to con- nect with the sanitary sewer. Also,, the bill of E. T. Frith for removing, dead animals for the month o.'. .April and May, we recommended payment by the Citv, and have notified him that no hill will be considered. unless made on blanks furnished by the Board. A complaint, regarding the vaults at Miss Mink, and D. Wall, residents, referred to the City Attor- ney and the Sanitary Officer. Also, the hill of E. T. Frith for removing dead animals for the month of J11v, referred to the Pound Master. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke the report he adopted. Carried. Notice of service by Sidewalk In- spector on L. Hird to improve west side of Bluff Street in front of lot 1. of sub. E. 1-2 of out lot 655, by laying cement sidewalk. On motion received and ordered filed. The following weighmasters reported receipts as follows: Joseph Straney .... $ 1.60 Edw. Norton 12.10 Mrs. C. Deckert 2.21 On motion of Ald. apecht, received and filed. 258 Adjourned Regular Session, August 10, 1910 Sidewalk Inspector's report for month of July presented. On motion of Ald. Saul referred to Committee o? the Whole. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom were referred the following bills, would respectfully recommend that the same be paid and that war- rants in settlement thereof be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer: Telegraph -Herald, publishing De- linquent Tax list 4 44.40 Telegraph -Herald, official pro- ceedings, April, May and Juno 192.76 Times -Journal, official proceed- ings for April 104.73 Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the bill of Street & Steuck for $13.00, which amount they claim should not have been deducted from their original bill for construct- ing a sanitary sewer in Hayden's Lane, would respectful;y report that said deduction was made to reimhurs,. the City for rolling the trench and putting said Lane in proper condition; we would therefore recommend that said bill be not allowed. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom were referred the bids for grad- ing and also for paving the Ninth Avenue storm water sewer, would re- spectfully recommend that the con- tract for grading be awarded to N. 3. Stoner and also that he be awarded the contract for doing so much of the paving as the balance of the appropri- ation, after deducting the cost of grading, will permit. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the annual report of the Dubuque Bridge Co., would re- spectfully recommend that said report be referred to the special auditing com- mittee designated by ordinance. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Jones Brothers stating that they had pur- chased the south 2-3 of City Lot No. 11, paying therefor the sum of $12,000.00 and that the assessment on said lot for the year 1909 has been placed at $20,- 000.00 and asking therefore that said assessment be reduced to $12,000.00, would respectfully recommend that the valuation for assessment purposes on said lot be placed at $15,000.00 for the year 1909 and that the City Treasurer be instructed to accept the taxes for said year on the aforesaid basis. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Ida M. Cuttler stating that she has been er- roneously assessed for merchandise in the amount of $10.00 and asking there- fore that said assessment be canceled, would respectfully recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the City Treasurer be instructed to make said cancellation on her as- sessment for the year 1909. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the communication of Tibey Brothers relative to the pro- posed sanitary sewer in South Dodge Street, would respectfully recommend that said communication be received and flied. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Mrs. Matt. Wolff, asking that the City Coun- cil view her property in order to see what damage has been caused thereto by the overflow of water thereon, would respectfully recommend that said peti- tion be received and filed. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the communication of B. F. Blocklinger and L. D. Mathis, Trustees for the creditors of the Ave- nue Top Mining Co., in relation to their petition for a reduction of their taxes. which petition was acted on favorably by the City Council on February 3, 1.,10, would respectfully recommend that the City Treasurer be instructed to accept the taxes of said company in accord- ance with the action of the City Coun- cil, and of record, of the date above given. Your Committee of the Whole to whom was referred the petition of Maria Sumpman stating that the valu- ation of the south one-half of City Lot 166 had been raised from $4,000.000 to $4,500.00 after she had signed the re- turn and without knowledge and ask- ing therefore that said valuation, which she considers unjust and excessive, be placed at $4,000.00 for the year 1909, would respectfully recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the Treasurer be instructed ac- cordingly. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the remonstrance of H. B. Gniffke, et al, against the chang- ing of the name of Pickett Street to Montrose Terrace, would respectfully recommend that said remonstrance be received and filed. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of T. J. LeVan, Jr., et al, asking that an electric lamp be placed on Avon Street, would respectfully recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that said lamp be installed as soon as the condition of the lighting fund will warrant the same. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of the Legislative Committee of the Dubuque Adjourned Regular Session, August 10, 1910 259 Trades and Labor Congress relative to securing different ambulance accommo- dations, would respectfully recommend that said petition be laid over until tho usual time for making the annual ap- propriations. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Leo Marihart, et al, asking that sidewalks be ordered laid on and along O'Neill Avenue, where not already laid, would respectfully recommend that the prayer of the petitioners be granted and that the Sidewalk Inspector be instructed accordingly. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Moved by Ald. Saul the various re- ports of the Committee of the Whole be adopted. Carried. Ald. Specht moved to recommend to the Council that the Harbor Master and City Attorney be instructed to forthwith have served upon John Keckevoet and any other person or persons that may have or keep any house -boat within any part of the ice - harbor in the City of Dubuque contrary to the ordinance of the City in such case made and provided, a notice in writing to remove said house boats from the said harbor within 24 hours from the time of service of said notice and should the persons so served with notice fail to comply therewith within the time specified, then the Harbor Master be instructed to at once remove any such house -boats from the harbor, and further, that the Harbor Master be empowered to procure the services of as many persons or boats as may b, necessary to carry these instructions into effect. Moved by Ald. Specht the report be approved. Carried. Ald. Specht offered the following: Whereas it is deemed necessary and expedient to improve the north side of O'Neill Avenue, between Sheriden Street and Burden Avenue, in front of and abutting the premises hereinafter described by laying down a permanent sidewalk thereon: To be composed of cement 4 feet wide. Therefore be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat show- ing generally the location, nature and extent of the proposed improvement on the north side of O'Neill Avenue, be- tween Sheriden Street and Burden Ave- nue, and in front of and abutting lots 39, 44 and 47, O'Neill's River View Add., and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such improvement, and the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assess- able upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such im- provement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City Recorder; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the City Recorder shall notify said abutting and adjacent property own- ers, as provided by ordinance, that such plat and estimate are on file, the location and nature of the improvement. kind of material to be used, and an es- timate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five (5) days after the service of such notice, and after such service shall have been made, the City Recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Coun- cil, notify the Council thereof in writ- ing, with a copy of such notice accom- panying the same. Ald. Specht moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Ald. McEvoy offered the following: Whereas it is deemed necessary and expedient to improve the north side of Seminary Street between Harold Street and Keppler Street in front of and abutting the premises hereinafter de- scribed by laying down a permanent sidewalk thereon. To be composed of cement 4 feet wide. Therefore be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat show- ing generally the location, nature and extent of the proposed improvement on the north side of Seminary Street between Harold and Keppler Streets, and in front of and abutting lots 6, 7 8 and 29, J. P. Schroeder's Add., and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof and the amount and cost of such improve- ment, and the amount and cost there- of, to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City Re- corder; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the City Re- corder shall notify said abutting and adjacent property owners, as provided by ordinance, that such plat and esti- mate are on file, the location and na- ture of the improvement, kind of ma- terial to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which ob- jections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five (5) days after the 260 Adjourned Regular Session, August 10, 1910 service of such notice, and after such service shall have been made, the City Recorder shall, at the next regular ses- sion of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. McEvoy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Ald. Specht, offered the following: Whereas, It is deemed necessary and expedient to improve the south side of O'Neill Avenue between Sher- idan Street and Burden Aevnue, in front of and adjoiing the premises hereinafter described by laying down a permanent sidewalk thereon, to he composed of cement, four feet wide. Therefore, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, na- ture and extent of the proposed im- provement on the south side of O'Neill Avenue, between Sheridan Street and Burden Avenue, and in front of and abutting lot 16, O'Neill's Rieverview Add., and the kind of ma- terial to be used ,and an estimate of 'he entire cost thereof and the amount and cost of such improve- ment, and the amount and cost there- of, to he paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assess- able upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the of- fice of the City Recorder; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the City Recorder shall no- tify said abutting and adjacent prop- erty owners, as provided by ordin- ance, that such plat and estimate are on file, the location and nature of the improvement, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shal' not be less than five (5) days after the service of such notice, and after such notice shall have been made, the City Recorder shall, at the next regu- lar session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. Specht moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aldermen Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. N ay:.—None. Ald. Specht offered the following: Whereas, It is deemed necessary and expedient to improve the west side of Rhomberg Avenue, between Schiller Avenue and Middle Avenue, in front of and abutting the premises hereinafter described by laying down a p<,rmanent sidewalk thereon, to be composed of brick or cement, 6 feet Wide. Therefore, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, na- ture and extent of the proposed im- provement on the west side of Rhom- berg Avenue, between Schiller Avenue and Middle Avenue, and in front of and abutting lot 15, south 32 feet, Me- Craney's 2nd Add., anti the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof and the amount and cost of such improve- ment, and the amount and cost there- of, to be paid by the City, if any, and the cost thereof anti amount assess- able upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such im- provement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City Recorder; that after the fil- ing of said plat and estimate in his office, the City Recorder shall notify said abutting and adjacent property owners, as provided by ordinance. that such plat and estimate are en file, the location and nature of the improvement, kind of material to he used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five (s) days after the service of such notice, and after such service shall have been made. the City Recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a copy of such notice accom- panying the same. Ald. Specht moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aldermen Apel, McEvoy, ("Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Spotlit. Nays—None. Ald. Spechtoffered the following: Whereas, it is deemed necessary anti expedient to improve the east side of Lincoln Avenue, between Reed Ave- nue and Dock Street, in front of and abutting the premises hereinafter de- scribed by laying down a permanent sidewalk thereon, to be composed of brick or cement, 4 feet wide. Therefore, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Adjourned Regular Session, August 10, 1910 261 That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, na- ture and extent of the proposed im- provement on the east side of Lincoln Avenue, between Reed Avenue and Dock Street, and in front of and abut- ting lot 78, McCraney's Add., and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof and the amount and cost of such im- provement, and the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount as- sessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City Recorder; •that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office the City Recorder shall no- tify said abutting and adjacent prop- erty owners as provided by ordinance, that such plat and estimate are on file. the location and nature of the improvement, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five (5) days after the service of such notice, and after such service shall have been made. the City Recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a copy of such notice accompany- ing the sane'. Ald. Specht moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aldermen Alai, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. ! 1. Specht offered the following: Whereas it is deemed necessary and expedient to improve the north side of Kaufman avenue between Valeria street and Cushing's Place in fruit of and abutting the premises herein de- scribed by laying down a permanent sidewalk thereon. To lie composed of cement 4 feet wide. Therefore be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, nature and extent of the proposed improve- ment on the north side of Kaufman avenue between Valeria street and Cushing's Place, and in front of and abutting lots 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 in Cushing's Add., and the kind of ma- terial to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof and the amount and cost of such improvement, and the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost there- of and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City Rec- order; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the CitY Recorder shall notify said abutting and adjacent property owners, as pro- vided by ordinance, that such plat and estimate are on file, the location and nature of the improvement, kind of material to he used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five' (5) days af- ter the service of such notice, and at ter such service shall have been made, the City Recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a copy of such notice accom- panying the same. :11u. Specht moved the adoption of the resolution. ('arricil by the following vote: -Yeas—Aldermen Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, `'auer, Saul, ;Singr'in, Specht. \ries.—\one. Ald. Specht offered the following. Whereas it is deemed necessary and expedient to improve the south side of Middle avenue between Rhomberg avenue and Garfield avenue in front of and abutting the premises hereinafter described by laying down a permanent sidewalk thereon: To to he composed of brick or cement. Four feet wide. Therefore be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque; That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat. showing generally the location, nature and extent of the proposed improve- ment on the south side of Middle ave- nue between Rhomberg avenue and Garfield avenue and in front of and - abutting lots 19 and 21 Wicks Add., and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof and the amount and cost o1 such improvement, and the amount and cost thereof, to he paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and an -Junta assessable upon each let or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City Recorder; that after the filing of said plat and esti- mate in his office, the City Recorder shall notify said abutting and adjacent property owners, as provided by ordi- nance, that such plat and estimate are on file, the location and nature of the improvement, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less 262 Adjourned Regular Session, August 10, 1910 than five (5) days after the service of such notice, and after such service shall have been made, the City Recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. Specht moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aldermen Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Ald. Specht offered the following: Whereas it is deemed necessary and expedient to improve the east side of Rhomberg avenue between Shiller ave- nue and Middle avenue :n front of and abutting the premises hereinafter de- scribed by laying down a permanent sidewalk thereon: To oe composed of brick or cement. Four feet wide. Therefore be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque; That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, nature and extent of the proposed improve- ment on the East side of Rhomberg avenue between Middle avenue and Shiner avenue, and in front of and abutting lot 19 Wick's Add., and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof and the amount and cost of such improve- ment, and the amount and cost there- of, to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land ad- jacent to or abutting upon such im- provement per front root, and to file such plat and etsimate in the office of the City Recorder; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the City Recorder shall notify said abutting and adjacent property own- ers, as provided by ordinance, that such plat and estimate in the office of location and nature or the improve- ment, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five (5) days after the service of such notice, and after such service shall have been made, the City Rec- order shall, at the next regular ses- sion of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. Specht moved the adoption of till resolution: Carried by the following vote: Yeas: Ald. Apel, M'Evoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Ald. O'Rourke offered the following: Whereas it is deemed necessary and expedient to improve the east side of Hill street between West Seventh and West Fifth street in front of and abutting the premises hereinafter de- scribed by laying down a permanent sidewalk thereon: To be composed of cement. Four feet wide. Therefore be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, na- ture and extent of the proposed im- provement on the east side of Hill street between West Seventh and West Fifth streets, and in front of and abutting lot 1 of out lot 735, and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof and the amount and cost of such im- provement, and the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount as- sessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such impovement per front foot, and to file such plat and est:mate in the office of the City Recorder that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the City Recorder shall notify said abutting and adjacent property owners, as provided by ord- inance, that such plat and estimate are on file, the location and nature of the improvement, kind of material to be used, and an esttrnate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can be led, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five (5) days after the ser- vice of such notice, and after such service shall have been made, the City Recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Ald. Apel, M'Evoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Ald. M'Evoy offered the following: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: That a permanent sidewalk of the width of six feet and four inches be and the same is hereby ordered to be laid on the west side of Bluff street, between Tenth and Eleventh streets. and in front of the following described premises, lot 1 of the Sub. of the east one-half of out lot 655. Such sidewalk to be constructed of materials and in the manner as fol- lows, to -wit: Eight inches of sand or broken stone, three inches of concrete and one inch wearing surface of cement mortar ac- cording to the specifications prepared therefor by the City Engineer. Said sidewalk to be completed on or before the first day of October, 1910, Adjourned Regular Session, August 10, 1910 263 and the cost, of the same be taxed against said premises and collected in the manner prescribed by law. Be it Further Resolved, That sold property owner be and is authorized to construct said sidewalk at his own expense, provided he begins work thereon within ten days after being notified by the City Recorder of the passage of this resolution by the City Council, and completes the same with- in thirty days thereafter. Be it Further Resolved, That if said work is not commenced within the time named in said notice that the City Recorder he and is hereby order- ed to give ten days notice by two publications asking for proposals for the doing of said work under contract with the City. The proposals for the doing of said work shall be acted upon by the City Council on the 15th day of September, 1910. Adopted August 10th, 1910. D, J. HAAS, Mayor. Attest: OTTO P. GEIGER, Recorder. Ald. M'Evoy moved the adoption of resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Ald. Apel, M'Evoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Ald. O'Rourke offered the following: Whereas, The contract heretofore entered into by the City of Dubuque for the construction of a sanitary sewer in Hayden's Lane hereinafter described has been completed, and the City Engineer has computed that the cost and expense of said improvement amounts to $122.24. Therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to provide for the cost of con- structing said sanitary sewer in Hay - den's Lane from Bluff street to a Point about 260 feet westerly thereof, the Mayor be and he is hereby requir- ed to execute and deliver to the City Recorder, to be by him registered and countersigned, two bonds one for $72.24 and one for $50.00 numbered 989 and 990, dated August 29, 1910, payable on or before seven years after the date thereof, and bearing interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum, pay- able semi-annually. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Ald. Apel, M'Evoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Alderman O'Rourke offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that Seventh Street from the west lot line of Clay Street to the east lot line o.' Main Street be improved by grading to sub - grade, curbing and resetting curb where necessary and brick paving the same on a concrete foundation, in ac- cordance with the plans and specifi- cations for such improvement prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and Le it further Resolved, that said improvement shall be completed on or before the 1st day of November, 1910, and shall be paid for in the manner prescribed by Chapter XXXII. of the devised Ordi- nance of the City of Dubuque for the payment of the cost of street improve- ments. The proposal for doing said work shall be acted upon by the Council on the first day of September, and the City Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication asking for proposals as provided by ordinance. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Alderman O'Rourke offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that Fifth Street from the west lot line of Main Street to the east curb line of Locust street be improved by grading to sub - grade, curbing and resetting curb where necessary and brick paving said portion of said street on a concrete foundation, in accordance with the plans and specifications for such im- provement prepared by the City Engi- neer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and be it further Resolved, that said improvement shall be completed on or before the first day of November, 1910, and shall be paid for in the manner prescribed by Chapter XXXII. of the Revised Or- dinance of the City of Dubuque for the payment of the cost of street im- provements. The proposals for doing said work shall be acted upon by the Council on the first day of Septemaer, 1910, and the City Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication asking for proposals as provided by ordinance. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None, Alderman Saul offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That it is deemed necessary and advisable to construct a sanitary sewer in Grand- view Avenue and South Dodge Street, as follows, to -wit: an eight inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Grandview Avenue from present manhole at in- 264 Adjourned Regular Session, August 10, 1910 tersection of Dodge Street southerly to a point opposite the southerly line of lot 7, in Columbia Addition, thence northerly in South Dodge Street to Cleveland Avenue, thence a ten inch tile pipe sewer northerly to Dodge Street, and to assess the cost o; said sewer against the abutting; property. Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel. McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Alderman Saul offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat and specifications for an eight inch tile nine sanitary sewer in Grandview Avenue from present manhole at Dodge Street southerly to a point opposite the south line of lot 7 in Columhie, Additior. thence northerly in South Dodge Street to Cleveland Avenue, thence a ten inch sewer northerly to Dodge Street, showing the lo_atione and gen- eral nature of such improvement. the extent thereof, the sire and kind of material to he used .and to prepay,. :'n estimate of the cost theree! 'tad'. the. amount assessable unor each le; rn parcel of land adj:ac•e;,t, to or al:uttin_ thereon per front feet or square feet in area, and to file such plat, speci- fications and estimate in the office of the City Recorder, That after such plat is sn filed, the City Recorder shall cause to he nub= lishee. notice of the intention ei the Council to make such improvement, which notice shall be published in three consecutive issues of the official paper of the City of Dubuque, stating that such plat is on file,.. -and generally the nature of the sewer, its location, size and kinds of material to be used, and the estimate of its cost, and fixing the time before which on_ectiona ca.n he filed, which time shall not he less than five days after the last publica- tion of said notice, and after the com- pletion of the publication of such no- tice, he shall at its next session, no- tify the Council thereof in writing with a printed copy of such notice ac- companyinc; the same. Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None, Alderman Saul offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to improve Grandview Avenue from its intersec- tion with South Dodge Street to the south line of lot 1 of mineral lot 43 and it is hereby proposed to grade, curb, gutter and macadamize said portion of said street setting the curb twenty-five feet out from the lot lines and making the roadway fifty feet between curbs and to assess the cost of said curbing. guttering and macadamizing against the abutting property. Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, Sauer, Saul, Sin - grin, Specht. Nays—McEvoy, O'Rourke. Alderman Saul offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city en- gineer be and he is hereby directed I'' prepare a plat showing generally the lo- cation, nature and extent of the pro- posed improvement on Grandview Ave- nue from its intersection with South Dodge Street to the south line of lot i of mineral lot 43 and the kind of ma- terial to be used, and an estimate of the entire. cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such improvement, and the amount assessable upon any railway ni street railway company, the :unnunt and cost thereof, to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and aunoun: assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front font. and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the city recorder; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office. the city recorder shall publish in thre consecutive issues of a newspaper pub- lished in this city, a notice stating that such plat and estimates are on file, the location and nature of the improvement. kind of material to be used, and an es- timate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can be filed. and the time fixed for hearing, viler time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of such no- tice, and after such publication shall have been made, the city recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, Sauer, Saul, Sin - grin, Specht. Nays—McEvoy, O'Rourke. Alderman McEvoy offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Bluff Street from the end of the present brick -paving between Fifteenth and Sixteenth Streets, southerly to Eighth Street, be improved by grading, curb- ing, guttering and paving the same with Sarco compost in accordance with the plans and specifications for such improvement prepared by the City En- Adjourned Regular Session, August 10, 1910 265 gineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder; and, be it further Resolved, That said improvement shall be completed on or before the 1st day of November, 1910, and shall be paid for in the manner prescribed by Chapter XXXII of the Revised Ordi- nance of the City of Dubuque for the payment of the cost of street improve- ments. The proposals for doing said work shall be acted upon by the Council on the first day of September and the City Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication asking for proposals as provided by ordinance. Ald. McEvoy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Alderman Specht offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That the City Engineer be and he is hereby instruct- ed to prepare plans and specifications and an estimate of the cost thereof for a storm water sewer from the Bee Branch sewer in Twenty-seventh Street westerly to Cooler avenue, thence southerly in Couler avenue to Diagonal Street and submit the same to the Com- mittee of the Whole as early as pos- sible. Ald. Specht moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: 'Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Alderman Specht offered the follow- ing: Be it..Pesolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the good offices .of this body be used with the Union Electric Company in an endeavor to induce said company to extend its track from the present terminus at the end of Windsor Avenue. easterly to the entrance to Mt. Calvary Cemetery. Moved by Ald. Specht that the reso- lution be received and filed and the mayor appoint a committee of three to confer with the Union Electric Co. regarding same. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel. McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Moved by Ald. Sauer that the engi- neer be instructed to draft plans and specifications for the repair of wall in Althauser Avenue and file same with city recorder. After filing the city re- corder to advertise for bids. Moved by Ald. Specht that the rules be suspended to allow Mr. Phil Breit- haupt to address the Council. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Mr. Breithaupt addressed the Council in reference to the proposed sanitary sewer in alley between Washington and Elm Streets and Lincoln Avenue and Eagle Point Avenue. Moved by Ald. Apel that the engineer' be instructed to procure the necessary waivers for the construction of a san- itary sewer between Eagle Point Ave- nue and Lincoln Avenue and Washing- ton and Elm Streets. Carried. The City Engineer reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: In accordance with your instructions, I have examined Seventh Avenue and herewith submit a project for the improvement of same from the north lot line of Rhomberg Avenue to a point 1,000 feet north. Very respect- fully, C. H. BAUMGARTNER, City Engineer. On motion of Ald. Saul referred to the Committee of the Whole. Moved by Ald. McEvoy that Mr. Au- gust Meyer be appointed inspector of Martha Street. Carried. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke to adjourn. Carried. OTTO P. GEIGER, • City Recorder. Adopters .21 Appro. ed . , 1910. , 1910. Mayor. Attest: Ci Recorder, . a l:l r Session August, 18, 1910 CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session. Aug. 18, 1910. (Official.) Council met at 9:00 p. m. • Mayor Haas in the chair. Present — Aldermen Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht and City Attorney Lyon. Moved by Aid. O'Rourke that the Council proceedings for the month of July. 1910, be approved as printed. Carried. Moved by Ald. Singrin that as there are quite a number of citizens present who desire to address the council in regard to various matters the rules be suspended to allow anyone who desires to address the council in reference to Valeria street, Grandview avenue and Bluff street. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel. McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nayes—None. Moved by Ald. Singrin that before hearing from the citizens the petitioe pertaining to Grandview avenwf be read. Carried. Petition of Louis; Trexler and one hundred other citizens asking the council to consider the placing it; a parkway in the center o; Grandview avenue from Dodge street to Southern avenue, read. Also petition of .1. J. Nagle, et al. asking that in the im- proving of Grandview avenue it be done with parkway in the center. read. Mr. Collis, Judge O. P. Shiras and H. Adams addressed the council in favor of the center parkway in the im- proving of Grandview avenue. Mr. F. Kenneally, Mr. Lyon and Mr. Sulli- van addressed the council favoring the improving of Grandview avenue by setting the curb twenty-five feet from lot lines and making the roadway fifty feel between curbs. Mr. Thomas addressed the council, stating that if Valeria street was im- proved to Cushing Place he and others would have no objections, but it Im- proved as far as Hart street only they would not favor the improvement at this time, but would ask the council to wait for a few years before improving said street. Mr. George Kleih addressed the council in favor of improving Valeria street from Kaufman avenue to Hart street at once because there was not enough in the grading fund to improve the street to Cushing Place. City Recorder Geiger presented and read the notice, certified to by the publishers, of the city council's inten- tion to levy a special assessment for the hrfpro 'ement of l,'lui strc^t from Third street to Eighth strict. Also the remonstrance to the levying of the assessment of E. A. ,less, John Mc- Cabe, et al, Isabella Knowlton, H.mry A. Knowlton. On motion of Aid. O'Rourke notice and remonstrance re- ferred to committee of the whole. Moved by Ald. Singrin the rules be suspended to allow anyone present to address the Council in reference to Bluff Street. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke. Saner. Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Mr. Tschirgi addressed the Council, stating in part as to who gave instruc- tion as the work progressed from time to time and that the improvement had been completed in accordance to the instructions and plans and specifica- tions. Mr. W. Duggan and Mr. Woods addressed the Council objecting as to the manner the work had been done. City Attorney Lyon stated he had flied a petition to dissolve the injunc- tion which prevents the city from mov- ing several boat houses from the har- bor, and he expected to get immediate hearing before the district court. Moved by Ald. Saul that the rules be suspended and the Council take ac- tion on the reports of officers. Carried. To the Honorable City Council: Gentlemen:—At the last session of your honorable body, you empowered me to appoint a special committee to confer with the Inion Electric Co. with a view of having said company extend its tracks from the present terminus on Windsor Avenue easterly to the en- trance to Mt. Calvary cemetery and I hereby appoint Aldermen Specht, Apel and O'Rourke as such committee. D. J. HAAS. Mayor. On motion of Ald. Saul report approv- ed and ordered filed. Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The following is the pay roll of the Fire Department for the first half of August, 1910: Amount due Firemen 81,629.00 Respectfully submitted. J. R. REINFRIED. Chief. Approved by Committee on Fire. On motion of Ald. Singrin, the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the firemen, and the re- port referred back to the Committee on Fire. Chief of Police Reilly reported as follows: Adjourned Regular Session, August 19, 1910 267 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The following is the pay roll of Police Department for the first half of August, 1910: Amount due Policemen $1,659.40 Respectfully submitted, THOMAS REILLY, Chief. On motion of Ald. Sauer, the report and pay roll were received and war- rants ordered drawn to pay the Po- licemen and report referred to the Committee on Police and Light. Street Commissioner Mahoney re- ported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith' submit the pay roll for labor on streets during the first halt' of August, 1910: Amount due laborers on Streets ...... .... ...... $2,131.80 Approved by Committee on Streets. Also submit the pay roll for labor on sewers, during the last half of August. 1910: Amount due laborers on sewers$194.30 Approved by Committee on Sewers. Respectfully submitted, JOHN MAHONY, Street Commissioner. On motion of Ald. Saul the pay rolls on streets and sewers were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts and the pay rolls and report referred back to the proper committees. Street Commissioner Mahony also re- ported there was due laborers $176.90 for work done on different roads in Fifth ward to be paid out of county road fund. On motion of Ald. Singrin the report receised and ordered sent to Board of Supervisors for payment. Moved by Ald. Saul to adjourn to Friday, August 19. at 7:30 p. m. Car- ried. OTTO P. GEIGER, City Recorder. Attest: ty Recorder. CITY COUNCIL Adjourned Regular Session, August 19, 1910. (Official.) Mayor Haas in the chair. Council met at 8:45 p. m. Present—Aids. O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht, Apel and City Attorney Lyon. Absent—Aid. McEvoy. Mayor Haas stated that the meeting was an adjourned meeting of the reg- ular session of August 18, 1910, and was called to take up and consider all mat- ters which may properly come before a regular session of the city Council. Moved by Aid. O'Rourke the rules be suspended to permit any one present to address in reference to the proposed Grandview avenue improvement. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Apel, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Absent—Ald. McEvoy. Mr. D. D. Meyer and A. L. Mathis, addressed the Council on behalf of the union Electric Co. explaining that if the street car line should ever be ex- tended over Grandview avenue it would be more convenient to lay the tracks in the center of the proposed parking than if the street were to be improved with side parking. Mr. Collis and Mr. Conley addressed the Council in favor of the center park- ing of Grandview avenue. Bids for the improvement of Windsor avenue and Wilbur avenue were pre- sented and on motion of Aid. Saul all bids were ordered' opened as follows: J. F. Brown, new curbing 80c per lineal ft,; resetting old curb 20e per ft: brick paving $1.85 per sq. yd. Street & Steuck, new curbing 75c per lineal ft: resetting old curb 10c per ft: brick paving $1.75 per sq. ft. N. J. Stoner, new curbing 62c per lineal ft.: resetting old curb 18c per ft: brick paving $2.05 per sq. ft. Kennedy & Scharle, new curbing 55c per lineal ft: resetting old curb 20e; brick paving $1.62 per sq. yd. Frank Beutin, new curbing 65c per lineal ft: resetting old curb 25c per ft; brick paving $1.65 per sq. ft. Moved by Aid. Saul, contract be awarded to Kennedy & Scharle they being the lowest bidder and bond placed at 25 per cent of contract. Carried. Bid for improvement of Wilbur ave- nue read as follows: Wilmer Cook, grading $1.50 per cubic yard; combine curb and gutter ROc per lineal foot; macadamizing 75c per square yard. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke bid be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. 268 Adjourned Regular Session, August 10, 1910 9:40 p. m. Ald. McEvoy entered and took his seat. BILLS. Frank Hardie, transcript of testi- mony in case of Anna Keenan vs. City of Dubuque,$101 40 Linehan & Molo, supplies and Labor at Jackson park 2 80 J. J. Dunn, sheriff, service fee of case of Lizzie Post vs. City and H. Markey vs. Mayor Schunk and Chief of Police Pickley .. .. The Labor Leader, printing 5 00 F. A. Miller, brooms for City Hall.. Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies for City Hall ... Western Union Telegraph Co., clock service for July, 1910.... 1 00 Foley Hand Laundry, towel ser- vice for July.... ............ 4 00 Larry Dailey. cleaning around City Hall for June and July.... 32 00 A. R. Staufenbeil, repairing clock in Council Chamber 50 M. O'Donnell, repairing at City Hall.. .. .. John L. Kies, drug supplies. police and City Hall .... .... 4 85 G .W. Healey & Son, supplies for Washington park 60 Hussman & Lies, cups for drink- ing fountains .... .. 1 90 C. E. Fitzpatrick Co., supplies for various offices 6 25 Smith -Morgan Ptg. Co., printing for City Attorney .. 38 60 Key City Rubber Stamps Works, supplies for various offices .. 2 25 L. Lindenberg, supplies for Rec- order office 2 20 Gonner Bros., printing for City Hall .... .. ................. 5 75 Sam Swift Co., Rec. recording fees 4 75 Geo. Masters, gas mantels for City Hall 75 Berg & Briggs, printing for assessor 7 00 G. F. Kleih, supplies, road Dept and City Hall 3 45 N. B. Schneider, supplies for police Dept.. 5 55 Ed. Norton, meals furnished prisoners, July .. 5 00 Mottle Bro'., feed for Police and Fire Dept.... .. .... 5 30 American Ever Ready Co., sup- plies for Police Dept.. 4 00 Becker Hazelton Co., supplies for Police Dept Standard Lumber Co.. shavings for Police Dept.... 11 00 'Key City lies Co.. MIR a,•cfl for July for Police and Fire Dept2 00 Standard Lumber Co., shavings and lumber for Fire and Road Dept ... ... ... ... ... 112 10 Lagen, Peed & Berwanger, horse - shoeing for Fire and Sewer Dept .... ... 6 50 7 10 4 35 40 2 08 1 05 Collings & Ptiffner, horseshocing for Fire and Sewer Dept 13 50 Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplier for Police and Fire Dept..1 90 Linehan & Molo, rope for Fire and Police Dept.... ........ Butt Bros., repairs for Fire Dept..., , ,.. 38 70 Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse - shoeing for Fire Dept.... 13 15 Matt Stafford, feed for Fire Dept.. .. C. C. Gordon, repairs for Fire Dept.... .. ., ., .............. J. G. Becker & Co., flax seed for Fire Dept.... .......... 3 25 F. M. Jaeger Co, supplies for Fire Dept..,. ., 75 W. Dalhkermeyer, horseshocing for Fire Dept .... 9 0. Carr. Ryder & Adams, edgings for Fire Dept .. .... .... ... 5 20 Babcock Fire Extingusher Co, supplies for Fire Dept.. .. 60 00 Dennis Bros., feed for Fire Dept.. .. .. 643 10 John Kriebs, repairing Chief's harness 25 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co, chemical hose for Fire Dept130 00 Union Electric Co., city fire alarm power.. .. .... 2 00 Key City Gas Co., Coal and Coke for Fire Dept Smedley Steam Pump Co., sup- plies and repairs for Road Dept IS 30 Butt Bros., repairs and supplies for Road Dept.... .. S SO F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Road, Fire and Sewer Dept46 75 Linehan & Molo, cement for Road Dept.. 35 00 Geo: Ragatz & Son, repairs and supplies for Fire and Ituad Dept 6 62 T. J. Mulgrew, cement for I:nau Dept 3 85 Standard Oil Co., road oil 344 0 Dubuque. Lumber Ca., lum- ber for Road Dept.. 37 20 M. Donegan, 6.84 cubic yard macadam, Second district Geo. Bock, sharpening sickles, Road Dept.... .. .. Spahn & Rose Lumber Co., lum- ber for Road Dept E. J. Vogenthaler Co.. supplies and repairs for Road Dept P. Linehan Sons, sand for Road and Sidewalk Dept 10 00 Standard Oil Co., road oil 200 86 O'Farrell Contracting Co., crush- ed stone for Road Dept Jos. J. Rowan, gloves for Road Dept Standard Oil Co., oil for steam roller 2 55 J. F. Itis & Bros., supplies for Road Dept A. Gasser, brick for Road Dept M. Kieffer, 36.83 cubic yd maca- dam, Fourth District 27 51 5 80 8 25 5 13 75 36 34 3 91 72 00 1 50 3 nn 7 do 36 .8.) Adjourned Regular Session, August 19, 1910 69 W. D. Deckert Co., labor for Road Dept 50 Clancy Transfer Co., coal for Road Dept 12 90 .1. Brouellette, 14.29 cubic ward:) macadam, Second District 10 72 F. Burns, coal for Road Dept.,,16 65 John Mullen, 6.98 cubic yards macadam, Second District ..., 5 23 Klauer Mfg. Co., sprinklers for oil ... .,. ,.. 5 00 Pier Bros., coal for road Dept27 88 J. Becker, 27.76 cubic yards maca- dam, Fourth District 25 76 B. Glass, 6.84 cubic yards maca- dam, Second District 513 Purington Paving Brick Co., brick for Road Dept 101 10 F. G. Becker, coal for Road Dept.. .. 36 85 Dubuque Boat and Boiler Works, repairs and labor on steam roller... ... ... ................ 8 60 Dubuque Sand & Gravel Co., gravel for Road Dept..,. ...... 3 97 City Water Works, water for rock crusher 8 97 Paul Schlenker, supplies for Road Dept 1 25 H. B. McCarten, repairing water fountain. First and Main 25 90 John Butt, repairs for Sewer Dept.... .. .. 40 Street & Steuck, 50 per cent retained on West Fourth street sewer.. .. 23 42 James Hird, inspector on Sem- inary street sewer 60 63 James Lynch, inspector on Bee Branch sewer, Fifth ward 28 87 O'Farrell Contracting Co., Im- provement on East street from Delhi street to Center Street 3521 43 Spahn & Rose Lumber Co., lum- ber for sidewalks 41 69 Standard Lumber Co., lumber and sawdust for Sidewalk, Road Dept. and City Hall 40 53 7. Manhnff. to oonveyiOui Mr Naten to Finley hospital .. 1 00 E. J. Frith, removing garbage for July 374 40 Standard Lumber Co.. lumber for sidewalk and City Hall 145 70 Smith, Morgan, Printing Co., printing for Health Dept ..... 10 50 Farley & Loetscher, supplies for Health Dept 1 10 National Demokrat, advertising for July .... 12 59 Telegraph -Herald, printing Coun- cil proceeding and notices for July 53 69 Labor Leader, advertising for July ... ... ... 12 50 Times -Journal, printing Council proceedings and notices for July 54 56 Smith Morgan Printing Co, printing pamphlets and letter heads for Fire Dept 27 92 Iowa Telephone Co., telephone rental for various offices 11 50 Key City Gas, light for various offices 72 55 Union Electric Co., street light for July .. 2253 85 M. Tchirgi & Son, improving Bluff street 5025 56 M. Tschirgi & Son, improving Fluff street 116 99 Moved by Ald. O'.Rourke that war- rants be drawn on the treasurer and all bills read and properly O. K. be paid and others be referred to Com- mittee of the Whole. Carried. The following bills not being properly O. 1K.'d were referred to the Com- mittee of the Whole. Eagle Point Lime Works, 24 yards of stone for Althauser avenue .... .. 8 37 00 M. 'I's:'hirgi and Sons, 5 Ser cent retained on Thirty-second street storm sewer ,. 45 66 O'Farrell Contracting Co., 5 per cent retained on improving Davis avenue. macadamizing... 68 65 O'Farrell contracting Co., 5 per cent retained on curbing and guttering on Davis avenue .... 15 71 M. Tsc•hirgi and Sons, extra material and labor on Bluff street contract .. 265 85 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Attached please find Treasurer's receipt for $2.25 for money collected for cleaning alley in the Fifth ward. Respectfully, JOHN MAHONEY. On motion of Ald. Specht, received and filed. Petition of Iowa Telephone company by (l. R. Bell asking permission to ex- tend their lines on east side of Wilson avenue and north side of Julien ave- nue was presented. Moved by Ald. McEvoy to be refered to the Committee of the Whole and Town Telephone company notified not to start the work until the Committee of the Whole re- ports. Carried. Petition of Henry Rnhland asking that the curbing in front of lots 1 and 2 in Gray's Sub., be so set as to keep the Nv: ter from running into said lots. On motion of Ald. McEvoy, referred to the Committee of the Whole, to view the ground. Petition of Hugh Markey asking that the ennui•il take action at its earliest possible convenience on his claim for damages to his property. On motion of Ald. Sin.grin referred to the COM — mltter, of the Whole. Petition of Anna Smith asking that the assessment nn lots 6 and 7, in Mobley's "Dubuque," No. 1. in city of Dubuque and lots 1 and 2 of Sub -divis- ion of •outlots 735a and 7'6. 731, 719a. F. 270 Adjourned Regular Session, August 19, 1910 and 718 in city of Dubuque be reduced to $2,600.00. On motion of Ald. McEvoy referred to Committee of the Whole. Petition for consent as follows pre- sented: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: The undersigned, Ferdinand F. Krause, respectfully states that he is a qualified elector of the City of Du- buque, Iowa; that he is the purchaser, successor and assignee of the saloon business of Peter Braden, at 64 Julien avenue, being corner of Julien avenue and Booth street in the city of Du- buque, Iowa, and as such purchaser. successor and assignee ' to the said Peter Braden he respectfully prays your Honorable Body to grant him a new permit or resolution of consent to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors by him at No. 694 Julien ave- nue in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, and to cause the following Resolution of Consent to be adopted. Dated August 17, 1910. FERDIN:\ND F. KRAUSE. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke prayer be granted. Carried. Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. Iowa, That consent is hereby given Ferdinand F. Krause as purchaser, successor and assignee of Peter Braden to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors and deal therein in the city o! Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by law. The con- sent here given is a new consent given in lieu of and in renewal of the Reso- lution of Consent heretofore given Peter Braden. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Injunction restraining J. H. Carroll and the city of Dubuque from remov- ing or interfering with buildings, docks or other property of John Keckevoet, located in the Ice Harbor, presented, On motion of Ald. O'Rourke referred to City Attorney. Notice to the City of Dubuque and J. H. Carroll that if they in any way interfere with or remove the house boat belonging to C. C. McGregor he will commence suit against them for full value of said property and all further damage he may suffer, pre- sented. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke referred to City Attorney. City Recorder Geiger presented and read the certified copy of notice of the council's intention to levy a special assessment for the construction of a Sanitary Sewer in Seminary street. No remonstrance being filed -and no one in the roost objecting to the same the motion was, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, received and filed. City Recorder Geiger also presented and read certified copy of city coun- cil's intention to improve Valeria street, from Kaufman avenue to Hart street. No remonstrance being tiled and no one in the room objecting to the improvement at this meeting. was on motion of Ald. O'Rourke rec, ice.i and filed. City Recorder Geiger presented and read certified copy of the City Coun- cil's intention to levy a special assess- ment for the improvement if East street, from Delhi street to center street. Also the remonstrance o' German Presbyterian Theological Sem- inary of the N..'thwest, by M. Steffens, president. and Gee. H. Kannpmann, on account ..f co:. curl beim.; damaged by stews roller. eresented. Moved by Aid. \ieEvov tit Street Commissioner I,. instructed to have the damage I.• eoh corn reaaired at once. Carried. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that the certified copy of the eeuncil'.I inten- tion to levy a special assesentent for imt.royennent or East street be receiv- ed and filed. Carried by the following vete: Yeas—Aids. O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin. Nays—Apel, McEvoy. Specht. Ald. Singrie stated that the Bomb curb on Tenth street, between Main and Iowa, had been domain,' by the steam roller and moved that the steam roller and moved that the Street Commissioner have the same repaired at once. Carried. Ta the Honorable City Council: Gentlemen: Thu undersigned, your special committee designated by ordi- nance, beg leave to report that we have carefully examined the books, vouchers and all smatters pertaining to the receipts and disbursements of the Dubuque Bridge company, and that we find the same correspond with the report submitted to this council and which is hereto atached. We also find from said report, that the net re- ceipts for the fiscal year ending; .April 30, 1910, were less than eight per cent on the investment, and al said com- pany is exempt under Its special ordi- nance until such time as uta net re- ceipts will equal that amount. we rec- ommend that the Cit Treasurer be instructed to cancel the taxes against said company for the year of 1909. D. J. HAAS, Mayor. M. E. LYONS, City Auditor. J. T. KELLY, City Assessor. City Assessor. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke the report Adjourned Regular Session, August 19, 1910 271 be referred tci the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the communication of the Dubuque Park Commission, asking that Grandview a \,'nii,t along the proposed improvenient he parked in the center, would reslieetfully recommend that said communication be received and filed. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the report o1 City Attorney George T. Lyon stating that the balance due for court costs ;amounting to $155.60, in the case of Kassler vs. City of Dubuque, was still unpaid, would reslieetfully recommend that a warrant in said :amount he or- dered drawn on the Citi* Treasure.* in settlement of said costs. Your Committee of the Whole woulii respectfully recommend that the City Engineer be and he is hereby instruct- ed to make a survey and plat of Ben- nett Street showing the exact location of the curb and lot lines on said street from Grandview avenue to a point about one hundred and fifty feet west thereof. JAMES SAIL. Chairman. Mov,od by :\Id. Saul the various re- ports of the committee of the Whole be adopted. Carried. Moved by Ald. Saul that the matter of improving Grandview Avenue be re- ferred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Resolution levying special assessment for the improvement of Bluff Street. from Third to Eighth Streets, read. Moved by Ald. Saul the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Aids. Apel, McEvoy O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul Singrin and Specht. Nays—None. Resolution levying special assessment for the improvement of East Street, from Delhi Street to Center Street read. On motion of Ald. McEvoy referred to Committee of Whole, they to report at next meeting. Ald. McEvoy offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for con- structing an 8 inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Seminary Street, from Mad- ison Street west, by H. G. Strong, con- tractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate herein- after named, situated and owned, and for . the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as fol- lows: P. M. Harrington, Cox's Addition, lot 81, 33.7 lin. feet at .3356 $11 31 P. M. Harrington, Cox's Addition, lot 82, 50 lin. feet at .3356 16 78 P. M. Harrington, Cox's Addition, lot 83, 50 lin. feet at .3356 16 78 Maurice and J. Anna Brown, Cox's Addition, lot 84, 50 lin. feet at .3356 16 78 Maurice and J. Anna Brown. Cox's Addition, lot 85, 50 lin. feet at .3356 16 78 Maurice and J. Anna Brown. Cox's Addition, lot s6. 50 lin. feet at .3356 16 78 Maurice and J. Anna Brown, Cox's Addition, lot 57, Se lin. feet at .3356 16 78 Susan Murphy, Cox's Addition, lot 1 of 88, 50 lin. feet at .3356 16.78 Susan Murphy, Cox's Addition, lot 1 of 89, 50 lin. feet at .3356 16 78 T. O. Sullivan, Cox's Addition, lot 90, 50 lin. feet at .3356 16 78 Wm. Lowther, Sr., Cox's Addition, lot 2 of 91, 50 lin. feet at .335616 78 Wm. Lowther, Sr., Cox's Addition, lot 2 or 92, 15 lin. feet at .33565 04 J. F. Steiner Est., Cox' Addition, lot 93, 65 lin. feet at .3356 21 82 Sadie Pierce, Cox's Addition, lot 94, 50 lin. feet at .3356 16 78 Leonard F. Buehler, Cox's Addi- tion, east 1-2 of lot 95, 25 lin. feet at .3386 8 39 John T. Sawyer, Cox's Addition, west 1-2 of lot 95, 25 lin. feet at .3356 8 39 Hiram L. Hart, Cox's Addition, lot 96, 50 lin. feet at .3356 16 78 Eph. Yingling, Cox's Addition, lot 97, 50 lin. feet at .3356 16 78 Eph. Yingling, Cox's Addition, lot 98, 50 lin. feet at .3356 16 78 Anna Kelly, Cox's Addition, lot 99. 50 lin. feet at .3356 16 78 Harry C. Ade, Cox's Addition, lot 100, 50 lin. feet at .3356 16 78 L. Zust Est., Cox's Addition, lot 101, 50 lin. feet at .3356 16 78 L. Zust Est., Cox's Addition, lot 101, 5,0 lin. feet at .3356 16 78 D. H. Wheeler, Cox's Addition, lot 103, 33.7 lin. feet at .3356 11 31 Ald. Singrin moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer. Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Moved by Ald. Saul to reconsider the action taken in the matter of levying special assessment for Bluff Street im- provement. m- provement. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin. Nays—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, Specht. Moved by Ald. Saul the matter of special assessment of Bluff Street be 272 Adjourned Regular Session, August 19, 1910 refered to Committee of the Whole, they to take immediate action. Car- ried. Ald. Saul offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare plans and specifications for the brick paving of the street and the construction of the sidewalk at First and Iowa Streets and submit the same to the Committee of the Whole at its next meeting. Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Alderman Singrin offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that the Street Commissioner be and he is hereby in- structed to notify the C., M. & St. P. and the C. G. W. railway companies to clean out the culvert under their rights of way on Seventeenth Street. Ald. Singrin moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, .Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. .Ald. McEvoy offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to im- prove Delhi street from its intersec- tion with Asbury street westerly to tl: 7` city limits, and it is hereby pro- posed to grade, curb, gutter and ma- cadamize said portion of said street, and to assess the cost of said curbing, guttering and macadamizing against the abutting pronerty. Ald. McEvoy moved the adoption of the' resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aldermen Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, .eecht. Nays—None. Aid. McEve.y offered the following: lie It It,:'s°lved by the Cty Council if the City of Dubuque, That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed tc prepare a plat showing generally the location, nature and extent of the Proposed improvement on Delhi street from its intersection with As- bury street westerly to the city limits, and the kind of material to he used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such improvement, and the amount assessable upon any railway or street railvay company, the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the city, if any. and the cost thereof and amount asessablo upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the city recorder; that after the filing of said plat and estimate, in his ()thee. the city recorder sit,tll pub- lish in three consecutive issues of •t newspaper published in this city, a notice stating that such plat and e timate are on tile. the location and nature of the improvement, kind of material to be used, anti an estimate of its cost. :tn,l tit time before which obi. e•tiou.s thereto can be tiled. and the time lixed fir' hearing, which time shall not be less than live days after the last publication of such no- tice, and after such publicaton shall have been made. the city recorder shall, at the next regular session e,f the City Council. notify the council thereof in writing, with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. McEvoy moved the adoption of the resolution. tarried by the following vote: Yeas---.\lele-rmen Apo], McEvoy. O'i(ourke. Sauer, Saui II grit!, Specht. Nays-- None. Ald. McEvoy off'er'ed the foliowin_ Ile It Resolved by the City council of the Cty of Dubuque, That it is le emcd necessary and advisable to improve Irving .\vi -nut' from Delhi street to i.)ecorah _Avenue, and it is hereby proposed to grade, curb. gut- ter and macadamizing and to asses the cost of said against the ;tbttttitiL' property. Ald. McEvoy moved the adoption -it the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—,Aldermen Apel. \Irl:vey. O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Sin;;rin. Specht. Nays—None. • Ald. McEvoy offeree] the following Be It Resolved by the City conned of the City of Dubuque, That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing gener;,ll> the location, nature and extent of the proposed improvement on Irving ave- nue from Delhi street to Decorah ave- nue, and the kind of material to he used, and an estimate of the emir• cost thereof, and the itnu-ant an,l cost of such improvement, and the amount assessable upon any railway or street railway company, the amount and cost thereof and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land ad- jacent to or abutting upon such im- provement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the oilie.' Adjourned Regular Session, August 19, 1910 273 of the city recorder; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the city recorder shall publish in three consecutive issues of a news- paper published in this city, a notice stating that such plat and estimate are on file, the location and nature of the improvement, material to be used and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can he lfled, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of such notice, and after such publication shall have been made, the city recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Coun- cil, notify the Council thereof in writ- ing, with a printed copy of such no- tice accompanying the same. Ald. McEvoy moved the adoption of the resolution. Parried by the following vote: Yeas --Aldermen Apel, McEvoy. O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Aid. Saul offered the following: Whereas it is deemed necessary and expedient to improve the west side of Locust Street and Third Street in front of and abutting the premises hereinafter described by laying down a permanent sidewalk thereon; to be composed of cement material 6 feet wide. Therefore be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing gen- erally the location, nature and extent of the proposed improvement on the west side of Locust Street, between Second and Third Streets, and in front of and abutting lot No. 116, and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof and the amount and cost of such improve- ment, and the amount and cost there- of, to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land ad- jacent to or abutting upon such im- provement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City Recorder: that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office the City Recorder shall notify said abutting and adjacent property owners, as provided by ordinance, that such plat and estimate are on file, the loca- tion and nature of the improvement. kind of material to he used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time be- fore which objections thereto can be filed,and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five (5) days after the service of such no- tice, and after such service shall have been made, the City Recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a copy of such notice ac- companying the same. Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Ald. Saul offered the following: Whereas it is deemed necessary and expedient to improve the east side of Booth Street, between Solon Street and Langworthy Avenue in front of and abutting the premises hereinafter de- scribed by laying down a permanent sidewalk thereon; to be composed of cement material 4 feet wide. Therefore be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, nature and ex- tent of the proposed improvement on the east side of Booth Street, between Solon Street and Langworthy Avenue, and in front of and abutting lot 1 of S. M. Langworthy's Sub., and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof and the amount and cost of such improvement, and the amount and cost thereof, to be pail* by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or ,shutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and ostimate in the office of the City Re- corder; that after the filing of said plat ,end estimate in his office, the City Re- corder shall notify said abutting and adjacent property owners, as provided by ordinnce, that such plat and esti- mate are on file, the location and na- ture of the improvement, kind of ma- terial to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which ob- jections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five (5) days after the service of such notice, and after such service shall have been made, the City Recorder shall, at the next regular ses- sion of the City Council, notify the Council thereof ill writing, with a copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Ape]. McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer. Saul. Singrin, Specht. Na ys—None. Ald. Saul. offered the following: Whereas it is deemed necessary and expedient to improve the north side of Second Street, betwe"n Locust Street and Bluff Street, in front of and abut- ting the premises hereinafter described by laying down a permanent sidewalk thereon, to be composed of cement ma- terial S feet wide. • Therefore be it resolved by the City 274 Adjourned Regular Session, August 19, 1910 Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, nature and ex- tent of the proposed improvement on the north side of Second Street, be- tween Locust and Bluff Streets, and in front of and abutting city lot 116, and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof and the amount and cost of such im- provement, and the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the city, if any. and the cost thereof and amount as- sessable upon each lot or parcel •if land adjacent to or abutting Litton such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City Recorder, that after the fil- ing of said plat and estimate in his of- fice, the City Recorder shall notify said abutting property owners, as provided by ordinance, that such plat and esti- mate are on file, the location and na - ture of the improvement, kind of ma- terial to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which ob- jections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five (5) days after the service of such notice, and after such service shall have ben made, the City Recorder shall, at the next regular ses- sion of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a copy of such notice accompanying the same. Aid. Saul moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel. McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Mayor stated he did not approve of action taken on the petitions of J. C. Roberts and Ida M. Cutter. Moved by Ald. Apel to reconsider the action taken on petition of J. C. Roberts and Ida M. Cutter. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aldermen Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Moved by Ald. Sauer the petition of T. C. Roberts and Ida. M. Cutter be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Moved by Ald. Sauer that the City Recorder be instructed to advertise for bids for the sweeping of brick paving. Amended by Saul that we continue under the present system of street sweeping. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourk. Saul, Singrin. Nays—Sauer, Specht. Mayor Haas stated that the ordin- ante granting the German Presby- terian Theo. School of N. W. permis- sion to use part of East street for park purposes was not satisfactory to said school and the same was now in the hands of the ordinance commit- tee for correction. Moved by Ald. Singrin to adjourn to Tuesday, Aug. 23, 1910. Carried. Adopted 2.6 , 1910. Approved Z. ........'. , /.., 1910. AZtvizi .......1t'. Y. 1 . '. ! Mayor. Attest: C Recorder. Adjourned Regular Session, August 23, 1910 275 CITY COUNCIL. (official.) Adjourned Regular Session, Aug. 23, 1910. Council met at 8:30 p. m. Mayor Haas in the chair.. Present --Aids. McEvoy, O'Rourke, Saul, Sauer, Singrin, Apel and City Attorney Lyon. Absent—Aids. Si echt. Mayor Haas stated that the meet- ing was an adjourned meeting of the adjourned meeting of August 19 of the regular session of August 18. 1910, and was called to take up and consider all matters which may prop- erly come before a regular session of the City Council. Petition of Chief of Police Reilly. asking for an increase of salary, pre- sented. On motion of Ald. Singrin, referred to Committee of the Whole. Petition of Frank Kenneally et al, asking that Grandview Avenue be im- proved from the end of the present improvement at South Dodge Street and extending South to the South lot line of Lot 2 of Mineral Lot No. 43, presented. On motion of Ald. Saul, prayer of petitioner granted. Petition of C. M. Peaslee et al. ask - nig that the proper official or commit- tee be given power to adopt such methods as be best adapted to the proper regulation of traffic on the streets, presented. Moved by Ald. McEvoy that the Mayor appoint a committee consisting of the Mayor, Chief of Police and three members of the Council with power and they to confer with the Dubuque Automobile Club. Carried. Aid. Specht entered at 8:40 and took his seat. A communication from Homer S. King, asking the City to endorse San Francisco for the holding of the ex- position in 1915: also one from Francis Tracy Tobin, asking that New Orleans be endorsed for the exposi- tion, presented. Moved by Ald. McEvoy, matter be referred to Com- mittee of the Whole. Amended by Ald. O'Rourke that the Council endorse New Orleans for the holding of the exposition in 1915. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Apel, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Specht. Nays—McEvoy, Singrin. Ald. Saul, chairman of Committee of the Whole, offered the following: Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the schedule showing the amount proposed to be levied against the property abutting on Bluff Street from Third to Eighth Street for the improvement thereof, would respectfully recommend that said assessment as corrected be ap- proved and that the resolution levy- ing the same be adopted, Your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the action of the City Council of August I n, 1910, on the petition of J. C. Roberts be rescinded and that the following be substituted therefor, to- wn: That the assessment of J. C. Roberts on Lots 21 and 22 in Reche's Sub. for the year 1909 be placed at $9011.00 and $100.00 personalty, and that the City Treasurer be instructed to accept his taxes for said year on that basis. Your Committee of the Whole respectfully recommend that the action of the City Council of August 10, 1910, in adopting resolutions pro- viding for the improvement of Grand- view Avenue from the junction of South Dodge Street to the south line of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 43 by grad- ing. curbing. guttering, macadamizing and side -parking said portion of said street be rescinded and that reso- lutions he adopted in lieu thereof for the same kind of an improvement, but with the parking in the center. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Mrs. Anna Smith, stating that she purchased Lot 1 in Collins' Sub., Lots 6 and 7 in Mobley's Dubuque and Lots 1 and 2 in Kelly's Sub. and that said lots are assessed for the year 1909 on a valuation of $3,600.00, which is far in excess of the pur- chase price, and asking, therefore, the said valuation be reduced to $2,500.00, would respectfully recommend that the valuation on said lots be placed at $2,800.00 and that the Treasurer be instructed to accept the taxes for the year 1909 on that basis. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Moved by Ald. Saul that the vari- ous reports of Commitee of the Whole be adopted. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke offered the follow- ing: Whereas, The contract heretofore entered into by the City of Dubuque for the improvement of a street as hereinafter described has been com- pleted, and the City Engineer has computed that the cost and expense 276 Adjourned Regular Session, August 23, 1910 of said improvement amount to $6,474.55. Therefore, Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to provide for the cost of im- proving Bluff Street from Third Street to Eighth Street, the Mayor be and he is hereby required to execute and deliver to the City Recorder, to be by him registered and countersign- ed twenty-five bonds for two hundred and fifty dollars each and one for two hundred twenty-four and 55-100 dollars, numbered 991 to 1,016 in- clusive, dated September 22, 1910. payable on or before seven years af- ter the date thereof, and bearing in- terest at the rate of five per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually. Aid. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aldermen Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul. Singrin. Specht. Nays—None, Ald. O'Rourke offered the follow- ing: Whereas, The contract heretofore entered into by the City of Dubuque for the construction of a sanitary sewer as hereinafter described has been completed, and the City Engi • neer has computed that the cost and expense of said improvement amount to $368.30. Therefore. Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to provide for the cost of con- structing a sanitary sewer in Semin• ary Street from Madison Street to a point about five hundred and fifty feet westerly thereof, the Mayor be and he is hereby required to execute and deliver to the City Recorder, to be by him registered and countersigned, one bond for two hundred and fifty dol- lars and one for one hundred eigh- teen and 30-100 dollars, numbered 1,017 and 1,018, dated September 22, 1910, payable on or before seven years after the date thereof, and bearing interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aldermen Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None Alderman Specht offered the fol- lowing: Bt it resolved by the . City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to improve Twenty-seventh Street from the end of the present improvement easterly to the end of said street, and it is hereby proposed to 'grade,• Curb, gutter and macadamize said portion of said street, and to assess the cost of said curbing, guttering and macad- amizing against the abutting property. Ald Specht moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aldermen Apel, NICE V4 O'Rourke, Sn uer, Saul, Singrin. Specht. Nays— None. Aid. Specht offered the following: be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, nature and extent of the proposed improvement on Twenty- seventh Street from the end of the present improvement easterly to the ast end of the street. and the kind of material to be used, and ;,n esti- mate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such im- provement, and the amount assessable upon any railway or street railway company. the amount and cost there- of, to be paid by the City, if any, :tad the cost thereof and amount assess- able upon each lot or parcel of haat ar:jacent to or rebutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the of- fice of the City Recorder: that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office. the city recorder shall puh- lirh in three consecutive issues of a newspaper published in this city, a notice stating that such plat and es, timates are on tile, the location nail nature of the improvement. kind of material to be used, nail ;,n estimate of its cost, and the time before evhich objections thereto can he filed. and the time fixed for hearing• which time shall not be less than live days after the last publication of said notice. nail after such publication shall have been made, the city recorder shall.: ,t the next regular session of the Cit.c Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a printed copy of such Notice accompanying the same. Aid. Specht moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aldermen Apel, McEvoy. O'Rourke, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Alderman Specht offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deem- ed necessary and advisable to improve Seventh Avenue from Rhomberg Ave- nue to a point about one thousand feet northerly thereof, and it is hereby Pro- posed to grade, curb, gutter and ma- cadamize said portion of ,said street binding the top course of Wearing sur- Adjourned Regular Session, August 23, 1910 277 face with taroid and to assess the cost of said curbing, guttering and macad- amizing against the abutting property. Moved by Ald. Specht the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Ald. Sauer excused from voting. Alderman Specht offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city en- gineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, nature and extent of the pro- posed improvement on Seventh Avenue from Rhomberg Avenue to a point about one thousand feet northerly thereof, and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such improvement, and the amount assessable upon any railway or street railway company, the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount as- sessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot. and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the city recorder; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the city recorder shall publish in three consecutive issues of a newspaper pub- lished in this city, a notice stating that such plat and estimates are on file, the location and nature of the improvement, kind of material to be used, and an es- timate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of such no- tice, and after such publication shall have been made, the city recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Moved by Ald. Specht the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Ald. Sauer excused from voting. Alderman Saul offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deem- ed necessary and advisable to improve Grandview Avenue from the end of the present improvement at the junction of South Dodge Street southerly to the south line of lot 2 of mineral lot 11, and it is hereby proposed to grade. park, curb, gutter and macadamize said portion of said street, parking the same through the center fifteen feet wide and setting the curb seventeen and one-half feet from the lot lines and too assess the cost of said curbing, gutter - Ing and macadamizing against the abutting property. Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids, Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke. Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Alderman Saul offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, nature and extent of the pro- posed improvement on Grandview Ave- nue from the junction of South Dodge ,Street to the south line of lot 2 of min- eral lot 31, and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the en- tire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such improvement, and the amount assessable upon any railway or street railway company, the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the city recorder; that after the fil- ing of said plat and estimate in his of- fice, the city recorder shall publish is three consecutive issues of a newspaper published in this city, a notice stating that such plat and estimates are on file, the location and nature of the improve- ment, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of such notice, and after such publication shall have been made, the city recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Alderman Apel offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Valeria Street from Kaufman Avenue to Hart Street be improved by grading, curb- ing, guttering and macadamizing the same, in accordance with the plans and specifications for such improvement prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Re- corder: and be it further Resolved, That said improvement shall be completed on or before the 15th day of November, 1910, and shall be paid for in the manner prescribed by Chapter XXXII of the Revised Ordi- nance of the City of Dubuque for the Adjourned Regular Session, August 23, 1910 111 • payment of the cost of street improve- ments. The proposals for doing said work shall be acted upon by the Council on the 1 5th clay of September, 1910. and the City Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication asking for proposals as provided by or- dinance. Ald. Apel moved the adoption of the resolution. Lost by the following vote: Yeas -Aids. Apel. McEvoy, O'Rourke. Saul, Singrin. Nays -Sauer, Specht. Ald. O'Rourke offered the follow- ing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for im- proving Bluff street front Third street to Eighth street, by M. Tschirgi and Sons, contractors, in front of and ad- joining the same, a Special Ta:; be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situ- ate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: P. W. Wieland, Sub. City, 651a, lot 7, 60.6 lineal feet new curb- stone at 70c, $42.42; 1;4.9 square yards macadamizing at 73 1-2c, $9x.15; extra. expenses, .0766 lineal foot, $4.65: total $146.22 Anthony Guerdet. Sub, City 653a, lot 6, 25 lineal feet new curb- stone at 70e, $11.50: »5.6 square yards macadamizini. :It 71 1-b'. $46.79: extra expenses, .0766 lineal feet, $1.92: total 66.21 H. and M. C. Ficke. Sub. Cit•' 653a, lot 5, 45 lineal feet new curbstone at 7(k', $31.50; 106.0 setter» vardn macadamizing at 71 1-2c. $73.50; extra expenses, .0766 lineal feet. $1.45: total103.45 J. A, McKinlay, Sub. City 653a, N. 50 feet lot 4, 50 lineal feet new curbstone at 70c, $35.00: 1110 sq wire y:u•d•1 macadamiz- ing at 71 1-2c, $81.59; extra ex- penses, .0766 lineal feet, $2.83: total Martha Greene. Sub. City 653a, S. 2 feet lot 4, 4-4 square yards macadamizing. at 71 1-2e, 2.0 lineal feet old curl, reset at 20e•, 46e; extra expenses, .0766 lineal feet, 15e: total 3.78 Mau•tha Greene, Sub. Cit 051a, N. 22.10 feet lot 1, 50.9 square yards macadamizing at 72 1-2c, 37.41; 22.9 lineal feet old curb reset at 20c, $4.55; extra ex• pensee, .0760 lineal feet, $1.75; total 43.71 A. J. Printy, Sub, Cit:' 653a, A. 25 feet lot 1, 55.5 square yards macadamizing at 71 I -2c. $46.79; 25.0 lineal feet old curb reset at 20c, $5.00: extra expenses, .0766 lineal feet, $1.92; total .. 126.42 47.71 Otte M. Ruete, • Sub. City 653a, lot 2, 106.4 square yards ma- cadamizing at 7,: 1-2c•, $78.20; 41.1 lineal feet old curb reset at 20c, $8.22; extra ex_,ensos, .0766 lineal feet, $3.67, total 90.09 Gee. W. Healey, Sul). l'ity' 653a, lot 3. 111.0 square yards ma- cadamizing at 71 1-2c, $81.59; 43.7 lineal feet old cure reset at 20c, $8.71; extra expenses. .0760 lineal feet, $3.83; total 94.13 Archie Frater, City, N. 4C feet lot 622, 46 lineal feet new curb- stone at 70e. $32.20; 102.0 squat's yards macadamizing at 72 7-2c, $74.97: extra expenses, .0766 lin- eal feet, $3.522; total 110.69 C. F. Mehlhop, city, S. 39.6 feet lot 622, 1 lineal foot new curb- stone at 70e. 70c: 88.0 squ:u•ct yards macadamizing at 73 1-2c, $64.68; 14.3 lineal feet old curls reset at 20c. $2.85; extra ex- penses. .0766 lineal feet, 83.03; total 71.26 C. F. \lehlhop. City, N. 6.6 feet of N. 52.6 feet lot 021, 14.6 squaw.' yards macadamizing at 7:: 1-2e. $10.73; 6.6 lineal feet old curb rest at 20c, $1.30; extra expenses, .0766 lineal feet. 51e; total .. 12.54 Z. Hoffman, City, N. M. 23 feet of N. 52.6 feet lot 6:?.1, 51.0 square y:urds macadamizing at 7:: 1-2c, 837.49: 13.9 Ii''e"I teat old curb reset at 20c, $2.75; ex- tra expenses. .0766 lineal fee;, $1.76; total ... 42.00 Z. Hoffman. S. \I ,•t of N. 5'.f feet lot 627. 5t ,. a'mare yards macadamizing :1t 73 1-2c. $37.49; 23.0 lineal feet old curb reset at 20c, $4.60; extra ex- pense:, .0766 lineal feet, $1.76: total P. 3. Ler, City, S. 46 feet lot ':21, 10.2.0 squint, yards macadamiz- ing at 73 1-2cc, $74.97: ::.6 line:sl feet old curl. reset :g 20c, $7.90: extra expenses, .071;': iha ul fret. $3.5'2: total N0.19 Franciscan House, City, lot 62e, 68.1 lineal feet new curbstone at 70e. $41.81: 161.:: square yank macadamizing at 73 1-2e, $118.50; extra expenses, .0766 lineal `cot, : x.76; total 171.91 Franciscan }lour.•, City, lot 619, 1:1.1 lineal feet naw ,•urbstone at 70e, $9.17; 142.2 square yards macadamizing at 7:: 1-2c, $104.52; 46.6 lineal feet old curb reset at 20e, $2.30: extra ex- penses. .0766 line:), feet. $4.90; total Mary A. Coates and D. R. \C:tt- ters, City', lot 618, 55 lineal fact new curbstone at 70c, $38.50: 144.4 square yards macadamiz- ing at 73 1-2c, $106.13; extra ex- penses, .0766 lineal feet. $4.98; total 149.61 Adjourned Regular Session, August 23, 1910 279 D. D. Myers, City, N. 64 ret lot 617, 69 lineal feet new curb- stone at 70e, $44.80; 141.2 quare yards macadamizing et 73 1-2c, $104.52; extra expenses. .0766 lineal feet, $4.90; total .... .... 154.22 A. A. Cooper, City, S. 8 feet lot 617, 17.7 square yards macad- amizing at 73 1-2c, $13.01; ex- tra expenses, .0766 lineal feet, 61c; total. 13.62 A. A. Cooper, City, lot 616a, 66.6 square yards itlat•N11:1111i7.- ing at 73 1-2e, 48.95; 4.1 lineal feet old curb reset at 20c, 87c: extra expenses, .0766 lineal ret. $2.30: total lot 616. 67.8 52.12 A. A. Cooper. CitY. square yards macadamizing at 73 1-2c, $49.83; 5.10 lineal feet old curb reset at 20c, $1.17; ex- tra expenses, .0766 lineal feet. 82.34; total 53.34 A. A. Cooper. City. lot 615. 231.5 square yards macadamizing at 73 1-2c, $170.15; extra expenses, .0766 lineal feet, 87.06: total 177.21 J. M. Sullivan, City. E 110 feet lot 614, 86.4 lineal feet new curbstone at 70c, $60.48; 239.1 square yards macadamizing at 73 1-2e, $175.74; extra expenses, .0766 lineal feet. $7.35: total 243.57 A. W. Kernler Est., City. 17nd 2-3 of N. 46.8 feet It 613. 43.6 lineal l'PPt T1PW curbstone at 70c, $30.24; 96.0 square y:trds macadamizing at 73 1-2e. 870.56: extra expenses, .0766 feet, $3.31; total . 104.11 Minnie Kernler. City, 1 -mi. 1-3 of N. 46.8 feet lot 613, 21.1; lineal feet new curbstone :it 70e. $15.12; 48.0 square yartis ma- cadamizing at 73 1-2e, 885.28: extra expenses, .0766 lineal feet. $1.65; total 59.05 Philip Ryder, City, S. 43.4 feet lot 613. 96.5 square yards ma- cadatnizing at 73 1-2e, $70.93; extra expenses, .0766 lineal feet, $3.33; total 74.26 Jos. S. Morgan, N. 21.8 feet lot 612, .5 lineal feet new curb- stone at 70c, 35e: 48.4 square yards macadamizing at 71 1-2e. 805.57; extra expenses. .0766 lineal feet, $1.67; total 37.59 Jos, S. Morgan, City, $o. 64.4 feet lot 612, 95.7 litleal feet new curbstone at 70e. $66.99: 240.7 square yards macadamizing at 73 1-2c, $176.91; extra expenses, .0766 lineal feet, $7.09; total 251.29 Mary A. McLean, Sub, City; 610, lot 1. 216.5 square yards ma- cadamizing at 73 1-2e, $151.13; extra expenses, .0766 lineal feet, $6.55; total 165.6S Arthur McCann Est, City, lot 610a, 71.0 square yards ma- cadamizing at 73 1-2e, $52.19; extra expenses, .0766 lineal feet. $2.45; total 69.64 Arthur McCann Est, City, lot 609n, 46.0 square yard1 macad- amizing at 73 1-2e, $34.25; ex- tra expenses, .0766 lineal feet, $1.61; total 35.86 Florence M. Hayden, Sub 1 Of City lot 609, lot square yards macadamizing at 71 1-2e, 850.57; extra expenses, .0766 lineal feet. $2.38; tetal51.95 Emma Clememi, Sub. 1 or CitY lot 609, lot 1, 64.5 square yards macadamizing at 73 1-2e, $47.41; extra ex] louses, .0766 lineal feet, $2,22; total 49.63 John Daugherty, SubCity lot 609, lot 2, 8.9 square yards ma- eadatnizing at 73 1-2c, $6.54; extre. expenses, .0766 lineal feet, 31c; total 6.85 Margt, Welsh. City. No. 20 ft. N. 1, E. 1 1 3 ft. Lot 608, 44.5 sq. yds. macadamizing at .7 3 5, $3 2.7 1; extra ex- penses at .0 7 6 6 lin, ft., 8153 34 24 A, F. Jaeger Est., City, So. 2 2.1 0 ft. N. 14 E. 113 ft. Lot 608, 50.9 sq. yds. ma- cadamizing at .7 3 5, $3 7.4 1; extra expenses at .0 7 6 6 lin. ft.. $1.76 39 17 Eliz. A. Connolly, City, So. % E. 113 ft. Lot 608, 1 0 4.2 sq, yds macadamizing at .7 3 5, $7 0. 9 : extra expenses at .07;; lin, ft., $3 5 9 80 18 Annie Gilden, City, Lot 129, 1 5 1.8 sq yds, macadamizing at .735, $1 1 1.5 7i extra ex - opuses at .0 7 6 6, $523 116 80 Mary Jess, City, Lot 130, 142,0 yds, macadamizing ni 8105.03: extra ex- penses ;it 7 6 6 lin. ft., $4.92 109 95 John 11. Aleelpin. City, So. 17 61 \\". % Let 121, 37.8 sq. yds. macadamizing at .735, $27,78: extra expenses at .0 7 6 6 lin. 6., *130 29 08 Catherine McCann, City, S. M t0.6 ft W. 1/2 Lot 131, 36.9 sq yds. macadamizing at .735. 827.12 :extra. expenses at .0700 lin. $1.27 28 39 illy, N. M. 24 ft. of N. :11 ft. Lit 131, 53.3 sq. yds. macadamizing at .735, $19.18; extra expenses at .0766 lin. ft.. 81.81 41 01 John McCabe, city. N. 6 [/4. ft Lot 311. 14.2 sq. yds. ma- carthmizing at .735, $10.44; extra ex pensos at .0 7 6 6 lin. ft., 49' 10 93 John 5! P1'', City, So. 17% ft. Lot 22, 38.9 sq. yds. macadamizing at .7 3 5, $ 98.5 9; extra 'expenses at ((700 lin. ft., 81.34 29 93 B. Lagen, City, So. M. 26.6 ft Lot 132, 58.9 sq. yds. ma- cadamizing at .7 3 5, $4 3.2 9; 280 Adjourned Regular Session, August 23, 1910 extra expenses at .0766 lin. ft., $2.03 Mrs. J. S. Murphy, City, N 21.3 ft. Lot 132, 144.9 sq yds. macadamizing at .735, $106.50; extra expenses at .0766 lin. ft., $4.04 110 58 Isabelle Knowlton, City. West ',4 Lot 113, 87.3 lin. ft. new curbstone at 70c, $61.11; 241.1 sit. yds. macadamiz- ing at .735, $177.21; extra expenses at .0766 lin. ft., .$7. 9 H. A. Knowlton. City. S. 1-3 Lot 134, 21.5 lin. ft. new curbstone at 70c. $15.05; 47.8 sq. yds. macadamizing at .734, $35.13; extra ex- penses at .0766 lin. ft.. $1.64 51 82 Jas. Harragan. City, M. 1-3 Lot 134, 21.6 lin. ft. new curb- stone at 70c, $1.5.12: 47.8 sq. yds. macadamizing at .735, $35.13: extra expenses at .0766 lin. ft., $1.64 51 89 H. A. Knowlton, City, K. 1-3 Lot 134, 21.5 lin. ft. new curbstone at 70c, $15.05; 47.8 sq. yds. macadamizing at .735, $35.13; extra ex- penses at .0766 lin. ft., $1.64 51 82 Frank Kirk. City. S. Yz Lot 135, 32.3 lin. ft. new curb- stone at 70c, $22.61; 71.8 sq. yds. macadamizing at .735. $52.77; extra expenses at .0766 lin. ft., $2.47 77 85 A. C. Kleine. City, N. 1 Lot 135, 32.3. lin. ft. new curb- stone at 70c, $22.61; 71.8 sq. yds. macadamizing at .735, $52.77. extra expenses at .0766 lin. ft., $2.47 77 85 J. H. 'rhedinga Est., City. Lot 136, 90.4 lin. ft. new curb- stone at 70c, $63.28; 241.1 sq. yds. macadamizing at .735, $177.21; extra ex- penses at .0766 lin. ft.. $7.39 247 88 Eliz. A. Sullivan, City, Lot 137. 241.1 sq. yds. macad- amizing at .735. $177.21; extra expenses at .0766 lin. ft.. $7.39 184 60 A. A. Cooper. City, Lot 138, 113.5 sq. yds. macadamiz- ing at .535, $105.47; extra expenses at .0766 lin ft., $4.94 110 41 A. A. Cooper, City, Lot 139, 143.5 sq. yds. macadamiz- ing at .735, $105.47: extra expenses at .0766 lin, ft, $4,94 110 41 J. R. Waller Est., City, Lot 140, 241.1 sq. yds, macad- amizing at .735, $177.21; extra expenses at .0766 lin. ft., $7.39 184 60 City of Dubuque, Washington 45 32 245 71 Park, 774.2 sq. yds. macad- amizing at 70c, $569.03; ex- tra expenses at .0766 lin. ft., $24.34 593 17 Cath. A. Christman Est., City 652, Lot 1, 75.3 lin. ft. new curbstone at 70c, $52.71; 211.6 sq. yds. macadamizing at .735, $155.53; extra ex- penses at .0766 lin. ft., $6.38 214 62 Cath. A. Christman Est., City 651, Lot 1. 51.3 lin. ft. new curbstone at 70c, $35.91; 114.0 sq. yds. macadamizing at .735 $83.79; extra ex- penses at .0766 lin. ft $3.92 123 62 Cath. A. Christman Est., City So. 36.3 ft. Lot 650, 36.3 lin. ft. new curbstone at 70c, $25.41: 8.07 sq. yds, macad- amizing at .735, $59.31; ex- tra expenses at .0766 lin. ft.. $2.78 87 50 J. I). lush, City, No. 15 ft City Lot 650. 15.0 lin. ft. new curbstone at 70e. $ 10.:,0; 33.2 sq. yds. macadamizing at .7:55, $24.48; extra ex- penses at .0766 lin. ft.. $1.14 36 I J. D. Bush. city, So. 8 ft. S. 19.8 ft. Lot 049, 8.11 lin. ft. new curbstone at Toe, $5.60; 17.7 sq. yds. macadamizing at .715 $13.01; extra expenses at .0766 lin. ft., 61c 19 22 C. T. Rush. City, N. 11.8 ft S. 19.8 ft. Und. 1-3 Lot 649 .4 lin. ft. new curbstone at 70c, 28c; 8.733 sq. yds. ma- cadamizing at .735, $6.42; extra expenses at .0766 lin. ft., 30c 7 00 J. D. Bush, N. 11.8 ft. S. 19.8 ft. Und. 1-3 Lot 649, .3 lin. ft. new curbstone at 70c, 21e: 8.733 sq. yds, macadamizing at .0766, $6.42; extra ex- penses at .0766 lin, ft., 30c. 6 93 Anna M. i'tt, city, N. 11.8 ft. S. 19.8 ft. i'nd. 1-3 Lot 649. .3 lin. ft. new curbstone at 70c, 21e; 8.733 sq. yds. ma- cadamizing at .735; $6.42; extra expenses at .0766 lin. ft., 30c 6 93 J. D. Bush. Sub. City, 648 and N. 31.4 ft. 649, Und. ih Lot 1, 41.2 lin. ft. new curb- stone at 70c, $28.80; 91.9 sq. yds. macadamizing at .735, $67.55; extra expenses at .0766 lin, ft., $3.12 Anna M. Utt, Sub. City 648 and N. 31.4 ft. 649, Und, S6 Lot 1, 41.2 lin. ft. new curbstone at 70c, $28.81: 91.9 sq. yrls. macadamizing at .735, $67.55; extra ex- penses at .076 lin. ft., $3.12 99 47 99 Iw Adjourned Regular Session, August 29, 1910 281 Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that the resolution be adopted and assessment be levied, subject to such redemption as has been previously made. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul. Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Moved by Ald. Saul that when we adjourn we adjourn to Monday, Aug. 29th. Carried. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that the City Treasurer call on County Treas- urer and collect the money due the City on the County Road Fund and he to report to Committee of the Whole and hold the money collected, subject to the will of the Council. Carried. Ald. McEvoy asked the City Engi- neer if he had done anything in re- gard to Willow Street improvement, as instructed. The Engineer stated he had not and gave his reason that he did think it as important as other work. Ald. McEvoy said that as an appropriation had been made for the improvement and the Council had in- structed him to make plans, he there- fore demanded that the Engineer re- port at next meeting regarding Wil- low Street. The mater of insuring the fire en- gine now being repaired was referred to the Committee on Fire. The Mayor announced the commit- tee to regulate traffiic on the streets as follows: Mayor D. J. Haas, Chief of Police Reilly, Alds. Saul, Singrin and O'Rourke. Moved by Ald. Saul to adjourn. Carried. OTTO P. GEIGER, City Recorder. Adopted AV/ , 1910. Approved . 1910. Attest: Mayor. ty Recorder. CITY COUNCIL. Ad.iourned Regularli Session. Aug. 29, 1910. Mayor Haas in the chair. Council met at 8:50 p. m. Present—Aids. McEvoy, O'Rourke. Saul, Singrin, Specht Sauer and CitY Attorney Lyon. Absent—Ald. Apel. Mayor Haas stated that the meeting was an adjourned meeting of the ad- journed meeting of August 23 of the adjourned meeting of August 19 of the regular session of August 18, 1916, and was called to take up and consider all matters which may properly come be- fore a regular session of the City Council. Moved by Aid. O'Rourke that the rules be suspended to allow Mr. Bell to address the council in reference to the extension of the lines of the Iowa Telephone Co. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas — Alds. McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Sinerin, Specht. Absent—Ald. Apel. Mr. Bell addressed the council ask- ing that they (Iowa Telephone Co.) be permitted to extend their lined along Wilson avenue and west from Wilson avenue along Julien avenue to West Dubuque, and that tney night do so a: once.. Moved by Ald. Saul the matter of extending telephone line be left with the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Petition of John Steadman asking that the city fill in front of lot 17 in O'Neil's Sub. No. 2, so that he can lay sidewalk, presented. On motion of Aid: Saul referred to Committee of Whole to view ground. Petition of Mrs. A. Chowres asking that the Ensinecr be instructed to prepare a suitable grade on Pearl street and in front of lots 42 and 41, Finley, Waples and Burton Add., pre- sented. On motion of Ald. McEvoy prayer granted and Engineer to be In- structed. Protest of S. W. Figge, et al, against laying sidewalk in front of property on Angella street, presented. On mo- tion of Aid. McEvoy referred to Com- mittee of the Whole to view the ground, -- Petition of Mrs. Clement D. Hayden asking that one-half of assessment paid by Mr. McNamara. for connec= tion of Sanitary Sewer be applied to decrease her assessment, presented. On motion of Aid. Singrin referred to Committee of the Whole. '282 Adjourned Regular Session, August.29, 1910 Petition of Mary E. Waller et al, asking that the taxes paid on lots three acid six in Block 29 in the Dubuhne Improvement Co. 'Add. be deducted from their 1910 assessment. Oa mo- tion of Ald. Saul referred to Commit- tee of the 1Vhole and City -Attorney. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Attorney Lyon reported that he had examined the. bond of Mark A. O'Rourke and approved of same. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke received and filed. We'.„hutaster R. Hay reported re- ceitis of $1.75 for month of July. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke received and filed. Al Mover. pondmaster, reported that be had collected 338 dm; licenses from July 1 to Aug. 13, 1910. On motion; of Ald. Specht received and filed. Moved by Ald. Saul that the mattet pertaining to the increase of salary of Al Moyer be referred to Committee of the Whole. Carried. Moved br Ald. Saul that we take a recess for the purpose of the alder- men examinim: the plans and speci- fications of the proposed improvement of Grandview avenue. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -- Alds. McEvoy, O'Rourke. Sauer, Saul. Singrin, Specht. Absent—Aid, Apel. The council reconvened a;nd th,; "ol- lowing answered roll call: Ald•'. Mc- Evoy, O'Rourke, Sauer. Saul, Singrin, and Specht. Absent—Aid. Anel. Moved by Ald. McEvoy that the specifications of Grandview avenue he changed to read when a sub -dare is required only clean crushed stone shall be used, etc. Carried. Moved by Aid. Saul that the: section pertaining to the expansion joint filler be stricken out and insert in lieu thereof steel shives not over one-fourth of an inch thick. Carried, Mov,e1 by Ald. Saul to chant see- the: "suis -base" by striking out the words cinders or other and hay') it read "a rub -base shall be provided, if required by the En,ineer. composed of suitable material herein before speci- fied, ere; 'Carried. Moved by Ald. Saul that the 'L•u:s and sne;•ifientions be approved as changed. Carrk.l. Moved by Ald. Saul that the extend- ing of water mains in Grandview Ave- nue be referred to the committee who were appointed at a previous meeting of the Council to confer with the Water Works Trustees and the Mayor to act with said committee, they to ask for the extension of the water mains in Grandview Avenue and re- port at the next meeting. Moved by Ald. Singrin that the City Recorder be instructed to advertise for bids for the extending of Bee Branch from a point about 18 feet south of lot line of Eighteenth Street between Ce- dar'and Sycamore Streets to north lot line of Eighteenth Street. Alderman Saul offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Grand- view Avenue from the west end of the present improvement at the junction of South Dodge Street to the south line of Mineral Lot 31, be improved by grad- ing, parking, curbing, guttering and macadamizing, the same in accordance with the plans and specifications for such improvement prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder and be it further Resolved, that said improvement shall be completed on or before the 1st day of December, 1910, and shall be paid for in the manner prescribed by Chapter XXXII of the Revised Ordi- nances of the City of Dubuque for the payment of the cost of street improve- ments. The proposals for doing said work shall be acted upon by the Council on the 9th day of September and the City Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten clays' notice by publication asking for proposals as provided by ordinace. Moved by Ald. Saul that the resolu- tion he adopted. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Alds. McEvoy. O'Rourke. Sauer, Saul. Singrin, Specht. Absent—Aid. Apel. Moved by Ald. Saul that the sanitary sewer from Grandview Avenue and South Dodge Street to Dodge Street he constructed of 8 -inch tile pipe. Carried. Moved by Ald. McEvoy that Mrs. Condon be permitted to remove dirt from the alley between West Four- teenth Street and Dubuque Avenue anel Audubon Avenue and Atlantic Avenue tinder the supervision of the Street Commissioner and City Engineer. Car- ried. Moved by Ald. Saul to adjourn. Car - I y Recorder. List of Warrants List of City Warrants Dubuque, Iowa, August 1. 1910. To the Honorable Mayor and ('ity Council of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The follewirg is a complete list of all warrants is.ue•l me during ill,. month of July, 1910: SALARiE*4 Milt (11" 1'l('EItti. D. J. Haas, salary, Mayor. $116 65 Geo. D. Wybrant, salary, Treas- urer F. M. Blake, salary, Deputy Treasurer ... 100 00 Louis F. Kolfenbach, salary, Clerk 'to Treasurer 60 00 M. E. Lyons, salary, Auditor 116 Geo. J. Vogel, salary, Dept. Aud- itor 80 00 Otto P. Geiger, salary, Recorder116 65 Geo. H. Ellwanger, salary, Dept Recorder 85 00 Jos. T. Kelly, salary, Assessor125 00 Al. H. Wiedner, salary, Depty Assessor 83 30 Frank Kenneally, salary, Depty Assessor 83 30 Geo. T. Lyon, salary, Attorney150 00 Edgar H. Willging, salary, Asst Attorney 85 0D Miss Nettie 13ently, salary, sten- ographer to Attorney 20 00 Chas. Baumgartner, salary, En- gineer 166 65 Jos. Friedrich, salary, Clerk to Engineer 75 00 Walter Cullen. salary, Rod Man50 00 Thos. Reilly, salary, Chief of Po- llee 100 00 John W. Lawlor, salary, Com- mittee Clerk 125 00 John \lahonej•, salary, Street Connnissioner 100 00 P. J. Royce, salary, Sidewalk In- spector 60 00 Geo. Miller, salary. Supt. of Sprinkling 60 00 Ed. Norton, salary, Market Mas- ter .. 55 00 Al. Moyer, salary, Pound Master 40 00 Mrs. Koening, salary, Janitress30 00 Thos. Cahill, salary Park Custd40 00 Chas. McManus. salary, Park- Custd... 40 00 Jos. Straney, Sr., salary, Park Caratd 15 00 Dr. Chas . Linehan. salary, Health Physician Pail Hewer, salary, Sanitary Po- lice 65 00 Dr. F. J. Kennedy, salary. Meat and Milk inspector John H. Carroll. salary, Harbor and Wharf Master 35 00 Peter Apel, salary, Alderman25 00 Edw. McEvoy, salary, Alderman25 00 John O'Rourke, salary, Alder- man '. 25,00 Edw. Sauer, salary, Alderman2500 by 133 30 65 50 00 75 00 288 Jas. Saul, salary, Alderman E5 00 Wm. Singrin, salary, Alderman, 25 00 Robt. Specht, salary, Alderman,. 25 00 FIRE. J. Reinfried, salary, Fire 61 75 Wm. Hipman, salary, Fire 49 00 M. Eitel, salary, Fire 38 23 J. Essman, salary, Fire 40 6r A. Duccini, salary, Fire 35 78 J. Flynn, salary, Fire 37 73 G. Byer, salary, Fire 35 78 A. !Jeer, salary, Fire 32 34 Wm. Kannolt, salary, Fire 32 34 B. Kirch, salary, Fire 32 34 J. Daley, salary, Fire R8 23 J. Barnes, salary, Fire 40 67- T. Ryder, salary, Fire '+10 67 M. Kelley, salary - 37 73 F. Murphy, salary, Fire 35 78 H .Cain, salary, Fire 32 34 J. Bakey. salary, Fire 32 34 Wm. Smith, salary, Fire 32 34 G. Gehrke, salary, Fire 38.23 a' a: e"nedv. salary. '. Fire 35 78 J. Smith, salary, Fire 32 34 J. Keppler. salary, Fire. 32 34 D. Ahern, salary, Fire 49 00 J. Benzer, salary, Fire 37 73 A. McDonnell, salary, Fire 40 67 P. Zillig, salary, Fire 32 34 M. Sweeney. salary, Fire 32 34 J. McGloughlin. salary, Fire 32 34 J. Connelly, salary, Fire 32 34 Wm. Kennedy, salary, Fire 29 89 J. Daugherty. salary. Fire 27 45 J. Murphy, salary, Fire 24 50 Wm. McConncll. salary, Fire 28 00 \\'m. Tamsett. salary, Fire 28 00 \\"m. Doekstater, salary, Fire 5 55 R. Weston, salary, Fire 38 23 J. Allen, salary. Fire 35 78 M. Fahey, salary, Fire 32 34 R. Kenneally. salary, Fire 32 34 Wm. Ducey, salary, Fire 38 23 F. Kenneally, salary, Fire 35 78 E. McDermott. salary. Fire 32 34 T. O'Brien. salary, Fire 27 45 J. Roshin. salary, Fire 38 23 F. Baumgartner, salary. Fire 35 78 J. Schoenberger, salary. Fire 32 34 P. Kirch, salary, Fire 27 45 Amount retained for Pension Fund PO1.i('E. Louis Blocklinger, salary, Police James Corcoran. salary, Police AIP•imel I'onnelly. glary, Police John coo,. i r Police Philip J. ,,l Mary, Police Police Michael Fog -arty, salary, Police Patrick Fury, salary. Police John Fox. salary, Police ,Tames Flynn, salary. Police Wm. Fox, salary, Police Ben Gray, salary, Police Patrick Hanlon, salary, Police Geo. Jones. salary, Police Emil Kahn. salaFY, Pollee Michael Iiilty, salary, Police Ja131es Keefe, salary. Police 31 86 28 15 32 50 32 5!1 32 50 32 50 32 50 32 50 32 50 32 50 32 50 32 50 30 00 32 50 32 50 32 50 32 50 32 50 32 50 284 List of Warrants John Kane, salary, Police 32 50 John Kop, salary, Police 30 00 Patrick Kenneaily., salary,. Police 32 50 Barney Ludescher, salary, Police 32 50 Charles Liest, salary, Police 35 00 Patrick McInerney, salary, Police 32 50 Patrick McCollins. salary, Police 32 50 Michael McCormick, salary, Po- lice 32 50 Henry Mueller, salary. Police 32 50 Hugh Markey, salary, Police 32 50 S. Sterling, Labor 7 20 John J. O'Brien, salary, Police32 50 Michael O'Connor, salary, Police37 50 John Raesle, salary, Police 37 50 Michael Ryan, salary, Police. 32 50 Gus Ratterman, salary, Police32 50 Patrick Sutton, salary, Police15 15 Joseph Stoltz. salary. Police 32 50 Michael Stapleton, salary, Police 32 50 Patrick Sullivan, salary, Police32 50 John Spielman, salary. Police16 25 Dennis Sheehan, salary, Police30 00 J. Schroeder, Labor 5 40 Frank Williams, salary, Police32 50 Louis Zemanek, salary, Police30 00 Miss Brennan, salary, Police Ma- tron 32 50 Mrs. K. Hibbe, salary, Police Matron 32 50 STREETS. M. Acker, 3rd $ 5 40 J. Bechen. 2nd 13 50 J. Pronilictte. :'nd 16 60 S. Sebastian, 4th 4 80 C. Bentin, 5th 7 20 F. Burt. 4th 4 90 P. Carney, 1st 23 40 W. Coughlin, 1st 9 00 Tom. ('o'11ie11. 1st g gn G. Collinson, 4th 5 00 J. Callaghan. 2nd . 23 40 J. Connolly, 1st -2nd 23 40 M. Carney. 2nd -3 -rd -4th F. Borahne, 2nd .T. DeWachter, 4th J. Dobler. 5th T. Donahue T. Lonerga n J. Egan, 2nd J. Ess G. Frost, 2nd B. Frick. 5th E. Fitzla.ff B. Glass, 2nd C. Geimer. 4th H. Galle, 5th M. Hannan. 2nd T. Harker. 4th \. lrorman. 5th Peter Jacobs, 3rd John John, 3rd J. Jellison. 3rd N. Kettenhofen, 3rd M. Kelly. 3rd P. Kenneally, Health .T. Kinsella J. Kness F. TA gsanee, F. Lilly. 5th R. Love J. Mullen. 2nd M. Morrissey, 2nd 5th 23 40 8 80 7 20 10 80 23 40 23 40 10 80 23 40 25 00 1 80 25 00 18 90 19 80 7 20 17 20 16 20 5 40 19 00 3 60 250 19 00 1000 23 40 25 (10 23 40 1 80 10 00 9 00 10 80 9 00 T. Malloy, 3rd Ed. Malloy, 3rd J. Martinek, 4th D. McGuinness, 1st M. McCarten, 1st J. McAleese, 2nd John McLaughlin, 3rd Jas. McLaughlin. Sr., 3rd W. McLaughlin. 3rd P. McPoland, 4th B. McDonnell R. McGivern, expense W. O'Brien, 1st J. Pollens, 3rd J. Parker, 4th M. Prosser, 5th P. Ryan, 1st J. Rousseil. 1st D. Rosemeier, 2nd Phil Reddin. 2nd J. Ryan. 2nd F. Siege. 4th F. Sellae. 5th J, Schwartz J. Steffens, 3rd -4th J. Tobin. 4th J. Twrieg, 5th A. Turner L. Walkenheim, 3rd H. Weber. 5th A. Welu. 5th P. Weirich, 5th W. Walker. 3rd -4th K. Zingel. 4th TEAMS. M. Ackles, 3rd -4th F. Burns, 3rd F. Becker, 3rd Josh Calvert. 2nd John Calvert. 2nd B. Costello, 4th A. Conrad, 5th Mrs. A. Dietl. 5th N. Ennert. 1st J. Graham. lst-2nd-4th F. Hohnecker J. Landholdt, 4th J. Long, 5th J. Linehan P. Linehan's Sons, 3rd J. Mulligan. 1st -10 60 11 60 5 40 7 20 1 80 14 00 5 40 14 60 25 00 4 40 2 90 23 40 25 00 4 60 15 40 14 40 9 00 1 80 10 10 8 80 23 40 25 00 4 80 34 60 23 40 18 80 11 Cl) 25 00 14 60 Q en 18 00 25 00 23 40 15 40 67 50 11 00 22 53 38 75 48 :i0 53 50 39 50 600 28 50 67 50 69 00 22 a) 11 00 43 30 67 50 13 50 M. Markham, 3rd 7 00 J. J. McCollins, 2nd 11 5i) J. McQuillan. 3rd 50 00 Jeff McGrath. 4th 49 50 D. O'Meara. 1st 13 50 11. Obermayer 35 70 J. Oswald 79 5-0 Aug. Rink. 1st 31 00 J. Siegworth. 1st 11 50 F. R. Co. 394 80 C. Van Wie 77 50 Bill of Jas. F. Lynch, Inspector on Bluff Street SEWERS D. (`imningham $ 23 40 .7. (lune 23 40 A. Hird 23 40 W. Hennessy 21 60 O. Jones I 00 F. Luchterhand 23 40 R. Love 1 00 J. Rooney 23 40 28 80 List of Warrants 285 G. Reynolds .. . J. Scheuer C. Sullivan C. Specht Geo. D. Wybrant, interest out- standing warrants Geo. D. Wybrant, freight and express charges ... Geo. • D. Wybrant, Library or- • ders Geo. I). Wybrant. Library or- ders Gee. D. Wybrant, Library or- ders Geo. D. Wybrant, Library or- ders Peter L. Schlosser, refund of loan FIREMEN. J. Heinfried, salary. Fire$ Wm. Hipman, salary, Fire.. , , M. Eitel, salary, Fire J. Essman, salary, Fire A. Duccini, salary, Fire J. Flynn, salary. Fire G. Beyer, salary, Fire Wm. Kannolt, salary, Fire B. Kirch, salary, Fire A. Heer, salary, Fire J. Daley, salary, Fire .T. Barnes, salary. Fire T. Ryder, salary, Fire M. Kelly, salary, Fire F, Murphy, salary. Fire H. Cain, salary, Fire. , ..,... .T. liakey, salary. Fire Wm. Smith, salary. Fire G. Gehrke. salary. Fire T. Kennedy. salary. Fire J. Smith. salary, Fire J. Keppler, salary, Fire D. Ahern, salary, Fire J. Tenzer ,salary, Fire A. McDonnell, salary, Fire. , P. Zillig, salary. Fire .M. Sweeney. salary. Fire J. McGloughlin. salary. Fire J. Connelly. salary, Fire Wm. Kennedy. salary, Fire: J. Daugherty. salry, Fire J. Murphy, salary, Fire Wm. Tannsett. salary. Fire. Wm. McConnell, salary, Fire D. 13. Cooney. salary. Fire; C. M. Cr le, salary, Fire R. Weston, salary. Fire J. Allen, salary. Fire M. Fahey, salary. Fire R. Kenneally, salary, Fire Wm. Ducey, salary, Fire F. Kenneally, salry. Fire E. McDermott. salry, Fire T. O'Brien, salary, Fire J. Roshin, salary, Fire F. Baumgartner, salary. Fire J. Schoenberger, salary, Fire P. Kirch, salary, Fire STREETS. J. Brouillette, 2nd J. Bechen, 2nd S. Bastion. 4th ...... ...... J. Bixior, 4th ......... ..... C. Buelow, 5th 3 60 C. Beutin, 5th 24 60 F. Burt, 4th 27 50 P. Carney, 1st 30 00' W. Coughlin, 1st G. Collinson, 4th 2287 43 W. Clark, 4th .1. Connolly, 1st -2nd 15 39 M. Carney, 2nd -3rd -4th J. Callaghan, 2nd . • • • 500 00 J. Dobler, 5th T. Donahue, ...... 500 00 J. Egan, 2nd J. Eberhardt, grading 500 00 J. Ess G. Frost, 2nd 454 94 F. Frick, 3rd E. Fitzlaff 100 00 13. glass. 2nd G. Geimer, 4th 62 00 M. t;.anaahl. 4th 50 on C. Gantenbein, 5th ..., 38 00 J. Galle, grading ..... • 41 00 T. Hackney, 1st 35 on J. Hill, 1st 38 00 M. Hannan, 2nd 35 00 T. Harker. 4th 33 00 .1. TTaupert. 4th 33 00 N. Herman. 5th 33 00 Peter Jacobs, 3rd 38 00 John John. 3rd 41 00 W. Jellison. 4th 41 00 J. Jellison, 3rd 38 00 N. 1\ettenhofen, 3rd 35 00 M. Kelly, 3rd 33 00 J. Kncss 33 00 P. Kenneally, health 33 00 J. Kinsella 38 00 r. Lillie. 5th 35 00 R. Love 33 00 R. Love 33 00 T. T.+,nergan 50 00 J. Mullen, 2nd ... 3 800 M. Morrissey. 2nd 41 00. T. Malloy, 3rd 33 00 Ed. Malloy, 3rd ...... 33 00 J. Martinek, 4th 33 Oa Jas. Malloy, 4th 33 00 D. McGuinness. 1st.... 30 00 J. Mc.\leese. 2nd 27 00 R. McCaffrey. 2nd 25 00 Jas. McLaughlin, 3rd 27 00 John McLaughlin, 3rd 27 00 W. McLaughlin, 3rd ... 1 00 P. iMePollnd, 4th .... .... 1 00 P. McGrath, 4th .... 38 00 R. McGivern, Expense 35 00 W. n'Ilrien, 1st 33 00 t`, n' eill, 2nd 33 00 J. Parker, 4th 38 00 H. Paar. 4th 35 00 J. Panr. 4th 33 on .T. Roussel!, 1st .... . 27 00 P. Reddin, 2nd 38 00 \V. Robinson. 4th 35 00 Roe Royce, 4th .. 35 00 Ren• Ritter. 4th 27 00 J. Ryan. 2nd J. Schroeder, 4th , .. , . F. Siege. 4th F. Spilt. .1h J. Schwartz, J. Steffens. 3rd -4th James Tobin, 4th.... $ 15 20 9 20 7 20 12 Rn 1 80 8 40 5 60 20 80 3 60 18 20 14 00 23 40 23 40 23 40 5 40 23 40 12 60 80 23 40 25 00 3 60 9 65 15 20 16 20 4 20 2 20 80 14 40 10 40 15 80 8 20 3 9 0060 1 60 9 00 7 50 17 50 80 3 20 23 40 23 40 25 00 1 80 13 50 5 60 23 40 12 60 7 20 12 17 n020 21 60 1 20 11 80 19 R0 3 20 13 R0 6 20 1725 20 9 0000 23 40 25 no 14 40 7 20 8n 80 19 40 9 00 6 20 4 40 3 60 21 60 121351 1 R0 25 nn 3 60 2R37 4050 21 60 2N6 List of Warrants A. Turner 1.. \Valke nheim, 3rd J. Willman, 4th A. Welu, 5th H. Weber, 5th ..... ...1.. , , P. Weirich, 5th ....... W. Walker, 3rd,4th ......... N. Zingel, 4th TEAMS. M. Ackels, 3rd -4th 80 Josh Calvert, 2nd ..... 29 John Calvert, 2nd .... 25 B. Costello, 4th.... 14 A. Conrad. 5th 4 Jos. Graham, lst-2nd-4th69 J. Haudenschield, 3rd 4 F. Hohnecker 80 John Long, 5th 29 J. Linehan 43 P. Linehan's Sons, 3rd 66 J. Mulligan, 1st .... 13 M. Markham, 3rd .... 34 J. J. McCollins, 2nd 17 J. McQuillan, 3rd 22 Jeff McGrath, 4th 18 P. S. Norton, 4th 15 R. Obermayer 35 J. Oswald 79 W. Ruesch, 5th 4 A. Siege, 4th 6 A. Stoltz, 5th 11 C. Van Wie, lst-2nd-3rd 70 SEWERS. D. Cunningham ...... ....... $ 9 80 J. Clune 12 60 A. Hird 18 00 W. Hennessy ... .... 12 60 G. Guns splicing rope) 1 00 F. Luchterhand ...... 3 60 J. Rooney .. 18 00 J. Scheuer ....... .... .... 21 60 C. Sullivan ... ... ......... 1.6 90 C. Specht 18 50 J. Hanson 10 on 25 00 12 60 3 20 14 40 12 60 25 00 23 40 6 40 50 50 00 50 50 50 50 00 50 35 50 50 50 00 50 00 00 7r 50 50 50 50 00 POLICE. Louis Blocklinger, salary, Po- lice .8 30 30 James Corcoran, salary, Police 32 50 Michael Cbnnolly, salary, Po- lice ...... .... .......... 32 50 John Cody. salary, Police.... 32 50 Philip J. Dunphy, salary, Po- lice 35 00 Wm. Donahue, salary, Police32 50 Thomas Duggan, salary, Po- lice 32 50 Michael Fogarty, salary, Po- lice 32 50 T'at^ick Fury, salary. Police32 50 John Fox, salary, Police 32 50 James Flynn, salary, Police32 50 Wm. Fox, salary, Police 30 00 Ben Gray, salary, Police • 32 50 Patrick. Hanlon. salary. Police 21 70 Geo. Jones, salary, Police32 50 Emil Kahn, salary, Police, .,, 32 50 Michael Kilty, salary, Police32 50 James Keefe, salary, Police32 50 John Kane, salary, Police.. , , 32 50 John Kopp, salary, Police 30 00 Patrick Kenneally, salary, Po- lice 30 30 Barney Ludescher, salary, Po- lice 30 30 Charles Liest, salary, Police35 00 Patrick McInerney, salary, Police .. .. 32 50 Patrick McColl ins, salary, Po- lice ... ... 32 50 Michael McCormick, salary, Police 82 50 Henry Mueller, salary. Police 32 50 Hugh Markey, salary, Police32 50 John J. O'Brien, .salary, Pollee 32 50 Michael O'Connor, salary, Po- lice 37 50 John Raesle. salary, Police37 51) Michael Ryan. salary. Police32 50 Gus Ratterman, salary, Police 32 5n Patrick Sutton, salary. Police. 6 50 Joseph Stoltz. salary, Police32 50 Michael Stapleton, salary, Po- lice 32 50 Patrick Sullivan, salary, Police 32 50 John Spielman, salary. Police S 65 Dennis Sheehan. salary. Police 30 00 Frank Williams, salary. Pelice 32 50 Louis Zemanek, salary. Police 25 00 Miss Brennan, salary. Police Matron 32 50 Mrs. K. Hibbe. salary. Police Matron .... 32 50 BILLS. A. E. Bradley. painting and papering Police headquar- ters, Mayor's and Assessor's office and putting in win- dow lights City Hall as per contract $ 82 00 Metz Mfg. Co., new screens and repair of screens 9 10 Philip Breithaupt, repairing fountain at 27th and White Streets and repairing gas lamps at City Hall 8 80 Mullen Bros., repairing foun- tain on Grandview Avenue and plumbing at City Hall. 8 50 G. F. Kleih, supplies for City Hall 4 25 M. S. Hardie, letter heads for Mayor, Engineer and Chief of Police 26 00 Eichhorn .& Bechtel, supplies for City Hall 1 45 Clark Roller Awning Co., one awning for Mayor's office4 70 Foley Hand Laundry, towel service for June J. E. Hartig, repairing steel tape and lawn mower 1 70 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., hose for Phoenix Park 10 50 Klauer & Kress, supplies Side- walk Department H. S. Moore, transcript of tes- timony in case of Lizzie Post vs. City of Dubuque12 00 Hoermann Press, printing for Treasurer's office 2 50 Geo. Masters, three inverted gas mantels Carr, Ryder & Adams, one light glass, Engineer's office 4 00 6 30 60 40 List of Warrants Union Printing Co., posters and scratch tabs 13 30 Edmund Linehan, one case toilet paper 7 50 W. R. Pearce, lettering on door in Mayor's office 75 Ed. Millins, sharpening mow- er 1 26 C. A. Noyes, shades for Coun- cil Chamber and Recorder's office 3 25 M. O'Donnell, repairing foun- tain on Julien and Grant Avenues and supplies 7 98 Pier Bros., one cord oakwood for City Hall and Police6 75 Babcock Fire Extinguisher Co., supplies for Fire Dept. 16 .00 Key City Gas Co., fuel and light, Fire and Police Depts. 26 75 Geo. Ragatz & Son, supplies and repairs for Fire Dept54 39 Spahn & Rose Lumber Co, lumber for Fire Dept. 5 39 Union Electric Co., power for City fire alarm system2 00 John Kriebs, supplies for Fire Dept 95 J. F. Ris & Bro., repairing acid reservoir, Fire Dept1 75 National Refining Co., oil for Fire Dept. 6 75 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., three firemen's coats16 50 John C. Wells, tower bell No 6 3 00 Byrne Bros., rent of buggy from Feb. 7th to March 7, 1910, by Chief of Fire Dept. 6 00 W. B. Baumgartner, supplies for Fire Department 2 05 M. Stafford, feed for Fire Dept. 142 41 J. J. Strayer, pillow cases for Fire Dept. 4 50 Dubuque Eagle Chemical Co, 5 gal Flynet for Fire Dept10 00 Duggan & Cota, supplies for Police and Fire Dept. 3 45 F. M. Jaeger Co., supplies for Fire and Sewer Depts. 3 55 Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horseshoeing, Fire Dept. 3 60 Collings & Pfiffner, horse - shoeing for Fire Dept. 14 75 Dr. J. Hagerty, veterinary service May and June for Fire Dept. 18 40 Phil Heller, horseshoeing for Fire Dept. 13 00 L. Lindenberg, ax handles for Fire Dept. 1 20 Lagen, Peed & Berwanger, horseshoeing for Fire Dept. 6 50 Model Wall Paper Co., frames for Fire Dept. 10 00 J. C. Voelker, gloves for Po- lice Dept. 3 00 Collings & Pfiffner, horseshoe- ing for Police Dept. 4 00 G. F. Kleih, supplies for Po- lice Dept. 1 00 287 S. C. Dike, shears and clip- pers for Police Dept. 65 John Linehan, removing ma- nure from Patrol House , 5 00 Ed. Norton, meals furnished prisoners for June 5 80 Klauer & Kress, supplies for Police Dept, 2 60 The Boston Clothiers, police helmets as per contract ., 97 25 C. J. Shannon, s"pplies for Police Matron 2 95 Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies for Police Matron 65 A. E. Bradley, setting glass in Police Dept. 1 00 La Nicea Pharmacy, supplies Police and Health Depts1 50 Mettel Pros., feed for Police and Fire Depts. 5 05 Dr. .J. Hagerty, veterinary service for May and June, Police T)ept 7 40 Mullen Bros., connecting foun- tain on Seminary Street and supplies and repairs for Road Dept, 20 36 W. D. Deckert Co., supplies for Road Dept. 3 14 James H. (low & Sons, foun- tain for load Dept. 97 20 Standard Oil Co., road oil for Road Dept. 245 79 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., supplies for Road Dept 62 Jos. Brouillette, 7.72 cu. yds. macadam 5 79 O'Farrell Contracting Co, concrete aprons at East and Grace Streets 8 00 G. W. Healey & Son, supplies for Road Dept. 73 Pier Bros., coal for Road Dept. 7 60 F. G. Becker, coal for steam roller 16 71 Mike Donnigan, 8.93 cu. yds macadam 6 70 Pitts -Thompson Foundry Co, supplies for Road Dept. 12 00 Max Kieffer, 65.87 cu. yds macadam 65 87 F. Beutin, wood for steam roller 7 50 Key City Roofing Co., cement for Road Dept. and lime for Board of Health 9 55 Linehan & Mole, sewer pipe and cement for Road Dept. 6 85 The .Austin -Western Co., sup- plies for Road Dept. 18 00 F. Dentin, wood for steam roller 4 50 Phil Heller, horseshoeing for Road Dept. 2 00 Pat Farrell, 18.88 cu. yds. ma- cadam 14 16 Key City Gas Co., coke for steam roller 6 40 Smedley Steam Pump Co., re- pairs on steam roller 1 96 A. Siege, 16 ft. curbing 4 00 List F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Road Dept. J. F. Ris & Bro., supplies for Road Dept. Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairing sweeper John Mullen, 11.34 cu. yds macadam Klauer & Kress, supplies for Road Dept. Spahn & Rose Lumber Co, lumber for Road Dept. 14 19 F. Schloz & Son, supplies for Sewer Dept. 1 85 Jas. Bird, 241,4 days inspector Seminary Street sewer 47 16 Klauer & Kress, supplies for Sewer Dept. 25 E. L. Lembke, one flynet for Sewer Dept. 3 60 Lagen, Peed & Berwanger, horseshoeing, Sewer Dept1 50 Spahn & Rose Lumber Co, cement for Sewer Dept. 20 Dubuque Lumber Co., lumber for Sidewalk Dept 75 00 Dr. J. Hagerty, veterinary ser- vice for carpenter horse 1 60 Klauer & Kress, 1 shovel for Sidewalk Dept. 95 Spahn & Rose Lumber Co, lumber for Sidewalk Dept3 73 C. Giese, sharpening saws and repairing lawn mower 2 00 F. Schloz & Son, repairing carpenter wagon 4 60 Adam Stoltz, raising steam roller as per contract 164 00 Eagle Point Lime Works, crushed stone 22 20 Jas. Lee & Son, constructing cement sidewalk on West 5th and College Ave. 67 79 Tihcy Pros., 5% retained for one year on Bee Branch sewer 296 48 H. G. Strong, constructing sewer in Seminary Street 256 87 G. A. Heyne, flowers for pub- lic park, as per contract 86 00 Harkett's Floral Nursery, 'flowers for park, as per con- tract 15 00 The Adams Co., 4 settees for Jackson Park 14 00 Dubuque Telephone Co., serv- ice for May and June, 1910 34 84 James Lynch, inspector on Bluff Street, 7 days 13 50 The Adams Co.. 8 settees for Washington Park 28 00 Key City Gas Co., light for various offices 72 75 Iowa Telephone Co., service for various offices 12 50 Western Union Telegraph Co, electric clock and time serv- ice for June, 1910 1 00 Hoermann Press, printing for Board of Health 3 00 Jury, assessing damage by opening and straightening of Spring and of Warrants 4 80 3 00 4 88 8 50 5 85 Booth Streets: C. A. Voelker, Juror $ 2 00 Geo. N. Raymond, Juror 2 00 Fred G. Doerrer, Juror 2 00 D. W. Rand, Juror 2 00 Jacob Kessler, Juror 2 do John McCabe, Juror 2 00 Joseph Schrup, Juror 2 00 John McKinley, Juror 2 00 John Heim, Juror 01 C. B. Trewin, Juror 2 00 Karl Fatka, Juror 2 00 Henry Naglemaker, Juror 2 00 Union Electric Co., street lighting for June, 1910 500 00 Union Electric Co., street lighting for June, 1910 500 00 Union Electric Co.. street lighting for June, 1910 500 00 Union Electric Co., street lighting for June, 1910 500 00 Union Electric Co., street lighting for June• 1910 253 65 Smith -Morgan Printing Co., printing pamphlets and list of warrants for April and June 44 48 .Times -Journal, printing Coun- cil Prooceedings for June47 00 Labor Leader, printing Coun- cil Proceedings for June12 50 National Demokrat, printing Council Proceedings for June 12 50 Peter Jacobs, 13.16 cu. yds macadam, 3rd Road 13 16 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co.. R firemen's coats 16 50 Street & Steuck, 5'/- retained constructing sewer in alley between El maid Washing- ton Illinois Surety Co., premium on Police and Fire Com. bonds: Fire, $18.75; Police. $18.75 17 Foley Hand Laundry, 2 towels lost W. K. Brown, supplies f..r Fire, 25c; Sidewalk Dept. $2.05 - 40 G. T. Lyon, City Attorney, wit- ness fee in case of Lizzie Post vs. City 16 00 Ed. Hanning, part of lot 1 of lot 25, Mt. Pleasant Add100 00 A. Having, part of lot 2 of 25, Mt. Pleasant Add., lot 2 of 1 of 25, Mt. Pleasant Add100 00 F. B. Lattner, lot 16 of Lay - ins' Add 10 00 E. T. Frith, hauling garbage during June 474 40 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of all war- rants issued by me during the month of July, 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER, City Recorder. Oficial Notices NOTICE '1'O CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals • will be received at the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the City Recorder, until 8:00 p. rn. Thursday, August 18th, 1910, for the im- provement of Wilbur Avenue from the westerly end of the present improve- ment of said street and from a point thereon at the intersection of the easterly line of Olive street westerly to a point fifty-six feet ten inches westerly of the easterly line of Olive street at the intersection of such line with Wilbur avenue, in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require 56 feet 10 inches of combined cement curb and gutter. 164.1 square yards Telford macadam. 161 cubic yards cutting. Said work to be completed on or be- fore September 1st, 1910. Bidders must state price per lineal loot for combined concrete curls and guttering, also the price pc'r square yard for macadamizing. also the price per square yard cutting. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check fur $100.00 on some Du- buque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if award- ed. Check and bid in separate en- velope. The City Council teserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque. August 2, 1910 OTTO P. GEIGER, 5-3-3t. City Recorder. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will he received at the Council Chamber, City Hall. by tine ('ity Recorder, until 8:00 p. m. Thursday. August 18th, 1910, for the paving with brick of Windsor Avenue item the end of the present improve- ment to a • point about three hnndre I and twenty feet northerly therefrom, in accordance with the plani and specifications prepared bV the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It ib estimated by the ('ity Engineer that said improvement will require: 1383.9 square yards of brick paving on the present foundation. 200 lineal feet of old curbing reset. 8 lineal feet of new curbing set. The work to be paid for when sans work is completed and as prescribed by Chapter XXXII. of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Du- buque, work to be completed on or before the 15th day of September, 1910. Bidders must state the price per lineal foot for new curbing set, price per lineal foot for resetting old curb- ing, also the price per square yard for paving with brick, the contractor to furnish all new material and to do :all the work, 289 Each bid must he accompanied with a certified cheek for $100.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if award- ed. Bid and check in separate en- velopes. The City reserves the right to re- ject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, August 2, 1910. Otto P. GEIGER, 8-3-3t. City Recorder. Notice of Special Assessment. Notice is hereby given to all con- cerned that a special assessment as provided by In w will be levied at a. session of the city Council to be held August 18, 191e. to pay for the im- provement of East Street from Delhi Street to Center Street, O'Farrell Con- tracting Co., contractor's. Amount of special assessment. $4013.39, same to be assessed against the abutting property- upon and along said street. And that there is a plat and sched- ule on file in the office of the City Re- corder of said City of Dubuque, show- ing the street in which said improve- ment was made, and the separate lots and parcels of ground. or specified portions thereon', subject to assessment for such improvement. the name of the owner thereof as far as practic- able. and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, which plat and schedule are subject to public inspection. And that any and all persons ob- jecting to said special assessment or to said plat must tile his or their oh- jec'tion in writing with the City Re- corder of said City of Dubuque on or before said session of the City Coun- cil. to be held August 18, 1910, or to appear at said session of the Clouneil to show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not he levied. Dated at Dubuque. Augut 4. 1910: OTTO P. GEIGER, -1-3t. City Recorder. Notice of Special Assessment. Notice is hereby given to all con- cerned that a special assessment as provided by law will be levied at a session of the City Council to be held August 18, 1910. for the construction of a sanitary sewer in Seminary Street from the manhole at the intersection of Madison and Seminary Streets for about 550 feet westerly, H. G. Strong', contractor. Amount of special assessment. $368.30, same to be assessed against the atratting property upon and along said street. And that there is a plat and Sched- ule on file in the office of the City Re- corder of said City of Dubuque, show- ing the street In which said sewer was constructed, and the separate lots and parcels of ground. or specified portions thereof, subject to assessment for 511(11 improvement, the. name of Official • Notices the owner thereof as far as practic- able, and the amount to be assesse- against each lot or parcel of ground. which plat and schedule are subject to public inspection. And that any and all persons ob- jecting to said special assessment or to said plat must file his or their ob- jection in writing with the City Re- corder of said City of Dubuque on or before said session of the City Coun- cil to be held August 18, 1910, or to appear at said session of the Council to show cause, if any you have. wily said assessment should not be levied. Dated at Dubuque, August 4, 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER, 5-4-3t. City Recorder. AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE CREATING A PO. LICEMEN'S PENSION FUND AND REGULATING THE CONTROL AND DISPOSITION OF SAID . FUND AND THE PENSIONS PAY• ABLE FROM SAME, AND AUTH- ORIZING THE LEVY OF AN AN- NUAL TAX IN AID OF S1'CIi. FUND. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That there is hereby cre- ated. in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 62 of the Acts of the Thir- ty-third General Assembly of the Stats; of Iowa, a fund, to be known and des- ignated as a policemen's pension fund and the same shall he regulated and controled as hereinafter provided. Section 2. There may be annually levied by the Council, at the time of the levy of other taxes for city pur- poses, a tax not exceeding one-half of a mill on the dollar upon taxable' prop erty within the limits of the City of Dubuque, for the purpose of aiding the creation and maintenance of the fund aforesaid. All monies derived from the taxes so levied, and all monies re- ceived as membership fees and dues, as hereinafter provided, and all mon- ies received from grants, donations, and devises, for the benefit of such fund, shall be included in such fund, and the same shall be under the con- trol of a board of trustees and shall be exclusively devoted to and for the purposes hereinafter enumerated. Section 3. The Chief of Police, the City Treasurer, and the City Attorney shall be ex -officio members of and shall constitute the board of trustees of the policemen's pension fund. The Chief of Police shall be the President and the City Treasurer shall be the treasurer of such board of trustees. and the faithful performance of the duties of the treasurer shall be secur- ed by his official bond as City Treat- urer. Such trustees shall not receive any compensation for their services as members of said board. Section 4. The policemen's pension fund shall be kept and preserved as a separate fund. The hoard of trustees shall have power to invest any surplus left in such fund at the end of the fiscal year, but no part of the fund realized from any tax levy shall be used for any purpose other than the payment of pensions. Investments shall be limited to interest bearing bonds of the United States, of the State of Iowa, of any county, town- ship, or municipal corporation of the State of Iowa. All such securities shall be deposited with the Treasurer of the board of trustees for safe keep- ing. Section 5. The hoard of trusties may take by gift, grant, devise, or be- quest, aanv money or property, real or personal, or other thing of value for the benefit of the policemen's pension fund. All rewards in money, fees, gifts or emoluments of every kind or nature that may be paid or s;1ven the pone, d:'partment of the City o1' I)uhuqu,• to any member thereof, except when allowed to he retained or givon to .•n- dow a medal or other permanent or competitive reward on account of ex- traordinary services rendered ht . police department or any mein thereof, and all tines and penalties im- posed upon members of said depart- ment, shall be paid into the said pen- sion fund and become a part thereof. Section 6. Every member of the po- lice department of the City or 1)u- 1,uque shall be required to pay to the Treasurer of said fund a membership fee, to be fixed by the hoard of trus- tees, not exceeding Five Dollars ($5.UO) and shall also he assessed and requir- ed to pay annually an amount equal to one per cent per annum upon the amount of the annual salary paid to him, which said assessment shall he deducted and retained in equal semi- annual installments out of such sal- ary. Section 7. Every member of the po- lice department of the City of Du- buque who shall, while a member of such department and while engaged in the performance of his duties as such policeman, he injured or disabled, and upon an examination by a. physician appointed by the board of trustees, he found to be physically or mentally permanently disabled so as to render him unfit for the performance of his duties as policemen, shall be entitled to be retired and the board of trus- tees shall thereupon order his retire- ment, and, upon his being retired, lie shall he paid out of the policemen's pension fund, monthly, a sum equal to nae -half of the amount of the monthly abilit compensation allowed such member as salary at the date of his injury or dis- y. Section 8. If a member of the police department, retired, as in the last Preceding section provided, because of Permanent disability, shall die as a re- Official Notices 291 suit of such injury, or if a member of such department, while in the perfor- mam e of his duties, shall he killed or die as a result of injuries received, or if a member die because of any disease contracted by reason of his occupa- tion as a policeman, and shall leave a widow or minor children or dependent father or mother eurviving him, there shall he paid to the surviving widow, so long as she remains unmarried and of good moral character, a pension of twenty dollars ($20.00) per month, out of the policemen's pension fund, and there shall also ho paid to the guar- dian of the minor children of such member, out of said fund, a pension of six defiers ($6.00) per month for each of said children unti it or' they reach the age o1' sixteen years. I revided, however, that there shall not be paid to the surviving widow and minor children an aggregate sum in excess of a sum equal to one-half of the amount of the salary of such member at the time of his death or disability; and if such deceased policeman leave no wid- ow or minor children, then there shall be paid to his dependent father or mother, or either, if one alone sur- vives, a pension of twenty dollars ($2('.00) per month. Section 9. Any member of the po- lice department who may be entitled to benefits under the provision of this ordinance, and who has served twenty- two years or more in said department of which the last five years' serve shall have been continvons may imam application to the hoard of trustees to be retired from such police depart- ment, and thereupon it shall be the duty of the hoard of trustees to order the retirement of such member, if it he found that he is unable to perform the duties, to which he is or may be assigned, or has reached the age of fifty-five years (55), and upon retire- ment, he shall be paid a monthly pen- sion equal to one-half the amount of salary received by him as monthly compensation at the date of his retire- ment. Section 10. Any member of the po- lice department entitled to be retired under the provisions of this act, but who shall continue in service and who shall be there:ifter discharged for cause other than the violation of any law of the 'United States, or of the State of Iowa. amounting to a felony, shall, upon being discharged, be en- titled, to, and there shall Ile paid to him, a monthly pension equal to one- half of the amount of salary received by him at the date of his diseharze: provided however, that the Chief of Pollee shall have the pnvvra' to assign any member of the police department retired, or drawing pensions under this ordinance to the performance of light duties in. such department in eases of extraordinary emergencies. and, pro- vided farther, that after the decease of a retired or discharged member re- ceiving a pension under the provision of this ordinance, his widow and minor child, or children under sixteen years of age, or, in case he leaves no widow or minor chicken, his dependent par- ent or parents, If any, shall be en- titled to a pension in the amount and under the conditions heretofore pro- vided to he paid to the surviving widow and miner children and depend- ent parents of a member killed or dis- abled in the performance of his dut- ies. And provided Nether. if, at any time, there shall he insufficient funds in the p liceuren's pension fund to meet and pay all pensions due and ow- ing from said fund, the board of trus- tees shall apportion the amount on hand in said fund among the persons entitled to such pension, in proportion to the amount to which each is en- titled, and the payment of such pro- portionate amount shall he considered a full payment of the amount then due and no liability shall thereafter exist fc.r the unpaid portions of such pen- sions. Section 11. If any member of the police department shall have been re- tired by reason of physical or mental disability, the board of trustees shall have the right and power, at any time, to cause such retired member to be Lreneht before it and again examined by competent physicians for the per - , pose orf discovering whether such dis- :rlri;ity yet continues and whether :mil retired menthe!' shall be c•ontin- u l on the pension roll, and said board shell also have power to examine wit- nesses feu' the sauce purpose. Such re- tired member shall be entitled to rea- sonable notice that such examination will be made and to be present at the time of the taking of any testimony, shall he permitted to exarbirn'e the witnesses brought before titre board, and shall also have the right to in- troduce evidence in his own behalf. All witnesses produced shall be exam- ined under oath, and any member of such board of trustees is hereby au- thorized and empowered to administer such oath to such witnesses. The de- cision of such board upon such mat- ters shall be final and conclusive, in the absence of fraud, and no appeal shall be allowed therefrom. Such dis- abled member shall remain upon the pension roll unless and until rein- stated in such police department by reason of such examination. Section 12. The provisions of this ordinance shall be, at all times, sub- ject to alterations or change to con- form with the alterations and changes which may be made by legislative enactment with reference to said Chapter 6i 'if the Laws of the Thirty- chird General Assembly of the State of foga, and all persons claiming benefits under the provisions hereof shall be entitled t0 receive only such benefits 292 Official Notices as provided by law at the time such benefits shall accrue. Section 13. All pensions paid and all monies drawn from the pension fund. under the provisions of this ordinance, shall be upon warrants signed by the board of trustees, which said warrants shall designate the name of the person and the purpose for which payment is made. The Treasurer of the hoard of trustees shall prepare annually, imme- diately after the first day of January, a report of the receipts and expendi- tures for the year ending December 31 of the previous year, showing the money on hand, how invested, all mon- ies received and paid out, which said report shall be filed with the City Re- corder. Section 14. This ordinance shall be force and effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Times -Journal and the Dubuque Tele- graph -Herald, official newspapers of the City of Dubuque. Adopted July 29, 1910. Approved July 30, 1910. D. J. HAAS, Mayor. Attest: OTTO P. GEIGER. City Recorder. Published officially in the Tele- graph -Herald Aug. 5, 1910, and in the Times -Journal Aug. 4, 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER, 8-4-1t City Recorder. (Official Publication.) AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING. A GRADE ON WILBUR AVENUE FROM THE WEST END OF THE IMPROVED PORTION OF AT THE EASTERLY LINE OF OLIVE STREET TO THE EAST LINE OF SPRUCE STREET IN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That a grade on Wilbur Avenue from the easterly line of Olive street to the east line of Spruce Street be and the same is hereby adopted and established as shown by the profile of said street and grade prepared by the City Engineer being Profile No. 678 and marked profile showing grade of Wilbur avenue be- tween west end of improved portion and east line of Spruce street, b. m house No. 329 Julien avenue, elevation 162.289". Said grade beginning at Station 0, which is the end of curb in place east line of Olive street, eeva- tion 201.0; thence to station 3-1-74.7, which is the east line of Spruce street. elevation 176.91. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph -Herald and Times -Journal newspapers. Adopted July 29, 1910. Approved July 30, 1910. D. J. HAAS, Mayor. Attest: OTTO P. GEIGER, City Recorder, Published officially in the Tele- graph -Herald Aug. 5, 1910. and in the Times -Journal Aug. 4, 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER, 8-4-1t City Recorder. Notice of Special. Assessment. Notice is hereby given to all con- cerned that a special assessment as provided by law will be levied at a session of the City Council to be held August 18. 1910, to pay for the im- provement of Bluff Street from Third Street to Eighth Street by M. Tschirgi & Sons. contractors. Amount of special assessment. $6.597.67, same to be assessed against the abutting property upon and along said street. And that there is a plat and sched- ule on file in the office of the City Re- corder of said City of Dubuque. show- ing the street in which said improve- ment was made, and the separate lots and parcels of ground, or specified portions thereof, subject to assessment for such improvement, the name of the owner thereof as far as practic able, and the- amount to be ansa ssed against each lot or parcel of ground. which plat and schedule are subject to public inspection. And that any anti all persons ob- jecting to said special assessment or to said plat must file his or their ob- jection in writing with the City Re- corder of said City of Dubuque on or before said session of the City Coun- cil to be held August 18, 1910, or to appear at said session of the Council to show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should nut be levied. Dated at Dubuque, August 5, 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER, R -5-3t. City Recorder. AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING THE PETER J. SEIPPEL LUMBER COMPANY PERMISSION TO FII.t, TTP HARRISON STREET, IN 'I'HI: CITY OF DUBUQUE, AND BRING SAME TO GRADE, AND REa:l'- LATING SUCH GRANT. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That the Peter J. Scip- pel Lumber Company be, and the same is, hereby granted permiss'on t a fill and bring up to grade Harrison Street, in the City of Dubuque, or such portions of same as may be by said Company deemed necessary to hit Official Notices 298 filled and brought to grade, the grant herein given being subject to the con- ditions hereinafter set out. Sec. 2. That the permission here- in given is for the purpose of en- abling the said Peter J. Seippel Lum- ber Company to make use of certain lots and pieces of property by it own- ed and abutting on and adjacent to said Harrison Street for the conduct of a lumber business. At the end of twenty (20) years from the time this Ordinance becomes effective, all of said filling placed in said street is to become the property of the City of Dubuque. without cost to it, and, should the said Peter J. Seippel Lum- ber Company cease to use the prop- erty and ground abutting on and ad- jacent to said street, for purposes in- cident to its lumber business, at any time before the expiration of twenty years, then said filling is to become the property of said City, without cosi to it, from the time said Comlun > fails to use said property in manner as aforesaid. Lt any event, however, said filling shall be the property of said City on the expiration of twenty years from the time this Ordinance becomes effective. as above specified. Sec. 2 Should the City of Du- buque desire to improve said Harrison Street at any time during the twenty years above referred to, or require said street for public purposes in general, or any part thereof, filled and occu- pied by said Company under the pro- visions of this Ordinance, possession thereof shall be given by said Com- pany, its representatives or assigns, at the expiration of one year from the time of giving notice to said Company, its representatives or as- signs, to remove therefrom, and upon payment by the City • of the actual cost of filling said street. (which cost is now fixed at twenty-five cents per cubic yard in full,) or the part of said street desired by said City. The price herein fixed is in full of all de- mands which said Company may make, and there shall be paid no in- terest. Sec 4. That, to enable the said Company to require of the City the payment of the price fixed as the value of said filling, as set out in Section 3 hereof, the said filling shall be of a kind and quality acceptable and satisfactory to said City when placed in said street, and shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer of said City. Seca 5. That the said Company shall file in the office of the City Re- corder of said City a verified state- ment of the actual amount of filling by said Company placed in said street. and the kind or kinds, giving the number of cubic yards of each kind, said statement to have indorsed on it a certificate of the City Engineer veri- fying the correctness thereof. Said Company may file statements as aforesaid from time to time as the work of filling progresses, if it so de- sires. properly verified and certified to as herein provided; the final state-. ment shall, however, be filed in any event within thirty days from the time of completion of said filling by said Company. The conditions of this section shall be deemed conditions precedent to the right of said Com- pany to demand payment from said City under the terms of Section 3 of this Ordinance, and each condi- tion is of the essence hereof. Sec. 6. The right of said Peter J. Seippel Lumber Company to use said Harrison Street, so filled and brought to grade by it, shall be exclusive dur- ing the term of this grant, subject always to the conditions of this Ordi- nance. Sec 7. This Ordinance shall be in effect from and after publication therof in the Dubuque Times -Journal and the Dubuque Telegraph -Herald, official newspapers, and written ac- ceptance hereof on the part of said Peter J. Seippel Lumber Company, duly indorsed hereon. Adopted July 29, 1910. Approved August 15, 1910. D. J. HAAS, Mayor. Attest: OTTO P. GEIGER, City Recorder. The terms and provisions of the above Ordinance are hereby accepted this 15th day of August. 1910. PETER J. SEIPPEL LUMHER CO. By PETER J. SEIPPEL, Its President. Published officially in the Times - Journal Aug. 16, 1910, and Tele- graph-hera Id Aug. 17, 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER, City Recorder. 3 -16 -It .\N C)RDI.NANt'E. AN ORDINANCE CHAN(;ING THE LOCATION OF THE ALLEY RUN- NTNG T'N- NTNG R'1':STERLY FROM C'OL- LECIE .\\'ENI'E, AND BEING THE ALLEY IMMEDIATELY NORTH OF ALLISON PLACE, IN FINLEY AD- DITP tN TO THE CITY OF DU- Rue?t'E. Be it t)rdained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That it is deemed exped- ient and necessary by the City Council of the City of Dubuque to change and alter the location of the alley, as heretofore platted, in Finley Addition, City of Du- buque, being the alley running from College Avenue westerly and ending in private property, said alley being locat- ed immediately north of .Allison Place 294 Oficial Notices Sec. 2. That the said alteration and relocation of the alley above referred to be in accordince with the plat (No 0712,) filed in the office of the City Engineer and approved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque on the 7th day of July, 1910, the altera- tion and relocation of said alley being as shown by the red color appearing on said plat. Sec. 3. That part of said alley as heretofore platted and shown by the black lines on the plat above referred to, is hereby annulled and vacated to the adjoining land owners. Sec. 4. That said alley, as now platt- ed and shown by the red color, is here- by established as a public highway It, the City of Dubuque for public uses as shown by said plat, which plat is made a part of this ordinance and is hereby referred to. Sec. 5. That the City Recorder be di- ••ected to cause a record of said plat ' proper descriptions thereof to be made, and that the plat as now adopt- ed shall have indorsed on same the dedication of the owners of the pieces of ground included in said alley as re- located, and that the plat be then filed for record in the office of the county recorder. Soc. 6. That this ordinance go into ef- fect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication in th Dubuque Telegraph -Herald and Times - Journal, official newspapers. Adopted July 29, 1910. Approved July 30, 1910. D. J. HAAS, Mayor. Attest: OTTO P. GEIGER, City Recorder. Published officially in the Tele- graph -Herald Aug. 5, 1910. and in the Times -Journal Aug. 4, 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER, 8-4-1t City Recorder. AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON HARVARD STREET FROM YALE STREET TO ALTA VISTA STRFET IN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That a grade on Harvard Street from Yale Street to Alta Vista Street in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. be and the same is hereby established and adopted as shown by the profile of said street and grade prepared by the City Engineer and accepted by the City Council on the 16th day of June, 1910, being Profile No. 677 and marked "Grade and Profile of Harvard Street from Yale Street to Alta Vista Street, B. M. on top of foundation of house No. 540 West 5th St., Ely. 251.17." Said grade beginning at the south lot line of Yale street, which is Station 0, elevation 290.50; thence to the north lot line of Alta Vista street, station 4-1-21, elevation 250.90. Sec. 2. This Ordinance to be In force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph -Herald and Times -Journal newspapers. Adopted July 29, 1910. Approved July 30, 1910. D. J. HAAS, Mayor. Attest: OTTO P. GEIGER, City Recorder. Published officially in the Times - Journal Aug. 4. 1910. O'ITO P. GEIGER, 8-4-1t City Recorder. AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE NAME OF A STREET NOW KNOWN AS SPRING STREET IN THE CITY OF DUBUQl'E. IOWA, TO NORTH BOOTH STREET. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That the name of the street now known as Spring Street in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, be and the same is hereby changed to and shall hereafter be known as North Booth Street. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Du- buque Telegraph -Herald and Times - Journal newspapers. Adopted July 29. 1910. Approved July 30, 1910. D. J. HAAS, Mayor. Attest: OTTO P. GEIGER. City Recorder. Published officially in the Tele- graph -Herald Aug. 5. 1910. and in the Times -Journal Aug. 4, 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER. 8-4-1t City Recorder. AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING THE INION ELECTRIC c()\1PANY PERMISSION TO CONS'TRI'CT A LOOP AROI'NI) PHOENIX PARI:, IN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, S.\II LOOP BEGINNING AT 'I'IIE IN- TERJUNCTION OF \IA I N \ Nl) WEST MAIN STREETS, E Y'I' I N i ING THENCE ALONG \\'l:sT \l.\ IN" SOUTHERLY TO Jl i N ES STREET. l:I:'I'. EASTERLY OVER JONES STREET ONTO MAIN STREET. AND NORTHERLY ON \I A IN STREET TO PLACE OF BEGNNING, AND REGULATING THE CONSTRUC- TION AND MAINTENACE OF SAID LOOP. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That for the purpose of Official Notices facilitating the rapid transportation of passengers over its lines, permission be and the same is hereby granted the Union Electric Company to construct a loop on its line of street railway, be- ginning at the interjunctiou of Main Street with West Main Street, extend- ing along West Main Street southerly to Jones Street, thence easterly on Jones Street to Main Street, and thence northerly on Main Street to point of beginning. Sec. 2. That the laying down of said loop track shall be done under the supervision of the city Engineer and the Committee on Streets of said City. Section 3. That in the laying down and operation of said tracks, the same shall be so constructed and maintained as to create the least possible obstruction to ordinary travel on, and to the use of, the streets occu- pied. and said tracks shall at all tines be used in accordance with all lawful police reguations now or here- after enacted by said City. Section 4. That said Company shall at all times keep the spare between said tracks and for a foot on either side of same properly paved or other- wise improved, as the City Council may direct, and said tracks shall be so constructed and maintained as not to dam up or obstruct the flow anti drainage of water. Ciection 5. That said tracks shall be laid to the established grade of the streets occupied, and should the grade be changed at any tune, said tracks shall be changed to conform thereto, at the expense of said Union Electric Company and without claim for dam- ages against said City. Section 6. If at any time during the life of this grant it should be shown that Phoenix Park is in any way damaged because of the existence of said loop around said Park, or the operation of said Union Electric Com- pany's line around said Park, or the use made by the traveling public of said loop, then the said Union Electric Company shall, as a condition hereof, protect and save harmless the said Park from any damage which may be done said Park, because of the pres- ence of said loop, in such manner as may be reasonably directed by the proper authority having- control over said Park. Section 7. The City of Dubuque hereby reserves the right to revoke the privilege 1.ereby granted at any time after 15 years from the time this ordinance takes effect, ,and a failure to comply with the provisions and re- strictions hereof, or any part of this ordinance, on the part of said com- pany, its successors or assigns, shall he ground for immediate forfeiture of the privileges herein granted, and said tracks shall be then removed and taken up on the order of said City. Section 8. That this ordinance shall 295 take effect and be in force from and after its passage and its publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph - Herald and the Dubuque Times -Jour• nal, otf+-'al newspapers, and written accepts e thereof duly indorsed hereon, signed by said Company. Adopted July 29, 1910. Approved Aug. 6, 1910. D. J. HAAS, Mayor. Attest: OTTO P. GEIGER, City Recorder. The provisions and terms of the above ordinance are hereby accepted this 6th day of August, 1910. UNION ELECTRIC CO. 13y D. D. MYERS, Vice President. Published officially in the Times - Journal August 8, 1910, and Tele- graph -Herald August 9, 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER, ('ity Itecorder, AN ORDINAN('E. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING THE UNION ELECTRIC COMPANY PER- MISSiON TO CONSTRUCT A STUB SWITCH AT THE END OF ITS EAGLE POINT LINE ON RHOM- BERG AVENUE, IN THE CITY OF DU'BUQU'E, AND REGULATING THI'; CONSTRUCTION AND MAIN- TENANCE OF SUCH STUB SWITCH. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That permission be and the same is hereby granted the Union Electric Company to construct a stub switch at the end of its Eagle Point Line on 1thomberg Avenue, in the City of Dubuque, for the purpose of facili- tating the transportation of passengers on its said line. Sec. 2. That the haying down of said switch shall be done under the super- vision of the City Engineer and the Committee on Streets of said City. Sec. 3. That in the laying down and operation of said switch the same shall be so constructed and maintained as to create the least possible obstruction to ordinary travel on, ,und to the use of. the street occupied, and said track used for such switch shall at all times be used in accordance with all lawful po- iic•c• regulations now or hereafter enact- ed by said City. Sec. 4. That said switch eba11 be laid to the established grade of the street occupied, and should the grade be changed at any time. said track shall be changed to conform thereto. at the expense of said Company and without claim of damages against said City. Sec. 5. That said Company shall at all times keep the space between the tracks of said switch and between the branches of said switch, and for a foot on either side of said switch, properly 296 Oficial Notices paved, macadamized, or otherwise im- proved, as the City Council may direct, and said tracks shall be so constructed and maintained as not to dam up or obstruct the flow and drainage of water. Sec. 6. The City of Dubuque hereby reserves the right to revoke the privi- lege hereby granted at any time after fifteen (15) years from the time thin ordinance takes effect, and a failure to comply with the provisions and re- strictions hereof, or any part of this or- dinance, on the part of said Company its successors, or assigns, shall be ground for immediate forfeiture of the privileges herein granted, and said tracks and switch shall be then re- moved immediately and taken up on the order of said City. Sec. 7. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage by the City Council and its Publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph -Herald and the Dubuque Times -Journal, official newspapers of said City, and written acceptance here- of on the part of said Company, duly indorsed herein. Adopted July 29 1910. Approved August 6 .1910. D. J. HAAS. Mayor. Attest: OTTO P. GEIGER, City Recorder. The provisions and terms of the above ordinance are hereby accepted this 6th day of August, 1910. UNION ELECTRIC CO. By D. D. MYERS, Vice President. Published officially in the Times - Journal August 8, 1910, and Tele- graph -Herald August 9, 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER, City Recorder. NOTICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTEN- TION TO IMPROVE VALERIA STREET, FROM KAUFMAN AVE- NUE TO THE NORTH LOT LINE OF HART STREET. To Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby notified that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque to improve Valeria Street, from Kauf- man Avenue to the north lot line of Hart Street. That the plat and estimate of said proposed improvement is now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that it will require 1573 square yards of macadam, 994 lineal feet curb and gut- ter, making a total estimated cost to the abutting property owners of $2,053.60. Any person having objection to said improvement is hereby notified to ap- pear before the City Council at its regular session to be held Aug. 18 or to file with the City Recorder their ob- jections on or before Aug. 18, 1910. Dated at Dubuque, Aug. 10, 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER, 8-10-3t City Recorder. Notiee to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the Council Chamber, City Hell. by the city Recorder, until 8:00 p. ie. Thursday, September 1, 1910, for the improvement of Seventh SIreet from the \Vest lot line of ('lay )4tre' t to the East lot line of Main Street with brick on a concrete foundation, in .ie- eurdance with plans and specification!: prepared by the City Engineer and nocv on tile in the office of the City 14 e•eerder. ll is esimated by the City Eng ne r that said improvement will require 2.249 square yards brick paving, 75 4 lineal feet of new curb and 106.7 lineal feet of curb reset. The work to be paid for when said work is completed and as prescribed by Chapter XXXII of the Revised Or- dinances of 1901 of the City of Du- buque, work to be completed on or before October 18th, 1910. Bidders must state the price per lineal foot for combined concrete curb and gutter, the I rice per cubic yard for grading and also the price per square yard for macadamizing. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for $100.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will he entered into if awarded. Bid and check in separate envelope. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque. Aug. 15. 1:010. OTTO P. GEIGER, 8-15-3t. City Record •r. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the City Recorder, until 8:00 e. Thursday. September 1, 1910, for the improvement of Bluff Street from the end of the brick paving between Fit'- treuth and Sixteenth Streets to lh North lot line of Eighth Streeth with sarco macadam or its equal, in ac- cordance with plans and specificati ors prepared by the City Engineer :11:,1 now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Eng1 neer that said improvement well re- quire 3,628 lineal feet combinatiaa curb and gutter, 18 lineal feet of curbstone reset and 8.557 square ya'.eis sarco macadam. The work to be paid for whey said work is completed and as prescribe l by Chapter XXXII of the Revised Or • • Officit,1 Notices dtnances of 1901 of the City of Du- buque, work to be completed on or before November 1, 1910. Bidders must state the price pc.r square yard for combined curb and guttering, the price per lineal foot for curbstone reset and price tier square yard for sarco macadam. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for $100.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if award- ed. Bid and check in separate enve- lope. The ('ity Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, August 15. 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER, S -1.;-3t City Recorder. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the City Recorder, until 8:00 p. m., Thursday, September 1, 1910, for the im- provement of Fifth Street, from the west lot line of Main to east curb line of Locust Street with brick on a con- crete foundation in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require 1,280 square yards of brick paving, 237.7 lineal feet new curb. 114.0 lineal feet old curb reset. The work is to be paid for when said work is completed and as prescribed by Chapter XXXII of the Revised Or- dinances of 1901 of the City of Du- buque, work to be completed on or be- fore October 1st, 1910. Bidders must state the price per square yard for brick paving, the price per lineal foot for curbstone reset and price for lineal foot for new curbstone set. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for $100.00 on some >ohnque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. Bid and check in separate envelope. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque. August 15, 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER, 8-15-3t City Recorder. NOTICE, OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTEN- TION TO CONSTRUCT A SANI- TARY SEWER IN GRANDVIEW AVENUE AND SOUTH DODGE STREET, COMMENCNG AT THE MANHOLE AT THE INTERSEC- TION OF GRANDVIEW AND DODE STREET, RUNNING SOUTH- EASTERLY TO SOUTH DODGE STREET, THENCE NORTHERLY IN SOUTH DODGE STREET TO DODGE STREET. To Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby no- tified that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque to construct an 8 -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Grandview Avenue and South Dodge Street, running southeasterly to South Dodge Street. thence northerly in South Dodge Street to Dodge Street. That a plat and specifications of said proposed sewer are now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that it will require 3,540 lineal feet of 8 -inch tile pipe, 1,960 lineal feet of 10 - Inch tile pipe, 16 manholes, and will cost the abutting property owners $5.055.25 in total. Any person having objection to the construction of said sanitary sewer are hereby notified to appear before the City Council at its regular session Sept. 1, 1910, or to file in writing with the City Recorder their objections on or before Sept. 1, 1910. Dated at Dubuque, Aug. 23, 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER, 8-23-tf City Recorder. Notice to ('onirac•tors. Sealed proposals will be received at the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the City Recorder, until 8:00 p. m. Thursday, August 9, 1910, for the im- provement of Grandview Avenue from South Dodge street to south line of lot 2 of Mineral lot 31, in accord- ance with plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City IIccordor. It is estimated by the City. Engineer that said improvement will require approximately 21111 lineal feet combined cement, concrete, curb and guttering. 543.4 sq. yds. Telford macadam. 1301.74 cu. yds. of earth filling. 7025.13 cu. yds. cutting. The work to be paid for when said work is completed and as prescribed by Chapter XXXII. of the Revisel Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Du- buque, work to be completed on or before the 1st day of December, 1910. Bidders must state price per lineal foot for combined cement concrete curb and guttering. The price per square yard for Telford macadam; also price per square yard for cutting. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for $50.00 on some Dubuque bank, as a guarantee that a cent met will be entered into if awarded. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Aug. 30, 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER. City Recorder. 2414 Official Notices Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the City Recorder until 8:00 p. m. Thursday, September 1, 1910, for the repairing of Althauser Avenue, re- taining wall in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. Bidders will state the price for completed work and furnish all ma- terial and do all the work. Each bid must be accompanied with a certi- fied check for $10.00 on some Du- buque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. 'Check and bid in separate envelopes. The City reserves the right to re- ject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque. Aug. 22. 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER, S -22-2t City Recorder. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the City Recorder until 8:00 p. m. Thurs- day, August 9, 1910,.for the extension of the Bee Branch sewer from a point about 18 feet south of the south lot line of 18th street to the north lot line of 18th street, to be built in two sec- tions, "Open and Covered," the cox' creel section to cross 18th street be- tween Cedar and Sycamore streets. Side walls to be range wok stone ma- sonry covering to be of reinforced concrete. In accordance with plans of said sewer and the specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. The contractor will do all the work and furnish all the material. Bidders will state the price per lineal foot completed concrete cover and price per lineal foot for com- pleted masonry wall. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for $500.000 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if award- ed. Check and bid in separate en- velopes. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, August 30, 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER, City Recorder. 8-30-3t NOTICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTEN- TION TO CONSTRUCT A SANI- TARY SEWER IN TWENTY- FIFTH STREET AND ALLEY BE- TWEEN WASHINGTON AND ELM STREETS, FROM PRESENT MAN- HOLE AT INTERSECTION OF THE ALLEY BETWEEN JACKSON AND WASHINGTON STREETS, EASTERLY TO THE ALLEY BE- TWEEN WASli1Nt:TON AND ELM STREET'S. THENCE SOUTHERLY IN SAID ALLEY TO THE SOUTH LINE OF OF LOT 7 IN O. S. LANG - WORTHY'S SECOND SUB. To Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby no - titled that it Is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque to construct an 8 -inch tile pipe sani- tary sewer in Twenty -Fifth Street and in alley between Washington and Elm Streets, from present manhole at in- tersection of the alley between Jack- son and Washington Street, easterly to the alley between Washington and Elm Streets. thence southerly in said alley to the south lot line of Let in O. S. Langworthy's Sub. That a plat and specifications of the said proposed sewer are now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engi- neer that it will require 24 lineal feet 8 -inch iron pipe. 587 lineal feet 8 -inch tile pipe, 4 manholes and will cost the abutting owners $650.00. Any persons having objection to the construction of said sanitary sewer are hereby notified to appear before the City Council at its next regular session, Sept. 1st, 1910, or file in writ- ing with the City Recorder their ob- jections on or before Sept. 1st. 1910. Dated at Dubuque. Aug. 23, 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER. 8 -23 -It. City Recorder. NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the sessions of the city council ui the City of Dubuque. held on July 25, 1915, and August 23, 1910, the following special assessments were levied on the real estate hereinafter described, and that in case of failure to pay the one- seventh part within the time prescrib- ed by the ordinance governint' same. all will become delinquent and subject to collection by distress and salt'. GEO. D. WYBRAN'I, City Treasurer. Construction of a sanitary sewer ill Haydei's Lane, from lilufi street 110 tee; westward: Name. Description. A flue C. C. D. Hayden Est., Sub. l u' City 603, lot 2 Arthur McCann Est., City it'; 609a 01.13 Total $L" .' r Improving of Nun! street from 'rhirvi to Eighth. streets: Name. Description. Amount. b'. \ti'. Wieland, Sub. Cit_', 653a, lot 1• $140.':: Anthony Guerdet, Sub. City 653a, lot 0 .... 0.21H. and M. C., Ficke, Sub. city 653a. lot 5 10A.15 Official Notices J. A. McKinlay, Sub. City 653x1 N. 50 feet lot 4 126.42 Martha Green, Sub. City 653a, S. 2 feet lot Y 3.78 Martha Green, Sub. City 653a, N. 22.10 feet lot 1 43.71 A. J. Prints, Sub. City 653a, A 25 feet lot 1 47.71 Otto M. Ruete, Sub. City 653a, lot 2 90.09 Gee. W. Healey, Sub. City 653a, lot 3 94.18 Archie Fr•ater, City, N. 46 feet lot 622 110.69 C. F. Mehlhop, ('ity, S. 39.6 feet lot 622 71.26 C. F. Mehlhop, City, N. 6.6 feet of N. 52.6 feet lot 621 15.54 Z. Hoffman, City, N. M. 23 feet of N. 52.6 feet lot 621 4:.00 Z. Hoffman, S. M. 23 feet of N 52.6 feet lot 621 43.85 P. J. Lee, City, S. 46 feet lot 621 86.39 Franciscan House, City, lot 620. 171.93 Franciscan House, City. lot 619127.89 Mary A. Coates and D. E. Wat- ters, City, lot 618 148.61 D. D. Myers, City, N. 64 feet lot 617 ... 154.22 A. A. Cooper, City, S. 8 feet lot 617 13.62 A. A. Cooper, City, lot 616a .... 52.12 A. A. Cooper, City, lot 616 53.34 A. A. Cooper, City, lot 615 177.21 J. M. Sullivan, City, E. 110 feet lot 614 ........ .... 241.57 A. W. Kemler Est., City, I' d 2-3 of N. 46.8 feet lot 613 104.11 Minnie Kemler, City. 1'nd. 1-3 of N. 46.8 feet lot 613 52.01 Philip Ryder, City, S. 43.4 feet lot 618 74.26 Jos. S. Morgan, N. 21.8 feet lot 612 37.59 Jos. S. Morgan, ('ity, So. 64.4 feet lot 612 .... 251.29 Mary A. McLean, Sub. City, 610, lot 1 165.68 Arthur McCann Est.. City. lot 610a 54.64 Arthur McCann Est., City, lot 609a .. 35.86 Florence M. Hayden. Sub, 1 of City lot 609, lot 3 51.95 Emma Clemens. Sub. 1 01 CRY lot 609, lot 1 49.63 Margt. Welsh, Sub. City lot 60!, lot 2 6.85 Margt. Welsh, City, No. 28 ft. N. 1-2 E. 113 ft. Lot (108 34.24 A. F. Jaeger Est., City, So. 22.10 ft. N. .... E. .... ft. Lot 60839.17 Elft. A. Cunnolk', ('its', 50. 1-2 E 113 ft. Lot lia.`I . 80.18 Annie (.ilden, ('it l.ot 199 116.S0 M[:ry Jess, City'. Lot 136 109.95 John 11. Meehan, City, So. 17 ft W. 1-2 Lot 131 Catherine McCann, City, S. M 16.6 ft. W. 1-2 Lot 131 23.39 Jas. T. Wood, City, N. M. 24 ft of N. 31 ft. Lot 131 John McCabe, City, N. 6 1-1 ft Lot 131 41.01 10.93 John McCabe, City, So. 17 1-2 ft. Lot 132 13. Lager, City, So. 11. 20.6 It Lot 132 Mrs. J. S. Murphy, City, N. 21.3 ft. Lot 132 Isabelle Knowlton, City, West 1-1 Lot 133 H. A. Knowlton, City, S. 1-3 Lot 134 Jas. Harragan, City, M. 1-3 Lot 13; Fi. A. Knowlton, City, N. 1-3 Lot 134 11.82 Frank Kirk, City, S. 1-2 Lot 133 77.?.5 A. C. Kleine, City, N. 1-2 Lot 125 77.85 J. H. Thedinga Est., Cit_', Lot 1::6 47.88 1;Iir. A. Sullivan, City, Lot 131.. 184.60 A. A. Cooper, City, Lot 133 110.41. A. A. Cooper, City, Lot 139 110.41 .1. It, Waller Est., City, Lot 140184.60 ('ttv of Dubuque, Washington 1'ark 59137 Fath. A. Christman Est., CRY 652, lot 1 214.1.2 Cath. A. Christman Est., City 611, lot 1 123.62 Cath. A. Christman Est., CitY So. 36.3 ft. Lot 650 87.50 J. D. Bush, City, No. 15 ft, Cit' Lot 650 30.12 J. D. Bush, City, S. 8 ft. S. 19.8 Lot 640 13.22 C. T. Bush, City, N. 11.8 ft. 5 19.8 1't. Cod. 1-3 Lot 649 7.00 J. D. Bush, N. 11.8 ft. S. 19.8 it. !Ind. 1-3 Lot 649 .... 6.93 Anna, M. ITU, City, N. 11.3 ft. S. 13.8 ft. Cod. 1-3 1,ot 649 ....... 6.93 J. I). Rush, Sub. City, 648 anrj N. 31.4 ft. 649, End. 1-9 Lot 1. 39.47 Anna M. Utt, Sub. City 643 and N. 31.4 ft. 649, Und. 1-2 Lot 1.. 39.48 S -27-1t. 299 28.9:3 46.32 110.58 245.71 51.82 51.89 Regular Session, September 1, 1910 CITY COUNCIL Regular Session Sept. 1, 1910. (Official.) Council met at 8:30 p. m. Mayor Haas in the chair. Present—Alds. Apel, McEvoy. O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht and City Attorney Lyon. Bids for the improvement of Bluff street ,also for improvement of Fifth street, also for improvement of Sev- enth street. On motion of Ald. Sin - grin all bids were ordered opened. Bids follow: Improvement of Fifth street, J. M. Kenety: Curbing. per lineal fool. 70c. Paving, per square yard, $2.22. Resetting curb, per lineal foot, 20e. Rolling of brick to be done by horse roller. O'Farrell Contracting Co.: Curb- ing. per lineal foot, 70c. Brick pav- ing, $2.16. Moved by Ald. Singrin the contract be awarded to O'Farrell Contracting Co. Carried. Improvement of 7th Street. James F. Lee: Prick paving $2.35 per sq. yd. if horse roller is used to roll brick. $2.10 per sq. yard for new curbing 70c per lineal foot resetting old curb 20e per lineal foot. J. M. Kenety curbing per lineal foot 70e, paving per sq. yard $1.77. resetting 20e. Horse roller to be used in rolling Prick. O'Farrell contracting Co. curbing per lineal foot 70c, brick paving $2.05. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke 1on- tract he awarded to J. M. Kenety be being lowest bidder. Carried. Improvement of Bluff street, J. M. Kenety, curbing and gutter per lineal foot 85ic. sarco compost $1.37 per square yard, resetting old curb .James F. Lee, sarco compost. $1.47 per square yard. curb and gutter 90c per lineal foot, resetting call stone curbing 25e per lilenl foot, will allow $200.1111 forg,tel stone eurl'ing. tt'F:u'rell ('oattrall•IiI1t4 ('u. comb. curb and gutter, 91c• per lineal foot. sarco compost $1.4C per square yard. resetting curb 20c, will pay i,250. 00 for old curb. M. T.;chirgi & Sons. sarco paving $1.48 per square yard. combination curl) and gutter 92e per lineal foot. curbing reset 25c. will al- low lac per lineal foot for good curb- ing. Moved by Aid. McEvoy bids be referred to City Engineer and he re- port tonight. Carried. Moved by Ald. Sauer that the council receive bids for the repairing 301 of Althausc.l• Ave. at the next meet- ing of Sept. 9, 1910. Carried. Moved by Ald. Sauer that the rules be suspended to allow anyone pres- ent to address the council in refer- ence to Twenty-seventh street sewer. Carried by the following vote: Yeas: .Apel. .Alel viiy, (('Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays, none. Mr. Joe Grab address the council remonstrating against the construc- tion of sewer in 27 street. Moved by All. McEvoy that the bid of Wilbur avenue be taken from committee of whole and be consider- ed by the council tonight. Carried. I'id of Wilmer Cook for the im- proving of Wilbur Ave. Grading $1.511 per cubic yard, combine curb and gutter 80c per lineal foot, ma- cadamizing mizing 75c per square yard, pre• seated. Moved by Ald. McEvoy that the contract be awarded to Wilmer Cook_ Carried. Petition of Dubuque Park Commis - 511101s asking that immediate action he talker for the improvement of Seventh Avenue presented. On mo- tion of AM. O'Rourke prayer. granted. Petition of Dubuque Park Commis- ers asking that an electric arc light be place on or near the pathway leading into the park from the ap• preach of Eagle Point bridge pre- sented. On motion of Ai I. Singrin referred to committee of whlt. Petition of .lames Lee asking that the council view the ground about his peopertc. Lot 4 of Lot 692, in the City of Dubuque. Ia. Moved by API. (I'Itourke be referred to the commit- tee ui' Obote and Mr. Leo be notified to attend meeting. Carried. City Recorder Geiger stated he had a letter from a merchant asking if the council could compel at certain c io employe to pay him an amount due for goods bought. On motion of Alcl. McEvoy referred to committee of whole. .\ communication and bill from 1.1:110 of Iowa Municipalities pre- sented. (ill motion of Ald. O'Rourke referred to committee of whole. City Itccurder Geiger presented and read the notice certified to by the publishers of the council inten- tion to c•unstruct a sanitary sewer in Twenty-fifth street and alley between Washington alnd Elm Streets. Also renuurstruac•e of .Joseph A. (drab et al. On motion of Ald. Apel received and :fled. 302. Regular Session, September 1, 1910 City liecorder Geiger also .present- ed and read the notice certified to by the publisher of the council intention to construct a. sanitary sewer in Grandview avenue and Dodge street to South Dodge street. No remon- strance being filed and no one in the room objecting to the construction of said sewers, the notices were on mo- tion of Ald. Saul received and filed. City Engineer Paumgartner re- ported the bids on Bluff street as follows: Jams F. Lee $15,477.30, O'Fa.:•ati•Il c'ontr;icting Co. $15,548.30, Jno. 11. Kenety, $14,697.62, M. Tschirgi & Sons $15,785.62. Moved by Aid. McEvoy the contract he awarder' to J M. Kenety, he being lo•, est bidder. Carried. REPORTS OF OFFICERS, City Auditor Lyons reported an fol- lows: Te the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Herewith find my report for the month of August, 1916, showing the receipts and disbursement,i fo; the month: Receipts— Cash on hand August 1, 19101 84,021.76 Receipts during month 16,881.74 5100,903.50 Total Disbursements Warrants redeemed ....1 23,981.74 Improvement bond coupon i redeemed 111.25 Water Works bond coupons redeemed 22.50 Total S 24,115.49 Balance Sept. 1st, 1910 ....9 76,78,3.01 The above cash balance include, im- provement bond fund, improvement bond interest fund and library rund balancer. Water Works Account— Water Works balance August 1, 1910 $ 28,395.12 Deposited with City Treasur- er by Water Works Trus- tees Total Orders drawn on City Treas- urer by Water Works Trus- tees 0,2205.70 $34,600.82 5,25'_'.78 Balance Sept. 1, 1910 $29,348.04 Excavation Account— Balance August 1, 1910 $45.00 Deposited with City Treasure: during month 10.00 Total • Permits redeemed by City Treas- urer$aa Oli 15.00 Balance Sept. 1, 1910 $40.00 Also the following is a record of all interest coupons and bonds redeemed by the City Treasurer during the past month and credited to him: Improvement bond coupons Water Works bond coupons $111.2. 22.50 Total $133 . Also there is due the City officers for month of August, 1910, salaries amounting to $2,721.50, Also the following list shows the ap- propriations and the amount of Wnr- rants drawn on each fund since the beginning of the fiscal year beginning March 1st. 1910, to September 1st, 1910: Appropriation Expended Expense .. $40,000.011 $18,071.05 I1oad— First District 6,536.12_ 5,365.6N Second District . 11,923.22 7,511.,\:, Third District 9.544.60 r,.:a Ic,18 Fourth District 10,843.04 6.1 i Fifth District '8,333.88 7,ST Fire .... 48,000.au _ 3.9. I. Police Sewerage ... nno.iii 7n Printing Street Lighting . 27,000.iio 11,247.75 Interest ... 40.000.00 :1.7.50. 19 Board of Health 7.1ou.00 2,781{1.15 Grading .. 6,000.00 730.85 Special Bonded Paving .. 4,000.00 392-97 Special Bonded Debt and In- terest .. 4,000.00 AR. Carmel Ave nue Grading 2,500.00 Sidewalk Repair- ing ..... 1,000.00 Bluff Street Ex- tension .. 500.00 Bee Branch Sew- er, Third Ward, Dubuque Pack- ing Plant 2.500.00 Improvement of Windsor Ave. , 1,000.00 Bee Branch Sew- er, Third Ward, 18th Street 2,500.00 Bee Branch Sew- er, in Fifth Ward ... ... 5,000.00 Improvement of Grand view Avenue .. .. 2,500.00 Eagle Point Park 3,000.00 2,995.85 Clay Street Im- provement 1,200.00 Heeb Street Grading .. ... 300.00 Improvement of Valley Street , 200.00 Improvement of Willow Street. 1,b00.00 Opening of Booth and Spring Streets. 500.00 Twenty - Seventh Street Storm Sewer 30.85 432.03 12.80 325.31 1,300.00 52.20 234.00 Eiegular Session, September 1, 1910 improvement of Althauser Ave. improvement of Seventh Ave. Firemen's Pen- sion Fund ... Policemen's Pen- sion Fund Opening and Grading Alley Petween Clark a n d Ange;ta Streets .. .... Op rang of Ce- dar Street ... Part Cost of Car street \Nall .. New Street `wcepc-t' .. .. Ninth Avenue Sewer .. ... . 803 Fifty ($750) 11oll:u's, the amount of the 1.5.Itt,,,,0 1,5un.nr, ;1pprolwl:Ilion made yon for 1910. °,560.00 Yours v ry truly, ;Nail, Il D. ACV'Itlt.-AN'I'. 11nt,•d I • ,AIcl. c t'itourke W,mrant; 750.00 e ,b'aw11 I I raver of Geo. . It. AV•I rant, Treasuer. and report rc•ic vied h:i k in 750.00 l'inaiu tnntntitteo. carried. 500.00 500.00 317.00 2>;0.0:1 X00.00 311.99 $305,573.26 Respectfully, M. E. LYON:A, Auditor. On motion of Ald. O'I:ourke the re- port was approved and warrants or- dered drawn to pay ('ity officers and report referred to the Committee on Finance. City Treasurer \Vybrant reported as :ollovrs: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Below you vvtll find statement of amounts advanced by me from August 1 to August 30. 1910, in- clusive, for which please order war- rants drawn in my favor: Interest paid on warrants out- standing .... $1,695.40 Freight charges, express, ex- change, etc. .... 32.47 Library orders paid .... 235.53 I herewith hand you warranty deed and release of mortga.;e upon that por- tion of property owned by Edward Hannig and condemned by City, and also warranty deed of that portion of property owned by Albert Hannig and condemned by City. Loth of which par- ties have received warrants issued in payment of same. Yours very truly, GEORGE D. WYBRANT. Moved by Aid. O'Rourke the report he received and warrants be ordered drawn to pay various amounts and re- port referred to Committee on Fi- ni.ne, and the City Recorder have the proper record made of the deeds. Carried. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: As treasurer of the board of trustees of the Firemen's Pension Fund, I am instructed by the hoard to request your honorable body to have warrants drawn in my favor to the amount of Seven Hundred and Fire thief Reinfried reported as ful- ovc s: 're the Honorable Mayor and City l',1111(11: :•.1 iI.l ac.u: 'l'he following is the pay loll of the Fire Departent for the last hall of August, 1910: Amount due Firemen .. $1.654.25 Less 1 leer cent retained for 1'ctsi in Fund 31.6u iiespectfully submitted, .T. II. 1IETNFRIED, Chief. \pl roved by Committee on Fire. (In motion of Ald. siegrin, the re- port was reeeiv'ecl and warrants order- ed drawn to pay the Firemen and the report referred back to the committee os Fire. Chief of Police I:eilly reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and Citi Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the police report for the month of .kutP 1911: intoxication Assault ,vssault and battery Disorderly conduct Disturbing the peace Fugitive inc'errigible Petit larceny .... .... Violating city ordinance Vagrancy 78 4 12 1 1 4 3 S Total 122 45 22 24 13 $ 2.30 :$ 1.00 collected $31.85' 68 S5 2 4 100 $1,3!18.55 Le.,s, I per cent retained for $28.54 THOS. REILLY, Chief of Police. On notion of :\ld. Sauer, the report and pay roil Were reeeIv .11 and war- rants ordered drawn to poly the Po- licemen and the report referred to the Committee on Police and Light. Residents arrested Doors fount! open Lodger! harbored Meath furnished Cost of I ood Pond receipts .... Police court costs Defective lighet Patrol runs for prisoners Transl'ei' of prisoners .\nthultnet colic Alilct traveled .-\n-iourt clue Policemen Pension fund City Electrician Hinman reported as follows: 304 Regular Session, September 1, 1910 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my report for defective lights for the nroutli of August, 1910: • I find from the report of the Police Department that the total hours that €8 lamps failed to burn would equal 1 1-3 lamps burning for one month, or $d.fic. Respectfully submitted. «WILLIAM llIPM :\N. City EIeet•ici,ui. Gil motion of Ald. Sauer, the report was received and the City Auditor to I c instructed to deduct from the Union Electric company's bill for the month of August, 1910, the sum of $6.66. Street Commissioner Mahony re - Forted as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the pay roll for labor on streets during the last half of August, 1910: Amc.unt due laborers an streets.$2,386.65 J. F. Lynch, inspector on Bee Branch Sewer 23.10 Due laborers on Bluff Street Extension 1711.00 T t -r1 .$2,582.75 Approved by Committee on Streets. Also submit the pay roll for labor en sewers during the last half of Aug - 1910: mount due laborers on sewers.$232.16 Respectfully submitted. JOHN MAHONY, Street Commissioner. On motion of Ald. Saul, the pay rolls on streets and sewe»s was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts. and the pay rolls •Ipd report referred back to the proper committees. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on streets and road in the Fifth ward, the expense of the same to be charged to the county road fund: Total due laborers $45.35 Respectfully, JOHN MAHONY. Moved by Ald. Singrin report be re- ceived and the same sent to Board of Supervisors for payment. Carried. Dubuque, Ia., Sept. 1, 1910. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—Acting under your in . structlons in relation to a proposed course for a sanitary sewer in Mount Pleasant Avenue, I would respectfully report that I have been over the ground and find that it is impossible to connect said street with the present sewer system except by going over pri- vote property, and the route that i propose as being most satisfactory be- cause serving the largest territory would be as follows: . The sewer run- ning the entire length of Mount Pleas- ant Avenue would have its outlet at Vernon Street, thence east to North Glen Oak Avenue, thence north to the end of said avenue, thence northerly in an almost direct line through private property to Rosedale Avenue, thence northeasterly to West Locust Street and easterly to present sewer at the intersection of Union Avenue. Respectfully subin itted, C. H. BAUMGA11TNI'IR, City Engineer. On motion of Ald. McEvoy referred to Committee of Whole. Following Weighmasters' reports of receipts were Presented and read and. on motion, were received and tiled: Jos. Straney, First Ward scales$ 3.8i Louisa Pitsehner, West Dubuque .90 Edw. Norton, Third Ward 18.65 Market Stands sold 6.25 To the Honorable City Council: Gentlemen:—Your Board of Health begs to recommend to your huiioroble body that you have the sanitary sewer in Kaufmann Avenue extended from the present sewer westerly to Fain Street; also that we consider a sani- tary sewer in Bennett Street unl'c: sible and believe the only way the matter could be handled is through a s ptic tank. Also that you have the City Attor- ney instructed to prosecute those per- sons who have been served with the proper notice to connect with the sani- tary sewer by the sonit,u•y officer and failed to connect. Also that the bills of E. T. Frith, for hauling dead animals, April, May, June, July, $67.50, and the bill of the Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., $11.44, be paid. The following bills were certified to and sent to Board of SuI:ervisors for payment: Union Electric Co., light, Deten- tion Hospital, for August $ A. Bush, groceries for Detention Hospital, July 2 to 29 John L. Kies, drugs, June 21 to 24 Frank Beutin, wood (Jachom's) M. E. King, care of Detention Hospital 0 W. E, Howes, grojj'eries for Joseph Jechuo }0141,A.A./.1tvt„<1(1 Edmund Linehan, drugs for J Reiley ; 0 Geo. F. Kleih, hardware, Deten- tion Hospital Whelan Bros., groceries for De- tention Hospital EdHwos. Bpiteaes, repairs, Detention ml 38 Dr. M. D. Linehan, to profession - 2 ell 4 71 729 3 25 Regular Session, September 1, 1910 305 al services 100 00 E. P. Peryon, drugs from April 3 to July 9 26 25 The bill of Duertsclter Bros. for gro- ceries to Detention Hospital referred for further investigation. Respectfully, JOHN O'ROURKE. Moved by Aid. O'Rourke the report be approved and filed. Carried. Moved by Ald. Saul that the plans for sanitary sewer from manhole in Grandview Avenue and Dodge Street southerly in Grandview Avenue to South Dodge Street, thence northerly in South Dodge to Dodge Street be ap- proved. Carried. Moved by Ald. Sauer that the matter of collection of wharfage be referred to Committee of Whole. Carried. Alderman Saul offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That a sant. tary sewer of eight inch tile pipe be constructed in Grandview Avenue from Dodge Street to South Dodge Street, thence in South Dodge Street northerly to Dodge Street. according to the plans and specifications of said sewer pre- pared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Re- corder, and be it further Resolved, that said sewer be com- pleted on or before the 1st day of December, 1910. and shall be paid for scribed by Chapter XXXIV of the Re- vised Ordinances of 1910 of the City of at the time and in the manner pre - Dubuque for the payment of the cost of constructing sewers. The proposals for doing such work will be acted upon by the Council on the 15th day of Sep- tember, 1910, and the City Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication, asking for proposals is provided by ordinance. Moved by Ald. Saul the adoption of the resolution. tarried by the following vote: Yeas — Alds. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer. Saul. Singrin and Specht. Nays—None. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that the Mayor appoint the Board of Equaliza- tion. Carried. The Mayor appointed Ald.s Saul, Mc- Evoy, O'Rourke. Singrin and Suecht and requested Aids. Apel and Sauer to attend all meetings of said guard. Moved by Ald. Sauer that the city Recorder be instructed to readvertise for bids for repairing Althauser Ave- nue retaining wall. Carried. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that the City Treasurer be requested to fur- nish to the City Council a list of un- paid taxes for a period covering the last four years, said list to include : 11 items that the Treasurer believes to be pending before the City Council. Carried. Moved by Ald. McEvoy that the En- gineer be instructed to give grade stake in alley between Rose Street and West Fourteenth Street and Belmont Avenue and Alta Vista Street, at once, to Mr. Gilliam. Carried. Moved by Ald. Apel to adjourn to Sept. 9, 1910. Carried. OTTO P. GEIGER, City Recorder. Approved v ""' -- 1910. ,Cf1 Attest: Mayor. i City corder, 306 Adjourned Regular Session, September 9, 1910 CITY COUNCIL Adjourned Regular Session, Sept. 9, 1910. (Official.) Mayor Pro Tern Saul in the chair. Council met at 8:25 p. m. Present—Aids. O'Rourke, McEvoy, Sauers, Saul, Singrin, Specht, Apel and City Attorney Lyon. Absent—Mayor Haas. Mayor Pro Tem Saul stated that the meeting was an adjourned meeting of the regular session of Sept. 1, 1910, and was called to take up and consider all matters which may properly come be- fore a regular session of the CitY Council. Bids for the improvement of Grand- view avenue, Eighteenth street Bee Branch sewer, and repairing Althauser -Avenue wall presented. On motion of Ald. Singrin all bids were ordered opened, as follows: Grandview Avenue— Oliver Kringel: Gracing, 32c per cubic yard; comb, curb and gutter, 83c per lineal foot; macadam, 83c per cubic yard. Willmer Cook: Grading, 42c per cubic yard; comb, curb and gutter, $1.00 per lineal foot; macadam, 80c per cubic yard. O'Farrell Contracting Co.: Grading. 30e per cubic yard, comb, curb and gutter, 65c per lineal foot; macadam. 65c per cubic yard. Tibey Bros.: Grading, 33c per cubic yard; comb, curb and gutter, 70c per lineal foot; macadam, 82c per cubic yard. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke, the contract for improving Grandview Avenue be awarded to O'Farrell Con- tracting Co. Ald. McEvoy offered an amendment that the bids be referred to the City Engineer, he to report to- night. Amendment carried. Bee Branch Sewer in Eighteenth street— O'Farrell Contracting Co.: Open sewer, per lineal foot, $16.00; closed with concrete slab, $35.00. On motion of Ald. McEvoy, the bid of O'Farrell Contracting Co. be re- ferred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Althauser Avenue Wall— O'Farrell Contracting Co.: $250.00 in total according to plans and specifica- tions. On motion of Ald. Ape? the contract for improving Althauser Avenue wall 1'e awarded to the O'Farrell Contract- ing Co. Carried. Dubuque, Iowa, September 9, 1910. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: The undersigned respectfully states that they, and each of them, are quali- fied electors of the City of Dubuque and state of .Iowa, and that they are the successors and assignees of the sa- loon business of Anton Hilkin, now conducted at No. 269 Main street in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. and as such successors and assignees to the busi- ness of said Anton Hilkin they re- spectfully ask your Honorable Body to grant them a new permit or resolution of consent to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors in the City of Du- buque, Iowa, their new location being No, 379 Main street, in the City of Dubuque. and said assignment and transfer of business to be effective from and after the 1st day of October, 1910, and petitioners therefore respect- fully ask your Honorable Body to cause the following resolution to he adopted: On motion of Aid. O'Rourke the prayer of the petitioner was granted. Ald. O'Rourke offered thy following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That colts; nt is hereby given Hilken and Pals (s co -partnership consisting of Anton Hilkin and Peter Pals) as successors and assignees of the business of Anton Hilkin to sell and keep for sale intoxi- cating liquors, and to deal therein in the City of Dubuque as provided by law. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adont`or of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alda. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Specht. Absent—None. Petition of Nest No. 11, Fraternal Order of Orioles, asking for the use of Armory hall to hold a fair from the 24th day of October to the 5th day of November, inclusive, was on motion of Aid. Apel granted. Petition of O. A. O'Hare, asking the Council to order sidewalks laid on Railroad. Avenue and Valley Street. On motion of Ald. Saul referred to Street Commissioner, he to prepare the prop- er resolution and report next meeting. Petition of Elizabeth Bleier. asking the city to accept the sum of $50.00 in full for assessment levied in 1895 and 1896, on lot 22 in Cook's Add., for the improvement of Windsor Avenue. On motion of Ald. Singrin referred to the City Attorney. Petition of Kate Carmody, asking the Council to accept the sum of $25.00 in full for assessment for improvement of Clay Street, on the south one-half of lot 251, was on motion of Ald. Sin - grin referred to the City Attorney. Adjourned Regular Session, September 9, 1910 307 Petition of John Eisenegger, et al„ asking the Council to have a water plug placed at the corner of Twenty- seventh Street and one on the corner of Thirtieth Street was on motion of AId. McEvoy referred to the committee the Mayor previously appointed to confer with the Water Works Trustees. Geo. T. Lyons, secretary of the Board of Trustees of Police Pension Fund, re- ported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:—The undersigned, trus- tees of the Police Pension Fund, beg to report that they met and organized as such Board of Trustees and there- after they determined to flx the mem- bership fee of the policeman at the sum of $2.50 each. Since our organization three members of the police force have made applica- tion to be placed on the pension roll. The applications of two of them were granted by the Board. The third is pending investigation. We would there- fore ask your Honorable Body to order a warrant drawn in favor of the City Treasurer to cover the amount of the appropriation made for the purpose of this fund. GEO. T. LYON, Secretary of Board. On motion of Ald. O'iRourke, the re- port was adopted and a warrant ordered drawn in favor of the City Treasurer. Moved by Aid. O'Rourke that the im- provement for Grandview Avenue be awarded to the O'Farrell Contracting Co., they being the lowest bidder. Car- ried. Your Committee on Streets would re- spectfully .report that we have exam- ined the work of tearing down the con- demned portion of the Bee Branch sewer and the removal of the debris therefrom by the O'Farrell company, contractor, and would respectfully rec- ommend that said work be accepted. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. On motion of Ald. Saul the report was approved and flied. Ald. O'Rourke moved that the spec- ial assessment on East street be take!, from the Committee of the Whole and action taken tonight. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Saner, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Hayes --None. A lc). McEvoy offered the following: Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for improvement of East Street from Delhi Street to Center Street, by O'Farrell Contracting Co., contractors, in front of and adjoining. the same, a special tax he and is hereby .levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and. parcels of rea! estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: German Presbyterian Theo- logical seminary, Reche's Sub. Na. 2, TAIL 11, 557.5 lin. ft. combination curb- stone and gutter at S5c, $973.87; 20 lin. ft. gutter at 65c, $13.011; 778.80 sq. yds. macadamizing at SOc, $623.04; extra expenses at .0842 lin. ft., $46.94 $1156 S5 (German Presbyterian Theo- logical Seminary, iteche's Sub. No, 2, Lot 5. 41 lin. ft. comlrinatil,n curbstone and gutter at 55c, $34.00; 53.30 sq. yds. macadamiz• ing at ,sue. $42.64: extra expenses at .0842 lin. ft., $3.37 8 0 01 German Presbyterian Theo- logical Seminary, Reche's Sub. Na. 2, Lot 9, 72 lin. ft. combination curbstone and gutter :It S5c, $61.20; 115.21 sq. y.ls, macadam- izing at Suc, $92.17; extra expenses at .0842 lin. ft $6.06 159 43 E. A. Engler. Reche's Sub No. 2, Lot 11, 62.3 lin. ft combination curbstone and gutter at S5c, $52.95; 89.88 sq. yds. macadamizing at SOc, $71.90: extra expenses at .084.2 lin. ft.. $5.24 130 09 Wm. Reche Est., Reche's Sub. No. 2, Lot 10, 108.8 lin. ft. combination curb- stone and gutter at 85c; $9.2.48: 174.42 sq. yds. ma- cadamizng at 80c, $139.53; extra expenses at .0542 lin. ft., $9.16 241 17 Jos. Pilmaier, Sub. 14, Ann O'Hare's Sub., Lot 2, 95.9 lin. ft. combination curb- stone and gutter at 85c, $81.52: 151 sq. yds. ma- cadamizing at SOc, $120.80; extra expenses at .0842 lin. tt.. $8.07 Christina hider, Finley, Wa- ples R: horton's Add., Lot 56, 277 lin. ft. combina- tion curbstone and gutter at SIS, 5235.45; 377 sq. yds. macadamizing at 80c, $301.60; extra expenses at .0842 lin. ft.. $23.32 560 37 Geo, Tiampmann, Finley, W'aples & Burton's Add., Lot 55. 182.75 lin. ft. curb- stone at 85c, $155.34: 264.6 sq. yds. macadamizing at 80c $211.68; extra ex - 210 39 308 Adjourned Regular Session, September 9, 1910 penses at .0842 lin. ft., $15.34 Geo. Kampmann, Finley, Waples & Burton's Add., Lot 35. 180.4 lin. ft. com- bination curbstone and gutter at 85c, $153.35; 264.4 sq. yds. macadamiz- ing at 80c, $211.52; extra expenses at .0842 lin. ft., $15.19 Blanch Herbst, Herbst's Sub, Lot 9, 72.6 lin. ft. curb- stone and gutter at 85c, $61.71; 117.1 sq. yds. ma- cadamizing at 80c, $93.68; extra expenses at .0842 lin. ft., $6.11 161 50 Francis Stuble, Herbst's Sub., Lot 8, 50 lin. ft. combination curbstone and gutter at 85c, $42.50; 66.6 sq. yds. macadamizing at 80c, $53.28; extra expenses at .0842 lin. ft., $4.21 99 99 Luella E. Blume, Herbst's Sub., Lot 7, 59.7 lin. ft. combination curbstone and gutter at 85c, $50.74; 90.12 sq. yds. macadamizng at 80c. $72.10; extra expenses at .0842 lin. ft.. $5.03 127 87 J. L: Hirci, Herbst's Sub Sub.. Lot 1, 152.1 lin. ft combination curbstone and gutter at 85c, ,129.29: 226.45 sq. yds. macadamiz- ing at 80c, $181.16; extra expenses at .0842 lin. ft., $12.81 323 26 Ald. McEvoy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Alds. Apel, McEvoy. O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Specht. Nays—None. 382 41 380 05 Ald. O'Rourke moved that the City Recorder consult with the City Attor- ney and proceed to advertise the Sev- enth avenue improvement as soon as possible. Carried. Ald. McEvoy moved that Wm. Clark be appointed inspector of Bluff street. Carried. Ald. Specht moved that the City En- gineer be instructed to give the grade on Heel. street. Carrien, Ald. ()'Rourke moved that Tim Tay- lor be appointed inspector of Seventh street and Mr. Morgan inspector of Fifth street. Carried. Ald. McEvoy moved that the Mayor appoint a delegate to attend the meet- ing of the Iowa League of Municipali- ties at Waterloo. Iowa. Carried. Ald. McEvoy moved that a warrant be drawn on the City Treasurer for the sum of $50.00, dues for 1909 to th,• Iowa League of Municipalities. Car- ried. Aid. Singrin offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby instruct- ed to prepare plans and specifications for the repaving with brick of Clay Street from the south lot line 01' Tenth Street to the south lot Ilne of Eleventh Street and to file the same in the office of the City Recorder, who is hereby directed to advertise for bids for said work in accordance with said plans and specifications and submit the same to the City Council at its session of the 15th inst. Ald. Singrin moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke. Sauer. Saul. Singrin, Specht. Na yes—None. Ald. O'Rourke moved to adjourn. Carried. OTTO P. GEIGER. City Recorder. By Geo. H. Ellwanger, Deputy. Approved ete•... 1910. !;r'gulttr Session, September 15, 1910 800 CITY COUNCIL Regular Session, September 15, 1910. (Official). Council met at 9:00 p. m. Mayor Haas in the chair. Present—Aldermen APO McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin. Specht and Assistant City Attorney Wiliging. Moved by Ald. Singrin that action on the Council proceedings for the month of August, 1910, be deferred until next meeting. Carried. Moved by Ald. Saul that the rules be suspended to allow any one present to address the Council in reference to Grandview Avenue sewer. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Na ys—None. Mr. James F. Donahue addressed the Council, stating in part that he believ- ed that a sewer should be placed on each side of the street and that he would not favor the sewer being placed in the center of the street. Bids for the improvement of Clay Street and for construction of sewer in Grandview Avenue presented. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke all bids be opened. Carried. Clay Street: J. F. Brown, brick paving on old foundation. $1.35 per square yard. H. M. Scharle & Co., brick paving. $1.24 per square yard. O'Farrell Contracting Co.. brick pay- ing, $1.50 per square yard. Street & Steuck, brick paving. $1.25 per square yard. Wilmer Cook, brick paving. *1.40 per square yard. Moved by Ald. Singrin the contract for paving Clay Street. between Tenth and Eleventh Streets, be awarded to H. M. Scharle & Co.. they being the lowest bidders, and bond placed at one-fourth of contract. Carried. Grandview Avenue sewer: H. G. Strong, tile pipe per lineal foot. 75c; manholes, $27.00 each. J. F. Brown, tile pipe per lineal foot. 74c; manholes, $27.10 each. Ch. G. Kringle. tile pipe per lineal foot, 74c; manholes, $23.00 each. H. M. Scharle & Co., tile pipe per lin- eal foot. 76c; manholes. $27.00 each. Miller & Anderson. tile pipe per lineal foot, $1.00; manholes, $35.00. W. T. Hassett. tile pipe per lineal foot, 64c; manholes, $40.00. Moved by Ald. Saul bids he referred to City Engineer, he to report tonight. Carried, BILLS. P. Dunn, repairing cement gutter on lath St $ 5 00 August Mayer, inspector on Martha St. 21 18 Chas. Kaatz, inspector Bee Branch Sewer. 17th St, 9 62 J. Lynch, inspector Bee Branch, 5th Ward 25 02 Fred Keck, 5.11 cu. yds, ma- cadam, 2nd Road Dist. 3 83 O'Fartel contracting Co., 84 yards macadam, 2nd Road Dist. 126 011 Mike Donigan, 9.60 Cu, yds macadam, 2nd Road Dist7 20 Ed. Malloy, 9.91 cu. yds. ma- cadam, 3rd Road Dist. . 7 43 B. Glass, 5.95 cu. yds. ma- cadam, 2nd Road Dist. 4 46 John Mullen. 9.85 cu. yds. ma- cadam. 2nd Road Dist. 7 39 Pat Ryan, 63.6 sq. yds. ma- cadam, 1st Road .Dist. 63 60 Jos. Brouillette. 9 cu. yds macadam, 2nd Road Dist8 25 Smedley Steam Pump Co, repairs and supplies, Road Dept. 45 2t Geo. Ragatz & Son, supplies for Road Dept. 2 23 Key City Rooting Co., lime and cement. Road and Po- lice Dept. 12 20 Purington Paving Brick Co, brick for 2nd :Road Dist83 96 Geo. W. Healey & Son, sup- plies for Road Dept. 60 D. & J. Hoerner, shovels for Road Dept. 3 75 P. J. Seippel Lumber Co, lumber for Road Dept. 39 17 Austin Western Co.. repairs for Road Dept 27 00 Pannett Mfg. Co., road oil 28 80 Peter Even, coal for steam roller 15 00 W. D. Deckert Co., supplies for steam roller 9 35 (leo. Hock, supplies for Road Dept. 75 John Neuman & Son, repairs. stern roller S 00 Standard (ill Co., all for Road Dept. 2 48 (leo. Hock, repairs for Road Dept. 6 (10 Peter Lange. har'dwar'e for Road and Fire Depts. 5 35 Eagle Point Lime Works, stone for (toad Dept. 48 00 Key Pity Roofing Co., ce- ment for Road Dept. 24 18 Dr. H. J. Hagerty. veterinary service for several depart- ment Standard (lil Co., road oil ,344 56 \Wn. Marshall, repairs and supplies for steam roller 98 91 Key CityIron Works, repairs 21 60 J1 0 Regular Session, September 15, 1910 and supplies for Road Dept. F. Schloz & Son, repairs and supplies, Road and Police Department ....... Clancy Transfer Co., coal for Road Dept. Peter J. Seippel Lumber Co lumber for City. ,Hall. and sidewalks Michael Mullen, repairs at City Hall. A. E. Bradley, patching paper in Council room E. Millins, sharpening lawn mower F. Mertz, making keys for City Hall Jame" Beach, soap for City Hall Berg & Briggs, printing bonds . for Hayden Lane sewer, Bluff Street and Seminary Street Western Union Telegraph Co, clock service Foely Hand Laundry, towel • service C. E. Fitzpatrick Co., supplies for various offices Collings & Pfiffner, horse - shoeing for Police and Fire Depts. Key City Gas Co., coke for Fire Dept Geo. Ragatz & Son, supplies and repairs for Fire Dept. P. J. Seippel Lumber Co., lumber for Fire Dept. Charles E. Berry, harness for Fire Dept. McClain Bros., feed for Fire Dept. John Neuman & Son, repairs for Fire Dept. Geo. Deyoe, horseshoeing for Fire Dept. American La France Fire En- gine Co., supplies for Fire Dept. Mat. Stafford, feed for Fire Dept Lagen, Peed & Berwanger, horseshoeing for Fire Dept. Wunderlich & Wiederhoit, horseshoeing for Fire Dept. Union Electric Co., city firm alarm power John Butt, repairs for Fire Dept. J. F. Ris & Bro., lanterns for Fire Dept. Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies for matrons A. J. Hartig, drugs for Police Dept. Mettel Bros., feed for Police Dept.... Key City Gas Co., rental and inspection gas arcs for Po- lice and Fire Depts. Ed. Norton, meals furnished 44 69 prisoners 2 60 Bradford Bros., wall paper for Police Dept. 3 45 5 00 E. T. Cleaver. repairs at Pa- trol House 6 95 39 92 American Ever -Ready Co, supplies for Police Dept. 4 00 Hussman & Lies, supplies for 125 35 Sewer Dept. 2 a5 D. & J. Hoerner, ax handles 4 50 for Sewer Dept. 40 Lagen, Peed & Berwanger, 50 horseshoeing for Fire Dept. 2 00 F. Schloz & Son, repairs and 1 50 supplies for Fire and Side- walk Depts. 2 10 2 80 Dubuque Lumber Co., lum- ber for sidewalks 26 26 3 20 Standard Lumber ,Co., lum- ber for sidewalks 21 45 Dubuque Telephone Co., tele- phone rental 11 50 9 50 Iowa Telephone Co., tele- phone rental 34 34 1 00 Union Electric Co., light for August, 1910 2253 85 4 00 Key City Gas Co., light for various offices 68 95 22 20 Labor Leader, advertising for August, 1910 12 50 National Demokrat, adver- 12 00 tising for August. 1910 12 50 Smith -Morgan Printing Co 30 30 printing for various office:38 40 Telegraph -Herald. printing 2 00 8 58 Times -Journal, printing Coun- cil Proceedings, August 125 12 20 49 Telegraph - Herald, printing Council Proceedings, August 121 47 17 75 W. D. Deckert Co., railing. Bluff Street Extension 126 00 1 35 Dubuque Sand & Gravel Co gravel and sand for Bluff 4 85 Street Extension 16 52 T. J. Mulgrew, cement for 3 00 Bluff Street Extension 39 55 E. T. Frith, hauling garbage and dead animals, August396 80 26 65 Dubrque Boat and Boiler Works, iron for garbage 236 55 dump 28 00 P. J. Seippel Lumber Co, 11 50 lumber for Board of Health 5 66 O'Farrell Contracting Co., 12 50 5% retained on improving alley between 8th and 9th 2 00 and Washington and Jack- son Streets 15 80 2 70 C'Fari ell Contracting Co ren.oving debris from Bee 3 25. Branch sewer, between 16th and 17th Streets 400 00 6 70 O'Farrell Contracting Co, constructing Bee Branch 9 70 sewer 2177 70 J. F. Brown, 5% retained, 4 50 constructing sewer in Glen Oak Ave. 29 16 Thos. Jess, 5% retained, con - 2 00 structing sewer in Francis Street 28 95 Regular Session, September 15, 1910 wit) W. Cook, .5% 'retained. im- proving Stoltz Ave. ;,6 23 Moved by Aid. Saul that warrant=; be drawn on Treasurer and all bills properly O. K.'d be. paid and others be referred to Committee of Whole. Car- ried. Bills of J. B. Workman and C. E. Fitzpatrick referred to Committee of Whole. Moved by Ald. Saul that the contract to construct sanitary sewer in Grand- view Avenue and Dodge Street be awarded to Thomas Hassett and bond placed at one-fourth of contract. Car- ried. PETITIONS. Petition of Mrs. Joe Mad], asking that the taxes on lot 249, Davis Farm addition, be cancelled, presented. On motion of Ald. Singrin prayer granted. Petition of Mrs. R. Bernhard, et al., asking that an electric light be placed on the corner of Klingenberg Terrace, Klein Street, presented. On motion of Ald. Sauer referred to Committee of Whole. Petition of Abe 'Urbach, asking that the City Engineer be instructed to set stakes showing the grade on Grand- view Avenue in front of lots 1, 2, 3. 4, 5 and 6, block 4, in Grandview Park ad • ditlon presented. On motion of Ald. Saul prayer granted. Petition of Albert Gasser, et al, ask- ing that an electric light be placed midway between Dodge Street and West Third Street on Grandview Ave- nue. On motion of Ald. Saul referred to Committee of Whole. Petition of Mary L. Casey, asking that the taxes for year of 1909 on lot No. 2, Finley Add., be cancelled pre- sented. On motion of Ald., McEvoy referred to the Delinquent Committee. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—The undersigned would respectfully state that he is the pur- chaser, successor and assignee of the business of Fred Knockle in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, which said Free Knockle has, therefore, held and been granted a resolution of consent by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. Iowa, authorizing him to engage in the sale of intoxicating liquor in said city, and your petitioner as purchaser, suc- cessor and assignee of the business of said Fred Knockle, respectfully asks 311 your honorable body to grant him a new resolution of consent to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, and to cause the following resolution to be adopted. On motion of Ald. J Sin1grinR prayer granted. Ald• Apel offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City council of the City of Dubuque, That consent previously given to Fred Knockle to conduct and carry on a place for the retail sale of intoxicating liquors in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, in accordance with the laws of Iowa and the Ordi- nance of the City of Dubuque. is here- by regranted to John Graas as assignee of said Fred Knockle. Ald. Apel moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy. O'Rourke, Saul, Sauer. Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Petition of the Woman's Relief Corps, No. 37, asking permission to hold a bazaar in the Armory. September 29, 30 and Oct. 1st, presented. On motion of Ald. Sauer prayer granted. Petition of Mrs. Mary K. Jaeger, ask- ing that the personal taxes for the years 1907, 1908 and 1909 he canceled, presented. On motion of Aid. Apel referred to Committee of Whole. Petition of Josephine Leahey, asking that the assessment on lot 2 of 1 and 8 of 45 of 1 of 47 of mineral lot 153, un- divided part, be reduced from $1200.00 to $800.00, presented. On motion of Ald. Apel referred to Committee of Whole. • Petition of E. H. Sheppley, asking that the brick paving and curbing ii front of lots 767 and 768a in Mc - Daniels' Add., he allowed to remain, presented. On motion of Ald. Saul referred to Committee of Whole. Petition of Mrs. William Ballard, stating that the City Council canceled the taxes on the west half of lot 3 of mineral lot 149 for the year of 1907 and she believed that said action relieved her of the necessity of paying taxes on said property during the balance of her life, but she finds that she was in error as the said property was sold for taxes of 1908. She therefore asks the Coun- cil to redeem said lot for her and can- cel all taxes assessed against the same. On motion of Ald. Saul prayer granted and the City Treasurer to be in- structed. 312 Regular Session, September 15, 1910 Report of Dubuque Park Commis- sion presented. On 'motion of Ald. O'Rourke referred to Committee of Whole. Notice of Edna Phillabaum, claiming $1,200.00 damages for personal injuries claimed to have been sustained on the 20th day of August, 1910, on the plana sidewalk on the east side of approach to Dubuque and Wisconsin bridge, pre- sented. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke referred to City Attorney. Dubuque, Ia., September 15, 1910. To the Honorable City Council, Du- buque, Iowa: Gentlemen: At the session of your honorable body, held on the 9th inst.. you referred me the matter of ap- pointing a delegate to the meeting of the League of Iowa Municipalities to be held in Waterloo during the coming week, and I take pleasure in appoint- ing Alderman O'Rourke as delegate tc represent the City of Dubuque in said convention. Very respectfully, D. J. HAAS. Mayor. On motion of Ald. Saul appointment approved. City Attorney Lyon reported as fol- io\vs: To the Hon. Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The undersigned, to whom was referred the petition of Elizabeth Bieler and Katie Carmody, respectively, stating that certain special assessments for street and alley im- provements had become barred by the running of the limitation against their collection, and offering the pay- ment of certain sums in full of said assessments would report as follows: In the matter of the Elizabeth Bieler Tet'.tion, T find the facts to be as set out therein, the two levies referred to having been made in 1892 and 1895, re- spectively. • in the Katie Carmody matter, I find that the assessment Was levied in the year 1895, assessment be- ing for $71.25. that there has been paid in all on said assessment the sum of $21._1 on principal, and interest te. November 1, 1907. As all of the assess- ment in question are barred by the statute as construed by our courts, legal enforcement of same could not be effected. This has been • the uni- form holding 'I' the city attorney's office. The proposals of adjustment being in each instance as fair and lib- eral as those accepted by the council in the past on the average, I would recommend that the petitions be granted as prayed. Respectfully, GEO. 9'. LYON. City Attorney. Moved by Aid. O'fiourke the report he adopted Rs read. Carried. Your Committee on Finance would respectfully . report that the term o,' the supersedeas bond .filed by. the City Council with the Supreme Court in th" case of Martin & Strelau vs. City of Dubuque hrt.s expired and that we hatv.., had the same renewed Mr another year. In case of an earlier decision by the Supreme Court, the unearned premium pro rata for the number of full ntontltx still to run• to be returned to the city We would further recommend that n warrant be ordered drn twII an the City Treasurer in favor of M. J. Mc('ollouglt for $427.50 in payment of the premium on said bond. JOHN O'ROI'RKE. Chairman. On motion of Ald. Saul, action of committee approved. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the hid of the O'Farrell Contracting Company for constructing the Ree Branch sewer at Eighteenth Street, AVOW' respectfully recommend that the contract be award- ed to said firm. Your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that in view of the fact that the Poundniaster has completed the enumeration of dogs in the city, the tell dollars per month al- lowed for such service be discontinued I't•ont and after the 1st day of Septem- ber, 1910. Your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that there In' paid to the abutting property owners on Bluff Street from Eight to Four- teenth Street, the sum of twenty cents per lineal foot for all good curbing determined by the Street C'onlnlittee and City Engineer. Your Committee of the Whole, t' whom were referred the following bills would respectfully recommend that the same be allowed and that \v,rrruurtr in setlement thereof beo rdered drawn oft the City 'Treasurer: M. Tsc•hirgi & Son, 5 per cent. on 32nd Street sewer $ 45.cic: O'Farrell Contracting Co.. 5 per cent. retained on curbing and guttering Davis Avenue 15 71 O'Farrell contracting Co_ second estimate grading East Strict., M. S. Hardie. blank book for ('ity Auditor n' JAMES SAU'L., Chairman. Moved by Ald. Saul the adoption of various reports of Committee of Whole. Ca rried. Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol- lows: 'ro the Honorable' Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The following is the hay roll of the Fire Department for tip'' first half of September. 1910: Regular Session, September 15, 1910 Amount due Firemen $1,625.00 Respectfully submitted, J. R. REINFRIED, Chief. Approved by the Committee on Fire. On motion of Ald. Singrin, the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the firemen, and the re- port referred back to the Committee on Fire. Chief of Police Reilly reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The following is the pay roll of Police Department for the first half of September, 1910: Amount due Policemen $1,421.00 Respectfully submitted, THOMAS REILLY, Chief. On motion of Ald. Sauer, the report and pay roll were received and war- rants ordered drawn to pay the Police- men and report referred to the Com- mittee on Police and Light. Street Commissioner Mahoney re- ported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the pay roll for labor on streets during the first half of September, 1910: Amount due laborers on streets.$2,111.10 Approved by Committee on Streets. Also submit the pay roll for labor on sewers, during the last half of Sep- tember, 1910: Amount due laborers sewers on ..$205.10 Respectfully submitted. JOHN MAHONY. Street Commissioner. Approved by Committee on Sewers. On motion of Ald. Saul the pay rolls on streets and sewers were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts and the pay rolls and report referred back to the proper committees. Street Commissioner Mahony also re- ported there was due laborers $52.20 for work done on Bluff Street Exten- sion; also due laborers $62.50 for \vork done on Heeb street. On motion of Ald. Saul pay rolls re- ceived and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts and pay rolls and report referred back to proper committees. Street Commissioner Mahoney re- ported $160.20 due laborers for work done in the Fifth road district during the first half of September. Moved by Ald. Sauer that the $2500.00 in County Road fund be divided be- tween the First. Fourth and Fifth districts and any other remainder to be divided likewise. Carried. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that the two bills for labor to the Fifth road 313 district be paid from the Fifth road district fund. Carried. After discussing as to where the money in the three road funds shall be expended it was stated by AId. Saul that he expected to expend the First Road Fund on Locust street. frorli Jones south, and on Dodge street. AId. McEvoy stated he expected to expend the Fourth Road District Fund on Asbury street from the asylum to the Rescue Home. AId. Specht stated he expected to expend the Fifth [-toad l.)istriet Fund illillville road, Sagevilhe i cal and Kaufman avenue. Bill of O'Farrell Conirictini- per cent of Bee Branch contract. total of $2177.70, read. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke a warrant be drawn in favor of O'Farrell Contracting Co. for $2004.00 as part payment. Carried. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that a com- mittee of three be appointed with a view of securing an option on the Olinger ground, Twenty-second and Jackson street, for park purposes. ('arried. AId. O'Rourke moved the rules be suspended to allow Mr. F. W. Thesing to address the council. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Apel. McEvoy, Saul, Sauer. O'Rourke, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Mr. Thesing addressed the council and asked that they investigate his claim for damages at once. Moved by Ald. Saul that the Com- mittee on Public Grounds and Build- ings be instructed to inspect the Ninth Street Engine House and have the necessary repairs made. Carried. Moved by Ald. McEvoy that the En- gineer be instructed to give grade stakes to Mr. E. Kuehnel, abutting lot 17. Carried. Ald. Singrin stated he had appointed C. W. Katz inspector of Bee Branch sewer, Sixteenth street north. Ap- pointment approved by council. Ald. Specht stated he had appointed Mr. Klump inspector on Windsor ave- nue. Appointment approved by coun- cil. Moved by AId. Saul to adjourn t6 Sept. 20, 1910. Carr d.,!/,, v ` , 1910. 314 Adjourned Regu l;l r Session, September 20, 1910 CITY COUNCIL. Adjourned Regular Session, September 20, 1910. (Official.) Mayor Haas in the chair. Council met at 8:45 p. m. Present—Ads. O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, McEvoy, Singrin, Specht, Apel and City Attorney Lyon. Mayor Haas stated that the meeting was an adjourned meeting of the reg- ular session of September 15, 1910, and was called to take up and consider all matters which may properly come be- fore a regular session of the City Council. Petition of Frank Kenneally et al., asking that the water main be ex- tended from Grandview avenue and South Dodge street about 1,000 feet southerly thereof, presented. On motion of Ald Saul, referred to com- mittee previously appointed to confer with the waterworks trustees. Petition of E. A. Higgins asking for permission to operate a skating rink at the head of the Ice Harbor for a period of five years was presented. On motion of Ald. Singrin referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of The First National bank asking that their assessment be re- stored to the amount of their capital stock only was presented. On motion of Ald. Saul, referred to Committee of Whole. Petition of Rev. Aug. Santer et al. asking that an arc light be placed on Washington street between Thirty- first and Thirty-second streets was presented. On motion of Ald. Saul, referred to Committee of Whole. Petition of the German Trust and Savings bank asking that their assess- ment be restored to the amount of their capital stock only presented. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke, referred to Committee of Whole. Petition of German Savins bank asking that their assessment be re- stored to the amount of their capital stock only presented. On motion of Ald. Specht, referred to Committee of Whole. Petition of Jacob Mehl asking that the petition presented sometime ago in reference to assessment against his property and referred to the Commit- tee of the Whole, that the same be considered at an early date and that he is willing to pay the sum of $270.00 in full of said assessment, presented. On motion of Ald. Saul referred to Committee of Whole. City Recorder Geiger presented and read the printed notice, certified to by the publishers of the City Council in- tention to improve Seventh avenue from the north lot line of Rhomberg avenue to a point about a thousand feet northerly thereof, also the remon- strance of Sara Ham, A. L. Rhomberg et al and Henry Sears et al. Moved by Ald. Specht that the notice and remonstrance be received and filed. Carried. City Engineer Baumgartner present- ed a profile of grade on Seventh ave- nue, after discussing the same it was moved by Ald. Specht the grade is adopted and the Ordinance Committee be instructed to draft the proper ordi- nance. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. , Dubuque, Ia., Sept. 20, 1910. To the Honorable City Council, City of Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: Acting in conformity with your instructions of the 15th inst.. I would respectfully report that I have appointed Aids. O'Rourke, Singrin and Specht as a special committee to con- fer with John Olinger relative to se- curing an option on the plot of ground owned by him on Twenty-second and Jackson streets for park purposes. Very respectfully, D. J. HAAS. Mayor, On motion of Aid. Saul appnintni nt approved. Dubuque, Ia. Sept. 20. 1910. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of Dubuque: Gentlemen: On the 1st day of Sept- ember, 1910, Mrs. A. J. Brown received personal injuries, as a result of fall- ing on a sidewalk on the west side of Washington street bet•.veen Twentieth and Twenty-first streets, the sidewalk at the point mentioned being defective. I made a personal investigation of the matter, together with the Mayor and found that the sidewalk was defective and was convinced as to the extent of the injuries sustained. Believing it to be to the best inter- ests of the city I offered Mrs. Brown Ten Dollars ($10.00) in full settlement of her claim, which she accepted. and I recommend that you approve this re- port and that you order a warrant drawn in favor of the Treasurer for Ten Dollars, the amount advanced by him for the above purpose. Respectfully submitted, GEO. T. LYON, City Attorney. Moved by Ald. Apel the report he approved and a warrant be drawn. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke, chairman of the com- mittee appointed to confer with Mr. Olinger regarding property on Jack- Adjourned Regular Session, September 23, 1910 son and Twenty-second street made a verbal report as follows. That they had a conference with \1r. Olinger and they decided to recommend to accept an option to run to January 1, 1913, the price for said property to be $36,000 if the city accepts they to have full control of property to January 1, 1913. and for the said option they are to grant Mr. Olinger release from taxes to January 1, 1913, and take care of said property. Moved by Ald Mc- Evoy that this matter he referred to Committee of Whole. Carried. Moved by Ald. Singrin that the chairman of the Republican and Dem- ocratic Central Committees be re- quested to submit names for Register Clerks. Carried. Moved by Ald. Saul to adjourn to adjourn to Sept. 23, 1910. Carried. Approved ! /• 2 1910. \tto-t: Mayor. Recorder. 315 CITY COUNCIL (Official.) Adjourned Il(aular Session, September 23, 1910. Mayor Haas in the chair. council met at 9:50 p. m. Present—alds, -APO. O'Rourke, Specht and City Attorney Lyon. Absent—_alds. Alel coy. Singrin and \layer Haas stated that the meeting was an adjourned meeting of the ad- journed meeting of Septeber 20, of the regular session of September 15, 1910, and was called to take up and consider all matters which may properly come before a regular session of the City council. Saul, Moved by Ald. Saul to adjourn to September 26, 1910. Carried. Approved. LAf Mayor e2'4C-6" Recorder 316 Regular Session, September 26, 1910 CITY COUNCIL. (Official,) Adjourned Regular Session, September 26, 1910. Mayor Haas in the chair. Council met at 8:30 p. m. Present—Alds. Apel, O'Rourke, Saul, Specht, McEvoy, Singrin, Sauer and City Attorney Lyon. Absent—None. Mayor Haas stated that the meeting was an adjourned meeting of the ad- journed meeting of September 23, of the adjourned meeting of Sept. 20 of the regular session of September 15, 1910, and was called to take up and consider all matters which may proper- ly come before a regular session of the City Council. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke the Council Proceedings for month of August be approved as printed. Carried. Moved by Ald. Saul that when we ad- journ we adjourn to Sept. 28, 1910, and action on the appointing of register clerks be deferred to Sept. 28. Carried Petition of D. D. Meyers and signed by about 100 others asking that some action looking to the retention of C., G. W. railroad division point be taken was presented. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that the Mayor appoint a committee consisting of five members of the City Council. five from the Shippers associa- tion, five from the employes of the Great Western railroad and five from the Labor Unions of the city, the said committee to confer with the officials of the C., G. W. railroad relative to re- taining the division point. Carried. Petition of Peter Seemon et al. ask- ing that Lawler avenue be graded west of Burden avenue presented. Moved by Ald. Saul be referred to the com- mittee of the Whole to view the ground. Carried. Remonstrance of Mrs. B. Meeker against the improvement of Bluff street between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets was presented. On motion of Ald. Mc- Evoy, received and filed. City Recorder Geiger presented and read the printed notice, certified to by the publishers, of the City's Council intentions to improve Irving avenue from Delhi street to Decorah avenue. No remonstrance being filed and no one in the room objecting to the improve- ment the notice, on motion of Ald. McEvoy was received and filed. City Recorder Geiger presented and read the printed notice, certified to by the publishers of the City Council's in- tentions to improve Delhi street from Asbury street to the City limits. No remonstrance being filed and no one in the room objecting to the improvement the notice on motion of Ald. McEvoy was received and filed. Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: Attached please find re- ceipt for Five Hundred and Ninety- three and 37-100 Dollars, which amount was advanced by me to pay the City's assessment for the improvement of Bluff street abutting Washington park, and for which amount please hate warrrant drawn in my favor. Yours Very Truly, GEO. D. WYBRANT, Treasurer. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke the report be accepted and warrant be ordered drawn in favor of Treasurer for the amount. Carried. Ald. Singrin, chairman of the Com- mittee on Fire, reported that one of the fire horses was sick. On motion of Ald. Sauer the natter was referred to the Committee on Fire, they to re- port at next meeting. Moved by Ald. Specht, that the mar- ket master be instructed to see that the fruit dealer on lowa street, between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets oc- cupies no more space than that for which he has paid for. Carried. Moved by Ald. Sauer that the Com- mittee on Public Grounds and Build- ings be instructed to have the door at the Ninth Street Engine House repair- ed, also to have the sidewalk in front of said building repaired. Carried. Alderman Specht offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the Chicago Great Western Railroad Company he instructed to fill up, within fifteen days from date of the passage hereof. the ditch on the westerly side of Elm street from Twenty-fifth to Twenty-seventh street and that in case of the failura or neglect of said railroad company to comply with the terms hereof within the time specified, that the \vork he done by the City and the expense thereof assessed against the said Chi- cago Great Western Railroad company. Moved by Ald. Sauer to be referred to the Committee of the Whole to view the ground. Carried. Alderman Specht offered the follow • ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Seventh avenue from Rhomberg avenue to a point nine hundred feet northwesterly thereof be improved by grading, curb- ing, guttering and Taroid macadamiz- Adjourned Regular Session, September 26, 1910 317 ing the same in accordance with the plans and specifications for such im- provement prepared by the City Engi- neer and now on the in the office of the City Recorder and be it further Resolved, that said improvement shall be completed on or before the first day of December, 1910, and shall be paid for in the manner prescribed by Chapter XXXII of the Revised Ordinance of the City of Dubuque for the payment of the cost of street im- provements. The proposals for doing said work shall be acted upon by the Council on the 6th day of October. 1910, and the City Recorder is hereby ordered to 'give ten days' notice ny publication asking for porposals as provided by ordinance. Ald. Specht moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas — Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Alderman O'Rourke offered the fol- lowing: Whereas. The contract heretofore en- tered into by the City of Dubuque for the improvement of at street as herein- after described has been completed, and the City Engineer has computed that the cost and expense of said im- provement amount to $4,013.39. Therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to provide for the cost of curling, guttering and macadamizing East street from Delhi street to Center street, the Mayor be and he is hereby required to execute and deliver to the City Recorder. to be by him registered and countersigned. fifteen bonds for two hundred and fifty dollars each and one bond for two hundred and sixty- three and 39-100 dollars numbered 1019 to 1034 inclusive, dated October 15. 1910. payable on or before seven years after the date thereof, and bearing interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum. payable semi-annually. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Apel, McEvoy. O'Rourke. Sauer. Saul, Singrin and Specht. Nays—None. Alderman McEvoy offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Irving avenue from Delhi street to Decorah avenue be improved by grading, curb- ing, guttering and macadamizing the same in accordance with the plans and specifications for such improvement prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Record- er and be it further Resolved, that ' said improvement shall be completed on or before the first day of December. 1910. and shall he paid for in the manner prescribed by Chapter XXXII of the Revised Ordin- ance of the City for the payment of the cost of street improvements. The proposals for doing said work shall be acted upon by the Council on the 6th day of October, 1910, and the City Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication asking for proposals as provided by ordinance. Ald. McEvoy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Soul, Sauer, Singrin and Specht. Nays—None. Ald. 51.•Evwty offered the following: Be it liesolveil by the city Council of the City of Dubuque-, That Delhi street from its intersection with Asbury street southwesterly to the city limits be improved by grading, curbing, gut- tering and macadamizing the same in accordance with the plans and specifi- cations for such improvement prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder and he it further Resolved, that said improvement shall he completed on or before the first day of December, 1910, and shall be paid for in the manner prescribed by Chapter XXXii of the Revised Ordin- ance of the city of Dubuque for the payment of the cost of street improve- ments. The proposals for doing said work shall be noted upon by the Council on the 6th day of October, 1910, and the City Recorder is hereby ordered to give ton days' notice by publication asking for proposals as provided by ordina ace. :aid. McEvoy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Apel. Sb'Evoy. O'Rourke. Sauer. SOOT. Singrin and Specht. Nays—None. Ald. McEvoy, chairman of Ordinance Committee offered the following: AN ORDINANCE. An ordinance establishing :t grade on Seventh Avenue from ithonnberg Ave - one to Station `^. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dolomite: Section 1. That as grade on Sei•enth Avenue from lthombei'e Avenue to Sta- tion he had the c:nnr is hereby adopted and established :is shown by the profile of said street and grade 'weir:ired by the City Eaie'h iemi wind ;u•- ceptcd by the City Council on the 20th day of September 1910, being Profile N,,. 679 and marked "Grade and Profile of Seventh Avenue from Rhonberg Ave nue to Eagle Point Park Entrance. Bench Marks: Window Sill of Paul Brown's house at Station 3-29, eleva- tion 45.99. Tron Pipe at east fence if Station 24+65.fi0, 0.60 feet above ground, elevation 59.01." Said grade beginning 31t• Adjourned Regular Session, September 26, 1910 at the north curb line of Rhomberg Avenue which is station 0, elevation thence to station 1, elevation thence to station 2, elevation thence to station 2+64, elevation thence to station 3, elevation thence to station 3+29, elevation thence to station 4. elevation thence to station 4+20, elevation thence to station 5, elevation thence to station 6, elevation thence to station 6+70, elevation thence to station 7, elevation 36.12; 38.73; 41.33; 43.00; 44.11; 45.00; 48.32; 49.00; 50.00; 61.50; 52.55; 53.00; thence to station 8, elevation 54.50; thence to station 9, elevation 56.u0; thence to station 10, elevation 57.50; thence to station 11, elevation 59.00; thence to station 12, elevation 60.50: thence to station 13, elevation 62.00; thence to station 14, elevation 63.50; thence to station 15, elevation 65.00; thence to station 16, elevation 67.00; thence to station 17, elevation 69.00; thence to station 18, elevation 71.00; thence to station 18+90.2, elevation 73.00; thence to station 20, elevation 75.00; thence to station 21, elevation 77.00; thence to station 22, elevation 79.00; thence to station 22+93.3, eleva- tion 81.00; thence to station 24, eleva- tion 83.00; thence to station 25, eleva- tion 85.00. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and it publication one time in the Dubuque Times -Journal and Telegraph -Herald newspapers. Adopted 1910. Approved—co-7' ' „ 1910. Attest Mayor City Recorder. Ald. McEvoy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the folow- ing vote: Yeas—Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Saul, Sauer, Singrin and Specht. Nays—None. Ald. McEvoy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carriea 13y the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Saul, Sauer, Singrin and Specht. Nays—None. Ald. Specht offered the following: Whereas it is deemed necessary and expedient to improve the east side of Klein street between Kauf- man avenue and Klingenberg Terrace in front and abutting the premises hereinafter described by laying down a permanent sidewalk thereon: Com- posed of cement five feet wide. Therefore be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, na- ture and extent of the proposed im- provement on the east side of Klein street between Kaufman avenue and Klingerberg Terrace and in front t .f and abutting lot 2 of Chas. Klinger - berg's 4 in Sub. and the kind of ma- terial to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof and th.• amount and cost of such improv,•_ ment, and the amount and cost there_ of, her •- of, to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assess able upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and n. file such plat and estimate in th. office of the City Recorder: that af• ter filing 01' said 'plat ;incl estimate in his office, the City Itceartier shall notify said abutting and adjacent property owners. as provided by ordimunc ., tint such plat and esti- anate are ':n tile, the location and a t- ture of the improvement, kind of ma- terial to be used, and an estimate et its cost, and the time before which ebjectious thereto can be tiled, :tad the time fixed for hearing. which time shell not he less than five (5) days after the service of such notice, and after :ouch service shall have been made, the City Recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. Specht move,] the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas--.Vtls. :1p0 Mc- Evoy, O'Rourke. ;t tt t, ti.rnl. 'ingrin ane Specht. Noyes—None.. Aid. Specht offered the following: Be it Resolved by City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: That a permanent sidewalk of the width of six feet be and the same is hereby ordered to be laid on the west side of Rhomberg avenue between Schiller and Middle avenues, and in front of the following described premises, lot 15 in McCraney's 2nd Addition. Such sidewalk to be con- structed of material and in the manner as follows, to -wit: On a sub -base of cinders or broken stone eight inches deep shall be laid a base composed of one part of Portland cement, two parts of clean sharp sand and four parts of broken stone, on top of which shall be laid a wearing sur- face one inch thick composed of equal parts of Portland cement and clean finely crushed stone or gravel. Said sidewalk to be completed on or before the first day of November, 1910, and the cost of the same he taxed against said premises and collected in the manner prescribed by law. Be it Further Resolved, That said property owner be and is authorized to construct said sidewalk at his own ex- pense, provided he begins work thereon within ten days after being notified by the City Recorder of the passage of this resolution by the City Council, and Adjourned Regular Session, September 26, 1910' completes the same within thirty days thereafter. Be it Further Resolved, That if said work is not commenced within the time named in said notice that the City Recorder be and is hereby ordered to give ten days notice by two publica- tions asking for proposals for the doing of said work under contract with the City The proposals for the doing of said work shall be acted upon by the City Council on the 20th day of c tetober, 1910. Ald. tiit•oht moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Apel, McEvoy, 4t'Rourke. Saul, Saner, Singrin, and Specht. Nuys --Nano. 11d. Speeht uttered the fallow:ng: Whereas it is deemed necessary and expedient to improve the easterly side of Garfield avenue between Windsor avenue and Humbolt avenue in front of and abutting the premises herein- after described by laying down a per- manent sidewalk thereon: To he com- posed of cement material four feet wide. Therefore be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, nature and extent of the proposed improve- ment on the easterly side of Garfield avenue between Windsor avenue and in front of and abutting lot 2 of .Mineral lot 466, and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof and the amount and cost of such•improvement, and the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat snd estimate in the office of the City Recorder; that after filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the City Recorder shall notify said abutting and adjacent pro- perty owners, as provided by ordinance, that such plat and estimate are on file, the location and nature of the improve- ment kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five (5) days after the service of such notice, and after such service shall have been made, the City Recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. Specht moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Apel, Saul, Singrin, McEvoy, O'Rourke and Specht. Nays— None, 319 Aid• Specht offered the following: Re it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: That a premanent sidewalk of the width of fear feet.be and the same is hereby ordered to be laid on the south side of \fiddle avennt' between Rhom- berg and a ai'lieltl avenues, ;and in front of the following deseribed premises lots 19 and 2], W'ick's Addition. Sneh side- walk to he it,iti-U•n, tt,,l of aeiterials and in the manner its fellews, to -wit: cin it suit -base ,If itd.'rs or broken stone eight iui hes deep shall he laid base three inches thick composed of one part of Portland concent two parts of clean, sharp sand and four punts 01 hrnken smut', un top (ti' which sh;ail be laid a wearing surface one inch thick composed of i' ual parts of Yortlaml content and clean, finely- crushed hard stone or gravel. Said sidewalk to be completed on or before the first of November, 1910, and the cost of tilt same be taxed against said premises and collected in the manner prescribed by He it further Resolved. That said property owner lie and is authorized hi construct said sidewalk at his own expense, provided he begins work thereon within ten clays after being notified by the City Recorder of the passage of this resolution by the City council, and completes the same with- in thirty days hereafter. Ile it Further Resolved, That if said work is not commenced within the time named in said notice that the City Recorder he and is hereby ordered to give ten days notice by two publica- tions asking for proposals for the doing of said work under contract with the City. The proposals for the doing of said work shall be acted upon by the City Council on the 20th day of October. 1910. Ald. Specht moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Saul, Sauer, Singrin and Specht. Nays—None. Ald. Specht offered the Iollowing: Be it Resolved by. the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: That a permanent sidewalk of the width of four feet be and the same is hereby ordered to be laid on the east side of Rhomberg avenue between Schiller and Middle avenues, and in front of the following described premises lot 19 in Wick's Addition. Such sidewalk to be constructed of ma- terials and in the manner as follows, to -wit: On a sub -base of cinders or broken stone eight inches deep shall be laid two parts of clean, sharp sand and four parts of broken stone, on top of which shall be laid a wearh,,,r surface com- posed of equal parts of Portland cement and clean, finely crushed hard 320 Adjourned Regular Session, tieptember 26, 1910 stone or gravel. Said sidewalk to be completed on or before the first day of November, 1,910 and the cost of the same be taxed against said premises and collected in the m..nrter prescribed by law. Be it Further Resolved, That said property owner be and is authorized to construct said sidewalk at his own ex- pense, provided he begins work there- on within ten days after being notified by the City Recorder of the passage of this resolution by the City Council, and completes the same within thirty days thereafter. Be it Further Resolved. That if said work is not commenced within the time named in said notice that the City Rec- order be and is hereby ordered to give ten days notice by two publications asking for proposals for the doing of said work under contract with the city. The proposals for the doing of said work shall be acted upon by the City Council on the 20th clay of October, 1910. Ald. Specht moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Saul, Sauer, Singrin and Specht. Nays—None. Ald. Saul offered the following: Whereas it is deemed necessary and expedient to improve the west side of Locust street between First street and Jones street in front of and abutting the premises hereinafter described by laying down a permanent sidewalk thereon: Therefore be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat show- ing generally the location, nature and extent of the proposed improvement on the west side of Locust street between First and Jones streets and in front of and abutting lot South 65 feet of City lot 567, and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the en- tire cost thereof and the amount and cost of such improvement, and the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City Recorder: that after the filing of sate. prat and esti- mate in his office, the City Recorder shall notify said abutting and adjacent property owners, as provided by ordin- ance, that such plat and estimate are on file, the location and nature of the improvement, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which objections there- to can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five (5) days after the service of such notice, and after such service shall have been made, the City Rec- order shall, at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a copy of such notice accompanying the same. Aid. Saul moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Apel. McEvoy, O'Rourke, Saul, Sauer, Singrin and Specht. Nays—None. Ald. Saul offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a permanent sidewalk of the width of eight feet be and the same is hereby ordered to be laid on the north side of Second street, between i.oeast and Bluff street, and in front iif the following described premises city It 116. Such sidewalk to be coostructcd of mat,'rials and in the manner r,. follows, to wit: (in sub -base of sinners or broken stone eight inches deep shall be in id a base three inches thick composed of one part of Portland cement, two parts of clean, sharp sand and four parts of broken stone, on top of which shall be :aid a wearing surface one inch thick composed of equal parts Iiitrtlana cement and clean, finely crushed stone or gravel. Said .ulewalk to he coin- ioeted on or before the first day 'a November. 1910, and the cost of th, same be taxed against said premises and collected in the manner prescribe by law. Be it Further Resolved. That said property owner be and is :ntthori•red construct said sidewalk at his own ex- pense, provided he begins work thereon within ten clays after being notified by the City Recorder of the passage of this resolution by the City Council, and completes the same within thirty days thereafter. Be it Further Resolved, That if said work is not commenced within the time named in said notice that the City Recorder be and is hereby ordered to give ten clays notice by two publica- tions asking for proposals for the do- ing of said work under contract with the City. The proposals for the doing of said work shall be acted upon by the City Council on the 20th da;• of toner, 1910. Ald, Saul moved the adoption of tit, resolution. Carried by the following. vote: Yeas—Apel, McEvoy. Saul. Sauer. O'Rourke, Singrin and Specht. Nays—None. Ald. Saul offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: That a permanent sidewalk of the width of six feet be and the sane is hereby ordered to be laid on the west side of Locust street, between Second and Third streets, and in front of th,, following described premises. City Tot Adjourned Regular Session, September 26, 1910 321 116. Such sidewalk to be constructed of materials and in the manner as fol- lows.. to -wit: On a sub -base of cinders or broken stone eight inches deep shall be laid a base three inches thick composed of one part of Port- land cement, two parts of clean sharp sand and four parts of broken stone. on top of which shall be laid a wear- ing surface one inch thick composed of equal parts of Portland cement and clean, finely crushed hard stone or gravel. Said sidewalk to be complet- ed on or before the 1st day of Novem- ber. 1910, and the cost of the same he taxed against said premises and col- lected in the manner prescribed by law. Be it Further Resolved, That saki property owner be and is authorizcit to construct said sidewalk at his own expense, provided he begins work thereon within ten days after being notified by the City Recorder of the passage of this resudutien by the City Council, and completes the seine with- in thirty days thereafter. Be it Further Resolved, That it said work is not commenced with in the time named in said notice that the City Recorder he and is hereby or- dered to give ten days notice by two publications asking for proposals for the doing of said work under contract with the City. The proposals for the doing of said work shall be acted upon by the City Council on the 20th clay of October, 1910. Aid, Saul moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: ' Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke Saul, Sauer, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None, Aid. Saul offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: That a permanent sidewalk of the width of four feet be and the same is hereby ordered to be laid on the south side of Cleveland avenue between Union and Quince streets, and in front of the following described premises. Lot 1 of 2 of 105 of Union Addition. Such sidewalk to be constructed of materials and in the manner as fol- lows, to -wit: On a sub -base of cinders or broken stone eight inches deep shall be laid a base three inches thick composed of one part of Port- land cement, two parts of clean sharp sand and four parts of broken stone, on top of which shall be laid a. wear- ing surface one inch thick compoNd of equal parts of Portland cement and'v clean, finely crushed hard stone or gravel. Said sidewalk to be com-r,let- ed on or before the let day of Novem- ber, 1910, and the cost of the same be taxed against said premises and col- lected in the manner prescribed by law. Be it Further Resolved, That said property owner he and is authorized to construct said sidewalk at his own expense, provided lie begins work thereon within ten days after being notified by the City Recorder of the passage of this resolution l;v the Cite Council, and completes the sante with- in thirty days thereafter. Be it Further Resolved, That if said work is not commenced within the time named in said notice that the City Recorder be and is hereby or- dered to give ten days notice I,v twe publications asking for proposaIs to, the doing of said work under eon tract with the City, The proposals for •• doing of said work shall be acted upon by the City council on the 20th day of October. 1910. Aid. Saul moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following Cote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, ('Rourke. Saul, Sauer, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Ald. Saul offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: That a permanent sidewalk of the width of five feet be and the same is hereby or- dered to be laid on the north side of Southern Avenue, between Samuel Street and English Lane, and in front of the following described premises: find. 1-2 of lot 8, South Ave. Add. Such sidewalk to be constructed of materials and in the manner as fol- lows, to -wit: On a sub -base of cin- ders or broken stone eight inches deep shall be laid a base three inches thick, composed of one part Portland cement, two parts of clean sharp sand and four parts of broken stone on top of which shall be laid a wearing surface one inch thick, composed of equal parts of clean, finely crushed hard stone or gravel. Said sidewalk to be completed on or before. the 1st day of November, 1910, and the cost of the same be taxed against said premises and collected in the manner prescribed by law. Be it Further Resolved, That said property owner be and is authorized to construct said sidewalk at his own expense, provided he begins work thereon within ten days after being notified by the City Recorder of the passage el this resolution by the City Council, and completes the same with- in thirty days thereafter. Be it Further Resolved. That if said work is not commenced within the time named in said notice that the City Re- corder he and is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by two publications asking for proposals for the doing of said work under contract with the city The proposals for the doing of said work shall he acted upon by the City Council on the 20th day of Oc- tober, 1910. 1LIi 322 Adjourned Regular Session, September 26, 1910 Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Saul, Sauer, Singrin, Specht. Ald. Saul offered the following: I3e it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: That a permanent sidewalk of the width of five feet be and the same is hereby or- dered to be laid on the west side of Southern Avenue. between Dodge and Valley Streets, and in front of the fol-. lowing described premises: Lots 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, Randall's Sub. Such sidewalk to be constructed of materials and in the manner as follows, to -wit: On a sub -base of cinders or broken stone eight inches deep shall be laid a base three inches thick, com- posed of one part Portland cement, two parts of clean sharp sand and four parts of broken stone on top of which shall be laid a wearing surface one inch thick, composed of equal parts of clean, finely crushed, hard stone or gravel. Said sidewalk to be completed on or before the 1st day of November, 1910, and the cost of the same be taxed against said premises and collected in the manner prescribed by law. Be it Further Resolved, That said property owner be and is authorized to construct said sidewalk at his own ex- pense, provided he begins work there- on within ten days after being notified by the City Recorder of the passage of this resolution by the City Council, and completes the same within thirty days hereafter. Be it Further Resolved, That if said work is not commenced within the time named in said notice that the City Re- corder be and is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by two publications asking for proposals for the doing Of said work under contract with the city. The proposals for the doing of said work shall be acted upon by the City Council on the 20th day of October, 1910. Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Saul, Sauer, Singrin, Specht. Aid. Saul offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: That a permanent sidewalk of the width of five feet be and the same is hereby ordered to be laid on the west side of Southern Avenue, between Dodge and Valley Streets, and in front of the following described premises: Lots 14, 15 and 16, Levi's Add. Such sidewalk to be constructed of materials and in the maner as follows. to -wit: On a sub -base of cinders or broken stone eight inches deep shall he laid a base three inches thick, corn - posed of one part Portland cement, two parts of clean sharp sand and four parts of broken stone on top of which shall be laid a wearing surface one inch thick, composed of equal parts of clean, finely crushed, hard stone or gravel. Said sidewalk to be completed on or before the 1st day of November, 1910, and the cost of the same be taxed against said premises and collected in the manner prescribed by law. Be it Further Resolved, That said property owner be and is authorized to construct said sidewalk at his own expense, provided he begins work thereon within ten days after being notified by the City Recorder of the passage of this resolution by the City Council, and completes the same with- in thirty days thereafter. Be it Further Resolved, That if said work is not commenced within the time named in said notice that the City Recorder be and is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by two pub- lications asking for proposals for the doing of said work under contract with the city. The proposals for the doing of said work shall be acted upon by the City Council on the 20th day of October, 1910. Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul. Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Moved by Ald. McEvoy that the Or- dinance Committee be instructed t draft the proper ordinance, suspending the laying of sidewalk abutting the Irving school property. Carried. Moved by .aid. Saul to adjourn to Wednesday, Sept. 28. Carried. Adopted .0"2 Approved Attest: 6 1010. 1910. Adjourned Regular Session, September 25, 1910 CITY COUNCIL (Official). Adjourned Regular Session, Sept. 28, 191(1. Mayor Haas in the chair. Council met at 8:2:-. p. IH. Present — Aids al I \1,•1'yoy O'l:ourke, Soul. Singrin. Spec la and City Attorney Lyon. Absent—Ald. Saner. Mayor Maus stated that tit,. ui,., ting was an adjourned Meeting ting of ti pt. 21i of the adjourned n„•eting of Sel,t. the adjourned uniting of Sept. 20, of the regiIhii me—ting Sept. I... and was called to take up and con- sider all matters which Indy properly come before a regular session of the City Council. Petition of J. M. 1{enety, :asking that he be granted permission to lust, the city stone crusher on Seventeenth street presented. Moved by Ald. Mc- Evoy the prayer he granted, provided Mr. Kenety gets permission of the property owners and returns the crush- er in the same condition as he receives it. Carried. aid. Specht offered the following: Re it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: That a permanent sidewalk of the width of four feet be and the same is hereby ordered to be laid on the north side of Kaufman Avenue, between Valeria Street and Cushing Place, and in front of the following described premises: Lots 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 of Cushing's Addition. Such sidewalk to be constructed of materials and in the manner as fol- lows, to -wit: On a sub -base eight inches thick composed of broken stone or cinders shall be laid a base three inches thick composed of one part of Portland cement, two parts of clean, sharp sand and four parts of broken stone on top of which shall be laid a wearing surface one inch thick, com- posed of equal parts of Portland cement and finely crushed stone or gravel. Said sidewalk to be completed on or before the 15th day of November, 1910, and the cost of the same be taxed against said premises and collected in the manner prescribed by law. Be it Further Resolved, That said property owner be and is authorized to construct said sidewalk at his own ex- pense, provided he begins work there- on within ten days after being notified by the City Recorder of the passage of this resolution by the City Council, and completes the same within thirty clays thereafter. Be it Further Resolved. That if said 328 work is not commenced within time namedinsai said notice thatthe City Re- corder be and is hereby ordered to give ten clays' notice b3' two publications asking for proposals for the doing of said work under contract with the city. The proposals for the doing of said work shall be acted upon by the City Council on the 20th day of October, 1910. Aid. Specht moved the adoption the resolution. carried by the following vote: Yeas --Apel McEvoy, O'Rourke. Saul, Siaucin. Specht. Ahseot-- Alit. Saner, Mii\ed by Aid. ii'Ronrk„ tit.. Fin ac ,onnn'tte,, I,.• instin Ied t.. hornet• i sulfeienI :unount of nronr c to pay the O'Farrell (',,r.tr,,•linir t`.,. fur the cleaning of Ree Itranch sewer between lath and 1.7th Streets. Car- ried. '[h,• nImos f,n' register ,leeks :<ub- mitted the chairmen of tl:,, 1lepub- lican ;uul Democratic pa 1.0..8 Were read. moved by Aid. Singrin hitt the fist name rend from each Ire,, 1-„ t be appointed register clerk. Ca r -•n..1 FIRST WARD. First Precinct—Fred Spielman, It.; .ias. Carroll. D. Second Precinct—:Hoses Lil,pmaan, R.; J. H. Lucas, D. SE4'OND WARD. First 1'r, cin t --Thos. H. Frey, R.; John H. Carroll, D. Second I're •inct—\Vin. Kretsi timer, R.; M. Hogan, D. THIRD WARD. First Precinct—A. F. Voellc,r, R.; James Hoar, D. Second Precinct—D. M. i3rewhaket•, 11.1 John O'Connell, D. Third Precinct—James Haggerty, R.; Peter Schuler, D. FOURTH \YARD. First Precinct—Edward Ruff, :R.; Frank Carney, Jr., D. Second Precinct—Geo. McDonough, R.: Louis Herbst, D. Third Precinct—Jos. H. Trieb, R.: G. R. Hueckels, D. FIFTH WARD. First Precinct—Henry Ihde, 11.; Geo. Schlegel. D. Second Precinct—John Meyer, tt.; John Nicks, D. 'I'I.ird Precinct—C. F. Arendt, R.; Frank Mihm, D. Fourth Precinct—August Prange. R.; John Heim, D. Ald. Saul stated that he had ap- pointed hike licCarten, Sr., inspector of Grandview Avenue sewer. The ap- pointment was approved by the coun- cil. Moved by Ald, Saul that the sewer inspector he instructed to send two men to locate the trouble with the 824 List of Warrants storm water sewer passing through St. Joseph college property on West Fourteenth Street. Carried. Moved by Ald. Specht to adjourn. Carried. Adopted Approved .0. •••• . 1910. Ca- , 1910, Attest• V Mayor. Citecorder. List of City Warrants Lubuque, Iowa, St pt. 1, 1910. To the Honorable .1Lt ur and City Council of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The following is a complete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of August, 1910: SALARIES PY)It 0109"9('1?KS. D. J. Haas, salary, Mayor $116 70 Geo. D. Wybrant, salary, Treas- urer 133 35 F. M. Blake, salary, Deputy Treasurer 100 00 Louis F. Kolfenbach, salary, Clerk to Treasurer 60 00 M. E. Lyons, salary, Auditor 116 70 Geo. J. Vogel, salary, Dept. Aud- itor 80 00 Otto P. Geiger, salary, Recorder116 70 Geo. H. Ellwanger, salary, Dept Recorder 85 00 Jos. T. Kelly, salary, Assessor125 00 Al. H. Wiedner, salary, Depty Assessor ... 83 35 Frank Kenneally, salary, Depty Assessor ... 83 35 Geo. T. Lyon, salary, Attorney150 00 Edgar H. Willging, salary, Asst Attorney 85 00 Miss Nettie Bently, salary, sten- ographer to Attorney 20 00 Chas. Baumgartner, salary, En- gineer 166 65 Jos. Friedrich, salary, Clerk to Engineer 75 00 Walter Cullen, salary, Rod Man50 00 Thos. Reilly, salary, Chief of Po- lice 100 00 John W. Lawlor, salary, Com- mittee Clerk 125 00 John Mahoney, salary, Commissioner 100 00 P. J. Royce, salary, Sidewalk In- spector Geo. Miller, salary, Supt. of Sprinkling 60 00 Ed. Norton, salary, Market Mas- ter .. 55 00 Al. Moyer, salary, Pound Master 50 00 Mrs. Koening, salary, Janitress30 00 Thos. Cahill, salary Park Custd40 00 Chas. McManus, salary, Park- Custd... 40 00 Jos. Straney, Sr., salary, Park Custd Dr. Chas . Linehan, salary, Health Physician Paul Bewer, salary, Sanitary Po- lice 65 00 Dr. F. J. Kennedy, salary, Meat and Milk Inspector 75 00 John H. Carroll, salary, Harbor and Wharf Master Peter Apel, salary, Alderman.: Edw. McEvoy, salary, Alderman John O'Rourke, salary, Alder- man Edw. Sauer, salary, Alderman.. Street 60 00 15 00 50 00 3500 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 List of Warrants Jas. Saul, salary, Alderman 25 00 Wm. Singrin, salary, Alderman25 00 Robt. Specht, salary, Alderman25 00 ' FIRE. J. Reinfried, Chief $ 61 75 Wm. Hipman, Electrician 49 00 M. Eitel, Fireman 38 23 J. Essman, Fireman 40 68 A. Duccini, Fireman 35 79 J. Flynn, Fireman 87 74 G. Byer, Fireman 35 79 A. Heer, Fireman 32 34 Wm. Kannolt, Fireman 32 34 B. Kirch, Fireman 32 34 J. Daley, Fireman 38 23 J. Barnes. Fireman 40 68 T. Ryder, Fireman 40 68 M. Kelley, Fireman 37 74 F. Murphy, Fireman 35 79 H. Cain, Fireman 32 34 J. Bakey, Fireman 32 34 Wm. Smith, Fireman 32 34 G. Gehrke, Fireman 38 23 J. Smith, Fireman 3" 34 T. Kennedy, Fireman 35 7:4 J. Keppler. Fireman 3" 34 D. Ahern, Fireman 49 00 J. Benner, Fireman 37 74 A. McDonnell, Fireman 40 68 F. iZllig, Fireman 32 34 M. Sweeney, Fireman 32 34 J. McGioughlin, Fireman 3 ' :3 3 J. Connelly, Fireman 3" 34 Wm. Kennedy, Fireman 99 11,, J. Daugherty. Fireman 27 45 J. Murphy, Fireman 24 50 Wm. McConnell, Fireman 28 00 Wm. Tannsett, Fireman 28 00 R. Weston, Fireman 38 23 J. Allen, Fireman 35 79 M. Fahey, Fireman 32 34 R. Kenneally, Fireman 32 34 Wm. Ducey, Fireman 38 23 F. Kenneally, Fireman 35 7 9 E. McDermott, Fireman 32 34 T. O'Brien, Fireman 27 45 J. Roshin, Fireman 38 23 F. Baumgartner, Fireman 35 79 J. Schoenberger, Fireman 32 34 P. Kirch, Fireman 27 45 Firemen Pension Fund 31 71 IJOlJcI . Louis Blocklinger, Police $ 32 50 James Corcoran, Police 32 50 Michael Connolly, Police 32 50 John Cody, Police 32 50 Philip Dunphy, Police 35 00 Wm. Donahue, Police 32 50 Thos. Duggan, Police 32 50 Michael Fogarty, Police 32 50 Patrick Fury, Police 32 50 John Fox, Police 32 50 James Flynn,Police 32 50 Wm. Fox, Police 30 00 Ben Gray, Police 32 50 Patrick Hanlon, Police 26 10 Geo. Jones, Police 32 50 Emil Kahn, Police 32 50 Michael Kilty, Police 32 50 James Keefe, Police 32 50 John Kane, Police John Kop, Police Patrick Kenneally, Police Barney Ludescher. Police Charles Liest, Police Patrick McInerney, Police .. Patrick McCollins, Police Michael McCormick, Police Henry Mueller, Police Hugh Markey, Police Patrick Mulligan, Police . John O'Brien, Police Michael O'Connor, Police John Raesle, Police Michael Ryan, Police Gut Ratterman, Police oJseph Stoltz, Police Michael Stapleton, Police Patrick Sullivan, Police John Spielman, Police Dennis Sheehan, Police Thomas Sweeney, Police Frank Williams, Police Louis Zemanek, Police Miss H. Brennan, Matron Mrs. K. Hibbe, Matron 1,:\13O11 ON STREETS. (2. Alexander, 4th J. Brouillette, 2nd J. Burns, 2nd Bastien, 4th J. .L'ixier, 4th Ed. l;runskill, 4th P. Carney, 1st Jerry Cahill, 1st (;. Collinson, 4th \C. Clarke, 4th D. Cunningham, 1-5 in each Jas. Connolly, 1st, $11.70; 2nd, $11.70 11. Carney, 2nd, $7.89; 3rd, $7.80; 4th, $7.80 Pat. Carney, 1-5 in each J. Callaghan, 2nd T. Donahue, 1st, $2.10; 2nd, $7.00; 3rd, $7.95; 4th, $5.60; 5th, 75c J. Egan, 2nd J. Eberhardt, Grading John Ess, 1st, $2.1) $7.00; 3rd, $7.95 $5.60: 5th, 75c 2nd, 4th, G. Frost, 2nd F. Frick. 3rd W. Flynn, 3rd Glass. 2nd C. r,cirncr. 4th H. Galleti Grading T. Hackney, 1st T. Hill. 1st • 31. Harman, 2nd T. Harker, 4th A. Hoag, 4th $ 325 32 30 32 32 35 32 32 32 30 32 35 32 37 36 32 :3 ,32 32 3_ 3' 30 37 29 2:3 32 32 3 23 6 18 18 4 23 1 13 14 1 50 00 50 60 30 50 50 50 35 50 00 50 50 25 50 50 50 50 50 50 00 50 25 5)' 50 50 60 40 20 60 90 55 40 80 liu 00 95 23 40 23 7 23 23 23 1 40 70 40 40 40 80 23 25 0040 6 20 2 20 20 40 23 40 1 80 9 00 7 20 22 60 ..14 00 2 45 7 00 $21.40; S. John John, 3rd J. Jellison, 3rd, \V., $2.50 • Peter Jacobs, 3rd J. Kness, 1st, $2.10 $7.00; 3rd, $7.95 $5.60: 5th. 75c 2nd, 4th, 23 90 7 20 23 40 List of Warrants M. Kerwin, 1-5 in each 23 05 J. Kenneally, Health 23 40 J. Lowery. 1st 7 20 R. Love, 2nd, $7.20; 4th, $9.00 T. Lonergan, 1st. $2.10; $7.00: 3rd, $7.95; $5.60: 5th, 75c 23 40 J. Mullen, 2nd 23 40 M. Morrissey, 2nd 6 40 Ed. Malloy, 3rd 22 40 Tom Malloy, 3rd 16 20 J Martinek, 4th 1 80 F. Mullen, 4th 3 55 J. Maloney, 1-5 in each 12 55 D. McGuinness, 1st 16 20 T. McNulty, 1st 10 80 J. McAleese, 2nd 15 80 F. McCaffrey, 2nd 20 80 J. McLaughlin, 3rd 22 60 W. McLaughlin, 3rd 25 00 D. McGrath, 4th 18 40 P. McPoland, 4th 2 80 R. McGivern, Expense 23 40 'W. O'Brien, 1st 25 00 C. O'Neill, 2nd 23 40 John Parker, 4th 21 60 John Powers, 4th 16 60 H. Parr, 4th 2 60 Jos. Parr, 4th 1 00 J. Roussell, 1st 9 00 P. Reddin, 2nd 22 60 P. Reilley, 4th 7 20 W. Robinson, 4th 2 00 Jas. Ryan, 2nd 23 40 John Schroeder, 4th 12 60 F. Siege, 4th 25 00 J. Steffens, 3rd, $11.70; 4th, $11.70 23 40 J. Schwartz, 1-5 in each 2 90 J. Tobin, 4th 10 20 A. Turner, 1-5 in each 25 00 J. Thornton, 1-5 in each 20 20 L. Walkenheim, 3rd 16 20 D. J. Wallace, 4th 4 60 W. Walker, 3rd, $11.70; 4th, $11.70 .. 23 40 N. Zingel, 4th 10 40 TEAMS. M. Ackers, 3rd, $25.00; 4th, $68.00 $ 93 00 A. Conrad, Grading 4 50 F. Burns, 4th 2 50 John Calvert, 2nd 42 50 Josh Calvert, 2nd 49 50 B. Costello, 4th 27 25 Jas. Graham, 1st, $3.00; 2nd, $49.50; 3rd, $22.50 75 00 F. Honecker, 1st, $1.20; 2nd, $3.10; 3rd, $4.20; 4th $3.00; 5th, $75.50 87 00 J. Linehan, 1st, $3.90; 2nd, $13.00; 3rd, $14.75; 4th, $10.40; 5th, $1.30 43 35 P. Linehan's Sons, 3rd 72 50 J. Mulligan, 1st 11 50 M. Markham, 3rd 58 50 Jeff McGrath, 4th 55 00 P. S. Norton, 4th 63 50 D. O'Meara, 1st 22 50 R. Obermayer, 1st, $2.90; 2nd, 2nd, 4th, 16 20 $10.00; 3rd, $11.25; 4th, $12.50: 5th, 85c 37 50 J. Oswald, 1st, $37.50; 2nd, $37.50 75 00 Ant. Siege, 4th 34 50 U. E. Co., 1st, $15.80; 2nd, $43.40; 3rd, $75.00; 4th, $3.95; 5th, $256.65 394 80 C. Van Wie, 1st, $8.70; 2nd $33.10; 3rd, $10.41; 4th, $3.00; 5th, 50c 87 00 LABOR ON SEWERS. Fred Burt, 1st Road Dist. $ D. Cunningham J. Clune A. Hird W. Hennessy J. Hanson J. Rooney J. Scheuer C. Sullivan C. Specht V. Vogt 19 4 21 21 17 21 23 25 27 16 00 80 80 60 60 00 60 20 45 70 80 BILLS. Geo. Wybrant, Treasurer, in- terest" on outstanding war- rants $500 00 Geo. Wybrant, Treasurer, in- terest on outstanding war- rants 500 00 Geo. Wybrant, Treasurer, in- terest on outstanding war- rants 500 00 Geo. Wybrant, Treasurer, in- terest on outstanding war- rants 339 73 Geo. Wybrant, Treasurer, ex- press, exchange and freight charges 45 03 Geo. Wybrant, Treasurer, li- brary orders 500 00 Geo. Wybrant, Treasurer, li- brary orders 206 82 Geo. Wybrant, Treasurer, pur- chasing Patrol horse 250 00 Jno. Kensalle, 1-5 in each 25 00 E. Fitzlaff, 1-5 in each 25 00 Times -Journal, printing the Council Proceedings 104 73 The Telegraph -Herald, pub- lishing Delinquent Tax List and Proceedings for April, May and June 237 16 J. Reinfried, Fire $ 62 00 Wm. Hipman, Fire 50 00 M. Eitel, Fire 38 00 J. Essman, Fire 41 00 A. Duccini, Fire 35 00 J. Flynn, Fire G. Byer, Fire 3538 00 00 A. Heer, Fire Wm. Kannoit, Fire 3333 0000 B. Kirch, Fire 33 00 J. Daley, Fire 38 00 T. Ryder, Fire 41 00 M. Kelley, Fire 38 00 F. Murphy, Fire 35 00 J. Bakey, Fire 33,00 Wm. Smith, Fire 33 00 Wm. McConnell, Fire 27 00 List of Warrants H. Cain, Fire 35 G. Gehrke, Fire 38 T. Kennedy, Fire 35 J Smith, Fire 33 J. Keppler, Fire 33 D. Allem, Fire 50 J. Fenner. Fire 38 A. McDonnell, Fire 41 P. 7.illig. Fire 33 M. Sweeney. Fire 33 J. \1cGloughlin, Fire 33 J. Connelly, Fire 33 Wm. Kennedy, Fire 30 J. Daugherty, Fire 27 J. Murphy, Fire 25 Wm. Tansett, Fire 27 P. Apel. Fire R. Weston, Fire 38 J. Allen, Fire 35 M. Fahey. Fire 33 R. Kenneally, Fire 33 Wm. Ducey, Fire 38 F. Kenneally, Fire 35 E. McDermott. Fire 33 T. O'Brien. Fire 27 J. Roshin, Fire 3S F. Baumgartner, Fire 35 J. Schoenberger, Fire 33 P. Kirch. Fire 27 Extra Help -July 31st. 191a. W. Fritz $ 1 00 J. Fritz 1 00 J. Kingsley 1 00 Wm. Compton, 1 00 J. Maloney 1 00 A. Grubstick 1 00 Geo. Uhl 1 00 L. Kluck 1 00 P. Apel 1 00 J Brewbaker 1 00 POLICE. Louis Blocklinger, Police $ James Corcoran, Police Michael Connolly, Police John Cody, Police Philip Dunphy, Police Wm. Donahue, Police Thos. Duggan, Police Michael Fogarty, Police Patrick Fury, Police John Fox, Police James Flynn, Police Wm. Fox, Police Ben Gray, Police Patrick Hanlon, Police Geo. Jones, Police Emil Kahn, Police Michael Kilty, Police James Keefe, Police John Kane, Police John Kop, Police Patrick Kenneally, Police Barney Ludescher, Police Charles Liest, Police Patrick McInerney, Police Patrick McCollins, Police Michael McCormick, Police Henry Mueller, Police Hugh Markey, Police Patrick Mulligan, Police John J. O'Brien, Police 27 Ori 00 00 00 00 00 OO 00 lin nu 00 00' 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 M nn II uII 00 00 00 00 00 32 32 32 33 35 32 32 32 34 32 32 30 32 32 32 32 32 34 35 30 32 31 35 32 32 32 32 32 137 32 50 50 50 60 00 50 50 50 70 50 50 00 50 50 50 50 50 70 80 00 50 40 00 50 50 50 50 60 50 50 327 Michael O'Connor, Police . Jb,hn Raesle, Police 37 50 Michael Ryan, Police 37 50 Gus liatterman, Police 32 50 Ji sel h Stoltz, Pol1cP 34 50 t Michael Stapleton. p 32 70 t Teton. I olice 32 5n Patrick Sullivan 32 511 John Spielman, Police ... 32 50 Dennis Sheehan, Police 30 00 Thomas Sweeney. Police 137 50 Frank Williams, Police 32 50 Louis Z anek, Police 32 Oa Miss P. Brennan, Matron 32 50 Mrs. K. HibLe, Matron 32 50 LABOR ON STREETS. Ft. Burns, 1st $ 80 J. Berchen, 2nd 14 90 J. Brouillette, 2nd 12 90 J. Burns, 4th 20 80 S. Bastien, 4th 12 40 Jerry Cahill, 1st 7 20 W. Coughlan, 1st, $9.00; Bluff St. Ext.. $5.40 14 40 Peter Carney, 1st, Bluff St. Ext.. $5.40 18 00 G. Collinson. 4th 21 40 Jas. Connolly, 1st, $11.70; 2nd. $11.70 23 40 M. Carney. 2nd. $7.80; 3rd, $7.80; 4th, $7.80 23 40 Jas. Callaghan, 2nd 23 40 Pat. Carney. 1-5 in each 25 00 T. Donahue, 1st, $1.30; 2nd, $4.30; 3rd, $4.90; 4th, $3.45; 5th, 45c 14 40 J. Egan, 2nd 14 20 J. Ess, 1st. $2.10; 2nd, $7.00; 3rd, $7.95; 4th, $5.60; 5th, 75c George Frost, $12.60; 2nd P. Farrell, 3rd W. Flynn, 3rd F. Frick, 3rd E. Fitzlaff, 1-5 in each B. Glass, 2nd C. Geimer, 4th J. Hill, 1st M. Hannan, 2nd C. Hillery, 2nd W. Hird, 4th John Hillery, 4th T. Harker, 4th T. Hackney, 1st, $3.60; 2nd, $4.80; 4th, $4.80 J. Hethrington, 4th Peter Jacobs, 3rd J. Jellison, 3rd John John, 3rd N. Kettenhofen, 3rd J. Kness, 1st, $2.10; 2nd, $7.00; 3rd, $7.95; 4th, $5.60; 5th, 75c P. Kenneally, Health J. Kinsella, 1-4 in each M. Kerwin, 1-5 In each R. Love, 1st, $2.00; 2nd, $7.70; 3rd, $2.00; 4th, $2.00; 5th, $2.00 T. Lonergan, 1st, $2.10; 2nd, $7.00; 3rd, $7.95; 4th, $5.60; 5th, 75c 23 40 25 00 22 00 7 00 11 00 25 00 21 90 21 60 4 60 21 10 1 60 16 80 19 80 11 60 13 20 2 40 9 20 7 50 6 80 18 40 23 40 23 40 25 00 37 50 15 70 23 40 328 List of Warrants J. Mullen, 2nd Tom Malloy, 3rd Ed. Malloy, 3rd J. Martinek, 4th D. McGuinness, 1st, $12.60; 2nd. $2.7n; 3rd, $3.05; 4th, $2.15; 5th, 30c T. McNulty, 1st R. McCaffrey, 2nd J. McAleese, 2nd John McLaughlin, 3rd Jas. McLaughlin, 3rd M. McDonough, 3rd W. McLaughlin, 3rd P. McPoland, 4th R. McGivern, Expense W. O'Brien, 1st C. O'Neill, 2nd John Power:-, 4th .1. Parker, 4th P. Reddin, 2nd T. Ryan, 2nd H. Schoenbeck, 2nd J. Schroeder, 4th F. Siege, 4th John Stetlins, 3rd, $11.70; 4th. $11.70 Jas. Tobin, 3rd A. Turner, 1-5 in each J. Thornton, 1-5 in each L. Walkenheim, 3rd W. Walker, 3rd, $11.70; 4th, $11,70 N. Zingel. 4th 9 60 22 00 23 00 19 80 20 12 20 3 15 16 1 25 12 23 25 15 19 16 7 23 3 19 25 80 60 10 40 20 40 40 00 80 40 00 70 80 20 00 40 40 80 00 23 40 13 80 37 50 17 60 23 40 6 80 TEAMS. M. Ackels, 3rd, $23.35; t4h, $46.65 $ 70 00 F. G. Becker, 3rd 23 50 John Calvert, 2nd 50 25 Josh Calvert, 2nd 50 50 B. Costello, 4th 20 00 N. Ennert, 1st 4 50 Jas. Graham, 1st, $6.75; 2nd, $40.50; 4th, $20.25 67 50 F. Hohnecker, 1st, $1.20; 2nd, $3.10; 3rd, $4.20; 4th, $3.00; 5th, $68.00 79 50 J. Linehan, 1st, $3.90; 2nd, $13.00; 3rd, $14.75; 4th, $10.40: 5th, $1.30 P. Lenihan Sons, 3rd Jas. Mulligan, 1st M. Markham, 3rd Jeff McGrath, 4th P. S. Norton, 4th D. O'Meara, 1st, $5.65; 2nd, $18.90; 3rd, $36.40; 4th, $15.15; 5th, $1.90 J. Oswald, 1st, $35.40; 2nd, $36.05; 3rd, $1.40; 4th, $1.00; 5th, 15c Anton Siege, 4th C. Van Wie, 1st, $1.00, 2nd, $29.60; 3rd, $44.00; 4th, $2.50; 5th, 40c ,77 Jas. Ward, 3rd LABOR ON SEWERS D. Cunningham $ A. Hird W. Hennessy A. Kaesbauer 43 67 22 56 54 54 35 50 50 00 00 00 78 00 74 00 13 50 50 12 60 21 19 21 4 60 80 60 40 F. Luchterhand 2160 J. Rooney 21 60 J. Scheuer 10 00 C. Sullivan 27 50 C. Specht 30 00 V. Vogt 16 20 BILLS. Frank Hardie, transcript of testi- mony in case of Anna Keenan vs. City of Dubuque ....$101 40 Linehan & Molo, supplies and Labor at Jackson park J. J. Dunn, sheriff, service fee of case of Lizzie Post vs. City and H. Markey vs. Mayor Schunk and Chief of Police Pickley .. 7 10 The Labor Leader, printing 5 00 F. A. Miller, brooms for City Hall.. 4 35 Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplier for City Hall 40 Western Union Telegraph Co., clock service for July, 1910.... 1 00 Foley Hand Laundry, towel ser- vice for July.... ............ 4 00 Larry Dailey, cleaning around City Hall for June and July.... 32 00 A. R. Staufenbeil, repairing clock in Council Chamber 50 M. O'Donnell, repairing at City Hall.. .. .. 2 03 John L. Kies, drug supplies, police and City Hall .... 4 85 G .W. Healey & Son, supplies for Washington park 60 Hussman & Lies, cups for drink- ing fountains 1 90 C. E. Fitzpatrick Co., supplies for various offices 6 25 Smith -Morgan Ptg. Co., printing for City Attorney .. 38 60 Key City Rubber Stamps Works, supplies for various offices .. 2 25 L. Lindenberg, supplies for Rec- order office 2 20 Gonner. Bros., printing for City Hall.... .. .... 5 75 Sam Swift Co., Rec. recording fees 4 75 Geo. Masters, City Hall 75 Berg & Briggs, assessor 7 00 G. F. Kleih, supplies, road Dept and City Hall 3 45 N. B. Schneider, supplies for police Dept.. 5 55 Ed. Norton, meals } furnished prisoners, July .. 5 00 Mettle BroQ., feed for Police and Fire Dept.... . . .. . 5 30 American Ever Ready Ca., sup- plies for Police Dept.. 4 00 Becker Hazelton Co., supplies for Police Dept .. 1 05 Standard Lumber Co.. shavings for Police Dept.... 11 00 Key City (Ins Co., Erns arcs for July for Police and Fire Dept Standard Lumber Co., shavings and lumber for Fire and Road Dept ... ... ... 112 10 2 80 gas mantels for printing for 2 00 List 'of Warrants Lagen, Peed & Berwanger, horse - shoeing for Fire and Sewer Dept 6 50 Collings & Pflffner, horseshoeing for Fire and Sewer Dept 13 50 Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplic.i for Police and Fire Dept 1 90 Linehan & Molo, rope for Fire and Police Dept.... ........ Butt Bros., repairs for Fire Dept.... •• •• •••• 38 70 Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse - shoeing for Fire Dept.... 13 15 Matt Stafford, feed for Fire Dept.. .. 5 80 C. C. Gordon, repairs for Fire Dept... • .. .. .. 8 25 J. G. Becker & Co., flea x seed for Fire Dept.... .... 3 25 F. M. Jaeger Co., supplies for Fire Dept.... .. 75 W. Dalbkermeyer, horseshoeing for Fire Dept .... .... 9 00 Carr• Ryder & Adams, edgings for Fire Dept.. .... .... 5 20 Babcock Fire Extingusher Co, supplies for Fire Dept.. .. 60 00 Dennis Bros., feed for Fire Dept... .00 On Dennie Bros., feed for Fire Dept 143 10 John Kriebs, repairing Chief's harness.... .. .. ........ 23 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co, chemical hose for Fire Dept130 00 Union Electric Co., city fire alarm power.. .. .... 2 00 Key City Gas Co., Coal and Coke for Fire Dept 29 15 Smedley Steam' Pump Co., sup- plies and repairs for Road Dept 18 30 Butt Bros., repairs and supplies for Road Dept.... .. 8 80 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Road, Fire and Sewer Dept Linehan & Molo, cement for Road Dept 35 00 Geo. Ragatz & Son. repairs and supplies for Fire and Road Dept.. .. 6 62 T. J. Mulgrew, cement for Road Dept 3 83 Standard Oil Co., road oil 344 63 Dubuque Lumber Ca., ber for Road Dept M. Donegan, 6.84 cubic yard macadam, Second district Geo. Bock, sharpening sickles, Road Dept.... .. Spahn & Rose Lumber Co., lum- ber for Road Dept E. J. Vogenthaler Co., supplies and repairs for Road Dept P. Linehan Sons. sand for Road and Sidewalk Dept Standard Oil Co., road oil 200 86 O'Farrell Contracting Co., crush- ed stone for Road Dept 72 00 Jos. J. Rowan, gloves for Road Dept 1 50 Standard Oil Co., oil for steam roller 2 55 27 54 46 75 lum- 37 20 5 13 75 36 34 3 91 10 00 329 J. S•`. Itis & Bros., supplies for Road Dept.. 3 00 A. Gasser, brick for Road Dept7 40 • M. Kieffer, 36.83 cubic yd maca- dam, Fourth District 36 83 W. D. Deckert Co., labor for Road Dept 50 Clancy Transfer Co., coal for Road Dept 12 90 .1. Brouellette. 14.29 cubic _arch macadam, Second District 10 72 F. Burns, coal for Road Dept1665 John Mullen, 6.98 cubic yards macadam, Second District 5 23 Klauer Mfg. Co., sprinklers for oil ... ... 5 00 Pier Pros., coal for road 1)c•pt27 88 J. Becker, 27.76 cubic yards maca- dam. Fourth District 25 76 B. Glass, 6.84 cubic yards maca- dam, Second District 513 Purington Paving Brick Co, brick for Road Dept 101 10 F. G. Becker, coal for Road Dept.. .. Dubuque Boat and Boiler Works, repairs and labor on steam roller ... ... ................ 8 60 Dubuque Sand & Gravel Co., gravel for Road Dept.... ...... 3 97 C'itc Water Works, water for rock crusher 8 97 Paul Schlenker, supplies for Road Dept 1 25 H. B. McCarten, repairing water fountain, First and Main 25 90 John Butt, repairs for Sewer Dept.... .. 40 Street & Steuck. 5 per cent retained on West Fourth street sewer 23 42 James Bird, inspector on Sem- inary street sewer 60 63 James Lynch, inspector on Bee Branch sewer, Fifth ward 28 87 O'Farrell Contracting Co.. im- provement on East street from Delhi street to Center street50000 O'Farrell Contracting Co.. im- provement on East street from Delhi street to Center street500 00 O'Farrell Contracting Co., im- provement on East street from Delhi street to Center street500 00 O'Farrell contracting Co.. im- provement on East street from Delhi street to Center street500 00 rrell contracting Co.. im- provement on East street from Delhi street to Center street500 00 O'Farrell c'ontrccting Co.. im- provement on East street from Delhi street to Center street500 00 O'Farrell ('ontrcccting C'o., im- provement on East street from Delhi street to Center street500 00 O'Farrell Contracting Co., im- provement on East street from Delhi street to Center street21 43 Spahn & Rose Lumber Co., him - 41 69 ber for sidewalks Standard Lumber Co.. lumber arae] sawdust for Sidewalk, 36 85 330 Official Notices Road Dept. and City Hall 41 53 I. Manhoff, to conveying Mr Naten to Finley hospital .. 1 00 E. J. Frith, removing garbage for July 374 40 Standard Lumber Co., lumber for sidewalk and City Hall 145 70 Smith, Morgan, Printing Co, printing for Health Dept..... 10 50 Farley & Loetscher, supplies for Health Dept National Demokrat, advertising for July .... Telegraph -Herald, printing Coun- cil proceeding and notices for July Labor Leader, advertising for July ... ... ... 12 50 Times -Journal, printing Council proceedings and notices for July Smith Morgan Printing Co, printing pamphlets and letter heads for Fire Dept 27 92 Iowa Telephone Co., telephone rental for various offices 11 50 Key City Gas, light for various offices Union Elec for July Union Electric Co., street light for July Union Electric Co., street light for July Union Electric Co., street light for July Union Electric Co., street light for July M. Tschirgi & Son, improving Bluff street M. Tschirgi & Son, improving Bluff street M. Tschirgi & Son, improving Bluff street M. Tschirgi & Son, improving Bluff street M. Tschirgi & Son, improving Bluff street M. Tschirgi & Son, improving Bluff street . 500 00 M. Tschirgi & Son, improving Bluff street M. Tschirgi Bluff street M. Tschirgi Bluff street M. Tschirgi & Son, improving Bluff street M. Tschirgi & Son, improving Bluff street . 500 00 M. Tschirgi & Son, improving Bluff street 425 56 M. Tschirgi & Son, improving Bluff street 116 99 D. J. Haas, Mayor, court cost Kassler vs. City of Dubuque... 155 60 1 10 12 50 53 69 54 56 72 55 tric Co., street light 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 253 85 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 0 500 00 & Son, improving 500 00 & Son, improving 500 00 500 00 Notice. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, held on Aug. 19, 1910, the following special assessment was levied on the real estate hereinafter de- scribed, and that in case of failure to pay the one-seventh part within the time prescribed by the ordinance gov- erning same, all will become delin- quent and subject to collection by dis- tress and sale. GEO, D. WYBRANT, City Treasurer. For constructing sanitary sewer in Seminary street, from Madison street west: P. M. Harrington, Cox's Addition lot 81 $11 31 P. M. Harrington, Cox's Addition, lot 82 16 78 P. M. Harrington, Cox's Addition, lot 83 16 73 Maurice and J. Anna Brown, Cox's Addition, lot 84 16 78 Maurice and J. Anna Brown, Cox's Addition, lot 85 16 78 Maurice and J. Anna Brown, Cox's Addition, lot 86 16 78 Maurice and J. Anna Brown, Cox's Addition, lot 87 16 78 Susan Murphy, Cox's Addition, lot 1 of 88 16 78 Susan Murphy, Cox's Addition, lot 1 of 89 16 78 T. O. Sullivan, Cox's Addition, lot 90 16 78 Wm. Lawther, Sr., Cox's Addition, lot 2 of 91 16 78 Wm. Lawther, Sr., Cox's Addition, lot 2 of 92 5 04 J. F. Steiner Est., Cox's Addition, lot 93 21 82 Sadie Pierce, Cox's Addition, lot 94 16 73 Leonard F. Buehler, Cox's Addi- tion, east 1-2 of lot 95 8 39 John T. Sawyer, Cox's Addition, west 1-2 of lot 95 8 ..39 Hiram L. Hart, Cox's Addition, lot 96 16 78 Eph. Yingling, Cox's Addition, lot 97 Eph. Yingling, C 98 . Anna Kelly, Cox's Addition, lot 99 8 Harry CAde, Cox's Addition, lot 100 L. Zust Est., Cox's Addition, lot 101 L. Zust Est., Cox's Addition, lot 102 D. H. Wheeler, Cox's Addition, lot 103 9 -2 -It 16 78 ox's Addition, lot 16 78 16 7. 16 78 16 78 16 78 11 31 Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the City Recorder, until 8 p. m. Friday, Sept. 9, 1910. for repairing of Alt- hauser Avenue Retaining wall, in ac= official Notices cordance with the plans and spccifiaa- tins prepared by the City Engiii,., r and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. The contiactcr will (in all work nec- essary and furnish all nmaterial to complete work in :iv ruilaiu'e tai thi specifications now on rile •n the ogee of the City Recorder. Raiders will state the price for en- tire work. Each hist 'oust lie accom- panied by a cet tilled check for $10.•]n on some Dubuque bank ac a guarantee that a contract will lu' entered into it awarded. Check and lid in separate envelopes. The city reserves the mint to reie:,t any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Sept. 2, 1910. OTTO P. GEiGEit. 9-2-3t. City Recorder. Notice to Sewer Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the City Recorder until S p. m. Thurs- day, Sept. 15, 1910, for the construction of an S -inch tile pip'' Sanitary Sewer in Grandview Ave and South Dodge Street from manhole in Grandview Avenue and Dodge Street southerly in Grandview Avenue to South Dodge Street, thence northerly in South Dodge Street to Dodge Street, in ac- cordance with the plans and specifica- tions prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that it will require 5.500 lineal feet of 8 -Inch tile pope. 18 Manholes. The work is to be paid for when said work is completed, and as pre- scribed by Chapter XXXIV. of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque, work to be completed on or before 1st of Decem'rer, 1910. Bidders must state price per lineal font for tile pipe, and each m ,hole. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check for $50.00 on some Du • buque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if award- er. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Sept. 2. 1910. OTTO F. GEIGER, 9-2-3t. City Recorder. NOTICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTEN- TION TO IMPROVE SEVENTH AVENUE FROM THE NORTH LOT LINE OF RHOMBERG AVENUE TO A POINT ONE THOUSAND FEET NORTHERLY THEREOF. To Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby noti- fied that it is the intention of the city council of the City of Dubuque, to im- prove Seventh Avenue from the north lot line of Rhomberg Avenue, to a point 331 one thousand feet northerly thereof. That the plat, estimate and specifi- cations of said proposed improvement are now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require: 1,952 lineal feet of new combination curb :Ind gutter, 4,170 sq. yds. tarvia filled macadam, 1,724.33 cu. yds. earth filling, 3,575.11 cubic yards. cutting. making a total estimated cost to the property owners $8,172.50. Any person objecting to said in- provement is hereby notified to appear before the City Council at its regular adjourned session to be held Tuesday, Sept. 20, 1910, or to file with the City Recorder their objections in writing on or before September 20, 1910. Dated at Dubuque Sept. 10, 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER, 9-10-3t City Recorder. NOTiCE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will he received at the council chamber, City Hall, or the City Ii corder, until 8:00 n, m., Thursday, September 15, 1910, for the improvement of Clay street from th south lot line of Tenth street to the south lot line of Eleventh street, by repaving with brick, in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require 1351 square yards brick paving. The work to be paid for when said work is completed and duly accepted. Work to be completed on or before the 15th day of November, 1910. Bidders must state the price per square yard of brick paving for com- pleted work. The contractor will do all work and furnish all material. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for $100.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. Bid and check in separate envelope. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque. Sept. 12. 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER. 9-12-3t. City Recorder. Notice. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the city council held on Sept. 9, 1910, the followin= snelti assessment was levied on the real estate hereinafter described, and that in case of failure to pay the one- seventh part within the time pre- scribed by the ordinance governing same, all will become delinquent and • Official Notices subject to collection by distress and sale. GEO. D. WYI4HANT, City Treasurer. Improvement of East street from Delhi street to Center street: Name. DescripAmount. German Presbyterian Theolog- ical Seminay. Reche's Sub. No. 2, Lot 17 $1156 German Presbyterian Theolog- ical Seminary, lteche's Suh. No. 2, Lot 8 t7ernnan Presbyterian Theolog- ieaal Seminary, Recite's Sub. No. 2, Lot 9 159 4i E. A. Engler, Reche's Sub. No Lot 11 \Vin. Iteche Est., Reche's Sub. No. 2, Lot 10 241 17 .105. Pilmaier, Sub. 14, Ann 11•H0V''s Sub.. Lot 2 210 3S t'hristina Baler. Finley, Waples & Burton's Add.. Lot 55 560 37 Geo. Kampntann, Finley. Waples & Burton Add., Lot 55 Gen. Kampmann. Finley, Naples & Burton Add., Lot 35 380 05 Blanch Herbst, Herbst's Sub Lot 9 Francis Stuble, Herbst's Sub Lot 8 Luella E. Blume, Herbst's Sub Lot 7 127 8' J. L. Hird, Herbst's Sub., lot 1 323 26 9-14-1t. SO 01 130 0. 382 41 161 50 99 99 Not irr, OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTEN- TION TO IMPROVE DELHI STREET FROM ASBURY STREET TO CITY LIMITS. To Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby no- tified that it is the intention of the iCty Council of the City of Dubuque to improve Delhi street from Asbury street to city limits. That the plat and estimate of said proposed improvement is now on fi1•, In the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that it will require 2672 lineal feet comb curb and gutter, 5027 square yards Telford macadam, 2629.19 cubic yards earth filling, cutting 542.38 cubic yards, making a total estimated cosi to the abutting property owners of $2,053.60. Any person having objection to said improvement is hereby notified -to ap- pear before the City Council at its regular adjourned session to be held Sept. 26, 1910, cr to file with the City Recorder their objections on or before Sept. 26, 1910. Dated at Dubuque, Sept. 17, 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER, 9-17-3t. City Recorder, Not tce. OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTEN- T10N TO I 2l PROVE IRVING Ar1:- N I' E Fib Cd DELHI STREET Tt D1'b'(IIiAH AVENUE. To \\'honm 1t May Concern: You and each of you are hereby no- tified that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque to improve Irving Avenue from Deihl street to Decorah Avenue. That the idat and estimate of said proposed improvement is now on 1;1. in the office of the City Recorder, It is estimated by the C,ty Engineer that it will require `56.0 lineal feet of comb curb and guttering. 1000.0 saguaro yards Of Telford m,ia•adaan. 1559.35 cut- ting, making a total estinnrtea.l cost to the abutting property owners of $1581.75. Any person having objection to said improvement is h: reby notified to ap- pear before the City Council at its regular :adjourned session to be help Sept. 26, 1910. or to file with the City Recorder their objections on or before Sept. 26, 1910, Dated at Dubuque, Sept. 17, 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER, I, 9-17-3t. City Recorder. Not ice. Applicants for positions on the Po- lice and Fire Departments will be ex- amined at the City Hall Monday, Oc- tober 3, 1910, at S o'clock p. m. Application blanks may be secured from the secretary at the Mayor's of- fice. POLICE AND FIRE COMMISSION. 4t. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the City Recorder until 8:00 p. in. Thursday. October 6th, 1910, for the improvement of Irving Avenue from Delhi Street to Decorah Avenue, in accordance with plans and specifica- tions prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require: Combination cement curb and gut- ter. S5.60 lineal feet. ;Telford macadam. 1000.0 sy, yds. Cutting, 1589.35 cubic yards. The work to be paid for when said work is completed and as prescribed by Chapter XXXII. of the Revised 'Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Du- buque. work to be completed on or before December 15th, 1910. Bidders must state the price pet' square yard for Telford macadam. price per lineal foot for combination eurbihg and guttering: also price per cubic yard for cutting, all work to bb completed on or before the 15th day of December, 1910. Official Notices Each hid must be accompanied by a certified check for $50.00 on some bank as a guarantee that a will be entered into if Pid and check in separate Pithuque .I tttt^iet ,riled. envelope. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Sept. 27, 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER, t, 9-27-3t City Recor,ier, •.et!t•_ to Contractors. sealed proposals will be received at the Council Chamber. C.ty Hall, by the City Recorder, until S:u0 p. m. Thursday, October 6th, 1910. for the improvement of Seventh Avenue from Lincoln Avenue to a point about 900 feet northwesterly thereof, in ac- cordance with plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer, and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. it is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require: 1852 lineal feet combined cement, concrete, curb and guttering. 3770 sq. yds. Taroid macadam. 1275.26 en, yds. Earth filling. 3263.33 cu. yds. cutting. The work to he paid for when slid work is completed and as prescribed by Chapter XXXII. of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Du- buque, work to be completed on or before the 1st day of December, 1910. Pidders must state price per 1'neal foot for combined cement concrete curb and guttering. The price per square yard for Taroid macadam, the price per square yard for cutting; also Wee per cubic yard for earth filling. Each bid must be accompanied by it certified check for $50.00 on some Dubuque bank. as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if award- ed. Check and bid in separate enve- lope. The City Council reserves the right 10 reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, ept. 27th, 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER, 9-27-3t. City Recorder. Notice to ('on:cactors. Sealed proposals will be received at the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the City Recorder, until 5:00 p. m. Thursday, October 6th, 1910, for the improvement of Delhi Street from Asbury Street to the City Limits, in accordance with plans and specifica- tions prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the city Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engi- neer that said improvement will re- quire approximately: 2672 lineal feet combined cement curb and guttering. 5020 sq. yds. Telford macadam 2629.19 cu. yds. of earth filling. 42.35 cu, yds. cutting. The Work to he paid for when said ',l'urlt is completed and as prescribed by Chapter XXXII. of the Revised ordinances of 1901 of the City of Du- buque, work to be completed on or before the 15th day of December, 1910. tlidders must state price per lineal foot for combined cement concrete curb and guttering. The price per square yard for Telford macadam, the price per square yard for cutting; also price per cubic yard of earth tilling Each hid must be accompanied by a certified check for $50.00 on some Dubuque bank, as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Sept. 27th, 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER, 9-27-3t. City Recorder. -daft,. ',u1ar Session, October 6, 1910 CITY COUNCIL. Regular Ses-ion, Oct. 6, 1910, (I uncial.) Council met at 8:00 p. m. Mayor Haas in the chair. Present—Aldermen AcEvoy. O'Rourke. Sauer, Saul. Singrin, Specht and City Attorney l .yon• Bids for the improvement of Delhi street, also for the improvement of Seventh avenue, also for the improve- ment of Irving avenue presented. Moved by Ald. Singrin that bids for Irving avenue and Seventh avenue be opened and the opening of bids on Delhi street be postponed. Carried. Irving Avenue In1lrov ement— O'Farrell Contracting' Co., ntaeadain, Sue; curb and guttering, Bic per lineal foot; grading, 40c per cubic yurl. J. F. Brown, curb and glitter. sue per lineal foot; macadam, 5c per square yard; grading', 34c per cubic yard. G. L. Iiormann, grading, 4 per yard; curb and gutter. 85e; macadam- izing, l icadaln-.izing, 75c per square yard. Tibet' Eros., macadam, square yard. SO': curb and guttering. He per lineal foot: grading, cubic yard, 35c, N. J. Staner, gutter and curbing. SOc per lineal foot: cutting 33c per cubic yard; macadam, 7Se per silil;ar, said. Wilmer Cook, grading, ::-lc per euhic yard; curb and gutter, xnc per lineal foot; macadam. 7uc per square y;ird, H. TM. Scharle & Co.. cutting, 35c per cubic yard; gutter and curb, 82c per lineal foot; macadam, 79c per square yard. Moved by .\Id. Singrin the bids he referred to City Engineer, he to re- port tonight. Carried. Seventh Avenue Improvement— Tibey Bros., grading, 35e per cubic yard; macadam, $1.10 for square yard: curb and gutter, 74c per lineal foot. N. J. Staner, curb and gutter, 75c Per lineal foot; filling, 30c per cubic —yard; cutting, 30c per cubic yard; macadam, $1.18 per square yard. O'Farrell Contracting Co., macadam, $1.10 per square yard; curl, and gut- ter, 90c per lineal foot; grading. 45c per cubic yard. Chris. Braun, curb and gutter, 7.5c per lineal foot; macadam, 95c Per square yard, including rolling; grad- ing. ,;:,c per cobic yard. 11. Al. Scliarle & Co., cutting, 300 Per cubic yard: curb and gutters'. 7Sc per lineal fool; macail;uu, $1.19 per square yard. Eagle Point Lime Wt.,rks. grading, 30e per square yard; ma >>i din. $1.20 per square yard; curb and glitter, 77e per lineal foot. J. F. Brown, macadam, $1.04 per square yard; curb and gutter. S4c per lineal foot; grading', 35e per square yard. 335 Moved by Ald, Singrin bids be re- ferred to City Engineer, he to report tonight. Carried. Petition of certain abutting property o0 'l's along the improvement .0' tlr,uiltie•w avetoo.. asking' that the grade of certain portion of said im- provement be changed, pr,sented, Moved by Ald. Saul the rules be sus- pended to permit anyone present to address the council regarding' the ch; age of grade. Mr. I:yan and Mr. Sullivan addressed the council, stating that the change asked for would in no way interfere with the now of water or damage the property, but it' change was not Made it would damage the property considerably. city Engineer Haumgartn a' was asked as to his upilt- ion regarding the change. Ile stated the change eland he made without a great expense and the property would be benefited thereby. .Moved Iiy Ald. Saul that action he deferred until next meeting and when we adjourn the adjourn to Friday, Oct. 7. 1910. tarried. ltemonstrant'e of J. K. Deming et al against laying sidewalk on t;arlield a venue. abutting Lot 2 of mineral Lot 466, presented. \laced by Ald. Satre' b,• l'i.ferroll to ('utnntittee of the Whole and City Recorder instructed not to advertise for bids. tarried. 1'4•tition of The Farley X I.oetsclter S;ishnuikers, asking permission ior the use of .5rnuo'y hall ou i let. IN. I>,>II, for dancing purposes preselneil. 1111 1)10 - tion of ,Cii. Saul rel'erre.l to t'umtnit- tee of the \\'Mule. Petition of Jolla.(turns asking the city to furnish him with employment presented. on motion of Ald. \icEvoV received and filed, Petition of Hygiene Committee of Women's club et n1, asking that in the event th.. ,.ity purchases the ((linger property, on Jackson street, that a part lee set aside fur public play grounds ',resented. On 'notion of Ald. Saul referred to Committee of the Whole. Petition of court of honor Indus- trial elnl, asking fur pe•rinission to USC the Armory hall on the loth, 11th and 121.11 of November, presented. moved 1)y .-AId. p'Ituurke I' referred to t'nm- mittee of th • \\'lole. .\mended le. \Iel. Singrin the prayer of petititioners I i granted. Amendment carried. 71 lion lost. A waiver signed by (avners of prop- erty between Washington and Elm streets and 'twenty-tirst and Twenty- second streets (known :is Eagle Point 336 Regular Sest,ion, October 6, 1910 avenue and Lincoln avenue), waiving all objections to errors, irregularities or inequalities in the construction of 8 -inch tile pipe Sanitary Sewer to run from Twenty-first street to Twenty- second street and connect. With Sani- tary Sewer in 'Twenty --first street, and agreeing to pay all assessments for said improvement when due, present- ed. Moved by Ald. Specht to suspend the rules to permit anyone who de- sired to address the council in refer- ence to said sewer. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer. Saul, Sinerin, Specht. Nays—None. Air. Phil Brelthaupt addressed the council, stating that the waiver was signed by all but one of the property owners, and that the sewer would pass through private ground owned by the signers of the waiver. Moved by Aid. O'Rourke the prayer be granted subject to the opinion of the City Attorney and the Sanitary Officer be instructed to investigate as to the sewer c•annecti,n of Mr, Batun- hover's property on Twenty-second St. and report to the council. Carried. Petition of Anna Dieti asking that the taxes for the year of 1909 on the real estate of Andreas Dietl, deceas- ed, be remitted and cancelled. On mo- tion of A Id. Specht prayer granted. Petition of Catherine Blitsch asking that the taxes on the north half of Lot 13, in Tivoli Addition, being her homestead, he eanc•elled in full pre- sented. On motion of Ald. Sauer ac- tion deferred until next regular meet- ing. Petition of Philip Iilunschoedt et al riling that the council take some ac- tion to prevent the C. G. W. R. R. from laying any more tracks on Elm street, between Twenti'-fifth and Twenty-seventh streets, tmresented. Moved by Ald. Sauer the rules be sus- pended to Permit anyone present to address the council in reference to the Petition. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds, Apel. McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays Mr. Philip Nlunshoedt addressed the council regarding the filling of street between 'Twenty-fifth and Twenty- seventh street and the laying of tracks by O. W. R. Moved by Aid. O'Rourke the petition of Philip Klun- sehoedt et al lie referred to City At- torney and he to report to Committee al' the Whole at his earliest conven- ience. Carried. Petition of Captain H. G. Higbee, asking that the necessary repairs to the interior of that part of the En- gine House leased by the Governor's Greys for Armory purposes be given immediate attention presented. On motion of Ald. Saul, referred to the Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings and they to report to the Cminc•ii. Petition of ,Jas. Lynch, asking that the special assessment against South of Lot M8,s and 558a. ('ity, owned by .l.J. Robinson Estate, for clean- ing snow, be cancelled, as the sail work was not done. On motion of Ald, O'Rourke, prayer Of petitioner granted. Petition (If Dubuque Brewing & :Halting co., asking to be granted permission to construct an overhead bridge running from the bottling de- partment ou north side of 27th Street to the bottle storage plant 00 rho soul h side of 27th Street, persented. .\loye l by A Saul Prayer of Peti- tioner he granted and Ordinance Committee draft proper Ordinance. Amended by ,A Id. .\Pel, to be re- ferred to Committee of the Whole to view the ground, Amendment lost by following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, Singrin, Knecht. Nays -- Alds, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Motion carried. Dubuque, Iowa, Sept. 30, 1910. To the Htraarable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The un,l.-rsigned re- spectfully state that they are the purchasers, successors ,and :tssignoes of the saloon busines,, of \epi Curtis in the Pity of 1)ul,u,l a, Iowa, which said Ned ('uriis has h,'reb,fore held and been. granted :t resolution of con- sent by the City Council of the City of i)ubu.ltte. lo,•;:t :mi loc.ising him to engage in the sal, of intoxicating liquors in the said :rj and your pe- titioners as flit. ,rs and as- signees of the busheess of said Ne•I Curtis respectfully ask your honor- able body to grant them a new resp lution of consent to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors and deal therein in the City of Dubuque. Iowa. and to cause the following resolution to be adapted, the same to he effect ive and in force from the 1st day of October, 191 n, GEHL & RUSSELL. On motion of Ald O'Rourke, the prayer was granted. Re It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That con- sent is hereby gic,•n (0 Gehl & Rus- sell as successors, purchasers and as- signees of the business of Ned. Cur- tis, to sell and keep for sale intoxi- cating B(lu)rs and deal therein in the city of Dubuque. Iowa, as provided by late. This resolution is to be in full force and effect from the 1st day of October, 1 91 0. Ald. Apel moved the adoption of the resolution. Regular Session, October 6, 1910 Carried by the following vote: • Yeas — Aids. .\i,el, McEvoy, O'Rourke. Saaul, Sauer, Singrin and Specht. Ni, ys—None. \Inv'ed by .\Id McEvoy the a.,,10 - tract for improving Irving Avenue bre awarded to J. F. Brown, he being lowest bidder, and bond placed at 25 per cent of contract. Carried. Droved by Aid. Specht the contract for improving Seventh Avenue be awarded to ('hris. 1'raun, he being the lowest bidder, and bond pineed at 25 pet` cent of contract. c'arrrir• I. REPORTS OF OFFI('ERS. City Auditor Lyons reported as fnl- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Hro'r.vv ith find my re- port for the month of September, 19111, showing the receipts and dis- bursements for the month Receipts— ('ash on hand Sept. 1. 1910.876.788.01 Iteceipts during month 1ti,623J1 Total $93,41.1.12 I)ishursenu•nts-- \\'au'rants redeemed $10,S14.24 improvement Mond coupons redeemed 371.12 Regular bond coupon deemed re - 7,259.88 Total $38,445.24 Balance c let. 1st. 1910—$54.965.88 $54.965.88 The above cash balance includes improvement bund fund, improvement bond interest fund and library fund balances. Water \\'l Irks Account— Waator \\'arks balance Sept. 1, 1910 $29,348.04 11 a'laalsIlerl with City Treas- urer by Water Works Trustees 1,431.72 Total Orders drawn on city Treasurer by Water \Forks Trustees 5,313.50 *Pal:ince Oct. 1, 1911) $27,467.26 Excavation A('('(((hit--- Bala nce Sept. I, 1 9 1 (1 $ 4 n, 00 Deposited with City Treasurer (luring month 25.00 Total $65.00 Permits redeemed by City Treasurer 10,011 i±alance Oct. 1, 1910 355.00 Also the following is a record of all interest coupons redeemed by the City Treasurer during the past month and credited to him: Improvement bond coupons .8 371.12 Regular bond coupons 7.050.88 Total $7 Il 1.00 $12.7 79.76 1910 887 .Also rhea. is due the ('ity ()dicers for month of Septembr'r• 1910, sal- aries amounting to $2,711.se Also the following list show's the apt'romintions and the amount of warrants drawn on each fund since the beginning of the fiscal year be- ginning Morel) 1st, 1910, to ()ember 1st, 1910: 1':Xpellse .. First 10stHet S t''iid District . Third ilistl'ict , Fourth District . Fifth District Fire Police .... .... Sewerage ... .. I'rintia . , .. . . Street Lighting , Interest . of Health ;railing .. .... .Special Bonded Appropriation $4)',1100.00 Expended $20,984.119 'A Ii, 27 9.446.40 8,1I2.98 ~.10X.49 20.274.43 2.s2I.I0 1.229.98 18. 11.1„ 3.023.2 852 Paving .. , , , 4.000.00 451 :: I Special Bonded Debt and In- terest. .. .... 4,000.00 .Mt. Carmel Ave. nus Grading . 2,500.00 30.85 Sidewalk Repair- ing ..... .... 1,000.00 589.81 Bluff Street Ex- t. nsion 500.00 4211.07 Bee Branch Sew- er, Third Ward, DubuquePack- ing. Plant .... 2,500.00 9.62 Improvement of Windsor Ave., 1,000.00 Bee Pranch Sew- er. Third Ward, 18th street .. 2,500,00 lte.• 1 -ranch Sew- er. in :''fifth Ward ... ... 5,000.00 2,373.47 Improvement of Grandview Avenue .. ... 2,500.00 F.agl' Point Park 3,000.00 2,995.85 ('lay Street Im- provement ... 1,200.00 82.20 1Ieeb Street Grading. .. .. 300.00 62.50 Improvement of Valley Street . 200.00 Improvement of Willow Street. 1,900.00 )penI g of booth and Staring Streets. 500.00 234.00 Twenty - Seventh St reel Storm Imprnv,•mant of AItlinuser :\v'e. tint rovelncnt of Seventh Ave. Firemen's Pen- sion Fund ... 1.300.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 2,500.00 750.00 750.00 338 Regular Session, October 6, 1910 Policemen's Pen- sion Fund ... Opening and Grading Alley Between Clark a n d Angella Streets .. .... Opening of Ce- dar Street ... Part Cost of Car Street:Wall .. New Street Sweeper .. Ninth Avenue Sewer .. .... 750.00 500.00 500.00 317.00 280.00 800.00 $305,579.26 750.00 311.99 256.66 Fire Chief Reinfried reported as foiloe.ts: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The following is the pay roll of the Fire Department for the last half of September, 1910: .Amount line Firemen $1,604.90 Los i oer cent retained for Pension Fund 31.56 Respectfully submitted, J. R. REINFRIED, Chief. Approved by Committee on Fire. On motion of Ald. Singrin, the re - pert was received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay the Firemen and the t'.•pert referred hack to the Com- mittee on Fire. chic f Of Police Reilly reported as follows: • 'J'o the Honorable Mayor and Clty Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the police report for the month of Sep- tember. 1910: Intoxication 56 Assault and Battery 3 Carrying Concealed Weapons 1 Disorderly Conduct 3 Disturbing the Peace 8 Fugitive from Justice 1 Jumping Moving Trains 1 Larceny 1 :Malicious Mischief 4 Petit Larceny 4 'Threats to Kill 1 Vagrancy .... 11 Total Residents Arrested Doors Found Open 27 Lodgers Harbored 42 Defective Lights ... 44 Meals Furnished 7 Cost of Food $ 1.40 Police Court Costs Collected $23.30 Sheriff Dieting Prisoners, August to September $23.80 Patrol Runs for Prisoners 78 Transfer of Prisoners 1 Ambulance Calls 4 Committee Calls 1 Miles Traveled 94 • Also beg to submit pay roll ,for Po- licemen last half of September, 1910. Amount Policemen, $1,382.50; amount retained Pension Fund, $27.69. THOS. REILEY, Chief of Police. On motion of Aid. Sauer, the report and pay roll were .received and war- rants ordered drawn to pay the Police- men and the report referred to the Committee on Police and Light. Street ('commissioner Ma hony re- ported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the pay tell 1'm• labor on streets during- the last hill' of September, 1910: Amount due laborers on strcets.$2,013.50 Due laborers on Heeb Street Extension 13.50 Total ..... . $2027.00 Approved by Committee on Streets. Also submit the pay roll for labor on sewers during the last half of Sep- tember, 1910: Amount due laborers on sewers..$219.30 Respectfully submitted, JOHN MAlltt\y, Street ('ommissiener. On 'motion of Ald. Saul. the pay rolls on streets and sewers nils received and warrants ordered dcccun to pay the various amounts. and the Pay rolls and report referred back to the proper com- mittees. To the Honorable -Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my - pay roll for labor on streets and lead- ing into the county, the expense of the same to be paid from the county road fund: Total due laborers $715.99 Respectfully, JOHN MAHONY. On motion of Ald. Singrin report be received and the same paid and report referred back to Committee on Streets. Aid. Sauer reported that one of the patrol wagon horses had died. Moved by AId. O'Rourke that the Fire Committee consult with the Chief Of Fire and if found to be neces- sary to purchase a horse, they to ad- vertise for same. Carried. 94 Ald. O'Rourke moved that the Engi- 34 neer be instructed to give lines of property known as public square and market. Carried. Moved by Ald. Spec•nt to adjourn to Friday, Oct. 7, 1910. Carried Approved. .I V . "/ pi/0 Adjourned Regular Session, October 7, 1910 CITY COUNCIL. 111 0(1 1 e14t11:11' S('MSlO11, llrttlber 7, 1910. (Uttic'ial.) Mayor Hafts in the choir. Council (tet at 8:4:; 11. m. Present—Aids. Apel. It'ltourke, Saul. 9'ingrin and City Attorney LYon. Absent—:\itis, AlcI':woy, `Auer and Specht. \layor Haas stated that the meeting was an adjourned meeting of the reg- ular session of Uctoltet' 6, 1910, ;111(1 was called to take up and (*onside]. all matters which may properly come be- fore a regular session of the City Council. the Honorable ('itN- Council: Gentlemen: At the session of Your honor;lble body held September 26th, you instructed me to appoint a com- mittee eompost•d or live members of the City- ('ouncii, five of the Shippers' \s>ocilltion. five frons the Labor l cions of the city and five from the employes of the C'hic'ago Great \V -est - ern P,ail1(ay to confer vwith the of- ficers or said railway vwith u \ ievv- of hawing the division Point retained in this city. Acting under smelt instruc- tions. I \\'0111(1 respectfully re_,ort that I have made the follo\wins' selections: For the City council: Al s. Saul, (1'I(ourke, $ingrin, \iel•:woy and Specht. For the Shippers' Association: J. M. .McFadden. 1), T). Myers, F. N. S,•hrte- det', L. I), .Mathes and 1-. (1. Mulla'. For the Labor Unions: Jacob _Muhl, D. A\ ':land. Simla Miller. J. Al. ('on- ic•y and Theodore Gabriel. I am nimble to Pante tII.' n lin tires from the Chicago 1 ; r, , I \\' 'stern Railway t'mldoyes at the pr•s •I.t lilac, but trust that I will he iti,11 1.. s by next 'l'nesday. as f am informed that it mooting of the en1III tycs will be held in the meantime. at which 01171(.14 'Will he recommended for ap- pointment. Very respectfully, 1). .I . I I . \ . \ S. Aliyor. :\ld. ti lt11iir1(,• report (In notion of elltproved, City Treasurer \\'ybrant reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Below you \will find statement of amount adraneed by me from September 1 to September 30. 1910, inclusive. 1'ot' which please order warr;I ats drawn in my favor: Interest paid on warrants out- standing $1 (17"1,97 389 Freight charges, express, ex- chnny,e• etc...... Library orders pail) 94.94 R9 Please final attached a list ot'un- Laid taxes for the years If 19115, 1906, 191(7 1011 11,111 ;Is ,• your instrnetittns of septenlblir 1. 1910, 'There is no rec- ord in my office of matters I,•nlin bel'oro the Council in relation t„ t;lx matters. Very truly yours. n1:(). D. \\'V'' . \l"\ •d I'rensiirer. 1ty Ah . I1'Ituut9(e lin,' report Le rocCiv-ed and warrants ordered drawn to pay \ratiolts amounts and re- port rig:tiding taxes be t-ofet'ed to the Committee of \\'hole, the other report be referred to Committee On Finance. Carried. IlIlvel by Aid. (1'fittnrl<I• that the Pity Treasurer malce list of unpaid special assessments. Carried. Alds. llel?our Smnor and .S'peeht en- lert'd at 9 p. nt. and took their seats. To the Honorable Mayor and ('ity C'ounc'il: Gentlemen: T herewith submit by report for ((elective lights for the month of September, 1910: 1 find from the report of the Police Deportment that the total hours that 44 h;nlps failed to horn woIdd equal 1 2-1 humps burning for one month, ur 88.71. l:espeetfnll'' submitted. \\"ILLL\\f Tl IP11.\ N. City- Elect (111 motion of Ald. Sneer. the report was received and the ritw Auditor' to 1'e iast('I,.1..11 11.0111 the inion Elect!•i ill or the month of ,'11t 'I . all,• solo of $8.71.. Follovv'iii0 \V', IO'hlmistet's' reports of receipts \ret.,.wonted ;0111 read ;11110. I IIm motion, w, ne ].(.Ccloud ;Ind tiled: Jos. Str:ult'y. First \\': rd seines...$ 3.90 i' 1'.vv. Norton, 'Third \\'it'd 3; 75 Allrrlcet Srinds wtitl ;.00 slde\v';Ill( lnspeetor Itoyee report pre- sented. (m motion Ill Aid. S,InI re- ferred to Committee ul \\'111111'. \lowed fly :AId. situ rim the riles suspended to ;iliov(. (';Ipf:Iln III^bee to address the Connell. I';11r1el1 h> the foll0vwiu0 vole: 3'1(15 .\ Hs: .\p14. \Icf:wO)', Snul. Saner, Sincrin. SpCtht. Ni;ws--NIge. (';1III;1111 11i:21t•1• addressed the Com -f- en ill rerec, nee to til • proposed repairs 111 .\rn n\ hull. .\Id. Sander. 'Iiiihutnn en l' IIIj • ((rounds ;old 1tllil(1iugs. ree- on11i,1.111 1e11 ii III the repl11(5 ht made. 1,.1 11\- .\111 S; III that the ('onl- 111111,.1 1111 111111111e t110i111ds :Ind h111ld- in_s. II:Iw1' (lbs s'dhlllittod to C01111(. 1:. 3411 Adjourned Regular Sestion, October 7, 1910 for the repairing of plastering, etc. Carried by the folowing vote: Yeas— Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Saul. Nays— Sauer, Singrin, Specht. To the I lonorable Council: Gentlemen: Your board of health beg to report that on September 30th, 1910, they y meet and approved of the net ice el the Sanitary Officer as to s.,,Wiaty sewer connections ordered, also. as to the action he has taken ,regarding the Rafferty vault; also. that we approv,• the tiling of in- formation by Meat and 1\1,1k Inspec- tor 1)r. 1". J. Kennedy against ..lrs. Standemaiw', whose Milk failed to .stand the required test; also, that the Health Officer, Milk and Meat Irn- spector, and Sanitary Officer, were in- structed to investigate the premises of John St,indemaier, and if found in an unsanitary condition as reported, they are to report to the chairman of the Board, who shall call a special meeting of the Board, to take action regarding the snore; also, that Milk and Meat In- specbil' Xennedy be instructed to place cards la inspection in Meat Markets in- spected by him, and found in a sanitary condition; also, instructed the Cleric of the I:e,urd to correspond with the only, or State Board of Health, as to having several distributing etathins ;'or A.ntitoxin; also, recommend that the bill of Nutwood Livery Co. for amt,olanee service, total $10.50 be paid. The following bills certified to and sent to the county for payment, Union Electric Co., $3.00, M. E. Kink, $3.00 I:.•i Niece Pharmacy, $7.50, C. M. Linden- berg, 75c, W. Quintet], $38.98 Eichorn & Bechtel, $4.97. W. G. Kress, $3.95. Duetcher Bros., $15.63, C. J. Shannon, $25.60. Respectfully. Jill -IN fi'l;ut'RKE. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke the re - report was approved. The following bids were read: R. Caffrey, macadam, 2nd road.. 4.20 B. Glass, macadam, 2nd. road 8.48 John Miller, macadam, 2nd road..$12.54 Mike Donigan, macadam, 2nd road 2.06 Chas, O'Neil. macadam, 2nd road 11.70 Jos Browilette, macadam, 2nd. road 5.29 Con Moore, macadam, 4th road.. 2.10 Ed. Malloy, macadam, Ord road.. 21.93 li. .licearten, Sr., inspector Grandview avenue sewer Ten; k ntl ally, inspector Grand- view 7.70 view avenue seyer 7.70 \Villiam ('lark, inspector Bluff street 11.55 C. W. Katz, inspector Bee Branch sewer, Seventeenth and Eighteenth streets 25 03 James Lynch, inspector Bee Branch sewer, 51.11 ward 26 95 Street & Steuck, 5 per cent re - tamed improving \Vest Fourth street .... ... 109.SS Wilmer Cook, 5 per cent retained improving O'Neil avenue 99.69 Moved by Ald. Saul that warrants be drawn on Treasurer and all bills proprely O. K. be paid. Carried. Petition of J. E. Shortell et al. asking that a permanent sidewalk be laid on Cooler avenue from Peru road to alley between Peru road and Milwaukee avenue, a distance of about 123 feet. was presented. Moved by Ald. Specht, prayer of petitioners he granted. Car- ried. Petition of Patrick Kenncally et al asking that a new grade be establish- ed, following more closely the present ground line presented. Moved by Ald. Saul that the grade be dropped two feet at Station 63, running from that elevation to the regular grade at Sta- tion 60 and 67 and that the Engineer be instructed to present profile show- ing the change. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas—Apel. McEvoy, O'Rourke. Sauer, Saul, Sinarin, Specht. Na ys—None. City Engineer Baumgartner presentee( l•o1i1 • showing change of grade l'r•on Ste tion 60 to 67 on Grandview avenue. Moved by Ald. Soul the profile as sub- mit ted by Engineer be adopted. ('a cried l,> f llewiug vote: Yeas --.Apel. _lfe- Eee , I>'ouele., S.iirl saner, sinerin. Specht. SThivoci by :kid. O'Rourke that the city Recorder advertise for horses to he purchased l,v the city for the Fire Department and the same to he at the Ninth street Engine House Wednesday, October 12, at 9 a. in. for inspection. Carried. Ald. Saner, chairman on public ground and buildings, reported as to the settlement the insurance company offered for damages done by fire to the Ninth Street Engine House. Moved by Aid. O'Rourke that the Council approve of the committees action. Carried. Ald. McEvoy offered the following: An ordintovc e avnendin:- en orclinan'••• granting the German Presbyterian Theological school of the Northwest permission to use that portion of East street. in the City of Dubuque, that w e ;id other•ta ise lie taken up with the sidewalk on the east of said street. for perk purposes. and regulatiing the said grant. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That section Four (4) of an ordinance adopted by City Council of the City of Dubuque on the 29th day of ,July. 1910, and entitled an "Ordin- -- --Adjourned 1-Zegnlal• Session, O'lt;h,'I• 7, 1910 41 duce Granting the German Presbyter--- Ian Theological school of the North- Your Commitee r tf the whole, to west permission to use that portion of whom were referred the follow itgh bilis, East street, in the City of Dubuque, would respectfully that recommend rant in 1 sumo be pail and that i n 1! tats t that would uthervcisc' be taken ult settlement thereof b; ordered drawn with the sjif'w ilk on said street. for a on the city 'Treasurer: park purposes, and regulating said C. F. Fitzpatrick ('o., stationery grant," he amended, by striking from and supplies .. .... said section Four the words-Seven (7) J. P. Workman, 10 per .nt o8 7.00 f years," and inserting in lien thereof amount collected on omittedthe words -Twenty (20) yea s.'' taxes Section 2. This ordinance shall be in sS:r 6 force and effect from and after its Your Contmitb e ,.f the AChole, to passage by the City Council and its whom was referred the p;titian of F. publication one time in the Dubuque H. Scheppley asking that the bria•k Times-Journal and the Dubuque Tele- paving and curbing be allon'ed to re- graph-Uertld. official newspapers of main in tient of Lots ;r„ and 7Gsa said City, and the inittcaI acceptance DlcDaniel's Suh., would respecill;lly. hereof duly indorsed her, said see nnnei:d that said petition he re- Theological school' cotv ed :nut filed. Adopted ...... .... ..................1910 Approved 1`J10• four committee of the Whole, to `Thom was referred the r'port of the Attest: \l,ty or. Park Commission to August .',l, 1111). would respectfully ree n mend that The undersigned hereby :accepts the s;;id report lie receiceil and that the precisions and terms of the foregoing sante he re:'errc,,l to the Finance cum- ordinance, this-- day of c ietoher, 1910. :Moved l;y Alcl. Uel:goy this he con- sidered the first reading. Carried. Moved by Aid. McEvoy that rides be suspended and the ordinance he read by its title. ..lotion lost hv' following vote: Yeas-- Apel, McEvoy. (;'Rourke, Saul, Bingen:. Nays—Saner, Specht. To the Honor;,file Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I beg to report as Iver your instructions. I have investigated the matter of sewer connection, with storm sewer, known as Bee ih'anch Sewer. and find that Mr. Baun,hov-er•, at Eagle Point avenue and Sanford avenue has Poor houses. :utd a sewer nnth e for incorponition i;t the .Aanniii Reports of (1f1'icers. Your Committee of (be Whole, to «'ho; were refs»rod the tvco petitions of Jacob \fell relative to a compromise on the special assessment levied against his property for the improve- ment if' tlrindvie\c avenue. \could respectfully reconnneml that said peti- tions 1_,e received and gaged. Tour Committee of the .Chole, to W110111 was referred the petition of the Iowa Telephone company asking that it he granted permission to erect and maintain a line of poles, telephone wires and cables on and along the east side of \V'ilsun nvenne from west Eighth stn., t to .Julien avenue :oil on running; in rear of each, in private :,nil along the north side of .T;ilien alley. the stone connected with Pee avenue Ii'ow Grant avenue to .Alta P.r'anch Sewer, all connection' :ii in V'istu street V. ;ill :u;ehnr poles nt the rear of woodshed. and are used ii. (grant :cccaue ;cid near the ;iglu- Itrst (lispose of wash water, dish water, and east of hilt avenue, would respect - rain water only. fully recommend that the prayer of Respectfully yours. the petitioner be ci',iited, the work to PA1'T. 711:AV'1?R, be done in;tler the direction of' the Sanitary ((like!. city- Electrician. On motion of Ald (Yllonrke received and filed. Your committee of the Whole, to 'wht was referred the petition of Mrs. Ald. Specht offered the following: Jos -'Bine 1, , li'•y asking that the He it resolved by the City Council c:dnatiun oia th • ;undivided part of Lot of the city of Dubuque, That th-- 2 of 1 and 5 ul' 15 :out 1 of 11 of -.mineral City Engineer he and he is hereby in- Lot 171 be reduced to $500.00, would strueted to prepare it profile showing a r, sl;ccifa;lly reionnnend that said peti- proposed grade in the alley first west lime I r -'eked and flied, of Lennon street from Stolz avenue tic Saunders avenue. .",,,;r committer. of the Whole, to Moved by Ald, Specht that it be tip- wbou; was referred the petition of proved and Engineer be instructed. Dennis Bros.. et al relative to the Carried. drainage on First sheet between Main ;aid -Iowa street. would respeci i sill; Aid. Saul. chairman of committee retnnnacnd that the nt:athe). be ref,-rred of the \Thole, offered the following: t a t'.' City. Engineer 10 prepare a Adjourned hegular Session, October 7, 1910 profile showing present ground line and established grade on the alley between Main and Iowa streets front the north line of First street to the south line of Second street. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Moved by Ald. Saul that the various reports of the Committee of the Whole be adopted. Carried. Ald. Specht offered the following: Be it Resolved by the ('ity Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to construct a sanitary sewer in the alley between (7;i!lipid and Rhomberg avenues as follmvs. to wit: An eight inch tile pipe sewer in said alley from Middle ;iveuae to heed avenue and to assess the cost of said sewer against the ;thrtt11g property. Ald. Specht moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas— Apel. McEvoy. ct'hnarke, Neater, Saul, tiinea9n. Specht. Nays—None. Alderman Specht offered the follow- ing: • Re it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City Engineer he and he is hereby directe1 to prepare ;i plat and specifications for an eight inch tilt pipe sanitary sewer in the alley between Garfield and Rhomberg avenues from Middle avenue to Reed avenue, showing the locations and general natute of such improvement, the extent thereof, the size and kind of material to be used. and to prepare an estimate of the cost thereof and the amount assessable up- on each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting thereon per front feet or 'square feet in area. and to file such plat. specifications and estimate its the office of City Recorder. That atter such plat is so filed, the City Recorder shall cause to be pub- lished notice oi' the intention of the ('onw•il to make such Improvement. 'which notice shall be published in three consecutive issues of the official paper of the City of Dubuque, stating that such plat is on file, and generally the nature of the sewer, its location, size and kinds of material to he used. and the estimate of its cost, and fixing the tune before which objections can Ya- rned, which time shall not be less than five days alter the last publication of s;iiil notice, after the completion of the publication of such notice, he shall at its next session, notify the Connei: thereof itt writing with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. Specht moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas — Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Saul, Sauer, Singrin, Specht Nays—None. Ald. Specht offered the following: lie it Resolved by the City Cottncil of the City of Dubuque, Town: That it permanent Sidewalk of the width of five feet be and the same ie hereby ordered to be laid on the east side of Klein street, hetiveen Klingen- berg' 'Terrace and Katifnt:tn :tvctlue anti in front of the following described premises: Lot 2 of 1 of Chas. Kiingen- berg 4th Sub. Such sidewalk to be constructed of materials :111(1 in the manner as fol- ltnt's. to -twit: O» a soh -base of Hu - tiers or broken stone eight inches deco shall be laid a Vase three inches thick conlpoSctI of one part of Iirtl In l cement. ttt't starts of clean .sharp sand and four pal is of hrolcen stone, on top of which shall ltc' laid a wearing sur- face one inch thick composed of equal parts Portland cement and clean fine- ly crushed stone or gra vel. Sa id sidewalk to be completed on or before the first (lay of November, 1010. ;old the ost of the sane be taxed against said premises ;i ltd collected in the manner prescribed by ' lie it Further hosoli e(l. That said property owner be anil is :utthorizet9 to construe t said sidewalk at his own expense, provided )10 heains work thereon Within ten days ;:iter being notified by the City Recorder of th:• Passage of this resolution by the City Council, and completes the same with- in thirty 'days therm iter. lie it Further Resolved. Th;tt if said vrca•k is not commenced within the time n::nned in s;itl notice that the City Recorder he and is hereby ordered to give ten days native by two puhli'•a- tinns asking lot' proposals for the do- ing of said work under contraet with the city. The proposals for the doin:; of said work shall he acted upon by the City Connell on the 20th day of ( tctober 1910. Ald. Specht moved the adoption the resolution. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas—Apel. McEvoy, O'Rourke, Saner, Singrin. Specht. Nays—None. Ald. McEvoy offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the ('ity of Dubuque, lova: That a permanent sidewalk of the width of four li tt. he :tail the sante is hereby ordered to be laid mi the north side of Seminary street, between Harold and ieppler streets. and in front of the following premises: Lots 3. 4. and Ii of Littleton and SaWers Add. Snell sidewalk to be constructed of materials and in the manner as fol- lows, to -wit: On a sub -base of cin- ders or broken stone eight inches deep shall be laid a base three inches thick composed of one part Portl:tntl 'intent, two parts of clean sh;n•p sand and foto' ports of broken stone on toll of wliii ala !I he I:iIii a `ve:n•ing snril i' c. Regular Session, October 20, 1910 inch thick composed of equal Portland cement and parts crushed stone or gravel. clean finely COUNCIL. Said sidewalk to be completed on o before the first day of November, 1910, and the cost of the same be taxed nIn:u ; r, l:r session1 t 20, 19:a. the manner prescribed by lat.aginst saidpremises and collected :r council met 0t 9:00 ll• m. Bet it Further Resolved, That said Ar,s1n 111 /Is in the chair. property owner be and is authorized to Present—.Al,;,s \:„•l, c,'I;,,nrr, • saner. construct said sidewalk at his own ex- city ttorn, y ,lectin and pense, provided he begins work there- tt Attorney Winging. t:isrtnt on within ten days after being notified • .\1,1” Ili--\lel. McEvoy. by the City Ree order of theoI l singrin moved that :l Intoe on this resolution by the City Council, and i approval of the sept it completes within thirty da in s for the month of 1(14',,.I,ll ti'I he Be it Further Resolved, yThatlif said I"' deferred until not na•etin ofthework is not commenced within the time rte il' carried. tied. named in said notice that the CityI!ids for improvement of I)Ilii street. Recorder be and is hereby ordered to ills:, for eoastci,,.lion „f Sanitary give ten clays notice by two publica- tions asking for proposals for t' in Twenty -seventh street. also ing of said work under contractwith for ented. A„Ii of Hy Ai sidewalks, the city. The proposals Inc'the doing presented. hills \lov,•,1 I, Aid. Saul all of said work shall he :acted upon b ! lu,w,.ine,t ut 11,. opened ,' ertrt taose I'or im- the City Council on the 20th. day of I on same lie Iii street :Incl actinr, October, 1910.I” at;lone,l. carried. Ald. McEvoy moved the adoption of H. \I. tieh:nle \ l'1.,: ;,1_ the resolution. Carried by the fol- pipe, $".. s t Inch the lowing vote: Yeas--apel. McEvoy. } per lineal ,'not; Ir, inch tile O'Rourke. Saul, Sauer, Singrin, Specht. pipe, xr„ •r lineal foot: p I: -inch the Nays—None. pipe.I1er lineal foot: manholes. (.11,1111, ::;26.010. eatc'h basins. each, $16.:41; int is each, $9.00. I, h. lliuoI: $_'.99 Inv' lineal foot. inchiding manholes and catch Ialsins. I'iLe itros.: 0 -inch ti le 11er lineal foot: 1G -inch tile I,il,e, 9le tier lineal foot: 12 -inch tilt i'Me, Cie Car- per Mot: manholes, inlets and catch basins, 9111.00. Street .A Steuck: :.Il -inch tile pike. Id1Ol foul; IS -inch tile pipe, per lineal foot: 12-inc'h the Idle. per lineal font; catch has:ns, $21.011 1/rrr/or 'mit: inlets. $5.011 eueh. Aid Saul moved the bids be rcf,•I'rc•,i 10 c'it I:ngiiie,'r ;111,1 Its• to l'0p011 to- night. carried. /licore1 r • I:i11s fol' l;lying cement sidewalks as fl llutt's: I., (boss,',: I:and:,Ii's sol,., Lots i, 4, 3, Ii, S, 1-4, I.i and IG. iii" fool wide. • and v,;Ilk on the west side of I., Inst Si 1'1 e1 :111,1 01,11!, si11e 1,l' Si conA sue,'t, ci:111 I, . ,.isle. I" • per s,lu:,ie'oot: mitmitt1tt at eoi11,•1 0l' Lncilst nud ,10, - e!e; -i teens. IIS.. tills In t square In,.t, u, : r'i;;i I'' 11I:11is 1111,1 e:ii ion \', .1. Sian '1; I h1•1',•i,v ,1,0ee to 1.on- s11nr1 the vNii,ns .sidewalks ;is a,l- lisell ..eeor11ii, to iJI ins and s'u•ci- iie:Itieus, :It 121., cents I„ r square foot. 11,1. said Moved bias Lc rele1rc11 to t•ul!1O0(1e.•,.f -\\•hole. c';i:1i,.cl Moved by Ald. Specht. 'the City Recorder advertise for bids for the con- struction of storm water sower in Twenty-seventh street. Carried. Ald. Specht moved to adjourn. tied. Approrerl 11.I.N. .I. I1't s,1 1'. 1 cll. A -ii', in•u:u1- :uu.'9 }ti 29 1..1111 I;,ii l; til. ea41a1a, 17 O¢ .li Ii . I;naw ll. ....-..II en. v,ls. 34.1 Rt';-ulal' Session, October 10, 1910 ncadaccun. IIdad 2 55 41 \\'. ('lark. inspector Fluff Street 23 10 John c;rsey. 118.45 cu. yds. ma- cadam. Road 2 118 45 \\'. \Vailker, 19.51 cru. yds. macad- am, Road 2 19 11 F. Klinnpp, inspector 1Vindsor 25 00 A ver lie 'fine Taylor, inspector Seventh Street, Alain to ('lay 5 77 T. Kenne;illy. inspeetnr Grand- view Avenue sewer 23 ld F .A. Burns, coal for Police and Road Depts.. John Rett, repairs and supplies Road Dept F. G. Pecker, coal. !toad Dept20 06 F. Schlnz & Son. repairs and sup- plies, Road I h pt 12 35 Fischer & ('o., coal for Road Dept G. \V. Healey & Son, supplies Road Dept W. D. Deckert Co., pipe, Road Dept 1 40 National Behring Co.. oil, Road Dept.... ... .. 2 Oic Wm. Marshall, repairs, steam roller 2 90 N. J. Stancr. repair gutter on Kniest Street. Road 5 1 25 Dubuque Sand fent( Gravel Co., sand for Road Dept 4 89 Gen. Korman, repair gutter on East Street, Road 4 6 50 Standard Oii Co_, oil ('or Road Dept 3 69 O'Farrell Contracting Co., ma- cadam and brick, Road 2 148 38 Key.1'ity Iran Works, supplies, Road Dept 13 8,8 Standard Lumber Co., lumber, Road Dept. No. 2 9 25 Geo. Rock, supplies, Heeb Street2 00 J. F. Ris Bro., supplies, Road Dept 5 25 .los. J. !Iowan & Son, gloves (toad Dept... 1 40 Key City Roofing Co., cement for Sewer and Road Dept 6 33 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., supplies for SoWer and Road Depts." 3 70 G. F. Klcih. supplies. Sewer, Po- lice and Itond Delfts 2 38 Marquette Pharmacy, supplies, Fire Dept 8 1" 38 44 631 12 21 8.5 Chris. A. \'aelker, premium on Iloilo- No. 1!;355. Fire . 4 11 F. S c hluz & Sun. repairs, Fire Dela18 CO Geo. IZog;itz & Son, repairs. Fire Dept 1 40 John Newnan & Son, repairs, Fire Dept, 52 00 Dubuque !lubber & Belting Co, hose and fireman coat 12 70 Hopkins & Witty. repair cluck, Fire Dept... 1 25 Key City (hits Co., coal, Fire Dept 31 40 \Wondc rlich & \Viederholt, horse - sho -hi,, Fire Dept 8 45 Thos. Connolly Est.. repairs, Fire Dept 12 Oa Collings & Pliffner. horscshoeing, Fire Dept 12 00 John 1<riohs, repair harness. Fire Dept 1 65 Dennis Bros.. feed. Fire Dept9 40 John Putt. repairs. Fire Dept..., 3 75 A. V. :\lcl>onald 1\il'g. Co., sup- plies Fire Dept 75 .1. Reach «1 Son, soap. Fire Dept4 00 J. F. Itis & Bros., mantels, Fire Dept 50 Key City (;us Co., rental gas fires. Police and Fire Debts 2 0) I:Ilwnnger Ines., repairs. Sewer, Bond. Police and Fire Depts13 60 St-u:dfu•d Lumber Co.. shavings, Fire and Police Depts 30 50 17ettel Pros.. feed for Fire and Dept... ... 6 se (1, \V. Healey & Son, supplies, Fire and Police Depts 80 1?d. Norton, furnish meals to prisoners 1 40 I?. c eller% repairs for Sewer Dept. 50 11. c c'Dnunell. repairs for Sewer Dc -pt. • Ii 85 (Pec. Alasters. gas mantles. ('its• Hail 41 John. N. Jungers, putting in glass City Hall 9 is 9'. G. Becker, wood. Police and City Hall 3 50 Pier Pros., wood, Police and City Hall 13 03 7. P. Foley, towel service, City Hall 4 04 Western robin 'I''I. ('n., clock service for September 7 00 Dubuque Lurcher Co„ lumber sidewalk and road 77 11 National Denrokrat, printing for Sel:tcinhrc• 12 50 Labor Loader, printing. Septcnr- hc r. 1910 12 50 Smith -Morgan Prtg. co., print- ing phfcmplets unci warrants2.1 4C Telegraph Herald, printing Coun- cil proceedings ... 48 34 Times -Journal, printing Council proceediicps 57 12 Key City Gas Co., gas for var- ious offices t'nion Electric Co., power for 8:; 9i City Fire alarm 2 On Town Telephone Co., rent of tele- phone 11 50 Eagle Point Lime Works. 5 per cent. r, t:tined reguttering Ju- lien Avenue 200 40 Kent-ty & Schcu•Ic•, city's share of cost of in:proc'in.. \\'incisor Ave. 900 00 O'Farrell Contracting Co., grad- in:, ffrind\•iew Avenue 1800 ,;,r A1c1. Saul moved that ccart:ucts be dr: m.1i ocl tee;,surcr fuer( all bids prop- erl .• O. K'd, he paid and others he re- ferred to C'ommittec• of Whole. Car - tied. The following bills were referred Janus Lc Vi & Co. R .80 414. Regular Session, October :20, 1910 Union Printing t'o, 14.00 union 1'aectric C. W. Noble \• ('u .............. 0257.01. N. .1. Stone O'Farrell Contracting. Co S39.800.90N. J. Stoner 3415.00 J. F. Brown 37.87 Eagle Point Lune \\'or.j ., MOOF. Beutin . 121.93 .......... W. D. Deckt'rt & Co 3.1:7 Ald. Saul toyed to suspend the rules to allow Air. ('has. Stevenson and Ur. Nissen to addless the roun- (II. Carried by the following tole: Yeas—:lids. Apel, trltaint, -, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Absent—Ald. \it•Evoy. Mr, Chats. Stevenson addressed the Council. slatting that he desired to connect with sanitary sewer anal, on account o1' the Storm (Water St-, el•, it would he necessary to run an extra 75 feet to make the connection and desired to have the Council allow him fur this extra run. Moved hy Aid. Singrin that this matter he rel'orred to Committee of Whole to view the grounds. Carried. Mr. }[assett addressed the Council, asking as to whether he should s:ush or tamp the tilling of Grandview Aye - nue sewer. On motion of Aid. caul, referred to chairman t'onnitle.• un Sewers with power, he to view the gi•ounili% Petition of F. I'cutin. :asl<iug 1,(•t' - mission to construct a tl;(,on s; -alt' at the northeast corner of (Eat livid Avenue and Kniest Street, pres(nied. On motion of Aid. siltgrin referred to ('tonntitt.'(• of \Chola• to view the gnundu. Petition of Faun H. Hazen. asking the Connell to view the grounds on Seventh Avenue and arrange grade so that teams etc.. could drive unix her grounds, presented. On motion of Ald. Sauer. referred to ('ummitt(•o of Whole to view grounds and the City Engineer to be present. Petition of \laple Leval' Lodge. No. Sl. l'rotherhoi.il of itailroad Truitt - men, 1(' 1.. Ihty(I, ill 'si t lit asking pt•rmis'sit,n to use Armory Ilan for dance purpose on the 24th of No- vember, 1'a I n, presented. on motion Ald Saul. referred to Committee of Whole. Petition of Catherine i'litsch. ask- ing that taxes for year 1909 cm North hair of 1,1 I iS in 'Tivoli Add. he cnn- c•eIle(1. (in motion of Ald. Specht. 1'1:(F••r granted and Treasurer to be instructed. Petition of Airs. fila Al. L. Cutler, asking that assessment on merchan- dise be cancelled. On motion (f Ald. :\Iu•l, referred to Hoard or I.:tlualiza- Iiaal. 1'etillD 11 Df I'. L, \I(•tltyel'il. ask- ing the City to accept the sum of $:111.1,0 in full for .,1'• -'iii lax levied for the improyellt(•ot of \\'(•sl seven- teenth Street and against hots 31/ and 21 in Kringle's Suh. of ttutlot 743. city. io•esent(•i• On motion of .A1(l. (i'Itonrlce. referred to t'omtrlitt,e of 1 he \\'hole• I''i Ill n of Lhlhu(1t1' \ \\'isen fridge rD. asking that the l the taxes I'o vein• 1909 1:„.,cautc•elle(1 I•'ts. trod. un motion of Aid, Sauer prayer granted. Petition or John toms. asking the City to reimburse hint for `I luack 'I' lilling :null 5 planks used to eI Wer I ce lIra»elt sewer running throe e1 (•••t 21 in \Vest's .\dd .presented. (.a In erten of Ald. Sauter, prayer g'ant. d. \ld. ;'ate'.' me:Wed that the phanks he paid from the Sidewalk Fund and the filling from the Pee i' -ranch Sewer (Fifth \\'aril) appropri;ati..lt, il' there be ally left. r'arrie(1. Petition of .T. \1. Kenoety• asking the council's intention regarding tiro rifting of the Last course on Ithd'f Street. presented. Aid, It'Itour::e• ntm'ed Iliat when we adjourn we iiijaalrn to Fri('.ay, (Wt. 3 1 . I'au•t•i ed. .\Id. O'hutlrki mored shalt a( tion on the petition of J. I. Kennet) he delerred until nest meeting and the ('ilk• .\ttul'ne3- give his apitli.,rl alt 1111. meeting. ('arrit'd. City Recorder Geiger presented :111(1 read the nutiee, cerlilied to by th.• publisher. of the t'ouneil's intent:au to intln•aVe 'I'w.•rtly-seventh r tt ( 'I )m (he East line of Pine Street to about 1411 feet \vestwarti• No ron)(al- su•mu•e lacing flied and nD one in Ih.• reels object/11g to .said intproyerneLt the notice aaS. Dtl nnalh.lt Df :\ Id. Spet'ht, I'ereiy('d and riled. Md. Saul. chairman t'olnntitlec un Steel. reported as follows: Venr committee Dn SIl ets would respectfully report we hire examined the Lice lirtaneh S(•IIa '1• between Leman Sue: -I and ('Diller .\venue and ,inc•ks, o r i' e. i, . onnt t uet..1 tO' the tt'F:u•rell contracting co.. and would recotn tend that the sank he accept - . tl and that i(;u•I:utts he ordered drawn in a(II(I,Lalt'(• iiitll rant iii rt. Your ('ionnittee on Sir, ets would respectfully report that ii hats• ix- tunined the brick paWfug on Fifth Street fr•nm Alain to Locust streets, 346 Regular Session, October 20, 1910 the O'Farrell Contracting Co., con- tractors, and Would respectfully rec- ommend that said work It • accepted and that the city Engineer be in- structed to prepare a special assess - no nl against the lots or parse's o,' real estate subject to assrssm,•ni ('el said improvement and file the same in the ollic e of the (':ty Recorder, who will thereupon publish the notice of said :assessment as required by ordinance. Your Committee on Str(ets would respectfully l'elrnit that we have es- amined the brick paving on Windt -o Avenue, henry : charle, contractor. and would recommend that said work he accep'e.1 and tliat the City Engi- neer be instructed to prepare a special :assessment against the lots or pairt•eIs of real estate subject to as- sessment for said improvement and tilt• the same in the (dice of the City I:eet-rder. who will thereupon publish the notice of said ,.sst•!.,smcnt as re- quired 1)N- ordinance. JAMES SAIL, Chairman. (in motion af .`,lal, Saul the various reports were adopted as read. Your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that on account of error the City 'Treas- urer be instructed to deduct the s;nn of ti(1.l from the special assessln;nt levier! against Sub. 14, Ann O' Han'e'A Sub., Lot 2. for the improvement of East SIre.•t. J.\,\-lES SA CL. Chairman. Alt]. Sant moved the adaption o" the report of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Aid. Sinsrin offered the following: -1u ordinance amending. an ordinance granting the Gentian Presbyterian Theological School of the Northwest l-orati.=sign to use that portion of East street. ill the City of Dubuque, that would otherwise be taken up with the sidewalk on the east of said street, for park purposes, and regulating the said grant. Ire it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That section Four (1) of an ort inane(• anlnl-trd by City Council of the Pitt- of lrttbuque on the 29th day o1' July, 1910, and entitled an -ordin- ance (;ranting the German Presbyter- ian 'Theological School of the North- wtpermission to use that ltorti(tlt of East street, it, the Pity of Dubuque, that would otherwise he taken up with the sidewalk on said street, fol. park purposes, and regulating said grant," be amended, by striking from situ,' section Four the words "Seven (7) years," and inserting in lieu thereof the words "Twenty (20) )'tars•" Section 2. This ordinance shall he in furca anal effect from and after its passage by the City ('ouncii :iml puldicatfon ant• tame in the Itubtlqut 'Pintas-,lutn'nnl and the 1)nbn Inc '1'cle- graph-1-1erald. official tie‘‘ spa pees of said ('ity, and the written acceptance hereof duly indorsed hereof ay said 'I'heolegiea I school. Adoptt'(1 1910. AItitro\'t'd 1910. \layor. A hest: The undersigned hereby accepts the provisions :and terms oi' the foregoing ordinance, this --- -- day of October, 1910, Moved by AId. Singrin this be con- sidered the second reading, Carried. AId. Singrin mored the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the follow- ing- vote: Yeas--,\lds. .Apel, II'ltow'ke. Singrin, Specht. Nays—Sauer, Specht. ItEl-'Olt'I'S (11•' O1" It I('I•:1iS. ]''ire ('hiel' P.einl'ried report•tl as fol- lows: To the Honorable \i:n•or :and Pity Council: Gentlemen: The fnllotwing is the Pay roll of the Fire Department for the first hall' of October, 1910: Amount clue Firemen :{1 :-410.10 Respectfully submitted. J. it. 1hI' [NFIII1•:O, Chief. Approved I,y tht 4'ontntittee on Fire. , On motion of .\ Id. Singrin, the report wits receiwett and \w:1'Tants ordered drawn to pay the firemen, and the re - Port referred hack to the Committee on Fire. chief of Police Itelilt' reported as To the Honoraalble Mayor and City t'tatnell: Gentlemen: The following is the nay roll ni' Police Department for the first h;tlf of October, 1010: Amount clue Police sten $1393.00 Restec•tfully submitted, THO\[AS ItEILLY. Chief. On motion of Ald, Salter, the report and fun\• roll twcre received atilt] war• rants ordered drawn to pay the Police- men and ti-ito-I referred to the Coln- 1111ttee on Police and Light. Street Commissioner ?lahoney re- ported as follows: To the Honor'ahlelt:avor and City Council: Gentlemen: T herewith submit the pray roll for labor on streets during the first half of October, 1910: Amount due laborers on stn• ts.:;17c22.75 Also due laborers gra lin' Heeh street during the first hall' of tn-toher, 1910, $1111.21. Adjourned Regular Session, October 21, 1910 sewers, during the lost halt' 111' 0c - Wirer, 1910: Conon it tt'i' on streets. Also submit the roll for labor on oiTy CO0c- Wirer, 1910: Amount duo laborers on settors,$"17.70 Iteslioctfully si iii itted,(official.)Jt )Il \ AI.\ I It 1\ I•:l", Adjourned Regular , , 5511111. , h•l. SI, 1910. Street t'en1111issi,lnl r• Alayot' H:t:1s in (Ii 1•11:1tr. :\]]lilted by- Cunonitt ,• 011 s,.tt,•t•s. (',11111(11 Met It '1:111 11. fit. On motion of AId. Saul tli,• 11;iv rolls _'resent—Aids. .\li l:toy, t)'I;ourl:e. on streets :11 d setters 11, re recei:o,l sin1rin, Specht, Apel and Assistant ht - and ttnrr:i0ts ordered (Int \VtI to 1;1y torm'y Winging. the carious amounts anti the pay rolls Absent—Al,ls saner and Saul. anti report referred back to the propel committees, Alnyot' Haas stated that the meeting as :ut ad•jontao'd nu•itin14 of the re. Street Commissioner \lahoney also gidar F, :w11i11 id' uctober ^1t. lata. 111,1 relmrted that there 11 :is due laborers ns called to hike tip City :\tturiey's for it'ut9: dune 011 streets leading into report on the I;luff street matter ;11111 the country and to h1• paid out of „flier 'miters ((Mich may lauln•rly t'ounty Road Fund: (olio• before a t'egnl:n' 5(551„11 of the Amount clue $9S11.0 city Cointeil. on motion of Ald, singrin report re- e1•ited and the various amounts be Petition of ,1. AI. Kencty. asking the paid and report referred back U1 t'oiteil's intention, in regard to the In•uper conunitt'',' rolling nl' the 1:151 ()nrw• on Bluff Alt], fiats lisped the ellntraet to e„1- t •t latth t Isltreett.11 WWitshtonh ututiotttreet tid' \ild. strtt't setter in 2.7111 stn -et i . :((carded slleellt• received and tiled. Til '•t 1:ros., they beim the lowest —_--- 1,10 1 tarried. City Attorney Lyons reported as fol- lows: Aid, Sinarin, chairman on Fire, re- 'I'u the II ill tablt• Alayiir and City ported they had jturehased a horse for Council 111' the City of Dubuque. Fire Department. Ilet,ort approti'tl tlentlenn•it: lu the matter of til, i,_ council, interpretation of the contract existing hetn'een .1. Al. Konoty 11111 the City el' Ald. Specht reported he had appoint- Iltibn,lne, I'or the intlnoteniiit of Miff ed \Ir. Albert Sri -wester inspector of 7th ate. A11p11intIII 'lit ill by coun(11. Ald. SI1e1•t calved 1,0 adjourn to Fri• tiny, f let. 21. tato. I';n•ri(d. Adopted 7 Apltroced k"--61-11— Attest: 1910. 1910. street hettteen Eight and sixteenth street. \thiel( ttas referred to me for a ttrittett opinion. I 11e to report as 1'0l- lotcs: The .=aid (1111r:1 et protides, anon, other things that the contractor prom ises :nul agrees to furnish :ill material sad do :ill the necessary (tilde ;roil Ia- bur '•ht the inlprociu11.111 0l' the street in ,Iucstinn. 'That by the (,•lois nl' the eontra(t til%• 11111115 :tad specifications attached to said contra, t fill' made part thereof. I'hnt in s;1id specifir;i- uns it is 1', 111111'4'11 "that the s;lreo 111;1:•n 111111 shall he S1a•e:ul in :t certabt 111:1ni:, r. 11tc•r the 'W1'11;11'0(1 11:151' :11111 :,.11:1111 11 :aid \tell 1.11111,1 1lith :1 ten too steam roller- It farther It ntiiles "tli;it the ntorill of the tre:rte,l 1(1:1111 surlhei, \11th grit tel shall be blade cthiie the iispluilt is still but :11111 511111 sat r:!1•,• sh:111 them be t11111.11 111111 :t tell 1,111 roller," etc. It is lily opinion from the readin14 of the «nitra,t ;1111( the specifications. that it is the ,1mty or the contractor to I,. ei•ery'tllinO ueccss;iry for i111• ,un1- 1,11t11111 el 1111' IIIli< in 11n1.stio1i. and 01nl this 1111114 111(111,11... tlu• ronin I-' fall] lir the s,uco 11111 .111:1111 111n•fnec. lfnllt s111111,i1h11. t:1•:r1. F. l,\'It\, City .\ttorlmy. \111 \i, l:• 1 _((tell till. n,loption o. 1 1,1.111 1 111114,1 3414 Adjourned Regular Session, October 21, 1910 Ald. O'Rourke moved that the City Itecorder be instructed to notify Mr. Neatety as to the action - of the City conned in regard to his petition. Car- ried. Ald. O'Ifourke moved that the City Council inspect the sewer nuilt by Mr. Noble and they to report as soon as possible. Carried. Ald. Apel moved that the petition from the Maple Lcaf Lodge No. IS1, 11 of R. T., asking - for the use of the Armory hail, November 24, 1910. for the purpose of giving a dance be taken from the Committee of the Whole for discussion. Carried. ried. Ald. Saul entered at 0:30 p. in., and took his seat. Aid. :Ape I moved that the the Alai,le I. Lodge No. R. T. be gru)tc ]. Carried. prayer of 1S1 B. of Petition of Andrew Icing, asking the Council to accept $_ :.un in full pay- ment fr.) assessment levied on lots _(IS and Yny in Union Addition. •:AId. Saul mored that the petition be teco iyed and tiled. carried by the .11,0ing' into: Areas ---Aids. Ah•Eyoy, (('Rourke So il. Singrin and Specht. Nays—Ald. Apel. Absent—Ald. Sauer. 1.Id. O'Rourke reported that there was $:580.00 available from the county. Ald. Mc•h:roy mored that the amount be divided pro rato among the First, Fourth and Fifth wards. Carried. The petition of consent as follows was presented: To the Honorable M;tyor and the City conned of the City of Dubuque: ilentleInen. The undersigned, Frank Nrayer. respectfully states that he is a gnalined ('lector of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. That he is the pur- chaser, successor and assignee of tines ,akii,n business of F. P. Riddell at the inherit Hotel on Jones st•ei t. oppo- t tLe Illinois. Central depot in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, known as No. "ln Jones street. and as such pur- chaser. cup , o s.sor and assiaui•e to the Lesioess nl' said F. P. Riddell, he re- -I«.•tfnlly prays your Honorable Body ;;mitt him a new permit or resolu- c000 of consent to sell ;did keep for le inb5xio ating liquors by him at the Southern Hotel on Jones street, oppo- sit' the Illinois Central depot in the t, It ii;u(l i. town. known as No. ,!e,e . ,tri t. and to cause thy. 'Inr. lie' ro-=nHtiun of consent to be d"l tell. FRANK K11AYER. .v"ea"l by Aid. Singrin the prayer _:•:urted, Carried. Be it resolved by the City council of the ('1ty of Dubuque, That consent is hereby given Frank Krayer as pur- chaser successor• and assignee of the saloon business of F. P. Riddell at the Southern Hotel on Junes street, oppo- site the Illinois Centrtil depot known ;is No. 340 Jones street in the City of Dubuque, to sell and keep for sale in- t„xic:iting liquors and deal therein in the City of Dubuque, town, as provid- ed by law. The consent here is given in lieu of and in renewal of the resolution of consent heretofore given F. P. Ifiddell. Moved by .Aid. Singrin the adoptio of the resolution. (',irried by the following rote: Yeas— ,Aids. Ape]. O'Rourke, Saul, Singrin Specht. Nayes—None. Absent—Shaer Ald. Saul, moved that the Committee of the Whole, City Engineer and pro- perty owners along the proposed im- provement on Twenty-seventh street, Vie\y the grounds. ('a riled. Akl. Aich:roy offered the following: AN C) I-li) I NA Ni 'H. An Ordinance granting the ('arr. Ryder & Adams Co.. prenrissiou to carry certain pipes across .ho•ksoa street, between Ninth and Tenth streets, in the City of Dubuque, and regulating such grant. lie it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That permission be and the same is hereby granted the ('arc. Ryder & Adams Co. to carry certain steam and ' yclo le pipes from its new power house on Jackson street, be- t‘‘eel)Ninth and Tenth streets, over Jackson street to the aurin engine station of said company, and to 1:12. cot grin return pipes under said st•c c: between the same two buildings, soli Ject to the conditions and provisions. herein conttinecl. Said overhead pipe: are to be so constructed as not to interfere in any manner with t•:ive upon and over said Jackson st•cc•'. or the sidewalks thereof, and in every way to be so maintained as not to eucl:in.ger persons or animals passing Wong. ur under said pipes, or properti being conveyed under same. Section 2. The pipes conveyed under ground shall be enclosed ill a tonna so constructed and maintained as to nutke navel alien and over said Jack- son street perfectly safe in every way and as to preserve the con title(' of said street the same as though no such tunnel existed. Section 3. Said Carr. nyder R• Adams Co. shall agree, as n cnnditiu to the grant of this privilege, and by ((ay, oy of guaranty, to protect and so ye the City of Dubuque h;trnilrss to any claims, damages or liabilities of ;.ny kind which many arise because of t! -ie construction and maintenance • Ad,journ(l(l Regular Session, October 21. 1910 349 Section 4. tunnel immediate removal of pipes or tunnel Section 5 Carr, Ryder, & Co. bond streets affected by tunnel Section 6. Times Journal and Telegraph Herald Carr, Ryder, & Adams Co. An Ordinance granting H B Glover Company permission to make a tunnel from building on southeast corner of Fifth and Iowa Streets, City Lots 229 and 230, to building on Northeast corner of Iowa and Fifth Streets City Lots 227 and 228 Clay st 35() • Adjourned Regular Session, October 26, 1910 Section f. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from :11(1 after its passage by the City Connell and As publication ona time in the Times - Journal and the 'I'elegrai h-I1(.1,dd, off'- , ial ne\(spatu•rs, and written accept- ance thoreol duly indorsed hereon by said II. Ii. Glover ('ompany. .`,dolited 1910 ApProvt'll 1010. Mayor. Attest' City llecorder. The provisions and terms of tIte above ordin(ua•e and particnl:rrly of the .guaranty (-out:Wird ill section 3 hereof. are herehy accepted. this ---- (la;: of---- 1910. moved by Ald. AIcHvoy that the eadin just hod I (. t olisidt red its first reading. Carried. :\i(1. McEvoy mover] that the rules be suspended for the purpose of read - in )rd;'n:ua'e by its title for the second titer. Carried by the follow - in!' vote, fats—,\'ds. Apel, Mt-l'htry, r('I;onrke. S:nii, Singrin, Specht. Nays— No:ie. Absent—Aid. Sauer. Cid. :\icE?voy their moved that the nrdin.incc he nova' adopted as read. carried lit the following vote: Yeas -- Aids. :\Irol, McEvoy, (l'llonrke, Saul. `'im•rin. Specht. \:ryes — None. Absent—Sauer. \lots• 1 by Ald. Saul to adjourn to meet \Vednesd(ty. Oct. 26, 1910.Carried. OTTO P. GEIGER, City Recorder. Ily (leo. H. ilwanger, Deputy. Atgrroper/. 1" -.61 --VL .A (test: lard flu Recorder LIMY COUNCIL. (Utticiai. ) \ (lion n•n(..i Regular' Session ()et. 21i, 19111. Mayor Haas in the chair. Council met at 8:4i' p. to. Present-- .\Ids.. Apel, McEvoy. r 'Rotikel. :noir, Saul. Singrin and Specht. city Attorney Lyon and As- sistant .\ttorney \\'illging. Mayor Haas stilted that the rneet- ing Was all adimirllel nn'eting of the ;idjolnlie;' met ting of Oct. 21st of tb- regular session of Oct. 211, 1:110, and Was called to take up and consider all matters which may properly come before a regular session of the ('ity Council. Moved by Aid, Saul, the I'ouneil Proceedings for the month of Sep- tember be approved as Printed. Car- ried. Moved by Altl. Saul to suspend the rules to allow Mr. Ring to address the Council regarding the assessment levie 1 against Lots 208 and 209, Un- ion .Add.. ilii' anyone who wishes to a ldress the Council on any other natter. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -- Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke. Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Specht. Nays—None. Mir. Ling addressed the Council regal. ling the assessment and asked the ('ity Council to accept V. 0.0 0 as a full settlement. Moved by All. Aper that the City Council accept $30.00 from Mir. Ring fur assessment against Lots 208 and 209. Union .Add., in full. Carried. Petition from the Ancient Order of United Workmen, asking for the use of Armory Hall the middle of Nov- ember for a dance, Was on motion of Aid. McEvoy granted. Aid. Saul moved that the bid of H. G. Strong for the construction of storm sewer in 'Twenty-seventh :street be returned to him unopened. Carried. Itids for the improv'e'ment of Delhi street .ur••cnted. In motion of All. :\ic17v'oy they (ver oo •e,•d as Iitilovvs: 1-1. Al. Seharle t'o---Grading filling. Per cu. yd.. :roc: curb and gutter, per lineal foot. Noe; nute;c•iimizing, per s,!. yd., 79c. Tiley I'los.---.\lacadam, per sq. yrl.. Sot•; curb and gutter. 74c: grinling. Adjourned Regular Session, (ictoh(1. 21;, 19111 J. F. brown—Curb and gutter, 87a. pet• 1111(.111 foot; I1tactola lt, 72c per set. ytl: grading. :12c 111.7 so. yd. (('I'nrrell Contracting Co.- .\Iac:1 clam. s:Ic 11(.1' sit. X11.: c•111'1 an l g111 - ter. 711' per lin. ft.: grading. ;, ,,• 1,,.1• cu. yd. St. Paul railroad enlvert, N. J. stnuer. contractor, and would recom- mend that said \cork 1e accepted. chairman. -Aid. San] mo\Cil the adoption of the Variotts reports of the ('ontrnittee of \\'ilntor t'ook----(Jracling, 40(...per s11, the \\'h,10. gid.: 1'111.1 and gutter, X 31' per lin. ft.• m:I 7:111:1 nti7,ing, inc per •"I. y11. .\Id. Saul nnuot'd that the petition o(' ,\Id. McEvoy 110)0,41 that the Lid- Il. \lal'kav lie take( t'ruln the Commit - Le 1•of1•rr1•d tt the ('its I•:ngin'tr• he tee of the \V'11111• fur disc•ussiun. Car - to report later in the ('('ening. Car- lied. tied. :\Id. Singrin nto\•od that :I ((arrant Ise 117;11A'11 for :130.(10 i11 I.:nVur of ll. I,epurt Upon construction of \Inrko ]'or damages (.1111(1111 h4' the 1n'i 1ot.• sten ml roller. carried. stmvet' 1S' A. h. heel(. eo'necting lois :10 un(i :11, in Farley's Sub. with sant- t:u'P sewer in Julien Avenue• wac en :\X c II:1)1 \'.\ \'c'l•: (notion of :11(1. 1(111urk(. referred t \\ 4(l11)T\:\\1'I; the l'onlntittee of the Whole. 1)I'I11'(21'T 111:1•:ACI.A(1 1A AI AI.'1'1Xt: 1'4 1. 1.1,',1 I ISSII I\ .Lc l I.11.\'N'I'I,1'I'T Petition of 1-10I(( 1'. Lemper, in rc,- :\ 11I,IIn11? \4'I:(I- '1111i'I'Y- gard to 'loving city settle on 'Thirtieth SI:c'ft\It ''I'1 i:I{'I', 1\ '1'111; I'1'I'l- and Jal'lcson :o.i.oss the street 40as t'1 (nil 1)l'lll'll l'I:. AN!) 'notion of .\Id. \11111 refol rod to the 1 S1'l'I1 (;I,,\\'I'. ('oIanittoo Ir lite \\'hole to cievv the ' S(•etiun 1. 'I'llat I1c•rntissio( he 111111 gr(nuds. th1• sante is her, -1 y granted the I)n- ------ hu1u, 11r1•\cing ,\ \11111 (1 Co. to eon- l'etition front St. Joseph eonvellt. stl't(t a hridgc a1 (oss \chlIt is Itovv \It. l'armol. aslcing that 41atl•r mains Thirty-second Street, in the Pity of 11' cXG•n11ed :flung 7lra nllvioa ..Ave. to 1)111)11,711e, for the iaupose 4410 ronnect- \It. C arils '), p; escnted. .\Id. 1l'tt n'.lcl, hip; its hottlin_ d(p,n'tmeut on til,• 11111\1'11 that the petition he referred to north side of said street \vitt, th4• hot - the conunittce appointed 1\ the A1,y111 t:4. storage !dant on the south Fido and they to confer with the 44.11t1.4. thereof. (11111'1'1 to thetn'ov'isinns ln•re- vvorks 'll ustees. and use all pnssiL1,- in contained. Said 10.141.41• \\hen (-In- i1ldUenl e to have mains extended. t 111,_ strueted to he locate(. ap111'oshllatoly ri -d. 1911 feet east ul' \\'nshin:;ton Street. and to ho erected iii such manner :Is to =\I(1. \i4,•1.:‘.1,3- moved that the t'ity .\t- l'a\'1• not less than socenl1(n 11 ) feet torso\ givo nn opinion nwSt nleetim; and (9) inches cic:n;11a,• front the stir - as to \vltat the ('itv' 1'411111111 11;1(1 face of said 'Thirty-second Su' et to the in ordering \\•:tier 11111111(1 Gr ho e h 11(1- lowest portion or (Imfnce 1110 F:Ii11 ed. t';u'ried. I ridge. and in tine 1\,111. iu suet( wan - nor as not to interfere in any \V(I' itlt 1111\11 upon and over said street Your 1'0ntmittee of the AV'Indo 44'(4111(1 and the sid,vv'ulks there •l'. lespeetlltll\ report that we 111111' es- See. _. Suid bridge sha11 he inclosed. :1111111(.11 tiro reinforecd concaet(- vcorl: ;Ind shall in :III WilyS so constrn,•t- '111 the Ileo 1;711111 sewer in the 1III1\' ecf :Ind n1:1i111ait'd as I1o1 t41 1a1,1111teer het \\'yen ('1'(11(7' and Syciti1141r11 strot is 1-I r?ons 111' animals passing 1114,11.4 or front the north side of Sixteenth Street under said it'iclge• or along or I .I•r to 11 point ,hoot one 1111n(1redl and sixth' the strew, in Muesli'((. feet no/therly therefrom. N..1. Starter, Said 1(111111111(. Itrek\in_i R contractor. and 14 -Hold respectfully rev'- Molting Co., as a condition to the unlmend that said ‘Perls he 1)74-71. _ ,41;!1:11 of this 'rntission, sn:1li 111;•7111111, by ,101141111,4 the 14•''1117: Yon! t'onnnittco of tile \V'h411e ((mild reef. 7' 1'11114 1411,11'1'1 :11111 Fel-Teel( nlI\ r1 port tII:(t IV, hnPe ,.(1- I•ilc of 1)11111111:11• 11.,roth141. as t11 al0 :Imi(I,d the (11(11'oreod '1(neret • AA'ol•!: on "1:11111%, da'IL1g1 s ut' Il:'hint of an4 the Ileo 117,110)4 se(cer in til'' ;111.-y 1'1•- ;:111.1 (' hich nr y :tis . 1 l.'auw X11' 111 • tvicecn (.'1'11117 111111 SP annn 1 1,IIIst1.111'11'11: :0.111 1 1111 i111'•I1;111'' 'i( 111: front the snip( side of. 4auuetnn', :1f '1''40 hl. :1111 in Street to a pniltt :11111111 11`!)' 11 .11.1.11- l i 1 n:Iv tis•• ,..; Iinst (1;1111 ('It (illy therefrom, ('. AY. .A1111(., ontrl(•_ I I I.I;Ise 11. .011 u 1'1171, -1111 Co111- tot', :Ind \\1111111 rccuronl n l th,t -;1111 <11: 1 !' 11•'1111(11 of said 11' accepted. 'it` . tin h . 1 i1(1.1•ns1• 10 1.0- 111 111111 11111y 11171111111ily lite 117-1 141 777— Yon? rnnnuittol• 111' Ih1 \\.11171,v1''01-] 1 • 11v (I(1' . 11ililil•s or tntl;Ly 1'espeetftllp report tit;lt v(1 11;1(.1 , .,], I., .. s:I rc Lc1;nu<e 1,1 7.117t 11 (1'111 an -lined the vv'nrk 1111 the A'ioU1 .AP un. SL uld 111, Cil ref Itnhu•1ne se",,t east of the ('111';1'411. .vlil((; 11. 352 Adjourned Regular Sesl.ion, October said unsafe, or for any• other reason deem its removal necessary or advis- able, said City may order the immedi- ate removal of said bridge, and on the refusal of said Company so to remove same, within a reasonable time, said City may do so, charging the ex- penses incident thereto to said Com- pany. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Times - Journal and the Telegraph -Herald, of- ficial newspapers, and written accept- ance hereof duly indorsed thereon by said Dubuque Brewing & Malting Co. Adopted Approved Attest: Mayor. City Recorder. The provisions and terms of the above ordinance, and particularly of Section 3 and of the guaranty therein contained, are hereby accepted, this --- day of , 1910. Ald. McEvoy moved that the read- ing just had he considered its first reading. Carried. Ald. McEvoy moved that the rides be suspended for the purpose of read - i ing the Ordinance to its title for the sttond time. Parried by the following vote: Yeas—aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Saul, Sauer, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Ald. McEvoy then moved that the Ordinance be now adopted as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'l-Rourlce, Saul, Sauer, Singrin, Specht. Nayes—None. Ald. Specht asked if anything was done in regard to the Keckevoet mat- ter. Assistant Attorney \\'illging statc•.l that the case had been submitted, but no decision rendered as yet. Mayor Haas stated that Mr. Ryan had made a complaint as to the ob- struction of Camp Street. Moved by Ald. Saul that the Committee of thi• \\•hole view Camp Street. Carried. Ald. Sauter nluvod that the Ai;tynr In instructed to notify Miss Hain in re- a:u•d to making an approach on Seventh Avenue. Carried. Ald. McEvoy moved that Tihey Bros. be awarded the contract for the im- I1oVentent of Delhi Street, they being the lowest bidder, and to start the work in spring and to be completed on or before June 15, 1911. Carried. Ald. Saul moved to adjourn. Carried. OTTO P. GEIGER, City Recorder. fly (ten. 11. Ellcc'anger, Deputy. Adopted ,1910, \Iirii\r•I ( , 1910. Mayor. Speei:ll Session, Octu;,t•1• :2 I CITY COUNCIL. Special Session. (h•t. _ 7 i a 1 n, win jai. I Council met nt 9:40 p. m. \I: r ii;1:i5 iii till' (•hair. ••nt—:\lds, .\pl•1. .\I:•I:c,o\-, sant • pcc•ht an I City .\ttorn(•w Lye \I,„ nt—Alis. II'Ibuirke. Sauer. 2Gtyor Haas stab d that this meet- ing was called for the purpose of taking up the various us bills that were referred to the Committee of th• 1Vholt. Ald. Saul moved that the report of the Committee of the \\'hole h(• r(;t•;. -t•':u•ried. Your Committee of the Whole, to -,whom was ref(•rr(• 1 the l'ollon-inv hills. w ,ald respectfully i itis nl•nd that the same he pail and that war- rants in settlement thereof be oil•re i •Ir;twn on the City Treasurer: {'trioti Electric Co.. Str,•(•t Lighting .... .... ::_: 3..s5 Eagle Point Littre• Works. stone for Thir.1 war l 1..—(ml) C. W. Noble. ]lee 1'r:ou•h Sewer south of 17th street 22:{7.(11 1\'. 1), T1ec•kert Co.. supplies i,na ' Dept 3.1', • F. Peutin. , retained on W11115(11. :\VI•nne ... 121.91 J. F. Brown. 7/`; 'Itwine l In brick gutter on Fifth street 37.S7 I tr1-1•11 Cont :o•ting Co., ',`;, retained on Louis' street.. 39.9; Inion Printing- Co.. printing for Fire Dept 14,0,1 James Levi & Co., supplies for Fire Dept SO N. J. Stoner, Ninth Avenue Sewer contract 500.00 O'Farrell Contracting Co constructing- flee J]tanch, Fifth ward 3360.14 Alt]. Saul moved that the report be adopted and warrants ordered drawn. Carried -Your ('ommittee of the AV'hot(• would respectfully recommend that the City Recorder be instructed to ad- vertis•• for bids for furnishing the different departments of the city with Intl. hay and oats. Said bids to b: ipresented to the City Council at its session of the 3rd day of November, 19111. J:\ M ES S.\1Z. Chairman. Ald. Saul Mowed that the report be a.lopt,•.i. carried. All Soil mowed th;tt the contract for the construction of cement sidr- walks, :r•iw('l'tise.i. be ;.twurdt•d to (:rassell. he being the low(» hi 1.1er. ;Old work to b(• conurtl•n(•(•,1 till' Ct If April, 19i I, (-t•iod. .\l : tial] nn(c(• l to adj nn•n, Car- ried. c)TTO 1', t; I Ii:I•;It, t}' Ite•eol•itt•t'. I (:n. 11. Eliwatiger, I((•puty. 4 Iji('(0(11..✓.k6'Z#04 1910 List of Warrants List of City Warrants. Dubuque, Iowa, t i t. 1, 1910. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of Dubuque: t.enticmen: The following is a complete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of Septem- ber, 1010: 1 would further report that war - runt 4370, ,luted Sept. 13. 1910, pay- able to the O'Farrell Contracting Co., Burn oi' $4110,0,. vas marked acct•unt of no funds out of which to pay same. FOK OFI"ICE {S. D. .1. Naas. salary. Mayor $116 65 Geo. D. Wybrant, salary, Treas- ticer 133 30 F. M. Blake, salary, Deputy Treasurer ... . . 100 00 Louis F. Kolfenbach, salary, Clerk to Treasurer 60 00 M. I'.. i,yons, salary, Auditor116 65 Geo. J. Vogel, salary, Dept. Aud- itor 80 00 (lttu P. (;vigor, salary. Recorder116 65 Geo. H. Ellwanger, salary, Dept Recorder 85 00 Jos. T. Kelly, salary, Assessor125 00 Al. H. Wiedner, salary, Depty Assessor ... 83 30 Frank Kenneally, salary, Depty A ssc•ssor ... 83 30 Geo. T. Lyon, salary, Attorney... 150 00 Edgar H. Winging, salary, Asst. Attorney 85 00 Miss Nettie I3ently, salary, sten- ographer to Attorney 20 00 Chas. Baumgartner, salary, En- gineer 166 65 Jos. Friedrich, salary, Clerk to Engineer 75 00 Walter Cullen, salary, Rod Man50 00 Thos. Reilly, salary, Chief of Po- lice 100 00 John W. Lawlor, salary, Com- mittee Clerk 125 00 John Mahoney, salary, Street Commissioner 100 00 P. J. Royce, salary, Sidewalk In- spector 60 00 Geo. Miller, salary, Supt. of Sprinkling 60 00 Ed. Norton, salary, Market Mas- ter ., 55 00 Al. Moyer, salary, Pound Master 50 30 Mrs. Koening, salary, Janitress30 00 Thos. Cahill, salary Park Custd, 40 00 Chas. McManus, salary, Park- Custd... 40 00 Jos. Straney, Sr., salary, Park Custd 15 00 Dr. Chas . Linehan, salary, Health Physician 50 00 Paul Bewer, salary Sanitary Po- lice 65 00 Dr. F. J. Kennedy, salary, Meat and Milk Inspector 75 00 John H. Carroll. salary, Harbor and Wharf Master 35 00 Peter Aitcl. salary 25 011 Edw. \Irl.:t' ,y, salary 23 01) John tt'Itoul•ke, salary 23 00 Edw. Satter, siInty 23 141 .105. Stud. salary 25 00 Wm. Singriii, salary 'S 00 I,obt. Specht, salary 23 00 FIRE. J. Helnfried, Fire $ 61 75 Wm. Ilipman, Fire 49 00 Mt l::tc•l, Fire 38 23 J. Essntan, Fire 40 07 A. 1)uccini, Fire :i5 78 ?. Flynn. Fire t1 13 Ca, Iiyer, Fire 33 78 A. Heer, Fire _ 3 t ;I 1 .1. Daley, Fire :15 T. Ryder, Fire 411 ,;.- II. II. Cain, Fire 35 78 M. Kelley. Fire 37 73 F. Murphy. Fire 35 78 J. liakey. Fire 32 34 \\'m. Smith Fire 32 34 \Wm. McConnell, Fire 27 45 I>. Ahern. Fire 49 00 J. It 'nzer, Fire 37 73 A. McDonnell, Fire 40 07 P. %illig, Fire 32 34 M. Sweeney, Fire 32 :14 32 34 32 34 \\"m. Kennedy. Fire 19 89 \\'m. Kannolt. Fire 11. birch, Fir/. J. SR'( Loughlin, Fire .1. Connelly. Fire .1. Daugherty, Fire .1. Murphy. Fire 1". Apel. Fire \\'m. '1'a nnsett, Fire (Iehrke, Fire T. Kennedy, Fire J. Smith, Fire J. Keppler, Fire R. Weston. Fire .T. Allen, Fire M. Fahey, Fire Ii. Kenneally. Fire W. Doekstator, Fire Wm. Ducey, Fire F. Kenneally, Fire E. McDermott, Fire 'P. 0'115100, Fire J. Roshin. Fire F. Baumgartner, J. Schoenberger, P. Kirch, Fire Fireman Pension 27 43 24 Sn _"8 Ile 28 tin 38 23 33,78 32 34 32 34 38 23 33 7.ti 32 34 32 34 6 75 38 _3 33 75 32 :i1 4', Fire 33 75 Fire :i_ 34 "7 43 Fund 31 04 POLiC'1•:, Louis 1'locklingnr, Pal let• $ .Tames Corcoran. Police Michael Connolly, Police .Jul, ('ody, Police l'hihp Dunphy, Police William Donahue, Pollee 'Phos, Duggan, I'ulice Michael Fogarty, Police .. Patrick Fury, Police John Fox, Po ice James Flynn, Police \\'illia.m Fox. Police Ben Gray, Police Patrick Hanlon, Police 29 31 1 31 :11 31 31 1'I It 31 :11 (17 55 01; 53 07, 53 Ia 85 83 List of Warrants George Jones, Police 29 67 17.55; 3rd, $8.60; 4th, Emil liahn. Police 31 5 $1: 05; 5th, 75e .......... 1\ I ichael Kilty, Police 31 s 5 s P. Kenneally, Health ....... John 1<ane, Police 1., L 25 20 25 20 James Keefe, Police 24 30 .1. Kinsella. 1-5 in each .... 25 00 John iKop, Police 2.279 1:1oonard, 1st ............ I:. I.ovu. 2nd ............. Patrick Kentleally, Police . W 1:1 63 . Lynh, 1 e4th ............ 1 40 111 .11:11 Barney Liplescher, Pollee 31 06 T. Lonerg.m. 1st, $2.21; 2nd. Charles blest. Police .. 31 30 3r.l. $0.60; 4th, Patrick McInerney, Pune,, 31 85 $6.05: 5th, 710 .......... Patrick Alcrollins. Polic, .. 31 85 Michael Mc('ormick, Police 29 67 ' Ld. Malloy, 3rd : 20 J. Mullen. 2nd Henry Mueller, Police 28 63 Toni Alallov. 3191 is 20 Hugh Markey, Police 31 85 J. Martinek. 4th 11 60 'NI 11 Patrick Mulligan, Police ... 36 75 i T. McNulty, 1st John J. G'Itrien. Pollee .... 31 85 D. McGuimp.ss. 1st 8 20 Alichael trColinor, Police 36 7:-, 11. .41cC01Irey. 2nd 1 So John Ilaesle, pone,. .T. McAlf,ese. 20 2o jostph stony.. Police 31 S3 Gus Haternitin, Police Michael Hyan, Police 31 8 T011 n 31 85 Jnmes Alci.aughlin, 3rd .. 36 1.1 2nd 5 .MeLatighlin. 3191 W. McLaughlin 3rd .21, s_81, (.211); ((111))) Michael Stapleton, Pone., . 31 s5 1'. MePoland, 4th Patrick Sullivan. Police . 31 81 ' J. AlcGrath, 4th 17 40 John Spielman. Police ...... 31 05 R. Aleivern. Expense Dennis Sheehan, Police .... 29 41/ c, (rNeill, 2nd, $10.80; 3rd, 2 111 G Thos. Siv(4.ney. Police 76 75 ! 25 :20 $2.70; 1th. $2.70; Expense. Frank Williams, Police 3,1 01 Louis eZank. olice 27 42 J. $11::::\I-ers, 4th Miss II. Brennan. Poll', • 31 0:, .1. Parker. 4th 21:01 I: meP Mrs. N. Hihhe, Police 31 05 1. l:cddin. 2nd ' 60 Police Pension Fund 2s j. 1:yan. 2nd ii so n 2 F Ni,')''. 4th 5 20 23 00 LABOR ON STREETS. J Selo...41er. 4th J. 13echen, 2nd $ 10 so : T. Brouillette 2nd I ".60 '5 00 J. Steffen, 3rd, $12.60; 4th, S. Bastien. lth 17 20 21 20 16 SO James Toldn, 3rd, $1.00; 4th, Jerry Cahill. 1st 3 60 J. $T114,2s.rli'itort. 1-5 in each .... 37 10 (4, Collitison, 4th 2o4 60 19 80 Pat. Carney. 1-5 in each 25 00 A. Turner, 1-1 in each Jas. Connolly, 1st, $12.60; 2nd. 25 00 L. Walhenheim, 5th $12.60 14 00 95 20 W. Walker, 3191, 89.110; 4th, M. Carney, 2nd, $8.10; 3rd. $ J. Callaghan. 2nd _. 90 9.00 TrA)1S. $0.40; 4th. $0.40 ":-. 20 18 110 \\". Hody 4111 2 40 I Al. Ackels, 3rd, $16.65; 4th. T. I tmalith.. I St, $2.21: 2nd. $3" 3' $7.55; :1191. $0.60: 4th. 1.4. 1:.•ck..r. 3191 $ :;(tll 51)(1/' $0.05: 1th, 71.• 20 F. Punts :ird .T. Ess, 1st. 82.21. 2nd, 87..,: .1.0sh ( 'a Ivert. 2nd 2:3 00 John 1:44.,1 n. 2nd 19 00 John Calvert. 2nd 3191. $0.60: 4th, $6.01; 1th. II. Costello. 4th .4417:!: ;i5,11111 75c "1 "11 j. Graham, 1st, $1.111; 2nd. George Frost 2m1 •,,, MI F. Frick. 3rd P. Farrell. 3191 11: it;; F. I lohnecker. 1st, soe: 2nd, $24.71• 4111. $11.21 37 10 Iv. E„1,•y, 31.,1 \\. Flynn, 3191 s 60 1 00 .f. Peon, 1th $2.10; :1rd, $2.00; 4th, ;5th. 3,.s0 4N1 5511; l• Fitzlaff. 1-5 in each 11,1 J. Landholt, 4t11 C. Geimer. 4th .i.:!; .si:: j. Linehan, lot. $4.20; 2nd, Is 00 P. Glass, 2nd $14.00; 3rd. $11.05; 1 M. -Hannan. 2nd $11.20; 5th. 81.411 :1 si, 4 4;5 6 1 C. 1-11114d.y, 2nd 60 P Linehan Sons, 311 35 00 3 J. 'Hillery, 2nd, $'.00: ith. 22 s,1 $20.00 ..\11.3.\4:4\rili:4(4.:,tiliti.ns:41912no •,-, 00 .21. 1.21: 1 Jet)'. MeGrath, 4th 13 10 W. Hird, 4th T. Harker, 4th p. s. N,,rion. 4141 39 00 43 00 P. Ja44ohs, 3rd 14. 4cm...ira. lot, 85.1:1: 2nd, Fred Neck, 2nd '1'71 ...226:0: :::.z1,10; Tdli, 81.90 4th, John John. 3rd ;.,,!.0: 3rd. 821.40; 63 00 M. Kieffer, 4th 2:: 40 i s:4'.'1-24;-'01:11. 311.:It,. $822:0.:31:Y 24411, N. K et 1 enhofen, It'll J. Nness, lot. $2.21; 2nd:•I'72 71,4'0I John Pe,.... r's Ith 8 50 M. Kerwin, 1-5 in each .... 4th, 53 00 ;;;:z 00: 5th. 311c 8561 Official Notices Anton Siege, 4th Union Electric Co., 1st, $15.80; 2nd. $41.40; 3rd. $75.00; 4th, $4.00; 5th, $250,00 394 80 C. Van \\'ie. 1st, $1.20; 2nd, $20.10; 3rd, $29.711; 4th, $3.00; 5th, 50e 54 John Ward, 3rd 32 LABOR ON BLEEP STREET EX'T'ENSION. W. Burke $ 23 40 Peter Carney 21 60 \V. Coughlin 10 80 J. Hill 11 00 Ja.s, McCarron 12 00 D. McGueinness 15 20 W. O'Brien 25 00 N. Ennert 54 00 L \1ROlt ON SEWERS J. Cunningham $ ')5, A. Hird 25 W. Hennessy 25 A. Kaesbauer 25 F. Luchterhand 23 J. Rooney 25 J. Scheuer 25 C. Sullivan 27 C. Specht 30 James Lynch, inspector Bee Bee Branch 23 10 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., hose 11 40 E. T. Frith, hauling dead ani- mals April, May, _June and July 67 50 G. 1). Wybrant, Treasurer, interest on warrants 500 0 G. D. \Vybrant, Treasurer, interest on warrants 900 0 0. D. \Vybrant, Treasurer, interest on warrants 500 00 G. D. Wybrant, Treasurer, interest on warrants 195 40 G. D. Wybrant, Treasurer, express charges, etc. 32 47 G. D. \Vybrant, Treasurer, Library orders 235 83 G. D. \Vybrant, Treasurer, Firemen's Pension Fund 500 00 0. D. Wybrant, Treasurer, Firemen's Pension Fund 250 00 D. J. Haas, Mayor, dues for 1909 to I. L. M• 50 00 (i, 1), Wybrant, Treasurer, Police Pension Fund 500 00 G. D, \Vybrant, Treasurer, Police Pension Fund 250 00 POLICE. 18 00 50 (10 20 20 20 20 40 20 20 50 00 0 0 Louis Blocklinger, Police .. •3 James Corcoran, Police Michael Connolly, Police John Cody, Police Philip Dunphy, Police William Donahue, Police 'Phos. Duggan, Police Michael Fogarty, Police Patrick Fury, Police John Fox, Police James Flynn, Police Wm. Fox, Police Ben Gray, Police 32 50 32 50 32 50 32 50 35 00 28 15 32 50 30 35 34 70 32 50 32 50 28 00 32 50 Pa trick Hanlon, Police 28 15 George Jones, Police - 26 00 Emil Kahn, Police 34 70 Michael Kilty, Police 32 50 James Keefe, Police 32 50 John Kane, Police 32 50 John Kop, Police 28 00 Patrick Kenneally, Police 32 50 Barney Ludescher, Police 82 bu Charles Liest, Police 37 30 Patrick McInerney, Police 32 50 Patrick McCollins, Police 32 50 Michael McCormick, Police 32 50 Henry \lueller. Polcie 39 511 Hugh Markey, Police ;i• 50 Patrick Mulligan, Police 31 50 John O'Prh n, Police 84 70 Michael O'Connr, Police 40 00 John Raesle, Police 37 50 Michael Ryan, Police 30 35 Gus Bateman, Police 32 50 Joseph Stoltz, Police 18 40 Michael Stapleton, Police 32 50 Patrick Sullivan, Police 32 50 John Spielman, Police 34 70 Dennis Sheehan, Police 30 00 Thomas Sweeney, Police .. , 37 50 Frank Williams, Police 32 50 Louis eZmanek, Police 30 00 Miss B. Brennan, Matron .. 32 50 Mrs. K. Hibbe, Matron 32 50 FIRE. J. Reinfried. Fire 02 „„ Wm. Hipman, Fire 0 00 Si. Eitel. Fire ;;!: WI J. Essman, Fire .11 un A. Duccini. Fire ;i;, 00 J. Flynn. Fire 38 00 C. Peyer, Fire 35 00 A. Heer, Fire 13 00 Wm, Kannolt, Fire 33 00 P. Kirch, Fire 33 00 J. Daley, Fire 38 00 T. Ryder, Fire 41 00 H. Cain, Fire 35 00 M. Kelly, Fire 38 00 F. Murphy, Fire 35 00 J. Pak.ey, Fire 33 00 Wm. Smith, Fire 33 00 Wm. McConnell, Fire 27 00 D. Ahern, Fire 50 00 J. Tenzer. Fire 33 00 A. McDonnell, Fire 41 00 P. Zillig, Fire 33 00 \l. Sweeney. Fire 33 00 J. McGloughlin, Fire 33 00 J. Connelly, Fire 33 00 J. Murphy, Fire 95 00 J. Daugherty, Fire 27 00 Wm. Tannstt. Fire 21 00 P. Apel, Fire 27 00 G. Gehrke, Fire 38 00 T. Kennedy, Fire 35 00 .T. Smith, Fire 33 00 J. Keppler, Fire 33 00 R. Weston, Fire 38 00 J. Allen. Fire 35 00 M. Faht•y, Fire 33 00 R. Kenneally, Fire 33 00 Wm. Ducey, Fire 38 00 F. Kenneally, Fire 35 00 E. ilcDermntt, Fire 33 00 List of «'arraiits T. O'itrien. Fire .. .. J. I ostein, Fire :, ,,,, ,rnes McLaughlin. 3rd F. Pa unngartnel•, Fire \ It 11lu„hlin. :1 nn chm'nl,er, Fire . 3., 011 I'. .\Icl'olanll, a'd un J. g' .'.3 00 4thh, 4th . P. Kirch. Fire .. John AleGrat........ II 011 .......:_- nu ........ IN 1111 \\'m. Kennedy. Fire ..... I.. S4 et:ivern. 1•;XI,,,ttst, Wm. Doc kstal er Fire \nl .•,.... 1). Mer:uinne:=s, l lealth .. .... 3 In 27, 13 \' .. I x11 LABOR ON STREETS. T. Addyman, 4th A. Alderson, 4th J. llrouillette, Ind J. rie •he n, Ind .. , , . \V. Burke. Health IL Connell. 1st P. Carney. 1.st \V. Coughlin, 1st J. Callaghan. 2nd .... C. Collinst,n, 4th . , . . . . Pat. Carney. 1-5 in each Jas. Connolly.' 1st. $11.70; 2nd. $11.7o 23 40 ir. Carney. 2nd, $7.50; 3rd $7.50; 4th, $7.511 23 40 W. Cahill. 1-5 in each 2 60 F. Donahue. Ind 411 T. Donahue. 1st, $2.10: Intl $7.00: 3rd. $7.9.-,; 4th, . $5.60; 5th, 75c 411 John Egan, 2nd l.ti Oil J. Ess. 1st, $2.10; htt,i, $7.00: 3rd. $7.9.-,: 4th. 85.611: ;oh,1 :, (', 2'1 4 0 (leo, Prost. 2nd 2, 0 W. Foley, 3rd 1 011 \V. Flynn, 1rtl I O0 E. Fitzlaff, I-5 in each .. . 2:, 00 B. Glass, Intl 19 80 tonal rGiemer, 4th 16 20 John Grew'er, 4th 10 60 T. Hackney, 1st 7 00 At. Hannan, 2nd 19 80 J. Hillary, Intl, $22.1m; 4th, $1.011 23 00 C. Hillary, 2nd 18 00 T. Harker. 4th 10 80 J. Hethrington, 1-5 in each1 80 Peter Jacobs. 3rd 13 60 I'. Kock. lnd 14 40 P. Kraemer. Intl 5 40 H. Kunkel. 2nd 5 40 K. Kettenhoefen 13 60 Al Kieffer, 4th 19 SO P. Kenneally, health 23 40 J. Kinsella, 1-5 in each 25 00 J. Kinsella, Sidewalk 1 4:5 M. Kerwin. 1-5 in each 37 .1. Nness, 1st. $2.00; 2nd, $7.011; 3rd, $7.95; 4th, $5.60; 5th. lac 23 40 P. Leonard, 1st 5 40 Lonergan, Elm St., 3rd 12 011 T. Lonergan, 1st. $2.10: 2nd, 57.00: 3rd. $7.95; 4th. $5,611; 5th, 75e23 J. Mullen, 2nd 11 P. Maguire. 2nd T. .Malloy, 3rdEd. \lalylo, 3rd J. \lartinelc, 4th 1 s 13. \IcCaf'frey. 2nd 14 \IcAleese, 2nd 1:1 John McLaughlin. 3rd I 1 I;)7 1'. 1)•\,ill, lnd, $12.60; 'Ext, 7 211 `I. so ........ 2 )'utc,•I' . 4th LI 4,1 1 811.. I , so13 )i0 John I';u•k, r. 4th ...... P. rteddin, 2ntl 1 G 20 6 SO 13 40 1 80 .Inv. Ityitn. 2nd P. Reilley, 4th 23 40 :i 4U .1, ha Schroeder. ]4 40 12 61) 4th 16 20 11 60 I'. Siege, 4th ... 20 00 23 40 P. Stnith, ith 1 80 16 20 '1. Steffens. :;rd, $11.70; 4th - 75 311.70 23 40 .1nn1,'s T„ I,in, 1st. 36c; 2nd, ,e: aril. slt,• 4th, .$20.16: 5th, 36e; S. AV'., $1.8023 40 A. 'Turner', 1-5 in each '5 00 .1 'Thornton, 1-5 in each , ,•4 I,. AV';illct'nheim1 , aril 15 \\' \\:Ilke', 311, $11.70: 4th, 14 40 $11.70 23 40 ,\l. .\c kits. lid $19.15; 4th, 3,5 25 F. Puri's, 311 4 511 .John Calvert, 2nd 43 1111 I, sh Calvert. 2tttl 49 50 \\'. Cook, 3rd 4 Sn J. Graham 2nd 52 511 1 F. ll thnecker. 1st, 40e; Intl 3111, $1.41): 4th, $1.110: 5th, $55.15 59 00 .1. K,':u1. 4th 40 50 Lw, L:nalholdt. 4th 49 511 .1. Linehan, Is), $3.90; 2nd, $13.1111; aril, 514.75; 5th, $111.411; 5111 $1.30 -11 :15 P. Lenihtnr Sons. 3rd 51 511 J. ,1. Mc('t'llins. 2nd 4 50 J. McQuillan. Ii'tl 43 lOt Jeff \let;tatli, 4th 40 00 I'. S. Norton. 4th 45 00 I). I t•\Ierlr:l. 1st, $5.25; 2nd, 31.d, $19.90; 4th, $14.115; 5th, $1.75 58 50 ,T. tis alll, 1st, $28.70; 2nd, $30,60; 3rd. $4.20; 4th, iii,: 5th, int• 67 00 ,I. I',.tcers, 4th sig ,north. 1st t•. \'.in \\'ie, 1st, $3.011; Ind, 8", 95; 3111, $29.7 4th, 5th, 40c 62 50 .In 50 2!) IIO I,.\1301: OX til':h:R STIKI.I.'1`, $ i0 S0 111 SII :133 60 6 S00 2 50 16 50 5 411 3 511 4 00 List of Warrants EABOR ON BLEEP STI{EL.1.1 EXTENSION. P. Carney \\'. Coughlan W. Iltirke John 11111 D. Alc(lueinness J. Siegworth, Team L.11011 ON SiWERS. D. Cunningham A. Hird W. Hennessy A. Naesbatter Luchterhand J. Rooney J. Scheller C. Sullivan C. Specht BILLS. P. Dunn, repairing gutter on 10th St August Mayer, inspector on Martha St Chas. Katz, inspector Bee Branch Sewer, 17th St. J. Lynch, inspector Bee Branch. 5th Ward Fred heck. 5.11 cu. yds. ma- cadam. 2nd Road Dist, O'Fam el Contracting Co., 84 yards macadam, 2nd Road Dist. Mike Donigan, 9.60 cu. yds. macadam. 2m1 Road Dist Ed. Malloy, 9.91 Cu. yds. ma- cadam, 3rd Road Dist. B. Glass, 5.95 cu. yds. ma- cadam, 2nd Road Dist. John Mullen, 9.85 cu. yds. ma- cadam, 2nd Road Dist. Pat Ryan, 63.6 sq. yds. Ma - ,lit M. 1st Road Dist. .... Jos. Brouillette, 9 cu. yds. macadam. 2nd I -toad Dist.. 8 25 Smelly Steam Pump Co., repa,rs and supplies, Road Dept. 45 28 Geo. Ragatz & Son, supplies for Road Dept. 2 23 Key City Roofing Co.. lime and cement, Road and Po- lice Dept. 12 20 Puringt(m Paving Brick Co, brick for 2nd Road Dist83 96 Geo. W. Healey & Son, sup- plies for Road Dept. 60 D. & J. Hoerner, shovels for Road 3 7-, P. J. Sol pp(l Lumber Co, lumber for Road Dept. 39 17 Austin Western Co., repairs for Road Dept 27 00 Bannon Mfg. Co., road oil 28 80 Peter Even, coal for steam roller 15 00 W. I). Deek(rt Co., supplies for steam roller 9 35 Geo. Bovk. supplies for Road Dept. 75 John Neuman & Son, repairs, steam roller 8 00 $ 7 7 5 18 cement $ 21 21 18 21 21 21 21 27 30 20 20 20 40 20 00 60 60 00 60 60 60 60 50 00 5 00 21 18 9 62 25 02 3 83 126 00 7 20 7 43 4 46 7 39 63 60 Standard ()II Co., oil for Road Dept. 2 48 Geo. !lock. repairs for Road Dept. 6 On Peter Lange, hardware for Road and Fire Depts. • 5 35 Eagle Point Lime Works, stone for Road Dept. 48 00 Key City Roofing Co., co- ntent for Itoad Dept. .. • . 24 IS Dr. H. J. Hagerty, veterinary service for several depart- ments 21 60 Standard Oil Co., road oil 344 56 Wm. Marshall. repairs and supplies for steam roller . 9S 91 hey City Iron Works, repairs and supplies for Road Dept. 44 69 F. Schloz & Son, repairs and supplies, Road and Police Department 5 00 Clancy Transfer Co., coal for Road Dept. 39 92 Peter J. Seippel Lumber Co lumber for City Hall and sidewalks Michael Mullen. repairs at City Hall A. E. Bradley, patching paper in Council room E. Millins, sharpening lawn mower F. 'Mertz, making keys for City Hall Jame, Beach. soap for City Hall 125 35 4 50 50 1 50 " SO 3 20 Berg & Briggs, printing- bonds for Hayden Lane sewer, Bluff Street and Seminary Street 9 50 Western Union Telegraph Co clock service Foely Hand Laundry, towel service C. E. Fitzpatrick CO., supplies for various offices Collings & Pfiffner, horse - shoeing for Police and Fire Depts. Key City Gas Co., coke for Fire Dept. (leo, Ragatz & Son, supplies and repairs for Fire Dept. D. .1. Seippel Lumber Co., lumber for Fire Dept. Charles E. Berry, harness for Fire Dept, McClain Bros., feed for Fire Dept. John Neuman & Son, repairs for Fire Dept. Geo. Deyoe, borseshoeing for Fire pert. American La France Fire En- gine Co., supplies for Fire • Dept. Mat. Stafford, feed for Fire Dept Lager'. Peed & Ti e r Va nger, • hors( shoeing for Fire Dept. Wunderlb•h & Wiederholt, 1 Os 4 00 o•I 90 30 30 8 58 20 49 17 75 1 35 4 85 3 no 26 65 236 55 11 50 List of Warrants horseshoeing for Fire Dept. 1" 50Union Electric Co., city firm and rend animals, August. 396 SO alarm Power i.tuhrcluc Boat and Boiler John Butt, repairs for Fire 00 Works, iron for garbage Dept. dump • J. F. His & Bro•, lanterns for 2 711 P. el 2S 00 . '7• SeippLumber ('o,. Fire Dept. lumber for I;oard of 1-lenith 5 66 3 25 (r'F;u•roll Contracting Co.. Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies for matrons retained on improving A. J. Hartig, drugs for Police 6 70 ;alloy between Nth and 9th Dept and Washington and Jack- Mette I I tros•, feed for Police 9 7o son Streets • , contractingDell.... 4 i511onlratting Cu., Key Pity Gas Co., rental and c"'tstr'aic•li ng Ileo L'ranch inspection gas arcs for Po- s,,c `.r. 54(0 00 lice and Fire Depth. 2 00 t I ;n nett Contracting Co.. Ed. Norton, meals furnished c•onstrueting live Branch soccer prisoners 2 6o O•l: rrell Contracting Co., '00 00 Bradford Bros., wall paper for Police Dept.3 45 c' constructing ting Hee Branch E. T. Cleaver, repairs at Pa- ,.,cc,t. O'I':uroll Contracting Co., '00 00 trol House 6 95 constructing Iiia. Itranch American Ever-Ready Co, sow ' I supplies for Police Dept. .. 4 00 :, 500 00 Hussman & Lies, supplies for 1 n' tr Contracting n,,.. constructing Hee Itraru•h Sewer Dept 2 5:; sewer D. & J. Hoerner, ax handles I.'P;n t ell Contracting Co, 177 70 for Sewer Dept, 40 ren.ovhlg debris from flee Lagcn, Feed & I3erwanger, itr;,nch sewer. between 16th horseshoeing for Fire Dept. 2 00 and 17th Streets. wcarrant• 43 76 F. Schloz & Sort, repairs and J. F. llrown, supplies for Fite and Side- constructing sewer retained, supplies walk 1)epts 2 10 Oak .1ve. Dubuque Lumber ('o., lust-'finis. 29 16.Tess. : ., retained, can- ber for sidewalks 26 26 strutting sewer in Francis Standard Lumber Co., lum- Stt' t 28 95 ber for sidewalks 21 45 W. 1'0ok, :,';c retained, int- Dubuque Telephone Co., tele- Proving Stoltz .,Av,•, 56 28 phone rental 35 84 M. .l. \Ica'nul!ough, premium Iowa Telephone ('o.. tele- on bon'ls 427 50 phone rental 11 50 IF. 'I'schir,.i &• son. ,' . 1e- Uniont I'Hl'•Iric Co., light for mined. 77th Street storm August, l lt I I10 (Ill sewer 1 i fir Union Electric. Co., light for O'Farrell Contracting ('o August, 1910 500 00 rela.inc•d itnproviug. Union Electric light for Travis Ave. 15 71 August, 19111 400 00 O'Farrell Contracting Co.. 1.nion Electric Co., light for grading Past Street. ln:, iio August. 11 I o ;oa 110 \I. S. Hardie, stalionory and Inion Electric Co., light for printing un August, 1:alia !:,3 ,., (i. It. AV•yln•ani, settlement of Key City lots (a., light I'or claim of Mrs. A. .1. In•occn In eo various ollices 68 95 ti \V•ybr:nit, city assess- claim Loader, advertising for moot improving [Muff Street August, 1910 i_ ,i, :al,nag \\',ashll, (n fart... San 00 National Demoktart, adver_ 1• la. A' chranl. c'iry :assc. - tising fnr August. 19111 I_ .0 mot improving' Mod Street Smith-Morgan Printing Coal mg \\'nslii lPa.rk... (13 37 Jointing for various office, Jo I hl•r,•by- „.miry y Iiwt Tho foregoing I'eleg'r;a! h-licr:ald, printing Cu is a true anal correct list nl' all war- Times_,rants issn1'1l by nil' during the mouth Journal, printing Coun- cil Proceedings, :\ugust . 12512 of s. ph.,,alu•r. 19111, 'I'ele,graph - Herald, printing t'I'ft a i'. (:Iitt Recorder. ,.Imcil l'r i•.• dirtcity Recorder. gs, August 121 41 I\ . D. Deeker'l Co„ railing. I;lufi' tre,,t Extension 1.26 00 Dubuque Sand & Gravel Co gravel and sand for Muff Street Extension ..... 16 '2 T. J. \I tlgr, iv. c•enn•nt fur - 1-'Atli' Street Extension :RI 5:,, E, 'I'. Frith. ha 'fling gnrbagc. 360 Official Notices (official Publication) AN ORDINANCE. An ordinance establishing a grade on Seventh A venue from Rhomberg Ave- nue to Station 25. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That a grade on Seventh Avenue from Rhomberg Avenue to Sta- tion 25 be had the same is hereby adopted and established as shown by the profile of said street and grade prepared by the City Engineer and ac- cepted by the I'ity Council on the 20th day ..f tiepteiu o r 1910, being Profile No. 679 and marked "Grade and Profile of Seventh Avenue from Rhomberg Ave nue to Eagle Point Park Entrance, Bench Marks: Window Sill of Paul Brown's house at Station 3+29, eleva- tion 45.99. Iron Pipe at east fence If Station 24+65.60, 0.60 feet above ground, elevation 89.01." Said grade beginning at the north curb line of Rhonlberg Avenue which is station 0, elevation 36.12; thence to station 1, elevation 35.73; thence to station 2, elevation 41.33; thence to station 2+64, elevation 43.00; thence to station 3, elevation 44.11; thence to station 3+29, elevation 45.00: thence to station 4. elevation 48.32; thence to station 4+20, elevation 49.00; thence to station 5, elevation 50.00; thence to station 6, elevation 51.50; thence to station 6+70. elevation 52.55; thence to station 7, elevation 53.00; thence to station 8, elevation 54.50; thence to station 9, elev; tion 56.00; thence to station 10, elevation 57.50; thence to station 11, elevation 59.00; thence to station 12, elevation 60.50; thence to station 13, elevation 62.00; thence to station 14, elevation 63.50; thence to station 15, elevation 65.00; thence to statins 16, elevation 67.00: thence to station 17, elevation 69.00; thence to station 18, elevation 71.00; thence to station 18+90.2, elevation 73.00; thence to station 20, elevation 75.00; then., to station 21, elevation 77.00; thence to station 22, elevation 79.00; thence to station 22+93.3, eleva- tion 81.00; thence to station 24, eleva- tion 83.00; thence to station 25, eleva- tion 85.00. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and it publication one time in the Dubuque Times -,Journal and Telegraph -Herald newspapers. pers. Adc:iited September 26, 1910. Approved Seotembel' 27, 1910, H.\,\S, .01;tyur. fittest: (ITT(I P. GEPIIER. City Recorder. Published o'licinlly in the Times - Journal and 'telegraph -Herald Octo- ber 1, 1:170, 111-1-1t OTTO P. GEIGER, City Decorder. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will ho, received at the office of the city 1tocorder up to S o'clock P. ni. 'I'hi,rscl:,y. I,ctui er 20. 1910, for the construction of a 30 -inch file pipe storm water sewer, in Twenty-seventh street and Cooler ave- nue for the Ree Rranc'n sewer in Washington and Twenty-se\'enth street west to C'ottler avenue, thence eastward to Diagonal street, including manholes, catch Lasins and inlets, in acenrdalice with plans and stHecifi- cations prepared by the City Engineer and now on lite in the office of the City l;ecordcr. It IS estimated by the City Engineer that it will require 1,170 toot 30 -inch tile pipe, 75 feet I6 -inch tile pipe, 1111 feet of 12 -inch tile pipe, 3 manholes, 8 catch basins, 2 inlets. Bidders must state price per lineal feet for completed leted :10 -inch tile pipe server. manholes, catch basins and lat- erals included. All Lids must 1!e accompanied by a ccrtilied check fur $50..0 on some Du- buque hank as ;, guarantee that a con- tract will be entered into if- awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Oct. S. 19111. OTTO P. ;El:, 10-8-3t. City 1;h•cor(l r. N O'I'i(-i:. OF THE C1'I'1" COUNCIL'S INTEN- TION TO imPIlOVE SI•:vENTH STREET FiftiM TILE EAST LOT LINE Oh' PINE STIREET TO Altnt-T 140 FEET T Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby no- tified that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque to improve Twenty-seventh Street from the enst lot line of Pine street to about 140 feet westward, That the plat and estimate of said proposed improvement is now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that it will require: New curb set. 242 lineal feet: brick gnttcrin„ 2;2 lineal feet: Telford ui;,C:, hn,n, square yards: rarth tilling, 21i.0d cola,• yards: cutting, 245.31 cubic yards, look- ing a total estimated cost to the abut- ting property owners of $691.50. Any person having objections to said improvement is hereby notified to ap- pear before the City council at its regular session to he held Oct. 20, 1910, or to file with the City Recorder their objections on or before Oct. 20, 1910. Dated at Dubuque, Oct. 7, 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER, 10-8-3t, City Recorder. Official Notice,, — 361 1 i.e Ilor e. awed, 1,1 1 1)1 0 1111 desires to purchase several horses for the lit,. d11,;:rtait•nt. They must 1)1 in good condition, sound of eye, \kind ;Ind litnlr. \'i 't .ht About 1,450 lbs. and :!bout lice years old Parties having such horses kind iiillin to sell at tt reltson:ll,l.lim it will bring then) to the Central e •n.gine house, ear- ner 9th and Iowa, Wednesday, I i i• i2, at 9 a. in. \\•l. SI N(;ItIN, Chairman, I0 -S -3t. NOTICE '1't) tett.' '1'I;.\(''l !Itti. Sealed let•nl,osnls \1 ill f, tenni ived at the Council Chanilier, e'ity Fiall, by the City Ite•.oreler, until s::;5 p. In., Tlnu•sdnr, net. .c. lulu. for the fm- l)rove•nu•tit of the followii • streets by laying cement side\rall: on a founda- tion of eight inches of cinders in ac- cordance \\lith the plans s :ani slce'ilica- tions l)repated by the City Engineer and now tin file in the olljrl of the City I recorder: Fi\•e root sidewalk 49,1 feet in length north side of :;nut t i n :1Venu., in front of Lot 5, southern Ave. Add. Five foot side\\ ilk :131.211 feet in length west sieie ,if Southern avenue, hi front of lots _. 2. 1, T, and 6, Ran- dall Sub., and lots 11, 15 and 16, Ler is Add. Six foe;t sidewalk 61.2 feet in length east sale of Locust street, in front of City Lot 116. Eight foot side\\alk 111.6 feet in length south side of Se(oml street, in front of Lot 116• t'ity. Four foot sidewalk 1,11 feet in length south side of .Middle ave nue•, in front of Lots 1:1 and 21, \\'i •k,'s .1dd. Six foot sidevcalt feet in 1e'ngtn west side of Ith,ne,l erg In front of Lot l:e, 91(t'r:uec's -Add. The work is to e•;i l fur Whorl said work is completed and la•e- scrihed by the e )rdiintite•e• relating to the c•onstru,tion of sidewalks in the City of D'ubuelue. \coil: to he comlllet• cd on or before the 17th day e No- vember. 1910. I;td(lers nn!si stat,, price I eer sgu: re foot for sidewalks laid, ,:nch Lid must be 1p• a e•ertilied check for t:,n,nn ,en silo' I)u- 1;11,111. l:ani. Its n gu:.r•antee thn1 1 contract NV ill he entered il;tn if awarded. The City Gemmell reserciS Iii, right to reject any and all bills. Doted at I)ul,n'ii, , I ,e -t. II, 19111. )'tori 11'.11 ;1•: I t. 10-11-3t. R'c111•der. itegistrat kin Notice. Mayor's tltfice. I)Ilbu,l;e'. 1)(t. 21, 1910 Notice is herehy given that the reg- isters of election duly :II)Puintrd to reg- ister voters in the City of Dnhugue. Io\ca, \till be in attendance at the !daces hereinl)elow mentioned, for the Purpose of in skins' the registry list et names of such .lectors is may he en- titled to vidc it this fall election to Ii, held •I'n(sday, November sth. 1:1111. Nnicl rei'jst, rs mill nine t ;it their ro- be e IiVe places on Thursday and 1''ri- Ii•tuber 27th and 251h, 191q at x nee and h1 in until :1 n•elo'lt I'. In. Of sit t d;tys. 5;11,1 r. ist rs \\ ill Ii.r.a ft,a' unlet no S; g It n,la> \nce'l!Il.i' :the 19111, front s e'rl,e 4 a. in. to !I o'clr,cic I1. in. of said day 111;• the !nn•lmse of e•orro, ting the list anel addin;;' thereto such 11;1n11s mt. veto r,, ;is nut y i1. entitled) to vote. Said rog- ist s v\'!!I h.rc;'I'h r• unlet on 'Tuesday, \na.ntl:.r 5th, 1915 1rleetion day:. noel he in session from the tine. the ill nl,1St until they elnse, ;Incl register mnly spelt voters as wee, :1Lse•ut (rain lbe ,•it`: (Int•ing the preceding Clays that the I owed ii' is in session, also sme ll 'Iters ;is did not h,e or,- citizens an - tit Xocendar 7th ;end .:th, 1!1111. The lcl;erc•s of r1^istr:)tie/II in ter. sono:al wards of said city are :1s 1'ollon'' FIItS'I' First I'recinet—Dou:aluee Phar. Sol•tIi Lnt'ti5 Strtvt. seoontl Pre(in.t—L. \i. Lov'e's Mon • tan.' House harper shot,. 117 First stn., t. 51 t'(i9I) \V":AItl). FI1' t i'i•ecitie't—t olliuty court House Second Precinct—Fourth Street En - :zinc i-1 oalse• '1'111ltD \\•.\ First Precinct—Ninth s'tri'ct h:ngin, i -louse. ti•(nnd Prec'inc't—City Hall. Third I'recinrt--\'ogel's Building, 17th I:nd clay. Fct•tt•I'll WARD. Fir: t Precinct—AV';Iles Hotel Bui'd- i intr. Second Precinct--Pltlmctto Delhi street. Third Precinct --1611 \V"est Locust. FIFTH \\ Mill. First Precinct-911•yers kilos' I'lnee, Second I'recinct-1lenry (. Alillcr' I'Inee. corner of J;Ili street and Lag4 I'''int :Venue. Third I'ie(inct--.hiss Bos' Fenglet',- I'ince, (miller Spiller and Ithonlberg ;avenues. Feinth 1'rcein(t --Fr,d Boesn'r•s i'lave, corner 'I'\clnty-seventh kind Jn'kson streets. All •tu;Iljlied voters nl' said city ar,• notified that unless they present them selves it the places Incl time heroin ov e mentioned rot• registration they \e ill he debarred if the privilege or cot - in,.:. Ill sa lel ele•e'tjnll. \\'itoess eny hand :It r)uluulul, this -'Ith day of u!ctohcr, 1310. ii .1. HAAS, \Mayor 01' the ('ity nt' In:1)1mno. Attest: ntto 1'. Geiger, I11_•e.1_'t City I:'.order. 3'52 Official Notices Nol II1' to Coal and Wood 1)ca heti. scaled proposatls will be received at the City I:e 'order's office up to 8:00 o'clock p. u). Thursday, Nov. 3rd, ]910, for furnishing the various de- partments of the City of Dubuque with coal, coke and wood for the term of one year, beginning Novem- ber 1st. 15110. Itidders will state the price of No. I "((knutple wood; also the price for hard and soft coal and the kind and pante of same: also the price and quality or coke. The coal and wood to Lt• delivered in such quantities at soeh Naves and time as the City may duce-. The coal and coke to be weighed on the City- scales and de- livered at the expense of the con- tractor. Each hid must De accompanied by a certified check for $21.00 on some Dubuque hank as a guarantee that a contract will he entered into if awarded. The I'ity rt serves the richt t i re- ject any and ;ill bids. Dated at Dubuque. Oct. 2S. 1910. OTTO P. GEIGF:R, 10 28 it. City Recorder. Notice to flay and (;rain Dealers. Sealed proposals will be received at the City -Recorder's office up to 8:00 u'elot•k p in. Nov. rd. 1910, to fur- nish the Fire, Police and street De- partments of the City of Dubuque with \o 1 omits and ahout 10 to 15 carloads of No. 1 loose timothy hay or upland baled hay for the term of one year from November 1st, 1910. such oats and hay to bc, delivered in such quantities and at such places as may lie ordered by the City from time to time. All hay and oats to be weighed on the City scales and delivered at the expense of the contractor, The oats to he figured at 31 pounds to the Li'sheI Each bid ':lust be accompanied with a certified check of $_1.00 on some Dubuque hank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if a\+n•ded. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated :u Dubuque October 28, 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER, 10-29-4t. City Recorder. ORDINANCE. All ordinance ;unending an ordinance crantiug the Germ) Presbyterian Theological School of the Northwest permission to use that portion of East stre.•t. in the City of Dubuque, that would otherwise be taken up with the sidewalk on the (.ast of said street, for park purposes, and regulating the said pil ot, lite It Ordained by the City Council of tli'• Cite a( Dubquc: se,tiint I. 'flint section Four (4) of an ordinance adopted by City Council of the City of Dubuque on the 29th day of July, 1910, and entitled an "Or- dinance Granting the German Presby- terian Theological School of the North- west permission to use that portion o." East street, in the City of Dubuque, that would otherwise he taken up with the sidewalk on said street, for h„u'k purposes. and regulating said .rant," he :upended. by striking from said section four the words "Seven 171 years." and inserting in .lieu tlo•re. 'I the words "'I'rvnty ('a) y,•a rs... ction S. This ordinance .510(11 be in force and effect from and alter its passage by the City Council :tad its (publication one time in the Dubuque 'l lliies-Jo:n'nal and the Dubuque 'I',•I,•- raph-lleral(I, official ucwslial ers of said City. and the written aca•ptiinee hi•reolduly indorsed hereof by said ological school. :Adopted October 20, 1910. Approved Outol et' 21, 1910. D. J. HAAS', s, Mayo", Attest: ()TT() 1'. GEIGER.. City Iteeorilcr. The undersigned hereby acceprs the provisions and terms of thi, foregoing ordinance, this 228th day of October. 1910. GEI:.\IAN PRESItl" I'EItiA\ THI:',- LOG1('AL SCHOOL OF' THE NOIP1'I1WEST. Py Cornelius W. Steffens, t'ri•sWelit. Published officially in Daily Times - Journal October 20, 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER, 10-29-1t. City Recorder. (Ofiiei:tl Notice) AN OI:DINANt'l:. AN ORDIN.\NCI; GRANTING 'I'lHE CARE. l:1'1-)1:1: fi .\D.\Jis co. I'I?I:- .11lssltiN '1'U (',\Iii:l' CI?It'I'.\IN 1,11'1?s ,\c'I:ass ,1:\('I:sON STREET. Itl''I'\\'I;h:N 9TH AND 10TH s'l'I:I•:I:'l's. IN 'I'lli' ('lT1" Oh Dr - .AND I{EGI'1,.\TING SI't'H GRANT. Ile it ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That permission be and the s•inu• is hereby granted the Carr, Ryder .K. Adams co. to carry certain stein: and i•ycl,n e pipes from its now potw«o' -Rouse oil street. be- tween `:intli au l 'l'entlt St•cets, ovor Jaelc .s'in street to the main engine st,t- tinn said company. and to lay ccr- t;ini r, turn pipes ander said street be- tween the same two building's, subject to the conditions and provisions here- in •ont;tiner , Said overhead pipes arc to be so constructed as not to biter - fere in any )n:tatter with trnvei open and over said Jaeksoi: street, or the side)vall:s thereof, and iii every w:ry to lie so maintained as lint to end:ingc,• perwait- or ani ii;iIs pissing along or Qt ici,ll \chives ander soil pipes, or property brio conveyed under same. Sec. 2. The pipes 4 onveyeel under- ground shall be en, dosed in a tunnrl so conrtruetcd and omintaincvl as t„ make travel upon and over saki Jack- son street perfectly s:efe in every way and as to preserve the condition of said street the same as though no such tonic) existed. Sec. Fail Carr, Itydcr & Adams Co. shall :gree. a5 0 condition to th,. grant of this prvingo. and by way o' guaranty. to fully protect and save the City of Dubuque h;n'mlc'ss as to any claims, damages or liabilities of any kind which may :rise because of •the construction and midntcnanc'e of said pipes overhead, 4 the tnnnod and pipes run underground, and in any snit which may arise because of the con- struction of said pipes or tunnel and the pipes in such tunnel, said company shall, at the direction of said city, make all necessary el. Tensa; to said suit and fully idemnify said city as to any expenses or outlays or liabilities to which said city- may he subjected be- cause of such suit. Sec. 4. Should the city of Dubuque at any time deem said uverlread pipes. or the tunnel, or the pipe's in such tunnel unsafe, or for any other reas- son deem the removal of said pipes or tunnel, or either of them, necessary or advisable, then slid city may order the immediate removal of said pipes or tunnel, or either of them, and the res- toration of the street in question to proper condition, within a reasonahle time from such order. and on the fail- ure or refusal of said , onepnny- to com- ply with such order said city may muse such removal to he :rule, :at the ex- pense of said comp:cny. Sec. i. Said Cnrr, 11veler & Adorns Co. shall, ns n farther condition to tha grant herein contained. life with the. City Record. r a bond in the sum of $100.00, as a guaranty that the street affected by the tunnel :aforesaid will be kept in repair for one year after the completion of the work, the giving of such bond, however, to he constructed in no way as relieving said company from the terms and conditions of thi: ordinance as hereinbefore set out. See. 6. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from :and after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Times -Jour- nal and the Telegraph -Herald. official newspapers, and written acc ept:1mo thereof indorse d bereiir by said Carr. Ryder & Adams Co. Adopted October 21. 191n. Approved Octo'.u••• '6 1'.ln. dl. .1. II AS, Mayor. Attest: OTTO I'. (]Ellld:lt. Cit y 1beeorder. The provisions and terns of the :+Loy.' ordinance :Mil particularly of 363 the:gun cotoy ,outained in section tIiereoi. :u•e ls'reli}' this 26th of '':\1111. IC -111:11 R< ADAMS CO. I'cr .1. C. ('I)Lf.JElt, Vice president. 10=2S-lt Published officially in Dubuque 'I'i m es-.Iuu road Oct. 2 S1li. 1 a 1 Q. 'ity it 'corder. November 3, 1910 ,1910 CITY COUNCIL Regular Session, Nov 3, 1910, (Official.) Council met at 8:15 p. m. Mayor Haas in the chair. Present—Aldcrnr•n Apel, .\lcEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer. Saul, Singrin, Specht and Cit: Attorney 1,)-„n. On motion of AId. Singrin, the ap- proval of Council Proceedings for month of October was deferred to next meeting. Moved by Aid. Saul that the order of business he suspended and reports of officers be made first order of business. tarried. • REPORTS OF OFFICERS. (1ty Auditor Lyons reported as follows: To the Honorable mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Herewith rind my re- port for the month of October, 1910, showing the receipts and disburse- ments for the month: Receipts -- Cash on hand Oct. 1. 1910 $54,965.88 Receipts during month.... 11,163.96 Total $66,129.84 Disbursements- -Warrants redeemer) $31,968.15 Improvement bond coupons redeemed Regular bond coupons re- deemed Total 12.50 20.00 $32,200.65 Balance Nov. 1st, 1910..$33,929.19 The above cash balance includes improvement bond fund, improve- ment bond interest fund and library fund balances. Water Works Accimnt— \\'a.tet• Works balance Oct. 1st, 19111 $27.4117.211 Deposited with City Treas- urer by Water Works Trustees 5,980.05 Total Orders drawn on City Treasurer by Water Works Trustees $33,447.31 3,605.95 Balance Nov. 1. 1910 ... $29,841.36 Excavation Acc'ount- 13ttlance Oct. 1, 1910 $ 55.00 Deposited with City Treasurer during month 5,00 Total Permits redeemed by Treasurer City $60.00 5.00 Balance Nov. 1, 1910 . , ....$55.00 Also there is due the City Officers 865 for mouth of October, 1910, salaries atnounting to $2,711.50. Also the following is a record of all interest coupons redeemed by the City Treasurer during the past month and credited to him: Improvement Fond coupons.. $212.50 Regular bend coneons. Total ------ Also the following list shows the appropriations :tad the amount of a ii iants drawn on each fund Since the beginning of the fiscal year be- g'nning March 1st, 1910, to Novem- ber 1st, 1910: Appropriation Expended Expense „ ....$!0,000.00 $23,481.49 Road -- First District .. 6,536.52 6,189,22 Second District . 15,923.22 11,263.31 Third District .. 9,544.60 8,900.22 Fourth District . 10,843.04 9,194.18 Fifth District .. a,.^,33s`. 8,303.34 Fire .... ..... 48,000.00 31,155.03 Police .... .... 36,500.90 _:1.237.55 Sewerage ... .. 6,Ouu•t1a 3.1:75.26 Printing .... .. 2,500.00 1 .I.2. I Street bighting . 27,000.00 15,755. 'interest ..• 40,000.00 19,839.9'2 board of Health 7,000.00 3,870.:, I Grading .. , , .. 6,000.00 8:15. Special Bonded Paving .. ... Special Bonded 1)ebt and In- terest .. ,... Alt. Carmel Ave. nue Grading . 2.1-.00.00 Sidewalk Repair- ing Bluff Street Ex- t.nsion „ ... Bee Branch Sew- er, Third Ward, Dubuque Pack- ing' Plant .... Improvement of Windsor Ave.. 1,000.00 Bee Itranch Sew- er,'fhird Ward, 1•,lit r,r•t I:oc Ilrnnch Sew- er, iii 1" i f t h Ward ... Improvement of t l r 0 n d view Avenue ... 2,500,00 Eagle Point Park 3,000.00 Clay Street Im- provr•ourut ... 1.,200.00 hleeb Street Grading .. Improvement of Valley SIni t Improcotnonl of Willow Street. 1,1,00.00 Opening of booth and Spring Streets. Twenty - Seventh Street Storm 4.0 (10.00 4.000.00 1,000.00 500.00 90c.3) 30.85 677.22 420.07 2.500.01 2.291.66 3.unn,1111 1.796.36 1,800.00 2,995.85 82.20 100.00 146.25 200.00 500.00 234.00 1.300.00 366 Regular Session, November 3, 1910 Improvement of Althauser Ave. Improvement of Seventh Ave. . Firemen's Pen- sion Fund ... Policemen's Pen= sion Fund ... Opening and Grading Alley Between Clark a n d Angelis Streets .. .... Opening of Ce- dar Street ... Part Cost of Car Street 'Wall' .. New Street Sweeper .. .. Ninth Avenue Sewer .. ... . 1,600.00 2,500.00 750.00 750.00 500.00 500.00 317.00 280.00 800.00'• $305,578.26 1.500.00 750.00 750.03 311.99 256:66 800:00 Fire Chief Reinfried reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The following is the pay roll of the Fire. Department for the last half of October, 1910: Amount due Firemen $1,591.50 Less 1 percent retained for Pension Fund 31.36 Respectfully submitted, J. R. REINFRIED, Chief. Approved by Committee on Fire. On motion of Ald. Singrin, the re- port was received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay the Firemen and the report referred back to the Corn mittee on Fire. Chief of Police Reilly reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the police report for the month of Octo- ber, 1910: Intoxication 52 Assault and Battery 2 Disturbing the Peace 3 Fugitive from Justice 2 Larceny from Person 5 Larceny 2 Petit Larceny 5 Vagrancy 5 Breaking and Entering 2 Fast Driving 2 Total 84 Doors Found Open 31 Lodgers Harbored 65 Defective Lights 82 Meals Furnished 19 Cost of Food $ 3.80 Police Court Costs Collected $19.60 Sheriff Dieting Prisoners, Sep- tember to October $ 1.31 Patrol Runs for Prisoners 71 Ambulance Calls 2 Committee Calle fi Miles 'Traveled 90 Also beg to submit payroll for Po- licemen last half of October, 1910. Amount due Policemen, $1,315.82: amount retained, Pension Fund, $26.86. THOS. REILLY, Chief of 'Police: On motion of Ald. Sauer, the re- port and pay roll were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the Policemen -and the report referred to the Committee on Police and Light. Street Commissioner Mahoney re- ported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the pay roll for labor on streets during the last half of October, 1910: Amount' due laborers on streets $1,716.20 Also due laborers on Heb Street 145:10 Also •due •labbrers on Valley Street 185.91 Also due labbrers on Booth Street 111.30 Also due laborers on Streets leading into County and to be paid from County Road Fund 418.80 Approvved by Committee on Streets. Respectfully submitted, JOIN MAHONEY, Street Commissioner. On motion of Ald. Saul, the pay rolls on streets were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts, and the pay rolls and report referred back to the proper committees. Also submit the pay roll for labor on sewers during the last half of Oc- tober, 1910: Amount clue laborers on sew- ers $ 217.60 On motion of Ald. Singrin, the pay roll on sewers was received and war- rants ordered drawn to pay the vari- ous amounts and pay roll referred back to Sewer Committee. Moved by Ald. Singrin that we ad- journ to Friday, November 4, 1910. Carried. OTTO P. GEIGER, City Recorded. Adopted .Z40— 7 , 1910, Approved 1910. Attest: • Mayor. , 'City Recorder. Regular Session November 4, 1910 867 CITY COUNCIL. (Official). Adjourned Ileg'nlar• Session. ,\4,vci I,. -I, 1910. Mayor Haas in the chair. Council .met at 8:35 p. Present—Aids. Apel. o' \I. - Evoy, Sauer, ;;uul, Singrin, :;l eeeht and City Attorney Lyon. Absent --None. Mayor Haas stated that the meeting was an adjourned meeting of the reg- ular session of Nov. 3, 1910, and was called to take up and consider all mat- ters, which may come before a regu- lar session of the City council. Aid. Singrin d that aetinu Ohl the approval o1' the, council proceedings for the month of t 'etober•, 1910, be de- ferred until next meeting. Carried. Ald. Saul moved that the bills for furnishing the city with feed he re- turned to the bidders unopem d . car- ried. Ald. Saul moved that the City Re- corder rendvertise for bids for fur- nishing the city with feed. and to ad- vertise for choice iipl:utd and choice timothy hay and Ni. 1 white oats and bids to be presented next meeting.. Nov. 17. 1910. Carried. BILLS. C. W. Katz. inspector Bed I lra hell sewer, 18th street ...$25 03 Albert Schuster, inspector Seventh avenue improvement 23 10 Tom Kenneaily, inspector Grand- view avenue sanitary sewer 23 10 James Meehan, 8.55 cubic yards macadam, H. 2 5 55 James Morgan, inspector brick paving, 5th 15 40 M. Cain, 58.52 cubic yards ma- cadam, R. 2. 58 52 T. Taylor, inspector brick paving. 7th street 26 95 J. Kunz, 19.95 cubic yards ma- cadam, R. 2 19 95 John Duggan, 49.12 cubic yards macadam 49 12 W .Clark, inspector Bluff street23 It) John Ql4iglcy, 10.19 cubic yards macadam, R. 2... 10 19 Aid. O'Rourke moved that all bills properly O. K.'d be allowed and war- rants drawn on the City Treasurer. Carried, Ald. O'Rourke moved that the hill of N. J. Stoner fur $2;C81.33 for • con- .Atructing Bee Brunch sewer between Sixteenth and Seventeenth street he Paid. Carried. •A.ld. Specht moved ,that the bill of Chris. Braun fQia $875.00 •for _grading Seventh avenue, be. paid. Carried. PETITIONS AND C(_uMMUNICATIONS Petition of H: Liarnmier, asking per- mission for the use of Armory hall on \(,l. 23, 1910, for the purpose of giving dance, was, on 'notion of Ald. Apet, ::ranted. Petition of Geo. H. Kantpman, ask- ing that the City Treasurer be instruct- ed to cancel interest on the assess- ment for the improvement of East street and the 'treasurer to accept the sum of $762.47 in full. Moved by Ald. McEvoy that the prayer of the peti- tioner be granted. Carried. \loved by Ald. McEvoy that the City Treasurer he itistrueted to e:uu'el the interest oil the assessment for the itn- proveuieiit of East street against Mr. iiiIney,•r's property. Carried. I'etilion of Henri, uta t'o;it,•s-ICiene and Francis coat -s. Sr.. asking the council t.. a(.1 -opt $50.00 in full settle- ment Pile assessment levied on lots 39 :unf 40 in S. M. L nglvorthy's Sub. ee:Is, on unction of :\Id. Singrin, re- ferred to the Commit lee of the \\'lutle. I'c titian or Mary K. Torbert. direc- tress of the Home of the Friendless. asking that the overflow sewer on Mt. Pleasant avenue be changed. was, on motion of Ald. McEvoy, granted, and the Committee of the Whole to view the grounds, and the directors to be notified of the time that the committee intends to view ground. Petition of S. F. Kenneaily, et al.. asking that an electric light Ite placed on west end of West Chestnut street, was, on motion of Ala. Saul, referred to the committee of the Whole. Petition of Mrs. Mary Meehan, ask- iug that the taxes on lot 72 in Union Add. for 1909 he alluwc el to remain a lien on said property and the Treasurer be instructed not to sell the same, was on motion of Ald. Saul granted. REPORT OF (OFFICERS. City 'Treasurer \vybrant reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Below you will find statement of amnant advanced by me from October 1 to October 31st, 1910, inclusive, for which please order war- rnts drawn in my favor: i ItereSt On outstanding war- rants $2,494 53 Exchange, express, etc... 85 Purchase of hors, by Fire Con- niittee 250 00 l.ilnnry'I'roslr•rs orders 643 73 Also beff to submit list of unpaid special assessments for last three years. Adjourned Regular Session, November 4, 197o Ald. O'Rourke moved that the re- port.be received and warrants be drawn for various amounts, and the report be referred to the finance committee and a list of unpaid assessments be refer-• red to the Committee o1' the Whole. Carried. City Electrician Iiipmauc reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayer and City 1 oUneil: Gentlemen: I. herewith submit my report of defective lights for the month of October, 1911. I find from the reports of the Police Department that the total hours that 32 lamps fail - cd to born would equal 1 lamp burning For one month, or $5.00. Respectfully submitted, WM. HIPMAN. City Electrician. a an nmtiun of Ald. Sauer the report was received and the city Auditor to he instructed to deduct from the Union Electric company's bill for the month of llctobc'r. 1910, the sane of $50.00. Following Weignmaster's reports of receipts were presented and read and on motion of Ald. Specht were re- ceived and filed: Joseph Straney .. , $ 4 4 Ed. Norton 4810 L. Pitchner . 2 07 Sidewalk inspector• Iauyc'(. report presented and read, and on motion of Ald. Saul referred to the committee o1' the whole. Street Commissioner Al ahoney re- ported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Attached please find Treasurer's receipt for $2.00 for rolling trench of H. B. Glover & Co., also re- ceipt for $26.00 for rolling trench of Street & Steuck. Respectfully, J. MAHONEY, Street Commissioner. On motion of Ald. Saul the report was received and filed. Mayor Haas reported as follows: 'Co the Honorable City Council: Gentlemen: I would respectfully re- port that. I have appoknted Japdge. M. C. Matthews a member of the Board of Trustees of the Carnegie -Stout li- brary to fill vacancy created by the resignation of Major W. H. Day. Very respectfully, • D. J. HAAS, Mayor. On motion of Aid. McEvoy the ap- pointment of Judge M. C. Matthews was approved. To the Honorable City Council: Gentlemen: The Board of Health of Dubuque, Iowa. met in regular session October :',i, 1910, and approved of the action taken in the Standemair mat- ter and also report the meat markets have been inspected, and cards of in- spection placed in all found in a sani- tary condition. Also that on and af- ter Nuwemher 1st, 1910, the Board will allow for Antitoxin the following priers: 10011 units 6Cc, 5000 units $2.25. The sauna• ,•an he purchased from the Torbert Drug l'o., A. J. Hartig and J. G. Becker, at said price. Also recom- mended the payment of the following hills: Diamond Jo Steamer l'o, $ ,7:j I'. 'I'. Frith 381.40 M. M. Hoffmann 1.00 Nutwuud Livery Co. 6.00 The i'ollowing bills certified to and sent to the County for payment: Mrs. F. Chihak $ 7.29 Chas. R. Loizeattx 3.50 E. A. Linehan .50 Duertscher Tiro. 6.31 Weitz fires. 7.76 J. W. \\cttnter 2.45 M. E. King 7.00 M. M. Hoffmann 1.68 M. D. Linehan 100.00 M. M. Hoffmann 5.32 F. A. burns 8.50 JOHN O'ROI' IIKE, Moved by Aid, O'Rourke that the report he adopted. Carried. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of the A. A. Cooper Wagon & Buggy Com- pany asking that the valuation on City Lots 691, 700 and 721, and also that on its merchandise be reuuc'ea to the amount as returned by the City As- sessor for the year 1908, would respect- fully recommend that the City Treas- urer be instructed to accept the taxes on the merchandise of said company for the years 1908 and 1909 on a basis of $29,160.00 anti that action on the valuation of the aforesaid lots be de- ferred until the grounds are viewed by the committee of the whole. JAMES SAUL, Chairmen. Ald. Sauer moved the adoption of the report. Ald. Saul offered an amendment that the report he referred to the Commit- tee, of. the Whole. Amendment car- ried. Mayor Haas presented an invitation from Mr. J. Rosenthal, asking the council to attend the opening of the Majestic theater. Ald. Sauer moved that we accept the invitation with thanks, and that we attend In a body. Carried. Regular Session, November 17, 1910 Ald. Specht moved that Al Moyer be appointed assistant marketmaster and his salary he increased $5.00 per month. Carried. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that the Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings investigate the stoves in Fire and Police Departments, and if found necessary to be replaced with new ones, they are authorised to pur- chase same. Carried. Ald. O'Rourke moved that the City Recorder advertise for bids for the plastering of the entire ceiling in Armory hall, bids to be presented to the Council Nov. 17, 1910. Carried. Ald. Specht moved that all persons on the pay roll where funds are ex- hausted be laid off, and that no one be allowed to draw any money from the funds that are exhausted. Ald. Saul offered an amendment that the matter he referred to the Commit- tee of the Whole. Amendment car- ried. Ald. Saul moved to adjourn. Car- ried. OTTO. P. GEIGER, City Recorder. By GEORGE H. ELLWANGER. Deputy Recorder. r Adopted e- ;J , 1910, Approved ,7. 1910. Mayor. Attest: Recorder. 269 CITY COUNCIL, Regular Session, Nov. 17, 1:4lu. Offi Council met att 9:05I.) p. m. Mayor Haas in the chair. Present—Aldermen Apel, \Ic Evoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht and City Attorney Lyon. Moved by Ald. Singrin the Council proceedings for the month of October be approved as printed. Carried. Bids for furnishing the City for feed, also bids for the replastering Armory Hall ceiling presented. Moved by Ald. Singrin that all bids be opened. Carried. Bids for furnishing feed for the year as follows: M. Stafford, Timothy hay $17.90 per ton, upland hay $14.90 per ton, oats at 441/c per bushel: quality to he same as advertised. J. J. Nagle: for choice upland hay $14.50 per ton, 1 white oats, bushel of 35 pounds, 441/2 white oats, bushel of 35 pounds, 441/2 cents. Moved by Ald. Saul contract for furnishing hay and oats to var- ious departments be awarded to J. J. Nagle, he being the lowest bidder. Carried. Bids to replastcr Armory Hall ceil- ing as follows: N. J. Staner, Fort Dodge hard plaster 56 cents per square yard, wood fiber 67 cents per square yard. Haverland & Reis, by lump, $400.00, or 50 cents per yard. Mahoney & Rapp, Fort Dodge hard finish 35 cents per square yard, wood fiber 40 cents per yard. Frank Hammel, Fort Dodge plaster 28 cents per square ard, wood fiber 32 cents per square yard. Also a bid without proper check accompanying same opened. Moved by Ald. Saul the bid he returned with- out being read. Carried. Moved by Aid. Saul the contract be awarded to Frank Hammel, he being the lowest bidder, and bond placed at 25 per cent of contract. Carried. 1311.1.5. Tim Taylor, improvement of Seventh St $ Albert Schuster, improvement of Seventh Ave. Wm. Clark, improvement of Bluff SI. C. W. hatz, improvement Bee Branch, 18th St. O'Farrell Contracting Co., 5 per cent retained on Bennett St. Street & Steuck, 5 per cent re- tained on College Ave. sewer J. F. Brown, 5 per cent retained on Needham St. C. W. Noble Co., Bee Branch sewer, between 16th and 37th 7 70 23 10 23 10 23 10 8932 11 91 63 04 870 Regular Session, November 17, 1910 street O'Farrell Contracting Co., 6 per cent retained on improvement of alley, Iowa and Clay W. D. Deckert Co., railing for Bee Branch, 18th St. Conlin & Kearns, coal, dept. James O'Shea, macadam, Road 2 John Kriebs, supplies, Road dept. Duggan & Cota, supplies, Road dept. and Sidewalk dept. .. 6 65 Standard Oil Co., oil, Road dept., 4th. 21516 Smedley Steam Pump Co., sup- plies, Road dept 25 90 John Butt, repairs, Road dept4 65 Clancy Transfer Co., coal, Road dept. Phil Heller, horseshoeing, Road dept. .. 3 50 Fisher & Co., coal, Road dept. 25 65 F. Beutin, coal, Road dept 2215 W. D. Deckert, supplies, Road dept. Key City Iron Works, supplies, Road dept. T. J. Mulgrew Co., cement and coal, Road dept and Bluff St. Extension 16 23 Wiii. Marshall, repairs and sup- plies, Road dept. .. 11 00 F. A. Burns, coal, Road dept.. 21 27 Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs and supplies, Road dept. 5 71 W. D. Deckert, supplies, Fire and Bluff St. Extension 29 18 Morrison Bros., repairs, Fire dept. 25 20 Matt. Stafford, feed. Fire dept52 53 Dr. H. J. Hagerty, services, Fire, Sewer, Police and Side- walk depts. 32 40 Phil Heller, horseshoeing for Fire dept. 14 00 T. J. Mulgrew Co., coal and ce- ment, Fire and Bee Branch sewer, 18th St. 25 65 Spahn & Rose Lumber Co, lumber, Fire dept. 12 64 American La France Fire En- gine Co., Fire dept. 23 00 Noel '& Wagner, feed, Fire dept5 15 Dubuque Sand and Gravel Co, gravel, Fire dept. 1 13 Lester Waite, repair doors, Fire dept. Road 43 83 24 80 9 24 20 70 16 38 80 18 32 17 54 • 12 47 Key City Whip Co., whips, 'Fire dept. C.'C. 'Gordon & Co., repairs, Fire dept. Dubuque Mattress Co., mat- tress, Fire 'dept. 2 20 'Milan Electric Co., City Fire Alarm 200 O. G. Perry, supplies, Fire dept. 23 50 Key City Gas Co., coal, Fire dept. 29 25 Peter Even, coal, Fire dept. 19 39 Fisher & Co., coal, Fire dept... 37 63 Standard Lumber Co., lumber, 11 50 8 50 2 05 Fire dept. 7 65 Mettle Bros., feed, Fire dept Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs, Fire dept. 1 35 Butt Bros., repairs and sup- plies, Fire dept. 46 85 Lagen, Peed & BerWanger, horseshoeing, Fire dept. 900 John NeuYnan & Son, repairs, Fire dept. 2 25 Vollenwieder & Heim, horse - shoeing, Fire dept. 7 00 Metz Mfg. Co., glass, Fire dept. 2 05 Deyoe & Boicleiter, horseshoe- ing, Fire dept. 2 50 Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horseshoeing, Fire dept. 8 50 Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies, Police dept. 4 56 Collings & Pfiffner, horseshoe- ing, Police and Fire depts.... 16 75 Mettel Bros., feed, Police dept. 3 75 Conlin & Kearns, coal, Police dept. 16 85 American Ever Ready Co., Flashlights, Police dept. .... 4 00 Ernst Bessre, sawing wood, Po- lice dept. 2 60 Connor Bros., printing, Police dept. 10 50 F. Beutin, wood, Police dent. and City Hall 13 00 Ed. Norton, furnishing prison- ers meals during October .... 3 80 N. B. Schneider, supplies, Police dept. 7 65 C. Neanstead, feed, Police dept. 41 13 M. Byrne, feed, Police dept 4 20 John Linehan, hauling from patrol house 8 25 J. W. Wittmer, drug supplies, Police and Road dept. 6 00 Geo. Davis, supplies, Police and City Hall 50 G. F. Kleih, supplies, City Hall 1 80 Louis Fay, cleaning City Hall.. 5 40 J. P. Buechele, taking care of town clock and repair of clock in Police headouarters.. 145 75 Spahn & Rose Lumber Co, lumber, City Hall 60 Al Moyer, burning of ballots Mrs. Koenig, cleaning City Hall 500 Mrs. Schuler, cleaning City Hall 10 60 Larry Dailey, cleaning around market square 32 00 Foley Hand Laundry, towel ser- vice for October, 1910 4 00 A. Gasser, brick for Phoenix park 8 00 A. E. Bradley, glass and paint, Police dept. 2 75 Berg & Briggs, printing bonds, East street 3 00 L. J. Schmidt, supplies, City Hall 1 45 R. McGivern, burning ballots .. Key City Gas Co, removing lamp posts 1 80 F. B. Martin, hauling type- writer........ .. W. A. Hammond, repairing 1 20 1 00 1 00 20 Regular Session, November 17, 1910 typewriter C. E. Fitzpatrick Co., office supplies T. Malloy, work at City Hall .. 35 Union Printing Co., printing for City Treasurer , . 6 00 Mullen Bros., repairing water fountain Smedley Steam Pump Co., sup- plies for Phoenix Park Fischer & Co., ice for City Hall 18 00 Hussman & Lies, nails, Side- walk dept. 6 50 Dubuque Lumber Co., lumber, Sidewalk and Fire depts. .... 63 33 Spahn & Rose Lumber Co., lumber, Sidewalk dept. ...... 49 54 F. Schloz & Son, repairs, Sewer, Fire and Road depts. 1 70 Smedley Steam Pump Co., sup- plies, Sewer and Road depth. 4 75 E. Oiler, repairs, Sewer dept1 00 National Demokrat, printing for October 12 50 Smith -Morgan Printing Co, printing for October .... 23 40 Labor Leader, printing for Oc- tober 12 60 Telegraph -Herald, printing for October 60 03 Times -Journal, ?rinting for October 47 94 E. T. Frith, hauling garbage and dead animals 374 40 Iowa Telephone Co., telephone rental 11 50 Kenetv & Scharle, improvement of Windsor Ave. 1354 59 H. M. Scharle & Co., improve- ment of Clay St 1140 78 O'Farrell Contracting Co., im- provement of 5th St. 2759 27 J. M. Kenety, improvement of 7th St. 4312 90 Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that war- rants be drawn on Treasurer for var- ious amounts and all hills properly O. K. paid, the others to be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Car- ried. The following bills not being prop- erly 0. K. were referred to the Com- mittee of the Whole: Geo. Masters, gas mantles $ .90 1t6Y City Rubber Stamp works2.00 Ernst }lesser J. L. Drehouse Dubuque Telephone Co. Peter Hanson 3 50 7 10 9 80 8 50 2.50 48.70 62.26 1'1.66 PETITIONS. Petition of Lois M. Rath et al ask- ing that the High School Girls' Basket- ball team be permitted to use Armory Hall two or three afternoons each week presented. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke prayer be granted under the supervision of the mayor. Carried. Petition of John E. Bird asking that taxes paid on personal property since 1903 be returned by way of a credit on any future taxes to accrue, presented. 371 On motion of Ald. Specht referred to Committee of the Whole. Petition of Mrs. Eliza Crenion ask- ing that the taxes on Lot 9 in Sum- mer Hill Add, be allowed to remain a lien thereon and City Treasurer be so instructed, presented. On motion of Ald. Saul prayer of petitioner granted. Petition of Mrs. Mary McCoy ask- ing that the taxes against Lot 14, Union Add., for year 1909 be canceled, presented. On motion of Aid. Saul prayer of petition granted. Petition of Eagles' Building Associa- tion, asking that they be permitted to pay taxes on their home on the basis of $2,500, presented. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke it be referred to the Com- mittee of the whole. Amended by Ald. Singrin that prayer of petitioner be granted. Amendment carried by folowing vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—O'Rourke. Motion lost. Petition of Susie Wealnd, asking that the taxes for the year of 1909 against lot 1 of L. H. Langworthy's Sub. be canceled, presented. On motion of Aid. Apel prayer of petitioner granted. Petition of Morrison-Kretschmer Mfg. Co., asking that the City Treasurer be instructed to accept taxes in accord- ance with the ordinance adopted on the 8th day of March, 1908, presented. On motion of Ald. Singrin referred to Committee of the Whole. Petition of Mary A. Dolan, asking that the taxes for the year of 1909 on the west half of lot 62, Union Add., be canceled, presented. On motion of Ald. Saul prayer granted. Petition of A. W. Austin, et al, ask- ing that Pennsylvania Street be re- duced from the present width 66 feet to the width of 50 feet, presented. On motion of Ald. McEvoy referred to the Committee of the Whole to view the ground. Petition of L. Eberhardt, asking that a sanitary sewer and water be con- structed between Washington and Elm Streets, from Twentieth Street to Lin- coln Avenue, presented. On motion of Ald. Ape! referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of F. M. Clarke, asking that the valuation on lot No. 772 and S. E. 12.6 feet of lot No. 760 be placed at $6,000.00 presented. On motion of Ald Singrin referred to the Committee of the Whole. 372 Regular Session, November 17, 1910 Petition of Eagles' Building Associa- tion, asking that they be granted the use of Armory hall from Jan. 14 to Jan. 28, 1911, to hold a fair and bazaar, presented. On motion of Ald. Saul, prayer granted, subject to new contract which may be entered into with any- one. Petition of T. W. Ruete Drug Co., asking that their assessment for mer- chandise be placed at $8,000.00 in plac-t of $10,000.00, presented. On motion of Aid. O'Rourke, prayer granted. Petition of Civic Division, by Marion Mc C. Tredway, asking that the taxes assessed against lot 44 in Coriell's Sub. for year 1909-1910 be cancelled and that it may he exempt from taxes in the future, presented. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke, prayer of petition granted. Petition of Rev. Bro. Francis S. M., asking that use of the Armory be granted to the senior class of St. Mary's high school for basketball practice. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke, prayer grant- ed on same basis as granted to Lois M. Rath, et al. Petition of W. B. Martin, secre- tary of the Dubuque Club, asking that the Council grant the same favor for the year of 1909 relative to taxes as has been granted in the past, pre- sented. On motion of Ald. McEvoy prayer granted. Petition of George Radford, et al, asking that a hand rail be built and maintained abutting the sidewalk on the west side of Spruce Street, between Jefferson Street and Julien Avenue, presented. On motion of Ald. McEvoy prayer granted. A comunication from Frank G. Pierce, asking that the Council ap- point one official or Councilman as legislative representative, presented. Moved by Ald. Sauer that the Mayor make the appointment. Carried. City Recorder Geiger presented and read the notice certified to by the pub- lishers of the Council's intention to levy a special assessment for the im- provement of Fifth Street from west lot line of Main Street to east curb line of Locust Street, O'Farrell Con- tracting company contractors. No remonstrance being filed and no one in the room objecting to the levy- ing of the special assessment for said improvement the notice was, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, received and filed. City Recorder Geiger presented and read the notice certified to by the pub- lishers of the Council's intention t.) levy a special assessment for the im- provement of Windsor Avenue from the old improvement to a point about 320 feet northerly thereof, Kenety & Scharie, contractors.. No remonstrance being filed and no one in the room ob- jecting to the levying of the special assessment for said improvement, the notice was on motion of Ald. Specht received and filed. A protest of W. F. Woodrich, et al, against the construction of sanitary sewer between Rhomberg and Garfield Avenues, from Middle to Reed, pre- sented. Moved by Aid. Saul be refer- red to the Committee of the Whola and Mr. W. F. Woodrich be notified to be present at the meeting of the Com- mittee of the Whole. Carried. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque, Ia.: The undersigned, George B. Mc- Guire, respectfully states that he is a qualified elector of the City of Du- buque, Iowa: that he is the purchaser, successor and assignee of the saloon business of F. M. Turpin, conducted at the northeast corner of Second and Main streets, in the building occupied by the Hotel .Julien Co., Dubuque, Iowa, and as such successor and as- signee to the business of said F. M. Turpin he respectfully prays your honorable body to grant him a new permit or resolution of consent to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors by him in said City of Dubuque and at the northeast corner of Second and Main streets, in the room now occupied for such purpose and to cause the fol- lowing resolution of consent to be. ad- opted: Moved by Ald. Saul the prayer be granted. Carried. Ald. Saul offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, That con- sent is hereby given George B. Mc- Guire as purchaser, successor and as- signee of the saloon business of F. M. Turpin at the northeast corner of Main and Second streets, in the City of Dubuque, to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors and deal therein in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as provid- ed by law. The consent here given is a new consent given in lieu of and in renewal of the resolution of consent heretofore given F. M. Turpin. Moved by Ald. Saul the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. To the Honorable Council: We hereby' submit proposed extension Avenue, froth Hill to are the owners of all Mayor and City plat showing the of Langworthy James Street. We the property bor- Regular Session; November 17, 1910 ask your honorable body to accept same at your earliest convenience, as we have several parties willing to start foundations before the severe weather sets in and would like to continue building during the winter, thus giving employment when work is scarce. Hoping for early action, we remain, MRS. MASSEY, MISS LANGWORTHY. JOHN E. HEDLEY, Agent. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke prayer of petitioner be granted and City Engi- neer instructed to give street lines as soon as possible. Carried. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Attorney Lyon reported as fol- lows: Dubuque, Ia., Nov. 17, 1910. The Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of City of Dubuque. Gentlemen: I beg to report that on November 15th, 1-910, Judge Bonson, of the District Court, rendered his de- cision on the City's motion to dissolve the temporary injunction issueu against the City in the case of John Keckevoet vs. the City. The effect of this ruling is to leave the City free to act in the matter of removing the house boats of Keckevoet. Because of the lateness of the sea- son we would like the further instruc- tions of the Council in this matter. Respectfully submitted. GEO. T. LYON, City Attorney. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that the original motion pertaining to the mat- ter shall prevail. Carried. Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The following is the pay roll of the Fire Department for the first half of November, 1910: Amount due Firemen $1568.00 Respectfully submitted, J. R. REINFCIIED, Chief. Approved by the Committee on Fire. On motion of Ald. Singrin, the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the firemen, and the re- port referred back to the Committee on Fire. Chief of Police Reilly reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The following is the pay roll of Police Department for the first half of November, 1910: Amount due Policemen $1427.38 Respectfully submitted, THOMAS REILLY, Chief. On motion of Ald. Sauer, the report mill pay roll were received and war - 373 • rants ordered drawn to pay the Police- men and report referred to the Com- mittee on Police and Light. Street Commissioner Mahoney re- ported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the pay roll for labor on streets during the first half of November, 1910: Amount due laborers on streets.$873.80 Also due laborers grading Willow street during the first half of Novem- ber, 1910, $319.10. Also due laborers on Booth street during the first half of November, 1910, $182.10. Also due laborers on streets leading into the country the first half of No- vember and to be paid from county road fund, $121.90. Approved by Committee on Streets. On motion of Ald Saul the pay rolls on streets were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts and the pay rolls and report referred back to the proper commit- tees. Also submit the pay roll for labor on sewers during the first half of No- vember, 1910: Amount due laborers on sewers.$206.00 Respectfully submitted, JOHN MAHONEY, Street Commissioner. Approved by Committee on Sewers. On motion of Ald. Singrin report re- ceived and the various amounts be paid and report referred Lack to Com- mittee on Sewers. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Specht offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for improving Windsor Avenue from the end of the old improvement northerly thereof by Kenety & Scharle, contractors, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situ- ated :Ind owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or par- cel of real estate, as follows: Special assessment submitted Nov. 17th, 1910. Total Amount Owner. 'Description. Tax. John P. Puechele, Windsor Avenue Sub., Lot 6, 44.15 sq. yds, brick paving at 7743. $34.19; extra ex- penses, 24.3 lin. ft. at 6c, $1.45 $ 35 64 John C. Dettmann, Windsor Avenue Sub., Lot 7, 71.76 sq. yds. brick paving at .7743, $55.56; extra ex - expenses, 39.5 lin. ft. at 6c, 871 Regular Session, November 17, 1910 $2.37 C. Horn hauser Est., Stafford's .\ddMon, Sub. 35a, Lot 2, 94.46 sq. yds. brick paving at .7743, $73.14; extra ex- penses. 52 lin. ft. at 6c, $3.12 Emma Evans, Stafford's Ad- dition, Sub. 335a, Lot 1, 2.63 sq. yds. brick pav- ing at .7743, $2.81; extra expenses, 2 lin. ft. at 6c, 12c Emma Evans, Stafford's Ad- dition, Sub. 35, Lot 2, 34 lin, ft. curbstone reset at 20c, $6.80; 90.83 sq. yds. brick paving at .7743, $70.33; extra expenses, 50 lin. ft. at 6c, $3.00 Emma. Evans, Stafford's Ad- dition, Lot 34, 50 lin. ft. curbstone reset at 20c, $10.00; 90.83 sq. yds. brick paying at .7743, $70.33; ex- tra expenses, 50 lin. ft. at 6c, $3.00 D. C. Huntington, Stafford's Addition, So. 1,4 Lot 33, 25 lin. ft. curbstone reset at 20c, $5.00; 45.42 sq. yds. brick paving at .7743, $35.17; extra expenses, 25 lin. ft. at 6c, $1.50 Emma Evans, Stafford's Ad- dition, No. 1,4 Lot 33, 25 lin. ft. curbstone reset at 20c, $5.00; 45.42 sq. yds. brick paving at .7743, $35.17; extra expenses, 25 lin. ft. at 6c, $1.50 Ed. J. Sauer, Stafford's Addi- tion, So. 1/4 Lot 32, 20 lin. ft. curbstone reset at 20c, $4.00; 45.42 sq. yds. brick paying at .7743, $35.17; ex- tra expenses, 25 lin. ft. at 6c, $1.50 Wm. Althauser, Stafford's Ad- dition, No. 4 Lot 32, 45.42 sq. yds. brick paving at .7743, $35.17; extra ex- penses, 25 lin. ft. at 6c, $1.50 Wm. Althauser, Stafford's Ad- dition, Lot 31a, 19.26 sq. yds. brick paving at .7743, $14.91; extra expenses, 10.6 lin. ft. at 6c, 93c Jacob Schwietering, Sub. 3 and 4, Stafford's Add., No. 50 ft. Lot 1, 3.63 sq. yds. brick paving at .7743, $2.81; extra expenses, 2 lin, ft. at 6c, 12e Cath. Schueller, Sub. 3 and 4, Stafford's Add., So. 50 ft. Lot 1, 90.83 sq. yds. brick 1 aving at .7743. $70.33; extra expenses, 50 lin. ft. at 6c, $3.00 Henry Pfotzer Est., Sub. 3 and 4, Stafford's Add., Lot 2, 109.00 sq. yds. brick pay - 67 98 76 26 2 93 80 13 83 33 41 67 41 67 40 67 36 67 15 84 2 93 73 33 ing at .7743, $84.40; extra t'xl ruses, GO lin. ft. at 6c, $3.60 John Braun, Sub. 3 and 4, Stafford's Add., Lot 4, 72.67 sq. yds. brick paving at .7743, $56.27; extra ex- penses, 40 lin. ft. at 6c, $2.40 John Braun, Sub. 3 and 4, Stafford's Add., Lot 6, 45.42 sq. yds. brick paving at .7743, $35.17; extra ex- penses, 25 lin. ft. at 6c, $1.50 John Hendel, Sub. 3 and 4, Stafford's Add., Lot 7, 45.42 sq. yds. brick paving at .7743; $35.17; extra ex- penses, 25 lin. ft. at 6c, $1.50 A. W. Wieneke, Klingenberg's Sub., Lot 1, 76.3 sq. yds. brick paving at .7743, $59.08; extra expenses, 42 lin. ft. at 6c, $2.52 61 60 A. W. Wieneke, Klingenberg's Sub., Lot 2, 76.3 sq. yds. brick paving at .7743, $59.08; extra expenses, 42 lin. ft. at 6c, $2.52 61 60 A. W. Wieneke, Klingenberg's Sub., Lot 3, 66.31 sq. yds. brick paving at .7743, $51.35; extra expenses, 36.5 lin. ft. at 6c, $2.19 53 54 Union Electric Co., brick pav- ing along street railway track, 263.48 sq. yds. brick paving at $1.62, $426.84; extra expenses, 156.10 lin. ft. at 6c, $9.41 436 25 City of Dubuque, amount of appropriation 1000 00 88 00 58 67 36 67 36 67 Total $2422 00 1445.96 sq. yds. brick paving at $1.62 per sq. yd. $2342.46 154 lin. ft. of old curb re- set at 20c lin. ft. 30 80 Extra expenses 48 75 Total $2422 00 All of which is assessed in propor- tion to the special benefits conferred. Moved by Ald. Specht the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Ayes — Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Specht. Nays—None. AId. O'Rourke offered the follow- ing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for improving Fifth Street from Main Street to Locust Street, by the O'Far- rell Contracting Co., contractors, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, Adjourned Regular Session, November 17, 1910 and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situated and owned, and for Adopted ..: the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, ;,s follows: Special assessment submitted Nov. 17th, 1910. Total Amount Owner. Description. Tax. Bosserman & Ives, City Lot 65, 100.2 lin. ft. new curb- stone at 70c, $70.14; 298.35 sq. yds. brick paving at $2.15, $641.45; extra ex- penses, .1361 lin. ft., $17.66.$729.25 Abbey C. Staples, City Lot 96, 129 lin. ft. new curbstone at 70c, $90.30; 329.79 sq. yds. brick paving at $ 2.15, $709.05; extra expenses at .1361 lin. ft., $19.06 818 41 Sidonia Hosford, City Lot 97, 11.7 lin. ft. new curbstone at 70c, $8.19; 102.3 lin, ft. old curb reset at 20e, $20.46; 328.81sq. yds. brick paving at $2.15, $706.94; ex- penses at .1361 lin. ft., $19.06 754 65 Winona Land Co., West 20 ft. of the South 1-3 City Lot 64, 96.19 sq. yds. brick pav- ing at $2.15, $206.81; extra expenses at .1361 lin. ft., $4.75 211 56 First National Lank, East 94 ft. of the South 1-3 of City Lot 64, 209.84 sq. yds. brick paving at $2.15, $451.16; ex- tra expenses at .1361 lin. ft., $12.92 464 08 Total $2977 95 1262.98 sq. yds. of brick pav- ing at $2.15 per sq. yd. $2715 41 240.9 lin. ft. new curb at 70c per lin. ft. 168 63 102.3 lin. ft. old curb reset at 20c per lin. ft. 20 46 Extra expenses 73 45 Total $2977 95 All of which is assessed in propor- tion to the special benefits conferred. Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Ayes — Alds. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Specht. Nays—None. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that the Martin-Strelau matter be referred to Finance Committee and they to con- sult with City Attorney relative to re- port which he had prepared for this Council meeting and they to report at the adjourned session of the Coun- cil. Carried. Moved by Ald. Saul to adjourn to Tuesday, November 22. Carried. OTTO P. GEIGER, City Recorder. 375 •. ✓ , 1910, Approved .. 7, 1910. Attest: city Mayor corder. 376 Regular Session, November 22, 1910 CITY COUNCIL. (Official) Adjourned Regular Session, Novem- ber 22, 1910. Council met at 8:20 p. m. Mayor Haas in the chair. Presents -•- Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Saul, Singrin and Specht; City Attorney Lyon and Assistant At- torney Wiliging. Absent—Aad. Sauer. Mayor Haas stated that the meet- ing was an adjourned meeting of the regular session of November 17, 1910, and was called to take up and con- sider all matters which may properly come before a regular session of the City Council. Pill of J. Gregory, for the remod- eling of Armory roof presented. On motion of Ald. Saul, referred to Com- mittee on Public Grounds and Build- ing PETITIONS. Petition of Mrs. Dora Boetschler, asking that the taxes on North 1/2 of Lot 54 and South 1/2 of Lot 95 in McCranoy's First Add., be canceled, presented. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke, referred to Delinquent Tax Committee. Petition of J. M. Kenety, asking for a reasonable extension of time on Blu ffStreet improvement, presented. On motion of Ald. Saul, referred to Committee of Whole. Petition of Civic Division, Dubuque Woman's Club, asking that the taxes on I,ot 1 of Subdivision of City Lot 653 he canceled, as the same is for park purpose, presented. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke, prayer granted. Petition of Mrs. A. Kemps et al, asking that Elm Street between Eagle Point Avenue and Sanford Street be improved, presented. On motion of Aid. Specht, prayer was granted. Petition of Charles J. Young, ask- ing that his assessment be equalized with adjoining properties, presented. On motion of Aid. Singrin, referred to Committee of Whole to view the ground. Carried. Petition of Mrs. Sarah Quinn, ask- ing to allow assessment against Lots 1, 2 and 3 in Block 3, Railroad Add., remain a lien on the property, pre- sented. On motion of Ald. Singrin, prayer granted., Petition of Second National Bank, asking that the City Treasurer be authorized and directed to accept the sum of $3,750.00 in full payment of taxes for year 1909 against said bank, presented. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke, prayer granted and treas- urer to be instructed. Petition of F. Luchterhand et al, asking that an arc lamp be placed at the intersection of 18th and White Streets, presented. On motion of Ald. McEvoy, referred to Committee of the Whole. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: The undersigned, William Benn, re- spectfully states that he is a quali- fied elector of the City of Dubuque, Iowa; that he is the purchaser, suc- cessor and assignee of the saloon business of McGovern & Pattat at 310 Main Street, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and as such purchaser, suc- cessor and assignee to the business of the said McGovern & Pattat he re- spectfully prays your honorable body to grant him a new permit or resolu- tion of consent to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors by him at No. 310 Main Street in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and to cause the fol- lowing resolution of consent to be adopted: On motion of Ald. Apel, prayer was granted. Ald. Saul offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that consent is hereby given William Benn as purchaser, successor and as- signee of McGovern & Pattat, to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors and deal therein in the City of Du- buque, Iowa, as provided by law. The consent here given is a new consent given in lieu of and in renewal of the resolution of consent heretofore given McGovern & Pattat. Moved by Ald. Saul the adoption of resolution. Carried by the following vote: Ayes — Alds. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Saul, Singrin, and Specht. Nays—None. ,Absent—Aid. Sauer. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. To the Honorable City Council: Gentlemen,—In response to the com- munication of the secretary of the League of Iowa Municipalities relative to appointing a city official or a coun- cilman as legislative representative, I would respectfully report that I have given the matter full consideration and have came to the conclusion that on account pf, the legal questions that may be involved, such representative should be selected from the legal department. I therefore take pelasure in announc- Adjourned Regular Session, November 22, 1910 Ing that I have appointed Assistant City Attorney Willging as Legislative Representative for the League of Iowa Municipalities for the City of Dubuque. Very respectfully, D. J. HAAS, Mayor. On motion of Aid. McEvoy, ap- pointment approved. City Attorney Lyon reported as fol- lows, Gentlemen: Under your instructions of November 19th, 1910, I beg to report that I instructed the Harbor Master to enforce the ordinance relating to the regulation of the ice harbor, to the letter and particularly advised him to see to it that the house -boats owned by Messrs: Keckevoet and McGregor were removed from the harbor at once. Complying with the instructions so given him the Harbor Master employ- ed the necessary help to break the coating of ice covering the Harbor, so that the boats could be removed and arrange for the necessary boats and help to carry out your instructions, and on Monday, November 21st, when about to commence the removal of the Keckevoet houses, Mr. Keckevote of- fered to pay the amount due the city under the ordinance for the wharfage for the years 1909 and 1910, the pay- ment to be made under protest, and upon condition that he be permitted to remain in the Harbor during the win- ter. This proposition was made to the Mayor, and after consulting with me he accepted the proposition and Mr. Keckevote paid the Harbor Master the sum of two hundred ninety dollars, who then withdrew his force of men and will make no further attempt to remove the boat houses, providing the adjustment as made meets with the approval of your honorable body. It was distinctly understood br tween all parties to this arrangement that Mr. Keckevoet would voluntarily re- move his houses in the spring, as soon as the harbor opened up, and follow out the orders of the City Council re- specting them. Respectfully submitted, GEO. T. LYON, City Attorney. On motion of Ald. McEvoy report ap- proved. Gentlemen: I beg to report that on October 25th, 1910, the Supreme Court of the State of Iowa handed down its decision in the case of the Martin- Strelau Company vs. City of Dubuque, in which the judgment entered in the lower court on July 21st. 1908, was arirmed. The amount of the judgment entered in the lower court was $42,715.36 with 6 per cent. interest from July 10th, 1908, and costs. On November 16th, 1910, the motion filed by the Martin-Strelau Company for judgment on the appeal bond filed 377 by the City, was sustained, which means that the Martin-!trehcu Com- pany now have a. judgment both against the City and the surety on the bond furnished by the City. We attach herewith a copy of the opinion handed down by the Supreme court. Under the practice in the Supreme Court the City would have the right to give a notice of their intention of tiling a petition for rehearing within thirty (30) days after the decision was handed down. Should the council de- sire that this be done we would ask that you so instruct us at an early date. Respectfully submitted, GEO. T. LYON, City Attorney. On motion of of the City Attorney approved. e report Aid. O'Rourke, chairman of the Fi- nance committee, recommends the is- sue nr 11 -year 41 per cent bonds to Irny the judgment against the City in favor of the Martin-Strelau Company, also the levy of 1 mill to cover the other accounts. Carried. Moved by Ald O'Rourke when we rid- journ we adjourn to Wednesday, Nov. 23, at I p. in. Carried. Ald. Saul, chairman on Streets, of- fered the following: 'Your Committee on Streets weu!d respectfully report that we have e'- arnined the improvement on Martha Street from Alta Vista Street to the alley first west thereof, Wilmer Cook, contractor, and would recommend that said work be accepted and that the City -Engineer be instructed to pre- pare a special assessment against the lots or parcels of real estate I enefitted by such improvement and lila the enure in the office of the City Recorder who wil! thereupon publish the not i,•c of said assessment as required icy ordi- nance. Your Committee on Streets would reepectfully report that we lraye ex- amined the improvement on Wilbur Avenue from the westerly line of he present improvement, which is at the easterly line of Olive Street. westerly to a point 50.10 feet westerly thereof, Wilmer Cook, contractor, and would respectfully recommend that said work be accepted and that the City Engi- neer he instructed to pretmre .i sne,tai assessment against the lots or parcels of reel estate subject to assessment for said improvement and file the same in the office of the City Recorder who will thereupon publish the notice re- quired by ordinance. Your Committee on Streets would respectfully report that we have ex- amined the re -bricking of Clay Street 378 Adjourned Regular Sesion, November 22, 1910 between Tenth and Eleventh Streets, H. Scherle R Co.. contractors. and would respectfully recommend that said work be accepted and that a bill be presented to the Union Electric Co. for its proportion of the cost of the lin provement. Your Committee on Streets would respectfully report that we have ex- amined the brick -paving on Seventh Street from Clay Street to Main Street, J. M. Kenety, contractor, and would respectfully recommend that said work be accepted and that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare a special assessment against the lots or parcels of real estate subject to assessment for said improvement and file the same in the office of the City Recorder who will thereupon publish the notice of said assessment as re- quired by ordinance. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Moved by Ald. Saul the adoption of the various reports of Committee on Streets. Carried. All. McEvoy, chairman of the De- linquent Tax Committee, offered the following Your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the peti- tion of Mrs. Ellen Fitzpatrick, stating that she was the owner of Lot 21 of the Sub. of City Lot 703 and that she is aged and unable to earn a livelihood and ha s no means of support. and asking therefore that the taxes as- sessed against her homestead above mentioned be canceled, would re- spectfully recommend that said taxes be allowed to remain a lien on the property and that the City Treasurer he instructed accordingly. Your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the pe- tition of Mrs. C. D. Hayden, stating that on account of having to meet the special assessments for the im- provement of Bluff street and for the construction of a sanitary sewer in Hayden's Lane the payment of the regular taxes will be a severe burden on her, and asking therefore that the said regular taxes be canceled for the year 1909, would respectfully recom- mend that the prayer of the petition- er be granted and that the City Treas- urer be instructed accordingly. Your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the pe- tition of Mrs. Mary Bizanz, stating that she is the owner of the north 1,41 of Lot No. 2 in Myrtle Add. That she is a widow with five children, the oldest being but eight years old, to support and has no source of income other than her manual labor and asking therefore that the taxes levied against her said lot for the year 1909 be 'canceled, would respectfully rec- ommend that the prayer of the peti- tioner be granted and that the City Treasurer be instructed accordingly. Your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the pe- tition of Mrs. Lina Hillard, adminis- tratrix for Mrs. E. T. Dearborn, ask- ing that in behalf of the children of said Mrs. E. T. Dearborn, deceased, that the taxes on the homestead, the south 1/2 of City Lot 498, be canceled for the year 1909, woull respectfully recommend that the said taxes be al- lowed to remain a lien on said prop- erty and that the City Treasurer be instructed not to sell. Your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the peti- tion of Mrs. Mary L. Casey, stating that she is the owner of Lot 2 in Fin- ley Add., and that she i3 a widow with three minor children to support and depending on her earnings for her income and asking therefore that the taxes against her said homestead be canceled, would respectfully rec- ommend that the prayer of the peti- tioner be granted and that the City Treasurer be instructed accordingly. Your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the pe- tition of Miss Matilda Donalson, stat- ing that she is supporting the three minor children of her deceased sister without expense to the city or county and asking therefore that the taxes against her homestead, the north 23 1-5 feet of the middle 1-5 of out lot 451 be canceled for the year 1909, would respectfully recom- mend that the prayer of the petition- er be granted and that the City Treas- urer be instructed accordingly. Your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the peti- tion of Miss Mary De Lo. imier, stat- ing that she is unable to pay the taxes on her homestead, the south 16 feet of City Lot 159, and asking therefore that the taxes be canceled, would re• spectfully recommend that said taxes be allowed to remain a lien on the property and that the City Treasurer be instructed not to sell same. Your Committee on Delinquent Taxes, to whom was referred the pe- tition of Elizabeth Heacock for the A. S. Heacock Estate, asking that on ac- count of her poverty, the valuation on her lot, 196 in Union Addition, be placed at $500 permanently, would re- spectfully recommend that said val- uation be accepted for the year 1909 and that the City Treasurer be in- Adjourned Regular Session, November 22, 1910 3` ; , 9 strutted to accept the taxes for said year on said basis. E. E. M'EVOY, Chairman. Moved by Ald. McEvoy the adoption of the various reports of the Delin- quent Tax Committee. Carried. Ald, Saul, chairman of the Commit- tee of the Whole, offered the follow- ing: Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of F. M. Clarke, asking that the valuation for assessment purposes levied against Lot 772 and the S. E. 12.6 feet of 760 be reduced to $6,000.00 because the price recently paid by him for said property was but $7,150.00, while the present assessed valuation is $11,0:0.9, would respectfully recommend that the City Treasurer be instructed to ac- cept the taxes on said propel ty for the year 1910 on a valuation of $8,000.00. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Henrietta Coates hiesel and Francis Coates, Sr., per F. W. Coats, a:;ent. asking that the sum of $50.0; be ac- cepted in full payment of the special assessment levied against lots 39 and 40 in S. M. Langworthy's Addition for the improvement of Booth Street and against lot 39 in the same addition for the improvement of .lforrest Lane, would respectfully recommend that the City Treasurer be instructed to ac- cept the sum of $75.00 in full settle- ment of said special assessment. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Geo. M. Kimball, stating that he is an honorably discharged soldier of the War of the Rebellion and that he is the owner of Lot B in Bell's Sub., the value of which together with his other property does not exceed the amount of $5,000.00, and asking therefore that he be granted the exemption provided by the Code of Iowa, would respect- fully recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the City Treasurer be instructed to deduct from his assessment, property to the amount of $800.00 valuation. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of John E. Bird stating that he is the owner of Lot No. 6, Ellen Corkery's Sub. and has been assessed on $100.00 personal property ever since he pur- chased said lot in 1903, although he has never been a resident of this State, and asking therefore that the amount heretofore paid by him on personal property be credited on future taxes on said lot, would respectfully recom- mend that the prayer of the petitioner be not granted but that the City As- s,•sor be instructed to strike said personal assessment from the assess- irent roll of 1910. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of the Morrison-Kretschmer \li'g. Co., asking that the City Council instruct the City Treasurer to accept its taxes in ac- cordance with the ordinance adopted by the City Council on the 8'th day of March, 1908, would respectfully recom- mend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the City Treasurer be instructed accordingly. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the bill of John Drehouse for cleaning stoves and pipes at City Hall would respectfully recom- mend that said bill be allowed in full in the sum of $28.05 and that a war- rant in said amount he ordered rl-awn on the City Treasurer in settlem,. t of the claim. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of C. L. McGovern asking that the sum of $30.00 he accepted in full settlement of the special assessment loved against lots 20 and 21 in Kringle's Sidi, for the improvement of Nest Seventeenth Street, would respectfully recommend that the city Treasurer be instructed to accept the sum of $50.00 in full settlement of said assessment. Your Committee of the Whole. to whom were referred the following bills would respectfully recommend that the same be paid and that settle- ment thereof be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer: Key City Rubber Stamp Co.. supplies ....8 2.00 Peter Hanson, supplies for Road and Police Depts. 6.90 Dubuque Telephone Co., tele- phones for various dents 52.26 Geo. Masters, supplies for City Hall Ernst Besser, sawing wood for City Hall 2.50 O'Farrell Contracting Co., 5 per cent retained on Davis Ave... 68.65 M. Tschlrgi & Son. extra work on Bluff Street, 3rd to 8th.... 265.85 JAMES SAU'L. Chairman. Moved by Ald. Saul the adoption of the various reports of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. 90 Alderman Saul offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that the plat of Massey Heights, being a subdivision of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Langworthy Place in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, he ap- proved and that the Mayor and City Recorder be and they are hereby di- rected to certify this resolution of ap- 380 Adjourned Regular Session, November 22, 1910 pruval to the County Recorder. Moved by Ald. Saul the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Aves—Alds. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Saul. Singrin, Specht. Absent—Aid. Sauer. Weighmaster Hay reported receipts for August, September and October Df $11.35. On motion, received and filed. Harbormaster Carroll reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I hereby beg to report that T have received $25.00 from Geo. Davis wharfage for 25 feet frontage for season of 1910, also that I have re- ceived $290.00 from John Keckevoet, wharfage for years of 1909-1910, for frontage of 145 feet in Ice Harbor, treasurer's receipt attached. On mo- tion of Ald. O'Rourke received and filed. City Engineer Baumgartner reported as follows: Attached please find bill of City against the Union Electric company, for $64.85, for brick paving along their tracks on Clay street between Tenth and Eleventh streets. On notion of Aid. Singrin report approved and treasurer be instructed to collect the same. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke the City Re- corder advertise for kids for the care of Town Clock. Carried. Moved by Ald. Saul that the Sewer committee be empowered to purchase new wagon for sewer department. Carried. Moved by Ald. Apel that the matter Pertaining to the moving of the scales at Thirtieth street be taken from the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Moved by Md. O'Rourke that the matter relative to the Olinger rroperty he taken from the Committee of the Whole. Carried. i.ioved by Ald. O'Rourke that the re- port in reference to the Olinger p-on- erty be adopted and the City Attorney he instructed to draft proper contract. Carried. Moved by Md. Specht that action in reference to the scales at Thirtieth street be deferred until next meeting of council. Carried. Moved by Ald. Saul that the council make a remission of Sanitary Sewer assessment paid by Mr. Chas. Steven- son over the amount of improvement his property received by said sewer. Carried. Moved by Ald. Saul that $200.00 of the grading fund be expended on grading Kelly's Lane. Carried. Moved by Ald. Singrin that $200.00 of the grading fund be expended grad- ing on Bee Branch sewer, 16th to 18th street. Carried. Moved by Ald. Specht that $200.00 of the grading fund be expended grading on Bee Branch sewer on Twenty-sev- enth street. Carried. Moved by Ald. Saul we adjourn to Wednesday, Nov. 23, at 5 p. m. Car- ried. OTTO P. GEIGER, City Recorder. Adopted . 9-7 .1910, Approved % "1910. Recorder. Adjourned Regular Session, November 23, 1910 CITY COUNCIL. (Official.) Adjourned Regular Session, Nov. 23. 1910. Mayor Haas in the chair. Council met at 5:40 p. m. Present -- Alds. Apel, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Specht and Assistant City Attorney Winging. Absent—Ald. McEvoy. Mayor Haas stated that the meeting was an adjourned meeting of the ad- journed meeting of Nov. 22, of the regular session of Nov. 17, 1910, and was called to take up and consider all matters which may properly come before a regular session of the City Council. Bill of Union Electric Co. for light for month of October, $2253.85, present- ed. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that a warrant be drawn on treasurer and the bill be paid. Carried. Bill from Key City Gas Co., light, etc., October, $91.70, and bill of Toni Kenneally, inspector Grandview Ave., $7.70, presented. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke warrants ordered drawn and bills be paid. Your Board of Equalization, regu- larly appointed by your honorable body at the first meeting in Septem- ber last to equalize the assessment of all taxpayers in accordance with Sec- tion 3 of Chapter LVI. of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Du- buque, would respectfully report that we have performed all duties required by said chapter and that we held a final meeting on the 23rd day of No- vember, 1910, for the purpose of hear- ing from those who felt aggrieved by the action of this Board. That those who desired addressed this Board and after giving careful consideration to all proposed changes in the assessments, we respectfully recommend that the following changes be made in the Assessment Roll: From. To. Bechtel, H. C., mdse. 3,500.00 4,000.00 Becket, Fabian. real estate .... .... .•10.00 Bernhardt Millinery Co., mdse. 200.00 Beutin, Frank, horses and vehicles 600.00 Bishop & Bishop, personal .... Boldt Co., Inc., mdse Eagle Point Lime Works, horses Geisler, Jos., real estate .... ... Hanson, Wm., mdse Iowa House Furnish - 300.00 500.00 1,200.00 500.00 800.00 800.00 1,600.00 100.00 500.00 1,400.00 1,500.00 700.00 1,000.00 ing Co. ... KOIf, A. & Co., Moehl, Henry, sonal .. Milligan, H. mdse. Ragats. G. & personal ..... Sullivan, J. M., Trexler, Louis, 8,000.00 mdse 3,000.00 per- • 000.00 c • • 000.00 Son, • 2,000.00 mdse 3,000.00 per - 381 9,000.00 3,500.00 800.00 1,150.00 2,600.00 5,000.00 6,000.00 8,600.00 JAMES SAUL, Ch Moved b airman. A report of Board of Equalization thatthe adopted as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Absent—Ald. McEvoy. Moved by Ald. Saul that in order that the City Assessor may proceed with his tax list for the year 1910 that he be notified that it is the intention of the Council to make the levy 14 mills, and that the proper resolution be prepared and presented to the City Council for adoption at its next ses- sion. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, Sauer, Saul, Sin - grin, Specht. Nays—O'Rourke. Absent—McEvoy, Aid. O'Rourke offered the following resolution: A Resolution to provide for the is • suance of funding bonds of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, for the purpose of funding certain outstanding indebted- ness in the nature of a judgment, and for paying such judgment. Whereas the City of Dubuque, Iowa, is justly and legally indebted under a, certain judgment r ndered in the Dis- trict Court of Iowa on the 10th day of July, 1908, in the sum of $42,715.36, with interest at I; per eeot. per annum from said date. and costs of suit, and which judgment wus affirmed by the Supreme Court of Iowa, at the Sep- tember term. 1910; the total anaw it due ander said judgment, with interest and costs. being $49,000.00; and -Whereas it is necessary that s!, id judgment be fully satislied, and the said debt can be mitred, atid it being deemed for the public interest to fund the sante; and Whcre is the ('ity of Dubuque has full power and authority. under the laws of the State of Iowa• to issue bonds as hereinafter provided, to fund the said outstanding indebtedness un- der said judgment; Now, therefore, he it resolved by the City Council of the city of Dubuque, Iowa: Section 1. That there are hereby au- thorized and directed to issue by and on behalf of the. said City of Dubuque its funding bonds, according to and of 382 Adjourned Regular Session, November 23, 1910 the form hereinafter set out, to the amount of $49,000.00, under date or December 10, 1910, in denominations of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) each, said bonds being numbered consecu- tively, from 1 to 98, both inclusive, each payable fifteen (15) years from date, hearing interest at the rate of four and one-half (41) per cent per annum, payable semi-annually on the 10th day of June and of December in each year during said term, said interest to be evidenced by thirty coupons numbered from 1 to 30, both inclusive, attached to each of said bonds, both the inter- est and principal of said bonds to be payable in lawful money of the United States of America at Dubuque, Iowa. The said bonds shall be signed by the Mayor and attested by the Recorder of said city under its corporate sea;. and the interest coupons thereto at- tached shall be signed by the Mayor and attested by the Recorder of said city, with the seal of the city affixed. Section 2. That said bonds shall be substantially in the following form. subject to the necessary changes as to numbers, maturities of coupons and other necessary variations therein: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, STATE OF IOWA, COUNTY OF DUBUQUE, CITY OF DU- BUQUE. 41. per cent. Funding Bond. No. $500.00. The City of Dubuque in the State of Iowa, for value received, promises to pay • to bearer, Five Hundred Dollars lawful money of the United States of America, on December 10th, A. D., 1925, with interest on said sum from the date hereof until paid, at the rate of four and one-half per cent per an- num, payable semi-annually on the 10th day of June and of December in each year, on presentation and sur- render of the interest coupons hereto attached; both principal and interest payable at Dubuque, Iowa. This bond is issued by the City of Dubuque, Iowa, pursuant to the pro- visions of Sections 905 to 911, inclusive, of Chapter 12, Title V, of the Code of Iowa, and in conformity to a resolu- tion of the Council of said City, duly passed, a true and complete copy of which is printed on the back hereof, as a part hereof. And it is hereby cer- tified and recited that all acts, condi- tions and things required by the laws and constitution of the State of Iowa to be done precedent to and in the is- sue of this bond have been properly done, happened and been performed in regular and due form as required by law, and that the indebtedness which this bond is intended to fund, is a legal indebtedness of said city. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF said City of Dubuque by its Council ha:, caused this bond to be signed by its Mayor and attested by its Recorder with the seal of said City attached, this 10th day of December, A. D., 1910. Mayor of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Attest: Recorder of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. FORM OF COUPON. No. --. $11.25. On the 10th day of June, 1911, the City of Dubuque, Iowa, promises to pay to the bearer, as provided in the within bond, the sum of eleven and 25-100 Dollars, in lawful money of the United States of America, at the of- fice of the City Treasurer in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, being six months' interest due that day on its Funding Bond No. , dated December 10, 1910. Mayor of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Attest: Recorder of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke the adop- tion of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Moved by AId. O'Rourke we adjourn to Monday, Nov. 28, 1910. Carried. OTTO P. GEIGER, City Recorder. 0d t"fift/r°2y1910. Approved Attest: Mayor. y Recorder. Adjourned Regular Session, November 28, 1910 383 CITY COUNCIL. .tticial) Adjourned Regular Session. Nov. 2S, 1911). Council met 10:45 p. m. Mayor Haas in the chair. Present •— Alds. Apel, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Specht. City Attorney Lyon and Assistant Attorney Willging. Absent—Aid. McEvoy. Mayor Haas stated that the meet- ing was an adjourned session of the adjourned session of Nov. 23 of the adjourned session of Nov. 22 of the regular session of Nov. 17, 1910, and was called to take up and consider all matters which may properly come before a regular session of the City Council. Alderman Saul, chairman of the Committee of the Whole, offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the taxes for the year 1910 for the fol- lowing purposes be levied as provided by law on all taxable property with- in the limits of said city in the re- spective number of mills on the dollar on the assessed valuation of all tax- able property in said city as set out below: Mills. General Fund 6 1-6 Fire Fund 2 Water Works Sinking Fund1 Water Works Interest Fund1 Library Fund 1-3 Park Fund 1-2 Old Water Works Debt Fund1-2 Police Pension Fund 1-16 Fire Pension Fund 1-16 Sinking Fund for the ameliora- tion of the City's regular Bonded Debt 3-8 Be it Further Resolved, That for the purposes of cleaning, sprinkling and repairing the streets, a tax of two (2) mills on the dollar on all the taxable property therein be levied in each of the Road Districts of the City of Dubuque. Moved by Ald. Saul the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Absent—Aid. McEvoy. Your Committee of the Whole would resepctfully recommend that the City employ J. E. Truesdale as Tax Commissioner for a period of two years at a compensation of fifteen per cent. on all moneys collected by him for taxes on concealed and omitted assessments, ten per cent. to be paid immediately after the presentation of the proof that such taxes have been paid into the City Treasury and the other five per cent. at the end of each year. '\'e further recommend that the City Attorney be instructed to pre- pare a contract with said J. E. Trues - dale and submit the same to the City Council for its approval at its regu- lar session to be held December 1, 1910. JAMES SAUL. Chairman. Moved by Abl. Saul, the adoption of the report of Committee of the Whole. Carreid by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Sauer, Saul. Singrin and Specht. Nays—Aids. Apel and O'Rourke. Absent—Ald. McEvoy. Moved by Ald. Apel that the rules be suspended to permit a gentl-man to address the Council. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Specht. Absent—Aid. McEvoy. The gentleman addressed the Coun- cil in reference to the stock food he is selling. On motion of Ald. Apel, referred to chairman on Fire, he to report at next Council meeting. City Assessor Kelly addressed the Councl and explained the reason of the delay in getting the tax books ready for the City Treasurer. On mo- tion of Ald. Saul, referred to Commit- tee of the Whole. Moved by Ald. Saul to adjourn. Carried. OTTO P. GEIGER, City Recorder. Approved 2 1910 Attest: uyor Recorder 3_.1 List of Warrants List of City Warrants. Dubuque, Iowa, Nov. 1, 1910. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The following is a complete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of October, 1910: SALARIES FOR OFFICERS. D. J. Haas, salary, Mayor $116 70 Geo. D. Wybrant, salary, Treas- urer 133 35 F. M. Blake, salary, Deputy Treasurer 100 00 Louis F. Kolfenbach, salary, Clerk to Treasurer 60 00 M. E. Lyons, salary, Auditor116 70 Geo. J. Vogel, salary, Dept. Aud- itor 80 00 Otto P. Geiger, salary, Recorder116 70 Geo. H. Ellwanger, salary, Dept Recorder 85 00 Jos. T. Kelly, salary, Assessor125 00 Al. H. Wiedner, salary, Depty Assessor 83 35 Frank Kenneally, salary, Depty Assessor 83 :15 Geo. T. Lyon, salary, Attorney150 00 Edgar H. Willging, salary, Asst Attorney 85 00 Miss Nettie Bently, salary, sten- ographer to Attorney 20 00 Chas. Baumgartner, salary, En- gineer 166 65 Jos. Friedrich, salary, Clerk to Engineer 75 00 Walter Cullen, salary, Rod Man50 00 Thos. Reilly, salary, Chief of Po- lice 100 00 John W. Lawlor, salary, Com- mittee Clerk 125 00 John Mahoney, salary, Street Commissioner 100 00 P. J. Royce, salary, Sidewalk In- spector 60 00 Geo. Miller, salary, Supt. of Sprinkling 60 00 Ed. Norton, salary, Market Mas- ter .. . . 55 00 Al. Moyer, salary, Pound Master 40 00 Mrs. Koening, salary, Janitress.. 30 00 Thos. Cahill, salary Park Custd. 40 00 Chas. McManus, salary, Park- CustdM... 40 00 Jos. Straney, Sr., salary, Park Custd 15 00 Dr. Chas . Linehan, salary, Health Physician 50 00 Paul Bewer, salary, Sanitary Po- lice 65 00 Dr. F. J. Kennedy, salary, Meat and Milk Inspector 75 00 John H. Carroll, salary, Harbor and Wharf Master 35 00 Peter Apel, salary 25 00 Edw. McEvoy, salary 25 00 John O'Rourke, salary 25 00 Edw. Sauer, salary 25 00 Jas. Saul, salary 26 00 Wm. Singrin, salary 25 00 Robt. Specht, salary 25 00 FIRE. J. Reinfried, salary $ 61 75 Wm. Hipman, salary 49 00 M. Eitel, salary 38 23 J. Essman, salary 40 07 A. Duccini, salary 35 78 J. Flynn, salary. 37 73 G. Byer, salary... 35 78 A. Heer, salary... 32 34 Wm. Kannolt, salary 32 34 B. Kirch, salary 32 34 J. Daley, salary 38 23 T. Ryder, salary 40 67 H. Cain, salary 35 7S M. Kelley, salary 37 73 F. Murphy, salary 35 78 J. Bakey, salary 32 34 Wm. Smith, salary 32 34 Wm. McConnell, salary 27 45 G. Gehrke, salary.... 38 23 T. Kennedy, salary 35 78 J. Smith, salary 32 34 J. Keppler, salary 32 34 D. Ahern, salary 49 00 J. Benzer, salary 37 73 A. McDonnell, salary 40 67 P. Zillig, salary.... 32 34 M. Sweeney, salary.... 32 34 J. McGloughlin, salary.... .... 32 34 J. Connelly, salary 32 34 Wm. Kennedy, salary 29 97 J. Daugherty, salary 27 45 J. Murphy, salary.... 24 50 Wm. Tannsett, salary 9 20 P. Apel, salary 4 20 R .Weston, salary 38 23 J. Allen, salary 35 78 M. Fahey, salary... .. ....... 32 34 R. Kenneally, salary 32 34 Wm. Ducey, salary.... 38 23 F. Kenneally, salary 35 78 E. McDermott, salary 32 34 T. O'Brien, salary 27 45 J. Roshin, salary 38 23 F. Baumgartner, salary 35 78 J. Schoenberger, salary 32 34 P. Kirch, salary 27 45 Fireman Pension Fund 31 56 POLICE. Louis Blocklinger, salary.... $ 31 ES James Corcoran, salary 31 85 Michael Connolly, salary.... 31 85 John Cody, salary 31 85 Philip Dunphy, salary 34 30 William Donahue, salary.. 27 59 Thomas Duggan, salary 31 85 Michael Fogarty, salary 27 59 Patrice Fury, salary 31 83 John Fox, salary 31 85 James Flynn, salary 31 85 William Fox, salary 29 42 Ben Gray, salary 31 85 Geo. Jones, salary.... 31 92 Emil Kahn, salary 31 83 Michael Kilty, salary 31 85 James Keefe, salary.. , , 31 85 John Kop, salary 21 50 John Kane, salary.... ,... 31 85 Patrick Kenneally, salary 31 85 Barney Ludescher, salary 31 85 Charles Liest, salary 27 47 Patrick McInerney, salary 31 85 List of Warrants Patrick McCollins, salary...... . , Michael McCormick, salary „ Henry Mueller, salary .......... Hugh Markey, salary Patrick Mulligan, salary John O'Br'ien, salary Michael O'Connor, salary John Raesle, salary Michael Ryan, salary Gus. Raterman, salary Patrick Sutton, salary.. Joseph Stoltz, salary.... Michael Stapleton, salary.... Patrick Sullivan, salary John Spielman, salary Dennis Sheehan, salary Thos. Sweeney, salary Frank Williams, salary Louis Zemanek, salary Miss Brennan, salary, Matron.... Mrs. H. Ribber, salary, Matron.. Police Pension Fund LABOR ON STREETS. F. Archer, 2nd...... $ W. Burke, 1st J. Brouillette, 2nd J. Bechen, 2nd.... John Burns, 4th Ed. Brunskill, 4th P .Carney, 1st W. Coughlan, 1st G. Collison, 4th F. Cahill, 1-5 in each James Connolly, 1, $11.70; 2, $11.70 M. Carney, 2, $7,80; 3, $7.80; 4, $780 Jas. Callaghan, 2nd F. Donahue, 2nd ... T. Donahue, $2.10, $7.00, $7.95, $6.60, .75.... 23 40 John Egan, 2nd 16 20 J. Ess, $2.10, $ 7.00, $7.95, $5.60, .75 23 40 George Frost, 2nd 25 00 F. Frick, 3rd 6 20 P. Farrell, 3rd 13 80 W. Flynn, 3rd. 100 E. Fitzlaff, 1-5 in each 25 00 B. Glass, 2nd 13 40 T. Hackney, 1, $5.40; 2, $2.40 7 80 J. Hill, 1st 2 40 M. Hannan, 2nd 18 OC J. Hillary, 2nd 20 35 C. Hillary, 2nd 9 110 J. Hansen, 3rd 1 80 Peter Jacobs, 3rd 8 20 John John, 3rd 3 60 J. Jellison, 3rd 2 50 F. Keck, 2nd 18 60 H. Kunkel, 2nd.... 3 80 H. Kunkel, 1-5 in each 21 20 P. Kramer, 2nd.... 13 63 N. Kettenhofen, 3rd 8 00 M. Kieffer, 4th 19 80 J. Knee, $210, $7.00, $7.95, $5.60, .75 23 40 M. Kerwin, 1-5 in each 37 50 P. Kenneally, health 23 40 J. Kinsella, 1-5 in each 25 00 T. Lonerga.n, 3rd 11 80 R. Love, $1.80, $1.80, $1.80, $1.80, $1.80; S. VV., $1.80 T. Lonergan, $2.10, $7.00; $7.95; $6.60, .75 P. Maguire, 2nd.... .......... T. Malloy, 3rd . 31 85 31 85 31 85 31 85 36 75 31 83 36 73 36 75 31 87 31 85 21 43 23 38 31 S5 14 67 31 83 29 40 36 75 31 85 2742 31 85 31 85 27 69 4 80 9 00 18 '10 19 00 7 40 80 20 80 13 80 7 20 5 40 23 40 23 40 23 41) 11 40 10 80 23 40 8 40 10 80 385 J. Munsch, 3rd 640 Ed. Malloy, 3rd 1 40 T. McNulty, 1st 2 68 R. McCaffrey, 2nd 13 20 J. McAleese, 2nd John McLaughlin, 3rd 7 05 James McLaughlin, 3rd 5 00 W .McLaughlin, 3rd3 64 John McGrath, 4th 12 66 R. McGivern, expense.... 12 40 23 40 W. O'Brien, 1st C. O'Neil, 2nd 12 50 J. Powers, 4th 7 20 James Ryan, 2nd..., 17 20 P. Ryan, 1st 23 40 P. Reddin, 2nd 1 00 W. Shields, 2nd 10 80 Anton Strayer, 3rd.... 8 20 J. Singrin, 3rd 80 P. Smith, 4th 13 45 F. Siege, 4th 19 90 J. Steffens, 2, $7.80; 3, $3.70; 4,$7.80 235 40 James Tobin, 4th.... 19 20 A. Turner, 1-5 in each 25 00 J. Thornton, 1-5 in each 37 50 L. Walkenheim, 3rd 7 00 John Walsh, 4th 5 40 W. Walker, 2, $7.80; 3, $7.80; 4, $7.80 ...... .... .... 23 40 TEAMS. M. Ackels, 3, $14.15; 4, $28.35 $ 42 50 F. Burns, 3rd' .... .... 9 00 F. G. Becker, 3rd.... 2 50 John Calvert, 2nd.. 45 00 Josh Calvert, 2nd 45 00 Jas. Graham, 2nd 47 50 F. Hohnecker, $1.20, $3.10, $4.20, $43.00 54 50 J. Landholt, 4th 49 50 J. Linehan, $3.90, 13.00, 14.75, $10.40 $1.30 43 35 P. Lenihan Sons, 3rd.... 39 00 M. Markham, 3rd 27 00 J. J. McCollins, 2nd 10 00 Jeff. McGrath, 4th 7 00 P. S. Norton, 4th 7 00 D. O'Meara, $4.85, $16.20, $18.35, $12.95, $1.65 54 00 John Oswald, $24.95, $26.85, $4.20, $3.00, .50 59 50 John Powers, 4th 29 00 J. Siegworth, 1st 13 50 Union Electric Co., $13.80, $38.00, $65.65, $3.45 129 90 C .Van Wie, 1, $4.25; 2, $17.00; 3, $21.25 .... 42 50 John Ward, 3rd 4 50 LABOR, GRADING IIEEi3 STREET. C. Beutin.... .... F. Lassance F. Lilly.... M. Prosser MT. Ruesch LABOR ON SEWERS D. 1'nnningham .. $ 23 40 A. Hird 23 40 W. Hennessy..0.. ... . 23 4) A. Kaesbauer.... .. 23 44 F. Luchterhand... ....... 23 40 J. Rooney 21 60 $ l SO 3 60 1 00 1 80 4 30 J. Scheuer C. Sullivan.. C. Specht... 23 40 27 5J 30 00 886 List of Warrants John Mullen, macadam, Road District No. 2 $ 12 54 R. Caffrey, macadam, Road District No. 2 4 20 B. Glass, macadam, Road District No. 2 Mike Donegan, macadam, Road District No. 2 2 06 Chas. O'Neil, macadam, Road District, No. 2 11 70 Joe Brouilette, macadam, Road District, No. 2 5 29 Con. Moore, macadam, Road District No. 4...... .. 2 10 Ed. Malloy, macadam, Road District No. 3 21 93 M. McCarten, Sr., inspector, Grandview avenue sewer 7 70 Tom Kenneally, inspector, Grand- view avenue sewer 7 70 Wm. Clark, inspector, Bluff street improvement 11 55 Chas. Katz, inspector Bee Branch 17th 25 03 James Lynch, inspector, Bee Branch, 5th 26 95 Street & Steuck 5 per cent re- tained, improvement W. 14th street 109 88 Wilmer Cook, 5 per cent retained improvement O'Neill Ave.. 99 69 C. E. Fitzpatrick, stationery 7 00 J. B. Workman, collecting omitted taxes 88 74 G. D. Wybrant, treasurer, inter- est on outstanding warrants$500 00 G. D. Wybrant, treasurer, inter- est on outstanding warants500 00 G. D. Wybrant, treasurer, inter- est on outstanding warrants78 25 G. D. Wybrant, treasurer postage, express, etc 62 04 G. D. Wybrant, treasurer, library orders 500 00 G. D. Wybrant, treasurer, library orders 394 95 Nutwood Livery Co., ambulance service 8 48 10 50 FIRE. J. Reinfried, salary $ 62 00 Wm. Hipman, salary 50 00 M. Eitel, salary 38 00 J. Essman, salary 41 00 A. Duccini 35 00 J. Flynn, salary,,,, 38 00 G. Beyer, salary 35 00 Wm. Kannolt, salary. , . 33 00 B. Kirch, salary 33 00 A. Hear, salary 33 00 J. Daley, salary 38 00 T. Ryder, salary 41 00 H. Cain, salary 35 00 .M Kelly salary 38 00 F. Murphy, salary ..... .... 35 00 J. Bakey, salary 33 00 Wm. Smith, salary 88 00 Wm. McConnell, salary 27 00 G. Gehrke, salary 38 00 T. Kennedy, salary 35 00 J. Smith, salary 33 00 J. Keppler, salary 33 00 O. Ahearn, salary 50 00 J. Benzer, salary 38 00 P. Zillig, salary 33 06 M. Sweeney, salary 33 OC J. McGloughlin, salary., 33 00 J. Connelly, salary 33 00 Wm. Kennedy, salary 22 25 J. Daugherty, salary 27 00 A. McDonnell, salary 41 00 J. Murphy, salary 25 00 P. Apel, salary.... 7 85 R. Weston, salary.... .. 38 00 J. Allen, salary.... .... 35 00 M. Fahey, salary 33 00 R. Kenneally, salary 33 00 Wm. Duccy, salary 38 00 F. Kenneally, salary.... 35 00 E. McDermott 33 OO T. O'Brien, salary 22 00 J. Roshin, salary 38 00 F. Baumgartner, salary.... 35 00 J .Schoenberger, salary.... 33 00 P. Kirch, salary 27 00 POLICE. Louis Blocklinger, salary 32 50 James Corcoran, salary.... 32 50 Michael Connolly, salary.. 32 50 John Cody, salary 32 50 Philip Dunphy, salary...... 35 00 William Donahue, salary 30 35 Thomas Duggan, salary.. .... 32 50 Michael Fogarty, salary., 32 50 Patrick Fury, salary 32 50 John Fox, salary 32 50 James Flynn, salary.... ..... 32 50 William Fox, salary.... 30 00 Ben Gray, salary.... .... 32 50 George Jones, salary 21 65 Emil Kahn, salary 32 50 Michael Kilty, salary 32 50 James Keefe, salary.... 32 50 John Kane, salary 32 60 John Kop, salary.... . 30 00 Patrick Kenneally, salary.. 32 5Q Barney Ludescher, salary.. 32 50 Charles Leist, salary 35 00 Patrick McInerney, salary.. 32 50 Patrick McCollins, salary.. 32 50 Michael McCormick, salary 32 60 Henry Mueller, salary 30 35 Hugh Markey, salary.... 32 50 Patrick Mulligan, salary.... 37 50 John O'Brien, salary.... 32 50 Michael O'Connor, salary.... 37 50 John Raesle, salary„ 37 50 Michael Ryan, salary 28 15 Gus Rateman, salary.... 32 50 Joseph Stoltz, salary 32 50 Michael Stapleton, salary.... 32 50 Patrick Sullivan, salary.... 32 50 John Spielman, salary,, 32 50 Dennis Sheehan, salary 30 00 Thomas Sweeney, salary 37 50 Frank Williams, salary.... 32 50 Louis Zemanek, salary.,., . 30 00 Miss B. Brennan, salary, Matron 32 50 Mrs. K. Hibbe, salary, Matron32 50 LABOR ON STREETS. T. Addyman, 4th J. Alexander, 4th J. Brouillette, 2nd J. Bechen, 2nd E. Brunskill, 4th G. Collinson, 4th J. Callaghan, 2nd $ 10 00 15 40 10 80 22 20 1 80 14 60 23 40 List of Warrants J. Connolly, 1, $11.70; 2, $11.70.. M. Carney, 2, $780; 3, $7.80, 4, $7.80 T. Donahue, 2, $10.00, $7.95, $5.60, .75 J. Egan, 2nd J. Ess, 2, $7.00, $7.95, 5.60, .75 George Frost, 2nd F. Frick, 3rd.... E. Fitzlaff, 1-5 in each B. Glass, 4th M. Hannan, 2nd.... ...... J. Hillary, 2, $23.10; S. W., $2.00 P. Jacobs, 3rd.... John John, 3rd P. Kramer, 2nd.... F. Keck, 2nd N. Kettenhofen, 3rd M .Kleffer, 4th M. Kerwin, 1-5 in each H. Kunkle, 1-5 in each P. Kenneally, health J. Kinsella, 1-5 in each J. Kness, 2, $10.00; S. W., $2,00 R. Love, 1st T. Lonergan, $2.10, $7.00, $7.95, $5.60, .75 23 40 J. Lenihan, S. W., one load of sand 1 50 B. Maguire, 2nd 8 20 L. Maher, 2nd 1 80 J. Muntz, 3rd.... 3 60 T. Maloly, 3rd 1 80 Ed. Malloy, 3rd.... 180 R. McCaffrey, 2nd 22 60 John McGrath, 4th 22 60 R. McGivern, expense 23 40 C. O'Neill, 2nd 12 60 John Powers, 4th.... ......... 18 00 P. Reddin, 2nd 10 80 P. Reilley, 4th. 100 James Ryan, 2nd... 23 40 W. Shields, 2nd . 17 20 J. Singrin, 3rd 25 00 P. Smith, 4th.... 4 60 F. G. Siege, 4th 25 00 J. Steffens, 2, $7.80; 3, $7.80; 4, $7.80.... 23 40 J. Tobin, 4th 22 60 A. Turner, 1-Q in each 25 00 J. Thornton, 1-5 in each 37 50 L. Walkenheim, 3rd 4 60 J. Walsh, 4th 10 00 W. Walker, 2, $7.80; 3, $7.80; 4, $7.80 23 40 23 40 23 40 23 40 20 60 23 40 25 00 7 20 25 00 25 60 22 60 25 10 3 80 3 20 16 20 23 60 1 80 20 80 37 50 25 00 23 40 25 00 12 00 12 00 TEAMS. M. Ackels, 3, $5.85; 4, $11.65 John Calvert, 2nd.... Josh Calvert, 2nd.... James Graham, 2nd F. Hohnecker, 5th J. Kean, 4th J. Landholt, 4th J. Lenihan, $3.90, $13.75, $10.40, $1.30 P. Linehan's Sons, $1.20, $3.10, $28.95, $5.75, .50 $ 17 50 56 50 56 50 27 50 17 50 25 00 31 50 M. Markham, 3rd.... J. J. McCollins, 2nd P. S. Norton, 4th D. O'Meara, $5.25, $17.55, $4.05, $1.75.... J. Oswald, 1, $8.75; 2, $8.75, 43 35 39 50 28 00 26 00 34 00 $19.90, 58.50 17 GO J. Powers, 4th.... C. Van Wie, $2.90, $10.10; $12.95, $3.00, .50 J. Ward, 3rd LABOR ON SEVERS. D. Cunningham .... ..........$ 23 40 A. Hird ... 20 60 23 40 23 40 22 60 23 40 23 40 27 50 30 00 6 30 387 54 50 29 50 6 50 W .Hennessy.... A. Kaesbauer F. Luchterhand.... J. Rooney.... J. Scheuer C. Sullivan C. Specht......... C. Teugel, expense LABOR—GRADING BEER STRN.1471. C. Beutin $ 1 80 N. Herman 10 80 J. Scheidecker.... 10 80 P. Weirich...... .... 11 55 Anton Welu 10 80 John Long........ 22 50 BILLS. J. Duggan, 48.29 cu. yds. macad- am, Road 2 $ 48 29 John Burke, 17.08 cu. yds. ma- cadam, Road 2 17 08 Julius Russell, 55.41 cu. yds madacam, Road 2 55 41 W. Clark, inspector Bluff Street 23 10 John Casey, 118.45 cu. yds. ma- cadam, Road 2 118 45 W. Walker, 19.51 cu. yds. macad- am, Road 2 19 u1 F. Klumpp, inspector Windsor Avenue 25 00 Tim Taylor, inspector Seventh Street, Main to Clay 5 77 T. Kenneally, inspector Grand- view Avenue sewer 23 10 F .A. Burns. coal for Police and Road Depts 38 44 John Butt, repairs and supplies, Road Dept 6 35 F. G. Becker, coal, Road Dept20 06 F. Schloz & Son, repairs and sup- plies, Road Dept 12 35 Fischer & Co., coal for Road Dept 12 23 G. W. Healey & Son, supplies, Road Dept 85 W. D. Deckert Co., pipe, Road Dept National Refining Co., oil, Road Dept.... ... .. 2 00 Wm. Marshall, repairs, steam roller... . 2 90 N. J. Staner, repair gutter on Kniest Street, Road 5 1 25 Dubuque Sand and Gravel Co, sand for Road Dept 4 89 Geo. Korman, repair gutter on East Street. Road 4 6 50 Standard Oil Co., oil for Road Dept 2 96 O'Farrell Contracting Co., ma- cadam and brick, Road 2 148 38 Key City Iron Works, supplies, Road Dept 11 19 Standard Lumber Co., lumber, Road Dept. No. 2 9 25 Geo. Bock, supplies, Heeb Street2 00 1 40 388 List of Warrants J. F. Ris Bro., supplies, Road Dept.... Jos. J. Rowan & Son, gloves, Road Dept Key City Roofing Co., cement for Sewer and Road Dept Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co, supplies for Sewer and Road Depts G. F. Kleih, supplies, Sewer, Po- lice and Road Depts 1 97 Marquette Pharmacy, supplies, Fire Dept Chris. A. Voelker, premium on policy No. 13355, Fire F. Schloz & Son, repairs, Fire Dept Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs, Fire Dept John Neuman & Son, repairs, Fire Dept.. ... Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co, hose and fireman coat 12 50 Hopkins & Witty, repair clock, Fire Dept... 125 Key City Gas Co., coal, Fire Dept Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse - shoeing, Fire Dept 8 45 Thos. Connolly Est., repairs, Fire Dept 12 00 Collings & Pfiffner, horseshoeing, Fire Dept... .. 12 00 John Kriebs, repair harness, Fire Dept 1 65 Dennis Bros., feed, Fire Dept9 40 John Butt, repairs, Fire Dept3 75 A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co., sup- plies Fire Dept 75 J. Beach & Son, soap, Fire Dept4 00 J. F. Ris & Bros., mantels, Fire Dept 50 Key City Gas Co., rental gas arcs, Police and Fire Depts 2 00 Eliwanger Bros., repairs, Sewer, Road, Police and Fire Depts13 60 St indard Lumber Co., shavings, Fire and Police Depts 30 50 Mettel Bros., feed for Fire and Dept... ... 6 80 G. W. Healey & Son, supplies, Fire and Police Depts 80 Ed. Norton, furnish meals to prisoners 1 40 E. Oiler, repairs for Sewer Dept50 M. O'Donnell, repairs for Sewer Dept..... 6 85 Geo. Masters, gas mantles, City Hall 45 John N. Jungens, putting in glass City Hall 9 45 F. G. Becker, wood, Police and City Hall 3 50 Pier Bros., wood, Police and City Hall 13 00 J. P. Foley, towel service, City Hall 4 00 Western Union Tel. Co., clock service for September 1 00 Dubuque Lumber Co., lumber, sidewalk and road 77 11 National Demokrat, printing for September 12 50 4 20 1 12 6 33 3 16 8 1? 4 10 18 00 1 40 52 00 31 40 Labor Leader, printing, Septem- ber, 1910 12 50 Smith -Morgan Prtg. Co., print- ing phamplets and warrants23 40 Telegraph Herald, printing Coun- cil proceedings 48 34, Times -Journal, printing Council proceedings 57 14 Key City Gas Co., gas for var- ious offices 85 95 Union Electric Co., power for City Fire alarm 2 00, Iowa Telephone Co., rent of tele- phone 11 50 Eagle Point Lime Works, 5 per cent. retained reguttering Ju- lien Avenue 200 40 Kenety & Scharle, first estimate for improvement of Windsor Ave 500 00 Kenety & Scharle, first estimate for improvement of Windsor Ave 400 00 O'Farrell Contracting Co., grad- ing Grandview Avenue 500 00 O'Farrell Contracting Co., grad- ing Grandview Avenue 500 00 O'Farrell Contracting Co., grad- ing Grandview Avenue 500 00 O'Farrell Contracting Co., grad- ing Grandview Avenue 300 00 John Gilles, covering Bee Branch Sewer 36 90 Union Electric Co., street light500 00 Union Electric Co., street light500 00 Union Electric Co., street light500 00 Union Electric Co., street light500 00 Union Electric Co., street lights253 85 Eagle Point Lime Works, stone for 3 road districts 15 00 C. W. Noble Co., constructing Bee Branch, between 17th and 18th. Street 500 00 C. W. Noble, Co., constructing Bee Branch between 17th and 18th. Street 500 00 C. W. Noble, Co., constructing Bee Branch, between 17th and 18th. Street 500 00 C. W. Noble, Co., constructing Bee Branch between 17th and 18th. Street.. 500 00 C. W. Noble Co., constructing Bee Branch, between 17th and 18th Street 257 01 W. D. Deckert Co., supplies, Road Dept 2 52 F. Beutin, 5 per cent retained improvement Windsor Avenue 121 92 J. F. Brown, 5 per cent retained improvement 5th St., Main to Iowa...... .. .. 37 87 O'Farrell Contracting Co., 5 per cent retained improvement Louisa Street.... 39 97 Union Printing Co., printing, Fire Dept .. 14 00 James Levi & Co., shirt, Fire Dept S0 N. J. Staner, improvement 9th Avenue Sewer 500 00 N. J. Staner, improvement 9th Avenue Sewer.... 300 00 Official Notices H. Markey, settlement for dam- ages caused by steam roller.. 60 00 O'Farrell Contracting Co, con- struction Bee Branch, 5th Ward O'Farrell Contracting Co., struction Bee Branch, Ward O'Farrell Contracting Co., con- struction Bee Branch,. 5th Ward O'Farrell Contracting Co., con- struction Bee Branch, 5th Ward 500 00 O'Farrell Contracting Co., Con- struction Bee Branch, 5th Ward 366 54 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of all war- rants issued by me during the month of October, 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER, City Recorder. con - 5th 500 00 500 00 500 00 Official Publication of an Ordinance. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING THE DUBUQUE BREWING & MALT- ING CO. PERMISSION TO CON- STRUCT A BRIDGE ACROSS THIRTY-SECOND STREET, IN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, AND REGULATING SUCH GRANT. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That permission be and the same is hereby granted the Du- buque Brewing & Malting Co. to construct a bridge across what is now - Thirty -second street, in the City of Dubuque, for the purpose of connect- ing its bottling department on th'r north side of said street with the bottle storage plant on the south side thereof, subject to the provision. herein contained. Said bridge when constructed to be located approxim- ately 120 feet east of Washington Street, and to be erected in such man- ner as to leave not less than seventeen (17) feet and nine (9) inches clear- ance from the surface of said Thirty- second street to the lowest portion or surface of said bridge, and in any event, in such manner as not to in- terfere in any way with travel upon and over said street and the side- walks thereof. Sec. 2. Said bridge shall be in- closed, and shall in all ways be so constructed and maintained as not to endanger persons or animals passing along or under said bridge, or along or over the street in question. Sec. 3. Said Dubuque Brewing & Malting Co., as a condition to the granting of this permission, shall guaranty, by accepting the terms hereof, to fully protect and save the City of Dubuque harmless as to any claims, damages or liabilities of any kind which may arise because of the construction and maintenance of the structure aforesaid, and in any suit 389 which may arise against the City be- cause of such structure, said Company shall„ at the request of the City, make all necessary defense thereto and fully indemnify the City as to any expenses, liabilities or outlays madh necessary because of such suit. Sec. 4. Should the City of Du- buque at any time deem the structure aforesaid unsafe, or for any other rea- son deem its removal necessary or advisable, said City may order the immediate removal of said bridge, and on the refusal of said Company so to remove same, within a reason- able time, said City may do so, charg- ing the expenses incident thereto to said Company. Sec. 5. This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after Its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Times - Journal and the Telegraph -Herald, official newspapers, and written ac- ceptance hereof duly indorsed there- on by said Dubuque Brewing & Malt- ing Co. Adopted October 25, 1910. Approved October 28, 1910. D. J. HAAS, Mayor. Attest: OTTO P. GEIGER, City Recorder. The provisions and terms of the above ordinance, and particularly of Section 3 of the guaranty therein contained, are hereby accepted, this 29th day of October, 1910. DUBUQUE BREWING & MALTING CO. By JOHN W. SCHWIND, Pres. Published officially in the Dubuque Daily Times -Journal November 1. 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER. 11-1-1t City Recorder. Notice of Special Assessment. Notice is hereby given to all con- cerned that a s;,ectal assessment as provided by law will be levied at a session of the City Council to be held Nov, mber 1.7. 191e, to pay for the im- provement of Windsor Avenue front the obi improvement to a point ahout 320 feet northerly thereof, Keoety Fc Scharle, contractors. Amount of special assessment, $2,422.00, same to be assessed against the abutting property upon and along said street. And that there is a plat and sched- ule on Tile in the office of the City Recorder of said City of Dubuque, showing the street in which said irn- proveemnt was male, and the separ- ate lots and parcels of ground, or specified portions thereof, subject to assessment for such improvement, the name of the owner thereof as far as practicable, and the amount to be as- sessed against each lot or parcel of ground, which plat and schedule are 890 Official Notices subject to public inspection. And that any and all persons ob- jecting to said special assessment or to said plat must file his or their ob- jection in writing with the City Re- corder of said City of Dubuque on or before said session of the City Coun- cil to be held November 17, 1910, or to appear at said session of the Coun- cil to show cause, if any you have, why mid assessment should not be levied. Dated at Dubuque November 4, 191 0. OTTO P. GEIGER, 11-4-3t City Recorder. Notice of Special Assessment. Notice is hereby given to all con- cerned that a special assessment as provided by law will be levied at a session of the City Council to be held November 17, 1910, to pay for the im- provement of Fifth street from west lot line of Main street to east curb line of Locust street, O'Farrell Con- tracting Co., contractors. Amount of special assessment, $2977.95, same to be assessed against the abutting property upon and along said street. And that there is a plat and sched- ule on file in the office of the City Re- corder of said City of Dubuque, show- ing the street in which said improve- ment was made, and the separate lots and parcels of ground, or specifies portions thereof, subject to assessment for such improvement, the name of the owner thereof as far as practic- able, and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, which plat and schedule are subject to public inspection. And that any and all persons ob- jecting to said special assessment or to said plat must file his or their ob- jection in writing with the City Re- corder of said City of Dubuque on or before said session of the City Coun- cil, to be held November 17, 1910, or to appear at said session of the Council to show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. Dated at Dubuque, November 4, 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER, 11-4-3t. City Recorder. Notice to Plaster Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the City Recorder's office up to 8:00 p. m. Thursday, Nov. 17, 1910, for the re - plastering of the ceiling of the Armory Hall, 9th and Iowa streets, in accord- ance to the specifications on file in the office of the City Recorder. The con- tractor will state price per square yard for complete work; he will also fur- nish all material and do all work necessary. Each bid must be accompanied with a certified check of $50.00 on some Du- buque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if award- ed. The city reserves the right to re- ject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque November 8, 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER, 11-8-3t. City Recorder. Notice to Hay and Grain Dealers. Sealed proposals will be received at the City Recorder's office up to 8:00 o'clock p. m. Nov. 17, 1910, to furnish the Fire, Police and Street Depart- ments of the City of Dubuque with choice Upland and choice Timothy Hay and No. 1 White Oats for the term of one year from November 16, 1910. Such oats and hay to be delivered in such quantities and at such places as may be ordered by the City from time to time. All hay and oats to be weighed on the City scales and delivered at the expense of the contractor. The oats to be figured at 35 pounds to the bushel. Each bid must be accompanied with a certified check of $25.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque November 8, 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER, 11-8-3t. City Recorder. Right of Way Notice. You are hereby notified, That a proposition is now pending before the City Council of the City of Dubuquo, for the opening of an alley across land in which you claim an interest, as follows: Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Gil- liam's Sub., Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 4a, 5, 6, 7, 8, of Sub. Aut lot 682, a plat of which proposed improvement has been filed in the office of the city Engineer of said City, and you are notified that at a session of said City Council to be holden at the City Hall of said City, on the 1st day of December, 1910, It will be determined whether said pro- posed improvement will be made, and you are hereby notified to appear be- fore said Council at said session, and show cause, if any you have, why pro- posed improvement should not be made. CHAS. H. BAUMGARTNER, City Engineer. Dubuque, Nov. 16th, 1910. 11-16-10t. Special Assessment Notice. To All Whom Are Named Below: You are hereby notified that in accordance with an ordinance of the City of Du- buque for, cutting weeds in the months of July, August and September, 1910, that a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the regular meeting of the City Council to be held December 1, 1910, upon all lots and and Official Notices 391 parcels of land on said improvement owned by you, being subject to such special assessment. And you are hereby notified to appear at said meeting of the Council to be held on December 1, 1910, and show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. Wm. Crabtree, S. M. Lang - Sub., lot 11; 3 hours at 50c $ 1 50 Wm. Meuser, McCraney's 1st Add., lots 96' and 97; 4 hours at 50c 200 A .W. Kemler, Est., Union Add, lot 182; 2 hours at 50c 1 00 H. Mauer, Jr., McCraney's 1st Add., lot 108; 6 hours at 50c3 00 M. L. Hubbard, G. D. Wood's Add., lot 3 of 7; 6 hours at 50c3 00 John J. Bradley, Union Add., So 165 ft., lot 190; 5 hours at 50c2 50 Julia Langworthy Est., Lois Add., lot 8; 1 hour at 50c50 Wm. Lawther, Sr., Cox's Add. 2 of 1 of lot 91 and 2 of 92; 6 hours at 50c 300 Thos. Hill, Est., Quigley's Sub lot 33 and 34; 2 hours at 50c1 00 Chas. Beyer Est., Haulburgh's Add., lot 6; 6 hours at 50c 3 CO Frank Hammel, 2 of 1 of City lot 670; 2 hours at 50c 1 00 Anna E. Conlin, Quigley's Sub, lots 35, 36 and 37; 2 hours at 50c 1 00 Thos. Byrne, Bonson and Stew ard's Sub., lots 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18; 2 hours at 50c 1 00 Bridget Rebman, Union Add., lot 127; 2 hours at 50c 1 06 F. N. Schroeder, N. h lot of M. L, 158; 4 hours at 50c 2 00 F. N. Schroeder, lot 2 of 2 M. L 158 F. N. Schroeder, lot 1 of 3 M. L. 158; C. G. Meyer, L. H. Lang - worthy's Add., W. 1-3 of lot 1 of 99; 5 hours at 50c 2 50 J. S. Stephens, Julia Lang - worthy's Add., lots 22 and 23: 6 hours at 50c 3 00 Mary L. Bunting, Julia Lang - worthy's Add., lot 9; 5 hours at 50c..... ... ..... F. L. Poole, Julia Lang - worthy's Add., lot 10; 5 hours at 50c.. S. M. Langworthy Est., S. M Langworthy's Sub., lot 9 and 10; 4 hours at 50c R. W. Kemler, Cain's Sub., lot 14; 3 hours at 50c J. S. Stephens, S. M. Lang - worthy's Sub., lot 1; 5 hours at 50c Grundy & Hird, Hodge's Sub, No. 2, lots 17, 18,19, 31 and 32; 9 hours at 50c.... .... W. W. Whelan Eat., Whelan Sub., lot 8; 4 hours at 50c J. J. Keane, Leven's Add., lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8; 3 hours at 50c W. C. Clark, College Add., lot 2 50 2 50 2 00 1 50 2 50 4 50 2 00 1 50 15; 4 hours at 50c E. Hemmi, O'Neil's Sub., lot 3; 5 hours at 50c C. A. Meyer, Union Add., lots 145 and 146; 8 hours at 50c Wm. Hintrager Est., Newberry and Hale's Sub., lot 17; 6 hours at 50c 300 R. W. Kemler, lot 2 of 6 of M L., 79; 6 hours at 50c 3 00 J. V. and S. P. Rider, Sister's Add., lot 8; 3 hours at 50c1 50 Kemler & Svendson, O'Neill's Sub., lot 6; 3 hours at 50c Nic. Glab, Ham's Add., lot 261 2 hours at 50c.... Walter G. Cox, Levin's Add., lot 14; 5 hours at 50c Wm. Hennessey, Union Add, lot 2 of 2 of lot 189; 3 hours at 50c......... ......... M. M. Hoffmann, E. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 18; 3 hours at 50c. 2 00 2 50 4 00 1 50 1 00 2 50 1 50 1 50 Wm. Klauer, et al., Davis' farm Add., lot 213; 2 hours at 50c.... 1 00 C. A. Voelker, Davis' Farm Add, lot 238; 2 hours at 50c 1 00 John Pickup Est., Union Add., lot 43; 6 hours at 50c 3 00 A. J. Van Duzee, Wilson's Sub, So. 89 ft., lot 41; 7 hours at 5Oc3 50 Wm. Lawther, S. M. Lang - worthy's Add., lot 13; 7 hours at 50c 3 50 J. J. Nagle, Randal's Sub., lot 3 of 6 of 1; 2 hours at 50c 1 00 C. H. Eighmey, So. 1-2 lot 8 of M. L. 159; 7 hours at 50c 3 50 C. H. Eighmey, 2 of 8 of M. L 159; Julia Langworthy, Julia Lang - worthy's Add., lot 3; 1 hour at 50c 50 Anna McDonald, lot 1 of 2 of 2 of Boxleiter's Sub; 5 hours at 50c.. 2 50 J. S. Stephens, Julia Lang - worthy's Add., lot 16; 4 hours at 50c 2 00 A. W. Kemler Est., East Dub, Add., lot 29; 3 hours at 50c 1 50 Pier Bros., East Dub. Add., Und 1-2 of lots 277,278,279,280 and 281; 8 hours at 50c 4 LI John Flynn, East Dub. Add, W. 15 ft. E. 1-2 of lot 211; 2 hours at 50c.... .... 1 00 Mary Flechsig, Glendale Add., lot 13; 5 hours at 50c 2 50 J. H. Rhomberg, Davis' Farm Add., lot 226; 2 hours at 60c1 00 Ed. Sloan, Sub. 13 of 2 of City 720, lot 1; 9 hours at 50c 5 50 Total 11-21-3t. $111 00 OTTO P. GEIGER, City Recorder. Notice to I-iorse Buyers. On Saturday morning, November 26th, 1910, there will be sold at the bidder, one horse that has been used 392 Official Notices on the Fire Dept. Sale begins at 10 o'clock sharp. .. OTTO P. GEIGER, 11-24-2t City Recorder. Notice to Jewelers. Sealed proposals will be received at the City Recorder's office up to 8:00 o'clock p. m. Thursday, December 1st, 1910, for repairing, cleaning and oil- ing the Town Clock, also taking care of and winding said clock for one years. Bidders must state price for repairing, cleaning, oiling, winding, and furnishing all material or parts to keep said clock in complete run- ning order 'for one year from De- cember 1st. 1910, to December 1st. 1911. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. OTTO P. GEIGER, 11-24-3t City Recorder. NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the city council held on Nov. 17, 1910, the following special assessments were levied on the real estate hereinafter described, and that in case of failure to pay the one- seventh part within the time prescrib- ed by the ordinance governing same, all will become delinquent and subject to collecton by distress and sale. GEO. D. WYBRANT, City Treasurer. For improving Windsor avenue from the end of the old improvement north- erly thereof: Owner. Description. Amount. John P. Buechele, Windsor Avenue Sub., Lot 6 $ John C. Dettmann, Windsor Avenue Sub., Lot 7 C. Bornhauser Est., Stafford's Addition. Sub. 35a, Lot 2 Emma Evans, Stafford's Addi- dition, Sub. 35a, Lot 1 Emma Evans, Stafford's Addi- tion, Sub. 35, Lot 2 Emma Evans, Stafford's Addi- tion, Lot 34 D. C. Huntington, Stafford's Addition, So. 1-2 Lot 33 Emma Evans. Stafford's Addi- tion, No. 1-2 Lot 33 Ed. J. Sauer, Stafford's Addi- tion, So. 1-2 Lot 32 W'm. Althauser, Stafford's Ad- dition, No. 1-2 Lot 32 Wm. Althauser, Stafford's Ad- dition, Lot 31a Jacob Schwietering, Sub. 3 and 4, Stafford's Add., No. 50 ft. Lot 1 2 93 Cath. Schueller, Sub. 3 and 4, Stafford's Add., So. 50 ft. Lot 1 73 33 Henry Pfotzer Est., Sub. 3 and 4, Stafford's Add., Lot 2 .. 88 00 John Braun, Sub. 3 and 4, Stafford's Add., Lot 4 58 67 John Braun, Sub. 3 and 4, Stafford's Add., Lot 6 36 67 35 64 57 93 76 26 2 93 80 13 83 33 41 67 41 67 40 87 36 87 15 84 John Hendel, Sub. 3 and 4, Stafford's Add., Lot 7 A. W. Wieneke, Klingenberg's Sub., Lot 1 A. W. Wieneke, Klingenberg's Sub., Lot 2 A. W. Wieneke, Klingenberg's Sub., Lot 3 Union Electric Co., brick pav- ing along street railway track City of Dubuque, amount of appropriation 86 6? 61 60 61 60 53 54 436 25 1000 00 Total .... ......$4522 00 For improving Fifth street from Main street to Locust street: Owner. Description. Amount. Bosserman & Ives, City Lot 65.$ 729 25 Abbey C. Staples, City Lot 96.. 818 41 Sidonia Hosford, City Lot 97.. 754 65 Winona Land Co., west 20 ft. of the south 1-3 City Lot 64.. 211 56 First National Bank, east 94 ft. of the South 1-3 of City Lot 64 464 08 Total $2977 95 11-26-1t. ti otice. To Whom It May Concern: Bids will be received at the office of the City Recorder up to 8:00 P. M. Thursday, Dec. 1, 1910, for taking care of the Detention Hospital and such patients as may be confined therein and to furnish the necessary and need- ful assistance, and nurses to properly treat such patients. All bids submitted must be for the performance of such duties as are set out in the specifications on file in the office of said City Recorder. The duties of this position require the service of a man and woman, pre- ferably a man and his wife, and each bid must be for the services of both. OTTO P. GEIGER, Clerk to Board of Health. 11-26-3t. Notice of Special Assessment. Notice is hereby given to all con- cerned that a speci:: assessment as provided by law will be levied at a session of the City Council to be held December 15, 1910, to pay for the im- provement of Seventh street, from west lot line of (lay street to the east lot line if Main street, J. M. Kenety, contractor. Amount of special assessment, $4,630.94, same to be assessed against the abutting property upon and along said street. And that there is a plat and sched- ule on file in the office of the City Re corder of said City of Dubuque, show- ing the street in which said improve- ment was made, and the separate lots and parcels of ground, or specified portions thereof, subject to assess- ment for such improvement, the name Official Notices of the owner thereof as far as prac- ticable, and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, which plat and schedule are subject to public inspection. c And that any and all persons ob- jecting to said sl;eoial assessment or to said plat 'nnrt file his or their ob- jection in writing with the City ite- corder of said city or Dubuque on or lx'fore said 1ession of the City Coun- cil to be held December 15. 191D, or to appear at said session of the Coun- cil to show ea nso, it : i V you have, why said asst ssment should not be levied. Dated at Dubuque, November _'R, 1910. OTTO 1'. (;EI(EIt, 11-23-3t city iZecortler. Nos iee of Suecial \ssessment. Notice is hereln' given to all con- cerned that a special assessment as provided by law will be levied at a session of the City Counr'ih to be Meld December 15, 1910. to pay for the im- provement of Martha Street from Alta Vista Street to the alley first west thereof, Wilmer ('oak. contractor. Amount of Spell:II assessment, $6C8.93, same to be assessert against the abutting property upon and along said street. And that there is a plat and sched- ule on file in the office of the City Re- corder of said City of Dubuque, show- ing the street in which said improve- ment was made, and the separate lots and parcels of ground, or specified portions thereof, subject to assessment for such iniarovement, the name of the owner thereof as far as practic- able, and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, Which plat and s:•hedule are subject to public inspection. And that any and all persons ob- jecting to said special assessment or to said plat must file his or their ob- jection in writing with the City Re - ('order of said City of Dubuque on or before said session of the City Coun- cil, to be hell December 15th, 1910, or to appear at said session of the Coun- cil to show ceruse, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. Dated at Dubuque. November 28. 1910. OW() P. GEIGER, 11-28-2t. City Recorder. Notice of Special Assessment. Notice is hereby given to all con- cerned that a special assessment as provided by law will he levied at a. session of the City Council to he held December 15, 1910. to prey for the im- provement of Wilber :\venue. from easterly line of ( )live Street westerly 57.3 feet thereof by NVihuer cook, con- tractor. Amount of spcci;;I assessment. 393 $179.20, same to be assessed against the abutting property upon and along said avenue. And that there is a plat and sched- ule on file In the office of the City Re- corder of said City of Dubuque, show- ing' the street ill which said improve- ment wits made, and the separate lots and parcels of grounds, of specified portions thereof, subject to assessment for such improvement, the name of the i ii o r thereof as far as practicable, and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, which plat and schedule are subject to public inspection. .and that ;any and all persons ob- jecting to said special assessment or to slid plat must file his or their ob- :iee l fon in writin., with the City Re• corder of said City of Dubuque on or before said session of the City Conn- ell to he held December 15, 1910, or to appear ;it said session of the Council Io show censo, if any you have, wh•; said ;assessment should not he levied. Dated at Dubuque, Nov. 29, 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER, 11 -29 -It City Recorder. Regular Session, December 1, 1910 CITY COUNCIL. .Regular Session, Dec. 1st, 1910. (Official). Council met at 8:30 p. rn. Mayor Haas in the chair. Present—Alderman Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul Singrin Specht. City Attorney Lyon and Assistant City Attorney Willging. On motion of Md. Singrin, the ap- proval of the Council proceedings for the month of October was deferred to next meeting. Petition of George Collis, asking that the City Engineer locate the alley way and have same opened as shown on Stewart's Subdivision on Cora street, in rear of lots fronting on Grandview Avenue presented. Moved by Aid. Saul the City Engineer be instructed. to give lot lines of alley to Mr. Collis. Carried. Communication from Union Electric Co. in reference to the bill for repav- ing Clay Street, between Tenth and Eleventh Streets presented. On motion of Ald. Singrin referred to Committee of the Whole. Petition of H. Trenkle, asking the city to pay for manhole in alley be- tween Town and Clay Streets and Twelfth Streets, south of City Hall, presented. On motion of Ald. Singrin referred to Committee of the Whole. Petition of John R. Waller, asking that the assessment on various blocks in Dubuque Harbor Co. Add. be re- duced, presented. On motion of Ald. Apel referred to Committee of the Whole. A resolution as adopted by Machin- ists' inion, Julien Lodge, No. 379, pre- sented. On motion of Ald. Saul the resolution approved. Petition of F. G. Roedell, et al, ask- ing the Council to grant them the use of Armory Hall for a period of nine days, commencing Dec. 8, 1910, pre- sented.. re••sented.- Moved by Ald. Apel that the prayer be granted. Amended by Ald. Saul that it be referred to the Com- mittee of the Whole. Amendment car- ried. Motion lost. Petition of Katherine Rush, asking the city to accept fifty dollars in full for special assessments against lots 23. 24, 25, 26 and 82 in McCraney's Add- presented. \dd •presented. On motion Aid. Apel refer- red to Committee of the Whole. A bill for cleaning sewer, $1.60, and paid by Mr. Peter Domnig. city to reimburse him, Pr( sente,I. On motion of Ald. Saul refered to Committee of the Whole. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The undersigned, having purchased the stock and good will of the business of John 11offnrann, who was the assignee and vendee of John Willmes, former holder of a resolution of consent to conduct and carry on a place for the sale of intoxie;iting liquors in the City of Dubuque, lowa, hereby Petitions your Honorable Body to re- new the consent previously granted to them and to regrant said consent to this petitioner to operate a retail liquor store at the Western Htuse, 659 Clay Street, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and to express the renewal of that con- sent by the adoption of the following resolution JOHN P. LFDOWISY. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke prayer be granted. Carried. Ald. OR'ourke Offered the following: Re it Resolved by the City ('(until of the City of lrnbni ne. Ilr.it consent previously grnited t( Jelin \\'illmes and later to John Hoffmann, his as- signee, to operate a rein 11 liquor store, within the said City of Dubuque, Du- buque County. Iowa, in accordance with the haws of Iowa and the ordi- nances of the t'ity of Dubuque, is here-. by regranted to John P. Ludowisy, as assignee of John Hoffmann. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer. Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Petition of Will. Schnee, asking that the taxes with, interest, for the year 1909, on A. 1-2 of lot No. 579 in Ham's addition. also the special assessment for the improvement of Adams Avenue, presented. Moved by Ald. Specht prayer be granted. Amended by Ald. Saul lie referred to ('onnnitlee ..I' the Whole. Amendment Ilet by f diewing vote: Yens—O'Rourke, Saul. Nays—Ald. Apel, Sauer, Singr-ir., Speelit. Motion carried by following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, Saner, Singrin, Specht. Nays—O'Rourke, Saul. REPORT OF OFFICERS. City Treasurer Wybrant reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Below you will find statement of amount advanced by me 396 Regular Session, December 1, 1910 from November 1 to November 30, 1910, inclusive, for which please order war- rants drawn in my favor: Interest on outstanding war- rants $1,165.00 Exchange, express, etc.... 18 27 Library Trustees orders 862 46 Ald. O'Rourke moved that the re- port be received and warrants be drawn for various amounts, and the report be referred to the finance committee. Car- ried. City Auditor Lyons reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Herewith find my re- port for the month of November, 1910, showing the receipts and disbursements for the month: Receipts— Cash on hand, Nov. 1, 1910 $33,929.19 Receipts during month 24,129.04 Total $58,058.23 Disbursements— Warrants redeemed $22,636.17 Improvement bond coupons redeemed 432.50 Regular bond coupons re- deemed .... .... ...... 2,83 7.64 Improvement bonds redeemed. 3,517.16 Total ... .$29,423.47 Balance Dec. 1, 1910...........$28,634.76 The above cash balance includes improvement bond fund, improve- ment bond interest fund and library fund balances. Water Works Account— Water Works balance, Nov. 1st, 1910 $29,841.36 Deposited with City Treasurer by Water Works Trustees3,901.78 Total $33,743.14 Orders drawn on City Treas- urer by Water Works Trus- tees 4,209.60 Balance Dec. 1, 1910 $29,533.54 Excavation Account— Balance Nov. 1, 1910 Receipts during month „ $55.00 • 5.00 Total ..., ..... $60.00 Balance Dec. 1, 1910 60.00 Also there is due the $cers for month of November, C1910 salar- iesaramounting to $2,716.50. Also the following is a record of all interest coupons redeemed by the City Treasurer during the past month and credited to him: Improvement bond coupons. $ 432.50 Regular bond coupons ...... 2,837.64 Total Improvement bonds redeem- ed$3,270.14 .... .... ...... ......$3.517.1f. Also the following list shows the appropriations and the amount of warrants drawn on each fund since the beginning of the fiscal year be- ginning March 1st, 1910, to December 1st, 1910: Expense $ 40,000.00 $ 26,304.70 Appropriations Expende 1 Road—First Dis- trict 6,536.52 Second District 15,923.22 Third District 9,644.60 Fourth District 10,843.04 Fifth District 8,333.88 Fire.. 48,000.00 Police 36,500.00 Sewerage.... .... 6.000.00 Printing ... 2,500.00 Street Lighting .. 27,000.00 Interest 40,000.00 Board of Health... 7,000.00 Grading .... 6,000.00 Special Bonded Paving Special Bonded Debt and Interest 4,000.00 Mount Carmel Ave- nue Grading Sidewalk Repair- ing Bluff Street Exten- sion .... Bee Branch Sewer, Third Ward, Du- buque Packing plant Improvement of Windsor Avenue. 1,000.00 Bee Branch Sewer, Third Ward -18th street Bee Branch Sewer, in Fifth Ward... 5,000.00 4,796.36 mprovement of Grandview Ave... 2,500.00 1,800.00 agle Point park.. 3,000.00 2,995.85 lay Street Im- provement 1,200.00 1,158.13 eeb Street Grad- ing 300.00 291.35 mprovement of Valley Street 200.00 199.91 mprovement of Willow Street 1,500.00 330.65 pening of Booth and Spring Street 500.00 499.75 went y -seventh Street Storm Sewer mprovement of Althauser Ave. .. 1,500.00 mprovement of Seventh Ave. .......2,500.00 remen's Pension 6,530.24 12,726.79 9,374.27 9,751.17 8,303.34 35,075.73 26,287.35 3,709.36 1,540.21 18,009.30 25,172.09 4,870.86 835.85 4,000.00 986.34 2,500.00 30.86 1,000.00 825.04 500.00 485.62 2,500.00 2,335.48 I E C H I I O T I I Fi Policemen's Pension Fund Opening and Grad- ing alley between Clark and An- gella Streets Opening of Cedar Street .... 2,500.00 64.12 1,300.00 1,500.00 875.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 500.00 500.000 Regular Session, December 1, 1910 Part cost of Car Street wall New Street Sweep- er 28'0.00 256.66 Ninth Ave. Sewer. 800.00 800.00 317.00 311.99 $305,578.26 Fire Chief Reinfried reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The following is the pay roll of the Fire Department for the last half of November, 1910: Amount due Firemen$1,594.00 One per cent. retained for Pension Fund 31.90 Respectfully submitted. J. R. REIN FRIED, Chief. Approved by Committee on Fire. On motion of Ald. Singrin, the re- port was received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay the Firemen and the report referred back to the Com- mittee on Fire. Chief of Police Reilly reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the police report for the month of Nov• ember, 1910: Intoxication 38 Assault and Battery 2 Disturbing the Peace 4 Larceny 1 Petit Larceny 4 Vagrancy .... ........ .... 6 Obtaining money by False Pre- tense .. On Suspicion 3 Murder ... .... ......... 1 Total 6', Doors Found Open 3'. Lodgers Harbored 232 Defective Lights 27 Meals Furnished 9 Cost of Food $1.80 Police Court Costs Collected ...$17.15 Patrol Runs for Prisoners 58 Ambulance Calls Committee Calls Miles Traveled 9 1 68 Poundmaster's receipts $4.00 Also beg to submit pay roll for Po licement last half of November, 1910: Amount due Policemen $1,360.49 Amt. retained, Pension Fund 28.15 THOS. REILLY, Chief of Police. On motion of Ald. Sauer, the report and pay roll were received and war- rants ordered drawn to pay the Po- licemen and the report referred to the Committee on Police and Light. Street Commissioner Mahony re- ported as follows: 397 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the hay roll for labor on streets during the last half of November, 1910: Amount due laborers on streets $577.20 Amount due laborers on Wil- low Street Amount due laborers on Mt742.80 Carmel Ave Amount due laborers 34.20 various streets gradisg Fourth and Fifth Wards, 247.30 Approved by Committee en Streets. Respectfully submitted. JOHN \I.\IlttNl•:1", Street I'onunissioner. On motion of Ald. s:iei, the pay rolls on Streets Odie reeeiy,,1 and warrants ordere-t drawn to pay the various ami unts, and the pay rolls and report referred back to the proper committees. Also sitbmit the pay roll for labor on sewers during the last half of No- vember, 1910: Amount clue laborers on sew- ers $213.44 On motion of Ald. Singrin, the pay roll on sewers wits rec•H\a.,I and war- rants ordered drawn to pay the var.. ious amounts and pay roll referred back to Sewer Committee, City Electrician Hipman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my report of defective lights for the month of November, 1910. I find from the reports of the Police Department that the total hours that 27 lamps failed to burn would equal 11/ lamps burning for one month, or $6.27. Respectfully submitted. WM. HIPMAN, City Electrician. On motion of Ald. Sauer, the re- port was received and the City Audi- tor to be instructed to deduct from the Union Electric Company's bill for the month of November, 1910, the sum of $6.25. Following Weighmasters' reports of receipts were presented and read and on motion of Ald. Specht were re- ceived and filed: Louisa Pitchner $ 1.08 Mrs. C. Deckert 4.11 Joseph Straney 4.30 Edw. Norton ... 33.75 J. H. Carroll ... .35 City Recorder Geiger presented and read the notice, certified to by the publishers of the Council's intention to levy a special assessment for the expense of cutting weeds in the months of July, August and Septem- 398 Regular Session, December 23, 1910 ber, 1910. No remonstrance being filed and no one in the room objecting to the levying of the special assess- ment the i ii, e was on motion of Ald. O'Rourke received and filed. The fell ,ting bills were read: Toni Kenneally, inspector Grandview Ave.. $ 5.78 Patrick Whelan, macadam19.81. Fred Gcnszler, macadam. 38.48 Eugene Burke, macadam 27.75 E. T. Frith 3.00 On motion of Abd. Saul, warrants ordered drawn aml 1dlls be paid. City Recorder Geiger stated that the City Attorney had filed the contract in duplicate between the city of Dubuque and J. E. Truesdale. On motion of Ald. Saul referred to Committee of the Whole. Plat of extension of alley through Gilliam's Sub, and Sub. of Out Lot 682, also right of way notice as nub- lished and served, presented, also re- monstrance of John W. Norton et al, John lteery and Julia Clark. Moved by Ald. Apel that the rules be sus- pended to hermit any one present to address the council. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer. Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Mr. John Norton, Mr. W. Gill, Mr. W. Grings and \lr. C. F. Danzer ad- dressed the council, all remonstrating against the opening of the alley. Moved by Ald. McEvoy any action to the opening of alley through Gilliam's Sub. and Sub. of Lot 682 be entirely stricken from record and any appropri- ation for said improvement referred back to the General Fund. Carried. Mr. J. Ellermann addressed the coun- cil and stated that Mr. Curt Koehler had improved his property and that the water now runs into his (J. Eller- mann's) cellar and requested the coun- cil to have the same attended to. Moved by Ald. Sauer that the Street Commissioner and Sidewalk Inspector investigate the matter and report at next session of the city council. Car- ried. Alil. O'Rourke, chairman of the Fi- nance Committee, reported that there was about $300.00 available from the county and moved that City Treasurer be instructed to collect same and place in county road fund. Carried. The matter of repairing railing on the steps of City Hall, on Thirteenth street, was on motion left to the Com- mittee on Public Grounds and Build- ings. City Recorder Geiger stated that the contract between City of 'Dubuque and Dr. J. Hagerty expires on 1911. (241. 0 Moved by Ald. Singrin that the City Recorder be instructed to advertise for bids for furnishing Veterinary services to horses of the various departments of the city of Dubuque anu submit same to the city council at the meet- ing of December 15, 1910. carried. Alderman O'Rourke offered the fol- lowing: Whereas, The contract heretofore en- tered into by the City of Dubuque for the improvement of a street as herein- after described has been completed, and the City Engineer has computed that the cost and expense of said im- provement amount to $2,97r.95; Therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to provide for the cost of brick -paving Fifth street from Main to Locust street: the Mayor be and he is hereby required to execute and deliver to the City Recorder, to be by him registered and countersigned, eleven bonds for two hundred and fifty dollars each and one bond for two hundred twenty- seven and 95-100 dollars, numbered 1045 to 1056 inclusive, dated December 17, 1910, payable on or before seven years after the date thereof, and bearing in- terest at the rate of five per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke the adoption of resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Saul, Sauer, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. Alderman O'Rourke offered the fol- lowing: Whereas, The contract heretofore en- tered into by the City of Dubuque for the improvement as hereinafter de- scribed has been completed, and the City Engineer has computed that the cost and expense of ,said improve- ment amount to $2,422.00. Therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to provide for the cost of brick -paving Windsor Avenue, from a point about 169.9 feet north of the north line of Sanford Street to a point about 327.8 feet further north thereof, the Mayor be and he is hereby required to exe- cute and deliver to the City Recorder, to be by him registered and counter- signed, nine bonds of the denomination of two hundred and fifty dollars each and one bond for one hundred seventy- two dollars, numbered 1035 to 1044, in- clusive, . dated December 17, 1910, pay- able on or before seven years after the date thereof, and bearing interest at the rate of five per cent. per an- num, payable semi-annually. Regular Session, December 1, 1910 399 Moved by Ald. O'Rourke the adop- tion of resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas --Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays—None. — Ald. O'Rourke offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for cut- ting weeds during the months of July, August and September, 1910, by the City of Dubuque in front of and ad- joining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Wm. Crabtree, S. M. Langworthy Sub., lot 113; 3 hours at S0c...,$ Wnt. Meuser, McCraney's 1st Add., lots 96 and 97; 4 hours at 50c 2 00 A. W. Kemler, Est., Union Add, lot 182; 2 hours at 50c 1 00 H. Mauer, Jr., McCraney's 1st Add., lot 108; 6 hours at 50c..,, 3 00 M. L. Hubabrd, G. D. Wood's Add., lot 3 of 7; 6 hour at 50c3 00 John J. Bradley, Union Add., So 165 ft., lot 190; 5 hours at 50c2 50 Julia Langworthy Est., Lois Add., lot 8; 1 hour at 50c50 Wm. Lowther, Sr., Cox's Add. 2 of 1 of lot 91 and 2 of 92; 6 hours at Sot• Thos. Hill. est.. Quigley's Sub, lot 33 and 34; 2 hours at 50c1 00 Chas, Beyer, Est., Haulburgh's Add., lot 6; 6 hours at 50c Frank Hammel, 2 of 1 of City lot 670; 2 hours at 50c Anna E. Conlin, Quigleys' Sub., lots 35. 36 and 37; 2 hours at 50e 1 00 Thos. Byrne, Ronson and Stew- ard's Sub., lots 12, 13, 14• 15, 16, 17 and 18; 2 hours at 50c... ..... 1 00 Bridget Heiman. Union Add., lot 127: 2 hours at 'ac. F. N. Schroeder. N. !, lot of M. L., 15'.: 4 hours ut ;nc F. N. Schroeder, lot 2 of 2 M. L. 15s F. N. Schroeder. lot 1 of 3 M. L. 158; C. G. Meyer, L. H. Lang - worthy's Add., W. 1-3 of lot 1 of 99; 5 hours at 50c J. S. Stephens. Julia Lang - worthy's Add., lots 22 and 23; 6 hours at 50e Mary T,. Bunting, Julia Lang - worthy's Add., lot 9; 5 hours at 50c F. L. Poole, Julia Lang - worthy's Add., lot 10; 5 hours at 50e 2 60 S. M. Langworthy Est., S. M. Langworthy's Sub., lot 9 and 10;•4 hours at 50c T R. T. Kemler, Cain's Stib., lot 14; 3 hours at 50c...... J. S. Stephens, S. 1 50 w 'orthy's Soh., lot 1; 11 hourstat t 500...,. Grundy R 11trd, }lodge's Sub., 2 50 No. 2. lots 17. 18, 19, 31 and 32; 9 honss ;i t 5,1e \\'hc•I:ni Esta........... 4 50 W. W. Sub., lot 8: 4 hours '.....l.m T. .T. Keane, at 50c ........ 2 00 1,2. Lc•i eor5 Add., lots 3. 4.5it 7. '' ;1 hours at 50c 1 50 W. C. ('l.u•k, college Add., lot 15; 4 hours ;it 50c.,,, E. Noinint• ci'Neil's Sub., to 2 00 5 hour's :it 50....... t .. t`• :1. Meyer, Union Add., lots 145 2 50 and 146; S hours at 50c•.......... Wm. Hintrager Est., Newbernd ry 4 00 aHale's Sub., lot 17; 6 hours at 50c.. • • .. .. R. W. Kemler, lot 2 of 6 of M. 3 00 1 50 L. 79; 6 hours at 50c...... J. V. and S. P. Rider, Siste '. 3 00 Ads., lot S: 3 hours at 50cra Kentic'r l Svendson, O'Neill's 1 50 Sub., Int 6: 3 hours at 50c...... Nie. c,l.,h, Ham's Add., lot 261; 2 1 50 hmirs at 50e.... 1V,( Iter' G. Cox, Levin's .. , 1 00 14: 5 hours at 50c•..... A.d... lot Wit. Hennessey, Union 2 50 lot 2 of 2 of lot 189: Add., 500.... 3 hours at 11. Al. H ; offm.inn, . 1 50 ti Aad., lot 18; 8. Lang- 8; a hours nt50cWin. 1,1;iiier, t al., 1'):iv-is's Farm 3 00 Add.. Int _13: 2 hours at 50e... • C. A. "0a11,',.r. 1 ai tris' Vann Add, 1 00 lot 238; 2 'pairs at 50e John T'iekup Est..., Union Add„ lot 1 00 3 00 43:6 hour's at 50c•..... A. J. Van Dus 'e, Wilson's Sub., 3 00 1 00 So. 89 1't., lot 41; 7 hours at 50c., 3 50 Wm. Lawf.. .S. M. Lang- tt•nrthy's Add., lot 13; 7 hours at 50c•.... J. J. Nagle, l::indall's Sub., lot 3 3 50 of 6 of 1: 2 hours at 50c C. H. Eighna•y, S.1 00 M. L. 159; 7 hours :it 50c' 8 of 1 00 3 50 C. 1i. 1•aghniey. 2 of S of M. L. 2 00 159' Julia Lang—worthy, Julia Long - worthy's Add., lot 3; 1 hour at .Anna McDonald. lot of;.of250 of ltnxl it a's S,ih; 5 hours at 50c.. 2 50 .T. S. Stephens, .Tofu Lang - 2 50 worthy's ,\cicl.. Int 16; 4 hours at 50c A. W. lceni]er Est..P:ast Dub, 2 00 3 00 Add.. lot 29; :1 hours at ;nee 1 50 Pier Erns., East Duh. Adel., Fnd 1-2 of lits 277 278, 279, 280, and 250 281; ..4 hens ac50c• 400 John Flynn, East Dib. Add., W. 15 ft_ P. 1-2 of lot 211; 2 hours at 50c 1 00 Maury Flechsig. Glendale Add., lot 13; 5 hours at 50e 2 50 J. H. I;homhcrg, Davis' Farm Add.. Int 225; 2 hours at 50e1 00 2 00