Y Roll_20 Part 5426 Regular Session, Oct. 19, 1916.
nature of a rental proposition with
the condition attached that the
bridge, if operated by the city, be
made free or nearly so.
1 respectfully submit the above as
niy opinion and conclusions from an
inspei'tion of the Pontoon Bridge
company's franchise.
\I. H. ('ZIZEli,
('ity Attorney.
(In motion of .\Id. \Vallis the re-
port of the city :tilorney IA -RS made a
matter of record.
.AIderni;ln \Vallis offer d the fol-
\V'llcre:ls, The conlrac', heretofore
entered into 11y the ctly of Ihtbuclne
for the construction of cement side-
1(1Ihi:, hereinafter dcscrib',1 has been
completed. and the city engineer has
computed that the cast and expense
of said inlln'oveincnt amount to $55.SS
Therefore, Ife it ltesolv'cd by the
('ity council of the ('ity of Dubuque,
That to provide for the cost of ('011-
struclill}; cement sidewalks abutting
17 and 1.i 'I's( hirgi and Scltvv'ind's
tin1.. the two or he and he is hereby
regniro(I to 'Neral;' and deliver to
the city recorder, to Ito by hits reg-
istered and countersigned, tyvo side-
walk certificates for Twenty-seven
and 9I -10(I dollars each, numbered
15' and 153, dated November 19t11,
1!16, payable on 01' before seven
years after the date thereof, and
bearing interest at the rate of six
per cent per annum, payable semi-
\Id. \Vallis moved the adoption o1'
the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lovv-iog vote:
1' .AIds. Callahan, frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel,
Nays \one.
Alderman \\'nllis offered the fol-
\1'here:ls, The contract heretofore
entered into by the ('ity of Ituhnrfue
for the c(,narnction of cement side-
walks. here ioaflel' described has been
completed, :uol the city engineer 11;1s
computed that the cost :111(1 oypense
of said itllprovement iunottnt to
Therefore, ]Ie it It05olved by the
city council of the city of Dubuque,
That to provide for the cost of con-
structing, cement sidewalks abutting
lots 160, 161 and 16', AVoodlawn
Park Add., the mayor be and Ile is
hereby required to execute and de-
liver to the city recorder, to be by
hint registered and comtterslgtied,
three sidewalk certificates for borty-
one and 69-100 dollars each, number-
ed 154, 155 and 156, dated Novem-
ber 19th, 1916, payable on or before
seven years after the date thereof,
and bearing interest at the rate of
six per cent Per annum, payable senti-
\ld. \Vallis moved the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas ---Aids. Callahan, Frith, Leist.,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel,
Nays.- None.
Alderman Wallis offered the fol-
whereas, The contract heretofore
entered into by the ('ity of Dubuque
for the intpr),'l 111011t of Fourth
Street Extension hereinafter describ-
ed has been completed, and the city
engineer has contented that tlio cost
and expense of. i-oif improvement
amount to $22,NO2:.1
Therefore, ito i1 Resolved by the
('ity C'ounc'il of the city of Itubn(lue,
That to provide for the cost of im-
proving l�tolrti1 titt'('('1 Extension
from the eastrail of the Chicago,
Burlington, (\ (luincy's tracks, to the
end of said street, the mayor be and
he is hereby required to execute and
deliver to the city recorder, to he by
hint registered and countersigned,
forty -live bonds for live hundred dol-
lars each and one for three hundred
sixty-1WWO and 54-100 dollars, number-
ed 17.5(1 to 1625 inclusive, dated No-
vember 1 9th, 1916, payable on or be-
fore seven years after the date there-
of. and bearing interest at the rate
of five per cent per 011 11 payable
Aid. Wallis moved the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas .\lds. Callahan, Frith, l.eist,
\ltl.auLt111111, 1 'l 01(11(1(111, Strobel,
Nays-- None.
Alderman Wallis offered the fol-
\V'here:ts, The contract heretofore
entered into by the city of Dubuque
for tilt', improvement of Tenth street,
hereinafter described has been com-
pleted, and 1110 city engineer has com-
puted 1 bat the cost and expense of
said improvement amount to $5,170.53
Therefore, Be it Resolved by the
City t'ouncil of the City of Dubuque,
That to provide for the cost of im-
proving Tenth street from the west
property line of Clay street, to the
east property line of Main street, ex-
cept where already paved, the mayor
be and he is hereby required to exe-
cute and deliver to the city recorder,
to be by him registered and counter-
signed, twenty bonds for two hun-
dred and fifty dollars each and one
for one hundred seventy and 53-100
dollar's, numbered 4626 to 4646 inclu-
sive, dated November 19th, 1916, pay-
able on or before seven years after
the date .thereof, and bearing interest
at the rate of five per cent per ar.-
ntunt, payable semi-annually.
Regular Session, Oct. 19, 1916.
Aid. Wallis moved the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas--Alds. Callahan, Frith, Deist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel,
Alderman Wallis offered the fol-
Whereas, The contract heretofore
entered into by the Pity of Dubuque
for the construction of a sanitary
sewer in North Main street, hereinaf-
ter described has been completed, and
the city- engineer has computed that
the cost and expense of said improve-
ment amount t0 $242.72
Therefore, lie it l:esolv-e ] by 111e
City Council of the t'ify of Onbutot .
Thal io provide for the cosi of co,,.
struc•1i11 ;1 ::I(Iltany' sI\vt•r in North,
Main siree1. from the enol of the
present sewer, south to ten feet south
of the 1101.111 lot line of lot 19, L, H.
1.ang\vorthy''s Subdivision, the mayor
be and he is hereby required to exe-
cute and deliver to the city recorder,
to be by hirer registered and counter-
signed. one bond for one hunched
dollars and one for one hundred for-
ty -twit and 72-100 dollars, numbered.
4647 and 4648, dated November 19th,
1111;. payable on or before- seven
years alDer the date thereof, and
bearing interest at the rate of five
per cent per annum, payable semi-
A.ld. Wallis moved the adoption of
the resolution, t'atried by. the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas--A,Ids. Callahan, Frith, Deist,
\I el .nugh lin, Plamondon, Strobel,
Nays— None.
Y sl reel committee would re-
t-pcctl'1111y report that we. have ex-
amined 1111' cement sidewalk on
I ;ighth street in front of west 1-2
1'ity T.ot 254 and would respectfully
recommend that it be accepted. Wt
would further recommend that the
city engineer be instructed to prepare
a special assessment against the lots
or parcels of real estate subject to
assessment for such improvement
and file the same in the office of the
city recorder who will thereupon
publish the notice of assessment as
required by ordinance.
E. E. FRITH, Chairman.
On motion of Ald. Frith the report
of the street committee was adopted.
Your committee on sewers would
respectfully report that we have ex-
amined the sanitary sewer in O'Neill
avenue from Booth street to College
avenue, in College avenue from
O'Neill avenue to West Second street.
in West Second street from College
avenue to Walsh street, in Walsh
street from West Second street to
West Third street, thence westerly on
West Third street to 50 feet east of
Grandview avenue and easterly on
West Third street from Walsh street
for 350 feet and would respectfully
recommend that the same be accept-
ed, .Limes Street, contractor. We
would further recommend that the
city engineer be and is hereby in-
structed to prepare a special assess-
ment against the lots or parcels of
real estate subject to assessment for
said improvement 00(1 file the same in
the office of the city recorder who
vv111 thereupon publish the notice as
required by ordinance
I.. .I. 1'I..\ \lt i.\'I t1 t\"•
I'1: 111 111 ,11 the
n ao.ti,o, 1 .AI,!
',port of tln•
1'ity I:..erir
pry rrnled and
read 1111' n(t1, . ,•,•iti11etl 10 by the
pul,li.`hr.rs, of the eity conneil's in-
to111I00 to levy special atiaessnients to
pfay. for consfrncliug cement side-
walks ahn1ing lots 47 and 48, '11schir-
gi and Sch\v'intl's Sub., owned by
Mary EIilherg, amount of assessment
$55.88, and for constructing cement
sidewalks abutting lots 160, 161 and
162, W'oodlawn Park Add., owned by
Peter Eulberg l:state, amount of as-
sessment, $125.88, AV'rel. Itoschi, con-
tractor. On motion of Altl. frith the
notice was received and tiled.
Resolved by the Pity Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for con-
structing cement sidewalks, by Wm.
Itoschi, contractor, in front of and
adjoining the same, a special tax be
and is hereby levied on the several
lots, and pants of lots, and parcels
of real estate hereinafter named, sit-
uate and owned, and fin• the several
amounts sot. opposite each lot or par-
cel of read estale, 15 follows:
( 1\cner. 11esc ription. Amt.
'Marry I:nlberg, 'I'sc•hirgi and
Sid, wind's Sub., lots 47 and
45; each lot assessed ai
S27.11,1; cement walk, 15:1.2
1-141. 11. at 12c; $54.38; 1'x11.11
e\pt use, $1.511; to111I $ 77 518
Adopted (Idol, r I!1111, I0 14.
Approved (0I,,I,r 1:0111. I!116.
.1.8 \H.:1s; S.\ 1' 1 .,
.1..1. SIII:.8,
1'11y 1:ecordrr.
\Id. Frith Inoved the adoption of
the resolution. carried by the fol-
lowing Note:
Year -Aldi. 1',,1iahaul, 11-i1h, Deist,
Plamondon, Strobel,
Itesolved by ti, (_tty Council of the
City of Dubuque, T11at to pay for
constructing cement sidewalks, by
W. Roschi, contractor, in front of and
ad, joining the same, a special tax be
and is hereby levied on the several
Regular Session, Oct. 19, 1916.
lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of
real estate hereinafter named, situate
and owned, and' for the several
amounts set opposite each lot or par-
cel of real estate, as follows:
Owner. Description, Amt.
Peter Eulberg Est., Woodlawn
Park Add., lots 160, 161 and
162; each lot assessed at
$41.96; cement walk, 1081.6
sq. ft. at 11 1-2c, $124.38;
extra expense, $1.50; total..$125 88
.adopted October 19th, 1916.
Approved (October 20th, 1916.
Attest: .1. J. SHEA,
City Recorder.
Aid. Frith moved the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas—.\Ods. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon. Strobel,
Nays --None.
City Recorder Shea presented and
read the notice, certified to by the
publisher's, of the City Council's in-
tention to levy a special assessment
to pay 1'u1. the construction of an
eight -inch. lila pipe sanitary :ewer in
North Main rlreet from the and of
the present scent south to ten feet
south of the uorih lot line of lot 19
L. 11. 1.:te4worthb's Subdivision, N.
J. Staner, contractor. On motion of
Ald. Wallis the notice was received
incl filed.
Resol'e'd by Hie City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for an
8 -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in
North Main street front the end of
present :;ewer south to ten feet south
of the north lot line of lot 19 L. H.
Langwortlhy's Sub., by Nic. Staner,
contactor. in front of and adjoining
the situp, a special tax he and is here-
by levied on the several lots, and parts
of lots, and parcels of real estate
hereinafter named, situate and own-
ed, and for the several amounts set
opposite each dot or parcel of real
estate, is follows:
Owner. Description.
Eliz. i'. l\iebel, Marsh's Add. Amt.
lot 51; manhole and 8 -inch
tile pipe, 50 lin. ft. at $.4521,
$22.61; interest at 6 per
cent, 1Gc; extra expense at
G per cent, $1.35; total ......$ 24 12
Eliz. E. Kiebel, Marsh's Add.,
N. 1-2 lot 52; manhole and
8 -inch tile pipe, 25 lin. ft.
at $.4521, $11.30; interest
at 6 per cent, 9c; extra ex-
pense at G per cent, 68c;
total ..
S. I'. Rider, Marsh's Add........
., S.
1-2 lot 52; manhole and 8 -
inch tile pipe, 25 lin, ft. at
$.4521, $11.30; interest at 6
12 07
per cent, 9c; extra expense
at 6 per cent, 68c; total 12 07
S. P. hider, Sub. 53 Marsh's
Add., lot 1; manhole and
8 -inch tile pipe, 83 lin. ft.
at $.4521, $37.52; interest
at 6 per cent, 28c; extra
expense at e per cent, $2.25;
total 40 0 5
5. P. hider, Sub. 21 L. H
Langworthy's Sub., lot 1:
manhole and 8 -inch tile
pipe, 60 lin. ft., at $.4521,
$27.13; interest at 6 per
cent, 20c; extra expense at
6 per cent, $1.62; total 28 95
G. :\ a reden, L. H. 1.angwor-
thy's Sub., S. 1-2 lot 19;
manhole and S -inch tile
pipe, 30 lin. ft. at $.4521,
$13.56; interest at 6 per
cent, 10e; extra expense at
6 per cent, 811c; total 14 48
Eliz. Wiiging, Marsh's _Add,
lot 16; manhole and 8 -inch
tile pipe, 50 lin. ft. at $.4521,
$22.61; interest at t per
ecnt, 16c; extra expense at
6 per cent, $1.35; total 24
Eliz. Wilging, Marsh's Add.,
lot 17; manhole and 8 -inch
tile pipe, 50 lin. ft. at $.4521.
S22.61; interest at 6 per
cent. 16c; extra expense at
6 per cent,$1.35; total ^ I
Eliz. \\'ilging, Marsh's Add.,
S. 13 ft. lot 18; manhole
and 8 -Inch tile pipe, 13 lin.
t t• at $.4521, $5.58; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 4c; extra
expense at 6 per cent, 36c;
total 6 28
Realty Inv. Corp., Marsh's
Add., N. 37 ft. lot 18; man-
hole and 8 -inch tile pipe,
37 lin. ft. at $.4521, $16.73;
interest at 6 per cent, 12c;
extra expense at 6 per cent,
$1.01; total 17 86
Eliz. Wilging, Marsh's Add.,
lot 19; manhole and 8 -inch
tile pipe, 50 lin. ft. at $.4521,
$22.61; interest at 6 per
cent, 16c; extra expense at
6 per cent, $1.35; total 24 12
F. Knoernschild, L. H. Lang -
worthy's Sub., N. 1-2 lot 19;
manhole and 8 -inch tile
pipe, 30 lin. ft. at $.4521,
$13.56; interest at 6 per
cent, 10c; extra expense at
6 per cent, 82c; total 14 48
Total $242 72
228 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile pipe at
89c $202 92
1 manhole at $24.50 24 50
Extra expense 13 64
Interest at 6' per cent 1 66
$242 72
Regular Session, Oct. 19, 1916.
All of, which is assessed in propor-
tion to the special benefits conferred.
Adopted tictober 19th, 1916.
:Approved (ac•tober 201)1. 1916.
\(lest: .1. .1. Si11;A,
City 11peorder.
Aid. \V;cllis there(] the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas- -Aids. Callahan, h'rith, Leist,
\X1.:01 biro, I'lamondon, Strobel.
\.i?, None.
('it.( 1:ec•ordet' Shea presented and
read the notice, certified to by the
publisher's, of the City c'ouncil's in-
tention to levy ;a special assessment
to pay for improving Tenth street
from the west property line of Clay
street to the east property line of
Alain street, except where already
paved, t', 11. lfe\';uuara and ('o., con-
tractors. t In motion of .Aad. 1.eist the
notice was received and filed.
l;esolred by the City council of the
city of Itnhu(1no. That to pa': for ian-
proring Tenth street from west Prop-
erty line of ('lay street to east. prop-
erty line of Alain street, by C. 11. Mc-
Namara ,C- Co„ c'ontrac'tors, in front
of and adjoining: the same, ;a special
tax he a11(1 15 herehy levied on the
secer;al lots, and parts 01 lots, and
parcels of real estate hereinafter
named. situate and owned, and for
the several (amounts set opposite each
lot or parcel of real estate, ;Is follows:
(1wner, 1)eseription. .Amt.
.1obn V. Rider, city I,ot, l'nd.
1-3 lot 16; S. P. Itider, city
I.ot, Iain. 1-3 lot 36; Iain.
.(nd G. A. Burden, city 1.ot,
Cud. 1-3 lot 36; creosote
wood block paving' cost,
$1.78.45; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.30; extra expense
at 2 per dent, $3.56; total....$183 31
John V. Rider, City Lot, Und.
1-3 lot 36A; S. P. Rider,
City I.ot, l'nd. 1-3 lot 36A;
Eliz. and G. A. Burden,
City Lot, 1'nd. 1-3 lot 36A;
creosote wood block paving
cost, $17:1,70; interest at 6
per cent, $3.47; extra ex-
pense ;It 2 per cent, $9.47;
total 486 64
John V. Rider, City Lot, End
1-3 lot 37; S. P. Rider,
('ity Lot, I'nd. 1-3 lot
37; Eliz. and G. A. Bur -
38; creosote wood block
paving cost, $473.70; inter-
est at 6 per cent, $3.47; ex-
tra expense at 2 per cent,
$9.47; total 486 64
W. L. Bradley Est., City Lot,
lot 38; creosote wood block
paving cost, $178.45; inter -
est nt 6 per cent.
tra expense at , $ 1.30;
' per cont,,
$3.56: total ........
1. ....i'it1.0t,
1S3 31
l):ni apel Est..
\. 1-2 lot 164; creosote
wood block paving cost,
$77.7s; interest at 6 per
cant, 57( extra expense at
2 per cent, $1.56; total
Geo. \V. Kiesel, 79 90
Lot, S. 1-2 lot 164; creosote
wood block pacing cost,
$111((.67; interest at 6 per
cent. 73c; extra expense at
2 Per cent, $2.02; total 103 42
Anna and J. A. l" orester, city
Lot. A. 1-2 lot 164A; creo-
sote wood block paring cost,
$163.9;; interest at 6 pct'
cent. $1.20; extra expense
at 2 per cent, $3.29; total168 39
:Bernard \lichel, 1'ity Lot, S
1-2 lot 164A: creosote wood
block paring (.011, $309.79;,
:1.3 lin. ft. cement curl) ;11
$1.15; interest n1 1; per
69,99; ('strn expense
of ' per cent, $6.22; total.. :11'1 45
11. It, and I!. (;-,lief. city 1.1(1,
1 ft. Int 1115; 1•rec.-zote
(c(u61 1d(n'k 01-111 r;• nst.
?.120.92; 10 lin. ft. cement
curb (1 ,7c, $3.50; ialtcr•st
:0 (. per cent, $3.10: (•XIra
.A 1,(.10--(• o-(• :11 2 lel' ('(.111,
1..1.1 4:1:, 10
llargt. 1;owner, ('ily I.((1, S.
10.2 ft. lot 165: creosote
wood Nock pu ie
$53.69; interest at 6
cent, 39e; extra cxpens.• ui
2 per cent, $1.09; total 16
itoesner, ca \ 1,“1• \.
1-2 lot. 166; c...... t, wu,nl
block paving co,1, , .1.1 lw.6 ;
interest at 6 per cent, 7:;c;
extra expense 10 2 per .•nl.
82.02; total
Maria Sumpauan, city I,((, S.
1-2 lot 166; creosote wou(1
block paring cost, 1.777.N;
interest at 6 per cent, 57c'
extra expense at pl•r cl•llt,
$1.55; total
J. J. Ogilby list., city !((t .V.
11.2 ft. lot 202; creosote
wood block paving cost,
$27.97; interest at. 6 per
cent, 20c; extra expense at
2 per cent, 55c; total 28 72
Eliz. dray, city Lot, S. 40 ft
lot 202; creosote wood
block paving cost, $132.62;
interest at 6 per cent, 96c;
extra expense at 2 per cent,
$2.65; total 136 23
Christina L'rcde, City Lot
203; creosote wood block
paving cost, $426.30; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 83.12;
extra expense at 2 per cent,
1 12
430 Regular Session, Oct. 19, 1916.
$8.53; total
• Cornelius Ryan, City Lot
204; creosote wood block
paving cost, $426.30; inter-
est at 6 per cent, $3.12; ex-
tra expense at 2 per cent,
$8.53; total 437 95
Cornelius Ryan, City Lot, N
2.11 ft. lot 205; creosote
wood block paving cost,
$13.08; interest at 6 per
cent, 10c; extra expense at
2 per cent, 20c; total 13 44
T. M. Boothhy, city Lot, S
48.3 ft. lot 20 creos/te
wood block paving cost,
$14 7.51 ; o,terest at 6 per
cent, 81.0 ; extra expense at
2 per L. . $2.95; i tial 151 54
Aug. F itz. 1,1. S. 1 -2 lot
262: ere,, eed block
],n vi „ ,•r,'st
1(('l1:,• -tit 2 per cent, $1.311;
tol;,l 71 89
Jacob Sherman, city Lot, \.
1-2 Int 262; creosote wood
block paving cost, $90.59;
int‘ rest fit 6 per cent, 6Gc;
extra expense tit 2 per cent,
$ 1.'. total 93 07
Geo. Alinges, City Lot, S. 28.2
ft. Int 263; creosote wood
block paving cost, $162.65;
interest at 6 per cent, $1.18;
extra expense at 2 per cent,
$3.2 total 167 OS
Cath. 1'ulirmaa, t'ity Lot, N
23 1't. lot 263; creosote
wood block paving cost,
$203.65; 103 lin, ft. cement
curb at 35c, $36.05; inter-
est at f, per cont, 82.23;
extra expcnsc at 2 per cant,
$5.90; total 307 89
I3 7 95
Fisher Inv. t'n., c'11v Lot
201: creosote wood block
Irarin14' cost, $ 1211.30; 103.5
lin. fl. cement curb at 35c,
$:10.'2; interest at 6 pct•
cent, $:;.:U; extra expense
at 2 per cent, $9.25; total_.475 15
Evelyn \I. Moser, t'(ly Lot, X.
17 ft. lot 205; creosote
wood block pawing cost,
43.73; interest at 6 per
cent, 32c; extra expense at
2 per cent, K,Cc; total
Fischer Lav, co,,, city 44 93
� I .ot, S.
:14.2 ft. lot 265; creosote
wood block paving cost,
$116.56; interest. at 6 per
cent, 85c; extra expense at
2 per cent. $2.3-1; total
120 05
Total $5170 53
All of which is assessed in propor-
tion to the special benefits conferred.
2073.71 sq, yds, creosote wood
block paving at $2.39 $4956 16
219.8 lin. ft. new cement curb
at 35c 76 92
Extra expense 100 65
Interest at 6 per cent 36 SO
Total $5170 53
Adopted October 1 91 h, 1 91.6.
Approved October 211th, 1916.
Attest: .1. J. SH1,A,
City Recorder.
Ald. :Leist moved the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing. vote:
Yeas .\lds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
ug l,lin, I'lamondon, Strobel,
\arA-s Notre.
city Recorder Shea presented and
react the notice, certified to by the
publisher's, of the cite cnnncil's in-
tention to levy a special assessment
to pay for improving Fourth Street
Extension from the east rail of the
Chicago, llnrlington ,2 Quincy's
tracks to the end of said street, C. B.
\Ic•Namarai. & Co., contractors, also
the written remonstrance of John V.
Rider together with the resolution
adopted by the city council I )ecember
21st, 1905, also the written remon-
strance of Anna 13. Parsons, Ella. 13.
Rncte, I-lenrietta Booth l.nsch, also
the written remonstrance oi' Fannie
TO1117er• on motion of .\Id. Mc-
Laughlin the notice teas recei'ecl and
filed and the remonstrances referred
to the committee of the whole.
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of .I)atb tone: That to pay for im-
proving I'm 1rth Street Ext
from the cast rail of the C'. B. and
Q. tracks to the end of said street, by
C. 13. McNamara & Co., contractors,
in front oi' and adjoining the same, a
special tax he and is hereby levied on
the several Lots, and parts of lots,
and parcels of real estate hereinaf-
ter named, situate and owned, and
for the several amounts set opposite
each lot or parcel of real estate, as
Owner. Description, Amt.
C. H. Booth, Booth's Add.,
Blk. A, lot 1; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$1750.02; interest art 6 per
cent, $12.83; extra expense
at 2 per cent, $35.01; total$1797 86
C. H. Booth, Booth's Add.,
Blk. A, lot 3; brick block
Paving and curbing cost,
$1229.71; interest at 6 per
cent, $9.02; extra expense
at 2 per cent, $24.59; total 1263.32
C. H. Booth, Booth's Add.,
Blk. B, lot 1; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$1482.92; interest at 6 per
cent, $10.86; extra expense
at 2 per cent, $29.65; total 1523 43
Regular Session, Oct. 19, 1916.
C. H. Booth, Booth's Add.,
Blk. 13, lot 6; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$346.71; interest at 6 per
cent, $2.54; extra expense.
at 2 per cent, $G.93; total356 1S
The Adams Co., Booth's Add,
B1k. B, lot 3; Krick block
paving and curbing cost,
$1658.92; interest at 6 per
cent, $12.16; extra expense
at 2 per cent, $33.1%; total 1701 16
The Adams co., B'ooth's -A1111„
Elk. 11, lu1 •1; brie]: I,li,l<
paving inn] curbing Best,
$1767.10; interest at 6 1,1.1•
cent, $12.96; extra expense.
at 2 per cent, $::7.:'.1; total 1s15 60
J. H. Shields, Dm, Ilnrh.
Inip. co. :A1111.,
bride bloc!: p0vin4 ;roll
ctnrhing cost,
teI'est 01 6 per (1,111, 1Ur.
extra expense ;11 _ per
cent. 281•; 1nta1 1 1 16
J. H. tilliellls, liu0. II;uO
Imp. ('o. .\1111., 1:10. :tit, lot
9; brick block( p;avinu and
curbing cost, :1:1.63: inter-
est at 6 per cont, ':Ic: ex-
tra expense at 2 per cent,
79c; total 10 71
Fannie S. T onner, 1 nib. t I;11•b
imp. Lb. :Ad d., 1110. 10, lot
10; brick block paving and
curbing cost, $66.32; in0•r-
est at 6 per cont, dso; ex-
tra expense at 2 per cent,
$1.31; total 66 1::
Fannie S. i'onner, 1)ub. Harb,
Imp. Co. .\dd., 1110. 30, lot
11; ht•ick Block paving and
curbing cost, $86.50; inter-
est tit 6 per cent, 6:3c; ex-
tra expense at 2 per cent,
$1.73: total 88 86
.1. V. hiller, 1)111). }lard. Iurp,
Co. :Add., 1:10. 30, lot 12;
brick block paving ;111(1
curbing cost, $113.87; in-
terest at 6 per cent, %3c;
extl•0 expense :at _ per
cent, 2,26; total 116 1.18
.1. V. Eider, Stab. 11 Dub
Harb. Imp. Co. Add., 1310
30, lot 1; brick block. pav-
ing and curbing cost,
$151.03; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.11; extra expense
at 2 per cent, $3.03; total 155 17
J. V. Rider, Sub. 1 of 14 Dub.
Harb. Inip. Co. Adds, 1110.
10, lot 1; brick block pav-
ing and curbing cost,
$238.73; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.75; extra expense
at 2 per cent, $4.78; total 245 26
•City of Dubuque, Sub. 1 of
15, Dub. Harb. Imp. Co.
Add., Blk. 30, lot 1; brick
bloc]paving and curbing
cost, $203.17; interest at
is per cent, I. 10• (611;1
expense :11. 2 per cent,
;•.1.(r)(: t' 111(111111:1101;w. 'll1,. 1 ul'
16, 1!111,, 11:1(11. inlp. ('n,
_\1111., 1:11:. ::0, Int 1;
010(1: p:llinpg : nal enrl,ing.
cost, $! 61.52; interest (1
6 per cent, 61._11; ,x110 ex -
pens,. ;11 - per 1•enl. $:;.21I:
•1. V, I:111,1. SIM. 1 of 17,
1)1(1,. Hari). Imp. ('o, Add.,
Int 1; 1lriel: 111,1,0
paving :mil cutting 01st,
S5:r.7:1, interest ;it 6 p,•1
,1(l• 4 0.; ..Ua (xpen.s,
at _ 111.1 emit. 61.111; total
.1. V. I:1111 r, Sidi. _ of 17,
Ilnt,. 1l:irll.
Imp. ('u.
I:Ik. :10, lot 1; .1. V.
Sub. 2 of ls, 1,111,. 11010,
Imp. ('o., :611(1., 1:11:, :to,
Int 1; .1. V. Iti11,•1, Sul). Is
1,110, 11:11'11, imp.
I:I0. ::0, Int ; hili•] Hock
1(1 Ili:n ;11(11 enrhing. ,051,
illtere-1 :11 6 per
1'� til. :111•: ext1'1 .'\ P,'116('
;it 2 per 1•1•itt, 61.16;
•1. V. I;i1lel Nil,, 1 1(l 1!1
1(1;11, 11:1111, Inip. 1'1( .\1111.,
I :11.. ::0, 101 1 : .1. V. 1;i11er,
Mill. 11 111(11. I I1r0. In1p.
A,1d., 1:10. :10, lit 2;
Mich block: pacing :111(1
cost, $161.31; in-
terc,st. ;it 6 per cent, $IMI;
extra expels„ :It 2 per cell],
total 169 00
3. 11. Shields, Ind,. 1011.0
I nI 11. ('o. .6101., 1:10. 31,
lot 1: brick 010cic paving
1111 corhing cast, 6151.11:1;
inte1e61 al 6 p1•r (1,111,
$1.11: 0v1r:l expen.N'e ;11 _
per cent, $a.1(_; 10011 153 16
1•:11111)' 11 int r;i 1,r, 1(110.
!nip ('i. .\1111., 110. 27, 101
s: brick I,10e10 p;ivin;
; 111 curbing c06i, $1 10,47:
1111,1.1,61 :11 6 per rent, 60e;
exlrl exl,ense 1(t 2 per cent,
'!; 10011 113 -1 4
I:n1itt 1lint r: ger. Stift 1 0i
2(1 111th. 11;110. 1101. ('n
Add.. 1:11(. _6, tut I: 01 lel:
01oc1: ti:((111 1(1111
cost, 30.71; interest :II 6
per cent, 41c; extra ex-
pense ;1t 2 per (1,111, $1.1:1;
Hint r:Ig'1.1., Su). 16
1)110. 11:11 0. In1p. ('0. Add.,
1111;. ))6, 111; 1; brick blind:
paving and curbing. cost,
$106.88; interest al 6 pet
cent, 77c; extra expense
at 2 per cent, $2.13; total 109 78
Emily Hintrage', Sub. 17
I)ub. 1-Larb. Inip. ('o. :\dd.,
1110. 26, lot 1; 011(1: 010(0
208 73
16;1 01
61 16
71 .1
61 37
432 Regular Session, Oct. 19, 1916.
paving and curbing cost,
$164.52; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.20; extra expense
at 2 per cent, $3.29; total.
Emily Ifinti:ager, Sub. 1 of
16 Dub. I lar•h. Imp. Co.
Add., 111k. 26, lot 1; Emily
Hintrager, Sub. 1 of 15
Dub. Harb. Imp. Co. Add.,
BII:. 26, lot 1; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$73.52; interest at 6 per
cent, 54c; extra expense at
2 per cent, $1.48; total
Emily ! l int rages, Nub. 21
Duh. Itarl,. Im1,. co. Add.,
Blk. 26, lot 1; Emily Itin-
trager, Sub. • 22 I till,. hart).
Imp. Co. Add., Itlk. 26, lot
1; brick block paving and
curbing' cost, $73.52; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 54c;
extra expense at 2 per cent,
$1.48; total
Emily ffintrag'er, Sub. 23
Ind,. Vail). Imp. Co. Add.,
I;lic. , lot 1; brief( block
paving :And enrbln;; cost,
$164.52; interest at 6 per
rent, 81.20; extra eo;niutc•
at 2 per cont, $3.29; total..
Emily Ilintrager, ;tab. 24
Duh. Hart). Imp. co. Add.,
131k. 26, 101 1: }rick block
paving ;01.1 cushing cost,
.$211.76; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.57; extra expense
at 2 per cent, $4.28; total._
Plmily 11iiit,:ager, Duh. Ilarh.
Imp. co. Adel., Pik. 2G, lot
25; brick block paving and
curbing cost, $110.47; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 80c;
extra expense at 2 per cent,
$2.21; total
Emily 11 01 Iagni', Dub. Harb
Imp. cu. Add., Blk. 26, lot
26; brick block paving and
curbing cost, $81.81; in-
terest at r; per cent, GOc;
cal11) e\1ia nse nt 2 per
cent, $1.63; tot,il
Ainry l;. 1!allcr, Dub. Harb
11111). Co. Adel., Blk. 26, lot
27; brick block paving and
curbing cost, $56.24; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 42c;
extra expense at 2 per
cent, $ 1.1 2; total
Mary V. Haller, Dub. Harb
Imp. co. Add., Blk. 26, lot
28; brick block paving and
curbing cost, $41.55; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 32c;
extra expense at 2 per cent,
83c; total
Mary E. Haller, Dub. Harb
Imp. Co. Add., Blk. 26, lot
29; brick block paving and
curbing cost, $28.87; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 22c;
169 01
75 54
75 54
169 01
219 61
113 48
84 04
57 78
42 70
extra expense at 2 per cent,
58c; total 29 67
Mary E. Haller, Dub. Harb.
Imp. Co. Add., Blk. 26, lot
30; brick block paving and
curbing cost, $19.98; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 14c;
extra expense at 2 per cent,
39c; total 20 51
Emily Hintrager, ,Sub. 14
Dub. Harb. Imp. Co. Add.,
Blk. 26, lot 2; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$59.73; interest at 6 per
cent, 44c; extra expense
at 2 per cent, $1.19; total 61 3G
M. H. McCarthy, Sub. 13
Dub. 1 I:u•b. Imp. Co. Add.,
Blk. 26, lot 1; M. IV Mc-
Carthy, Sub. 2 of 13 Dub.
�Harl,. Imp, Co. Add., Blk.
26, Int 1; brief: block pav-
ing and curbing cost,
$164.52; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.20; extra expense
at 2 per cent, $3.29; total 169 01
M. 14. 7.1 '1'arthy, Sub. 12
1tub. 1Iai'b. imp. Co. .Adel.,
I;lk. 26, lot 1; M. 11. Mc-
Carthy, Sul,. 2 of 12 Dub.
Ila b. Imp. ('o. .Add., 131k.
26, lot 1; brick block pav-
ing and curbing cost,
$213.76; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.57; extra expcnsc
at 2 per cent, $4.28; total 219 61
M. I1. McCarthy, Dub. Harb.
Imp. Co. Add., Blk. 26, lot
11; brick block paving
and curbing. cost, $110.47;
interettt at 6 per cent, 80c;
extra expense at 2 per
cent, ti 2.21; total 113 48
M. 11. McCarthy, Dub. I-Iarb
Imp. ('o. Add., Blk. 26, lot
10; brick block paving and
curbing cost, $81.81; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 60c;
extra expense at 2 per
cent, $1.63; total 84 04
M. 1-7. McCarthy, 1)ub. Harb
Imp. Co. Add., I31k. 26, lot
9; brick block paving and
curbing cost, $56.24; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 42c;
extra expense at 2 per
cent, $1.12; total 57 78
M. H. McCarthy, Dub. Harb
Irnp. Co. Add., Blk. 26, lot
8; brick block paving and
curbing cost, $41.55; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 32c;
extra expense at 2 per
cent, 83c; total 42 70
M. H. McCarthy, Dub. Harb
Imp. Co. Add., Blk. 26, lot
7; brick block paving and
curbing cost, $28.87; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 21c;
extra expense at 2 per
cent, 58e; total 29 66
Regular Session,
Emily 1-lintrager, Dub. Harb,
Imp. Co. Add., B1k. 22, lot
24; .brick block paving and
curbing cost, '$81.81; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 60c;
extra expense at 2 pCr
cent, $1.63; total
City of. Dubuque, Dub. 1larb
Imp. Co. Add., 111k. 22, lot
25; brick block paving and
curbing cost, $110.47; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 80c;
extra expense at 2 per
cent, $2.21 ; total
City of Dubuque, Dub. Harb
Imp. ('o. :Acid., 11Ik. 22, lot
26; brick block paving and
curbing cn:=t, $213.76; in-
. 13; brick block paving and
extra expense at 2 per
cent, $4.2S; total
City of 1 Whipple, Dub. 1 -Zarb
Imp. ('o. .-Add., 11lk.22, lot
brick block paving and
curling cost, $1 64.52; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $1.20;
extra expense at 2 per
cent, $3.29; total
City- of Dubuque, 1)ub. I-Iarb
1111p. Co. Add., 131k. 22, lot
28; City of 1)nbnque, Dub.
Harb. Inip. Co. Add., l;lk.
22, lot 29; brick block pav-
ing and curbing cost,
$73.52; interest at 6 per
cent 54c; ext ra expense
at 2 per cent, $1.45; total
City- of Dubuque, Sub. 1 of
7 Dui). art). Imp. Co.
Add., 111k. 22. Iu1 1; brick
block paving and curbing
cost, $59.71; interest at 6
per cent, 41c•; extra ex-
pense at 2 per cent, $1.1 9;
City of .Dubuque, 1)ub. Harb.
Imp. Co. Add., .1;1k. 22, lot
8; brick block paving and
curbing cost, $164.52; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $1.20;
extra expense at 2 per
cent, $3.29; total
City of Dubuque, Dub. Harb
Imp. Co. Add., Itik. 22, lot
9; brick block paving and
curbing cost, $213.75; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $1.57;
extra expense at 2 per
cent, $4.28; total
City of Dubuque, Dub. Harb
Imp. Co. Add., Blk. 22, lot
10; brick block paving and
curbing cost, $110.47; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 80c;
extra expense at 2 per
cent, $2.20; total
City of Dubuque, Dub. Harb
Imp. Co. Add„ Blk. 22, lot
11; brick block paving and
curbing cost, $81.81; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 60c;
extra c:pense at 2 per
cent, $1.63; total
City of Dubuque, Dub. Harb.
Imp, ('o. Add., 131k. 22, lot
12; brick block paving and
curbing cost, $56.24; in -
84 04 terest at 5 per cent, 42c;
extra c^.pense at 2 per
cent. $1.13; total
City of Dubuque, Dub. 1I:•b
Imp, Co. Add., 131k. 22, lot
12; brick block paving and
curbing, cost, $41.55; in -
113 48 terett ;tt 6 per cent, 32c;
extra eypense at 2 per
cent, ,sac; total
M. 1-1. \Ic(':u•tlty, Sub. 2 of 6
1-.11b. Hari). irt,,, Co. Add.,
111k. 22. lot 1; Al. 11. Me-
Carth. Soh. 1 of. 5 Ind).
219 61 11011). Imp. Co. .-Add., Mk.
92, lot 1; brick block pav-
ing and curbing cost,
873.5' interest at 6 per
cent, 5.1c; extra expense at
2 per cent, $1.48; tot::I 75 54
\l. 11. 11ct', rthy, Sub. -1 Dub
169 01 i-iarb. Imp. Co. Add., 111k
22, lot 1; brick • block pav-
ing and curbing cost,
$164.52; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.20; extra expense
at 2 per cent, $3.29; total169 01
Al. H. McCarthy, Sub. 3 Dub.
Harb. 1111p. ('o. Add.,. 111k.
22, lut 1; M. I1. McCarthy,
75 54 Sub. 2 of 3 Dub. Har). Imp.
Add., -111k. 22, lot 2;
brick block paving 1)101
curbing. cost, $213.75; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $1.57;
extra expense at 2 per
cent, $4.2S; total 219 60
City of Dubu ue, Public
61 36 Square; brick block paving
and curbing cost, $2331.96;
interest at 6 per cent,
$17.11; extra expense at 2
per cent, $46.63; total 2395 70
1)ub. Star Brew'g Co., Dub
Harb. Imp. Co. Add., Blk
169 01 Pts. lot 13; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$238.73; interest at 6 per
cent, .$1.76; extra expense
at 2 per cent, $4.78; total245 27,
Dub. Star Brew'g Co., 1)ub
Harb. Imp. Co. Add., Blk
5, Pts. lot 12; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$164.51; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.21; extra expense
at 2 per cent, $3.29; total169 01
'Dub. Star Brew'g Co., llub.
Harb. Inip. Co. Add., Blk.
113 47 5, Pts. lot 11; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$73.51; interest at 6 per
cent, 55c; extra expense at
2 per cent, $1.48; total .... 75 54
Dub. Star Brew'g Co., Dub.
8.1 04
J, 79
42 70
219 60
434 Regular Session, Oct. 19, 1916.
H:u•h. 1 u 111. Co, .\ 116., l tl l:.
5, 11S, Mol 10; brick block
pny111g and curbing cost,
$79.51; interest at 6 per
cent, 55c; extra expense nt
2 per cent, $1.48; 'total ...- 75 51
1)rb. star Iircw'g Co., 1)111).
I-iart). Imp. Co. .\del., 131k.
I'ts. lot 9; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$190.28; interest at 6 I,• r
cent, $1.99; extra expense
2 per cent, $3.81; total.. 195 .l,x
D11h. Star T3rew'g Co., 1)nh.
Hail). imp. Co. Add., 1311:.
I'ls. lot 8; bride block
paving and curbing cost,
$239.0:3; interest at G per
cent, $ 1 . 7 2; extra expense
01 .2 111.1 rent, :? I66: t(1:11 299 41
I (Oh. Star I :r(•vr'; t'c., ! )1;1).
Maul). 11111,, CO. :Add., 1111:.
1'ts. lot 7; brick block
paining and curbing cost,
5262.:10; indene:1 al 6 per
cent, 81.1.2; e:a ra expense
al 2 per rent. .`,15.25: total-- 269 47
Ilan,. 1(0 p. c'0. .\d11., 11111.
1:,1 6: hricic block
Irl' and cnrl,i1('': cost,
SlGti.112; 'Mere: t :11 6 per
cent, $1.11: exlrr o:10.1180
ai 2 11ei. cent, .; ; total 160 28
nth. ::t1 11,:.1 x'„ 1'r., 1)t:b.
11ei it. lint,. Co. Add.. 11111.
111 5; I,! i,•k Merl: )roving
:'0,1 in, ri,i.ug rest $120.36;
interest ;ti t, Iter cent, MSc;
extra e" hoose :11 2 per
cent. :.2.11: total 123 G5
1101,. :'int 1;0(.00-',2 1'0., 1)1b,
11;1 r1 11111,. 1'11, Add.,
I(1. 16; brut: block pav-
an:; :1011 curbing cost,
$156.02; interest ;11 6 per
cent, $1.11; exirn expense
nt 2 Muer cent, $3.12; total_. 160 28
Ind,. star ;11•evV')• c'0., 1)11).
'!art,. 111111. co. Add., 1311:.
6, I'Is. lot 17; brick block
paving and cni'hing cost,
$262.30; interest at 6 per
cord, 8192; e811'1). expense
at. 2 per cent, $5.21; total269 46
1)111). stew 11row'h ('o., 1)01),
Ilarb. i111p. Co. Add., i1IIc.
6, 1'18. lot 18; hricic (410(1:
1)aving and C1111111ln (.ost,
$2:;3,0:3; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.72; extra expense
act. 2 per cent, 81.66; total239 41
Star 1 tre\Ce. c'0., Ind).
Dar)), Imp. co. .\d,l., ,11111.
6, I'ts. lit 19; brick bloc•.11
paving and curbing cost,
$190.28; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.:311; extra expense
at 2 per cent, $3.81; total195 48
Dub. Star Ilrow'g Co., Dub.
I1:u'b. i111p, Co. .8d1., 131k.
6, l'ts. 101 20; 1(ab. Star
13re\v'g Co., 111th. !Earl).
Imp. Co. Add., I3Ik, 6, Pts,
lot 21; brick block paving
and curbing cost, $133.24;
i01er0s1 at 6 per cent, 98c;
extra expense at 2 per r
cent, 2.66; total 136 88
1)iih. Star 1lrew'g Co., 1101)
Ilnrl). 1011). Co. .-\dd., 1111:
I'ts. lot brick block
and curbing cost,
1 .2•:1; interest at 6 per
,•111. s I.:1•1; extra expense
eat, $3.N1; total195 49
1)ul. Star Ih•c•w'g Co., Dub
imp, c'0, .A1111., 1311:,
6, Pis, lot 2 ; brick block
paving :end curbing cost,
$293.01; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.72: extra expense
at 2 per cent, $1.66; total239 42
I)nb. Naar I1rew'g 1'0., I)t:h
'Marl). Imp. Co. .\lid., 1111:
6, 1'to. lot 21; brick block
1u)Ving an11 curbing cost,
$"(t".:11; interest at 1) per
cent, $1.92; extra, cxp,f)se
at 2 per cent, $5.24: total269 47
Dub. and Dunleith Drdg. Co.,
Dart). imp. ('0, Add.,
111(4. 6, 1'ts. lot 1; 'wick
block pa1ing and curbing
cost, $190.D9; interest at 6
per cent, $1.39; extra ex-
pense at 2 per cent, $3.8 1 ;
total 195 49
Dub. and Dunleith 111.11g. Co.,
Dub. Harb. Imp. Co. .8dd.,
11111. 6, I'ts. lot 2; brick
block paving and (11rhirg
cost, $299.04; interest •at 6
per cent, •$1.72; extra ez_
1)cnse at 2 per cent, $1.116;
total 239 42
Doh. and 1)unleitIt 111•dg,
l )u(4. 1-1:11•1). 11111). 1'0• Add -
131k. 6, Pts. lot :3; brick
block- paving and curbing'
cost, $262.31; interest at 6
per cent, 1.92; extra ex-
pense :it 2 per cent, $5.24;
total 269 47
1)111. and 1)cmleith Drdg. Co.,
Dub. .Hart). Imp. Co. Add.,
13111, 6, lot 4; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$156.03; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.14; extra expense
at 2 per cent, $3.12; total160 29
Dub. and Dunleith Drdg. Co.,
Dub. Harb. In)p. Co. Add.,
Dlk. 6, lot 5; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$120.37; interest at 6 per
cent, 88c; extra expense
at 2 per cent, $2,41; total123 66
Dub. and Dunleith Brdg. Co.,
Dub. Harb. Imp. Co.' Add.,
Bik. 6, lot 6; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$88.01; interest at 6 per
cent, 65c; extra expense at
Regular Session, Oct. 19, 1916.
2 per cent, $1.76; total ..
Dub. and Dunleith Brdg. Co,
Dub. Harb. Imp. Co. Add,'
I31k. 6, lot 7; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$28.18; interest at 6 per
cent, 21c; extra expense at
2 per cent, 56c; total
Dub. and Dunleith Brdg.
Dub. Barb. Imp. Co. ,\dd.,
131k. 3, lot 1: Dub. ,' Dun-
leith Brdg, Co., 1)ub, Harb.
Imp. Co. Add., Blk. 3, 1'ts.
lot 2; brick block pa vi ng
and curbing cost, $338.42;
interest at 6 per cent,
$2.48; extra expense at 2
Per cent, $6.76; total
J. H. lthnncherg, Dub. Harb
Tncp. co. Ad(1., 131k. 3, Pts
lot J. H. ltliouibcrg,
Itnl.). 1Farb. 1 h p. Co. Add.,
111k. 3, 1'is. lot 4; brick
Flock paving and curbing
cost, $609.52' interest at 6
per cent, $4.48; extra ex-
pense :it 2 per cent, $12.19;
J. H. I3hnmberg, Dub. Harb.
Intp. Co. .\del., Blk. 3, lot
5; brick block paving and
curbing cost, $250.52; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $1.84;
extra expense at 2 per
cent. $5.02; total
1)ub. Star lirctv'g c'o.. 1)11h
Barb. ling. Co. Add., Bil:
3, lot i;; bride block pacin_
an ; ciu Bing cost. $ 1 65.91 ;
interest at 6 per cent,
$1.22; extra expense at 2
per cont, $3.32; total
90 42
28 95
347 66
626 19
"57 38
170 45
M. H. McCarthy, Sub. 2 of
30 1 bili. l-I:u'b. Imp. Co.
Add., . 1311. 22, lot 1; brick
block paving and curbing
cost, $59.7:3; interest at 6
per cent, 4 t '; extra ex-
pense at 2 per cent, $1.19;
total ....-.- - 61 36
M. 11. Tlcc':crthy, Sill,. 2 of
31 Dub. 1 -barb. Tim.. Co.
Add., P>Ik 22, lot 1; M. H.
McCarthy, Sub. 31 Dub.
1l:u h. Imp. Co. Add., Blk.
22, lot 1; brick block pav-
ing and curbing cost,
$164.52; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.20; extra expense
at 2 per cent, $3.29; total.. 169 01
M. H. McCarthy, Sub. 2 of
52 Dub. l Farb. Imp. Co.
Add., Blk. 22, lot 1; M. H.
McCarthy, Sub. 32 Dub.
Harb. Imp. Co. Add., Blk.
22, lot 1; brick block pav-
ing and curbing cost,
$213.76; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.57; extra expense
at 2 per cent, $4.28: total.. 219 61
M. II. McCarthy, Dub. Harb.
Imp. Co. Add., Blk. 22, lot
33; brick block paving and
curbing cost, $110.47; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 80c;
extra expense at 2 per
cent, $2,20; total ..............
M. H. McCarthy-, Bub. Harb. 113 47
Imp. Co. Add., 131k. 22, lot
:34; brick block paving and
curbing cost, $81.81; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 60c;
extra expense at 2 per
cent, $1.63; total 84 04
M. FT. McCarthy, Dub. I-Tarb
Imp. Co. Add., 131k. 22, lot
35; brick block paving and
curbing cost, $27.97; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 21c;
extra expense at 2 per
cent, 55c; total 28 73
Total $22862 54
10621.8 sq. yds. brick paving
on a reinforced concrete
foundation at $1.95 $20712 51
4405 lin. ft. new cement curb
at 35c 1541 75
Extra expense 445 08
Interest :c.t 6 per cent 163 20
Total $22862 54
All of which is assessed in propor-
tion to the special benefits conferred.
Adopted October 19th, 1916.
Approved October 20th, 1916.
Attest: .T. J. SHEA,
City Recorder.
Ald. Mci..aughlin moved the adop-
tion of the resolution. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLattglilin, Plamondon, Strobel,
Ald. Callahan moved to adjourn.
Adopted C
.7. J. SHEA,
City Recorder.
�`{ ,1916.
itt List of Warrants.
List of City Warrants
1)tilinti11e, Iowa.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque.
Gentlenien: The following is a com-
plete list of all warrants issued by
nie during. the month September,
Salaries for .1916.
James Saul, Thoot. $116 65
Gen. O. \‘'ybrant, TI•00.01101'133 30
Otto F. Lids, 1,01)1.11y 108 33
L. P. 11-.0111'1111:i (1, Clerk 80 00
Cyril 1). Lagen, .\tolitor 116 65
car] (1. \\'eg1:111, I minit y 88 33
.1. 1.Siu,N, )tecorder 11.6 65
Peter 1:ies, Depitly 93 33
Fred .1. 114.11 Stiq .tiS01125 00
Htitry Gleason, Deputy 100 00
prank1<11111101111Y. I leputy 100 00
Alai hew 11. ttorn(\ 150 00
.Matt hew coonev, Attor-
ney 105 00
Mary czizele, 20 00
E. .1. Aft:8:1111y. Engin. -1. 166 65
Alherl I111l, \ s.1. Engineer._ 60 00
Walter cullen, Asst. Engineer 125 00
J. J. Ityon, Rodman 75 00
Jos. 81(.111110er, .\sst. Engineer 95 00
John W. Lawler, committee
John 'Mahoney, Street Com_ 100 (0)
missioner 80 00
C. J. :\leCartIty. Market Artis-
ter 65 00
Thos. 11:11.1:ney, l'otind Master 45 00
IIs. 11. 1:0enig, Janitress
_lir. E. Health 70 00
officer 50 00
I It to No11111111111, Sanitary Offi -
C4.1. 75 00
Dr. I,. ,1. l<1enne(ly, Meat and
11111: Inspector 85 00
Ed. loarrel, .\ mind:inc( 1)ri1er 80 00
Jas. Lynch, Nvitarr master GO 00
*Louis I llaniondon, .\ Merman
First \\a id 25 00
.1. .1. :McLaughlin, .8111ertnan
Second 88111r(1 25 00
Chas. lis .\ltletntan Third
\Vard 25 00
.T. 11. \\'allis, .\Itlernian
Fourth Ward 25 00
E. E. frit li Alderman Eictll
25 00
Thos. I1 a 11111111, .81derman-
25 00
John 5 Strobel, .\ Merman-al-
.... 25 00
John chief or Police125 00
Geo. Ileynolls, for injuries
20 00
Amanda Beyer, compensation
labor law
35 08
Police Payroll Last Half August, 1916.
Edward Brunskill $ 34 30
Michael tIonnolly 34 30
James Corcoran 34 30
34 30
John Cody
\icholas flampbell 27-37
William Carroll 34
Thomas Cain 34 50
41 71.
'rhos. Connolly 34
Philip Dunphy
Wrn. Dolan 36 75
Thomas Duggan 34 28
Edward Daily 31 85
Pat rick Fury 41 77
34 30
John Fox
3434 30
James Flynn
Michael Fogarty
Theo. Ganahl 34 30
34 30
Ben Gray
John linne 36 61
John Kilby 31 85
29 68
John Kopp
6 58
34 30
Cat ii(]: Kenneally
34 30
Itarney Ludescher
Henry Mueller
34 30
llugh :Markey
Alfred Noel 31 85
John O'Brien 39 20
Michael O'Connor 41 83
.8) 1(101(1 Ryan 31 98
(ti)s Raterman 34 30
T110111115 Reilly
Joseph Stoltz :3i64 63?
Patric]. Sullivan 39 25
lien]) is Sheehan 34 3)1
John Spielman 34 30
Thomas Sweeney
Vred S,yler 39 20
36 61
Ci.ed Spielman 36 75
t 11.11.1es Truher 34 30
Prank Williams 3) 30
Miss II. Brennan :4 30
Mrs, K. Hibbe
34 30
Ed Wa IA VOtiberg
40 0
P0]11 Pension Fund Regained 29 680
Fire Payroll Last Half August, 1916.
J. Reinfried
D. Ahearn $ 61 75
Wm. Hiprnan 49 00
M. Eitel 4705
. Hee49 00
.•\. McDonnell
Ar 30
1'. Zillig 43 62
N. Wagner 39 20
T. Kennedy
E. Motch 39 20
39 20
.1, Noonan 39 20
E. Wernett 39 20
J. Flynn 33 00
H. cain
T. It\ -der 42 15
43 62
Wm Smit li 43 62
39 20
M. Kelley
. Murphy 39 20
.1, Rooney 39 20
It. Tierney 32 35
J. Walsh 37 25
Q. Gehrke
J. Kepp39 20
ler 37 25
J. Smith 42 15
Wm. McClain
L. Benzer 43 62 39 20
J. Daugherty
If, Woodward 32 35
37 25
M, Sweeney 39 20
.1. McGloughlin 39 20
39 20
1'. Apel
Wm. Kennedy
A. 1ircwer
\Vtu. Ityan
1.. Arthofer
P, 1lan'ket'
I'. :\leNlanus
Win. I lucey.
I:. AlcDermott
F. l enneallt-
T. (')hien
12. Weston
JI. Fahey
11, Kenneally
J. Allen
.1. Connelly
11. 1::ItVson ._
.1. fioshin
P. Kirch
Pension h'In111 I:et;line,l_
11. 1.tist, Sub
1`. 1.0nerz an, N1111
11, I1ull, Stilt
.E. Staf'f'ord. Stilt
1>uhnllnc. 111., `e)). Till,
I'o the Honorable Mayor and c'il,•
Council of 1lie city of 1 (I 1 1110":
Gentlemen: 1 herewith s 11110)1
payrolol for Labor on Streets in 111,
Various Road Districts of the
Dubuque for the last lollf of .August.
Al. :Aelcerer, arc) s 1; 1,,I
.1. lit iich, 21111 _ (10
.1. 1i1'oi.k et", :il'd
G. Iilll'netl, ..I'll'
(i, Burnett, fire ne
Ti. I;irnel'. 4111 2,.6 n„
I:. I:irner. •Ith
(1. lirantprt, 5th 6 e,l
c. I;uelotV 5111 11 2I
.1. Cahill, :ir(1 2!) Ie
T. Cahill, healthII„
G. Davis, 1-5 each 30 00
S. I:ustac'e, 4th 8 SS
J. 14herb;) 1.1. :1111 8 00
1I. Engle, 1-5 each 30 0))
P. Goodman, 2nd . 12 00
H. Glass, 211(1 4 00
M. Giulinbien, 5th 25 32
\. (; ntinhien, 5th 16 00
H. (;;ally, 5th 14 60
Geo. hind 32 50
M. Frick, 31'd 7 52
\I. Flick. 4th 2 00
91. I,'lic k, 4th 3 60
\ .h"cost, 4th 26 00
c. I''rohs, 5th 7 76
G. Frost, 2nd 32 fin
J. Keliey, 4th 6 00
(C• Kupperschmit, 5th 16 00
J. Koch, 1-5 each 22 00
T. Lonergan, 2nd 26 88
H. Lang, 5th 6 88
J. Maus, 4th 4 88
71. 'Martin, 4th 6 00
('. McDonald, 2nd 28 00
11. McCaffery, 2nd 30 00
S. Oppelt, 1-5 each 22 011
P. :Royce, 4th 13 76
List of Warrants.
39 20 .1. 1:yan, 20 l
39 20 'N. Spies, 3rd 32
34 30 i2
S. Nehultz, and
34................ 2r 0
30 \V'. �pon::Ity. 4th _............
39 20 I,. selneider, 51h 1 10
34 30 .1. Fle;'1'e,� 5th 6 60
12 44
32 3.5 \\ hne,. .1111
12 1 I'. :iehetgnn, 31,1 .. .. _.. .
3' 511
I inner. :'rrl
.1:1 \. illinnl'1; Ile
\\ s, 211,I..-..
_ 11 ; •. - l li 011
\1',�rtrn. 2n�1
IL 1:. c %iuln,.!
l, lu
lun;l, _1111 2 1)11
V. %i, : '0,1
6!:I 6- A1. .1,01:, 1 , It 27 8
.,',1 -�1 11. 11:11(1v,10,. 21(1 1:1
21111, uun•a 11a n1 I 111
I Ge
.1. Icoru,l. -Itll, brie):
' On
l :;n A!. 11:1nn00, 21-1 _
2 I , .I. 1.enerLi;ln, 4th, ^01•0 !1
;!1 "'I I. .Aie(,rI0, 1111 1 00
1 2 1 . �ilIrrin, lire .._ .I
I' Se ),)ember 7111. 1!116.
2,2 1111 '1 111,• Ilnnclrahl.• \I1IVor ;111J cis
ne enneil of the city of 1/1001(111e:
19 1111 1leuticnu•n: 1 herewith submit my
1'11 6. Ir1l•\Yr(111 (ur spl inhlin•: )111) =tVeepinr
ie II!, c'itV of 1'ohn,lne for the las)
rIi "1' .\n nsl, 1916:
.1. 7!,-1'ulliur. 22m1 w 70 95
\i. .. -!;11... :'10 1-6, 1111 5-6 .-_ rS 20
I.. -Aiolo, 211,1, 4111 66 1111
C101,11 11111 I•:leell'ic Co., 1st, 9'
2101 1a'.• 3rd 21)',. -Ith 5',,,
5111 1.13 75
1.. I.::, Il, 1st, 21111. :0.0, 411151 9`;
C. \;SII \\i,'. I:1, 21111 :11 65
1j 11' \10:.1-;1. ).til e01111(y, 1-2,
1111 1-_ 2
1 1 nll,i -
- . h1., September 7111. 1916.
1'.. the Honorable \livor :111)1 city
,'cllatei1 of the city of Dubuque:
tleatletnen: 1 herewith submit my
payroll for labor on sewers for the
Last half of August, 1916:
E. Schaller 4 22 00
\\ Hennessey 26 00
\V-. Coughlin 23 10
11. cat'ney 20 00
r \\ B1u'kc 28 00
.1. Tobin 28 60
1.'. 1111sch 24 00
T. 13annig 28 00
T. .Hind 28 00
('. ltusch 4 50
H. Carney 9 00
1'. Sullivan 37 50
Bill 14.
Geo. D. AV"ybrant, 'Treasurer,
interest $500 00
Geo, D. \\'yIii'aut, Treasurer,
interest 422 50
Geo. D. Wyb111111, Treasurer,
miscellaneous 380 83
('aroline Gonner, loan warrant 500 00
John C. Baynes, loan warrant 500 00
John 1'. Baynes, loan warrant 500 00
Barbara Pecker, loan warrant 500 00
E. T. Frith, health 500 00
1,1. T. Frith, health 318 74
1E. T. Frith, health 500 00
E. T. Frith, health 360 23
List of Warrants.
C. E. McNamara & Co., 2nd
ward road fund
C. 13. McNamara. & Co., 3rd
ward toad fund
11. McNamara & Co., grad-
ing Atlantic avenue
Thos. Lee, grading McEvoy
Thos. Lee, grading alley be-
tween lthomberg and Lin-
coln avenues and 9th and
10th avenues 15
Ed. Tibey, grading Burns St97
Ed. Ruff, inspector 2S
Tom konneally, inspector 28
:John Stomm, inspector 30
Pat McInerney, inspector 4
1'. Kearney, inspector 16
Harry Loosen, inspector 4
McIntosh. 5 pm. cent re-
tained on sewer in Jackson
street from 24th to 25th
st rept
Jas. I,. Lee, 5 per cent re-
tained on improving Madi-
son street 1\ -
t'ota, ',y1110 and 10111, expense 50
C, 11. McNninara & Co., 5 per
cent retained 61 92
McNomara & Co., 5 per
cent retained 47 69
1'0111. Co., 5 per cent
retained 39 95
(tto. Ilaverland, 4th road 94 75
N..1. Skitter. 4th road 17 00
Jas. Saul, mayor, bathing
beach 2290
Fire l'avroll for First Half of Sept-
ember, 191(1.
.1. 1:.cinfried
1). \iiparn
M. Nite1
A. A1(.1)0111101
I'. '/.Wig
.N. Wagner
T, Kennedy
F. Motseh
.1. Noonan
.1. l'Iynn
Wm. Smith
.M. Kelley
.1. Rooney
.1. keppier
:I. Smith
.1. 1:,
\\'. Meclain
H. Woodward
M. Sweeney
J. llenzer
J. McGloughlin
W. Kennedy ..............................
P. Apel
W. Ryan
250 00
SS 40
200 00
GO 00
20 62
0 0
35 00
A. Brewer
L .\rthofer 24 00
35 00
J. Ale:Manus
\V. Duct'Y 42 00
E. 1<.entically 40 00
4400 Oct01
T. t 7' I Irien
E. :McDermott
It. Weston 42 On
Al. Pa hey 40 00
43 00
H. Nemically
40 00
.J. :Bon
J.. Connelly 40 00
\V. AlcYcl's 35 1)0
II. I tawson 35 00
It. Itoshin
W. 1:annolt 42 00
E. Ba1110)7:1 '10> 40 00
i'. Nirch _1(1)) (0)(1:
:M. Leist, Sub. 32 00
.1. StalTord, Sub. 8 65
Jo. Lonergan
2 (
11. 111111, Sul>. :121 t))::
.1. Anglin I 2
Police, Payroll First I I a 1 f September,
1:ilward Itrunskill
::33 57 t.11(51
James Corcoran
M UTha el Connolly
-John Cody
Nicholas Campbell :35 00
William Carroll
Thomas Cain :::311,.i.1; 4,;;I::(,,
l'hos. Connolly :: 3"
1!) ;
Philip Dumpliy
Dolan ::; '7 (5'
Thomas Duggan 27 00
Edward Daily
James Elynn 32 50
35 00
Pat rick lour'
40 00
John Pox
Theo. Danahl
Alichael Fogarty
11(11 Dray 3537 0))3r
37 35
Jolla Kane :37 35
John Kopp
John [DIV ::4375 3050
3: no- 1.110
11scher 33 6
54 0(5)
ltenry :Mueller
I i uh :A
gla rkey
\17((l Noel :3355 0000
John D'I',11,11
:Michael connor
:Michael Lynn 4236 65
(111s Ita tel•nian 3455 0305
Stoltz..l'lohs(t"::1111eill-:3395 6050
35 0
Patrick Sullivan
John Spiela
Dennis Sheehanmn 3 00
4 030050
Thomas Sweeney :475
Prod Sevier
Fred Spielman 3420 6050
Frank ‘Villiam35 005
C '17
has. ruher 3 iss 11. Brennan
Mrs. K. Hibbe 3 7 3
7 5
Ed. Vosber40g 3355 000000
Dubuque, Ia., September 21, 1916.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
payroll for labor on streets In the
various road districts of the City of
List of Warrants.
1 )111:11,11.1( for the first lialfSeillet:11):1..
1 9 1 (I:
.I. 1 Itis(,11, 211(1 I. 1!),ir, li,. i. ,, '2 1 oil
(I. I 111rrn,tt, :int $ Ii 10 t)t.1)111. i,•111i,;11i.s. 111',1 1
1/ r t• :2
1.1 1 1,6
11. 1:ii'll(•1', 11 11 ', 10 ) i. 1.,,,•?). HI. 1,, t,,r 10 00
. . 9
(()1.)el, 1st P,:; .. , .
I'. V., :),•11,•. ill•-•), ,.1,,r 00
T. Clillill, lie:: 11 It 2 I 110 , ;,: 1h ',11,1-ii.,10 no
.1. Cahill, :1r(1 I !I 112 .1,01111 1-11, [mi.. li. j...•1..1. 1111 (1(1
I.;. 1)(.:,111 011(1. 21111 1 — c.11:.. \Ian, 1 •:11,,Thi , :)0
(;. 1 );) \ is, I-, (-ah 2" .1:01)1) k.,•all, II, -1, (10
.--',, 1•:11slaee, Ill) 00 c. 1:. .\.l,
1 ,. i•;w2,1e, 1 -.:-: 1,;1(.11 11P, 11'.1 ,-,1 I ,', 1 , '.1, ,1".11,11 . 1'2,, (111
1,. Vril•h, :',1',1
..: W.4 I I I H i I 11..til :2•111 1,,
\\ ill. 1.1(,,l, 1111 . :11.-1 :-.111, 1
1.. .wi
1,,;.... 1,,, . ...i ..... \1(•11..,,\•
1;,.., . 12 .11)
1., .....1\ ,,\ :"4,:l 111 II..
' 1,,
I . illtd. 1'11 : ,1 .11
1 '.2!1 ...j.1,1 17 I 1
1 ,
1 i‘,..•'' '
-\\''. Coughlin
11. Carney .
\\*. iliirho
.1. Tobin
(0111 1'.
'I'. Ilird
2 NO
List of Warrants.
ti1:1111:I111 ('11 1'0., lir,• 9 10
.A„11 ('o., lir,. 1 25
1'0., lir, 20 50
.(01111 ..\',\cullin ,\ tion, lir,• 1 111
\V'. 1 ). I t<,•k,rl ('„., lirl• 1. 00
Philip I'I r."•II• lir,• 1
.11:1\\•1:tV',• 1:911,0 Co., 1110 55 10
l'' y,'7,1' IroO AV'o'le,, lire 50
11,1 1 ,l1; 1;11111„•1'
fir,. 1.i 7(1
I )01,0,10. Iinl,lu•1' ,\ (:,•Ilio
'„.. 1, 1 '2.1 7 5
1--11911• -A111„ Co., lir, 1 50
I;, Ilillnll .G .A(IIIb((, lir, 1 :15
,111111,10, (;III,(„r R- 1:,I11Og
V'o11,1,11,i,1, r R 11,10, 1'11, 5 50
11111,06((1 1:01)1,(er ,A. 11,11ing
Co., lir,•
,\. .1. II;,1'1itt, lir, - _ .15
in10.0110, 1; 01,1,1 1' X 1 tilling
Co., lir •• 511
1111111' I:11l,1 -' ,A 1s11ling
('0., lir, .. 5 10
11'. A!. .I;I,pr,r ,'0 lir, ._ ; I:,
1',1.r.-904 , ' ,'9 I'iil'itter,
1111 (',,., (Ii- -.- :1 77
i,01(.rh,11t, fire 16 (0
.1. 1'. Ilio R 111'„.1 lir, 1 511
'1'. V. kion-, lir, .1:11 6
'1'. I•'. 14:111,, 7,'0',• 15-1 20
Ioll,ullu, .I,9r,911til, ('o., lire.. 10 30
'I'ii ~1:011 ul„ ('u„ (i1', 1.1 0:'
\00.1'1,1111-I.;I 1"1.011„ I''ir, Ca.,
111'1 2 19
I„vva- '11,1,ph„11, ('„ poli,,,
iir, 111111 ,\p1n0,' -12 67
1111) (190 1'0., polit9t.
1111 ,vI,1II '- I 25
(,•V 1'ily. (;;10 ('0., 0,10,, lir,
;1111 exp0110,' 69 80c. .I, .A1,1'11rtlIc, 1,011„ 6 121(5'.\. .1, („n1':, 11„11„ 2.1 25
1,. .\. \\':11,11, '0110.1' 1 .till
.1. .(1 11111.1 111;11„• , 05
1'111„11 1-:1,1.1 Pic 1'u•, poll,'''
1 :l(1
'119•111t \\'ir1' \\'orlc0, 1,o1i0, ._- 6 31)
1':irhh„rn ,A Ili -Hitt -1, p01i,1' 7 15
\V'. 1'. I:;,11nir;110,1', 1,0110,' 1 1 77
.1. AV', (11,1110, poli„
22 65
'I'I'I (I:II, AO, Co., poli„ 2-
lo11n (r -"
l (' „., poll.,
39 60
\V. I.. (1t, \v, boli„
-1 '15
\111(11% ',(,101' ('o,, p011,•,. 17 00
11 77,,
P. ;
( „Wit .\;ote,..,
..\."< 41:1)1N.1 \CV,.
INANcl: ([11.\\c,i TH1,
Al 1.1 (01[' 1"1:1.\1(INT
il 01411[111,d i)v Ho' 1'11
the City of
Thi: 1.
Hood \\(.1111..1..a4,,I •
11 L., 0 d
o!' 111, I.
lir 1,11,i l• H.
prop).1.1 y 1 i1(. ()[
rept v,-11,.re t.
1110 ':1 emit
7o,r,:;, sante to he -
the prooert- Itg.:111y to :1
1)04)4 upon :Ind along- said
.And that there is plat and [-Ho-d-
uly on tile in the office of the CO
Recorder of said City of 1/111111,1110,
shoxving the street in whirl] said
in-iproventent Was wade and the sep-
arate lots and parcels or 0.1.011101
specified portions thereof subject to
assessment for scch i1t1provci4i..111 the
name of the owner thereof as far as
practicable and the :11000n1 to be fit:-
sessod against' each lot or parcel of
ground, which plat and sehodule are
stihject to public inspection.
And that any and :111 persons ob-
jecting. to said special 14444('4.14410011t 40'
to said plat most tile his or their 01)-
1 14 -writing wills the 1;e -
corder of said City or -1)111ugo, 011 or
beforo said session or the City Coun-
cil to be 'held Thursday, 4 (ctol0c4. 1 9tli,
1 1 (.4, or to appear at said session of
the Connell to show cause, if any you
have, -why said '-tssessment should not
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, October
Gth, 1916. .T. SI ,
1063t City 1tecorder.
44 1
([00 440 1ooli.e.
,„ i .• •
l'0011''0 1•:10,,, 0. \• y(oll
1):1 1,4 ;i1 1)01010114., (1,loher
h. 144141. .1..1. ;411
(-)-44-444 City 1:0(.order,
1)11'i(•i44l Notice.
(41,' SPI.:(1.\ I, .\
her).hy 000,[1 1,, 1)11 eon-
:-..pocial 1)4.,-,[4411,,,ot
11(04. 011441 15,4- .k4 il1 10.1 414
s(s44io0of 111). Cit \ il 111144444
of rtuloi,111e, 104101, to I.,. 11,1.1 Thurs-
day, October I91h.H
-ie,. p0..
[ for
impro‘itm rh ourtslr4 1,:\!,,144ion
from the (.ast rail of the Chicago,
ronlingt on 44 11111111. 1 [.:1,1:s, 111..
(.(1)1 of said m, \,111,111.11
k . con4r:If•11,1.44.
,\lllollnl (14 sp1.,-;„4
$22.s6.2.5 4, 101111)' to 1—
ogninst the prop,.)•4 1144441114.' to
l,5444P4.0'11 ((111 1111.0
.\ ns -4 411444 11,10 s),110,4-
111), on 1110 in i1..' offi(•([ of the Citr'
14o,'01,1(.1' said \* or 1)111,11)110.,
shoNvitly: I 4w
i11101'001 1111'llt 4.1004 niade and the sep_
:irate lots and parcel: or ground (0'
Official Notices.
specified portions thereof suh,j(.ct to
assessment. for such improvement, the
name of the owner thereof as far as
practicable and the amount. to be as-
sessed against each lot or parcel of
ground, which plat and schedule are
subject to public inspection.
And that any and all persons ob-
jecting to said .;pedal assessment or
to said plat. must tile Lis 0I• their ob-
jections in writing with the City Ito-
(.01'del'of said 1'01>- of !Minium, on or
before said session of the 1'ily Conn-
ed to be 11,1(1 Thursday, llctoher 11111,
1 11 1 G, or 10 ;rppe;s r at said s('rsiou of
the 0 010.,.111 to ..how (•aa,,, if any you
111we, \wh\' said 0s!0.�' 111(1)1 Alould rot
1,, 1,.‘11-(i.
1k11„1 al I�:'hn,00,c, 10'::01, (r0'(.1)er
cull. IrIC. .l, .1
tint: -i' to (•o:tl 011'011<,,r.
001''(" 01:. Will he received 0(t
ti,(• (' 1; ,•outer':' ofi'Ice, l'it) 111111.
11111 1:!)9 p. 111.,
I'h1:r:,,•, (91oh,•r 111111. 1''17, for
nrni,(Iri 1. tl ,, ('itV- of itotomin<' vv'ills
1..,,1 I, or ,0:11. inure (0- loss. '1'111..
� , I 1„ ,I II , 1. ,l al ih,• 1' '0) 1•,'
('f ' i'} i;ld,l(:.. nuts] stale (11'01,o
for t:i._irc11 lump ('art(•rwillc'.
r Ion ger h1ai in:, 111'01: and
1111c,. 1,. I tots for 11:.1'(1 foal, Ant an,l
1,;,•11 hid 1001x] he cc -
1,'; : 1,.•1111'1•,1 cheek for
n1111;,e1 rill he en -
I, r(„
110 riPrlu
I„ 11• :uw ;Hid
I1. 1:1!11u -1,h
I 1 ,'1, 1,,1,, 111
to 0X;'1001', Contra, t(,1•,,
:00(00 111,• ,1,:11(•1• ,I. I0'01'11n,•nt 011'0( c, v1,011
h;• rcr, i\c,l I ,. HU'can:oliR„ (.1el'k 10])
to {'Pieta,-, (l,1. 1-. al .t p. to. l.'ro-
pe,als ,.1In111,1 stilt, 1110 name, 1y10e and
10(11,0, the capacity sire of
boiler'. II:, ,•apa. it.; of radiators for
,•Hell room size o1' pipes 01sed, etc.
1'001(11nittee on
(ironn(Is and L'nildings.
I n. I 1-:11
(11fi, I:li
I' ,01•'
I1 toll_
1s In -I,
n, 1 t11nt 0 s!„.iul
Iwo ill, l 1,• 1;1,1, w, ill I., ' i„1
se Siston oC 110 ('11y Low), 'ou), 01 or the 0'11.x.
of ituitu ane, Iowa, to 1' hem Thurs-
day, October 19th, 111(1, to pay for
the construction of 0101 eight- inch
tile pipe sanitarysevw(•(' in North .linin
street, from the end of the present
seOwer, south 10 ten feet south of the
north lot line or l.ot 11, 'f,. i 1, hang_
-worthy's S1(h,li\tsinn.
\ J. Honer,
Amount of Spcc'ia1 :Assessment
$242.72, some to he assessed against
the property legally slth,lc'c't to assess_
meat upon ;Incl along said street.
And that 111(.1.1, is n p!nt and sched-
ule on 111(. in 1 he ofl'i0'e of tile 0'itv-
llecorder 01' said (lily of I)nhu,lne,
sho\ving Clic street in \1,110'•11 sail
sovwor 0wa5 const1'11e(„1 :Incl the
I•;:,e 100''' •110'1 I0, O'rel.: ul 12,'I'o11l,,1 100.
specified !MIA i0111, thereof snhj,•ct •
;l xscssm (.ut for 1.011('11 inlprowetn'511
11:1lne of (110 o'.wner I hereof •
practic01(10 and the :0 >00111:]
:'eyr 1,d ga1(10(1each lot 01'
ground, \(111(.11 (11011
101)],'(.1 100 public ine
And that -
jecli0(0' to
lo said 1,1:I'
1.-•-tion: 111
001.0(.1. 001'
1..roro said 1('0.0. ((0 of the city ('''1011_
cit to he helm 'I'h1n.',ia;, c 1('loh,r lath.
11.101...i. ,n
1 h O'1uncil to -slimy cat,•(„ l
Lave. w: hV said nssesr:nle111 =1
0r• 1ow1e,l.
1 :.l Itulrcyne,
(lth• 111 I (1.
1 0_7-:11.
'1, 1, Is1 \, 01.0(11 1.l reel I rout
1:00'011,1 street to AV'est Third sl:
Ilya, c -,westerly on \West Third street
Io nay feet ,:1st oi' (irnndwievw :Ivo-
ll:e incl easterly on \\',:•t Third :l!•eet
from \V';1L<:h street for three hundred
:11',1 tiny feet. .Innes 141 ...eel, ('on -
.1 mount of :it,',o,] _Assessment,
5'. 1,el01.121, saw(' 10 he assessed :011:Iin.st
the property 1,goll1' subject to ass0a-
ment upon ;Ind :hong said ...ire, 100.
.And that there is a plat and sched-
ule on file 111 the office of the ('itw 11r -
''id, I' 11' said ('Hy of 1)nlnatno, sho\w-
�11;, the ,trec'ts iu v(11X11 o,al sewer
vwsa constructed ane] the separate lots
tt11(1 parcels of ground or specified
portions thereof subject to assess-
ment for such intprov'('ment, the
mmne of the owner thereof as far as
practicable and the ;amount to be
ussesso(1 against each lot or parcel of
ground, which plat and schedule are
subject to Public inspection,
Official Notices.
And that any and all persons ob-
jecting to said special assessment or
to said plat must file his or their ob-
jections in writing with the city lte_
corder of said City of l)rI1n10111c' on or
before said session of the City Conn -
'ell 10 be held Thlrsday, November
2nd, 1916, or to appear at said session
of the col11u•i1 to show ('01150, if aIy
yo11 111110, why said :lssessn10111 should
vol 1)e
1911'1 ;II I)nhngne, !own, ()0101),,1•
20111, 1'116• I. .1SiII'':\,
111-_0-21 City I;ecnrder.
OfI'k Ia1 Notice.
N()'I'I('E Oh' SPI:C1,\ I, .\ss1; s]I I:\" 1'
Noti,,' is 11 00(.1). given 10 ;111 ,•1,;1-
cerned 11111 a special :lssess111(•II ns
provided by law will he. locio,l
session of the City Council of the 1'ily
of I'ihu1110, fow:1, to- he 1101d Thurs-
day, November 2, 1916, to pay for
con:a'nctito; it cement sidennik :Ih•;1-
ti1 tine west 1-2 of ('ilo 1.01 _Sl. an
the north side of Eighth Street; 'Phos,
] te, Contractor.
1 ::bunt of Special .\ssessnlent
�51.i•1, s:111le to lie assessed against the
properly legally subject to assessment
inent upon and along said lot.
And that there is a plat 011(1 sched-
ule on file in the office of the City 1;, -
corder of said City of Dubuque, :,how -
'ug the lot in which said sidewalk vv:1s
const ruc11(1 :111(1 the separate lots and
11;11!''Is of ground or specified portions
thereof subject to Assessment for 5(011
improvement, the nan10 o1' the owner
thereof as far :1s practicable u11r1 the
amount to ho :lvsessod :oaIinst cath lot
or patrol of ground, -whic•h plat and
schedule are subject l0 public inspec-
And that any and all persons 0hject-
ing to said special assessment or to
said plat must file liis or their objec-
tions in writing with the City L'et0r-
der of said City of 1111/)101110 on or be-
fore said session of the City ('onncil to
be held Thursday, Aoy)IIher 2, 1916,
or to a1)1)0a0 at said. session of the
('onneil to show ('0tIse, if :111)• you
have, why said assessment should not
he levied.
Dated at l)ubrtquc, Iowa, Oc•toher
20, 1 91 G.
J. J. S11i::\,
10-20-3t Cita' lrecorder.
111EGIST1 ATHiN No'i'I('1:.
Mayor's Office, 1)tlb1141n0, lawn,
October 1 91 G.
Notice is'hereby given that' 1 h reg-
isters of election duly appointed'to
register voters in the City of I nuhutlne,
Iowa, will be in attendance at the
places herein -below mentioned, for
the purpose of making the registry
list of navies of such electors as may
he cntitle(1 to roto at the general elec-
tion to he hcilrl Tlesd:ly, Noyeulber
191 G. Said registel:s will meet at
their rospeci.ve places on 'I'hlrsday,
Friday :11(1 Saturday, October 26th,
27111 and 2Sth, 1 91 G, at S:00 o'clock
:t. 111., and 1)0 in session 1111111 9:00
o'clock 0. 01., of 8111 1:iv . Said reg-
isters gill ther(11ftet• Inept on ti:tur-
i1:1y• .November 4, 191 6, front 9:0(1
o'clock :1. In. to tl o'oloek p. 111., of s;1id
daV' for the p1rpost' or torr1'tlin ' 1he
and adding theme'. 511,'1) navies of
voters ;1s Ilay Ise 0tili11,,1 to vole.
591,1 regislers 1v111 1herenl'lei' 110,1 011
'I'npsd:n>-. .Nov,'nlher 7, 1911: 11•:10efion
:1101 he in 5e<sio11 front 1110 little
the polls ()poll until 11>, clasp, :Intl
register only sn01, A -(itis ;1s were nh-
5) 111 f'(111 111e 0111 11111ng the pr( -
ceding t1:1cs 11191 IIIA ho:nrd 1c,1s i11 ses_
stop, ;1150 well tiiizens :is did 1101 ho_
own.. citizens until .November 6th :1n,1
611). 1916, T10, itlnres 01' registration
ill the se)ertll \•ria15 o1' said 1'it>' nr0
:Is follows:
I'll;N'I' \\'.\1;I1.
First I'rttintt 'I'. Ilonahne's lrsi-
tlelll•e. 1 Smith I .orllst sl ret.
v, ettntl I'r, einel .1. "v'hnhlin's
her Sloth, 11:; .\l:tin ~:rept.
SI•:('(),N1) \V•.Al;l1.
1•'ir..l P1'0(11101 Sheriff's uI'fiee,
Conti (louse,
011,1 1'1•00110.1 1'01:111, SI1.e01 No_
;;int 11,11se.
First 1'I
�erelld 1'reciltel 1'11 II;I II.
'filial I'reeintl .1. \ocel Ituilding,
1.0:; 1'I::y
I''rtl'I;'I'll \\'.\ 1:11.
first :Tonin, t \\'alts Ilotel, I:iglllh
Mid Itlnli street
Second 1'recincl 1':Ilnlpl11)
1195 Ih'llli Street.
Phial I'retinel I)Ilhlliine Really
:building. 160 \\'est I.otusf tilretl.
I'll"I'll \\'.\111).
First PrecinctItuild-
ug. -.,- fouler .\yenut•.
seeontl :'rennet \V c11z Itrt15.'
Rnilding, 95 'Twenty-sccoml `beet.
:hird Precinct I1''sp 1.'01e2.1is
1111iltlink', Ie05 I;ho11Ih,rg .Avenue.
Font'1l1 l'reoin, ( F. I;oesnt is
I'Iacc, 27112 .Iackson FI 0001.
.-All (In:dilicd voters of s:(itl ('il1 are
notified that 111(1ess they present ihe111-
sel)•es :It the places :11101 tills herein-
above utentiouctl for rogistration,
will be debarred of the privilege of
voting :It said election.
\V'1lncss 111y 11:11111 tit 1(11hngnc, iovv:L,
111is 211101 (1:0• 01 ()ctoher, 1916.
1:111 I'IS S.\ 111,,
Mayor of f10 1'1(9 01• Inlbl(Inc, Town.
.\ttesl: 1 1 5111:\,
19-27-%t City Recor(1er•.
'('111(;1) \\'.\111).
61,,•1 `:inlll ;11.ee1 I:n?;ine
Official Notices.
Examination Of appncanls For Posi-
tions On the Police and Fire
The Police and Fire Commission-
ers will hold a session at the City
Hall on Monday, October 30th, 1916,
at 8 o'clock p. m., for the purpose
of examining applicants for positions
on the Police and Lire Department.
Those desiring to take the exam-
ination may secure the proper appli-
cation blanks from the secretary at
the Mayor's Office.
10-27-3t. COMMISSION.
st robel,
(Official t Nuys None.
Regular session No) end, ,I. 2,1.lir. Stroll 1 , (1(11 ,,.,1 the council.
council (net at 8:50 p. 111. 911',. ,'n motion of .Alii. hrith I1))' petition
]layer Raul in the chair
)..tis leferre(1 10 the committee of the
whole and notify \ir. ~trait)) to be
Present-:AIdermen Callahan, Frith, present,
hl1n, I Luuondoll, Stro-
1)e1, AV•;))lis.
111L , 4.
Ed. Ruff, inspector
.John Ilotven, inspector
Peter AV'ertin, inspector
,John Kinsella, inspector
.lohn Kean, inspector
\1:)1l .Ackerel•, inspoctur
1•:. 'I'. I•'ritll, health
Phos. I.ee improving
$ 22
3!('7s:I1( ;ira ,9' ('11., con-
structing sanitary sewer in
\\"indsnr avenue from Sut-
ter street 221, feet norther-
Ilnsxel1, const rueijug
N;Ilital'\ set(�'r iu \tlanidc
mine 1r)30 12
can motion of Md. Wallis all hills
pruperl) 1). Iv. v,e0e oh11'1'011 011 111.
Petition of I're,1 \V'. Vali] 011 asking
the city council to instruct the city
assessor to have the amounts of taxes
against his property in conformity
with the Tow:c sl:antes gmornin;,.
lands for agricultural purposes with-
in the city limits presented and read.
.9 Id. 1'lomondon moved to suspend(
1110 rules for the purpose of allowing
\1 r. 1'aldorf to address the council.
carried by the following vote:
Yens - \ids. Callahan, Frith. T.eist.
\lcl alig hlin, l'hunondon, Strobel,
.�:•tys- -None.
\lr. I"nl(lorf addressed ille council.
On motion of .91)1. I'l:miuondon the
petition was referred to the committee
of the whole ;111(1 cily attorney.
1'etition of Farley & J,ocischor
19!fg. Co. and Fey city Roofing Co.
asking the city council for permission
to pave that part of the alley between
White and Jackson street and 8th and
911i streets lying between lots 351,
352 and 353 on the west side and
374, 375 and 376 on the east side pre-
sented and read. On motion of Ald.
11'rith the petition was referred to the
committee of the whole to view the
Petition of Joseph W. Straub asking
the city council to reduce the special
assessment levied against lot 21 South
Park Hill addition for the improve-
ment of Putnam street presented
and read. Aid. Frith moved to sus-
pend the rules for the purpose of al-
lowing Mr. Straub to address the
council. Carried by the following
sih1' 111oiifl(('fl jrinry hall souse
00 night during
00 ,lance 1'or 1.. .9rthover presented tan l
00 road. On motion of .9 Id. Frith too
00 petition w;)s 1•01.01•1•0t1 10 1110 committee
00 of the whole.
00 Petition o(' .I. F. I<Ilnz 9 co., agents,
74 asking the city council t0 reduce the
Pedal assessments 1011011 against lot.
1:1 2 in Pillion's Huh. presented and
mall. (111 utoti0(1 or .9i 1. 3Jc1.1utgll-
lin the petition was rmferred to the
committee of lite whole 10 view' the
Anton 1,011)(•1 :and (leo.
Voltz asking' the city- council for per-
mission to n •
Petition of 1'. I1. (;erg, trnste0 in
b:n11<rnplcy. :1s1<ing 1110 011y 001111011
10 :100e1/1 the 5111(1 of $1.25 in fill set-
tlement of the balance of .special as-
sessments levied :)gains( lots 1. 2, 49
and 50 \\'()will\111 1'ork addition in
the year 1994 presented and 1e0l1. nn
111011(111 01' .91)1. AVadis 1110 (•110 record-
er WIIs inslrncted to notify the peti-
tioner that the city will 1000p1 the
stun of $25.00 in 11111 5ottlen(•nt of
111)' 5:un0.
1'etilion of .A. l':dey ;)sling the city
(condi fur I,eI n)is,a),n to ('r),et a ga-
rage on 1•;dis0u :.Ire1-1 ),resented and.
read. 1,11 11loliun 01' .Aid. Frith the
petition was refei red to 1110 commit-
tee of 11),whole to (1)'w the gr01111(15.
Petition of Joseph 111)0)lel asking
i111' city council lo reduce the assess-
ment lots 208 and 20:1 1'nion Addition
Presented and road. On motion of
\1)1. Frith 1110 petition 10:15 referred to
the committee of the whole.
Petition of Thos. 3ac111:(•) asking
the city ('00110i1 io reduce the assess-
ment levied against his properly for
the construction of a s:ulit:u•\• sewer
in front of lot 1 \Vest Second street
Presented and read. (111 Motion of
1.ei51 the petition was referred
10 the committee of the whole.
Petitions of the Times -Journal com-
pany and the 'I')•Icgl':11,lI-Ilei:lhl com-
pany asking the city council to grant
them :) raise in publishing' the coun-
cil proceedings from 12 and 1-2 cents
per (•011111111 inch to 1 5 cents per col-
umn inch presented and read. On
motion of Ald. Frith the petitions
were referred to the committee of
the whole.
Petition of John W. Twaites asking
the city council to exempt from tax-
ation lot 3 of Sub. Mineral lot 122 and
lot 4 of Sub. Mineral lot 131 and lot
5 of Sub. Mineral lot 131 as the same
446 Regular Session, Nov. 2, 1916.
is used for agricultural purposes only
presented and read. On motion of
Ald. Frith the petition was referred
to the committee of the whole.
i'etition of John L. Kies et al, ask-
ing the city council to order the con-
struction of sidewalks on Paulina
street fr•oin West 4th street to West
5th street presented and read. On
motion of Ald. McLaughlin the pray-
er of the petitioners was granted and
the sidewalk inspector instructed ac-
communication of ('has. S. Kidder
fi Co. stating to the city council that
they are prepared to undertake the
funding of all outstanding floating in-
dehtedness of the city into low rate
interest -hearing bonds presented and
rat. On motion of .\ld. Wallis the
city treasurer was instructed to pre-
pare a statement of the floating in-
debtedness of the city together with
the interest on same for the next
meeting of the city council.
''ot.ice of appeal with bond of Mary
7•:. Waller from the special assessment
for improving Fourth Street Exten-
sion levied (lctob, r 19th, 1916, pre-
s,•ntod ;nad read. can motion of Ald.
McLaughlin the n„lice and bond were
1 1urr,•,l to the cit V attorney.
Notices of appeal, together with
bonds, from the special assessments
levied for the improving of Fourth
Street Extension October 1.9th, 1916,
1:ootli 11state, Finnie Tonner and
John V. Rider, presented and read.
Or, motion of .\Id. Leist the notices
and bonds were referred to the city
To the Ilonorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
payroll for labor on streets in the
se•,era 1 road districts during the last
half of October, 1916:
Amount due laborers $880.75
Also submit the payrool for sprink-
ling and sweeping for the last half of
(ctolter, 1916:
A.nioll»t due laborers $497.00
Also lulu 11t the payroll for sprink-
on roads leading into the county for
the list half of October, 1916, to be
paid from the various portions of the
County load Fund:
First County, amount clue Ia-
borers $159.60
Fifth county, amount due la-
borers 168.34
Respectfully submitted,
.11 )11 N MAHONEY,
On motion of Ald. cd.1Frithtsthe
rolls were received and warrants or-
dered drawn to pay various amounts
and report referred back to commit-
tee on streets.
Also submit the payroll for labor on
sewer's dining last half of October,
Amount due laborers on
sew -
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
On motion of _kid. Plamondon the
payroll was received and warrants
were ordered drawn to pay various
amounts and report referred back to
committee on sewers.
Chief of Police Giellis reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit the
police report for the month of Octo-
ber, 1916:
Assault and battery 3
I)istitrl,ing the peace 10
Intoxication 62
Larceny 2
Vagrancy 2
Violating speed ordinance 10
Violating traffic ordinance 1
Total 90
11esidents arrested 33
I )ours found open 30
I )elective lights 29
Lodgers harbored 139
\1c•;'1:: furnished prisoners 20
cost of food $4.00
Pound master's receipts $1.00
Sheriff for dieting prisoners
during month of. October $6.1.2
Police court costs and fines col-
lected $94.20
Patrol runs for prisoners 186
Prisoners transferred 14
Committee calls 1
Miles traveled 266
Ambulance calls 95
Also beg to submit the payroll for
policemen for last half of October,
:\.mount date policemen $1457.80
Amount retained pension fund..$31.34
Respectfully submitted,
Chief of Police.
On motion of Ald. Callahan the
Payroll and report were received and
warrants ordered drawn to pay the
various amounts and the report re-
ferred back to the police committee.
Eire Chief Reinfried reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, City of Dubuque, Ia.
Gentlemen: The following is the
payroll of the fire department for the
last half of October, 1916:
Amount due firemen $2205.22
One per cent retained for
pension fund 40.06
Respectfully submitted,
Approved by committee on fire.
On motion of Ald. Leist the payroll
was received, warrants were ordered
drawn to pay the firemen and the re -
Port referred to the committee on fire.
•Regular Session, Nov. 2, 1916.
November 2nd, 1916.
To 'the 1lonorable Mayor and City
Council, City of Dubuque, Iowa:
Gentlemen: FIerewilh find my re-
port for the month of October, 1916,
showing the receipts and disburse-
ments for the month:
Receipts during the month$ 47,992.56
City's cash balance 107,446.61
Warrants redeemed $ 28,822.34
Improvement bond coupons
redeemed 1,347.50
Regular bond
deemed 2,600.00
deemed 250.00
1.11) :fly orders redeeneed .. 1,237.55
Park orders redeemed 2,445.65
Police pension orders re-
deemed 110.00
Firmen pension orders re-
coupons re -
bonds re -
$ 37,032.79
City's cash balance Oct-
ober 31, 191G $118,406.42
The above cash balances include
the balances in the improvement bond
fund, the water works interest and
sinking fund, the library fund. old
water works debt fund, police pension
fund, fire pension fund and the sink-
ing fund (for amelioration of the city
regular bonded debt),
Cash balance October 1, 1916$2,009.78
Deposit w1111 City Trcasm•er
by \V':etor \V"011(5 Trustees
diming month 5,610.62
Orders drawn on City Treas-
urer during 11e month $4,555.57
Cash balance Oct. 31, 19163,064.83
Cash balance October 1, 1916..$460.00
Cash balance October 31, 1916 605.00
The following is a record of all In-
terest coupons and Bonds redeemed
by the City Treasurer and credited to
Improvement bond coupons$ 1,347.5 )
Regular bond coupons 2,600.00
Improvement bonds
Also report there is due
Officers for the month of
1916, salaries amounting to $3,029.59.
And Geo. Reynolds (Iowa
Workingmen's Compensa-
tion) $20.00
Amanda Beyer (Iowa Work -
the City
Compensation') ........ 35.08
Very Respectfully,
CYRIL D. 1..:\CIG;
City Auditor.
The following list shows the appro-
priations and the amount of warrants
drawn on each fund since the begin-
ning of the fiscal year beginning
'March 1, 1916, to November 1, 1916.
For general
Appropriation Expended
pense and con-
tingent fund $45,000.00 $33,127.64
Poi. District 1ioad
funds for clean-
ing, sprinkling
a n d repairing
First district 9,0:15.71 9,036.60
Second district 18,151.01 17,575.26
Third district 12,304.38 10,285.04
Fourth district 14,287.43 14,267.90
Fifth district 12,183.00 12,146.27
For expense of
fire department 65,000.00 53,390.39
For expense of
police depart-
ment 40,500.00 25,922.66
For cure, mainte-
nance and re-
pair of sewers5,700.00 4,570.45
For printing 4,900.00 2,197.08
For street lighting 44,075.00 28,326.37
For interest on
floating a n d
1'ondcd debt 42,000.00 22,326.67
For expense of
board of health 13,000.00 11,104.57
For grading
streets and al-
leys 6,500.00 5,742.24
Special bonded
paving 9,000.00
For interest on
special bonded
debt: 7,000.00
For repairing and
rebuilding side-
walks 1,000.00 966.09
For payment of
five per cent re-
tained on cer-
tain improve-
ments 1,000.00 767.55
For balance on
(01105 cement
step jibs
1-'or balance curb-
ing on Julien
Ave. and Delhi
To pair :1 (V0 rd of
jury on Nevada
I'ur lull;ince on
brick paving at
(la:andview anti
Delhi street .._.
Balance on wid-
ening of Pickett
To pay bills for
extra work on
1,912.03 1,342.05
110.00 300.00
448 Regular Session, Nov. 2, 1 91 6.
1.011ir11 �lrOOt,
Rosedale .\ve.
and Alta Vista
To pay jurors
award on Cleve-
land avenue
For completion of
the Fifth ave-
nue sewer
Balance Bee
Branch in 3rd
790.66 790.6);
Respectfully snhmitted,
C. 11. I.:\(1I:\,
city .\.uditol'.
.A1d. 1Fallis moved ilea(( the reports
and payroll he reeeiwed and warrants
be drawn for the various amounts
and report referred hack to finance
committee. Carried.
City 'Treasurer \\'ybrant reported acs
The following is 0 statement of the
aunom111s a(IOanc'0(1 by me during the
month of October, 1916, for which
please have vwarrtnts drawv'n in my
Interest on w01 ra111s 0111 -
standing $'3168.21
1\Iisc011an(ouis 13.71
Also pleas• ohler loan wru'ranls is-
sued in lien of tla following 10.1n
vc:n r:ni1 I lig r( bring no spaoo spa'upon
which to nuclke further interest en-
dorsements: Nos. 5820, 5821, 5822,
5823, 5824, 5825 amt 5826, dated Dec.
6th, 1900, in the sums of $500.00 pay-
able to James 1'.:ltonahue, interest at
5 per cent to date from Nov. 5, 191G.
No. 4718, in the sum of $500.00 and
No, 4719, in the sump of $200.00, each
darted Nov. 7t11, 1901, payable to Car-
oline Iy11ohs, interest. at 5 per cent
trent ( ret. 25111, 1916.
No, 5179, in the sum of $500,00,
dated Nov. 2011i, 1902, payable to Ida
W. 1,11x, interest at 5 per cent to date
from (ret. 1 tlth, 1 91 6.
Nos. 3591, 3592,3593, 3594, each in
the stun of $50000, dated Oct. 5th,
1905, payalde to lila \\'. Lux, interest
at 5 per cent to (lute from October,
19th, 1916.
Respectfully submitted,
GEO. 1). \\'1'13RA,NT,
('ity Treasurer,
A1(1. Wallis mowed that the report
of the city treasurer he approved and
warrants in the sun) of $3,1.68.28 and
$13.71 he ordered drawn in fav
the city treasurer and the balance of
the loan warrants that action be de-
ferred until a later date. Carried.
Dubuque, Ia., November 2, 1916.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: When Washington
street was built from 28t1\ street to
31st street part of the macadam and
curb was not built due to the Bee
Branch sewer being so close to the
street, the contention being that the
city would complete this, part when
the sewer was eonstrncle(I• The fol-
lowing assessments were levied on the
lots abutting this part of the street:
Anna :\larmmnn, east one-half of lot
1 of 162 and 163, $76.16.
1 o'a lty Inv. Corp. west one-half of
lot 1 of 16,2 auoi 163, $39.28.
Sophia Irnth:man, east one -halt' of
lot 2 of 162 and 103, $25.23.
Carl bind. vwest one-half of lot 2
of 162 and 169, $18.69,
Adam Stoltz, south 39 feet of. lot.
16•!. $52.69.
(' A. Vo(lk(r, /101.111 17 feet. of lot
161, $27.13.
1'. .5, A'o(lker, lot 165, $79,83,
.111 in Glen(Iale Addition, ',hese
people are not nhle to got to their Lots
from \Washington street so 1 would
recommend the city treasurer be in-
structed to cam' there assessments on
his books without interest until the
city completes the part omitted.
Respectfully submitted.
City Engineer.
(-)11 motion of .Aid. Frith 1110 report
of the oily engineer was approved
110) 1110 oily treasurer instructed 1u0-
D111010 110, Iowa, NOV. 2, 1 91 6.
To the Honorable Mayor mnd Council
of the city of 1n1nop e.
Gentlemen: :At a recent meeting
of your honor:;hle body, there q'OS
referred to me 1110 petition of the
assignee of the T>uhualrie Gasoline
Engine company, in which wars con-
tained an offer to compromise the
taxes standing against the personal
property of said company. According
to the petition which is 'herewith re-
turned, the T(1110 eco Gasoline Engine
company, (luring the month of Mauch,
1913, made an assignment for the
benefit of its creditors. There has
been 10010(1 against the property of
said company city taxes in the sum)
of Two i-fundred Eighty-five ($285)
Dollars, which taxes aro due and un-
paid. The assets of said company
have been disposed of and the sun
of Sixteen T-lnndred Twenty-five
($1625.00) Dollars realized therefrom,
which )Honey is now in the hands of
the clerk of the District Court. Dur-
ing the years that this company has
h('en in the hands of the asslgnoe, the
cost of the administration 1105 be-
come very large, in fact amounts to
Twenty-one Hundred Sixty-eight and
88-100 ($2168.88) Dollars, which you
will notice is far in excess of the
money on hand.
While it is true that taxes are or-
dinarily a preferred claim, yet the
cost of administrating an estate take
'precedence over such taxes, and must
be paid first. The assignee in this
case offers, by way of compromise, to
pay the city the sum of One Hundred
($100.00) Dollars in full of all taxes
Regular Session, Nov. 2, 1916
which have been levied. against the
personal property. In view of the
fact that the cost of administrating
this estate exceed the amount of
money realized from the sale of the
property, and from the further flact
that such cost of administration fakes
prec'cdent over city taxes, I have no
hesit,•,tion in recornmending Iliat the
city accept the offer of the assignee
to pay the sum of One I-Inndre l
($100.00) Dollars, in fn!l of the taxes
owing by said defunct company.
Respectfully suh111 11 ,
M. 1!.
1'11y .Altorner-
011 Ile from 1 1001 11 street to college
avenue, in college avenue front
11'.A'till ;rt enne to \West. Second street,
in \West Second street. from College
at) enne to \V'ulsh street, in \valsh
street from \Vest Second street 10
West 1'htrd street, thence westerly 00
\Vest 'Third street to fifty feet cast of
Gra nit'iett' :nenitc' and easicrly on
\Vrest Third street from \Walsh street
for three hundred and nifty feet, the
mayor be and he is hereby required.
to execute and deliver to the cite re-
rou1ei•, t0 Ire• ly 114411 registered and
connicrsit,'n('(l• lifteeit hoods for two
hunched and filly dollars each find
one f
report of the city :attorney tris :ip_ 29_1(0OIdollars,lnulntbo'red1 41," to 46161
lrroved nod the cit) treasurer 111- da fed December 2nd. 1916, payable
sirncicd accordingly. on or before seven years after lite
hollowing vrcighio; ei•'s 1.1 .1,(01 041 dale lherecif, ,nil bearing tntercst at
receipts vyore presented :aid read and the rale of live per cent. per :utntam,
on motion of ,\ld. slroleI \\ 'j'e re_ o; ,;,l:le wait-,innu,illy.
ccired and filed: Ali]. AVallis moved the adoption of
T. I'. c0one} S -1..,.I ilio rr s01(0100. t'm•rierl by the fol-
('. .1. \let'arthy 21.111 loti'in0 \ole:
,\lderni:in \\'vallis ol'1', re 1 ilio fol- \ (ills .\ Ids. c:ill:divan, l" rill). 1,eist,
10)ting:Uct.ar,ghlin. I'I:iniondon, Strobel,
\\':i l l i s.
\nys None.
\Where:is. The contract heretofore
entered into by the City of 1 tnhr,1ine
for the construction of it cement side -
)4:1 111 hereinafter described has been
completed, and the city engineer has
computed that the cost and expense
of said improvement amnion to 561.21
Therefore, Ile it ltesoll)y the
filly council of the 1'ify ..i Iliihn.lno,
'I'h:tt to provide for the cosi of con-
sttnc•ting if cement sidror:i ll: nI r,ttin
the west 1-2 of city 1.ol 25 I on the
north side of I';titins 1 I•141, the mayor
be and lie is liercl(y required to exe-
cute and deliver to the c•il>' recorder.
to he by hint registered ;111(1 counter-
signed, one sidew;ilk certilicalc fol.
sixty-one :aid 5 1 - 1 00 drill:u s, niniit,cr-
ed 14(7, dated 1leceniber 21411. I'11f,
payable on or before seven years af-
ter the date thereof, :nil bearing in-
terest at the rate of six per cent per
annum. payable semi-:nntttally.
.\ hi. A\'aallis moved the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Peas ---.\his. Callahan, Frith. T,eist,
ll( 1.anghlin. 1'l:nondon, Strobel,
\\•a l l i s.
Nays ---None.
Alderman \\•anis offered the fol-
Whereas, The contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Dubuque
for the construction of a sanitary
sewer hereinafter described has been
(.0101)1eted, and tine city engineer has
computed that the cost 00(1 expense
of said improvement amount to .$4,-
0 1 6.29 $4,-
Therefore, Be it Resolved by the
City Council of the City of Dubuque,
That to provide for the cost of con-
structing a sanitary sewer in O'Neill
Vein romniilfee ou sireels 400111d
respectfully report ih:ai 101' have ex_
:nnincil the curl) and guttering on
I'ti'h :lcenne and 400111i1 rec0111ruenl
that 111e same he accepted, N. J.
Shiner, contractor.
\\'e also examined Ihr inipro�(•o1en1.
of \West I,oialst street from the end
of 1111 inesenl Mich i111pr04emenl nt
Fe(-, nleenth slreel to 110d4dhn
r�ue :nmil would respect lldly reconi-
inen'l I hid the slime lee aceepte I, .las,
\Ve 40,1411(1 1'41.11111' rc•co41iniend that
the city engineer hr :rad he is hereby
insireet(d to pr,iiiir' it .special ;is-
sessnu•nt against Ili( lots or unreels
of real fistiito siihjoel to iissessmept
for the improvement of \vest Locust
street rxcbuling 1SII (li:it'ges for curl)
not genuinely reset, n11(1 file the sante
in the office of the city recorder who
rill thereupon 1•uhlish the notice of
said :assessment :is required by ordi-
On motion of Aid. frith ihe report
of the street connoillee rens adopted.
\'our committee on sewers would
respectfully report dein we have ex-
amined the sower in \Vindsor avonno
from Lincoln avenue to Providence
street fund in Providence street from
Lincoln avenue to Stafford avenue
010d would respectfully recommend
that the sante be accepted, Jas. Street,
We would further recommend that
the city engineer be and he is hereby
instructed to prepare a special as-
sessment. against the lots or parcels of
real estate subject to assessment for
450 Regular Session, Nov. 2, 1916.
said improvement and file the same
in the office of the city recorder who
will thereupon publish the notices as
required by ordinance.
Un motion of Ald. Plamondon the
report of the sewer committee was
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the objections of
Anna It. Parson, Ella 13. Ruete and
Henrietta Booth Lusch and also those
of Fannie Tonner against the propos-
ed special assessment for the im-
provement of Fourth Street Extension
because of the assessment being more
than the value of the property will
allow, would respectfully recommend
that said objections be received and
.T. II. WALLIS, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
w'110111 was referred the remonstrance
of John V. Eider on the Fourth Street
.Extension special assessment stating
that lots 13, 14, 17, 18 and 19 were
exempt by resolution in 1905 and ob-
jecting to the levy on the above men-
tioned lots and also objection to a levy
of over $1/1.13 on lot 12 would re-
spectfully recommend that 1lo' assess-
ment on lot 12 in Block 30, Dubuque
3arhor improvement company's art-
dition retrain as it stands at present
and that the prayer of the petition
he granted on the remainder.
.T. H. WAT;LIS, Chairman.
lour committee of the whole to
whom was referred the bill of C. B.
'McNamara & Co. for filling on Fourth
Street. (Extension amounting to $161.00
io lie paid from the Second ward fund
weiilr1 respectfully recommend that
said bill be paid and a warrant be
drawn covering the sante.
J. H. WAT..LIS, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the recommenda-
tion of the city engineer on the re-
monstrance of Ed Muntz on the spe-
cial ,rssessment levied against his
property for the improvement of
West. Seventeenth street would re-
spectfully recommend that the engi-
neer's recommendation be approved
of and the petition be received and
J. H. \V.\LT.IS, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
whore was referred the petition and
also the plat. of Slattery's subdivision
wbiclt was submitted for approval
would respectfully recommend that
the sante be approved of.
T. 1 F. \V,-\LLIS, Chairman.
On motion of Ald. Wallis the report
of the committee of the whole \vas
City Recorder Shea presented and
read the notice, certified to by the
publisher's, of the city council's in-
tention to levy a special assessment
to pay for constructing a cement side-
walk abutting the west 1-2 of City
Lot 254 on the north side of Eighth
street, Thos. Lee, contractor. On mo-
tion of Ald. Leist the notice was re-
ceived and filed.
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That to pay for con-
structing cement sidewalks, by Thos.
Lee, contractor, in front of and ad-
joining the same, a special tax be and
is hereby levied on the several lots,
and parts of lots, and parcels of real
estate hereinafter named, situate and
owned, and for the several amounts
set opposite each lot or parcel of real
estate, as follows:
Owner. Description. Amt.
J. hontberg, city lot, W.
1-= 0e1 254; cement walk,
545.i; se. ft. at 11c, $60.01;
extra (•\pease, $1.50; totaL__.$61 51
l.ilnpterl November 2nd, 1916.
Approved November 31.0, 1916.
Attest: J. .T. SHEA,
City Recorder.
Ald. Leist moven the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas---:\lds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
111c1.aughlin, Plamondon, Strobel,
Nays _ .None.
Cit) 1;ecnrrier Shea presented and
read the notice, certified to by the
publisher's, of the city council's im•.
teution to levy a special assessment
to pay for constructing :In eight -inch
tile pipe sanitary sewer in O'Neill
avenue from Booth street to College
avenue, in College avenue from O'Neill
avenue to West Second street, in West
Second street from college avenue to
Walsh street, in Walsh street from
\Vest Second street to West Third
street, thence westerly on West Third
street 10 fifty feet east of Grandview
avenue and easterly on West Third
street from Walsh street for three
hunched a.nd fifty feet, James Street,
contractor, also the written remon-
stranr•t' of E. D. White. Ald. Frith
moved to receive and file the notice
and remonstrance. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas---Alrls. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
Strobel, \Vallis.
\1rls. McLaughlin, Plamon-
Ttesolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for an
8 -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in
O'Neill avenue from Booth street to
College avenue, in College avenue
from O'Neill avenue to West Second
street, in West Second street from
College avenue to Walsh street, in
'Walsh street from West Second street
to West Third street, thence westerly
on West Third street to 50 feet east
of Grandview Avenue and easterly on
Regular Session, Nov. 2, 1916.
West Third street from Walsh street
for 350 feet, by Jas. Street, contractor, r 1 . trot' $1.16; total 51 20
in front of and adjoining the same a os. ,12cobsmt College Sub., lot 3;
Sul). S, 9• l0,
special tax be and is hereby levied on 11, 12
the several lots, and parts of lots, and min.. 43.6oles and S'(1 $1 til,
parcels of real estate hereinafter min.. 1" lin. ft. at $16 per
named, situate and owned, and for $49.9 , Interest atxl 6 pet
the several amounts set o cent, pe arc: extra expanse at
opposite each 4 per cent, $1.9r; total
lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: C. 11. Jordan, Sub. 8, 9, 10 11 51 20
Owner. Description.
Amt. 12 College Sub., lot 4; man -
Cara Jungworth, 11'Neills Sub., holes and 8_ pipe,
No. 1, S. 58 ft. lot 1; ratan- 8 -inch tile ,i i8,
holes :nad 8 -inch tile$48. lin, ft. ;at $1.1 per
pipe, �4S.SS: interest :at 6 per
50 lin. ft. at $1.1208, $56.04;
cent, 36c; extra expense ;tt
rttteresl :it 6 per rrnt, 40c; 4 per cent, $1.96; total 51 20
extra expense at 4 per cent, C. H. Jordan, Sub. 8, 9, 10, 11,
$2.21; total $ 58 68 12 College Sub., lot 5; man -
Anna I;nulow, ()Neil's Sub
No. 1, W. 30 ft. lot 20; )man- holes and 9-.nch tile 1,208,
42.G lin. 1'1. at $1.1209,
holes and 8 -inch tile pipe, 840.99;
30 lin. 1'1. at $ 1. 120• interest at 6 per
$aa.GL, cont. 116e; extra expense at
interest at 6 per e;40. 210; 4 per cent, $1.99; total
extra expense at 1 !eq. cent. Niargt. Patterson, Sub. 8, 9, 10, 51 20
$1.34; total :15 20 11, 12 College Sub., lot 6;
Anna Buelow, c)'Neill's Stth. manholes and S -inch tile
No. 1, lot 4; manholes and pipe. 43.6 lin. ft. at $1.1208,
8 -inch tile pipe, 50 lin. fl. $48.89; interest at 9 per
at $1.1205, $56.04: interest cent. 16e; extra expense at
at 6 per cent, One: a•xtr:a 4 per cent, $1.90; total 51 20
expense at 4 per cent, $2.2.1; AVat. l aiser. Sul). 9, a, 10, 11,
total 58 68 12 college Sub., lei 7; man -
Anna Buelow, 1 )' Neill's Subholes and 8 -inch tile pipe,
No. 1, lot 5; manholes and 43.6 lin. ft. at $1.1208,
8 -inch tile pipe, 50 lin. ft. $48.88; interest at 6 per
at $1.1208, $56.04; interest cent, 36c; extra expense at
at 6 per cent. 40r; extra 4 per cent, $1.96; total 51 20
expense :at 4 per cent, $2.24; AV. .9. Norman, College Sub.,
total 58 GS lot 13: manholes and S -inch
Kende$ ,A SVendson, u'Neill's tile pipe. 50 lin. f1. ;at
Sttb. No. 1, lot 6: manholes 81.12x.8. 956.04; interest at
and e -inch the pipe, 50 lin. 6 per cont, 40e; extra ex-
it. :at $1.1208, 556.04; inter- pens,. at 4 per cent, $2.24;
est :at 6 per cent, 408: eytr:a total 5S 68
o\',Ilse at. 1 per cent. $2.21: W. A. Norman, college Suh.,
total 59 68 lot 14; manholes and S -inch
Anton Schmidt, ()'Neill's Sub. tile pipe, 50 lin. ft. at
No. 1, lot 7; manholes and 61.1289, $56.04; interest at
8 -inch tile pipe, 79 101. ft. 6 per cent, 40c; extra ex -
at $1.1205, $87.42; interest pense at 4 per cent, $2.24;
at 6 per cent, bac; extra total 58 68
expense at 4 per cent, $3.49; A. L. Rhomberg, College Sub,
total 91 54 lot 15; manholes and S-
E. 11, \\'bite, Sub. Alin. lot 159, inch tile pipe, 50 lin. ft. at
lot 6; manholes and S -inch $1.1205, $56.04; interest at
tile pipe. 833.2 lin. ft. at 6 per cent, 40e; extra ex -
$1.1208, $933.96; interest at ',.n.,. :,t I per cent, $2.24;
6 per cent, $6.69; extra ex- total . 58 68
pense at 4 per cent, $37.;;51
AI. I.. and .l. I:. I: en l,r, t'ol-
tOlal 978 00
lege SIM., lot. 2; manholes
Thos. Jacobson, Sub. 9, 9, 10, ;and 8 -inch file pipe, 75 lin.
ll, 12 College Sub. lot 1; ft. at $1.1208, $84.06: inter -
manholes and 8 -inch tile est at 6 per coot, 60; extra
pipe, 115.1 lin. ft. at $1.1208, expense at 4 per 1.erd. $3.116;
$1 29.00; interest at 6 per total 88 02
cent, 93e; extra expense at 11. 1.. and .1. 1:. Kende Col -
Thos, Jacobson, Sub. 8, 9, 10,
4 per cent, $5.16; total 135 09 lege Sub., lot 1; nuuiltoles
11, 12 College Sub., lot 2• and 8 -inch tile pipe, 60 lin.
ft. at $1.1209, $67.25; inter -
manholes and 8 -inch tile est at 6 per cent, 49; extra
pipe, 43.6 lin. ft. at $1.1208, expense at 4 per cent, $2.69;
$48.88; interest at 6 per total 70 43
cent, 36e; extra expense at .Wm. Krakow, College Sub,
452 Regular Session, Nov. 2, 1916.
lot 4; manholes and 8 -inch
tile pipe, 70 lin. ft. at
$1.1208, $78.45; interest at
6 per cent, 56c; extra ex-
pense at 4 per cent, $3.13;
total 82 14
Maria E. Pape, College Sub.,
lot 5; manholes and 8 -inch
tile pipe, 70 lin. ft. at
$1.1208, $78.45; interest at
6 per cent, 56c; extra ex-
pense at 4 per cent, $3.13;
total 82 14
Margt. H. Burke, College
Sub., lot 6; manholes and
8 -inch tile pipe, 70 lin. ft.
at $1.1208, $78.45; interest
;it 6 per cent, 56c; extra ex-
pense at 4 per cent, $3.13;
total 82 14
llargt. 11. llnrlce, College
Snh., lot 7; manholes and
S -inch tilt, pipe, 115.1 lin.
ft. at $1.1208, $129.00; in-
terest at G per cent, 930;
extra expense at 4 per cent,
$5.17; total 135 10
T. .1. \Inlgrew, Sub. 2 of itox-
leiter's Sub., lot 1; manholes
and 8 -inch tile. pipe, 359 lin.
ft. at 81.1208, $402.37; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $2.88;
extra expense at 4 per cent,
$16.10; total 421 35
5lary 10. 511111in, Finley 1 -_tome
Add., lot 23; manholes and
8 -inch tile pipe, 50 lin. ft.
al 81.1208, $56.05; interest
at 6 per cent, 40e; extra ex-
pense at 4 per cent, $2.24;
lal 58 69
I. 'Hein, Finley }Tonle
Add.. lot 24; manholes and
s-itH•h tile pipe, 50 lin. ft.
at. ., 1.1 _08, $56.05; interest
at G per cent, 40c; extra ex-
pense 111 4 per cent, $2.24;
total 58 69
J. 11. 1 I:n ,x'ourt, Finley
Home .\dd., lot 25; man-
holes and 8 -inch tile pipe,
50 lin. 1'1. at $1.1208, $56.05;
interest at 6 per cent, 40c;
extra expense at 4 per cent,
$2.24; total 58 69
A. .T. Van 1)uzee, Finley Home
Add., lot. 26; manholes and
8 -inch tile pipe, 50 lin. ft.
• at $ I.1 208, $56.05; interest
at 6 per cent, 40e; extra ex-
pense at 4 per cent, $2,24;
total 58 69
John E. b'nc•1is, Finley Horne
Add., lot 27; manholes and
8 -inch tile pipe, 50 lin. ft.
at $1.1208, $56.05; interest
at 6 per cent, 40c; extra ex-
pense at 4 per cent, $2.24;
total .. 58 69
Mary Kuntzman, Finley Home
Add., lot 28; manholes and
8 -inch tile pipe, 50 lin. ft.
at $1.1208, $56.05; interest.
at 6 per cent, 40c; extra ex-
pense at 4 per cent, $2.24;
total 58 69
11. W. Adams, Finley Home
Add., lot 29; manholes and
8 -inch tile pipe, 50 lin. ft.
at $1.1208, $56.04; interest
at 6 per cent, 40c; extra ex-
pense at 4 per cent, $2.24;
total 59 68
11. W. Adams, Finley Home
Add., lot 30; manholes and
8 -inch tile pipe, 50 lin. ft.
at $1..1208, $56.04; interest
at 6 per cent, 400; extra ex-
pense at 4 per cent, $2.24;
total c 58 68
11. \V. Adams, Finley Home
Add., lot 31; manholes and
8 -inch tile pipe, 34 lin. ft.
at $1.1:'08, $38.11; interest
at r per cent, 27e; extra ex-
pense at 4 per cent, $1.53;
total 39 91
Grundy and Hird. Sidonia
Hosford's Sub., lot 7; man-
holes and s -inch tile pipe,
51.2 lin. ft. at. $1.1208,
$57.38: interest at 6 per
cent, 410: extra expense at
4 per cent, $2.30; total 60 09
August I)ahme, Sub. 1 of 2 of
2 1ioxleitor's Sub., lot 2;
manholes and 8 -inch tile
pipe, 50 lin. ft. at $1.1208,
$56.04; interest at 6 per
cent, 40c; extra expense at
4 per cent, $2.24; total 58 68
Ann Mcltonald, Sub. 1 of 2 of
2 lloxleiter's Sub., lot 1;
manholes and 8 -inch tile
pipe. GO lin. ft. at $1.1208,
$67.25: interest ;ct G per
cent, 49c; extra expense at
4 per cent, $2.70; total 70 44
Ann McDonald, Sub. 2 of 2 of
2 Min. lot 160, lot 2; man-
holes and 8 -inch tile pipe,
90 lin. ft. at $1.1208,
$100.87; interest at 6 per
cent, 78c; extra. expense at
4 per cent, $4.04; total 105 69
G. A. Barnes, Sub. 2 of 2 Min
lot 160, lot 1; manholes and
8 -inch tile pipe, 50 lin. ft.
at $1.1208, $56.04; interest
at 6 per cent, 40c; extra ex-
tra expense at 4 per cent,
$2.24; total 58 68
0. M. Schmid, Sub. 1 of 2 Min
lot 160, lot 2; manholes and
8 -inch tile pipe, 160.3 lin.
ft. at $1.1208, $179.66; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $1.34;
extra expense at 4 per cent,
$7.19; total 188 19
0. M. Schmid, Sub. 1 of 2 Min
lot 160, lot 1; manholes and
8 -inch tile pipe, 39.2 lin. ft.
at $1.1208, $43.93; interest
at 6 per cent, 32c; extra ex-
Regular Session, Nov. 16, 1916.
pense at 4 per cent, $1.75;
total 46 00
Total $401.6 29
2003 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile pipe
at $1.75
11 manholes at $30.00
Extra expense
Interest at 6 per cent
Total $4016 29
All of which is assessed in propor-
tion to the special benefits conferred.
Adopted November 2nd, 1916.
Approved November 3rd, 1916.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Recorder.
Ald. McLaughlin moved the adop-
tion of the resolution. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas--Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Stroebl,
Ald. Leist moved the repairing of
the cupola on the Fourth street en-
gine house be left in the hands of the
committee on public grounds and
buildings. Carried.
Ald. Wallis moved to take from
the committee of the whole the pe-
tition of the policemen relative to
being granted one clay off every week
and act on same in the council meet-
ing. Trost by the following vote:
Yeas—.olds. Callahan, Strobel, Wal-
Nays--A.]ds. Frith, Leist, McLaugh-
lin, T'l;tntondon.
Ald. Wallis moved that the salary
of the ward foremen be increased to
$70.00 per month. Ald. Frith amend-
ed Ald. Wallis' motion to defer action
on increasing the salary of the ward
foremen. Lost by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Frith, Strobel.
Nays—Aids. Callahan, Leist, Mc-
Laughlin. Plamondon, Wallis.
Ald. Wallis' original motion lost by
the following vote:
Yeas--Alds. Plamondon, Wallis.
Nays—Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Strobel. -
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the
City Water Co. be instructed to re-
move the water plug situated at the
intersection Fourth Street Extension
and Sixth street from the street. Car-
Ald. Strobel moved to adjourn.
S..7. SHEA,
City Recorder.
Adopted , _ / 916.
ty Recorder.
Regular session, November 161 h,
Council net at 5:20 p. m.
Mayor Saul in the chair.
Present-. \lds. Callahan, Frith,
Leist, 11c1.;1nghlin, Plamondon, Stro-
bel, vVallis.
Nic. Staner, grading
W. E. Gregory, inspector
John 73ohn, inspector
Ed. 1tuff, inspector
John 1<insella, inspector
Peter \1'eitin, inspector
Matt. Ackerer, inspector
Ike Beekman, inspector
Interlocking Cement Block
Co., 5% retained on retain-
ing wall on Leibnitz street
H. A. Alclntosh, 5% retained
cement steps on Foye St11 33
Thos. Lee, 5% retained ce-
ment steps on West 7th
street 10 02
Thos. Lee, 5% ret;iine l ce-
ment steps on Angel la SI 14 49
Thos. Lee, 5% retained ce-
ment, steps nn 15111 street__. 30 00
Thos. Lee, retained ce-
ment steps on West 1.11h St. 6 02
Thos. Lee, 5',re1;1ined ce-
ment stel; on Montrose
Terrace 7 93
\Vitt. itn:;clli, constructing ce-
luenl, 51(1(11:ilk lots 47 and
48 Tschirgi & Sclhwind's
Sub. 54 38
Win. Iloschi, constructing ce-
ment sidewalk lots 110, 161
and 11'' Wood wit Park
Add. 124 38
C. 11. 11 7'.:i nu ra F co., 5';;
retained sewer 111 AVaslcing-
ton street (Tont 22w1 to
241.11 street. 37 56
.las. I . Lee, 5'; retained 011
2m1 street 1 11proveta ent
from locust street io Bluff
street 167 27
Jas. 1'. Lee, 5'; retained
Prairie street innproveuient 53 83
Jas. 1•'. Lee,`.., retained on
2n11 street improvement
from 11;iin street to the C.
11. R St. 1'. 11nehs 224 84
Jas. 1'. Lee, 5r,';.; retained West
3rd street improvement
from Burch street to Alpine
street .. 759 84
John ])rehouse, expense 10 50
E. Schuller, expense 25 74
H. Breithaupt, expense 39 00
1-l. Galle, expense 1 50
N. Evert, expense 3 00
\Vm. Grode, expense 6 00
L. Dailey, expense 24 85
F. M. Jaeger Hardware Co,
14 00
6 00
22 00
4 00
2 00
16 00
14 00
9 45
454 Regular Session, Nov. 16, 1916.
expense 40
Geo. Al. Healey & Son, ex-
E. .A.Nesler & Son, expense.... 53 75
Nester & Hammel, expense.... 36 00
(;otiner 13ros., expense • 72 90
I. S. Ilit rdie, expense
\• (tniehl(, expense 66 98
1'. \\"ander, expense 3 70
2litlland Chemical Co., ex -9 50
1'11110(1 Tire Sales Co., expense 20 35
E. I:(ntin, expense 16 00
I:i•tuington Typewriter Co,
expense 97 20
(;. 11. lai(is & ('o., expense1 65
Stnu/L•(1 Supply Co., expense 11 85
I'i(r Erns., (Spens(. 22 73
Al:irl1 1-Strolant Co., expense_ 5 50
Beier .1. N( ippel Lumber Co,
.xpe0se 14 85
1•:ichhorn & Bechtel, expense 1 45
Geo. AV-. Ilea & Son, ex -
pens(, 23 55
1/n101(tue Electric Co., fire 16 70
Byrne Eros.. lire 2 50
1:(c city Ir011 VV•orls, fire 80
Dubuque I;ubbor & Belting
('o., lire 70
E. AT. Jaeger Hardware Co.,
lir 20
National 1h'tining Co., fire _... 18 50
I nlhu (00 l.ubh0r & Belting
Co., lire 5 00
1". M. Jaeger Hardware Co.,
fire 50
1\'unde'11('h & Wiederholt,
1" isch.r & ('o., fire 28 04
I teyo.-:\ '0;0 ins, fire 12 50
\'ollenweid(•1 & Hein, lire 4 50
C. ALitz, tiro 17 75
National Relining ('o., fide 18 50
Key city Has C0., lire 41 00
.1. E. Ilartig, fire 35
1)uhn'tno Boat & Boiler
\V'orl.-s, lire GO 80
I)tthu(tno Itubber & Belting
Co., fire 14 70
1'oed-ilerwangor & 1'fiffner,
fire 10 75
.1. .1. Bowan & Son, tiro 6 45
1)ublot00 AWelding \V"or1e, lire 1 90
W. O. 1 (cohort ('o., fire 3 66
\V". 11. Heckert ('0., fire 65
10. \V. 'I'hetupsen, lire 6 20
'1'. P. Kuno, tiro 270 66
Geisier Eros., lire 4 60
I,inauin ,A .Alulu, lire 23 95
:Butt Eros., tiro 51 15
\V-. 11. 11c(h(rt ('o., fire 25
J. V. SL•lutpt•.r ('n., tire 7 95
Iowa ((i1 ('o., fill. 3 00
Kasslor .11110 ('o., fire 22 33
The AI antz Co., police 14 38
J. W. (loillis, police 6 28
W. C. (Tow, police 4 45
1:1u•p & Bucchele, nonce
l2 10
,l(lthorn & Bechtel, police4 13
Central Garage, police 12 00
Chas. Vc(aril(y, police 4 00
1 isch(r fi ('o., police 13 26
Dubuque Electric Co., police.. 1 00
R. Herrmann & Son, police
and expense 6 00
Hawkeye Steam Vulcanizing
Co., police and expense 2 80
Tri State Auto Co., police and
fire 1 75
Rellihan & \-open, expense,
pollee and fire 21 45
Key ('ity Gas (20., police, fire
110(1 expense 4 25
Key City Gas Co., fire, police
110(1 expense 88 80
Iowa Telephone Co., fire, po-
lice and expense 42 67
A. %illig', police and expense1 75
Telegraph -1 ! orald, expense,
fire and police 75 00
Bart I:agatz, health 2 50
I" osselntan, health 18 00
Dubuque Glass Co., health 2 25
E. I'. Smith Electric Contract
1'0.. health 50
1'11ited 'fire Sales Co., health 124 20
.T. .1. Bowan & Son, health50
1'ptOn Laundry, health 10 59
h'. \I. Jaeger Hardware Co,
health 15
10. \I. .Jaeger 1111rdware Co.,
health 6 00
E. Al. .Jaeger Hardware Co.,
health 1 15
John 1)ehing, health 60 00
Spann & Rose Lumber Co,
sidewalk 21 50
Dubuque Lumber & Coal Co,
sidewalk 6 20
Geo. Norman, Martha street
sewer 12 49
10. Sohloz & Son, sewer 45
Peed- Ilerwanger & Pfiffner,
sewer 3 00
Telegraph -Herald, printing .. 17 81
Telegraph -Herald, printing __ 96 13
Telegraph -Herald, printing .. 8 40
Times -Journal, printing 70 47
Labor 1.(11(101', printing 12 50
1)I1In luo Electric Co., lighting 94 20
Dubuque Electric Co., lighting 162 15
Dubuque Electric Co., lighting 1 66
-Union Electric Co., lighting3330 10
\i(. Stanet•. sewer in North
Alain street206 31
C. II. 11c\amara & Co., im-
proving Tenth street from
Clay street to Main street5042 GO
C'. 11. Aic:Naman'a & Co., int-
pricillg Eou1'th Street Ex-
tension ""269 96
Mailer Mfg. Co., :31(1 road ..__ 64 20
I' Luer A1f•g•. ('o., 30(1 road .... 4 20
The 11(1(dley Co., 317d toad ..... 30 00
\I 110 Sand & Gravel Co., 3rd
and 20(1 roads and sewer.... 7 10
A. W. 1 )rake & Son, roads .... 20
7•('.1(1(r Gil Co., fire and roads 17 95
'ORI Bros., roads, sewer, fire
and expense 20 70
Key city Roofing Co., roads
and sewer 24 07
G. W. Healey & Son, 2nd road 30
Cota, Byrne & Seymour, roads 4 00
Regular Session, Nov. 16, 1916.
yonder (til Co., roads 12 00
P. Sclrloz fi Son, toads 21 20'
:Midland Chemical Co., roads44 66
Nic. Staner, curbing and gut-
tering Park avenue 111 5G
:Linehan ,C- \lolo, 1st road 19 50
Linehan Molo, 2nd road 113 00
P. Beutin, 211(1 roiol 257 65
ltentin, 5th road 2 50
The Smedley Co., 2nd road7 00
1 ischr r .l Co., 21)d road 4 40
Slullen Bros., 4th road 6 85
Eagle Point lime Works, 5th
2 95
On )notion of Ald. 51cl.aughlin all
bilis properly (1. K. were orderer)
On motion of .A1,l. Mcl.aughlin the
following. bills vv( re referred to the
committee of the 1V1101e:
,1:(s. 10. 1.0e, interest on 5'
retainer) $ 54 26
Jas. 1''. Lee, for labor :and ma-
terial on curbing on \West
Locust strcet 34 63
Key C'iy 1ron \Morks, roads._119 GO
Petition of (leo. liagatz, Sr., ask-
ing the city council to reduce the as-
sessment on lots 1 0, 11 amt 12 in
Stafford's Add., presented and read.
On motion of Ald. Frit) the petition
was referred to the committee of the
whole to View the grounds.
Conuuunicnlinn of the 1)ubwtne
Athletic I field in regard to their bills
presented and read. (10 motion of
Ald. Frith the communication was
referred to the committee of the
1'etition of Geo. L. Courtney ask-
ing the city council to reduce the as-
sessment on lots 233, 235 Inion .Add.
presented and rear). On motion of
\id. Least the petition \Vas referred
to the committee of the whole to
Vieve the grounds.
Petition of Frank 13eutin asking
the city council to open Lime street
presented and rear. 011 motion of
.\ hl. Frith the petition was referred
to the committee of the Whole to
VieW the gn•ounds.
Petition of Dubuque Altar Sifg. Co.
asking the city council to place the
total taxable Valuation on their prop-
erly for the years 1 911 , 1 91 2, 1 91 7,
1914 and 1915 at $9,200.00 presented
and read. (un motion of Ald. Leis(
the petition was referred to the com-
mittee of the whole.
Petition of Bridget Casey asking
the city council to accept the sum of
$25.00 for cancelling the assessment
on the north half of lot 9 in O'\eill's
Add., No. 2 presented and rend. r roc
motion of Ald. Wallis the petition
Vas referred to the city ire11s111'e0 to
report back to the council.
Petition of Mrs. Maud 51cl,anghlin
asking the city council to exempt her
taxes for the year 1915 presented and
read. On motion of Ald. Leist the
001 (tion way referrer) to 1hre conunit-
toe of the whole to view the grounds.
1'e1110,0 of Phil Schwind, receiver
Smedley Steam Pump Co.. asking the
city council to accept the sum of
$1000,00 for settlement of back taxes
presented and read. On motion of
Ald. frith the petition was referred
to the city treasurer to report to the
committee of the whole.
Potion) of Jos. A. and W. 11. Mous-
er cling to 1110 assessment against.
lots 5 and 6, Brewery Add. presented
and rend. on motion of Ald. Wallis
the petition was referred to the com-
mittee of the whole to View the
Petition of .1. I';. Kende'', agent,
asking the oily council 10 cancel the
a ssesrnu•�'t l'or Sower in Wort 14th
stn t levied against the east 1-2 of
the northerly SS feet of lot 787 in A.
Melt:rniets Sub. presented :and rear).
Ahl. h'rith moved to suspend the
rales for the purpose of allowing Mr.
Kemler to address the council. Car-
ried by the following vote:
lens .\Ids. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
51(1,11 nghlin, l'lamondon. Strobel,
Nays— None.
Mr. Kenner addressed the council
relative to his petition. On motion
of Ald. Frith the petition vVaS referr-
ed to the city engineer and city at-
torney to report to the committee of
the whole.
Petition of R. W. Kenner asking
the city council to cancel the special
assessment against lots S and 10 mar-
tin's 1)nhurtue presented amt read.
\hl. 1'1(10•(000 moved to suspend the
rules for the purpose of allowing Mr.
Render to address the council. Car-
ried by the following Vote:
leas- .\lds. Callahan, Frith, •Leist,
'McLaughlin, 1'laiuondon, Strobel,
Nn ys--None.
Mr. Kemler addressed the council
relative to his petition. on motion of
.All. McLaughlin the petition vVas re-
ferred to the committee of the whole
to View the grounds.
Petition of. John Stiller asking the
city council to correct the assessment
on lot 2 of lot 8 of b'urley's Sub. pre-
seu1e,1 and read. on nnrtion of Ald.
\\'atlis the petition was (()'erred to
he u.mmittee 111' the whole to view
1hr grounds.
Petition of Voelker Realty Co. ask-
ing the city council to reduce the as-
sc:-snrenl o1( lots bearing even num-
bers, two to twenty-six inclusicc, and
lots thirty and fifty-eight. Bellevue
ATI. lurscntc(l and read. On motion
ni .Alr1. AV'nIlis the petition was re-
ferred to the committee of the whole
to view the grounds.
Petition of Voelker Reudiy Co. ask-
ing the city c•ou11(01 to reduce the as-
456 Regular Session, Nov. 16, 1916.
sessment on lots 38, 39, 52' and 53
Tschirgi & Schwind's Sub. presented
and read. On motion of Ald. Frith
the petition tits referred to the com-
mittee of the whole to view the
Petition of Gale T. Parry asking
the city council to reduce the valua-
tion placed on lot 8 of lot 4 of Min-
eral Lot 73 and lot 5 of Mineral Lot
73 presented and read. On motion of
Ald. Wallis the petition was referred
to the committee of the whole to view
the grounds.
Petition of Geo. Bendel asking the
city council to cancel the special as-
sessment. levied ,against lot 6 in San -
ford's Saab. for the sanitary sewer in
Prince street presented and read. On
motion of Ald. i0 rich the petition was
referred to the city engineer and city
attorney to report 10 the committee
of the whole.
Original notice of suit of Helen,
Maria and William Meehan vs. City
of Iaubnalne in the sum of $3,000.00
for domages to ('ity Lot 553 present-
ed ,anal read. On motion of Ald. Frith
the notice was referred to the city
att orncy,
Pills of, the 01 Water Co. against
Jas. 10. Lee in the sun of $67.05 for
water used on West locust street im-
provement and ;also 'rhos. Lee in the
warn of $5.22 for water used on the
improvement of the alley lying be-
tween 9111 and 10th avenues and
Rhonaberg and 1.incoln avenues and
in the sura o1' $.41 for water used for
const ening the sidewalk on Couler
avenue. city lots Nos. 438 and 439
presented and rend. On motion of
Ald. Frith the hills were referred to
the city auditor to deduct the amounts
from the ;aboro mentioned bills.
To the 1lonore1le Mayor and City
(lentlemen: I herewith submit my
p,ay 1.011 for 101)01. on streets in the
several road districts during the first
half of November, 1916:
Amount due I;ahori•rs $911.60
Also subunit the pray 1.011 for sprink-
ling and sweeping the first half of
November, 1910:
Amount due laborers $148.35
Also subunit- the pay roll for labor
on roads leading into the county:
Fifth \Woyet County Road
fund, amount due laborers$191.11
Respectfully submitted,
JOI I N ll \1 I ONEY,
Street Commissioner.
on motion of _Ald. Frith the pay
rolls were received and warrants or-
dered drawn to pay various amounts
and report referred back to commit-
tee on streets.
Also submit the pay roll for labor
on sewers during the first half of
November, 1916:
Amount due laborers on sew-
ers $224.75
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
On motion of Ald. Plamondon the
pay roll was received and warrants
ordered drawn to pay various
amounts and report referred back to
committee on sewers.
Chief of Police Giellis reported as
To the honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
pay roll for the police department for
the first half of November, 1916:
Amount due policemen $1505.20
Respectfully submitted,
Chief of Police.
On motion of Aid. Callahan the
pay roll was received and warrants
ordered drawn to pay the various
amounts and the report referred hack
to the police committee.
Fire chief Reinfried reported as
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
pay roll for the fire department for
the first half of November, 1916:
Amount due firemen $2190.30
Respectfully submitted,
J. R. 11I:INhR1Ifl1, Thief.
On motion of .Alderman Least the
pay roll was received and warrants
ordered drawn to pay the various
amounts and the report referred back
to the fire committee.
Novcnber 16th, 191G.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: Lot 2 of 1 of 6 P. L. 11.
Lang's Add. owned by Wm. Graf has
been assessed for 10 feet greater
depth on his lot than he owns. I
hereby petition you that you instruct
the treasurer to change this amount
from $920.00 to $860.00 for 1915.
Edw. Hanning owning lot2 of 1 of 1 of
1 of 25 Mt. Pleasant Add. was assessed
by the Somers System for $2,990.00
for 1914, also 1915, a re -measure-
ment of this lot shows that it should
be assessed for $450.00. Lot 14 Wil-
son's Sub. assessed to A. J. Van Duzee,
1915, owned by C. A. Voelker, should
not have the improvement of $1,-
620.00 carried for 1915 and I hereby
petition that a warrant be ordered
drawn; for $22.68 in favor of C. A.
City Assessor.
On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the
report of the city assessor was ap-
proved, the city treasurer instructed
accordingly and a warrant in the
sum of $22.68 ordered drawn in favor
of C. A. Voelker.
On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the
report of Weighmaster R. Hay in the
sum of $2.86 was received and filed.
Regular Session, Nov. 16, 1916.
Dubuque, Iowa, Nov. 16, 1916.
To the Honorable Mayor and Council
of the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen: Charles McManus of
• the City of Dubuque, has filed a claim
for damages in the sunt of Sixty
($60.00) Dollars for injuries sustain-
ed when a horse owned by him fell
into a manhole in the alley between
1")1st and Second street and between
Alain and Locust street.
\Ve have examined into the merits
of this claim and would recommend
that the sante he allowed :Ind a war-
rant lie drawn in favor of Charles
\(('A(anus in the sum of Sixty ($60.00)
Respectfully- submitted,
M. H. (%l%I:I,
City Attorney.
tin motion of :Ale(. McLaughlin the
report of the city attorney was ap-
proved and ti tva 'ratll in the sum of
$60.00 was ordered drawn in favor of
('has. McManus on the i•ity treasurer.
Dubuque, Iowa. Nov. 16, 1916. •
To the Honorable Mayor and Council
of the City of Dnhngne.
Gentlemen: In the \Iny term 191 f
of the I)i.sirict ('our) of Dubuque
County, Iowa, Peter Ilartert hron;;h,
suit against the City. of Dui -mime for
damages sustained IA0 hint when he
fell upon a street crossing at the cor-
ner of Ninth and \loin streets, by
which he sustained a severe fracture
of his right ankle The action ;'as
brought for the snot of (the Thou-
sand ($1000.00) Dollars.
.After a careful investigation into
the facts of this case 1yo 1111 VI' cm1-
sidered it a(Ivisnble to e11e01 tut ad-
justtne-t of the (bunt upon as satis-
factory :1 basis :is possible. in view
of the fact that it is our opinion that
the city is liable for the injuries sus-
tained. \Ve have submitted :t propo-
sition of settlement in this case based
upon the actual (I•ut(;Iges which the
plaintiff has sustained. 51101) as med-
ical services and hospital bills. The
amount which we agreed to pay was
(fine Ilunolred Fifteen ($115.00) Dol-
lars, the plaintiff to pay the costs of
court already ;tccrucd, subject, of
course, to the approval of your Hon-
orable Roily.
rounding this case and the extent of
tate injuries received, 400 wo11l(1 rec-
onlm0nd that this settlement be ac-
cepted by you, and 11 warrant. be
drawn in the stun of (Inc Hundred
Fifteen ($115.00) Dollars payable to
Walter Koerner, the attorney for the
plaintiff, said warrant to be turned
over to hint after 11e has diatissed the
suit now pending and filed a satisfac-
tory release with this office.
Respectfully submitted.
City Attorney.
()n motion of Ald. Leis the report
of the city attorney was approved
tui] ;t warrant in the sunt of $115.00
was ordered drawn on the city treas-
urer in favor of Walter KOet'ttot•.
Ald(n'nlult \Vallis offered Ili fol-
\\'hereas, The contrite) heretofore
enter((1 into by the City of Dubuque
for the construction of a. sanitary
sewer hereinafter described has been
completed, and the city engineer leas
computed that the cost and expense
of said improvement amount to
Therefore, 111e it liosolved by the
City Council of the City of Itnhnqne,
That to provide for the cos) of con-
structing a sanitary sewer in \Vind5or
avenue from Lincoln ;1ye11ne to Provi-
dence street and in Providence street
from \\'I(1410' avenue to stal'ford ;tve-
ttue, the I)Itlyol lie.nr(1 ite is hereby
require(( to execute and deliver to the
city recorder, to be by (tint registered
and ('04)0 ersigned, two bonds for
Two I-lundred and fifty dollars each
and one for Forty-three and 93-100
dollars, numbered 1465 to 1167 in-
clusive, dated lteceulher 1611, 1'.116,
payable on or before seven years af-
ter the date thereof. 111(1 bearing in-
terest ;11 the rale of live per cent per
annum, payable sem i-umum uv.
Id. AVallis move(( the adoplion of
the resolution. Parried by the fol-
lowino vote:
-Y( as- Callahan, Frith, heist,
11(1.an0h1in, 1'Iantondon, Strobel.
Noys V'one.
Ahlernt:ut \Vallis offer( 1 the fol-
\V'Iii yeas. The yeah:'' heretofore
eaten(( into bV. 111e ('110 of InIhinine
for the intlaoc-('100111 of VV•o:=1 focus(
street I1erHIlzI ler ilescribe,l 11:1s been
completed, and the city engineer has
computed that the cost and expense
City. Council of the City of ituhuque.
of said improvement amount to $16,-
Therefore, 110 it Resolved by the
Thal, to provide for the cost of int -
proving \Vest 1.000s1 street from the
end of the present briclt intlnoc(loco'
at, Seventeenth street lo the west
curb Ilse of 11(1,10(1011 avenue, t11•
utayor 1,e ;11141 he is 11(,4-,•H-
1(,4 4-10 ('xernte n11(1 11(.114(1 to the oily r' -
Corder, 10 lie Ic Iii n rrgis1,1r'• I 11001
countersig11c,l, siyIy-41(`v)•11 ('(1(1s for
Two 11110dre4l ;(n,l 111.1y deu,rs 4.; ".11
and one for Due 1111111r-1 lite -three
and 59-100 dollars, nInnl(•r(-)l -14,441 0)
4735 inclusive, dated 1 (e('('lllhi•I'
1'.116, payable 011 or before seven
years after the date thereof, and
bearing interest at the tate of live per
cent per annum, payable semi-
annual-Ald. AVallis moved the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the fol-
458 Regular Session, Nov. 16, 1916.
lowing vote:
Yeas-- Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel,
Nays --None.
Your committee on streets would
respectfully report that we have ex-
amined the improvement of North
Main street and would respectfully
recommend that the same be accept-
We would further recommend that
the city engineer be and he is hereby
instructed to prepare a special r.ssess-
ment against the lots or parcels of
real estate subject to assessment for
tin. improvement excluding all charg-
es for curb not genuinely reset and
file the same in the office of the city
recorder who will thereupon publish
the notices as required by ordinance.
E. E. 1 it1'!'11, Chairman.
(in motion of. A1d. Frith the report
of the committee on streets was
(Dubuque, Iowa, Nov. 16, 1916.
To the Honorable Mayor' and City
Gentlemen: The P.oaud of Health
niet in regular session, November 16,
1916. ('h,iirman Sant in the chair.
Present-- :\Id. 1,eisl, Citizens Wm.
Fosseluuut, R. Kolck, 1)r. Reinecke,
Dr. Graham, Sanitary Officer Neu-
mann. Minutes of the regular meet-
ing of October 5th, 1916, read and on
motion of .\Id. 1.oist were approved as
rend. on motion of. Ald. Leist the
following hills were sent to the coun-
ty for payment:
I,nhu,lue Electric Co. $ 3.00
.Iohn 1,. Langdon 3.55
('Irnles Palen 100.00
.1. E. Robinson 65.00
communication of Margaret Mar-
tin per It. Martin Beck asking the
Board of health for a continuation of
three months time to make sanitary
connections presented and read. On
notion of Ald. Leist the communica-
tion was referred to the city attorney.
On motion of R. Kolck resolutions
ordering the following named parties
t.. contei•t with the sanitary sewer
were adopted:
(1r, gor Aureden, S. 1-2 of lot 19,
I.. 11. 1angworthy's Subdivision.
\likel Michels, ('ity 1.ot 5 .1-2 of S.
Al. 1-5 of Lot 442.
Kolck moved to adjourn. Car -
T. .I. SEI1;A,
Clerk of the Board of Health.
On motion of Ali. Leist the report
of the Board of Health was adopted.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the petitions of
the Times -Journal and Telegraph -
Herald newspapers asking for an in-
crease in their price of publishing
council proceedings and notices from
12 cents to 15 cents per column
inch, would respectfully recommend
that the prayer of their petition be
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole
would respectfully recommend that
the city recorder be instructed to re -
advertise for bids for a public dock
at Eagle I'oint, bidders to submit
plans and specifications.
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was submitted the petition of
Tho Visiting Nurse Association Fresh
Air Camp asking that the city car-
penter be instructed to repair the
damage done to their fence at Rhom-
berg park on Hallowe'en would re-
spectfully recommend that the prayer
of the petition be granted and the
carpenters instructed accordingly.
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the petition of
Thos. Jacobsen asking that the spe-
cial assessment against his property
for the construction of a sanitary
sewer in West Second street be re-
duced would respectfully recommend
that the petition be received and fil-
I. H. \VALLIS. Chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the petition of
the W. 1'. T. l'. asking that the city
council enforce the cigarette law
would respectfully recommend that
the petition he made a matter of rec-
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the bill of F.
Schloz fi Sons for work done for the
various wards would respectfully
recommend that the bill be paid and
warrants be i1t i vn covering the same.
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the bill of Jas. F.
Lee for interest on a 5 per cent re-
tained for a street improvement also
the communication of the Western
Improvement Co. asking for the same
thing would respectfully recommend
that they be received and filed.
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
Your committee to whom was re-
ferred the petition of Mary A. Dolan
asking that the taxes on her property
be cancelled would respectfully rec-
ommend that the prayer of her peti-
tion be granted but that the same be
allowed to remain a lien on the prop-
erty without interest.
J. 1-I. WALLIS, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the protest of A.
L. Rhomberg against the special as-
sessment levied for the improvement
of the alley running from Rhomberg
to Lincoln avenue between Ninth and
Tenth avenue would respectfully ree-
Regular Session, Nov. 16, 1916.
ommend that said protest he received
and filed.
T. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the protest of
James and Mary Beacon against the
special assessment levied for the im-
provement of Burns street would re-
spectfully recommend that said pro-
test be received 00(1 filed.
.r. II. \\':\I.I.IS, chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was reforre(1 the petition of
John Hillery asking for a refund of
$2.1 0 for over paid taxes for the year
1914, would respectfully recommend
that the prayer of the petition be
granted and a( warrant he drawn cov-
ering the saune.
.1. 11. \V,\ LLiS, chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the bill of C. B.
:McNamara & co. for the 5 per cent
retained on the Locust and South
Locust street improvement world re-
spectfully recommend that said hill
be received and tiled.
.1. l-1. \V.\ 1.1.1 S, ('hairman.
Your committee of the whole to
whorl was referred the petition of
Jos. 1.. !Mid asking for a reduction in
taxes would respectfully recommend
that said petition be received and
J. H. VALLIS, chairman.
'Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the petition of
Farley K Loetscher Mfg. Co. and the
Key City Rooting Co. asking permis-
sion to pave the portion of the alley
abetting their property between
White and Jackson street from Sth
sheet three-fifths of the distance to
:ctrl street would respectfully recom-
mend that the prayer of their petition
be granted but that the same must
be constructed under the supervision
of the city engineer.
J. 11 \V:11,1,114 1'hairIuan.
On motion of :\Ill. \Vallis the vari-
ous reports of the committee of the
whole were adopted.
lil']S(It,t 'I'IoN,
Whereas, 'Tenth Street, in the City
of 1nni)1nnue, has been improved front
(laic street. to Alain street, where not,
1 t 1a I ready paved, in accordance with
proper proceedings had by the City
conned; and
\VIo•rea(s, said work has 1)0011 (0111-
pleted and accepted by the City
Council; and
Whereas, a plat and schedule has
heretofore been made by the City En-
gineer of said City; and
Whereas, in said plat and schedule
as Prepared, certain lots and parts of
lots were omitted from said schedule
and plat which should have been in-
cluded therein and assessed to pay
for said improvement; and
Whereas, on October 19th, 1916, a
11(00101 assessment was 10Vied by the
City Council to pay for said improve-
ment and certain lots and parcels of
lots were omitted front said assess-
ment which should have been includ-
ed therein to pay for said improve-
ment; and
Whereas, because of said omissions
and nonoo((fo(•mlty to the law relat-
ing to special assessments, it is deem-
ed advisable and necessary that a re-
assessment lie made and re -levy
thereon in order that so id omissions
be supplied and irregularity be recti-
fied; now
Therefor, he it resolved by the ('itv
Council of the City of Dubuque that
the ('ity Engineer be instructed to
prepare a special 1.0 -assessment
against the lots and parcels of real
estate subject to assessment for said
inlproventenf, and file the same in the
office of the City Recorder who will
thereupon publish ilio notice of said
re -assessment as required by lane and
the Ilydinances of said city.
Ahi. Leist moved the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas --Ards. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
\l( Lautg'hlin• Plamondon, Strobel,.
city Recorder Shea presented and
read the notice, certified to by the
publisher's, of the city council's in-
tention to levy a special assessment
to pay for improving West Locust
street, from the end of the present
brick improvement at Seventeenth
street to the west curb line or 11odg-
don avenue. Jas. F. Lee, contractor.
.Also the written remonstrances of J.
W. Lange and John \I. Lee, by
I rantzen & Bonson, his attorneys. On
motion of Ald. Wallis the notice was
received and filed and the remon-
strances referred to the committee of
the whole.
ltesolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That to pay for im-
proving \Vest Locust street from the
enol of the present brick improve-
ment at Seventeenth street to the
west curb line of Hodgdon avenue, by
Jas. 1 . l.ee, contractor, in front of
and adjoining the same, a. Special
Tax be and is hereby levied 011 the
sed Brat lots, and parts of lots, and
parcels of real estate hereinafter
named, situate and owned, and for
the w vetal amounts set opposite each
let or parcel of real estate, as lollows:
( (weer, Description. Amt.
Wm. Nester, Sub. 1 of 1
of 2 of Outlot l (1 and
1't. 682, lot 2; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$11 G.31 ; interest at 6 per
cent, Ste; extra expense
at 1 1.2 per cent, $1.74;
$ 118 87
460 Regular Session, Nov. 16, 1916.
John 1)ond, Sub. 1 of 1 of 1
of 2 of Outlot. 670 and 1't.
682, lot 2; brick block pav-
ing and curbing cost.,
$88.82; interest at 6 per
cent, 66c; extra expense
at 1 1-2 per cent, $1.33;
W. Hansel, Sub. 1 of 1 of 1
of 2 of (iutlot 670 and Pt.
682, lot 1; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$158.32; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.14; extra expense
at 1 1-2 per cent, $2.37;
Caroline Grill, Sul,. 1 of 2 of
Oudot 670 and 1't. 682, lot
2; brick block paving and
curbing cost, $ 1 6 5. 1 2 in-
tcr(st at f per cent, $1.19;
extra expense ;1t 1 I-2 per
cent, $2.48; total
Prank I laurel, Sub. 2 of out -
lot 670 and ('1. 682, lot 2;
brick block paving and
curbing cost, $61.88; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 44c; ex-
tra expense at 1 1-2 per
cent, 91c; total
John 1 (uerv, Sub. of Outlot
670 and I't_ 682, lot 1;
brick block paving ;Ind
curbing cost, $167.98; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $1.20;
extra expense at 1 1-2 per
cent, $2.52; total
John 1)eery, Sub. of Outlot
670 and 1't. 682, lot 4;
brick Klock paving and
curbing cost, $81.76; in-
Icrest at 6 per cent, 59c;
extra expense al 1 1-2 per
cent, $1.2:1; total
400 u 1, Bore, tun. OT ( MUM
670 and 1't. 682, lot 5;
brick block paving and
cnrhing cost, $84.66; in -
1 '1111. at 6 per cent, GOc;
extra expense at 1 1-2 per
cent, $1.27; total
John Deorv, Sub. of cutlot
6S2, E. 22.2 ft. lot 8; brick
block paving and curbing
dost, $28.17; interest ;it 6
per cent, 220c; ext (a ex-
pense at 1 1-2 per cent,
42c; total
Paulina i)anzcr, Sub. of Ont -
lot 682, W. 29.1 ft. lot 8;
brick block paving turd
curbing cost, $23,01; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 17e; ex-
tra expense at 1 1-2 per
cent, 34c; total
Jos. ,1. Gill, Sub, of Outlot
682, lot 7; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$23.97: interest at 6 per
cent, 17c: extra expense at
] 1-2 per cent, 36c; total
Jos. J. Gill, Sub. of Outlot
90 81
161 83
16S 79
63 25
171 70
83 58
86 53
28 79
23 52
24 50
682, lot 6; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$18.32; interest at 6 per
cent, 13c; extra expense
at 1 1-2 per cent, 27c; to-
tal 18 72
Enz. McMahon, Sub. of Out -
lot 682. lot 5; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$7.62; interest at 6 per
cent, G('; extra expense at
1 1-2 per cent, 11c; tot;11.. 7 79
John 1)eery, llowen's Sul,.,
lot 2; brick block paving
and curbing cost, $73.95;
interest at 6 per cent, 53c;
extra expense at 1 1-2 per
cent, 81.11; total 75 59
Sarah and Eliz. Bowen, Sub
1 of Bowen's Sub., lot 1;
brick block paving and
curbing cost, $102.1111; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 73e;
extra expense ;1t 1 1-2 per
cent, .`$$1.53; total 104 45
Pith. Realty ('o , Sub. 1 of
Ilowen's Sub., lot 2; brick
block paving and c'nrhing
cost, $151.62; interest at 6
per cent, $1.09: , xt l'a ex-
pense at 1 1-2 per cent,
$2.27; total 154 98
Dub. Realty 1'u„ Bowen's
Sub., lot 3; brick block
paving and curbing cost.
$102.42; interest at 6 per
cent, 73c; extra expense ;it
1 1-2 per cent, $1.54; total 104 69
:fames Poe, Gilliam's Sub.,
lot 12; brick block paving
and curbing cost, $4:1.71;
interest :It 6 per cent, :;2c;
extra expense at 1 1-2 per
cent, 6Gc; total 44 72
:lames Lee,Gillian)'s Sub,
Int 11 ;brick block paving •
and curbing cost, $19.58;
interest at 6 per cent, 14c:
extra expense ;1t 1 1-2 per
cent, 30c; total 20 32
.James Lee, Gilliam's Sub„
lot 10; brick Klock paving
and curbing cos!, $15,16;
interest at 6 per cent, 10c;
extra expense at 1 1-2 per
cent, 23c; total 15 49
Cath E. Sullivan, Gilliam's
Sub., lot 1; hricic block
paving and curbing cost,
$230.41; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.65; extra expense
at 1 1-2 per cent, $3.46;
total 235 52
J. \V. Norton, Gilliam's Sub,
lot 2; brick block paving
and curbing cost, $53.52;
interest at 6 per cent, 38c;
extra expense at 1 1-2 per
cent, SOc; total 54 70
J. -W. Norton, Gilliam's Sub,
lid 3; brick block paving
and curbing cost, $22.12;
Session, Nov. 16, 1916.
interest at 6 per cent, 16e;
extra expense at 1 1-2 per
cent, 33c; total
J. W. Norton, Gilliam's Sub.,
lot 4; brick block paving
and curbing cost, $13.53;
interest at 6 per cent, Ioc;
extra expense at. 1 1-2 per
cent, 20c; total
J. W. Norton, Gilliam's Sub,
lot 5; brick block paving
and curbing cost, $11.30;
interest, at 6 per cell. .>s, ;
extra expense at 1 1 per
cent, 17c; total
Ed. Milligan, Quigley's out-
lot 710, lot 24; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$14.86; interest at 6 per
dent, 10c; extra expense at.
1 1-2 per cent. 22c; total
Cath. Sullivan, Sub. 1 of
Quigley's (hit lot 710, lot 2;
brick block paving and
curbing cost, $4.98; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 4c; ex-
tra expense at 1 1-2 per
cent, So; total
A. L. and Eliz. 1'ormalee,
Sub. 1 of Quigley's ( rntlot
710. lot 1; brick block pav-
ing and curbing cost,
$142.51; interest at 6 per
cent, $1 `t2; extra expense
at 1 1-2 '\r cent, $2.14;
J. G. hand, Qu,F7ey's ( (utlot
710, lot 2; Irick block
paving and garbing' cost,
$175.59; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.21;; extra expense
at 1 1-2 per cent, $2.611;
J. G. Mand. Quigley's (11111ot
710, E. 10 ft. lot :1; brick
block paving and curling
cost, $38.65; interest. at 6
Per cent, 28c; extra ex-
pense at 1 1-2 per cent,
58c; total
Vianna. hand, Quigley's out -
lot 710, W. 40 1'1. Int :.
brick block paying and
curbing cost, $ 159.80; in-
terest at 6 per cent. $1.15;
extra expense at 1 1-2 per
cent, $2.40; total
Itel(lIy Inv. Corp.. Quigley's
Outlot 7111, lot 4; brick
block paving and curbing
cost, $199.75; interest at 6
per cent, $1.42; extra ex-
pense at 1 1-2 per cent,
$3.00; total
Realty Inv. Corp., Quigley's
Outlot 710, lot 5; brick
block paving and curbing
cost, $199.75; interest at 6
per cent, $1.42; extra ex-
pense at 1 1-2 per cent,
03.00; total
Mary A. Flynn, Quigley's
22 G1
13 83
11 55
15 18
5 10
145 97
179 43
:;9 51
163 35
204 17
204 17
0(1(1101. 710, lot 6; brie]:
block paving. and curbing
cost, $199.7:,; interest at 6
per cent, $1.12; extra ex-
pense 1(1 1 1-2 per cent,
$11.00; total
\Iargt. Norton, Quigley's
Outlot 71(1, E. 10 ft. lot.
7; brick block paving and
curbing cost, 0159.50; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $1.15;
extra expense at 1 1-2 per
cent, $2.40; total
J. W. Norton, Quigley's out -
lot 710, W. 10 ft. lot 7;
brick block paving and
curbing cost, $39.95; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 211c•; ex-
tra 1! expense ai. 1 1-2 per
cent, G(Ic; total
.1. VV. Norton, Quigley's Ont -
lot 710, lot 3; bride block
paving and curbing cost,
$19:1.75; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.42; extra expense
at. 1 1-2 per cent, $3.00;
.1. 51". Norton, Quigley's (rut -
lot 710, Int 9; bric•lc block
paging and curling' cost,
$190.75; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.42; extra expense
at 1 1-2 per cent, $3.00;
\\'m. Kingsley, Quigley's (hrt-
lot 710, lot 10; brick block
paving and curbing_ cost,
$109.75; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.42; extra expense
at 1 1-2 per cent, $3.00;
Al. Stapleton, Qnigle�-'s (Ott -
lot 7 1 0, lot 11; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
0199.75; interest at 6 Per
cent, $1.42; extra expense
at 1 1-2 per cent, $:3.00;
Jno. M. Lee, Quigley's out -
lot 710, lot 12; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$199.75; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.42; extra expense
at 1 1-2 per cent, $3.00;
total .........
John ("olcman. (21tigley's Out -
lot 710, lot 13; 1)11(1c b10(14
Paving and curbing cost,
$199.75; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.42; extra expense
1(t 1 1-2 per cent, $3.00;
1:. I'. Callihan Est., Quigley's
( tutlot 710, lot 14; brick
block paving and curbing
cost, $199.75; interest at 6
per cent, $1.42; extra ex-
pense at 1 1-2 per cent,
$3.00; total
Jno. M. Lee, Quigley's Out -
lot 710, W. 42 ft. lot 15;
brick block paving and
204 17
163 35
40 tit
204 17
204 17
204 17
204 17
204 17
204 17
204 17
Session, Nov. 1 6, 191 6.
curbing cost, $167.79; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $1.21;
extra expense at 1 1-2 per
cent, $2.52; total
E. P. Callihan Est., Quigley's
Outlot 710, lot 16; brick
block paving and curbing
cost, $10.18; interest at 6
per cent, 7c; extra expense
at 1 1-2 per cent, 15c; total
Ger. Trust and Say. Bank,
Quigley's Outlot 710, lot
17; brick block paving and
curbing cost, $54.70; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 40c;
extra expense at 1 1-2 per
cent, 82c; total
Con. Moore, Quigley's Outlot
710, lot 15a; Con. Moore,
Quigley's Outiot 711, lot
9a; brick block paving and
curbing cost, $199.75; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $1.42;
extra expense at 1 1-2 per
cent, $3.00; total
Rosina Albrecht, Quigley's
Outlot 711, lot 10; brick
block paving and curbing
cost, $199.75; interest at 6
per cent, $1.42; extra ex-
pense at 1 1-2 per cent,
$3.00; total
Rosina Albrecht, Quigley's
Outlot 711, lot 11; brick
block paving and curbing
cost, $199.75; interest at 6
per cent, $1.92; extra ex-
pense at 1 1-2 per cent,
$3.00; total
Emily Hintrager, Quigley's
Outlot 711, lot 9; brick
block paving and curbing
cost, $28.91; interest at 6
Per cent, 22c; extra ex-
pense at 1 1-2 per cent,
43c; total
Phil 11yder, 42nigley's Outlot
711, lot 8; brick block
paving toll curbing cost,
$55.76; interest at 6 per
cent, 40c; extra expense at
1 1-2 per cent, 84c; total
.Tno. .\I. 1.ec, t,uigley's Outlot
71 lot (Ia; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$15.co; interest at 6 per
cent, 12c; extra expense
at 1 1-2 per cent, 23e; total
M. 11. Connolly, ltosher's
Sub., lot 1; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$734.59; interest at 6 er
cent, $5.28; extra expense
at I 1-2 per cent, $11.02;
Einnia 1., Buetell, Mosher's
Sub., lot 2.; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$46.04; interest at 6 per
cent, 33c; extra expense at
1 1-2 per cent, 69c; total..
Emma I.. Buetell, 1'n ion Ave.
171 52
10 40
55 92
204 17
204 17
204 17
29 56
57 20
15 95
751 19
47 06
Sub. No. 2, lot 1; brick
block paving and curbing
cost, $53.06; interest at 6
per cent, 38c; extra ex-
pense at 1 1-2 per cent,
80c; total
Emma L. Buetell, Union Ave
Sub. No. 2, lot 2; brick
block paving and curbing
cost, $39.1.7; interest at 6
per cent, 28c; extra ex-
pense at 1 1-2 per cent,
59c; total
Wm. A. I3uetell, Union Ave
Sub. No. 2, lot 3; brick
block paving and curbing
cost, $18.58; interest at 6
per cent, 13c; extra ex-
pense at 1 1-2 per cent,
2Sc; total
Emma T.. Iinetell, Union Ave
Sub. No. 2, lot 4; brick
block paving and curbing
cost, $14.33; interest at 6
per cent, 12c; extra ex-
pense at 1 1-2 per cent,
_2c; total
John McGrath, McGrath's
Sub., lot 10; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$232.86; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.67; extra expense
at 1 1-2 per cent, $3.49;
John McGrath, McGrath's
Sub., lot 8; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$140.28; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.00; extra expense
at 1 1-2 per cent, $2.10;
Cath. McGrath, McGrath's
Sub., lot 7; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$140.28; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.00; extra expense
at 1 1-2 per cent, $2.10;
Alice McKeown, Cath. Mc-
Grath, McGrath's Sub., lot
9; brick block paving and
curbing cost, $75.03; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 53c;
extra. expense at 1 1-2 per
cent, $1.13; total
Ellen Kcatley, McGrath's
Sub., lot 4; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$177.65; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.28; extra expense
at 1 1-2 per cent, $2.66;
Jeffry 'McGrath, McGrath's
Sub., ,lot 3; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$218.74; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.56; extra expense
at 1 1-2 per cent, $3.28;
Dennis McGrath, McGrath's
Sub., lot 6; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
54 24
40 04
18 99
15 17
238 02
143 38
143 38
76 69
181 57
223 58
Regular Session, Nov. 16, 1916.
$59.05; interest at 6 per
cent, 4 x. ; extra expense
at 1 1-' per cent, 89c; to-
Lena :\1(.1;rtith, McGrath's
Sub., lot. 5; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$40.58; interest at 6 per
cent, 29c; extra expense
at 1 1-2 per cent, 61c;
Pat Cassidy, Sub. Min. l.ot
95, lot 1; brick block pav-
ing and curbing cost,
$181.20; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.31; extra expense
at 1 1-2 per e'nt, $2.72;
C. \\'. \\'alton, Stift 1'ily lot
672:(, lot 1; brick block
pa int.; and l curbing cost,
$161.36; interest at 6 per
ecru, $1.16; cxlr0 expense
at 1 1-2 per cent, $2.42;
1'. .\. l'lric'h, 1 rorgnn's Sub.,
E. 42 ft. lot 1; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$156.09; interest at 6 per
cent, $ 1 .1'; ext 1'0 expense
at 1 1-2 per cent, $2.34;
1'. C. Stittes, 1 r (0;4:1 n's Sub.,
9 ft. lot 1; brick block
graving and curbing cost,
$3:3.14; interest at 6 per
cent, 21e; extra expense
at 1 1-2 per cent, 50c; to-
1''. C. Stints, 1/organ's Sub.,
lot 2; brick block paving
and curbing cost, $156.01;
interest at 6 per cent,
$1.12; extra expense at 1
1-2 per cent, $2.31: total..
Grace Stints, 1>organ's Sub.,
lot 3; brick block paving
anti curbing cost, $171_99;
interest at 6 per cent,
$1.23; extra expense at 1
1-2 per cent, $2.58; total..
Minnie Metcalf,' Sub. 1 of
('ox's Add., lot 1; brick
block paving and curbing
cost, $1 31.11; interest at 6
per cent, 95c; extra ex-
pense at 1 1-2 per cent,
$1.97; total
:gas. 1'. Norton, Sub. 1 of
(_'ox's _Aryl., lot 2; brick
block pacing and curbing
cost, $98.22; interest at 6
per cent, 70c; extra ex-
pense at 1 1-2 per cont,
$1.47; total
Mary A. Rawson. 1'ox's
Add., N. 1-2 lot 2; MarY
A. Rawson, Cox's add.,
S. 1-2 lot 2; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$182.65; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.31; extra expense
60 37
41 48
185 23
164 94
159 55
34 1S
159 47
175 80
134 03
100 39
at 1 1-2 per cent, $'.74;
E. }I. Scheppley, (lox'sAdd•, 786 70
lot :3; brick block paving
and curbing cost, $206.77;
interest. at 6 per cent,
$1.47; extra expense at 1
1-2 per cent, $3.10; told211 34
Amanda Norton, ('ox's ,Add,
lot 4; brick block' paving
and curbing cost, $211.16;
interest 11 6 per cent,
$1.51; ext;( expense at. 1
1-2 per cent, $3.17; total_. 215 84
\V-• G. ('ox, ('ox's Add., lot 5;
brick block paving and
curbing Cost, $209.97; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $1.50;
extra expense at 1 1-2 per
cent., $3.15; total
W. G. ('ox, ('ox's Add., 1:
1-2 lot 6; inrick block pav-
ing and curbing . cost,
$104,32; interest :(t 6 per
cent, 75c; extra expense at
1 1-2 per cent, $1.56; tol:cl 106 63
Jas. I.oe, ('ox's Add., \V. 1-2
lot 6; brick block paving
and curbing cost, $104.32;
interest at 6 per cent, 75c;
extra expense at 1 1-2 per
dent, $1.56; total 106 63
Jas. 1.ee, ('ox' Add., lot 7;
brick block paving and
curbing cost, $206.77; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $1.47;
extra expense at 1 1-2 per
cent, $3.10; total 211 34
Ernest I:isert, Sub. 8 of
('ox's Add., lot 1; brick
block pacing and curbing
cost, $143.48; interest at
6 per cent, $1.03; extra
(Arens(' at 1 1-2 per cent,
$2.15: total 146 66
Clms. and A. G. Wright, Sub
8 of ('ox's Add., lot 2;
brick block paving and
curbing cost, $1 40.58; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $1.00;
extra expense at 1 1-2 per
cent, $2.11; total 143 69
_Anna and Eva Yates, ('ox's
Add.. lot 9; brick block
pacing and curbing cost,
$193.25; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.39; extra expense
at 1 1-2 per cent, $2.90;
.Vona and Eva Yates, ('ox's
Adel., IS. 9 t'1. E. 1-2 lot 10;
brick block pacing and
curbing cost. $:1.1. 7 s; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 26c;
extra expense at 1 1-2 per
cent, 52c; total
Annabelle Yates, ('ox's Add,
W. 16.1 E. 1-2 lot 10;
rick block pacing and
curbing cost, $61.81; in-
terest it 6 per cent, 44c;
extra expense at 1 1-2 per
35 56
464 Regular Session, Nov. 16, 1916.
cent, 93e; total
Thos. Keatley, ('ox's Add,
W. 1-2 lot 10; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$96.63; interest at 6 per
cent, 70c; extra expense at
1 1-2 per cent, $1.45; to-
Herb I.undbeek, ('ox's Add.,
E. 30 ft. lot 1 1 ; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$115.94; interest at G per
cent, S3c; extra expense
at 1 1-2 per cent, $1.74;
S. (1. 1.nndheck, ('ox's Add.,
W. 20 ft. lot 11; brick
block paving and curbing
cost, $77.70; interest at 6
per cent, 56c; extra. ex-
pense at 1 1-2 per cent,
$1.16; total
Adam Vogel, ('ox's Add., E
1-2 lot 12; brick block
paving and curbing cost.
$96.63, interest at 6 per
cent, 70c; extra expense
tit 1 1-2 per cent, $1.45;
Michael Starlet, c'ex's Add.,
W. 1-2 lot 12; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$96.6:1: interest at 6 per
cent, i (Ic; extra expense at
1 1-2 per cent, $1.45; total
Iacv (1. \\'icken, ('ox's :\c1d.,
lot 17: brick block paving
and rnrbing cost, $197.25;
inti re -1 al 6 per eent,
$Lau: e':1ra expense at
1 1-2 per cent, $2.90;
Mary y 51oery. fox's Add., lot
(4; 1 i ick block paving' and
curbing cost, $193.25; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $1.39;
extra expense at 1 1-2 per
cent, $2.9e; total
Jacob 'I'r:utt, ('ox's .Adel., lot
15; brick block paving and
curbing cost, $193.25; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $1.39;
extra expense at 1 1-2 per
cent, $2.90; total
Really Investment Corp,
Cox's Add., W. 27.6 ft. lot
16; brick block paving and
curbing cost, $91.19; in-
terest at G per cent, 66c;
extra expense at 1 1-2 per
cent, $1.37; total
W. and .1. Organ, Cox's Add,
I'. 26.6 fI. lot 16; brick
block paving; and curbing
cost, $102.79; interest at 6
per cent, 77c; extra ex-
pense at. 1 1-2 per cent,
$1.54; total
W. J. Sullivan, ("ox's Add,
W. 1-2 lot 17; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$96.63; interest at 6 per
63 21
98 7S
118 51
79 02
9'8 78
98 78
197 54
197 54
197 54
93 22
105 06
cent, 70c; extra expense
at 1 1-2 per cent, $1.45;
total 98 78
Ellen Sullivan, ('ox's Add.,
E. 1-2 lot 17; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$96.63; interest at 6. per
cent., 70c; extra, expense
at 1 1-2 per cent, $1.45;
total 98 78
Sarah (':trney('ox's \dd.,
Ind. 1-2 lot 18; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$96.63; interest at 6 per
cent, 70c'; extra expense
at 1 1-2 per cent, $1.45;
total 98 78
Gert. ('nrney, ('ox's .add.,
1'nd. 1, lot IS; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$96.65: interest at 6 per
cent, 71m; extra expense
at 1 1-2 per cent, $1.45
total 98 78
W. A. Buettell, fox's _Add.,
lot 19; brick block paving
and curbing cost, $193.25;
interest at 6 per rent,
81.:19; extra expense :(I 1
1-2 per cent, $2.90; total .. 197 54
W. A. ltuettell, ('ox's :Add.,
lot 20; brick block paving
and curbing cost, $193.25;
interest at 6 per cent,
$1.39; extra t•xpense at 1
1-2 per cent, 2.90; total ._ 197 54
Emily Allen, ,'ox's Add.,
lot 21; brick block paving
and curbing cost, $193.25;
interest at G per cent,
$1.79; e>ar:t expense at 1
1-2 per cent. $2.90; total _. 197 54
Bridget 11runskill, ('ox's
:\dd., E. 24 1't. lot 22;
brick block paving and
curbing cost, $92.75; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 67c;
extra expense at 1 1-2 per
cent, $1.39; total 94 81
John Blake1' st., Snb. 7 I' l -
len Blake's Sub., lot 1;
brick block paving and
curbing cost, $552.98; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $3.96;
extra expense at 1 1-2 per
cent, $5.29; total 565 23
John Lee, Sub. 7 Ellen
lllake's Sub., lot 2; brick
block paving and curbing
cost, $25.90; interest at 6
per cent, 19c; extra ex-
pense at 1 1-2 per cent,
39c; total 26 48
John Lee, Sub. 6 Ellen
Blake's Sub., lot 1; brick
block paving and curbing
(Continued on Page Eleven.)
cost, $230.03; interest at 6
per cent, $1.65; extra ex-
pense at 1 1-2 per cent,
$3.45; total 235 la
John Lee, Sub. 6 Ellen
Regular Session, Nov. 16, 1916.
Blake's Sub., lot 2; brick
block paving and curbing
cost, $10.11; interest at 6
per cent, 7c; extra expense
at 1 1-2 per cent, 15e; to-
Theresa Stoltz, Ellen Blake's
Sub., lot 5; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$240.15; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.72; extra expense
at 1 1-2 per cent, $3.60;
Theresa Stoltz, Ellen Blake's
Sub., lot 4; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$240.15; interest at. G per
cent, $1.72; extra expense
at 1 1-2 per cent, $3.60;
A. 1'. ],uetell, Ellen Blake's
Sub., lot 3; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$240.15; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.72; extra expense
at 1 1-2 per cent, $3.60;
Jos. A. Khmer, Ellen Blake's
Sub., lot 2; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$240.15; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.72; extra expense
at 1 1-2 per cent, $3.60;
E. tend E. Duettell, Ellen
Blake's Sub., lot 1; brick
block paving and curbing
cost, $240.15; interest at 6
per cent, $1.72; extra ex-
pense at 1 1-2 per cent,
$3.60; total
lad. School Hist., Sub. Min
Lot. 93a, lot 2; brick block
paving and curbing cnsl.
$959.48; interest :Il 6 per
cent, $7.09; extra expense
at 1 1-2 per cent, $11.54;
Ind. School Dist., Sub. 11in.
Lot 95, bal. lot brick
block paving and curbing
cost, $708.50; interest at
6 per cent, $5.08; extra
expense at 1 1-2 per cent,
$10.63; total
Ind. School Dist., Littleton
and Sawyer's Sub., E. 2:35
ft. lot 64; brick block pav-
ing and curbing cost,
$31.18; interest at 6 per
cent, 23c; extra expense
at 1 1-2 per cent, 47c; to-
Union Electric Co., tracks,
extra expense at 1 1-2 per
cent, $61.07; total
10 33
245 47
245 47
245 47
245 47
245 47
1011 41
724 21
31 88
61 07
Total $16903 59
8214.45 sq. yds. brick block
paving on a concrete
foundation at $1.99 $16346 75
49.2 lin. ft. new 24 -inch
stone curb at 65c
7 lin. ft. new 36 -inch stone
curb at 75c
258.8 lin, ft. reset 24 -inch
stone curb at 221_c
94.3 lin. ft. reset 36 -inch
stone curb at 30c
Interest at 6 per cent
Extra expense ............
31 9
64 98
28 29
118 10
308 24
Total $16903 59
All of which is assessed in propor-
tion to the special benefits conferred.
Adopted November 16th, 1916.
A-pproved November 17th, 1916.
.I.A \I I;S SAUT.,
1\ rayon
Attest: .J. J. SFtEA,
City Recorder.
Alc]. Wallis moved the adoption of
the resolution. Carried 11y the fol-
lowing vote:
'leas—Aids. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
:McLaughlin, I'lamondoll, Strobel,
\•n.: ---\one.
City Recorder Shea presented and
read the notice, certified to by the
Publisher's, of the city council's in-
tention to levy a special assessment
to pay for constructing an eight -inch
tile pipe sanitary sewer in Windsor
avenue. fr0111 Lincoln avenue to
Providence street and in Providence
street from Windsor avenue to Staf-
ford avenue, James Street, contractor.
On motion of Ald. Friel the notice
was received and filed.
Resolved by the city council of the
(City of Dubntlue, 'I'llat to pay for an
S-ineli tile pipe sanitary sewer in
Windsor avenue from Lincoln avenue
to Providence street and in Provi-
dence street from Windsor avenue to
Stafford avenue, by .Lis. Street, con-
tractor, in front of ,and adjoining the
same, a spce111 tax he and is hereby
levied on 1110 several lots , and parts
of lots, and parcels of real estate
hereinafter named, situate and own-
ed, and for the several amounts set
opposite each lot or parcel of real
estate, as follows:
()whet.. Description. Amt.
Fate lIillec, Sub63 Cook's
Add., lot 1; manholes and
S -inch tile pipe, 45.1 lin. ft.
at $.7462, $33.65; interest
at 6 per cent. 2-Ic; extra ex-
pense at 1 per cont. $ 1.35;
total $ 35 24
Geo. W. 1Wieg:ntll, Cook's
_Ad l., S. E. 1-2'lots 71, 79;
manholes :and 8 -inch tile
pipe, 68.74 lin. ft. at $.7462,
$51.30; interest at 6 per
cent, 37c; extra expense at
4 per cent, $2.06; total 53 73
Peter Aepli Est., Cook's Add,
N. W. 1-2 lots 78, 79; man-
holes and 8 -inch tile pipe,
68.74 lin. ft. at $.7462,
466 Regular Session, Nov. 16, 1916.
$51.30: interest at 6 per
cent, 37c; extra, expense at
4 per cent, $2.06; total
Geo. Beier, l'ook's Add., lot
64; manholes and 8 -inch
tile pipe, 50 lin. ft. at
$.7462, $37.32; interest at
6 per cent, 27 extra ex-
pense at 4 per cent, $1.50;
Eliz. !,ligan, c'ook's .\dd., S.
96.5 ft. lot 77; manholes
and 8 -inch tile pipe, 96.5
lin, ft. ;it $.7462, $72.01;
interest ,it 6 per cent, 52c;
extra expense at 4 per cent,
$2.8x; total
\I. .\Iichels, c'ook's Add., N
41 rt. lot 77; manholes and
8 -inch tilt pipe, 72.43 lin.
ft. ;at $.7462. $39.12; inter-
est at 6 per cont, 28c; extra
expense ;at 4 per cent, $1.56;
11. Michels, c'ook's Add., W.
7 in. lot 76; manholes and
8 -inch tile pipe, .33 lin. ft.
at $.7462, 25c; interest at
6 per cent, lc; extra expense
at 4 per cent, lc; total
Augusta Schilling, c'ook's
Add., I:. 72.1 ft. lot 76;
auanhcles ;uul 8 -inch tile
pipe, 72.1 lin. ft. at $.7462,
$:38.88; interest at 6 per
cent, 27c; extra expense at 4
per cent, $1.55; total
('has. Itose, Est., c'ook's Add,
lot 77; manholes and 8 -
inch til' pipe, 72.43 lin. ft.
at $.7162, $89.12; interest
at 6 per cent, 28c; extra
expense at 4 per cent,
$1.76; total
Chas. Itose, Est., hook's Add,
lot 74; manholes and 8 -
inch tile pipe, 52.43 lin. ft.
at $.7462, $39.12; interest
at 6 per cent, 28c; extra
expense. ;it 4 per cent,
$1.56; tidal
11. Wunderlich, C'ook's .\d,l,
lot 73: manholes and s-
ine]: the pipe, 72.1:3 lin. ft.
at. $.7462, $3:1.12; interest
;it 6 per cent, 2sc; extra
ex1,,•iase at 4 per cent,
$1.56; teed
Isabelle and Lillian Nipp,
C'ook's .Add., lot 72; man-
holes and 8 -inch tile pipe,
52.43 lin. ft. at $.7462,
$39.12; interest at 6 per
cent, 28c; extra expense at
4 per cent, $1.56; total
Augusta Schneider, Cook's
Add., lot 71; manholes and
8 -inch tile pipe, 52.43 lin.
ft. ;at $.7462, $39.12; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 28c; ex-
tra expense at 4 per cent,
$1.56; total 40 96
53 73 Total $543 93
710.9 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile pipe
at 59c $419 43
4 manholes at $25.00 100 00,
Extra expense 20 77
Interest at 6 per cent 3 73
39 09 Total $543 93
All of which is assessed in propor-
tion to the special benefits conferred.
Adopted November 161.11, 1916.
Approved November 17th, 1916.
.J .A. AI ES' S:AUL,
75 41 Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Recorder.
Ald. Frith moved the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
'Yeas—Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, I'lamondon, Strobel,
40 9G Wallis.
Nays ----\one.
Aid. Callahan moved to take from
the committee of the whole the pe-
tition of the policemen asking for
one clay off every week and act on the
27 petition in the council meeting. Car-
Ald. Callahan moved that the po-
licemen be allowed one day off every
two cveelcs during the period of the
year when there ai'e no vacations.
40 70 Ald. Vallis moved that the council
reconsider their action of the meet-
ing of November 2nd, 1916, relative
to the petition of C. H. 1ierg, trustee
in bankruptcy, relating to the special
assessments ievied .August 6th, 1894,
against lots 1, 2, 49 and 50 Woodlawn
Park Addition. carried.
Ald. Wallis moved to refer the pe-
tition of 1'. H. Berg, trustee in bank-
ruptcy, relating to the special assess-
ments Levied August 6th, 1894,
against lots 1, 2, 49 and 50, to the
committee of the whole. Carried.
Ald. Frith moved to take from the
committee of the whole the petition
of J. 1". Kunz & Co., agents, relating
to the special assessments levied
against lot 2 Dillon's Sub., and act on
the petition in the council meeting.
Ald. Frith moved to receive and file
40 96 the petition of J. F. Kunz & Co.,
agents, relating to the special assess-
ments levied against lot 2 billion's
Sub, Carried.
Ald. Strobel moved to adjourn.
40 96
40 96
40 96
.C�ty Recorder.
ity Recorder.
Special Session, Nov. 27, 1916.
special Session, November 27, 1916.
Council nut at 4:20 p. m.
Alio or Said iu 1he chair.
Present- Aldermen Callahan, Leist,
\Ic1.anghlin, 1'L•unondoa, Strobel,
\V: t l l i s.
.\Itsoint--V(II rte: tt Frith.
Mayor Saul stated that this meeting
is called for Ilse purpose of instruct-
ing the City 'Treasurer to advertise for
the sale of 1 wenty year 4 per cent re-
funding bonds in the sum of $120,-
000.011 dated January 1st, 1917, and
Ivicettty year 4 per cant reftntding
bonds in the stns of $240,000.00 dat-
ed February 1st, 1917. and acting on
any other lousiness that Wright prop-
erly come before ;t regular meeting
of the city council.
Aid. warns moved tlutt the city
tre.tsnrer he instructed to advertise
for bids for the sale of twenty year 4
per cent refunding bonds in the suns
of $120,000.00 dated January 1st,
1917, and twenty year 4 per cont re-
funding bonds in the sum of $240,-
000.00 dated February 1st, 1917, bids
to he received December 19th, 1916,
till 10 a. m. Carried.
Petition of Airs. Ernestine Lavery
asking the city council to cancel the
interest on the special assessment
levied against her property for the
improving ut' (7t:tntlyiew avenue pre-
sented and read_ tin motion of API.
Wallis the petition was referred to
the committee of the whole to view
the grounds. .AId. Callahan moved
that the my Iev y for the year 1916 be
placed at 14 mills. Carried.
A.141. AV':tllis moved to adjourn. tar-
Adopt ed
'Ity recorder.
F3'1910. I
468 List of Warrants.
List of City Warrants
Dubuque, Iowa.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque.
Gentlemen: The following is a com-
plete list of all warrants issued by
me during the month October, 1916.
Salaries for September, 1916.
James Sant, Mayor $116 65
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer133 30
Otto F. Pills, Deputy 108 33
L. F. Kolfenbach, Clerk 80 00
Cyril 1). Lagen, Auditor 116 65
Carl O. Weglau, Deputy 88 33
J. J. Shea, Recorder 116 65
Peter Kies, Deputy 93 33
Fred .1. Heller, Assessor 125 00
Harry Gleason, Deputy 100 00
Frank Kenneally, Deputy 100 00
Matthew H. Czizek, Attorney150 00
Matthew Cooney, Asst. Attor-
ney 105 00
:Mary Czizek, Stenographer 20 00
P. .1. McNulty, Engineer 166 65
Albert Eitel, Asst. Engineer80 00
WttHet cullen, Asst. Engineer 125 00
.1. .1. Ityan, liodnian 80 00
Jos. Schlueter, Asst. Engineer 95 00
John \V. Lawler, 'outwit -tee
100 00
John MaIloilo, ti -1 Com-
ints:,noter 40 00
C. J. -McCarthy, Marhet :Mas-
ter 65 00
Thos. Hackney, Pound Master 45 00
Mrs. 11. Koenig, Janitress 70 00
Dr. E. I,. Reinicke, Health
Officer 50 00
Otto Neumann, Sanitary Offi-
cer 75 00
Dr. I,. .1. Kennedy, Meat and
t11,, Inspector 85 00
Varrel. Ambulance -Driver 80 00
nch. Wharf Master 60 00
Louis Plateondon, Alderman
First w;11.,1 25 00
J. .1. NIel.attglilin, Alderman
Second Ward 25 00
Chns. I.eist, Alderman Third
Ward 25 00
J. II. Wnll is, Alderman
Fourth \Vard 25 00
E. E. Frith, :\ Merman Fifth
25 00
Thos. 11. Callalian, Alderman -
at -Large 25 00
John E. Strobel, Alderman -at -
25 00
John Giellis, chief of Police.. 125 00
Geo. Reytiohts, for injuries
20 00
Amanda Beyer, compensation
labor law 35 08
Police Payroll Last Hal f September,
Edward Brunskill $ 34 28
Michael Connolly 34 30
James Corcoran 34 30
John Cody 34 30
Nicholas Campbell 34 25
William Carroll
34 25
Thomas (lain 34 25
Thos. Connolly 34 32
Philip Dunphy 41 65
Wm. Dolan 36 75
Thomas Duggan 34 30
:Edward Daily 31 85
Patrick Fury 39 20
John Fox 34 2S
„tames Flynn 34 30
Michael Fogarty 34 28
Theo. Ganahl 34 30
lIen. Gray 34 2S
John Kane 34 30
John Kilby 31 83
John Kopp 34 28
Barney kudescher
34 30
Henry Mueller 34 30
Hugh M,Irkey 34 30
Alfred Noel 31 81.
John o'llrien 39 17
Michnel 'onnor
3394 3105
Michael Ryon
Gus Raterman 34 30
Thomas lteilly 34 25
Joseph Stoltz 34 30
Patrick Sullivan 36 73
Dennis Sheehan 34 28
John Spiel man 34 30
Thomas Sweeney 39 20
Fred Seyler 34 32
Fred Spielman 36 75
Charles Truher 34 28
Frank Williams 34 30
-Miss !I. Brennan 34 30
-Mrs. K. Hibbe 34 30
Ed wa rd Vosberg
40 00
Police Pension Fund Retained 29 7
Fire Pa yroll Last f September,
.T. nfried
D. Ahearn
Wm. Hinman
M. Eitel
A. Heer
A. -Mc Donnell
I %Wig
N. -Wagner
T. Kennedy
1'. Motch
J. Noonan
L. -Wemett
J. :101vnn
11. Cain
T. Ryder
Win. Smith
M. Kelley
E. Murphy
.1. Rooney
R. Tierney
J. Walsh
G. Gehrke
J. Keppler
J. Smith
Wm. 'McClain
L. Benzer
J. Daugherty
H. Woodward
M. Sweeney
J. McGloughlin
J. Benzer
61 75
49 00
49 00
47 05
39 20
43 63
39 20
39 20
39 20
39 20
39 20
33 00
42 15
43 63
43 63
39 20
33 95
39 20
37 25
32 35
37 25
42 15
39 20
43 63
39 20
37 25
39 20
32 35
39 20
39 20
39 20
List of Warrants.
1'. Apel
A. Brewer
Wm. Ryan
M. Leist
D. Harker
P. McManus
Wm. Ducey
E. McDermott
F. lienncally
T. O'Brien
It. West on
M. Fahey
R. Kenneallv
J. Allen
J. Connelly
Wm. Meyers
H. Rawson
.T. Roshin
39 20
24 30
24 30
32 67
34 30
34 30
42 15
39 20
39 20
29 20
42 15
39 20
43 63
39 20
39 20
24 30
34 30
42 15
Wm. IIInnolt 39 20
F. Baumgartner 39 20
P. Nivel' 39 20
Pension Fund Retained 40 93
F. Lonergan, Sub. 23 00
14. Hull, Sub. 33 00
.T. Stafford, Sub. 33 00
J. Anglin, Sub. 33 00
11. Miller, Sub.
Dubuque, la., October 4, 1914 30
To the Honorable Mayor and (.11y
council of the city of Dubuque.
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
payroll for labor on streets in the
city of Dubuque for the last half of
September, 1916. To be paid from
the variotis road funds.
Al. Acherer, :trd
$ 6 89
.1. Cahill, 31.41 25 328
'1'. health 26 00
Desmond, 211d 2 00
(3eo. 1):tvis, 1-5 each 15 00
11. Engel, 1-5 each 8 12
Geo. Prost, 21.01 32 50
13. Glass, 211(1 8 00
.T. loch. 1-5 each 11 00
T. Eonergati, 2nd
C. :McDonald. 2nd 23 10
24 22
16. 5!)) '11 2nd 30 00
S. ()Nick, 1-5 each 11 00
Ityan, 2101 25 00
N. Spies, 3rd 21 54
P. Schett.Tan, 3rd 32 50
.A. Turner, 3rd
W. Williams, 20(1
11. \\'erlin. 2nd
Ziel, 2101
Al. Hannon, 20(1
C. Ti. -McNamara, 2101
C. Singrin, 3rd
Dubuque, 111., october 4, 191G.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of IMbuque.
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
payroll for sprinkling and sweeping
in the city of Dubuque for the last
half of September, 1916:
J. McCollins, 2nd $ 35 75
M. Ackels, 3rd 1-6, 4th 5-67 15
Union Electric Co. 106 72
B. Lagen, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th13 66
C. Van Wie, 1st, 2nd 31 08
Dubuque, Ia., October 4, 1916.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
21 54
18 22
10 00
25 10
12 65
S 70
62 70
council of the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen: herewith submit my
payroll for labor on sewers in the
city of 1)nbuque for thelast half of
September, 1916:
E. Schaller
W. coughlin
\V. 11111.111.1:
.J. Told n
C. Itusch
T itatinig
C. Sullivan
Ed. -Ruff, inspector $ 30 00
Pat. Mcinerny, inspector 6 00
john SI (111111, inspector
26 00
John Kean, inspector
16 00
Peter \Vertin, inspector 13 00
Toin Kenneally, inspector 26 00
Ike Beekman, inspector 16 00
c. It. NleNumara & Co., 2nd,
4111 0101 51 11 roads 7 00
11. AleNaniara 6 Co., 5th
avenue storm sewer 250 00
.las. 1.ee, grading West Locust
street improvement 20 00
.hts. Lee, 5 per cent retained
\Vest Eighth street im-
provement 83 20
John 1.ee. 2nd road 38 75
E. T. 1,"11111, health 500 00
E. '1', Frith, health 318 74
Geo. D. Wylmant, treasurer,
500 00
Geo. ii. wyl.rant, treasurer,
interest 500 00
Geo. Wybrant, treasurer,
interest 500 00
Geo. Wybrant, treasurer,
interest 411
G(n. D. 1Vybrant, treasurer,
miscellaneous 64 14
Caroline Gonner, loan warrant 500 00
Caroline Gonner, loan warrant 500 00
Fire Payroll for First Ralf of Octo-
ber, 1916.
$ 62 50
50 00
50 00
47 00
40 00
43 00
40 00
40 00
.411.0i 00(0)
40 00
32 00
42 00
4343 000°
40 00
40 00
401 0000
37 0
32 00
7 0
J. Reinfried
D. Ahearn
W. liipman
M. Ebel
A. Hoer
A. AlcDonnell
P. Zillig
N. Wagner
.1. Noonan
1,. \\ emett
H. Cain .-
'r. Ryder
(-1111 1111
\T. Kelley
It. 'Tierney
.T. Rooney
.1. Walsh
. 470 List of Warrants.
G. Gehrke
J. Keppler
J. Smith
J. Daugherty
W. McClain
L. Bonze'.
H. Woodward
M. Sweeney
J. Henze!.
J. McGloughlin
I'. Apel
W. ftyan
A. Brewer
\I. I.eist
P. :McManus
\V. Ducey
IF . lienneally
'1'. O'Brien
I:. ..11c1ermott
lt. Weston
11. I whey
It. Kenncally
J. .Allen
J. Connelly
W. 11eyers
11. Ito \\ son
.J. Roshin
W. Kannolt
F. l larnn)gartner
P. Birch
.1. Stafford, Sub.
F. ].onergan
II. Ituh, Sub.
J. Anglin
I1. Lochner, Sub.
I1. Young, Sub.
I'olit 1'ttyroll First Half October,
Ed a •a r(1 llrunskill $ 38 50
James Corcoran 44 35
Michael ('onnolly 38 50
John ('ods' 44 35
Nicholas ('a.mpbell 40 85
\\'illiaut ('arroll 40 85
Thomas ('ain 40 85
Thos. ('onnolly 40 85
Philip Dunphy 42 50
Win. Dolan 38 25
Thomas Inggan 49 00
I:(Iwair 1 Daily 35 75
James Flynn 36 15
Patrick Vary y 56 00
John Fox 38 50
Theo. (banal[- 40 85
'\Iichael Fogarty 38 50
11e0 (.ray 39 65
John Kane 49 00
John Kopf( 40 85
John I<illiv 35 75
Barney I.u(Iesch('r 40 85
1lenrc :Mueller 35 00
11012.11 :Markey' 40 85
Alfred .Noel 37 90
Jelin ('linen 46 65
1\Iichaol O'Connor 46 65
Alichael Ryan 25 65
Gus Raterma n 36 15
Thos. Reilly 40 85
Joseph Stoltz 49 00
Patrick Sullivan 43 75
John Spielman 39 65
Dennis Sheehan 40 85
50 65
Thomas Sweeney
Fred Seyler 44 35
Fred Spielman 43 75
]'rank Williams 49 00
38 50
Chas. Trnher
Miss II. Brennan 35 00
Mrs. K. Hibhe 35 00
40 00
Ed. Vosberg
R. Mundt, extra 15 00
Jesse Jellison, extra 15 00
Wm. Jellison, extra 15 00
Frank ])ausener, extra 8 75
Dubuque, Ia., October 19, 1916.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
payroll for labor on streets in the
various road districts in the city of
Dubuque for the first half of Octo-
ber. 1916:
M.:Aekerer, 3rd $ 21 76
J. Busch, 2nd 2 22
J. Cahill, 3rd 19 10
J. ('chill, S. W. 4 00
T. Cahill, health 24 00
G. Davis, 1-5 each 15 00
H. Engel, 1-5 each 2 32
G. Frost, 2nd 32 50
B. Glass, 2nd 7 32
P. Kremar, 2nd 2 88
J. -Koch, 1-5 each 11 00
T. l.onergan, 2nd 23 76
('. \I'Dornild, 2nd 22 00
11. \1c1'affery, 2nd 30 00
S. Oppell, 1-5 each 11 00
I. Ryan, 2nd 25 00
X. Spies, 3rd 21 76
P. Schetgan, 3rd 32 50
J. Thompson. 2nd 4 00
A. Turner. 3rd 21 76
W. \Villians, 2nd 14 00
F. Ziel, 20(1 23 10
J. Dorgan, 2nd, macadam 1 50
M. Hannon, 2nd 2 20
C. Singrin, 3rd 57 20
Dubuque, Ia., October 19, 1916.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
payroll for sprinkling and sweeping
in the city of Dubuque for the first
half of October, 1916:
.1. \Ic('ollins, 2nd $ 39 05
I \bolo, 2nd, 4th 5 50
M. Ackels, 3rd 1-6, 4th 5-65 50
I1. Lagen, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th27 18
1'. Van Wie, 1st, 2nd 32 18
Dubuque, Ia., October 19, 1916.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen: I herewith submit niy
payroll for labor on sewers in the
city of Dubuque for the first half of
U(l ober, 1916:
E. Schaller $ 22 22
W. Ilennessey 24 00
W. Coughlin19 10
H. Carney 15 10
W. Burke 24 88
J. Tobin 24 88
C. Rusch 24 00
T. Bannig 24 00
List of Warrants.
J. M. Kenety & Son, 5 per
cent retained on Jefferson
John Tibet', 5 per cent retain-
ed on West 17th street 104 11
Jas. F. Lee, 5 per cent retain-
ed on 7th street from Lo-
cust to Bluff street
Thos. Lee, improving alley
between 9th and 10111 :(.ve-
nues, Ithomberg 10 Lincoln
avenue 131 05
Jas. F. Lee, por (enl r41,1141-
041 on Hill street 300 00
Jas. F. Lee. 5 per cent rct;iin-
c(1 on Hill street. _ :I _ 1
Jas. F. 1.ee, 5 per c•('ul relain--
e(1 on 6th street from I.,, -
emit to Illulf street _ I I I
John Daniels, 5 per c 'ui rc-
Wined on sewer in \\:tsh-
ington street from 21st to
22nd street 14 59
Wilmer Cook, improving
Washington street from
28th to 31st street 500 00
Wilmer 1'ook, improving
Washington street from
28111 to 31st street 500 00
Wilmer cook, improving
Washingon street from
2811i to :', i st ' i res 1 500 00
Wilmer cook, improving
Washington street from
281h to 31st street. 500 00
Wilmer Cook, improving
Washington street from
l) to 31st street 500 00
Wilmer Cools, improving
\1': shington street from
28th to 31st street 500 00
Wilmer Cook, improving
Washington street from
28th 10 31st street 403 89
Frank White, 5 per cent re-
tained on West 11th street
steps 46
1". (1. Backer, police 11
Peter Hanson, police
Iowa Oil Co., police
Cole & Elcar Service Co., po-
Peter Even & Son, police
George Hoek police
C. J. McCarthy, police
Eichhot'n & Bechtel, police.-
Central Garage, police
Dubuque Electric Co., police
State Auditors, expense
\V. (,rode, expense
Ed. \Iillius, expense
J. J. Dunn, expense
J. .1. Dunn, expense
Key ('ity Gas Co., expense -..-
F. A. Burns, expense
Tri State Auto Co., expense
C. E. Fitzpatrick Co., expense 20
C. E. Fitzpatrick Co., expense 19
United Garage Co., exlcc nsc----
United Tire Sales Co., expense 5
Farley & Loetscher Mfg. Co.,
168 39
93 87
5- 40
1 50
3 75
8 80
2 00
3 00
1 30
305 94
1 00
1 70
19 50
C'. L. I ca niltaehet•, expense
Reliance chemical..
Co., ex-
G. tl. Davis
& Co., expense1 45
C. 1.. T)aml)ac her, expense ..
G. \W. Healey & Son, expense 11 50
1'. G. Becker, expense
John 1,. Kies, expense50
]'a.aly PrintingCo., 13 70
xpense7 75
Murray & Freiburg, expense15 25
F. K. Munsell, expense 9 85
Gonner Eros., expense 20 50
Dubuque Electric Co., fire .. 16 54
1'. G. 1lecher, fire 111 32
1)e.\ ,-A ven:u•;us, fire 10 00
1'. fit. Thoutpson, fire 9 70
Geisle r Bros., fire 84
III.' State Auto Co., fire 146 15
Peter Hanson, fire 4 35
A. Treadway & Son, lir)' 10 80
A. A-. Sir]tonahl Mfg. co., fire 20
Morrison Bos., fire 9 57
Iowa Oil Co., tire 26 25
V'ollenweider & Hein, fire 6 00
M. 1'. Hogan, fire 4 00
Rellihan & Mullen, expense
and fire 9 90
1>e;:oe-Avenarius, fire 8 00
F. 51. Jaeger Co., fire 15
National Refining Co., fire 19 50
G. \V. Healey & Son, fire 30
F. Schloz & Son, fire 5 00
Peed-Berwanger & Pfiffner,
Wunderlich & Wiederholt, fire
Key City Gas Co., fire
Dubuque Rubber & Belting
Co., fire
Dubuque \Welding Works, fire
Keller Electric ('o., fire
Midland Chemical Co., fire
\V. D. Deckert Co., fire and
rapt. Trombley, police, fire,
expense and health
10wa Telephone Co., police,
tire and expense
T. J. Mulgrew Co., expense
and 2nd road
1lawkeye Steam Vulcanizing
co., police, fire and expense
Hawkeye Vulcanizing Co., ex-
pense and police
Jno. C. Beck, expense and
Key city (las Co., police, fire
and expense
Key city Gas Co., police, fire
and expense
Key City Gas Co., police, fire
a.nd expense
Mettel Bros., sewer, fire, 3rd
and 4th road
Key City Decorative Glass
\Works, health
Dubuque Rubber & Belting
co., health
John Pelting, health
F. 5[. Jaeger Hardware Co,
Upton Laundry, health
2 20
10 50
20 50
27 30
13 10
1 75
27 60
9 00
42 67
13 45
18 113
2 05
4 15
3 70
4 25
61 35
10 65
3 70
60 00
10 16
List of Warrants.
E. P. Smith Electric Co.,
Muni z Mot or Co., health and
Wm. Alai -shall, sidewalk
Dubuque Lumber & Coal Co.,
Spahn & Rose Lumber Co.,
sidewalk 6 44
Wm. Marshall, sidewitlk 50
-Chas. Matz, sidewalk 15 90
Peed-lerwanger & Pflffner,
sewer 3 00
F. NI. Jaeger ('o., sewer 1 40
1 >oblique Rubber & Belting
co., sewer 2 50
10. Schloz & Son, sewer 4 05
Telegraph-lierald, printing 164 59
Telegraph -Herald, printing 49 97
Telegraph -Herald, printing 17 84
Times -Journal, printing 31 47
Times -Journal, printing 192 S7
Times -Journal, printing 60 6"i
Times -Journal, printing 33 84
Times -Journal, printing 31 65
Labor Leader, printing 25 00
Dubuque :Electric Co., lighting 103 90
Dubuque Electric Co., lighting 162 15
Dubuque Electric Co., lighting 1 25
Inion Electric 40., lighting500 00
Enion Electric co., lighting500 00
[Mon Electric co., lighting500 00
Inion Eleetrie co., lighting500 00
Enion Electric Co, lighting__ 500 00
Eldon I'I'I ii( Co, lighting__ 500 00
Enion Electric Co., lighting331 65
Jas. P. Lee, 2nd rottd 50 •10
W. Cooper, macadam 12 16
John Casey, macadam 22 82
Mr. Bennett, macadam 4 88
Geo. Sp;irks, macadam 107 27
J. Swnllow, 2041 road 6 00
1'. .1. Seippel :Lumber Co., 1st
and 2nd roads and sewer44 62
Standard Oil Co., roads 1 05
Geo. Bock, roads 1 25
A. W. Drake & Son, roads.., 2 25
Geo. Rock, roads 3 20
Key City Roofing Co., roads
and sewer 5 98
F. Schloz & Son, roads and
expeosp 12 60
(td co_ roads 17 62
lowa oil ('o., roads 28 42
Key 1 11 y I ron. Works, roads14 98
Smedley Co., 1st and 2nd
roads 28 00
C. D. Harrington, court costs 10 05
Jno. Baumgartner, settlement
of claim 7 00
Jas. Saul, mayor, dues for
Upper Mississippi River
Improvement Association 250 00
Geo. T. Lyon, attorney, settle-
ment of claim of C. H. Gil-
liam 200 00
C. D. Harrington, court costs 37 80
City Recorder.
1 90
3 70
2 50
45 38
Official Notices;.
(,I1(0e of Slx' ial Assessment.
Notice is hereby given to all con-
cerned that a special assessment, as
provided by law, will h0 levied at :1
session of the t'ily council of the cov
of 1)11buqu0 love':(, to he held Thurs.-
day, November 1el11. 11116, to pay for
constructing an eight -inch tile pipe
sanitary sewer in Windsor .\Venae
from Lincoln Avenue le 1'ruyiden(•e
Street. and in 1'rocidenre (40 frmii
\V'indsur .AVc1111e to SI iIi(,r�l Aci.ea(•.
Ja1111) 5 Stl'e01. (1,111 lirtur
\0101111tof sper1a1 aasse0(4(11 ui.
$543.93, sante to he :assessed against
the property legally subject to assess-
ment upon :and along said streets.
And 1h:lt there is :( plat and sched-
ule on idle in the office of the city
Recorder of said city el Dubuque,
showing the streets in which said
sewer vv' is constructed and the sepa-
rate 1(th and parcels of ground or
specified portions thereof subject to
assessment for such improvement,
the name of the owner thereof :(s far
as practicable and the amount to be
assessed against each lot or parcel
of ground. which plat and schedule
are subject to public inspection.
And that :any and all persons ob-
jecting to said special assessment. or
to said plat must tile his or their ob-
jections in writing with the City Re-
corder of said City of Dubuque on or
before said session of the City Coun-
cil to be held Thursday, November
16th, 1916, or to appear at said ses-
sion of the Council 10 show cause, if
any you have, why said assessment
should not be levied.
]hated 11 Itnbuque, lows, Novem-
ber 3r(1, 1916. .1. J. SI11'L\,
11-3-3t. 1'ity Recorder.
Official Notice.
Notice of Special Assessment.
\olive is hereby given to all con -
1111 1.
hat ❑ special assessment, as
provided by low, will be levied at a
session of the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, lo\v':t, to he held
Thursday, December 7111, 1!(16, to pay
for improving North -Hain Street,
from the south property line of Kalif -
1111111 ,\Venue to the north 001'1) 11110 of
SeutinurV Street. N. J. Starer, con-
Amount of special assessment,
$4,451.56, saute to be assessed against
the property legally subject to assess-
ment upon a nd along said street.
And that there is a plat and sched-
ule on file in the office of the City
Recorder of said City of Dubuque,
showing the street in which said im-
provement was made and the sepa-
rate lots and parcels of ground or
specified portions thereof subject to
assessment for such improvement,
the name of the owner thereof as far
as practicable and the amount to be
1.Sessed against each lot or parcel
of ground, which plat and schedule
are Snbje(•1 to public inspection.
And dint ;any :nut all persons 01)-
jeeting to said Special assessment or
to said plat must lily his or their oh-
.1e/dirn(s in writing with the City Re-
corder of said city of Dubuque on or
before said session of the ('ily ('olln-
cil to be held Thursday, 1)ecember
7111, 19111, or to appear it said ses-
sion of the council 10 show cause, if
any yon have. vwily said assessment
should 1(nl he lOVierl.
I)111e1 :11 1)nbn(lae, 101v:1, Novem-
her 21st, 1916. .T. .1. Skid:.\,
1 1 -21 -31. (11y Recorder,
Official Notice.
Notice to Cabinet %takers,
Sealed proposals will be received
:i1 the ('ily Recorder's office, city 11:111
by the city Recorder until 9:00 p. rat.
Thursday, January 4th, 1917, for
furnishing the City Treasurer, ('ity
Auditor and ('ity Recorder's offices
with counters.
Bidders must furnish plans and
specifications of the Counters they
propose furnishing, also state price in
total for (bunters set in place in the
offices above started.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, December
27111, 1916.
.T. .T, Si-iE.\,
12-27-31. City -Recorder.
Off'ic'ial Notu'c.
NI r1.11.1.: (1h' TI-tl•: ('1'1'1' ('(11'N(1I,':
1 N '1' I:.\ T 1 (1 \ '1'11 1911'111 (\" I:
Nc111'I'11 STIII•:I•:'1'. I.I1r1.\I '1'111:
I:\11 ((10 '1'1111 1'11I:S1:N'1' \l.\('.\H-
E.\ ST 1.1\1•: OI I.(11'IS:\ STREET.
To A\Thou0 11 .flay concern:
You and each of you are hereby no-
tified that it is the intention of the
City council of the city of Illilnlgne,
10051, to improve North Street, from
the end of the present macadam im-
prov'enlent to the east lino of 1.0111sa
That a plat of said improvement in
now on file in the office of the city
It is estimated by the city Engineer
that said improvement will require:
1,704 lineal feet of combination 'e-
ment c'lu'b and gutter.
3,029 square yar(1ti Of macadam.
i\laking a total estimated cost to the
legally assessable property owners of
$4,1 49.60.
Any person 111v'ing objection to said
Improvement is hereby notified to ap-
pear before the City Council at its
next regular session to be held Thurs-
day, January 4, 1917, or to file with
the city Recorder their objection in
writing 00 or before Jan nary 4, 1917.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, December
26. 191G. .1. J. SHE_\,
1 2-26-31. city ltecorder.
Official Notices.
Official Notice.
,Nc c'1'1c'l•: Ol" TII I: c'i'I'1' ('Ol'NCIL'S
STREET, h'lloM '1'111: EASTERLY
I:.AII, Ol" 11.1.1NctIS CENTRAL
I:.\II.Itct:\It c'O\1I'.\NY'S TRACKS,
To Whom It May Concern:
You and each of you are hereby no-
tified that it is the intention' of the
City Council of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, to improve .Jones Street, from
the easterly rail of Illinois Central
]railroad Company's tracks, first west
of Warren Street, to eighty-five feet
east of the east property line of tho
Dubuque Harbor Company's Add.
That a plat of said improvement is
now on file in the office of the City
it is estimated by the City Engineer
that said improvement will require:
3,995 square yarils of Brick Block
Paving on a concrete foundation out•
side of tracks.
95 square yards of Brick Block Pav-
ing on a concrete foundation inside of
tracks and one foot outside thereof.
50 lineal feet of new stone curb.
200 lineal feet of stone curb reset.
Malting a total estimated cost to tl:e
legally assessable property owners o'
Any person having objection to said
improvement is hereby notified to ar-
pear, before the City Council at is
next regular session to be held Thurs-
day, .lannary 4, 1917, or to file with
the City Recorder their objection in
writing on or before January 4, 1917.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, December
27. 1916. J. J. SHEA,
12-27-3t. City Recorder.
Notice to Boat Builders.
sealed proposals will be received at
the city Recorder's office, City Hall,
by the city Recorder until 8:00 p. m.
Thursday, December 7th, 1916, for
the building and furnishing material
for a 16x60 barge, including anchors
and holding devices. One steel frame
with plank covering. Two wooden
kidders must furnish plans and
specifications covering construction
according to his hid, work to be com-
pleic d on or before the 1st day of
March, 1917.
ladders must state price in total
for teirge completed.
Each bid must be accompanied by
a certified check for $30.00 on some
Dubuque Bank as a guarantee that a
contract will be entered into if award-
ed. Check and bid in separate enve-
The City Council reserves the right
to reject any and all bids.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, November
24th, 1916. J. J. SHEA,
11-24-3t. City Recorder.
Official Notice.
Notice is hereby given to all con-
cerned that a re -assessment of the
special assessment as provided by
law will be re -levied at a session of
the ('ity Council of the City of Du-
buque, Towa, to be held Thursday,
December 7th, 1916, to pay for im-
proving Tenth street,• from the west
property line of Clay street, to the
east property line of Main street, ex-
cept where already paved. C. B. Mc-
Namara cC Co., contractors.
Amount of re -assessment of Special
Assessment, $5,170.53, same to be re-
assessed against the property legally
subject to re -assessment upon and
along said street.
And that there is a plat and sched-
ule on file in the office of the City Re-
corder of said City of Dubuque, Town,
showing the street in whit's] said im-
provement w:S made and the separ-
ate lots and parcels of ground or spec-
ified portions thereof subject to re-
assessment for such improvement, the
name of the owner thereof as far as
practicable and the amount to be re-
assessed against each lot or parcel of
ground which plat and schedule are
subject to public inspection,
And that any and all persons ob-
jecting to said re -assessment of special
assessment or to said plat must file
his or their objections in writing with
the ('ity Recorder of said City of Du-
buque, Iowa, on or before said ses-
sion of the City Council, to be held
Thursday, December 7111, 1916, or to
appear at said session of the City
Council to show cause, if any you
have, why said re-nsessmont of spec-
ial assessment should not be re -levied.
Dated at Dubuque, Towa, November
21st, 1916. .T. J. SHEA,
11-21-3t City Recorder.
Official Notice.
Notice is hereby given to all con-
cerned that a special assessment as
provided by law will be levied at a
session of the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, Iowa, to be held Thurs-
day, November 16, 1916, to pay for
improving West Locust Street, from
the end of the present brick improve-
ment at Seventeenth Street, to the
west curb line of Hodgdon Avenue,
Jas. I'. Lee, Contractor.
Amount of Special Assessment
$16,903.59 same to be assessed against
the property legally subject to assess-
ment upon and along said street.
And that there is a plat and sched-
Official Notices.
tile on file in the office of the City Re-
corder of said City of Dubuque, show-
ing the street in which said improve-
ment was made and the separate lots
and parcels of ground or specified por-
tions thereof subject to assessment
for such improvement, the name of
the owner thereof as far as practicable
and the amount to he assessed against
each lot or parcel of ground, which
plat and schedule are subject to pub-
lic inspection.
.And that any and all persons ob-
jecting to said special assessment or to
said plat must file his or their objec-
tions in writing with the City Recorder
of said City of Dubuque on or before
said eession of the City Council to be
held Thursday, November 16, 1916, or
to appear at said session of the Coun-
cil to show cause, if any you have,
why said assessrnnet should not be
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa. November
3, 1916. J. .1. SI -IRA,
i 1 -3-3t City Recorder.
Dubuque, Iowa
Refunding Bond Sale
kill L, r,•( diced 10.
the ('it) 'Ir, nsnr, r 1,1 1,111111,1110. l0\V:1,
(1 l( 10 144 n. n.
December 15, 1916
for 1111• salt- ,.f I', .‘ ear Iiefnndinz;
Bonds 1„ thr anioinit of
hen(nnin;uion $I,000 ouch. 1
I(1y'1lile semi-annually.
$121,101 of these !fonds will be
dalcd .11nnnt'y 1, 1917: :111(1 $240,000
Will 10• (1 (1( 1 February 1. 1917.
Proposals may he mule for each
issue separately or bulb .jointly.
Certified check of $1.200 for the
$120,000 issue: $2,410 for tho
$240,000 issue to nccomp;nIy bids.
The right- is reserye,1 to reject any or
all bids.
GED. D. \\'1'1:1;:\N'1'.
Pity 'Treasurer.
1luhnque, Iowa, November 17,111, 19111
The following is a List showing the ch;ntges made in the asses.wncnl
by the hoard of Equalization of the Pity of Dubuque, Iowa.
he hoard will he in session on \londay, November 27)11, 1916, 111
o'clock 1'. JI., at. the Pity hall, where any person feeling aggrieved l:y the
assessment of his or her property, either ileal or Personal, may aler'•
before said I:oard and give reasons why such Bhang e should not be made.
I' rom
Adams Co., The -Machinery Nothing $ 10,000.00
Armour and Co. Al/ r,•h:rndise 8 1,:(00.00 1.900.00
Beach, Jas.. & Sons 11 t (414)5' ),s50.00 11,x50.00
Dubuque Lumber and Coal Co 21m,•11an,lis• 7 _.4400.00 15,000.00
Dubuque Paper Co .. 5h r han.lis• 8,100.00 13,100.00
Hammel, Henlcer Co .. Machinery Nothing 100.00
Harris and Co Merchandise Not hing 750.00
Jaeger, Kunnert Co •Merchandise 2,100.00 3,500.00
Jackson Vinegar Co AI,•rch;unlise 800.00 1,300,00
Johannsen C;uuly Co 21/ rch,uulise 4,1)00.00 5,000.00
Lowther, Wm., & Co Merchandise 1,800.00 11,300.1)1)
McNamara, C. B., & Co Uachinery 600.00 1,000.00
Rider -Wallis Dry Goods Co Merchandise 113,060.00 130,000.00
Seippel Lumber Co Merchandise 40,000.00 4:1,000.00
Spahn-I:ose Lumber Co .Merchandise 15,000.011 18,000.00
Standard Lumber Yard Co. .2114h:r n(lise 11,750.00 18,750.00
Welsh, Thomas . :Machinery Nothing 300.00
Lwack, Anton \lnchincry 1,000.00 2,500.00
(Signed) CYR1L D, l.\UI:N, City Andilor,
Clerk of The 11o;11 1 of 1', 1111i•ralinn,
Official Notices.
Dubuque, Iowa, Nov. 1:11h, 1916.
Notice is hereby given that the lunch. town lots and real estate hen•in_
after dc•sctibcd Will be sold at public sale, 15 provided by 111\V, and the t o'di-
n;cnce of the 1'ity of 1>uhuque, at the city Hall, in said city, on the
First Monday in December
(December 4, 1916,1 for the payment ..t unpaid delinquent lases (regular and
special), for the year 1915 ;Incl prior .\ ears, penalty 1101 costs accrued ;against
each of the sever:II respective parcel or parcels o)' real estate, town lots and
lands, hcr.'inafter mentioned ;u)d described. The cost of advertising being
twenty cents per description, that amount is included in the total.
GEORGE 1). \1'1"1111:\NT,
City Treasurer.
:1'A\ O4' 1915.
Name. 1)escription. I.ot. Tax. int. Tot:11.
Accola, Matt., Iteche's Sub. "9-30 $ 25.62 $ 1.53 $ 27.:15
Adam, :like, Bradley's Sub. 1-2 .42 .03 .ti',
.\Ibinger. Peter, Sub. 150, L. 1-1. Langwor-
thy..s Add. 2 12.74 .76 1:1.70
Albingcr, Peter, Sub. 152, l,. H. Langwor-
thy's Add. 1 2.52 .15 2.87
Allen, 'Phomas, Sub. 4 of S. 2-5 ('ity 444, Lot
1, and Sul). 1 0l' S. 2-5 City- 444 S. 1 ft... 2 139.02 8.33 147.75
Allen, Thomas, conk's .Add. 49 :17.80 2.25 40.25
Anderson, I). 1'., Mill's West Dubuque ....19-20-21 6.16 .37 6.73
Anglin, .Jerry, Porter's Add. 14 12.32 .73 13.25
I1nrvin, S•Itnuel, Sub. 52, 53, 54, 55, Bellevue
Add., Lots 3-4-10, and Sub. 1 of 9 of 52,
53, 54, 551, Bellevue Add. 1-2 17.22 1.03 18.65
P,arvin, Samuel, Sub. 1 of 9 of 52, 53, 54, 55,
1Pcltevae Add. 1-2
Becker, Theresa, Sub. 311, 11, Littleton and
Sawyer's Add. 1-4 20.30 1.20 21.70
Beckett, Fabian, AV•oodl,Iivtt Park- .Add. 330 15.12 .90 16.22
Bennett, I:. 1"., SIM. Pity 724 7-10 35.70 2.15 38.03
-Ronson, It. :in(' \V. \\"., 1"nion Add. 15 1.96 .12 2.28
-Ronson, )Harriet, Lat.. Mineral T.ot 189 16.24 .96 17.40
13onson, )Harriet, l:st., Mineral Lot 200 18.62 1.11 19.93
Borns, Oscar AV•., )lodge's Sub. 3-4 43.40 2.60 46.20
11111110, c'lirisl., Juan's .\dd. 536 19.60 1.15 20.95
:Buehler, Mrs. .John, Sub. 1 of Min. T.ot 314 3 14.00 .85 15.05
Tiuesch, A. O., King's 1st Add., Lot 11, and
l<ing's 1st .\dd., S. 4 ft. 6 in. 13 67.06 4.04 71.50
Tlnesctl, A. O.. Sub. 1 of Min. Lot 316 3 .14 .01 .35
lhu•dt, hied c.. Sub. 1 of 63, Sanford's Sub2 17.08 1.02 18.30
:Byrne, " 0.111:.1., city S. 1-2, M. 1-5, Lot 464,
and City S. 1-2, N. 1-2. M. 1-5 464 129.22 7.75 137.37
:Byrne, Frank .1., City N. 1-2 206 45.92 2.75 48.87
Carroll & 11 ulgrew, City 89a 11.48 .67 12.35
Connolly, III;1 K.. lteche's Sub. 28 18 48 1.12 19.80
Courtney, (leo. T,., t'nion Add. 933-235 4.76 .29 5.25
Cummings, \ICs. :\., Est., ('umming's Sub6 25.34 1.51 27.05
Cunningham, hlary, 1'nion Add. 127 5.18 .32 5.70
Cunningham, Miry, l'nion Add. 128 15.82 .93 16.95
Dempsey, Louis 11., East Dubuque Add., E.
1-2 151 17.36 1.04 18.60
Donahue, Albert, Kiene & Blocklinger's
Sub., N. 23 ft. 4 in., S. 98 ft. 6 in. 1-2-3 22.82 1.35 24.40
Driscoll, Clara, Sub. 3-4 of 135, L. H. Lang -
worthy's Add. 2 15.40 .90 16.50
Dubuque Altar Mfg. Co., East Dubuque
Add. 167-168-169-170-171 85.26 5.10 90.56
Dubuque Altar Mfg. Co., East Dubuque
Official Notices.
Add. '''12-232-2:11-23';)-231;
Egan, Annie, Sub. 1 of 12 of Alin. Pet 79 .... 9
Elks' 1-lonle I3uilding Co„ ('it' .... ... 625
Farwell, I.. F., Sub. 10, Klingeill”).LC:, -lin
Fowler, Jennie, Grandview Pall;.\ MI.. 1 1 1.12 .11'N
-- - -- -- -- -...
Fuller, win. (1., ( ),,kiand pm.k Add . ...,
Gibbons, E\-.1, 1...ven's Add.
Genie -hie, Enlil-, Sal). S. 1-2 City 156
(1oldthorne, 5..1., Clly. S. l'.. 15\117 11.. ...:!-,....: 112 2,
Oral'. 77'In., Snh. I ()I' 6-V., I. 11. 1.4111'4. \\ .4r-
II1Y'S .\ (111.
Graham, Alinnie A., Alarsh's .011,1.. E. 9.2
Gray, \\ 111 E., (1randview Heights .7(1(1...37-11 :,. hi .:.\ ::
Hanlon. I'. .1., Finley :\ dd. .:', I.
1-lartig% A..1., Alasscy Heights .711(1.
HM14'41114111, A14111(1, \\"00(114INVI1 1 '411'h .04111. -,
.72 30.,.10
Ilartle-, 1'. aml AI., Lois .\ dd. 1
Ilatzenlniehler, .1. (L A. Stifles' .01d.. Ha 7,11
and 1:. 5 ft. ..,, :1,71 1 .1,`-.
Heim, Eranit and 1,11., 1/avis Part» .1(1(1.
11.0yes, Sarah .\., ctimmins' Sul,. P.1
ifeintz, 1<ate. P. II. kangavortlly's Add.. S. 3
., N. GO ft.
lleini, Win., 13ellevue Add.
111 t"._,,, .:::.1,11,)
2. 11,
1-1epperle, John, 8111). 1 Of S. 1-2 or 10, Ann
(1.1 I it 1•CS S111). 44
Herancourt, John, Finley Home Add. 25 .122 .1' 12.10
1-lintrager, Emily, Sul). Alin. l.ot 20 G .70
1-lintragor, Emily, Sul). S. 165 ft. of 190,
['Ilion Add. ',1 .1:: 2.00
Jacobi, Christ., Est., Glendale .0,11. 171-172 :11'7;*;.; .1.20
,jamI(.,m, \vm., (eNeill's Sul), No. 3 1-1-1-7 21.64 1.10 20.20
Joltatissen, .1. E.. Erandriew Ileighis Add... 2 \.1:- 2
, .15
Jordan, C. II., Sub. 0, 9. le, 11. 11 College 2.10
S,11). 51.111 .65 12.1P-,
letist, Harry, Finley, \Naples 111(1 Burton's 1
.0(11. 90-912., .20
NilliZillgC1', .1. \V., \Voodla0vn l'arli Add. .... 253 .0
Krause, Sophia 1'., Sul). 3 of Alin. Lot 178.... 4 'l'.7'.2 .2
1 .19
3 2.:5
1<.-ringle, O. G., Ilreal:ey's .01d., 1,:. 30 ft..... 1 0.72 .13 7.35 -1.19II:,
1<.ramse, Fred, Sul). 3 of Nlin. 1.01 178 6 .21
I,ang‘vorth-, .Ailmt it_ cd,ii,i,de Add., S. 1-2 154 20.8'6 1.21 22.20
Lavrence, Belle. Cain's Sul). 10 30.10 1.80 22.10
1.05(.11, John, (211h:icy's Outlo) 712, 10. 1-2 18 11.76.74 12.70
Light':, 1,. I.., .7. 71cHaniel's Soh., lot 782
;rind S. 12 ft.782 73.70 .1.(0 70,:7)
Long, Adelia, Eavis Earm Add.288 35,42 2.13 37.75
Luthvig, l'eter, Sul). Nlin. Lot 7 9 .70 .0r) .99
2 0.54 .51 9.25
Lud \\ ig. Peter, Sul). Alin. Lot I I'
McCann, 77"in. T.. 12. E. Jones S111).7 28.14 1.66 :10.00
Aleul:el, V. 1.., Ham's Add., S. 00'. 1-2 lot
489 17.25
57o and 571 14.00
Millet'lilly, Jno. A., East [Minnow .0,1(1. 74 16144..4842 251 .: 1(11 :17, I.:.; 1., . 7:' 1.1'
Meyer, Jos. and .1. 11.. City S. 1-7
.77 1
Mueller, He8.-15
Mueller and Gasser, City und. 1-4 497a
Mulligan, Julia, city, S. Al. 1-5 472 152.80 8.75 115:1:....;),
Herman .1., Vairmont Park Add52 12.88
O'Connor, .1anies, Soh. Ilio. lot 37
6.30 9.40
Oeth, John, Glendale .0,1 151
(1., S. 1 2 2(1. ;: 4.9)I 1.56 27.80
20.86 1.24 :!2.30
Ott, Jos. J., S. 71. Langworthy's Sul). 19-5(1-51
Ott, Jos. J., Langworthy's Sid). 23 7.84 .46 8.50
Palmer, W..0., City N. 1-2 235
22.40 1.35 21
l'enelloff, H., East Inthuque A(1(1. 367 2.24 .10 0
Quigley, Wm., Nst., Al). Pleasant. Add., N
1 33..67(01 2..0005 35..80(
50 ft. W. 1-2 26
Quillian, Lulu, Sub. Min. Lot 303, S. E. 30 ft
2 111 1;0
Robinson, Christian, A. Stines' Add. 24 25.90 1.55 27.65
Ronan, Mary, 'Union Add. 97-28 .70 .05
Schmid, Otto M., Glendale Add., N. 1-2 39 14.70 .90 15.80
Official Notices.
Schmid, Otto M., Glendale Add., S. 1-2 39 14.70 .90 15.80
Schneider,' John, Kringle's Sub. 5 4.06 .24 4.50
Schuh, John, Est., E. Langworlh\'s Add. 14 32.48 1.92 34.60
Scott, G. \V., Est., Alin. lot 301 12.18 .72 13.10
Slattery, \V. 1'., Sub. Min. Lot 174 1-2 236.60 14.20 251.00
Smedley Steam \Ifg. Co., Smedley's Sub. 22 387.24 23.21 41.0.65
Snaith, Sam, Est., 'Reeder I.i ngworthy's Add.10-11 31.50 1.90 33.60
Stack, J. J. Finley Add. 118 4.06 .24 4.50
Stuademeyer, roily, 1,ittleton & Sawyer's
Add. 37-38 28.56 1.74 30.50
Steger, jos. .\., Fairmount Park Add. 51 .98 .07 1.25
Stewart, H. E. & \I. 11., Stewart's Sub. 19-20 6.16 .39 6.75
Stoltz, Frank A., Finley. \Valdes & Burton's
Add. 127-128 20.86 1.24 22.30
Sundcrhaft, ,James, lima's Add., N. E. 1-2.... 570 13.58 .82 14.60
Trautman, (`resenlia, Linehan 1'tcrk Add. ._.. 10 5.88 .37 6.45
`I'.\\. 010 t014.
Aceola, 11;(t.t., lteche's Sub. "'I -:i0 25.62 3.06 28.83
Albinger, Peter, Sub. 150, L. H. Langvcur-
thy's Add. 2 12.74 1.52 14.46
Abinger, Peter, Sub. 152, 1,. H. Lang\cwr-
th''s .\d(1. 1. 2.52 .30 3.02
Allen, Thomas, Sub. 4 of S. 2-5 of City 114,
lot 1; and Sub. 4 of S. 2-5 of city 414,
5. 1 ft. 2 139.02 16.66 156.08
Allen, Thomas, Cook's Add. 49 37.80 4.50 42.50
Becker, Theresa, Sub. 30-31, Littleton
Sawyer's Add. 1-4 20.30 2.40 22.90
Beckett. Fabian, \\'oodl; wn Park. Add.:i30 15.12 1.80 17.12
Bennett, It. F.. Sub. city 724 7-10 35.70 4.30 40.20
Lock, .1. 11., (lnigley's ( )Idiot 712, E. 1-2 18 1 1.7 6 1.48 13.44
Benson, It., Est., Inion Add. 933-2354.76 .58 5.54
Buehler, .Jelin, Sub. 1 of \lin. Lot 314 3 14.00 1.70 15.90
]tuesch, A. 1)., King's 1st :Add., lot 11, and
King's 1st .Adel., S. 4 fl. 6 in. 13 76.86 9.24 86.50
lluescli, A. O., Sub. 1 of Min. Lot 316 3 .14 .01 .35
P,urdt, 10. ('., Sul). 1 of 63. Sanford's Sub 2 17.08 2.04 19.32
Byrne, 10..1., ('i1y, S. 1-2 \I. 1-5, lot 464 and
S. 1-2, N. 1-2, \I. 1-5 464 126.42 14.18 141.00
Byrne, 1'. .1., city, A. 1-' 206 45.92 5.50 51.62
Carroll & \lnlgrew, city 89a 10.08 1.22 11.50
Cunningham, Ai try, I'niun Add. 127 5.18 .64 6.02
Cunningham, \Inry, Inion ,),,1(1. 128 15.82 1.86 17,88
Dempsey, L. 11.. East Dubuque Add., E. 1-2 151 17.36 2.08 19.64
Donohue, Albert, l:iene & Blocklinger's
Sub., A. 23..I ft., S. 98.6 ft. 1-2-3 22.82 2.76 25.78
:Driscoll, c'Inrn, Sub. 3-4 of 135, L. H. Lng-
worthy's Add. 2 15.40 1.80 17.40
Dubuque Altar \Ifg. Co., East Dubuque
Add., lots 1..67-168-169-170-171 85.26 10.20 95.66
Dubuque All;ir \Ifg. c'e., 1;;is1 Dubuque
:Add., lots "1"-211-234-235-236 244.44 29.32 273.96
Dubuque Investment ('u., Linehan Park
Add. 10 5.88 .74 6.82
Elks' Home Building ('e., ('ity 625 226.80 27.20 254.20
Farwell, I.. V., Sul(. 1 a, I:lingenberg's 4th
Scil'. 1 1.12 .16 1.48
]Fuller, AA'u(. (1., Oakland Park Add. 8 10.22 1.26 11.68
Graham, A1..1., Marsh's Add., 13. 92 ft. 28 6.02 .76 6.98
Cray. W. 10., Grandview HeightsAdd. 37-44 5.42 .68 6.34
llatzenhuehler, .1. (1., .1. Stines' .A.1.1., lot 50
and I:. 5 I't. 51 22.68 2.74 25.62
'lion]. 10. ,\ I:., Davis Farm Add 317 39.90 4.80 44.90
Ilinlrnger, Emily, Sub. Alin. I.ut 211 6 .70 ,10 1.00
Ke;(sl, Hurry, Finley, \\'aples & Burton's
.Add. 90-91 3.50 .40 4.10
kringle, D. (1lain 1. y's Add., E. 30 ft. 1 6.72 .86 7.78
Langworthy, :Vnn;c 11., Glendale Add., S. 1-2 154 20.86 2.48 23.54
Lawrence, Belle, (';tin's Sub. 10 30.10 3.60 33.90
Long, :Adelin, Davis I'arnt Add. 288 35.42 4.26 39.88
Ludwig. Peter, Sufi. \I in. Lot 7 2 .70 .10 1.00
Official Notices.
1\--let'ann, \Vitt. T., E. E. Jones' Sul, o
277..Iiill :11,..!.1122 9.76
Mevet, Jos. and J. 11., cily, S. .1-:, 7
O'Commr, James, SIM. 71iii. 1,o1 :17
Oeth, .1011n, Mondale .7,1,1., S. 1-9
Atillerlilly, .100. A., 1!:!ist Dubuque .7,1d, .179
211..(91111r ;1..1122
2:71 T171, .......7:;' :06;
Quillian, Lulu, SIM. 71111.1.ot 303, S. E. 30 l'1.
Ithontherg, .7. E.. East 1)111m -tie Add,
1{01)1m:on, Christian, A. Stines' Add. 2.21:;171; 36.40 4.:;'(5)
.70 .10 40.91
Quigley, \Vin., Est,, 71). Pleasant .Add., N.
50 ft. \V. 1-2
Schmid, Dt10 71., (llendale Add., N. 1-2
Schuh, John, Est., E. 1,:ingworiny's AW,11
9.9 11.70
138S°4 21211.1:2:10'.))
27.90 3..1109
Scott, (1, \V., Est., AIiii, Lot 301 32.1S 36.72
Slattery, \V. l'., Sidi. Alin, 1,01 174 12.17 1.44 13.82
1-2 276.60 27,40 207.20
Sntedlc- Steam 71117, co., Smedley's Siih22 401.24 47.11 -119.57
Smith. Sam, Est., 11eder hang -worthy's .711(1.10-11 31.70 3.70 37.50
Steger, .los. A., Vairniminl l'ark .7,111. 71 .97 .14 1.32
Stoltz, Prank A., Finley, \Valdes k pairton's
.7,!,!. 127-127 20.76 2.47 23.74
Schmitt, Prank, lloilge's SIM. 3-4 43.40 5.20 40.70
TAX. 01.' 1913.
Name. Heserwtem. 1.01. Tax. 11111, Total.
Allen, Thotatts, Suh. •I of S. 2-7 illy ill. lot
1; .\1Ieo, Thomas, Soh. 1 of S. 2-5 City
41-1, S. 1 11. ,
1.12,115 11.,.:', 97,10
.7. D. Ittiesch, 1<ing's 1st .\,111., 1.01 11; .\. (0,
Il)tesch, littg's 1st .\,1,1., S. -I fl. 6 111. 101
13: A. D. Duesch, Sidi. ! 01' Alin. 1.0) :116 .,
" 53.07 9.67 72.90
I;Ili'di, Frod C., Sill). 1 of 67, Sanford's Soh. ' 10.05 7.77 22.19
l'onningliant, Alary, Inion .70,1. 1277. 27 1.30 7.75
Cunningham, Alary, 111!,,,) .7,!,!, 127
.77 5.30
Dempsey, I,. 1-1., East Dubuque A 1
dd., E. 1-2 171 4.37
Driscoll. Clara, Soh. 3 and -1 of 137, 1.. 11. 7.95 2.77 19.00
.1ing0vorthy's Add.
11.60 2,00 ::
I!! Al fgEst 0
. 1'0., a11100011!
Add. 177-167-169-170-171
72.50 130
1101)10111,. Altar Alfg. 1',,.. 1.:;,:-,1 Hulmoite
. Add. '172-277-271-275-276 275.70 19.70 327,311
'Elks' 110m' 11011,111,g 1'0., ('119''7 101.,0 10.25 119.95
loanvell. E. F.. Suh. 10, Klingenher's •Ith
Sub. 1
77 -•Il 1.15 .25 1.90
Cray, 77'. E., (1rainlvieNv Height:: A,Itl.
Heim, I,'. & E., Havis Harm A,111.
and E. 5 ft.
6 :2170..77::
.11 7.67
.111.1 1..; .111....!,71121:
Hatzenhoehler, .1. (4., Stifles' .\thl., 1.01 7o
Ilintrager, Einily, Sul.. 71iii. I.o1 21)
1 t'Cotmor, Al., Es1., Sidi. Alin. 1.01 37 -1.97
71 32.70
11 2 7s.. r_if:,
Alillerlilly, Jelin, 1.:1s1 lifilitique Add.
Quigley, \\'in., Est., 711.111e:isnot Add., N. 50
ft. 77'. 1-2 2ii 1.75
1 301-' 0.70 :
70 17
9 N.71.(r:T5 117.55
1.11110(1, (1. \V., Est., Alio. 1.01
Slattery, \V. 1'., Sub. Alin. I..ot 174
TAX ()IP 1912. '316.10 :;.!r0 11.1:0:::21.0
Sedley Steam Nlfg. Co., Smedley'
s Sub''''
Name. 14eseription. '17:1.,. Itil.
Boesch, A. tt.1<ing's 1st AM1., 1.0t 11; li.ing's IA
lst .7,1(1., S. 4 ft. 6 in. Lot 13; Sul,. 1 of
71in. I.ot :116 53.75 12.75 77 0
Driscoll, Clara, 101)1,/.. :1 :1101 -1 (if 1:15, 1.. 11. 19.95
1)1111 1'"Y. 1 .. II., East le,h16100 .71., 1,',. 1-2 171 17.95 3,70
-1)111-)Intlle A ItN I' 711.. 1',., l'::isl 1)(11,11,01,' !111,!;(:),
Eang‘vorthy's . \ ,1.1. -- 1 I .(;(1
Auld., 167-167-169-1711-17 I 72.50 17.-10
])libuque _Mtn!. Alfg. Co., 1.;:ist I )111)toitio
277.59 116.10 :41. s )
69:. 1111.50 21.37 I 26.07
:Elks' Home Building Co., l'ily-
Fanvoll, L. P., Sub, 10, 1<lingenberg's 4111
1 1.-17 .77
77-11 .75
Ittl-in, .Albert, (Irandvie‘v 11,,ights .7.1(1. 1.45
Itatzenhtiehler, .1. (4., .7. Sillies' .700., 1,ot 70
480 Official Notices.
and E. 5 ft. 51 20.30 4.85 25.35
Hintrager, Emily, S'ilb. Min. Lot 20 6 .37 .08 .65
O'Connor, NI., Est., Sub. Min. Lot 37 6 8.70 2.10 11.00
Quigley, Wm., Est., Mt. Pleasant Add., N. 50
ft. W. 1-9 26 • 38.86 9.32 48.38
Scott, G. W., Est.. Min. Lot 301 8.70 2.10 11.00
Slattery, W. 1'., Sub. Min. Lot 174 1-2 127.60 30.60 158.40
Smedley Steam Nlfg. Co., Smedley's Sub. 22 316.10 75.85 392.15
TAX OF 1911.
Name. Description. Lot. Tax. Int. Total.
1Mbiluile Alta r Mfg. Co., East Dubuque
Add. 167-168-169-170-171 70.00 21.00 91.20
Dubuque Altar Ifg. Co., East 1Mbuque
Add, 9 32-233-234-235-236 266.00 79.80 346.06
Farwell, I.. V., Sub. 10, Klingenberg's 1th
Sub. 1 1.40 .45 2.05
NatzenbuellIcr, .1. G., A. Stines' Add., Lot 50
and 1..4 7 ft. 51 19.60 5.85 25.70
Alarsch, V. M., Sul). Min. 1.ot 171 1-2 119.00 35.70 154.90
n'contior, M. Est., Sul). Min. Lot 37 6 8.40 2.50 11.1(1
Scott, (1. ,... Est., MM. Lot 301 8.10 2.50 11.10
Smedley Steam Pump Mfg. Co., Smedley's
Sub. 22 305.20 91.55 396.95
Sbittery, W. B., ('ity 625 102.20 30.60 133.00
Construction of Sanitary Sewer in lielmound and West Fourteenth Sts.
Name. Description. Lot. Blit. Tax. Int. Total.
Jennie Powers, E. E. Jones' Sul). 16 $23.64 $ 5.48 $29.32
Elizabeth Buehler, Sub. 1 of Nlin. Lot 89 1 29.00 7.69 36.89
S. 11. and .1, E. Keinler, A. McDaniel's Sub,
E. 1-2 N. 88 ft. 783 54.83 16.36 71.39
N. S. Moore, A. Niel/milers Sub., W. 1-2 N.
88 ft. 783 54.83 16.36 71.39
Improving Grandview Avenue from South 11odge to Dodge Street.
Name. Description. Lot. 131k. Tax. Int. Total.
T. .1. Donahue, Sub. 1 of Min. I.ot 46 1 $318.30 $ 92.22 $410.72
E. Lavery, Sub. 2 of Min. Lot 46, Lot 2, and
Sub. 3 of Min. Lot 47 2 234.16 67.86 302.22
Tim Nihon, Dillon's Sub. 2 337.76 98.02 435.98
Tim Dillon, Dillon's Sill). 16 978.18 80.62 359.30
Tim Dillon, Stwart's Sub, 5 11S.7.', 31.51 153.49
Tim Dillon, Stewart's Sub. 4 118.7 :1.11 153.49
Tim Dillon, Stew:ill's Sub. 3 118.78 :11.51 153.49
Tim Dillon. Stewart's Sub. 2 247.13 71.63 :118.96
Ann (CSlioa, Sister's Add. 43 102.71 29.87 112.81
Mil,, G'Shea, Sub. Min, Lot 145 1 396.17 114.84 511.21
M;;tilda Miller, Grandview Place 6 99.87 27.17 127.21
:Matilda Miller, Grandview Place 7 161.20 44.96 206.16
\\-. \V. Whelan, Whelan's Sub. 8 187.24 54.23 241.67
Improving Belmound St. from Rose Stto West Fourteenth St.
Name. 1-')escription. Lot. Blk. Tax. Int. Total.
M. Howie, E. E. Jones' Sub. 13 $81.25 $23.49 $104.94
S. 11. Lathier, Sub. 12 of E. E. Jones' Sub 1 61.75 17.98 79.93
Construction of Sanitary Sewer in West Locust St., Rosedale Ave., North
Glen Oak Ave., Vernon St. and Mt. Pleasant Ave.
Name. Description. Lot. Blk. Tax. Int. Total.
1"erd Fettgather, Win. Blake's Add. 12 $ 24.00 $ 4.40 $ 28.60
Hughes & Blake, \Vin. Blake's Add. 20 33.90 8.60 42.70
Hughes & Blake, Win. Blake's Add. 21 36.81 9.35 46.36
'Hughes & 131ake. Wm. Blake's Add. 22 48.43 12.14 60.77
:Hughes & Blake, \Vin .Blake's Add. 25 24.21 6.07 30.48
Anton Siege, Sub. 98a, A. P. Wood's Add 1 23.25 6.58 30.05
J A. Rhomberg Est., A. P. Wood's Add 36b 29.38 8.43 38.01
J. A. lthomberg Est., A. P. Wood's Add 35b 29.38 8.43 38.01
J. A. Rhomberg Est., A. P. Wood's Add 34b 29.38 8.43 38.01
J. A. Rhomberg Est., A. P. Wood's Add 33b 29.38 8.43 38.01
J. A. Rhomberg Est., A. P. Wood's Add 31b 29.38 8.43 38.01
T. Rhomberg, A. P. Wood's Add. 30b 29.38 8.43 38.01
J. A. Rhomberg Est., A. P. Wood's Add 29b 29.38 8.43 38.01
J. A. Rhomberg Est., A. P. Wood's Add 28b 29.38 8.43 38.01
J. A. Rhomberg Est., A. P. Wood's Add 26b 29.38 8.43 38.01
J. A. Rhomberg Est., A. P. Wood's Add 25b 33.34 9.59 43.13
Official Notices.
J. A. lthomberg Est.,. A P. Wood's Add
John Blake, Est., Wm. Blake's Add.
I. Al. Hoffmann, Wm. Blake's Add.
M. M. Hoffmann, Wm. Blake's Add.
J.:\. lthomberg Est., A. I'. Wood's Add
J. A. lthomberg Est., :A. P. Wood's Add
James Lee, Mineral Lot
D. J. Linehan, :Home Add.
D. J. Linehan, Home Add,
1). J. Linehan ,Home .Acid.
D. J. :Linehan, Home ,Add.
D. ,I. Linehan, Home Add.
Mary J. Page, Gray's Sub.
Mary R. Maher, Gray's Sub.
Mary It. Maher, Mt. Pleasant Add., 1;. M
7 ft.
Mary IL \saber•, tr,ticland Park :Add.
Wm. Quigley, Mt. Pleasant Add., N. 50 ft
W. 1-2
J..1. Curran, Grandview Park :Add.
J. J. Curran, Grandview Park .\del.
J. J. Curran, Grandview Park .\d1.
J. J. Curran, Grandview P;•13 .Add.
5.1 0
6 42.37 7.39 49.96
6 28.76 5.10 34.06
26 24.00 6.85 31.05
5 5 58.27 16.82 75.29
6 5 58.27 16.82 75.29
6 5 58.27 16.82 75.29
8 5 58.27 16.82 75.29
Improving Harvard Street from Alta Vista Street to Yale Street.
Name. Description. Lot. Blk. Tax. Int. Total.
Wm. Crabtree, Oxford Heights Add. 37 $124.07 $35.96 $160.23
Improving Clifford St. from Seminary St. to Alley First North Thereof.
Name. Description. Lot. I;lk. Tax. Int. Total.
W. A. Hammond, Sub. 1 of J. P. Schroed-
er's Add., Lot 1, and Sub. 108 of Me-
chanic's Add. 2 $152.23 $4:1.40 $196.03
Construction of Sanitary Sewer in Nevada St. from Langworthy Ave. to
Dodge St.
T. J. and l,. Paisley, Whelan's Sub. 6 116.32 33,03 150.66
T. J. and L. Paisley, Whelan's Sub. 5 116.52 33.93 150.65-
50.65T. J. and L. Paisley, Whelan's Sub. 4 116.52 33.93 150.65
Domes & Bush, Grandview Park Add. 13 2 58.27 16.82 75.29
Domes & Bush, Grandview Park Add. 14 2 58.27 16.82 75.29
Name. Description. Lot. Blk. Tax. Int. Total.
J. Murphy, Sub. Min. Lot 158, E. 1-2 1 $386.66 $102.50 $489.36
Construction of Sanitary Sewer in Middle Ave. from Lincoln Ave. to the
Alley between Ithomlaerg and Garfield Avenues, thence in said Alley to Reed
Name. Description. Lot. Blk. Tax. Int. Total.
H. M. Sauer, \IcC'raney's l.st Add. 46 $30.00 $7.80 $38.00
Realty Investor's Corp., McCraney's lst
Add., S. 1-2 50 15.20 :1.90 19.30
Michael Thore, McCraney's 1st Add., N. W.
91.5 ft. 52 35.50 9.10 44.80
Frank Jaeger, Jaeger's Sub. 1 33.16 8.58 41.94
Frank Jaeger, Jaeger's Sub. 2 33.16 8.58 41.94
Frank Jaeger, Jaeger's Sub. 3 33.16 8.58 41.94
Frank Jaeger, Jaeger's Sub. 4 33.16 8.58 41.94
Realty Investors' Corp., Jungle's Add. 2 35.50 9.10 44.80
K. C. Fengler, McCraney's lst Add. 20 35.50 9.10 44.80
M. A. Geary,\lct'rtney's 1st Add., S. 22 15.20 3.90 19.30
Nic Loes, \IcCrancy's 1st Add. 30 30.43 7.80 38.43
31 30.43 7.80 38.43
Nic Loes, \IcCrancy's 1st Add. 32 30.42 7.80 38.42
Nic Loes, \Icc'rancy's 1st Add. 33 30.42 7.80 38.42
Nic Loes, AIcCrancy's 1st Add.
Jacob Welty, Sub. E. 7 ft. 10 in. of Lot 9
and Lot 11 and N. 46 ft. 9 in. of Lot 13 1 35.50 9.10 44.80
of Wick's Add.
C. Niedermeyer and G. Hettenmaier, Wick's
Add., Lot 12, Lot 14 and S. 7 ft. 10 in... 161 35.50 9.10 44.80
Construction of Sanitary Sanford'sain Queen St. Sub , Northerlytto a point opposite le rcentte ler
Southerly line of Lot 3535,
of Lot 46A, Stafford's Add. Lot. Blk. Tax. Int. Total.
Name. Description.
39 $28.00 $7.15 $35.35
Peter Bintner, Sanford's Sub. 56 18.90 4.86 23.96
Carl Spigelhalter, Bellevue Add.
Official Notices.
Henry Pfotzer Est., Bellevue Add. 44 28.05 7.15 35.40
Augusta Koester, Stafford's Add., S. 20 ft
I.ot 3:1; Sul). 1 o f 71 Stafford's Add2 , 11.64 3.06 15.10
Chris. Ilenuui, Suh.1 of 71, Stafford's Add1 11.64 3.06 14.90
Construction of Sanitary Sewer in Kniest St. from I.incoln Ave. norther-
ly to I':agle 1.'oint Ave., thence to Prince St., thence northerly to Sanford St.,
thence in Sanford St. to easterly line of Sannder's Sub.
Name. 1)escription. I.ot. B1k. Tax. Int. Total.
.Jos. Hillard, Sanford's Sub., N. 1-2 4 $12.00 $ 3.03 $1.5.2:1
Nic Feller Est., Sanford's Sub., N. 1-2 45 29.00 7.41 36.61
Frank .1. Berg, Sanford's Sub. 48 29.00 7.41 36.61
Fred 1'. I3urdt, Sub. 1 of 63 and S. 20 ft. of
2 of 63, Sanford's Suh. 2 20.91 5.11 • 25.32
.105. Kane, Sub. I of 63 and S. 20 ft. of 2 of
63, Sanford's Sub. 1 25.00 6.39 31.59
Geo, Bendel, Sanford's Sub. 6 68.44 17.37 86.00
Andrew Fuorsl, Sanford's Sub., N. 1-2 55 14.50 3.84 18.54
Anna Kutsch, Kemp's Sub. 3 29.00 7.41 36.61
Construction of Sanitary Sewer in Kaufmann Ave. from sewer about
\V'est'lot lino of I.ot. 10, Cushing's Sub., to Kane St.
Nance. I)(•scriltt.ion. Lot. Bik. Tax. Int. Total.
Jos. J. Nagle, \tech:inic's .\dd. 155 $19.28 $ 4.86 $24.34
Joy. J. Nagle, Mechanic's Add. 154 19.28 4.87 24.34
Elizabeth Teal, Sub. 151, Mechanic's Add._ 2 18.79 4.86 23.85
Peter .Alhinger, Sub. 150, I,. H. I,angwor-
thy's Add., I.ot 2 and Sub. 152, I. H.
I,ang)corlhy's Add. 1. 40.00 10.22 50.62
t'. (1. Meyer, L. H. I,•u)gworthy's Add., N.
92 ft. 155 36.80 9.46 46.46
Adam I:neshauer, Sub. 113, I,. H. I,angwor-
thy's Add., E. 1-2 3 1.00 2.82 14.02
construction of Sanitary Sewer in North Glen Oak Ave. from North line
6 of I,ot 11, Lawrence I)abwlue, northerly to Vernon St.
Name. Description. I.ot. Blk. 'Fax. Int. Total.
I). .1. Linehan, Home :Add. 15 $ 33.80 $ 8.69 $ 42.69
John 'I'aschner, Sub. 1, Alin. I,ot 175, Lot 1;
Gottfried 'I'aschner, Sub. 17, Mt. Pleas -
an' .A 11. 1 122.20 31.17 153.77
Jos. .1. Nagle, Lawrence Unbualue 7 13.78 3.58 17.56
.los. .1. Nagle, Lawrence Dubuque 8 28.29 7.16 :35.65
i'onstruclion of Sanitary Sewer in West -1,`ourteenth St., from alley first
west 01 Mount 1'lo:istu)t Ave., westerly to Woo(' St., thence northerly in \Vooti
St. lo Rosedale .Ave,
Nano,. I)eseription. T.ot. Blk. Tax. Int. 'Total.
I.aur:i .11inges, ttakland 1',crk Add.
Susan 1,. 1 )versmith, Mt. Pleasant. Add.,
and. 1-3 20 7.50 2.00 9.70
Wm. I,. Fuller, Oakland I'ark Add. 8 21.60 5.50 27.30
Albert 13uhland, Gray's Sub. 7 19.50 5.00 24.70
Albert Iinhland, Gray's Sub. 8 19.50 5.00 24.70
1'. (1. and C. H. Meyer, Sub. 3 of :Alin. I,ot
1t'8 8 18.45 4.75 23.40
C. CI.:ind i'. H. \lever, Sub. 3 of Alin. Lot
1 t8 9 18.45 4.75 23.40
C. G. :Intl c. II. \Iever, Sub. 3 of Min. Lot
1 i
10 18.45 4.75 2:1.40
C. Cl. and i'. II. M >er. Sob. 3 of \lin. I.ot
1 $18.00 $ 4.50 $22.70
C. 0. and c. 11. Meyer, Seib. 3 of \1111. I,ot
1 7 8 .........
C. G. and 1'. 11. Meyer, Seib. 3 of Min. Lot
C. C1. and 1'. IIMeyer, Sub. 3 of Min. Lot
)'..\. \'oelker, Rosedale Add.
C. .\. Voelker, Rosedale Add.
Rudolph Franzen, Itosedale Add.
C. A. Voelker, Rosedale Add.
C. A. Voelker, Rosedale Add.
11 18.45 4.75 23.40
13 18.45 4.75 23.41
14 18.45 4.75 23.40
15 13.50 3.50 17.20
59 53.10 13.25 66.55
55 45.00 11.25 56.45
51 22.50 5.75 28.45
52 22.50 5.75 28.45
53 22.50 5.75 28.45
Official Notices.
Construction of Sanitary Sewer in North 1Booth St., from Julien Ave. to
West Fourteenth St., thence westerly in \\'est. (Fourteenth St. to North (.len
Oak :Ave.
Name. Description.
N. S. Moore, .AI'u•sh's .Dubuque
S. 13. Lottner, Lovins' Add.
.Edw. Hanning, Sul,. 1 of 1 of 1 of 25, MY
Pleasant Add.
Albert Hanning, Sub. 2 of 1 of 25, Alt. Pleas-
ant .\rld., lot I and Sub. 2 of 25, \1t.
Pleasant Adll.
Lot. 111k. Tax. Int. Total.
8 $23.50 $5.77 $29.47
10 27.50 0.73 34.43
2 25.00
6.01 31.21
9.03 59.03
('ons)111(1ion of 8:ntit IT Sewer 00 'vest sidelor ('onlo1V11\ve., from present
nt;)llhole at '!'vventy-fifth St. to Thirty-second St.
\311'• I)escription. Lot. 1111:.'1';1x. Int. Total.
Chas. .1. Even, Sub. 1 of 2 of 1 of 11, .10110
l<ing's 1st .-Add. 1 $15.76 $10.52 $10.77
Kiene ,A .Altman, Sub. 4, 1<ion0 ,'7 :Altman's
Sub. 1 35.60 1.66 14.4(1
1<icne & .AItun), Sub. 3, Klein, ,A• .Altman's
Sub. 1 35.60 1.66 14.-16
Kiene R• Altman, Sub. 2, Kicnc R• :Altman's
Sub. 1 31.61) 1,66 -14.16
1<tene & .Allman, Sub. 1, 1<ione X• .-Altman's
1 :11.00 1.60 44.46
Geo. :AI;•shall. Davis (Patin Add. 259 45.00 10.82 56.1)2
Henry ('artigny, Davis Warm Add. 202 34.50 0.42 13.12
Improving AVest fifteenth S1. from Cornell St. to east lot line of Lots 3
and 1), Morgan's Sulu.
Nance. Description. Lot. 1111:. Tax. Int. Total.
.1. 1-1. Luz, A!organ's Spy. 5 $10.19 $19.1:; $100.12
J. H. I.nz, Morgan's Sulu. 0 84.96 20.6.1 105,86
Improving alley h,tvve011 Alta Vista St. and North Rooth St., front Alamb.
S1. to \Vent I" ourteenlh SI.
\111110. 1 )eseri pt ion. I .ot. 1111c. Tax. Int. Total.
S. 13. I.atlner, t.ovin's Auld. 14 $154.72 $37.04 $192.50
Improving alley between .Alta Vista and L'elt0oind St., from hose to AV'est
Fourteenth St.
Nit ole. 1 )(`seription. Lot. 1Ilk. 'Tax. 1111. 'Totltl.
S. IB. 1,a11ner, 1.1. 11. Jones' Sub. 4 $31.17 $ 4.17 545.54
John I;erringer. 1:. 1'J. .lone~' Sub. 11 53.24 12.17 00.31
Adolph .laeggi, E. E. Jotter' Sub. 10 33.00 .1.01 41.21
Improving North (Booth St., from Julien Ave. to AVest Foir10entlt St.
Nacre. Description. I.ot. 111k. Tax. Int. 'Total.
I1. .Meyer 11s1., Alarsh'n Dubuque 5 . 575.11 $17.01 5 42.99
N. S. Moore, Al:ush's Dubuque 8 75.11 17.01 92.99
E(IW. Hanning, Sub. 1 of 1 of 1 of 25, NII
Plea! -,ant Add. 2 90.99 23.25 122.4-1
1nti,roving Knuftu:utn _Aye. from Cooler
Nano•. Description.
\Bary 1,. \\'eltz, \laush's .\dd.
55•. 1'. .\ nd r0nen, Marsh's .\dd.
('(tris. \lathis, Siege's Sub.
1). 1-1. I.i -) u-1:necht, Sulu. 131, 110. 1.12. I.. II.
Lang\vorthy's .-Add.
Mary I.uc'hsingcr, Soh. 120, 14(1, 112. I.. II.
\Bary I.u(•hsinger, Sub. 138, 1,10, 112, I.. 11.
Langworthy's .5 Id., E. 5 1'1. _
Adam Jaeger Est.. Sul). 131. 110, 112, I.. II
Langworthy's Auld., \V. 20 ft.
Adapt .1111(100 Est., Sub. 138. 1111, 1•12, I.. II.
Langworthy's Add.. 1<. 10 ft.
Wm. Pctsch, Sub. 13s, 1.10, -142, I.. If
T.angworthy's Add.. \V. 411 ft.
R.11. Puller, Cushing's Sub.. S. 60 ft
I. R. Willie'', Sub. 3-4 of 135, I.. 11. Lang-
vvorthy's Add.
Clara Driscoll, Sub. 3-4 of 135, I.. 11. I.,tg-
worthy's :Add.
John .Jcnni, \Vehtn,l's Sub.
Airs,. \I. T3irlchil1. \Vellum's Sub.
Ave. to Cushing ('lace.
1,0). Bilk. Tax. Int. Total.
34 5214.73 550.5:) 5266.10
35 214.60 60.53 205.33
1 221.23 52.00 277.1'3
225.71 53. 1 1 279.02
111.66 20.'42 131.18
21.:6 7.31 32.14
10.011 21.1.1 111.3'
10.12 111.81 17.13
.0 201.70 .18.15 253.05
13.36 7.70 II..,_
1 141.711 :1:1:17 175.31;
137.02 32.43 170.25
215.53 00.57 3111.02
1 218.15 00.07 .119.09
484 Official Notices.
\\'m. Pitsche, Sub. 1 of 1, Weland's Sub. 2 194.51 45.80 240.51
Otto 1). Kulow, Tivoli Add. 21 524.41 123.14 647.75
Louisa Popp, Sub. 20 and S. 1-2 19, Tivoli
Add. 2-3 269.45 63.22 332.87
Improving Vernon St. from North Glen Oak Ave. to Mt. Pleasant Ave.
Name. Description. Lot. Blk. Tax. Int. Total.
D. J. Lenehan, Horne Add. 13 $102.46 $24.23 $126.89
1). J. Lenehan, Home Add. 14 78.71 18.37 97.28
1). .1. Lenehan, Horne Add. 16 157.43 36.50 194.13
I). .1. Lenehan, Home Add. 18 78.71 18.37 97.28
1). .1. Lenehan, Home Add. 17 102.71 24.45 127.36
Improving West Locust Street from Hodgdon Ave. to Alta Vista St.
Name. Description. Lot. Blk. Tax. Int. Total.
P ettgather, Blake's Add. 12 $42.89 $10.29 $53.33
Construction of Sanitary Sewer in Grandview Ave. and South Dodge St.,
Name. Description. Lot. Blk. Tax. Int. Total.
I.. Dwyer, Sub. 2 of Min. Lot 47 2 $16.25 $4.00 $20.45
christina Sigworth, Union Add. 74 19.50 5.00 24.70
Alat dila Miller, Grandview Place 6 16.25 4.35 20.80
Alatild,i Jliller, Grandview Place 7 16.25 4.35 20.80
Special Session, Dec, 1, 1 91 6.
(nffici: l -
Special Session Dec, nil,,.,,. 1, 1916.
Council met at 8:25 p. u1.
Mayor Saul in the chair.
Present—Aldermen ,',lllahan, Frith,
Leist, 1'lamondon, Strobel, Wallis,
Absent--:Alcl. i\Tcl.:nlghlin.
Mayor Saul slated that this meet-
ing is called for the purpose of acting
on the petition of Mrs. Catherine
Murphy, relative to sewer assess-
ment in Nevada. Street, and acting
on any other business that may
come before a regular meeting of
the 1'ity council.
Ald. 1'lau)ondon moved to suspend
the rules for the purpose of allowing
any one present in the Council
Chamber to address the Council.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
Plamondon, Strobel, Wallis.
Absent--Ald. A1c1,n,g'hlin.
Miss Murphy addressed the Coun-
cil relative to the sewer assessment
of 1%110 mine 1\Turphy, on Nevada
Ald. Strobel moved that the peti-
tion of Catherine Murphy be referred
to the Committee of the Whole to
view the grounds and to be acted on
Saturday, December 2, 1016, at 10:00
a. m. Carried.
Ald. Strohel moved that the City
Treasurer be instructed 10 accept same
basis on the Dennis Ryan 1015 taxes
as placed by the Board of Equaliza-
tion for his taxes of 1916. Carried.
Aid. Callahan moved to suspend
the rules for the purpose of allowing
any one present in the council cham-
ber to address the council. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas---.\lds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
1'laniondou, Strobel, Wallis.
Nays --None.
Absent- Ald. Alci,aughlin.
Attorney 1<oe1•ncr addressed the
council relative to the valn;l tion
placed on the property of T. .T. Dona-
hue. Ald. Leis( moved to refer the
mattor or the taxes of T. T. Donahue
to the committee of the Nvhole to
view the grounds Saturday, Decem-
ber 2nd, 1916, at 10:00 a. 111. Carried.
Ald. Wallis moved that the city as-
sessor be instructed to prepare a
large scale plat of the lienahne prop-
erty and have salmi ready for Satur-
day, december 2nd, 1916, at, 10:00 a.
nl. Carried. suspend Callahan moved to snsi
the rules for the purpose of allowing
any one present in the council (cl):)rl�
bei to address the council.
by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Callahan, Frith, heist,
1'la.mondon, Strobel, Wallis.
Nays --None.
Absent- -Aid. 'McLaughlin.
1.. F. ?loN:111)11'a addressed Tn•
council relative to money due the C.
B. McNamara & Co. for the improv—
ing of fourth Street Extension.
Ald. Callahan moved to adjourn.
.T. T. SHEA.,
City Recorder.
486 Special Session, Dec. 2, 191 6.
S1/1•i•1111 n11, December 2, 1916.
council not at. 11 ;5 :1. in.
Alayor Saul in the chair.
Present .\Ids. (':cll:chan, Leist, Pla-
1nondon, Strobel, \\•a11is.
\',sent .\ids. I!'rilh, \[ef.aughlin.
\layer Said slated Ilot this meet-
ing is called for the purpose of act-
ing on the report of the committee
of the whole and any other business
Thal alight. properly conte before a
ret•,iilar Meeting of the city council.
Your committee of the whole to
whom! was referred the petition of
the .\d:nn „lenge'. Isl. asking that the
interest. on I he special assessment for
no. improvement of Kaufmann ave-
nne Ise cancelled and that they be al-
lowed to pay the balance in monthly
installments would respectfully rec-
ommend that the interest not be can-
celled but that 1 be permitted to
pay $50.00 down and $10.00 a month
Indil paid pro\bled they sign the
proper waiver which will be drawn
up by the oily attorney,
.1. II. \\'.\I.I.IS, ('h:lirrnan.
l•onr committee of the whole to
whom was referred the petition of
John Miller asking; Mutt the taxes on
lot ( Farley's Sub. be reduc-
ed for the v on 1915, would respect-
fully recommend that said petition
he received and filed,
.1. 11. \\'.\ 1,I.IS, ('hili!?nan.
Your committee of the whole to
W110111 11'115 ret'errcd the petition of
Joseph Handel asking that the taxes
on lots 2,1s and 209 futon Add. be
red need would respectfully recom-
mend that said petitions be received
and tiled.
.T. H. AVALLIS, c'hairnian,
Your committee 01' the whole to
whom was referred the petition of
('athc•rine ..\Inrphy asking that the
city acia.10 ala11,co 1I14 11/1y111e11t 111 full
of her sower ;issessnlenl on \oyad11.
slree1 would res11ec11.1111y I'eenllllnl`ml
111111 said petition lie received and
.I. I I . \\'.\ LILTS, ('hairuutn,
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the petition of 'r.
.1. I'nislec ;asking' that the special as-
sessalen1 ag:linst his properly for the
ilnpro\: anent of (11 10 1)iew avenue
he cancelled vyoiild respectfully rec-
ommend that the sante be received
:111(1 tiled.
.T. IT. \V.\ 1.I.IS, Chairman,
Your committee of talc whole to
whom was referred the petition of
\Irs. E. Lavery aisking that the inter-
est on the special assessment against
her property for the improvement of
( randyie�y Avenue be cancelled
would respectfully recommend that
the interest not be cancelled but that
she he given the privilege of paying
her assessment and interest in
monthly installments providing she
sign the 'waiver drawn up by the city
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
On motion of Ald. Wallis the vari-
ous reports of: the committee of the
whole were adopted.
Ald. Strobel moved to adjourn.
City Recorder.
ty Recorder.
Regular Session, Dec. 7, 1916.
Regal ii session .Itecenlh,'l' 7, 1:16.
Council !let. at 8:15 p. nt.
May 01 S:(111 in the 0I1 lir.
Present- -Alds. 1';((1•(11 111. Frith,
Lcist ,ll• Loughlin, 1'Innutnd(,n.
Absent -:Aids. Siroh,•1, A\111114.
Aid. (Filth mimed to dole,. action
on al,l,Il0ing the cetlned 111.0c•(c11ing•s
for the month of 1 (('10110', 191 6. Car-
(;ids for furnishing :1 1, lhlic dork
at Eagle Point: 111,1 of 11. Porte,.
$956.00. 13id or lhtbnon,' Boat t-
13oiler \Yorks, $13:{5.00. I:01
buque Motor Boat \\'ay:4. 1.11-13.00.
on motion 01' Aid. '11111 110, 111,!4
were referred to the committee (f the
Peter AVertin, inspector $ 14 00
i;d. I.((I'f, inspector 28' 00
Malt. Acker01, in .l,ecl„I 11 00
W. E. Gregory. inspector 8 00
John Bohn, 100)10c•to1' 16 00
c, 11. \Ic\:unal'n iv.: Co., inter-
est on Tenth street im-
provement 41 1 0
Thos. Lee, constructing side-
walk on \\'est 1-2 of ('ily
Lot 254 60 01
James Street, constructing
sewer in \Vindsor avenue461 65
James Street, 001 41ructing
sewer in fl'Neill :,venue,
\\'est 2nd street, college
avenue, \V:11sh and West
31.d streets 3626 37
ibis. 1•'. 1 ,,o, improving \\'est
Locust street 16389 99
Geo. 51nuer, tilac:ulatu 125 99
Jake l•'rolis, macadam 58 82
.los. }taupe',, macadam 17 19
On motion of 0A111. Al Laughlin all
bills properly 1). I' . wee'. ordered
On motion of ,\ld. McLaughlin the
following' bills were referred to the
committee of the whole:
Jas. l•'. 1.ee, labor and mater-
ial along edge of gutter at
Al:Gestic theatre $ 7 50
Jas. 1”. Lee, interest 011 5 per
cent. retained 72 33
Petition of (Germania Stoc•i: Co.
asking the city council to exempt
then, from paying' a dance 10,11 li-
cense presented ;toil lead. 1(0 !lotion
of Ald. 1i1ith the petition was refer-
red td the committee of 111e \\'hole.
I'etition of A. \V. I<elnlcr Estate,
by R. W. Ketnler, agent, objecting to
the proposed widening of 1-1111 street
and \Vest. Third street presented and
r'ad. (111 ,notion of ..-Aid. Frith the
Petition was referred to the commit-
tee of the whole to view the groe
Resolution of 1 01.tc111 'Trades :Hot
!.nl:nr ,'ingress ohjeelin to the op-
eration of 11144 one -(Hall 011.4,1 car
system presented and read. On mo-
tion of .\ Id. 51,•1.0ughlin the resolu-
tion \vas !lade :I nlnt ter of record.
.-Aid. Strobel entered ;In,l tool: his
scat :It N:25 p. in.
Petition of \V. .\. I:nctlell I•'re,l
I:tide and 1.elks 'I'I'e\lel•. committee.
o1' the Clay 51 11(01 :111,1 ,'onler :,5.1.111.
10'011( I'ty (0(101'5' ;05((001:11 ion, :0:11111.1
1110 cite council for la•rnlissi,01 10
11111141` (0111',• 110111i111-1.5 111 the neW1,
11(1,1 IN( V1'1111'111 on .1(1 5. SI 1.1,1 :111,1
1'011101' ,,Petro• for 100 1011'1,00,• 0l.
Hulking tests of the \111114 I,res,'nte,!
aril road. cin (00110n (I' .A1,1. I.ei-t
the petition VPas referred to ;he ,o„,
17111100 of the whole ;111,1 nolif, 11,
contl'nclol' nod (.11y attorney' lo h..
Petition of ,\Iicllnel 11'tihn :lsl:in
the city '01((('11 to grant hint per
(((045(00 Io p:n' 1115 sl)ecinl :Issersnt('ni
011 r11":111(1 1(155' 14 5111110 011 inanlln1 111'
pre:41 0)"I anti read. , 111 1114,1 ton of
\1,1. l 'it11 the petition \1',s ref, 'red
to the committee of the whole.
('0111100 of. 'Phos. .11(,'01.5'1 : (skiIlg
tlto city council to reduce tho special
ass055r(u'nt 1:,vi'd against his prop-
erty- kw the sand ::II yy 50)00' in West
S'cond sl'o't presented :1n,1 1'0:01.
\ld. 1'1:11lon(lon 11100,'(1 to 5nspend
the rules for the pttrpo00 of :mowing -
511•. .1 1e(h0en to :(ddress the council.
Carried by the I'ollo11•ing vole:
1'0:14- .\ Ids, I1:tllah:ln, "0!111, Lci t,
\1cl.w:g111i11, 1'hlnlon,1mi, Strohel.
V'oy'- None.
.5 1):-11111 .\1(1. \Vallis.
Air. .10co15(11 addressed the coun-
cil '0.•111'0 to his 11(t!Iiott. ((n !lo-
tion of :\Id. 50'1.an;chlin the petition
was 11(1.(1•11.(1 1 t the. city engineer to
report 14( the c•omalillee 01: (to, vThole
at its nest. Meeting.
Petition of Julia 1'Iein5 asking the
c•itr council to (1011:110 Io her 111,• snot
of $50.00 to 0((111e 1101• to leave 111'
city at1(1 settle (15('w)lel•e pl•es'nted
and read. (111 !lotion of .\ Id. 1\1c-
Laug'hlin 1110 petition 11•as referred to
tilt, committee of the whale.
Petition of 1'atherine Alorphy :ts9c-
ng 1110 t•ity cnllncil to c:onc,•1 the in-
terest on her special assessment for
the 40100' 111 Nevada 51 reel I,rescnte,l
:111(1 read. ..\ Id. 1tro1,•1 nn,Ped to
<rnnl the prayer 4(1 the pet !tOmer.
\Id. 10('11)1 untended .\01. 111'011 l's
1114(11(11) to refer the petition 111 1110
eonuuitteo of 1110 w110le. ('arrie,1 I,y
111,• loll, Ding ('0t':
.\ids. 1'nllalioo, (Frith. \Ic-
1,11 ughlin, 1 thin( 010(1.
Nays - .\ Ids. Leist, Sl,ohcl.
.1 h0en1 .11(1. \Vallis.
.\1(1. Lcist M00(11 that the signers
of the petition u5lcing the city coun-
cil for permission to tear till some of
488 Regular Session, Dec. 7, 191 6.
',he tie vyIV Laid wood 111oc•104 011 the
flay sirs et and (;outer avenue im-
1,1•oylna ••01 1,1 notified to be present'
at the connnIittll Of the whole meet-
ing. C'11rried.
Communication of Dubuque Com-
mercial club relative to d0(I: facilities
at Dubuque presented and read. On
motion of .\ Id. Frith the communica-
tion was referred to the committee of
the wlolc.
.A111. (Laughlin moved to suspend
the rules for the purpose of allowing
\I r. I',lislcy to address 1111 council.
c'ar(11' by the follovying cote:
.\Ids. Callahan\, • rids. Lost,
\IcLa1110111h), I'lamondon, Strobel.
Nays None.
.Absent- .\ Id. Wallis.
\Ir. 1'11isl0y addressed 1111 c'ounci'
relative 10 his petition for the special
assessment on Grandview )1venue.
Petition of T. .1. Paisley relative to
the special assessment levied again) -1
his property for the improvement
(lranoyiew avenue presented and
read. on motion of .\ Id. Frith the
petition was referred to the commit-
tee of the whole.
communication of Dubuque Trades
find Labor Congress with attach -dl
copy of a1 hill for an ;1c•1 1u :authorize
cities and towns to construct 1111
street improvements, including grad-
ing, sewers and sidewalks and to re-
pair the same presented and road.
on motion of Ald. Frith the com-
munication \vas 114('((1(1 to 1111 COM-
M 1111(' of (he \\•1101e..
I'lliti0n of 1'. 1'. Spic•gel11nlier aslc-
ing the city council to cancel the as-
sessment levied against him for too
sewer in (omen street presented and
read. 1111 motion of .\Id. Frith the
petition vyns referred to the commit -
11 e of 1111 whole 1e view the grounds.
I'llilion of A. 1.. IthoInlIor.g. asking
1110 cily 1.011111'11 Io (;111(11 1110 tuxes
for 1111• y1,1r 1915 against lots 640 and
641 East 1 itilmiltie and libel( 24 Rail-
road .\ did. ,o•cording to the terms of
the lease of 1111. (14.1(.111 1011 hospital
presented nod lead. 11n motion of
Ald. frith the prayer of petitioner
\vas granted and the city treasurer
instructed at•eordingly.
Petition of 1'has. \V. Ii1010i11(1 as1c-
ing the city council to establish a1
grade of the alley in the rear of iot
17 of \lino101 1.01 149 presented and
read. 11n motion of .-A1(1. Leist the
petition \vas referred to the commit-
tee of the whole.
1'elition of \\('stern Union Tele-
graph company asking the city coun-
cil to approve the sale of under-
ground conduit by the Iowa Tele-
phone Co. to the \Vestern Union Tele-
graph Co. presented and read. On
motion of Ald. Frith the petition was
referred to the committee of the
Ald. 1,cist moved that the council
reconsider their action 00 the peti-
tion of Chas. W. 1houillet. Carried.
Ald. I.eist moved to grant the pray-
er of the petition of Chas. W. T3rouil-
let and that the city engineer be in-
structed to establish a grade. Car-
1'et ition of barley & Loetscher
el f . Co. asking the city council for
permission to build a platform eight
feet wide extending from Sixth to
Seventh street on the west side of
Jackson street also to my as side track
on the east side of the alley between
6th and 7111 and Jackson and White
streets also to build it bridge across
Seventh street between Pity Lots 363
and 369 presented and read. On mo-
tion of Aid. Leist the petition was re-
ferred to the committee of the whole
to view 1110 grounds.
Petition of Airs. .1. 1'. Kasel stating,
that she desired to exercise her privi-
lege in taking the salvage abutting.
lot 4 Langworthy Add. presented and
read. On motion of :\id. Frith the
petition was made a matter of rec-
Petition of Thos. Hackney, po
master and janitor, asking the c'ity
council to grant hint an increase in
salary of $1 0.00 per month presented
and read. On notion of Ald. \ic-
La.ug'hlin the prayer of the petitioner
was granted and his salary placed at
5155.00 per month to start from De-
cember 1st, 1916.
Petition of :\i1. Bonier asking the
city council to order a warrant drawn
in his favor in the suns of $3.50 for
over payment of taxes for the year
1915 presented and read. On motion
of Ald. Strobel the petition was re-
ferred to the city treasurer to report
back to the council.
Petition of Knights of Columbus
asking the city council to cancel their
taxes for the years 1914 and 1 91 5 ac-
cording to Section 1304 of the Code
of Iowa presented and read. On mo-
tion of Ald. Strobel the petition was
referred to the committee of the
Petition of First Baptist church
asking the city council to cancel their
taxes for the year 1915 according to
the statut e presented and read. On
motion of Ald. Frith the petition was
referred 10 the committee of the
Petition of Margaret Arcola asking
the city council to reduce the taxes
on lots 29 and 30 in Reche's Sub. pre-
sented and read. On motion of Ald.
Callahan the petition was referred to
the committee of the whole.
Petition of Peter Klauer, et al, rel-
ative to the excessive unit foot value
on White Street on both sides from
13th to 1 7th street presented and
read. On motion of Ald. Leist the
Regular Session, Dec. 7, 1916.
petition was referred to the commit-
tee of the whole to View the grounds.
Petition of Thomas .1. \lulgrew, by
Frantzen & Ronson, his attorneys.
objecting to the special assessment
levied against lot 2 of. 1 of Boxleiter's
Sub. for the sewer in Walsh street
presented and read. on motion of
Ald. Me!.aughlin the petition was re-
ferred to the city attorney to report
to the committee of lie whole.
Petition of R. .1. Burke :csking the
city council to reduce the assessment
on lot 7 for sewer in 1)'\cill avenue
and College avenue presented and
read. Ald. :McLoughlin moved to sus-
pend 111e rules for the purpose of al-
lowing Mr. Burke to address the
council. Parried by the following
Yeas--A1ds. Callahan, Frith, 'Exist,
Atc1 tigh.l1n, 1'lamondon, Strobel.
Nays ---None.
:\bsent—A1d. Wallis.
Mr. 1111.k addressed the council
relative to his petition. On motion
Ald. McLaughlin the petition was
referred to the committee of the
whole and city engineer.
Petition of _\tnanda ]Beyer and 1'. S.
Norton protesting against the assess-
ment levied on the east half of lot 4
Cox's Add. for the improvement of
West Locust street. presented nte(1 and
read. On motion of .\111. Strobel the
petition was referred to the commit-
tee of the whole to view the grounds.
Petition of Emma L. Ruettell ask-
ing the city council to reduce the as-
sessment on lot 4 of lot 1 of lot 8 of
.Ellen I1lake's Sub. of (hltlot 744 pre-
sented and read. (111 motion of _Ald.
Frith the petition was referred to
the committee of the whole to view
the grounds.
Petition of :Ellen Ke:I1ly, by Frant-
zen & Ronson, her :litorneys, relative
to the special assessment levied
against lot 4 McGrath's Sub. for the
improvement of \Vest Locust: street
presented and read. 011 motion of
Ald. Callahan the petition was re-
ferred to the committee of the whole
to view the grounds.
Petition of John W. Norton, by
Frantzen & Ronson, his attorneys,
protesting against the special assess-
ment levied,, against lots 2, 4 and 5
Gilliarn's Sub. and lots 8 and 9 and
the west 10 feet of lot 7 in (,uigley's
Sub. presented and read. (n1 motion
of Ald. Callahan the petition was re-
ferred to the committee of the whole
to view the grounds.
Petition of Mrs. M. Stapleton pro-
testing against the special assessulcnt
levied against her property for the
improving of West Locust street pre-
sented and read. On motion of Ald.
McLaughlin the petition was referred
'to the committee of the whole to
view the grounds.
1'etitioll of \Irs. \f: ry Kinfislev
protesting' against the special assess-
ment. levied against her property for
the improving of \\'est Locust s'Iree1
presented and rend. 1111 (notion of
Ald. Strobel the petition w:as referred
to the corn mit 100 of the whole to
View the grounds.
I'etition of Mrs. 'Theresa Stoltz, 111
Frantzen & lton.son. her ttorne,.s,
stating that :111 error has been made
in her assessment for the improving
of \Vest Locust street :Ig,Ii11s1 lots 4
and i. in \\'illinnl 111;100'. Soh. pre-
sented and rend. 1In motion of .AId.
Alcl,aughlin the01 11111 was retern.11
to the city engin, 1r to report to 1110
committee of the whole.
\\".\ 1 \' I•: I : .\ \ U .\ (.I : I : I•: \I FAT.
\V 11ercas, a contract has been ent.-
tered into 1y :1nd het ween the Peer
Amid Cement, Stone ('0.. :and Louis 1'.
Koltonbach, 11)111:1111111 KoICenhnch
and (':n•I .8. Kolf, 011:1011 with the City
or 1)llhu,lne, Iowa. for the construc-
tion of in ('ark \V'.Iv
avenue :and Law11d:de :,benne and
across lots 7 a and 71 and lots :111,1
26 :11 or 0(•01' the dividing lin, he -
tweet) lots 70 and 71 :1n,1 2,5 111111 _II
in \'oelher 1lighlnnrls connecting with
sanitary sewer in (lien 14111 :, b1•n 111.
\1'11 •rens, 5:,111 C0111 l'111.1 Is to he p,-r-
fornled according to plans and spe-
c'ilic:1ti(n5 prepared by the city engi-
neer, and
Whereas, :Ill the requirements pro-
vided for by slltnte :111,1 111e 1'ily 11r-
diminees of the Pity of InlhnrlIe have
not lu•0n complied wi111, :11111
Whereas, the undersigned, Rein.;
the owner of :III the property, 5(11(0•ct
to an assessment for the constreeli(.1)
or said sanitary sewer, has petitien,1
the city c011ncil of 111e 1'11). of 1tn-
bn,lu0 for the (0ns11.11(1ion of 50i'1
sower :111,1 he 11:15 agreed to w:(1 ( :111
rellnirc111011ts 11):11 have 11(1 1/1,•11
complied with 115 1('0111((',1 by stntuto
1111(1 the Ord 111:1 es of 111,- ('ily of Do -
Now '1'11, r,- fo re, the undersigned,
being the Owner of all the properly
stth,ject to assessment for the ('01'-
strnctio11 of s:Iid 5:1111011\ sewer, in
consicl0lation of the allbnntage gain_
ed by the constrnetinn of 5:11,1 sani-
tary sewer in nee1,1',1:0nc,- with t1),•
1(1:1115 a5 proposed 1/y the c•i1y r•n0i-
no( r docs 110(01,' w111v1 any and :111
right. which he 111:11 1111V4, (.11111.1• :It
dao' 01' erinity, 10 oh•j(ctto the pay-
ment of the assessments 'which are to
1)0 levied ag:Iinst the property, snit -
feet 10 the assessment, for the con-
struction of said sanitary 501,001' 011
account of any irregularity, defect or
illegality in 1110 proceedings, or
change in the specifications or plans,
or for any other reason whatsoever,
and 1 do her0hy agree that said san-
490 Regular Session,
Dec. 7, 1916.
itary se\Ver may be constructed as
above indicated and I will pay all as-
scsxnaenis which are to be levied for
the coluiruction of said sanitary sew-
er, and I further agree that I will'
make no objection to the payment of
the assessments for any reason what-
1 further agree that the City of Du-
buque shall have the perpetual right
to the use of the land necessary be-
tween lots 70 and 71 and 25 and 26
in Voelker Ifighlands in the City of
Dubuque, Iowa, for the purpose o}
operating and maintaining said sani-
tary sewer ,111(1 that they will have
the right, to go upon said premises at,
any time for the improvement, re-
pairing and cleaning of said sewer.
Signed at Inibuque, Iowaa, this 2nd
day of October, 1916.
(Signed 1 The Voelker Realty Co.,
By ('111115. A. VOI'.l kElt, presi-
State of Iowa
Dubuque County
On this 2nd day of October, 1916,
before nae pa•rsonall> appeared The
Voelker Realty a'9., by ('11115. A. Voel-
ker, president. and he acknowledged
that he executed the above waiver
and agreement as and for the volun-
tary act and deed of The Voelker
Realty co., ;1 corporation of Iowa,
villa its principal place of business at
1 )nhuque, in said state.
I Signed)) The Voelker Realty Co.,
Itv c'1111114. A. VOI' l KER, presi-
Subscribed and sworn to this 2nd
day of October, 1916.
(Signed) M. 1). COONEY,
Notary Public 111 and for Dubuque
t'minty, fovea.
On motion of .-Aid. McT.aughlin the
waiver and agreement were made a
matter of record.
\V.\IVVIt ANI) .\(1I;I?l;\11?NT,
\\"horoaas, \Irs. Ernestine f,avery,,
has )ileal a petition with the city coun-
cil oi' the city of Dubuque, asking
that the interest on the special assess-
ment which has been levied against
her property for the improvement of
(irain(laic44 avenue be cancelled; and
\\'borons, said property is advertis-
ed for sale to pay for the delinquent
special assessment which has been
levied for said improvement, said
sale to he made 011 December 4th,
al 6, and
Whereas, the city council, having
coot in special session on December
_n(l, 1916, to act upon said petition;
Whereas, the city council of the
City of 1)ubuque, having refused to
grunt the prayer of said petition, and
having refused to cancel the interest
upon the assessment which has be-
come delinquent; and
Whereas, said council having
agreed that not to sell said property
on December 4th, 1916, upon condi-
tion that the undersigned agrees to
pay said special assessments with the
interest thereon, in monthly install-
ments; now
Therefor, the undersigned, in con •
sideration of the permission granted
by the city council on December 2nd,
1916, to pay the assessments which
have been levied against the lots for
the improvement above stated in
monthly installments, hereby waives
any and all rights which she may
have, or her heirs, assignees or ad-
ministrator may have, to contest said
assessments either in law or equity,
for any reason whatsoever, or to
question the legality, regularity or
validity of such assessment, or the
;jurisdiction of the council to levy
such assessment, and agrees that such
assessments shall never become out-
lawed by reason of the lapse of time,
and shall remain a lien upon said
lots until the assessments and inter-
est aur paid in full,
11 is further agreed and understood
that if at any time any monthly in-
stallments as herein provided for shall
become clue and remain unpaid, the
city tre4asnrer of the City of Dubuque,
shad) have the right to advertise said
Property for sale, and sell the same
to pay the assessments and interest
remaining unpaid.
Signed this 2nd 'day of December,
State of Iowa
Dubuque County
I. Mrs. Ernestine Lavery, being first
duly sworn on oath depose and say
that I am the person who signed the
foregoing waiver and agreement; that
I signed the same after reading it
over, know its contents, and I ac-
knowledge the same to oe my volun-
tary act and deed.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
,a Notary Public in and for Dubuque
County, Iowa, this 4th day of Decem-
ber, 1916.
Notary Public.
On motion of Ald. Leist the waiver
and agreement was made ca matter of
Dubuque, Iowa, Dec. 2, 1.916.
Whereas, Adam Jaeger estate, by
Martin N. Jaeger, administrator, has
filed a petition with the city council of
the ('ity of Dubuque, asking that said
estate be permitted to pay, in monthly
installments, certain special assess-
ments which have been levied against
lots Sub. 1It, 140, 142 of L. H. Lang-
Regular Session, Dec. 7, 1916.
worthy's Addition west twenty 00)
feet and Sub. 135, 140 and 1 4°, L. H.
Langworthy's --Addition east ten (10)
feet; and
Whereas, said assessments are de-
linquent and have not been paid, and
said property is advertised for sale
to pay for said assessments: and
Whereas, the city council 0"the
City of Dubuque, having met in spe-
cial ession on December 2nd, 1916.
agreed to permit the petitioner to pay
the assessments for said property in
monthly installments, providing how-
ever, that the interest whi^h has run
upon said delinquent assessments
shall not be cancelled and that said
property shall continue to he liable
for said interest as well as the prin-
Now Therefor, in consideration of
the permission granted by the city
council on December 2nd, 1916, to the
:Adam Jaeger estate to pay the as-
sessments which have been levied
against the lots above staled for the
improvement of Kauffman avenue,
the said Adam Jaeger estate by Mat --
tin N. Jaeger does hereby agree to
pay the whole amount of said assess-
ments, including principal and inter-
est, in the following manner:
The first payment to be Fifty
(450.00) Dollars, and the remainir ;•
balance to be paid in monthly install-
ments of Ten ($10.00) Dollars each,
until the whole amount of said assess-
ments and interest are pail in full.
In further consideration of sato
permission as granted, the Adam
Jaeger estate, by Martin N. .Taeger,
administrator, does hereby WO lye any
and all rights said estate and any per-
sons interested in said estate, or in-
terested in the lots against which such
assessment have been luted, which
they or any of them may Have to con-
test by legal or equitable proceedings,
the right of the city council of the
City of Dubuque to levy such assess-
ments for any reason whatsoever, or
to question the legality or the amount
of such assessments, and a.gr•ee that
such assessments shall never become
outlawed by reason of the lapse of
time, and shall remain a lien upon
said lots until the assessments and in-
terest are paid in full.
Signed this 2nd day of December,
Adam .Taeger Estate,
By MARTIN N. J.\I:GER, Adminis-
State of Iowa
Dubuque County
I, Martin N. Jaeger, being first
duly sworn, on oath depose and aa.y
that I am the administrator of the
Adam Jaeger estate; that I have read
the foregoing waiver and agreement,
know its contents, and that I have
executed said waiver and agreement
as my y0lnnlary act and deed.
\I:\i{'I'I\ N. ,1.\1:(11:1{,
Administrator of the
:Want .Inoger Estate.
iubserihed and sworn to before
ale, 0 Notary 1'111(11 in and for Du-
buque 1'0111y, Iow;l, this 5111 clay of
December, 1 91 6.
.1. .1. ti111:.A,
Notary 1'uhli .
(111 motion of Ald. 1.'•ist, the waiver
and agreement was tootle a aunt • of
To the 1lonor:11;1e \I;lyor 01111 i\Iout-
bers of the ('toy 1'oimeil.
Gentlenl(•11: \V('• the undersigned
property owners of the west 411 feet.
of the N. 1-5 of city 101 140 agree to
the widening of the street al the cor-
ner of: 1Sth and flay street so as to
set. the curb hack about four feet, the
city to pay the cost of s0111 widening,
and we further agree not 10 contest
the assessment for improving' ('lay
street and 1aghteenth street by rea-
son of said change.
Yours very truly,
i EN. -A Ilei,% 511•:Itl<Es,
\1 .\'1' I I. 111 11 .'/..
Ott motion of Ald. AIcl.anghlin the
agreement was 1(1ldc a mutter of rec-
Quit -claim deed of \\•illia a 1'. Slat-
tery and wife to lily of Dubuque 0
certain piece of ground now known
as North Nevada street as indicated
on a plat of Slattery's Stift presented.
(111 motion of Ald. 1,els1 the deed was
referred to the committee of the
Bonds of \\'illi:uu A. \1(1'11lin and
Frank 11. 'toss, \vans. works trustees.
presented. (Ili 011111011 of .Aid. me -
Laughlin the hoods wore referred to
the city attorney.
Notice of ('l:tiut of Bernard Ilnels-
holf in ills sunt Of $1000.00 injuries
sustained by fulling on cross walk at
17111 and clay street. presented and
read. (In Motion of Ald. ('a11:111;11 the
notice was referred to the city attor-
Notice of claim of John l'.ernh:u•d
in the stint of $14.00 damages to his
auto in colliding with a pile of rock
u ('outer avenue between 1'.;1111'11(:10
avenue and Hart street presented ;Indo
read. on motion of .51,1. 1.eis1 the no -
e 1).as referred to the city attorney.
Notice of claim of 1•:rnesttne Peel:
vs. 1'ity of D01001(e in the slue of
$10,0(111.00 fur injuries sustained by
falling on sidewalk at 1152 ('lay street
presented and read. on motion of
Alt. T.eist the notice was referred to
the city attorney
Original notice of suit of Charles
1<(uutbach vs. City of Dubuque 111 the
sunt of $400.00 for destruction of ce-
ment w:111 at the rear of his premises
presented and read. On motion of
492 Regular Session, Dec. 7, 1916.
Aid. heist the notico was referred to
the city attorney.
Original notice of suit of John Phil-
lips vs. ('iiy of 1)llhnque in the snni
of $ ,00,410 for destruction of wall al
the rear of his premises presented
;ut read. on motion of Ald. :Exist
ih, notice w;0s referred to the city
\ot1(1 of snit of 11. W. Kenticr and
Sa1 1 P;. Kenner vs. cite of 1uthug Ito
in the sunt of $400.00 for destruction
of content wall ill, the rear of their
premises presented and read. On mo-
( 0 of .11d. Leist the notice wg.s re-
ferred to the city attorney.
To 1114, Honorable Mayor and City
lientlent(n: I herewith submit my
payroll for labor on Streets in the
se. , 111 road districts during' the last
half of \ovomber, 1916:
.% mount due Taborets $629.0 1
.AIre submit the payroll for labor
on roads leading into the county for
the Iwll half of November, 1916, to be
paid from the various portions of the
County (Load Fund:
1'11'111 county, amount clue la-
144,1',•rs $159.80
Respectfully submitted.
.101I\ \R\Ilta\I;Y,
Street Commissioner.
ran ntMion of Aid. Frith the pay-
rolls were received and warrants or-
dered drawn to p11y van'ious amounts
and report referred back to commit-
tee on streets.
.Also submit the payroll for labor on
sewers (luring last half of November,
Amount due laborers on sew-
ers $229.510
Respect folly submitted,
:lOiI\ M:\IIO\1:Y,
Street ('o11111115sionel'.
On motion of Ald. 1'lamondon the
payroll 1(05 received and warrants
11(10 ordered drawn to pay Variou.;
amounts and report referred hack to
conlnlill.•1 on sowot'S.
Chit f of Police Glottis reported as
To the 1lonora1hle Mayor and City
(lentlemen: i herewith submit the
police report for the month of :Anv-
enlber, 1 91 6:
Assault and battery
Assault to murder 1
cruelty to animals
Disturbing the peace
Petit larceny
Selling liquor conUary to law
Violating motor vehicle law
Violating parole
Violating speed ordinance
Violating traffic ordinance
Total 107
liesidents arrested 42
Doors found open 23
Defective lights 14
Lodgers harbored 283
Meals furnished prisoners 8
Cost of food $ 1.60
Sheriff dieting prisoners for the
month of November $ 2.75
Police court costs and fines col-
lectcd $71.10
Patrol mins for prisoners 130
Prisoners transferred 6
I'011ill1itnec calls 2
Miles traveled 203
Ambulance calls 109
Also beg to submit the pay roll for
policemen for last half of Nevember,
:\ mount due policemen $1.,436.93
.Amount retained pension
fund 28.89
Respectfully submitted,
Chief of Police.
On motion of Ald. Callahan the pay
roll and report were received 01141
warrants ordered drawn to pay the
1011005 amounts a11(1 111e report re-
ferred back to the police committee.
Fire Chief Reinfried reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: The following is the
pay roll of the fire department for
the last half of November, 1916:
Aniotnit due firemen $2,144.50
One per cent retained for
pension fund 40.88
Respectfully submitted,
I. 1ti 1NVItIED, Chief.
Approved by committee on fire.
On motion of .Aid. T.eist the pay
roll was receded, warrants were or-
dered drawn to pay the firemen t.,nd
the report referred to the committee
on fire.
Dubuque, Iowa, December 7, 1916.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, City of Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: Herewith find my re-
port for the month of November,
1916, showing the receipts and dis-
bursements for the month.
Receipts during the month$ 23,211.57
City's cash balance Nov-
ember 1, 1916 118,406.42
Warrants redeemed $ 30,954.84
Improvement bond cou-
pons 896.25
Park orders 1,713.14
Library orders 964.23
Policemen pension orders110.00
Firemen pension orders 203.75
$ 34,842.21
Regular Session, Dec. 7, 1916.
City cash balance Novem-
ber 30, 1916 $106,875.78
The above cash balances include
the balances in the improvement Bond
Fund, the Water Works interest and
Sinking Fund, the Library Fund, Old
Water Works Debt Fund, Police Pen-
sion Fund, Fire Pension Fund, and
the Sinking Fund (for amelioration
of the City Regular Bonded Debt).
Cash balance November 1st,
1916 $ 605.00
Cash balance November 30th,
1916 570.00
Cash balance November 1.st,
191G $3,064.83
Deposit with treasurer by
Water Works Trustees 5,654.34
Orders drawn on treasurer
by Water Works Trustees..$5,707.45
Cash balance November 30,
191 6 $3,011.72
The following is a record of all in-
terest coupons and bonds redeemed
by the city treasurer and credited to
Improvement bond coupons....$896.25
Also report there is due the city
officers for the month of November,
1.916, salaries amounting to $3,029.89,
and Geo. Reynolds (Iowa working
men's compensation) $20.00; Amanda
Beyer (Iowa working men's compen-
sation) $35.08.
Very respectfully,
The following list shows the appro-
priations and the amount of warrants
drawn on each fund since the begin-
ning of the fiscal year beginning
March 1, 1916, to December 1, 1916.
Appropriation Expended
For general ex-
pense and con-
tingent fund $45,000.00 $36,528.79
For District Road
funds for clean-
ing, sprinkling
a n d repairing
First district 9,045.71 9,037.53
Second district 18,151.01 18,129.23
Third district 12,304.38 10,908.17
Fourth district 14,287.43 14,273.03
Fifth district 12,183.00 12,151.50
For expense of
fire department 65,000.00 58,591.17
For expense of
police depart-
ment 40,500.00 29,211.50
For care, mainte-
nance and re -
pair of sewers5,700.00 5,065.38
For printing 4,900.00 2,402.39
For street lighting 44,075,00 31,914.48
For interest on
floating a n d
bonded debt 42,000.00 25,494.95
For expense of
board of health 13,000.00 12,583.55
For grading
streets and al -
leys 6,500.00 5,892.24
101 interest on
special bonded
debt 7,000.00
For repairing and
rebuilding side-
walks 1,000.00 997.79
I'or payment of
five per cent re-
tained on cer-
tain improve-
ments 1,000.00 856.79
For balance on
vai sous cement
step jobs 750.09 750.09
For balance curb-
ing on Julien
Ave. and Delhi
streets 2,222.28 2,222,24
To pay award of
jury on Nevada
street. 925.00
For balance on
brick paving at
Grandview and
Delhi street .... 1,342.05 1,342.05
Balance on wid-
ening of Pickett
street 310.00 300.00
To pay hills for
extra work on
Louisa street,
Rosedale Ave.
and Alta Vista
street 2 51 .76 251.76
To pay jurors
award on Cleve-
land avenue .... 725.00
For completion of
the Fifth ave-
nue sewer 3,000.00 250.00
Balance Bee
Branch in 3rd
ward 799.66 799.66
Respectfully submitted,
C. L. I..A.(.I:N,
City Auditor.
Ald. Strobel moved that the reports
and payroll be received and warrants
be drawn for the various amounts
and report referred back to finance
committee. Carried.
City Treasurer Wybrant reported as
The following is a statement of the
amounts advanced by me during the
month of November, 1916, for which
please_ have warrants drawn in my
Interest on warrants out -
494 Regular Session, Dec. 7, 1916.
standing $1315.00
Miscellaneous 14.94
GEORGE D. AV''11tlt.AN'I',
City 'I'reas11rcr.
Moved by Ald. Strobel the report be
received, warrants ordered drawn for
the various amounts and report re-
ferred back to the finance committee.
December 1st, 1916.
7'o the Honorable Mayor and City
(7entlenlen: On Dec. 7t11, 1915,
there was sold by the city treasurer to
\V. .1. Ewe, for the regular taxes of
1911, Ilie following property assessed
to 1 1 Nagle, the south 25 feet of the
south 5 of ('ity T,ot 437, said taxes,
interest and costs in the sum of $71.95
being paid by said W..1. I; fie. Tt has
just been called to my attention that
said sale was erroneous, because of
the fact that sante was a double as-
sessment and that the 1914 taxes had
been paid under ;an :assessment made
in the name of the E rancis Jaeger Es-
tate. I would therefore recommend
that a warrant be drawn in favor of
W..1. l we in the scam of $76.21; being
the amount paid by him with inter-
est for one year ;11 6 per cent.
Respectfully submitted,
(ll;n. 11. WYi31..\NT,
City Tressurer.
On motion of .\ld. Strobel the re-
port of the city treasurer was approv-
ed and it warrant ordered drown in
favor of W. .1. Ewe lo cover the
December 7th, 19.1.6.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
(;enllenaen: 1 hereby petition your
Honorable Ilody to order a warrant
drawn on 1}te city treasurer in favor
of 11. h'. Sirnbcn for $12.46 on lot 1
of 1 of 2 of W. 1-2 of 41 Kelly's Sub.
for year 1915. \Iso that a warrant
for $15.1(1 be 1111 vn in favor of .Too.
Koehler for 1 111 5 on lot 2 of 86 Me-
('raney's 1st Add. as the improvement
should 11/11 have been carried for
F. J. 11 1.11,1,1,11t,
('sly :Assessor.
(Itt motion of :Aid. 1 til;cbat.n the re-
port o1' 1ho city assessor was approv-
ed and warrants were ordered drawn
City I:1(111 ician 1Fipntatn reported
as follows:
To the honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: T herewith submit my
report of defective lights for months
of October and November, 1916. I
find from the report of the police de-
partment that the total horn's that 72
lamps failed to burn would equal 3
lamps burning for one month, or
.Aid. Callahan moved that the city
auditor be instructed to deduct $16.86
from the Dubuque P:lectric company's
bill. Carried.
Following weighmaster's report on
receipts were presented and read and
on motion of Ald. Strobel were re-
ceived and filed:
L. Pitschner $ 1.22
J. P. Cooney 3.96
C. J. McCarthy 27.25
VTo the Honorable Mayor and City V
Gentlemen: I return herewith pe-
tition of Maty R. Lacy, asking that
Mineral Lot 300 and the undivided
one-half of Mineral Lots 298 and 299
be exempted from city tax. I beg to
advise that the law provides that
property used solely and in good faith
for agricultural and horticultural
purposes alnd that does not receive
any benefit from the city government,
as lights, sewer and fire protection is
subject only to a road tax.
understand that the property
mentioned in this petition is a part
of Ham's Island and is used solely
and in good faith for agricultural pur-
poses and does not derive any benefit
from the city government. I therefore
recommend to your Honorable Body
that the taxes for 1915 and 1916 be
cancelled, with the exception of the
road tax, and that the treasurer be in-
strnctcd accordingly.
Respectfully submitted,
M. 1). COONEY,
Assistant City Attorney.
On motion of .\ Id. Callahan the re-
port of Asst. City Attorney was ap-
proved and the city treasurer instruct-
ed accordingly.
.-Alderman Strobel offered the fol-
13e it resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the res-
olution adopted on October 19th, 1916,
providing for the issuance of bonds
to pay for the improvement of Tenth
street from the west property line of
Clay street to the east property line
of Main street be and they are hereby
:\ld. Strobel moved the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas—Aids. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel.
Nays --None.
Absent—Ald. Wallis.
Alderman Strobel offered the fol-
Whereas, The contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Dubuque
for the improvement of Tenth street,
hereinafter described has been com-
pleted, and the city engineer has
computed that the cost and expense
of said improvement amount to $5,-
Therefore, Ile it Resolved by the
Regular Session, Dec. 7, 1916.
City Council of the Ciiy of Dubuque,
That to provide for the cost of iut-
proving Tenth street from the west
property line of Clay street to the
east property line of Main street, the
mayor be and he is hereby required to
execute and deliver to the city re-
corder, to be by hila registered and
countersigned, twenty bonds for Two
Hundred and Fifty Dollars each and
one for clue 11111)111.'41 :1n/1 Seventy and
53-100 1)ollars, numbered 4754 to
4774 inclusive, dated January 6th,
1916, payable on or before seven
years after the date thereof, and
bearing interest at the rate of five
per cent per annum, payable semi-
Aid. Strobel moved the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote•
\'e1!s--.\Ids. Callahan, Frith, Lcist,
McLaughlin, I'1luuondoat, Strobel.
.�.1l ys----\one.
Absent—:\ld. Wallis.
Alderman Strobel offered the fol-
Whereas, 'file contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Dubuque
for the improving of North Main
street, hereinafter described has been
completed, :1011 the city engineer has
computed that the cost and expense of
said improvement amount to $4,451.56
Therefore, Be it Resolved by the
('ity Council of the City of Dubuque,
That to provide for the cost of im-
proving North Alain street from the
south property line of I<anfman ave-
nue to the north curb lino of Semi-
nary stree1, the mayor be and he is
hereby required to execute and deliver
to llle city recorder, to he by Ilius
registered and countersigned, seven-
teen bonds for Two Hundred and fifty
Dollars, and one for Two Hundred
and ( 0ne and 56-100 Dollars, number-
ed 4736 to 4753 inclusive, dated Jan-
uary Gth, 1916, payable on or before
seven years after the d1111 thereof,
and bearing interest at the rate of five
per cent per annual, payable semi-an-
A1(1. Strobel moved the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas--Alds. Callahan. Frith, T.eist,
1\IcI.:lghlin, l'l;lmondon, Strobel.
Nays-- None.
Absent A1d. Wallis.
Your committee on streets would
respectfully report that we have ex-
amined the following improvemenis
and would respectfully recommend
that they be accepted:
Third street from the west property
line of Locust street to the east prop-
erty line of Bluff street, Jas. 1'. Lee,
contractor. Fourth street from the
west property line of Main St. o the
east property line of Locust street,
the intersection at Locust street ex -
cepted, ,las, I.'. Lee, contractor. Fourth
street from the west property lil, of
Locust street to the east property line
of 1;1111! street. loifth street from the
west properly line of-LncuSt street to
the east property lin4, of It10u'f street,
.las. I.'. Lee, contractor.
We vvaunt furlhcl• reeomnlcn,l 11101
the city engineer he and he is bcrebv
insiructed 10 preplu'e a d'''''ial ns
sesslnellt against the 14,15 or parcels
of real estate snh,iecl to assessment for
said improvements :and file the 501110
in the office of the city recorder who
will thereupon publish the notices ns
required by ordinance.
motion of .Al,l. frith the repot!
of the street committee was adopted.
Dnbu,ltte, la., Iloconlbc•r 6t 0, I916.
'1'o the Honorable Mayor and 404'
Gentlemen: The Hoard 4,f I1, 11111
stet in regular session Ilecelnbcr 6111,
1916. Chairman Said in the chair.
Present -:Mils. Callahan, Leist, 1'0i-
711.111-1 AV'1)l. r0S1,0ln1:n111, 11. Kolck,
S{u11111ry 101.04.1' \(nn1111111, .\ss1. CO'
.Attorney c'ooney. Alinutes of the
meeting of NovenlbeI' 16111. 1!116, read
and on uloti0n of .\ Id. Loi51 were ap-
proved a5 rend. 1 )11 !notion of .101.
1.ci51 the following bills were sent to
the comity for payment:
llubnclae Electric Co. $ 3 on
.J. l:. Robinson 65.01)
Mike Fier 4.11(1
Olt me1tan of .1111. Leis! r 51(1ulb us
ordering the following' 111!11011 0111'11os
to connect with the s:1nitory sower
Aver° adopted.
August - lvlllSch, (h ish'r's Sub., lot 1.
Realty 111‘. coin., S. 16.9 le'•1 0l' lot
East 1'll,u11ne
Rose \' 0 1001' 3"
. N. _. feel of lot S2
Fast Dnbn�lno .11111.
\ld. Leist moved 10 111,10111'11. 1',nr-
ri ed.
J. .J. 5111.:.\,
1'Ic1•1c of the (tutted of IIrvllill.
.1111. t.cist moved 1114, nd(pti0n of
the rcp11r1 of the 11001.H 0l' 114,01111.
Your cotnluitloe of the whole to
whom was referred the following Ac-
tions asking for n redaction in taxes
would respect tally recommend that
they be received and filed.
l<:(therinc I:uri ht. 110 the south
16.' 1'1. North 1-5 1'91, ;Ind N. 1-2 of
the A. AI. 1-5 of 1`11.
aerie 11, :Andcrsoll, lots 2 1ui(1 3 of
of :i of City 735.
1'. 11. 5! 'yet, lot 1 L. 11. I.ang-
wortil's Addition.
Dennis 1lylui, lots ? and 4 of Min.
Lot ?S and I.ot 1 of the Sub. of Min.
lot 186.
Blanch McCann, City lots 609a and
6l Oa.
Caroline Baffler, Jots 401 and 49'
1{ant's Add.
Regular Session, Dec. 7, 1916.
(lee,. Gross, lots 1 of 1 and 2 of 1
J'eil's Sub.
Geo. itagatz, Sr., lots 10, 11 and 12
Stafford's Add.
\'oelker Realty Co., lots 30 to 5S.
Bellevue Add.
Mooser Lumber Co., lots 5 and 6
11renw•ry :Add.
Airs. Fredericka Jieggenberg, lot 2
of Snh. of _9 .1. King's 1st Add.
Emily 5. 'l'negel, properly located
on 19111 and .Jackson street.
Airs. F. 1111ier, south 1-5 of City Lot
.1. Jennings, lot 10 1)organ's Add.
.1. I f. \\'.\ 1.1.15, 1'hairuian.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the petition of
Airs. Jlaud \IcLapghlin asking for .1n
exempt ion from taxes for' the year
1915 would respectfuly recommend
that the prayer of her petition he
J. H. \V.\.LLIS, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the petition of
Airs. Owen Reynolds asking that the
Inver on her property he reduced for
the year 1915 would rospeelfnlly rec-
ommend that the city treasurer be in-
structed to aeri•pt $8.00 ;is payment
in full of her 1:1 xos.
.1. 1-1. \\•.A 1.1.IS. Chairman.
Your cantniittt e of the whole to
whom was referrei1 the petition of D.
Fisch asking fee ,i redaction in his
taxes for the ye:tr 1915. would re -
Hier, fully recommend that the build-
ing he reduced to $800.00 and the
city treasurer and assessor he in-
structed accordingly.
.1. 11. \Y.A 1.I.iS, Chairman.
Your conuuittPe of the whole to
whom w:is referred the petition of
Frank Pontin asking that Lime street
be opened ''(1111 respectfully recom-
mend that the prayer of the petition
be granted and that the corner of
shed that obstructs the street be re-
J. 11. \\' .\ T.L15, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the p11i1loll of
I'. Lochner asking that special as-
sessment levied against his property
for the construction of a sanitary sew-
er in Malady street he cancelled would
respectfully recotrtmend that the said
petition be received and filed.
J. H. \V.\ I.I.IS, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the petition of
Joseph Straub asking that the special
assessment levied against his proper-
ty for the improving of Putnam street
bo reduced would respectfully recom-
mend that said petition be received
and filed.
J. H. \VALLIS, Chairman.
On motion of Ald. T..eist the various
reports of the committee of the whole
were adopted.
Ald. Frith moved that the petition
of A. Paley asking the city council for
permission to erect a garage on the
north easterly 20 feet abutting the
west side of lot 52 and the rear of or
east side of lots 53, 54, 55, 56 and 57
be granted and that the city to re-
tain all rights to the alley. Carried.
Alderman Plamondon offered the
Be it Resolved by the City council
of the Pity of Dubuque. That it is
deemed necessary and advisable to
improve North street from the end of
the present macadam improvement
to the east line of Louisa street, and
it is hereby proposed to grade, curb
and gutter with combination cement
curb and gutter and to macadamize
raid portion of said street and to as-
sess the cost of said grading, curbing,
guttering and macadamizing against
the property legally subject to assess-
Ald. Plamondon moved the adop-
tion of the resolution. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel.
Absent—Ald. Wallis.
Alderman Plamondon offered the
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, that the city
engineer be and he is hereby directed
to prepare a plat showing generally
the location, nature and extent to the
proposed North street from the end
of the present macadam improvement
to the east line of. Louisa street, and
the kind or kinds of material or ma-
terials to lie used, and an estimate of
the entire cost thereof, and the
amount and cost of such improve-
ment, and the amount assessable up-
on any railway or street railway com-
pany, the amount and cost thereof to
be paid by the city, if any, and the
cost thereof and amount assessable
upon each lot or parcel of land adja-
cent to such improvement as contem-
plated by Chapter 76 of the Laws of
the Thirty-fifth General Assembly of
the State of Iowa and acts amended
thereby, and to file such plat and es-
timate in the office of the city record-
er; that after the filing of said plat
and estimate in his office, the city re-
corder shall publish in three consec-
utives issues of a newspaper publish-
ed in this city, a notice stating that
such plat and estimates are on file,
the location and nature of the im-
provement, kind or kinds of material
or materials to be used, and an esti-
mate of its cost, and the time before
which objections thereto can be filed,
and the time fixed for hearing, which
time shall not be less than five days
after the last publication of such no-
tice, and after such publication shall
have been made, the city recorder
Regular Session,
Dec. 7, 1916.
shall ,at the next regu.tlar session of
the city council, notify the council
thereof in writing, with a printed copy
of such notice accompanying the
Ald. Plamondon moved the adop-
tion of the resolution. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas-Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel.
Nays -None.
.Absent-Ald. Wallis.
City Recorder Shea presented and
read the notice, certified to by the
publisher's, of the city council's in-
tention to levy a re -assessment of the
special assessment to pay for im-
proving Tenth street from the west
property line of Clay street to the
east property line of Main street, ex-
cept where already paved, C. B. Me -
Namara ,F Co., contractors. On mo-
tion of .A Id. Leist the notice was re-
ceived and filed.
(Resolved by the city council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for im-
proving Tenth street from the west
property line of Clay street to the
east property line of Main street, by
C. B. McNamara and Co., contractors,
in front of and adjoining the same, a
special tax be and is hereby levied
and the several lots, and parts of lots,
and parcels of real estate hereinafter
named, situate and owned, and for
the several amounts set opposite each
lot or parcel of real estate, as follows:
Owner. Description. Amt.
J. J. Ogilby Est., City 1.ot, lot
201; creosote wood block
paving cost, $47.1 0; interest
at 6 per cent, 34c; extra
expense at 2 per cent, 96c;
total $ 48 39
J. J. Ogilby Est., r- '`v Lot, N
11.2 ft. lot 20::, creosote
wood block paving cost,
$25.74; interest at 6 per
cent, 19e; extra expense at
2 per cent, 52c; total
Eliz. Bray, City Lot, S. 40 ft
lot 202; creosote wood
block paving cost, $121.98;
interest at 6 per cent, 89c:
extra expense at 2 per cent,
$2.43; total
Christina Brede, City Lot, lot
203; creosote wood block
paving cost, $392.07; inter-
est at 6 per cent, $2.87;
extra expense at 2 per cent,
$7.84; total
Cornelius Ryan, City Lot, lot
204; creosote wood block
paving cost, $392.07; inter-
est at 6 per cent, $2.87; ex-
tra expense at 2 per cent,
$7.84; total .......
26 45
125 30
402 78
Cornelius Ryan, City Lot, N.
2.11 ft. lot 205; creosote
wood block paving cost,
$12.04; interest at 6 per
402 78
cent, 9c; extra expense at 2
per cent, 24c; total
J. M. Bootby, City Lot, S. 48.3
ft, lot 205; creosote wood
block paving cost, $135.68;
interest at 6 per cent, 98e;
extra expense at 2 per cent,
$2.72; 'Iota( 139 38
F. J. Byrne, (city Lot, N. 1-2
lot 206; creosote wood
block paving cost, $97.10;
interest 11t 6 per cent, 34c;
extra expense at 2 per cent,
95c; total
Jos. .1. Koester Est., City Lot,
lot 261; creosote wood
block paving cost, $47.10;
interest at 6 per cent, 34c;
extra expense at 2 per cent,
95c; total
Aug. I"itz, ('ity lot, S1-2 lot
262; creosote wood Klock
paving cost, $64.39; interest
at 6 per cent, 47c; extra
expense at 2 per cent, $1.28;
Jacob Sherman, ('ity I.ot, V.
1-2 lot 262; creosote wood
block paving cost, $33.34;
interest at 6 per cent. 61e;
extra expense ;It 2 per emit,
$1.66; total 85 61
Geo. Atinges, City I.ot, ti. 28.2
ft. lot 26:1; creosote wood
block paving cost, $149.60;
interest at 6 per cent, 51.09;
extra expense at 2 per cent,
$2.99; total 153 68
Cath. I"nhrman, City Lot, N
2:1 ft. 101 263; ereo=le
wood block paving cost,
$242.-16; la:l lin. ft. cement
('(11'1) .1t "5e. $:1(1.(15; inter-
est ,11 6 per rain), $2.04; ex-
tra expense at 2 per e(v(t,
$5.57; te1a1 286 12
Fischer Inv. Co., city I.ot, lot
264; creosote wood block
paving cost, $392.07; 103.5
lin. ft. cement curb at 35c,
$36.22; interest ;it 6 per
cent, $3.11; extra expense
at 2 per ....11t. $8.56; foto(439 99
Fischer Inv. ('o., ('il> I.ct, S
34.2 ft. lot. 265; cn•osote
wood Klock paving cost,
$107.47; interest at. 6 per
cent, 79c; extra expense at
2 per cent, $2.14; 10151 110 40
Evelyn M. Moser, City 1.0t, N
17 ft. lot 265; creosote wood
block paving cost, $40.24;
interest. at 6 per cent, 29e;
extra expense at 2 per cent,
80c; total 41 33
Evelyn :At. Moser, City Lot, S
48.8 ft. lot 266; creosote
wood block paving cost,
547.10; interest at 6 per
cent, 34c; extra expense at
2 per cent, 95c; total 48 39
Geo. W. Kiesel (Tr.), City Lot,
12 37
48 3;
48 33
66 14
498 Regular Session, Dec. 7, 1916.
.A. 1-2 Int , 1•re(sole wood
Hoek pitying r•o.l, $52.33;
1111 crest. :1L 6 1,4.i. 6.111, 38c;
(•x11:1 expense :it 2 per cent,
$1.05; total 53 76
.110. V. I;i1l(•r, City Lot, 1'161.
1 101 :1:: D. Eider, City
Lot, 1'n41. 1-3 1441 36; Eliz.
4441 G. A. 13061111, 1'ity f,ot,
1"nd. 1-3 lot :36; creosote
wood block paving cost,
$ 1 6,1.1:1; interest at 6 per
,• nt, $1.2((: 0.\11'0 expense
1( 2 1,1 11•,nt, 113.2; total.... 168 61
Jim. V. 1;10('6, ('ily l.nt, rind.
1-:; lot 56,:1; ti, P. 11(1101',
City 1,ot, I"111. 1-3 lot 3Ga;
1.337.. and D. .\. 11(1•(100,
city Lot, 1'11(111. 1-3 101 :16,1;
creosol,. Ac0od block Pav-
ing cost, $415.70; interest
al r, per cent, $3,44.;; 0\11:(
expense :(1 2 per (•e111, ti444.72;
total 4117 60
.Inn. V. Eider, 1'ily 1.01, 1'u11
101 ., , S. I'. I;i 11.6, 1'It y
1.01, I'WI. 1-2 101 1:11z.
:1163 (;. .\. Ilnrden, city 1.01,
I'nd. 1-3 14)1 37; creosote
w00d block p:lving cost,
$435.70; interest at 6 per
cent, ;.1 \: e\II:a expense
to _ per cent, $s.72; total447 60
\\. 1.. I;rn11ley Est., ('it\ Lot,
lot L : 1.6',0.1(31' ti'o441I 1111:'1:
11: til : enst. $164.13; in11•r-
,s4 :14 11 per cent, $1.2220; ex -
11: 1'\I1eI1<, :11 2 per cent,
101:11 168 61
11. \. 1'0011.1 I-:st.. city Lot,
creosote wood block
1.,1(11;: 4•444-41, 411,2.:: i1tt1•r-
r.1 :11 G p,1' 10111, :1tir; rxt (':t
\ : I 1111' 14((11, $1.11,
total .. ...... 53 75
:Jennie '1'1liening, City Lot, 4.
1-2 Int 163; creosote ‘Food
bloe1. paving,. cost, $52.32:
1ntcrest at 6 per cent. 38c;
1•014:1 expense at 2 per cent,
$1.05; total 53 75
11:144n441-1 1.53., City Lot, N.
1-2 101 1641; creosote wood
11144.41: 11n1ing cosi, $71.54;
interest :1I 6 per cent, :1344;
extra expense a1 2 per cent,
$1.413: total 73 50
Geo. \\'. hiesel (Tr.). ('itc 1,01,
S. 1 -2 lot 1 6 1 ; creosote
wood 141o441: paving cost,
$92.59; interest :It (i per
cent, (;711•; e51r11 ,\)011s(' at
2 per ('(41(1, $1.85: lot:1l 95 13
Anna :1011 .I. A. I"orpstpr, City
1.01, N. 1-2 lot 1‘11a; creo-
sote ivoo(I blocl: paving cost,
$ 1 :,u.76: interest at 6 per
cent, $1.10; extra expense
al 2 per cent, $3.01; total154 87
Bernard \liche], City 1,ot, S
1-2 lot 164144; creosote wood
bloc): paving cost, $234.94;
3.3 lin. 1't. cement curb tit
35c, $1.15; interest at -6 per
cent, $2.1.0; extra expense
at 2 per cent, $5.72; total.... 293 91
If. E. and 11. Grattot, City
Lol, N. 41 ft. lot 165; creo-
sote wood block paving
cost, $386.32; 10 lin. ft. ce-
ment curb at 35c, $3.50;
interest at 6 per cent, $2.86;
extra expense at 2 per cent,
$7.79; total 400 47
\large. Itoesner, City Lot, S
10.2 ft. lot 165; creosote
wood block paving cost,
$49.37: interest at 6 per
cent, 36c; extra expense at
2 per cent, 98e; total 50 71
\large. l(oesner, City I.ot, N
1-2 lot 16(1; creosote wood
block paving cost, $92.59;
interest at 6 per cent, 67c;
extra expense it 2 per cent,
$1.85; total -_..__ 95 11
Marta ti(ulpnlan, 1'ity 1.ot, S
1-2 lot 166; creosote wood
I11ock paving cosi, $71.54;
interest at 6 per cent, 53c;
extra expense ut 2 111'6 cent,
$1.13; total 73 50
11. :\. llegley, City 1,01. N. 1-2
lot 167; creosote wood block
Paving cost, -$52.33; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 38c; extra
expense :(t 2 per cent, $1.05;
total 53 76
Total $5170
2072.71 s(1. yds. creosote wood
block paving at $2.39 $4956
219.8 lin. rt. new cement
curb at 35e
Interest at. 6 per cent
Extra expense
76 92
36 80
100 65
Total $5170 53
.'11 of which is assessed in propor-
tion to the special benefits conferred.
Adopted December 7th, 1916.
.Approved December 8th, 1916.
Attest: .1. .1, SFIP:A
City Recorder.
A.ld. heist moved the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas- Aids. Callahan, frith, Leist,
'Mc'I.:n(ghlin, Plamondon, Strobel.
'Rays- None.
Absent- \1(l. Wallis.
( 'ity lteco1(ler She:( presented and
read the notice, certified to by the
publisher's, of the city council's in-
t1'nthm to levy a special assessment
to lacy for improving North Main
street from the south property line
of Kaufman avenue to the north
curb line of Seminary street, N. J.
Staner, contractor, also the written
remonstrance of 11'. N. 1' urt, et a1.
On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the
notice was received and filed and the
remonstrance referred to the corn-
Regular Session, Dec. 7, 1916.
mitte(' of 111e whole.
Resolved by the city council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for im-
proving North Main street from the
south property line of Kaufmann
avenue to the south c•nr1 line of Sem-
inary street, 1(y Al('. 1$ian('r, contract-
or, in front of and adjoining the
sante, a special tax he and is hereby
levied on the several lots, and parts
of lots, and parcels of real estate
hereinafter named, situate and own-
ed and for 1110 several amounts set
opposite each lot or parcel of real
estate, ns follows;
Owner. Description. Amt.
Julia 11. ::'(\':1('lc, Marsh's Add.,
lot 37; hricl: gutter and
curbing: cost, $1!11.13; in-
terest tit 6 per cent. $ 1 .6 1;
extra expense 1)t 1 per cent,
$1.97; 1ot:11 $201 04
Julia NI. Y,vr1eh, lhu'sll's .Add,
lot 36; 1Lrtcl( gutter and
( 111101114 cost, $7n,o3; inter-
est :It 6 per cent. 58c; ex-
tra expense :11 1 per cent.
70c; total 71 31
\Cul. 1'. Andresen. Marsh's
A_dd., lot 35; brick gutter
and curbing cost. $35.96;
interest at 6 per cent, 30c;
extra expense at 1 per cent,
36e; total 36 62
\ I. 1;. \Veit r., Marsh's .\dd,
lot 34; brick gutter and
curbing cosi, $19.02; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 1 Gc; ex-
tra expense at 1 Per cent,
19e; total 19 37
J no. 1.'. and ('. pellet, ll:trsh's
.Add.. lot 311: hrick gutter
and (•nl'bing cosi, $111,.16;
interest at 6 per cent, 116c;
extra expense at 1 Per cent,
$1.111; total
Jno. 1'. :11)(1 C. pellet. Marsh's
.Add., A. 15 ft. lot 29; brick
gutter and curbing cost,
$34.84; interest tt 6 per
cent, 30c; extra expense at
1 Per cent, 3,5c; 1011(1 .. 35 49
Frank .1. Srbnlitt, Alorsh's
Add., S. 3i( ft. lot 29; 11'X11
gutter :111(1 (101(ing cost,
$81.32; interest :It. 6 per
cent, 68c: extra expense at
1 per cent, 5.c: total
R. A.. 13utler, \I:trsll's
\V. 95 ft. lot 28; lo'ick gut-
ter and Paving cost, $94.37;
interest at 6 per cent, 7Sc;
extra expense at 1 per cent,
94c; total
Minnie Graham, J{arsh's
Add, E. 90 ft. let 28; brick
gutter .a.n(1 curbing cost,
$21.78; interest at 6 per
cent, 18c; extra expense at
1 Per cent, 22c; total
A. \\'. \ewoehncl', lilrsh's
Add., lot. 27; brick gutter
118 28
82 82
96 09
22 18
:1101 curbing cost, $ 116.1 G;
interest a1 6 Per cont, !clic;
extra expense at 1 per cent,
$1.16; total 115 28
l;d. Lenz, llnl'sh'5 :\1111.. lot
26; hrick 14ulter :111(1 curb-
ing cost, $116.16; interest
at 6 Per c0111, 96c; extra
expense at 1 1(01' cent, $ 1.16;
total 118 25
1klrih:l Ilauulboeer. lllrsh's
lot _2; bride gutter
1)11(1 eurhing cosy, $116.16;
i)ltereA 11 6 ler cont. 961
extra expense at 1 per cent,
81.1 6; total I1.8 :y
114,11 ha Iln)nuheler, llarsll's
Add.. lot 21: brick g111er
a.1) l (writing cost, $111;.16;
interest :11 11 iit 1• cent,
extra expense 1)1 1 per cent,
$1.1 (i: lnlal 11.\ _\
John :111(1 nary 111 ns. ll.trsh's
A(1d., lot _ ; hricl( glittel
and curbing cost, $9:1.11 I ;
interest :11 6 p( r cent. 78 ';
extra expense :(1 1 per rent,
94c; total ..._.. !15 :1::
A. 1". and I). lt. Meeh, Marsh's
:Add., lot. 22; bride goiter
and curbing' cost. ti! 13.61:
interest :11 1 per cent, 7 Sc:
extra expense at 1 per cent,
'1.1c; 101:(1 95 :13
\I:Iry Il1411(0 ', llnrstl's .MITI.,
lot '-'1: 1,ricl( glitter :Incl
curbing; cost, $!13.61: inter-
est :11 Ii per cent, 78r; ex-
tra eXpc11s0 a1 1 per rent,
14c; 101.111
John V. 211-1Johansen.1'1
Add., 1(11 211; brick: cutler
and curbing cost, 5:1:1.1:1;
1111(1esl :11 G 1Ir ce111, 7,c:
extra oxpell e ;it 1 per 11111,
94c; 10011 :15 33
Eliz. \\'ilging, :\I:irsli's
lot 19; hricl: gutter unit
cnrhing cost, $93.61 ; inter-
est 111 6 per cent, 7`r; ex-
tra expense a1 1 per cent,
94c; 1011(1 ---.. _ . _ . !1 . 3"
12enity 1111'. Corp., 7(141 511'5
.Add., \. 27 ft. lot 1 \; hrirl:
(ntl(r 11101 curbing cost.
$69.28; interest at 6 per
cent, 58(•; extra ('\tn•Il,w• :It
1 per cent, 690; 111111 _. 70 55
Raiz. \1'ilging, \Inr111's .8,1.1.,
S. 13 ft. lot 1\: 1111 I: gut-
tor:(n(I curbing 1e1-1,
interest at 7(i per I''111, '(c;
extra expense :11 1 per cent,
24c; total
Iain. \\'ilging. Marsh's .8d(1.,
lot 17; brick: gutter and
curbing cost, $:13.61: inter-
est at: • 6 Per cent, 7 8o; ex-
tra expense at 1 per cent,
!(4c; 1o1111
lain. \\"11141014', Marsh's .\1d.,
lot 16; 101(1: glitter and
'1 77
!15 33
Regular Session, Dec. 7, 1916.
•curbing cost, $93.61; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 78c; ex-
tra expense at 1 per cent,
94c; total 95 33
F. Knoernschiid, I.. 11. Lang -
worthy's Sub., N. 1-2 lot
19; brick gutter and curb-
ing cost, $40.93; interest at
6 pet' cent, 35c; extra ex-
pense at 1 per cent, 41e;
G. Atu•eden, L. 11. Langwor-
hy's Sok., S. 1-2 lot 19;
brick gutter and curling
cost, 40.9:1; interest at (i
per cent, 35 , extra expenst 1 per ce
:ccent, 41c; 10101 .._. 41 69
c'. 1I. ''elute(, 1,. 11. La.ng-
wor:hy's Snh., lot 18; brick
gutter and curbing cost.,
$81.87: interest at. 6 per
cent, 68c; extra expense at
1 per cent. 52c; total
John Palmer, 1,. IL Lang-
worlliy's Sub., lot 17; brick
gutter and cnrhing cost,
1.81.:5:; interest at 6 per
c,•nt, r,sc; extra expense at
1 pei• cent. 82c; total
Eva \I. Marro, I,. 11. Lang -
worthy's SIM., lot 16; hoick
c:citt,•r and enrhing cost,
$76.12: interest at (i per
cent, bac; extra expense at
1 per cent, 77; total
S. 1'. Itider, Sub. 20 E. i1.
4,0ngwort11y's ~111)., lot 1:
hricic gutter and ecn•bing
cost, $111.12: interest at 6
per cent, 95c; extra ex-
pense a1 1 per cent. $1.14;
41 69
83 37
83 37
77 82
116 21
Ida \V. Itingh:un, Sul). 20 T,.
11. Lang' ortIty's SIM., lot 2;
brick gutter and curbing
cost, $ 1 2.80; interest at 6
per cent. 1 2c; extra expense
at 1 per rent. 13c; total 13 05
S. P. hider. SIM. 21 L. H
T.angttorthy's Sul,., lot 1;
hricic gutter and curbing
cost. $83.49; interest at G
per cent, 70c; extra expense
at. 1 per cent, 84e; total 85 03
Id:c. \V. Bingham, Sub. 21 L
11. 1.:tngworthy's Sub., lot 2;
brick gutter and curbing
cost, $35.87; interest at 6
per cent. :;tic; extra expense
:it 1 per cent, 36c: total 36 53
S. 1'. Eider, Sub. 53 Marsh's
Add., lot. 1; brick gutter
:uta! curbing cost, $115.50;
interest at 6 per cent, 96c;
extra expense at 1 per cent,
$1.16; total 117 62
Ida W. 'Bingham, Sub. 53
Marsh's Add., lot 2; Ida W.
Bingham, Sub. 1 of 54
Marsh's Add., lot 3; brick
gutter and curbing cost,
$43.25; interest at 6 per
cent, 36c; extra expense at
1 per cent, 43c; total
Andre(' Strohcl, Sub. 21 L. H
I.:tngworthy's Sub., lot 3:
\ndrew Sirobel, Sub. 1 of
51 :Marsh's Add., 104 2 An-
drew Strobel, Sub. 55
Marsh's .Add., lot 2; brick
gutter and curbing cost,
$12.68; interest at 6 per
cent, 12c; extra expense at
1 per cont, 13e; total
.Tos. (leisler. Salt. 1 of 1 of 54
:Marsh's Add., Lot 1; Jos.
(leisler, Sub. 1 of 55 Marsh's
.Add., lot 1; .Tos. Geislcr,
Sub. 56 :Marsh's Add., lot.
2; prick gutter and curbing
cost, $9.30; interest at 6 per
cent, 8c; extra expense at 1
per cent, 9c; total
Mary Steiner, Sub. 1 of 55
Marsh's Add., lot 2; Mary
Steiner. Sub. 1 of, 1 of 54
Marsh's .\dd., lot 2; brick
gni ter :cnd curbing cost,
$3.60; interest at G per cent,
3c; extra expense at 1 per
cent, 4; total
Mary Steiner, Sub. 56 Marsh's
Add., lot 1; brick gutter
and curbing cost, $10.18;
interest at 6 per cent, 8c;
extra expense at 1 per cent,
10c; total
Peter Nicks, Marsh's Add.,
lot 57; brick gutter and
curbing cost, $10.44; inter-
est :it 6 per cent, 9c; extra
expense at 1 per cent, 11c;
Emily 14intrager, Marsh's
Add., S. 1-2 lot 58; brick
gutter and curbing cost,
$4.95; interest at 6 per cent,
5c; extra expense at 1 per
cent, 5c; total
Wm. Keller, Marsh's Add.,
N. 1-2 lot 58; brick gutter
and curbing cost, $4.95; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 5c; ex-
tra expense at 1 per cent,
5e; total
S. P. Rider, \I:msli's Add.,
S. 1-2 lot 52; brick gutter
and curbing cost, $48.43;
interest at 6 per cent, 40c;
extra expense :it 1 per cent,
48c; total
Eliz. P. Kiebel, Marsh's Add.,
N. 1-2 lot 52; brick gutter
and curbing cost, $48.43;
interest at G per cent, 40c;
extra expense at 1 per cent,
48c; total
Eliz. F. Kiebel, Marsh's Add.,
lot 51: brick gutter and
curbing cost, $96.88; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 81c; ex-
tra expense at 1 per cent,
97c; total
Peter Nicks, Marsh's Add.,
Regular Session, Dec. 7, 1916.
lot 50; brick gutter and
curbing cost, $96.88; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 81c; ex-
tra expense at 1 per cent,
97c; total
Emily Hintrager, Marsh's
Add., lot 49; brick gutter
and curbing cost, $96.88;
interest at 6 per cent, 81c;
extra expense at 1 per cent,
97c; total
Wm. Keller, Marsh's Add.,
lot 48; brick gutter and
curbing cost, $106.17; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 88c;
extra expense at 1 per cent,
$1.06; total 108 11
L. Wetter, Jr., Marsh's Add,
E. 100 ft. lot 47; brick
gutter and curbing cost,
84.23; interest at 6 per cent,
70c; extra expense at 1 per
cent, 84c; total 85 77
Anton Schmitz, Marsh's Add,
W. 146 ft. lot 47; brick gut-
ter and curbing cost,
$21.34; interest at 6 per
cent, 18c; extra expense at
1 per cent, 21c; total 21 73
A. Ma;jerus, Sub. 45 Marsh's
Add., lot 1; brick gutter
and curbing cost, $25.35;
interest at 6 per cent, 21c;
extra expense at 1 per cent,
25c; total 25 81
Chas. Wyman, Sub. 45
Marsh's Add., lot 2; brick
gutter and curbing cost,
$110.49; interest at 6 per
cent, 91c; extra expense at
1 per cent, $1.10; total 112 50
Frank N. & S. Kurt, Marsh's
Add., lot 44; brick gutter
and curbing cost, $134.80;
interest at 6 per cent, $1.13;
extra expense at 1 per rent,
$1.35; total
Frank N. & S. Kurt, Marsh's
Add., lot 43; brick gutter
and curbing cost, $133.43;
interest at 6 per cent,
$1.11; extra expense at 1
per cent, $1.33; total
Mathilda Specht, Klingen-
berg's Fourth Sub., lot 9;
brick gutter and curbing
cost, $26.17; interest at 6
per cent, 22c; extra expense
at 1 per cent, 26c: total
Mathilda Specht, Marsh's
Add., lot 41; brick gutter
and curbing cost, $129.40;
interest at 6 per cent,
$1.08; extra expense at 1 131 77
per cent, $1.29; total
A. J. and M. L. Bassler,
Marsh's Add., lot 40; brick
gutter and curbing cost,
$127.06; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.06; extra expense
at 1 per cent, $1.27; total129 39
Herman Gronau, Marsh's
98 66
98 66
135 87
Add., lot 39; brick gutter •
and curbing cost, $124.32;
interest at 6 per cent, $1.03;
extra expense at 1 per cent,
$1.24; total 126 59
.lobanna Ruse, Sub. 38
Marsh's Add., lot 3; brick
gutter and curbing cost,
$54.21; interest at 6 per
cent, 45c; extra expense at
1 per cent, 54c; total
Johanna Buse, Sub. 38
Marsh's Add., lot 4; brick
gutter and curbing cost,
$10.52; interest at 6 per
cent, Sc; extra expense at 1
per cent,' 10c; total
Johanna Buse, Sub. 38
Marsh's Asid., W. 3 ft. lot.
2; brick gutter and curbing
cost, $4.42; interest at 6 per
cent, 5e; extra expense at 1
per cent, 4c; total
Eliz. Kranz, Sub. 38 Marsh's
Add.. E. 36 ft. lot 2; brick
gutter and curbing cost,
$85.52; interest at 6 per
cent, 72e; extra expense at
1 per cent, 85c; total 87 09
Anna Jungbluth, Sub. 38
Marsh's Add., lot 1; brick
gutter and curbing cost,
$138.91; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.15; extra expense
at 1 per cent, $1.39; total141 45
4 51
Total $4451 56
2140.82 sq. yds. brick gutter
on a concrete foundation
at $1.99 $4260 23
104.1 lin. ft. new stone curb
at 80c 83 28
99.7 lin. ft. stone curb reset
at 28c 27 91.
Interest at 6 per cent 36 43
Extra expense 43 71
Total $4451 56
A11 of which is assessed in propor-
tion to the special benefits conferred.
Adopted, December 7th, 1916.
Approved, December 8th, 1916.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Recorder.
Ald. McLaughlin moved the adop-
tion of the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-Alds. Callahan, Frith, Deist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel.
Nays -None.
Absent-AId. Wallis.
502 Regular Session, Dec. 7, 1916.
Dubuque, Iowa, November 27, 1916.
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, City of Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: Your Board of Equalization, duly appointed to equalize
and correct the assessment roll for the year 1916, would respectfully re-
port that. we have performed that duty and would recommend that the
assessment roll as prepared by the City Assessor he approved with the
following changes submitted below:
From To
Adams Co., The, machinery Nothing $ 10,000.00
Armour and co.,merchandise3,900.00 4,900.00
l.eac•li, .I;cs. and tions, merchandise .. 9,850.00 14,850.00
Dubuque Lumber and Coal Co., merchandise 12,000.00 15,000.00
Dubuque 1'a per ('o., merchandise 8,100.00 11,100.00
Hammel Honker ('o., machinery Nothing 500.00
Harris and ('o., merchandise Nothing 300.00
Jaeger Kunnert Co., merchandise 2,500.00 3,500.00
Jackson Vinegar Co., merchandise .... 800.00 1,300.00
Johannsen candy Co., merch;uulise 4,000.00 5,000.00
Lowther, \Vn(. k Co., tnercl(:nulise _... 5,800.00 10,000.00
\Ic\an(ora, ('. 11. R.- Co., n(achinery 600.00 1,000.00
Eider Wallis Ivry (roods ('o., merchandise 113,060.00 123,000.00
Seippel Lumber ('n., (uc.rrli;nr(lisc 40,000.00 43,000.00
Spahn Itosc Lumber ('o.. nu'rchondise 15,000.00 18,000.00
Standard Lumber 1':(r l co., merchandise 15,750.00 18,750.00
Welsh, 'Phomas, machinery __ Nothing 300.00
%w:rch, Anton, machinery 1,000.00 2,500.00
.I. E. Teal, building Kringle's Sub.; lots 16-17-18 -_.. 390.00 300.00
Minnie 1<. 11er(lm,(n, building 'Morgan's Sub., lot 4.. 3,000.00 2,500.00
('. 1'. 1I'(;regor, Sob. 21-22-23, Kelly's Sub., lot 1; 510.00 400.00
( 'uauuings 4ih. lot 1:1 1,230.00 1,000.00
1:. A. 1•:nglor, utility depreci;(tion, Sub., 12; Min. lot
172. lots 1-'2-:t 1,640.00 1,100.00
11. \V. I<emler, building, ('ity 703, lot 17 1,530.00 800.00
It. W. Keu(ler, building., I rley's Sub., lot 13; N.
1-2 of 14 820.00 500.00
Dennis Ryon, \lin. Lot 28, lots 2 and 4 1,770.00 1,030.00
Matilda and 'I'hores:( Schmidt, Sub. City 438-439
and pt. 676, lot 9 7,720.00 6,840.00
I'. A. Voelker, l.. I1. la(ngworthy's Add., E. 77.4
1't. oi' S. :15 1'1., N. 5(I ft. of lot 6.... 4,400.00 4,100.00
Iowa Dairy ('o., L. If. 1.;ingworthy's Add., S. 60 ft.
lot 8 9,310.00 8,980.00
low;( 1r,(iry CO.. 1.. 11. 1.angworthy's Add., lot 7 .... 5,940.00 4,920.00
Iowa, Ir(iry ('u., I,. II. l.angworthy's Add., N. 15 ft.
N. 50 ft. lot 6 5,840.00 5,810.00
Gentian 'frust :u(d Savings (Bunk, SubCity 438-439
and pt. 676; S. 1-2 lot 1 6,450.00 5,930.00
C. 11. Keesecker, l.. 11. 1, tngworihy, N. 1-3 lots 1
and 2 ... 17,740.00 16,280.00
H. Galina, Sub. ('ity 155-139 and pt. 676, lot 5 4,640.00 4,270.00
Veronica .facquist, 1'ity 438-439 and pt. 676; S. 44
ft. of lot 4 4,670.00 4,250.00
P. It. 11oll;nrd, Sub. ('ity 438-439, lot 3; Sub. City
438-439, N. 1, .6 ft. lot 4 ,,. 5,870.00 5,380.00
Conrad I.:Inge I'st., Sub. ('ity 438-439, lot 6 4,870.00 4,220.00
Ida Dement, Sub. ('ity 438-439, E. 120 ft. lot 8 1,700.00 1,500.00
2lI i'gt. Kohl(n:ui, L. H. I.angwor'thy's lot 4a 4,850.00 4,420.00
�t:u•gt. 1<ohln(:ur, L. 11. I.:utgworthy's S. 1-3 lot 5 1,450.00 1,320.00
Nit.. Gonner, 1.. II. Langworthy's Ad d., M. 1-3 lot 5;
1.. II. 1.;(ngwurthy's Add., N. 1-3 lot 5 5,460.00 5,160.00
.Ins. A. II ayes, 1.. 11. Eangworthy's Add., S. 50 ft
Int 6 _... 5,700.00 5,200,00
A. I". and 14 I(. Ilec•I(. 1.. 11. I.angworthy's Add., N.
40 ft. lot 5, 8a 4,890.00 4,070.00
Mary Easel, I.. 11. I.;(ngworthy's Add„ lot 4 5,170.00 4,750.00
loran]: IIultz, Sub. ('ity 438-439, S. 24x100 ft. lot 7
;rod pt. 676 .. 2,160.00 2,000.00
I'. II. \foyer, L. H. l,angworthy's Add., lot 3 8,770.00 7,780.00
11. Schmidt, L. H. l.angworthy's Add., S. 2-3 lot 16,730.00 6,040.00
P. \V. Wieland, Sub. City 438-439, M.1-2 of 1 pt
676 .... 6,370.00 5,850.00
J. H. lthourberg, Sub. ('ity 438-439, N. 34 ftof E.
Regular Session, Dec. 7, 1916.
100 ft. of lot 7 and pt. 676
Webster Burns, Mobley's Dubuque lot 6 and 7
Jacob H. Clow, Kelly's Sub., lot 4
F. D. Collette, Kelly's Sub., lot :3
E. and J. Burns, Mobley's Dubuque, N. 70 ft. lot 5
F. B. Doran, Sub. 1 of Kelly's Sub., lot 1
Evelyn Snyder, Sub. 1 of 2 Kelly's Sub. and all of
lot 2
Carrie B. Anderson, Sub. (City 2 and 3 of 2 of 3 of
738 and all of lot 10 of 738
Frank Kirk, Sub. City 1 of 5 of 738......
Wm. 14eadford Est., Cain's Sub., lot 1.
Ellen E. Putman, Sob. ('ity 4 and 2 of 5 of 738
Annie .Matthews, sub. ('ily \v. 30 ft. of 6 of ,:I8 ..
J. Steffens and N. l'ihart, Sub. City E. 50 ft. of 6
of 738
)Maurice Stokley, Sub. ('ily 738, lot 9 and \V. 3 l'1.
lot 8 of 73s
Sarah .1. and Elizabeth 'Phomas, Subcity 7's, lot 7
Jennie West, Sub. city 738, lot 11 and 4 of 2 of :1
of 738
1,100.00 900.00
5,700.00 5,600.0u
1,790.00 1,630.03
2,440.00 2,220.09
1,900.00 1,800.03
3,120.00 2.920.00
1,300.00 1,000.00
3,570.00 3,320.00
3,190.00 2,940.00
3,270.00 3,220.00
3,240.00 3,140.00
1,21 0.00 1,080.00
.220.00 3,200.0(1
3,800.00 3,460.00
1,550.00 1,510.00
2.7:10.00 2,480.00
.1. 11. \\':\I,I,IS, chairman.
Board of h;,inalization.
c'Y1al, 11. I..\(,I;\, clerk.
Ro(u'd of Equalization.
.Ald. ).eist moved the adoption of the report. of the Board of Equaliza-
tion. 1'arried. '
Your Board of Equalization, to
whom was referre(1 the petition of W.
J. Burns and W. ,1. 11i oven asking.
your 11onorubl1' I'ody to place the
taxes on lots 252-252a-253, for the
years 1914 and .1915 at $10,000.00,
would respectfully recommend that
said petition be received and filed.
J. H. \\:\1,1.15, 1'111irman.
CYRII, D. I,.AGEN. .Auditor.
Clerk of Board of Equalization.
Your Board of Equalization to
whom was tiled a petition by the
Dunleith and Dubuque Bridge Co.,
asking an amended return for taxa-
tion, would respectfully recommend
that said petition be received and fil-
J. 1-1. \\'A 1.i JS, Chairman.
CYRII, 1). 1.AG1':\, Auditor.
Clerk of Board of Equalization.
Your Board of Equalization to
whom was filed a petition by Chris-
tine Oestringer asking 0. reduction on
her property on Kneisl street, would
respectfully recommend that said pe-
tition be made a matter of record.
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
CYRII. 1). 1,:AGl' N, Auditor.
Clerk of Board of Equalization.
Your Board of Equalization to
whom was filed a petition by tt. H.
Gallaher requesting a reduction of
Mrs. W. H. Riemann, Conrad Lang
Est., would respectfuly recommend
that said petition be made a matter
of record.
J. H. WA 1.1 JS, Chairman.
CYRII D. 1.AGEX. Auditor.
Clerk of Board of Equalization.
Ald. Leist moved the adoption of
the various reports of the Board of
Equalization. Carried.
Ald. McLaughlin proved that the
council reconsider their action on the
petition of \lich:el 1)'`hea relative
to the special assessment levied
against his property on Grandview
avenue. (':ua'ied.
A.Id. 9lcl aughlin nerved that the
prayer of 'Michael (YShea's petition
be grinned providing that lie sign
waiver and agreement drawn b9' the
city attorney. (':cried.
.1111. (Icl,aughlin moved to adjourn.
.1..1. 8111;:\.
city 11ecorder.
Adopted —, 1917.
b yor.
I-} Special Session, Dec. 1 1, 1916.
1011'1 (1,1).
Special session December 11 1916.
Council met at 10:05 a. m.
Mayor Pro Tem Wallis in the chair.
i 'resent --A lds. Callahan, Frith,
Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Stro-
Mayor Pro Tem Wallis stated that
this meeting is called for the pur-
pose of acting on the petition of T. J.
Paisley now pending before the com-
mittee of the whole and any other
business that might properly come
before a regular meeting of the city
AId. Strobel moved to take from
the committee of the whole the peti-
tion of T. .1. Paisley and act on same
in the council meeting. Carried.
Ald, McLaughlin moved to sus-
pend the rules for the purpose of al-
lowing Mr. Paisley to address the
council. t'ar ied by the following
Yea.: Aids. collation, frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel.
\'Y None.
\li: Paisley addressed the council
relative to his petition for the special
assessment levied against his proper-
ty for the improving of Grandview
avenue. . 1d. Leist moved to receive
and lilt. the petition of Mr. T. J. Pais-
ley. Carried.
Md. Width moved that petitions fil-
ed on protest of assessments or taxes
will continue to bear interest the
Brune as if no petition was filed. Car-
Ald. Callahan moved to take from
the committee of the whole the peti-
tion of Phil. Schwann, receiver of
Smedley Steam Pump Co., and act on
same in the council meeting. Car-
Ald. Leist moved to suspend the
rules for the purpose of allowing Mr.
Bonson to address the council. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel.
Nays- None.
Attorney Bonson addressed the
council relative to the petition of
Phil. Schwann, receiver of Smedley
Steam Pump Co., on taxes due the
city. Ald. Callahan moved to re-
ceive and file the petition of Phil.
Schwinn, receiver of Smedley Steam
Pump Co., relative to the back taxes
due the city. Carried.
Ald. Strobel moved to adjourn.
City Recorder.
^l �
Adopted ` , 191V
Mayor Pro Tem.
ity Recorder.
Special Session, Dec. 1 3, 1916.
Special session, December 13, 1916.
Council met at 3:15, p. 111.
Mayor Saul in the chair.
Present --Alis. Callahan, Frith,
Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Stro-
bel, Wallis.
Mayor Saul staled that this meet-
ing is called for the purpose of remak-
ing the tax levy for the year 1916 and
acting on any other business that
might properly come before aa, regu-
lar meeting of the city c•oanaa il.
Petition of Patrick O'Shea, for the
heirs of Michael O'Shea, relative
to the special assessment levied
against lot 1 of Mineral Lot 145
for the improving of Grandview ave-
nue and asking the city council to
instruct the city treasurer to credit
his assessment with the surer of
$203.1 9, together with interest there-
on paid to the city on January 30,
1392, the same to apply on his pres-
ent assessment presented and read.
Ald. Frith moved to suspend the
rules for the purpose of allowing
Attorney Chalmers to address the
council. Carried by the following
Yeas— -:Alis. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, I'Ianrondon, Strobel,
Nays ----None.
.A.ttorney Chalmers addressed the
council relative to the petition of
Patrick O'Shea. Ald. Frith moved
to receive and file the petition of
Patrick O'Shea. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas—Aids. Callahan, Frith. 1 eist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, AWacllis.
Nays—Ald. ld. Strobel.
Ald. Callahan moved to suspend
the rules for the purpose of allowing
Mr. Scharry to address the council.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alis. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel,
Mr. Scharry addressed the council
asking them for permission to use the
Armory hall for the purpose of hold-
ing a basket ball game on the night
of I)eceniber 22, 1916. Ald. Mc-
Laughlin moved that Mr. Scharry be
given permission to use the Armory
hall for a basketball game on the
night of December 22, 191.6. Carried.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the
road fund remain at 2 mills the same
as it previously was. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas --Aids. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel.
Nays—Ald. Wallis.
Alderman \V-allls offered the fol-
it resolved by the city council
of the city of Iruhncpte, That the
iaxes for the year 1916, for the fol-
lowing purposes be levied as provid-
ed by law on all taxable property
within the limits of said city in the
respective number of mills on the
dollar on the assessed 1alnation of all
taxable property in said cite except
as otherwise pre\ hied:
General Fund 7 and 2-1S mills.
Fire Fund 2 mills.
Water 'Works Sinking. Fund ---1 mill.
Regular \Water Lev —1 mill.
Library 1,'111111 1 -:: mill.
1'ark Fund 1-2 mill.
i'olice Pension 14'111111--1-1 6 mill.
Firemen's Pension P rend ---1-16 mill.
Load Fund— 2 mills.
Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas—Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, I'tanrondon, Strobel,
\nays— None.
Ald. Strobel proved 10 adjourn. Car-
Adopted —
(')y Recorder.
,1 916/
Special Session, Dec. 15, 1916.
especial session, December 15, 1916.
4'01111cil met at 10:45 a. m.
Ah•ayor Saul in the chair.
I'resent .Aids. Callahan, Frith,
Leist, \lcl.aughlin, I'Iamondon, Stro-
bel. \\';illus.
Mover S;nal stated that this meet-
ing is called for the purpose of re-
ceiving bids for t.lie sale of twenty
veal 1 10 r cent refunding bonds in
1 h sum of $120,000.00 dated Jana-
;i1st. 1917, and twenty year 4 per
1111 refunding bonds in the suns of
$_;n.()n(1.hl.) dated I"Obru;n•y 1st, 1917,
and :» ling on ;any other business
that might properly come before y
regular meeting of the city council.
:\Id. Frith moved to open the bids.
I Oiihuqne, 1a., I )ecembor 15, 1916.
city 'Treasurer \\'yhrant reported
as follows:
1,00c11 ,\ Cn• ;and Wm. I1.
('ol))pton R 1'o., jointly, c)f Chicago,
Illinois, bade sllhalilte)l 1110 highest
hid namely Isar and accrued interest
to day of de1i4 ery 1)111s a. pl'011111lm of
$GS.1.114 ;11111 will fnrnisla hl ndc bonds
ready for signature without charge
for legal and other expenses. :\ld.
Strobel moved that the report of the
city treasurer he approved and the
hid of .\. 11. leach ,e• Co.. ;Ind \\'m. 1t.
COIn1)l011 ,A c'o., j(lintly, of )'hic•ag•o,
Illinois, be accepted. )1;1111(11.
.\ resolution to provide for the is-
suance of refunding })01015 on the City
of 1nabnclue, Iowa, for the purpose of
refunding cc'(P01 outstanding and
matured bonds.
\\'11..1.).115, The City of Dubuque,
lows, is justly and legally indebted
on its certain valid outstanding bonds
to the amount of one hundred and
t.\enty thousand dollars which out-
standing bonds were heretofore is-
sued by the said city under ;a resolu-
tion duly ;and legally passed by the
city council thereof in the year 1897,
;and 4ahfch outstanding bonds bear in-
terest at the rate of four per cent per
annum, p;ay;ahlo semi-annually, and
boc0nu' due and pay;11,10 4111 the 1st
day of January, \ 11. 1!11 7, and said
outstanding, bonds have been issued
to refund and pay certain other
outstanding bonds of the said city
theretofore issued to pay valid in-
debtedness of the said city heretofore
contracted :and incurred; and
\\'hcreas, The said outstanding
bonds which so become due on Janu-
ary 1st, 1 9 1 7 are in all respects regu-
lau•, legal and valid, and the interest
thereon having been regularly paid
by the said city during all the time
they have been so outstanding; ana
Whereas, It being deemed for the
public interest to refund said bonds;
Whereas, The city has full power
and authority under the laws of said
State of Iowa to issue bonds and
hereinafter provided to refund the
said outstanding bonds so due, now
Be it resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Sec-
tion 1. That there are hereby au-
thorized and directed to be issued by
and in behalf of said City of Dubuque
its refunding bonds according to and
of the form hereinafter contained to
the amount of one hundred and twen-
ty thousand dollars under date of
January 1.st, 1 91 7, in denominations
of one thousand dollars each, payable
twenty years from date hearing in-
terest ;1t the rate of four per cent per
11011um, payable semi-annually on the
first day of July and January, during
said term, to be evidenced by inter-
est, coupons attached to said bonds.
Both interest and principle of said
bonds to be made payable in lawful
money of the United States of Amer-
ica at the Continental and Commer-
cial Notional 1hlnk of Chicago, Illi-
nois. The said bonds shall be sign-
ed by the mayor and :ill este)! by the
recorder of the said city under its
corporate seal, and the interest cou-
pons thereto attached shall be signed
by the mayor and ;attested by the re-
corder of said city, with the seal of
the city affixed, and said bonds being
numbered from one to one hundred
and twenty, both inclusive, and said
interest coupons being numbered from
0111 to forty, both inclusive.
Section 2. That said bond shall be
5111010111 1!lly in the following form,
subject 10 the necessary changes as
to the numbers, maturity of coupons
and other necessary variations there-
111'QI'1:, 1'i'TY OF i)l'111"QUh7, FOUR
1'1?I1 1'I';NT itEI'l ' '. P1 NO BONDS.
No. — —. $1,000.00.
The City of Dubuque, in the state
of Iowa, for valuation received, prom-
ises to pay to the hearer One Thou-
sand Dollars, of lawful money of the
Vatted States of America, on Janu-
ary 1st, A. D. 1 937, with interest on
Said sum from the date hereof until
paid at the rate of four per cent per
annum, payable semi-annually, on the
first day of July, and January, of
each year on presentation and sur-
render of the interest coupon hereto
attached; both principle and interest
payable at the Continental and Com-
mercial National Bank of Chicago,
This bond is issued by the City of
Dubuque, Iowa, pursuant to the pro-
Special Session, Dec. 15, 1916.
visions of Section 905 to 911, inclu-
sive, of Chapter NII Title V of the
Code of Iowa, and in conformity to a
resolution of the council of said city,
duly .passed, a. true and complete
copy of which is printed on the back
hereof. And it is hereby certified
and recited 1hat all acts, conditions
and things required by the laws and
constitution of the Stade of Iowa to
be done precedent to :end in the issue
of this bond have been properly
done, happened and been performed
in regular and due forma as required
by law, :tad' that the indebtedness of
said city, including this bond, does
not exceed the constitutional or stat-
utory limitations.
In testimony whereof. said City of
Dubuque by its council leis caused
this bond to be signed by its mayor
and attested by its recorder, with the
seal of said city :itlncl(cd, this first
clay of .Ianu:o'y, 191 7.
City Recorder of the 1'11y of Dubuque.
-Mayor of the City of. Dubuque, Iowa.
IN 1 Oh' CO1'PO\.
No. ------. $
On the first day- of January, 1917,
the City of 1)uloo iie promises to pay
to the bearer, as provided in the
within bond, the sum of $ in
lawful money of the I'nited States of
America, at the continental and Com-
mercial National Lank of Chicago, Il-
linois. being six months interest due
that (lay 011 its refunding bond, No.
— -- dated January 1st, 1917.
\!:,v -l0 of. tl)e ('ity of Dubuque.
(•I(v Iteeerdel' of the ('ily of Du-
bu1110, Iowa.
Section 3. That the said ( )ne Hun-
dred and Twenty Thousand Dollars of
bonds so to be issued upon being ex-
ecuted by affixing thereto the cor-
porate seal of the City of Dubuque
and being signed by the proper offi-
cers thereof, shall be sold, exchanged
or substituted for the said outstand-
ing four per cent bonds, which so be-
come due on January 1st, 1917, but
in no case at less than pat' value
thereof, nor shall the said bonds au-
thorized by this resolution nor the
proceeds thereof, be used for any
other purpose than fol' paying, 1 0 -
deeming and refunding' the said de-
scribed outstanding four per cent
Section 4. That the said coupons
attached to the said four per cent re-
funding bonds shall be signed by the
fac-simile signature of the mayor of
the City of Dubuque and attested by
the fac-simile signature of the City
Recorder of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, and that from the said coupons
there may be omitted the placing of
the city seal of the City of Dubuque.
Section 5. The bond herein author-
ized 511a11 1)0 duly and properly rcg-
ist( red in the 0111(0 of the city treas-
urer of the City of I)nbn.tne, Iowa.
Adopted December 1711(, 191f.
-Approve(l 1)eecnlhcr 1Gt1(, 1916.
.I.\\II.S S\l'I,.
\l:. vor.
.\ t t es t : .1. .1. 51 I
('ilv 1tecol'der.
.\ld. \Vallis moved 1111• adoption of
the resolution. .':.rricd by the fel -
lo)ving (Ole:
Yeas .\ Ids, Callahan, nail:. I..•ist,
III 1.oughliti, Plnmondon, 'trohel.
\V illis.
Nays None.
resolution direeting tun' ty
treasurer of the city of 101101 ne to
sell four per cent refunding bonds.
\\'hereas, 9'110 City Council of the
City of 1)nhnriue, deonlin); it ner.•s-
sary and 1'111' the 0111)lie good to re-
fund the outstanding tndehtedness of
the City of Dubuque in 11(e suns of
One bundled and 'I'wenly Thousand
I)o;lars by the issuance of its refund-
ing bonds; and
\\'hercl1s, Lids have 10•00 as11ed ;and
received for the sale of said bonds at
four per cent interest I(ayalde semi-
annually; and
\Vherc:(s, .1.. 1;. I,01o'h ,C• Co. and
\\'al. I1. 1'on1111011 , ('n., ,jointly, of
Chicago, Illinois, has submitted its
bid t0 hay said bonds at par, allow-
ing a premium to the City of 1)11 -
inutile in the 511111 of $22s.on and will
furnish blank bonds ready for signa-
ture \vititont charge for legal and
011101' lvl,oi1sea; and
'VII. reas, 5tiid bid is the highest bid
offered for said bond t.snc; now
Ile it resolved by (lo' city 011110011
of the City of Dubuque, thnl the city
treasurer be :111(1 he is hereby au-
thorized and directed to 5.•11 said
bonds at par to A. It. Leach ,C' Co. and
\\n(. I:. ('olopton ,C 1'(1.. jointly-. of
1'hiengo, Illinois, they being the high-
est bidder, said bonds to he ill the de-
nomination of one thoesand do1l,(rs
each, bearing interest ,.t the rile 111'
four per cent per annum, payahle
semi-annn:dly, said bonds 111 b.• pay-
ahle at the continental and 1'1111111 r-
(•ia1 .National 1::11111 of 1'Iu ' l3- ', Illi-
nois, in accordance with the bid and
proposal offered by said bidder, which
bid and proposal are lier.•hy made :.
part of this resolution.
Adopted 1 (eceluhcr 1 7(1., 1916.
Approved I)ecoIuher I (0I.. 1 9111.
T.V\II:S S.\I'1..
\i 19')) .
Attest: .1. J. SI I l' .A,
City Recorder.
Ald. \Vallis moved the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
508 Special Session, Dec. 15, 1916.
Yeas -----:\Ids. Callahan, Frith, i.eist, pons thereto •attached shall he signed
\Icl.:ncghlin, I'lamondon, Strobel, by the mayor and attested by the re -
Wallis. corder of said city, with the seal of
Nays- \one. the city nl'I'ixed, and said bonds being
A resol111ion to provide for the Is- numbered from one to two hundred
su;nrce of refunding bonds on the City and forty. both inclusive, and said
of Onhuque, Iowa, for the purpose of interest coupons being numbered frons
refunding; certain outstanding and one to forty, both inclusive.
natured howls. Section ". That said bond shall be
Whereas, The cit y of Dubuque, substantially in the following form,
low:c, is justly and legally indebted subject. to the necessary changes as
on its certain valid outstanding bonds to the numbers, maturity of coupons
to the amount of two hundred and and other necessary vn iations there -
fort y thousand dollars which out- in:
standing bonds were heretofore issued UNITED STATES (1!' AM
by the said city tinder a resolution STATE Itl I))\\'.\. c'ctl'\TY (11 I)I'-
duly and lug;)Ily passed by the city 111'Q1'l', I'f'fy cal' I)I'lll'Q1'I:. I'I)1'll
council thereof in the year 1901, and PER CENT REF1'NI)ING liO\I)i.
which outstanding 1)011(15 bear inter- No. -- $1,000.00.est. at the role of fair per cent perThe ('ity of Dubtutue, in the stile
01110111. Payable semi -;annually, and o1' Iowa, for valuation received,
becom • due and payable 00 the 1st promises 10 pay to the bearer One
(lay of January, A. I)., 1917, and said 'Phonsand Dollars, of lawful money of
outstanding bonds have been issued the 1Thited States of America, on Feb -
to refund and pay certain other out- riary 1st, A. 1). 1937, with interest
standing bonds of the said city there- on said sin) from the (late hereof un-
tofere issued to pay valid indebted- til paid at the rate of four per cent
Hess of the 51)1)1 city heretofore eon- per annum, P:cyaltle semi-annually,
1raeted and incurred: and on the first day of :August, and Feb -
Whereas, The said outstanding' ruary, of each year on presentation
Minds which so become due on the :and surrender of the interest coupon
1st d:iy of I ehrn:a•y, 1917. aa.e in all hereto attached: both principle and
rert,e'•ts regular, Iegal :ind valid• and interest payable at the Continental
the interest thereon having been reg- and ('ommercial National Bank of
nlnrly paid by the said city during all Chicago, Illinois.
the time they have been so ontstand- This bond is issued by the City of
iii:': and Innhi tie, lova, pursuant to the pro -
Whereas, It being doomed for the visions of Suction 905 to 911, inclu-
public interest to refund said bonds: sive, of chapter XII Title V of the
and code of Iowa, and in conformity to a
Whereas, The city has fn 11 power resolution of the council of said city,
and authority under the laws of said duly passed, a true and complete copy
Slate of 1ow;i to issue bonds and of which is printed on the back here -
hereinafter provided to refund the of. And it is hereby certified and re -
said outstanding bonds so due, now cited that all acts, conditions and
therefore things required by the laws and eoli-
th* it resolved by the city council s1)1111)01) of the State of Iowa to be
of the Cit} of Dubuque, Towu. Sec.- 'lone. Ii•ecendent to and in the issue
tion 1. That them ore hereby au- of this bond have been properly
thorirod and directed to be issued by clone, happened and been performed
and in behalf of „id city of Dubuque in regular and due form as required
its refunding howls according. to and by law, and that the indebtedness of
of the form herei1111fter contained to said city, including this bond, does
the amount of two hundred and forty not exceed the constitutional or stat-
Ihonsand dollars under date of Feb- utory limitations.
u:uy 1st, 1977, in denominations of In testimony whereof, said City of
one thousand dollars each, payable Dubuque by its council has caused
twenty years from date bearing in- this bond to be signed by its mayor
tercet at the rate of four per cent per and attested by its recorder, with the
annum, Payable semi-annually on the seal of said city attached, this first
first day of August and February, (lay of ]February, 1917.
during said term, to be evidenced by
interest coupons attached to said Mayor of the City of Dubuque, Iowa.
bonds. Both interest and principle of Attest:
said bonds to be made payable in City Recorder of the City of Dubuque.
lawful money of the United States of FORM OF COUPON.
America at the Continental and Cont- No. $
mercial National Bank of Chicago, On the first day of February, 1917,
Illinois. The said bonds shall be sign- the City of Dubuque promises to pay
ed by the mayor and attested by the the bearer, as provided in the within
recorder of the said city under its bond, the sum of $ in lawful
corporate seal, and the interest cou- money of the United States of Amer-
Special Session, Dec. 15, 1916.
ica, at the Continental and Commer-
cial National Lank of Chicago, Illi-
nois, being six months interest dui
that clay on its refunding bond, No.
dated February lst, 1917.
Mayor of the City of Dubuque.
City Recorder of the (ity of Dubuque,
Section R. That the said Two Hun-
dred and Forty Thousand Dollars of
bonds so to he issued upon being ex-
ecuted by affixing thereto the cor-
porate seal of the (city of Dubuque
and being signed by the proper offi-
cers thereof, shall be sold, exchanged
or substituted for the said outstand-
ing four per cent bonds, which so be-
come due on February 1st, 1917, but
in no case at less than par value
thereof, nor shall the said bonds au-
thorized by this resolution nor the
proceeds thereof, be used for any
other purpose than for paying, re-
deeming ;111d refunding the said de-
scribed outstanding. four per cent
Section 4. That the said coupons
attached to the said four per cent re-
funding bonds shall be signed by th.
fac-simile signature of the mayor of
the Pity of Dubuque and litlesle,l by
the fac-simile signature of the city
recorder of the ('ily of 1)ahuetnc,
Iowa, and that liom i11) said (.oupons
there may be omitted the placing of
the city seal of the city of Dubuque.
Section G. The bond herein au-
thorized shall be duly a.nd properly
registered in the oi'lice of the city
treasurer of the city of. Dubuque,
Adopted December 119th, 1916.
Approved December 29th, 1916.
Attest: .1. .1. SH1:A,
City Recorder.
Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas—Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel,
A resolution direel ing• the city
treasurer of the city of Dubuque to
sell four per cent refunding bonds.
Whereas, The city council of the
City of Dubuque, deeming it neces-
sary and for the public good to re-
fund the outstanding indebtedness of
the City of Dubuque in the sun) of
Two Hundred and Forty Thousand
Dollars by the issuance of its refund-
ing bonds; and
Whereas, Bids have been asked and
received for the sale of said bonds at
tour per cent interest, payable semi-
annually; and
Whereas, A. B. Leach & Co. and
\VIII. 1:. Compton & c'o jointly, of
Chicago, Illinois, Ii;is submitted its
bid to buy said bonds .it par, alloy-
ing a premium to the city of I)u-
1)1 1111' in ilii' sono of $150.na and will
furnish blank bonds ready for signa-
ture wit bonl charge for legal and
other expenses; and
Whe're'as, Said bid is the highest
bid offered for said bond issue; now
110 ;t resolved by the city council
of the cit}- of Dubuque, iloat the city
treasurer be and he is hereby author-
ized and directed to sell said bonds at.
par to A. i.. Leach R co. and \\'uu. It.
c'omptou) & Co.. jointly, of 1'hicago,
Illinois, they being ilii highest bid-
der, said bonds to be in the denomi-
nation of one thousand (1011ars each,
bearing interest at the rat). of four
pc cent, per annum, payable semi-an-
nually, said bonds to be par 0hle at
the Continental and commercial Na-
tional bank of Chicago, Illinois, in
accordance with the bid and proposal
offered by said bidder, which bid amt
proposal are hereby made ac part of
this resolution.
.Adopted laecenabcr Kith, 1!116.
APProv'ed laeee 111,er 161h. 191
1.114 S.A 1 ' 1 .,
Attest: .1. .1. S 1 11';.\ .
c'11y I;ecurder.
Ald. A\alis moved the adoption of
the resolution. carried by the fol-
lo4ving vote:
Yeas—Aids, c'allah, n, I''rilli, heist,
MVic'Laughlin, I'la naondon, Strobel,
Nays ---None.
Ald. Strobel moved 10 adjourn.
:\pp) o) cd
.1. .I. SH EA,
y Recorder.
l Special Session, Dec. 19, 1916.
Special Session, December 19, 1916.
Council met at 9:55 p. m.
Mayor Saul in the chair.
Present—Aldermen Callahan, Frith,
Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Stro-
bel, Wallis.
Mayor Saul stated that this meet-
ing is called for the purpose of act-
ing on the report of the Committee
of the Whole and any other business
that night properly come before a
regular meeting of the City Council.
Your Committee of the Whole. to
whom was referred the petition of C.
H. Berg, Trustee in Bankruptcy, rel-
ative to an old special assessment
against. Lots 1, 2, 49 and 50, Wood -
lawn lark Addition, would respect-
ively recommend that the prayer of
his petition he granted.
J. H. WALLTS, Chairman.
Ald, Wallis moved the adoption of
the report of the c'onunittee of the
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. t'allahan, I.eist, Mc-
Laughlin, Plamondon, Strobel, Wallis.
Nays--Ald. Frith.
Ald. McLaughlin moved to ad-
journ. Carried.
"ity Recorder.
Adopted v ^"' 14//.]917.
City Recorder.
Regular Session, Dec. 21, 1916.
Regular Session, December 21, 1916
Council met at 8:50 P. M.
Mayor Saul in the chair.
Present --Aldermen Callahan, Frith,
Leist, McLaughlin, I'lamondon, Stro-
bel, Wallis.
On motion of Ald, McLaughlin the
Council Proceeding's for the month of
October, 1916 were approved.
C. B. AleNa mara & Co., 5%
retained sewer in Washing-
ton street, 22nd. Street to
24th Street $ 37.56
C'. E. Fitzpatrick Co., expense 39 '5
Dubuque Rubber & P,elting' Co.,
expense .._. 76
G. F. Kleih & Son, expense.... 29 65
Peter B. Ylofl'nucn, expense .... 4 00
Western Union Telegraph Co.,
expense 75
Dubuque County Recorder, ex-
pense 1 1.,
Western 17nion Telegraph Co.,
expense 1 00
F. Schloz & Son, expense 3 85
Martin-Strelau Co., expense5 50
Klauer & Kress, expense 7 75
W. Grode, expense 2 00
H. B. McCarten, expense 10 45
Spahn & Rose Lumber Co,
expense 28 75
F. M. VanVallcenberg & Co,
expense 5 65
Dubuque Lumber & Coal Co.,
expense 52 16
Pauly Printing Co.. expense7 00
Gonne!' Bros., expense, 47 75
Union Printing Co., expense5 50
Times -Journal, expense 1 00
C. L. Dambacher, expense 3 75
1A[ E. Byrne, expense 7 25
James Beach & Sons, expense 8 85
John L. Kies, expense 4 65
Pier Bros., expense 10 50
Pier Bros., expend 49 45
Eichhorn & Bechtel, expense 50
F. Beutin, expense 14 Ou
Demkier Bros., expense 6 35
F. G. Becker, expense 14 00
Guaranteed Tire Service Co,
expense 21 88
Reliance Chemical Co., ex-
pense 1 50
H. F. Krueger, expense 1 50
Dubuque Paper Co., expense 1 75
Homan Furniture Co., expense 2 90
Homan Furniture Co., police2 :)u
Burrough Adding Machine Co
expense 8 80
Conlin & Kearns, expense 14 ( 0
N. J. Kons, police 130 32
Hawkeye Steam Vulcanizing
Co., police 5 50
Peter Even & Son, police 13 00
Eichhorn & Bechtel. police3 40
W. B. Baumgartner, police 14 75
Iowa ((11 Co., police 19 07
Tow;i ()il p 3 40
(i 61.
Key city (:as ('oliceo., police
:Dubuque I{nbher & Belting
('o., police
G. R. It1eI11 k Son, police
.T. W. (.eillis, police
('ole & I:lear Service
Ttellihan & \lullen, police 1 40
C. .1. AIcc'arihy, police 2 58
Dubuque Electric 0., police2 58
John .1eliring, police 1 40
Dubuque Electric Co., fire .__ 20 80
Dcyoe-Ayens rius, fire 14 96
Tri State Anto c' ,., lire 12 03
.1. I". Itis & Bros.. lire 1 00
Dubuque Rubber & (telling
co., tire 5 (10
Key City Gas Co., tire 75
Dubuque Rubber & L'ell ing
Co., fire 18 00
John Newmann & Son, fire . . 40
G. A. Grimm, fire 23 52
Ellw•anger Bros.. fire 9 30
Dubuque Rubber ,\ 1telting
('o., fire 5 00
\ational Relining Co., lire . 18 50
J. 1". Itis ,C Eros., fire 18 50
(ole ,\ l:lenr Service Co., fire 2 45
Dubuque I(nbber ,1 Belting
co., fire 5 00
AI. 1'. Hogan, fire 3 30
G. \A'. Healey & Son, fire 16 30
Kl;cuer & Kress, fire 1 00
G. I" Kleih & Son, fire 30
Beller Electric Co., fire.... 27
Ilawkeye Battery Co., fire 22 80
-Hammel, Henkel. Co., fire 4 00
1\1 ti 11)11 v Insuritnce Ageney,
fire 80 00
W. D. Deckert Co., lire 20
Carr, Ryder & Adams Co, fire 50
1''. G. Becker, fire 37 24
J. J. Fettgather, fire 11 30
T. Kane, fire 190 10
J. T. Hancock Co., fire 4 00
W. S. Nott Co., fire 12 00
F. C. Itis, fire 12 10
Wunderlich & Wiederholt, fire 20 70
E. P. Smith Electric Co., fire1 50
Peed, Berwanger & 1'fll'I'ner,
fire 12 00
Iowa Oil Co., fire 17 50
W. D. ])eckert & c'u., fire 21 35
Dubuque Rubber ,C Belting
Co„ sewer ._.. 3 40
Peed, Bertv;no.!el ,r 1'til7n, r,
sewer 5 00
I''. Schloz ,F Sun, se c 8 75
I:Ilw;ucger tiros„ sewer 50
(l. 1". Kleih & Son, sew,.•1 52 80
Hoernc;) Press, health 14 00
E. \I. Jaeger Hardware ('o,
hualt.h 20
Bassler Jlutor c'u., health 1 83
Kassler .Auto Co., health 40
1''. \T. Jaeger 1I•crdware Co,
('.0 r, Itydrr ,C
G. F. Kleih & Son, health
4 28
:i 75
2 00
Adnuis c'u.,
2 15
1 35
5 12 Regular Session, Dec. 2 1, 191 6.
I'p100 Laundry, health9 On motion of Ald. Strobel all bills
Ilawkcye Battery Co., health1 45 properly 0. K. were ordered paid.
,lohn 1e -Bing, health 52 00 Petition of Phil Schwinn, receiver,
Jas. Levi ('o., health 2 83 Smedley Steam Pump Co., by.Frantz-
Times-Journal, printing 193 O8 en & Bonson, his attorneys, asking the
Times-.1011rnal, printing 31 47 1'ity Council to reconsider their ac -
Telegraph -Herald, printing7.1 71 tion in receiving and filing his former
Telegragh-llerald printingI:, 1.1 petition, presented and read. On mo -
Labor Leader, printing 12 50 tion of Aid. Frith the petition was re -
Dubuque Electric Co., lighting 1 66 ferred to the Committee of the Whole.
Dubuque Electric Co., lighting 89 70 Petition of Joseph L. Hird and
Iht},u,lne Electric Co., lighting 162 17 ]Bertha Hird, by N'rantzen & Bonson,
Inion Electric Co., lighting_.3313 21 their attorneys. protesting against the
:Midland Chemical Co ex- paying of any further assessment for
pens,• and lire 26 76 the improvement of Delhi Street, lev-
I'rrnh wire Works, police anel ied against Lots 2, 3 and 4, of Sub. of
expense11 30 Mineral Lot 170. and stating that
Kc} ,'ily Dos ('o., police, (ire they will hold the City liable for any
add eypensc .4 25 and all damages 10 their property by
Key ( 'it y (7:,: ,'n., polirc, tiro reason of said grade established on
and cypcns(' - -- 97 90 Delhi Street, presented and read. On
Iowa Telephone ('o., police, motion of Ald. Frith the petition was
lino and expense 42 67 referred to the Committee of the
Ed. Ruff, inspector 26 00 AVliet,
John Bohn, inspector 3 00 Petition of, Louis Trexler, offering
\lilt. ,Ackoror, inspector 4 ,,) ,the city the suns of $1.25 in full set -
e'. I:. McNamara fi Co,
Bement of the special assessment lev-
grading Pickett Street 30 00 ied against the northerly one-half of
Ni,•. Starter, grading' Heel)
237, i'or the improvement of ('lay
Street 170 00 Street levied in the year 1895, pre-
N ic.
St:un•r, 5`,„ retained ce_ rented and rend. (1n motion of Ald.
utont slops on West Third1,eist the petition was referred to the
Street 42 It committee of the Whole.
Ni,-, Station', iu(pruviu North Petition of Dubuque Biscuit Co., of-
Vl ,in Fl reef 4367 85 feeing the city the sum of $25.00 in.
T. 11 ('1:,Ik, tiro and health_._31 35 full settlement of the special assess-
K:usler :Mot (or e'o., lire and trent levied in 1907 for the improve-
In;,lth } 59ment of Ninth Street, presented and
I•:I'ficicncy (oil Co., health and read.
expense 6 40 Ald. Strobel moved to suspend the
I'. H. 4'Inrl;, lire and health._4 25 rules for the purpose of allowing Mr.
e, crinn,l-In(I,u luc pollee Thimmeseh to address the Council.
and health 43 nCarried by Hie following' vote:
I'. Vcl(Ior Son, roads 5 15 Yeas--.,\lds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
Key city hoofing Co., Second\Icl.aughlin, Plamondon, Strobel„
and 'I'hir,l roads 4 45
\Iotlel tiros., Third nuci Nays—None.
Fourth roads. recce( 9 8 i Vi r. Thiuunesch addressed the
\loin Sand & 014 vi Co., Sec- Council relative to the petition of the
and road 75 Dubuque Biscuit Co.
10\\a hairy ('o., Fifth fifth road 1 50 On motion of Ald. Leist the pet''-
Watkins Sinn System, Fourthtion was referred to the City Attorney
road 75 to report back to the Council.
John Lies, road3 15 Petition of E. H. Wiliging, attorney
\. 'l'rcd(r;,y ,x Son, roads 3 35 for owner, stating that an error was
I;Ilw:uigcr Eros., roads 3 25 made in the assessment levied against
Khmer ,\ Kress, roads 3 00 Lot 16 in Ma rsh's Add. for the im-
Load, r (,it Cos, rends 22 90 provontent of North Main street, pre-
( I•'. I:Icil, ,C Son, roads 7 35 sented and read. on motion of Ald.
Key ,'fits Iran Works, roads7 45 frith, the petition was referred to the
Leader ((11 co., roads8 03 City Engineer to report back to the
Leader ((il Co., roads 8 80 Council.
Leader ((il Co., roads 4 30 Petition of the Board of Directors
Midland Chemical Co., roads 40 09 of the Dubuque Traveling and Busi-
G. L. Kot•mann, roads 31 75 Hess Men's Association, stating their
Schroeder & Kleine Grocer approval of the proposition for a
Co., roads and sidew.alks.._. 7 15 municipal dock and asking the City
G. 1,'. Kleih & Son, sidewalk2 7h Council to appropriate a sufficient
Spahr & Itose Lumber Co, sum for the building of same, pre -
sidewalks and fire 45 16 sented and read. On motion of Ald.
las. Levi Co., health 21 96 Leist, the petition was referred to the
E. T. Frith, health 818 74 Committee of the Whole.
Regular Session, Dec. 21, 1916.
Petition of Mrs. Angelene Schuh,
asking the City Council to reduce the
valuation placed on her property,
presented and read. On notion of
Ald. Frith, the petition was referred
to the City Assessor to report back to
the Committee of the Whole.
Petition of Mrs. C. Sullivan, by
Thos. Rafferty, asking the City Coun-
cil to reduce the valuation placed on
Lots 535 and 535A, presented and
read. On motion of Ald. Callahan,
the petition was referred to the Com-
mittee of the Whole to view the
Petition of John Steffens, asking
the City Council to reduce the valua-
tion placed on Lot 1 of 239, Davis
Farm Addition, presented and read.
On motion of Ald Frith, the petition
was referred to the Committee of the
Whole to view the grounds.
Petition of John R. Waller, tender-
ing the amount prescribed by the
Court of Iowa for the special assess-
ment levied against Lots 27, 28, 29
and 30 in Block 26, presented and
read. On motion of Ald. Frith, the
petition was referred to the Commit-
tee of the Whole.
Petition of Margaret Connolly, ask-
ing the City Council to reduce the
valuation placed on Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
and 6, Moser's Sub., presented and
read. On motion of Ald. Callahan,
the petition was referred to the Com-
mittee of the Whole to view the
Petition of Margaret Connolly, stat-
ing that an error has been made in
levying the special assessment against
Lots 1, 2 and 3, Connolly's Sub., for
the improvement of West Locust
Street, presented and read. On mo-
tion of Ald. Strobel, the petition was
referred to the City Engineer to re-
port back to the Council.
Petition of Mary L. Waller, tender-
ing the sum of $50.00 in full pay-
ment of the special assessment levied
against Lots 27, 28, 29 and 30 in
Block 26, for the improvement of
Fourth Street Extension, presented
and read. On motion of Ald. Frith,
the petition was referred to the Com-
mittee of the Whole.
Petition of John Leidinger, asking
the City Council to pay him the sum
of $50.00 in full settlement of the in-
jury sustained by him by falling on
the sidewalk at 21st Street and Couler
Avenue, presented and read. On mo-
tion of Ald. Leist, the petition was
referred to the City Attorney.
On motion of Ald. McLaughlin, the
following bills were referred to the
City Auditor: City Water Co. vs. Jas.
F. Lee, water used on Third Street
improvement, $9.76. Water used on
Fourth Street improvement" from
Locust Street to Bluff Street, $9.17.
Water used on Fourth Street im-
provenrent from Main Street to Lo-
cust Street, $9.07. Water used on
Fifth Street improvement from Lo-
cust Street to Bluff Street, $9.57.
Ald. McLaughlin rnoved that the
Mayor appoint a committee to con-
fer with the Water Company relative
to the water rates and extension of
mains. 1'arried. Mayor Saul ap-
pointed the entire City Council as the
Petition of Jas. F. Lee, asking the
City ('onncil for an extension of time
limit till June 1st, 1917, for the com-
pletion of the improvements of Ar-
lington Street and Wort Third Street,
presented and read. (in motion of
Ald. Wallis, the prayer of the peti-
tioner was granted.
Maintenance bonds of Jas. F. T.ee,
each in the suns of $500.00, for the
improvement of Sixth Street and Sev-
enth Street between Locust and Bluff
Streets, presented and read. On mo-
tion of Ald. Wallis, the bonds were
referred to the ('ity Attorney.
Petition of C. I.. McNamara & Co.,
asking the City Council for an exten-
sion of time limit till August, 1917,
for the completion of the improve-
ment of Kaufman Avenue and till
June, 1917, for the completion of the
improvement of (lay Street, present-
ed and read. On motion of Aid.
Leist, the prayer of the petitioners
was granted.
Notice of claim of Errdvine Hoag
in the sum of $100.00 for damages to
her horse by falling on alley grate in
the alley between Alpine Street and
Nevada Street, presented and read.
On motion of Ald. Leist, the notice
was referred to the City Attorney.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
pay roll for labor on streets in the
several road districts during the first
half of Docember•, 1916:
Amount due laborers $652.64
Also submit the pay roll for labor
on roads leading into the county:
Fifth Ward County Road
Fund, amount due lahorers$270.84
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
On motion of Ald. Frith, the pay
rolls were received and warrants or-
dered drawn to pay various amounts
and report referred hack to commit-
tee on streets. rolls for labor
Also submit the pane first half or
on sewers during
December, 1916:
Amount due laborers
on sew -
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
motion of Ald. Plamondon, the
roll was received and warrants
514 Regular Session, Dec. 21, 1916.
ordered drawn to pay the various
amounts and report referred back to
committee on sewers.
('hief of T'olice Giellis reported as
To the 1lonorahle \1:)yor and City
Gentlemen : 1 herewith submit my
pay roll for the police department for
the first half of December, 1916:
Anlnllnl due policemen $1492.65
Itespecifully submitted,
jot 4 N \V. GTE LLTS,
('hief of T'olice.
on motion of .\ld. Callahan the
pay roll was received and warrants
ordered drawn to pay the various
atuncints and the report referred hack
to the ;entice committee.
Vire ('hief Iteinfried reported as
Gentlemen: T herewith submit my
pay roll for the fire department for
the first half of December, 9916:
Amount due firemen $2066.00
Respectfully submitted,
.1. R. RE -EXERTED. I). Chief.
((n motion of Alderman List the
p:(y roll was received and warrants
ordered drawn to pay the various
amount and the report referred hack
to the fire committee,
Innlhuclne, town, Dee. 21, 1916.
To the Honorable Mayor and ('ity
Gentlemen: 1 hog leave to report
on the petition of Bridget Casey in
reference to certain special :assess-
ments against I.o1 9 in (1'Neill's Add.,
No. 2, which petition was referred to
me, I find that the amounts and dates
ell nnnerata'd in said petition are in
accord with the records
Respectfully submitted,
('ity 'Treasurer.
(h1 motion of Ald. Frith the report
of the City 'Treasure' was referrc d to
the City Attorney to report hack to
the Council.
Dubuque, Town. Dee, 21, 1916.
'1'u the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: 1 beg leave to report
on the petition of Me Bottler, which
w:(s roferrc -1 40 111e• On h'chrll:n ry 14,
1916. \Ir. Itnlnler paid his 11)15 taxes
in foll as ;assessed on the tax list. On
may 114th. 1916, your honorable body
instructed roe 10 accept taxes on Mr.
llohler's properly at a reduction of
$250.00 valuation on buildings,
amounting in taxes to $3.50 As Mr.
Kohler had previously paid his taxes
and sauce had been credited he is
entitled to a( refund of $3.50 and 1
world recommend that 0 warrant in
the suns of $3.50 he drawn in his
Respectfully submitted,
city Treasurer.
On motion of Ald, Strobel the re-
port of the City Treasurer was ap-
proved and a warrant in the sum of
$3.50 ordered drawn on the City
Treasurer in favor of Mr. T3ohler.
To the Honorable Mayor a.nd City
Gentlemen: In the case of Hannah
\1ilnn1, vs. City of Dubuque, law No.
18660, for $25,000.00, I beg to advise
that I have arranged for a settlement
in this matter for the sum of two
hundred ($200) dollars. I Inc hundred
($100) dollars of which lois been paid
by the 'Iowa Dairy company.
I attach hereto release properly
signed by said Hannah1Tihm. I
therefore recommend to your Honor-
able body that a warrant for One
Hundred ($100) dollars be drawn in
favor of 11, P. McCabe, as full tic ttle-
ment of said case.
Respectfully Submitted,
Assistant City Attorney.
On motion of Ald. Ctrohel the re-
port of Ass't. ('ity Attorney Cooney
was approved and a warrant in the
sum of $100.00 was ordered drawn on
the City Treasurer in favor of H. F.
Dubuque, TOWN, Dec. 21st, 1916.
'Co the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: Would respectfully rec-
ommend that Veronica Jacquinot be
granted the reduction of 90c on
special assessment levied for the con-
struction of cement sidewalk in front
of N. 231/2 feet less 11/ feet of Lot
4 of Sub. City lots 438 and 439 and
part of 676. Nine inches hase been
sold off this lot and he should not
have heen assessed for this distance.
Respectfully yours,
City Tingineer.
On motion of Ald Frith, the report
of the ('ity h:ngineer was approved
and the City Treasurer instructed ac-
On motion of Ald. Frith, the report
of City Weighnlaster Hay in the sum
of $2.74 was received and filed.
Dubuque, Iowa, Dec. 21th, 1916.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit the
following men for Deputies in the
City Assessor's office for the next two
years, Harry J. Gleason and Harry
McCarthy. Hoping that these .men
meet your favorable consideration, I
am Yours respectfully,
City Assessor.
On motion of Ald. Strobel, the rec-
ommendation of City Assessor Heller
was approved.
WHEREAS, a contract has hereto-
fore been entered into by and be-
Regular Session, Dec. 21, 1916.
tw'een the city of Dubuque and C. B.
McNamara & Co. for the improve-
ment of Fourth Street Extension; and
\\'11I1.5, said work has been
completed and accepted by the City
Council of the city ofDubuque; and
\Vlll.;f;l;.\S, peeled assessments
have been levied against the proper-
ty legally snlijcc•1 to assessment to
pay for said improvement; and
\V'11I:11 IC.A5, bonds have been is-
sued in contemplation of the pay-
ment ot: said special assessment 0101
the funds received from the sale of
said bonds are to lie used to pay the
contractor: and
\V'1-lI•:11�:.AS, there still remains un-
sold bonds :Ipproximating Five Thou-
sand ($5000.0(11 dollars and the City
Treasurer is experiencing difficulty in
selling' such remaining bonds :Incl
thereby the contractor has not been
paid for his work performed to the
extent of the amount of the bonds
1(1101ining unsold; and
\\'Ill?I:I•:.\S, it is deemed advisable
by the city Council of the city of
Dubuque that said bonds he sold int -
mediately and the contractor paid;
'I'I-I I:I;I;F (ll l' , ill: 1'1' I{I,SOI,VI:I)
BY T H I? ( TTY cul' \('11, OI'' THE
CiTY (1!' I1!"IIl'Q1'I•:, That, in order
to facilitate the sale of the bonds re-
mnaining unsold which were issued to
pay for the improving' of Fourth
Street Extension, the city of Du-
buque. by its Council, does hereby ir-
revocably guarantee the payment: of
bonds which are now in the hands of
the City Treasurer remaining unsold
to any person 01' persons who will
buy the whole amount of said bonds
at this time unsold, and said city of
Dubuque does hereby :agree and
pledge itself to redeem said bonds
when they become due in the event
that not st1ITieient money has been
collected from and paid by such per-
sons who have been assessed for the
payment of said improvement, it be-
ing understood that the fact Hutt the
Person who buys 1110 bonds now re-
maining unsold, buys :III of then)
without delay. shall be deemed it suf-
ficient consideration to hind the Illy
of Dubuque to the pledge hereby
Said bonds being' numbered from
.1 iO to 4625, inclusive.
Aid. Wallis moved the adoption of
the resolution. carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas—A.lds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
�Icl,aughlin, 1 lamondon, St robel,
Nays --None.
A.M. Strobel moved that the city re-
corder be instructed to advertise for
the furnishing' of new counters in the
offices of the city treasurer, city aud-
itor and city recorder, each bid to be
accompanied with 0 sot of plans ;Ind
specifications of the counters that the
bidder proposes to furnish. carried.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the petition of
Mrs. Fischer asking for a reduction
in the special assessment levied
against her property for the improve-
ment of the intersection of Ithont-
berg avenue ;tin] the alley running.
from Phoutherg avenue to Lincoln
avenue would respectfully recom-
mend 1hat said petition he received
and filed.
.1. 1I. \\'.\ 1.1,18, chairman.
'10nr committee of the whole to
whom was referred the petition of
the \orih \lain SI. propel 4 o\\'n0rs
remonstrating ; 1g;Iinst the a:>essment
levied for the inlprorenlc'ot of said
street would respeej folly I'1'ee111111e1)d
11101 said petition he received and
.1. II. \\'.\ 1,1,IS, Chairman.
Your committee of the vyhole to
\\'110111 w:I1 referred 1110 hills of
T.01 for interest on the 5 per cent re-
tained 011 211(1, 6th, 7111, Hill street,
West Third street ;Ind Prairie street
would respect full recommend that
said bills be received and tiled.
J. 1-1. \\'.\ 1.I.TS, Chairman.
Yom' committee of the whole to
whole was referred the hill of the
Key city !roll \Yorks for constructing
an 11.011 railing in the fourth ward
would respectfully recommend 11:11
said hill 110 paid and a warrant be
drawn covering the s;1111e.
.T. Ti. W.\1.1.15, chairman.
Tour committee of the whole ((00111
respectfully recommend that N. .T.
Shiner he in51r101e1 lo put up ;I bond
for the maintenance of the curbing.
of Park avenue for one ye;u' :11111 he
le paid for said work when s:1td bond
is :approved of.
J. TT. VWWAT.T.TS, Ch;lirma.n.
Yon. committee of the whole 10
va11o111 '''as referred the petition of
the Germania Stock ('o. :Ishing that
the Germania 11;111 be e\e11pt from
dance license would respeelflllly rec-
onun0nd that said petition he receiv-
ed and filed.
J. T -T. WAT.1.TS, Chairnlatn.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the r0n10nstrance
against the construction of a sanitary
sewer in Park avenue also the remon-
strance :against the improving of West
Locust street would respectfully rec-
ommend built they he received and
J. H. \\':\I.I.TS. Chairman.
Four committeeof the whole to
whom was referred the petition of T3.
T�. Tllocklinger asking that an outlaw-
ed special assessment against his
property he cancelled would respect-
fully recommend that said petition he
referred to the city attorney to inves-
516 Regular Session, Dec. 21, 1916.
tigate and report to the council.
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
W110111 was referred the petition of
Wm. Palmer Est. asking that the city
accept $20.00 as payment in full of
oulla wed assessment against the
property would respectfully recom-
mend thatsaid petition be referred to
the city attorney to investigate and if
found to he correct that the city ac-
cept the $20.00 offered.
.J. 14. \VALT.TS, Chairman.
Your conunitt4 r• of the whole to
whom was referred the petition of
Abe I'ochter asking that the city re-
fund his ice cream license fee of $5.00
because of an accident which disabl-
ed him in such a way that he was not
able to work but one clay of the three
months would respectfully recom-
mend that the prayer of his petition
he gr;urtcd and a warrant he drawn
covering the sn010.
J. 11. \V.\LEIS, (lb Annan.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the petition of
the Dubuque AIter ('o. asking that
the city accept their taxes on a valu-
ation of $9,200.00 as payment in full
of their taxes for the years 1911, 1912,
1913, 1914 and 1915, would respect-
fully recommend that said petition
ho received and filed.
J. H. \V.\ 1,1.15, Chairman.
Your corunritta e of the whole to
whom was referred the quit claim
deed of. Win. Slattery and Mrs. Slat-
tery would respectfully recommend
that the same be referred to the city
attorney to report.
J. H. \ VAT.T.TS, Chairman.
(in motion of Ald. Wallis the vari-
ous reports of the committee of the
whole were adopted.
Ald. Frith moved to suspend the
rules for the purpose of allowing any
one present to address the council.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel,
Mr. Capritz addressed the council
relative to the building of a public
dock at Eagle Point.
Ald. Wallis moved that the bids for
the furnishing of a public dock at
Eagle Point be returned to the bid-
ders. Ald. Frith amended Aid. Wal-
lis' motion that the contract for the
furnishing of a public dock at Eagle
Point be awarded to Mr. Porter, he
being the lowest bidder. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas—Aids. Callahan, Frith, Mc-
Laughlin, Strobel.
Nays—Aids. Least, Plamondon, Wal-
Alderman Plamondon offered the
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That it is
deemed necessary and advisable to
improve Bluff Street and South Bluff
Street, front the north property line
of Third Street to the south property
line of Dodge Street, and it is hereby
proposed to grade, curb with new
stone curb where necessary, curb with
new cement, curb where necessary, re-
set old stone curb where necessary,
gutter with an 18 -inch cement gutter
and to pave with asphaltic concrete
on a concrete foundation, or to pave
with sheet asphalt on a concrete foun-
dation, or to pave with bttulithic
pavement on a concrete foundation,
and to assess the cost of said curbing,
resetting curbing, guttering and pav-
ing against the property legally sub-
ject to assessment.
Ald. Plamondon moved the adop-
tion of the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas--Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel,
Alderman Plamondon offered the
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, that the City
Engineer be and he is hereby directel
to prepare a plat showing generally
the location, nature and extent to the
proposed Bluff street and South Bluff
street, from the north property line of
Third street to the noth property ine
of Dodge street, and the kind or
kinds of material or materials to
be used, and an estimate of the entire
cost thereof, and the amount and cost
of such improvement, and the amount
assessarhle upon any railway or street
railway company, the amount and
cost thereof to be paid by the city, if
any. and the cost thereof and amount
assessable upon each lot or parcel of
land adjacent to such improvement as
contemplated by Chapter 76 of the
Laws of the Thirty-fifth General As-
sembly of the State of Iowa and acts
amended thereby, and to file such plat
and estimate in the office of the City
Recorder; that after the filing of said
plat and estimate in his office, the
City Recorder shall publish in three
consecutive issues of a newspaper
published in this city, a notice stating
that such plat and estimates are on
file, the location and nature of the im-
provement, kind or kinds of
material or material s to be
used, and an estimate of its
cost, and the time before which ob-
jections thereto can be filed, and the
time fixed for hearing, which time
shall not be less than five days after
the last publication of such notice,
and after such publication shall have
been made, the City Recorder shall, at
the next regular session of the City
Council, notify the Council thereof in
Regular Session, Dec. 21, 1916.
writing, with a printed copy of such
notice accompanying the same.
Ald. Plamondon moved the adop•
tion of the resolution.
Garners by the following vote:
Yeas .\Ids. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobr1,
Nays None.
Alderman Plamondon offered the
Be it Resolved by the city c'ounc _i
of the City of 11ubnque, That it 15
dcenL'd 11C(•essary n1111 advisable to
improve .lenes Street. 1l•0111 1110 east-
erly rail of the Illinois Central Rail-
road c'oulpa ny's tracks, first west elf
Warren Street, to eighty-five feet east
of the east property line of the 11u -
1,10l110 Harbor Company's Addition,
and it is hereby proposed to grade,
curb with new stone curb where nec-
essary- and to reset old stone curb
where necessary, and to pave said
portion of said street with brick bloc•c
on a concrete foundation, and that
portion of said street lying between
the rails of the Illinois Central Com-
pany's tracks and one foot outside
thereof to be paved with the sante
material, the tiller used to be as-
phaltic, and to assess the cost of said
grading, curbing, resetting of curbs
and paving against the property leg-
ally subject to assessment.
Alcl. Plamondon moved the adop-
tion of the resolution. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas --Aids. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
;\101.0 ighiin, 1'lautondon, Strobel,
Alderman Plamondon offered the
Be it Resolved by the city. council
of the City of Dubuque, that the city
engineer be and he is hereby directed
to prepare a plat showing generally
the location, nature and extent to the
proposed improvement of Jones street
from the easterly rail of the Illinois
Central company's tracks first west
of Warren street to eighty-five feet
east of the east property line of the
Dubuque Harbor Company's Addition
and the kind or kinds of material or
materials to be used, and an estimate
of the entire cost thereof, and the
amount and cost of such improve-
•ment, and the amount assessable up-
on any railway or street railway com-
pany, the amount and cost thereof
to be paid by the city, if any, :and the
cost thereof and amount assessable
upon each lot or parcel of land ad-
jacent to such improvement as con-
templated by Chapter 76 of the Laws
of the Thirty-fifth General Assembly
of the State of Iowa and acts amend-
ed thereby, and to file such plat and
estimate in the office of the city re-
corder; that after the filing of said
plat and estimate in his office, the
city recorder shall publish in three
consecutive issues of a newspaper
published in this city, :e notice stating
that such plat and estimates are on
file, the location and nature of the
improvement, kind or kinds of mater-
ial or materials to he used, and an
estimate of its cost, and the time be-
fore which objections iherto can be
filed, and the time fixed for hearing,
which time shall not be less than five
days after the last publication of such
notice, and after such publication
shall have been made, the city record-
er shall, at the nest regular session
of the city council, notify the council
thereof in writing, with a printed
copy of such notice accompanying
the same.
Ald. Plamondon moved the adop-
tion of the resolution. Carried by the
following vote:
leas- Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
\Tc1,:i11ghlin, Plamondon, Strobel,
Nays \o110.
Alderman Callahan offered the fol-
Be i1 resolved by the c'11y c'nnncil
of the city of I,nbn,lne that the reso-
lution heretofore adopted provided
for the widening of \Vest Third street
and Hill street at the northwest cor-
ner thereof he and Ihey are hereby
Ald. 1':Alaloi n moved the :,cloption
of the resolution.
Carried by tell following vote.
Peas .\ids• c:cli:rhan, Frith, I.eist,
\Iel.:1,101lin, 1'Imuonden. fir, bei
\acs None.
Alderman 1'all:dein offered the fol-
111' it resolved by the city c'o;mess
of the City of linlunlne, that it is
rleenterl necessary and advisable to
widen 11111 and west 'I'liirrl street at
the northwest cornei e ;end he
it further resolve,1 11 ,1 , 'sly Engi-
neer he and he is her1-1.0 instructed to
make :1 plat and snrcey of such pur-
posed improvements, showing the
]and or lois through or over w:,ich
the salve is pa 111050(1 to he made, and
file such plat in his office for public
'i'h:tt after such plat is prepared
and filed, said city engineer shall give
the owners of the property through
or over which such improvement is
purposed to be made, notice as pre-
scribed by section 2 of Chapter 31 of
the Ordinances of the City of Du-
Ald. Callahan moved the adoption
of the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas—Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
Plamondon, Strobel,
518 Special Session, Dec. 22, 1916.
Nays None.
Ald. Callahan moved that the sew-
er inspector be instructed to remove
the snow from the ice harbor for the
pm pose of allowing the public to
skate on the same. Carried.
Md. Frith moved to adjourn. Car-
City Recorder.
\dopicd—" 017.
1y ltecol'der.
(()11'1 1.)
Special session, i)ecemlxer 22, 1016.
c'onnc•il met. at 3:30 p. m.
Mayor Saul in the chair.
l'resent- .Aids. Callahan, Frith,
I.eist, McLaughlin, l'l•nondon, Stro-
bel, \VaIlis.
Mayor Saul stated that this meet-
ing is called for the purpose of acting
00 special assessments and any other
business that might properly come
1)(101, a. regular meeting of the city
('ity Recorder Shea presented and
read the notice, certified to by the
publisher's, of the city council's in-
tention to levy a special assessment
to pay for improving Fourth street
from the west pi operty line of Main
street to the east property line of Lo-
cust street, .1(tncos I". Lee, contractor.
Also the written remonstrance of
\Vinall lluilding Co. owners of prop-
erty occupied by Bider -Wallis Dry
(mals co., title held in the name of
I" rank :Ind 71.4,1 (toll, by R. Musser,
president, and 11. 11. Spensley. On
Motion o1' Ald. McLaughlin the no-
tice was received and filed and the
remonstrance and special assessment
were referred to the committee of
the whole.
lid. McLaughlin moved to suspend
the rules for the purpose of allowing
any one present to address the coun-
cil. carried the following vote:
Yeas—.\lds. Callahan, Frith, 1,eist.
c•I,anghlin, I'lamondon, Strobel,
\\ albs.
Nays -None.
Mr. .las. 1.00 addressed the coun-
cil (01011VI' 10 the improvement. of
Fourth street between Main and Lo-
cust streets and Mr. John O'Rourke
addressed the council relative to
changing the nano- of Eagle Point
park to Shims park.
\Id. Wallis moved that the city
council be placed on record as being
in favor of changing the name of
I•::Iglc Point park to Shiras park. Aid.
'McLaughlin amended Ald.
Motion to have the park board meet
with the city council on the twitter
of changing the name of 1':agle Point
park to Shims park. 1,0st by the fol-
lowing'. vote:
1'e:Is Aids. Callahan, Frith, Mc -
1,01 ghlin.
Nays- Aids. T.eist, Plamondon,
Stt•ohel. \Vallis.
Ald. \\'ail's' motion carried by the
following cote:
Peas --\,111s. Callahan, Leist, Mc-
Laughlin, 1'I:lmondon, Strobel, Wallis.
\:ccs--Alel. 1 t'ith.
City itecorder Shea presented and
road the notice, certified to by the
publisher's, of the city cotlneil's in-
Special Session, Dec. 22, 1916.
tcntion to levy a r,pccial assessment to
pay for improving I'onrth street from
the 'zest property line of Locust
street to the east property line of
Bluff street, J:un0(1 E. 1.e contrac-
or. On motion of .Ald. McLaughlin
the notice w11S 1'0c0ived :11101 1)10(1.
liesolred by the city council of the
('ity of Ilnhn toe, That to pay for int -
proving Fourth street from the west
property lime of Locust street to the
east properly line of 100110.1' street, b\'
.Ins. 1". 1.,'e, contractor, in front of
and adjoining the same. ;I special tax
he and is herehy levied on the several
lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of
rent estate hereinafter named, situ-
ate and owned, and for the several
:)mounts set opposite each lot or par-
cel of real (state, ;Is follows:
( Iwner. • Description. Amt.
.\. Hunt, ('ity Lone A. 1-2
N. :1(1 ft., I.ot 107, asphaltic
concrete laving and curl)
.1111 glitter, !'ost. $30.67; in-
terest a1 6'', 22c; extra ex-
pense :It 2' ; , 60e $ 31 49
\1'inifred (!'Donnell, ('ity Lot,
S. 1-2 N. 311 fl.. 1.01 1 0 7,
asphaltic c'onc'rete paving
and curb and gntler. cost.
$37.10; interest at r,';,
extra expense at " , 7Ie38 1.7
Job. Barnes, Pity Lot S. 25.6
ft., I.ot 107, asphaltic con-
crete paving and curb and
gutter. cost, $60.49; inter-
est at 6';, 43c; extra ex-
pense ;it 2",;,,, $1.21 62 1:3
Joh. Eames, City 1,01, N. 20
f1., Lot los, asphaltic c'on-
c'rete paving and (11th and
gutter, c'ost., $66.18; inter-
est at 6':. 47e; extra. ex-
pense ;it 2',, $1.:39 67 97
City of Dubuque, City Lot,
S. 44.6 ft.. l,ot 108, asphal-
tic concrete paving and
curb and gutter, cost,
$310.55; interest at 6%,
$2.23; extra expense at 2%,
$6.21 318 99
Fischer Inv. Co., ('ity Lot
109, asphaltic concrete
paving and curb and gut-
ter, cost, $376.73; interest
at 6%, $2.70; extr'a ex -
pence at 2'/, $7.54 386
Fischer Inv. Co., ('ity Lot
110, asphaltic concrete
paving and curb and gut-
ter, cost, $128.32; interest
at 6%, 92c; extra expense 131 82
at 2%, $2.58
H. A. Knowlton, City T,ot, N.
1-3 Lot 134, asphaltic con-
crete paving and curb and
gutter, cost, $34.22; inter-
est at 6%, 24c; extra ex-
pense at 2' , . 68e 35 14
Jas. 1-1 1(1(.an Est.. ('ity Lot,
M. 1-3 Lot 1:11, asphaltic
concrete paving :1101 curb
and gutter, cost, $42.03;
interest at 6'1, 30'; extra
expense 01 2';, 81e
11. A. Knowlton, Pity Lot, S
1-3 Lot 13.1, asphaltic con-
crete paving :ulll curl) ,1101
gutter, cost. 352.(17; inter-
est at 6':, 37e; extra ex-
pense ;11 _ l.11-1 53 43
11. A. Knowlton, city 1.nt E
1-2 1.11 18:1, asphaltic con-
crete paving and cnrh and
glitter. cost $1X8.17: inter-
est IIt 6',.. 81.:15; extra ex-
pense at 2' ,. $3.75 I'13 s I
Isabelle 1,:notv11u1. ('11c I.ot,
W. 1-2 1.0l 133. asphaltic
eoncrole t,:lving :Ind 1.111'h
and gutter. cost, $1$x,37;
inie•rest at 6',. $1.35; extra
oxpensse :11 _ . 33.75 191 50
,\no \lulphv. ('it • 1,ot. N
21.3 f1., 1.01 132, asphaltic
concrete paving and curl)
and %1111'1'. cost. 3195.25:
interest :(1 f';. $1.11: ..5111
05 pelts, 111 _ ),3:1:1(1
13. L,,,,,(q1. coy Lot. s. \I. 26.6
fl., 1.01 1:12. asphaltic con-
crete paving and (11th ;Hid
gut icr. cost. 3126.7X; inter-
est ut (;'.;. 1IIIc: extra ex-
pense 111 2';.. $2.53 130 21
John \1(('10X, ('Hy 1.01, S
17.3 ft., 1.01 132. asphaltic
concrete paving and curb
:utd glitter. cost. X54.69; in-
terest nl 6' 4(1c: extra ex-
pense nt _ , $1.04... - 56 14
.John 5!'1':1)1', ('ity I.'1. N.
7 ft., T,ot 131, asphaltic
concrete paying and curb
and gutter, cost, 319.10; in-
terest at 6' i1e; extra ex-
pense :II 2 ., .78e 19 62
,Jas. T. \\'ood, ('ity 1.ot \ 51
24 ft. A. 31 ft., Lot 131, as-
ph:111if' concrete paving
and curl, :1110 gullet., cost,
$53.76; inlleresl 111 6', . ;18e:
0x;1':0 expense :11 2' 31.(1X 55
Cath. \Ic('111111, I'ilc Lot. S.
:13.6 fl. 1:. 1-2 1.01 1 31,
asphaltic concrete paving
and ctrl) and gutter, cost.
$27.7:1; interest at 6',, 2111';
extra expense at 2';. 55c.._. 28 48
(':lib. \!,Pa110. ('ity 1.o;, S.
\I. I6.6 ft. \V. 1-2 1.0; 1:11,
asphaltic concrete paving
and (11th and getter. cost,
$14.96; interest at 6'''. 10e;
extra expense at . :1llc.... 15 35
,John I1. SIeeilati, Pity 1.01,
S. 17 ft. W. 1-2 I.ot 131,
asphaltic concrete paving
and curb and gutter, cost,
$12.77: interest at 0%, 9e;
extra expense at "'S 25c._- 13 11
13 17
2110 56
32075 06
520 Special Session, Dec. 22, 1916.
97 3.55 sq. yds. asphaltic con-
crete paving at $1.7° $1674 50
464.7 lin. ft. comb. curb and
gutter 04 70c 325 29
40.0 lin. ft. new cement curb
at 51c 20 40
Interest at 6% 14 47
Extra expense 40 40
Total $2075 01i
111 of which is assessed in propor-
tion to the special benefits conferred.
Adopted Ilecenlhc•r 22nd, 1916. •
Approved 1400011liter 23rd, 1916.
City Recorder.
:\1d. \IcL1)nghlin moved the adop-
tion of the resolution.
carried by the following vote:
Yeas- -Aids. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
\tc1.anghlin, I'I:nuondon, Strobel,
Nays ----None.
City Recorder She:) presented and
read the notice, certified to by the
publishers, of the city Council's in-
tention to levy a spel inl assessment
to pay for in1provin;; I il'th Street
front the west property line of Locust
Street to the east properly line of
liI111Y Street, Janies 1 . Leo, con-
tractor. ((0 motion of Md. McLaugh-
lin, the notice was received and filed.
11)•solv1(1 by the City council of the
City of 1/nhu,111e. '1'11,)t to pay for im-
proving Furth Street from the west
property line of Locust Street to the
east property line ((1 min: Street, by
.las. F. Lee, contractor, in front of
and adjoining the same, a special tax
be and is hereby levied on the sev-
e11.1 1(11s 1)11(1 r11 1,1• 101s :111(1 parcels
of real eslale h(,rein,)fier named,
situated 111141 owned, and for the sev-
eral amounts set opposite each lot of
po 1 cel of real estate, :as follows:
4)44.114.1.. llescription. Total.
AI. and A. Rogers, ('ity l.ot,
N. 30 ft. 1.ot 103, asphalt-
ic concrete paving and
curb and gutter, , cost,
$52.38; interest at 6 per
cent, 37c; extra expense at
2 per cent, $1.05 $ 53 80
I.. Bradley Est., City
Lot, S. 3-1.6 ft. Lot 105, as-
phaltic concrete paving
and curb and gutter, cost,
$83.55; interest at h per
cent, 60c: extra expense at
2 per cent, $1.67 85 82
Wm. L. Bradley Est., City
T.ot 104, asphaltic con-
crete paving and curb
:11111 gutter, cost, $399.08;
interest at 6 per cent,
$22.86; extra expense at 2
per cent, $7.98 409 92
May Delaney, City T.ot, W
44 ft. N. 23.1 ft. Lot 105
asphaltic concrete paving
and curb and gutter, cost,
$85.09; interest at 6 per
cent, 61 c; extra expense at
2 per cent, $1.70
Mary ('leaves, ('ity Lot, E
70 ft. N. 23.1 ft. Lot 105
asphaI1 ic• concrete paving
and curl) :11111 gutter, cost,
$155.38; interest at 6 per
cent, 98c; extra expense at
2 per cent, $2.71
d. 11. Green, City Lot, S. 40.8
ft. I.ot. 105, asphaltic con-
crete paving and curb and
glitter, cost, $178.62; in-
terest at 6 per cent,
$1.18; extra expense at 2
per cent, $3.58
.1. 11. (seen, City Lot, N. 23.8
ft. Ica 106, asphaltic con-
crete paving and curb and
gutter, cost, $61.95; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 44c; ex-
tra expense at 2 per cent,
Anna Shea, City Lot, S. 40.8
ft. Lot 106, asphaltic con-
crete paving and curb and
gutter, cost $73.99; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 53c; ex-
tra expense at 2 per cent,
A. A. Cooper (Inc.), City
Lot 138, asphaltic con-
crete paving and curb and
gutter, cost, $135.93; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 98c;
extra expense' at 2 per
cent, $2.72
1.. A. Walch, City :Lot 137,
asphaltic concrete paving
and curb and gutter, cost,
$399.08; interest. at 6 per
cent, $2.$6; extra expense
at 2 per cent, $7.98
Thedinger Est., City
Lot 136, asphaltic concrete
paving and curb and gut-
ter, cost, $399.08; interest
at 6 per cent, $2.86; extra
expense at 2 per cent,
A. C. Kleine, City Lot, N. %
Lot 135, asphaltic con-
crete paving and curb
and gutter, cost, $79.32;
interest at 6 per cent,
57c; extra expense at 2
per cent, $1.58
Francis Kirk, Jr., City Lot,
S. _ T.ot 135, asphaltic
concrete paving and curb
and gutter, cost, $56.62;
interest at 6 per cent, 40c;
extra expense at 2 per
cent, $1.13
87 40
139 07
183 48
63 63
76 00
139 63
409 92
409 92
81 47
58 15
Total $2198 21
1124.24 sq. yds. asphaltic
concrete paving at $1.65$1854 99
100.4 sq. yds. plain cement
Special Session, Dec. 22, I9I6.
gutter at $1.30
368.0 lin. ft. new cement
curb at 42c
Interest at 6 per cent
Extra expense
130 52
154 56
15 34
42 80
$2198 21
All of which is assessed in propor-
tion to the special benefits con-
Adopted December 22nd, 1916.
Approved December 23rd, 1916.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Recorder.
Ald. McLaughlin moved the adop-
tion of the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
leas—Aids. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
\1cl.aughlin, Plamondon, Strobel,
Nays --None.
Alderman Wallis offered the follow-
Whereas, the contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Dubuque
for the paving of Fourth street from
Locust street to Bluff street, herein-
after described has been completed,
and the City Engineer has computed
.oat the cost and expense of said im
provement amount to $2,075.06.
Therefore, Be it Resolved by the
City Council of the City of Dubuque,
That to provide for the cost of im-
proving Fourth street from the west
property line of Locust street to the
east property line of Bluff street, the
Mayor be and he is hereby required to
execute and deliver to the City Re-
corder, to be by him registered and
countersigned, eight bonds for two
hundred and fifty dollars each and
one for seventy-five and 60-100 dol-
lars, numbered 4775 to 4783 inclusive
dated January 22nd, 1917, payable on
or before seven years after the date
thereof, and bearing interest at the
rate of five per cent. per annum,
payable semi-annually
Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote.
Yeas—A.Ids. Callahan, frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel,
Alderman Wallis offered the follow-
'Whereas, The contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Dubuque
for the improvement. of Fifth street
hereinafter described has been com-
pleted, and the City Engineer has
computed that the cost and expense'of
said improvement amount to $2,198.21
Therefore, Be it Resolved by the
City Council of the City of Dubuque,
That to provide for the cost of im-
proving Fifth street from the west
property line of Locust street to the
east property line of 111(111 street, the
\Mayor be and he is hereby required
10 e'0(11(e and deliver to the City. Ite-
corder, to he by hint registered and
countersigned, eight bonds for 'Mico
Hundred and Fifty dollars each rind
one for One Hundred and ninety-eight
and 21-100 dollars, numbered 1784 to
4792 inclusive, dated January 22nd,
1917, payable on or before seven
years after the date thereof, ruin
bearing interest at the rate of fire per
cent. per annm, payable semi-an-
Ald. \Vallis moved the aJoption o1
the resolution,
Carried by the following vote.
Yeas—Alds, Callihan, Frith, Leist,
Mc La ughlin, Plant ondon, Strobel,
Dubuque, Iowa, Dec. 22, 1916.
7'o the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: The Lull valve on Lot
1 of 16 Kings 1st. A11111fon owned by
Winifred Carney vVI5 assessed for
1914 and 1915 without deducting tho
10'x, on land allowed by the Council.
The revised valuation should he
$6,420.00 instead of $7,1:1.(10 land
value. I therefore tad 11ion your
honorable body to instruct the City
Treasurer to have Ibis amended on his
FRED J. 11h:T.LEit,
1 1tv :A5Se5.',O(',
On motion of :\Id. 11e1.au;:h1111 the
report of the city .lssessnr (V,i1 ,tp-
proved and the ('11y 'I'r.nsnrer ins-
tructed accordingly.
To the Honorable A110 or andd 1'ity
Gentlemen: I return :II, the
petition of the Dubuque Itiscllil com-
pany, asking that the city accept the
sum of Twenty -live 1$25) dollars, for
the special assessment, for the im-
provement of 9t11 street, levied against
('ity Lot 379.
I beg to advise Hutt said Special
Assessment has becalm. outlawed and
uncollectible. I therefore recommend
to your 1 -Honorable 1:111v 1;11(1 you ac-
cept the amount offered 9s payment
in full for said assea.;tncnt.
-Respectfully ::nhcnitted,
\I. 1). COO\I:'t',
Assist int 1'it c .\ttoruey.
On motion of Ald. 511,11(1 the re-
port of Ass't. city .Attorney Cooney
was approved and the City Treasurer
instructed accorlingly,
Maintenance Bonds of .lames I. Lee
for the following impro' orients,
Fourth street from Locust to Ilhiff
Streets, Second Street froth Locust to
Bluff streets, West Third street from
Burch to Alpine streets, Fifth street
from I.ocust to Muff streets, fourth
street from Main to Locust streets,
522 Special Session, Dec. 26,
I'bird street from 1,oc•ust to Bluff
streets, presented and read. On mo-
tion of .\111. Frith the bonds were re-
ferred to the City Attorney.
.\Id. \lel.oaughlin moved that the
committee of the Whole view the
grounds on the improvement of
Fourth stet from \loin street to
Locust street and the improvement of
i'icket.t. street 'Tuesday, December 26,
1916, :at 2:00 p. in. Carried.
.\Id. Callahan moved that the pur-
c h:csing of shock absorbers for the City
Anthillainc,• be left in the hands of the
Poo rd of l lentil] with power. Parried.
Aid. \l'1 :uighlin moved to take
from the committee of the Whole the
pelilion of 1;, \V. kende! relative to
coneeling the speeinl nssessplent
levied against Lot S Martin's Dubuque
for the construction of a permanent
sidewalk. Carried.
Aid. McLaughlin moved to defer
action on the petition of It. W. Kern -
ler till as later date. Carried.
Ald. Strobel moved to adjourn.
City Recorder.
City Recorder.
c c)Itl'ial.)
Special Session, IUocember 26th, 1916.
Council met nt S:20 p. m.
Mayor Saul in the chair.
Present -- Aldermen Frith, Letst,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel and
:\.bsent-- \ldertnan Callahan.
Mayor Saul. stated that this meet-
ing is called for the purpose of act-
ing on special assessments and any
other business that might properly
come before a regular meeting of the
Pity Council.
communication of It. Musser, pres-
ident. AV'inall Building Company, wish-
ing to withdraw his remonstrance
against the improvement of Fourth
Street from Main Street to Locust
Sti vet, presented and read. On mo-
tion of Ald. heist, the communication
was made a matter of record.
Petition of 1)ubuclue Team Owners'
Association, asking. the City Council
to discontinue the practice of oiling
streets with a. heavy grade, presented
and read. on motion of Aid. Wallis,
the petition was referred to the Com-
mittee of the Whole.
\otii•e of claim of Sarah Cole in
the scan of $10,000.00 for injuries
sustained in falling on sidewalk on
the northerly side of Julien avenue at
the intersection of hock street pre-
sented and read. On motion of Ald.
'McLaughlin the notice was referred
to the city attorney.
Dec. 26, 1916.
To the Honorable Mayor and Mem-
bers of the Pity Council.
Gentlemen: Have investigated at-
tached petition of E. H. Willging rela-
tive to assessment against lot 16,
-Marsh's .\dd. for improving N. Main
street. and find that this lot was fig-
ured at too Marge an area due to mis-
take in plats. The assessment on this
lot should be $67.67 instead of $96.33
and would respect 11111y recommend
the city treasurer lie instructed to
snake this change.
Respectfully submitted,
1F. :I. \Ic\I'I,TY,
city 'Engineer.
On motion of Ald. Mcl.,aughlin the
report of the city engineer was ap-
proved and the city treasurer in-
structed accordingly.
Pity Recorder Shea presented and
read the notice, certified to by the
publisher's, of the city c'ouncil's in-
tention to levy it special assessment
to pay for improving Third street
from the west property line of Lucust
street to the east property line of
Bluff street, .James F. Lee, contractor.
on motion of Ald. Wallis the notice
vias received :incl filed.
Special Session, Dec. 26, 1916.
ltesolvcd hy' the City council of the
City of 1lnhuclne, That to pay for int -
proving 'Third street from the west
property line of Locust street to the
oast property line of Muff street by
Jas. I", Lee, contractor, in front of
and adjoining s'1)nle, a special tax be
and is hertlly levied on the several
lots, and parts of lots, ;Ind parcels of
real estate hereinafter mused, situate
and owned, :nus for the several
amounts set opposite each lot or par-
cel Of real estate, as follows:
Dinah \\'. I;ennetl, cit( lot
111, Asphalt concrete pav-
ing and c•urhing cost, $143.-
79; interest a1 G';. in.0:3;
extra expense :11 2';,
$2.85; .$ 147 70
Ih'os., eily lot N. 1-3,
lot 112; asphalt enner('te
paving and curbing. cost,
$82.57: interest :il G'.
59e; extra expense at _ ,
:\lIeluiel I'o(('('rs. city lot S.
21.8 ft., S lot 112,
asphaltic ('011 conerelc paving
and (Tubing cost. 21 ti..ti0
interest at G';. $1.',7; ex-
tra expense 111 - , . S I.:! 7 1.. 2 2 1 7
Ellen 13. AV'oo)3, ('I1y Lots N.
21.1 ft. S. 2-11 los 112;
asphaltic concrete paving
and curbing cost, `5120.49;
interest at 6 per cent, 85c;
(At ra expense at 2 per
82.10; total 123 74
stcwart and Powers, 1'ity lot
lot 113; asphaltic concrete
paving and curbing cost.
$422.17; interest at 6 per
cent, $3.1)3; extra expense
at 2 per cent, $8.44; total 433 64
Tats Enright, City I.ot, lot
114; asph:(ltic concrete
Paving and ein'bing cost,
$143.79; int crest. at 6 per
cent, $1.03; extra expense
at 2 per cent, $2.88; total 147 70
Jas. J. Connors, City 1 ot,
lot 127; asphaltic. concrete
Paving and curbing cost,
$143.79; interest. at 6 per
cent, $1.03; extra expense
at 2 per cent, $2.88; total 147 70
S. 1'. 111(100, City I.0t, lot 128;
aspholtic concrete paving
and curbing cost, $422.17;
interest. at 6 per cent,
$3.03; extra expense :11 2
per cent, $8.44; total 433 G4
Anna Gilden, City lot, lot 129;
asphaltic concrete paving
and curbing cost, $422.17;
interest :It 6 per cent,
$3.03; extra expense at 2
per cent, $8.44; total 433 64
J. 1". ,Tess, et al, City Lot,
lot 130; asphaltic concrete
paving and curbing cost,
$14:3.7:); interest at 6 per
85 12
tent, *3.03; extra expense
at 2 per cont, $2.8s; total 147 71)
Total $2%2 32
1223.24 sq. yds. asphaltic
concrete paving :11 $ I .6U... $206 7 27
504 lin. ft. new cement curl)
at :39c•. 1901 56
Interest at 6 per cent 16 22
Extra expense 45 27
To1:1 1
$2325 :3'
.\ II (,1' which is 11ssesse)l in propor-
tion to the special benefits conferred.
.Adopted 101,10ber 2f,, 1916.
\pprov('(3 I)oc(nther 27. 191G.
.I .\ \1 I•:S S.\ I' I .•
.\ 11 (•sl : .1. .1. SI 1 I?.\ •
city 1Z(''I', er.
.\1(l. \lel,:tughlin moved isle a,1op-
lion of the res3,lntion. ('arried he
the following cote:
Yeas .\Idx. 101110. Leis). \Ie1.1illgh-
lin, I'l:lnlon(lon, Firth, 1,
Nays None.
Absent- .\.Ids. ('111lah:In.
\Id. 1''rilli moved to take from thn
('ontnlillee of the \\'hole the special
os:,esvalenl for 1110 intprovenicnt o;
F0111111 Stre01, 31.001 the west proper-
ty line of Alain Street to the crit.
property line of I.0e0s1 Street, ;Intl al-
so the v('l'i)tel- renlonsItnnee of It.
Musser, 1,1,s.. (\'in:lll l:(il l't3 ('oal-
pany, and 11. 11. Spensley :13(1(1314)'
said improvement mid net 011 them in
the Council meeting. Copilot!.
Wallis moved to receive and
file the written r((nonstranee of It.
\lessor, pretildent. AYinall l:ilil(1111g'
('010 pony, and H. 11. Spensley,
against the improvement of Fourth
street front the (Gest property line of
Main street to 111e east property line
of Locust street. 1'arri((1.
Resolved by the city council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for int -
proving fourth street front Inc (vest
property line of 711:Iin street to 111e
east property lino of 1,0 (1st street, by
Jas. F. 1.e), contractor, in front of
and adjoining the saute, a special tax
be and is hereby levied 00 the sever-
al lots, and parts of lots, and p(1( 114
of real ('1411110, herein;ll'tor named, sit-
uate and owned, an(1 for the several
amounts set opposite welt 101 or Pa l'-
(.01 0l' (01(3 o511111', 05 follows:
()caner 1 (eseript ion. Amt.
L'ossonian oiol Ives, City 1.01,
N. 1-3 los 1471 1splt:1ltic
concreie pacing' and curb
ai1(3 gutter cost, $;32.82;
interest :it 6 per rent,
230; extra e\pnse at 2 per
rent, 66c; lol:ll $ :33 71
J. J. Nagle, ('icy Lot, S. 2-3
lot 6 7 ; asphaltic concrete
paving and curl) and gut-
ter cost, $97.16; interest
at G per cent, 70e;
524 Special Session, Dec. 26, 1916.
expense at 2 per cent,
$1.94; total
J. .1. Nagle, ('ity Lot, N. 11
in. lot 68; asphaltic con-
crete paving and curb and
gutter cost, $290; interest
at 6 per cent, 3c; extra
expense at 2 per cent, 6c;
Jake Jtosenthal, City Lot, S.
6:1.1 fl. lot 68; asphaltic
concrete paving and curb
and gutter cost, $378.72; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $2.72;
extra expense a1 2 per cent,
$7.57; total
Win. l,awtber, Sr., ('ity 1,o1,
N. 44 ft. lot. 69: asphaltic
concrete paving :nut curb
and gut tor cost, $314.59;
interest at. 6 per cent,
x2.21: extra. expense at 2
per ('('11). $6.29; total
John .1. \I('11ona1(1, ('ity 1.ot,
S. 20.6 ft.. Int 69; asphal-
tic eoncrefe paving and
curl( and gutter cost,
$67.03; interest at. 6 per
cent, 49c; extra expense
:it 2 pct. cent, 51. ; 1; total
John .1. Al ' 10n:11(I, ('ity Lot,
N. 2x.:1 ft. Int 70; asphaltic
concrete paving: an(I curb
and glitter cost, $63.28;
interest at 6 per cent, 46c;
extra expense at 2 per
Rout, $1.26• total
Samuel i<npald, Pity I.ot. S
20 ft. lot 70; :asphaltic
concrete paving 110(1 curb
and cutler cost, $42.46;
interest at 6 per cent,
:I0e; extra expense at 2 per
cent, S6c; total
Jas. 1('. ('rider, ('ily 1,et, lot
70a; asphaltic concrete
paving and curb and gut-
ter cos). $24.25; interest
at 6 1.-1 cent, 17c•; extra.
expense ..t 2 per cent, 48c;
1 :,.. 1(1:111 :1u1 1 ves, Pity 1.ot,
S. 28.6 ft. lot 91; asphal-
tic concrete paving and
curl: 4(11(1 gutter cost,
$45.17; interest at 6 per
cent. :.l c; extra expense at
2 p,•r cent. 961'; total
1 1,1011 I:c11. I'n,l. 1-2 ('ity
Lot. N. fl. lot 91; 1 red
L'cll, I'n 1. 1-2 ('ity l.ot,
lot 91; asphaltic c'oncr'ete
paving 311(1 ('l,ll'b an(1 gut-
ter cost, $81.82; interest
at. 6 per cent, SSc; extra
expense at 2 per cent,
$1.64; total
Frank Fell, 1'11(1. 1-2 City
I.ot, lot 92; Fred Bell, Und.
1-2 City Lot, lot 92; as-
phaltic concrete paving
and curb and gutter cost,
99 80
2 99
389 01
323 13
68 86
65 00
43 62
24 90
49 47
84 04
$381.62; interest at 6 per
cent, $2.73; extra expense
at 2 per cent, $7.63; total 391 98
11. 1.agen, City I.ot, lot 93;
:asphaltic concrete paving
and curb and gutter cost,
$3s1.62; interest at 6 per
cent, $2.73; extra expense
at. 2 per cent, $7.63; total.. 391 98
B. I.agen, ('ity l.ot, S. 2.4 ft.
lot 94; asphaltic concrete
paving and curb and gut-
ter cost, $5.63; interest at
G per cent, 4c; extra ex-
pense at 2 per cent, 12e;
total 5 79
Mich. 'I'. l:yon, City Lot, S.
1-2 N. 02.2 f1. lot 94; as-
phaltic concrete paving
and curb and gutter cost,
._.26; interest
111 6 per
cent, 52c; extra ('xpense at
2 I)•r cent. $1.41; total .... 74 22
Thos. Dolan, ('ity I.ol, A. 1-2
N. 62.2 11. lot 94; asphaltic
concrete paving and curb
and gutter cost, $52.09;
interest at. 6 per cent, 37c;
�.ir:i expense at 2 per
cent, $1.04; total 53 50
Total $2102 00
11 20.:; ; so. yds. asphaltic
concrete paving at $1.65$1848 54
100.22 sq. yds. plain cement
gutter at $1.30 130 28
169 lin. ft. new cement curb
at .10c 67 60
Interest at 6 per cent 14 66
Extra expense 40 92
Total $2102 00
All of which is assessed in propor-
tion to the special benefits conferred.
Adopted December 26, 1916.
Approved December 27, 1916.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Recorder.
Aid. McLaughlin moved the adop-
tion of the resolution. Carried by
the following vote:
Peas --Aids. Frith, Leist, McLaugh-
lin, 1'lamondon, Strobel, Wallis.
Nays --None.
Absent—A.lds. Callahan.
Alderman Wallis offered the fol-
Whereas, The contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Dubuque
for the improvement of Fourth street
from Main street to Locust street
hereinafter described has been com-
pleted, and the city engineer has com-
puted that the cost and expense of
said improvement amount to $2,102.00
Therefore, Be it Resolved by the
City Council of the City of Dubuque,
That to provide for the cost of im-
proving Fourth street from the west
property line of Main street to the
Special Session, Dec. 26, 1916.
east property line of Locust street, the
mayor be and he is hereby required
to execute and deliver to the city re-
corder, to he by him registered and
countersigned, eight bonds for Two
Iiundred and Nifty Dollars each and
one for One Hundred and Two Dol-
lars, numbered 4803 to 4811 inclusive,
dated January 26th. 1917, payable on
or before seven years alto:: the date
thereof, and bearing interest at the
rate of five per cent per annum, pay-
able semi-annually.
Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas-- :\lds. Frith, Leist, \ieT.augh-
lin, Plamondon, Strobel, Wallis.
Nays- •None.
Absent --.\P1. Callahan.
Alderman Wallis offered the fol-
When iis, The contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Dubuque
for the improvement of Third street,
hereinafter described has been com-
pleted, and the city engineer has
computed that the cost and expense
of said improvement amount. to $2,-
Therefore, Be it Resolved by the
city council of the City of Dubuque.
That to provide for the cost of im-
proving Third street from the west
property line of Locust street to the
east property line of Bluff street. the
mayor be and he is hereby required
to execute and deliver to the city re-
corder, to be by him registered and
countersigned, nine bonds for Two
Hundred and Fifty Dollars each and
one for Seventy-tive and 32-100 Dol-
lars, numbered 47:13 to 4802 inclusive,
dated January 26th. 1917, payable on
or before seven years after the date
Thereof, and bearing interest at the
rate of five per colt per annum, pay-
able semi-anuually.
Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas--Alds. Frith, Leist, McLaugh-
lin, Plamondon, Strobel, Wallis.
Absent--Ald. Callahan.
Petition of R. W. Kemler asking
the city council to cancel the special
assessment Levied against Lot 8 Mar-
tin's Dubuque for the construction of
a permanent sidewalk presented and
read. Ald. McLaughlin moved to
suspend the rules for the purpose of
allowing Mr. Kemler to address the
council. Carried by the following
Yeas—Alds. Frith, Leist, McLaugh-
lin, Plamondon, Strobel, Wallis.
Absent—Ald. Callahan.
Mr. Kemler addressed the council
relative to his petition. On motion
of Ald. McLaughlin the petition was
received and filed.
Ald. Wallis moved that the space
be Left blank in the plans and speci-
fications for street improvements rel-
ative to the number of years requir-
ed for maintenance bond. Carried.
.1ld. \lel.iuiglilin moved that as-
phaltic concrete be not included in
the plans and specifications for street
improvements. Carried.
Ald. Wallis moved to adjourn. Car-
City Recorder.
.\dopted %h4
—, 917.
.\ pproved
ty Recorder.
Special Session, Dec. 29, 1916.
-aion, 1 weenther 29, 1916.
IneI. at 10:50 a. 111.
Mayor Saul in the chair.
Present --Aids. 1':1110.11011, 1i'rith,
l,cist, '%l('l cnghlin, 1'lamondon, Stro-
bel, Wallis.
liaeor 5;1111 stilted that this meet-
ing is called for the purpose of adopt-
ing; resolutions relative to the sale of
hventc -year four per cent refunding
bonds dated .l:nlnary 1st:, 1917, and
a(111)g on any other business that
aright. properly (wale before a regu-
lar sleeting of the city council.
.\1(Icr11ut0 Wallis offered the fol-
Ile it Resolved by the city council
"I' the 1'il\' of Dnhn,ple, 'Thal the res-
olnlim1, 1 '1) 1 far'1' adopted pr'ov'iding
for the irsn1lnce of l\yenr\• \'e;1)• fora'
per cool 1,111ndi11g bonds in the snuff
of lune IIonr1red ;111(1 'I'vwenly 'I'hnn-
sa11d 1/oll:il's, adapted 11oCO11111o• 15,
19111, le ;aid they Oro 11l•rehy rc•sc111d-
0(1. A1.1. \\':111 is 4)aw,•01 the 1) I0pt1On
of :110 r,•�olulioll 1'arried by the fol-
Yens .Aids. Callahan, Frith, Leist.
\lel, 11;;I�lin, I'Inmendon, Strobel,
\iffy:: Nall('.
\ n,ololi((4 to 1'oyi(11' for the 1S -
Ili,. of refunding bonds on the City-
al' I ,1 1Il.jne, Iu\y:1 for the purpose of
�efiinding (,slain oufst:111ling and
ui 1111re,l 1,0(1,1s.
\\'1„•re:is, The Wily of 1)nbnclue,
11()\:1, i' ,ills) 1y :Ind legally indented
on i1'. certain valid outstanding bonds
to the amount of one 11un(1red and
144 '11ty thousand dollars vvliic•h out-
standing howls w'r,• heretofore issued
by the said city under :1 resolution
duly and legally passed by the city
council thereof in the year 1901, and
which outstanding bonds hear inter-
est :1t the rate of font. per cent per
:nulunl, p:1y:11de sonri-:uunr;111 y, an(1
become ,Ise and payable on the 1st
day 01' January, .A, 11., 191 7, :nal said
o111stamling bonds have been issued
to refnu(1 and pay certain other out -
51:1nding bonds 4)1' the said city tllere-
lolere issued to p:1y \:111(1 indebted-
ness of the said city heretofore con-
traete,l and incurred; and
\\'11,•rcas, 'Tho said outstanding
bonds which so hec•onie due on Janu-
ary 1st, 19 1 7, are in all respects reg-
ular, legal and vali(1, and the inter-
est thereon haying been regularly
paid by the said city during all the
time they have 1)001) so outstanding;
\l'loreas, It, being deemed for the
public interest to refund said bonds;
\Whereas, 'rite city lets full power
and authority under the laws Of said
SI:de of lewa to issue bonds and
hereinafter provided to refund the
said outstanding bonds so due, now
110 it resolved Ity 1110 city council
of the Pity of Dubuque, Iowa,. Sec-
tion I. That there are hereby au-
thorized and directed to 1)e issued by
and in behalf of said Wily of Dubuque
its refunding bonds According to and
of the form hereinafter contained to
the amount of one hundred and twen-
ty thousand dollars under date of Jan-
uary 1st, 1917, in denominations of
one thousand dollars each, payable
i,\\enty years from date bearing in-
ieres1 11 111• rate of four per cent per
:nulunl, payable semi-annually on the
first ,lay of .11)1y and January,
daring said terra, to be evidenced by
intere,41coupons attached to said
loads. 114)111 interest and principle of
said bonds to he made payable in
lawful money of the faired States of
.A)neric•a at the ('ontinental ;and Com-
mercial 0)1 :Aatiotall 1101)10 of Chicago,
Illinois=. The said bonds shall be sign-
ed by the mayor and attested by the
recorder of the said city 'under its
corporate seal, and the interest cou-
pons thereto attached shall be signed
by the mayor and attested by the re-
corder of said city. with the seal of
the city affixed, and said bonds being
numbered from one to one hundred
and twenty, bot'' inclusive, and said
interest coupons being numbered from
one to forty, 1)4)111 inclusive.
Section 2. 'Thal said bond shall be
substantially in the following form,
subject to the necessary changes as
to the numbers, maturity of conponi
and other necessary variations there-
1'NI'I'I:D S'T.\'I'1:S (11' .\ \11;rtTCA,
\TV, OI' I((\\'.\, ('(11'\'I'1' (1h` DU -
111'c11'1':, 4'I1'1' (11'' 111'111'(21'1•:, l`OTTIt
1'1.11: ('1•:\7.` Ill:' l'\I>I\(i IIOYDS.
No. $1,000.00.
The illy of Dubuque, in the state
of Iowa, for valuation received,
promises 10 pay to the bearer One
Thousand Dollars, of lawful money of
the i'nitc,1 dates of America, on Jan-
uary 1st, A. I). 1.937, with interest
on said sunt i1•os1 the date hereof un-
til paid :it the rate of four per cent
per annum, payable semi-annually,
on the first day of July and Janu-
ary of each year on presentation
and surrender oil the interest coupon
hereto attached; both principle and
interest payable at the Continental
and commercial National Bank of
Chicago, Illinois.
'I'Iti.s bond is issued by the City of
Dubuque, Iowa, pursuant to the pro-
visions o1' Section 901 to 911, inclu-
sive, of ('hapten \II Title V of the
('ode of Iowa, and in conformity to a.
Special Session, Dec. 29, 1916.
resolution of the council of said city,
duly passer), a true and complete copy
of which is printed on the back here-
of. .\11,1 it is hereby certified and re-
cited that all acts, conditions and
things roquil'ed by the laws and con-
stitution of the State of Iowa to bo
done, precendelt to and in the issue
of tlds bond have been properly
done, happened and been perforated
in regular and due form as required
by h(\c, 01 11(1 that the indebtedness of
said city, including this bond, dors
not exceed the constitutional or stat-
utory- limitations.
In 1(51 inlony \whereof, said City of
1)ubn(gnc 1,y its council lens caused
this bond l0 1)e 1-) - ( (1 by its mayor
and :111(51ed by its recorder, with the
seal (11' N;Ii 1 cite :111 ne11o(1, this f11's1
,l,, ni J:,un:in, 191 7.
lad u1' of the ('ilk' of Dubuque, Ievcn.
Attest: .
t'ity 1;01'•0rder of the ,'il). of 1(111ouine.
hu1111 (9(1•I'ON.
No. - - .
on 1 he Mist day of July, 1 917, the
('its' of I / ol111que promises to pay to
11\e bearer, as provided in the within
bond, the stun of $----- in lawful
money of the United States of Amer-
ica, at the Continental and Commer-
cial National Bank of Chicago, Illi-
nois, being six months interest duo
that day on its refunding bond, No.
----, dated January 1st, 1917.
Mayor of the City of Dubuque.
City Recorder of the City of Dubuque,
1 o\v'n.
'tion :1. That the said One Hun-
dred and 'I'vcl,nty Thousand Dollars of
bonds so io be issued upon being ex-
ecuted by affixing thereto the cor-
porate seal of the City of Dubuque
and being signed by the proper offi-
cers thereof, shall be sold, exchanged
or substituted for the said outstand-
ing four per cent bonds, which so be-
come due on January 1st, 1 91 7, but
in no case at loss 1lian par value
thereof, nor shall the said bonds au-
thorized by this resolution nor the
proceeds thoreof, be used for any
other purpose t11,1 11 for paying, re -
dooming and refunding the said d.' -
scribed outstanding' fou' per cent
Section A. That the said coupons
attached to the said four per cent re-
funding bonds shall be signed by the
fac-simile signature of. 1 lo mayor of
the City of Dubuque and attested by
the fac-simile signature of the city
recorder of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, and that from the said coupons
there may be omitted the placing of
the city seal of the City of Dubuque.
Rection 5. The bond herein au-
thorized shall he duly and properly
1'cgis1e1'cl1 in 111,• ''1(1, of tit cite
ire:lslln'r of the City of IDubuqu0,
.Anooted December 29111, 1:(18.
Approved 1)(4,01111ngr _!1111, 191 11.
l .\
M RS \ 1 1 „
.11:1 cor.
tIcs1 : .1. .1. SI 11:.\.
('sty Recorne1'.
.\ Id. \Vallis !limed the adoption of
the resolution. 'NIT 11 fol-
lo\\'ing V,111,
1'0:1: \Ids. (':1IIn1uu1, l ril11 I.eist,
\Icl.nnglllin, 1'lulnouolon, Slrohel.
Nays Nom-.
A resolution directing the cite
t.rcasnror of the Pity of 1tnhn,lne to
sell l'oun' per cent rofnnllin;r bonds.
\\'here:ls, The city council of 111'•
'sty of 1)ulnioue, deeming it neces-
snry and for 11)0 public gond to re-
fund the outstanding indehtednoss of
the City of Dubuque in the slum of
1(01 I1nnnr01 and 'I'\vorllr '(11ons:un1
Dollars by the issuance of its refud-
ing bonds; and
\Vheroas, Lids have been asked 00(1
receiccd for the sale of said bonds at
fon 1)er cent interest, payable semi-
annually; and
\V1101'0115, A. 11. f.0ach ,t ('). rind
\Vitt. 11. Compton Il'-. Co., :jointly, of
Chicago, Illinois, 11us submitted its
bid to buy said bonds at Isar, allow-
ing a premium to the (_'it' of Dn-
lluque in the stun of $^-_s,.an and will
furnish blank bonds ready 1'or sign0-
tnre wiihout charge for legal :Ind
other expense:;: and
\Vh0rcas, Said hid is the highest
bid offcrod I•ur 101id Mond isr:ne; naw
Le i1. 01 V1.11 h�' 1110 :119' council
of tho City of Iu1hn,lne, -that the city
treasurer he null 110 is11(1 to nntho1'-
17.e(1 x1141 dlree1e 1 1,1 5111 S:I111 1,4,11115 :it
pat' to A. 11. 1.1•:1c•1) & Co. ::0d \\'In. R.
Compton k I'o., jointly, of I'hic:lgo,
Illinois, I11ey being the highest bid-
der, said bonds to 110 in the denomi-
nation of 0110 1110118011d (1011111's )ach,
bearing interest at the rate of four
pe colt Per :ulnum, semi -nn -
n 10119. said bonds In ho payable :It
Continental and ,'onnoerci:ll \a-
11ona1 1;:119 of Chicago, Illinois, in
accordance with the bird and proposal
oll'crcd to said hinder, \which bid and
proposal are ihereby lanae ft part of
this resolution.
.Adopto,1 Iiecelnh, r 711111, 1918.
\.pprowed I1ec1•1nher "9111, 1911;.
J. .1.
.\ld. \Vallis moved the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas --.Alas. Callahan, Frith, T,olst,
McT.a.nghlin, Piamondon, Strobel,
528 Special Session, Dec. 29, 1916.
x\:111 i
Nays None.
\1(l. I rith moved that the different
railroad companies be notified to
raise and lower both gates on rail-
road crossings at the sante time. Car-
:\Id. McLaughlin moved that the
matter of installing public comfort
stations in the city of Dubuque be
referred to the appropriation com-
mittee. curried.
\Id. 1.'11111 oohed that the city car-
penters he inslru(te(1 to teal' down
the weighing' shed located on the
south side of the city hall building
and that the city recorder be instruct-
ed 1(1 advertise for 1111. sale of the
platform scales Used ,(1 said weigh-
ing shed 111 public :(action to he held
Saturday, .I:lnll,(ry Gth, 1917, at 10:00
o'clock a. 111. Carried.
.\.I(I. Strobel moved to adjourn.
.Adopted --C
.\ pproVed
.T. .T. 5111:.\,
Illy 'Recorder.
y Recorder.
List of Warrants.
Nieho.las a':nnl�l�� Il ::l : 1
List of City Warrants„,,aIn c'araell ........... _ ,1
Thom., ('ain ::1 _1
— 'Phos. Connolly :1 =1
Dubuque, Iowa' Philip 1umphy -.-- : :11 a.:.
To the Honur;H4le Mayor :and City Wm. 1)ol;r ::1:
Council of 1rnlinane. 'I'honms I)uggafl :I la'
Gentlemen:'1'lo following is a corn- l:dteard laaily ::I 1::
plete list of all warrants issued by me 1':aUiel: I%nry •11 r
during the month of November, 1916. .,0110 Fox
Salaries for October, 1916. James Flynn
31 _ )
James Sanl, \labor $116 65 Michael I'og;nty ::I lis
Geo. 1). Wybrant, Treasurer.. 133 30 Theo. (�;in,mlhl ::1 21
Otto F. I'uls, Deputy 108 33 Ben (Tray - ::1
L. F. Kolfenbach, Clerk 80 00 John (Kane ::1 1 G
Cyril 1). Lagen, Auditor 116 65 John KiIhy :I :
Carl 0, Weglau, Deputy 88 33 John Kopp :11 ' I
J. J. Shea, Itecorder 116 65 I;arney Ludescher :14 21
Peter Kies, Deputy 93 33 Henry NIneller 34 ::O
Fred J. Heller, Assessor ........125 00 Hugh Nl:urkey 34 _ 1
Harry Gleason. Deputy 100 00 Alfred Noel ;1 �'
h'rank Kenneally, 'Deputy 100 00 John (( 1ition I:'
Matthew H. Czizek, Attorney.. 150 00 74111141 11'1'onnor ::9 I::
Matthew Cooney, Asst. Attor- \liehae1 Ryan I` -2.
105 00 Gus I:,aterna;in :11 29
1\lary C'zizelc, Stenographer ._.. 20 00 Thomas Reilly :11 _ 1
F. .1. 741Nnity, Engineer 166 65 Joseph Stoltz :14 16
Albert Eitel, Asst. Engineer.... 80 00 Patric]: Sullivan :74; 1;'1)
Walter Pullen, Asst. Engineer 125 00 1)1 nnis She li;ut :11
J. J. ltyan, Rodnaalt 80 0(1 John Spielman
Jos. Schlueter, Assn,. Engineer 95 00 'Phomas Sweeney 31 72'1
John W. Lawler, Committee Fred Seyler :16 49
Clerk 100 00 Treat Spielman
Com- Charles Trrlo r 34 27
John Mahoney, :14 16
missioner 40 00 Trani: Williams
Market Mas- :Miss 11. I.rennan 34 30
C. J. McCarthy,
ter 65 00 NI rs. K. I l ihhe 34 30
Thos. Hackney, Tonna Master 45 00 Edward i d \'osheig
40 00
70 00 Police Pension Fund Retained 31 31
Mrs. H. Hoenig, Janitress
Dr. E. T. 'Heinicke, 1[ealth Fire Payroll Last Ilall' October, 1916.
50 00 J. Reint•riOal $ 61 75'
Officer 1). .A h ea rn 40 00
Otto Ceuinann, Sanitary Offi- 75 00 Wm. I 1pau,aa 49 0(1
Eli et.. .. J. -. Meat and I. Eitel 473,1 05020
Milk Inspector 85 00 A. Der _ 43 _62
Ed. Farrel, Ambulance Driver 80 00 A. NIelaoiinell 43 20
:3:: Jas. Lynch, Wharf Toaster 60 00 P. %illi;-:
\. \WilLm•r
Louis Plamon(lon, Alderman I 20
First Ward 25 00 T. Kennedy !'91 20 _ta
J. J. McLaughlin, Alderman F. Nlotela
25 Uo J. Noonan
Second Ward I,, \Womet1 39 211
33 00
Chas. Leist, Alderman Third 25 00 J. Flynn 42 15
Ward 1I. Cain 43 6•,
J. H. Wallis, Alderman 25 00 T. Ryder 43 62 .
Fourth Ward 39 20
\1'm. Smith
E. E. Frith, Alderman Fifth 25 00 NI. Kelley 39 20
Ward 39 20
E. N1 iirlahy
Thos. H. Callahan, Alderman -
at -Large Rooney .” R. Tierney
John E. Strobel, Alderman -at- 25 00 J. \\',iIsh
:i7 25
Large (l. Gehrke 4'_' 16
John Giellis, Chief of Police.. 125 00 l 1<eplalcv 19 10
Geo. Reynolds, for injuries 43 62
received ................................
.............•-- 20 00 J. SWm.nec•lain
:i379 22115
Amanda Beyer, compensation 35 OR I,. 11en•r.°'• 39 20
labor law .............................. J. 1)augher y 32 35
Police Payroll hast. Half October, H. Woodward 39 20
1916. $ 34 27 M. Sweeney
Edward Brunskill ............ T. hlc(xloughlin 39 20
Michael Connolly •-•- 44 27
J. I3enzer
34 �l
1, 39 20
James Corcoran ........................ 44 21 Apel 39 20
John Cody .......................
List of Warrants.
A. Brewer 34 30
Wm. Ryan 34 30
NI. Leist 32 35
Horker 34 30
B. .\leManits 34 30
Wm. Ducey 42 15
A14.144•rinott 39 20
39 20
F. 1<ennenlly
T. G'11i•ien 39 20
11. 1,1'eston 42 15
Al. Fahey 39 20
It. Kennenlly 43 62
.1. Allen 39 20
011111.11 39 20
\\1111. Meyers 34 30
11. 11:1\N:son 34 30
J. Itoshin 42 15
1:itimolt 35 71
I 1: irelt 39 20
1:'. Ilaunigartner 39 20
Pension Fund Itentined 40 06
11. Lochner, Soh. 33 00
1.0ner4ni1, Sul). 33 00
11. Ruh, Sub. 33 00
11. Young, S'ith. 12 60
Dubuque, In., November 2nd, 1916.
To the 11 ((1101;11 \layor and City
Council or the city or 1),Ibilque.
(;(.11t11'111(.1): 1 ii,rewith siibniit ITIY
1/11y1.01r for 1111/01' 011 streets in the
vtiriotis road districts in the City of
lothoque for the Insl 111111. of October,
.1. (1:11011, 3rd 18 88
.1. cnhill, S. \\'. 4 00
T. 4'4411111, 144.141111 28 00
(1. 1)avl:;, 1-5 each 15 00
(;. 2nd 32 50
11. (Hass. 21441 17 76
I'. 1:1.4.14141r, 2nd 10 88
.1. 1:444•11, 1-5 4.00•11 11 00
T. 1,14,4•444114. 21111 23 10
Al,14011.441,1, 24141 25 10
It. A14.1'.11I41.y, 2041 30 00
S. 441414,11, 1-5 each 11 00
.1. 1z.144, 21141 25 00
Spie,:. :14(1 23 54
(1. Schultz, 3rd 18 44
Sclu.tgan, 111.,1 32 50
Tnrner, 3191 23 10
\V. \Villein's, 201 21 10
:111t1 13 10
\I. Ilnitoott. :20,1 31 90
c. :11..1 57 20
/101 14(11111, 1:1., Ntoeinher 21111, 1916.
To the lItootrnhi,, Ahlyor arid City
council of the City 1itibuque.
tontlian11: 1 liero01111 submit MY
payroll 1r sprinkling and sweeping
in the 'itttf Inibuque for the last
half “I 1 h.t.,11,r, 1916:
.1. m.4'441005, 24141 $ 10 45
Colon Electric ('0. 110 65
11. Lagen, 1st, 211(1. :1111, 4th 34 66
c. Van \Vitt, 1st, :1m1 34 65
iloilmque, la., November 2nd, 1916.
t he I 1 onorald e I\ tayor and City
t'ouncil of the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen: 1 herewith submit nly
payroll for labor on sewers in the
city of .1)tibuque for the last half of
tit:totter, 1916:
E. Schaller $ 21 10
W. Coughlin . 21 10
W. Hennessey 14 00
H. Carney 21 10
.1-1. Carney 2 25
\V. Burke 28 00
J. Tobin 18 00
1'. Busch 14 66
C. Busch 11 25
Ilannig 26 66
'P. till 23 32
T. Hi rd 23 32
S. Eusace 2 00
t' Sullivan 37 50
Ed. Ruff, inspector $ 22 00
John Bowen, inspector 7 00
Peter Wertin, inspector 18 00
John Kinsella, inspector 9 00
:John Kean, inspector 26 00
\hitt. Acherer, inspector 8 00
'1'. Width, health 500 00
E. T. Frith, health 318 74
Thos. I,ee, improving McEvoy
Pince 500 00
Thos. Lee, improving :McEvoy
Pince 183 13
C. 11. 11cNamar:1 & co., con-
structing sanitary st.wer in
Wholsor avenue from Sut-
ter street 225 feet norther-
ly 172 82
P. \V". 1 I assett, constructing
sanitary sewer in Atlantic
11 V011 1141 500 00
1'. W. Bassett, constructing
sani111ry sewer in Atlantic
500 00
F. W. Ilassett, constructing
saititnry sewer in Atlantic
avenue 500 00
10. \V. llassett, constructing
sniiitnry sewer in .Atlantic
IIVIlIlIl 30 12
Geo. 14. Wy141.0441, Treasurer,
interest 500 00
Geo. Wyhrant, Treasurer,
500 00
Geo. D. \\'yhrant, Treasurer,
interest 500 00
(1eo. 1). Wybrant, Treasurer,
interest 500 00
Geo. D. Wylmint, l'reasurer,
interest 500 00
Geo. 11. Wybrant, Treasurer,
intert•st 500 00
Cleo. 14. Wybrant, Treasurer,
168 28
(Ieo. H. Wybrant, Treasurer,
13 71
(1. I:. McNamara Sr. Co., 2nd
ruin] 161 00
Fire l'ayroil for First 111411' or Novein-
ber, 19t6.
J. Iteintried $ 62 00
1). Ahearn
AV. Ilipman 50 00
AL 1.111441 47 00
A. 11001• 40 00
A. 114•14onnell 43 00
I'. Zillig 40 00
N. \Vagner 0 40 00
List of 'Warrants.
T. Kennedy 40 00
\lotsch 40 00
.J. Noonan 40 00
l.. Wemett 32 00
J. Flynn 42 00
11. ('ain 43 00
T. Ryder 43 00
Wni. Smith 40 00
M. Kelley 40 00
1'. Murphy 40 00
1t. Tierney 32 00
J. Rooney 37 00
.J. Walsh 37 00
G. Gehrke 42 00
J. Kephler 40 00
J. Smith 43 00
J. Daugherty 40 00
\V. mei lain 40 00
1.. llenzer 37 00
H. Woodward rd 32 00
M. Sweeney 40 00
.1. 1i nzer 40 00
.J. NIeGloughlin 40 00
1). 1INr1(er 35 00
1'. -\ pel 40 00
W. Ryan 35 00
E. 51(1 )erntott
51. I.eist
I'. \ie\lOnns
\V. 1)ncev
h'. Kenne:illy
T. O'ilrien
A. Ilrewer
R. \\'eston
1\1. halie)-
1t. Kenneally
S. Allen
J. Connelly
\V. Moyers
11. lin -on
It. Ii0Sliin
\V. K:)nnolt
l;a nuigartner
I'. kirch
.J. Stafford, Sub
1'. 1.onergan
H. Ruh, Sub.
1-[. I.oc•liner
40 00
32 00
35 00
42 00
40 00
40 00
35 00
42 00
40 00
43 00
40 00
40 00
35 00
35 00
42 00
40 00
40 00
40 00
21 65
32 00
32 00
21 65
Police Payroll First Half November,
Edward Brunskill $ 37 35
James Corcoran 35 00
Michael Connolly 37 35
John Cody 35 00
Nicholas Campbell 37 35
William Carroll 37 35
Thomas Cain 37 35
Thos. Connolly 37 35
Philip Dunphy 42 50
Thomas Duggan 35 00
Ed W/1 I'd Daily 34 65
James Flynn 37 35
1'at.rick Fury 40 00
John Fox 37 35
Theo. Ganahl 37 35
Michael Fogarty 37 35
lien (Fray 37 35
.lolu) Kane 35 00
John Kopp 37 35
John I:ilby 34 65
Barney 1aidescher 37 35
Henry Mueller 35 00
llugli \Incl:
\lfrrd Noel 31 r,-,
.101111 (Yllrien 42 65
\liehnel 1)'('0111101• 42 65
51i(•hael Ityan 1 A 65
Gus I:atertn:In ::7 :15
Tlios. Reilly 37 35
.108o111 Stoltz :15 00
Patrick Sullivan 40 00
John Spielman :15 00
Dennis Sheehan 37 35
'1 10111nS Sweeney 10 011
lied Seyler 35 00
Ioro(I Spielman 40 00
l4 :1111( \\'iilinIns .5 00
Clots. 'I'rnher .,,,
hiss 11. llrenn:tn on
\I rs. K. Il ihbe _ :15 110
I?(I. A'usher;; 37 50
Inbn,tne. ln., 2\l).•nih,•r 161916.
To the Honorable \livor and 1'ily
Count it of the 1'ity of Dubuque.
Gentlemen: I Herewith submit my
payroll for 1•thor 011 shoots in the
various road districts in the City of
1)lllol ne for the first half of Novem-
ber. 1916:
J. Cahill, 3111 $ 18 00
T. Cahill, health 26 00
(1. 14ivis, 1-5 each 7 50
V. Friel:, 3x11 4 00
J. Koch, 1-5 each 6 00
.100. 51c1.0 ;ghli 1. 3rd 6 85
S. Opt,elt, 1-5 each 6 00
N. St les, 11111 16 88
1'. Scioetwiti, 3rtl 32 50
A. 'Turner, :Ird 15 10
1'. Singrin, :11.11 57 20
Gentlemen: I herewith snhntit niv
payroll for sprinl(ling and s1)eepiII(
in 1he city of moiomoo for the first
hall' 0f \ovenilu r. 1916:
11. Logen. 1st. 21111. 3rd, 4th $ 12 38
1'ni0n Electric co. - 9 55
Dubuque, lo., .A'ovoniher l6, 1916.
'I'o the 1lunoi;il,l,, \labor and 1'ily
Council of Iho city of 1)nloI uo.
(lentlei0en: I herewith submit i(0
payroll rot. labor on sewers in the city
of Dubuque for the lirst half of No-
vember. 11116:
I:. Sehoiler $ 24 00
\\'. ("on>;hlin 26 00
11. Carney. 26 00
110rke 26 00
S. I:ustace 8 00
C. Itnsrh 16 00
I`. Itanni 26 00
T. 11ird 18 00
.1. Tobin 6 on
('. 1luseh 11 25
1'. Sullivan 37 50
\Vniter Koerner, expense $115 0o
Chas. \Ic\l:,niis, expense 60 00
('. .A. Voelkor, expense 22 68
Nic. Stoner, grading :Fleet)
street 150 00
W. E. Gregory, inspector 14 00
John Bohn, inspector 6 00
Ed. Huff, inspector 22 00
John Kinsella, inspector 4 00
List of Warrants.
Peter AVertin, inspector
Matt. Ackcrer, inspector
Ike Beekman, inspector
Interlocking Cement Block
('o., 5% retained on retain-
ing wall on Leibnitz street9 45
1l. A. McIntosh, iY/n retained
cement slops on Foye St11 33
Thos. Lee. ., retained ce-
ment steps 011 West 7th
street 10 02
Thos. I..•.•• ..', retained c•e-
nrcnt steps on Angella St 14 49
Thus. 1cc, 5% retained ce-
ment, steps on 18th street30 00
'Phos. Leo, 5% retained ce-
ment steps on West 111h St. 6 02
Thos. Lee, 5% retained ce-
ment steps un \luntrose
Tenser .. _. 7 93
\Vm. 1 oschi, constructing ce-
ment. sidewalk lots 47 and
48 •'I'sclrirgi & Schwind's
Sub. 54 38
\Vmn. Itosc•h1, constructing ce-
ment sidewalk lots 160, 161
and 1 f ' \\•nodlawn Park
Add. .. 124 38
c. 11. \le\an.:.r:4 ,l' Co., 5'4
retained) 41 (4(•r in Washing-
ton street from 22nd to
2411i street 37 56
Jas. 10. Lee, .5% retained on
211d street improvement
from Locust street to Bluff
street 167 27
Jas. 10. Lee, 5'/c retained
Prairie street improvement 53 83
.1ns. 10. Lee, 5% retained on
2nd street im proven1ent
from I Chin street to the C.
& Si. P. tracks 224 84
.las. F. Lee, 5'/,, retained West
3rd street improvement
from Burch street to Alpine
street ....._ ._.. ..__.. 500 00
.Ins. 10. I.oe, 5 retained \Vest
aril street improV.•nient
from !torch street to Alpine
strcdt 259 84
John 1)rehouse, expense 10 50
E. Schuller, expense 25 74
H. 13reithaupt, expense 39 00
H. Calle, expense 1 50
N. Evert, expense 3 00
Wm. Grode, expense 6 00
L. Dailey, expense 24 85
F. M. Jaeger Hardware Co,
expense 40
Geo. M. Ilo:.le\' & Son, ex-
F. A. Nester & Son, expense....
Nester & T-Iautrnel, expense....
Gonne'. Bros., expense
M. S. Hardie, expense
A. Gmehle, expense
A. C. Wunder, expense
Midland Chemical Co., ex-
United Tire Sales Co., expense
F. Beutin, expense
Remington Typewriter Co,
2 00
16 00
14 00
53 75
2 50
36 00
72 90
66 98
3 70
9 50
20 35
16 00
expense 97 20
G. II. Davis & Co., expense1 65
Standard Supply Co., expense 11 85
1'ier Eros., expense 22' 78
\Tarim-Slrel:ur ('o.. expense5 50
Peter .1. Seippel Lumber Co,
,•ypence 14 75
Nichhorn & Bechtel, expense 1 45
(leo. W. 1 lealey & Son, ex-
pense 23 55
Dcil.nque :Electric Co., flre 16 70
1.ne Eros., fire 2 50
\' ('11y Iron Works, fire 80
Itnluaqne Rubber ,l Melting'
('o., lire 70
F. M. Jaeger Hardware Co.,
lire 20
National Refining Co., fire -__. 18 50
Dubu.pue Rubber & Belting
Co., lire 5 00
F. M. Jaeger Hardware Co.,
fire 50
Wunderlich & Wiederholt,
lire 13 00
Fischer & Co., fire 28 04
Deyoe-:\venarius, fire 12 50
Vollenweider & Hein, fire 4 50
C. Matz, fire 17 75
National Refining Co., fire 18 50
Key ('ily Gas Co., fire 41 00
E. Hattie., fire 35
D111)1nlue Boat & Boiler
Works, fire 60 80
Dubuque Rubber & Belting
Co., fire 14 70
feed-Berwanger & Pftffner,
fire 10 75
J. .T. Rowan & Son, fire 6 45
Dubuque Welding Works, fire 1 90
\\r. ]). Deckert Co., flre 3 66
W. D. Deckert Co., fire 65
F. W. Thompson, fire 6 20
T. F. Kane, fire 270 66
Gcisler Bros., fire 4 60
Linehan & Moto, fire 23 95
Butt Tiros., fire 51 15
W. 1). Deckert Co., fire 25
J. F. Stampfer Co., fire 7 95
Iowa. 011 Co., flre 3 00
Eassler Auto Co., fire 22 33
The Muntz Co., police 14 38
J. W. Geillis, police 6 28
W. C. Gow, police 4 45
T' aep & Buechele, police 2 10
Eichhorn & Bechtel, police4 13
Central Garage, police 12 00
Chas. McCarthy, police 4 00
Fischer & Co., police 13 26
Dubuque Electric Co., police1 00
R. Herrmann & Son, police
and expense 6 00
ITawkeye Steam Vulcanizing
Co., police and expense 2 80
Tri State Auto Co., police and
fire 1 75
Itellihan & Mullen, expense,
police and flre 21 45
Key City Gas Co., police, fire
and expense 4 25
Key City Gas Co., fire, police
and expense 88 80
Iowa Telephone Co., fire, po-
List of Warrants.
lice and expense 42 67 • C. 11. McNamara & Co., im-
A. Zillig, police and expense1 75 proving Tenth street from
Telegraph -Herald, expense, Clay street to \Iain street.... 500 00
fire and police 75 00 l'. 1;. \teNamara & Co., 1m -
Bart Ragatz, health 2 50 proving Tenth street from
Wm. Fosselman, health 18 00 ('Lay street to Main street.. 42 60
Dubuque Glass Co., health 2 25 C. 1;. \IcNanutra & Co., im-
E. P. Smith Electric Contract proving Fourth Street Ex -
Co., health 50 tension 500 00
United Tire Sales Co., health 124 20 C. B. McNamara & Co., im-
J. J. Rowan & Son, health.... 60 proving .fourth Street Ex -
Upton Laundry, health 10 59 tension 500 00
F. M. Jaeger Hardware Co., C. 11. McNamara & co., im-
health 15 proving fourth Street. Ex -
M. Jaeger hardware Co., torsion 500 00
health 6 00 C. 11. McNamara & Co., im-
F. M. Jaeger Hardware Co., proving fourth Street
health 1 15 tension 500 00
John Dehing, health 60 00 ('. I;. \I(Naanaara .\ co., im-
Spahn & Rose Lumber Co, proving Fourth Si reel Ex-
sidewa.11: 21 50 torsion 500 00
Dubuque Lumber & Coal Co., C. I;. McNamara & c '(1., i111-
sidewallc 6 20 proving Fourth Street. Ex -
Geo. Korman, Martha street tension 500 00
sewer 12 49 C. R. McNamara & ('o., int -
F. Schloz & Son, sewer 45 ,,roving Fourth Street Ex-
Peed-lterwanger & Pfiffner, tension :,00 00
Telegraph -herald, printing ..
Telegraph -herald, printing _.
Telegraph -Herald, printing ..
Tithes -Journal, printing
Labor Leader, printing
Dubuque Electric Co., lighting
Dubuque Electric Co., lighting
Dubuque Electric Co., lighting
Union Electric Co., lighting
"Union Electric Co., Lighting_._
Union Electric'. Co., lighting
Union Electric Co., lighting
Union Electric Co., lighting
Union Electric Co., lighting
Union Electric Co., lighting
Ni(.•Staner, sewer in North
Main street
3 00
17 81
96 13
8 40
70 47
12 50
94 20
162 15
1 66
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
330 10
206 31
C. U. \IeNamara & Co., im-
proving Tenth street from
Clay street to Main street.... 500 00
C. B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Tenth street from
Clay street to Main street.... 500 00
C. 13. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Tenth street from
Clay street to Main street.... 500 00
C. 11. AIcN;uuarn, & Co., im-
proving 'Tenth street from
('I:cy street io Main street.... 500 00
C. 11. McNamara, & Co., int -
proving Tenth street from
Clay street to Main street._.. 500 00
C. R. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Tenth street from
Clay street to Main street.... 500 00
C. B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Tenth street from
Clay street to Main street.... 500 00
C. B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Tenth street from
Clay street to Main street.... 500 00
C. B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Tenth street from
Clay street to Main street.... 500 00
('. l;. AleNam:u•a ; .. 1l11 -
proving fourth S1r,"�1 t;x-
tension .e0 00
C. I;. McNamara ,, 1 1 -
proving Fonrtll Str 11 Ex-
tension 5((0 00
C. Ii. 151( ',iil:un & 'o., im-
proving fourth St 1. ,A Ex-
tension 500 00
C. IL AI:ianlarc. fi co.. im-
proving fourth SIrHK-
tension ._. 500 00
C. l;. Mc Na11:1 \ , i1u-
proving 1,.‘,111111 Sir l Ex-
tension 500 00
C. 1;. \IcNan1,1r;1 & n., 1(11
proving i.niirlla 511.111 Ex-
tension 00 00
11. .(11' ', 1 1 1.11im-
proving I' earth Sl r'•,I V\ -
tension :010 00
('. 1;. \Ic•\';1ncu';1. & 1'(0., (11 -
proving Fourth Strccl
tension ......... . _ 500 00
C. B. AIcNantata & Co., int -
proving Fourth Street, l':x-
tension 500 00
C.. 1;. lh.N;aa'( ., iu1-
proving Von 1111 St r..0 l I;x-
leRNi1.1n _. _ ... :0)0 (10
('. 11. \1c•N;1111;1 1
proving Fowl I) SIr' , l t;x-
tensioaa :-,00 00
C. l;. Al c NmoN &ni..
proving 1'(0(11.111 St 1 1!•. -
tension U!1
C. B. AicAamara & Co., int-
proving Fourth Street Ex-
tension 500 00
C. B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Fourth Street Ex-
tension 500 00
C. B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Fourth Street Ex-
tension 500 00
List of Warrants.
C. B. \le\:uuara & Co., im-
provimr Fourth Street Ex-
tension 500 Ott
C. 13. \Ie\autara & Co., im-
proving Fourth Street Ex-
tension 500 00
C. 13. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Fourth Street Ex-
tension 500 00
C. 13. \le\:unara. & Co., im-
proving I"ourth Street Ex-
tension 500 00
C. 13. \lc•\amara & Co., im-
proving fourth Street Ex-
tension 500 00
C. 13. :1c•\amarn ,G• t'o., im-
proving Fourth Street Ex-
tension 500 00
C. 11. McNamara & Co., im-
proving' 1'.,11 1h Street EX -
5 00 00
C. I1. \Ie\amara & Co., im-
proving I"ourth Street Ex-
tension 500 00
C. 11. \Ic•\,inlara & c'o., im-
proving. Von rlll Street Ex-
1c•1tsinn 500 00
c. 11. \Ic•\anl,tra K• t'o., lm-
procitig fourth Street. Ex-
tension 500 00
^,. 11. AIeAanolr:t ,A: Co., im-
proving 1'nn•tIt tilroet
Ivnsiotl 500 00
�'. I1. AIrA,iniara & Co., im-
proving I•'otir111 Street. Ex-
tension 500 00
C. 11. \Ie\antarn & Co., im-
pro\ ing• I uitrl 11 Street Ex-
tension 500 00
c. 11. \le\anta(0 & Co., im-
pro\ing 1'.,11111 Street Ex-
tc•n'ion 500 00
c. it. \I,'\ooi:n:i C c'o.• im-
ru\ ilig I'uur111 Sl rm•t
hatsion .. _.---- 500 00
l'. 11. \IC\nnnila ,\ ('cr., im-
proving Fourth Street Ex-
tension . ... 500 00
l I1. AIc•\lintari ,C. co., im-
proving I'0(1rtic street Ex-
tension - 500 00
c'. 11. \I,•\antari R. c'o., im-
prol ing I'onr111 Street FIX-
'x -
500 00
C. 11. \le\aitmr1( & co., im-
proving Fourth Street. Ex-
tension .. 500 00
C. 11. ......,C. co.. int -
proving Fourth St reel Ex-
tension . 500 00
c". I1. \Ir\:oo,u'a & Co., int-
procin:: Fourth Street Ex-
tension 500 00
& Co.,
prut ing I'onrtlt Street Ex-
tension 500 00
C. 11. \Ie.\:otuaro & l`o., im-
pril ing Fourth Street Ex-
tension 269 96
Khmer \Ifg. co., 3rd road
Klaner \lfg•. Co., 3rd road
The Smedley co., 3rd road
64 20
4 20
30 u0
Molo Sand & Gravel Co., 3rd
and 2nd roads and sewer7 10
A. W. Drake & Son, roads 20
Leader Oil Co., fire and roads 4 75
Mettel Bros., roads, sewer, fire
and expense 20 70
Key City Roofing Co., roads
and sewer 24 07
G. W. Healey & Son, 2nd road 30
Cota, Byrne & Seymour, roads 4 00
Leader Oil Co., roads 4 40
F. Schloz & Son, roads 1 10
Midland Chemical Co., roads8 94
Nic. Sterner, curbing and gut-
tering Park evenue 48 52
P. Schloz & Son, road 94
John Hillery, expense 2 10
• .,•J.S
NOTICE. C.ityneed rc ,,
Auction Sale of One Howe Platform
On Saturday, January 6th, 1917, at
10:00 o'clock A. M., there will be
sold at public auction at the City Hall
toto the highest bidder one Howe
Platform Scale which has been in the
use of the City of Dubuque.
12-30-3t. City Recorder.
Official Notices.
Official Notice.
Notice of Special Assessment.
Notice is hereby given to all con-
cerned that a special assessment as
provided by law will be levied at a
session of the Pity Council of the city
of Dubuque, Iowa, to be held Friday,
December 22nd, 1916, to pay for im-
proving Fourth street from the west
property line of Main street to the
east property line of Locust street,
James F. Lee, contractor.
Amount of Special Assessment $2,-
102.00, same to be assessed against
the property legally subject to as-
sessment upon and along said street.
And that there is a plat and sched-
ule on file in the office of the City
Recorder of said city of Dubuque,
showing the street in which said im-
provement was nuide :incl the sepa-
rate lots and panels of ground or
specified portions thereof subject to
assessment for such improvement, the
name of the owner thereof as far as
practicable and the amount to be as-
sessed ;Igain('t each lot, or parcel of
ground, which plat and schedule are
subject to public inspection.
And that any and all persons ob-
jecting to said special assessment or
to said plat must file his or their ob-
jections in writing with the City Re-
corder of said City of. Dubuque on or
before said session of the City Coun-
cil to be held Friday, December 22nd,
1916, or to appear at said session of
the Council to show cause, if any you
have, why said assessment should not
he levied.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, Decem-
ber 9th, 1916.
1 2-9-3t. City Recorder.
Official Notice.
Notice of Special Assessment.
Notice is hereby given to all con-
cerned that a special assessment as
provided by law will be levied at a
session of the City Council of the city
of Dubuque, Iowa, to be held h'riday,
December 220d, 1916, to pay for im-
proving Fifth street from the west
property line of Locust street to the
east property line of snuff street,
James F. T.ee, contractor.
Amount of Special Assessment. $2,-
198.21, same to he ;assessed against
the property legally subject to as-
sessment upon and ;hong said street.
And that there is ;I plat and sched-
ule on file in the office of the City
Recorder of said City of Dubuque,
showing the street 111 which said im-
provement was made 41111 the sepa-
rate lots and parcels of ground or
specified portions thereof subject to
assessment. for such improvement, the
name of the owner thereof as far as
practicable and the amount to he as-
sessed against each lot or parcel of
ground, which plat and schedule are
subject to public inspection.
And that any and all persons ob-
jecting to said special assessment or
to said plat must file his or their ob-
jections in writing with the city Re-
corder of, said city of. Dubuque on or
before said session of the city Coun-
cil to he held Friday, December 2^nd,
1916, or to appear at said session of
the council to show cause, if any you
have, why said ftssessmnet .should not
be levied.
.Dated at Dubuque,
ber 9th, 1916.
12-9-3t. ('ily Recorder.
lawn, 1)ecetn-
Official Notic('.
Notice of Special Assessment.
Notice is h('r('hy given to all con-
cerned that. ;1 special assessment as
provided by law will be levied at a
session of the city council of the city
of Dubuque, lova, to be held Friday,
December 221111, 191 6, to pus for im-
proving Fourth street from 1 lic west
property lint of Locust street, Ice talo
cast property lint of 111111'1' street.
James h'. Lee, co(trae ter.
Amount of Special .\ssessntenl $2,-
076.06, same to be assessed against
the property legally snhjecl to as-
sessment upon and along said street.
And that there is a plat find sched-
ule on file in the office of the city
Recorder of said City of Duhnque,
showing the street in which said im-
provement was Heade and the sepa-
rate lots and parcels of ground or
specified portions ihereof subject to
assessment for such improvement, the
name of the owner thereof as far as
practicable and the amount to be as-
f•essed against eae11 lot or parcel of
ground. which plat ;and schedule :11'e
subject to public inspection.
.\ncl that ;111y 111ed ;111 persons ob-
jecting to said special assessment or
to said plat mist tile his or their ob-
jections in writing w:111 the City Ite-
corder of said city of D1ilrn 1110 on or
before said session of the city Coun-
01 to he held I 1 idaay, December 22nd,
19111, or to appear ;It said session of
the Council to show cause, if any you
have, why said assessment should not
be levied.
Dated at. Dubuque, Tow;t, Decem-
ber 9th, 1 91 6.
12-9-2t. City Recorder.
Official Notice.
Notice of Special Assessment.
Notice is hereby given to all con-
cerned that a special assessment as
provided by law will be levied at a
session of the City Council of the city
of Dubuque, Ia., to be held Tuesday,
December 26th, 1916, to pay for im-
proving Third street from the west
536 Official Notices.
property line of Locust street to the
east property line of Bluff street,
James F. Lee, contractor.
Amount of Special Assessment $2,-
325.32, same to be assessed against
the property legally subject to as-
sessment upon and along said street.
And that there is a plat and sched-
ule on file in the office of the City
Recorder of said City of Dubuque,
showing the street in which said im-
provement was made and the sepa-
rate lots and parcels of ground or
specified portions thereof subject to
assessment for such improvement, the
name of the owner thereof as far as
practicable and the amount to be as-
sessed against each lot or parcel of
ground, which plat and schedule are
subject to public inspection.
And that tiny and till persons ob-
jecting to said special assessment or
to said plat must tile his or their ob-
jections in writing with the ('ity Re-
corder of said city of Dubuque on or
before session of the City Coun-
cil to Iii• held Tuesday, Dec. 26th,
1916, 'Jr to appeal. at said session of
the Council to show cause, if any you
have, why 51011 aas:,essnacnt 51)001(1 not
bo levied.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, Decem-
ber 12111, 1916.
7. J. SHEA,
12-12-3t. City Recorder
Official Notice,
NOT1c10. 411)' '1'III': 4'IT\' 4'4)1'\C'11.'S
1 N' 1' 1: N' 1' f O N ' I' () 1 11 1' I t U V N I
NOI1'!'II STREET. l Ia4.\1 THF:
ENI) 411 '1'111: PRESENT 11.\4'.\1)-
.\.\1 111I'4:OVI:11F:\'I' 'I'cr THE
EAST LINE 4410 1.01'15:\ 5'I'i{I:F:T.
'I'o AV'hon! it May Concern:
oat and each of you are hereby no-
tified that it is the intention of the
city council of the ('ity of Dubuque,
luwa, to improve North Street, from
the end of the present macadam im-
provement to the east line of Louisa
That 0. plat of said improvement is
now on file in t)le office of the City
It is estimated by the city Engineer
that said improvement will require:
1,704 lineal feet of combination ce-
ment curb and gutter.
:1,029 squat'' yards of macadam.
Making ;t total estimated cost to
the 104111lly assessable property OwnONs
of $4,149.60.
Any person having objection to said
improvement is hereby notified to ap-
pear before the City- Council at its
next regular session to be held Thurs-
day, January 4, 1917, or to file with
the City Recorder their objection in
writing on or before January 4, 1917.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, December
26, 1916. J. J. SHEA,
12-26-3t. City Recorder.
Official Notice.
1L\.1 I.R(t:\. I t COMPANY'S TRACKS,
LM; ('(111I'.A.N1"S ADI).
To whom it May Concern:
You and each of you are hereby no-
tified that it is the intention of the
('ity Council of the ('ity of Dubuque,
Iowa, to improve Jones street, from
the easterly rail of Illinois Central
Railroad Company's tracks, first west
of Warren Street, to eighty-five feet
east. of the east property line of the
Dubuque Harbor Company's Add.
That a plat of said improvement is
now on file in the office of the City
It is estimated by the (City Engineer
that said improvement will require:
:1,995 square yards of Brick Block
Paving on a concrete foundation out-
side of tracks.
95 square yards of Brick Block Pav-
ing on a concrete foundation inside of
ir:acks and one foot outside thereof.
50 lineal feet of new stone curb.
200 lineal feet of stone curb reset.
Making a total estimated cost to
the legally assessable property owners
of $8,804.00.
Any person having objection to said
improvement is hereby notified to ap-
pear before the City Council at its
next regular session to be held Thurs-
day, .Tanuary 4th, 1917, or to file with
the City Recorder their objection In
writing on or before January 4, 1917.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, December
27, 1916. J. .j SHEA,
12-27-31, City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the city recorder's office, City Ffall, by
the city recorder until 8:00 p. m.
Thursday, January 4th. 1917, for fur-
nishing the city treasurer, city audi-
tor and city recorder's offices with
Bidders must furnish plans and
specifications of the counters they
propose furnishing, also state price
in total for counters set in place in the
offices above stated.
Dated at Dubuque, Ia., December
27th, 1916. J. J. SHEA,
12-27-3t. City Recorder:
( fr.e1L for Or rar 1917
\Or—JAMES S.\1'I.. Attorney—M. 11. CZIZEK.
Recorder—J. J. SI1 r:.\. Engineer—F. J. McNULTY.
Treasurer—GEORGE 1). WY1;I.:\NT. Assessor—FRED J. HELLER.
LOUIS PLAMONDON, First Ward. J. H. WALLIS, ;Fourth Ward.
J. J. McLAUGHLIN, Second Ward. E. E. FRITH, Fifth Ward.
Mayor Pro Tern—J. H. WALLIS. Street Commissioner—J. MAHONEY.
Fire Chief—JOSEPH REINFRIED. Market Master—C. J. McCARTHY.
Chief of Police—JOHN GIELLIS. Harbor Master and Sidewalk Inspect-
Committee Clerk—J. W. LAWLOR. or—JAMES LYNCH.
Electrician—W. P. HIPMAN.
Finance— Delinquent Tax—
Wallis, Strobel, Leist. Wallis, Frith, McLaughlin.
Ordinance— Sprinkling—
II( McLaughlin, Callahan, Plamondon. Plamondon, Frith, Callahan.
Frith, Plamondon, Leist, McLaughlin, Leist, McLaughlin, Callahan.
' Police and Light— Supplies—
Callahan, Plamondon, Frith. Strobel, McLaughlin, Plamondon.
Sewers— Electrical Construction—
! Plamondon, Leist, Strobel. McLaughlin, Leist, Frith.
1 Printing— Board of Health—
McLaughlin, Strobel, Leist. Council Members—Mayor Saul, Ald-
ermen Callahan, Leist.
Strobel, Callahan, Wallis. Citizen Members—W. C. Fosselman,
Fire-- Richard Kolck.
Leist, Wallis, McLaughlin. Health Officer—Dr. E. L. Reinecke.
Frith, Callahan, Plamondon. Meat and Milk Inspector—Dr. J. N.
—Public Grounds and Buildings--
Callahan, Wallis, Strobel. Sanitary Policeman—Otto Newman.
Regular meetings of the City Council are held the first and third
Thursdays of each month at 8:00 o'clock p. m.
INDEX-Book 47
1917 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 4-Armory Hall, petition of High School relative to
using 1
" 18-Ayers, Oscar M., petition of, asking Council for
permission of erecting a house along the shore
of Lake Peosta 11, 88
Feb. 1-Armory Hall, petition of Spanish-American War
Veterans relative to using 27
" 17-Automobile Fire Engines, Recorder to advertise
for bids 41, 50, 53, 64, 181
" 27-Appropriations for ensuing year, resolution adopt-
ed 42, 45
Mar. 1-Athletic ,Field, bilis of, allowed 54
" 15-Alley, to improve, between Seminary and Leibnitz
Sts., from Paul to Clifford Sts...61, 65, 76, 84, 90, 103, 112, 137
" 15-Andricks, Grace, taxes corrected 63
" 15-Auto for fire chief, to purchase 69
Apr. 5-Agreement of Oscar Ayers on erecting house on
Seventh Avenue 88
" 5-Alley first east of South Booth St., profile of,
showing grade 90
" 5-Alley between Seminary and Leibnitz Sts., profile
of, referred 90
" 6-Alley first south of Delhi St., from Louisa St. to
Hall St., to improve
96, 161, 160, 163, 166, 167, 173, 269, 420, 427, 429, 437
" 5-Alley between Nevada and Booth Sts., relative to
grading 105
" 16-Asbury St., engineer to re-arrange house numbers 110
" 19-Armory Hall, lease and agreement of, on rent of
Hall by Governor Greys 118
May 3-Arnold, Victor, petition of, on erecting a frame
dwelling at the foot of Eleventh St. 159, 331
" 3-Artus, Mrs. Lena, petition of, relative to taxes 159, 463
" 3-Annual report of Chief of Police 162
" 3-Arlington St., work accepted by street committee 163, 173, 178, 189
" 17-Alley, from the intersection of Cora St., petition
of property owners relative to vacating 169, 331
" 17-Alley first east of Asbury St., petition of Ed. Mc-
' Evoy, relative to vacating 169
1-" 17-Atlantic Ave., improvement of, accepted by Com-
mittee on Streets 175, 190, 199, 202, 254, 269
" 17-Alley, between Kaufman Ave. and Valeria St., en-
gineer to give lines 176, 257
" 17-Alderson, Jno., relative to connecting with water
pipe 171
" 24-Auto Fire Engine, to be named James Saul 181
June 7-Adams Co., petition of, relative to vacating cer-
tain streets in Dubuque Harbor Co.'s Add. and
Booth's Add. 195, 251, 254
" 7-Annual report of City Treasurer 198
" 21-Annual reports of City Auditor and City Attorney 213
" 22-Alley running into Hayden's Lane, petition of
property owners, relative to opening 230, 263
July 5-Aureden, Eliz., ordered to have sewer connections
made 261
" 19-Alley, relative to vacating, between Leman and
Davenport Sts. 262
" 19-Alley, relative to re-opening, closed by the West
Third St. improvement 261
" 19-Annual report of City Engineer 264
" 19-Aprons on streets ordered removed 26Zs
INDEX—Book 47
1917 SUBJECT Page
Aug. 2—Alley in Block 19, Dubuque Harbor Co. Add., rela-
tive to vacating 290, 332, 333
" 2—Asbury St., to improve, from St. Ambrose St. to
City Limits 297
" 2—Alice St., engineer to prepare grade 299
" 16—Argyle St., petition of property owners, relative to
improving 302 E".�
" 16—Angella St., property owners, petition of, relative
to improving, from present improvement to '
! Cox St. 302 eft
" 16—Angella St., to improve, from end of present im- ?'
provement to Cox St. 305
Sept. 6—Assessor's report on having tax list ready 328
6—Alley, between Sixth and Seventh Sts., between
I '' White and Clay St., relative to vacating 331, 333
" 20—Agreement of Wm. P. Slattery on Nevada St. im-
provement 348
Oct. 18—American Surety Co., relative to bond of Iowa
Telephone Co. 395, 420
" 18—Agreement of Windsor Ave. property owners on
their assessment 396
Dec. 10—American Defense Society, Inc., petition, relative
to safeguarding country 454
10—Alderson, Jno., petition, relative to reduction in '; -
assessment 454 t
41 .
11 f
Il .
ii r
44 40,
INDEX-Book 47 t'
• 1917 SUBJECT Pag3
Jan. 4-Bills allowed and referred 1, 10
" 4-Blake, Nettie, petition of, relative to her West
Locust St. assessment 2
" 4-Bonds of N. J. Staner and F. J. Heller 2, 31
" 4-Bank cases, settlement of court costs 5
" 4-Bonds of Ross and McLain, Water Works Trustees 5
" 4-Bonds, maintenance, of Jas. F. Lee 5
" 4-Board of Health, report of 7
" 18-Blake, Nettie, relative to West Locust St. assess-
ment 13, 57
" 18-Bithulithic pavement, Mr. Davidson addressed the
Council relative to use of 13
" 18-Bluff and South Bluff, to improve, from Third St
to Dodge St.
13, 76, 84, 89, 103, 111, 124, 138, 159, 310, 351, 355, 371
" 22-Bush, C. F. relative to making settlement for spe-
cial assessment 15, 63, 176
" 22-Beutin, F., ordered to remove wood from street15
" 22-Bowen, E. E., notice of suit 15
Feb. 1-Bills allowed in February, 1917 27, 36, 44
" 1-Bathing Beach Committee, petition of, relative to •
Council making appropriations for beach 27, 269
" 1-Bowen, E. E. and J. V., relative to having tax title
cleared 31
" 1-Board of Health, report of 34
" 1-Beyer, Amanda, protest of, on West Locust St., re-
ceived and filed 35
" 15-Sour, John, petition of, on the assessment of
Louisa St. 37, 177
" 1 5-Beutin, F., petition,,of, relative to connecting with
sewer at the corner of Garfield Ave. and Kniest
St. 37
Mar. 1-Bills allowed in March, 1917 53, 60
" 1-Bills against Athletic Field allowed 54
" 1-Barr, E. R., objecting to Cora and Exchange St
improvement 54
" 1-Bond of A. Curtis R Son, for excavating 55, 88
" 1-Blake, John, Est., relative to West Locust St. as-
sessment 57
" 1-Board of Health, report of 57
" 15-Beyer, Wm., application of, for soldier's exemp-
tion 61, 177
" 15-Banks, depositories named for funds of City 63, 88
" 15-Blake Milling Co., petition of, relative to erecting
factory and taxes thereof 70, 117, 121
Apr. 5-Bills allowed in April, 1917 81, 114
" 5-Breson, Marie, notice of suit 83, 196
" 5-Breson, Wm. J., notice of suit 83, 196
" 5-Banks, depositories of City funds, bonds of 88
" 5-Board of Health, report of 95
" 5-Bathing Beach, report of committee on purchas-
; ing Rhomberg property at Eagle Point 95, 122, 128, 181
" 5-Bathing Beach, bills of, allowed 95, 122
" 19-Bithulithic pavement, agreement of Warren Bros115
" 19-Breithaupt, Phil., petition of, relative to excavat-
ing in certain streets 116, 129
" 19-Bonds, surety, of E. T. Cleaver, H. B. McCarten,
for excavating 116
" 19-Bonds of Phil. Schwinn and F. B. Ross, Water
Works Trustees 116
" 19-Boards of Health, report of 122
" 19-Bathing Beach Committee, report of, on building
float 122
INDEX—Book 47
1917 S1'L.1ECT Page
May 3—Bills allowed in May, 1917 158, 162, 167, 181
" 3—Bills for macadam paid from First Ward Fund
ordered transferred to Second Ward 162
" 3—Board of Health, report of 163
" 3—Burke, R. J., petition, relative to his assessment,
received and filed 164
" 17—Buettel, Emma, relative to a reduction in her as-
sessment 177
" 24—Brandt Cashier Co., bill of, for $171.00, allowed . 181
" 24--Bathing Beach, property purchased by City 181
" 24—Beutin, F., petition of, asking for permission to
use River Street, between Tower and Bell Sts181
" 24—Barrels used at Bathing Beach, hill of, ordered
paid 181
" 24—Boats, notice to dealers and owners 190
" 24—Bathing suits, notice to dealers 190
June 7—Bills allowed in June, 1917 195, 196, 210
" 7—Bell St., petition of Adams Co. on vacating 195, 251, 254
" 7—Becker, Dr., bill of, allowed 198
" 7—Bigelow, Dr., bill of, allowed 199
" 7—Bradley & Maclay, error in taxes corrected 199
" 7—Bonds, Liberty Loan, relative to purchasing 207, 208, 209 p'
• 21—Board of Health, report of 213
July 5—Bills allowed and referred in July, 1917 ' 254, 261
. 5—Bonds of Masters, Pape & Son and P. Breithaupt
' for excavating 254, 264
it;,Y 5—Breithaupt, P., bond of, for excavating 254, 264, 382
" 5—Board of Health, report of 260
" 5—Bauer, Lena, ordered to have sewer connections
made 260
" 19—Bond of Iowa Telephone Co., for excavating 263
Aug. 2--Bills allowed in August, 1917 289, 300
" 2—Buettel, Emma L., petition of, relative to taxes290
2—Berg, Valentine, petition of, relative to special as-
sessment on Rhomberg Ave. 290 jj'
f • 2—Becker, Louise Van Buren, petition of, relative to
i'i' reducing her assessment 291
I'` " 2—Breithaupt, Phil., bond of, for excavating _.A 291
•'I, 2—Blake, Nettie, allowed a reduction on east 90 ft. of
4 i I 1 of 7 of Ellen Blake's Add. 293
•I 2—Board of Health, report of 295
i i " 16—Burd, Bridget, petition of, relative to the assess-
I i ment for sewer in Foye St. 302
11—Bond of L. O. Papin, for excavating 302
Sept. 6—Bills allowed and referred in September, 1917 325, 345
6—Bush, C. T., petition of, relative to sidewalk as-
IIIsessment 325
• 6—Board of Equalization appointed, report 328, 374, 454
1. 6—Board of Health, report of 331
!h 6--Bendel, Geo., relative to sewer assessment 332
" 20—Becker-Hazleton Co., petition of, relative to debris
in lot on Third and Iowa Sts.
Il 347
Oct. 4---Bilis allowed in October, 1917 378, 394 ,1=1
" 4--Board of Health, report of 383
I! 4---Becker, Mrs., communication of, relative to a set-
tlement for the death of her son, Emil Flentje 392
Nov. 1---Bills allowed in November, 1917 417, 423
11 1--Board of Health, report of 421, 452
1; Dec. 6—Bids for Street Flusher, 1917 445 '
':I! 6--Bilis allowed in December, 1917
1 20--Bills allowed in December, 1917 445, 459
ji 20—Bean, B. F., petition, relative to cancel $900.00 as-
. sessment 460
20----Bills allowed for last half of October, 1917..473, 474, 475, 476, 477
INDEX-Book 47
1917 Sl'DJECT Page
Jan. 4-Counters for offices at City Hall, bids of, referred 1
4-Cooper, A. A., remonstrance of, on Jones St. im-
provement. 2
" 4-Casey, Bridget, settlement of special assessment5
4-Court costs in bank cases and railroad cases or-
dered paid 5
" 4-Connelly, Margaret H., relative to her assessment
on West Locust St. 6, 122
" 16-City Attorney Czizek, warrant ordered drawn for,
expense of witness Stolteben in Lentz case 9
" 18-Council Proceedings of November approved of 10
" 18-Crotty, Susan, petition of, relative to taxes 11, 122
" 18-Cullen, Mrs. A. A., petition of, relative to taxes 11, 331
Feb. 1-Council Proceedings of December, 1916, approved
of 27
1-Council Proceedings, to have bound in book form 27, 36
" 1-Custer St., from Auburn Ave. to Atlantic Ave., to
improve 35, 80, 84, 90, 98, 113, 125, 139, 235, 265, 271, 287
" 15-Cleveland Ave., opening of, warrants ordered
drawn 40, 296
" 27-Counters in various offices, bids returned 43
Mar. 1-Council Proceedings for January approved of 53
" 1-Curtis & Son, bond of, for excavating 55, 88
" 1-Cole, Sarah, notice of, suit for personal injuries55
" 15-Cooper, G. H., petition of, relative to taxes 61, 269
" 15-Clark, G. R., granted soldier's exemption 63
" 15-Cora and Exchange Sts., to widen 64, 160, 165, 170
" 15-Cherry St., to improve, from Asbury St. to Avoca
Ave. 66, 78, 84, 97, 125, 137, 268, 285, 294, 298
" 15-C. M. & St. P. R. R. Co., notified to plank crossings 68
" 15-C. G. W. R. It. Co., notified to plank crossings 69
Apr. 5-Council Proceedings for February approved of81
" 5-Connolly, Susan, Adm., petition of, relative to the
taxes of A. W. Seeck Estate 82
" 5-Cooper St. property owners, petition of, relative to
dumping refuse 83
" 5-Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul R. R. Co., petition
of, relative to vacating the ajley between Sixth
and Seventh, between White and Jackson Sts83
" 5-Clean-up Day, report of Mayor Saul on setting
date for said day 85
" 5-Clay St., report of City Engineer on salvage 89
" 5-Couler Ave., to improve, from Peru Road to the
('ity Limits
100, 128, 154, 160, 212, 215, 231, 249, 251, 253, 254, 296, 395
" 16-Cleveland Ave., Engineer to re-arrange house
numbers 110
" 19-Council Proceedings for March approved of 111
" 19-Cleaver E. T., bond of, for excavating 116, 171
" 19-Courtney, Geo. L., tax petition, received and filed 122
" 19-Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul R. R. Co., in-
structed to build a crossing across tracks on
Lime St. 123
( " 30-City employe, Mayor given power to discharge 130
May 3-Clay St. and Couler Ave., petition of property
owners, on the way street is being improved..._139, 196, 211, 254
" 3-Cunningham, Mrs. Mary, petition of, relative to
special assessment 159, 173
" 3-Cooper*, Herman, granted permission to operate a
merry-go-round 160
" 3-Court costs in Lentz case ordered paid 162
" 3-Clay St., remonstrances received and filed 164
INDEX-Book 4 7
1917 SUBJECT Page
" 17-Cooney, J. P., resignation of, as Weighmaster 169
" 17-Connors, Maud, notice of claim 170, 263
" 17-Chickens, report of City Attorney, relative to
damage done by them 171
June 7-Cleaver, Edw. T., petition of, relative to excavating
in alley between Second and Third, between
Main and Locust Sts. 196
" 7-Court costs in Tuegel case ordered paid 198
" 7-Clay St., 18th and Couler Ave., improvement of,
accepted by Street Committee..201, 211, 217, 231, 248, 254, 276
" 7-Cleveland Ave., Engineer to prepare grade 201, 294
" 21--Cora and Exchange Sts., grade of 212, 294
" 21-Cox St., to improve, from West Fourteenth to
West Seventeenth Sts. 214, 263, 264, 270, 285, 287
" 21-Cora and Exchange Sts., to improve 215, 269
" 21-C. M. & St. P. R. R. Co., notified to clean sewer
under tracks on Seventeenth St. 216
" 21-C. G. W. R. R. Co. notified to clean sewer at
Seventeenth St. 216
" 22-Connolly, Mrs. L. A., et al, petition of, relative to
opening alley leading into Hayden's Lane 230
July 5-Council Proceedings for April approved 253, 261
" 19-Council Proceedings for April and May approved 261
" 19-Courtney, Dan, petition of, relative to taxes 263
" 19-Cooper, A. A., relative to repairing Second and
Locust Sts. 269
" 19-Cleveland Ave., grading of, Engineer to prepare
plans 275, 286, 289
" 19-Cora St., to improve
269, 286, 291, 296, 323, 326, 333, 345, 371, 373, 378, 400, 422, 450
Aug. 2-Council Proceedings for June approved of 289
" 2-Coleman W., petition of, relative to over payment
for a trench on Bluff St. 291
" 2-('Ieveland Ave. extension, jurors award of 296
" 16-Council Proceedings for July, 1917, approved of300
" 16-Camp St., petition of Standard Oil Co., relative to
vacating 302, 332, 349
" 16-Cox St. property owners, petetion of, relative to
improving 302
" 16-Chicago Great Western R. R. Co. notified to plank
crossings at Rhomberg Ave. and Eagle Point
Ave. 304
" 16--Council Chamber, telephone to be installed 304
" 16-Cox St., to improve, from end of present improve-
ment to Angella St. 306
" 16-Check Protecting Machine, to purchase, for
Treasurer 309 if
Sept. 6-Clay St. and Couler Ave., contractor notified to
• repair defects 331
" 6-C. M. & St. P. R. R. Co., relative to vacating alley
between Sixth and Seventh Sts. 331, 333
" 14-Czizek, M. H., appointed delegate to attend League
of Iowa Municipalities convention 344
" 20-Connelly, Lizzie, appeal of, on West Third St. as-
sessment 348
Oct. 2-Carpenter, City, B. Cain appointed 377
" 4-Council Proceedings for August approved of 378
" 4-Chapman, Wm., bill of, against Thos. R. Lee 378
4-Crotty, Susan, petition of, relative to reducing -
taxes • • 379
INDEX—Book 47
1917 SUBJECT Page
" 4—C. M. & .St. P. and C. G. W. R. R. Co.'s notified to
construct box sewer under their tracks on Sev-
enteenth St. 392
" 18—Cora St., plat and deed of McCarten, of property
sold to City 397, 450
" 18—Clay St., bonding company of contractor notified
to repair defects 400 •
Nov. 1—Council Proceedings for September approved of417
qr Dec. 6—Connolly, M. J., petition, relative to reduction in
special assessment 472
" 6—In regards to Lots 1 of M. L. 29, Lot 2 of M. L. 24 446, 454, 455
" 6—Cooper, A. A., petition, relative to assessments
against Lot 179A 446
" 6—Carnegie-Stout Free Library, relative to 1/2 mill
appropriation for library purposes 446, 456
" 6—Curtis Plumbing & Heating Co., bond for excavat-
ing in streets and alleys • 446
" 6—Camp St., petition, relative to property owners va-
cation 452
" 20—Cooper, A. A., petition, relative to reduce valua-
tion in regard to Somer System on Jones St.
prOpQrty 459
" 20—Couler Ave. improvement 461, 478
�< I
11111 ,
INDEX—Book 47
1917 SUBJECT Page
! Jan. 4—Dubuque Real Estate Board, petition of, relative
to having all offices at City Hall open continu-
ously 1
" 4—Deed of Wm. P. Slattery to City 4
t1 " 18—Dawson, Margaret, petition of, relative to taxes11
18—Dubuque and Wisconsin Bridge Co., petition of,
relative to repairing street leading to bridge 11
18—Dubuque Electric Co., relative to new boulevard
lights 11
" 18—Drees, Andrew, relative to West Eleventh St. as-
sessment 13
E " 22—Dubuque Boat & Boiler Works, relative to storm
sewer at harbor 15
" 22—Dubuque Commercial Club, relative to street lead-
ing to Eagle Point bridge 15
Feb. 1—Deming, J. K., petition of relative to the taxes of
Judge Shiras 27
" 15—Dubuque Electric Co., bill of, for
" 15—Datisman, Chas. A., t referred 37
petition of, relaativveet to taxes37
" 15—Dubuque Humane Society, relative to annual do-
nation 37
Mar. 1—Dorgan Place residents, relative to placing light64
N 1—Delaney, Maria and Albert, taxes reduced 57
15—Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, petition of,
relative to holding carnival in May, 1917
tu, " 15—Delaware Ave., to improve, from Avoca to Audu- 61
bon Ave...67, 79, 84, 89, 90, 98, 113, 125, 139, 352, 372, 382, 383
Apr. 5—Delaney, Mr. and Mrs. A., petition of, relative to
taxes 82, 122
5—Davis, Geo. petition of, relative to salary increase 83, 121, 122
5—Dubuque Baseball and Amusement Ass'n., petition
of, relative to making payment for an assess-
, � ment 83, 118
5—Dubuque Typographical Union, petition of, rel$_
I!I tive to Council not allowing Electric Co. to op-
erate one-man cars
( , 5—Detention Hospital, Recorder to advertise for bids 83
ij for taking care of
i. 19—Dubuque Commercial Club, 95, 190
petition of, relative to
building dock on river front
i " 19—Dempsey, T. D., petition of, asking to be allowed 115
to tap manhole with sewer on Hill St.
1 " 19—Dean, Geo., taxes reduced 115, 178
( i May 3—Dubuque Sanitary Mfg. Co., petition of, relative
i, to Jackson St. improvement and their petition
on erecting sidetrack
" 3—Dubuque Electric Co., communication of, on their 159
I . work on Jackson St.
" 3—Detention Hospital, Recorder to advertise for bids 160
• �' for taking care of
3—Dubuque Park Board, relative to tax levy 163, 213, 296
3—Dubuque Lumber & Coal Co., comumnication of, 164
relative to making monthly scale reports
17—Dubuque Commercial Club, petition of, relative to 164
inspectors on streets
" 17—Dock at Levee, petition of Commercial Club, made 169, 268
JI a matter of record
" 17—Dock at Eagle Point accepted by Council 176
June ?—Dubuque Electric Co., relative to bill for $57.00177
' 7—Dubuque Commercial Club, relative to donation 196
for Fire Works
INDEX—Book 4 7
1917 SUBJECT Page
July 5—Dubuque Electric Co. on their work on Couler
Ave. 254
19—Deeds of Spielman, M. W., of T. and Minnie Jac-
obson and of H. F. Trenk to City 264
" 19—Dubuque Commercial Club, relative to care of
Grandview Ave. 268
" 19—Dubuque Automobile Club, on taking care of
Grandview Ave. 269
" 19—Dubuque Real Estate Board, on building sewer in
West Third St. 269
• Aug. 2—Dubuque Moose Lodge, petition of, relative to
holding carnival 290, 302
" 2—Dubuque Park Board, resolution of, relative to tax
levy 291
" 2—Deed of Wm. A. McClain to City 293
" 2—Dairyman ordered not to sell dirty milk in the
city 296, 321
" 2—Delhi St. Engine House chimney repaired 299
" 16—Dolan, Mary A., petition of, relative to taxes 302
" 16—Dubuque German College, petition of, relative to
cancelling taxes 302
Sept. 6—Dehing, Jno., given contract to clean alleys 331
" 6—De Lorimer, Mary, taxes cancelled 331
" 6—Dubuque Boat and Boiler Works, relative to ex-
tending sewer in Third St. Extension 332
" 20—Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, petition of,
relative to Market Ordinance 346
" 20—Davis, Geo., resignation•of, as Roller Engineer 347
" 20—Dubuque Automobile Club, petition of, relative to
widening street at the corner of West Fifth and
Alpine St. 347
" 20—Dubuque Automobile Club, petition of, relative to
resurfacing Alpine St. 347
" 20—Deery Estate, appeal of, on West Third St. assess-
ment 348
Oct. 18—Dickinson, E. H., petition of, relative to soldier's
exemption 395, 425
" 18—Doyle, Mary J., petition of, relative to taxes 396
" 18—Deed of M. McCarten to City ( 397
" 30—Dubuque College and Seminary, 'petition of, rela-
tive to taxes 404
" 30—Dubuque Electric ('o., relative to one-man cars 404, 423
Dec.. 6—Dubuque College and Seminary, relative to cancel
taxes for the years 1912, 1913, 1914 of Lots 3
and 4, Reche's Sub.; also Lots 1, 5, and 6, No. 2,
Lot 38 446
" 6—Duenser, Fedilo, cancel assessment on N. 1/E of
Lot 164, East Dubuque Add.; also Lot 5 for
1914, 1915, 1916; Lots 1 and 2, Glendale Add.,
for year 1913, assessment $600.00 instead of
$6,000.00; Lots 102 and 103, Union Add., to be
reduced 45(1
1. .
INDEX—Book 47
I12, 28, 87
Jan. 18—Ellis, D1rs, J. �L, notice of clurrn
Feb. 27—Edwards, Capt., notified to take care of filling on 43
levee front 59
Mch. 1—Engle, H., appointed roller engineer 64, 160, 165, 170
" 15—Exchange St. and Cora St., to widen
15—Excavations, engineer instructed to get data for 70
attorney for the filling of trenches 82
Apr. 5—Eagles' Building, petition of relative to taxes 43 121, 122
" 5—Engineers of roller, petition of on salary increase
" 1--Engineer Hoffman, of Major Corps, relative to 83
filling at levee
" 5--Enzler, Jos. A., remonstrance of on Asbury St84, 105
sewer '
" 5—Enzler, Jos. A., remonstrance of on Willow 84
1 St., improvement5—
Excavation in streets and alleys, report of attor- `S7 93
ney and engineer on ordinance
" 5--Eagle St., to improve from Viola St. to Althauser
Ave. 102, 116, 126, 146, 147. 158, 163, 164
I' 12—Exchange St., to improve 109, 212, 294
" 19—Enzler property on Willow and St. Ambrose Sts,
attorney to prepare deeds 127, 173
" 30—Employe of city, mayor given power to discharge 130
May 17—Early, J. P., notified to clean vaults on East 176
Rock St.
" 17—Eagle Point Wharf, accepted by Council 177
June 7—Elks' Home Bldg. Co., petition 'of relative to 196
their taxes
" 7—Eichman, Mrs. Ida, petition of, relative to grading
alley off Cherry St. 196
" 7—Eighteenth St., accepted by Street Committee 201, 211, 217
" 22—Excavations, relative to refilling and replacing, re-
I July 5—English Lane, petition of property owners, relative
` to widening said street 254
I " 19—Engineer McNulty, annual report of 264
I " 19—East Grove Terrace, relative to building stairway 268
1619—Excavations in streets and alleys, Engineer to pre-
I` pare specifications for filling trenches and re-
placing pavement 275, 287, 289, 305
Aug. 2—Enzler, Katie, petition of, relative to special as-
I � sessment on Rhomberg Ave. 290
Sept. 6—Eagle Point Lime Works, claim of, against Tom
Lee 326
" 6—Even, Peter & Co., claim of, against Tom Lee 326
6 Equalization Board appointed 328
• Oct. 4—Eulberg, Geo., notice of, vs. John and Josephine
Trexler 379
" 30—Election, special notice of, Mayor's Proclamation 414
Nov. 1—Elliott children, petition of, relative to their taxes 418
" 1—Eberhardt, L, petition -of, relative to cancelling
interest on his assessment 424
Dec. 6—Eddy, Lawrence, petition to install an oil pumping
station at 385 West Fifth St. 446
" 10—Equalization Board petitions, relative to said peti-
tions filed by Geo. Joseph Roepsch, Edward
Norton, John Rumple, Thomas Barry, Mary
Ernsdorff, T. G. Efferding, Dr. Wm. P. Slattery,
Dubuque Realty Co. and the Corn Belt Packing
Co., A. A. Cooper 455
iiii ineiniimmismimormornome
INDEX—Book 47 •
1917 Sl'1 I L:CT Page
• F
Jan. 4—Farrell, Edw., petition of, relative to being placed {
under civil service and on fire payroll 1
" 4—Fourth St. Imp., petition of H. B. Spensley to
have remonstrance withdrawn 1
" 16—Farley & Loetscher Mfg. Co., petition of, relative
to building shipping platform 9, 3R
" 18—Fink, Emma L., notice of suit 12. s7
Feb. 1—Fire Department, members of, asking for an in-
crease in salary "-7
" 1—First Baptist Church, taxes cancelled y
" 17—Fire Apparatus, Recorder to advertise for bids_.._41, 50, 53, 64, 18 1
" 28—Fourth St. Imp., from locust to Bluffs Sts., war-
rants ordered drawn 44
" 2$—Fourth St. Extension Imp., warrants ordered
drawn 44
Mar. 15—First National Bank, petition of, relative to use of
street 62, 95
" 15—Feed for city horses, Recorder to advertise for
bids 64, 75, 81, 190, 305
" 15—Fire Chief, relative to purchasing auto 69
Apr. 5—Fitzgerald, W. J., petition of, relative to being al-
lowed to use part of Sixth and Seventh Sts. for
building material 83, 123
5—Finley St., profile of• showing grade 90
" 5—Fumigator, official. Recorder to advertise for bids 95, 122• 137
" 1 9—Fruit Dispatch Co. petition of, relative to sloughs
on South Main St. 115, 163
" 19--,First St., to improve, from Bluff to Locust Sts 129, 169, 268
May 3—Frumkin Bros., petition of, relative to erecting
sign 159, 331
" 17—Firemen, relative to salary increase 169, 263. 310
" 17—Foremen of Wards, petition of, on salary increase 170, 207• 268
June 7—Fourth St., Bell St., Fifth St., petition of Adams
Co. on vacating 195, 251, 259, 267 ,;
" 7—Fire Works, petition of Dubuque Commercial
Club, relative to donation 196
" 21—Fischer, Mrs., petition of, relative to her assess-
ment on Rhomberg Ave. 211
" 22—Fresh Air Camp allowed to tunnel under Rhom-
berg Ave. 235 ', ..;'.'ti"
" 22—Fire horses, auction sale of 251
July 19—First Baptist Church ordered to build stairway on 268
East Grove Terrace
Aug. 2-1 iitschi, Anna, petition of, relative to building 290 4.
wall on Delaware Ave.
i " 2—Fluckiger, Albert, petition of, relative to sidewalk
at Fifth and Clay Sts. 290, 400
295 "
" 2--Fly trans. relative to placing on sidewalks 296
" 2—Fire Dept., relative to wearing summer clothing .w,
" 16—First \\':ird Fund credited with $98.20, macadam
sold to Third Ward 303
Sept. 6—Forward, Dr.,., bill of, for $12.00, referred 325 •
" 6—Farley & Loetscher Co., relative to vacating alley .
between White and Jackson, between Sixth and 331, 333
Seventh Sts.
" 20—Fettgather, Jos., petition of, relative to installing 347 398
q47 398
gasoline tank
" 20—Fluckiger, Albert, petition of, relative to install-
ing gasoline tank
" 20—Fire horses and apparatus, notice of auction sale 374
Oct. 4—Flentie, Emil, communication of his mother, rela-
tive to a settlement for his death
,1 INDEX—Book 47
1917 SUBJECT Page
" 18—Fire Auto Engine Saul, relative to placing at 18th
street house 400
" 18—Fire Department to hold one drill clay one day 400
each week
Nov. 15—Flusher, Recorder to advertise for bids 428, 438
" 15—Fifth Ave. property owners' remonstrance receiv-
ed and filed 428
Dec. 17—Fire Dept. Fund, relative to change 456
" 20—Faherty, Eva W., petition, relative to West Sev-
enth St. sewer of 1910 and to accept the sum
of $25.00 in full payment 459
I ,
! ' I
. , i.
INDEX—Book 47 .
1 917 SI'I;J I,:("I' Page I,
1 G
Jan. 4—Gmehle, A. E., petition of, asking to be appointed
delinquent personal tax collector 1
4—Gates at railroad crossings, relative to raising of8
Feb. 28—Grading fund, warrant ordered drawn for $167.76 45
" 28—Gregory, W. E., settlement of claim 87
Apr. 19—Grant Birthday Assn. of Galena, invitation of 115
" 19—Gere, Wm., petition of, relative to cancelling taxes 116
" 19—Geitz, George, agreement of, for erecting a small
building at the foot of Fourteenth St. 116
'` 19—Governor Greys, lease and agreement of, on use
of Armory Hall 118
May 3—Grigg, J. J., petition of, asking to have O'Hagan
St. improved 160
" 3—Gildea, Anna, relative to resurfacing Bluff St. 164
" 17—Gregory, Frank, petition of, relative to erecting 169, 172
gasoline station
" 17—Ganvin, J., bill of, for $105.00, ordered paid 181
June21—Graham, W. J., petition of, relative to his assess-
ment on union St. 211
July 19—Gellespie, John, petition of, relative to an assess-
ment 268
" 19—Grandview Ave., relative to taking care of 268, 269
" 19—Grandview Ave. property owners, petition of, on 269
extending car line
Aug. 2—Geisheker, Mary, petition of, relative to special
assessment on Rhomberg Ave. 290
" 2—Gmehle, Emily, petition of, relative to city ac-
cepting' $100.00 in full for special assessment302
Sept. 6—Gengler, J. C'., relative to erecting signs 331
Oct. 18—Gasthoff, J. P., bill of, referred 395 I
" 18—Glab, Nic., Estate, petition of, relative to Dela-
ware397 Ave. assessment
Nov. 1—Graham, John, petition of, relative to an error in 417. 427
in his assessment on North St.
1)er. —Grundy & Hird, petition of, relative to improve- 445, 460
went of North St.
, „
i �
• Ii .i 4
INDEX—Book 4
I'!; ---_________
1917 SUBJECT Page
iii Jan. 4—Heller, F. J., City Assessor, bond of 2, 31
, 11 " 4—Hassett, T. J., warrant ordered drawn for balance 4
1 due on Rosedale Ave. contract
11 18—third, Jos. L., petition of, relative to taxes 11, 331
11, 14, 28, 34
18—Hill and West Third Sts., relative to widening 12
;. " 18—Hoag, E., notice of suit
" 18—Hein, William, settlement of claim 12
Feb. 1—Hann, James I-1., notice of, claim for personal in-
1; • juries 28, 37, 39
" 15—Heeb St., grading, warrant ordered drawn for 40
" 28—Hintrager, Emily, relative to special assessment 44
for Fourth St. Extension Imp.
Mar. 1—Heim, John, bill of. ordered paid 54
15—Hertzman, Max, petition of, relative to cancelling
INDEX—Book 47 i
' 1917 SUBJECT Page '
Sept. 6—Hogan, Maud, petition or, re:ative to taxes 325
" 6—Heeb St., change of grade along with waiver of
property owners 32:1 i
. " 20—Hinde, Richard, petition of, relative to an assess-
ment against City Lot 457 347, 381 i
" 20—Hird, Jos. L., petition of, relative to reducing taxes 347
" 20—Horses used on Fire Dept., notice of auction sale 374 I
l.1ct. 4—Hird, Bertha, notice of, appeal on O'Hagan St
assessment 378
" 4—Hannig, Mrs., relative to assessment on North
Booth St. 393, 426
• " 18—Handel, Joseph, petition of, relative to taxes 397 .
" 18—Hemmer, F., notice of, claim for damage done to
his car 397
" 18—Hose, Recorder to advertise for bids 400, 414, 417, 429
Nov. 1—Hanson, Mr., addressed Council relative to sewer i
in Heeh St. 417
" 1—Hayden, Florence, petition of, relative to West
Third St. assessment
418, 42C
Dec. 6—Homan, John, relative to accepting his taxes for
years 1914, 1915 and 1916 on basis of 1917 as-
sessment 445
" 6—Hurd, Norman, petition of, relative to release of
an agreement entered into by him in regard to
gasoline station at Central Garage 446 I
" 6—Harbor Master report, receipt for $439.50 for y :ir I
1917 450 1
" 20—M. Hollnagle, petition of, relative to taxes on I.ot
67 and 68 459
" 20—Heller, Fred, petition of, relative to $200 for the I
completion of assessing by January 1, 1918, or
lcompletion of Tax List 459 I
" 20—Heller, (Fred, petition of, relative to B. F. Bean,
cancel assessment of $900.00
460 1
INDEX—Book 4 7
1917 SUBJECT Page
I •
Jan. 4—Irwin, professor of High School, addressed the
Council relative to use of Armory Hall for 1
basketball practice
" 4—I. C. R. R. court cost ordered paid 5
Apr. 30—Iowa Telephone Co. granted permission to exca-
vate in alley between Clay and White Sts.
May 24—Insurance on new fire apparatus 181
June 27—Iowa Telephone Co., petition of, relative to con-
structing an underground conduit on the north ,
side of Julien Ave. 211, 289
July 19—Iowa Telephone Co., bond of, for excavating 263, 293
Oct. 18—Iowa Telephone Co., communication of Surety Co
on their bond 395
" 18—Iowa Telephone Co., report of Street Commission-
er on money collected 399
Dec. 20—Interstate Mercantile Co., application for collect-
ing Delinquent Taxes 459
\ss. •
INDEX—Book 47
1917 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 4—Jones St., relative to improving 2, 7 _
Feb. 1—Jelinski, Mrs. Ida, petition of, relative to cancell-
ing taxes 27, 123
" 1—Jurors award on widening of Hill and West Third
r Streets 28
Apr. 5—Jackson St., to improve, from Twenty-fourth St
to Peru Road
99, 105, 107, 111, 118, 126, 145, 148, 157, 159, 160, 163, 165, 178
, " 12—Jackson St., to improve from Tenth to Twenty-
fourth Sts. 108, 111, 115, 152, 159, 163, 16C, 167, 189, 268
" 19—Jones, Robt., error in taxes corrected 118
May 3—Jacobson Thos., relative to his assessment on West
Second St. 164
165, 169, 270
" 3—Julien Ave., to improve, from Alpine St. to Alta
Vista St.
" 3—Julien Ave. property owners, protest of, on im-
provement 169 i
" 17—Jungferman, Margaret, petition of, relative to
withdrawing plat 169
" 17—Jurors report on widening Cora and Exchange Sts170
June 7—Jackson St. property owners, petition of, on im-
proving street 196
July 19—Jacobsen, T. and Minnie, deed of, to City 264
Sept. 6—Jansen Ave., petition of, property owners, against
improving street 325
Oct. 18—Jess, J. F., petition of, relative to Bluff St. assess- 397
, t
, INDEX—Book 47
1917 tif'L'.JECT Page
.Ian. 4--Kretschmer Mfg. Co., petition of, relative to taxes 1, 35
1, 122
" 4—Klee, Mary, petition of, relative to taxes
" 18—Key City Gas Co., hill of, for $50.00 referred22
" 18—Kohlman, Leo F., petition of, relative to taxes
" 18—Kemler, A. W., return of service and remonstrance 11, 34
of, for widening Hill and West Third Sts 11
" 18—Kenety & Son, relative to liability insurance
18—Raufman, Nick, relative to West Eleventh St. as- 13
sessment 35
Feb. 1—Knights of Columbus, taxes cancelled
Mar. 1—Kormann, G. L., petition of, relative to improving 54, 123, 254, 325
Rosaline Ave.
" 1—Keller, Miss, petition of, relative to Welch & Co.
blasting 55
.. of, relative
to her
15—Kingsley, Mrs. Wm., petition
f taxes 61, 123
" 15—Key City Furniture Co., petition of, relative to
taxes 61, 178
" 15—Klauer, Peter, notified to tear down walls on
building situated at 1345 Iowa St. 69
" 19—Keckevoet, John, petition of, relative to ferry boat
license 115
" 19—Keatly, Ellen, relative to a reduction on West Lo-
cust St. assessment 123
4 '' ,;:, May 3--Kaufman Ave., remonstrance of property owners
received and filed 164
" 3--=Kemler, J. E., petition of, relative to his assess-
ment for a sewer in West Fourteenth St. 164
" 17—Kaufman Ave. property owners, petition of, rela-
tive to placing water plugs 169
" 17—Klauer Mfg. Co., petition of, relative to switch
track 169
" 17—Kearney, 1)r. C. A., petition of, relative to con-
structing a cement approach
July 5—Keatly, Ellen E., petition of, relative to West Locust
St. assessment 254
" 5—Kemler, Mr., ordered to remove debris on Rock St. 261.
" 19—Keckevoet, John, petition of, asking for permis-
sion to erect a building on the north side of
harbor 263, 331
" 19--Kolb, John, remonstrance of, on sewer assessment
on Gold St. 272
Aug. 2—Klingenberg Terrace property owners, petition of,
on improving street 291
" 2—Klingenberg Terrace, from North Main to Klein
Sts., to improve 997, 323, 326, 333, 345, 370, 400, 422
" 16—Klauer, Peter, appointed library Trustee 305
Sept. G--Klingenberg Terrace, petition of, property owners
on condition of street, between Klein and Rosa-
• line St. 325
" 6—Kearney, Rose, petition of, relative to taxes 325
" 20—Keane, J. J., appeal of, on West Third St. assess-
ment 348
I)ee. 6—Kabat, Joseph, petition of, relative to reduce valu-
ation, also special assessment on Lots North 2-3
of 1 of 73, Glandale Add. 446
" 10—Kemler, A. W., Estate, petition of, relative to re-
duction on Kelly Sub. 455
" 20—Kaufman Ave., in regard to improvement 460, 478
INDEX—Book 4 7
1917 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 4—League of Iowa Municipalities, asking for a sum
of money to defray expense to carry on work at
Des Moines 1
" 4—Lee, Jas. F., bonds of, on 6th, 7th, West 3rd, 5th,
4th, 2nd and 3rd Sts. 5
" 4—Levy tax, resolution of, sent to County Treasurer 6
" 18—Lime St., Engineer to lay out lines to see if they
are using street for wood 11
22—Linwood Cemetery Assn., remonstrance of, on
Windsor Ave. Imp. 15, 27
" 22—List of City Warrants 2.)
Feb. 1—Linwood Cemetery Assn., notice of appeal, on
Windsor Ave. Imp. 27
" 1—Lentz, N. T., settlement of claim against City 31
" 1—Lee, Jas. F., bills of, for use of his roller, received
and filed 35
" 1—Lee, John, protest of, on West Locust St., receiv-
ed and filed 35
" 1—Lange, J. W., protest of, on West Locust St., re-
ceived and filed 31
" 28—List of City Warants drawn in January, 1917 46
Mar. 1—Leicht, John, bill of, for $10.00 for rent, referred 54
" 1—Light, relative to placing, on Dorgan Place 54
1—Light, relative to placing, on Summit St. 55
" 1—Lattner, S. B., notice of, claim for personal in-
juries 55
" 1—Lee, John, relative to West Locust St. assessment 57
" 15—Library Trustee McFadden, resignation of 61, 62
" 1—Loper, Wm., notice of, claim for personal injuries 62, 172, 198
" 15—Library Trustee, John W. McEvoy appointed 62
" 26—List of City Warrants drawn in February, 191771
Apr. 5—Lights on Washington St. at 28th and 30th Sts, 81
relative to installing
" 5—Leahy, Bridget, petition of, relative to reducing
taxes 8`
" 5—Lippert, Mary, petition of, relative to remitting
taxes 82, 123
" 5—Litscher, John, petition of, relative to reducing
his assessment 82
" 5—Laborers, petition of, relative to an increase in
wages 83, 163
" 5—Levee, communication of Major Hoffman on re-
moving piling 83
" 12—Linehan & Molo granted permission to excavate105
" 19—Lattner, S. 13., notice of, suit for injuries received 116
" 19—Laborers on sewers, relative to salary increase 55, 123121
" 19—Lime St., relative to an ordinance on opening 131
" 19—List of City Warrants 162
May 3—Lentz case vs. ('ity, court costs ordered paid 169
" 17—Light, relative to placing, on Kaufman Ave 177
" 17—Lee, Jas. F., purchased old roller from City 183
" 24—List of City Warrants 193
" 24—License, notice of, of whom required
June 7—Lawndale, petition of Voelker Co., relative to im-
proving 1
" 7—Loizeaux, Dr., bill of, allowed 199
" 7—Liberty Loan Bonds, relative to purchasing 207, 208, 209
" 7—Lee, Jas. F., bill of, for grading West Third St, 211
" 21—Linehan & Molo, bond of, for excavating 211, 254
1 " 21—Lights, list of, which were ordered erected 214
4 21—Laborers on streets given an increase in wages
i INDEX—Book 47
1917 4
;i " 21—List of City Warrants drawn in May,
1917 236
July 5—Lehman, A., petition of, relative to cleaning cess
254, 268
" 19—Light, relative to erecting, on Nineteenth and 263
Couler Ave.
19—Lee, Jas. F., notified to complete work on West 268
Third St. 268
" 19--Light at harbor, relative to moving
19--Lee, Jas. F., bills of water company against him 69
for water
" 19—Lee, Jas. F., bill of, for work on Fourth Street,
1 amount $7.50, allowed
1199-- iisgthto,f tCo iiynsWtaall,roanntsFodurartwh n Sitn. EJuxnteen,s1io9n17 276
Aug. 2—Lange, Jos. W., petition of, relative to installing 290
gasoline tanks 291
" 2—Library Board, certificate of, of tax levy
1.6—Library Trustees appointed, Helen Sauer, Peter "
Mauer and 1)r. Hancock 31i05
" 23—List of all City Warrants issued in July, 1917
Sept. 6—Lee, Thos. R., claims of parties for material fur-
" 14---League of Iowa Municipalities convention dele- 344
; gates appointed
4 " 14---London & Lancashire Indemnity Co. notified to
complete sidewalks on Lemon St contracts let 344
to Tom Lee
-^"` 20—Lavery, Ernestine, petition of, relative to taxes347
r 47
" 20—Light on Nevada St., relative to installing 3347
" 20—Light on Dodge St., relative to installing
" 20—List of City Warrants drawn in August, 1917 363
Oct. 4—Love, R. J., petition of, relative to his taxes 379
" 4—Light, relative to placing, on West Fifth St. 379
" 1S—Lease of A. Ring on mining under city property395
18—Linwood Cemetery, report of Street Commissioner
on money collected 399
30—Lee, Thos. R., bills of various firms for material
furnished 404
30—Lits of all City Warrants issued in Sept., 1917 405
Nov. 1—Langworthy Estate, petition of, relative to reduc-
" ing assessment against Lot 88 in East Du-
buque Add. 418
" 15—List of City Warrants issued in October, 1917 432
Dec. 20—List of City Warrants issued in November, 1917473
INDEX-Book 47
1917 SUBJECT Page
. .
Jan. 4-Mink, C. E., waiver of, on - i- in o'Neill Ave
assessment 6
Feb. 1-Muntz, Edward. petition df, relative to his assess-
ment for improving West Seventeenth St 27, 164
Mar. 1-Minges, Mrs. Carolina, petition of, relative to her
special assessment
" 1-Milligan, E. P., petition of, relative to cancelling
weed assessment, 55, 165
" 1-Meyers, Geo., notice of, claim for personal injuries 55, 160
" 1-Matrons' quarters, repairs needed 57
" 15-Miller, Mary F., petition of, relative to taxes 61, 89, 269
" 15-Meyer, P. H., petition of, relative to taxes
" 15-Muntz Motord
Co. awarded fire contracts for appa-
Apr. 5-Mason-Wheeler Co., petition of, relative to taxes..
" 5-Mashur, Fred, petition of, relative to cancelling
" 5-Mount Pleasant Home, remonstrance of, on Wood 54
62, 123
82, 118
) St. improvement 84
5-1\-Terchants Lane, profile of, showing. grade 89
" 12-71idland Chemical Co., petition of, relative to be-
ing granted permission to erect a housing over
their boiler 105
" 19-Market Stands, Recorder to advertise for sale of122, 148
Slay 3-Mara, Joseph, remonstrance of, on Jackson St.
improvement 159
" 3-Macadam paid for by First Ward Fund ordered
transferred to Second Ward 162
" 3-Michel, Mr., relative to making sewer connections 163, 176
" 17-Memorial Day committee, petition of, on annual
donation to defray expenses for exercises 170
17-Market, cleaning around, Recorder to advertise
for bids 176, 190, 195
- 17-Muntz Motor Co., bill of, for $5,500.00 allowed 181
" 24-Metz Mfg. Co., petition of, on taking care of water
on Seventeenth St. 18i
June 7-Muntz, Edward, petition of, relative to West Sev-
enteenth St. assessment 196
" 7-Madden, Miss B., protest of, on Atlantic Ave. Imp. 202
21-Mauer, W. I.., bond of, for exeavating 211, 257
July 5-Meehan, -Mary, petition of, relative to taxes 254
" 5-Masters, Geo., bond of, for excavating 254, 264
" 19--Mettel, Peter, petition of, asking for permission to
build stairway 263
" 19-Mo1o, W. S., relative to erecting derrick on the
levee 269
" 19-Mt. Pleasant Ave. property owners notified to
make connections 276
Aug. 2-Milk dealers ordered not to sell dirty milk in the
city 296, 321
Sept. 6-Mauer, Wilkin, bond of, for excavating 326, 349
" 6-Mulgrew, T. J., claim of, against Tom Lee 326
" 6-MurPhy, Cath., relative to interest on her assess-
client , 332
" 20-Murray, P. H., appeal of, on West Third St. as-
sessment 348
Oct. 4-Mississippi Valley Waterways Assn., relative to an
appropriation of $250.00 for expense of Assn 379
Nov. 1-Mulgrew, Thos. J., petition of, relative to using
Charter and Wall Sts. 417
. " 1-Maynard, Mr., of Electric Co., addressed Council
relative to using one-man cars 423
Dec. 6-Manhoff, 1., petition of, relative to an electric 11
light on Fifteenth St. 446
" 6-Muntz Motor Co. repairs on James Saul fire engine 452, 451,
INDEX—Book 47
Sl'I;.IECT-- ---- ._ Page
— u1 ough, Mary, notice Jan. 44cCCrloff claim brick,
injuries 22
" 4—McLain, Wm. A., bond of, Water Works Trustee11, 175
" 18—McNamara, C. B. & Co., bill of, for $49.88 referred 27
Feb. 1—McCullough, Mary, notice of suit
" 28—McCarthy, M. H., report of City Treasurer on spe-
cial assessment against lots for improvement of 44
Fourth St. Extension
Mar. 15—McFadden, J. M., resignation of, as Library Trus- 61
61, 118
" 15—McFadden Bldg. Co., petition of, relative to taxes 62
" 15—McEvoy, John W., appointed Library Trustee
Apr. 5—McGrath, Jeffrey, petition of, relative to cancell- 93
ing assessment 84
" 5—McClain, Wm., appointed Water Works Trustee__ 166, 171
19—McCarten, H. B., bond of, for excavating
May 3—McGrath, Dennis and Lena, petition of, relative 160, 177
to their West Locust St. assessment
" 17—McEvoy, Ed., petition of, relative to vacating the 169
alley first east of Asbury St.
" 17—McCarten, Mr., given permission to excavate in
certain streets
June21—McNamara, C. B. & Co., statement of, relative to 17
name of firm
July 5—McMullen, W. A., ordered to have sewer connec-
tions 261
,. made 261
5—McNamara & Co. purchased old roller of city
" 19—McFadden, E. W., petition of, relative to an error
made in a deed made to City 263, 42
Aug. 2—McClain, Wm. A., deed of, to City of Lot 5 of Lots 293
147 and 237, Union Add.
Sept. 6—McGivern, Robt., reduction in taxes granted 328
" 6—Mckinlay, Helene, relative to taxes
" 6—McCarthy, D. H., addressed Council relative to
Wales Hotel 343
Oct. 4—McLean, Elizabeth, petition of, relative to 'West
Third St. assessment 378, 404
" 18—McCarten, M., deed and plat of, to City :19 7
" 18—McNamara, C. B. & Co., notified to repair Windsor
Avenue 400
" 18—McNamara, C. B. & Co., notified to repair Clay
St. and Locust St. 400, 458
Nov. 1—McLaughlin, Mrs. Maud, petition of, relative to
cancelling taxes 424
Dec. 6—McCabe, H. .F., petition of, relative to cancelling
taxes of Reliance Oil Co. for the year 1916 449
" 20—McNulty, T. J., in regard to resignation of Jos.
Schleuter, Albert Eitel 463
INDEX—Book 47
1917 _ •
Jan. 4—North St., relative to improving, from present im-
provement to Louisa St 2, 7, 10, 12, 25, 352, 372, 382. 39.)
" 22—Neyens, Mathias, notice of suit 15
" 22—Notice to tenants and owners of property 25
Feb. 1—Norton, I'. S. and J. W., protest of, on West Lo-
cust St. received and filed ;{7 176
" 15—Nicks, N., application of, for roller engineer 76
15—Nevada St., opening of, warrants ordered drawn69
Mar. 15—Ninth St. Engine House, relative to repairing steps 70
" 26—Nagle Park, relative to filling, referred 70
" 26—Notice to hay and grain dealers
" 26—Notice to applicants for positions on police and 5
fire departments 75
" 26—Notice to Water Works bondholders
Apr. 5—North St. property owners, petition of, on extend- 8l
ing water mains
" 5—Hank, Carl, petition of, relative to special assess-
83, 129
" 5—Neyens, \lathias, notice of suit for personal in- 53, 87
5—Nagle Park on Julien Ave., relative to sanitary
condition of 105
12—Nester, Mr., relative to being allowed to exca\: to 116
19—Noonan, John, petition of, relative to taxes ..._._ .-.
" 19—Nevada St., to improve, from West Fifth St. to
Julien Ave.._125, 253, 257, 305, 322, 329, 337, 350, 353, 370, 400
" 30—Nevada St., improvement of, from Julien Ae.212t°16, 248, 249, 337
Martha St. contract awarded
May 3—North Main St., remonstrance of property owners, 161
received and filed
" 17—Neumeister, J. \W., relative to a reduction in his 1 ,7
July 5—Notice of appeal of property owners on Clay St
" 19—Nading, A., et al, petition of, relative to sidewalks 62
on Pine St.
Aug. 2—National Refining Co., petition of, relative to va-
cating the alley in Block 19, Dubuque Harbor
Company Add.
" 16—National Refining Co., petition of, relative to in-
stalling sewer in Seventh St. Extension
" 16—Nevada St., Engineer to prepare specifications for
re-surfacing from West Fifth to Julien Ave 309, 310, 321
" 16—National Refining Co., petition of, relative to
}wilding sidetrack across Seventh St. Extension
310, 332
Sept. 6—North Main St., contractor notified to repair de-
fects 331
" 20—Noel, Frank J., petition of, relative to taxes 346 i
20—Notice of meeting of police and fire commissioners j
Dec. 20—Notice of vacating alley in Block 19 of the Du-
buque Harbor and Improvement Co. Add., Sev-
enth St. to Cypress, between Pine and Wall Sts.
" 20—Notice of vacating alley between White and Jack-
son, 459, 479 from Sixth to Seventh Sts.
" 20—Notice return of vacation, relative to C. M. & St. 459
Paul 11. It. Co. and Farley 8: Loetscher Mfg. Co.
" 20—Notice of return, vacation of E. J. Voggenthaler 459
and C. G. W. R. R. Co.
" 20—Dubuque and Dunleith Bridge Co., F. A. Rumpf,
National Refining Co., in regards to vacation of 459
alley, Block 19, Dubuque Harbor Imp. Co. Add.
�r k:
INDEX—Book 47
1917 ii. 1
" 20—Notice of improving Kaufman Ave.
462, 478 .
" 20—Notice of special assessment, pay for improving
Couler Ave. 469, 478 I\
" 20—Notice of special assessment, in regards to sani- 471
tary sewer in West Sixteenth St.
" 20—Notice of special assessment, in regards to sani-
tary sewer in West Sixteenth St.
" 20—Notice of special assessment, for constructing side- 1t
walks abutting lots on Bennett St. Sub., assess- \
ed to M. J. and T. Lyons; Westaby's Sub. to 479
Howard Graham Est.
, by
'I ,
• (j
INDEX-Book 47
1917 SL'B.JECT Page
Jan. 16-Ordinance relative to granting the right to Ro-
' shek Bros. the right to erect a bridge in alley
} between Seventh and Eighth Sts. 9, 13, 15
� 18-O'Meara, Dennis, notice of claim 12, 87
Feb. 1-Ordinance relating to taxis, carriages, etc., re-
pealed 32
" 1-Ordinance repealing Sec. 2 of an ordinance to pro-
vide for the assessment and collection of taxes 32, 50
1-Ordinance prescribing rules and regulations to the
business of automobiles, other vehicles for con-
veyance of passengers 33, 49
" 15-Ordinance granting Farley & Loetscher Mfg. Co
• the right to erect and maintain a shipping plat-
form 38, 51
" 27-Office fixtures, relative to furnishing, in the vari-
I ous offices at the City Hall 43
Ik 27-Offices at City Hall, relative to repairs needed 43
Mar. 26-Olinger, John, petition of, relative to excavating
in Couler Ave. 70
" 26-Ordinance, City Attorney instructed to draft, rela-
tive to making gas, sewer and water connections 70, 120, 151
• Apr. 5-Odd Fellows, petition of, relative to taxes 82, 332
" 5-O'Connor, Jas., petition of, relative to taxes 82
" 5-Ordinance establishing grade on Bluff and South
Bluff Sts. 90, 144
5-Ordinance establishing grade on Seminary St 91, 142
" 5-Ordinance establishing grade on Merchants Lane 91, 143
5-Ordinance establishing grade on the alley first
east of South Booth St., from Curtis St. south
- to the end 92, 143
" 5-Ordinance establishing grade on Finley St. 92, 14'l
" 5-Ordinance relative to excavating in streets and
• alleys 93, 140
" 5-0'1-Eagan St., to improve, from Delhi St. to Min-
eral St.
97, 153, 160, 163, 166, 167, 189, 193, 216, 257, 330, 350, 360, 370
" 19-Ordinance establishing grade on Delaware Ave 118, 119, 149, 150
I " 19-Ordinance establishing grade on Willow St 119, 144
19-Ordinance providing for making sewer, water and
gas connections by property owners 120, 151
" 19-Ordinance in relation to taxes of Blake Milling Co121, 149
" 19-Ordinance relative to licensing ferry boats, etc 123, 150
" 19-Ordinance establishing grade on Custer St 92, 142
May 17-Ordinance relative to chickens running at large •
referred 171
" 17-Ordinance establishing grade first south of Delhi
i Street 174, 191
i4 " 17-Ordinance establishing grade on Jackson St., from
Twenty-fifth St. to Peru Road 174, 191
• • 17-Ordinance establishing grade on O'Hagan St. 174, 191
" 17-O'Connor, Jos., relative to lines on Rowan St 178
" 17-O'Leary, • Mrs. J., et al, petition of, on erecting
f•1 frame building 181
June 7-Ordinance changing grade on Pfohl St 200, 247
" 7-Ordinance changing grade on I'ngs St. 200, 247
" 21-Orvis, J. G., error in taxes corrected 212
" 21-Ordinance relative to appointing Market Master212
" 21-Ordinance relating to street traffic 214, 231, 243, 311
July 5-Ordinance changing the name of Exchange St. to
Cora St. 257, 266, 285
" 5-Ordinance providing for the placing shrubbery,
etc., in control of Park Board 257
- .
f 1917 INDEX—Book 4 7
" 5—Ordinance establishing grade on Couler Ave., 258, 265, 286
from Peru Road to City Limits
" 5—Ordinance establishing grade on Cora and Ex- 258
change Streets
. " 5--Ordinance amending an ordinance providing
for appointment of Market Master defining 59 283
his duties
i`, " 5---Ordinance for the vacation of Fourth St., Fifth
St., Bell St., Market St., in Dubuque Harbor 259, 267, 283
Improvement Co.'s Add.
19—Oppelt, S., petition of, relative to being allowed 263, 305
overtime 266, 305
1 " 19—Ordinance establishing grade on Cora Street
Aug. 2—Otto, Ernestine, petition of, relative to reducing 91
her assessment
" 2—Ordinance establishing grade on Cox Street, from 294. 320
West Fourteenth to West Seventeenth Streets294, 321
" 2—Ordinance establishing grade on Cherry Street
" 16--Ordinance establishing grade on Cleveland Ave-
nue, 304,from State to South Dodge Streets
Sept. 6—Ordinance amending and ordinance providing for
issuing permits for excavating in streets and 330, 373
" 14--Ordinance changing grade on Heeb Street, from 344, 375
Kaufmann Avenue south
20—O'Connor, James, appeal of, on West Third St348
" 20--Ordinance establishing grade on Seventh St. Ex- ; 1 372
Nov. 1-0'Hern, John, petition of, relative to an assess-
ssess- 41R, 427
''.. ment against Lot 69, Union Add.
" 15—Ordinance prohibiting the running at large of 428
chickens, etc.
Dec. G—Ordinance of Standard Oil Co., granting permis-
sion of pipe lineII
20—Ordinance vacating alley in Block 19, in Dubuque 461, 481
Harbor and Improvement Co. Add.
" 20—Ordinance vacating alley from Seventh to Sixth 461, 481
Sts., between White and Jackson Sts.
9 20—Ordinance relative to repeal Section 1 of Chapter
• i
III, in regards to changing precincts voting
places 472, 479
INDEX-Book 47
1917 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 4-Pfohl St., improvement of, contract awarded to
J. M. Kenety & Son 1, 173, 304, 322, 325, 329, 339, 397
" 4-Palmer, Wm., Estate, relative to an assessment
y, levied against Inlot 235 4, 5
Feb. 1-Policemen, petition of, asking for an increase in
salary 27, 122
" 1-Papin, 0. C., petition of, relative to taxes 27
" 1-Peck, Ernestine, notice of suit 28
" 1-Pitch Filler, relative to using referred 31
" 1-Reins, Julia, relative to personal injuries petition
received and filed :35
" 15-l'itschner, 1.. and A., petition of, relative to taxes37
" 28-Printing fund increased 45
Mar. 1-Pine St., to improve, from 31st to 32nd Sts.
58, 62, 65, 75, 77, 81, 89, 326, 330, 350, 354, 369, 426
" 15-Park Ave., petition of Abe Urbach, relative to curb 70, 164
" 26-Plugs, Sidewalk Inspector instructed to have all
removed. 70
Apr. 5-Peru Road, to improve, from Jackson St. to Coul-
er Ave. 101, 105, 106, 153, 160, 163
" 5-Policemen, committee to purchase helmets 105, 140
" 12-Pape, Chas., relative to being allowed to excavate 105
" 12-Pohl, Louis, petition of, relative to installing gas-
oline tank 105, 117
" 12-Patients, hauling to Detention Hospital contract
awarded 122, 137
" 19-Perry, Gale T., tax petition of, received and filed.. 122
1\1ay 3-Police Chief, annual report of 162
" 3-Park Ave., bids of, for curbing made a natter of
record 164
" 3-Potter•, Mrs. E. M., petition of, relative to personal
injuries 170, 325
" 17-Pickett St., improvement of, accepted by Commit-
' tee on Streets ..175, 192, 201, 330, 350, 362, 369, 383, 454, 456
17-Phillips, John, taxes reduced 176
June 7-Parkway, petition of, relative to improving 197
" 21-Park Ave., contractor notified to repair curb 216, 268
July 5-Pape & Son, bond of, for excavating 254, 264
" 5-Pfiffner, A. t'., ordered to have sewer connections
made 261
" 19-Pine St. property owners, petition of, relative to
sidewalks 262
" 19-Peters, Anna, petition of, relative to erecting re-
taining wall 263, 305
Aug. 2-Police Dept. given power to purchase summer
clothing 295
" 16-Peters, Mr. and Mrs. Anton, petition of, relative
to building a retaining wall on Atlantic Ave 302
" 16-Papin, L. 0., bond of, for excavating 302, 382
" 16-Parkway, Engineer instructed to prepare grade309
Sept. 6-Park Board, annual report of 328
" 20-Putnam, Ellen White, petition of, relative to in-
terest on sewer assessment 346
" 20-Police and Fire Commissioners, notice of meeting 374
Oct. 4-Polsean, T. A., petition of, relative to his assess-
ment on Pine St. 378
" 4-Pond, A. M., petition of, relative to taxes 379
" 4-Plat of Lot 2 of 7 of Ronson and Stewart's Sub. to
City 397
" 30-Police Dept., relative to purchasing overcoats and
INDEX—Book 47
a P
" 30—Proclamation of Mayor on special election 414
Nov. 15—Policemen, City to stand one-half cost of new 431
I Dec. 6—Pollock, J. L., et al, petition of, relative to appeal 446
Section 1 of Chapter III
" 20—Pay Roll, police, firemen and city employes 473, 474, 475, 476
t � ?
INDEX—Book 47
1`J17 til i:.lf:c"I' Page
Jan. 4—Rellihan & Mullen, noticc or. claim for loss of
horse 2, 62
" 4—Reports of Officers for the last half of Dec., 1916 2
4—Roehl, Wm., petition of, relative to taxes 4
4—Ross, Frank B., bond of, Water Works Trustee5
" 4—Railroad Gates, relative to taking proper care of8
" 16—Roshek Bros., relative to an ordinance for the
right to erect an enclosed bridge in alley, be-
tween Seventh and Eighth Sts. 9, 13, 15
" 18—Reports of Officers for first half of January, 1917 12
Feb. 1—Reports of Officers for last half of January, 1917 28
" 1—Robinson, J. H., awarded contract for cleaning
vaults 34
" 15—Rhomberg, A. L., petition of, relative to ground
used for beach at Eagle l'oint 37
" 15—Reports of Officers first half of February, 191738
" 28—Reports of Officers last half of February, 1917 44, 55
Mar. 1—Reports of Officers first half of March, 1917 62
" 1—Rodgers, G. W., personal tax cancelled 57
" 5—Robinson, J. IE:., bond of, on Detention Hospital _ 57
" 15—Reddin, Mrs. 'l'., petition of, relative to taxes 61, 123
" 15—Rusch, Margt., granted soldier's exemption 63
" 15—Rehman, Enima, granted soldier's exemption 63
" 15—Railroad companies notified to plank fourth St,
Lime St. and Eagle Point Ave. 69
Apr. 5—Rotary Club, petition of, on flushing streets 81
" 5—Ruchte, Mrs. A., petition of, relative to reducing
taxes 82, 123, 263
" 5—Roller Engineers, petition of, on salary increase 83, 121, 122
" 5—Ross, F. 13., appointed Water Works Trustee 84
" 5—Reports of Officers for last half of March, 191785
" 5—Rhomberg property at Eagle Point, relative to
purchasing for Bathing Beach purposes....95, 122, 128, 177, 181
" 19—Ryder Bros., petition of, on erecting gasoline tank 1 1 5, 1 7 2
" 19—Reznick, Max, petition of, relative to reducing
taxes 116, 176, 196, 425
" 19—Ross, E. B., bond of, for Water Works Trustee116, 171
" 19—Reports of Officers for first half of April, 1917 116
" 19—Rosaline Ave., relative to improving 123, 125, 169, 254
May 3—Reports of Officers for last half of April, 1917 160
" 3—Rafferty, Thos., extension of time given on making
sewer connections 163
" 3—Reeder, Miss, communication of, relative to con-
ditions on hock St. 163
" 3—Ring, A., relative to an assessment for a walk on
'Union St. 165
" 17—Rausch, W. 11., yet al, petition of, relative to vacat-
ing the alley at the intersection of Cora St 169
" 17—Reports of Officers first half of May, 1917 171
" 17—Roller, old, sold to Jas. F. Lee 1 7 7
" 17—Registration notice, relative to locations and those
who are required to register, relative to select-
ive draft 192
.lane 7—Reports of Officers for last half of May, 1917 197
" 21—Reinecke, Dr. E. L, notice of suit 211, 326
^ 21—Reports of Officers for first half of June, 1917 212
" 21—Refreshment dealers, notice of 248
July 5—Reports of Officers for last half of June, 1917 255
" 5—Rhomberg, Magdalena, ordered to have sewer
connections made 261
" 5—Ruff, Chas., ordered to have sewer connections
made , 261
• e .
INDEX—Book 47 .
" 6—Roller, old, sold to McNamara & Co. 261
" 19—Iteports of Officers for first half of July, 1917 263
Aug. 2—Ring, Andrew, petition of, relative to mining un-
der Lots 31 and 32 and street abutting thereon 290, 332, 396
in Union Add.
" 2—Rodgers, Charles and Flora, petition of, relative
to special assessment for sewer in Foye and
Seminary Sts. 290, 332, 349
2—Reports of Officers for last half of July, 1917. 302291
11 " 16—Reports of officers for first half of August, 1917
Sept. 6—Rellihan & Mullen, bond of, for excavating 326, 349
i ` 326
" 6—Reports of officers for last half of August, 1917._ 331
6—Rebman, Euinui. relative to building retaining wall
" 20—Reynolds, Mrs. ()wen, petition of, relative to taxes 346
20—Reports of Officers first half of September, 1917348
Oct. 4—Reports of Officers last half of September, 1917379
" 18—Reports of Officers first half of October, 1917 397
" 18—Registration, notice of, on special election 415
Nov. 1—Rumple, John, petition of, relative to reducing
taxes 418
1—Rumple, John, guardian of Elliott children, peti-
,; tion of, relative to allowing taxes for 1916 re-
main lien on property 418
" 1—Reports of Officers last half of October, 1917 418
�� " 1--17eliance Refining Co., petition of• by H. :h'. Mc-
II Cabe, trustee, relative to their taxes 424
1—Russell, Anna, petition of, relative to reducing
taxes 424
" 1—Reports of Officers first half of November, 1917425
Dec. 6—Ryan, Dennis, petition of, relative to taxes against
Lot 2 of M. Lot 28 446. 454. 455
". 6—Itex Credit Co., petition of, relative to assessment
on money capital from $1600 to $5000 for year
1917 446
• 6—Reports of Officers last half of November. 1917446, 447, 448
" 6—Report of Road Fund, relative to change 456
• I�
Ii •
A '
flip' 1 i.
INDEX-Book 47
1917 fi '13.1ECT Page
lan. 4-Spensley, 11. 11., ;asking to have remonstrance
withdrawn against the improvement of 4th St. 1
" 4-Staner, N. J., maintenance bond of, on North
; . blain St. 2, 31
" 4-Slattery, Wm. P., deed of, to ('ity 4
" 4-Street Signs, relative to amount needed....6, 14, 110. 146, 197, 176
" 4-Schmid, O, \I., assessment corrected on O'Neill St. 6
" 4-Sewer, sanitary, in O'Neill, College and Walsh St
• assessments corrected 6
" 16-St olteben, Prank, warrant ordered drawn to pay
expense for witness in the Lentz case 9
" 18-Snyder, Evelyn, petition of, relative to taxes 11.
" 18-St. Pious Alphonse Society, petition of, relative to
beginning and letting contract work earlier 11, 34
Feb. 1-Spanish-American \Var Veterans, petition of, rela-
tive to being allowed to use Armory 1-Tall 27
" 1-Sullivan, James M., petition of, relative to reduc-
ing his assessment 27, 123
" 1-Shiras, Judge O. T'., petition of, relative to taxes27
" 1-Swimming Tool and Playground on Fourteenth
and Elm Sts., petition of property owners, rela-
tive to an appropriation 27
" 1-.Staner, N. .1., maintenance bond of, on Park Ave.
(see official book) 31
" 1-Smedley Pump Co., tax petition received and filed 34, 403
1-Shuh, Angeline, taxes reduced 35
" 15-Sewer, Bee Branch, property owners asking for
an appropriation for the building of sewer 37
" 15-Sewer, sanitary, to construct in Foye St., Seminary
St. and Harold St. 40, 58
" 18-Sewer in Avoca Ave., warrant ordered drawn 44
Mar. 1-Sewer Dept., relative to an increase in salary 55, 121
1-Summit St., relative to installing light 55
" 1-Schmidt, Fred, notice of, claim for personal in-
juries 55, 116
" 1-Sprinkling Wagons, to repair 57
" 1-Sewer, sanitary, to construct. in P'oye St., Gold St,
Seminary St. and Merchants Lane
58, 62, 68, 77, 81, 260, 265, 272, 288
" 1-Sewer, Bee Branch, at 28th St., to construct 59, 60, 78, 201, 383
" 1-Sewer, storm, to construct, in Angella St 59, 60, 78, 213
" 15-Scheppele, E. }-I., petition of, relative to his spe-
' cial assessment 61, 290, 303
" 15-Scherrer, Margt., remonstrance of, on Pine St
improvement 62
" 15-Schwaegler, John, settlement of claim for person-
al injuries 63
rr" 15-Sewer, storm, to construct, in Grandview Heights 64, 79, 81, 201.
" 15-Seventeenth St., to improve, from the alley be-
tween Clay and White Sts. to C. G. W. R. R.
Co.'s tracks
64, 75, 84, 103, 112, 124, 138, 352, 372, 383, 387, 428
" 15-Sewer in Asbury St., from St. Ambrose St. to Wil-
low St., to construct
68, 80, 84, 98, 105, 113, 127, 138, 176, 190, 199, 201
" 26-Sewer, sanitary, relative to constructing, in 28th
St. between Washington and Elm Sts. 70
" 26-Sewer, storm, in Dodge and Locust Sts., relative
to enlarging 70
" 26-Sidewalk Inspector instructed to have all plugs
removed 70
INDEX—Book 4 7
1917 S1'BJ ECT 1'age
Apr. 5—Streets, relative to flushing, petition of Rotary
Club 81
" 5—Schneider, bred, protesting against blasting done
by T. Welch
" 5—Star Taxi Co., petition of, relative to installing
gasoline tank 82, 117
"• 5—Schon, Edward G., petition of, relative to install-
! ing fire plugs on Kaufman Ave. 83, 169
" 5—Sprinkling, Engineer and Street Commissioner in-
structed to report the per cent charged to each
wand 84
" 5—Sprinkling to be done on West Locust St. by elec-
tric sprinkler 84
" 5—Schwinn, Phil., appointed Water `Yorks Trustee84, 171
" 5—Street Traffic Ordinance, report of City Attorney 87
" 5—Seminary St., profile of, showing grade 90
" 5—Sidewalk, resolutions ordering walks adopted 104, 171
• " 12—Scanlan, Mr., addressed Council relative to being
granted permission to excavate 105
" 12—Sheet Asphalt, representative of, addressed Coun-
cil 109
" 12—Sewer connections, Engineer to notify all to make
connections 109
" 16—Sheet Asphalt, relative to inserting in specifica-
tions 110
" 16—Saunders Ave., to improve 110, 127
" 19—St. Paul's Church protesting against the improve-
ment of Jackson St. 115
" 19—Smedley Steam Pump Co., petition of P. Schwinn,
receiver, relative to their taxes 116, 403
" 19—Schwinn, Phil., bond of, Water Works Trustee 116. 171
" 19—Schmidt, Pied, notice of, suit for personal injuries
received 116
" 19—Sullivan, Mrs. C., tax petition received incl filed122
19—Specifications on asphalt, Engineer instructed to
change 110. 123
May 3—Schwind, B. J., petition of, on improving Custer St. 164
" 3--Schwind, B. J., petition of, relative to using min-
ing shaft received and filed 164
" 3—Sewer, sanitary, in Park Ave., bids of, made a
• matter of record 164
" 3—Sewer in Hennipen St., remonstrance of property
.ii owners, made a matter of record 164
3—Stoltz, Theresa, relative to her assessment on West
Locust St. 165
" 17—Sewer, sanitary, relative to constructing in the
alley between Rhomberg Ave. and Lincoln Ave,
i!I petition of property owners 169
17—Steps, petition of property owners relative to
erecting, leading from Kaufman Ave. to Napier
' St. 170
" 17—St. Mark's English Lutheran Church, petition of,
relative to interest on special assessments 170, 268
17—Steadman, B. F., bond of, Water Works Book-
keeper 170, 293
" 17—Scheidecker, M. H., bond of, Water Works Cashier 170, 293
" 17—Sidewalks, to construct, on Iowa St. and 3rd St.,
on Bluff St., on Lemon St., return of service of 171
" 17—Storm sewer in Fifth Ave. accepted by Committee 175
h " 17—Stapleton, Mrs. M., petition of, relative to West
Locust St. assessment received and filed 177
17—Sisters of Mt. St. Joseph, relative to cancelling
taxes 177
I .
INDEX-Book 47
1917 SUBJECT 1'age
17-Spiegelhalter, C. F., relative to his assessment for
sewer in Queen St. 177
" 24-Saul, Jas., new auto engine to be named after him 181, 400
" 24-Sewer, sanitary, to construct, in Cora St. and Ex-
change St. 181, 212, 215, 249, 250, 253, 295, 304, 308, 320
June 7-Siege, Jos. J., Sr., petition of, relative to assess-
ments levied against lots in Wood's Add. 195, 257
" 7-Scales First Ward, relative to appointing caretaker 199
" 7-Staner, N. J., notified to start work on Bee Branch
Sewer and Heeb St. improvement 201, 268
" 21-Standard Oil Co., petition of, relative to erecting
a gasoline tank on 2nd and Locust Sts. 211
" 21-Scharle, Barbara, petition of, relative to taxes 211
" 21-Sidewalk abutting Lot 160, Glendale Add., accept-
ed 213, 261, 261, 264, 274
" 21-Staner, N. J., notified to repair curb on Park Ave. 216
" 22-Sidewalks abutting lots in Fairmont Add., G. R.
West's Dub. Add., on Lemon St., notice of, for
bids 248, 253, 344, 352, 399, 401, 41:1
" 22-Sidewalk abutting City Lot 193 and Lot 5, Lori-
nier's Sub., notice of 248, 253
July 5-Stairway on East Grove Terrace, relative to build-
ing 254, 268
" 19-Sewer, relative to constructing in Elm St., petition
of property owners 262, 304
" 19--Schneider, Sophia, petition of, on constructing
sewer in Elm St. 262
" 19-Standard Oil Co., petition of, asking for permis-
sion to erect a gasoline tank at 153 Fifth St 263, 299, 305
" 19--Spielman, M. W. and Ella, deed of, to City 264
" 19-Sewer in Asbury Road, statement of 264
" 19--Sidewalk resolutions 'adopted 270
Aug. 2-Slattery, Dr., protest of, on telephone company
excavating on Julien Ave. 289
" 2-Sidewalk abutting Lot 193 on Third and Iowa
Sts. accepted 295, 303, 307, 320, 321
" 2-Sewer, sanitary, in West Sixteenth St., to con-
struct 298 37.1
" 2-Standard Oil Co., petition of, relative to vacating
Camp St. 302, 332, 349
" 16-Scheppeley, E. H., warrant ordered drawn for
$18.00 refund for gutter laid in front of his
property 303
" 16-Sauer, Helen, appointed Library Trustee 305
" 16-Sewer, sanitary, in Elm St., from 20th to 21st Sts306
" 16-Sidewalk resolutions adopted ordering walks 307
" 23-Sewer, sanitary, to construct, in Seventh St. Ex-
sion 310, 324, 326, 333, 345, 371, 420, 427, 429, 437
" 23-Steffens, John, relative to reducing taxes 310, 454
Sept. 6-Spahn & Rose, claim of, against Tom Lee 326
" 6-Sidewalk returns of service presented 326
" 6-Seventh St., grade of, from Wall St. east 329
" 6-Sewer in Third St. Extension to be extended 332
" 20-Standard Oil Co., bills of, referred 346
" 20-Standard Oil Co., petition of, relative to installing
pipe lines on Camp St. 847
" 20-Slattery, Wm. P., agreement of, on Nevada St. im-
provement 348
" 20-Sewer in Heeb St., bonding company notified to do
work 352
" 20-Sidewalk resolutions adopted ordering walks on
Louisa St. 352
INDEX-Book 47
1 -- SUBJECT Page '
� 1917
" 20-Sewer, sanitary, to construct, in West37SixteenthS3ixt394 , 413, 452, 460, 478
20-Sidewalks, notice to contractors for bids on walks 374, 412
in Kringle's Sub. 378, 428
Oct. 4-Sidewalks abutting Ham's Add., bids ofi
" 4-Sidewalks abutting Kringles Sub., bids of 378
r 4-Sisters of St. Francis, petition of, relative to taxes 379
•• 4-Sidewalks abutting lots in Westaby's and Ben-
! nett's Sub., and Michel's Sub. and Oxford
Heights, return of service of 379, 394, 413, 414, 417, 428
1,, 4-Seventeenth St. property owners, remonstrance of 387, 428
iii 4-Sidewalks, relative to constructing, on South Alta
u Vista St. 393, 397
4-Sidewalk on Fifth and Clay Sts. referred 393
I4-Signs, relative to placing, on Rhomberg Ave. and
on Julien Ave. . 393
"• 18-Specht, Matilda, petition of, relative to taxes 395, 426
" 18--Sewer, sanitary, to construct, in Heeb St.
, 401, 414, 417, 418, 421, 423, 437, 438, 445, 450
18-Sidewalks, cleaning snow and repairing, special
assessment of 402, 411
! •' 18-Smedley Steam Pump Co., petition of, relative to
taxes granted 403
. 18-Sidewalks in Oxford Heights Add., bids of 417
,� 1-SistersFrancis, petition of, relative to their
!! Nov.of St.
! taxes 424
11 1-Sullivan, Mrs. C., petition of, relative to reducing
,i; assessment 424, 454
,!I " 15-Sidewalk abutting Lot 485, Ham's Add., accepted
by Council 428, 438
II •' 15-Street Flusher, Recorder to advertise for bids 428, 438
i Dec. 6-Street Flusher bids 445
" 6-Schmidt, Emil, petition of, relative to special as-
sessment for the improving of Willow Street
against Lot 122, ;Finley Add. 446
Os*f " 6-Standard Oil Co., petition of, relative to lay pipe
5, .a ,,; line from Mississippi river to connect with their
plant on lower Main St. 449
•' 6-Sidewalks, cost of constructing, on or abutting Lot
485, Ham's Add. 450, 452
'• 6-Snyder, Evelyn, petition of, relative to amend as-
sessment of Lot 2, 1 of 2 of Kelly's Sub., 1914
and 1915 453, 454
i 6-Sidewalks, recommend that said be accepted,
abutting Lot 30, Oxford Heights; Lot 2 of 2 of
M. Lot 79, Lot 10, Bennett's Sub.; Lots 6, 7, 8,
Westaby's Sub.; Lots 7, 24, Michel's Sub. 45'3
INDEX—Book 47
1917 SUBJ E "I' rage
Jan. 4—Tax levy, resolution of, copy of sent to County
Treasurer 6
" 22—Traveling Men's Club, relative to Roshek petition 15, 332
Feb. 1—Twaites, John W., petition of, relative to cancell-
ing taxes 27, 55, 176
" 1—Taxes, City Treasurer instructed to sell all prop-
erty delinquent in taxes 34
" 15—Town Clock, bids of, for taking care of 36, 52
" 15—Tredway, Elizabeth, petition of, relative to taxes37
Mar. 1—Turner, A., appointed driver of carpenter wagon59
Apr. 5—Twenty-fourth St., to improve, from Couler Ave
to Jackson St. 99, 105, 106, 154
May 3—Trudell, Rose and Joe, petition of, relative to taxes 159, 299
" 3—Team Owners, petition of, relative to an increase
in wages 160, 199, 201, 332
" 3—Tenth St., petition of property owners, on kind of
material to be used 164
June 7—Treasurer, annual report of 198
" 7—Tuegel, Cecelia, vs. City, costs of 198
July 5—Twaites, John W., petition of, relative to taxes 254
" 19—Trenk, H. F. and Mary, deed of, to City 264
Aug. 2—Trenches, filling of, contract awarded 289, 305
" 16—Telephone, to install in Council Chamber 304
Sept. 6—Trader, T. W., relative to building retaining wall__ 331
" 6—Trudell, Rose, relative to her assessment 332
" 20—Tibey, John, petition of, relative to remitting
$37.00 for Cora St. rolling 347
" 20—Trewin, C. B. , appeal of, on West 3rd St. assess-
ment 348
Oct. 4—Trueb, Anna and Josephine, remonstrance on
North St. improvement 390
Nov. 1—Trades and Labor Congress, remonstrating against
using one-man cars 423, 424
" 15—Tax List of 1916 to be sold at tax sale 439
Dec. 20—Taxes, list for 1917 462, 463
INDEX—Book 47
1917 c l'BJECT Pa ge
Jan. 4—Vngs St., improvement of, contract awarded to
J. M. Kenety & Son
1, 159, 173, 176, 177, 305, 324, 325, 329, 340, 393, 397, 399
Mar. 26—Urbach, Abe, petition of relative to curb on Park
70, 268
Aug. 16-17 305
. S. Engineers, relative to piling at levee 399
Oct. 18---1'ngs St., assessments of, property owners corrected
I i
I ,
�; II
INDEX—Book 47
1917 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 4—Vaults, cleaning of, to advertise for bids 7, 25, 34
Feb. 15—Van Valkenberg, F., error in taxes corrected 3S
Apr. 5—Viola St., to improve, from Pleasant St. to the end
102, 116, 127, 146, 147, 158, 163, 164
" 19—Voelker Realty Co., tax petition of, received and
filed 122
June 7—Vacation of Fourth St., Bell St., Fifth St. in Har-
bor and Booth's Add., petition of Adams Co 195, 254, 259, 267
" 7—Voelker Realty Co., relative to improving 1.11 wn-
dale and Parkway 19,3
" 7—Voelker, John C., protest of, on ti.titt ic 11111) 202, 211, 305
july 5—Visiting Nurse Assn., relative to sewer connections 201
" 19—Vacation of the alley between Lemon and 1 t:tven-
port Sts., petition of property owners 20'1
Aug. 2—Voggenthaler, E. J., petition of, relative to repair-
ing Windsor Ave. 28!)
" 2—Voggenthaler, E. J., petition of, relative to vacat-
ing an alley in Block 19, Dub. Harbor Co. Add. 290, 1:1.3
Sept. 6—Vacation of the alley in Block 19, Dubuque Harbor
Improvement Co. Add. 33:3
" 6—Vacation of the alley between White and Jackson
from Sixth to Seventh Sts. :151
" 6—Vacation of Camp St., from South Main St. to rail-
road tracks :349
" 6—Vacation notice, alley between Sixth to Seventh St. 479
i 1
,i INDEX-Book 47
1917 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 4-Water Works Trustees, annual report of
4-Waiver of C. E. Mink on O'Neill St. sewer assess-
, ment
': " 4-Windsor Ave. paving accepted by Council
I 7, 15, 19, 25, 27, 289, 396, 400, 427
.j �, " 18-West Third and Hill Sts., relative to widening 11, 14, 28, 34
Feb. 1-Western Union Telegraph Co., report of City At-
'1 torney relative to underground conduits of
,; other telephone companies 30, 35
" 1-Waller, Mary L., petition of, on Fourth St. Exten-
sion improvement received and filed 35
" 15-Welty, Jacob, petition of, realtive to sewer assess-
ments 37
' " 15-Water Works, quarterly report, Oct. 1st to Dec
31st, 1916 38
" 15-Wheat, Mrs. C. M., allowed soldier's exemption38
'I " 15-Water Works, report of, special committee on re-
, !:I port ending .Sept. 30th, 1916 40
', Mar. 1-Wimmer, Geo., petition of, relative to his taxes54, 176
' 1-Welch & Co., objections of property owners rela-
tive to their blasting 55
15-Wood St., to improve, from present improvement
I0 to Rosedale Ave.
I, 66, 79, 84, 98, 113, 125, 140. 400, 412, 420, 421
15-Willow St., to improve, from St. Ambrose to As-
bury St.
67, 79, 84, 89, 97, 112, 125, 127, 140, 330. 351, 352, 369
I, 26-Water Works Bondholders, notice to 78
Apr. 5-Welch, Thos. R., petition of, relative to blasting
on Union Ave. and Rosedale Ave. 82, 110, 115
5-Walnut St., petition of property owners, asking to
l�' have street improved 82
" 5-West Locust St. sprinkling to be done by electric
sprinkler 84
" 5-Water Works Trustees McClain, Ttoss and Schwinn
appointed 84
" 5-Walnut St., to improve, from present improvement
to West Fourteenth St. 95, 114, 116, 127, 145, 147, 157, 159,
275. 289, 330, 349, 359, 369. 395
'-,• 5-Water. Engineer to notify all property owners to
connect 109
" 19-Water Works Trustees, relative to excavation or-
dinance 115
" 19-Warren Bros., agreement of, for hitulithic pave-
ment 115
I' " 19-Water Works Trustees, bonds of 116
May 3-Wood St., old bids of, received and flied 164
" 3-West Locust St., remonstrance of, received and
filed 164
• 1 " 17-Weber, Theo., petition of, relative to alley line
,, between Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth Sts.,
between Washington and Elm Sts. 169
17-Water plug on 4th St. Extension, relative to re-
moving 170
" 17-Water Works, quarterly report of 171
" 17-Weitz, John, relative to taking care of water on
Twenty-second and Jackson Sts. 177
" 17-Wallis, Mary B., relative to assessment levied
against Lot 1, Stewart's Sub. 174
June21-Wall between West Fourteenth and Grove Ter-
race ordered repaired 214
July 5-Waiver of O'Hagan St. property owners 257
INDEX—Book 47
1917. Si 13.J i,:("1' Page
5—Wallig, Anna, ordered to have sewer connections
made 261
" 19—West Third St. improvement, contractor notified
• to complete work 268
1 " 19—Wenzel, Fred, completed buildings at Bathing
Beach 26S
" 19—Walnut St. property owners notified to make con-
. nections 275
" 19—Weeds, notice of, relative to cutting 285
Aug. 2—Wales Hotel, petition of Bluff St. residents on
tearing building down 290, 343
" 2—Wilbur Ave., Engineer to prepare grade 299
" 16—Water Works, quarterly report of, April 1st to
June 30th, 1917 302
" 2—West Third St., improvement of, accepted by
Council 305, 323, 329, 334, 348, 418, 42S
" 16—Wales Hotel, owner notified to remove unsafe
walls 305, 309
Sept. 6—Waite, A. R., petition of, relative to installing
gasoline tanks 325
" 6—Western Union Telegraph Co., petition of, relative
to the sale of conduits of Iowa Telephone Co325, 347, 381
" 6—Waiver and agreement of Pine St. property owners 326, 426
" 20--White, Mary J., petition of, relative to interest on
sewer assessment 346
" 20—Weihe, F. H., communication of, relative to in-
surance on fire apparatus 347
" 20—Wilkinson, Mrs. W. W., remonstrance of, on Wal-
nut St. assessment 359
" 20—Walker, Rose, Estate, remonstrance of, on O'Hag-
an St. assessment 360
Oct. 4—Walker, Rose, Estate, notice of, appeal on O'Hag-
an St. assessment 378
" 4—Water Co.. bills of, against contractors 378, 397
" 4—Wright, Mr., addressed Council relative to con-
structing walks on Alta Vista St. 392
" 4—Warning Sign, relative to placing on Rhomberg
Ave. and Julien Ave. 393
4—White, Mrs., addressed Council relative to Walnut
St. assessment 395
" 18—Western Union Telegraph Co. notified to remove
guy line on Fifth St. 401
Nov. 1—West Third St. property owners, petition of, rela-
tive to City standing part of their assessment413
• " 1—Wallis, John R., petition of, relative to cancelling
taxes 424
" 1—Water Works, report to Sept. 30, 1917, referred.... 42,
Dec. 6—Wallis, John R., petition of, relative to cancelling
taxes 449
" 6—Water Works, petition relative to 1 mill tax 453, 456
INDEX—Book 47 .
1917 SUBJECT Page
Jiily 5—Zollicoffer, Sophia. ordered Io have sewer connec-
tions made